r THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID SYSTEM OF ANATOMY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF MEDICINE. BY CASPAR WISTAR, M.D., LATE PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONS, BY WILLIAM E. HORNER, M. D., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. NINTH EDITION, ENTIRELY REMODELED, AND ILLUSTRATED BY MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS. BY J. PANCOAST, M. D., PROFESSOR OF GENERAL DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL ANATOMY IN JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, LECTURER ON CLINICAL SURGERY, FELLOW OF THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, ETC., ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO. 1846. ENTERED, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1842, by THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. GREENFIELD, MASS. MERRIAM AND MIRICK, PRINTERS. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE NINTH EDITION OF WISTAR'S ANATOMY. THE increasing estimation in which this favorite Work on Anatomy is held by the Medical Profession of this country, having already caused the last unusually large edition to be exhausted, the publishers in passing the ninth edition through the press, have been desirous of rendering it wWthy of the continuance of such gratifying support, by having such additions and improve- ments made as the progress of the science required. With this object the text introduced by the editor, has been subject to revision ; much new matter has also been added, with a care however, not so to extend the work as to impair its character for clearness, brevity, and simplicity, which has made it so great a favorite with the Medical Student. Several wood cuts have been added, and the copperplate illustrations of the Arteries by Sir C. Bell, which were formerly sold separate, at a cost greater than the whole of this work, have been renewed by a skillful engraver, so as to serve not only as an ornament to the book, but an aid of the greatest importance to the Student. JOSEPH PANCOAST. Philadelphia, 1846. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. THE publishers of " Wistar's Anatomy for the use of Students of Medicine," gratified with the favorable reception, which their attempt to enlarge and illus- trate this well known work has met with, have resolved in preparing another edition for the press, to render it as far as is in their power, deserving of a continu- ation of the patronage it has received. For this purpose it has been carefully re- vised and enlarged so as to include such important additions and investigations of interest as have been recently made in the science. By comparing the present with the former editions, the reader will discover that these have been both numerous and important in each division of the subject. This the publishers have been enabled to do without much increasing the size of the volumes, by substituting, for the old copperplate prints, a very large number of engravings on wood, of the finest description. These which are intercalated with the text and explained by foot notes, cannot fail to render the work more convenient and valuable as a text-book, in the various schools in which it has been adopted, and at the same time make it serve as a most useful guide to the student in the study of practical anatomy. The additional illustrations have been taken mainly from Wilson's Anatomist's Vade Mecum, (London, 1842,) and partly from the English edition of Cruvielhier's Anatomy, (London, 1842,) and from the recent splendid work on General Anatomy, by F. Gerber. The present edition of Wistar, contains eight colored copperplate engravings of the blood- vessels, and upwards of two hundred and twenty engravings on wood, rendering it in this respect more richly and amply illustrated than any other book of the kind that has yet been offered to the American student. The same plan has been pursued as mentioned in the preface to the seventh edition, of distinguishing the new matter that has been added, from the original text of Dr. Wistar. JOSEPH PANCOAST. Philadelphia, 1842. DR. HOMER'S PREFACE. THE value of the present work having been sufficiently tested by its very diffused use in the profession, and by a third edition being now called for, the editor has been induced to superintend the latter, with a hope that its utility and the public conviction in its favor have been in no wise diminished. The close- ness of the connexion between himself and its lamented author, furnished, also, another and a very powerful reason, why he should endeavor by such means as he commanded, to contribute to perpetuate the memory of a man whose literary and professional career had been so conducive to the reputation of his country, and whose philanthropy and suavity of manners had established him so firmly in the affections and confidence of all who knew him. Several amendments have been introduced by the way of corrections, altera- tions and additions. The latter, for the most part, appear between brackets, and in the form of notes, but there are many which could not be marked in such a manner without giving the text a garbled appearance, they therefore appear as portions of the original work. The whole mass of matter introduced as amendments is greater, indeed, than a superficial perusal of the work would intimate ; and the only way for the reader to arrive at it, will be by a careful comparison of the last with the pre- sent edition. The editor, however, has been careful not to allow the spirit of change or improvement to affect the work in any points except such as seemed to him absolutely to require it, and where he was fully warranted by the best authorities in Descriptive Anatomy. It would have been sufficiently easy for him to have extended the work considerably beyond its present dimensions ; but from its having been originally designed as a text-book of the course of Lectures on Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, and for the benefit of practitioners, who are always most assisted by condensed views on this subject, he was apprehensive of perverting or of frustrating its objects by such exten- sion. In consequence of which he has principally confined himself to adding where additions were called for by recent discoveries in Anatomy, and by the omission of older ones. Philadelphia, Oct. 10th, 1823. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION/ THE publication of the first edition of his " System of Anatomy for the use of Medical Students/' was completed by Dr. Caspar Wistar in 1814. Simple in its construction, concise, but yet clear, and at the same time representing faithfully and fully, the science of Anatomy as it then existed, the book was exactly in keeping with the well known character of its distinguished author. The general approval with which it was received in this country, was manifest- ed by the rapidity of its sale. The second edition which was called for in 1817, was further improved by the author, by the addition of such new anatomical facts as had come to his knowledge, and such further physiological observations as served to give life and interest, to the otherwise dry details of his science. In 1818. before his work had reached the third edition, the author himself died, regretted by all who loved virtue, honored science, or knew how to estimate a kindness of soul, and uniform urbanity of manner, which is yet vivid in the recollection of his friends. The superintendence of the third edition was assumed by Professor Homer, a personal friend of Dr. Wistar, who enriched it, by the addition of much valu* able matter, which the science in its onward progress had at that time develop- ed. The value of these additions, may be inferred, from the increasing favor which the medical public has continued to extend towards the work; four editions having been completely exhausted since that period. Though fifteen years only have elapsed, since its former revision, the zealous and persevering inquiries of modern anatomists, which have scarcely their par- allel in any other department, have in that time added much to the science. The present publishers have therefore been desirous, that the work should be so extended and remodeled, as to be brought up as near as may be, to the existing state of the science, without impairing its value as a manual by too much in- creasing its bulk. The reader will discover how far the attempt has been suc- cessful, by comparing this with former editions. Within the period alluded to, the department of general, more than that of special anatomy, has yielded the richest harvest to the anatomist, and has been advantageously cultivated with particular reference to physiology and thera- peutics. From general, then, more than from special anatomy, have the pre- sent additions been derived; the editor believing that in mere special descrip- tion, that which is most concise and yet so comprehensive as not to omit any I* VI PREFACE. thing of real importance, is the best. He has not, therefore, added a great deal to the individual description of the bones, ligaments, muscles, blood-vessels, and nerves. But in the department of General Anatomy, and especially in Splanchnology the viscera being so important in a medical point of view the student will find the additions to have been both numerous and extensive. The department of Neurology, which has been the fashionable anatomical study, for years past, and upon which hangs so much that is important in physiology and medicine, has appeared to him more deficient than any other portion of the original work, as the brain and spinal marrow have been describ- ed by Dr. Wistar, only from above downwards ; a method which was, however, the most approved and general in his day. The editor has therefore added two entire chapters on that subject, one on the General Anatomy of the Nervous vSystem, and one on the special description of the Spinal Marrow and Brain from below upwards, in the order of its development and the direction of its functions, retaining, nevertheless, here as in other parts, all the original text. It has also been thought advisable, to transpose several portions of the work, when by so doing, parts belonging to the same general tissue could be placed in more natural connexion, and made to correspond with the mode in which they are usually described. Thus, the account of the brain, the eye and the ear, has been transferred from the first volume to the second, and placed in continuity with that of the other parts of the general nervous system. To facilitate the student in the aquisition of this difficult science, all the plates of the former edition, which were sufficiently accurate to be useful, have been retained, and several other copperplate engrav- ings of the blood-vessels added, with upwards of a hundred wood cuts, some of which are original, but the greater part collected with considerable care and labor from the newest and most approved sources. The amount of the new matter added to this edition is nearly equal to a fourth part of the whole. The student, will, however, be enabled to distinguish readily the original text of Dr. Wistar, from the additions which have been made either by Dr. Horner, which are all included in brackets [], or from those of the present editor, which are separated from the other parts of the work by their commencing and terminating with a dash . Various synonyms introduc- ed throughout the work, and some more trifling emendations of the text, it has not been thought necessary to designate. JOSEPH PANCOAST. Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1838. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. PART I. OSTEOLOGY. CHAPTER I. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE OSSEOUS SYSTEM. CLASSIFICATION and Structure of Bones, - - - - 13 Of the Periosteum, - - - 33 Medullary Membrane or Internal Periosteum, - 33 Cartilages and their Structure, - 36 Accidental development of Cartilages, - - 39 Of the Formation of Bone, 40 Formation of Callus, - -48 Terms used in the Description of Bones and Joints, 51 CHAPTER II. OF THE SKELETON AND ITS DIFFERENT PARTS. Of the Head, - - . - 54 Sutures, - 57 Os Frontis, - 61 Ossa Parietalia, - - 64 Ossa Temporum, 66 Qs Occipitis, ... 73 Os Ethmoides, - - - 75 Os Sphenoides, - - - - 80 Foramina of the Sphenoidal Bone, - ... 84 Of the Face, - ... 85 Ossa Maxillaria Superiora, - - - 86 Ossa Nasi, ... 89 Ossa Lacrymalia seu Unguis, - - - 90 Ossa Malarum, - - - - 91 Ossa Palati, - .... 93 Ossa Spongiosa, or Turbinata Inferiora, - - - 95 Vill CONTENTS. OftheVomer, - 95 Maxilla Inferior, - 96 Teeth, - 99 Composition of the Teeth, 100 Development of the Teeth, - - 1 10 Of the Enamel, - 112 Permanent Teeth, - - 113 Aberrations of Dentition, - 117 OsHyoides, * - 118 Regions of the Skull, ' - 119 Orbit of the Eye, - - 120 Cavities of the Nose, - 122 Cavity of the Cranium and Internal Basis of the Skull, - 125 External Basis of the Skull, - 128 Side of the Head, - - 131 Form of the Cranium, - 132 Head of the Foetus, - - 135 Trunk, - 137 Spine, ... 137 True Vertebra, - 138 False Vertebra?, - 151 Vertebral Cavity for containing the Spinal Marrow, 154 Thorax, ( - 155 Ribs, 155 Sternum, - - 160 Movement of the Ribs and Sternum in Respiration, 163 Pelvis, - 163 Os Ilium, - 164 Os Ischium, - - 166 Os Pubis, - 167 Trunk of the Foetus, - - 173 Superior Extremities, - 174 Clavicle, - 175 Scapula, - 177 OsHumeri, - - 181 Forearm, - 185 Ulna, - - 186 Radius, - 188 Hand, - 190 Carpus, - 191 Metacarpus, - - - - - - -196 Thumb and Fingers, 199 Inferior Extremities, - - 201 CONTENTS. ]X Of the Thigh, - - 201 Tibia, - - - 205 Fibula, ---- - 207 Patella, - 209 Foot, - . - 211 Tarsus, - - - 211 Metatarsus, 217 Toes, - 219 General Structure of the Foot, - 219 PART II. SYNDESMOLOGY. CHAPTER III. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE LIGAMENTOUS, FIBROUS, OR DESMOID TISSUE. 223 Ligaments of the Joints, - - 226 Of the Yellow Elastic Ligamentous Tissue, - 229 Fibro Cartilaginous Tissue, - - 230 CHAPTER IV. A GENERAL ACCOUNT OF ARTICULATIONS, AND OF BURS.E MUCOS^. 232 CHAPTER V. OF PARTICULAR ARTICULATIONS. The Connexion of the Head with the Vertebrae, - - 239 Articulations of the Vertebrae with each other, -- 241 Articulation of the Lower Jaw, - - 244 Articulations of the Clavicle and Scapula, 245 Articulation of the Os Humeri and Scapula, - 246 . Elbow, 248 Wrist, - - 250 Carpal and Metacarpal Bones, - 254 Fingers, - - 255 Ribs, - 255 The Hip Joint, - 257 Articulation of the Knee, - 259 Tibia and Fibula, - 263 Leg, Foot, and Ankle Joint, 264 Tarsus and Metatarsus, - - - - 266 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. OF PARTICULAR LIGAMENTS AND THE SITUATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL BURS-E MUCOS.&. Ligaments proper to the Scapula, - - 268 Interosseous Ligament of the Forearm, - - 268 Ligaments retaining the Tendons of the Head and Fingers in their position, - 269 Ligaments on the Anterior part of ike Thorax, - 270 of the Pelvis, - - 270 retaining the Tendons of the Foot, - 274 Enumeration of the most important Bursas, - 275 PART III. MYOLOGY. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE MUSCLES. 279 Of the Tendons, and of Muscular Motion, - - 287 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE INDIVIDUAL MUSCLES. 300 Muscles of the Teguments of the Cranium, - 300 Ear, 301 Eyelids, - 302 Eyeball, 303 Nose, - - 306 Mouth and Lips, - 306 Lower Jaw, - - 311 Anterior part of the Neck, 313 between the Lower Jaw and the Os Hyoides, - 314 Os Hyoides and the Trunk, 316 situated about the Fauces, - - 319 on the Anterior part of the Neck close to the Vertebrae, 321 on the Anterior part of the Thorax, - 323 between the Ribs, . _ . 334 on the Abdomen, - - - - _ 335 about the Male Organs of Generation, - 335 of the Anus, ----.. 339 CONTENTS. XI Muscles of the Female Organs of Generation, - 341 within the Cavity of the Abdomen, - 342 on the Posterior part of the Trunk, - 348 of the Superior Extremities, - 359 Inferior Extremities, - - -^/ 375 CHAPTER IX. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MOTIONS OF THE SKELETON. 397 PART IV. OF THE GENERAL INTEGUMENTS, OR OF THE CELLULAR MEMBRANE AND THE SKIN. - CHAPTER X. OP THE CELLULAR MEMBRANE. 403 CHAPTER XL Of the Cutis Vera, 411 Rete Mucosum, - 415 Derma, - 425 Papillary Body, or Neurothelic Apparatus, - - 425 Sudoriferous Apparatus, - - 426 Inhaling Apparatus, ------ 427 Blennogenous Apparatus, ... 428 Chromatogenous Apparatus, - - 429 Cuticle, or Epidermis, - 430 Nails, - 439 Hairs, ------- 441 PART V. OF THE NOSE, THE MOUTH, AND THE THROAT. CHAPTER XII. OF THE EXTERNAL NOSE. 446 Of the Cavities of the Nose, - 449 CHAPTER XIII. I OF THE MOUTH. 458 Of the Tongue, - - - - - - - 462 The Salivary Glands, - - - - - - 469 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. OF THE THROAT. THE ISTHMUS AND FAUCES. Of the Larynx, Muscles of the Larynx, - Thyroid Gland, Pharynx, - 474 476 483 487 490 FAifr vi. OF THE THORAX. THE MAMMAE. 493 CHAPTER XV. OF THE GENERAL CAVITY OF THE THORAX. 497 CHAPTER XVI. OF THE HEART AND PERICARDIUM, AND THE GREAT VESSELS. Of the Pericardium, - - 502 Heart, - 504 Aorta, Pulmonary Artery and Veins, and the Venae Cavse at their commencement, - - 514 CHAPTER XVII. OF THE TRACHEA AND THE LUNGS. Of the Trachea, - 517 Lungs, - - - 520 Thorax of the Foetus, - 526 Thymus Gland, - 526 Heart, - 529 Pulmonary Artery end the Aorta, 531 Lungs of theTcetus, - 532 Cases of Malformation, - 533 , - SYSTEM OF ANATOM>Y. PART I. OSTEOLOGY. CHAPTER I. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE OSSEOUS SYSTEM. Classification and structure of bones Chemical composition Recent researches on the intimate structure of bone Periosteum Medullary membrane Car- tilages Formation of bone Terms used in describing bones. THE osseous tissue in man and nearly all large animals not inhabiting a dense medium, constitutes that scaffolding or framework, upon which is supported all the soft parts of the body. Hence the bones when seen in connexion in a perfect skeleton, present so perfect an outline of the animal to which they belonged, as to be sufficient as has been shown by Baron Cuvier, to indicate clearly its shape, size, and mode of life as well as the nature of the food upon which it lived.* The bones may be considered* as designed for the fulfilment of two principal objects the formation of cavities for the protection of delicate and important organs, as in the head, thorax, and pelvis and of columns and levers for support and * A skeleton, or a structure. analogous to it in its uses, that of forjpng a foundation upon which the body can be built, and to which the muscles may be attached in order to move it from place to place, is found in the mammiferae, birds, and many fishes, in the interior of the body ; in the Crustacea and teslacea, some fish, reptiles, &c., it is wholly or in part at the exterior. In a great majority of cases it is bony in its structure ; it is, however, cartilaginous in many fishes, and fibrous in nearly all coleopterous insects, of which it forms the external covering. p. 14 CLASSIFICATION OF THE BONES. motion, as in the spinal column and the upper and lower ex- tremities. They perform, however, but a passive or mechanical part in the movements of the body, forming supporting organs, round which the muscles, nerves and vessels are wreathed, and at the same time serve as levers, by which the limbs are lifted. They are necessarily very numerous in the human body, and exist as separate and distinct pieces, which touch one another at their extremities, where they are generally expanded in. size, and their parts so nicely adjusted to each other, as to form the basis of the structure of the joints. At these places of junction, the bones are fastened together, by strong, fibrous, inelastic, inextensible bands, called ligaments. The number of the bones in the human body, varies accord- ingly as we examine them, in infancy, middle life, or in old age. Nearly all the individual bones of the adult, are developed in separate pieces in the infant, the number of which is very great, and their consolidation into single bones, is not general and complete till about the period of puberty : many of these separate bones of the adult, especially of the head and trunk, are found fused together in extreme old age. Anatomists have generally agreed to consider as distinct bones, those of the adult, and to these they have given indi- vidual names. The skeleton is divided into trunk, head, and extremities : Thus there are for the trunk, fifty-three bones ; the twenty- , four true vertebras, the sacrum, the coccyx, twelve ribs on each side, one sternum in three pieces, and two ossa innominata. For the head, fifty-nine bones ; the occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, the two parietal, two temporal with the four small bones of the ear, the vomer, the two superior maxillary, two palatine, two molar, two nasal, two lachrymal or unguiform, iwo inferior turbinated, the inferior maxillary, the teeth, and the hyoid bone. For the two upper extremities, seventy-four bones ; there are on each side, the scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, eight wrist or carpal bones, five metacarpal, fourteen phalanges, and five sesamoid bones. - ? CLASSIFICATION OF THE BONES. 15 For the two lower extremities, sixty-six bones ; on each side one femur, a tibia, a fibula, patella, seven ankle or tarsal bones, five metatarsal, fourteen phalanges of the toes, and two and some- times three sesamoid. Thus according to the enumeration of Marjolin, there are two hundred and fifty-two bones in the human body. The number of sesamoid bones, however, is very varia- ble ; and some anatomists of high reputation, do not include the teeth in the enumeration of the bones of the body. The bones are all either symmetrical or unsymmetrical. The symmetrical bones are in pairs, and correspond in size and shape very nearly with each other, and are placed upon either side, like those of the extremities and ribs. The unsym- metrical, which consist of some of the bones of the head, the sternum, vertebrae, sacrum, os coccygis and os hyoides, are situated in the middle line of the body. The lateral halves of these bones correspond very closely with each other. From their general form and geometrical dimensions, the bones have been divided into classes ; the long bones, ossa longa, the broad bones, ossa lati, and the thick bones, OSSQ, crassa. The long bones, occupy the centre of the limbs, are the levers used in locomotion, and form a series of "broken columns, articulated together, which increase in number, and diminish in si^e, as they recede from the trunk. They are divided into a middle part, body or diaphysis ; and into extre- mities or epjphyses. The body is cylindrical in some, prismatic and triangular in others, and generally a little curved or twisted. The extremities are expanded and thick. The bodies which are the smallest part, happily correspond with the bellies or largest .part of the muscles the extremities with their narrow tendinous terminations. The broad bones assist in forming a part of the walls of the trunk and head ; they are flattened, more or less concave on their interior, varied in their form, and thicker usually at their margins, than at their centres. The thick bones are assembled in masses, and form parts at once solid and moveable as in the spinal column, the wrist, and the ankle. 16 STRUCTURE OF THE BONES. -- The human bones in a recent adult subject, are of a dull white color : they possess considerable elasticity, but little flexibility, have the greatest specific gravity of any portion of the human body, and ( are liable to be broken by accidents or even by violent muscular efforts. Their texture is varied not only in different parts of the skeleton, but in different parts^of the same bones. Thus in the long bones, the middle portion or diaphysis is compact, or nearly solid, with a cavity in the centre ; the extremities are cellular or spongy, with but a thin coating of the compact matter; and the central cavity, is occu- pied by a long network formed of thin plates and fibres, called the reticulated tissue of the bones. In flat bones the external surfaces are composed of firm plates of compact bone ; but the internal substance is cellular. In some of these bones, the cellular tissue exists in such small quantity, that the external compact layers almost touch, and the bones become then diaphanous or translucent. The thick bones are formed almost entirely of the spongy or cellular substance, which is surrounded by an extremely thin shell of the compact bony matter, and are somewRat darker in color than the long or the flat. The osseous tissue thus presents three modifications of form : the compact, the reticular, and tho cellular ui spungy. The compact, which is the densest and strongest, is placed upon the outer surface of all the bones of the body ; it forms a covering of greater or less thickness to all the flat and thick bones, and adds to their strength, without much increasing their weight. The long bones, which are narrowed down in the shaft, so as to accommodate the muscles without destroying the symmetry of the limbs, and require to be made of the strongest material, have their shafts or bodies formed almost entirely of the com- pact portion. The cellular or spongy is found, in a greater or less degree, in every bone of the body ; in the extremities of the long bones it is continuous, though indirectly, with the reticulated tissue of the central or medullary canal. The reticulated tissue has been considered only a modification of the spongy, being formed of larger cells with a more open and delicate texture. STRUCTURE Q$ THE BONES, 17 [The cellular structure of bones is attended with several important advantages. In the cylindrical bones it gives great additional strength, by increasing their diameter, without adding to their weight ; for by swelling out their articular e/tfemities, it produces much greater security of the joints, by obviating the tendency to dislocation, and rendering their movements more steady. A simple experiment will satisfy any one that the increase of volume in the extremities of the long bones, is not attended with an increase of osseous matter; for in the dried bone, the section of an inch from the centre gill weigh as much as the same length from the extremities, notwithstanding the greater size of the latter. *Dr. Physick has pointed out another very important advantage of the cellular structure of bones, besides those of its making them nearly as strong as if they were solid, and at the same time diminishing what otherwise would have been a weight too oppressive for the muscular powers. He thinks that thereby the concussion of the brain, and of the other viscera is frequently prevented ; and in nearly all cases diminished, in falls and in blows. He illustrates the position by showing, first, the concussion which takes place through a series of ivory balls suspended by threads ; if one be drawn to some distance from the others, and allowed to impel them by falling. The momentum in this case impels the ball at the farther end of the row, almost to the distance from which the first one fell. But if a ball of the same size, composed of the cellular structure of bone, be substituted for one of the ivory balls, and the experiment be repeated, the momentum of the first ball is lost almost entirely in the cellular structure of the substitute ; particularly if the latter be well soaked previously in water, so as to give it a condition in point of moisture allied to the living state. Adopting this experiment as demonstrative of the fact, Dr. Physick asserts, that in falls from an eminence upon the feet, the percussion, by the time it has passed through the cellular structure of the foot, leg, thigh, vertebral column and the condyles of the occiput, is very much diminished in force, and carries much less impulse upon the brain. / Again, in 2* 18 STRUCTURE OF THE BONES. blows on the head, the brain, though much protected from external injury by the arched form of the cranium, has an additional security -from the interposition of the diploe, wKich weakens the force of the blow. In all the bones there are canals, independent of the cellular structure, which penetrate to a greater or less extent between the lamina, and go in various directions, some longitudinal, others oblique and transverse. These canals transmit the blood- vessels, and were first pointed out with exactitude by Clopton Havers, an English anatomist. But he assigned a wrong application to them, as he believed that the marrow ran through them, in order to make the bones supple, and to unite their lamina more strongly. S. B. Albinus corrected the mistake, by demonstrating that they were filled with blood-vessels. These canals in a vertebra are particularly large, and open on the posterior face of its body, by one or two large foramina. In the cranium they are remarkably well seen ; but their discovery is of more modern date. M. Portal says, that in the bones each kind of vessel has a particular canal for itself alone ; those of the arteries are therefore to be readily distinguished from such as belong to the veins and to the nerves ; and this takes place both in the large and in the small canals. Occasionally the vessels dip into a common canal, but if any one will take the trouble to follow them, he will find them ultimately separating from each other.] The canals for the transmission of blood-vessels, which exist in abundance in the compact bony tissue, cannot be well seen in the healthy state, except by the aid of the microscope. With the aid of this instrument they may be seen in great numbers, running in a longitudinal direction, opening in its internal or medullary cavity, so as to maintain a free commu- nication between the vessels on the exterior, and those in the cavity of the bone. When cut in surgical operations, blood issues from the compact substance, which is also susceptible of inflammation and its consequences like other vascular parts. In inflammation, STRUCTURE OF THE BONES. 19 the compact portion, is sometimes seen swelled and expanded, so as to develop in its substance, a cellular arrangement, somewhat like that of the co'mmon spongy tissue. Maceration of a bone in water, after its earthy part has been removed, exhibits the same cellular structure. In fact, the principal difference between these varieties of bony tissue, consists in their difference of density, with some variation in the disposition of their fibres ; the cells being condensed in the compact portion so as to admit of a decrease in the diameter of the bones, without a corresponding diminution of their strength. Hence the amount of substance being the same, in the extremities and shafts of the long bones, sections of equal length must of course be of equal weight. In structure bone is composed of lamellae, which are con- centric in long and parallel in flat bones. Between the lamellae run the vascular canals of the bones, and are lodged the bony corpuscles, which have been lately discovered. See p. 46. In the firmness of their texture and their general aspect, bones resemble inorganic matter, but they are nevertheless highly organized. /c02 For example, if a bone be macerated in certain acid liquors, J the earthy matter will be dissolved, and a membranous orj fj/% cartilaginous substance will remain, resembling the bone inl form and size.* If the bones of a young subject, after being injected, be treated in the same way, this membranous substance will appear to be very vascular when the injection has been successful, it will appear uniformly reddened by the greatest number of vessels which are filled with the matter of injection. These vessels discharge blood when the periosteum is removed from the surface of bones, in the living subject, and they also form granulations upon bony surfaces that have been thus denuded. On the other hand if a recent bone be exposed for a considerable time to the action of a moderate fire, or boiled for * One part of muriatic acid to thirty of water is a good mixture for this purpose, by taking care to keep up the strength of the mixture by additions of the acid from time to time. H. 20 STRUCTURE OF THE BONES. a long period in a Papin's digester, the other element of the bone may be obtained its earthy structure in a separate state, representing the original perfectly, in size and shape. It is then perfectly white, and is so light and brittle as to crumble on the slightest touch. Exposure of bones for a long time to the action of the climate, will cause it to shell off in layers and fall into powder, from the same cause, the destruction of its animal matter. A bone macerated in acid, or well incinerated, may be torn or split in particular directions, more readily than others, and manifests an apparent fibrous arrangement. *"" In regard to the disposition and arrangement of these fibres, anatomists differ, though it has been with them a subject of much research. The length of each fibre is limited, running but a small part of the length of the long bones, but is much greater than its breadth and thickness. The greater part arc- longitudinal, that is, run in the direction of the axis of the bone ; some are transverse and some oblique. From the shortness and varied direction of the fibres, and the cellular appearance of the bone when macerated, Scarpa denied entirely, the existence of a fibrous arrangement in the bones, and considers them composed throughout, exclusively of cellular substance, more or less compacted. Malpighi and Havers, believed the bones made up wholly of concentric lamellae, -formed of fibres and filaments, encrusted with osseous matter, laying over each other like the leaves of a book. Gagliardi believed also, that these lamellae were united together by little pins of the same material : some of which were straight, some oblique, and some he fancied had round heads. De Lasone says that these lamellae are made up of ossi- fied fibres, united by oblique ones, and Reich el, that the lamellae and fibres, form a porous tubulated tissue, continuous with the spongy substance.* According to J. F. Meckel, the proper * The opinions of these different anatomists are interesting mainly as con- nected with the history of the science. The discrepancies existing between them, may now readily be reconciled, since the true composition or structure of bone has been rendered apparent by the use of the microscope. See page 46. p. STRUCTURE OF THE BONES. 21 substance of the bones, is of a fibro-laminated nature, the fibres in some parts being so closely aggregated, as to form a compact bone, and separated and expanded in others, so as to constitute the cells of the spongy portion. The longitudinal fibres are much the most numerous, one leaning against, and ter- minating near the commencement of another, so as to give an imperfect appearance of continuity throughout the bone. These fibres at the extremities of the bones, are lost in the spongy or cellular tissue which they assist to form. The transverse and oblique,* serve to connect the longitudinal fibres together, and are united with them uninterruptedly upon their sides ; in the spongy portions, they appear also, to assist in the formation of the cells. They are both most abundant in early infancy, and as the bones increase in length, are directed more in the axis of the bone, till the oblique seem nearly lost in the longitudinal, and the transverse become more oblique. The fibres of the different layers of the compact bone, are united to one another more intimately upon the sides, than to the layers below, hence a bone exposed to the action of the weather or the fire, shells off in scales, or in certain morbid states during life, as necrosis, exfoliates in layers.f From these investigations the osseous tissue, may be justly considered as formed of an animal or membranous basis, analo- gous to the common cellular tissue and cellular fibre in other parts of the body, and differing from them only in its being imbued or incrusted with inorganic earthy matter, which gives it ^firm- ness and strength, but at the. same time renders it liable to fracture. The cells of the bones, like those of the cellular tissue ^|*. of the soft parts of the body, are all imperfect, having openings by which they communicate with one another, and may be all readily injected, with any fluid sufficiently thin to run ; and if * * These represent the uniting pins of Gagliardi. | Mr. Howship of England, from some recent microscopical observations on the bones, has been led to support the opinion of Scarpa, that the ultimate tissue of all the bones, is reticular or cellular. This is evidently true, in regard to the ultimate analysis of bones, when the course of the fibres has been destroyed by prolonged maceration, or by suppurative inflammation. p. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONES. fluid mercury be used it will make its way through the vascular foramina to the external surface. The existence of absorbent vessels, and even of nerves, in bones, is equally certain with that of the blood-vessels, but they are not easily demonstrated. [The French anatomists have occasionally traced branches of the fifth pair of nerves going along with the nutritious arte- ries into some of the bones ; hut as yet no other nerves have been seen by them. M. Portal speaks in familiar terms of the existence of both nerves and lymphatics in the bones, as if he had often noticed them ; he, however, has omitted to inform us of the source, from which the former come.] fin the sound state bones have no sensibility, but pain is often felt in them when diseased. ) We cannot doubt the existence of the absorbent vessels in bones, since Cruikshank and Scemmering, affirm it from their own observation, and from their own injections. Breschet, has observed it many times, and Bonamy, in making a mercurial injection of the inferior extremities, " was able to follow them for some time in the interior of the osseous tissue." They possess (according to Bichat,) a certain degree of ex- tensibility and retractility, which is developed so slowly as to be almost insensible in its progress. These properties are de- monstrated in the expansion of the bones of the facje, from tumors of the antrum, and in the retraction of the sockets of the teeth, after the loss or removal of the latter. Modern chemistry has ascertained that the earthy matter of 'bones is principally a phosphate of lime; carbonate of lime, in a smaller quantity, is also found in them. These earthy sub- stances compose near one-half of the weight of bones, and a large proportion of the remainder appears to be gelatinous and cartilaginous matter. The chemical composition of bones will be found to vary, in the different ages of life, and in some measure according to the individual bones selected for investigation ; the inner com- pact plate or vitreous table of the cranial bones, and the petrous portion of the temporal, possessing a greater relative amount CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONES. 23 of earthy matter than any other bones in the body. From these causes, arises considerable discrepancy in the analysis given by different chemists. In early life the relative propor- tion of earthy matter is at its minimum, the animal at ijs max- imum. In advanced age, the reverse holds good, when the bones are notoriously brittle and liable to fracture. Diseased conditions of the system are known to still further modify these proportions : in childhood the earthy matter may be so much diminished that the bones become plastic and yielding, as in rickets ; and at later periods of life, it preponderates occasion- ally so much over the animal as to render them liable to break at the slightest shock, as in cases of fragilitas ossium ; and in some of the venereal affections, the bones are rendered nearly as solid and heavy as a piece of ebony. The earthy matter of the bones of the higher animals con- sists chiefly of phosphate of lime, with carbonate of lime, and a small quantity of phosphate of magnesia, and fluate of lime. The phosphate of lime of the bones is a subsalt, according to Miiller, in which the base and acid are combined in peculiar proportions, and which is always obtained when biphosphate of lime is precipitated by an excess of ammonia. The phos- phate of lime of the urine is a super-salt, held in solution ; in the disease called mollities ossium, it seems to be excreted in this state in the urine in larger quantity than natural. The following is the result of Berzelius' analysis of the bones in man and the ox : Man. Ox. Cartilage* completely soluble in water 32.17 VI 1 1Q < * 3 " 30 Vessels - ... 1.13 Neutral phosphate of lime - - 51.04 55.45 Carbonate of lime 11.30 3.85 Fluate of lime - 2.00 2.90 Phosphate of magnesia 1.16 2.05 Soda with a small proportion of cloride of } 1 04* sodium - - 100.00 100.00 * i. e. Gelatine. 24 RESEARCHES ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. Schreger states that in the bones of a child, the earthy matter constitutes one-half, that, in the bones of an adult it amounts to four-fifths, and in those of an old person to seven- eighths of the whole mass. Fourcroy and Vauquelin, found no fluate of lime in their analysis, but met with some iron, manganese, silex, alumine, and phosphate of ammonia. The luminous appearance of bones at night, when the animal matter is undergoing decom- position, is believed to be owing to the phosphorus liberated from combination ; and in such instances, Bichat has found an oily or unctuous exudation at the luminous points. The observations of M. Gerdy* who has carefully investi- gated the structure of the bones, coincide in a great degree with the microscopical researches of the German anatomists shortly to be noticed. He considers that there are four distinct tissues in bone, which have been confounded together up to this time ; the compact, the canaliculated,j* reticular, and areolar or cellular. The compact tissue has in certain bones a fibrous appearance ; its fibres appear longitudinal in long bones, radiated or irregu- larly divergent in many of the flat. The whole of this fibrous appearance is illusory, as Scarpa asserted, and is owing to the grooves or canals in the compact portion of the bones which lodge vessels, (canals of Havers,) run longitudinally in the compact portion, and have orifices leading into them from the outer surface ; between the canals is found projecting the pro- per structure of the bone, which is necessarily thin, and from the great number of these vessels, presents the appearance of fibres. The vascular openings leading into the grooves, are some perpendicular, and some oblique in regard to the surface of the bones. They all conduct vessels into the compact tissue. The compact tissue, as will be better seen under the head of formation of bone, is primitively a compound of osseous tubes developed around the vessels. These osseous tubes which are longitudinal in the long bones and radiated in the flat, are so * Bulletin de Clinique, 1835-6. f The canaliculated tissue is formed by the canals of Havers, which lodge blood-vessels. GERDY ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. 25 numerous, fine, so closely compressed together and so adherent, that their arrangement has escaped the observation of anato- mists. The existence of these vessels in the forming bone is well understood, and they have been injected with mercury by Tiedemann in the parietal bone,* In the adult healthy bone, they are more difficult of detection, in consequence of *the dense nature of the compact substance, in which the vascular chan- nels of the bones and the vascular orifices on the surface are reduced nearly to a microscopical size. But when the bony tissue is diseased or inflamed, as in fractures or after amputa- tions, their existence is no longer doubtful. Blood issues from them when cut, and the vascular orifices on the surface, as well as the canals in the compact tissue are visible to the naked eye, and in some instances are said to have been Fig. l.f as large as a pigeon's quill. Fig. 1, is a view of these canals, as seen in a bone twenty-five days after amputation. When the orifices and canals are thus expanded, the compact tissue appears rarefied, rough on its surface, more light and fragile and corresponds in appearance with the canaliculated tissue of Gerdy. The absence of fibrous appearance on the thick and mixed f bones is dependent upon the direction of the canals, none of which run parallel to the surface, but are all directed towards the articular surfaces of the bones. In the foetus at birth the compact portion of these bones appears sieve-like, from the number of vascular orifices on the surface, which lead perpen- dicularly to the canals that run towards the centre of the bones. Hence, according to Gerdy, the compact layer of these bones, is made up of minute bony rings, surrounding the numerous * See Breschet, plates of the Venous System. p. f Fig. 1. Section of the extremity of the os femoris, twenty-five days after amputation. It appears cribriform from the number of irregular orifices, be- longing to the canals of Havers (canaliculi,) in. the compact portion of the bone. The vessels which occupy these canals, are greatly enlarged by inflammation. Cases of this sort have been confounded by writers, with inflammation of the veins of the bones. p. \ The mixed bones are those which are mixed in their character ; being partly short and partly flat, as, the sacrum, the temporal, maxillary bones, &c. 3 GERDY ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. vascular orifices which touch each other at their circumference like the rings round the orifices of a tin colander.