' OK THK UNIVERSITY, qF/ CALIFORNIA*. . Class NET BOOK. This book is supplied to the Trade on terms which will not allow of Discount to the Public. CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO. LTD. ELECTRO-METALLURGY. ELECTRICAL & METALLURGICAL PUBLICATIONS. ELECTRIC SMELTING AND REFINING : A Practical Manual of the Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Electrical Methods. Being the "Elektro-Metallurgie" of DR W. BORCHERS. Translated by WALTER G. M C MILLAN, F.I.O., F.C.S., Secretary to the Institution of Electrical Engineers. With numerous Illustrations and three Folding Plates. SECOND EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. 21s. net. Contents : Part I. ALKALIES AND ALKALINE EARTH METALS : Magnesium, Lithium, Beryllium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, the Carbides of the Alkaline Earth Metals. Part II. THE EARTH METALS : Aluminium, Cerium, Lanthanum, Didymium. Part III. THE HEAVY METALS : Copper, Silver, Gold, Zinc and Cadmium, Mercury, Tin, Lead, Bismuth, Antimony, Chromium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Uranium, Man- ganese, Iron, Nickel and Cobalt, the Platinum Group. " COMPREHENSIVE and AUTHORITATIVE." Electrician. ELECTRICAL RULES AND TABLES (A Pocket-Book of). For the use of Electricians and Engineers. By J. MUNRO, C.E., and PROF. A. JAMIESON, F.R.S.E., M.Inst.E.E. With numerous Diagrams. NINETEENTH EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. Leather. 8s. 6d. " Wonderfully perfect ; worthy of the HIGHEST COMMENDATION." Electrician. THE ART OF THE GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER. A Treatise on the Manipulation of Gold in the Various Processes of Goldsmith's Work, and the Manufacture of Personal Ornaments, etc. For Students and Practical Men. By THOS. B. WIGLEY. SECOND EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. " An exhaustive fund of information which cannot fail to be of service." Jeweller and Metal Worker. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF METALLURGY. By SIR W. ROBERTS- AUSTEN, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. SIXTH EDITION. Thoroughly Revised by F. W. HARBORD, A.R.S.M. " No English text-book at all approaches this in COMPLETENESS with which the most modern views on the subject are dealt with . . . will be INVALUABLE." Chemical THE METALLURGY OF GOLD. By T. KIRKE ROSE, D.Sc., Assoc.R.S.M., Chemist and Assayer of the Royal Mint. Including the most recent improvements in the Cyanide Process. FIFTH EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. With numerous Illustrations. 21s. " An addition to the literature of Metallurgy, of CLASSICAL VALUE." Nature. THE METALLURGY OF SILVER. By H. F. COLLINS, Assoc. R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M. SECOND EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. ALLOYS, AND THEIR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. By EDWARD F. LAW, A.R.S.M. With Frontispiece in Colours, and a Beautiful Series of Photo-micrographs. 12s. 6d. net. ASSAYING (A Text-Book of). For the use of Mine Managers, Assayers, etc. By J. J. arid C. BERINGER. TENTH EDITION, Revised. With Tables and Illustrations. 10s. 6d. " Really meritorious. May be safely depended upon." Nature. QUANTITATIVE METALLURGICAL ANALYSIS. Tables for Laboratory Use. By J. J. MORGAN, F.C.S. In Large 8 vo. Cloth. 4s. LONDON: CHAS. GRIFFIN & CO., LTD., EXETER ST., STRAND. A TREATISE ON ELECTRO -METALLURGY : EMBRACING THE APPLICATION OF ELECTROLYSIS TO THE PLATING, DEPOSITING SMELTING, AND REFINING OF VARIOUS METALS, AND TO THE REPRODUCTION OF PRINTING SURFACES AND ART-WORK, ETC. BY WALTER a. M C MILLAN, F.I.C., M.INST.M.M., LATE LECTURER ON METALLURGY IN MASON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM, AND FORMERLY CHEMIST AND METALLURGIST TO THE COSSIPORE ORDNANCE FACTORIES. REVISED BY W. R COOPER, M.A., B.Sc., A.I.C., MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. THIRD EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED IKflitb numerous 3Uustratfon0. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, LIMITED, EXETER STREET, STRAND. 1910. [All Eights Reserved.] 70 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. IN revising this Treatise for a third edition I have adhered as far as possible to the lines followed by the late Mr W. G. M c Millan, though it has been found necessary to make considerable alterations. Thus, I have thought it well to omit the greater part of the section dealing with the dynamo, as this is a specialised subject which cannot be treated satisfactorily with brevity. Moreover, there are many text-books available where such information is easily found, and therefore the space in the present volume can be used to better advantage in other ways. The table giving particulars of copper refineries has also been omitted, because it is almost impossible to obtain trustworthy data of equipment and methods in such cases. Generally speaking, electro- deposition has not made any very marked advance during the last few years ; nevertheless, many minor alterations and additions have been found necessary to bring the work up to date. As in previous editions, the field of electric smelting and refining as a whole is dealt with but briefly. It was felt, however, that the subject of electric smelting and refining of iron, which was non-existent at the time of the last edition, is becoming so important that considerable space should be devoted to an account of the present position of this new field. W. E. C. 82 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. 210341 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. IN the following pages I have endeavoured to systematise and explain the various processes of Electro-Metallurgy as far as possible. Believing fully that in teaching and writing upon such subjects a technological rather than a technical treatment is required, I have tried so to set the matter before the reader that, even if he be a novice, he may be led to take an intelligent interest in any practical work upon which he may be engaged ; but I have avoided the accumulation of a mass of unnecessary descriptive detail, which would only tend towards confusion, and which would be dictated by common-sense to any who have grasped the principles involved. In many cases, however, success is in a large measure dependent upon strict attention to mechanical detail ; and here I have not hesitated to introduce such instructions as I believed needful to guide the worker in the special operations in hand, while indicating the reasons which should enable him to apply them to processes of kindred character. In short, I have aimed at a combina- tion of theory and practice. The necessity for at least a fair knowledge of Chemistry and Electricity has led to the introduction of a chapter dealing in an elementary fashion with such laws as are required for an understanding of our subject ; but it is not pretended that this chapter shall in any degree supersede the text-books upon these sciences ; it is rather intended to lead up to them. In treating of the sources of current, especially the dynamo -electric machine, I have dwelt longer vii Viii PREFACE. upon the general theory of construction and use as applicable to all than upon the special modifications adopted by different inventors and manufacturers. In addition to the journals, the following works among others have been consulted, and my general indebtedness to these authors must here be thankfully recorded: Fontaine's Electrolyse, Gore's Art of Electro-Metallurgy, Japing's Elektrolyse Galvano-plastik und Reinmetallgewin- nung, Napier's Manual of Electro-Metallurgy, Roseleur's Manipulations Hydroplastiques, Schaschl's Galvanostegie, Thompson's Dynamo Electric Machinery, Urquhart's Electro- typing and Electro-plating, Volkmer's Betrieb der Galvano- plastik mit Dynamo - Elektrisclien Maschinen zu Zwecken der Graphischen Kunste, Wahl's Practical Guide for the Gold and Silver Electro -plater arid the Galvano- plastic Operator, Watt's Electro-deposition, Weiss's Galvano-plastik and Wilson's Stereotyping and Electrotyping. My thanks are also due to the Brush Electric Light Corporation, Messrs Hoe & Company, Messrs Siemens Brothers, and Messrs Townson & Mercer for diagrams of apparatus. I must further acknowledge my obligations to Professor Silvanus Thompson for his kind permission to describe and figure a special form of switch which he has in use. WALTER G. M C MILLAN. COSSIPORE, CALCUTTA, September 1890. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. Definition of the term Electro-metallurgy Scope of the Art The Germ of the Process in Primitive Times The Growth of Electrical Knowledge The Invention of the Thermopile, Battery and Magneto-electric and Dynamo-electric Machines First Attempts at the Electro-deposition of Metals The Work of Nicholson and Carlisle, Cruickshank, Wollaston, Brugnatelli, Davy, and Bessemer Becquerel's Experiments on the Electrolytic Treatment of Ores The Invention of the Daniell -cell the first step towards Electrotypy ; De la Rue's Observation, and the Development of Electrotyping by Jacobi, Spencer, and Jordan The question of precedence among the three Rival Inventors Murray's discovery of Blackleading Non-conductive Electrotype Moulds Leeson's and Mont- gomery's first Elastic Moulds The later Advances in the Art ; the value of the Dynamo and its effect upon the Industry Electrolytic Ore treatment Electrolytic Metal-refining Electrolysis of Fused Substances Electro-smelting and Refining Recent Development of the Theory of Electrolysis, Pages 1-13 CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL AND GENERAL. (See also Chapter XIX. ) Matter and Force Conditions of Matter Constitution of Matter Molecules and Atoms Elements and Compounds Relative Weights of Atoms- Meaning of the Symbols and of Chemical Formulae Valency Laws of Definite Chemical Combination List of Elementary Substances Energy Displayed by Chemical Combination Effect of Heats of Combination in Determining the Occurrence of Chemical Reactions The Elements placed in Electro- chemical Series Transformations of Energy The Conversion of Chemical into Electrical Energy, and its application in the Galvanic Battery Re-conversion of Electrical Energy into Chemical Energy The Theory of Electrolysis or Electro-deposition Laws Governing Pressure or Electro- motive Force of Battery Currents The Relation of Current- pressure to the Electro-deposition of Metals from Solutions under varying X CONTENTS. Conditions Electric Conduction Electrolytic Conduction Electrolysis of mixed Solutions The Deposition of Alloys Quantity and Potential of Currents Units employed in Measurements, . . . Pages 14-36 CHAPTER III. SOURCES OF CURRENT. The Galvanic Battery The Use of Impure Zinc ; Local Action ; Amalgamation The Polarisation of Battery Cells, and its Remedies Definition of Terms used in speaking of Batteries The various Single- and Two-fluid Cells Smee's, Daniell's, Grove's, Bunsen's, the Bichromate, Edison- Lalande, and Leclanche Practical Hints on the Use of Batteries The Fittings and Connections of a Battery Various ways of arranging several Cells ; the application of Ohm's Law Thermo-electric Batteries The Direct Conversion of Heat into Electricity The Thermo-electro-motive Force of various Combinations of Metals at different Temperatures ; the choice of Metals for Thermo-electric Coupler Clamond's and Giilcher's Thermopiles The Conversion of Mechanical into Electrical Energy The Elementary Theory and parts of the Dynamo- and Magneto-electrical Machines Various Types Conditions to be observed in using the Dynamo Accumulators or Secondary Batteries Use of Public Electricity Supply for Electro-metallurgical Work Conversion of Alternating Currents into Continuous Currents, and of High-pressure Currents into Low-pressure Currents, . Pages 37-76 CHAPTER IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN ELECTRO-PLATING. Necessity for Cleanliness The Proportioning of Current to the Electrolytic Separation to be Effected The Relation of Weight and Thickness of Deposit to Current-strength and Duration of Process The Effect of, and means for, altering the Electrical Resistance of the Circuit The use of Measuring Instruments for Determining Current-strength The Detector, Galvanometer, Ammeter, and Voltmeter The Arrange- ment of Plating- Vats according to Current and Pressure, and other Considerations; Connection in Series and in Parallel The Choice of Anodes ; and the Regulation of the Distance between the Electrodes in the Vat Necessity for Stirring the Plating Solutions Motion to be imparted to the Solution, Pages 77-91 CHAPTER V. PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. Necessity for Light and Air in Work-rooms Apportionment of Rooms to Departments of Work Requirements in the Disposition of Shops- Drainage and Ventilation Arrangement of Plant for Electro -plating The Material for, and Form of, Vats, and Manner of Introducing the Connecting Wires Relative Positions of Electrodes for different kinds CONTENTS. XI of Work The Method of supporting Anode Plates The Systems of Stirring Plating Liquids, and of imparting Motion to the Suspended Objects The Weighing of the Deposited Metal ; Plating - balances Corrections to be made in using the Plating-balance The Coating of Wires Electro-plating large Surfaces The " Doctor "The Electro- plating of small Goods in Rotating Drums Smith and Deakin's Apparatus The Joints of Lead-lined Vats, . . . Pages 92-107 CHAPTER VI. THE CLEANSING AND PREPARATION OF WORK FOR THE DEPOSITING -VAT, AND SUBSEQUENT POLISHING OF PLATED GOODS. The Different Methods of removing Grease and thick incrustations of Dirt The Chemical Action of hot Alkali on Grease The Cleansing of Objects from Mineral Oils The Construction and Use of the Potash Tank Necessity for dipping in Acid before immersion in the Plating- Vat The Cleansing of Copper, Brass, German Silver, Iron and Steel, Zinc, Lead, Tin, Britannia Metal, and Aluminium Electrolytic Cleaning The Quicking of Metallic Surfaces The Mechanical Treat- ment df Metals to be Cleansed, and Methods of ensuring a Smooth and Polished Surface The Polishing Lathe The Manner of Bobbing and Mopping The Uses of Scratch-brushing by Hand and by Lathe The Process of Burnishing The Preliminary Treatment of Hard Steel The Preparation of Objects for Nickeling, . . . Pages 108-123 CHAPTER VII. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. Objects with which Electro-Deposition of Copper is applied Coating by Simple Immersion Coppering of small Steel Articles The Single-cell Process The Manner of Coating Flat and Spherical Surfaces by Single- cell Deposition The Battery Process of Coppering The Battery employed The various Acid and Alkaline Plating-baths The Char- acter, Suspension, and Use of the Anodes The Character of the Copper Deposited ; the Strength, Hardness, and General Fitness of the Metal precipitated from various strengths of Solution by different Current- densities The Process of Deposition The Manner of preparing the Articles for the Bath, immersing them, noting the Progress of the Action, withdrawing and finally cleansing them The Coppering of Printing - rollers Electrolytically formed Tubes Elmore's Process Cowper-Coles' Process Copper Wire by Deposition Other Applications of the Process, Pages 124-141 CHAPTER VIII. ELECTROTYPING. First Principles of Electrotyping Moulding Materials for Printers' and Art Work in Solid and Elastic Compositions, applicable to Plain or xii CONTENTS. Undercut Designs, and the manner of applying them Gutta-percha, Bees' -wax, Plaster of Paris, Fusible Metal, Gelatine, and Sealing-wax ; and Mixtures in which these are employed The Manner of rendering the Mould Conductive Plumbago, Silvered and Gilded Plumbago, Tin- and Copper-powders Printers' Electrotyping The Reproduction of Steel Plates ; the Arrangement of Baths and Distribution of Current, and General Conduct of the Process Typographical Matter The Preparation of the Type ; Moulding ; Black-leading of the Mould, and Deposition of Copper ; the final Backing and Treatment of the Electro- type Treatment of Wood-blocks Art Electrotyping The Moulding and Reproduction of Medals, of Busts and Statues, and of Natural Objects The Special Treatment of Large Statues, in regard to Mould- ing, Disposition of Anodes and Application of Solution The manner of ensuring Equalisation of Deposit upon the Moulds Sundry Applica- tions of Electrotyping Glyphography, Stylography, Galvanography, Electro-etching, and the like Manufacture of Copper Reflectors by Electrotyping, . . . . Pages 142-174 CHAPTER IX. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. The Deposition of Silver by Simple Immersion ; the Composition and Use of various Plating Solutions and Pastes The Single-cell Process The Separate -current Process The Battery The Constitution and Pre- paration of various Silver-baths The Conditions to be avoided in Making up and in Tending Plating-solutions Bright Plating-liquids The Anodes The Character of the Metal Deposited under different Conditions The Stripping of old Silver Coats from Copper, Brass, or German Silver, and from Zinc, Iron, Tin, Lead, and their Alloys The Final Preparation of the Objects for the Bath The Suspension of the Goods in the Vats, and Manner of Depositing the Metal Precautions to be adopted in certain cases The Use of the Striking-bath Difficulties encountered in Plating The Local Thickening of the Film to withstand Wear The Thickness of Deposit "Gal vanit" Silver Electrotyping The Ornamentation of Silver Surfaces by Dead Lustre, and as Oxidised Silver, Antique Silver, or by Satin Finish Niello Work, . , .. ;. v- , Pages 175-197 CHAPTER X. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. Advantages of Gold-plating Solutions and Process for Deposition by Simple Immersion The Single-cell Process Battery Methods of Deposition The Preparation and Characteristics of various Solutions The Production of Coloured Gold The Necessary Properties of the Anode The Character of the Metal Deposited by different Current- densities The Stripping of old Gold-deposits The Requirements and Conduct of the Depositing Process The Gilding of Interior Surfaces Plating with the " Doctor "The Thickness of the Films Dead Gild- CONTENTS. XU1 ing The Treatment of the more Electro-positive Metals The Gilding of Soldered Goods Parcel-gilding The Ornamentation and Treatment of Gilt Surfaces The Contrasting of Coloured Gilding The Colouring of Deposited Gold The Gilding of Watch Mechanisms The Mechanical Production of thb Surface-grain, Pages 198-215 CHAPTER XI. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. The Application and Advantages of Nickel-plating Difficulties in Electro- nickeling The Character of the Deposited Metal The Battery Process for Depositing Nickel The Nature and Preparation of the Various Nickeling Solutions Cast and Rolled, Nickel and Carbon Anodes The Necessity for Stripping old Nickel Coats The Preparation of Objects for the Bath The Manner of effecting Electrolysis Precautions to be Observed The Finishing of the Plated Goods Dead Nickel Surfaces The Electro-deposition of Cobalt The Solutions used, and the Method of Applying them The Details of the Process, and the Nature of the Pre- cipitated Metal, . .... . . . . Pages 216-229 CHAPTER XII. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF IRON. The Advantages of Iron-faced Engraved Copper Plates The Depositing Solutions, their Preparation, Maintenance, and Use The Physical Properties of Deposited Iron Use of the Term Steel-facing Strip- ping old Coats; the Plating Process and Final Treatment of the Work, . . . ..''. . . ; -. Pages 230-236 CHAPTER XIII. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF PLATINUM, ZINC, CHROMIUM, CADMIUM, TIN, LEAD, ANTIMONY, BISMUTH, AND PALLADIUM ; ELECTRO-CHROMY. Platinising by Simple Immersion Deposition by Single-cell Process The Platinising of Silver plates of Smee's Battery Platinating by a Separate Current Removing Old Deposits The Plating-solutions and manner of applying them The Deposition of Zinc Comparison of Electro-zinced Metal with so-called Galvanised Iron The Solutions and their Use ; Use of Zinc Dust in the Solution ; Anomalies in the Application of the Current The Character of the Zinc Deposit under various Conditions The Electro -deposition of Chromium The Electro-deposition of Cadmium Electro-tinning ; Electrolytically-coated Goods contrasted with Tin-plate Tinning of Brass Pins and small objects by Simple Immersion Deposi- tion of Tin by Single-cell and Separate-current Processes The Electro- deposition of Lead The Coating of Bodies with Antimony Disqualifica- tions of the Metal for Plating thin articles liable to be bent Simple Immersion and Battery Methods of Deposition The Plating-solutions and the Metals precipitated from them The Preparation and Properties xiv CONTENTS. of Explosive Antimony The Electro-deposition of Bismuth The Electro- deposition of Palladium Attempts to deposit Aluminium The Colouring of Metallic Surfaces Electro-chromy Pages 237-256 CHAPTER XIV. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF ALLOYS. The Electro-deposition of Brass The Solution ; its Composition and Use The Choice of Anodes The Influence of the various Conditions upon the Character of the Deposited Brass The Deposition of Bronze and of German Silver The Deposition of other Alloys, . . Pages 257-266 CHAPTER XV. ELECTRO-METALLURGICAL EXTRACTION AND REFINING PROCESSES. Conditions under which the Industry exists The Electro-refining of Copper The Theory of the Process The Behaviour of the various Impurities at the Anode, in the Solution, and at the Cathode The Solution, Current-density, and General Conduct of the Process The Disposition of Vats according to the Current employed Loss of Energy Modern Systems of Refining The Electrolytic Extraction of Copper from Ores and Products Classification of Extraction Processes Outlines of the Methods employed The Electrolytic Refining of Lead Treatment of Base Bullion The Electrolytic Extraction and Refining of Gold The Electrolytic Refining of Silver The Electrolytic Extraction of Zinc The Electro-reduction of Antimony The Electrolytic Extraction and Refining of Iron Recovery of Tin from Tin Scrap Electro-smelting The Electric Furnaces of Siemens, Cowles, and others The Electrolysis of Fused Compounds The Electric Smelting of Aluminium, Magnesium, and Sodium The Electro-thermal Production and Refining of Iron- Electrical v. Chemical Methods Advantages of the Electric Furnace Energy required Types of Electric Furnace The Furnaces of Heroult, Keller, Girod, Stassano, Kjellin, and Rochling and Rodenhauser Electric Welding and Annealing, . . . ... Pages 267-317 CHAPTER XVI. THE RECOVERY OF CERTAIN METALS FROM THEIR SOLUTIONS OR FROM WASTE SUBSTANCES. Sketch of the Treatment of Residues of Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Platinum, and Silver, Pages 318-323 CHAPTER XVII. THE DETERMINATION OF THE PROPORTION OF METAL IN CERTAIN DEPOSITING SOLUTIONS. Outline of Methods for conducting Electrolytic Quantitative Analysis, and for determining Antimony, Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Lead, Nickel, Plati- num, and Silver, Pages 324-328 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XVIII. POWER REQUIRED FOR ELECTROLYTIC WORK. Calculation of Power required for Electrolytic Work Horse-Power required per Unit Area of Electrode Surface for different Solutions and different Metals Board of Trade Units of Electrical Energy (Kilowatt-hours) required for the Deposition of Various Metals from different Solutions Cost of Electricity generated from Batteries and from Dynamos Cost of Steam Power and of Water Power on the large Scale Absorption of Power in Conductors Loss of Electrical Energy by Transformation into Heat in Conductors of different Materials and Sizes, . Pages 329-337 CHAPTER XIX. MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. Development of the Modern Theories of Electrolysis Position of the Theory of Ionic Dissociation The Theories of Solution Pressure and of Osmotic Pressure Analogy between the Laws governing Gaseous Pressure and Osmotic Pressure in Dilute Solutions Behaviour of Electrolytes in respect to Osmotic Pressure The Theory of Dissociation of Electrolytes into Ions when in Solution The Explanation of Electrolytic Conduction in the Light of the Theory of lonisation The Meaning of Electrolytic Solution Pressure The Application of Modern Theories to the Explana- tion of the Simple Exchange of Metals, of Simple Galvanic Cells, of Two-fluid Cells, of the Current produced when one Piece of Metal is immersed in a non-homogeneous Solution, and of Electrolysis with Insoluble and Soluble Anodes The Effect of Secondary Actions in Electrolysis The Electrolysis of Mixed Solutions and Double Salts, and of the Salts of Complex Acids, Potassium Aurocyanide and Silver Cyanide, etc. The Effect of Unequal Rates of Migration of Ions in Solutions on the Relative Concentration of the Electrolytes at the two Electrodes Conditions of Electrolysis, . . j . Pages 338-362 CHAPTER XX. A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. Rules to be observed in dealing with Acids and other Chemical Reagents Glossary of Common Substances, . . . Pages 363-389 ADDENDA. Various useful Tables The Bronzing of Copper and Brass Surfaces Anti- dotes to Poisons, Pages 390-404 INDEX, Page 405 A TREATISE ON ELECTRO-METALLURGY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. THE word metallurgy is understood to mean the art of working- metals extracting them from their ores and preparing them for application to the varied uses of daily life. By analogy the term electro -metallurgy, originally suggested by Smee, might reasonably be expected to imply such extraction and preparation effected with the aid of electricity. This, however, is, strictly speaking, but one section of the subject, and, indeed, regarded from the standpoint of commercial practicability, it is one of the most recent developments of the art ; for the economical applica- tion of electricity to the recovery of metals from their ores by electrolysis was scarcely possible commercially until the invention of the dynamo-electric machine had placed a cheap source of electric energy at the disposal of the metallurgist. Just as the science of metallurgy also is but a branch of that of chemistry, and becomes elevated from an art to a science in proportion as the laws of chemistry are made to regulate its processes, so the science of electro-metallurgy is dependent on the laws of chemistry and electricity, and will make more rapid progress as the accurate study and application of these laws are made to take the place of the 'rule of thumb' methods, which are the inevitable outcome of the tentative experiments made in the early dawn of an art. Accepting, then, the broader use of the term, electro-metallurgy may be denned as the science which treats of the application of electrical methods to the separation or to the solution of metals from substances containing them, and (perhaps we may add) to the treatment of metals for certain specific purposes in the arts. 1 2 INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. Scope. Thus the electro-metallurgist may be called upon to deposit metals with any of the following objects: (1) To obtain a coherent and removable deposit on a mould, the form of which it is desired to reproduce with accuracy ; this process is termed electrotyping : (2) To obtain a thin, but perfect and adhesive, film upon a metal of different character, in order to impart to it acid- or air-resisting, or aesthetic properties, in which it was naturally deficient ; this is known as electro-plating : (3) To obtain the whole of a given metal from a substance containing it, the method being used as a substitute for extraction by smelt- ing, or for analytical or refining purposes. It will be evident that in the first two of these, the interest centres in securing the exact condition of deposit which is best suited to the work in hand ; whilst in the third, it is of paramount importance that the metal shall be completely separated, leaving no residue in the material from which it was to be extracted. Finally (4), he may be required to dissolve metals, either to remove an existing coat of one metal from the surface of another, or to effect the complete or partial solution of a homogeneous body superficially, as in the case of electro-etching. Early History. The history of the art is interesting, but perhaps too much involved to render anything more than the following brief sketch of value to the readers of this volume. The fact that certain metals become superficially coated with other metals when plunged into suitable solutions was known to the ancients, and such a covering of iron swords and shields with copper by immersion in copper solutions was described by the Greek historian Zosimus in the fifth century. Paracelsus, who lived in the beginning of the sixteenth century (1493-1541), ascribed the apparent change of iron into copper, when dipped into the blue waters of Schmollnitz in Hungary, to an actual transmutation of metals, a view which found favour even at a much later period. But although these may be considered as the beginnings of electro-metallurgy on the chemical side, it was not until the lapse of two centuries and a half from the latter date that the application of electricity to the deposition of metals became possible. Let us then glance at the gradual growth of electrical knowledge and its adaptation to the requirements of 4 electro-deposition.' Such a retrospect cannot embrace any long term of years ; for, although the attractive force of rubbed amber was known to the ancients, it awoke only a wondering interest until 1 647, when Otto von Guericke first constructed a machine which exhibited the phenomenon in an intensified degree ; the un- known force received the name electricity (from electron = amber), electrical machines were gradually improved, and in 1752 Franklin demonstrated the identity of the electric spark with the lightning flash. But, in spite of the marvellous disruptive effect of these 'frictional' machines, the actual quantity of electricity which INVENTION OF THE ELECTRIC BATTERY. 3 could thus be generated was very minute, and could not avail for the deposition of metals from solutions. Its destructive power was derived from the enormous potential or ' pressure ' at which it acted, and no electrolytic effect could possibly have been observed except by a most careful experimenter actually searching for such a manifestation. In the year 1786 Galvani made his celebrated discovery that a metal wire at one end touching the lumbar nerves of a recently- killed frog, and at the other the muscles of its leg or thigh, caused a rapid muscular contraction. Finding the same pheno- menon producible with the aid of a frictional machine, he was led to connect the two incidents, and to ascribe the former to the action of electricity resident in the animal itself. Volta, on the contrary, finding as, indeed, Galvani had done before him that if two wires of different metals touched a single muscle the result was similar, concluded that the electrical energy was due rather to the action of the wires than to any property in- herent in the animal tissue. Led on by this assumed production of electricity by contact of dissimilar metals, he constructed in 1799, and described in 1800, the series of zinc and copper discs, separated by moist cloth, which bears the name of the Voltaic Pile. With this pile, for the first time, large currents, compared with those from frictional machines, though of low potential, were obtainable, such as might be used to produce electrolysis. Subsequently, Fabroni in Italy, and Wollaston, Davy, and others in England, showed that corrosion, oxidation, or ' rusting ' of the zinc invariably attended the production of electricity in this way, and ascribed the latter to chemical action. First Electrical Battery. In 1800 Volta replaced the pile by his 'crown of cups,' in which each pair of copper and zinc plates was separated, not by damp cloth but by salt water placed in a series of vessels, the copper of each intermediate vessel being connected by a wire with the zinc of the next, leaving a free or unattached copper plate at one end of the series and a corre- sponding zinc plate at the other, these terminal plates being, of course, equivalent to those of the 'pile. 5 This, then, was the original electric battery, the discovery of which has led to the invention of the art of electro-metallurgy. Separation of Metals. In the same year Nicholson and Carlisle succeeded in decomposing water, or, in other words, depositing hydrogen, by means of the source of electricity thus placed at their disposal ; and in 1803, Cruickshank, of Woolwich, con- structed a large battery of considerable power, with which he deposited, or ' revived,' as he termed it, many metals from their solutions, and even proposed the use of an electrolysing current in quantitative chemical analysis. Meanwhile, in 1801, Wollaston had obtained a coating of copper on silver, sufficiently adherent to allow of burnishing, by introducing the latter metal, in contact 4 INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. with one more oxidisable, into a solution of copper, thus forming a small electric battery in the depositing liquid itself. In the Philosophical Magazine, Brugnatelli, in 1805, described the gilding of two large silver medals by means of the Voltaic pile and a solution of * ammoniuret of gold,' and also the silver- ing of platinum surfaces, at the same time directing attention to the gradual solution of the plate through which the electric current entered the liquids. Then Davy, in 1807, made his grand discovery of the alkali-metals, potassium and sodium, by electro- lytic isolation. Magneto- and Dynamo-Electric Machines. The knowledge of the relation between electricity and magnetism gained in 1820, both by Oersted's researches on the action of the electric current upon a compass-needle, and by the success of Arago in magnetising a steel needle by means of the current, may perhaps be regarded as the primary step towards the invention of magneto-electric machines, the first of which was constructed by Faraday in 1831 ; it consisted of a copper disc rotated between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet, with the necessary fittings for taking off the current thus generated. In the same year Faraday observed the mutual action of electric currents, and the conditions governing the formation of induced currents, and thus, as it were, paved the way for the subsequent invention of the dynamo-electric machine. Faraday's magneto-electric machine was not suffi- ciently powerful to have any practical value, but in the following year Pixii produced a machine of this character ; and this may perhaps be regarded as the prototype from which the subsequent generators of this class were evolved. Thermopile. The thermopile, another source of electrical energy which has been more or less largely used in electro- metallurgical work, especially abroad, owes its origin to Seebeck's observations in 1821 or 1822, that a current is produced by heat- ing a compound bar of bismuth and copper at the junction of the metals, provided that the free ends are connected by a metallic wire. Ohm's Law. In 1827, Ohm enunciated his great fundamental law, which governs all electrical work, formulating, as it does, the relation between strength or volume of current, electrical 'pressure,' and the resistance of bodies to the passage of the current. Seven years later, Faraday demonstrated the relation between the strength of the current and the amount of any metal electrolytically deposited by it, and proved that the quantity of electricity flowing in a given circuit could be measured by the amount of metal which it could deposit in a known period of time. It is by the systematic and intelligent application of these laws that the electro-metallurgist of to-day is able to arrange his plant with scientific accuracy, instead of by mere rule of thumb. EARLY EXPERIMENTS IN ELECTROLYSIS. 5 Copper-coating by Bessemer. In 1831, Bessemer had coated articles composed of an alloy of lead, tin, iron, and antimony with a film of copper by simple immersion in a solution of a copper salt ; but finding, as he describes in a letter published by Watt and Philip (Electro-Plating and Electro-Refininy, p. 88), that the metal was not adherent, he tried for, and obtained, better results by placing the objects on a copper, iron, or, better still, zinc tray, and then sinking them in the liquid. In this way he formed a small battery in situ, as we have seen Wollaston had done in 1801. Becquerel's Electrolysis Works. Becquerel, in 1836, was the first actually to apply the principles of electrolysis to the treat- ment of natural products for the recovery of the metal contained in them. He even planned out works upon a commercial scale for the treatment of complex minerals containing copper and silver, but they were never erected, owing to the prohibitive expenditure of battery zinc involved in the process. Daniell Battery. In the same year a new era was started by Daniell's introduction of his two-fluid battery, which placed a very constant current at the disposal of the electro-metallurgist, and almost immediately produced a ripe harvest of results. De la Rue at once took the first unconscioiis step in the direc- tion of electrotyping, when he observed that the copper, which is deposited in the cells of the Daniell battery whilst in use, exactly reproduces upon its surface every line or scratch upon the copper plate on which it forms. Intent, however, on other objects, he failed to follow up the line of research thus indicated. Elkington's Process. In 1838, the Patent Office Records show that Elkington, who had two years previously protected a process of gilding for copper or brass objects by simple immersion in a solution containing gold, produced a method of zinc plating, analogous in principle to that of Wollaston's, by which the copper, brass, or iron to be coated was immersed in contact with a more oxidisable metal in a solution of that which it was desired to deposit, thus forming a galvanic cell in the depositing bath itself ; and so for the first time the deposition of one metal upon another, through the galvanic action produced by the solu- tion of a third, became the subject of a patent specification. Earliest E lectroty per s Their Rival Claims. De la Rue, as we have just seen, had already, in 1836, indicated the possibility of copying uneven surfaces by electro-deposition, but had missed the practical application of his discovery. But three years later three individuals almost simultaneously, and it would seem quite independently, publicly described processes of electro- typing. These three were Jacobi of St Petersburg, and Spencer and Jordan in England. The tale of these rival inventors has often been told ; it is briefly as follows : Professor Jacobi 6 INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. published a method of converting into relief, by galvanic means, even the finest lines engraved upon a copper plate, thus pro- ducing a printing surface suitable to the requirements of the printer. An account of this process found its way into the pages of the Athenaeum on May 4, 1839. On the 8th of May following, Spencer gave notice to the Liverpool Polytechnic Institution of his intention to read a paper before that body on the * electrotype process ' ; but this paper was not read until September of the same year. Meanwhile, however, the account of Jacobi's discovery had been copied into the London Mechanic's Magazine, and had called forth a letter from Jordan, dated May 22nd, but not published until June 8th, in which he described his experiments in the same field, which were begun in the summer of 1838. He clearly set forth here the method which has since been known as the single-cell process of electrotyping, and claimed the possibility of multiplying engraved plates, typographical matter or medals, by forming galvano-plastic matrices on the object, and using the ' negative ' copy thus ob- tained to reproduce the original form ; and he even suggested making tubes by depositing copper around a wire or metallic core which could subsequently be removed. Strangely enough, neither of these accounts received public attention, and the matter remained unnoticed until the end of September, when Spencer's paper was read. This paper is especially interesting, because it shows how the process of electrotyping was gradually developed in his hands, mainly by an attentive and patient examination into the causes of a series of apparently minor phenomena observed in September 1837, while experimenting with a single voltaic cell, consisting of a copper plate in copper sulphate solution connected by copper wire to a zinc plate immersed in a solution of common salt. The starting-point on the road to the new discovery was the observation that certain spots on the copper plate, which had accidentally been overlaid with molten sealing-wax, received no metallic deposit when placed in the cell ; and he was thence led to attempt the formation of designs in relief, for use in the printing press, by coating a copper plate with an insulating varnish and then tracing the desired pattern by scratching the varnish completely away at the required points, and finally building up a deposit of copper upon the portions of the metallic plate thus exposed. While experimenting in this direction, he made the important observation that the nature of the deposited copper was dependent on the degree of ' intensity of the electro- chemical action,' or, as we should say, on the current-density, high densities giving rapidly deposited but highly crystalline and friable metal. He now met with difficulties, which, however, were not insurmountable, and even led to further triumphs ; he found that the deposited copper would adhere perfectly only to RIVAL RESEARCHES IN ELECTROTYPING. 7 an absolutely clean surface of the same metal. Thus, when he required to obtain perfect adhesion between the metals, he first cleaned the copper surface with nitric acid, whereas if he wished afterwards to separate the deposited metal from the original plate he coated the latter with the thinnest possible film of bees' wax, previous to exposing it in the battery-cell. The subsequent application of a gentle heat enabled the two plates to be separated with the greatest facility. Next, when using a penny-piece instead of a copper plate, he observed that the inner surface of the copper sheath with which it had been coated bore a perfectly sharp copy, in intaglio, of the image and letters which were in relief on the coin itself ; in this way he obtained matrices from which the original could be faithfully reproduced. Now, as- certaining that copper would deposit as readily upon lead as upon itself, he secured exact copies of coins, of set-up type, or even of wood-blocks, by pressing them upon sheets of lead and depositing copper upon the indented lead matrix so prepared. And finally he found that clay, plaster of Paris, wood, or other non-conducting materials could be covered electrolytically with copper, if they were first coated with a conductive film of bronze-powder or gold-leaf. It would appear hopeless to determine the question of real priority between the three inventors. Jacobi seems to have been the first to publish an account of his researches, and so far his claim is good ; Spencer next declared his intentions to describe his experiments, but was forestalled by Jordan ; on the other hand, Spencer claims to be the earliest experimenter in the field, and his investigations appear to have been deeper and more fully developed than those of either Jacobi or Jordan. It is doubtless one of those frequently recurring instances, wherein the progress of knowledge has led several men to a simultaneous but independent development of the same line of thought ; and in such cases credit must be ascribed to each, but the palm awarded to the most thorough and painstaking. Murray's Blackleading Process. The immediate result of Spencer's paper was the creation of a sudden mania for electro- typing, the simple and inexpensive character of the necessary apparatus enabling amateurs of all grades to vie with the fresh race of operatives which sprang up at the birth of a new industry. Evidence of this is to be seen in the rapidly increasing number of patents which were now applied for in this branch of the arts. With so many workers in the same field, it would indeed be strange if the scope of the work were not quickly and widely enlarged, and existing processes much improved; the year 1840 was accordingly destined to see many improvements effected. The application of the art to the requirements of the printer was in this year made practicable by Murray's discovery that moulds of non-conducting material could be made to take the deposit of 8 INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. copper by brushing them over with plumbago, so that metallic moulds were no longer essential. In the same year the first- published newspaper print from an electrotype block is believed by Smee to have appeared in the London Journal. Nevertheless, Savage's Dictionary of Printing, which appeared in the following year, although it contained many good engravings from electro- types, exhibited a page of * diamond ' type, also printed from an electro-deposited block, but so imperfect that, as Wilson has suggested, we may infer that the art of electrotypirig formes of small type had not yet attained sufficient excellence to warrant its general application to this purpose. In 1840, Mason endeavoured to utilise the current generated by the single-cell electrotyping arrangement in a second depositing cell, and thus to carry on two operations simultaneously ; and although this method was not practically adopted, it nevertheless pointed to the possibility of applying a separate current from sources other than Darnell's battery. Cyanide Baths. In this year Wright, after experimenting with many solutions, discovered the use of the cyanide bath for the production of thick deposits of gold and silver, in place of the thin films obtainable by simple immersion. The invention was patented and at once put in operation by the Messrs Elkington, who were foremost in this field at the time. At the end of the same year, de Ruolz patented in France the use of similar solutions, not only for gold and silver, but for platinum, copper, lead, tin, cobalt, nickel, and zinc. The following year witnessed the publication of a very complete work on electro- metallurgy by Smee, and this was followed by several others in rapid succession. Elastic Moulds. Leeson, in 1842, greatly advanced the appli- cation of electrotyping to the reproduction of works of art by the use of elastic moulds made of glue and gurn, which thus enabled objects of intricate or undercut design to be faithfully copied and indefinitely multiplied ; and by the insertion of leading wires in the mould to distribute the current more uni- formly, and hence, to facilitate a higher degree of simultaneity in the deposition. In the following year Montgomery proposed the application of gutta-percha as a moulding medium for slightly undercut objects. Bright Silver. From that time the inventions for many years, although numerous enough, had not sufficient novelty to render them worth recording in detail, excepting, perhaps, the important discovery by Mil ward, in 1847, that the addition of a small quantity of carbon bisulphide to the silver plating baths caused the deposited silver to show no longer a dead or frosted surface, but to exhibit greater lustre and brilliancy. Cheap Sources of Electricity. In 1842 and 1843 respectively, Woolrich patented the use of magneto-electric machines, and LATER PROGRESS IN THE ART. 9 Poole, that of thermopiles, for depositing metals ; but neither of these seem to have been at the time successfully applied in practice. But the introduction of Pacinotti's dynamo-electric machine, first described by him in II Nuovo Cimento in 1864, of Wilde's magneto-electric machines in the following year, of Siemens' and Wheatstone's more perfect dynamos, simultaneously invented in 1867, and Gramme's machine in 1870, profoundly modified the scope of the art by affording a far cheaper source of electricity than had hitherto been possible. From this time, with the more careful study of the theory of the dynamo, and the consequent improvements in its mechanical and electrical efficiency, there have arisen a host of new machines, constructed especially to satisfy certain specific objects, and approaching much nearer to perfection than did their original progenitors. Dynamo-electric machines are now made to suit the needs of the electro- metallurgist, and thus new fields of labour have been opened, more particularly in the domain of metal refining and smelting ; and the readiness with which mechanical energy may now be converted into electrical, renders the utilisation of natural waste water-power thoroughly applicable to these purposes. Ore-Treatment by Electricity. The later history of our sub- ject is, in its more important branches, intimately associated with the application of dynamo-electric machinery, and of powerful currents to the treatment of ores, furnace-products, or solutions. Becquerel, as we have seen, failed practically to apply his process for the treatment of ores on account of the expense of the zinc; it therefore remained dormant until 1868, when it was tried in San Francisco by Wolfe and Pioche, who seem, however, to have effected but little. Marchese's method of treating copper mattes (impure fused copper sulphide), by using them as anodes, started a new epoch in 1882, and many modifications of this and analogous processes have since been carried into practice. How- far this type of ore-treatment may be able to compete with the older smelting methods, can only be considered in connection with the particular circumstances of each individual case, and will be more fully dealt with later. Up to the present time, the direct treatment of ores and mattes by electrolysis has not proved successful, chiefly on account of the large proportion of sulphur and other insoluble material which has to be separated. This soon contaminates the bath to an excessive extent, and, moreover, the dissolution of the anode becomes very irregular. The difficulties, however, are probably not insuperable, inasmuch as they are industrial rather than scientific. The case, indeed, forms an apt illustration of the necessity to make long and careful experiments on a fairly large scale before embarking in a costly electro-metallurgical enterprise, which must stand or fall by its financial possibilities. The electrolytic extraction of the copper from matte is quite possible, and may be effected V 10 INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. readily in the laboratory ; and it may proceed satisfactorily even on the large scale for a time, but on prolonged use the processes which have been tried have usually been found to be too costly to allow of their competing with the improved methods introduced by modern chemical or metallurgical science. It is therefore customary to prepare an impure copper by metallurgical means, and then to refine this copper electrolytically. Metal Refining. The refining of copper by electrolysis is now one of the most important applications of electro-metallurgy. It is practically, however, a modification of the process of electro- typing, and the two arts, therefore, up to a certain point, have a common history. The earliest process of practical importance was that of Elkington, patented in 1865. In principle it is the same as that used at the present time, and is specially interesting as being the first to employ the dynamo for the purpose. Among those who have applied this process on a large scale are Siemens and Halske and Borchers in Germany, and Thofehrn in America ; and the magnitude of the industry may be gauged by the fact that in one works alone, the Raritan Copper Works (U.S.A.), the capacity of the plant is 3000 kilowatts, capable of an output of 200 ' short ' tons per day, while that of the Anaconda Company (U.S.A.) has a capacity of 1790 kilowatts, and is capable of producing 150 tons of refined copper per diem. The electrolytic refining of other metals has been attempted with varying success, but in few cases has it succeeded in displacing the older methods. The Moebius process for treating impure silver in an electrolyte of silver nitrate has been largely employed in America and Germany. The commercial refining of nickel by electrolysis is being conducted on a relatively small scale, and the same may be said of zinc, but the inherent difficulties in the electrolysis of the last-named metal have prevented any very great development up to the present time. Gold has been deposited from solutions obtained by the action of dilute potassium cyanide liquors on gold ores, and this process, the electrolytic part of which is due to Siemens and Halske, is now a recognised method of gold recovery largely used for the treatment of poor ores and 'tailings' (ores which have already been treated by another process). But in no case has the electric refining of metals been so successful as in the case of copper. This, no doubt, is largely due to several contributory causes. In the first place, the solution required is simple, cheap, and easily managed ; secondly, the precious metals contained in the copper are recovered practically completely as by-products ; thirdly, the rate of deposition is com- paratively rapid, so that the amount of capital lying idle is not excessive, though much larger than is desirable ; fourthly, the copper may be deposited in a reguliiie condition and almost absolutely pure ; and, lastly, there is a very great and ever- ELECTROLYSIS OF FUSED SUBSTANCES. 11 ^ increasing demand for pure copper for conductors for electrical purposes. In addition to these a negative cause may perhaps be found in the relative difficulty and expense involved in obtaining equally pure copper by metallurgical means. The industrial questions in connection with these processes will be touched upon in Chapter XV. Electrolysis of Fused Substances. In another direction, electricity has been applied to the extraction of metals by the passage of a current through a fused salt ; it was in this way, in 1854, that Bunsen and Deville reduced aluminium from its com- bination with chlorine, and recently many arrangements purport- ing to effect a similar result have appeared in the records of the Patent Office. Electrolytic processes have entirely replaced the older metallurgical methods of extracting aluminium, with the result that the price of the metal fell in twenty-three years from * llli itted as they may at present be disregard t of the International Committee on A tomic tly unity ; this is because it is found that oth ole number, namely, 16, and is thus regarded alency, and are here given to the nearest decima e.A number of newly discovered elements have been o standpoint. The atomic weights are taken from the Repor that the atomic weight of hydrogen is not given as exa whole numbers if that of oxygen is taken as an exact wh weights are found by dividing the atomic weight by the v El OO5^r-MCOO .-IO3 CO (M!-< i I O O CO lO O l>p O'P PpT 1 'P 1 ^ 1 ?''!* 1 ?*'?' 1 ?*? *P T 1 'P T 1 *P ^ ^ T*"P cS 42i _ Platillg . bath . Parallel a . when the parallel arrange- ment of articles, ment is adopted, an altera- tion of resistance in one vat also influences the current-strength of the whole system, but the effect is scarcely appreciable owing to the large aggregate surface presented in the different electro- lytes ; the added resistance in one bath merely causes a greater volume of current to flow through the others, while on the other 88 GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN ELECTRO-PLATING. hand it tends to diminish the total current. Where, then, the articles to be plated may be of every conceivable size, and the superficial areas are difficult to estimate exactly, the parallel system is preferable ; but when the articles present a fair uni- formity of surface, and the current has sufficient potential, the alternative method may be substituted. For similar reasons it is best to hang the various articles in each bath in parallel with FIG. 43. Plating-bath. Parallel arrangement of articles. FIG. 44. Plating-bath. Arrange- ment of articles in series. one another, as shown in figs. 42 and 43, not in series, as in figs. 44 and 45, in which the current enters the electrolyte by one anode, passes to its corresponding cathode, and thence by a wire connection to the next anode, and so on. Choice of Anodes. In the matter of anodes stress has already been laid upon the necessity for their absolute purity and complete solubility in the electrolyte ; this latter condition is, however, a question to be more particularly regarded in the FIG. 45. Plating-bath. Arrangement of articles in series. selection of the constituents of the bath. Unless under the action of the current the anodes dissolve freely in the liquid, the latter must become impoverished and change rapidly in composi- tion ; this is always a source of trouble and annoyance, and where the use of an insoluble or imperfectly soluble anode is unavoidable, small quantities of that salt of the metal which is undergoing electrolysis (or of metallic oxide) must be added from time to time to make good the loss due to deposition. Cast anodes will often be found more soluble than the rolled metal, as they are more porous and open in grain, and, therefore, more THE ANODES. 89 readily attacked by the liquid ; in some cases they may even be found to become spongy and friable, a condition which should of course be avoided, and which indicates the desirability of substi- tuting the rolled sheet. When there is any difficulty in obtaining pure metal for anodes, the rolled material may generally be preferred, because the cast plates may contain a large percentage of foreign substances, which would escape detection on merely examining the exterior of the block, whereas any considerable addition of impurities would in many instances cause the metal to break up as it passed through the rolling machinery, so that the mere fact of a metal being in the form of rolled sheet is often a guarantee of at least a fair degree of purity. Cast-iron should on no account be used ; it always contains three or four per cent, of the insoluble substances, carbon and silicon, with other bodies, such as manganese, phosphorus and sulphur ; some at least of these are necessary to render it sufficiently fusible to melt in the cupola-furnace. Anodes should usually be of larger size than the cathodes to which they are opposed, so that the greater surface exposed to the solvent action of the electrolyte may compensate for the slower rate of solution as compared with that of deposition. Spacing of Electrodes Polished Cathodes. It has been seen that the resistance of a bath is higher when the electrodes are small, and that it increases as the distance between them is more extended ; thus economy is effected by plating many objects simultaneously in parallel, and also by minimising the distance between them and their corresponding anodes. But there are objections to approximating them too closely first, they are more liable to come in contact or to be united by a fragment of metal, and thus to produce short-circuiting ; and, secondly, if the surface of the object is irregular the deposited metal is liable to be of unequal thickness, because a current passing between points at unequal distances tends to deposit most rapidly upon those portions of the cathode which most nearly approach the anode. By increasing the space separating the two surfaces the irregularities of either have less influence on the deposit, because they are small as compared with the mean distance between them. This difficulty is chiefly experienced in electrotyping, where strong deposits of uniform thickness are required. In depositing copper when the solution is strong and at rest, small projections and striated markings may be observed, which increase in extent as the current is maintained. Marks and scratches on the cathode do not become obliterated, but rather accentuated, as the metal is deposited over them; great care must, therefore, be taken that the surface to be coated is not only thoroughly cleansed, but that all tool- or file-marks are completely removed, as there is no remedy when once deposition has begun. 90 GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN ELECTRO-PLATING. Homogeneous Solutions necessary. Another difficulty in- herent in the process is, that a current long continued with the solution at rest produces a gradual local alteration in the density of the latter. At the anode, metal is constantly dissolving into the surrounding liquid, which thus becomes heavier, bulk for bulk, than the remainder of the bath, and sinks to the bottom ; while at the cathode the liquid is denuded of metal, and from its lower specific gravity rises to the surface. In this manner a very gentle but sure circulation occurs in the vat, producing an undue proportion of metal in solution at the bottom, and of acid at the top. The effect of this is that thicker deposits form on the lower portions of goods immersed in the bath, owing largely to the higher conductivity of the strong solution and the greater pro- portion of current flowing through it ; moreover, a kind of local action may be set up in the deposited copper plate, which is rest- ing in two practically different solutions, with the result that the upper portion of the plate in the acid solution tends to dissolve, and to deposit a corresponding proportion of copper upon the lower half. It is probably the steady flow of liquid over the surface of the cathode which gives rise to the striated markings above referred to. The only remedy is to keep the solutions thoroughly mixed by stirring or gently shaking them in any suitable way, and this precaution should never be omitted when thick deposits are required, which necessitate a comparatively long exposure in the bath. The solutions must also be kept free from suspended particles such as are apt to become detached in the form of slime from the anode, because the settling of these particles on the cathode is one of the principal causes of the rough nodular formation on the surface of electro - deposited metals. Having seen the causes which operate to produce failure in electro-plating, it remains to be seen how they are avoided in practice. Motion of Solution. The circulation of the electrolyte not only ensures the homogeneity of the solution, but enables a higher current-density, and therefore a higher rate of deposition, to be used, by bringing a greater number of metal ions into contact with the cathode in a given time. By employing a very rapid flow of the solution around the cathode, the rate of de- position (for example, of copper in refining or in electrotyping) may be enormously increased. Thus, in certain copper deposit- ing processes, recently introduced, jets of- the electrolyte are directed upon the surface during the whole period of electrolysis, with the result that a current density of over 100 amperes per sq. ft. may be used, as against 10 amperes per sq. ft., which not long since was, with ordinary methods of depositing, considered a high density. By using strong solutions and a proportionately high current-density, with rapid motion of the electrolyte, Sir MOTION OF SOLUTION. 91 J. W. Swan has deposited good copper with current- den si ties higher than 1000 amperes per sq. ft. There are various methods of causing circulation of an electrolyte, such as purely mechanical means, or by pumping air into the electrolyte, or by actually pumping the electrolyte itself from one part of the vat and re turning it to another. Another method of obtaining a similar end is the rotation of the cathode, to which further reference will be made when the electro-deposition of copper is considered in detail. CHAPTER V. PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. Light and Pure Air. In arranging an electro-plating establish- ment, due regard must be had for light and ventilation ; with in- sufficiency of the former bad work is almost sure to result, as it is not easy to judge when the pieces are sufficiently stripped, polished, cleaned, or quicked, and the progress of the deposition cannot be watched with the requisite amount of care ; it is often necessary to stop a process immediately upon the appearance of certain signs, indicative of imperfect cleansing or the like, and it is of the highest importance that these characteristics should be noted at once, which cannot be done if the light be deficient. Badly-ventilated rooms are productive of ill-health and disease to the workmen ; this maxim, applicable, indeed, to all rooms in which men live or work, must be specially regarded in rooms where batteries or cyanide plating-solutions are in use ; the acid fume or spray given off by most batteries is most penetrating and injurious to health, even when considerably diluted with air, as it is likely to be found even in a large room, if it be insufficiently provided with means to carry off vitiated air and supply fresh in its place ; moreover, the cyanide solution becomes slowly de- composed by the carbonic-acid-laden air of towns, and evolves the deadly prussic acid gas in minute proportion, it is true, but amply sufficient to become prejudicial to the well-being and comfort of the operator, when breathed continuously for any considerable period of time. Arrangement of Booms. At least three rooms should be available, if possible, for the purposes of the art. In the first of these the mechanical operations of cleansing and polishing are carried out ; these give rise to the production of more or less dust, arid should not, therefore, be conducted in the same room with the plating-vats. Again, the engine driving the machinery should be in a separate chamber, apart from the dust of the polishing-room on the one hand, and from the fumes of the vat-room on the other, the power being communicated to the lathes and other machine tools by shafting running between the two rooms. When the dynamo is the source of electric energy, it should be placed in the 92 ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS. 93 engine-room, but as close as possible to the baths in the adjoining chamber, so that there may be no great loss of energy owing to the resistance of the copper conducting wires or leads to the passage of the electric current. But if batteries be employed, they should be carefully isolated from each of the three rooms above mentioned ; if a fourth be not available (a small one will suffice), a corner of the vat-room should be partitioned off, the chamber or cupboard thus formed being provided with a separate outlet into the open air, or, better still, into a chimney, so that all fumes may be at once and completely removed ; a sink and a supply of fresh water may be fitted in this room with advantage. Care should be taken to have sufficient room and good light to ensure easy attention to the cells, and this remark applies particularly to batteries of accumulators, which only prove un- satisfactory if not carefully looked after. In the third or vat-room are the potash and all other baths used in chemically cleansing the pieces, together with those devoted to plating ; an ample supply of water must be available in this department, and a steam-pipe should convey steam from the boiler if one be used to the potash-tank and steam-heated vessels. Here the various pieces of furniture should not be crowded together, but an ample margin of space should be left so that the operator may not be cramped for want of room. When more than one plating process is employed, each should be kept to itself, and in large establish- ments a separate room may be set apart for each. It is, of course, impossible to lay down any general plan for the disposition of the plant of an electro-plating shop, because it must be arranged and modified, not only to suit the work to be per- formed, but also the floor-space, shape, and position of the rooms available. But, to sum up, it may be taken as a general rule that mechanical works should be isolated from chemical, that the battery in the one case, or the dynamo and motor in the other, should be separated from both, that in each room the various classes of work should be kept distinct, but that where consecutive processes have to be followed, the arrangements for conducting them should be so placed that, when one stage of the work is completed, the articles may be conveniently transferred into position for the next operation. Drainage of Floors. The floors should be of stone, asphalt, or concrete, or they may be covered with lead sheet so that they may readily be kept clean, and be non-absorbent of the acids and chemical reagents splashed upon them : wood, besides being con- stantly wet, is liable to become rotten by the action of these sub- stances. Trapped gullies or sinks should be placed at suitable points flush with the floor ; they should not communicate with the house-drains directly, but should discharge into a pipe which runs outside the house, and delivers into the open air above a second trapped gully communicating with the sewers or drains. 94 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. In this way the floor may be kept from accumulations of liquid, and may be readily and perfectly cleansed by flooding it with water, and then sweeping it into the gullies by means of india-rubber * squeegees ' or brooms ; at the same time, there is no danger of sewer-air contaminating the atmosphere of the room (a fertile source of danger), because there is no direct communication with the drain. Pipes from sinks should discharge into the open air after a like manner. Ventilation. To ensure the purity of air, it is not well to trust simply to the ventilation of the room by doors and windows, but a systematic arrangement should be adopted, such as that of Tobin. Several ventilators should be made immediately below the ceiling of the room, by removing a brick, passing a tube through the wall, and bending it upwards in the open air (it may be shielded from rain by a cap placed a few inches above the exit) ; if possible, one of these ventilating-tubes should pass into a disused chimney-shaft. The vitiated air is thus carried away, and pure air must be admitted at the floor level to take its place ; this may be done by carrying two or three pipes through the wall close to the floor, and bending them up in the interior of the room to a height of five or six feet. Fresh air is delivered by them in a manner which does not give rise to draughts. Entering cold, it flows up these pipes and gradually distributes itself over the chamber, where, becoming heated, it rises to the roof and finds an exit through the upper row of ventilators. The guiding principles for the sanitary and safe conduct of an otherwise unhealthy occupation are expressed in a few words by saying ensure abundance of light, water, and fresh air. ARRANGEMENT OP PLANT FOR ELECTRO-PLATING. The vats and apparatus used in cleansing are described in Chapter VI. Vats. The vats employed to hold the solution for electro- plating should be considerably larger than the largest object to be coated in them, and must be made of, or at least lined with, some material which will resist the acid liquid that may be placed in them. Glass is by far the cleanest and best, but is rarely used, except for very small work, on account of the initial expense and the risk of fracture. For very small objects glass vessels may be had in one piece, as circular trays or jars ; but for large articles, the bath should be made by joining five plates of sheet glass of the re- quisite sizes with marine glue, or white lead, or other cement, protected on the inside by a varnish made of asphalt dissolved in benzoline ; or of gutta-percha in benzene or in carbon bisulphide ; or, in fact, by any water- and acid-proof mixture. The glass should be supported by an outer frame of wood. Slate similarly ARRANGEMENT OF PLANT FOR ELECTRO-PLATING. 