ONI LAWS OP THE SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE JEWS' ORPHAN SOCIETY (Situating, |Eaintattung, Clotfjtng, antj rpfjan SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE JEWS' CONGREGATION. Instituted Nisan, 5463-1703. REVISED AND AMENDED, 56231863. FURTHER REVISED AND AMENDED, 56461885, LONDON I WERTHEIMER, LEA AND CO., PRINTERS, CIRCUS PLACE, LONDON WALL. |3 resilient. DAVID DE PASS, ESQ. ^Treasurer. ARTHUR LINDO, ESQ. Committee. DAVID A. AXDRADE, ESQ. JAMES CASTELLO, ESQ. DANIEL DE PASS, ESQ. PHILIP B. GOLDSMITH, ESQ. A. LINDO HENRY, ESQ. GABRIEL LINDO, ESQ. Hatiirs' Committee. MRS. M. CASTELLO. MRS. F. B. HALFORD. MHS. M. DE J. LEVY. MRS. ARTHUR LINDO. Miss EMMA LINDO. MRS. I. PARIENTE. Semtarg. ME. SAMUEL I. COHEN. A2 2093489 Abecasis, Aaron, Esq. Abecasis, Mrs. A. Abecasis, Mrs. J. S. Aflalo, Moses, Esq. Afriat, Judah, Esq. Andrade, Moses de Costa, Esq. Andrade, Mrs. M. de Costa. Andrade, Samuel, Esq. Andrade, David, Esq. Andrade, Joseph, Esq. Andrade, Victor S., Esq. Andrade, David A., Esq. Belisha, Isaac D., Esq. Benham, Mrs. L. Benham, Henry, Esq. Benoliel, Moses, Esq. Brandon, Gabriel S., Esq. Capua, John P., Esq. Castello, Manuel, Esq. Castello, Mrs. M. Castello, Mrs. Daniel Castello, Jacob N., Esq. Castello, James, Esq. Castello, Percy M., Esq. Cohen, Mrs. H. L. Cohen, Ernest de J., Esq. Cohen, Frederick S., Esq. Cola9o, Benjamin, Esq. De Castro, Joseph, Esq. De Pass, David, Esq. De Pass, Mrs. D. De Pass, Mrs. A. De Pass, Daniel, Esq. De Pass, Miss Jeanette. De Pass, Mrs. A. H. De Pass, Mrs. J. J. De Pass, Charles, Esq. De Pass, Horatio, Esq. De Pass, Alfred A,, Esq. Foligno, Edward, Esq. Foligno, Miss Rose. Franklin, Ellis A., Esq. Goldsmith, Philip B., Esq. Names marked thus are Life Governors. vi. Goldsmith, Miss Sarita. Guedalla, Haim, Esq. Guedalla, Mrs. H. Halford, Mrs. F. B, Hamis, David, Esq. Henry, A. Lindo, Esq. Jalfon, Isaac, Esq. Leon, Mrs, Philip, Levy, Moses de J., Esq. Levy, Mrs. M. de J. Levy, Joshua M., Esq. Levy, Miss Judith. Levi, A., Bros., Messrs. Lindo, Nethaneei, Esq. Lindo, Mrs. N. Lindo, Daniel, Esq. Lindo, Mrs. D. Lindo, Miss Miriam. Lindo, Miss Leah. Lindo, Mrs. Samuel. Lindo, Miss Emma. Lindo, Gabriel, Esq. Lindo, Arthur, Esq. Lindo, Mrs. Arthur. Lindo, Charles, Esq. Lindo, Eustace A., Esq. Mocatta, Elias, Esq. Mocatta, Isaac, Jun., Esq. Mocatta, Mrs. I. L. Mocatta, Frederick D., Esq. Mocatta, Abraham, Esq. Mocatta, E. Lumbrozo, Esq. Montefiore, Joseph Sebag, Esq. Montefiore, Alexander I., Esq. Montefiore, Mrs. J. M. Nahon, Mrs. J. Nahon, Master Raphael J. Oppenheim, Dr. L. Paiba, John P., Esq. Paiba, Mrs. J. P. Pariente, Isaac, Esq. Parieute, Mrs. I. Picciotto, Daniel, Esq. Pinto, Henry, Esq. Pinto, Mrs. H. Pinto, Miss Rica. Pinto, Abraham H., Esq. Piza, Rev. David. Pool, Salomon, Esq. Ramus, Isaac, Esq. Sassoon, Sir AlbertD., C.S.I. Sassoon, Lady. Sassoon, Mrs. S. D. Sassoon, Reuben D., Esq. Sassoon, Arthur D., Esq. Sassoon, Mrs. A. D. Seligman, Mrs. H. Tolano, Miss Stella. Wiener, Mrs. M. Yuly, Judah L., Esq. mix THE SPANISH AND POETUQUESE JEWS' OEPHAN SOCIETY. FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 54631703. LAWS. g 0f ita V THIS Society has for its objects the maintaining, clothing, educating and apprenticing Orphan boys of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation born in this country, or who may have resided therein at least two years. 2. The Institution shall be governed by a President, Treasurer, and eight Members, who together shall form the Committee of Management. The President, Treasurer, and Members of the Committee are to serve for two years, and to be eligible for re-election. 3. The Capital of the Society shall be invested in the names of four Trustees in the registered public Stocks or 8 Funds or Government Securities of the United Kingdom, or in Stock of the Bank of England, or in the inscribed Securities of or guaranteed by the Government of India, or in the purchase or mortgage of freehold or copyhold property in England, or in the Debentures or Debenture Stock of any Railway Company in Great Britain, or in any other Securities in which Trustees may for the time being be by law authorized to invest Trust Funds. Such investments shall form a Capital fund, the income of which only shall be available for the ordinary purposes of the Society. No part of such fund shall be sold, trans- ferred, or dealt with, nor shall any change of investment be made, unless so determined by a majority of the Life Governors and Subscribers present at a General Meeting, to be specially convened for the purpose. The Notice convening such Meeting shall state the purpose for which it is called. 