$* e c <*: f REESE LIBRARY i. r TIIIO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Kff. ^YZ-VTUi^ , iNS\ Accessions No. Jb Shelf No. KEVOLUTION IN QUARTZ CRUSHING, DAVEY, PAXMAN & Co., ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND, SOLE LICENSEES AND MANUFACTURERS FOR ENGLAND AND THE COLONIES OF CENTRIFUGAL ROLLER QUARTZ MILL, FOR FINE PULVERIZING IN CONCENTRATION. ITS PARTICULAR MERITS ARE Economy in expense of plant. Economy in cost of working. Economy in saving 1 gold. Economy in transportation of machinery. Economy in cost of erection of mill at mine* Economy in time required to establish plant at mine (one day only being consumed). Economy in management of machinery (its simplicity of construction obviates the need of mechanical skill). Economy in power required (a saving of 50 per cent, being rendered). We claim especial merit in that feature of this system by which we prevent all flowing of gold and quicksilver , and the consequent loss of gold that attends stamp milling. FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION TO DAVEY, PAXMAN & Co., ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND. BED. GREEN, engineer, ABERYSTWITH, WALES, SOLE MANUFACTURER Patent Self-Acting Mineral Dressing Machinery, Which gives a clean product at one operation. Extensively used, and universally approved, at both Home and Foreign Mines, and effecting the largest saving possible in both Labour and Ore. Manufacturer of GOLD STAMP, AMALGAMATING, & CONCENTRATING MILLS OF THE MOST MODERN AND APPROVED CONSTRUCTION. Estimates and Plans given for complete Mining Plant, with Testimonials on application as above. WATER WHEELS, TURBINES, STEAM ENGINES, CRUSHERS, &c. ROYAL CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY INSTITUTED 1833 MR. COULTAS DODSWORTH, Mining Engineer, of Haydon Bridge, writes on the isth January, 1874:"! have just returned from the Stonecroft and Greyside Mines> where I have ^een your ' Patent Ore Dressing Machinery' to procure a mere fraction of the hands being only required as against the old system, and the work altogether much better done, and a great saving of Ore effected. I have heard it said that your Machinery is better adapted for poor than for rich Ores, but from what I have seen to-day I am quite confident it will do for any kind of Ores. I beg not only to congratulate, but also to compliment you on the great success of your ' Patent Ore Dressing Machinery.' You may use this letter as you think proper." TESTIMONIAL. " 10, Blomfield Street, London, E.G., "2ist September, 1887. " Mr. George Green, of Aberystwyth, has supplied a large quantity of Complete Stamping and Amalgamating Machinery to me for Gold Mines in the United States of Colombia, now Republic of Colombia, and it has all proved of excellent description and very good workmanship. "C. O. ROGERS. "Names of Mines using the Machinery: Organos Gold Quartz Mines; Silencio Gold Quartz Mines; Socorro Gold Quartz Mines ; Colombian Hydraulic Gold Placier Mines ; Orita Hydraulic Gold Placier Mines. Also Com- plete Crushing and Concentrating Machinery for Silver and other Ores in several Mines in which I am largely interested." TREATMENT OF SILVER, LEAD BLENDE, AND OTHER ORES. Copy of a Letter from the Sentein Mining Company, South France. "Metropolitan Buildings, 63, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G., "asth May, 1881. "DEAR SIR, " In reply to yours asking for a testimonial as to the efficiency of your Patent Dressing Machinery as supplied to the Sentein Mines, I would in the first instance state that before your Machinery was erected, we had some doubt of being able to dress our Ores at all, owing to the very close combination of the Lead and Zinc, of which a very large proportion of the produce of our Mine is composed. " I am, however^ much pleased to say that after ample trial, your Machinery has completely removed the difficulty, and we are now dressing all our Ores to our entire satisfaction, and what you undertook to do has been fully realized ; the labour cost has been greatly reduced, and all the Ores previously put aside as unworkable, have been cleared off, and a large percentage that was going to waste is saved. "Yours truly, "WILLIAM STANDING, "Chairman. "G. Green, Esq., Aberystwyth." Telegraphic Address :-" GREEN FOUNDRY," ABERYSTWITH. THE JJ "LIGHTHOUSE. EDITED BY EDWARD COWARD. Published every Friday. Price Id. The " LIGHTHOUSE" is a Journal devoted to the interests of Shareholders interested in SHIPPING, INSURANCE, SHIPBUILDING, COMMERCIAL, DOCK, IRON AND STEEL, ROAD TRAFFIC, MANUFACTURING, AND MINING UNDERTAKINGS. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO NEW PROJECTS, V Th e "LIGHTHOUSE" was the only Journal which pro- phesied the rise in Montana's when those shares were quoted " eight for half a crown," An Excellent Medium for Company Prospectuses, PUBLISHING OFFICE : 31 EASTCHEAP, LONDON, E.C, SANDYCROFT HIGH SPEED STEEL CRUSHER ROLLS, AND AMALGAMATING APPLIANCES ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. PROMPT DELIVERY GUARANTEED. ENGINES. BOILERS. TURBINES. WATER WHEELS. STONE-BREAKERS. AMALGAMATING PANS. SETTLERS. CONCENTRATORS. PUMPING AND WINDING ENGINES. AIR COMPRESSORS. ROCK DRILLING PLANT. PITWORK. MANUFACTURED BY THE SANDYCROFT FOUNDRY & ENGINE WORKS CO., LIMITEI NEAR CHESTER. E. & F. N. SPQN'S NEW WORKS. In 2 vols., royal ^to, cloth, price $ 12s., with 82 lithographic plates. A Practical Treatise on Coal Mining, by GEORGE G. ANDRE, F.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E., Member of the Society of Engineers. CONTENTS : I. Practical Geology. II. Coal, its Mode of Occurrence, Com- position, and Varieties. III. Searching for Coal. IV. Shaft-sinking. V. Driving of Levels, or Narrow Work. VI. Systems of Working. VII. Getting the Coal. VIII. Haulage. IX. Winding. X. Drainage. XL Ventilation. XII. Incidental Operations. XIII. Surface Work. XIV. Management and Accounts. XV. Characteristics of the Coal Fields of Great Britain and America. In 2 vols., royal 4/0, cloth, price $ 12s., with 182 lithographic plates, accurately drawn to scale. A Descriptive Treatise on the Machinery, Tools, and other Appliances used in Mining, by GEORGE G. ANDRE, H.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E., Member of the Society of Engineers. Uniform with the Author's Treatise on Coal Mining. CONTENTS : Machinery for Prospecting, Excavating, Hauling, and Hoisting Ventilation Pumping Treatment of Mineral Products, including Gold and Silver, Copper, Tin, and Lead, Iron, Coal, Sulphur, China Clay, Brick Earth, etc. In royal 4/0, cloth, price 2 I2s. 6d., with numerous illustrations and maps. Q- O LJ3. Its Occurrence and Extraction, embracing the Geographical and Geological Distribu- tion and the Mineralogical Characters of Gold-bearing rocks ; the peculiar features and modes of working Shallow Placers, Rivers, and Deep Leads ; Hydraulic- ing ; the Reduction and Separation of Auriferous Quartz ; the treatment of complex Auriferous ores containing other metals ; a Bibliography of the subject and a Glossary of Technical and Foreign terms, by ALFRED G, LOCK, F.R.G.S., edited by CHARLES G. WARNFORD LOCK, editor of Spons' Encyclopaedia. In royal 8vo, cloth, price \ is., with numerous engravings. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON HYDRAULIC MINING IN CALIFORNIA. With description of the use and construction of Ditches, Flumes, Wrought-Iron Pipes and Dams, Flow of Water on heavy grades, and its applicability under high pressure to Mining, by A. J. BOWIE, jun., Mining Engineer. In crown Svo, cloth, price IDS. 6d., with numerous engravings. The modern practice of Sinking and Boring Wells, with geological considerations and examples of Wells, by ERNEST SPON, Assoc, Mem. Inst. C.E., Mem, Soc. Eng., and of the Franklin Inst., etc. Second edition, revised and enlarged. & F. N. SPON, 125, Strand, London. New York : 35, Murray Street, ' MAKERS OF RE CRUSHING ROLLS AND THE NEWBERY-VAUTIN RAPID CHLORINATION PLANT. DUNCAN ORE CONCENTHATOR, Block No. 557. 5-HEAD PROSPECTING MILL. Block No. 512. GRAVITATION STAMP MILLS, With Steel or Timber Frames. GRINDING PANS. AMALGAMATORS. &c., &c., &o. DAVEY, PAXMAN & CO., ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND, DEVOTE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGINES & BOILERS FOR MINING WORK. FOETABLE ENGINE. Single Cylinder, 4 to 12 H. p. nom. Double Cylinder, 8 to 30 H.P. nom. Telegraphic Address : PAXMAN, COLCHESTER. COUPLED HORIZONTAL ENGINE. 40 to 200 H.P. nom. PATENT COMPOUND SEMI- FIXED ENGINE. 8 to 60 H.P. nom. NEWCASTLE TRIALS, JULY, 1887. After Competitive Trials, open to all Makers, D. P. & Co.'s Engines were awarded the ONLY PHIZES offered by the Royal Agricultural Society of England for Steam Engines, viz. : 200 for best Compound Portable Engine. 100 for best Single Cylinder Portable Engine. DAVEY, PAXMAN & Co. are Makers of all hinds of ENGINES and BOILERS for WINDING, HAULING, and PUMPING, from 4 to WOO h.p., and every description of MINING MACHINERY. Catalogues, Price Lists, Photos, and Specifica- tions sent post free on HOKIZONTAL CONDENSING application to ENGINE. 20 to 100 H.P. nom. IMPROVED GEARED WINDING ENGINE, with Single or Double Drum attached. DAVEY, PAXMAN & CO., ENGINEERS, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND. TELEGRAPHIC MINING CODE ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. FOR THE USE OF MINING COMPANIES, MINING ENGINEERS, NOTICE, The following table giving certain proper names as Code words representing numbers (pp. 309 to 316) is found not to be in accordance with the Rules of the International Telegraph Convention, and holders of copies are desired not to use this table. *ebn( ^x *- r**-k/^ r\ /-if/I Tt-% . . VxtlllllUL bcC clgdlil 6i5 Alipede . . . Till I hear again from 616 Aliquot . . . Till hear(s) again from 617 Alisadura . . Has (have) been again 618 Aliseda . . . Has (have) not been again 619 Alistador . . Again in the market 620 Alitrunk . . . Again for sale 621 Alizarine . . The mine is again 622 Alkahest . . . The water has again 623 Alkahestic . . Has (have) again 624 Alkalify . . . Has (have) not again 625 Alkaloid . TT'i'"* /Viivr^i ifTiTn XJ-db llldYCJ d&ctlll 626 Allabor . . . If the matter comes up again 627 Alledge . . . Has (have) gone up again 628 Allegado . . Has (have) fallen again 629 Allegar . . Has (have) not gone up again 630 Allegons . . Against 631 Allegory . . . Against my (our) wishes 632 Allegro . . Against the hanging wall 633 Allende . . Against the foot wall 634 Allerion . . Against the adjoining claim 635 Allewege . . . Against advice 636 Allezeit . . . Has (have) gone against us 637 Allies . . if /'OTOI onToi-nct- ^MTI* , ' Ib I dl Cy clLjclilloL U Lil 638 Alligiren . . Agent(s) 6 39 Allocated . . Cannot find your agent (s) 640 Allochrous . You must appoint an agent 641 Allocution qpf/cA no no - prit^c'\ for dl^Ll jt cto dtiCllltoy L\JL 642 Allodial . . . Have appointed as my (our) agent(s) AGE No. Code Word. 643 Allodium . 644 Allograph 645 Allopath . 646 Allopathic 647 Allotropic 648 Allotropy 649 Allowably 650 Alludeth . 651 Alludingly 652 Alluminate 653 Alluminor 654 Allure 655 Alluring 656 Allusao 657 Allusive 658 Allusory 659 Alluvion 660 Allyl . 66 1 Almacantar 662 Almacen . 663 Almacenero 664 Almaciga 665 Almadia . 666 Almadrena 667 Almagear 668 Almanack 669 Almartaga 670 Almonry . 671 Almsdeed 672 Almsgate . 673 Almsgiver 674 Almsman 675 Almazarero 676 Almidonar 677 Almocafre 678 Almohaza 679 Almoneda 680 Almuerza 68 1 Alobunado 682 Aloetic . 683 Alojeria . 684 Alopiado . 685 Alpanata . 686 Alpargatar 687 Alpestre . 688 Alphabet . 689 Alphus 690 Alpiste . 691 Alpistela . 92 Alquiera . Agent (s) (continued} . will not act as agent(s) for . 's agent is away . Have left it in the hands of the agent to arrange . Apply to the agent(s) Agree . Will agree . Will agree to . Agree(s) to . Will not agree to . The owners agree . Will you agree to . Would you agree to these terms . Cannot agree to these terms . Agree(s) to the conditions . Agree(s) to do all that is necessary . If agree(s) . If do (does) not agree . Cannot agree . You ought to agree Agreement (See also Sign ) . The agreement is signed by . According to the present agreement . Agreement has been signed . According to their (his) agreement with . Not according to the agreement . The original agreement . On the same conditions as the original agreement . No agreement has yet been made . It would be wise to make a special agreement . An agreement between . Willing to enter into an agreement . Cancel the agreement . The agreement is cancelled Ahead . Shall be able to go ahead . Cannot go ahead owing to . To get ahead of . To go ahead Aim . Their (his) aim has been to . What is his (their) aim . Our aim should be Air . Air in the mine is bad . Air is too bad to permit progress in the mine . Air-compressor . Air-pipes . An air-shaft is necessary . An accident to the air-shaft All No. Code Word. 693 Alquifon . . 694 Alsirat . . 695 Altamente . 696 Altanero . . 697 Altazimuth . 698 Alterably . . 699 Alterador. . 700 Alternant . . 701 Altheine . . 702 Altibajo . . 703 Altimeter. . 704 Altisimo . . 705 Altisonous . 706 Altivez . . 707 Altramuz . . 708 Altruism . . 709 Altruistic . . 710 Alumbra . . 711 Aluminoso . 712 Alustra . . 713 Alutacion 714 Alvanega . . 715 Alveolate . . 716 Alveole . . 717 Alveolus . . 718 Alvidriar . . 719 Amacratic . 720 Amadronado 721 Amaestrar . 722 Amandola . 723 Amanojar 724 Amansador . 725 Amaranto 726 Amassed . . 727 Amasseth. . 728 Amassons 729 Amatador . 730 Amateur . . 731 Amatorio. . 732 Amaurotic . 733 Amaurosis . 734 Amavisse. . 735 Amazeth . . 736 Amazingly . 737 Amazona 738 Ambactum . 739 Ambarie . . 740 Ambarine 741 Amberfisch . 742 Ambertree . ALL All (continued} . All you can . All you have . All right Allotted . Allotted to you . Allotted to me . Will be allotted . How many shares are there alrea' . The company have allotted share . To be allotted to me or my nominees Allotment . The allotment will take place . No allotment has been made . Must proceed to allotment . The company has gone to allotment . Will go to allotment on . Pending the allotment . The directors refuse to go to allotment Allow . Do not allow . Cannot allow . Will you allow . It is impossible to allow . To allow easy access to . To allow the men to . It would be wise to allow . Will not allow . You must not allow . You must allow Allowance . Making ample allowance for . Not making any allowance for . What allowance has been made (for) . After making reasonable allowance . Some allowance will have to be made for . No allowance has been made for . Allowance for travelling expenses Alluvial . Payable alluvial . Payable alluvial has been found at [feet . Alluvial extends over acres, and averages . Alluvial contains per cubic yard . Rich alluvial. . Alluvial deposit(s) . Alluvial of no value Along . Along the course of the vein . Along the east wall . Along the west wall . Along the level ALO No. Code Word. Along (continued) 743 Ambicioso . . Along the face 744 Ambiente . Driving along 745 Ambiguedad Already 746 Ambiguo . . . Have already indications of the vein 747 Ambitus . . . Has (have) already begun 748 Amblador . Already completed 749 Ambleth . . . Already in vein matter 750 Ambling . . Alter 75i Amblisco . . . Have had to alter 752 Amblyopy . . Cannot alter 753 Ambobus . . . Will you alter 754 Ambreada . . Will alter 755 Ambreated . . Will not alter 756 Ambreic . . . This will alter 757 Ambreine . will alter 758 Ambrosial . . If will not alter 759 Ambrosin . The character of the rock alters 760 Ambrulabo . . It will be necessary to alter 761 Ambulance . Alteration 762 Ambulate . The necessary alteration has been made 763 Ambulator . . No alteration can be made 764 Ambulavi. . . Has any alteration been made 765 Ambury . . . Great alteration has taken place 766 Ambuscado . . Make the necessary alteration 767 Ambushed . . No alteration has been made 768 Ambustum . . No alteration has taken place 769 Amedrentar . Alternative 770 Ameer . . . The only alternative is 771 Amenably . . There is no other alternative 772 Amenazar . Is there no other alternative 773 Amentum Altitude 774 Amentia . . . At an altitude of 775 Amerceable . . Owing to the high altitude 776 Ametabolic . Altogether 777 Amiable . . . Taken altogether 778 Amiability . . Taking it altogether 779 Amianth . . Alum 780 Amianthus . Alumina 781 Amice . . . Aluminium 782 Amidine . . Amalgam 783 Amidships . . Gold amalgam 784 Amiento . . . Silver amalgam 785 Amilanar . . . Sodium amalgam 786 Amistad . . Amalgamate 787 Ammagro . Amalgamate interests. 788 Ammodyte . "\Vi11 n m n 1 r""n m n fp \vit~n Will cllileli^t-llllillC Wllll 789 Ammoniac . . Amalgamate companies as 79 Ammonite . . Will not amalgamate 791 Ammonium . Amalgamated 792 Amnesia . . . Have amalgamated AMA No. Code Word. 793 Amoebean . 794 Amoeboid 795 Amonedar . 796 Amontarse . 797 Amorous . . 798 Amorpha . . 799 Amorphous . 800 Amortizar 80 1 Amotinar. . 802 Ampara . . 803 Ampelita . . 804 Amphibia 805 Amphibious . 806 Amphibole . 807 Amphibrach . 808 Amphigen 809 Amphimacer 810 Amphipoda . 8n Amphiscii 812 Amphitrite . 813 Amphitype . 814 Amphora. . 815 Amphoric 816 Ampliative . 817 Amplificar . 818 Amplitude . 819 Ampolleta . 820 Amputar . . 821 Amthaus . . 822 Amueblar 823 Amuletic . . 824 Amurcer . . 825 Amused . . 826 Amusgar . . 827 Amusingly . 828 Amusive . . 829 Amuya . . 830 Amygdalic . 831 Amylaceous . 832 Amy lie . . 833 Amymola 834 Anabaptism . 835 Anabas . . 836 Anaclastic . 837 Anaclisis . . 838 Anaconda 839 Anademe . . 840 Anafaya . . 841 Anagalide 842 Anaglyptic . Amalgamated (continued?) . Can only be amalgamated in pans Amalgamating . Amalgamating pan(s) . Copper plates for amalgamating Amalgamation Amalgamator(s) Amount . To what amount . Amount on hand . Telegraph the amount . Amount extracted per month is . No record has been kept of amount extracted . A large amount has been extracted . Impossible to estimate the amount of ore . What is the right amount . The right amount is . This amount will be deposited subject to your order . Only a small amount . Telegraph the amount of ore in sight . Does not amount to much . A large amount has been lost . A large amount . This amount will be deposited with . I estimate the amount of ore in sight at . Cannot estimate the total amount . What is the amount of capital . The total amount . will guarantee this amount . What amount is there to my (our) credit . The amount to your credit is . What is the amount in hand . By increasing this amount . By reducing this amount . Half the amount . Double the amount . The gross amount . The nett amount Amounting . Amounting to . Not amounting to Ample . This will be ample for . Ample for all demands Analysis . Analysis shows percentage of . Analysis shows . Analysis shows only traces of Angle(s) . At an angle of . At right angles i8 ANG No. Code Word. 843 Anagogic . 844 Anagogical 845 Anagrama 846 Analecta . 847 Analectic . 848 Analemma 849 Analepsis 850 Analgesia 85 1 Analista . 852 Analitico . 853 Analogism 854 Analyzable 855 Anankern 856 Anaquel . 857 Anapelo . 858 Anaplasty 859 Anarchic . 860 Anarchist 86 1 Anarquico 862 Anascote . 863 Anastaltic 864 Anastomose 865 Anathema 866 Anatomico 867 Anatomista 868 Anatomizar 869 Anatripsis 870 Anatron . 871 Anbandar 872 Anbaulich 873 Anbruchig 874 Ancestry . 875 Anchilops 876 Anchor . 877 Anchorable 878 Anchorage 879 Anchoret. 880 Anchylose 88 1 Anciano . 882 Ancientry 883 Ancillary . 884 Ancipital . 885 Ancones . 886 Ancorar . 887 Ancorero. 888 Andantino 889 Andiron . 890 Andorrear 891 Androtomy 892 Anear . . Angle (s) (continued] . . Vein dips at an angle of . Angry . . Very angry that . . Very angry with . Announce . . Enabling you to announce , . Which will enable us to announce . . When can we announce a dividend . . Cannot announce a dividend . Announced . . Is it officially announced . . Not yet officially announced . . Not yet announced , . Will be announced . . The directors have announced . . A dividend of per share has been announced . . Will not be announced until . Annoyed . . The directors are annoyed . . I am (we are) much annoyed (that) . Annual . . To be ready for the annual meeting . . The annual meeting is fixed for . . Will be decided at the annual meeting . . Must stand over till the annual meeting . Answer . . Telegraph 's answer . . Answer my telegram of . . In consequence of receiving no answer . . Answer the questions about . . Must have a definite answer by . . Answer immediately . . Answer this by telegraph at once . . Will communicate as soon as answer comes . . Delay giving an answer (till) . . Answer quickly to these questions . . Expect to get an answer by . . Answer by post . . Cannot get an answer . . Cannot give an answer yet . Answered . . Has (have) answered in the affirmative . . Has (have) answered in the negative . . Has (have) already answered . . Has (have) not answered any of the questions . Anticipate . . Anticipate(s) some difficulty . . Anticipate(s) no difficulty . . Do you anticipate any difficulty . . I anticipate rise (in) No. Code Word. 893 Aneblar . . 894 Anecdotal . 895 Anecdotist . 896 Anelace . . 897 Anele . . . 898 Anelectric . 899 Anemograph 900 Anequin . . 901 Anfanare . . 902 Angarillas 903 Angelology . 904 Angelote . . 905 Angerly . . 906 Anginoso. . 907 Angioscope . 908 Angiotomy . 909 Anglemeter . 910 Anglicismo . 911 Angostura . 912 Anguilloid . 913 Anguineal , 914 Angularly 915 Anguloso. . 916 Anhalation . 917 Anhydrous . 918 Anileness 919 Animalcula . 920 Animalism . 921 Animalucho . 922 Animation . 923 Animetta. . 924 Animiren. . 925 Animist . . 926 Anjochen 927 Anklet . . 928 Anlauten . . 929 Annaffio . . 930 Annalist . . 931 Annealed. . 932 Annector. . 933 Annelida . . 934 Annifero . . 935 Annoisance . 936 Annotating . 937 Annotator 938 Annubilo. . 939 Annuent 940 Annuitant 941 Annulary. . 942 Annulosa . . ANT Anticipate (continued) . I anticipate fall (in) Antimony . Oxide of antimony . Sulphide of antimony . Antimony mine . Antimony ore . Largely mixed with antimony . Antimony occurs in . Owing to the amount of antimony (in the) Anxious . Am (are) anxious . Is (are) anxious . Am (are) anxious to have your report quickly . Am (are) anxious to have the matter settled . Anxious to hear how things are going on . Anxious to hear from you . Anxious to get off . Anxious for you to go to . Anxious to go to . Anxious to come home . Am (are) anxious for you to see . Am (are) anxious to have your opinion . Is (are) anxious to have your opinion Any . Is (are) there any . There is (are) not any . If there is (are) any . There has (have) never been any Apex . The apex of the lode is not in our property . The apex of the lode is in our property . The apex of the lode . At the apex Apparent . It is quite apparent . It is not apparent Appeal . You had better appeal . Intend(s) to appeal . Cannot appeal . Notice of appeal has been given . Shall I (we) appeal . Do not appeal . Will appeal Appear . I (we) do not want my (our) name to appear . Do (does) not want his (their) name to appear . It must not appear . It should appear . It appears to have been 20 No. Code Word. 943 Anochecar 944 Anodinaro 945 Anointeth 946 Anointment , 947 Anomalia 948 Anomaliped 949 Anomear . 950 Anonadar 951 Anonimo. , 952 Anorthic . 953 Anotacion . 954 Anoura . , 955 Ansareria 956 Ansaugen 957 Antalgic . , 958 Antarchism , 959 Antartico. 960 Anteado . 961 Antechapel 962 Antecian . . 963 Antecursor , 964 Antedatar 965 Antemetic , 966 Antemosaic 967 Antenuero 968 Antenual . 969 Antepast . 970 Antepecho . 971 Antepuerta , 972 Anteriorly , 973 Antesala . , 974 Anthedon 975 Antheroid , 976 Anthesis . 977 Anthinum 978 Antholite. 979 Antholysis 980 Anthomania 981 Anthophore 982 Anthropoid 983 Antiades . 984 Antiaditis 985 Antiarine . 986 Antichrist 987 Anticipar . 988 Anticlimax 989 Anticmask 990 Anticor . 991 Anticourt 992 Anticuario AFP Appear (continued] . . Does not appear to be . . It appears to be . Appearance , . There is no appearance of . . Judging from the appearance of the . . There is every appearance of . . The appearance of the mine is good , . The appearance of the mine is discouraging . . The appearance of . . In appearance Appertain . . All that appertains to , Appliance(s) , . Complete appliances for opening up , . What appliances have you for , . What hoisting appliances have you . . Have you the necessary appliances for . . Have no appliances for . . Require appliances for Application(s) , . Has (have) made application to me (us) . . If make(s) an application to you , . will make application to you , . To whom is application to be made . . Has (have) sent an application . . Do not close the list of applications till , . Application arrived too late . Make immediate application to , . Application to be made by . . Application cannot be entertained , . Application will be attended to . . Notice has been given that the list of applications . Applied [for the will close on . . To be applied in part payment . Has (have) applied for . . Has (have) not applied for Apply . . Apply all your energies to . . Does this apply to both . . Does this apply to all . . This applies only to . . This applies to all . . This applies to both . . To whom shall I (we) apply . . Apply for funds to . . Apply for information to . . It will be necessary to apply to . . You had better apply to . . Apply it exclusively to . Appoint APP 21 No. Code Word. Appoint (continued) 993 Antidotal . . . Must appoint some one to 994 Antigraph . . Do not appoint 995 Antigualla . . Whom shall I (we) appoint 996 Antiguedad . . You had better appoint (to) 997 Antihectic . Appointed 998 Antimaniac . . Has any one been appointed 999 Antimonic . . Who has (have) been appointed 1000 Antipapal . . Has (have) appointed 1 oo i Antipara . . . No one has been appointed 1002 Antipatico . . has (have) been appointed Antiphonal . . I (we) have appointed as my (our) attorney Antipodal . Approved Antipode ... Is approved Antipoison . . Is not approved Antipsoric . . Your course is approved Antiptosis . . Your course is not approved Antiquated . . Has (have) been approved by the Board Antiquely . . Has (have) not been approved by the Board Antiscians . Approval Antispasis . . Subject to the approval of Antistes . . . Does not meet with the approval of (the) Antistropy . . Has this your approval Antithenar . . It has my (our) approval Antithetic . . The approval of Antigymic . Approximate Antlered . . . What is the approximate value of Antojarse . . The approximate value (is) Antojera . . April Aoristic . . . For the month of April Aortal .... During the month of April Aortitis . . . Next April Apacentar . . Last April Apagoge . . . Early in April Apagynous . . About the middle of April Apalabrar . . Towards the end of April Apandillar . . ist of April Apanuscar . . 2nd of April Aparadar . . . 3rd of April Aparceria . . 4th of April Aparrado . . 5th of April Apaumee . . 6th of April Apeadero . .7th of April Apellons . . .8th of April Apepsia . . .9th of April Apercibir . . loth of April Apercollar . . nth of April Aperdigado . . 1 2th of April Aperrear . . . 1 3th of April Apesgar . . . 1 4th of April Apetalose . . 1 5th of April 22 APR No. Code Word. April (continued} 1043 Apegunar . . 1 6th of April 1044 Aphides . . . 1 7th of April 1045 Aphonia . . . 1 8th of April 1046 Aphonous . . i Qth of April 1047 Aphtoso . . . 2oth of April 1048 Aphyllo . . . 2 1 st of April 1049 Apiarian . . . 2 2nd of April 1050 Apicarado . .23rd of April 1051 Apicillary . . 2 4th of April 1052 Apiculture . . 25th of April 1053 Apishly . . . 26th of April 1054 Apisonar . . . 2yth of April 1055 Aplanadera . . 28th of April 1056 Aplastic . . . 2 gth of April 1057 Aplaudir . . . 3oth of April 1058 Aplomado . Arbitrate 1059 Aplustre . . . Who will arbitrate (for) 1060 Apocalipsi . . Get some competent person to arbitrate 1061 Apocarpus . . Cannot get a competent person to arbitrate 1062 Apocopate . . Cannot arbitrate 1063 Apocrifo . . . Will arbitrate 1064 Apocrustic . . Who is (are) to be the arbitrator(s) 1065 Apodal . Arbitration 1066 Apodosis . . Try to get the matter settled by arbitration 1067 Apogee . . . Will you agree to arbitration [tration 1068 Apogean . . . agree(s) to have the matter settled by arbi- 1069 Apolillar . . . will not agree to have the matter settled by arbitration 1070 Apologia . . . Shall I (we) submit the matter to arbitration 1071 Apomagar . . Decline arbitration 1072 Apophyge . . The arbitration is against 1073 Apoplejia . . The arbitration is in our favour 1074 Apoplectic . . The arbitration is in favour of 1075 Aporrar . . . Agree to arbitration 1076 Apostemate . Area 1077 Apostil . . Covering an area of 1078 Aportedera . . Extending over the entire area 1079 Aportillar . . A large area 1080 Aposentar . . A small area 1 08 1 Aposicion . Argentiferous 1082 Aposito ... In argentiferous 1083 Apostasia . . Argentiferous galena 1084 Apostilla . . Argillaceous 1085 Apostrofar . . In argillaceous 1086 Apoteosis . Arid 1087 Apoyar . . . Situated in an arid district 1088 Appease . . Arrange 1089 Appeasive . . When will you arrange 1090 Apposer . . . Can you arrange to 1091 Apprest . . . Can you arrange with ARR No. 1092 1093 1094 I0 95 1096 1097 1098 1099 noo IIOI IIO2 1103 1104 IIO5 1106 1107 1108 1109 mo mi III2 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 II2I 1122 II2 3 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 II3I 1132 H33 H34 H35 1136 H37 II 3 8 H39 1140 Code Word. Apprizing Appulse . Appulsion Apreciar . Apremio . Aprendiz . Apresar . Apresurar Apretado . Apretadura Apreton . Apriesa . Aprisionar Aprobar . Aproches . Aprovechar Aproximar Apsidal . Aptera . Apterous . Apuesta . Apuntalar Apyretic . Aquatinta Aquejar . Aquilated Aquilea . Aquilon . Arabesk . Arabically Arachnoid Aramaic . Aram can . Arandano Araneose . Aranzada . Arapunga Arbalister Arbellon . Arbitrar . Arbitrario Arbitrista. Arbolado. Arbolete . Arboreous Arboretum Arbuscle . Arbutean . Arcabucero Arrange (continued) . . You must arrange as soon as possible to . . If you cannot arrange . . To enable me (us) to arrange . . Enabling you to arrange . . I (we) cannot arrange to . . I (we) cannot arrange with . . If you can arrange . . You must arrange (with) . Arranged . . I have arranged to go to on . . Telegraph when you have arranged . . Everything has been satisfactorily arranged . . Nothing has been yet arranged . . Has (have) arranged with . . has (have) arranged to . . To be arranged hereafter . . Have everything properly arranged for inspection . Arrangement(s) . . No time to make other arrangements . . What arrangement has been made with regard to . . Make whatever arrangements may be necessary . . By this arrangement . . An arrangement has been made . . No final arrangement has yet been made . . will not make any arrangement . . Make an arrangement by which . . What arrangement has been made . . Have made arrangements to . Arrastre(s) . . The ore has been ground in arrastres . . The only appliances on the mine for treating the ore are arrastres . It will be as well to continue using arrastres till . Arrival . . On arrival of . . On your arrival in . . Advise of your arrival . Wait for arrival of my written report . Cannot wait for arrival of your written report . . Telegraph on your arrival at . . Await arrival of . Arrive . . Must arrive here by or will be too late . . Will probably arrive about. . . is (are) expected to arrive about. . . is (are) not expected to arrive before . . When do you expect to arrive . Arrived has (have) arrived here safely has (have) not yet arrived 24 .A.XvXv No. Code Word. Arrived (continued} 1141 Arcabuz . . . Arrived too late 1142 Arcada . . . Arrived here 1143 Arcaismo. . . Arrived here to-day 1144 Arcanum. . . Arrived here yesterday 1145 Arcediano . . Telegraph when has (have) arrived 1146 Archaic . .Arsenic 1147 Archaical . . Arsenical pyrites 1148 Archaism . . Containing arsenic 1149 Archbrick .Articles 1150 Archbutler . . According to the articles of association 1151 Archcount . . Require the following articles 1152 Archdruid . Asbestos 1153 Archducal . . Asbestos mine 1154 Archeal . . . Asbestos occurs in 1155 Archeogony . Ascertain 1156 Archeress . . Ascertain who is 1157 Archetype . . Ascertain what is owner's price 1158 Archflamen . . Can you ascertain 1159 Archical . . . Cannot ascertain anything about 11 60 Archiduque . . Ascertain as soon as possible and telegraph 1161 Architect . . . Ascertain from ; I understand he has been in 1162 Architrave . . Ascertain what is doing (at) [the mine 1 1 63 Archivar . . . Could only ascertain 1164 Archivero . . Ascertain the financial condition of 1165 Archpriest . . To ascertain the extent of 1 1 66 Archstone .Ask 1167 Arctico . . . Whom shall I (we) ask 1168 Arcturus . . . You must ask 1169 Arcutation . . I will ask 1170 Ardassine . . Ask about 1171 Ardido . . . Ask what he has done 1172 Ardilla . .Asked 1173 Ardoroso. . . Has (have) asked about 1174 Arenisco . . . Has (have) asked all who have been there 1175 Arefaction .Asking 1176 Areostyle. . . Has (have) been asking about 1177 Argadijo ... Is (are) asking a great deal too much 1178 Argonaut . . What is (are) asking for 1179 Argucia . .Aspect 1 1 80 Argumental . . The mine has a most favourable aspect 1181 Argute ... I (we) do not like the aspect of affairs 1182 Aridas . . . A most promising aspect 1183 Aridness . . . A most discouraging aspect 1184 Arillated . . . Judging from the aspect of the 1185 Arillus . . Assay(s) 1 1 86 Ariolation . . Please have it (them) assayed for 1187 Arioso . . . From the result of these assays 1 1 88 Aristarch. . . An assay of this sample gave 1189 Arithmancy . . Assays satisfactory 1190 Arlequin . . . Assays average per ton ASS 25 No. Code Word. Assay(s) (continued] Armadura . . Assays disappointing Armario . . . Assays made of the vein matter give Armatoste . . Assays from borings in face of Armiger . . . Assays of ore from foot Level show Armillary . . Assays from diamond-drillings. Armorial . . . Assays made from surface ore show Armoury ... A rough assay showed Aromatizar . . Please assay for Arouse . . . There is a good assay office at the mill Arouseth . . . Have had samples assayed with following result Arpeggio . . . Pulp assays at mill average Arpillera . . . Ore in dump assays Arqueada . . An assay of this sample gave in gold Arquimagia . . An assay of this sample gave ozs. in silver Arquitrabe . . An assay of this sample gave % in lead Arrabalero . . An assay of this sample gave % in copper Arracada . . . An assay of which showed [ ozs. in silver Arrachage . . An assay of this sample gave in gold and Arraigar ... An assay of this sample gave in gold and ozs. in silver, and percentage of lead Arranque ... In consequence of there being no assay office the samples have to be sent to to be assayed Arrapiego . . Average assay of ore milled for the month is Arrayan . . Assert Arrebanar . . Do (does) assert the statement to be true Arrebatado . . assert(s) the statement to be true Arrebol . . . assert(s) the statement is not true Arrebujar . Assessment Arrecirse . . . How much will assessment be on Arregazado . . Assessment has been levied on Arreglado . . Assessment is soon to be levied on Arrejacar . . Assessment will be levied on Arrejaque . . Unless this is done, assessment will be levied on Arrendado . . They have only done the necessary assessment Arrepapalo . . Will not levy any more assessment [work Arrepistar . . In doing the assessment work Arrequives . . Will have to levy assessment Arrezaje . . . Have not done the necessary assessment work Arribado . . . Will there be an assessment on Arriendo . . . Stock has been sold for assessment Arriesgar . . . To save the expense of assessment work Arrinconar . . Assessment paid Arriscador . . Assessment unpaid Arrobadizo . Assets Arrobarse . . Assets reported to be about Arrocinado . . What are the expected assets Arrodrigar . . No assets Arrogant . . . Small assets Arrojar . . . Large assets Arrompido . . Assets not yet ascertained 26 ASS No. Code Word. 1239 Arrondee . Assistance 1240 Arthritis . . Must have assistance in examining the mine 1241 Arthrodia . . Must have assistance 1242 Articulata . . Get to give the necessary assistance 1243 Artificer . . . Will send assistance 1244 Artillery . . . Will you pay cost of assistant 1245 Artistic . . Associated 1246 Artistical . . . is (are) associated with 1247 Artlessly . \VVin T~* ( i TC* \ i n t ^ r *c\r t \ e \ fr*/"! wii~T"i 1248 Aruspice . . ir* iTTf^l Tint* THTT InTlO'Af H ^POr*1 ifY jd with 1249 Asadulcis "l^T'l-kx-x \r* {n >-^k \ f\ r^r- 'x^Tn 4-f\sA ri 4-T-* i - this matter VV IIO la ^dlcy dbavJCldlcU. W1LI1 111 1250 Asbolin . . . Avoid being associated with 1251 Ascendable . Association 1252 Ascendency . . Memorandum of association T2 53 Ascription . Assorted *254 Asediar . . . Assorted samples assayed I2 55 Aseguar . . . Carefully assorted 1256 Aseptic . . Assure 1257 Asequible . . I (we) can assure you that 1258 Aseverar . . . assure(s) me (us) that I2 59 Asfalto . . Atmosphere 1260 Ashlering . . The effects of the atmosphere [sphere 1261 Ashore . . In consequence of the rarified state of the atmo- 1262 Ashpan . . Attachment 1263 Askance . . . Has (have) levied an attachment 1264 Askew . . To get the attachment removed 1265 Aslant . . Levy an attachment 1266 Asleep . . . Cannot levy an attachment 1267 Asociado . . . Mine is attached for 1268 Asperate . . . Bullion is attached 1269 Asperillo . . Attempt 1270 Asperse . . . No practical attempt has been made to 1271 Aspersion . . Have made an attempt 1272 Asquint . . . Cannot attempt to 1273 Assegai . . . No use to attempt to 1274 Assailable . . Shall attempt to 1275 Assembling . Attend 1276 Assident . . . Please attend to this matter 1277 Assiento . . . Will attend 1278 Assigneth r^innnt nttPtiH tn till iffpr 1279 Assuaged . . Must attend at once to 1280 Assurgent . . Attend immediately to 1281 Assumptive will nffprifl tn l\t\ 1282 Asterism . . Attention 1283 Asteroid . . . Give great attention to 1284 Asteroidal . . No attention has been paid to saving the tailings 1285 Asthma . . . The first thing requiring attention is 1286 Astomatous . . Pay no attention to 1287 Astounded . . Will give every attention 1288 Astragalus . . This requires your greatest attention ATT No. 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 J 33 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1315 1316 I3i7 1318 1320 1321 1322 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 T 337 1338 Code Word. Astrictive Astrologer Astronomic Asymptote Ataghan . Atavism . Ataxic Atechnic . Atheist . Athenaeum Atherina . Athletic . Atlantida . Atmology Atomism . Atomized . Atrabiliar Atramental Atropine . Attaint . Attenuant Attestor . Atticism . Atticized . Attireth . Attollent . Attrite . Attuned . Aturdido . Aubaine . Audacity . Audibly . Audience . Audition . Augural . Aullido . Aumento . Aunque . Aurrangado Ausentarse Autografo Autorcillo Autorzuelo Avadarse . Avalorar . Avantren . Avasallar . Avejentar Avejigar . Avergonzar Attention (continued] . is (are) well worthy of your attention Attorney (See Power ) . Power of attorney . requires power of attorney to be produced . Who holds power of attorney must have power of attorney for . . Is power of attorney required . . Do not require power of attorney . . Impossible to do anything without . August . . For the month of August . . During the month of August . . Early in August . . About the middle of August . . Towards the end of August . . Next August . . Last August . . ist of August . . 2nd of August . . 3rd of August . . 4th of August . . 5th of August . . 6th of August . . 7th of August . . 8th of August . . 9th of August . . loth of August . . nth of August . . 1 2th of August . . 1 3th of August . . 1 4th of August . . 1 5th of August . . 1 6th of August . . 1 7th of August . . 1 8th of August . . i gth of August . . 2oth of August . . 2ist of August . . 22nd of August . . 23rd of August . 24th of August . . 25th of August . 26th of August . . 27th of August . . 28th of August . . 29th of August . . 3oth of August . . 3ist of August . Auriferous . . The district is highly auriferous [attorney power of 28 No. Code Word. 1339 Avidez 1340 Avidity 1341 Avidores . 1342 Aviejaba . 1343 Aviejose . 1344 Avillir. . 1345 Avinones. 1346 Aviolado . 1347 Avisames. 1348 Aviserai . 1349 Avispaba . 1350 Avivar. . 1351 Avizoro . 1352 Avoacar . 1353 Avocado . 1354 Avocavel . 1355 Avoejar . 1356 Avoengos 1357 Avogacia . 1358 Avogalla . 1359 Avoideth . 1360 Avolumar 1361 Avondo . 1362 Avorton . 1363 Avouerez. 1364 Avowedly 1365 Avuelto . 1366 Avuguero 1367 Avulsion . 1368 Avultado . 1369 Avunculo. 1370 Avvampo. 1371 Avventor. 1372 Avvitiva . 1373 Avvolto . 1374 Axiculo . 1375 Axilla . . 1376 Axioms . 1377 Axipeto . 1378 Axletree . 1379 Axobdo . 1380 Axungia . 1381 Ayantar . 1382 Ayuba. . 1383 Ayudasen 1384 Ayulabas . 1385 Ayulaste . 1386 Ayunamos 1387 Ayunase . 1388 Azabache ATTR Auriferous (continued} . . The ore is highly auriferous , Authority , . You have full authority to . You have no authority , . Must have full authority . By what (whose) authority . who is a great authority here on mines . Cannot give the necessary authority . Must have written authority , . Telegraph authority , . On whose authority . has (have) full authority to , . has (have) no authority to , . My authority for the report is Authorize , . The Board authorize you , . Please authorize me (us) , . I (we) authorize , . Cannot authorize , . Do not authorize . Will not authorize Authorized . Has (have) authorized to . has (have) been authorized to Autumn . During the autumn . Last autumn . Next autumn Available . Will not be available , . Available for the purpose . The amount of available ore Average . Above the average . Below the average . Certain to average . Likely to average . What is the average . Average assay value of ore in the mine is . Average width of the vein is . The average assays for last week were . The average assays for last month were . Average about . An average sample . Will average . Will not average Avert . In order to avert . Cannot avert Avoid AVO No. Code Word. Avoid (continued) 1389 Azacaya . . . Avoid unnecessary expense 1390 Azadono . . . Try to avoid I 39 I Azafama . . . Avoid delay as much as possible 1392 Azafran . . . Will try to avoid J 393 Azambujo . . You must avoid T 394 Azanefe . . . Avoid legal proceedings *395 Azanoria . . . is (are) trying to avoid 1396 Azarando . . . Cannot avoid !397 Azareiro . . . Avoid communicating with 1398 Azarola . . Avoided J 399 Azedado . . . If it can be avoided 1400 Azedume . . . Could not be avoided 1401 Azeirar . . Must be avoided 1402 Azeitada . . . This will be avoided in future I43 Azeitona . . . Cannot be avoided 1404 Azemel . . . Has been avoided 1405 Azeredo . . . Can it be avoided 1406 Azevao . Aware 1407 Azienda . . . Are you aware that 1408 Azinhaga . . . No one was aware 1409 Azinhoso . . . Have (has) just become aware of the fact 1410 Azofar . Away 1411 Azogaba . . . is (are) away for a long time 1412 Azogaram . . is (are) away, but will shortly return 14*3 Azoguero . . . When do you expect to get away 1414 Azolvase . . . Expect to get away 1415 Azopardo. \T T n r * /vrr^Tr*! ^PTlf" TW1 V OTI W ctb I VVCICJ oCilL ctWdV Uii 1416 Azorella . . . Get away as soon as possible 1417 Azotaina . . . Could not get away on 1418 Azotesco . . . Has (have) been away 1419 Azotique . . . Cannot get away till 1420 Azotized . . . Whilst you are away 1421 Azougado . . W T hilst I am (we are) away 1422 Azufraba . AX/ T V* il r-4- ir. /r*-^\\ f\ tTrr > . VYIJLlloL Ib I ell Cy clYVcLy i4 2 3 Babadero . . Backs [level 1424 Babanca . TTn'v mTnv fppf* nf hirlr^ TTIVP von ihnvf* J.XUW lllclliy 1CCL v/l Udl^Jvo llctVC VL/U ctUUVC i4 2 5 Babaza . . . How many feet of backs have you above cross-cut 1426 Babblement . . We have feet of backs 1427 Babbling . . . is (are) trying to back out 1428 Babequia . . . Try and back out 1429 Babero. . . . Try and get back 143 Babieca . . . Hold back I43 1 Babiole . . . Shall have to go back to i43 2 Babiroso . . . In order to get back 1433 Babishly . . . Cannot get back 1434 Babishness . . At the back of 1435 Bablah . . . Can you go back I43 6 Babok . . . has (have) gone back to 1437 Babosear . Tvi^Vi / wi r *ViP ri i f~n o"/^1~ V^or*lr . . wibu ^wioiicoy LU jjCi UCIL.JV 1438 Babucha . . . Back from 30 BAG No. Code Word. Backs (continued} 1439 Babugem . . . is (are) holding back 1440 Babyism . . Backed 1441 Babylonic . . has (have) backed out 1442 Bacallao . . . has (have) been backed up by 1443 Bacarija . . . has (have) backed up 1444 Bacasti . . . Who has (have) backed up 1445 Baccarat . .Bad 1446 Baccate . . . Very bad indeed 1447 Bacchanal . . Not so bad as we were told 1448 Bacchant . . . The mine is looking very bad 1449 Bacchic . . . Owing to bad management 1450 Bacchiller . . Owing to the bad state of the roads 1451 Baciante ... In bad condition 1452 Baciga. . . . From bad to worse 1453 Bacillum . . . Things are in a very bad state 1454 Bacilnego . Badly, 1455 Baciozza . . . Badly managed 1456 Backbite . . . Badly worked 1457 Backbiting . . has (have) been badly worked 1458 Backboard . . Has (have) been badly treated 1459 Backboxes . Balance(s) 1460 Backgammon . There will be a considerable balance 1461 Background . . There will be only a small balance 1462 Backhand . . What balance will there be 1463 Backpiece . . Transfer the balance to 1464 Backroom . . Balance all right 1465 Backslang . . The balance of the money to be paid 1466 Backslider . . Telegraph the probable balance when expenses 1467 BackstafF. . . I cannot remit balance until [have been paid 1468 Backstairs . . This will leave sufficient balance for 1469 Backsword . . The balance is of no account 1470 Backrog . . . Will the balance be sufficient for 1471 Backwardly . . The balance of the shares 1472 Backwater . Balance sheet 1473 Backwerk . . Send the balance sheet without delay [ 1474 Baclada . . . The balance sheet will be forwarded by post on 1475 Baconero. .Ballast 1476 Baconian . . . Will be taken as ballast 1477 Bacorote . . . For ballast 1478 Bacorus . . Bank(s) 1479 Baculite . . . This sum to be deposited in the bank (of) 1480 Badaggio . . . Have deposited the scrip at the Bank of 1481 Badajazo . . . Less bank commission 1482 Badalar ... I cannot arrange with the bank (of) 1483 Badalona . . . Can you arrange with the bank (of) 1484 Badameco . . Have arranged with the bank (of) 1485 Badarono . . Has (have) arranged with the bank (of) 1486 Badasti ... I (we) can arrange with the bank (of) 1487 Badavamo . . The bank will credit us at once with the value of the bullion No. Code Word. 1488 Badazas . 1489 Badegast . 1490 Baderei . 1491 Badessa . 1492 Badiaga . 1493 Badiane . 1494 Badicora . 1495 Badigeon . 1496 Badiglio . 1497 Badilazo . 1498 Badinage . 1499 Badinait . 1500 Badizo 1501 Badminton 1502 Badomia . 1503 Badulaque 1504 Baetilha . 1505 Bafagem . 1506 Bafejar 1507 Baffchen . 1508 Baffetas . 1509 Baffling . 1510 Baffouer . 1511 Bafordos . 1512 Bagacos . 1513 Bagajero . 1514 Baganha . 1515 Bagarin . 1516 Bagasse . 1517 Bagatela . 1518 Baggiana . 1519 Baggiolo . 1520 Baghulo . 1521 Bagiano . 1522 Bagliore . 1523 Baglivo 1524 Bagnasco. 1525 Bagnetto . 1526 Bagolino . 1527 Bagpipes. 1528 Baguette . 1529 Baharero . 1530 Bahnend 1531 Bahrtuch 1532 Bahules . 1533 Bahutier . 1534 Baigneur . 1535 Baigniez . BAN 31 Bank(s) (continued) . . No bank will discount your paper; you must . . Send bullion to bank (of) [deposit with . . The security is at the Bank of . . Please pay into the bank . . Has (have) paid into the Bank of . . Will pay into the bank (of) . . Bank refuses to cash draft . . Bank refuses to discount note . . Banks are calling in loans on stock . . Banks are calling in their money [to be a panic . . Banks are calling in their money, as there is likely . . Bank will remit . . Bank will allow an overdraft of . . Will bank allow an overdraft of . . There has been a run on the Bank of . . Bank will not advance any more, unless over- draft now due is paid . . Have deposited with bank (of) . . Banks will not advance unless secured by un- doubted collaterals [ immediately . . Badly in want of money ; telegraph to the Bank of . . Bank refuses . . Bank agrees . Bankrupt . . The owner(s) is (are) bankrupt . . On the verge of becoming bankrupt(s) . . The company is bankrupt . . is (are) not bankrupt(s) as reported . . is (are) reported bankrupt . Bar(s). . . Have struck a bar of hard ground . . Shall ship bars of bullion on . . Have shipped this week bars . . Have shipped this month bars . . Estimated value of bars shipped . . When will the next shipment of bars be . . The shipment of bars delayed by . . Since the last shipment of bars [ bars . . There has been a regular weekly shipment of . Bargain(s) . . A very good bargain . . A very poor bargain . . Try and make a better bargain . . Cannot make a better bargain . Barometer . Barren . . Barren-looking ground . . Barren quartz . . Vein is barren . Basalt BAS No. 1536 1537 1538 1539 1542 1543 1544 1545 1547 1548 I 5S 1553 !555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1566 1568 i57o 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 Code Word. Bailable . Bailador . Bailarin . Baileth . Bailiwick . Baillera . Bailonne Bailoteo . Bainnalha Bairns . . Bairros Baisotte . Baissant . Baixella . Baixios . Baixotes . Bajaccia . Bajamado Bajamente Bajardo . Bajedad . Bajelero . Bajetta . Bajeza . . Bajisimo . Bajonero . Bajucca . Bajulabo . Bajulus . Bajuzza . Bakboord Bakehouse Bakelen . Bakemeats Baketh . Bakoven . Bakshish . Balacrus . Balafre . Balalaika . Balancos . Balangum Balarino . Balascio . Balatro Balayage . Balbasso . Balborda . Balbutio . Balbuzzo . Basaltic . In basaltic rock Base . At the base of the . From the base of the . To the base of the Battery . What do battery assays average . Battery assays average . Battery assays for the week average . Battery assays for the month average . New shoes and dies required for the battery , . The battery returns . Are losing in the battery . There is a good battery of stamps . There is a poor battery of stamps Be . To be . Not to be . Can be . Cannot be . Should be . Should not be , . Will be . Will not be , . Must be . Must not be Bear [soon advance movement on stock ; I believe it will . There is said to be a bear movement (on) Bearing . The vein bearing about East of North . The vein bearing about West of North . Gold-bearing veins . Are insiders bearing . Bearing the stock Because . Because of the . Not because of Become . Which will become . Unless it becomes . Do not let it become . has (have) become Bed . The main bed of ore , . Through the bed . In the bed of the river Bedrock . In the decomposed bedrock BED No. Code Word. 1586 Balconied 1587 Balcony . 1588 Baldachin 1589 Balderdash 1590 Balderen . 1591 Baldezza . 1592 Baldhead. 1593 Baldio. . 1594 Baldness . 1595 Baldoria . 1596 Baldosa . 1597 Baldpate . 1598 Baldrero . 1599 Baldrick . 1600 Balefire . 1 60 1 Balefully . 1602 Balegoes . 1603 Balemas . 1604 Baleolus . 1605 Balgerei . 1606 Balhata . 1607 Baliado . 1608 Balijero . 1609 Balineum . 1610 Balione . 1 6 1 1 Balisage . 1612 Balisons . 1613 Balistes . 1614 Balistric . 1615 Balitaba . 1616 Balivamo . 1617 Balker. . 1618 Balkingly. 1619 Balladry . 1620 Ballasse . 1621 Ballator . 1622 Ballcastor 1623 Ballcock . 1624 Ballesta . 1625 Ballestear 1626 Balliage . 1627 Balmily . 1628 Baloncita. 1629 Balotado . 1630 Balsamic . 1631 Balsamical 1632 Balsopeto 1633 Baluster . 1634 Bambolear 1635 Bamboozle Bedrock (continued) . . On the bedrock . . Close to the bedrock . . Bedrock price . Been . . Has (have) been . . Has (have) been here . . Has (have) not been . . Has (have) not yet been * . Which must have been . . Which cannot have been . . Should have been . . Should not have been . . If this had been . Before . . Not before . . On or before . . Before long . . This was before . . This was long before . . Before I (we) can . . Before you can . . Before he (they) can . . Before the agreement can be signed . . Before this . . Before your telegram arrived . . Before returning home . Beforehand . . So as to be beforehand . . is (are) beforehand (with) . Begin . . Shall begin immediately (to) . . Cannot begin till . . When can begin . . When can you begin to . . Begin work at once . Begun . . Has (have) already begun . . Has (have) not yet begun . . Mill has begun to run again . . Has (have) begun to . . Has (have) not begun to . Behalf . . On behalf of . . Who act(s) on behalf of . . will act on behalf of . . will not act on behalf of . Believe . . Do you believe . . I (we) do believe . . You may entirely believe all that say(s) D 34 BEL No. Code Word. Believe (continued] 1636 Banastero "Von pinnnt" r\pliPi r P' Tvnnt* ^ovr ! JL LJU. ^ttllllUL UCHCVC WHctt " odVl O J 1637 Bancarrota . . I (we) do not believe 1638 Bandages . . Is there any reason to believe 1639 Bandearse . . There is every reason to believe 1640 Bandeja . . . There is no reason to believe 1641 Banderilla . . Do not believe 1642 Banderizo . . Believe nothing you hear from 1643 Bandido . . Belong 1644 Bandle . . . Who does it belong to 1645 Bandog . . . Which belongs to 1646 Bandoleer . . Does not belong to 1647 Bandore . . . Ought it to belong to us 1648 Bandurra . .Belt 1649 Banefully . . . A belt of hard rock 1650 Banglich . . . A belt of 1651 Banished . . Belting 1652 Banjo . . . Below ^53 Banners . . . Has (have) not been worked below J 654 Banniras . . . Has (have) been worked below J 655 Banqueter . . Below the lowest level 1656 Banshee . . . From below the J 657 Banstickle . . Below its value 1658 Bantereth . Benefit 1659 Bantling . . . A great benefit to 1660 Baphometic . . Not any benefit to 1661 Baptismal . . Would it be any benefit to 1662 Barandilla .Best 1663 Barbacana . . What do you think would be best 1664 Barbaric . . . Do the best you can 1665 Barbaridad . . It is the best thing to do 1666 Barbarism . . The best plan would be 1667 Barbellate . . The best that could be done 1668 Barbette . . . It will be best to 1669 Barbicano . Better 1670 Barbulla . . . Under better management 1671 Barcaje . . . With better appliances for working 1672 Bardish . . . You had better 1673 Bardotto . . . The better way is to 1674 Bareboned . . What had better be done 1675 Barefaced . . In better health 1676 Barefooted . . In no better health 1677 Barelegged . Between 1678 Barenecked . . The vein runs between 1679 Barfuss . . . Between the two 1680 Bargeman . . Between this 1681 Baritone . . Beware 1682 Barkmill "Dptyo-pp (\f 1683 Barkpit . JJCWcUC \JL . . You must beware of 1684 Barkstone . . Beware of judging too hastily 1685 Bariolez . . Bill(s) 35 No. Code Word. 1686 Barloar . 1687 Barlonco . 1688 Barlume . 1689 Barmaster 1690 Barndoor. 1691 Barnizes . 1692 Barograph 1693 Barology . 1694 Baronage. 1695 Baroness . 1696 Baronetcy 1697 Baronia . 1698 Barouche. 1699 Barposts . 1700 Barquear . 1701 Barquilla . 1702 Barquinaza 1703 Barracan . 1704 Barrack . 1705 Barrager . 1706 Barranco . 1707 Barratry . 1708 Barreduras 1709 Barrelled . 1710 Barricada 1711 Barrillero 1712 Barrizal . 1713 Barshoe . 1714 Bartizan . 1715 Barzonear 1716 Bascinet . 1717 Baseball . 1718 Baseborn. 1719 Basebred . 1720 Basecourt 1721 Baseless . 1722 Basement 1723 Baseras . 1724 Basestring 1725 Baseviol . 1726 Bashaw . 1727 Bashfully . 1728 Basiabat . 1729 Basifier . 1730 Basifying . 1731 Basilar 1732 Basilica . 1733 Basilicon . 1734 Basket 1735 Baslard . BIL Bill(s) (continued) . . Do not present bill(s) . . Cannot meet the bill(s) . . will meet the bill(s) . . You must renew the bill(s) . . Will not renew the bill(s) . . Will renew the bill(s) . . The bill is due on . . In order to meet the bill(s) . . In order to renew the bill(s) . . All payments made by bills . . Bill(s) provided for . . Present bill(s) on . . Do not present bill(s) on . . Bill(s) protested . . Bill(s) oflading . . Bill(s) of lading not to hand . . Bill(s) of lading forwarded . . The bill(s) has (have) been accepted . . Bill(s) has (have) been paid . . Bill(s) has (have) not been paid . . Will take bill(s) at months . . Bill(s) not presented yet . Bind . . This will bind (to) . . This will not bind - - (to) . . Will this bind (to) . . In order to bind (to) . Binding . . Not sufficiently binding . . Must make it binding (on) . Bismuth. . Bitumen. . Blame. . . Great blame attaches to . . There can be no blame attached to . . Can any blame be attached to . Blanket(s) . . Blankets for saving the gold . . A revolving blanket . Blasting [blasting . . The character of the rock necessitates constant . . Very little blasting is needed . Blowpipe . . Assays made by the blowpipe gave . . Tested by the blowpipe . Blueground . . Blueground hauled loads of 16 cubic feet . . Blueground washed loads of 16 cubic feet . Board [company . . is willing to join the Board of an English 36 No. Code Word. 1736 Basquear . 1737 Basrelief . 1738 Bassetto . 1739 Basshorn . 1740 Basslade . 1741 Bassoon . 1742 Bassorine. 1743 Bastante . 1744 Bastardize 1745 Basterna . 1746 Bastidor . 1747 Bastille . 1748 Bastimente 1749 Bastinade 1750 Basting . 1751 Bastonera 1752 Batohola . 1753 Batelejo . 1754 Bathbrick. 1755 Bathbun . 1756 Bathchair. 1757 Bathorse . 1758 Bathroom 1759 Bathybius 1760 Bathymetry 1761 Batidera . 1762 Batiente . 1763 Batista . 1764 Batlet . . 1765 Batojaba . 1766 Batrachoid 1767 Battalion . 1768 Batteler . 1769 Battening. 1770 Baturrillo. 1771 Baubee . 1772 Baudekin. 1773 Baupres . 1774 Baverini . 1775 Bavoche . 1776 Bawdrip . 1177 Bawsin 1778 Bayadere . 1779 Bayeton . 1780 Bayonets . 1781 Bayonetazo 1782 Bazuqueo. 1783 Bazzesco . 1784 Beaconage 1785 Beaconed BOA Board (continued) . . Would be likely to join the Board . . will join the Board . . will not join the Board . . Under consideration by the Board . . Board of Directors . . The Board have resolved . . The Board have resolved not to . . Before the Board . . The Board can come to no decision till . . Must have on the Board . . Must not have on the Board . . Will you join the Board of . . Nothing can be done till Board meets . Boarding-house (s) . . A good boarding-house at the mine . . Good boarding-houses at the mine and mill . . There are boarding-houses, but in bad state . . There are boarding-houses in good repair . . A yearly profit of per cent, on the boarding- . Body [house(s) . . Which will open up a body of ore . . Have struck a body of rich ore . . Every indication of soon striking the body of ore . . Prospects of large body of ore very good . . Opened up large body of ore . . Body of ore . . Large body of ore . Boiler(s) . . Portable locomotive boiler . . Cornish boiler . . Tubular boiler . . Lancashire boiler . . Owing to boiler(s) being out of repair . . Boiler(s) is (are) out of order . . Require new boiler(s) for. . . There is (are) boiler(s) . . There is (are) h.p. boiler(s) . . Send h.p. tubular boiler . . Send h.p. portable boiler . . Send h.p. Cornish boiler . . Send h.p. Lancashire boiler . . Send h.p. boiler . . Send set of boiler-tubes for boiler . . Require h.p. boiler for . Bond . . The bond on the property . . Bond must be for . . Bond can be secured for . . The bond will be forfeited . In order to renew the bond BON 37 Code Word. Bond (continued) Beaded . . . Can you secure the bond Beadleship . . Cannot obtain bond Beadproof . . Cannot renew the bond Beadroll . . . Try and obtain a bond to purchase Beadsman . . Bond cannot be renewed without payment Beadswoman . Get a working bond for months Beakedly . . . Cannot recommend bond I would advise you to have deed in escrow Beakiron . . . Get a bond subject to an examination and report being satisfactory Beamingly . . Bond can only be secured upon following terms and conditions Beanaten . . . Will not give bond Bearably ... I have obtained bond for months Bearded . . Bonded Beargarden . . has (have) bonded the mine for Bearherd . . . When the mine was bonded Bearing . . . The mine was originally bonded to Bearlike . . . To whom was the mine bonded Bearskin . . Bonus Bearward . . . Giving a good bonus Beasemen . . To be paid as a bonus Beatific . . Boom Beatifical . . . A big boom in mining speculations Beatilla . . . The boom is passing over. Beaucoup . . In order to get it floated during the boom Beauish . . Borax Beaumonde . Borehole(s) Beauteous . . A borehole was put down Beautifier . . By a borehole(s) Beautiful . . Boring(s) Beavered . . . Boring for Bebedero . . From borings in face of Bebistrajo . . By the several borings made Becalm . . . From the previous borings Becalmed . . Advise boring for Becchino . . In boring Bechance . . Do you advise boring Becharmed . Both Beckoneth . . This refers to both ^Beclouded . . Has (have) been to both Becomingly . . In both the Bedabble . . . Both are Bedarken . . Both should be Bedaubed . Bottom. Bedazzle . . . The bottom of the drift Bedclothes . . The bottom of the shaft Bedelarm . . . The bottom of the mine Bedelia . . . Going down into the bottom Bedelven . . Bought BOU No. Code Word. Bought (continued] 1833 Bedelzak . . . Has (have) been bought by 1834 Bedenten . . . Was (were) bought by 1835 Bedfellow . . Bought for joint account 1836 Bedight . . . Have you bought 1837 Bedizen . . . Bought for you 1838 Bedija. . . . Cannot be bought 1839 Bedlamite . . At what price have you bought 1840 Bedlinen . . . Has (have) bought up 1841 Bedmaker . . Why have you bought 1842 Bedoelen . . . Why have you not bought 1843 Bedquilt . . Bound 1844 Bedraggle . . By which we are bound to 1845 Bedrench . . . By which he is (they are) bound to 1846 Bedridden . . Is (are) not bound to 1847 Bedroom . . Boundary 1848 Bedstaff . . . The northern boundary (of the) 1849 Bedusted . . . The southern boundary (of the) 1850 Bedwarf . . . The eastern boundary (of the) 1851 Beefeater . . . The western boundary (of the) 1852 Beefsteak . Break 1853 Beeftea . . . A break in the 1854 Beeswax . . . Breakdown in the machinery 1855 Beetling . . . Breakdown in the mill 1856 Beflatter . . . What is cause of break in 1857 Befooled . . Breast 1858 Befreckle . . . Breast of ore 1859 Befringe . . . Breast of drift in pay ore 1860 Begetter . . Bribe 1861 Beggable . . . As a bribe 1862 Beggars . . . Has (have) being trying to bribe 1863 Beghard . . Broken 1864 Begirdle . . . Broken in transit 1865 Beglerbeg . . The machinery is broken 1866 Begnugen . . The engine is broken 1867 Begrimed . . . Broken down 1868 Begrudging has ^have) broken the 1869 Begucken . Broker(s) 1870 Beguileth . will irt i ^ Tirol 7 " fr/^ for - Will dv^l ctD LHL/JvCI y o/ l\JL 1871 Beguina . . Who will act as broker(s) for 1872 Behaaren . . . The broker(s) for 1873 Beheading . Brokerage 1874 Beholden . . . The brokerage is 1875 Behoof . . . Including brokerage 1876 Beiblatt . . Exclusive of brokerage 1877 Beijinho . . . Will you pay brokerage of 1878 Beinader . . . No brokerage can be paid 1879 Belated . . Will pay brokerage 1880 Beldado . . Brought 1881 Belebung . . . Has to be brought miles by 1882 Beledern . . . Has (have) to be brought from BRO 39 No. Code Word. Brought (continued) 1883 Belegend . . . Cannot be brought 1884 Beletsel . . Building(s) 1885 Bellicose . . The buildings consist of 1886 Belloteo . . . The buildings are in good condition 1887 Bellpull . . . The buildings are in bad condition 1888 Bellrope . . . Expect to finish building 1889 Bellringer . . Now building 1890 Belmoso . .Bull 1891 Beloved . . . To bull the shares 1892 Beltade . . . A bull movement in stocks is likely 1893 Bemakeln . Bullion (See Bars, Ship.) 1894 Bemoan . . . What is the total amount of bullion 1895 Bemoisten . Bullion shipped 1896 Bemuddle . . Shall ship bullion on 1897 Benaglio . \\7ill 1^^ nVilrf 21 \^c\ chir^ V\o TO V\n11i^Tv r\v 1898 Benamed . . . Ship all the bullion you possibly can before 1899 Benefactor . . No bullion on hand 1900 Beneficiar . . Ship no more bullion till ordered 1901 Benevolo . . . Will ship bullion amounting to 1902 Benevolent . . Shipped bullion amounting to 1903 Benigmdad . Bunchy 1904 Benignant . . The character of the ore is bunchy I95 Benissez . . . Is very bunchy 1906 Bepainted . Burned 1907 Bepinch . . . The mill was burded down 1908 Beplaster . . . The house was burned down 1909 Bepommel . . Which has burned down 1910 Bepuff. . . . Is all burned down 1911 Bequemar . Burst 1912 Bequest . . . Is (are) burst I9 r 3 Berasung . . Business 1914 Berathen . . . A large business is done in WS Bereaved . . No business is done 1916 Bernouse . . . It may lead to business 1917 Berried . . . Can you do the business 1918 Berthage . . . Leave the business in my (our) hands 1919 Besaint . . . Rather than lose the business 1920 Besamanos . . Business in mining shares very dull 1921 Besamung . Business in mining shares very good 1922 Bescrawl . . . Can do the business 1923 Bescreen . . . There is very little prospect of doing the business 1924 Beschlag . . . Is there a prospect of doing the business 1925 Besegeln . . . Consider business safe 1926 Beseemly . . . Do not consider business safe 1927 Besessen . . Buy 1928 Besetting . T?IITT fl^ni-^r' +V-V1- w\/a if* 1929 Beshrew . . . Buy immediately 1930 Besieged . . . Buy for next account i93i Beslobber . . Buy all you can (of) 1932 Besmirch . . . Shall I buy 40 BUY No. Code Word. 1933 Besonder . 1934 Besorgen . 1935 Bespangle 1936 Bestoweth 1937 Bestride . 1938 Besuqueo 1939 Bethral 1940 Bethump . 1941 Betokeneth 1942 Betrimmed 1943 Betrothal . 1944 Bettelei . 1945 Bettsack . 1946 Bettzeug . 1947 Betwixt . 1948 Bevelled . 1949 Bevibile . 1950 Bevuilen . 1951 Bewachen 1952 Bewailable 1953 Bewalden 1954 Bewegung 1955 Bewiesen . 1956 Bewitched 1957 Bewitchery 1958 Bewitchful 1959 Bewolken. 1960 Bewray . 1961 Bewray er . 1962 Be wrought 1963 Beylick . 1964 Bezetta . 1965 Bezique . 1 966 Bezoar . 1967 Bezoardic 1968 Bhang. . 1969 Biangular 1970 Biaxial 1971 Bibasic . 1972 Bibbona . 1973 Bibendo . 1974 Biberhut . 1975 Caaba. . 1976 Cabalant . 1977 Cabalist . 1978 Caballer . 1979 Cabalous . 1980 Cabellos . 1981 Cabezaje . 1982 Cabineted Buy (continued] . Buy as much as you can of at , . I can buy for cash . I can buy cheaper here . Buy back if you have sold . Do not buy any stock . Buy for my account, and hold subject to order . Buy for a quick turn . I advise you to buy (at about ) . You had better buy , the market will advance . Cannot buy any . Can you buy . Is it safe to buy . Take advantage of present weak market to buy . Stocks are too high to buy at present prices . Do you advise buying at present prices . Order to buy is countermanded , . Buy when you think it has reached the bottom . Buy until the stock reaches . Buy if the market is strong . Buy if the market is weak . Cannot buy at limit . It will not do to buy . Can you buy more at same price Buyers . The buyers will complete purchase . The buyers will not complete purchase till . Buyers are plentiful . Buyers are few . Buyers are cautious . No buyers for your property . Who are buyers . No buyers for stock . Buyers are cautious, but the stock is held firm Buying . is (are) buying largely . is (are) buying stock . Friends are buying . Are insiders buying . Miners are buying . I advise buying . Who is buying . I (we) am (are) buying Cable (See Telegraph ) . Cable report immediately . By means of a cable . Cable me (us) at once [badly wanting money Cable immediately if Have received your cable (dated) As soon as you cable [report for the public Cable sufficient details to enable me to prepare GAG Code Word. Cabirian . . Cage Cabiric . . . Shaft fitted with cages Cabizbajo . . The cage in use is unsafe Cablieva . . . Shaft fitted with one cage Caboched . Calcite Caboose . . . The hanging wall is calcite Cabriolet . . . The footwall is calcite Cabuchao . Gale-spar Cacatojo . . . The matrix is calc-spar Cacetada . . California Cackling ... In California Cacodoxy . . In Lower California Cacodyle. . Call Cacolet . . . Call for letters at Cacozelo . . . Must make a call of per share Cadalso . . . Must make a further call (of) Cadeaux . . . Cannot make a call Cadeira . . . Call on when you are in Cadenas ... No further call will be made Cadenza . .Can Cadilhos . . . Can I (we) Cadiscum . . Can you Cadran . . . Can he (they) Caducean . . I (we) can Caduque . . . You can Caedebat ... He (they) can Caelamen . . I (we) cannot Caerulum . . You cannot Cafenet ... He (they) cannot Caffeine . . . If I (we) can Caffisso ... If you can Cagachin . . . If he (they) can Cagadero . . . If I (we) cannot Cagalume . . If you cannot Cageling . . . If he (they) cannot Cagnesco . . Cancel Cagnuzza . . Can you cancel Cahidos . . . Will cancel Cahirnana . . Will not cancel Cahuerco . . Cancel my order to Cahuyao . . . Threaten to cancel Cainheza . . . Will be cancelled unless Caipora ... On what terms can you cancel Caixaria ... I (we) can cancel Cajadada ... I (we) cannot cancel Cajeput . . . Will cancel clause(s) No. Cajigal . . Cancelled Cajoleur . . . Clause (s) No. must be cancelled Calacear . . . Has (have) cancelled Caladero . . . Has (have) not cancelled 42 CAN No. Code Word. Cancelled (continued'} 2033 Calagure . . . Has (have) cancelled 2034 Calamitous . Canyon 2035 Calando . . . The mines are situated in a canon 2036 Calantar ... A fine stream runs through the canon 2037 Calathus ... In the canon 2038 Calavera . . Capabilities 2039 Calcarated . . Possessing great capabilities for 2040 Calcify . . . Possessing but small capabilities 2041 Calculary. . Capable 2042 Calculus ... Is (are) capable of 2043 Calducho. . . Capable of great development 2044 Calebunt ... Is (are) not capable (of) 2045 Caleche ... Is (are) capable of 2046 Califactor . . Not capable of judging 2047 Calefio . . Capital 2048 Calenten . . . The capital of the company to be 2049 Caletur . . . No capital to spend on the mine 2050 Calfait . . . . A judicious investment of capital 2051 Calibre . . . To bring capital into the concern 2052 Calico .... Not sufficient capital to buy the mine 2053 Calidad . . . Not sufficient capital to develop the mine 2054 Caliduct . . . () to be put aside for working capital 2055 Calipash . . . To return per cent, on the capital 2056 Calipee ... At the rate of per cent, on the capital of the 2057 Caliphate. . . On a capital of [company 2058 Caliphship . . Fully justifying the expenditure of the capital 2059 Calisaya ... On the capital [named 2060 Calituro . . . The capital is too large 2061 Calkers . . . The capital is too small 2062 Calliope . . . Increase the capital to 2063 Callone . . . Reduce the capital to 2064 Calmante. . . Can you get the capital underwritten 2065 Calmasso . . . Enough capital has been subscribed 2066 Calomaba . . Not enough capital has been subscribed 2067 Caloricity. . . The capital is to be reduced 2068 Calorifere. . . The capital cannot be reduced 2069 Calottez . . . The capital cannot be increased 2070 Calotype . . . The capital has been all subscribed 2071 Caloyers . . . The capital has been all underwritten 2072 Calpesto . . . What is the capital 2073 Calquera . . Carbonate 2074 Calvatum. . . Carbonate of copper 2075 Calvecer . . . Carbonate of lead 2076 Calvejar . . . Carbonate of lime 2077 Calvinism . . Carbonate of lime and magnesia 2078 Calvorum. . . Carbonate of iron 2079 Calyculo . . . Carbonate of soda 2080 Calypso . . . Carbonate of lead with silver 2081 Calyptrate . . Carbonate of zinc 2082 Calzuela . . Carboniferous CAR 43 Code Word. Carboniferous (continued) Camarilla . . In carboniferous rock Camarosi . . Care Camatina . . . Take care in Cambaes . . . Has (have) taken care Camber . . . Has (have) not taken care Cambering . . Great care will be required Cambiara. . . Take care of Cambistry . Careful Cambonum . . Be careful not to commit Cambrel ... Be very careful in your dealings with Cambrian . . Make the most careful examination Camedrio. . . Has (have) made a most careful examination Camelot . . Carefully Camerata . . . Has (have) been through everything very carefully Camerlingo . . The mines have been carefully worked Caminor . . . Will have to be most carefully Camisade . Carriage. [costs per ton Cammarus . . The carriage from nearest railway station to mine Camoscio . . The carriage from Campaign . . The carriage costs per ton Campanile . . The carriage on the bullion is very heavy Campestral . . The carriage on all goods is immense Camphoric . . By carriage miles from Campstool . . By carriage over dreadful roads Campulos . . By carriage over miles, good road Canabraz . . Carriage by wagon Canachus . . Carriage on mule back Canapino . Carried Canavial . . . Has (have) been carried on Cancamum . . Has (have) not been carried on Cancroid . . . Carried away Candidez . . . Will have to be carried Candied . . . Will be carried on Candify . . . Must be carried on Candiren . . . Can be carried through Candisse . . . Cannot be carried through Canditeers . . Can be carried out Candonga . . Cannot be carried out Candor es . Carry Caneabaj . . . To carry concern to successful issue Canechair . . In order to carry on the Canehole . . . will carry on the negotiations (during) Canemill . . . Carry the stock Canetrash . . Can surely carry it Cangagna . . Will carry the stock for you Cangiato . . . Cannot carry on Cangoera . . . Who will carry on affairs whilst you are away Cangrejo . . . To carry Canhenho . . Cannot carry out instructions Canicose . . . Carry on the business 44 CAR No. Code Word. Carry (continued] 21 33 Canicula . . . Carry on the negotiations 2134 Canifraz ... To enable me (us) to carry on 2135 Canilha . . . Impossible to carry on any longer 2136 Cankered . Case 2137 Cankerous . . In case of accidents 2138 Cankery . . . Entirely alters the case 2139 Cannabis . . Has (have) a strong case against 2140 Cannequin . . Incase 2141 Cannetto . . . In any case 2142 Cannonball . . In no case 2143 Cannoneer . . In which case 2144 Cannonshot . . In every case 2145 Cannula . . . In case of need 2146 Canoeist. . . In case of refusal 2147 Canonica. . . It is not the case 2148 Canonicity . . The facts of the case 2149 Canonistic . . In case of delay 2150 Canonize. . . Has (have) no case against 2151 Canonship . . In such a case 2152 Canopied . . . Has (have) any case against 2153 Canorem . .Cash 2154 Canorous . . For cash 2155 Canotier . . . Will only accept cash payment 2156 Canoura . . . By paying down, in cash 2157 Canovajo. . . In cash 2158 Cansasse . . . Bank refuse to cash your cheque 2159 Cansato ... In cash, and the balance in shares 2160 Cantabile . . In cash, and the balance in debentures 2161 Cantabo . . . No cash required 216 2 Cantaliver . . Cash to be deposited with 2163 Cantando . . In exchange for cash 2164 Can tares . . . Will pay cash down 2165 Cantavit . . . Cash on delivery 2165 Cantered. . . Cash in 2167 Cantharus . . Cash in exchange for 2168 Canthook . Cassiterite 2169 Canthus . . Cause 2170 Canticle . . . This will cause a delay of 2171 Cantidad . . . What is the cause of 2172 Cantillo . . . Cause unknown 2173 Cantiner . . . This will not cause 2174 Cantonal. . . This will cause 2175 Cantoon . . Caused 2176 Cantusen. . . What has caused (this) 2177 Canutazo. . . Has (have) been caused by 2178 Canvasseth . . Has (have) not been caused by any 2179 Canvassing . . Which would have caused 2180 Canziles . . Caution 2181 Canzuada . . Act with great caution 2182 Caozinha. . . In spite of all the caution CAU Code Word. Caution (continued} Capaguto . . . Has (have) acted with all due caution Caparbio . . . Caution against Capiataco . . Will act with caution Capeador . Cautious. Capelhar ... Be very cautious in your dealings with Capiglia . . .Be very cautious in expressing your opinion Capitolian . . is (are) very cautious Capitular . . . is (are) not very cautious Capitulate . Cave. Capnomor . . Will cave in Capomese . . Likely to cave in Caponiere . Caved Capotudo . . Has (have) caved in Capouch . . . The tunnel has caved in Cappotto . . . Shaft has caved in [have been abandoned Caprarum . . Caved in, in consequence of which the mines Caprate . . . Impossible to get into the mine, owing to the Capreola . . Caving [having caved in Capresto . . . From caving in Capricorn . . To prevent the tunnel (s) from caving in Caprigno . . . Every prospect of the tunnel caving in Caprine . . . The mine is caving in Capriole . . . is (are) caving in Capriped . . Cease Caprizzo . . . Have had to cease work on account of Capsaria . . . The works practically cease through the winter Capsicine . . You had better cease Capsized . . . Cease for the present (to) Capstan . . . Has (have) had to cease Capsulate . . Have ceased Capsules . . . Do not cease Captador . . Have you ceased Captaincy . . Will not cease Captando . Cent Captiously . . Quarter per cent Captivated . . Half per cent Captivity . . . Three quarters per cent Captured . . . One per cent Capucine. . . One and a quarter per cent Capuelio . . . One and a half per cent Capulare . . . Two per cent Caputo . . . Two and a half per cent Caquetez . . . Three per cent Caraboid . . . Four per cent Caracole . . . Five per cent Carafon . . .Six per cent Caramel . . . Seven per cent Carapace . . . Eight per cent Caravans . . . Nine per cent Carbasea . . . Ten per cent 4 6 CEN No. Code Word. Cent (continued] 22 33 Carbonari . . per cent 2234 Carbonize . Centre. 22 35 Carburet ... In the centre of 2236 Carcanet . . Central 2237 Carcava . . . In a central position 2238 Carcinoma . Certain 2239 Cardboard . . Are you certain 2240 Cardcase ... I am certain 2241 Cardeal . . . I am not certain 2242 Cardialgia . . It is certain (that) 2 2 43 Cardinal . . . It is not certain (that) 2244 Cardiology . . Quite certain 2245 Cardonis . . . Let me (us) hear for certain 2246 Cardtable . Certainly 2247 Careacao . . . Will certainly be 2248 Careenage . . Will certainly go to 2249 Careme . . Certainty 2250 Caressing . . With any degree of certainty 2251 Cargazon. . . There is every certainty of 2252 Cariciar . . . There is no certainty in the matter 2253 Caridade . . Certificate(s) 2254 Carillon . . . Have obtained a certificate 2255 Carinabo . . . Cannot obtain a certificate 2256 Cariosity . . .All the certificates 2257 Carkingly . . Share certificate (s) 2258 Carleaba . . . Certificate of shares 2259 Carlock . . . Share certificate (s) will be sent on 2260 Carmagnole . . Share certificate (s) will be sent when ready 2261 Carmelin . . . You must get certificate 2262 Carmelite . Certified 2263 Carminis . . . Are the titles certified (by) 2264 Carnage . . . The titles are certified (by) 2265 Carnalist . . . The titles are not certified (by) 2265 Carnality . . . Must be certified (by) 2267 Carnassial . Certify 2263 Carnauba . . Are able to certify (or is able to certify) 2269 Carneira . . Are not able to certify (or is not able to certif) 2270 Carnifex . . . Are (is) able to certify 2271 Carnivora . . Should not be able to certify 2272 Carnosity. . Chalk. 