95 arranged is a good substitute for glass ; but though less brittle, it must still be used with care. For small work stone or earthen- ware glazed troughs are readily obtainable and are very con- venient. Lead presents the advantage that it is readily formed into any shape. A tank made of this material should be supported beneath and around by a wooden case, so that it will not be subjected to the stress of a mass of liquid within. All the joints in the lead-lining l should be made by autogenous soldering that is, by melting together the two edges of the lead sheet, instead of uniting them with soft solder, which would set up galvanic action with the lead if it came into contact with the electrolytic solutions. But even when united into one continuous leaden trough, the metal should be completely protected in every part by a good layer of acid- resisting varnish, to prevent the decomposition of the liquid by the lead through simple ex- change. Iron tanks also are very largely used, and, indeed, almost universally so for hot solutions. These also, being constructed of a highly elec- tro-positive material, must be carefully preserved from attack by the solutions, either by var- nish, or, better, by a good coating of enamel, which, since it is a fused complex silicate, forms practically a tank of glass, so long as it remains intact ; but as soon as the enamel is chipped and the surface of the iron is laid bare, its use must be discontinued until a new coating can be given. Wood is abundantly used, and, being a cheap material, easily worked, is especially well adapted for vats of unusual shape which may have to be constructed for one particular class of temporary work. These tanks are best secured at the ends by bolts and nuts, as shown in fig. 46, which serve to hold the sides firmly pressed against the end pieces. As wood alone is very absorbent, they should be lined with gutta-percha or any other water-proof material, and must be carefully watched so that they may be re- lined as soon as leakage into the wood is observed. Wooden vats are sometimes lined with thin lead sheet autogenously soldered, and this inner case may be varnished, or may be again lined with varnished wood. A mixture of 10 oz. of gutta-percha 1 But see also page 107. FIG. 46. Plating- vat. 96 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. FIG. 47. Rim of plating- vat. with 3 oz. of pitch and 1J oz. each of stearin and linseed oil, melted together and well incorporated, has been found to afford a good protective covering to lead or wood. The tanks for hot solutions are best made of enamelled iron, and may be set over a small fire-grate in which charcoal is burned, or better because the heat is more under control over a series of Bunsen burners of the ordinary upright form, or in the shape of horizontal rings ; or they may each be surrounded with an outer jacket, the inter- vening space being filled with waste steam, which is often available in large works and may be economically applied. Iron tanks are often made of thin metal, and, if of large size, should be supported by strong iron bearing bars beneath, to prevent them bulging when the weight of the liquid is applied. Vat-Connections. Of whatever material the vat is constructed it should be provided with an insulated rim around the top, to carry the wires which conduct the current to the objects in the bath. This rim is best made of well-painted wood fitting on to the top of the bath, and the outer portion should be at a higher level than the inner, as indicated in fig. 47, which with fig. 48 illustrate the general arrangement as adapted to an iron vat. Around three sides of the raised por- tion there runs a short brass or copper rod, A, ending in a bind- ing screw, B, attached to the positive pole of the battery. Around the corresponding three sides of the inner or Br^ D -A FIG. 48. Rim of plating- vat. lower level platform is a similar rod, C, insu- lated completely from A and from the bath by the woodwork of the frame, and ter- minating in the binding-screw, D, attached to the negative (zinc) pole of the battery. Resting on the two sides of the rod, A, may be placed any number of cross-rods of, brass or copper, E, which can be held firmly in position by the screws, F F ; from these are suspended the anodes, which are thus placed in direct connection with the battery. Lying upon the lower rods, C, similar cross-bars serve to support the cathodes or objects to be coated. Any reasonable number of electrodes may be thus suspended in the same bath, the current flowing always from the CONNECTION OF ELECTRODES. 97 anodes to the cathodes in parallel. When both sides of an object are to be coated, the anodes and cathodes must be placed alter- nately; such an arrangement has been shown in fig. 43, where A A represent anodes and C C cathodes ; here both sides of the anode are used and dissolved, as the current flows from them in either direction to the cathode next adjoining. But where a deposit is required on one side only of a plate, as in printers' electrotyping, one anode may be placed between each pair of cathodes set back to back (fig. 49), so that both sides of the former are used, but only that side of the latter which is nearest to its corresponding anode. Connection of Electrodes. Other methods of connecting the electrodes with the battery are used, but that just de- scribed presents many ad van- FIG. 49. -Arrangement of plates for tages : thus the distance be- electrotyping. tween an anode and cathode may be adjusted at will, and either may be removed from the solution, examined and returned without disturbing the remainder, and without any manipulation of binding-screws ; the anode may be instantaneously transferred to a cathode rod at the beginning or end of an operation, if desired, to control the current (see p. 1 94) ; and the anode supporting-rods are held firmly in position by the external screws a similar arrangement, but of internal screws, may be applied to the cathode rods if required. Suspension of Anode Plates. The anode plates are suspended from the cross-rods by suitable hooks. The anodes may con- veniently have a perforation in each of the upper corners, through which the suspending hooks are passed ; but as they are liable to dissolve irregularly, even when every precaution is used to ensure uniformity of liquid, the lower corners should also be perforated, so that the plates may be suspended alternately from opposite sides. They are sometimes hung so that they project above the surface of the liquid, and the supporting wires, not being im- mersed, are, therefore, not liable to corrosion and ultimate de- struction by solution ; but the plates themselves will then have a shorter life, for they are most vigorously attacked at the line of uppermost contact with the liquid, and will be worn away at this point while the remainder of the plate is still sound ; moreover, the portion of metal above the water line is practically wasted. They are frequently made, therefore, with projecting perforated lugs, either at each corner, or only at two, as in fig. 50 ; these alone project above the solution, and, while protecting the sup- porting wire from destruction, minimise the amount of useless anode surface outside the liquid. To obviate the destruction of 7 98 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. the suspending hook, without permitting any portion of the anode to remain above the bath, some operators use but one side of the anode to face the objects which are being coated. On the back reversed hooks are fastened by which the plate is suspended, as in fig. 51 ; the hooks are thus protected from dissolving by the anode which intervenes between them and the cathode, except in the space between the top of the plate and the surface of the liquid, which space should, therefore, be made as short as possible. Agitators. The necessity for keeping the elec- trolyte in motion to ensure uniformity in composi- tion when a thick deposit is required has been dealt with already ; the manner of effecting it must depend upon the appliances at command. FIG. 50. Mode .. . , r , f. A r I. j i j. *. of suspending Stirring by hand is frequently relied upon, but it is anode plate, liable to be accidentally omitted, and, being neces- sarily intermittent, allows time for partial separa- tion to occur between two consecutive stirrings. Mechanical agitation, which is more certain in its effect, may be applied by such devices as working a small screw-propeller slowly at one end of the bath ; or by blowing air into the solution constantly, n e FIG. 51. Mode of suspending anode. FIG. 52. Von Hiibl's agitator. through a tube passing to the bottom of the vat, by means of a fan-blower, or by an agitating arrangement such as that used by v. Hiibl in the electrotype baths of the Austrian Military Geographical Institute. In this system a glass rod, A (fig. 52), is fastened to a crank- shaft connected with an eccentric or with any suitable device for imparting a reciprocating or to-and-fro motion, so that at each reciprocation the rod is moved through the arc of a circle, MOTION OF CATHODES. 99 from its original position at A to that represented by the dotted line A', and is then returned to its first place at A. Such a rod is placed between each pair of anodes and cathodes, all the rods or beaters being attached to the same crank-shaft which runs the whole length of the vat, so that they may all be actuated by the same mechanism. The motion of the beaters need not be very rapid from 10 to 30 strokes a minute amply sufficing. The use of this or any similar device presupposes the existence of steam- or water-power and FIG. 53. Mode of attaching sliding-frame. TROUGH OR VAT machinery in the shops; where this is not available, manual power must be substituted in connection with any suitable mixing appliance, which must be set in motion at frequent intervals. Whatever motion is given must be sufficiently vigorous to ensure thorough mixture of the solution, but without dis- turbing the relative posi- tions of anode and cathode, and the mechanism must be so applied that it in no way lessens the facilities for examining the progress of J~3 deposition. Motion of Cathodes. Silver and some other metals require a gentle motion to be imparted to the objects upon which they are being deposited. This may be done by enclosing the suspending rods of the objects within a wooden frame which is caused to move to and fro above the solution by means of an attachment to an eccentric. The frame may be sus- FRAME FIGS. 54 and 55. Mode of attaching sliding-frame. pended above the vat, or it may be caused to slide upon the edge of the bath. Figs. 53, 54, and 55 illustrate a convenient method of fixing the sliding frame ; it is supported on wheels placed at the corners, each wheel rolling upon an inclined plane E (fig. 55), which may be set at any angle by means of a screw. The rod R thus imparts the necessary backwards and forwards motion to the system, so that, at every stroke, a double action occurs, and the 100 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. frame with the objects suspended from it moves in a horizontal direction by virtue of the pull of the rod R, and in a vertical direction on account of the inclined plane, the extent of the latter motion being controlled by the screw which determines its angle of inclination. The frame with the objects should be caused to slide backwards or forwards once in about two or three minutes, through a distance of 2 or 3 inches. Plating-Balances. In plating with precious metals it is fre- quently required to deposit only a given weight upon the various articles ; and, although this may be approximately accomplished by calculating the time required to deposit a given weight of metal with a known current-strength and upon a known superficial area, 1 with the aid of the table given on p. 390, it is safer when absolute accuracy is required to use a plating-balance, by which the weight of metal deposited may be determined as the operation proceeds. In this instrument, a metal frame for carrying the cathode-rods is substituted for one scale-pan of a large balance of the ordinary description. The frame is supported from the beam of the balance by metallic connection, while the pillar of the scale is connected with the negative pole of the battery, so that electric communica- tion is made through the parts of the balance. Having attached the objects to the frame and immersed them in the solution, they are counterpoised by placing weights in the opposite pan of the balance until equilibrium is restored, and the frame and the objects are suspended freely, the former, of course, above and the latter in the solution ; an extra weight, equal to that of the metal which is to be deposited upon all the objects in the aggregate, is now added to those already in the scale-pan, and the current is switched on until the deposited metal, just over- balancing the added weights in the pan, turns the scale in the opposite direction an action which may be indicated automati- cally by causing the pointer or beam of the balance to release the hammer of a small gong or to make contact with an electric bell. Roseleur's Plating-Balance. Roseleur has introduced a more elaborate balance by which the current is automatically cut off as soon as the beam of the scale is turned, so that the electrolytic action ceases directly the required amount of metal has been deposited ; this was effected by making electrical contact, not with the pillar, but by attaching a platinum wire to the arm of the balance which supports the weights, and arranging underneath it a cup of mercury connected with the negative pole of the generator, into which cup it dips to such a distance that, as soon as the arm is raised by the reversal of the beam, the wire is 1 When it is only desired to deposit a total weight of metal, and not a certain weight per square inch, the superficial area of the objects may be neglected ; all that is required to be known is the mean strength of current applied, in amperes. USE OF THE PLATING-BALANCE. 101 lifted out of the mercury and connection between cathode and battery is permanently broken. All the knife-edges of this balance work under mercury, in order to prevent overheating of these parts by the current flowing through them, and at the same time to lessen friction and obviate the corrosive action of acid fumes. In the balance diagrammatically indicated in fig. 56 the current does not traverse the beam at all, but enters by a contact screw attached to the supporting-rod of the cathode-frame. The objects are suspended in the bath from the flat cathode-rod, C, in the usual way ; then when these have been counterpoised by intro- ducing weights into the pan, P, and the extra weights represent- ing the total mass of metal to be deposited have also been added, the beam will turn, so that the arm, A', rests on the stop, R', which is rigidly attached to the pillar of the balance to prevent an excessive amount of play ; at the same time the point of the screw, S, in the supporting rod of the cathode-frame, should just make good contact with the block, M, at the end of a spring, attached to a suitable fixed sup- port, and connected with the negative pole of the battery ; the spring must, of course, be insulated from the pillar and all parts of the balance. Through this connection the current FIG. 56. Balance, passes from the bath to the return-wire of the battery ; both S and M should, therefore, be tipped with platinum, which remains untarnished under all condi- tions, and, therefore, secures good contact. If the extremity of S do not actually touch M, or if it press so hard upon it that the spring is bent, adjustment may readily be made by turning the milled head of the screw : the adjustment should be so made that when the balance is in exact equilibrium the points are just touching ; so that when the beam rests upon the stop, R', the spring becomes slightly bent and ensures perfect contact ; but when it rests upon the corresponding stop, R, contact is entirely broken, and a space of at least the T \- of an inch separates the two platinum surfaces. The current now flows through the circuit from the positive pole of the battery to the anodes, which rests as usual upon the sides of the vat, thence through the solution to the cathodes upon which it deposits the precious metal ; and from the cathodes it traverses the supporting-rod, the screw, S, and the spring, M, and returns to the negative pole by the wire, W. As soon as the weight of 102 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. metal precipitated is equal to that added to the pan, P, the balance comes to equilibrium and remains poised between the stops R and R' ; but the current is still flowing because S is not yet withdrawn from M ; then, as soon as a slight additional amount of metal is deposited, the beam comes over and rests upon the stop, R, and, contact being broken, no further electrolytic action can ensue. The cathode supporting-rod is made in two pieces joined by a ball-and-socket joint, B ; any disturbance of the knife-edge of the balance caused by the necessary slow recipro- cating motion imparted to the frame is thus obviated. The motion is imparted by an inverted fork, running between horizontal guide-rollers, which spans the edge of the frame at the central point on one of its sides, the fork being, of course, attached to an eccentric rod ; the length of the fork may be so arranged that as soon as the balance rests upon the stop, R, the frame falls out of reach of its action. Weight Corrections. In using any of these balances, it must be remembered that the weight of a substance in water is less than its weight in air, and that the plated article will appear to weigh more after removal from the solution than it did when immersed; the actual weight of silver deposited by balance is, therefore, in excess of that indicated by the weights in the pan. It is quite possible to rectify this error in making the needful calculation. The initial weight of the objects to be plated may be left out of account, because it is counterpoised while they are in the solution at the beginning of the operation, and they remain in the same liquid to the end. But the weight of silver (or gold) deposited upon them will be less while it is in the solution than it would be outside, by the weight of an equal volume of the liquid. For example, the specific gravity of silver may be taken at 10'6 ; that is to say, 1 cub. in. of silver weighs 10*6 times as much as 1 cub. in. of water; thus 10*6 oz. of silver, weighed in the air in the usual manner, would show only 10'6 - 1'0 = 9'6 oz. if it were weighed while immersed in water. But the specific gravity of the solution is more than 1 as compared with water; regarding it as I'l, the weight of the 10*6 oz. of silver becomes 10*6 -I'l, or only 9:5 'oz., if counterpoised while suspended in this liquid, and this is equivalent to a loss of over 10 per cent. Therefore, strictly speaking, to obtain an aggregate deposit of 10 oz. of silver upon a batch of articles, only 9 oz. need be placed upon the scale-pan. For gold, similar calculations may be made, but the loss is not so great owing to the higher specific gravity of gold ( = 19'3), so that the ratio of its weigh w in air to that in water is 19*3 : 18 '3. In the same way, for other metals the weight in the pan should be divided by the fraction : specific gravity of the metal ~~ specific gravity of metal - specific gravity of solution* USE OF THE PLATING-BALANCE. 103 We are not aware that these calculations are often made in practice, and the thickness of silver deposited must, therefore, always be perceptibly greater than that intended certainly an error on the right side from the consumer's point of view. A certain loss may be incurred in subsequent polishing processes, but this should not be greater than would be compensated for by the small excess of metal which is required to overcome the friction of the balance and bring the beam over to the opposite side. Should any articles or anodes accidentally fall into the plating- vat, they should be carefully picked out by means of a long wire, bent at one end into hook-shape, or by a pair of light tongs, which may be made of brass, previously coated with the metal which is being deposited, or with some more electro-negative FIG. 57. Roseleur's wire-gilding arrangement. metal ; the bare arm should not be introduced, because of the risk of blood-poisoning which may be caused by the contact of recent wounds with the plating-liquid. For special classes of work special vats and special arrange- ments of all kinds may have to be made, arid herein lies the scope for the inventive skill of the operator. But, with a knowledge of the principles laid down in works on electro-metallurgy, there should be no serious difficulty in dealing with the various problems which may be presented. Roseleur's Wire-Gilding Process. Among these special ar- rangements, the method adopted by Roseleur for gilding iron by a single continuous process is especially interesting ; a diagram of the plant is given in fig. 57. The tin-coated and well-cleaned wire is slowly uncoiled from a reel, R, and passed to the drum, D, on which the finished wire is ultimately wound, and whose rotation causes the wire to travel through the various stages of the process. First it is passed into the hot gold-bath, E, heated by the furnace, F, and is maintained beneath the liquid by the 104 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. glass rollers, G G ; here, by the current supplied through the platinum-wire anodes, A A, and pass through the wire to the connection with the battery at B, the gold is deposited upon it. Passing thence, the gilt wire is guided by two wooden rollers, W, to a cleansing-bath of potassium cyanide solution ; from this it is lead into a vessel of clean wash-water, V, and finally between the calico-covered draining rollers, C, to the drying and annealing tube, T, which is maintained at a dull-red heat by a charcoal- furnace. Several parallel wires may, of course, be passed through the same process simultaneously. Wire gauze, or fabrics of any kind, provided that they conduct electricity, may be similarly coated by passing them beneath a roller in the depositing trough, and winding them finally upon a reel or drum. Wagener and Netto's Doctor. A device invented by Wagener arid Netto for coating surfaces which are too extensive to immerse in a solution may well be rioted as an applica- tion of ingenuity to the solution of a difficult problem, although it is really only a modifica- tion of the apparatus long since known as a ' doctor,' which is used for gilding the lips of ewers and the like (see p. 208). To a hollow wooden handle, H (fig. 58), is attached a cir- cular anode, A, of the required metal per- forated in the centre, and connected by a wire, W, with the positive pole of the battery ; in close contact with the lower surface of A is a flannel pad, E, held in place by the brass tube, T, which passes through the length of the handle, and, being connected with the india-rubber tube, R, conveys the liquid elec- trolyte from any convenient receptacle to the pad, E. This pad must be kept constantly wet, and the flow of solution is regulated by the clip, C, upon the india-rubber tube. The surface to be coated is connected with the negative pole of the battery; now, by brushing the apparatus over the surface, electrolytic connection is made between it and the anode, A, through the solution with which the pad, E, is wetted ; thus the electrolyte is decomposed and deposits its metal upon the required object, the thickness of film being regulated by the time during which the handle is held over each portion in succession. As the electrolyte is used up, fresh liquid is supplied through the central tube. For very irregular surfaces a long-haired brush, with short anode-wires admixed with the hairs, may be substituted for the sheet-anode and flannel-pad. Care must be taken, of course, as in all electro-depositing work, that the surfaces are perfectly clean before attempting to coat them. FIG. 58. Wagener and Netto's ' doctor. SPECIAL PLATING ARRANGEMENTS. 105 Smith and Deakin's Rotatory Plating Apparatus. In the plating, especially in the electro-nickeling and brassing of small goods, much time is lost in attaching the wires required to sus- FIG. 59. Smith and Deakin's rotatory plating apparatus. pend them in the bath, and in polishing the goods after deposi- tion. By placing the objects to be plated in a revolving drum and at the same time connecting them with the negative con- ductor from the dynamo, the difficulty has been obviated by Smith and Deakin in their 1896 patent. Fig 59, taken from a 106 PLATING ADJUNCTS AND DISPOSITION OF PLANT. drawing supplied by the Electrolytic Plating Apparatus Company, shows the arrangement in use. V is an ordinary vat (part of the side being supposed cut away for the purpose of the illustration, to show the internal arrangements) ; within V is a hexagonal drum, D, mounted horizontally in the bath, and supported at each end from the longitudinal iron bar, B B. This bar is held at either end, in clamps which may be opened at will ; when they are opened, the bar with all its attachments may be raised to any desired height above the vat by the cord, R R, passing over the pulleys, P P, attached to the roof immediately over the vat, and may be held in such position by bending the cord over the cleat, C. Passing transversely over the centre of the vat is the shaft, S, normally running at 100 revolutions per minute, carrying the pulley, C P, from which a belt is passed over the lower pulley, L P, attached to the rod, R ; this pulley, in turn, serves to rotate the drum, D, by means of a strap passing round the latter, as shown in the figure. The drum is made of wood, so perforated throughout that the area of the perforations is about equal to that of the solid wood between them, and the size of the holes used depends upon that of the goods to be plated, being, of course, larger when the goods are of larger size. One side of the drum is removable, so that the objects to be plated may be introduced and removed. The drum itself is mounted on a hollow spindle or sleeve with copper con- nections at intervals, which serve to make contact with the goods within, and which are connected by means of the sleeve and thence by conductors within the supporting brackets to the bar, B B, and so to the negative lead - . The anodes, A A, are sus- pended on either side of the drum and are connected with the positive lead + . In use the bar, B B, with the drum and attachments, is raised out of the vat, and supported just above the top rim ; the drum is then half filled with the goods to be plated, which must, of course, be thoroughly cleaned with potash, and dipped as usual. The removable side is then fastened in place, and the whole is lowered until the drum is completely immersed in the bath, and the bar, B B, is gripped in its clamps. The belt being started, rotation is commenced and kept up until the operation is finished. For ordinary small goods, without sharp corners, the drum should rotate at about 55 revolutions per minute, but with heavy goods, especially those with square or sharp corners, it is preferred to reduce the speed to from 3 to 6 revolutions. The current- density and E.M.F. used, and hence the time required for plating, are the same as in the ordinary process. When the coat is sufficiently thick, the rod, B B, and the drum are again raised and supported above the vat ; a tray is placed under the drum, the loose side is removed, the goods are turned out on to the tray, and are then washed and dried out without further treatment. SPECIAL PLATING ARRANGEMENTS. 107 In this process the use of a polygonal instead of a circular rotating barrel causes the goods to be constantly turning over upon themselves so long as they are in the bath ; it is therefore practically impossible that they should show anything corre- sponding to wiring-marks, such as are caused by surfaces re- maining in contact and not becoming properly coated ; moreover, as their relative positions are constantly changing, there is no fear of a permanent bad contact causing one piece to receive an insufficient contact. But it is not only in this direction that the apparatus is useful : the constant friction of surface against surface as the pieces tumble one upon another causes them to be constantly burnished, and in the end the goods are delivered in such a condition that they do not require to be polished. It is obvious that, in order to produce a good burnish, the goods must have freedom to move as the barrel rotates. If the drum be more than half filled, therefore, or if it be run at the lower rate of rota- tion, they will come out in such a condition that they will require FIGS. 60 and 61. Joints of lead-lined vats. to be coloured that is, finished by mopping, as explained on p. 122. When it is not desired that the pieces should be finished during the plating process, the barrel may be completely filled. It should be unnecessary to remark that in any one operation all the goods under treatment should be of the same metal ; if, for example, brass and iron ware be placed in the barrel together, there would be a danger of the iron becoming attacked to some extent before it is sufficiently protected by a film of metal. It is recom- mended in using this process to deposit nickel or brass directly upon iron or steel without an intermediate coppering. In nickel- ing, the patentees prefer to employ a somewhat alkaline solution at a density of T057 (8 Be), and at a temperature of over 60 F. Joints of Lead-lined Vats. Figs. 60 and 61 illustrate a simple method of making the joints of lead-lined wooden vats without having recourse to autogenous soldering. It was used successfully at the Casarza Copper Extraction Works. It will be seen that one sheet of lead is bent over at right angles outside the wooden side of the vat, whilst the sheet on the cross side is extended beyond the wood. Iron angles are attached to the wood, and the wood and lead are held firmly together by a series of bolts and nuts. CHAPTER VI. THE CLEANSING AND PREPARATION OF WORK FOR THE DEPOS1TING- VAT, AND SUBSEQUENT POLISHING OF PLATED GOODS. IN this chapter it is proposed to treat of those adjunctory processes and arrangements which, not being purely electrolytic, and being common, moreover, to all branches of deposition, are less conveniently dealt with in the chapters devoted to electro- plating with the metals individually. Objects must be Clean. We have constantly urged that too much stress cannot be laid upon the necessity for absolute cleanliness in all operations, but this is especially to be observed in the preparation of the plate or object to receive the deposit, because the merest speck of tarnish, oxide, or grease such as may result from merely fingering it suffices to prevent the adhesion of the coating-metal at the points affected ; the whole work may be ruined, the deposit may have to be removed, and the precipitation repeated from the beginning. Cleansing pro- cesses are, therefore, essential in every case ; frequently, as when a bright deposit of a hard metal (e.g., nickel) is sought for, it is necessary also to give the highest possible polish to the articles before immersing them in the depositing-vat. There are two systems of cleansing, chemical and mechanical, which must be varied to suit the metal which is to be coated. Removal of Grease. This is usually the first operation to be performed. Large amounts of oily or fatty matter should be removed by rinsing thoroughly in two washes of benzene. The benzene must be kept in tightly-closed vessels maintained in a cool position, as far as possible from any furnace or from arti- ficial lights (excepting, of course, incandescent electric lamps) on account of its rapid evaporativeness and dangerously-inflammable nature. Benzene and benzoline exert merely a solvent action upon the grease, and so extract the greater portion of it. On removal from this liquid the goods should be well rubbed with a soft cotton cloth if they were originally very dirty, and may often receive a further dip into fresher benzene with advantage. The last trace of grease is removed by a more chemical treatment, such as immersion in boiling caustic potash solution. If the pieces 108 CLEANSING BY POTASH LIQUIDS. 109 were not in bad condition at the outset, the mere application of the potash may suffice ; indeed, it may be used alone in any case, but the time required for the treatment must then be extended in proportion to the amount of fatty matter to be removed. The action of hot alkali on animal or vegetable oil, fat, or grease is to convert it into a soap. The fatty matter is a com- bination of a fatty acid with glycerine, and is not soluble in water ; but, on heating with a caustic alkali, such as potash or soda, the fat is decomposed, the fatty acid combines with the alkali to form a soap, and the glycerine is set free. As both the soap and glycerine are capable of dissolving in water, it is obvious that the greasy mass, after saponification (as the soap-making process is termed), can be completely washed away in the excess water of the dip. The soap or soapy water must, however, be thoroughly rinsed off in fresh water before immersing the object in an acid dip, because acids decompose soap, combining with the alkali, and setting free the fatty acid which, being practically insoluble, would be almost as objectionable as the original grease. Hence the swilling away of the soap is as important as is the dip in potash itself. It must be remembered that the mineral oils and greases (paraffin, petroleum, vaseline, and the like) are chemically quite unlike the fatty oils, F IG. 62. Muffle-furnace, and are not decomposed by alkali, so that a potash or soda dip is useless for the cleansing of objects coated with such an oil, or with a mixture containing a mineral oil. Benzene or mineral naphtha dissolve them perfectly, and this treatment, in conjunction with scrubbing with lime, should be resorted to whenever this difficulty is met with. The organic dirt is sometimes removed by heating the objects to dull redness on charcoal, or, preferably, in a mw^Ze-furnace, which consists of a small fireclay oven (fig. 62), about 6 to 12 ins. long by 4 or 5 ins. wide and high, in which the objects are placed, so that they do not actually come into contact with the fuel, the burning charcoal or coke being built up around the muffle in a suitable furnace, and there is, therefore, no liability of their becoming injured by the impurities from the heating agent. All grease and other organic matter is thus completely destroyed, but the surface becomes covered with a film of oxide which must be thoroughly removed in the subsequent acid dip ; this usually imparts a dull or frosted surface to the metal, so that polishing should be resorted to before plating if a bright surface is ulti- mately required, especially when the covering metal is so hard that it will not itself admit of polishing. After this polishing the objects must be rapidly passed through the potash- vat, and again through the acid-baths, to ensure perfect cleanliness prior to the 110 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING- VAT POLISHING. actual plating operation. The heating process being really one of annealing, rolled, hammered or worked metal becomes softened and so far altered in character that many articles, such as spoons, forks, or dessert-knives, which are purposely left unannealed, and, therefore, hard, are rendered practically useless ; this alteration is indicated by the loss of the characteristic metallic ring that should be emitted by striking the object in its hardened con- dition. It is, of course, unnecessary to remark that bodies which have a low fusing-point, such as tin, lead, pewter, Britannia metal, and the like, cannot be submitted to the fire treatment. This method is not, therefore, of universal application, and, indeed, is rarely, if ever, to be preferred to the other processes here described. The potash-tank is best constructed of wrought-iron, which may be heated by setting it over a gas stove or charcoal fire, but more conveniently, when a supply of steam is available, by forcing the steam through a spiral or series of iron pipes placed within the vessel and close to the bottom. As the final stages of the cleans- ing process should be conducted as close to the depositing-vats as possible, so that no time may be wasted between the operations, it is frequently convenient to utilise steam, which has been previously employed in a steam-jacket or coil of pipes, for heating the latter vessels whenever the plating-solution is to be worked hot. In this case the pipes in the potash-tub may be perforated, so that the steam and condensed water may pass into the liquid itself, which is thus maintained in constant motion, while the amount of water lost by gradual evaporation is compensated for. Such a system of heating compares favourably with the direct application of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, inasmuch as there is a greater choice of materials from which to construct the containing vessel. When external heating arrangements are adopted, the vat must be of fairly thin metal, to minimise the loss of heat- energy, and must be carefully supported to avoid strains from the weight of the liquid ; but with internal steam-heating by coils of pipes, whether closed or perforated, any material which will resist the chemical action of the hot alkali is available, and the tank may have any convenient size, thickness, or shape. An extension of the steaming system, much to be recommended, is to continue the solid-walled pipe from the potash-vat into a second vessel, there discharging the steam from the orifices of a perfor- ated pipe into the water, which is used for rinsing the pieces after removal from the alkaline solution. The cleansing liquid is a 5 or 10 per cent, solution of caustic potash or caustic soda in water ; if these be not available, sodium carbonate (washing soda) may be substituted, but its effects are not comparable with those of the caustic alkali, and it demands a far more protracted steeping of the articles to be cleansed. Since the caustic alkalies gradually become carbonated by the CLEANSING BY POTASH LIQUIDS. Ill FIG. 63. Copper dipping-wire. absorption of carbonic acid from the air, and since they also become gradually saturated with greasy matter, forming soapy substances by combination with them, fresh potash (or soda) must frequently be added to restore the strength of the bath ; this precaution must be most carefully observed, as the bath soon becomes useless for its work, and the process then begins to give unsatisfactory results. To check this forma- tion of carbonates by exposure to the air, the potash-vats should be closed with a tightly- fitting cover whenever they are not in use, and are not being heated. The caustic alkalies readily attack tin and lead and allied metals, and for this reason a prolonged potash dip must never be given to any objects made entirely, or in large part, of these metals (pewter, Britannia metal, and similar alloys), or to any which are joined by tinman's soft solder, which is an alloy of tin and lead; if applied at all to these bodies, the dip must be momentary ; but whenever practicable it should be avoided altogether, inasmuch as a rapid dip does not afford sufficient security for that absolute cleanliness and freedom from grease which is quite indispensable. For such metals, and for any which it is undesirable to heat to the temperature of the boiling alkali bath, a very thorough treat- ment with benzene or any simple solvent of fat may suffice ; or the pieces may be carefully rubbed by means of a brush with a paste of very finely-crushed whiting and water, taking care that neither the fingers nor any greasy material be allowed to come into contact with the cleaned surfaces. In using the potash dip, the small pieces should be slung upon copper wires if convenient (fig. 63), or held in perforated bowls of glazed earthen- FIG. 64. Earthenware dipper, ware (fig. 64), or in a copper wire sieve (larger articles are suspended singly from suitable hooks), and must be allowed to remain in the bath, with frequent agitation, for a space of time ranging from half a minute to ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, according to the amount of impurity to be removed. On com- pletion of this treatment the articles are immediately plunged into a large volume of hot water; and, after this preliminary rinsing, are rapidly and thoroughly washed by passing through successive wash- waters, which may be used cold ; they should then be transferred at once to the acid-baths, and thence to the plating-vats. From the moment they enter the potash-tank, they 112 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING-VAT POLISHING. must on no account be touched with the fingers or with any surface that may be oily or greasy. The reason is not far to seek. Oil and water are not miscible, and if even the smallest patch be ever so slightly greased, water will be repelled from that point, so that the acids cannot effect the work required of them, nor will the electrolytic solution be able to come into contact with the metal surface, with the result that this portion will be left uncoated, or at best covered with a non-adherent deposit which forms on the greasy matter. The object being removed from the potash -vat, and now unstained with grease, the liquid in the plating-baths can make the most intimate contact with its surface in every part ; and, therefore, when the current is passed, the required metal may be deposited uniformly over the whole article ; but it would even then be found to have little or no adhesion to the surface covered and would strip off when subjected to a very moderate amount of rubbing most probably during the final polishing process. All objects which have been exposed to the air for any appreciable time after polishing are covered with a film of tarnish or rust, which is insoluble in potash and may be so thin as to be imperceptible, but which, by interposition between the two surfaces, prevents true metallic contact and consequently destroys adhesion. This film must, therefore, be most carefully detached, which is best accomplished by immersion in a bath of acid, or of a solvent suitable to the metal under treatment. The acid dip constitutes the final preparation for the plating- bath, and should leave a chemically-clean surface for the re- ception of the coating metal. After washing, tarnishing again takes place by unnecessary exposure to the air ; and it is thus important that the object should be transferred with the highest rapidity from the acid-bath to the wash-waters, and from these to the electrolytic solution. Copper, brass, German silver, and other alloys, of which the chief constituent is copper, are, as already indicated, cleaned and brightened by dipping into acid after removal from the potash solution. The common nitric acid of commerce, which emits red fumes and is known in the trade as nitrous acid, is very generally used for the acid dip ; it consists of nitric acid in which lower oxides of nitrogen are dissolved, and the waste nitric acids from used Grove's or Bunsen's battery cells are not unsuitable for the work. It is used undiluted ; the articles to be dipped are slung on wires or in the baskets already described ; baskets of platinum- wire mesh are sometimes used for small articles, and as they are quite unattacked by the acid, and therefore neither weaken nor contaminate the liquid, they are to be preferred to all others ; the prime cost alone is against them, but they soon repay this expenditure by their indestructibility and by the greater comfort and saving in their use. Since the acid exerts a powerful action SPECIAL CLEANSING PROCESSES. 113 upon the metal of which the articles are made, and the film of oxide is instantaneously cleared from the surface, the plunge into acid must be but momentary ; the objects are then rapidly transferred to a vessel containing a large volume of water, and are afterwards washed again and again, the last time in quite clean water. It is false economy in electro-plating to stint wash- waters at any stage. Another acid dip, sometimes used in preference to the above, is made by mixing together, little by little and with the utmost care, equal volumes of strong sulphuric acid and water, and adding to each gallon of the mixture one pint of the common aquafortis (nitric acid) of commerce. The subsequent manipulations are similar to those already described. A dead or dull surface may be given by plunging the article, previously dipped in nitric acid, into Roseleur's mixture of 200 parts of yellow nitric acid, 100 of oil of vitriol, and 1 part of common salt, together with from 1 to 5 parts of zinc sulphate (white vitriol), which should be made up the day before it is required for use. After remaining in this liquid for several minutes (from live to fifteen or even twenty) the articles are removed, plunged momentarily into a bright-dipping bath, to restore a certain amount of the brilliancy which is generally too thoroughly removed in the dead dip, and are then rinsed as usual. A bright lustre is given by placing for a few seconds in a mixture of the yellow nitric acid and oil of vitriol in equal parts, with 0'5 per cent, of common salt ; like the last, this mixture should be made up the day before it is required, or earlier, in order that it may be quite cold when required. Instead of this solu- tion, a mixture of 1J to 2 parts of sulphuric acid with 1 -part of an old nitric acid dip is frequently used ; after mixing these acids, they should be put aside to cool, and decanted from any crystals of copper sulphate which may be formed by the action of the vitriol upon the copper contained in the old aquafortis (due to the partial solution of the objects that have been immersed in it). Small proportions of hydrochloric acid or of sodium chloride, which by contact with the vitriol liberates hydrochloric acid, or of lamp-black are sometimes added to this solution. Potassium cyanide, dissolved in ten times its weight of water, is often used instead of the acid dip for brass, especially when it is essential that the original polish upon the article should not be destroyed, as in the preparation of the objects for nickel- plating. A longer immersion in this liquid is to be recom- mended because the metallic oxides are far less readily soluble in this than in the acid dips. In all cases the final cleansing in water must be observed. Iron and steel articles, which have been thoroughly polished, are dipped first into the boiling potash solution, and then, when thoroughly cleansed from grease, into a pickle consisting of water 8 114 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING-VAT POLISHING. containing 10 per cent, of sulphuric or nitric acid or 25 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. Iron is vigorously attacked by acid, and by long immersion becomes unevenly dissolved and pitted. Cast- iron and steel also are liable to have a film of carbon and other insoluble impurities on the surface after pickling. Some operators therefore prefer, when possible, to substitute for pickling a mechanical process, such as that described on p. 117. When the metal is covered with oxide or scale, as after forging or heating to redness, more vigorous measures are needed to effect their removal ; the objects are first suspended for two or three hours in a bath of dilute sulphuric acid (2 or 3 per cent, of acid for wrought-iron or steel, about 1 per cent, for cast-iron), which dis- solves a little of the oxide and loosens much of the remainder, so that, after washing well with water, it may, for the most part, be detached by scouring with very fine sand. A second dip into the acid usually removes the last portions of scale ; but, if necessary, the process must be repeated until the pieces are perfectly clean. Zinc is first passed through the potash-bath, which exerts a distinct solvent action upon it, so that the process must be expedited, and is next dipped for a few minutes into water con- taining 10 per cent, of sulphuric acid ; the mixture of acids used for bright-dipping brass (50 sulphuric acid, 50 nitric acid, and 0'5 salt) is sometimes used, but as it violently attacks the zinc, the operation of dipping must be rapidly effected, and the subsequent washing must be immediate and thorough. After treatment by either of these processes, scouring with fine sand and clean water must be resorted to, which has the effect, inter alia, of obliterating the black lines that indicate the position of solder after dipping in the acids. Lead, tin, Britannia metal, and the like are very rapidly passed through the potash-bath, or, as already described, are scoured with whiting and water subsequent to cleansing in benzene, if this be necessary by reason of extreme greasiness. They should be polished finally by rubbing with lime, even after the potash dip ; they then require only to be well rinsed in water to be ready for the electrolytic vat. Aluminium articles are not easily plated. Burgess and Ham- buechen recommend that the article be first cleaned in dilute hydro- fluoric acid until it is suitably roughened ; then rinse in running water, dip for a few seconds in a mixture of 100 parts sulphuric acid and 75 parts of nitric acid (both concentrated) ; rinse again and transfer to a zinc-plating solution. The latter consists of a mixture of zinc and aluminium sulphates, slightly acidified, to which is added 1 per cent, of hydrofluoric acid in the equivalent amount of potassium fluoride. A current-density of 10 to 20 amperes per sq. ft. is used. After a deposit of zinc has been thus obtained, a coating of any other metal may be deposited. AH acid pickles used for different classes of work should be SPECIAL CLEANSING PROCESSES. 115 kept distinct from each other, so that one metal may not be dipped into a solution containing a more electro-negative metal, which would deposit upon it by chemical exchange. For example, zinc or iron must not be immersed in a pickle which is used for cleansing copper articles, because a certain amount of copper gradually dissolves into the liquid as successive objects are dipped, and this copper tends to deposit upon the more electro-positive metals afterwards brought into contact with it. Electrolytic Cleaning. During recent years electrolytic methods of cleaning have come into use. The method of the Vereinigte Elektricitats Aktien Gesellschaft of Vienna is to use a solution of a salt of one of the alkali metals ; if the object to be cleaned is of aluminium or zinc it is made a cathode, whereas if it is of iron or copper it is made an anode, carbon being the other electrode in each case. In the former case an aluminate or zincate is formed, and when this diffuses sufficiently to meet the acid formed at the anode it is decomposed, and the hydroxide of the metal is precipitated ; in the second case, a salt of the metal is formed, and this diffuses until it meets the caustic formed at the cathode, when precipitation again occurs. Thus the metal is regenerated, and the dissolved metal is collected as a precipitated hydroxide. C. J. Reed has found the electrolytic method of pickling iron as cathode in dilute sulphuric acid effective under the following conditions : temperature 60 C., specific gravity of acid 1'25, and current-density about 70 amperes per sq. ft. If the current- density is low the iron becomes attacked, and the scale con- sisting of Fe 3 4 is reduced but slowly ; whereas if the current- density is high the solvent action on the scale becomes very rapid and the chemical action on the iron is entirely prevented. Under these conditions the heaviest scale is removed in two or three minutes. For cleaning iron and brass articles, H. S. Coleman recommends a potash-bath, preferably hot. This may be contained in an iron tank which is made the cathode, the articles to be cleaned being the anode. With a current-density of 8 amperes per sq. ft., any grease and dirt is readily removed in five to ten minutes, but a stain is left ; the latter is removed by reversing the current for a short time (thirty to forty seconds) as soon as the stain appears. It was found that work was cleaned thoroughly in all parts in one-third the time occupied by the old method of scouring by hand, and thus the electrolytic method was adopted. This method has the further advantage that the articles are not handled after the cleaning, but being already wired up they are merely passed through water and dipping solutions, and are at once ready for the plating bath. Quicking. Many articles are ' quicked ' before being subjected to the operation of depositing other metals, especially silver and 116 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING-VAT POLISHING. gold, upon their surfaces. This simply consists in giving them a superficial amalgamation by the deposition of a thin film of mercury, in order that many metals, which alone would deposit the coating-metal from the plating-liquors by simple immersion, may be rendered practically incapable of so doing, the resulting deposit being more adhesive and of better quality in consequence. But quicking is also often resorted to in order to increase the adhesiveness of deposited metals on objects which would have no action on the bath ; for the mercury, being but little liable to tarnish by oxidation, retains a bright surface when exposed to the air for a period which would suffice to produce a film of oxide upon an unquicked surface, and thus prevent adhesion. More- over, the solvent action of the mercury on both surfaces (especi- ally on gold and silver) tends to unite the two metals in the most intimate contact, and may even, by interamalgamation, form a superficial alloy which would thus make adhesion perfect. The principal metals so treated are copper, brass, German silver, and the like, previous to gold- and silver-plating, and zinc prior to nickeling. The quicking-solutions more commonly used are : the per-nitrate or proto-nitrate of mercury, the strength ranging from 1 to 2 oz. per gallon (Roseleur recommends 1 part of mercuric (per-)nitrate and 2 of sulphuric acid to 1000 parts of water) ; or the cyanide of mercury, which is made either by adding a solution of potassium cyanide to one of a mercury salt (nitrate, chloride, or sulphate), until no further precipitate is produced, allowing the cyanide of mercury to subside, washing it two or three times with water by alternately stirring it up, allowing it to settle and pouring off the clear liquor from the precipitate, then dissolving it in a further quantity of potassium cyanide and diluting with water ; or by dissolving mercuric (per-) oxide directly in potassium cyanide solution. The objects are merely dipped into these solutions, when metal is superficially dissolved from them and mercury is deposited in its place by simple chemical exchange. The duration of the dip, never much more than momentary, is governed by the amount of mercury to be deposited, which in turn depends upon the thick- ness of the object to be plated and that of the coat to be applied. Usually a thick object and a thick coating demand, or at least permit, a heavier mercury deposit than thinner ones, which are more liable to become brittle, and for which a mere momentary immersion will suffice. The character of the basis-metal } also influences the time required for mercury-deposition, inasmuch as the electro-positive metals have a more rapid action than those which are more electro-negative. Zinc, especially, requires 1 The word basis-metal is here applied to the metal which forms the object or base upon which an electro-deposit is ultimately to be given ; the term base-metal, though more euphonious, has a second signification which might prove to be misleading. ECHANICAL TREATMENT. 117 careful quicking, as it not only deposits the mercury with rapidity, but is very readily penetrated by it, and is rendered brittle in consequence. The quicking-bath should be of such a strength that copper plunged into it becomes immediately covered with a silvery-white metallic film. The use of old or dilute solutions should be discontinued when they begin to yield a dark or almost black deposit of mercury, which is worse than useless, because the electro-deposited metal refuses to adhere to it. If the liquid be too strong, or contain too large an excess of free nitric acid, a similar result obtains ; it is, however, easy to decide to which cause failure is to be attributed. If the pieces have not been properly cleansed, the quicking- solution will give an irregular, patchy or discoloured film, instead of a clear silver-like uniform coat, owing to the presence of foreign bodies such as grease or oxide. Mechanical Treatment. Scouring with sand or pumice is best conducted on a wooden board placed above a tub containing the water or liquid to be used. The scouring brush should be made with moderately hard bristles (hogs' hair is generally preferred), and is used by plunging it into the water, withdrawing it, shaking gently to remove the excess of the liquid, dipping in the powdered pumice-stone, and at once rubbing it over the whole surface of the object. To yield good results, the brush must be constantly charged with the powder, but while keeping it thoroughly moist, excess of water is to be avoided ; the dipping into water and powder may thus have to be frequently repeated if the object be at all large. When the scouring is not to be followed by a potash dip, the pieces should not be touched with the bare hands, and both brushes and powder must be examined to see that there is no trace of greasy matter attached to them. In preparing metal for the chemical treatment previous to actual electro-deposition, the pieces should be polished at least in part ; as a rule, however, it will be found that the coating-metal adheres less satisfactorily to a surface which is perfectly polished than to one which is in a slight degree, it may be almost imper- ceptibly, roughened. Nevertheless, the polishing must be so far completed that all marks of the file or tool are obliterated, and the whole surface has only a regular, and hence almost invisible, roughness ; for it is difficult to remove file-marks or scratches afterwards from the plated article without cutting through the coating, or at least rendering it dangerously thin. Deep irregularities must first be removed, and this may necessi- tate the use of a file ; the marks of the latter must now be erased by rubbing with some material such as emery ; and this in turn leaves finer markings, still too coarse to be left untouched, and which necessitate the use of polishing tools. Of these the most successful are those which are caused to revolve rapidly in one plane by suitable mechanishi, and which not only economise time, 118 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING- VAT POLISHING. but have a perfect regularity of action and produce true parallelism of the fine lines scratched by them. It is well known that the best surface is always obtained when the polishing tool is passed over it uniformly in the same direction, and that any motion which produces cross-lines, no matter how fine they be, and thus gives rise to cross-reflections of light, destroys the evenness of the appearance. Hand-polishing is especially liable to produce these cross-lines, and thus entails a greater expenditure of time and care. Polishing-Lathe and Dolly. The lathe-action is generally used for polishing ; discs or bobs of stout leather, usually hippopotamus- or walrus-hide, about half-an-inch to one inch in thickness, and four or six inches in diameter, are rotated rapidly on the lathe- spindle by means of a treadle like that of a lathe or of a grind- stone, and while thus in motion the workman with one hand firmly presses the object to be polished against the lower side of the leather bob, while with the other he allows a gentle stream of fine sand to fall upon the B D A C D S B' top of the disc as it revolves towards him from above down- wards. Trent sand is usually deemed most suitable for the work; it may be used re- peatedly. The pieces may be first treated with fresh rough FIG. 65. Bench power-spindle. sand to obliterate the deeper markings, and afterwards with worn sand, which has been used many times. For this purpose the bobs should make 1500 or 2000 revolutions per minute, but this is a high rate of rotation to be maintained by a treadle action, and is, therefore, more satisfactorily communicated by steam-power. Fig. 65 shows a bench power-spindle suitable for this purpose ; the base of the stand is bolted firmly to a strong table or bench ; the spindle, S, has a screw at either end, to which the bobs, B B', are firmly attached ; and between the forked arms of the stand, which carry the bearings, D D, of the rotating spindle, are fast-and-loose pulleys, one of which is keyed firmly to S at A, so that when connected with a large pulley on the main shafting in the shop by means of a leather belt, it acts as a driven pulley and imparts the required motion to the bobs ; the other is free to turn loosely upon S at C, so that when the belt is shifted to it from the driving pulley, it alone rotates, and the spindle remains at rest. A lever must be conveniently placed to shift the belt from the one pulley to the other at a moment's notice. Two workmen may use such a tool simultaneously ; one standing at B applies the coarse sand only, and when the object is thus sufficiently treated, hands it on to the second operator at B', who finishes it THE USE OF THE SCRATCH-BRUSH. 119 with the finer sand. Even now the metal is not absolutely bright, but requires a final polish with a finer material, which may be given by bobbing the article with a little fresh, finely- crushed quicklime (Sheffield lime is particularly well suited to the work) mixed with a little oil. The lime should be thoroughly caustic, and as it rapidly absorbs both carbonic acid and moisture from the air, it must be stored in air-tight closed boxes as soon as possible after burning, and should only be removed from these a little at a time as required for use. The last polish of all is given by a small quantity of lime applied without oil by the pro- jecting edges of a series of calico rings clamped one upon another in a wooden holder with a central hole, by which it is screwed to the lathe-spindle in place of one of the bobs. This instrument is known as a dolly. Or a mop may be used for colour- ing the goods (see p. 122). Scratch - brushing con- sists in submitting the sur- FIG. 66. Short wire brush, faces of articles to the polishing action of a number of fine wires set on end. The wire selected for this purpose must be harder than the metal to be treated by it, or it will have little or no action, and may even cover its surface with a thin film of metal worn off from the wires by attrition ; when, for example, nickel is scratch-brushed with brass wire the surface becomes quite yellow in tint ; it must not only be relatively hard, but must also be actually and intrinsically rigid and stiff, so that the points shall not be readily bent over out of shape when in use. FIG. 67. Long wire brush. Hard-drawn thin brass wire, which may be made partially or wholly soft if required, by suitable annealing, is the usual material for scratch-brushes, but occasionally steel, or even spun-glass, may be employed for treating extremely hard surfaces. Hand scratch-brushes are about 6 or 8 ins. long, and are made by firmly binding a large number of wires in the middle so that they form a compact bundle, with the ends free for the space of half an inch to an inch. One end is then dipped into soldering fluid (hydrochloric acid, in which as much zinc as possible has been dissolved) and then into a ladle of melted soft solder, firmly to unite the various wires and so form a solid brush ; the whole is then mounted on a wooden handle for convenience, with the free ends of the wires extending beyond the handle, as in fig. 66. Occasionally a double length of the wires is taken, and they are simply bent over upon themselves and bound round the centre, leaving a loop at one end, and are afterwards mounted as before on a wooden handle (fig. 67) ; but it is less easy to produce 120 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING-VAT POLISHING. regularity in the laying of the wires by this means. Either of these brushes may be used upon small surfaces ; for large areas, FIG. 68. Wire scrubbing-brush. FIG. 69. --Machine brush. FIG. 70. Rotary machine brush. the wires are mounted in handles in the form of a scrubbing-brush, as shown in fig. 68. When the motion is to be applied to the brushes by machine power and this method is to be preferred to hand labour a number (4, 6, 8 or more) of hand-brushes may be mounted on the periphery of a wooden drum, as indicated in fig. 69 ; or a better form is made by setting the wires radially in a circular handle, so as to form a disc of from 5 to 6 ins. in diameter (fig. 70). Both forms of circular brush are mounted on the spindle of the lathe, or on that driven by machine power, shown in fig. 65. For surfacing the interiors of vessels, a brush of the shape indicated in fig. 71 is use- ful, or on an emergency an old hand scratch- brush may suffice, the wires of which have become turned over at the points. In using any of these brushes, a liquid lubricating medium is employed ; this is most generally stale beer, but many other liquids, such as crude tartar dissolved in water, diluted vinegar, or decoction of soap-wort, are supposed by some operators to produce a better effect, and are, accordingly, substituted for it. The brushes are useless when the ends of the wires have turned over upon themselves ; if they cannot then be straightened by means of a wooden mallet, the ex- treme tips must be cut off by a sharp metal chisel. The circular lathe-brush should be mounted upon the spindle, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, so that the direction of rotation is 7 . reversed, and the wires strike the object alter- ^rush fo7inner nately with different sides of their surfaces ; thus surfaces. the latter are not unduly bent in one direction. It is essential that the wires be kept in good order, and an occasional dip into potash to remove grease, or into the acid dip to remove oxide, may have to be resorted to. The hand-brush is used by holding it in the same manner as, POLISHING HARD METALS. 121 and imparting to it somewhat the motion of, a paint-brush. The lathe-brush is mounted upon a spindle, and should be arranged with a small reservoir above to contain the lubricating fluid, a small pipe with a tap serving to conduct the solution from this to a point immediately above the rotating brush, upon which the drops fall at intervals ; the piece is held firmly underneath the brush, but slightly on the side nearer the operator, so as to meet the wires as they descend. Around the brush is a metal screen to prevent splashings produced by the rapid rotation, and beneath it is a tray with an overflow pipe conducting to a receptacle placed below, to retain the waste solution for use again. The operation of scratch-brushing is had recourse to after deposition, in order to brighten the dull deposit ; sometimes even at intervals during the process to secure a good coating ; some- times beforehand to brighten the object finally before immersion in the plating- vat. Whenever it is used prior to or during deposition it is obvious that every trace of the lubricating liquid must be washed away before placing, or replacing, the article in the bath. When a large amount of work has to be handled, more particularly if the objects to be cleaned are of iron, or if the surfaces are so shaped that they cannot be conveniently reached with brushes, sand blast is preferable. Wooden wheels, covered on the edge with leather which is coated with emery, are also used for grinding. Burnishing. This is a process finally applied to polishing silver and some other deposited metals, and consists in rubbing the whole surface under considerable pressure by a very hard and, at the same time, highly-polished surface ; it may be effected after scratch-brushing the articles, or is often used as a substitute for this latter operation. The burnishing tools are usually made of steel for the first or grounding process, and of a very hard stone, such as agate or blood-stone, for finishing. These tools must be kept in the highest degree polished by rubbing them vigorously with very finely-crushed crocus- or rouge- powder on a strip of leather, fastened upon a piece of wood which is placed in a convenient position upon the working bench. The burnishers are of various shapes to suit the requirements of different kinds of work, the first rough burnishing being often accomplished by instruments with comparatively sharp edges, while the finishing stages are accomplished with rounded ones. The annexed sketch (fig. 72) illustrates a few of the patterns commonly employed. Soap suds may be used to lubricate and moisten the burnishers. Silver-plated goods may be readily polished by submitting them to the action of the lathe-bobs, such as those already de- scribed, or of wood covered with leather, or of brushes, upon which is maintained a small quantity of tripoli-powder mixed with a few 122 PREPARATION FOR DEPOSITING-VAT POLISHING. drops of oil. The last polish is given, either by the application of rouge by constant rubbing with the fleshy portions of the hand, or by a dolly, termed a mop, in which swan's-down is substituted for the calico between the wooden clamps (see p. 119), using with it the finest possible paste of rouge-powder, entirely free from gritty matter, which would destroy rather than improve the existing polish. This mopping is commonly known as finishing or colouring, and gives the final perfect polish. The results of scratch-brushing and burnishing are quite dif- ferent, and each system has its own special advantage. Electro- deposited metal is always crystalline, however close the texture may be ; and being thus made up of an aggregation of minute crystals, the light falling upon it is not evenly reflected, but is more or less scattered by the varying facets of the crystalline surface; and thus, although metallic, it has a dead lustre. Scratch-brushing followed by buffing, or bobbing, has the effect of very slightly flattening the projecting portions down- wards upon the surface, but mainly of grinding them off until they are level with the lowest portions, and so, a perfectly even and uniform surface being produced, light is reflected as it were from a mirror; but no practical alteration of the physical condition of the coating re- sults. Burnishing, on the contrary, scarcely effects any grinding of the irregularities, but rather produces the level surface by flattening the raised portions into adjacent cavities, so that the pressure exerted tends to fill up any pores or inter-crystalline spaces, and so to yield a more solid coat. Thus burnishing produces a denser, more durable, and more solid covering, but the colour and general appearance is somewhat less satisfactory, possibly because the irregularities are merely rounded off and not entirely effaced, so that the surface is not so absolutely true as that yielded by good buffing and dollying. Steel, which is too hard to be polished by the methods given above, should be rough-polished with the , emery-wheels, then glazed by the action of bobs of wood covered with leather, to which a mixture of the finest emery-powder with oil is applied. A strip of a soft alloy of lead and tin is sometimes substituted for the leather upon the bob. The finishing polish is administered with the best crocus-powder. For nickel deposits the object should be thoroughly polished so as to obliterate tool marks. At the same time, as above pointed FIG. 72. Burnishers. POLISHING HARD METALS. 123 out, the polish must not be too good, or the nickel will not adhere properly, and will be liable to strip. Iron or steel objects to be nickel-plated may with advantage be placed in boiling potash, removed, and allowed to cool without swilling. They may then be polished well with fine sand and water, which cleanses them mechanically from soapy matter, and leaves very fine scratches into which the preliminary coating of copper keys so that it adheres well. The objects may be coppered without an acid pickle, and after coppering they are well swilled, polished again with sand and water, and nickeled immediately. CHAPTER VII. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. IT is frequently necessary to give a coating of copper to metals, chiefly to those, such as iron, which are more electro-positive, occasionally with the object of imparting to them the external characteristics of copper, but more often in order to enable them to receive a good deposit of a less electro-positive metal. But by far the most extensive application of electro-plating with copper is to be found in electrotyping, or obtaining facsimile copies of various objects for the use of the printer or sculptor. The (acid) copper solutions present fewer difficulties in management than perhaps those of any metal, permitting at once a wider range of current-strength and a greater variation of bath-composition. COATING BY SIMPLE IMMERSION. Iron. Iron is practically the only metal that is coated with copper by simple immersion, and only small articles of this body are usually so treated. An acid solution of copper sulphate, made by dissolving about 2 oz. of the blue salt in a gallon of water, and adding about 1 to 2 oz. of sulphuric acid, may be em- ployed with advantage, but considerable latitude is permissible in the proportions adopted. The deposition of the copper upon the surface of the iron is almost instantaneous, and, indeed, a long exposure in the solution produces a slimy precipitate which has almost no adhesion to the basis-metal; such a deposit, Roseleur recommends, should be mechanically consolidated and attached by rolling, if the metal be in the form of sheet, or by passing through the dies of a wiredrawer's plate, if it be in the condition of wire. Before dipping any iron or steel article into the copper solution, it must be thoroughly cleansed by plunging it consecutively into the caustic alkali liquids and the suitable acid dips, or by an alkali-dip followed by scouring, as described in the last chapter ; then, when thoroughly cleansed, it is immersed in the copper-bath. Steel Pens. Steel pens may be coppered superficially by treat- ment in the liquid already described, but are more satisfactorily 124 COATING BY SIMPLE IMMERSION. 