4. Every Legacy bequeathed to the Society shall, unless the Testator shall have otherwise expressly directed, be added to the permanent funds of the Society ; and shall, as soon as conveniently may be after its receipt, be invested in one or more of the Securities hereinbefore authorized. 5. The Deeds and Documents relating to the property of the Society shall be kept at the Bankers of the Society, in a box to be deposited in the names of the Trustees. A list of the contents of such box shall be kept in the box, and a similar list shall also be furnished by the Trustees to and kept by the Treasurer. 6. There shall be the following paid Officers : a Hebrew Teacher, a Medical Officer, a Secretary, a Master, and a Matron, and such others as the Committee for the time being may think necessary. The Offices of Master and Hebrew Teacher may be combined in one person if found expedient. 7. A House shall be provided with the necessary furniture and effects for the use of the boys. 8. No enactment of new laws, or repeal or amend- ment of existing laws, shall be made without the approbation of a majority of the Members present at a Special or other General Meeting, convened by summons for that purpose, and a confirmation thereof at a subsequent General Meeting, unless the circular convening the Meeting shall have stated the enactment, repeal, or amendment proposed to be made, and the same has been passed by other than the casting vote of the Chair- man, in which case no such confirmation shall be necessary. 9. An annual subscription of twenty shillings for gentlemen, and ten shillings for ladies, shall constitute a membership. The subscriptions shall become due on the 1st January, and shall be collected annually in advance. 10. Every Member, whether a Life Governor or not, shall be entitled to one vote at all General Meetings, with A5 10 an additional vote at the election of Inmates for every extra annual subscription, provided in the whole the number of votes does not exceed ten. 11. No Member who shall be in arrear of his annual subscription shall be eligible to be on the Committee, or to vote on any occasion, until his annual subscription and arrears (if any) be first paid. 12. A Member neglecting to pay his annual subscription for three years shall be applied to for payment of the same, by notice in writing from the Secretary, and if the amount be not paid by the ensuing General Meeting, his name may be erased from the List of Subscribers. 13. Any Gentleman giving a donation of Ten Guineas in one sum shall be constituted a Life Governor, and be entitled to one vote ; every extra Five Guineas shall confer an additional vote at the election of Inmates, provided in the whole the number of votes does not exceed ten, in- cluding any votes to which he may be entitled under Clause 10. 14. Any Lady giving a donation of Five Guineas in one sum shall be constituted a Life Governor, and be entitled to one vote ; every extra Three Guineas shall confer an additional vote at the election of Inmates, not exceeding in all ten votes, including any votes to which she may be entitled under Clause 10. 11 15. Any Executor paying to the Institution a legacy of 20 or /upwards shall be constituted a Life Governor, and be 'entitled to all the privileges thereof, but should the same be paid by more than one Executor, one only shall be constituted a Life Governor. 16. The Ecclesiastical Head for the time being of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation shall be deemed to be an Honorary Member of the Society, and shall be entitled to the privileges of an annual subscriber. 17. Two General Meetings of the Governors and Members shall be held annually at the house of the Society (unless any other place is specially appointed) in the months of January and July for the election of boys (should such election be deemed expedient by the Committee) and for such other business as may occur. At the General Meeting to be held in the month of January, the report of the Committee and the Treasurer's accounts for the year ending the previous 31st December shall be presented. At the Annual General Meeting to be held in the month of July, a gentleman being a Governor or Member, shall be elected to audit the Treasurer's Account prior to the Annual General Meeting in January. At every General Meeting seven shall form a quorum. Proxies shall only be allowed at such meetings for the election of Inmates. 18. The President, or, in his absence, the Treasurer, shall be Chairman of all Meetings. If the President and A 6 12 Treasurer shall both he absent, the Governors and Members present shall elect a Member of the Committee, or if none of the Committee be present, then one of the Governors or Members present, to be Chairman. On all questions where the numbers of votes are equal, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote, in addition to the vote to which he may be entitled as a Governor or Member. 