2273 Caroavel . . . Chalk formation 2274 Carolitic ... In the chalk 2275 Carotid . . Change 2276 Carousal. . . A change in the character of the rock 2277 Carousing . . No change in the character of the rock 2278 Caroyoso . . . Has any change taken place (in) 2279 Carpentry . . There has been no change worth reporting 2280 Carpet . . . It is necessary to change the 2281 Carpetbag . . A change for the better has taken place 2282 Carpeting . . Change for the better CHA 47 Code Word. Change (continued] Carpingly . . Change for the worse Carpmeals . . Telegraph if any change Carpology . . A great .change in Carptum ... No change in Carqueja . . Changed Carranza . . . Has (have) changed Carregos . . . Has (have) not changed Carriable . . Charge(s) Carrinho . . . What would you charge Carrion . . . Charge the expenses to Carrizal . . . Send a competent man to take charge Carronade . . To whom shall I charge expenses Carronoil . . . is in charge of the works Carrosse . . . Left in charge of the foreman Carrubio . . . Who will take charge of Carrytale . . . Who was in charge Carseland . . has (have) been in charge of Cartesian . . Who will pay the extra charges Carthamine . . Will pay all charges Carthusian . Charged. Cartilage . . . Has (have) been charged (with) Cartjade . . . To be charged to Capital Account Cartload . . . Ought to be charged to Cartouch . . . Has (have) not been charged Cartridge . . . Should be charged with Cartulary. . Cheap Cartwright . . Can be bought cheap Carvajal . . . The property is cheap at the price Carving . . . The mine(s) can be bought cheap Caryatides . Cheaper Caryatic ... It would be cheaper to Caryocar . . . It is cheaper to Casalone . . . Must have it cheaper Casamuro . . Is cheaper Casaquin . . . Cannot be done cheaper Cascabel . . . Will be cheaper Cascading . Cheaply Cascajal . . . The mine(s) can be cheaply worked Cascante . . . The ore can be cheaply mined and milled Cascata . . . The works can be cheaply carried on Caseine . . . Can be brought to the mine very cheaply Caseggio . . . Can the be cheaply worked Caseknife . . Cannot be worked cheaply Casemated . Check Caseolus . . . As a check on Caserazo . . . There has been no check on Caserna . . . Must check Caseshot . . . Should this not check Caseworm . . It is necessary to check Cashboy . . Chemical 4 8 CHE No. Code Word. Chemical (continued) 2333 Casillo . . . The chemical works 2334 Casirato . . . The erection of chemical works 2335 Cassarup . . Cheque(s) Cassepaper . . Do not pay cheque 2337 Cassideous . . Do not pay any cheques till after 2338 Cassock . . . Cheque has been lost 2339 Castalian . . . A cheque for 2340 Castanets . . . Send cheque for at once 2341 Castaway . . . Send cheque immediately to 2342 Castigate . . . 's cheque has been dishonoured 2343 Castle . . (*** 1~* f* s* 1 1 /^. (-** T-\rc VikYi r-vf kc>k-n f ori V^HCv. J U.C 1UI lido UCCil IJ1 CoCll tCvl 2344 Castlery . . . Cheque for has not been presented 2345 Castrato . . . I (we) send cheque 2346 Castuera . . Have you received cheque 2347 Casualism . Chloride 2348 Casualty . . . Chloride of gold 2349 Casuist . . Chloride of silver 235 Casuistic . . . Chloride of sodium 2351 Casuistry . . Chlorination 235 2 Catabulo . . . Chlorination works 2353 Cataclysm . . Chlorination works will be required 2354 Catacombs . . By Chlorination process 2355 Catafalque . Chloritic 2356 Catagmatic . . Chloritic slate 2357 Catagraph . . The hanging wall chloritic slate 2358 Catalectic . . The foot wall chloritic slate 2359 Catalepsy . Chosen 2360 Catalogue . . Has (have) chosen to 2361 Catalysis . . . Has (have) chosen not to 2362 Catamaran . Chute 2363 Catapult . . The vein outside the pay chute is barren 2364 Cataract f^* lint" A ^"f" /"\T*A IQVAVHOA WlHtrl V-/11U.IC \JL (Jit | prom o. f T-v Q. *ti-*-k 2462 Cemetery. LUC I Lll 1 . . Clean-up after crushing tons of quartz, gross yield being , cost of labour , cost of ma- 4-^\-irtl i-v^-i-*-. a-- 1 *vr\*^f*ir> -r^vs^ftt- icnai , genera.! expenses *~ , pruni 2463 Cenobite . . . The result of the last clean-up was 2464 Cenotaph . . Partial clean-up 2465 Censetur . . Cleaned-up [gross yield 2466 Censitum . . Have cleaned-up after crushing tons of quartz 2467 Censorial . . . Have cleaned-up 2468 Centaur . . Climate 2469 Centenary . . Climate good all the year 2470 Centennial . . The climate in winter very severe 2471 Centiare . . . Climate very unhealthy 2472 Centigrade . . Climate very healthy 2473 Centilitre . . . Climate very bad 2474 Centipede . Close 2475 Centralist . . Close with the offer CLO 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 Code Word. Close (continued) Centrality . . Do not close until you hear from Centrebit . . . Shall I (we) close. Centrical ... I (we) advise you to close with this offer Centurion . . Do not close Cenzala . . . Can you close Ceopiron . . Closed Cepadgo . . . Has (have) closed with Cepellon . . . Has (have) not closed with Cephalic . . . Have you closed Ceptufi . . . Closed at Cepurica ... I (we) have closed Cerambyx . . I (we) have not closed Ceramico . . . Market closed weak Cerberean . . Market closed strong Cerealin . . . Has (have) closed Cerebrum . . If has (have) closed Cerecloth . . If has (have) not closed Cerement . Closing Ceremonial . . Closing price Cerfeuil . . Clue Cerifice . . . Has (have) any clue to Cernuous . . . Has (have) a clue to Ceromancy . . Has (have) not any clue to Cerquita . . Coal Certavit . . . Seams of coal Certidao . . . The coal lies between beds of Certitude . . . Coal seam in. in thickness Ceruchus . . . Anthracite coal Cerulean . . . Bituminous coal Cerulific . . . Brown coal Cerusico . . . Send tons of coal Cervario . . . It is cheaper to burn coal than wood Cervelet . . . It is cheaper to burn wood than coal Cervical . . . Coal is brought from Cervogia . . . Coal has been proved on the property Cesious . . . Coal in the district Cespitous . . In the coal measures Cessacao . . . Coal is shillings per ton delivered at Cessanza . . . The coal seam dips into the adjoining property Cestada . . . The coal extends over acres [ton. Cestrota . . . Coal can be delivered at the mine for per Cesura . . . The coal is very bad Cestaceous . . The coal is very good Ceterach . . Coarse Chablis . . . Coarse gold Chacando . . Coarse grained Chacone . . Cobalt Chafery . . . Contains per cent of cobalt Chafeth . . Collapse Chafewax . . Has (have) allowed the scheme to collapse 52 No. Code Word. 2526 Chaffless . 2527 Chagrin . 2528 Chaguala. 2529 Chammail 2530 Chainlet . 2531 Chalaneo. 2532 Chaldron. 2533 Chaleur . 2534 Chalice . 2535 Chalkpit . 2536 Challenged 2537 Chalupa . 2538 Chamadis 2 539 Chamariz 2540 Chamaron 2541 Chamfer . 2542 Chamfron 2543 Champerty 2544 Champil . 2545 Chanceful 2546 Chancels . 2547 Chandelier 2548 Chandler. 2549 Changeling 2550 Changote 2551 Chanson . 2552 Chantant. 2553 Chan tress 2554 Chaology. 2 55 5 Chaonia .. 2556 Chaparral 2557 Chapeaux 2558 Chaperon 2559 Chapfallen 2560 Chaplain . 2561 Chapless . 2562 Chapodar 2563 Chapuceo 2564 Chaquiba 2 5 6 5 Charades. 2566 Charcoso . 2567 Charcute . 2568 Chargeth. 2569 Chargeur. 2570 Chariness 2571 Chariot . 2572 Charitable 2573 Charivari. 2574 Charlatan COL Collapse (continued] . . To prevent a collapse of the whole affair . . A total collapse of the market . . There has been a complete collapse . Collapsed . Has (have) collapsed . . The negotiations have collapsed .Collect . . Collect all the information you can about . . To collect . Colorado . . Gold mine in Colorado . . Silver mine in Colorado . . Mine in Colorado . Combination . . Unless there is a combination of . . Owing to a combination of . . Forming a combination of . Combine . . Will combine with us (to) . . will combine with us (to) . . will not combine with us (to) . . If will not combine with offer(s) to combine with . Do not combine . If necessary combine with Combined . Has (have) combined with . Has (have) not combined with . Is (are) found combined with . Chemically combined . Not chemically combined . Mechanically combined Come . Come as soon as possible . Come home immediately . Can I come . When can you come . I can come . If you can come . Can you come . Come back . Come down to . Come up to . Cannot come till . Must come back here . When are you coming . Will come about . As soon as come(s), things can be definitely . I want your help ; come here at once ; leave in charge of everything [settled COM 53 No. Code Word. Come (continued} 2575 Charmerai . . Tell to come as quickly as possible 2576 Charming . . Cannot leave till come(s) 2577 Charneca . Tl-*i w-*rff-^t i rt -I-*-* *-* Vv^kTT *-*- s^r^. 4-i11 r*/- imes, which . j. iic iiidiicr ib in frUJcydiicc 1111 ^^ 2578 Charoleo . . Coming [will be in a few days 2579 Charon . . Is (are) coming down 2580 Charpie . . . Is (are) coming in very quickly 2581 Charrue . . . When is coming 2582 Charteke . . Commence Z583 Chartless . . . Shall commence drifting 2584 Charwoman . . Shall commence crushing ore 2585 Chassepot . . The rains have commenced 2586 Chasseur . . . Will commence 2587 Chasteneth . . I (we) shall commence work by 2588 Chastised. . . Shall commence sinking 2589 Chasuble . . Commence as soon as possible 2590 Chatelaine . Cannot commence till 2591 Chatoyant . . When will you commence 2592 Chattering . . Expect to commence about 2593 Chatterer . . Commenced 2594 Chattule . . Has (have) commenced 2595 Chaudron . . Has (have) not yet commenced 2596 Chauffer . . . Has (have) commenced 2597 Chaumage . . Have commenced driving on the vein 2598 Chausure . . . Have commenced driving the tunnel 2599 Chaveta . . . Work commenced (on) 2600 Cheatable . . Commenced sinking [thoroughly overhauled 2601 Cheatery . . . Mill commenced running on , after being 2602 Checketh . . Commission. [(the) 2603 Checkmate . . A commission has been appointed to inquire into 2604 Checkrail . . Has (have) agreed to pay a commission of 2605 Cheekbone . What commission will have to be paid 2606 Cheerfully . Must have a commission 2607 Cheerily . /~<-Ckf/o\ o /-./-vwrrwipc' !/->-> f\f . gCU^by cl CULli lllloolUIl Ol 2608 Cheesevat . . Who will pay my (our) commission [mine 2609 Cheiroso . . will get a commission if his report sells the 2610 Cheleira . . . Will pay a commission of 2611 Chenile . . . will take no commission 2612 Cherchez . . . Commission from both sides 2613 Cherished . Communicate 2614 Cherivia . . Can you communicate with 2615 Chermes . . . I (we) can communicate with 2616 Chernita . . . I (we) cannot communicate with 2617 Cheroot . . Communicate with 2618 Cherubim . . Communicate in future direct with 2619 Cheurron . . . In order to communicate with [apply to 2620 Cheval . . . Should you not be able to communicate with 2621 Cheveril . . . With whom am I (are we) to communicate 2622 Chevisance . Will communicate 2623 Chevronel . . Communicate contents of letter to 2624 Chiappo . . . Please communicate with me (us) care of COM No. Code Word. Communicate (continued) 2625 Chiarano . . . Communicate in confidence to 2626 Chibanca . . Communication 2627 Chibbato . . . Am (are) in communication with 2628 Chibitil . . . Is (are) in communication with 2629 Chibooque . . There are no means of communication with 2630 Chicane . . . No means of communication between and 2631 Chicanery . . Have only postal communication with, [graphic 2632 Chichelo . . . No means of communication either postal or tele- 2633 Chicleth . . . Telegraphic communication impeded with. [- 2634 Chidrian . *\17li*t4. /--./ i-v-, *-~ll v-\ -t ^0 f i r\l- *r* 4-V* 2660 Chiroplast . . cannot compel us to 2661 Chiselled . . . Cannot compel to vf\f\'> Phislpn /"\ 1 1 --*V* 4- 4-f^. j-*,/-\-v-*fx/^1 4-/~w ZUU2 2663 V^IllMCll . Chismero . . Could you not compel to 2664 Chistoso . . . This would compel to 2665 Chitonio . . Compelled 2666 Chlamida . . Has (have) been compelled to 2667 Chlamys . . . Has (have) compelled to 2668 Choloform . . Compelled to take legal proceedings 2669 Chocolate . Compensation 2670 Choiceless . . demand(s) as compensation 2671 Choisir . . . What compensation would take 2672 Choketh . . . Claim compensation 2673 Choleic . . . Will require heavy compensation COM _____ 55 Code Word. Compensation (continued] Choleraic . . Will require some small compensation Choliamb . . Not content with compensation offered (of ) Chondrine . Compensated Chophouse . . has (have) been compensated Chopsticks . . has (have) not been compensated Choragus . . . Shall I be compensated Chorister . . . Will be compensated Choroes . . . Will not be compensated Chorpult . . Complaint. Christened . . There is great complaint about Chromatic . . A complaint against Chromule . . Serious cause of complaint Chronicles . Complete Churchero . . In order to complete Cheferos . . . Ready to complete purchase Chuni .... Do not complete purchase till Chupamel . . Can you complete examination by Chupetin. . . When will you complete Churhaus . . Can complete Churlishly . . Cannot complete Churning . Completed Chuveiro . . . Will purchase be completed Chyazic ... If purchase is not completed by Chylific . . . The purchase to be completed by Chylous . . . Has (have) been completed Chymify . . . Has (have) not been completed Ciabatta . . . Will shortly be completed Ciarpame . . Cannot be completed till Ciavoga . . . Will be completed by Ciborium . Composed Cicatrix ... Is (are) composed of Cicerone ... Of what is (are) the composed Cicisbeo . . Comprehensive. [prehensive Cicurato . . . Telegraph your report, making it thoroughly com- Ciderkin . . . Not sufficiently comprehensive Cidreira . . Comprise Cifrando . . . Does this comprise Cigarette . . . This comprises Cigarron . . . This does not comprise Ciliary . . Compromise Cilicious . . . Shall I compromise Cillazzo . . . Compromise if you can Cimatura ... I cannot compromise Cimbotto . . . You must not compromise Cimeter . . Compromised Cincture . . . Has (have) compromised Cindery . . . Has (have) not compromised Cindrous . . . Has (have) compromised Cingalese . . Concealed Cingimur . . . Concealed the fact that CON No. Code Word. 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2 753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 Cingunt . Cinquefoil Cinquepace Cipiglio . Cipizape . Cipolino . Ciprigna . Circassian Circean . Circensial Circinate . Circuitous Circumduct Circumflex Circus . . Ciregeto . Cirriform . Cirriped . Cirujano . Cirvilha . Cisalpine . Cisbordo . Cispadane Cisquero . Cissoid . Cistern Cistvaen . Citadel . Citatory . Cithara . Cithelas . Citheron . Citoyen . Civilian . Civilize . Cizania . Clachan . Clancular Clangoar . Clanship . Clappers . Claqueur . Clarabat . Clarenceux Claresco . Claretcup Clarichord Clarifier . Clariren . Clashingly Concealed (continued) . . Concealed the true state of affairs . Concentration . . Concentration works Concentration works are absolutely necessary . . In consequence of there being no concentration . . The ore requires concentration [works . Concession(s) . . It is necessary to get a concession from . . Will arrange to get a concession for . . Cannot get a concession from . . Who is the concession from . . Who has the concession . Concession of no value . . Concession of great value . Condemn(s) . . Condemn(s) the whole concern . . Condemn(s) the mines as good for nothing . . If condemn(s) . Condemned . . The mine was condemned . . The machinery was condemned . Condition (s) . . In its present condition . . Conditions absurd . . In the present condition of the . . In good condition . . In bad condition . . Condition improved . . Condition worse . . Conditions to be the same . . impose(s) impossible conditions . Will you agree to these conditions . . I (we) accept the conditions . . Cannot agree to the conditions . . Only on condition that . . The conditions are to be . Confidence. [know it . . I tell you this in strictest confidence ; let no one . . I (we) have every confidence in . . I (we) have no confidence in . . In whom you may place thorough confidence . . In whom you can place no confidence . . Is (are) unworthy of confidence . . Is (are) worthy of every confidence . . Can I (we) have confidence in . Confident . . Can you be confident that . I am (we are) confident that . . is (are) confident that . Not confident that CON 57 No. Codeword. 2774 Claspeth . 2775 Clasplock 2776 Claspnail . 2777 Classible . 2778 Classical . 2779 Classify . Clathrate . Claudere . Claustral . Clavated . Clavazon . Claviger . Clawback. Claymore . Cleanseth Clearage . Cleavers . Cledgy . Clepsydra Clerigo . Cleriker . Clerstory . Climber . Clinical . Clinique . Clipens . Cloaked . Clockwork Clodpated Cloisonne Cloisteral Cloistress Cloquera . Clorosi . Closeau . Clothes . Clothier . Cloture . Cloud . . Cloudless . Cloudlet . Cloutera . Cloutons . Clown . . Clownish . Cloyment Clubber . Clubfoot . Clubhouse Confirm . I can (we can) confirm 's statements . I (we) cannot confirm 's statements . Can you confirm 's statements [regard to . Can confirm all 's statements except the one in Cannot confirm s statements respecting amount of ore in sight Confirmation [report . As soon as I (we) receive confirmation of the . Subject to the confirmation of the reports (of) . Confirmation of the report(s) (of )- . Telegraph your confirmation of. . Waiting for confirmation of 's report Confirming . Your telegram confirming the report received . I (we) telegraphed confirming the report on . Conflicting . Reports are conflicting . Owing to conflicting accounts Confusion . To prevent confusion . Everything is in a state of confusion Conglomerate Connect . In order to connect the . So as to connect Connected . Connected with . Connected by . Not connected in any way with Connecting . Connecting Levels No. and by a winze . Connecting the works with . Connecting with the shafts . Is there any way of connecting with Connection . In connection with . Must make connection with . Connection has been made with . Have no connection with . Has (have) any connection with . Avoid all connection with Consent . Will consent to . will consent to . will not consent to . Waiting to get consent from . Should not consent to Consequence . What would be the consequence (if) 58 No. Code Word. 2823 Clubista . 2824 Clublaw . 2825 Clubman . 2826 Clubroom 2827 Clueca . 2828 Clumps . 2829 Clumsily . 2830 Cluniac . 2831 Clustered 2832 Clutched . 2833 Clypeus . 2834 Clysmic . 2835 Coaching. 2836 Coactive . 2837 Coactura . 2838 Coadeiro . 2839 Coadjeci . 2840 Coadjutrix 2841 Coadunate 2842 Coadura . 2843 Coagment 2844 Coagulate 2845 Coalabo . 2846 Coalesce . 2847 Coalhada . 2848 Coamings 2849 Coannex . 2850 Coarguo . 2851 Coarser . 2852 Coaster . 2853 Coatee 2854 Coax . . 2855 Coaxer . 2856 Coaxingly 2857 Cobaltic . 2858 Cobardeo 2859 Cobbola . 2860 Cobeal . 2861 Cobebas . 2862 Cobertos . 2863 Cobranca. 2864 Cobrir. . 2865 Cobweb . 2866 Cobwebby 2867 Coccao . 2868 Cocciuto . 2869 Cocedero . 2870 Cochada . 2871 Cocheira . 2872 Cochlea . CON Consequence (continued] . . Of great consequence (to) . . Of little consequence . . In consequence of which , . Of no consequence . . May lead to very serious consequences . Consideration . . It is a matter for grave consideration . . Taking into consideration . . For the consideration of . . Give this your best consideration . . Has (have) not been taken into consideration . . Not worth consideration . Consist . . What does the consist of . . Consist(s) of . Consolidate . . In order to consolidate the property . . Should be consolidated . Consult . . You had better consult with . . Consult before acting . . Whom had I (we) better consult . . Consult a thoroughly competent lawyer . Consultation [your consultation with . . Telegraph what conclusion you arrive at afte: . . After consultation with . Consumption . What is the consumption of coal per day . . Consumption of coal is tons per day . . Increasing the consumption of . . Decreasing the consumption of . Contact . . A contact lode . . In contact with . . In close contact with . . Not exactly in the contact . Contain(s) . . The ore contains . . Does it contain . . It does contain . . It does not contain . Contingency(ies) . . Allowing for any contingencies . . This does not allow for any contingencies . . To provide for contingencies . For contingencies . Continue . . To continue the . . The first thing is to continue the . . Continue sinking CON 59 sfo. Code Word. Continue (continued) 873 Cocitojo . . . The stopes continue to look well 874 Cockade . . . The mine continues to look 875 Cockloft . The vein continues to look 876 Cockney . . . Shall continue 877 Cockpit . . . You must continue (to) 878 Cocleaba . . Will still continue to 879 Cocleais . . . It would be advisable to continue 880 Cocolete . . . Continue to telegraph regularly 88 1 Cocopris . . Continuity 882 Cocotier . . . In continuity with 883 Coctanum . Contract(s) (See also Sign ) 884 Cocurata . . . Make a fresh contract 885 Codaccia . . . Has (have) made a fresh contract 886 Codeceda . . No contract has been made 887 Coderone . . By the terms of the contract 888 Codezoso . . The work is all being done on contract 889 Codfisher. . . Has (have) made a contract with 890 Codger . . . Owing to the contract between and - 891 Codicil . V* r /KotrrtA 4-1-1 T-y^^TTV* 1 1 t~v 4- K S\ S* S~\ 1-* + *- <- y- * llcto lllctVc/ LllIUWIl *-l|_) LUC VxvJH lldC L 892 Codiglio . . . Have you entered into any contract, [with 893 Codille . . . I (we) have made a contract in my (our) name 894 Codling . . . The contract is signed 895 Codones . . . Insist on fulfilment of contract [ 896 Codrizzo . . . Can you make a contract in your own name with 897 Coedase . ~ Vine in ""Mr A \ YYI n f~\ r* /^/"^nlrn^f in "fo^T^iTr r^f . llcto IHciVty llldlJC CUllLIctCL 111 IclVULlI Ul same terms as last 898 Coemptus . . The contract is not yet signed 899 Coenula . . . Contract has fallen through 900 Coequal . . . On completion of contract 901 Coercible . . Can you contract * :9 97 8 Colmigno . . I estimate the cost of erecting the necessary 5979 Colomim . . . I estimate that the additional cost would be 1980 Colonel . . . In your estimate of cost do you include, [include 5981 Colonelcy . . In your estimate of the cost of machinery do you 5982 Colonnade . . In your estimate of the cost of developments do >983 Colophon Tr> fntiirf* tV\p cn^f nf will hp fvoii include . AH ILILLIIC lilC v^Uot Ul Will Uv* IV^tl lllv^lllLlw 9 8 4 Coloring . . . The difficulty of estimating the cost arises from '985 Colossal . . . It is impossible to estimate the cost of 5986 Colostra . . . The heavy cost of shipping the ore to has eaten up all the profits ! 9 8 7 Coloured . fTpl ,/-! ,1 M ' i ne cost oi snipping ine ore to is 1988 Colportage . . Costs per ton 5989 Colporteur . . What will it cost (to) 5990 Colposa . . . What is your estimate of cost 5991 Colstaff . . Cost-sheet(s) 5992 Coltasse . . . Send at once a copy of the cost-sheet '993 Column . . . Have sent a copy of the cost-sheet 5994 Columnar . . Will send the cost-sheets 5995 Columpio . Course 5996 Coluthus . . Following the course of the vein 5997 Comadre . . . Drive in on the course of the vein 5998 Comarcho . . In the course of a few J 999 Comatose . . In course of construction JOOO Comb . . . . In due course ;ooi Combat . . . What course do you think it best to pursue 5002 Combatant "\XrKrt4- >-n~Mi-w-r' A s\ r* / r\ r\*c*\ it-\ f kt-\r1 t/-\ r-\n foil \ YiTifT* VV llat CUUlbw CIO ^U-UCby 1I11CI1U. LU plllbUC vviul 5003 Combieza . Country [regard to 5004 Combillo . . . The country rock is !5 Combing . . . The surrounding country ;oo6 Comborco . . Through this country ;oo7 Combust . . Credit 5008 Comeche . . . To be placed to credit of ;oo9 Comedian V\ - r /l-OTTk\ rrr^.t-\r\ /^>-^/-llt- ^^ lido tlJLclVCy tiwULl C'ICvi.lC ;oio Comedies . . To your credit ;on Comedono . . has (have) bad credit ;oi2 Comedy . . . Please telegraph credit ;*3 Comenos . . . Credit is not good ;oi4 Comesse . . . Credit is good \*5 Comestible . Has (have) telegraphed credit 5016 Cometary . . Letter of credit 5017 Comezana . . Cancel the credit joi8 Comfit . . . placed to your credit account of *OIO Comfihirf rYprlil- onpnpH in vnnr fnvnnr / _T \ nritVi ORE No. Code Word. Credit (continued) 3020 Comfort . . Please open a credit in favour of 3021 Comforter . What amount have you to my credit 3022 Comfortful . Creditor(s) 3023 Comically . Creditors are pressing 3024 Cominuir. . . The principal creditor(s) 3 2 5 Comitare . . . Large creditor (s) 3026 Comitato . . Who are the principal creditor(s) 3027 Comitial . . Creek 3028 Comitre . . . In the bed of the creek. [summer 3029 Comma . . . The creek is never dry, even in the hottest Commandry . Cretaceous 3031 Commark Crisis 33 2 Commeatu . . There will be a crisis 333 Commerce . . Do you fear a crisis 334 Commessa . . In order to weather the crisis 335 Commiato . Croppings, Committal . . The croppings of the vein show for 337 Commix . . . Ore taken from the croppings 3038 Commode . . The croppings of the vein are well defined 339 Commodore . . The croppings 3040 Commage Cross-cut [feet _ - _ Commoner (~^Y/~\W ^1l4- fv*S\w\ T i*T\\ "\Ty-v -if- *-3-iTT,-%v> 3042 Commons . Cross-cut to the vein 343 Commonty . . The cross-cut from 344 Commonweal . The cross-cut to be extended 345 Commother . . Cross-cut is in 3046 Commove . . Cross-cut has advanced the distance of feet 347 Commune . Have struck large body of ore in the cross-cut 3048 Commutual . . Are now driving a cross-cut from 349 Compages . . Cross-cut is getting into 3050 Compart . . . Have struck small body of ore in the cross-cut Compasses . . Cross-cut is making good headway 3052 Compatriot . . How far is the cross-cut in 3053 Compeer . . . How far have you to drive to cross-cut lode 3054 Compend . When do you expect to cut lode in cross-cut 355 Compile . . . "Expect to cross-cut lode in feet 3056 Complacent . H VT"na/"f > -f/~v rf"i*/^oo /"-iif- 1 /^^ * i s\ - i-rn JLL/A^C^L \\J l^IUoo L-U.L 1UU.C 111 LlcLVo 3057 Completive . . How far has cross-cut advanced 3058 Complex . . . Cross-cut had advanced feet 359 Complexion . . Cross-cut has cut the lode 3060 Compiler . . . Have cut lode in cross-cut 3061 Complin . . Crucible 3062 Componed . Clay crucibles 3063 Component . Plumbago crucibles 3064 Composer TiVvT-\Tro t-A r>4- rm^.o. 1 /-i '11 3065 Composedly . Crush 3066 Composite . . How many tons can you crush per week 3067 Compost . . . Crush only low grade ore 3068 Compound . . Crush only high grade ore -?o6o Comnrador . Pnr> <-rncli t^T-,0 -nt*v CRU No. Code Word. Crush (continued) 3070 Compress . Will be able to crush tons per 3071 Compriest . Crushed 3072 Comprint T*/-\frl rt *v f\\ i *-* 4- ^mOflA/1 * *"* 4- XN %-*- .LUlc.ll tllllULlllL v>lllollCU. lo LUllb 3073 Compromit . . Total amount crushed unrecorded 374 Comptoir . Crushed during last seven days tons 3075 Computer . i*T > n*^Vi r*(\ MiTTiTT^" I'll p IT"*I" fon^* 3076 Comrade . . Crusher(s) 3077 Comtist . . 1^ A/llllfA o rl/^ifi f\'r\n 1 j-**ii n1-\ ^f/r- \ jxem-iiic cLuui uuiuu cruoiicr^by 3078 Conacre . . . A stone crusher 3079 Conation . . . A Blake's crusher 3080 Conatus . . Crushing 3081 Concavely . . Are crushing at the rate of tons per day 3082 Conceit . . Crushing in firstrate style 3083 Concentre . Curtail 3084 Concentric . . You must curtail the expenses 3085 Concentual . . Trying to curtail expenses 3086 Concept . . . Cannot curtail expenses 3o87 Conceptive . Custom 3088 Conceptual . . What is the custom 3089 Concerted . . The custom here is to 3090 Concertina . . The custom has been to 3091 Concerto . . Custom House 3092 Concierge . . Custom-house authorities will permit 3093 Conciliar . . . Custom-house authorities will not permit 394 Concision . Will the custom-house authorities permit 3095 Conclave . Cut 3096 Concoct . . . Hope to cut the vein 3097 Concordat . . Have not yet cut the vein 3098 Concordist . . Have cut the vein 3099 Concourse . . Where we have cut the vein 4000 Concretion . . Have cut a ledge 4001 Concuss . . . Had cut 4002 Condenser . . Had not cut 4003 Condescend . . Telegraph when you cut the vein 4004 Condign . . Cutting 4005 Condiment . . Cutting into 4006 Condite . . . Cutting out 4007 Conditory . Cutting into good ore 4008 Condole . . Cwt 4009 Conducent . . At per cwt 4010 Conductor . . How much per cwt 4011 Condyle . . . How many cwts 4012 Dactylic . . Daily 4013 Dactylion . Daily reports 4014 Dado . . . . Must have the daily record of 4015 Daggle . . . Telegraph daily 4016 Daglock . . Dam 4017 Dagoba . . . It will be necessary to erect a dam 4018 Dagon . . . I estimate the cost of erecting dam at 4019 Dagswain . What would be the cost of making dam 64 No. Code Word. 4020 Dagtailed 4021 Dainty 4022 Dairying . 4023 Dairymaid 4024 Dai's . . 4025 Daisied . 4026 Dakoit 4027 Dalesman 4028 Dalliance 4029 Dalmatica 4030 Dalriad . 403 1 Daltonian 4032 Damascene 4033 Damaskin 4034 Damnific . 4035 Damosel . 4036 Dampen . 4037 Dampish . 4038 Dance 4039 Danceth . 4040 Dandiprat 4041 Dandruff. 4042 Dandyism 4043 Danegelt . 4044 Dangler . 4045 Dankish . 4046 Danseuse 4047 Dantesque 4048 Danubian 4049 Dapedius 4050 Dapifer . 4051 Dapper . 4052 Dapperling 4053 Darbyites 4054 Daredevil 4055 Darkling . 4056 Darksome 4057 Darkly . 4058 Darling . 4059 Dartars . 4060 Dartingly 4061 Darwinism 4062 Dashboard 4063 Dataria . 4064 Datary 4065 Dative . 4066 Daub . . 4067 Daubery . 4068 Daughter 4069 Daunt . . DAM . Damage(s) . . Damage caused by . . Owing to the damage done by . . Damage must be repaired . . Damage not yet ascertained . . What is amount of damage . . Great damage has occurred (to ) . . Slight damage has occurred (to ) . Damaging . . Greatly damaging the . . Is very damaging to the affair . Dampness . . Owing to the excessive dampness of the climate . Danger . . Is there any danger (of) . . There is great danger (of) . . In danger of . . There will be no danger of . . There is no danger of . Dangerous . . The is too dangerous to be continued . . Owing to the dangerous state of the . . It is very dangerous (to) . . Dangerous to delay . Data . . There is no reliable data . . Is there any reliable data . Date, dated . . At an early date . . What date has been fixed for . . Your telegrams received up to date are . . Have you received my (our) dated . . Have you received my telegrams to date . . Dated respectively . . Your dated received . . The earliest date . . The latest date . . What is the date of . . What is the earliest date . . What is the latest date . . You must name an earlier date . . You must name a late date . Day(s) . . Will send report in a few days . . During the next few days . . In the course of a few days . . It takes days to get to from How many days does it take to get to - Causing an unusual delay of days It will only take two or three days DAY No. 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4^75 4076 4077 4078 A o*rn Code Word. Dauntless Dauphin . Dauphiness Davits. . Dawdler . Daydream Dayspring Dazzle . Dazzling . T)p>!3r^rn Days (continued) . . It will only take days . An answer will be given in - days [cleared of debris mine unwatered and to make examination . . The next day . . The day after . . From day to day . . Per day of 24 hours . . It will take days to get . . How many days will it take the mines, and return here 4080 Deaconess . . How many days will you be absent 4081 Deaconry. . . I will be absent days 4082 Deaden . . . One day 4083 Deanery . . . Two days 4084 Deanship . . . Three days 4085 Dearn .... Four days 4086 Deathly . . . Five days 4087 Death ward . . Six days 4088 Debacchate . . Seven days 4089 Debacle . . . Eight days 4090 Debark . . . Nine days 4091 Debase . . . Ten days 4092 Debasing . . . Eleven days 4093 Debauch . . . Twelve days 4094 Debel .... Thirteen days 4095 Debellate . . Fourteen days 4096 Debility . . . Fifteen days 4097 Debitor . . . Sixteen days 4098 Debonair . . . Seventeen days 4099 Debouchure . . Eighteen days 4100 Debut. . . . Nineteen days 4101 Debutant. . . Twenty days 4102 Decachord . . Twenty-one days 4103 Decadal . . . Twenty-two days 4104 Decade . . . Twenty-three days 4105 Decadency . . Twenty-four days 4106 Decagon . . . Twenty-five days 4107 Decagynia . . Twenty-six days 4108 Decahedral . . Twenty-seven days 4109 Decalcify. . . Twenty-eight days 4110 Decalitre. . . Twenty-nine days 4111 Decalogue . . Thirty days 4112 Decameron . . Day shift 4113 Decametre . . Days per week 4114 Decamp . . . Days per month 4115 Decanal . . . Days per year 4116 Decandria .Dead 4117 Decant . . . Regret to tell you is dead; (died on the) 4118 Decanter. . . Have cut the vein, but it is dead 66 DEA No. 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4I3 4I3 1 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4M5 4146 4M7 4148 4149 4I5 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 Code Word. Decapitate Decapoda Decastich Decastyle Decay . . Decayed . Deceased. Deceitless Decemfid . Dec em viral Decemviri Decennary Decennio . Decent . Decepado Deceptions Deceptory Decernit . Decerption Decertar . Decession Decidable Deciduous Deciduto . Decile . . Decillion . Decimate . Decimator Decima . Decinger . Decipiam Decisao . Decisory . Deck . . Decking . Deckzeug Declaim . Declaimant Declaimer Declarant Declasse . Declension Declinable Declinal . Declinate . Declinous Declivity . Decloue . Decoccao Dead (continued) . . Large amount of dead work must be done . . Has (have) done no dead work . Deal . . is (are) most honourable to deal with . . is (are) not good person (people) to deal . Dear [with . . Too dear at the price . . Is (are) not dear . Debentures . . Debentures will be issued to amount of . . Will you take debentures for . Debit . . Debit all charges to . . Do not debit . . You can debit me . Debris . . Levels full of debris . . The mine, after being unwatered, was full of debris, which has to be cleared away before . . has (have) been in the habit of filling up the . . Cross-cuts filled with debris [ with debris . Debt(s) . . Is (are) heavily in debt . . Is (are) in debt to . . To clear off the debt . Deceive . . has (have) done all he (they) could to deceive . . Do you think is (are) trying to deceive . Deceived [(as to) . . has (have) deceived us most shamefully . . has (have) deceived us with regard to . . has (have) been deceived by . . Has (have) - . December not been deceived with regard to . For the month of December . During the month of December . Early in December . About the middle of December . Towards the end of December . Next December . Last December . ist of December . 2nd of December . 3rd of December . 4th of December . 5th of December . 6th of December . 7th of December . 8th of December . th of December DEC No. Code Word. December (continued] 4168 Decoct . . . i oth of December 4169 Decoctible . . nth of December 4170 Decoction . . 1 2th of December 4171 Decocture . . 1 3th of December 4172 Decoiffe . . . i4th of December 4173 Decollate. . . 1 5th of December 4174 Decolour. . . 1 6th of December 4175 Decompose . . 1 7th of December 4176 Decompte . . 1 8th of December 4177 Decorabo . . igth of December 4178 Decorate. . . 2oth of December 4179 Decorative . . 2 ist of December 4180 Decorator . . 22nd of December 4181 Decorous. . . 23rd of December 4182 Decorum. . . 24th of December 4183 Decoy. . . . 25th of December 4184 Decree . . . 26th of December 4185 Decreeable . . 27th of December 4186 Decrement . . 28th of December 4187 Decrepit . . . 29th of December 4188 Decrescent . . 3oth of December 4189 Decretal . . . 3 ist of December 4190 Decretist . . Deceptive 4191 Decretory . . It is very deceptive 4192 Decreuse. .Decide 4193 Decrial ... As soon as you decide 4194 Decrown ... It will be necessary to decide at once 4195 Decubation . . Will decide 4196 Decubitus . . Will not decide 4197 Decumbency . Cannot decide until 4198 Decuman. . . To enable me (us) to decide 4199 Decumbent . . Should decide not to 4200 Decuple . . . Should decide to 4201 Decurion . . . You must decide at once 4202 Decurrent . Decided 4203 Decurrit . . . What has (have) decided 4204 Decursion . . Has (have) decided to 4205 Decussate . . Has (have) decided not to 4206 Dedicate ... It has been decided. 4207 Dedication . . It has been decided not to 4208 Dedicatory . . Not yet decided (whether) 4209 Dedignar . . . Telegraph as soon as it is decided 4210 Dedimus . . Decipher 4211 Dedition . . . Decipher this telegram and send it to 4212 Deduceth . . Cannot decipher 4213 Deductive .Decision 4214 Deedful . . . As soon as we get your decision 4215 Deedless . . . The final decision is to 4216 Deedy. . . . Decision in our favour 4217 Deelbaar . . The decision is against us 68 No. 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 423 1 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 Code Word. Deemoed Deemster Deepeneth Deepread Deepsea . Deeptoned Deerneck Deerskin . Defacer . Defaceth . Defacingly Defalcate . Defamatory Defame . Defaming Defamingly Defaulter . Defeasance Defeasible Defeature Defecate . Defecation Defectible Defection Defeadable Defensory Deferment Deferrer . Defiantly . Defiatory . Defier . . Defilading Defile . . Defilement Defiler. . Definable . Defineth . Definition Deflagrate Deflect . Deflected Deflecting Deflective Deflexure Deflorate Deflour . Deflower . 4265 Deflux DEC Decision (continued) . . Telegraph what decision has been arrived at . . What decision has been come to . Declare . . This will enable you to declare . . Can we declare . Decline [to do with the affair . . I advise you to decline having anything further . . Will decline . . Will soon decline . . I advise you to decline . . What is the cause of the decline in . . The stock is sure to decline . . Decline the offer . decline(s) to have anything further to do [with of - . . decline(s) to go into the concern on account . . Every prospect of a decline . . No prospect of a decline . . If decline(s) . . Must decline . Declined . . Why has (have) declined . . has (have) declined the offer on account of . . has (have) not yet positively declined . . has (have) declined to act . Decomposed . . Decomposed iron pyrites . . Decomposed quartz . . Decomposed granite . . Decomposed vein matter . Decrease . . How do you account for decrease . . There has been a great decrease in . . By which means we hope to decrease . . You must try to decrease the . Deduct . . To deduct . . You must deduct from this . . We shall have to deduct . . Cannot deduct .Deducting . . After deducting . . Not deducting . Deeds . . All the deeds are in my (our) hands . . Has (have) handed over the deeds to . . The deeds are deposited in Bank of . . Would recommend you to have deed(s) made out and placed in escrow . . Deed(s) is (are) of no value DEE No. 4266 Code Word. Defluxion 4267 Deforce . 4268 Deforciant 4269 Deform . 4270 Deformed 4271 Deformity 4272 Defrauder 4273 Defraudeth 4274 Defraying 4275 Defrayment 4276 Deft . . 4277 Deftly . . 4278 Deftness . 4279 Defunct . 4280 Degarnish 4281 Degeneracy 4282 Degenerate 4283 Degrade . 4284 Degradeth 4285 Degrading 4286 Dehisce . 4287 Dehiscence 4288 Dehiscent 4289 Dehort . 4290 Dehumanize 4291 Deicide . 4292 Deictic . 4293 Deific . . 4294 Deifical . 4295 Deified . 4296 Deifying , 4297 Deigneth . 4298 Deigning . 4299 Deigninly 4300 Deigns . 43 01 Deiparius 4302 Deism 4303 Deistic . 434 Deistical . 4305 Deity . . 4306 Dejacion . 4307 Dejamos . 4308 Dejaseis . 439 Dejeccao . 43io Deject . 43" Dejected . Deeds (continued) . Deed(s) has (have) been duly executed, placed on record, and forwarded you . Have deeds made out and placed in escrow, subject to following conditions . Deeds will be duly recorded, as requested, and sent you by mail as soon as possible afterwards. . Deed(s) deposited in escrow . Deed(s) has (have) been executed [on record. . Deed(s) has (have) been duly executed and placed Deep. . Is feet deep . feet deep Deeper . Must go deeper . Expect to find rich ore deeper Defeated . has (have) been defeated . Has (have) been defeated in the endeavour to Defective . Is (are) defective Deferred . has (have) deferred giving an answer till . Have deferred telegraphing till . Have deferred sending my report till . Would rather have deferred giving an opinion till Defined . In well-defined walls . A well-defined vein . Not well defined . Is the vein well defined Definite . Not definite enough [with . Have you come to any definite understanding . Has (have) come to a definite arrangement . Has (have) not yet come to any definite under- standing with . Arrange something definite with regard to . Can get nothing definite from . Must have something more definite . Nothing definite . Nothing definite is known yet Degrees [shade . Thermometer sometimes degrees in the . Degrees below zero . Vein is dipping to the Delay . Delay will be fatal . Causing a delay of , . Delay would do no harm , . Delay as long as you can DEL No. Code Word. Delay (continued] 4312 Dejectedly . . Avoid any delay as much as possible 43*3 Dejectly . . . Go without delay to 43U Dejection . . To avoid delay 43 J 5 Dejectory . . Delay is unavoidable Dejecture ha (have) tried to delay 4317 Dejeuner . . . There must be no delay Delactate . Delayed 4319 Delaine . . . has (have) been delayed by 4320 Delapse . . . Unavoidably delayed by 432i Delate . . . Why has (have) delayed 4322 Delation . . . Has (have) delayed 4323 Delator . . Deliver 4324 Delay eth . "\\^hcri \vill deliver 4325 Delayment T_\ T 1 11 (\ P! 1 V PT Will LIC11VC1 4326 Dele . . . . will not deliver 4327 Deleble . . . Do not deliver 4328 Delectable . . Can deliver 4329 Delegate . . . Cannot deliver 4330 Delegation . . Deliver to 4331 Delete . . Delivered 4332 Deletion . . . To be delivered to 4333 Deletory . . . Has (have) delivered to '4334 Deliac . Delivery 4335 Delibate . . . Subject to delivery on 4336 Delicacy . . . Awaiting delivery of 4337 Delicately . Against delivery 4338 Delicates . . . Will guarantee delivery on 4339 Delicious . . Demand(s). 4340 Delicium . . . Demand immediate payment 4341 Delight . . . You must demand 4342 Delighted . . There is a great demand for 4343 Delightful . . Should demand 4344 Delimare . . . Do not demand 4345 Delimit . . . Can meet all immediate demands 4346 Delimited .' . Demand immediate settlement 4347 Delineable . . Demand the stock immediately 4348 Delineate . . There is no demand for 4349 Delineator . . What demand have you for 435 Delinquent . . Continue(s) in fair demand 4351 Deliquate . Demanded 4352 Deliquesce . . Has (have) demanded 4353 Deliquium . . Has (have) demanded immediate settlement 4354 Deliration . . Have you demanded. [stock 4355 Deliriant . . . Has (have) demanded immediate delivery of the 4356 Delirious . . . Has (have) not demanded 4357 Delitigo . . . If has (have) demanded 4358 Deliverer . . Demoralized 4359 Delivery . . . Has (have) become thoroughly demoralized 4360 Delph . . . Depend Delphian . . , Must depend on DEP No. Code Word. 4362 Delphic 4363 Delphinia 4364 Delphine 4365 Delogera 4366 Delonga 4367 Delta . 4368 Deltaic 4369 Deltoid 4370 Deluded 4371 Deluding 4372 Deluge 4373 Delugeth 4374 Delusion 4375 Delusive 4376 Delusory 4377 Delve . 4378 Delving 4379 Demagogic . 4380 Demagogy . 4381 Demain . . 4382 Demandeth . 4383 Demean . . 4384 Demeaning . 4385 Demeanor . 4386 Dementate . 4387 Dementum . 4388 Demerger 4389 Demerit . . 439 Demersed 439 1 Demettre . 4392 Demibain 4393 Demibath 4394 Demigaba 4395 Demigod . . 439 6 Demigorge . 4397 Demijohn 4398 Demilance . 4399 Demimonde . 4400 Demisable . 4401 Demise . . 4402 Demitone 4403 Demivolt . . 4404 Democracy . 4405 Democrat 4406 Demography 4407 Demoiselle . 4408 Demolish 4409 Demolition . 4410 Demon . , Depend (continued) . Depend upon . Cannot depend upon . You may thoroughly depend on . You must not depend on . If you can depend on . If you cannot depend on . Depend for supplies upon . Shall have to depend upon Depended . Can be depended upon . Cannot be depended upon . Has (have) depended upon . Has (have) not depended upon Deposit(s) . A rich gold-bearing deposit . The extent of the deposit is . Large deposits of . Superficial deposits . Deposit my stock with . Deposit to my (our) credit with . Deposit with . Deposit of per cent . Has (have) demanded deposit . Insist upon having deposit . Must deposit sufficient to cover all expenses . Must be deposited . refuse(s) to make a deposit . What deposit is required Require a remittance of for deposit to secure what I consider a very valuable property on the following terms Deposited . This sum to be deposited with . Deposited to your credit with . Has (have) deposited at Bank the sum of . Have deposited as security (or has deposited) . To be deposited Depreciation . For depreciation . Depreciation of machinery and plant Depressed . Stocks are depressed . The market is depressed . Owing to depressed state of Depressing . Has (have) a depressing effect on Depth . Depth of incline . Depth of shaft . Depth of winze 72 No. 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 Code Word. ^Demoness Demonitize Demoniacal Demonic . Demonism Demonomy Demonship Demoralize 4419 Demotic . . 4420 Demulcent . 4421 Demur . . 4422 Demureness . 4423 Demurrage . 4424 Demutilo . . 4425 Den . . . 4436 Denarius . . 4427 Denary . . 4428 Denasare . . 4429 Denascor 443 Dendriform . 443i Dendrion 4432 Dendroit . . 4433 Dendrolite . 4434 Dendrology . 4435 Denegate . . 443 6 Deneghi . . 4437 Denegoso . 443 8 Denguero 4439 Deniably . . 4440 Denicher . . 4441 Denier . . 4442 Denique . . 4443 Denization . 4444 Denizen . . 4445 Denkart . . 4446 Denkbuch . 4447 Denkzeit . . 4448 Denoder . . 4449 Denormo . . 445 Denotable . 445 J Denotate . . 4452 Denotingly . 4453 Denouement 4454 Denounce 4455 Densar . . 445 6 Densatum 4457 Densely . . PEP Depth, (continued} . At a considerable depth below the surface . At a depth of feet . The vein has been proved to a depth of feet . Winze has been sunk to a depth of feet . Depth attained to date . Richer as depth is, attained . Has reached a depth of feet . The mine has been worked by shafts and cross- cuts to a depth of feet . Must be sunk to a depth of . To a depth of . They ceased work at a depth of feet . What depth is the . A moderate depth Derive . You will be able to derive all information from . Was (were) able to derive information from - (about) [from . Was (were) not able to derive any information . From which I (we) derive . Cannot derive Description . Send full description . According to the description . Is (are) nothing like the description . Full description by first post Desert . Is (are) situated in a desert . The country round the mines is quite a desert Desirable . It is most desirable (that) . It is not at all desirable (that) . Is it desirable (that). . If you consider it desirable (that) Destroyed . A fire has destroyed . A flood has destroyed . Has (have) been destroyed . How was (were) destroyed Detail(s) . will furnish you with all the details . When can you mail details . Details will be mailed on . Details will be mailed in a few days . Has (have) sent the fullest details . Has (have) received the fullest details , . Must have fuller details of , . Send full details , . Send sufficient details to enable us here to form an intelligent opinion about the matter DET 73 No. Code Word. 4458 Denseness . Detain 4459 Densuno . . . Will detain me (us) some days 4460 Dentados . . . Do not let anything detain you 4461 Dentaire . . . This will detain 4462 Dentalium . . This will not detain 4463 Dentaria . . . Will this detain 4464 Dentated . . Detained 4465 Dentibus . . . Has (have) been detained by 4466 Denticao . . . Am (are) detained here for want of money 4467 Dentiera . . . Detained by 4468 Dentifrice . . This has detained 4469 Dentistry . . . How long will you be detained 4470 Dentorno . . Should you be detained 447 1 Dentosus . . . Detained in consequence of 4472 Denudate . . Will be detained days 4473 Denuding . Develop 4474 Denuesto ... In order to develop 4475 Denunzia. . . Will probably develop a valuable mine 4476 Denupsit . . .To develop 4477 Deobstruct . Development(s) 4478 Deodand . . . Developments in the mine are 4479 Deodorant . . Developments fully justify the advance in 4480 Deoderizer . . Developments do not justify advance in 4481 Deoppilate . . Developments expected every day 4482 Deoxydate . . The only development is [development 4483 Depactus. . . The mines are valuable prospects requiring 4484 Depaint . . . To continue the developments 4485 Deparar . . . Not sufficient development to 4486 Departer . . . Do developments justify 4487 Depasture . . New developments 4488 Depayser . . Diameter 4489 Depeche . . Diamond(s) 4490 Depelare ... By use of diamond drills 4491 Dependas . . Diamond mine 4492 Depeuple. . . Diamonds discovered at 4493 Depexus . . . Estimated value of diamonds found 4494 Depictum . . You will have to go to the diamond mines of 4495 Depierdo . . . carats of diamonds value 4496 Depingor. . . Diamonds found in 4497 Depique . . . Diamondiferous blue ground 4498 Deplaise . . . Diamondiferous alluvial deposits 4499 Depletive . Did 4500 Deploreth . . What did he (they) do 4501 Deployment . . What did you do 4502 Deplumis . . He (they) did 4503 Depolarize . . He (they) did not 4504 Depopulate . . Did not 4505 Deportment . . I (we) did 4506 Deposable . . I (we) did not 4507 DeposcOr. . . Why did you 74 DID No. 4508 459 45 10 45" 45 12 45i3 45i5 45 l6 45i7 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 453 453 1 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 454i 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 Code Word. Depositary Deposto . Depraca . Depraving Deprecate Depreces . Depredator Deprehend Deprensa Depressant Depressor Deprivable Depromor Depthless Depudeo . Depulit . Depurare . Deputise . Dequeror . Dequitar . Deracine Deraidir . Deraille . Derasus . Derechef . Deregle . Dereinst . Derelict . Derencar . Derezase . Derideth . Deridingly Deriscar . Derision . Derisory . Dermalen Dermatic . Dermatine Dermestes Dermic . Derogatory Deroncho Derouler Derranco . Derregar . Derreria . Derselbe . Dervende Dervish . Derweile . Did (continued) . . Why did you not . . I (we) did not get . . I (we) did not see . . Did you go to . . Did you . Dies . . Shoes and dies of iron . . Shoes and dies of steel . . Set of shoes and dies . Difference . Is there any difference . . There is a great difference . . There is no difference . . Difference between . Different [led to suppose . . I find a very different state of things to what I was . . The reports are very different . . has (have) been telling two different tales . . Under very different circumstances . . The mine(s) has (have) been in a number of . Difficult [different hands . . The mine(s) is (are) very difficult to work . . It will be a very difficult undertaking . Difficulty . . Will there be any difficulty . . Has (have) found great difficulty . . Will have some difficulty . . Has (have) found no difficulty . . The difficulty is . . Will have no difficulty . . What is the difficulty . Dimensions . . Please give dimensions of . . The dimensions are . . What are the dimensions . Diorite . . Dyke of diorite . Dip(s) . . The dip of the lode . . Dips at an . Dips to the . Direct . . Shall go direct to communication with You had better go direct to There is no direct route to Direct all letters to the care Direct all letters to all [owing to is interrupted, at hotel at Direct all telegrams to - hotel at -- DIR 75 No. 4558 4559 4560 45-61 4562 4563 45 6 4 4565 4566 4567 4568 45 6 9 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 458i 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 459 459 1 459 2 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 Code Word. Desabafo . . Directors Desabrir . . . The directors approve Desacro . . . The directors disapprove Desafumo . . The directors authorize you to Desaguar . . . Would the directors agree to Desahijo . . Disabled Desallio . . . Disabled by an accident Desancre . . . Disabled by sickness Desapoyo . . Is (are) disabled from Desaviar . . Disbursements, Desbeber . . . Disbursements this month have been Desbombo . . Disbursements last month have been Desbrio . . . What have been the disbursements for Descacho . Discharge Descapan . . Discharged for Descarar . . . Has been discharged Descendant . Discontinued Descerco . . . Has (have) discontinued driving Descifro . . . Have discontinued developments on account of Descorno . . Why was the discontinued Describeth . Discount Desecrate . . The shares are at a discount Desejoso . . . What discount allowed for cash Desempoe . . Discount for cash Desenho . . Can you discount Deserter . . . Can discount Desertion . . Cannot discount Deseruit . . . At a discount of Deservedly . . Rate of discount Desfeita , . . Cannot allow any discount Desfiuza . . Discouraging Desgajan . . . The accounts are very discouraging Desguay . . . The aspect of affairs is very discouraging Desguizo . . Discover Deshabille . . Can you discover Deshagas . . . Cannot discover. Deshecha . . Hope to discover Deshueso. .Discovered. Desianza . . . Have you discovered Desiccant . . Has (have) discovered. Desigler . . . Has (have) not discovered Designful . . Discovery Designless . . Important discovery (of) Desipient . . Discretion Desistance . . You must act on your own discretion Desjurar ... At the discretion of Deslatan . . . Have no discretion in the matter Deslecho . . . At my (our) discretion Desloaba . . Dishonourably Desmallo . . . has (have) acted very dishonourably 7 6 DIS No. Code Word. 4608 Desmareo 4609 Desmelar . 4610 Desmiajo . 4611 Desmocar 4612 Desmology 4613 Desnacer . 4614 Desnerve. 4615 Desnudez 4616 Desojan . 4617 Desolating 4618 Desosaba. 4619 Despalmo 4620 Despasar . 4621 Desparado 4622 Despexit . 4623 Despique . 4624 Despiser . 4625 Desplumo 4626 Desponga 4627 Despot . 4628 Despotical 4629 Despotism 4630 Desquito . 4631 Desrabar . 4632 Desrugar . 4633 Dessaber . 4634 Dessinez . 4635 Dessous . 4636 Destalho . 4637 Destazen . 4638 Destemer 4639 Destetar . 4640 Destinable 4641 Destinist . 4642 Destorzo . 4643 Destreza . 4644 Destroyer 4645 Desuadir . 4646 Desuesco . 4647 Desunaber 4648 Desvaire . 4649 Deswegen 4650 Desyugar . 4651 Deszoquo 4652 Detacheth 4653 Detalage . 4654 Detainder 4655 Detenteur 4656 Deterius . 4657 Determent . Dismiss . . Have been obliged to dismiss on account of . . Dismiss all the men you can possibly do without . . Do not dismiss . Dispensed with . . Must be dispensed with . . Can be dispensed with . . Cannot be dispensed with . . Will be dispensed with . . Has (have) been dispensed with . Dispute . . There is a dispute (about the ) . . There is a dispute between. . . The dispute has been settled about the . . The dispute is not yet settled about the . . What is the dispute . Dissatisfied . . is (are) very much dissatisfied . . Am (are) very much dissatisfied . . Stockholders are dissatisfied . Dissolution . . Dissolution of partnership between and . Distance . . The distance is . . A distance of . . Distance from the shaft to . . What is the distance . Distinct . . There are distinct veins . . Quite distinct . . The meaning of your telegram is not distinct . . Is not distinct . District . . In the district . . Grow(s) in the district . . In the mining district of . . The whole district . Divide . . Will divide . . Will not divide . . Has (have) agreed to divide (the) . . Ought to divide . . will divide the . Dividend . . Dividends will be larger . Dividend has been declared on . . Dividend is passed on . . Dividend will be . . Cannot pay dividend . . Am (are) confident that the mine will prove a good dividend-paying concern DO 77 No. Code Word. 4658 Deterrence 4659 Detersion. 4660 Detestable 4661 Dethrone . 4662 Detonate . 4663 Detonize . 4664 Detonsus . 4665 Detourne . 4666 Detract . 4667 Detraigo . 4668 Detrital . 4669 Detrition . 4670 Detruded 4671 Detruncate 4672 Deudando 4673 Deudilla . 4674 Deugniet . 4675 Deurblad . 4676 Deurknop 4677 Deurraam 4678 Deutlich 4679 Deutoplasm 4680 Deutoxide 4681 Deuvik . 4682 Devastavit 4683 Deviceful . 4684 Deviesos . 4685 Devilish . 4686 Devillent . 4687 Devilry . 4688 Devilship . 4689 Devisusse 4690 Devolution 4691 Devotedly 4692 Devotion . 4693 Devotional 4694 Devoutly . 4695 Devuelto . 4696 Dewdrop . 4697 Dewfall . 4698 Dewlap . 4699 Dewpoint. 4700 Dexterity . 4701 Dextrous . 4702 Dextrorsal 4703 Dhagoba . 4704 Dhow .. 4705 Diablery . 4706 Diabolic . 4707 Diabolify . Dividend (continued} . Hitherto they have been unable to pay any . Will it pay a dividend, [dividends on account of . Will pay a dividend . Will not pay a dividend . Will have to stop paying dividends (as) . The mines have 'been good dividend-paying . Dividend will be more than last [concerns . Dividend of - per cent, declared . Dividend will be less than last . Including dividend . What will be the dividend . Will probably pay a dividend . To declare a dividend of - per share . Declare usual dividend Do . What had I better do . Do everything you can to . Do what you think best . Do as I advise . Do you . Do nothing . Do it . Do not do it . I do . I do not . What are you going to do Documents . Has (have) the documents . Send me (us) the necessary documents . Deliver the documents . Do not deliver the documents . Documents are all in order . Documents are not in order . - has (have) given up the documents . - has (have) not given up the documents . Documents forwarded by mail of - . Documents received . Documents not received . Have you received the documents [ments . - will furnish you with the necessary docu- . Documents will be forwarded by mail of Doing . What are you doing about . Doing everything possible with regard to . Doing nothing about Dollars . Dollars in cash . Dollars per ton . Dollars per cord . Dollars per foot DOL No. Code Word. Dollars (continued} 4708 Diabolism . . Dollars per share 4709 Diabrosis . Dolorite 4710 Diacaustic . Dolomite 4711 Diachylon . Done 4712 Diachyma . . Must be done 4713 Diacodium . . Can it be done 4714 Diacope . . . When will it be done 4715 Diacritic . . . What has been done 4716 Diactinic . . . What have you done with regard to 4717 Diademed . . Will be done immediately 4718 Diadexis . . . It can be done 4719 Diagnosis . . It cannot be done 4720 Diagnostic . . Has (have) been done 4721 Diagraph. . . Has (have) not been done 4722 Dialectic . . . Will have to be done 4723 Dialist . . . Nothing can be done (owing to) 4724 Diallage . . . Will endeavour to get it done 4725 Diallogite . . A great deal has been done (to) 4726 Dialogism . . Very little has been done (to) 4727 Dialysis . . Double 4728 Diametral . . Double the quantity 4729 Diandro . . To double the 4730 Diandrous . Doubt 4731 Diapason. . . Have you any doubt 4732 Diapente . . . Have no doubt 4733 Diaphane . . Have great doubt 4734 Diaphonics . . Is there any doubt about 4735 Diaphragm . . There is no doubt about 4736 Diaphysis . . There is a doubt about 4737 Diapyetic . Down 4738 Diarchy . . . The vein goes down 4739 Diarian . . . Going down 4740 Diastase . . . Down to 4741 Diastole . . . Down to water level 4742 Diastotic . . . Has (have) not gone down 4743 Diastyle . . . Has (have) gone down 4744 Diathermal . Downward 4745 Diathesis . . . A downward tendency 4746 Diatomous . Draft 4747 Diatribe . . . Draft is on the way 4748 Diatribist . . Draft paid 4749 Dibasto . . . Will you pay draft for at 4750 Dibbling . . . Please pay draft 4751 Dicacity . T "11 A -T*. -C 4- . . i wm pay urait lor at 4752 Dicebox . . . Please provide for draft 4753 Diceras . . . Draft provided for 4754 Dichord . . . Send me (us) draft upon 4755 Dichotomy . . Have sent you draft upon 4756 Dichroic . . . Will send you draft upon 4757 Dicker . . Have honoured your draft DRA 79 No. Code Word. Draft (continued] , 4753 Dicoccous . . Your draft for has been dishonoured at 4759 Dicotyles . . . Draft dishonoured Drawer had no authority to 4760 Dicrotic . . Drain [draw 4761 Dictated . . . In order to drain the mine 4762 Dictatory . . . To drain 476s Dictatrix . . . Free drainage to depth of 4764 Diction . . Draining 4765 Dictionary . . Effectually draining the mine 4766 Dictum . . Draw (See also Sight ) 4767 Dictyogens . Draw on me (us) 4768 Dicynodon . . At what date may I draw 4769 Didactyl . . . On whom shall I (we) draw 477 Didapper . . Arrange to draw upon 477i Didascalic . . May (we) draw for 4772 Diddle . . . Have had to draw on 4773 Didelphoid T^v xv-wfc A-\i- 4-1-* f\ orv-i *-Mi*-*4- s\f . JLTaw on ' lor ine amount 01 ~ 4774 Didelphys . Draw at days' date 4775 Didrachma . You may draw for 4776 Didunculus . . Draw at days' sight 4777 Didymous . . You may not draw for 4778 Diegesis . . . Have drawn on you 4779 Dielectric . . To what amount may I (we) draw 4780 Diesis . . . . Not authorized to draw 4781 Diestock . . . Cannot draw out. 4782 Dietary . . . Authorized to draw 4783 Dietetic . . Drawback 4784 Dietist . . The drawback is 4785 Dietitian . . . A most serious drawback 4786 Diffidence . Drawn 4787 Diffisso . . . Have drawn on 4788 Diffract . . . To what amount have you drawn 4789 Diffuse . . Drift 4790 Diffusible . . Drift from the 479 1 Diftongo . . . Drift from the incline is in 4792 Difurto . . . Drift from the shaft is in 4793 Digamma . . How is drift looking 4794 Digastric . . . Drift has made the distance of feet 4795 Digerunt . . . Drift is now in 4796 Digest . . . North drift on the feet level is in 4797 Digestibly ^riiifVi fit* iff* on i"Vi r* . "foot" Ir^TT^I i" in . oUlllll U.I1LL UI1 LI1C* ^^ 1CCL 1CVC1 lo 111 4798 Digester . . East drift on the feet level is in 4799 Digestion . . West drift on the feet level is in 4800 Diggable . . . The drift has advanced 4801 Digging . . . Drift passed through ore giving high assays 4802 Dight . . . . Bottom drift 4803 Digital . . . The bottom drift looks well for ore 4804 Digitative . . A sample taken from the drift assayed 4805 Dignified . . . It only appears at the bottom of the drift 4806 Dignitary . Drift now in ore averaging per ton 4807 Digonous . The lower drift is looking DRI No. Code Word. Drift (continued] 4808 Digram . . . How is the lower drift looking 4809 Digress . . Drills 4810 Digynia . . . Machine drills are doing excellent work 4811 Digynous . . Machine rock-drill 4812 Dijader . . . Diamond drill 4813 Dijbreuk . . . Machine drills are working badly 4814 Dijeron . . Drive (s) 4815 Dijzak . . . To drive in on the vein 4816 Dijzig . . . . From various drives 48l7 Dikamali . . Driven 4818 Dikbast . . Have driven in 4819 Dikbuik . T-T'ST'.r* /"^TiiT^Y"! in nfif^Tl f*nf* TTf^iTt "fV">T f^t it 4820 Dikdarm . . Driving 4821 Dikheid . . . Have commenced driving 4822 Diking . Have stopped driving in (on account of) 4823 Dilaniate . . Dry 4824 Dilater . . . The mines are always dry 4825 Diletante . . . The mine is quite dry 4826 Diletico . . Dry weather 4827 Dilutedly . Dump(s) 4828 Diluvium . . An abundance of ore on the dump 4829 Dimerous . . Tons of ore on the dump 4830 Dimeyed . . . Tons of ore from the dump 4831 Diminutive . . Assays from the dump averaged 4832 Dimissory . . Measurement of the dump showed it to contain 4833 Dimple . . . Old waste dumps [about tons 4834 Dimsighted . Duplicate 4835 Dimarchy . . Send a duplicate copy of 4836 Dingdong . . Have sent you a duplicate 4837 Diocesan . . Will send you a duplicate copy (of the) 4838 Diopside . .Duty 4839 Dioprics . . . Neglects his duty 4840 Dipetalous . . is unable to attend to his duty 4841 Diphtheria . . has returned to his duty 4842 Diphthong . . What is the rate of duty on 4843 Diphyodont . . The duty on 4844 Diplogenic . Dwelling-house 4845 Diplomacy . . There is a good superintendent's dwelling-house 4846 Dipsomania . . There is no manager's dwelling-house 4847 Eadish . . Each 4848 Eagerly . . . In each case 4849 Eampse . . . Have visited each [tinct in your report 4850 Earache . . . Keep the details of each mine separate and dis- 4851 Earbored . . Eager 4852 Earcap . . Is very eager to 4853 Earcockle . . Is (are) not very eager to 4854 Eardrop . . . Do not appear too eager 48s 5 Eardrum T / \ 1 C< /0*-k\ y\-t /-*-^- 4-s-\ t j j 4856 Eared . '. JLD ^cUCy cdgcl LU . Early 4857 Earl . . . . Earliest possible EAR No. Code Word. Early (continued) 4858 Earldom . . . Send an early answer 4859 Earless ... As early as possible 4860 Earlike . . . Hope to get early to work 4861 Earlock . . . Not early enough 4862 Earmarck . Earnest 4863 Earpick ... In earnest 4864 Earring . . . Not in earnest 4865 Earshell ... As earnest of our intention 4866 Earshot . . . Thoroughly in earnest 4867 Earthborn . Earnestly 4868 Earthling. . . Impress most earnestly on 4869 Earthward . . Is (are) most earnestly 4870 Earwax . . Earthquake(s) 4871 Easeful . . . The district is subject to frequent earthquakes 4872 Easel .... Severe shock of earthquake 4873 Easement . Easily 4874 Easygoing . . Can you easily 4875 Eatable . . . Can easily 4876 Eating . . . Cannot easily 4877 Eaves . . . East 4878 Eavesdrop . . Driving east 4879 Ebanista . . . East cross-cut 4880 Ebarbage. . . To the east 4881 Ebaubi . . . East vein 4882 Ebbanker . . Running due east and west 4883 Ebbtide . . . East of north 4884 Ebbrezza ... At the east end 4885 Ebenbild ... To the east 4886 Ebenum . . . Lying to the eastward 4887 Eberemoth . . In an easterly direction 4888 Ebiberim . . . In a north-easterly direction 4889 Ebionite . . . In a south-easterly direction 4890 Eblanine . . Economize 4891 Ebonist . . . It is necessary to economize 4892 Eborgner . . . So as to economize 4893 Eboulant . . Economy 4894 Eboulement . . With economy 4895 Ebracteate . . Use every economy 4896 Ebriarsi . . . Every economy will be used 4897 Ebriosity . . Effect 4898 Ebullience . . The effect will be 4899 Ebulum . . . What will be the effect of 4900 Eburatus . . . To take effect on 4901 Eburnean . . This will have the effect of 4902 Ecaille . . . May have some effect 4903 Ecarte . . . Do not know what the effect might be 4904 Ecaudate . . To this effect 4905 Ecbasis . . . To the same effect 4906 Ecbole ... To the effect that 4907 Eccidio , . Unable to effect 8r 82 EFF No. Code Word. 4908 Ecclesia . . Effectually 4909 Eccoprotic . . Will this effectually 4910 Eccresis . . . This will effectually 4911 Ecdysis . . . Fear this will not effectually 4912 Ecervele . . Effort 4913 Echadero . . . Every effort must be made (to) 4914 Echadiza . . . Every effort will be made (to) 49 J 5 Echappe . . . Every effort has been made (to) 4916 Echarper . 1 /ITP^ mflJHn0 r no effort to , t lo tdlCJ llJctiviii^ i\j divjiu L\J 49 J 7 Echeance . . Spare no effort to 4918 Echelle . . Either 4919 Echelon . . . Either will do 4920 Echerrai . . . Either one or the other 4921 Echeveau . . Either of them 4922 Echevin . . Elapse 49 2 3 Echidna . . . The bond will elapse [on - 4924 Echinate . T*l- s\ -TV* it-*/-*, *TTrr V\ r\ i-fc r\ > r\ fr\-* tTrVv*^V i**i11 ^1 ipse JL lie IIIIIIC Wdo UU11U.CL1 1L)1 . WlllCxtl Will Cl< 49 2 5 Echinops . . . Has (have) allowed the time to elapse 4926 Echinoso . . . Do not let the time elapse 4927 Echion . . . When does time elapse 4928 Echo . . . Elapsed 4929 Echoless . . . Has elapsed 4930 Echometer . . Has not elapsed 4931 Echura . . . Will have elapsed 4932 Ecijano . . . Will not have elapsed 4933 Eckig . . . . Must be done before the time has elapsed 4934 Eclampsey . Elected 4935 Eclanche . . . has (have) been elected 4936 Eclat . . V% C* /l-OT7i\ f-\/-\4- T-\Ckja-* l^ *S*i~ir\ * lido lildVCy ilvJl UCtll ClCdCU. 4937 Eclatant . . . Who has been elected (to) 4938 Eclectic . . . Has (have) elected to 4939 Ecligma . . . Has (have) elected not to 4940 Eclipse . \Vhnf hn^ fhnvf^ - plprfprf tn VV licit Ildb lilctVCJ C1CL-LCU. L\J 4941 Ecliptic . . Electricity 4942 Eclogue . . . Electrical machine for blasting 4943 Economics . . Electric fuses 4944 Ecorce . . Elevation [above the sea 4945 Ecossaise . . . The elevation of the mine(s) is (are) feet 4946 Ecosseur . . . What is the elevation of the mine(s) above the 4947 Ecostate . . . At this elevation sea 4948 Ecoutes . . . At what elevation 4949 Ecphasis . . . At an elevation of 4950 Ecquod . . Elicited 495 1 Ecrasant . . . Have you elicited anything from 4952 Ecraseur . 1 F i *"* fliovA^ ^lir^il'AH fVr\m tViil" JTlctb illclVc/ Cllv>lLCLl 11 CH11 lllcil 4953 Ecrivain . . . Has (have) not elicited anything from 4954 Ecstacy . . Elsewhere 4955 Ectoblast . . . Have to send elsewhere 4956 Ectoderm . . Cannot apply elsewhere 4957 Ectozoa . . . Try elsewhere EMA No. Code Word. 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 49 6 5 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 Ectropion Ectypal . Ecuable . Ecumenic Ecurie . . Eczema . Edacious . Edacitas . Edda . . Eddying . Edelites . Edemic . Edendum Edentated Edgebone Edged . . Edgeless . Edgerail . Edgetool . Edgewise . Edible . Edictal . Edificant . Edifices . Edificial . Edifying . Edileship . Editorial . Editorship Editoress . Edomuit . Educanda Educator . Educible . Educiera . Edulcorant Eelpot Eelspear . Effaceth . Effectuose Effeminate Effendi . Efferent . Effervesce Effetor . Effigial . Effigiate . Effloresce Effluxat . Effocant . Emanated . The report emanated from, [the report emanated . Has (have) not been able to find out from whom . From whom has this report emanated . Has (have) emanated from . Has (have) not emanated from Emerald(s). . The emeralds are found in . Emerald mines . You will have to go to the emerald mines of Employ . It will be necessary to employ . The Company employs How many men does the Company employ . You had employ some other , . You had better employ some one to . How many men is it necessary to employ . Must employ for this work good English miners . Employ all possible means to . Can you employ . Can employ . Cannot employ . Authorize you to employ . Do not employ. Employed . Has (have) employed . Has (have) not employed . Has (have) employed . Has (have) been employed . Has (have) not been employed . Good English miners must be employed Empowering . Empowering you to . Empowering me (us) to . Empowering him (them) to . Empowering to Enable . Will enable me (us) to judge , . Will enable me (us) to . Will enable you to . Will this enable Encouragement . Do the mines give any encouragement . There is no encouragement . There is every encouragement . Is there any encouragement Encroaching . Is (are) encroaching . Is (are) not encroaching . Is (are) encroaching. 3 4 ENC No. Codeword. 5008 Eifondre . . Encroachment 5009 Effracture . . Do not allow any encroachment 5010 Effringo . . . To prevent any encroachment 5011 Effritez . . . To stop at once the encroachment 5012 Effrontery . End 5013 Effulgence . . In the end 5 OI 4 Effulsit . . . At the end of 5 OI 5 Effulta . . . An end of 5016 Effumable . . To bring it to an end 5oi7 Effurcion . . . The end of 5018 Egaliser . . Endeavour(s) 5 OI 9 Egestate . . . Use your best endeavours to 5020 Eggcup . . . Will endeavour 5021 Eggerig . . Ending 5022 Eggflip . . . The ending of 5o 2 3 Eggshell . . Enforce 5024 Eggspoon "Von miicf" AfrfVYrr* A r\t\ tnf* TiPPPQcnf"\7 Cii JL ULl IIlLioL C111UICC UH tilC HC^CoolLV \J* 5 2 5 Eggwhisk . . . Will enforce 5026 Egilopes . . . Must enforce 5027 Egimorus . . Enforced 5028 Eglomerate . . Have you enforced 5029 Egoarico . . . Has (have) enforced 53o Egoism . . . Must be enforced 5Q3 1 Egoislar . . . Cannot be enforced <* 5032 Egoistic . . Engage 5033 Egomet . . . Can you engage 534 Egophony . . Please engage 535 Egorgeur . . . Will engage 5 36 Egosills . . Engaged 537 Egotheism . . Has (have) engaged 5038 Egotize . . . Has (have) not engaged 539 Egregious . . Engaged temporarily 5040 Egressao . . . Must not be engaged 54i Eguadez . . . You may engage temporarily 5042 Egualdad . . Engagement(s) 543 Egyptian . . . Do not make any engagements 544 Eibisch . . Is (are) under an engagement to 545 Eidlich . . . No engagement has been made 5046 Eidograph . . What engagements have you made 547 Eidolon . . Engine (s) 5048 Eightfold . . The engine has been removed from 549 Eightscore . . W T ill replace the engine 5o5 Eikentak . . The engine is out of repair 5051 Einamten . . The repairs to the engine 5052 Einarmig . . . Require h.p. engine 553 Einblick . tT/-\i r*f iv\/v mm*>*r\ s**.f V* v* J JLvJlbLl HIZ CULM I1C Ul il.U 5054 Einbogig . . Portable engine of h.p 5055 Eindruck . . . Pumping and winding engine in one of h.p 55 6 Einengen . . . What is h.p. of engine 557 Einfach . . . The engine at the mill ENG No. 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5 6 3 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 Code Word. Einfluss . Einfugen . Eingang . Eingeben . Eingriff . Einhaken Einhodig . Einigung . Einklang . Einlass Einmalig . Einnahme Einrede . Einsaat . Einsicht . Einstens . 574 Eintritt . 575 Einwand . 5076 Einwartz . 577 Einzeln . 5078 Eiradega . 579 Eiresia . 5080 Eisteddfod 5081 Eiterig 5082 Eivormig . 5 8 3 Eixida . . 5084 Ejaculate . 5 8 S Ejectment 5086 Ejector . 5087 Ejerzo 5088 Ejusmodi 5089 Ekelhaft . 5090 Ekstase . 509 1 Elaborate 5092 Elaolite . 593 Elapsing . 594 Elaqueate 595 Elargir 5096 Elastical . 597 Elastreo . 5098 Elatedly . 599 Elaterio . 5100 Elaterium 5101 Elaxation. 5102 Elbowed . S I0 3 Eldritch . 5 I0 4 Elecebra . 5 I0 5 Elechas . 5106 Electoral . Engine(s) (continued} . The cylinder(s) of the engine , . The condenser of the engine , . The pumping engine - h.p , . The piston-rod of the engine , . Engine(s) in good order , . Engine (s) in bad order . Must have new engine . Full working power of engine is . Cost of erecting engine would be . It would be necessary to have Engineer(s) engine(s) A thorough mechanical engineer , . A thoroughly efficient engineer . Must have a competent engineer to . Have had to engage temporarily an engineer , . Send at once an engineer, to take complete control of engines and machinery . Mining engineer Enlarge . To enlarge the. . Will you have to enlarge the . Will have to enlarge the . Need not at present enlarge the Enough . There is enough ore . There is not enough ore , . There will be time enough . Is there enough . There is enough . There is not enough Enter . To enter into . You had better enter into . Do not enter into . Will enter . Will enter . Will not enter . Should be willing to enter . Should not be willing to enter Entered . Has (have) entered . Has (have) not entered . Has (have) entered Enterprise . Is it a risky enterprise . A risky enterprise Entertain . Would entertain . Would be inclined to entertain . Would not entertain 86 ENT No. Code Word. Entertain (continued} 5 I0 7 Electoress . . Will entertain 5108 Electrify . . . Will not entertain 5 I0 9 Electro . . Entirely 5110 Electuary . . . Is it entirely 5 111 Elegance . . . It is entirely 5112 Elegedor . . . It is not entirely 5 IJ 3 Eleggono . . Entitle 5 IJ 4 Elegiacal . . . Will this entitle 5 ri 5 Elegiast . . . This will entitle 5116 Elegidio . . . This will not entitle 5 11 ? Elegisch . . Entitled 5118 Elegivel . . . Is (are) entitled to 5 TI 9 Eleicao . . . Is (are) not entitled to 5120 Element . . . Ought to be entitled to 5121 Elementary . Eocene 5122 Elenco . . . In Eocene formation 5 I2 3 Elephoro . . Epidemic 5 I2 4 Elevacao . . . An epidemic of has broken out 5125 Eleuchus . . . Epidemic decreasing 5126 Eleusinian . . Epidemic increasing 5127 Eleutheria . Equal 5128 Elevate . . . Is (are) equal to 5 I2 9 Eleve . . . . Is (are) not equal to 5*3 Elfish . . . . Must have equal [them S^i Elflock . . . The mines are not equal to the descriptions of 5i3 2 Elfmal . . Erect 5 J 33 Eliciteth . . . Shall have to erect 5 J 34 Elimate . . . Must erect 5i35 Elinguer . . . Is it positively necessary to erect 5J3 6 Elision . . Erection 5!37 Elixado . . . In course of erection 5138 Ellipsoid . . . The erection of 5*39 Elmete . . . Do you advise the erection of 5 I 4 Elocution . . . Advise erection of 5 J 4i Elogium . . Error SH 2 Elogiaco . . . Owing to an error 5 X 43 Elohist . . . There is an error 5*44 Eloigne . . . There is no error whatever 5 J 45 Eloinment . . Is there not some error 5!4 6 Elongate . . . There is a great error 5 J 47 Elopeth . . Essential 5U8 Eloquium . . It is absolutely essential 5*49 Elritze . . . It is not absolutely essential 5i5o Eludible . . . Is it absolutely essential S'Si Eluxatus . . Establish 5 J 52 Elvenaca . . . To be able to establish 5*53 Elydoric . . . Must establish 5 J 54 Elysian . . . Cannot establish 5 T 55 Elytrine . . Established 5i5 6 Elzever . . . Was (were) established EST No. Code Word. 5157 Emaciate . 5'58 Emaciation 5159 Embale . 5160 Embalmer 5161 Embargo . 5162 Embattle . 5163 Embayment 5 l6 4 Embellish 5165 Embitter . 5166 Emblazon 5167 Emblematic 5168 Embodier 5169 Embolism 5170 Embossed 5i7i Embotijo . 5172 Emboxed 5i73 Embracer 5i74 Embrangle 5 J 75 Embrasure 5 r 76 Embrocate 5*77 Embroider 5i78 Embromen 5*79 Embronze 5180 Embrujen 5181 Embrunir 5182 Embrusco 5183 Embryo . 5184 Embryology 5185 Embryonal 5186 Embusque 5187 Embutido 5188 Emelgaba 5^89 Emelgues 5 J 9o Emendals 5*91 Emendator 5 J 9 2 Emeritus . 5 J 93 Emersion . 5 J 94 Emetic 5i95 Emetiris . 5196 Emeute . 5i97 Emicant. . 5198 Emictory . 5'99 Emigrant . 5200 Eminulus . 5201 Emisisti . 5202 Emissary . 5203 Emolliate 5204 Emotive . 