* The canaliculated tissue, is developed in all the bones of the body, but is least evident in the flat. It is an assemblage of small canals traversed by vessels, and has heretofore been described as a part of the cellular or spongy. In the long bones it is found on the inner surface of the com- pact tissue, and separated from the reticulated tissue of the medullary canal, by a parchment-like lamin, pierced with holes for the passage of anastomosing vessels. These canaliculi form elongated cavi- ties, which are slightly tor- tuous, nearly parallel with one another, not exactly rounded, and have their pa- rietes pierced with holes to admit of anastomosis be- tween the vessels which line them ; they run in the long bones in the direction of their length, and in the thick bones, from one articular surface to the other. They arise in part 6 Fig. 2.f * This we shall find is the opinion of the microscopists in regard to the struc- ture of all compact bony layers. f Fig. 2. Vertical section of the inferior third of the tibia. 1. 1. Compact tissue of the body of the bone, becoming gradually thinner towards the inferior extremity. 2. 2. Reticulated tissue in the lower part of the medullary cavity occupying the axis of the cylinder of bone. 3. 3. Canaliculated tissue, the vas- cular canals of which deiach themselves successively from the compact walls of the bone, and run nearly parallel with each other towards the extremity of the bone. 4. 4. Cellular tissue of the epiphysis, composed of interrupted canaliculi, and of tubular cells, which terminate nearly perpendicularly upon the articular surface. 6. 6. The articular or sub-cartilaginous compact tissue, extremely thin. GERDY ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. 27 from the divisions of the nutritious foramina, which transmit the medullary vessels of the long bones, but chiefly from the vascular (Haversian,) canals of the compact tissue, as seen in a vertical section of the femur and tibia, fig. 2 and fig. >J. where the increase of the canaliculated structure is in inverse propor- tion to the thickness of the compact. These canals unite together, and divide again and again, so that they become increasingly numerous as they approach the spongy extremities, when they separate from each other and spread out so as to form a large part of these extremities. The cellular or areolar tissue of Gerdy, is formed in the thick bones and the extremities of the long bones by the inter- ruptions of the canaliculated tissue, by other canals arising from the surface of the bone which cross them in an angular direc- tion, so as to form quadrilateral cells, see Fig. 3, No. 1, the par- titions of which are pierced, so that there is a free communica- tion between the vessels lining the different cells. The reticulated tissue which was confounded by Bichat with the canaliculated, should be now as it was before his time dis- tinguished from it. So far from being formed of a canaliculated tissue for the purpose of containing vessels, it consists only of a network of bony filaments for the purpose of supporting a delicate cellular membrane called the medullary which is thrown into the form of cells to retain the fat or marrow, and which is very vascular. It is found chiefly in the cavities of the long bones, and terminates short of the extremities in a point, see Fig. 3, 6, while the canaliculated tissue continues to expand. This tissue is beautifully developed in the long bones of the horse, but scarcely exists at all in those of the bullock. - Vessels of the bones. All anatomists admit three kinds of vessels in the bones ; those of the compact tissue, those of the cellular tissue, those of the medullary canal. Those of the compact tissue are very fine and very nume- rous ; they, penetrate it in great numbers, after having divided Very generally it is deficient in places on the articular surface of bones, so as to leave the cells of the spongy tissue and their vascular canals naked when the cartilage is removed. 7. Internal malleolus. p. 28 GERDY ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. Fig. 3.* to capillary minuteness in the periosteum. The diameter of these little vessels, where they enter the bone, has been calcu- lated to be about one-twentieth part of a line. The drops of blood which collect when the periosteum is stripped from the * Fig. 3. Vertical section of the os femoris. 1. 1. Tubular cells perpendicular to the articular surface of the bone ; sometimes these cells are chiefly round. 2. Cartilaginous lamin separating the epiphysis from the shaft of the bone. 3. Vertical canal opening by one or more foramina, in the fossa at the top of the trochanter, and anastomosing with the canals of the canaliculated tissue. It lodges one of the vessels of the cellular tissue ; which penetrate by the extremity of the body of the long bone. 4. 4. Vascular canaliculi, which run obliquely upwards and inwards towards the lamen of the epiphysis, where the cartilage begins to be removed, and the consolidation of the epiphysis and shaft has com- menced. 5. 5. Canaliculi of the upper part of the body of the bone, which are directed towards the axis of the bone, and which anastomose with the vascular canal indicated at 3. 6. Conical termination of the reticulated tissue of the medullary canal. p. GERDY ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. 29 recent bone, indicate the position of these vessels. Having entered the compact tissue, they spread in its channels (canals of Havers, canaliculi of Gerdy^) which are imperceptible without a microscope in a healthy bone, but beconae, very manifest in disease. Those of the medullary canal enter usually by a single large foramen, give off some branches to the canaliculi in their course, and having reached the medullary or central cavity, divide into two branches, which run in opposite directions towards the extremities of the bone. These branches divide and subdivide very minutely in the medullary membrane, and anastomose very freely with the vessels of the canaliculated tissue upon the side, and in the adult, (after the cartilage which separates the epiphysis from the body of the bone has been removed,) with the cellular tissue of the extremities. Those of the cellular tissue, that is to say the vessels of the extremities of the long bones and the large vessels of the other bones, penetrate from the surface by foramina much larger than those of the compact bone, and occasionally under the form of distinct canals. They are very numerous. I have counted 145 on the lower end of the femor, 25 upon a vertebra, and. 30 on the os calsis. They anastomose intimately with the other two orders of vessels, and are particularly abundant near the articular sur- face of the bones, where they form the tubular cells, and as some suppose, directly or indirectly assist in the formation of the articular cartilages, which many have considered a simple pro- duct of excretion like the nails or hair. All the vessels are sur- rounded in the canals by a cellular tissue, more or less delicate loose and filled up with a fatty or oily matter, which is least abundant in the compact tissue where the canals are very small. No other nerves except those which accompany these vessels are believed to enter the substance of bone. These facts in regard to the structure of bone are supported both by observa- tion and reasoning. The microscope shows us thousands of vessels in the healthy state entering into the substance of the bones. Inflammation attended with vascular congestion develops and renders them so obvious as to be appreciated by the 3* 30 DEUTSCH AND MIESCHER unassisted eye, the slightest irritation with a probe will cause them to bleed freely, and heat applied to a section of a recent bone, will develop the fatty or oily matter even in the compact portion. From the complexity of their organization, and the frequency and importance of their diseases, bones demand from the student, more earnest study, at least in regard to their general anatomy than is usually given. Deutsch,* under the direction of Purkinje, and Miescherf of Berlin whose investigations were made prior to those of Gerdy, have arrived at nearly similar conclusions in regard to the structure of bone. In very thin transverse sections of long bones, which had been macerated in dilute acid, they disco- vered the circular orifices of the longitudinal canals in the com- pact portions of the bone ; and in thin longitudinal sections the canals were seen divided in the direction of their length. (See Figs. 4 and 5.) The canals, according to these observers, com- municate here and there with each other, and constitute the longitudinal and transverse canals of Havers, and which are described by Lewenhceck, as his third and fourth kinds of pores. Fig. 4.J These canals are rilled with yellowish medullary or adipose matter, in which according to Miescher, are seen many minute capillary vessels, when successfully injected after the method of Krause. * De pentiori ossium stractura observations. Vratislavise, 1834. f De ossium genesi, structura et vita. Berolini, 1836. $ Fig. 4. Is a longitudinal section of a long bone, magnified one hundred times, a. One of the longitudinal canals not fully exposed, b. b. Longitudinal canals, c. c. These canals partially cut across, so as to exhibit the concentric lamellae which surround each one. d. d. Transverse canals joining the others. The straight lines near the margins of the cut, are the lamellae divided in the direction of their length, which surround the canals. The spots seen are the bony corpuscles, not sufficiently magnified to render them distinct. ON THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OF BONE. 31 Fig. 5.* In the transverse section, each of the orifices of the canals, Fig. 5, is seen surrounded by ten or fifteen concentric lines, which on examining the longitudinal section, Fig. 4, are found to be as many lamellae running the whole length of the canal, and each about the ? | 5 th part of an inch in diameter, accord- ing to the microscopical measurement of Deutsch.f The spaces in the transverse section of the bone, not occupied by the lon- gitudinal canals and their concentric lamellae, are filled by other lamellae, which form larger concentric rings round the great medullary cavity. The diameter of the canals of Havers, according to Miescher, varies from ^th to ^ili of an Eng- lish inch. In the flat bones the canals with their lamella, run parallel with the surface of the bone. In the long bones, the longitu- dinal canals are directed obliquely into the central cavity. In the lamellae concentric to the canals, there is an appear- ance of dots or short lines, which do not occupy the whole * Fig. 5. Is a transverse section of one of the flat bones of the cranium, mag- nified one hundred times, a. Compact substance or table of bone, expanding into diploe. b. b. c. c. Vasculo-medullary canals of the compact portion, cut across, d. Transverse communicating canals, between these and the larger canals or cellular cavities of the diploe. e. Diploic cells communicating with others at /. Diploic cells like the canals of the compact portion, are surrounded with concentric striae or lamellae, and are in fact only amplified vasculo-medul- lary canals. The spots upon the surface, are the bony corpuscles. f Some modern observers have made the diameter or thickness of each of these lamellae, much less than that stated by Deutsch. Mr. Wilson states it to be not more than the ^5^ a measurement which appears to me to err much on the minimum side . 32 OF THE PERIOSTEUM. thickness of each lamellae, and which Deutsch, supposed to be extremely minute tubes. Some of these dots or lines, see Fig. 5, appear to transverse more than one lamella, though the majority, as Miescher describes them, are very short, and appear like the separations between the granules of the carti- lage of the bones, from which the calcerous portions had been removed.* The result of the observations of Miescher, is : 1st. That the spongy structure of bones, is nothing but an amplification of the canaliculi, as is shown by Gerdy. 2d. That the medullary canal, as shown by its formation and name, is provided for the purpose of union or anastomosis, between these enlarged canaliculi, and, 3d. That therefore, the canaliculi, girdled with concentric lamellae and containing a medulla, composed of a great body of vessels, is the primary element or form of the osseous tissue, which is subsequently more fully developed. Scarpa is therefore correct in saying that the solid parts of bone, are formed of the cellular structure in a more compacted state. The reticulated tissue, which forms a sort of link between the cellular substance and the medullary cavity, and the osseous filaments which project every where from the parieties of the cavity into the medulla, are the remains of the walls of the cells, the integrity of which is impaired in conse- quence of the enlargement of the orifices by which they com- municate together. Of the Periosteum. Bones are invested with a firm membrane .denominated periosteum, which is of a fibrous texture, and in some places may be separated into different lamina. The external surface of periosteum is connected with the contiguous parts by cel- lular membrane ; the internal surface is connected with the bone by a great number of fibres and blood-vessels. The orifices of these vessels become apparent, when the periosteum is separated from bones in the living subject. * Subsequent microscopical observations, as will be shown further on, have confirmed this supposition of Deutsch. p. MEDULLARY MEMBRANE OR INTERNAL PERIOSTEUM. 33 This membrane covers the whole bony surface, except those parts which are invested by cartilages, and the capsular liga- ments of joints, those which are occupied by the insertion of tendons and ligaments, and the bodies of the teeth. It appears most intimately connected with the surfaces of spongy oones, and the extremities of the long bones. In a sound state it has very little sensibility ; but in some cases of disease it appears to be very sensible ; of course it must be supplied with nerves, although several expert anatomists have declared they could not trace them. It is probable that the principal use of the periosteum is to transmit vessels to the bones for their nourishment ; but death or exfoliation of the surface, does not always take place when the periosteum is removed from a portion of bone.* This membrane presents a polished, pearly white appear- ance, when examined in the recent bone. It has received different names according to the parts which it covers, though its structure is nearly uniform throughout. Thus, when it covers the exterior surface of the bones of the cranium it is called pericranium ; when it covers the cartilages, perichon- drium ; and when it covers the bones with the exception of those of the head, periosteum. In infancy the periosteum is soft, thick, and spongy, and may be readily separated from the bones. In adult life it is more firm and compact, and is often so intimately united to the bones as to be detached with difficulty from them. In old age it is extremely dense, and becomes not unfrequently ossified at its internal surface. Its vascularity, which is at first rather obscure, also gradually increases as life advances, but in old age it again diminishes.f Of the Internal Periosteum or Medullary Membrane. This membrane is particularly well marked in the cavities * Dr. Physick thinks that the periosteum frequently prevents the bones from participating in contiguous disease, as the pleura turns off an abscess inthe parie- tes of the thorax from its cavity, or the peritoneum from the cavity of the abdomen. 11. f Anat. Phys. and Diseases of Bones and Joints. By S. D. Gross, M. D. 34 MEDULLARY MEMBRANE OR INTERNAL PERIOSTEUM. of the long bones, where it forms a thin, delicate, pellucid, vascular membrane, lining the sides of the cavities of the reticu- lated tissue, in which it forms vesicles, that contain the marrow. The lining membrane of the cells in the spongy portion of the bones is still more delicate in its structure, and more difficult of demonstration, and has been supposed by many anatomists to be formed only from the coats of the blood-vessels which anastomose thousands of times with each other in the interior of these bones. Its office, however, is precisely similar to that of the membrane in the cavity of the long bones, to lodge the fatty or medullary matter which is furnished by exhalation. It is very inflammable/ burning with a beautiful blue tinge, and an oily disagreeable odor, fluid during life, but presents itself after death, under the form of brilliant granules of solid fatty matter. When death has taken place from some wasting disease as dropsy or consumption, the fat is removed by absorption, and its place is supplied by a watery fluid which renders the bones less greasy and more valuable as cabinet preparations. This medullary substance as has been before observed is also found with the vessels in the canals of the com- pact portions of bone< At the extremities of the long bones, the formina for the transmission of the blood-vessels and fibres are much larger than they are in the middle ; but there is an oblique canal near the middle of these bones, which transmits vessels to this membrane in the interior of the bones called nutritious or medullary. The surface of the internal cavities and cells of bones it will then be seen, is lined by a membrane more delicate and more vascular than the periosteum, which contains the medullary matter that is always found in their cavities. [This is the* internal periosteum or the medullary membrane of the bones. M. Portal denies that it exists as a distinct membranous sac, but asserts, that it is derived from the envelop of the vessels which is sent in along with them from the periosteum.] It has been said that in some circumstances this membrane has had great sensibility, but the- reverse is the case in com- mon. MEDULLARY MEMBRANE OR INTERNAL PERIOSTEUM. 35 The medullary matter in the large cavities of bones has a strong resemblance to adeps. That which is in the cells, at the ends of the long bones, appears more fluid. In young animals it is slightly tinged with a red color. *s The chemical properties of the adipose or medullary sub- stance of the bones consist according to Berzelius of the fol- lowing ingredients : Pure adeps or marrow 96 Membrane and blood-vessels - 1 Albumen - Gelatine Extractive and peculiar matter Water 100 The character of this substance differs somewhat at the dif- ferent stages of life ; it is of a thin aqueous consistence and of a reddish color in the infant ; of the consistence and presenting after death somewhat the appearance of butter in the central cavities of the bones, and of a red semi-fluid appearance in the spongy tissue of the bones of the adult ; in old age it has some- thing of a rancid smell, and is of a deep yellow color. The adeps of the bones was supposed at one time to contribute to the flexibility, tenacity, and nourishment of the Irenes, but it is now generally believed to be deposited upon the same principles, as fat in other parts of the body, when nutritive matter is super- abundantly elaborated by the digestive organs, and is held in reversion, as an aliment for the future wants of the economy, during temporary inanition from sickness or other causes. The deposit of fat in bones is not universal among animals. In birds the central cavity of the long bones, is filled only with air which is introduced into them from the lungs, and serves ! greatly to diminish their specific gravity, and facilitates their/ evolutions in the atmosphere. It is found in great quantity in the bones of the head of the wwerocep/m/ws, or sperm whale, far out of the pro- 36 CARTILAGES AND THEIR STRUCTURE. portion required, if its object only was that of nourishing the bones. Its purpose in this animal, besides being a deposit of aliment in reserve, is believed to be that of buoying up its head to ena- ble it to respire with greater freedom. Cartilages and their Structure. CARTILAGES are white elastic substances, much softer than bones, in consequence of a smaller quantity of earth entering into their composition. Their structure is not so evidently fibrous as that of bones ; yet by long maceration, or by tearing them asunder, a fibrous disposition is perceptible. In articular cartilages their fibres are parallel to each other, and directed towards the cavities of the respective joints. Their vessels are extremely small, though they can be readily injected in cartilages where bone is beginning to form. The vessels of the cartilages of the joints, however, seem entirely to exclude the red blood ; no anatomist having yet been able to inject them. They have no cancelli, nor internal membranes, for lodging marrow ; no nerves can be traced into them ; nor do they possess any sensibility in the sound state. Upon their surface, there is a thin membrane termed peri- chondrium, which in cartilages supplying the place of bone, as in those of the ribs or at the ends of long bones in children, is a continuation of the periosteum, and serves the same general purposes to cartilage as this does to bone. Upon the surface of articular cartilages, the perichondrium is a reflection of the inner surface of the capsular ligament, and is so very thin, and adheres so closely, as to appear like part of the cartilage itself.* One set of cartilages supplies the place of bone, and by their flexibility admit of a certain degree of motion, while their * The articular cartilages are the only ones not provided with a fibrous peri- chondrium. The synovial membrane which is supposed to cover them by being reflected from the inner face of the capsular ligament, is said to supply the place of perichondrium. p. CARTILAGES AND THEIR STRUCTURE. 37 elasticity recovers their natural position, as in the nose, larynx, cartilages of the ribs, &c. Another set, in children, supplies the place of bone, until bone can be formed, and affords a nidus for the osseous fibres
. \--\X\
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of them in various parts of the body, though not from the ar-
When a recent cartilage is cut, a whitish juicy fluid is seen to
exude from its substance, which must get into it, by imbibition
from the surrounding parts, or as has been thought more proba-
ble, be carried into it, by white vessels, too small to admit more
than the serous portions of the blood. If inflammation take place,
which is admitted in many carlilages, though not as yet proven
to exist in those of the joints, it differs from ordinary inflam-
mation as these vessels are never so dilated, as to admit the
red globules, and present a red appearance. No lymphatics
have ever been traced into them, though Mascagni was
disposed to consider them as formed entirely of these vessels.
Nor have nerves been found in them, the very existence of
which in these parts, though so necessary to the perfection of
other organs, would have unfitted them for their office. Hence
we find them smooth, so as to move upon one another without
friction, destitute of nerves, so as to bear pressure without sen-
sation, and feebly supplied with vessels, so as to be little prone
to inflammation, if they be not, as Gerdy has suggested, a mere
secretion like the hair and .nails. Hence they are enabled to
bear exposure to the air for a considerable time without
change, as stated by Velpeau, and to exist unharmed frequently
in the midst of gangrene.
According to J. Davy, their chemical composition is 55. parts
in the hundred of water, 44.5, of albumine, and .5 of phosphate
of lime. As in the bones, however, the chemical proportions
vary at the different periods of life. They are nearly fluid in
the foetus, contain a large amount of fluid in youth, have the
proportions given above at puberty, and a much larger amount
of earthy matter in old age. In fact, with some few exceptions
in the joints, they all have a natural tendency to ossify as life
The structure of cartilage is, however, not fully understood ; that
they share in some manner in the general circulation of the body,
is rendered probable by their being colored yellow in jaundice ;
and that they are not reddened like the bones when an animal is
HO ....... ---in
fed upon madder, is said by Beclard, to be owing to tbe small
quantity of phosphate of lime which they contain, and with
which this coloring matter only has affinity. They participate
too in the ulcerative process in many parts of the body, as in
those of the nose, and as I have many times seen, in tnose of
the larynx and trachea.
All cartilages are divided into two classes, temporary or
ossescent, and permanent, a distinction which though not per-
fectly exact, is nevertheless very convenient for the purposes
of study. The temporary cartilages, (cartilag. temporaries)
are those employed in the development of the bones, those of
which the models of the bones are all formed in the foetus, and
which gradually as the infant advances in growth give place to
bony matter. The substitution of bony matter for the cartilagi-
nous, is completed about the period of puberty.
The permanent cartilages (cartilag. permanentes) are devel-
oped at an early period of life like the former, but have little
tendency to undergo ossification, and retain their cartilaginous
character for the whole or the greatest part of life. These com-
prise, the articular and costal cartilages, those of the larynx,
eustachian tube, auditory meatus, etc. Some of these have a
stronger tendency than the rest to ossify, as those of the larynx
and ribs, which are frequently found after the fortieth year of
life, converted into bone.
Accidental development of Cartilages.
In almost every one of the different tissues of the body, car-
tilages have been occasionally met with, but in general only after
the middle period of life, when from their having apparently
no fixed laws of development, they have been called acci-
1st. They are found in the form of plates of greater or less
size, adherent by both surfaces to the membranes between
which they are formed ; in the arteries, where these plates are
most frequently met with, they are attached on their inner
surface to the serous lining membrane, and on their outer to the
middle coat of the vessel.
2d. They are frequently met with in the form of roundish or
irregular masses in the substance of the different organs, as the
arteries, lungs and ovaries.
3d. Under the form of smooth flattened concretions, formed
originally according to Meckel on the outer side of the synovial
membrane of the joints, and which develop themselves towards
the centre of the cavity of the joints, till their attachment to
the membrane is stretched out, so that it becomes a mere pedicle,
which not unfrequently breaks *off. In this way is formed the
loose cartilages often met with in the knee joint.
All these accidentally developed cartilages have a tendency
to be converted into bone, and which are then called accidental
Of the Formation of Bone.
The generality of bones, and particularly those which are
long, are originally formed in cartilage ; some, as those of the
skull, are formed between membranes, and the teeth in distinct
When ossification is about to begin in a particular part of
a cartilage, most frequently in the centre, the arteries, which
were formerly transparent, become dilated, and receive the red
blood from which the osseous matter is secreted. This matter
retains, for some time, the form of the vessels which gave it
origin, till more arteries being by degrees dilated, and more
osseous matter deposited, the bone at length attains its com-
plete form.
During the progress of ossification, the surrounding cartilage
by degrees disappears ; not by being changed into bone, but
by an absorption of its parts, the new-formed bone occupying
its place.
The ossification of broad bones, as those of the head, begins
by one or more points, from which the osseous fibres issue in
rays, as seen in Fig. 6.
The ossification of long bones, as in those of the extremities,
begins by central rings, from which the fibres extend towards
the ends of the bones.
The ossification of spheri-formed bones, Fig. 6.*
begins by one nucleus, as in the wrist ; and
that of irregularly shaped bones by different
nuclei, as in the vertebrae.
Some bones are completely formed at the
time of birth, as the small bones of the ear.
The generality of bones are incomplete
until the age of puberty, or between the fifteenth and twentieth
year, and in some few instances until a later period.
In children, many parts of bones, particularly the ends of
long bones, are distinct from the bodies ; they are called
epiphyses, and can be readily separated from the bodies of
bones, by boiling, or by maceration in water.
The epiphyses begin to appear after the body of the bone is
ossified, and are themselves ossified at seven or eight years of ,'
age, though their external surface is still somewhat cartilagi-
They are joined to the body of the bone by the cartilages,
which are thick in children, but gradually become thinner as
ossification advances, till at last, in the adult, the external
marks of division are not to be seen, though frequently some
mark of distinction may be observed in the cancelli.
The development of bones is the final result of several suc-
cessive changes. In the foetus the bone is at first represented,
by a soft gelatinous mass, continuous throughout as one piece,
and in which there is no appearance of joints. The consistence
of this matter gradually increases, and presents a cartilaginous
appearance, about the second or third months of foetal life. At
the same period a separation is manifested at the place of the
joints. A third change takes place in the cartilage, which is
that of ossification ; this commences in some of the bones,
between the second and third months of foetal life, at various
* Parietal boss of the infant at birth magnified, showing the central point of
ossification. At first sight the vascular canals, resemble radiated lines, but with
a little attention, they will be found to be vascular channels, slightly tortuous,
and originating near the centre of the boss or protuberance from the foramina
in Ihe newly formed bone. p.
periods in other bones, in many not till long after birth, and is
not completed in all the bones of the body till near the period
of puberty.
""" In the metamorphosis of cartilage to bone, the white and
homogeneous cartilagd which forms the mould of the bone,
becomes hollowed out so as to present irregular cavities,*
which subsequently form canals lined by a vascular membrane
and filled with a viscous fluid "which extend to the centre of
its structure. One of these canals forms subsequently the
nutritious foramen. The cartilage becomes opaque and
yellowish round this spot, the vessels convey red blood,
numerous red points are formed in the structure, and ossification
commences at the centre of the bone ; never upon the surface.
In the long bones a bony ring is first formed in the centre, and
the vascular canals extend themselves in the direction of the
extremities in the flat and thick bones, in radii, attended by a
redness in the cartilage, nearest the seat of ossification, and a
diffused yellowness beyond it. From these canals the ossific
material is deposited, and the central point of ossification
grows, till the bone is completed. As the bony portion
advances in growth, its redness diminishes, and the vascular
canals which are at first la^e, decrease in size, so as to become
in the adult bone microscopical. The ossescent or provisional
cartilage of the bone, is solid and has in no instance any cavity
in its centre. The ring of bone which, as before observed, is
the first step of development in the long bones, has a cavity
in its centre which is subsequently destined to lodge the
medulla. In the flat bones, and especially those of the cranium,
ossification commences between the second and third months
of foetal life. Those of the cranium are formed between the
pericranium and dura mater, and their cartilaginous mould is
so thin and soft, that Howship and Beclard have denied its
existence. The vascularity commences in them at a central
* According to the German anatomists, see page 44, the hollowing of these
canals, is produced by an aggregation of the cartilaginous corpuscles into a series
of linear ranges, between which the vessels shoot that convey the earthy mate-
rial of the bone. p.
point, and the ossificrays pass off in a straight direction, as seen
in Fig. 6, page 41.
Many of these bones, as well as of those in other parts of
the body, are of such irregular shape, as to be inca]>able of
being formed of fibres radiating from a single centre ; they are,
therefore, developed from several centres, the rays of which
finally meet and inosculate. The development of the thick
bones, and the epiphysis of the long bones, take place in accord-
ance with the same laws.
Growth of Bones. In all the long bones, the extremities or
epiphyses, are developed in separate pieces and between them
and the ossified shaft there is a cartilaginous lamen, which does
not disappear till the bone has attained its full development.
The bones increase in length by the continuous deposit of new
ossific matter in this lamen of cartilage, which seems retained
there as a soft bed for that purpose. As soon as the bone has
attained its full length at puberty, the lamen disappears, and
the epiphysis and shaft are consolidated, as seen in Fig. 3, where
2 is the layer of the cartilage, beginning to disappear at one
point. The long bones increase in diameter, by the successive
addition of new bony matter between the periosteum and bone.
It is said to be deposited from the periosteum itself: but that
opinion is incorrect, for no membrane can form a tissue, so
much at variance with its own structure. It is the blood-
vessels which merely ramify minutely through the periosteum,
that deposit the matter upon the surface of the bone, precisely
as they do in the centre. This mode of growth in diameter by
concentric circles, has been proved by experiments made with
mixing madder at intervals in the food of animals, by Duha-
mil,* Hunter, Professors Homer, Mussey, myself, and others.
On killing the animals, red rings were found surrounding the
bones, alternated with white ones corresponding to the periods of
* Duharail who was no anatomist, considered the growth of bones, as analo-
gous to the vegetation of plants. He placed a silver ring upon the bone of a
young animal, which he afterwards fed interruptedly on madder. The white
and red strata alternately covering the ring as he found on killing the animal,
he erroneously considered not deposited on the outer surface, but formed by the
expansion of the bone bulging over it as takes place in plants. r.
administering or suspending the madder.* At the same time,
that there is this increase of matter on the surface, there is a
corresponding enlargement in the central or medullary cavity,
which is said to be effected by the action of the absorbents.
It appears to me, however, to be far more likely due to an
interstitial growth, by which the walls of the cavity are in-
creased in dimensions and the cavity itself necessarily enlarged.
Corpuscles. Purkinje has -recently Fig. 7.f
discovered in cartilage generally, and
especially in the cartilage of bone, round-
ed corpuscles, which are much larger
in diameter than the transverse sections
of the canals described in p. 30. The
existence of these corpuscles, has also
been confirmed by the microscopical re-
searches of Deutsch, Miescher, Sharpey
and others ; according to Miescher they
correspond with the brown spots described
by Lewenhoeck as his second order of foramina. In bone de-
prived of its earthy parts by maceration in acid, their appear-
ance is that of small brown spots,{ pellucid in the centre, and
surrounded with a distinct opaque line, which by a high magni-
fying power, appeared to Miescher to be denticulated. They
are situated between their lamellae, the long diameter being ob-
* Rutherford, of Edinburgh, first explained this coloring of the bone, without
that of the other tissues, by the affinity of the madder for the phosphate of litne,
upon which it acted as a mordant. p.
f Fig. 7, is a representation from Miescher of the progress of ossification,
caused by inflammation in an adult bone, which takes place nearly in the same
manner that new bone is formed ; a a, the cartilage, the first stage in the forma-
tion of bone, and the small bodies thickly interspersed through it are the carti-
lage corpuscles of Purkinje j b b, the first or primary stage of the bony structure,
in which the osseous corpuscles arrange themselves somewhat into lines, and
the bony fibres shoot in between them, and in the thickness of the corpuscles
themselves saline particles are deposited, which renders them opaque ; c c, the
new structure completely ossified.
$ These as shown p. 46, are now believed to be new bodies, bony corpuscles,
which supplant the cartilaginous corpuscles of Purkinje. The above account
is retained in order to show progressively the history of the discovery.
lique in regard to the direction of the lamellae, and when the
work of ossification has not commenced, appear to have no fixed
arrangement, and are wedge-shaped, oval, oblong, or flattened,
see Fig. 8. Of the nature of these corpuscles, little f is posi-
tively known. Neither vegetable or mineral acids have any
effect upon them, except to render them a little more prominent
on the surface of a section of cartilage. Alcohol, ether, or a
cold solution of caustic potash does not change them ; but if
exposed to a hot caustic solution, or a long time macerated in
water they become completely liquified.
The size of the corpuscles according to the measurements of
Miescher, varied in length from the 0.0048 to the 0.0072 parts
of a line, and in breadth from the 0.0017 to the 0.0030.* The
researches of this anatomist, of Miiller, and other recent ob-
servers, have shown that the formation of cartilage always
precedes that of bone,f and that each ossescent or temporary
cartilage, is an organic tissue, homogeneous, more or less pel-
lucid, elastic, in its first state almost colorless, afterwards assum-
ing a bluish cast, and having a great many peculiar minute
corpuscles interspersed through its substance, as shown by the
microscope. In the conversion of cartilage into bone, the
'change first commences in the cartilage that surrounds the
Weber, Beclard and others, believe that the calcareous matter
is deposited by the vessels, in the cartilaginous mould of the
tyone, as a foreign body, and that the cartilaginous particles are
removed in proportion to make room for it ; but this is a mere
opinion which has not been proven.
Miescher, asserts that he was unable even with the micro-
scope to ascertain in what manner, the calcareous particles were
* More recent researches seem to prove that the average diameter of these
cartilage cells or corpuscles, is about the one twelve hundredth or one fifteen
hundredth part of an inch. P.
f This which was admitted by Albinus, Haller/ Scarpa; and others, has been
denied by Howship and Beclard, in regard to the diaphysis of the long bones,
and the bones of the cranium. In the bones of the rabbit, Miescher found a
mould of cartilage before a particle of ossific matter had been deposited, and
between the pericranium and dura mater, a thin stratum of cartilage. An ex-
ception must be made however in regard to certain flat bones of the human
skull, as the parietal. p.
received into the cartilage, the strongest powers of the micro-
Fig. 8.* scope exhibiting no cells in which they
were placed, nor any calcareous particles
of the size of the dispersed corpuscles ;
all that appeared positively was that the
cartilage seemed by degrees to assume the
aspect of bone.
The more recent researches of Gerber,f
have given* if not a perfectly clear, at
least a more satisfactory explanation of
the manner in which the ossific cartilage
is so modified, as to form bone. The
primitive physical formation of all car-
tilage is cellular, that is they grow from
cell-germs, as is the case with the other
tissues of the body. These cell-germs or
cartilage corpuscles are seen at A. Fig. 8,
magnified 250 diameters. Between these
cells and filling up the vacant spaces
between them, is an amorphous, hyaline
or transparent intercellular substance ;
the cells themselves are filled with . a
softish granular matter. As the cartilage*
increases in growth, new cells are develop-
ed in the hyaline substance by which the
older ones are pushed farther and farther
from each other. The original cells pro- *
duce two or more young or secondary
cells by the development of their gra-
nular nuclei : between these secondary
cells is also formed a secondary hya-
line substance, and thus the orginal cells form each one a little
group of cells enclosed within itself, and to each group the name
* Fig. 8. A scheme intended to represent cartilage in the progressive stages of
ossification, magnified 250 diameters. A. Cartilage with the regularly dissemi-
nated corpuscles of Purkinje cellular cartilage B. The corpuscles when ossi-
fication has begun, are forced into groups, between which the hyaline cartilage
is transformed into bone cartilage. This bone cartilage has now undergone a
change, so as to be chemically different from those cartilages which are to remain
f Elements of General and Minute Anatomy by T. Gerber. London, 1842.
of cartilage corpuscle is still applied. This is the common em-
bryonic constitution of cartilage. The fixed character of the
cartilage depends upon the after changes which take place in
it. If fibre-cartilage be formed, the intercellular or hyatme sub-
stance is developed in the form of fibres and the cells disappear
altogether. If elastic cartilage, fibres are developed around the
cells forming a kind of network. If ossific cartilage, the hya-
line substance takes on a stratified arrangement round the car-
tilage cells, and in it a new set of corpuscles are developed,
called the bone corpuscles, that are the nuclei of the bone
cells, see Fig. 9, of which the microscope has shown in reality
all bony structure to consist. As this process is commencing,
the cluster of cartilage cells called cartilage corpuscles, become
compressed together. The secondary hyaline substance becomes
dissolved, transudes through the walls of the parent cell,
coagulates round it, and in this state of cytoblastema as it is
called this basis structure for the growth of other parts it con-
stitutes the proper ossific cartilage. In it arise the bone cor-
puscles, called cytoblastty or germs, from which are formed the
bone cells. These follow the same mode of development, as
the embryonic cartilage cells : that is new corpuscles are
forming in the cytoblastema, while those recently produced
are growing ; the cartilage corpuscles ever more closely com-
pressed together disappear ; radiated points, nutrient vessels, etc.
make their appearance, the nuclei of the bone cells, (corpuscles,)
and the cells themselves when completely formed receive depos-
its of calcareous salts, and the formation of bone is achieved.
flexible during life. It does not on boiling yield gelatine like them, but a sub-
stance called chondrin, which differs from gelatine in not being precipitated by
tannic acid, etc. C. The groups of cartilage corpuscles are now seen completely
inclosed by bone cartilage. D. The cartilage corpuscles are here rendered less
transparent by the process of resolution that is going on ; the bone corpuscles
are at the same time making their appearance in the bone cartilage. E. The
cartilage corpuscles are dissolved and partially removed. F. The cartilage cor-
puscles have disappeared ; have been absorbed. G. In spongy bones, the spaces
occupied by the cartilage corpuscles remain as cells filled with globules of fat.
In compact bones the cells are reduced to minute canals, by the growth of bony
matter, or they disappear entirely. In Fig. 9, there is a representation of bone
in its perfectly formed state, magnified 450 diameters, and representing the bone
cells or corpuscles, with iheir calcareous canals.
Fig. 9.* It is according to this from a peculiar sub-
stance, not ordinary cartilage, that bone is pro-
duced, and we now know that the effused fluid
of which the callus in fractures is formed, is in
some respects different from the cartilagi-
nous mould of bone, and that in fact bone
is developed in many parts of the body, as
in the human .skull for instance, without the.
existence of any previous cartilaginous basis.
Formation of Callus.
The most ancient opinion entertained in regard to the mode of
union between broken bones, was, that it was owing to the con-
cretion of a viscous fluid, or imaginary osseous juice poured out
between the fragments. This was the opinion of Haller. Du-
hamil demonstrated the fallacy of this belief, by numerous
experiments, and instituted a theory of his own which is much
nearer the truth. According to him the production of callus or
new bony matter, is owing to the swelling, elongation, and
subsequent adhesion between the periosteum and medullary
membrane of one fragment with the corresponding parts of the
other; and that from these membranes thus modified, bony
matter was deposited in the form of a ring on the exterior of
the bone and a plug in its medullary cavity, which held the
fragments together by passing across the cavity of fracture, and
sometimes by prolongations passing between them through the
cavity. John Hunter believed that the re-union of fractured
bones took place from the organization of the blood effused
around the fracture and between the fragments ; a doctrine
which now has few supporters.
The credit of giving the most faithful account of the forma-
* Fig. 9. Bone corpuscles, a, magnified 450 diameters, which have here been
converted into bone cells, b. Branches of the bony cells which by their inoscu-
lations form a net work. They are called by Mttller the canaliculi calicophori.