1 9. The Treasurer's Account of the Income and Expendi- ture of the Society for the previous year, and a Balance- sheet, showing the assets and liabilities of the Society on the previous 31st December having been audited, a printed copy thereof, with the report of the Committee for the previous year, and a list of the Governors and Members of the Society, and of the Orphans in the Institution, shall be transmitted to every Governor and Member at least seven days before the Meeting to be held in January. 20. The Committee, by resolution, or any seven Gover- nors or Members, by a notice in writing sent to the Secretary, may require the President to convene an extra- ordinary General Meeting within fourteen days from the date of such resolution or requisition. The object of the Meeting shall be stated in such resolution or requisition ; and, in the absence or refusal of the President to convene such Meeting, the Treasurer shall do so. Seven Gover- nors or Members at such Meeting shall form a quorum. 21. Seven days' notice at the least of every Annual, Special, or Extraordinary General Meeting, and three days' notice at least of every Committee Meeting, specifying the place, the day, and hour of Meeting, and the general nature of 13 the business to be transacted thereat, shall be given by a circular letter sent to the address of every Governor, and Member, or Committeemau, as the case may be ; but the non-receipt of such Notice by any Governor or Member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any Meeting. Nothing herein contained shall, in any case of emergency, prevent any special or Extraordinary General Meeting or any Committee Meeting being convened on a shorter Notice. 22. The Chairman may, upon the resolution of the Meeting, adjourn any Annual, Special or Extraordinary General Meeting from time to time, and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting, other than the business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place. 23. The Trustees in whom the several funds and other property belonging to the Institution are to be vested, shall be chosen from the Governors and Members at an Annual or Special General Meeting in the same way as the Presi- dent, Treasurer and Committee are hereinafter directed to be elected, and such Trustees shall stand possessed of the trust property in trust for the Institution, and to deal there- with as they may from time to time be directed by resolution of the Governors and Members, to be passed at an Annual or Special General Meeting. 24. Every Trustee shall, as soon as conveniently may be 14 after his election, sign a deed declaring that he holds the trust property upon the trusts stated in the last preceding Clause, and engaging to abide by the resolutions of the Governors and Members. 25. The Trustees or Trustee shall apply for the Divi- dends of the invested funds, rents, and other income, within one month after the same shall have become due, and on the receipt thereof shall pay the same to the Treasurer. 26. Any vacancy occasioned by the death, resignation, or incapacity of a Trustee, by his refusal to act, or by his going to reside beyond seas, shall be filled up at the next General Meeting after such vacancy shall have occurred, and every retiring Trustee shall be required to execute such deeds or documents as may be necessary for the purpose of vesting the trust property in the name of the new Trustee, together with the continuing Trustees. of J0jtorars (fffiars strtr 27. The President, Treasurer, and Committee shall be elected at the General Meeting in January, every alternate year, by show of hands, unless a ballot be demanded by three Governors or Members present at the Meeting, and in the event of two or more Governors or Members having an equal number of votes, the election between them shall be decided by seniority in Governorship or Membership. 15 28. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Office of President or Treasurer, or in the Committee during their period of service, such vacancy shall be filled up at the next General Meeting. 29. The President shall exercise a general supervision over the boys, and shall, with the assistance of the Com- mittee, superintend the general management and working of the Institution. 30. The President shall convene all Meetings, and be ex-officio a Member of all Sub-Committees. 31. The President may, whenever he thinks fit, convene a Special General Meeting, of which not less than three days' notice shall be given. 