5205 Emousser Established (continued] . . Has (have) been established . Must be established . Estimate(s). (See also Cost and Time ) . . Estimate expenses for the month at . . Impossible to estimate the value . . Cannot estimate the quantity of ore . . I (we) estimate the value of the ore at . . I (we) estimate the value of the machinery at . . I (we) estimate the value of mines, plant, and works at . . I (we) estimate the value of the machinery and . . I estimate the expenses at [buildings at . . In your estimate of working expenses do you . . Do you include in the estimate [include . . Has (have) included in the estimate . . Has (have) not included in the estimate . . Did not include in the estimate . . At what do you estimate . Cannot estimate . . Impossible to estimate . . Estimates forwarded . . Please send estimate for . . Estimates will be forwarded . Estimated . . Estimated quantity of ore in sight . . Roughly estimated at . . Estimated cost of . Estimation . . In your estimation . . In 's estimation . Estimation of . Evade . . Is (are) trying to evade . . Will try to evade . . Do not evade , . Evening . . On the evening of the . . This evening . . To-morrow evening . . Last evening . Event(s) . . In the event of . . To be prepared for any event , Everything . . Everything ready . . Everything has been arranged most satisfactorily . . Everything is going right . . Everything is going wrong . . Put everything in good order . . Everything has been done EVE No. 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5 2 I3 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 Code Word. Empacona Empajad . Empale . Empanoply Emprizo Emparven Empasm . Empecivo Empeigme Empelada Empeltre . Empenhar Empernad Empesage Emphasis . Emphatical Emphyma Empieter . Empiffre . Empiric . Empitura . Empizcad Emplaster Employable Emplunge 5231 Empoison Emporium Empoverish Emprazar Emprensa Empringo Empticio . Emptiness Emptying Emptysis . Empujad . Empunase Empurple Empuxar . Emsembra Emsosso . Emulasse Emulator Everything (continued] . As soon as everything is going right . Everything now is in first-rate order . How is everything going . Everything looks well Evidence(s) . The evidence is in favour of , . has (have) given evidence on . There is no evidence to prove . Get all the favourable evidence you can . Is there any evidence to prove. Exact. . Is (are) exact. . Is (are) not exact. , . Exact statement as to. . Examination. (See also Inspection.) . Subject to examination. [tion of. . Must have () before leaving for examina- . My fee and expenses for examination of Mine(s) are. . As soon as you have completed examination. . wish(es) you to make the most thorough examination of [ , . Have returned from making the examination of . An immediate examination of the Mine(s) is wanted by . Make a searching examination . When making the examination of Mines . . Examination of the Mine finished, shall leave on for , . Examination of the Mine completed, report written and sent, fee and expenses amount to . After making searching examination . On examination being satisfactory . Examination completed and most satisfactory . If examination is unsatisfactory Examine. (See also Inspect ) [Mine(s) in . Want(s) you to examine and report on the . What would you charge to examine and report on a mine in . [expenses as well. . My charge to examine a mine is a day, and . Permit to examine the report Mine, and telegraph opinion Mine, and report by letter Examine Examine the The mine you will have to examine is in Can examine both properties at the same time Could you examine both properties at the same time When can start to examine the Mine Can start to examine the Mine on Examine for my (our) account the situated in Mine(s) EXA No. Code Word. 5249 Emulatress 5250 Emulous . 5251 Emulsine 5252 Emudant. 5253 Emunxit . 5254 Emvailha 5255 Emxara . 5256 Enabulo . 5257 Enacting. 5258 Enactment 5259 Enacture . 5260 Enadran . 5261 Enagenar 5262 Enaguado 5263 Enaguen . 5264 Enaitaba . 5265 Enaiteis . 5266 Enajenad 5267 Enallage . 5268 Enalmeno 5269 Enamel* . 5270 Enameller 5271 Enamorado 5272 Enamour . 5273 Enanthesis 5274 Enarmed . 5275 Enarbolo . 5276 Enarmono 5277 Enartar . 5278 Enaspaba 5279 Enaspeis . 5280 Enaticos . 5281 Enatieza . 5282 Encabrio . 5283 Encaezco 5284 Encage . 5285 Encaibro . 5286 Encamp . Examine (continued) . Examine for my (our) account the Mine(s) situated in , and send synopsis of report by telegraph (cable), and full report by mail as soon as possible [a mine in . Be ready to leave as soon as possible to examine . Arrange so that you can examine the Mine(s) at on your way to . Will arrange so as to examine the Mine, on Examined [my way to . I have examined the Mine(s), and can recom- mend it (them). [commend it (them) . I have examined the Mine(s), but cannot re- . who has previously examined the mine(s) . I have carefully examined the property . When examined the mine(s) . Have examined several other mines in the district, which were more developed, so as to be able to judge better . I have examined the Mine(s), and can recom- mend buying for the price of on condition that a working capital of be provided for . Have examined the Mine(s), and can recom- mend it (them) at the price of My fee and expenses amount to examined the Mine for having . The mines have been incessantly examined, and reported upon [reliable expert . The mines have never been examined by any , . Must be minutely examined . Have you examined the . Have examined the Exceed . Not to exceed . Will exceed . Must not exceed . The capital of the company ought not to exceed Exceeding . Not exceeding . If exceeding . If not exceeding . Without exceeding Exceedingly . Exceedingly rich . Exceedingly profitable Exception(s) . With the exception of . With few exceptions Excess . Is (are) greatly in excess (of) . There is no excess go EXC No. Code Word. Excess (continued] - 5287 Encanar . . . Expenses in excess of 5288 Encanhas . . Will there be any excess 5289 Encanico . Exchange 5290 Encapazo . . At what rate of exchange 5291 Encardion . . If exchange is favourable 5292 Encarpus . . What is the rate of exchange 5293 Encaustic . . Rate of exchange is 5294 Encefalo ... In exchange for 5295 Encenia . .Excitement 5296 Enecevais . . Great excitement in the market 5297 Enchada . . . Great excitement prevails 5298 Enchafe . . . The excitement is subsiding 5299 Enchamel . . To take advantage of the excitement in 5300 Enchant . . . There is no excitement here 5301 Enchanter . Exclusive 5302 Enchique . . Exclusive of 5303 Enchisel . . . This must be exclusive of 5304 Enchorial . Exertion 5305 Enclavez . . . Use every exertion to 5306 Encloister . . Has (have) used every exertion to 5307 Encobrir . . Exist 5308 Encochez . . Do (does) not exist 5309 Encoffin . . . Exists in large quantities 5310 Encojare . . . Proving that exist (s) 5311 Encolpio . . . No longer exist(s) 5312 Encomiast . Existing 5313 Encompass . . Under the existing circumstances 5314 Enconreo. . . At present existing 5315 Encordio. . . Not now existing 5316 Encore . .Exorbitant 5317 Encosmeo . . An exorbitant demand 5318 Encounter . . The price asked is simply exorbitant 5319 Encovado . Expect 5320 Encradle . . . When do you expect to be able to leave for 5321 Encrasar . . . I fully expect to finish here by 5322 Encrespo . . . I do not expect to leave before 5323 Encroute ... Do not expect 5324 Encrust ... Do you expect 5325 Encucada . . I (we) expect 5326 Encuesta ... I (we) do not expect 5327 Encumber . . Expect to strike the vein 5328 Encuneis . . You may expect to arrive about 5329 Encuvage . . I expect to be here about 5330 Encyclical . . You may expect 5331 Encysted. . . I expect to be able to 5332 Endeareth . . Expect to hear 5333 Endearing . . When do you expect 5334 Endearment. . When may I (we) expect 5335 Endecagon . . Expect to know 5336 Endeictic . Expected EXP 91 No. Code Word. Expected (continued} 5337 Endenize. . . Expected to arrive 5338 Endettez . . . Expected to leave 5339 Endeudo . . Expecting 5340 Endiable . . . Has (have) been expecting to 5341 Endiosan. .Expedient 5342 Endlich ... As may be deemed expedient 5343 Endocarp . Expedite 5344 Endoctrine . . To expedite matters 5345 Endogamy . Expenditure 5346 Endogens . . A judicious expenditure of capital 5347 Endolori . . . By a small expenditure 5348 Endonar . . . The expenditure of capital named 5349 Endoplast . . Justifying the expenditure of 5350 Endopleura . . The prospects do not justify the expenditure (of) 5351 Endosmose . . The expenditure of 5352 Endosperm . . Expenditure on Capital Account 5353 Endouto . . Expense(s). (See Reduce, Regulate.) 5354 Endower . . . Telegraph me for travelling expenses 5355 Endowing . . Who will pay expenses 5356 Endrudge . . will pay expenses 5357 Endways . . . will not pay expenses 5358 Enebrina . . . will pay any extra expense incurred 5359 Enejamos . . The extra expense to be provided for by 5360 Eneldo . . . Expenses exceed receipts by 5361 Enemigo . . . Expenses per ton are. [for the reason that 5362 Enequim . . . The expenses this month have been very heavy 5363 Enerare . . . Not sufficient funds to meet the additional expense 5364 Energetics . . The expenses will not be so great in future 5365 Energico . . . What will be the expense of 5366 Energized . . To meet the expense of 5367 Enertad . . . Does () include the total expenses 5368 Enerter . . . Expenses will be about 5369 Enervate . . . General expenses 5370 Enesaqui . . . The expenses necessary to 5371 Enescado. . . My fee per day is , expenses are 5372 Enfaixar . . . The expenses ought to be paid by 5373 Enfalden . . . Will pay all expenses of 5374 Enfamish . . . Expense is no object with 5375 Enfatuar . . . Will the expenses exceed 5376 Enfeeble . . . What will be about the month's expenses 5377 Enfelujo . . . Expenses for the month of are 5378 Enfeoif . . . Keep expenses down as much as possible 5379 Enfeudar . . . Will entail very considerable expense 5380 Enfilade . . . The works have been carried on regardless of expense [expense 5381 Enfiacao . . . The works have been carried on without much 5382 Enfingir ... To whom shall I (we) apply to pay expenses of 5383 Enfogado . . Expense on Revenue Account 5384 Enforcer . . . Expense on Capital Account 5385 Enforest . . . Provided that expenses do not exceed 92 EXP No. Code Word. Expense(s) (continued) 5386 Enfrasco . . . The expense is too great 5387 Enfrenan . . . Has (have) paid for expenses 5388 Enfumant . Expert (s) 5389 Enfurtir . . . Expert's report is 5390 Enfuyant . . . Experts' reports are 5391 Engafaba . . . The opinion of every expert in the country 5392 Engagedly . . Experts all speak favourably of Mme(s) 5393 Engaging. . . A mining expert of great repute 5394 Engarland . . A mining expert of no repute 5395 Engarrison . Explain 5396 Engarzo . . . will explain everything 5397 Engatuso . . . Will explain 5398 Engavien . . . Will not explain 5399 Engelure . . . Explain by telegraph 5400 Engender . . Explain by letter 5401 Engertal . . Explanation 5402 Engibado . . . What explanation can I give 5403 Engild . . . Wait explanation by letter 5404 Enginery . . . What explanation can you give 5405 Engiscope . . Explanation satisfactory 5406 Englad . . . Explanation not satisfactory 5407 Englaimed . Explicit 5408 Englishry . . Not sufficiently explicit 5409 Englutir . . . Must be more explicit 5410 Engomado . Explorations 5411 Engorlar . . . Extensive explorations have been made 5412 Engoucho . . More extensive explorations must be made 5413 Engourdi. .Explosion 5414 Engracio ... A bad explosion has occurred 5415 Engrapen . . Boiler explosion 5416 Engrave . . . Explosion of 5417 Engravery .Extend. (See also Provided ) 5418 Engredes. . . To extend 5419 Engresco . . . Not to extend 5420 Engrifar . . . Will extend 5421 Engrosser . . Will not extend 5422 Enguedat. . . Will extend 5423 Enguetes . . Extended 5424 Enguiche . . . The tunnel to be extended 5425 Engulf. . . . To be extended north 5426 Enhance . . To be extended south 5427 Enharino . . . To be extended east 5428 Enhenaba . . To be extended west 5429 Enhocaba . . Was (were) extended 5430 Enhotais . . . Was (were) not extended 5431 Enhydris . . . Has (have) been extended 5432 Enigma . . . Has (have) not been extended 5433 Enigmatic . Extension 5434 Enjail .... Will grant extension 5435 Enjavale . . . Extension will be granted EXT 93 No. Code Word. Extension (continued) 5436 Enjoinment . . Extension of time required 5437 Enjoyable . . Must have further extension 5438 Enkernel . . . Cannot grant extension 5439 Enlerdar . . . Extension of 5440 Enlevons . . Extent 5441 Enlighten . . Extent at present unknown 5442 Enlisteth ... In extent 5443 Enlivener . . To the extent of 5444 Enmarble . . The extent of 5445 Ennobling . . To a reasonable extent 5446 Enquicken . . No extent of 5447 Enrapture . . To a great extent [extent 5448 Enroller . . . The mine has not been worked to any great 5449 Ensample . . The mine has been worked to a very great extent 5450 Ensanguine . . To what extent 5451 Ephemeral . Extract 5452 Epiblast . . . An extract from 5453 Epicurism . . In order to extract 5454 Epigynous . . It is difficult to extract the ore on account of 5455 Epilogue . . . Cannot extract 5456 Epineux . . Extracted 5457 Epiqueya. . . Is (are) easily extracted 5458 Epitasso . . . Large quantities of ore have been extracted 5459 Epithimo . . . The means by which the ore is extracted 5460 Epouffe . . . What amount of ore has been extracted 5461 Eptagono. .Extreme 5462 Epularum . . In the extreme 5463 Epulonis . . . Extremely doubtful 5464 Fabaceous . Fabrication' [cation 5465 Fablian . . . The account you have heard is a complete fabri- 5466 Fabrilist . . Face. 5467 Fabulous . . . Face is changing in appearance 5468 Faceted . . . Have had samples assayed from the face, with 5469 Facetious. . . Face of cross-cut is in [following results 5470 Facilate . . . Face of cross-cut is looking 5471 Factionist . . Face of drift 5472 Factitive . . Facility, Facilities 5473 Factorial . . . will give you every facility. [mine cheaply 5474 Factotum. . . There is every facility at hand for working the 5475 Facundity . . What facilities are there 5476 Fadge .... There is (are) no facility(ies) for 5477 Faerie. . . . Facilities for exploration 5478 Fagging . . . What facility (ies) have you 5479 Faience . . . Every facility will be given 5480 Fainting . . . Give every facility 5481 Fairily . . Fact(s) 5482 Fairyism . . . Has (have) ascertained the fact that 5483 Faithless . . . The real facts of the case (are) 5484 Fakeer . . . It is not the fact 5485 Falcade . . . Is it a fact 94 FAG No. 5486 5487 5488 5489 549 5491 549 2 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 55 55 01 55 02 553 554 555 55 6 557 55o8 5509 55 10 55 T 3 55H 55i5 55 l6 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 553 5532 5533 5534 5535 Codeword. Pact(s) (continued) Falciform . . The facts are not as stated Faldage . . . What are the real facts of the case Falerian . . Fail Fallible ... Do not fail to Falsetto . . . Will not fail to Falsity . . . Must without fail Family . . Failed Famishing . . Has (have) failed to Fanatic . . . Has (have) failed to make connection Fanaticism . . Has (have) not failed Fanciful . . .The trial has failed Fandango . Failure Fanfaron . . . What is the failure due to Fangless . . . Owing to the failure of Fanlight . . . The failure is due to Fantasia . . . The failure of Fantastic . . . To avoid failure Fantoccine . . Is an entire failure Faquir . . Fair Farandams . . Very fair Farcical . . . Not very fair Farewell . . . In a fair way Farina . . . Not in a fair way Farinose . . . Are things in a fair way (to) Farmable . . Fairly' Farmery . . . Has (have) acted very fairly Farnesim . . . Has (have) not acted fairly Farolero . . . Has (have) acted fairly with regard to Faroton . . Faith Farrago ... In good faith Farrier ... In order to keep good faith with Farroupo . . . Not in good faith Farrow . . . Good faith with all concerned Farsador . . Fall Farsighted . . A fall in stocks is imminent Farsista ... Be prepared for a fall in Fartavel . . . Will cause a fall (in) Fasces . . Fallen Fascial . . . Has (have) fallen Fasciated . . Has (have) not yet fallen Fascicle . . Falling Fascicular . . Stocks are all falling Fascine . . . stock continues falling Fashion ... To prevent the shaft from falling in Fashionist . . Falling in Fasquiar . . . Falling off Fasslich . . Famous Fastidious . . The Mine(s) has (have) always been famous Fastigiate . Far Fatalism . . Far down FAR 95 No. Code Word. Far (continued) 553 6 Fatalistic . . . Far up 5537 Fateatur . . . Far from 5538 Fatherland . . Far in 5539 Fatherly . . How far 5540 Fathership . . Not far from 554i Fatidical . . . Far as you can 5542 Fatiscence . . How far will you go 5543 Falling . . . Is it far to 5544 Fatness . . . Far off 5545 Fatted . . Farther 5546 Fattener . . . To sink farther 5547 Fatuitous . . To drive farther 5548 Faubourge . . Gone up farther 5549 Faucheux . . Will have to go on farther 555 Faugh . . . . Not much farther 555i Faultful . . . A good deal farther 555 2 Fauteuil . . Farthest 5553 Fautoria . . . At the farthest point 5554 Fauvette . . . What is the farthest 5555 Favebant . . . Not the farthest 5556 Favellio . . . To the farthest 5557 Faveolate .Fast 5558 Favillous . . . As fast as possible 5559 Favinha . . . Not as fast as it ought 55 6 Favolajo . . . Push on as fast as you can 55 61 Favomele . Faster 5562 Favonian . . . Cannot get on faster 55 6 3 Favorose . . . Shall be able to get on faster 5564 Favosite . . Fathom(s) 5565 Favourer . . . Shaft has been sunk fathoms 5566 Favus . . . . fathoms in depth 5567 Faxeque . fo f V* /"w*o ot^o-rt- let. li lUiHo elUcll L 5568 Faxim . . . . One fathom 5569 Fayanca . . Fault 557o Fazanoso . . . Whose fault is it 557i Fazferen . . . It is the fault of 5572 Faziamos . . . Through no fault of 5573 Fazquias . . . Through a fault in the 5574 Fealty . . . . What is the fault 5575 Feast . . . . was (were) in fault 5576 Feather . . Favour 5577 Featured . . . is (are) in favour of 5578 Febricula . . . Is (are) not in favour of 5579 Febrific . . . In favour of 558o Febrifugal . . Not in favour of 558i Febrile . . In my (our) favour 5582 Fecasti . . In your favour 5583 Fecerim . . . In his (their) favour 5584 Fechoria . . Favourable 5585 Feckless . . . I consider the prospects most favourable 9 6 FAV No. Code Word. Favourable (continued] 5586 Feconder . . . It is a favourable moment to 5587 Fecula . . . It is not a favourable moment to 5583 Feculence . . Is in a favourable condition 5589 Fecund . . . Is not in a favourable condition 5590 Fecundity . . Is it favourable 5591 Fedelium . . . Favourable news 559 2 Federal . . Fear 5593 Federalist . . Do you think there is any fear 5594 Feeble . . . Have no fear as to the result 5595 Feeding . . . Do not have any fear 5596 Feeler . . . . Do not fear 5597 Feetless . . . There is great reason to fear 5598 Fefellit . . . I fear 5599 Fegatoso . . Feasible 5600 Fehlbar . . Would it be feasible 5601 Fehmgeld . . It would be feasible 5602 Feigheit . . . It would not be feasible 5 6 3 Feigning . . February 5604 Feiltuch . . . During the month of February 5605 Feitial . . . . For the month of February 5606 Feixinho . . . Early in February 5607 Felciata . . . About the middle of February 5608 Felddung . . . Towards the end of February 5609 Felicitate . . . Last February 5610 Felicity . . . Next February 5611 Felicudi . . . ist of February 5612 Feline . . . . 2nd of February 5613 Felletin . . . 3rd of February 5614 Fellmonger . 4th of February 5615 Felon . . . . 5th of February 5616 Felonious . . 6th of February 56i7 Felonry . . . 7th of February 5618 Felpado . . . 8th of February 5619 Feltrato . . . 9th of February 5620 Felucca . . . loth of February 5621 Female . . . nth of February 5622 Fembras . . . 1 2th of February 5623 Femerell . . . 1 3th of February 5624 Femicide . . . 1 4th of February 5625 Feminal . . . 1 5th of February 5626 Fenaison . . . 1 6th of February 5627 Fenceful . . . 1 7th of February 5628 Fenceless . . 1 8th of February 5629 Fencer . . . 1 9th of February 5 6 3o Fencible . . . 2oth of February 5631 Fenerare . . . 2 1 st of February 5 6 32 Fenestella . . 22nd of February 5 6 33 Fenestral . . . 23rd of February 5 6 34 Fengite . . . 24th of February 5635 Fenian . . . 25th of February FEE 97 No. Code Word. 5636 Fenianism 5637 Fenicula . 5638 Fenny. . 5639 Feod . . 5640 Feoffee 5641 Feoffment 5642 Fercura . 5643 Ferdwit . 5644 Feretory . 5645 Ferezza . 5646 Feriando . 5647 Feribile . 5648 Feritojo . 5649 Fermata . 5650 Ferment . 5651 Fernery . 5652 Fernticles 5653 Ferocious 5654 Ferocity . 5655 Ferrandine 5656 Ferrate . 5657 Ferreter . 5658 Ferretto . 5659 Ferrugo . 5660 Ferry . . 5661 Ferryman 5662 Fertile 5663 Fertility . 5664 Fervency . 5665 Fervescent 5666 Fervid 5667 Fervidness 5668 Festal . . 5669 Festanza . 5670 Festasse . 5671 Festeaba . 5672 Festival . 5673 Festivity . 5674 Festlich . 5675 Festoon . 5676 Festoyer . 5677 Fetich 5678 Feticism . 5679 Fetlock . 5680 Fettered . 5681 Fettuzza . 5682 Fetzen . 5683 Feudal . February (continued) . . 26th of February . 27th of February , . 28th of February . 29th of February Fee(s) . What is your fee . What will be your fee , . My fee is per day . My fee and expenses amount to . My fee will be . Do not give up report till you get the fee , . Who will pay fee and expenses . will pay fee and expenses . has (have) paid towards the fee . has (have) paid towards fee and ex- penses . Do not go unless has (have) paid . Have sent report, fee and expenses amount to , which please get before giving up the Feeling [report . There is a strong feeling in favour of . There is a strong feeling against . What is the present feeling . A feeling of greater confidence exists . A feeling of alarm has arisen . Feeling here is very good, people are buying . Feeling here is very bad, people are selling Feet . Shaft is down feet . Vein varying from feet to feet . Winze is down feet below . Tunnel has been extended feet . Tunnel is in feet. . Vein has been prospected feet . Is (are) about feet from . How many feet . Cubic feet per minute . Cubic feet . Cubic feet per second . Square feet . Feet square . Feet wide . Feet long . Feet deep . Feet high Felspar Felspathic rock . The hanging wall is felspathic rock . The foot wall is felspathic rock Ferruginous 9 8 FER No. Code Word. Ferruginous (continued} 5684 Feudalism . . Ferruginous quartz 5685 Feudary . . . Ferruginous matter 5686 Feudist . . Few 5687 Feuerung . . Very few. 5688 Feuillage . . . Only a few 5689 Feuilleton . . There are very few 5690 Feverish . . . To get a few Fevorozo . . . Send a few 5692 Fiacre . . . Fiery 5 6 93 Fiasco . . Fiery seams 5 6 94 Fiat . . . . Owing to the fiery nature of the seams 5 6 95 Fibred . . Figure(s) 5696 Fibreless . . . At this figure. 5 6 97 Fibril . . . . About the figure 5698 Fibrillous . . Beyond this figure 5 6 99 Fibrinous . . Mistake in the figures 5700 Fibula . . . These figures will show Fichu . . . . Too high a figure 5702 Fickle. . .Fill 5703 Fictile . . . Can you fill in the time between 5704 Fidelity . . . Mine beginning to fill 5705 Fidgety . . . Fill up 5706 Fidicula . . To fill in the time between 5707 Fiduciary . Filled Fieldday . . . The stopes are filled with 5709 Fiendish . . . Filled up Fiendlike . Filling 57n Fierce . . . . Filling with water 57 12 Fighter . . . Filling up fast 5713 Figment . . Final Figuline . . . Waiting for the final 57*5 Figurable . . Is this final 5716 Figurante . . This is final 57 J 7 Figurist . .Find 57 J 8 Filaceous . . I (we) find on further examination 57 J 9 Filament . . . If you find 5720 Filatory . . . If you do not find Filemot . . . I (we) find on looking into the matter 5722 Filial . . vtr1/r-\ i-V*r4- 5723 Filiation . \vill "fin/i onf* Will 1111U. Dill 5724 Filibuster . . Find out about 5725 Filicoid . r* i ni i *" t" "finrl it" 1"Ti^ nrlrlfpcc rrnr^n dllilLUl HilU. ill LUC tlU.U.ICoo LilVCll 5726 Filigree . ^- r ** s-\ 4- v-k /-I XNi-il- Ccinriot mid out 5727 Fillet . . . . From all I (we) can find out 5728 Fillibeg . . . Find out from 5729 Filose . . . . Cannot find 573 Fimbria . . . Will find 573 1 Finable . . Fine 5732 Finedraw . . . Of very fine quality 5733 Finery . . Very fine specimens FIN 99 No. Code Word. Finespun . Finesse . Fineza Fingenda Fingering Fingiren . Fingroms . Finitivo . Finitude . Finless Finlike . Finnikin . Fintando . Fiorello . Fiottoso . Firgamos;. Firiera Firkin . Firmacao Firmament Firman . Firmary . Firmasse . Firmidao . Firmitas . Firmones Fisberta . Fiscaleo . Fisherman Fishlike . Fishwife . Fisicche . Fisicoso . Fissile . . Fissiped . Fisticuffs Fitfully . Fittezza . Fiumana . Fivefold . Fixable . Fixation . Fixidade . Fixiren . Fixtures . Flabby . Flaccid . Flacket . Fladerig . Flag . . Fine (continued) . Not very fine . Will be subject to a fine unless . What is the fine . The fine is (will be) Finish . When can you finish . I (we) hope to finish here by . I expect to finish about . Shall finish . If you can finish by . If you cannot finish (before) . Cannot finish till Finished (See also Examination ) . If you have finished . Expected to have finished by [detained by but am (are) . . When has (have) finished . , Have finished putting up machinery . . Not yet finished . . I (we) have finished . . I (we) have not finished . . If you have not finished . Fire . . Fire has broken out in the mine . . Fire has destroyed . . The mill has been destroyed by fire . . has (have) been destroyed by fire . . A fire in the is raging . . In order to extinguish the fire . The forests all round are on fire . . Since the fire . . On fire . Fire-damp . . Explosion of fire-damp . Fire-damp in the mine . Firm(s) . . Be firm with . . Firm at the close . . Firm at the opening, but closed weak . . Unless you are firm . . Not firm enough . . Do you know the following firm(s) . . The firm consists of [able . . The firm(s) you ask about is (are) highly respect- , . firm(s) is (are) very doubtful . . firm(s) has (have) a very poor reputation. . Firmly . . Firmly established . . Not firmly established . . Am (are) firmly convinced . First 100 FIR No. Code Word. 5784 Flagellant 5785 Flagellum 5786 Flageolet . 5787 Flagging . 5788 Flagitious 5789 Flagizio . 579 Flagon 579i Flagrancy 579 2 Flagrare . 5793 Flail . . 5794 Flake . . 5795 Flamand . 579 6 Flambeau 5797 Flamen . 5798 Flamero . 5799 Flamige . 5800 Flamma . 5801 Flamulas . 5802 Flandras . 5803 Flankend 5804 Flannel . 5805 Flanquer . 5806 Flansche . 5807 Flappers . 5808 Flaquece . 5809 Flaringly . 5810 Flatiron . 5811 Flattering 5812 Flattish . 5813 Flatulence 5814 Flatuoso . 5815 Flatus . . 5816 Flaunt 5817 Flavorous 5818 Fleabite . 5819 Fleche . 5820 Flechsig . 5821 Fledge 5822 Fledgeling 5823 Fleering . 5824 Flemish . 5825 Flesh . . 5826 Fleshhook 5827 Fleurette . 5828 Flewed 5829 Flexion . 5830 Flexnose . 5831 Flimflam . 5832 Flimsy 5833 Flipflap . First (continued] . . First opportunity . . From first to last . . The first thing to be done , . First call . . First class . . In the first place . . First chance you have . Fissure . . True fissure vein . . A well-defined fissure vein . . Is it a true fissure vein . Fitted . . Is (are) eminently fitted for . . Is (are) not fitted for , . Is (are) fitted with , . Is (are) not fitted with . . Has (have) been fitted with . . Has (have) not been fitted with . . Ought to have been fitted with , . Must be fitted with , Fixed , . Has (have) fixed . . Has (have) not fixed . . Is not fixed , . Has (have) fixed , Flats . . The ore occurs in flats . . The flats extend for a long distance . . In flats Flaw . Owing to a flaw in the agreement . Owing to a flaw . There is a flaw Flinty . Hard flinty rock . Owing to the flinty nature of the rock , Float-gold , . Cannot save the float-gold . Contains float-gold , . Percentage of gold is float . The float-gold , . The gold lost occurs in the form of float Floating reef Flood(s) . Subject to severe floods . The flood is subsiding . . A bad flood has destroyed . Flooding . Flooding the market Floors FLO 101 No. Code Word. Floors (continued) 5834 Flippancy . . Depositing floors 5835 Flippige . . . On the depositing floors 5836 Flirren . . . Dressing floors 5837 Flirt . . . Flow 5838 Flirtation . . . Has ceased to flow 5839 Flirting . . . To stop the flow of 5840 Flistern . . Fluctuation (s) 5841 Flitch . . . . On account of the fluctuations in the market 5842 Flixisse . . Flume (s) 5843 Floatage . . . Flume(s) in good condition 5844 Floccose . . . Flume(s) is (are) out of repair 5845 Flocculent . . The flume(s) has (have) been destroyed 5846 Floccus . . . Will have to build a flume 5847 Flocken . . Fluorspar 5848 Flockpaper . . The matrix is principally fluorspar 5849 Floe . . . Flux 5850 Flogged . . Follow 5851 Floggelh . . . Will follow later 5852 Flogisto . . . Follow the instructions (of) 5853 Flojeaba . . . Will follow in a few days 5854 Flookan . . . Follow the vein 5855 Floorless . . . Cannot follow 5856 Floral . . . . As follows 5857 Florentine . . To be followed by 5858 Floreras . . Followed 5859 Floret . . "m" rt .,.x-* IWll^wrAfl <-V. >-* o/-\iivco "^^" *-1- ~ trAiYi fs^s\4- . JTlciVC IWllUWcQ Lflc COUTSC OI LUC Vclll 1CCL. 5860 Floriage . . . Has (have) followed 5861 Floriated . . . Has (have) not followed 5862 Floribus . . . You ought to have followed 5863 Floridity . . . You ought not to have followed 5864 Floridness T"F Vi n n foil OTvorl -L I llctLL lUilLMVCU. 5865 Florilege . . Following 5866 Florin . . . . Is (are) following 5867 Florist. . . . Am (are) following 5868 Florence . . . Is (are) not following 5869 Floroon . . . Am (are) not following 5870 Floscio . . Is (are) following 5871 Floscular . . . In the following manner 5872 Floscule . . Foolish 5873 Floskel . . . It would be very foolish to 5874 Floss . . . Behaved in a foolish manner 5875 Flossig . Foot 5876 Flotant . . . One foot 5877 Flotase . . . From one foot 5878 Flotilla . "PTom r^n P fr^ot" fo 'for^f* . 1. lUlll UllL. 1UL/L LU ICCL 5879 Flotz . . . Foot-wall 5880 Flounce . . . Close to the foot-wall 5881 Flouring . . . Against the foot- wall 5882 Flourishing . . The foot-wall is 5883 Flouter .For 102 No. Code Word. 5884 Flowage . 5885 Floweret . 5886 Flowerpot 5887 Floweth . 5888 Fluency . 5889 Fluendus . 5890 Flummery 5891 Flunkey . 5892 Flunkeyism 5893 Flurbuch . 5894 Flurgang . 5895 Flurred . 5896 Flushing . 5897 Flustered . 5898 Flute . . 5899 Flutiste . 5900 Fluvial 5901 Flu viatic . 5902 Fluviatile. 5903 Fluxation 5904 Fluxility . 5905 Flyblown . 5906 Fobbing . 5907 Focal . . 5908 Focile . . 5909 Focinho . 5910 Fockmast. 5911 Fockwand 5912 Focolajo . 5913 Focus 5914 Fodderer . 5915 Foeman . 5916 Fogaca . 5917 Fogey. . 5918 Foggage . 5919 Foguease . 5920 Foible 5921 Foilable . 5922 Foilatre . 5923 Foiled. . 5924 Foldage . 5925 Foldless . 5926 Foliation . 5927 Foliolos . 5928 Folkland . 5929 Folklore . 5930 Folkmote. 5931 Follicle . 5932 Follicular. 5933 Follower . FOR For (continued) . . For you . . For me (us) . . For him (them) . . Not for . For some time . For fear of . . Is for . . Is not for . . For a few days . . For a short time . . For you to return . For you to remain . . For you to send . Forage . . It is difficult to get forage for the horses . . Forage is cheap . . Forage is dear . Forbidden . . Has (have) forbidden . . Has (have) been forbidden . . Has (have) not forbidden . . Has (have) not been forbidden . . Has (have) been forbidden . . Has (have) forbidden the work to go on . . Has (have) forbidden the mine to be shown . Force . . With great force . . Not a sufficient force . . Wish(es) to force us to . . Do not force . Forcing . . Is (are) forcing us to . . Forcing on the sale . . Is (are) not forcing . Forego . . Must forego . . Not to forego . Forehead . . In the forehead . . The vein in forehead . Foreman . . The foreman of the . . The foreman told me (us) . . The foreman can be relied on . Foresee . . Foresee a difficulty . . I (we) plainly foresee . . Do you foresee . . Cannot foresee . Forest(s) FOR 103 No. 5934 5935 5936 5937 5933 5939 5940 594i 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 595 1 595 2 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 596r 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 597o 597i 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 598i 5982 5983 Code Word. Porest(s) (continued} Foment . . . Fine forest of Fomentos . . No forest near Fondle . . . The mine(s) is (are) surrounded by forest (of) Fondosas . . Forfeited Fonetico . . . Has (have) forfeited Fongueux . . This sum to be forfeited should Fonkelde . . . Has (have) been forfeited Fontal . . . . To be forfeited Fontanal . . Forget Fontange . . .Do not forget Foodless . . Forgotten Foolery . . . Has (have) been forgotten Foolhardy . . Has (have) forgotten Foolscap ... Do not let it be forgotten that Footband. . Form Footbath . . . Form a company Footfall . . . Form a just opinion Foothold . . . Form any Footing . . . This will form Footman . . . Not to form Footmark . . Cannot form Footpad . . . Can you form Footpaths . Formation Footprint ... By the formation of Footsore ... To hasten the formation of. Footstep ... To prevent the formation of Footstool . . . The geological formation is Fopling ... A water-bearing formation Foppery . . Formed Foppish ... A company has been formed to acquire Forabile ... A company has been formed with a capital of Foramen . . . Should be formed Forbeareth . . Has (have) been formed Forbidder . . Will be formed Forceful . . . Can be formed Forceless . . . Cannot be formed Forcemeat . . Will not be formed Forceps . . . Have you formed Forcibly . . . Has (have) formed Forcipated . . Has (have) not formed Fordo .... A company should be formed with a capital of Forebode . . Former [ to purchase the mine Forecast . . . On my former inspection Foredone . . On a former occasion Foredoom . . The former owners Forefather . . By the former Forefend . . . Against the former Forefinger . . The former Foregoer . . Fortunate Forehoods . . Have been so fortunate as to 104 FOR No. Code Word. Fortunate (continued) 5984 Forejudge . . At a fortunate moment. 5985 Foreknow . . You will be fortunate (if) 5986 Foreland . . Forward 5987 Forelay . . . Please forward without delay 5988 Forelock . . . Pushing forward as fast as possible 5989 Foremast . . . Get everything forward 599 Forename . . When can you forward 599 1 Forensic . . . Push the work forward 5992 Forepart . . . Not sufficiently forward to 5993 Foresaid . . Forwarded 5994 Foresaw . . Has (have) been forwarded 5995 Forescent . . Has (have) not yet been forwarded 5996 Foreseer . . . Has (have) forwarded 5997 Foreship . T_T,r-.n /K-ir^A\ r\-v \i-rr\vr\ df\ Xlctb ^llctVCy lUi W ttlLlCvJ. 599 8 Forestal . . . Will be forwarded 5999 Forester . . . Has (have) not forwarded 6000 Foretaste . . . Your telegram was forwarded 6001 Foretell . . . To be forwarded 6002 Foretold . . . Not to be forwarded 6003 Forewarn . . . Forwarded by express 6004 Forfang . . Found 6005 Forfex . . . Has (have) been found 6006 Forfolas . . . I (we) have found on further examination 6007 Forgaria . . . I (we) have found everything very satistactory 6008 Forgetive . . . Found everything to be as represented (by) 6009 Forgicar . . . Found everything all right 6010 Forgiving . . . Found nothing 6011 Forgrado . . . Not yet found 6012 Forjasse . . Foundation(s) 6013 Forkless . . . The foundation of 6014 Forky . . . . Laying the foundation of 6015 Forlipon . . Fraud 6016 Forlorn . . . It is a regular fraud [to end 6017 Formabat . . The whole thing is a regular fraud from beginning 6018 Formaes . . . Is it a fraud 6019 Formality . . Is charged with fraud 6020 Formative . Free 6021 Formella . ir /n-^\ A-/-k/-i 4-s^ A . ^^ Ib Idle) 11 CC LLJ /T ~F/"M*m ciY'Jf* T r> / nv*-\\ %-/-%* -f*-/^^ 4-*~k OO2 2 6023 JT uriiierze . Formicant . . ib ^drey DDL ircc ID Tri /o*i\ f-^f^d i-A\ . J.b ^dicy lice LU 6024 Formiren . . . You are free to act as you think best 6025 Formula . . . Must be free to act as I (we) think best 6026 Formulary . . Full of visible free gold 6027 Fornacho . . Specks of visible free gold 6028 Fornalha . . . Abound (s) in free gold 6029 Fornazes . . . A streak of the vein very rich in free gold 6030 Forneira . . . Pieces of quartz very rich in free gold 6031 Fornicio . . . Free milling ore 6032 Fornique . . . Not free milling 6033 Fornicate . . . Is the mine free of water FEE No. Code Word. 6034 Fornius . 6035 Fornuola . 6036 Forrajar . 6037 Forsaketh 6038 Forsooth . 6039 Forswearer 6040 Fortalice . 6041 Fortasse . 6042 Fortgang . 6043 Fortifier . 6044 Fortilage . 6045 Fortissimo 6046 Fortlet . 6047 Fortress . 6048 Fortuity . 6049 Forum 6050 Forzando . 6051 Fosatera . 6052 Fosforo . 6053 Fosgeno . 6054 Fossette . 6055 Fossick . 6056 Fossilist . 6057 Fossorial . 6058 Fossulate 6059 Fossway . 6060 Fosterage 6061 Fosterling 6062 Fosterer . 6063 Foteada . 6064 Fotutazo . 6065 Foucando 6066 Foucinha . 6067 Foulage . 6068 Foulness . 6069 Foundry . 6070 Foundress 6071 Fourbure . 6072 Fourfold . 6073 Fourgon . 6074 Fourscore 6075 Fouveiro . 6076 Fovebor . 6077 Fovilla 6078 Fovisti 6079 Foyosas . 6080 Fracasso . 6081 Frachten . 6082 Fracidus . Free (continued) . Do not go unless you hear the mine is free of water [water . Shall not go unless I (we) hear the mine is free of , . When the mine is free of water . The mine is now free of water . Could not get the mine sufficiently free of water to . Should be free to [enable me (us) to see . Free of water . Free gold . Free of expense Freely . Not freely . Buy freely . Has been freely Freight . Allowing for freight and charges . Owing to the heavy freight rates . The freight and charges are . As freight . What is rate of freight . Rate of freight is Frequent . Is of frequent occurrence in the district . Very frequent . Not frequent . Frequent stoppage Fresh . Telegraph if anything fresh occurs . A fresh connection . Nothing fresh Friable . Friable quartz Friday . Every Friday , Every other Friday . Last Friday . Next Friday . On Friday From . From the . Not from the . From this date . From all I can find out . From whom . From which . From the other . Not from . From one (of the) . From what I (we) can learn, I (we) advise you to . From the nearest io6 DID No. Code Word. From (continued] 6083 Fracted . . . From whom did you get the 6084 Fractious . . Frontier 6085 Fragile . . Miles from the frontier 6086 Fragment . . Near the frontier 6087 Fragoado . . . The frontier town of 6088 Fragosum . . From the frontier 6089 Fraguedo . . Frost(s) 6090 Frailada . . . The severe frosts prevent 6091 Frailero . . . Owing to the severe frosts 6092 Frailty . . . Severe frosts for months in the year 6093 Fraineza . . Frue vanner 6094 Fraldado . . . Will require frue vanners 6095 Framable . . . Frue vanners working well 6096 Framezza. . . Frue vanners working badly 6097 Franciscan TV* V1 Of^ A-ll * 17O *-*T"*O't*C * JL licit die 11 U,C VdllilClo 6098 Frangible .Fuel 6099 Frangipane . . What fuel do you use 6100 Frankirt . . . The daily consumption of fuel is 6101 Frantic . . . Fuel is very abundant 6102 Frappeur . . . What is price of fuel 6103 Frappons . . . Fuel is scarce and expensive 6104 Frasario . . . Fuel is so abundant, that the only cost is the 6105 Frasconi . . . No fuel to be had [cutting and stacking 6106 Fraseado . . Fulfil 6107 Fraternal . . . So as to fulfil the terms of the bond 6108 Fraternity . To fulfil the agreement 6109 Fratricide "\Vl11 "fulfil nlG /fVimyN T^'Trt- r\-f fVi.o -im-ar iment . vv in mini jiib ^uiciiy pdrt oi trie dgrct 6110 Fraudful . . . To fulfil my (our) part of the 6111 Fraulein . . . Cannot fulfil 6112 Frautado . . . Is (are) ready to fulfil the 6113 Fraxineo . .Full 6114 Fray ure . . . Could see nothing, as the mine was full of water 6115 Frazada . T*l-i /^ rT-<-A- ir* -fnll *~v-T -\-ir.-i t*iV J. 11C olldll Ib lllll (Jl WdLCi 6116 Freakish . . . All the lower workings are full of water 6117 Freckles . . . All workings full of water 6118 Freebooter . Is always full of water 6119 Freebooty . . Not full 6120 Freeborn . . . Quite full 6121 Freedman . . Full particulars 6122 Freemason . . Full details 6123 Freetrade . Fully 6124 Fregato . . . Am (are) fully convinced 6125 Fregonil . . . Am (are) fully satisfied with 6126 Freirado . . . Are you fully satisfied that 6127 Freirice . . . Fully paid up shares 6128 Frejoles . . Funds [funds 6129 Freloche . . . Work on the mine has been stopped for want of 6130 Fremebat . . Not having sufficient funds in hand 6131 Frenajo . . . Not having funds enough to purchase 6132 Frendeo . . . Funds are exhausted FUN 107 No. Code Word. 6133 Frentaza . 6134 Fresales . 6135 Frescura . 6136 Freshly . 6137 Freshman 6138 Freszaba . 6139 Freszen . 6140 Fretador . 6141 Fretamos. 6142 Fretando 6143 Freteval . 6144 Frettaja . 6145 Friagem . Fricatum . Fridura . Frigate . Frigerem . Frileux . Friperie . Frisaria . Fristung . Fritada . Fritzlar . Frizzled . Frogaron . Fromage . Fronzuto . Frottola . Frouxeza . Frusquin . Fuercias . Fulmento Fulsisse . Gabarage Gabardine Gabbling . Gabbro . Gabelig . Gabion . Gabion nade Gadabout Gaddingly Gadlings . Gadouard Gaelic Gaffle . . Gagnames Gagnant . Gagueyes . Funds (continued). . . Funds will last till , . Funds are exhausted, please send at once . . The available funds . . It will require large funds to . . What funds have you in hand . Furnace . . Drying furnace . Reverberatory furnace . . Roasting furnace . Water-jacket furnace .Furnish . . Will furnish full particulars of the mine(s) , . Will furnish you with the necessary money to examine Mine(s) . . Will not furnish me (us) with , Further , . Can do nothing further in the matter , . After further . Have driven in further on the vein , . If you hear anything further . Wait till you get further instructions , . Am (are) waiting for further instructions . is (are) waiting for further orders . Further from . Further information required . Fuse . Send coils safety fuse Future [before the Company . Am (are) convinced there is a brilliant future . You must in future . Future developments would determine . In the future . Some future time [before it . Am (are) sure it is a mine with a great future Gain . It will be a decided gain . What shall I (we) gain . What will be the gain . By which we gain . By which will gain . Shall gain nothing . Do (does) not gain . Will gain nothing by Gained, . Has (have) gained . has (have) gained . has (have) not gained . has (have) gained on . The water has gained on the Galena io8 GAL No. Code Word. 6182 Gahrteig . 6183 Gahrung . 6 1 84 Gaiement 6185 Gaiety . 6186 Gainable . 6187 Gainsay . 6188 Gaissin . 6189 Gaiter 6190 Galacio . 6191 Galatian . 6192 Galaxy . 6193 Galbanum 6194 Galbego . 6195 Galbula . 6196 Galea . . 6197 Galeasse . 6198 Galeazza . 6199 Galenico . 6200 Galerada . 6201 Galetta . 6202 Galilean . 6203 Galindez . 6204 Galiopsi . 6205 Galipot . 6206 Gallantry . 6207 Galleado . 6208 Galleon . 6209 Gallican . 6210 Gallicism. 6211 Gallivant . 6212 Gallofen . 6213 Gallop 6214 Gallopade 6215 Gallows . 6216 Galluzzo . 6217 Galoche . 6218 Galonero . 6219 Galstrig . 6220 Galvanic . 6221 Galvanism 6222 Gamalota 6223 Gambadoes 6224 Gambasen 6225 Gambier . 6226 Gambit . 6227 Gambler . 6228 Gambling 6229 Gamboge. 6230 Gambolled 6231 Gambrel . Galena (continued) , . Galena carrying ounces of silver per ton . . Argentiferous galena . Gangue . The gangue consists of . Gas . . The bad gas in the mine stops work . Gear . . Pumping gear . . Hauling gear . General . . The general feeling here is . . In general . Generously . . Has (have) very generously . . Has (have) not behaved generously . Genuine . . Thoroughly genuine . . Not (a) genuine . Geological . . Geological formation .Get . . Get me (us) some . . Get more of . . Get permission to examine . . Get some of the shares at about . . Get the men to wait for money till . . Can you get . . If you cannot get . . Cannot get . . Can get . . Get out of . . We shall be able to get out of the difficulty, [day . . We shall then be able to get out tons per ., . What can you get out (of) . . Can get nothing out (of) . . Can only get . . I did not get . . How much can you get . . Cannot get more till . . To enable us to get . . Get all you can . . You must get to . . From whom shall I (we) get . . Shall have to get . . You must get . . Get ready to . Getting . . Getting along fast . . Getting along slowly . . Getting ready to GET 109 No. Code Word. 6232 Gambroon 6233 Gambujes 6234 Gamesome 6235 Gamester. 6236 Gamezno . 6237 Gamin 6238 Gammon . 6239 Gammurra 6240 Gamonoso 6241 Gamucero 6242 Gamut 6243 Ganache . 6244 Ganadora 6245 Ganagana 6246 Gananza . 6247 Ganchete. 6248 Ganforro . 6249 Gangetje . 6250 Ganghaft . 6251 Gangliac . 6252 Gangliform 6253 Ganglion . 6254 Gangrenate 6255 Gangway . 6256 Ganschen 6257 Gantlope . 6258 Ganzerik . 6259 Gardant . 6260 Gardener . 6261 Gargarism 6262 Gargoyle . 6263 Garishly . 6264 Garland . 6265 Garlicky . 6266 Garniture. 6267 Garreteer. 6268 Garrison . 6269 Garrulity . 6270 Gartered . 6271 Gaselier . 6272 Gaseity . 6273 Gasometry 6274 Gastralgia 6275 Gastric . 6276 Gastricism 6277 Gateman . 6278 Gatherer . 6279 Gatternd . 6280 Gattung . 6281 Gatunice . Getting (continued) . . We are getting tons per day out of . . has (have) been getting . is (are) getting . . Not getting enough . . is (are) getting all he (they) can . . Getting out . Give, . . Give your opinion of . . The last returns give an average of . . Can you give . . Can give . . Cannot give. . . Decline to give more . . Must give . . Will give . . Will not give . . Will give . . Will give up . . Will give up . . Will not give up . . What will you give . . What will he (they) give . How long can you give. . . You must give longer time . . Cannot give longer time . Given . . Has (have) given . . Has (have) given up . . Has (have) given out . . Has (have) - given up . . Has (have) not given . . Within a given time . . Must be given . . Must not be given .Glad . . You will be glad to know that . . Am (are) very glad to be able to tell you that . . Am (are) very glad to be able to give you good . . Shall be glad to hear [accounts of the mine . . Am (are) very glad to hear . . I shall be glad to know . Gneiss . . The hanging wall is gneiss . . The foot-wall is gneiss . . The country rock is gneiss .Go . . Be ready to go on to . . When can you go to . . Can go to on . . Cannot go till you send me () 110 GO No. Code Word. 6282 Gaucherie 6283 Gaucho . 6284 Gaudery . 6285 Gaudeant 6286 Gaudioso , 6287 Gaudy 6288 Gauffer . 6289 Gaukelei . 6290 Gaulish , 6291 Gaunaca . 6292 Gaunerei . 6293 Gauntlet . 6294 Gauroma . 6295 Gautier . 6296 Gauze . . 6297 Gavanzos. 6298 Gavazza . 6299 Gavelman 6300 Gavelock . 6301 Gavotte . 6302 Gayadura 6303 Gayomba . 6304 Gaysome . 6305 Gayubare . 6306 Gazames . 6307 Gazapina . 6308 Gazement 6309 Gazetteer. 6310 Gazmiaba 6311 Gazouille. 6312 Gehenna . 6313 Gelable . 6314 Gelatine . 6315 Gelatinous 6316 Gelaufig . 6317 Geldable . 6318 Gelenkig . 6319 Gelubde . 6320 Gelukken 6321 Gemacher 6322 Gemahlin. 6323 Gemara . 6324 Gemauer . 6325 Gemedro . 6326 Gemeinde 6327 Gemel 6328 Gemmate 6329 Geminos . 6330 Gemiras . 6331 Gemmacao Go (continued] . You must go to , . Go by way of , . Am (are) able to go . Am (are) not able to go , . Have to go by steamer to . Will have to go immediately . Go as quickly as possible , . will go with me (us) , , cannot go with me (us) . . Am (are) ready to go . . Cannot go till . To go down . . To go up . . If can go , . If cannot go. [carriage to the mine . . Can only go as far as by rail, and then by . . Go ahead (with the) . . Likely to go through . . Can you go . Can go . . Must not go . . Can go . . Cannot go . . Will go . . Will not go . Goes . . The ore goes down . . The ore goes up . . goes up . Going . They are going to [to do . . Must decide quickly what he is (they are) going . . I am (we are) going . . I am (we are) not going . . Who is going . . Going away . . Am (are) going to . . Is (are) going to . . Am (are) not going to . . Is (are) not going to . . Are you going to . . Is (are) going to . . If is (are) not going to . . Everything is going well . . Everything is going wrong . Gold (See also Free ) . . The mine is very rich in free gold . . Have struck a large pocket of gold . . Have struck a small pocket of gold . . Showed only a trace of gold GOL III No. Code Word. 6332 Gemmante 6333 Gemmation 6334 Gemmava 6 335 Gemmeous 6336 Gemmipara 6337 Gemmules 6338 Gemodelt 6339 Gemoeg . 6340 Gemurmel 6341 Gemursa . 6342 Gemuth . 6343 Gena . . 6344 Genappe . 6345 Gendarme 6346 Genealogy 6 347 Genearch 6348 Genella . 6349 Genemos . 6350 Genera . 6351 Generable 6352 Generant . 6 353 Generator 6 354 Generical 6 355 Genesis . 6356 Genette . 6357 Genevan . 6358 Gengibre . 6359 Gengiovo . 6360 Geniality . 6361 Genialness 6362 Geniculate 6363 Genitive . 6364 Genitrix . 6365 Genitura . 6366 Genius 6367 Genoese . 6368 Genovino 6369 Gentalha . 6370 Genteelly. 6371 Gentiles . 6372 Gentilish . 6373 Gentility . 6374 Gentry . 6375 Genualia . 6376 Genuesas. 6377 Genugen . 6378 Genugsam 6379 Geocentric 6380 Geocyclic Gold (continued] . A rich streak of gold ore . Sample assayed gave no gold . A large quantity of gold has been taken from . Pieces of rock containing vkible gold . The gold lies in the arsenical pyrites . is one of the richest gold-mines in the . Pieces of pure gold [district of . The gold lies in iron pyrites . The gold-bearing vein runs through . The gold is in alluvial deposit . The gold-bearing veins run north and south . The gold-bearing veins run east and west . The gold occurs in quartz lodes . Gold is found in the bed of the stream . Nuggets of gold have been found [distance . The gold-bearing vein can be traced for a long . Owing to the gold being found in . Indications show that gold exists in abundance on this property . An average assay gave in gold . Shewing traces of gold . The gold is found in . Gold ore . Alluvial gold . Retorted gold . Gold amalgam . Gold has been discovered . Ounce of gold per ton . Ounces of gold have been shipped . Ounces of gold will be shipped . Ounce (s) of gold per . How much gold has been shipped Gone . Has (have) gone to . If has (have) gone to . If has (have) not gone t . Has (have) not gone to . Has (have) gone . Has (have) not gone Good . Will there be any good in . There will be no good in . Not any good . Not good enough . As good as . Not so good . Good progress is being made . To be of any good . But little good ounces of gold 112 GOO No. Code Word. 6381 Geodesic . 6382 Geodesy . 6383 Geognostic 6384 Geognosy 6385 Geography 6386 Geologist . 6387 Geology . 6388 Geomancy 6389 Geometer 6390 Geonomy 6391 Geoponic 6392 Georama . 6393 Georgian . 6394 Geoscopy 6395 Gepinsel . 6396 Gepolter . 6397 Geprahle . 6398 Gepruft . 6399 Geputzt . 6400 Gequalet . 6401 Gerabbel . 6402 Gerah . . 6403 Gerance . 6404 Gerantes . 6405 Gerapiga . 6406 Gerasco . 6407 Geraumig. 6408 Gerausch . 6409 Gerbasia . 6410 Gerberai . 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 Gerbil . . Gereibe . Gerenda . Gerennen Gereutel . Geriesel . Geringel . Germinal . Gerochel . Geropigia Gerste . . Gertend . Geruhsam Gerumpel Gerund . Gerundial Gestation . Gestural . Good (continued] . Very good . No good . . Good to hold . . Good to sell . . Do you think it good enough to . Got . . Not to be got . . has (have) got . . has (have) not got . . What can be got for . . Can be got for . .Has (have) got . . Got back . . Got hold of . . Got from . . Got out. , . Not got back . . Not got hold of . . Not got from . . Not got out . . Got to the end of . Grade . . High grade ore . . Low grade ore . . The grade is . . The grade is very steep . . High grade ore in abundance in sight . . Low grade ore in abundance in sight . . The ore is high grade, but not much of it . . Although the ore is low grade, the mine can be worked to a good profit, on account of the abun- dance of ore and capabilities for cheap working . Gradually . . The works are getting into order gradually . . Very gradually on account of . Granite . . The hanging wall is granite . . The foot-wall is granite . . In proximity to the granite . . A belt of granite . . Country rock is granite . Granitic . . In granitic formation . Grant . . Will grant . . W T ill grant . . Will not grant . . If will not grant . A grant of . . To obtain a grant GRA No. 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 t>434 6 435 6436 6437 6438 6 439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 645 1 6452 6 453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 Code Word. Gesture . Gewgaw . Ghastly . Ghee . . Ghostlike. Ghoul . . Giallolino Giantess . Giantship Giaour Gibberish . Gibbose . Gibbosity. Gibeonite Giblets . Gigantean Gigman . Gigot . . Gilding . Gimbals . Gimcrack , Gimlet . Gimmal . Gingerly . Gingham . Gingival . Gipsy . . Gipsyism . Girandole Girdeth . Girlhood . Girlish . Girondist . Girouette. Giusto Gizzard . Glabrate . Glabrous . Glacial . Glacialist . Gladden . Gladness . Gladsome Glaireux . Glairy . . Glamour . Glanage . Glanceth . Glancingly Glandered , Gravel , . Gravel carrying gold , . Gravel pays per cubic yard , . In the gravel . Through the gravel Great . Great waste of time , . Great deal of waste , . Covering a great extent , . To a great extent , . Very great , . Not very great . Great many Greatly . It would be greatly to . It would not be greatly to Gross . Gross yield , . The gross yield per ton is . The gross receipts . The gross receipts have been . What are the gross receipts for Grossly , . Is (are) grossly exaggerated Ground . There is a dispute about the ground . Above ground . The ground above . Below ground . They have no ground for complaint . On the ground of . No ground for . Any ground . The ground above Level No. is worked out . The surrounding ground Group . A group of mines . The group of mines . The entire group . In the group . Amongst a group of Guarantee. (See also Provided) . As a guarantee . Will guarantee will guarantee will not guarantee Must guarantee Without a guarantee Will you guarantee expense of examination Will guarantee to the amount of I 114 GUA No. Code Word. Guarantee (continued] 6479 Glanders ... Do not go without a guarantee 6480 Glandiform . Guaranteed 6481 Glandula. . . If guaranteed by 6482 Glanibus . Guard. 6483 Glapirai ... To guard against accidents 6484 Glareous . . . Be on your guard with 6485 Glaseada . . . You must guard against 6486 Glasicht . . Guidance 6487 Glasslak . . . For my (our) guidance 6488 Glatteis . . . For your guidance 6489 Glatzig . . .For my (our) guidance in preparing the report 6490 Glaucoma . Guide 6491 Glauque . . . As a guide 6492 Gleaning . . . Is no guide 6493 Glebarum . Guided 6494 Gleefully ... Be guided by 6495 Gliadine . . . Do not be guided by 6496 Glimhout . . Has (have) been guided by 6497 Glimmered . . Has (have) not been guided by 6498 Glimpses . . . Who has (have) been guided by (in) 6499 Glinster . . Gulch 6500 Gloaming . Gypsum 6501 Haarband . Habit 6502 Haargras . . . is (are) in the habit of 6503 Haarkamm . . is (are) not in the habit of 6504 Habanero . . The habit of working here 6505 Habendam . Half 6506 Habergeon . . One half 6507 Habitable . . Half the amount 6508 Habitant . . . Halfway between 6509 Habitation . . Not worth more than half the price 6510 Habituate . . Half the year 6511 Habitude . Hand(s) 6512 Hablerie ... On hand 6513 Hablila . . . Short of hands 6514 Habsucht .Handle 6515 Hacedor . . . Difficult to handle 6516 Hacheaba . . In oraer more easily to handle 65 1 7 Hachure ... To handle the stuff 6518 Hackbank . . So as to handle 65 1 9 Hackery . . . Could not handle 6520 Hacking . . Hanging wall 6521 Hackled . . . The hanging wall is 6522 Hackneyed . . Against the hanging wall 6523 Hactenus . Hard 6524 Hadador. . . Very hard 6525 Hadedera . . Not very hard 6526 Hadith . . . Very hard to 6527 Haedinus . .It will be hard work 6528 Haienlos . . . The rock has become very hard HAR ii No. Code Word Hard (continued) 6529 Haferbau . . Hard rock 6530 Haffleth . . Harder 6531 Hagabfel . . . If the rock becomes harder 6532 Hageholz . . If the rock does not become any harder 6533 Hagezeit . . . It is a harder task than I (we) expected 6534 Haggard . . . The rock has become much harder 6535 Haggis . . . In harder rock 6536 Haggling . . . It is harder 6537 Hagiarchy . Hardness 6538 Hagiology . . Owing to the hardness of the rock 6539 Hailstone . . The hardness of the rock necessitates 6540 Hairbrush . . The hardness of the rock retards the progress of 6541 Haircloth . Harm 6542 Hairless . . . No harm has been done 6543 Hairpin . . . Great harm has been done by 6544 Hakchen . . . is (are) doing great harm by 6545 Hakelort . . . Has (have) done any harm by 6546 Hakenrad . . To prevent from doing any harm to 6547 Hakkenei . Hasty 6548 Halaguen . . Is (are) too hasty 6549 Halamur . . . Could only make a hasty inspection 6550 Halbbaum . . Do not be too hasty 6551 Halbbild. .Haul 6552 Halberd . . . What can you haul in one day 6553 Halberdier . . Are able to haul tons per day 6554 Halbtuch. . . We hope to be able to haul tons per day 6555 Halbwild. . . To haul 6556 Halcyon . . . Cannot haul more than 6557 Haldudas . Hauled 6558 Haletant . . . Hauled loads of 16 cubic feet 6559 Half breed . . Water hauled gallons 6560 Halfcaste. . Hauling 6561 Halfpay . . . Snow has stopped hauling 6562 Halfpence . . Hauling ore from Mine at present 6563 Halfsister . Hauling engine 6564 Halfwitted . . Shall require a hauling engine of h.p. 6565 Haliotoid . Have 6566 Hallelujah . . Have you 6567 Halliard . . . Have you not 6568 Halloween . . I (we) have 6569 Hallowmas . . I (we) have not 6570 Halogenous . . Have not (or has not) 6571 Halsreif . . . Have had (or has had) 6572 Haltingly . . Have not had (or has not had) 6573 Halveren. . . Have had (or has had) 6574 Hamatile. . . Have you had 6575 Hamaxata . . Have you not had 6576 Hambuche . . If you have 6577 Hamecon . . If you have not 6578 Hammock . . If have (or if has) HAV No. Code Word. Have (continued) 6579 Hampesco Tf* - \~\ TVI^ not* / C\T if* n n Q nof" i JLl iltiVC I1UL IvJl 11 JlU-o L1\JIJ 6580 Hampones . . When you have 6581 Hanaper . . . When have (or when has) 6582 Handbell . . When will you have 6583 Handcart . . When shall we have 6584 Handcuff. . . Shall have 6585 Handfrei . . . Shall not have 6586 Handgeld . . Will have 6587 Handhoch . . Will not have 6588 Handicap . . Can have 6589 Handicraft . . Cannot have 6590 Handiwork . . Must have 6591 Handmaid . . Should have had 6592 Handsome . . Ought to have 6593 Handzaam . Hazardous 6594 Hanebalk . . It would be too hazardous 6595 Hanepoot . . Would it be too hazardous 6596 Hanetred . Heading 6597 Hanffink . . . To drive a heading in 6598 Hanfhede . Headway 6599 Hanftuch . . . Have made no headway as yet 6600 Hangbuik . . We are making good headway (with) 6601 Hangman . . Are you making any headway 6602 Hangnail . . . Hope soon to make some headway against 6603 Hankered . Heap 6604 Hanselnd . . A great heap 6605 Haperig . . . To heap up 6606 Happening . . From the heap 6607 Happiest . . Hear 6608 Haquebut . . Let me (us) hear immediately 6609 Haquilla . . . Let me (us) hear as soon as you can 6610 Harangue . . When can I (we) hear (as to) 66n Harassed . . . If you hear anything 6612 Harbinger . . You shall hear about the 6613 Harbourer . . Cannot hear till 6614 Hardebol . . . I (we) hear on good authority that 6615 Hardened . . From what I (we) can hear 6616 Hardihood . . Expect to hear 6617 Hardware . Can only hear 6618 Harem . . You ought to hear 6619 Harepipe . . . Should hear 6620 Harleian . . Heard 6621 Harlequin . . I (we) hoped to have heard 6622 Harmattan . . Has (have) heard 6623 Harmonic . . Has (have) not heard 6624 Harmonium . . Has (have) not yet heard anything from 6625 Harmony . . Have you heard 6626 Harness . . . Has (have) heard that 6627 Haronia . . . Has (have) heard nothing 6628 Harpalus . . . Has (have) only heard HEA 117 No. Code Word. 6629 Harpiez . 6630 Harpluis . 6631 Harpoon . 6632 Harridan . 6633 Harshly . 6634 Harshness 6635 Hartazgo . 6636 Hartloth . 6637 Hartshorn 6638 Harvest . 6639 Harzolz . 6640 Harzwa . 6641 Haspelen . 6642 Hassock . 6643 Hastalas . 6644 Hastener . 6645 Hastula . 6646 Hatband . 6647 Hatchel . 6648 Hatchment 6649 Hatchway 6650 Hateaban 6651 Hateamos 6652 Hatelijk . 6653 Hatillos . 6654 Hatred . 6655 Hatter 6656 Haubtze . 6657 Haudegen 6658 Haufung . 6659 Haughty . 6660 Haunch . 6661 Haunting 6662 Hauptgut 6663 Hauptzug 6664 Hauriant . 6665 Hausarzt . 6666 Hausehre 6667 Hausfrau. 6668 Hausimus 6669 Hauskost 6670 Hausplan 6671 Hausraum 6672 Haustus 6673 Hausunke 6674 Hautboys 6675 Hauteln . 6676 Haveloos 6677 Haversack Heard (continued) . Heard through . . Heard from . . Have you heard anything further about . . Have heard nothing further about . Heat . . The heat in summer is intense . . Great heat has now set in here . Heavily . . Has (have) lost heavily over the mines . . Has (have) bought heavily . . Is (are) buying heavily . Height . . In height . . The height of .Held . . Is (are) held by . . Is (are) not held by . . Held together by .Help . . Shall want help . . Will help . . Will not help . . To help to . . A help in . . No help to be had. [and take the samples . . Must take to help me make the examination . . To help in making the assays . . Will be a help . . It would be no help . . Cannot help . . To help if possible . . Should you want help . . Who can help . Here . . Not here . . I (we) must remain here till [money . . I (we) must remain here till you send me (us) . . I (we) shall remain here till . . Telegraph to me (us) here (till the ) . . Telegraph to me (us) here; shall get it on my . . has (have) left here [( our ) return from . . was (were) here, but has (have) gone . . will be here on . . Write to me here . . W^rite to me here; I shall leave full directions where my letters are to be sent [return from . . Write to me here ; I shall find my letters on my . . Will return here . . Shall go from here to . Hesitate n8 HES No. Code Word. Hesitate (continued) 6678 Haversian . . Do not hesitate 6679 Havildar . . . hesitate(s) to 6680 Hawser . . Hesitating 6681 Haycock. . . Is (are) still hesitating 6682 Hayfever . . Hide 6683 Hayfield ... To hide the fact 6684 Hayloft ... Is (are) trying to hide 6685 Haymaker . . Do (does) not try to hide the fact 6686 Hayrick . . High 6687 Haystack. . . High enough 6688 Hazanes . . . Too high 6689 Hazardable . . Too high a price is asked for the 6690 Hazelaar . . .< Very high 6691 Hazelly . . .Not very high 6692 Hazepad . . Higher 6693 Haziest . . . Will they go any higher 6694 Headache . . They will go higher 6695 Header . . . They are not likely to go any higher 6696 Headland . . Is (are) fetching a higher price 6697 Headless ... Is (are) going higher 6698 Headlong . . May probably go a little higher 6699 Headmost . . Will undoubtedly go considerably higher 6700 Headstall . Highest 6701 Healable. . . Has (have) reached the highest figure 6702 Healthful . . The highest point 6703 Healthily . . Not yet at the highest point 6704 Hearken . . Hill(s) 6705 Hearsay ... At the top of the hill 6706 Heartsome . . The mine(s) is (are) at the top of a very steep hill 6707 Heathen . . . Down the hill 6708 Heathenish . . Up the hill 6709 Heavenly . . On the top of an almost perpendicular hill 6710 Heavenward . To carry the ore down the hill 6711 Hebamme . . The hills are impassable in consequence of 6712 Hebdomadal . On the top of the hill 6713 Hebekorb . Hindrance 6714 Hebetation . . Has been a great hindrance 6715 Hebetude . . The want of has proved a great hindrance 6716 Hebezeug . . A hindrance caused by 6717 Hebopfer .Hire" 6718 Hebraism . . Shall have to hire 6719 Hebraistic . . Can you hire 6720 Hecatomb . . Try to hire 6721 Hechura . . . If you cannot hire 6722 Heckzeit. . . Cannot hire 6723 Hectare . . . Has (have) been able to hire 6724 Hectical . . Hoist 6725 Hectique . . To hoist 6726 Hectogram . . Can hoist tons per day 6727 Hectolitre . . Cannot hoist HOI 119 No. Code Word. Hoist (continued} 6728 Hectorisrn . . Can you hoist 6729 Hederosa . So as to be able to hoist 6730 Hedonic . . Hoisted 6731 Hedonism . . Hoisted last week tons 6732 Hedraste . . Has (have) hoisted 6733 Heeltap . . Hold 6734 Hegira . . . To hold 6735 Heijen . . . Hold(s) all the stock 6736 Heighten . . . Hold(s) balance 6737 Heightened . . Hold your stock 6 73 8 Heirdom . . . Hold on 6739 Heiress . . . Hold yourself in readiness to 6740 Heirlooms . . Holdback 6741 Heirship . . . Try to get hold of 6742 Helicoid . It is desirable to get hold of 6743 Hellbrewed . . Has (have) hold of 6744 Helldoomed . . Do you think it safe to hold 6745 Hellenian Holders 6746 Hellenic . . . Holders have great confidence in 6747 Hellespont . . Holders will not sell at present prices 6748 Hellishly . . . The holders of 6749 Hellward . . i <- 4-Vv f* Violri^T r\T 6750 Helmets . . Holding 6751 Helotism . . . What is 's holding on 6752 Helpeth . . . Is (are) holding back 6 753 Helpful . . . Is (are) holding the stock 6754 Helplessly . Hole 6755 Helpmate . Only a hole in the ground 6756 Helvetic . . Holed 6757 Hemisphere . . Holed the rise 6758 Hemming . . Holed through to the old workings 6 759 Hemorrhage . . Have holed 6760 Hempen . . Holidays 6761 Henceforth . . Nothing will now be done till after the holidays 6762 Henchman . . Before the holidays 6763 Hencoop . . . After the holidays 6764 Henhearted . . It must be put before the public before the holidays 6765 Henroost . . . The Company must be brought out as soon as the 6766 Hepatic . , . Directly after the holidays [holidays are over 6767 Heptarchy . . The banks here are closed on account of a national 6768 Heptateuch . Hollow [holiday, which will detain me days 6769 Herald . . Home. 6770 Heraldic . . . Shall be home about the 6771 Heraldry . . . Am (are) anxious to return home 6772 Herbaceous . . You must return home at once ; is very ill 6773 Herbage . . "\7"oii Tnnct 1 fpfnTn V\r\Tvi* it" dr\c>* Hi^rl C\T\ fhf* JL U 11 lllLloL 1CLU.1I1 ilUlIJC ci L vJllLsC . 6774 Herbalist . . . Before returning home 6775 Herbarium . . Am (are) on my (our) road home 6 77 6 Herbwoman . . Hope to be at home about the 6777 Herculean . . Shall return home by way of HOM No. 6 77 8 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6 7 8 7 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6 79 8 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 68n 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 Code Word. Hereabouts Hereafter . Hereditary Heresiarch Heresy . Heretico . Hereto . Heritage . Hermetical Hermit . Hernia . Herodian Heroical . Heroine . Heronry . Herrig Hesitancy Hesitates . Hesitation Hesperian Heterodox Heteropoda Hexagon . Hiatus Hibernates Hibernian Hiccough Hickwall . Hidalgo . Hidden . Hideously Hierarchal Hierarchy Hieroglyph Hierophant Highbound Highchurch Highflown Highlander Highminded Highness . Highproof Highroad. Highsouled Highstrung Highway . Hilarious . Hilarity . Hillock . Home (continued) Can you arrange to return home by way is (are) away from home . . Impossible to return home till . Honest . . Is (are) thoroughly honest and upright. of [honest eing too . . Is (are) considered thoroughly honest . Honeycombed . . In honeycombed quartz . . In honeycombed rock . Honourable . . are most honourable men . . is (are) not considered to be very honourable . . has (have) behaved in a most honourable way . Hope [about . . Hope you will be able . . Hope I (we) shall be able to . . Hope you will . . Hope you will not . . Has (have) no hope of . . Has (have) great hope . . Is there any hope that . . There is every hope that . . Hope you will send . Hopeful . . Am (are) very hopeful of . . Not hopeful of . . Are you hopeful of . Hopeless . . Not hopeless . . Is it hopeless . . It is quite hopeless . Horizontally . . Worked horizontally . . The vein is pinching out horizontally . Hornblende . Horse-power . . Engine of horse-power . . Nominal horse-power . Effective horse-power . Hour(s) . . In hour(s) . . In the twenty-four hours [from . . How many hours does it take to get to . . It takes hours to get from here to . . A journey of hours . . One hour . . Two hours HOM 121 No. Code Word. Hours (continued) 6827 Himalayan . . Three hours 6828 Hindered. . . Four hours 6829 Hindmost . . Five hours 6830 Hindoo . . . Six hours 6831 Hindooism . . Seven hours 6832 Hinting . . . Eight hours 6833 Hippocamp . . Nine hours 6834 Hippocras . . Ten hours 6835 Hippodrome . Eleven hours 6836 Hireling . . . Twelve hours 6837 Hirsute . . . Thirteen hours 6838 Hissings . . . Fourteen hours 6839 Historian . . . Fifteen hours 6840 Historical . . Sixteen hours 6841 History . . . Seventeen hours 6842 Histrionic . . Eighteen hours 6843 Hitched . . . Nineteen hours 6844 Hither . . . Twenty hours 6845 Hitherward . . Twenty-one hours 6846 Hoarded . . . Twenty-two hours 6847 Hoarfrost . . Twenty-three hours 6848 Hoariest . . Twenty-four hours 6849 Hoariness . . Every hour 6850 Hoarse . . . hours' shift 6851 Hoaxed . .How 6852 Hobbled . . . How is (are) 6853 Hobbyhorse . . How long 6854 Hobnail . . . How shall I (we) 6855 Hodiernal . . How has (have) 6856 Hodmandod . How many 6857 Hoggers . . . How soon 6858 Hogskin . . . How far. 6859 Hogwash . . . How much is there 6860 Hoistway . . Hundredweight 6861 Holdfast , . . About one cwt 6862 Holiness . .Hunt 6863 Hollander . . To hunt up 6864 Hollow . . . Must hunt up 6865 Hollowness . Hurry 6866 Holmite . . Too great a hurry [settled 6867 Holocaust . .Is (are) in too great a hurry to get the matter 6868 Holsters . . . Must hurry on the sale 6869 Holystone . . Hurry back to 6870 Homage . . . Hurry over 6871 Homebound . Impossible to hurry 6872 Homeliest . . Do not be in a hurry [hurry 6873 Homeliness . . It will be impossible to get it done in such a 6874 Homemade . . Must hurry on the works 6875 Homeopathy . In the hurry of 6876 Homeric . . Hurt 122 HUB No. Code Word. Hurt (continued] 6877 Homesick . . Has any one been hurt 6878 Homespun . . Is (are) hurt 6879 Homestead . No one was hurt 6880 Homeward . . Was (were) not hurt 6881 Homicide . Hydraulic 6882 Homiletic . . Hydraulic machinery 6883 Homilies . . Hydraulic mining 6884 Honeybag . . Hydraulicked during past week 6885 Icicle . . . Ice 6886 Iciness . . . Blocked with ice 6887 Iconoclast . . Blocked for many months by the ice 6888 Icosandria . . Over the ice 6889 Icteritous. .Idle 6890 Idealism . . Idle for want of water 6891 Ideality . . . The mills are standing idle for want of 6892 Idealizing . . Idle from want of funds 6893 Identical . . . Idle on account of 6894 Identified . Igneous 6895 Identity . . . Dyke of igneous rock 6896 Ideology . . . In igneous rock 6897 Idiocrasy . Ignorant 6898 Idiocratic . . Being ignorant of 6899 Idiocy . . Kept ignorant about 6900 Idioms . . Quite ignorant with regard to 6901 Idiopathy .111 6902 Idiotical . . . I am very ill, and must go for advice to 6903 Idiotism . l- o r> /Kntrfc\ Viivi /~1 o v* nr,ct-/-\-nclT7 il V\ii4- - r. /<-*-*s\\ lido tiidvc y uccii Uctiic^ci ouoiy iiij uui AO ictrcy 6904 Idleness . ir f} TAJ fifmCTAlYlfrlfitlv 1 ^ QTltn ir^*-v*Tr V^^ f- 4- ,-. "" lo 1 cLl C J LlctllHCILJ LIDIV 111 YVH11 IHL/YY UCLLCl 6905 Idolater . . . has (have) been ill with. 6906 Idolatry . . Imagine 6907 Idolizing . . . Do not imagine 6908 Idoneous . . . seem(s) to imagine 6909 Ignescent . . Cannot imagine why 6910 Ignifluous . Immediate 6911 Ignited . . . Immediate attention is requested 6912 Ignivomous . . Immediate attention is required 6913 Ignoble . . Immediately 6914 Ignominy CJ M/ \ t *-*-* wl 1/3 i 4-f^"\tr . . Dec iuinicu.id.Lciy 6915 Ignoramus . Must be done immediately 6916 Ignorant . . . Must have immediately 6917 Ignored . . . Telegraph immediately 6918 Iguanodon . . Send immediately 6919 Illbred . . Cannot go immediately on account of 6920 Illfavoured . Immense 6921 Illiberal . . . On an immense scale 6922 Illicit . . . . Covering an immense tract 6923 Illicitous . . . Worked to an immense extent 6924 Illiterate . . Imparted 6925 Illooking. . . Imparted to me in confidence 6926 Illnatured . , Imparted the information IMP 123 No. Code Word. 6927 Illness . . 6928 Illogical . . 6929 Illtimed . . 6930 Illuming . 6931 Illusion . . 6932 Illusively . . 6933 Illwill . . . 6934 Imaged . . 6935 Imagery . , 6936 Imaginable , 6937 Imaginary 6938 Imagining 6939 Imbathed 6940 Imbecile . . 6941 Imbecility , 6942 Imbedded 6943 Imbibes . . 6944 Imbroglio 6945 Imbruing. . 6946 Imbued . . 6947 Imitable . . 6948 Imitates . . 6949 Imitation . , 6950 Immaculate 6951 Immaterial 6952 Immature 6953 Immaturity 6954 Immemorial 6955 Immensity 6956 Immersed 6957 Immersion 6958 Immigrant 6959 Imminently 6960 Immobility 6961 Immoderate 6962 Immodestly 6963 Immolated 6964 Immolation 6965 Immoral . 6966 Immorality 6967 Immortals 6968 Immovable 6969 Immunity 6970 Immutable 6971 Impacted. 6972 Impairing 6973 Impalement 6974 Impales . 6975 Impalpable 6976 Impart . Impartial . An impartial report . From an impartial point of view Impassable . The roads are impassable . . Impassable in winter . Impatient . . Are very impatient (or, is very impatient) . . Getting very impatient . Impatient for the report . . Too impatient . . Impatient to get . Imperfect. . . The imperfect means of working . . Is (are) imperfect . Implicated . Is (are) implicated in the matter , . Is (are) not implicated in the matter . . Is (are) implicated in the . . Implicated in . Implicit . . place(s) implicit faith in . . You may place implicit faith in . Imply . . Do (does) mean to imply . . What do you imply by , . . inean(s) to imply . . do (does) not mean to imply i . Import . . Will have to import . . Need no longer import . . When they had to import . Importance . . It is of the greatest importance . . It is of great importance to myself and friends . . It is not of any importance . . It is of great importance to secure . . If you see the importance . Important . . Important to know . . Too important to be overlooked . . A most important point [connected with . . Has (have) gone to on important business . . Important business . Imposing . . is (are) imposing absurd conditions . . is (are) imposing too many restrictions . . is (are) imposing on . . Is (are) not imposing on . Impossible 124 IMP No. Code Word. Impossible (continued) 6977 Impartial. . . It is impossible 6978 Impassible . . It will be impossible 6979 Impassive . . It is not impossible 6980 Impatient . . It is impossible to get any information about 6981 Impeach . . . Quite impossible at present 6982 Impedes . . Impracticable 6983 Impediment . . Is quite impracticable 6984 Impelling . Impress 6985 Impending . . You must impress upon 6986 Impenitent . . Has (have) tried to impress upon 6987 Imperative . . Cannot impress upon 6988 Imperial . . . Will impress upon 6989 Imperilled . Impression 6990 Impersonal . . Has (have) formed a most favourable impression of 6991 Impervious . . Has (have) formed an unfavourable impression of 6992 Impetuous . . What is your impression as to 6993 Impiety . . . My (our) impression is 6994 Impinging . Improperly 6995 Impiously . . Has (have) acted very improperly 6996 Implacable . . Has (have) very improperly allowed 6997 Implanted . . Has been improperly worked 6998 Impleading . Improve 6999 Impleads . . . Is it likely to improve 7000 Impledged . . The mine continues to improve 7001 Implicity . . . The mine does not improve 7002 Implied . . . The vein improves as it goes down 7003 Imploreth . . Does the mine improve in depth 7004 Implying ... Is likely to improve 7005 Impolitic ... Is not likely to improve 7006 Imposing . Improvement (s) 7007 Imposition . . Improvements consist of 7008 Impostor . . . There is a great improvement in 7009 Imposture . . Do you see any improvement in 7010 Impotently . . No improvements of any kind 7011 Imprecates . . There is no improvement (in) 7012 Impregnate . . Owing to the improvements in 7013 Impressed . Inaccessible 7014 Impression . . Very inaccessible 7015 Imprimatur . . The mines are situated in a most 7016 Imprisoned . . Quite inaccessible except by 7017 Improbable . Inaccurate 7018 Improbity . . The reports are most inaccurate 7019 Impromptu . . Do you find the reports are inaccurate 7020 Improper. . . The figures are inaccurate 7021 Improves. .Inadequate 7022 Improvised . . Totally inadequate 7023 Imprudence . . Quite inadequate to the 7024 Impudent . . Remuneration is inadequate 7025 Impudicity . Incapable 7026 Impugned . . I consider quite incapable of [place inaccessible INC 125 No. Code Word. 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 70S 1 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 Impuissant . Impulse . . Impulsive Impureness . Impurity . . Imputative . Imputeth . . Inability . . Inactivity Inadhesion . Inamorata . Inanimate Inanition . Inapposite . Inaptitude . Inaptly . . Inaudible Inboard . . Inbreathe Incapacity . Incarnates . Incautious . Incendiary . Incensed . . Incentives Inception . . Incessant . . Incestuous . Inchoate . , Incident . . Incipient . Incised . . Incisors . . Inciteth . . Inciting . . Incivility . . Inclemency . Inclinable Inclineth . . Incoact . . Incogitant . Incognito Incoherent . Incommoded Incompact . Inconstant . Incredible . Incrusted Incubation . Incubus . Incapable (continued} . Is (are) incapable of Inch, Inches . The vein is several inches in width . Using inches of water . Per miner's inch . One inch . Two inches . Three inches . Four inches . Five inches . Six inches . Seven inches . Eight inches . Nine inches . Ten inches . Eleven inches . Twelve inches Incline . Incline is down . Incline shaft . On the incline of the lode . North of the incline shaft . South of the incline shaft . East of the incline shaft . West of the incline shaft . There is an incline shaft started Inclined . Is (are) inclined to . Is (are) inclined to . Is (are) not inclined to Include . To include . Do (does) not include . Does this include . You must include . This includes. . This does not include . Will include . Will not include Inclusive . Is () inclusive of . (;) is inclusive of all expenses . Is inclusive of . Not inclusive Income . Is (are) receiving a large income from the mines . The income from these mines is per annum . The income from these works is per annum . Increasing the income . At what do you estimate the income from the 126 INC No. Code Word. 7077 Inculcates 7078 Incumbent 7079 Incurable 7080 Incurred . 7081 Incursion 7082 Indecent . 7083 Indecisive 7084 Indecorum 7085 Indelibly . 