It is not yet fully decided whether or not the cells and their branches are filled
with calcareous matter, or merely incrusted with it. The diameter of these
calcigerous canals (canalic. calicoph.) is reckoned at their largest parts to be
between one fourteen thousandth and the one twenty thousandth part of an inch.
tion of callus, is due to Dupuytren* and Sanson. According
to these, the union of fragments of bone, is effected by the for-
mation of two successive stages of callus. One which is pro-
visional or temporary, is completed usually in the sp^ce of
thirty or forty days, by the union and ossification of the perios-
teum, cellular tissue, and even in some cases of the muscles,
so as to constitute an external ring and of the medullary mem-
brane, so as to constitute an internal plug. The other, which
he calls final or permanent, is formed by the re-union of
the surfaces of the fracture, with a solidity so much superior ./ /C
to that of the bone in other parts, that it will break any where
again, rather than at that point, and which is never fully com-
pleted, notwithstanding the limb appears earlier than this restored
to its proper uses, under eight, ten, or twelve months, by which
time all the provisional callus has been removed, and the medul-
lary canal is completely re-established.
Dupuytren divides the successive organic changes, which
attend the formation of callus, into five periods.
The first period, extends from the time of the fracture to X
the eighth or tenth day, and is characterized by the following
phenomena : the medullary membrane, the medulla, the perios-
teum, cellular tissue, and sometimes the muscles themselves, are
torn at the time the fracture takes place ; blood escapes from
the ruptured vessels, surrounds the fragments, spreads in the
medullary canal and infiltrates in the surrounding tissue : the
hemorrhage stops ; a slight inflammation is developed in all
these parts, which is the first step towards the production of
the callus. The cellular tissue surrounding the bone, becomes
very vascular, is thickened, loses its elasticity, and acquires a
great degree of consistence ; it sends irregular processes into
the neighboring muscles, transforms them to a greater or less
extent into an analogous tissue, and unites them in a common
structure with the periosteum, which is also much thickened
and very vascular. A nearly similar change takes place in the
cavity of the bone in respect to the medulla and its membrane.
The calibre of the medullary canal is contracted by the thickening
- * Journal Univ. de Med. torn. 20.
of the membrane, which presents a fleshy appearance, in con-
sequence of a sort of gelatinous infiltration. The effused blood
becomes absorbed, and a ropy, viscous, gelatinous fluid, is
poured out between the ends of the fragments, which is essential
to the production of the permanent callus.
The second period extends from the tenth or twelfth, to the
twentieth or twenty-fifth day. During this period, the engorge-
ment of the surrounding parts, diminishes and the muscles are
liberated : but the cellular tissue remains condensed and con-
centrated round the fracture, presenting grooves or even canals
to the tendons of the muscles if any pass in the vicinity of the
fracture, in which they are able to play, though with little free-
dom, in consequence of some existing induration of the cellular
tissue. This constitutes the provisional callus, the external
portion of which is thickest at the place of fracture, and insensibly
terminates upon the fragments of bone. Its internal portion is
formed by the periosteum, which is closely attached to the bone.
Its structure is whitish, homogeneous, and of a cartilaginous or
fibro-cartilaginous character. The medullary membrane forms a
similar plug of provisional cartilaginous matter, which fills up the
whole cavity of the bone, above and below the place of fracture.
The viscous or gelatinous fluid interposed between the ends of
the bones, is now rose-colored or red, presents sometimes a floc-
culent appearance, and is adherent by its margins to the external
and internal callus. The limb may still be bent at the place of
fracture, but no crepitation can be produced.
The third period extends from the twentieth or twenty-fifth
day, to the thirtieth, fortieth or sixtieth, according to the age
and health of the patient.
Ossification commences in the centre of the cartilage, and by
degrees the whole tumor, internal and external, becomes os-
seous. It is very vascular, and Howship* has succeeded in
injecting the vessels. If at this period the bone be cut longitu-
dinally, the provisional callus will be found presenting all the
characters of spongy bone, while the fragments will be found
* Microscop. Observ.
movable upon each other, the substance poured out between
them, not having apparently undergone much change.
The fourth period extends from the fiftieth or sixtieth day,
to the fifth or sixth month. During this period the ^callus
has been changed from the state of spongy, to that of compact
The substance intermediate to the fragments, which present-
ed itself under the form of a line or septum between them,
becomes more consistent, presents a whiter hue, and is ossified
towards the end of this period ; and the permanent callus is
now completed.
The fifth period extends from the fifth or sixth, to the
eighth, tenth or twelfth month, during which time the whole
of the provisional callus is entirely removed, the object of its
formation having been effected, that of, securely holding the
bones together like splints till the fractured surfaces become
firmly reunited. The periosteum resumes its usual thickness
and polish, and the muscles and tendons their entire freedom of
The internal plug of callus having been removed by absorp-
tion, the central cavity of the bone, the medullary membrane
and the marrow itself, present their usual appearance.
Of the Terms used in the Description of Bones and their
The study of this subject has been rendered more difficult
by the unnecessary introduction of many hard words, but some
of these words are so generally used, that they ought to be
understood by the student of anatomy.
The word process signifies any protuberance or eminence
arising from a bone.
Particular processes receive names from their supposed resem-
blance to certain objects ; and their names are very often com-
posed of two Greek words ; thus the term coracoid, which is
applied to a well-known process, is derived from the Greek
words xo!,, a crow, and eidos*, resemblance.
If a process has a spherical form, it is called a head. If the
head is flattened on the sides, it is denominated a condyle.
A rough protuberance is called a tuberosity. ,A ridge on the
surface of a bone is called a spine.
The term apophysis, is nearly synonymous with process. It
signifies a protuberance that has grown out of the bone, and is
used in opposition to the term epiphysis, which signifies a por-
tion of bone growing upon anther, but distinct and separable
from it ; as is the case in infancy with the extremities of the
long bones.
The cavities on the surfaces of bones are named in the same
way, as will appear by a reference to the glossary at the end of
this work.
Words of this kind have been used most profusely in the
descriptions of articulations, and here also their utility is doubt-
ful. Therefore, for many terms used on this occasion, the reader
is referred to the glossary ; but the following are necessary to
be understood.
SYMPHYSIS does not merely imply the concretion of bones
originally separate, as its derivation imports ; but it is under-
stood also to mean the connexion of bones by intermediate
substances. Thus, there are three species of symphysis,
particularly noticed, viz.
Synchondrosis, when bones are connected to each other by
cartilage ; as the ribs and sternum.
Synneurosis, when they are connected by ligaments, as in the
movable articulations.
Syssarcosis, when they are connected by muscle. The different
articulations are of two kinds, viz. Synarthrosis and Diar-
SYNARTHROSIS is the name of that kind of articulation which
does not admit of motion. There are three species of synar-
throsis, viz.
Suture, when the indented edges of the two bones are received
into each other, as is the case with the bones of the cra-
Gomphosis, when one bone is fixed in another like a nail in a
board, as the teeth in their sockets.
Shindyksis, when the thin edge of one bone is received into a
narrow furrow of another, as the nasal plate of the efnmoid
in the vomer.
DIARTHROSIS is the name of that kind of articulation which
admits of motion. Of these articulations there are three
species, viz.
Enarthrosis, when a large head is received in a deep cavity, as
the head of the thigh bone in the acetabulum.
A.rthrodia, when the head is connected with a superficial
GingKmus, when the extremities of bones apply to each other
so as to form a hinge.
But most of the important joints have so many peculiarities
that they cannot be understood without studying them sepa-
rately. It may, therefore, be doubted whether the classification
and arrangement of joints is any way necessary.
Some of the more common anatomical terms are explained
in this place and in the glossary ; but they have now become
too numerous, in consequence of the introduction of a multitude
of new ones, some of which are of foreign origin, to be sepa-
rately defined in this work. A medrcal dictionary will better
serve the purposes of the student. That of Prof. Dunglison,*
will be found the most comprehensive and useful.
* Medical Lexicon A new Diet, of Med. Science. 3d edit, by Robley Dun-
glison, M. D. ? Prof. Inst. Med., tec., in Jeff. Med. Coll. Lea & Blanchard.
Phil. 1842.
Of the skeleton and its different parts, and the individual bones of which they
are composed.
THE bones of an animal arranged and connected to each other
in their natural order, separate from the soft parts, compose a
The skeleton is said to be natural when the bones are
connected by their own ligaments, which have been allowed to
remain for that purpose.
It is called artificial when the bones are connected with wire,
or any foreign substance.
The artificial skeleton is best calculated for studying the
motions of the different bones, because the dry and hard
ligaments of the natural skeleton do not allow the bones to
move ; but the bones of young animals do not admit of the
preparation necessary for an artificial skeleton, as their epiphyses
would separate, and they are therefore formed into natural
The study of the skeleton and its mechanical properties, as a
piece of machinery, is absolutely necessary to a perfect under-
standing of many motions of the body, and of the action and
co-operation of muscles ; but any observations on this subject
will be better understood after the individual bones and the
muscles have been described.
The skeleton is divided into the head, the trunk, the superior
and the inferior extremities.
Of the Head.
The Head comprehends the CRANIUM, and FACE.
The cranium consists .of eight distinct bones, which, when
placed in their natural order, form a large spheroidal cavity for
containing the brain, with many foramina or apertures that
communicate with it.
These bones are of a flattened form. They are composed of
two lamina or plates called tables, with a cellular structure
between them, called meditullium, or diploe. The external
table is more firm and thick than the internal. The letter is
comparatively very brittle, whence it is called the vitreous
table. [Between the two tables which compose the flat bones
of the cranium and running through the diploe are several
sinuses, which are occupied by veins in the recent subject.
They were discovered by M. Fleury about forty years ago,
while he was Prosector at the School of Medicine in Paris, and
engaged in some inquiries relative to the structure of the
cranium at the instigation of M. Chaussier. The account
which M. Chaussier gives of these veins is as follows : they are
situated in the middle of the diploe between the two tables of
the skull, and like all other veins are intended to return the
blood to the heart. They are furnished with small valves,
have extremely thin and delicate parietes, and commence by
capillary rami6cations coming from the different points of the
vascular membrane which lines the cells of the diploe. Their
roots are at first extremely fine and numerous, form by their
frequent anastomoses a kind of network, and produce by their
successive junction, ramuscles, branches, and large trunks,
which, becoming still more voluminous, are directed towards the
base of the cranium. Some varieties exist in regard to the
number, size, and disposition of these trunks, but generally one
or two of them are found in each side of the frontal bone, two
in the parietal bone, and one in each side of the qccipital
bone. Anastomoses exist between these several trunks, by
which the veins in the parietal bone are joined to those in the
frontal and in the occipital. Branches from the right side of
the head also anastomose with some from the left side. Besides
the branches already mentioned, one or two smaller than the
others are directed towards the top of the head and terminate in
the longitudinal sinus.
The descending veins of the diploe communicate in their
passages with the contiguous superficial veins, and empty into
them the blood which they receive from the several points of
the diploe. These communications are produced through
small foramina which penetrate from the surface of the bone
to the diploe. The trunks of such diploic veins as are continued
to the base of the cranium, open partly into sinuses of the dura
mater, and partly into the venous plexus at the base of the
pterygoid apophyses, and form there the venous communications
called the emissaries of Santorini. Moreover, there are
communications sent from the dtploic veins through the porosi-
ties of the internal table of the skull to the veins of the dura
mater. This fact is rendered very evident by tearing off the
skull cap, when the surface of the dura mater will be studded
with dots of blood, and the internal face of the bone also,
particularly in apoplectic subjects. It appears indeed that the
arteries of the cranium are principally distributed on its external
surface, and the veins on its internal surface and diploe.
In the infant the diploic veins are small, straight, and have
but few branches : in the adult they correspond with the
description just given ; and in old age they are still more con-
siderable, forming nodes and seeming varicose. In children,
when the bones are diseased, they partake of the latter
character. In order to see them fully, the external table of the
skull must be removed with the chisel and mallet, both from its
vaults and base.]*
The periosteum, which is on their external surface, is called
pericranium. Internally the dura mater, or membrane which
covers the brain, supplies the place of periosteum.
There are eight of these bones, which are thus denominated :
Os Frontis, Ossa Parietalia, Ossa Temporum, Os Occipitis,
Os Sphenoides, and Os Ethmoides. The two last are called
common bones, to denote that they are connected with the bones
of the face as well as with those of the cranium.
The os frontis forms the whole fore part of the vault of the
* The diploe, or meditullium, corresponds exactly in structure and situation
with the spongy, or cellular tissue of the other bones of the body, though it has
unnecessarily received a distinct name. Neither are the diploic sinuses peculiar
to the bones of the skull. They are found presenting exactly the same appear-
ance in the bodies of the vertebrae, and appear in fact to be but a development
of the canaliculated tissue of the oiher bones. See Fig. 5, page 30. P.
cranium : the two ossa parietalia form the upper and middle
part of it ; the ossa temporum compose the lower part of the
sides ; the os occipitis makes the whole hinder part and some
of the base; the os ethmoides is placed between the ambits of
the eyes, and the sphenoides extends across the base of the
The Sutures, f-
The above bones are joined to each other by five sutures ; the
names of which are the Coronal, Lambdoidal,' Sagittal, and
two Squamous.
The coronal suture is extended over the head, from within
about an inch of the external angle of one eye, to the like dis-
tance from the other ; which being near the place where the
ancients wore their garlands, this suture has hence got its
name. Though the indentations of this suture are conspicuous
in its upper part, yet an inch or more of its end on each side
has none, but is squarnous and smooth.
The lambdoidal suture begins some way below, and further
back than the vertex or crown of the head, whence its two legs
are stretched obliquely downwards, and to each side, in form
of the Greek letter A? and are now generally said to extend
themselves to the base of the skull ; but formerly, anatomists
reckoned the proper lambdoidal suture to terminate at the
squamous sutures : and the portion continued from them on each
side, where the indentations are less conspicuous than in the
upper part of the suture, they called additamentum suturae
This suture is sometimes very irregular, being made up of a
great many small sutures, which surround a number of insulated
bones, that are generally more conspicuous on the external
surface of the skull than internally. These bones are commonly
called triquetra or wormiana ; their formation is owing to a
greater than ordinary number of points of ossification in the
skull, or to the ordinary bones of the cranium not extending
their ossification far enough or soon enough ; in which case,
the unossified interstice between such bones begins a separate
ossification, in one or more points ; from which the ossification
is extended to form as many distinct bones as there were points
which are extended into the large ordinary bones, and into
each other.*
The sagittal suture is placed longitudinally, in the middle
of the upper part of the skull, and commonly terminates at
the middle of the coronal and of the lambdoidal sutures ;
between which it is said to be.placed, as an arrow is between
the string and the bow. This suture is sometimes continued
through the middle of the os fronds down to the root of the
nose. *
The squamous agglutinations, or false sutures, are one on
each side, a little above the ear, of a semicircular figure, formed
by the overlapping (like one scale upon another) of the upper
part of the temporal bones on the lower part of the parietal,
where, in both bones, there are a great many small risings, and
furrows which are indented into each other : though these
inequalities do not appear until the bones are separated. In
some skulls, indeed, the indentations here are as conspicuous
externally as in other sutures ; and what is commonly called
the posterior part of this squamous suture, always has the
evident serrated form ; and therefore is reckoned by some a
distinct suture, under the name of additamentum posterius
suturae squamosae.
The squamous suture is not confined to the conjunction of
the temporal and parietal bones, but is made use of to join all
the edges of the bones on which each temporal muscle is
placed ; for the two parts of the.sphenoidal suture, which are
continued from the anterior end of the common squamous
suture just now described, one of which runs perpendicularly
downwards, and the other horizontally forwards ; and also the
lower part of the coronal suture already taken notice of, may all
be justly said to pertain to the squamous suture.
* These ossa triquetra or wormiana are also frequently met with in the sagittal
suture, and occasionally in all the different sutures of the cranium. As many
as fifteen or twenty have been seen in a single head, though usually their num-
ber is much less. Where the cranium is of a globular form, few, and frequently
none, are met with. They never begin to ossify till six months or a year after
birth. P.
This structure appears to depend upon the pressure of the
temporal muscle externally, and the resistance of the brain
within, which makes the bones so thin, that their edges opposed
to each other are not sufficiently thick to stop the extetysion of
their fibres in length, and thus to cause the common serrated
appearances of sutures ; but the narrow edge of the one bone
slides over the other. The squamous form is also more con-
venient here ; because such thin edges of bones, when accurately
applied one to another, have scarce any rough surface to
obstruct or hurt the muscle in its contraction ; which is still
farther provided for, by the manner of laying these edges on
each other ; for, in viewing their outside, we see the temporal
bones covering the sphenoidal and parietal, and this last sup-
porting the sphenoidal, while both mount on the frontal ; from
which disposition it is evident, that while the temporal muscle
is contracting, which is the only time it presses strongly in its
motion on the bones, its fibres slide easily over the external
edges. Another advantage of this structure is, that the whole
part is made stronger by the bones thus supporting each other.
The indentation of the sutures are not so strongly marked
on the inside as on the outside of the cranium ; and sometimes
the bones seem to be joined by a straight line : in some
skulls, the internal surface is found entire, while the sutures
are manifest without. By this mechanism, there is no risk of
the sharp points of the bones growing inwards, since the
external serrae of each of the conjoined bones rest upon the
internal smooth-edged table of the other.
The advantages of the sutures are these: 1. The cranium is
more easily formed and extended into a spherical figure, than
if it had been one continued bone. 2. The bones which are at
some distance from each other at birth, may then yield, and
allow to the head a change of shape, accommodated to the
passage it is engaged in. Whence, in difficult parturition,
the bones of the cranium, instead of being only brought
into contact, are sometimes made to mount one upon the
[The sutures which unite the bones of the cranium, are
generally said to be made by the radii of ossification, from the
opposite bones meeting and passing each other, so as to form
a serrated edge. This explanation is however insufficient, for
the following reasons : we always find the sutures in the same
relative situation, and observing the same course in the cranium ;
if they, then, depended exclusively on so mechanical a process,
as the shooting of the rays of bone across each other when they
met, in ossification on one side^rf the head occurring sooner or
faster than on the other, we ought to find the sagittal suture to
one side of the middle line ; it should also, in many instances,
be found crooked. Moreover, in all cases where bones arise
from different points of ossification and meet, particularly in
the flat bones, the serrated edges ought to be formed ; this,
however, is not the case. The os occipitis, which is formed
originally from four points of ossification, and has therefore as
many bones composing it in early life, never joins these bones
together by the serrated edge ; the acromion process of the
scapula is never united to its spine by sutures ; the three bones
of the sternum never unite by suture, and the same observa-
tion holds good in many other instances. Bichat, who rejects
this mechanical doctrine, advances an opinion much better
founded. The dura mater and the pericranium, before ossifi-
cation commences, form one membrane, consisting of two
lamina ; it is generally known that the flat bones of the
cranium are secreted between these two lamina ; now the out-
line of each bone, long before it has reached its utmost limits,
is marked off by partitions passing between these two mem-
branes. The peculiar shape of the bony junction, or the suture
in adult life, will, therefore, depend upon the original shape
of the partitions: when the latter are serrated, the points of
ossification will fill up these serrae ; but when they are simply
oblique, the squamous suture will be formed. This also
accounts for cases where the mode of junction is intermediate
to the squamous and serrated suture ; for the formation of the
ossa triquetra, and why in some skulls they do not exist,
whereas in others their extent and number are very considera-
ble. The inference will also be drawn from this, that in all ossi-
fications from different nuclei, where these original mem-
braneous septa do not exist, a suture will not be formed ; but
the bones will join each other, as in a case of callus between
the broken extremities of bones. When these septa "become
weak or thin, either from original tendency, as in the case of
the sagittal suture, which in early life is continued to the root
of the nose frequently ; or from advanced age, as in the case
of nearly all sutures, the bones of the opposite sides amalga-
mate, and no appearance of suture is left. It is easy to make a
preparation illustrative of these facts, and one now exists in
the museum of the University of Pennsylvania, in which, by
removing the bone from between the membranes by means of
an acid, and afterwards rendering the membranes transparent
with oil of turpentine, the septa are seen sufficiently distinctly.]
Os Frontis.
The os fronds, as its name imports, forms the front part of
the cranium, and the upper portion of the orbits of the eyes.
Fig. 10.* The external surface of this
bone is smooth at its upper
convex part ; but several pro-
cesses and cavities are ob-
servable below ; for at the
angles of each orbit, the
bone projects to form four
processes, two internal, and
as many external ; which are
denominated angular. Be-
tween the internal and exter-
nal angular processes on each
side, an arched ridge is ex-
* The external surface of the os frontis. 1. Frontal protuberance or boss of
the right side. 2. The superciliary ridge. 3. Supra-orbital ridge. 4. External
angular process. 5. Internal angular process. 6. Supra-orbital notch for the
transmission of the supra-orbital nerve and artery ; it is occasionally converted
into a foramen. 7. The nasal or superciliary boss ; the swelling around this
point denotes the situation of the frontal sinuses. 8. The temporal ridge, com-
mencing from the external angular process (4). The depression in which fig.
8 is situated is a part of the temporal fossa. 9. The nasal spine.
tended, on which the eyebrows are placed. Very little above
the internal end of each of these superciliary ridges, a protuber-
ance may be remarked in most skulls, called the superciliary or
nasal boss, where there are large cavities within the bone, called
sinuses. Between the internal angular processes, and in front
of the vacuity for the ethmoid bone, the edge of the os frontis
is serrated for articulation with the ossa nasi, and the process
of the upper maxillary bone ; ad from the centre of this sur-
face a small process arises, which is called the nasal spine.
From the under part of the superciliary ridges, the frontal bone
runs a great way backwards : these parts are called orbitar
processes, which, contrary to the rest of this bone, are concave
externally, for receiving the globes of the eyes, with their
muscles, fat, &c.
In each of the orbitar processes, at the upper and outer
portion of the orbit, a considerable sinuosity is observed, where
the glandula lachrymalis is lodged. Near each internal angular
process a small pit may be remarked, where the cartilaginous
pulley of the superior oblique muscle of the eye is fixed.
Between the two orbitar processes, there is a large vacuity
which the cribriform part of the os ethmoides occupies. The
frontal bone has frequently little caverns formed in it where it is
joined to the ethmoid bone.
The foramina, or holes, observable on the external surface of
the frontal bone, are'three in each side.
On each supra-orbital ridge, 3 fig. 10, at the distance of one-
third of its length from the nose, is a foramen, or a notch,
through which pass a branch of the ophthalmic artery and a
small nerve called the supra-orbital.
In the internal edge of each orbitar process are two other
foramina denominated anterior and posterior orbitar, or eth-
moidal foramina, which lead to the nose : sometimes they are
only notches or grooves which join with similar grooves in the
bones below, and form foramina. They transmit the anterior
and posterior ethmoidal arteries and veins, and the former trans-
mits likewise the internal nasal branch of the ophthalmic nerve.
The internal surface of the os frontis is concave, except at
the orbitar processes, which Fig. 11.*
are convex, and support the
anterior lobes of the brain.
This surface is not so smooth
as the external ; for the larger
branches of the arteries of
the dura mater make some
furrows in its sides and back
parts, and its lower and fore
parts are marked with the
convolutions of the anterior
lobes of the brain. In the
middle of the concave inter-
nal surface is a groove, which
is small at its commencement, and gradually increases in dia-
meter as it proceeds upwards. This is formed by the superior
longitudinal sinus ; at its commencement is a ridge to which the
beginning of the falciform process of the dura, mater is attached.
At the root of this ridge is a small foramen, sometimes formed
jointly by this bone and the ethmoid ; it is denominated fora-
men ccECum ; in it a small process of the falx is inserted, and
here the longitudinal sinus begins.
The frontal sinuses are formed by the separation of the two
tables of this bone at the part above the nose and the internal
extremities of the superciliary ridges. In the formation of these
cavities, the external table commonly recedes most from the
general direction of the bone.
* The internal surface of the frontal bone ; the bone is raised in such a man-
ner as to show the orbito-nasal portion, i. The grooved ridge for the lodgment
of the superior longitudinal sinus and attachment of the falx. 2. The foramen
caecum. 3. The superior or coronal border of the bone ; the figure is situated
near that part which is bevelled at the expense of the internal table. 4. The
inferior border of the bone. 5. The orbital plate of the left side. 6. The cellu-
lar border of the ethmoidal fissure. The foramen ceecum (2) is seen through
the ethmoidal fissure. 7. The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina ; the
anterior is seen leading into its canal. 8. The nasal spine. 9. The depression
within the external angular process (12) for the lachrymal gland. 10. The de-
pression for the pulley of the superior oblique muscle of the eye ; immediately
to the left of this number is the supra-orbital notch, and to its right the internal
angular process. 11. The opening leading into the frontal sinuses. 12. The
same parts are seen upon the opposite side of the figure.
These cavities are divided by a perpendicular bony partition,
which is sometimes perforated and admits a communication
between them. Their capacities are often very different in
different persons, and on the different sides of the same person.
In some persons whose foreheads were very flat, they are said
to have been wanting. They communicate with the nose by
means of a canal in the cellular part of the os ethmoides.
The os frontis is composed *)f two tables, and an interme-
diate diploe, as the other bones of the cranium are : it is of a
mean thickness between the os occipitis and the parietal bones ;
and is nearly equally dense throughout, except the orbitar pro-
cesses, where, by the action of the eye on one side, and pressure
of the lobes of the brain on the other, it is made extremely thin
and diaphanous, and the diploe is entirely obliterated. In this
place there is so weak a defence for the brain, that fencers
esteem a push in the eye mortal.
In such skulls as have the frontal bone divided by the sagittal
suture, the partition separating these cavities is evidently com-
posed of two plates, which easily separate.
Each of the frontal sinuses opens into one of the uppermost
cells in the' anterior part of the ethmoid bone, and this cell
communicates with the middle channel of the nose under the
anterior end of the os turbinatum superius.
This bone is united with the parietal, ethmoidal and sphe-
noidal bones of the head ; and with the nasal, maxillary, ungui-
form and malar bones of the face.
Ossa Parietalia.
Each of the two ossa parietalia is an irregular square ; its
upper and front edges being longer than the one behind or
below. The inferior edge is concave, the middle part receiving
the upper round part of the temporal bone. The angle formed
by the under and anterior edges is so extended as to have the
appearance of a process.
The external surface of each os parietale is convex. Upon
it, somewhat below the middle height of the bone, there is a
transverse arched ridge, ge- Fig. 12.*
nerally of a whiter color
than any other part of the
bone ; from which, in bones
that have strong prints of
muscles, we see a great many
converging furrows, like so
many radii drawn from a
circumference towards a cen-
tre. From this ridge of each
bone the temporal muscle
rises : and, by the pressure of its fibres, occasions the furrows
just now mentioned. Below these we observe, near the semi-
circular edges, a great many risings and depressions, which are
joined to like inequalities on the inside of the temporal bone,
and form the squamous suture. Near the upper edges of these
bones, towards the hind part, is a small hole in each, through
which a vein passes from the teguments of the head to the lon-
gitudinal sinus.f o
On the inner concave surface of the parietal bones we see a
great many deep furrows, disposed somewhat like the branches
of trees : the furrows are largest and deepest at the lower edge
of each os parietale, especially near its anterior angle, where a
complete canal is sometimes formed.
[These furrows are made by the ramifications of the great
middle artery of the dura mater: they have been commonly
attributed to the pulsation of the artery causing the absorp-
tion of the bone, but it is more probable that the deposition of
the bone has been prevented where the artery beats, and thus
the bone becomes modelled over the artery in the same way
that it is made to conform to the surface of the brain. If it
* The external surface of the left parietal bone. 1 . Superior or sagittal border.
2. Inferior or squamous border. 3. Anterior or coronal border. 4. Posterior or
lambdoidal border. 5. The temporal ridge. The figure is situated immediately
over the parietal protuberance. 6. The parietal foramen, unusually large.
7. The anterior inferior angle. 8. The posterior inferior angle.
f It transmits, also, an artery from the integuments to the dura inater, and
is called the parietal foramen. p.
were exclusively an absorption and not a deposition, we should
scarcely find the artery occasionally surrounded perfectly by
Fig. 13.* On the inside of the up-
per edge of the ossa parie-
talia there is a large sinuos-
ity, frequently larger in the
bone of one side than of the
other, where the upper part
of the falx is fastened, and the
superior longitudinal sinus
is lodged. Part of the late-
ral sinuses generally makes
a depression near the angle
formed by the lower and
posterior edges of these bones ; and the pits made by the
convolutions of the brain are in no part of the skull more
frequent or more conspicuous, than in the internal surface of
these bones.
The ossa parietalia are the most equal and smooth, and are
among the thinnest bones of the cranium ; but they enjoy the
general structure of two tables and diploe most perfectly.
These bones are joined at their fore side to the os frontis, at
their long inferior angles, to the sphenoid bone ; at their lower
edge, to the ossa temporum ; behind to the os occipitis, or ossa
triquetra ; and above, to one another.
Ossa Temporum.^
The ossa temporum are situated at the lateral and inferior
* The internal surface of the left parietal bone. 1. The superior, or sagittal
border. 2. The inferior, or squamous border. 3. The anterior, or coronal border.
4. The posterior, or larabdoidal border. 5. Part of the groove for the superior
longitudinal sinus. 6. The internal termination of the parietal foramen. 7. The
anterior inferior angle of the bone, on which is seen the groove for the trunk of
the arteria meningea media. 8. The posterior inferior angle, upon which is seen
a portion of the groove for the lateral sinus.
f This bone has received the name of temporal, because at the region which
it covers, the hair usually commences to turn gray, and thus in some measure
indicates the different periods of life. p.
parts of the cranium ; each of them is divided into three portions,
a superior or squamous, a posterior or rnastoid, and a middle or
The squamous portion is nearly semicircular in font!, and
very thin ; its edge is sharp, and the inner table appears pared
away to form the squamous suture with the corresponding
edge of the parietal bone. Its external surface is covered by
the temporal muscle. At the lower and anterior part of this
surface, the zygomatic process arises, it proceeds forward to
join the cheek bone, and form an arch under which the tem-
poral muscle passes.
At the base of the process is the glenoid cavity for the condyle
of the lower jaw. Immediately before this cavity is a tubercle
or protuberance, near the commencement of the zygoma and
at its lower border, to which the external lateral ligament of
the lower jaw is attached ; continued horizontally inwards
from the tubercle there is a rounded eminence, called the emi-
nentia articularis, which forms part of the articular surface on
which the condyle rises when the jaw is opened. In the pos-
terior part of the cavity is a fissure called the glenoid in
which part of the ligament of this articulation is fixed. In
this fissure is an aperture glenoid foramen which communi-
cates with the cavity of the tympanum of the ear, and is occu-
pied by a small nerve called chorda tympani ; and also by the
anterior muscle of the malleus one of the small bones of the
The internal surface of the squamous portion is concave ; it
is marked by pits and small eminences, which correspond with
the convoluted surface of the brain, and also by impressions of
the arteries of the dura mater, see 4 fig. 13, as they go towards
the parietal bone.
The mastoid or occipital portion is the smallest of the three
parts of the bone ; it consists of an angular portion, which
occupies a vacuity between the occipital and parietal bones ;
and of the mastoid process. The mastoid process has some
resemblance to the nipple; it is composed internally of cells
which communicate with the cavity of the tympanum. On
the internal side of its base is a deep groove in which the pos-
terior belly of the digastric muscle is inserted. Behind this
process is the mastoid hole, which transmits a vein, and some-
times a small artery.
On the internal surface of this portion is a large groove,
which is formed by the lateral sinus. The mastoid hole above
mentioned, opens into this groove.
The petrous portion, which is * Fig. 14.*
situated between the squa-
mous and mastoid, resembles
a triangular pyramid lying on
one of its sides. When in its
proper position it projects
inward and forward. The
two upper sides form a por-
tion of the internal surface of
the base of the cranium. The
angle formed by these sur-
faces is very prominent, and divides the fossa for the middle
lobes of the brain, or rather the cavities for the cerebrum from
those which contain the cerebellum.
One of these sides of the petrous portion looks forward and
outward, the other backward and inward. Each of them has
eminences and depressions to correspond with the convolutions
i of the brain. Near the middle of the anterior side is a small
j furrow, leading to a foramen denominated Innominatum or
i Hiatus Fallopii which transmits the vidian nerve to the aque-
i duct of Fallopius.
* The external surface of the temporal bone of the left side. 1. The squamous
portion. 2. The mastoid portion. 3. The extremity of the petrous portion.
4. The zygoma. 5. Indicates the tubercle of the zygoma, and at the same time
its anterior root turning inwards to form the eminenlia articularis. 6. The
superior root of the zygoma, forming the posterior part of the temporal ridge.
7. The middle root of the zygoma terminating abruptly at the glenoid fissure.
8. The mastoid foramen. 9. The meatus auditorius externus, surrounded by
the processus auditorius. 10. The digastric fossa, situated immediately to the
inner side of (2) the mastoid process. 11. The styloid process. 12. The vagi-
nal process. 13. The glenoid or Glaserian fissure ; the leading line from this
number crosses the rough posterior portion of the glenoid fossa. 14. The open-
ing and part of the groove for the Eustachian tube.
There is another small oblique foramen immediately beneath
this, which transmits the nervous petrosus superjicialis minor, a
branch of Jacobson's nerve ; near the apex of the petrous por-
tion of the temporal bone there is seen a large forampn, the
termination of the carotid canal. On this anterior face of the
bone, especially in the young subject, is seen a rising or eminence
running from base to apex, which is formed by the projection
of the perpendicular semicircular canal.
About the middle of the posterior side is the large aperture
called meatus auditorius internus. The bottom of this cavity
is perforated by several foramina : the largest and uppermost
of which is the orifice of a winding canal, called improperly
the aqueduct of Fallopius, which transmits the portio dura of
the seventh pair of nerves. The other foramina transmit the
fibres of the portio mollis of the same nerve. Posterior to the
orifice of the meatus internus is an oblong depression, with a
foramen in it, covered by a shell of bone, which is the orifice
of a proper aqueduct or canal that passes from the vestibule of
the ear.*
Neither of the so called aqueducts of the vestibule or cochlea,
are deserving of the name which has nevertheless been con-
tinued to designate them, since we no longer believe with
Cotugnius their discoverer, that they are a sort of passages, to
admit of the overflow of the lymph, when it was secreted in
superabundance in the labyrynth. They are both mere open-
ings, for the transmission mainly of blood vessels. The aque-
duct of the vestibule transmits a small artery and vein to the
vestibule, and lodges a process of the dura mater.
The inferior side of the petrous portioh forms a part of the
external surface of the basis of the cranium. On the back part
of it is the external orifice of the canal, ^hrough which the
portio dura passes. It is called foramen stylo mastoideum.
Before this foramen is a long and slender styloid process,
which varies from one to two inches in length ; it projects
* This orifice should not be confounded with one which is nearer to the meatus
interims, and situated on the angle made by the two sides of the bone. H.
almost perpendicularly from the Fig. 15.*
basis of the cranium, and
gives origin to a muscle of the
tongue, of the os hyoides, and
of the pharynx, and also to
several ligaments. The base
of this process is surrounded
by a flat projection of bone,
occasionally called the vaginal
On the inside of this pro-
cess, and rather before it, is
the jugular fossa, which, when applied to a corresponding part
of the occipital bone, makes the posterior foramen lacerum,
through which the internal jugular vein, and the eighth pair
of nerves pass out. A small spine called the jugular process
often projects into this foramen from the temporal bone, and
separates the nerve from the vein ; the nerve being anterior.
Upon a ridge which is found at the root of this spine, and
just behind the margin of the carotid foramen, there is a small
opening leading into the canal which transmits Jacobson's
tympanic branch of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which forms
* The left temporal bone, seen from within. 1. The squamous portion.
2. The mastoid portion. The number is placed immediately above the inner
opening of the mastoid foramen. 3. The petrous portion. 4. The groove for
the posterior branch of the arteria meningea media. 5. The bevelled edge of
the squamous border of the bone. 6. The zygoma. 7. The digastric fossa
immediately internal to the mastoid process. 8. The occipital groove. 9. The
groove for the lateral sinus. 10. The elevation upon the anterior surface of the
petrous bone marking the situation of the perpendicular semicircular canal.
11. The opening or termination of the carotid canal. 12. The meatus auditorius
internus. 13. A dotted line leads upwards from this number to the narrow
fissure which lodges a process of the dura mater. Another line leads down-
wards to the sharp edge which conceals the opening of the aquseductus cochleae,
while the number itself is situated on the bony lamina which overlies the open-
ing of the aquaeductus vestibuli. 14. The styloid process. 15. The stylo-mas-
toid foramen. 16. The carotid foramen. 17. The jugular process. The deep
excavation to the left of this process forms part of the jugular fossa, and that to
the right is the groove for the vein of the cochlea. 18. The notch for the fifth
nerve upon the upper border of the petrous bone, near to its apex. 19. The
extremity of the petrous bone which gives origin to the levator palati and tensor
tympani muscles.
an important part of the nervous plexus of the tympanum.
Before this spine, or partition, is the orifice of the second aque-
duct of the ear, the aqueduct of the cochlea, through which
passes a vein from the cochlea to the internal jugular, -6nd in
which is lodged a process of the dura mater. This jugular
fossa is at the termination of the groove, in the internal surface
of the bone, made by the lateral sinus. At a small distance
before the jugular fossa is the commencement of the carotid
canal, which makes a curve almost semicircular, and then pro-
ceeds in a horizontal course to the anterior extremity of the
bone : through this winding canal passes the carotid artery, and
the filaments from the fifth and sixth pair of nerves, which are
the beginning of the intercostal or sympathetic nerve.
