75b EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY WORKS OF THE LATE S. L. PENFIELD PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS Notes on Determinative Mineralogy and Record of Mineral Tests. 8vo. Paper, 50 cents net. Tables of Minerals, including the Uses of Minerals and Statistics of the Domestic Production. Second Edition, Reset. 8vo, vi + 88 pages. Cloth, $1.00. REVISION. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy. With an introduction on Blowpipe Analysis. By George J. Brush, Director of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Revised and enlarged by Samuel L. Penfield. Sixteenth Edition. 8vo, x + 312 pages, including 375 figures and 57 tables for the determination of mineral species by means of simple chemical ex- periments in the wet and dry way and by their physical properties. Cloth. $4.00. TABLES OF MINERALS INCLUDING THE Uses of Minerals and Statistics of the Domestic Production BY SAMUEL LEWIS PENFIELD, M.A., LL.D. Late Professor of Mineralogy in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, 1888-1906 SECOND EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 1907 Copyright, 1907 BY GRACE C. PENFIELD PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. The minerals are arranged in the tables as follows: I. According to the six systems of crystallization and their prominent subdivisions, the minerals of each subdivision being arranged in accordance with the chemical classification as adopted by Dana. II. According to the elements, emphasis being given to min- erals which are important from an economic standpoint. III.. With reference to geological occurrence and association. Minerals are given three ranks in the tables, indicated by the type used in printing the names of the species, as follows: (i) Minerals of the .first rank are either very common, or espe- cially important from a scientific or geological standpoint, and their names are printed in heavy type, capital letters. (2) Min- erals which are of rather rare occurrence, including some very rare species provided they are especially important from an economic or scientific standpoint, are given a second rank, and their names are printed in heavy type, capital and small letters. (3) The names of rarer and less important species, constituting a third rank, are printed in small type. All of the important minerals (450 species) are included in the tables, and generally very rare species have been omitted, except where chemical com- position or some pronounced features have given them special significance. The weighting of the minerals, or assignment to first, second or third rank, is an arbitrary matter, based upon the writer's experience, but it is believed that students will appreciate this feature of the tables, enabling them almost at a glance to form some estimate of the relative importance of the several species. S. L. PENFIELD/ MlNERALOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVERSITY, 1903. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE "Tables of Minerals" was written by Prof. Penfield in 1903 for use in connection with lectures on Descriptive Miner- alogy in this School and has been used by successive classes since then. The present edition has been carefully revised, chiefly in the matter of bringing the statistics of mineral production down to date. Acknowledgment is gratefully made of the assist- ance of Dr. George F. Kunz, who kindly furnished the figures for the values of the gem stones. Part III of the Tables has been rewritten and enlarged, with the purpose of making that section more useful to students who have only a slight knowledge of geology or petrology. W. E. FORD. MlNERALOGICAL LABORATORY OF THE SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVERSITY, JUNE 1907. 819503 CONTENTS. PART I. ARRANGEMENT OF MINERALS ACCORDING TO THE Six SYSTEMS OF CRYSTALLIZATION. Isometric System 3 Tetragonal System 7 Hexagonal System 9 Hexagonal-rhombohedral System 10 Orthorhombic System 13 PAGE Monoclinic System 18 Triclinic System 22 Minerals which are Amorphous/Mas- sive,or of Uncertain Crystallization 23 PART II. ARRANGEMENT OF THE MINERALS ACCORDING TO THE ELEMENTS, WITH USES AND STATISTICS. Aluminium 25 Antimony 26 Arsenic 27 Barium 27 Beryllium 27 Bismuth 28 Boron 28 Bromine 29 Cadmium 29 Caesium 29 Calcium 29 Carbon 31 Cerium 32 Chlorine 32 Chromium 32 Cobalt 33 Copper 33 Fluorine 34 Gold' 35 Iodine 36 Indium 36 Iron 36 Lead 38 Lithium 39 Magnesium 39 Manganese 40 Mercury 41 Molybdenum 41 Nickel 42 Niobium 42 Nitrogen 43 Osmium 43 Oxygen 44 Phosphorus 44 Platinum 45 Potassium 46 Selenium 47 Silicon 47 Silver 49 Sodium 50 Strontium 51 Sulphur : 52 Tantalum 52 Tellurium 53 Thallium 53 Tin 53 Titanium 54 Tungsten 54 Uranium 55 Vanadium 55 Zinc..: 56 Zirconium 56 VI CONTENTS. PART III. USEFUL MINERALS. PAGE Abrasives 57 Asbestos 58 Cement 58 Clay 59 Feldspar 59 Flint 59 Fullers Earth . . 60 PAOS Gem Minerals 61 Granite 64 Mica 64 Ornamental Stones 65 Slate 66 Talc 67 PART IV. LISTS OF MINERALS ACCORDING TO GEOLOGICAL OCCURRENCE AND ASSOCIATION. Igneous Rocks. 69 Sedimentary Rocks 71 Metamorphic Rocks 72 Principal Rock-making Minerals. . . 73 Accessory Minerals, Commonly Found in Rocks 75 Veins and Vein Minerals 76 Minerals Resulting from Contact Metamorphism 78 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF DANA. 1. Native Elements. 2. Sulphides, Selenides, Tellufides, Arsenides, Antimonides. 3. Sulpharsenites, Sulphantirnonites, Sulphobismuthites. 4. Chlorides, Bromides, Fluorides. 5. Oxides. 6. Carbonates. 7. Silicates, Titanates. 8. Niobates, Tantalates. 9. Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates. 10. Borates. 11. Uranates. 12. Sulphates, Chromates. 13. Tungstates, Molybdates. 2 TABLES OF MINERALS. PART I. - ARRANGEMENT OF MINERALS ACCORDING TO THE SIX SYSTEMS OF CRYSTALLIZATION. NOTE. The chief object of tables of this kind is that they may serve as a guide and reference -list to accompany lectures on crystallography and descriptive mineralogy. In a measure, also, the tables may be made the basis of determinative mineralogy, for if it is discovered that a mineral crystallizes in a certain system, the list of minerals in that system may be studied and the name of the species found by comparison either with labeled specimens or with descriptions as given in the texts referred to. ISOMETRIC SYSTEM; NORMAL GROUP. NOTE. The pyritohedral and tetrahedral groups are tabulated separately, while a few minerals belonging to the rarer plagihedral division are included in the normal group. Elements. T. B. *Sys. I. DIAMOND, C (perhaps tetrahedral), . . 271, 3 2. GOLD, Au, always with some Ag, . 275, 14 3- SILVER, Ag, . . . . . . . . 278, 19 4- COPPER, Cu, ....... 278, 20 5- Platinum, Pt, 280, 25 6. Iron, Fe with Ni, both terrestrial and meteoric, . 281, 28 * The columns of numbers headed T. B. and Sys. refer respectively to the pages of Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy and System of Mineralogy on which descriptions of the species may be found. 3 ISOMETRIC SYSTEM. I. 2. Sulphides, Selenides, Tellurides. GALENA, Pb S, often carrying Ag, Altaite, Pb Te, Argentite, Ag 2 S, T.B. . 287, . 288, . 288, Sys. 48 51 4- c. Hessite, Ag 2 Te, Petzite, (Ag, Au) 2 Te, . . . . . . 289, 280, 47 6. 7- Berzelianite, Cu 2 Se, . . . Crookesite, (Cu, Tl, Ag) 2 Se, . 289, 289, 5 2 54 8. 0. Pentlandite, (Ni, Fe)S, ..... BORNITE, Cu 5 Fe S 4 , 293, 207 65 77 IO. Linnaeite, Co 3 S 4 = CoS . Co 2 S 3 , 78 II. 12. Argyrodite, Agg Ge Se=4 Ag 2 S . Ge S 2 , . Canfieldite, Ag 8 Sn S 6 =4 Ag 2 S . Sn S 2 , . . 316, . 316, !i Chlorides, Bromides, Fluorides. 1. HALITE, NaCl, 318,154 2. SYLVITE, KC1 (plagihedral), 318,156 3. Cerargyrite, Ag Cl, . 319, 158 4. Embolite, Ag (Cl, Br), . . . . . . 319, 159 5. Nantokite, Cu Cl, 317, 154 6. Percylite (Boleite), Pb Cu C1 2 [OH] 2 , . . . 322,172 7. FLUORITE, Ca F 2 , 320, 161 8. Ralstonite (Na 2 , Mg) F 2 . 3 Al (F, OH) 3 . 2H 2 O, . 323, 181 Oxides. 1. Arsenolite, As 2 O 3 , . . . . . . . 330, 198 2. Senarmontite, Sb 2 O 3 , 330, 198 3. CUPRITE, Cu 2 O (plagihedral), .... 331,206 4. Periclase, Mg O, 331, 207 5. Manganosite, Mn 0, . . . . . . .332, 207 Spinel Group. R"R 2 '"0 4 or R"0 . R 2 '"O 3 . 6. SPINEL, Mg A1 2 O 4 , Fe iso. w. Mg, . . . . 338, 220 7. Gahnite, Zn A1 2 O 4 , Fe and Mn iso. w. Zn, . . 339, 223 8. MAGNETITE, Fe Fe 2 O 4 , 339, 224 9. Franklinite, (Fe, Mn, Zn) (Fe, Mn) 2 O 4 , . . 341, 227 10. CHROMITE, (Fe, Mg) Cr 2 O 4 , .... 341,228 ISOMETRIC SYSTEM. 5 Carbonates. T. B. Sys. i. Northupite, Mg CO 3 . Na 2 CO 3 . Na Cl, . . 364, Metasilicates. 1. LEUCITE, KAl[SiO 3 ] 2 , 381,342 2. ANALCITE, Na Al [Si O 3 ] 2 . H 2 O, .... 460, 595 3. Pollucite, H 2 Cs 4 Al 4 [SiO 3 ] 9 , 382,343 Ortho silicates. 1. Sodalite, Na 4 [Al Cl] A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 412,429 2. Haiiynite, [Na 2 , Ca] 2 [Al . NaSO 4 ] A1 2 [SiO 4 ] 3 , . 412, 431 3. Lazurite, Na 4 [Al . Na S 3 ] A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3> . . . 413,432 4. GARNET GROUP, R 3 "R 2 '"[Si0 4 ] 3 Grossularite, Ca 3 Al 2 [SiO 4 ] 3 , . 415, 437 Pyrope, Mg 3 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 Almandite, Fe 3 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 Spessartite, Mn 3 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 Andradite, Ca 3 Fe 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 Uvarovite, Ca 3 (Cr, Al) 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 Titanates, Manganates. 1. Perovskite, Ca Ti O 3 , 487, 722 2. Bixbyite, Fe Mn O 3 = Fe O . Mn O 2 , . . . . 343, Niobates, Tantalates. 1. Pyrochlore, R Nb 2 O 6 . R (Ti, Th) O 3 . R= Ca, Ce, and Na 2 , 489, 726 2. Microlite, Ca 2 Ta 2 O 7 489, 728 Uranates. i. Uraninite, UO 3 and UO 2 , with Th, Y, Ce, Pb, He, Ra, ... 521, 889 Sulphates, i. Sulphohalite, 2 Na 2 SO 4 . Na Cl . Na F, . . . 530, 917 > ISOMETRIC SYSTEM. ISOMETRIC SYSTEM; PYRITOHEDRAL GROUP. Sulphides, Arsenides, Antimonides. T. B. Sys. 1. PYRITE, FeS 2 , . 300, 84 2. Hauerite, Mn 82, 301, 87 3. Smaltite, Co As 2 , 301, 87 4. Chloanthite, Ni As 2 , 301, 87 5. Cobaltite, Co As S, 301, 89 6. Qersdorffite, Ni As S, 302, 90 7. Ullmannite, Ni Sb S, 302, 91 8. Sperrylite, Pt As 2 , 302, 92 Sulphates. i. Kalinite, Alum, KA1[SO 4 ] 2 . i 2 H 2 O, . . . 535,951 ISOMETRIC SYSTEM; TETRAHEDRAL GROUP. Sulphides, Selenides. 1. SPHALERITE, Zn S, with isomorphous Fe and Cd, .......:.. 291, 59 2. Tiemannite, Hg Se, S iso. w. Se, .... 292, 63 3. Onofrite, Hg (S, Se), 292, 64 4. Alabandite, Mn S, 292, 64 Sulphantimonites , Sulpharsenites . 1. TETRAHEDRITE, Cu 8 Sb 2 S 7 =4 Cu 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 , 312, 137 2. TENNANTITE, Cu 8 As 2 S 7 = 4 Cu 2 S . As 2 S 3 , . 313, 137 Chlorides, Bromides, Iodides. 1. Marshite, Cu I, 317, 2. Miersite, 4 Ag I . Cu I, .' 319, Ortho * silicates . 1. Helvite, (Mn, Fe) 2 (Mn 2 S) Be 3 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . 414, 434 2. Eulytite, Bi 4 [Si 0^3, 414, 436 3. Zunyite, [Al . 2 (OH, F, Cl)] 6 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . . 414, 436 Phosphates, Ar senates. i. Pharmacosiderite, Fe [Fe . OH] 3 [As O 4 ] 3 . 6 H 2 O, . 513, 847 B orates. i. Boracite, Mg 7 C1 2 B 16 O 30 , 518,879 TETRAGONAL SYSTEM. 7 TETRAGONAL SYSTEM; NORMAL GROUP. Sulphides. T. B. Sys. i. Stannite, Cu 2 FeSnS 4 =Cu 2 S . FeS. SnSa, . . 315, 83 Chlorides. I. Calomel, Hg Cl, 3i7 153 2 Matlockite Pb 2 O C1 2 , . . 322, I 60 Oxides, and closely related Silicates and Phosphates. Hausmannite, Mn 3 04, 342, 230 Braunite, Mn Mn O 3 , with Mn Si O 3 , 343, 232 Octahedrite, TiO 2 , . 346, 240 4. CASSITERITE, Sn O 2 or Sn Sn O 4 , ... 344, 234 5. RUTILE, Ti 2 or Ti Ti O 4 , . . 345, 237 6. Polianite, Mn O 2 or Mn Mn O 4 , . . . . 345, 236 7. Plattnerite, Pb O 2 or Pb Pb O 4 , .... 346,239 8. ZIRCON, Zr Si O 4 , 429, 482 9. Thorite, Th Si O 4 , 430, 488 10. Xenotime, Y P O 4 , 494, 748 Carbonates. i. Phosgenite, [Pb Cl] 2 CO 3 , . 364,292 Silicates. 1. Hardy stoni te, Ca 2 Zn Si 2 O 7 , . . . . Appendix 32 2. Ganomalite, Pb 4 [Pb . OH] 2 Ca 4 [Si 2 O 7 ] 3 , . . 408, 422 3. Nasonite, Pb 4 [Pb Cl] 2 Ca 4 [Si 2 O 7 ] 3 . . . Appendix 48 4. Melilite, Complex, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Fe silicate, . 426, 474 5. VESUVIANITE, Complex Ca, Al silicate, . . 427,477 6. Apophyllite, H 7 K Ca 4 [Si O 3 ] 8 . 4^ H 2 O, . . 452, 566 Niobates, Tantalates. i. Tapiolite, Fe (Ta, Nb) 2 O 6 , 492,738 Phosphates, Ar senates. 1. Torbernite, Cu [U O 2 ] 2 [P O 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, . . . 515, 856 2. Zeunerite, Cu [U O 2 ] 2 [As O 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, . . . 515,857 8 TETRAGONAL SYSTEM. TETRAGONAL SYSTEM; TRI-PYRAMIDAL GROUP. Silicates. T. B. Sys. i. WERNERITE, or f Ca 4 A1 6 Si 6 O 25 with \ , SCAPOLITE, 1 Na 4 A1 3 Si 9 O 24 Cl, j Niobates, Tantalates. i. Fergusonite, R (Nb, Ta) O 4 , R=Y, Er, Ce, . . 490,729 Tungstates, Molybdates. 1. Scheelite, Ca W O 4 , 540,985 2. Stolzite, Pb W O 4 , 541,989 3. Wulfenite, Pb Mo O 4 , 541,989 TETRAGONAL SYSTEM; SPHENOIDAL GROUP. Sulphides. i. CHALCOPYRITE, Cu Fe S 2 297, 80 Silicates. i. Edingtonite, Ba A1 2 Si 3 Oio . 3 H 2 O, . . . 460, 599 HEXAGONAL SYSTEM. 9 HEXAGONAL SYSTEM; NORMAL GROUP. Elements. T. B. Sys. i. Iridosmine, Ir with Os, 280, 27 Sulphides. 1. Molybdenite, Mo S 2 , 285, 41 2. Covellite, Cu S, 294, 68 3. PYRRHOTITE, Fe u S 12 (FeS?), .... 296, 73 Fluorides. i. Tysonite, (Ce, La, Di) F 3 321,166 Oxides. i. Tridymite, Si O 2 , 328, 192 Carbonates. i. Parisite, [R F] 2 Ca [CO 3 ] 3 , R=Ce, La, Di, . . 364, 290 Silicates. 1. BERYL, Be 3 Al 2 [Si 3 ] 6 , with some [OH]? . . 405,405 2. Barysilite, Pb 3 Si 2 O 7 , 408, 421 3. N EPH ELITE, approximately Na Al Si O 4 , . . 409,423 4. Eucryptite, Li Al Si 04, 410, 426 5. Cancrinite, H 6 Na 6 Ca (Na CO 3 ) 2 A1 8 [Si OJe, . . 411, 427 6. Thaumasite,CaSiO 3 .CaCO 3 .CaSO 4 .i5H 2 O, . 483,698 Sulphates. i. Hanksite, 9 Na 2 SO 4 . 2 Na 2 CO 3 . K Cl, . . 530, 920 10 HEXAGONAL HEXAGON AL-RHOMBOHEDRAL SYSTEM. HEXAGONAL SYSTEM; HEMIMORPHIC GROUP. Sulphides, Arsenides, Antimonides. T. B. Sys. 1. Qreenockite, Cd S, 294, 69 2. Wurtzite, Zn S, 295, 70 3. Niccolite, Ni As, 295, 71 4. Breithauptite, Ni Sb, 296, 72 Chlorides, Iodides. i. lodyrite, Ag I, 319, 160 Oxides. i. Zincite, Zn O, with Mn O, 332, 208 HEXAGONAL SYSTEM; TRI -PYRAMIDAL GROUP. Phosphates, Ar senates, Vanadates. I. 2. 3- 4- APATITE, PYROMORPHITE, Mimetite, Vanadinite, Apatite Group. Ca 4 [CaF][P0 4 ] 3 , . . Pb 4 [PbCl][P0 4 ] 3 , Pb 4 [Pb Cl] [As O 4 ] 3 , . Pb 4 [Pb Cl] [V0 4 ] 3 , . 497, 762 499, 770 5> 77i 5> 773 HEXAGONAL-RHOMBOHEDRAL SYSTEM; NORMAL GROUP. NOTE. A few hemimorphic species are included in the tables with the Normal Group. The Tri-Rhombohedral and Trapezohedral groups are in separate tables. Elements. I. URAPHlIb, 242 4- Diaspore, A1 2 O 2 [OH] 2 , . . . . 348, 246 5- QOETHITE, Fe 2 O 2 [OH] 2 , . . . . . 349. 247 6. MANQANITE, Mn 2 O 2 [OH] 2 , 349. 248 7- PYROLUSITE, Mn O 2 with about 2% H 2 O (pseu- domorphous) , . . . . ... 347. 243 Carbonates. Aragonite Group, R" C0 3 . 1. ARAGONITE, CaCO 3 , . . ... . 361,281 2. STRONTIANITE, SrCO 3 , 362,285 3. WITHERITE, BaC0 3 , . . . . . . 362,284 4. CERUSSITE, Pb CO 3 , 363,286 5. Nesquehonite, Mg CO 3 . 3 H 2 O, . 366, 300 6. Pirssonite, Ca CO 3 . Na 2 CO 3 . 2 H 2 O (hemimorphic) , 366, Ap .53 7. Lanthanite, La 2 [C0 3 ] 3 . 9 H 20, . 366, 302 Metasilicates. 1. Enstatite, MgSi0 3 , ....... 3 8 4, 346 2. Bronzite-Hypersthene, (Mg, Fe) SiO 3 , . 385-348 3. Anthophyllite, (Mg, Fe)SiO 3 , .... 398,384 4. Leucophanite, Na [Be F] Ca [SiO 3 ] 2 , . . 407,417 Meso silicates. lolite, (Mg, Fe) 4 Ale [Al . OH] 2 [Si 2 7 ] 5 , ORTHORHOMBIC SYSTEM. 15 Ortho silicates or Orthosilicate Derivatives. T. B. Sys. 1. Monticellite, Ca Mg Si O 4 , 422, 449 2. Glaucochroite, Ca Mn Si 04, . . . . . Ap. 29 3. Forsterite, Mg 2 Si O 4 , 422, 450 4. CHRYSOLITE or OLIVINE, (Mg, Fe) 2 Si O 4 , , 420, 451 5. Fayalite, Fe 2 Si 04, 422, 456 6. Tephroite, Mn 2 Si 04, 422, 457 7. Danburite, Ca B 2 [Si O 4 ] 2 , 431, 490 8. TOPAZ, [Al F] 2 Si O 4 with isomorphous [Al . OH] 2 SiO 4 , . . 43 1 , 492 9. Andalusite, [Al O] Al Si O 4 , 432,496 10. Zoisite, Ca 2 [Al . OH] A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . . 437,5*3 11. Prehnite, H 2 Ca 2 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , 442, 529 12. Humite, [Mg(F,OH)] 2 Mg 5 [Si0 4 ] 3f . . . 443,535 13. Ilvaite, Ca Fe 2 [Fe . OH] [Si O 4 ] 2 , . . . .445, 541 14. Kentrolite, [Mn 4 O 3 ] Pb 3 [Si O 4 ] 3 , .... 446,544 15. Melanotekite, [Fe 4 O 3 ] Pb 3 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . . . 446, 545 16. CALAMINE, H 2 [Zn 2 O] Si O 4 (hemimorphic), . 446, 547 17. Dumortierite, A1 4 [A1 0]i 6 [Si O 4 ] 7 , H 3 and B iso. w. Al, 449, 558 18. STAUROLITE,(Mg,Fe)[Al.OH][A10] 4 [Si0 4 ] 2 , . 450, 558 Miscellaneous Silicates. 1. Sillimanite, A1 2 Si Os (compare Andalusite), . 433, 498 2. Bertrandite, H 2 Be 4 Si 2 O 9 (hemimorphic), . . 446, 545 3. Ardennite, H 10 Mn 10 Ali V 2 Sii O 55 ? . . 445, 542 4. Cerite, H 6 Ce 4 Si 3 Oi5? . 447, 550 Hydrated Silicates. 1. NATROLITE, Na 2 A1 2 Si 3 OIQ . 2 H 2 O, . . 461, 600 2. Thomsonite, (Na 2 , Ca) A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 2 . 2^ H 2 O, . 462, 607 Niobates, Tantalates. 1. COLUMBITE, (Fe, Mn) (Nb, Ta) 2 6 , . . . 490,731 2. Yttrotantalite, (Fe, Ca) (Y, Er, Ce) 2 (Ta, Nb) 4 O 15 . 4H 2 O, 492, 738 3. Samarskite, (Fe, UO 2 ) 3 (Y, Er, Ce) 2 (Nb, Ta) 6 O 2 i, 492, 739 4. ^schynite, R 3 Nb 4 O 13 . R 2 (Th, Ti) 5 Oi 3 , R = Ce, La, Di, Y, . 493, 742 5. Polynignite, Nb, Zr, Ti, Th, Ce, La, Di, Y, Fe, Ca, 493, 743 6. Euxenite, Nb, Ti, Y, Er, Ce, UO 2 , Fe, H, . .493, 744 7. Polycrase, Nb, Ti, Y, Er, Ce, UO 2 , Fe, H, . -493, 744 1 6 ORTHORHOMBIC SYSTEM. Phosphates, Ar senates, Vanadates. T. B. Sys. 1. Pucherite, Bi VO 4 , . . . 496, 755 2. Triphylite, Li Fe PO 4 , Mn iso. w. Fe, . . . 496, 756 3. Lithiophilite, Li Mn PO 4 , Fe iso. w. Mn, . . 496, 756 4. Natrophilite, Na Mn PO 4 , 496, 758 5. Beryllonite, Na Be P0 4 , 496, 758 6. Olivenite, Cu [Cu . OH] As O 4 , .... 504, 784 7. Libethenite, Cu [Cu . OH] PO 4 , . . . . 504, 786 8. Adamite, Zn [Zn . OH] As O 4 , 505, 786 9. Descloizite, R [R . OH] VO 4 , R = Pb and Zn . .505, 787 10. Dufrenite, Fe 2 [OH] 3 PO 4 , 506, 797 11. Struvite, NH 4 Mg PO 4 . 6 H 2 O (hemimorphic) . 507, 806 12. Reddingite, Mn 3 [PO 4 ] 2 . 3 H 2 O, . . . 508,813 13. Scorodite, Fe As O 4 . 