7086 Indelicacy 7087 Indemnity 7088 Indenture 7089 Indexes . 7090 Indexical 7091 Indiaman 7092 Indian 7093 Indicates . 7094 Indicavit 7095 Indictable 7096 Indicteth . 7097 Indictment 7098 Indigenous 7099 Indigent . 7100 Indigitate 7101 Indignant 7102 Indignity. 7103 Indirect . 7104 Indiscreet 7105 Indisposed 7106 Inditer . 7107 Individual 7108 Indocile . 7109 Indocility 7110 Indolent . 7111 Indubious 7112 Inducement 7113 Inducted. 7114 Inductions 7115 Inductive 7116 Indulged. 7117 Indulgence 7118 Indurated 7119 Industrial 7120 Industry . 7121 Indwelling 7122 Inebriate . 7123 Ineffably. 7124 Inefficacy 7125 Inelegant Inconvenient . It will be most inconvenient to . Will it be inconvenient to . It is very inconvenient Incorporate . To incorporate the mine . wishe(s) to incorporate the mine . In order to incorporate . Will agree to incorporate . Will not agree to incorporate . Will agree to incorporate . I (we) shall not agree to incorporate, unless they will pool the stock [they will pool the stock . . Do not consent to incorporate the mine unless Incorrect . The accounts of the mine are incorrect . The statement is incorrect, that . Telegram is incorrect, repeat from to Increase . To increase . An increase of . Can you increase . Cannot increase . Will increase . Will not increase . Must increase . Do not increase . Increase the output . Shall have to increase . Intend(s) to increase Increasing . Thereby largely increasing . By increasing the output . By increasing the number of stamps . Developments justify increasing the . Increasing the crushing capabilities of the mill . Increasing the shipment of bullion . Increasing the quantity of ore Increased . Can be increased . Cannot be increased . Must be increased Indebted . Have been much indebted to for , . Greatly indebted to , . Am (are) not at all indebted to Indefinite . Is (are) too indefinite . Your report is too indefinite with regard to . My (our) report is indefinite on account of IND 127 No. Code Word. 7126 Ineligible 7127 Inequality 7128 Inertia 7129 Inertness 7130 Inevitably 7131 Inexact . 7132 Inexorable 7133 Inexpiable 7134 Inexplicit 7135 Infallible . 7136 Infamies . 7137 Infamously 7138 Infant . . 7139 Infatuated 7140 Infected . 7141 Infectious 7142 Infecund . 7143 Infelicity . 7144 Inference . 7145 Infernally . 7146 Inferring . 7147 Infertile . 7148 Infesting . 7149 Infidel . 715 Infidelity . 7I5 1 Infinite . 7152 Infinitive . 7153 Infirmary . 7154 Infirmness 7*55 Infixed 7156 Inflameth. 7 I 57 Inflates . 7158 Inflating . 7T59 Inflective . 7160 Inflexible . 7161 Inflicts . 7162 Influenza . 7163 Influx 7164 Influxion . 7165 Informal . 7166 Informant 7167 Infraction 7168 Infringed . 7169 Infuriated 7170 Infuscate . 7171 Infuseth . 7172 Infusible . 7*73 Infusion . 7*74 Infusoria , 7175 Ingenious Indefinite (continued) . It is impossible to act on such indefinite instruc- Independent [tions quite " . You must be independent of . An independent opinion Indication(s) . Surface indications , . Very good indications . There are strong indications [the vein . . There is every indication to show we are close to . . By all the indications . . No indications of any pay ore . . Indications are favourable for . . Indications are unfavourable for . Indiscreetly . . - has (have) acted very indiscreetly . Indorse . . Can indorse . . Cannot indorse . . Can you indorse . . Can indorse . . Will indorse . . Will indorse . . Will not indorse . . I (we) can entirely indorse 's statements . I (we) cannot indorse 's statements . Indorsed . . Who has (have) indorsed . . Has been indorsed by . . Has not been indorsed . . Ought to be indorsed . . Will have to be indorsed by . Induce . . You must try to induce . . Has (have) tried to induce . . Cannot induce . . Must induce to join the . . If you can induce . . If you cannot induce . Infer . . What do you infer by . . What do (does) infer by . . I (we) infer from what said . . Mean(s) to infer . . Infer from this . Influence . . is a man of great influence . . has (have) no influence here . . Is (are) considered to have any influence 128 INF No. Code Word. 7176 Ingenuity. 7177 Inglorious 7178 Ingrafted. 7179 Ingrained. 7180 Ingredient 7181 Ingulfed . 7182 Inhabit . 7183 Inhabitant 7184 Inhales . 7185 Inhaling . 7186 Inherent . 7187 Inheritor . 7188 Inhibited. 7189 Inhuman . 7190 Inhumanity 7191 Inimical . 7192 Inimitable 7193 Iniquitous 7194 Iniquity . 7195 Initial . . 7196 Initiated . 7197 Initiatory 7198 Injection . 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 Injuring . Injurious . Injustice . Inkhorn . Inkling . Inknot Inkstand . Inlaid . . Inlayeth . Inmate . Innings . Innkeeper Innocence Innocuous Innovated Innuendo Inoculated Inodorous Inorganic Inquest . Inquietude Inquirer . Inquiring . Insanely . Insatiable Influence (continued} . . To influence . . Not to influence . . Cannot influence . . would have great influence . . has (have) great influence in mining circles . Inform . . Please inform . . Do not inform. . . Inform me (us) of . . Inform me (us) of any change . . To inform of . . Inform at once . . Will inform . . Inform me by telegraph at once . . will inform you . . Am (are) glad to inform you . . Am (are) sorry to inform you . . Have to inform you that . . Wish (wishes) you to inform that . Information . . Have you any reliable information with regard to . . Have no reliable information concerning . . I do not place any reliance in the information as it came from . . I cannot get any reliable information about . Give no information whatever (to) . . Give earliest possible information . . I (we) place great reliance on the information . . Get all the information you can (about) . . I (we) learned from various sources of information . . I (we) gather from the information I (we) have collected . . From whom I (we) got a great deal of information . . Do not place any reliance on this information . . Full information can be obtained of . . Send us information as to . . Has (have) had private information that . . This is for your private information only . No information can be obtained from . . No information worth sending . . From whom did you get this information . . From private information . . Has (have) received information that . . The information you ask for goes by first post . Injunction . . The injunction has been granted . . The injunction has been refused . . Get an injunction to restrain . Injure . . Will injure us INJ 129 No. Code Word. Injure (continued} 7224 Insatiate . . . To injure [in connection with it 7225 Inscribed . ft" ixrill iniiiTA i~ n f* r*onr*PTn if 's name appears XL Will lIlJU.lt; lilt* L-Ulli^Clil 11 7226 Inscrolled . . Cannot injure us in any way 7227 Insectile . . . Will try to injure [any way 7228 Insecure . ' 1 '^^ -r^-*^-cT/-K-fc 4- -A-yvw-k TN^-I*-**"* rT~v le to injure us in . J. U plCVCllL J1U1I1 UClllg cLU 7229 Insecurity . . To injure ('s) reputation 7230 Insensate . . Injured [injured 7231 Insessores . . A bad accident in the mine; men fatally 7232 Insidious . . . A bad accident in the mine; men badly injured [not seriously 7233 Insignia . . . An accident in the mine ; men injured, but 7234 Insinewed . . No one was injured 7235 Insinuates . .. man (men) injured 7236 Insipid . . Injury 7237 Insipidity . . Great injury has occurred (from) 7238 Insipient . . . Slight injury has occurred from 7239 Insisteth . . . No injury has been done 7240 Insistence . . What injury has been done 7241 Insition . . . An injury to 7242 Insnareth . . No injury to 7243 Insobriety . Inquiries 7244 Insociable TVTnlr^ in niiTnr* r< or^onf* of 7245 Insolation Tt?ill in^woT nil innniTiP^? 7246 Insolencia . . On making inquiries in reliable quarters 7247 Insolently . . In answer to my (our) inquiries 7248 Insolidity . Insert 7249 Insoluble . . Insert in the newspapers 7250 Insolvable Tt-r^vi-4- iT-k 4-V A 7251 Insolvency . Inserted 7252 Insomnia . . . A clause must be inserted 7253 Insomnious . . The clause need not be inserted 7254 Insouciant . . Will be sure to have a clause inserted 7255 Inspan . . . Has (have) had inserted 7256 Inspanning . . Will not have inserted 7257 Inspecteur . . It is necessary to have inserted 7258 Inspersion . Inside 7259 Insphere . . . Inside the 7260 Inspirable . . On the inside 7261 Inspirar . . Insiders 7262 Inspirate . . . Insiders are 7263 Inspireth . . Insist 7264 Inspiring . . . Insist on 7265 Inspirit . . . You must insist upon 7266 Instable . . . I (we) insist upon 7267 Instalar . . . He (they) insist(s) upon 7268 Instancia . Kin c M c< 'fi **} iiT^on 7269 Instanter . . . Do (does) not insist upon 7270 Instarred . . . You need not insist upon 7271 Instaurate . . Shall I (we) insist upon 7272 Instigar . . Insolvent INS 7283 Instrument 7284 Insuavity . 7285 Insuccate. 7286 Insuffler . No. Code Word. Insolvent (continued] 7273 Instigated . . is (are) insolvent 7274 Instigator. . . Owing to being insolvent 7275 Instilleth . . . is (are) likely to become insolvent 7276 Instinct . .Inspect (See also Examine ) 7277 Instinto . . . Inspect and report on 7278 Institute . . You will shortly have to inspect 7279 Instituir ... Be ready shortly to inspect 7280 Institutor . . . To inspect works at 7281 Instruire . . . Shall be ready by to inspect 7282 Instructor . . wish(es) you to inspect Mine, but do not go unless you hear for certain [(them) at . . wish(es) you to inspect another mine for him . . Do not arrange to inspect any mines without telling . Inspection (See also Examination ) [us (as) . . When you have finished your inspection of the Mine telegraph your report 7287 Insufrible . . Since my previous inspection 7288 Insular . . . With regard to other inspections 7289 Insularity. . . Who is to pay for inspection of Mine 7290 Insulator. . . will pay for inspection of Mine 7291 Insulco . . . Could make inspection of Mine on my way 7292 Insulter . .Instance [to 7293 Insulteth ... In the first instance 7294 Insulting . . . There has never been any instance of 7295 Insultment . Instead 7296 Insurgent. . . Instead of 7297 Intact . . . Not instead of 7298 Intactable . Instructions 7299 Intactile . . . Give instructions to (to) 7300 Intaglio . . . Awaiting instructions 7301 Intaketh . . . has (have) given instructions to 7302 Intangible . . Wait for instructions 7303 Intastable . . had not given any instructions as to 7304 Integer . . . Act only upon written instructions 7305 Integral . . . Send instructions at once 7306 Integrated . . Telegraph me (us) instructions 7307 Integrity . . . Am (are) waiting here for instructions 7308 Integument . . Telegraph instructions direct to 7309 Intellect . . . Your instructions are to proceed at once 7310 Intemerate . . Require more explicit instructions 7311 Intenable. . . Instructions have been given to 7312 Intendant . . Letter of instructions 7313 Intensely . . . Have instructions been given to 7314 Intensity . . . Await full instructions, which will be sent you in a day or two 7315 Intently ... has (have) received instructions to 7316 Interact . . . has (have) not received any instructions as to 7317 Intercalar . . Full instructions have been sent by post 7318 Interceder . . Instructions have been given to 7319 Intercess . . . Send full instructions to me at INS No. 7320 7321 7322 73 2 3 73 2 4 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 734i 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 735o 735i 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 Code Word. Interchain Intercur . Interdict . Interfuse . Interim . Interjeter Interknit . Interlaced Interleave Interline . Interloper Interlude . Interlunar Intermarry Interment Intermesh Intermezzo Intermise Intermits . Intermixed Internally Internece . Internode Interpeal . Interplead Interposed Interpret . Interred . Interring . Interroger Interrupt . Interval . Intervened Interwove Intestate . Intestines Intextured Inthral Inthralling Intimacy . Intimately Intimation Intimidate Intituler . Intolerant Intonates . Intonation Intonso . Intorsion . Instructions (continued) . . Instructions are being carried out . . As soon as you get instructions from . Insurance . . The insurance of . . To effect an insurance on . Insured . . None of the buildings are insured . . All the buildings are fully insured . . Have insured the works in the Insurance Office for , . . Are all the buildings insured? if not, insure them . Intelligent [at once . . is very intelligent . . Not very intelligent . Intention . As earnest of our intention . . To prove our intention . . Our intention is [to . . My intention is (unless I hear to the contrary) . . What is 's intention . . 's intention is to . . The intention was . has (have) abandoned their intention of . . Has (have) any intention of . . Has (have) no intention of . Interest(s) . . Will protect your interest(s) . . 's interests will be looked after by has (have) sold his (their) interest in . . Interest at the rate of . . To pay interest at the rate of . . What interest do you think can be paid . . has (have) bought up the other interests in . . Have you any interest in [the mine . . I have an interest in . . I have no interest in . . has no interest in [per annum . . A quarter's interest at the rate of per cent . . Interest for the half-year . . Will you sell your interest in . . A small interest . . What interest . A good interest on the money . . Has (have) a large interest in . . Take an interest in . . Half interest . . Quarter interest . Interested . . Owing to the large number interested . . Is (are) interested in 132 INT No. 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 738i 73^2 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390 739i 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 74U 74i5 7416 Code Word. Interested (continued} Intrenched . . is (are) not interested (in) Intrepid . . Interfere Intricacy ... To interfere with Intrigue . . . Not to interfere with Intrigueur . . Will this interfere with Intriguing . . This will interfere with Intrinsic . . . This will not interfere with Introduce . . If it will not interfere with Introit . . . . If it will interfere with Intrudes . . . Do not interfere Intruding . Interfering Intrusion . . . If it can be done without interfering (with ) Intuitive ... It can be done without interfering (with ) Intumesced . . It cannot be done without interfering (with ) Intwine . . . If it cannot be done without interfering (with ) Inumbrate . . Without interfering with Inundate. . Intersect Inundating . . To intersect Inundation . . Hope to intersect Inurbane . . Intersected Inured .... The vein was intersected Inurement . . Have intersected Inutility . . Interview Invader . . . Interview with regard to Invading . . . Has (have) had an interview with Invalid . . . Cannot have any interview with (till ) Invaluable . . Can you arrange an interview between - Invariable . . To interview with the object of. [and - Invasion . . . Am (are) to have an interview with on Invective ... It was arranged in an interview with (and ) that Inveighed . . Nothing was arranged in the interview Inveigling . . Interview with most satisfactory Invented . . . Interview with very unsatisfactory Inventible . . Nothing settled definitely in the interview with (and ). We meet again on Invento . Into Inventory . . Goes into Inventress . . Runs into Inverse . . . Are into Inversion . . . Not yet into Inverted . . Intrust Inveteracy . . Whom will you intrust with Invidious. . . Will intrust the care of to - Invigorate . . Do not like to intrust it to. Invincible . . Can intrust it to Inviolate . . . Must not intrust it to Inviscate . . Invention Invisibly ... A new invention for Invitation . . By this invention INV 133 No. Code Word. 7417 Invited . Invest 7418 Invitingly . . Invest immediately on my account 7419 Invocate . . . Will invest on your account 7420 Invocation . . Do not invest in 7421 Invoked . . . I advise you to invest in 7422 Involute . . . Do you advise me to invest in 7423 Involveth . . . Intend(s) to invest in 7424 Involving . . Invested 7425 Inwalled . . . Has (have) invested in 7426 Inwardly . . . Has (have) not invested in ^ A'/ , /' ^ '^4 7427 Inweaving TTor. /hnv-p^ invp^fod in \N _L J. cl^> lllctVCy lIlVCoLCU. HI x\. f^ 7428 Inworking . . Has (have) not invested very much N^/^ 7429 Inwrap . . Invested on your account ^^5: 743 Inwrought . Investigate 7431 Irascible . . . Investigate, and let me know 7432 Ireful . . . Investigation 7433 Iridescent. ivrill -molr-f} * 4-T-* xx.*-m i-wl-fc Ci w/%rt*-1 r*n 4-1 /"* . . win iHciKc a, Liioruugn invcougduuii 7434 Irisated . \-\ o r /VimfoN m i rl r* i f"Vir*f*"nfTTi Tm7^ c *t"ir rr l tintl . . ilclb ^lldvcy lllcUlC d, LilUrUUgll lIlVCoLIgctllUll 7435 Irishism . . . Could not make a thorough investigation 7436 Irksomely . . Make a thorough investigation 7437 Ironbound . . The investigation shows 7438 Ironclad . . . After a close investigation, I am of opinion that 7439 Ironical . . Investment 7440 Ironing . . . I strongly recommend the investment 744i Ironmould . . I do not recommend the investment 7442 Ironmonger . . A good investment for a capital of 7443 Ironsmith . . I consider the mine a good investment 7444 Ironwork . . . It is a sufficiently good investment 7445 Irradiates . . I am sure it would prove a bad investment 7446 Irrational . . . Do you recommend investment in 7447 Irrelative . . . By an investment of [ment of capital 7448 Irrelevant . . I consider expenditure stated a judicial invest- 7449 Irreverent . . This investment will 745 Irrigated . . . It would necessitate an investment of 745i Irrigation . "Ft* i ** Tn i m F f =kri 1"Tn on f~ rnrmcrmcr in T^PT*r*f i ni"no''f i XL io ctil ill V Co lillCIi L Ullil^lllll 111 UCI L/CIltcLli C 7452 Irriguous . . Invisible [eye 7453 Irritable . . . The rock is rich in gold, but it is invisible to the 7454 Irritant . . . Invisible to the eye 7455 Irritated . . Involve 7456 Irritating . . . This will involve 7457 Irruption . . . This will not involve 7458 Isagogic . . . Will this involve 7459 Isagon . . Involve an additional expense of 7460 Ischiadic . . Not to involve 7461 Ischury . . Iron 7462 Isinglass . . . Iron ore 7463 Islamism . . . Iron pyrites 7464 Islands . 1 "fVninrl in r^ofm j^/^firvri \ini*Vi IIVIY\ TYOTttAa . io HJU11U. Ill CUI111CCL1UI1 W1LI1 llUIl pyilLCS 7465 Isocheimal . . Oxide of iron 7466 Isolated . . . Stained with iron oxide 134 IRQ No. Code Word. Iron (continued) 7467 Isolation . . . Brown iron ore 7468 Isomeria . . . The iron occurs 7469 Isonomy . . . Haematite iron ore 7470 Isopod . . . Magnetic iron ore 7471 Isosceles . . . A rich deposit of iron ore 7472 Isothermal T'.^. riivfwitfi 4-V*^ -f^/^*-*-* +!-** it-^*-* . JL O CUVlClc lllc 11UI11 LilC 1IUI1 7473 Israelite . . . Veins of iron ore 7474 Issuable . . Irregular 7475 Issuant . . . The vein is very irregular 7476 Issueth . . . The veins being so irregular makes it difficult to 7477 Isthmian . . . Very irregular 7478 Isthmiques . Irrespective 7479 Italic . . . . Is this irrespective of 7480 Italicize . . . This is irrespective of 7481 Itching . . . This is not irrespective of 7482 Itemed . . Issue 7433 Iterant . . In order to bring matters to a successful issue 7484 Iterarium . . Have brought the affair to a successful issue 7485 Iterable . . . Have failed to bring matters to a successful issue 7486 Iterated . . . Will issue 7487 Iteration . . . will issue 7488 Itinerant . TVlll T"IOl~ T r ' r 'nP' Will 11UL looliC 7489 Itinerary . . Issued 749 Ivoirier . . . Have any shares been issued 7491 Ivories . . . Has (have) issued 7492 Ivrogner . . . Has (have) not issued 7493 Jabado . . January 7494 Jabardo . . . During the month of January 7495 Jabber . . . For the month of January 7496 Jabbering . . Early in January 7497 Jabigas . . . About the middle of January 7498 Jabira . . . . Towards the end of January 7499 Jabonadura . . Last January 7500 Jacamar . . . Next January 75 01 Jacana . . ist of January 7502 Jacariar . . . 2nd of January 753 Jacchus . . . 3rd of January 754 Jaccutio . . . 4th of January 755 Jackalent . . 5th of January 7506 Jackanapes . . 6th of January 757 Jackboots . 7th of January 75o8 Jacketed . . . 8th of January 759 Jacklings . . . 9th of January 75 10 Jackwood . . loth of January 75H Jacobinism . . nth of January 75 12 Jacobite . . . 1 2th of January 75i3 Jacquard . . . 1 3th of January 75i4 Jacquerie . . 1 4th of January 75i5 Jactancia . . . 1 5th of January 75 l6 Jactarse . . . 1 6th of January JAN 135 No. Code Word. 7517 Jactation. 7518 Jaculatory 7519 Jadery . 7520 Jaggedly . 7521 Jaghire . 7522 Jagtroer . 7523 Jaharro . 7524 Jahzorn . 7525 Jaillira . 7526 Jainas . . 7527 Jainism . 7528 Jalapin . 7529 Jalbegar . 753 Jaleabas . 7531 Jalousie . 753 2 Jamarias . 7533 Jamavas . 7534 Jambage . 7535 Jambeiro . 7536 Jandalo . 7537 Jangada . 7538 Jangleth . 7539 Jangling . 7540 Janiculo . 7541 Janizary . 7542 Janmaat . 7543 Jansenism 7544 Jantolina . 7545 Japanned. 7546 Japhetic . 7547 Jaquelaao 7548 Jaquemart 7549 Jaramago . 755 Jararaka . 755 1 Jarazo . . 7552 Jarciaba . 7553 Jardin. . 7554 Jardineria 7555 Jargonize. 7556 Jarretera . 7557 Jarringly . 7558 Jaspear . 7559 Jasperated 7560 Jaspery . 7561 Jaspoid . 7562 Jaunimes . 7563 Jauntily . 7564 Javelin 7565 Jawbone . January (continued) . 1 7th of January . 1 8th of January . 1 9th of January . 2oth of January , . 2ist of January , . 22nd of January , . 23rd of January , . 24th of January . . 25th of January , . 26th of January , . 27th of January , . 28th of January . . 29th of January , . 3oth of January , . 3ist of January . Join , . I wish for to join me as soon as possible . . To join with . . Do not join . . Will not join . . If will join . . If you will join . . Is (are) willing to join with us in . . Cannot join on account of . . Will you join to the extent of . . I will join to the extent of . Joined . . Has (have) joined . . Has (have) not joined . . Has (have) joined . Joint . . On joint account . . By joint action . Journey . . On the journey [part by coach . . The first part of the journey is by rail, the last . . The first part of the journey is by , the last by . . . A difficult journey to make, on account of . . A long journey from here to . Judge . . Could you judge . . I could not judge . . In order to judge . . To judge by . . It is difficult to judge on account of . As far as I can judge . . To judge of . Judging . . No means of judging 136 JUD No. 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 758o 758i 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590 759i 7592 7593 7594 7595 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 7612 7 6l 3 7614 Code Word. Jawfallen . Jazerant . Jealously . Jedesmal . Jedweder . Jeereth . Jeeringly . Jefatura . Jehovist . Jehovistic Jejuadoe . Jejuneness Jellied. . Jelly . . Jemidar . Jemminess Jenneting Jenofel . Jeofail Jeoparder Jeopardize Jeopardous Jerarquia Jeremiad . Jeringar . Jeringazo Jerketh . Jerkiness . Jeromica . Jerquing . Jessed. . Jestfully . Jestingly . Jesuita Jesuitess . Jesuitical . Jesuitry . Jetames . Jetblack . Jettison . Jeunement Jeunesse . Jeweilig . Jewelry . Jewishly . Jeyunaba . Jibado Jiferada . Jiggish . Jigote . . Judging (continued) . Judging by Judgment . Use your own judgment . On mature consideration my judgment is . Judgment has been given for us . Judgment has been given against us . Judgment in favour of . Used my own judgment in . Judgment will be given on . When will judgment be given . In whose favour is judgment given . Cannot form a judgment Judicious . Would it be judicious . It would be judicious . It would not be judicious . think(s) it a judicious step to take . do(es) not think it a judicious step to take July . During the month of July . For the month of July . Early in July . About the middle of July . Towards the end of July . Last July . Next July . ist of July . 2nd of July . 3rd of July . 4th of July . 5th of July . 6th of July . 7th of July . 8th of July . 9th of July . loth of July . nth of July . 1 2th of July . 1 3th of July . 1 4th of July . 1 5th of July . 1 6th of July . 1 7th of July . 1 8th of July . 1 9th of July . 2oth of July . 2ist of July . 22nd of July . 23rd of July . 24th of July JUL 137 No. Code Word. 7616 Jilguero . 7617 Jimelga . 7618 Jingoism . 7619 Jippo . . 7620 Jirgonza . 7621 Jobbingly 7622 Jocantry . 7623 Jochbein . 7624 Jockey ship 7625 Jocoquil . 7626 Jocosely . 7627 Jocoseness 7628 Jocosior . 7629 Jocular 7630 Joculator . 7631 Jocundity 7632 Jocundness 7633 Jodeisen . 7634 Joggles . 7^35 Jogueran . 7636 Johannite. 7637 Joinder . 7638 Jointress . 7639 Joketh . 7640 Jokingly . 7641 Joliment . 7642 Jolliness . 7643 Jolliest . 7644 Jonkheid . 7645 Jornada . 7646 Jorobado . 7647 Jostled 7648 Joubarbe . 7649 Journalism 7650 Journalize 7651 Journeyman 7652 Jouterez . 7653 Jovenada. 7654 Jovialidad 7655 Jovialness 7656 Jovialty . 7657 Jowl . . 7658 Jowter. . 7659 Joyance . 7660 Joyeria 7661 Joyfully . 7662 Joyless . 7663 Joyously . 7664 Juanete . 7665 Jubertar . July (continued} . . 25th of July . . 26th of July . . 27th of July . .28th of July . . 29th of July . . 3oth of July . . 3ist of July . Jumped . . Has (have) jumped . . To prevent our claims being jumped . . Otherwise our claims could be jumped, according . Junction [to the custom here . . Effect a junction with . . Can you effect a junction with . . Cannot effect a junction with . . At the junction of . Juncture . At this juncture . June . . During the month of June . . For the month of June . . Early in June . . About the middle of June . . Towards the end of June . . Last June . . Next June . . ist of June . . 2nd of June . . 3rd of June . . 4th of June . 5th of June . . 6th of June . . 7th of June . . 8th of June . . 9th of June . . loth of June . . nth of June . . 1 2th of June . . 1 3th of June . . i4th of June . . i5th of June . . 1 6th of June . . 1 7th of June . . 1 8th of June . . 1 9th of June . . 2oth of June . . 2ist of June . 22nd of June . . 23rd of June . . 24th of June 138 JUN No. Code Word. 7666 Jubilate . 7667 Jubilation 7668 Jubilee . 7669 Jucunde . 7670 Jucundity 7671 Judaico . 7672 Judaism . 7673 Judaizar . 7674 Judeneid . 7675 Judgeship 7676 Judicable. 7677 Judiciary . 7678 Judiego . 7679 Juffers. . 7680 Jugabais . 7681 Jugador . 7682 Jugale. . 7683 Jugarreta . 7684 Juggernaut 7685 Juggler . 7686 Jugosus . 7687 Jugueton . 7688 Juiceless . 7689 Juicioso . 7690 Julepear . 7691 Julgador . 7692 Jumart 7693 Jumbling . 7694 Jumentum 7695 Juncous . 7696 Jungfrau . 7697 Juniority . 7698 Junkerite. 7699 Juntamente 7700 Juramenta 7701 Justiciar . 7702 Justifieth . 7703 Kaffir . . 7704 Kaflan. . 7705 Kaiser. . 7706 Kakodyle. 7707 Kalbfell . 7708 Kalkirde . 7709 Kalmuck . 7710 Kalseren . 7711 Kamdock 7712 Kammdose 7713 Kamsin' 7714 Kanguruh 7715 Kantian . June (continued) . . 25th of June . . 26th of June . . 27th of June . . 28th of June . . 29th of June . . 3 T T l/~*li~AKl T7\-y-v-w-k 4-V * -A- T Qtr^l OIZI 8122 i-jlClLCIl Licitness . . JTiCJin LllC 11, J-*CVC1 . . From the ft. Level to ft. Level 8123 Licitura . . . ft. Level 8124 Lickerish . . Levelling 8125 Lickerous . . Levelling over 8126 Lickings . . . By levelling 8127 Licnide . . Levied 8128 Licorice . . . Has (have) levied 8129 Lictor . . has (have) levied 8130 Lidless . T-\ f\ r> /T-**-T7i=i\ >/^f- 1 ^TTI t\sl lido llltlVC J I1UL ICVICLL 8131 Liedchen . . . Not yet levied 8132 Liegaba . K1-* o r / 1- -i T r *!\ \ I^TTi^nH ^^ ilcto lllclVCy J.CV1CU 8133 Liegeman . Levy. 8134 Lienteric . . . Do (does) intend to levy 8135 Lientery . . . Will levy. 8136 Lievaron . . . Will not levy 8137 Lieutenant . . Intend(s) next month to levy 8138 Lifeblood . Liability, Liabilities 8139 Lifeboat . . . Incurring heavy liabilities 8140 Lifebuoys . . We shall thus incur a liability of 8141 Lifeless . . No liability 8142 Lifelong . . . What is (are) the liability(ies) 8143 Lifteth . . The liability(ies) is (are) heavy 8144 Liftlock . . . The liability (ies) is (are) slight 8145 Ligadura . . . No further liability 8146 Ligamental . . Liability(ies) probably about () 8147 Ligavit . . Cannot accept the liability . 8148 Ligereza . . . Will you accept the liability 8149 Lightened . . repudiate(s) the liability 148 LIA No. Code Word. 8150 Lighter . . Liable 8151 Lighterage . . Is (are) liable (for) 8152 Lighterman . . Is (are) not liable (for) 8153 Lighthouse . . Will be liable to 8154 Lightless . . . Will not be liable to 8155 Lignatio . . . Liable to cave in at any moment 8156 Ligneul . . Liberal 8157 Lignifying . . Is offered on very liberal terms 8158 Ligonas . . . has (have) behaved in a very liberal manner 8159 Ligula. . . . has (have) not behaved in a liberal manner 8160 Ligulated . . . Most liberal 8161 Likeable . . . Anything but liberal 8162 Likeliness . Lie(s) 8163 Likened . . . Report is a tissue of lies 8164 Liketh. . . . The mine lies 8165 Likewise . . . The mines lie 8166 Lilacine . . Like 8167 Lilaila. . . . If you like 8168 Lilienol . . . Would like to have 8169 Limaccio . . . Is (are) like 8170 Limature ... Is (are) not like 8171 Limbec . . . What would you like 8172 Limberness . Likely- Si 73 Limeburner . . It is very likely 8174 Limejuice . . It is not likely 8175 Limekiln . . . Is it likely (that) 8176 Limiero . . . Is there likely to be 8177 Limitarian . . is (are) very likely to 8178 Limitary . . . is (are) not likely to 8179 Limitation . . Would be likely to 8180 Limitrofe ... If were likely to 8181 Limneth . . . Likely to occur [him 8182 Limosnero . . would most likely accept if it were offered to 8183 Limpiador . . would most likely open up ore reserves 8184 Limpidity . Limestone 8185 Limpieza . . . Magnesian limestone 8186 Limpingly . . Hard blue limestone 8187 Limpio ... In the limestone 8188 Linament . . In carboniferous limestone 8189 Linchpin. . . Consists of limestone 8190 Lindeza . . . Argillaceous limestone 8191 Lindwurms . Limit(s) 8192 Lineage . . . Reduce limits 8193 Lineality . . . Increase limits 8194 Lineated . . . All limits removed 8195 Linfatico . . .All limits removed, but act with great caution 8196 Lingerer . . . Cannot get on at the limit (by ) 8197 Lingering. . . Could not act on account of your limit 8198 Linguada. . . Limit too high 8199 Lingual . . . Limit too low LIM No. Code Word. Limit(s) (continued} 8200 Linguiform . . At or about the limit of 8201 Linguist ... I (we) cannot increase my (our) limits 8202 Lingunto . . . Beyond my (our) limit(s) 8203 Linhajen ... Is this beyond your limits 8204 Linkboy . . . My limit is 8205 Linkisch . . . Within the prescribed limits 8206 Linnaean, . . Not to exceed my (our) last limits 8207 Linoleum . Limited 8208 Linseed . . . The mines are too limited in extent 8209 Linstock . . . Limited liability 8210 Linteolo . . . Of limited capacity 8211 Linxisti . . . The output has been limited 8212 Lionize . . . Must be limited to 8213 Liparocele . . My liability must be limited to 8214 Lipbloen . . . Limited demand 8215 Lipogram . . Too limited 8216 Lipped . . Line 8217 Lippiria . . . Up to the boundary line 8218 Liquabat . . . On the line 8219 Liquaren. . . Beyond the line 8220 Liquation . Liquidation 8221 Liquefieth . . The company is in liquidation 8222 Liquesco . . . Will be put in liquidation 8223 Liqueur ... To put into liquidation 8224 Liquidity. . . Endeavour to avoid liquidation 8225 Liquidly . . . Cannot avoid liquidation 8226 Liripoop . . , Liquidation will now be avoided 8227 Lirocene . . . has (have) filed a petition of liquidation 8228 Liroldo . . Liquidator 8229 Lisonjear. . . Who is the liquidator 8230 Lispeth . . . The liquidator is 8231 Lispingly. .Little 8232 Lissames . . . Very little 8233 Lissoir . . . Will be very little 8234 Listener . . . Too little 8235 Listening . . Too little to be of any use 8236 Listrado . . Load 8237 Litacion . . . Loads of 16 cubic feet 8238 Literalism . . Loads of cubic feet 8239 Literality. . . To load 8240 Literario . . . Loads on the floors 8241 Literati . . . Not to load 8242 Literatura . . Must not load with too much capital 8243 Lithesome . . - - will load it with 8244 Lithic . . . Loaded 8245 Lithocarp . . has (have) loaded it too heavily 8246 Lithocolla . . has (have) loaded 8247 Lithodome . . has (have) not loaded 8248 Lithoglyph . . Has (have) loaded 8249 Lithophane . . If not too heavily loaded 149 1,0 LOA No. Code Word. Loaded (continued) 8250 Lithophyl . . Has been too heavily loaded 8251 Lithotint . Loaded up 8252 Liticato . . . Loaded with 8253 Litichi . Loading 8254 -Litifito . . Loading up with 8255 Litigante . . Loan 8256 Litigar . . is (are) trying to raise a loan 8257 Litigioso . . . Can you raise a loan 8258 Litocola . . . Cannot raise a loan 8259 Litografia . . Want a loan of 8260 Literal . A loan of 8261 Litrameter . . To raise a loan 8262 Liturgia . . Locality [to form an opinion 8263 Liturgico . . . I visited other mines in the locality to help me 8264 Liturgist . . . In the same locality 8265 Lintessa . . . In the locality of 8266 Livelier . . Locate 8267 Liveliest . . . To locate the claim ~AS T IXTpllVlPiOfl Will Inmtr* O2OO 8269 1 ji Vt^llilL/DLJ. Livelong . . VV ill lUv^clLC . . will locate 8270 Livery . . *TTi11 *-*^v4- 1 /-\ / r 4- A Will 11UI lUCtllO 827T Liveryman . . Should be located 8272 Livesco . . . Have located 8273 Liviandad . Lode 8274 Liviano . . . Outcrop of the lode 8275 Lividato . . . The lode runs north and south 8276 Lividez . . . The lode runs east and west 8277 Livid ly . . The lode runs east of north 8278 Lividness . \ n P loop T"n < n r * ivr^t 1 r\f norfh JL 11C lUvlC JL Ullo WCoL Ul 11U1L11 827 9 Livraison . . . A well-defined lode 8280 Lixivial . . . The lode runs between walls of 828l Lixiviated . . Average width of lode is feet 8282 Lixivious . . . Average assays from the lode give 8283 Lixivium . . . The lode carries gold in paying quantities 8284 Llamador . . The lode does not carry gold in paying quantities 8285 Llanamente . Prospecting for a long time in same lode 8286 Llanura . . . Lode opening up well 8287 Llegada . . . Lode is getting narrower 8288 Llevador . . . Lode is getting wider 8289 Lloriqueur . A continuation of the same lode 8290 Llovediza . The lode runs 8291 Loadstone . . The lode has been located by different persons 8292 Loafingly . . . Deeper in the lode 82 9 3 Loafsugar A T\ oHif" rlfiT'pn fV^r^f" TTT** r*n1~ t*l"ip Ir^rlr^ * . /vll civ, 11 1 LLllVCil 1CCL lido vxLlL L11L, 1UL1C 8294 Loancia . . . The lode has been proved to a depth of feet 8295 Loaron . . An inclined shaft has been sunk on the lode 8296 Loathed . . . The lode is dipping 8297 Loathful . TVi P onl\7 f\ PVP! riTim pnf~ IQ in nHif" finvpn in * . J. 11C Ulliy \_1C V C1U1J111C11 L lo ctll ilLllL L111VC11 111 8298 Loathingly . The lode contains [feet on the lode 8299 Loathsome . A compact, well-defined lode between walls of LOD No. Code Word. 8300 Lobacho . 8301 Lobberen. 8302 Loblolly . 8303 Lobreguez 8304 Lobscouse 8305 Lobspound 8306 Lobular . 8307 Localidad 8308 Localisms 8309 Lochames 8310 Locherig . 8311 Lockist . 8312 Lockjaw . 8313 Lockram . 8314 Lockstitch 8315 Locomotion 8316 Loculose . 8317 Lodachar. 8318 Lodevole. 8319 Lodgable. 8320 Lodgeth . 8321 Lodgment 8322 Lodicula . 8323 Lodiento . 8324 Loftiest . 8325 Loftily . 8326 Logarithm 8327 Logbook . 8328 Logeiro . 8329 Loggats . 8330 Loggerhead 8331 Loggiato . 8332 Logical . 8 333 Logician . 8334 Logirend . 8 335 Logistic . 8336 Logistical 8337 Logline . 8338 Loglioso . 8339 Logogram 8340 Logomachy 8341 Logomania 8342 Logometer 8343 Logometric 8344 Logorava . 8345 Logotype . 8346 Logreel . 8347 Logrolling Lode (continued) . The metal-bearing part of the lode lies against the hanging wall . The metal-bearing part of the lode lies against the Log(s) [foot-wall . The buildings are made of rough logs . A log building Long . For a long time . The mines are situated a long distance from . How long will it take to go to and examine . How long [the Mine(s) . How long will it be . How long will it (they) take . It (they) will not take long . It is (they are) too long . It is (they are) not long enough . There is not long enough time to . Cannot give as long as wish(es) . How long will give . You must not be long . The mines have not been worked for a long time . Some long time ago . For a long distance . Before long . We hope before long to Longer . Cannot give longer time . Cannot remain longer . Not much longer . A little longer . Not any longer . Do not be longer than . How much longer shall you . Shall not remain much longer . Will take longer than I (we) expected to but may make the inspection . . I (we) hope to be in by the . . Longer than necessary [be a day or two longer . . Longer than was expected . . Must have longer . Longest. . . The longest (of the) . At the longest . Look(s) . . How does it look . . Look(s) encouraging . . Looks like a failure . . Looks better than expected . . Looks very favourable . Look out for 152 LOO No. Code Word. Look(s) (continued) 8348 Logueros . . . Will look out for 8349 Lohgabel . . . Look into the matter immediately 8350 Lohgrube . . Look after 835i Loicuzzi . . . Look into 8352 Lointain . . . Look into the matter the first opportunity 8353 Loitereth . . . Have had to look into 8354 Loitering . . . Have not had time to look into the matter 8355 Lokazen . . . Look to 8356 Loliacea . . Look up 8357 Lollard . . Telegraph when you can look to 8358 Lollipop . . Am very pleased with the look of the mine 8359 Lolloping . . Am very disappointed with the look of the mine 8360 Lomonite . . Looked [he is right in every respect 8361 Londonism . . I have looked through 's report on the mine ; 8362 Londonize IVi m/P> 1/^/^lr^rl tV\ YTMi rrVi _ ,^o T^or^ft" Vnc cfcif"^-. lldVC 1UUK.CL1 llll vJliiill ^^ o ICUvJlt* Illb otdLC 8363 Loneliness . . The mine looked well [ments are wrong 8364 Lonesome . . The mine looked very bad 8365 Longaniza . Looking 8366 Longboat . . Looking bad 8367 Longbow . . . Looking well 8368 Longeval . . . Looking worse 8369 Longevity . . Looking better 8370 Longevous . . Looking first-rate 837i Longheaded . Not looking so well 8372 Longipulp . . Is looking the same 8373 Longipes . . . Where the vein is looking 8374 Longsight in. /rt*^\ i K * i i r 4.1 . ~ is ^are^ looKing aneaa [sequentiy 8375 Longstop . . Has (have) not been looking ahead, and con- 8376 Longways . Looking well after 8377 Longwinded . Looking out for 8378 Lonjista . . This will require looking after at once 8379 Loodgilt . 1^1 /*-*-/^\ 1 r\ /-\ L" i KI rr ^-.+- /.T~\ io ^dicy lUUKing out yiory 8380 Loodkalk . . . I am (we are) looking after it (them) 8381 Loofwerk . . Lose 8382 Loomingly . . Will be likely to lose 8383 Loopers . . . will probably lose 8384 Loophole . T-T/^Tir t-vn i /- V* vril1 I/-XOA V-.-w AAvJVV lllUv^il Will JLLJoC LJV 8385 Looseneth . . Do(es) not lose 8386 Lopeared . . Do not lose any time in 8387 Lophiodon . Shall lose 8388 Lopsided . . . Shall not lose 8389 Loquacious . . Do not lose sight of 8390 Loquacity lyxr.^v/r.\ c-lfl'l^t" ^*-~ lUbc^oy bigiH (Ji 839i Lordasse . . . They lose at present 8392 Lordizia . . . They lose per cent, of the gold from not 8393 Lordliness . Loser(s) [being able to work the sulphurets 8394 Lordling . . will be the loser(s) 8395 Lordosis . '11 f V.y **-..* 1 s^ n **./ *\ Vx win not DC ciny ioscr(s^ uy 8396 Lordship . . . I (we) shall be the loser(s) 8397 Lordura . . . Loser(s) by this transaction LOS 153 No. Code Word. 8398 Lorgnette Losing [bad working 8399 Loricare . . . They are losing per cent, of the - through 8400 Lorication . npl <-fk 1 ,r\ r- 1 vi rr t"vor> s**ni- /~\-f i-ln c* L iicy die lOoing pci cLiii. ui inc 8401 Loricavi . . . We are losing 8402 Lorimer . . . We are not losing 8403 Losable . . Are we losing 8404 Losenger . . Loss(es) 8405 Loteling . . . Loss of 8406 Lothkorm . What is the estimated loss 8407 Lothziem . . . Cannot estimate the loss 8408 Lottano . . . Do not think there will be any loss 8409 Lotteiy . . . Great loss of through imperfect working 8410 Louange . . Ar-r*rTrr fVom f"1 1 1 1 Y"l ff 1 ^ OM Vf* *"" I"! O \V 1 T1 fT t hat there is a great loss in the 8411 Loungeth . Detained here by loss of luggage 8412 Loungingly . . There has been a loss of days owing to 8413 Loureola . . Through the loss of 8414 Lousily . . Estimate the loss of 8415 Lousiness . Loss of time 8416 Loutish . . A total loss of 8417 Louvador . To prevent any loss 8418 Louvasse . . . Loss will be about 8419 Louvavel . . has (have) incurred severe loss 8420 Louverez . . IA <- r* /KrTr^fc\ ft 1 r * n 1 *% <^*A ly"irtr /~\f . Ilctb ^ildVCy bUbLillUcU. lUbo Ul 8421 Lovable . . . At a loss of 8422 Lovefeast . . . The loss will be great 8423 Loveknot . The loss will be small 8424 Loveless . . . The loss is heavy 8425 Loveletter . . The loss is trifling 8426 Loveliest . . . Losses are heavy 8427 Lovelock . . . Losses are light 8428 Lovelorn . . Lost 8429 Lovemonger . . Too much is lost in the tailings 8430 Lovesick . . . Lost in the working 8431 Lovingly . . Y-)f>r ppnf i lnt thrniifH thipvin nr 8432 Lovingness . . Is (are) lost 8433 Lowborn . . . Is (are) not lost 8434 Lowering . T~\or r*f*Y\\ f r\ ^\\ pf ic l/"icf 8435 Lowermost . . The rest is lost 8436 Lowlands . Telegraph how much is (are) lost in 8437 Lowlihood . . Has (have) lost 8438 Lowminded . . Has (have) not lost 8439 Lowwater . Has (have) been lost 8440 Loxodromic . . Have lost time through 8441 Loyalist . . . Lost heavily 8442 Loyalty . . . Lost by 8443 Lozanear . . Will be lost 8444 Lozenges . . Lot 8445 Lubberly . . . A lot of 8446 Lubentia . Low (See also Grade ) 154 LOW No. Code Word. Low (continued) 8447 Lubricant . . Very low 8448 Lubricous . . Low as you can 8449 Lubrigar . . . The water is very low in 8450 Lucanica . . . Low price 845 1 Lucchese . . How low will it go 8452 Lucedoro . . The stock is very low 8453 Lucentes . . Lower 8454 Luchador . T /-*ITS^\ 4-T- -T > 1 - 4-V* ,-fc. TiT-ill rer\ l^r^t- x ( \vc) tniniv tnc wiii ^^j luwcr 8455 Lucidness . . I (we) think the will not go lower 8456 Lucidoso . . . We must sink feet lower. 8457 Lucifer . . Will have to sink the lower 8458 Luciferous . . Must have lower terms 8459 Lucimeter . . At the lower level 8460 Lucimiento . . Cannot lower 8461 Lucklessly . Lowest 8462 Lucrific . . . On the lowest terms 8463 Lucrosus . . At the lowest level 8464 Lucubrate . . Telegraph lowest price 8465 Lucubro . . . The lowest price 8466 Lucullite . 'n 1 y^iTr/^r-4- T~vt-lOi 1C? o IL/WCbL Uill^C lo 8467 Ludibrio . . . What is the lowest price 8468 Luftritt . . . W T hat is the lowest sum you will take (for) 8/1 6n T.ncrarpnr* - ic f n* l^vxT'Aet 1 T"\vir*o * r\s\ t-o/-Jii~f iy\r-k /-<-*r^ !, made 8470 Lugsail . . . The mine has been worked at the lowest cost 8471 Lugubre . . . The cost of working must be brought down to the lowest figure 8472 Luissem ... Is this the lowest you can get 8473 Luituras . . Luck 8474 Lukewarm . . Through a piece of luck 8475 Lullaby . . Lucky 8476 Lumbago . . . Has (have) been so lucky as to 8477 Lumbered . . Has (have) not been lucky in 8478 Lumbrical . Lucrative 8479 Luminant . . I feel sure it will be a lucrative venture 8480 Luminous . . Not sufficiently lucrative. 848 1 Lummelei . . has (have) been very lucrative 8482 Lumpig . . . Has (have) never been lucrative 8483 Lumpish . . . Will it be sufficiently lucrative 8484 Lunacies . . Luggage 8485 Lunaison ... As soon as my (our) luggage arrives 8486 Lunatico . . Lumber 8487 Luncheth . . . Waiting for lumber 8488 Lunching . . . Plenty of lumber 8489 Lunderen . . Built of lumber 8490 Lungeous . . The houses are built of lumber 8491 Luniform . . . A scarcity of lumber 8492 Macada . . Machinery 8493 Macadamize . . Machinery broke down ; had to stop hoisting 8494 Macareno . . Machinery broke down ; had to stop pumping MAC 155 No. Code Word. Machinery (continued) 8495 Macarrones . . The only machinery is 8496 Macarse . . . There is no machinery whatever at 8497 Macassar . . . What hoisting machinery is there at the mine 8498 Maccabean . . Machinery (at ) complete in every way 8499 Maccoboy . . What machinery will be required 8500 Macebam . . Machinery received 8501 Macebearer . . Have commenced erecting machinery 8502 Macerated . . I estimate it will cost to put up the neces- 8503 Maceration . . Machinery out of repair [sary machinery 8504 Machinal ... I estimate the value of the machinery at 8505 Machinate . . The machinery that will have to be erected is 8506 Machinator . . The machinery works badly [ 8507 Macilent . . . The machinery will be up by 8508 Mackintosh . . The machinery has been sent 8509 Mackle . . . The repairs to the machinery will take 8510 Macrocosm . Made 8511 Macrology . . Made money over 8512 Macrometer . . Made money out of 8513 Macropus . . Will have to have the made 8514 Macrotone . . I am (we are) getting it (them) made 8515 Macrouran . . Shall I (we) get it (them) made here 8516 Mactation . . Can be made here 8517 Macula . . . Cannot be made here 8518 Maculated . . When will it (they) be made 8519 Maculation . . It (they) will be made about 8520 Madam . . . Must be made immediately 8521 Madarosis . . You had better have made 8522 Madbrain . . If you can get it (them) made 8523 Madcap . . . If you cannot get it (them) made 8524 Maddener . . Could not be made out 8525 Maddeneth . . Made the best terms I could 8526 Maddening . . Can be made at 8527 Madefies . . . Made by 8528 Madefying . . Made up to 8529 Madhouse . . Cannot be made up 8530 Madmen . . . Has (have) been made 8531 Madonna. . . Has (have) not been made 8532 Madoqua. . . Trial made 8533 Madrepearl . . Not made by 8534 Madrepore . . Made up of 8535 Madrier . . . Made too heavy 8536 Madrigal . . . Made too light 8537 Maelstrom . . Will have to be made 8538 Maestoso. .Magnitude 8539 Magazine . . Of what magnitude is 8540 Magellanic . . Of great magnitude 8541 Magenta . . . Of no great magnitude 8542 Maggoty . . Mail(s) 8543 Magian . . . Sending report by to-day's mail 8544 Magianism . . Sending report by to-morrow's mail i 5 6 MAI No. Code Word. Mail(s) (continued] 8545 Magically . . Sending report by mail of 8546 Magician . . . Report sent by mail of 8547 Magilp . . Will write by next mail 8548 Magister . . . Will send full particulars by next mail 8549 Magistracy . . Mail arrived too late for me (us) to 8550 Magistral. . . Wait for the mail of 8551 Magnate . . By the first mail 8552 Magnesia. . . By last mail 8553 Magnetic . . . By next mail 8554 Magnetical . . No dependence can be placed on the mails 8555 Magnetist . . Mail delayed through accident to. 8556 Magnificat T ^nvincr ov Tnnil ifpnmpT OT for . J_/CctVillii UV 11 id 11 oLCctlllCL Ul 1\JJ. 8557 Magnifico T r'Ttrinrr l^ir t~niil trnTn /r\n\ for J^ttiVlllLi Uy lildll 1 1 ill 11 IvJIl) 1U1 8558 Magnified! . . Write by next mail about 8559 Magnifying . . There is a weekly mail here from 8560 Magyars . . . There is a monthly mail here from 8561 Mahaleb . . . There is a fortnightly mail here from - 8562 Maharajah . . Not hearing from you by last mail 8563 Mahogany TT ^ f.X-v**4. TT^MI Vv +-V* rt T-tTOll **> . jna,vc bent you uy uic niciii ui 8564 Mahomed . . Have sent you the accounts for the year ending 8565 Mahometan TVT Q i Y\ V^v in nil r\f . ivj-cllil uy 1110,11 ui 8566 Maiden . . . Main drift 8567 Maidenhood . Main shaft 8568 Maidenly . . . In the main drift 8569 Maientic . . . In the main shaft ' 8570 Mailclad . . . The main shaft is down ft 8571 Mailcoach . . The main tunnel 8572 Mailguard . From the main shaft to 8573 Mailroute .Make 8574 Maimed . . . Prepared to make over 8575 Maindeck . . Not prepared to make over 8576 Mainsail . . . Willing to make 8577 Mainsheet . Not willing to make 8578 Maintop . . . Must make some alteration 8579 Mainyard. . Cannot make any alteration 8580 Majestic . . . Please make out and send at once. [ Mine 8581 Majestical . . Make arrangements to go to to examine 8582 Majolica . . . To make money 8583 Majorat . . When can you make 8584 Majordomo . Can make 8585 Majuscule . . Cannot make 8586 Makebate . Making 8587 Makepeace . . Am (are) now making up the accounts 8588 Makeshift . . Making no profits, only paying expenses 8589 Malacology . . Are you making 8590 Maladroit . . Hope soon to be making 8591 Malady . . . Making good progress 8592 Malanders . Man 8593 Malapert . . A man of high standing 8594 Malapropos . . A man of no reputation MAN 157 No. Code Word. Man (continued] 8595 Malarian . . . is a man notorious for writing exaggerated reports [his report sells the mine Malarious . . is a man who gets paid a commission only if Malaxation . . Must have a reliable man to Malcontent . Manage Maledicted . . Can you manage Malefactor . . Can manage (to) Maleficent . . Can manage (to) Malevolent . . Cannot manage (to) Malformed . . If you can manage (to) Malicious . . Has (have) not been able to manage (to) Malignant . . If you cannot manage (to) Maligneth . . Very difficult to manage Malignity . . . Shall be able to manage (to) Malignly . . . has (have) not known how to manage the Maligner . . . Will you manage (to) Malkin . . . Has (have) been able to manage Malleable . Managed Malleateth . . Has been badly managed Malleolar . . . Can be easily managed Malmsey . . Management Malodorus . . Will take the management Maltalent . . . Owing to bad management Maltha . . . Will you take the management Malthusian . . With proper management Malthorse . . Will not take the management Maltman . . . Without proper management 8621 Maltreat . . . Will take the management 8622 Maltster ... I (we) will leave the management of to 8623 Malvaceous . . It will be best to leave the management of - 8624 Mamaluke . . Will require some little management. [to - 8625 Mamelon. . . To whom can you leave the management of 8626 Mamma . . . Will leave the management to you 8627 Mammalia . Manager 8628 Mammalogy . . Who is the manager of 8629 Mammana . . To appoint as manager 8630 Marnmodis . . Appoint as manager 863 1 Mammon . . Manager of 8632 Mammonist . . will not do as manager 8633 Mammoths . . Has been appointed manager 8634 Manacles . . . Must have a competent man as manager 8635 Manageable . Manganese 8636 Manageless . . Black oxide of manganese 8637 Manakin . . . The manganese deposit 8638 Manchet . . Manifest 8639 Manchineel . . It is manifest that 8640 Manciple . . Manipulated 8641 Mandamus . . The stock has been manipulated 8642 Mandarin . . Is being manipulated 8643 Mandatory . . Is the stock being manipulated I 5 8 MAN No. Code Word. 8644 Mandibles . Manner 8645 Mandibular . In what manner 8646 Mandioc . . . In the same manner as 8647 Mandoline . . In like manner 8648 Mandragora . . In some manner 8649 Mandrear . In the manner explained 8650 Manducable . . The only manner in which the ore can be worked 8651 Manducate . . Cannot in any manner [to any profit is by 8652 Manege . . Many 8653 Manequin . . How many do you want 8654 Maneuver . . Do you want many 8655 Maneuvered . . I (we) do not want many 8656 Manful . . I (we) shall want a great many 8657 Manfully . . As many as you can get 8658 Manfulness . Not so many as 8659 Mangcorn . . As many as possible 8660 Mangiest . . . Not very many 8661 Manginess . . is found in many of the mines in the district 8662 Mangleth . . . In many instances 8663 Mangling . . . Many miners 8664 Mangonel. . Map(s) If rrm n rl i 8665 Mangy . . Send me (us), if you can, a map ot the country 8666 Manhater. . . I (we) send you by to-day's post a map of the country in which the Mines are 8667 Manhater . . No reliable map has ever been made of 8668 Manhood . . A government map 8669 Maniac . . . You will see by the map that 8670 Maniacal . . March 8671 Manichean . . During the month of March 8672 Manicheism . . For the month of March 8673 Manichord . . Early in March 8674 Manifestly . . About the middle of March 8675 Manifesto . . Towards the end of March 8676 Manifold . . . Last March 8677 Maniglion . . Next March 8678 Maniglious . . ist of March 8679 Manilio . . . 2nd of March 8680 Manipular . 3rd of March 8681 Manitrunk . . 4th of March 8682 Mankind . . . 5th of March 8683 Manless . . .6th of March 8684 Manliest . . .7th of March 8685 Manliness . . 8th of March 8686 Mannacroup . . 9th of March 8687 Mannerism . . loth of March 8688 Mannerly. . . nth of March 8689 Mannish . . . i2th of March 8690 Mannite . . . 131)1 of March 8691 Manometer . . 1 4th of March 8692 Manorhouse . . 1 5th of March MAR 159 No. Code Word. 8693 Manorial . . 8694 Manoscope . 8695 Manqueller . 8696 Mansard . . 8697 Manservant . 8698 Mansions 8699 Mansuetude . 8700 Mantelet . 8701 Mantiger . 8702 Mantilla . . 8703 Mantling . . 8704 Mantrap . 8705 Manuals . . 8706 Manubial. 8707 Manuducent. 8708 Manuductor . 8709 Manumitted . 8710 Manu motor . 8711 Manureth 8712 Manuscript . 8713 Manx . . . 8714 Marabuts . . 8715 Maracauba , 8716 Maranatha . 8717 Maraschino , 8718 Marasmus . 8719 Marauder 8720 Marauding 8721 Maravedi. , 8722 Marcassin 8723 Marceline 8724 Marcescent , 8725 Marchpane , 8726 Marcionite , 8727 Marechal 8728 Margarate , 8729 Margaric . 8730 Margarine 8731 Margaron 8732 Marginally 8733 Marginated 8734 Margode . 8735 Margosa . 8736 Margravate 8737 Margrave. 8738 Margravine 8739 Marigenous 8740 Marinated 8741 Marinateth 8742 Mariners . March (continued} . 1 6th of March . 1 7th of March . 1 8th of March . 1 9th of March . 2oth of March . 2ist of March . 22nd of March . 23rd of March . 24th of March . 25th of March . 26th of March . 27th of March . 28th of March . 29th of March . 3oth of March . 3ist of March Margin(s) . Must have a margin for contingencies . A further margin of . Will not give any margin . Will give a margin of . Margin must be made good on . Unless it (they) leave a margin . Leaving no margin . Leaving a good margin for Market . Market advancing . Market broke . Market broke so fast, could not sell more than . Market closed firmer with more inquiry . Market closed dull with less inquiry . Market declining . Market dull . Market dull, but prices are firm . Market has an upward tendency . Market has a downward tendency , . Market has indications of a panic . Market is dull and unsettled . Market is dull owing to , . Market is strong on . Market is weak on , . Market opened weak, but closed strong . . Market opened strong, but closed weak . . All stocks are declining ; market very weak , . All stocks are advancing ; the market is very strong , . Market affected by [further downward tendency . . All stocks are declining; the market indicates a , . How is the market ? Please telegraph . . If the market is strong . If the market is weak i6o MAR No. Code Word. Market (continued) 8743 Mariolatry . . Telegraph if there is any change in the market 8744 Marionette . . The market is improving 8745 Mariput . . . From appearance of the market I think I had better buy What is your advice 8746 Marital . . . From appearances of the market 8747 Maritime ... As fast as the market will stand it 8748 Markers . . . From appearance of the market I think I had better sell What is your advice 8749 Marketable . . From appearance of the market, stocks will soon 8750 Marketday . . The market is improving [decline 8751 Marketing . . Think there is prospect for a good market 8752 Marksman . . The report has had a depressing effect on the market 8753 Marlaceous . . The report has had a favourable effect on the 8754 Marline ... I think the market will keep up [market 8755 Marlitic ... I think the market will not keep up 8756 Marlpit . . . To excite the market 8757 Marlstone . . To excite the market as little as possible 8758 Marmalade . . Market quiet, but firm 8759 Marmorated . . What do you think of the market [bottom 8760 Marmorean . . Watch the market, and buy quickly if it shows 8761 Marmose. . Material (s) 8762 Marone . . . Materials can be easily obtained [to 8763 Maronites . . Shall have to send to for necessary materials 8764 Marooneth . . No materials at hand for 8765 Marooning . . The necessary material for 8766 Marplot . . . For the materials to 8767 Marquess . Matrix 8768 Marquetry . . The matrix being 8769 Marquisate . . The matrix is 8770 Marriage . . Matter(s) (See also Settle ) 8771 Marrieth . . . Go into the matter carefully 8772 Marrowbone. . Have referred the matter to 8773 Marrowfat . . What is the matter with 8774 Marrowish . . The matter has been settled by 8775 Marrowless . . The matter is not yet settled 8776 Marrowy. . . When the matter is settled 8777 Marrying . . . Till the matter is settled 8778 Marshaller . . I (we) leave the matter to to arrange 8779 Marshals . . . The matter is now in hand 8780 Marshalsea . . Will have nothing to do with the matter 8781 Marshelder . . The matter will soon be settled 8782 Marsupial. . .- Matter(s) appear (s) very unsettled 8783 Marsupite . . It will not matter 8784 Martagon . . The matter is in the hands of 8785 Marteilo . . . There is nothing the matter with 8786 Martial ... It does not matter 8787 Martinet . . . It is a matter of the greatest importance 8788 Martingale . . How do matters stand 8789 Martinmas . . It is a matter of MAY No. Code Word. Matter (continued] 8790 Martyr . . . Have nothing to do with the matter 8791 Martyrdom . . The matter is no longer in the hands of 8792 Martyrized . May 8793 Marvelled . . How soon may I (we) 8794 Marvellous . . How much may I (we) 8795 Mascagnin . . How long may I (we) 8796 Masculine . . When may I (we) 8797 Masher . . . May I (we) 8798 Mashingly . . May you 8799 Masonic ... I (we) may 8800 Masonry . . . You may 8801 Masoretic . . May he (they) 8802 Masorite . . . He (they) may 8803 Masquerade . . If may 8804 Massacre ... If may not 8805 Massbook . . You may not 8806 Masseter . . . May go up again 8807 Massicot . . . May go down 8808 Massive . . . May decline 8809 Massorah . . During the month of May 8810 Massoretic . . For the month of May 88 r i Masterdom . . Early in May 8812 Masterful. . . About the middle of May 8813 Masterhand . . Towards the end of May 8814 Masterhood . . Last May 8815 Mastering . . Next May 8816 Masterless . . istofMay 8817 Masterly . . . 2nd of May 8818 Mastermind. . 3rd of May 8819 Mastership . . 4th of May 8820 Mastheaded. . 5th of May 8821 Masticable . . 6th of May 8822 Masticador . . 7th of May 8823 Masticate . . 8th of May 8824 Masticine . . 9th of May 8825 Mastodon . . loth of May 8826 Mastoid . . . nth of May 8827 Mastology . . i2thofMay 8828 Matachin. . . i3thofMay 8829 Matadore . . . i4th of May 8830 Matchably . . i5thofMay 8831 Matchcoat . . 1 6th of May 8832 Matcheth . . 1 7th of May 8833 Matchless . . 1 8th of May 8834 Matchlock . . 1 9th of May 8835 Matchmaker . 2oth of May 8836 Matelote. . . 2istofMay 8837 Materially . . 22nd of May 8838 Maternal . . . 23rd of May 8839 Maternity . . 24th of May 161 M 162 MAY No. Code Word. May (continued) 8840 Matfelon . . 25th of May 8841 Mathematic . . 26th of May 8842 Mathesis . . . 27th of May 8843 Matico . . . 28th of May 8844 Matinee . . . 29th of May 8845 Matrass . . . 3oth of May 8846 Matricidal . . 3ist of May 8847 Matricide . Mean(s) Fnf [01 8848 Matrimony . . Do not understand what you mean in your letter 8849 Matronage . . Do not understand what you mean in your telegram 8850 Matronized . By what means [of( by) 8851 Matronly . . . By which means 8852 Matrons . . . What do (does) mean 8853 Mattered . . . By all means 8854 Mattering . By no means 8855 Mattock . . . Has (have) the means 8856 Maturant . . . Has (have) not the means 8857 Matured . . . Take such means as you think best 8858 Matutinal . . Shall take other means (to) 8859 Maudlin . . . Take every possible means (to) 8860 Maulstick . Meaning 8861 Maundereth . . What is the meaning of 8862 Maundering . Meant 8863 Mausolean . . I (we) meant to say 8*64 Mauve . . What was meant 8865 Mawkish . . . Was not meant 8866 Maxillar . . Medium 8867 Maxilliped . . The ore is of medium quality 8868 Maximize . . Only of medium quality 8869 Mayday . .Meet 8870 Mayoralty . . Meet me (us) at 8871 Mayoress . . Meet me (us) on arrival, at the hotel 8872 Maypole . . . Will meet you at 8873 Mayqueen . . Will meet me (us) at 8874 Mazagan . \Vill not V)p ihlp to mppt vmi it - [follow 8875 Mazarine . . . Will not be able to meet me (us) at , but will 8876 Mazology T'f* r\ r\ /Hr*r* rt \ Tirvt" < mr v r i f' T*r\n 8877 Mazurka . . . Must have to meet current expenses 8878 Meadow . . . Telegraph to to meet me at 8879 Meagrely . TVlrrrinh ( -T \ tn tVir T^in k to meet me . . JL cic^icipii \j) to me 8880 Meagreness . Meeting [on my ai --V-1TTO 1 Of- 8881 Mealman . . . Call a meeting of 8882 Mealtimes . . Statutory meeting 8883 Meandered . . Has (have) called a meeting of 8884 Meandrian . . Annual general meeting will be held 8885 Meandrous . . Extraordinary general meeting 8886 Meaningly . . The meeting was highly satisfactory 8887 Measles . . . At the meeting [by telegraph 8888 Measurably plpqofk nftpnH mpptino 1 nf Tnrl report result 8889 Measurer . . A meeting will be held on (to) MEE 163 No. 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 88 95 8896 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 S9I5 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8 934 8935 8936 8937 8938 Code Word. Mechanize . Mechanurgy . Mechoacan . Meconated . Meconic . . Meconine . Meconium . Medalet . . Medalist . . Medallic . . Medallion Meddlesome Meddleth. . Meddling. . Meddlingly . Mediacy . . Mediaeval Mediastine . Mediately Mediation Mediatize Mediator .. . Mediatress . Mediatrix Medicable . Medically Medicament . Medicaster . Medicated . Medicinal Medicines Mediocre . . Mediocrity . Meditating . Meditative . Medley . . Medulla . . Medullary Medullin . . Medusa . . Medusian . Meekly . . Meekness Meerschaum . Megacosm Megalesian . Megalithic . Megalonyx . Megaphyton . Meeting (continued) . When will the next Board meeting take place . At a meeting held it was decided to . Nothing was decided at the meeting . A meeting will shortly be held to decide . Please attend the meeting, and watch our interests . At a meeting of the creditors of payment of in the pound was offered Member(s) . is (are) member(s) of . is (are) not member(s) of . Is (are) member(s) of . By a member of Men . Short of men . Require men to . Require experienced men to Mention . Do not mention to any one . You had better mention (this) to . Will mention the matter to . Will make no mention . You do not mention Mentioned . Has not been mentioned . Was mentioned to me privately . Is not to be mentioned . Was mentioned as a positive fact Merchant (s) . is (are) the leading merchant(s) of this place . is (are) leading merchant (s) of [way . is (are) merchant(s) in , but in a small . On behalf of , who is (are) merchant(s) in . The vendors are merchants in Mercury. . Losing mercury per ton of ore owing to Merit(s) . The great merit is . On its merits Message . I (we) do not think you understand the message . Send following message to . Repeat the message . Last message received from you was dated . My (our) last message to you was dated . Have not received the message referred to (of) . Has (have) received a message from saying . From message received . Has (have) sent no message . I (we) do not understand the message . A message was sent 164 MET No. Code Word. 8939 Megascope . Met 8940 Megrim . . . Was (were) met with 8941 Meiosis . . . met me (us) at 8942 Melampode . . Has (have) not met 8943 Melancholy . . Met with 8944 Melange . . . Met by 8945 Melamzm . Metal 8946 Melanotype . Metalliferous 8947 Melaphyre . Metamorphic 8948 Melasma . . . Metamorphic slate 8949 Meliceris . . Method 8950 Melifero . . . The method by which the gold is extracted 8951 Meliorate ... I want to go to to see a new method for 8952 Melligo ... A new method of extracting the from the 8953 Mellite ... By this method 8954 Mellitic ... A great saving is accomplished by the method 8955 Mellowed. .Micaceous [which has been adopted (of) 8956 Mellowness . . Micaceous rock 8957 Melodeon . . Mica schist 8958 Melodies . . Middle 8959 Melodious . . In the middle 8960 Melodist . . . Through the middle 8961 Melodized . . At the middle 8962 Melodrama . Midst 8963 Melpomene . . In the midst of 8964 Meltingly . . Might 8965 Membered . . Might I (we) 8966 Membership . . Might he (they) 8967 Membrane . . You might 8968 Membranous . He (they) might 8969 Mementoes . . Might I (we) not 8970 Memoirs ... It might 8971 Memoirist . . It might not 8972 Memorably . . Might be able to 8973 Memorative . Mile(s) 8974 Memorials . . Is about miles from the mine(s) 8975 Memorized . . Miles from 8976 Memphian . . Can be traced for many miles 8977 Menaceth. . . The Mine(s) is (are) miles from 8978 Menacing. . . The mill is miles from the mine(s) 8979 Menacingly . . How many miles is (are) the mine(s) from 8980 Menagerie . . The last - miles of the journey, the road is very bad 8981 Menagogue . . The last miles are over the mountains 8982 Mendable . . Mill(s) 8983 Mendacious . . Mill is (Mills are) running on ore from 8984 Mendacity . . Mill returns show 8985 Mendeth . . . Mill tests show 8986 Mendicancy . . Have based my calculation on the mill run for 8987 Mendicant . . There is a stamp mill [the last year MIL 165 No. 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 Code Word. Mendicity Menhir Menials . Meninges . Meningitis Meniscal . Menology . Mensural . Mentagra . Mentorial . Mephitic . Mephitism Mercable . Mercantile Mercaptan M creature Mercenary Mercers hip Merchantry Mercifully Merciless . Merganser Meridian . Meridional Merino Meriones . Merismatic Mermaiden Mermen . Mill(s) (continued} . A new stamp mill required . . The mill can crush tons in twenty-four hours . . Mill stopped for repairs on the , will start . . Mill stopped crushing to clean up , . has (have) used his (their) mill to cr from neighbouring mines . . There must be a new mill . . Mill working splendidly . Mills are idle from want of water . Mill starts again on . . Mill stopped for boiler to be cleaned and r . . The present mill is of no use . . With the present incomplete mill . . Mill has been working day and night fc ash ore epaired time mill . . Mill working hours per day . . Mill site . . The present mill is . . Mill closed in consequence of . . Mill arrived, will start at once erecting it . . Chilian mill . . Huntington centrifugal roller quartz mill . . 5-stamp mill . . lo-stamp mill . . 2o-stamp mill . . 4o-stamp mill . Milling . . Milling ore extracted during the past . . What will be cost of mining and milling the ore 9017 Merriest . 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 Merriment Merriness . Merrymake Merula Mesaraic . Meseemeth Mesenteric Mesial . . Mesjid . . Mesmeree Mesmeric . Mesmerism Mesmerized Mesoblast with the present appliances . . I estimate the cost of mining and milling the ore with the present appliances at . . Always sufficient water for milling purposes . . Milling has turned out well . Milling has turned out badly . . Milling costs per ton .Mind . . You must bear in mind . . Do not mind . . If you would not mind . Mine(s) . . The mine(s) is (are) . . The mine is exhausted unless another streak of pay ore is discovered . . The mine(s) is (are) well worthy of investigation . . The mine(s) is (are) not worthy of investigation . . The mine(s) look(s) splendid MIN Codeword. Mine(s) (continued) Mesocolon . . The mine(s) is (are) situated in a district having a reputation for good properties Mesolabe . . . The mine(s) is (are) not situated in a district celebrated for good properties Mesosperm . . I consider the Mine(s) very valuable Mesothorax . . The mine(s) is (are) worked out Mesotype ... I strongly recommend the purchase of the Mine(s) for Messager . . . I do not consider the Mine(s) worth more than , a sum I feel sure the vendors will accept Messengers . . How is (are) the mine(s) looking [the mines Messertuch , . () will be necessary to thoroughly equip Messianic . . At the mine(s) Messmates . . The mine is not worth Mestee . . . On the mine Mestino ... In the mine Metabasis . . Mine(s) is (are) full of water Metabolian . . From all parts of the mine Metabolic . . I cannot advise the purchase of the mine(s) Metacarpal . . I advise purchase of the mine(s) for Metacarpus . . The mine(s) in its (their) present condition Metacentre . . The mine(s) fall(s) far short of the report by Metacetone . . The mine has been so badly worked that there is great danger of its caving Metacism . . . The mine(s) is (are) within easy access of Metalepsis . . The mine(s) is (are) worth the price Metaleptic . . The mine(s) is (are) not worth the price Metameric . . The mine has been relocated Metaphor . . Have a mine of undoubted value offered me for ; will pay a dividend of % per annum. Could you do anything with it . Look about quietly, and if you can get hold of a thoroughly good mine for about let me know. I would like to have a really good property to offer Metaphrast . . The mine does not look as well as I expected Metaphysic . . Mine has improved Metaplasm . . Mine does not look encouraging Metastasis . . Mine is being badly managed Metatarsal . . Mine(s) is (are) being worked all right Metathesis . . Mine(s) is (are) better than I expected Metatome . . Mine(s) is (are) closed Metayer . . . Mine(s) is (are) getting into rich ore Metecorn . . . Mine(s) is (are) improving Meteoric . . . Mine(s) is (are) looking poor Meteorite. . . Mine(s) is (are) looking better Meteorous . . Mine(s) is (are) looking worse Meteors . . . Mine(s) is (are) looking well Metewand . . Admit no one into the mine(s) 9038 939 9040 9041 9042 943 9044 945 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9052 953 954 955 9056 Metaphoric 957 9058 959 9060 9061 9062 9063 9064 9065 9066 9067 9068 9069 9070 MIN 167 No. 9071 9072 973 9074 975 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 993 9094 9095 9096 9097 9098 9099 9100 9101 9103 9104 9^5 9106 9107 9108 Code Word. Metheglin Methinks . Methodist Methodized Methought Methyl Methylated Methylene Methylic . Metoche . Metonic . Metonymic Metonymy Metope . Metrical . Metricians Metrifying Metrist . Metrograph Metrology Metromania Metronome Metropolis Mettlesome Mewing . Mewler . Mezereum Mezzanine Mezzotint Miasmal . Miasmatic 9102 Microcosm Mine(s) (continued) . . Have examined the Mine(s) . . Nothing new in the mine . . Nothing new in any of the mines [mine(s) . . Keep me (us) posted of every change in the . . Keep the mine(s) closed [mine(s) . . No truth in the reported developments in the . . From other parts of the mine samples taken assay nothing [Mine(s) assay . . Average samples from different parts of the - . . I consider the developments in the mine(s) fully justify the erection of stamps, in addi- tion to those already in use . . Indications in the mine show that we must be near . . There is nothing in the mine to justify the advance . . In the neighbourhood of the mine(s) . . This mine (These mines) . . Mine(s) not good enough . . In different parts of the mine . . If the Mine(s) is (are) all right . . Nothing wrong in the mine(s) . . No merit in the mine(s) . . I was in the mine(s) . . Cannot get into the mine(s), but from reliable information I learn that . . Cannot get into Mine(s) . . The mine(s) has (have) very good indications of . Have stopped work on the in the mine . . Have struck good ore in the Mine(s) . . Have struck it rich in the Mine(s) . . Have struck quartz in the Mine(s) . . Have struck the vein in the Mine(s) . . Have been in the Mine to-day, and think the recent developments show has been in the Mine(s). See him and Micrology Microphone Microphyte Microscope Middleaged Middlemost 9109 Midheaven learn all you can about it (them) All who have visited the mine(s) report very favourably on it (them) Go into the - - Mine(s) at once, examine the reported developments, and telegraph me (us) promptly I have arranged for your inspection of the Mine(s) situated at [at Estimate value of Mine in its present state Containing rich silver mines Mine is not what it was represented to be It is a very poor mine ; won't pay to work All who have visited the mine report Examined mine; find statements grossly exagge- rated [substantially correct Have examined mine, and find representation i68 MIX No. 9110 9111 9112 9H3 9114 9H5 9116 9117 9118 9119 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9*25 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9^33 9134 9 J 35 9136 9i37 9138 9*39 9140 9141 9'43 9144 9M5 9146 9 J 47 9148 9149 9 I 5 9 T 5i 9*52 Mine(s) (continued) . What do you think of the Code Word. Midland . . . Wha't do you think of the Mine Midnight . . . Will examine the - - Mine and report at once Midrash ... A better mine than Midshipman . Miner(s) Midships . . . Miners are Midsummer . . Miners demand Midway . . . are good miners Midwinter . . are bad miners [for the work Mightily ... It will be necessary to engage good English miners Migniard . . . Miners have struck ; they demand extra wages per day [give much trouble Migrant . . . The miners here are a lawless set, and likely to Migrateth . . Impossible to get good miners Migration . . The miners prefer working on contract Migratory . . Miners will not work on contract Mildewed . Mineral Milesian . . . The mineral belt of Milepost . . . Mineral oil Milestones . Mining [ per ton Milfoil . . . The cost of mining and milling the ore has been Miliary . . . Estimated cost of mining and milling Miliola . . . Placer mining [primitive fashion Miliolite . . . The mining in this district is carried on in a very Militancy . . . Mining interests are looking up Militant . . . The cost of mining and milling, with the improve- ments I have specified, would be, I estimate, per ton Militarism . . Have resumed mining operations Military . . . Facilities for mining exceptionally good Militateth . . The mines are situated in the mining district of Militia. . . Mining engineer(s) Militiaman . . Mining engineer will be sent to examine property Milkmaid . . is (are) mining engineer(s) of great repute Milkman . . . is a (are) mining engineer(s) of no repute Milkpunch . . has (have) the reputation of being mining engineer(s) of ability and integrity 9142 Milksop . . . has (have) the reputation of being mining engineer(s) of ability, but unscrupulous Milky .... Mining engineer examined, and confirms reports Millboard . . Mining engineer does not confirm reports Milldam . . Mint Millenary . . . To the mint Millenial ... At the mint of Millesime . . The bullion is shipped to the mint at Millepore . . . To what mint is the bullion shipped Millesimal . Minutely Milliard . . . Have gone most minutely into all the details of Millier . . . You must go very minutely into all the details Milligram . . Had not time to go very minutely into all the details MIS 169 No. Code Word. 9154 Millilitre . . Misfortune 9155 Milliner . . . Has (have) had the misfortune to 9156 Millionth ... A great misfortune to have 9157 Millwright . . It would be a great misfortune to 9158 Mimetical . Misinformed 9159 Mimicker . . You have been totally misinformed as to 9160 Mimicking . . I (we) have been totally misinformed as to 9161 Mimicry . . . Has (have) been misinformed as to 9162 Minacious . Misleading 9163 Minarets . . . The accounts are very misleading 9164 Minatory . . . The accounts of the mine(s) are very misleading, although not absolutely untrue . Mismanagement . . Through gross mismanagement .Miss . . Do not miss . . Shall miss . Will not miss . . If you miss . . You should not miss . Missed . . Have you missed . . Missed the steamer (owing to) . . Missed the mail (owing to' . . Missed hearing from . . Missed seeing . Has (have) missed . Missing . . The is (are) missing . . How much is (many are) missing . . The inclosure in your last letter, relating to , . Mistake(s) [is missing ; telegraph synopsis . . You have made a mistake . . Is not a mistake . . is a mistake ; it ought to have been . . Please correct mistake immediately . . There is some mistake . . Has the mistake been found out . . There is not any mistake . . has (have) made a mistake [read . . Have made a mistake in telegram of for . . Is not in your telegram of a mistake ? telegraph correctly at once . . A mistake has been made in . . There must be a mistake in your telegram of Is correct? if not, telegraph the right words at once 9197 Minutebook . Misunderstood 9198 Minutegun . . You must have misunderstood 9199 Minutehand . . Has (have) misunderstood 9 l6 5 Minceth . 9166 Mincemeat 9167 Mincepie . 9168 Mincing . 9169 Mincingly 9170 Mindedness 9171 Mindfully. 9172 Mindless . Minglement 9174 Mingleth . Minglingly 9176 Miniature 9177 Minibus . 9178 Minieball . 9179 Minified . 0180 Minimize . 9181 Minimus . 9182 Minion . 9183 Minionly . 9184 Minionship 9185 Minister . 9186 Ministered 9187 Ministrant 9188 Ministress 9189 Minorities 9190 Minotaur . 9191 Minstrel . 9192 Minstrelsy 9 J 93 Mintage . 9194 Mintjulep 9i95 Mintsauce 9196 Minuend . MIX No. 