Between the carotid canal and the cavity for the condyle of
the lower jaw, at the junction of the anterior part of the
squamous portion with the petrous portion of this bone, is a
very rough aperture, the bony margin of which appears broken ;
this is the orifice of the bony part of the Eustachian tube, or
passage from the throat to the ear. This canal is divided
lengthwise by a thin bony plate ; the upper passage contains
the internal muscle of the malleus bone of the ear (tensor
tympani) ; the lower and largest canal is the bony part of the
Eustachian tube.
The external passage to the ear, called Meatus Auditorius
Externus, is situated between the zygomatic and the mastoid
processes. The orifice is large and smooth above, but rough
below, and is surrounded by a rough lip called the auditory
process. The direction of the canal is obliquely inward and
Angles of the bone. The superior angle of the bone which
separates the anterior and posterior faces, is sharp and gives
attachment to the tentorium cerebelli. It is slightly grooved
for the lodgment of the superior petrous sinus, and near its
extremity is marked by a smooth notch, upon which rests the
fifth or trigeminus nerve. The anterior angle which separates
the anterior from the inferior or basilar surface of the bone, is
grooved for the Eustachian tube, and forms the posterior
boundary of the foramen lacerum anterius of the base of the
cranium. The posterior angle separating the posterior from the
basilar surface of the bone, is grooved for the inferior petrous
sinus and excavated for the jugular fossa : it forms the anterior
boundary of the foramen lacerum posterius.
The temporal is articulated with the parietal, occipital and
sphenoidal bones, and by its zygomatic process with the malar
Os Occipitis.
The occipital bone is situated at the posterior and inferior part
of the cranium ; it is of a rhomboidal figure, with convex and
concave surfaces.
Fig. 16.* The upper part of the
external surface is smooth : at
a small distance above the
middle of the bone is the
external occipital protube-
rance, with a curved line on
each side of it. Near the
middle of the bone the tra-
pezii muscles are attached to
this line, and externally, on
each side, the occipito fron-
talis, and the sterno mas-
toideus. Under this line is a
depression, on each side, into
which are inserted the complexus and the splenius capitis
Below this is the inferior curved line, and still lower is a
* The external surface of the occipital bone. 1. The superior curved line.
2. The external occipital protuberance. 3. The spine or vertical ridge. 4. The
inferior curved line. 5. The foramen magnum. 6. The condyls of the right
side. 7. The posterior condyloid fossa, in which the posterior condyloid foramen
is found. 8. The anterior condyloid foramen, concealed by the margin of the
condyle. 9. The jugular eminence or transverse process as it is sometimes
called. 10. The notch in front of the jugular eminence, which forms part of
the jugular foramen. 11. The basilar process. 12. The rough projections into
which the moderator ligaments are inserted.
muscular depression to which the rectus minor posticus is
attached on each side near the middle ; and the rectus major
posticus, and obliquus superior, near the end.
Below the protuberance is a spine which passes do\yn the
middle of the bone, and at the lower extremity of this spine is
the great occipital foramen, which forms the communication
between the cavities of the cranium, and the vertebral column.
This great opening transmits the medulla spinalis with its
membranes, the accessary nerves of Willis, and the vertebral
arteries and veins.
It is rather of an oval form, and the occipital condyles are
situated anteriorly on its edges. These condyles are of an
irregular oval figure ; they are not parallel, but incline towards
each other anteriorly. Their articulating surfaces are oblique,
looking downward and outward ; they are received into
corresponding cavities of the atlas, or first cervical vertebra,
and form with them the articulation of the head and neck.
From the oblique position of their articulating surfaces, as well
as the length of their ligaments and the inclination of their
axes towards each other, it results, that their motion is confined
to flexion and extension. On the internal sides of these
condyles is a rough surface, to which are attached the strong
ligaments that come from the processus dentatus of the second
vertebra of the neck.
Behind each condyle is a depression in which is situated the
posterior condyloid foramen, for transmitting the cervical
veins ; and at their anterior extremities are two large foramina,
(anterior condyloid,) through which pass the ninth pair of
On the internal surface of the os occijfitis is the crucial
ridge, to which are attached the falx cerebelli or vertical,
and the tentorium or horizontal process of the dura mater.
The groove made by the longitudinal sinus continues from
the sagittal suture along the upper limb of this cross. Some-
times it is on the side of the ridge, and sometimes the ridge is
depressed, and it occupies its place ; at the centre of the cross,
where is lodged the torcular Herophili, formed by the
common junction of the sinuses, the groove for the longitu-
dinal sinus divides into two grooves for the lateral sinuses ;
Fig. 17.* these form the horizontal
limbs of the cross, and pro-
ceed towards the foramen
lacerum where the lateral
sinuses emerge from the
cavity of the cranium. The
lower limb of the cross is
formed by a spine which pro-
ceeds from the centre of the
bone to the great occipital fora-
men, and supports the falx of
the cerebellum. The internal
surface of the bone is divided
by the cross into four por-
tions, each of which is con-
siderably depressed so as to form fossae ; the two upper by the
posterior lobes of the cerebrum, and the lower by those of the
This circumstance occasions great inequality in the thickness
of the bone, as the depressed portions are extremely thin, while
the ridge adds greatly to the thickness, especially at the centre
of the cross, which is opposite to the great external protuber-
Before the great occipital foramen is the cuneiform process,
which is thick and substantial ; it terminates by a broad
truncated extremity, that is articulated with the body of the
sphenoid bone. The internal surface of the cuneiform process
* The internal surface of the occipital bone. 1. The left cerebral fossa.
2. The left cerebellar fossa. 3. The groove for the posterior part of the superior
longitudinal sinus. 4. The spine for the falx cerebelli, and groove for the
occipital sinuses. 5. The groove for the left lateral sinus. 6. The internal
occipital protuberance which lodges the torcular Herophili. 7. The foramen
magnum. 8. The basilar process, grooved for the medulla oblongata. 9. The
termination of the groove for the lateral sinus, bounded externally by the jugu-
lar eminence. 10. The jugular fossa this fossa is completed by the petrous
portion of the temporal bone. 11. The superior border. 12. The inferior border.
13. The border which articulates with the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
14. The anterior condyloid foramen.
is somewhat excavated, and forms a large superficial groove for
the medulla oblongata ; on each side of this groove is a small
furrow for the inferior petrous sinuses.
The two upper edges of the occipital bone are serrated, to
articulate, with those of the parietal, and form the lambdoidal
suture. The inferior edges are divided into two portions by a
small prominence called the jugular eminence ; the upper and
posterior portion is also serrated for articulation with the
mastoid portion of the temporal ; the inferior portion, which
is not serrated, applies to the petrous portion of the temporal
bone, and a notch in it contributes to the formation of the fora-
men lacerum.
The upper angle of this bone is acute, the lateral angles are
obtuse, and the inferior truncated. It is articulated with the
parietal, the temporal, and the sphenoidal bones.
Os Ethmoides.
The 05 ethmoides is truly one of the most curious bones of
the human body. It appears almost a cube, not of solid bone,
but exceedingly light and spongy, and consisting of many con-
voluted plates, which form a network like honey-comb. It is
firmly enclosed in the os frontis, betwixt the orbitary processes
of that bone. One horizontal plate receives the olfactory nerves,
which perforate that plate with such a number of small holes,
that it resembles a sieve ; whence the bone is named cribriform,
or ethmoid. " Other plates are so arranged that they form a
cellular structure, on which the olfactory nerves are expanded
by means of a particular membrane ; while an additional plate,
appropriated to the nose, descends into that cavity in a perpen-
dicular direction, and forms a large proportion of the partition
which divides it into two chambers.
The cribriform plate is situated in the anterior part of the
basis of the cranium. The cellular part occupies most of the
space between the orbits of the eyes, and the perpendicular plate
is to be found in the septum of the nose.
The ethmoid bone, for the purposes of description, may be ,
divided into three parts, viz. the cribriform plate, the nasal or (
perpendicular lamella, and the cellular portions. ,
The cribriform plate is oblong in shape, and firm in its
structure ; in the middle of the anterior extremity the crista
galli projects from its upper surface, dividing it into two lateral
portions, each of which is rather concave, and occupied by the
bulbous extremity of the olfactory nerve ; it is perforated by
many foramina, which transmit the fibres of the aforesaid
nerve. Near the crista galli, on each side, there is a small fis-
sure, through which passes a nCrvous filament derived from the
ophthalmic branch of the fifth pair. The crista galli varies in size
in different subjects : the beginning of the falciform process of
the dura mater is attached to it, and with the opposite part of
the os frontis it forms the foramen ca3cum, already mentioned.
It is very conspicuous in the basis of the cranium.
The nasal plate of the ethmoid bone seems to be continued
downwards from the crista galli through the cribriform plate. It
is thin, but firm ; it forms the upper portion of the septum of
the nose, and, to complete the partition, it unites with the vomer
and with a plate of cartilage before. It is very often inclined
to one side, so that the nostrils are not of equal size.
At a small distance from this perpendicular plate, on each
side of it, the cellular portions originate from the lower surface
of the cribriform plates ; they extend from before backward,
and are as long as the ethmoid bone ; their breadth between
the eye and the cavity of the nose varies in different subjects,
from half an inch to more ; they extend downwards from the
root of the nose or from the cribriform plate, more than half
way to the roof of the mouth. Their external surface on each
side forms a part of the surface of the orbit of the eye, and is
called 05 planum ; their internal surface forms part of the
external lateral surface of each nostril. This surface extends
the whole depth of the nostril, from before backward ; but in
many skeletons it is extremely imperfect, owing to the great
brittleness of the bony plates of which it is composed. When
the bone is perfect, the uppermost half part of this internal
surface is uniformly flat, and rather rough ; but below it, about
the middle of the bone, a deep groove begins, which extends
downwards and backwards, to the posterior extremity ; this is
the upper channel or meatus of the nose. The edge of the
surface immediately above it projects in a small degree over
this channel or groove ; having been described by Morgagni, it
bears his name, and may be considered as one of the"~^pongy
or turbinated bones ; from its situation, it should be called the
first or superior. The groove is very deep, and most of the cells
of the posterior part of the ethmoid bone communicate with it,
through one or more foramina at its anterior extremity.
The part of the surface of the ethmoid which is immediately
below this groove, is convex ; that which is before and below
it, is rather flat ; the convex part is the middle spongy or
turbinated bone, as it has commonly been called ; it projects
obliquely into the cavity of the nose, and hangs over the middle
channel or meatus, which is immediately below the ethmoid
bone. The internal surface of this spongy bone, which is
opposite the septum of the nose, is convex and rough or spongy ;
the external surface is concave. The anterior cells of the
ethmoid, and particularly those which the frontal sinuses on
each side communicate with, open into the middle channel or
meatus, under the anterior end of this turbinated bone.
This middle channel or meatus, is much larger than that
above ; it extends from the anterior to the posterior part of the
nostrils, and slopes downwards and backwards. The cavity of
the upper maxillary bone, or the antrum highmorianum, opens
on each side into this meatus, and a thin plate of bone extends
from the cellular part of the ethmoid so as to cover a part of it.
The cellular portions of the ethmoid are composed of plates
thinner than the shell of an egg ; they are entirely hollow, and
the cells are very various, in number, size, and shape. Some
cells of the uppermost row communicate with those of the
os frontis, formed by the separation of the plates of the orbitar
process of that bone.
From the posterior part of the cribriform plate, where it is
in contact with the lesser wings of the sphenoidal bone, thin
plates of bone pass down upon the anterior surface of the body
of the os sphenoides, one on each side of the azygos process,
and often diminish the opening into the sphenoidal cells.
These plates are sometimes triangular in form, the basis uniting
with the cribriform plate. They have been described very
differently by different authors, some considering them as
belonging to the os ethmoides, and others to the sphenoid bone.
To the perfect ethmoid bone there are attached two triangular
pyramids, in place of the triangular bones; these pyramids are
hollow, the azygos process of the os sphenoides is received
between them ; one side of each pyramid applies to each side
of the azygos process, another side applies to the anterior
surface of the body of the sphenoid bone, in place of the ossa
triangularia, and the third side is the upper part of one of the
posterior nares.*5 There are two apertures in each of these
* This may be considered as an original observation of the lamented "Wistar.
The merit of it has been denied to him, more particularly by the anatomists of
Paris, under an impression that he had been anticipated in it by Berlin, who
has written an excellent and minute treatise on osteology. The extent to which
the claims of other anatomists interfere with his, he was fully aware of; and it
will be seen by the following communications to the American Philosophical
Society, that these are placed in as important a light as they deserve, at the
same time that he vindicates his own pretensions, to have first observed the
" cornets sphenoidaux " in the form of triangular hollow pyramids, as consti-
tuting part of the perfect ethmoid bone. H.
Observations on those Processes of the Ethmoid Bone which originally form the Sphe-
noid Sinuses. By C. Wistar, M. D., President of the Society, Professor of
Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Read, Nov. 4, 1814.
It has been long believed that the sinuses, or cavities in the body of the os
sphenoides, were exclusively formed by that bone, when Winsl6w suggested
that a small portion of the orbitar processes of the ossa palati contributed to
their formation.*
Many year's after Winslow's publication, Monsieur Berlin described two
bones which form the anterior sides of these sinuses, and contain the foramina
by which they communicate with the nose.f
These bones he denominates "Cornets Sphenoidaux," and states that they
are most perfect and distinct between the ages of four years and twenty ; that
they are not completely formed before this period, and that after it they appear
like a part of the sphenoidal bone. According to his account they are lamina of
a triangular form, and are originally in contact with the anterior and inferior
surface of the body of the os sphenoides, so that they form a portion of the sur-
face of the cavity of the nose. He believed, that as they increase in size, they
become convex and concave, and present their concave surfaces to the body of
the sphenoidal bone, which also becomes concave, and presents its concavity to
those bones; thus forming the sinuses.
* In his description of the Ossa Palati, printed in the Memoirs of the Academy of
Sciences for 1720.
t See Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1774.
t Cr f
^/t Vr^^^*^
pyramids ; one at the base opening directly into the nose, near
the situation of the opening of the sphenoida). sinuses, in the
bones of adults ; and the other in each of the sides in contact
with the azygos process. './
This account of M. Berlin has been adopted by Sabatier, and also by Boyer,
who has improved it by the additional observation, that these triangular bones
are sometimes united to the ethmoid, and remain attached to that bone when it
is separated from the os sphenoides. Bichat and Fyfe have confirmed the
description of Boyer.
The specimens of ethmoid and sphenoid bones, herewith exhibited to the
society, will demonstrate that in certain subjects, about two years of age, there
are continued from the posterior part of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, two
Hollow Triangular Pyramids, which, when in their proper situations, receive be-
tween them the azygos process of the os sphenoides. (See Plate X. Figures 1,
2, 3, with the explanation.)
The internal side of each of these pyramids applies to the aforesaid azygos
process ; the lower side of each forms part of the upper surface of the posterior
nares ; the external side at its basis is in contact with the orbit ar process of the
os palati. The base of each pyramid forms also a part of the surface of the
posterior nares, and contains a foramen which is ultimately the opening into the
sphenoidal sinus of that side.
In the sphenoidal bones, which belong to such ethmoids as are above described,
there are no cells or sinuses ; for the pyramid of the ethmoid bones occupy their
places. The azygos process, which is to become the future septum between the
sinuses, is remarkably thick, but there are no cavities or sinuses in it.
The sides of the pyramids, which are in contact with this process, are ex-
tremely thin, and sometimes have irregular foramina in them, as if their osseous
substance had been partially absorbed.* That part of the external side of the
pyramid which is in contact with the orbitar process of the os palati is also thin,
and sometimes has an irregular foramen, which communicates with the cells of
the aforesaid orbitar process.
Upon comparing these perfect specimens of the ethmoid and sphenoidal bones
of the subject about two years of age, with the os sphenoides of a young subject
who was more advanced in years, it appears probable that the azygos process
and the sides of the pyramid applied to it, are so changed, in their progress of
life, that they simply constitute the septum between the sinuses ; that the exter-
nal side of the pyramid is also done away, and that the front side and the basis
of the pyramid only remain ; constituting the Cornets Sphenoidaux f of M.
If this be really the case, the origin of the sphenoidal sinuses is very intel-
* See e, Fig. 3.
t " Cornet" is the word applied by several French anatomists to the Ossa Turblnati of
the nose ; they seem to have intended to express by it a convoluted lamina or plate of bone.
The fine drawing of the Ethmoid Bone, for this plate was done by my friend M. Lesueur,
whose talents are so conspicuous in the plates attached to Peron's " Voyage de Descou-
vertes aux Terres Australes.
Os Sphenoides.
The os sphenoides or pterygoideus, resembles a bat with its
wings extended. It consists,
/ 1st. Of a body with two processes arising from it, called the
lesser wings, or apophyses of Ingrassias.
2dly. Of two large lateral processes, called the greater wings,
or temporal processes ; and,
3dly. Of two vertical portions, denominated pterygoid pro-
The body is situated near the centre of the cranium, and in
contact with the cuneiform process of the occipital bone ; the
greater wings extend laterally between the frontal and temporal
bones as high as the parietal ; while the pterygoid processes
pass downwards on each side of the posterior opening of the
nose, as low as the roof of the mouth. It is, therefore, in
contact with all the other bones of the cranium, and with many
bones of the face.
The body has a cubic figure ; its upper surface forms a portion
of the basis of the cranium ; its lower and anterior surfaces form
/ Explanation of the Figures in the Plate referred to above.
Represents the upper surface, or cribriform plate of the Ethmoid Bone.
a. CristaGalli.
bbbb. Cribriform plate.
c. Surface denominated Os Planum.
d d. Hollow Triangular Pyramids.
e. Space between the Pyramids for receiving the Azygos Process of the Os
A lateral View of the Bone.
a. Crista Galli.
c. Os Planum.
d. Triangular Pyramid.
The Bone Inverted.
a. The Nasal Plate of the Ethmoid Bone, which constitutes the upper portion
of the Septum of the nose.
g g. Those portions of the Ethmoid which are called Superior Turbinated
//. The Cellular Lateral Portions of the Bone.
d d. The Triangular Pyramids.
e. Space between the Pyramids for the Azygos Process of the Os Sphenoides
a foramen on the internal side of one of the Pyramids.
part of the cavity of the nose ; the posterior surface is articu-
lated with the cuneiform process of the occipital bone ; and
laterally it is extended into the great wings, or temporal processes.
On the upper surface of the body, the lesser wings^br the
apophyses of Ingrassias,* project from the lateral and anterior
parts ; these wings consist of two triangular plates, each of
Fig. 18.f which is joined to the
other by its base, and
to the body of the os
sphenoides by its un-
der surface near the
base, and terminates
in a point ; their direc-
tion is forwards and
outwards, and their flat
surfaces are horizontal. Anteriorly they are connected by
suture to the ethmoid and frontal bones ; their posterior edge
is rounded, and detached from any other bone, forming the
upper margin of the foramen lacerum of the orbit of the eye ;
this edge is thick and prominent at its internal extremity, and
these prominences are called the anterior or clinoid processes ;
* A physician of Palermo, who died in 1580, aged 70. H.
f The superior or cerebral surface of the sphenoid bone. 1. The processus
olivaris. 2. The ethmoidal spine. 3. The lesser wing of the left side. 4. The
cerebral surface of the greater wing of the same side. 5. The spinous process.
6. The extremity of the pterygoid process of the same side, projecting down-
wards from the under surface of the body of the bone. 7. The foramen opticum.
8. The anterior clinoid process. 9. The groove by the side of the Sella Turcica,
for lodging the internal carotid artery, cavernous plexus, cavernous sinus, and
orbital nerves. 10. The Sella Turcica. 11. The posterior boundary of the Sella
Turcica ; its projecting angles are the posterior clinoid processes. 12. The
basilar portion of the bone. 13. Part of the sphenoidal fissure. 14. The foramen
rotundum. 15. The foramen ovale. 16. The foramen spinosum. 17. The
angular interval which receives the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal
bone. The posterior extremity of the Vidian canal terminates at this angle.
18. The spine of the spinous process ; it affords attachment to the internal lateral
ligament of the lower jaw. 19. The border of the greater wing and spinous
process which articulates with the anterior part of the squamous portion of the
temporal bone. 20. The internal border of the spinous process, which assists
in the formation of the foramen lacerum basis cranii. 21. That portion of the
greater ala which articulates with the anterior inferior angle of the parietal bone.
22. The portion of the greater ala which articulates with the orbital process of
the frontal bone.
immediately before them are the optic foramina, which pass
obliquely through the wings into the orbit of the eye, and
transmit on each side the optic nerve and a small artery.
Behind the optic foramen is a notch and sometimes a foramen,
made by the carotid artery. When the notch is converted into
a foramen, it is by a small bony pillar being extended from the
anterior clinoid process, to the body of the sphenoid. A groove
made by the optic nerves, is cften seen extending across the
body of the bone, from one of the optic foramina to the other.
Behind it is a depression, which occupies the greatest part of this
surface of the bone, in which the pituitary gland is lodged ; the
back part of this depression is bounded by a transverse emi-
nence, called the posterior clinoid process. These three pro-
cesses are called clinoid from their supposed resemblance to the
supporters of a bed ; and the depression for the pituitary gland
is called sella turcica from its resemblance to the saddle used by
the Turks.
On each side of the posterior clinoid process is a groove in
the body of the bone, made by the carotid artery as it passes
from the foramen caroticum of the temporal bone. The posterior
surface of the body of the sphenoides is rough, for articulation
with the truncated end of the cuneiform process of the os
On the anterior and inferior surfaces is a spine, called the
azygos process, or rostrum which is received into the base of
the vomer, and extends forward until it meets the nasal plate of
the ethmoid bone ; on each side of this spine, in the anterior
surface, are the orifices of the sphenoidal cells. Those orifices
appear very differently in different bones ; in some very perfect
specimens, they are irregularly oval, being closed below and
on their external sides, by the processes of the ossa palati, and
above by the triangular plates, as they have been called, of
the ethmoid bone. The cells or sinuses, to which these
orifices lead, occupy the body of the sphenoidal bone ; they are
divided by a partition, and each of them has a communication
with the cavity of the nose on its respective side, by the orifice
above described. The sinuses do not exist during infancy ;
they increase in the progress of life, and are very large in old age.
Laterally, the body of the sphenoides is extended into the
portions called the great wings or temporal processes. These
great wings compose the largest part of the bone, and their
internal surface forms a portion of the middle fossa of the/ base
of the cranium. Externally, the surface of each great wing is
divided into two portions : one of which is lateral, and unites
to the frontal, temporal, and malar bones, forming part of the
smooth surface for the temporal muscle ; the other portion
forms part of the orbit of the eye, and is very regular and
smooth. As the ethmoid bone forms part of the inside, this
portion of the great wing forms part of the outside of the orbit,
and is termed the orbitary process of the sphenoid bone. The
horizontal part of each wing terminates in an acute angle
termed spinous process, which penetrates between the petrous
portion and the articulating cavity of the temporal bone. In
this angle is the foramen for the principal artery of the dura
mater ; near the point of the angle is a small process, which
projects from the basis of the cranium, and is called styloid.
Fig. 19.* The pterygoid pro-
cesses pass downwards in
a direction almost per-
pendicular to the base of
the skull. Each of them
has two plates, and a
middle fossa facing back-
wards ; to complete the
comparison, they should
be likened to the legs of the bat, but are inaccurately named
pterygoid, or wing-like processes. The external plates
are broadest, and the internal are longest. From each side of
* The antero-inferior view of the sphenoid bone. 1. The ethmoid spine.
2. The rostrum. 3. The sphenoidal spongy bone, partly closing the left opening
of the sphenoidal cells. 4. The lesser wing. 5. The foramen opticum piercing
the base of the lesser wing. 6. The sphenoidal fissure. 7. The foramen rotun-
dum. 8. The orbital surface of the greater wing. 9. Its temporal surface. 10.
The pterygoid ridge. 11. The pterygo-palatine canal. 12. The foramen of
entrance to the Vindian canal. 13. The internal pterygoid plate. 14. The
hamular process. 15. The external pterygoid plate. 16. The foramen spino-
sum. 17. The foramen ovale. 18. The extpemity of the spinous process of
the sphenoid.
the external plates the pterygoid muscles take their rise. At
the root of each internal plate, a small hollow may be remarked,
where the musculus circumflexus palati rises, and part of the
cartilaginous end of the Eustachian tube rests. At the lower
end of the plate is a hook-like process (hamulus) round which
the tendon of the last named muscle plays, as on a pulley. The
ossa palati, on each side, rest upon these internal plates ; and,
therefore, the pterygoid processes seem to support the whole
Foramina of the Sphenoidal Bone.
Before these foramina are described, it is necessary to state, that the nerves of
the brain are named numerically, beginning with the olfactory, which is
It should also be observed, that each nerve of the fifth pair is divided, before it
passes from the cavity of the cranium, into three large branches.
The first foramina are the optic, which have been already
described; they transmit the optic, or second pair of nerves,
and a small artery, to the ball of the eye.
The second foramen, on each side, is the foramen lacerum.
It commences largely at the sella turcica, and extends laterally
a considerable distance, until it is a mere fissure. The upper
margin of this foramen is formed by the anterior clinoid
processes, and the edges of the smaller wings of the sphenoid
bone. This foramen transmits the third, fourth, and sixth pair
of nerves, and the first branch of the fifth pair, to the muscles,
and the other parts, subservient to the eye.
The foramen rotundum, or third hole, is round ; as its name
imports. It is situated immediately under the foramen lacerum,
on each side, and transmits the second branch of the fifth pair
of nerves to the upper maxillary bone.
The foramen ovale is the fourth hole. It is larger than the
foramen rotundum, and half an inch behind it. It transmits the
third branch of the fifth pair of nerves to the lower jaw.
The fifth hole is the foramen spinale. It is small and round,
and placed in the point of the spinous process, behind the fora-
men ovale, to transmit the principal artery of the dura mater,
which makes its impression upon the parietal bone.
THE fACE. 85
The sixth foramen is under the basis of each pterygoid
process, and is therefore called the pterygoid, or the Vidian*
foramen. It is almost hidden by the point of the petrous
portion of the temporal bone, and must be examined m the
separated bone. It is nearly equal in size to the spinous
This foramen transmits a nerve that does not go out from
the cavity of the skull, but returns into it. The second branch
of the fifth pair, after passing out of the cranium, sends back,
through this foramen, a branch called the Vidian, which upon
its arrival in the cavity of the cranium, enters the temporal bone
by the foramen innominatum.
Of the Face.
The face is the irregular pile of bones composing the front
and under part of the head, and is divided into the upper and
lower maxillae, or jaws.
The upper jaw consists of six bones on each side, of one
single bone placed in the middle, and of sixteen teeth.
The thirteen bones are, two ossa maxillaria superiora, two
ossa nasi, two ossa unguis, two ossa malarum, two ossa palati,
two ossa spongiosa inferiora, and the vomer.
The ossa maxillaria superiora form the principal part of the
cavity of the nose, with the whole lower and forepart of the
upper jaw, and a large proportion of the roof of the mouth.
The ossa nasi are placed at the upper and front part of the
The ossa unguis are at the internal angles of the orbits of
the eyes.
The ossrt palati in the back part of the palate, extending
upwards to the orbits of the eyes.
The ossa spongiosa in the lower part of the cavity of the
nose ; and
The vomer in the partition which separates the two nostrils.
* From its reputed discoverer, Vidius, a professor at Paris,
Ossa Maocillaria Superiora.
The ossa maxillaria superiora, or upper jaw bones, may be
considered as the basis or foundation of the face ; as they form
a large part of the mouth, the nose, and the orbit of the eye.
The central part of each bone, which may be considered as
its body, is hollow, and capable of containing, in the adult,
near half an ounce of fluid. . The plate which covers this
cavity is the bottom of the orbit of the eye. The sockets of
the large teeth are below it. The roof of the mouth projects
laterally from the inside of it. A process for supporting the
cheek bone is on the outside ; and another process goes up
before it, which forms the side of the nose.
Fig. 20.* In each upper maxillary bone the fol-
lowing parts are to be examined :
The nasal process ; the orbitar plate ;
the malar process ; the alveolar process ;
the palatine process ; the anterior and
posterior surfaces ; the great cavity ; the
internal or nasal surface ; and the three
The nasal process, which extends
upwards to form the side of the nose,
is rather convex outwards, to give the
nostril shape. Its sides above support
the nasal bone ; and a cartilage of the
alae nasi is fixed to its edge below.
The margin of the orbit of the eye is marked by a sharp
ridge on the external surface of this process ; and the part
* The superior maxillary bone of the right side, as seen from the lateral
aspect. 1. The external, or facial surface ; the depression in which the figure
is placed is the canine fossa. 2. The posterior, or zygomatic surface. 3. The
superior, or orbital plate or surface. 4. The infra-orbital foramen : it is situated
immediately below the number. 5. The infra-orbital canal, leading to the infra-
orbital foramen. 6. The inferior border of the orbit. 7. The malar process.
8. The nasal process. 9. The concavity forming the lateral boundary of the
anterior nares. 10. The nasal spine. 11. The incisive, or myrtiform fossa.
12. The alveolar process. 13. The internal border of the orbital surface, which
articulates with the ethmoid and palate bones. 14. The concavity which articu-
lates with the lachrymal bone, and forms the commencement of the nasal duct.
15. The palate process, t. The two incisor teeth, c. The canine, b. The two
bicuspidati. m. The three molares.
posterior to this ridge is concave to accommodate the lachrymal
The orbitar plate, which covers the great cavity, and forms
the bottom of the orbit, is rather triangular in form, arid con-
cave. In the posterior part is a groove or canal, which pene-
trates the substance of the bone, as it advances forward, and
terminates in the infra-orbitary foramen, below the orbit. At
the place where this plate joins the nasal process above men-
tioned, viz. at the inner angle of the orbit, is the commencement
of the bony canal, which transmits the lachrymal duct into the
cavity of the nose.
The malar process projects from the external and anterior
corner of the orbitar plate ; it supports the malar bone, and is
rough for the purpose of articulating with it.
The alveolar processes compose the inferior and external
margins of the upper maxillary bones. When these bones
are applied to each other, they form more than a semicircle :
their cavities contain the roots of the teeth, and correspond
with them in size and form. They do not exist long before
the formation of the teeth commences ; they grow with the
teeth ; and when these bodies are removed, the alveoli dis-
The palate process is a plate of bone, which divides the nose
from the mouth, constituting the roof of the palate, and the floor
or bottom of the nostrils. It is thick where it first comes off
from the alveolar process ; it is thin in its middle ; and it is
again thick where it meets its fellow of the opposite side. At
the place where the two upper jaw bones meet, the palate plate
is turned upwards, so that the two bones are opposed to each
other in the middle of the palate, by a broad flat surface, which
cannot be seen but by separating the bones. This surface is so
very rough, that the middle palate suture almost resembles the
sutures of the skull ; and the maxillary bones are neither easily
separated, nor easily joined again. The meeting of the palate
plates by a broad surface, makes a rising, or sharp ridge,
towards the nostrils ; so that the breadth of the surface by
which these bones meet, serves a double purpose ; it joins the
bones securely, and it forms a small ridge upon which the edge
of the vomer, or partition of the nose, is planted. Thus we
find the palate plates of the maxillary bones conjoined, forming
almost the whole of the palate ; while what properly belongs to
the palate bones forms a very small share of the back part only,
As these thinner bones of the face have no medulla, they are
nourished by their periosteum only, and are of course perforated
with many small holes.
The anterior, external or facial surface of the upper maxil-
lary bone is concave ; the margin formed by the lower edge of
the orbit, by the malar process, and by the alveolar processes,
being more elevated than the central part, which consists of a
depression called \\\Q fossa canina, which gives attachment to
two muscles, the compressor nasi, and levator anguli oris. At
a small distance below the orbit is the infra-orbitary foramen
for transmitting a branch of the superior maxillary nerve.
When these two bones are applied to each other, and the ossa
nasi are in their places, they form the anterior orifice of the
nasal cavity, which has a small resemblance to the inverted
figure of the heart on cards. The concave border of the open-
ing of the nostrils, is projected forwards at its lower surface
into a sharp process, forming with a similar process at the oppo-
site side the nasal spine. Beneath the nasal spine, and above
the two superior incisor teeth, is a slight depression called the
incisive or myrtiform fossa, which gives origin to the depressor
labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle .
The posterior zygomatic surface has been called a process
or tuber. The tuberosity is pierced by a number of small
foramina, giving passage to the posterior dental nerves, and
branches of the superior dental artery. It expands to a con-
siderable size, and is united internally and posteriorly to the ossa
palati. The great cavity extends from the bottom of the orbit
of the eye to the roof of the mouth, and from the anterior to
the posterior surface of the bone ; it opens in the cavity of
the nose, and is called antrum maxillare, or Highmorianum.*
There is but a small portion of bone between this cavity
* After an anatomist who described it.
and the sockets of the teeth, particularly those of the second
molar tooth ; occasionally the fangs of the tooth enter the cavity.
The internal or nasal surface of this bone forms a large part
of the cavity of the nose, and is concave. At the roof of the
nasal process is a ridge, for supporting the anterior end of the
lower turbinated bone. The nasal process seems continued
into the cavity of the nose, and forms a portion of the orifice
of the canal for the lachrymal duct, which is on the external
side of this cavity, near its anterior opening, and under the
lower furbinated bone. The orifice in this bone by which the
antrum maxillare communicates with the nose, is very large ;
but it is reduced to a small size, by a plate from the ethmoid
bone, by a portion of the os palati, and of the lower spongy
bone, each of which covers a part of it.
The three foramina are, 1st. The infra-orbitary foramen
already described. 2d. The foramen incisivum or anterior
palatine hole, which passes through the palatine process, from
the nose to the mouth. In the nose it forms generally two
foramina, which unite and form but one in the mouth, imme-
diately behind the middle incisor teeth. This foramen is
closed by the soft parts during life, and transmits a branch of
the spheno-palatine nerve from each side, which runs on the
septum narium, and joining at the lower part of the canal with
its fellow, they unite, and, according to M. Cloquet,* form a
ganglion. 3d. The posterior palatine foramen, which is formed
by this bone, and by the os palati, on each side, is situated in
the suture which joins them to each other, and transmits to the
palate a branch of the upper maxillary nerve.
This bone is united to the frontal, nasal, unguiform, ethmoid
and malar bones, above ; to the ossa palati behind ; to the cor-
responding bone, on the opposite side ; and to the inferior spongy
bone, in the cavity of the nose.
Ossa Nasi.
The ossa nasi are so named from their prominent situation
* This ganglion, though it varies in size, is readily found. I always exhibit
it in the course of my lectures. p.
at the root of the nose. They are each of an irregular oblong
figure, being broadest at their lower end, narrowest near the
middle, and larger again at the top, where the edge is rough
and thick, and their connexion with the os frontis is conse-
quently very strong. They are convex externally, and concave
within. The lower edges of these bones are thin and irregular.
Their anterior edges are thick, and their connection with each
other, by means of their edges, is firm ; the suture between
them, extending down the middle of the nose, forms a promi-
nent line on the internal surface, by which they are united to
the septum narium. The uppermost half of their posterior
edges is covered by the edges of the nasal processes of the
upper maxillary bones ; the lower half laps over the edges of
these bones ; and by this structure they are enabled to resist
pressure. [On the posterior surface of the os nasi is a groove
occupied in the recent subject by a branch of the ophthalmic
nerve called the nasal, which enters the nose through the fora-
men orbitare internum anterius.] They are joined above to the
os frontis ; before, to each other ; behind, to the upper maxillary
bones ; below, to the cartilages ; and internally, to the septum of
the nose.
Ossa Unguis, or Ossa Lachrymalia.
The ossa unguis are so named from their resemblance to a
nail of the finger. They are situated on the internal side of the
orbit of the eye, between the os planum of the ethmoid, and
the nasal process of the upper maxillary bone. Their external
surface is divided into two portions, by a middle ridge ; the
posterior portion forms part of the orbit ; and the anterior, which
is very concave, forms part of the fossa and canal, for contain-
ing the lachrymal sac and duct. This portion is perforated
by many small foramina ; and the whole, being extremely thin
and brittle, is therefore often destroyed by the preparation of the
The internal surface of this bone is generally in contact with
the cells of the ethmoid ; a small portion of the anterior parts is
in the general cavity of the nose. Each os unguis is joined
above to the frontal bone ; behind to the os planum ; before
and below to the maxillary bone. It sometimes is extended
into the nose, as low as the upper edge of the inferior spongy
Ossa Malarum.
The ossa malarum are the prominent square bones which
form the cheek, on each side. Before, their surface is convex
and smooth ; backward, it is unequal and concave, for lodging
part of the temporal muscles.
The four angles of each of these bones have been reckoned
as processes. The one at the external canthus of the orbit
called the superior orbitar process, is the longest and thickest,
The second terminates near the middle of the lower edge of
the orbit in a sharp point, and is named the inferior orbitar
process. The third, placed near the lower part of the cheek,
and thence called maxillary, is the shortest and nearest to a
right angle. The fourth, which is called zygomatic, because it
is extended backwards to the zygoma of the temporal bone,
ends in a point, and, has one side straight and the other sloping.