2 H 2 O, . . . . . 509, 821 14. Strengite, Fe PO 4 . 2 H 2 O, 510, 822 15. Euchroite, Cu 2 [Cu . OH] 2 [As O 4 ] 2 . 6 H 2 O . . 511 838, 16. Wavellite, [Al . OH] 3 [PO 4 ] 2 . 5 H 2 O, . . . 512,842 17. Childrenite, (Fe, Mn) [Al O] PO 4 . 2 H 2 O, . . 513, 850 18. Autunnite, Ca [UO 2 ] 2 [PO 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, . . . 515,857 Nitrates. 1. Niter, K N O 3 , . 517, 871 2. Gerhardtite, Cu 4 [OH] 6 [NO 3 ] 2 517,872 B orates. 1. Sussexite, H (Mn, Mg, Zn) BO 3 , .... 518, 876 2. Ludwigite, 3 Mg O . B 2 O 3 + FeO . Fe 2 O 3 , . . 518,877 3. Hambergite, Be [Be . OH] BO 3 , .... 518, 878 4. Warwickite, Fe Mg 6 Ti 2 B 6 O 20 ? .... 519,881 5. Howlite, H 5 Ca 2 B 5 Si O i4 , ..... 519,881 ORTHORHOMBIC SYSTEM. 17 Sulphates. T. B. Sys. i. Thenardite, Na 2 S O 4 , $23,895 Barite Group, R" SO 4 . 2. .BARITE, BaSO 4 , 524, 899 3. CELESTITE, Sr SO 4 , 526,905 4. ANQLESITE, Pb SO 4 , 527, 907 5. ANHYDRITE, Ca S0 4 , 528,910 6. Brochantite, Cu 4 [OH] 6 SO 4 , 530, 925 7. Epsomite, Mg SO 4 . 7 H 2 O (sphenoidal), . . 533, 938 8. Goslarite, Zn SO 4 . 7 H 2 O (sphenoidal), . . . . 533, 939 9. Morenosite, Ni SO 4 . 7 H 2 O (sphenoidal), . . 533, 940 1 8 MONOCLINIC SYSTEM. MONOCLINIC SYSTEM. NOTE. With rare exceptions the minerals of this system all crystallize in the normal group. Sulphides, Tellurides. T. B. Sys. 1. Realgar, As S, . 282, 33 2. Orpiment, As 2 S 3 , 282, 35 3- Sylvanite, Au Ag Te 4 , . . ... 304, 103 4- Calaverite, Au Te 2 , with Ag iso. w. Au, . 35> 105 Sulphantimonites , Sulpharsenites . i. Miargyrite, Ag 2 Sb 2 S 4 or Ag 2 8, Sb 2 83, 308, 116 2. Plagionite, 5 Pb 8 . 4 Sb 2 S 3 , . 308, 118 3- Baumhauer^te, 4 Pb 8 . 3 As 2 S 3 , , New species 4- Dufrenoysite, Pb 2 As 2 S 5 or 2 Pb 8 . As 2 S 3 , . 309, 120 5- Freieslebenite, (Pb, Ag 2 )5Sb 4 Sn, . 309, 124 6. Jordanite, Pb 4 As 2 S 7 or 4 Pb 8 . As 2 S 3 , 3i3, MI 7- 'Polybasite, Ag 9 Sb S 6 , with Cu iso. w. Ag, 314, 146 8. Pearceite, Agg As SG, with Cu iso. w. Ag, 3i5,A P .5o Fluorides. i. CRYOLITE, Na 3 AlF 6 , ..... 321, 166 2. Pachnolite, Na Ca Al F 6 . H 2 O, ' 3 2 3> i79 3- Thomsenolite, Na Ca Al F 6 , H 2 O, . 323, 180 Hydroxides. i. Qibbsite, A1[OH] 3 , . . ... . . 351,254 Carbonates. 1. Barytocalcite, Ba Ca [CO 3 ] 2 , 364, 289 2. MALACHITE, [Cu . OH] 2 C0 3 , . . . . 364,294 3. . AZURITE, Cu [Cu . OH] 2 [C0 3 ] 2 , . . . .365, 295 4. Aurichalcite, 2 (Zn, Cu) CO 3 . 3 (Zn, Cu) [OH] 2 , . 366, 298 5. Leadhillite, Pb [Pb . OH] 2 S0 4 [C0 3 ] 2 , . . . 529,921 6. Dawsonite, Na [Al . 2 OH] CO 3 , .... 366, 299 7. Natron, Na 2 CO 3 . 10 H 2 0, 366, 301 8. Gay-Lussite, Na 2 CO 3 . Ca CO 3 . 5 H 2 O, . . 366, 301 9. Trona, Na 2 CO 3 . H Na CO 3 . 2 H 2 O, . . . 367, 303 10. Hydromagnesite, 3 Mg CO 3 . Mg [OH] 2 . 3 H 2 O, . 367, 304 MONOCLINIC SYSTEM. 19 Tetrasilicates. T. B. Sys. i. Petalite, Li Al Si 4 OIQ, . . . 369, 311 Trisilicates. 1. Eudidymite, H Na Be Si 3 O 8 , 369, 313 2. ORTHOCLASE, K Al Si 3 O 8 , 370,315 3. Hyalophane, 2 K Al Si 3 O 8 . Ba A1 2 Si 2 O 8 , . . 373, 321 Metasilicates. 1. PYROXENE, variety Diopside, Ca Mg [Si O 3 ] 2 , . 387, 352 2. PYROXENE, ordinary, Ca (Mg, Fe) [Si O 3 ] 2 , , 387, 352 3. PYROXENE, variety Augite, R Si O 3 with (Al, Fe) 2 O 3 , R = Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn, . . 390, 358 4. >girite, Acmite, Na Fe [Si O 3 ] 2 , .... 391, 364 5. Jadeite, Na Al [Si O 3 ] 2 , . .... 393,3^9 6. SPODUMENE, Li Al [Si O 3 ] 2 , Na iso. w. Li, . 393, 366 7. WOLLASTONITE, Ca Si O 3 , . ... 394,371 8. Pectolite, H Na Ca 2 [Si O 3 ] 3 , . . . 395, 373 9. AMPHIBOLE, variety Tremolite, R SfO 3 , R = Mg and Ca, 399, 385 10. AMPHIBOLE, Hornblende, R Si O 3 , with (Fe, A1) 2 O 3 , R = Mg, Fe, Ca, .... 402,391 11. Glaucophane, Na Fe [Si O 3 ] 2 with (Mg, Fe) Si O 3 , . 403, 399 12. Carpholite, Mn [Al . 2 OH] 2 [Si O 3 ] 2 , . . . 447, 549 Orthosilicate Derivatives. 1. DATOLITE, Ca [B . OH] Si O 4 , .... 435,502 2. Homilite, (Ca, Fe) 3 [BO] 2 [Si O 4 ] 2 , .... 436, 505 3. Euclase, Be [Al . OH] Si O 4 , 436, 508 4. Gadolinite, Be 2 Fe [YO] 2 [Si O 4 ] 2 , '; . . . 436,509 5. EPIDOTE, Ca 2 [Al . OH] A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , Fe iso. w. Ca and Al, 438, 516 6. Piedmontite, Ca 2 [Al . OH] (Al, Mn, Fe) 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . 440, 521 7. Allanite, Ca 2 [Al . OH] (Al, Fe, Ce, La, Di) 2 [SiO 4 ] 3 , 440, 522 8. Prolectite, [Mg (F, OH)] Mg [Si OJ, . . . 443, A P . 55 9. Chondrodite, [Mg (F, OH)] 2 Mg 3 [Si O 4 ] 2 , . . 443,536 [Humite, [Mg (F, OH)] 2 Mg 5 [Si OJa, see p. 15,] 4 43> 535 10. Clinohumite, [Mg (F, OH)] 2 Mg 7 (Si O 4 ] 4 , . . 443, 538 n. Clinohedrite, H 2 [Ca Zn O] Si O 4 (Clinohedral), . 447, Ap .i7 20 MONOCLINIC SYSTEM. Hydrated Silicates; Zeolite Section. T. B. Sys. 1. Heulandite, H 4 Ca A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 6 . 3 H 2 O, . . 454, 574 2. Brewsterite, H 4 (Sr, Ba, Ca) A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 6 . 3 H 2 O, . 454, 576 3. Wellsite, (Ba, Ca, K 2 ) A1 2 Si 3 do . 3 H 2 O, . . 455, Ap . 72 4. Phillipsite, (K 2 , Ca) A1 2 Si 4 O 12 . 4 H 2 O, . . 455,579 5. Harmotome, (K 2 , Ba) A1 2 Si 5 Oi 4 . 5 H 2 O, . . 456, 581 6. STILBITE, (Na 2 , Ca) A1 2 Si 6 O 16 . 6 H 2 O, . . 456, 583 7. Laumontite, H 4 Ca A1 2 Si 4 O i4 . 2 H 2 O, . . 457, 587 8. Scolecite, Ca A1 2 Si 3 OIQ . 3 H 2 O, .... 462, 604 Foliated, Micaceous Silicates. NOTE. The crystallization of some of the minerals in this section is uncertain. I. MUSCOVITE, H 2 K A1 3 [Si O 4 ] 3 , .... 464, 614 2. Paragonite, H 2 Na A1 3 [Si O 4 ] 3 , .... 467, 623 3- LEPIDOLITE, K Li [Al . 2 (OH, F)] Al [Si O 3 ] 3 , . 467, 624 4- BIOTITE, (H, K) 2 (Mg, Fe) 2 A1 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 , . . 467, 627 5- PHLOQOPITE, H 2 K Mg 3 Al [Si O 4 ] 3 ? . 469, 632 6. Lepidomelane, (H, K) 2 Fe 3 (Fe, Al) 4 [Si O 4 ] 5 ? . 47> 634 7- Roscoelite, H 8 K (Mg, Fe) (Al, V) 4 [Si O 3 ] 12 ? 47 635 8. Margarite, H 2 Ca A1 4 Si 2 Oi 2 , 47. 636 9- Seybertite, H 3 (Mg, Ca) 5 A1 5 Si 2 Oi 8 , 47L 638 10. Chloritoid, H 2 (Fe, Mg) A1 2 Si O 7 , . 47i, 640 ii. CLINOCHLORE, Chlorite, H 8 Mg 5 A1 2 Si 3 O 18 , . 473, 644 12. Vermiculite, H, Mg, Al, silicates of uncertain com- position, 476, 664 *3- SERPENTINE, H 4 Mg 3 Si 2 O 9 , .... 476, 669 14. KAOLIN, H 4 Al 2 Si 2 O 9 , 481, 685 i *. TALC, H 2 Mg 3 [Si O 3 ] 4 , ...... 470, 678 16. Pyrophyllite, H 2 A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 4 , *r / y ) 482, v i w 691 Titanosilicates. i. TITANITE, CaTiSiO 5 , ...... 485, 712 2. Astrophyllite, (Na, K) 4 (Fe, Mn) 4 Ti [Si O 4 ] 4 , 487, 719 Phosphates, Ar senates. I. Monazite, (Ce, La, Di) P0 4 with Th Si 4 , . 495 749 2. Herderite, Ca [Be . OH] PO 4 , with F iso. w. OH, . 503* 760 MONOCLINIC SYSTEM. 21 T. B. Sys. 3. Wagnerite, Mg [Mg F] PO 4 , 502,775 4. Triplite, R [R F] PO 4 , R = Fe and Mn, . . . 502, 777 5. Triploidite, R [R . OH] PO 4 , R = Fe and Mn, . 502, 779 6. Durangite, Na [Al F] As O 4 , 503,780 7 Clinoclasite, [Cu . OH] 3 As O 4 , 505, 795 8. Lazulite, Mg [Al . OH] 2 [PO 4 ] 2 , .... 506, 798 9. Vivianite, Fe 3 [PO 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, .... 508, 10. Erythrite, Co 3 [As O 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, .... 509,817 11. Annabergite, Ni 3 [As O 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O, .... 509,818 12. Brushite, H Ca PO 4 . 2 H 2 O, . . . . . 510,828 B orates. 1. Colemanite, Ca 2 B 6 On . 5 H 2 O, .'.'. . . 519, 882 2. BORAX, Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O, 520,886 Sulphates, Chromates. 1. Qlauberite, Na 2 Ca [SO 4 ] 2 , 523, 898 2. Crocoite, Pb Cr O 4 , 529 3. Kainite, Mg S O 4 . K Cl . 3 H 2 O, . . . . 530 4. Linarite, [Pb . OH] 2 SO 4 , with Cu iso. w. Pb, . 530, 927 5. Mirabilite, Na 2 SO 4 . 10 H 2 O, 531, 931 6. QPYSUM, Ca SO 4 . 2 H 2 O, 531, 933 7. Melanterite, Fe SO 4 . 7 H 2 O, 534, 941 8. Syngenite, K 2 Ca [SO 4 ] 2 . H 2 O 534, 945 9. Picromerite, K 2 Mg [SO 4 ] 2 . 6 H 2 O, . . . 535, 948 10. Polyhalite, K 2 Mg Ca 2 [SO 4 ] 4 . 2 H 2 O, . . . 535, 950 n. Blodite, Na 2 Mg [SO 4 ] 2 . 4 H 2 O, .... 535,946 Tellurites, Selenites. 1. Emmonsite, hydra ted ferric tellurite, . . . 538, 979 2. Chalcomenite, Cu Se O 3 . 2 H 2 O, . . . 538, 980 Tungstates. 1. WOLFRAMITE, FeWO 4 , with Mn iso. w. Fe, . 539,982 2. Hubnerite, Mn W O 4 , 539, 983 Oxalates. i. Whewellite, Ca C 2 O 4 . H 2 O, 542,993 22 TRICLINIC SYSTEM. TRICLINIC SYSTEM. Hydroxides. T. B. Sys. i. Sassolite, Boracic acid, B [OH] 3 , . . . .352, 255 Carbonates. i. Lansfordite, 3 MgCO 3 . Mg[OH] 2 . 21 H 2 O, . . 367, 305 I. 2. Silicates. MICROCLINE, K Al Si 3 O 8 , . ALBITE, Na Al Si 3 O 8 , (Ab), . . . 373, 377, 322 327 3- ANORTHITE, Ca A1 2 Si 2 O 8 , (An), . . 380, 337 Plagioclase OLIQOCLASE=ALBITE, 8 Ab: i An, , Feldspars; OLIQOCLASE, 3 Ab: i An, 378, 332 4- Albite- ANDESITE, i Ab: i An, 379, 333 Anorthite LABRADORITE, i Ab: 3 An, 379, 334 Series: BOYTONITE, i Ab: 8 An, , 5. RHODONITE, Mn Si O 3 , Ca and F iso. w. Mn, . 395, 378 6. Babingtonite, (Ca, Fe, Mn) Si O 3 , with Fe 2 [Si O 3 ] 3 , 396, 381 7. CYANITE, A1 2 Si O 5 , . . . 434,500 8. Axinite, Ca 7 A1 4 B 2 [Si O 4 ] 8 , Mn, Fe and H 2 iso. w. Ca 441, 527 9. Inesite, 2 (Mn, Ca) Si O 3 . H 2 O, .... 452 Phosphates, Ar senates. 1. Amblygonite, Li [Al F] PO 4 , OH iso. w. F, . . 503,781 2. Roselite, (Ca, Co, Mg) 3 [As O 4 ] 2 . 2 H 2 O, . . 507, 810 3. Brandtite, Ca 2 Mn [As O 4 ] 2 . 2 H 2 O, . . . 507, 8n 4. Fairfieldite, Ca 2 Mn [PO 4 ] 2 . 2 H 2 O, . . . 507, 812 Sulphates. 1. Chalcanthite, Cu SO 4 . 5 H 2 O, . _ . . . 534,944 2. Amarantite, (Fe . OH) SO 4 . 3 H 2 O, ... 536, 967 MINERALS OF UNCERTAIN CRYSTALLIZATION. 23 MINERALS WHICH ARE AMORPHOUS, MASSIVE, OR OF UNCERTAIN CRYSTALLIZATION. Arsenides. T. B Sys. 1. Domeykite, Cua As, 286, 44 2. Algodonite, Cue As, 286, 45 3. Whitneyite, Cu 9 As, , , , , t t , 286, 45 Oxides, Hydroxides. 1. Opal, Si O 2 , generally with 3 to 9 % H 2 O, . . 329, 194 2. Turgite, Fe 4 O 5 [OH] 2 , 350,245 3. LIMON1TE, Fe 4 3 [OH] 6 , . . . . . 350,250 4. Xanthosiderite, Fe 2 O [OH] 4 , 350, 251 5. BAUXITE, A1 2 O [OH] 4 , 350,251 6. Psilomelane, Mn O 2 withMn O, BaO, Co O, H 2 O? 352, 257 Carbonates. 1. Bismutosphaerite, [Bi O] 2 CO 3 , . . . . 364, 290 2. Hydrozincite, Zn CO 3 . 2 Zn [OH] 2 ? . . . 366, 299 3. Zaratite, Ni CO 3 . 2 Ni [OH] 2 . 4 H 2 O, . . .367, 306 Silicates. 1. Deweylite, Mg 4 Si 3 OIQ . 6 H 2 O? .... 479, 676 2. Qenthite, Ni 2 Mg 2 Si 3 Ojo . 6 H 2 O? ... 479,676 3. Qarnierite, Noumeaite, H 2 Ni Si 4 ? . . . 479, 676 4. Allophane, A1 2 Si O 5 . 5 H 2 O, ...... 483, 693 5. CHRYSOCOLLA, Cu Si O 3 . 2 H 2 O? . . . 483,699 Phosphates. i. Turquois, H [Al . 2 OH] 2 PO 4 , with isomorphous H [Cu . OH] a P0 4 , 512, 844 PART II. ARRANGEMENT OF THE MINERALS ACCORDING TO THE ELEMENTS, WITH USES AND STATISTICS. NOTE. The chief object of tables of this kind is to call atten- tion to the various chemical combinations of the elements, especially the metals, met with in the mineral kingdom. In each list of minerals the order of the chemical classification of Dana, given on page 2, is followed, and the names are printed in three kinds of type in order to indicate the relative importance of the various compounds, as explained on page i. For the sake of con- venience, the tables follow in alphabetical order, based upon the elements. Following them will be some lists of useful minerals which do not naturally fall under any specific element. Although the lists of minerals are not to be regarded as complete, the attempt has been made to give all of the principal and com- mercially important combinations. In the case of minerals which are commercially important, their uses are noted and some statis- tics are given indicating the amount and value of the production. The statistics have been derived chiefly from The Mineral Industry for 1905, published by the Engineering and Mining Journal of New York, and from the Mineral Resources of the United States for 1905, published by the United States Geological Survey. ALUMINIUM. Occurrence. The number of aluminium minerals is so large that no attempt is made to give other than the more important compounds. CRYOLITE, Na 3 Al F 8 . MICAS, H 2 K A1 3 [Si O^, etc. * CORUNDUM, A1 2 O 3 . <- KAOLIN, H 4 A1 2 Si 2 O B . Gibbsite, Al [OH] 3 . Pyrophyllite, H 2 A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 4 . ^ BAUXITE, A1 2 O [OH] 4 . '^ THE ZEOLITES. FELDSPARS, K Al Si 3 O 8 , ^ Lazulite, Mg [Al . OH] 2 [POJ 2 . Na Al Si 3 O 8 , Ca A1 2 Si 2 O 3 , etc. Wavellite, [Al . OH]., [POJ 2 . 5 H 2 O. LEUCITE, K Al [Si O 8 ],. Turquois, Approx. H [Al . 2 OH], NEPH ELITE, Na Al Si O 4 . PO 4 . TOPAZ, [Al Fk Si O 4 . ^ Kalinite, Alum, K Al [SOJ 2 . 1 2 H 2 O. CYANITE, A1 2 Si O 8 . is Alunite, K 2 [Al . 2 OH] 6 [SOJ 4 . 26 ALUMINIUM ANTIMONY. Uses. Metallic aluminium and many of its alloys possess highly useful properties. Alum and aluminium sulphate are used in chemical industries, as mordants in dyeing, and exten- sively in the manufacture of baking powders. The uses of a number of aluminium minerals (corundum, feldspar, mica, kaolin and clay) are explained later under Useful Minerals. Statistics. Metallic aluminium is made mostly from bauxite. The domestic consumption in 1905 was 11,347,000 pounds, valued at $3,246,300. Price per pound, about 35 c. Alum and aluminium sulphate are made from bauxite, cryolite and alunite. The yearly production of alum is about 10,000 tons, valued at about $29.00 per ton, and of aluminium sulphate from 75,000 to 100,000 tons, valued at about $18.00 per ton. The production of bauxite in 1905, mostly from Georgia, Ala- bama and Arkansas, was 48,129 tons, valued at about $5.00 per ton, and the importation was 11,726 tons, valued at $46,517. The importation of cryolite, from Greenland, for 1905, was 1600 tons, valued at $22,482. ANTIMONY. Occurrence. Native Antimony, Sb. " TETRAHEDRITE,'Cu 8 Sb 2 S 7 , etc. STIBNITE, Sb 2 S 3 . -*" Senarmontite, Sb 2 O 3 . Kermesite, Sb 2 S 2 O. " Valentinite, Sb 2 O 3 . Sulphantimonites. r Stibiconite, H 2 Sb 2 O s .^ Pyrargyrite, Ag 3 Sb S 3 . Cervantite, Sb 2 O 4 . v c \ Uses. Metallic antimony is used for making various alloys, type metal, pewter and anti-friction metal. The sulphide is employed in making fireworks, percussion caps, matches, and in vulcanizing rubber. Tartar-emetic and antimony sulphide are used for medicinal purposes. The United States mined no antimony ore in 1905, although there are good deposits (stibnite) in California, Idaho and South Dakota, but obtained its antimony from imported ores (493 tons; value, $117,433) or from hard lead (antimonial lead from the smelting of silver ores). The total production from these sources amounted to 3240 tons, valued at $705,787. ARSENIC BARIUM BERYLLIUM. 27 ARSENIC. Occurrence. Native Arsenic, As. ^ Sulpkar senile s. ^ Niccolite, Ni As. , Proustite, Ag 3 As S 3 , etc. Smaltite, Co As 2 . Enargite, Cu 3 As S 4 . *- Chloanthite, Ni As 2 . Ar senates, Qersdorffite, Ni As S. - Mimetite, Pb 4 [Pb ClIAs OJ 3 . - Lollingite, Fe As 2 . ^ Olivenite, Cu [Cu . OH] As O 4 . ARSENOPYRITE, Fe S As.^ Scorodite, Fe As O 4 . 2 H 2 O. Uses. Sulphides of arsenic are used as pigment and for pyro- technics. The oxide is used in medicine, and for poisoning and preserving. Paris green, an arsenate and acetate of copper, is extensively used as pigment and for poisoning. Statistics. In 1905 the production of As2 O$ in the United States was 1,507,386 pounds, while the yearly importation, mostly from England and Germany, is about 7,000,000 pounds. The price of As 2 Os is from i\ c. to 4^ c. per pound. BARIUM. Occurrence. WITHERITE, Ba CO 3 . Harmotome,(K 2 ,Ba)Al 2 Si 5 O 14 . 5 H 2 O. Barytocalcite, Ba Ca [CO 3 l a . BARITE, Ba SO 4 . ^ Hyalophane, 2 K Al Si 3 O 8 .BaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 Uses. Barite is used chiefly for the production of barium hydroxide, employed in the refining of sugar. Ground barites and precipitated Ba SO4 are employed as white pigment, for adul- terations, and for giving weight and finish to certain grades of paper. Statistics. Barite (or barytes) produced in 1905 amounted to nearly 50,000 tons, valued at $150,000. The supply was obtained from Missouri, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia. The importation was 19,000 tons, valued at $102,000. BERYLLIUM. Occurrence. Chrysoberyl, Be A1 2 O 4 . Euclase, Be [Al . OH] Si O 4 . BERYL, Be 3 Al, [Si O 3 ] 6 . $ H 2 O ? "' Gadolinite, Be 2 Fe Y 2 Si 2 O 10 . Leucophanite, Na [Be F] Ca [Si O 3 ] 2 . Bertrandite, H 2 Be 4 Si 2 O 8 . Helvite, (Mn, Fe) 2 [Mn 2 S]Be3[SiOJ 3 . Beryllonite, Na Be PO 4 . Phenacite, Be 2 Si O 4 . Herderite, Ca [Be (OH, F)] PO 4 . Uses. Some of the beryllium minerals used as gems are noted under a special heading, gem minerals. At the present time there is no demand commercially for beryllium or its salts. 28 BISMUTH BORON. BISMUTH. Occurrence. Native Bismuth, Bi. Bismutosphserite, [Bi O] 2 CO 3 . "" Bismuthinite, Bi 2 S 3 . ' Bismutite, [Bi O] [Bi . 2 OH] CO 8 . *- Tetradymite, Bi 2 Te 2 S. r Eulytite, Bi 4 [Si OJ 3 . Sulpho-bismuthinites, Pucherite, Bi V O 4 . >/ Emplectite, Cu 2 S . Bi 2 S 3 , etc. Uses. Bismuth is used for making numerous alloys of low fusing point (solders, safety plugs for boilers and fire extinguish- ers, and Wood's metal, fusing as low as 60.5 C.). Its salts are employed in medicine. Statistics. The domestic production of bismuth in 1905, mostly from Colorado, amounted to 2,288 pounds and the im- portation to 148,589 pounds. The price of refined bismuth is about $1.28 per pound. BORON. Occurrence. Sassolite, B [OH^. B 'orates. Danburite, Ca B 2 [Si O 4 ] 2 . Boracite, Mg 7 C1 2 B 16 O 30 . DATOLITE, Ca [B . OH] Si O 4 . Colemanite, Ca 2 B 6 O n . 5 H 2 O. " Axinite, R" 7 A1 4 B 2 [Si O 4 ] 8 .* ^ BORAX, Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O. ^ TOURMALINE, R' 9 A1 3 [B . OH] 2 Ulexite, Na Ca B 5 O 8 . 8 H 2 O. Si 4 O 19 .f * R" = Ca chiefly, with some Fe, Mn and H 2 . t R' replaced by various elements, Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, K, Li, Na, H. Uses. Borax is used for washing and cleansing; as a solvent of metallic oxides in soldering and welding; and as a flux in numerous smelting and laboratory operations. Borax and boracic acid are also extensively used in pharmaceutical preparations and for their antiseptic properties. Statistics. Borax and boracic acid are obtained from the cole- manite and native borax deposits of California, Oregon and Nevada. The total value of the products in 1905 amounted to over $1,000,000. BROMINE CADMIUM CESIUM CALCIUM. 