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 9216 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9 2 33 9 2 34 9235 9236 9 2 37 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 Code Word. Minuteness . Mixed Miocene . . . The ore is largely mixed with Miraculous . . Mixed up with Miradore . . . So as not to be mixed up with Mirage ... The accounts are so mixed up, you can tell nothing Mirbane . . Mode Mireness . . . The mode in which they work the Mirrored . . . Go to and see their mode of working the Mirthful . . . The mode in which they have hitherto worked is Mirthfully . Monday Mirthless . . . On Monday Misaimed . . Last Monday Misallied . . . Next Monday Misbecome . . Every Monday Misbehave . . Every other Monday Misbeseem . Money [me (us) at once Misbestow . . Am (are) badly in want of money ; you must send Miscalleth . . Shall want money when I get to ; telegraph Miscarry . . . Do you want any money to Miscast . . . Have sent you thinking you will be in want Miscellany . . The money is already subscribed [of money for Mischoose . . Can pay the purchase money as soon as your report reaches us Miscible . . . The money to be paid on the Misciteth . . . There will be a difficulty in raising the money Misconceit . . There will be no difficulty in raising the money Miscreant . . Have the money ready Misdealt . . . Require an advance of money Misdemean . . How much money do you want Misderive . . demand(s) a deposit of money as a guarantee Misdesert . . You must demand a deposit of money as a guarantee (that will) [(that will) Misdoers . . . Have demanded a deposit of money as a guarantee Misdoubt. . . We are prepared to pay down the purchase money as soon as we receive your report advising purchase of Miseducate . . It will require a large outlay of money to Misentered . . Will cause a forfeiture of all money paid thereon Miserere . . . Will want money by Miserly . . . Shall not want any money till Misfashion . . Will remit the money to Misformed . . There is no money in it Misgave . . . There is money in it Misgivings . . We are short of money [ at once Misgotten . . Shall want money before going to - ; send me Misgovern . . Who will find the money for Misgraft . . . Will find the money for Misguideth . . Will not find the money for Misheard . . Has (have) provided the money for Misinfer . . . Money is easy MON 171 No. Code Word. Money (continued) 9246 Misjoinder . . Money is tight 9247 Miskindle . . Money is plentiful 9248 Mislayer . . . Money is on the way 9249 Mislearned . . Must have the money by 9250 Misliking . . Must have the money for men's wages by 9251 Mismatched. . Money to be paid down 9252 Misnomer . . Must first have the money 9253 Misogamy . . The money will be paid down 9254 Misogynist . . The money will not be paid (without) 9255 Misplacing . . Do you think the money is all right 9256 Misplead. . . I (we) think the money is all right 9257 Mispoint ... I (we) do not think the money is all right 9258 Misprinted . . What amount of purchase money is required 9259 Misprize . . . Purchase money required is 9260 Misquoteth . . The supply of money has increased 9261 Misrecite. . . Stop the monthly money of 9262 Misrelated . . From the want of money 9263 Misrule . . . Cannot send money 9264 Missal. . . . Who will supply money required 9265 Missendeth . . Money required will be supplied by 9266 Misshapen . . From whom shall I draw money 9267 Missionary . . Draw what money you require from 9268 Misspell . . . Supply of money very scarce [once 9269 Misspender . . No money received yet, please send me (us) at 9270 Misstayed . . Money is no object 9271 Mistakably . . Money down is an important object in the case 9272 Mistaught . . Will send money 9273 Misteach . . I (we) have not sufficient money in hand for 9274 Mistermed . . I (we) have sufficient money in hand for 9275 Mistitled ... I am (we are) entirely without money 9276 Mistrain . . , will keep you supplied with money 9277 Mistreated . Month(s) 9278 Mistress . . . During last month 9279 Mistrials . . . During next month 9280 Mistuned . . The month after next 9281 Mistutor . . . This month 9282 Misusage. . . Last month 9283 Misuseth. . . Next month 9284 Misvouch . . One month 9285 Miswedded . . Two months 9286 Miswritten . . Three months 9287 Misyoked . . Four months 9288 Miszealous . . Five months 9289 Mithras . . .Six months 9290 Mithridate . . Seven months 9291 Mitigable. . . Eight months 9292 Mitigative . . Nine months 9293 Mitigator. . . Ten months 9294 Mitred . . . Eleven months 9295 Mitriform . . Twelve months 172 MON No. Code Word. Month(s) (continued) 9296 Mittens . . . By the month (of) 9297 Mittimus . . . For the month (of) 9298 Mixable . . . In the month (of) 9299 Mixtures . . . During the month (of) 9300 Mizzenmast . . After the month (of) 9301 Mnemonics . . Since the month (of) 1 9302 Mnemosque . . Before the month (of) 9303 Moaneth . . . The beginning of the month 934 Moanfully . . The end of the month 935 Moaning . . . In a month from this date 9306 Mobbingly . T-M T->- S~\ T-l ^ l- / f \ fv^t-fc'* J.I1 lllUIlllIlo J II U 1 11 937 Mobbish . . . Per month 9308 Mobcap . . fr^riQ TVf^Tf* nmilpfi in < mr\ < nfnfci LUllo WC1C llctU.lCtwl Ill U1L/I1LI J Ib J 939 Mobility . . i~/~\T c* T^r^rr 4 /^rncViAH itTi m f\n 1-K /rA tuiib were crubiicu. in nioiitiiybJ 9310 Mobilized Tv *-*-* /-x- 4-V* /r\ -III 111U11LI11 b I 93ii Moccasins . Will leave early this month for 9312 Mockery . . . Will leave towards the end of the month for 9313 Mocketh . . . Will leave early next month for 93H Modeller . . . Will leave towards the end of next month for 93i5 Moderate . Monthly 9316 Modernism . . What are the monthly expenses 93 1 ? Modernized . . At what do you estimate monthly profits 93i8 Modernly . . . Monthly payments are 93*9 Modernness . . Monthly shipment of bars average 9320 Modestly . . . Monthly profits estimated at 9321 Modicum . . Send monthly statement of 9322 Modifiable . . Send monthly statement of expenses and returns 93 2 3 Modifier . . . Send monthly statements so that they arrive here 93 2 4 Modifying More [by the of each month 9325 Modiolar . . . Will want more 9326 Modishly . . . No more than 9327 Modishness . . A great deal more than 9328 Modiste . . . No more can be got 9329 Modulate . . . From a great many more 933 Modulator . . No more wanted 9331 Modulus . . . More than 9332 Moellon . . . Will probably want more 9333 Mograbian . . More development work must be done 9334 Moguls . . . Will not in all probability want more 9335 Mohair . . . Will not cost more than 9336 Mohawks . . . Will cost more than 9337 Mohock . . Will be a little more 9338 Moidore . . . Will be a great deal more 9339 Moiety . . . Will not be any more 9340 Moineau . . . Do you think it will be more 934i Moistener . Prove(s) to be more than I first stated 9342 Moisteneth . Morning 9343 Moistening . . This morning 9344 Moistful . . . To-morrow morning 9345 Moistness . Yesterday morning MOR 173 No. Code Word. Morning (continued) 9346 Molasses ... At o'clock this morning 9347 Moldboard . . In the morning 9348 Moldereth . . Morning shift 9349 Moldiness . Mortgage(s) 9350 Moldturner . . Will be allowed to remain on mortgage at 9351 Moldwarp . . Mortgage must be either paid or arranged (for) 9352 Molecular . . With mortgage on record nothing can be done 9353 Molecule . . . has (have) a mortgage on the property 9354 Molehills . . . Ascertain if there is any mortgage on the 9355 Moleskin . . . There is no mortgage on 9356 Molester . . . There is (are) mortgage(s) on the property as 9357 Molestful . . . Mortgage on the land [follows 9358 Molesting . . Mortgage must be paid off 9359 Moliminous . Mortgagee(s) 9360 Molinist . . . Who is (are) the mortgagee(s) 9361 Mollebart . . Telegraph name (s) of mortgagee(s) 9362 Mollient . . Most 9363 Mollified . . . The most 9364 Mollify . . . Most of the 9365 Mollifying . . By far the most 9366 Molluscan . . The most that can be done 9367 Molluscous . . What is the most that can be 9368 Molothrus . Mould(s) 9369 Moltened . . . Ingot mould(s) 9370 Molybdate . . Bullion mould(s) 9371 Molybdic . .Move 9372 Momentary . . To move in the matter 9373 Momentous . . Do not move in the matter 9374 Momentum . . To move away 9375 Monachal . . The first thing is to move the 9376 Monachism . . Will move 9377 Monadical . . Will not move 9378 Monarch . . . Try to move 9379 Monarchal . . Not to move 9380 Monarchess . . Has (have) tried to move 9381 Monarchy . Movement 9382 Monastery . . A movement in 9383 Monasticon . . No movement in 9384 Monerma . Moving 9385 Mongolian . . Is (are) moving in the matter 9386 Mongrelize . . is (are) moving in the matter 9387 Monitorial . . is (are) not moving in the matter 9388 Monitress . . Will soon be moving 9389 Monkeyism . Much 9390 Monkish . . . Not much 9391 Monobasic . . Very much 9392 Monoceros . . As much as 9393 Monochord . . As much as you can 9394 Monochrome . Much less (than) 9395 Monoclinic . . Much more (than) 174 MUG No. 939 6 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 943 2 9433 9434 9435 9436 9437 9438 9439 9440 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 Code Word. Much (continued) Monocracy . . How much (shall) Monocular . . Without much more Monodrame . . Will not be much more Monoecious . . Shall get as much Monogamia . . Shall not get as much Monogram . . Without much Monogynous Must Monolith . . . Must be Monologue . . Must not be Monomachy . . Must this be Monomania . . You must Monomial . . You must not Monopathic . . If you must Monopolist . . I (we) must Monopteral . . I (we) must not Monorhyme . . He (they) must Monostich . . He (they) must not Monotheist . . Must I (we) Monotonic . . Must I (we) not Monsieur . . . Must proceed Monsoon . . . Must not proceed Monthling . Myself Monument . . By myself Moodily . . . Cannot do the work by myself Nabbeth . . Name(s) Nacarat . . . Name of Nacelle . . . Telegraph the right name Nacreous . . What is (are) the name(s) of Nadadero . . In my (our) name Nafalio ... In your name Nagging ... In the name of Nahoor . . . Name the date Naiads ... Do you know the name(s) of (the) Nailbrush . . Name(s) not known Nailer .... Name(s) not much liked Naissant . . . Name(s) stand(s) well Naively . . Narrow Nakedness . . The vein is narrow Namelessly . . Is narrow Namesake . . Becomes narrower Nankeen ... In the Level the vein becomes narrow Napery . . Narrowing Napiform . . . The vein is narrowing Napless . . Native(s) Napolite . . . Native silver Nappingly . . Native copper Napthalic . . In a native state Narceine . . . The natives in the district are very quiet Narcossis . . . The natives in the district are very troublesome Narcotic . . Nature NAT 175 Code Word. Narcotine . Narghile . Nariform . Narigon , Narizado . Narrate . Narrateth . Narration . Narrative . Narrator . Narrowly . Narrowness Narthex . Narrukken Nasal . . Nasality . Nasalizeth Nasally Nascency . Nascent . Nasiform . Nasute Natalitial . Natant . . Natantes . Natantly . Natation . Natatores . Natatorial Natatory . Nathless . Nathmore . Nationally Natively . Nativeness Nativity . Natrolite . Natterbiss Nattily . . Naturalist . Naturally . Naufrage . Naught . Naughtier . Naumachia Naumache Nauscopy . Nausea . Nauseando Nauseant . Nature (continued) . The nature of the . What is the nature of the . Of a dangerous nature . Owing to the dangerous nature of the . Of a temporary nature . The inflammable nature of the Near . The mines are situated near . The mines are not near any . Near the vein . Near the hanging wall . Near the foot-wall . As near as possible . Quite near . Not near enough . Very near . Not near . Near the Nearer . Nearer the . Getting nearer the . Not nearer the . When nearer . Is it (are they) any nearer to . No nearer Nearly . Has (have) nearly reached the . Has (have) nearly completed (the) . The stopes above level No. are nearly done . The ore is nearly worked out . Not nearly done . Not nearly finished . Not nearly . Very nearly . The works are nearly completed . Erection of nearly completed . Examination nearly completed Necessary . The first thing necessary is to . To do what is absolutely necessary . Do (does) not think it will be necessary . It will be necessary (to) . It will not be necessary (to) . Under these circumstances it will be necessary . If necessary . If not necessary . If necessary to give . If necessary to take . If not necessary to give . If not necessary to take I 7 6 NEC No. Code Word. Necessary (continued) 9496 Nauseated . . It is necessary (to) 9497 Nauseation . . It is not necessary (to) 9498 Nauseous . . If absolutely necessary 9499 Nauseously . . It is absolutely necessary 9500 Nautical . . . It is not absolutely necessary 9501 Nautilite . . . Will it be necessary 9502 Nautiloid. . . If you consider it necessary 9503 Navarchy . . I (we) do not consider it necessary 9504 Navelgall . . More than is necessary 9505 Navette . . . Provide all that is necessary 9506 Navicelle. . . I am (we are) taking the necessary steps (to) 9507 Navicular . . Take the necessary means 9508 Navigable . Necessitate 9509 Navigateur . . This will necessitate 9510 Navigation . . This need not necessitate 9511 Navigators . . This will necessitate renewing the bond 9512 Nawabs . . . This will necessitate his (their) 9513 Nayword . . . This will necessitate my (our) 9514 Nazarine . . . This will necessitate your 9515 Nazarites . . . Will this necessitate 9516 Nazaritism .Necessity 9517 Neapolitan . . Is there any necessity 9518 Nearsight. . . I (we) do not see any necessity 9519 Neatherd. . . There is great necessity 9520 Neatness. . . In case of necessity 9521 Nebula . . . Unless compelled by absolute necessity do not 9522 Nebulosity . Need 9523 Nebulous. . . Do (does) not need 9524 Neckcloth . . There is no need 9525 Necklace. . . Shall not need 9526 Neckmould . . In case of need 9527 Necktie . . . In need of 9528 Neckverse . . I (we) am (are) much in need of 9529 Necrolite . . . In case of need, apply to 9530 Necrologist . . In case of need, to whom shall I (we) apply 9531 Necrology . . Has (have) no need of 9532 Necromancy. . Is (are) in great need of 9533 Necrophoby . . You need not 9534 Necropolis . Negative 9535 Necrosis ... In the negative 9536 Necrotomy . . Telegraph at once if negative 9537 Nectar. . . Neglect 9538 Nectareal. . . There is great neglect 9539 Nectareous . . Very great neglect 9540 Nectarized . . Do not neglect 9541 Needfully . . I (we) will not neglect 9542 Neediest . . . There has been no neglect on my (our) part 9543 Needlebook . . Owing to the neglect of 9544 Needleful. .Neglected 9545 Needlegun . . Has (have) neglected to NEG 177 No. Code Word. Neglected (continued}. 9546 Needlessly . . You have neglected to 9547 Needlework . . I (we) neglected to 9548 Nefandous . . I (we) have not neglected to 9549 Nefarious . . . Why have you neglected to 9550 Negatively . . Why has (have) neglected to 9551 Neglecteth . Negotiate 9552 Negligee . . . Can you negotiate 9553 Negotiant . . I (we) can negotiate 9554 Negresses . . I (we) cannot negotiate 9555 Negrillos . . . Hope to be able to negotiate 9556 Negritos . . . Shall be able to negotiate 9557 Negrohead . . Cannot negotiate 9558 Negroid . . . Could not negotiate 9559 Nehushtan . . Do not negotiate 9560 Neighborly . Negotiations 9561 Neighing . . . Negotiations still pending 9562 Nemadine . . Negotiations are not satisfactory 9563 Nematoid . . Negotiations are very satisfactory 9564 Nemertes. . . Am (are) carrying on negotiations 9565 Nemesis ... Is (are) carrying on negotiations 9566 Nemocera . . Negotiations stopped for the present 9567 Nemorous . . Negotiations have failed 9568 Nenuphar . . Negotiations satisfactorily carried through 9569 Neodamode . . Negotiations are going on for the acquisition of 9570- Neogamist .Neighbourhood 9571 Neolithic ... In the neighbourhood 9572 Neologian . . When you are in the neighbourhood 9573 Neological . . As I (we) shall be in the neighbourhood 9574 Neologism . . Being in the neighbourhood 9575 Neologized . . Not in the neighbourhood 9576 Neology . . Neither 9577 Neonomian . . In neither 9578 Neophyte. . . From neither 9579 Neoplastic . . Neither of the 9580 Neoteric . . . Neither one nor the other 9581 Neozoic . . . Neither seen nor heard of 9582 Nepaulese . . Neither of the has 9583 Nepenthe . . In neither of the 9584 Nephalism . Net 9585 Nepheloid . . What has been the net yield per ton 9586 Nephews . . . What has been the net yield 9587 Nephralgy . . What is the net yield 9588 Nephritic. . . What is the net value 9589 Nephrotomy. . The net yield per ton is 9590 Nepotic . . . The net value of the mine(s) is 9591 Nepotism . . The net value of the bullion is 9592 Neptunian . Neutral 9593 Neptunist . . Advise you to remain neutral 9594 Nereid ... I (we) will remain neutral 9595 Nerprun ... Is (are) perfectly neutral 178 NEU No. Code Word. Neutral (continued). 9596 Nerveless. . . Will remain neutral 9597 Nervine . . Never 9598 Nervosity . . It will never do to 9599 Nescience . . It has never been known 9600 Nespera ... It has never been mentioned 9601 Nestleth ... It can never be done unless 9602 Nestling . . . You must never 9603 Nestorian . . Never mind 9604 Nethermost . New 9605 Nethinim ... Is there anything new 9606 Nettlerash . . Is (are) quite new 9607 Nettoyage . . Will require new 9608 Network . . . Nothing new 9609 Neuralgia. . . Everything new 9610 Neurology . . Send immediately new 9611 Neuroma. . . Have made a new shaft 9612 Neuropathy . . The new developments 9613 Neuroptera . . It will be better to have new 9614 Neurosis . . . Must have new 9615 Neurotic . . . Make a new 9616 Neurotomy . . Need not at present have new 9617 Neutrality . . Everything new and in good order 9618 Neutralize . News 9619 Neutrally . . . Waiting anxiously for news of 9620 Nevadilla. . . What is the latest news 9621 Neverita . . . What news have you of 9622 Neviscar . . . Have you any news 9623 Newcomer . . I (we) have no news 9624 Newfangled . . The latest news is 9625 Newkirkite . . Very important news 9626 Newsboy . . . No news of importance 9627 Newsletter . . Have no further news 9628 Newsman. . . Send all the news you can about 9629 Newsmonger . Unless you have favourable news do not telegraph 9630 Newsroom . . News not reliable 9631 Newsvendor . . News quite correct 9632 Newtonian . . Get all the news you can about 9633 Nexible . . . Owing to the news that 9634 Nibbleth . . . Very glad to receive news of 9635 Nibbling . . . Very sorry to receive news of 9636 Nibelungen . Newspapers 9637 Nicene . . . Send newspapers 9638 Niceness . . . Send all newspapers which refer to 9639 Nicety. . .Next 9640 Nickelic . . . Leaving by next steamer 9641 Nicknacks . . Will send by next steamer 9642 Nickname . . In your next letter 9643 Nicolaitan . . In your next telegram 9644 Nicotine . . Night(s) 9645 Nicotian . . . During the night NIG 179 No. Code Word. Night (s) (continued) 9646 Nictation . . . Night shift 9647 Nictitate . . . Last night 9648 Nidamental . . To-morrow night 9649 Nidificate. . . Will leave to-morrow night for 9650 Nidifying . . Nominate 965 1 Nidorous . . . We must nominate some one to 9652 Nidulant . . . Whom can you nominate to 9653 Nidulated ,. . is (are) the best man (men) to nominate 9654 Nidulation . . Do not nominate 9655 Niebla. . . . Cannot nominate 9656 Niflheim . . None 9657 Nigander. . . Are there none to be had 9658 Niggard . . . None have been sent 9659 Niggardish . . There are none to be had 9660 Niggardly . North. 9661 Nightcap . . . Due north 9662 Nightfall . . . East of north 9663 Nightfire . . . West of north 9664 Nightgown . . To the north 9665 Nightless . . . North cross-cut 9666 Nightlight . . North drift 9667 Nightmare . . In a northerly direction 9668 Nightshirt . . North-east 9669 Nighttime . . North-west 9670 Nigrescent . . Dipping north 9671 Nigrine . . . Lying to the north 9672 Nihilism . . . From the north 9673 Nihilistic ... At the north end 9674 Nihility . . Note 9675 Nilometer . . Be very careful to note 9676 Nilotic . . . Have taken great care to note 9677 Nimbleness . . Note the 9678 Nimblest . . Nothing 9679 Nimbus ... If there is nothing suitable 9680 Nimiety . . . Nothing can be done 9681 Nincompoop . Can nothing be done 9682 Ninefold . . . Nothing doing 9683 Ninepins . . . Nothing to prevent 9684 Niobium . . . Nothing yet 9685 Nipperkin . . Nothing has been done 9686 Nippers . . . Nothing new worth reporting 9687 Nippeth ... Do nothing without first consulting 9688 Nippingly . . Can do nothing till I hear from 9689 Nitency ... Is (are) doing nothing to 9690 Nitrate . . . There is nothing in it 9691 Nitric .... There is nothing in the mine 9692 Nitrified . . . Nothing in sight 9693 Nitrifying. . . Nothing left 9694 Nitrogen . . . It is worth nothing 9695 Nitrous . . . Can see nothing owing to i So NOT No. Code Word. Nothing (continued} 9696 Nivelar . . . Can hear nothing of 9697 Nizam . . . . Nothing at all 9698 Noachian . . Nothing more can be done 9699 Nobiliary . . Notice 9700 Nobilitate . . Has (have) given notice 9701 Nobleman . . Has (have) received no notice 9702 Nobleness T.T-> r~< / Vs - T r ,r\ \ o^*-*4- O v^ -n s-*t-+ s^ s*>. XJ do ^lldYCy oCllL dlljr IlUllC^ 9703 Noblesse . . . Due notice will be sent 9704 Noblewoman . Give notice 9705 Nocently . . . Until further notice 9706 Noctambulo . . Notice to terminate the agreement 9707 Noctidial . . . What notice is necessary 9708 Noctilio . . ha fhave) taken no notice 9709 Noctiluca . . . Take no notice of 9710 Noctivago Notified 9711 Noctograph . V o f /T-\rTTil *%^4-i-h^^ T-V* \ /iir*\ that 9712 Noctuary . . . has (have) not yet been notified 9713 Nocturnal . . Have you been notified of 97H Nocturne . . . Unless I am (we are) notified 97*5 Nocuous . . . Has (have) been notified 9716 Nodated . . . Unless you are notified 9717 Nodding . . November 9718 Nodosity . . . During the month of November 9719 Nodular . . . For the month of November 9720 Nodulous . Early in November 9721 Noetic . . . About the middle of November 9722 Noiseful . . . Towards the end of November 97 2 3 Noiseless . Last November 9724 Noisome . . . Next November 9725 Noisomely . . ist of November 9726 Nomadic . . . 2nd of November 9727 Nomadism . . 3rd of November 9728 Nomadizing . . 4th of November 9729 Nombril . . . 5th of November 973 Nominalist . . 6th of November 9731 Nominative . . 7th of November 9732 Nominator . . 8th of November 9733 Nominee . . . 9th of November 9734 Nomothetic . . loth of November 9735 Nonagon . nth of November 9736 Nonchalant . . 1 2th of November 9737 Nonentity . . 1 3th of November 9738 Nonesuch . . 1 4th of November 9739 Nonjuror . 1 5th of November 9740 Nonpareil . . 1 6th of November 974i Nonplus . . . 1 7th of November 9742 Nonsuited . . 1 8th of November 9743 Noodle . . . 1 9th of November 9744 Noonday . . . 2oth of November 9745 Noontide . 2ist of November NOV 181 No. 9746 9747 9748 9749 975 975i 975 2 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 9774 9775 9776 9777 9778 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 9786 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 Code Word. November (continued) Northener . . 22nd of November Northman . . 23rd of November Norwegian . . 24th of November Nosebag . . . 25th of November Nosologist . . 2 6th of November Nostalgia. . . 27th of November Nostrils . . . 28th of November Nostrum . . . 29th of November Notabilia . . . 3oth of November Notandum . Now Notched . . . Now is a favourable time to Notebook . . It must be done now Noteworthy . . It is now the time to Notionist . . . Now is the time to act Notoriety. . . Not now Nouement . . Now on the way Nougat . . . Now ready to leave Nourisher . Nowhere Nourishing . . Go nowhere without first telegraphing me (us) Novaculite . . Nowhere else Novelist . . Nugget(s) Novenary . . Have found a nugget weighing ozs. Novercal . . . Nuggets have frequently been found in the Novilunar . . Have found nuggets weighing altogether Nubecita . . Nuisance [ ozs. Nucleus ... It will be a great nuisance Nudgeth . . Number(s) Nuegados . . A large number Nulliety ... A small number Nullified . . . Has (have) obtained a number of Nullipore . . . Number of certificates Numbering . . What is the number of the certificates Numberless . . hold(s) a number of Numbness . . A number of shares Numerical . Numerous Numismatic . . Numerous complaints Nummular . . From numerous sources Numskull . . Numerous enquiries Oafish . . . Obey Oafishness . . You must obey instructions Oakenpin . . Do not obey Oakum . . . Will obey Oarsman . . . Will not obey Oasis . . . Object Oatcake . . . What is the object Oatmeal . . . What is 's object in Obbligato . . 's object is to Obconic . . . Their only object is to Obcordate . . Unless you object Obcorde ... I (we) object very strongly to 182 OBJ No. Code Word. 9796 Obduceth 9797 Obduction 9798 Obduracy 9799 Obdurately 9800 Obedience 9801 Obediently 9802 Obeisance 9803 Obeliscal . 9804 Obelisk . 9805 Obelus . 9806 Oberration 9807 Obeseness 9808 Obesity . 9809 Obeyingly 9810 Obfuscate 9811 Obispillo . 9812 Obitual . 9813 Obituary . 9814 Objecteth 9815 Objectify . 9816 Objectless 9817 Objector . 9818 Objurgated 9819 Oblapie . 9820 Oblateness 9821 Oblation . 9822 Obligate . 9823 Obligeance 9824 Obligingly 9825 Oblique . 9826 Obliquely 9827 Obliquity. 9828 Obliterate 9829 Oblivion . 9830 Oblivious. 9831 Oblocutor 9832 Oblongish 9^33 Oblongly . 9834 Oblongness 9835 Obloquy . 9836 Obnoxious 9837 Obovate . 9838 Obreption 9839 Obscenidad 9840 Obscurant 9841 Obscurely 9842 Obscuring 9843 Obscurity . 9844 Obsecrate 9845 Obsequies Object (continued] . . You must object to . . Why do (does) object to . Objection . . Has (have) raised an objection to . . Make no objection . . What is the objection . . No objection to your . . There would be no objection to . . I have no objection . . Have you any objection to . Obligation . Putting us under an obligation to . . is (are) under a- great obligation to [tion to . . Thereby preventing our being under any obliga- . . Avoid putting us under any obligation to . Oblige . . This will oblige us to . . This will not oblige us to . . To oblige . Obliged . . Shall be obliged (to) . . Will not be obliged (to) . . Are we obliged (to) . Obstacle . . A great obstacle . . This obstacle must be overcome at once . Obtain . . Can you obtain , . You must obtain . . You must obtain longer time . . Try and obtain easier terms . . Endeavour to obtain . . I (we) can easily obtain . . I (we) cannot obtain . . I (we) hope to obtain . Occasion . . Is there any occasion for . . There is no occasion for . . If the occasion occurs . Occupation . . Can you obtain occupation for . . 's occupation has been to . Occupy . . This will occupy . . This will not occupy . . Will this occupy . . Occupy yourself with other inspections till . Occurred . . Nothing of importance has yet occurred . . Telegraph if anything of importance has occurred occ 183 No. Code Word. Occurred (continued) 9846 Obsequious . . What has occurred that we do not hear 9847 Observably . A disagreement has occurred between 9848 Observance . Has occurred 9849 Observant . Occurrence 9850 Observer . . . Is (are) of frequent occurrence 9851 Obsession . . Is (are) not of frequent occurrence 9852 Obsidian . Tr /*-t-i\ ^.f -fff\ /-in s^**\ 4- ^j"ist<*-*^i,i s-sst -Lb ^dicy OA liCCJUCIll UCCUrrcIlCC 9853 Obsidional . October 9854 Obsignate . . During the month of October 9855 Obsolete . . . For the month of October 9856 Obstancia . . Early in October 9857 Obstinacy . . About the middle of October 9858 Obstipated . . Towards the end of October 9 8 59 Obstruent . . Next October 9860 Obtesteth . . Last October 9861 Obtrusive . . ist of October 9862 Obtundent . . 2nd of October 9863 Obturator . . 3rd of October 9864 Obtusely . 4th of October 9865 Obtusion . . . 5th of October 9866 Obverteth . . 6th of October 9867 Obvolute . . 7th of October 9868 Occiduous . . 8th of October 9869 Occipital . . . 9th of October 9870 Occiput . . loth of October 9871 Occlusion . . nth of October 9872 Occulted . . . 1 2th of October 9873 Occupancy . . 1 3th of October 9874 Occupiers . . 1 4th of October 9875 Occurrent . . 1 5th of October 9876 Oceanic . . . 1 6th of October 9877 Oceanides . . 1 7th of October 9878 Oceanology . . 1 8th of October 9879 Ocellated . . 1 9th of October 9880 Ocelot . . 2oth of October 9881 Ochlesis . . 2ist of October 9882 Ochlocracy . 22nd of October 9883 Ochreous . . 23rd of October 9884 Ochroite . . . 24th of October 9885 Octachord . . 25th of October 9886 Octagon . . . 26th of October 9887 Octahedral . . 27th of October 9888 Octandria . .28th of October 9889 Octangular . 29th of October 9890 Octant . . 3oth of October 9891 Octastyle . . 3ist of October 9892 Octavo . Offer(s) 9893 Octennial . . You had better make an offei 9894 9895 Octillion . Octofid . U~~ /U~ ~\ J a- r i , . - nas ^navey made an oner I through . . With firm offer I am (we are) certain to put it 184 OFF No. 9896 9897 9898 9899 9900 9901 9902 993 9904 995 9906 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 99'5 9916 9917 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 99 2 3 9924 99 2 S 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 993i 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 Code Word. Offer(s) (continued} Octogenary . . I (we) would advise you to withdraw the offer Octogesimo . . Cannot make better offer Octogynous . . Offer accepted Octonary . . . Offer declined Octopetali . . Cannot obtain better offer Octopod . . . has (have) withdrawn his (their) offer Octoroon . . If the offer is firm ( Octostyle . . With a firm offer Octroi . . . has (have) made no offer as yet Octuple . . . has (have) declined the offer Ocularly ... Is (are) likely to make any offer Oculateth . . A reasonable offer Oculiform . . An unreasonable offer Oculist ... Do you accept the offer Odalisque . Offered Oddities . . . has (have) offered to Oddnesses . . I (we) have offered to Odiously . . . Has (have) offered to Odiousness . . The property was offered Odometer . . The mine has been offered Odontalgia . . I am offered Odontoid . . I have offered Odorating . Offering Odorine . . . is (are) offering the mine for Odorous . . . What is (are) offering the mine for Odorously . . has (have) been offering (to) Odourless . Office Odyssey ... In the office Offences . . . has (have) an office in Offender . . Often Offensive . . . Which often occurs Offerable . . . Has often been found Offertory . . . Not very often Offhanded . . Cannot often be seen Officially . . . The mine(s) has (have) often been Officinal . . Old Officious . . . Old workings full of water Offing .... In the old workings Offscum . . .In the old shaft Offsetteth . . The buildings are old and dilapidated Offsetting . . Too old for Offspring . . . Very old Offward . . . Below the old workings Ofttimes . . . Extensive old workings Oglingly . . Omit Ogress ... Do not omit to Ogreish . . . Do not omit to mention Ogygian ... Do not omit to see Oilcake ... Do not omit to send Oilcloth . . Omitted OMi 185 No. 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 995i 9952 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9967 9968 9969 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 Code Word. Oiliness . . Oilman . . Ointments . Oleaginous . Olenant . . Oleiferous . Oleine . . Oleograph . Oleometers . Oleoresin. . Oleose . . Olfactory. . Olibanum Oligarchal Oligarchy Oligodon . . Olitory . . Olivaceous . Olivaison . . Olivary . . Olivaster . Olivenite . . Olivine . . Olympiad . Olympic . . Olympionic . Ombrometer Ombros . . Omega . . Omelette . . Omental . . Omentum Ominous . . Ominously . Omissible Omitteth . . Omnibus . Omniferous . Omnific . . Omniform Omnigenous . Omniparity . Omnipotent . Omniscient . Omnivagant . Omoplate Omphacine . Omphalic . Onanism . Omitted (continued) . has (have) omitted to . The has (have) been omitted . It has been omitted . Has (have) omitted to mention . Has (have) omitted to send Once . Go at once to . You must see at once . Can you at once . Cannot be done at once owing to . This must be seen to at once Only . I (we) could only judge by . I (we) could only . Can only be done at . Appears the only thing to be done . The mill is only running days per month . Is (are) only working days per month . Only one sale at that price . There has been only one . Can only be done by Open . Open to an offer [valuable mine . I am (we are) convinced that this will open up a . Will this open up a desirable property . In order to open up . Open an account at Open-cuts . The open-cuts have fallen in [was abandoned . When the open-cuts became dangerous the mine . The mine has been extensively worked by open- Opened (See also Account and Market) [cuts . At what bank have you opened an account . Have opened up a fine body of ore . The mine has not been opened up . The mine has been opened up well Opening . What will the cost be of opening up the mine . By opening up . must be set aside for opening up the mine . To make an opening Operation . In full operation . Not in operation . The mill was not in operation when I was there Opinion . Telegraph sufficient details to enable us to form here an intelligent opinion of the value of the , . My opinion is very unfavourable [mine . In my opinion 1 86 OPI No. Code Word. Opinion (continued] 9995 Oncotency . . is (are) of opinion that 9996 Onerously . . Ascertain 's opinion of 9997 Onkotomy . . Have changed my opinion since 9998 Onlooker . . . Telegraph your opinion (of) 9999 Onomancy . . What is your opinion with regard to 10.000 Onomastic . . The opinion of all who have visited the mine is 10.001 Onsetting . . Has (have) formed a very poor opinion of 10.002 Onslaught . . Has (have) formed a very high opinion of 10.003 Ontology . . The general opinion is 10.004 Onychia . . Opponent(s) 10.005 Oolong . . . is (are) our opponent (s) as to 10.006 Oopack . . . Who is a (are) very formidable opponent(s) 10.007 Oozings . . . Are there any opponents to fear 10.008 Opacity . . . is a (are) opponent(s) not to be much feared 10.009 Opacous . . . Opponents who can be squared 10.010 Opalesce . . Opportunity 10.011 Opalescent . . When will there be a good opportunity 10.012 Opalized . . . Should the opportunity occur 10.013 Opaque . . . At the earliest opportunity 10.014 Opaqueness . . If I can get the opportunity I will 10.015 Opener . . . Have not had an opportunity of 1 0,0 1 6 Openhanded. . Have lost the opportunity (to) 10.017 Openwork . Oppose(s) 10.018 Operacloak . . Intend(s) to oppose 10.019 Operaglass . . It would not be wise at first to oppose 10.020 Operahouse . . oppose(s) us in every way 10.021 Operant . . . Do not oppose 10.022 Operateth . . Will not oppose 10.023 Operatical . Opposed 10.024 Operatives . . The directors are opposed to 10.025 Opercular . . Am (are) opposed to 10.026 Operculum . . Is (are) opposed (to) 10.027 Operetta ... Is (are) not opposed (to) 10.028 Operose . . Opposition 10.029 Operosity . . Have you met with any opposition 10.030 Ophicleide . . If you meet with any opposition 10.031 Ophidia . . . Has (have) met with great opposition 10.032 Ophidians . . Has (have) not met with any opposition 10.033 Ophiology . Option 10.034 Ophiomancy. . At my option 10.035 Ophthalmic . . At your option 10.036 Opiates ... At his option [option 10.037 Opificer . . . Do you authorize my (our) paying to secure 10.038 Opilitavo . . . We must have the option of 10.039 Opinable . . . will give us no option in the matter 10.040 Opinaster . . give(s) us the option of 10.041 Opiniative . . To have the option of 10.042 Opinicus . . Order(s) 10.043 Opinionist . . Act strictly according to orders from 10.044 Opiparous . . Order at once ORD 187 Code Word. Order(s) (continued) Opobalsam . . Do not order Opodeldoc . . Out of order Opoponax . . When will everything be in working order Oppidan ... To your order Oppilate . . . To my (our) order Oppilation . . Is (are) in good working order Opponency . Ordinary Opportune . . Is it an ordinary thing Opposeth . . Ore (See also Estimate, Free, Grade) Oppositely . . Ore body Oppositive . . Ore chamber [during the week was tons Oppresseth . . Ore extracted and forwarded to the mill(s) Oppressive . . All ready to ship ore to the extent of tons Opprobrium . Have discovered a good body of pay ore Oppugnancy . Assorted ore [tons Oppugnant . . I (we) estimate the amount of ore in sight at Oppugner . . I (we) estimate the value of the ore at Oprobioso . . The reserve of ore Opsimathy . . Good ore is still being found Opsiometer . . Ore of fair grade Optative . . . The bunch of ore is pinching out [as ever Optically . . Ore is inches thick, and continues as rich Optician . . . We are now putting high grade ore through the mill You must put high grade ore through the mill in order to have sufficient money for the quarter's dividend Optimates . . A streak of ore in this mine gives assays of Optimism . . Now producing large quantities of ore Optionally . . Now producing large quantities of rich ore Optometer . . The ore from these workings [mill Opugnedor . . We are now putting low grade ore through the Opulence . . . There is no pay ore below the Level Opulently . . There is no pay ore above the Level Opuntia . . . Owing to the ore being very refractory Opuscule . . . We are taking out tons of ore in the twenty-four hours The amount of ore in sight is tons, yield- ing a net profit of per ton Oracular . . . The ore is getting poor (in) Oracularly . . The ore is giving out (in) Orangeade . . Ore in shaft is improving as it goes down Orangeman . . The ore in sight will last for Orangepeel . . Ore in winze is improving Orangery . . . Ore is good and will pay Orangista . . . Ore is improving in the drift as we advance Oration . . . The ore is milling better than was expected Oratorical . . Ore in the Level is very rich Oratorio . . . The ore is very rich Oratorious . . Ore pays No. 10,045 10,046 10,047 10,048 10,049 10,050 10,051 10,052 10,053 10,054 10,055 10,056 10,057 10,058 10.059 10,060 10,061 10,062 10,063 10,064 10,065 10,066 10,067 10,068 Optigraph . 10,069 10,070 10,071 10,072 10,073 10,074 10,075 10,076 10,077 10,078 Opusculum 10,079 10,080 10,081 10,082 10,083 10,084 10,085 10,086 10,087 10,088 10,089 188 ORE No. Code Word. Ore (continued) 10.090 Oratress . . . Ore struck, assays show per ton 10.091 Orbation . . . Are out of ore 10.092 Orbicular . . The ore is found in I0 >93 Orbital ... Is there any ore in sight 10.094 Orbitude . . . Have found ore 10.095 Orchanet. . . Number of tons of first-class ore is 10.096 Orchard . . . Number of tons of second-class ore is 10.097 Orcharding . . Number of tons of third-class ore is 10.098 Orchardist . . Number of tons of ore on the dump is 10.099 Orchestra . . Shipped tons of ore to mill(s) during last week 10.100 Orchestral . . Shipping tons of ore to the mill(s) per day 10.101 Orchideous . . Take out all the ore you can 10.102 Ordaineth . . The ore cannot be worked except by 10.103 Ordainment . . The body of ore is narrowing 10.104 Ordeal . . . The body of ore is increasing in width 10.105 Orderer . . . So as to open up fresh bodies of ore 10.106 Orderless. . . I (we) cannot procure ore on account of 10.107 Ordinal . . . We get our principal supply of ore out of - 1 0,1 08 Ordinances . . Ore improving in quality as developed 10.109 Ordinately . . First-class ore 10.110 Ordination . . Drift now in ore, assays average per ton 10.111 Ordnance . . Fine body of ore 10.112 Orfgild . . . Has the appearance of good body of ore 10.113 Organical . . No pay ore found yet 10.114 Organists. . . tons of ore in sight in mine 10.115 Organizeth . . Free milling ore 10.116 Organizing . Refractory ore 10.117 Organogen . . The body of ore is getting poorer [of - 10.118 Organum . . Teams cannot haul ore at present on account 10.119 Organzine . . Ore contains no visible gold 10.120 Orgeat . . . Selected ore 10.121 Orgiastic . . Organize 10.122 Orgillous . . . It will be necessary to organize 10.123 Orichalch. . . You must organize 10.124 Oriency . . Original 10.125 Oriental . . . According to the original agreement 10.126 Orientate. .Originally 10.127 Orifices . . . The mines were originally worked by 10.128 Oriflamme . . Who originally worked the 10.129 Origenism . Originated 10.130 Originable . . The report has originated from 10.131 Originator . . The report has not originated from 10.132 Orillous . . . From whom has the report originated 10.133 Orismology . Other(s) 10.134 Orison . . . In no other way 10.135 Ormulu . . . From other 10.136 Ornabeque . . Other parts of the mine 10.137 Ornamental . . By other 10.138 Ornaments . . By no other OTH 189 No. Code Word. Other(s) (continued} 10.139 Ornately . . . Other parties 10.140 Ornateness . . Is there any other 10.141 Ornithic . . . Others have said 10.142 Orobanche . Otherwise 10.143 Orographic . . Otherwise it will be 10.144 Orological . . Otherwise you will have to 10.145 Orology . . . Otherwise we run the chant e of 10.146 Oropesa . . Ounce(s) 10.147 Oropolero . . ounce (s) of gold per ton 10.148 Orotund . . . ounce(s) of silver per ton 10.149 Orphanage . . Weighing ounce(s) 10.150 Orphaned . Outcrop 10.151 Orphanism . . The outcrop extends for many miles 10.152 Orphans . . . Judging from the outcrop 10.153 Orphrey . . . Having an outcrop of considerable width 10.154 Orpiment. . . Samples from the outcrop in various places assayed per ton IO > T 55 Orrery. . . . Samples from this outcrop assayed 10.156 Orsedew . . . Having a bold outcrop 10.157 Orthite . . Outlay 10.158 Orthodox. . . The mine(s) can be worked without a great outlay 10.159 Orthodoxly . . The state of the mine(s) necessitates a large out- lay in order to 1 0,1 60 Orthoepic . . What outlay will be necessary at first (to) 10.161 Orthoepist . . Will this outlay be sufficient for 10.162 Orthoepy ... An outlay of 10.163 Orthogon. . . I (we) recommend an outlay of 10.164 Orthometry . Outlying 10.165 Orthopny. . . Some outlying claims 1 0,1 66 Orthoptera . . In the outlying 10.167 Orthostade .Output [the last year(s) 10.168 Orvietan . . . What has been the output from the mine(s) in 10.169 Osambre . . . The output has been tons in months 10.170 Oscillated . . The output has been tons in weeks 10.171 Oscitancy. . . Assuming an output of 10.172 Oscitation . . In order to increase the output 10.173 Osculant . . . To prevent any decrease in the output 10.174 Osculation . Outside 10.175 Osculatory . . On the outside 10.176 Osiered . . . From the outside 10.177 Osmazome . . Are now outside 10.178 Osselet . . . Outside of 10.179 Osseous . . . Outside our 1 0,1 80 Ossicle . . Outstanding 10.181 Ossiferous . . To get in all outstanding claims 10.182 Ossific. . . . To pay all outstanding accounts 10.183 Ossificate. . . Are there any outstanding accounts 10.184 Ossifying . . . No outstanding accounts 10.185 Ostensibly . . The outstanding accounts 1 0,1 86 Ostensive. .Overcome igo OVE No. Code Word. Overcome (continued) 10.187 Ostentator . . There will be great difficulties to overcome 10.188 Ostentous . . In order to overcome 10.189 Osteocolla . . Can you overcome 10.190 Osteocope . Overdrawn 10.191 Osteogeny . . Account is overdrawn by 10.192 Osteozoa . . . Has (have) overdrawn 10.193 Osthexy . . . Has (have) overdrawn 10.194 Ostracean . Overdue 10.195 Ostracism . . Is (are) overdue 10.196 Ostrogoth . Overlook 10.197 Otacoustic . . Do not overlook 10.198 Otalgia . . . You must on no account overlook (the) 10.199 Otoscope. . . Cannot overlook 10.200 Ottoman . . . Will overlook 10.201 Oubliance . Oversight 10.202 Oubliette . . . By an oversight 10.203 Ouroscopy . . It has been a gross oversight on the part of 10.204 Outargued . Owing 10.205 Outbarring . . Owing to 10.206 Outbudded . . Not owing to 10.207 Outburst . . Own(s) 10.208 Outcast . . . own (s) one-half of the property 10.209 Outcheated . . own (s) one quarter of the property 10.210 Outcry . . . own (s) one-third of the property 10.211 Outdazzle . . own(s) two-thirds of the property 10.212 Outdoeth. . . One company should own both mines 10.213 Outdoor ... By this means we shall own 10.214 Outermost . . Do (does) not own 10.215 Outfitter . . . Will own 10.216 Outflanked . . Unless we can own the largest part 10.217 Outgrown . . To own the controlling interest in the mine(s) 10.218 Outhouses . . It is necessary you should own the 10.219 Outlandish . Owned 10.220 Outlawry . . . The mine(s) is (are) owned by 10.221 Outliveth . . . The mine(s) has (have) been owned by 10.222 Outmarched . . Ascertain who are the different parties who have owned the 10.223 Outposts . . . When the mine(s) was (were) owned by 10.224 Outpouring . . Owned by 10.225 Outrance . . . Never owned by 10.226 Outrider . . Owner (s) [at - 10.227 Outriggers . . . the owner(s) of the mine(s) will meet you 10.228 Outsailed. . . See the owner(s) of the Mine(s) 10.229 Outshone. . . The mines have frequently changed owners 10.230 Outskirts . . . The owner(s) wish(es) to retain an interest in the mine(s) [ number of shares 10.231 Outspoken . . The owner(s) will accept - in cash, and 10.232 Outspread . . is (are) the largest owner(s) in the mine(s) 10.233 Outwitted . . The owner(s) of the adjacent claim (s) 10.234 Outwrought . . Have seen the owner(s) of the mine(s) (who) PAI 191 No. Code Word. 10,235 Pabular . .Paid 10,236 Pabulum . . . Has (have) paid 10,237 Pacation . . This sum to be paid on 10,238 Pachalic . . . To be paid 10,239 Pachyderm . Cannot be paid till 10,240 Pacifieth . . . Has draft been paid 10,241 Pacifying . . Has not been paid 10,242 Packages . . . Has been paid 10,243 Packcloth . . has (have) hitherto paid 10,244 Packetboat . What has been so far paid 10,245 Packhorses . . To be paid immediately, otherwise 10,246 Packman . . . Will have to be paid 10,247 Packsaddle . . Have paid to your account 10,248 Packthread . . Bill has been paid 10,249 Packwax . . . Bill has not been paid 10,250 Factional . . . Bill will be paid 10,251 Padding . . Bill will not be paid 10,252 Paddlebeam . . Has (have) not paid 10,253 Paddlebox . To be paid as follows 10,254 Paddocks . Unless paid by [sum of 10,255 Padella . . . Have paid to your credit at the Bank the 10,256 Padisha . . . To be paid in advance 10,257 Padlocked . Pan out 10,258 Padnag . . . Can pan out gold 10,259 Padowpipe .Par 10,260 Paduasoy . . At par 10,261 Paganish . . . The shares are now at par 10,262 Paganizing . . When the shares are at par sell 10,263 Pageant . . . Are to be had at par 10,264 Pageantry Vi i *"* inTT r f*i Vioii rrl"if" it* "Ont* lltio I llclVCy UUUL^IIL ctL Ucti. 10,265 Pagehood . . To get the shares above par 10,266 Paginal . .Part 10,267 Pagination . . A part of 10,268 Pagodas . . . Do not part with 10,269 Pagurian . . . The greater part 10,270 Paideutics . . On the part of 10,271 Paillasse . . . The lesser part 10,272 Painfully . . Particulars 10,273 Painstaker . . Get full particulars about 10,274 Paintress . . . Telegraph full particulars 10,275 Palaces . . . Has (have) obtained full particulars as to 10,276 Paladin . . . Send the fullest particulars 10,277 Palankeen . . Have sent full particulars by letter 10,278 Palanquins . . Furnish him with full particulars 10,279 Palatable . . . Will give particulars in letter 10,280 Palatial . . . Could get no particulars as to 10,281 Palatinate . Particularly 10,282 Palaver . . . You must particularly 10,283 Palavereth . . Will particularly 10,284 Palavering . . Has (have) particularly 192 PAR No. Code Word. 10,285 Paleaceous . Parties 10,286 Palely . . . . You must see all the parties interested 10,287 Paleogean . . Can you send me the names of the parties in- 10,288 Paleology . . Parties here impatient at delay [terested 10,289 Paleous . . . Parties have money ready 10,290 Palermitan . . The names of the parties 10,291 Palestra . . Partly 10,292 Palestrian . . The mine(s) has (have) only been partly worked 10,293 Palestric . . . Could only partly examine the mine(s) owing to 10,294 Paletot . . . Is (are) partly 10,295 Palilogy . . Was (were) partly 10,296 Palimpsest . Partner(s) 10,297 Palindrome . . and are partners in the concern 10,298 Palinode . J 1 f^f^-v ~n--4-M /^%-r . . ~ and are no longer panncrb 10,299 Palinodial . . 's partner objects to 10,300 Palisades . r\r\r* of* f"Vi r 1 i~\Trl"ri r^vc ic fimir in . j UllC Ul lllc pd.riilCib, Ib I1UYY 11 10,301 Palisading . . , one of the partners, is on his way to 10,302 Palladium . . As soon as the other partner(s) arrive(s) 10,303 Pallbearer . . has bought out his partner(s) 10,304 Pallial. . /^*/-\n1/"l i"*.-*-* 1 T r^ki 'r i~ni t*4-*-\ ^i- . V_/UU1(J. Ulliy oCC o JJctl 111CI 10,305 Palliateth . . Pass 10,306 Palliation . . To pass over 10,307 Palliatory . . As you will pass on your way to 10,308 Pallidity . A^7\ll TT/-MI -r^^or* s\tn TT/^II*- TTrntr 4-s-\ win yuu Uctob ujii yum YYtiy LLJ 10,309 Pallidness . . Do (does) not pass 10,310 Pallium . . . Shall pass 10,311 Palmary . .Past 10,312 Palmated . . . Judging from the work done in the past 10,313 Palmatifid . . In the past 10,314 Palmatine . Patent(s) 10,315 Palmetto . . . Patents all in order 10,316 Palmhouse . . Unless you can get patents 10,317 Palmiped . . . Insist on the patents being obtained 10,318 Palmistry . . Title to property is United States patent 10,319 Palmyrene . . Have the patents examined by an efficient lawyer 10,320 Palpably . . Patented 10,321 Palpebral . . Is the property patented 10,322 Palpiform . . The property is patented 10,323 Palpitated . . The property is partly patented and partly not 10,324 Palsgrave . . Have nothing to do with the mine(s) unless 10,325 Palsical . . . Each claim is patented [patented 10,326 Palsied . . . This claim is patented 10,327 Palterer . . . Is the claim (are the claims) patented 10,328 Paltereth . . See that the claim(s) is (are) patented 10,329 Paltriness . Pay 10,330 Paludal . . . To pay 10,331 Paludinous . . Do not pay 10,332 Pampered . Who will pay 10,333 Pampero . . . Agree(s) to pay 10,334 Pamphlet . . Do not make pay till PAY 193 No. Code Word. 10,335 Panacea . 10,336 Panada . io,337 Pancakes . 10,338 Panchway I0 >339 Pancratic 10,340 Pancratist 10,341 Pancratium 10,342 Pancreas . 10,343 Pandean . 10,344 Pandect . 10,345 Pandemic 10,346 Pandereth 10,347 Panderism 10,348 Pandoor . 10,349 Panegyric 10,350 Panegyrist 10,351 Paneless . 10,352 Panelwork io,353 Pangs . . io,354 Panicle . io,355 Paniculate io,35 6 Panivorous 10,357 Pannade . 10,358 Panniers . 10,359 Panoplied 10,360 Panoply . 10,361 Panopticon 10,362 Panorama 10,363 Panoramic 10,364 Panslavic 10,365 Panslavism 10,366 Pansophy 10,367 Panspermy 10,368 Pantalets 10,369 Pantaloon 10,370 Pantheism 10,371 Pantheon 10,372 Pantingly 10,373 Pantofle . 10,374 Pantograph 10,375 Pantology 10,376 Pantomime I0 >377 Pantry . 10,378 Panurgy . io,379 Papacy . 10,380 Papalist . 10,381 Papalized 10,382 Papally . 10,383 Papaverous Pay (continued) . . Will have to pay . . Will not pay . . Will not have to pay . . Pay to the order of . . To pay me (us) . . To pay you . . You must not pay more than . . Cannot pay so much . . Please pay for my account . . To pay him (them) . . Pay by telegraph . . Will it pay (to) . . Pay assessment on . . Is (are) unable to pay . . Will pay (to) . Payable . . Payable in month (s) . . Payable in instalments of . . Payable at the Bank of . . Payable to . . Payable to the order of . . Have sent payable to your ordei . . Payable to you at . . Payable quarterly . . Payable half-yearly . . Payable in cash . . Payable in cash, and the balance in shares . . Payable in cash, and the balance in deben- tures bearing per cent, interest . . Payable entirely in fully paid shares . Paying . . The mine(s) is a (are) dividend-paying property . . A non-paying concern . . Has (have) been paying . . Has (have) not been paying . . Is (are) the Mine(s) a paying concern . . By paying in cash you would secure a most . . By paying [valuable property . . Are not paying . Paying at the rate of . . Are not paying sufficient attention to . Payment(s) . . In part payment . . Payment in full . . Payment(s) to be made to . . Make no payment (s) till after . . Demand payment . . Will guarantee payment . . No arrangement made as to payment . . Stop the payment of o 194 PEN No. 10,384 10,385 10,386 10,387 10,388 10,389 10,390 10,391 10,392 Io >393 J o,394 J o,395 10,396 io,397 10,398 10,400 10,401 10,402 10,403 10,404 10,405 10,406 10,407 10,408 10,409 10,410 10,411 10,412 10,413 10,414 10,415 10,416 10,417 10,418 10,419 10,420 10,421 10,422 10,423 10,424 10,425 10,426 10,427 10,428 10,429 10,43 10,431 10,432 Code Word. Paperfaced Papering . Papermill Papescent Papeterie Paphian . Papillary . Papillotes Papism . Papistical Papistry . Pappoose Papular . Papulose . Papyrean . Parables . Parabolic Paraboloid Parachute Paraclose Paradigm Paradingly Paradisaic Paradise . Paradox . Paragenic Paragoge . Paragogic Paragram Paragraphs Paraguayan Parallax . Paralleled Paralogism Paralogy . Paralytic . Paralyzed Paramatta Parameter Paramount Paramour Paranymph Parapets . Paraph Paraphonia Paraphrase Paraplegia Parasang Parascene Parasitic . Pending . Pending further instructions , . Pending the settlement of affairs , . Pending the decision of the court , . Whilst this is pending Pennyweight(s) , . Less than one pennyweight , . Not more than one pennyweight , . About one pennyweight , . pennyweights per ton . Per cent. , . Yielding per cent, on capital . . i per cent. . . i per cent. . . i per cent . . if per cent. . . 2 per cent. . . 2^ per cent. . . 2^ per cent. . . 2f per cent. . . 3 per cent. . . 3i per cent. . . 3* per cent. . . 3f per cent. . . 4 per cent. . . 4^ per cent. . . 4^ per cent. . . 4! per cent. . . 5 per cent. . . 5 per cent. . 6 per cent. . . 6^ per cent. . . 7 per cent. . . 7^ per cent. . . 8 per cent. . . 8 per cent. . . 9 per cent. . . 10 per cent. . . T i per cent. . . 1 2 per cent. . . 13 per cent. . . 14 per cent. . .15 per cent. . . 1 6 per cent. . . 1 7 per cent . . 1 8 per cent . . 1 9 per cent. . . 20 per cent. . . 30 per cent . . 40 per cent. PER 195 Code Word. Per cent, (continued) Parasol . . .50 per cent. Parataxis ... 60 per cent. Parathesis . .70 per cent. Parboil ... 80 per cent. Parboileth . . 90 per cent. Parbuckle . .100 per cent. Parcelling . Percentage Parcenary . . What percentage do you estimate Parcener ... A large percentage Parch ingly . . A small percentage Parchment . Period Pardonable . . At what period Pardoner . . . At a later period Paregoric . . At an earlier period Pareira . . Permission (See also Get) Parelcon . . . Do not give permission Parembole . . Has (have) given permission Parenchyma . . Will not give permission Parenetic . . . Has (have) refused permission Parental . . . Has (have) obtained permission to Parentless . . Obtain permission Pargasite . . Permit Pargeter . . . Permit our cipher to be used by Parhelia . . . Permit to examine the Pariah . . . Will you permit Parietal . . . Will permit Parisian . . . To get a permit Paritor ... Do not permit Parlance . . . Cannot permit Parleying . . It is advisable to permit Parlours . . Personally Parmesan . . You must see personally Parnassian . . Has (have) not personally any knowledge of Parochial . . Has (have) seen personally Parodic . . . Has (have) personally seen the mine(s) Parodist . . . Have you personally examined Parole . . Petition Paronomasy . . To petition against Paronychia . . Have presented a petition Paronyme . . Petition is refused Paronymous . . Petition is granted ' Paroxysm . . You had better petition against Paroxysmal . Petroleum Parrhesia . . The petroleum occurs in a strata of Parricidal . . The petroleum is found at feet Parricide . . . Boreholes struck petroleum at feet Parrotry . . . well(s) produce(s) gallons petroleum per hour Parsee . . . The supply of petroleum is inexhaustible Parseeism . . Petroleum is found largely in the district 196 PIC No. Code Word. 10.483 Parsimony . Pick 10.484 Parsonage . . If you have the chance to pick up a good mine for about , do so. This is a good moment 10.485 Partaketh . . To pick up [to sell 10.486 Partaking . . To pick over 10.487 Parterre . . . Have been able to pick up a good mine, time months, titles all right 10.488 Partiality . . Picked 10.489 Partible . . . Picked ore 10.490 Participle . . Picked specimens 10.491 Partisan . . . Has (have) picked up 10.492 Partite . . . Picked over 10.493 Partition . . . has (have) been picked over 10.494 Partlet . . . has (have) not been picked over I0 >495 Partyism . . Pinched 10.496 Partyjury. . . The vein is very much pinched 10.497 Partywall. . . Pinched out 10.498 Parvenu . . Pinching 10.499 Paschal . . . The vein is pinching out laterally 10.500 Pashalic . . . The vein is pinching out vertically 10.501 Pasigraphy . . The veins are pinching out 10.502 Pasquilant . Pipe(s) 10.503 Pasquin . . . Lay down pipes 10.504 Pasquinade . . By laying down pipes I0 >55 Passably ... In (a) pipe(s) 10,506 Passado . . . The water has to be brought in pipes ( miles) I0 >57 Passant . . Piping [diameter 10.508 Passcheck . . feet of wrought-iron piping inch 10.509 Passeth . . . feet of cast-iron piping inch diameter 10.510 Passionate . Place (s) 10.511 Passioned . . Have no one to take the place of 10.512 Passively . . . In no place are the conditions so favourable for 10.513 Passivity. . . In place of [cheap working 10.514 Passkey . . . At what place 10.515 Passover. . . Can you place 10.516 Passports. . . Can place 10.517 Password. . . Cannot place 10.518 Pasteboard . . In several places 10.519 Pastel. . . . In no place 10.520 Pasticcio . . . Who can take your place 10.521 Pastille . . . will take my place 10.522 Pastoral . . . goes in place of 10.523 Pastorate. . . Can you place any shares of 10.524 Pastorship . . What amount of shares can you place I0 >5 2 5 Pastorless . Placed 10.526 Pastry. . . . The matter is placed before 10.527 Pastrycook . . Has the matter been placed before 10.528 Pasturable . . Has (have) placed 10.529 Pasturage . . Has (have) not yet placed I0 )53 Pastured . . Plant PLA 197 No. Code Word. Plant (continued) 10.531 Patacoon . . . What plant is there 10.532 Patagonian . . Does this include all the plant I0 >533 Patavinity . . Not including the plant 10,534 Patchery . . . Including all the plant Io >535 Patchwork . . The necessary plant 10.536 Patella . . .All the plant 10.537 Patellite . . Plan(s) 10.538 Pathematic . . When will you send plan 10.539 Pathetic . . . The plans of the ( ) Mine(s) were sent you on 10.540 Pathless . . . The plans are now in the office 10.541 Pathogeny . . Send as soon as possible plans of 10.542 Pathognomy. . Has (have) sent the plans of 10.543 Pathos . . . You will see by the plans that 10.544 Pathway . . . There are no good plans of the 10.545 Patibulary . . Have plans made of the ( ) Mine(s) 10.546 Patriarch. . . From the plans 10.547 Patrician . . Platinum 10.548 Patriotic . . . The platinum is found in 10.549 Patriotism . . Large quantities of platinum 10.550 Patristic . . . Small quantities of platinum i o, 5 5 1 Patrolled . . Plentiful 10.552 Patrolling . . Plentiful supply of 10.553 Patronage . . A plentiful supply of water at all times 10.554 Patroness . . Is there a plentiful supply of 10.555 Patronized . . Is very plentiful in the district 10.556 Patronymic . . Is not very plentiful in the disirict 10.557 Pattereth . Plenty 10.558 Pattering. . Can you get plenty of 10.559 Pattypan . . . There is plenty of 10.560 Paucity ... In plenty 10.561 Paulianist . Pocket (s) 10.562 Paulicians . . The ore is mostly found in pockets 10.563 Paunches . . . Have struck a large pocket of ore 10.564 Pauperism . . Have struck a small pocket of ore 10.565 Pauperized . . Several pockets of very rich ore have been found 10.566 Pausingly . . . Owing to the ore being mostly in pocket 10.567 Pavement . Pockety 10.568 Paviage . . . Pay ore very pockety 10.569 Pavilioned . Poor (See also Quality) 10.570 Pavisado . . . Poor returns 10.571 Pavisor . . . Too poor to pay 10.572 Pavonine. . . Not quite so poor 10.573 Pawnbroker. . Very poor 10.574 Pawnee . . . The vein looks poor 10.575 Paxywaxy . Poorer z 0,5 7 6 Paymaster . . If the vein gets poorer 10.577 Paynising. . . The vein is getting poorer 10.578 Payoffices . Porphyry 10.579 Payrolls . . . The hanging wall is porphyry 10.580 Peaceable . . The foot-wall is porphyry I 9 8 FOR No. 10,581 10,582 10,583 10,584 10,585 10,586 10,587 10,588 10,589 10,590 10,591 10,592 io,593 10,594 J o,595 10,596 10,597 10,598 io,599 10,600 10,601 10,602 10,603 10,604 10,605 10,606 10,607 10,608 10,609 10,610 10,611 10,612 10,613 10,614 10,615 10,616 10,617 10,618 10,619 10,620 10,621 10,622 10,623 10,624 10,625 10,626 10,627 10,628 10,629 10,630 Code Word. Porphyry (continued} Peacefully . . The country rock is porphyry Peaceless ... In porphyry Peacemaker . . In porphyritic rock Peachcolor . Portion Peajacket . . A large portion of which Peanism ... A small portion of which Peargauge . . In a portion of Pearldiver . . As our portion Pearledge . . The greater portion Pearleyed . . To retain the greater portion Pearlwhite . Position Peasantry . . . What is the position of affairs with regard to Peashells ... To strengthen our position Peashooter . . To improve the position Peatbog . . . What is the position of Peccable . . . Position very serious Peccadillo . .Is (are) in a wrong position Peccancy . . . In a very dangerous position Peccant . . . The position of Peccavi . . . Are now in a position to Pectate . . . Not in a position to Pectinal . . . Send plan showing position of Pectinated . Positive Pectoral . . . Nothing positive as yet arranged Peculateth . . Are you positive Peculation . . Cannot be positive till Peculator ... As soon as anything positive is arranged Pecuniary . . Something positive must be settled at once Pedagogic . . Am (are) positive that Pedagogism . . Is (are) positive that Pedagogue . Possession Pedalian ... In possession of Pedality . . . Possession will be given Pedaneous . . To put us in possession of Pedantic . . . Cannot get possession of Pedantical . . To gain possession of Pedantize . . Is (are) in possession Pedantry ... Is (are) not in possession Pedatifid . . . Am (are) in possession (of) Peddler . . . Not in possession (of) Peddling . . Possible Pederero ... As soon as possible Pedestal ... As much as possible Pedestrial . . Is it possible Pedicel . . . It is possible Pedicular ... Is not possible Pedigerous . . Would it be possible Pedigree . . . If possible Pediluvy . . Post (See also Mail) Pedimanous . . A very responsible post POS 199 No. Code Word. Post (continued) 10.631 Pedipalp . . . is the best man for the post 10.632 Pedireme . . . Will be fit for the post 10.633 Pedometers . . is not fit for the post 10.634 Peduncle . . Postpone 10.635 Peduncular . . You must postpone 10.636 Peephole . . . Will postpone 10.637 Peepshow . . Will not postpone 10.638 Peerage . . . Will postpone 10.639 Peeresses . . . Cannot postpone 10.640 Peerlessly . . Postpone going to till 10.641 Peevish . . Postponed 10.642 Pegasus . . . Postponed on account of 10.643 Pegtankard . Powder 10.644 Pegtop . . . Waiting for powder in order to 10.645 Peirastic . . . Send Ibs. of giant powder 10.646 Pelagian . . . No powder to be had her 10.647 Pelagic . . Power 10.648 Pelerine . . . Has (have) great power 10.649 Pelisse . . . Has (have) no power 10.650 Pellagra . . . Of what power 10.651 Pellicle . . . It is in the power of 10.652 Pellitory . . . It is not in the power of I0 >653 Pellucid . . . If it is in the power of 10.654 Pelmazo . . . Power of attorney to be made in name of 10.655 Peltasta . . . In whose name is power of attorney to be made 10.656 Peltmonger . . Power of attorney will be required 10.657 Pemmican . . Who holds power of attorney 10.658 Pemphigus . . Is it in 's power 10.659 Penance . . . Give power of attorney to 10.660 Penchant. . . Send power of attorney 1 0,66 1 Pencilled. . . Cannot send power of attorney 10.662 Pencilling . . Has (have) sent power of attorney 10.663 Pencraft . . . Will send power of attorney 10.664 Pencutter. .Powerful 10.665 Pendant ... Is (are) all-powerful in the district 10.666 Pendency . . Not sufficiently powerful 10.667 Pendentive . .Is sufficiently powerful 10.668 Pendragon . . Will require more powerful machinery 10.669 Pendulous . . Very powerful 10.670 Pendulum . Practicable 10.671 Penetrable . . Is it practicable 10.672 Penetralia , . It is quite practicable 10.673 Penetrant. . . It is not practicable 10.674 Penitence . Prefer 10.675 Penknife . . . Which do you prefer 10.676 Penmanship . . Would you prefer 10.677 Pennalism . . Would prefer 10.678 Penniform . . Would prefer not to 10.679 Penniless. . . If you prefer 10.680 Pennypost . Prejudice 200 PRE No. Code Word. Prejudice (continued) 1 0,68 1 Penny wise . Without prejudice (to) 10,682 Pennyworth Prejudiced 10,683 Penology . T r\ AR A "PATICI!A . Is (are) prejudiced against 'v (are) prejudiced in favour of 10,004 -LCilMlC . 10,685 Pensionary . Without being prejudiced 10,686 Pensioner . A prejudiced opinion 10,687 Pensively . Preliminary 10,688 Penstock . . As a preliminary step 10,689 Pentachord . A preliminary agreement 10,690 Pentacle . Premature 10,691 Pentagon . Would be at present premature 10,692 Pentagonal . Do nothing premature 10,693 Pentagram . Is at present premature 10,694 Pentagynia Premium 10,695 Pentameter . What is the premium 10,696 Pentandria . The premium is too heavy 10,697 Pentarchy . At a premium of 10,698 Pentaspast Prepare 10,699 Pentastick . Prepare as quickly as possible 10,700 Pentastyle . Prepare everything for 10,701 Pentateuch . Will prepare 10,702 Pentecost . Cannot prepare 10,703 Pentremite Prepared 10,704 Penultum . Has (have) prepared 10,705 Penumbra . Has (have) not yet prepared 10,706 Penurious . I am (we are) prepared for 10,707 Peopling . . Not prepared for 10,708 Pepperbox . Have you prepared 10,709 Peppering . Cannot be prepared 10,710 Peppermint . You must be prepared for 10,711 Pepsine . . Prepared to accept an offer 10,712 Pepticity . Present 10,713 Peracute . . At the present time 10,714 Perbend . . Up to the present 10,715 Perceiver. . For the present i o, 7 1 6 P erception . Not at present 10,717 Perchance . Do not present 10,718 Perching . . That may present itself 10,719 Percipient Presented 10,720 Percolated . Has (have) been presented 10,721 Percursory . Has (have) not been presented 10,722 Percutient . When presented 10,723 Perdition. . Has (have) the been presented 10,724 Peremptory i o 72^ Perennial President 10,726 Perfective . Who is the president of 10,727 Perfidious Prevail 10,728 Perforator . Hope to prevail on to 10,730 Performers . Can you prevail on to PRE 201 No. Code Word. 10.731 Perfumery . Prevent 10.732 Perfusive . . . Cannot prevent 10.733 Perianth . . . Try and prevent 10.734 Peribolos . . . Will prevent 10.735 Pericarp ... To prevent expense and delay 10.736 Peridot . . Prevented 10.737 Peridrome . . Was (were) prevented from 10.738 Periecian . . . Could not have been prevented 10.739 Periergy . . . Which has prevented 10.740 Perigean . . Previous 10.741 Perigraph . . On my previous visit 10.742 Perigynous . . Since the previous 10.743 Perihelion . . In your previous letter 10.744 Perilously . . Previous to 10.745 Periodic ... In its (their) previous state 10.746 Periosteum . . Previous orders withdrawn 10.747 Periphery . . Since your previous instructions 10.748 Periplus . . Price (s) (See also Shares) 10.749 Periscii . . . is the price asked 10.750 Periscope . . At what price can you 10.751 Perishable . . At what price did you 10.752 Perishing. . . At present price(s) 10.753 Perisperm . . At what price can you bond 10.754 Periwigs . . . What is the lowest price you will take 10.755 Perjureth . . . Wire present price of 10.756 Perjuries . . . is the price asked, but vendors would take 10.757 Permagy ... Is (are) getting good prices for 10.758 Permeable . . Is (are) worth the price 10.759 Permeates . . The price asked is reasonable 10.760 Permeating . . The price asked is unreasonable 10.761 Permissive . . Has (have) asked too high a price 10.762 Permistion . . This price can probably be reduced 10.763 Permitter. . . What is the price of 10.764 Pernancy. . . Is the price of 10.765 Pernicious . . Would get a high price for 10.766 Perplexeth . . With the high price of 10.767 Perquisite . . Can get a high price for 10.768 Perron . . . Reserve price 10.769 Perruquier . Private 10.770 Persecutes . . This is for your private information only 10.771 Persian . . . This is to be kept quite private 10.772 Persiflage . . Tell in private 10.773 Persisteth . . told me in private that 10.774 Persistive . Probability I0 >775 Personable . . In all probability 10,776 Personalty . . Is there any probability of 10,777' Personify. . . There seems a probability of 10.778 .Personnel . . There is no probability 10.779 Perspicacy . Probable 10.780 Perspires . . . Is it probable 202 PRO No. Code Word. 10.781 Perspiring 10.782 Perstringe 10.783 Persuader 10.784 Persuasive Probable (continued) . . It is very probable . . Not very probable . Proceed . . Proceed at once to make a thorough 10,785 Pertaineth 10,786 Pertinent . 10,787 Pertnesses 10,788 Perturbeth 10,789 Perturbing 10,790 Pertused . 10,791 Pertusion 10,792 Pertussis . 10,793 Peruke . 10,794 Perusal . io,795 Perusing . 10,796 Peruvine . 10,797 Pervadeth 10,798 Pervasive 10,799 Perversely 10,800 Perversity 10,801 Perverter . 10,802 Pesade 10,803 Peshito . 10,804 Pessary . 10,805 Pessimists 10,806 Pesterer . 10,807 Pestiduct . 10,808 Pestilence 10,809 Petaled . 10,810 Petaliform 10,811 Petaline . 10,812 Petalism . 10,813 Petaloid . 10,814 Petard . 10,815 Petasus . 10,816 Petechial . 10,817 Petiolar . 10,818 Petiole . 10,819 Petiolule . 10,820 Petitions . 10,821 Petitory . 10,822 Petrescent 10,823 Petrific . 10,824 Petrifies . 10,825 Petronel . 10,826 Petrosilex 10,827 Petticoats examination of the property, telegraph opinion, and send by post full report . . Will proceed as requested . . You need not now proceed to . . Instruct to proceed to to . . Cannot proceed at once ; can do so on . Can you proceed at once to . . Unable to proceed to . Proceeds . . Telegraph proceeds of . . Proceeds of the amount to . . Gross proceeds . . Net proceeds . . The proceeds are . Process . . A new process . . I am going to to see a new process of . . By which process . Produce . . Hope to produce . . Cannot produce . . What do the mines produce per week . Produced . . The mine(s) has (have) produced . . Have produced per week [months . . Have produced per month for the last - . Producing . The mine(s) is (are) producing tons . . The mine(s) is (are) producing tons per week . . The mine(s) is (are) producing very fine ore . . Hope shortly to be producing tons per . Production [week . . To increase the production . . To maintain this, production . . Production will increase . Profit(s) . . Profit in sight . . Last month's profit was . . Profit this month will be . . Profit will be . . Likely to give large profits . . The net profit for the year is . . What profit has there been [been paid . . What profit will there be after all expenses have . . Will net profits for month be PRO 203 No. Codeword Profit(s) (continued) 10.828 Pettifog ... A profit of 10.829 Pettiness . . . The profits have been very large 10.830 Pettishly. . . The profits at first will not be large [of 10.831 Pettitoes . . . Telegraph the probable net profit for the month 10.832 Petulance . . Estimated profit 10.833 Petulantly . . Leaves too small a profit 10.834 Pewopener . . I estimate we shall make a profit of 10.835 Phaeton . . . Profit on the run 10.836 Phagedena . . Have been making small profits all the time 10.837 Phalanger . . At a profit (of) 10.838 Phalangial . . Profits may be expected inside of 10.839 Phalanx . . . Profit may be expected to be not less than 10.840 Phalarope . . There will be no profit 10.841 Phallic . . Profitable [ment 10.842 Phantasm . . Am (are) sure it will be a very profitable invest- 10.843 Phantom. . . Not sufficiently profitable 10.844 Pharaon . . Progress 10.845 Pharisaic . . . What progress is being made 10.846 Pharisee . . . What progress have you made 10.847 Pharmacon . . Good progress is being made 10.848 Pharmacy . . Making slow progress 10.849 Pharos . . Promise 10.850 Phenakism . . Promise has not been fulfilled 10.851 Phenicine . . will not promise to 10.852 Phenomenal . Will promise to 10.853 Philander . . Cannot promise 10.854 Philatory . . . Would not promise 10.855 Philibeg . . . Can you promise 10.856 Philippic . . Promised 10.857 Philippize . . Has (have) promised to 10.858 Philister . . . Has (have) promised not to 10.859 Philistine. . . I (we) have promised 10.860 Philologer . Promote 10.861 Philology. . . To promote a company 10.862 Philomath . . Cannot promote 10.863 Philomel ... To promote a good feeling 10.864 Philopena . . To promote a better feeling 10.865 Philosophy . . Will not tend to promote 10.866 Philtre . . . Will promote 10.867 Phlebitis . . Prompt 10.868 Phlebotomy . . Has (have) been as prompt as possible 10.869 Phlegmatic . . Be as prompt as you can 10.870 Phlegmon . . Prompt action is required 10.871 Phlogiston . Promptly 10.872 Phonetic . . . This must be done promptly 10.873 Phonolite . . Promptly on account of 10.874 Phonotype . Proof 10.875 Phoronomia . As a proof 10.876 Phosphate . . There is no proof 10.877 Phosphene . . The proof is 204 PRO No. Code Word. Proof (continued) 10.878 Phosphor . . What proof is there that 10.879 Phosphuret . . Can show no proof 10.880 Photogeny . . Could give no proof 1 0,88 1 Photologic . . There is every proof that 10.882 Photopsy . Property 10.883 Phrasebook . . I consider it a most valuable property 10.884 Phrenetic . . The property is worth 10.885 Phrenic . . . I do not consider the property worth having 10.886 Phrenitis . . . It is not as valuable a property as represented 10.887 Phrenology . . The property is situated 10.888 Phrygian . . . The situation of the property is bad [desired 10.889 Phthisis . . . The situation of the property is all that can be 10.890 Phycology . . The property comprises 10.891 Phylactery . . Owing to the large extent of the property 10.892 Phylarchy . . How is the property situated 10.893 Phyletic . . . What is the property worth 10.894 Phylsite . . . What will they take for the property 10.895 Phylloid ... Is the property worth having 10.896 Phyllopod . Proportion(s) 10.897 Phyllotaxy . . Contain(s) a proportion of 10.898 Phyma . . . A large proportion of which 10.899 Physically . . In proportion to 10.900 Physician. . . In what proportion 10.901 Physiology . . Is not in proportion to 10.902 Physique . . Proposal 10.903 Physograde . . has (have) made a proposal to 10.904 Phytochimy . . Have asked to make a proposal 10.905 Phytozoa . . Proposal cannot be entertained 10.906 Piacular . . . A very fair proposal 10.907 Pianette . . . Must have a more definite proposal 10.908 Pianino . . . Accept the proposal 10.909 Pianists . . . Decline the proposal 10.910 Pianoforte . Propose 10.911 Piassava . . . Would propose to 10.912 Piastre . . . Do (does) not propose to 10.913 Piazza. . . . What do (does) - propose doing 10.914 Pibroch . . . propose (s) to 10.915 Picador . . Prosecute 10.916 Picamar . . . Will prosecute 10.917 Picaroon . . . Will not prosecute 10.918 Picayune . . . Will prosecute 10.919 Piccage ... In order to prosecute 10.920 Piccolo . . . Not to prosecute 10.921 Pickaninny . Prospect(s) 10.922 Pickaxe . . . Prospect thoroughly 10.923 Picketed . . . What is the prospect of 10.924 Pickles . . . If any immediate prospect 10.925 Picklock . . . The mine is little more than a prospect 10.926 Pickpocket . . A valuable prospect 10.927 Pickpurse . . There seems every prospect of PRO 205 No. 10,928 10,929 10,930 io,93i 10,932 10,933 10,934 IQ.935 10,936 10,937 10,938 io,939 10,940 10,941 10,942 10,943 10,944 10,945 10,946 10,947 10,948 10,949 10,950 10,951 10,952 io,953 10,954 io,955 10,956 io,957 10,958 io,959 10,960 10,961 10,962 10,963 10,964 10,965 10,966 10,967 10,968 10,969 10,970 10,971 10,972 10,973 10,974 io,975 10,976 10,977 Code Word. Prospect(s) (continued] Picnic .... There seems no prospect of Picrolite . . . What prospect is there of Picromel . . . There are good prospects Picrosmine . . No prospect of Pictorial ... A poor prospect Pictures ... A fine prospect Picturing . . . Prospects are discouraging Piebald . . . Prospects are encouraging Piecemeal . Prospecting Piecing . . . Have sunk a prospecting shaft Pierceth . . . Prospecting a long time on the same vein Piercingly . . Must at once begin prospecting Pierglass ... No prospecting has been done Piertable . . . Shall continue prospecting in Pietism . . . Shall stop prospecting in Pietistic . . . Has (have) stopped prospecting Piezometer . . Stop prospecting Pigeonhole . . Am (are) prospecting Pigeontoed . . Has (have) been prospecting for Piggery . . . Are prospecting in every direction Pigmental . . What prospecting has been done Pigments . . Protect Pigmies ... It will be necessary to protect Pignous ... To protect yourself Pigsty ... To protect ourselves against Pigtail .... Will protect Pikelets . . . Will not protect Pikelin . Will this protect Pikeman . . Protected Pikestaff . . . Protected by Pilaster . . . Not protected by Pileate . . Protection Piledriver . . What protection is there Pilferer . . . There is no protection against Pilfering . . . Sufficient protection against Pilgrim . . . Every protection Pilgrimage . Protest Pillaging . . . Protest against Pillarist . . . Pay under protest Pillau .... Has (have) paid under protest Pillions ... No use to protest Pilloried . . Prove Pillory. . . . Can you prove Pillowcase . . Cannot prove Pillowslip . . . Can prove the existence of Pilosity ... To prove the existence of Pilotage ... To prove the vein in depth Piloting . . Proved Pimebic . . . Has (have) been proved by Pimento . . . Has (have) not been proved 206 PRO No. Code Word. Proved (continued) 10,978 Pimples . . . This has proved 10,979 Pinafore . . . Unless it has been proved that 10,980 Pinchbeck Provide 10,981 Pinchfist . . . To provide against all emergencies 10,982 Pinchingly . . It is necessary to provide 10,983 Pincushion . . To provide against 10,984 Pindaric . \Vill DTnvirlp ^for^ Will U1LJV1LLC \L\Jli 10,985 Pindarism \vil1 TITO vide Will Ul U V 1VJ.V* 10,986 Pineal . . . . Will not provide 10,987 Pinebarren . . Must provide for 10,988 Pineclad . . . Will this provide 10,989 Pinetum . . Provided 10,990 Pinfeather TD^/'xirt /-^A^ tlTllI *v4*dlV\/1 4-T-1A +l*Vii JL 1UV1U.CL1 \Vill tA.lCl.lvl L11C 1111.1C 10,991 Pinguitude "Pfr^viH r*r1 \vill O'lvP 1 i c*"mTin1~pp . .11UVJIU.CU Will LjlVC- tl LjU.Lllclill.CC. 10,992 Pinhole . . . Not provided in any way for i>993 Pinioned . . . Has (have) not provided against 10,994 Pinmoi ey . . Be provided for i>995 Pinnace . . Provision(s) 10,996 Pinnacled . . Provision must be made for 10,997 Pinnatifid . . Has (have) made provision for 10,998 Pinniped . . . Has (have) not made provision for 10,999 Pinnulate . . Sufficient provision for 11,000 Pioneers . . . Insufficient provision for II,OOI Piously . . . What provision has there been made for 11,002 Piousness . . Owing to the difficulty of getting provisions 11,003 Piperic . . Prudent 11,004 Piperine . It will be more prudent to 11,005 Piquancy . . . Be very prudent in 1 1, 006 Piquant . . . Must be more prudent 11,007 Piqueerer . . Not sufficiently prudent 1 1, 008 Piracy . . Will it be prudent (to) 11,009 Piratical . . Public 11,010 Pirating . . . For the public 11,011 Pirogue . . . To make public 11,012 Pirouette . . . Has not yet been made public 11,013 Piscatory . . . The public are eager for mining speculations 11,014 Pisciform . . . The public will not, at present touch any mining 11,015 Piscina . . . Before the public [speculation 11,016 Pistillate . . . You can make this public 11,017 Pistolet . . . Do not make this public till 11,018 Pistoling . 