125 coated by thoroughly stirring them, after cleansing, in sawdust moistened with a solution of half an ounce of copper sulphate with a like weight of sulphuric acid per gallon of water. The mixture is usually effected in a barrel or drum mounted upon a horizontal axis. The long hexagonal drum outlined in fig. 73 is a convenient arrangement for this purpose. It is mounted so that it may be turned on its horizontal axis, the pins at either end resting in bearings upon the upright supports; one side is hinged, so that it may be opened to admit or discharge the damp sawdust and pens, and when closed is held in position by a suit- able catch. An improvement upon this form may be made by substituting short lengths of tube for the pins at the ends of the drum, and instead of causing them to rotate within bearings, passing a fixed rod completely through the drum, so that the tubes turn upon this rod which is held firmly by the uprights, and which carries fixed arms within the drum. Thus, on rotating the latter, the contents are turned over, and are more thoroughly mixed to- gether by the arms or beaters stationary within it. The fixed rod and beaters should be made of brass or of iron completely sheathed in copper. In using the apparatus, it is first half-filled with the moistened saw- dust, then the pens are introduced ; the lid is closed and fastened in place, and the drum is rapidly rotated on its axis for a few minutes, until it is judged that every pen has been thoroughly coated, when it is stopped with the door at the lowest Fio. 73. Mixing-drum, point, and this being opened allows the contents to fall upon the floor. The mixture is now placed on brass sieves, the mesh of which is of such size that it passes the sawdust through, but retains even the smallest articles that have been treated ; the sieves containing the latter are now plunged twice or thrice into fresh water, and the washed pens are transferred to a second rotating drum, in which they are dried by contact with hot, clean, and dry sawdust, which is subse- quently separated from the finished nibs by means of sieves. Other solutions for coppering by simple immersion have been recommended, and notably those of Kopp, who coats iron in cupric chloride containing a little nitric or hydrochloric acids ; and Puscher, who treats brass by exposing it to a solution of copper sulphate and ammonium chloride. Obviously in all these processes the deposition of the copper is due to an exchange of a more electro-positive metal (e.g., iron) for the copper contained in the solution ; thus the latter gradually accumulates a large quantity of iron, while it loses a corresponding 126 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. amount of copper (56 of iron being equivalent to 63'5 of copper) ; and for this reason the bath must be watched to ensure that it is maintained at approximately the right strength. The simple immersion process is not strictly electrolytic, but merges into a single-cell process when, as by Weil's method, a piece of zinc is placed in contact with the metal to be coated, to facilitate the deposition of the required metal from a solution which is tardy or inactive. SINGLE-CELL PROCESS. Weil's Process. Weil's process, which he has used for cop- pering cast-iron pieces, even of large size, consists in dissolving 5 oz. of copper sulphate, 13 oz. of soda-lime (containing 50 per cent, of caustic soda), and 24 oz. of potassium-sodium tartrate in each gallon of water, and in submitting each piece of iron, with a fragment of zinc attached to it, to the action of this solution. The zinc, being in metallic connection with the iron, sets up a current as it dissolves in the liquid, and deposits the copper, there- fore, not on itself but upon the iron, to which it is electro-positive ; the duration of the immersion may range from a few hours to several days, as the deposition proceeds very slowly. The f g' e -- Process was actually the for one object. source of all the others, tor by its aid the art of electrotyping was first accomplished. In its simplest form it is well represented by the arrangement of Weil's which we have just described, but a porous cell is almost everywhere used to contain the zinc, so that it shall not be im- mersed in the copper liquid. Fig. 74 illustrates a depositing apparatus of this type ; the outer jar, a, which may be made of glass or earthenware, is filled to about two-thirds of its height with a nearly saturated solution of copper sulphate, and contains an inner cell of porous earthenware, b, closed at the bottom, within which is a plate of zinc, z, standing in a moderately strong solution of common salt or sal-ammoniac, or, preferably, of dilute sulphuric acid. In the latter case the zinc must be amalgamated ; the liquids in the two cells should stand at the same level. The zinc plate should project above the porous pot, and have soldered to it a piece of copper wire, which serves to connect it with the object to be electrotyped, c. Thus a species of Daniell-cell is formed, in which the zinc, dissolving in the acid liquid of 'the porous cell, deposits copper upon the conductor in the outer jar ; and crystals of copper sulphate should be suspended in the liquid at the upper portion of the outer cell, to replace the metal deposited SINGLE-CELL PROCESS. 127 from the solution upon the negative plate, just as they are in the ordinary battery-cell. Several objects may be coated simultaneously without detri- ment to the working of the cell ; all must, of course, be attached to the zinc, and they may be suspended around the central zinc plate, as indicated in fig. 75 ; the arrangement here figured on a small scale may be made of any required size by substituting wooden vats for the glass containing-vessel, and using porous cells and zinc plates of corresponding dimensions. In all the methods of deposition which we have been considering, one face only of the object is turned towards the zinc, and that face alone will receive a deposit of copper ; this is suitable enough when it is only required to produce an electrotype from a coin, the two sides of which are separately FlG 7 5. -Single-cell depositing treated ; but when an object is to apparatus for two objects. be completely covered with copper, prior to receiving a coating of a different metal, some such arrange- ment as that sketched in plan in fig. 76 is to be recommended. The object is suspended in the centre of the tub containing the copper solution from two cross-rods which rest on a circular wire connecting all the zincs in their separate porous cells, these being arranged around the circumference of the containing-vessel. In this manner the object to be coppered is com- pletely surrounded with zincs, and the .de- position proceeds with equal regularity on all portions. Porous diaphragms may be made of parchment-paper or of plaster of Paris, but are less satisfactory in use, and should only be adopted as a temporary substitute for the un- glazed earthenware cells upon emergency. ment fbr eSo- The sin le cel1 would seldom be used in typing all surfaces practice when a separate battery-plant could at once. be obtained, because it is more clumsy in its arrangements, the process is less under con- trol, and the solution gradually becomes exhausted of copper unless well tended. DEPOSITION BY BATTERY; OR SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS. The principle 'of this process has already been fully explained ; a current of electricity is passed from a copper plate (anode) to the object which is to be coated (cathode), both being immersed in a solution containing copper ; a quantity of copper, depending 128 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. entirely on the strength of the current, is thus dissolved from the anode, and an equal amount is deposited upon the cathode. Such details as strength of current, duration of process, com- position of bath, and disposition of plant must be determined by the character of the work under treatment. In the remainder of the chapter it is proposed to treat first of the electro-deposition of copper generally, then as applied to the covering of iron, brass, or other metals for protective, ornamental, or other purposes ; while the electrotyping of printers' plates and art- electrotypy will be dealt with in a separate chapter. The Battery. The battery employed is very frequently that of Smee, which is a favourite with printers' electrotypers ; the Daniell and bichromate, or modifications of them, are, however, also largely used. For the acid copper-baths a comparatively weak current of low electro-motive force is required, and any attempt to hasten the deposit by increasing the battery-power will result in defeat, owing to the production of brittle and crystalline or spongy copper. The alkaline bath requires a higher electro-motive force, such as would be provided by two, or even three, Bunsen- or bichromate-cells in series ; but the volume of current must not be excessive, on account of the lower solubility of the anodes in the solution, which would lead to a portion of the ions deposited at the anode escaping with- out combining with copper, and this in turn would result in a lower rate of solution than of deposition, and so to a gradual impoverishing of the liquid. The number of cells to be used must depend upon the quantity of the work ; with the acid copper-solution they will all be arranged in parallel and should be increased in number as the area of cathode surface is multi- plied. A dynamo may, with great advantage, be substituted for the battery, but it must have a very low electro-motive force, and must, of course, be selected to suit this class of work. The Solutions. For coating metals which are less electro- positive than copper, and for the production of electrotype-plates, a simple solution of 1J pounds of copper sulphate and \ pound of concentrated sulphuric acid in each gallon of water, will be found to give excellent results with a current of about 1 ampere per square decimetre ( = 0*064 ampere per sq. in., or 9'3 amperes per sq. ft.) of cathode surface. The bath should be made up by placing the weighed quantity of crystallised copper salt in a suitable vessel, and pouring upon it about four or five pints of boiling distilled or rain water, and stirring until the crystals have quite dissolved. If the solution be not now perfectly clear, owing to the presence of insoluble impurities in the copper sulphate, it must be filtered by passing it through a cone of blotting-paper fitted into a glass funnel (see p. 52), which will remove all mechanical impurities. The remainder of THE SOLUTIONS. 129 the water, necessary to make up the solution to the volume of one gallon, is now added cold ; and when the mixture is thoroughly cool, the sulphuric acid is cautiously added in a gentle stream, while the liquid is briskly stirred with a glass rod, or if glass be not at hand, with a clean wooden stick or a length of copper rod. Iron must on no account be used, nor may iron or zinc contain- ing-vessels be employed to hold copper solutions, because these metals deposit a portion of the copper and contaminate the liquid by passing into solution themselves. Iron vessels, protected in- ternally by a sound coating of enamel, may, of course, be used, but glass, glazed stoneware, or even wood is preferable, unless the enamel is frequently examined, to ensure that the iron is nowhere exposed to the solution. For treating metals such as zinc and iron which, being more electro-positive than copper, would take a non-adhesive deposit in the acid solution we have just described, recourse must be had to a special bath. In the following table are given the percentage compositions of a number of different copper solutions which have been advocated by various authorities. It will be seen that the majority of these take advantage of the solubility of copper cyanide in the solution of potassium cyanide, while the remainder, for the most part, use copper oxide dissolved in alkaline liquids containing salts of tartaric acid. The chief variations are due to the substitution of copper acetate or of verdigris for the sulphate, and of the single tartrate of potash or soda for the double tartrate (of the two metals together), and in the addition of varying pro- portions of other substances which play a minor part in the action of the bath. Of all these liquids, the bath of Roseleur is, perhaps, the most generally useful, as it is equally applicable to all metals, and may be worked at any desired temperature. It is best prepared by working up 3J avoirdupois oz. of copper acetate into a thick paste with a little water; then an equal weight of sodium carbonate crystals is added, with about 1J pints of water, and the whole is well stirred for a few minutes. An exchange thus takes place between the sodium carbonate and the copper acetate, with the result that the water contains copper carbonate in suspension and the sodium acetate in solution ; 3J oz. of sodium bisulphite are now added in a second 1| pints of water; and finally the remaining 5 pints of water, containing 3J oz. of potassium cyanide, are introduced. The pale yellow-coloured precipitate produced on the addition of the bisulphite will be gradually dissolved on stirring with the cyanide, and should completely disappear after a few minutes, leaving a practically colourless solution. Should it not be so, a little more of the potassium cyanide must be added by degrees, until decolorisation is perfect. Failure in the first case is probably due to the use of more than usually impure potassium cyanide. If necessary, the 9 130 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COPPER. Special Method of Preparation. CO --.XtA-Sui M^w" 2t2 * -' S ?i222 |"s2s ::i * .2"^ol. Srffi* 0-2^ 3 S/gJflfl^'ii ^-S .|afi| a" o 8*irrjggl .2^-s-= rt g o-c -S -TS"^*^ I H ^ c^^ g ?. ^o 2 ^>^g'?2S2 ^o^?^^^-'^^ S"" S S"*S ^'^^ B B S wwl1 Pure Water. || || 1 || || Cupro-Cupric Sulphite. : : : : : : :J :::::: : : : : Sulphuric Acid. g : ::::::::::: : : : : Q Sodium-Potassium Tartrate. : : :::::::::::: : : : S I Potassium Car- bonate. S Sodium Carbonate. : : : : : S s :5S : : : : ^ ^ : ^ Caustic Soda -o a Ammonia (-880). GO CO -(M .Tt<(MCOOg fa 53 ** 25 Sodium Bisulphite. : : ::::" ^SS 00 S "* : : S S : Q j. Q 1 V"4- . IM '00 x Potassium Cyanide. 1 O ^O r ^ OO -shaped toggle- joints, T T, which are pivoted at their centre and held by the framework, beneath at F F, and attached to the plate at D D, 160 EL'ECTROTYPING. the result of the pressure being that the >-shaped jointed bars tend to straighten, and being constrained from moving at their lower ends, thrust the plate carrying the mould with great force upwards against the cover, and in so doing press the face of the type into the wax. The pressure must be gradually, steadily, and evenly applied, until, for large surfaces, it may amount in the aggregate to several tons. Excessive pressure renders it almost impossible to separate the forme from the wax without damaging the latter, whilst an insufficient pressure does not give the depth necessary for printing to prevent the inking of the paper in the spaces FIG. 86. Hoe's toggle-press. between the letters ; the mean between the two pressures is soon learnt by experience, and may be judged with tolerable accuracy by the force applied on the hand-wheel or pump of the press. When the pressure is released and the press opened, the surfaces of mould and type must be separated by inserting bent screw-drivers gently between them at either end, and applying slight leverage until they are almost disengaged ; after similar assistance, applied if necessary at the sides also, and when the forme is quite free of the matrix, the latter is removed by lifting it vertically upwards ; it must be inspected to ensure that it is perfectly sound in every part. Trimming the )jVax Impression. All the wax which has been forced up around the sides or into deep spaces must now be TRIMMING THE WAX IMPRESSION. 161 carefully pared away with a sharp knife, and other spaces, the levels of which are so dangerously near to that of the type face that there is danger of their printing off with the type when they have been electrotyped, are filled up by means of a heated knife (fig. 87) or a building-tool (fig. 88). These tools are heated to a temperature a little above the boiling-point of water, so that a fragment of wax placed against them melts, and passing down to the point of the tool, may be run on to any de- sired point. This is a criti- cal operation, which requires much care and no little skill FIG. 87. Building-knife, to accomplish satisfactorily. Black-leading the Impression. The surface must now be most completely black-leaded. This is done by sprinkling a quantity of the finest plumbago over the whole, and then gently stippling and beating it into the wax by means of goats'-hair brushes. The great volume of black dust produced is very unpleasant, and many operators use black-leading machines, which not only prevent the scattering of dust, and consequent loss of valuable material, but effect a more certain covering of the matrix, which will be recognised as a matter of vital importance when it is remembered that a small area of surface insufficiently coated will give rise to a flaw in the electrotype plate, while even a speck will produce a pin-hole. The black-leading machine (fig. 89) is a large rectangular frame with a box beneath, a cover over the whole, and a trellis-table to support the wax matrix ; a reciprocat- ing motion is imparted to the table by a hand-wheel placed outside the case, but connected with the necessary mechanism within ; and this serves also to produce a vertical reciprocating or dabbing motion to a brush which extends across the whole table at its centre. On sprink- ling the mould with a fair supply of plumbago, placing it face upwards on the table, and actuating the hand-wheel, the wax cast will be drawn to and fro beneath the moving brush, which will force the plumbago into every interstice ; the excess of black-lead falls into the box, while the cover prevents the escape of dust into the air. The cover may be made of glass, so that the progress of the operation may be watched, as far as the dust will permit; occasionally even the hand-brushing is conducted under a shade, but this is not altogether satisfactory, as the operator is somewhat cramped in his position, and, therefore, less able to ensure thorough work. 11 FIG. 88. Building-tools. 162 ELECTROTYPING. The silvered or gilt plumbago, the tin-powder or the precipi- tated copper process for metallising the mould, may be used here if desired. Any system which necessitates the use of phosphorus is to be avoided, because this element may render the copper superficially brittle, and this defect is fatal to work that has to withstand the wear of the printing-press. When the mould is thus rendered superficially a conductor of electricity, every portion which is not required to receive a coating of copper for example, the back of the frame and the edges of the wax is painted over with melted wax by means of a soft brush. FIG. 89. Hoe's black-leading machine. Making Electrical Contact. It is now ready for the electro- depositing process. Electrical connection must first be arranged for by embedding a framework of warm copper wire around the wax edge of the mould, then black-leading the surface of the wire to ensure good contact with the plumbago coating upon the wax ; and attaching the end of the wire itself to the cathode-rod of the bath. Sometimes the end of the wire only is embedded, but then the depositing action of the current has to spread itself over the whole of the plumbago surface from one point ; whereas, by using the frame, it starts simultaneously from the whole circum- ference and gradually covers the surface towards the centre. When the electric contact gripper is used no further trouble need be taken. The smaller cavities in the wax would remain filled with air if plunged at once into the copper- vat, especially as the plumbago MAKING ELECTRICAL CONTACT. 163 has a somewhat repellent action upon water until it is once wetted; and as any air space of this kind prevents deposition locally by destroying contact between the wax and the solution, the mould is finally prepared for the bath by placing it in a tray and flowing an ounce or two of spirits of wine over it, to facilitate the wetting of the plumbago, then filling the tray to a depth of about 3 inches with water, and directing a high- pressure jet of water upon the surface from a rose held at a height of a few inches above the surface. After washing in this way for a minute or two, the surface should be inspected in various lights while still under water ; any air-bells yet adhering to the surface of the wax are thus at once seen, and the washing must be continued until they have disappeared. Depositing the Copper. The tray of wax is at once trans- ferred to the acid copper-bath, in which it may be suspended after the manner recommended for steel-engravings. It is advisable to increase the electro-motive force of the current employed beyond the normal at first, in order to force the copper deposit over the comparatively weak-conducting surface afforded by the plumbago. Copper should be deposited immedi- ately on the exposed metallic surfaces of the conducting wire, and should gradually spread from this until the whole surface is covered, when the potential of the current should again be reduced; the metal should then continue to precipitate evenly over the entire plate until it has attained to a thickness of the j-J-Q- up to the ^- of an inch, which is generally adequate. Progress is tested as in depositing upon metallic plates, by gently lifting one corner with a penknife ; from four to fifteen hours usually suffice. When sufficient copper has been deposited, the frame is removed, rinsed with water, rested upon a level or slightly-sloping board, and suddenly flooded with hot water on the back of the newly-deposited metal ; this immediately releases the latter from the wax so that it may be detached at once (every precaution being taken against bending it) and examined by holding it up to the light. If many holes be visible the plate should be discarded ; if only a few, and these small ones, they may be made good in the next process. The wax matrix can rarely, if ever, be safely used a second time. These electrotype- plates will be subsequently strengthened by 'backing -metal,' hence they need not be so strong intrinsically as those which have to bear the strain of the press unsupported ; and, therefore, a more intense current may be used than is permissible for example, in the reproduction of engraved plates ; but on no account must the current be so intense that hydrogen is deposited with the copper, for not only is the metal itself weak (even if it be coherent at all) under these circumstances, but the clinging of the bubbles of gas to the work is certain to produce pin-holes in the plate. With a 20 per cent, solution of copper sulphate, 164 ELECTROTYPING. slightly acidified and constantly agitated, a current of 0'2 to 0*225 ampere per square inch (3 or 3*5 amperes per square deci- metre) is quite the maximum that should be adopted. For work which will be carefully used a thin deposit may suffice, such as might be deposited by O13 to (H6 ampere per square inch (2 or 2 '5 amperes per square decimetre) in three or four hours; but for plates which may have to withstand rough treatment or long wear, fifteen or twenty hours may be given. Backing the Copper Sheet. After examination, the trace of wax which adheres to the copper is removed by a rinsing with caustic potash solution, followed by a thorough washing with water. The next operation is to protect the thin shell with a strengthening metal. The back of the copper sheet is painted over with a solution of zinc chloride containing a little sal- ammoniac (ammonium chloride) or borax; it is then rested on an iron tray which is suspended in contact with the surface of melted backing-metal. Granulated tin-lead alloy or foil con- taining 50 per cent, of each of these metals is then placed upon the copper sheet, and the heat is continued until the white metal has just melted not higher, lest the copper become oxidised. The tray is now removed to a level place and a small ladle full of backing-metal, which has been well skimmed, is slowly poured over the surface, commencing at one corner, until a depth of about one-eighth of an inch is attained. It is then allowed to cool. The backing-metal is an alloy of 91 per cent, of lead, 5 of antimony, and 4 of tin (by weight) ; it should not be overheated a temperature of about 600 F. is suitable. A rough practical test is to dip a scrap of white paper into the molten bath, when it should become only just discoloured, any stronger signs of scorching showing that the temperature is too high. The object of the preliminary coating with tin and lead is to ensure a sound union between the copper and the backing-metal, such as could not otherwise be guaranteed. After subdividing with a circular saw, if necessary by reason of the treatment of separate blocks or pages upon the same plate, the copper is examined with a steel straight-edge, and if not truly level, the positions of defective portions are marked on the back : it is then straightened by gentle blows with a polished hammer, taking every care that the face be not damaged. After obtain- ing a plane surface, the excess of backing-metal is shaved off in a specially constructed lathe or hand shaving-machine ; it is then trimmed and again tested with the straight-edge ; irregularities are again rectified, and it is finally reduced to exactly the required thickness (usually that of a small pica) by a hand planing-machine ; after finally bevelling at the edges it is mounted on wood, type high. Any backing-metal which has found its way to the surface through pin-holes in the copper may generally be removed, BACKING THE COPPER SHEET. 165 unless the soldering-fluid has also penetrated, and so caused the two clean metallic surfaces to unite. Unevennesses and defects of this character must be set right by a competent workman with a knowledge of engraving, to whom the final examination of the finished plate should be entrusted. Gutta-percha composition-moulds from type-formes are treated in the same manner as wax-impressions. WOOD-BLOCKS. Wood-blocks, like typographical matter, may be copied by wax ; but, since they are liable to be damaged by extreme pressure, it is safer to mould them in gutta- percha rendered plastic by heat, or by pouring the melted gutta-percha and lard mixture over them as described on pp. 144, 145; then, after rendering them conductive, they are electro- typed, trimmed, backed, planed, and mounted in the same way as those produced from wax- matrices. ART ELECTROTYPING. In this group may be arranged the reproduc- tion of medals, medallions, busts, and statues, or objects of vegetable and animal origin and the like. Among the principal points to be observed are the choice of a suitable moulding- material, and the carrying out of the casting on the one hand, and the arrangement of the anodes in the bath on the other. FIG. 90. Copper trays. MOULDING. Medals. Medals, coins (or medallions if metallic) may be coated directly with copper after the manner of copying engraved steel-plates, the copper-matrix then being used to electrotype upon, provided that they are not in any degree undercut. Only one side can be treated at a time, and the back must be protected by a stopping-off varnish, while the face is brushed over with the solution of wax in turpentine, already described, to prevent adhesion. If possible, the connecting wire should be soldered lightly to the rim of the medal ; but as this is rarely allowable, the object may be slung in a wire loop, or it may be placed in a copper tray as described by Urquhart, and depicted in fig. 90 ; these trays are made of thin sheet copper painted on the outside with Japan black to prevent local deposition, but left bright inside to make connection with the medal ; they are supported in the bath by the hook shown above, the medal being merely 166 ELECTROT YPING. fitted into the bottom of the tray. They may be made of various sizes to take any coin or medal of which a copy may be required. When the object is slung from a wire loop, its position must be shifted from time to time to prevent the formation of wire-marks. Medallions made of a nonconducting material must be made conductive by plumbago or thin metal 'leaf,' a process which is rarely admissible. It is usually safer, in any case, to prepare a mould from the medal in preference to taking an electrotype-matrix. To this end the medal is rubbed lightly over with plumbago by means of a brush to which a circular movement is given ; it is then placed upon a flat surface, preferably protected on the under side by a disc of chamois leather, if there be designs on both sides and the ' relief ' of the lower one is nearly as high as its surrounding rim; it is then moulded with plastic gutta-percha or with the fluid composition, as explained in the section dealing with moulding materials. Either of these methods can be recommended, but any of the other materials described in the beginning of this chapter may be employed as there directed. The mould is then rendered conductive with plumbago or metal and is ready to be electrotyped, the methods of doing which have been already dealt with in full. Busts and Statues. The moulding may be first effected in the elastic composition (see p. 148) by placing the object, slightly oiled on the surface, if permissible, within a box with tapering sides slightly greased, and gently pouring in the warm liquefied mixture, until the object is covered and the box completely filled, taking care that no air-bells form upon the surface of the former during the operation. The whole is now allowed to stand in a cool place until solidification is complete, when the box is removed, and the composition is cut through to the statue or bust from top to bottom, with the aid of a sharp knife, along a line previously determined by the shape of the object to be the most convenient. Being elastic, the mould may now be opened out and withdrawn from the object, even if it be some- what sharply undercut ; once removed, it returns to its original shape by virtue of its elasticity. The interior cavity, which, of course, has taken the form of the moulded object, may be hardened and waterproofed as above described, and then coated with a conductive film and subjected to electrolysis; but, owing to the difficulty in rendering it completely water-resisting, and to the fact that wherever liquid may penetrate the mould will swell out of shape, it is not advisable to adopt this plan. It is better to prepare a special wax-composition by melting together a mixture of bees'-wax, rosin, and Russian tallow, in the propor- tions of 50 : 40 : 10 respectively, arid pouring this, just at the moment before it sets, into the hollow space within the elastic mould, which should be re-closed for the time in its original THE MOULDING OF STATUARY. 167 containing-box ; the wax-mixture must not be too hot, or the two compositions will unite and the whole operation will be ruined. When the wax has solidified throughout, the mould is stripped from it, and an exact wax-reproduction 6f the original bust should result. This in turn is placed in a suitable box, and the space around is filled with a cream of plaster of Paris, which must be allowed to harden; it is then removed from the box, dried and heated over a trough, in an oven or stove, to a temperature sufficient to melt the composition from the interior : the side of the plaster block, which had been in contact with the bottom of the box, and upon the surface of which the base of the wax-object is visible, is, of course, placed downwards, so that as the wax melts it runs into the tray prepared for its reception. A small proportion of the wax is absorbed by the plaster, and thus renders it non-absorbent. The interior of the cavity in the plaster is now rendered conductive by black-leading or metallisa- tion, and is ready for the electrolytic process. When, however, the whole plaster-mould is to be immersed in the vat, the outside must also be waterproofed by painting it with wax and subse- quently applying heat ; and it is desirable also in this case to cut a small aperture through the plaster at the highest part of the object (the top of the head in the case of a bust) so that a con- stant circulation of the electrolyte may be effected during the time of deposition ; this channel also must be made impervious to water. A similar but shortened process is applicable to the copying of models moulded in wax, if the original may be destroyed the operation is taken up at the second stage of the above cycle, the plaster being poured around the object at once, leaving only an opening at a convenient point, through which the composition may be melted out, and the copper solution and anode intro- duced. When the original wax-model may not be sacrificed, the longer process of taking a first impression in elastic com- position must be resorted to, but the fracture of projecting portions of the brittle wax must be carefully guarded against. Other systems of moulding are also in vogue. Lenoir's method for reproducing statues in a manner approaches in principle to that of the foundry. He moulds the figure in gutta-percha in a sufficient number of different parts, the sections being so disposed and marked that when united together they form a complete mould of the object ; the different internal surfaces are black-leaded and then fitted around a skeleton-anode of wire ; a convenient number of apertures are made above and below to afford communication between the exterior and interior of the mould, for connecting the anodes with the battery, and for the circulation of the solution ; and the arrangement is ready for electrolysis. A knowledge of the moulder's art is very valuable, if not indispensable, in determining the most suitable method of dividing up the surface of the statue into sections. 168 ELECTROTYPING. Large statues moulded in plaster have been copied by render- ing them impermeable to liquid, coating the whole exterior with plumbago, and then immersing them as cathodes in an acid copper sulphate bath, until a thickness of about one-sixteenth of an inch of copper has been deposited. They are then cut through at suitable points, where the marks of the joins will be least conspicuous on the finished reproduction, and the plaster being completely removed, the outside is joined to connecting wires and covered with stopping-out varnish, and the inside is rendered dirty by the turpentine solution of wax, or by painting with dilute ammonium sulphide, which gives a superficial tarnish of copper sulphide; the excess of the ammonium sulphide must be washed away, and copper is then deposited upon the different sections of the copper matrix individually ; when a thickness of copper of at least one-sixth of an inch, but preferably a quarter or even a third of an inch, has been acquired, the thin copper mould is stripped away, and the separate portions of the electro- typed statue are mechanically finished off and fitted together to form the complete figure. The mould having been prepared and rendered conductive by any of these processes, it is finally arranged to receive the de- posit of copper ; the main point now to be observed is that the anode shall be as nearly as possible equidistant from every part of the cathode-surface. If this be not attended to for example, in electrotyping statue-moulds the chief recesses in the mould will receive the thinnest deposit of metal, whereas they will afterwards be subjected to the greatest wear, being the most prominent portions of the finished surface, and should, therefore, by preference have increased rather than diminished thickness. This matter needs careful consideration, and the ingenuity of the workmen may often be taxed to find the best possible arrange- ment. For shallow-cut metals or plane surfaces with no design in high relief, a flat anode placed at some little distance may suffice ; for reasons fully given on p. 89 the electrodes must not be allowed to approximate too closely. But for surfaces which are raised at any point, and which, therefore, produce deeply-cut moulds, the anode-surface should be dished out into an approxi- mate representation of the mean lines of the original object. It may then be placed nearer to the cathode, and thus impose less resistance in the circuit. But in dealing with statue-moulds, the problem is more difficult. Lenoir meets it by using an anode of thin platinum wire, bent backwards and forwards into a frame- work or skeleton of the figure of course, of smaller size, so that there shall be no danger of contact with the plumbagoed mould. The mould is then built up around this (vide supra), and the whole of the cavity is filled with the copper-solution ; the metal is deposited, and the wire-skeleton is finally removed by with- drawal through one of the cavities in the plaster. Plante used a THE TREATMENT OF STATUARY. 169 similar skeleton composed of perforated lead sheet, fashioned roughly into the required shape, and this, being comparatively inexpensive, was left within the statue when the process was finished. When the statue is moulded in sections, there is, of course, less difficulty in adapting a suitable anode. The lead and platinum anodes do not dissolve in the solution ; the strength of the latter must be kept up by adding crystals of copper sulphate from time to time, as the copper which it contains initially becomes exhausted. It is mainly for this reason that apertures must be provided in the mould-walls for the circulation of the liquid, which may be maintained by placing a muslin bag or copper-wire box, containing crystals of copper sulphate, above the head-aperture, as this produces a gradual downward flow of heavy liquid containing fresh supplies of copper salt. Another result of using insoluble anodes is that a current with higher electro-motive force is necessary to effect the deposition (see p. 29) ; and, again, when platinum is used, oxygen gas is evolved, and for this reason the head-aperture must be at the very highest point to allow the gas to escape, otherwise an accumulation of gas forms at the summit of the figure, so that the mould will not be in contact with the solution, and from that time can there receive no further deposit of metal. The lead anode, especially at first, combines with and thus absorbs a large proportion of the oxygen to form lead peroxide; and, in pro- portion as this is formed, less electro-motive force is required, because the heat of the lead undergoing oxidation is a substitute for that of the copper dissolving at the anode in ordinary electro- typy. When copper anodes are used it is more than ever of im- portance that they should be of the purest electrotype-copper, to prevent the formation of insoluble mud, which would deposit upon the interior surfaces of statue-moulds, and give rise to much inconvenience Care is needed to ensure that the anodes at no time short- circuit the current, and stop the process by coming in contact with the cathodes. This is especially liable to happen in electro- typing statues or busts, because the slightest movement may alter the relative positions of the surfaces inside the moulds, and it is impossible to watch the progress of the deposition. Lenoir has suggested that the outside wires of his platinum skeleton should be encircled by an extended spiral of india-rubber filament, which is an insulator ; but, although for a time this would be successful, it is probable that by the gradual growth of the deposit the precipitated copper might creep up to the anode and effect contact at some point at which it happened originally to approach the cathode too nearly. Such short-cir- cuiting would, of course, be fatal to the deposition upon all the moulds which might happen to be in the same circuit ; Lenoir, therefore, introduced into the circuit of each individual mould 170 ELECTROTYPING. a short length of thin iron wire sufficient to carry the com- paratively small current required for the electrolysis, but which would heat, and almost immediately fuse, by reason of its high electrical resistance, if subjected to the much stronger current entailed by a short circuit. In this way the iron acts as a safety- valve, automatically breaking the circuit in the branch in which the accident has occurred, and restoring it to the remaining electrotypes in the bath. It is, in fact, what is known as a fusible cut-out, such as are now usually made of lead foil or wire for electric-lighting circuits. The more modern form would answer the same purpose, being made to melt and break the circuit as soon as it is subjected to an undue intensity of current, the thickness of the lead being determined by the strength of the current which is to call it into use. For this class of work the ammeter should always be em- ployed ; it would not only indicate short-circuiting as soon as it occurred by registering the greatly-increased current flowing in the circuit, but it would also show whether the process was taking its normal course. Any undue approach of the electrodes would diminish the resistance and give rise to an increased current, while any break or defect in the wires would be shown by the diminished ampereage recorded by the instrument. It, alone, affords an opportunity of judging of the progress of the work within a closed mould. Having decided upon the best arrangement of anodes, the method of ensuring the most rapid covering of the mould demands attention. When the matrix or mould is of metal, no difficulty arises, because of its high conductivity; it is only necessary to connect any part of the mould with the generator to ensure an immediate deposition over the whole surface exposed. But when connection is made between the battery and cathode at only one point in a large non-conductive mould, a long time must elapse before the deposit will spread to the more distant portions of the plumbagoed surfaces ; but the deposit is more uniform, and the result, therefore, more satisfactory, in proportion to the rapidity with which the mould is initially covered with copper. In order to convey the current to several parts of the mould at once, light guiding-wires may sometimes be temporarily arranged so that their points rest lightly on the plumbagoed surface ; these act as so many nuclei or starting-points for the deposit, and, as soon as the copper has spread from them arid covered the inter- vening surfaces, they are no longer required and may be removed. These guiding- wires are specially useful in carrying the deposit into the deeper or under-cut portions of the mould, into which it is often difficult to drive it at the outset, but which continue to receive a deposit when once they have been covered by a better conducting surface than the plumbago. The wires cannot be well arranged in the internal cavities required for reproducing busts THE USE OF GUIDING-WIRES. 171 and statues, as they are liable to make contact with, and to disturb the position of, the anodes. They may, however, be some- times passed permanently through the walls of the mould itself by adjusting them within the casting-box, so that their points rest very lightly upon raised portions of the wax-model (preferably at such points that they may not mar a flat surface on the finished figure by any mark indicative of their position). The several wires are collected into a bundle together outside the mould, and are then connected with the negative wire from the battery. The tip of the wire should be flush with the internal surface of the plaster or composition in the finished matrix, and, being black-leaded, will not adhere to the deposited metal. The deposit may often be coaxed into a refractory corner by using a supple- mentary anode of stout copper wire or thin sheet, which, being connected with the battery (positive pole), is held temporarily with its surface very close to, but not touching, the part to be covered ; thus the local resistance of the solution is much diminished and the deposit is readily started, and, when once formed, will continue to increase without difficulty. In all art-work of the description to which we have been latterly referring, the conductive film must be of the finest quality in order to transmit the current with the utmost rapidity from the points of original contact to the remainder of the surface. The silvered plumbago offers great advantages in this connection ; and if ordinary plumbago be employed, only the best description is permissible. The finished electrotype generally presents a dirty appearance, owing to the black-leaded surface with which it has been in con- tact ; it may, however, be cleaned by rubbing with turpentine or benzene, sometimes after a preliminary plunge into boiling oil. Reproducing Natural Objects. Animal or vegetable objects are often simply coated with a thin film of copper, and used in this condition for ornamental purposes, an additional deposit of gold or silver being added to that of the copper. To effect this, a conductive surface is first formed upon the object to be coated. Warm spirits of wine are shaken with crystals of silver nitrate until no more of the solid is dissolved. The object is then painted superficially with this solution, and placed under a glass bell-jar, or clock-shade, together with a saucer containing a few drops of a solution made by dissolving a small fragment of vitreous phos- phorus in an ounce of carbon bisulphide. The vapour of phos- phorus evolved reduces the silver nitrate to the metallic state, and thus covers the whole surface of the object with a thin but continuous conductive film of silver, and enables it to receive an electro-deposit of copper of any desired thickness by merely sus- pending it as the cathode in an acid copper-bath. The greatest care is required in using this solution of phosphorus ; it is liable to produce painful sores if it fall upon the skin of the operator and 172 ELECTRO! YPING. be not immediately washed off, and to cause spontaneous ignition, even after the lapse of a considerable time, if it evaporate in con- tact with organic fabrics. Instead of merely covering the object with a film of copper, it may be reproduced by taking a mould in suitable material, black- leading its internal surface, and electrotyping it in the manner of statues or busts. The copying of any insect or leaf becomes thus a question of moulding. Many other applications of electro-metallurgy in connection with copper are used, especially in connection with the multi- plication of drawings and designs : among processes of this kind that have been proposed may be mentioned Glyptography, which requires a flat copper plate to be either coated with two layers of composition, one black, the other white, or, preferably, to be itself rendered black by exposure to ammonium sulphide solution ; it is then coated with a white material. The required design is scratched through the wax until the black surface of the copper is visible ; when the drawing is complete which is readily seen, because the lines appear black upon a white ground the whole surface is coated with plumbago and electro- typed to a thickness of about the -^ of an inch. This is supported with backing-material, like an ordinary electrotype-block, and is ready for printing in the typographical printing-press, the lines of the drawing being, of course, in relief upon a flat surface in the finished plate. Stylography is somewhat similar as to the mechanical part of the process. The copper plate being covered with a mixture of 67 per cent, of shellac and 33 of stearine, with sufficient lamp- black to render it black, is varnished and sprinkled lightly with silver dust. The latter is then removed along the lines of the intended design until the black composition is seen beneath : the whole is then plumbagoed and electrolytically coated with copper. The lines are not sufficiently raised for ordinary type- printing ; a second plate must, therefore, be taken from the first, reproducing the etched lines of the original, and this is used for printing as from an engraved surface. Galvanography consists in building up a picture in coloured varnish, the gradation of light and shade being given by varying the thickness of this film. After black-leading, the surface is coppered, and, being cleaned with oil of turpentine, is used like the last as an engraved plate. It is obvious that any of the photo-mechanical printing pro- cesses of the present day, in which the printing surfaces in relief are obtained from photographic reproductions of any drawing or suitable object, may also be aided by the sister art of electro- typy : the electrolytic part of the process is practically the same in all, and does not differ from those already instanced, so that it is unnecessary to describe any of them in further detail. ELECTROLYTIC ETCHING. 173 Electrolytic Etching. By the reverse of these processes the same result is attained. The design is traced on the waxed surface of a copper plate, taking care that etching-tools lay bare the metal in all the lines. The plate is now introduced into the copper-vat in connection with the anode wire instead of the cathode, and the copper dissolves at all places where it is exposed to the action of the solution ; but since the whole plate is in- sulated with the exception of the lines of the etching, it follows that along these only the copper is attacked. The lines may thus be bitten-in to any required depth ; the depth may be determined at the will of the operator by adjusting the distance between the electrodes, the points of nearest approach being those which receive the deepest cut. The resulting plate is used precisely as an ordinary etched copper plate ; and, indeed, it is such, the processes employed to produce them being identical except in the method of biting-in the lines. To obtain anything but crude results, however, by these processes demands much experience and attention, as it is frequently necessary to stop-out some of the finer lines to prevent further action at different periods of the process, and practice and artistic skill alone can guide the operator in this matter. An ingenious process for obtaining nature-prints of leaves and similar bodies has sometimes been used. The leaf is placed between two plates, one of polished steel, the other of soft lead, and is then passed between rollers which exert a considerable pressure. The leaf thus imparts an exact impression of itself, and of all its veins and markings, to the surface of the lead; and this impression may be electrotyped and the produced copper plate used for printing in the ordinary way. The subject of reducing copper from its ores and refining the crude metal will be dealt with in Chapter XV. Manufacture of Reflectors. The increasing use of powerful electric search-lights for naval and military purposes has led to a demand for a substitute for the heavy, costly and frangible glass lenses hitherto employed. The substitute patented by Cowper- Coles J is interesting, not only as an example of a special process of copper deposition, but as illustrating a successful application of electro-metallurgy in a new field. Instead of being refracted through a glass lens, the rays of light are rendered parallel by reflection from an accurately formed parabolic reflector. To accomplish this, a convex glass matrix is prepared of such shape that its convexity would exactly fit into the concavity of the reflector required. This matrix may be made mathemati- cally true by grinding and polishing, and is ready to serve as the mould for a whole series of reflectors. It is first coated with silver by immersion for half an hour, face downwards, in a silver- ing liquid, made up of equal quantities of a 0'5 per cent, solution 1 Journ. Inst. of Electrical Engineers^ 1898, vol. xxvii. p. 99. 174 ELECTROTYPING. of silver nitrate, a 0*5 per cent, solution of caustic potash, and a 0*25 per cent, solution of glucose. The film of silver is then burnished with cotton-wool and chemically precipitated peroxide of iron, and the mould, which is handled by means of a ' sucker ' attached to the reverse side, is clamped to a metal ring, through which connection is made between the silver film and the cathode wires. The ring is supported horizontally by a rotating frame, so that the mould is plunged face downwards in the electrolytic tank containing an acid copper-sulphate bath (copper-sulphate 13, sulphuric acid 3, water 84. per cent.) and suitable anodes. The frame is so attached to its support that the mould may be temporarily tilted, in order that the periphery of the silver shall be immersed before the centre portion. Here it is rotated at first with an applied E.M.F. of 9 volts, and then with a current-density of 19 amperes per square foot, until the silver is well covered with a layer of conducting copper. The edges of the mould are then stopped off by contact with a ring, which prevents deposition on the copper beyond it, and so gives a sharply-defined border to the reflector. When the layer of copper is sufficiently thick, the mould with the reflector adhering to it is removed from the bath, and placed in cold water, the temperature of which is gradually raised to 120 F., whereupon the difference in the expansion causes the separation of the copper reflector, which is then electro-plated on the face with palladium for use, leaving the mould ready for a fresh coating of silver and popper. Palladium chloride is used for the electro- lyte ; for the deposition a carbon plate, with the edge shaped to the same curvature as the mirror, is used as an anode, and this is oscillated during the process so as to ensure even deposition and agitation of the electrolyte. CHAPTER IX. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OP SILVER. THE electro-plating of articles with silver was one of the earliest applications of electrolysis, because it produced a material analogous to, but cheaper than, the older 'silver-plate,' in which the base metal was covered mechanically with a layer of silver ; and even at the present day, when electrolysis is used to obtain coatings of so many different metals for such varied pur- poses, the deposition of silver must, perhaps, take the foremost place, both in respect of universality of practice and value of results. DEPOSITION BY SIMPLE IMMERSION, OR WHITENING. Silver, as compared with most metals, is very electro-negative, and hence all the base metals are capable of exchanging places with it when dipped into a solution of one of its salts. This process is, however, used only to impart the thinnest possible wash of silver, more especially to small articles such as nails and hooks ; so thin, indeed, is the film that the name whitening is thoroughly descriptive of the process. It is clear that the coat of silver can be but of the thinnest, because, as soon as the metal is covered with the slightest covering of silver, it becomes pro- tected, partially at least, from further contact with the solution. There are two principal methods of silvering by simple im- mersion first, by dipping the article into a solution of silver, either hot or cold ; second, by rubbing a semi-solid paste of a silver compound over the surface of the object. For both pro- cesses the objects must be clean, and must present bright metallic surfaces to the action of the depositing compound. Formulae for making-up such silver mixtures are numerous ; those principally used are included in the following table, in which they are arranged under the respective class-headings of solutions and pastes. Immersion Solutions. It is obvious that since the deposition of the silver is due (and is also proportional) to the amount of the base-metal which dissolves from the object under treatment, the solution gradually becomes exhausted of the former and con- 175 176 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. S 1 5zs i Special Method of Preparation. Dissolve 1 in 14 and add to rest. Filter. Pour 2, in 100 of 17, into 3 in 900 of 17. Dissolve 5 and 9 in 17, boil, and addl. Add enough 17 to make paste. Prepare as required, a'nd apply with rag. Mix 1, 3, and 17, add enough 16 to make paste. Add enough 17 to make paste. * 5 i Water. 1 |s.| 1 || s.3! 1 1 S S Levigated Chalk. : : : : : : : : :g : : : M to Ammonium .0 i ^ Chloride. - CQ ta ! " Potassium g Binoxalate. ::: | : : : O . g Potas. Bicarbonate. : : : : : : : : : : : : : H ^ Potas. Carbonate. : : : i : : ^ """ Caustic Potash. : : : : : g : : : : : : : : CO Potassium Cyanide. g S :S : 3 : : = : 1 " : S Silver Nitrate. : S :S : -* : : :S : : M : H o ^ }z; Silver Chloride. ! -: : CQ S 11 ll 3 0> oS bo to .S -g .S * 1 h-H S 1 OOOSO r-j 0^ CO 2J IMMERSION SOLUTIONS. 177 taminated with the latter ; and if the articles are of copper or brass, as they most frequently are, the fact of the contamination, and in some degree its extent, are rendered apparent by the blue colour imparted to the solution by the dissolved copper. Most of the liquids are used hot, and a momentary dip suffices to effect the required purpose. One of the best is No. 3 (Roseleur's), prepared by making up into a paste 1 ounce of silver chloride with 4 pounds each of powdered potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar) and sodium chloride (common salt), then adding a proportion of this to boiling water, contained in a copper vessel, immediately before it is required for use. The articles, held in a copper sieve or porcelain colander, are plunged into the solution, where they become coated instantaneously ; but for the sake of security they should be stirred around with a piece of wood or with a porcelain or glass rod ; they may then be removed, thoroughly washed by rinsing in two or three vats of water, and dried in hot boxwood sawdust. As this bath works best when old, and consequently highly charged with copper, care must be taken that no pieces of iron or zinc or other very electro-positive metal be clinging to the goods, or a certain proportion of copper will be deposited with the silver, which will in consequence acquire a pinkish coloration. Cyanide solutions may be made to give a good whitening effect, as indeed may any of those specified in the above table. An interesting process of Roseleur's is not included in this table ; the liquid is prepared by slowly adding a solution of silver nitrate to one of sodium bisulphite, until the precipitate, which forms upon admixture, begins to dissolve but slowly in the solution on shak- ing. The copper or brass objects are dipped into the bath, cold, and immediately become covered with silver by simple exchange ; but after this, unlike the behaviour of other solutions, the film continues to increase in thickness, not, however, on account of any further solution of the base-metal, but owing to a chemical action inherent in the bath itself, which causes the deposition of the silver, not only on the metallic objects immersed, but even on the walls of the bath, on glass, or on any substance introduced. This is due to the ready decomposability of the silver salt em- ployed, and to the tendency of surphurous acid to absorb oxygen, which it does at the expense of a portion of the silver oxide, depositing an amount of silver corresponding to that of the oxygen used up. This reaction occurs but slowly in the cold, so that there is time for a gradual building up of the silver into a coherent and adhesive deposit. If the liquid be heated, the action becomes too rapid, and the quality of the coat suffers accordingly. Pastes. The use of pastes is especially applicable to the wash-silvering of comparatively large and flat surfaces, such as the dials of barometers, and for the application of local deposits, or even of preliminary protective films to bodies which are subse- quently to be plated with an electro-negative metal. The simplest 12 178 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. paste is that made by rubbing together 1 part of silver chloride with 2 or 3 parts of potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar) until they are in a condition of the finest powder, and then working the mixture into a creamy paste by the addition of water. Many operators vary these proportions, or add other ingredients, but the mixture, as it stands, will be found to give excellent results. Roseleur's paste for silvering lamp-reflectors (No. 12 on above list) is rubbed on to the surface with a wad of soft rag, allowed to dry in situ, and is then rapidly removed with a fresh piece of soft linen. In applying the pastes generally, a piece of soft cork or a pad of wash-leather may conveniently be employed. Many of the so- called * plate-restoring powders ' used for restoring a white colour to worn electro-plate, which shows the brass foundation in places, consists of one or other of these mixtures or of modifications of them. Occasionally plate-powders containing mercury are sold ; they are, however, fraudulent, for they purport to give a film of silver to the discoloured object, but instead impart one of the less expensive mercury, which is in every way to be condemned, for not only is the mercury itself objectionable, but it is gradually absorbed by the base-metal, leaving the surface dull, while re- peated applications cause the object to become brittle and useless. The thickness of silver on whitened goods is usually so infini- tesimal that they will not bear scratch-brushing or any of the ordinary methods of polishing ; but friction by contact with dry sawdust in a rotating barrel may be satisfactorily substituted. SINGLE-CELL PROCESS. This process is not largely used for silver-deposition, and is quite unsuitable to establishments where there is much work in hand. It may, however, be effected by using an ordinary cyanide plating-solution, containing a porous cell with a zinc rod or plate immersed in potassium cyanide solution, with the usual connec- tions between the zinc and the objects which are being coated in the outer cell. Steele prepared a solution for single-cell work by converting 1 part of silver into silver chloride, washing and dis- solving it in 60 parts of water, in which was also placed the mass resulting from the fusion of 6 parts of potassium ferro- cyanide with 3 of potassium carbonate. No porous cell was used ; the object to be plated was simply connected with a plate of zinc, and both together were plunged into the prepared solution. In a similar manner articles immersed in hot silver-baths have been sometimes treated by simply binding zinc wire around them, so that a greater thickness of deposit would be given than that impar- tible by simple immersion. The separate-current process may be said to be universally applied to electro-silvering, as the plant may be made of any size, and the process is under perfect control. SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS. 179 THE SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS. In working silver solutions with a battery or dynamo- electric machine, the solutions must be well watched, and the current prevented from becoming excessive, as a good fine-grained minutely-crystalline deposit can never be yielded with a high current-density. Resistance-coils should, therefore, be at hand, or some other suitable means of regulating the current under all conditions of the bath, and under all dispositions of the electrodes within it. The Battery. The Smee- or Daniell-cells are, perhaps, to be most recommended ; the former being arranged in groups of two in series, when more than one cell is employed, so that the electro- motive force may be twice that given by a single pair of the plates. A single Daniell-element gives an electro-motive force very suitable to the work (1 volt), and if several cells are used they should be placed in parallel. Some operators prefer the original copper-zinc cell, probably because its prime cost is less than that of Smee's, owing to the absence of platinised silver. It is, however, less effective, and becomes very badly polarised as soon as its action commences ; but, by using a number of couples and plates of large size, it is quite possible to obtain excellent results with it. If a dynamo be used, it should have a very low electro-motive force, because it is less convenient to arrange the silver-baths or the individual electrodes in each series-fashion, than it is in the electrotype-copper vats ; the current, moreover, must be under absolute control by the use of measuring-apparatus and resistance. The Solution. Most of the solutions used largely in practice have the double cyanide of silver and potassium for their basis ; and doubtless the solution of this body in a liquid containing an excess of potassium cyanide constitutes the simplest and best plating-bath for general work. The composition of the principal mixtures suggested is embodied in the following table. Silver-Baths. The silver-baths are generally prepared, as re- quired, by dissolving metallic silver in nitric acid, precipitating it with potassium cyanide, washing thoroughly, and dissolving it in excess of the potassium salt. Ten parts of pure silver yield 12 '4 parts of pure silver cyanide. The water and all the chemicals used in preparing the solutions must be pure, as the presence of much foreign matter acts injuriously upon the deposit; the potassium cyanide especially should be examined, as it frequently contains only 50 or 60 per cent, of the pure salt (see p. 386). For a like reason it is better to prepare the silver cyanide separately, and to wash it thoroughly, before mixing it with the remaining ingredients of the solution ; by simply adding potas- sium cyanide in excess to the nitrate or chloride of silver, a clear bath is prepared, but it contains, in addition to the silver cyanide, 180 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. Special Method of Preparation, etc. Dissolve 4 in 250 of 12 ; add 7, and then 10 in 750 of 12. Dissolve 4 in part of 12, 7 in rest of 12; mix. (Use 3 to 10 Smee-cells in series.) ( 3 to 10 ,, parallel.) Dissolve 4 in 500 of 12 ; and 7 in rest ; mix. Filter, if necessary. Dissolve 7 in 12, and 2 in mixture. | (Rogers Plating Co., U.S.A.) jfMeriteiis Plating Co., U.S.A.) Mix 6 in 12 ; add just sufficient 7 to dis- solve 6, and then slight excess. (Requires no quicking.) Dissolve 1 (freshly precipitated from 7 Ag.) in 11 ; add rest of ingredients. Dissolve 4 ; add 8 ; use weak current. Water. 8 | j Hill || | | || . . * Sodium CD Chloride. Sodium 10 EH Carbonate. & Potassium 5 Iodide. P3 Potassium c5 Cyanide % (95 %) S ; H O O if) 34 ,_( ud ,008 888' ^ fcfcji**^ =0 $y* Ss* $y* Silver S Carbonate. H Silver ^ jg? Oxide. -CO ' fc Silver 50 33 ^ Nitrate. IO rH CO 2 Silver S ill l|5 to pi's M| Cast-iron f| :|1:: :: ^ 5 : |S| : i|^| : 1 : .g .""T' . . . . . .""T'^r' . . Xl ^r^ . . . H h I ii, .' 'll =1 ?fc * "t^ " "s> "-S >*^ .P ? CS3 d o * m co i-- oo OJ O -H (M CO * 10 CO t^ 00 5 r-l rH rH r-l r-l rH I-H rH r-l ELECTRO-SILVERING BATHS. 181 a quantity of the potassium salt corresponding to the silver compound used, and this is generally objectionable. 1 Thus, for example, on adding potassium cyanide to silver chloride, the silver cyanide is formed which is required for plating, but with it is an equivalent of potassium chloride produced by exchange. AgCl + KCN = KCL + AgCN. Silver chloride. Potass, cyanide. Potass, chloride. Silver cyanide. Again, the proportion of potassium cyanide to silver in the bath, although variable between wide limits, is by no means an indeterminate quantity. Having produced the insoluble silver cyanide, as in the above equation, by the use of one equivalent of potassium cyanide, a second equivalent of the latter is necessary to form the double cyanide of silver and potassium, which alone is soluble in the bath ; and in addition to this an extra proportion of the potassium salt (free cyanide) must be employed to ensure the perfect solution of the anodes, for a reason which may be stated as follows : In passing the electric current through a solu- tion of silver-potassium cyanide KAg(CN) 2 , the double cyanide is broken up into the cation, K, and the anion, Ag(CN) 2 . The potassium is deposited at the cathode, but, by chemical exchange, displaces from the surrounding solution of the double cyanide an equivalent of silver (which deposits on the cathode) and forms potassium cyanide in the liquid [thus : KAg(CN) 2 + K = Ag + 2KCN]. Thus there is a concentration of potassium cyanide around the objects which are being plated. The silver travels in the anion, Ag(CN) 2 , to the anode, where the ion decom- poses into AgCN + ON, and the cyanogen (CN) set free attacks the silver anode to form another molecule of AgCN. Hence at the anode there is formed a double quantity of the insoluble compound AgCN. It is therefore necessary that a good excess of free potassium cyanide be present to dissolve the silver cyanide, and prevent incrustation on the anode. The following two equations show the requirement of the minimum two equivalents of potas- sium cyanide : 1. AgN0 3 + KCN = AgCN + KN0 3 (washed away). = KAg(CN) 2 . Thus 108 parts of silver, or 108 + 14 + 48 (AgN0 3 ) = 170 of silver nitrate, require 2(39 + 12 + 14)= 130 parts of potassium cyanide (two equivalents = 2 CKN) ; while 108 + 12 + 14 = 134 parts of the pure silver cyanide (AgCN) require one equivalent, or 39 + 12 + 14 = 65 parts of the potassium salt, to form the double compound. Thus 108 parts of silver require a minimum of 130 parts of potassium cyanide, and should have, in addition, at least 50 to 75 per cent, extra cyanide, supposing the latter to 1 Langbein states that experiments show the same results with AgCl as with AgCN. The resistance is less with AgCl, but the bath should be refreshed with AgCN to prevent thick solution and coarse deposit. 182 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. be pure \ when the commercial salt, containing (say) from 50 to 70 of pure KCN, is employed, the minimum would range from 180 to 250 parts, and the added quantity from 70 to 150. So also 134 parts of silver cyanide call for 65 of the pure potassium cyanide as the minimum allowance. But, although a certain amount of free cyanide is necessary, a great excess must be avoided, because it would dissolve the anode too freely and increase the strength of the bath, and, worse than that, would tend to produce a somewhat scaly and non-adhesive deposit upon the cathode. The condition of the bath in respect of free cyanide may be readily tested by withdrawing a little of the liquid in a glass vessel and adding to it a few drops of silver nitrate solution ; a precipitate is thus produced which should at once redissolve in the liquid. If it dissolve but slowly even on stirring, it is an in- dication of a deficiency of cyanide, and the time that elapses before it vanishes completely affords a rough gauge of the amount of free cyanide present. In practice the appearance of the anodes is itself indicative of the condition of the bath ; if they are covered with a black deposit during the passage of the current, there is insufficient cyanide present, while if they are quite bright and white, the cyanide is in excess. The best results are obtained when the anodes present a greyish appearance while the current passes, but immediately become white and brilliant when it ceases, showing a complete solution of the thin film upon the surface. A further precaution which may be taken as a check upon the work- ing of the bath is occasionally to weigh the electrodes separately both before and after the process ; the loss of weight shown by the anode at its second weighing should be just balanced by the gain upon the plated objects or cathodes. Any departure from this equilibrium indicates either an incorrect ratio of anode to cathode surface, or a wrong proportion of cyanide in the bath ; or, thirdly, an unsatisfactory adjustment of the one to the other. But if the surfaces of the electrodes are well arranged (see further on, under anodes), a loss of anode-weight unaccounted for by the increase in cathode-weight clearly points to an excess of cyanide in the bath, or vice versa. Such an abnormal action brings about an alteration in the character of the bath, and must be rectified by the addition of cyanide of silver or potassium, as the case may be. Another very useful test may be made by dipping a strip of bright copper into the bath ; if it become coated with silver by simple immersion, the liquid contains too much cyanide, and the deposit yielded by it will be bad, especially upon copper articles, or upon coppered objects. Baths are also liable to alteration by exposure to the air, gradually absorbing carbonic acid, which takes the place of an equivalent of hydrocyanic acid in the bath, so that a certain pro- portion of the cyanide is removed, and the electrical resistance ELECTRO- SILVERING BATHS. 183 of the solution is increased. Fresh cyanide must, therefore, be added from time to time, and these frequent additions, coupled with the gradual accumulation of other substances dissolved from impure anodes, or from the cathodes, give rise to a corre- sponding increase in the density of the solution. Accompanying the increased density is a greater sluggishness of the solution, and hence a greater tendency to separate into layers during electrolysis, the heavy silver-laden liquid from the anode sinking to the bottom of the vat and accumulating there, while the lighter potassium cyanide finds its way to the top. Thus the electrolytic action becomes irregular ; a greater quantity of silver is deposited upon the lower portions of the cathodes while the coating upon the upper part is not increased, but may even be dissolved, after the manner described on p. 90. A similar action is observed in working concentrated, and, therefore, sluggish baths, with an exceedingly weak current from a battery which has 'run down.' Under these circumstances the anode is immersed in a liquid saturated with silver, the cathode in one containing little silver but much free cyanide, and an opposing electro-motive force is thus set up which tends to re-dissolve the deposit. Nevertheless, a moderately (one or two years) old solution will be generally found to give a better deposit than one newly made up, provided that the ratio of free cyanide to silver be rightly maintained; hence a certain proportion of an old plating-liquid is commonly used in making-up a new bath. When this is impracticable, the effect of age may be imitated by boiling the liquid for two or three hours, or by the addition of a few drops of ammonia solution. The evils attending excessive concentration may be remedied by appropriate dilution, except when the extreme density is due to the accumulation of foreign matter; or, within certain limits, by maintaining the cathode- objects in gentle motion, which exposes changing surfaces to the liquid, and also prevents the separation of the latter into layers ; or, thirdly, by stirring the liquid well every night after work is over. Even a concentrated solution, however, may conduct well, and may be made to give a good deposit ; but a dilute bath has a lower conductivity and is, therefore, more tardy in action while the metal will have a characteristic dead-white lustre. The specific gravity of the solution should lie between 1*05 and 1*10, pure water being regarded as unity ; Gore lays down the limits between which a good deposit is attainable as 1*036 and 1*116. But the dissolved bodies are not the only impurities which find their way into the solution ; insoluble matter from the anodes and dust from the air gradually collect, and when the liquid is kept well stirred, remain in suspension in it, and, becoming entangled in the precipitating silver, produce an uneven deposit. It is, therefore, advisable to filter the solution through blotting-paper from time to time as required. 