29 BROMINE. Occurrence. Embolite, Ag (Br, Cl). *- Bromyrite, Ag Br. The element is contained also in small quantity in salt brines from which the supply of bromine is obtained. Uses. Liquid bromine is employed in numerous chemical in- dustries and in laboratories, and potassium bromide is used exten- sively in medicine. Statistics. The production of bromine in 1905, mostly from Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, was over 1,000,- ooo pounds, valued at over $175,000. CADMIUM. Occurrence. Greenockite, Cd S. The cadmium of commerce is obtained from zinc ores which frequently contain a small quantity of this rare element. Uses. The metal is used in making alloys for dental and other purposes. The sulphide is used as a yellow pigment. Statistics. Most of the cadmium is produced in Germany. There is no domestic production. CESIUM. Occurrence. Pollucite, H 2 Cs 4 A1 4 [Si0 3 ] 9 . This exceptionally rare element is also found in small quan- tities in beryl and lepidolite, and in the waters of some mineral springs. CALCIUM. Occurrence. Calcium occurs in such a variety of combinations that no attempt is made to give a complete list of its compounds. The typical and more important calcium minerals are as follows: FLUORITE, Ca F 2 . TITANITE, Ca Ti Si O 6 . * CALCITE, limestone, and marble, u Perovskite, Ca Ti O 3 . Ca CO 3 . APATITE, Ca 4 [Ca F] [POJ 3 . DOLOMITE, Ca Mg [CO 3 ] 2 . ^ Colemanite, Ca 2 B 6 O n . 5 H 2 O. ' ARAQONITE, Ca CO 3 . Qlauberite, Na Ca [SOJ 2 . ^ Gay-LuSsite, Na 2 Ca [CO 3 ] 2 . 5 H 2 O. ' ANHYDRITE, Ca SO 4 . ANORTHITE, Ca A1 2 [Si OJ 2 . * GYPSUM, Ca SO 4 . H 2 O. WOLLASTONITE, Ca Si O 3 . * Scheelite, Ca W O 4 . * 30 CALCIUM. In addition to the foregoing, calcium is an essential constitu- ent of the following common and important silicates: The lime- soda feldspars, pyroxene, amphibole, grossular and andradite gar- nets, scapolite, vesuvianite, datolite, epidote, axinite, prehnite and most zeolites. Uses. Lime, Ca O, is made by igniting marble and limestone, and is used in mortars and cements, and in a large number of chemical and domestic industries. Marble and limestone rock are extensively quarried for building material and ornamental purposes. Calcium oxide combines with silica and other impurities of ores to form fusible silicates, hence the extensive use of limestone as a flux in blast-furnace and other smelting operations. Chalk is Ca COs, and ground chalk, known as whiting, is used m putty, for scouring and polishing and for adulterating. Numerous uses are found for precipitated calcium carbonate and for marble dust. Carbon dioxide gas, extensively employed in making effervescent drinks, is largely derived from calcite or marble. Plaster of Paris is made from gypsum, by heating it at a mod- erate temperature until about half of its water of crystallization is driven off. Plaster of Paris is extensively used as hard finish in plastering, in making "staff" for the construction of exhibition buildings, and for moulds and casts. Ground gypsum is used to some extent as land plaster for fertilizing. Some fibrous and gran- ular varieties of gypsum (satin spar and alabaster) are polished or carved as ornaments. Statistics. The yearly consumption of lime is very great, the domestic product being valued at over $11,000,000. Lime is worth about $1.00 per barrel of 250 Ibs. The domestic production of limestone in 1905 was valued as follows : Building and structural stone, $6,000,000; broken stone for railroad ballast, macadam, concrete and rubble, $10, 000,000; for blast-furnace flux, $7, 000,000 a total of over $30,000,000. The production of gypsum in 1905 amounted to 1,000,000 tons, valued at $821,967, the supply coming chiefly from Michigan, New York, Iowa. Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia. The importation of gypsum and plaster of Paris is valued at $360,000. Ground gypsum for land plaster is worth about $2 per ton, plaster of Paris about $3.50 per ton. CARBON. 31 CARBON. Occurrence. DIAMOND, C. GRAPHITE, C. , Carbon is the characteristic non-metallic constituent of all carbonates, see pages 353 to 367 of Dana's Text-Book of Min- eralogy. Although not regarded as minerals in the strict sense of being definite chemical compounds, the various forms of coal, petroleum, natural gas, asphaltum and mineral wax (ozokerite) are exceedingly important substances, generally classed as mineral products. Uses. Diamonds are used as gems and for cutting and polish- ing hard materials. Graphite is used for pencils, for making refractory crucibles, as a lubricant, and as stove polish and pig- ment for brightening and protecting iron surfaces. Heavy min- eral oils are used as lubricants; solid products, such as paraffin and ozokerite, for candles, wax papers, and as protecting and insulating substances. Asphaltum is extensively employed in making pavements and asphaltum varnishes. Statistics. The value of the diamonds imported into the United States in 1905 was over $30,000,000, including about $200,000 worth of diamond dust. The graphite produced in 1905 was 6,000,000 pounds, valued at $318,211, mostly derived from Ticonderoga, N. Y. ; Chester Co., Pa., and Barton Co., Ga. The value of imported graphite was $983,034. At Niagara Falls 4,591,550 pounds of artificial graphite were produced by electricity. For coal and fuel the figures for 1905 are as follows: Anthra- cite from Pennsylvania, 69,000,000 tons, $142,000,000; bituminous coal, mostly from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia and Alabama, 315,000,000 tons, $335,000,000; crude petroleum, mostly from Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, Indiana and Texas, 135,000,- ooo barrels of 42 gallons, $84,000,000. The value of illuminating oil exported was $55,000,000; of other grades, $34,000,000. Natu- ral gas, mostly from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, had a value of $41,500,000. Asphaltum obtained in 1905, mostly from California, Utah, and Texas, was valued at over $750,000. Over 100,000 tons of asphaltum were imported into the United States, mostly from Trinidad. Large quantities of mineral wax, ozokerite, are imported from Austria, where it occurs in extensive deposits. 32 CERIUM CHOLRINE CHROMIUM. CERIUM. Together with cerium the so-called Rare Earth Metals, lantha- num, didymium, yttrium, erbium and thorium, will be considered. In the chemical formulas it is understood that Ce expresses the elements of the cerium group, Ce, La and Di; and Y the elements of the yttrium group, Y and Er. Occurrence. Tysonite, Ce F 3 . Gadolinite, Be, Fe Y 2 Si, O 10 . Parisite, Ca [Ce F] 2 [CO 3 ] 3 . Cerite, H 6 Ce 4 Si 3 O 15 ? Bastnasite, [Ce F] CO 3 . Most niobates and tantalates. Lanthanite, La 2 [CO 3 ] 3 . 9 H 2 O. Xenotime, Y PO 4 . Thorite, Th Si O 4 . Monazite, Ce PO 4 , with Th Si O 4 . * Allanite, Ca 2 [R . OH] R 2 [Si OJ 3 . * R=A1, Fe, Ceand Y. Uses. Thorium, an exceedingly rare element, is used for making incandescent mantles for Welsbach and other lights. The incandescent material is thoria, Th O2, mixed with a little oxide of cerium, and is mostly obtained from monazite. Statistics. The production of monazite in 1905, mostly from North Carolina, was 1,352,418 pounds, valued at $163,908. CHLORINE. Chlorine is the characteristic non-metallic constituent of the chlorides, see Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy, pages 317 to 323. Halite or rock salt, Na Cl, is the most important mineral contain- ing it. Uses. Hydrochloric or muriatic acid and bleaching powder, chloride of lime, are extensively used in chemical, metallurgical and manufacturing industries, and their production is generally connected with that of caustic soda. Large quantities of bleach- ing powder are used in the chlorination process of extracting gold from ores. CHROMIUM. Occurrence. CHROMITE, Fe Cr O 4 with Mg CrO 4 . k Crocoite, Pb Cr O 4 . Uvarovite, Ca 3 (Al, Cr) 2 [Si OJ 3 . Uses. The oxides Cr 2 O 3 (green) and Cr O 3 (red), potassium dichromate, lead chromate, and chrome alum are used as pigments and for dyeing and calico printing. Another demand for chrome ore is for making chrome-steel, which possesses superior hardness and toughness, and is used in making projectiles, armor plate and safes. For this purpose an alloy of iron and chromium (ferro- chromium) is made in electric furnaces and this is added to molten COBALT COLUMBIUM COPPER. 33 Glaucodot, (Co, Fe) S As. Erythrite, Co 3 [As OJ 2 . 8 H 2 O. steel. Considerable chromite is also employed in making chrome bricks, which are very refractory and are used for lining furnaces. Statistics. Deposits of chrome ore are known in the United States in California and North Carolina, but the annual produc- tion is very small. The importation was 54,000 tons, valued at $725,000. COBALT. Occurrence. Linnseite, Co 3 S 4 . Smaltite, Co As 2 . Cobaltite, Co S As. Some cobalt is found in most nickel minerals, and the most abundant supply of this rare metal is derived from cobaltiferous manganese oxide found in New Caledonia. Uses. Cobalt oxide is the chief product demanded by the trade and is used for giving blue colors to glass and porcelain. Smalt is a blue pigment made by grinding glass and other silicates colored by cobalt oxide. Statistics. The domestic production of cobalt oxide is small, being all derived as bi-product in the treatment of lead ores at Mine La Motte, Mo. The importation was 70,000 pounds. Cobalt oxide is worth about $2.00 per pound. COLUMBIUM, SEE NIOBIUM. COPPER. NATIVE COPPER, Cu. - Domeykite, Cu 3 As. Algodonite, Cu<, As. Whitneyite, Cu a As. Berzelianite, Cu 2 Se. Rickardite, Cu 4 Te 3 . CHALCOCITE, Cu 2 S. * Stromeyerite, Cu Ag S. Covellite, Cu S. BORNITE, Cu 5 Fe S 4 . CHALCOPYRITE, Cu Fe S,. Chalcostibite, Cu Sb S 2 . Emplectite, Cu Bi S 2 . TETRAHEDRITE, Cu 8 Sb 2 S 7 . Tennantite, Cu 8 As 2 S 7 . Enargite, Cu 3 As S 4 . Atacamite, Cu 2 Cl [OH],. CUPRITE, Cu 2 0. Tenorite (Melaconite), Cu O. MALACHITE, [Cu . OH], CO 3 . - AZURITE, [Cu . OH] 2 Cu [CO^ ^ Dioptase, H 2 Cu Si O 4 . CHRYSOCOLLA, Cu Si O 3 . 2 H 2 O? Olivenite, Cu [Cu . OH] As O 4 . Libethenite, Cu [Cu . OH] PO 4 . Clinoclasite, [Cu . OH] 3 As O 4 . Euchroite, Cu [Cu . OH] As O 4 . 3 H 2 O. Chalcophyllite, Cu 4 [OH] S As O 4 . 3i H 2 0. Gerhardtite, Cu 4 [OH] 6 [NO 3 ] 2 . Spangolite, Cu 6 Al Cl SO 10 . 9 H,O. Brochantite, Cu 4 [OH] 6 SO 4 . Chalcanthite, Cu SO 4 . 5 H 2 O. " Chalcomenite, Cu Se O 3 . 2 H 2 O. Uses. Copper wire, sheet and nails are used extensively, wire especially for conductors of electricity and in electrical apparatus. One of the chief uses of copper is in making alloys : notably brass, 34 FLUORINE. copper and zinc; bronze, copper and tin, frequently also zinc; German silver or white metal, copper, zinc and nickel. Some alloys with aluminium are useful because of their color and high tensile strength. Copper sulphate or blue vitriol is employed in calico printing, in the manufacture of various copper salts, in galvanic cells, and in numerous manufacturing industries. Statistics. The domestic production of copper in 1905 was about 901,000,000 pounds, valued (at 15^ c. per pound) at $140,- 000,000, and mostly derived from the following states, in the order named: Montana, Michigan, Arizona, California, Utah and Colo- rado. Just about one-half of the world's production of copper is from the United States. The price of copper in 1905 ranged from i4,8c. to i8.4C per pound, while the average price for 1906 was over IQC. The production of copper sulphate, blue vitriol, in 1905 was 52,000,000 pounds, valued at $2,350,000. DIDYMIUM ERBIUM FLUORINE. Occurrence. Fluorine is the characteristic non-metallic con- stituent of the fluorides, see Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy, pages 317 to 323. Fluorite, Ca F 2 , and cryolite, Nas Al F 6 , are the only commercially important fluorides. Fluorine occurs as a con- stituent of several carbonates, silicates and phosphates, frequently with hydroxyl or chlorine isomorphous with it. Some notable examples are as follows : Parisite, Ca [Ce F] 2 [CO 3 ] 3 . APATITE, Ca 4 [Ca F] [POJ 3 and Bastnasite, [Ce F] CO 3 . * Ca 4 [Ca (F, Cl)] [POJ 3 . Zunyite, [Al. 2 (OH,F,Cl)] 6 Al 2 [SiO 4 ] 3 . Wagnerite, [Mg F] Mg PO 4 . TOPAZ, [Al F] 2 Si O 4 , often with - Triplite,[R F] R PO 4 ;R =Fe and Mn. [Al . OH] 2 Si O 4 . Durangite, Na [Al F] As O 4 . LEPIDOLITE, K Li [Al . 2 (OH,F)] * Amblygonite, Li [Al F] PO 4 and * Al [Si 0,1,. Li [Al (OH, F) ] P0 4 . Herderite, Ca [Be (OH, F)] PO 4 . Uses. Fluorite is used chiefly as a flux in furnaces in which steel and iron are melted; also in the manufacture of opalescent glass and for making hydrofluoric acid, H F, for etching glass. The uses of cryolite are noted on page 26. Statistics. The production of fluorite in 1905 was 57,385 tons, valued at $362,488, the mineral coming from Eastern Kentucky and Southern Illinois. Fluorite is worth about $6 per ton, $10 to $12 when ground. GALLIUM GERMANIUM GOLD HYDROGEN INDIUM. 35 GALLIUM. Occurrence. Traces of this very rare element have been found in sphalerite from a few localities. GERMANIUM. Occurrence. Argyrodite, Ag 8 Ge S 6 . Canfieldite, Ag 8 (Sn, Ge) S 8 . GOLD. ' Occurrence. NATIVE GOLD, Au, but always - Sylvanite, AuAgTe 4 . ^ containing some silver. Krennerite, Au Te 2 . Petzite, [Ag, Au] 2 Te. ^ Calaverite, Au Te 2 . Gold is found in many pyritiferous and other sulphide ores, and often it is impossible to tell in just what combination it occurs. This is because of the small amount of gold in most ores ; thus a ton of ore having one per cent, of gold would contain 291.66 troy ounces of the precious metal, worth $6,028, hence what may be called a rich ore, with gold value of $60 per ton, would contain but o.oi per cent, of gold. The occurrence of gold in combination with tellurium and associated with tellurium minerals is worthy of note. Uses. The uses of gold for coin, ornaments and plating are well known. The standard gold for United States coin is 9-ioths fine, 9 parts of gold to i of copper. The gold used in jewelry is hardened by alloying it with copper and silver; 18 carat fine being i8-24ths gokl and 6-24ths other metals. Statistics. The domestic production of gold in 1905 'was 4,265,742 fine ounces, valued at $88,180,700, derived from the fol- lowing states, the numbers giving the nearest million dollars: Colorado 25, California 19, Alaska 14, South Dakota 7, Mon- tana 5, Arizona 3, Utah 5, Nevada 5, Idaho i, and Oregon i. The world's production in 1905 was valued at $380,000,000. Gold is the standard of value and a troy ounce is worth $20.67, equiva- lent to $301.44 per pound avoirdupois. HYDROGEN. Occurrence. Hydrogen occurs in combination with oxygen in water and ice, and in the water of crystallization and hydroxyl radicals of many minerals. In combination with carbon it occurs in hydrocarbons, bituminous coal, petroleum and natural gas. INDIUM. Occurrence. This excessively rare metal is found in small quantity in sphalerite from a few localities. 30 IODINE IRIDIUM IRON. IODINE. Occurrence. Marshite, Cu I. lodyrite, Ag I. Miersite, 4 Ag I . Cu I. Lautarite, Ca [IO 3 ] 2 . Uses. Iodine and its compounds are used in chemical indus- tries and laboratories, and in pharmaceutical preparations. Statistics. At the present time most of the iodine of commerce comes from Chile. Iodine is worth about $2.75 per pound. IRIDIUM. Occurrence. This rare metal is found sparingly with platinum ores as platiniridium and iridosmine. Uses. On account of stability and superior hardness platinum- iridium alloys have been employed for making standard weights and measures of the highest grade. Hard iridium alloys are used for tipping gold pens. Statistics. A small amount of iridium is obtained from Cali- fornia ores. IRON. Occurrence. Only typical iron compounds are included in the accompanying table, and it should be noted that iron occurs as an isomorphous constituent in many minerals, especially silicates and phosphates, replacing magnesium and manganese when fer- rous, and aluminium when ferric. Native Iron, Fe with Ni. " ALMANDITE, Fe 3 AlJSi OJ,. PYRRHOTITE, Fe n S ia . ANDRADITE, Ca 3 Fe 2 [Si OJ,. PYRITE, Fe S 2 . Fayallte, Fe 2 Si O 4 . MARCASITE, Fe S,. Ilvaite, Ca Fe, [Fe . OHJSi O 4 ] a . HEMATITE, Fe, O 3 . COLUMBITE, (Pe,Mn) (Nb, MAQNESITE, Mg CO 3 . PHLOQOPITE. Nesquehonite, Mg CO 3 . 3 H 2 O. THE CHLORITES, CLINO- ^ Hydromagnesite, Mg 4 [OH] 2 [CO 3 ] 3 . CHLORE. 3 H 2 0. SERPENTINE, H 4 Mg 3 Si 2 O 9 . *- Lansfordite, Mg 4 [OH] [CO 3 ] 3 . 2 1 H 2 O. TALC, H 2 Mg 3 [Si O 3 ] 4 . ENSTATITE-BRONZITE, Wagnerite, [Mg F] Mg PO 4 . (Mg, Fe) Si O 3 . Boracite, Mg 7 C1 2 B 16 O^,. Pyroxene, Ca [Mg, Fe] [Si O 3 ] 2 . Kainite, Mg SO 4 . K Cl . 3 H 2 O. Anthophyllite, (Mg, Fe) Si O 3 . Schoenite, K 2 Mg [SOJ 2 . 6 H 2 O. AMPHIBOLE, R Si O 3 , R =Mg, Fe,, Epsomite, Mg SO 4 . 7 H 2 O. and Ca. Blodite, Mg SO 4 . No, SO 4 . 4 H 2 O. " 40 MANGANESE. Uses. Magnesite when calcined yields magnesia, Mg O, which when compressed into bricks is used for refractory furnace lining. Magnesia is also used in making non-conductive covering for boilers and steam pipes. Magnesia salts, especially the sulphate, are used in the arts and to some extent in pharmaceutical prepa- rations. Many limestones and marbles approximate to dolomite in composition, when they are called dolomitic, and some of them are valuable building stones. Some varieties of magnesia mica, serpentine and talc are used in the arts, and will be referred to in a later paragraph. Statistics. The production of magnesite is limited to Cali- fornia, where 3,900 tons were produced in 1905, valued at $15,000. The importation of magnesite was valued at about $650,000. The importation of Epsom salts, Mg SC>4 . 7 H^O, had a value of $38,000 in 1905. MANGANESE. Alabandite, Mn S. Helvite, (Mn, Fe) 2 [Mn 2 S]Be 3 [SiOJ 3 . Hauerite, Mn S 2 . Spessartite, Mn 3 A1 2 [Si OJ* Manganosite, Mn O. Glaucochroite, Ca Mn Si O 4 . Franklinite, (Fe, Mn, Zn) Tephroite, Mn 2 Si O 4 . (Fe, Mn) 2 O 4 . Friedelite, H 7 [Mn Cl] Mn 4 [Si OJ 4 . Hausmannite, Mn 3 O 4 . Piedmontite, Ca 2 [Al . OH] (Al, Mn) a Braunite, Mn, (Mn, Si) O 3 . > [Si OJg. Bixbyite, Fe Mn O 3 . Inesite, 3 (Mn, Ca) Si O 3 . 