1" n 1" f* M in TmVilir* 1~Vint" oldlCU. Ill UU.U11L, LllctL 11,019 Pitapat . . . Before it is made public 11,020 Pitchblack . . This will not be made public till 11,021 Pitchfork . . The public are investing largely in 11,022 Pitchpipe . . We shall not have to go to the public 11,023 Piteously . . . We shall have to r go to the public for the money 11,024 Pitfall . . . Publish 11,025 Pithless . . . Intend(s) to publish 11,02(5 Pitiably . . . Will not publish 11,027 Pitifully , . . Do not publish PUB 207 No. Code Word. I,02'8 Pitilessly . . Published [will be published 1,029 Pittacal . . . Be very guarded in your report, as all you say 1,030 Pittance . . . This ought, I think, to be published 1,031 Placable . . . This had better not be published 1,032 Placards . . . Should this be published 1,033 Placeman . . Has been published (or have been) 1,034 Placidly . . . Has (have) not yet been published 1,035 Placidness . . Has this been published 1,036 Placoidian .Pulp 1,037 Plafond . . . Pulp assays average 1,038 Plagiarism . . Pulp assays for one week average 1,039 Plagiary . . . Pulp assays for one month average 1,040 Plagueful. . . What is the weekly average of the pulp assay 1,041 Plaguemark . Pump(s) 1,042 Plaguespot vYTill ^.x%rf-*4- 4-T-* r-k KI Ar^ccorw *^ * **"* *"* ** win creel me iicccbbdry piiiupb 1,043 Plaided . . . Purchasers to take over pumps at valuation 1,044 Plaintive . . . The pumps are out of repair 1,045 Plaiter . . . The pumps cannot cope with the water 1,046 Planary . . . Must at once erect pumps 1,047 Planetoid . . Pump capable of raising 1,048 Planetule ^^nrl in/"h VmrO.r^f' IfA* TMITYIT* ^V vi"rf\\r f* ociiu. iiicii UUCK.CL mi pump it. biruKc 1,049 Plangent . O^Vr1 -ivi^l-i t~*l it*-* *~r/-fct- f^.t i *-*-* ->. -A- j-.<--^v1- ^ . ociiu. men piuiigcr pump n. biiUK.c 1,050 Plankroad Qp-r*r1 . . i. "ft* of* i . mr*l"i T"\iimT*vc OCllLi It* Ul IIICII UUlIIpb 1,051 Planneth . . . Will this sum include the pumps :i,o52 Planorbis . . Pumps will have to be sent from 1,053 Plantation . . Pumps now working 1,054 Planticle . . . Will require new pumps i,o55 Plaques . . . Pump is gaining rapidly on the water 1,056 Plasmatic . . Delay of days owing to pump(s) being out 1,057 Plastered . . Pump rod [of order 1,058 Plastic . . . Pump bob 1,059 Plasticity . . . Windbore for inch pump :i,o6o Plastron . \AT r\^rit** nr l-Not--*-^*! i *- /iT- v\n rv\ r\ vvuij\.iiig udiici iiicii pump :i,o6i Plateful . . . Pump is not able to keep the water down :i,o62 Plateglass . . What pumps exist at the mine 1,063 Platelayer l^oti /-I r\ in ^\f IT i * re -fill TM TTV- t-\ r rt-*-*-tTr^ 1 -Tf V_/dll U.VJ 11ULI11I1H LI11 pUHIpb ctlllVC II* 1,064 Platform . 1? m 11 ifi t-VTt W^T-\C 4-/% fOlf^, jnrn 11 rf-\t-* o -r^/^t* n/\t1V JLXCVJU11C pULllpo L\J It-lloC 1-L u,J.lUllo pel I1UUI .1,065 Platitude . . Pumped :i,o66 Platonic . . . Water has been pumped out :i,o67 Platonists . . Cannot be pumped out, without .1,068 Plaudit . . . As soon as the water is pumped out : 1,069 Plausible . . Pumping :i,oyo Playbill . . . Commence pumping at once :i,o7i Playfellow . . Have to be constantly pumping 11,072 Playful . . . Continue pumping :i,o73 Playgoer . . . The pumping engine :i,o74 Playhouse . . Cease pumping [i,o75 Playmate . . Pumping the water out of the mine [1,076 Playsome . . Are pumping gallons in twenty-four hours [i,o77 Playthings . . Are not pumping 208 PUR No. Code Word. 11.078 Playwright .Purchase 11.079 Pleadable . . With the option of purchase 1 1, 080 Pleadeth . . . tried to purchase the mine, but failed 11.081 Pleasance . . Will take purchase money in shares 11.082 Pleasantly . . The purchase completed 11.083 Pleasing . . . The purchase not yet completed 11.084 Pleasures. . . The purchase must be completed by 11.085 Plebeian. . . I (we) advise purchase of mine(s) for 1 1, 086 Plebiscite . . I (we) cannot advise purchase 11.087 Plectrum. . . Do you advise purchase 11.088 Pledget . . . Money ready if you advise purchase 1 1,089 Plenarily . . . Delay the purchase 11.090 Plenary . . . Will interfere with the purchase 11.091 Plenist . . . The purchase of 11.092 Plenitude . Purchaser (s) 11.093 Plenteous . . Purchaser(s) to deposit as guarantee 11.094 Pleonasm . . Purchaser(s) has (have) money ready 11.095 Pleonastic . . Purchaser(s) to take over plant at a valuation 11.096 Plethora. .Purpose 11.097 Pleurisy . . . For what purpose 11.098 Pleuritic . . . For the purpose of 11.099 Plexiform . . On purpose 11.100 Plicature . . . For no purpose 11.101 Ploddeth . .Push 11.102 Ploughboy . . Push the sale of 11.103 Plucked . . . Do not push the 11.104 Plumage. . . Push ahead with 11.105 Plumbrule . . You must push on the 1 1, 1 06 Plumcake . . To push it through 11.107 Plumeless . . Hope(s) to push through 11.108 Plumiped .Put 11.109 Plumosity . . Do not put 11.110 Plundered . . Not to be put in 1 1,1 1 1 Plungers. . . Put in your next 11.112 Pluperfect . . Put off 11.113 Pluralist . . . To be put in 11.114 Plurality. . . Put everything in good order 11.115 Plutocracy . . Put off payment for all the bills you can, and only draw for what you are compelled to pay 11.116 Plutonian . . Put on all the men you can to work 11.117 Pluvial . . Putting 11.118 Pneumonia . . Recommend putting up 11.119 Poacher . .Pyrites 11.120 Poaching. . . A sample with pyrites assayed per ton 11.121 Pockethole . . A sample rejecting pyrites assayed per ton 11.122 Pockmark . . The pyrites assay per ton 11.123 Podagric. . . Arsenical pyrites 11.124 Podesta . . . Magnetic pyrites 11.125 Poecilitic . . If the pyrites were concentrated 11.126 Poetaster. . . A sample of pyrites assayed PYE, 209 No. Code Word. Pyrites (continued] 11.127 Poetical . . . The principal part of the gold is in the pyrites 11.128 Quackery .Quality 11.129 Quackish . . Medium quality 11.130 Quackled . . Good quality 11.131 Quadra . . . Fair quality 11.132 Quadrangle . . Usual quality 11.133 Quadrant . . Inferior quality n, T 34 Quadrantal . . What is the quality of the ore n,!35 Quadrate. . . Quality of ore is improving n,i3 6 Quadratic . . Quality of ore is not so good ii, J 37 Quadrel . . . Same quality as last 11.138 Quadricorn . . Better quality than last 11.139 Quadrifid . Quantity(ies) [can be desired 11.140 Quadriga. . . The quantity and quality of the ore are all that 11.141 Quadrille. . . A large quantity has been taken 11.142 Quadrereme. . What quantity of is there 11 . 1 43 Quadroon . . A large quantity of 11.144 Quadruman . . A small quantity of 11.145 Quadruple . . In large quantities 11.146 Quaffer . . . In small quantities 11.147 Quaffeth . . . From the quantity of 11.148 Quagmire . Quarrel(s) 11.149 Quaileth . . . There has been a quarrel between 11.150 Quaintly. . . Owing to the quarrel (between) 11.151 Quaintness . . Avoid any quarrel with 11.152 Quaker . . . To prevent any quarrel 11 ,!5 3 Quakeress . Quarry (ies) 11.154 Quakerish . . Large quarries of exist 11.155 Quakerly. . Quarter(s) 11.156 Quakingly . . A quarter of n, I 57 Qualifyeth . . One quarter 11.158 Qualmish . . Three quarters 11.159 Quamoclit .Quartz 11.160 Quandary . . Quartz coming in (in face of) 11.161 Quantitive . . Veins of gold-bearing quartz 11.162 Quantum. . . Barren white quartz 11.163 Quarantine . . The average thickness of the quartz is i 11.164 Quarreleth . . Rejecting the barren white-looking quartz 11.165 Quarryman . . No available quartz 11.166 Quartan . . . Contains no quartz 11.167 Quartered . . Composed of decomposed quartz 1 1, 1 68 Quartering . . Rich quartz 11.169 Quartern . . Barren quartz 11.170 Quartette . . The quartz being very white 11.171 Quartile . . Quartz vein 11.172 Quarto . . From specimens of the quartz 11.173 Quashed . . The matrix is quartz 11.174 Quasimodo .Quartzite 11 . 1 75 Quassation . . Quartzite formation 11.176 Quassine . . . The hanging wall is quartzite 210 No. Code Word. Quartzite (continued} 11.177 Quatenary . . The foot- wall is quartzite 11.178 Quaverer . . Question (s) 1 1* 1 79 Quayage . . . It is a question whether 1 1, 1 80 Queachy . . . There is no question as to 11.181 Queasiness . . What is the question 11.182 Quebrada . . In answer to your question 11.183 Quebradero . . Answer this question at once 1 1, 1 84 Quebranta . . This is a question which will have to be answered 11.185 Quebrar . . . Out of the question 11.186 Quedito . . . It is a question of 11.187 Queencraft . Quick 1 1, 1 88 Queenlike . . Be as quick as you can 11.189 Queenly . . . Not as quick as it should be 11.190 Queenpost . . Will be as quick as possible 11.191 Queenship . Quickly 11.192 Queerish . . . As quickly as 11.193 Queerness . . Do it quickly 11.194 Queller . . . Go as quickly as you can 11.195 Quehacer. . . Will be sent as quickly as possible 11.196 Quejarse . . . Send as quickly as you can 11.197 Quejoso . . . Has been done as quickly as possible 11.198 Quemador . . Was not done as quickly as it might have been 11.199 Quemadura . . Cannot get things done quickly here 11.200 Quemazon . . Very quickly 11.201 Quenchable . . Not very quickly 11.202 Quencheth . Quicksilver 11.203 Quenchless . . A quicksilver mine 11.204 Quercitin. . . The quicksilver is found 11.205 Querella . . . Causing the quicksilver to sicken 11.206 Querido . . . Great difficulty in getting quicksilver for 11.207 Querist . .Quietly 11.208 Quernal . . . Look about quietly, and tell me (us) 11.209 Querpo . . . Go to work quietly 11.210 Querulous .Quit n,2ii Querying. . . Will quit work 1 1,2 1 2 Quesero . . . Has (have) not yet quit 11.213 Questuary . . Is (are) likely to quit 11.214 Quibbler . .Quite 11.215 Quibbling . . Is (are) quite 1 1,2 1 6 Quicial . . . Is (are) not quite 11.217 Quickener . . Quite right 1 1,2 1 8 Quickness . . Quite sufficient 11.219 Quicksand . . Quite the same 11.220 Quickstep . . Not quite the same 11.221 Quiddany . Quotation(s) 11.222 Quiddities . . The quotations are 11.223 Quidnunc . . Want lowest possible quotation for 11.224 Quiebra . . . Telegraph quotation (s) of 11.225 Quiescent . . The following are the latest quotations 11.226 Quietude . . . Quotations the last week have been QUO 211 No. Code Word. 11,227 Quijada . . Quoted 11,228 Quijotada . . Quoted at premium 11,229 Quijoteria f~\ 1 1 s\ f f\ A *- 4- rl i wj rTATi n 1" l^/UUlcU. d.1 QlbLOUill 11,230 Quijotesco . . Quoted at par 11,231 Quilatar . . . Telegraph at what shares are being quoted 11,232 Quilificar . ftniftl*MB o YC* r\r v i'nT nn/^fr^/l it n,233 Quilla . . . shares are not quoted H,234 Rabadan . . Railway(s) 11,235 Rabadilla. . . Railway washed out by floods 11,236 Rabanero "I? ml YfirmT 1 "fVorn to n*-k/^- ved up [mine n,237 Rabateth . . . The railway passes within - mile(s) of the 11,238 Rabbinic . . . A railway is projected which will pass within milf" of thp minp n> 2 39 Rabbinical . . A branch railway to [milefsl) 11,240 Rabbinism ^I^Vio fi AO vAct TO il \xr*3 \r ota ti/"\Y^ ic? /rf^lC'fO' nf . .1 lie 11 Cell Co I IdllWdy bul lion Ib 11,241 Rabbinite . . A proposed line of railway [mine 11,242 Rabicorto . There is no railway within miles of the 11,243 Rabidly . T?ni1n T m7 fV*OTYi , . to. 11,244 Rabidness . Rain(s) n,245 Rabieta . . . The mine was flooded owing to heavy rains 11,246 Raccahoot . . As soon as the rains set in 11,247 Raceground . . Only after the rains 11,248 Racemation . . Till the rains 11,249 Racemic . . . During the rains 11,250 Racemous . . No rain yet 11,251 Rachidian . . Heavy rains 11,252 Rachilla . . . Was (were) washed away by heavy rains 11,253 Rachitic . . . The rain having washed away the n,254 Racimoso . Has (have) been delayed by the rain 11,255 Raciocinio . Great damage has been done by the late rains 11,256 Racionero . Raise u,257 Racketing . . To raise 11,258 Rackety . . . Can you raise 11,259 Rackrent . . . Will raise 11,260 Radiacion . . Cannot raise 11,261 Radiance . . If you can raise 11,262 Radiantly . . If you cannot raise 11,263 Radiateth . Try and raise 11,264 Radically. . . Trying to raise 11,265 Radicalism . . How much can you raise 11,266 Radiolites . Raised 11,267 Radiometro . . Has been raised 11,268 Raedura . , . Has not been raised 11,269 Raffled . . . Have you raised 11,270 Rafflesia . . . Will be raised 11,271 Raftbridge . Raising 11,272 Raftsman . . . Raising per day 11,273 Ragabash . . Raising up on the 11,274 Ragamuffin . . Are raising 11,275 Rageful . . Rate(s) 212 RAT No. Code Word. Rate(s) (continued] 11,276 Ragfair . . . The rates are very high 11,277 Ragout . . . The freight rates are very high 11,278 Raguled . . . To increase the rates 11,279 Raillery . . . To lessen the rates 11,280 Raiment . . . The high rate of 11,281 Rainbow . . . The low rate of 11,282 Raingauge . . At the rate of 11,283 Rainwater . . At what rate 11,284 Raisonne . . . What are the rates for 11,285 Rajahship . . At any rate 11,286 Rajput . . At what rate can you 11,287 Rakishly . . Rather 11,288 Rakishness . . I (we) would rather 11,289 Rakshasa. . . Rather than 11,290 Ralear . . Would rather not 11,291 Ralladura . . Would rather 11,292 Rallieth . . Reach n,293 Rallying . f-T / \ , 1 ^VV* . riope^s^ co reacn 11,294 Ramadan . . Telegraph when you reach n,295 Ramayana . . To reach me (us) at 11,296 Rambler . . . Will not reach in time 11,297 Ramblingly . . To reach you at 11,298 Rambooze . . Will reach you at 11,299 Ramekin . . Ready 11,300 Ramenta . . . Everything ready to begin work 11,301 Ramifieth . . Are you ready to 11,302 Ramillete . . Be all ready to Ramonear . . Must be ready by 11,304 Rampallian . Have everything ready 1 1,305 Rampancy . Not yet ready 11,306 Rampant . . . All ready 11,307 Ramphastos . . When will you be ready to 11,308 Rampollo . . Is everything ready for 11,309 Ramshackle . . Shall be ready on 11,310 Rancescent . Cannot be ready before Ranchero . . As soon as everything is ready 11,312 Rancid . . Reason Rancidness . . In reason 11,314 Rancidity . The reason is II ,3 I 5 Rancourous . . Do not know the reason 11,316 Rangership . . Out of all reason 11,317 Ranklingly . . Anything, ask(s) in reason 11,318 Ransacked . . There is every reason to believe 11,319 Ransomer . There is no reason for 11,320 Ransomless . . Is there any reason for 11,321 Rantipole . . Do everything in reason to help 11,322 Rapaceria . Reasonable 11,323 Rapacidad . . What ask(s) is fair and reasonable 11,324 Rapacious . Quite reasonable ^.325 Rapador . . . Is it reasonable EEA 213 No. 11,326 n,3 2 7 11,328 11,329 11,330 n,339 n,34o n,34i n,342 n,343 ii<344 n,345 n,346 n,347 n,348 n,349 11,35 n,35i ",35 2 ",353 n,354 ">355 ",359 11,360 11,361 11,362 11,363 11,364 11,365 11,366 11,367 11,368 11,369 n,374 Code Word. Reasonable (continued) Rapadura . . It is not reasonable Rapazada. . Rebate Rapecake . . To rebate Raphaelism . . A rebate of Raphaelite . Receipt(s) Raphides . . . Expenses exceed receipts by Rapidez . . . Am (are) in receipt of Rapinar . . . is (are) in receipt of Raposeria . . Receipts exceed expenses by Rapparee . . . What are the receipts for the month of Raptorial . . . When you are in receipt of Raptures . . . Telegraph each month's receipts Rapturist . . Receive Rapturous . . To receive Raqueta . . . Did not receive Raramente . . Will receive Rarebit . . . Cannot receive before Rareeshow . . As soon as you receive Rarefiable . . You will receive full instructions at Rarefying . . . As I (we) did not receive any Rareripe . . . When shall I receive Raridad . . Received Rarities . . . Has (have) received Rasadura . . . Has (have) not received Rascador . . . Have you received Rascadura . . Has (have) received Rascality . . . Wait till you have received Rascallion . . If you have not received Rasguear . . . Has (have) received your orders to [once Rasguno . . . Received your orders; will attend to them at Raskolnik . . Will by this time have received Rasorial . . Recent Raspatory . . Recent developments show Rastillar . . . Quite recent Rastrear . . . Has this been recent Rastrillo . . Recently Rastrojera . .Has (have) quite recently Rasurar . . . Has (have) been recently Ratable . . . Has (have) not been very recently Ratafia . . . Has (have) been recently Ratcatcher . . Has (have) been recently begun Ratepayer . . Has (have) been recently discovered Ratificar . . Reckon (See Rely) Ratonera. . . To reckon on Rattlebox . . You must reckon on Rattling . . . You must not reckon on Rattorci . . . You may reckon on Rattorso . . . Can I (we) reckon on Ravageth . Recognize Ravelings . . will not recognize 214 EEC No. Code Word. Recognize (continued) 11.376 Ravelment . . To recognize 11.377 Ravenous . . Not to recognize 11.378 Ravingly . . . Must recognize 11.379 Ravishment . . If he (they) will not recognize 11.380 Rawboned . Recommend 11.381 Rawhead . . . I (we) strongly recommend 11.382 Rayless . . . I (we) would recommend you 11.383 Rayoso . . . I (we) cannot recommend you 11.384 Razonable . . Do you recommend 11.385 Razonado . . What would you recommend 11.386 Razonar . . . Telegraph if you can recommend 11.387 Razorbacks . . Ask if he (they) can recommend 11.388 Razorstrop . Recommended 11.389 Reabsorbed . . Has (have) been recommended 11.390 Reaccion . . Has (have) been recommended not to 11.391 Reacheth . . Was (were) not recommended 11.392 Reachless . . Recommended by 11.393 Reactively .Reconsider 11.394 Readable . . To reconsider the matter 11.395 Readership . . It would be advisable to reconsider 11.396 Readmitted. .Would reconsider 11.397 Readorned . . It is useless to ask to reconsider 11.398 Readymade . Record(s) 11.399 Realgar . . . The only record 1 1,400 Realism . . . There is no record to show 11.401 Realistic. . . Before any record was kept 11.402 Realizable . . Is there any record of 11.403 Realizeth . . (To) keep a strict record of 11.404 Realleged . . According to the record 11.405 Reanimate . . I (we) gathered from the record(s) that 11.406 Reannexing . Recorded 11.407 Reappears . . It is recorded that 11.408 Reapplied . . Has (have) not been recorded 11.409 Rearguard . Recover 11.410 Rearline . . . Ought to recover 11.411 Rearrank. . . Will try to recover 11.412 Rearward . . Can you recover 11.413 Reascended . . Cannot recover 11.414 Reasoner . . Expect to recover 11.415 Reasserted .Recurrence 11.416 Reassign. . . To prevent any recurrence (of) 11.417 Reassures . . Has there been any recurrence 11.418 Reattached . . There has been no recurrence (of) 11.419 Reattempts . Redress 11.420 Reavoweth . . What redress can we get 11.421 Rebaptize . . The only redress will be 11.422 Rebelleth . . Can get no redress 11.423 Rebellious .Reduce 11.424 Rebellow. . . You must reduce 11.425 Reblossom . . It is necessary to reduce RED 215 No. 11,426 11,427 11,428 11,429 , 43 2 n,434 n,435 n,437 n,439 11,440 11,441 11,442 11,444 11,446 11,448 11,449 n,45 2 n,453 n,454 n,457 n,45 8 11,460 11,461 11,462 11,463 11,464 11,465 11,466 11,467 11,468 11,469 11,470 11,471 11,472 n,473 n,474 Code Word. Reboant . Reboiled . Rebounds Rebraced Rebuffs . Rebuildeth Rebukable Rebuketh Rebuses . Rebutter . Recallable Recanting Recapture Recargar . Recatado. Recatar . Recaudador Recaudar. Recental . Receptacle Receptive Recession Recetario Rechabite Rechargeth Rechasten Rechazar . Recheat . Rechifla . Rechinar . Rechoncho Reciamente Recidivate Recipient Reciprocal Recital . Recitative Reciteth . Reckoner Reclamar. Reclinate. Reclining Reclouer . Recluir . Recluse . Reclusion Reclusory Reclutador Reclutar . Recoast , Reduce (continued) . . Cannot reduce . . Will reduce . . Will not reduce . . Can reduce . . In order to reduce . . To reduce expenses . Reduced . . Reduced by this means (to) . . Has (have) been reduced . . Can be reduced to . . Cannot be reduced . Reduction . . Reduction works . . By a reduction of . . Endeavour to get a reduction . Reef [blueground for . . Fall of reef has occurred which will stop hauling . . The reef is dangerous . . In order to handle the reef . . Heavy falls of reef are constantly occurring . . The expenses of hauling the reef are per load . . What are the expenses of hauling the reef per . Re-examine [load . . When I (we) go to re-examine the mine . . When you re-examine the mine [mine . . I (we) shall go about to re-examine the . . Cannot re-examine the mine till . . When can you re-examine the mine . Refer . . If you will refer to . You had better refer to . . To whom can I (we) refer (about) . . Refer him to me (us) . Reference . . With reference to . . Has this any reference to . . This has no reference (to) . . Without any reference to . Refined . . To be refined . Refined bullion . Refining works . Refractory (See Ore) . . The ore is very refractory . Refund . . Will refund . . will refund to refund Refusal . Get the refusal of 216 REP No. Code Word. Refusal (continued] 11.476 Recobrar. . . Has (have) the refusal of 11.477 Recocido . . Since the refusal by 11.478 Recogedor . Refuse 11.479 Recognitor . . I (we) would advise you to refuse 11.480 Recoileth . . To refuse 11.481 Recoiling . . Do not refuse 11.482 Recoilment . . You must refuse 11.483 Recoinage . . positively re fuse(s) (to) 11.484 Recoleto . .Refused 11.485 Recollet . . . Has (have) refused to 11.486 Recombined . Has (have) been refused 11.487 Recomendar Regard 11.488 Recomfort . . With regard to 11.489 Recommit . . Pay no regard to 11.490 Recompact . . Without regard to 11.491 Recompensa. Registered 11.492 Recomponer . Registered in the name of 11.493 Reconciler . . 's registered address is 11.494 Recondense . . has (have) no registered address 11.495 Recondite . . The company is registered under the name of 11.496 Reconducts . . Has been registered 11.497 Reconjoin . . Has not been registered 11.498 Reconocido . . Must be registered 11.499 Reconquer . . As soon as the company is registered 11.500 Reconquest . . Send by registered letter 11.501 Reconvene . . Has (have) sent in registered letter 11.502 Reconverts . Regulate 11.503 Reconvey . . In order to regulate 11.504 Recordar. . . You must regulate 11.505 Recordeth . . To regulate the 11.506 Recoverce . Reject 11.507 Recreancy . . Have had to reject 11.508 Recreant. . . Could not reject 11.509 Recreation . . You must reject 11.510 Recrement .Relative 11.511 Recruiting . . Everything relative to 11.512 Rectamente. . Is this relative to 11.513 Rectangle . . This is relative to 11.514 Rectificar. . . This is not relative to 11.515 Rectifieth .Release 11.516 Rectitude . . Will release us from our agreement 11.517 Rectorado . . Will not release us from our agreement 11.518 Rectoria . . .Will release us from our agreement 11.519 Rectory . . . Will not release you 11.520 Rectress . .Reliable 11.521 Rectrices. . . Is (are) reliable 11.522 Recuento . . is (are) perfectly reliable 11.523 Recuerdo . . is (are) not reliable 11.524 Reculada. .Rely (See Reckon) 11.525 Reculones . . You must rely on EEL 217 Code Word. Recumbent Recuperar Recurreth Recurrir . Recurso . Recurvate Recurvity Recurvous Recusancy Recusant . Recusation Redactar . Redacteth Redargue Redcoat . Redcross . Reddened Reddishly Reddition Redecilla. Rededor . Redeemeth Redeeming Redemise Redemising Redemption Redencion Redgum . Redhanded Redhot . Redimible Redimir . Redingote Redivivus Redletter . Redoblado Redoblar . Redoubt . Redounding Redraft . Redskin . Redtape . Redtapism Reducent Reducir . Redundant Reedificar Reelegir . Reembolsar Reemplazo Rely (continued] . I (we) rely on you . Rely on me . You may rely on . Do not rely on . . Can you rely safely on . Remain . . Cannot remain any longer . . Remain where you are (till) . How long am I to remain . I (we) must remain here till . . I (we) shall remain - days at - . .How long do you remain at . . Remain at - till you hear from . Remit . . Remit immediately if disaster is to be prevented . . Remit by cheque . . Will remit in a few days . . Will remit by . . Why do you not remit . . Remit'immediately . . When will you remit . . Remit by telegraph . . Unless you remit . . Will remit you in - days () - . . Cannot remit any . . What can you remit . Remittance . . Require a remittance of - on -- date Have sent remittance by . - What remittance do you require . . Will send the remittance to-day . . Must have remittance at once . . No remittance received yet . . Remittances to cease after . Remitted . . Has (have) remitted you -- to -- . . Remitted to you by telegraph . . Must be remitted at once . Must be remitted by telegraph . . Has been remitted to . Removed . . Has (have) been removed . . Has (have) not been removed . . Was (were) removed by . Renew . . Will you renew . . -- wish(es) to renew . . Will renew the bond . . To renew . . To renew on favourable terms 218 REN No. Code Word. Renew (continued] 11.576 Refaccion . . Will not renew 11.577 Refajo . .Reorganize 11.578 Refective . . You must reorganize 11.579 Refectory . . It will be necessary to reorganize 11.580 Referable . . To reorganize 11.581 Referir . . . As soon as we are able to reorganize 11.582 Refinadera . Repair(s) 11.583 Refinado . . . The is (are) out of repair 11.584 Refinar . . . The repairs are nearly finished 11.585 Refitolero . . Estimate cost of repairs to machinery 11.586 Refitting ... Is (are) the in good repair 11.587 Reflectar . . . The repairs not completed owing to [(to) 11.588 Reflecteth . . What do you estimate will be the cost of repairs 11.589 Reflejo . .Repaired 11.590 Reflexly . . . Cannot be repaired 11.591 Reflexity . . . Will be repaired at once 11.592 Reflexive . . Damage has been repaired 11.593 Reflorecer .Repay 11.594 Reflowed. . . This will repay 11.595 Refluent . . . Will not repay 11.596 Reflujo . . . Will this repay 11.597 Refocilar. .Repeat 11.598 Reformado . . Do not understand your telegram; please repeat 11.599 Reformed . . You must repeat 1 1, 600 Reformist .Replace 1 1, 60 1 Refortify . . . Will replace 11.602 Reforzada . . Will not replace 11.603 Refraccion . . Must replace 11.604 Refractive . Reply 11.605 Refragable . . Whilst waiting for your reply 1 1, 606 Refregon, . . Why don't you reply to 11.607 Refrenar . . . Will give a reply after 1 1, 608 Refrendata . . Cannot reply for a few days 11.609 Refrescar . . Has (have) received no reply from 11.610 Refreshing . . Awaiting a reply from 1 1, 6 ii Refrigerar . . In reply to 1 1, 612 Refringent . . Subject to reply by 11.613 Refuerzo . . . You must reply at once 11.614 Refugiar . . . Cannot have a reply before 11.615 Refulgent . . As soon as a reply is received from 1 1,6 1 6 Refurbish . . Reply by wire at once [Examine) 11.617 Regadera . Report(s) (See also Telegraph, Proceed, and 11.618 Regadizo. . . Send copy of report to 11.619 Regalado. . . Is your report favourable or otherwise 11.620 Regale th . . . Report is favourable 11.621 Regalia . . . Report is unfavourable 11.622 Regalism. . . Report is utterly false 11.623 Regally . . . Telegraph me permission to report on 11.624 Regalon . . . You are permitted to report on 11.625 Regardant . . Cannot permit you to report on REP 2T9 No. Code Word. Report(s) (continued) 11.626 Regardful . . No change to report 11.627 Regatear . . . Since last report 11.628 Regathered . . Separate reports 11.629 Regatta . . . Telegraph your report in condensed form 11.630 Regencia. . . How long will it take you to report in detail on 11.631 Regenerar . . Prepare your report, and telegraph from first available office 11.632 Regenesis . . On your confirming 's guaranteed report 11.633 Regentia . . . Telegraph your report at the earliest opportunity 11.634 Regicidal. . . Can you, and if so, when, report fully on the following property(ies) 11.635 Regimen . . . Cannot wait your written report ; telegraph 11.636 Regimental . . When can you report on 11.637 Regimiento . . Can you report for us, on 11.638 Regorged. . . In the first report 11.639 Regrafteth . . The second report 11.640 Regrater . . . Has (have) unfavourable report(s) of 11.641 Regressive . . Has (have) received unfavourable reports from 11.642 Regretful . . . To report as soon as possible [with regard to 11.643 Reguero . . . 's report conveys an erroneous impression 11.644 Regulador . . When will you be able to send report 11.645 Rehearsal . . Reports are favourable from 11.646 Rehecho . . . There is a report that 11.647 Rehilete . . . is notorious here for writing reports on mines for a commission out of the sale 11.648 Rehogar . . . Adverse reports current here relative to 11.649 Reigneth . . . Examine and report fully on present condition of the Mine, and what additional capital will be necessary to put all in good condition 11.650 Reimburses . . Report by letter 11.651 Reimprimir . . Report by telegraph 11.652 Reinforce . . Be very careful in your report (to) 11.653 Reintegro . . Be very guarded in your report (on) 11.654 Reinvests. . . Shall start on for to report on (a) 11.655 Reiterate. . . Report for the week ending [mine(s) for 11.656 Rejalgar . . . Report immediately as to 11.657 Rejilla. . .Represent 11.658 Rejoice th . . Who will represent us 11.659 Rejoinder . . will represent us 1 1, 660 Rejointing . . Cannot represent us on account of 1 1, 66 1 Rejonazo. .Request 11.662 Rejuela . . . Your request will be attended to 11.663 Rekindle . . . Your request cannot be allowed 11.664 Relamido . . At your request 11.665 Relampago . . At request of n,666 Relativity .Require 11.667 Relatoria . , . Will require 11.668 Relaxeth . . . Will not require 11.669 Relaxingly . . If you require 11.670 Relays . . . When will you require. 220 No, Code Word, Require (continued) 11.671 Releasee . . . How much will you require 11.672 Relegate. . . Require immediately 11.673 Relentecer . . Do you require 11.674 Relentless . . I (we) shall require 11.675 Relevance . Required 11.676 Relevant . . . Will be required 11.677 Relicario . . . Will not be required 11.678 Relievo . . . If it is required 11.679 Religieux . . . When will it be required 1 1, 680 Religion . . Requisite 11.681 Relincho . . . The machinery requisite for 11.682 Reliquary . . To get only what is requisite 11.683 Reliquia . . . Cannot get the requisite 11.684 Rellenar . . . To get the requisite 11.685 Relojeria . . . With the requisite pumps and machinery 11.686 Relucir . . Reserve (s) 11.687 Relumbrar . . There are no reserves of ore in sight 11.688 Remachar . . I (we) estimate reserves of ore at 11.689 Remansarse . . Impossible to estimate reserve of ore 11.690 Rematado . . Telegraph what reserves of ore are available 11.691 Remblai . . . Telegraph reserve of ore 11.692 Remedial . . Prospective reserves 11.693 Remediless . . Not a great reserve of ore 11.694 Remendon . . The reserves of ore are very large 11.695 Remindful . . in his report estimates reserves of ore al tons. Is this correct 11.696 Remissible . . Estimate of ore reserves at tons is correct 11.697 Remolinar . . guarantee (s) the ore reserve at tons 11.698 Remollient . Reserved 11.699 Remolque . . Has (have) reserved 11.700 Remontista . . Has (have) not reserved 11.701 Remordedor . . Have reserved to themselves the right of 11.702 Remorseful . . Have reserved to ourselves the right of 11.703 Remotely. .Resign 11.704 Remoulded . . Must resign 11.705 Removable . . Must not resign 11.706 Remozar . . . wish(es) to resign 11.707 Rempujon . . Will not resign 11.708 Remugient . Resigned 11.709 Remunerar . . Has (have) resigned 11.710 Renamajo . . Has (have) not resigned 11.711 Renascent .Resolved 11.712 Rencilloso . . Has (have) resolved to 11.713 Rencontre . . Has (have) resolved not to 11.714 Rencoroso . . What have you resolved with regard to 11.715 Rendezvous . Resources 11.716 Rendition . . Exhausting too much the resources 11.717 Renegade . . Not to exhaust the resources of 11.718 Reniego ... The resources of the mine 11.719 Renitencia . . The resources of the mine are very great RES 221 Code Word. Resources (continued) Renitente . . What are the resources of the mine Renombrado . The resources at hand Renovated . . No resources at hand Renowned . Respect Rentcharge . . With respect to Rentroll . . . is (are) held in great respect Renuevo ... In every respect Renunciar . Respectable [(their) profession Reopeneth . . is (are) the most respectable here in his Reordained . . Are most respectable people Repacking . . Not respectable people Repaganize . . Very respectable Repandous . . Is (are) respectable Reparada. . Responsible Reparative . . Responsible parties Repartee . . . is (are) not responsible for Repasadora . . Will not be responsible for Repasture . . Is (are) responsible for Repechar. . . Who is responsible for Repellent . . Hold you responsible Repenteth . . Hold him (them) responsible Repeopling . Rest Repercuss . . The rest Repercutir . . The rest of Repertoire . . Of the rest Reperusal . . To rest Reperuse ... To take the rest Repetidor . Result Repineth . . . The result of which has been to Replaited . . No result Replanting . . Result satisfactory Repleader . . Result unsatisfactory Replenish . . With no great result at present Replevin . . . What is the result of Replicar . . . Telegraph the result (of) Replicon . . . Result encouraging Replier . . . Result disappointing Repolished . Resume Repolludo . . To resume work on Reponeth . . Shall be able to resume Reportado . . Resume work (on) Reportorio , . When can you resume Reposado . . Cannot resume till Reposeth . . Resumed Reposicion . . Resumed work on Repossess . Retain Reposteria . . Retain the stock till further orders Repousse. . . Retain until further orders Reprieval. . . To retain Reprimand . . Will retain MJ RET No. Code Word. Retain (continued) 11.770 Reprinted . . Will not retain 11.771 Reprobate . Re turn (s) 11.772 Reprochar . . Stop at on your return from 11.773 Reproducir . . You will find letters on your return to 11.774 Reprovable . . As I (we) return 11.775 Reproveth . . Will return 11.776 Reptation . . When do you return to 11.777 Reptilia . . . Will stop at on my (our) return from 11.778 Republica . . Will return by way of 11.779 Repuesto. . . Will return in a few days [dangerously ill 11.780 Repugnant . . You must return home immediately is 11.781 Repulsion . . Return immediately 11.782 Repulsory . . Do not return 11.783 Reputable . . Shall I return 11.784 Reputedly . . You must return home at once is dead 11.785 Requebrar . . You must return home at once 11.786 Requeson . . As soon as you return from 11.787 Requicken . . The returns show 11.788 Requiebro . . Telegraph the returns for 11.789 Requiem. . . As soon as return (s) 11.790 Requinto. . . On the return of 11.791 Requisite .Returned 11.792 Reredos . . . (and ) has (have) returned from 11.793 Rerefief . . . Nothing can be done, till has (have) returned 11.794 Resabiar . . . (and ) has (have) not yet returned 11.795 Resailing. . . As soon as (and ) has (have) returned 11.796 Resalado. . Rich 11.797 Resaluted . . Have struck rich ore in , assays give 11.798 Resbalon. . . Rich strike is reported in Mine 11.799 Rescindir . . The company is very rich 1 1, 800 Rescission . . The ore is very rich, assaying per ton 11.801 Rescripto. . . Have struck a pocket of very rich ore [days 11.802 Resection . . Shall come to the end of the rich ore in 11.803 Reseizure . . The very rich ore only occurs in pockets 11.804 Resentful. . . Rich ore 11.805 Resentirse . . Very rich 11. 806 Reservado . . Not very rich 11.807 Resfriado .Richer . 1 ,808 Resguardar . . Deeper down the richer the ore 11.809 Residencia . . Richer than ever 1 1,8 10 Residual . . . The ore is richer than ever 1 1,8 1 1 Residuary . Right 1 1,8 1 2 Residuum . . It would not be right to 11.813 Resignar ... Is everything all right 11.814 Resilient. . . You must do whatever you think right 11.815 Resiniform . . The right place would be 1 1,8 1 6 Resinous. . . The mill is not in the right place 11.817 Resistible . . The mine has not been worked right 1 1,8 1 8 Resistless . . The right thing would be to RIG 223 Code Word. Resolvable Resonance Resorbent Respersion Respirable Respirator Responsal Responsory Restagnate Restaurant Restfully . Restfulness Restitutor Restive . Restorable Resumable Resummon Resupinate Resupine . Resurgent Retaliated Retardeth Retecious Reticency Reticular Retintin . Retirade . Retoque . Retorcer . Retorica . Retorno . Retossed . Retouching Retractar Retractile Retraxit . Retribuir . Retrieval . Retrocede Retroflex Retrograde Retrorsely Retrospect Retrovert Retrucar . Retruque . Reunion . Reunition Revalidar Right (continued} . has (have) no right to . Is this right . It is right Rise . The vein in the rise . The rise is about - feet from surface . . Have holed with rise . Rise up on the vein . . The vein in the rise contains ore . . There is a rise in the vein from the . Samples from rise gave . From the rise . . Fear the water will rise . . Do not think the water will rise . The price of the shares will rise . Cannot rise unless . Risen . . The water has risen ft. in twenty-four hours . . The price of the shares has risen from to . . Has the price of the shares risen [ . Rising . . The water is still rising in shaft . . To stop the water from rising . . Rising up on the vein . Risk . . The risk is too great . . There will be no risk . . Is there any risk . . The risk is . . Is not worth the risk . . There is no risk . . If it can be done without risk . . Will take the risk of . Road(s) . . There is a good road to the mine(s) . . A good road of miles leading from , and of very easy grade . . is miles by good road from . . A very bad road . . Now on the road . . Owing to the bad state of the roads . . Teams cannot haul ore, on account of the bad . .On the road to [state of the roads . . Will this include making roads . To include making of roads . . Roads in bad condition . . Roads are impassable after rain . . Roads are too steep for . . To improve the roads . . Road will have to be made 224 ROA No. Code Word. Road(s) (continued) 11,868 Revalenta . . Road open 11,869 Reveille . . . The road to the mine 11,870 Revelation . . The roads are fine natural ones 11,871 Revelry . Roast 11,872 Revengeful . . It is necessary to roast the ore 11,873 Revenging . . It is not necessary to roast the ore 11,874 Reverberar . . Used to roast the ore at one time 11,875 Reverdecer . Roaster 11,876 Reverencia . . There is a roaster attached to the mill 11,877 Reverend . . There is no roaster attached to the mill 11,878 Reverente . . Must put up a roaster at the mill 11,879 Revereth . Roasting 1 1, 880 Reverie . . . Roasting furnace n,88r Revesado . Rock 11,882 Revesino . . . Rock-breaker 11,883 Revestir . . . Rock-breaker jaws 11,884 Revictual . . Send spare jaws for rock- breaker at once 11,885 Revileth . . . Wall rock 11,886 Revisional . . Rock is getting harder 11,887 Revisory . . . Rock is getting softer n,888 Revivalist . . Send samples of rock from 11,889 Revivify . . . The country rock is 11,890 Revocable . . The hardness of the rock necessitates 11,891 Revocadura . . Owing to the hardness of the rock 11,892 Revokement . It is easy rock to work 11,893 Revolcarse . Rollers 11,894 Revolveth . . Crushing rollers 11,895 Revulsion . . Send set of Cornish rolls 11,896 Rewardable . Rope 11,897 Rewardeth AVirr* rnnr* inrhp^ cirnimferpnrf* WllC lOlJC HlC*llCo v^lIL'U.llllCl Cllv^C 11,898 Reyerta . . . Manilla rope inches circumference 11,899 Rezagar . . Route 11,900 Rezeloso . . . Will be the easier route 11,901 Rezumarse . . Whichever is the best route 11,902 Rhabdoial . . Go by the shortest route n,93 Rhapsodist . . Is the best route to take 11,904 Rhapsody . Rubber n,95 Rhatany . . . ft of rubber belting inches wide 11,906 Rheophore . . Rubber packing 11,907 Rheostat . . Rubbish 11,908 Rheotome . . Are full of rubbish 11,909 Rhetoric . . . To clear out all the rubbish 11,910 Rhetorical . Ruby Rubies 11,911 Rhetorize . . . The ruby mines are situated 11,912 Rheumatic wnitY"^ von fn vi^it thf rubv mines of WcHllloy V U LI \,\J VlolL L11C 1U.LJV lllill^D \~fi J i9 I 3 Rhomboid . . The rubies are found in 11,914 Rhombus . . . The finest rubies Ir ,9i5 Rhymer . . Ruin(s) 11,916 Rhymester . . The buildings are in ruins 11,917 Rhymist . . . The whole place is in ruins RUM 225 No. 11,918 11,919 11,920 11,921 11,922 11,924 11,926 11,927 11,928 11,929 n,932 n,933 n,934 n,935 n,937 n,939 11,940 11,941 n,943 n,944 n,945 11,946 n,947 11,948 11,949 ii,95! n,953 n,954 n,955 n,957 n,95 8 IJ ,959 11,960 11,961 11,962 11,963 11,964 11,965 11,966 11,967 Code Word. Rhythmical Rhythmus Ribaldry . Ribroasted Ricacho . Ricemilk . Ricepaper Ricochet . Ricohombre Riddled . Ridgeband Ridgepole Ridiculo . Ridiculous Riesgo Riffraff . Riflepits . Rigadoon . Righteous Rigidez . Rigmarole Rigorous . Rinconada Ringfence Sabaism . Sabbath . Sabbatic . Sabbatism Sabedor . Sabellian . Sabiamente Sabianism Sabiduria . Sabiendas Sabiondez Sabiondo . Sabliere . Saborear . Saboyana . Sabulosity Sabulous , Sacabala . Sacabocado Sacabuche Sacadinero Sacadura . Sacalina . Sacamuelas Sacanete . Sacapotras . Rumour . . There is a rumour here that . . Have not heard any rumour of it . Have heard a rumour that . . Is there any truth in the rumour that . There is no truth in the rumour (that) . Run . . The mill has run days . After a run of days . . The mill can run days . . What is average run of mill . . Run away . . Run up . . The price of shares has run down on account of . . To run down the price . . To run up the price . Running . . Running stamps . . Running through . . Mill running well . Mill running badly . . Running day and night . . Running through good ore . . Running through low grade ore . Sack(s) . . Ore sacks . A sack sample assayed . Safe . . The workings are not safe . . It would not be safe to . . Quite safe . . To make everything safe . . Would it be safe to . Safely . . Cannot be safely done . . May be safely done . . Can be safely worked . . Safely arrived here . Safety . . The safety of the men . . Safety lamps . . -Safety-valve of the engine .Said . It was said . . It has been said by . Salary . . At a salary of [per annum at a salary of At too high a salary What salary does get 226 SAL No. 11,968 11,969 11,970 11,971 11,972 11,975 11,976 n,977 11,978 Code Word. Sacatapon Saccade . Saccharic . Saccharine Saccular . Sacerdocio Sacerdotal Saciedad . Sackcloth Sacrament Sacredly . Sacredness 11,980 Sacrificar . 11,981 Sacrilege . 11,982 Sacristan . n,9 8 3 Sacristy . 11,984 Sacudida . n,9 8 5 Saddened 11,986 Saddlebags 11,987 Saddlebow 11,988 Saddleroof 11,989 Saddlery . 11,990 Saddleth . 11,991 Sadducean 11,992 Sadducee. n,993 Saetazo . 11,994 Saetin . . n,995 Safeguard 11,996 Sagacidad n,997 Sagacious 11,998 Sagacity . 11,999 Sagamore 12,000 Sagapenum 12,001 Sagazmente 12,002 Sagittarius 12,003 Sagittal . 12,004 Sagittary . 12,005 Sagrario . 12,006 Sahumar . 12,007 Sailcloth . 12,008 Sailmaker 12,009 Sailneedle 12,010 Sailyard . 12,011 Sainete . 12,012 Sainthood 12,013 Saintlike . Salary (continued) . Not sufficient salary Sale(s) . Have completed the sale of . The Mines are for sale k Have heard the Mine(s) will shortly be for sale. Can you do anything . Have withdrawn the sale , . Have not completed sale . The property is again for sale . Effected the sale of . If the sale is effected . If you hear of a good mine for sale for about telegraph me at once . Have heard privately that the Mines are for sale. Owner(s) would take What can you do ? It is a great opportunity [boreholes put down ft. has been proved by . . Will be for sale shortly . Salt . . Existence of salt at . . A salt deposit . . A bed of salt . . No salt in the neighbourhood . . Can obtain salt easily . , Mill stopped for want of salt . . Supply of salt uncertain . . Good supply of salt . Salted . . There is no doubt the mine was salted . . The mine had been salted . . The samples were salted . Same . . Not the same . . Same as . . Same as reported . . By the same . . The same people have . . From the same . . Much the same as . Is it the same . . About the same . . Same as before . . Same quality as , . On the same terms as . . Not on the same terms . . In the same way . S ample (s) . . An average sample assayed . . Samples from this assayed . . Average sample from the dump gave . . Impossible to sample the reserves of ore SAM 227 No. 12,014 12,015 12,016 12,017 12,018 12,019 12,020 12,021 12,022 12,023 12,024 12,025 12,026 12,027 12,028 12,029 12,030 12,031 12,032 12,033 12,034 12,035 12,036 12,037 12,038 I2,03 9 12,040 12,041 12,042 12,043 12,044 12,045 12,046 12,047 12,048 12,049 12,050 12,051 12,052 12,053 12,054 12,055 12,056 12,057 12,058 12,059 12,060 12,061 12,062 Code Word. Sample (s) (continued) Saintship ... A large sample from the whole width of the vein Sajadura . . . An average sample Saladero . . . An average sample contained no gold Salamander . . Wait for the assays of samples Salamstone . . Send home samples of the ore Salario . . . Samples from outcrop assay [and numbered Salchicha . . . Send samples with localities and position marked Salcochar . Sanction Salebrous . . You have the sanction of the board Saledizo . . . The board will not give their sanction to Salicin . . . You have my (our) sanction to Salicylic ... I (we) cannot give my (our) sanction to Saliently . . . Without the sanction (of) Saliferous . . With the sanction (of) Salina. . .Sandstone Salinero ... In sandstone Salique . . . Micaceous sandstone Salivant . . Sapphire(s) Sallowness . . The sapphires are found in Sallowish . . . With the sapphires Sallyport . . . The finest sapphires Salmagundi . Satisfactory Salmista . . . It would be more satisfactory if Salmonado . . Is (are) not satisfactory Salmuera ... Is (are) most satisfactory Salobre ... If you consider it satisfactory Salpicon . . . Satisfactory to both parties Salpresar . . . Not satisfactory to either party Salpullido . . The most satisfactory arrangement Salpullir . . Satisfied Salsera . . . Am (are) quite satisfied (with) Salserilla . . . Am (are) not satisfied (with) Saltarello ... If you are satisfied (with) Saltarin . . . is (are) satisfied (with) Saltatriz . . . is (are) not satisfied (with) Saltbox ... Is (are) satisfied (with) Saltbutter . Saturday Saltcake ... On Saturday Saltcellar . . . Last Saturday Saltario . . . Next Saturday Saltigrada . . Every Saturday Saltishly . . . Every other Saturday Saltmarsh . Save Saltrheum . . Could not save Salubrious . . Did not save Salubrity . . . Will in future save Saludador . . To save the Salutary . . . Try and save Salutation . Saving 228 SAV No. Code Word. Saving (continued] 12,063 Saluteth . . . Will cause a great saving 12,064 Salvatella . . By saving the 12,065 Salvilla . . . Are saving the 12,066 Samaritan . . Saving per cent, of 12,067 Samaveda . . Have not been saving the 12,068 Sambenito . . Saving per month 12,069 Sambuca . . . Saving the cost of 12,070 Sameness . . Not much saving in 12,071 Samoyed . Say(s) 12,072 Sampan . . . Says that he 12,073 Samplers . av() that there'is 12,074 Sanability . . They all say that 12,075 Sanalotodo . . I could not say 12,076 Sanamente . Would you say that 12,077 Sanative . . . I should say that 12,078 Sancionar . . It is difficult to say 12,079 Sanctified . . It is impossible to say 12,080 Sanctify . . . Would say certainly that 12,081 Sanctimony . . Say(s) that he (they) will 12,082 Sanctitude . . Say(s) that he (they) will not 12,083 Sanctuary . Scarce 12,084. Sanctum . . . Provisions are very scarce 12,085 Sandalia . . . Water is very scarce 12,086 Sandelled . . Wood is very scarce 12,087 Sandarach . . Very scarce on account of 12,088 Sandbag . . . Is (are) very scarce 12,089 Sandbaths . Scarcity 12,090 Sandblind . . Owing to the scarcity of 12,091 Sandflood . . A great scarcity of 12,092 Sandwiches . . From the scarcity of 12,093 Sangaree . . Scattered 12,094 Sangradera . . Very much scattered 12,095 Sangrar . . Scheme 12,096 Sanguifier . . The scheme is to 12,097 Sanguify . . . The scheme has been to 12,098 Sanguinary . . What is the scheme 12,099 Sanhedrin . . In carrying out this scheme 12,100 Sankhya . . Schist(s) 12,101 Sanscrit . . . Talc schists 12,102 Santiamen . . Hornblende schists 12,103 Santiguar . . In schists 12,104 Santoral . . . Schist formation 12,105 Santuario. . Scrip 12,106 Santurron . . The scrip is held by 12,107 Sanudo . . . By whom is the scrip held 12,108 Sapidity . . Sea 12,109 Sapience . . . It takes days to get to by sea 12,110 Sapiently . . . The best way is to go by sea to i2,in Saplings . The* minpf'"'^ i*" ^irfA HtmtrH milp from tHc A 11C J.lllllCloJ lo IcLlCy ollLldlCd ^^ lllllCo iiUHl Lllw T?_TT2 Srmnrlilla A /^1 fV>i-. KIT r-^>^ 4-^w fr^a.n-r\f^ft- r.f SEA 229 No. 12,113 12,114 12,115 12,116 12,117 12,118 12,119 12,120 12,121 12,122 12,123 12,124 12,125 12,126 12,127 12,128 12,129 12,130 12,131 12,132 12,133 12,134 12,135 12,136 12,137 12,138 12,139 12,140 12,141 12,142 12,143 12,144 12,145 12,146 12,147 12,148 12,149 12,150 12,151 12,152 12,153 12,154 i^SS 12,156 12,157 12,158 ^2,159 12,160 12,161 12,162 Codeword. Sea (continued} Saponify . . . The sea coast Saponine ... To the sea [sea to and then Saporific . . . The only way to get to the Mine(s) is by Sapphic . . Seam(s) Sappiness . . In seams of Saprophyte . . Seams of quartz Sapsago . . . Showing sulphuret in the seams Saqueador . . On a thin seam Saquear . . . On the seam Saraband. . Search. Saracenic. . . Will search Saracens ... To search for Sarcasm ... A strict search Sarcastic . . . You must search for Sarcenet . . Season(s) Sarcocarp . . Is now the season (to) Sarcocol . . . Will be the season to Sarcodic . . . The only season of the year when Sarcofago . . During the winter season Sarcoline . . . During the hot season Sarcology . . No change in the seasons Sardinero . . Too late in the season Sardonic . . Second Sargento . . . Second-class ore Sarmentum . . Second telegram Sarmiento . . Second time Sarplar . . . Second visit Sarplier . . Secret Sartorius . . . Keep this quite secret Sashline ... A secret for the present Sassenach . . It is kept a profound secret Sastreria . . . It is no secret here Satanas . . Secretary Satanism . . . Will act as secretary (to) Satchel . . . Declines to act as secretary Sateen . . . Who is the secretary (to) Satellite . . . The secretary of Satiable ... A new secretary Satiated . . Section(s) Satinet . . . Sections of the mine Satirical ... A section of Satirist ... In this section Satirizar . . . With plans and sections Satisfacer . Secure Satisfecho . . Secure all you can Satisfieth . . . You must secure control Satisfying. . . Can you secure Satrapa . . . Secure all the time you can Saturates . . . If we can secure Satyrs .... Hope to secure 230 SEC No. Code Word. Secure (continued) 12,163 Sauceboat . . Secure it immediately 12,164 Saucepan . . Cannot secure 12,165 Saucers . . . To secure the services of 12,166 Sauciest . . Secured [once 12,167 Saucisson . Can be secured if deposit of paid at 12,168 Sauerkraut . . Has (have) secured 12,169 Saunterer . Ought to have secured 12,170 Sauntering . . Has (have) not secured 12,171 Sauroid . . . Can be secured 12,172 Sausages . . Security 12,173 Savagery . . . As a security 12,174 Savagism . . . It is good security for 12,175 Saveall . . . No security 12,176 Saveloys . < No security against 12,177 Saviour . . . What security have you (that) 12,178 Savorily . . . The only security 12,179 Savourless . . The security is good 12,180 Savoury . . See 12,181 Savoyard . . . You must at once see 12,182 Sawdust . . . I (we) could not see 12,183 Sawframe . . Am (are) to see 12,184 Saxatile . . . See about 12,185 Saxicavous . . See about this at once 12,186 Saxondom . . See immediately 12,187 Saxonist . . . See if it is all right 12,188 Sayuelo . . . See what is wrong 12,189 Sazonado . . See what you can arrange 12,190 Scabbard . . . If you can see your way 12,191 Scabious . . Seem(s) 12,192 Scaffold . . It seems to me (us) that 12,193 Scagliola . . . Seems to be " playing out " 12,194 Scalable . . . Seems to be falling off I2 I 95 Scaldic . . . This seems 12,196 Scaldingly . . This does not seem 12,197 Scaleboard r/-/^-*i /r* \ ti-* ^^*-4-<- i-k tir1~i ofll Of + ** bcdii^by uiiccricu.li wiiciiicr to 12,198 Scaleless . . Seen 12,199 Scalene . . . Have you seen 12,200 Scallop . . . Has (have) seen 12,201 Scammony . . Has (have) not seen 12,202 Scampereth . . Has (have) not yet seen 12,203 Scampering . As soon as has (have) seen 12,204 Scandalize . . Can be seen 12,205 Scandent . . Cannot be seen 12,206 Scansion . . Select 12,207 Scansorial . . Select a good man to 12,208 Scantiest . . . Will select 12,209 Scantiness . . Did not select 12,210 Scantlings . Selected 12,211 Scapegoat . . Selected ore 12,212 Scapegrace . . Selected samples SEL 231 No. 12,213 12,214 12,215 12,216 12,217 12,218 12,219 12,220 12,221 12,222 12,223 12,224 12,225 12,226 12,227 12,228 12,229 12,230 12,231 12,232 12,233 12,234 12,235 12,236 12,237 12,238 12,239 12,240 12,241 12,242 12,243 12,244 12,245 12,246 12,247 12,248 12,249 12,250 12,251 12,252 12,253 12,254 12,255 12,256 12,257 12,258 12,259 12,260 I2,26l 12,262 Code Word. Selected (continued] Scapeless . . . Has (have) selected Scapement . . Has (have) been selected Scaphism . . . Was (were) not selected Scaphoid . . . Had been selected Scapula . . . Had not been selected Scapulary . Sell Scaramouch . . On no account sell Scarious ... I (we) have agreed to sell Scarified . . . has (have) agreed to sell Scarify . . . intend(s) to sell his (their) interest in Scarlatina . . In order to sell the stock Scarred . . . You had better sell Scatheful . . . is (are) trying to sell Scathingly . . It would be better to sell Scathless ... Do not sell Scattereth . . Can you sell Scavengers . . If you can sell Scelerat ... If you cannot sell Scenery ... I (we) can sell Scenic ... I (we) cannot sell Scentless . Shall I (we) sell Scepticize . . At what price may I (we) sell Sceptre . . . You may sell at Scheik . . . Can you sell any more Schematist . . Can you sell at a fair profit Schemer . . . Can most probably sell Scheming . . Will most probably sell Scheroma . . Shall I (we) sell for your account Schismatic . . Sell as much as you can at Schistic . . . Telegraph if you will sell Schistous . . . Will probably sell better Scholarly . . . Sell at Scholastic . . Sell at about Scholium . . . Sell quickly Schoolboy . . Sell quietly Schooldays . . Cannot sell at limit Schoolgirl . . Do not sell any more Schooling . . I (we) advise you to sell Schoolmate . . I (we) advise you not to sell Schottische . . You had better sell ; market will decline Sciagraph . . Take advantage of present favourable moment Sciatica . . Selling [to sell Sciences . . . is (are) selling all his (their) stock Sciential . . . is (are) selling at Scientific . . . Stop selling Scientism . . Selling out Scilicet . . . Do you advise selling Scimitar . . . Keep selling Scioptic . . . Who is (are) selling Scirrhus . . . Has (have) stopped selling 232 SEN No. Code Word. 12,263 Scissors . . Send 12,264 Sclavonic . . Able to send 12,265 Sclerogen . . Not able to send 12,266 Sclerotic . TVTnct" er k nrl f*o . (\C\T t\\r* - .....i IVJ-UbL oCllvJ. LU 11LH 111C J 12,267 Scobiform . . Have to send the ore to 12,268 Scoffers . . . Will send 12,269 Scoffingly . . If you can send 12,270 Scoldeth . . . Send after deciphering to 12,271 Scoldingly . . Send the fullest particulars 12,272 Scoliosis . . . When can you send 12,273 Scolytus . . . Can you send 12,274 Scooped . . . Can send 12,275 Scoopnet . . . Cannot send 12,276 Scopiform . . Send by telegraph 12,277 Scopiped . . . Send to the care of 12,278 Scorbutic . . Send bullion 12,279 Scorches . . . Do not send 12,280 Scorching . . Do not send until 12,281 Scorneth . . . Do not send unless 12,282 Scornfully . . Where am I (are we) to send 12,283 Scorza . . The best way is to send 12,284 Scotfree . . . Will send you to-morrow 12,285 Scotomy . . . Send by steamer 12,286 Scotticism . . Send by express 12,287 Scoundrel . . Send reply to my (our) last telegram 12,288 Scourged . . . It is impossible to send 12,289 Scouring . . Sent 12,290 Scowleth . . . Have you sent 12,291 Scrabble . . . Has (have) sent 12,292 Scragged . . . Has (have) not sent 12,293 Scraggily . T- TT"' /ITTTT^ ^PTli" AJ-clb ^IlctVCy oCilt 12,294 Scrambleth . . Will be sent 12,295 Scrambling . . To be sent to 12,296 Scranch . . . Will be sent as soon as possible 12,297 Scrannel . . . Has (have) sent you 12,298 Scrapbook . . Sent by mail 12,299 Scraper . . . Sent particulars by letter 12,300 Scraping . . . Sent to the care of 12,301 Scratched . . Was (were) sent 12,302 Scratching . . Was (were) sent without 12,303 Screak . . Must be sent without fail 12,304 Screamed . Separate 12,305 Screwbolts . . Keep the two reports separate 12,306 Screwdock . . Must be kept separate 12,307 Screwjack . . It is very difficult to separate 12,308 Screwplate . . Cannot separate 12,309 Screwpress . Separated 12,310 Scribblers . Easily separated 12,311 Scrimmage . . Separated with difficulty 12,312 Scrimply . . September SEP 233 No. Code Word. September (continued} 12,313 Scriptory . . . During the month of September 12,314 Scriptural . . For the month of September 12,315 Scriptures . . Early in September 12,316 Scrivener . . . About the middle of September 12,317 Scrofula . . . Towards the end of September 12,318 Scrofulous . . Last September 12,319 Scrollsaw . . Next September 12,320 Scrubbed . . . ist of September 12,321 Scruples . . . 2nd of September 12,322 Scrupulous . . 3rd of September 12,323 Scrutable . . 4th of September 12,324 Scrutator . . . 5th of September 12,325 Scrutoire . . . 6th of September 12,326 Scuddle . . . 7th of September 12,327 Scullery . . . 8th of September 12,328 Scullion . . . 9th of September 12,329 Sculptile . . . loth of September 12,330 Sculptor . . nth of September 12,331 Sculptured . . 1 2th of September 12,332 Scuppers . . . 1 3th of September J 2,333 Scurrile . . . 1 4th of September 12,334 Scurrilous . . 1 5th of September 12,335 Scutage . . . 1 6th of September 12,336 Scutellum . . 1 7th of September 12,337 Scutiform . . 1 8th of September 12,338 Scuttled . . . i gth of September J 2,339 Scythe . . . 2oth of September 12,340 Scytheman . . 2ist of September 12,341 Scythian . . . 22nd of September 12,342 Seabank . . . 23rd of September 12,343 Seachart . . . 24th of September 12,344 Seafarer . . . 25th of September 12,345 Seafaring . . . 26th of September 12,346 Seafight . . . 27th of September 12,347 Seagauge . . . 28th of September 12,348 Seagirt . . . 29th of September 12,349 Seagoing . . . 3oth of September 12,350 Seaking . . Serious 12,351 Sealegs . . . Has caused serious damage 12,352 Seaman . . . Nothing serious 12-353 Seamstress . . Likely to prove serious 12,354 Seapiece . . . Is it serious 12,355 Searobber . . is (are) in a very serious condition 12,356 Searchable . . Serious disturbances here in consequence of 12,357 Searchless . . More serious than at first anticipated 12,358 Searcloth . . . Less serious than at first anticipated 12,359 Searoom . . Serpentine 12,360 Searover . . . In serpentine rock 12,361 Seasick . . Service(s) 12,362 Seasonable . . Will be of no service 234 SER No. 12,363 12,364 12,365 12,366 12,367 12,368 12,369 12,370 12,371 12,372 12,373 12,374 12,375 12,376 12,377 12,378 12,379 12,380 12,381 12,382 12,383 12,384 12,385 12,386 12,387 12,388 12,389 12,390 12,391 12,392 12,393 12,394 12,395 12,396 12,397 12,398 12,399 12,400 12,401 12,402 12,403 12,404 12,405 12,406 12,407 12,408 12,409 12,410 12,411 12,412 Code Word. Service(s) (continued) Seasoner . . . Is of no service Seasonless . . Will be of great service Seaworthy . . Is of great service Sebaceous . . No longer in the service of the company Sebacic ... In the service of Seboso . . . For service rendered Secadero . . . What do you consider value of service rendered Secamente . . Consider value of service rendered to be Secancy . . Serviceable Secedeth . . . Can be made serviceable Seceding . . . Cannot be made serviceable Secession . . Can it be made serviceable Secluded ... Is quite serviceable Seclusive . . . More serviceable Secondary . . Is not serviceable Seconded . Set Secretaria . . Has set in Secretive . . . Has not yet set in Sectarian . . . To be set aside Sectile . . . Will be set aside Sectional ... Is set up Secular . . . Will be set up Secularist . . Cannot be set up Securiform . Settle Sedanchair . . To settle Sedately ... To settle the matter Sedateness . . Can you settle (the) Sedative . . . Shall I (we) settle on these terms Sedentario . . Try and settle the matter amicably Sedentary . Cannot settle Sederia . . . Will settle Sederunt . . . Will not settle Sedicioso . . . Hope to settle Sediento . . Settled Sedition . . . Is it settled Seditious . . . Get it settled Seducing . . . It is settled Seductive . . Not yet settled Seductor . . . Has been settled Sedulously . . Has not been settled Seedcake . . . Getting more settled Seedling . . . Has (have) settled to Seedsman . . As soon as it is settled Seedtime . . . Telegraph what has been settled about Seedvessel . . Must have it all settled before Seeker .... It was settled before I left that Seemeth . . . Must have everything settled Seemingly . . The dispute will have to be settled by Seemliness . . No prospect of being settled Seership . . Settlement SET 235 No. Code Word. Settlement (continued) 12,413 Seesawing . . A settlement of affairs 12,414 Seething . . . As soon as a settlement has been arranged 12,415 Segadera . . . No settlement 12,416 Segment . . . The settlement of 12,417 Segmental . . Unless settlement be made by 12,418 Segregar . . . No prospect of a settlement 12,419 Segregated . Several 12,420 Seguida . . It will be several days before 12,421 Seguidilla . . It will take several weeks 12,422 Seguidor . . . In several places 12,423 Segundario . From several people 12,424 Segundon . Shaft(s) (See also Sink) 12,425 Seguridad . . Shaft has reached a depth of feet 12,426 Seignior . . . Shaft is repaired 12,427 Seismic . . . Shaft is being repaired 12,428 Seizable . . . Shaft is timbered, station opened 12,429 Seizingly . . . Main shaft is down 12,430 Sejugous . . . The first thing is to sink a vertical shaft 12,431 Sejunction f T"*U* r^. 0flQft l-n-n~ Vx^^v*- /-.-.-.Mix -^Vk/-v4- . , JL lie ollcUl llcib UCcll bllHK. led 12,432 Selectness . . Has been prospected by a shaft, to the depth of 12,433 Selector . . . In the shaft [ feet 12,434 Selenology . . From the shaft 12,435 Selfaction . . Connections must be made to the shaft 12,436 Selfdeceit . . The vein has been extensively worked by shafts 12,437 Selfdenial . . At the bottom of the shaft 12,438 Selfhelp . . . has (have) seen all the shafts free of water 12,439 Selfishly . . . In the bottom of the deepest shaft 12,440 Selflove . . . Lack of funds compelled stopping the shaft at 12,441 Selfmoved T'liAT'A n t" A clin'fVo C\Y\ \\\ f* mTnr* r "Cf ;et J.11CIC dlC bllcUlb Ull lllc I11111C 12,442 Self taught ' I 'K *v o -^ r-l-v - A-r CimlF ^" +V*^k -WT^I*-* Trri-TTi ng -LJ.1CIC tllC olldLLo ollIlK. U 11 LI1C VClll* Veil VI m/^pkt-vf-V* frr^m "fp^Af" tr\ ff**1 m 12,443 Selfwill . ClCULll llvJlll -..... 1CCL LLl 1LCL . The shaft must be continued another feet 12,444 Selladura . . . Old shaft 12,445 Selvedge . . . New shaft 12,446 Semanario . New shaft will be sunk 12,447 Semblant . . . Shaft has cut the vein 12,448 Sembradio . , In the main shaft 12,449 Sembradura . , Sinking shaft 12,450 Semeiotic . . . Inclined shaft 12,451 Semejanza . . Shaft(s) full of water 12,452 Semencine . . Shaft(s) free of water 12,453 Sementera . Shall 12,454 Semibreve . . Shall I (we) 12,455 Semicircle . . I (we) shall 12,456 Semicolon . . I (we) shall not 12,457 Semidios . . . What shall I (we) do 12,458 Semidocto . Share(s) 12,459 Semifluid . . To share 12,460 Semifusa , . . Not to share 12,461 Semillero . , . No demand for the shares 2 3 6 SHA No. 12,462 12,463 12,464 12,465 12,466 12,467 12,468 12,469 12,470 12,471 12,472 12,473 12,474 12,475 12,476 12,477 12,478 Code Word, Semilunar Semimute Seminality Seminary . Semination Seminific . Seminima Seminymph Semiopal . Semiped . Semipedal Semiplena Semiproof Semiquaver Semitone . Semivocal Semivowel 12,479 Semola 12,480 Semolina . 12,481 Sempiterna 12,482 Sempster . 12,483 Senador . 12,484 Senatorial 12,485 Senatus . 12,486 Sencillez . 12,487 Seneschal . 12,488 Senility . 12,489 Senocular . 12,490 Sensation . 12,491 Senseless . 12,492 Sensific . I2 ,493 Sensitive . 12,494 Sensorial . I2 >495 Sensorium 12,496 Sensually . 12,497 Sensuous . 12,498 Sentencia 12,499 Sentential 12,500 Sentiency 12,501 Sentient . 12,502 Sentinels . 12,503 Sentrybox 12,504 Sepaloid . 12,505 Separar . Separateth Share (s) (continued} . Great demand for the shares . Provided the shares are pooled , . How many shares stand in the name of - . shares stand in the name of . No shares stand in the name of . The shares are being largely dealt in . The greater portion of the shares . The greater portion of the shares are held by . Have disposed of shares at per share . All shares taken up . Per share . Who has (have) the largest share in the mine . Buy shares of shares taken up Please buy following shares immediately I am (we are) not open to take shares in the shares appropriated to you in the - Mine Shall I (we) apply for shares for your account (in Mine) ? If so, please telegraph instruc- tions Please apply for shares in the Mine on my (our) account I (we) have obtained shares of I (we) have obtained shares of for your account I (we) have not been able to get any shares How many shares have you obtained How many shares have you got rid of What is the present buying price per share What is the present selling price per share Present buying price per share is Present selling price per share is shares are at premium shares are at discount shares are at par Sell my (our) shares (in ) Do not part on any account with shares . Do not part with shares under . Do not buy shares above . Please sell following shares immediately . Get rid of shares at present market prices . Get rid of shares at any price . Have sold shares . Cannot sell shares . Transfer shares to . Transfer all your shares to . A call of - - per share has been made . Please pay the call on my (our) shares . to SHA 237 No. Code Word. Share(s) (continued) 12,507 Separatism cnov^G o & Tm*f" "mvmpnf* 12,508 Septenary . . Total share capital of company will be 12,509 Septennial . . shares have been allotted to you 12,510 Septfoil . ^lrirf fcci illnttpfl tn 12,511 Septicity . . Shareholder(s) 12,512 Septillion . . One of the largest shareholders in 12,513 Septimole . . A shareholder in 12,514 Septuagint . . The shareholders in ^,515 Septum . . Is a shareholder in 12,516 Septuple . . . is not a shareholder in 12,517 Sepulchre r*-/-k v*^+- r>V\ of c*V\ /-\1 /-I Of c 1 "* 12,518 Sepulchral . . Shareholders are getting anxious 12,519 Sepultura .Ship 12,520 Sequacious . . Will ship 12,521 Sequacity . . Will not ship 12,522 Sequedad . . What quantity of bullion can you ship 12,523 Sequel . . At what rate can you ship 12,524 Sequence. . . Can you ship 12,525 Sequito . . . If you can ship 12,526 Serafin . . If you cannot ship 12,527 Seraglio . . . Ship all you can 12,528 Seraphical . . Have not been able to ship bullion 12,529 Seraphine . . Will have to ship the ore to 12,530 Seraskier . . Shipment 12,531 Serbonian . . Expedite the shipment J 2,53 2 Serenade . . . Next shipment about the J 2,533 Serenata . . . Can make no shipment till the 12,534 Serenely . . . For the shipment 12,535 Sereneness . . Now ready for shipment 12,536 Serenidad . Short 12,537 Serfdom . . . Cannot complete in so short a time 12,538 Sergeancy . The time is too short 12,539 Sergeants . . Cannot be done in so short a time 12,540 Seriatim . . . Will be short of 12,541 Sericeous . . . Short of money 12,542 Seriedad . . Should 12,543 Serijo . . . . Should be 12,544 Sermoneer . . Should not be 12,545 Sermonist . . Should have been 12,546 Sermonized . . Should not have been 15,547 Seroon . . If you should 12,548 Serosidad . . If you should not be able 12,549 Serosity . . . If I (we) should 12,550 Serotinous . . If I (we) should not 12,551 Serpentry . . Should be done at once 12,552 Serpigo . . Show 12,553 Serpula . . . You can show 12,554 Serpulite . . . Do not show 12,555 Serrador . . . Shall I (we) show 12,556 Serraduras . . Could show 2 3 8 SHO No. Code Word. 12,557 Serrallo . 12.558 Serrania . 12,559 Serrature . 12,560 Serrucho . 12,561 Sertularia 12,562 Serveth . 12,563 Servible . 12,564 Servicial . 12,565 Servidero 12,566 Servilely . 12,567 Servilleta . 12,568 Servitor . 12,569 Servitude 12,570 Sesame . 12,571 Sesamoid . 12,572 Sesamoidal 12,573 Sesenta . 12,574 Sesenton . I2 >575 Sesgadura 12,576 Sessional . 12,577 Sesterce . 12,578 Sestetto . 12,579 Setaceous 12,580 Setdown . 12,581 Setenario . 12,582 Setentrion 12,583 Setiferous 12,584 Setiform . 12,585 Settlers . 12,586 Sevenfold 12,587 Severeth . 12,588 Severidad 12,589 Severing . 12,590 Sewerage . 12,591 Sexagenary 12,592 Sexagesima 12,593 Sexangle . 12,594 Sexennial 12,595 Sexenio . 12,596 Sextile . 12,597 Sextonship 12,598 Sextuple . 12,599 Sexualist . 12,600 Sforzato . 12,601 Shabbily . 12,602 Shabbiness 12,603 Shabrack . 12,604 Shackles . 12,605 Shacklock. 12,606 Shadeless . Show (continued) . . Could not show , . To be able to show . Cannot show . Did not show , . This will show you . Who will show you . . Who will show me . If will not show . Show him (them) my letter of . Show this to . This does not show . Would show Showed . Which showed at once . This showed Shut . Shut down . Shut down for repairs . Shut down days for repairs . Shut down on account of bad weather . Shut down days on account of bad weather , Shut up . Everything shut up . Will have to shut up Sick . The men are sick from . Constantly sick . Is sick, and unable to attend to business . is sick, and returns to . is sick, and wishes to return . Is sick with . Sick leave granted . Am sick, and must return Side(s) . On the side . From the side . By the side . At the side . From one side . From the other side . On which side . On both sides Sight , . There is no ore in sight , . What quantity is there in sight , . Estimated amount of ore in sight , . In sight , . Not in sight . There is very little ore in sight . Draw at days' sight SIG 239 Code Word. Sight (continued) Shadiest ... Do not draw at sight Shadoweth . . Have drawn at days' sight Shadowing . Sign Shadowy ... To sign Shagreen . . . Not to sign Shaketh . . . Will sign Shalloon . . . Will not sign Shallop . . . Shall I (we) sign Shamanism . . Do not sign Shambles . . . Do not sign any contract without Shamefaced . . Before you sign any agreement Shameless . . To sign the agreement Shamfight . . Before sign(s) the agreement Shamming . . Will not sign the contract without Shampoo . . Signed Shampooing . . Was signed Shanked . . . Was not signed Shanty . . . Has the agreement been signed Shapeless . . . Could not be signed on account of Shapely . . . Will be signed Shardborne . . Will not be signed Sharebeam . Has been signed Sharker . . . Has not been signed Sharpening . Silver Sharpness . . Chloride of silver Sharpset . . . Native silver Shastra . . Ruby silver Shattery . . . Sulphide of silver Shaving . . The silver is found in Shearbill . . . Veins of silver ore [limestone Shearhulk . . The silver ores are found in pockets in the Shearman . . Almost pure silver Sheathed . . . Assays give ozs. of silver per ton Sheathing . . . Rich deposits of silver Sheathless . . Samples show immensely rich silver Sheepbiter . . A vein of silver ore Sheepcot . . . There is no vein, the silver being all in pockets Sheepfold . . . Consisting of rich deposits of silver in the lime- Sheephook . . The silver occurs in galena [stone Sheepish . . . The silver occurs in carbonate of lead Sheepishly . Similar Sheeprun . . . Similar in appearance Sheepskin . . Not similar to Sheetpile . . . Is it similar to Shekel . . . Simplify Shekinah ... In order to simplify matters Shellac . . . This will simplify Shell work . . Will this simplify Sheltered . . Sink Sheltering . . To sink 240 SIN No. Code Word. Sink (continued] 12,657 Shelveth . . . Will begin to sink the shaft 12,658 Shepherd. . . To sink a shaft 12,659 Sherbet . . Must sink the shaft 12,660 Shereef . . . Do not begin to sink 12,661 Shibboleth A~ ~nnr T"* pin ^inlc flip slinft x~xb bOUn. cto L/ctll ollliv LUC Dlicilt 12,662 Shielders . . Sinking 12,663 Shiftless . . . Sinking at the rate of feet per day 12,664 Shillalah . . . To continue sinking 12,665 Shimmered . . Will continue sinking 12,666 Shingly . . Sinking the shaft 12,667 Shipboy . . . Sinking the incline shaft 12,668 Shipmate . . . Have stopped sinking 12,669 Shipshape . Situation 12,670 Shipwright . . What is the present situation 12,671 Shipyard . . . The situation of the mines is 12,672 Shiremote . . Owing to the bad situation 12,673 Shirting . . . Owing to the favourable situation 12,674 Shirtless . . Size 12,675 Shirtmaker . . In size 12,676 Shivering . . . The vast size 12,677 Shivery . . . What is the size of 12,678 Shoaliness . . The size of 12,679 Shoddy . . What size do you want 12,680 Shoeblack . Slate 12,681 Shoebrush . . The formation is clay slate 12,682 Shoebuckle . . Slate formation 12,683 Shoehorn. . . The hanging wall is slate 12,684 Shoemaker . . The foot -wall is slate 12,685 Shoestone. . . The country rock is slate 12,686 Shopping . . Slow 12,687 Shoreless . . . Our progress is very slow owing to 12,688 Shortbread . . Will not be so slow 12,689 Shortcake . . Slow work 12,690 Shortlived . . Has been very slow on account of 12,691 Shortrib . . Slowly 12,692 Shotbelt . . . As slowly as 12,693 Shotbelted . Sluice(s) 12,694 Shotgauge . Sluice boxes 12,695 Shothole . . Small 12,696 Shotsilk . . . The vein(s) is (are) small 12,697 Shottower . . Too small 12,698 Shouldered . . Although small 12,699 Shoulders . . Too small to justify 12,700 Shouteth . . . A small but well-defined vein 12,701 Shouting . . Smelt 12,702 Shovelhat. . . To smelt 12,703 Shoveller. . . Have to smelt 12,704 Showbox . . . Not having to smelt 12,705 Showbread . . To smelt the ore 12,706 Showcase . . Smelting SME 241 Code Word. Smelting (continued) Showplace . . Smelting ore Showrooms . . For smelting the ore Shredding . . The ore has to be sent to the smelting works at Shredless ... It will be advisable to erect smelting works Shrewdly . . . Will it be necessary to erect smelting works Shrewish . . . Smelting works Shrievalty . Snow Shrillest . . . Mine cannot be examined on account of snow Shrimpnet . . Have had a heavy fall of snow Shrinkage . . On account of the deep snow Shriveled . . Great quantities of snow have fallen Shroffage . . . Snow feet deep Shrouded . . Cannot work on account of snow Shroudless . . Cannot travel to on account of snow Shrovetide . . Teams cannot haul ore on account of the snow Shrubbery . . Very little snow Shrubless . . Snow falling heavily Shrugged . . Snowed Shrunken . . Are snowed up every winter for months Shuddereth . . Snowed up Shuddering . . Snowed up ; cannot get out. Shuffled . . Sodium Shuffling . . Soft Shunter . . . The rock is soft and easily worked Shuttlebox . . The rock has become soft Shyness . . Softer Siamese . . . The rock is softer Sibilance . . Sold Sibilant . . . Have you sold Sibilation . . If you have sold Sibylline ... If you have not sold Siccative . . . Have sold Siccity . . . Have not sold Sicilian . . . Must be sold Sickberth . . Must be sold at any price Sickened . . . Not to be sold Sickish . . . Must not be sold Sickliest . . . Not yet sold Sicomoro . . . Cannot be sold Sideboard . . Could not be sold Sideglance . . Have sold at your limits Sidelight . . . Have sold above your limits Sidelong . . . Could not be sold at your limits Sideposts . . . Cannot be sold at any price Sidereal . . . Will be sold by Sidesaddle . . Sold for Sidesman . . Sold privately Sidetable . . . To be sold at once Sideview . . Solvent Sidewalk ... Is (are) solvent R 242 SOL No. Code Word, Solvent (continued] 12,757 Sideways . i*"* iTT/^i nmff* r TMVP'nt" lo IctlCy UU.11C oUlVCllv 12,753 Siembra . . Some 12,759 Sienna . . Some more 12,760 Siervo . . . . Some of it 12,761 Siesta . . . . From some 12,762 Sifteth . . . In some places 12,763 Sighing . . . In some ways 12,764 Sightless . . . By some 12,765 Sightseer . . . Some means of 12,766 Sightshot . . For some 12,767 Sightsman . . Some one 12,768 Sigillaria . . . To find some one to 12,769 Sigiloso . . . Can you find some one to 12,770 Sigmoid . . Something 12,771 Sigmoidal . . Something is wrong with 12,772 Signable . . . Unless something is done 12,773 Signalized . . Something must be done at once 12,774 Signatory . . . Something must be settled 12,775 Signboard . Some time 12,776 Signifieth . . . Some time ago 12,777 Signpost . . . Will take some time 12,778 Siguiente . . . Some time in the future 12,779 Silesia . . . Soon 12,780 Silhouette . It is too soon 12,781 Siliqua . . Soon as possible 12,782 Siliquose . . . As soon as 12,783 Silkman . . . Very soon 12,784 Silkmercer . . As soon as you can 12,785 Silkmill . . . Not soon enough 12,786 Silkweaver . . Quite soon enough 12,787 Sillabub . . . How soon 12,788 Sillero . . . . How soon can you 12,789 Silletero . . . How soon must I 12,790 Silogizar . . . How soon will you 12,791 Silurian . . Sooner 12,792 Silvergray . . Sooner than 12,793 Simaruba . . Sorry 12,794 Simbolizar . . Sorry to hear 12,795 Simbolo . . . Sorry to see 12,796 Simetria . . . I am (we are) very sorry 12,797 Simiente . . . Very sorry to report 12,798 Similarity . . Is (are) very sorry that 12,799 Similitude . . Very sorry you cannot 12,800 Simious . .Sort 12,801 Simoniac . . . To sort 12,802 Simonious . . To sort the 12,803 Simpatico . . Do not sort 12,804 Simperer . . . Will sort 12,805 Simpering . . Cannot sort 12,806 Simpleton . South. sou 243 No. Code Word. South (continued) 12.807 Simpleza . . . The vein running due north and south 12.808 Simpliat . . . The vein runs north and south 12.809 Simulate . . . South drift 12.810 Simultaneo . . South mine 1 2,8 1 1 Sinaitic . . . South cross-cut 12.812 Sinagoga . . . South winze 12.813 Sinapine . . . South-east 12.814 Sinapism . . . South-west 12.815 Sincerar . . . In a southerly direction 12.816 Sinceridad . Special 12.817 Sinciput . . . Very special 12.818 Sinecures . . Not special 12.819 Sinewless . . Special information 12.820 Sinewy . . . Special reason 12.821 Sinfonia ... A special case 12.822 Sinfully . . . Special care 12.823 Singsong . . Specify 12.824 Singultous . . To specify 12.825 Siniestra . . . You must specify 12.826 Sinister ... Do not specify 12.827 Sinistral . . . Will specify 12.828 Sinistrous . Specimen(s) 12.829 Sinkhole. . . Have seen specimens of the 12.830 Sinlessly . . . Send home specimens of the 12.831 Sinnamine . . From specimens 12.832 Sinology ... No specimens 12.833 Sintaxis . . Speculate 12.834 Sintooism . . To speculate 12.835 Sinnated ... Do not speculate 12.836 Sinuosity. .Speculating 12.837 Siphon . . . is (are) speculating largely in 12.838 Siphonage . . Has (have) been speculating 12.839 Siphonic . . . Has (have) not been speculating 12.840 Siphuncle . . Speculating, but not to any great extent 12.841 Sirenize . . Speculation 12.842 Sirgar . . . . Too risky a speculation 12.843 Siriasis . . . As a speculation 12.844 Sirloin . . . Bought for a speculation 12.845 Sirocco . . . Nothing but a speculation [going on 12.846 Sirrah ... Be very careful; a great deal of speculation is 12.847 Sirupy. . . . Speculation turned out a success 12.848 Sistema . . . Speculation turned out a loss 12.849 Sisterhood . . Will you join me (us) in the speculation 12.850 Sisterly ... I (we) will join you in the speculation 12.851 Sistrum . . . I (we) cannot join you in the speculation 12.852 Sisyphean . Spring 12.853 Sitfast. . . . This spring 12.854 Sitiador . . . Last spring 12.855 Sitology . . . Next spring 12.856 Sitophobia . . During the spring 244 SPR No. Code Word. 12,857 Sitting . . Stables 12,858 Situado . T^V* /->.