184 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. The worst enemy of the plating-solution is organic matter : little by little it accumulates, and, although exerting no pre- judicial influence in small quantities, it is fatal to successful work when a certain limit is reached. The cyanide solution, most unfortunately, is capable of readily dissolving many organic bodies, and the most jealous examination must be made of all objects which are to be introduced into it. Gutta-percha in any form is especially to be avoided \ moulds or stopping-out varnishes containing this body should, therefore, be excluded when silver- plating is to be effected in the cyanide bath. The cyanide solution is generally used cold ; for coating small articles, however, or objects made of iron, tin, zinc, or lead, upon which a film of copper has been first deposited, it is occasionally heated. The bath may be prepared electrolytically, although it is rarely so treated on a large scale, by dissolving \\ to 2 oz. of pure potassium cyanide in a gallon of distilled or rain water, and passing a current through it from a large weighed silver anode to a small silver or platinum cathode, the weight of which also should be known, until the excess of silver dissolved into the bath from the former over that deposited upon the latter shows the bath to be sufficiently charged with the precious metal. For this purpose the electrodes are removed from time to time, rinsed, dried, and weighed, until at last the desired strength of solution is reached. Here the large anode is used with a small cathode that the action of the current upon them respectively may be disproportionate ; it is required to add to the weight of silver in solution, so that the case is different from that of an electro-plating bath, in which the solution is to be maintained of uniform density, and which, there- fore, demands approximate equality of electrode-surfaces. There is no doubt that the cyanide solution possesses many advantages over other possible baths, and with ordinary care will give but little trouble. The main objection to its use is its highly poisonous character, which always involves risk to the operator, and which renders the atmosphere unwholesome, even in fairly- ventilated rooms. Many attempts have been made to substitute safer solutions, but in no case yet with sufficient success to pro- claim the introduction of a serious rival to the cyanide bath. One inventor has used a silver salt dissolved in thiosulphate solution ; but this bath, although it is said to give good results, gradually decomposes, especially on exposure to light, and, becoming brown at first, gradually deposits its silver in the form of a black sulphide. Zinin has more recently found that the solution of silver iodide in potassium iodide (No. 18 in the table of solutions) could give very good results with a small current of low electro-motive force. He recommends it especially for the production of thick deposits, as in electrotypy. One practical objection to its use is, of course, the high price of the iodides. ELECTRO-SILVERING BATHS. 185 This is not a fatal objection, if the process be a good one, but is certainly adverse to its general adoption. The metal obtained from the solutions named has a frosted appearance, due to its being built up of an incalculable number of minute crystals, the facets of which disperse the rays of light falling upon them, instead of reflecting them uniformly ; but the slightest friction upon the surface suffices to unite the crystals into an even plane, which reflects the light perfectly, arid has the lustre of polished silver. It was early found, however, that the presence of a minute quantity of carbon bisulphide in the plating-vat caused the pre- cipitation of the metal in the bright condition, and although the use of the bright plating-solution entails greater difficulties than are met with in the ordinary processes, yet it is largely used for certain classes of work ; for example, in those to which it is not easy to apply friction, such as those carrying remote or sharp angles or interior surfaces. In no case, however, is the whole plating-process conducted in the brightening-vat, but the bright deposit is given finally, when an almost sufficient weight of silver has been deposited in the usual way. Of all the substances which have been recommended as brightening agents for the silver-bath (and these include, inter alia, silver sulphide, collodion, a solution of iodine and gutta- percha in chloroform, chloride of carbon, and chloride of sulphur), the only reagent practically employed is carbon bisulphide. A mere trace of this suffices to effect its object, while a slight excess produces spotted deposits and brown stains, probably of silver sulphide, and a large excess overshoots the mark altogether, and often gives a dead-white film. To prepare the bright-bath, place a quart of an old plating- solution in a large bottle (a Winchester quart bottle, for instance) and add to it 3 oz. of carbon bisulphide with, or without, 1 or 2 oz. of ether, shake vigorously for a minute, and add 1J pints more of the old solution. Again agitate thoroughly, and allow it to stand for two or three days ; there is, at most, ^5 of an ounce of carbon bisulphide in each ounce of this liquid. A separate plating-bath must be used for brightening ; then every night, after the day's work is done, 1 oz. of the mixture just described is added to every 10 gallons of an ordinary plating-solution, specially devoted to this class of work and con- tained in the special vat. An ounce of old plating-liquid may be added to the mixture in the Winchester bottle in place of that removed. This quantity (1 oz. per 10 gallons) is the maximum amount of brightening-mixture permissible. If the required effect can be produced with less, so much the better ; but on no account should a larger proportion be used, as the risk of spoiling the whole bath would amount almost to a certainty. The bright-bath requires a stronger current than the ordinary 186 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. solution, and it deposits a harder metal, the bright film beginning to show itself at the bottom and gradually extending upwards. Any disturbance of the solution during electrolysis may cause it to yield a dull deposit; a whole batch of objects should, there- fore, be prepared for immersion simultaneously, and introduced consecutively with the utmost rapidity possible; then, when a sufficient deposit has been given, which usually requires from ten to twenty minutes, the current is stopped, and the pieces are removed and are at once well washed in clean water. These liquids have a great tendency to deposit the black sul- phide of silver, to check which the cyanide solution is added, as described, to replace the portion added to the bath ; the brown stains above alluded to are doubtless traceable to the same cause. If the pieces are not thoroughly washed immediately upon removal from the brightening-bath, they will become rapidly tarnished. Gore has shown, too, that the deposited metal contains appreci- able quantities of sulphur, which may, in part, account for the variation in the physical characteristics of the metal. The Anodes. The silver anodes must be of the purest silver obtainable ; the ordinary standard silver for coinage contains 7*5 per cent, of copper (most foreign currency has even a larger pro- portion of base metal) ; it should not, therefore, be used as such, but if it be the only form readily available at any time, fine silver should be prepared by the method described on p. 384. The anode may be of cast or rolled metal, but if the latter be selected, it should be annealed by heating to a dull-red heat, and subse- quently cooling it before immersion in the vat, so that it may be softer and more readily soluble. As a general rule, the anode should present an area of surface equal to that of the cathode ; but, as will now be readily understood, a somewhat smaller anode surface must be employed when the bath contains excess of cyanide, and a greater area when the cyanide is deficient, the object being always to equalise the action at the electrodes, in so far as it is represented by solution or deposition of metal. The anode should never be suspended in the solution by means of copper-wires (unless they can be so arranged that the copper never comes into contact with the bath), because they dissolve under the action of the current, and, passing into the solution, render it impure. Silver wire has not the same objection ; but as it dissolves rapidly, especially at the surface of the liquid, it gradually becomes weakened until it is 'no longer capable of supporting the weight of the anode. Platinum wire, being quite insoluble, is free from both these objections, and is the best material to use. If copper or even silver supports are adopted, they should be kept from contact with the liquid in the manner explained in Chapter V. (p. 97). The Vat. Any of the ordinary vats described in Chapter V. may be employed, except those lined with gutta-percha mixtures, CHARACTER OF THE METAL DEPOSITED. 187 which are more or less soluble in the cyanide liquid. Enamelled iron lined with thin wood is, perhaps, mostly to be preferred, necessarily so if the solution be heated. The disposition of con- ducting wires and the manner of imparting a reciprocating motion to a frame, from which the various objects are suspended, so that they may be kept in constant motion, has also been explained in Chapter V. The vats should be considerably larger than the objects to be plated, and may indeed be made of any reasonable size, remembering that a large bulk of solution generally gives a better deposit than a small one, especially in the case of bright- plating baths. When several vats are to be worked from the same battery or dynamo, they should be coupled in parallel, because, as a rule, the work to be silvered is very irregular in shape and size, and under these conditions the series arrangement is less satisfactory. A well-fitting cover may be made for the vat, to preserve it from atmospheric dust when it is not in actual use. The Character of the Metal Deposited. Like most other metals, silver, which is deposited by a current strong enough to evolve hydrogen simultaneously, is dark in colour, powdery, and non-adherent ; it is in the spongy condition, and is useless as a coating. A weak current, on the contrary, gives a strong, malle- able metal, adherent and coherent, and minutely crystalline. Some operators consider the commonly-employed current-density of 0'032 ampere per square inch (0'5 ampere per square deci- metre) too high, and prefer to reduce it to 0'013 ampere (0*2 ampere per square decimetre) ; but for all ordinary work the larger current-density will be found satisfactory, and will, of course, deposit a given weight of metal in a shorter period of time. The metal should have a pure white colour, any departure from this indicating the presence of impurities. A pinkish shade prob- ably points to the existence of copper in the precipitate. A yellowish shade or tarnish, which is apt to appear upon surfaces that have been for some time exposed after removal from the vat, is probably due to a small percentage of a sub-cyanide of silver deposited with the metal, which gradually changes colour on exposure to light. It is found that a dip into potassium- cyanide solution, or even a stay of two or three minutes in the plating-bath after the current is cut off, suffices to prevent this, doubtless by dissolving the objectionable sub-salt. It has already been stated that the silver deposited by the carbon bisulphide brightening-solution contains a small proportion of sulphur, which is possibly accountable for the alteration of structure indicated by the different nature of the deposit. The thickness of a coating of silver may vary from an almost imperceptible film to a depth of -^ of an inch on electro-plate, or of y 1 ^ of an inch on silver electrotypes. 188 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. Owing to its open crystalline nature, the deposited silver, if peeled from the surface on which it is precipitated, lacks the metallic ring emitted by the rolled metal when struck. THE PROCESS OP ELECTRO-SILVERING. Brass, copper, bronze, German silver, and similar alloys are best adapted to the electro-silvering treatment ; the softer metals lead, tin, Britannia metal and pewter though sometimes plated, are less well suited because they are not structurally so capable of resisting the final mechanical treatment of polishing and burnishing ; iron and steel, zinc and other metals may also be silvered. But whenever the metal is attacked by the cyanide bath, so that silver is deposited by simple exchange and without the aid of the current, it should receive a thin coating of copper or be subjected to the process of quicking ; this coating with mercury is, however, often used, even when the metal has no action on the bath, to render adhesion doubly sure. The explana- tion of the process is given on p. 116. Organic matter must as far as possible be eliminated for reasons already given ; hollow sheet-metal objects, therefore (brass candlesticks, for example), which are often filled up with pitch-composition, as a support to the thin metal of which they are made, must be gently heated to effect its thorough removal prior to electro-plating ; this operation must be conducted with care, because cheap articles are frequently made in several pieces, which are held in place by the composition, and, therefore, become separated when it is removed. All non-metallic handles or appurtenances should be, if possible, detached from objects before plating, because there is not only a risk of their being damaged by the solution, but liquid is sure to penetrate into the sockets and interstices, from which it can afterwards be removed only at the expense of much trouble. The processes preliminary to the actual electro-deposition are : (a) Stripping, or removal of an old coat of silver, if any exists. (b) Polishing, if necessary. (c) Cleansing, consisting of 1, boiling in caustic potash to remove grease ; 2, dipping in sulphuric acid to remove oxide ; and 3, scouring with sand or a dip into a mixture containing nitric acid according to the nature of the metal. (See Chapter VI.) (d) Preliminary coating with copper, if necessary. (e) Quicking, if required. Stripping. When old goods are to be re-plated, every trace of the original coating must be removed, in order that the new deposit shall be regular and uniformly adhesive. In the choice of a stripping solution, the operator must be guided by the character of the basis-metal from the surface of which the silver is to be dissolved, as it is essential that the liquid should STRIPPING. 189 not be able to attack this to any serious extent, when it is laid bare by the removal of the precious metal. For brass, copper, or German silver, a mixture of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids is generally employed. The most rapid method consists in heating a sufficiently large quantity of strong sulphuric acid in a stoneware vessel, and adding to it, immediately before use, a small quantity of potassium nitrate (saltpetre) or sodium nitrate (Chili saltpetre) ; this is at once decomposed, a small proportion of the sulphuric acid being neutralised and a corresponding quantity of nitric acid being liberated in the liquid. Such a mixture when used hot is capable of dissolving the silver from the articles, which should be suspended in it by copper hooks or preferably by copper tongs, but should show no very great corrosive effect on the copper or basis metal. Nevertheless, it is not entirely without action : and the process must, therefore, be watched most carefully, especially towards the end, when most of the silver has been dissolved, so that on the disappearance of the last trace of covering metal the article may be removed and plunged into a large volume of water without loss of time. With this object in view, the pieces under treatment should be frequently removed from the liquid for inspection. The extremities of long articles which have not been properly reversed during their first electro-silvering, and the more prominent portions of every object having a thicker coat than the remainder, are denuded last ; and it is often advisable so to place the goods towards the end of the stripping- process that only these portions are immersed in the liquid. It is essential that the concentration of the bath be well maintained ; any dilution increases its tendency to attack the base-metal, a comparatively small addition of water sufficing to render the action even violent. For this reason the mixture, which absorbs water vapour from the air with great avidity, must be stored in tightly-closed vessels when not actually in use, and the objects to be stripped must be dry when placed in the vat ; indeed the introduction of water in any way into the hot sulphuric acid would cause a sudden generation of steam, almost explosive in its violence, so that it is alike dangerous to the operator and destructive to the bath. In course of time the accumulation of potassium bisulphate in the bath (from the decomposition of the saltpetre added each time before use) is rendered evident by the deposition of cr3 T stals. When this is observed it will generally be found that so much acid is neutralised that the liquid is no longer serviceable ; a fresh quantity of sulphuric acid should then be prepared, the old bath being reserved to recover from it the silver which it contains. On account of the great care necessary in conducting this process, only one object should be treated at a time, if at least it be of moderate size, for the operation proceeds with great 190 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. rapidity. When this is inconvenient, by reason of the number of pieces to be treated, extra precautions must be taken to guard against too prolonged action in any individual case. With a cold solution the action is slower, and consequently under better control ; hence a mixture of 10 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid (specific gravity 1 -84) and 1 part of strong nitric acid (specific gravity = 1 '39) is often preferred, this being applied at the ordinary temperature of the room. Except that it is not heated, and that a greater number of pieces may be treated with safety, the method of use is the same as that just described ; and water and moisture must be equally rigorously excluded. A different stripping-process must be employed for zinc, iron, lead, tin, Britannia metal or pewter, or for any alloys of these, which would be vigorously attacked by the acid mixture suitable for copper. This process consists in suspending the articles as the anodes in a strong solution (say 10 per cent.) of potassium cyanide, opposite a plate of platinum, copper, or brass, and connecting the former with the positive or copper pole of the battery, so that the process of electro-plating is reversed and the current flows in the electrolyte from, instead of to, the pieces. Thus, the goods being the anode, the silver is dissolved from them and deposited upon the platinum cathode after a time, at a rate depending upon the strength of the current which is being applied. An old silver-bath may be utilised for this purpose, the metal deposited upon the cathode plate being, of course, recoverable. In any case the same solution may be used repeatedly ; and the current may be stronger than that permissible for plating, because the object is no longer to produce a good deposit, but to dissolve an old one with the utmost rapidity. But when a strong current is employed, the silver may be deposited in the pulveru- lent condition, so that particles frequently become detached and fall into the liquid, to prevent which the cathode plate may be enveloped in a case of parchment paper or even of fine muslin. Silver baths in current use must never be employed as stripping- solutions, because they would gradually dissolve small quantities of the base metals from which the silver has been removed, and would thus become too impure to yield a good deposit; only disused baths are permissible. As soon as the pieces are com- pletely stripped, they are removed from the vat, plunged into water and well washed. The process is, of course, equally applicable to copper and those alloys which are often treated by the more rapid acid method. Polishing, Washing, and Copper Coating. After the original silver case has been removed, it is often necessary to pass the goods to the polishers to buff and finish, prior to the cleansing and quicking operations, after which they are transferred to SUSPENSION OF OBJECTS IN THE BATH. 191 the plating-vat without loss of time. Iron or steel cannot be quicked, because this metal is one of the few which refuse to amalgamate or alloy with mercury ; Britannia metal also is not usually quicked ; but copper, brass, or nickel-silver are fitted in this way to receive an adherent deposit. Zinc should receive a preliminary wash of copper in the alkaline copper-bath, and it was at one time customary to submit the tin-lead alloys (pewter, Britannia metal, and the like) to the same treatment, but there is no great difficulty in directly silvering them with good results. Steel, which is, in some hands, still coppered before silvering, may also take a perfectly sound and adhesive deposit by dipping the cleaned articles at once into a striking-solution. Suspension of Objects in the Bath. The suspension of objects in the silver-bath is effected by thin copper wires (commonly of about No. 20 of the standard wire- gauge). New wire should be used each time, because the deposit upon an old wire is apt to be loosened by re-bending, and to crumble off in the bath. The manner of attaching the wire depends upon the nature and shape of the goods. Some articles afford natural places of vantage from which they can be slung ; such as cream ewers, cups, and the like, which carry metallic handles ; or perforated objects ; or those which, being unfinished, have rivet holes, through which the wire may be threaded. Spoons and forks are best supported in slings made by forming the wire into a loop around the shank, or by bending it into three-quarters of a circle at the end, and at right angles to the wire itself, leaving a horizontal space (the remaining quarter of the circle) through sling for which the shank may be slipped, but which is not spoons, wide enough to allow the handle or bowl to pass (fig. 91). Plates, salvers, and the like should be hung by wires bent lightly around them, these having their ends joined by twisting together. Obviously the methods of attaching wires are innumerable, and must be determined by the circumstances of the case ; the guiding rule in making the connection is that the wire shall be so arranged that the object cannot escape from its hold ; yet, on the other hand, it should be so loosely fixed that the relative position of wire and object may be shifted at any moment without difficulty, so that fresh surfaces are brought in contact, and wire-marks are not formed on the deposited metal. The wiring is best done before the final potash and acid- cleansing processes. Many firms place a piece of glass-tubing over that portion of the wire which is in contact with the solution between the cross cathode-rod of the vat and the suspended object, so that silver may not be uselessly deposited upon it. Others use gutta-percha or india-rubber as an isolating medium ; but, as these 192 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. are slowly attacked by the cyanide liquor, glass is preferable, and there is no difficulty in adapting it. Having ascertained the length necessary to protect the portion of wire which is to be immersed, this distance is measured off on a piece of narrow glass- tubing ; a fairly deep mark is then made at the desired point with a triangular file ; now, placing a hand on either side of the nick, with the thumbs immediately beneath it on the other side of the tube, a steady bending pressure is so applied that the file-mark is on the outside, the thumbs on the inside of the bend ; almost immediately the tube should break with a clean even fracture at the place of the file-mark. In experienced hands accidents are not likely to happen, but in early attempts at breaking tube in this way it is perhaps safer, though even then scarcely necessary, to envelop the hands with a thick cloth. Arrangement of Objects. The objects must be introduced into the bath gently without disturbing the sediment ; they should be arranged in rows alternating with, and midway between, the anode plates, so that each side will receive the same weight of deposit ; thus, whatever the size of the bath, the number of anodes will always be one in excess of that of the rows of cathodes, and all will be in parallel circuit. If there be only one row of cathodes there will be two anodes; if two rows, then three anodes, and so on. Several objects may, of course, be suspended side by side from the same cathode-rod, and will be influenced by the same pair of anode-plates provided that free space is left between adjacent objects. The anode- and cathode-rods should be parallel to one another, in order that the spaces of conducting liquid between the different pairs of electrodes may be equal. It is preferable also that, as far as practicable, only goods of the same shape, or, at least, of the same diameter, should be suspended from the same rod. On account of the great irregu- larities in form of objects to be plated, a considerable distance must be left between the electrodes, so that the portions nearest to the anode may not be so near, as compared with those more remote, that they receive an undue share of the deposited metal. Allowance must also be made for the motion imparted to the objects in the bath, so that the opposing electrodes may not make contact at the end of each swing. Again, two different kinds of metal should not be suspended from the same rod (for example, copper and Britannia metal), as the local current set up between them, both being immersed in the same exciting liquid, and being in metallic connection through the suspending-rod, will tend to cause the gradual solution of the more electro-positive metal, and will diminish the deposition of silver upon it until it is quite pro- tected by a perfect layer of the precious metal. The solution is thus injured by the introduction of foreign matter. If the electro- chemical difference between the two metals be so great as to cause an electro-motive force greater than that of the depositing current THE STRIKING-BATH. 193 (which could rarely, if ever, happen were ordinary care bestowed on the process), no deposit would occur on the more positive metal, which would rapidly dissolve and cause a double thickness of coating to be given to the object made of the more negative metal. Otherwise the local back electro-motive force simply retards the action of the current in regard to the positive metal, until it is sufficiently covered to prevent further action ; and unless this retardation be very protracted, the difference between the weights of metal deposited on the plates and that which it was desired to precipitate will not be very appreciable, so that the chief injury is done to the bath. Use of the Striking-Bath. An additional reason for guarding against this contingency is that lead and its alloys conduct electri- city less satisfactorily than brass or nickel-silver, and far less so than copper, and hence they need a somewhat greater length of time to acquire the thin wash of silver which suffices to protect them. Many operators, therefore, prefer as a preliminary step to dip the articles, immediately after quicking, into a silver-bath worked by a stronger current until, almost immediately, a thin film of this metal has been imparted, when they may be transferred to the ordi- nary vat, in which the remainder of the deposit is to be built up. The first, or striking-bath, may contain less silver than the usual solutions (half an ounce to the gallon commonly suffices), but the proportion of free cyanide is often greater. Large silver anodes are used ; and, indeed, everything must be done which tends to reduce the resistance and increase the rapidity of deposit, in order that the action may be almost instantaneous, and that a momen- tary dip into the vat may be sufficient to give the required deposit. But, on the other hand, it need scarcely be remarked that the volume of current must not be so great that a pulverulent or spongy deposit results. The electrical connections of the striking- vat may be similar to those recommended for the plating-bath ; but a smaller bath with two large anodes, one at either end, and with a single cathode-rod, to which the negative battery-wire is attached, and which is lowered into the bath by hand, is really all that is required. How to Ensure Uniformity of Coating. After the transference of the goods to the plating-vats, they may be left with less con- stant attention until a sufficient thickness of film has been ob- tained, provided that the current is constant and that the arrange- ment for imparting motion to them during the action is working satisfactorily. All that is necessary is slightly to shift the position of each piece relatively to its supporting wires from time to time, to ensure uniformity of deposit at these points, with an occasional momentary removal from the bath for an examination as to the regularity of the action. Should spots appear upon the surface, the article must be removed from the bath, rinsed, scratch-brushed, and then cleansed by a dip into hot potassium cyanide or caustic 13 194 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. potash solution. Finally, after rinsing once more, they are re- quicked and introduced again into the bath. Since, in spite of the gentle motion imparted to the objects, the solution is certain to vary in density, and to produce a thicker deposit upon the lower portions of articles, long objects, such as spoons and forks, sus- pended upright in the bath, should be reversed at intervals of (say) half an hour, so that if the bowls were downwards at first, the handles would be so after the first shift. In immersing the quicked and struck articles into an empty vat, that is, into one which contains only anodes suspended within it, those first immersed would receive too strong a current, unless their superficial area were very considerable, and would be covered with a spongy silver precipitate, until, at last, the cathode - surface had been increased by the introduction of more objects, sufficient to produce the right proportion of current-strength per unit of area. Meanwhile, however, the original pieces would have suffered serious injury. To obviate this, either the current- strength may be reduced at first by the interposition of wire- resistances, which are gradually lessened as fresh objects are introduced, or one or more of the anode-plates (according to the size of the vat) are hung upon the cathode-rods at the outset, and are transferred to their proper places, one by one, as each batch of objects is immersed which presents a total area equal to that of one plate. In this way a large proportion of the current is at first occupied in transferring silver from one anode-plate to another ; and the bath from the very beginning is under the same conditions as it is when filled with goods undergoing the silvering process. Thus even a small object introduced alone should receive a normal current throughout. Some electro-platers, in order to secure a more perfect coat, are in the habit of removing the articles after a certain amount of silver has been deposited and submitting them to a preliminary scratch-brushing, after which they are well rinsed and cleansed and again returned to the bath ; but it is very doubtful whether any real advantage accrues from this practice. When a sufficient thickness of metal has been deposited, which may be known, as explained in Chapter V., by ascertaining the mean strength of current, the total cathode-area and the time occupied, or by the use of the plating-balance, the pieces are re- moved from the vat, transferred (if necessary) to the brightening- bath, where they are left undisturbed for a few minutes, and are then plunged into a slightly warm solution of potassium cyanide to remove any silver subcyanide left in the pores of the metal, and thoroughly washed in several waters held in successive tubs (vide instructions for washing coppered goods on p. 136) ; they are next dipped momentarily into a vat containing water mixed with 2 or 3 per cent, of sulphuric acid, and are again rinsed in water, and taken to the scratch-brush for preliminary polishing, and to the UNIFOEMITY OF COATING. 195 burnishers for the final treatment. The potassium cyanide dip may be dispensed with, if the objects are left in the plating-solution for a few minutes after disconnecting the current. How to Thicken the Coat Locally. An extra thick coating of silver may sometimes be imparted to those portions of goods which will have to stand the chief amount of wear in use. This may be effected in many ways according to the appliances and ingenuity of the plater. The application of stopping-out varnish after a certain time to the parts which are to receive a thinner coat is rarely admissible, because, although it would have the desired effect, it gives too defined an outline of the thicker deposit, and this has to be obliterated mechanically, an imperceptible gradation being generally required. This method would be suitable if the whole of one side of the object had to be thickened, but an equally good result would be attainable by the use of only one anode (adjacent to this side). Another plan is to introduce, towards the end of the operation, a subsidiary anode, correspond- ing in shape to the part which is to receive the greater deposit, and which is placed in greater proximity to it, in proportion to the increase of substance to be acquired. Yet another system may be adopted in plating the bowls of spoons and similar objects, which are worn most largely in use at the most prominent parts of the curve. After plating in the usual way the spoons are so placed in a shallow bath that only the convexity of the bowl is immersed, and receives a coating ; the depth of immersion must be frequently altered in a slight degree to ensure that no distinct boundary marks are produced on the surface. It is true that these marks may be mechanically removed, but there is no reason why they should occur at all. Thickness of Deposit. The thickness of the deposit and, con- sequently, the duration of the process is, of course, governed solely by the class of work under treatment. Many common goods, especially those made of white metal, receive a film so thin as to be beyond the range of practical measurement. This is naturally useless to resist even the slightest wear ; it gives simply an orna- mental covering for a short time. As a general rule for ordinary electro-plating, a deposit of from 1 to 2 oz. per sq. ft. of surface- area may be deemed a good well- wearing coating ; a single page of this book represents approximately the thickness of a film equal to 1 oz, per sq. ft. This will occupy from three to nine hours in coating, according to the current-density used. A thinner deposit than that of 1 oz. per sq. ft. is not to be recommended, as even two or three years of ordinary wear would suffice to lay bare the base metal at the edges and in all the more prominent parts. In working, however, for the trade, the craftsman is rarely allowed to decide what, in his judgment, is best fitted for the work, but must do as he is ordered by his customer, and will be paid at the rate of so much per unit weight of silver deposited. 196 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF SILVER. ' Galvanit.' A. Rosenberg has introduced a method of plating by means of powders, which are known by the trade name of 'Galvanit,' and which are moistened with water when used. The powders consist of a salt of the metal to be deposited mixed with a fine powder of a more electro-positive metal. On rubbing the wet powder on the metal surface to be plated, the latter forms a voltaic couple with the grains of powdered electro-positive metal (acting as anodes), and deposition takes places from the paste, just as in a single -cell process. It is not a ' simple - immersion ' process, as there is not an exchange of metals on the surface plated. Instead of using a salt as mentioned above, the metal to be deposited may also be in the form of a powder, and the two powdered metals may be mixed with an ammonium salt. The moist powder is rubbed on to the surface to be plated, and this rubbing action renders previous cleaning unnecessary. It is claimed that even stripping is unnecessary. The process cer- tainly provides a simple means of plating articles with silver and other metals, though it is not likely to supersede the electro- lytic vat in commercial work. SILVER ELECTROTYPING. Silver is occasionally used in special cases for copying works of art or even valuable engraved steel-plates. Ordinary wax and gutta-percha moulds, such as are used for copper electro- typing, are not admissible for silvering, because they are to some extent attacked by the cyanide solutions. The simplest method of obtaining replicas of works of art in silver is to obtain first a thin electrotype shell of copper from the intaglio-mould, and then to deposit silver upon this in the cyanide-bath. The copper protecting-film may be of the thinnest, so that it shall not destroy the sharpness of the lines ; but it must, of course, be subsequently removed, after the required thickness of silver has been deposited, and the whole electro separated from the mould. This solution of the copper may be effected by treatment with warm hydro- chloric acid, or (better) with a warm solution of iron perchloride, either of which will attack the copper but leave the silver un- touched. On the removal of the copper, the pure silver surface has the required form in practically undiminished sharpness and brilliancy. The silver may be built up to a thickness of one- eighth of an inch or more. It is rarely, however, that this process is required, and practically the sole application of electro-silvering is to be found in the coating of other metals to endow them with properties which they do not of themselves possess. ORNAMENTING SILVER SURFACES. There are many ways of altering the appearance of electro- silvered goods ; but to give a description of these, many of which ORNAMENTING SILVER SURFACES. 197 are purely mechanical, is beyond the scope of this work. Let it suffice then to say that A dead lustre may be obtained by depositing upon the silver a thin film of copper, which has a slightly roughened surface of excessively fine grain, and then again upon this a thin layer of silver. Oxidised silver, which is an entirely misleading term, inasmuch as oxygen plays no part in its formation, is made by dipping the object into, or painting it with, either a solution of platinum, which covers the whole surface with a thin layer of that metal by 'simple immersion,' or one containing sulphides which imparts to the silver a superficial film of black silver sulphide. This latter solution is made up by dissolving three-quarters of an ounce of potassium polysulphide ('liver of sulphur'), or of ammonium sulphide, in each gallon of water ; it is applied to the silver at a temperature of 150 F. The potassium compound is to be pre- ferred ; some operators add to it about twice its weight of ammonium carbonate. A few seconds' immersion in either of these liquids usually suffices ; the articles are then rinsed in water and dried. Antique silver is produced by rubbing into, and leaving upon, the parts of an object which are not in relief a thin layer of black-lead, finely crushed and stirred into spirit of turpentine ; some prefer to add a little ochre to the mixture in order to pro- duce a warmer ground-tone of colour. Niello-work is prepared by tracing a pattern upon bright silver with silver sulphide or with mixtures of lead, copper, and silver sulphides, prepared artificially; when placed in position the object is heated to their fusing-point in order to ensure adhesion. It is, in fact, a process of enamelling. Clearly, however, it is quite inapplicable to many classes of electro-plate, while to any it must be applied with the utmost care, in order to avoid the stripping or buckling of the coated object or the fusing of the basis metal. Satin finish may be produced, according to Wahl, by the application of fine sand propelled forcibly upon the surface of an object with the aid of an air-blast a process analogous to that largely used at present for decorating glass. Any process which will destroy the polish upon the silver with equal fineness and regularity would, of course, answer the same purpose ; but the sand-blast is probably the simplest and most economical extant. Obviously the enumeration of the methods of decorating silver surfaces is by no means exhausted in the few words given above ; they are innumerable, and capable of infinite variation according to the taste and skill of the artificer. CHAPTER X. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. Advantages of Gold-Plating. Owing to its high power of resisting atmospheric influences, combined with the richness of its colour, and the brilliancy of the polish which it is capable of receiving, and to the fact that all these properties are manifested even by the thinnest imaginable film of the metal, gold is very frequently deposited ; none the less so, perhaps, because, being a costly material, gilt objects of low value may pass for articles of much higher worth. Gold is a very electro-negative element, so that any of the common metals is capable of replacing it in any of its compounds. It may, therefore, be readily deposited by simple immersion, although the electrolytic process is more satisfactory. DEPOSITION BY SIMPLE IMMERSION. Solutions. Many baths have been used at various times, the principal of which are included in the following table. Eoseleur's Process. Of all these, Roseleur's solution (No. 4) is the best for treating small articles of jewellery, for example made of copper, bronze, or brass. The gold chloride crystals should be dissolved in a small proportion of the water, and added to the solution of sodium pyrophosphate in the remainder, and the mixture warmed until the yellow colour of the liquid has dis- appeared. The solution thus made up, however, is too readily decomposable, as, indeed, is indicated by the gradual change of colour to a dark red purple which it undergoes on standing ; hence the hydrocyanic (prussic) acid is added as a check upon the rapidity of the spontaneous reduction. It is omitted by some gilders, but the bath is under better control when it is used ; when working too slowly, more gold chloride is added, or when it becomes deep purple in colour, fresh hydrocyanic acid is introduced. In using this bath, the object must present a clean bright surface such as may be imparted to it by pickling, scratch- brushing, and cleaning ; it is then quicked by a momentary 198 IMMERSION GOLD SOLUTIONS. 199 i d M j 1 o "s a it? 1 ** o '" S -^ sc 1 1 1= i i i 1 i I !l M 1 1 5 if i . i 1 ^^ rH ^ 2 ^ 02 M u 'ft i ""^ * 1 1- 1 * I 1 Water. 1 1 B S Ammonium Sulphide. : : : : ':- 3 3 w Sodium Pyrophosphate. : : : : : 3 o3 PH P CD to H Potassium Bicarbonate. : a 8 : S g 1 i eo us ko c H Caustic Potash. : : : : | : 1 w a M Potassium 3 Cyanide. 0> 1 S E Hydrocyanic Acid. oo 6 1 Gold Sulphide. . : : : : : E G S Gold, as ' 10 ^ "* 8 Gold Chloride. 1 ts!3 o> oj s o^ a rt O O S||i f i i 'i -I . ^ |2 S cS ^ : : III sl : i , . . . ^X^ ^r" . H i R 1 1 s -3 fl 5P r^ ^H ^ -* I 1 I I = 1 * o tH (N CO -* 10 fc 200 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. plunge into a dilute solution of mercuric nitrate, rinsed in water, and immediately transferred to the gold-bath, which should be nearly boiling. It is more economical and satisfactory to use three gold dips in succession, each solution being richer in gold than that previously applied; this is readily effected by using old baths for the first two operations, and by arranging a system in which, as soon as the final vat ceases to yield a good deposit, it is made the second instead of the third bath ; that which had been the second being now the first, and the old first, now practically exhausted, being discarded. Thus the pieces are most thoroughly washed before they enter the last bath ; and no gold is lost, as the small quantity left in the third solution, when it is no longer serviceable, is used up during the time that it is acting as the second and the first. An immersion of a few seconds in each liquid should suffice ; and the resulting deposit, which is, of course, very thin, should have a good yellow colour and require only slightly scratch-brushing or burnishing to impart a final polish, rinsing, and lastly, drying in hot white wood sawdust; for this resinous woods, oak, or walnut, which tend to discolour the work, are to be avoided. It may sometimes be necessary to improve the appearance of the gold by colouring methods, which will be described at the end of this chapter. If it be desired to obtain a thicker coating by this method, it is only necessary to repeat the process several times, re-quicking each time before passing the articles through the gold-baths. The deposit is thus gradually built up, because at each quicking- stage a small proportion of mercury deposits upon the surface, and then exchanges for an equivalent of gold, when placed in the gilding-solution, the latter gradually accumulating mercury in place of the more precious metal. A really thick coating, how- ever, cannot well be built up by this tedious process, and the electrolytic process is more convenient and more expeditious. Elkington's Process. Elkington's process of water-gilding (No. 2) employed potassium bicarbonate in place of sodium phosphate ; but its use is more troublesome, and it permits only a semi-exhaustion of the bath, leaving the remainder of the gold to be recovered from the residual liquids by chemical means. Roseleur's Process for Large Objects. Roseleur's bath (No. 5) rapidly precipitates gold upon articles which have not been previously quicked ; the deposit is not of high quality, but the process is well adapted and largely used for coating large objects with a wash of gold, prior to the electrolytic process. Other Solutions. Of other solutions for simple-immersion gilding, perhaps the most interesting are : that of gold chloride in ether, which is applied to gilding iron and steel goods; and that of Braun, a solution of gold sulphide in ammonium sulphide, which is adapted to the direct gilding of zinc, because the latter metal would dissolve but slowly in such a liquid, and the coating IMMERSION GOLD SOLUTIONS. 201 is, therefore, the more likely to be adherent. This sulphide solution is quickly oxidised, and should be preserved from unnecessary exposure to the air. DEPOSITION BY THE SINGLE-CELL PROCESS. The Elkington bicarbonate process, above alluded to, when used to deposit upon silver or German silver, demanded that a piece of zinc or copper should be attached to the objects, and thus became practically a single-cell process. Steele also, in the specification of a patent granted to him, claimed the use of a cyanide bath in which the object to be coated was immersed in contact with a piece of zinc ; but, inasmuch as a considerable proportion of the gold was found to deposit upon the zinc itself, owing to the wide difference between the electro-chemical relations of the two metals, zinc and gold, the method is not practically used. DEPOSITION BY THE SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS. The Battery. Almost any of the ordinary battery-cells may be used. A current of fairly high potential is required, and a high current-density is essential. The Bunsen-cell is well adapted for the work, but the resistance in the circuit should be sufficient to reduce the current-density to 0*006 ampere per square inch (0*1 ampere per square decimetre). The Solution. As with silver, the double cyanide solution will generally be found to give the best results, provided that due care is paid to all the details of the process. The number of other solutions prepared with the object of supplanting the poisonous cyanide compounds, and of the modifications of the cyanide-bath itself are, as usual, innumerable. The chief of them are included in the following table. For ordinary use, a bath containing three quarters of a troy ounce of gold, dissolved and converted into cyanide, together with about 7 oz. of good potassium cyanide in every gallon of solution, should give a good deposit at a temperature of 120 to 140 F. ; it should be boiled prior to use. The proportions, however, may be widely altered without greatly prejudicing the character of the work ; and it is well to vary the composition of the bath with any change in the conditions of depositing, [ndeed, it is best not to adhere slavishly to any given formula, but rather to modify it by dilution or strengthening, by adding cyanide or gold, according to the work in hand and the methods of the operator. A solution to be used for cold gilding should contain at least two or three times as much gold, and proportion- ately cyanide, as one which is to be employed when heated. A weak solution, however, will usually give a better deposit than a stronger one at the same temperature. 202 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. I s Special Method of Preparation. s I if g . I || || a . I y * |2 g C o5 "^ " .^- 2-sS c -g M 2 ^.' ?3 s ^s sg |s^ |1 |-S5 2 ^-S |i || || l^'ll arious ingredients. The weight aed. Ppt.= precipitate. 10 iH Water. III 1 1 1 II 1 1 II ll 3 Ammonium Sulphide. :::::::: : : : : : ::::::::: J : : 11 CO Ammonium -co o rH Chloride. c g* (N iH B Sodium Phosphate. :::::::: : : : : : g :::::::::: S'8 iH rH P 1 "" 1 Sodium Hyposulphite. :::::::: * : : : : :::::::::::: 3 g Sodium : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 g ::::::: : : : i 1 05 Bisulphite. ^"2 05 Sq Potassium Carbonate. ^ 00 PH o Potash. . to Is 1> H w Potassium Ferrocyanide. oo; :;;;; ; -iS 'e^ <& ' ' ' It m Potassium J3~ ^-Y^^ ^,_ . ti 2 g2 - h S fa N H- M ^o 1 ? - 11 = = = =^Is 81 DIES TO O M M CO .*^^00 p. NCO j* JOO SSgSS ^^ * a - ELECTRO-GILDING SOLUTIONS. 203 Langbein mentions that the following formula (used cold) gives a beautiful bright deposit on all metals, even on iron and steel : 0'5 oz. of potassium ferrocyanide, 0*5 oz. of sodium carbonate, 30*75 grains of fine gold (as chloride), and one quart of water. The solution is made up by heating the mixed ferrocyanide and carbonate solutions to boiling, adding the gold salt, boiling for a quarter of an hour till the smell of ammonia disappears, and making up with distilled water. This bath is specially suitable for clock gilding. Langbein states that potassium ferrocyanide baths, although deservedly popular for decorative gilding, where deposits of different colours are desired, cannot be recommended otherwise on account of secondary decompositions during plating, ^ and because they do not dissolve the gold anodes. The cyanide gilding-solution is comparable with the correspond- ing silver-bath ; a certain amount of free cyanide is required to promote the solution of the anodes, a deficiency of this salt being indicated by the formation of a slimy deposit upon the anode-surface. Too great an excess of cyanide, however, causes the anode to dissolve too rapidly, and thus to yield too strong a bath; but it also tends to attack gold without the aid of the current, with the result that the deposit is produced excessively slowly, and may not even be formed at all in the deeper recesses of an irregularly-surfaced article, the simple solvent action of the bath neutralising the depositing power of a weak current at these more distant points ; moreover, when each side of an article is coated singly, the film of gold upon the side more remote from the anode may be redissolved during the covering of the second surface. When such actions as these are perceived they must be neutralised by the addition of more gold cyanide. The gradual accumulation of dirt and various impurities, soluble and insoluble, renders the bath unfit for use after a time. The use of the liquid for depositing gold upon articles made of base metals causes a slow absorption of these metals into it by simple exchange in the few seconds during which they are immersed before a protective cover of gold is imparted to them ; and as soon as the proportion of silver or copper thus introduced becomes appreciable, the colour of the gold precipitated by the bath becomes influenced, as will be explained hereafter. But these impure baths may, of course, be successfully applied to the production of a deposit, when the particular shade of colour which they yield is sought, or they may be used for deeper colours by adding to them a further quantity of one of these colouring metals as may be desired. The presence of much organic matter gives a dark colour to the solution, and causes it to yield a brown deposit, which can never be converted into a good coat ; such a bath should, therefore, be discarded. The cyanide- bath is often made up by simply adding the chloride or some other salt of gold to the solution of potassium 204 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. cyanide, but this is an objectionable practice, because it need- lessly introduces impurities into the solution (vide p. 179). Gold cyanide should, therefore, be prepared and well washed so that only the pure salt is introduced into the bath. The bath rnay also be prepared electrolytically by passing a fairly strong current from a large pure gold anode to a small gold or platinum cathode through a 3 or 4 per cent, solution of potassium cyanide heated to a temperature of 120 to 140 F., until, as in the case of silver- baths similarly made up, the difference between the loss of weight of the one electrode and the gain of the other indicates that sufficient metal has passed into the solution. Heated solutions suffer a gradual loss of water by evaporation, which must be made good from time to time, preferably every evening after the day's work is over. In order to obtain certain shades of colour upon the gold deposit, solutions of certain metals are added to the gold-bath, which metals, by being precipitated simultaneously with the more precious metal, influence its tint. The effect of varying the strength of either current or solution and of modifying the working of the bath will be discussed in the section relating to the character of the deposit; but it should be noted at this point that a red colour, or a greenish shade merging almost into white, may be produced by adding to the gold-bath (preferably a cold one) a sufficient quantity of a copper cyanide solution on the one hand, or of silver cyanide upon the other. The pro- portions cannot, of course, be rigorously prescribed, because they will vary with the shade of colour to be produced, a few trial experiments sufficing to indicate the amounts suitable for any given tint. In preparing such baths the added metal must be introduced very gradually, so that an excess may be avoided, remembering that it is generally more convenient to add a little more copper or silver, if required, than to reduce the relative proportion by the introduction of a further quantity of gold. It has been noted previously that an old gold-bath, which is beginning to yield a coloured deposit, may with advantage be used as the basis for a solution intended to produce the same shade intensified. The Anode. The anode should be made of the purest gold obtainable ; the presence of silver and copper which, either singly or together, are nearly always alloyed with gold in the arts to render it harder and more durable, is fatal, because these also dissolve under the combined influence of the electrolyte and the current, and the bath then deposits a coloured gold. When pure gold is not to be had, and the means for preparing it from the alloys of commerce are not available, it is better to substitute a platinum sheet as anode, which will not be attacked by the solution. In this case the bath rapidly decreases in strength, and must be replenished from time to time by the CHARACTER OF THE METAL DEPOSITED. 205 addition of gold cyanide, until so great a quantity of foreign matter has accumulated that a good deposit is no longer pro- duced. The gold anode, however, is to be preferred, as it main- tains an even constitution of solution. For large articles which require a thick covering, the surfaces of the two electrodes should be approximately equal in area ; the anode should be completely immersed in the liquid by means of platinum suspending wires, to obviate unequal corrosion of the plate. For small objects, which need but a few minutes' exposure to impart a sufficient film, a smaller anode is often used ; but the bath should be examined at intervals, when it is much worked, and, if necessary, a further amount of gold cyanide must be added. It is convenient to have ready means for alter- ing the position of the anode in the liquid, so that a greater or less surface may be immersed at will, and hence also for regulat- ing the strength of current and with this the rate and character of deposit. To impart the almost imaginary film of gold which is to be found on cheap jewellery, Roseleur recommends the use of a platinum anode, maintaining the strength of the bath by adding to it crystals of gold chloride. The Vat. Earthenware or porcelain vats are best suited to cold solutions ; and a deep porcelain evaporating-basin, obtainable from any chemical-apparatus dealer, and from many druggists, is the best containing vessel for hot plating-baths, provided that only small objects are to be treated. For larger work enamelled iron should be employed, but it is more important than ever that the enamel should be perfectly sound. A cover should be made to exclude dust, or the liquid may be stored in stoppered bottles when not in use. Generally speaking, the duration of the gilding is so short, and the objects are often so small, that it is unneces- sary to arrange conducting-wires around the vats : they may simply be attached to the anode-plate and the pieces respectively. Character of the Metal Deposited. The deposit of gold is, perhaps, more susceptible of change by varying external condi- tions than that of any other metal. A large proportion of the value of gilding depends upon the colour of the metal precipitated, and this is most readily affected not only by the presence of foreign matter, as recently explained, but by changes in the strength of the current or of the bath. A current which is too strong will, of course, deposit the gold as a black powder ; but within the limits between which coherent and adhesive deposits are yielded, a stronger current produces a deeper coloured coating than a weak current. Hence, speaking generally, any influence which tends to increase the current- density gives rise to a metal possessing a warmer hue. A feeble current, a small anode, and a cold solution, alike give pale yellow deposits ; but a stronger battery, an increase of anode-surface (and hence less resistance), or warming the liquid, increase the 206 ELECTKO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. current-strength, and a deeper yellow tone prevails. Motion imparted to the pieces also causes a lighter colour. The best colour for the pieces to present on removal from the bath is a very deep yellow, inclining to brown ; a pure gold colour will become too pale when the lightening and polishing action of scratch-brushing or burnishing has done its work. A dark, almost black, colour, produced by an excess of gold or too powerful a current, will never yield a good tint subsequently, nor indeed will even a brown deposit do so. The Electro-Plating Process for Gold. Stripping. As with silver, so with gold, old coatings should be entirely removed before attempting to deposit a fresh layer of the precious metal. For a simple stripping-bath, some workers recommend a mixture of nitric acid with a little common salt, which produces by chemical reaction nitro-hydrochloric acid or aqua regia ; but if this mixture be used, the utmost care must be taken to stop the action immediately the gold is removed, as the basis metal would be most powerfully attacked by the mixture. Others use strong sulphuric acid, to which about one-tenth of its volume of strong nitric acid and one-fifth of strong hydrochloric acid have been added. Equally with the other, however, great care is necessary to prevent the attack upon the basis metal by this solution, and it must be most scrupulously preserved from contact with water, for very moderate dilution would render its action upon the basis metals intensely vigorous (see p. 189). Large articles may be stripped, according to Wahl, by making them anodes in a bath of the strongest sulphuric acid, the cathodes being of copper. But the simplest plan is to make the old plated goods the anodes in a 10 per cent, solution of potassium cyanide ; such a solution per se may even suffice to dissolve a mere wash of gold, but for any appreciable depth of deposit the solvent action should be aided by attaching the pieces to the positive wire of a battery; the action must not be unnecessarily prolonged, as many of the basis metals are dissolved in this way silver especially so. The Process. The articles, whether new or old (but in the latter case after stripping), are well polished and cleansed by potash and acid dips, and after a thorough rinsing are placed in the gold-bath. Many platers quick the objects previously to this by passing them through a weak solution of mercurous nitrate ; but if they are clean and the baths are well prepared, they should take a good coat of gold in the vat without this preliminary pro- cess, and as gold is prone to amalgamate or alloy with mercury, and thus to become discoloured, it is well to guard as far as possible against damage to finished goods by avoiding the use of mercury in all operations connected with gilding. Small wares, when only a few pieces are to be dipped at a time, may be slung upon a copper wire attached to the negative pole of ELECTRO-PLATING PROCESS FOR GOLD. 207 the battery, and are thus plunged into the gold-bath (usually hot), the wire being still held by the right hand so that they may be gently moved about in the solution ; the left hand mean- while grasps the wire attached to the anode, and is thus able to regulate the proportion of its surface which is immersed in the liquid, and hence also to alter the strength of current at will. The deposit should take place immediately, and as soon as the articles are completely covered, the anode may be partially with- drawn from the liquid to reduce the current-density, but not sufficiently to give rise to a yellow coating of gold. This method of working has the merit of affording control over the colour of the deposit; if too pale it may be brought to the slightly brownish yellow which ultimately gives the richest tone, by lowering the anode and thus increasing its surface ; or if too dark it may be correspondingly improved by decreasing the area of anode exposed. After a few seconds' immersion, the pieces should be lifted from the solution and examined. If the coating be sound and of good colour, the position of the wire-support should be shifted slightly by a gentle shake, and the goods returned to the bath. They should be re-examined from time to time, and finally removed, washed, and scratch-brushed lightly or burnished. The washing should be effected in several waters as explained in reference to copper (p. 136). If at the first inspection the colour is found to be wrong, the fault must be remedied by altering the position of the anode to a proportionate extent ; if the object is imperfectly coated owing to the presence of grease-marks (which is scarcely likely to be the case owing to the comparatively ready solubility of grease in the hot cyanide of the bath itself), it must be re- moved, rinsed, and re-dipped in potash, again rinsed and returned to the plating-vat. Bad solutions sometimes cause discoloured patches on the surface of the article, and these should be obliter- ated by scratch-brushing before continuing the deposition. The beer or other organic matter from the liquid used in scratch- brushing must, of course, be most carefully washed away before replacing the goods in the gold-bath. The continuance of a black or dark-brown deposit must not be permitted, as it is impossible to produce a good coloured lustre by polishing such a coating. If the colour be due to excess of gold in the solution, or to too strong a current, the remedy is obvious ; but if it be due to organic matter contained in an old bath, the use of the latter must be discontinued. For some classes of work, however, such as the coating of interior surfaces of tankards and the like a slightly dark colour is often preferable, and an old bath which is not absolutely past use may find an application here. The duration of the gilding-process rarely exceeds a few minutes, as a comparatively thin film of the metal suffices for most purposes. When thick deposits are required, the 208 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. pieces may be removed from the bath two or three times during the process, and be scratch-brushed, well washed, and returned. Large objects cannot, of course, be treated in this manner, but should be suspended in the bath as in ordinary plating -vats, but, if possible, they should be gently moved from time to time ; very large pieces are more often treated in cold baths because of their greater convenience of application. Small perforated articles are best hung upon a wire on which they are separated from one another by small glass beads ; but the wire should now and again be sharply shaken, to prevent the formation of permanent marks upon the goods at the points of contact; so also in slinging chains in the gold-bath, the relative positions of the links should be shifted from time to time with the same object in view. To gild the interior of a vessel it must be well cleansed and prepared to receive the deposit, and then very thoroughly dried on the exterior, especially around the rim. Having been rested upon a level surface, and attached by a wire to the negative pole of the battery, it is carefully filled to the brim with gold solution at a temperature of 120 to 140 F., so that none of the liquid splashes or creeps over the margin (hence the necessity for absolute dryness outside). A gold anode attached to the positive pole of the battery is dipped to a sufficient distance in the liquid and gently stirred around within it; in a few seconds the interior surface will be completely covered with gold, and in four or five minutes a sufficient deposit will have been effected. The anode is then removed, the liquid returned to the heated gold-plating vat, and the article thoroughly washed, polished, and dried. Attention is chiefly to be bestowed in securing an even margin at the edge of the vessel; if it be not sufficiently dried initially, the gilding- solution will gradually creep up the damp portions ; and where- ever the liquid has penetrated, gold will be deposited, and thus a wavy line instead of a straight one will mark the junction between the outside of the vessel and the lining ; splashings which are in liquid connection with the main portion of the solution will, of course, bring about a similar result. It often happens that the vessels which are to be gilt interiorly have an irregular outline at the top, so that some parts of the surface which should receive a coating are above the surface of the liquid, as, for example, in the case of ewers and other lipped wares. All these portions may, however, be covered by means of a doctor ; this consists of a piece of soft rag folded several times around a thin strip of gold connected as an anode. On saturating the rag with gilding-solution and applying it as a brush to the parts which are to be treated, the object being, of course, con- nected up as a cathode, the current passes and electrolyses the liquid in the rag, depositing the gold upon the metallic surface and dissolving it from the anode. As, however, there is not free DEAD-GILDING. 209 motion in such an absorbed solution, it is advisable to re-moisten the rag in the gold-bath from time to time. The doctor is best applied during the time of gilding the rest of the interior, as there is then less likelihood of a line forming, which would indicate the level of the liquid in the vessel. Such a line, if at all pronounced, is not easy to obliterate without risk to the gilding around. Nevertheless, with care, the rag-gilding may be applied either before or after the other process without evil consequences. The more elaborate device proposed by Wagener and Netto for other purposes (p. 104) could be applied to this work if desired. The time required for gilding is far less than that demanded for silvering, because, as a rule, the coated articles are not required to withstand such severe wear, and a much thinner deposit is sufficient ; but thimbles, pencil- or watch-cases, or any object which will be put to the test of rougher usage, must receive a fair proportion of gold. For other goods which are to receive but a thin film, the actual thickness must be regulated by the colour, which depends largely in the early stages of gilding upon the colour of the basis metal ; thus brass, copper, or bronze, which are themselves yellow or reddish metals, become thoroughly gold-like after an immersion of a few seconds, while silver, which is a white metal, pales the colour of the gold precipitated upon it until sufficient has been deposited to form a film completely opaque. Occasionally silver is covered with a preliminary wash of copper, in order to enhance the colour of a mere wash of de- posited gold. It must be borne in mind, however, that a mere film of gold will not entirely protect the silver or other basis metal from the action of the atmosphere ; so that such surfaces are very liable to tarnish when brought into large towns, or wherever the air is at all polluted with hydrogen sulphide. Dead-Gilding. It is sometimes desired to produce a surface with that dead lustre which in richness of effect is so charming to the eye. This may always be accomplished by ensuring that the surface is dead before gilding ; if it be not, it must be rendered so, either mechanically, by rubbing with a fine powder, such as that of Bath-brick, which will impart the necessary degree of roughness without causing deep marks or scratches ; or chemically, as in the case of copper, by dipping momentarily into a strong acid ; or electrolytically, by imparting a preliminary frosted, film to the article before gilding. Of these processes the first is self-explanatory. The second is convenient for small wares, being especially adapted to copper, brass, or bronze goods, and depends for success upon the microscopically uneven etching of the surface of a minutely crystalline, or not absolutely homo- geneous, material. It is effected by plunging the goods, sus- pended from a wire, or contained in a perforated porcelain or platinum-wire basket, into a bath containing 100 parts of nitric acid (specific gravity = 1 *33), a like quantity of sulphuric acid 14 210 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. (specific gravity = 1 '84), and one part of common salt. They are almost immediately removed and plunged into a large volume of water, so that the acid clinging to them is at once washed away (an insufficient volume of wash-water would, for the first moment, only dilute the acid, and cause it to attack the metal too violently). If sufficiently frosted, they are very thoroughly washed, and, with or without quicking, according to the practice of the establishment, are passed on to the gilding-vat. If still too bright, the acid dip is again and again repeated, until the requisite degree of dulness has been imparted. It need hardly be observed that previous to this process the goods must have been thoroughly cleansed by the usual dips. The third method is equally convenient and simple, and is especially suitable to silver articles. Advantage is taken of the beautiful dead lustre of electro-deposited copper ; a thin film of this metal is deposited upon the cleansed silver surface, and without scratch-brushing or burnishing, but after washing well, is at once protected by the gold deposit. Occasionally the copper is made still more dead by very rapidly passing the pieces through the acid dip, immediately before gilding ; but in this case great care must be taken that the copper is not entirely removed at any point, because at such places an irregularity of gilt surface would be apparent. The addition of aurate of ammonia to the gold-bath also tends in the direction of giving a good dead lustre. Dead-gilded work must never be exposed to friction either in manufacture or in use or it will rapidly become brightened ; this class of gilding is, therefore, not applicable to general work, but is well suited to surfaces which will be kept under glass, such as the dials of clocks or philosophical instruments, or for the groundwork of a raised design which will protect it from being rubbed, and which, being itself burnished, may be made to produce a very fine effect by the skilful contrasting of the two styles of gilding. When the mechanical method of producing the dead surface before gilding is resorted to, as is often done with sword mountings and the like, or where the two kinds of gilding are blended on the same object, the Bath-brick treatment should be confined, as far as possible, to those portions which are to be dead-surfaced, as the labour of brightening the others after- wards would be greatly increased. So, too, in imparting the final polish to the bright portions, the tools must not be allowed to touch the other surfaces, or the latter will at once lose their characteristic appearance. Some difficulty is at times experienced in giving the first coating of gold to dead surfaces, and the progress of the deposition must be carefully watched. Should such difficulties arise, the current-strength and that of the solution may be increased ; indeed with filigree work, in which several depths of surface are presented, there may be difficulty in forcing the GILDING ELECTRO-POSITIVE METALS. 