Between the two orbitar angles there is a concave arch, which
makes about a third of the external circumference of the orbit,
from which a fifth process is extended backwards within the
orbit, to form near one-sixth of that cavity ; and hence it may
be called the internal orbitar process. From the lower edge
of each of the ossa malarum, which is between the maxillary
and zygomatic processes, the masseter muscle takes its origin.
On the external surface of each cheek bone, one or more
small holes are commonly found for the transmission of small
nerves or blood-vessels from, and sometimes, into the orbit.
On the internal surface are the holes for the passage of the
nutritious vessels of these bones. A notch, on the outside of
the internal orbitar process of each of these bones, assists to
form the great slit common to this bone, and to the sphenoid,
maxillary, and palate bones.
The substance of these bones is, in proportion to their bulk,
thick, hard, and solid, with some cancelli.
Each of the ossa malarum is joined, by its superior and
internal orbitar processes, to the os frontis, and the orbitar
process of the sphenoid bone; by the edge between the internal
and inferior orbitar processes, to the maxillary bone ; by the
side between the maxillary and inferior orbitar process, again
to the maxillary bone ; and by the zygomatic process to the os
Ossa Palati.
The ossa palati form the back part of the roof of the mouth,
and extends from it along the external sides of the posterior
openings of the nose, into the orbits of the eyes. Each bone
may therefore be divided into four parts, the palate square bone,
or palatine, or horizontal process, the pterygoid process or
tuberosity, the nasal lamella or perpendicular plate, and the
orbitar process.
The square bone is irregularly concave, for enlarging both
the mouth and cavity of the nose. The upper part of its
internal edge rises in a spine, after the same manner as the
palate plate of the maxillary bone does, to be joined with the
vomer. Its anterior edge is unequally ragged, for its firmer
connexion with the palate process of the os maxillare. The
internal edge is thicker than the rest, and of an equal surface.
for its conjunction with its fellow of the other side. Behind,
this bone is somewhat in form of a crescent, and thick, for the
firm connexion of the velum pendulum palati ; the internal
point being extended backwards, to afford origin to the palato-
staphylinus or azygos muscle. This square bone is well dis-
tinguished from the pterygoid process by a perpendicular fossa,
which, applied to a similar one in the maxillary bone, forms a
passage (ptery go-maxillary) for the palatine branch of the fifth
pair of nerves ; and by another small hole behind this, through
which a twig of the same nerve passes.
The pterygoid process is somewhat triangular, having a
broad base, and ending smaller above. The back part of this
process has three fossae formed in it ; the two lateral receive
the ends of the two pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone ; the
Fig. 20.* middle fossa, which is very superficial,
makes up a part of what is commonly
called the fossa pterygoidca. The foreside
of this pterygoid process is rotf^h and
irregular where it joins the back part of
the great tuberosity of the maxillary bone.
Frequently several small holes may be
observed in this triangular process, par-
ticularly one near the middle of its base,
which a little above communicates with
the common and proper holes of this bone
already mentioned.
The nasal lamella of this bone is extremely thin and brittle,
and rises upwards from the upper side of the external edge of
the square bone, and from the narrow extremity of the ptery-
goid process ; it is so weak, and, at the same time, so firmly
fixed to the maxillary bone, as to be very liable to be broken
in separating the bones. From the part where the plate rises,
it runs up broad on the inside of the tuberosity of the maxillary
bone, to form a considerable share of the sides of the maxillary
sinus, and to close up the space between the sphenoid and the
great bulge of the maxillary bone, where there would other-
wise be a large slit opening into the nostrils. On the middle
of the internal side of this thin plate, there is a transverse ridge,
continued from one which is similar to it in the maxillary bone
* A posterior view of the palate bone in its natural position ; it is slightly
turned to one side to obtain a view of the internal surface of the perpendicular
plate (2). 1. The horizontal plate of the bone; its upper or nasal surface.
2. The perpendicular plate or nasal lamella, seen on its internal or nasal surface.
3, 10, 11. The pterygoid process or tuberosity. 4. The broad internal border of
the horizontal or palatine process, which articulates with the similar process of
the bone of the other side. 5. The ridge which with a similar elevation of the
opposite bone forms the palate spine. 6. The horizontal ridge which gives
attachment to the inferior turbinated bone ; the concavity below this ridge forms
a part of the inferior meatus of the nose, and the concavity (2) above the ridge
forms a part of the middle and superior meatus. 7. The spheno-palatine fora-
men. 8. The orbital process of the bone. 10. The middle facet of the ptery-
goid process or tuberosity which forms the middle of the pterygoid fossa. The
fossae 11 and 3, articulate with the two pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone:
11 with the internal, and 3 with the external.
for supporting the back part of the os spongiosum inferius.
Along the outside of this plate, the perpendicular fossa made
by the posterior palatine nerve is observable.
At the upper and posterior edge of this nasal plate is a notch,
which when applied to the sphenoid bone, forms the spheno-
palatine foramen, through which a nerve, artery, and vein pass
to the nostril ; this notch forms two processes on the posterior
part of the bone, the inferior of which is in contact with the
internal plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoidal bone,
and has, therefore, been called by some French anatomists, the
pterygoid apophysisofthe ospalati. The superior and anterior
portion is the proper orbitar process of this bone, which is
Fig. 21.* situated at the posterior part of the lower
surface of the orbit, and forms a portion
of it. This process of the os palati is
hollow ; and its cavity generally com-
municates with the contiguous cell of the
os ethmoides. It has several surfaces,
one of which is to be found in the orbit,
and another in the zygomatic fossa.
The palate square part of the palate
bone, and its pterygoid process, are firm
and strong, with some cancelli ; but the
nasal plate, and orbitar processes, are very thin and brittle.
The palate bones are joined to the maxillary, by the fore
edges of the palate square bones ; by their thin nasal plates,
and part of their orbitary processes, to the same bones ; by
their pterygoid processes, and back part of the nasal plates, to
* The perpendicular plate of the palate bone seen upon its external or spheno-
maxillary surface. 1. The rough surface of this plate, which articulates with
the superior maxillary bone. 2. The posterior palatine canal, completed by the
tuberosity of the superior maxillary bone. The rough surface to the left of the
canal (2) articulates with the internal pterygoid plate. 3. The spheno-palatine
or lateral nasal foramen. 4, 5, 6. The orbital portion of the perpendicular plate.
4. The pterygoid apophysis or spheno-maxillary facet of this portion. 5. Its
orbital facet or process. 6. Its maxillary facet, to articulate with the superior
maxillary bone. 7. The sphenoidal portion of the perpendicular plate. 8. The
pterygoid process or tuberosity of the bone.
the pterygoid processes of the os sphenoides ; by the transverse
ridges of their nasal lamellae to the ossa turbinata inferiora, and
by the spines of the square bones to the vomer. *j
The Ossa Spongiosa, or Turbinata Inferiora.
The ossa spongiosa, or turbinata inferiora, are so named to
distinguish them from the upper spongy bones, which belong
to the os ethmoides ; but these lower spongy bones are quite
distinct, and connected in a very slight way with the upper
jaw bones. They are rolled or convoluted, very spongy, and
exceedingly light. Each of them is attached to the os maxil-
lare superius, near the transverse ridge, by a hook-like process,
and covers a part of the opening of the maxillary sinus. One
end is turned towards the anterior opening of the nose, and
covers the end of the lachrymal duct ; the other end of the same
bone points backwards towards the throat. The curling plate
hangs down into the cavity of the nostril, with its convex side
towards the septum. This spongy bone differs from the spongy
processes of the ethmoid bone, in being less turbinated or
complex, and in having no cells connected with it.
The Vomer.
The vomer is a thin flat bone, which forms the back part of
the septum of the nose. Its posterior edge extends downwards
from the body of the os sphenoides to the palatine processes of
the ossa palati, separating the posterior nares from each other.
The figure of this bone is an irregular rhomboid. Its sides
are smooth ; and its posterior edge appears in an oblique
direction at the back part of the nostrils. The upper edge is
firmly united to the base of the sphenoid bone, and to the nasal
plate of the ethmoid. It is hollow for receiving the processus
azygos of the sphenoid, and where it is articulated to the nasal
plate of the ethmoid, it is composed of two lamina which
receive this plate between them. The anterior edge has a
long furrow in it, where the middle cartilage of the nose enters.
The lower edge is firmly united to the nasal spines of the
maxillary and palate bone. These edges of the bone are much
thicker than its middle, which is as thin as paper ; in conse-
quence of which, and of the firm union or connexion this bone
has above and below, it can very seldom be separated entire in
adults ; but in a child it is much more easily separated entire,
and its structure is more distinctly seen.
Its situation is not always perpendicular, but often inclined
and bent to one side, as well as the nasal plate of the ethmoid
It is united above to the os sphenoides and the nasal plate
of the ethmoid bone ; before to the middle cartilage of the
nose ; and below, to the ossa palati and ossa maxillaria supe-
Maxilla Inferior, or Lower Jaw.
The form and situation of this bone are so generally known,
that they do not require description. To acquire an accurate
idea of the lower jaw, it is, however, necessary to examine
attentively its different parts : viz. the chin, or mental protuber-
ance, the sides, the angles, and the processes.
In subjects where the bones are strongly marked, there
is a prominent vertical ridge in the middle and most inferior
part of the chin which becomes broad below so as to form a
triangle, and on each side of this triangular prominence are
transverse ridges ; from these eminences the muscles of the lower
lip originate.
On each side of the jaw, commonly under the second of the
bicuspides, or small molar teeth, is the anterior maxillary or
mental foramen, through which pass out branches of the
inferior maxillary nerve and blood-vessels.^ This foramen,
has a direction upward and backward. At a ?mall distance
behind these foramina, on each side, is the commencement of a
ridge which continues backward until it forms the edge of the
anterior or coronoid process. The alveolar processes, which
form the upper edge of the jaw, are on the inside of this ridge ;
the alveoli or sockets corresponding with the roots of the teeth,
in number and form. The lower edge of the jaw, which is
denominated the base, is round and firm, except at the angles,
where it is thin.
The angle is formed at the posterior extremity of the base :
in children it is obtuse ; but in adults whose teeth are perfect,
it is nearly rectangular. The masseter muscle is inserted into
the lower jaw, at the angle ; and there are several inequalities
on the surface made by this muscle.
Fig. 22.* The anterior or coronoid
process, is rather higher than
the posterior, and forms an
obtuse point : into this process
the temporal muscle is inserted.
The anterior edge of the coro-
noid process is sharp, and con-
tinued into the rid^e above
mentioned ; from this edge the
buccinator muscle arises. As
the alveoli are on the inside of
this edge and ridge, the jaw is very thick at this place. There
is a semicircular or sigmoid notch between this coronoid process
and the posterior or condyloid ; and here the bone is very thin.
The condyles are oblong, and are placed obliquely ; so that
their longest axes, if extended until they intersect each other,
would form an angle of more than one hundred and forty
degrees. The neck of the process, or the part immediately
below the condyle, is concave on the anterior, arid convex on
the posterior surface.
On the inside of the jaw, in the middle of the chin, is a small
protuberance, sometimes divided by a vertical fissure ; to this
are attached the fraenum lingua, and some muscles of the
tongue and os hyoides. Farther back is a ridge called the
mylo-hyoid, which extends backwards and upwards, until it
* The lower jaw. 1. The body. 2. The ramus. 3. Thesymphysis. 4. The
fossa for the depressor labii inferioris muscle. 5. The mental foramen. 6. The
external oblique ridge. 7. The groove for the facial artery. 8. The angle. 9.
The extremity of the mylo-hyoidean ridge. 10. The coronoid process. 11. The
condyle. 12. The sigmoid notch. 13. The inferior dental foramen. 14. The
mylo-hyoidean groove. 15. The alveolar process. . The middle and lateral
incisor tooth of one side. c. The canine tooth, b. The two bicuspides. m. The
three molares.
approaches the alveoli of the last molar teeth ; where it termi-
nates in an oblong protuberance. To the anterior part of this
line the mylo-hyoidei muscles are attached ; and to the posterior
extremity, the superior constrictor of the pharynx. The surface
of the bone above this ridge is smooth, and covered with the
gums and lining membrane of the mouth. The surface below
the posterior part of the line is rather concave, to accommodate
the submaxillary gland.
At a small distance behind the alveoli, and nearly on a line
with them, midway between the roots of the two processes, is
a large foramen, called the inferior dental, for transmitting the
third, or inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of nerves,
and the blood-vessels which accompany it ; the canal, which
commences here, terminates at the anterior foramen, already
described.* The surface of this canal is perforated by many
foramina, through which blood-vessels and nerves pass to the
different teeth, and to the cancelli of the bone. On the anterior
side of the foramen is a sharp-pointed process, from which a
ligament passes to the temporal bone. The nerve and vessels,
before they enter into this foramen, make an impression on the
bone ; and there is generally a small superficial groove called
the mylo-Jiyoid, which proceeds downwards from it, being made by
a small nerve which supplies some of the parts under the tongue.
At the angle of the jaw, on the inside, is a remarkable rough-
ness, where the internal pterygoid muscle is inserted.
The lower jaw moves like a hinge upon its condyles in the
glenoid cavity, when the mouth opens and shuts in the ordinary
way. When the mouth is opened very wide, the condyles move
forward upon the tubercles before the cavities : if the effort to
open the mouth is continued, the lower jaw is fixed in that
situation, and the whole head is thrown back, which separates
the upper jaw still farther from the lower.
The lower jaw can be projected forward without opening the
mouth, by the movement of both condyles, at the same time, on
the tubercles.
This bone can also rotate upon one condyle, as a centre, while
* A branch of this canal is continued forwards to the symphysis by which
the front teeth are supplied with vessels and nerves. p.
the other moves out of the glenoid cavity, upon the tubercle :
but these important motions can be better understood, after the
muscles, and the articulation with the temporal bone, in its recent
state, have been described.
Fig. 23.
Of the Teeth.
In the adult, when the teeth are perfect, there are sixteen in
each jaw, and those in corresponding situations, on the opposite
sides, resemble each other exactly.
They are of four kinds, viz. incisores, or the fore teeth ; cuspi-
dati, or the canine ; bicuspides, or the small grinders ; and
molares, or the large grinders.
On each side of the jaw, supposing it divided in the middle
there are two incisores, one cuspidatus, two bicuspides, and three
molares. They occur in the order in which they have been
named, beginning at the middle of the jaw, as in the above
Each tooth is divided into two parts, viz. the body, or that
portion which is bare, and projects beyond the alveoli and gums ;
and the root, which is lodged in the socket. The boundary
between these parts, which is embraced by the gums, is called
the neck of the tooth.
The body and roots consist of a peculiar kind of bone (dentine)
which is more firm and hard than the substance of the other
bones ; but all the surface of the body, which projects beyond
the gums, is covered with enamel, a substance very different from
common bone.
Every tooth in its natural condition has a cavity in it, which
commences at the extremity of each root, and extends from it to
the body of the tooth, where it enlarges considerably. This cavity
is lined by a membrane, and contains a nerve, with an artery
and vein, which originally entered the tooth, by a foramen near
the point of the root, as is evidenf during the growth of the teeth.
These vessels, and the nerve, have been traced into the teeth ;
although in many subjects the foramina appear to be closed up.
A third substance has lately been discovered by Prof. Ret-
zius of Stockholm as entering into the..co'nGfyoit]6n*of the teeth
of man, called the cortical substance or cementum. It com-
mences at the lower edge of the enamel and surrounds com-
pletely the fang. In many of the lower animals it is found also?
on the faces of the compound teeth, filling up the spaces between
the vertical ridges of enamel.
Composition of the Teeth.
The bone or ivory of the teeth, now called Dentine, (see
Fig. 24,) constitutes the whole of the root, and a greater part
of the body and neck. The cavity in the centre, for the lodg-
ment of the pulp, (cavitas pulpi) in whichever of the teeth it
is examined, presents an exact similarity of shape to the bodies
and fangs of the teeth, as though the latter had been moulded
upon the pulp. The ivory is of a polished pearly whiteness,
like that of a piece of white satin. It is composed chemically
both of animal and earthy matter, but in different propor-
tions from ordinary bone. If exposed for a considerable
Fig. 24. time to the action of a weak acid solu-
tion, the earthy matter is dissolved,
and there is left a flexible, tenacious,
dense, and homogeneous mass, much
resembling cartilage, but more dense.
If, on the contrary, it is exposed to the
action of fire, the animal matter is first
blackened, then consumed, and there
is left a white, hard, friable residue of calcareous matter.
When examined with the microscope, the bone or ivory
appears to consist of minute branching fibres, which begin at the
pulp and run toward the periphery of the tooth, and aje im-
pacted in some homogenous bony tissue lodged between them.
These fibres have been shown by Mr. Nasmyth to be nothing
more than little opaque bodies, the nuclei of the bone or ivory
cells arranged in a linear series.
The enamel or vitreous substance, (see Fig. 24,) so named
from its resemblance to vitrified minerals, has been with
greater propriety called by Blake, the cortex striatum, from the
lines which it presents upon its sides. It forms a covering
nearly a line in thickness upon the crown of the teeth, and is
thinned down at its termination upon the neck. It is composed
of minute hexagonal crystalline fibres, consisting like those of
the ivory of minute cells filled with calcareous substance piled
one upon another, perpendicularly to the bony part, and so
closely compressed together, as to leave no obvious interval
between them. All the wear of the teeth takes place, therefore,
at the end of these fibres and not upon their sides ; and the
enamel is rendered by this arrangement much less liable to frac-
No vessels have been traced to this substance, nor has it
ever been seen like the bony portion, colored by madder in
young animals fed on this substance during the development
of the teeth. But Mascagni, infatuated with his discoveries
in the absorbent system, absurdly regarded this substance as
entirely formed of absorbent vessels.* It is exceedingly hard
and strikes fire, on collision with steel. While covering the
bone, it presents a milky white appearance ; removed from it,
it is semi-transparent and opaline.
The enamel is thickest on those parts of the teeth most
exposed to friction, as on the horizontal surfaces of the
grinders, the edges of the incisors, and the points of the cuspi-
dati. The position of the enamel and its arrangement into
fibres is well seen in Fig. 24.
* Vide Prodrome.
The enamel and ivory of the teeth are the most indestructible
after death of all parts of the body. In opening tumuli or other
ancient places of sepulchre, they are frequently found to have
undergone scarcely any decomposition.
The cortical substance or cementum, see Fig. 24, consists of a
thin osseous layer developed on the external part of the fangs,
down to the orifices which lead to the cavity of the tooth. It is
essentially of the same structure as true bone, containing the
characteristic corpuscles, and calcigerous branching tubuli of
that tissue. It is supposed to be formed by ossification of the
capsule in contact with the fang, and is certainly the seat of the
exostosis often met with on the roots of the teeth. In old age it
makes its appearance in the cavity of the tooth, and is formed
from the membrane of the pulp the pulp shrinking and retiring
in proportion as the cement accumulates.
The chemical composition of the two substances of the hu-
man teeth, consists, according to Berzelius, in the hundred
parts, of
Enamel. Bone.
Animal matter, - 20.0
Phosphate of lime, with fluate of lime, 88.5 - 64.3
Carbonate of lime, 8.0 - 5.3
Phosphate of magnesia, - 1.5-1.0
Soda, with some chloride of soda, - 1.4
Free alkali and animal matter, 2.0
100.0 100.0
Purkinje and Miiller, have recently, with the aid of the
microscope, investigated very minutely, the structure of the
teeth, and their discoveries have been confirmed by many
other observers of high reputation. They describe the bony
part of the tooth as consisting of fibres running parallel to each
other from the external to the internal surface of the tooth,
between which is placed a semi-transparent, homogeneous por-
tion. These fibres they believed to be really tubular; for on
bringing ink into contact with them, it was drawn into them,
as if by capillary attraction. These tubes Miiller believed to
be filled, at least partially, with calcareous matter, which was
the cause of the whiteness and opacity of the toofh. In
the more transparent part of carious teeth, the white sub-
stance in these tubes presented more of a granular, and less of
a compact appearance, under the microscope, than in a sound
The white color and opacity of these tubes were removed
by the application of acids. On breaking a thin lamella of a
tooth transversely in regard to the fibres, and examining the
edge of the fracture, he perceived the tubes, stiff, straight, and
inflexible, projecting here and there from the surfaces. If the
lamella had previously been acted on by acid, the tubes were
flexible, transparent, and often very long. Hence Miiller
inferred that the walls of the tubes have a basis of animal tissue,
and that besides containing calcareous matter in their cavity,
they have this tissue in the natural state impregnated with
calcareous salts. The greater part of the earthy matter of the
tooth is, however, contained in the transparent homogeneous
portion between the fibres, in which it can be rendered visible
in a granular state by boiling thin lamina of teeth in a ley of
Purkinje, by the aid of high magnifying powers, discovered
the corpuscles that characterize true bone, in layers taken from
the external and internal surface of the root ; he considers the
great mass of the tooth, however, as destitute of organization.
These fibres which have been still more fully proved by
Retzius* to be true canals, having their own walls, are differ-
ently arranged in the separate substances of the tooth, but are
every where exceedingly minute. In the ivory they are about
g^th of a line in diameter: they commence by open orifices
at the cavity of the pulp, and extend in an undulating but
nearly parallel direction to the surface, dividing and branching
* Mikroskopiska Undersokningar ofver Tandernes sardeles Tandbenets,
struktur : Stockholm, 1837.
in their course ; the branches anastomosing together, and com-
municating occasionally with very minute calcigerous cells,
lodged in the transparent intertubular structure, which may be
compared to the corpuscles of ordinary bone.
The fibres or filled tubes of the enamel are about 5 th of a
line in diameter, and are hexagonal. They are striated,
arranged parallel to each other, and are applied by their
internal extremities to corresponding depressions on the surface
of the ivory.
The ordinary bony tubuli of the cement or cortical substance
communicate here and there with the branching tubes of the
These minute but interesting details in regard to the structure
of the teeth, which are found to vary in the different classes of
animals, are important, not only as furnishing one of the best
methods of their classification, but in exhibiting the striking
analogy that exists, as to their structure, between teeth and
bone. The tubes or canals of common bone are occupied by
blood-vessels, the calcareous matters being lodged in the bony
corpuscles and their reticular tubuli ; while those of the teeth
are vascular in the growing state, and become nearly all
filled up as well as their corpuscles with earthy matter, to
give that great degree of solidity requisite in biting and masti-
The alveoli or sockets of the teeth, are formed upon the edge
of the jaw : the bone, of which they consist, is less firm than
any other part of the jaws: they correspond exactly with the
roots of the teeth ; and are lined with a vascular membrane,
which serves as a periosteum to the roots, and assists in fixing
them firmly.
They are developed pari passu, with the teeth, and solely
for the purpose of giving them a lodgment ; hence when the
teeth are removed from the jaw, in the living subject, the
sockets subsequently disappear by absorption, as being of no
further use. There are two sets of alveoli, one for the deci-
duous teeth of the child, and one for the permanent teeth of
the adult. Their walls are formed of one plate on the external
side of the jaw, and one on the internal, with transverse bony
laminae passing between them. On the side of the cavity
which they form, their substance is loose and cellular ; on their
outer side, like other bones, they are smooth and compact:
The transverse processes, are rather more prominent than the
lateral part of the parietes, corresponding in this respect inversely
with the line of enamel on the teeth.
The enamel terminates on the neck of the teeth a little above
the level of the sockets, leaving a small space on the bony part
of the neck round which the gum is attached.
The alveoli, terminate in as many hollow processes, as there
are fangs to the teeth which they lodge : and at the bottom of
each of these processes there are one or more minute foramina,
for the transmission of vessels and nerves to the internal mem-
brane and pulp of the teeth.
The mode of articulation of the teeth in the sockets is called
gomphosis ; even in their perfect state, the teeth are slightly
movable in the socket, of which dental surgeons, occasionally
take advantage, in altering the direction of the teeth, by
mechanical means. The firmness of the articulation, depends
upon the adaptation in size and shape of the sockets to the
fangs, on the gum which surrounds the neck, of the periosteum
of the sockets which is continuous with that of the fangs, and
of the vessels and nerves which enter into the foramina of the
The teeth of different kinds differ greatly from each other, in
form and size.
The body of the incisores is broad, with two flat surfaces,
one anterior and the other posterior ; the anterior surface is
rather convex and the posterior concave ; they meet in a sharp
cutting edge. At this edge the tooth is thinnest and broadest;
it gradually becomes thicker and narrower, as it is nearer the
neck. The enamel continues farther down on the anterior and
posterior surfaces than on the sides.
The incisores of the upper jaw are broader than those of the
lower ; especially the two internal incisores.
The cuspidati are longer than any other teeth, and are thicker
than the incisors. Their edges are not broad, as those of the
incisors, but pointed ; this point is much worn away in the pro-
gress of life.
The enamel covers more of the lateral part of these teeth
than of the incisors.
The bicuspides are next to the cuspidati, two on each side.
They resemble each other strongly ; but the first is smaller than
the other, although it generally* has a longer root. The bodies
are flattened laterally, but incline to a roundish form. On the
middle of the grinding surface are depressions which make the
edges prominent. On the external edge there is generally one
distinct point in each of the bicuspides. The internal edge is
lower than the external in the first bicuspis, which gives it a
resemblance to the cuspidatus. In the second bicuspis, the
internal edge is more elevated, although the point is not so
distinct as it is on the external edge.
The bicuspides have generally but one root, which is often
indented lengthwise, so as to resemble two roots united.
The three molares or large grinders are placed behind the
bicuspides, on each side. The first and second strongly resem-
ble each other, but the third has several peculiarities. The
body of the large grinders is rather square ; the grinding surface
has often five points, and three of these are on the external side.
In the upper jaw these teeth have three roots, two situated
externally, and one internally, which is very oblique in its
direction ; they are all conical in their form. It seems probable
that the roots of these teeth are arranged in this way to avoid
the antrum maxillare. The molares of the lower jaw have but
two roots, which are flat, and are placed one anterior and the
other posterior ; in each of these broad roots there are two
canals, leading to the central cavity ; whereas, in each root of
the upper molares there is but one. The third grinder is called
dens sapientia^ from its late appearance. It is shorter and
smaller than the others ; its body is rather rounder, and its roots
are not so regular and distinct ; for they are sometimes com-
pressed together, and sometimes there appears to have been
but one root originally, when the whole tooth has a conical
appearance. In some cases the denies sapientiae take an
irregular direction, and shoot against the adjoining teeth.
Infants have a set of deciduous teeth, which differ in several
respects from those of adults. They are but twenty in ntfmber ;
the five on each side of each jaw, consist of two incisores, one
cuspidatus, and two molares or large grinders. The first of them
generally protrudes through the gums between the fourth and
eighth months of age ; the last about the end of the second year.
They commonly appear in pairs,* which succeed each other at
irregular intervals. Those of the lower jaw are, in most cases,
the first. The order of their appearance is this : the central
incisors appear first, then the external incisors on each side ;
after these the first molaris, then the cuspidatus, and finally
the last molaris on each side. There are many deviations
from this order of succession, but it takes place in a majority of
These deciduous teeth become loose, and are succeeded by
those which are more permanent, nearly in the same order in
which they appeared, but with a progress much more slow.
The incisores generally become loose between the sixth and
seventh year ; the first molares about the ninth, the cuspidati
and the second molares not until the tenth or twelfth, or even
fourteenth year. The bicuspides take the places of the infant
The three permanent molares appear in the following order :
the first of them protrudes a short time before the front teeth are
shed ; it is the first of the permanent teeth which appears,
and is seen between the sixth and seventh year. The second
molaris appears soon after the cuspidati and the second bicus-
pides are seen. There is then a long interval ; for the last
molaris or dens sapientise is seldom seen before the twentieth
year, and sometimes not until the twenty-fifth.
The teeth are formed upon pulpy substances, which are
situated in the alveoli, and are contained in capsules. A shell
of bone is first formed upon the surface of the pulp, which
* The two teeth of a pair do not appear at the same precise time, but very
near to each other.
gradually increases, and the pulp diminishes within it. The
body of the tooth is produced first, and the root is formed
gradually afterwards ; during its formation the root has a large
opening at the extremity, which is gradually diminished to the
small orifice before described. The roots, as well as the body,
are formed upon the pulpy substance, which gradually
diminishes, as they increase. After the external surface of the
body of the tooth is formed* the enamel begins to appear
upon it, and gradually increases, until it is completely invested.
It is probable that the enamel is deposited upon the body of
the tooth by the membranous capsule which contains it. This
substance, which appears to be formed of radiated fibres, is
harder and less destructible than bone. Like the substance
of bone, it is composed of phosphate, with a small propor-
tion of the carbonate of lime; but it is destitute of the cartila-
ginous or membraneous structure which is demonstrable in
The pulpy substances, or rudiments of teeth, may be seen in
the foetus, when about four months old. At six months,
ossification can be seen to have commenced on the pulps of
the incisores. At the time of birth, the bodies of the infant
teeth are distinctly formed. The alveoli, at first, have the
appearance of grooves in the jaw, which afterwards are divided
by transverse partitions ; they enlarge, in conformity to the
growth of the teeth, and appear to be altogether influenced by
The permanent teeth are formed very early : the rudiments
of the first permanent grinder on each side have commenced
their ossification at birth. At the same time, the rudiments of
the permanent incisors are to be perceived ; and their bodies
will be found nearly ossified, by the time the infant incisors
are protruded completely through the gums. About the age of
six years, if none of the infant teeth are shed, there will be
forty-eight teeth in the two jaws, viz : the twenty infantile,
and twenty-eight permanent teeth, more or less completely
From their mode of development, apparent structure, and
.c *&f*
connexions with the rest of the economy, the teeth were prior to
the microscopical researches above detailed considered analogous
to the hair, nails, and feathers of mammiferae and birds, and to
the shells of molluscae. It cannot be said that the teeih are
absolutely inorganized, that they are mere concretions of an
effused fluid, since there is no part appertaining to living beings,
entirely destitute of life ; but in the hard structure of the teeth,
no anatomist has yet demonstrated either vessels or nerves, though
there are practical dentists, who assert that they have seen blood
issu from the bony part of the teeth, in some of their operations.*
* Hunter denies positively the existence of any vessels passing between the.
pulp and bone of the teeth, as he was not able to render them manifest by injec-
tion, as the coloring matter does not pass into them when animals are fed upon
madder, except in the forming state, and as they do not share in the general soft-
ening of the bones, in rickets and malacosteum. Blake believed that these
vessels did exist, but were difficult to demonstrate, like those that we know to
pass in the eye from the capsule of the crystalline lens, to the lens itself; Beclard,
that there were no vessels in the bone of the teeth, continuous with those of the
pulp, but that the former received continually from the latter a nourishing liquid
which penetrated it by imbibition, and that it was situated in regard to the pulp,
as the hair and nails to the vascular part of the skin. But the morbid altera-
tions which take place in the body of the teeth, the softening and exostosis seen
frequently at their roots, and the fusion of the latter occasionally to the bottom
of the alveoli, render their vascularity highly probable.
The fang of a perfectly developed tooth, is covered closely by a membrane,
called its periosteum, which is continuous with the periosteum of the socket, and
is on all hands admitted to be vascular ; the internal cavity is also lined by a
highly nervous and vascular membrane. Both of these are intimately con-
nected with the bony structure of the tooth, and require a little force to separate
them. This connection Mr. T. Bell believes to be made by vessels and probably
nerves, which pass between them and the bone. Though no artificial injection?
has been made of the teeth, this writer has seen them tinged with a bright yel-
low in a young woman who died of jaundice ; and where death has taken place
from hanging or drowning, when there is usually a congestion of the capillary
system, " he has found the osseous part colored with a dull deep red which could
not possibly take place if they were devoid of a vascular system ; in both
instances the enamel remained wholly free from discoloration." I have observed
the same thing in the teeth of subjects who have died of cholera. The existence
of nerves in the bony part of the teeth Bell considers manifested by the facts
common'y observed by dentists ; in filing the teeth no pain whatever is produced
till the. enamel is removed ; but the instant the file begins to act upon the bone,
the sensation is exceedingly acute : and when the gums, alveoli and periosteal
lining membrane, have receded from the teeth so as to leave the bony part bare,
it is exquisitely sensitive when touched with any hard instrument.
He admits likewise the existence of absorbents in the bony part of the teeth,
for in a tooth in which inflammation had existed for a considerable time, he
If the pulp which produces them be destroyed from any
cause, they lose the little vitality that they may possess, become
foreign bodies mechanically retained in the living parts, and
sooner or later are thrown off.
The teeth are distinguished from the common bony tissue, by
the absence of any demonstrable cellular or vascular parenchyma
in their composition, by their being in part exposed to the
contact of the atmosphere, whiah no bone can be without losing
its vitality, by the enamel which covers them externally, by
their successive evolution and renovation at certain periods of
life, and lastly by their wearing out, and being lost in old age,
whilst the vital actions are still going on in the rest of the economy.
In many of the lower animals the teeth are evidently a
production of the skin or dermoid tissue, which is reflected in
at the commencement of the digestive passages, and many
modern anatomists have for the reasons above mentioned, con-
nected them with the description of the digestive organs. They
have, however, again been restored for purposes of convenience
to the student, to their proper connexion with the bones in which
they are developed.
Development of the Teeth.
The teeth, as we have before observed, are developed on a
principle different from that of other parts of the body, by
germs or gemmules. If the jaws of a foetus are examined with
care, even at the period of two months* after conception, an
extremely soft, jelly-like substance is seen lying in a groove
along the edge of each maxillary arch. At the third month it is
more consistent, and two plates of bone have sprung up at its
sides, which are the rudiments of the external and internal alveo-
lar plates. Shortly after this period, the pulpy substance sepa-
rates into distinct portions, and rudiments of the transverse plates
of the alveoli are seen shooting across, from side to side. These
distinct portions of the pulpy substance, have a papillary form
and are the germs or rudiments from which the teeth are devel-
found after its extraction an abscess in the very centre of the bony structure,
communicating with the natural cavity and filled with pus. p.
* T. Bell. Beclard.
oped ; each is partially enclosed in a sac, and receives branches
from the vessels and nerves which run along the bottom of the
groove. At the fourth month, the enveloping sac is thick in its
texture, and consists of two layers, which are easily separated
after a short maceration. Both of these layers, Fox and T. Bell
have proved, by their injections, to be vascular:* laying loosely
within this double sac is the gelatinous vascular pulp itself,
covered by an extremely thin, delicate vascular membrane, (to
which it is closely united by vessels,) which secretes the bony
part of the tooth, and is a sort of internal periosteum.f The
pulp and its membrane receive their vascular and nervous fila-
ments from the proper dental vessels and nerves, which run
along the groove in the jaw. The double saccular membrane
receives its vessels and nerves solely from the gums ; and the
only attachment between this and the membrane of the pulp, is
near the base of the latter, where the dental vessels enter it.
The sac is closely united to the gum, hence if we tear away the
gum that covers the jaws, we necessarily bring with it the entire
structure of the germ.
If at this period, the fourth month, we open the germ, w,e
find the pulp presenting exactly the size and shape of the body
of the teeth first cut, (incisors) and that its membrane has
already commenced the deposit of the bony tip.
At birth, ossification will be found to have commenced on all
the pulps of the temporary teeth, (the body of the incisors
being nearly completed,) and on each of those of the anterior
permanent grinders. The commencement of ossification is by
three points in the incisors, which form their serrated edges
as seen on their first development, by a single point for the
canine, two for the bicuspide, and three, four, or five on the
* Hunter declared, that the external is soft and spongy, without any vessels;
the other much firmer, " and extremely vascular." Blake on the contrary
asserts, that the external is spongy and full of vessels, the internal one is more
tender and delicate, and seems to contain no vessels capable of containing red
f This membrane is called by Bell the proper membrane of the pulp, and was
conjectured by Blake, with much probability, to be a "propagation of the peri-
osteum of the jaw." Blake on the Teeth, p. 8.
large molar, according to the number of processes which they
present. Continuous deposition of the bony matter from the
membrane of the pulp, unites these points together, and by
degrees at different epochs, all the bodies are formed ; the pulp
retiring as it were, as the deposition of bone goes on and
encroaches upon its cavity, and elongates itself downward,
into the shape of the fang. This is finally formed in the same
manner as the bodies, and the pulp is completely enclosed in
the bony case of the tooth, except at the foramina where the
vessels and nerves enter. Where more than one fang exists to
a tooth, the lower part of the pulp, is previously divided into
an equal number of processes, by little bony partitions which
shoot across from the sides of the alveoli.
Of the Enamel.
When the development of the bony shell has fairly begun, the
inner layer of the sac becomes thickened and more vascular,
receives a greater amount of blood, becomes closely attached to
the neck, and forms a loose capsule over the body. From the
internal face of this membrane,* is poured out a thickened
whitish granular fluid, called by Mr. Goodin the enamel organ
which Berzelius considers of the nature of lactic acid ; this is
speedily consolidated into a dark chalky substance, deposited
first upon the tips of bone, and gradually extending down in
layers till it covers the whole crown of the teeth. This is the
enamel. It becomes gradually whiter and harder, as though
by a more perfect crystallization, but ^near (o the period at
which the teeth are cut,) it is still so soft, as to be frequently cut
with the gum lancet.