2 H 2 O. Polianite, Mn O 2 . Lithiophilite, Li Mn PO 4 . MANQANITE, Mn 2 [OH] 2 O 2 . * Triplite, [R F] R P O 4 , R = Mn & Fe. PYROLUSITE, Mn O 2 with water? > Triploidite, [R . OH] R K> 4 , R =Mn Pyrochroite, Mn [OH] 2 . and Fe. Psilomelane, Mn O 2 , Mn O, etc. Sussexite, H R B O 3 , R =Mn, Mg & Zn. RHODOCHROSITE, Mn CO 3 . * Hiibnerite, Mn W O 4 . RHODONITE, Mn Si O 3 . A number of common minerals, notably silicates, contain from traces to several per cent, of oxide of manganese, which is isomorphous with the oxides of iron and magnesium. Uses. Manganese ores are used chiefly in making ferro-man- ganese and spiegeleisen, compounds which are employed in the manufacture of steel. A little metallic manganese is produced by the electrical furnace and alloyed with copper for making man- ganese bronze. Some oxide of manganese is employed by glass makers. When added in proper amount to molten glass the violet color which manganese tends to impart destroys (complements) the yellow caused by oxide of iron, and thus a nearly colorless product is obtained. The higher oxides of manganese are used in MERCURY MOLYBDENUM. 41 laboratories for obtaining oxygen gas and for liberating chlorine from hydrochloric acid. In some regions, notably Colorado, silver ores contain sufficient manganese (generally rhodochrosite) to make it of decided value as a flux. Statistics. The production of manganese ores in 1905, mostly from Virginia, amounted to 4,118 long tons (2,240 Ibs.), valued at $36,000. The larger part of the manganese produced comes from manganiferous iron ores obtained chiefly from the Lake Superior District or Colorado. The value of such ores for 1905 was $1,500,- ooo. The importation was 257,000 tons, valued at $1,900,000. It is very important that manganese ores should be low in phos- phorus, less than o.io per cent. MERCURY, QUICKSILVER. Occurrence. Native Mercury, Hg. * Onofrite, Hg (S, Se) . Native Amalgam, Hg with Ag. Coloradoite, Hg Te. ^ Metacinnabarite, Hg S. '-+ CINNABAR, Hg S. * Tiemannite, Hg Se. r Calomel, Hg Cl. Uses. Metallic mercury is used extensively in the amalgama- tion processes of extracting gold and silver from ores, in the manu- facture of physical and chemical apparatus, and in a variety of chemical and electrical industries. The silvering on mirrors is an amalgam of tin and mercury. Mercury salts are extensively em- ployed in pharmaceutical preparations, and the sulphide is the red pigment vermilion. Statistics. Quicksilver is generally sold in bulk by the flask of 763 Ibs. The production in 1905 was over 30,000 flasks, or 1,100 tons, valued at about $1,103,000, six-sevenths of the supply com- ing from California, the remainder from Texas. A little less than one-third of the world's production of quicksilver in 1905 was produced in the United States. The price of mercury per flask at San Francisco is about $40. MOLYBDENUM. Occurrence. MOLYBDENITE, Mo S a . - Wulfenite, Pb Mo O 4 . " Molybdite, Mo O 3 . Powellite, Ca Mo O 4 . Uses. Ammonium molybdate is used in all chemical labora- tories for the detection and estimation of phosphoric acid. A recent and large demand for molybdenum is for making ferro- molybdenum. This when combined with chrome-steel gives a product which is self-hardening. 42 NICKEL NIOBIUM. Statistics. Only a little molybdenite is produced in the United States; the price, however, for nearly pure mineral is about $400 per ton. NICKEL. Meteoric and native nickel-iron, awar- Chloanthite, Ni As 2 . uite and josephinite, Fe with Ni. Qersdorffite, Ni As S. " Pentlandite, (Ni, Fe) S. Ullmanite, Ni Sb S. Millerite, Ni S. Rammelsbergite, Ni As 2 . Niccolite, Ni As. Zaratite, Ni 3 [OR], CO 3 . 4 H 2 O. ^ Breithauptite, Ni Sb. Qenthite, Ni 2 Mg 2 Si 3 O 10 . 6 H 2 O? NICKELIFEROUSPYRRHOTITE., Garnierite, noumeaite, H 2 NiSiO 4 ? ^ Linnseite, (Co, Ni, Fe) 3 S 4 . Annabergite, Ni 3 [As O 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O. - Melonite, Ni 2 Te 3 . Morenosite, Ni SO 4 . 7 H 2 O. *- Uses. The chief demand for nickel is for making nickel-steel, which contains about 3^ per cent, of nickel, possesses great strength and toughness, and is used for armor plate. For various uses in the steel industry products known as ferro-nickel, chrome - nickel, tungsten -nickel and molybdenum-nickel are manufactured. There are numerous important alloys of nickel: German silver, containing Cu, Zn and Ni; metal for coinage, containing Cu and Ni; and also some alloys with aluminium which possess great strength. -Considerable metal is used in nickel plating. Statistics. Owing to the rare occurrence of nickel minerals the production of nickel from domestic ores amounts to but a few thousand pounds a year, mostly obtained as a by-product from the treatment of lead ores at Mine La Motte, Mo. The production from foreign ores, chiefly pyrrhotite and pentlandite from Sud- , bury, Canada, amounted in 1905 to about 18,876,000 pounds, valued at $7,500,000. Next in importance to the sulphide ores of Sudbury come the silicate (garnierite) deposits of New Cale- donia. The world's production of nickel in 1905 amounted to about 20,000,000 pounds. An average price for nickel is about 4oc. per pound. NIOBIUM, called also COLUMBIUM. Occurrence. Niobium is a rare non-metallic or acid constitu- ent found in the niobates and tantalates, see Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy, pages 489 to 493. There are no uses for niobium or its compounds. NITROGEN OSMIUM. 43 NITROGEN. Occurrence. Nitrogen is the characteristic non -metallic con- stituent of the nitrates, which, owing to their solubility, are of exceptional occurrence as minerals. Nitrogen is a constituent also of ammonia and its compounds, which occur rarely as minerals. Air is essentially a mixture of * nitrogen and oxygen gases, in about the proportion of four volumes of nitrogen to one of oxygen. Uses. Nitric acid and its salts and ammonia compounds are extensively used in argiculture, and in chemical industries and laboratories. Explosives, such as gunpowder, guncotton, nitro- glycerin, dynamite, material for fireworks, etc., contain either nitric acid derivatives or niter. Ammonia gas is used in artificial refrigerating plants. Nitrogen, either in nitrates or ammonia salts, or in refuse organic matter, is essential for plant nutrition, nitrogen of the air not being available for this purpose, except under conditions which do not ordinarily prevail. Statistics. Practically the world's supply of crude mineral material for making nitric acid and nitrates is sodium nitrate, the so-called Chile saltpeter, found in almost rainless regions in Chile and Bolivia. Ammonia is almost wholly derived as by- product from coke and gas ovens in which bituminous coal is dis- tilled. The salt most in demand is ammonium sulphate, the larger part of which is used in fertilizers. The domestic produc- tion of ammonium sulphate in 1905 was 38,000,000 pounds, value $1,000,000. The price of commercial fertilizers is based upon the amount of plant nutriment they contain. Of the three important nutritive elements, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen heads the list, its value per pound being about 14.50. OSMIUM. Occurrence. A very rare element found in iridosmium and in traces with the metals of the platinum group. Uses. The use of osmium for filaments for incandescent electric lights, in place of the ordinary carbon filaments, is caus- ing a demand for this rare element. Osmium is worth about $21 per troy ounce. 44 OXYGEN PALLADIUM PHOSPHORUS. OXYGEN. Occurrence. Most minerals contain oxygen, the exceptions being the native elements; the sulphides, tellurides and selenides; the sulpho-salts (sulphantimonites, sulpharsenites) and the halogen-salts. Uses. Special importance is attache! to certain higher oxides, notably those of manganese and lead, and to nitrates and chlo- rates which contain available oxygen for bringing about oxidations or obtaining oxygen gas. Oxygen and hydrogen gases are now made by the electrolysis of water, the oxygen, compressed in cylinders, being sold for use in medicine and for oxy hydrogen blowpipes. PALLADIUM. Occurrence. A rare metal of the platinum group, found native and in traces in native platinum. * PHOSPHORUS. Occurrence. Phosphorus is the characteristic non-metallic constituent of the phosphates; see Dana's Text-Book of Min- eralogy, pages 494 to 516. Uses. There are two modifications of the element phospho- rus: the common colorless variety, cast generally in sticks, which finds limited uses in laboratories and various chemical industries, and the red, amorphous variety used to some extent in chemical industries, but extensively along with other substances in the manufacture of matches. Phosphates are essential for plant nutrition and are impor- tant in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers, phosphorus, reckoned generally as phosphoric anhydride, P2 0$, ranking next to nitrogen in importance (compare page 43). The mineral phos- phates mined for making fertilizers are either apatite, Ca4 [Ca F] [POJs, or so-called phosphate rock, which is a calcium phosphate closely related to apatite in chemical composition. Phosphate rock is generally treated with sulphuric acid to make the phosphoric acid soluble and thus available to the roots of plants. The inorganic material of the bones of mammals is essentially calcium phosphate, and phosphorus is contained in animal tissues and excreta, hence the extensive use of refuse animal matter and manure as fertilizers. Phosphoric acid and various phosphates are used in pharma- ceutical preparations. The harmful influence of phosphorus, even in very small quantity, on iron and steel should be noted (see page 36). PLATINUM. 45 Statistics. The domestic production of phosphate rock, mined chiefly in Florida, Tennessee and South Carolina, amounted in 1905 to over 2,000,000 tons, valued at about $6,700,000. About one- fourth of the product was exported, mostly to Germany. The world's production of phosphate rock in 1904 was about 3,500,000 tons. The valuation of commercial fertilizers is based upon the amounts of plant nutriment they contain, which must be deter- mined by chemical analysis. The three important constituents are phosphoric anhydride, P20 5 , nitrogen, and potash, K^O. Soluble or available P 2 O 5 is valued at a trifle over 30. per pound, or 62^ c. per unit of 20 pounds (one per cent.) per ton. Insoluble phosphate rock, even if finely ground, is of very little agricultural value , unless treated with sulphuric acid so as to make the ?205 available. PLATINUM. Occurrence. Native Platinum, Pt, with some Fe and traces of rare platinum metals. ^ Sperrylite, Pt As 2 . Uses. Owing to its difficult fusibility and insolubility in acids, platinum, manufactured into wire, foil, crucibles, dishes, stills, and various forms of apparatus, is indispensable to the chemist and in certain chemical industries. There are numerous uses for it in connection with electricity: thus for making con- nections where a metal is needed which does not corrode ; and fine platinum wire fused into glass is used in carrying the electric current to the incandescent filaments of electric lights. The incan- descent thoria mantles of the Welsbach light are generally hung on platinum wire. Potassium chloro-platinate, 2 K Cl . Pt C^, is used to a considerable extent in photography. A noteworthy feature of the platinum industry is that demands for the metal are multiplying, with no appreciable increase in the supply. Statistics. The domestic production of platinum in 1905 was 318 ounces, valued at $5,320, the supply coming almost wholly from gold placer deposits in California. The importation in 1905 was valued at over $2,000,000. The world's supply of platinum comes from the Urals, where nearly 200,000 ounces are produced annually. The price of platinum has been steadily rising, being worth in September, 1906, $34 per ounce, about three times what it was in 1895. 46 POTASSIUM. POTASSIUM. Occurrence. SYLVITE, K Cl. Langbeinite, K 2 Mg 2 [SOJ 3 . CARNALLITE, K Mg C1 3 . 6 H 2 O. KAINITE, K Cl . Mg SO 4 . 3 H 2 O. FELDSPAR, ORTHOCLASE and^ SCHOENITE, K 2 Mg[SO 4 ] 2 . 6 H 2 O. MICROCLINE, K Al Si 3 O 8 . Polyhalite, K 2 Ca 2 Mg [SO 4 ] 4 . 2 H 2 O. LEUCITE, K Al [Si O 3 ] 2 . Kalinite, K Al [SOJ 2 . 12 H 2 O. * Apophyllite, and a few Zeolites. " Alunite, K 2 A1 6 [OH] 12 [SO 4 ] 4 . " MUSCOVITE, H 2 K A1 8 [SiO^. " Jarosite, K 2 Fe 6 [OH] 12 [SOJ 4 . * BIOTITE, and other Micas. Uses. Potash salts are essential for plant nutrition and are more largely employed in agriculture than in any single industry. The potash salts most in demand are as follows: The chloride, used in fertilizers and in making other potash salts ; the carbonate, bicarbonate and caustic potash, used in making soft soaps and flint and Bohemian glass; the nitrate, niter, for making gunpowder; the chlorate, for making matches and oxygen gas, and used also in medicine; the cyanide, employed in large quantities in the extrac- tion of gold from ores; the bromide and iodide, used in medicine. Statistics. It is a noteworthy fact that no commercially im- portant deposits of potash minerals have as yet been found in the United States. The world's supply of potash at the present time is mostly derived from deposits round about Stassfurt in Ger- many, though some potash is obtained from what was at one time almost the only source, the leaching of the ashes of plants, some from brines left over after separating common salt from sea water, and some from the washing of sheep's wool, the salty perspiration retained by the wool containing a rather large proportion of potash salts. The slow decay of the common rock-making silicates, feld- spars and micas, undoubtedly gives rise to the potash of soils, needed as plant nutriment, but attempts to get potash from feld- spars on a commercial scale have failed, as the processes are so costly as not to be able to compete with the production in Ger- many. The production of potassium salts in Germany had a total value of $31,000,000. The importation of potash salts into the United States in 1905 was valued at $5,300,000. For agricultural purposes, potash, reckoned as K^O, is worth about 4 to 4j c. per pound (compare nitrogen and phosphorus). RHODIUM RUBIDIUM RUTHENIUM SELENIUM SILICON. 47 RHODIUM. Occurrence. This rare metal of the platinum group is found in native platinum, indium and iridosmine. RUBIDIUM. Occurrence. This rare alkali metal is found in small quantity in lepidolite, and in minute traces in a few other silicates and some mineral spring waters. RUTHENIUM. Occurrence. This rare metal of the platinum group is found in laurite, Ru 82, and in iridosmine. SELENIUM. Occurrence. Selen-Tellurium, Te with Se. Crookesite, (Cu, Tl, Ag) 2 Se. Guanajuatite, Bi 2 Se 3 . Aguilarite, Ag 2 S . Ag 2 Se. Clausthalite, Pb Se, Tiemannite, Hg Se. Naumannite, (Ag 2 , Pb) Se. r Onofrite, Hg (S, Se). Berzelianite, Cu 2 Se. Umangite, Cu 3 Se 2 . Eucairite, Cu Ag Se. Chalcomenite, Cu Se O 3 . 2 H 2 O. Uses. As far as known there are no uses for this element except in the laboratory for making rare chemical preparations. SILICON. Occurrence. Silicon is the characteristic non -metallic con- stituent of the silicates, salts of silicic acid (see Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy, pages 368 to 488). Silicon occurs also as oxide, quartz, agate, flint, chalcedony and tridymite, and as hydroxide, opal. Uses. There are no uses for the element silicon. In ordinary pig iron silicon occurs in varying proportions, up to 5 or 6 per cent., generally about 2 per cent., and plays an important r61e in the metallurgy of iron and steel. For use in steel metallurgy, ferro- silicon (Fe with 10% to 25% Si) is now made in electric furnaces. The burning of the silicon to Si Q% gives an intense heat which is needed in certain operations. There are uses for various sili- cates which are noted either under the metallic constituents or under the heading Useful Minerals. The uses of oxide of silicon in various forms, quartz, quart zite, sandstone, flint, etc., are given below. Uses of Si 02. White beach sand is composed almost wholly and ordinary sand mostly of quartz, and has many uses, especially 48 SILICON. in making mortar, while very pure grades are used in the glass industry. Quartzite and sandstone consist of quartz grains more or less firmly united, and are quarried for building materials, flagstones, grindstones, millstones, whetstones and other uses. Well rounded beach pebbles put into revolving cylinders are used for pulverizing many substances. Ground quartz and flint are used extensively in the manufacture of pottery, to some extent as abrasive material in scouring soaps, marble cutting and sandpaper, and, when ground to impalpable powder and mixed with oils, as wood -filler in finishing fine carpenter work. Pure transparent quartz is used for cutting into ornaments, rock-crystal dishes, vases, spheres, etc.; for making eye-glasses (pebbles) which are superior to glass in being harder; and for making prisms and optical preparations. Opals, amethyst and smoky-quartz, and moss, banded and variously colored agates are used in jewelry. Mortars for the laboratory are made of agate. Infusorial earth is a very fine earthy material consisting of microscopic silicious shells of vegetable organisms known as diatoms. The material, sold often as tripoli and electro-silicon, is used for polishing articles of metal, and in the manufacture of giant powder, when the infusorial earth is used as an absorbent for nitro-glycerin. Statistics. The domestic production of buhrstones and mill- stones in 1905 was valued at $37,000. The stones, generally made from quartzite or conglomerate, are used for grinding grain, min- eral-paint, fertilizers, cement rock, barites and other minerals, and come mostly from the Eastern Appalachian region in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. The value of grindstones was $777,000, while that of whetstones and scythe- stones was $244,000, the finest whetstone, known as novaculite, coming from Arkansas. The production of pure quartz for grinding is confined mostly to Connecticut and amounted in 1905 to 19,000 tons, valued at $88,000. SILVER. 