211 deposit into the deeper interstices, unless this treatment is resorted to. But as these alterations of conditions both tend in the direction of giving a brown deposit, which it is quite impos- sible to remedy if the surface is to remain dull, and almost so if it should be brightened (because of the difficulty in causing the polishing tool to penetrate to all parts), the countervailing precautions of using a new bath and keeping the pieces in active motion in the liquid must be taken, because cceteris paribus either of these measures tends to lighten the colour of the deposit. When the surfaces are once covered with gold, the progress should be steady. Gilding the more Electro-positive Metals. Any metal which will itself deposit gold from the cyanide solution demands especial care in its treatment. When it is possible to effect the gilding without preliminary protection by copper, as, for example, in the case of nickel-silver, iron, or steel, the rapidity of deposition must be checked by iising a weaker solution, a less intense current, and a lower temperature during the operation : unless these points are attended to, the deposit will probably not be sufficiently adhesive to withstand the subsequent treatment of polishing. Very commonly these metals are first protected by a coat of copper or brass, imparted by the alkaline (cyanide) bath ; lead, Britannia metal, zinc, and similar metals are always so treated. A thin film of copper is deposited upon the well-cleaned surface in the cyanide-vat (p. 129); then, if wished, this may be slightly thickened in the acid copper-bath, and having been scratch- brushed (and quicked if desired) it is ready for gilding. The dead-gilding of large surfaces of zinc is frequently demanded by the requirements of art, and is readily accomplished by a modi- fication of the last process. The metal being well prepared is coppered thinly in the cyanide- vat, washed, scratch-brushed to ensure an even and adherent deposit, and a slight increase of copper is given in the same bath ; then, after washing, a thicker frosted deposit is made in the acid copper-bath, and now the surface is ready for the gold- vat, which should be used almost at the boiling-point. A sufficient amount of gold having been thrown down, the plate is thoroughly washed and dried, preferably in a drying-oven. It is necessary to avoid handling the dead-coated portions at any stage of the process, as the slightest mark becomes visible upon the finished surface. Many operators, according to Roseleur, give the coppered objects a thin coating of silver by simple immersion before gilding, and, after drying and burnishing those portions which are to be brightened, impart a second thin coat of gold, wash, and again dry it. When silver objects have been joined with tinman's (soft) solder, which is an alloy of tin and lead, the gold frequently refuses to deposit upon it, especially if the bath is in bad order or the current weak. Watt obviates this difficulty by painting 212 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. the line of the solder with a solution containing 5 per cent, of copper sulphate crystals and a like proportion of sulphuric acid, and lightly resting a piece of iron in the liquid in contact with the solder ; galvanic action is immediately set up, iron dissolves, and an equivalent of copper is precipitated over the whole surface covered by the solution. Thus, a copper surface is substituted for one of solder, and the entire object may be gilt in the usual way. When only a wash of gold is to be given, the coppered line should preferably be silvered before gilding, to ensure uniformity of colour. Ornamentation and Treatment of Gilt Surfaces. It is suffi- ciently obvious that, from the number of varied tints which may be imparted to electro-deposited gold, as well as from the different lustres obtainable, the means of ornamentation depending upon the combination of these alone, or of part- silvering and part-gild- ing, are almost infinite in number and variation of effect. Thus, a silver (or silvered) article may be in part gilded, by painting with a stopping-off varnish (see p. 388) those portions of the design that are to remain as silver; then, after drying and hardening the varnish by heating gently in a stove, the re- mainder may be caused to receive a deposit of gold of any desired colour. Or a pattern may be left blank upon the varnished surface, to receive a coat of red gold ; the varnish may then be washed off the remaining portion by the application of turpentine and subsequently spirits of wine, and the gilt pattern being in turn protected, the groundwork may be covered with a green or yellow gold. This class of work is known as Par eel -gilding. But the various combinations of flat and relief surfaces, of red, green, and yellow gilding, with silver, and with gold of bright or dead lustre, are better discussed in a manual of decorative art. Here we simply indicate the means by which the ideas of the artist may be carried into effect. It occasionally happens that the gold deposit has not a good colour, so that a special colouring process must be resorted to. Usually the electro-deposited metal, being under better control at the time of precipitation, does not require this treatment, but the gilding produced by simple immersion may do so. The required shade may, of course, be imparted by electro-gilding; but when the layer of gold is not too thin, the older jeweller's method may be adopted, by which the subjection of the object to the action of oxidising agents in a state -of fusion, or in hot concentrated solution, effects the oxidation and removal of the alloyed metal upon the surface, leaving the gold unaltered. Such a mixture is made by fusing together in an earthen pipkin equal parts of alum, nitre, ferrous sulphate, and zinc sulphate ; when thoroughly melted it is mixed by stirring, and is painted over the surfaces of the objects to be coloured. These are then suspended in the central space of a specially-constructed circular TREATMENT OF GILT SURFACES. 213 furnace, which has an inner concentric lining of vertical fire bars (fig. 92 shows this furnace in vertical cross-section), the annular space between the two being filled with incandescent fuel. Here they should remain until a moistened surface, caused to touch any of the pieces, produces a slight hissing sound, by which time the colouring mixture will have fused ; they are then removed, and at once pickled in dilute sulphuric acid (water containing 2 or 3 per cent, of the acid), until the solid crust and the oxide of copper, produced by the oxygen of the nitre, have dissolved and left a clear gold surface. Any copper uncovered, or any basis metal insufficiently protected, will, of course, be corroded and the piece spoiled ; copper surfaces will have become covered with red cuprous oxide, which is insoluble in the weak acid. If results of this nature have been obtained, the only remedy is to strip off any gold which may remain, and re-cleanse and re-gild the objects with a thicker coating. A mixture made from 2 parts of potassium nitrate and 1 part each of alum, sodium chloride, and zinc sulphate by rubbing them into a thick paste may be applied in the same way ; it is painted over the surfaces to be covered, and the pieces are heated on a clean iron plate over a charcoal fire until the mixture has darkened in colour, when it is removed by dipping the articles into dilute sulphuric acid. A third mixture, which is often similarly employed, consists of 6 parts of potassium nitrate, with 2 of ferrous sul- phate, and 1 of zinc sulphate. But, however useful these mixtures may be in imparting a good colour to inferior but solid alloys of gold with copper, they are certainly not generally suitable to the treatment of the thin films of FIG. 92. Colouring- furnace. gold imparted by electrolysis to articles of base metal ; and the electro-colouring process, by judiciously combining gold and copper or gold and silver solutions, or by merely adjusting the strength of the plating-current, is far more reliable and satisfactory. Gilding of Watch-Mechanisms. The peculiar semi-dead lustre noticeable in the internal movements of watches is produced by a preliminary mechanical process known as graining, which has been fully described by Roseleur. It carries sufficient intrinsic interest to warrant the insertion of an outline sketch of the process at this point. The various parts are carefully polished to obliterate com- pletely all file- and tool-marks; they are next strung upon a brass wire and boiled in a 10 per cent, solution of caustic potash or soda, to remove grease ; and, being then well rinsed with water, should show no marks of imperfect wetting, which would 214 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF GOLD. indicate the presence of unremoved greasy matter. (This would point to the necessity of further treatment with potash.) All iron or steel portions are now protected by covering them with a stopping-off varnish, applied in the melted condition by means of a thin warm glass rod, and consisting of Clear rosin, . . 10 parts. Best red sealing-wax, . 4 parts. Yellow bees'-wax, . 6 ,, Finest polishing-rouge, 3 ,, The rosin and sealing-wax are melted together, the bees'-wax is added, and, finally, the rouge is stiried in and thoroughly in- corporated. The pieces may be momentarily immersed in an acid dip, but this stage is frequently omitted ; in either case they are now fastened by flat-headed brass pins to a level surface of cork, cavities being made when necessary, to allow for spindles or projections upon the articles. Held thus in position, they are rubbed well by a rotary motion, with a brush dipped in powdered pumice, and wetted with water; after perfect rinsing they are (with the cork-support) passed rapidly through a weak quicking- solution containing 1 part of nitrate of mercury and 2 of sulphuric acid in 5000 parts of water, and are ready for the process of graining. Impalpable silver-powder must be procured for this purpose ; it may be prepared either by grinding the finest leaf -silver (thin silver-foil) with honey upon a ground-glass slab with the aid of an artist's muller, and then washing away the honey with boiling water, the mixture being placed upon a good blotting-paper filter (p. 52) ; or by placing strips of clean copper in a very dilute solution of silver nitrate, collecting the spongy silver precipitated by 'simple immersion,' washing it free from adhering copper solution, and drying it. The silver-powder is then most intimately mixed with finely - powdered and -sieved tartar (potassium bitartrate) and common salt, in the proportions of 3 of silver with 10 to 30 of -tartar and 40 to 100 of salt; the ingredients should of preference be dried individually at a temperature slightly above 212 F., and mixed warm. The mixture is now made into a thin paste with water and spread evenly over the surfaces of the pieces, and is rubbed persistently over the whole by an oval brush with stout hard bristles; a circular motion should meanwhile be imparted both to the brush and to the cork, but in opposite directions. The use of a large quantity of paste or of much salt produces a large grain, while less paste and more tartar yield a smaller- grain ; the desired effect of roundness is imparted to the grain in direct proportion to the extent of the circular motion applied to the work. After this operation and subsequent washing, the surfaces are scratch- brushed with a straight brush of very thin brass wires more or less annealed. It is recommended to keep three brushes : one of which has been heated to dull redness and cooled, and is very soft in consequence; one somewhat less heated, and so only GILDING WATCH MECHANISMS. 215 moderately hard ; and one but slightly annealed, and, therefore, much harder. The scratch-brushing must also be effected under the influence of a double rotary motion, applied to cork and brush, and is aided by a decoction of liquorice or soapwort as a lubricant. The grain should finally be perfectly uniform, even when viewed under a magnifying lens. The pieces are now removed from the cork, and being attached singly to suitable holders, are suspended in the gold-bath, for which Roseleur recommends the use of the solution No. 1 7 (quoted on p. 202), containing gold fulminate. The gold should be slowly deposited by a moderate current and with platinum anodes. The pieces are finally re-scratch-brushed with either of the lubricants above named ; and the varnish is removed from the steel portions by the application of warm oil, benzene, or turpentine, followed by immersion in an alkaline solution almost boiling. Platinum- or gold-powders may be substituted for the silver in the production of grain, but, as their use presents no advantage and they are far more costly, they are rarely so employed. CHAPTER XL THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. Advantages of Nickel. The introduction of nickel-plating is one of the more recent applications of electrolysis. Until about the year 1870 or later, the high cost of metallic nickel, combined with the impurity and unsuitability of the metal which was then available, rendered nugatory all attempts at electro-nickeling on a large scale. But with the improvements in the metallurgy and manufacture of nickel, which have placed comparatively pure anodes on the market at a reasonable rate, arose the new industry of plating with nickel, which has perhaps advanced with more rapid strides than any of its numerous rivals in the same field. The extreme hardness of deposited nickel, which enables even a thin coating to resist so well the wear and tear of hard use ; the brilliant polish which from its hardness it is capable of taking ; combined with its pure white colour, almost rivalling that of silver, and its non-liability to tarnish under ordinary atmospheric conditions all tend to popularise the use of the metal, not only as a protective coating for more oxidisable metals, but as an ornamental addition to those less attractive in appearance. In the first-named capacity it is applied to exposed portions of machinery which do not actually present working surfaces that are liable to friction, especially in domestic appliances, such as the sewing machine, accessories, or in bicycles, etc., in which it plays the dual part of protecting and decorating. In the second capacity it is applied to small articles of brass or zinc, such as pencil-cases and umbrella-fittings, as well as to larger surfaces, such as restaurant coffee-urns and the like. A thousand other applications might be named, but the above sufficiently represent the classes of work to which electro-nickel- ing is daily applied, and which are constantly extending in all directions. The nickel-plater, therefore, has mainly three classes of work to treat iron or steel, brass, and zinc ; none of them are likely to give trouble, provided attention to detail is rigorously ob- served. More than any other metal, perhaps, nickel requires 216 ADVANTAGES OF NICKEL. 217 the most punctilious care in order to obtain an adhesive de- posit; no metal is so sensitive to any undue change in the manner of treatment, but, on the contrary, none repays the operator so well for his attention to the preliminaries and re- quirements of working. The solutions must, of course, be pure, and the presence of even traces of a more electro-negative metal (such as copper) must be carefully avoided, as the latter would tend to be deposited first, and would alter the character, and possibly even the colour, of the nickel deposit. But care is most largely needed in the re-nickeling of old work, for it is found that the metal cannot be induced to give a deposit in any degree adhesive upon an old surface of nickel. (See, how- ever, p. 233.) Nickel well deposited is extremely hard, so hard that it cannot be burnished, and is somewhat brittle. Thick coatings are especially liable to flake off in use, unless exceptionally well deposited, and even the thinnest films will part from surfaces which are not chemically clean. Fortunately, however, thick deposits are rarely required, on account of the high resistance of the metal to wear, which enables even a thin film to rival in durability a thick coat of any other metal. Nevertheless, the opposite extreme to which manufacturers tend, is greatly to be deprecated, because a non-durable film brings discredit upon the process and upon the manufacturers who use it. It must be remembered that the cost of a slight increase of thickness is by no means proportional to the extra metal and to the battery- power used ; inasmuch as one of the largest items of expenditure is to be found in the preparation of the object to receive the deposit, and this is constant, whatever the thickness of the metal precipitated. The nickel precipitated by too strong a current is grey and pulverulent, and is said to be ' burnt ' ; but, on the other hand, a feeble current produces a hard but very brittle deposit, which will probably become separated from the plate during the final process of polishing. Schaschl, using Pfanhauser's citrated bath, has found that a film 0*2 millimetre thick deposited on thin sheet-iron by a current of about 1*0 ampere per square decimetre, became torn along the line of the bend when the plate was sharply bent over upon itself; but that by first annealing the plate at a dull-red heat, the nickel was so far softened that the plate could be hammered down to a quarter of its original thickness without incurring the slightest injury. Copper and brass, however, on which nickel had been deposited by the normal current, withstood this treatment without any preliminary heating. Nickel is practically never deposited by simple immersion or by the single-cell process; the battery deposition is, therefore, the only method which demands attention. 218 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. TABLE XVII. SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF NICKEL-BATHS FOR 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 No. Authority. Special Application of Bath. PARTS BY WEIGHT Nickel Acetate. j5| . . Nickel Chloride. "s-2 o s-> Nickel Phosphate. CO JjLij Potassium Citrate. Sodium Bicarbonate. it 8 Sodium Phosphate. g jf HI JJ02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Adams . . Boden . . Desmur . . ' Electricias ' Hospitalier Langbein . Nagel . . Pfanhauser. Potts . . . Powell . . >i Roseleur . Volkmer . Watt. . . Weiss . . Weston . . Small goods Printing surfaces Tin, Britannia metal, etc. Iron Iron and steel Zinc Hard deposit 26-7 ... 50-80 33 ... 70 50 100 50-60 ... ... 8 60-72 ... 4-5 54 50 50 50 ... 27-5 ... 15 15 15 25 30 111 50 40 ... 3 26 33-3 40 50 50 ... ... 50 ... 17 ... 42 ... 42 40 50-67 10 NOTES TO TABLE. The heavy figures in the last column refer to the numbers of the which may be used nearly boiling, are generally NICKELING SOLUTIONS. 219 SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS, AS RECOMMENDED BY VARIOUS AUTHORITIES. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 OF INGREDIENTS. Special Method of Preparation. Ammonia. Ammonium Carbonate. Ammonium Chloride. Ammonium Sulphate. Ammonium Tartrate. Calcium Acetate. d 3 o IB j T3 1 o o> PQ Boric Acid. Citric Acid. 13 5 <$ _o 1 1 0-25 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Neutralise, if necessary, with am- monia. Dissolve 12 in 25 ; then add rest. Warm sol. of 8 in 25; add 11 slowly. Stir all with 150 of 25 ; then add rest of 25. Boil, cool, and lilter. Add 15 last, till just neutral. Pour sol. of 15 into sol. of 8 till just neutral ; avoid alkalinity. Boil 7 and 17 with 25, add 15 till neutral, then 23 till just acid. (Mixed cobalt-nickel precipitate.) 26-7 ... 36-5 ... ... 19-22 ... 25-30 4-5 190 37 q.s. 50 20 25 q.s. 7-5 5 7-5 n g ... q.s. 22-33 25 42 6-6 6 50 15 25 ... ... ... ... ... q.s. q.s. 5 ... ... 17 15-30 vertical columns representing the various reagents. All the solutions except No. 3, employed at the ordinary temperature. 220 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. NICKEL-PLATING BY THE SEPARATE-CURRENT PROCESS. The Battery. The Bunsen- or bichromate-cells are well suited for this work, the electro-motive force best adapted for nickeling being higher than that required for most metals. Two or even three Bunsen-cells coupled in series may be employed, and these should be found to last for one day's work, being renewed every morning. The chief objection to this battery is to be found in the red fumes of nitrogen peroxide evolved during use ; but this is of small consequence if the cells be kept, as recommended, in a separate and well-ventilated chamber. The current should be somewhat stronger at first, until the whole surface is just flashed over with nickel, when it should be reduced to the normal strength. Thus, at the outset, it may conveniently be O'l ampere per square inch, or 1'5 amperes per square decimetre at 5 volts' pressure, and should be subsequently reduced to 0*02 ampere per square inch at 2 volts' pressure. The Solution. The number of solutions which have been successfully employed is very great, and any of them may be made to give good results : that being so, the simplest is prob- ably the best. The list in Table XVII. includes some of the principal formulae recommended. For general work, the solution made by dissolving 8 pounds of the nickel-ammonium sulphate in each gallon of water, with the addition of just so much ammonia if it be acid, or of citric or sulphuric acid if it be alkaline, as will suffice to render it exactly neutral, will be found to give good results. Nickel-platers should always be supplied with blue and red litmus papers, which by turning red or blue respectively on immersion in the fluid, indicate acidity or alkalinity ; when neutral the solution should not change the colour of either paper. Although, theoretically, the bath should be neutral, in practice it is found better to maintain it in the faintest degree acid, 1 because secondary re- actions, which constantly take place during electrolysis, tend to liberate ammonia, and thus render it alkaline, and alkaline-baths give trouble by depositing a basic compound of nickel in the form of a greenish powder; moreover they tend, other things being equal, to give a darker deposit of nickel. On the other hand, excessive acidity must be avoided, as it may entirely prevent the deposition of nickel upon the cathode, and it is liable to make the deposit peel off. The cause of the increasing alkalinity is, no doubt, to be ascribed to the simultaneous decomposition of the nickel sulphate with a small proportion of the ammonium sulphate as would be predicted. The electrolysis of the nickel salt alone deposits upon the cathode a weight of metal equal to that dis- 1 Some operators, however, prefer an alkaline nickel-bath, and among them (for use with their arrangement) the inventors of the Smith and Deakin apparatus, described on p. 105. NICKELING SOLUTIONS. 221 solved from the anode, and is thus without influence upon the composition of the bath. But the ammonium salt under elec- trolysis deposits sulphuric acid upon the anode, which, by com- bining with it, adds an equivalent weight of nickel to the bath, while it throws down the elements of the hypothetical body ammonium (NH 4 ) upon the cathode. Thus the sulphuric acid is neutralised by the nickel, and the bath is enriched to that extent by the fresh nickel introduced, while the ammonium is broken up into ammonia (NH 3 ) and hydrogen (H), the former dissolving in the solution and tending to alkalise it, the latter escaping as a gas from the surface of the object being plated. In depositing nickel, hydrogen is usually deposited to some extent with the metal (in part due to the reaction above con- sidered) ; but this must be minimised as far as possible by regulating the strength of the current and of the solution, re- membering that a strong current and a weak solution alike favour the evolution of hydrogen. Whenever much hydrogen is given off, the metal becomes grey and pulverulent, and the absorption of hydrogen undoubtedly tends to brittleness. The reactions in the nickel-bath may, therefore, be thus 62 At cathode. At anode. Forming with Ni anode. Main reaction, Ni S0 4 NiS0 4 Subsidiary reaction, NH 3 + H S0 4 NiS0 4 While the bath is in use it should be frequently tested with litmus paper, and rendered faintly acid, if necessary, with sul- phuric acid. It is advisable to agitate the bath at intervals in order to maintain an equality of density throughout ; but this is not so necessary as in the case of copper deposition, because the duration of the nickeling process is so much less, rarely requiring an exposure for more than two or three hours. Some operators have endeavoured, with considerable success, to prevent the formation of the basic salt of nickel by the addition of a small proportion of an organic acid (citric or tannic), or of a feeble inorganic acid, such as boric acid. This last-named solu- tion, as formulated by Weston (No. 25), certainly gives admirable results, and although the simple solution previously recommended may be made to yield a most excellent deposit without difficulty by careful attention to the working of the vat, Weston's bath allows more latitude in working, and may perhaps be preferred by many. It is made by dissolving 8 or 10 oz. of a double sulphate of nickel and ammonia per gallon of water, and adding 2J to 5 oz. of boric acid. Various other nickel salts have been substituted for the double sulphate, among them the chloride and acetate ; but in nearly every case a double rather than a single salt is preferred. When the single salt is used in making up the bath, a quantity of the 222 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. corresponding compound of ammonia is added at the same time. In one bath (No. 24) a small proportion of cobalt is added, which causes a joint precipitate of the two metals that is said to possess greater hardness than nickel alone. Langbein states that baths made with the addition of chlorides, or made with nickel chloride or nitrate, are not suitable for solid nickeling of iron, though well adapted to the rapid light nickeling of cheap brass articles. The Anodes. The nickel anodes must be as pure as it is possible to obtain them. They are to be had either cast or rolled, of almost any shape. The cast plates are less dense and, as a rule, are more readily soluble than the others ; either kind may be used, but the latter may be procured thinner than the former, and the prime cost of the nickeling plant is thus reduced, moreover, they are more uniform and reliable in composition, and are less liable to become spongy during treatment owing to unequal solution. They should present a total area in excess of that of the cathodes, in order that the bath may be kept saturated with nickel, thus allowing for the inferior solubility of the metal. A bath that requires a difference of potential of 2 volts between cast anodes will probably work well and give even better results with a difference of 3*5 or 4 volts between rolled anodes. Cast anodes being the more readily soluble are more likely to neutralise the acid set free by electrolysis at the anode, and hence the natural tendency of the (ammoniacal) nickel bath to become alkaline asserts itself. Rolled anodes are more likely by insuffi- ciently neutralising the acid to cause the bath to become acid. Langbein states that baths containing boric acid require a definite proportion between rolled and cast anodes. Carbon anodes are not to be recommended, partly because, sooner or later, the carbon is sure to disintegrate into the bath, and partly because, as it does not dissolve in the solution, the acid radical deposited at the anode is not neutralised, and there- fore causes the bath rapidly to become acid. The anodes should be supported by nickel hooks, and may with advantage be made with lugs at the upper corners, as indicated in fig. 50, so that the hooks do not enter the solution ; even, however, with these anodes, the use of brass or copper supports is to be avoided, for, becoming splashed with the solu- tion, they would in time become corroded, and the copper passing into the vat would seriously damage the nickel : bath. The Vats. Any glass, earthenware, enamelled iron, or lined wood tank may be used. If the solution is to be heated, the enamelled iron is, of course, preferable. The vat should always exceed in size that of the work treated by 15 or 20 per cent. The Process of Electro-Nickeling. Stripping. It is even more important in nickeling than in silvering or gilding that an existing film of nickel shall be entirely removed, or the new deposit will most certainly lack adhesive properties. ELECTRO-NICKELING. 223 R. C. Snowdon, 1 however, has found that the nickel need not be removed if the article is made the cathode in an acid bath and current is passed so as to produce a vigorous evolution of hydrogen on the nickel to remove all trace of oxide ; the article is then washed rapidly and is plunged into the usual plating solu- tion. The acid solution used was a 3-normal solution of hydro- chloric acid, with a current-density of 8 amperes per square decimetre. The plating solution was nickel-ammonium sulphate, and current-density 2 amperes per square decimetre. In what follows, however, we shall describe the more usual treatment. Small articles may be treated by persistently rubbing them with fine emery-cloth until the desired end is accomplished. More often a chemical method is used, which consists in dipping the articles for a brief period into an acid bath that will readily attack nickel. Such a bath may be prepared, as recommended by Watt, by gradually and carefully adding one volume of nitric acid and two of sulphuric acid to one volume of water, constantly stirring meanwhile with a porcelain or wooden rod to prevent the action from becoming too violent. The liquid is allowed to cool, and should be transferred for use to a glazed earthenware pan or dish sufficiently large to hold any object which it will be required to treat in it. It is employed cold or only very slightly warm, and should be placed outside the operating-room, in a well- ventilated place, for example, in the battery - cupboard, be- cause unwholesome and irritating acid fumes are evolved during the process. The author has frequently used this bath with success. The plated article is suspended from a copper wire and plunged beneath the liquid in the bath, where, however, it should not be permitted to remain for more than a few seconds at a time, for a thin coating is almost instantaneously dissolved, and the acid is then free to attack the basis metal beneath. It is, therefore, frequently removed from the vat and closely examined, so that the action may be stayed at the moment when the last trace of nickel has disappeared ; it is then transferred to a large volume of cold water, and after washing twice or thrice in fresh water, is ready for the subsequent stages of the process. Some operators prefer to strip by electrolysis, by making the object the anode in an old nickel-bath. Attention is equally necessary in conducting this process to guard against any attack upon the basis metal ; but, since it is impossible entirely to prevent all action, no bath which is to be afterwards employed for depositing the metal should be used for this purpose, as it will become gradually charged with impurities. A 10 per cent, solution of sulphuric acid may be used for electrolytic stripping. Iron or steel articles are best treated by either of the first two processes, brass or copper by either of the two last-named, yet 1 Trans. Amer. Electro-chem. Soe., vol. vii. p. 301. 224 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. with due care any of the three methods may be applied to all classes of work. Preliminary Preparation for the Bath. It has already been pointed out that, by reason of its extreme hardness, the nickel deposit cannot be burnished. Ordinary methods for imparting the final polish to electro-plated goods are not, therefore, appli- cable to nickel-coated wares. It is thus essential that the highest possible polish 1 should be given to the objects prior to immersion in the plating- vat, remembering that as they are when placed in the bath so they will be when finished. Even traces of pre- existing scratches, or tool-marks, cannot be obliterated, except with the greatest difficulty, when once nickel has been precipi- tated upon the surface. If, therefore, the goods passing into the hands of the plater are in any degree rough or unfinished, they must be most carefully polished until every scratch has ceased to show ; extra care should be taken with large blank areas of surface, unbroken by the lines of a design or by a change of shape in the article itself, because even the slightest flaw becomes more visible on such surfaces than upon smaller articles. More than usual care must also be bestowed upon the cleans- ing operations. In silver- and gold-plating, especially with warm solutions, the cyanide liquor compensates for any slight inade- quacy of cleansing by its power of dissolving the offending grease, so that the surface is finally cleansed by the electrolytic bath itself (which, however, is gradually spoiled by the absorp- tion of organic matter), but the nickel-bath has no such solvent action ; so that it cannot be too strongly impressed upon beginners that the success of their work is dependent upon the absolute chemical cleanliness of the pieces to be plated. After polishing, every trace of grease is first removed in the potash-vat, and of tarnish in the acid dip (for iron goods) or the cyanide-bath (for brass, copper, or zinc). Then after a thorough rinsing in water, the goods are transferred without loss of time to the plating-vat. After passing through the potash-bath the surface of the article should be handled with brass tongs or with clean rags, and must on no account be touched with the hands. Copper and brass articles always, wrought-iron and steel com- monly, are at once nickeled without further preliminary treatment ; zinc is also occasionally treated in the same way, but, inasmuch as it is readily attacked by the nickel solution, and the latter is rendered worthless when contaminated with zinc, it is advisable to protect the objects with a covering of copper before immersion. Meidinger has suggested a covering of the zinc sheet with mer- cury, which would answer the same purpose, but care is neces- sary to guard against over-amalgamation, which only renders the plate very brittle without affording any corresponding advantage. Cast-iron also should be covered with copper; it is a common 1 See, however, p. 123. ELECTRO-NICKELING. 225 practice first to bestow upon the surface a wash of tin, then upon this one of copper, and, finally, the layer of nickel. The articles having been made perfectly bright and clean, and, if necessary, covered with copper, are ready for suspension in the bath. Nickel-Depositing. It has been pointed out that the current should be somewhat stronger at first than subsequently j but it must not be so intense that the metal becomes burnt, as explained on p. 217, a fault which is by far the more serious of the two. Therefore, in introducing the cleaned objects, although the cur- rent must pass immediately they enter the bath, the objects first suspended must be protected from receiving an excessive current by the interposition of resistances, or by hanging one or more anodes from the cathode rods, as explained in speaking of electro- silvering on p. 194. The surface of the article should almost immediately be completely covered with a grey deposit of nickel. The goods are suspended by copper wires, which should be used only once, because from the want of adhesion of nickel to old nickel surfaces the metal deposited upon old wires is liable to strip off in flakes, which, falling into the solution, may, in course of time, form a metallic bridge or connection between the elec- trodes, and thus produce a short circuit, or they may adhere to projecting portions of the cathode surface and interfere with the regularity of the coating. An alkaline bath is apt to give a darker tinge to the deposited nickel than is the acid bath ; the same effect, however, is produced if the current-density is not suitable. The nickel solutions are usually inferior conductors of elec- tricity, and there is in consequence a more marked difference than usual in the rate of deposition upon portions of a given object placed at different distances from the anode ; and there is even less tendency for a current to pass through great lengths of solution when the basis metal is also a poor conductor of electricity ; coating bad conductors with copper is, therefore, to be recommended as a distinct assistance in starting a deposit of nickel. Objects which are to be coated on all sides with nickel should therefore be quite surrounded with anodes, and should be placed as nearly as possible equidistant from them ; and if they have an irregular form, they should be systematically inspected to ensure that all the deeper hollows are covered at once. While, then, on the one hand, the pieces must be very carefully examined after they have been struck (i.e., first completely covered with nickel), they must not, on the other hand, be kept too long out of the solution, so that they tend to become dry, because in that time they will have acquired an imperceptible film of oxide, which will effectually prevent the adhesion of the nickel afterwards deposited. The thickness of the nickel need not, as a rule, be very great on account of its extreme hardness. Generally speaking, from 15 226 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. half an hour to four hours will suffice for the deposition. Thick deposits are very liable to peel off, occasionally spontaneously in the bath, but more often during the period of administering the final polish ; this is especially the case with iron and steel goods, which take a thick deposit less satisfactorily than those made of brass or copper. This peeling of the metal, whenever it happens, is annoying, because it necessitates stripping the remainder of the deposit, with a recommencement of the process de novo; but if it occur in the bath, the separation of loose fragments may give trouble in a manner already described. When the thickness of coating is sufficient, the pieces are removed from the bath and thoroughly washed in cold water, then plunged into boiling water, so that evaporation may take place more rapidly, and dried completely small objects in hot sawdust, large articles in a stove heated to, or very slightly above, the boiling-point of water. They must then receive their final polish, and are ready for the market. The nickeling of larger or irregular surfaces is conducted after the same manner as that of smaller objects : the conditions to be observed most particularly are that the goods shall be thoroughly polished and absolutely clean ; that they shall be as far as possible surrounded by anodes, and equidistant from them; that the whole surface is in fair conductive connection with the negative pole of the battery ; and that the solution is in good order, being neither alkaline nor more than feebly acid. To secure good connection it is often desirable to employ more than one wire, especially when considerable lengths, such as chains or rods of a feeble conductor, are under treatment ; these should be supported from the cathode-rods at intervals by copper hooks, so that several starting-points are offered, instead of one, for the formation and spread of the deposit: there is thus a greater uniformity of coat. The hooks must be shifted from time to time, to avoid the formation of surface markings. Small objects should not be coated in the perforated porcelain pans recommendable in plating with other metals, because of the difficulty in arranging the anodes. It is, indeed, possible to effect the nickeling in this manner, and the method is sometimes practically adopted ; but it is safer either to attach each article individually to a copper wire, or to rest several together on a very shallow and narrow metal tray which may be suspended betweeen the two anodes. The Smith Deakin process (p. 105) may with advantage be employed. Small articles are especially liable to receive a burnt deposit when first placed in an empty vat, and for this reason either a large number of articles should be intro- duced into the solution simultaneously, or one of the anodes should be made a cathode for the time being, as previously explained, or small pieces may be immersed while the current is already coating objects with larger surfaces. ELECTRO-COBALTING SOLUTIONS. 22? Finishing. When the goods are to be left as they come from the bath without further polishing, and, therefore, with a slightly deadened surface, they must not be touched with the hands upon any exposed surface, as the coating in this condition is peculiarly susceptible to grease-markings, and the stains will inevitably show after drying. The pieces should be lifted from the vat by the suspending wires, plunged first into two or three cold wash- waters, and then into hot clean water. If the pieces are at all thick or substantial, the heat energy stored up in them, by a short immersion in the boiling water, will suffice on removal to evaporate the small proportion of liquid clinging to them ; but if the surface be large as compared with the mass, it may be necessary to finish the drying in a stove. To this end the objects are placed on a tray, the suspending wires unhooked, and the tray transferred to the oven, so that from first to last they are not touched with the fingers. So treated the dead surface presents an extremely attractive appearance. Distilled water should be used for the final washing-bath (heated) if possible, because it leaves no residue. Britannia metal and zinc should be coppered before nickeling, and some prefer thus to treat even German silver; this done, the objects are coated with nickel in the manner described. Applications. Among the many useful applications of electro- nickeling, that of coating the comparatively soft copper printing surfaces demands especial notice. A thin film of nickel, so thin that the size of the printing surface is not affected, will increase the hardness, and consequently the life of the plate enormously ; indeed it would appear that a nickel-coated copper plate will give about four times as many impressions as one coated even in the usual way with iron. A special advantage also attaches to its use it enables copper type to be used with a red pigment (vermilion) which cannot be done without such protection, because the copper alone decomposes the mercury sulphide, which is the basis of the pigment, and thus destroys its colour, and at the same time tends to become brittle by the absorption of the reduced mercury. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF COBALT. The chemical properties of nickel and cobalt are so nearly allied that this chapter would appear to be the most appropriate place for introducing the subject of electro-plating with the latter metal. The deposit of cobalt is similar to that of nickel ; it is equally brilliant, but is somewhat harder, and has been found by Professor Silvanus Thompson to possess a higher resisting power for organic acids, which renders it more suitable for the internal coating of copper or other cooking utensils. It is only lately, however, that cobalt anodes have been procurable, and have thus 228 DEPOSITION OF NICKEL AND COBALT. BE H tf co <3 |g CO fe tH o 2 P -2 i <4-l ' ^ & IT* <3 O I ^ r 2 02 | | |*| .0 Q Q 3 ^ CO r| o> w 11 -C Water. o ^ ^^ o o i 1 r-l i 1 i 1 i 1 i Magnesium Sulphate. : : : : o : 5 8 3 -& ^ HH O H 3 Ammonium Chloride. : : o : v s C PH o g . g Ammonia. :*: : : 'O 'o? ft^ ?M 2H T3 PH Cobalt I 1 I-H *f _M O . -^tl ^ .1 rCn OQ i-Q Chloride. rl w ^ ' ' r-L H |- " * 1 < ^ * i ' i c piii & I| o fl , _ C fl . 5S ^ r2 -2 -4J j | ^ S S^l *T3 ^ bn M c3 _u - fn C7 1 -ta -g g JS oS o 33 ?3 08 < 1 IM O 'S -5 0) is 05 Dissolve 2 in 12 ; just precipitate with 9, and just re-dissolve with 11 ; use as concentrated as possible. Stand two days ; always filter before use. Form electrolytically. Dissolve 2 in 250 of 12, and add to 7 in 750 of 12 ; then add 10. Form electrolytically. CSl i< Water. o o o o o o o o o | | o o o o o o vH i 1 gti H Sulphuric Acid. '' t ' o> 3 a Q Ammonium Chloride. o o I o o o o ; o o Ammonium 05 03 . . . Carbonate. o |H Rochelle Salt. O CO ' : i s ; ; rp r*i Potassium o : . . . Ferrocyanide. H T 10 ^ Iron Alum. CO . . *f Ammonio- Ferrous o H Sulphate. 1-1 P3 Ferric O3 00 s Sulphate. I t I N Ferrous Sulphate. 1 H o CO : : o .2 'I Varrentrapp Volkmer . Walenn . .1 6 i-H (M CO " 4 - . 00 o 234 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF IRON. to crack upon the surface and peel off in the form of spangles, as its inventor observed happened frequently when other baths were used for producing thick coatings, especially the double chloride of iron and ammonium. The double sulphate of iron and ammonia, which is obtainable in the market in a very pure condition, is capable of yielding extremely good films upon engraved copper plates. If it be at all acid a little chalk should be added, or, better still, a little washed ferrous carbonate prepared as above described, until no further quantity is dissolved by the liquid. Langbein remarks that a heavy and hard deposit is obtained from a solution made up of 1J oz. of ammonio-ferrous sulphate and O88 oz. of crystallised citric acid in one quart of water. Enough ammonia should be added to render the solution neutral, or slightly acid. Perhaps the best solution of all is one recommended by Klein, and made by dissolving sufficient equal proportions of ferrous sul- phate and magnesium sulphate to form a concentrated solution, neutralising acidity, not by means of chalk, but by means of magnesium carbonate suspended in a tray. The bath should be used with a very low current-density. In using any of these iron-baths, the separation of hydrogen with the iron upon the object is to be strenuously avoided, because the gas bells clinging to the surface form pin-holes which are fatal to the impression taken in the press from a plate so affected ; and, further than this, the character of the iron is pre- judicially influenced by the absorbed hydrogen. The conditions, therefore, which are least favourable to hydrogen production must be fulfilled ; these are mainly the use of a concentrated solution, the absence of free acid, and the application of a sufficiently weak current. The Anodes. The anodes should be made of the purest iron available. Electro-deposited iron would theoretically be most suitable ; next to this the softest wrought-iron, or so-called mild steel sheet, is preferable. Hard steel and, above all, cast-iron plates are to be avoided, because they contain comparatively large percentages of carbon and other impurities which, being insoluble in the liquid, remain for a time suspended in the bath and are apt to attach themselves to the objects under treatment. Cast-iron may contain as little as 93 per cent, of iron (or some- times even less). The anode surface should be much larger than that of the cathodes (eight times as large) for reasons already given. The anodes should be removed from the vat now and again, brushed to detach the insoluble matter which is left upon the surface in a spongy or pulverulent condition, and returned to their position. The Vat. The vat is best constructed of iron, which may be heated when the solution is to be used warm ; it must be kept ELECTRO-PLATING WITH IRON. 235 thoroughly well cleaned, and, for this cause, enamelled iron is to be preferred. It must, of course, be larger than the work to be plated on account of the increased surface which is given to the anodes. The Character of the Deposited Metal. The iron deposited in thick coatings is of a bright grey-white colour, is extremely hard and brittle, and demands the most careful attention if it is to be removed from the matrix. After annealing at a low red heat it becomes softer, and after a fair cherry- red it is as soft as steel which has been similarly treated. The fracture of unannealed deposited iron resembles that of cast-iron ; it, of course, contains no carbon, but is usually highly charged with hydrogen, which it occludes during the process of formation. Cailletet has found as much as 240 volumes of this gas in 1 volume of a sample of iron, which was sufficiently hard to scratch glass, and was extremely brittle. The annealing has the double effect of softening the deposited iron and of removing the hydrogen which it had previ- ously contained ; but the inference is not safe that the hydrogen is the sole cause of the brittleness, which is more probably mainly due to the particular arrangement of the molecules of the metal. Its extreme hardness has procured for the application of deposited iron to engraved copper plates the misleading title of steel-facing a designation which implies the presence of combined carbon within it, whereas, excepting the hydrogen contained in it (which may be removed by heating), it is one of the purest forms of iron obtainable. In its relation to magnetism, deposited iron is comparable with mild steel ; but Beetz has shown that when deposited under powerful magnetic influence, as between the poles of a strong electro-magnet, and from solutions containing ammonium chloride, it will itself act as a powerful magnet, retaining its magnetism for a considerable period of time. Iron is so electro-positive a metal that it has a great tendency to combine with oxygen, that is, to rust; the electro-deposited film must, therefore, be dried very thoroughly as soon as possible. It, however, generally contains within its pores a distinct quantity of the solution from which it was precipitated, and this must be perfectly removed by washing two or three times in boiling water, or the liability to rust will be greatly increased. On the other hand, A. Neuburger has made the observation that electro- lytic iron (presumably unannealed) resists rust in a remarkable way. The Process of Electro-Deposition. In coating copper plates with iron (which is the chief application of the process), the copper must first be cleansed carefully, so that the sharpness of the lines may not be diminished. Klein dips the plate first into benzene and then into potash to remove grease, but it is usually sufficient first to rinse and then to boil the plate in a solution of caustic potash ; then, after washing twice or thrice in clean water, 236 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF IRON. to pass it through a bath of dilute sulphuric acid (containing from 2 to 5 per cent, of the acid), and after a second thorough wash to transfer it at once to the iron-vat, without touching the surface at any point. In the bath it is suspended by suitable hooks or by holders such as those mentioned on p. 97 ; two plates may be used with one anode by placing the CAigraved faces of the copper fronting the latter. The current from the Bunsen-cell (or cells, arranged in parallel, if much work is in hand) is then passed through the solution ; an ammeter and set of resistance-coils should be placed in position. Usually from five to six minutes suffice for the process of deposition; but if a thicker coating be required, remembering that the last portion deposited forms the printing surface, and hence must be perfect in character, it is advisable to remove the plate, rinse, rapidly examine, and brush it well with a hard brush under water, so that no extraneous matter may cling to the surface ; then replacing it for five or six minutes in the iron-bath, the alternation is again and again repeated until the desired thickness is obtained. After the final removal from the bath, the plate is dipped into a large volume of cold water, is then immersed in boiling water for the space of half a minute, and is again rinsed in cold water. It may then be lightly rubbed with dilute potash or soda solution, sponged dry, and rubbed with oil, the excess of which is subsequently removed by means of benzene. Thus treated, the plate will not be greatly liable to rust ; but if it is to be stored for any length of time, it must be treated like an ordinary engraved steel plate and covered with a protective film of wax. Stripping. When an old iron-coated plate is to be re-plated, the residue of the first coat must be stripped, after removing all grease in a potash-bath, by immersing it in dilute sulphuric acid (5 to 10 per cent.) until the copper surface is left completely bare ; the plate, after washing, is then ready for the iron-bath as usual. Electrotyping with Iron. Thick deposits also may be made, and may be obtained direct from the mould, but in this case the matrix should be first covered with a thin sheath of copper, upon which the iron is precipitated, because iron refuses to deposit well upon the black-leaded surface of the gutta-percha or other non-conducting mould. The copper may be afterwards dissolved away by making the iron sheet the anode in a copper cyanide bath, or (but with greater risk) by simple treatment with the strongest nitric acid, the excess of which must be quite washed away immediately the copper is removed. CHAPTER XIII. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OP PLATINUM, ZINC, CHROMIUM, CADMIUM, TIN, LEAD, ANTIMONY, BISMUTH, AND PALLADIUM ; ELECTRO-CHROMY. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF PLATINUM. PLATINUM, one of the most insoluble and acid-resisting metals known, would form an excellent protective coating to metals could it be readily applied ; Roseleur, indeed, has stated that he had twenty times evaporated nitric and sulphuric acids alter- nately in a platinum-plated copper crucible without finding the basis metal to be sensibly attacked until the last operation. But the very insolubility of the metal constitutes one of the difficulties in electro-plating with it ; for the anodes resist the solvent action of any solution which may be safely used as an electrolyte without injuring the objects suspended as the cathode. It is very rarely used, however, as a covering metal. Platinising. It is so electro-negative an element that nearly all the other metals are able to decompose its solution, and thus deposit the platinum by simple immersion ; but the coating so formed is usually black, granular, and non-adherent. Silver, copper, and brass are the most readily treated, while lead, tin, zinc, iron, Britannia metal, and the like, present great difficulty unless previously protected by a substantial film of copper. For platinising copper by simple immersion, Roseleur recommends the use of a boiling solution containing 10 parts of platinum converted into the neutral chloride, and 120 parts of caustic soda in 1000 of pure (distilled) water. Another solution may be made by dissolv- ing 25 parts of the double chloride of platinum and ammonium, and 250 of ammonium chloride in 1000 parts of water; this also is used at the boiling temperature. When silver is platinised and a simple solution (not too strong) of platinum tetrachloride in water will suffice to effect this the object should be afterwards rinsed, first in dilute ammonia and then in water, because silver chloride is formed by the exchange of metal with the platinum chloride ; and this silver compound, being insoluble in water, requires the treatment with ammonia, in which it readily dis- solves, to effect its complete removal from the plated goods. 237 238 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF PLATINUM. Tin, brass, bronze, copper, and tin plate have also been platinised by rubbing upon their surface, with a woollen or linen rag, a solution of 1 part of platinum chloride in 15 parts of spirits of wine and 50 of ether, and then washing well with water, after allowing the ether to evaporate. Platinum may also be deposited by the single-cell process. Lesmondes' method consisted in placing the articles in a per- forated zinc tray and immersing the whole in a solution made by adding sodium carbonate, in the first place, to a strong solution of platinic chloride until effervescence ceases, then a little glucose, and afterwards sufficient sodium chloride to yield a white pre- cipitate. This bath is used at a temperature of 140 F., and is most suitable for treating copper and brass, the deposition being mainly due to the current set up by the solution of the zinc tray. The method adopted by Smee for coating the silver plates required for use in his battery is also a single-cell process. The plate, slightly roughened by mechanical means or by a momentary immersion in nitric acid, is placed in a solution containing dilute sulphuric acid with a few drops of platinum chloride solution added to it. A porous cell containing a rod of zinc standing in dilute sulphuric acid is then introduced into the bath ; on making metallic connection between the silver and the zinc, a current is set up, the zinc dissolves, and a proportionate amount of platinum is deposited as a dark-grey or black powder, which, nevertheless, holds fairly tenaciously to the silver. Platinating. But for general purposes the separate-current process should be employed. Of the various solutions recorded in the appended table, those of Langbein (No. 3) and Roseleur (No. 4) are the most reliable. To prepare a gallon of the latter, three- quarters of an ounce of platinum is dissolved in aqua regia and converted into chloride, which is then dissolved in a quart of dis- tilled water ; in the meantime half a pound of ammonium phosphate should have been dissolved in a quart of pure water in one vessel, and two and a half pounds of sodium phosphate in the remaining two quarts contained in a second vessel. The solution of the ammonium salt is now to be added to the platinum liquid, with which it produces a dense precipitate ; disregarding this, the sodium phosphate solution is next added with constant stirring, and the whole bath is boiled until no more smell of ammonia is observed, but on the contrary it is shown to be faintly acid by blue litmus paper. During the period of boiling, water will have been evaporated, which must be restored before using the liquid. When in active use, a little of the fresh solution must be added at intervals to supply the place of the platinum which has been lost by deposition upon the cathode ; because, as already ex- plained, the anodes are not attacked, and cannot, therefore, replenish the exhausted solution. A process similar to this, but with the addition of a small proportion of common salt, has been PLATINATING SOLUTIONS. 239 S S H B Special Method of Preparation. Dissolve 1 as platinic chloride in 15 ; add 12. (For silver.) Dissolve 14 and 10 in 400 of 15 ; neutralise with 4 ; add 2, and stir ; then 600 of 15. Vide text. Dissolve 1 in 15 ; add first 6, then 13 ; render alkaline with 4; warm and filter. V Good for thin deposits. Water. iH iH |H i-l 1 I 1 1 I o , rH Acetic Acid. : : : : S : : : : Sulphuric Acid. 3 : | : : : : : : : ^ Ammonium ^ Phosphate. : : : g eq Ammonium id m Chloride. fc Sodium Citrate. a> : : : O Sodium H Pyrophosphate. : : : : : : : 1 : g Di-Sodium ; Orthophosphate. S (M : : | : : fn Sodium Chloride. o : : : : oo te Sodium Carbonate. : 8 : : : OH Caustic Soda. % GO oe .... pi Potassium PM Cyanide. : : : : : : : : | Ammonium "^ Platinic Chloride. Platinum as Platinic Chloride. . o : t~ : : : I J? fi ' "S : ^ O C fcH t-> G '33 s 1 1 1 1 8 S S & qj .... 1 2 * II 1 r-l a 240 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF PLATINUM. patented by Thomas. The method of preparing Langbein's excellent solution is given in the table. Platinum solutions should be used hot, and gas should appear at both anode and cathode. Copper and brass may be plated direct, but iron and other metals must be coppered first. The objects to be plated should be well polished before de- positing, because electrolytic platinum is hard, so that greater difficulty is involved in polishing after deposition than before. The platinum-coated surface may be left dead, or it may be brightened by means of iron-wire scratch-brushes (brass is too soft and, itself becoming rubbed, leaves a yellow stain upon the goods) or by careful rubbing with very finely-powdered pumice. When old platinum-covered goods are to be re-plated, the stripping of the previous coat presents a difficult problem ; it cannot well be removed electro! ytically, because the baths do not attack the metal, although a long exposure in a gold-stripping bath may sometimes effect the desired object, especially if the platinum be not in its densest and hardest condition; but at best it is a very tedious operation. The chief solvent for platinum is aqua regia, but this cannot be applied because it would vigorously attack the basis metal beneath j and, in fact, as soon as any of the latter metal became uncovered, it would dissolve all the more rapidly on account of its contact with the remainder of the platinum coat, and, being more electro-positive, would even serve to protect the latter from further action. The surest and most rapid method, whenever practicable, is to apply mechanical means and simply rub off the platinum by means of emery-cloth, and then re-polish the metal beneath. This system cannot, of course, be applied when any delicate pattern or design is traced upon the object, in which case the chemical methods must be tried. A greater loss is caused by the use of emery, but this may be minimised by saving the dust produced, and subsequently working it up to recover the platinum. The name usually applied to platinum-coating by simple immer- sion is platinising, as in the case of the Smee-battery silver plate, while the electrolytically- covered object is said to be platinated. Watt, however, raises an objection to this latter term, and suggests the use of the expression ' platined ' to denominate this class of work. His objections to the other term are doubt- less worthy of consideration, but the older word is perhaps more euphonious ; while if it be regarded as a contraction of the compound word 'platinumplating,' it is not, after all, unscientific. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OP ZINC. Only in special cases is electrolytic zinc deposition resorted to ; the metal has not a fine colour or lustre (except when certain organic bodies are added to the solution) and is readily dulled USE OF DEPOSITED ZINC. 241 with the thin film of tarnish, which forms very soon upon exposure to the atmosphere. Its highly electro-positive character certainly renders it suitable to the protection of iron surfaces from destruc- tion by rust ; because when submitted together (in metallic con- tact) to the same corrosive influence^ the zinc is the earlier of the two metals to be attacked. But, like tin, zinc is usually more satis- factorily deposited upon iron by dipping the latter into a bath of the molten metal. Such a process yields a perfectly homogeneous and continuous coat, which is applied at such a temperature that it is impossible for water to exist between the two surfaces, or in cavities ; while the electrolytic method deposits a crystalline, and, therefore, to some (however slight) extent, porous cover, in which small quantities of the solution from which it has been deposited may be locked up, and facilitate the oxidising action. Thus the dry or fusion method of coating the iron is preferable whenever its application is possible ; the meaningless title galvanised iron given to this product is manifestly a misnomer, and is distinctly misleading. But for internal or other surfaces which cannot well be coated by the fusion method, electro-deposition is frequently used with great advantage ; it is especially useful in coating hardened steelware, which is to be used in the hardened condition, and of which the temper would be drawn by the heating necessary for the treatment with metallic zinc. Another method of galvanising (non-electric) due to Cowper- Coles, and known by the name of ' sherardising,' has come into use during the last few years. Metals are heated in contact with zinc dust at a temperature below that of fusion, when the zinc alloys superficially with the iron or other metal, the thickness of the coating depending on the time of the operation. Battery Process. On account of its very electro-positive nature, zinc cannot be precipitated upon ordinary metals by simple immersion, nor is it practically deposited by single-cell methods. By separate current it may be obtained from the neutral sulphate, chloride, acetate, or other soluble salt of zinc (except the nitrate), or from the corresponding double salt of zinc and ammonia. The current-strength required for most zinc solutions is considerable, and demands the use of two or three Bunsen-cells. The solutions are, as usual, various, but good results may be obtained from a 10 per cent, solution of zinc sulphate with a current of from 0'06 to 0'13 ampere per sq. in., or 1 to 2 ampere per sq. decimetre j other formulae are given in Table XXI. For small work perhaps the best solution is that patented by Watt in 1885 (No. 5): 200 oz. of potassium cyanide are to be dissolved in 20 gallons of water; 80 fluid oz. of the strongest liquor ammonice are then stirred into the liquid, and the mixture is transferred to a large vessel containing pure rolled zinc anodes ; in this vessel are also several large porous battery-cells, which must be filled up with the solution to the level of the surrounding 16 242 ELECTKO-DEPOSITION OF ZINC. s 2 & < CO ^ Special Method of Preparation. (For cast-iron.) Dissolve 4 in 13, add 5 until precipi- tate at first formed is re- dissolved. Precipitate the zinc hydroxide from sulphate by potash. Dissolve 6 in 13, add 9 ; mix ; add 1 electrolytically ; and finally add 7. .5 o 1| ^T3 : aj g N t M T3 S Ssa'S* ill rj CO -^ ^ sf-S,S / S g >H Ttl S re aSl^.l "8 e D S o S w 53 cJ fH _CO _ CD H Q Water. O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o i-t i-H rH o o o o o o o o o Sulphuric r2 Acid. 11 i? Ammonium QnlWkofn : : : o ^ Ammonium Chloride. ^ i : o o ^ Potash. B O 02 Zinc g Sulphate. 18 1 i o 2 00 : > ^ CO 'o'C CHARACTER OF DEPOSITED ZINC. 243 liquid, and in which are cathodes of metallic copper. On passing a current from a Bunsen-battery of several cells, the zinc anode gradually dissolves in the solution until, when it has reached the strength of 3 oz. per gallon (i.e. a loss of weight on the part of the anodes of 60 oz. in the aggregate), the battery is dis- connected, and 80 oz. of potassium carbonate are finally added to the liquid little by little, by dissolving each additional portion in a fraction of the liquid, and then returning it to the vat and stirring well. After a final rest of twelve hours, for subsidence, the clear liquid is poured off, and the sedimentary matter at the bottom filtered from the contained liquid ; the whole is then ready for use with a battery of three Bunsen-cells, or, better, with a dynamo. The anodes for all solutions should be made of pure rolled zinc only. It is more likely to be pure than the cast commercial zinc or spelter of the market, which frequently contains much lead, iron, or arsenic, as well as other impurities, and readily crumbles. But for large work, the cyanide bath is costly and inconvenient. The bath No. 6 in the above table may be made to give good results with a current of about O'l ampere per sq. in. and 3 volts' pressure. But it should always contain a trace, but scarcely more than a trace, of free acid. Cowper-Coles' process (No. 8) is largely used for producing zinc coatings on iron plates, tubes, and heavy iron work generally. One of the difficulties in working with high current-densities is the tendency of the anode to resist solution at a rate proportional to the current supplied, which entails a gradual acidification of the bath. For this reason only about 50 per cent, of the zinc anode goes into solution. Cowper-Coles therefore prefers to use in- soluble anodes (of lead) and to circulate the electrolyte through a bed of zinc dust mixed with carbon. As the electrolyte becomes acid through deposition of zinc, the zinc dust dissolves, being aided voltaically in the process by the carbon. Zinc dust has the advantage of being a cheap by-product in the manufacture of zinc, the only disadvantage in using lead for the anodes being that it becomes peroxidised and thus sets up a considerable back E.M.F. This disadvantage is reduced as far as possible by reducing the distance between the electrodes to a minimum. If zinc anodes are used, a large proportion crumbles away, and should be caught on a filter bed of carbon, zinc dust being then unnecessary. Lead electrodes, however, appear to be preferable. Character of Deposit. The metal should be reguline. If produced by a current which causes a simultaneous separation of hydrogen, it is, of course, spongy ; but Kiliani has made the remarkable observation that with a strong solution of zinc (of specific gravity = 1 '38) a very weak current causes an evolution of hydrogen, which diminishes in extent as the current increases in volume up to a certain point. For example, a current of about 244 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF ZINC. 0*07 ampere per sq. decimetre yielded 1'6 cubic centimetres of hydrogen for every gramme of zinc deposited ; but as the current was increased to 0*2, 0'4, 1'6, and 3'2 amperes per sq. decimetre, so the hydrogen evolution per gramme of deposited zinc was reduced to 1*5, 0'37, 0'29, and 0*22 cubic centimetres respectively. In all these cases the zinc was in a spongy condition, but less markedly so in the last two instances. When the current-density was increased to 18*5 amperes per sq. decimetre, the gas separa- tion ceased, and the metal appeared lustrous and adherent. This anomalous action may perhaps be ascribed to the ready oxidisa- bility of the zinc, which, deposited by a weak current, is attacked by the solution in its freshly precipitated state, with the formation of zinc oxide and evolution of hydrogen (Zn -f H 2 = ZnO + H 2 ) ; but as the current-strength increases, so also the quantity of zinc thrown down is increased, until at length the action may perhaps be so hurried that the liquid has no chance of attacking the metal at the moment of deposition. The current-strength could, of course, be greatly increased in so strong a solution without causing hydrogen to be evolved to any extent by the simultaneous electrolysis of the metallic salt in contact with the cathode, and a certain proportion of the acid or water. The same observer also noted that a current of 0*4 ampere at 17 volts, in passing through a one per cent, solution, threw down zinc oxide with the metal upon the cathode. It is clear, then, that the current-density must not be too low in dealing with zinc solutions. The final washing of electro-zinced goods should be in hot water, and the drying, if necessary, effected in a stove, in order that as little time as possible may be given for oxidation of the deposit. The method of operating in depositing zinc should require no further detailed explanation for those who are acquainted with the matter in the previous chapters of this work. The same care must be expended upon cleansing and deoxidising at first, and upon washing and finishing subsequently, as has been insisted upon throughout. The vats, suspension arrangements, and the like call for no special comment. There is a very great tendency with zinc to deposit in a spongy state, forming loose tree-like forms and excrescences, especially around the edges of the work or cathode. This action has been ascribed by some to the formation of a compound of zinc and hydrogen, but by Mylius and Fromm and others to the formation of oxide of zinc, owing to the presence in the solution, for example, of oxidising substances, or of copper, arsenic, or other elements more electro-negative than zinc, which, being deposited with the latter metal, cause gradual oxidation of the zinc by local action. The use of the zinc dust in the Cowper-Coles process is clearly an advantage from this point of view, inasmuch as it tends to check the formation of the zinc oxide. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF CHROMIUM, ETC. 245 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF CHROMIUM. Chromium is a very hard infusible metal, which so far has not received commercial application. Le Blanc 1 has deposited the metal from a solution of chromium sulphate, specific gravity 1 '25, with half a gramme of boric acid per 100 cubic centimetres of solution. A lead anode and copper cathode were used. A good smooth deposit was obtained, but it was found impossible to get a thick deposit owing to the formation of cracks. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF CADMIUM. Cadmium is a metal nearly allied to zinc, but less commonly met with and more costly ; its electro-deposition is rarely effected. Smee found that a liquid made by adding a solution of ammonia to one of cadmium sulphate, until the precipitate at first formed is just re-dissolved, readily yields a good deposit, while the simple solutions of the cadmium sulphate or chloride are difficult to work ; Bertrand, however, appears to have been more successful with the sulphate. This experimenter has also used a bath of cadmium bromide slightly acidified with sulphuric acid. The only solution remaining to be noted is that of Russell and Woolrich, made by dissolving 40 parts of the metal in dilute nitric acid, adding a ten per cent, solution of sodium carbonate until no further precipitate is produced, allowing the precipitate to subside, pouring fresh tepid water upon it, settling it again, and repeating the washing process four or five times, then just dis- solving it in sufficient strong potassium cyanide solution, adding ten per cent, excess of the latter, and sufficient additional water to render the total weight of water in the solution equal to 1000 parts. The bath is used at a temperature of 100 F., and, with a current at 3 or 4 volts produced by a like number of Daniell-cells placed in series, may be made to give a white reguline metal. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF TIN. The process of coating articles of copper or wrought-iron by merely bringing their cleansed surfaces into contact with melted tin is so simple, and, moreover, gives such a sound and perfect covering, that there is but little room for an electro-tinning method, which must usually entail greater trouble and expense. Notwithstanding this, the wet deposition is to some extent practised, largely indeed for whitening small objects of brass wire, such as pins, hooks and eyes, and the like, for which it is to be preferred ; and for giving a preliminary coating to certain metals, like cast-iron, which are subsequently to receive an electro-deposit of any more electro-negative metal that may not be deposited 1 Trans. Amer. Electro-chemical Society, vol. ix. p. 315. 246 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF TIN. OQ B 10 J 'dk 41 ID '43 1 ^J o3 2 4T.s O a 1 s J rt CO S g O PM 00 a S S ^ *s S^ M i ,3 "+j li s 1*1 C< .S 4J 'i 1 ^ la a a St- fin ^O t^S 9 ^f, "'S o fl 02 P H Is .. Water. O O O O o o o O O o o o . s a" U Sodium H Pyrophosphate. : : : : 8 I ; ^ ^ 11 P n Alum. * t i li Potassium ^ O Bitartrate. : ' 3 2 l^ H ffi Caustic .p .. n3 2 Potash. ^ : : : : : : 11 ^ Tin !x Tetrachloride. o : : : : i : II g w g Tin 10 CO CO A3 Bichloride. o r ~ t ^-1 CO ^ S <1 ^,3 P-i . -j cS . . . co O g,o ill HI c3 < S ^l s p... . * s ft 02 P<0 11 6 <-H 1 ^"1 ^3' ^d ^ - s i 3 > ^S ^^ -2 J*J rn ON si * !s S p -J S.B l||rflr. 53 Q O 0) JH* 1 .2 1 8 .s CO a . M Bitartrate. . . rH W * Potassium r-> . T* CO . OS . Cyanide. r-t o o o ^H Potassium iO PQ ... to I Carbonate. r-t 1 Caustic Potash. S^ rH ^ : : : : : :J ': PH Tin Tetra- T* . CO . . . . chloride. t 1 ^ OO OS O rH i I 250 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF LEAD. appearance have all the characteristic appearance and brightness of the pure metal. Only pure tin-foil, or plates cast from the best grain tin, should be employed. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF LEAD. With lead, as with tin, the low fusing-point renders the coating of an object more simply effected by immersion in the melted metal than by electro-deposition. The old experiment of grow- ing a 'lead tree' by suspending a fragment of metallic zinc in a dilute solution of lead acetate (sugar of lead) is simply a case of deposition by ' simple immersion ' ; the peculiar, largely- crystalline, spongy formation of the resulting lead illustrates very well the difficulty of getting a good solid adherent metal by simple exchange with a more electro-positive element. When, however, it is necessary to deposit lead in the wet way, a simple dilute solution of the acetate may be electrolysed by separate current ; but the alkaline bath, prepared by boiling 5 parts of lead oxide (litharge) in a solution of 50 parts of caustic potash in 1000 of water until it is completely dissolved, is preferable. With either liquid lead anodes are used, and the objects are carefully prepared for the bath, and polished afterwards as usual. The methods cannot, however, be relied upon to give a thick deposit, nor are they largely used in practice. Many lead solutions tend to form an insoluble higher oxide (a peroxide, Pb0 2 ) at the anode, which thus receives a coating as well as the cathode, but of a different kind ; and the principal interest attaching to the process of lead electrolysis centres in the possibility of producing films of oxide which present different colours to the eye by reason of their extreme tenuity. ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF ANTIMONY. The deposition of antimony, again, is a process of no commercial importance, although the metal, which has a fairly bright lustre when polished, but is rather grey in colour, resists well the tarnishing action of the atmosphere. It is a very brittle metal, and would be useless as a coating upon any thin article, or upon one which is liable to be bent in any degree when in use. Immersion Process. It is fairly electro-negative, and will, therefore, give a deposit upon many metals by simple immersion. For example, brass will receive a lilac-coloured surface tint, varying in depth of shade according to the time of immersion, by dipping it in a boiling dilute solution of antimony terchloride (butter of antimony), made by adding much water to a little of the antimony compound, and boiling until the dense white precipitate formed on mixture has re-dissolved ; and then, after ELECTKO-DEPOSITION OF ANTIMONY. 251 a further addition of water and a second boiling, filtering and heating for use. The coated pieces must be well dried in hot sawdust or in a stove, and must be protected by a varnish of lacquer, if the lilac colour is to be preserved. TABLE XXIV. SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE ELECTRO - DEPOSITION OF ANTIMONY, RECOMMENDED BY VARIOUS AUTHORITIES. 1 2 45678 9 No. Authority. PARTS BY WEIGHT OF INGREDIENTS. Special Method of Preparation. Antimony. Antimony Terchloride. Antimony- Potassium Tartrate. Antimony Tersulphide. Sodium Carbonate. Ammonium Chloride. Hydrochloric Acid. Tartaric Acid. 1 1 2 Gore . . q.s. X y (1 8. 1000 1000 Electrolyse pure strong hydrochloric acid with antimony anode until 3 4 5 >i 4000 83 50 100 2000 124 83 1000 1000 1000 (Use boiling ; it deposits kermes mineral on cooling.) Roseleur Battery Process. But, as usual, the separate-current process is to be preferred, for which the solutions given in Table XXIV., inter alia, have been recommended. Of these solutions No. 3 will probably give the best results in workshop practice. It is made by dissolving four pounds of the double potassium-antimony tartrate (tartar emetic) in a mixture of two pounds of strong hydrochloric acid with one of water. This solution is particularly useful for producing thick deposits, as considerable latitude in current-strength is permissible. A current of 0'06 to 0*1 ampere per sq. in., or 1 to 1J amperes per square decimetre, will be found most suitable, but the current may be greatly increased, and the rate of deposition correspondingly hurried, without danger. Tartar emetic itself is a feeble conductor, and cannot alone be made to give good de- posits, for, as Gore has shown, even a very weak current brings down the metal in a pulverulent form; hence the addition of hydrochloric acid, which sufficiently increases the conductivity. The other solution containing tartar emetic has less hydro- chloric acid, is a poorer conductor, and must be used with a weaker current, not exceeding O013 ampere per sq. in. or 0-2 ampere per square decimetre. The bath prepared by Roseleur 252 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF ANTIMONY. by boiling together for the space of one hour, and subsequently filtering the solution, 1 ounce of antimony tersulphide, 2 of sodium carbonate, and 1 pint of water, tends to deposit antimony oxysulphide (kermes mineral) on cooling, as above noted ; and must, therefore, be always used hot. The pale orange precipitate of oxysulphide is soluble in the mother-liquor as soon as the boiling-point is reached. The anodes may be made of platinum, but preferably of antimony, which must be cast into slabs of the required shape and size, as it is far too brittle to allow of mechanical work, such as rolling or hammering. No special treatment is required in depositing antimony ; the pieces must be cleansed thoroughly, and the strength of the bath must be maintained by adding a further quantity of the solution from time to time. After coating, the pieces are rinsed, dried in a stove (or in hot sawdust), and brightened in the usual way. But if the chloride solution has been employed, the object must be rinsed once or twice in hydrochloric acid immediately it is removed from the bath, and then in water, because water added to the original solution produces a dense curdy- white precipitate of antimony oxychloride. So that, if the pieces, with a portion of the bath liquor clinging to them, were dipped into water at the outset, they would be covered with this white deposit; but if first washed in a menstruum, such as hydrochloric acid, with which the solution mixes without decomposition, the original liquid is safely removed, and the final cleansing may be effected in water without risk. Character of Deposit. The metal deposited by too strong a current is, as usual, black, powdery, and non-adherent ; and that yielded by some solutions may be so, even when a weak current is employed. But the metal is capable of being thrown down in two different modifications of the reguline or solid form one of a grey- slate colour in the dull condition, but taking a good polish and resembling cast-iron when scratch-brushed, having a crystalline fracture, and being hard and very brittle ; while the other is darker and more steely, but somewhat softer, non-crystalline, or amorphous, and with a lustre which resists atmospheric influences for quite a lengthened period. Explosive Antimony. The most curious and interesting pheno- menon in connection with antimony deposition- is the production of an explosive variety, which has been fully studied and described by Gore. He found that the amorphous antimony deposited from a solution of 1 part of antimony terchloride in 5 or 6 parts of hydrochloric acid (of specific gravity 1*12), or in 10 of hydro- bromic acid (specific gravity l - 3), or in 15 parts of hydriodic acid (specific gravity 1*25), would, under certain conditions, undergo a physical change and become crystalline ; and that this change was attended by an increase of density, and with an evolution EXPLOSIVE ANTIMONY DEPOSIT. 253 of heat so considerable that, if evolved instantaneously by a con- siderable mass, it may develop almost explosive violence. The heat is so great that, if sufficient metal undergo the change, paper in contact with it is burned, and wood is scorched brown ; the ' explosion ' is often accompanied by a flash of light, but always by a slight cloud of vapour expelled from the interior. The three varieties (from the chloride, bromide, and iodide) differ in their sensitiveness, as well as in other particulars. None of them are pure, but retain within their pores about 6, 20, and 22 per cent, respectively of the depositing liquor, which may be expelled by heating, as, for example, at the moment of explosion ; the cloud of vapour observed is thus accounted for. The presence of this liquor in the metal gives rise to an apparently abnormal excess of deposited metal over that which should be yielded according to the electro-chemical equivalent. The alteration of condition proceeds gradually on keeping, but more quickly in the case of powder or of thin pieces than with larger masses of metal ; and the heat is then evolved almost imperceptibly. But freshly- deposited material may be caused to undergo the change, in a rapid or explosive manner, by any physical means, which is cap- able of sufficiently affecting the molecular arrangement of the body. With the chloride variety the action begins when it is heated to 170 F., becoming sudden and complete at about 205 F.; with the bromide deposit the explosion occurs at 320 F.; with that from the iodide at a still higher temperature. A similar descending order of sensitiveness was observed when other means were employed to initiate the action ; a touch with a red-hot wire caused immediate conversion of the chloride variety, while the bromide metal was merely locally affected by contact with the hot wire, the action, only spreading through the whole when it was raised to 250 F. throughout, and through the iodine specimen when it was heated at 338 F. The heat developed by the alteration in the first-named case was so great that a thin rod Jth of an inch in diameter, upon which the amorphous anti- mony was electrolytically built up to a total diameter of half an inch, melted, flowed away from the antimony, and remained fluid for some time. The explosiveness appears to be due to the content of chloride, bromide, or iodide, as the case may be. A sudden blow, or even rubbing with glass or metal, is liable to convert the amorphous into the crystalline variety, so that if it is required to break up the unexploded metal into smaller pieces, it should be fractured under cold water by a comparatively soft material, such as wood. Provided that they are kept under iced water meanwhile, very thin pieces may even be crushed to a fine powder in a mortar ; and this powder may be dried in the cold over sulphuric acid ; and, remaining in the original condi- tion, will evolve subsequently the same proportion of heat as the thicker untouched deposits. 254 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF BISMUTH, ETC. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF BISMUTH. The deposition of this metal possesses at present little beside a scientific or theoretical interest. It may be thrown down from a weak and very slightly acidi- fied solution of the nitrate, either by simple immersion upon certain more electro-positive metals, such as tin, or by the separate-current process. Bertrand uses for the latter method a solution of 30 parts of the double chloride of bismuth and ammonium in 1000 of water, containing a small proportion of hydrochloric acid. With one Bunsen-cell he succeeded in obtain- ing a coat which, although black exteriorly, exhibited the well- known slightly pink shade of the metal, and was susceptible of a very high polish. Like antimony, the brittle nature of the metal renders it unfit for coating objects which are at all strained or altered in shape subsequently. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF PALLADIUM. Palladium is one of the rarer metals, belonging to the platinum group. Having a silver-white colour and lustre, and being also untarnishable at ordinary temperatures by oxygen or (unlike silver) by sulphur compounds in the air, it is sometimes substituted for silver. Occasionally, but very rarely, silver-plated goods are given a thin final coat of palladium. Cowper-Coles, 1 in his interesting electrolytic process for the manufacture of parabolic reflectors, which are required to be always bright, and which, if used for electric search-lights may be exposed to high temperatures and to influences which would rapidly tarnish silver, covers the copper of which the reflectors are made with a coat of palladium having a thickness corresponding to 70 to 80 grains of palladium per square foot. The bath that he uses is that recommended by Bertrand, namely, a solution of the double chloride of ammonium and palladium but with excess of ammonium chloride added. He dissolves 6'2 parts of this compound with ten parts of ammonium chloride in 1000 of water, and uses it at a temperature of 75 F. with a current-density of about 0'15 ampere per square foot and an E.M.F. between the electrodes of 4 to 5 volts. He uses an anode of carbon ; Bertrand, however, employs one of palladium. Of the remaining metals there are none which render necessary in this work a description of the means by which they may be electrolysed. With regard to some of them, indeed, many published processes would appear on thermo-chemical grounds to be visionary.. In regard to aluminium especially, the extreme popularity of 1 Jour. Inst. of Electrical Engineers, 1898 (xxvii.), p. 105. PRODUCTION OF METALLO-CHROMES. 255 this metal, combined with a great want of knowledge, on the part of the public, as to its properties, have led to a demand for its electro-deposition. Many solutions have been proposed which it was claimed should give good deposits of the metal, but have been found by various experimenters to be worthless. In our own experience, the brilliant grey deposit, which has been afforded by some of these methods, but which has never exceeded in thickness that of a mere film, has consisted principally of iron, a metal which is almost universally present in commercial aluminium compounds. The deposit has been often found, on testing, to contain aluminium ; this may have been due to traces of the solution remaining in the pores of the coat, or it may have resulted from aluminium which had actually been deposited with the iron as an alloy ; but in all cases the iron was found to be vastly preponderating. That it is possible to deposit aluminium by the electrolysis of fused compounds is no doubt true, but further evidence is necessary to prove the satisfactory deposition of the pure metal from aqueous solutions. COLOURING OF METALLIC SURFACES. Advantage has been taken of the fact that lead and certain other metals tend to deposit as peroxide upon the anode, instead of, or sometimes in addition to, precipitating as metal upon the cathode, to obtain certain colours upon metal surfaces. The most interesting application of this is to be seen in the formation of metallo-chromes by the deposition of an infinitesimal film of lead peroxide upon a polished steel surface. It has long been known that colourless transparent substances, if sufficiently thin, are capable of displaying a series of colours by reflected light by the optical phenomenon known as the interference of luminous waves (where the wave of light reflected from one side of the film is so similar to that reflected after refraction from the other that their respective vibratory influences interfere with one another). The play of colours upon the soap-bubble or upon oil floating on water are instances of this phenomenon, which was first studied by Newton. A momentary immersion of a bright steel or platinum plate as anode in a lead solution suffices to deposit a film of peroxide, which answers the requirements for the production of these iridescent colours. Nobili was the first to observe this action with acetate of lead. Becquerel's solution is now used for this purpose; it is made by dissolving 14 oz. of caustic potash in half a gallon of water, adding to this 10 J oz. of lead oxide (litharge) and boiling for from half an hour to an hour, allowing it to stand for some time, then decanting the clear liquid from the subsided precipitate, and making up the whole to a gallon in volume. The electrolytic action must be continued for exactly the right period of time; an 256 PRODUCTION OF METALLO-CHROMES. insufficient exposure does not give time for the development of sufficient thickness to allow of interference, while an excessive action causes an opaque, dirty brown deposit ; intermediately between the two, a very beautiful play of colours may be secured The cathode may be of copper-sheet. Gassiot produced patterns upon the anode by interposing a cardboard disc, with a perforated design upon it, between the electrodes, so that the deposit chiefly occurred on the portions unshielded by the solid portions of the card. Watt used copper wire bent into various shapes ; this system has the advantage that there are varying distances between the different portions of the anode and the cathode, and, therefore, a varying thickness of film is produced, which adds to the beauty of the iridescence. The film is fairly adhesive, but should not be handled more than is necessary. CHAPTER XIV. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OP ALLOYS. THE principles upon which the possibility of electro-depositing alloys may be said to depend have already been explained in Chapter II. (p. 33). Brass, bronze, and German silver are practi- cally the only alloys deposited, if we except the mixtures used in producing coloured gold coatings, and of these the first-named alone has any widespread use. THE ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OP BRASS (COPPER AND ZINC). A brass coating may be given to a copper article by cover- ing it electrolytically with a thin film of zinc, and then, after washing and drying, applying to it a heat just sufficient to cause the two metals to form an alloy superficially ; and similarly an object made of any other material, which will withstand the necessary heating, may be brass-surfaced by depositing alternate layers of copper and zinc, and alloying them in situ as before. But in practice this could not well be done. Nor is brassing usually effected by simple immersion, although Watt has shown that a zinc rod, dipped into a mixed solution of copper and zinc acetate, becomes covered with a yellow deposit of the alloy. But for practical purposes the production by the separate-battery process is alone adopted. The Bunsen form of battery is the best, and should generally be arranged with two cells in series. The Solution. The solution may be greatly varied, and, indeed, no absolute and unalterable rules can be laid down as to its con- stitution. The basis of most of the liquids is the mixed cyanides of copper and zinc, as in this combination zinc does not dis- place copper from its solution, and there is in consequence a better chance of obtaining a simultaneous coating of the two bodies ; but the relative proportions of these may require to be varied in working, according to the behaviour of the solution, which depends upon several inconstant quantities strength of current, resistance of solution, and the like. The following table (XXV.) summarises the principal electro-brassing solutions. 257 17 258 ELECTRO-DEPOSITION OF ALLOYS. TABLE XXV. SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF ELECTRO- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PARTS BY WEIGHT No. Authority. 1 m Copper Acetate. Copper Carbonate. Copper Chloride. II ! ^ = ^ o| Is p? >'o^ -3 g ^ go Q M s^ Dissolve 1 in 14 ; add 11 ; when dis- solved, add 5 in little solution of 9. Add sufficient 8 to rest of solution to give required deposit. i 2 a Water. O O o I 1 I 1 o o o o O O O O O O CO rH PQ Rochelle Salt. : o : : : * . S H 01 o w g Soda-lime. : : : : : o CO II - Potassium g Cyanide. : 2, o o go 1-H I-( ^ 5 S o << |!j rH pq Potassium * Carbonate. o o o o rH i 1 og * ^ Caustic Potash. co ; 1 ! SH O 3 00 O Sodium r, Stannate. : i : : =* E ^ Tin Binoxide. : ^ ; i 1 " g Tin Bichloride. : : c^> o 1 1 r ~ ( W ^ fe Tin w Tetrachloride. 00 | H g * H Cuprous P^ Cyanide. : o : : : 1 - pu Cuprous Chloride. : : T 1 ' " w T Cupric Chloride. ; ; ; : - Copper Sulphate. g -^ 10 : ' : CD co X 1 H 45 fi o CD t>3 1 1 fiq p^ r weight in Ibs. deposited by B. T. umt- Thus, in the case of the acid copper bath, where a voltage of 0*3 is used, Ibs. of Cu deposited from the acid bath by 1 B. T. unit= p-S.=87. 0-3x7 With the alkaline bath worked at a pressure of 4 volts, and remembering that the copper is in the cuprous condition, so that its electro-chemical equivalent is double that of the cupric copper in the acid bath, Ibs. of Cu deposited from the alkaline bath by 1 B. T. unit ??! = 1*3. From this it is seen that a given amount of electrical energy 0,17 will deposit , ( = 6'7) times as much copper from the acid bath as from the alkaline bath. That this must be so is obvious from the fact that although the E.M.F.'s applied respectively in the two cases are in the ratio of 0-3 : 4 (or 1 : 13'3), yet a given quantity of electricity deposits twice as much copper from the alkaline as it does from the acid bath, so that the ratio of the energies required is 13'3 1 : ~o~' or nearly 1 : 6'7. At first sight, however, this may seem to be in contradiction to the results of the calculations at the beginning of the chapter, by which it was shown that the power absorbed per sq. ft. of cathode surface in the alkaline bath was 5 (not 6 *7) times that required in the acid bath. But the discrepancy is apparent, not real. It must be remembered that the earlier numbers (ratio 5:1) represent power absorbed per unit of electrode area, while the later (ratio 6 '7 : 1) represent energy required per unit of weight of metal deposited, and the rate of deposition in the acid bath was taken as 10 amp. per sq. ft., whilst in the alkaline bath it was only 3 '7 amp. per sq. ft. Making allowance for the fact that in the latter case each ampere deposits twice as much copper as in the former case, the ratio of copper deposited in the two baths is 10 : 7*4 (not 10 : 3'7). That this is correct may be seen from the fact that the ratio 10 : 7 '4 is practi- cally the same as the ratio 6'7 : 5. It must not be forgotten that in these latter calculations, as in the former, the loss of energy in the dynamo or in the motor- dynamo and in the leads has been neglected ; and due allowance must be made, as before, for these losses in estimating the gross energy that would be required. It should also be noted that, on account of subsidiary reactions, the amount of metal deposited by COST OF ELECTRICITY. 333 a given quantity of current is never quite in accordance with theory, although, under favourable conditions, it should be nearly so. Cost of Electricity. The actual cost of electricity varies enormously, according to the system of generation and distribution. The battery is one of the most costly methods of producing electricity, and by estimating the consumption of material in the battery and calculating the cost there is no difficulty in determining the expenditure required per unit. Professor Ayrton, in his Practical Electricity, has worked this out for several cells, taking the lowest cost of materials, at wholesale rates, and excluding prime cost of battery or expenditure on renewal of porous cells or other relatively durable parts. The numbers are as follows, the value of the copper deposited in the battery whilst in use being deducted in the case of the Daniell-cell : COST OF 1 BOARD OF TRADE UNIT (Kilowatt-hour). Using Daniell-cells, . < . ... lid. ,, Grove-cells, . . . . ( . .Is. ,, Potassium bichromate cells, . . .Is. 3d. ,, Leclanche-cells, . . . . .Is. 5d. When the materials are bought at retail prices, the cost per unit of electricity delivered at the terminals of the battery would range from Is. 6d. to 2s., or even higher. W. R. Cooper, in his Primary Batteries, gives the theoretical cost per unit from a Daniell-cell as 8'4d. and from a chromic acid cell as 14*ld., but it must be remembered that such figures take no account of local action, impurities, handling, manufacture of plates, interest on capital, etc., so that in practice the cost would be very much greater. The cost per unit of public electricity supply at the consumers' premises varies in different towns, and in some towns according to the quantity required and the purpose to which it is applied. Under favourable circumstances it may be as low as Id. or 2d. per unit, in other cases it may be 6d. per unit (or more) ; but in the worst case it is far less costly than battery-current. It must be remembered that a considerable addition is made to the cost by the necessity to convert the current at the town pressure to that at which it is to be used. Using a combination of a small motor and dynamo with, let us say, an efficiency of 80 per cent, each, the combined efficiency is only 64 per cent., and the cost of the current as supplied must be multiplied by say (roughly) 1*5, in order to find the cost per kilowatt-hour at a pressure suitable for distribution to the vats. In public electricity supply the cost of distribution (that is, the cost of the mains and of their upkeep and the loss of energy by resistance) forms a very large item in the consumer's bill ; more- 334 POWER REQUIRED FOR ELECTROLYTIC WORK. over, at present, while a large portion of the current generated is still used for lighting purposes, the cost of generation is enormously enhanced by the necessity to put down a plant sufficiently large to cope with the maximum demand for current in the early hours of the evening, when light is most wanted, much of the plant standing idle for the remainder of the day. If the load could be equalised, so that it should be practically con- stant at all hours of the day, a much smaller plant could be made to yield the same total output. Hence the charge for power is usually less than the charge for lighting purposes. In large electrical works, where current is constantly required (night and day) as, for example, in copper refineries- the condi- tions are much more favourable. In large establishments the generating plant may be larger than that of many of the smaller * central stations ' giving a public supply, so that the greater economy of large plant is utilised to the full, and at the same time a steady current is in continuous use, and the cost of distri- bution is minimised, because the generating station is close to the place where the current is to be used. Under such circumstances the cost of production per unit need not exceed Jd. where coal is cheap and good, or, say, |d., including capital charges and depre- ciation. It has been calculated that with continuous (night and day) running, where coal is about 4s. or 5s. a ton, the cost per kilowatt-year need not, with the best possible plant, exceed .10, which is equal to 0*27d. per unit. The price at which electric power can be purchased depends very much upon the size of the undertaking by which it is produced, and also on how many hours per day the energy is used con- tinuously. In the case of electro-chemical work, current is often used day and night continuously, and therefore current is obtain- able at very favourable rates for loads of this kind. The electricity undertakings in this country supply a great deal of energy for lighting as well as for power, but since current for lighting is required for a comparatively small number of hours per day (in other words, what is termed the * load factor ' is low), the gen- erating plant is not used continuously to its full extent for light so much as for power, and thus the cost per unit is higher for light owing to capital and other charges. Nevertheless, very low average costs are obtainable, and in some of the largest under- takings the average cost per unit, including capital charges, is about IJd. or less, and thus it follows that the total cost of pro- ducing a unit for power purposes, particularly if the load is more or less continuous, is considerably less than even this low figure. On the other hand, in the case of small undertakings, and where the load is chiefly a lighting one, the cost is much higher, and less favourable rates are obtainable. Where water-power is available, the price of power depends chiefly upon the cost of developing the power, that is, upon the ABSORPTION OF POWER IN CONDUCTORS. 335 cost of the hydraulic works and plant involved. At Niagara the charge per H.P.-year is from 3, 10s.; at Sault Ste. Marie, in Canada, it is a little over 2 ; whilst in parts of Norway, where conditions are particularly favourable, the cost per H.P.-year is less than ,1. E. A. Ashcroft 1 estimates the cost per H.P.-year to be 6, 9s. 6d. by steam plant, <5, 5s. by gas plant, and of sulphur tetroxide (S0 4 ) weighing grammes. Thus Faraday's 2 laws of electrolysis follow as a matter of course from the ionisa- tion theory. The electrical charge is essential to the existence of an ion, and if it be removed, the ion at once becomes converted into the corresponding element (or group of elements) with the properties so familiar in chemistry. Electrolytic Solution Pressure. It has been stated above that a soluble salt passes into solution when placed in a solvent, and that it has a certain solution pressure. A. salt is made up of a combination of a positive with a negative ion, and the solution of the salt, accompanied by a partial ionisation, does not affect the apparent electrical condition of the solution. If, however, a metal such as zinc be placed in water, and zinc ions be formed in the solution, each of such ions must take a definite charge of electricity, so that positively charged ions would then exist in the solution without any balance of negatively charged ions. But if any portion of zinc did so pass into solution as an ion, there would necessarily be liberated at the same moment an equal and opposite charge of negative electricity in the zinc plate, because it is not possible to generate either positive or negative electricity alone. The solution would thus be positively charged, and the zinc negatively, and this would counteract any tendency for more zinc ions to take up charges and pass into solution. The special tendency of any metal to ionisation when placed in a liquid is known as the Electrolytic Solution Pressure, to distinguish it from the ' solution pressure ' of salts. But, as in the case of solution pressure, electrolytic solution pressure is opposed by osmotic pressure ; thus, if a metal were placed in a solution of one of its own salts, the osmotic pressure of the ions of that metal already in the solution would tend to prevent the passage of fresh ions of the same kind into the liquid. If the osmotic pressure were less than the electrolytic solution pressure of the metal, ions would tend to pass into solution and to charge the solution positively, while the metal itself would, up to a certain point, be charged negatively, as already shown ; but if the osmotic pressure were greater than the electrolytic solution pressure, it would not only prevent the passage of fresh metallic ions into the solution, but would contrariwise tend to deposit some of the positive ions from the liquid on to the metal, so that the metal would be positively charged, and the negatively charged ion set free in the solution would impart to the liquid a negative charge ; whilst, if the osmotic pressure were exactly equal to the electrolytic solution 344 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. pressure, no change at all would be observable, as the system would be in stable equilibrium. It has actually been observed that the so-called electro-positive metals, such as potassium and sodium, zinc, cadmium, and iron, are charged negatively when placed in solutions of their salts, whilst such metals as copper, mercury, gold, and platinum, having electrolytic solution pressures that are low as compared with their osmotic pressures, usually become charged with positive electricity. It is thus possible to arrange the metals in an order cor- responding to their behaviour in this respect. In this way we obtain again the electro-chemical series, as it has been given above, and find a new explanation of the series. Some idea of the actual electrolytic solution pressures of certain common metals is gained from the following numbers, taken from Le Blanc : Atmospheres. Zinc, z=9'9xl0 18 Cadmium, = 27xl0 6 Iron, =l'2xl0 4 Cobalt, =1'9 Nickel, =1-3 Atmospheres. Lead, =l'lxlO- 3 Hydrogen, =9'9xlO- 4 Copper, =4 < 8xlO- 20 Mercury, =l'lxlO- 16 Silver, = 2'3xlO- 17 It will be noticed that some of these values are enormously high, and some extremely small. It should be remembered, however, that such figures only represent the striving of the molecules to pass into the ionic state, or the osmotic pressures which the metallic ions already in solution would have to exert to prevent ionisation of the metal. No such pressures have been directly or indirectly observed. But there is a very close connection between the heat that would be generated by the chemical changes taking place in such a cell, if no current were produced, and the electro-motive force of any current that is generated. It thus appears that, in the case of electro-positive metals, heat is generated when a metal passes into the ionic condition, and this is termed the heat of ionisation. It is not rendered sensible in electro-chemical operations because it is converted into electrical energy, and this is expended to a large extent outside the cell in which the action has taken place. The heat of ionisation for certain metals has been calculated by Ostwald, as shown (expressed in calories) in the following Table: Metal. Symbol and Valency. Heat of Ionisation of 1 Equivalent Weight. Metal. ' Symbol and Valency. Heat of Ionisation of 1 Equivalent Weight. Potassium . Sodium Magnesium . Iron . ." Zinc . K' Na' Mg" Fe 7 ' Zn" Grin. cals. 61,000 56,300 53,400 10,000 16,300 Cadmium Cobalt Nickel Copper Silver. Cd" Co" Ni" Cu" Ag' Grm. cals. 8,100 7,300 6,800 - 8,800 -26,200 SIMPLE EXCHANGE OF METALS. 345 Thus a given quantity of electricity is conducted equally by equivalent weights of all metals alike, but the electro-motive force necessary to set the particles in continuous motion varies with different ions, and depends upon conditions intimately connected with the heats of formation of the compounds in use. So, also, the force with which an ion clings to its electrical charge varies with, and is measurable by, the heat of ionisation, those metals which evolve the most heat in becoming converted into ions requiring the greatest expenditure of energy to make them relin- quish their charges and re-assume the metallic state. This must evidently be so, the heat absorbed in the latter process being exactly equal to that evolved in the former. Simple Exchange of Metals. It has been shown that when a metal (e.g., zinc) is placed in water it tends to form ions, but that the tendency is checked by the fact that the positive charges necessary to the independent existence of the ions can only be derived from the rest of the zinc, which must, therefore, become charged negatively, so that ionisation stops almost as soon as it has begun. It is evident also that no appreciable proportion of any ions, whether positive or negative, can exist in a solution without being accompanied by a number of ions of the opposite kind, carrying in all a charge equal and opposite to their own, otherwise the solution would give evidence of strong electrification. Water is but slightly dissociated into its ions hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (OH). If now zinc be placed in water, and if we suppose it to dis- place hydrogen (as we shall shortly see that it does in sulphuric acid), then zinc (Zn) and OH ions would exist side by side in the solution. The chemical compound, zinc hydroxide Zn(OH) 2 , represented by this combination, is, however, one which is com- paratively insoluble in water, that is to say, it scarcely dissociates into ions at all. Hence, if zinc is to have any action on water in which it is immersed, it must rob hydrogen ions of their charges and set free the hydrogen as a gas and form, instead, free Zn and OH ions ; but the action must stop almost at once, because solid undissolved and insoluble zinc hydroxide Zn(OH) 2 would be formed on the surface of the zinc, and so gradually prevent further contact between the water and the zinc. But when an acid, sulphuric acid for example, is substituted for water, the action is different, for zinc sulphate (ZnS0 4 ) is soluble in water. Sulphuric acid in aqueous solution is largely dis- sociated into the ions H and S0 4 ; and hydrogen is an element which has a much lower electrolytic solution pressure than zinc or, in other words, its ions cling to their charges of positive electricity far less tenaciously than do the zinc ions. Hence the greater electrolytic solution pressure of the zinc tends to carry zinc ions into the solution ; and this is now possible, because, by contact with hydrogen ions already in the solution, the 346 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. metallic zinc particles are able to take up the charges of positive electricity necessary to convert them into ions. In this process the hydrogen ions lose their charges, and, therefore, their existence as ions, and the hydrogen is deposited in the gaseous state. This, then, is the explanation of the observed fact that zinc, when placed in sulphuric acid, evolves bubbles of hydrogen gas. Similarly, zinc in copper sulphate solution deposits copper by exchange ; and any metal tends to pass into solution as an ion when it has the opportunity of taking the charges from the ions of another metal of lower electrolytic solution pressure contained in the solution. Only those metals whose electrolytic solution pressure is higher than that of hydrogen are able to evolve the latter element as a gas, when dipped into a solution containing free hydrogen ions, i.e., into an acid. It follows, also, that the acids which are the most completely ionised in solution (that is to say, the acids whose solutions contain the greatest number of free ions) are those in which the zinc and hydrogen exchange places most readily because in such solutions there must be the largest number of free hydrogen ions in contact with the metal. It is found that the so-called strong acids sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids are those which are most completely dissociated into ions when mixed with water, and this, of course, explains the readiness with which they act upon metals, such as zinc. Acetic acid and the organic acids, as a class, dissociate but little, and therefore have proportionately slight action on zinc. It is, then, obvious that the heat evolved by the action of an acid upon a metal is equal to the difference between the heat of ionisation of the metal (as it passes into the ionic state) in solution, and that of the hydrogen ions as they assume the gaseous or elementary condition). In such a solution zinc will continue to dissolve until the solu- tion is saturated with it; but the action will go on more and more slowly, because the accumulation of zinc ions in the liquid will cause an increasing osmotic pressure, which opposes the entrance of more zinc ions into the bath, and because the free hydrogen ions are gradually replaced by zinc ions. The Various Cases of Solution. It is well to distinguish between the different kinds of solution which commonly occur. From what has been said it will be gathered that, first, there is the solution of a non-electrolyte, such as sugar, which dissolves in, say, water with a certain solution pressure. Secondly, there is the case of a compound solid, such as sodium chloride, which dissolves in water, also with a certain solution pressure, and which in the process of solution dissociates into ions. In neither of these cases is there ordinary chemical change as expressed by an equation. Thirdly, we have the case of a simple metallic body, such as sodium, which can dissolve only by decomposing the solvent, and, since solution takes place in the ionised condition - SIMPLE CELLS. 347 (single ions being produced instead of pairs of combined ions being separated), the solvent action can only be effected by driving another ion, such as hydrogen, having a lower electrolytic solution pressure, on to the metal, where it is liberated. If the electrolytic solution pressure is sufficiently great, solution continues until the water is all decomposed. Fourthly, there is the case of a metal such as zinc, whose solution pressure is sufficient to enable the zinc to replace hydrogen, but only to a comparatively small extent. In thus speaking of zinc, reference is made to pure, or practically pure, zinc. The hydrogen thrown down on to the zinc prevents any considerable action ; but if the zinc is coupled up in the sulphuric acid to an electro-negative metal, such as platinum or copper, solution of the zinc continues and the hydrogen is then liberated on the electro-negative element. It is this class of solution which is important for voltaic action. If the electrolytic solution pressure of a metal is so high that it decomposes the solvent readily, then it is useless for voltaic purposes, because solution takes place whether the circuit is closed or not, and thus the chemical energy cannot be converted into electrical energy. Simple Cells. If two isolated plates of metal are immersed in an electrolyte, each will exert its own electrolytic solution pressure and will become negatively or positively charged, according to the nature of the metal. Possibly neither will have a sufficiently high solution pressure to dissolve to an appreciable extent. But if the two plates are joined externally by a wire, a different state of things is set up. The metal with the greater solution pressure, and therefore more highly charged negatively, will receive positive electricity from the other plate, and its charge being thus reduced, it will be free to pass more ions into solution ; on the other hand, the plate with the smaller solution pressure, owing to its altered electrical condition, will be free to have hydrogen ions precipitated upon it and thus to have its electrical state maintained. It should be noticed that in such a case the hydrogen no longer appears on the metal that is passing into solution, but on the other plate. Thus there will be set up a flow of positively charged ions through the solution from the metal which has the higher solu- tion pressure to the other plate, and of negatively charged ions in the opposite direction ; and the electro-motive force which causes this circulation will depend mainly upon the difference between the electrolytic solution pressures of the two electrode- metals, or in other words, the difference between their heats of ionisation. To take a concrete example. Copper and zinc plates are separately immersed in sulphuric acid. The electrolytic solution pressure of zinc is higher than that of hydrogen, so that simple exchange takes place : hydrogen ions are converted into hydrogen 348 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. molecules which escape in the form of gas at the copper plate if the circuit is closed (as we have just seen in the preceding section), and zinc molecules are changed into ions, each (divalent) zinc ion taking its positive charge from two hydrogen ions and passing into the solution, whilst the excess energy of this change is rendered evident in the form of heat, so that the metal and solution become sensibly warmer. The copper has a negative solution pressure, and so does not displace any hydrogen. Perfectly pure zinc does not deposit hydrogen (i.e., decompose dilute acid) when simply immersed, the action no doubt being stopped after the first in- stant by the negative charge of the metal as already described, and ionisation can only proceed if by some means sufficient charges of positive electricity can be supplied to satisfy the ions of zinc. This is effected when the zinc and copper plates are united by a wire. The copper has a positive charge when immersed in the acid, and can now give up some of its charge through the wire to the zinc. The positive charge of the copper is renewed at the expense of hydrogen ions on its surface, which thus become con- verted into free hydrogen gas. In this way it is possible to picture the higher solution pressure of the zinc tending to force the atoms of this metal to take up their proper charges of positive electricity and so to become ions, and to pass through the solution towards the copper, to which the weaker hydrogen ions in front of them give up their charges ; the positive charges of the hydrogen are thus imparted to the copper plate, and, passing through the wire, assist in the ionisation of zinc. This action can evidently go on until all the free hydrogen ions have given up their charges through the copper plate and the wire to zinc ions, that is, until all the free acid is neutralised and only zinc sulphate exists in solution. It is obvious that the action could not proceed if zinc ions were to give up their charges at the surface of the copper and be there deposited, because the expendi- ture of energy required to form zinc ions at one plate would be exactly equalled by that required to discharge the ions and deposit metallic zinc at the other plate ; and there would be no force available to cause the circulation of the ions. The falling off in the strength of a copper-zinc battery can, of course, be ex- plained partly by the gradual diminution in the number of free hydrogen ions available at the surface of the copper plate, as they are, little by little, replaced by zinc ions, but chiefly by the polarisation caused by the gaseous hydrogen deposited on the copper having a higher solution pressure than that metal, so that the difference between the solution pressures at the two plates is much lower than it was when the zinc was opposed to copper alone. Thus, at first, the potential difference between zinc and copper would be represented by the difference between the electrolytic solution pressures of zinc and copper. But as this pressure is in each case measured by the potential difference SIMPLE CELLS. 349 between the metal and the solution in which it is immersed, the potential difference (written P.D. for the sake of brevity) between copper and zinc in sulphuric acid would be : P.D. between copper and sulphuric acid minus P.D. between zinc and sulphuric acid. The P.D. of copper and sulphuric acid is about 0*5, or, as it may be written, +0'5, because the copper becomes charged with positive electricity, and the P.D. of zinc and sulphuric acid is about 0'6, or, as it must now be written, - O6, because the zinc is charged negatively. Hence the initial P.D. between copper and zinc is +0'5 -(- 0'6) = 0'5 + 0'6 = I'l volts. Owing, however, to polarisation, the P.D. almost immediately falls off, so that usually only 0'7 or 0'8 volt is observed. If cadmium had been used instead of copper, the P.D. of the two metals would have been much less, because the electrolytic solution pressure of cadmium is relatively high. The P.D. of cadmium and sulphuric acid is about O2 (cadmium being charged negatively), so that the P.D. of cad- mium and zinc is - 0'2 - ( - 0-6) = - 0'2 + 0'6= +0-4. In this case each metal becomes charged negatively when immersed alone, but the cadmium, having the lower electrolytic solution pressure, takes the place of the copper and acts as the positive pole or cathode. If silver were substituted for copper, the E.M.F. would be even greater than that between zinc and copper, because the solution pressure of silver is lower than that of copper. The E.M.F. of silver and zinc in sulphuric acid would then, at first, be about +07 -(- 0'6) = 07 + 0-6 = 1 -3 volts. In every case, however, the P.D. would rapidly fall off owing to polarisation. Local Action. No further explanation of impure zinc dissolv- ing in acid without being opposed to a plate of a metal of lower electrolytic solution pressure is necessary, as the effect of local action described on p. 39 can obviously be as readily harmonised with the new theories as with the old. Local action is seen to be due to electro-negative impurities having a lower electrolytic solution pressure than that of zinc. Two-fluid Cells. It has been seen that no action could be anticipated if pure zinc and copper be opposed to one another in a normal solution of zinc sulphate containing no free hydrogen ions. If, now, a porous partition be placed across the cell between the two plates, and sulphuric acid be poured into the portion contain- ing the zinc, and normal zinc sulphate solution, free from acid, into the half containing the copper, no appreciable action could be expected, because, although the zinc is immersed in acid, and there is no osmotic pressure tending to retard its solution, yet the solution or ionisation of any of the zinc could only occur if deposi- tion of ions took place at the surface of the copper, and the only ions that could be there deposited would be zinc, which it has already been shown will not be thrown down. If, however, the 350 MODEEN THEOEIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. sulphate of zinc be placed in the zinc compartment, and the sul- phuric acid on the copper side, action will take place freely : the tendency of zinc to ionise will be accompanied by the tendency of the hydrogen ions to give up their charges to the copper, and so the action will proceed, zinc ions from the zinc sulphate travelling through the porous partition into the copper compart- ment, forcing the hydrogen ions before them into contact with the copper, and making room for fresh zinc ions behind. Other two-fluid cells may also be explained according to the newer theories. Thus in the Daniell-cell, the zinc is immersed in sulphuric acid or in zinc sulphate contained in a porous pot, the copper in copper sulphate. Here, in the former case, the zinc can be readily ionised, and can displace some of the hydrogen ions in the acid, which pass through the porous cell into the copper sulphate solution, and there displace copper ions which deposit on the copper plate, and impart their charges through the con- necting wire to the zinc, and so enable it to become ionised. The zinc at the outset has not to contend against any back osmotic pressure, seeing that there are no zinc ions in the solu- tion initially, whilst the deposition of the copper ions is actually assisted by the osmotic pressure of the copper ions in the copper sulphate solution outside the porous cell. The battery is ob- viously constant, as the element which is de-ionised is the same as that on which it is deposited ; and it is, moreover, clear that the solution outside the porous pot should be kept saturated with copper sulphate, not only because there will then be always in contact with the copper a sufficiency of free copper ions to give up the quantity of electricity necessary to charge the zinc as it is ionised, without calling upon any free hydrogen ions that may be at hand (and which are more reluctant to give up their charges than are copper ions), but because the greatest assistance is to be derived from the osmotic pressure of the copper salt when the solution is most nearly saturated. It is most important here to observe that the newer theories afford an explanation of the fact that if two pieces of the same metal (connected together) be immersed on different sides of a porous division, in solutions of the same substance but of different strengths, a current is produced. Thus, suppose a strip of copper, bent into the shape of a fl, be immersed in a cell divided by a porous partition into two compartments, so that one of the limbs rests in a strong solution, and the 'other in a weak solu- tion of copper sulphate, the electrolytic solution pressure of the copper is, of course, the same in both fluids, but in a stronger solution it is opposed by a greater osmotic back pressure than it is in the weaker solution. Hence there will be a tendency for the copper to dissolve in the compartment containing the weaker solution and to send its ions through this solution to the porous partition, and through this to the stronger side. Thus the current TWO-FLUID CELLS. 351 flows through the solution from the copper plate in the weak liquid to that in the strong, and thence through the copper strip outside the cell back to the original plate. Meanwhile, anions charged with negative electricity are supposed to be passing from the cathode through the solution towards the anode, and are so migrating from the cathode cell through the porous division to the anode cell (vide inf.). It is true that, even if one solution were one hundred times as strong as the other, the potential difference between the two plates could not amount to one quarter of a volt. But it is a fact that must be borne in mind in practical working, as it shows the necessity for keeping the solutions uniform in strength, and explains why, if a plated article be left in a bath which is not well mixed, the deposit may dissolve off the portion that is immersed in the weaker solution and thicken on the other portions. This action may, of course, be greatly assisted by any concentration of acid in the one portion, and by the difference in conductance of the solutions, but it must be remembered that it will occur wherever there is a difference in the concentration of ions in different parts of the same liquid, even though only a mere trace of acid may be present. The use of a porous pot is not, of course, essential ; provided the two solutions of unequal concentra- tion are in contact with one another, and each with one of the copper strips, the latter being joined by a metallic connection. The phenomenon is therefore observable if a single piece of copper be so immersed in a solution of copper that one part of the metal rests in a stronger portion of the liquid than does the rest of the metal. Electrolysis. After what has been said concerning the theory of batteries, the elementary explanation of the mechanism of electrolysis according to these hypotheses should be simple. Two plates are immersed in a uniform solution. The solution must be one in which a neutral salt is wholly or in part dissociated into ions, charged respectively with positive and negative electricity, otherwise it could not act as a conductor of electricity. The plates are connected to the opposite poles of a generator of electricity, so that one, the anode, is kept supplied with positive electricity at a certain potential, and the other with negative electricity. Immediately the positively charged ions, which had previously been in motion without any uniformity of direction, will commence to move in a constant direction from the plate which is receiving a constant supply of positive electricity towards that the cathode which is supplied with negative electricity, and the ions which carry negative charges will also have imparted to them uniformity of direction, but opposite to that of the positive ions, namely, towards the positively charged anode. Thus there will be a stream of positive ions moving towards the cathode and there giving up their charges and being converted from the ionic to the neutral or elementary condition, and a stream of negative ions moving towards and giving up their charges to the anode. 352 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. Thus to picture the simplest case first : Copper sulphate dis- solved in water is partly dissociated into positively charged Cu ions and negatively charged S0 4 ions homogeneously distributed through the liquid. Two copper plates are immersed in the solution ; the plates, being alike, have equal tendencies to dis- solve (or the same electrolytic solution pressure), and the copper sulphate solution, being homogeneous, exerts the same osmotic back pressure on the two plates. Even, therefore, if the plates be joined by a wire, no action can take place. Meanwhile it may be supposed that the ions of both kinds have more or less motion in all directions throughout the solution ; possibly even the free ions may be constantly changing places with atoms of the same kind existing in as yet undissociated molecules. Now it may be supposed that the copper plates are connected severally to the two poles of a battery. One plate becomes an anode, the other a cathode. At once there is an increase in the potential difference between the positively charged anode and the surround- ing solution,. and this is equivalent to establishing an increased electrolytic solution pressure for the anode plate. Thus the copper tends to be converted into ions, which derive their charges from the positive electricity of the anode plate, and so pass into the solution as positive ions. The supplying battery being supposed of constant E.M.F., the potential at the anode remains the same, or, in other words, as fast as a part of the positive charge is withdrawn from it by the newly-formed ions, it receives an additional supply from the battery, sufficient to maintain the same potential difference between the anode and the solution. At the same time the potential difference between the cathode connected with the negative pole of the battery and the surround- ing solution is altered, but, of course, in the opposite direction to that of the anode, for while the anode becomes markedly positive to the solution, the cathode becomes markedly negative. This is equivalent to the creation of a strong negative solution pressure, that is to say, of a tendency, not for the copper of the plate to be ionised into the solution, but to attract to itself positively charged ions from the solution. Thus while one portion of copper is receiving charges from the battery, and so being ionised, at the anode, another portion is giving up charges, and so becoming neutral metallic copper at the cathode, and there is a constant flow of copper ions in a steady stream from the anode to the cathode ; moreover, each ion is of definite weight and is charged with a definite quantity of electricity. So copper dissolves into the solution at the anode and is deposited at the cathode ; the positive electricity led in, so to speak, from the battery at the anode is carried by the copper ions through the solution to the cathode, and the quantity dissolved from the one must be equal to the quantity deposited at the other, and each quantity must be dependent entirely on the quantity of electricity passing through the ELECTROLYSIS. 353 solution. The current carried depends partly on the number of free ions in the solution a very weak solution cannot conduct as well as a stronger solution, because it contains fewer of the ions at any moment in contact with the electrode and partly on the potential difference between the electrodes, that is, between the anode and the solution at one side, and the cathode and the solution at the other because the higher the P.D. the greater the added solution pressure at the one pole and negative pressure at the other. But while Cu ions are travelling from anode to cathode, negative S0 4 ions must be passing in the opposite direction, delivering up their negative charges at the anode. Since there is no electrification of the solution observable any- where except at the surfaces of the electrodes, it follows that although the Cu ions are migrating steadily from anode to cathode, there are an equal number of oppositely charged S0 4 ions near them, otherwise the solution at some places would show an excess of positive electricity owing to the excess of Cu ions at those points, and at other places an excess of negative electricity due to free S0 4 ions. Simultaneously with the formation of one Cu ion at the anode, another is discharged at the cathode ; at the same time an S0 4 ion is delivered at the anode, where its negative charge is exactly equal to the positive charge imparted to the copper ion at that moment launched from the anode into the solution, so that the two constituents of the molecule Cu and S0 4 become free ions in the liquid at the anode surface at the same instant, and the result is the same as if a molecule of copper sulphate, CuS0 4 , were there added to the solution in the dis- sociated condition ; whilst the Cu ion deposited at the cathode leaves there an unneutralised S0 4 ion at the very moment when it is required to take the place of an S0 4 ion which has set off on its migration towards the anode. Hence the transport of ions, and, therefore, of electricity, through the solution is continuous, and practically the only resistance to the flow of the current is the frictional resistance of the solutions to the ions passing through it. As solutions of salts become more mobile when they are heated, they then offer less frictional resistance to the ions, and so the conductivity of salt solutions is higher as the temperature is raised. The balancing of the equal and opposite pressures at the anode and cathode, when anodes of the same metal as that undergoing deposition are used, accounts for the fact that with pure copper solutions an exceedingly low E.M.F. suffices to cause copper to be deposited. Electrolysis with Insoluble Anodes. The principal difference between this case and that last described is that with insoluble anodes the anion does not meet with a positively charged metal ion passing into the solution from the anode. Its negative charge is therefore given up to the anode, and the ion ceases to be an ion and becomes an ordinary uncharged element or group 23 354 MODEKN THEOEIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. of elements. Groups of elements which are supposed to exist together in the ionic state are usually unstable when their charges are removed, so that a decomposition is then observed. Thus the anion, S0 4 , of sulphuric acid and sulphates cannot exist as an uncharged chemical group, and so breaks up in contact with the water, forming free oxygen and sulphuric acid thus : But since no metal is being ionised at the anode, the liquid, at least so long as metal is being deposited at the cathode, is gradually becoming weaker. Hence electrolysis with insoluble anodes, in cases where metals are deposited at the cathode, is characterised by the deposition at the anode of the element con- stituting the anion, or the evolution of oxygen gas or one of the constituents of the anion, and also by the gradual removal of the cations from the solution. If sulphate of copper solution be electrolysed between a platinum anode and a copper cathode, copper will be deposited at the latter, and, since the platinum does not dissolve, S0 4 will be deposited at the anode, and will there break up, in the presence of water, into sulphuric acid and oxygen ; the nett result of the experiment will be the deposition of metallic copper on the copper plate and bubbles of oxygen on the platinum, and the accumulation of sulphuric acid in the solution. Gradually all the copper will be deposited, and then, if the applied pressure be sufficient to cause hydrogen ions to give up their charges at the cathode, the sulphuric acid will itself be electrolysed, and hydrogen ions will be caused to discharge at one pole, and oxygen will, as before, appear at the other, re-forming sulphuric acid, so that the result is the same as if water only were decomposed. In this case the copper and the platinum exert their own solution pressures, and these in such a way that the copper tends to become ionised and to pass into the solution, so that the action of electrolysis is opposed to the tendency of the metals forming the electrolytic cell, and therefore the current passed into the latter must be able to exert sufficient pressure to overcome the difference between the solution pressures of platinum and copper in a solution of copper sulphate, and to deposit oxygen upon the platinum electrode. Even if electrolysis be commenced with two platinum electrodes, the cathode soon receives a sufficient deposit of copper to cause it to act as a copper plate, and after that time the electrolysis is carried on as between a platinum anode and a copper cathode. Secondary Actions. It has been stated above that when an unstable complex anion, such as the group S0 4 , is deposited, it breaks up by chemical action unless it is re-absorbed into the solution along with an equivalent cation detached from a soluble anode. But, to consider the electrolysis of a sulphate with an insoluble anode (for example, platinum) : some water may be SECONDARY ACTIONS. 355 electrolysed (but not much, as it is but slightly dissociated or ionised), and there is in consequence a little hydroxyl formed, but chiefly S0 4 is deposited, and this forms free oxygen, as alread described. Should there be contained in the liquid in contact with the anode a substance that is capable of a higher degree of oxidation, as, for example, ferrous sulphate, some or all of the free oxygen will be absorbed in converting this substance into the corresponding compound containing a larger proportion of oxygen, ferric sulphate, or, if suitable organic substances are present*, they may be oxidised, or, as it were, burned by a process of liquid com- bustion. The evolution of oxygen would then be wholly or in part suppressed, and the heat that, in an ordinary chemical experiment, would be produced by this oxidation, would be rendered available for reducing the total E.M.F. required for the reactions at the electrodes. These anode reactions are actually employed in many electro-chemical operations. But chemical changes may also occur at the cathode, if any metal or cation be there deposited that is really capable of decomposing water. Thus when potassium or sodium salts in solution in water are electrolysed, potassium or sodium ions become converted into metal at the cathode ; and as either metal is capable of attacking .water with great energy, the metal itself is not seen, but only the hydrogen that results from its action on water. When mercury is employed as cathode, the deposited alkali metal becomes dissolved to some extent in, and diffused through, the mercury, and so removed from the possibility of attack by water except on the exposed surface of the mercury. The formation of a true amalgam of mercury and the alkali metal testifies to the reality of this deposition, and the reaction is utilised in certain electrolytic processes for the production of caustic soda from solutions of common salt and the like. Electrolysis of Mixed Solutions and Double Salts. When a current is passed through a mixed solution of several electrolytes, the conductivity of the liquid is found still to be dependent on the number of free ions. It thus appears that all the free ions in the liquid are engaged in the transport of electricity from one pole to the other, cations from anode to cathode, and anions in the opposite direction. But it is well known that if a current of moderate density be used with a solution containing several metals, only the one with the lowest electrolytic solution pressure (the most electro-negative) will be deposited at first, and then the others in turn, in the reverse order of their solution pressures. Thus in a solution of cadmium, copper, and silver, silver alone would be deposited first, then silver with an increasing percentage of copper, then copper, next copper with an increasing percentage of cadmium, and lastly cadmium alone, supposing always that the E.M.F. applied is sufficient to allow of the deposition of the cadmium with its relatively high solution pressure. Remembering 356 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. that a metal with high solution pressure is able to become ionised at the expense of the ions of metals with lower solution pressure, this action may be thus explained : All the free ions alike cadmium, copper and silver are migrating and carrying charges from anode to cathode, but at the cathode surface the current deposits that ion which requires least E.M.F. to overcome its electrolytic solution pressure and to cause it to give up its positive charge to the cathode ; even if the ion of another metal with higher solution pressure were deposited, the deposited metal would exchange with an equivalent of the metal with lower solution pressure, and would pass again into solution. So long, then, as there is a sufficient number of ions of the metal with lowest solution pressure (e.g., silver) in contact with the cathode to carry to the cathode the whole volume of the current passing, only that metal, silver, will be deposited. But as, in course of time, more and more of the silver in the solution is deposited at the cathode, the quantity left will sooner or later be insufficient to carry the whole of the current to the cathode surface ; then ions of the metal with the next lowest solution pressure (copper) will begin to be deposited. At first only very little copper will deposit with the silver, but as the silver ions become fewer, the proportion of the copper ions discharged must increase, until, at last, all the silver is thrown down, and only copper and cadmium remain in the solution. Just in the same way the gradual exhaustion of the copper ions will lead to the co-deposition of cadmium, and, finally, when all the silver and all the copper are deposited, cadmium ions only will be available to carry the electricity through the solution, and give up their charges at the cathode plate. Electrolysis of Solutions of Complex Acids. Where, however, the solution is not merely a mixture of two electrolytes or a solu- tion of a double salt, but a chemical compound, the action of the current is different. A mixture of copper sulphate and nickel sulphate would act as described above ; copper first, and then (if the solution were kept neutral) nickel, would be deposited at the cathode, and S0 4 (and hence oxygen) only at the anode. But if gold cyanide be dissolved in potassium cyanide solution, the resulting liquid does not behave in the same way. It may be shown that the gold travels with the ion which migrates from cathode to anode, and only the potassium migrates from anode to cathode ; yet the gold is deposited only at the cathode. This is due to chemical reaction. The ions of such a cyanide (KAuCy 2 ) are apparently K and AuCy 2 , the K ion giving up its charge at the cathode, but immediately attacking the solution in contact with it and depositing not hydrogen but gold from the liquid around, because potassium can break up the complex aurocyanide of potassium that is present. KAuCy 2 + K + H 2 = 2KCy + Au + H 2 0. ELECTROLYSIS OF SOLUTIONS OF COMPLEX ACIDS. 