* Blake believed that in man, the enamel was formed solely by the inner
membrane of the sac. The external contributing nothing to the structure of
the teeth. But in graminivorous animals, where the flinty covering of the food
they feed on requires a more perfect grinding apparatus, he thought the external
membrane performed an important part, in adding another element to the struc-
ture of the molar teeth, called by him, crusta petrosa. The cutting teeth are
constructed as those of man. In these animals the enamel of the grinders does
not form a continuous smooth layer as in man, but passes a little way into the
body of the teeth, and is arranged in the form of vertical layers, between which
Of the three membranes of the germ or follicle, one only
may be considered as permanent, that of the pulp or internal,
which secretes the bone of the tooth.
The two outer, or those of the sac, cover the crown -of the
tooth ; and as this is pushed forwards by successive depositions
of bony matter from within, they are pressed upon and wasted
away by absorption, like the gum, in direct proportion with
the advancement of the tooth, so that in perfectly natural den-
tition, there is little tension or pressure felt. This is called
cutting the teeth, a name which expresses the fact, sufficiently
well, but literally conveys a wrong idea.
In cases of difficult dentition, the membranes of the sac re-
tain their density and vascularity, and are probably thickened
by inflammation, and the bony layers formed from the pulp,
resisted in their advancement by these membranes, make
compression upon the pulp and dental nerves ; this, like
continued pressure made in other parts of the body, becomes
exquisitely painful, and gives rise to distressing sympathetic
disturbances. The relief procured by cutting the gums and
sac, will be more or less immediate, according to the degree
of compression and inflammation of the pulp.
The periosteum covering the fangs of the tooth, is a reflected
continuation of the periosteum lining the socket, and this again
is continuous with that lining the jaw.
Of the Permanent Teeth.
The adult or permanent teeth, are developed in a manner
almost exactly analogous to the deciduous or infantile. The
germs of many of them are distinctly perceptible in the gums
of the infant at birth. They are placed at first deep in the jaw
after the inner membrane of the sac has been removed by absorption, the outer
one, according to Bell, deposits the pars petrosa, and fills up the intervening
space. This is a substance harder than the bone, but softer than the enamel ;
and the advantage derived from it is, that it is worn oft' by trituration more
readily than the enamel, so that the latter is constantly maintained in sharp
prominent lines upon the surface of the teeth. The same object is here insen-
sibly attained, as a natural consequence of the difference in density of these
parts, which the miller effects with much labor with his pick-hammer, on the
burr-stones of his mill. P.
at the inner side of those of the deciduous teeth, to the sac of
which they are attached at top by a neck-like process, as seen
in Fig. 25. As the infantile teeth rise up and make their way
Fig. 25.
through the gum, this process becomes connected with the
gum, and forms what is called by Hunter the gubernaculum^.
dentis, from its influence in giving the permanent teeth their
proper vertical direction, and preventing their making their
way at random through the sides, as they do occasionally in
cases where the gubernaculum has been destroyed.
Delabarre has given the gubernaculum the name of iter
dentis, from an erroneous belief that it was tubular, like the
duct of a sebaceous follicle, and gradually opened as the tooth
At the fifth month of foetal life, according to Bell, and the
eighth and ninth, according to Blake and Fox, the germs of the
first permanent molars, may be seen at the outside of the in-
fantile row, and those of the permanent incisors behind the
deciduous. Fig. 25 1, 2, shows the attachment of the incisor
and molar germs of the two sets, just prior to the eruption of
the first. The permanent germ is at first placed in the socket
of the deciduous tooth, of which it appears, on first view, to
be an offshot or gemmiperous production. Its vessels and
nerves are believed to be mere branches of those of the deci-
duous set. By degrees a distinct socket is formed for it be-
hind the latter, and its process or gubernaculum is elongated,
as seen in Fig. 25 3. When the deciduous teeth have cut the
gum, the two sockets are completely distinct, as seen in Fig.
26, and the gubernaculum is attached to the gum.
Ossification first commences in the permanent set on the
anterior molares, and may be seen at birth ; at the age of
Fig. 26. twelve months, it has progressed to a
considerable extent upon these as well as
upon the incisors and the lower cuspi-
data. At the sixth or seventh year of
age the whole of the permanent teeth are
more or less ossified, and the incisors are
so far completed as to be nearly ready to
make their appearance through the gum.
At this period there are no less than
forty-eight teeth in the two jaws, the twenty deciduous and
the twenty-eight permanent, which are in different degrees of
development. The last molars do not begin to ossify till the
ninth year, and are the last of all to make their appearance
through the gum, whence they have received the name of denies
sapientm or wisdom teeth.
The permanent teeth, which are more in number and
individually of larger size and form a larger arch than the
temporary, are developed at successive intervals, so as to
correspond exactly, with the increasing size of the jaws from
the infantile to the adult state. Hence they cannot correspond
in position with the deciduous teeth ; the outer permanent
incisor will rise up near the cuspidatus, and the permanent
cuspidatus near the first molar of the deciduous set.
Exactly in proportion as the bodies of the permanent teeth
are completed and approach the gum, the roots of the decidu-
ous are removed by absorption, till finally the bodies of the
latter only are left fixed mechanically in the gum, and are
tumbled off at the slightest effort. The process of the removal
of the fangs is not perfectly understood ; it is not as was once
supposed produced by the pressure of the subjacent tooth, for
very frequently the commencement of absorption is at the
neck, and not at the root of the tooth, where no pressure can
come, and occasionally takes place even where the germ of the
permanent tooth has been destroyed. It is more probably
owing to the enlarged vessels of the growing permanent teeth,
which come from the same branch with those of the deciduous,
carrying off all its blood by derivation, which leads to the
wasting of the latter set, a process of which we find the analogue
in the development of many parts of the foetus.
Below is a tabular view of the appearance of the temporary-
teeth, and also of the periods at which they are changed for the
It is to be taken, however, as a general rule liable to
continual exceptions, not only in regard to the time, but also
as to the regular order of appearance. As a general rule, the
teeth of the lower jaw appear first, then the corresponding
teeth of the upper.
Deciduous Teeth.
From 5 to 8 months, the four central incisors,
" 7 " 10 " four lateral incisors,
" 12 " 16 " four anterior rnolares,
"14 " 20 " four cuspidati,
" 18 " 36 " four posterior molares.
Permanent Teeth.
The first permanent molares usually pierce the gum before
the fall of the central incisors, and their appearance indicates the
approaching change.
The following are about the medium periods at which they
are cut, but there is a great degree of variation in this respect.
Those of the lower are here indicated, and they most commonly
precede the upper by about two or three months.
About 6| years, the anterior molares,
" 7 " central incisors,
" 8 " lateral incisors,
" 9 " anterior bicuspides,
" 10 " posterior bicuspides,
11 to 12 " cuspidati,
12 " 13 " second molares,
17 " 19 " third molares or denies sapientice.
Fig. 8 *is a side view of a beautiful s of the permanent
teeth of both jaws, fitted in their socke' showing the exact
manner in which the surfaces of ea^i set are adjusted to each
other, and the smaller dimensions of the fangs of the wisdom
teeth, owing to the contracted space in which they are
developed. These teeth decay early, are comparatively of
little utility, and probably from the same cause ; for in cases,
where prior to their development one of the molares in front
of them have been removed, they take a more forward
position, are developed with larger fangs, and become much
more serviceable.
When the first teeth have made their appearance through
the gum, they are not yet completed ; the process of thickening
the body by~ layers from within, and of lengthening the root
below, is for a time still continued by the pulp. After their
completion, the only physiological changes they undergo, is
the wearing down of the bodies by friction, and the filling up
of the top of their cavity within by the pulp, with a yellowish
bony matter in old age, (cementum,) which prevents the
exposure of the cavity, and protects the vasculo-nervous pulp,
which is so exquisitely sensitive, as to be considered by some
in the light of a nervous ganglion. This latter process unhap-
pily is not universal, and is especially defective when the teeth
decay early in life, apparently before the period nature has
assigned them.
Aberrations of Dentition.
Occasionally at birth teeth have been found developed on
the surface of the gum, as in the cases of Louis XIV. of France
and Richard III. of England : in such cases they are generally
mere shells, and are quickly shed, and below exist the double
series of germs, which are developed in the regular order.
In some rare cases, from the non-existence or disease of the
germs, no teeth have ever been developed.* Borelli mentions
a case of this sort occurring in a woman then seventy-two
years old.
Sometimes the temporary teeth only exist, which fall at the
regular period and ?s never replaced. Occasionally the set
* Oudet. Consid. sur la Nature des Dents et leur Alterations ; Journal Univ.
Des Sciences Med. torn. 43, 1826.
of permanent teeth have consisted of double or molar teeth all
round. Sometimes the appearance of the temporary teeth has
been protracted to the sixth or seventh year, and even then
followed at regular intervals by the permanent set. The
number of the permanent teeth are sometimes less than usual,
in consequence of the non-development of the wisdom teeth,
which remain locked up in the jaw, and occasionally produce
pain, and even abscesses in the 1 bony structure.
Sometimes there are supernumerary teeth. Haller has seen
in an infant of fourteen years^seventy-two teeth, thirty-six in
each jaw, which appeared to depend upon a greater number
than usual of the dental germs. Some, fond of the marvelous,
have described the eruption of a third set of teeth analogous to
the two first: but according to Hudson and others, this
appearance has probably been owing to the tardy removal of
the deciduous set, and the late supplial of their place by the
permanent teeth.
"Sometimes the direction of the teeth is vicious, leading into
the ramus of the jaw, or upon the outer or inner surface of the
gums ; or upon the roof of the mouth. Accidental develop-
ments of teeth have likewise been met with in the orbit, the
tongue, pharynx, stomach, and not unfrequently in the ovaries
and uterus.
Os Hyoides.
The 05 hyoides is a small insulated bone, supported between
the lower jaw and the larynx, by muscles and ligaments,
which proceed from the neighboring parts in various
The figure of this bone, as its name imports, resembles the
Greek letter v. In its natural situation, the central and convex
part is anterior, and the lateral portions extend backwards.
The central part is called the body, and the lateral portions
the cornua.
The body is broad and its upper edge bent inwards, so that
the external surface is convex, vertically, as well as horizon-
tally. On this surface is a horizontal ridge: the muscles
which proceed from the lower jaw are generally inserted
above this ridge, and the muscles from the sternum and
scapula below it.
The internal or posterior surface of the body is very concave.
The cornua, in young subjects, are distinct from the 7 body
of the bone, and joined to it by cartilages : near the body of
the os hyoides they are flat ; but their figure soon changes, and
they terminate on each side in a small tubercle.
Fig. .21.* On the upper edge of the bone,
where the cornua unite to the body,
is a process, equal in size to a small
grain of wheat, which has a direction
upwards and backwards ; this is
called the appendix, or lesser cornu
of the os hyoides : from it proceeds
a ligament which is attached to the styloid process of the
temporal bone, and is sometimes ossified.
The basis of the tongue is attached to the os hyoides, and
the motions of the bone have a particular reference to those of
that organ ; but they will be better understood when the parts
with which it is connected have been described.
Regions of the Skull.
The skull considered as a whole may be divided for the
occasional purpose of defining the seats of injuries into four
The superior region or vertex, is bounded anteriorly by the
frontal eminences ; on each side by the temporal ridges and
parietal eminences, and behind by the superior curved line of
the occipital bone and occipital protuberance. The anterior
region or face as seen in Fig. 28, is somewhat oval in contour,
irregular in surface and excavated for the reception of two
principal organs of sense, the eye and the nose. It is formed in
part by the frontal bones and by the bones of the face. It is
bounded above by the frontal protuberances, below by the
* The os hyoides seen from before. 1. The anterior convex side of the body.
2. The great cornu of the left side. 3. The lesser cornu of the same side. The
cornua were ossified to the body of the bone in the specimen from which the
figure was drawn.
chin, and on the sides by the malar bones. If a per-
Fig. 28.* pendicular line be drawn down
the face from the inner third of
the supra-orbital ridge to the inner
third of the body of the lower
jaw, it will intersect three fora-
mina, the supra-orbital, infra-
orbital, and mental, each giving
passage to one of the facial
branches of the fifth nerve, the
common seats of facial neu-
The lateral region or side of
the head, comprises the tem-
poral and zygomatic fossae and
the mastoid portion of the tem-
poral bone.
The inferior region or base of the skull, is very irregular
and presents an internal or cerebral and an external or basilar
From the importance of the vessels and nerves which
traverse it, this region requires to be particularly studied.
An acquaintance with the individual bones which compose the head is princi-
pally useful, as it leads to a perfect understanding of the whole structure, of
which each bone is but a small part.
This structure comprises the cavities which contain the brain and the most
important organs of sense, as well as the foramina subservient to them, which
are of so much importance in the practice of medicine and surgery, and also
in physiology, that the following descriptions are subjoined.
Orbit of the Eye.
The figure of this cavity is that of a quadrangular pyramid
with its angles rounded ; so it resembles a cone, the bottom
being the apex and the orifice the base.
* A front view of the skull. 1. The anterior portion of the frontal bone.
2. The nasal protuberance. 3. The supra-orbital ridge. 4. The optic foramen.
5. The sphenoidal fissure. 6. The spheno-maxillary fissure. 7. The lachrymal
fossa in the lachrymal bones, the commencement of the nasal duct. The figures
4, 5, 6, 7. are within the orbit. 8. The opening of the anterior nares, divided
into two parts bythevomer: the number is placed upon the latter. 9. The
infra-orbital foramen. 10. The malar bone. 11. The symphysis of the lower
The diameter of the cavity passes obliquely outward from
the apex behind. As the figure is irregular, the side next the
nose does not partake of this general obliquity, but extends in a
straight direction from behind forwards.
The orbit is somewhat contracted at its orifice, and enlarged
immediately within. The form of the orifice is rather oval, as
the transverse diameter is longer than the vertical. Seven bones
are concerned in the formation of this cavity ; the os frontis and
a portion of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone above, the os
planum of the ethmoid, the os unguis, and the nasal process of
the upper maxillary bone, and the os palati below ; the osmalae,
and orbitar plate of the sphenoid bone, on the outside.
On the upper surface is the depression for the lachrymal
gland ; and at the orifice is the notch or foramen for the supra-
orbitary vessels, See., which have already been mentioned.
On the inner surface are two longitudinal sutures, which
connect the os planum and the os unguis to the os frontis above,
and the os maxillare below. In the upper suture are the two
internal orbitary foramina mentioned in the description of the
os frontis, the anterior of which transmits a fibre of the ophthal-
mic nerve, with an artery and vein ; the posterior transmits only
an artery and vein. There are also two smaller vertical sutures
on each side of the os unguis. On the anterior part of this
inner surface is the ridge of the os unguis, and the grooves for
accommodating the lachrymal sac, which passes into the canal
of the same immediately below.
On the lower surface is the aforesaid canal, formed by the
nasal and orbitar process of the upper maxillary bone, and that
part of the os unguis which is anterior to the ridge. On the
posterior part of this surface is a groove which proceeds for-
wards, and penetrating into the bone, becomes a canal that
terminates in the infra-orbitar foramen ; this groove in the bone is
made a canal by the periosteum. The thin plate which forms this
jaw. 12. The mental foramen. 13. The ramus of the lower jaw. 14. The
parietal bone. 15. The coronal suture. 16. The temporal bone. 17. The squa-
mous suture. 18. The upper part of the great ala of the sphenoid bone. 19.
The commencement of the temporal ridge. 20. The zygoma of the temporal
bone, assisting to form the zygomatic arch. 21. The mastoid process.
surface is the partition between the antrum maxillare and the
orbit of the eye, and is more or less absorbed in those cases where
polypi of the antrum maxillare occasion a protrusion of the eye.
The external surface, formed by the malar bone and the
orbitar plate of the sphenoid, is almost flat. In the posterior
part of the orbit it is bounded by two large fissures, which are
now to be described.
In the posterior part of the orbit are three apertures. The optic
foramen, the sphenoidal fissure, and the spheno-maxillary fissure.
The optic foramen opens almost at the bottom of the orbit on
the inside ; its direction is forwards and outwards.
The sphenoidal fissure, formed principally by the lesser and
greater wings of the sphenoidal bone, begins at the bottom of
the orbit, and extends forward, upward, and outward. It is
broad at the commencement, and gradually diminishes to a fissure.
This fissure opens directly into the cavity of the cranium, and
admits the passage of the third, fourth, sixth, and one branch of
the fifth pair of nerves, and an artery, and a vein.
The spheno-maxillary fissure commences also at the bottom
of the orbit, and extends forward, outward, and downward,
between the maxillary bone and the orbitar plate of the sphe-
noid, from the body of the sphenoid to the malar bone. This
fissure opens from the orbit directly into the zygomatic fossa. In
the recent subject it is closed, and only transmits the infra-orbi-
tary nerve and vessels, and a small branch of the superior
maxillary nerve.
The Cavities of the Nose.
These cavities, which are separated from each other by the
septum narium, are contained between the cribriform plate of
the ethmoid and the palatine process of the upper maxillary and
palate bones, and between the anterior and posterior nares.
They are, therefore, of considerable extent in these directions ;
but the distance from the septum to the opposite side of the
nose is so small, that each cavity is very narrow.
The upper surface of each cavity consists of that portion of
the cribriform plate of the ethmoid which is between the septum
and the cellular portions. Anterior to this, each cavity is
bounded by the internal surface of the os nan of its respective
side ; and posterior to it, by the anterior surface of the body of
the sphenoid bone. These anterior and posterior surfaces form
obtuse angles with the upper surface of the nose, and^are im-
mediately above the openings called anterior and posterior nares.
The anterior surface partakes of the figure of the os nasi ; the
upper surface has the perforations of the cribriform plate ; the
posterior surface has an opening, equal in diameter to a small
quill, that leads into the sphenoid cell, and is also broader than
the anterior or superior surface.
The internal surface, formed by the septum of the nose,
which is composed of the vomer, the nasal plate of the ethmoid,
and the cartilaginous plate, is flat, but rather inclined to one side or
the other, so as to make a difference in the size of the nasal cavities.
Fig. 29.* The external surface is very
irregular; it is formed by the
cellular portions of the ethmoid;
by a small portion of the os
unguis ; by the upper maxillary
bone ; the os turbinatum infe-
rius ; the os palati ; and the
internal pterygoid process of
the 05 sphenoides. The upper
part of this surface is formed
by the internal surface of the
cellular portions of the ethmoid,
* Fig. 29. A longitudinal section of the nasal fossa (taken from Wilson)
made to the right side of the vomer, and the bony septum removed in order to
exhibit the external wall of the left nasal fossa. 1. Os frontis 2. Os nasi. 3.
The cristagalli process of the ethmoid. The groove between fig. 1 &c 3, is the
lateral boundary of the foramen caecum. 4. The cribriform plate of the ethmoid.
5. Part of the sphenoidal cells. 6. The basilar portion of the sphenoid bone.
Bones 2, 4, & 5. form the superior boundary of the nasal fossa. 7, 7. The
articulating surface of the palatine process of the superior maxillary bone.
The groove between 7, 7. is the lateral half of the incisive canal, and the dark
aperture in the groove the inferior termination of the left naso palatine canal.
8. The nasal spine. 9. The palatine process of the palate bone. a. The superior
turbinated bone marked by grooves and apertures for filaments of the olfactory
nerve, b. The superior meatus. c. A probe passed into the posterior ethmoidal
cells, d. The opening of the sphenoidal cells into the superior meatus. e. The
spheno-palatine foramen. /. The middle turbinated bone, g, g. The middle
meatus. h. A probe passed into the infundibular canal, leading from the frontal
which have been described at page 76. It extends from the sphe-
noid bone, very near to theossanasi ; and is uniformly flat and rough.
About the middle of it begins a deep groove, which penetrates
into the cellular structure of the ethmoides, and passes obliquely
downwards and backwards. At the upper end of this groove is
the foramen by which the posterior ethmoidal cells communicate
with the nasal cavity.
This is the upper channel &r meatus of the nose. At the
posterior end of it is a large foramen formed by the nasal plate
of the os palati and the pterygoid process of the os sphenoides,
and therefore called pterygo or spheno-palatine foramen. It
opens externally, and transmits a nerve and an artery to the nose.
Below the meatus is the upper spongy bone, which presents a
convex surface ; its lower edge is rolled up and not connected
with the parts about it. This spongy bone covers a foramen in
the ethmoid bone, by wbich its anterior cells and the frontal
sinuses communicate with the nose.
Below this spongy bone is the middle channel, or meatus of
'the nose. The channel extends from the anterior to the poste-
rior part of the cavity. It is very deep, as it penetrates to the
maxillary bone. The cells of the ethmoid are above it; the
inferior turbinated bone below it ; and the upper spongy bone
projects over it. In this channel is the opening of the great
cavity of the upper maxillary bone. At the anterior extremity
of it is a small portion of the os unguis, which intervenes between
the nasal process of the upper maxillary bone and the cells of
ihe ethmoid, and continues down to the lower spongy bone.
The lower spongy bone is nearly horizontal, and very conspi-
sinuses and anterior ethmoid cells ; the triangular aperture immediately above
the letter is the opening of the maxillary sinus, i. The inferior turbinated bone.
Jc, k. The inferior meatus. I, L A probe passing up the nasal duct, showing the
direction of that canal. The anterior letters g, /;, are placed on the superio?
maxillary bone, the posterior on the palate bone. m. The internal pterygoid
plate, n. The hamular process. 0. The external pterygoid plate, p. The situa-
tion of the opening of the Eustachian tube. q. The posterior palatine foramina,
the letter is placed on the hard palate, r. The roof of the left orbit. 5. The
optic foramen, t. The groove for the last turn of the internal carotid artery
converted into a foramen by the development of an osseus communication be-
tween the anterior and middle clinoid processes, v. The sella turcica. z. The
posterior clinoid process.
cuous. It extends almost from one opening of the nose to the
other. Under this bone is the third and largest channel or infe-
rior meatus of the nose. It is made large by an excavation of
the upper maxillary bone, particularly at the anterior part. It
affords a direct and very easy passage to the posterior opening of
the nose and the throat.
Near the anterior extremity of this meatus is the lower orifice
of the lachrymal duct, which is so situated that a probe properly
curved can be readily passed into it through the nostril.
There are, then, four foramina on each side, which form com-
munications between the cavities of the nose and the adjacent
cells, viz.
One in the upper meatus, which leads to the posterior ethmoid
A second in the middle meatus, which leads to the anterior
ethmoid cells and the frontal sinuses.
A third in the same meatus, which opens into the maxillary
A fourth in the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoidal
bone, which opens into the sphenoidal sinus.
To these must be added the opening of the lachrymal canal.
It will be moat useful to the student of anatomy, after placing three or four of
the uppermost cervical vertebrae in their natural situation, to take a view of
The Cavity between the spine and the posterior Nares, which
is bounded above, by the cuneiform process, passing obliquely
upward and forward ; laterally, by soft parts not yet described ;
behind, by the bodies of the cervical vertebrae ; and before, by
the posterior nares, each of which is oblong in form, rounded
above, flat below, and separated from the other by a thin parti-
tion, the vomer.
The Cavity of the Cranium.
The upper concave surface of this cavity corresponds with
the figure of the cranium. The ridge in it for supporting the fal-
ciform process of the dura mater, the groove made by the longi-
tudinal sinus, the impressions of the arteries, and the pits made
by the convolutions of the brain, are particularly to be noticed.
The Internal Basis of the Cranium
Is much more important. It is divided into three fossae on each
side ; the anterior of these are most superficial, and the posterior
the deepest. The bottoms of the anterior foss& are formed by
the orbitar processes of the osfrontis, and consequently are con-
vex ; between them is the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, which
is commonly sunk below the adjoining surface. The crista galli
is very conspicuous ; and the foramen caecum can almost always
be seen. The crista galli is evidently the beginning of the pro-
minent ridge, which continues on the os frontis, and supports the
falx of the dura rnater. The posterior margins of these fossae
are formed by the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone.
The middle fossa are formed by the great wings of the
sphenoidal bone, and by the squamous and petrous portions
of the temporal bone. They are lower than the anterior,
and higher than the posterior fossae. The projection of the
Fig. 30.* margin of the anterior fossae
into these cavities, corresponds
with the separation between
the anterior and middle lobes
of the brain. The suture be-
tween the sphenoidal and tem-
poral bones is evident in these
fossae. The upper surface of
the body of the sphenoid bone,
or the sella turcica is between
them ; and all the peculiarities
of its surface are very conspi-
cuous. The first five foramina
of the sphenoidal bone can IK-
easily ascertained, and also, the
anterior foramen lacerurn and
* The cerebral surface of the base of the skull. 1. One side of the anterior
fossa j the number is placed on the roof of the orbit, formed by the orbital plate
of the frontal bone. 2. The lesser wing of the sphenoid. 3. The crista galli.
4. The foramen caecum. 5. The cribriform lamella of the ethmoid. 6. The
processus olivaris. 7. The foramen opticum. 8. The anterior clinoid process.
9. The carotid groove upon the side of the sella Turcica, for the internal carotid
artery and cavernous sinus. 10, 11, 12. The middle fossa of the base of the
skull. 10. Marks the great ala of the sphenoid. 11. The squamous portion of
termination of the foramen caroticum, with the impressions
made by the carotid arteries on the sides of the sella turcica.
The petrous portions of the temporal bones are the posterior
boundaries of the middle fossae. Their oblique direction,
inwards and forwards, is particularly remarkable; being formed
like triangular pyramids. Two of their sides are in the cavity
of the cranium ; one, which is anterior, forms a portion of the
middle fossa ; and the other forms a part of the posterior fossa.
The edge between them is very prominent, and has the tento-
rium or horizontal process of the dura mater attached to it. On
the anterior surface, in the middle fossa, may be traced the
groove, and the foramen for the Vidian nerve.
The posterior fossae are larger as well as deeper than the
other two. Their boundaries are well defined by the edges of
the petrous bones above mentioned, and by the grooves of the
horizontal parts of the lateral sinuses. These fossae are nearly
separated from the general cavity by the tentorium, which is
attached to the edge of the petrous bone and also to the edge
of the horizontal part of the groove for the lateral sinuses. On
the tentorium lie the posterior lobes of the cerebrum ; and under
it, in these fossae, is the cerebellum.
These fossae may be considered as one great cavity, which is
circular behind, and somewhat angular before. The angular
surfaces are formed by the posterior sides of the petrous portions.
Between them, is the oblique surface of the cuneiform process of
the occipital bone, which descend to the great foramen. On the
surface of each petrous bone is the meatus auditorius internus,
and the orifice of the aqueduct of the vestibule. Behind the
petrous" portion, the groove for the lateral sinus is very conspicu-
ous ; it terminates in the posterior foramen lacerum, which is
evidently formed by the temporal and the occipital bones. At
the temporal bone. 12. The petrous portion of the temporal. 13. The sella
Turcica. 14. The basilar portion of the sphenoid bone, surmounted by the pos-
terior clinoid processes. 15. The foramen rotundum. 16. 'the foramen ovale.
17. The foramen spinosum ; the small irregular opening between 17 and 12 is
the hiatus Fallopii. 18. The posterior fossa of the base of the skull. 19, 19.
The groove for the lateral sinus. 20. The ridge upon the occipital bone, which
gives attachment to the falx cerebelli. 21. The foramen magnum. 22. The
meatus auditorius internus, 23. The jugular foramen.
the anterior part of this foramen is most commonly a small bony
process, which separates the eighth pair of nerves from the
internal jugular vein, as they pass out here.
The anterior condyloid foramen for the passage of the ninth
pair of nerves, appears in the surface of the great occipital hole,
immediately below the foramen lacerum. From the back part
of this hole the spine, which forms the lower limb of the cross,
passes up; and on each side of it are the great depressions
which accommodate the two lobes of the cerebellum.
External Basis of the Skull.
The external surface of the base of the skull is very irre-
gular. When the head is inverted, we see the external protu-
berances of the as occipitis, formerly described. The mastoid
processes of the ossa temporum are on the same transverse
line with the great foramen of the os occipitis ; but the foramen
being larger extends farther forward. On the inside of the
mastoid process, the fissure for the digastric muscle is very con-
spicuous, and also the suture between the mastoid process and
the occipital bone.
Fig. 31.* The oblique direction of
the occipital condyles and
the slanting position of
their articulating surfaces
are particularly striking.
The posterior condyloid
foramina for the cervical
veins, and the anterior for
the ninth pair of nerves,
are also in view. The
position of the cuneiform
process of the os occipitis
is by no means horizontal,
but extends forwards and
upwards. The petrous or
pyramidal portion of the
temporal bone commence?
* The external or basilar surface of the base of the skull. 1,1. The hard
palate. The figures are placed upon the palate processes of the superior maxil-
between the mastoid process and the condyle of the lower jaw,
and extends obliquely forwards and inwards, having the
occipital bone behind it, and the glenoid cavity or fossae and
the os sphenoides before it. At the commencement, the
surface of the petrous portion is not horizontal, but oblique,
sloping into the glenoid cavity with a sharp edge downwards.
This edge in some cases is curved so as to surround the basis
of the styloid process, which arises in contact with it, and
projects downwards, on each side of the vertebrae. Between
the mastoid and styloid process, is the foramen stylo-mastoi-
deum. On the inside of the styloid process, and rather anterior
to it, is the foramen lacerum posterius, for the internal jugular
vein, the eighth pair of nerves, &tc. This foramen passes
obliquely backwards and upwards, and is bounded behind by
the jugular process of the os occipitis, which bone seems to
contribute most to its formation. Very near to this hole on the
inside is the anterior condyloid foramen ; and rather anterior to
it is the opening of the carotid canal, which forms a curve in the
bone as it passes upwards, inwards, and forwards.
From the foramen lacerum posterius, the suture between
the cuneiform process of the occipital and the petrous portion
of the temporal bone, extends to the foramen lacerum anterius
of the base of the cranium ; which is closed by cartilage in
the recent subject, but is of an irregular and rather triangular
form in the macerated head ; this hole is formed by the
occipital, sphenoidal, and petrous bones. The suture or
connexion between the petrous bone and the os sphenoides, is
lary bones. 2. The incisive, or anterior palatine foramen. 3. The palate pro-
cess of the palate hone. The large opening near the figure is the posterior
palatine foramen. 4. The palate spine ; the curved line upon which the num-
ber rests, is the transverse ridge. 5. The vomer dividing the openings of the
posterior nares. 6. The internal pterygoid process. 7. The scaphoid fossa. 8.
The external pterygoid plate. The interval between 6 and 8 (left side of the
figure), is the pterygoid process. 9. The zygomatic fossa. 10. The basilar
process of the occipital bone. 11. The foramen magnum. 12. The foramen
ovale. 13. The foramen spinale. 14. the glenoid fossa. 15. The meatus audi-
torius externus. 16. The foramen lacerum basis cranii. 17. The carotid fora-
men of the left side. 18. The foramen lacerum posterius, or jugular foramen.
19. The styloid process. 20. The stylo-mastoid foramen. 21. The mastoid
process. 22. One of the condyles of the occipital bone. 23. The posterior
condyloid foramen.
continued on the anterior side of the petrous bone, from the
fissure of the glenoid cavity to the anterior foramen lacerum.
The styloid process of the os sphenoides, which is seldom more
than four lines in length, appears at the edge of this suture.
On the inside of the glenoid cavity, and on the inside of this
process, in the suture formed between the petrous and sphenoid
bones, is the bony orifice of the Eustachian tube.
The foramen spinale, for" the middle artery of the dura
mater, is at a very small distance from the Eustachian tube,
immediately anterior to it ; and at a small distance on the
inside and front of this foramen is the foramen ovale, for the
inferior maxillary nerve, or the third branch of the fifth pair.
Proceeding from before backwards the base of the skull apper-
taining to the face is seen to be formed by the palate processes
of the superior maxillary and palate bones ; by the vomer ; the
pterygoid spinous processes, and part of the body of the sphenoid.
The roof of the mouth as seen at 1, 3, Fig. 31, is constituted
by the palatine processes of the superior maxillary and palate
bones. The transverse suture which separates them is well
seen on the left side of the cut. In the longitudinal suture
and directly behind the front incisor teeth, 2, is the incisive or
anterior palatine foramen, the inferior opening of the naso-
palatine canal, which lodges the ganglion of Cloquet (naso-
palatine) and transmits the anterior palatine nerves. The
posterior palatine foramina, are placed near the posterior angles
of the hard palate, for the purpose of transmitting to the palate
the blood-vessels and nerves of that name. The opening of
the larger foramen is seen near 3, Fig. 31. On the innetf side of
this foramen is seen the transverse ridge upon which is inserted
the expanded tendon of the tensor palati muscle. The
rounded crescentic border, which terminates posteriorly each
half of the hard palate, gives attachment to the velum pendu-
lum palati ; and in the middle line 4, is seen the palate spine
from which is hung the azygos uvuloe muscle. The posterior
nares is seen immediately above divided by the vorner, 5, and
bounded externally by the internal pterygoid processes, 6. By
the side of the shelving base of the vomer and partly formed
by it are the pterygo-palatine canals, which transmit the
ptery go-palatine arteries. The external pterygoid process is
seen at 8, and between the two processes, is the pterygoid
fossa, which is occupied by the internal pterygoid muscle.
On the outer side of the external pterygoid process i^ the
zygomatic fossa. The internal pterygoid process is long and
narrow, having at its apex the hamulus, and at its base the
scaphoid fossa from which arises the circumflexus or tensor
palati muscle.
Side of the Head.
Those portions of the side of the head which are formed by
the frontal, parietal and occipital bones, and by the squamous
part of the temporal, require no explanation here ; but the
region which is behind the malar and upper maxillary bone,
and within the zygomatic processes of the temporal and malar
bones, which comprises part of the temporal and zygomatic
fossae of some anatomists, is both important and obscure.
To obtain a view of this, the lower jaw should be removed,
and the zygoma sawed away, in one preparation ; and in
another, the upper maxillary and palate bones of one side
should be applied in their natural position, to the os sphenoides,
without any of the other bones.
The upper part of this region, formed by the sphenoidal,
frontal and malar bones, is made concave by the form of the
external angular part of the os frontis and of the os malse ;
which projects backwards so as to cover a large portion of it.
The lower part is formed principally by the external surface
of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, and by the
posterior surface of the upper maxillary. Between the lower
end of the pterygoid process and the upper maxillary bone, a
small portion of the os palati intervenes ; but in many adult
subjects it is not to be distinguished from the other bones. At
this place, the pterygoid process and these bones appear to be
in close contact ; but as they pass upwards they recede from
each other so as to form a considerable aperture, which
continues the whole length of the pterygoid process. This
fissure, which may be called pterygo-palatine or pterygo-
maxillary, would open into the posterior part of the cavity of
the nose, if the nasal plate of the os palati did not intervene ;
this plate forms a partition, which separates the nose from this
fissure : and the spheno-palatine foramen, formed principally
by it, transmits a nerve and blood-vessels to the nose.
The fissure is vertical : at the back of the orbit, it unites
with the spheno-maxillary fissure of the orbit, which is almost
horizontal, and at the place of their junction, the sphenoidal, or
upper fissure of the orbit, opeffs also.
The foramen rotundum, which transmits the second branch
of the fifth pair, or the upper maxillary nerve, is likewise
situated near this place ; and when the upper maxillary, the
sphenoidal, and the palate bones are in their natural situation,
the distribution of the branches of this important nerve can be
easily understood : for the same view presents the course of its
various branches ; viz. to the nose, by the spheno-palatine fora-
men ; to the cavity of the cranium, by the pterygoid foramen ;
to the orbit, and the inferior obitary canal, by the spheno-max-
illary fissure ; and to the roof of the mouth, by the palato-max-
illary canal.
The Form of the Cranium.
The form of the cranium is that of an irregular oval. The
greatest length of its cavity is between a part of the os frontis
above the crista galli, and of the os occipitis above the centre
of the crucial ridge.
The greatest breadth is at about two-thirds of the distance
from the first to the last of these positions. This tranverse
diameter touches the sides of the cranium near the posterior
part of the basis of the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
The difference between these longitudinal and transverse
diameters varies greatly in different persons, as their craniums
approach to the oval or round figures.
The greatest depth of the cavity is between the posterior
part of the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, and a part
of the cranium which is nearly over it about the middle of the
sagittal suture.
The figure of the cranium is somewhat varied in different
races of men ; and it has been much changed by the particular
management of several savage nations.
In North America, the Choctaw tribe of Indians were for-
merly accustomed to x make their foreheads perfectly flat, and
sloping obliquely backwards. They have latterly disused this
practice ; but one of their nation, whose head had this form, was
in Philadelphia about the year 1796.
At this time a tribe who inhabit a district of country near the
sources of the Missouri river, are in the practice of flattening
both the frontal and occipital regions of the head ; so that a
small part only, of the middle of it, remains of the natural form,
between these flattened sloping surfaces. J^
In the case of the Choctaw man above-mentioned, it did not
appear that his health, or his intellectual ^operations, were any
way affected by this form of his head.
During infancy, the cranium sometimes increases to a preter-
natural size, as disproportionate to the face as if it were
affected by hydrocephalus. In many of these instances, that
disease ultimately shows itself; but in other cases, the preter-
natural increase of the cranium finally stops without the occur-
rence of disease ; and the disproportion is lessened by the
increase of the face in the ordinary progress of growth.
In many cases where men have deviated from the ordinary
stature, the head has preserved the common size. It is therefore
said to be small in giants, and large in dwarfs.
Many efforts have been made to determine rigorously the
dimensions of the cavity of the cranium. This may be done
with considerable accuracy from the exterior of the skull, by
making allowances for the various degrees of development in
which the frontal sinuses are found in different individuals.