32. The Treasurer shall have the general superintend- ence of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys on account of the Institution. 33. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all moneys received by him on account of the Institution. He shall keep a proper account of all receipts and payments, and, on the audit of his accounts, he shall produce vouchers for the disbursements made. He shall also prepare, in time for circulation at least seven days before the annual General Meeting to be held in the month of January, as 16 hereinbefore provided, an account of the Income and Ex- penditure of the Society for the past year, and a Balance- sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Society. 34. The Treasurer shall keep the funds available for the ordinary purposes of the Society at the London and Westminster Bank, or such other bank as a majority of the Governors and Members of the Society may, by resolution to be passed at a General Meeting, determine on, in the joint names of himself and the Secretary for the time being. And all cheques drawn on such account shall be signed by the Treasurer and the Secretary. 35. No payments shall be made by the Treasurer except by cheque drawn on the Bankers of the Society. 36. The Treasurer shall not make any payments on account of the Society, other than for rent, rates and taxes, tradesmen's weekly bills for stores and provisions, Servants' wages, the salaries of the paid Officers, clothing for the boys, or sundry disbursements made by the Matron or Secretary, without the sanction of the Committee. 37. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees. 38. The Treasurer shall, in the absence of the President, be at liberty to convene Meetings of the Committee, or Annual or Special General Meetings. 17 39. The Treasurer shall furnish the Secretary with receipts signed by him for all moneys due to the Insti- tution. Jfuntiicrtts 0f Commit^. 40. The Committee shall meet as often as may be deemed requisite for the purpose of examining the state and improvement of the Boys, and for general purposes. At all Meetings of the Committee, except as herein otherwise provided, three shall form a quorum. 41. The Committee shall have power to appoint Sub- Committees from its own Members, and at all Meetings of such Sub-Committees three shall form a quorum. 42. The Secretary shall enter the proceedings of all Meetings of the Committee or of any Sub-Committee in a Minute Book, which shall be signed, when confirmed, at the next ensuing Meeting by the then presiding Chairman. 43. The Committee only shall have power to make and annul Contracts. 44. No Member of the Committee shall vote in reference to any Contract, or the execution of any work for the Society in which he may be interested. 45. The Committee shall have the power of making any Bye-Laws or Regulations, to continue in force for a period not exceeding six months, previously to proposing A9 18 them at a General Meetiug of the Governors and Members, provided such Bye-Laws and Regulations are not repugnant to, or inconsistent with, any existing Law. 46. The Committee shall advertise every vacancy for salaried Officers ; and all such Officers, whether resident or non-resident, shall be appointed and shall be removable by the Committee, who shall fix the amount of their salaries, but at every meeting at which any such Officer shall be appointed or removed a quorum shall be five. 47. In the event of any paid Office becoming vacant, the President shall, immediately on such vacancy occurring, summon a Meeting of the Committee to fill up the same. 48. No gratuity to any salaried Officer, nor any increase of salary shall be made, unless in the summons convening the meeting at which the same is to be considered, notice is given that any such gratuity or increase of salary will be proposed. 49. In the event of misconduct on the part of any paid Officer, the Committee shall be empowered to suspend such Officer. 50. A book shall be kept at the Institution, in which the Members of the Committee shall sign their names whenever they attend. The book shall be laid on the table at all General Meetings and Meetings of the Committee. 19 51. The Members of the Committee shall visit the Institution as often as practicable, in order to superintend the conduct of the Master and Matron and other Officers, as well as the education, maintenance, and clothing of the Boys, and shall report thereon to the Committee. 52. Their remarks, with the date of their attendance, shall be entered by them in a Book to be kept for that pur- pose, which book shall at all times be laid on the table at the Meetings of the Committee, and be open to inspection at the General Meetings. 