49 SILVER. Occurrence. Native Silver, Ag. Stephanite, 5 Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 . Amalgam, Ag with Hg. Polybasite, 9 Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 , Cu iso. Dyscrasite, Ag 6 Sb. w. Ag. Argentite, Ag 2 S. Pearceite, 9 Ag 2 S x . As 2 S 3 ,Cu iso.w. Ag. Hessite, Ag 2 Te. Polyargyrite, 12 Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 . Petzite, (Ag, Au) 2 Te. Argyrodite, 4 Ag 2 S . Ge S 2 . Stromeyerite, Ag 2 S . Cu 2 S. / Canfieldite, 4 Ag 2 S . Sn S 2 , Ge iso. Sylvanite, Ag Te 2 . Au Te 2 . * w. Sn. Matildite, Ag 2 S . Bi 2 S 3 . Cerargyrite, Ag Cl. *" Miargyrite, Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 . Embolite, Ag (Cl, Br). * Pyrargyrite, 3 Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 . '-" Bromyrite, Ag Br. Proustite, 3 Ag 2 S . As 2 S 3 . lodyrite, Ag I. In addition to the foregoing there are argentiferous varieties of many minerals, notably those containing lead and copper, which are especially valuable as ores, as galena, chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. It is difficult in many cases to decide whether the small amount of silver in argentiferous lead and copper minerals is truly isomorphous with the lead and copper, or due to traces of associated silver minerals mechan- ically mixed with them. Uses. The uses of silver for coin, for various domestic and ornamental objects, and for plating are well known. Generally an alloy is used instead of pure silver. The standard coin of the United States contains 9 parts of silver to one of copper. Silver salts are used extensively in photography, and the nitrate in medi- cine for cauterization. Statistics. The domestic production of silver in 1905 was 56,000,000 troy ounces, valued at $34,000,000. The production of the several states in million ounces was about as follows : Colo- rado 13, Montana 13, Utah 10, Idaho 8, Nevada 5, and Arizona 2}. The world's production amounted to 189,000,000 ounces. The average value of the metal for the year was about 60 c. per fine ounce. Metallurgical. In connection with the metallurgy of silver a few points are of importance: Owing to the price of silver, a small amount of the metal in an ore, expressed as per cent., is of considerable value. Thus an ore containing 0.34 per cent. Ag would yield 100 ounces per ton, which is far above the average run of silver ores. In assaying, the amount of silver is generally given as ounces per ton. The metallurgy of silver is intimately connected with that of lead, ores containing both metals being SODIUM. smelted so that silver may be taken up by the lead (see page 38). In the smelting process, lime, Ca O, and oxides of iron and man- ganese add to the value of ores because of their quality as fluxes, and zinc, which scarcely ever fails, is especially harmful, as it interferes with the proper running of the furnaces. SODIUM. Occurrence. HALITE, Na Cl. CRYOLITE, Na 3 Al F 6 . S Pachnolite, Na Ca Al F 6 . H 2 O. Thomsenolite, Na Ca Al F c . H 2 O. Dawsonite, Na [Al . 2 OH] CO 3 . ' Thermonatrite, Na 2 CO 3 . H 2 O. ^ Northupite, Na 2 Mg [CO 3 ] 2 . Na Cl. Natron, Na 2 CO 3 . 10 H 2 O. *- Trona, Na 2 CO 3 . H Na CO 3 . 2 H 2 O.* Pirssonite, Na 2 Ca [CO 3 ] 2 . 2 H 2 O. ' Gay=Lussite, Na 2 Ca [CO 3 ] 2 . 5 H 2 O.' Eudidymite, H Na Be Si 3 O 8 . ALBITE, Na Al Si 3 O 8 , and Albite-^ Anorthite series of triclinic feld- spars. ^Egirite, Na Fe [Si O 3 ] 2 . Jadeite, Na Al [Si O J a . Pectolite, H Na Ca 2 [Si O 3 ] 2 . ^ Glaucophane, Na Al [Si O 3 ] 2 . (Fe,Mg) Si 3 . Eudyalite,Na 13 (Ca,Fe) 6 Cl(Si,Zr) 20 O 2 ? NEPH ELITE, approximately Na Al Si O 4 . Cancrinite, H 6 Na 6 Ca [Na CO 3 ] 2 A1 8 [Si OJ 9 . Sodalite, Na 4 [Al Cl] Al, [Si OJ 3 . Haiiynite, (Na 2 , Ca) 2 [Al . Na SO.JAL, [Si 4 ] 3 . Noselite, Na 4 [Al . NaSOJ A1 2 Lazurite, Na 4 [Al . NaS 3 ] A1 2 WERNERITEor\Ca 4 Al 6 Si 6 25 , SCAPOLITE, / Na 4 A1 3 Si 9 O 24 Cl. ANALCITE, Na Al [Si O 3 ] 2 . H 2 O. " NATROLITE, Na 2 Al 2 Si 3 O 10 . 2 H 2 O./ Paragonite, H 2 Na A1 3 [Si O^. . Natrophilite, Na Mn PO 4 . Beryllonite, Na Be PO 4 . Durangite, Na [Al F] As O 4 . SODA=NITER, Na NO 3 . Darapskite, Na NO 3 .. Na 2 SO 4 . HjO. BORAX, Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O. Ulexitd, Na Ca B 5 O 9 . 8 H 2 O? * Thenardite, Na 2 SO 4 . \ .- Glauberite, Na 2 Ca [SO 4 ] 2 . Sulphohalite, 2 Na 2 SO 4 . Na Cl . NaF. Hanksite, 9 Na 2 SO 4 . 2 Na 2 CO 8 . - KC1. Mirabilite, Na 2 SO 4 . 10 H 2 O. Natrojarosite, Na 2 Fe 6 [OH] 12 [SOJ 4 . In addition to the foregoing compounds sodium is found in variable quantities in a number of common minerals where it plays the r61e of an isomorphous constituent. [7ss. There is some demand for metallic sodium in chemical industries and laboratories, and it is now generally made by elec- trolytic methods. Halite, or rock salt, is used in enormous quan- tities in the manufacture of soda-ash, caustic-soda and various soda salts, in addition to its uses in every household, and for packing and preserving meats and fish. Sodium hydroxide, caustic-soda Or lye, has various uses, but is chiefly employed in the manufacture of soap. Crude sodium carbonate or soda-ash is used in the manu- facture of glass and in the preparation of sodium compounds. Crystallized sodium carbonate or sal-soda, Na2 COs . 10 H^O, is STRONTIUM. 51 used for cleansing and is mixed with powdered soaps for giving added cleansing quality. Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, H Na CO 3 , is used in every household, and extensively in making baking powders and in medicine. The ordinary glaze on cheap stoneware and tile is produced by throwing salt into kilns where the ware is burned. The salt volatilizes and reacts with various silicates of the ware, giving rise to a glaze of fused sodium silicate. This glaze is quite different from that produced by feldspar on more costly ware. Statistics. Common salt or halite is practically the basis of all soda industries, consequently of glass and soap making. The domestic production of salt in 1905 was 26,000,000 barrels of 280 pounds, valued at the works at about $6,000,000. The leading salt-producing states and their approximate production in million barrels are as follows: Michigan 9^, New York 8^, Ohio 2j, Kansas 2, and Louisiana i. At the present time the United States is the leading salt-producing country of the world, and furnishes about one-fourth of the total production. Salt is worth about $1.50 to $2 per barrel in New York. Sodium bicarbonate produced from natural deposits in the arid regions of California and Nevada amounted in 1904 to 12,000 tons, valued at $18,000, and considerable soda is made from cry- olite brought from Greenland, but the total amounts from these sources are small compared with the production from common salt. STRONTIUM. Occurrence. STRONTIANITE, Sr CO 3 . ^ Hamlinite, [Sr . OH] [Al . 2 OH] 3 P 2 O 7 . Brewsterite, CELESTITE, Sr SO 4 . *- H 4 (Sr, Ca, Ba) A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 6 . 3 H 2 O. Uses. Strontium oxide and hydroxide are used in refining beet sugar, and other salts, especially the nitrate, Sr [NO 3 ] 2 , are employed for making red fire in pyrotechnics. Statistics. There is practically no production of strontium minerals in the United States, though they would command good prices. The supply of strontium salts conies almost wholly from Germany, and as an indication of their value strontium nitrate is quoted in New York at about $140 per ton. 52 SULPHUR TANTALUM. SULPHUR. Occurrence. Sulphur is found native, which is one of its most important occurrences from an economic standpoint. In combi- nation with metals sulphur forms sulphides and sulpho-salts (sul- phantimonites, etc.), many of which are of great importance as ores (see Dana's Text-Book of Mineralogy, pages 281 to 316). Sulphur in combination with the metals and oxygen forms sul- phates (see Dana, pages 523 to 538). Uses. Sulphur (brimstone) and pyrite, Fe 82, are used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) which is employed in numerous chemical and metallurgical industries, in the manufac- ture of fertilizers and in the refining of petroleum. Sulphur dioxide, formed by burning sulphur, is used in enormous quantity in the preparation of wood pulp for paper stock, also to some extent as an antiseptic and disinfectant, and for bleaching silk, wool and straw materials. The element sulphur is used in vul- canizing rubber, in making gunpowder, for tipping matches, and in a finely divided condition (flowers of sulphur) in medicine. Statistics. The domestic production of sulphur in 1905 was 181,677 tons, valued at $3,706,560, the supply coming from Louisiana, Nevada and Utah. There were also produced 250,000 tons of pyrite, valued at about $1,000,000. The importation of sulphur in 1905 amounted to nearly 85,000 tons, valued at $1,567,- 485, and of pyrite 511,946 tons, valued at $1,774,379. The world's production of sulphur (brimstone) is about 600,000 tons, more than 90 per cent, coming from the island of Sicily. Most of the sulphur (brimstone) consumed in the United States is used in the manufacture of paper stock. The pyrite is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, consumed largely by chemical and agricultural companies and by the Standard Oil Company. TANTALUM. Occurrence. The rare element tantalum is found in connection with niobium in the niobates and tantalates (see Dana's Text -Book of Mineralogy, pages 489 to 493). There are no uses for tantalum. TELLURIUM THALLIUM THORIUM TIN. 53 TELLURIUM. Occurrence. Native Tellurium, Te. Sylvanite, Au Ag Te 4 . Selen-tellurium, (Te, Se). Krennerite, Au Te 2 l with some Ag Tetradymite, Bi 2 Te 2 S. ' Calaverite, Au Te 2 / iso. w. Au. - Hessite, Ag 2 Te. Nagyagite, Au 2 Sb 2 Pb 10 Te 6 S 16 ? Petzite, (Ag, Au) 2 Te. " Tellurite, Te O 2 . Altaite, Pb Te. Montanite, [Bi . 2 OH^ TeO 4 . Coloradoite, Hg Te. Durdenite, Fe 3 [Te O 3 ] 3 . 4 H 2 O. Melonite, Ni 2 Te 3 . Emmonsite, hydrated ferric tellurite. Rickardite, Cu 4 Te 3 . Uses. There is no demand for tellurium, except a very limited one for making rare laboratory preparations. THALLIUM. Occurrence. Crookesite, (Cu, Tl, Ag) 2 Se. Lorandite, Tl As S 2 or T1 2 S . As 2 S 3 . Uses. Thallium is occasionally used in the laboratory for making monochromatic green light, and also rare chemical prepa- rations. THORIUM. The occurrences and uses of this rare earth metal are noted on page 32, under Cerium. TIN. Occurrence. Stanhite, Cu 2 Fe Sn S 4 . Franckeite, Pb 5 Sb 2 Sn 2 S 12 . Candfieldite, Ag 4 (Sn, Ge) S 6 . CASSITERITE, Sn O 2 or Sn Sn O 4 . * Cylindrite, Pb 6 Sb 2 Sn 6 S 21 . Nordenskioldine, Ca Sn [B O^. In addition to the foregoing minerals small quantities of tin are often met with in niobates, tantalates and tungstates. Uses. The chief use of tin is for coating or tinning metals, especially iron, thus making what is commonly called sheet tin used for roofing and tin ware. The silvering of mirrors is accomplished by covering glass with an amalgam of tin and mercury. Tin is used in making alloys: solder, which contains tin and lead; and bell metal and bronze, which contain copper and tin. Artificial tin oxide is used as a polishing powder; stannic chloride as a mordant in dyeing. 54 TITANIUM TUNGSTEN. Statistics. There is practically no production of tin ore in the United States, though some has been mined in the Black Hills, South Dakota, and deposits are known in Alaska. The importation of metallic tin amounted, in 1905, to 44,188 tons, valued at $26,316,023. The world's production of tin amounted to about 100,000 tons, derived from the following sources: Straits of Malacca (Malay Peninsula) 65,000; Banka and Billiton, near Sumatra, 14,000; Bolivia 13,000, England 5,000, Australia 5,000. The price of tin in New York is about 30 c. per pound. TITANIUM. Occurrence. ILMENITE, titanic iron, Fe Ti O 3 , , Schorlomite, Ca 3 (Fe,Ti) 2 [(Si, Ti)OJ 3 . containing also Mg Ti O 3 and TITANITE, Ca Ti Si O 5 . Fe 2 O 8 . Pseudobrookite, 2 Fe 2 O 3 . 3 Ti O 2 . Astrophyllite, RUTILE, Ti O 2 or Ti Ti O 4 . " K (Na, K) 4 (Fe, Mn) 4 Ti [Si O 4 ] 4 . Octahedrite, Ti O 2 . Perovskite, Ca Ti O 3 . Brookite, Ti O 2 . Titanium is found in numerous niobates and tantalates, espe- cially aeschenite, polymignite, euxenite and polycrase, and in small quantities in many silicates. Uses. Titanium has long been used for imparting a yellow color to porcelain, employed mostly by dentists in coloring false teeth, of which it is estimated that over 8,000,000 are made annually in the United States. Steel containing a little titanium has been found to have a high limit of elasticity and great duc- tility, hence ferro -titanium alloys are now made by means of the electric furnace for use in the steel industry. Many iron ores are titaniferous and as yet have proved prac- tically valueless, as they are too refractory t be smelted success- fully in blast-furnaces. Statistics. The domestic production of titanium is small, being mostly obtained from Virginia in the form of the mineral rutile. The value of the output for 1904 was $7,000. TUNGSTEN. Occurrence. Tungstite, W O 3 . Scheelite, Ca W O 4 . ' WOLFRAMITE, (Fe, Mn) W O 4 . ' Cuprotungstite, (Cu, Ca) W O 4 . " Hubnerite, Mn W O 4 . Stolzite, Pb W O 4 . Raspite, Pb W O 4 . Reinite, Fe W O 4 . Small quantities of tungsten are met with in several of the rare niobates and tantalates. URANIUM VANADIUM. 55 Uses. The element tungsten and an alloy with iron, ferro- tungsten, are used in! the production of self -hardening tungsten steel, also for giving toughness to a copper aluminium alloy used for propeller blades. Sodium tungstate is used for making certain colors "fast " in dyeing cotton goods, and is applied to fabrics to make them non-inflammable. A little tungstic oxide is used for coloring glass. Calcium tungstate is used in Rontgen-ray appara- tus on account of its phosphorescence. Statistics. The domestic production of concentrated tungsten ores in 1905 was 803 tons, valued at $268,676. The ore was mostly wolframite from Colorado. URANIUM. Occurrence. Uranothalite, Ca 2 U [CO 3 ] 4 . 10 H 2 O. Uraninite, pitchblende, UO 8 , UO 8 , Torbernite, Cu [UO 2 ] 2 [POJ 2 . 8 H 2 O. Th O 2 , Pb O, He, Ra, etc.? Zeunerite, Cu [UO 2 ] 2 [AsO 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O. Gummite, UO 3 + H 2 O and other ox- Autunite, Ca [UO 2 ] 2 [PO 4 ] 2 . 8 H 2 O. ides. Uranophane, Ca U 2 Si 2 O n . 6 H 2 O. Carnotite, K 2 [UO 2 ] 2 [VOJ 2 . sH 2 O? Uses. Uranium compounds are used for coloring glass and as pigments for painting on porcelain. Uranium minerals have special interest at the present time as they contain radium, helium, thorium and other rare elements which are receiving unusual attention from chemists. Statistics, The uranium ore, carnotite, has been mined in Colo- rado to some extent, but there was practically no production of the metal in 1905. VANADIUM. Occurrence. Roscoelite, Descloizite, (Pb, Zn) 2 [OH] VO 4 . " H 8 K, (Mg, Fe) (Al, V) 4 [Si O 3 ] 12 ? Volborthite, Ardennite, H 5 Mn 4 A1 4 V Si 4 0,3? (Cu, Ca, Ba) 3 [OH], VO 4 . 6 H 2 O? Pucherite, Bi VO 4 . Carnotite, K, [UO 2 ] 2 [VOJ 2 . 3 H 2 O ? Vanadinite, Pb 4 [Pb'Cl] [VOJ 3 . * Uses. It is claimed that the addition of a little vanadium to steel increases enormously its tensile strength and elastic limit. Metavanadic acid, HVOs, is a fine yellow pigment known as vana- dium bronze. Vanadium oxide is used as mordant in dyeing. Statistics. Vanadium has been obtained from the carnotite deposits of Colorado. See Uranium. 56 YTTRIUM ZINC ZIRCONIUM. YTTRIUM. Occurrence. For the occurrence of this rare metal, see Cerium and the Rare Earth Metals, page 32. ZINC. Occurrence. SPHALERITE, Zn S, also (Zn, Fe)S. * Hydrozincite, Zn 3 [OH] 4 CO 3 . " Wurtzite, Zn S. Hardystonite Ca a Zn Si 2 O 7 . Zincite, Zn O. Willemite, Zn 2 Si O 4 , Mn iso. w. Zn.- Gahnite, Zn AL, O 4 . CALAMINE, H 2 [Zn 2 O] Si O 4 . ^ Franklinite, Clinohedrite, H 2 [Ca Zn O] Si O 4 . (Fe, Zn, Mn) (Fe, Mn) 2 O 4 . Adamite, Zn 2 [OH] As O 4 . SMITHSONITE, Zn CO 3 . ^ Hopeite, Zn 3 [PO 4 ] 2 . H 2 O. A uric hale ite, ^ Qoslarite, Zn SO 4 . 