357 Thus gold is deposited at the cathode, not because ions of free gold exist in the liquid, but because potassium is deposited and exchanges with the gold in some of the complex substance KAuCy 2 in contact with the cathode. At the same time gold does not form at the anode, because the ion AuCy 2 cannot exist alone in the liquid, but breaks up into cyanogen, Cy, and gold cyanide AuCy, which re-dissolves in the free potassium cyanide in the solution, re-forming potassium aurocyanide. The free cyanogen is then able, with its negative charge, to allow the passage of another atom of gold which withdraws its positive charge from the anode and passes into the ionic condition. It will thus be under- stood that in a gold bath there is a great tendency for gold cyanide to deposit on the anode, and also that, as there is no con- stant migration of gold to the cathode, but rather contrariwise, the deposition of potassium must be made to take place so slowly that the natural diffusion of the salts in the solution may ensure that there is always sufficient of the aurocyanide in contact with the cathode to allow of the exchange of the whole of the potassium for gold without water being decomposed and hydrogen deposited. Thus, also, silver travels in the anion in the electrolysis of the double cyanide of silver and potassium, and the silver is deposited by exchange with the potassium which, as cation, is deposited at the cathode. The double chloride of platinum and sodium Na 2 PtCl 6 behaves similarly, breaking up into the anion PtCl 6 (which decom- poses) and the cation Na ; so that it is not merely a double salt, but a platino-chloride of sodium, and platinum is deposited at the cathode only by secondary action. The ferrocyanides and ferricyanides, and many other complex salts, behave simi- larly, the iron or other metal being present in a complex anion. If it be true that in the case of these complex salts some of the metal to be deposited is travelling in the anion, and, therefore, away from the cathode, it is obvious that the current- density used for electrolysis should be low, otherwise the liquid around the cathode might become exhausted and the deposited cation would fail to find in the solution in contact with it any of the metal with which it is intended to exchange places. In the case of potassium or sodium compounds, hydrogen would then be deposited by exchange with the alkali-metal. The danger is, of course, greatest in the case of very dilute solutions. Effects of the Migration of the Ions. It has already been mentioned that different ions travel at different velocities. Thus, if the potassium ion move through a solution so weak that it may be regarded as infinitely dilute with a velocity of -00006 centimetres per second, when there is a fall of electrical potential of 1 volt per centimetre traversed, and the liquid is at 18 C., 358 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. Kohlrausch has shown that some of the principal elements will travel at the velocities given in the following table : Table, showing the velocities of individual ions, expressed as the number of centimetres traversed by the ions in 100,000 seconds. Ion. Cms. traversed in 1x100, 000 sees. Ion. Cms. traversed in 1 x 100,000 sees. H 320 OH 165 NH 4 66 1 69 K 66 Cl 69 Ag 57 N0 3 64 Na Li 45 36 CIO, C 2 H S 2 57 36 The conductivity of the solution depends then partly on the number of free ions, because only free ions are able to conduct ; partly upon the nature of the ions, because each monovalent ion carries half as much electricity as a divalent, one-third as much as a trivalent ion, and so on ; and partly upon the combined rates at which the different ions in the solution migrate through it in one direction or the other. Obviously, other things being equal, the faster the charged ions can travel the greater will be the con- ductivity. Hence the solutions which contain most free hydrogen or hydroxyl ions are those which conduct best. Water, which would contain both of these ions, if it were appreciably dissociated, would be one of the best of liquid conductors ; but as it is not ionised, no advantage is derived from the ions, and it is almost a non-conductor. The acids, however, which all contain free H ions are good conductors, and the hydroxides are fair conductors. Thus, on comparing solutions containing equal numbers of free ions in a given volume, it will be found that, if hydrochloric acid, let us say, have a conductivity of 320 + 69, or 389, potassium chloride would have a conductivity of 66 + 69, or 135 (i.e., it is only one-third as good a conductor as a hydrochloric acid solution of equivalent strength), sodium chloride would have a conductivity of 45 + 69, or 114, sodium nitrate a conductivity of 45 + 64 = 109, and so on. This is evident from the above table, because there it is shown that each ion has its own rate 'of migration, which is independent of the nature of the compound of which it had formed a part. The caution must again be given that such numbers as these are only strictly comparable when the substances are practically completely dissociated, that is to say, when the solu- tions are exceedingly dilute, or at least when the degree of disso- ciation is known. Now, seeing that the ions move with varying velocity, and EFFECTS OF THE MIGEATION OF THE IONS. 359 I, that in a given solution the number of anions giving up their charges to the anode in a given time may, therefore, be greater (or less) than the number of cations striking the cathode in the same time, the question may be asked Why are there not disproportionate amounts of the ions discharged and deposited at the two elec- trodes? The answer may, perhaps, be best given dia- grammatically. To take first the case of a solution in which the two ions travel with equal velocities : Let A and C be the (insoluble) anode and cathode respectively, in an electrolyte (let us say dilute solution of potas- sium chloride) of uniform strength contained in a vessel divided into two by the porous partition P. The uppermost section re- presents the distribution of the ions in the solution before the current passes; the second section the same solution after 2 x 96540 coulombs of current have passed, that is, after suffi- cient current to deposit twice the equivalent weight of potassium and chlorine have been conducted through the solution ; and the , lowest division the same after 4 x 96540 cou- lombs have passed. For the sake of clear- ness there are supposed to be only a limited number of ions, and these are only shown in the centre of the cell, in order to allow for - - 5 4 is < G ^ C * * < c ^ ^> < C; 56 C o * C, ^ Ci * Vj .-I.::::::;. 44 f4 ^ c" ^ G < ^ ^ < c ^ < c; u r + the representation of the motion 360 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. towards one or other electrode, and the rates of migration of K and Cl ions are supposed to be equal, which is very nearly, but not precisely, accurate. In the uppermost cell there are supposed to be five (dissociated) molecules in each compartment, the positive charges of the five K ions being exactly neutralised by the nega- tive charges of the five Cl ions. But now 2 x 96540 coulombs of electricity are passed, migration takes place, one coulomb, con- veyed by a potassium ion, moves through the porous partition as the ion migrates from the anode to the cathode side, and one coulomb is carried by a chlorine ion through the partition in the opposite direction, so that there are now 6 Cl ions instead of 5, and 4 K ions instead of 5 on the anode side, and 4 Cl ions and 6 K ions on the cathode side. Hence there are, in each compartment, 4 ions of each kind with charges neutralising one another, and on the anode side an excess of 2 negatively charged Cl ions, and on the cathode side an excess of 2 positively charged K ions. These charged ions, of course, lose their charges in contact with the electrodes, and so, ceasing to be ions, they deposit in the ordinary uncharged conditions (metal or non-metal, as the case may be). Thus the passage of 2 coulombs of electricity is accompanied by the migration of 1 ion in each direction, and by the separation of 2 equivalents of an element at each electrode. Similarly, the passage of 4 coulombs means the transfer of 2 anions from the cathode compartment to the other, and of 2 cations in the opposite direction, with the separation of 4 equivalents at each electrode. But there are still 3 ions of each kind neutralising each other's charges on either side of the partition, or, in other words, there are as many molecules of KC1 (dissociated though they may be) in the anode compartment as there are in the cathode division. This is equivalent to saying that when the velocities of migration of the two ions are equal, the distribution of the molecules is unaffected. Effect of Unequal Ionic Velocities on the Concentration of the Electrolyte at the Electrodes. Next, a case may be con- sidered in which one ion travels at twice the rate of the other. This is approximately the case with copper sulphate, in which the S0 4 ion travels at about double the rate of the Cu ion. Using the same method of diagrammatic illustration as before, the upper- most section represents a dilute solution of copper sulphate before any current is passed, the second section the same solution after 6 x 96540 coulombs have passed, and the' lowest the same after 12 x 96540 coulombs have been passed. Here it must be remem- bered that Cu and S0 4 are both divalent, so that each ion trans- ports a double charge of electricity, namely, 2 x 96540 coulombs. In this case the middle section of the figure shows that the migra- tion of 1 Cu ion from anode to cathode chamber is accompanied by the migration of 2 S0 4 ions in the opposite direction, each of which carries a double charge or 2 coulombs of electricity, so EFFECT OF UNEQUAL IONIC VELOCITIES. 361 T T t | i ! that 4 coulombs are transported by 2 ions in one direction, and 2 coulombs by 1 ion in the opposite direction. It will be seen that in spite of the uneven rate of travel, there are 3 Cu ions discharging their double loads of elec- tricity at the cathode, and 3 S0 4 ions giving up their negative charges at the anode, and hence the 6 cou- lombs of electricity deposit 3 atoms of Cu and 3 S0 4 ions. But it will be noted that while there remain on the anode side 5 Cu ions electrically neutralised by 5 S0 4 ions, or 5 dissociated molecules of copper sulph- ate, there are only 4 sets of mutually neutralised ions, or 4 molecules of dissoci- ated copper sulphate in the cathode compartment. This inequality is still more clearly shown in the lowest section of the diagram, where, as it will be seen, there are 6 S0 4 ions dis- charged and 4 dissociated CuS0 4 molecules left in the anode cell, while there are 6 Cu ions discharged and 2 dissociated CuS0 4 molecules left in the cathode cell. The effect, then, of the unequal rate of migration of the ions is to cause an accumulation or concentra- tion of molecules of the elec- trolyte immediately around the electrode, towards which are migrating the ions that move with the greater ra- pidity. Thus, as has been shown, there is a tendency for the solution around the anode in a copper sulphate bath to become stronger than that around <0 V - 1 ^ Q^ 3 co co CO <0 <0 co >o CO co co 5 Q> CJ co b 3 <^ 3 <^> 3 <* CO CO i i f I CO T 1 I 1 ^ ! 1 i-"t" d? & J co co co *o ? co co a 9 ^ L, !* CO 1 fi 4* 1 t t i 1 362 MODERN THEORIES OF ELECTROLYSIS. the cathode. In electro-plating, soluble anodes are generally used, and the tendency is even more marked than in the above instance, where the anode was supposed to be insoluble, because each anion liberated at the anode carries back with it into the solution a cation from the anode. If no migration of anions occurred (say of S0 4 in copper sulphate), the copper deposited at the cathode would leave a gradually increasing excess of acid ion in the neighbourhood ; but as migration always occurs, there must always be a tendency for the molecules of the electrolyte to accumulate on the anode side, and the greater the relative velocity of the anion, the greater this accumulation will be. The lesson to be learned is that the baths must be kept very thoroughly stirred, in order to keep the composition uniform. Attention is especially necessary, however, when double cells are used with porous partitions between, as in some electro-metallurgical opera- tions. The problem is also of special importance in electro- chemical work, such as that of caustic soda manufacture by electrolysis from common salt. Conditions of Electrolysis. By the light of modern theories, it is obvious that the conditions most favourable to electrolysis are that (1) The liquid around the (soluble) anode should contain as little of the anode metal as possible in solution, because in that case the back osmotic pressure opposing the solution of the anode is minimised, whilst (2) The liquid around the cathode should contain as much as possible in solution of the metal to be deposited, as the osmotic pressure at this electrode is favourable to deposition. (3) The solution should be kept as uniform as possible, so that interfering local actions due to solutions of different density or of different degrees of acidity may be prevented. It is obvious that these three conditions are incompatible unless porous diaphragms are employed to keep the anode and cathode solutions separate, which is usually a course to be avoided, as there are no materials that can generally be economically employed for such diaphragms in practical work, and the loss in their use more than compensates for the gain otherwise. (4) The E.M.F. used must be sufficient when insoluble anodes are used to neutralise the back solution pressure of the metal de- posited. For this reason it is commonly possible in a mixed solution of two or more metals to separate one metal from the other electrolytically by applying an E.M.F. at the electrodes sufficient to overcome the solution pressure of the most negative metal, but insufficient to neutralise that of the other metal present. - CHAPTER XX. A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. IN using the various chemical preparations, it is impossible to be too careful, as in all operations connected with electro-metallurgy the most scrupulous cleanliness and thoughtful attention are necessary, especially on the part of one who is unaccustomed to handling chemical apparatus and reagents. In opening fresh bottles of acid or of ammonia, especially in hot weather, the stopper must be first carefully cleansed externally, and must then be covered with a stout cloth before attempting to remove it, because it is frequently wetted with the liquid contained in the bottle, and if there be any pressure from within, drops of the fluid may be scattered in all directions when the stopper is loosened, and may fall upon the clothes, hands, or face, and are likely to cause blindness if they should happen to penetrate to the eye. In tropical climates the strong ammonia solution boils violently as soon as it is uncorked ; and as this is evidence of a strong internal pressure, it is safer to surround the bottle in several folds of cloth before attempting to open it, lest the application of the slight force, sometimes required to loosen the stopper, may cause the bottle itself to burst should it be defective. The following simple rules should be carefully observed : In opening any bottle, first dust the whole surface and then clear away from the neck all dirt or loose particles of sealing-wax, cork, or luting ; see that the corkscrew does not break off particles of cork into the bottle. In loosening the refractory stopper of a bottle containing any inflammable substance, on no account apply the heat of a flame ; and in decanting any such liquid, or opening any such bottle, see that it is not in the vicinity of a lamp or flame of any kind, or even of any heated substance if the liquid be carbon bisulphide. On removing the cork or stopper, never place it with the smaller end downwards upon the table, as it is very likely to pick up foreign matter from the surface and transfer it to the bottle as soon as it is re-inserted. Never allow a bottle to remain open to the air longer than 363 364 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES necessary, and always see that it is closed with its original stopper. If the solid contents of a bottle require loosening, always apply a stout glass or glazed procelain rod, carefully cleaned before insertion. On no account use a metal rod, unless it be made of platinum or other material which cannot be corroded by the sub- stance with which it is brought in contact. Never pour the contents of a bottle into a dirty vessel, or upon an unclean surface. Never place chemical substances directly upon the metal pan of a balance, but always upon a tared plate of glass (i.e. one whose weight is known, or compensated for), though a sheet of clean glazed paper may suffice if the substance is dry and not deli- quescent (that is, does not tend to become moist by exposure to damp air). In returning an excess of any substance into store, see that it is placed in the right bottle or vessel. Never mix a strong acid with a strong alkali, and even when both are diluted, let the mixture be effected gradually. Never add water to strong sulphuric acid, but if it be desired to dilute the acid, let it be added little by little, with constant stirring, to the required bulk of water. Never employ vessels of a kind which are used for domestic purposes to contain chemical reagents. Dangerous results may follow the leaving of acids or poisonous substances in ordinary tumblers or wine glasses. Let the vessels used for chemical work be restricted to this duty, and let no others be employed. Note. In the following glossary, the specific gravity of a substance refers to its weight as compared with that of an equal bulk of pure distilled water at the same temperature. The acids are given first. Acetic Acid, CH 3 . C0 2 H, or C 2 H 4 2 . A monobasic and some- what feeble acid, the chief acid constituent of vinegar. It may be bought as glacial acetic acid, which is practically the pure substance, and is a crystalline solid at ordinary temperatures. It is more usually obtained somewhat diluted with water. The acidum aceticum of the British Pharmacopoaia contains from 32 to 33 per cent, of the pure acid, and has a specific gravity of 1*044. With bases it forms acetates. Benzoic Acid, C 6 H 5 . C0 2 H, or C 7 H 6 2 . A monobasic weak organic acid, obtained as colourless plates very slightly soluble in water, which should leave little or no residue when burnt upon a sheet of thin platinum held over a flame. Its salts are termed benzoates. Boric Acid, H 3 B0 3 . Commonly known as boracic acid; a mineral body and the acid basis of borax ; it is a white crystal- COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 365 line solid, fairly soluble in water. Dissolved in warm spirits of wine and ignited, the liquid burns with a brilliant and characteristic green flame. It is tribasic, and its salts are called borates. Citric Acid, C 3 H 4 (OH) . (C0 2 H) 3 , or C 6 H 8 7 . A white trans- lucently-crystalline, solid, tribasic, organic acid, readily soluble in water (100 parts in 75 of cold or 50 of hot water). It forms citrates with metallic oxides. Hydrochloric Acid, HC1. The pure body is a gas under ordinary conditions. It is intensely soluble in water, and its solution is sold under the above name or that of muriatic acid. The stronger solutions emit pungent white fumes in air, owing to a partial evaporation of the contained gas, which recondenses in the form of clouds in contact with atmospheric moisture. A saturated solution contains about 40 per cent, of the pure gas, and has a specific gravity of 1*2; the actual saturation percent- age depends upon the temperature, as the acid is less soluble in hot water than in cold. The acid of commerce has usually a specific gravity of about 1*150, equal to 30 per cent, of pure HC1 ; the acidum hydrochloricum of the British Pharmacopoeia contains about 32 per cent., with a specific gravity equal to 1*16. The liquid should be colourless, but the commercial muriatic acid is generally yellow, owing to the presence of iron and other impurities ; only the pure acid, however, should be used for most electro-metallurgical processes, though the crude liquid may often be employed for cleansing purposes. The acid is monobasic, and its salts are termed chlorides. Hydrocyanic Acid, HCN. Commonly known as prussic acid. This also is bought as an aqueous solution of HCN, which is a liquid of low boiling-point. It smells strongly of bitter almonds and is a deadly poison, so that its use in the arts is to be strongly deprecated whenever it can be avoided. The British Pharma- copoeia solution contains 2 per cent, of the pure acid. When used, the greatest care must be exercised, as the vapour evolved by a strong solution is itself extremely poisonous, and even when diluted considerably with air, produces giddiness and headache. Its salts are designated cyanides ; the acid is monobasic. Nitric Acid, HN0 3 . Commercially known as aquafortis. It is a very powerful and corrosive monobasic acid, which must be handled with great care. It stains the skin and other animal substances a bright yellow, which becomes intensified by the application of an alkali or of soap ; its oxidising power is so intense that the accidental fracture of a carboy of the acid has been known to set fire to straw which happened to surround it. The pure acid (HN0 3 ) has a specific gravity of 1 '52. The acid 366 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES commonly sold in commerce has a specific gravity of 1*45, equal to 77 per cent, of pure HN0 3 , while a weaker acid, containing 70 per cent, (specific gravity = 1 '42) is also to be had, and con- stitutes in fact the acidum nitricum of the British Pharmacopoeia, while others even less concentrated are likewise to be procured. The stronger solutions fume in the air. When pure, the liquid should be colourless, but owing to partial decomposition into lower oxides of nitrogen, it frequently possesses a straw-coloured or yellow tint, becoming in the commoner kinds, orange and, finally, green, when it is commercially termed nitrous acid. The salts of nitric acid are called nitrates. When mixed with hydrochloric acid in the proportion of 1 to 3 (HN0 3 : HC1) the liquid is known as aqua regia, and assumes an orange colour due to the presence of the gas nitrosyl chloride (NOC1) formed by the union. This liquid is endowed with the highest oxidising powers, dissolving even the precious metals which resist the attack of either acid singly. Oxalic Acid (C0. 2 H) 9 or C 2 H 2 4 . A dibasic organic acid, which forms a white crystalline solid containing 2 molecules of water (C 2 H 2 4 . 2H 2 0). It is readily soluble in water or alcohol, and is a powerful poison. It forms oxalates. Sulphuric Acid, H 2 S0 4 . Known as oil of vitriol. A dibasic and most powerful mineral acid. When perfectly pure, it is a colourless and odourless, oily liquid of specific gravity 1/842. It combines most energetically with water, and in doing so generates much heat, so that dilution even of the ordinary commercial acid with water must be effected with the greatest care. Large volumes must never be thoughtlessly mixed, nor should the water be added to the acid, lest a sudden generation of steam of ex- plosive violence result, and the dangerously corrosive liquid be scattered in all directions. The acid is in all cases to be added to the water in a very gentle stream, and with constant stirring. The acid of commerce is diluted in various degrees, but is always concentrated. The salts formed from this acid are sulphates. Tannic Acid, C 14 H 10 9 . A pale yellow solid and weak organic acid, readily soluble in water. It burns completely away when heated upon a metallic plate, and yields a blue-black colour when added to solutions containing iron. It forms tannates. Tartaric Acid, C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 . (C0 2 H) 2 or C 4 H 6 6 . It is a colour- less crystalline solid, which readily dissolves in water. It is a weak dibasic organic acid, forming salts which are known as tartrates. Alcohol, C 2 H 5 (OH) or C 2 H 6 0. Pure or absolute alcohol has a strong affinity for water, so that the alcohol usually bought COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 367 generally contains a small quantity of the diluent. It should be colourless and have a specific gravity of 0*7939. It is commonly sold under the name of spirits of 'wine , or rectified spirit, which contains about 16 per cent, of water, and has a specific gravity of O838. Proof spirit is a mixture carrying 49'24 per cent, of pure alcohol and is the standard with which alcoholic liquids are com- pared in commerce. Methylated spirit contains a certain amount of methylic alcohol or wood spirit, and frequently has a quantity of resinous matter added to it to render it unfit for drinking, so that it may not be liable to excise duties, and shall yet be available for most of the purposes for which spirit is required in the arts. Such a product should on no account be used for electro-metallurgical work without previous thought as to the probable consequences of using it. For example, the effect of washing an object in the sophisticated spirit and then plunging it into the electrolytic bath would be the introduction of undesir- able organic impurities into the latter, and even the formation of a non-conductive coating upon the surface of the article itself ; because water added to the impure alcohol throws down the resinous substances in the form of a white precipitate. Such spirit tends to burn with a smoky flame. Alcohol should, therefore, be tested by burning, when the flame should be almost non-luminous, and by the addition of water to a sample, which addition should produce no turbidity. Aluminium, Al. A white silvery element with an almost imperceptible bluish shade. It is extremely light (the specific gravity being only 2 '58), is very malleable and ductile, takes a high polish, and is not liable to tarnish in air. It melts at about 1160 F. It is largely used in alloys, and for manufacture of objects where combined lightness and strength are required. Its principal common impurities are iron and silicon. Aluminium Chloride, A1 2 C1 6 . A white, sometimes yellowish substance, which in the anhydrous condition absorbs water with great avidity ; and, having once absorbed it, cannot be induced to part with it, the action of heat upon the hydrated crystalline salt (A1 2 C1 6 . 12H 2 0) causing decomposition, with the formation of alumina and hydrochloric acid. It must, therefore, be stored in perfectly air-tight jars. In small quantities it volatilises at 356 to 365 F. without fusion, but in a large bulk it may be induced to melt first. Aluminium - Sodium Chloride, A1 2 C1 6 . 2NaCl. This salt is made by heating the simple aluminium chloride with common salt. It is more useful than the latter for electro-reduction by the fusion method, because, melting at 365 F., it volatilises only at a red heat ; moreover, it is less readily attacked by aqueous vapour. 368 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Aluminium-Potassium Sulphate, A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . K 2 S0 4 . 24H 2 0. Commonly known as potash alum. It is a crystalline substance, with an astringent taste, and is readily soluble in water, 12 parts of alum dissolving in 100 parts of water at the ordinary tempera- ture, 357 parts at the boiling-point. It is a double sulphate of alumina and potash. Ammonia alum is exactly analogous, the potassium sulphate being simply replaced by ammonium sulphate (A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 .(NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 .24H 2 0), and is for most purposes inter- changeable with potash alum. Soda alum is similar, but is more readily soluble in water. Ammonium Hydrate, NH 3 . H 2 0. Commonly termed ammonia or spirits of hartshorn. It is simply water saturated with ammonia gas (NH 8 ). It is a powerful alkali, and is, therefore, useful to neutralise the acid properties of any substance. As it has an overpoweringly pungent odour, care must be taken in using the stronger solutions. It is obtainable in the market as ammonia fortiss., with a specific gravity of 0'880, which is almost saturated with the gas and contains about 36 per cent, of pure NH 3 . Bottles of the liquid must be opened cautiously in hot weather, because the warmer water cannot dissolve so large a volume except under pressure ; and the excess is given off, sometimes with considerable violence, directly the pressure is released by the removal of the stopper. A weaker solution, ammonice liquor fortior, containing 32 '5 per cent, of NH 8 (specific gravity = 0*891) is that recognised by the British Pharmacopoeia, and is safer for use in the heat of summer. By exposure, ammonia gas is gradually evolved, so that it must be stored in closely-stoppered bottles in order to preserve the strength of the solution unimpaired. By regarding the formula as NH 4 . OH, it becomes the hydrate of the hypothetical metal-like substance ammonium (NH 4 ). This radical or group of elements, NH 4 , behaves in its chemical relations exactly as a monovalent metal, combining with acids to form ammonium salts. Ammonium Carbonate, (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 , and the Bicarbonate, (NH 4 )HC0 3 , are white solid substances, soluble in water and smell- ing strongly of ammonia. The commercial salt is not a pure car- bonate, but is in part carbamate ; it is, however, suitable for the purposes to which it is generally applied. As an alkaline carbonate it takes the place of ammonia itself in neutralising acids, carbonic acid gas being evolved while the ammonium salt of the stronger acid is formed. Ammonium Chloride, NH 4 C1. A white substance occurring in commerce in the form of tough fibrous crystals, odourless, and soluble in water (100 parts of cold water dissolve 35 parts, and of boiling water 77 parts of the salt). COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 369 Ammonium Nitrate, NH 4 N0 3 . A colourless crystalline body, 200 parts of which dissolve in 100 parts of cold water. Heated gently it melts and is afterwards decomposed into nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas = N 2 0) and water, leaving no residue. Ammonium Sulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S, and Hydrosulphide, NH 4 HS, may be prepared by passing hydrogen sulphide gas into a solution of ammonia. It is at first colourless, but by gradual decomposition becomes yellow. It is generally bought as an amber-coloured, frequently almost orange, fluid. The many products of decomposition do not seriously interfere with its general utility except in so far as they weaken the solution of the sulphide itself. Ammonium Sulphate, (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 . A white crystalline solid of which 100 parts of cold water dissolve 50, of hot water 100 parts. Ammonium Salts of the acids just described should leave no fixed residue when heated over a flame upon a piece of sheet metal. Antimony, Sb. A white, highly crystalline and extremely brittle metal. The commercial ingots have usually a very crystalline surface, which resembles the fern-like appearance of frost upon window-glass, from which the name star antimony is derived, and which is regarded by many as an infallible criterion of the purity of the metal, but which must not be relied upon too closely. This metal has a specific gravity of 6*8, and melts at 800 F. The principal objectionable impurities likely to occur in ordinary antimony are sulphur, arsenic, tin, lead, silver, bismuth, and iron. It is only procurable in the cast condition, because on account of its brittleness it cannot be rolled. Antimony Chlorides. There are two chlorides the trichloride or antimonious chloride, SbCl 3 , known as butter of antimony, which is that more usually required for electro-metallurgical work ; and the pentachloride or antimonic chloride, SbCl 5 . The former is a colourless crystalline substance melting at 164 F. It may be prepared in crude form, mixed with excess of acid, by dissolving antimony, or the sulphide, in hydrochloric acid to which a little nitric acid has been added to increase its oxidising action. The pentachloride is a colourless fuming liquid having a most unpleasant odour. Antimony Sulphide, Sb 2 S 3 , occurs in nature as stibnite or antimony glance. It is usually bought as grey needle-shaped crystals sub-metallic in lustre. The pentasulphide, Sb 2 S 5 , requires no notice here. 24 370 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Antimony-Potassium Tartrate, KSbC 4 H 4 0, r , commonly known as tartar emetic. A white crystalline substance, of which 100 parts of cold water dissolve 5 parts, while a like volume of hot water dissolves 50 parts. Aqua Fortis. See Acid, Nitric. Aqua Regia. See under Acid, Nitric. Bees'-wax. The substance of which the honeycomb is built up. It is usually of a yellow or brown colour, the specific gravity ranging from 0*958 to 0*960, and the melting-point from 144 to 156 F. in different samples. It dissolves readily in oils and in ether, but not in water. Its chief adulterants are mineral matter, starch or flour, and water, the presence of these being detected on melting the sample ; and resinous or fatty substances, vegetable waxes and paraffin, which influence the specific gravity and the melting-point. When melted it should give a clear liquid free from any cloudiness, and should not indicate the presence of water by the formation of two layers of fluid. Bismuth, Bi. A highly crystalline and very brittle metal, resembling antimony, but having a faint pinkish colour. Like antimony it cannot be rolled or drawn into a wire, but, on the contrary, may be crushed into a powder with an ordinary pestle and mortar. It melts at 515 F., and has a specific gravity of 9*759. It is one of the most useful constituents of fusible metal. The commonest objectionable impurities are sulphur, iron, lead, copper, arsenic, and silver. Bismuth Nitrate, Bi(N0 3 )3 + 3H 2 0. Made by dissolving the metal in dilute nitric acid ; it is precipitated as a white basic bismuth sub-nitrate by the addition of much water. Black Lead. See Plumbago. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, the percentage of the former varying from 70 to 60. Special alloys are made for certain purposes, many containing tin and lead. Sterro metal is a brass to which a small percentage of iron has been added, while other complex alloys are made containing iron and manganese in addition to other bodies, to give additional strength or stiffness to the metal. Ordinary brass, unless specially made from the purest virgin metal, generally contains notable proportions of iron and lead and sometimes of tin. Bronze. This term embraces the class of alloys of copper and tin, and includes bell-metal and gun-metal. The proportion of COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 371 tin varies from 5 to 20, the average sample containing about 10 per cent. Some samples have a small percentage of zinc added, others manganese and iron ; in fact the remarks made in regard to brass apply equally to bronze in this matter. Certain alloys are wrongly called by this term, for example, aluminium bronze, which contains 10 per cent, of aluminium, but no tin. Some forms of manganese bronze also contain only a nominal percentage of tin, and the alloy is then really a complex brass with a very small, but sufficient, percentage of manganese. Cadmium, Cd. A soft and very malleable bluish-white metal not unlike zinc, with which element it is commonly associated in nature. Its specific gravity should lie between 8'6 and 8'8, while its melting-point is about 608 F. It is rarely used in the arts in the metallic form, except in the manufacture of fusible alloys. Cadmium Bromide, CdBr 2 . A white crystalline substance soluble in water. Cadmium Chloride, CdCl 2 . 2H 2 0. A similar body, of which 140 parts are soluble in 100 of water. It is made by dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid and evaporating. Cadmium Sulphate, 3CdS0 4 . 8H 2 0. A white crystalline sub- stance, 59 parts dissolving in 100 parts of water. Calcium Carbonate. See Chalk. Chalk (CaC0 3 ) is a natural rock composed of calcium oxide (lime) and carbonic acid. On strongly heating it the carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) is driven off, and the pure calcium oxide remains as quick- lime (CaO). Limestone has the same composition as chalk, and behaves similarly. A particular kind of lime, selected from that burnt in the neighbourhood of Sheffield, has found especial favour among metal-polishers. As the burnt lime, by contact with the air, rapidly absorbs first water, and thus becomes slaked (Ca(OH) 2 ), and then carbon dioxide, and so becomes reconverted into calcium carbonate, lime which is to be stored for any length of time must be preserved in air-tight cases until it is required for use. For polishing purposes it must be uniformly soft and free from gritty particles, which would give rise to scratches ; treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, a sample of quicklime should dissolve with but slight effervescence, and leave no residue undissolved. Chalk or whiting should dissolve with brisk effervescence, but this also should leave no appreciable residue. 372 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Cobalt, Co. A metal similar to, and generally occurring in nature with, nickel. It has a specific gravity of from 85 to 8*7, and a high melting-point, approximating that of iron. It is readily soluble in sulphuric (dilute), hydrochloric, and nitric acids, forming cobalt sulphate, chloride, and nitrate respectively. Cobalt Chloride, CoCl 2 .6H 2 0. A dark red crystalline body readily soluble in water ; it may be prepared by dissolving the metal, its oxide or carbonate, in just sufficient hydrochloric acid. It is well to use a deficiency of the latter in order to ensure the neutrality of the solution. Cobalt Nitrate, Co(N0 3 ) 2 . 6H 2 0. A pink crystalline soluble substance prepared like the chloride but with nitric acid. It is readily procurable in the market. Cobalt Sulphate, CoS0 4 . 7H 2 0. It resembles the two last- named salts in the manner of preparation (but using sulphuric acid) ; 100 parts of cold water dissolve 35 parts of the salt. Cobalt-Ammonium Sulphate, CoS0 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 . 6H 2 0. A pink salt which may be made by adding the right proportion of ammonium sulphate to cobalt sulphate (47 : 100), and then dissolving them and evaporating them together until a good crop of crystals has separated. Copper, Cu. A red metal with a fusing-point of about 1920 F., and a specific gravity of 8'9 to 8'95 according to its condition whether it is simply cast or has been afterwards rolled or hammered. By reason of its extreme malleability and ductility it may be readily obtained in the form of rolled plate or foil, and of rod or wire. It is most readily attacked by nitric acid, but is slowly dissolved when immersed in heated hydrochloric or sul- phuric acids. The metal is frequently found native (that is, in the metallic state in nature), but is most usually smelted from ores in which it is combined with sulphur as sulphide, or with oxygen and perhaps other acid substances as oxide, or oxidised compounds. Such metal often contains small percentages of sulphur, lead, bismuth, arsenic, antimony,, and iron, with some- times traces of silver and gold, and, more rarely, of nickel, cobalt, and tin. There are two classes of copper salts one, cupric, containing more oxygen or other electro-negative ele- ment, formed from the oxide CuO, and yielding generally blue- or green-coloured salts and solutions ; the other, cuprous, prepared from the sub-oxide, Cu 2 0, and giving nearly colourless solutions. The former, which are more usual, alone need be referred to here. COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 373 Copper Acetate, Cu(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 . H 2 0. Dark green crystals moderately soluble in water, formable by dissolving cupric oxide or carbonate in acetic acid. Copper Carbonate, CuC0 3 . Occurs in nature as malachite and allied minerals. The artificial carbonate is a green substance, insoluble in water, but readily decomposed by mineral acids (as well as by many of organic origin) yielding the copper compound of the added acid, and carbon dioxide gas, the evolution of which gives rise to great effervescence. The so-called carbonate is usually mixed with hydrated oxide and has the formula CuC0 3 .Cu(OH) 2 . Copper Chloride, CuCl 2 . 2H 2 O. Blue-green crystals, readily soluble in water. May be prepared by treating an excess of oxide or carbonate with hydrochloric acid, filtering, and evaporating the resulting solution. Copper Cyanides.- The cupric cyanide, Cu(CN) 2 , precipitated by potassium cyanide from copper sulphate solutions, is very un- stable, rapidly changing by exposure into cupro-cupric cyanide, Cu(CN) 2 . Cu 2 (CN) 2 , and cyanogen gas ; the former, when solid, forms green crystals, which are again decomposed at the tempera- ture of boiling water into cuprous cyanide, Cu 2 cyanogen ; and this latter forms several double cyanides with (CN) 2 , and potassium for example, Cu 2 (CN) 2 .KCN.H 2 0, Cu 2 (CN) 2 .2KCN and others, which are for the most part verys oluble in water. Copper Nitrate, Cu(N0 3 ) 2 . 3H 2 0. Blue crystals, very soluble in water, and rapidly absorbing moisture from the air. Excess o metal, oxide or carbonate treated with nitric acid yields the salt. Copper Sulphate, CuS0 4 . 5H 2 0. Commercially known as blue vitriol } it is the commonest compound of copper. It forms blue crystals, of which 100 parts of cold water dissolve about 40, and of hot water about 200 parts. It is so largely used in the arts that it may be procured everywhere ; it may be made the starting- point for making other compounds of the metal. By adding to an aqueous solution of the salt a quantity of sodium carbonate, dissolved in water, a green solid precipitate of copper carbonate is produced; this may be allowed to subside, filtered, washed well, arid dissolved in any acid which will produce the required salt. Glue. For moulding, the ordinary best glue in the market, made from bones, should be used. It should be quite trans- parent, although perhaps dark in colour, hard, and brittle when sharply struck, and must be free from particles of foreign matter. 374 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES When soaked in water it should swell and absorb about five or six times its weight of the water. Gelatine is only a specially pure and clean form of glue, and isinglass is similar in composition. Glue, Marine. There are several descriptions of this useful cementing material. A commonly employed glue is made by dissolving a little india-rubber very carefully and with the aid of heat in twelve times its weight of coal-tar naphtha, adding to it twenty times its weight of shellac, and finally pouring it upon a flat cold surface to solidify and harden. It is only necessary to warm the glue and to apply it to the gently-heated surfaces that are to be united. It also makes a good waterproof and non-conductive lining when painted thickly upon the interior surfaces of tanks for cold solutions. G-old, An. A yellow metal of high specific gravity (19*26) and fusing-point (1915 F.). It is the most malleable and ductile of metals, and combines with these properties that of a very good electric conductivity. In nature it occurs in the metallic state, almost invariably associated with silver, and often with copper and iron. In commerce it is met with as fine gold, and in various alloys of which the principal has the standard value of the British sovereign gold 91 '67 of gold to 8*33 of copper. These alloys are described as being so many carats fine ; thus, if an alloy contain 22 parts of pure gold in 24 it is said to be 22-carat gold, if it contain ^| of its weight of the pure metal it is 18-carat gold, and so forth ; the remaining metal may be copper or silver, separately or together, according to the colour which the metal is required to have; the sovereign is made of 22-carat gold = Gold is insoluble in nitric, hydrochloric, or sulphuric acid ilone, but readily dissolves in a mixture of the two former (aqua regia), and in a very finely-divided condition may be made to dissolve in a mixture of the first and third. To prepare pure gold from the alloy on a small scale is a simple matter. If the alloy contain less than 40 (or more safely 30) per cent, of the precious metal, mere prolonged boiling in nitric acid will dissolve the copper and silver, but leave the gold untouched in the form of a black powder, which is very heavy, and requires only to be washed several times, by stirring it up with repeated additions of cold water, allowing it to settle and pouring off one batch of water each time before adding fresh, and then to be dried and fused to yield the metal practically in a state of purity. The solution must be effected in a glass or glazed earthen- or stone- ware vessel, which will not be attacked by the strong acid ; and should be carried on in the open air or in a well-ventilated fume- cupboard; But if the alloy contain a larger percentage of gold, COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 375 the other metals are not completely removed by the acid, and the original mixture must be treated with aqua regia. The gold will now be in solution ; any undissolved white residue is probably silver chloride, which is formed by the agency of the hydrochloric acid and is insoluble in the liquid. It should be allowed to subside, and should be washed once or twice by decantation and filtered. The solution should now be transferred to an evaporat- ing dish or other vessel, in which it may be evaporated to the consistency of a thick syrup, by placing it over a saucepan of boiling water. By this time the bulk of the nitric acid will have been boiled away, and the residue will be a strong, but more or less impure, solution of gold chloride containing hydrochloric acid. The liquid is now diluted, and a quantity of a solution of ferrous sulphate is added, and the mixture is allowed to stand for a day or two in a warm place. The ferrous salt becomes converted into a ferric compound at the expense of the gold oxide, and the gold should thus be liberated completely as pure precipitated metal, of dark brown or black colour, which may be washed, dried, and fused as before. The fusion may be made in a small clay crucible under a cover of a few grains of borax by way of flux for residual impurities. Oxalic acid is sometimes substituted for ferrous sulphate as a precipitant. Gold Chloride, AuCl 3 . 2H 2 0. A most soluble and deliquescent yellow crystalline substance, which may be prepared as described in the latter portion of the last paragraph, but using pure gold instead of alloyed metal as the basis. Gold Cyanides. On adding a neutral gold chloride solution to one of potassium cyanide, there is produced potassium auricyanide, 2KAu(CN) 4 . 3H 2 0, which in the solid condition forms colourless tabular crystals, that are very soluble in hot water, but decom- pose at about 400 into potassium aurous cyanide, AuCN . KCN, and cyanogen gas. This latter body, potassium aurous cyanide, is formed by dissolving aurous oxide, Au 2 0, or even finely- divided gold in potassium cyanide solution ; it is a colourless, crystalline,- and very soluble salt. Simple aurous cyanide, AuCN, is an insoluble lemon-yellow substance. Gold, Fulminating, Au 2 3 . (NH 3 ) 4 . A brown or green powder, obtainable by adding ammonia or ammonium carbonate to a solu- tion of gold chloride. It should never be allowed to become dry, for in this condition it is liable to explode with great violence. So long as it is moist, there is no danger attending its use. Gold Sulphide, Au 2 S 3 . Obtained by passing sulphuretted hydrogen gas into a solution of the chloride ; it then appears as a black precipitate, soluble in alkaline sulphides. 376 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Graphite. See Plumbago. Gutta-percha. A gum prepared from the exudation of certain trees in the Malay Peninsula and Islands. It is usually pro- curable in sheets. As a moulding material it is valuable, because at the temperature of boiling water it is extremely plastic and may be worked into any required shape, which it will retain on cooling, when it again becomes hard yet somewhat elastic. It is a non-conductor of electricity. Iron, Fe. The fusing-point of the pure metal is very high. The iron of commerce is never pure. In the condition in which it is melted from the ore as pig-iron or cast-iron it is more readily fusible, but is highly charged with impurities, derived from the ore, fuel, and flux, and contains varying proportions of carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, and manganese, frequently accompanied by other elements also, the foreign matter in the aggregate amounting to from 4 to 7 or more per cent. In this condition it is hard, brittle, and unworkable. By refining away the greater proportion of these impurities, the melting-point is greatly raised, and at the same time the metal becomes soft, ductile, and malleable, and is known as malleable- or wrought- iron, which may be rolled into sheets of any degree of thinness. Wrought-iron is the purest form of marketable iron, but even this is not pure, containing perhaps 0*5 per cent, of foreign substances. Between wrought- and cast-iron is another form steel the characteristics of which are chiefly governed by the percentage of carbon, which may range from 1J per cent, in the harder varieties of tool steel to practically nothing in mild-steel. The latter of these alone, from its greater purity, enters into com- petition with wrought-iron as a rival in the manufacture of anodes. The metal is soluble in either of the three common mineral acids, and forms two classes of salts, one (ferric) with more oxy- gen, of which the peroxide, Fe 2 3 , is typical, the other (ferrous) of which the protoxide, FeO, is the basis. The latter are readily converted into the former by the addition of oxygen, even by absorption from the air ; but unless there be an excess of acid in the bath the effect of the peroxidisation will be the precipitation of basic salt (see p. 231). It is for this reason that neutral ferrous solutions rapidly become turbid with a yellowish slimy deposit. Iron Chlorides. Ferrous Chloride, FeCl 2 . 4H 2 0, and ferric chloride, Fe 2 Cl 6 . 12H 2 0, are both very soluble crystalline bodies the former bluish, the latter yellow in colour. Iron Sulphate. Iron protosulphate, ferrous sulphate, or green vitriol, FeS0 4 . 7H 2 0, is a green crystalline substance, often yellowish on the exterior, owing to the formation of ferric com- OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTSQ 5 ifiXALL^Y^/ 377 pounds with the aid of atmospheric oxygen. On account of this tendency to peroxidation, this and other ferrous compounds should not be exposed more than necessary to the air. 100 parts of cold water dissolve about 70 parts of the salt, of hot water 330 parts. The ferric sulphate, Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 , demands only casual men tion in this place. Iron- Ammonium Sulphate, FeS0 4 .(NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 .6H 2 0, is a body similar to the last, but with a bluer shade of colour, and is much less liable to alteration by exposure to air, and is there- fore preferable to the former for many reasons. 100 parts of cold water dissolve 16 parts of this salt. Lard. The pure white lard is used ; as it is frequently adulterated with water and solid substances, it should be melted and allowed to stand for some time in this condition. The bulk of the water and heavier matter will sink to the bottom, and the purified fat, which should now be quite transparent, may be drawn off from above, or removed by ladles into vessels wherein it may be allowed to solidify. It should melt at a temperature of about 110-5 F. Lead, Pb. One of the softest of metals, it is very malleable, but, having a low tenacity, is deficient in ductility; it may be rolled into sheet, but not drawn into wire. Its fusing-point is 625 F., and its specific gravity 11 '25 in the cast state, or 11 '39 when it has been condensed by rolling. On account of its ready fusibility it may be cast into slabs, or it may be rolled into sheet for use as anodes. Commercial lead, frequently very nearly pure, is never absolutely so. It always contains at least a trace of silver, often with varying proportions of antimony, tin, copper, iron, and sulphur. It is readily dissolved in nitric acid, and slowly in boiling hydrochloric acid. Sulphuric acid, except of the most concentrated description, is almost without action on the metal. Both chloride and sulphate of lead are practically insol- uble in their respective acids, so that very soon the metallic surface becomes coated with a deposit which prevents further action. The salts of lead are formed from the basis of the monoxide (litharge = PbO), in which the metal is divalent, although two other oxides, red lead, Pb 3 4 , and peroxide, Pb0 2 , are known. Lead Acetate, Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 . A readily soluble white crystal- line substance, easily formed by dissolving lead oxide or carbonate in acetic acid. It is very commonly known as sugar of lead. Lead Nitrate, Pb(N0 3 ) 2 , forms soluble white crystals (100 parts of water dissolve about 54 parts in the cold, or 135 parts when heated). 378 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Lime. See Chalk. Magnesium, Mg. A white divalent metal, readily becoming dull in moist air. When ignited at a slightly elevated tempera- ture, it continues to burn with a most brilliant white light, until it is completely converted into oxide. It has a very low specific gravity (1*75), and fuses at 1380 F. It forms one oxide, mag- nesia, MgO, which is the basis of the various salts of the metal. Magnesium Chloride, MgCl 2 .6H 2 0. A most soluble and deliquescent crystalline salt (100 parts of water dissolve 280 parts in the cold, or 782 parts of the body when heated). It must be stored in a closely-stoppered bottle. Magnesium Sulphate, MgS0 4 .7H 2 0. Commonly known as Epsom salts. It forms white crystals, easily procurable, of which 100 parts of cold water dissolve about 70. Mercury, Hg. Frequently called quicksilver. It is the only known metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures ; it solidifies at - 38'9 F., and boils at 680 F. Its specific gravity at the normal temperature is 13 '5 9. Mercury has a great tendency to dissolve other metals, and so to form amalgams ; it must not, therefore, be stored in, or allowed to come into contact with, clean surfaces of any metal commonly in use except iron or platinum, with which it does not combine. Gold and silver are especially liable to be dissolved, and as articles of jewellery are thus readily spoiled by mercury, the greatest care must be taken in using it. Gold becomes white and dulled by it, and requires the application of strong heat to effect its removal ; and the surface is then left ' dead,' so that it must be re-polished. Mercury, therefore, should not unnecessarily be introduced into the workroom containing electro-plated goods awaiting treatment ; but if used for any purpose it should be carefully preserved from contact with any article liable to be spoiled by it. In consequence of its proneness to combine with other metals, mercury is rarely quite pure. If it be required clean, it may be spread in a shallow dish and covered with dilute nitric acid, with which it should be stirred from time to time. The base metals, such as zinc, copper, and lead, being more electro-positive than mercury, tend to dissolve first; but a certain amount of the mercury itself dissolves also, and forms m'ercurous nitrate. This sub-nitrate assists in the removal of the other metals by simple exchange ; gold and silver, which are more negative than mercury, are, of course, unaffected by the treatment. The solu- tion which has been used for cleaning mercury may be used again and again to treat fresh samples, so long as it contains either an excess of acid, or an appreciable quantity of mercury in solution. This rnay be ascertained by the blue litmus-paper COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 379 test in the former case, or in the latter, by adding a drop of hydrochloric acid to a little of the solution placed in a test tube, when a dense white precipitate of mercurous chloride (calomel) is at once produced if mercury be present. Mercurous nitrate solution may be substituted for nitric acid at the outset if pre- ferred. The most satisfactory method of purification, however, is to distil the mercury from a glass retort, and, preferably, under diminished atmospheric pressure, effected by adopting a system of hermetically-joined retort and condenser connected to an air pump. In this way the boiling-point of the mercury may be greatly lowered, and the probability of simultaneous distillation of small quantities of zinc and lead is diminished. A rough test, commonly applied to indicate the presence of any considerable percentage of base metal, is conducted by placing a drop of the mercury upon an inclined surface of smooth glass or glazed porcelain ; if pure, it should retain its spherical shape and roll over the surface, leaving no trace behind ; but if impure, it assumes an elongated form and tends to leave a grey trail behind it, or, in other words, it is said to tail. Mercury may be mono- valent or divalent, and thus forms two oxides, mercurous (Hg 2 0) and mercuric (HgO), with their corresponding salts. As these salts deposit mercury on base metal by simple immersion, and the reduced mercury then amalgamates with the remainder of the other metal, their solutions must be used in the operating room with as much circumspection as quicksilver itself. Mercury Chlorides. Mercurous chloride or calomel, Hg 2 Cl 2 , and mercuric chloride or corrosive sublimate, HgCl 2 . The former is a heavy white powder insoluble in water ; the latter an ex- tremely poisonous, white, crystalline body, of which about 7 parts dissolve in 100 parts of cold, 53 in a like weight of hot water. Mercurous Nitrate, Hg 2 (N0 8 ) 2 . 2H 2 0. A white, crystalline, very poisonous substance, which may deposit basic salt when treated with water, but is readily soluble in water containing a little nitric acid. It is best made by treating an excess of mercury with cold dilute nitric acid. The hot concentrated acid tends to produce mercuric nitrate, Hg(N0 3 ) 2 . Nickel, Ni. A white metal of specific gravity 8'9 and very high fusing-point. Formerly it could be obtained only in the cast condition, but by improved methods of treatment it is now readily procurable rolled into sheet of any required size. The chief impurities affecting its use are iron, copper, cobalt, and arsenic. It forms two oxides, but the chief salts belong to the monoxide group (NiO), in which it is divalent. Nickel is slowly dissolved by sulphuric or hydrochloric acids, rapidly by nitric acid, the attack being always favoured by heating. 380 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES Nickel Carbonate, NiC0 3 . An insoluble, pale apple-green powder. An impure carbonate containing an excess of oxide is produced by adding potassium or sodium carbonate to the solution of a nickel salt. Nickel Chloride, NiCl 2 . 6H 2 0. Green soluble crystals, resulting from the solution of oxide, metal, or carbonate in hydrochloric acid. Nickel Citrate, Ni(C 6 H 5 7 ) 2 . UH 2 0. A soluble green body formed by dissolving nickel oxide or carbonate in citric acid. Nickel Nitrate, Ni(N0 3 ) 2 . 6H 2 0. Green crystals, of which 50 parts are soluble in 100 of cold water. May be formed like the chloride, substituting nitric for hydrochloric acid. Nickel Sulphate, NiS0 4 . 7H 2 0. The most generally known and used salt of nickel. It is full green in colour, and is soluble in water to the extent of 37 parts in 100. Nickel- Ammonium Sulphate, NiS0 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 . 6H 2 0. Re- sembles the last, but 100 parts of water dissolve only 5 '5 parts of the salt. It may be made by dissolving together nickel sul- phate and ammonium sulphate, and evaporating the solution until crystals are obtained. Phosphorus, P. A non-metallic elementary substance procur- able in two modifications vitreous and amorphous. The vitreous phosphorus is sold in colourless or yellowish translucent sticks which gradually become slightly opaque, especially upon the sur face. It is poisonous, and is insoluble in water, but dissolves very readily in certain liquids, of which carbon bisulphide is a type. It is a most oxidisable body, and takes fire spontaneously when exposed to the air ; it must, therefore, be preserved under water, and should only be removed from it when required for use, and then all operations must be conducted rapidly and carefully. If it is required to cut the blocks into smaller frag- ments, they should be placed singly in a shallow dish containing sufficient water to cover them completely ; they may then be cut with a penknife, but on no account should they be so cut except under water, as the friction of the knife may suffice to inflame the phosphorus when in contact with ' air. Fragments must be prevented from clinging under the finger nail, as should they inflame subsequently, very troublesome sores may be produced. The pieces should be rapidly dried between pieces of blotting- paper, and used without delay, being handled as little as possible ; it is safer for those unaccustomed to work with chemical sub- stances to hold them with light brass tongs. Phosphorus is soluble in oils and in carbon bisulphide ; its COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO- METALLURGY. 381 solution in the latter substance is used occasionally to assist in the metallisation of electrotype moulds (see pp. 146, 149), but it is a most dangerous liquid to work with, owing to the readi- ness with which the solvent evaporates and leaves upon any object a thin film of phosphorus which often takes fire spontane- ously. This solution and its destructive properties have long been known under the name of Greek fire. This, and indeed all operations involving the use of stick-phosphorus, should be under- taken only by experienced persons, and should, if possible, be excluded from common workshop use. The amorphous (or red) phosphorus, which is prepared by heating the vitreous variety to 464 F. with suitable precautions for the exclusion of air, is not spontaneously inflammable at ordinary temperatures, and is not poisonous ; but as it is insoluble in carbon bisulphide, it is useless for the purposes to which this element is usually applied in electro-metallurgy. Plaster of Paris, from the mineral gypsum. This is a more or less pure calcium sulphate, CaS0 4 . Its use as a plaster depends upon the property possessed by the substance after heating (two-thirds of the water having been expelled by this heating) of taking to itself a quantity of water in chemical combination, to form the fully hydrated salt, CaS0 4 . 2H 2 0. In doing this a considerable amount of heat is evolved, expansion ensues, and the cream formed by the admixture of water and the powdered material sets into a substance which rapidly hardens as the combination becomes complete and the excess of liquid is absorbed. Since the value of the plaster is dependent upon its power of absorbing water, it must never be allowed to remain exposed to the moisture of the air, from which it would slowly extract its full measure of water of hydration, but must be preserved in well-closed vessels. Gypsum which has been over- burnt refuses to absorb water, and is, therefore, useless. A sample of the plaster when made into a cream with water should become warm, and in the course of half an hour set into a firm, solid, but porous mass. For moulding purposes the plaster must be free from foreign matter, especially from gritty particles. Platinum, Pt. A heavy, brilliantly- white metal, unalterable in air, very ductile and malleable, and of extremely high fusing- point. Its specific gravity is 21*5. It dissolves only in aqua regia, being unaffected by either hydrochloric or nitric acid alone, and forms two sets of salts, corresponding to the oxides PtO and Pt0 2 respectively. Platinic Chloride, PtCl 4 . 5H 2 0. Red crystals soluble in water ; but the substance usually known by this name is hydro- 382 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES platinic chloride, PtH 2 Cl 6 . 6H 2 0. This results from evaporating a solution of the metal in aqua regia, together with a good excess of hydrochloric acid, and thus forms red-brown, very soluble and, indeed, deliquescent crystals. Plumbago, sometimes known as graphite or black-lead. It is an impure natural variety of carbon ; and is found very abund- antly in Cumberland and in Ceylon. Being a conductor of electricity, it is largely used for facing non-conductive surfaces, which are to receive an electro-deposit of any metal. It should be very finely crushed, even to an impalpable powder. As some varieties are very inferior conductors, samples should be tested for efficiency in this respect before final selection for use. Potassium Acetate, KC 2 H 3 2 . White soluble crystals; 100 parts of cold water dissolving about 230 of the salt. Potassium Carbonate, 2K 2 C0 3 . 3H 2 0. White crystals very soluble in water; often used in the anhydrous state, when 100 parts of water dissolve about 105 parts of the solid. It is decomposed, with effervescence, by the addition of acid. Potassium Bicarbonate, KHC0 3 . A much less soluble salt (25 in 100) which may be formed by passing carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas) through a strong solution of the normal carbonate. Potassium Citrate. White soluble crystals formed by just neutralising citric acid with potassium carbonate. Potassium Cyanide, KCN. A white opaque solid, generally bought in irregular lumps or in sticks. It is very soluble in water; and, owing to its becoming decomposed by even the weakest acids, carbonic acid among the number, it gradually alters by exposure to the air, especially in large towns where the atmosphere is laden with carbon dioxide, slowly evolving hydrocyanic acid, which imparts to it the peculiar and charac- teristic faint smell of bitter almonds. It is a deadly poison, and must be used with the utmost caution. Taken internally in minute quantities it may cause instant death, while the solution passing into the blood through cuts in the hand gives rise to painful sores and blood-poisoning; even the fumes, in a badly- ventilated room, cause headache and depression. The commercial cyanide is rarely pure ; that known as gold cyanide is the best, the silver cyanide is inferior. It should always be tested before use, as it frequently contains less than half its weight of the pure salt. COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 383 Potassium Ferrocyanide, K 4 FeC 6 N 6 . 3H 2 0. Yellow prussiate of potash. Yellow crystals, of which 25 parts dissolve in 100 of water. A very commonly procurable substance. It gives a deep blue precipitate of Prussian blue when mixed with a solution of ferric chloride. Potassium Hydroxide (Potassium Hydrate), KHO. Caustic Potash. A most powerful caustic alkali bought, like the cyanide, in sticks or cakes. It is soluble in water with evolution of much heat ; and substances, moistened with the solution, give rise to a peculiar slimy sensation of the skin when touched. It should never be allowed to enter the mouth, as even dilute solutions almost immediately remove the lining of tender skin. Should such an event happen, the mouth should be at once rinsed several times with water and then with very dilute acetic acid. This body, whether in the solid state or in solution, must be carefully stored in well-closed vessels, as it rapidly becomes converted into carbonate by absorption of carbonic acid from the air, and thus loses its caustic properties. Potassium Iodide, KI. An intensely soluble, white crystalline substance, 150 parts of which dissolve in 100 of cold water. It is decomposed by nitric acid with separation of iodine, which colours the solution yellow if dilute, or produces a dark, almost black precipitate if it be concentrated. Strong sulphuric acid has a similar effect. Potassium Binoxalate, KC 2 H0 4 Salt of Sorrel. White crystals, not largely soluble in cold water, but imparting to it an acid reaction, turning blue litmus-paper red. Potassium Thiocyanate (Potassium Sulphocyanide), KCNS. A very soluble white salt, absorbing much heat (or, as it is more commonly said, producing great cold) when dissolved in water. Its solution gives a blood-red colour when mixed with ferric chloride. Potassium Bitartrate, KC 4 H 5 6 Cream of Tartar. A. some- what insoluble acid salt, 100 parts of water dissolving only 0*5 parts in the cold or 7 at the boiling temperature. It is colourless when pure, but the commercial crude tartar or argol, which is a by-product in the wine industry, is usually stained purple. The pure salt may be made from this by dissolving it in water, filtering it and allowing it to crystallise on cooling. Potassium-Sodium Tartrate, KNaC 4 H 4 6 . 4H 2 Rochelle- or Seignette-salt. A very soluble, white, crystalline substance, which may be made by adding 4 parts of potassium bitartrate and 3 of 384 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES crystallised sodium bicarbonate, little by little, to 12 parts of boiling water, and then cooling in order to allow crystals to deposit. Rosin, or Colophony. One of a large series of bodies termed resins, exuded by certain trees. Common rosin is deep amber to brown in colour, and should be translucent and brittle. It becomes slightly but distinctly softened at a temperature of 120 F., and as the temperature rises increases in softness until it becomes viscous, and, finally, semi-liquid at about the tempera- ture of boiling water. Silver, Ag. A very white and unalterable metal with a specific gravity of 10*4 to 10 '5 and a fusing-point of 1740 F. It is extremely malleable and ductile, and is at the same time the best known conductor of heat and electricity. It combines readily with sulphur, and is thus rapidly covered with a black tarnish of silver sulphide in the atmosphere of towns. Alloyed with copper it is used for silver coinage, the amount of alloy varying in different countries, the English standard being 92*5 of silver to 7*5 of copper. To prepare fine silver (i.e., pure silver) from such an alloy, the metal should be dissolved in nitric acid in a glass or glazed earthenware vessel ; any black residue is gold, of which there is frequently a small quantity present, and must be filtered off. To the solution (which is blue, owing to the presence of copper) a common salt solution, or better, dilute hydrochloric acid, is slowly added, so long as it continues to produce a white curdy precipitate. The liquid is stirred well to promote the subsidence of the latter, and then allowed to settle ; a little more of the salt or acid is now added, which should produce no further precipitate (if it should do so, more must be added, until the whole of the silver has thus been thrown down). Any addition of common salt beyond that necessary for complete precipitation only tends to re-dissolve the silver chloride formed, which is fairly soluble in brine ; thus, hydrochloric acid is to be preferred as a precipitant, because a moderate excess is without action on the silver salt. The blue copper solution is now poured away from the heavy silver chloride, which is then stirred up with fresh water, and allowed to subside. This washing by decantation is repeated several times, the wash waters being disregarded. The chloride is then collected on a filter, dried, and mixed with an equal bulk of dried sodium carbonate, transferred to a fire-clay crucible, and heated to a bright-red heat in a clear charcoal- or coke-fire. As soon as fusion commences, effervescence will be observed, due to the mutual decomposition which occurs between the silver chloride and sodium carbonate, whereby sodium chloride and silver carbonate are produced, the latter body being dissociated at the temperature of the operation into carbon COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO- METALLURGY. 385 dioxide, oxygen, and metallic silver, the two former escaping in the gaseous state, the latter sinking through the slag by virtue of its higher specific gravity, and collecting into a fused mass at the bottom of the pot. When the contents of the crucible are tranquil they are poured, with the aid of a pair of large bent iron tongs, into an iron ingot-mould of cup-shape, from which, when cold, the silver and slag (that is, the fused salt) are readily removed and separated one from the other. Silver forms one set of salts derived from the oxide, Ag 2 0, in which the metal is monovalent. Moist silver salts should not be allowed to come into contact with clean surfaces of base metals, which will de- compose them by simple exchange ; nor should they be exposed unnecessarily to white light, by which many of them are gradually decomposed and darkened in colour. Silver Carbonate, Ag 2 C0 3 . A pale yellow, insoluble substance, formed by adding a carbonate of soda solution to one of a soluble silver salt such as the nitrate. Silver Chloride, AgCl Horn silver. A white substance grad- ually passing through a gradation of shade from violet to black by exposure to white light. It is practically insoluble in water, but dissolves to some extent in solutions of sodium chloride, and readily in ammonia, and in sodium thiosulphate (hyposulphite) or potassium cyanide solutions. It is formed, as described above under the head of fine silver, by adding hydrochloric acid or common salt to a solution of silver nitrate. Silver Cyanide, AgCN. A white insoluble salt, best formed by gradually adding a potassium cyanide solution to one of silver nitrate, carefully watching the formation of the precipitate, and allowing it to subside after each addition of cya'nide, so that, immediately another drop of the potash salt fails to produce a further precipitate or cloudiness in the liquid, all further addition is stopped, otherwise the silver cyanide will begin to re-dissolve in the excess of the precipitant. The liquid is then washed several times by decantation, as in the case of the chloride. To obtain the pure cyanide, only distilled water must be used ; ordinary spring- or river-water, or even rain-water, contains chlorides, which cause the contamination of the cyanide by silver chloride. The essentials for success are pure substances, and pre- cisely the right proportion between the silver nitrate and potassium cyanide. The silver cyanide dissolves readily in ammonia and sodium thiosulphate as well as in potassium cyanide. Silver Iodide, Agl. Has a pale yellow colour; it is readily formed by adding potassium iodide to silver nitrate solutions. It is insoluble in water, and practically even in strong ammonia ; 25 386 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES strong potassium iodide liquor, however, dissolves a fair propor- tion of the salt. Silver Nitrate, AgN0 3 Lunar Caustic. A white crystalline body, obtainable readily in crystals, but sometimes fused into sticks. It dissolves readily in water. In making solutions of this or of any other silver salt, only distilled water should be employed ; all other waters, owing to the presence of chlorine, produce a cloudiness or even a distinct precipitate of silver chloride. Silver Oxide, Ag 2 0. A deep brown, or almost black, insoluble powder, obtained by adding caustic soda or potash to silver nitrate solution. Silver Sulphate, Ag 2 S0 4 . Brilliant white crystals, only slightly soluble in cold water, but more so in boiling water : they are also soluble in strong sulphuric acid, from which they are partly reprecipitated by the addition of water. Sodium Carbonate, Na 2 C0 3 . 