53. The Committee shall, at such time or times as they may deem expedient, by notice in writing to be appended with the permission of the Wardens to the Notice Boards outside the Portuguese Synagogues, declare as many vacancies as they may think proper ; and in such Notice a time shall be fixed for applications for admission to be sent in. 54. The Committee shall have power to apprentice any boy, in accordance with Law 78, and shall also be empowered to cancel such apprentice's indentures, or to release such apprentice from any unexpired period of apprenticeship. 55. The Committee shall have power to dismiss any inmate who shall grossly misconduct himself, or who shall not comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Society. 20 56. The Committee shall also be empowered at any time to cancel the admission of a boy, who by reason of illness, has been removed from the Institution, and who it has been proved to the satisfaction of the Committee, is not likely to be again fit to be an inmate of the Institution. But in the event of any such boy subsequently becoming, before attaining the age of thirteen, in a condition to be an inmate, preference shall on the first vacancy be given to him over any other candidate for admission. 57. The Committee shall be empowered, from time to time, to distribute amongst the Boys rewards for good conduct and industry. Babies' Committee 58. The Committee of Ladies shall consist of six Life Governors or Members, and shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as the Governing Committee. 59. The Committee of Ladies shall have the control of the domestic arrangements of the Society and the clothing of the Boys ; they shall also supervise, and see properly carried out, the duties of the Matron, whose accounts, as well as all housekeeping accounts, they shall audit monthly, and they shall, whenever necessary, make to the Committee, personally or otherwise, such recommen- dations for the management or otherwise of the Society as they may consider desirable or expedient, and report to the Committee, personally or otherwise, any case of misconduct which may come or be brought under their notice. 21 60. The Committee of Ladies shall meet at least once in every six months, and shall keep accurate Minutes of all their proceedings at such Meetings and otherwise, which Minutes shall be laid on the table at each Meeting of the General Committee. Inmates. 61. The Election of Boys shall be by ballot at a General Meeting ; the hours for balloting, together with the number of vacancies, the names and ages of the Candidates, and whether they are fatherless or motherless boys, shall be stated in the Summons convening such Meeting. 62. Every person wishing to procure the admission of a boy shall, within the time limited for the purpose, send to- the Secretary an application on a printed form, which shall be supplied gratuitously by the Secretary, who shall also furnish every such person with a copy of the laws and rules relating to Candidates and Inmates. 63. Every such person shall be summoned to, and shall attend the Meeting of the Committee, at which applications are to be considered, and any subsequent Meeting, if re- quired so to do ; and shall produce a Certificate as to the health of the boy from a respectable duly qualified medical Practitioner, and Certificates of the Parents' Marriage, the child's birth, and father's or mother's death, as the case may be. 22 64. If from any cause whatever the required Certificates cannot be furnished, the Committee, after having made due inquiry, may dispense with their production. 65. On a boy's Election, and previously to his admission, his Parent or Guardian, or Guardians, as the case may be, or, if he has no Parent or Guardian, two respectable persons on his behalf, shall sign an Agreement to conform to all the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Institution ; and also, on his or their own behalf, to remove such child without any expense to the Society, and to provide for its maintenance, whenever called upon to do so by the Com- mittee (which Agreement shall be kept in a Book provided for the purpose), provided that the Committee may accept the Agreement of two respectable persons, instead of that of a Parent, if they are satisfied that the Agreement of the Parent cannot be obtained. 