7 H 2 O. (Zn,Cu) 5 [OH] 6 [C0 3 ] 2 . Uses. The chief uses for metallic zinc, commonly known as spelter, are for galvanizing iron; making brass, an alloy of cop- per and zinc ; and making parts of telegraph and storage batteries. There are also numerous uses for sheet zinc. Zinc oxide or zinc white, either alone or mixed with white lead, is extensively used for making paint, and is also compounded with rubber. Zinc chloride is used as preservative, many railroad ties being treated with it. Zinc sulphate has numerous uses, in dyeing and in medicine. Statistics. The domestic production of zinc or spelter in 1905 was 203,849 tons, valued at about $24,000,000, the ore being mostly sphalerite from Kansas and Missouri. At the present time there is considerable activity in the treatment of the zinc-lead-silver ores of Colorado and other western states, in which formerly the zinc was a waste product. The production of zinc oxide in 1905 was 68,603 tons, valued at $5,520,240, made mostly in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. About one-fourth of the world's production of zinc is obtained in the United States. The price of zinc in 1905 was about 6 c. per pound. ZIRCONIUM. Occurrence. Baddeleyite, Zr O 2 . Catapleiite, H 4 (Na 2 , Ca) Zr Si 3 O n . Wohlerite, (Ca, Na 2 ) (Si, Zr) O 3 , with ZIRCON, Zr Si O 4 . (Ca, Na 2 ) Nb 2 O 6 . Polymignite, Nb, Ti, Zr, Ce, Fe, Ca, Eudyalite, etc.? Na 13 (Ca, Fe) 6 Cl (Si, Zr)^ O 52 ? Uses. Oxide of zirconium glows when heated, but its use for incandescent lights is very limited. PART III. USEFUL MINERALS. UNDER this heading a number of minerals are given which have not been included in foregoing pages because their uses are not suggested by the constituents they contain. For convenience an alphabetical arrangement is adopted. ABRASIVES. Minerals possessing superior hardness are used for cutting, grinding and polishing other substances, and are known com- mercially as abrasives. They enter the market in grains of various sizes, down to dust; are made up into special shapes de- manded by the trade, generally wheels; and are cemented to belting, cloth and paper. The minerals used are as follows: Diamond, hardness 10. Crystals and grains of diamond, when firmly embedded in steel tubes and wheels, are used for drilling and sawing, and diamond dust is used on wheels and laps for grinding and polishing. The value of diamond dust imported into the United States in 1905 was nearly $200,000. Carbonado or black diamond, found only in Brazil, is the most effective of all abrasives and is valued at from $50 to $55 per carat, equivalent to $7,000 per ounce avoirdupois. The glazier's diamond is always a crystal with natural faces. Corundum and Emery. Corundum is crystallized A1 2 O 3 , having a hardness of 9. Emery is a commercial term for corundum more or less impure from admixture with oxides of iron. The domestic production of corundum and emery in 1905 was a little over 2,000 tons, valued at $61,000. Corundum is produced mostly in western North Carolina and best grades are worth from 7 c. to 10 c. per pound. Emery, the chief product, is mostly produced at Chester, Mass., and Peekskill, N. Y., and brings from 2 c. to 5 c. per pound according to quality. The importa- tion of emery, mostly from Turkey, is about 25,000 tons annually, valued at about $300,000. ,57 58 ASBESTOS CEMENT. Artificial corundum is now being manufactured in electric furnaces from bauxite, the production for 1905 having a value of $250,000. Another artificial abrasive is carborundum, C Si, having a hardness about like that of corundum. Carborundum is made in electric furnaces from coke and sand, and the pro- duction in 1905 was 5,600,000 pounds, valued at about 8 c. per pound. Garnet, hardness 7 to 7.5. The domestic production in 1905 amounted to 5,000 tons, valued at nearly $150,000. The mate- rial came mostly from near Ticonderoga, N. Y., some from Con- necticut, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Quartz, hardness 7. The various uses of this mineral are noted on pages 47 and 48. Pumice. This is a name given to volcanic ash, used in lump and powder for polishing. The commercial product comes mostly from the island of Lipari, north of Sicily, and the value of the product imported into the United States in 1905 was $77,489. ASBESTOS. Asbestos is a name given to several fibrous minerals, gener- ally tremolite, a variety of hornblende; anthophyllite, a closely related mineral; and chrysotile, a variety of serpentine. The material is used largely as a non-conductor of heat for covering boilers and steam pipes, and packing safes. Fine-fibrous varieties, generally chrysotile, are woven into cloth, twine and rope, and made up into paper, felt, board, washers and various shapes. The domestic production of asbestos in 1905, mostly tremolite from Georgia, was about 3,000 tons, valued at $43,000. The bulk of best quality chrysotile-asbestos comes from Canada, though some is produced in the United States. There is a large domestic pro- duction of artificial material known as "mineral wool," made from furnace slag. CEMENT. Cements are products obtained by burning limestones con- taining proper amounts of argillaceous (clay) material, or finely ground mixtures of limestone and clay. The industry is one of great magnitude, the domestic production in 1905 being 40,000,- ooo barrels of from 300 to 400 pounds, valued at over $36,000,000. The importations amounted to over 800,000 barrels. CLAY FELDSPAR FLINT 59 CLAY. Clays are essentially hydrated silicates of aluminium, result- ing from the decomposition of , other minerals, especially feldspars. The decomposition of feldspar alone, in situ, gives rise to a pure white mineral, kaolinite, H 2 A1 2 Si 2 Og. Ordinary clays are vari- ously colored, and consist of kaolinite compounded with other materials resulting from the decomposition of rocks, and they are commonly found in secondary deposits where they have been laid down as sediments from water. Most clays have the property of becoming plastic when mixed in proper proportions with water, so that they may be moulded, pressed and wrought into shapes, hence their use in the manufacture of brick, terra-cotta, tile, earthen- ware and pottery. The importance of the domestic clay indus- tries is evident from the values of the several products produced in 1905, as follows: Brick $61,000,000; front brick $7,000,000; fire brick $13,000,000; paving and vitrified brick $6,700,000; sewer and drain tile $16,000,000; terra-cotta and ornamental brick $6,000,000; pottery $28,000,000 a total of nearly $150,- 000,000. The value of the domestic production of kaolinite for the pottery industry amounted to over $300,000, while the value of the imports of kaolinite was over $1,000,000. Feldspar, quartz and fine qualities of clay also entered into the composition of pottery. FELDSPAR. Feldspar is mined almost exclusively for use in the porcelain and chinaware industry. It is compounded with kaolin and other materials for making the body of the ware, and when applied to the outside and fused it produces the glaze. Potash feldspar, orthoclase or microcline, K Al Si 3 O 8 , is the kind generally used, though albite, Na Al 813 O, is probably equally good. To be of satisfactory quality feldspar must be practically free from quartz, mica and oxides of iron, and when ground is worth from $8 to $9 per ton. The domestic production of feldspar in 1905 was about 35,000 tons, valued at $220,000, the supply coming from Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, Connecticut and New York. Feldspar is of importance agriculturally, for undoubtedly much of the available potash in soils has resulted from the slow decomposition of orthoclase. FLINT. Flint is a recognized variety of silica, related to chalcedony, usually of dull gray, brown or black color. In commerce the 60 FULLER'S EARTH GARNET GEM MINERALS. ordinary varieties of quartz are commonly called flint. See Silica, pages 47 and 48. FULLER'S EARTH. Fuller's earth is a fine clay -like material, which lacks the. plasticity of ordinary clay, and is remarkable for its absorbent qualities. It was formerly used by fullers as an absorbent for grease in cleansing cloth, but its chief use at the present time is as a substitute for boneblack in bleaching and clarifying cottonseed and mineral oils. The domestic production in 1905, chiefly from Florida, was 25,000 tons, valued at $214,000. The importation was valued at $106,000. GARNET. Garnet is used to a considerable extent as an abrasive (page 58), and commonly as a gem mineral (see page 62). GEM MINERALS OR PRECIOUS STONES. NOTE. For ornamental stones, other than gems, see page 65. Gem minerals must satisfy the following conditions: (i) They must be hard, so as to withstand without scratching or deface- ment the wear to which they are subjected. (2) They must have a pleasing color, or be white or colorless. (3) If transparent, they should have a high index of refraction, on which largely depend their flash, brilliancy and beauty. Gems are generally sold by the carat, less often by the pennyweight. The inter- national carat is equal to 205 milligrams, or about i-i38th of an ounce avoirdupois, and to give an idea of this weight a one-carat diamond, cut round in the customary form of a brilliant, is a stone of fair size, measuring 6.25 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. in depth. The values of gems are subject to great variation; thus a gem of exceptional perfection in color and lustre will command a price far above that of a stone of the same kind but of only fair quality ; moreover, rarity and size are important factors. Bearing varia- tion in mind, however, an attempt will be made in the following pages to convey some idea of the relative values of different gems by giving usually for each the approximate prices of three grades of stones, of poor, medium and fine quality and of one-carat weight. The minerals generally used as gems are as follows : Agate. A translucent, banded, variously colored variety of quartz or chalcedony. Inexpensive. GEM MINERALS. 6 1 Amethyst. A transparent purple or bluish-violet variety of quartz. Comparatively inexpensive, except when large and of unusually fine quality or color. Aquamarine. A name applied to transparent pale-green or bluish -green varieties of beryl. Green gems of one-carat size are valued at from $i to $5 ; those of rare blue color as high as $15. Beryl, Be 3 A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 6 + a little H 2 O. Aquamarine and emerald are names by which light and dark green gem varieties of this mineral are known. Some very beautiful gems are cut from beryl of yellow color, sometimes called golden beryl. A one- carat golden beryl would be valued at $i $5 $10. Chrysoberyl, Be A1 2 O*. Handsome gems are cut from transparent yellowish or yellowish-green crystals of this mineral, and a one-carat stone is valued at from $3 to $5. A far rarer and more highly prized variety, which is green by day and garnet-red by lamplight, is known as Alexandrite, and commands a value of from $50 to $60 for a one-carat stone. Some translucent stones when cut with rounded surfaces, en cabochon, exhibit a beautiful opalescent radiation or chatoyant effect, when they are called cat's eye. Other minerals, quartz, corundum, feldspar and tourmaline, likewise give chatoyant effects, but chrysoberyl is generally con- sidered as the true or oriental cat's eye. A cat's eye of one-carat weight may be valued at $5 $10 $50 according to quality. Chrysolite, (Mg Fe) 2 Si O 4 . Transparent green or yellow- ish-green varieties of this mineral yield handsome gems, which are generally known and sold as peridot. A one-carat stone is valued at $i $3 $5. Chrysoprase. This is a name given to a translucent apple- green variety of quartz or chalcedony. One-carat stones have the following values according to quality, $0.50 $2 $5. Diamond, C. A mineral remarkable for its brilliancy and hardness; index of refraction, ^=2.42, hardness = 10. Colorless or transparent white stones are most in demand, but variously colored ones are used, straw-yellow being most common. An ordinary white brilliant of one-carat weight and of good quality is valued at from $150 to $175, while extra blue-white and fancy colored stones of like weight may be valued as high as $400 to $500. One-carat diamonds of the ordinary straw-yellow color are worth about $50. 62 GEM MINERALS. Emerald. This is a name given to deep -green varieties of beryl, the color being due supposedly to traces of chromium. Because of the rarity and great beauty of this stone, a fine gem of one-carat weight may be valued as high as $1,000, the prices of the stones ranging from $20 $100 $200 to $1,000. Garnet. Various kinds of garnet (page 5) are used as gems, and the stones exhibit a great variety of colors. Pyrope and almandite are the kinds most often used and the colors are gen- erally deep tones of red. Stones are valued at $i $2 $5 per carat. A variety intermediate between pyrope and almandite, known as rhodolite, has a delicate rose to purplish-red color, and a one-carat stone may be valued as high as $15. Another very beautiful and still more costly garnet is a variety of andradite, known as demantoid, having a grass-green to emerald-green color, one-carat stones having the values according to quality of $3 $10 $40. Jasper. This is a name applied to quartz which is colored red by oxide of iron. The stone is an inexpensive one, used to a limited extent in jewelry. Its value is about $i per dwt. Kunzite. A rare and beautiful pink to violet-colored variety of spodumene, which has been found at Pala, California. A one- carat stone would have the following values: $3 $5 $8. Lazurite or Lapis-Lazuli, Na 4 [Al . Na S 3 ] A1 2 [SiO 4 ] 3 . A translucent stone of deep ultramarine-blue color, only occa- sionally used in jewelry, one-carat stones being valued at $i $5 $10. Moonstone. Some feldspars, when cut with rounded sur- faces, show chatoyancy and delicate variations of color and are known as moonstones. The kind used in jewelry is generally potash feldspar, orthoclase, although other feldspars show a play of colors, notably labradorite and a variety of albite-oligoclase called peristerite. Moonstones of one-carat size are valued at $0.50 $i $3. Opal. This is an amorphous form of silica, differing from quartz in having a much lower specific gravity and containing considerable hydroxyl, equivalent generally to from 3 per cent, to 9 per cent, of water. Opals are translucent to transparent, and many varieties are remarkable for their magnificent play of colors, which on some stones are soft and subdued, on others fiery and GEM MINERALS. 63 brilliant. Opals are generally cut en cabochon, and stones of one- carat size have values of $i $3 $20. Stones of large size and exceptionally fine quality are very highly prized. Peridot. See Chrysolite. Pyroxene. A transparent variety of pyroxene, known as diopside, is occasionally cut as a gem. The color is generally some light shade of green, and is very pleasing, but the stone is almost too soft to be serviceable. A stone of one-carat size is valued at from $2 to $3. Quartz. Various transparent varieties of this mineral are cut rather as ornaments than as gems. The kinds generally used are colorless rock crystal, amethyst, smoky quartz or cairngorm stone, and yellow quartz, which is sometimes called false topaz. Ruby. This is a name given to red varieties of corundum. A ruby of fine quality and color is one of the rarest and most beautiful of gems, and a stone of one-carat weight may be valued as high as $1,500. Sapphire. This is a name by which the transparent, blue variety of corundum is generally known, although the name is also applied to gem corundums of various colors. A one-carat sapphire of fine blue color has a value according to quality of $6 $10 $125, while fancy colored stones other than blue range from $6 to $30. Spinel, Mg A1 2 04. This mineral exhibits a variety of colors, deep red, rose-red, orange and violet. The red varieties are known as spinel-ruby, but are inferior to the true corundum ruby. One-carat gems range in value as follows: $3 $10 $100. Spodumene, Li Al [Si O 3 ] 2 . Gems of yellowish or pale yellowish-green color are most common and are inexpensive. An emerald-green variety known as hiddenite, found in North Carolina, is very choice, and a one-carat stone would be worth about $150. See also Kunzite, p. 62. Topaz, [Al (F, OH)] 2 Si O 4 . This mineral may be colorless, straw-yellow, wine-yellow, bluish or greenish. The kind gener- ally used for gems is yellow. The color of some yellow crystals is changed to a delicate rose by heating. Gems of one-carat size are valued at $2 $5 $10. Tourmaline, a complex boro-silicate of aluminium and other bases. This mineral exhibits a greater variety of colors than almost any other. As gems, green is the prevailing color, 64 GRANITE MICA though delicate rose, wine-red (rubellite), blue and brown varie- ties are cut. Gems of one-carat size are valued about as follows: Green or rose, $2 $5 $10; rubellite, $2 $5 $15. Turquois, a basic phosphate of aluminium, colored by a little copper. This is a non-transparent stone, of robin 's-egg blue or bluish-green color, generally cut en cabochon. A one-carat stone is valued at $i $3 $10. Zircon, Zr Si O 4 . Transparent zircon exhibits a great va- riety of colors, from almost colorless to yellow, orange, red and brownish red. One-carat stones are valued at $2 $5 $10. Statistics. The production of precious stones in the United States is comparatively small, their total value in 1905 amounting to $326,350, while the importation into the United States is given as $35,000,000. For 1905 the valuations of the several domestic products which are worthy of special note are as follows : Turquois, mostly from New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona, $65,000; sap- phires, mostly from Montana, $125,000; tourmaline, from Maine and California, $50,000; beryl, aquamarine and emerald, from North Carolina, $6,000. GRANITE. Granite is a crystalline rock consisting chiefly of feldspar and quartz, with biotite, hornblende and other minerals as accessories. It is extensively used for building and monumental work, for paving blocks, and as crushed stone for railroad ballast and road making. The value of the domestic production in 1905 for all purposes was estimated at $20,000,000. GRAPHITE. For uses and statistics, see page 31. GYPSUM. For uses and statistics, see Plaster of Paris and Land Plaster, page 30. LIMESTONE AND MARBLE. For uses and statistics of limestone, see page 30; of marble, see pages 65 and 66. MICA. The micas are silicates possessing a remarkable basal cleavage which makes it possible to split them into exceedingly thin sheets. The plates of true micas are tough and elastic. There are several ORNAMENTAL STONES. 65 kinds of mica, but only the light-colored ones, muscovite and phlogopite, have commercial value. Uses. When obtained in sheets of sufficient size, mica is used in stove and furnace doors, and in making chimneys for lamps and incandescent gaslights. Small sheets are used for purposes of insulation in electrical apparatus. Broken and scrap mica is used as a non-conducting covering for boilers and steam pipes, and, when finely ground, is used for giving lustre to wall paper, and as a lubricant. One kind of mica, lepidolite, is used for obtaining lithia (see page 39). Statistics. The domestic production of sheet mica (muscovite) in 1905 was 851,000 pounds, valued at nearly $185,900. The supply came mostly from North Carolina, some from New Hamp- shire and South Dakota. The production of scrap mica was 856 tons, valued at $15,000. The importation of sheet mica in 1905 amounted to 1,600,000 pounds, valued at $403,000. The imported mica comes mostly from India, some from Canada, that from the latter country being chiefly phlogopite. ORNAMENTAL OR DECORATIVE STONES. There is an ever-growing demand for rocks or minerals of almost any kind which, when polished or worked into various shapes, may be used for ornamental purposes. The chief uses to which they are put are for making wainscotings for halls and offices, mantels, table tops, columns, vases and ornaments of endless variety. The materials generally used are as follows: Marble, generally calcite, Ca COs, white, mottled and vari- ously colored. Mexican Onyx. This beautiful stone is a kind of translu- cent marble (calcite), formed by deposition from water. It generally is veined, clouded or mottled and shows delicate shades of color, varying from yellow, pink and green to pure white. Verd-antique Marble, generally a mixture of white marble and green serpentine, often very decorative. Granite, of great variety of color and size of grain. Porphyry. This is a name applied to rocks which contain regularly formed and comparatively large crystals embedded in a ground-mass of finer-grained rock material. Porphyries are of various kinds and colors, and, when polished, the contrast between 66 SANDSTONE SLATE. the crystals and ground-mass may give pleasing and decorative effects. Breccia. This is a name given to material made up of irregular fragments of rocks and minerals, firmly cemented into a solid mass. When polished, the fragments of various kinds may give contrasts in color and structure which are effective and decorative. Jade. This is a compact, tough stone, generally of green or greenish -white color, especially prized by the Orientals. The material may be either nephrite, a variety of hornblende, or a rarer and more highly prized mineral, jadeite. Some oriental jade ornaments are of wonderful workmanship and almost inesti- mable value. Serpentine, a compact mineral, generally of green color. Quartz. Transparent, colorless quartz (rock crystal), and various colored varieties of quartz, agate, jasper and chalcedony are often used. Malachite, a basic carbonate of copper of bright-green color. Lapis- Lazuli, a silicate of ultramarine-blue color. Hhodonite, a silicate of manganese of rose-pink color. Alabaster, a compact, even-grained variety of gypsum, often worked into ornaments resembling marble. Satin Spar, a variety of fibrous gypsum, showing chatoy- ancy when polished. Statistics. The total value of the mineral products used for decorative purposes must be very great, but no statistics are avail- able except for marble. The domestic production of marble in 1905 was valued at $7,000,000, and it is estimated that about one- fourth of the product was used for interior and decorative work. SANDSTONE. For uses and statistics, see pages 47 and 48. SLATE. Slate is an argillaceous rock which may be split readily into slabs of nearly uniform thickness. Slate is used mostly for roof- ing, also for making billiard tables, mantels, floor tiles, stair TALC AND SOAPSTONE. 