The thickness of the diploe seldom varies in different skulls
more than one or two lines in thickness. I have, however,
several negro skulls in my possession the walls of which are
nearly three-quarters of an inch in thickness, and so com-
pact in their composition as to present very little of the
diploic or cellular structure. When measured from the
interior, a skull of ordinary capacity will be found in its
'" ' '; : < / * rr *^' / ^
~ *- '
longitudinal diameter, (between the frontal spine and longitudi-
nal sulcus,) five inches and a half; in its transverse, (between
the bases of the petrous portions of the temporal bones,) four
and a half; between the parietal fossae five inches, and between
the lesser wings of the sphenoid bones, three inches and three-
quarters ; in the vertical, from the foramen magnum to the sagit-
tal suture, four inches and a half.
Several plans have also bean adopted, by the cranioscopists,
to determine the relative development of the cranium (which
is filled with the brain) and that of the face. The best known
of these are those of Camper, Daubenton and Cuvier. The
facial angle of Camper, is taken by extending a horizontal line
from the external auditory meatus, on a line with the floor of
the nostril, so as to follow nearly in the direction of the base
of the cranium, and by dropping upon this a second from the
most prominent part of the forehead to the extremity of the
upper jaw. The area between them is the facial angle, and
will be the more acute, in direct proportion as the face is devel-
oped in front, and the forehead is sloped backwards. This
angle is of course larger in man than in any other animal, and
varies in size in the different races of men. In a well formed
white or Caucasian, it is usually about 80; in the Mongolian
about 75 ; in Negroes about 70 ; in the different species of
monkeys it varies from 65 to 30. As a test of the intellectual
capacity of individuals, it is but little to be relied on.
The occipital angle of Daubenton, is formed by drawing two
lines, one from the inferior border of the orbit, to the anterior
margin of the occipital foramen, the other drawn from the
anterior to the posterior border of the occipital foramen, and
extended forwards. The angle between the two, is the occipital.
As the direction of the occipital foramen depends upon the
manner in which the head is articulated with the vertebral
column, it will be the larger, the less favorably the animal is
constructed for the upright posture. In a well-formed Caucasian
skull, it is about 3. In the ox it is about 70. Daubenton
has thus done for the posterior part of the head what Camper
has done for the anterior.
Cuvier's method consists in dividing the skull vertically, and
establishing a comparison between the area of the cranium and
that of the face. In a well-formed Caucasian he finds the area
of the cranium, quadruple that of the face. In the Mongolian
variety, he found the area of the face had increased over this
proportion one-tenth, in the Negro, one-fifth ; in monkeys, one-
half. Tiedemann has adopted a plan of measuring the capacities
of different crania, by filling them with seeds from the occipital
foramen, and subsequently measuring their contents. This
method as well as some others, has been employed for the same
purpose by Prof. S. G. Morton of this city, in the preparation of
his elegant and interesting work on Crania Americana, and the
results have been so carefully detailed by him, as to leave hence-
forth little to be wished upon a subject which has excited much
attention among physiologists. The whole capacity of the
cranium is found on an average, greater in the Caucasian variety
of the human race, than in any other.
The Head of the Foetus.
In the foetus, those bones, which form the vault of the cra-
nium, originally consist of one plate only ; which is compose^
of radiant fibres.
At birth, the os frontis consists of two pieces, which join each
other in the middle of the forehead.
The parietal bones are each in a single piece ; but they are
incomplete at their edges and their angles.
The temporal bones have no appearance of mastoid or styloid
processes. Instead of a meatus auditorius externus, there is a
bony ring in which the membrana tympani is fixed. The
squamous and petrous portions, and this ring, are originally
formed separate ; but at the period of birth they often adhere to
each other.
The os occipitis is composed of four pieces : the first and
largest, extends from the beginning or angle of the lambdoidal
suture to the upper edge of the great occipital foramen. Each
side of the foramen, and the condyle on it, is formed by a
distinct piece. The front part is formed by the cuneiforrc
process, which is separate from the other parts and forms the
fourth piece.
The sphenoidal bone may be separated by maceration into
three pieces. The body and the little wings form one piece.
Each of the great wings, with the pterygoid processes united
to it, forms also a piece. The body of the bone is entirely
A large part of the ethmoid 9 is in a cartilaginous state. It is
divided into two portions by a partition of cartilage, which
occupies the place of the nasal plate and the crista galli.
In consequence of the imperfect formation of the bones which
compose the vault of the cranium, there are several deficiencies
in it. Thus the superior anterior angles of the parietal bones
being incomplete, and also the upper angles of the pieces which
compose the os frontis, a vacuity with four sides is occasioned,
which is termed the
Anterior fontanel. This opening may be distinguished by its
form, as well as its greater size, from another vacuity which is
produced in a similar way at the other end of the sagittal suture,
and called the
Posterior fontanel: but as there are only three bones con-
ce*rned in its formation, viz. the two parietal and the occipital,
this vacuity is triangular.
Besides these, there are two other vacuities or fontanels on
each side, at the two lower corners of each parietal bone : these,
however, are much less than those first described.
The smaller fontanels do not continue open long ; but the
anterior fontanel is seldom completely closed before the end of
the third year.
It is very obvious upon an examination of the cranium, that
the centre of the base is better calculated to resist pressure than
any other part; as the cuneiform process of the occipital bone,
the petrous portion of the temporal, and the body of the sphe-
noidal bone, which compose a large part of it, are very firm and
The face of the fcetus differs very essentially from that of the
adult. Although the orbits of the eyes are very large when
compared with the size of the head, that portion of the face
which is below them is very small, and has little depth.
The upper maxillary bones have no sinuses in them ; and their
orbitar plates are not much elevated above the cavities for con-
taining the posterior teeth ; in consequence, the depth of the
face is very small, and its whole aspect is affected.
The nose of the fwtus differs greatly from that of the adult
in respect to its sinuses ; for not only are the maxillary cavities
wanting, but those of the frontal and sphenoidal bones also.
The lower jaw is formed in two pieces, which unite at the
middle ; and hence the term symphysis is used in describing
the chin. The bone is not only less broad in proportion than
that of the adult, but the Angles are more obtuse, and the pro-
cesses which arise from them are more sloping.
The head of the foetus is much larger in proportion to the
body than that of the adult.
Of the Trunk.
The Trunk consists of the SPINE, THORAX, and PELVIS.
The Spine.
The spine is the long pile of bones extending from the
condyles of the occiput to the end of the os coccygis. It some-
what resembles two unequal pyramids joined in a common base.
It is not, however, straight; for its upper part being drawn
backwards by strong muscles, it gradually advances forwards
to support the oesophagus, vessels of the head,.&c. Then
it turns backwards, to make room for the heart and lungs.
It is next bent forwards to support the viscera of the abdomen.
It afterwards turns backwards for the enlargement of the pelvis. (
And, lastly, it is reflected forwards, for sustaining the lowest '
great intestines.
The spine is commonly divided into true and false vertebra ;
the former constituting the long upper pyramid, which has its
base below ; while the false vertebrae make the shorter lower
pyramid, whose base is above.
Fig. 32.
True Vertebra.
The true vertebra are the twenty-four
upper bones of the spine, on which the seve-
ral motions of the trunk of our bodies are per-
formed. Their name is derived from the
Latin verb verier e.
Each of these vertebrae is composed of its
body and processes.
The body is the thick spongy forepart,
which is convex before, concave backwards,
horizontal and flat in most of them above and
below. Numerous small holes, especially
on the fore and back part of their surface,
giving passage to their vessels, and allow the
ligaments to enter their substance. The edges
of the body of each vertebra? are covered,
especially at the forepart, with a ring of bone
firmer and more solid than the substance of
the body any where else. These rings seem
to be joined to the vertebrae in the form of
epiphysis. They are of great use in pre-
venting the spongy bodies from being broken
in the motions of the trunk.
Between the bodies of each two adjoining
vertebrae, a substance between the nature of
ligament and cartilage is interposed ; which
seems to consist of concentrical curved fibres,
when it is cut horizontally ; but when it is
divided perpendicularly, the fibres appear
* The vertebral column consisting of twenty-four
true vertebrae ; and two false, the sacrum and os coccygisj
each made up by the consolidation of four bones which
are separate in the young subject. It extends the
whole length of the trunk. It may be divided into four
regions the cervical comprising the seven vertebrae from a to b. The dorsal, the
twelve vertebrae from b to c. The lumbar, the five vertebrae from c to d. The
pelvic, or sacro-coccygeal portion comprising the false vertebrae, the sacrum and
coccyx from d to /. From e to /. are the four small bones forming the os
oblique and decussating. The outer part of these intervertebral
ligaments is the most solid and hard; and they gradually
become softer till they are almost in the form of a glairy liquor
in the centre. The external fibrous part of each is capafcle of
being greatly extended, and of being compressed into a smaller
space, while the middle fluid part is incompressible, or nearly
so. The middle point is therefore a fulcrum or pivot, on which
the motion of a ball and socket may be made, with such a
gradual yielding of the substance of the ligament, in whatever
direction our spines are moved, as saves the body from violent
shocks, and their dangerous consequences. This ligamento-
cartilaginous substance is firmly fixed to the horizontal surfaces
of the bodies of the vertebrae, to Connect them ; in which it is
assisted by a strong membranous ligament, which lines all their
concave surface, and by a still stronger ligament that covers all
their anterior convex surface.
The elastic substance seems to be in a state of compression
by the exterior ligament and the bones ; for, if a section be
made through a portion of the vertebrae and the intervertebral
substance, this substance will expand, so that its surface will
be much higher than that of the vertebrae, h is s_o elastic, and
so much confined, in some subjects, that a sharp knife, if plunged
into it will be gradually ejected when the hand is with-
The bodies of the vertebrae are, with some exceptions,
smaller and more solid above, but more spongy as they descend.
The cartilages between them are thick, and the surrounding
ligaments are strong in proportion to the size of the vertebrae.
By this disposition, the greatest weight is supported on the
broadest, best secured base, and the middle of the body is
allowed a large and secure motion.
From each side of the body of each vertebrae, a bony bridge
or pedicle is produced backwards, and to one side ; from the
posterior end of which one slanting process rises, and another
descends. The smooth, and generally the flattest side of each
of these four processes is covered with a smooth cartilage ; and
the two lower processes of each upper vertebrae are fitted to
and articulated with the -two upper processes of the vertebrae
below, having their articular ligaments fixed into the rough line
round their edges. These processes are termed the oblique
or articulating. *"
From between the oblique processes of each side, another pro-
cess extends laterally, which is called the transverse.
From the back part of the roots of the two oblique processes,
and of the transverse process of* each side, a broad oblique bony
plate called the lamella is extended backwards : where these
meet, the seventh process of the vertebra takes its rise, and
stands out backwards. This being generally sharp-pointed and
narrow-edged, it has therefore been called spinous process ;
from which this whole chain of bones has got its name.
Besides the common ligament which lines all the internal sur-
face of the spinous processes as well as of the bodies, particular
ligaments connect the bony bridges and processes of the contig-
uous vertebrae together.
The substance of the processes is considerably stronger and
firmer, and has a thicker external plate than the bodies of the
vertebrae themselves.
The seven processes form a concavity at their forepart, which,
joined to the one at the back part of the bodies, make a great
hole ; and when the vertebra are placed upon each other in
their natural order, these holes form a long tube for containing
the spinal marrow.
In the upper and lower edge of each lateral bridge or pedicle,
there is a notch. These are so adapted to each other in the
contiguous vertebras, as to form a round hole in each side, be-
tween each two vertebrae, through which the nerves proceed
from the spinal marrow, and its blood-vessels pass.
The articulations of each two vertebrae are consequently
double ; for their bodies are joined by the intervening cartilage
above described ; and their oblique processes, being tipped
with cartilages, are connected together by ligaments so as to al-
low a small degree of motion on every side. Hence, it is evident
that their centre of motion is altered in different positions of
the trunk : for, when we bow forwards, the weight bears
entirely on the bodies of the vertebrae ; if we bend back, the
oblique processes support it ; if we recline to one side, we rest
upon the oblique processes of that side and part of the boclies ;
if we stand erect all the bodies and oblique processes have their
share in our support.
The true vertebrce are divided into three classes, which agree
with each other in their general structure, but are distinguished
by several peculiarities.
These classes are named Cervical, Dorsal, and Lumbar.
The CERVICAL are the seven uppermost vertebrae ; which
are distinguished from the rest by these marks : their bodies
are smaller and more solid than any others ; and are flattened on
the front surface. They are also flat behind, where small
processes rise, to which the internal ligaments are fixed. The
upper surface of the body of each vertebras is made hollow,
by a slanting thin process which is raised on each side. The
lower surface is also hollowed, but in a different manner; for
here the posterior edge is raised a little, and the anterior one
is considerably extended. Hence, the cartilages between these
vertebrae are firmly connected, and their articulations are
Fig. 33.* These cartilages are thick, especially
at their forepart; which is one rea-
son why the vertebrae project for-
ward as they descend, and have the
larger motion.
Their oblique processes more justly
deserve that name than those of any
other vertebrae. They are situated
slanting ; the upper ones having their
smooth and almost flat surfaces facing obliquely backwards
* A central cervical vertebra, seen upon its upper surface. 1. The body
concave in its middle, and rising on each side into a slanting thin process or
ridge. 2. The lamina or lamella. 3. The pedicle rendered concave by the
superior intervertebral notch. 4. The bifid spinous process. 5. The bifid or
notched transverse process. 6. The vertebral foramen. 7. The superior oblique
or articular process. 8. The inferior oblique or articular process.
and upwards ; while the inferior oblique processes have these
surfaces facing obliquely forwards and downwards.
The transverse processes of these vertebrae are formed in a
different manner from those of any other bones of the spine ;
for, besides the common transverse process rising from between
the oblique processes of each side, there is a second one that
comes out from the side of the body of each vertebras ; and
these two processes, after leavmg a circular hole for the passage
of the vertebral artery and vein, unite and form a groove on
their upper surface to protect the nerves that pass in it. They
terminate obtusely on each side, for the insertion of the
The spinous processes project backwards almost horizontally.
They are shorter than those of any other vertebrae, and are
forked or double at their ends ; they therefore allow a more con-
venient insertion to muscles.
The thick cartilages between the bodies of these cervical
vertebrae, the obliquity of their oblique processes, and the
shortness and horizontal situation of their spinous processes, all
conspire to allow them large motion.
The holes between the bony cross bridges, for the passage
of the nerves from the spinal marrow, have their largest share
formed in the lowest of the two vertebrae, to which they are
So far most of the cervical vertebrae agree ; but they have
some particular differences, which require a separate conside-
The first, from its use in supporting the head, has the name
of atlas. \ Contrary to all the other vertebrae of the spine, it
has no body ; but, instead of it, there is a bony arch. In the
convex forepart of this arch a small rising appears ; and on
each side of this protuberance, a small cavity may be observed.
The upper and lower parts of the arch are rough and unequal,
where the ligaments that connect this vertebrae to the os occi-
pitis, and to the second vertebra, are fixed. The back part of
the arch is concave, smooth, and covered with a cartilage, in
a recent subject, to receive the tooth-like process of the second
vertebra. On each side of it a small rough sinuosity may be
remarked, where the ligaments going to the sides of the tooth-
like process of the following vertebra are fastened ; and on each
side a small rough protuberance and a depression is observable,
where the transverse ligament, which secures the tooth-like
process in the sinuosity, is fixed, and hinders that process from
injuring the medulla spinalis in the flexions of the head.
The atlas has as little spinous process as body; but, instead
of it, there is a large bony arch, that the muscles which pass
over this vertebra at that place might not be hurt in extending
the head. On the posterior and upper part of this arch, there
are two depressions, where the recti postici minores muscles take
their rise ; and at the lower part are two other sinuosities, into
which the ligaments that connect this bone to the following one
are fixed.
The superior oblique processes, of the atlas are large, and
more horizontal than those of any other vertebra. They form
an oblong concave surface which has an internal aspect, and
corresponds exactly with the articulating surface on the external
side of each condyle of the os occipitis. Under the external
edge of the posterior part of each of these cavities is the fossa,
or deep open channel, in which the vertebral arteries make the
circular turn, as they are about to enter the great foramen of the
occipital bone, and where the tenth pair of nerves go out. In
some subjects, this fossa is covered with bone. The inferior
oblique processes, extending from within outwards and down-
wards, are large, circular, and slightly concave. So that this
vertebra, contrary to the other six, receives the bones with which
it is articulated, both above and below. \
The transverse processes of this vertebra are not much hol-
lowed or forked ; but are longer and larger than those of
any other vertebrae of the neck, for the origin and insertion
of several muscles ; and, therefore, those muscles which move
this vertebra on the second, have a considerable lever to act
with, because of the distance of their insertion from the axis of
The hole for the medulla spinalis is larger in the atlas than
in any other vertebra, not only on account of the medulla being
largest here, but also to prevent its being hurt by the motions of
this vertebra on the second. This large hole, and the long
transverse processes, make this the brqadest vertebra of the neck.
The condyles of the os occipitis move forwards and backwards
in the superior oblique processes of this vertebra ; but from the
figure of the bones forming these articulations, it is evident that
very little motion can here be" allowed to either side ; and there
must be still less circular motion.
The second vertebra of the neck is called dentata. It is
somewhat of a pyramidal figure, being large, and extended down-
wards, especially in front, to enter into a hollow of the vertebra
below ; while the upper part has a long process, with its extre-
mity formed into an obtuse point. This process, from its sup-
posed resemblance to a tooth, has given name to the vertebra.
The side of it, on which the concave surface of the anterior arch
of the first vertebra plays, is convex, smooth, and covered
with a cartilage ; and it is of the same form behind, to accom-
modate the ligament which is extended transversely from one
rough protuberance of the first vertebra to the other, and is
cartilaginous in the middle. A ligament likewise goes out in
an oblique transverse direction, from each side of the processus
dentatus, to be fixed at its other end to the first vertebra, and
Fig. 34.* to the occipital bone ; and another liga-
ment rises up from near the point of the
process to the os occipitis.
The superior oblique processes of the
vertebra dentata are large, circular,
very nearly in a horizontal position, and
slightly convex, to be adapted to the
inferior oblique processes of the first
* A lateral view of the axis or vertebra dentata. 1. The body. 2. The dentated
or odontoid process. 3. The smooth surface on the anterior face of the tooth-like
or dentated process, which articulates with the posterior face of the anterior arch
of the atlas. 4. The lamina. 5. The spinous process. 6. The transverse pro-
cess pierced obliquely by the foramen for the vertebral artery. 7. The superior
oblique or articular process. 8. The inferior articular process.
vertebra. The inferior oblique processes of this vertebra
answer exactly to the description given of those common to
all the cervical vertebrae.
The transverse processes of the vertebra dentata are short,
very little hollowed at their upper part, and not forked at their
ends ; and the canals through which the vertebral arteries pass,
are reflected outwards about the middle of each process, so that
the course of these vessels may be directed towards the trans-
verse processes of the first vertebra. Had this curvature of the
arteries been made in a part so movable as the neck is, while
they were not defended by a bone and placed in the cavity of
that bone, scarce a motion could have been performed without
the utmost hazard of compression. This is the third instance,
of similar mechanism in cases of sudden curvature of arte-
ries. The first is the passage of the carotids through the
temporal bones ; and the second is that lately described, where
the vertebral arteries turn round the oblique processes of the
first vertebra, to come at the great hole of the occipital bone.
The spinous process of this vertebra is thick, strong, and
short, to give sufficient origin to the musculi recti majores and
obliqui inferiores, and to prevent the contusion of the^se and
other muscles in pulling the head back.
The four cervical vertebras which are next in order have
nothing particular in their structure, but agree with the general
description. The seventh vertebra approaches the form of those
of the back, having the upper and lower surfaces less excavated
than the others. The oblique processes are more perpendicular ;
and the spinous as well as transverse processes are without
After an examination of the condyles of the os occipitis, and
of the whole structure of the atlas and vertebra dentata, it will
be evident, that the flexion and extension of the head, or its
motion backwards and forwards, is effected by the movements
of the condyles of the occipital bone on the atlas ; and that in
the rotation of the head, the atlas revolves to a certain degree
round the processus dentatus of the second vertebra : the head
necessarily moving with it.
The TWELVE DORSAL may be distinguished from the other
vertebra of the spine by the following marks.
Their bodies are of a middle size, between those of the neck
and loins. They are more convex before than either of the
other two sorts ; and are flattened laterally by the pressure
of the ribs, which are inserted into small cavities formed in
their sides. This flatness of their sides, which makes the figure
of these vertebrae almost a ^ialf oval, is of great use ; as it
affords a firm articulation to the ribs, allows the tracheal tube
to divide at a small angle, and the other large vessels to run
secure from the action of the vital organs. Their bodies are
more concave behind than any of the other two classes. The
upper and lower surfaces are horizontal.
The cartilages interposed between the bodies of these verte-
brae are thinner than in any other of the true vertebrae ; and
contribute to the concavity of the spine in the thorax, by being
thinnest in their forepart.
The oblique processes are placed almost perpendicularly :
the upper ones slanting but a little forwards, and the lower
ones slanting as much backwards. The convexity or concavity
is not so remarkable as to require particular notice. Between
the oblique processes of opposite sides several sharp processes
stand out from the upper and lower parts of the plates which
join to form the spinous processes : into these sharp processes
strong ligaments are fixed for connecting the vertebrae.
The transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae are long,
thicker at their ends than in the middle, and turned obliquely
backwards, which may be owing to the pressure of the ribs ;
the tubercles of which are inserted into a depression near the
end of these processes.
The spinous processes are long, small-pointed, and sloping
downwards and backwards. From their upper and back
part a ridge rises, which is received by a small channel in the
forepart of the spinous process immediately above, which is
here connected to it by a ligament.
The canal for the spinal marrow is here more circular, but
corresponding to the size of that chord, is smaller than in any
of the other vertebrae; and a larger share of the holes in the
Fig. 35.* bony bridges for the transmission
of the nerves, is formed in the
vertebra above than in the one
The connexion of the dorsal
vertebrae to the ribs, the thinness
of their cartilages, the erect situa-
tion of the oblique processes, the
length, sloping, and connexion of
the spinous processes, all contribu-
ting to restrain these vertebrae from
much motion, which might disturb the actions of the heart and
lungs ; and in consequence of the little motion allowed here, the
intervertebral cartilages sooner shrivel, by becoming more solid ;
and therefore the first remarkable curvature of the spine
observed, as people advance to old age, is in the least stretched
vertebrae of the back ; or old people first become round-shoul-
The bodies of the four uppermost dorsal vertebrae deviate
from the rule, that the vertebrae become larger as they descend ;
for the first of the four is the largest, and the other three below
gradually become smaller, to allow the trachea and large ves-
sels to divide at smaller angles.
The two uppermost vertebras of the back, instead of being
very prominent forwards, are flattened by the action of the
musculi longi colli and recti majores.
The proportional size of the two little depressions in the
body of each vertebra for receiving the heads of the ribs seems
to vary in the following manner : the depression on the upper
edge of each vertebra decreases as far down as the fourth, and,
after that, increases.
* A lateral view of a dorsal vertebra. 1. The body. 2. 2. Articular facets
for the head of the ribs. 3. The pedicle. 4. The superior intervertebral notch.
5. The inferior intervertebral notch. 6. The spinous process. 7. The extremity
of the transverse process marked by an articular surface for the tubercle of the
rib. 8. The two superior oblique processes looking backwards. 9. The two
inferior oblique processes looking forwards.
The transverse processes are longer in each lower vertebra
to the seventh or eighth, with their smooth surfaces, for the
tubercles of the ribs, facing gradually more downwards ; but
afterwards, as they descend, they become shorter, and the
smooth surfaces are directed more upwards.
The spinous processes of the vertebrse of the back become
gradually longer and more slanting from the first, as far down
as the eighth or ninth vertet5ra ; from which they manifestly
turn shorter and more erect.
The first vertebra, besides an oblong hollow in its lower
edge that assists in forming the cavity wherein the second rib
is received, has the whole cavity for the head of the first rib
formed in it.
The eleventh often has the whole cavity for the eleventh rib
in its body, and wants the smooth surface on each transverse
The twelfth always receives the whole head of the last rib,
and has no smooth surface on its transverse processes, which
are very short. The smooth surfaces of its inferior oblique
processes face outwards as the lumbar do. In general the
upper vertebra of the back lose gradually their resemblance to
x those of the neck, and the lower ones approach gradually to the
figure of the lurnbar.
Fig. 36.* The LUMBAR VERTEBRA are
five bones, that may be distin-
guished from any others by these
marks: 1. Their bodies, though
of a circular form at their fore-
part, are somewhat oblong from
one side to the other. The
epiphysis on their edges are
larger ; and therefore the upper and lower surfaces of their
bodies are more concave than in the vertebrse of the back.
* A lateral view of the lumbar vertebra. 1. The body. 2. The pedicle. 3.
The superior intervertebral notch. 4. The inferior intervertebral notch. 5. The
spinous process. 6. The transverse process. 7. The superior articular processes.
8. The inferior articular processes.
The pedicles are very strong, the lamella or laminae, see page
139, are thick and narrow. 2. The cartilages between these
vertebra are very thick, and render the spine convex within
the abdomen, by their great thickness anteriorly. 3. The
oblique processes are strong and deep ; the superior, which are
concave, facing inwards, and the convex inferior ones facing
outwards ; and therefore each of these vertebrae receives the
one above it, and it is received by the one below, which is not
so evident in the other two classes already described. 4. Their
transverse processes are small, long, and almost horizontal, for
allowing large motion to each bone, and sufficient insertion to
muscles, and for supporting and defending the internal parts.
5. Between the roots of the superior oblique and transverse
processes, a small protuberance may be observed, where some
of the muscles that raise the trunk of the body are inserted. 6.
Their spinous processes are strong, straight, and horizontal, with
broad flat sides, and a narrow edge above and below; this last
being depressed on each side, by muscles ; and, at the root of
these edges, we see rough surfaces for fixing the ligaments. 7.
The medullary canal is larger in these bones than in the dorsal
vertebrae. 8. The holes for the passage of the nerves are more
equally formed out of both the contiguous vertebrae than in the
other classes ; the upper one furnishes, however, the larger share
of each hole.
The thick cartilages between these lumbar vertebrae, their
deep oblique processes, and their erect spinous processes, are all
fit for allowing large motion, though it is not so great as what
is performed in the neck ; which appears from comparing the
arches that the head describes when moving on the neck or the
loins only.
The lumbar vertebrae, as they descend, have their oblique
processes at a great distance from each other, and facing more
backward and forwards.
The transverse and spinal processes of the first and last lumbar
vertebrae are shorter than those in the middle.
The epiphyses round the edges of the bodies of the lumbar
vertebrae are most raised in the two lowest; which conse-
quently make them appear hollower in the middle than the
others are.
The body of the fifth vertebrae is rather thinner "than that of
the fourth. The spinous process of this fifth is smaller, and the
oblique processes face more backwards and forwards, than those
of any other lumbar vertebrae.
In consequence of this particular construction, the spine is
capable of flexion, principally in an interior and lateral direc-
tion, and also of extension. It ought to be remarked, that
during flexion it forms a curve, and not an angle ; for, in the
last case, the spinal marrow would be more or less com-
The cervical vertebrae have most motion, and the dorsal the
least. This circumstance is fully explained by the form of the
different parts of these vertebrae, and the difference in the thick-
ness of the intervertebral substance. The necessity of fixing
the dorsal vertebrae is very evident: as their motion would
greatly interfere with the motion of the ribs in respiration.
The lumbar vertebrae have more motion than is commonly
supposed ; for, in addition to a certain degree of flexion, they
perform a species of rotation or twisting, which is very observa-
ble in persons who are diseased in one of their hip joints ; such
persons move their whole pelvis, by a rotation of the lumbar
vertebrae, to avoid moving the diseased joint.
The first cause, the predisposing cause of spinal curvatures
is the relative feebleness of the spinal column, compared to the
forces exercised upon it, at the same time that the bones, by a
premature increase, or by a lesion of nutrition as yet little
known, do not acquire the degree of solidity necessary to resist
the action of the muscles, and especially the weight of the vis-
cera contained in the head and chest. There results from this
necessarily a curvature in some direction at one of the points of
the lever.
The direction of the curvature will be determined by the
inequality of the forces brought into play around it. For with-
out this inequality, the curvature would be direct ; that
is, straight. It has place ordinarily to the left, because
the muscles of the right side, stronger than those of the left,
draw the vertebra in that direction, as Ludvvig first pointed out.
False Vertebra.
The lower pyramid or under part of the spine, consists of one
large triangular bone, called the os sacrum, and of some small
bones, denominated the os coccygis.
These bones are called the false vertebrae, because the sacrum
in young subjects is composed of five distinct bones, each of
which has some resemblance to a vertebra ; but they are com-
pletely united in the adult, and form but one bone, which is
supposed to have been denominated sacrum, because it was
offered in sacrifice by the ancients.
The os sacrum is of a triangular form, with its base upwards.
It is concave anteriorly, and convex posteriorly. The middle
of the bone, when viewed anteriorly, appears to be composed of
the bodies of five vertebrae, united to each other, and their union
is marked by four transverse lines. At the two extremities of;
each of these lines, are large round holes, which communicate \
with the vertebral cavity of the bone.
On the exterior sides of these holes the surface is free from
any marks of the original separation.
The middle of the upper surface, or base of the bone, is
formed for articulating with the last lumbar vertebra, and has
two oblique t - processes, with a groove in each side, which forms
part of the foramen for transmitting the twenty-fourth pair of
The back part of the os sacrum is rough and convex ; in the
middle there are commonly three processes similar to the spinous
processes of the lumbar vertebrae, and a fourth, which is much
smaller. Below this, there is a deficiency of the bony spine,
and the vertebral cavity is consequently open behind, but the
sides of the canal continue lower down.
On each side of the spinous processes are four smaller holes,
which are opposite to the larger holes on the anterior surface.
Between the spinous processes and the anterior part, which
Fig. 37.* resembles the bodies of vertebrae, is
the continuation of the vertebral
cavity which contains the spinal
marrow. From the cauda equina,
contained in this cavity, the great
nerves of the lower extremities pass
off} through the large holes on the
antwior surface, and some small
nerves through the posterior holes.
In some bones the spinous pro-
cesses are" entirely deficient, and
the cavity above mentioned is completely open behind ; but the
contained parts are defended by strong membranes.
The anterior part of each lateral surface is covered by a
plate of cartilage, and articulated to the os ilium. The poste-
rior part is rough, and perforated by the fibres of the strong
ligaments, which are inserted into it.
On the posterior surface of the sacrum, the sides of the open
part of the vertebral canal terminate, so as to form a notch
through which passes the twenty-ninth pair of nerves.
The os sacrum is very spongy, and is lighter in proportion to
its bulk than any bone in the body: it is defended by the
muscles that cover it, and the ligaments which adhere to it. It
is articulated, above, to the last lumbar vertebrae ; below, to the
os coccygis by its apex and two cornua ; and on the sides, to
the ossa ilia.
That triangular chain of bones depending from the os
sacrum, in which each bone becomes smaller as it descends,
till the last ends in a small tubercle, is called os coccygis. It
is convex behind, and concave before ; from which crooked
* The sacrum seen upon its anterior surface. 1, 1. The transverse lines
marking the original constitution of the bone of four pieces. 2, 2. The anterior
sacral foramina. 3. The promontory of the sacrum. 4. The ear-shaped surface
which articulates with the ilium. 5. The sharp edge to whjch the sacro-ischiatic
ligaments are attached. 6. The vertebral 'articular surface. 7. The broad tri-
angular surface which supports the psoas muscle and lumbosacral nerve. 8.
The articular process of the right side. 9. The inferior extremity, or apex of
the sacrum. 10. One of the sacral cornua. 11. The notch which is converted
into a foramen by the coccyx.
pyramidal figure, which was thought to resemble a cuckoo's
beak, the name is derived.
There are four pieces in people of middle age. In children,
they are almost wholly cartilaginous. In old subjects, all the
bones are united, and become frequently one continued bone
with the os sacrum.
The highest of the four bones is the largest, with shoulders
extended farther to each side than the end of the os sacrum ;
which enlargement may serve as a distinguishing mark to fix
the limits of either bone. The upper surface of this bone is a
little hollow. From the back of that bulbous part called its
shoulders, a process often rises up on each side, to join with
the os sacrum. Sometimes these shoulders are joined to the
sides of the open end of the vertebral canal, to form the hole
in each side common to these two bones, for the passage of the
twenty-ninth pair of spinal nerves. Immediately below the
shoulders of the os coccygis, a notch may be remarked on each
side, where the thirtieth pair of the spinal nerves passes. The
lower end of this bone is formed into a small head, which very
often is hollow in the middle.
The three lower bones gradually become smaller, and are
spongy,, but are strengthened by a strong ligament, which
covers and connects them. Their ends, by which they are
articulated, are formed in the same manner as those of the first
Between each of these four bones of young subjects a carti-
lage is interposed ; therefore their articulation is analogous to
that of the bodies of the vertebrae of the neck ; for the lower
end of the os sacrum, and of each of the three superior bones
of the os coccygis, has a small depression in the middle ; and
the upper part of all the bones of the os coccygis, is a little
concave, and, consequently, the interposed cartilages are thick-
est in the middle, to fill up both cavities ; by which they
connect the bones more firmly. When the cartilages ossify,
the upper end of. each bone is formed into a cavity, exactly
adapted to the protuberant lower end of the bone immediately
above. From this sort of articulation, it is evident that, unless
when these bones grow together, all of them are capable of
motion ; of which the first and second enjoy the largest share.
The lower end of the fourth bone terminates in a rough point,
to which a cartilage is appended.
To the sides of these bones of the os coccygis, the coccygaei
muscles, and part of the levatores ani, and of the glutaei maximi,
are fixed.
The connexions of thes% bones hinder them from being
moved to either side ; and their motion backwards and for-
wards is much confined : yet, as their ligaments can be stretched
by a considerable force, it is of great advantage in the excretion
of the faeces alvinae, and much more in child-bearing, that these
bones should remain movable ; and the right management of
them, in delivering women, is very important. The mobility
of the os coccygis diminishing as people advance in age,
especially when its ligaments and cartilages have not been
kept flexible by being stretched, is, probably, one reason why
women, who are advanced in years before they marry, have gen-
erally difficult parturition.
These bones serve to sustain the intestinum rectum ; and,
therefore, are curved forwards ; by which they are preserved,
as well as the muscles and teguments, from any injury when
sitting with the body inclined back.
The Vertebral Cavity for containing the Spinal Marrow.
The canal, formed by the foramina of the different vertebrae,
when these bones are placed in their natural order, extends
from the great occipital foramen to the end of the sacrum. Its
direction varies with the different curvatures of the spine, and
its figure and diameter are also very different in different
In the cervical vertebrae, it is largest, and nearly triangular
in form ; in the dorsal, it is much smaller and almost cylin-
drical ; in the lumbar, it is somewhat enlarged, and approaches
again to the triangular figure ; in the sacrum, it is broad, but flat,
and diminishes gradually, so as to assume the form of a long
It has a ligamentous lining, which will be described, when an
account is given of the fresh bones and their ligaments.
The Thorax.
The thorax resembles a flattened cone, cut away obliquely at
its basis ; and regularly truncated at its apex.
It is formed by the dorsal vertebrae behind, the ribs on the
sides, and the sternum before.
The Ribs
Are long crooked bones, placed in an oblique direction
downwards as respects the back-bone. - Their number is gene-
rally twelve on each side ; though sometimes eleven or thirteen
have been found.
They are convex externally, and concave internally. They
are made smooth by the action of the contained parts, which, on
this account, are in no danger of being hurt by them.
The ribs approach towards a round form at their extremities,
near the vertebrae. Farther forwards they are flat and broad,
and have an upper and lower edge ; each of which is made
rough by the action of the intercostal muscles inserted into
them. These muscles being all of nearly equal force, and
equally stretched in the interstices of the ribs, prevent the
broken ends of these bones, in a fracture, from being removed
far out of their natural place, to interrupt the motion of the vital
organs. The upper edge of the ribs is more obtuse, and
rounder than the lower, which is deepened on its internal side
by a long fossa, for lodging the intercostal vessels and nerves :
on each side of which there is a ridge, to which the intercostal
muscles are fixed. The fossa is not observable at the ends of
the ribs ; for, at the posterior, or root, the vessels have not yet
reached the bones ; and, at .the fore end, they are split away
into branches, to serve the parts between the ribs.
From this situation of the blood-vessels, has originated the
rule adopted by surgeons, that the incision, in cases of empyema,
&c., should be made midway between the spine and sternum,
and that the lower edge of the upper rib should be avoided.
* ' ~ ^
Fig. 38.* At the posterior end of
each rib, a little head is
formed, which is divided
by a middle ridge into two
flat or hollow surfaces ;
the lowest of which is ge-
nerally the broadest and
deepest. The two surfaces
are joined to the bodies of
two different vertebrae,
and the ridge forces itself
into the intervening carti-
lages. A little way from
this head, we find, on the
external surface, a small
cavity, where mucilagi-
nous glands are lodged ;
and round the head, the bone appears spongy, where the
capsular ligament of the articulation is fixed. Immediately
beyond this, a flattened tubercle rises, with a small cavity at
its root, which is surrounded by a roughness, for the articula-
tion of the rib with the transverse process of the lowest of the
two vertebrae, with which the head of the rib is joined.