66. Boys who are applicants for admission shall be between the ages of seven and twelve years, and shall, if their conduct be in all things satisfactory, remain in the Institution until the age of fourteen, but if at that age no suitable occupation be obtained for them, or the Committee shall, for any other reason, think it desirable, the Com- mittee may retain them in the Institution for a further period not exceeding twelve months. And if the Com- mittee shall find among the pupils any Boys suited for a more elevated course of education, the Committee shall be empowered, at the expense of the Society, to lodge, clothe, and maintain in the Institution two such boys at one 23 time, and for a period not exceeding three years, beyond the age of fourteen, on their obtaining from other sources the expenses necessary for their education. 67. In the event of the serious indisposition of a boy, the President or Treasurer may procure for him admission into Beth Holim, or any other Hospital, where he shall remain until the Medical Attendants shall consider him completely recovered, or until he is for some other reason discharged. 68. In the event of any Boy suffering from any infec- tious or contagious ailment, he shall forthwith, upon the written order of the President, or in his absence of the Treasurer, or in the absence of both of them, of any Member of the Committee, be removed from the Institution to such place as may be found for his reception, and he shall not be allowed to return to the Institution except upon the production of the certificate of a competent duly qualified medical man that infection or contagion has ceased to exist. 69. The Boys shall receive their secular Education at the Bayswater Jewish Schools, or at such other School or Schools as the Committee shall from time to time select. 70. The Hebrew and Religious Education of the boys shall be conducted by a Master, to be specially engaged by the Committee for that purpose. 71. The Boys shall regularly attend Divine Service in 24 the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Synagogue which shall be nearest to the Institution, and whilst in Synagogue shall conduct themselves in an orderly and devout manner. 72. The Boys shall also, when required so to do by the family of a deceased Governor or Member, attend the funeral of such person, and also the house of mourning for Prayers, provided that for those purposes they have not to go out of London. 73. No Boy shall, under any circumstances, be sent out on messages or private services, or be allowed to go out without the Master or Matron. 74. No Boy shall be allowed, under any pretence what- ever, to leave the Institution for the purpose of visiting his parent or friends, or otherwise, except upon the written permission of the President, or in his absence of the Treasurer, or, in the absence of both of them, of a Member of the Committee. And such permission shall not be given, except for some very strong reason, and in no case shall be accorded to the same Boy more than once in a twelvemonth, unless under very special and urgent circumstances. 75. No Boy shall retire, or be withdrawn from the Institution, except with the consent of the Committee. 76. Except under special circumstances, Boys shall leave the Institution in the month of January or July. 25 77. Six months previously to any Boy leaving the Institution, notice thereof shall be given to the person or persons who shall have signed the Agreement provided by Law 65. And in the event of such person or persons being dead, or having gone away, and their address being unknown, such notice shall be given to the nearest known relative of the Boy, or if he has no relative, to some friend. 78. If a Boy, upon leaving the Institution, be found deserving of the same, a sum of 10 may be granted, which under exceptional circumstances may be increased to 20, as a premium for or towards apprenticing him to some industrial trade, or may be applied by the Com- mittee in any other way they may think expedient for his benefit. 79. The Parents or Friends of Boys shall only be allowed to visit the Institution on the First Sunday in every month, between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. gtesler. 80. The Master must be a Member of the Jewish Com- munity, and must be at least thirty years of age at the time of election. 