67 treads and flagging. Ground slate is used as a pigment. The domestic production of roofing slate in 1905 was valued at over $4,500,000, of manufactured products at about $900,000. TALC AND SOAPSTONE. Talc, H 2 Mg 3 [Si Oa]^ is a soft, white or greenish -white min- eral possessing a greasy feel. There is also an aluminium silicate, pyrophyllite, H 2 A1 2 [Si O 3 ] 4 , which is practically identical with talc in its physical properties, and is equally useful, although being rare it is not so well known as a commercial article. Uses. The uses of talc are quite varied. As powder or flour, talc is used in the manufacture of paper as a filler, and, when fibrous, it is claimed that it gives strength ; it is used also as a base for fire -proof paints, as non-conducting covering for boilers and steam pipes, for making toilet powders, for dressing leather, and as a lubricant. Soapstone is manufactured into shapes suitable for hearth stones, furnace linings, table tops, slate pencils, gas- burner tips and a variety of articles. Statistics. In 1905 the production of ground, fibrous talc, suitable for paper making was 19,000 tons, valued at $142,000, the supply coming almost wholly from northern New York. Better grades of talc and soapstone, suitable for manufactured articles and flour talc, were obtained mostly in Virginia and North Carolina, the product being valued at about $400,000. PART IV. LISTS OF MINERALS ACCORDING TO GEOLOGICAL OCCURRENCE AND ASSOCIATION. NOTE. Although minerals occur associated with one another in almost endless variety, there are certain associations which are very often observed, and it is to call attention to these that the few remaining tables have been prepared. ROCKS AND ROCK-MAKING MINERALS. By far the greater amount of our minerals occur as com- ponent parts of rocks. A rock may be formed essentially of but one mineral species, as in the case of limestone (calcite) or quartzite (quartz), but more frequently is composed of a mix- ture of several minerals. A brief discussion of the various kinds of rocks and their origin will be given, followed by a list of the more important rock-making minerals, with a few words in each case descriptive of their occurrence and association. Rocks are divided into three main divisions: I. Igneous. II. Sedimentary. III. Metamorphic. I. Igneous Hocks are those which have resulted from the cooling and consequent solidification of a hot and liquid mass of rock material. During the cooling process various minerals crys- tallize out from this liquid mass (called a magma) in a more or less definite order, the more insoluble compounds being the first to form. The resulting mineral composition of the rock will depend directly upon the chemical composition of the original magma, and the structure of the rock upon the conditions under which it cooled. A magma high in its percentage of SiO2 and 69 70 ROCKS AND ROCK- MAKING MINERALS. low in percentages of MgO and FeO will yield a rock composed of light-colored silicates, and will be spoken of as an acid rock: On the other hand a magma low in percentage of SiC>2 and rich in MgO and FeO will result in a rock composed of dark-colored minerals and will be called basic. A rock which has been formed by the cooling of a magma deep .down in the crust of the earth has formed very slowly, while under great pressure, and w r ill be coarse-grained in structure, the different minerals being easily distinguished from each other and recognized by the eye. Such rocks are called Plutonic. But if a liquid rock mass is intruded into the upper portion of the earth's crust or extruded upon its surface it cools quickly and under little pressure and consequently the crys- tallizing minerals have not time to grow into large particles and the resulting rock is fine-grained in structure. Such rocks are called Volcanic. The mineral constituents of such a rock can only be definitely determined by examining a thin section of the rock under the microscope. PLUTONIC, COARSE-GRAINED IGNEOUS ROCK TYPES. 1. Granite. A coarse-grained, light-colored rock consisting chiefly of orthoclase, quartz, biotite, and muscovite. As acces- sory minerals and usually in quite small amounts are found magnetite, apatite, and zircon. 2. Syenite. A coarse-grained light-colored rock resembling a granite in appearance but containing no quartz. Its chief min- erals are orthoclase, a plagioclase feldspar, with hornblende and sometimes biotite. Magnetite, apatite,' and zircon are the chief accessory minerals. 3. Diorite. A coarse-grained rock, usually dark green in color. The chief minerals in it are a plagioclase feldspar with either hornblende or biotite. 4. Gabbro. A coarse-grained rock in which the dark-colored silicates predominate. It is similar to a diorite in composition, having augite (an iron pyroxene) present instead of hornblende. 5. Peridotite. A coarse-grained rock which is very basic in its chemical composition and contains usually only pyroxene and olivine (chrysolite) as its chief constituent minerals. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. fl VOLCANIC, FINE-GRAINED IGNEOUS ROCK TYPES. Volcanic rocks are found in dikes or sheets near the surface of the earth, or in flows upon its surface. They are usually too fine-grained to allow of the identification of their component minerals by the eye alone. A number of different types of vol- canic rocks are recognized, based chiefly upon their microscopic study, but for the present purpose only two general types need to be described. 1. Felsite. A fine-grained, light-colored rock. The feldspars, orthoclase or plagioclase, are the predominant minerals with vary- ing amounts of quartz, amphibole, pyroxene, and biotite. Rhyo- lite and andesite are two members of the Felsite group, depend- ing on the presence or absence of quartz and the kind of feldspar. 2. Basalt. A fine-grained dark-colored rock. The ferro- magnesian minerals, such as pyroxene and olivine, are the most common constituents, with also smaller amounts of plagioclase feldspars. Magnetite is often a prominent mineral. Porphyries. Igneous rocks often show considerable variation in the size of their mineral particles. When this is pronounced and certain minerals appear in distinct crystals embedded in a mass of fine-grained material, the rock is said to have a porphy- ritic texture, and the rock is termed a porphyry. All of the above-mentioned rocks may assume such a structure and we have such rock types as Granite-porphyry, Dio rite-porphyry, Felsite-porphyry, etc. II. Sedimentary Hocks are those which have been formed by deposition in water and the subsequent solidification of their particles into a more or less firm rock mass. Sedimentary rocks may be divided into two types according to their origin. A. Mechanical, in which the mineral grains that go to make up the body of the rock have been derived from some other rock mass and have been brought into the sea in the form of sand or mud, deposited at its bottom in successive layers and then later consolidated into rock. B. Chemical, in which the minerals cf the rock have been precipitated from solution by some chemical process. Sedimentary rocks are to be distinguished by the fact that their mineral grains are deposited in successive parallel layers, or in other words the rocks show stratification. Sedimentary 72 ROCKS AND ROCK-MAKING MINERALS. rocks are composed of mineral grains which are usually rounded and are bound together by some cementing material, while igneous rocks are composed of interlocking crystals. Brief descriptions of the more important sedimentary rocks follow: Sandstone is a sedimentary rock made up almost entirely of quartz grains cemented together by either (A) ferric oxide, in which case the rock is red or brown, or (B) by calcium carbonate, in which case the rock is light-colored. Sandstones may be fine- or coarse-grained depending upon the size of the quartz particles; very coarse-grained sandstones or compacted gravels are called Conglomerates. Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock which has been formed by the consolidation of mud, clays, or silts. Limestone is a sedimentary rock whose chief mineral is usu- ally calcite, although it may be dolomite. Limestones may be mechanical in their origin and be composed of small fragments of shells, etc., cemented together, or it may be chemical in its origin, its constituent minerals having been formed by precipita- tion from waters carrying them in solution. Limestones are usu- ally fine-grained; if coarse, the fragments of shells, etc., com- prising them can be recognized. They are soft rocks and are usually of some light color, but may be blue, or at times almost black. Chalk is a soft very fine-grained limestone. III. Metamorphic Hocks are rocks which have undergone considerable changes in mineralogical composition and in structure through the action of heat and pressure aided by the action of water and other chemical agents. Metamorphic rocks may have been originally either igneous or sedimentary, and it is often im- possible to definitely tell which. Schist is a common type of metamorphic rock, which is char- acterized by a foliated structure due to the parallel arrangement of its mineral constituents. A schist breaks readily with a wavy surface along the planes of foliation. The different types of schist are named from the most prominent mineral in them; as, Mica Schist, which is composed chiefly of mica plates (usually muscovite) with smaller amounts of quartz, feldspar, garnet, etc.; Hornblende Schist, with hornblende as the most prominent mineral, and smaller amounts of biotite, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, garnet, magnetite, etc. PRINCIPAL ROCK-MAKING MINERALS. 73 Slates are fine-grained metamorphic rocks which possess the property of cleaving into thin layers with smooth surfaces. They are usually the metamorphic representatives of the shales. Quartzites are metamorphosed sandstones and like them have quartz as their chief mineral. They differ from the sandstones in being harder and firmer in texture and more crystalline in appearance. Gneisses. These are metamorphic rocks which are character- ized by a parallel arrangement of mineral particles, but which do not have as prominent cleavage planes as in the case of the schists. They are composed chiefly of quartz and feldspar with subordinate amounts of the micas, hornblende, etc. Marbles are metamorphosed limestones. They are character- ized by a crystalline structure, and if coarse the cleavage planes of the particles of calcite or dolomite are to be plainly seen. PRINCIPAL ROCK-MAKING MINERALS. Quartz, SiC>2. A very common mineral found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks which are high in silica, such as granite, gneiss, mica schist, shale, and is practically the only mineral present in sandstone and quart zite. Determined by its hardness (7), its lack of cleavage, its conchoidal fracture and greasy luster. The Feldspars. Potash-feldspar, Orthoclase or Microcline, KAlSiaOg. Soda-feldspar, Albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8 . Lime-feldspar, Anorthite, CaAl 2 Si 2 O8. Isomorphous mixtures of these last two minerals are com- monly known as the soda-lime, or plagioclase, feldspars. The kinds generally recognized are oligoclase, andesite, and labradorite. The feldspars are very widely distributed and form perhaps the most common group of minerals. They are found in nearly all classes of rocks, including granites, syenites, porphyries, and felsite lavas; also in certain sandstones and conglomerates and in gneisses. Determined by the two good cleavages at right angles or nearly so, the vitreous luster, the light color, and the hardness (6). Elceolite, or Wephelite, NaAlSiC>4 (approximately). Found in igneous rocks (nepheline-syenite, nepheline-basalt) which are rich in soda and low in silica. 74 ROCKS AND ROCK-MAKING MINERALS. IJeucite, KA1 (8103)2- Not a very common mineral; found only in lavas which are rich in potash and low in silica (leucite- basalt). Sodalite, Hatiynite, Noselite, Analcite. Occasionally found in igneous rocks which are rich in soda. The Micas. Muscovite, common light-colored mica, H^KAls (8104)3. Biotite, common dark-colored mica, (H,K) 2 (Mg,Fe) 2 Al 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . The micas are minerals of wide distribution in rocks. Biotite is common in rocks rich in feldspars, like granites and syenites, also in felsites and porphyries. It is found in metamorphic rocks such as gneisses and schists. Muscovite is found in granites and syenites and especially in pegmatite veins (see page 78), also very commonly in gneisses and schists. The micas are distin- guished from the other rock-making minerals by their perfect cleavage, and from each other by their color. The Pyroxenes. Pyroxene, or Augite. A calcium-mag- nesium-iron metasilicate of variable composition (see page 19), very common in dark-colored volcanic rocks (basalts, gabbros, peridotites) , but rare in metamorphic rocks. Jgirite, or Acmite, NaFe (8103)2- A mineral related to pyroxene, of rather common occurrence in igneous rocks which are rich in soda and iron. Enstatite, Bronzite, Hypersthene, MgSiO 3 , with isomorphous FeSiOs. Minerals of the pyroxene group of rather rare occur- rence, generally found in basic igneous rocks (peridotites). Hornblende, or Amphibole. A calcium-magnesium-iron metasilicate of variable composition (see page 19). The amphiboles are common and widely distributed minerals, playing an important r61e in plutonic igneous rocks (such as granites, syenites, or diorites), or in metamorphic rocks (such as crystalline schists). Determined chiefly by its fine prismatic cleavage, and usually its dark-green to black color. Chrysolite, or Olivine, (Mg,Fe) 2 SiO4- Generally found in volcanic rocks which are low in silica (gabbros, peridotites, and basaltic lavas). Usually granular in structure and of a yellow- green color. JLaolin, H4Al 2 Si 2 O9. Always a secondary mineral result- ing chiefly from the decomposition of feldspars. It is the basis ACCESSORY MINERALS, COMMONLY FOUND IN ROCKS. 75 of most clays and consequently is found in great quantities in certain places. Chlorite, or Clinochlore. The chlorites form an ill- denned group of hydrous silicates of aluminium with ferrous iron and magnesium. They are green in color and micaceous in struc- ture, but their foliae are, inelastic, which serves to distinguish them from the true micas. They are secondary minerals result- ing from the alteration of magnesium silicates. Many igneous rocks owe their green color to the formation of secondary chlorite. The mineral is also common in metamorphic rocks. Serpentine, H4Mg3Si 2 Og. Always a secondary mineral resulting from the alteration of magnesium silicates like pyroxene, amphibole, and especially chrysolite. It is a common mineral found in both igneous and metamorphic rocks which have been more or less altered. Calcite, CaCOs. A very common and widely diffused mineral. Found to some extent in igneous rocks as a secondary mineral, but chiefly in the sedimentary and metamorphic series. Such rocks as chalks, limestones, and marbles are composed almost entirely of the mineral. It can be determined by its softness (3), its cleavage, and its ready effervescence in acids. Dolomite, CaMg (SiOs^. A mineral occurring in the same way as calcite. It forms dolomite marbles and, associated with varying amounts of calcite, is found in the dolomitic limestones. ACCESSORY MINERALS, COMMONLY FOUND IN ROCKS. In addition to the principal rock-making minerals, a descrip- tive list of which has just been given, there are a number of min- erals which are found occurring persistently in rocks, but only in small amounts, and generally in 'minute crystals. They are called Accessory Rock Minerals, and the more important of them are listed below. Magnetite, Fe 3 O 4 . 