Advancing farther on this external surface, another smaller
tubercle may be observed in most cases, into which ligaments
connecting the ribs to each other, and to the transverse pro-
cesses of the vertebrae and portions of the longissimus dorsi,
are inserted. Beyond this, these bones are made flat by the
sacro-lumbalis muscle, which is inserted into the part of this
flat surface farthest from the spine, where each rib makes a
considerable curve, called by some its angle. Then the rib
* An anterior view of the thorax. J . The superior piece of the sternum. 2.
The middle piece. 3. The inferior piece, or ensiform cartilage. 4. The first
dorsal vertebra. 5. The last dorsal vertebra. 6. The first rib. 7. Its head.
8. Its neck, resting against the transverse process of the first dorsal vertebra.
9. Its tuberosity. 10. The seventh or last true rib. 11. The costal cartilages of
the true ribs. 12. The two last false ribs the floating ribs. 13. The groove
along the lower border of the rib for the lodgment of the intercostal vessels and
begins to turn broad, and continues so to its anterior end, which
is hollow and spongy, for the reception of, and firm coalition
with, the cartilage that runs thence to be inserted into the^ter-
num, or to be joined with some other cartilage. In adults, the
cavity at this end of the ribs is generally smooth.
The substance of the ribs is spongy, cellular, and only covered
with a very thin external lamellated surface, which increases in
thickness and strength as it approaches the vertebrae.
To the fore end of each rib a long, broad, and strong cartilage
is fixed, which reaches the sternum, or is joined to the cartilage
of the next rib. This course, however, is not in a straight line
with the rib : for the cartilages generally make a considerable
flexure, the concave part of which is upwards; therefore, at
their insertion into the sternum, they make an obtuse angle
above, and an acute one below. These cartilages are of such a
length as never to allow the ribs to come to a right angle with
the spine ; but they keep them situated so obliquely as to make
the angle very considerably obtuse above, till a force exceeding
the elasticity of the cartilage is applied. These cartilages, as
all others, are firmer and harder internally than they are on
their external surface ; and, sometimes, in old people, all their
middle substance becomes bony, while a thin cartilaginous
lamella appears externally. The ossification, however, begins
frequently at the external surface. The greatest alternate
motions of the cartilages being made at their great curvature,
that part remains frequently cartilaginous after all the rest is
The ribs then are articulated at each end, and that behind
is doubly joined to the vertebrae ; for the head is received into
the cavities of two bodies of the vertebra?, and a larger tubercle
is received into the depression in the transverse process of the
lower vertebrae. When we examine the double articulation, we
must immediately see, that no other motion can here be allowed
than upwards and downwards. Since the transverse process
hinders the ribs to be thrusted back, the resistance of the sternum
on the other side prevents the ribs coming forward ; and each
of the two joints, with the other parts attached, oppose its
turning round. But then it is likewise as evident, that even
the motion upwards and downwards can be but small in any
one rib at the articulation itself. But as the ribs advance
forwards, the distance from their centre of motion increasing,
the motion must be larger ; and it would be very conspicuous
at their anterior ends, were they not resisted there by the car-
tilages which yield so little, that the principal motion is per-
formed by the middle part of the ribs, which turns outwards
and upwards, and occasions the twist remarkable in the long
ribs at the place near their fore end where they are more
The ribs differ from each other in the following respects :
The upper rib is the most crooked ; and as they descend
they become straighter. Their obliquity, with respect to the
spine, increases as they descend, so that though their distances
from each other are nearly equal at their back part, yet at their
fore ends the distances between the lower ribs must increase.
In consequence of this increased obliquity of the lower ribs,
each of their cartilages makes a greater curve in its progress
from the rib towards the sternum ; and the tubercles that are
articulated to the transverse processes of the vertebrae, have
their smooth surfaces gradually facing more upwards. The
ribs becoming thus more oblique, while the sternum advances
forwards in its descent, makes the distance between the sternum
and the anterior end of the lower ribs greater than between the
sternum and the ribs above ; consequently, the cartilages
of those ribs that are joined to the breast bone are longer in the
lower than in the higher ones. These cartilages are placed
nearer to each other as the ribs descend, which occasions their
curvature to be greater.
The length of their ribs increases fromthe first and upper-
most rib, as far down as the seventh ; and from that to the
twelfth, it gradually diminishes. The superior of the two
surfaces, by which the ribs are articulated to the bodies of the
vertebras, gradually increases from the first to the fourth rib,
and is diminished after that in each lower rib. The distance
of their angles from the heads always increases as they
descend to the ninth, because of the greater breadth of the sacro-
lumbalis muscle.
The ribs are commonly divided into true and false.
The true ribs are the seven uppermost of each side. Their
cartilages are all gradually longer as they descend, and are joined
to the breast bone : so that, being pressed constantly between
two bones, they are flattened at both ends ; and are thicker,
harder, and more liable to ossify than the other cartilages that
are not subject to so much pressure. These bones include the
heart and lungs ; and therefore are called true ribs.
The five inferior ribs of each side are the false, whose carti-
lages do not reach to the sternum ; but on this account having
less pressure, their substance is softer. To these five ribs the
circular edge of the diaphragm is connected.
The first rib of each side is so situated, that the flat sides are
above and below, while one edge is placed inwards, and the
other outwards, or nearly so ; therefore sufficient space is left
above it for the subclavian vessels and the muscles ; and the
broad concave surface is opposed to the lungs. But in conse-
quence of this situation, the channel for the intercostal vessels is
not to be found. The head of this rib is not divided into two
plane surfaces by a middle ridge, because it is only articulated
with the first vertebra of the thorax. Its cartilage is frequently
ossified in adults, and is united to the sternum at right angles.
This first rib frequently has a ridge rising near the middle of its
posterior edge, where one of the heads of the scalenii muscles
rises. Farther forward it is flattened, or sometimes depressed
by the clavicle.
The position of the second rib is such that its two broad
surfaces have oblique aspects, inward and downwards, outwards,
and upwards, so as to make the surface of the thorax uniform :
and it may be observed of all the ribs, that the aspect of their
surfaces is varied upon this principle, according to their situation
in the thorax.
The sixth, seventh, and eighth ribs have their cartilages
nearly contiguous. They are frequently joined to each other
by cross cartilages ; and frequently the cartilages of the eighth,
ninth, and tenth, are connected to the former, and to each other
by firm ligaments.
The eleventh, and sometimes the tenth rib, has no tubercle
for its articulation with the transverse process of the vertebra,
to which it is only loosely fixed by ligaments. The fossa, in its
lower edge, is not so deep as in the upper ribs ; because the
vessels run more towards the interstice between the ribs. Its
front end is smaller than its Ibody ; and its short small cartilage
is but loosely connected to the cartilage of the rib above.
The twelfth rib is the shortest and straightest. Its head is
only articulated with the last vertebra of the thorax ; and
therefore is not divided into two surfaces. This rib is not
joined to the transverse process of the vertebra, and therefore
has no tubercle, being often pulled necessarily inwards by the
diaphragm, which an articulation with the transverse process
would not have allowed. The fossa is not found at its upper
edge, because the vessels run below it. The forepart of this
rib is smaller than its middle, and has only a very small pointed
cartilage fixed to it. To its whole internal side the diaphragm
is connected.
The Sternum
Is the broad flat bone, in the front part of the thorax. In
adults it is composed of three pieces, which easily separate
after the cartilages connecting them are destroyed. . The two
lower pieces are frequently found intimately united ; and very
often, in old people, the sternum is a continued bony substance
from one end to the other ; though we still observe two, some-
times three, transverse lines on its surface ; which are marks of
the former divisions.
The sternum, considered as one bone, is broadest and thickest
above, and smaller as it descends. The internal surface of this
bone is somewhat concave for enlarging the thorax : but the
convexity on the external surface is not so conspicuous, because
the sides are pressed outwards by the true ribs ; the round
heads of whose cartilages are received into seven smooth pits,
formed in each side of the sternum, and are kept firm there by
strong ligaments, which, on the external surface, have a par-
ticular radiated texture. The pits, at the upper part of the
sternum, are at the greatest distance one from another, and
as they descend, are nearer ; so that the two lowest are con-
The substance of the breast bone is cellular, with a very thin
external plate, especially on its internal surface, where we may
frequently observe a cartilaginous crust spread over it. On
both surfaces, however, a strong ligamentous membrane is
closely braced ; and the cells of this bone are so small, that a
considerable quantity of osseous fibres must be employed in
the composition of it. Whence, with the defence which the
muscles give it, and the movable support it has from the
cartilages, it is sufficiently secured from being broken : for it is
strong by its quantity of bone ; its parts are kept together by
ligaments ; and it yields enough to elude considerably any
violence offered.
The three pieces which compose this bone are very different
from each other.
The first piece resembles a triangle, with the corners cut off.
The upper edge of it is thick, and has a regular depression in
the middle, to accommodate the trachea. On each side of this
depression is a superficial cavity, which, on viewing it trans-
versely, from before backwards, appears a little convex. Into
these cavities the ends of the clavicles are received. Imme-
diately below them, the sides of this bone become thinner ; and
in each a superficial cavity, or a rough surface is to be seen,
where the first ribs are received or joined to the sternum. In
the side of the under end of this first bone, the half of the pit
for the second rib on each side is formed. The upper part of
the surface behind is covered with a strong ligament, which
secures the clavicles ; and is afterwards to be more particularly
taken notice of.
The second, or middle division of this bone, is much longer,
narrower, and thinner, than the first; but, excepting that it is
a little narrower above than below, it is nearly uniform in its
dimensions of breadth or thickness. In the sides of it are com-
plete pits for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs, and one
half of the pits for the second and seventh ; the lines, which
are marks of the former division of this bone, being extended
from the middle of the pits of one side, to the middle of the
corresponding pits of the other side. Near its middle an un-
ossified part of the bone has sometimes been found ; which,
freed of the ligamentous membrane or cartilage that fills it, is
described as a hole. When the cartilage between this and the
first bone is not ossified, a manifest motion of this upon the
first may be observed in respiration ; or in raising the sternum,
by pulling the ribs upwards ; or distending the lungs with air,
in a recent subject.
The third bone is much less than the other two, and has
only one half of the pit for the seventh rib formed in it ; where-
fore it might be reckoned only an appendix of the sternum.
In young subjects it is always cartilaginous, and is better known
by the name of cartilago-xiphoides or ensiformis, than any
other. This third bone is seldom of the same figure, mag-
nitude, or situation, in any two subjects ; for, sometimes, it is
triangular ; with one of the angles below, and perpendicular to
the middle of the upper side, by which it is connected to
the second bone. In other persons, the point is turned to
one side ; or obliquely forwards or backwards. Frequently it
is nearly of an equal breadth, and often it is bifurcated ; some-
times, also, it is unossified in the middle. In the greatest number
of adults, it is ossified, and tipped with a cartilage ; in some,
one half of it is cartilaginous ; and in others, it is all in a car-
tilaginous state.
The sternum is joined by cartilages to the seven upper ribs,
except when the first coalesce with it. It is also articulated
with the clavicles.
It contributes to the formation of the cavity of the thorax,
and supports the mediastinum. As a movable fulcrum for the
ribs, it assists in respiration ; and it affords origin and insertion
to several muscles.
The movement of the Ribs and Sternum in respiration.
The ribs and their cartilages are articulated to the spine
behind, and the sternum before, in a way which admits of a
compound motion.
They are drawn from a position which slopes obliquely
downwards and forwards, into one which is more horizontal ;
and the posterior extremity of each rib, which is the centre of
this motion, is moved very little, while the anterior extremity
moves much more.
At the same time, the ribs perform a rotation outwards,
upon their extremities connected with the spine and sternum ;
in consequence of which, the middle of each rib is moved out-
wards to a considerable extent.
It is very obvious, that, by these motions, the thorax must be
enlarged from side to side, and from behind forwards.
As the ribs are raised from the oblique towards the horizontal
position, the sternum is necessarily moved forward by them;
and, if this bone does not move upon the first rib, the rib must
move to accommodate it : a small motion at the articulation of
the rib with the spine, being sufficient to produce considerable
motion at the lower end of the sternum. The sternum, there-
fore, vibrates forward when the ribs are elevated, and backward
when they are depressed.
In easy respiration, these motions are not very great, for then
the enlargement of the thorax appears to be produced by the
increase of its vertical diameter, in consequence of the descent
of the diaphragm ; but when the inspirations are very large,
and when the descent of the diaphragm is impeded, as in
pregnancy, and in a^cites, these motions are very considerable.
It ought to be observed, that the first rib has very little motion,
except the rotation which favors the motion of the sternum ; and
that the lower ribs, having no support at their anterior extremi-
ties, have no rotation.
The Pelvis.
The pelvis is the cavity at the lower part of the trunk, formed
by the os sacrum, os coccygis, and ossa innominata.
The ossa innominata are the two large bones which are con-
nected to the sacrum behind, and to each other by the interven-
tion of a cartilage in front.
Each of the ossa innominata is composed of three portions, in
children ; and although these are united in adults, so as to form
but one bone,- yet anatomists have generally considered the bone
as divided into its original parts, which are denominated os ilium,
os ischium, and os pubis.
The original separation was at the acetabulurn, or cavity for
receiving the head of the os femoris, which is on the outside o{
the os innominatum. The upper and posterior part of this cavity,
to the amount of two-fifths, is formed by the os ilium, two-fifths
of the inferior portion by the os ischium, and the anterior fifth
by the os pubis.
The Os Ilium
Fig. 39.* Is the largest of the three
portions. Its external sur-
face has been called its
dorsum, and the internal
concave surface its costa or
venter. The semicircular
edge at the upper part of the
bone, is named the spine or
crest; the external oblique
muscle of the abdomen is in-
serted into it, and the inter-
nal oblique, and the transver-
salis arise from it. The ends
of the spine are prominent,
and therefore are'called pro-
* The os innominatura of the right side. 1. The ilium ; its external surface.
2. The ischium. 3. The os pubis. 4. The crest of the ilium. 5. The superior
curved line. 6. The inferior curved line. 7. The surface for the glutens maxi-
mus. 8. The anterior superior spinous process. 9. The anterior inferior spinous
process. 10. The posterior superior spinous process. 11. The posterior inferior
spinous process. 12. The spine of the ischium. 13. The great sacro-ischiatic
notch. 14. The lesser sacro-ischiatic notch. 15. The tuberosity of the ischiurfij
showing its four surfaces. 16. The ramus of the ischium. 17. The body of the
os pubis. 18. The ramus of the pubis.
cesses. In front the crest terminates in the anterior superior
spinous process ; below this is another protuberance, called
the inferior anterior spinous process ; and the edge of the bone
between these two processes is curved.
Behind the crest terminates in the posterior superior spinous
process ; below this another protuberance is also observable,
(post. inf. spin, process) which is applied closely to the os
sacrum. Under this is a large notch, which, with the ligaments
that pass from the os sacrum to the os ischium, forms a foramen,
through which the great sciatic nerve, the pyriform muscle,
and some blood-vessels pass.
The external surface, or, dorsum, of the os ilium, is greatly
undulated by the action of muscles that lie upon it ; the gluteus
maximus, on the posterior, and the gluteus medius and minimus,
on the anterior parts of it. The lower part of this bone, which
contributes to the formation of the acetabulum, is the thickest.
The internal surface of the os ilium is concave, and supports
some of the intestines. From this concave surface a slight con-
cavity is continued obliquely forwards, at the inside of the
anterior inferior spinous process, where part of the psoas and
iliacus muscles, with the crural vessels and nerves pass. The
large concavity is bounded below by a sharp ridge, which runs
from behind forwards ; and, being continued with such another
ridge of the os pubis, forms a line of partition between the
cavities of the abdomen and pelvis. Into this ridge called linea
ilia innominata the broad tendon of the psoas parvus is
All the internal surface of the os ilium, behind the continu-
ance of this ridge, is very unequal : for the upper part is flat,
but spongy, where the sacro-lumbalis and longissimus dorsi
rise. Lower down, there is a transverse ridge from which
ligaments go out to the os sacrum. Immediately below this
ridge, the rough unequal cavities and prominences are placed,
which are exactly adapted to those described on the side of the
os sacrum. In the same manner, the upper part of this rough
surface is porous, for the firmer adhesion of the ligamentous
cellular substance ; while the lower part is more solid, and
covered with a thin cartilaginous skin, for its immovable arti-
culation with the os sacrum. From all the circumference of
this large unequal surface, ligaments are extended to the os
sacrum, to secure more firmly the conjunction of these bones.
The passages of the medullary vessels are very conspicuous,
both in the dorsum and costa of many ossa ilia ; but in others
they are inconsiderable.
The posterior and lower parts of these bones are thick; but
they are generally exceeding!^ thin and compact at their
middle, where they are exposed to the actions of the musculi
glutaei and iliacus internus, and to the pressure of the bowels
contained in the belly. The substance of the ossa ilia is cellu-
lar, except a thin external plate.
The Os Ischium,
Or, hip-bone, is of a middle size, between the two other parts
of the os innominatum, and of a very irregular figure. Its
extent might be marked by a horizontal line drawn a little
below the middle of the acetabulum ; for the upper bulbous
part of this bone forms rather less than the lower half of that
great cavity, and the small leg of it rises to much the same
height on the other side of the great hole common to this
bone and the os pubis.
From the upper thick part of the os ischium, a sharp process,
called by some authors spinousj stands out backwards, from
which chiefly the musculus coccygaeus and superior gemellus,
and part of the levator ani, rise ; and the anterior, or internal
sacro-sciatic ligament is fixed to it. Between the upper part
of this ligament and the bones, it was formerly observed, that
the pyriform muscle, the posterior crural vessels, and the
sciatic nerve, pass out of the pelvis. Immediately below this
process, is a depression for the tendon of the obturator internus
muscle. In a recent subject, this part of the bone serves as a
pulley on which the obturator muscle plays with a ligamentous
Below the depression of the obturator muscle, is the great
knob or tuberosity, covered with cartilage or tendon. The
upper part of the tuberosity gives rise to the inferior gemellus
os PUBIS. 167
muscle. To a ridge at the inside of this, the external, or pos-
terior sacro-sciatic ligament is so fixed, that between it, the
internal ligament, and the sinuosity of the os ischium, a passage
is left for the internal obturator muscle. The upper thick
smooth part of the tnber, called by some its dorsum, has two
oblique impressions on it. The inner one gives origin to the
long head of the biceps flexor cruris, and semitendinosus
muscles ; and the semimembranosus rises from the exterior one,
which reaches higher and nearer the acetabulum than the
other. The lower, thinner, more scabrous part of the knob,
which bends forwards, is also marked with two flat surfaces ;
whereof the internal is what we lean upon in sitting, and the
external gives rise to the largest head of the triceps adductor
femoris. Between the external margin of the tuberosity, and
the great hole of the os innominatum, there is frequently an
obtuse ridge extended down from the acetabulum, which
gives origin to the quadratus femoris. As the tuber advances
forwards, it becomes smaller, and is rough for the origin of the
musculus transversalis and erector penis. The small leg of it,
which mounts upwards to join the os pubis, is rough and prom-
inent at its edge, where the two lower heads of the triceps
adductor femoris take their rise.
The upper and back part of the os ischium is broad and
thick ; but its lower and forepart is narrower and thinner. Its
substance is of the structure common to broad bones.
The os ilium and pubis, of the same sides, are the only
bones which are contiguous to the os ischium.
The Os Pubis,
The least of the three portions of the os innominatum, is
placed at the upper and front part of it. The thick, largest
part of this bone is employed in forming the acetabulum ; from
which, becoming much smaller, it is stretched inwards to its
fellow of the other side, where it again grows larger, and
forms a surface to be connected with the cartilage of its sym-
physis and then sends a small branch downwards to join the
168 os PUBIS.
end of the small leg of the os ischium. The upper surface of
each os pubis is broad, near its junction with the cartilage of
the symphysis ; on the internal edge of this surface begins a
ridge, which is continued from it along the os ilium, and forms
the division between the cavities of the abdomen and pelvis.
This ridge is called crista, and including that on the ilium, forms
the linea innominata, or ileo-pectinea. On the anterior and ex-
ternal edge of this surface of the pubis, at a small distance from
the cartilage, is a prominence or process, called the spine. From
this process, another ridge, which is much more obtuse, extends
to the acetabulum. The upper surface of the pubis, which is
included between these ridges, is concave, for the transmission
of the crural vessels and nerve, and the psoas and iliacus
internus muscles.
Immediately below the lower ridge, and near the acetabu-
lum, a winding notch is made, which is comprehended in the
great contiguous foramen ; but is formed into a hole in the
recent subject by a subtended ligament, for the passage of the
posterior crural nerve, and artery, and vein. The internal end
of the os pubis is rough and unequal, for the firmer adhesion
of the thick ligamentous cartilage that connects it to its fellow
of the other side. The process which goes down from that to
the os ischium is broad and rough before, where the gracilis
and upper heads of the triceps adductor femoris have their
The substance of the os pubis is the same as that of other
broad bones.
Between the os ischium and pubis a very large irregular hole
is left, which has been called obturator, thyroid. The whole of
this foramen, except the notch for the posterior crural nerve, is
filled up, in a recent subject, with a strong ligamentous mem-
brane, that adheres very firmly to its circumference. From
this membrane chiefly, the two external and internal obturator
muscles take their rise. The great design of this hole, besides
rendering the bone lighter, is, to allow a strong origin to the
obturator muscles, and sufficient space for lodging them ; that
there may be no danger of disturbing the functions of the con-
tained viscera of the pelvis by the actions of the internal ; nor
of the external being bruised by the thigh bone, especially by
its lesser trochanter, in the motions of the thigh inwards : both
which inconveniences must have happened, had the ossa mnom-
inata been complete here, and of sufficient thickness and
strength, as the fixed point of these muscles.
The bowels sometimes make their way through the notch
for the vessels at the upper part of this thyroid hole ; and this
causes a hernia at this place.
The acetabulum is situated near the outside of the great
foramen. The margin of this cavity is very high, and is still
much more enlarged by the ligamentous cartilage, with which
it is tipped in a recent subject; round the base of this margin
the bone is rough and unequal, where the capsular ligament of
the articulation is fixed. At the upper and back part of the
acetabulum the margin is much larger and higher than any
where else ; which is very necessary to prevent the head of the
femur from slipping out of its cavity at this place, where the
whole weight of the body bears upon it, and consequently
might otherwise thrust it out. As the margin is extended
downwards and forwards, it becomes less ; and, at the internal
lower part, is a deficiency in it ; from the one side of which to
the other, a ligament is placed in the recent subject, under
which a large hole is left. Besides this difference in the height
of the margin, the acetabulum is otherwise unequal ; for the
lower internal part of it is depressed below the cartilaginous
surface of the upper part, and is not covered with cartilage ;
into the upper part of this particular depression, where it is
deepest, and of a semilunar form, the ligament of the thigh
bone, commonly, though improperly called the round one, is
inserted : while, in its more superficial lower part, a mass of
adipose matter is lodged. The greatest part of this separate
depression is formed in the os ischium.
The ossa innominati are joined, at their back part, to each
side of the os sacrum, by a sort of suture, with a very thin
intervening cartilage, which serves to cement these bones
together: and strong ligaments go from the circumference of
this unequal surface to connect them more firmly. They are
connected together at their forepart by the ligamentous cartilage
interposed between the two ossa pubis, and therefore have no
motion in a natural sjate, except what is common to the trunk
of the body, or to the os sacrum.
Considering the great weight that is supported in our erect
posture, by the articulation of the ossa innominati with the os
sacrum, there is great reason to think, that, if the conglutinated
surfaces of these bones were once separated, (without which
the ossa pubis cannot move on each other,) the ligaments
would be violently stretched, if not torn.
Each os innominatum affords a socket (the acetabulum) for
the thigh bones to move in ; and the trunk of the body rolls so
much on the heads of the thigh bones as to allow here the most
conspicuous motions of the trunk, which are commonly thought
to be performed by the bones of the spine.
The form of the cavity of the pelvis, at its upper opening, or
brim, is somewhat oval ; as a line drawn from one side to the
other, is about an inch longer than a line drawn from the back
to the front part of it.
This margin is well defined by the ridge on the surface of
the ossa ilia, and the upper edge of the os pubis ; but the
margin of the lower opening is very irregular ; and it ought to
be observed, that the dimensions of this opening are made less
by the sacro-sciatic ligaments, than they appear upon an
examination of the bare bones.
In consequence of the oblique position of the sacrum,
sloping downwards and backwards, the position of the pelvis
is very oblique. A line drawn through the centre of this
cavity, perpendicular to the plane of the upper orifice, or brim,
would not coincide with the vertical diameter of the cavity of
the abdomen, but would pass out of that cavity near the
This cavity, and the bones which form it, are different in the
two sexes.
In women, the brim of the pelvis is wider, and inclines more
to the oval form.
In men this opening is more circular.
The outlet or lower opening of the pelvis is also larger in
This greater size of the pelvis and its openings, in women, is
derived particularly from the following circumstances :
The os sacrum is broader, and sometimes straighter than in
The ossa ilia are flatter, and consequently the ossa ischia are
farther apart.
The ligamentous cartilage at the symphysis pubis is broader,
and shorter.
The angle formed by the crura of the ossa pubis with each
other, at the symphysis, is much larger.
The pelvis, considered as a whole, is very irregular, though
symmetrical in its shape. It has the form of a truncated cone,
or a funnel with its base upwards, curved from behind forward
with its concavity in front, and is bounded both above and
below by bony walls of unequal elevation. It is divided by the
projection of the base of the sacrum and the two ilio-pectineal
lines, into a greater and lesser pelvis, the former of which is
above. The dividing line is called the superior strait of the
lesser pelvis. The bony walls of the greater pelvis is incom-
plete. The boundaries of this cavity, are formed upon the
sides by the iliac fossa?, and behind by a notch which is nearly
filled up, when the last lumbar vertebrae is left connected with
the sacrum ;* and in front by all the wide triangular opening be-
tween the anterior superior spine of the ^lium of each side and
the symphysis pubis'which is filled up by the lower part of the
abdominal muscles. From the flaring direction of the upper
part of the ilia, the diameters of the base of this cavity, or that
towards the abdomen, is greater than those opposite the ilio-
pectineal lines.
The lesser pelvis, forms nearly an entire bony canal, and
which the student is too apt to consider as constituting the whole
pelvis. This cavity is larger at its middle than at its extremities.
It is bounded behind by the sacrum and coccyx ; in front by the
* The attachment of the lumbar muscles completes this wall behind.
j, ,-f?
to ^^L^Lr
symphysis pubis and a part of the obturator foramen ; and upon
the sides, by the bony surface which corresponds to the cotyloid
cavity. Its superior margin (superior strait,) is regular and
ovoidal in its shape. Its longest diameter is transverse. Its
inferior strait is very irregular, though symmetrical in the form
of its bony walls ; and in consequence of the posterior walls of
this pelvis being of much greater length than the anterior,
presents an oblique cut, which faces slightly forwards,
so that if its axis was extended downwards, it would
cross just above the middle of the thigh. It is bounded
behind, by the point of the coccyx ; in front, by the sym-
physis pubis ; and on the side, by the tuberosities of the
ischium. The sacro-sciatic notches and the arch of the pubis,
are filled up by ligaments and soft parts. From the general
form of the whole pelvic cavity it will then be obvious, that a
body passing through its axis from above downwards, must
advance successively in three directions : 1st, as it passes
through the greater pelvis, obliquely backwards ; 2d, vertically ;
and 3d, as it passes through the inferior strait, obliquely
For obstetrical purposes, it is necessary for the student to
have precise notions in regard to the dimensions of the pelvis.
To determine this, it is necessary to measure the superior
opening of the greater pelvis, and the two straits of the
The pelvis of the male, differs in many respects from that of
the female. In the former length predominates, in the latter,
breadth. In the female all the diameters of the pelvis are more
extensive than those of the male, which is caused by the greater
size and outward direction of the iliac fossae, from a less degree
of curvature in the iliac crests, and from the roundness of the
pubic arch which in the male forms an acute angle. In conse-
quence of the wider space which exists between -the cotyloid
cavities, the gait of the female is characterized by more lateral
rotation or waddling, than that of man. A
In a well formed woman, the different measurements are
nearly as follows :
Greater Pelvis.
- In the superior opening of the greater pelvis, we distinguish
but two diameters, both transverse. The posterior extended
from the middle of one iliac crest to the other, eleven mches.
The anterior, between the two anterior superior spinous processes
of the ilium, ten inches. From the middle of the iliac crest, to
the superior strait, three and a half inches. From the middle
of the iliac crest to the tuberosity of the ischium, (whole depth
of the pelvis) seven and a half inches nearly.*
Lesser Pelvis.
Superior Strait, sometimes called ab- Inferior Strait, or perineaL
Inches. Inches.
Antero-posUrior diameter, from Antero-posterior diameter, be-
the symphysis of the pubis to the tween the symphysis pubis andS
promontory of the sacrum, - - 4 front of the coccyx, which may be
Transverse, or iliac, which increased near an inch by the mo-
crosses the former, at a right bility of the coccyx backwards, 4
angle, ------ 5 Transverse, or ischiatic, from
Oblique, from the acetabulum of one tuberosity of the ischium to
one side, to the sacro-iliac, articu- the other, ----- 4
Lation of the other, - - - 4.J. Oblique, from the tuberosity of
the ischium of one side, to the mid-
dle of the great sacro sciatic liga-
ment of the other, nearly 4
The height of the posterior wall of the lesser pelvis,
formed by the sacrum and coccyx, (of which the
latter forms an inch,) is nearly - - 5 inches.
Height of the anterior wall formed by the os pubis, 1| "
Height of the lateral walls, - - 3J "
Thickness of the symphysis pubis, about - \ "
Depth or sine of the cavity of the sacrum,f nearly - I "
The Trunk of the Fcstus.
At birth, each vertebra consists of three pieces, connected by
* The depth or length of the pelvis is rather greater in the male than in the
f Dimensions of the child's head at birth. The long diameter, from the
vertex or posterior extremity of the sagittal suture to the chin, 5 1-4 inches ;
antero- posterior, from the middle of the frontal bone to the tubercle of the
occipital, 4 inches; transverse, from one parietal protuberance to the other,
3 1-2 inches.
cartilages, viz. : The body, not perfectly ossified ; and a bone on
each side of it, of a form almost rectangular, on which the oblique
processes are very distinguishable, and the transverse processes
may be ascertained. These bones are so applied to the body,
as to include a triangular space for the vertebral cavity. The
ends of the longest portions are nearly in contact behind ; but
the spinous process is not formed. The atlas is cartilaginous in
front, and has only the two late?al portions ossified. The verte-
bra dentata consists of four pieces ; for, in addition to the three
pieces common to the other vertebrae, the processus dentatus is a
distinct portion.
The false vertebra, of which the sacrum consists, are each
formed of three bones as the true vertebras.
The bones of the os coccygis are cartilaginous, except the
first, which is partly ossified.
The ribs are almost perfect at birth : their heads and tuber-
cles covered with cartilage. The necessity of their motion in
respiration, immediately after birth, explains this difference be
tween them, and most of the other bones of the foetus.
The sternum consists of several small bones, surrounded by
flat cartilages. Ossification goes on in these cartilages from
various points ; and the distinct bones finally unite into the three
pieces of which the sternum is finally composed.
The ossa innominata, on each side, are formed of three dis-
tinct pieces, united at the acetabulum.
The spine of the os ilium is cartilaginous ; and the lower part
of the bone is not completely ossified.
The back part of the os ischium is ossified ; but the portion
which forms the acetabulum, the tuber, and the crus, is cartila-
The upper part of the os pubis, and that portion which forms
the symphysis, are ossified. The crus, like that of the ischium,
is cartilaginous.
Of the Superior Extremities.
Each superior extremity consists of the SHOULDER, the ARM,
the FOREARM, and the HAND.
The shoulder is composed of the clavicle and scapula. It has
been supposed by some persons that the two last mentioned
bones belong properly to the thorax ; but upon examining the
motions of the upper extremity, it will appear that they fdrm an
essential part of it : and it is equally evident that they do not
contribute to the perfection of the thorax ; they are, therefore,
considered as a part of the upper extremity.
The Clavicle^
Is the long crooked bone resembling the italic /, which is
placed almost horizontally between the upper lateral part of the
sternum and the acromion, or most prominent process of the
scapula which it keeps off from the trunk of the body.
The clavicle, as well as other long bones, is larger at its two
ends than in the middle. The end next to the sternum is trian-
gular ; the angle behind is considerably protruded, to form a
sharp ridge, to which the transverse ligament, extended from one
clavicle to the other, is fixed. The side opposite to this is some-
what rounded. The middle of this protuberant end is irregularly
hollowed, as well as the cavity in the sternum for receiving it :
but, in a recent subject, the irregular concavities of both are
supplied by a movable cartilage ; which is not only much more
closely connected every where, by ligaments, to the circumference
of the articulation, than those of the lower jaw are, but it grows
to the two bones at both its internal and external end ; its sub-
stance at the external end being soft, but very strong, and
resembling the intervertebral cartilages.
From its internal end, the clavicle, for about two-fifths of its
length is bended obliquely forwards. On the upper and front
part of this curvature a small ridge is seen, with a plane rough
surface before it ; whence the sterno-hyoideus and sterno-mas-
toideus muscles have in part their origin. Near the lower angle,
a small plane surface is often to be remarked, where the first
rib and this bone are contiguous, and are connected by a firm
ligament. From this a rough plane surface is extended outwards,
where the pectoral muscle has part of its origin. Behind, the
bone is made flat and rough by the insertion of the larger
share of the subclavian muscle. The clavicle is then curved
backwards, and at first is round ; but it soon after becomes broad
and thin ; which shape it retains to its external end. Along the
external concavity a rough sinuosity runs ; from which some part
of the deltoid muscle takes its rise : opposite to this, on the con-
vex edge, a scabrous ridge gives insertion to a share of the
trapezius muscle. The upper surface of the clavicle is here flat ;
but the lower is hollow, for lodging the beginning of the musculis
subclavius ; and towards its back part a tubercle rises ; to which,
and to a roughness near it, the strong, short, thick ligament,
connecting this bone to the coracoid process of the scapula, is
The external end of this bone is oblong horizontally, smooth,
sloping at the posterior side, and tipped in a recent subject with
a cartilage, for its articulation with the acromion scapulae.
Round this the bone is spongy, for the firmer connexion of the
The surfaces of contact with this bone, and the scapula are
remarkably small, and flat also.
The medullary arteries, having their direction obliquely out-
wards, enter the clavicles by one or more small passages in the
middle of their back part.
The substance of this bone is the same as that of the other
round long bones.
The ligaments which surround the articulation of this bone
with the sternum, are so short snd strong, that little motion can
be allowed any way ; and the strong ligament that is stretched
across the upper forcula of the sternum, from the posterior
prominent angle of the one clavicle to the same place of the
other clavicle, serves to keep each of these bones more firmly
in its place. By the assistance, however, of the movable inter-
vening cartilage, the clavicle can move at this articulation, so
that the external extremity may be elevated or depressed, and
moved backwards and forwards. The whole bone may be
moved so as to describe a cone ; of which the end at the sternum
is the apex.
The movements of the scapula and arm are the objects of
these motions of the clavicle ; and the general use of the bone
is to regulate the motions of these parts.
From the situation, figure, and use of the clavicles, it is evident
that they are much exposed to fractures ; that their broken
parts must generally pass each other, and that they will be kept
in their places with difficulty.
The Scapula,
Or shoulder-Hade , is the triangular bone situated on the upper
and back part of the thorax. The back part of the scapula has
Fig. 40.* nothing but the thin ends of the
ser/atus anticus major, and sub-
scapularis muscles between it
and the ribs: but as this bone
advances forwards, its distance
from the ribs increases. The
longest side of this bone is near-
est the spine, and has an oblique
position as respects it. The up-
per or shortest side, called the
superior costa of the scapula, is
nearly horizontal, and parallel
with the second rib. The lower
.side, which is named the inferior
costa, is extended obliquely from
the third to the eighth rib. The
situation of this bone, here described, is, as when people are sit-
ting or standing, in a state of inactivity, and allowing the mem-
bers to remain in the most natural easy posture. The inferior
angle of the scapula is very acute ; the upper one is near to a
* A posterior view of the scapula. 1. The supra-spinous fossa. 2. The infra-
spinous fossa. 3. The superior border. 4. The supra-scapular notch. 5. The
anterior or inferior border. 6. The head of the scapula and glenoid cavity. 7.
The inferior angle. 8. The neck of the scapula, the ridge opposite the number
gives origin to the long head of the triceps. 9. The posterior border or base of
the scapula. 10. The spine. 11. The triangular smooth surface, over which
the tendon of the trapezius glides. 12. The acromion process. 13. One of the
nutritious foramina. 14. The coracoid process.
right angle ; and what is called the anterior does not deserve
the name, for the two sides do not meet to form an angle. The
body of this bone is concave towards the ribs, and convex
behind, where it has the name of dorsum. Three processes are
generally reckoned to proceed from the scapula. The first is the
large spine that rises from its convex surface behind, and divides
it unequally. The second process stands out from the forepart
of the upper side; and, from its imaginary resemblance to a
crow's beak, is named coracoides. The third process is the
whole thick bulbous forepart of the bone.
Into the oblique space the musculis patientia (levator scapul