*. s* OTO *v*^*3 r4-r V*,1 rtr fV\i* Vr\-n^r 1 IlLic tile gOUQ bldUlcb 1U1 IlUIoCo 12,859 Situar . . . . The stables are out of repair 12,860 Sitzbath . . . Must enlarge the stables 12,861 Sixfold . . Stamp(s) 12,862 Sizable . . . Must increase the number of stamps 12,863 Sizestick . . . There is work enough for stamps [stamps 12,864 Skateth . . . Send the necessary money to put up TYIOTP 12,865 Skating . "\X7'^11 M xx M >4 f V* * -k ^ **% 4-*^ -r^itt- iit-k tnrk r\ re stamps . will send trie money LU put up iuu 12,866 Skedaddle . . When will the new stamps be working 12,867 Skeel . . . . Shall be working with stamps by 12,868 Skeleton . C!f"nm < n ri f%f Ih^ pirh 12,869 Sketching . . Stamps of 750 Ibs. each 12,870 Skewered . . Stamps of 850 Ibs. each 12,871 Skillfully , . . Stamps of 950 Ibs. each 12,872 Skimmilk . . Stamps of 1000 Ibs. each 12,873 Skindeep . . . Do you recommend putting up more stamps 12,874 Skinflint . . . I (we) do not recommend putting up more stamps at present 12,875 Skinless . I/ ~ \ -ror*/"vrvi rvi nvi r3 ***-*-*** **-^ *v* r^i re stamps ^wey recommend putting up 12,876 Skipjack . . Stand [at once 12,877 Skipper . . . To stand 12,878 Skirleth . . . To stand in the name of 12,879 Skirmisher . . How do matters stand 12,880 Skittishly . . . To take everything as it stands 12,881 Skittles . . Standing 12,882 Skulker . . . Now standing 12,883 Skulking . . . Standing over 12,884 Skullcap . . . Standing in the name of 12,885 Skyblue . .Start 12,886 Skyborn . \Vlipn will tiri" 12,887 Skycolor . . . Will start 12,888 Skyhigh . . . Do not start 12,889 Skylight . . . Cannot start 12,890 Skyrocket . . Hope to start 12,891 Skysail . . . Will start work in a few days 12,892 Skyward . . Started 12,893 Slabbery . . . Has (have) started 12,894 Slabiness . . . Has (have) not started ^,895 Slackens . . . Has (have) started 12,896 Slanderer . . Will be started 12,897 Slandering . State 12,898 Slanting . . . In a very bad state 12,899 Slantwise . . . I am (we are) able to state 12,900 Slapdash . . . Cannot state 12,901 Slapjack . . . I am (we are) unable to state 12,902 Slashing . . . state(s) positively that 12,903 Slateh . . . . Is (are) in a very dangerous state 12,904 Slattern . . . In what state do you find 12,905 Slatternly . . You do not state STA 24$ No. Code Word. State (continued) 12.906 Slaughter. . . Please state exactly 1 2,907 Slaveborn . . In the present state of 12.908 Slavery . . . You must state 12.909 Slaveship. . . Owing to the state of 12.910 Slavetrade . Statement(s) [regard to 12.911 Slavishly ... I (we) can confirm 's statements except with 12.912 Slavonic . . I (we) cannot confirm 's statements with 12.913 Slayeth . . . A statement has been made that [regard to 12.914 Sledding. . . Please investigate what truth there is in the state- ment that 12.915 Sledge . . . Misguided by the statements made by 12.916 Sleekest . . . 's statements are incorrect and misguiding 12.917 Sleekness . . Will draw up a statement 12.918 Sleepful . . . Draw up a statement as soon as possible 12.919 Sleepily ... I (we) can confirm 's ^statements in every 12.920 Sleepless. . . If you can confirm 's statements [respect 12.921 Sleeves . . . Unless 's statements can be confirmed 12.922 Sleighing. . . Statement is correct 12.923 Sleight . . . Statement is incorrect 12.924 Slightest. .Station [ Railway 12.925 Slighting . . . The mines are situated at , a station on the 12.926 Slimiest . . . The mines are situated miles from , a station on the Railway [the mine 12.927 Slimness ... A station will shortly be opened miles from 12.928 Slipknot . .Stay (See also Telegraph) 12.929 Slippered . . Would like to stay till 12.930 Slippers . . . Can stay till 12.931 Slipshod. . . Cannot stay till 12.932 Slogan . . . Cannot stay any longer I2 >933 Sloop .... Will not stay any longer 12,934 Slopbasin . . Stay as long as you can I2 >935 Slopbowl . . . Stay until you have further instructions 12.936 Slopewise . . Must stay till 12.937 Sloppy . . . Do not stay any longer 12.938 Slopseller . . Stay until 12.939 Slothful . . Staying 12.940 Slothfully . . Am (are) staying at 12.941 Slouched ... At what hotel will you be staying 12.942 Slouchhat . Steady 12.943 Slouching . . Not steady enough 12.944 Slovenly . . . A good steady man 12.945 Slowmatch . . Will want good steady man as 12.946 Sludge . . Steamer 12.947 Slugabed. . . And thence by steamer to 12.948 Sluggard. . . There will soon be a daily steamer running to 12.949 Sluggishly . . A bi-weekly steamer running to 12.950 Slumbering . . A steamer running thrice weekly to 12.951 Slumberous . . When will the steamer leave for 12.952 Slumbers. . . The steamer (s) leave(s) for on [on I2 >953 Slungshot . . The machinery will be sent by steamer from itf STE No. Code Word. Steamer (continued] 12.954 Sluttish ... By what steamer will machinery be sent 12.955 Slyboots . . . To be sent by steamer to 12.956 Smacketh . Steps 12.957 Smacking . . Take immediate steps 12.958 Smallage . . . What steps have you taken with regard to 12.959 Smallarms . . Steps must be taken immediately 12.960 Smallbeer . . Take such steps as you think best 12.961 Smallcraft . . Has (have) taken steps to 12.962 Smallhand . . No steps have been taken to 12.963 Smallish . . . Steps must be taken at once to 1 2,964 Smallpox . . . Steps have been taken 12.965 Smartened . Stop 12.966 Smartness . . Stop payment 12.967 Smasheth . . Stopped payment 12.968 Smeared . . . Stop for a time 12.969 Smearing. . . To stop 12.970 Smegmatic . . To stop the 12.971 Smelleth . . . Can you stop 12.972 Smiddy . . . Cannot stop 12.973 Smileless . . . Will stop 12.974 Smirched. . . You must put a stop to 12.975 Smirking ... In order to put a stop to 12.976 Smithery . . . Must stop 12.977 Smockfrock . . Do not stop 12.978 Smockless . Stope (s) 12.979 Smockmill . . The stopes above Level No. 12.980 Smockrace . . The next stope will remove 12.981 Smokeball . . Begin to stope 12.982 Smokejack . . The stopes are 12.983 Smokesail . . The stopes are looking better 12.984 Smokily . . . The stopes are looking poor 12.985 Smoothen . . In the stopes 12.986 Smoothly . . . From the stope 1 2,987 Smorzato ... A sample from the stope above Level assayed 12.988 Smothering . . Stopes looking splendid 12.989 Smothery . . . The stopes above Level No. have com- municated with the old workings above 12.990 Smudges . . . When will you begin to stope 12.991 Smuggling . . Stopes still hold good in 12.992 Smuttily . . Stoping 12.993 Snaffle. . . . Stoping above Level No. 12.994 Snakish . . . When will you begin sloping I2 >995 Snapdragon . Stoppage 12.996 Snapper . . . Avoid any stoppage 12.997 Snappish . . . Why is there a stoppage 12.998 Snappishly . . In order to prevent any stoppage 12.999 Snarling . . . A stoppage has occurred in 13.000 Snatcheth . . A stoppage in 13.001 Sneaking . . . No stoppage 13.002 Sneeringly . Stopped STO 347 No. Code Word. 13,003 Sneezing . 13,004 Sniveller . Snobbery . 13,006 Snobbishly 13,007 Snoozeth . 13,008 Snouty 13,009 Snowball . 13,010 Snowblind 13,011 Snowcapt . 13,012 Snowflake Snowlike . i3, OI 4 Snowplough i3, OI 5 Snowshoes 13,016 Snubbed . i3, OI 7 Snubnose . 13,018 Snuffbox . i3, OI 9 SnurTtaker 13,020 Snuggery . 13,021 Soapboiler 13,022 Soapbubble i3, 2 3 Soappan . i3> 02 4 Soapsuds . 13,025 Soap work 13,026 Sobaca 13,027 Sobadura . 13,028 Sobajar 13,029 Sobarba . 13,030 Sobarbada 13,031 Sobbingly i3,3 2 Soberania . 13,033 Soberbia . 13,034 Sobornar . 13,035 Sobradillo 13,036 Sobrante . 13,037 Sobreagudo 13,038 Sobrealzar Sobreasar . 13,040 Sobrecama 13,041 Sobrecarga 13,042 Sobreceja . 13,043 Sobredicho 13,044 Sobredorar 13,045 Sobremesa 13,046 Sobrenadar 13,047 Sobrepaga 13,048 Sobreparto 13,049 Sobrepeso 13,050 Sobreplan 13,051 Sobreponer Sobrepujar Stopped (continued) . . Has (have) stopped . . Why have you stopped . Has not yet stopped . . As soon as it is stopped . . Stopped sending . Store (s) . . In store . . A large store of . . What store is there of . . To supply the necessary stores . Including the stores . . Stores have to be sent miles [profit of . . The company keeps a store which brings a yearly . . There is a good store of wood ready stacked at . Strata, Stratum [the mill . . In a stratum . . The strata . . The strata are known to dip towards the . . The strata dip . Streak . . The rich streak is from to inches thick . . The rich streak is from to feet thick . . The streak could be followed for some distance . . There is a streak of ore in the vein that assays . . A streak of ore [ per ton . Stream(s) . A fine stream of water . . The stream is full only in the winter . . The stream runs dry in summer . . The stream is generally dry . . No streams . . Several streams . Strike(s) . Hope shortly to strike the vein . . If by then we do not strike the vein . . To strike the vein . . Big strike reported in . As soon as we strike ore . Rich strikes have been made at several places . . Strike made in . . Strike reported in . . Have made rich strike in . . Strike in is not good for much . . Telegraph when you strike the vein . . Strike expected among the . . To avert a strike . . On strike . . Strike begun . Strike continues . . Strike over ; men have returned to work 248 STE, No. Code Word. Strike (s) (continued) 13.053 Sobreropa . . Is the strike likely to last long 13.054 Sobresalir. . . Miners on strike *3>55 Sobresalto . . Mill men on strike 13.056 Sobreseer. . . Caused by strike of pitmen 13.057 Sobresello . . In the event of a strike 13.058 Sobretodo . . Caused by strike of miners 13.059 Sobrevenir . Stringers 13.060 Sobriedad . . Stringers of rich ore 13.061 Sobriety . . . Stringers of quartz 13.062 Sobrina . . . Small stringers of quartz 13.063 Sobriquet . Strong 13.064 Socalinar ... A strong, well-defined vein 13.065 Socarrar . . . Very strong 13.066 Socavar . . . Not very strong 13.067 Sochantre . . Strong and 13.068 Sociably . . Struck 13.069 Socialism. . . We have struck 13.070 Socialize . . . Have struck a seam of 13.071 Sociedad . . . Telegraph when you have struck ore 13.072 Societary . . . Have not struck any ore 13.073 Societies. . . Struck a rich body of ore 13.074 Socinian . . . Have not yet struck any ore 13.075 Sociology . . Miners have struck for less hours 13.076 Socket . . . Miners have struck for higher wages 13.077 Socolor . . . Miners have struck against [in wages 13.078 Socorredor . . Miners have struck against proposed reduction 13.079 Socorrer . . . Have struck water in 13.080 Socorrido . . Have not struck any watei 13.081 Socratic . . Subject 13.082 Socratism . . Will be subject 13.083 Sodality . . . Will not be subject to 13.084 Sodamia . . . Subject to the conditions named 13.085 Sodawater . . Subject to a rebate of 13.086 Sofabed . . . Subject to a return of 13.087 Sofisma . . . Subject to a discount of 13.088 Softeneth. . . Subject to 13.089 Softvoiced . . Subject to approval of 13.090 Sogueria . . . Will always be subject to 13.091 Sojourner . . Will always be subject to 13.092 Sojuzgar . . . Will not in future be subject to 13.093 Solace ... On the subject 13.094 Solacement . Sub-let I 3y95 Solander . . . Cannot sub-let 13.096 Solapado ... To sub-let the contract 13.097 Solariego ... Do not allow to sub-let the contract 13.098 Solarize . . . Have allowed to sub-let the contract 13.099 Soldada . . . Will not allow to sub-let the contract 13.100 Soldadesca . Subsequent 13.101 Soldadura . . If subsequent investigations cause you to change your opinion SUB 249 No. Code Word. Subsequent (continued) 13.102 Soldered . . . Subsequent investigations have not changed my 13.103 Soldierly . . . Subsequent investigations have proved [opinion 13.104 Solecism . . . In a subsequent interview with 13.105 Solecized. .Subsided 13.106 Solemn . . . As soon as the flood has subsided 13.107 Solemnidad . . The excitement has subsided 13.108 Solemnity . . Has the excitement subsided (about) 13.109 Solfatara . .Succeed 13.110 Solfeador . . . Hope you will succeed in 13.111 Solfeggio ... In order to succeed 13.112 Solfista . . . Will succeed 13.113 Solicitar . . . Will not succeed 13.114 Solicitude . . Can you succeed in 13.115 Solideo . . . Fear I (we) shall not succeed in 13.116 Solidified. . . Hope to succeed in 13.117 Solidly . . . If we succeed 13.118 Solifidian . . . We shall succeed 13.119 Soliloquy. . . Cannot succeed in 13.120 Soliped . . . Hope will succeed in 13.121 Solitaire . . . Fear will not succeed in 13.122 Solitarily . . Succeeded 13.123 Solitude . . . Have you succeeded 13.124 Solstice . . . Has (have) succeeded 13.125 Solubly . . . Has (have) not succeeded 13.126 Solutivo . . . To be succeeded by 13.127 Solvable . .Success 13.128 Sol vend . . . A great success 13.129 Somaten . . . Success now assured 13.130 Somatist . . . Success is doubtful 13.131 Sombraje . . . If we can make it a great success 1 3. 1 32 Sombrear. . . Must make it a success 13.133 Sombreness . . Has been a great success 13.134 Sombrerazo . . What success have you had in 13.135 Sombrerera . . Have had a great success 1 3. 1 36 Sombrero . Successful 13.137 Sombrous . . Has (have) been very successful 1 3. 1 38 Somersault . . Have always been successful 13.139 Somnific . . . Was (were) not at first successful 13.140 Somniloquy . . Has (have) not been successful 13.141 Somnolent . . Has (have) been successful (in) 13.142 Somorgujar . Such 13.143 Sonajero . . . From such 13.144 Sonambulo . . By such 1 3. 1 45 Sonatina . . . From such a source 13.146 Sondable . . v Such is (are) 13.147 Sonecillo . . . Is (are) such the 13.148 Songster . . Sue 13.149 Songstress . . To sue 13.150 Sonnet . . . Do not sue 13.151 Sonneteer . . Must sue 250 SUE No. Code Word. Sue (continued) 13.152 Sonometer . . Sue at once 13.153 Sonorific ... To sue them for damages 13.154 Sonorous . . . Will sue 13.155 Sonorously . . Will not sue 13.156 Sonreirse . . Sufficient 13.157 Sonroseo . . . There is sufficient 13.158 Sonsacador . . Not in sufficient quantities 13.159 Sonsacar . . . Sufficient money in hand to 13.160 Sonsonete . . Not sufficient money in hand to 13.161 Sonador ... A sufficient quantity 13.162 Soofeeism . . There is sufficient wood to last for years 13.163 Sooshong. . . Is it (are they) sufficient 13.164 Soother . . . It is (they are) sufficient 13.165 Soothing . . . It is (they are) not sufficient 13.166 Soothsayer . . Have you sufficient 13.167 Sortilege . . . Have sufficient 13.168 Sortment . . . Have not sufficient 13.169 Sosamente . Suggest 13.170 Sosegado. . . What would you suggest 13.171 Soseria . . . Should suggest 13.172 Sosiego . . . Cannot suggest 13.173 Soslayar . . . Cannot suggest any better way 13.174 Sospecha. . Suit 13.175 Sospechoso . . To suit 13.176 Sospiro . . . Will suit 13.177 Sostener . . . Will not suit 13.178 Sostenido . . Anything to suit i 3) Z 7 9 Sostenuto . . Nothing that will suit 13.180 Sotanilla . . . Will it suit 13.181 Sotavento . . Will suit very well 13.182 Sotechado . . Would suit much better 13.183 Soubrette . . Would not suit so well 13.184 Soulless . . Suitable 13.185 Soulscot . . . Would it be suitable 13.186 Soulsick . . . Suitable in every way 13.187 Sourkrout . . Not suitable for the work 13.188 Souseth . . . Not at all suitable 13.189 Souvenir. . . Telegraph if anything suitable offers 13.190 Spaciously . . Nothing suitable offered 13.191 Spadille . . . Think it would be very suitable 13.192 Spadroon . . Not suitable in any way I 3> 1 93 Spanceling . Sulphur 13,194 Spandrel . . Sulphurets I 3> I 9S Spangled. . . Cannot treat the sulphurets 13,196 Spanking. . . In the sulphurets 1 31*97 Spanlong. . Sum(s) 13,198 Spanroof. . . A sum of J 3> J 99 Sparerib . . . Too large a sum 13.200 Sparger . . . Not too large a sum [mine 13.201 Sparkful ... Do you think it too large a sum to pay for the SUM 251 No. Code Word. Sum(s) (continued) Sparkish ... I (we) consider it a fair sum Sparklet . . . Large sums have been spent Sparkling . Summer Sparsedly . . This summer Sparterie . . . Last summer Spasmodic . . Next summer Spattling . . . During the summer Spatula . . . Very hot in summer Spavined . . Summit Spawning . . On the summit Speakable . . From the summit Speaketh . . . Over the summit Spearman . . At the summit Specialist . . The summit of Specifieth . Sunday Speciously . . On Sunday Speckled . . . Last Sunday Spectacles . . Next Sunday Spectator . . Every Sunday Spectral . . . Every other Sunday Specular . . Sunk Speechify . . Have sunk Speechless . . Sunk feet on the vein Spellbound . . Sunk on the vein Spelling . . . Have sunk feet Spermatic . . Have not sunk far enough Spermatoid . . After they had sunk feet Sphacelate . . How far have you sunk Sphenoid . . Have sunk feet for water Spheral . . . Shaft sunk Spherics . . Superficial Spherule . . . From superficial observations Sphinx . . . Could only make superficial examination Sphragid . . . From a superficial examination Sphygmic . Superintend Spiccato . . . Who will superintend Spicery . . . Will superintend Spicosity . . . Will not superintend Spicular . . . Cannot superintend Spikelet . . . You must superintend yourself Spikenard . . Has (have) sent proper person to superintend Spindle . . . Shall we send proper person to superintend Spinosist . . . Send a proper person to superintend Spinoyism . . Must have efficient man to superintend Spinsters . . Supervision Spinulous . . Under good supervision Spiracle . . . There has been no supervision Spirality . . . To be placed under proper supervision Spirifer . . Supplied Spirited . . . Supplied with 252 SUP No. Code Word. Supplied (continued) 13,252 Spiritism. . . Badly supplied T 3> 2 53 Spiritosa . . . Well supplied 13.254 Spiritual . . . Was (were) supplied 13.255 Spirketing . . Must be supplied with 13.256 Spissitude . . Are you well supplied (with) J 3) 2 57 Spitchcock . Supply Supplies 13.258 Spitefully. . . Can supply 13.259 Spitfire . . . Can you supply 13.260 Splashed. . . Can supply 13.261 Splayfoot. . . Cannot supply 13.262 Spleenful. . . Must supply 13.263 Spleenish . . Will supply 13.264 Spleget . . . Will not supply 13.265 Splendent . . Would supply 13.266 Splenetic. . . Has (have) now a regular supply 13.267 Splintered . . The supply is irregular (of) 13.268 Splitteth . . . Has (have) a good supply in hand (of) 13.269 Splotch . . . Short supply of 13.270 Spokeshave . . An abundant supply of 13.271 Spokesman . . Supplies are very short 13.272 Spoliate . . . Supplies easily hauled from the seaport of I 3> 2 73 Spoliation . . Supplies hauled with great difficulty from 13,274 Spondaic. . . Supplies hauled with difficulty from 1 3)2 75 Spondyl . . . Milling and mining supplies 13,276 Spongecake . Support (s) 1 3)2 7 7 Spongiole . . The support of the government 13,278 Sponsal . . . Will require support from 1 3>2 79 Sponsion ... In order to support 13.280 Sponsori al . . To support 13.281 Spontoon . . Will support 13.282 Spoonful . . Will not support 13.283 Sporran . . . Must support 13.284 Sportively . . Get to support you 13.285 Sportsman . . The supports 13.286 Spouseless . No supports 13.287 Sprawler . . . The supports have given way 13.288 Sprawling . . To have the support of 13.289 Spreadeth . Supposed 13.290 Sprightly. . . Supposed to have been 13.291 Springal . . . Supposed not to have been 13.292 Springcart . . Is it supposed that 1 3> 2 93 Springtide . Sure 13,294 Sprinkled . . Are you sure X 3> 2 95 Spritsail . . . To be quite sure 13,296 Sprucely ... I am (we are) quite sure J 3 2 97 Spruceness . . Is (are) sure 13.298 Spunyarn. . . I am (we are) not sure 13.299 Spurgall ... Is (are) not sure i3>3 Spurneth . . Surface (See also Indications) 13,301 Spurwheel . . On the surface SUR 253 No. I3302 13.303 I3>304 13^05 13*306 13.307 13,308 13*309 i3*3 10 i3,3n 13*312 I3.3I3 i3*3i4 13,315 13,318 i3*3i9 13,320 13,321 13,322 13,323 13,324 13,325 13,326 13,327 13*328 13*329 13,332 13*333 13*334 13,335 13,336 13,337 13,338 J 3,339 Code Word. Sputtered Squabbling Squadron Squalid . Squandered Squashes . Squeaking Squeamish Squelched Squinteyed Squirming Stabbeth . Stableboy Stableman Staccato . Stackyard Stagecoach Staggering Stagnated Stagnating Stainlessly Staircase . Stairrod . Stairway . Stalemate Stallfed . Stamineous Stammereth Stanchness Standishes Standpoint Stanza Starboard Starched . Stargazing Starveling Stateroom Statical . Statutable Statutory . Staylace . Stay maker Steadfast . Stealthily. Steeple . Stellated . Stelliform Stencilled Stentorian Stepchild Surface (continued} . From the surface . Along the surface . Below the surface . Much nearer the surface . Near the surface [of snow . Surface examination impossible on account of Surplus . The surplus to be applied in . What surplus . The surplus Surprised . Have been surprised to hear . Have been surprised at receiving . Was (were) surprised . Was (were) not surprised . Have been surprised to find Surrounding (s) . From the surroundings . The surrounding country . The surrounding mines Survey . Have a survey made (of) . Make an accurate survey . Have finished the survey . Have not yet finished the survey . Has any survey been made Surveyed . Has (have) surveyed . Has (have) not surveyed . Has (have) the mine(s) been properly surveyed . Has (have) been thoroughly surveyed . Has (have) never been properly surveyed Surveying . When can you commence surveying . Surveying the old workings . Will commence surveying . Am (are) now surveying Suspect . Do you suspect (any) . I (we) suspect that . I (we) have reason to suspect Suspected . Has (have) been suspected of . Was (were) never suspected of . Has (have) ever been suspected of . I (we) suspected . I (we) never suspected Suspend . To suspend . Likely to suspend =54 sus No. Code Word. Suspend (continued) 13.352 Stepmother . . Not likely to suspend 13.353 Stereotomy . . Suspend further action 13.354 Sterility . . . Suspend work until 13.355 Sternchase . . Will suspend 13.356 Stertorous . Suspended 13.357 Stevedore . . Has (have) suspended 13.358 Stewardess . . Has (have) not suspended 13.359 Sticketh . . Suspicion 13.360 Stickiness . . Is (are) under grave suspicion of having 13.361 Stiffened ... No suspicion attaches to 13.362 Stifling ... Is there any suspicion of 1 3*363 Stiletto . . . Great suspicion 13.364 Stillhouse . . No suspicion (of) 13.365 Stillness . . Suspicious 13.366 Stillroom ... I am (we are) very suspicious of 1 3j367 Stimulant . . Are you suspicious 13.368 Stingingly . . Is (are) suspicious 13.369 Stinginess . . No cause to be suspicious I 3>37 Stinkpot . . Swindle I 3*37 I Stipitate . . . The mine(s) is (are) a regular swindle I 3>37 2 Stippling. . . The whole thing is a regular swindle J 3>373 Stirabout. . . Do you think it a swindle 13,374 Stirrupcup . . If you think it a swindle 1 3*375 Stitching . . Syenite 1 3>376 Stocklock . . In syenite rock 1 3*37 7 Stoicism . . . The hanging wall syenite 1 3*378 Stolidity . . . The foot- wall syenite 1 3*379 Stomacher . Syndicate 13.380 Stoneblind . . A syndicate has been formed 13.381 Stonebow . . From a syndicate 13.382 Stonepit . . . In the hands of a syndicate [develop it T 3*3 8 3 Storeroom . . Ought to be bought by a syndicate, who would 13,384 Strabismus . . If it were in the hands of a syndicate 1 3>385 Straddle ... A syndicate 13,386 Straddling . . A powerful syndicate 13*387 Stragglers. . System 13,388 Straighten . . Must have a better system X 3*3 8 9 Straitness . . Must alter the system of I 3>39 Stramony. . . The system is bad 13.391 Stranding . . The system is very good 13.392 Strangely. . . A better system of 1 3*3 93 Strangleth . . Cannot adopt a better system 13,394 Tabaola . .Tailings 1 3*395 Tabaquera . . Average sample of tailings gave J 3*396 Tabard . . . The tailings would be worth working J 3*397 Tabardillo . . Lost in the tailings 13,398 Tabaret . . . Assay of tailings 1 3*399 Tabasheer . Take 13.400 Tabbinet. . . Take all you can get 13.401 Tabbying . . To take TAK 255 No. 13,402 13*403 I3>404 13^05 13,406 13*407 13,408 13*409 13*410 13)415 I34i6 13*417 I3*4i8 I3>4i9 13,420 i3*42i 13,422 13*423 13*424 13*425 13,426 13*427 13,428 13*429 13*430 I3*43i 13*432 13*433 t3*434 13*435 13*436 13,437 13*438 13*439 13,440 i3*44i 13*442 13*443 13*444 13*445 13,446 13*447 13*448 13*449 13*450 13*45! Code Word. Tabernacle Tabernero Tabetic . Tabitude . Tablado . Table] ero Tablature Tablazon . Tableaux . Tablebeer Tablebook Tablecloth Tablelinen Tablespoon Tabletalk Tablilla . Tabooed . Tabourine Tabulated Taburete . Tacamahac Tachometer Tachonar Tachuela . Tacitly . Taciturn . Tacketh . Tacking . Tacksman Tacones . Tactics . Tactility . Tactless . Tafanario Taffrail . Tafilete . Taglia . Tagrag . Tagsore . Tahali . Tahonero Tailboard Tailoress . Tailoring . Tailpiece . Taimado . Taintless . Taketh . Taladrar . Talanquera Take (continued) . . Not to take . . Will take . . Will not take less . . Can take . . Cannot take . . Should take . . Ought not to take . . It will take too long . . It will take some time . . It will not take much . . How much will it take to . . To take out . . To take over . . In order to take out . Taken tons per day . . Very little has been taken . . A great deal has been taken . . Has much been taken . . How much has it taken . . It has taken . . It has not taken . . Have you taken . . I (we) have taken . . Has (have) taken . . Has (have) not taken . Taking . . In taking these samples . . Taking out tons per day . . Has (have) been taking . . Not taking . . Is (are) taking out . . Not taking out .Talc .Talk . . There is a talk of . . There is no talk of . . Is there any talk of . Tax(es) . . A heavy tax . . To pay the taxes on . . What taxes will there be . . To meet this tax . . Intend(s) to levy a tax on . . To cover the taxes . . The tax on . Intend(s) to do away with the tax on . Team(s) . . Ore team broke down owing to . . With one team tons per day can be hauled . . Will necessitate having another team 256 TEA No. 13.453 13.454 13.455 13,456 13.457 i3,45 8 13.459 13,460 13*461 13,462 13.463 13.464 13.465 13,466 13.467 13.468 13.469 13.470 I3.47I 13.472 13.473 13.474 T 3,475 13.476 13.477 13.478 13.479 13.480 13.481 13.482 13.483 13.484 13.485 13,486 13.487 13,488 13.489 13,49 i3,49i i3,49 2 13,493 13,494 13,495 13,496 13,497 13,498 13,499 i3,5 13,501 Code Word. Team(s) (continued} Talapoin . . . Cannot get teams at present Talarea . . . Including a team of horses and mules Talebearer . . Team working steadily Taleguilla . . With one team Talented . . . With two teams Taleteller . . Another team Talipes . . . Team can haul Talisman . . . What can team haul in one day Talkative . . . Team(s) cannot haul ore on account of Tallador . . . Team(s) at work again Tallista . . Technical Tallow . . In the technical accounts Tallowing . . The technical accounts to be sent Talludo . . . The technical accounts Tallyho . . Telegram(s) (See also Date) Tallyshop . . Your telegram of to-day's date [ to - Talmud . . . Cannot understand your telegram ; repeat from Talmudist . . Must prepare report for the public on your Talookdar . . In a telegram from [telegrams Tamanito . . On receipt of telegram Tambaleo . . Has (have) received telegram (from) Tamboril . . . Has (have) not received any telegram (from) Tambour . . . Unless you get a telegram from Tamboureen . Wait for telegram Tamely . . . Wait for telegram giving result of assays Taming . . . This telegram is by the A B C code Tampereth . . Waiting reply to my telegram Tampoco . . . Not receiving any telegram Tandem . . . Have you had any telegram from Tangency . Telegraph Tangent . . . Please telegraph to to pay me Tangential . . Telegraph how long you stay at Tangible . . . Telegraph when you can leave for Tanglingly . . Telegraph width of vein Tanhouse . . Telegraph to me at Tanistry . . . Will telegraph again Tankard . . . Telegraph fuller report Tannable. . . Will telegraph Tannery . . . Cannot telegraph Tanstove . . . will telegraph instructions Tantalism . . Telegraph as soon as possible Tantalize . . . Please telegraph me at once . Tantamount . . Telegraph any new strike at once Tantivy . . . Telegraph what .has been done with regard to Tantrum . . . Shall not be able to telegraph Tanyard . . . Could not telegraph sooner on account of Tanystoma . . Do not answer by telegraph ; answer by letter Tapadero . Telegraphed Tapadillo . . Have telegraphed to pay you Tapafunda . Telegraphic TEL 257 Code Word. Telegraphic (continued) Tapatan . , .All telegraphic communications stopped on account of Tapeline . . . There is no telegraphic communication with Taperness . . is the nearest telegraphic station Tapestried . . Telegraphic communication between and Tapestry . . Tell [ is interrupted Taphouse . . Please tell to Tapiceria . . Can you tell Tapioca . . . Cannot tell Tapizar . . . Cannot tell exactly Taproom ... Do not tell Tapster . .Telluride Tapujarse . . The gold is found as a telluride Taquigrafo . Temporary Taragallo . . . As a temporary measure Tarambana . . A temporary way of Tarantella . . Only temporary Tarantism . . Can you make any temporary arrangement Tarboosh . Tend Tardanza . . This will tend to Tardigrade . . Will this tend to Targeted . . . This will not tend to Targetier . . Tendency Targumist . . With a tendency to Tarlatan ... No tendency to Tarnished . . Is there any tendency Tarocs . . Tender(s) Tarpaulin . . Will send in a tender Tarrenas . . . Tenders for sinking the shaft Tartarean . . Tenders too high Tartarized . . Have sent in a tender Tartness . . . Send in a tender Tartuffe . . . Has (have) called for tenders Tartuffish . . Intend (s) to call for tenders Tasimeter . . Has (have) not sent any tender Taskmaster . Term(s) Taskwork . . For a term of years Tasselled . . . What terms can you get Tastable . . . 's terms are impossible Tastefully . . Impossible to come to terms with Tasteless . . . Are you likely to come to terms with Tastiest . . . The best terms that I can get Tattered . . . Cannot accept the terms offered Tattler ... By these terms Tattooed ... On the same terms as before Tattooing , . Hope will accept these terms Taunteth . . . Will you accept these terms Tauriform . . Would advise accepting these terms Taurine . . . On satisfactory terms Taurocol . . Termination TER No. 13,551 13,552 13,553 13,554 13,555 13,557 13,558 13,559 I3,56o I3,56i 13,562 13,563 13,564 '3iS65 13,566 13,567 13,568 13,569 I 3,57 I 13,572 13,573 13,574 13,575 13,577 *3>579 13,580 13,582 13,583 13,584 is',586 13,587 13,588 13,589 13,590 13,592 J 3,593 r 3>594 *3,595 13,596 T 3,597 13,598 13,600 Code Word. Tauromachy Tautology Tautophony Taverner . Taverning Tawdrily . Tawniness Taxidermic Taxonomy Teaboard Teacaddy Teacake . Teachable Teachest . Teachings Teacup . Teadealer Teadrinker Teakettle Tearfully . Tearless . Teaspoon Teatable . Technics . Technology Techumbre Tectrices Tediously Tedium . Teemful . Teething . Teetotal . Teetotaler Teetotum Tegument Teinoscope Tejedor . Tejemaneje Telarana . Teleology Telepheme Telescope Telesmatic Telestich . Tellural . Tellurism Tembleque Temblon . Temerity . Tempean Termination (continued} . On the termination of . The termination of Territory . In the territory of . A vast territory Tertiary . Tertiary formation Than . More than . Not more than Thank(s) , . Accept my thanks for . has (have) begse< thank you .That . . That is (are) , . That is (are) not . . Is that . . That will be . . That will do . . That will not be . . That will not do . Their . . Is not their own . . By their own . . Their own . . Their stock . . Is it their own .Them . . To them . . By them . . For them . . Against them . . From them . Themselves . . For themselves . . By themselves .Then . . Will know by then . . Then you can . . Then you will . . Will then . . Will not then . Theodolite . . Please send theodolite as soon as possible . There . . There is (are) . . There is (are) not . . Is (are) there . . There will be . There will not be THE 259 No. Code Word. There (continued) Temperance . Will there be Tempestive . . Is there likely to be Templar . . Thereby Temporal . . Can tell thereby Temporize . . Cannot tell thereby Temptable . . Can judge thereby Tempted . . Thin Tempting . . The vein is thin and ill defined Temptress . . Where the vein is thin Tenability . . Very thin Tenacillas . Think Tenacidad . . As you think best Tenacious . . What do you think of Tenacity ... I think you had better Tenaculum . . Do you think Tenaille . . . Telegraph if you think Tenanted . . I think it advisable to Tenantry. . . I (we) think Tendencia . . I (we) do not think Tenderling . . think(s) that Tenderness . . do(es) not think that Tendido . . This Tendsome . . By this you will see Tenebrario . . This does not prove Tenebrific . . Does this mean Tenebrous . . This is all I can find out Tenement . Thoroughly Tenencia . . . Went most thoroughly into every detail Teneria . . . You must thoroughly investigate every matter Tenotomy . . Have thoroughly [connected with Tensile . . . Have not thoroughly Tentativa . . You must thoroughly Tenterhook . Thought Tenthly . . . Has (have) thought it necessary to Tenuidad . . Has (have) not thought it necessary Tenuity . . . Without any thought of the future Teocalli . . Threatened Tepefy . . . is (are) threatened with Tepidity . . . Has (have) threatened to Tepidness . Through Tercamente . Through the Tercenista . . To get through Tercerola . . Will soon be through Terciado . . . Cannot get through ,645 Tercine . . . Through the ledge Terciopelo . Throughout Termagant . . Throughout the mine Terminist . Thrown Terminote . . Has (have) been thrown away Ternary . . . It is simply good money thrown away THR No. I3-65I 13,652 13,653 13,654 13,655 13,656 13,657 13-658 13,659 13,660 13,661 13,662 Code Word. Terneza . Ternilla . Terquedad Terqueza . Terrado . Terreplein Terrific . Terrifieth . Territorio . Terrorism Terseness . Tertiate , I3>66 3 Tertulia . 13,664 Tertuliano 13,665 Terzetto . 13,666 Tesauro . 13,667 Tesorero . 13,668 Tesselated 13,669 Tesseraic . 13,670 Testadora 13,671 Testament 13,672 Testatrix . 13,673 Testera 13,674 Testificar . 13,675 Testified . 13,676 Testudo . '3,677 Tetanus . 13,678 Tetchy . 13,679 Tethered . 13,680 Tetragon . 13,681 Tetragonal 13,682 Tetrapod . 13,683 Tetrarch . 13,684 Tetrastich 13,685 Tetrastyle 13,686 Teutonic . 13,687 Textbook . 13,688 Textile . 13,689 Textman . 13,690 Textorial . 13,691 Textual . 13,692 Textuary . 13,693 Textuist . 13,694 Thalamus 13,695 Thallogen 13,696 Thallus . 13,697 Thammuz 13,698 Thanatoid 13,699 Thanedom Thrown (continued] . Has (have) been thrown . Thrown on the market Thursday . Next Thursday . Last Thursday . On Thursday . Every Thursday , Timber(s) . Plentiful supply of timber . Timber is scarce [mine . Timber has to be brought a long distance to the . Timber is plentiful for all mining purposes, and for fuel . Is there plenty of timber near the mine(s) . The shaft(s) require(s) fresh timbers , . Timbers rotten in the shaft . Estimate cost of new timbers in the shaft at . What do you estimate new timbers in shaft will Timbering [cost . Estimate cost of timbering at . What will be the cost of timbering . Does your estimate include timbering . My estimate includes timbering . Timbering throughout . Timbering will be a heavy item in the cost, owing Time [to scarcity of wood . You must get the time extended . Will extend the time to . Time extended to . will extend the time to . will not extend the time beyond . There is not sufficient time allowed . Impossible to do anything in so short a time . Cannot get to and examine the mine in the . So that no time may be lost [time allowed . Shall not have time to . To be in time . Will you have time to . Last time . There will be time enough . Time is too short . What time will you . For some time past . This time . Next time . In the time . In a week's time . In a month's time . In months' time . Another time TIM 261 No. Code Word. 13,700 Thaneship 13,701 Thankfully 13,702 Thankless 13.703 Thatched . 13,704 Thawing . 13,705 Theandric 13,706 Thearchy . 13,707 Theatines 13,708 Theatre . 13,709 Theatrical 13,710 Theiform . 13,711 Theism . 13,712 Theistical 13,713 Theocracy r 3i7i4 Theogony I3,7i5 Theologian I3,7i6 Theomachy I3,7i7 Theophany I3,7i8 Theorist . I3,7i9 Theorizing 13,720 Theosophy 13,721 Thermidor 13,722 Thermostat 13,723 Thermotic i3,7 2 4 Thesaurus 13,725 Thespian . 13,726 Theurgic . Theurgists Thickened Thickish . Thickskin Thievery . Thievishly Thighbone Thimble . Thimbleful Thimblerig Thinkable Thirdings Thirstily . Thlipsis . Tholebate Thomism . Thoracic . Thorax . Thornless Thraldom Thrasher . Threadbare . Times . . At all times of the year . . Can only be worked at times [shut off from . . There are times when the mine is completely . . The mine can be worked at all times . . Can the mine(s) be worked at all times of the . . Many times [year . . At such times .Tin . . Tin ore . Title(s) [person . . Have the titles examined by some competent . . Searching examination of titles must be made . . The title is good . . The title is not good . . Titles to property are perfect . . Titles to property are not perfect . . Titles certificated . . The titles are all right . . Is the title to the property good . . Will give a proper title . . Cannot get a good title . . Unless you can get a better title . . Have had the titles examined ; they are all right . . Have had the titles examined ; they are not good . . Owing to the titles being wrong . . Examine into the title of , and furnish us with the best legal authority . . The title is disputed . . There is a flaw in the title . . Trouble about titles will cause delay . To-day . . Arrived here to-day . . Leaving here to-day for . . Will send to-day . . Have sent to-day . . Have written to-day . . Have heard to-day that . Together . . Both together . . Together with . . Not together . To-morrow . . Will leave to-morrow for . . Send me to-morrow without fail . . Will send to-morrow . . Cannot send to-morrow . . To-morrow morning . . To-morrow evening . Ton(s) 262 TON No. Code Word. Ton(s) (continued} 13,749 Threadlace . . Value per ton 13,75 Threadeth . . Per ton i3,75 r Threatful . . . Hauling tons per day [hours i3,75 2 Threefold . . How many tons can you haul in twenty-four 13.753 Threeply . . "YVf^i o" ni n cr 1~nri ri 13,754 Threnetic . . About tons of quartz 13,755 Threnodial . . What is the value per ton (of) 13,756 Threshold . . Ton of 2000 Ibs. 13,757 Thriftiest . . . Ton of 2240 Ibs. 13,758 Thriftless . . . Yield per ton 13,759 Thrilled . . nri i TT" T\r*T \T\V\ 13,760 Thrilling . . . i pennyweight per ton 13,761 Throatpipe . . i^- pennyweights per ton 13,762 Thrombosis . . 2 pennyweights per ton 13,763 Thrombus . . 2\ pennyweights per ton 13,764 Throwster . . 3 pennyweights per ton 13,765 Thryfallow . . 3^- pennyweights per ton 13,766 Thuggee . . . 4 pennyweights per ton 13,767 Thumbed . . 4-J pennyweights per ton 13,768 Thumbkins . . 5 pennyweights per ton 13,769 Thumbring . . 5^ pennyweights per ton i3,77o Thummim . . 6 pennyweights per ton i3,77i Thunderer . . 6^- pennyweights per ton 13,772 Thunderous . . 7 pennyweights per ton 13,773 Thurifer . . . 7-J- pennyweights per ton 13,774 Thwacked . . 8 pennyweights per ton 13,775 Thwacking . . 8^ pennyweights per ton 13,776 Thwart . .' . 9 pennyweights per ton 13,777 Thyroid . . . 9^- pennyweights per ton 13,778 Thyrsus . . . 10 pennyweights per ton 13,779 Tiaraed . . . io pennyweights per ton 13,780 Tibial . . . . 1 1 pennyweights per ton i3,78i Tibiamente . . 1 i-J- pennyweights per ton 13,782 Tibieza . . . 1 2 pennyweights per ton 13,783 Tichorhin . 12^ pennyweights per ton 13,784 Tickler . . . 13 pennyweights per ton 13,785 Ticklish . . . 13^ pennyweights per ton 13,786 Ticklishly . . 14 pennyweights per ton 13,787 Tideless . . . 14^- pennyweights per ton 13,788 Tidology . . . 15 pennyweights per ton 13,789 Tidying . . . 15^ pennyweights per ton i3,79o Tiempo . . . 1 6 pennyweights per ton i3,79i Tiercet . . . i6 pennyweights per ton 13,792 Tigerish . . . 17 pennyweights per ton 13^793 Tildar. . . . 17^ pennyweights per ton 13,794 Tillage . . . 1 8 pennyweights per ton 13,795 Tillering . . . i8| pennyweights per ton 13,796 Tiltboat . . . 19 pennyweights per ton 13,797 Tilthammer . . 19^ pennyweights per ton 13,798 Timbalero . . i ounce per ton TON 263 No. Code Word. Ton(s) (continued) 13,799 Timbrels . . . 2 ounces per ton 13,800 Timeist . . . 3 ounces per ton I3,8oi Timepiece . . 4 ounces per ton 13,802 Timeserver . . 5 ounces per ton 13,803 Timidly . . . 6 ounces per ton 13,804 Timocracy . . 7 ounces per ton 13,805 Timoroso . . 8 ounces per ton 13,806 Timorously . . 9 ounces per ton 13,807 Tinajero . . . 10 ounces per ton 13,808 Tinctorial . . ii ounces per ton 13,809 Tinctured . . 12 ounces per ton 13,810 Tinderbox . . 13 ounces per ton 13,811 Tinewald . . . 14 ounces per ton 13,812 Tingeth . . . 15 ounces per ton I3,8i3 Tinglado . . . 1 6 ounces per ton I3,8i4 Tinkering . . 17 ounces per ton 13,815 Tinnitus . . . 1 8 ounces per ton 13,816 Tintamar . . 19 ounces per ton I3,8i7 Tintorero . . 20 ounces per ton 13,818 Tinturar . . . 21 ounces per ton I3,8i9 Tipografo . . 22 ounces per ton 13,820 Tippet . . . 23 ounces per ton 13,821 Tipplers . . . 24 ounces per ton 13,822 Tipstaff . . . 25 ounces per ton 13,823 Tipsycake . . 26 ounces per ton 13,824 Tipulary . . . 27 ounces per ton 13,825 Tirabuzon . . 28 ounces per ton 13,826 Tirador . . . 29 ounces per ton 13,827 Tirailleur . . 30 ounces per ton 13,828 Tiredness . . 35 ounces per ton 13,829 Tirewoman . . 40 ounces per ton 13*83 Tiringroom . 45 ounces per ton I3'83I Tiritona . . . 50 ounces per ton 13*832 Tiroteo . . . 55 ounces per ton 13*833 Tissue . . 60 ounces per ton 13*834 Tithable . . . 65 ounces per ton 13,835 Tithing . . . 70 ounces per ton 13*836 Tithonic . . . 75 ounces per ton I3837 Titillate . . . 80 ounces per ton 13*838 Titlepage . . 85 ounces per ton I3'839 Titration . . . 90 ounces per ton 13*840 Titular . . . 95 ounces per ton I384I Tizonera . . . 100 ounces per ton 13,842 Toadyism . . no ounces per ton I3'843 Toalla . . . 120 ounces per ton I3'844 Toasting . . . 130 ounces per ton 13,845 Tobacco . . . 140 ounces per ton 13,846 Tocador . . . 150 ounces per ton 13,847 Toccata . . . 1 60 ounces per ton 13,848 Tocinero . . . 170 ounces per ton 264 TON No. Code Word. Ton(s) (continued} 13.849 Tocsin . . .180 ounces per ton 13.850 Todavia . . . 190 ounces per ton 13.851 Toddling. . . 200 ounces per ton 13.852 Toggery . . . 250 ounces per ton '3,853 Toilette . . . 300 ounces per ton 13.854 Toiling . . . 400 ounces per ton 13.855 Toilsome. . . 500 ounces per ton 13.856 Toilworn. . . 600 ounces per ton J 3,857 Tokened . . .700 ounces per ton '3,858 Tolerance . . 800 ounces per ton '3,859 Tolerantly . . 900 ounces per ton 13.860 Tolerating . . 1000 ounces per ton 13.861 Tollbooths . . 2000 ounces per ton 13.862 Tollbridge . . 3000 ounces per ton 13.863 Tolldish _. . . 4000 ounces per ton 13.864 Tollgate . . . 5000 ounces per ton '3,865 Tollhouse . Top 13.866 Tolondro . . At the top 13.867 Tomahawk . . Near the top 13.868 Tombless . Total [machinery at 13.869 Tomboy ... I estimate the total expense of erecting 13.870 Tombstone . . I estimate the total expense of working the ore at 13.871 Tomfoolery . . Total amount 13.872 Tomillar . . . Total expense 13.873 Tonadilla . . Total expense of mill this month is 13.874 Tongueless . . Total expense of mine this month is '3,875 Tonguetied . . What has been the total expense of '3,876 Tonsorial . . I estimate the total value of mine, machinery, and plant at [machinery '3,877 Tonsure . . . What do you estimate is total value of mine and 13,878 Tontamente. . Total amount of ore hauled in was '3,879 Tontillo . . . Total value of ore for the year was 13.880 Toothache . . What has been total amount of ore hauled 13.881 Toothbrush . Touch 13.882 Toothful ... Do not touch it 13.883 Toothless . . Will not touch it 13.884 Toothpick . . It is not worth while to touch it 13.885 Toothsome . Towards 13.886 Topacio . . . Towards the 13.887 Toparch . . Town 13.888 Topblock. . . No town nearer than , miles away 13.889 Topboots . . The mine is situated miles from the town of 13.890 Topchain . . Near the town of 13.891 Topcoat ... At the town of 13.892 Topgallant . Trace(s) '3,893 Tophammer. . A trace of 13,894 Topheavy . . No trace of '3,895 Topknot ... To trace 13,896 Topmast . . . Can trace '3,897 Topography . . Cannot trace TEA 265 No. Codeword. Trace(s) (continued) Toppling . . . Can you trace Torbellino . Traced Torchlight . . The vein can be traced for Torcidillo . . The vein cannot be traced beyond Torculo . . . Can the vein be traced for any distance Toreador . . . Can be traced Tormenta . . Cannot be traced Tormenting . . Has (have) been traced (to) Tornaboda . . Has (have) not been traced Tornaguia . Tracings Torpescent . . Send tracings of plans as quickly as possible Torpidity . . . Tracings of the plans sent Torpifying . . Will send tracings Torporific . Tract Torrejon . . . Comprises a large tract of country Torrential . . Covering a large tract of country Torrezno ... A small tract Torsional . . Train (s) Tortilla . . . Trains delayed by Tortuous ... No trains running, owing to Torturing ... By train to and thence by II L Toryism . . . Everything in train Tosigo . . . Put everything in train for Tostador . . Tram Totalidad . . A tram line Totalmente . Tramway Tottereth . . . Wire tramway Touchable . . Tramway miles long Touchhole . . Conveyed by tramway Toughness . Trachyte Tourist . . Transact Tournament . . To transact Tourniquet . . Will transact Tournure . . . Cannot transact Towboat ... To transact the business Towelling . . has (have) no authority to transact Towncrier . . Give full authority to to transact Townhall . . Transacted Townhouse . . As soon as the business is transacted Townsfolk . . Has (have) transacted Township . . Has (have) not transacted Towntalk . . . Has (have) transacted Toxicology . . Has (have) been successfully transacted Toyshop . . . Cannot be transacted Trabajador . Transactions Trabajoso . . Large transactions in Trabeated . . Small transactions in Tracery ... No transactions in Trachea . . . What transactions have there been in Trachoma . Transfer 266 TEA No. 13,948 13,949 13,950 13,951 13,952 13.953 13,954 13,955 I3-956 13,957 13,958 13,959 13,960 I3,96l 13,962 13,963 13,965 13,966 13,967 13,968 13,969 13,972 13,973 13,974 13,975 13,976 13,977 13,978 13,979 13,980 I3,98l 13,982 13,983 13,984 13,985 13,986 13,987 13,988 13,989 13,992 13,993 13,994 13,995 13,996 13,997 Code Word. Tractarian Tractile . Traditions Traducing Traductor Trafago . Trafficker Traficante Tragacanth Tragaluz . Tragedy . Tragical . Tragicomic Traillar . Trainers . Trajinero Trammels Trampled Tramposo Tranquilly Transcend Transcript Transept . Transfixed Transfuga Transfuse Transgress Transido . Transient Transigir . Transitar Transitory Translator Translucid Transmitir Transplant Transposed Trapacero Trapacista Trapajoso Trapalon . Trapezium Trapisonda Trapper . Trascarton Trascolar Trascurso Trasegar . Trasfundir Trashojar Transfer (continued} . Transfer to . Do not transfer to . The transfer of the mine is effected . Will transfer the deeds at once . Will not transfer the deeds till . When will transfer of deeds take place . The transfer of the property Transferred . Has (have) been transferred to . Has (have) not been transferred to (have) the been transferred is transferred . . As soon as the - . Transit , . In the transit . . Has been lost in the transit Treasury , . Cash in the treasury , . No money in the treasury , . What is there in the treasury . Treat , . To treat the ore , . To treat with . Cannot treat the ore , . Cannot treat with . In order to treat the ore . In order to treat with Treated , . By which means the ore can be treated . How is the ore treated . The ore is treated Treating . By treating the ore . Have been treating the ore . The method of treating . By this method of treating . To see the new way of treating the Trespassing . To prevent any trespassing on our claim . Is (are) trespassing on . Not trespassing Trial . The trial is fixed for . The trial is postponed till , . Till the trial comes off . Trial of machinery . To give it a trial Tried . Has (have) tried . Has (have) not tried TRI 267 No. I3>998 13,999 14,000 14,001 14,002 14,003 14,004 14,005 14,006 14,007 14,008 14,009 14,010 14,011 14,012 I4>i3 14,014 I4,oi5 14,016 14,017 14,018 14,019 14,020 14,021 14,022 14,023 14,024 14,025 14,026 14,027 14,028 14,029 14,030 14,031 14,032 14,033 14,034 14,035 14,036 14,037 14,038 14,039 14,040 14,041 14,042 14,043 14,044 14,045 14,046 14,047 Code Word. Trashumar Trasiego . Trasladar Trasmallo Trasquilar Trasteado Trastejar . Trastorno Trasudar*. Trasversal Tratante . Travailed Travestido Travesty . Travieso . Trawler . Treachery Treadmill Treason . Treasured Trebedes . Trecientos Treinteno Trembling Tremendo Trencher . Trencillo . Trenzado. Trepanned Trephine . Trespassed Triangulo Triarchy . Tribunal! . Tributar . Trickster . Tricolor . Tridente . Triennial . Trigamy . Trigesimo Thglyphic Trigonal . Triguero . Trigynia . Trilateral Trillador . Trilogy . Triluminar Trimestre Tried (continued) . Have you tried . I (we) have tried Tribute . The men working on tribute . No men working on tribute . Can let on tribute . At what tribute . Tribute of per cent. . Some men who have been working on tribute . Have you any men working on tribute . Advisable to have men working on tribute . Not advisable to have men working on tribute Tropics . In the tropics Trouble . To avoid trouble in the future . There is great trouble in . There will be no trouble in . Will there be any trouble in . The trouble has been to . What is the trouble True . Is it true (that) . It is true . It is not true . Quite true Trust . If you can trust . Can you trust . Can trust . Cannot trust . You must not trust . Do not trust Trusted . Can be trusted (with) can be implicitly trusted . Cannot be trusted . Has (have) trusted to Trustee(s) . As our trustee (s) . As trustee(s) for . In the hands of trustees . To name as trustee(s) . will act as trustee (s) . will not act as trustee(s) . Would (and ) act as trustee(s) Truth . Is there any truth in the report that . There is no truth in the report . The truth is 268 TRU No. 14,048 14,049 14,050 14,052 14,053 14,054 I4 3 055 14,056 14,057 14,058 14,060 14,061 14,062 14,063 14,064 14,065 14,066 14,067 14,068 14,069 14,070 14,071 14,072 14,073 14,074 14,075 14,076 14,078 14,079 14,080 14,081 14,082 14,083 14,084 14,085 14,086 14,087 14,088 14,089 14,090 14,091 14,092 14,094 14,095 14,096 14,097 Code Word. Trimetric Trimmings Trinchante Trinchero Trinkets . Trinquete Tripartite Triphammer Tripthong Triphyline Triplicate Trippingly Triteness . Tritheist . Triturated Triumphant Triumvir . Triverbial Triviality . Trochaic . Trombone Trophies . Tropology Trotting . Troubadour Troubleth Trouncing Trousseau Trowsers . Trucklings Truculent Trumpery Trumpeted Truncheons Trundled Truquero Trussed . , Trustiest . Trustless . Tubercle . Tuition . Tumblers . Tumefying Tumultuary Tunable . Tunante . Tundidor Tundish . Tungsten Tunhoof . Truth (continued} . The real truth is . What is the real truth Try , . You must try to , . Will try to , . Useless to try to . Try to do without Trying , . Has (have) been trying to , . Has (have) not been trying to . . Has (have) been trying to . . After trying , Tuesday . . On Tuesday . Last Tuesday . Next Tuesday , . Every Tuesday . . Every other Tuesday . Tunnel(s) , . The rock is soft to tunnel through , . The rock is difficult to tunnel through , . A tunnel driven on the vein for feet , . Has been taken from this tunnel , . A blast put in the end of the tunnel , . Tunnel No. , . The tunnel is in . . From the end of the tunnel to the surface . . tunnels have been driven . . In the tunnel . . From the tunnel . . The tunnel has caved for the entire length . . Tunnel being driven at rate of feet per day , . The only development a tunnel feet in . . By a tunnel [length . . To drive a tunnel . . Have driven a tunnel . Tunnel stopped for lack of funds . Turbine . High-pressure turbine . Low-pressure turbine Ultimately . Will be able ultimately . Can you ultimately . Hope ultimately to Unanswered . My communication of is unanswered . Why is my (our) telegram of unanswered Unassessable . Shares unassessable UNA 269 Code Word. Tunicary . . Unauthorized Tunicated . . Is (are) unauthorized Tuningfork . . Was (were) unauthorized Tuningkey . Unavoidable Tunisian . . . The delay is unavoidable Turbaned . . Unavoidable on account of Turbantop . . Is it unavoidable Turbary . . . Quite unavoidable Turbidly . . Uncertain Turbidness . . The supply of ore is uncertain, owing to Turbillion . . It is very uncertain (when) Turbinated . Still uncertain Turbulence . . Am (are) uncertain Turcism ... Is (are) uncertain Turcoman . . Owing to the uncertain way in which Uberous . . Unchanged Ubiquitous . . Aspect of affairs is unchanged Ubiquity . . . Character of rock still unchanged Udalman . . . Remain(s) unchanged Udometer . . If unchanged Uglily . . . Uncommon Ugliness . . . Not uncommon in this district Ulcerate . . . Very uncommon Ulceration . . A very uncommon occurrence Ulcered . . Under Ulcuscle . . . Under the UHmannite . . Not under any Ulmaceous . . From under Ulotrichi . . . Driving under Ulterior . . Undergone Ultimatum . . Has (have) undergone Ultraism . . . Undergone great changes Ultroneous . Underground Ululation . . . Surveying underground Umbellar . ' . . In the underground workings Umbellates . Underhand Umbellule . . Owing to the underhand way in which Umbilic . . . Has (have) behaved all through in an under- Umbilicus . . The underhand manner of [hand way Umbonate . . Some underhand work Umbrage . . Underlie(s) Umbrageous . The vein underlies Umbratical . Understand Umbriere . . Did not understand Umbrosity . . I (we) understand (that) Umpirage . . I do not understand Umpireship . . Understand from Unabased . . Do you understand Unabridged . . As far as I (we) can understand Unadorned . Understanding 270 UND No. 14,148 14,149 14,150 14,153 14,154 J 4 ; i55 14,156 14,158 14,160 14,161 14,162 14,163 14,164 14,165 14,166 14,167 14,168 14,169 14,170 14,171 14,172 I4,i73 14,174 I4,i75 14,176 I4,i77 14,178 14,180 14,181 14,182 14,183 14,184 14,185 14,186 14,187 14,188 14,189 14,190 14,191 14,192 I4,i93 14,194 I4,i95 ^4,196 Code Word. Unaffable Unaffected Unamiable Unamused Unaneled Unangular Unapplied Unaptness Unargued Unarming Unartistic Unattired Unavoweth Unbacked Unbaffled Unbanding Unbarreth Unbecomes Unbegotten Unbeguile Unbeheld Understanding (continued) . . By an understanding with . . Is there any understanding between . . There has been an understanding between . . There has been no understanding . Understood . . I (we) clearly understood from that . . understood that . . It was an understood thing that . Undertake . . Will undertake (to) . . will undertake (to) will not undertake (to) . Do not undertake . Can you undertake Unexpected . Quite unexpected . Happened in a most unexpected manner Unfair . It is a most unfair arrangement . It is most unfair . Is it unfair Unbeknown . Unfavourable Unbelief ... I have formed a very unfavourable opinion of Unbeloved . . The reports are very unfavourable Unbending . . If your report is unfavourable Unbidden . . Should your report be unfavourable Unblushing . . 's report is very unfavourable Unbodied . . Very unfavourable Unbolting . Unfinished Unbosom . . Owing to the unfinished state of Unboxing . . Left unfinished Unbreast . . . Had to be left unfinished Unbrewed . Unfit Unbridle . . . Unfit to Unbroken . . Totally unfit for Unbruised . . Unfit for use Unbuckleth . Unfounded Unburden . . The report is quite unfounded Unbutton . . Quite unfounded Uncage . . Unhealthy Uncandid . . The district is most unhealthy [part Uncharm. . . The mine(s) is (are) situated in a very unhealthy Uncharming . Climate unhealthy for Europeans Uncheered . . Unhealthy at certain seasons Unchurch . Unhurt Unciform . . All unhurt except Unclad . . . The men escaped unhurt Unclasped . . Hope all have escaped unhurt Uncleanly . Unimportant Unclerical . . I think it is quite unimportant UNI 271 No. Code Word. Unimportant (continued) 14,198 Uncloak . . . An unimportant matter 14,199 Unclog . .Uninformed 14,200 Uncloister . . Why are we kept uninformed 14,201 Unclothe. . . Have been kept quite uninformed 14,202 Unclouded . . Was (were) quite uninformed 14,203 Uncocked . Unless 14,204 Unconfined . . Unless you can 14,205 Uncordial . . Will not unless 14,206 Uncorrupt . . Unless he (they) will 14,207 Uncourtly . . Unless I (we) can 14,208 Uncramped . . Do not go unless 14,209 Uncrossed . . Do not agree unless 14,210 Unction . . . Will go unless 14,211 Unctuosity . . Will agree unless 14,212 Uncultured . . Will not go unless 14,213 Uncurbed . . Will not agree unless 14,214 Uncurrent . . Not unless 14,215 Undamped .Unlikely 14,216 Undecagon . . It is very unlikely 14,217 Undecked . . Is it unlikely 14,218 Undeify . . . It is not unlikely 14,219 Underbear .Unlimited 14,220 Underdone . . The time is unlimited 14,221 Underfeed . . Unlimited time 14,222 Undergoeth .Unlucky 14,223 Underplot . . It is very unlucky 14,224 Underpoise . . Very unlucky 14,225 Undescried . Unpaid 14,226 Undevout . . Has (have) been left unpaid 14,227 Undinted. . . Remain (s) unpaid 14,228 Undraped .Unreasonable T 4 n TT'nri'rP c i c i '** HoTYinnrl^ ITV* nnif'o ntrroiTM'V ,Mo. i-^J-5 -^ *- y \^llU.lCDij o LICIIlctllLib dlC CILllLt, U.I1I CdoUIldLJi^ 14,230 Undulated . . It is unreasonable to expect 14,231 Undulatory . . Is it unreasonable to ask 14,232 Unearthly . . Do you think it unreasonable 14,233 Uneasily . . . I do not think it unreasonable 14,234 Unencumber Unsafe [the mine 14,235 Unerringly . . It is unsafe to work in the present condition of 14,236 Unfaded . . . The workings were unsafe, and therefore 14,237 Unfilial . . . Becoming unsafe [abandoned 14,238 Unfrock . . . Too unsafe 14,239 Unfrozen ... It would be unsafe to 14,240 Unfruitful . . Is (are) unsafe 14,241 Unfurnish . . Is it unsafe to 14,242 Ungainly . . Until 14,243 Ungallant . . Not until 14,244 Ungifted . . Unusual 14,245 Unglaze . . . It is very unusual * 14,246 Ungloved . . It is not unusual 14,247 Ungraceful . . Is it unusual 272 UNW No. 14,249 '4,258 14,260 14,261 14,262 14,264 14,265 14,266 14,267 14,268 14,269 14,270 14,271 14,272 14,276 14,277 14,278 14,279 14,280 14,281 14,282 '4,283 14,284 14,285 14,286 14,288 14,289 14,290 14,291 14,292 14,294 14,296 Code Word. Unguiform Unhacked , Unhallowed , Unhandily , Unharness , Unhingeth , Unhitches , Unholy . , Unhorsing , Uniaxial . Unifoliate Uniformity Unilateral Unimbued , Unionist . Uniquely . Unitarian . University Unjointed Unjointing , Unkennel Unkindly . Unknitteth , Unlacing . Unleashed . Unlikeness . Unlocketh . Unloosen. , Unmaking , Unmannerly. Unmuffled . Unnerves Unnerving , Unpaveth . Unpenning . Unpeoples . Unravelled , Unrigging , Unripeness , Unsavory Unseated Unsecular , Unsettling , Vacancy . Vacante . Vacateth . , Vaccinates Vaccinia . Vaciadero Vacillant . Unwise . I think it would be very unwise to . Do you think it would be unwise to . Very unwise to . Most unwise Upset . This will entirely upset my plans . Has completely upset my calculations Urgent . Is it urgent . It is most urgent that . Am (are) in most urgent need of money . Very urgent . Urgent necessity for Use . Necessitating the use of . In use . Use your own discretion in . No use for . May I use my own discretion in . What is the use of . Will use . No use now . Of no use whatevei . Cannot use . Will have to use Using . Has (have) been using . Is (are) using Useless . It is useless to . Is it useless to . Will be quite useless (to) Usual . It is usual . Is it usual . It is not usual Utmost . Am (are) doing my (our) utmost . Do your utmost to . Utmost caution . To the very utmost Valid . Quite valid . Is it valid Valuable . Have developed a most valuable mine . Will become very valuable . Is likely to become more valuable VAL 273 Code Word. Valuable (continued] Vacuation . . Do you think the mine sufficiently valuable Vacuist . . . 's services would be very valuable in Vacunar . . Valuation Vadeable . . Purchaser (s) to take over at a valuation Vademecum . Have set too high a valuation on Vafrous . . . To be taken over at a valuation Vagabond . . The valuation of the mine I 4)3Q5 Vagamundo . . What do you think the true valuation of the mine 14.306 Vagancia. .Value (See also Estimate) 14.307 Vagaries . . . Of no value 14.308 Vaginated . . The value of 14.309 Vagrants . . . Estimated value 14.310 Vagueness . . The full value of 14.311 Vainazas . . . State as near as you can the value 14.312 Vainglory . . What is the value of I 4j3i3 Vaishnava . . Of great value 14,314 Vakeel . . Vein(s) 1 4>3i5 Valeroso . . . Have found the vein 14,316 Valiantly. . . The vein in Rise No. 1 4)3 1 7 Valinch . . . The vein in Winze No. 14.318 Valise. . . . On the vein 14.319 Valkyrean . . Vein is well defined 14.320 Vallary . . . Vein is fully feet wide 14.321 Valorously . . A true fissure vein 14.322 Valvular . . . The vein matter consists of 14.323 Vambrace . . The vein averages in value 14.324 Vampirism . . The vein is barren everywhere T 4>3 2 5 Vamplate . . On the course of the vein 14,326 Vanadic . . . Samples taken from where the vein looked white and contained no pyrites assayed . The vein has been driven upon feet . Assays made of the vein matter taken pro- miscuously show [property 14.329 Vanishes . . . There is (are) vein(s) embraced in the 14.330 Vanishing . . Vein is very much broken 1 4>3 3 1 Vanquished . . Vein is very much broken and disturbed 14.332 Vaporable . . Vein is compact and well denned 14.333 Vaporific. . . Sink upon the vein 14.334 Vaporized . . A gash vein 14.335 Vapourer. . . The vein is between walls of 14.336 Varicella . . . Vein has all the appearance of being permanent 14.337 Varicocele . . The vein runs north and south 14.338 Varicose . . . The vein runs east and west 14.339 Variegated . . The vein dips at angle of to the 14.340 Variform . . . The vein is very irregular 14.341 Variola . . . Vein is very narrow, not over inches wide 14.342 Varioloid . . Vein is not over feet wide 1 4>343 Variorum . . Telegraph width of vein 14,344 Varletry . . . The vein is I 434S Varonil . . , The veins are 14.327 Vandalic. 14.328 Vanguard 274 VEI No. 14,346 14,347 14,348 14,349 14,35 14,351 I4,35 2 14,353 14,354 14,355 i4,35 6 14,357 14,358 14,359 14,360 141361 14,362 14,363 14,364 14,365 14,366 14,367 14,368 14,369 14,37 14,37! 14,372 M,373 14,374 14,375 14,376 14,377 14,378 U,379 i4,38o i4,38i 14,382 14,383 14,384 14,385 14,386 14,387 14,388 14,389 14,39 14,392 14,393 T -4,394 Code Word. Vascular . , Vaseline . , Vassalage Vassalry . Vastago . , Vatican . Vaticanism , Vaudeville Vaulteth . , Vauntful . , Vauntingly , Vauntlay . Vavasory . Vedanga . , Vedette . Veereth . Veeringly Vegetarian Vehemency Vehicle . Vehicular Veilless . Veliferous Velleity . Vellumpost Vellumy Velocipede Velveted . Velveteen Velvetpile Venatical . Vendaval . Veneering Venerably Veneration Venetian . Vengefully Venison . Venomously Ventosity Ventricle . Ventricose Venturers Veranda . Veratric . Verbalism Verbalized Verbatim . Verbiage . Vein(s) (continued] . The vein is irregular and much mixed with country rock [the whole length of the claim , . The vein can be seen on the surface, coursing , . Average width of vein is ft , Vendor(s) Mine . The vendor(s) would take . You must see , the vendor of the . . The vendor(s) to retain an interest . . If the vendor(s) will , . Ascertain from the vendor(s) [Mine . . Shall soon see , the vendor(s) of the . . Have seen the vendor(s) , . The vendor(s) will not agree to . . The vendor(s) offer(s) to , . A dispute amongst the vendor(s) . . From the vendor(s) . . To the vendor(s) . . The vendor(s) to . The vendor(s) will [stantially correct . . The representations of the vendor(s) are sub- . Ventilation . . For purposes of ventilation . . To improve the ventilation of the mine . . Owing to the insufficient ventilation . . The proper ventilation of the mine . Venture . . It is too risky a venture . . Will venture . . Do not venture . . Would not venture . . It is worth while to venture . Verdict . . The verdict is in our favour . . The verdict is against us . . The verdict is in favour of . . The verdict is against . . Telegraph as soon as you know the verdict . . The verdict is for us ; pays all costs . . The verdict is against us ; we have to pay all the . Verdict will be given on [costs . Verge . . On the verge of . Verify . . If you can verify 's statements . . I can verify . . I cannot verify . Vertical . . To sink a vertical shaft . . The vein is nearly vertical . Vested VES 275 No. Code Word. Vested (continued} 14,395 Verbosity . . Is vested in the hands of trustees 14,396 Verdantly . . To be vested in 14,397 Verderer . . . Ought to be vested in Verdurous . Vicinity 14,399 Verecund . . In the immediate vicinity 14,400 Veridical . . . Visited the mines in the immediate vicinity 14,401 Veritably . . Owing to the near vicinity of 14,402 Verjuice . . View 14,403 Vermicelli . . Nothing in view 14,404 Vermicular . . Not much in view 14,405 Vermifuge . . In view of 14,406 Verraquear . . What is your view of 14,407 Verriondo . . What have you in view 14,408 Verrugoso . Visible 14,409 Versado . . . Visible to the eye 14,410 Versatile . . . Not visible 14,411 Versifier . . . Is visible throughout 14,412 Vertebra . . . Rich in visible free gold 14,413 Vertedero . . Samples taken from where the gold was not 14,414 Vertiente . . Visit [visible gave I4,4i5 Vesicatory . . I cannot visit at present 14,416 Vesiculous "\7"ir-i+- n r r-^^*-* f\ r TTr\n ^*%*% V IsiL do aUUIJL a.a yOU Co.Il I4,4i7 Vespertine . . After the next visit to 14,418 Vessignon IT TT/"V11 V\OT71 -frlT-in^i Trifli" fl-fc^i TVTC**^. -Li y u u iidvc iiiiiu vioiL me i>j.inG 14,419 Vestiary . . . Should like to visit 14,420 Vestibule . . Was (were) unable to visit 14,421 Vestryman . . I will visit 14,422 Vestural . . Visited 14,423 14,424 Vesuvian . Veterinary . . After having visited the Mine(s) (of) . . After you have visited 14,425 Vettura . . . I have visited 14,426 Vetturino .Void 14,427 Vexatious . . Will become void 14,428 Vexillary . . . Will make void 14,429 Viaticum . . . Will this make void the 14,430 Vibices . . . Will not make void 14,431 Vibratile . . Volcanic 14,432 Vibratory . . Of volcanic origin 14,433 Vicarage . . . In volcanic rock 14,434 Vicarship . Vouch 14,435 Vicegerent . . To vouch for I4,43 6 Viceregal . . . Cannot vouch for 14,437 Vicontiel . . . Will vouch for 14,438 Victimize . . Will vouch for 14,439 Victoress . . Voucher(s) 14,440 Victualler . . The vouchers 14,441 Videlicet . . Voyage 14,442 Viduage . . . Voyage safely over 14.. 44.3 Vignette A. VOV3. nr G Oi rfiv 1 ^ 'T-JT-T'O 14,444 Vigoroso . . . A long stormy voyage WAG No. 14,445 14,446 14,447 14,448 14,449 14,45 14,45! I4,45 2 14,453 14,454 H,455 i4,45 6 14,457 i4,45 8 14,460 14,461 14,462 14,464 J 4,4 6 5 14,466 14,467 14,468 14,469 14,470 H,47i 14,472 *4,474 14,475 14,476 J 4>477 14,478 14,480 14,481 14,482 J 4>483 14,484 14,485 14,486 14,487 14,488 14,489 14,490 14,491 14,492 *4,493 14,494 Code Word. Waarenhaus . Waarenzoll . Waarenzug . Wabbelig . Wachengel . Wachlohn . Wachsucht . Wachparade. Wachfeuer . Wachrolle . Wachplatz . Wachschiff . Wachstube . Wachtafel . Wachten Wachturm . Wachsbank . Wachsbild . Wachsblume Wachsfarbe . Wachskerze . Wachslicht . Wachsobst . Wachszins Wackelhaft . Wackelkopf . Waddingly . Wadsett . . Wadsetter . Waffleiron . Waffles . . Waftage . . Wagerer . Waggish . . Waggishly . Waggleth . Waglich . . Wagnerei Wagonage . Wahabee . . Wahlbuhne . Wahlfahig . Wahlfurst . Wahlkind . Wahlkugel . Wahlrath. . Wahlspruch . Wahrend. . Wahrheit . Wahrsagen . Wages . Wages amount to . Owing to the high wages . Miners are getting very high wages . To reduce the wages . Wages have been reduced to . Low wages . Could not wages be reduced . What do the wages amount to . The wages of competent miners are per day . Wages per day Wait . Wait to see . Wait to hear . Not to wait . Shall I wait . Must wait here for . Shall have to wait for . Will wait here for . Will not wait any longer . Cannot wait any longer . Will wait till I hear from you . Will wait . Wait for a further decline . Wait for better prices . Wait for result of assays . Do not wait . Wait for a few days . Wait till you receive my (our) letter(s) of . Wait for . Wait till Waited . Waited as long as possible . Waited in hope of . Waited for Waiting . Am (are) kept waiting . Waiting for [of . Waiting for your reply to my (our) telegram . Waiting for you to . Waiting for reply to my (our) letter of - . Whilst waiting for . Why are you waiting Wall(s) . Between walls of . Without walls . On the hanging wall . With plainly defined hanging and foot walls (of) . Having well-defined walls . Against the foot-wall WAT No. CodeWoni. Water (Wf/?>*y . . An abundant supply of water 14.005 Wattiren . . . Mine flooded with water, and wfll require pumps to cope with it 14.000 Wavelets. . . Water will be out of mine in days 14.007 Wavelike. . . This creek is always full of water [company at 14.00$ Waveson . . . \Vater in any quantity obtainable from a water 14.000 Wavure . . Water costs per miner's inch 14.010 Wawleth. . , Amount of water at command is inches with a head of feet 14.011 W.I\,M:U : .:OS . . What is the head of water and quantity 14.01: Waxcloth . . In order to keep the water under ftour hours 14.01 ; Waxend . . . There are gallons of water in the twenty- 14.014 Waxlight. . [ate 14.015 14.010 xworks , Wayfcrer, . . The water is brought in pipes a distance of . The water-pipes will have to be renewed at a cost of 14.017 W.ivf.:ri:ic . Water-power is ample to run stamps [nery 14.01$ Waylayeth . . Sufficient water available to run all the machi- 14.010 Waywardly . . Available water-power ample for all demands, but will require miles ditch, costing 14.0:0- Waywode . Water level 14.0:1 Weakeyed . , Below the water level 14.0:^ XY^V.iv.