1 Ilmenite, FeTiO 3 . Hematite, Fe2Os. Pyrite, FeS 2 . T, -~ ~ phic rocks. Pyrrhotite, FenSi 2 . J These iron minerals are commonly found in disseminated crystals or segregated masses in plutonic, volcanic, and metamor- 76 VEINS AND VEIN MINERALS. Apatite, Ca 4 [Ca(F,Cl)][P0 4 ]3. Rutile,' Ti O 2 . Titanite, Ca Ti Si O 5 . Zircon, Zr Si O 4 . Found in almost all plutonic and volcanic rocks, though gener- ally in small quantities and usually only in microscopic crystals. Garnet (almandite) , Fe 3 Al 2 '[Si O 4 ]3- Epidote, Ca 2 [Al . OH] (Al, Fe) 2 [Si O 4 ] 3 . Staurolite, Found in metamorphic rocks (gneisses and schists). (Mg, Fe) [Al . OH] [Al O] 4 [Si O 4 ] 2 . Cyanite, A1 2 Si O 5 . lolite, Zoisite, Piedmontite, Scapolite or Wernerite, Andalu- site and Sillimanite are minerals occasionally found in meta- morphic rocks. VEINS AND VEIN MINERALS. The rocks of the earth's crust are everywhere crossed by cracks or fissures. These openings may be narrow and short, or they may be large and persist for considerable distances. Often these fissures have been filled by mineral materials which have been deposited in them from solutions that have circulated through the openings. Such a filled fissure is called a vein. Veins vary greatly in shape and size, according to the type of fissure which they occupy, and this in turn is largely determined by the character of the rock through which it passes. Veins also vary in their mineral contents, according to the chemical character of the solutions which formed them. A great many different minerals with many different associations may be found in veins, but there are certain minerals and associations that are more frequent in their occurrence, as is pointed out in the succeeding lists. 1. In gold-bearing quartz veins. Quartz, Si O 2 . Chalcopyrite, Cu Fe S 2 . Pyrite, Fe S 2 . Arsenopyrite, Fe As S. 2. In veins carrying sulphide ores of silver, lead, and zinc. The silver minerals are noted on page 49. The sulphides of lead and zinc are generally galena, Pb S, and sphalerite, Zn S or (Zn, Fe) S. Quartz, Si O 2 . Calcite, Ca CO 3 . Pyrite, Fe S 2 . Dolomite, Ca Mg [CO 3 ] 2 . Marcasite, Fe S 2 . Siderite, Fe CO 3 . Arsenopyrite, Fe As S. Rhodochrosite, Mn CO 3 . VEINS AND VEIN MINERALS. 77 Chalcopyrite, Cu Fe S 2 . Tetrahedrite, Cu 8 (Sb, As) 2 S 7 . Barite, Ba SO 4 . Fluorite, Ca F 2 . Vein minerals may be divided into two classes, namely, Primary Minerals, or those which were originally deposited in the fissure by the mineral waters, and Secondary Minerals, or those which have resulted from an alteration of the primary minerals. Primary minerals are usually unoxidized compounds (chiefly sulphides) and have in general been deposited by ascend- ing waters. Secondary minerals, on the other hand, are usu- ally oxidized compounds (chiefly oxides, carbonates, sulphates, and silicates) and have been formed from the primary minerals by the action of oxidizing waters descending from the surface along the vein. In the following table the chief primary min- erals are given in one column, and opposite them the various secondary minerals which may be formed from them under different conditions.- 3. Primary and secondary minerals of veins. Primary Minerals. Pyrite, Fe S 2 . Marcasite, Fe S 2 . Chalcopyrite, Cu Fe S 2 . Galena, PbS. Sphalerite, Zn S. Argentite, Ag 2 S, or other sulphide compounds of silver. Secondary Minerals. ( Limonite, Fe 4 O 3 [OH] 6 . ( Melanterite, Fe SO 4 . 7 H 2 O. Native Copper. Chalcocite, Cu 2 S. Bornite, Cu 5 Fe S 4 . Malachite, [Cu . OH] 2 CO 3 . Azurite, Cu [Cu . OH] 2 [COafe. Chrysocolla, Cu Si O 3 . 2 H 3 O ? Cuprite,Cu 2 O. Chalcanthite, Cu SO 4 . 5 H 2 O. Cerussite, Pb CO 3 . Anglesite, Pb SO 4 . Pyromorphite, Pb 4 [PbCl][P0 4 V Wulfenite,PbMoO 4 . [ Smithsonite, Zn CO 3 . \ Calamine, H 2 [Zn 2 O] Si O 4 . I Goslarite, Zn SO 4 . 7 H 2 O. Native Silver. Cerargyrite, Ag Cl. Embolite, Ag (Cl, Br). Bromyrite, Ag Br. 78 MINERALS RESULTING FROM CONTACT METAMORPHISM. Tellurides of gold. Native Gold. Feldspars. Kaolin. In connection with masses of granite rocks there are often found veins or dikes which consist chiefly of the characteristic minerals of the granite (quartz, feldspar, and mica) and usually in very large crystals. Other minerals are commonly present also, frequently in large crystals, but which are to be found in only very small amounts, if at all, in the neighboring granite, and which, because they contain hydroxyl, boron, or fluorine, show that vapors of these substances existing under great pressure were active in the formation of the veins. Because of the pres- ence of these minerals and also from the evidence of the struc- ture of the veins it is considered that, usually at least, they have been deposited from solutions or vapors at high temperatures and pressures, and have not resulted from the simple cooling of a molten mass, like a true igneous rock. Such veins are known as Pegmatite Veins, and a list of their characteristic minerals follows. 4. In pegmatite veins. Of common occurrence. Of somewhat rare occurrence. Quartz. Pyrite. C Orthoclase. Molybdenite. Feldspar, -j Microcline. Lepidolite. (.Albite. Spodumene. Muscovite. Triphylite. MlCa " ' Biotite. Columbite. ica, -j ( Almandite. Cassiterite. et ' ( Spessartite. Monazite. Beryl. Tourmaline. Apatite. Fluorite. MINERALS RESULTING FROM CONTACT METAMORPHISM. When limestone rocks are subjected to heat and pressure through the intrusion into them of masses of hot igneous rocks they are metamorphosed and changed into crystalline limestones or marbles. If the limestone was impure, other minerals are fre- quently formed at the same time in the limestone in the zone near the plane of contact between the two rocks. These minerals are MINERALS RESULTING FROM CONTACT METAMORPHISM. 79 spoken of as Contact Metamorphic Minerals, and a list of the more important of them is given below. Graphite. Wollastonite. Phlogopite. Spinel. Tremolite. ( Grossularite. , -T. Garnet, -j A ,. Corundum. Pyroxene. tAndradite. Igneous rocks when cooling give off large amounts of water and various elements (especially boron and fluorine) in the form of vapors, under the influence of which various minerals, com- monly called Ptiewmatolytic Minerals, are developed in limestones in the zone near the contact plane between that rock and the igneous intrusion. The following minerals are often formed in this way: Chondrodite. Vesuvianite. Scapolite. Tourmaline. Fluorite. INDEX. ABRASIVES 57 Accessory Rock Minerals 75 Acmite 19* 74 Adamite 16, 56 ^Egirite 19, 5, 74 JEschynite 15 Agate 60, 66 Aguilarite 47 Aikinite 13 Alabandite 6, 40 Alabaster 66 Albite 22, 50, 73 Alexandrite, Chrysoberyl 61 Algodonite 23,33 Allanite 19, 3 2 Alloclasite 13 Allophane 23 Almandite 5, 3 6 Altaite 4, 38, 53 Alum 6, 25, 26 Aluminium 25 Alunite n, 25, 46 Amalgam 41, 49 Amarantite 22 Amblygonite 22, 34, 39 Amethyst 60 Amphibole 19, 39, 74 Analcite 5, 50 Anatase, Octahedrite 7 Andalusite 15 Andesite 22 Andradite 5, 36 Anglesite 17,38 Anhydrite 17, 29 Annabergite 21, 42 Anorthite 22, 29, 73 Anthophyllite 14, 39 Anthophyllite- Asbestos 58 Anthracite Coal 31 Antimony 10, 26 Apatite 10, 29, 34, 42 Apophyllite 7, 46 Aquamarine 60 Aragonite 14, 29 Ardennite 15, 55 Argentite 4,49 Argyrodite 4, 35,49 Arsenic 10, 27 Arsenolite 4 Arsenopyrite 13, 27 Asbestos 58 Asphaltum 31 Astrophyllite '. 20, 54 Atacamite 14, 33 Augite 19, 74 Aurichalcite 18, 56 Autunite 16, 55 Awaruite 42 Axinite 22,28 Azurite 18, 33 BABINGTONITE 22 Baddeleyite 56 Barite 17, 27 Barium 27 Barysilite 9, 38 Barytocalcite 18, 27 Basalt 71 Bastnasite 32, 34 Baumhauerite 18 Bauxite 23, 25 Berthierite 13 81 82 INDEX. Bertrandite 15, 27 Beryl 9, 27, 61 Beryllium 27 Beryllonite ... 16, 27, 50 Berzelianite 4, 33, 47 Biotite 20, 39, 46, 74 Bischofite 39 Bismuth 10, 28 Bismuthinite 13, 28 Bismutite 28 Bismutosphaerite 23, 28 Bituminous Coal 31 Bixbyite 5,4 Blende, Sphalerite 6, 56 Blodite 21, 39 Blue Vitriol 34 Bog Iron Ore, Limonite 23, 36 Boracite 6, 28, 39 Borax 21, 28, 50 Bornite 4, 33 Boron 28 Bournonite 13 Boytonite 22 Brandtite 22 Brass 33 Braunite 7,4 Breccia 65 Breithauptite 10, 42 Brewsterite 20, 51 Brimstone 52 Brochantite 17, 33 Bromine 29 Bromyrite 2 9, 49 Bronze 34 Bronzite 14, 39, 74 Brookite 14, 54 Brucite n, 39 Brushite 21 CADMIUM 29 Caesium 29 Calamine 1 5, 56 Calaverite 18, 35, 53 Calcite u, 29, 75 Calcium 29 Calomel 7, 41 Cancrinite 9, 50 Canfieldite 4, 35, 49, 53 Carbonado, Diamond 57 Carborundum 57 Carnallite 14, 39, 46 Carnotite 55 Carpholite 19 Cassiterite 7, 53 Cat's eye, Chrysoberyl 61 Cattapleiite 56 Celestite 17, 51 Cement 58 Cerargyrite 4,49 Cerite 15, 32 Cerium 32 Cerussite 14, 38 Cervantite 26 Chabazite 1 1 Chalcanthite 22, 33 Chalcedony 66 Chalcocite 13, 33 Chalcomenite 21, 33, 47 Chalcophanite 1 1 Chalcophyllite n, 33 Chalcopyrite 8, 33 Chalcostibite 13, 33 Chalk 30 Childrenite 16 Chile Saltpeter 43 Chloanthite 6, 27, 42 Chlorine 32 Chlorites 20, 39, 75 Chloritoid . 20 Chondrodite 19, 39 Chrysoprase 6 1 Chromite 4, 32 Chromium 32 Chrysoberyl 14, 27, 61 Chrysocolla 23, 33 Chrysolite 15, 39, 61, 74 Chrysotile- Asbestos 58 Cinnabar 12, 41 Clausthalite 38, 47 Clay 58 Clinochlore 20, 39, 75 Clinoclasite 21, 33 Clinohedrite 19, 56 Clinohumite 19, 39 Coal 31 Cobalt 33 Cobaltite 6, 33 Colemanite 21, 28, 29 Coloradoite 41, 53 Columbite 15, 36 Columbium 33 Contact Metamorphic Minerals. . . 78 INDEX. Copper 3, 33 Corundum n, 25, 57 Cosalite 13, 3-8 Cotunnite 14, 38 Covellite 9,33 Crocoite 21, 32, 38 Crookesite 4, 47, 53 Cryolite 18, 25, 50 Cuprite 4, 33 Cuprotungstite 54 Cyanite 22, 25 Cylindrite 53 DANBURITE 15, 28 Darapskite 50 Datolite 19, 28 Dawsonite 18, 50 Decorative Stones 65 Descloizite 16, 38, 55 Deweylite 23 Diamond 3, 31, 57, 6 1 Diaspore 14 Didymium 34 Diopside 19 Dioptase 12, 33 Diorite 70 Dolomite 12, 29, 39, 75 Domeykite 23, 33 Dufrenite 16 Dufrenoysite 18, 38 Dumortierite 15 Durangite 21, 34, 50 Durdenite 53 Dyscrasite 49 EDINGTONITE 8 Elaeolite 73 Embolite 4, 29, 49 Emerald 61 Emery 57 Emmonsite 2 1, 53 Emplectite 13, 28, 33 Enargite 14, 27, 33 Enstatite 14, 39, 74 Epidote 19 Epsomite i7> 39 Erbium 34 Erythrite 21, 33 Eucairite 47 Euchroite 16, 33 Euclase 19, 2 7 Eucryptite 9 , 39 Eudidimite 19, 50 Eudyalite 1 1, 50, 56 Eulytite 6, 28 Euxenite 15 FAIRFIELDITE 22 Famatinite 14 Fayalite 15, 36 Feldspars 25, 46, 59, 73 Felsite 71 Fergusonite 8 Ferro-chromium 32 Ferro-manganese 40 Ferro-molybdenum 41 Ferro-nickel 42 Ferro-silicon 47 Ferro-titanium 54 Ferro-tungsten 55 Flint 59 Fluorine 34 Fluorite 4, 29 Flux 30 Forsterite 15 Franckeite 53 Franklinite 4, 40, 56 Freieslebenite 18 Fuller's Earth 59 GABBRO : 70 Gadolinite 19, 27, 32 Gahnite 4, 56 Galena 4,38 Galenobismuthite 13 Gallium 35 Ganomalite 7,38 Garnet 5, 58, 61 Garnierite 23, 42 Gay-Lussite 18, 29, 50 Gem Minerals 60 Genthite 23, 42 Geocronite 13 Gerhardtite 16, 33 Germanium 35 German Silver 34 Gersdorffite 6, 27, 42 Gibbsite 18, 25 Glauberite 21, 29, 50 Glaucochroite 15, 40 Glaucodot 13, 33 Glaucophane 19, 50 INDEX. Gmelinite 1 1 Gneiss 73 Gold 3,35 Goslarite 17, 56 Gothite 14, 36 Granite 64, 65, 70 Graphite 10, 3 1 Greenockite 10, 29 Grossularite 5 Guanajuatite 47 Gummite 55 Gypsum 21,29 HALITE . 4, 50 Hambergite 16 Hamlinite ...11,51 Hanksite 9, 50 Hardystonite 7, 56 Harmotome 20, 2 7 Hauerite 6, 40 Hausmannite 7, 40 Haiiynite 5, 50 Helvite 6. 27, 40 Hematite n, 36 Herderite 20, 27, 34 Hessite 4, 49, 53 Heulandite 20 Hiddenite, Spodumene 63 Homilite 19 Hopeite 56 Hornblende 19, 74 Howlite 16 Hiibnerite 21, 40, 54 Humite 15, 19, 39 Hyalophane 19, 27 Hydrogen 35 Hydromagnesite 18, 39 Hydrozincite 23, 56 Hypersthene 14* 74 ILMENITE 12,36, 54 Ilvaite 15, 36 Indium 35 Inesite 22, 40 Infusorial Earth 48 Iodine 36 lodyrite 10, 36, 49 lolite 14 Iridium 36 Iridosmine 9 Iron 3,36 JADE 65 Jadeite 19, 50, 65 Jamesonite 13,38 Jarosite 1 1, 36, 46 Jasper 62, 66 Jordanite 18 Josephinite 42 KAINITE 21, 39,46 Kalinite 6, 25, 46 Kaolin 20, 25, 59, 74 Kentrolite 15, 38 Kermesite 26 Krennerite 13, 35, 53 Kunzite 62 LABRADORITE 22 Land Plaster 30 Langbeinite 46 Lansfordite 22, 39 Lanthanite 14, 32 Lanthanum 32 Lapis-Lazuli 62, 66 Laumontite ,20 Lautarite 36 Lazulite 21, 25 Lazurite 5, 50, 62 Lead . . .38 Leadhillite 18, 38 Lepidolite 20, 34, 39 Lepidomelane 20 Leucite 5, 25, 46, 74 Leucophanite 14, 27 Libethenite 16, 33 Lime 30 Limestone 29, 72 Limonite 23, 36 Linarite 21 Linnaeite 4, 33, 42 Lithiophilite 16, 39, 40 Lithium 39 Lollingite 13, 27 Lorandite 53 Ludwigite 16 MAGNESITE n, 39 Magnesium 39 Magnetite 4,36 Malachite 18, 33, 66 Manganese 40 Manganite 14, 40 INDEX. Manganosite 4,4 Marble 29, 65, 73 Marcasite 13, 36 Margarita 20 Marshite 6, 36 Massicot 38 Matildite 13, 49 Matlockite 7,38 Melaconite 33 Melanotekite 15, 38 Melanterite 21, 36 Melonite 42,53 Meneghinite 13, 38 Mercury 41 Metaoinnabarite 41 Mexican Onyx 65 Miargyrite 18, 49 Micas 25, 39, 64, 74 Microcline 22, 46, 73 Microlite 5 Miersite 6, 36 Millerite 10, 42 Mimetite 10, 27, 38 Mineral Paint 37 Minium 38 Mirabilite 2 1 , 50 Molybdenite 9, 41 Molybdenum 41 Molybdite 41 Monazite 20, 32 Montanite 53 Monticellite 15, 39 Moonstone 62 Morenosite 17, 42 Muscovite . 20, 46, 74 NAGYAGITE 53 Nantokite 4 Nasonite 7,38 Natrojarosite IT, 50 Natrolite 15, 50 Natron 1 8, 50 Natrophilite 16, 50 Natural Gas 31 Naumannite 47 Nephelite 9, 25, 50, 73 Nephrite, Jade 65 Nesquehonite 14, 39 Niccolite 10, 27, 42 Nickel , .... 42 Niobium 42 Niter 16 Nitrogen 43 Nordenskioldine 53 Northupite 5, 50 Noselite 50 Noumeaite 23, 42 Novaculite 48 OCTAHEDRITE 7, 54 Oligoclase 22 Olivenite 16, 27, 33 Olivine 1 5, 74 Onofrite 6, 41, 47 Opal 23, 62 Ornamental Stones 65 Orpiment 1 8 Orthoclase 19, 46, 73 Osmium 43 Oxygen 44 Ozokerite 31 PACHNOLITE 18, 50 Palladium 44 Paragonite 20, 50 Parisite 9, 32, 34 Pearceite 18, 49 Pectolite 19, 50 Pegmatite Veins 78 Penninite 1 1 Pentlandite 4, 42 Percylite 4, 38 Periclase 4, 39 Peridot : 62 Peridotite 70 Peristerite, Moonstone 62 Perovskite 5, 29, 54 Petalite 19, 39 Petroleum 31 Petzite. . .. 4, 35, 49, 53 Pha.rmacosiderite 6 Phenacite 12, 27 Phillipsite 20 Phlogopite 20, 39 Phosgenite 7,38 Phosphate Rock 44 Phosphorus 44 Picromerite 21 Piedmontite 19, 40 Pirssonite 14, 50 Pitchblende 55 Plagionite 18 86 INDEX. Plaster of Paris 30 Platinum 3,45 Plattnerite 7,38 Plumbojarosite 1 1 Pneumatolytic Minerals 79 Polianite 7,4 Pollucite 5, 29 Polyargyrite 49 Polybasite 18, 49 Polycrase 15 Polyhalite 2 1, 46 Polymignite 15, 56 Porphyry 65, 71 Potassium ... , 46 Powellite 41 Precious Stones 60 Prehnite 15 Prolectite 19 Proust it-e 10, 27, 49 Pseudobrookite 54 Psilomelane 23, 40 Pucherite 16, 28, 55 Pumice 58 Pyrargyrite 10, 26, 49 Pynte 6, 36, 52 Pyrochlore 5 Pyrochroite 1 1 , 40 Pyrolusite 14, 40 Pyromorphite 10, 38 Pyrope 5 Pyrophyllite 20, 25 Pyrophyllitc, Talc 66 Pyrosmalite 1 1 Pyroxene 19, 39, 62, 74 Pyrrhotite 9, 36, 42 QUARTZ 12, 58, 63, 66 Quartzite 48, 73 Quicksilver 41 RALSTONITE 4 Rammelsbergite 13, 42 Raspite 54 Realgar 1 8 Reddingite 16 Reinite 54 Rhodium 47 Rhodochrosite 1 1 , 40 Rhodonite 22, 40, 66 Rickardite 33,53 Rock Making Minerals 73 Roscoelite 20, 55 Roselite 22 Rubellite, Tourmaline 63 Rubidium 47 Ruby 63 Ruby-Copper, Cuprite 4, 33 Ruby-Silver, Proustite 10, 49 Ruthenium 47 Rutile 7,54 SALT, Halite 4, 50 Safflorite 13 Samarskite 15 Sandstone 48, 72 Sapphire 63 Sartorite 13, 38 Sassolite 22,28 Satin Spar 66 Scapolite 8, 50 Scheelite 8, 29, 54 Schist 72 Schoenite 39, 46 Schorlomite 54 Scolecite 20 Scorodite 16, 27, 36 Selenium 47 Selen-Tellurium ^ } 53 Sellaite 39 Senarmontite 4, 26 Serpentine 20, 39, 66, 75 Serpentine-Asbestos 58 Seybertite 20 Shale 72 Siderite u } 36 Silicon 47 Sillimanite r 15 Silv er 3, 49 Slate 66, 73 Smaltite 6, 27, 33 Smithsonite i If 56 Soapstone 66 Soda-Niter n, 43, 50 Sodalite $ } 50 Spangolite 1 1, 33 Spelter, Zinc 56 Sperrylite 6, 45 Spessartite 5, 40 Sphalerite 6, 56 Spiegeleisen 40 Spinel 4, 39, 63 Spodumene 19, 39, 63 INDEX. Stannite 7, 53 Staurolite 15 Stephanite 13, 49 Stibiconite 26 Stibnite 13, 26 Stilbite 20 Stolzite 8, 38, 54 Strengite 16 Stromeyerite 13, 33, 49 Strontianite 14, 51 Struvite 16 Svilphohalite 5, 50 Sulphur 13, 52 Sussexite 16, 40 Syenite 70 Sylvanite 18, 35, 49, 53 Sylvite 4, 46 Syngenite 21 TACHYDRITE Talc 20, 39, Tantalum Tapiolite Tellurite Tellurium 10, Tennantite 6, Tenorite Tephroite 15, Tetradymite 10, 28, Tetrahedrite 6, 26, Thallium Thaumasite Thenardite 17, Thermoriatrite Thomsenolite 1 8, Thomsonite Thorite 7, Thorium Tiemannite 6, 41, Tin . 39 66 5 2 7 53 53 33 33 40 53 33 53 9 50 5o 5 IS 3 2 53 47 53 Titanic Iron 54 Titanite 20, 29, 54 Titanium 54 T P az ; 15, 25, 34, 63 Torbernite 7,55 Tourmaline u, 28, 63 Tremolite 19 Tremolite-Asbestos 58 Tridymite g Triphylite 16, 36, 39 Triplite 21, 34,40 Triploidite 2 1, 40 Trona 18, 50 Tungsten 54 Tungstite 54 Turgite 23, 36 Turquois 23, 25, 63 Tysonite 9, 3 2 ULEXITE 28, 50 Ullmannite 6, 42 Umangite 47 Uraninite 5,55 Uranium 55 Uranophane 55 Uranothalite 55 Useful Minerals 59 Uvarovite 5, 3 2 VALENTINITE i 4; 26 Vanadinite 10, 38, 55 Vanadium 55 Vein Minerals 76 Verd-antique Marble 65 Vermiculite 20 Vesuvianite 7 Vivianite 21,36 Volborthite 55 WAGNERITE 21, 34, 39 Warwickite 16 Wavellite 16, 25 Wellsite 20 Wernerite 8, 50 Whewellite 21 Whitneyite 23, 33 Willemite 12, 56 Witherite 14, 27 Wittichenite 13 Wohlerite 56 Wolfachite 13 Wolframite 21, 36, 54 Wollastonite 19, 29 Wulfenite 8, 38, 41 Wurtzite 10, 56 XANTHOSIDERITE 23 Xenotime 7, 32 YTTRIUM 56 Yttrotantaiite 15 ZARATITE 23, 42 88 INDEX. 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Boiler's Practical Treatise on the Construction of Iron Highway Bridges. .8vo, 2 oo * Thames River Bridge 4to, paper, 5 oo Burr's Course on the Stresses in Bridges and Roof Trusses, Arched Ribs, and Suspension Bridges 8vo, 3 50 Burr and Falk's Influence Lines for Bridge and Roof Computations 8vo, 3 oo Design and Construction of Metallic Bridges 8vo 5 oo Du Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. 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Barnes's Ice Formation 8vo, 3 oo Bazin's Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein Issuing from an Orifice. (Trautwine.) 8vo, 2 oo Bovey's Treatise on Hydraulics 8vo, 5 oo Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 oo Diagrams of Mean Velocity of Water in Open Channels paper, i 50 Hydraulic Motors 8vo, 2 oo Coffin's Graphical Solution of Hydrr.ulic Problems i6mo, morocco, 2 50 Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power I2mo, 3 oo 7 FolwelTs Water-supply Engineering Svo,, 4 oo Frizell's Water-power 8vcv 5 oo Fuertes's Water and Public Health i2mo, i 50 Water-filtration Works i2mo, 2 50 Ganguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels. (Hering and Trautwine.) 8vo, 4 oo Hazen's Filtration of Public Water-supply 8vo, 3 oo Hazlehurst's Towers and Tanks for Water- works .8vo, 2 50 Herschel's 115 Experiments on the Carrying Capacity of Large, Riveted;, Metal Conduits 8vo, 2 oo Mason's Water-supply. 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