81. The duties of the Master shall be as follows : 26 (a.) To superintend the conduct and general daily- routine of the Boys, and the due performance by them of their religious duties. (i.) To sit at table with the Boys at their meals, unless prevented by illness, or other unavoid- able circumstance, in which case a proper person is to supply his place, if the Matron should be unable to be present. (c.) To accompany the Boys to and from School ; also, when required so to do, to and from the funeral of any Governor or Member, and likewise to and from the house of mourning. (d.) To accompany the Boys to and from Synagogue, and enforce strict order and decorum whilst there. (.) To accompany the Boys for a walk on Saturdays, Holidays, and such other days as the Com- mittee may appoint. (/.) To visit all the Dormitories of the boys before he retires to rest. (#.) To see that the premises are properly secured and closed for the night not later than half-past ten o'clock, and that all lights and fires are ex- tinguished before he retires to rest. 27 (h.) To preserve good order throughout the Institution, and to report to the Committee any flagrant misconduct on the part of any of the Boys. (t.) To report to the Matron any misconduct or mis- behaviour on the part of any of the female servants. (j.) To personally attend strictly to the Regulations laid down by the Committee for the General Management of the Institution, and to see that the same are duly observed by the Boys. 82. The Master shall not be out of the House after ten o'clock at night without the permission of the President, Treasurer, or a Member of the Committee, nor at any time in the absence of the Matron. 83. The Master shall devote the whole of his time to the duties of his Office, and shall not be allowed to carry on any business in the House provided for the Boys, or elsewhere, without the previous consent in writing of the Committee. 84. In the event of the illness, or absence from home (with the consent of the President or Treasurer) of the Master, a temporary substitute shall be engaged if, in the opinion of the Committee, it shall be desirable to do so. 28 85. The Matron must be a Member of the Jewish Com- munity, and must be at least 25 years of age at the time of Election. 86. The duties of the Matron shall be as follows : (a.) To take charge of all the provisions, stores, and clothing of the Boys. (6.) To see that the dormitories, and all other rooms in the Institution are kept clean, and in proper condition. (c.) To see that the Boys are clean in their persons, and tidily and properly dressed. (d.") To superintend the household and culinary arrangements of the Institution. (e.) To attend to the proper arrangement of, and be present at, the meals of the Boys. (/.) To engage and dismiss, subject to the approval of the Ladies' Committee, the female servants of the Institution, and direct them in their duties. (g.) To superintend the washing of the linen, and the repairing and renewal of the Boys' clothing. 29 (h.) To receive the provisions, pay particular attention to their quality, weight and measure, and report to the Ladies' Committee any complaint respecting them. ('.) To be careful that everything necessary for the proper working of the Institution is provided, but under the superintendence of the Ladies' Committee, to receive tradesmen's weekly bills, and present them with an account of any dis- bursements made by her to the Ladies' Com- mittee not less often than once a month, or at any time, when required to do so, to any Member of the Ladies' Committee. (j.) To carefully nurse and attend upon any Boy who may be unwell, to call in the doctor in the event of the indisposition of any Boy, and to see that his orders are in all respects carried out. (k.) To receive all visitors, whether to the Institution or to the Boys. (/.) To assist the Master as much as possible in carrying out his duties, and, so far as practicable, to take his place in the event of his illness or absence. (m.) To carry out all the orders and recommendations 30 of the Ladies' Committee, and generally, to act under their guidance. 87. The Matron shall devote the whole of her time to the duties of her office, and shall not be out of the house after 10. o'clock at night without the permission of the President, Treasurer, or a Member of the Committee, nor at any time in the absence of the Master. 88. In the event of the illness, or absence from home (with the consent of the President or Treasurer), of the Matron, a temporary substitute shall be engaged if in the opinion of the Committee it shall be desirable to do so. . Swntarg. 89. The duties of the Secretary shall be as follows : (a.) To issue summonses for and attend all meetings. (6.) To keep minutes of the proceedings at all such meetings, and enter the same in books to be kept for that purpose. (c.) To write such letters and deliver such messages as may be directed by the President, Treasurer, or any Committee. (rf.) To keep a proper cheque receipt book regularly numbered and folio'd. 31 (.) To keep an account of the subscriptions, and use proper diligence to collect the same when due. (/.) To give a printed receipt from the cheque book for subscriptions or donations received, under pain of immediate dismissal. (