^v. . At the water level I46t3 Weakling , . From the water level 14.0:4 Weakness . Above the water level 14.0:5 WeaKlen . , Wfcter*wheel(s) 14.0:0 Wealsman . Pehon water-wheel 14.0:7 Wealthily % , Overshot water-wheel Weaponed . . Undershot water-wheel i i 0*0 N\'o k \ v> 'o <;< * l^'0\^' \V''0*-\\'* '0 **' - y 14,630 Wi\u;sv>mo . Woivltiiv 14,631 Weasand. . . In the hands of wealthy people 14.0.;: Weberbaum . . The owners are wealthy i4-0.v> Weberspule . . Very wealthy 14*634 Webertritt . , Was fwere) once very wealthy 14,635 Wob:oo:ovl . Has (have) become very wealthy 14,636 Wedding. % WoaUior [^638 Wedtodetd ! Cannot leave owing to the bad weather 14*639 \\ ,\\ ;:--- Cannot go to on account of bad weather >Y^vLvk . Are subject to sudden and great changes of 280 WEA No. 14,641 14,642 14^43 14,644 14,645 14,646 14,647 14,648 14,649 14,650 14,651 14,652 14,653 14,654 14,655 14,656 14,657 14,658 14,659 14,660 14,661 14,662 14,663 14,664 14,665 14,666 14,667 14,668 14,669 14,670 14,671 14,672 14,673 14,674 14,675 14,676 14,677 14,678 14,679 14,680 14,681 14,682 14,683 14,684 14,685 14,684 14,687 14,688 14,689 14,690 Code Word. Weepingly Weevilled Wegegeld Wegemesser Wegerecht Wegesaule Wegfahren Wegfressen . Weggehen . Wegkommen Weglassung . Weglaufer . Wegleiten . Wegloschen . Wegnahme . Wegreise . . Wegschmitt . Wegsollen . Wehmuthig . Wehrkrieg . Wehrschnur . Wehrwaffe . Weiberhof . Weiberjupe . Weiberputz . Weibisch . . Weigerer . . Weighable , Weigheth . Weightily Weightless . Weirdly . . Welcome Welcoming . Welkheit . . Welkofen . Welladay . Wellbeing . Wellborn . . Wellenband . Wellenvoll . Wellerwand . Wellhole . . Wellmeant , Wellnigh . Wellread . Wellspoken Wellspring Wellwisher Welshmen Weather (continued} Weather permitting . In bad weather . In fine weather There is a favourable change in the weather ' The mine(s) is (are) inaccessible in bad weather '. Every appearance of present weather lasting . Wednesday . On Wednesday . Last Wednesday . Next Wednesday . Every Wednesday . Every other Wednesday Week(s) . During the week . Last week . Next week The week after next . For the week ending . This week . One week Two weeks . Three weeks . Four weeks . Five weeks . Six weeks . Seven weeks . Eight weeks . For weeks . In weeks , Weight . The weight of all pieces to be kept under - . . What is the weight , . The weight is Ibs. . Well(s) . . It would be as well to . . Not so well . Is (are) well known . . Is (are) not well known . . Very well Is (are) well known Doing well Can you get water by a well A well has been put down feet wells have been put down Artesian wells supply ample water Abundance of well water From wells From a well By a well feet deep It will be necessary to sink well(s) WES 281 No. Code Word. 14.691 Weltering . West 14.692 Weltfackel . . Going west 14.693 Weltganze . . Driving west 14.694 Weltgeist. . . At the west end 14.695 Weltgesetz . . West cross-cut 14.696 Weltgluck . . West drift 14.697 Weltgurtel . . West vein 14.698 Weltkarte . . To the west 14.699 Weltklug. . .West of north 14.700 Weltkunde . Wet 14.701 Weltmacht . . The mine(s) is (are) very wet 14.702 Weltsorge . . The mill is constructed for wet crushing 14.703 Wendekeis . . Very wet 14.704 Wernerian . . Becoming more wet 14.705 Wesley ans . . Not so wet as it has been 14.706 Westwardly . . Wet crushing 14.707 Wetdock. .Wharf Wharves 14.708 Wetnurse . . From the company's wharf 14.709 Wetshod . . . A private railway to the wharf 14.710 Whacketh . . The company have a tram line to their wharf 14.711 Whaleboat . . The company owns wharves at 14.712 Whalebones. . As the company owns a wharf at 14.713 Whaleman . . It is essential to have a wharf at 14.714 Wharfinger . . The stuff can be run down at small cost to the wharf by means of a tramway 14.715 Whatnot . . What 14.716 Wheaten . . . What is (are) 14.717 Wheedled . . What are you 14.718 Wheedling . . What are they 14.719 Wheezy . . . What shall I 14.720 Whensoever. . What should I 14.721 Whereunto . . What will 14.722 Whetstone . . What is the 14.723 Wheyish . . . What would 14.724 Whey tub . . . What do you think of 14.725 Whiffler . .Whatever 14.726 Whiggarchy . . Whatever you think best 14.727 Whiggism . . Whatever course is best 14.728 Whilom . . . Whatever you think right 24.729 Whimpereth . Wheel(s) 14.730 Whimsical . . Trolley wheels and axles 14.731 Whim wham . When 14.732 Whinyard . . When are 1 4,7 33 Whipcord . . When can 14,734 Whipgraft . . When is J 4i735 Whiphand . . When you are 14,736 Whiplash. . . When are you J 4737 Whipstitch . . When you can 14.738 Whipstock . . When can you 14.739 Whirlabout . . When you do 282 WHE No. 14,740 14,741 14,742 14,743 14,744 14,745 14,746 14,747 14,748 14,749 14,75 I4,75 2 14,753 14,754 14,755 14,756 14,757 14,758 14,759 14,760 14,761 14,762 14,763 14,764 14,765 14,766 14,767 14,768 14,769 14,770 14,772 14,773 14,774 H,775 14,776 14,777 14,778 14,779 14,780 14,781 14,782 14,783 14,784 14,785 14,786 14,787 14,788 14,789 Code Word. Whirlblast Whirligig . Whirlpool Whirlwind Whiskers . Whispering Whistspeil Whiteboy Whitecrop Whiteface Whitenlm Whitefriar Whiteheat Whitelady Whitelies. Whitemeat Whitened . Whiterent . Whitester . Whitewash . Whitlow . . Whittled . . Whity brown . Wholeness . Wholesome . Whorlebut . Whosoever . Wickedly . Wickeltuch . Wickelzeug . Wicliffite . . Wideawake . Widemut . . Widerhalt . Widerlage . Widerlich . Widerpart . Widerrede . Widerruf. . Wid ersatz Widerwind . Widespread , Widmung , Widowbench Widower . , Widowhood , Wiederholt Wiederkauf Wiegenfest Wiegestuhl When (continued) . When do you . When I can . When can I . When will you . When do you think . When you think Where . Where are . Where is . From where . Where can I . Where you can . Where can you . Where there is . Nowhere Which . From which , . To which . Whichever is best While . While I am . While you are , . While it is being . While is there . While I am there . Cannot be done while . While is (are) here Whim(s) . Horse whim . By a whim . By a horse whim . The horse whim is in course of erection Who . Who are . Who are not . Who is . Who is not . Who is it . Who was . Who was not . Who were . Who were not . Who will . Who will not . Who must . Who should , . Who can . Who cannot Whole . On the whole WHO 283 No. 14,790 14,791 14,792 14,793 14,794 14,795 14,796 14,797 14,798 14,799 14,800 14,801 14,802 14,803 14,804 14,805 14,806 14,807 14,808 14,809 14,810 14,811 14,812 14,814 14,816 14,817 14,818 14,819 14,820 14,821 14,822 14,823 14,824 14,825 14,826 14,827 14,828 14,829 14,830 14,831 14,832 14,833 14,834 14,835 14,836 14,837 14,838 14,839 Code Word. Whole (continued) Wiesenbau . . From the whole Wiesenpfad . . To get the whole Wiesenzins . . The whole of the Wievielste . Whom Wifeless . . . From whom Wifely . . .By whom Wigmaker . . With whom Wigwam . . . Without whom Wilderness . Whose Wildfire . . . From whose Wildcats ... By whose Wilfulness . . With whose Willfahrig . . Without whose Willkuhr . . Why Willowish . . Why are Wimpering . . Why is Wincingly . . Why is not Windbound . . Why are not Windbroken . . Why is this Winddrache . . Why did Winddurr . Width Windfall ... In width Windfallen . . The width of the vein Windhafer . . Varying in width Windhatch . . Varying in width from feet to Windhetze . . From the width Windleicht . . At its greatest width Windmacher . The whole width (of the) Windmill. . . What is the width Windmuhle . Will Windnadel . . Will you Windpfeife . . Will he (they) Windprobe . . I (we) will Windpulver . . He (they) will Windsbraut . . He (they) will not Windseite . . If he (they) will Windsturm . . If he (they) will not Windtight . . I will not Windward . . Will it Winebibber . . Will it not Winecask . . It will not Winecellar . . When will you be able Wineglass . . When will he (they) Winegrower . . If you will Wineskin . . If you will not Winevault . Willing Winkelband . . Would be willing to Winkelkine . . Am (are) willing to Winkelrath . . is (are) willing to Winsomely . . is (are) not willing to feet .84 WIN _____ No. Code Word. 14.840 Wintercrop . Wind 14.841 Wiredrawer . . To wind up 14.842 Wiregauze . . Resolution passed to wind up 14.843 Wiregrate . Winding engine 14.844 Wirepuller . Windlass 14.845 Wiseacre . . Winter 14.846 Wishfully . . Mine cannot be examined in winter 14.847 Witchcraft . . During the winter 14.848 Witchery ... In the winter 14.849 Witcracker . . Through the winter 14.850 Withholder . . The winter begins in 14.851 Withouten . . The winter is not over before 14.852 Witlessly. . . During the winter months 14.853 Witticism . . Cannot work in the winter 14.854 Wittmann . Winze 14.855 Witzigen . . In Winze No. 14.856 Witzigung . . Samples from Winze No. assayed 14.857 Witzling . . . Estimate the cost of sinking winze at 14.858 Woadmill . . The vein in Winze No. 14.859 Wochengeld . From winze 14.860 Wochentag . . By a winze 14.861 Woebegone . . Connected by a winze 14.862 Woefully . . . Have commenced Winze No. in Level 14.863 Woefulness . . Winze from Level down feet 14.864 Wogenbahn . Wire 14.865 Wogenberg . . Wire rope 14.866 Wogenweise. . Wire tramway 14.867 Wogicht . . . feet of steel wire rope inches circum- 14.868 Wohinter . . Wish(es) 14.869 Wohlauf . . . Wish you to 14.870 Wohlbegabt . . Wish you not to 14.871 Wohlberedt . . wish(es) that 14.872 Wohlbetagt . . do(es) not wish 14.873 Wohledel . . When do you wish 14.874 Wohlgemaht . I do not wish 14.875 Wohlgeruch . . If you wish 14.876 Wohlgeubt . . If you do not wish 14.877 W'ohlhabig . Withdraw 14.878 Wohlklang . . I would advise you to withdraw your offer 14.879 Wohlthatig . . Better to withdraw from the matter 14.880 Wohltonend . . wish(es) to withdraw his (their) offer 14.881 Wohlwollen . . Do not withdraw 14.882 Wohnbar . . Will withdraw 14.883 Wohnstatte . . Will not withdraw 14.884 Wolfish . .Withdrawn 14.885 Wolfnet . . . Has (have) withdrawn from 14.886 Wolfspeil . . . Has (have) not withdrawn from 14.887 Wolfszahn . . Have you withdrawn 14.888 Wolkenau . . Have withdrawn the offer 14.889 Wolkenlos . Within WIT 285 Code Word. Within (continued} Wolkenmeer . Within the time Wollarbeit Wollartig . Wollfabrik Wollflocke Wollgarn . Wollhandel Wollkamm No. 14,890 14,891 14,892 14,893 14,894 14,895 14,896 14,897 14,898 14,899 14,900 14,901 14,902 14,903 14,904 14,905 14,906 14,907 14,908 14,909 14,910 14,911 14,912 14,9*3 14,914 I4,9!5 14,916 i4,9 T 7 14,918 14,919 14,920 14,921 14,922 i4 5 9 2 3 14,924 i4,9 2 5 14,926 14,927 14,928 14,929 14,930 Woolliness . Within the space . Within the limit . Cannot keep within . Not within Without . Without the . Not without 14,932 14,933 14,934 Wollpelz . . . Cannot do without Wollsammt] . . Have had to do without Wollwasche . Witness Witnesses Wollzupfer . . To witness Womanish . . Can witness Womanized . . Will witness Womankind . . As witness(es) Wonderland . . Can call plenty of witnesses to prove Wonderment . Witnesses can prove Wondrously . . Witnesses cannot prove Wonnefeld . . The witness Wonnereich . Won Wonnetag . . Has (have) won the case Wonniglich . . Telegraph who has won Woodashes . . Has (have) won the Woodcraft . Wood(s) Woodcutter . . Good wood Wooddrink . . Poor wood Woodecho . . Plenty of wood Woodlands . . A scarcity of wood Woodmeil . . Wood costs per cord delivered at works Woodmonger . Wood only costs for the hauling Woodnymph . Estimate there is enough wood to last years Woodscrew . . Teams have to haul wood miles Woodstamp . . What is the yearly cost of wood Woodwaxen . . What is the cost of wood at the mine Wooingly . . Engine(s) take(s) cords of wood per day Woolball . . . Mill takes cords of wood per day Woolcomber . Large woods in the neighbourhood Wooldriver . . There is a fair quantity of wood in the neigh- Wooldyed . Work Works [bourhood of the mines Woolfell . . . There is nothing to prevent the work of mining and milling proceeding throughout the year prevents the regular work of mining and milling from being carried on throughout the year The necessary work for developing the mine The first works to be done are The works will be completed about Do you consider sufficient for opening mine for full work A great deal of dead work has to be done Woolpack Woolstaple Wooltrade Woolwinder T 4,935 Wordbook 286 WOR No. 14,936 14,937 14,938 14,939 14,940 14,941 14,942 14,943 14,944 14,945 14,946 14,947 14,948 14,949 14,95 I4,95 2 14,953 14,954 14,955 14,956 14,957 14,958 14,959 14,960 14,961 14,962 14,963 14,964 I4,9 6 5 14,966 14,967 14,968 14,969 14,970 14,971 14,972 14,973 14,974 14,975 14,976 14,977 14,978 H,979 14,980 14,981 14,982 14,983 14,984 14,985 Code Word. Work Works (continued} Worfeln ... I believe these works will open up a mine worth Worftenne . . Work is being pushed ahead [ Workaday . . Work suspended (owing to) Workboxes . . Work will be resumed Workfellow . . Have stopped work Workfolk . . Work will be commenced Workhouse . . Works well Workmanly . . Works badly Workshop . . Will not work Worktable . . Men refuse to work Workwoman . Work day and night Worldly . .Worked Wormeaten . . The mine is being worked Wormfence . . Has (have) been largely worked Wormlike . . The mine is not being worked Worshipful . . The mine is worked out Wortarm . . . The mine will soon be worked out Wortbetrug . . Have worked out Wortbild . . . Which was (were) worked [worked out Wortbruch . . The whole of the upper levels (above No. ) Wortfolge . . Not worked Wortfuhrer . . Extensively worked Wortfulle . . Very little worked Wortgeton . . Only worked on the surface Worthabend . Neither of the mines are being worked Wortkampf . . None of the mines are being worked Wortkarg . . The mine(s) has (have) been badly worked Wortkrieg . . The mine(s) has (have) been well worked Wortkunde . . Owing to the mine(s) having been so badly Wortprunk , Working(s) [worked Wortselig . . In the old workings Wortstreit . . The old workings have caved, and are inaccessible Woruber . . . Out of the old workings Woselbst . . . Very extensive old workings Wourali . . . The workings were consequently abandoned Wrackgut . . To start the workings up again Wrackholz . . Cost of working is about per ton Wrackrecht . . The ore from these workings Wrainbolt . . Cheap working Wrangler . . . Great facilities exist for working the ore cheaply Wrangling . . For working the ore Wrappeth . . Working day and night Wraprascal . Worse Wrathfully . . Do you think the mine looks worse Wreckage . . The mine is looking worse Wretchless . . The mine is not looking worse Wriggling . . Getting worse Wringbolt . Worth Wrinkled . . What do you think the mine is worth Wristband . . I estimate the mine is worth WOR 287 No. 14,986 14,987 14,988 14,989 14,990 14,991 14,992 14,993 14,994 14.995 14,996 i4>997 14,998 14,999 15,000 15,001 15,002 i5>3 15,004 i5>5 15,006 IS' 00 ? 15,008 15,009 15,010 15,011 15,012 15,016 i5> 01 7 15,018 i5> 01 9 15,020 15,021 15,022 i5> 02 3 15,024 i5> 2 5 15,026 i5> 02 7 15,028 15,029 i5>3 15*031 15^32 Code Word. Worth (continued) Wristlets . . . Not worth more than Writership . . Worth altogether Wrongdoer . . I estimate the mine and mill are worth Wrongdoing. Worthless Wrongful . . . Quite worthless Wrongfully . . Is it worthless Wrongless . . Would be worthless Wrynecked . . Worthless at present owing to Wryness . . Would Wucherjude . . Would it be Wucherlich . . Would it not be Wuchtbaum . . Would be Wuftheid . . It would be Wuhling ... It would not be Wulsthaar . . Would be better Wundarzt . . Would be better not Wundeisen . . I (we) would Wundfaden . . I (we) would not Wundnarbig . He (they) would Wundsalbe . . He (they) would not Wundzettel . . Would you Wunschbar . Write [and what is being done in Wunschen . . Write me full particulars regarding appearance, Wunschler . . Write fully by first post Wurdelos . . Write me at Wurdevoll . . Will write Wurdigen . . Write immediately full particulars Wurdigkeit . . Write me immediately following particulars Wurdigung . . Write me promptly if any change occurs Wurfangel . . Write to me, care of at Wurfblei . . Writing Wurfeisen . . Have it all in writing Wurfelig . . . Will be sure to have it all in writing Wurfgarn . . Writing you by to-day's post Wurfhaken . . Writing you by next mail Wurfhaube . . Writing to you at Wurfleiter . . In writing Wurfpfeil . . Not in writing Wurfweite . Written Wurgerisch . . Have written you to care of at Wurmartig . . Has (have) written that Wurmfrass ./Wrong Wurmloch . .Is anything wrong Wurmnudeln . Quite wrong Wurmstich . . Is (are) wrong Wurstblech . . The accounts are wrong Wurstbugel . . There is nothing wrong Yacht. . .Yard(s) Yachting . . . Cubic yard(s) Yachtsman . . Square yard(s) 288 YAR No. Code Word. Yaksha . Yambico . Yambo . Yankee . Yankeeism Yaourt . Yapping . Yardarm . Yardstick Yardwand Yarely . Yarrish . Yataghan Yawls . . Yawneth . Yawningly Ycleped . Ydrad . Yearlings Yearnful . Yeastiness Yeasty . Yeguada . Yeguero . Yelmo . Yellowboy Yellowish Yellows . Yeomanlike Yeomanry Yeomen . Yermar . Yerno . . Yesca. . Yeseria . Yesizo Yesquero . Yestern . Yezidees . Yggdrasil Yieldance Yieldeth . Yojan . . Yokefellow Yokels . Yokemates Yonkers . Youngly . Youngness Youngsters 15.037 15.038 15.039 15,040 15.041 15,042 15.043 15.044 i5'045 15,046 15.047 15,048 I5.049 15.05 15.05 1 I5.05 2 I5. 53 15.054 15.055 I5.05 6 15.057 15.058 15.059 15,060 15,061 15,062 i5.o 6 3 15,064 15.065 15,066 15.067 15.068 15,069 15.070 15.071 15.072 15.073 15.074 15.075 15.076 I 5.77 15.078 15.079 15,080 15,081 15,082 15.083 15,084 15,085 Yard(s) (continued) . Per yard , . Cost per yard , . What is the cost of driving per yard , . Cost of driving per yard . . What is the cost of sinking per yard . . Cost of sinking per yard . Per cubic yard , Year(s) . . In one year . . For one year . In years . . For years , . In the year . . For the year . . Next year . . Last year . . During the year . . Early in the yeai . . During last year . . During next year . . About the end of the year . . All the year round . Yearly . . A yearly income of . . A yearly profit of . . Yearly accounts . . Yearly statements . . Forward the yearly accounts as soon as possible . Have not yet received yearly accounts . . Have sent the yearly accounts . Yesterday . . Arrived here yesterday . . left yesterday for . . Wrote yesterday . . Went yesterday . . Sent yesterday .Yet . . Not yet . . Cannot yet . . Will not yet . Yield (See also Ton) . . The gross yield being . . Estimate the yield at [of . . I believe this will increase immensely the yield . . The yield . . Will yield . . Will not yield . . Can yield . . Cannot yield . Yielded YIE 289 No. Code Word. Yielded (continued] 15,086 Youthfully . The mines have yielded 15,087 Youthhood . . The mines have not yielded much lately 15,088 Youthly . . Yielding 15,089 Yowled . . . The mines are yielding a net profit of 15,090 Ypight . . . What are the mines yielding iS'09 1 Yttererde . . The mines are yielding tons per month 15,092 Yttrious . . Your Yttrocerit . . By your 15,094 Yucketh . . . From your 15,095 Yucking . . . To your 15,096 Yufts . . . Yourself 15,097 Yugada . . . By yourself 15,098 Yugo . . . . Not by yourself 15,099 Zaimet .Zeal 15,100 Zamarro . . . Has (have) shown great zeal in 15,101 Zanyism . . Has (have) not shown much zeal in 15,102 Zapatazo . . Zero 15,103 Zapatilla . . . Through the winter the thermometer at night i5> 10 4 Zarandajas Tl-i ^ 4-\^. rt *.*- rt ,^1-*-t ^4-,rt-*. -f - 1 1 1 f-H-Y O V\/^1^\\T r/^f/-V * j. lie incrmuiiicicr icuiing uciuw /,ciu J 5 I0 5 Zareba . . Zinc 15,106 Zascandil . . Veins of zinc ore 15,107 Zealotry . . . Sulphide of zinc 15,108 Zemindar . . Carbonate of zinc 15,109 Zephyr . . . Zinc blende occurs with 15,110 Zigzag . . . Silicate of zinc 15,111 15,112 15,115 15,116 15,117 ' Vc,,.^Ty 15,118 N^u 15,120 15,121 15,122 15,125 15,126 15,127 15,128 i5>!3o 15,132 PART II. CofeW .8$o Toddlu 3.858 - '. i T< T< > IJ.870 J.87* I3.874 ,3,876 T< 3.877 .;:< 13.879 13*80 13*81 UJIl 3*83 13.884 13.88$ 13.880 T 3.88? i888 *90 e 13.891 ,3.89. 13.893 3-894 ^95 Jo II ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. 293 No. Code Word. s. d. No. Code Word. s. d. i5>i35 Abelmosk o i 15,185 Bellflower 4 3 15*136 Abeltree 2 15,186 Bentgrass 4 4 15*137 Abutilon 3 15,187 Betelnut 4 5 15^38 Acacia o 4 15,188 Biblus 4 6 15*139 Acanthus 5 15,189 Bigaroon 4 7 15^40 Aconite 6 15,190 Bignonia 4 8 15*141 Aculon 7 iS,^ 1 Birchtree 4 9 15*142 Agapanthus o 8 15,192 Birk 4 10 JS.I43 Agave o 9 15,193 Blackberry 4 ii 15^44 Ageratum 10 15,194 Blackgum 5 15,145 Aguetree ii 15,195 Blackheart 5 3 15,146 Airplant 15,196 Blackthorn 5 6 *5> I 47 Aloe I 15,197 Bloodroot 5 9 15,14^ Aloeswood 2 15,198 Bluebell 6 I5,i49 Amaryllis 3 15,199 Blueberry 6 3 i5*i5 Q Anemone 4 15,200 Bodhitree 6 6 ^iS 1 Anotta 5 15,201 Bogberry 6 9 15*15* Anthericum 6 15,202 Bogmoss 7 I 5, I 53 Antholyza 7 15,203 Bogwhort 7 3 I 5 I 54 Apples 8 15,204 Bombax 7 6 WSS Appletree 9 15,205 Bonniviss 7 9 i5*i5 6 Apricot 10 15,206 Borage 8 I 5 I 57 Arborvine ii 15,207 Borecole 8 3 15,158 Arbute 2 15,208 Boxelder 8 6 J 5, Z 59 Artichoke 2 i 15,209 Boxthorn 8 9 15,160 Artocarpus 2 2 15,210 Boxtrees 9 15,161 Arum 2 3 i5, 211 Bracken 9 3 15,162 Ashtree 2 4 15,212 Brambles 9 6 i5, l6 3 Asparagus 2 5 15,213 Brassia 9 9 I5, l6 4 Aspen 2 6 15,214 Brier 10 J5, l6 5 Asphodel 2 7 15,215 Broccoli 10 3 15,166 Aster 2 8 15,216 Bromelia 10 6 i5, l6 7 Auricula 2 9 15,217 Broomcorn 10 9 15,168 Awlwort 2 10 15,218 Bryony 1 1 J5, l6 9 Azalea 2 ii 15,219 Buckeye II 3 i5,!7 Balaustine 3 15,220 Bugleweed II 6 iS, 1 ?! Banyan 3 I 15,221 Bugloss II 9 15^72 Baobab 3 2 15,222 Bulbs 12 15^73 Barberry 3 3 15,223 Bullace 12 3 I5, Z 74 Barwood 3 4 15,224 Bulrush 12 6 i5*i75 Basiltree 3 5 15,225 Burdelais 12 9 15,^6 Baytree 3 6 15,226 Burdock 13 i5*i77 Bdellium 3 7 15,227 Burreed 13 3 15*178 Beadtree 3 8 15,228 Buttercups *3 6 iS,*79 Beancaper 3 9 15,229 Butternut 13 9 15,180 Beech 3 10 15,230 Cabbage 14 15,181 Beechnut 3 ii 15,231 Cacaotree 14 3 15,182 Beetrave 4 15,232 Cactus 14 6 15,183 Begonia 4 I 15,233 Cadillac 14 9 15,^4 Belladonna 4 2 !5, 2 34 Calabash 15 =94 ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. No. Code Word. , C *> d. No. Code Word. s. d. J 5, 2 35 Calamint T 5 3 15,285 Clubmoss i 15 6 15,236 Calamus o 15 6 15,286 Clubrush 16 o Calendula I 5 9 15,287 Cobnuts 16 6 15^238 Caltha o 16 15,288 Coccolite 17 ] 5, 2 39 Calumba D 16 3 15,289 Cocculus 17 6 15,240 Camellia o 16 6 15,290 Cockscomb 18 15,241 Campana D 16 9 15,291 Cockspur 18 6 15,242 Campanula o 17 15,292 Cocoanut 19 15,243 Candock o 17 3 15,293 Coffeebean i 19 6 '5,244 Candytuft o 17 6 15,294 Colchicum 2 15,245 Cantaleup D 17 9 15,295 Colerape 2 6 15,246 Caper D 18 15,296 Colocynth 2 i o 15,247 Capivi D 18 3 15,297 Coltsfoot 2 i 6 15,248 Capsicum o 18 6 15,298 Columbine 2 2 15,249 Capulin D 18 9 Colza 2 2 6 J 5,25o Cardamine D 19 o 15,300 Conferva 2 3 o '5,251 Carduus o 19 3 Convolvuli 2 3 6 '5,252 Carnation D I 9 6 15,302 Corn flag 2 4 15,253 Caryoker o 19 9 Cornflower 2 4 6 15,254 Caryopsis I o 15,304 Cornpoppy 2 5 o 15,255 Cashew 6 '5,305 Cornviolet 2 5 6 15,256 Cassada I Costmary 2 6 15,257 Catchfly I 6 15^307 Cottonrose 2 6 6 15,258 Catmint 2 15,308 Couchgrass 2 7 !5,259 Catnip 2 6 T 5,3 9 Cowbane 2 7 6 15,260 Cedartree 3 Cowslips 2 8 15,261 Celandine 3 6 I 5,3 11 Cranesbill 2 8 6 15,262 Celery 4 '5,3' 2 Crocus 2 9 o 15,263 Ceroxylon 4 6 '5,3'3 Crotalaria 2 9 6 15,264 Cetraria 5 o Croton 2 10 c Chamomile 5 6 '5,3*5 Cuckoobud 2 10 6 15,266 Champignon 6 15,716 Cucumber 2 1 1 15,267 Charlock 6 6 I 5,3 I 7 Culverkey 2 ii 6 15,268 Chasselas 7 1 5,3 ^ 8 Cupmoss 2 12 15,269 Chayroot 7 6 15,319 Cupressus 2 12 6 15,270 Cherry 8 o 15,320 Cuprose 2 13 15,271 Chestnut 8 6 '5,32' Currant 2 6 15,272 Chickweed 9 15,322 Cyclamen 2 14 o 15,273 Chicory 9 6 15,323 Cypress 2 14 6 T 5, 2 74 Chinaaster 10 15,324 Cytisus 2 15 15,275 Chinarose 10 6 15,325 Daffodil 2 15 6 15,276 Chokepear ii o 15,326 Dahlia 2 16 o 15,277 Cineraria ii 6 Damaskrose 2 16 6 15,278 Citron 12 J 5,328 Damson 2 *7 15,279 Clarkia 12 6 Dandelion 2 J 7 6 15,280 Clematis J 3 '533 Datepalm 2 18 15,281 Clingstone 6 I 5,33 I Daylily 2 18 6 15,282 Cloudberry J 4 Deodar 2 1 9 15,283 Clovepink 14 6 J 5,333 Dhurra 2 T 9 6 15,284 Clover 15 15,334 Digitalis 3 o ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. 295 No. Code Word. s. d. No. Code Word. s. d. 15^335 Dittany 3 o 6 15,385 Feverfew 4 5 6 15,336 Dockcress 3 i o 15,386 Ficaria 4 6 15,337 Dogbane 3 i 6 15,387 Ficus 4 6 6 15,338 Dogbrier 3 2 15,388 Figapple 4 7 o 15,339 Doggrass 3 2 6 ^,389 Figtree 4 7 6 i5,34o Dogsrue 3 3 15,390 Finochin 4 8 r 5,34i Dogviolet 3 3 6 !5,39i Fircone 4 8 6 15,342 Dolichos A O 4 o 15,392 Firtree 4 9 15.343 Downweed 3 4 6 15,393 Fitweed 4 9 6 15,344 Dracontium 3 5 15,394 Fleabane 4 10 15,345 Dropwort 3 5 6 15,395 Foxglove 4 10 6 15,346 Drupel 3 6 15,396 Foxgrape 4 u !5,347 Dulcamara 3 6 6 15,397 Foxtail 4 ii 6 15.348 Dulse 3 7 I5.398 Fragaria 4 12 15,349 Dumbcane 3 7 6 !5>399 Francreal 4 12 6 i5,35o Earthpea 3 8 15,400 Frenchbean 4 13 i5,35i Ebonytree 3 8 6 i5,4oi Friarscowl 4 13 6 15,352 Eddoes 3 9 o 15,402 Frutex 4 14 15,353 Eggplant 3 9 6 15,403 Fuchsia 4 14 6 15,354 Eglantine 3 10 15,404 Fungus 4 15 15,355 Eglatere 3 10 6 15,405 Furze 4 15 6 15,356 Egriot 3 ii i5,4o6 Galanthus 4 16 15,357 Ehretia 3 ii 6 15,407 Gardenias 4 16 6 15,358 Elecampane 3 12 15,408 Garrya 4 i7 15,359 Eleusine 3 12 6 15,409 Gaultheria 4 17 6 15,360 Elknut 3 13 i5,4io Gelderrose 4 18 i5,36i Elkwood 3 13 6 i5,4n Genipap 4 18 6 15,362 Elmtree 3 14 15,412 Gentian 4 i9 15,363 Emblica 3 14 6 i5,4i3 Geranium 4 19 6 15,364 Endive 3 15 I5,4i4 Gherkin 5 15,365 Endorhiza 3 IS 6 i5,4i5 Gladiola 5 2 6 15,366 Epiphyte 3 16 i5,4i6 Glasswort 5 5 15,367 Erica 3 16 6 i5,4i7 Glaucium 5 7 6 15,368 Erigeron 3 i7 i5,4i8 Globedaisy 5 IO o 15,369 Ervelenta 3 i7 6 I5,4i9 Globularia 5 12 6 i5,37o Eschalot 3 18 15,420 Gloriosa 5 15 i5,37i Espalier 3 18 6 15,421 Gloxinias 5 17 6 15,372 Esparto 3 J 9 o 15,422 Glumales 6 15,373 Espiotte 3 19 6 15,423 Goldencup 6 2 6 15,374 Eucalyptus 4 o 15,424 Goldylocks 6 5 15,375 Eugenia 4 6 15,425 Gorse 6 7 6 15,376 Euonyma 4 i 15,426 Granadilla 6 10 o 15,377 Euryale 4 i 6 15,427 Grapes 6 12 6 15,378 Evergreen 4 2 15,428 Grapevine 6 15 15,379 Evolvulus 4 2 6 15,429 Grasspoly 6 17 6 i5,38o Fanpalm 4 3 o 15,43 Greengage 7 i5,38i Felwort 4 3 6 i5,43i Gromil 7 2 6 15,382 Fenberry 4 4 15,432 Gromwell 7 5 o 15,383 Fennel 4 4 6 15,433 Groundash 7 7 6 15,384 Festuca 4 5 15.434 Groundivy 7 10 ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. No. Code Word. s. d. No. Code Word. s. d. 15.435 Groundsel 7 12 6 15.485 Jessamine 17 *5 15.436 Guaiacum 7 15 o 15,486 Jonquil 18 o 15.437 Guava 7 I 7 6 15.487 Judastree 18 5 15.438 Hackberry 8 15.488 Juniper 18 10 o 15.439 Hackmatack 8 2 6 15.489 Kale 18 15 15.44 Hairgrass 8 5 15.49 Karatas 19 o i5 5 44i Hardbeam 8 7 6 I5.49 1 Kesting 19 5 o 15.442 Harebells 8 10 o 15.492 Kingapple 19 10 o 15.443 Haricot 8 12 6 15.493 Kingcup 19 15 15^444 Hawkweed 8 15 15.494 Kitesfoot 20 o *5'445 Hawthorn 8 17 6 15.495 Kneeholly 2 5 o 15^46 Hazel 9 O o I5.49 6 Kokrawood 30 15.447 Hazelnut 9 2 6 15.497 Kumbuk 35 o 15.448 Heartsease 9 5 15.498 Kumquat 40 15.449 Heath 9 7 6 15.499 Laburnum 45 o 15.45 Helianthus 9 10 I5.5 00 Lacebark 5 I5.45 1 Heliotrope 9 12 6 i5.5i Lancewood 55 o I5.45 2 Hellebore 9 15 iS.S 02 Lapsana 60 15.453 Hemlock 9 17 6 i5.53 Larches 65 o 15.454 Hemp 10 15.504 Larkspur 70 15.455 Henbane 10 5 15.505 Laserwort 75 15.456 Henna 10 10 15.506 Laurel 80 o 15.457 Hexandria 10 15 !5.5 7 Laurustine 85 o 15.458 Hibiscus 11 15.508 Lavender 90 15.459 Hickory II 5 15.509 Lemons 95 o 15,460 Hindberry II 10 !5.5 10 Lentiscus 100 o 15.461 Hockherb II IS o I5.5 11 Lentisk no 15,462 Hogplum 12 r 5.5 12 Lettuce 120 15.463 Holly 12 5 o i5>5 r 3 Ligustrum 130 o o 15.464 Hollyhock 12 10 !5.5!4 Lilac 140 o 15.465 Honeywort 12 15 !5.5 T 5 Lily IS 15.466 Hops 13 o !5.5 l6 Limawood 1 60 o 15.467 Hopvine 13 5 o J 5.5!7 Linden 170 o 15.468 Horehound *3 10 i5.5i8 Lobelia 180 15.469 Hornbeam 13 15 '5.5*9 Loquat 190 o 15.470 Hottonia 14 I5.5 20 Lotus 200 o o i5.47i Hyacinth 14 5 15.521 Loveapple 210 15.472 Hydrangea 14 10 !5.5 2 2 Lucerne 22O J 5.473 Hypericum 14 T 5 15.523 Lungwort 2 3 o 15.474 Hyssop 15 15.524 Lupine 240 15.475 Iberis I 5 5 o 15.525 Lychnis 250 15.476 Iceplant 15 10 15.526 Lycopodium 260 o 15.477 Ilex 15 15 I5.5 2 7 Madia 270 15.478 Involucre 16 15.528 Magnolia 280 15.479 Irishmoss 16 5 15.529 Mallow 290 o o 15,480 Isatis 16 10 15.53 Mangoes 300 15.481 Isnardia 16 15 15.531 Mangosteen 3 IO o 15,482 Ivorynut 17 o o 15.532 Maple 320 15.483 Ivy 17 5 15.533 Mariet 33 15.484 Jasmine 17 10 o 15.534 Marigold 34 o ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. 297 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. I SS3S Matgrass 35 15,585 Orchid 850 I 5,536 Mayduke 360 15,586 Orris 860 I 5>537 Maylily 370 15,587 Orval 870 '5,538 Mazard 380 15,588 Oshac 880 T 5>539 Medlars 390 15,589 Oxalis 890 J 554Q Melon 400 !5,59o Palm 900 J 5,54i Mignonette 410 J 5,59i Pandanus 910 J 5,542 Milkvetch 420 !5>592 Pansy 920 X 5,543 Mimosa 43 J 5 5 593 Papaw 930 . J 5,544 Mimulus 440 J 5,594 Papyrus 940 J 5,545 Mintplant 45 J 5,595 Parsley 950 J 5,546 Missoybark 460 J 5,596 Parsnips 960 J 5,547 Monandria 470 J 5,597 Passiflora 970 *5,548 Monkeypot 480 J 5,598 Peaches 980 Z 5>549 Moonseed 490 J 5,599 Peachtree 990 I 5^55 Moratree 500 15,600 Peanut 1000 I 5y55 I Morella 5W 15,601 Pears 1250 T 5>55 2 Moril 520 15,602 Peartree 1500 *5,553 Moringa 530 15,603 Peascod 1750 J 5,554 Mossroses 54o 15,604 Pecan 2000 J 5555 Mulberry 55 15,605 Pellitory 2250 *5,556 Muscatel 560 15,606 Peonies 2500 '5,557 Muscat 57o 15,607 Peplis 2750 '5,558 Mushroom 580 15,608 Peppertree 3000 - X 5>559 Musk 590 15,609 Periwinkle 3250 I 5>5 6 Muskmelon 600 15,610 Persimmon 35 J 5,56i Muskpear 610 15,611 Petunia 375 '5,562 Mustard 620 15,612 Phlox 4000 I 55 6 3 Myosotis 630 J 5,6i3 Picotee 4250 T 5,5 6 4 Myrica 640 !5,6i4 Pimpernel 4500 T 5,5 6 5 Myrtle 650 ^,615 Pineapple 475 15.566 Narcissus 660 15,616 Pinetree 5000 '5,567 Nasturtium 670 J 5,6i7 Pinks 525 15,568 Nectarine 680 15,618 Pippin 55 '5,5 6 9 Nelumbo 690 J 5,6i9 Plaintain 575o J 5,57 Nenuphar 700 15,620 Plums 6000 I 5,57i Nettle 710 15,621 Pomecitron 6250 '5,572 Nightshade 720 15,622 Pompion 6500 X 5,573 Nuphar 73o T 5,623 Poplar 6750 X 5 5 574 Nutbushes 740 15,624 Poppies 7000 J 5>575 Nutmeg 750 15,625 Primrose 7250 X 5 ? 576 Nutpine 760 15,626 Primula 7500 J 5.577 Nuttree 770 15,627 Privet 775 I 5,S78 Oakapple 780 15,628 Pumpkin 8000 r 5 5 579 Oaktree 79 15,629 Quatrefoil 8250 i5>5 8 Oleander 800 15,630 Quince 8500 15,581 Olives 810 15,631 Quinoa 8750 15,582 Orange 820 15,632 Quitch 9000 15,583 Orangetree 830 15,633 Radish 9250 15,584 Orchanet 840 15,634 Ranunculus 9500 298 ENGLISH MONEY, STERLING. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. '5,635 Raspberry 9,750 '5,685 Valerian 2,500,000 15,636 Reseda 10,000 15,686 Verbena 3,000,000 Rhubarb 12,500 '5,687 Veronica 3,500,000 i5,'638 Rocambole 15,000 15,688 Vetch 4,000,000 15,639 Rocket 17,500 15,689 Violet 4,500,000 15,640 Rockrose 20,000 15,690 Wakerobin 5,000,000 Rowantree 25,000 15,69' Wallflower 6,000,000 15,642 Rushes 30,000 15,692 Walnuttree 7,000,000 '5,643 Ryegrass 35,000 15,693 Watercress 8,000,000 15,644 Sainfoin 40,000 15,694 Waterflag 9,000,000 '5,645 Sal via 45,000 15,695 Waterlily 10,000,000 15,646 Saxifrage 50,000 15,696 Watermelon 15,000,000 Seakale 55,ooo 15,697 Witchhazel 20,000,000 15^648 Shaddock 60,000 15,698 '5,649 Shallot 65,000 '5,699 Shamrock 70,000 15,651 Shavegrass 75,ooo 15,701 15,652 Silverfir 80,060 15,702 Skirret 85,000 I c 703 15,654 Sloe 90,000 I 5,704 Smilax 95,ooo 15,705 '5^56 Snowberry 100,000 15,706 Snowdrop 110,000 15,707 '5,'658 Sorrel 120,000 '5,708 '5,659 Soursop 130,000 15,660 Strawberry 140,000 15,710 . 15,661 Sumach 150,000 15,711 15,662 Sunflower 160,000 '5,7 12 15,663 Sweetbrier 170,000 15,664 Sweetpea 180,000 15,714 15,665 Sycamore 190,000 15,715 15,666 Syringa 200,000 15,716 15,667 Tamarind 250,000 15,717 15,668 Tampoe 300,000 '5, 7 -^8 15,669 Teaplant 350,000 15, 7 1 Q 15,670 Teak 400,000 '5,7 20 15,671 Teasel 450,000 15,672 Thistles 500,000 '5,722 15,673 Thorn 550,000 '5,7 2 3 15,674 Thyme 600,000 '5,7 2 4 15,675 Tigerlily 650,000 15,676 Tomatoes 700,000 '5,726 '5,677 Tonkabean 750,000 '5,7 2 7 '5,678 Treefern 800,000 '5,679 Trefoil 850,000 15,729 15,680 Tuberose 900,000 '5,73 15,681 Tulip 950,000 15,731 15,682 15,683 Tuliptree Turnips 1,000,000 1,500,000 '5,732 15,733 15,684 Turnsole 2,OOO>OOO FRENCH MONEY. 299 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 15,735 Abagim i centime 15,785 Brevipen 5 1 centimes 15,736 Aberdevine 2 centimes 15,786 Broadbill 52 ?, 15,737 Aborea 3 55 15,787 Bubo 53 ,, 15,738 Acacolot 4 55 15,788 Bucco 54 5* 15,739 Acamacu 5 55 15,789 Buceros 55 5, 15,740 Acitli 6 55 15,790 Buffel 56 J> 15,741 Acolin 7 55 I 5,79 I Buitre 57 55 15,742 A garni 8 55 15,792 Bulbul 58 ,5 15,743 Aiglet 9 55 15,793 Bullfinch 59 ,,- 15,744 Ajuru 10 5T 15,794 Bunting 60 55 15,745 Anser ii 5, 15,795 Buphaga 61 5 15,746 Antcatcher 12 5 i5,796' Burrowduck 62 5> i5r747 Apis 13 5 15,797 Buse 63 55 i5,74S Apteryx 14 5 15,798 Bustard 64 )) 15,749 Argus 15 5 15,799 Butterbird 65 n 15,75 Attagas 16 r i5,8oa Buzzard 66 5> T 5,75! Auk 17 5- 15,801 Buzzardet 67 5, 15,752 Autophagi 18 5 15,802 Cagmag 68 ,r !5,753 Avoset 19 . 15,803 Calandra 69 55 J 5,754 Avosetta 20 5 15,804 Calangay 70 55 15,755 Bantam 21 . } 15,805 Callbird 7 1 5> i5,75 6 Barbet 22 5 15,806 Canaries 72 15,757 Beambird 23 5- 15,807 Caponet 73 ,J 15,758 Beangoose 24 5 15,808. Carvist 74 ,r J 5,759 Becaffico 25 r 15,809 Cassenoix 75 55 i5,76o Becasse 26 5 15,810 Cassowary 76 J) 15,761 Becassine 27 5 15,811 Catbird 77 5, 15,762 Beebird 28 ) 15,812 Chaffinch 78 J* 15,763 Bellbirds 29 5- 15,813 Chicken 79 ,J 15,764 Bergander 3 )- 15 814 Chiffchaff 80 ,> 15,765 Bittern 3 1 5 I5,8i5 Chouette 81 )5 15,766 Blackbird 3 2 5 15,816 Chough 82 )) 15,767 Blackcap 33 r I5,8i7 Ciconia 83 J> 15,768 Blackcock 34 5 15,818 Cincle 84 15,769 Blackgame 35 5 15,819 Citril 85 i5,77o Bluebird 36 5, 15,820 Clotbird 86 )> i5,77i Bluebonnet 37 55 15,821 Coalmouse 87 )> 15,772 Bluebreast 38 5-5 15,822 Cock 88 5, 15,773 Bluethroat 39 55 15,823 Cockatoo 89 55 15,774 Boatbill 40 5, 15,824 Cockerel 90 15,775 Boghen 4 1 J-5 15,825 Coddymoddy 9 1 55 15,776 Bobolink 42 5) 15,826 Columba 92 55 15,777 Bobwhite 43 15,827 Condor 93 55 15,778 Bockeret 44 55 15,828 Coniroster 94 55 15,779 Bogbumper 45 55 15,829 Coot 95 55 15,780, Bowess 46 5, 15,830 Corbeaux 96 i5,78i Bowet 47 55 15,831 Cormorant 97 51 15,782 Brambling 48 55 15,832 Corncrake 98 )) 15,783 Brandgoose 49 55 15,833 Cowbunting 99 55 15,784 Brant 5 15,834 Cranes i franc 300 FRENCH MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 15,835 Crax 2 francs 15,885 Eyasmusket 52 francs 15,836 Creeper 3 15,886 Falcon 53 )) 15,837 Crossbill 4 ,, 15.887 Fantail 54 55 15,838 Crows 5 j. 15,888 Fenduck 55 5, *** ** 15,839 Cuckoo 6 ,, 15,889 Fernowl 56 55 15,840 Cuculus 7 j. 15,890 Fieldduck 57 55 15,841 Culver 8 ,, 15.89! Fieldfare 58 55 15,842 Curassow 9 ,, 15,892 Figeater 59 5, 15,843 Curlew 10 55 I5, 8 93 Figpecker 60 ,5 ^/ i *-r 15,844 Cursores ii 55 15,894 Finch 61 ,, 15,845 Curwiilet 12 ,5 15,895 Finches 62 , 15,846 Cushat I 3 55 I5, 8 96 Finfoot 63 ,, 15,847 Cygnet 14 5, I5' 8 97 Fishhawk 64 5, 15,848 Dabchick 15 ,, 15,898 Flamingo 65 55 15,849 Dakerhen 16 ,, 15.899 Flusher 66 5, *f* ' * I5,85 Dandycock 17 5, 15,900 Flycatcher 67 ,, 15.851 Dandyhen 18 ,5 I5.9 01 Foulque 68 57 15.852 Daw 19 55 15,902 Fowl 69 ,5 15,853 Decoyduck 20 55 15.903 Francolin 70 J, 15,854 Dipper 21 55 15.904 Fratercula 7i 5, 15,855 Diver 22 ,, I5.9 5 Fringilla 72 5, 15.856 Dodo 23 ,, 15,906 Fulica 73 5, 15,857 Dottrel 24 ,, 15.907 Fulmar 74 55 15.858 Doucker 25 55 15,908 Gadwall 75 ,5 15,859 Dove 26 5, 15.909 Gairfowl 76 55 15,860 Dovelet 27 55 I5.9 10 Gallinule 77 5, 15,861 Drake 28 5, I5.9H Gamecock 78 5 , 15,862 Duck 2 9 ,, i5'9 12 Gander 79 )5 15.863 Duckhawk 3 ,, 15,9*3 Gannet 80 5, 15,864 Duckling 3i 55 i5.9 J 4 Ganza 81 ?J 15.865 Dunbird 32 55 I5.9I5 Garganey 82 5> 15,866 Dundiver 33 , i5.9 l6 Gavilan 83 5 15,867 Dunlin 34 5 I5,9i7 Geai 84 M 15,868 Eagle 35 5 i5,9i8 Geese 85 ,, 15,869 Eaglehawk 36 5 i5,9i9 Giereagle 86 ,5 15,870 Eagleowl 37 5 15,920 Glaucopis 87 5, 15,871 Eaglet 38 5 15*921 Glede 88 ,, 15,872 Eggbird 39 5 15,922 Goatmilker 89 ,5 15.873 Egret 40 5 J 5'9 2 3 Goatsucker 90 5? 15,874 Eider 4i 5 15,924 Gobemouche 9i 5, 15.875 Eiderduck 42 5 15*925 Godwit 92 ,, 15.876 Elanet 43 5 15,926 Goldeneye 93 , J 15.877 Embergoose 44 5, 15,927 Goldfinch 94 ,, 15,878 Emu 45 55 15,928 Golondrino 95 15,879 Emuwren 46 5, 15,929 Goosander 96 55 15,880 Epiornis 47 55 15.93 Gorcock 97 55 15,881 Erne 48 55 I 5'93 I Gorcrow 98 55 15,882 Etourneau 49 55 J 5,93 2 Gorhen 99 5, 15.883 Eurylaimus 5o 55 15,933 Gorrion IOO 5 15,884 Eyas 5i J) 15,934 Goshawk 101 ,5 FRENCH MONEY. 301 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. J 5.935 Goslings 102 francs 15.985 Labbe 152 francs 15,936 Grakles 103 jj 15,986 Lagopus 153 ,, J 5.937 Grebe 104 jj 15.987 Landrail 154 '5.938 Greenfinch 105 j 15.988 Lanner J 55 *> J 5.939 Greenshank 106 jj 15.989 Lannerets 156 15,940 Greyfalcon 107 jj J 5.99o Lapwing 157 15,941 Greyhen 108 jj 15 no i Lark 158 15.942 Grosbeak 109 jj 1 5jQ9 2 Larus 159 v J 5.943 Grounddove no n i5j993 Laverock 160 15.944 Grouse in jj J 5.994 Lechuza 161 J 5.945 Guacharo 112 jj 15.995 Leipoa 162 15.946 Guan 113 15.996 Leptodact 163 ,, 15.947 Guillemot 114 jj 15.997 Linnet 164 ,, 15.948 Guineafowl 115 >j 15.998 Lorikeet 165 J 5.949 Guineahen 116 jj 15.999 Loriot 166 I 5>95 Gulls 117 jj 16,000 Lory 167 15,951 Gyrfalcon 118 jj 16,001 Lovebirds 168 15,952 Hangnest 119 16,002 Lyrebird 169 J5.953 Hawfinch 120 jj 16,003 Macartney 170 jj J 5.954 Hawk 121 jj 16,004 Macaw 171 jj 15,955 Hemipode 122 jj 16,005 Magpie 172 J5.956 Hen I2 3 j. 16,006 Mallamoke 173 J 5.957 Hendriver I2 4 jj 16,007 Mallard 174 j. 15,958 Heron I2 5 jj 16,008 Macaran 175 .* J 5.959 Hibou 126 jj 16,009 Marcareux 176 j, 15,960 Hickwall 127 jj 16,010 Martin 177 j. 15,961 Hickway 128 jj 1 6,0 1 1 Mavis 178 15,962 Hirondelle 129 jj 16,012 Meadowlark 179 .. 15.963 Honeyeater 130 jj 16,013 Mergus 180 15*964 Hoopoe jj 16,014 Merle 181 *5.9 6 5 Hornbill 132 ?j 16,015 Merlin 182 15,966 Hornowl jj 16,016 Mew 183 15,967 Ibis i34 16,017 Minabird 184 15,968 Icebirds 135 jj 16,018 Mirecrow 185 J 5.9 6 9 Impeyan 136 jj 16,019 Miredrum 1 86 15,970 Jackdaw 137 jj 16,020 Moorcock 187 15,971 Jacksnipe 138 jj 16,021 Moorfowl 188 15.972 Jay i39 jj 16,022 Moorgame 189 15*973 Jetcock 140 >j 16,023 Moorhen 190 15.974 Junglefowl 141 jj 16,024 Morillon I 9 l . 15.975 Kertletock 142 jj 16,025 Motacil 192 15.976 Kestrel J 43 jj 16,026 Motmot 15.977 Killdee 144 jj 16,027 Mouette J 94 jj 15,978 Kingbird J 45 jj 16,028 Mousehawk 15.979 Kingfisher 146 jj 16,029 Muggent 196 15,980 Kirmew 147 jj 16,030 Murre 197 jj 15*981 Kite 148 jj 16,031 Muskduck 198 15,982 Kittiwake 149 jj 16,032 Naff J 99 15.983 Knifebill 150 j j 16,033 Nandu 200 *5.984 Kruka 151 16,034 Nighthawk 201 302 FRENCH MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word, 16,035 Nightingale 202 francs 16,085 Puttock 420 francs 16,036 Nightjar 203 16,086 Quachilto 425 yj 16,037 Nightraven 204 16,087 Quail 430 >j 16,038 Notornis 205 16,088 Queest 435 jj 16,0.39 Nuthatch 206 16,089 Rallus 440 jj 16,040 Oie 207 16,090 Raptores 445 16,041 Oriole 208 , 16,091 Raven 45 jj 16,042 Ortolan 209 , 16,092 Razorbill 455 jj 16,043 Osprey 210 , 16,093 Redbreast 460 jj 16,044 Ostrich 215 16,094 Redcap 465 jj 16,045 Ousel 220 , 16,095 Redpole 470 jj 16,046 Owlet 225 , 16,096 Redshank 475 jj 16,047 Owls 23 16,097 Redstart 480 jj 16,048 Paloma 235 16,098 Redwing 485 jj 16,049 Paraquet 240 , 16,099 Regentbird 490 jj 16,050 Paraquito 245 J 16,100 Ricebird 495 jj 16,051 Parrakeet 250 16,101 Riflebird 500 jj 16,052 Parrot 255 JJ 16,102 Ringdove 5 10 jj ^,053 Partridge 260 ,, 16,103 Ringousel 520 jj 16,054 Passerine 265 16,104 Ringtail 530 jj ^,055 Pavipollo 270 16,105 Robin 540 jj 16,056 Pavon 275 16,106 Rockdove 55 jj 16,057 Peachick 280 16,107 Rockpigeon 560 jj 16,058 Peacock 285 16,108 Rooks 57 JJ 16,059 Peahen 290 16,109 Rooster 580 jj 16,060 Peeper 295 16.110 Rossignol 590 jj 16,061 Peewit 3 j 1 6, 1 1 1 Rotche 600 j> 16,062 Pelican 305 1 6, 1 1 2 Saker 610 jj 16,063 Penguin 3 10 16,113 Sanderling 620 jj 16,064 Petrel 16,114 Sandmartin 630 jj 16,065 Phalarope 3 20 jj 16,115 Sandpiper 640 jj 16,066 Pheasant 325 jj 16,116 Scansores 650 ?J 16,067 Philomel 33 16,117 Scolopax 660 jj 16,068 Piegrieche 335 jj 16,118 Scray 670 jj 16,069 Pigeon 340 16,119 Screechowl 680 jj 16,070 Pingouin 345 jj 16,120 Seacob 690 jj 16,071 Pintails 35 jj 16,121 Seacrow 700 jj 16,072 Pinzon 355 jj 16,122 Seaeagle 710 jj 16,073 Plongeon 360 16,123 Seafowl 720 jj 16,074 Plover 365 jj 16,124 Sealark 730 jj 16,075 Poach ard 16,125 Seamew 740 jj 16,076 Poebird 375 jj 16,126 Seaparrot 750 jj 16,077 Popinjay 380 16,127 Serin 760 jj 16,078 Prairiehen 385 ,, 16,128 Shearwater 77 jj 16,079 Pratincole 39 j 16,129 Sheldrake 780 jj 16,080 Ptarmigan 395 jj 16,130 Shelduck 79 jj 16,081 Puffbird 400 16,131 Shrike 800 16,082 Puffin 405 jj 16,132 Siskin 810 16,083 Puffinet 410 Sitta 820 16,084 Pullet 4 J 5 jj 16,134 Skouts 830 II FRENCH MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 16,135 Skua 840 francs 16,185 Tragopan 28,ooofcs. 16,136 Skunkbird 850 jj 16,186 Traquet 29,000 JJ 16,137 Skylark 860 J5 16,187 Tringa 30,000 JJ 16,138 Smew 870 55 16,188 Trogon 31,000 JJ 16,139 Snakebird 880 -55 16,189 Tropicbird 32,000 75 16,140 Snipe 890 }J 16,190 Turd us 33,000 ,J 16,141 Snowbirds 900 ?5 16,191 Turkey 34,000 JJ 16,142 Solangoose 910 55 16,192 Turkeycock 35,000 55 16,143 Sparrows 920 55 16,193 Turnstone 36,000 JJ 16,144 Spoonbill 93 55 16,194 Turtledove 37,000 JJ 16,145 Stannel 940 55 16,195 Tyste 38,000 5J 16,146 Starling 950 15 16,196 Upupa 39,000 JJ 16,147 Stiltbird 960 55 16,197 Urubu 40,000 , J 16,148 Stockdove 970 5? 16,198 Verdecillo 41,000 JJ 16,149 Stonechat 980 55 16,199 Vireo 42,000 JJ 16,150 Stonegale 990 n 16,200 Vulture 43,000 JJ 16,151 Stonehawk 1,000 55 16,201 Wagel 44,000 JJ 16,152 Storks 1,500 55 16,202 Wagtail 45,000 16,153 Stormbird 2,000 >J 16,203 Wapacut 46,000 5, 16,154 Stormfmch 2,500 J5 16,204 Warbler 47,000 55 16,155 Strix 3,000 55 16,205 Waterfowl 48,000 JJ 16,156 Struthio 3.500 J, 16,206 Waterhen 49,000 It 16,157 Sturnus 4,000 55 16,207 Waterousel 50,000 JJ 16,158 Summerduck 4,50 JJ 16,208 Waterpiot 60,000 ,J 16,159 Sunbird 5,000 JJ 16,209 Waterrail 70,000 JJ 1 6, 1 60 Swallow 5,500 ,, 16,210 Wattlebird 80,000 16,161 Swans 6,000 ,, 16,211 Waxbill 90,000 JJ 16,162 Swifts 6,500 j j 16,212 Wheatbird 100,000 JJ 16,163 Tadorna 7,000 j, 16,213 Wheatear 200,000 JJ 16,164 Tailorbird 7,50 ,, 16,214 Whewer 300,000 J 16,165 Talegalla 8,000 ,, 16,215 Whimbrel 400,000 )) 16,166 Tanagers 9,000 ,, 16,216 Whinchat 500,000 JJ 16,167 Teal 10,000 55 16,217 Whitetail 6OO,OOO JJ 16,168 Tern 11,000 55 16,218 Wildfowl 700,000 JJ 16,169 Tetrao 12,000 5, 16,219 Wildgoose 800,000 JJ 16,170 Tewit 13,000 55 16,220 Windhover 900,000 JJ 16,171 Throstle 14,000 55 16,221 Witwall 1,000,000 J 16,172 Thrush 15,000 55 16,222 Wongawonga 2,000,000 J5 16,173 Tinamon 16,000 55 16,223 Woodchat 3,000,000 55 16,174 Tirwet 17,000 5J 16,224 Woodcock 4,000,000 )) i6,i75 Titlark 18,000 5J 16,225 Woodgrouse 5,000,000 JJ 16,176 Titmice 19,000 16,226 Woodlark 6,000,000 JJ 16,177 Titmouse 20,000 55 16,227 Woodpecker 7,000,000 J 16,178 Todus 21,000 5' 16,228 Woodpigeon 8,000,000 55 16,179 Tomnoddy 22,000 5J 16,229 Wren 9,000,000 JJ 16,180 Tomtit 23,000 55 16,230 Wryneck 10,000,000 5> 16,181 Tordo 24,OOO 55 16,231 Yellowbird 20,000,000 JJ 16,182 Tortola 25,000 J5 16,232 Zivola 30,000,000 JJ 16,183 Toucan 26,000 55 16,233 Zorzal 40,000,000 J> 16,184 Towillee 27,OOO 55 16,234 304 AMERICAN MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. ^,235 Aardvark i cent 16,285 Bluecat 5 1 cents 16,236 Aardwolf 2 cents 16,286 Bonassus 5 2 33 16,237 Abada 3 33 16,287 Borneo 53 33 , 16,238 Abouhart 4 33 16,288 Boshbok 54 33 16,239 Acemila 5 33 16,289 Bouc 55 33 16,240 Achlis 6 33 16,290 Bouquetin 56 33 16,241 Acrita 7 33 16,291 Bourrique 57 33 16,242 Adapis 8 33 16,292 Bourro 58 33 16,243 Adelepode 9 A 16,293 Boutibok 59 33 16,244 Adiva 10 p> 16,294 Bradypcd 60 33 16,245 Agouti ii 16,295 Braque 61 33 16,246 Ailurus 12 16,296 Brantfox 62 33 16,247 Alces 13 33 16,297 Brebis 63 3 16,248 Algalia 14 16,298 Briquet 64 33 16,249 Amorphozoa 15 33 16,299 Brock 65 33 16,250 Angoragoat 16 33 16,300 Brocket 66 33 16,251 Antbear 17 33 16,301 Broodmare 67 33 16,252 Anteater 18 33 16,302 Bruin 68 33 16,253 Antelope 19 33 16,303 Buball 69 33 16,254 Ape 20 }} 16,304 Bucha 7 3 16,255 Arcticfox 21 . 16,305 Bucula 7 1 3 16,256 Argali 22 )} 16,306 Buck 72 , 16,257 Armadillo 2 3 3 16,307 Buffalo 73 5 16,258 Asche 24 3 16,308 Bufle 74 , 16,259 Asses 2 5 3 16,309 Bulchin 75 } 16,260 Aurochs 26 16,310 Bullcalf 76 3 16,261 Ayeaye 27 . 16,311 Bulldogs 77 33 16,262 Baboon 28 ^ 16,312 Bullock 78 33 16,263 Babouin 29 3 16,313 Bulls 79 33 16,264 Babyroussa 3 3 16,314 Bunny 80 33 16,265 Badger 33 Caballus 81 33 16,266 Bandicoot 3 2 33 16,316 Cabiai 82 13 16,267 Barbastel 33 33 16,317 Cagni 83 33 16,268 Basilisk 34 35 16,318 Cajota 84 3) 16,269 Batrachia 35 33 16,319 Calf 85 53 16,270 Beagles 36 3, 16,320 Calves 86 33 16,271 Bears 37 16,321 Camel 87 33 16,272 Beaver 38 33 16,322 Camelopard 88 33 16,273 Beeves 39 3, 16,323 Camelus 89 33 16,274 Behemoth 40 33 16,324 Campagnol 90 3 16,275 Belette 41 16,325 Canis 91 3 16,276 Bestia 42 33 16,326 Capella 92 3 16,277 Bettong 43 3, 16,327 Capibara 93 3 16,278 Bigle 44 33 16,328 Capra 94 3 16,279 Bison 45 16,329 Caracal 95 33 16,280 Blaireau 46 33 l6 ,33 Carcajo 96 33 16,281 Blenheim 47 33 Cardophagi 97 33 16,282 Bloodhorse 48 l6 7-22 Cariacou 98 16,283 Bloodhound 49 16,333 Cariboo 99 16,284 Bloodsucker 50 33 l6 ,334 Catamount i dollar AMERICAN MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. l6 ,335 Catarrhine 2 dollars 16,385 Dzeren 52 dollars Cattle 3 16,386 Dziggetai 53 j, l6 ,337 Catulus 4 16,387 Eanling 54 16,338 Cavicorn 5 H 16,388 Echidna 55 ,, l6 ,339 Cavy 6 JJ 16,389 Echimyd 56 16,340 Cervus 7 JJ 16,390 Echini 57 16,341 Chacal 8 16,391 Echinus 58 16,342 Chameau 9 ,j 16,392 Ecureuil 59 16,343 Chamois 10 JJ i6,393 Edentata 60 16,344 Cheetah ii 16,394 Eland 61 16,345 Cheiropoda 12 )} '6,395 Elephant 62 16,346 Chevre 13 JJ 16,396 Entozoa 63 16,347 Chevreuil 14 ,j 16,397 Equus 64 16,348 Chevrotain 15 jj 16,398 Erinaceus 65 ,, 16,349 Chickaree 16 j) i6,399 Ermine 66 16,350 Chien 17 jj 16,400 Ewes 67 l6 ,35 I Chimpanzee 18 JJ 16,401 Fallowdeer 68 16,352 Chinche 19 JJ 16,402 Fauna 69 l6 ,353 Chinchilla 20 16,403 Fawn 7o 16,354 Civetcat 21 j, 16,404 Felis l6 ,355 Coati 22 jj 16,405 Ferret 72 " 16,356 Cochon 23 JJ 16,406 Fieldmouse 73 jj 16,357 Codous 24 Jj 16,407 Filander 74 16,358 Colliedog 25 JJ 16,408 Filly 75 jj 16,359 Colobus 26 JJ 16,409 Fitchet 76 16,360 Colts 27 16,410 Fizzler 77 16,361 Condonia 28 jj 16,411 Flyingfox 78 16,362 Conepate 29 16,412 Foals 79 16,363 Coney 3 Jj 16,413 Fouine 80 16,364 Cosset 3 1 16,414 Foumart 81 '6,365 Cougar 32 JJ 16,415 Fourmilier 82 16,366 Cows 33 16,416 Foxes 83 ,, 16,367 Crocodile 34 w 16,417 Foxhound 84 j. 16,368 Cub 35 jj 16,418 Fuchs 85 16,369 Dachs 36 jj 16,419 Furet 86 16,370 Dachshund 37 jj 16,420 Galago 87 ,j 16,371 Dasypus 38 JJ 16,421 Gallaox 88 16,372 Dasyure 39 JJ 16,422 Garanon 89 16,373 Deer 40 jj 16,423 Gaur 9 jj 16,374 Deermouse ,, 16,424 Gavial Demiwolf 42 jj 16,425 Gazal 92 ' 16,376 Desman 43 JJ 16,426 Gazapo 93 jj 16,377 Dhole 44 JJ 16,427 Gazehound 94 ,, 16,378 Dieb 45 jj 16,428 Gazelle 95 jj i6,379 Dipus 46 jj 16,429 Gelding 96 16,380 Dogfox 47 JJ 16,430 Gemsbok 97 jj 16,381 Donkey 48 ,, 16,431 Genette 98 16,382 Dormice 49 ?J 16,432 Genisse 99 j, 16,383 Dromedary jj 16,433 Gibbon 100 16,384 Dugong 51 )j i6,434 Giraffe 101 X AMEEICAN MONEY. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. l6,435 Gliers 102 dollars 16,486 Kitten 153 dollars 16,436 Glyptodon 103 55 16,487 Koala 154 55 16,437 Goat 104 55 16,488 Koba 155 55 16,438 Gnu i5 55 16,489 Koodoo 156 55 i6,439 Goral 106 j) 16,490 Kudu 157 55 16,440 Grampus 107 55 16,491 Kyloes 158 >5 16,441 Greyhound 108 55 16,492 Lagomys 159 5 16,442 Grice 109 55 16,493 Lamb 160 55 16,443 Grizzly no 55 16,494 Lambkin 161 55 16,444 Groundhog in 55 i6,495 Lapdog 162 5> i6,445 Grysbok 112 55 16,496 Lapin 163 55 16,446 Guanaco "3 55 16,497 Lapineau 164 55 16,447 Guib 114 55 16,498 Leming 165 55 16,448 Guineapig II 5 55 16,499 Lemur 166 55 16,449 Gyall 116 55 16,500 Leona 167 )5 16,450 Halicore 117 55 16,501 Leopard 168 55 16,451 Halmaturus 118 55 16,502 Levrier 169 55 16,452 Hamster 119 55 16,503 Lievre 170 >5 16,453 Hare I2O >5 16,504 Lince 171 55 16,454 Harehound 121 55 16,505 Lion 172 55 16,455 Harrier 122 55 16,506 Lioncelle 173 55 16,456 Hartbeest 123 55 16,507 Lioness 174 55 16,457 Hedgehog I2 4 55 16,508 Llama 175 55 16,458 Heifer I2 5 55 16,509 Loir 176 55 i6,459 Hind 126 55 16,510 Loris 177 55 16,460 Hircus 127 55 16,511 Loup 178 55 16,461 Hoggerel 128 55 16,512 Lynx 179 55 16,462 Hogs 129 55 !6,5i3 Macacus 1 80 55 16,463 Honeybear 130 J) 16,514 Macho 181 55 16,464 Horses *3i 55 16,515 Manatee 182 55 16,465 Hounds 132 J5 16,516 Mandril 183 55 16,466 Housedog 133 55 16,517 Mangaby 184 55 16,467 Hyena 134 J5 16,518 Mare 185 55 16,468 Hyrax J 35 J5 16,519 Margay 186 )5 16,469 Ichneumon 136 5 16,520 Marikin 187 55 16,470 137 5 16,521 Mariput 1 88 55 16,471 Jackal 138 5 16,522 Marmoset 189 55 16,472 Jackass 139 ) 16,523 Marmot 190 55 i6,473 Jaguar 140 J 16,524 Mastiff 191 55 16,474 Jennet 141 16,525 Meerfuchs 192 55 i6,475 Jerboa 142 5 16,526 Minever 193 55 16,476 Jument J 43 55 16,527 Mole 194 55 i6,477 Kaama 144 55 16,528 Molerat T 95 55 16,478 Kangaroo 145 J5 16,529 Monkeys 196 55 16,479 Karagan 146 5, J 5>53 Moose 197 5' 16,480 Katze 147 55 16,531 Moschus 198 55 16,481 Kevel 148 55 16,532 Moufflon 199 55 16,482 Kid 149 55 l6 ,533 Mule 200 55 16,483 Kidling I 5 55 i6,534 Muntjak 201 35 16,484 Kine I5 1 55 l6 >535 Murine 2O2 55 16,485 K ; nkajou 152 5) 16,536 Muskbeaver 203 II AMERICAN MONEY. 307 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 16,537 Muskdeer 204 dollars 16,588 Potto 435 dollars 16,538 Muskox 205 16,589 Pottoroo 440 55 !6,539 Musmon 206 55 16,590 Poulain 445 16,540 Musquash 207 5> 16,591 Pourceau 45 16,541 Mustac 208 55 16,592 Prairiedog 455 5, 16,542 Mustang 209 55 16,593 Procyon 460 16,543 Mustela 2IO 55 16,594 Pronghorn 465 16,544 Mycetes 215 55 16,595 Pteromys 470 55 16,545 Nag 220 55 16,596 Pugdog 475 16,546 Nanguer 225 )) 16,597 Puma 480 i6,547 Novilla 230 55 16,598 Putois 485 16,548 Nylghau 235 55 l6,599 Pygargus 49 5> 16,549 Ocelot 240 *5 16,600 Quagga 495 16,550 Onager 245 55 16,601 Rabbit 5 JfiiSS 1 Opossum 2 5 55 16,602 Racoon 5 10 5, 16,552 Oryx 255 55 16,603 Rams 5 20 i6,553 Otter 26o 55 16,604 Reddeer 530 16,554 Oxen 265 55 16,605 Reebok 540 !6,555 Paca 270 55 16,606 Reindeer 550 16,556 Pachyderm 275 5 16,607 Renard 560 *6,557 Packhorse 280 5 16,608 Renne 570 5, 16,558 Pacos 285 5 16,609 Reremouse 580 , i6,559 Padnag 290 } 16,610 Retriever 59 16,560 Palfrey 295 5 16,611 Rhesus 600 , 16,561 Panda 300 ) 16,612 Rhinoceros 610 , 16,562 Pangolin 305 5 16,613 Rietreebok 620 , 16,563 Panther 310 5 16,614 Riverhorse 630 16,564 Pard 315 5 16,615 Roadster 640 16,565 Pardalis 320 , 16,616 Rodentia 650 5, 16,566 Pardus 325 , 16,617 Rockdoe 660 16,567 Pavian 330 J 16,618 Roe 670 16,568 Peccary 335 ) 16,619 Roebuck 680 16,569 Perro 340 5 16,620 Rooteater 690 16,570 Phalanger 345 55 16,621 Rusa 700 16,571 Pherde 350 5? 16,622 Sable 7 J o 16,572 Phoca 355 55 16,623 Sagouin 720 i6,573 Piedgoat 360 55 16,624 Saiga 730 5, i6,575 Pilosaurus 365 55 16,625 Sajou 740 i6,575 Pineweasel 370 55 16,626 Saki 75 16,576 Platypus 375 55 16,627 Salamander 760 16,577 Pointer 380 55 16,628 Sanglier 77o 16,578 Polecat 385 55 16,629 Sapajou 780 i6,579 Polype 390 55 16,630 Sarlac 790 16,580 Ponies 395 55 16,631 Sasin 800 16,581 Pony 400 55 16,632 Satyrus 810 16,582 Poodle 405 55 16,633 Schakal 820 16,583 Porculus 410 55 16,634 Schwein 830 5, 16,584 Porcupine 4i5 55 16,635 Sciurus 840 16,585 Porcus 420 55 16,636 Scrofa 850 ,5 16,586 Porpoise 425 5) 16,637 Seaape 860 16,587 Potranca 43 55 16,638 Seabear 870 3 o8 AMERICAN MONEY, No. Code Word. No. Code Word, 16,639 Seacalf 880 dollars 16,690 Tigress 31,000 dols. 16,640 Seacow 890 16,691 Tortoise 32,000 jj 16,641 Seadog 900 16,692 Tukuku 33,ooo 16,642 Seahorse 910 16,693 Tupaia 34,ooo 16,643 Seal 9 2 o 16,694 Turnspit 35,000 16,644 Sealeopard 93 j, 16,695 Unicorn 36,000 jj 16,645 Seeross 940 16,696 Ursa 37,000 ,, 16,646 Shearling 950 16,697 Ursus 38,000 1 6,647 Sheep 960 16,698 Vaches 39,000 jj 16,648 Sheltie 97o 16,699 Vacula 40,000 ,, 16,649 Shrewmole 980 16,700 Vansire 41,000 16,650 Shrewmouse 990 16,701 Vervex 42,000 n 16,651 Silverfox 1,000 16,702 Vibrio 43,000 )} 16,652 Simia ij5 j* 16,703 Vicugna 44,000 16,653 Singes 2,000 ,,. 16,704 Viverra 45,000 16,654 Skunk 2,500 16,705 Vulpes- 46,000 16,655 Spaniel 3,000 16,706 Walrus 47,000 jj 16,656 Spitzhund 3,5oo 16,707 Wanderoo 48,000 ,, 16,657 Spitzmaus 4,000 16,708 Wapiti 49,000 M 16,658 Springbok 4,5o jj 16,709 Watchdogs 50,000 16,659 Springer 5,000 16,710 Waterhog 60,000 >> 16,660 Spurhund 5,5oo 16,711 Waterrat 70,000 jj 16,661 Squalus 6,000 16,712 Weasel 80,000 ,, 16,662 Squirrel 6,500 16,713 Weideochs 90,000 M 16,663 Staggard 7,000 16,714 Weidevieh 100,000 M 16,664 Staghound Whitebear 200,000 ? j 16,665 Stallion 8,000 16.716 Wildboar 300,000 jj 16,666 Stammochs 8,500 16,717 Wildcat 400,000 j, 16,667 Stanker 9,000 16,718 Wildebeest 500,000 j, 16,668 Starnose 9,500 16,719 Wildkalb 600,000 16,669 Steenbok 10,000 16,720 Wildswine 700,000 jj 16,670 Steers 11,000 16,721 Wistonwish 800,000 jj 16,671 Steinfuchs 12,000 16,722 Wolfdog 900,000 n 16,672 Steingeiss 13,000 16,723 Wolfinn 1,000,000 16,673 Stoat 14,000 16,724 Wolfshund 1,500,000 16,674 Sumpter I5,OOO 16,725 Wolverene 2,000,000 jj 16,675 Suricate 16,000 16,726 Wolves 2,500,000 jj 16,676 Surmulot 17,000 16,727 Wombat 3,000,000 jj 16,677 Suslik l8,OOO 16,728 Woodchuck3,5oo,ooo jj 16,678 Swine 19,000 16,729 Woodgoat 4,000,000 jj 16,679 Tabbycat 2O,000 16,730 Woodshock 5,000,000 jj 16,680 Tajacu 21,000 16,731 Woodswine 6,000,000 n 16,681 Talpa 22,OOO 16,732 Zebra 7,000,000 jj 16,682 Tapir 23,000 16,733 Zebu 8,000,000 n 16,683 Taupe 24,000 i6,734 Zerda 9,000,000 16,684 Taureau 25,000 i6,735 Zibeline 10,000,000 n 16,685 Taxel 26,OOO 16,736 Zizel 15,000,000 , , 16,686 Teurec 27,OOO l6 ,737 Zoril 20,000,000 16,687 Terrier 28,000 16,738 Zorilla 25,000,000 jj 16,688 Tiger 29,000 l6 ,739 Zorro 30,000,000 16,689 Tigercat 30,000 NUMBERS. No. Code Word No. Code Word. 16,740 Abadias i 16,790 Altaneus 5i 16,741 Abednego 2 16,791 Altekon 52 16,742 Abgarus 3 16,792 Amadatha 53 16,743 Abiasaph 4 i6,793 Amalek 54 16,744 Abiathar 5 16,794 Amalekite 55 16,745 Abiezer 6 16,795 Amariah 56 16,746 Abigail 7 16,796 Amasai 57 i6,747 Abihud 8 16,797 Amashiah 58 16,748 Abijam 9 16,798 Amatheis 59 16,749 Abimael 10 16,799 Amaziah 60 16,750 Abinadab ii 16,800 Aminadab 61 16,751 Abishag 12 16,801 Ammidioi 62 16,752 Abitub I 3 16,802 Ammiel 63 16,753 Abraham 14 16,803 Ammihud 64 i6,754 Absalom 15 16,804 Ammishadda 65 16,755 Abubus 16 16,805 Amplias 66 16,756 Aceldama 17 16,806 Amraphel 67 16,757 Achaichus 18 16,807 Anamelech 68 16,758 Achitob 19 16,808 Ananias 69 l6,759 Achmetha 20 16,809 Anathoth 70 16,760 Acitho 21 16,810 Andromicus 7i 16,761 Adadezer 22 16,811 Antiochus 72 16,762 Adatha 23 16,812 Antipas 73 16,763 Adonai 2 4 16,813 Antipatris 74 16,764 Adonajah 25 16,814 Antonia 75 16,765 Adramelech 26 16,815 Antonius 76 16,766 Aduel 27 16,816 Apamea 77 16,767 Aedias 28 16,817 Aphekah 78 16,768 Agabus 2 9 16,818 Apherra 79 16,769 Agagite 3 16,819 Aphiah 80 16,770 Agarenes 3 1 16,820 Apollos 81 16,771 Ahasuerus 3 2 16,821 Apollyon 82 16,772 Ahazai 33 16,822 Aquila 83 16,773 Ahihud 34 16,823 Arabah 84 16,774 Ahikam 35 16,824 Aradite 85 16,775 Ahimelech 36 16,825 Aradus 86 16,776 Ahinadab 37 16,826 Arbonai 87 16,777 Ahisamach 38 16,827 Archelaus 88 16,778 Ahishahur 39 16,828 Archippus 89 16,779 Aholah 40 16,829 Arelites 90 16,780 Ahumai 4i 16,830 Areopagite 9i 16,781 Ahuzzah 42 16,831 Areopagus 92 16,782 Aijalon 43 16,832 Aridai 93 16,783 Akrabbim 44 16,833 Arimathea 94 16,784 Alamelech 45 16,834 Arioch 95 16,785 Alamoth 46 16,835 Arnepher 96 16,786 Alcimus 47 16,836 Arphaxad 97 16,787 Almodad 48 16,837 Arsaces 98 16,788 Alnathan 49 16,838 Artemas 99 16,789 Alpheus 50 16,839 Aruboth IOO NUMBERS. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 16,840 Arumah 101 16,890 Azmaveth 151 16,841 Arvadites 102 16,891 Azrikam J 5 2 16,842 Asadias I0 3 16,892 Azubah *53 16,843 Asahel 104 16,893 Azuran J54 16,844 Asaiah *5 16,894 Azymites 155 16,845 Asaphar 106 16,895 Baal ah 156 16,846 Asareel 107 16,896 Baalis 157 16,847 Asbazaret 108 16,897 Baanath 158 16,848 Aseas 109 16,898 Baashah J 59 16,849 Asebebia no 16,899 Bacchurus 160 16,850 Asenath in 16,900 Bagoas 161 16,851 Ashabiah 112 16,901 Bakbukiah 162 16,852 Ashbelites H3 16,902 Balanus 163 16,853 Ashean 114 16,903 Balthasar 164 16,854 Ashimath 115 16,904 Barabbas 165 16,855 Ashkenaz 116 16,905 Barachel 166 16,856 Ashriel 117 16,906 Barachiah 167 16,857 Ashtaroth 118 16,907 Barcenor 168 16,858 Ashuath 119 16,908 Barjesus 169 16,859 Ashurim 120 16,909 Barjona 170 16,860 Ashurithes 121 16,910 Barodis 171 16,861 Asibias 122 16,911 Bartacus 172 16,862 Asipha I2 3 16,912 Bartimeus 173 16,863 Askelon I2 4 16,913 Bascama 174 16,864 Asmadai I2 5 16 914 Bashemath 175 16,865 Asmaveth 126 16,915 Bathaloth 176 16,866 Asmodeus 127 16,916 Bathshua 177 16,867 Asmoneans 128 16,917 Bealiah 178 16,868 Asnapper 129 16,918 Bechorath 179 16,869 Asochis 130 16,919 Beelsarus 180 16,870 Aspharasus I 3 I 16,920 Beelzebub 181 16,871 Asriel 132 16,921 Beeroth 182 16,872 Assabias 133 16,922 Belemus 183 16,873 Astaroth 134 16,923 Belmaim 184 16,874 Astarte 135 16,924 Belshazzar 185 16,875 Asyncritus 136 16,925 Benammi 186 16,876 Atargatis 137 16,926 Benhadad 187 16,877 Aterezias 138 16,927 Benhail 1 88 16,878 Athaiah 139 16,928 Beninu 189 16,879 Attalus 140 16,929 Benjamin 190 16,880 Auranitis 141 16,930 Benzoheth 191 16,881 Auranus 142 16,931 Berachiah 192 16,882 Auteus *43 16,932 Bernice 193 16,883 Avaran 144 16,933 Berothath 194 16,884 Azaelus J 45 16,934 Berzelus J 95 16,885 Azaphion 146 16,935 Betharbel 196 16,886 Azareel 147 16,936 Bethaven 197 16,887 Azaziah 148 l6 ,937 Bethbasi 198 16,888 Azephurith 149 16,938 Bethdagon 199 16,889 Azetas 15 16,939 Bethesda 200 NUMBERS No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 16,940 Beth gad er 2OI 16,990 Characa 25 1 16,941 Bethgamul 202 16,991 Chaseba 252 16,942 Bethharan 20 3 16,992 Chelcias 2 53 16,943 Bethhoglah 204 l6 ,993 Chelubar 254 16,944 Bethlehem 205 16,994 Chemarims 255 l6,945 Bethmeon 206 l6 ,995 Chenaniah 256 16,946 Bethoron 207 16,996 Chephirah 257 16,947 Bethpalet 208 16,997 Chereas 258 16,948 Bethpeor 209 16,998 Chesulloth 259 16,949 Bethphage 210 16,999 Chileab 260 16,950 Bethrabah 211 17,000 Chorasin 261 16,951 Bethsaida 212 17,001 Cirama 262 16,952 Bethshean 213 17,002 Citherus 263 16,953 Bethsimos 2I 4 17,003 Cleophas 264 16,954 Bethsura 215 17,004 Colhozeh 265 16,955 Bethtappua 216 17,005 Colossians 266 16,956 Bethuel 217 17,006 Cononiah 267 16,957 Betolius 218 17,007 Cretians 268 16,958 Betonim 219 17,008 Cutheans 269 16,959 Beulah 220 17,009 Cyamon 270 16,960 Bezaleel 221 17,010 Cyrenius 271 16,961 Biatas 222 17,011 Dabareh 272 16,962 Bigthana 223 17,012 Daberath 273 16,963 Bilgai 224 17,013 Dabria 274 16,964 Birzavith 22 5 17,014 Daddeus 275 16,965 Boanerges 226 17,015 Dalaiah 276 16,966 Bocheru 227 17,016 Dalmanutha 277 16,967 Brigandine 228 17,017 Damaris 278 16,968 Bukkiah 229 17,018 Damascenes 279 16,969 Caiaphas 230 17,019 Daniel 280 16,970 Calamus 2 3 I 17,020 Danjaan 281 16,971 Calvary 232 17,021 Danobrath 282 16,972 Canaanites 233 17,022 Dathemab 283 i6,973 Candace 234 17,023 Decapolis 284 16,974 Capernaum 235 17,024 Dedanims 285 l6,975 Caphenatha 236 17,025 Dehavites 286 16,976 Caphira 237 17,026 Delaiah 287 16,977 Caphtorim 2 3 3 17,027 Diblaim 288 16,978 Carchamis 239 17,028 Dibzahab 289 16,979 Careah 240 17,029 Didrachm 290 16,980 Carmanians 241 17,030 Didymus 291 16,981 Carmelite 242 17,031 Dimonah 292 16,982 Carnaim 243 17,032 Dodavah 293 16,983 Carshena 244 17,033 Dorymenes 294 16,984 Caslubim 245 17,034 Dositheus 295 16,985 Cathuath 246 J 7,o35 Dothaim 296 16,986 Celemia 247 17,036 Ebenezer 297 16,987 Cenchrea 248 I 7,o37 Ebiasaph 298 16,988 Cendebeus 249 ^,038 Ebronah 299 16,989 Chaldea 250 17,039 Ecbatana 300 312 NUMBERS. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 17,040 Edomites 301 17,090 Emmaus 35 1 17,041 Eglaim 302 17,091 Eneas "*" 352 17,042 Ekrebel 303 17,092 Eneglaim 353 17,043 Ekronites 304 17,093 Enenias 354 17,044 Eladah 305 17,094 Engannim 355 17,045 Elbethel 306 Enhaddah 356 17,046 Eldaah 37 17,096 Enhazor 357 17,047 Elealeh 308 17,097 Enmishpat 358 17,048 Eleazer 39 17,098 Enrimmon 359 17,049 Eleazurus 310 17,099 Enrogel 360 17,050 Eleutherus 3 11 17,100 Epaphras 361 17,051 Eleuzai 312 17,101 Epenetus 362 17,052 Elhanan 3 J 3 17,102 Ephratah 363 17,053 Eliab 17,103 Eranites 3 6 4 17,054 Eliada 315 17,104 Erastus 365 17,055 Eliadun 316 17,105 Esaias 366 17,056 Eliahba 17,106 Esarhaddon 367 17,057 Eliahkim 318 17,107 Esdrelon 368 17,058 Eliasaph 319 17,108 Esebon 369 17,059 Eliashib 320 17,109 Esebrias 37o 17,060 Eliasis 321 17,110 Eshbaal 17,061 Eliatha 322 17,111 Eshkalon 372 17,062 Elidad 323 17,112 Esmachiah 373 17,063 Elienai 324 17,113 Esthaol 374 17,064 Eliezer 325 17,114 Ethanim 375 17,065 Elihoreph 326 Euasibus 376 17,066 Elihu 327 17,116 Eubulus 377 17,067 Elijah 328 17,117 Eunice 378 17,068 Elimelech 329 17,118 Euodias 379 17,069 Elionas 330 17,119 Eutychus 380 17,070 Eliphal 331 17,120 Ezechias 381 17,071 Eliphalet 332 17,121 Ezerias 382 17,072 Elisabeth 333 17,122 Ezrahite 383 17,073 Eliseus 334 17,123 Ezriel 384 17,074 Elisha 335 17,124 Ezronites 385 - 17,075 Elisheba 336 T 7, I2 5 Fabaris 386 17,076 Elizaphan 337 17,126 Fabiani 387 17,077 Elizur 338 17,127 Fabius 388 17,078 Elkanah 339 17,128 Farfarus 389 17,079 Elkoshite 340 17,129 Faustinus 39 17,080 Elmodam 34i Februus 391 17,081 Elnaam 342 17' 1*1 Felsina 39 2 17,082 Elpalet 343 17,132 Feronia 393 17,083 Eltekeh 344 I 7, I 33 Fibrenus 394 17,084 Eltolad 345 I 7, I 34 Fidenates 395 17,085 Eluzai 346 Firmicis 396 17,086 Elymas 347 I 7 I 3 6 Flavius 397 17,087 Elzabad 348 Floralis 398 17,088 Elzaphan 349 17^38 Fontanus 399 17,089 Emanuel 350 Frusino 400 NUMBERS. 313 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 17,140 Fulginates 401 17,190 Hamulites 45* 17,141 Fulginus 402 17,191 Hamutal 452 17,142 Fuscina 403 17,192 Hananeel 453 17,143 Fuscus 404 17,193 Hananiah 454 I7,!44 Gabbatha 405 17,194 Hannathon 455 17,145 Gabriel 406 J 7,i95 Hanochites 456 17,146 Gadara 407 17,196 Haradah 457 17,147 Gadarenes 408 i7,i97 Hararite 458 17,148 Gaddiel 409 17,198 Harbonah 459 17,149 Galgala 410 i7,i99 Harnepher 460 I7,I5 Gallic 411 17,200 Harodite 461 17,15! Garizim 412 17,201 Haroeh 462 I7,I5 2 Gazabar 4i3 17,202 Harosheth 463 17,153 Gazera 414 17,203 Harumaph 464 17,154 Gedaliah 4i5 17,204 Hasadiah 465 17,155 Gederoth 416 17,205 Hasenuah 466 I7,I5 6 Gehazi 4i7 17,206 Hasupha 467 17,157 Geliloth 418 17,207 Hatita 468 17,158 Genezar 419 17,208 Hattipha 469 17,159 Gergashi 420 17,209 Havilah 470 17,160 Gerizim 421 17,210 Hazael 47i 17,161 Giddalti 422 17,211 Hazaroth 472 17,162 Gilead 423 17,212 Hazerim 473 I7,I 6 3 Gilonite 424 17,213 Hazezon 474 17,164 Ginnetho 425 17,214 Hazubah 475 I7,T 6 5 Gittites 426 17,215 Heberites 476 17,166 Golgotha 427 17,216 Helchiah 477 17,167 Goliath 428 17,217 Heldai 478 17,168 Gomorrah 429 17,218 Helkias 479 17,169 Gorgias 430 17,219 Henadad 480 17,170 Gothoniel 43i 17,220 Hephzibah 481 17,171 Gurbaal 43 2 17,221 Herodias 482 17,172 Habaiah 433 17,222 Hezekiah 483 i7 I 73 Habakkuk 434 17,223 Hezion 484 i7, I 74 Hachilah 435 17,224 Hiddekel 485 i7,i75 Hadadezer 436 17,225 Hiermas 486 17,176 Hadassah 437 17,226 Higgaion 487 I7,i77 Hadlai 438 17,227 Hircanus 488 17,178 Hadoram 439 17,228 Hiskijah 489 I7,i79 Hagabah 440 17,229 Hodaviah 49 17,180 Hagai 441 17,230 Hodijah 491 17,181 Hagarenes 442 17,231 Holofernes 492 17,182 Haggeri 443 17,232 Horonaion 493 17,183 Hakkatan 444 17,233 Hosea 494 17,184 Hakupha 445 17,234 Hoshaiah 495 17,185 Halloesh 446 17,235 Hushubah 496 17,186 Hamathite 447 17,236 Hydaspes 497 17,187 Hamelech 448 17,237 Ibleam 498 17,188 Hamonah 449 17,238 Ibnijah 499 17,189 Hamuel 45 17,239 Ichabod 500 NUMBERS. No. Code Word. No. Code Word. 17,240 Idumaa 55 17,290 Jerubbaal 810 17,241 Igeabarim BIO 17,291 Jeshaiah 820 17,242 Iphedeiah 5i5 17,292 Jesharelah 830 17,243 Irnahash 520 17,293 Jeshimon 840 17,244 Irshemish 5 2 5 17,294 Jeshurun 850 17,245 Iscariot 530 17,295 Jesimiel 860 17,246 Ishbosheth 535 17,296 Jezebel 870 17,247 Ishijah 540 17,297 Jezreelite 880 17,248 Ishmaiah 545 17,298 Joadanus 890 17,249 Ismachiah 55 17,299 Joazabdus 900 17,250 Issachar 555 17,300 Jochebed 910 17,251 Istalcurus 560 17,301 Jogbeah 920 17,252 Ithream 565 17,302 Joiarib 930 17,253 Iturea 57o I 7 ? 33 Joktheel 940 17,254 Izrahiah 575 i7>34 Jorkoam 95 17,255 Izreel 580 17,305 Josaphias 960 17,256 Jaakobah 585 17,306 Josedech 970 17,257 Jaasania 590 17,307 Joshaviah 980 17,258 Jaassau 595 17,308 Jotbatha 990 17,259 Jaaziel 600 17,309 Jozadak 1000 17,260 Jachinites 605 17,310 Karnaim 1050 17,261 Jahalelel 610 17,311 Kehelathah 1 100 17,262 Jahdiel 6i5 17,312 Kerioth 1150 J 7> 2 63 Jahzerah 620 17,313 Keturah I2OO 17,264 Jairus 625 17,314 Kirioth 1250 17,265 Janohah 630 17,315 Kohathites 1300 17,266 Japhleti 635 17,316 Kushaiah J 35 17,267 Jashobeam 640 17,317 Lacunus 1400 17,268 Jasubus . 645 17,318 Lahairoi 145 17,269 Jathniel 650 17,319 Lapidoth 1500 I 7> 2 7 Jeaterai 655 17,320 Lasharon 155 17,271 Jecamiah 660 17,321 Lasthenes 1600 17,272 Jeddeus 665 17,322 Lebanah 1650 *7j 2 73 Jeduthun 670 17,323 Lebbeus 1700 17,274 Jehdeiah 675 17,324 Lehabim i75o I 7j 2 75 Jehishai 680 17,325 Letushim 1800 17,276 Jehoaddan 685 17,326 Leviticus 1850 I 7) 2 77 Jehoahaz 690 17,327 Lignaloes 1900 17,278 Jehoiachin 695 17,328 Lodebar 195 Z 7j 2 79 Jehoiarib 700 17,329 Lothasubas 200O 17,280 Jehoram 710 17,330 Lucius 2050 17,281 Jehosheba 720 17,331 Lycaonia 2100 17,282 Jehubbah 730 17,332 Lysanias 2I5O 17,283 Jekabzeel 740 17,333 Lysia 2200 17,284 Jekameam 750 17,334 Maacah 2250 17,285 Jekuthiel 760 i7>335 Maadiah 2300 17,286 Jephunnch 770 17,336 Maaleh 2 35 17,287 Jerahmeel 780 17,337 Maarath 2400 17,288 Jeremoth 790 17,338 Maaziah 2450 17,289 Jerodon 800 J 7>339 Maccabaeus 2500 NUMBERS. 315 No. Code Word. No. Code Word. I7>340 Machbenah 255 17,391 Moadiah 7200 17,341 Machirites 2600 17,392 Moosias 7300 17,342 Machpelah 2650 17,393 Morasthite 7400 T 7,343 Madiabun 2700 17,394 Mordecai 7500 17,344 Madmannah 2750 !7,395 Moresheth 7600 r 7,345 Maelus 2800 17,396 Moserah 7700 17,346 Magdiel 2850 17,397 Mosollam 7806 17,347 Magpiash 2900 17,398 Muthlabben 7900 17,348 Mahalath 295 17,399 Mytelene 8000 17,349 Mahanem 3000 17,400 Naaman 8100 17,35 Mahazioth 3100 17,401 Naashon 8200 I 7,35 I Makkedah 3200 17,402 Naathus 8300 i7,35 2 Malchiah 33oo 17,403 Nabarias 8400 17,353 Malchiram 3400 17,404 Nabatheans 8500 17,354 Manahath 35o 17,405 Nadabatha 8600 17,355 Manasseas 3600 17,406 Nahaliel 8700 17,356 Manhanaim 3700 17,407 Nahamani 8800 17,357 Maranatha 3800 17,408 Naidus 8900 17,358 Mardocheus 3900 17,409 Naomi 9000 17,359 Mareshah 4000 17,410 Napthali 9100 17,360 Marrekah 4100 17,411 Nathanael 9200 17,361 Maseloth 4200 17,412 Nazareth 9300 17,362 Masrekah 4300 17,413 Neariah 9400 17,363 Matthias 4400 17,414 Nebajoth 95o 17,364 Mattithiah 45 oo 17,415 Nedabiah 9600 17,365 Mazzaroth 4600 17,416 Nehelamite 9700 17,366 Mebunai 4700 !7>4i7 Nehemias 9800 17,367 Megiddon 4800 17,418 Nekoda 9900 17,368 Mehetabel 4900 *7,4i9 Nepthoah 10,000 17,369 Mehujael 5000 17,420 Nethinims 10,500 i7,37o Mehunims 5100 17,421 Neziah 11,000 i7,37i Mejarkon 5200 17,422 Nicodemus 11,500 17,372 Melchishua 53oo J 7,423 Nineveh 12,000 17,373 Memucan 5400 17,424 Noadiah 13,000 17,374 Menothai 55 !7,425 Nomenius 14,000 17,375 Meraioth 5600 17,426 Ocidelus 15,000 17,376 Merathaim 5700 17,427 Odollam l6,OOO 17,377 Meribbaal 5800 17,428 Odonarkes 17,000 17,378 Merodach 5900 17,429 Omaerus l8,000 17,379 Meshezabel 6000 17,430 Onesimus 19,000 17,380 Meshobah 6100 17,43! Oniares 2O,OOO 17,381 Meterus 6200 17,432 Onycha 21,000 17,382 Methusael 6300 1 7,433 Orthosias 22,000 17,383 Mezahab 6400 17,434 Oshea 23,000 17,384 Michaiah 6500 17,435 Othniel 24,000 17,385 Migdalel 6600 17,436 Othonias 25,000 17,386 Mikneiah 6700 17,437 Ozora 26,OOO 17,387 Misheal 6800 17,438 Parmashta 27,000 17,388 Mishmanna 6900 17,439 Parmenas 28,000 17,389 Mispereth 7000 17,440 Parvaim 29,000 17,390 Mithridath 7100 i7,44i Pasdammin 30,000 NUMBERS. No, Code Word, No. Code Word. 17,442 Paseah 31,000 17,493 Saphatias 82,000 17,443 Pateoli 32,000 1 7,494 Saraias 83,000 17,444 Pathrusim 33,000 17,495 Sardeus 84,000 17,445 Pedahzur 34,000 17,496 Sarepta 85,000 17,446 Pedahiah 35> 000 17,497 Sarsechim 86,000 1 7,447 Pelatiah 36,000 17,498 Savias 87,000 17,448 Pelonite 37,000 17,499 Secacah 88,000 i7,449 Pentapolis 38,000 i7,5 Sedecias 89,000 17,45 Perazim 39,000 i7,5oi Semachiah 90,000 I7,45i Pergamos 40,000 17,502 Semelleus 91,000 i7,45 2 Peruda 41,000 17,503 Seorim 92,000 17,453 Peulthai 42,000 17,504 Sepharad 93,00 i7,454 Phacareth 43,000 J7,505 Shaalbim 94,000 i7,455 Phaldaius 44,000 17,506 Shaashgass 95,000 i7,45 6 Phaltiel 45,000 17,507 Shachia 96,000 17,457 Pharathoni 46,000 17,508 Shammuah 97,000 17.458 Phaselis 47,000 17,509 Sharezer 98,000 i7,459 Phibeseth 48,000 i7,5io Sharuhen 99,000 17,460 Philetus 49,000 i7,5n Shaulites 100,000 I7,46l Philologus 50,000 17,512 Shebaniah 200,000 17,462 Phinehas 51,000 '7,5*3 Shebuel 300,000 I7>463 Phygellus 52,000 i7,5 I 4 Shehariah 400,000 17,464 Pirathon 53, 17,5*5 Shelomith 500,000 17,465 Poratha 54,000 17,5*6 Shemeber 600,000 17,466 Potiphera 55,000 i7,5i7 Shenazar 700,000 17,467 Puteoli 56,000 17,518 Shiggaion 800,000 17,468 Raamses 57,000 *7,5*9 Shoshannim 900,000 17,469 Rabboni 58,000 17,520 Shubael 1,000,000 17,470 Rabsaris 59,000 17,521 Shuthelah 2,000,000 17,471 Rabshakeh 60,000 17,522 Sigionoth 3,000,000 17,472 Ramathaim 61,000 17,523 Simalcue 4,000,000 17,473 Rameses 62,000 17,524 Sisamai 5,000,000 i7,474 Raphaim 63,000 17,525 Sisinnes 6,000,000 i7,475 Rebecca 64,000 17,526 Sophereth 7,000,000 i7,476 Reesaias 65,000 17,527 Sosthenes 8,000,000 17,477 Rehoboam 66,000 17,528 Stephanas 9,000,000 i7,478 Remaliah 67,000 17,529 Sukkimis 10,000,000 i7,479 Rephidim 68,000 i7,53o Syntiche 15,000,000 17,480 Rhodocus 69,000 i7,53i Tabitha 20,000,000 i7,48i Ruhamah 70,000 17,532 Tabrimon 25,000,000 17,482 Rusticus 71,000 17,533 Tahanites 30,000,000 17,483 Sabbeus 72,000 17,534 Tahpenes 35,000,000 17,484 Sabtecha 73,000 17,535 Tarshisi 40,000,000 17,485 Sadamias 74,000 17,536 Tekoah 45,000,000 17,486 Salasadai 75,000 17,537 Telassar 50,000,000 17,487 Salathiel 76,000 17,538 Thaddeus 60,000,000 i7,488 Sallumus 77,000 17,539 Thelasser 70,000,000 17,489 Samatus 78,000 1 7,540 Thermeleth 80,00,0000 i7,49o Sampsames 79,000 17,54! Thraseas 90,000,000 i7,49 r Sanasib 80,000 17,542 Thyatira 100,000,000 17,492 Sanballat 81,000 17,543 NAMES OF BANKS. 3-7 No. Code Word. 17.544 Acephalus 17.545 Adderfly 17.546 Ants 17.547 Arachnida 17.548 Athalia 17.549 Aurealia 17.550 Beanfly 17.551 Beemoth 17.552 Bees 17.553 Beetles 17.554 Blackfly 17.555 Blatta 17.556 Blisterfly 1 7,557 Bluebottle 17.558 Boatfly 17.559 Boops 17.560 Bruchus 17.561 Bugs 17.562 Bullfly 17.563 Bumblebee 17.564 Butterfly 17.565 Caddis 17.566 Caterpillar 17.567 Cheesemite 17.568 Chegoe 318 No. Code Word. 17.569 Chelifer 17.570 Cheslip 17.571 Chrysalis 17.572 Chrysomela 17.573 Churrworm 17.574 Cicada 17.575 Cicindela 17.576 Cimiss I 7>577 Coccus 1 7>578 Cochineal 17.579 Cockroach 17.580 Cocoon 17.581 Cornaphis 17.582 Cornmoth I 7 ? 5 8 3 Crabo 17,584 Cricket I 7 5 5 S 5 Cutworm 17.586 Cyclica 17.587 Dayfly 17.588 Diptera 17.589 Diurna 17.590 Dorrbeetle 17.591 Dragonfly 17.592 Drone 1 7>593 Dronebee NAMES OF BANKS. NAMES OF BANKS. 319 No. Code Word. 17.594 Dronefly 17.595 Duckant 17.596 Dumbledor 17.597 Dytiscus 17.598 Eggermoth 17.599 Emmet 17.600 Entomolite 17.601 Epeira 17.602 Epicarides 17.603 Erotylus 17.604 Eupoda 17.605 Evania 17.606 Fancricket 17.607 Figgnat 17.608 Firefly 17.609 Flagworm 17.610 Flies 17.611 Forestfly 17.612 Forficula 17.613 Fossores 17.614 Frit 17.615 Froghopper 17.616 Fruitfly 17.617 Gadfly 17.618 Gammarus 3 20 NAMES OF BANKS. No. Code Word. 17.619 Gnats 17.620 Grub 17.621 Hawkmoth 17.622 Honeybee 17.623 Hornbug j 7,624 Hornets 17.625 Housefly 17.626 Julus 17.627 Ladybird 17.628 Ladycow 17.629 Locusts 17.630 Lugworm 17.631 Midges 17.632 Mites 17.633 Mosquito 17.634 Mucivora 17.635 Multiped 17.636 Musca 17.637 Mygale 17.638 Myriapod 17.639 Nitter 17.640 Papilio 17.641 Puceron 17.642 Pulex 17.643 Pupipara NAMES OF BANKS. 321 No. Code Word. 17.644 Rosebugs 17.645 Sandhopper 17.646 Sheeptick 17.647 Silkworm 17.648 Stagbeetle 17.649 Tampan 17.650 Tsetse 17.651 Tungtung 17.652 Vespa I 7> 6 53 Vinegrub 17.654 Wasps 17.655 Wheatmoth 17.656 Xylophaga 17.657 Zimb 17,658 17,659 17,660 17,661 17,662 17,663 17,664 17,665 17,666 17,667 17,668 3 22 NAMES OF MINES No. Code Word. 17.669 Anchovies 17.670 Anchovy 17.671 Angelfish 17.672 Berggilt 17.673 Billfish 17.674 Blacktail 17.675 Blenny 17.676 Bluefish 17.677 Brasse 17.678 Bream 17.679 Brill 17.680 Bulltrout 17.681 Carp 17.682 Cockles 17.683 Codfish 17.684 Coleperch 17.685 Congereel 17.686 Crayfish 17.687 Cuttlefish 17.688 Cyprides 17.689 Diodon 17.690 Dogfish 17.691 Dogwhelk 17.692 Dragonfish 17.693 Drumfish AND MINING COMPANIES, 323 No. Code Word. 17.694 Elops 17.695 Errantes 17.696 Etheria 17.697 Exocetus 17.698 Finfish 17.699 Finscale 17.700 Fingerling 17.701 Fistularia 17.702 Flatfish 17.703 Flounders 17.704 Flyingfish 17.705 Frogfish 17.706 Gadoid 17.707 Gadus 17.708 Garpike 17.709 Garterfish 17.710 Girrock 17.711 Goldfish 17.712 Grayling 17.713 Grilse 17.714 Gudgeon 17.715 Gurnet 17.716 Gymnotus 17.717 Haddock 17.718 Hake 324 NAMES OF MINES No. Code Word. 17.719 Halibut 17.720 Herrings 17.721 Hilsah 17.722 Hornfish 17.723 Hybodonts 17.724 Jellyfish 17.725 Jentling 17.726 Kingcrab 17.727 Kraken 17.728 Lamprey 17.729 Landcrabs 17.730 Limpet 17.731 Ling 17.732 Lobsters 17.733 Loli g 17.734 Luce 17.735 Mackerel 17.736 Minnows 17.737 Morgay 17.738 Mormyrus 17.739 Mugil 17.740 Mullet 17.741 Mussels 17.742 Mysis 17.743 Myxon AND MINING COMPANIES. 325 No. Code Word. 17,744 Nautilus !7 5 745 Oysters 17.746 Perch 17.747 Pike 17.748 Plaice 17.749 Prawns 17.750 Rapierfish 17.751 Razorfish 17.752 Remora 1 7,753 Rockfish 17.754 Rorqual 17.755 Ru ^d 1 7>756 Salmon 1 7,75 7 Sandeel T 7j75^ Sardines 1 7>759 Sawfish 17.760 Scarus 17.761 Seadevil 17.762 Sheatfish 1 7*763 Shrimps 17.764 Silurus 17.765 Siskiwit 17.766 Skate 17.767 Smelt 17.768 Soles 3 26 NAMES OF MINES, &c. No. Code Word. 17.769 Sprats 17.770 Starfish 17.771 Stingray 17.772 Sturgeon 17.773 Tench 17.774 Thornback 17.775 Trout 17.776 Turbot 17.777 Whitebait 17.778 Whitings 17.779 Wrasse 17,780 17,781 17,782 17,783 17,784 17,785 17,786 17,787 17,788 17,789 17,790 17,792 17,793 PART III. MESSAGE. 329 No. Code Word. 17.794 Globated 17.795 Globous 17.796 Globosity 17.797 Globuline 17.798 Glomerous 17.799 Gloomily 17.800 Glorified 17.801 Glorify 17.802 Glorifying 17.803 Gloriole 17.804 Glossarial 17.805 Glossary 17.806 Glossiness 17.807 Glossly 17.808 Glossology 17.809 Glottis 17.810 Gloveband 17.811 Gloves 17.812 Gloweth 17.813 Glowing 17.814 Glowingly 17.815 Glozer 17.816 Glucose 17.817 Glueboiler 17.818 Glueyness 330 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 17.819 Glumal 17.820 Glutaeus 17.821 Gluten 17.822 Glutinate 17.823 Glutinous 17.824 Gluttons 17.825 Glyceride 17.826 Glycogen 17.827 Glyconian 17.828 Glyphic 17.829 Glyptics 17.830 Gnarled 17.831 Gnasheth 17.832 Gnashing I 7 > 8 33 Gnashingly 17.834 Gnathitis 17.835 Gnomes 17.836 Gnomical 17.837 Gnomonic 17.838 Gnostic 1 7)^39 Goatherds 17.840 Gobblegut 17.841 Gobelin 17.842 Goblet 17.843 Gocart MESSAGE. 331 No. Code Word. 17.844 Godchild 17.845 Goddess 17.846 Godfather 17.847 Godeleisen 17.848 Godlessly 17.849 Godlike 17.850 Godliness 17.851 Godmother 17.852 Godroon T 7>853 Godsend 17,854 Godspeed 1 7*85 5 Goffering 17.856 Goggleeyed 17.857 Goggles 17.858 Goitred 17.859 Goitrous 17.860 Goldbeater 17.861 Goldcloth 17.862 Goldenage 17.863 Goldfoil 17.864 Goldlace 17.865 Goldsmiths 17.866 Goldstick 17.867 Golfclub 17.868 Goloshes 332 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 17.869 Gomphosis 17.870 Gondolas 17.871 Gonfalon 17.872 Goodfellow 17.873 Goodfolk 17.874 Goodhumor 1 7>875 Goodmorrow 17,876 Goodnow I 7^77 Good wife 17.878 Goodwoman 17.879 Goosecap 17.880 Gooseneck 17.881 Goosequill 17.882 Goosewing 17.883 Gorgeous 17.884 Gorgeously 17.885 Gorget 17.886 Gorgonian 17.887 Gorgonize 17.888 Gormandism 17.889 Gospeller 17.890 Gossamer 17.891 Gossipy 17.892 Gossoon I 7> 8 93 Gothamist MESSAGE. 333 No. Code Word. 17.894 Gothicism 17.895 Gouda 17.896 Gougeslips 17.897 Gougeth 17.898 Gouging 17.899 Gourmand 17.900 Gouty 17.901 Governable 17.902 Go vernante 17.903 Governess 17.904 Gownsman 17.905 Gozzard 17.906 Grabbles 17.907 Gracecup 17.908 Gracefully 17.909 Graceless 17.910 Gracenote 17.911 Gracieux 17.912 Gracility 17.913 Gracimos 17.914 Gradando 17.915 Gradasse 17.916 Gradatory 17.917 Gradella 17.918 Grademmo 334 MESSAGE. No. Code Word 17.919 Gradine 17.920 Gradinha 17.921 Gradivus 17.922 Gradosas 17.923 Graduado 17.924 Gradulim 17.925 Gradwage 17.926 Graffer 17.927 Graffiti 17.928 Graflich 17.929 Grafzerk I 7>93 Gragnola I 7>93 1 Gragnon 1 7,93 2 Grainage 1 7^933 Grainstaff 17,934 Grajuelo J 7>935 Gralhear 1 7>936 Gramercy I 7>937 Gramezza J 7)938 Gramigna I 7)939 Graminum 17.940 Gramlos 17.941 Gramosas 17.942 Gramuffa X 7?943 Granatin MESSAGE. 335 No. Code Word. 17,944 Grancruz J 7*945 Grandam 17,946 Grandchild *7*947 Grandduke 17.948 Grandees 17.949 Grandeur I 7*95 Grandiose I 7 5 95 I Grandniece 1 7*952 Grandsire 1 7*953 Grandson 1 7*954 Grandstand I 7 3 955 Graniform 1 7>956 Granvaz J 7*957 Granzoso J 7*95 8 Grapella 1 7*95 9 Graphical 17.960 Grapnel 17.961 Grapones 17.962 Grappleth 1 7*963 Grappling 17,964 Grappolo 1 7*965 Graspable 17.966 Grassari 17.967 Grasscloth 17.968 Grassgrown 336 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 17.969 Grassland 17.970 Grassplot 17.971 Grassume 17.972 Grastaft J 7>973 Gratiale 17.974 Gratibus 17.975 Gratidio 17.976 Gratifier 17.977 Gratings 17.978 Grattoir 1 7)9 7 9 Gratulao 17.980 Gratulate 17.981 Graublau 17.982 Graugrun 1 7*983 Graukopf 17,984 Graumeve 1 7*985 Grausam 17.986 Grauwerk 17.987 Gravabat 17.988 Gravamen 17.989 Gravedad 17.990 Graveless 17.991 Gravetos 17.992 Graveyard 1 7)993 Gravezza MESSAGE. 337 No. Code Word. 17.994 Gravidar 17.995 Gravitated 17.996 Gravures 17.997 Graybeard 17.998 Grayish 17.999 Graziato 18.000 Graziers 1 8,00 1 Grazioso 18.002 Greasily 18.003 Greasiness 18.004 Greatcoat 18.005 Greatseal 18.006 Greaves 18.007 Grebani 18.008 Grecanas 18.009 Gredelim 1 8,0 10 Gredoso 1 8,0 1 1 Greedy 18.012 Greeneyed 18.013 Greenhand 18.014 Greenhouse 18.015 Greenish 1 8,0 1 6 Greentea 18.017 Greeting 1 8,0 1 8 Greffeur 338 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.019 Gregale 18.020 Gregarian 18.021 Gregatim 18.022 Gregna 18.023 Gregotil 18.024 Greguizo 18.025 Greifbar 18.026 Grelhas 18.027 Grelotte 18.028 Gremigna 18.029 Grenadier 18.030 Grenalha 18.031 Grenerez 18.032 Grenzmal 18.033 Grenzweg 18.034 Greppo 18.035 Gresgaba 18.036 Gresgase 18.037 Gresible 18.038 Gressorial 18.039 Gressus 18.040 Gretola 18.041 Greuge 18.042 Grevado 1 8,043 Grezzano MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.044 Gridalto 18.045 Griddle 18.046 Gridelin 18.047 Gridete 18.048 Gridiron 18.049 Griefful 18.050 Griefshot 18.051 Grietoso 18.052 Grievable I ^ J o53 Grievingly 18,054 Grievous l8 >55 Grifalto 18.056 Griffade 18.057 Grigallo 18.058 Grignans 18.059 Grignote 18.060 Grijnen 1 8,06 1 Grilhao 18.062 Grillade 18.063 Grillons 18.064 Grimaced 18.065 Grimaud 18.066 Griminess 18.067 Grimpant 18.068 Grimpola 340 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.069 Grinalda 18.070 Grincant 18.071 Grindery 18.072 Grindstone 18.073 Grinheta 18.074 Grinningly 18.075 Grinzuto 18.076 Gripeful 18.077 Grippant 18.078 Grippe 18.079 Grisaba 18.080 Grisaille 1 8, 08 1 Grisalho 18.082 Grisamos 18.083 Grisando 18.084 Grisasen 18.085 Grisatre 18.086 Griseous 18.087 Grisettes 18.088 Grisgris 18.089 Grisolle 18.090 Gristly 18.091 Gritador 18.092 Gritarem 18.093 Gritones MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.094 Grivois 18.095 Grizeta 18.096 Grizzled 18.097 Groanings 18.098 Grobheit 18.099 Groblich 1 8, i oo Grocery 1 8, 10 1 Grodetur 18.102 Grofheid 18.103 Grogram 18.104 Groined 18.105 Grolen 1 8, 1 06 Grommet 18.107 Gromenar 1 8, 1 08 Grommato 18.109 Grompot 18.110 Grondato 1 8, 1 1 1 Grondwet 1 8,1 12 Grooming 18.113 Groomsman 18.114 Grootsch 18.115 Gropeth 1 8,1 1 6 Groschen 18.117 Grosedad 18.118 Grossaline 342 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.119 Grosseur 18.120 Grosseza 1 8, 121 Grossoye 18.122 Grossume 18.123 Grotago 18.124 Grotesque 18.125 Grottola 18.126 Groundage 18.127 Groundbait 18.128 Groundedly 18.129 Groundwork 18.130 Grouped 18.131 Groupings 18.132 Groveller 18.133 Grovelling 18.134 Grower 18.135 Growling 18.136 Growth 18.137 Grubaxe 18.138 Grubbers 18.139 Grubchen 18.140 Grubelei 18.141 Grubeln 18.142 Grudado 18.143 Grudgeth MESSAGE. 343 No. Code Word. 18.144 Grudgingly 18.145 Grudife 18.146 Gruel 18.147 Gruesas 18.148 Gruffly 18.149 Grugava 18.150 Grugeant 18.151 Grugerez 18.152 Grugnito 18.153 Gruissan 18.154 Grujidor r 8,i55 Grullada 18.156 Grullero 18.157 Grumato 18.158 Grumbler 1 8, 1 5 9 Grumeau 1 8, 1 60 Grumillo 18.161 Grumous 18.162 Grundbau 18.163 Grundlos 18.164 Grundung 18.165 Grunfink 18.166 Grungelb 18.167 Grunrock 1 8, 1 68 Grunsaat 344 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.169 Grunspan 18.170 Grupados 18.171 Gruparao 18.172 Gruppito 18.173 Grutze 18.174 Gruzzo 18.175 Gruzzolo 18.176 Gryposis 18.177 Guaba 18.178 Guacales 18.179 Guacemos 1 8, 1 80 Guaceria 18.181 Guacho 18.182 Guadagno 18.183 Guadanon 18.184 Guadasse 18.185 Guadone 1 8, 1 86 Guadua 18.187 Guagero 18.188 Guagnelo 18.189 Guaipin 18.190 Guajabor 18.191 Guajamon 18.192 Guajolo 18.193 Gualdano MESSAGE. 345 No. Code Word. 1 8, 1 94 Gualdido 18.195 Gualdra 18.196 Gualiote 18.197 Guanimos 18.198 Guanin 18.199 Guaniste 18.200 Guantade 18.201 Guantajo 18.202 Guapazo 18.203 Guapease 18.204 Guaperia 18.205 Guapeton 18.206 Guapillo 18.207 Guaquero 18.208 Guarango 18.209 Guaraz 18.210 Guarcao 1 8,2 1 1 Guardable 18.212 Guardboat 1 8, 2 1 3 Guardhouse 18.214 Guardians 18.215 Guardroom 18.216 Guardship 18.217 Guardsman 18.218 Guarecer 34 6 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.219 Guarida 18.220 Guarigo 18.221 Guarismo 18.222 Guarisse 18.223 Guaritar 18.224 Guarmes 18.225 Guarniel 18.226 Guarreyo 18.227 Guasanga 18.228 Guataca 18.229 Guatando 18.230 Guayabos 18.231 Guayamu 18.232 Guayapin 18,233' Guayasen 18.234 Guazzato 18.235 Guazzo 18.236 Gubeles 18.237 Gubileta 18.238 Guckloch 18.239 Gudilhao 18.240 Guedeja 18.241 Gueffo 18.242 Gueldres 18.243 Guelfs MESSAGE. 347 No. Code Word. 18.244 Guelphic 18.245 Guenippe 18.246 Guenuche 18.247 Guepiles 18.248 Guerdon 18.249 Guerilla 18.250 Guerimes 18.251 Guerisse 18.252 Guerite 18.253 Guessing 18.254 Guesswork 18.255 Guests 18.256 Guestwise 18.257 Gufando 18.258 Gufarono 18.259 Gufeggio 18.260 Gufesco 18.261 Guffaw 18.262 Gufolino 18.263 Guidable 18.264 Guidance 18.265 Guidebook 18.266 Guideless 18.267 Guidepost 18.268 Guidotti 348 MESSAGE. No. Code Word. 18.269 Guienesa 18.270 Guildry 18.271 Guilefully 18.272 Guileless 18.273 Guillevat 18.274 Guiltily 18.275 Guinada 18.276 Guincha 18.277 Guindant 18.278 Guineas 18.279 Guise 18.280 Guitar 18.281 Guldens 18.282 Gullible 18.283 Gullyhole 18.284 Gulosity 18.285 Gulpeth 18.286 Gulping 18.287 Gumboils 18.288 Gummosity 18.289 Gumption 18.290 Gunbarrel 18.291 Gunboat 18.292 Gunners 18.293 Gunroom MESSAGE. 349 No. Code Word. 18.294 Gunshot 18.295 Gunsmith 18.296 Gunstick 18.297 Guntackle 18.298 Gussets 18.299 Gustatory 18.300 Guttated 18.301 Guttering 18.302 Guttural 18.303 Gutturize 18.304 Guzzlers 18.305 Guzzleth 18.306 Guzzling 18.307 Gymnasium 18.308 Gymnast 18.309 Gymnastic 18.310 Gymnical 18.311 Gymnosophy 18.312 Gynarchy 18.313 Gynecian 18.314 Gynecology 18.315 Gypseous 18.316 Gypsoplast 18.317 Gyrate 18.318 Gyroidal LONDON ! PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. VC 2512'