10H 2 Washing Soda or Soda Crystals. Very soluble, colourless, alkaline crystals. It behaves chemically like potassium carbonate. An impure kind, contain- ing, inter alia, caustic soda and various foreign salts, is sold as a non-crystalline powder under the name of soda ash, which is suitable for fluxing in obtaining fine silver or gold, but should not be emplo} T ed in making up electrolytic baths. A similar variety, commonly known as refined alkali, is purer, but still not always safe. Sodium Bicarbonate, NaHC0 3 . A white soluble powder, whose relation to the carbonate is analogous to that between the corresponding potassium salts. Sodium Chloride, NaCl Common Salt ; Table Salt Rock Salt ; or Bay Salt ; the latter are not always pure. The pure salt should form white cubical crystals, of which 100 parts of cold water dissolve 36 parts, hot water taking up slightly more. The natural varieties, or rock salt, frequently contain a con- siderable percentage of iron, which imparts a brown or purple tint to the body ; while salt obtained from sea-water is often found to contain magnesium compounds and other bodies. Sodium Citrate. Soluble colourless crystals formed by neutra- lising citric acid with sodium carbonate. Sodium Hydroxide (Sodium Hydrate], NaOH Caustic Soda. White soluble lumps of a highly caustic character resembling potassium hydrate (which see) in properties and effects. COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 387 Sodium Phosphate. There are three principal phosphates the orthophosphate, Na 3 P0 4 . 12H 2 ; the pyrophosphate, Na 4 P 2 7 . 10H 2 ; and the metaphosphate, NaP0 3 . All of them are white bodies soluble in water ; but the orthophosphate, or rather the disodium-orthophosphate, Na 2 HP0 4 . 12H 2 0, in which one atom of hydrogen takes the place of one of sodium, is that more commonly met with. The pyrophosphate is sometimes used in making up baths. Sodium Sulphite, Na 2 S0 3 . 7H 2 0. White soluble crystals, with an alkaline reaction. Sodium Bisulphide, NaHS0 3 , is a similar body, but with an acid reaction. Both are compounds of soda with sulphurous acid. Sodium Thiosulphate (Sodium Hyposulphite), Na 2 S 2 3 . 5H 2 0. Colourless soluble crystals, which have the property of dissolving silver salts by forming a soluble double thiosulphate of silver and soda. Sodium Stannate, Na 2 Sn0 3 . A white substance soluble in water, formed by fusing either stannic oxide (the dressed ore, tin stone, or cassiterite may be used) with caustic soda ; or the metal itself with caustic soda to which sodium nitrate has been added. The aqueous solution, when evaporated, yields crystals containing water of crystallisation. Sodium Tartrate, Na 2 C 4 H 4 6 . 2H 2 0. White and soluble crystals, much more soluble in hot than in cold water. Sulphur, S, formerly better known as brimstone. Obtainable as flowers of sulphur and as stick or roll sulphur, both of which are pale yellow in colour, but the latter variety is crystalline and soluble in carbon bisulphide, while the former is amorphous and insoluble. It melts at 238 F., and will yield sharp impres- sions of objects, so that it is occasionally useful in obtaining casts. Mixed with iron sulphide it forms the basis of Spence's metal, of which medallions and plaques have been sometimes made, and may thus come into the hands of the electrotyper. Being very fragile, objects made of sulphur or Spence's composi- tion must not be subjected to pressure in taking casts from them with other moulding materials. Sulphur is, of course, very inflammable, and, therefore, requires care in melting. Tin, Sn. A white, soft, very fusible and malleable metal, too weak to possess any great ductility, with specific gravity 7 '29, and fusing - point 450 F. It is not readily tarnishable, and therefore retains its brilliancy for a long time when exposed to the air. Easily soluble in hydrochloric acid or aqua regia, but 388 A GLOSSARY OF SUBSTANCES converted into an insoluble white oxide by nitric acid. It forms two series of salts, corresponding to the oxides, stannic, Sn0 2 , in which it is tetravalent, and stannous, SnO, where it is divalent. Commercially, tin frequently contains traces of lead, tungsten, iron, copper, antimony, or arsenic. Tin Tetrachloride, SnCl 4 Stannic Chloride. A colourless, fuming liquid, boiling at 248 F. It forms several solid hydrates, mostly crystalline, by the addition of water ; such are the butter of tin and oxymuriate of tin. Tin Bichloride, SnCl 2 . 2H 2 Stannous Chloride or Tin Salt. A white soluble crystalline substance, formed by dissolving tin in hydrochloric acid. Varnish Lacquer Varnish. The formulae for this varnish, which is used for protecting metallic surfaces from tarnish, are almost innumerable. Perhaps the best are those in which seed lac is dissolved in from 8 to 10 parts of the strongest spirits of wine, freed as far as possible from water, and coloured by the addition of dragon's blood or gamboge (say from J to J of a part), or by mixtures of these, according to the particular tint that it is desired to obtain. Stopping-off Varnish. Since the object of this class of varnish is to prevent the formation of an electrolytic deposit upon any desired portion of an article, the requirements are evidently a non-conductive material, easily applied and with facility remov- able, which shall not be attacked by the solution in which it is to be immersed, and which should of preference be coloured in such a way that the portions of the surface protected by it may be seen at a glance, for convenience of application. To resist ordinary bath-solutions used cold, almost any varnish is appli- cable, and common copal varnish, mixed with a colouring medium, will be found suitable; or asphalt varnish may be used, as for the back of electrotype plates. But for hot cyanide solutions other materials are required, although copal varnish is often used, and for this work, a mixture of 44 per cent, rosin with 26 of bees'-wax, 17 of sealing-wax, and 13 of jeweller's rouge, may be applied with advantage, provided that the best materials alone are employed in preparing it. Zinc, Zn. A bluish-white divalent metal, fusible at 783 F., easily distilled at a higher temperature. Specific gravity, 7'1. It is brittle in the cold, and above 250 F., but near the tempera- ture of boiling water it is sufficiently malleable to admit of roll- ing into thin sheets. It forms one class of salts only, from the monoxide, ZnO. The chief impurities in the commercial metal are lead, iron, cadmium, and arsenic. COMMONLY EMPLOYED IN ELECTRO-METALLURGY. 389 Zinc Acetate, Zn(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 . 3H 2 0. Very soluble white crystals. Zinc Carbonate, ZnC0 3 . A white insoluble substance, pre- pared by adding sodium carbonate in excess to a solution of any zinc salt. It is decomposed by acids with effervescence. Zinc Chloride, ZnCl 2 . A very soluble and deliquescent white, opaque, soft mass ; may be prepared by dissolving zinc or its oxide or carbonate in hydrochloric acid. Zinc Cyanide, Zn(CN) 2 . A white substance insoluble in water, but readily so in potassium cyanide solutions. Prepared by precipitating a solution of zinc sulphate with one of potassium cyanide ; of course, carefully avoiding excess of the latter. Zinc Oxide, ZnO. A white substance, becoming yellowish when strongly heated, but returning to its original colour on cooling. The hydroxide, or hydrated oxide, Zn(OH) 2 , is preci- pitated when an exact equivalent of caustic alkali is added to a solution of a zinc salt ; an excess of the alkali tends to redissolve the precipitate. Zinc Sulphate, ZnS0 4 . 7H 2 White Vitriol. Soluble white crystals ; the commonest salt of zinc. It may be prepared like the chloride, of course substituting sulphuric for hydrochloric acid. 100 parts of water dissolve about 50 of the salt in the cold, and nearly 100 at the boiling-point. ADDENDA. TABLE XX VI 1 1. GIVING DATA FOR CALCULATING THE WEIGHT AND THICK- NESS OF DEPOSIT PRODUCED BY A KNOWN CURRENT OR CURRENT-DENSITY IN A GIVEN TIME FOR CERTAIN OF THE COMMONER METALS. Weight de- Thickness of ^ posited pei- Deposit pro- +j JS >> 'el hour by duced in -a ' "S O current of 1 hour by '8 ^ t fl 1 ampere. current of : Metal. ^ -u 'S'rt o o> o o -* a | S o* 90 g 9 2 2 4 1 I GO S- W Gramme 1 S h 2Z% 5 <.- * U ft nfc mm. inch. Aluminium 27 9-0 2-6 0-00009317 0-3354 5-175 0-0129 0-007875 Antimony 122 40-6 6-8 00042025 1-5130 23-350 0222 013584 Arsenic 75 25 5-8 00025880 0-9317 14-378 0161 009806 Bismuth . 210 70 9-8 00072464 2-6087 40-258 0266 016251 Cadmium . 112 56 8-6 00057971 2-0870 32-207 0243 014811 Chromium . 52-5 17-5 7-0 00018116 0-6522 10-052 0093 005687 Cobalt ' . . v - . 59 29-5 8-7 00030538 1-0994 16-966 0126 007715 Copper (Monovalent) 63-5 63-5 8-9 00065735 2-3665 36-520 0265 016208 ,, (Divalent) . 63-5 31-7 8-9 00032867 1-1832 18-260 0133 008104 Gold . . . 196-6 65-5 19-3 00067806 2-4410 37-670 0127 007721 Iridium . 197 49-2 21-1 00050932 1-8335 28-296 0087 005291 Iron (Divalent) 56 28 8-1 00028986 1-0435 16-103 0128 007826 Lead 207 103-5 11-4 00107140 3-8571 59-525 0338 021134 Magnesium 24-3 12-1 1-7 00012526 0-4509 6-959 0265 016190 Manganese 55 27'5 8-0 00028468 1-0248 15-816 0128 007821 Nickel . "'.' . 59 29-5 8-5 00030538 1-0994 16-966 0129 007894 Palladium 106-5 26-6 11-4 00027536 0:9913 15-298 0087 005291 Platinum . 197 44-3 21-2 00045859 1-6509 25-478 0078 004743 Silver . . . 108 108 10-6 00111800 4-0249 62-113 0380 023142 Tin (Divalent) . 118 59 7-3 00061077 2-1988 33-932 0302 018414 Zinc. 65 32-5 7-1 00033644 1-2112 18-691 0171 010415 NOTE. These figures are based on Lord Rayleigh's number for the electro- chemical equivalent of hydrogen =0-00001 0352. This (0-000010352 gramme H per second) is equal to 6-9503 c.c. H or 10-4255 c.c. mixed gas (H 2 +0) per minute. 390 ADDENDA. 391 TABLE XXIX. SHOWING THE VALUE OP EQUAL CURRENT-DENSITIES AS EX- PRESSED IN AMPERES PER SQUARE DECIMETRE, PER SQUARE FOOT, AND PER SQUARE INCH OF ELECTRODE SURFACE. |is a n-s AND HC1 IN THE LIQUIDS RESPECTIVELY. % H 2 S0 4 . HN0 3 . HC1. % H 2 S0 4 . HNOg. HC1. % H 2 S0 4 . HN0 3 . HC1. 100 ] -8426 1-500 66 1-568 1-3783 33 1-247 1-1895 1-1640 99 1-8420 1-498 65 1-557 1-3732 32 1-239 1-1833 1-1584 98 1-8406 1-496 64 1-545 1-3681 81 1-231 1-1770 1-1536 97 1-8400 1-494 63 1-534 1-3630 30 1-223 1-1709 1-1484 96 1-8384 1-491 62 1-523 1-3579 29 1-215 1-1648 1-1433 95 1-8376 1-488 61 1-512 1-3529 28 1-2066 1-1587 1-1382 94 1-8356 1-485 60 1-501 1-3477 27 1-1980 1-1515 1-1333 93 1-8340 1-482 59 1-490 1-3427 26 1-190 1 -1467 1-1282 92 1-8310 1-479 58 1-480 1-3376 25 1-182 1-1403 1-1232 91 1-8270 1-476 57 1-469 1-3323 ... 24 1-174 1-1345 1-1182 90 1 -8220 1-473 56 1-4586 1 -3270 23 1-167 1-1286 1-1131 89 1-8160 1-470 55 1-448 1-3216 22 1-159 1-1227 1-1081 88 1-8090 1-467 54 1-438 1-3163 21 1-1516 1-1168 1-1031 87 1-802 1-464 53 1-428 1-3110 20 1-144 1-1109 1-0981 86 1-794 1-460 52 1-418 1-3056 19 1-136 1-1051 1-0931 85 1-786 1-457 51 1-408 1-3001 18 1-129 1-0993 1-0882 84 1-777 1-453 50 1-398 1-2947 17 1-121 1-0935 1-0832 83 1767 1-450 49 1-3886 1-2887 16 1-1136 1-0878 1-0783 82 1-756 1-446 48 1-379 1-2826 15 1-106 1-0821 1-0734 81 1-745 1-4424 47 1-370 1-2765 14 1-098 1-0764 1-0684 80 1-734 1-4385 46 1-361 1-2705 13 1-091 1 -0708 1-0635 79 1-722 1-4346 45 1-351 1-2644 12 1-083 1-0651 1-0586 78 1-710 1-4306 44 1-342 1-2583 11 1 -0756 1-0595 1-0537 77 1-698 1-4269 43 1-333 1-2523 10 1-068 1-0540 1-0487 76 1-686 1-4228 42 1-324 1-2464 9 1-061 1-0485 1-0438 75 1-675 1-4189 41 1-315 1-2402 8 1-0536 1-0430 1-0389 74 1-663 1-4147 40 1-306 1-2341 1-1966 7 1-0464 1-0375 1-0340 73 1-651 1-4107 39 1-297 1-2277 1-1922 6 1-039 1-0320 1-0292 72 1-639 1-4065 38 1-289 1-2212 1-1878 5 1-032 1-0267 1-0244 71 1-627 1-4023 37 1-281 1-2148 1-1840 4 1-0256 1-0212 1-0196 70 1-615 1-3978 36 1-272 1-2084 1-1786 3 1-019 1-0159 1-0148 69 1-604 1-3945 35 1-264 1 -2019 1-1738 2 1-013 1-0106 1-0098 68 1-592 1-3882 34 1-256 1-1958 1-1689 1 1-0064 1-0053 1-0049 67 1-580 1-3833 NOTE. The sulphuric acid numbers are quoted from Otto, those for nitric acid from Ure ; while the hydrochloric acid figures are compiled by interpolation from Ure. Liquid hydrochloric acid is practically saturated with 40 per cent, of HC1 gas. ADDENDA. 393 TABLE XXXI. SHOWING THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF SOLUTIONS CORRE- SPONDING TO THE DEGREES OF THE BAUME HYDROMETER. Degree Baume. = Specific Gravity. Degree Baume. = Specific Gravity. Degree Baume. = Specific Gravity. Degree Baume. = Specific Gravity. 1-000 19 1-147 37 1-337 55 1-596 1 1-007 20 1-157 38 1-349 56 1-615 2 1-014 21 1-166 39 1-361 57 1-634 3 1-020 22 1-176 40 1-375 58 1-653 4 1-028 23 1-185 41 1-388 59 1-671 5 1-034 24 1-195 42 1-401 60 1-690 6 1-041 25 1-205 43 1-414 61 1-709 7 1-049 26 1-215 44 1-428 62 1-729 8 1-057 27 1-225 45 1-442 63 1-750 9 1-064 28 1-235 46 1-456 64 1-771 10 1-072 29 1-245 47 1-470 -65 1-793 11 1-080 30 1-256 48 1-485 66 1-815 12 1-088 31 1-267 49 1-500 67 1-839 13 1-096 32 1-278 50 1-515 68 1-864 14 1-104 33 1-289 51 1-531 69 1-885 15 1-113 34 1-300 52 1-546 70 1-909 16 1-121 35 1-312 53 1-562 71 1-935 17 1-130 36 1-324 54 1-578 72 1-960 18 1-138 NOTE. The specific gravity of a solution is rapidly ascertained by floating in it a weighted glass tube closed at both ends, with a bulb in the centre and a long, thin glass tube above, which carries a graduated scale upon it. This instrument sinks deeper in solutions of low density than in those of high gravity ; and the actual specific gravity is found by the level at which the liquid stands on the graduated portion when the apparatus is floating freely in it. Hydrometers of this kind are sometimes graduated so that the specific gravity is read off direct from the scale, others are graduated by Baume's method ; and the reading may then be con- verted into the number representing the true density, by reference to the above table. Specific gravities are sometimes expressed according to Twaddell's hydrometer. This scale can be converted into ordinary figures by multiplying by 5, dividing by 1000, and adding unity. Thus 1 Twaddell is specific gravity 1-005, 2 is I'OIO, and so on. TABLE XXXII. DENSITIES OF SOLUTIONS OF CRYSTALLISED COPPER AND ZINC SULPHATES. Copper Sulphate. Zinc Sulphate. <3 -kg^L -kg 4 Xo So W fa04J^ bD-n W o W ^IJ^- Density. ""1 Density. -g'S)^ Density. g'So^ Density. o> "S O t> ^ g O a? a> O PM 5 Irl P^ N 2 1-0126 14 1-0923 5 1-0289 35 1-2285 4 1-0254 16 1-1063 10 1-0588 40 1-2674 6 1-0384 18 1-1208 15 1 -0899 45 1-3083 8 1-0516 20 1-1354 20 1-1222 50 1-3511 10 1-0649 22 1-1501 25 1-1560 55 1-3964 12 1-0785 24 1-1659 30 1-1914 60 1-4451 NOTE. The pure salt is supposed to be dissolved in pure distilled water. 394 ADDENDA. TABLE XXXIII. SHOWING THE SPECIFIC ELECTRICAL RESISTANCES! OP DIF- FERENT SULPHURIC ACID SOLUTIONS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (Fleeming Jenkin). Specific Gravity of Acid. Temperatures (Fahrenheit). 32 39 -2 46 -4 53-6 60-8 68 75 -2 82 4 MO 1-37 1-17 1-04 0-92 0-84 0-79 0-74 071 1-20 1-33 1-11 0-93 079 0-67 0-57 0-49 0-41 1-25 1-31 1-09 0-90 0-74 0-62 0-51 0-43 0-36 1-30 1-36 1-13 0-94 0-79 0-66 0-56 0-47 0-39 1-40 1-69 1-47 1-30 1-16 1-05 0-96 0-89 0-84 1-50 274 2-41 2-13 1-89 1-72 1-61 1-32 1-43 1-60 4-32 4-16 3-62 3-11 275 2-46 2-21 2-02 170 9-41 7-67 6-25 5-12 4-23 3-57 3-07 271 TABLE XXXIV. SHOWING THE SPECIFIC ELECTRICAL RESISTANCES! OF DIF- FERENT COPPKR SULPHATE SOLUTIONS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (Fleeming Jenkin). No. of parts of Copper Sulphate dissolved in 100 parts of water. Temperatures (Fahrenheit). 57 '2 60-8 64 -4 68 75 -2 82 -4 86 8 457 437 41-9 40'2 37-1 34-2 32-9 12 36-3 34-9 33-5 32-2 29-9 27-9 27-0 16 31-2 30-0 28-9 27-9 26-1 24-6 24-0 20 28-5 27-5 26-5 25-6 . 24-1 227 22-2 24 26-9 25-9 24-8 23-9 22-2 207 20-0 28 247 23-4 22-1 21-0 18-8 16-9 16-0 1 By the term Specific Resistance in the above tables is meant the resistance in ohms between the opposite faces of a centimetre cube of the substance in question. The diminution of resistance accompanying a rise of temperature should be especially remarked. ADDENDA. 395 Tji os kp 00 O CO r o co co i O i-H rH i-( C^ j c ?< s^ 1 a" SJl-^-g il* 8 g 1 ^ i ( i CO 01 t-H rH rH Od CD l_-- O CO CO OO O OS !>. iO ^Ji II r& P P P P P P P ^"S ?*S aZi! S 18 CO (N ip O p i-~ p p op CO CO rH OO CO ^ CO s s s p p p o s OO OJ O T-H d r;H rH OS OS CO O O OS ITS O O CO CO S OO iij CO OS l>- Cfl rHOOCO(NOO& OO O rH (N 396 ADDENDA. TABLE XXXVI. ACTUAL DIAMETERS CORRESPONDING TO THE NUMBERS OF THE OLD BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGE. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. H ll c5 c i! * Inch. Milli- metres. * Inch. Milli- metres. *! Inch. Milli- metres. 0000 0-454 11-53 11 0-120 3-05 24 0-022 0-56 000 425 10-79 12 109 2-77 25 020 51 00 380 9-65 13 095 2-41 26 018 46 340 8-63 14 083 2-11 27 016 41 1 300 7-62 15 072 1-83 28 014 36 2 284 7-21 16 065 1-65 29 013 33 3 259 6-58 17 058 1-47 30 012 305 4 238 6-04 18 049 1-24 31 010 254 5 220 5-59 19 042 1-07 32 009 229 6 203 5-16 20 035 0-89 33 008 203 7 180 4-57 21 032 81 34 007 178 8 165 4-19 22 028 71 35 005 127 9 148 3-76 23 025 63 36 004 102 10 134 3-40 TABLE XXX VI A. DIAMETERS COKRESPONDING TO THE NUMBERS OF THE AMERICAN (BROWN & SHARPE'S) STANDARD WIRE GAUGE. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. 6D,5 sj >!' n Inch. Milli- metres. fl Inch. Milli- metres. rK & & Inch. Milli- metres. 0000 0'46 11-68 12 0-0808 2-05 27 0-0142 361 000 4096 10-44 13 0720 1-83 28 0126 320 00 3648 9-26 14 0641 1-63 29 0113 287 3249 8-24 15 0571 1-45 30 0100 254 1 2893 7-35 16 0508 1-29 31 00893 227 2 2576 6-54 17 0453 1-15 . 32 00795 202 3 2294 5-83 18 0403 1-02 33 00708 180 4 2043 5-19 19 0359 0-912 34 0063 160 5 1819 4-62 20 0320 813 35 00561 142 6 1620 4-11 21 0285 724 36 005 127 7 1443 3-66 22 0253 642 37 00445 113 8 1285 3-26 23 0226 574 38 00397 101 9 1144 2-90 24 0201 510 39 00353 09 10 1019 2-59 25 0179 455 40 00314 08 11 0907 2-30 26 0159 404 ADDENDA. 397 iO 1O -^ CO -rtt-~om^co 0-0018 4-2 2,300 18 17 or 130/40 0-0024 5-4 2,200 19 3/20 0-0031 6-4 2,150 19 16 or 110/38 or 172/40 0-0032 6-8 2,100 20 15 0-0041 8-2 2,000 21 7/22 0-0043 8-5 2,000 21 14 or 172/38 or 7/2 1J 0-0050 9-8 1,950 21 3/18 0-0054 10-3 1,950 21 7/20 0-0071 13-0 1,850 22 7/18 0-013 21-0 1,700 25 19/20 0-019 29-0 1,550 27 7/16 0-022 33-0 1,500 28 19/18 0-034 47-0 1,400 30 7/14 0-035 48-0 1,400 30 19/16 0-061 75-0 1,250 33 19/14 0-096 108-0 1,150 36 37/16 0-12 1300 1,100 37 19/13 0-16 1360 1,100 38 37/14 0-19 187-0 1,050 40 61/13 0-31 350-0 '. . 900 47 91/12 077 625-0 800 51 1 This table, with the exception of the approximate areas in column 1, which have been added, forms part of a table given in the Wiring Rides of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 2 The double figures in this column refer to the number of strands of the given number of wire in a cable : thus 3/22 means a cable of 3 strands of No. 22 wire. 3 For example, 18 yards means that the distance between the two points is 9 yards. ADDENDA. 399 TABLE XXXVIII. COMPARISON OP CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. Fah. Cent. Fah. Cent. Fah. Cent. Fah. Cent. Fah. Cent. Fah. Cent. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. 32 66 18-9 100 37-8 133 56-1 166 74-4 199-4 93 33 0-5 66-2 19 100-4 38 134 56-7 167 75 200 93-3 33-8 1 67 19-4 101 38-3 134-6 57 168 75-5 201 93-9 34 1-1 68 20 102 38-9 135 57-2 168-8 76 201-2 94 35 17 69 20-5 102-2 39 136 57-8 169 76-1 202 94-4 35-6 2 69-8 21 103 39-4 136-4 58 170 76-7 203 95 36 2-2 70 2M 104 40 137 58-3 170-6 77 204 95-5 37 2-8 71 217 105 40-5 138 58-9 171 77-2 204-8 96 37-4 3 71-6 22 105-8 41 138-2 59 172 77-8 205 96-1 38 3-3 72 22-2 106 41-1 139 59-4 172-4 78 206 967 39 3-9 73 22-8 107 41-7 140 60 173 78-3 206-6 97 39'2 4 73-4 23 107-6 42 141 60-5 174 78-9 207 97-2 40 4-4 74 23-3 108 42-2 141-8 61 174-2 79 208 97-8 41 5 75 23-9 109 42-8 142 61-1 175 79-4 208-4 98 42 5-5 75-2 24 109-4 43 143 617 176 80 209 98-3 42-8 6 76 24-4 110 43-3 1436 62 177 80-5 210 98-9 43 6-1 77 25 111 43-9 144 62-2 177-8 81 2102 99 44 67 78 25-5 111-2 44 145 62-8 178 81-1 211 99-4 44-6 7 78-8 26 112 44-4 145-4 63 179 817 212 100 45 7-2 79 26-1 113 45 146 63-3 179-6 82 213 100-5 46 7-8 80 26-7 114 45-5 147 63-9 180 82-2 213-8 101 46-4 8 80-6 27 114-8 46 147-2 64 181 82-8 214 101-1 47 8-3 81 27-2 115 46-1 148 64-4 181-4 83 215 1017 48 8-9 82 27-8 116 46-7 149 65 182 83-3 215-6 102 48-2 9 82-4 28 116-6 47 150 65-5 183 83-9 216 102-2 49 9-4 83 28-3 117 47-2 150-8 66 183-2 84 217 102-8 50 10 84 28-9 118 47-8 151 66-1 184 84-4 217-4 103 51 10-5 84-2 29 118-4 48 152 66-7 185 85 218 103-3 51-8 11 85 29-4 119 48-3 152-6 67 186 85-5 219 103-9 52 11-1 86 30 120 48-9 153 67-2 186-8 86 219-2 ]04 53 117 87 30-5 120-2 49 154 67-8 187 86-1 220 104-4 53'6 12 87-8 31 121 49-4 154-4 68 188 867 221 105 54 12-2 88 3M 122 50 155 68-3 188-6 87 250 121 55 12-8 89 31-7 123 50-5 156 68-9 189 87-2 302 150 55-4 13 89-6 32 123-8 51 156-2 69 190 87-8 400 204 56 13-3 90 32-2 124 51-1 157 69-4 190-4 88 482 250 57 13-9 91 32-8 125 51-7 158 70 191 88-3 572 300 57-2 14 91-4 33 125-6 52 159 70-5 192 88-9 752 400 58 14-4 92 33-3 126 52-2 159-8 71 192-2 89 932 500 59 15 93 33-9 127 52-8 160 71-1 193 89-4 1112 600 60 15-5 93-2 34 127-4 53 161 717 194 90 1292 700 60-8 16 94 34-4 128 53-3 161-6 72 195 90-5 1472 800 61 ,16-1 95 35 129 53-9 162 72-2 195-8 91 1652 900 62 16-7 96 35-5 129-2 54 163 72-8 196 91-1 1832 1000 62-6 17 96-8 36 130 54-4 163-4 73 197 91-7 2282 1250 63 17-2 97 36-1 131 55 164 73-3 197-6 92 2732 1500 64 17-8 98 36-7 132 55-5 165 73-9 198 92-2 3182 1750 64-4 18 98-6 37 132-8 56 165-2 74 199 92-8 3632 20UO 65 18-3 99 37-2 400 ADDENDA. TABLE XXXIX. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. = Ounces. = Drachms. = Grains. = Grammes. 1 Pound .... 16 256 7,000 453-25 1 Ounce .... 1 16 437-5 28-33 1 Drachm .... 0-062 1 27-34 1-77 TABLE XL. TROY WEIGHT. = Ounces. = Penny weights. = Grains. = Grammes. 1 Pound .... 12 240 5,760 372-96 1 Ounce .... 1 20 480 31-08 1 Pennyweight . . 0-05 1 24 1-55 TABLE XLL APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. = Ounces. = Drachms. = Scruples. = Grains. = Grammes. 1 Pound . . . 12 96 288 5,760 372-96 1 Ounce . 1 8 24 480 31-08 1 Drachm . . 0-125 1 3 60 3-38 1 Scruple . . 0-042 0-33 1 20 1-29 TABLE XLII. IMPERIAL FLUID MEASURE. 03 I II 1 II "2 " 3$ Sg II o = Fluid Drachms. = Minims. u > 2 H.2 o . 2 % 3rT5 li 1 >3 II = Cubic Centimetres. 1 Gallon . . 4 8 160 1,280 76,800 70,000 277-276 4-541 4,541 1 Quart . . . 1 2 40 320 19,200 17,500 69-319 1-135 1,135-2 1 Pint . . . 0-5 1 20 160 9,600 8,750 34-659 0-567 567-6 1 Fluid ounce . 0-025 0-05 1 8 480 437-5 1-733 0-0284 28-34 1 Fluid drachm 0-0031 0-0062 0-125 1 60 54-7 0-217 0-0035 3-55 1 Minim . . 0-00005 0-0001 0-0021 0-0167 1 0-91 0-0036 0-00006 0-059 ADDENDA. 401 a -3 3-38 Ml O to > < OJ 10 IN ** PH i-H CO (M OS US i cq eo * i us c (^ 05 (^ 05 in N * !!M IdCO 26 402 ADDENDA. From this table any ordinary conversions up to 2000 units may be readily made. For example : It is required to find the number of cubic centimetres equal to 1728 cubic inches. 1728 = 1000 + 700 + 20 + 8 cubic inches. But a reference to the sixth column shows that 1000 cubic inches 16,385*92 cubic centimetres *700 ,, = 11,470-01 ,, 20 , ,, 32772 ,, 8 , = 131-09 . Add together: 1728 ,, ,, = 28,31474 THE BRONZING OF COPPER AND BRASS SURFACES. It is often desired to give newly deposited copper the appearance of age and to destroy the brilliant metallic lustre which it possesses at first. The methods of accomplishing this end are numerous. In all cases it is desirable to start with a clean metallic surface, freed from grease by immersion in potash, or by any other suitable cleansing process. To obtain a red bronze tone, the metal is brushed over with finely-powdered crocus, or a mixture of crocus and black-lead, made up into a paste with a little water, and is then heated on a metal plate above a clear fire until the powder has become dark. After cooling, the whole surface is thoroughly brushed ; if necessary the process may be repeated to produce a darker colour. The bronzing is due to the oxidation of the copper superficially by the heated crocus ; a better lustre is obtained by finally rubbing persistently with a brush which is from time to time passed over the surface of a cake of bees' -wax. Slightly wetting the clean surface of copper articles with very dilute nitric acid, or with a solution of ferric chloride and nitrate, or with a solution of copper nitrate, followed by drying and heating, also effects the required oxidation and produces a brown bronze. Dark brown or black bronzing has sometimes been effected by merely brushing the surface with plumbago or vegetable black, conveyed in a suitable medium followed by a varnish or lacquer. The formation of the black copper sulphide on the surface of the metal, by painting with dilute alkaline sulphide solution (such as ammonium sulphide), gives the same appearance. The superficial precipitation of other metals, such as platinum, gold, or arsenic, is often adopted also ; a very weak solution of platinic chloride, or of gold chloride, or a solution of 1 oz. of arsenious acid (white arsenic), and 1 oz. of ferrous sulphate in 12 oz. of water, answering the pur- pose well. After aplying any of these solutions, the object must be well washed and dried,_ and finally lacquered. A mere bronze-coloured varnish, recommended by Hutton for bronzing brass work, is made by dissolving 5 parts of aniline purple and 10 parts of fuchsine in 100 parts of methylated spirit, and then adding 5 parts of benzoic acid, and boiling until the liquid has attained the desired colour. An excellent black bronzing for brass is obtained by dissolving copper carbonate in an aqueous solution of ammonium carbonate. The best results are obtained with gilding metal, which after cleansing thoroughly need only be immersed for a short time in the liquid, after which the object is swilled in water and dried out. One of the secrets of success is to avoid the presence of even traces of chlorides in the bronzing solution. In their presence the black coating is liable to scale or to lighten in colour after a short time. Green bronzes are made by converting the surface of the article into the * Note that the equivalent of 700 cubic ins. is found by multiplying the figure for 70 by 10. ADDENDA. 403 green basic acetate or carbonate of copper, and may be produced by exposing the article for a time to the vapour of acetic acid. Any acid vapour in moderation will afford the same result. One method, recommended by Napier, consists in enclosing the object immediately above a little dry bleaching powder contained in a closed vessel, until the required effect is produced. ANTIDOTES TO POISONS. Most of the metallic-plating and the cleansing solutions are extremely poisonous, and stress has already been laid upon the dangers both of using domestic drinking utensils for any purposes connected with the work of electro-plating, and of dipping the bare arm or hand into any of the depositing liquids. Unforeseen accidents, however, may occur and may demand the application of speedy remedial measures. Amateur doctoring is to be strongly deprecated, and medical aid should be sought at once ; but upon a sudden emergency it may be necessary to administer relief, pending the arrival of the physician. In any case of poisoning by swallowing, simple emetics should at once be given for example, lukewarm water, mustard and water, ipecacuanha, or even zinc sulphate (of the latter from 10 to 30 grains are often given), the two first-named are better for domestic applica- tion ; while these are preparing, the patient may often induce vomiting by thrusting the forefinger as far as possible down the entrance to the throat. The nature of the subsequent remedies will depend upon the character of the poison, thus : Acids. Mineral acids, such as sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, or glacial acetic acids, require an alkali to neutralise them ; magnesia, chalk, whiting, lime water, or carbonate of soda may be administered stirred up with water. Failing these, the acid must be diluted by copious draughts of water ; olive oil, milk, or white of egg may then be given. Alkalies. Caustic alkalies demand neutralisation with a mild acid, such as vinegar, or the juice of an acid fruit, such as the lemon or lime, or by extremely dilute acetic, citric, or tartaric acids. Then oil or white of egg may be taken. Antimony. For the chloride solution, magnesia or sodium carbonate are used ; for tartar emetic, a vegetable astringent is to be applied ; very strong tea may answer the purpose ; then barley water or the like ; small doses of stimulants being given from time to time. Arsenic. Freshly made hydrated ferric oxide with magnesia is often employed. Copper. White of egg mixed with water, plenty of milk, water, or barley- water or the like should be taken. Some have used calcined magnesia stirred with water. Cyanides. Freshly precipitated peroxide of iron with an alkaline car- bonate, such as potassium carbonate ; plenty of fresh air should be available ; the coldest possible water should be poured over the head and down the spine ; and the atmosphere around the patient may with advantage contain a little chlorine ; for example, a little dilute acid may be poured upon bleaching powder in a saucer placed at some distance to windward of the patient. Lead. A very dilute solution of sulphuric acid or a solution of magnesium or sodium sulphate may be administered ; some use sodium phosphate ; the object in each case being the formation of an insoluble salt of lead. This should be followed by an active purgative. Milk or white of egg may be plentifully taken. Mercury. Albuminous fluids (white of egg) should be given in sufficient quantity, mixed preferably with milk ; a large excess of the albumen is not advisable, the quantity generally recommended being the white of one egg to each 4 grains (about) of mercuric chloride taken. Then barley-water or its equivalent is allowable. 404 ADDENDA. Oxalic Acid and Oxalates. Lime-water or chalk may be used ; but alkaline carbonates should not be applied, because they form intensely poisonous oxalates. Silver Nitrate. Common salt in solution forms insoluble silver chloride. Zinc Salts. Warm demulcent drinks, such as barley-water, to be given. In all the above cases the application of the special remedy must be pre- ceded by the use of strong emetics, except perhaps in the case of strong acids, when water should be taken to effect dilution before inducing the vomiting. Acids which have been spilled upon the hands or upon the floor of the room should be neutralised with chalk after dilution. The vapour of acid in the atmosphere of a room may be neutralised by the vapour of ammonia. INDEX. ACCUMULATORS, electrical, 74. Acetic acid, 364. Acid, effect of, in copper-baths, 133. final cleansing in, 112. nitric, as depolariser, 46. strength for Grove's battery, 48. Acid-bath for copper deposit, 128. -resisting composition (vat-lining), 96. Acids, opening bottles of, 363. organic, resistance of cobalt to, 227. use in nickeling, 221. specific-gravity tables, 392. various, 390-401. Adams, metallisation of moulds, 150. nickeling solution, 218. Adhesion of copper surfaces prevented, 152. low, of nickel deposits (cause), 225. non-, of deposits (cause), 76. Agate burnishers, 121. Ageing of silver-baths, 183. Agitation of solutions, necessary, 90. Agitator, von Hiibl's, 98. for baths, 98. Air, effect of, on iron-baths, 231. pure, need of, 92. use of, in circulating solutions, 277. Alcohol, 366. Alkali, action of, on grease, 109. without action on mineral oils, 109. Alkaline cleansing liquid, 110. copper-baths, 129. Alkalinity of nickel-baths, cause of, 220. Alloy, backing-, electrotypers', 164. lead-tin-, for polishing steel, 122. standard silver-coinage, 186. Alloys, aluminium, produced, 293. copper, cleansing of, 112. deposition of, 32, 256. fused, electrolysis of, 32. fusible, 147. gold, 204. lead, stripping silver from, 190. Alloys, nature of deposit, 261. tin, cleansing of, 114. Alternate-current dynamo, 68. Aluminium and its compounds, 367. carbide, 293. chloride, 367. deposition of, 254. deposition on, 114. -nickel alloy, 266. reduction of, 11, 293, 294. smelting of, 295. Alums, 368. Alu-ni, 266. Amalgamation of battery zincs, 39. of gold, 206. Amalgams, 378. American Postal Telegraph Co.'s plant, 140. American Smelting and Refining Co., 274. Ammeter, 84. advantages of, 78, 80. position of, in electrotype circuit, l)4c use of, in art- electro typing, 170. Ammonia, 368. alum, 368. solution, opening bottles of, 368. use of, in hot copper-baths, 131. Ammonium compounds, 368. sulphide, use in electrotyping, 168. Amorphous phosphorus, 381. Amperage, best, for electro-deposi- tion, 78. surface-, interconversion of units, 391. Ampere, value of the, 34. Animal forms reproduced in copper, An ion, meaning of term, 27. Annealing, effect of, on hammered metals, 110. on iron deposit, 235. on nickel deposit, 217. electric, 317. 405 406 INDEX. Anode, meaning of term, 27. plate, form of, 97. slime (copper), 132. Anodes, antimony, 252. arrangement of, in art- work, 168. brassing, 261. carbon, use of, 222. choice of, 88. coating on, by lead, 250. cobalt, 229. copper, 131. behaviour in refining, 269. refinery, 274. -regulus, use of, 279. size for, 132. gold, 204. incrustation on, in brassing, 263. insoluble, use of, 28, 29, 89, 353. iron, 234. lead, effect of, in copper-bath, 169. nickel, 222. arrangement of, 252. silver, 186. appearance during electrolysis, 182. arrangement of, 192. size of, 89. soluble, effect of, 27. use of, 29, 88. supplementary, use of, 171. suspension of, 96, 97. tin, 248. various, effect of, 30. wire-skeleton, for statuary, 168. zinc, 243. Antidotes to poisons, 403. Antimony and its compounds, 369. anodes, 252. behaviour in copper-refining, 270. deposited, nature of, 252. depositing solutions, 251. deposition of, 250. explosive, 252. extraction of, 289. solutions, assay of, 325. Antique silver, 197. Apothecaries' weight, 400. Aqua fortis, 113, 365. regia, 366. Argol, 383. Armature, dynamo, 70. direction of current in, 69. varieties of, 70. Arsenic, behaviour in copper-refining, 271. effect of, in brassing-bath, 260. Art-electrotyping, 165. Ashcroft and Swinburne, zinc extrac- tion process, 288. Assay of depositing solutions, 324. Atomic weight, definition of, 15. weights of elements, 19. Atoms, meaning of term, 15. Autogenous soldering of lead, 95. Avoirdupois weight, 400. BACKING of copper electrotypes, 164. -metal for electrotypes, 164. Balance, plating-, 100. correction in use of, 102. sensitive, 324. Barometer dials, dead-gilding of, 210. silvering of, 177. Barrel, rotating-, for plating small goods, 105. Base-bullion, refining of, 281. Basis-metal, influence on colour in gilding, 209. use of term, 116. Baths (see Solutions), arrangement of, in copper-refining, 274. cyanide, spontaneous alteration of, 182. electrotype, arrangement of, 153. old, recovery of metal from, 318. plating, arrangement of, 85. Battery, arrangement of, 53. bichromate, 49. Bunsen's, 47. costliness of, 37, 333. Cruickshank's, 3. DanielPs, 42. Breguet's, 44. gravity, 45. Kuhlo's, 44. Meidinger's, 44. post-office, 45. depolarisation of, 41. direction of current in, 24. economical arrangement of cells, 54. Edison-Lalande, 50. effect of size of plates, 53. for brassing, 257. for cadmium-plating, 245. for cobalt-plating, 229. for copper-depositing, 128. for electrotype, 154. for gilding, 201. for iron-depositing, 236. for nickel-plating, 220. for silvering, 179. for tinning, 248. for zinc-depositing, 241. Grove's, 46. injurious fumes from, 48, 92. invention of, 3. Leclanch6's, 50. local action on zinc, 39. maximum efficiency of, 56. INDEX. 407 Battery, parts of, 38. polarisation of, 40. position of, in plant, 93. practical hints on, 51. principle of, 24, 38. screws, 57. secondary, 74. single- and two-fluid, 41, 347, 349. size of, effect on current, 53. Smee's, 41. switch-board for, 57. theory of, 347. thermo-electric, 59. (Diamond's, 64. direction of current in, 60. Giilcher's, 66. reversal of current in, 62. wastefulness of, 66. weakening of, 40. -zincs, amalgamation of, 39. need for purity, 39. Baume's hydrometer, value of degrees, 393. Bay salt, 386. Beardslee's cobalting solution, 228. Becquerel's cobalting solution, 228. electro-chromy, 255. -gilding, 202. electrolytic works, 5. ore-treatment, 279. Bedstead tubes, brass-coated, 263. Bees'-wax, 370. cracking of, on cooling, 145. use of, in moulding, 145. Beuardos electric welding process, 316. Benzene, use of, in cleansing, 108. Benzoic acid, 364. Benzoline, use of, in cleansing, 108. Bertrand's bismuth solution, 254. cadmium solution, 245. palladium solution, 254. Bessemer's copper-plating, 5. Betts' process for refining lead, 282. Bichromate battery, 49. Binding-screws, 57. Birmingham wire-gauge, value of numbers, 396. Bismuth, 370. behaviour of, in copper-refining, 270. deposition of, 254. use of, in fusible alloys, 147. Bisulphide of carbon for bright-plating, 8, 185. Black deposit in bright-silver bath, 1 86. on silver anodes, 182. gold deposit, 205. Black-lead, 382. application to moulds, 149. water-repelling action of, overcome, 163. Black-leading machine, 162. process, invention of, 7. wax (type) moulds, 161. Bias and Miest's copper ore-treatment, 280. Blende, roasting of, 287. treatment of, 287. Blocks, wood-, electrotyping of, 165. Blood-poisoning from plating solu- tions, 103. Board of Trade Unit, 36, 330. used in electrolysis, 331. Bobs for polishing, 118. Boden's nickeling solution, 218. Bookbinders' type, brassing of, 263. Boracic acid, 364. Borcher's antimony extraction, 289. refining of lead, 282. system of copper- refining, 276. Boric acid, 364. use of, in nickeling, 221. Bottger's cobalting solution, 228. iron-plating solution, 233. platinating solution, 239. silvering solution, 180. Box- wood sawdust, use of, 136. Brass, 370. anode, 261. cause of incrustation on, 263. bronzing of, 402. cobalting of, 229. coppered by immersion, 125. deposit, colour of, controlled, 261. nature of, 257. depositing solutions, 257, 258. deposition of, 32, 257. final cleansing of, 112. gilding of, by immersion, 199. nickeling of, 223. platinising of, 237, 238. silvering of, 176, 191. stripping of nickel from, 222. of silver from, 189. wire scratch-brushes, 119. Brassing of small goods, 105. Braun's immersion gilding, 199. Breguet's Daniell-cell, 44. Briant (de), gilding solution, 202. Bright-dipping of metals (in acid), 113. -plating, 8, 185. -silver bath, use of, 185. Brightness of silver anodes during electrolysis, 182. Brimstone, 387. Britannia metal, cleansing of, 114. gilding of, 211. nickeling of, 218, 227. silvering of, 191. stripping silver from, 190. unsuited for silvering, 188. 408 INDEX. Bronze, 370. depositing solutions, 264. deposition of, 263. gilding of, by immersion, 199. Bronzing of copper and brass, 402. Brown & Sharpe wire-gauge, 396. Brown copper-deposit, cause of, 156. Brown gold, cause of, 203, 206. Brown-Neil process of recovering tin from tin scrap, 290. Brunei's brassing solutions, 258. Brushes of dynamo, 69. position of, 73. regulation of, 73. scratch-, 119. Building-tools for wax moulds, 161. Bullion, base-, refining of, 281. Bunsen's cell, 48. electro-smelting of magnesium, 296. Burnishing, 121. and scratch-brushing contrasted, 122. deposited copper, 138. effect of, on metals, 122. nickel, difficulty in, 224. Burnt nickel, 217. Burton's liquid forge, 315. Busts, moulding from, 148, 166. Butter of antimony, 369. of tin, 388. Buttons, silvering of, 176. CADMIUM, 371. deposition of, 245. use of, in fusible alloys, 147. Calamine, treatment of, 286. Calcium carbide, production of, 294. sulphate, 381. Calculations as to disposition of vats 154. as to thickness of deposit, 79. Calomel, 379. Calorie, value of the, 35, 36. Campbell's platinum-silver bath, 266. Canadian Government Commission appointed to report on electro - thermic iron and steel processes, 299. Carbon anodes, use of, 222. bisulphide for bright-plating, 8, 185. chloride, use in bright silvering, 185. Cast-iron, 376. as anode, 89, 234. nickeling of, 225. preliminary cleansing of, 135. refining (electrolytic), 289. (electro-thermal), 297. tinning of, 248. Cast-metal anodes, 89. Cast-nickel anodes, 222. Oastner's sodium smelting process, 297. Casts, electrotype, 143. Cathode for copper-refining, 273. meaning of term, 27. motion imparted to, 99. secondary actions at, 354. suspension of, 97, 152. Cathodes, unlike, on same rod, effect of, 192. Cation, meaning of term, 27. Caustic alkali cleansing-baths, 110. lunar, 386. potash, 383. soda, 386. Cell (see Battery), direction of current in, 24, 347. economical arrangement of, 56. principles of voltaic, 24, 347. size of, effect on current, 53. Cells, porous, preservation of, 51. simple, 347. single-fluid and two-fluid, 349. Centigrade thermometer scale, 35. and Fahrenheit scales compared, 399. Chalk, 371. Charcoal rendered non-conductive, 292. Chases for use in electrotyping, 157. Chemical combination, heat of, 21, 22, 344. energy, relation of, to electrical, 23, 344. formulae, 16. symbols, 16. Chlorides, 365. of carbon and sulphur for bright- plating, 185. Chromium, deposition of, 245. Circuit, short, 39. divided-, distribution of current in, 39. Citric acid, 365. use of, in nickeling, 221. Clamond's thermo-electric battery, 64. Cleanliness, necessity for, 77, 108. Cleansing, electrolytic, 115. finished electrotypes, 171. for nickeling, care in, 224. liquids, acid, 112. alkaline, 109, 111. cyanide, 113. objects for plating, 108. Clock-dials, dead-gilding of, 210. Coal and zinc as electrical generators, 37. Cobalt and its compounds, 372. anodes, 229. INDEX. 409 Cobalt and its compounds, behaviour of, in copper-refining, 270. characteristics of, 227. depositing solutions, 228. deposition of, 229. -nickel alloy deposited, 219. recovery of, from old baths, 318. resistance of, to organic acids, 227. solutions, assay of, 326. Cobley's copper ore treatment, 279. Coils, resistance-, 81. Coinage, standard silver, 186. Coins, electrotyping of, 165. moulding from, 144. Collodion, use in bright-silvering, 185. Colophony, 384. Colour of brass-deposit controlled, 262. of gold, 204, 205. affected by impurities, 203. -deposit controlled, 205. Coloured silver-deposit, cause of, 187. Colouring, 122. of gold (dry), 212. Colours, iridescent, produced, 255. Combination, chemical, heat of, 20, 21, 344. Commission appointed by Canadian Government to report on electro-thermic iron and steel processes, 299. Commutator, dynamo-, 69. sparking of, 73. tending of, 73. Compass-needle, use of, 83. Composition, moulding-, conductive, 146, 149. elastic, 148, 166. fluid, moulding with, 145. gutta-percha, 143. wax, use of, 145. use of, in elastic, 166. Compound-wound dynamo, 70. Compounds, definition of term, 15. Conditions of electrolysis, 362. Conduction, electrolytic, 32, 342, 358. Conductivity, electrical, 30, 358. of metals, 31. of oxides and sulphides, 379, 380. of mould ensured, 149. Conductors, choice of metals for, 31, 337. copper, maximum currents for, 398. loss of power in, 335. maximum current for, 336, 398. size of, 335. Connecting screws, 57. Continuous current, conversion of alternating current into, 76. dynamo, 67* Converter, rotary, 76. Copper and its compounds, 372. and its alloys, final cleansing of, 112. anodes, 131. behaviour in refining, 269. for art electrotyping, 167. slime on, 132. use of, in brassing, 261. -baths, acid, 128. alkaline, management of, 131. effect of anode-size on, 132. of lead anode on, 169. temperature for, 130, 131. bronzing of, 402. conductors, maximum current for. 336, 398. crude, impurities in, 268. deposit, character of, 132, 156. rel ation to cur rent strength ,133 to nature of solution, 133. colours of, 156. drying of, 136. spread of, 170. strength of, 133. tenacity of, 134, 138. depositing iron upon, 236. -depositing prior to silvering, 191. deposition by battery, 127. by immersion, 124. consolidation of coat, 124. by single-cell process, 126. of, on copper, 152. on iron rollers, 137. on wax, 163. power absorbed in, 329. solutions for, 128, 130. effect of, on colour of gold, 204. on colour of silver, 187. electrolytic moulds of, 142. electro-plating with, 135. electrotype, backing of, 164. nature of metal required, 133. plates, suspension of, 152. separated from plate, 157. from wax, 163. extraction from ores, 278. Hoepfner, 280. Siemens and Halske, 280. gilding by immersion, 198. native, treatment of, 279. -nickel-zinc alloys deposited, 265. nickeling of, 224. -plates, iron-facing of, 235. reproduction of, 152. platinising of, 237. printing-surfaces, nickeled, 227. recovery of, from old baths, 319. from wash-waters, 136. refined, foreign metals in, 271. form of, 277. 410 INDEX. Copper- refining, bath arrangement, 274. behaviour of foreign metals, 270. current- strength for, 272. electrolytic, 268. loss of energy in, 275. relation of E.M.F. to inter-elec- trode space, 273. renewing old bath, 277. solution for, 273. spacing of electrodes, 273. systems of, 275. reflectors, manufacture of, 173. -regulus, use as anode, 279. silvering of, 176, 191. solutions, assay of, 326. spongy, used, 150. stripped from iron, 236. stripping of nickel from, 223. of silver from, 189. sulphate as a depolariser, 42. solutions, specific gravity of, 393. specific resistance of, 394. thick deposits of, 136, 137. thickness of coat required, 136, 168. -tin alloys, deposition of, 263. -zinc alloys, deposition of, 265. tubes deposited, 137. wires, resistance of. 395. -zinc alloys, deposition of, 257. Coppering metals before gilding, 211. Correction for plating-balance, 102. Corrosion of anodes in refining, 269. Corrosive sublimate, 379. Cost of electricity, 333. Coulomb, value of, 35, 79. Couples, thermo-, arrangement of, 64. Cowles' aluminium-reduction, 11, 292. Cowper- Coles' extraction and refining of iron, 289. process for manufacture of copper wire, 140. process for manufacture of re- flectors, 173. process for manufacture of seam- less tubes and sheets of copper, 138. rotating cathodes, 138. zinc bath, 243. Cream of tartar, 383. Crown of cups, Volta's, 3. Cruickshank's electrolytic experi- ments, 3. Cryolite, 295. Crystalline character of deposits, 138. Crystallisation of battery fluids, 52. Cub. ins. and cub. cms., intercon ver- sion of, 401. and pints, interconversion of, 401. Current, alternating, converted into continuous, 76. -density, 36. effect of, in electrotyping, 156. on brass-deposit, 261. on deposits, 78. on silver-deposit, 187. excessive, safe-guarded, 170. for aluminium smelting, 296. for copper-refining, 272. for lead-refining, 282. for nickeling, 220. for zinc-deposition, 244. maximum, for electrotyping, 134. for wax-moulds, 164. measured without instruments, 155. permissible effect of motion of solution on, 90. relation to nature of copper- deposit, 133. unit of measurement, 34. densities, equivalents in different units, 391. -detector, 82. direction of, found, 83. in armature, 69. in battery, 24, 347. in thermal battery, 60. distribution of, in divided circuit, 39. from public supply, use of, 75. in coils rotating near magnet, 68. maximum, for copper conductors, 336, 398. measurement of, 83, 84, 154. regulated by anode, 205. regulation of, in electrotyping, 156. reversal of, in dynamo, 68. in thermopiles, 62. short-circuiting of, indicated, 80. sources of, 37. weight and thickness of deposit by, 390. Cut-out for check on current, 170. Cyanide-bath, discovery of, 8. poisonous fumes from, 92. spontaneous alteration of, 182. Cyanide cleansing-liquid, 113. copper-baths, 129. free, in gold-bath, 203. in silver-bath, 181. gold-bath, made up, 203. of potassium, 382. silver-baths, 180. Cyanides, 365. solution of organic matter by, 184, 207. Cylinders, iron, coppering of, 137. mixing-, 125. INDEX. 411 DANIELL-OELL, 5, 42. Darcet's fusible alloy, 147. De la Rue's discovery of electrotyp- ing, 5. Dead-dipping of objects, 113. -gilding, 209. -lustre on silver, 197. -nickeling, 227. Deakin and Smith's rotatory plating apparatus, 105. Decantation, washing by, 384. Dechaud and Gaultier's ore treatment, 278. Deligny's copper ore treatment, 280. Densities of copper and zinc sulphates in solution, 393. Density, current, 36. of silver-bath, effect of increasing, 201. unequal, in solutions, 212, 365. Depierre's copper-bath, 130. Depolarisation of battery, 41. by chromic acid, 49. by copper sulphate, 43. by nitric acid, 46. mechanical, 41. Deposition, electro-, early, 4, 5, 8. of alloys, 32, 257. of aluminium, 254. of antimony, 250. of bismuth, 254. of brass, 257. of bronze, 263. of cadmium, 245. of chromium, 245. of cobalt, 227. of copper, 124. of German-silver, 265. of gold, 198. of iron, 230. of lead, 250. of nickel, 216. of palladium, 254. of platinum, 237. of silver, 175. (bright), 185. (non-electrolytic), 177. of tin, 245. of zinc, 240. on electro-positive metals, 85, 345. Deposits, conditions of formation, 28. crystalline character of, 138. effect of varying currents on, 78. non-adhesion of, cause of, 77, 78. relation to current-density, 79. roughness, cause of, 277. ruined by want of cleanliness, 108. slimy, on copper-anodes, 132. striated, cause of, 89. thickness, calculation of, 79. Deposits, time required for given, 79. uneven, cause of, 89, 277. weighing of, in bath, 100. weight and thickness of, 390. weight of, calculated, 79. per B.T. unit, 330. Desmur's nickeling solution, 218. Detector, current-, 82. Diameters, actual, of wire-gauges, 396, 397. Dilute solutions, effect of (coppering), 132. Dipping in acid, need for, 112. in potash-vat, 111. Direction of current found, 83. in battery, 24, 347. in dynamo-armature, 68. in thermal battery, 60. of lines of magnetic force, 68. Dirt, effect of, in gold-bath, 203. Dirty brass-deposit, cause of, 263. Distance between electrodes, 89. Divalent, meaning of term, 17. Divided - circuit, current - distribution in, 39. Doctor, use of, in gilding, 208. Wagener and Netto's, 104. Dolly for polishing, 118. Double salt solutions, electrolysis of, 355. Doucet and Lambotte's zinc -extraction, 287. Drainage, system of, 93. Drum for coating small goods, 105, 125. Dry colouring of gold, 212. pile, 3. Drying of coppered goods, 136. of nickeled goods, 226, 227. of zinced goods, 244. Ductility of deposited copper, 134. Dynamo armature, 70. direction of current in, 68. classed by magnet-windings, 70. driving-power for, 74. efficiency of, 330. field-magnets of, 70. for copper-depositing, 128. for copper-refining, 272. invention of, 4, 8. management of, 73. necessity of, for large works, 141. position of brushes in, 69. position of, in works, 93. reversal of current in, 69. sparking of, 73. theory of, 67. EDISON-LALANDE-CELL, 50. Efficiency, maximum, of battery, 56. 412 INDEX. Elastic moulding-composition, 148, 166. moulds, invention of, 8. Elasticity of deposited-copper, 134. Electric and chemical energy, relation of, 23, 24. conductivity of metals, 31. connection-gripper, 159. current, direction found, 83. resistance, unit of, 34. ' Electricias ' nickeling solution, 218. Electricity, cost of, 77, 333. derivation of term, 2. generated, 24. supply, public, use of, 75. voltaic and static, 25. Electro-chemical equivalents, 390. series, 22. -chromy, 255. -deposition, 26. arrangement of vats, 86. current-strength for, 78. early experiments, 3, 5, 8. limit of E.M.F. for, 29. relation of current and time, 79. -etching, 2, 173. -metallurgy, definition of, 1. scope of, 2. -motive force, best for depositing, 78. counter-, 29. limit of, in depositing, 29. meaning of term, 25. unit of, 34. -negative, meaning of term, 22. -ore-extraction, scope for, 267. -plating, definition of, 2. essentials for baths, 86. of positive metals, 85. -positive, meaning of term, 22. -thermal refining of iron and steel, scope for, 299. -smelting, 290. of aluminium, 295. of iron, 297. of magnesium, 296. of sodium, 297. Electrodes, altering position of, at first, 194. distance between, 89. manner of connecting, 97. of suspending, 97. meaning of term, 27. Electrolysis, conditions for, 32, 351, 362. meaning of term, 26. of complex acids, 356. of double salts, 355. of ferric solutions, 231. of mixed solutions, 355. Electrolysis of silver - potassium cyanide, 181. power absorbed in, 329. theories of (modern), 338. with insoluble anodes, 353. Electrolyte, agitation of, 90, 98. meaning of term, 28, 341. Electrolytic assay, 325. cleaning, 115. conduction, 32, 342, 358. etching, 173. extraction of antimony, 289. of copper, 278. of gold, 283. of iron, 289. of lead, 283. of zinc, 286. moulding, 142. preparation of brass-bath, 260. of silver-bath, 184. recovery of tin, 290. refining of antimony, 289. of copper, 268. of gold, 284. of iron, 289. of lead, 281. of silver, 284. scope for, 267. stripping of gold, 206. of nickel, 223. of silver, 190. Electro-thermal processes, 294. Electro type -baths, arrangement, 153. -copper for anodes, 169. separation from plate, 157. thickness for, 157, 164. -plate, backing of, 164. final cleansing of, 171. preparation of, 164. -supporters, 152. Electrotyping, 142. arrangement of vats, 86, 153. art-, anodes in, 169. excess current prevented, 170. calculation of current-strength, 154. chases, type, etc., to be used for, 157. coins, medals, etc., 165. definition of term, 2. deposit on wax, 163. irregular, 89. earliest experiments in, 5. maximum cur rent- strength for, 133. mechanical finish of plates, 157. moulding-compositions, 143. nature of copper required, 132. printers', 151. regulation of current, 156. separating copper from matrix, INDEX. 413 Eleetrotyping, statuary, 166. supporting of plate in bath, 152. use of guiding-wires, 170. in various printing processes, 172. measuring instruments, 154. wood-blocks, 165. Elements, definition of term, 18. electro-positive and -negative, 22. list of, 19. Elkington's copper ore treatment, 279. early patents, 5. gilding solution, 199, 200. Elmore's solid-deposited tubes, 138. Eisner's bronzing solution, 264. silver-bath (battery), 180. (immersion), 176. tinning-bath, 249. zincing-bath, 242. Emery-wheels, use of, 122. Emetic, tartar, 370. E.M.F. (see Electro-motive force). Enamelled iron for tanks, 95. Energy, transformations of, 23. Engraved steel plates copied, 151. Epsom salts, 378. Equations, chemical, use of, 17. Equivalent weights, 19. Equivalents, electro - chemical, 79, 390. Etching, electrolytic, 173. Ewers, gilding lips of, 208. Exchange, simple, of metals, 345. Extensibility of deposited copper, 134. FAHRENHEIT and Centigrade scales compared, 399. thermometer-scale, 35. Faraday's laws of deposition, 4. Faure's accumulator, 74. Fearn's tinning solutions, 249. Ferric and ferrous compounds, 230, 376. salts, result of electrolysing, 231. File-marks, removal of, 117. Filigree -work, gilding of, 210. Filter-paper, folding of, 52. Fine gold, preparation of, 374. silver, preparation of, 384. Finishing, 122. Fizeau's gilding solution, 202. Floating typographic formes, 158. Floors, suitable, 92. Force, electro-motive, 25. physical, 14. Forces, correlation of, 23. Forge, liquid, Burton's, 315. Forks, supported in silver- vat, 191. Formes, printers', electrotyping of, floating of, 158. Formes, printers', moulding from, 159. preparation of, 157. Formulae, chemical, 16. French weights and measures, 400, 401. Frosted gold, 209. Fulminating gold, 375. Fumes from batteries injurious, 42, 48, 92. cyanide-bath dangerous, 92. Furnace, electric, Cowles', 292. Girod's, 309. Heroult's, 303. Keller's, 305. Kjellin's, 311. Rochling and Rodenhauser's, 313. Siemens', 290. Stassano's, 309. for colouring gold, 213. muffle-, for cleansing, 109. Furnaces, electric, advantages of, 300. for iron and steel, types of, 302. Fused alloys, electrolysis of, 32. salts, electrolysis of, 32, 294. Fusible metals, 147. Fusion by electricity, 290. GALLONS and litres, intercon version, 401. Galvanic battery, principles of, 24, 38. Galvani's experiments, 3. Galvanised iron, 27, 241. 'Galvanit,'196. Galvanography, 172. Galvanometers, 83. astatic, 84. Galvanoscope, 82. Gaultier and Dechaud's ore treatment, 278. Gauze, wire-, plating of, 108. Gelatine, 374. hardening of, 148. use of, in moulding, 148. German -silver, cobalting of, 229. deposition of, 265. final cleansing of, 112. nickeling of, 227. silvering of, 180. stripping silver from, 189. Gilding by battery, solutions for, 201. by immersion, 198. colour of gold in, 204, 205. dead-, 209. starting of deposit, 210. discoloured patches in, 207. irregular surfaces, 208. management of process, 206. of electro-positive metals, 211. 414 INDEX. Gilding of watch-movements, 213. of wire, 103. parcel, 212. quicking prior to, 206. stripping of gold before, 206. thin, failure of, 209. use of ' doctor' in, 208. old baths, 204, 207. -vat, 205. water-, 200. Gilt plumbago, 150, 162. surfaces, ornamentation of, 212. Girod electric refining furnace for iron, 309. Glass, silvering of, 173. Glass- tube insulator for wires, 191. -vats, cement for, 94. Glazing of steel, 122. Glossary of substances used, 363. Glue, 373. marine, 374. use of, in moulding, 144. Glycerin, use of, in iron-bath, 232. Glyphography, 172. Gold and its compounds, 374. amalgamation by mercury, 206. anode, 204. behaviour of, in copper-refining, 270. character of deposit, 204, 205. coin, 374. colour, control of, 204, 205. affected by basis metal, 209. by impurities, 203. coloured, 204, 205. colouring of (dry), 212. -cyanide of potassium, 382. dead-, 209. deposition of (see Gilding). extraction, 283. fulminating, 375. properties of, 198. pure, preparation of, 374. recovered in copper-refining, 277. in lead-refining, 282. recovery from old baths, 319. refining, 284. solubility of, in cyanide-bath, 203. -solutions, assay of, 327. standard, 374. stripping of old coat, 206. Gore's antimony-bath, 251. brassing-bath, 258. experiments with explosive anti- mony, 252. gilding-bath (battery), 202. (immersion), 199. silvering-bath (battery), 180. (immersion), 176. silvering-pastes, 176. tinning-bath, 246. Graining of surfaces (watch - move- ments), 213. Grains and grammes, interconversion of, 401. Gramme, value of, 34, 401. Gramme's dynamo, 9. Graphite, 382. Gravity, Daniell's, cell, 45. Grease, removal from objects, 108. solubility in cyanides, 207. Greek fire, 381. Greenawalt gold extraction process, 284. Green -bronzing, 402. gold, 204. Grippers, electric connection, 159. Grounding in burnishing, 121. Grouping of battery-cells, 54. Grove's cell, 46. Guericke's electrical machine, 2. Guiding wires for art-moulds, 170. Gutta-percha, 376. action of cyanides upon, 184. compositions, moulding, 144. moulding by, 143, 144. Gypsum, 381. HAANEL, advantages of electric smelt- ing of iron, 300. Hall's aluminium extraction process, 296. Halske (see Siemens). Handling of cleansed objects, 112. Hand-polishing, 118. Hardening of gelatine, 148. Hardness of deposited iron, 235. of deposited nickel, 216. of deposited platinum, 240. Hartmann and Weiss, cobalting by, 228. Hartshorn, spirits of, 385. Haydn's system of copper - refining, 276. Heat evolved in chemical union, 20. unit of, 35. Heating of potash- vat, 110. of solutions, 96. Heeren's brassing solution, 258. Hern's tinning solution, 249. Heroult's aluminium extraction pro- cess, 296. electric crucible furnace for iron, 303. smelting furnace for iron, 305. Hess' brassing solution, 258. Hides for polishing, 118. Higgins' bichromate cell, 49. Hippopotamus hide for polishing, 118. Hoe's black-leading machine, 162. toggle-press, 160. INDEX. 415 Hoepfner's copper extraction process, 280. zinc extraction process, 288. Hoho-Lagrange electric welding, 316. Hook for anode suspension, 97. Hooks and eyes, tinning of, 245. Horse-power hour, 331. cost of, 333. relation to kilowatt, 36, 331. unit, 35, 331. Hospitaller's nickeling-bath, 218. Hossauer's coppering-bath, 130, 141. Hot solutions, stopping-off varnish for, 388. vats for, 96. Hiibl (von), experiments on copper depositing, 133. solution agitator of, 98. Hydrochloric acid, 365. sp. gr. table, 392. Hydrocyanic acid, 365. Hydrogen, 16. absorbed by iron-deposit, 235. co-deposit of, effect of, 132, 187. deposition of, in zincing, 243. Hydrometer, Baume's, value of de- grees, 393. Twaddell's, value of degrees, 393. Hygienic precautions to be observed, 92. Hyposulphite silver-bath, 184. IMMERSION, antimony deposited by, 250. copper extraction by, 278. coppering by, 124. gilding by, 198. platinising by, 237. . silvering by, 175. tinning by, 247. Imperial fluid measure, 400. wire-gauge numbers, value of, 397. Impurities, behaviour in copper-refin- ing, 270. effect on gold-bath, 203. in copper anode, effect of, 131. in refined copper, 271. in silver-bath, effect of, 183. Inches and millimetres, interconver- sion of, 401. Incrustation on anode in brassing, 263. Installation, arrangement of, 92. Institution of Electrical Engineers, rules for copper conductors, 336, 398. Instruments, current - measurement without, 155. Insulation of suspending wires, 190. Insulators, electrical, 30. Intaglios, production of, 142. Intensity of current, meaning of term, 34. Intercon version of amperes per sq. ft. , sq. in., and sq. dm., 391. of thermometer scales, 399. of weights and measures, 401. Internal surfaces, gilding of, 208. Iodide silver-bath, 184. Ionic velocities, effect of unequal, 360. lonisation, 342. heat of, 344. Ions, charges on, 341. meaning of term, 27, 341. migration of, 342, 357. rate of, 358. Iron and its compounds, 376. anodes, 234. behaviour of, in copper-refining, 270. cast, cleansing of, 135. unsuited for anodes, 89. character of deposit, 235. cleansing of, 113. cobalting of, 229. coppering, by immersion, 2, 125. coppering-baths for, 129, 130. deposit, absorption of hydrogen by, 235. preservation from rust, 236. deposition of, 237. electro- thermal production and re- fining of, 297. electrotyping, 236. extraction, 289. electro-thermal, energy required for, 301. facing of copper-plates, 230. galvanised, 241. gilding of, by battery, 211. by immersion, 200. nickeling of, 224. refining, 289. rollers, coppering of, 137. silvering of, 176, 180. solutions, 230. red precipitate in, 231. stripping of nickel from, 223. of old coat, 236. of silver from, 190. tinning of, 246. vats, use of, 95, 96. Isinglass, 374. JACOBI, electrotyping by, 5. Jamieson's rule for current-direction, 82. Japing's brassing-bath, 258. copper-baths, 130. zinc-bath, 242. Jewreinoff's platinating-bath, 239. 416 INDEX. Johnson and Morris' brassing-bath, 258. German-silver-bath, 265. Jointing of lead-lined vats, 107. Jordan, electrotyping by, 5. Joule, 36. Jugs, gilding lips of, 208. KASALOWSKY'S copper-bath, 130. Keith, refining of lead, 282. Keller's electric refining furnace for iron, 305. electric smelting furnace for iron, 308. Kermes mineral from antimony-bath, 252. Kick's gilding-bath, 202. Kiliani's experiments on zinc-deposi- tion, 243. Kilowatt, 36, 333. -hour, 36, 333. Kjellin's electric refining furnace for iron, 311. Klein's iron-bath, 232, 233. Knight's metallisation of moulds, 150. Kopp's immersion copper-bath, 125. Kuhlo's Daniell-cell, 44. Kiihn's silvering- paste, 176. LACQUER varnish, 388. Lagrange-Hoho, electric welding by, 315. Lake Superior copper, treatment of, 279. Lambotte and Doucet's zinc-extrac- tion, 287. Lamp-reflectors, silvering of, 173. Lanaux and Roseleur's platinating- bath, 239. Langbein's cobalting, 229. coppering-bath, 130, 141. gilding-bath, 203. iron-bath, 234. nickeling-bath, 218. platinating bath, 239. use of rotating cathodes for deposit- ing copper, 139. Lard, 377. clarification of, 144. Large surfaces, plating of, 104. Lathe for polishing, 118. Lead and its compounds, 377- anode, effect of, in copper-bath, 169. behaviour in copper-refining, 270. -carbonate used in wax-moulding, 145. cleansing of, 114. coppering-bath for, 130. crude, impurities in, 281. deposition of, 250. Lead extraction, 283. gilding of, 211. -lined vats, jointing of, 107. -peroxide, colours of films, 255. deposit on anode, 250. recovery from old baths, 320. refined, impurities in, 282. refining of, 281. sheet-, anodes for statuary, 169. solutions, assay of, 327. stripping of silver from, 190. -tree, 250. unsuited for silvering, 188. use of, in accumulators, 74. in fusible alloys, 147. vats, jointing of, 95, 107. Lead, black-, application to moulds, 149. Leather bobs for polishing, 118. Leaves, nature-prints from, 172. Leclanche-cell, 50. Leeson's elastic moulds, 8. Length, unit of, 35. Lenoir's automatic cut-out, 169. statuary-moulding, 167. Lerebour's gilding solution, 202. Lesmonde's platinising cell, 238. Letrange's zinc-extraction, 287. Level's gilding solution, 202. Lichtenberg's fusible alloy, 147. Light, need for, 92. Lime, quick and slaked, 371. Sheffield, use in polishing, 119. Lines of force, magnetic, 72. Lipowitz's fusible alloy, 147. Lips of ewers, gilding of, 208. Liquid forge, Burton's, 315. Liquids, conductivity of, 32. Litre, value of the. 35. Litres and gallons, interconversion of, 401. Lobstein's tinning-bath, 249. Local action, meaning and effect of, 39, 349. thickening of silver-deposits, 195. Lonyet's zinc-bath, 242. Looseness of deposit, causes of, 77. Lubrication in scratch- brushing, 120. Luckow's zinc-extraction, 286. Liidersdorf s tinning-bath, 246. Lunar caustic, 386. MAGNESIUM and its compounds, 378. electro-smelting of, 296. Magnet, dynamo-, exciting of, 70. field-, of dynamo, 70. lines of force around, 68. Magnetic iron-deposit, 235. Magneto-electric machines, invention of, 4. INDEX. 417 iMaistrasse's tinning-bath, 249. Manganese, behaviour in copper- refining, 271. Manufactured goods prepared for silvering, 188. Marchese's copper ore treatment, 280. Marine glue, 374. use in moulding, 144. Marks, striated, cause of, on deposits, 89. Materials for moulding, 143. Matter, definition of, 14. Matthiessen's magnesium - smelting, 296. Measurement of current, 83. without instruments, 1 55. units of, 34. Measures and weights, 400. Measuring apparatus, electrical need for, 77. instruments, position in circuit, 154. Medals and medallions, electrotyping of, 144, 165. Meidinger's Daniell-cell, 44. Melting-points of fusible alloys, 147. Mercury and its compounds, 378. danger to gold, 206. in plate powders, 178. protection of battery-zincs by, 39. quicking by, 115. recovery of, from old zincs, 320. use of, in fusible alloys, 148. Meritens Plating Co.'s silver-baths, 180. Metal, backing-, for electrotypes, 164. Spence's, 387. Metallisation of moulds, 149, 150, 162. Metallo-chromes, 255. Metals and metalloids, 19, 20. best current for depositing, 78. conductance of, 31. electro-chemical series, 22. -positive and -negative, 22. coating of, 85. fusible, use in moulding, 147- list of, 19. precious, recovered in copper-refin- ing, 277. recovered in lead-refining, 281. simple exchange of, 345. thermo-electric series of, 60. thermo-electro-motive force of, 61. unlike, effect of hanging, on same cathode-rod, 192. Methylated spirit, 367. Metre, value of the, 35. Micro-volts, 60. Miest and Bias, copper ore treatment by, 280. Migration of ions, 342, 357. rate of, 358. varying velocity of, 360. Millimetres and inches, interconver- sion of, 401. Mil ward's bright-plating solution, 8. Mineral oils, cleansing from, 109. Mixed solutions, electrolysis of, 33, 355. Mixing-drum, 125. Mixture of solution, necessary in brassing, 262. Modern theories of electrolysis, 338. Moebius silver-refining process, 284. Molecule, definition of term, 15. Monovalent, meaning of term, 17. Mop ('mopping], 122. Morris and Johnson's brassing-bath, 258. German-silver-bath, 265. Motion of bath effected, 98. of cathodes, 99. Motor-generator, 76. Moulding-box for wax, 158. by electrolysis, 1 42. -composition, conductive, 146, 149. elastic, 148, 166. from coins and medals, 144, 165. natural objects, 171. statuary, 166. steel-plates, 144. type, 145, 157. undercut models, 143. wax-models, 167. wood-blocks, 165. in sections, 167, 168. materials, 143. with elastic composition, 148. gutta-percha, 143. mixtures, 144. plaster of Paris, 146. sealing-wax, 149. wax, 158. -compositions, 145. Moulds, elastic, invention of, 8. guiding-wires in, 170. metallisation of, 149, 150, 162. rendered conductive, 149. wax, electrical connection with, 162. maximum current for, 164. parting of copper from, 164. plumbagoing, 161. trimming and building up, 160. wetting of surface, 163. Mud in copper-refining, composition 0&271. Muffle-fuiifcce for cleansing, 109. Multiple system of copper-refining, * 418 INDEX. Munro's tinning solution, 249. Murray's black-leading process, 7. NAGEL's.nickeling-bath, 218. Native copper, treatment of, 279. Natural objects, reproduction of, 171. Nature-prints of leaves, 172. Negative plate and pole of battery. 38. Net, wire-, plating of, 104. Netto and Wagoner's ' doctor,' 104. Neutral point, thermo-electric, 62. Newton's fusible alloy, 147. Nickel and its compounds, 379. anodes, 222. -baths, 218. cause of alkalinity in, 220. behaviour in copper-refining, 270. burnt, production of, 217. character of metal, 216. -cobalt alloy deposited, 218. -copper-zinc alloy deposited, 265. -deposit, advantages of, 216. cause of peeling, 226. dark coloured, cause of, 225. hardness of, 217. polishing of, 122. thickness of, 225. -plating, uses of, 216. recovery from old baths, 321. solutions, assay of, 327. stripping old coats, 222. Nickeling, arrangement of anodes, 222, 225. battery for, 220. careful preparation needed, 122, 224. finishing, 227. rotatory plating apparatus for, 105. small goods, 105. solutions, 218, 220. suspension of objects for, 105, 225. time required for, 226. -vats, 222. Nickel-silver, gilding of, 211. silvering of, 191. Niello work, 197. Nitric acid, 365. as depolariser, 46. dip, 112. specific gravity tables, 392. Nitrous acid, 112, 366. Non-conductors, electrical, 30. Non-metals and metals, 19, 20. OBERNETTER'S iron-bath, 233. Ohm, value of the, 34. Ohm's law, 4, 54. Oil of vitriol, 366. Oil, removal of, 109. Ore treatment, Becquerel's, 5. early experiments in, 9. scope for, 268. Ores, antimony-, treatment of, 289. copper-, treatment of, 278. zinc-, treatment of, 286. Organic acids, resistance of cobalt to, 229. use of, in nickeling, 221. dirt, destruction of, 109. matter, danger of, to silver-baths, 184. ' effect of, on gold-bath, 203. Ornamentation of gilt surfaces, 212. of silver sufaces, 196. Osmotic pressure, 339. Oxalic acid, 366. Oxidised silver, 196. PALLADIUM deposit, advantages of, 254. deposition of, 254. properties of, 254. Paracelsus on coppering iron, 2. Paraffin, cleansing from, 109. Parallel arrangement of battery-cells, 55. of plating- vats, 86. of refining- vats, 274. Parcel-gilding, 212. Parchment-paper for porous partition, 127. Paris, plaster of, 381. Parkes' elastic moulding-composition, 148. metallisation of moulds, 149. silvering-bath, 180. wax moulding-composition, 146, 149. Patera's treatment of copper-liquors, 278. P.D., 349. Peeling of nickel-deposits, cause of, 226. Pens, steel, coppering of, 124. Person and Sire's zinc-bath, 242. Petroleum, cleansing from, 109. Pewter, stripping of silver from, 190. unsuited to silvering, 188. Pfanhauser's gilding-bath, 202. nickeling- bath, 218. silvering-bath, 180. Phosphorus, 380. compositions in type-moulding, 162. production of, 294. solutions, danger of, 171. use of, in moulding, 146, 149. Pickles for cleansing, 114. Pile, dry, 3. Pinholes in copper-deposit cause of, 164. in iron-deposit, 234, INDEX. 419 Pins, immersion tinning of, 247. Pints and cubic inches, intercon- version of, 401. Plante accumulator, 74. statuary anodes, 168. Plaster of Paris, 381. as porous partition, 127. made waterproof, 147. use of, in moulding, 146, 168. Plastic moulding materials, 144. Plate-restoring powders, 178. Plates, anode-, form of, 97. battery-, 38. copper-, reproduced, 152. steel-, copied, 161. Platinating, 238, 240. Plating apparatus, rotatory, 105. -balances, 100. bright-, invention of, 8. Platining, 240. Platinising, 237, 240. silver, 196. Platinum and its compounds, 381. behaviour in copper-refining, 271. characteristics of, 237. deposition of, 237. dipping-baskets, 112. recovery from old baths, 321. resisting power of deposit, 237. scratch-brushing of, 240. -silver alloy deposited, 266. solutions, assay of, 328. stripping of, 240. -wire anodes for statuary, 168. Plumbago, 382. application to moulds, 149, 161. increasing conductivity of, 150. water-repelling action of, overcome, 163. Plumbagoing wax moulds, 161. Poisoning of blood by plating-baths, 103. Poisons, antidotes to, 403. Polarisation of battery, 40. prevention of, 41. of electrolyte, 29. Poles of battery, 38. Polishing before nickeling, 224. hides for, 118. -lathe, 118. of surfaces, 117. Porosity of deposits, 138. Porous cell of battery, 42. preservation of, 51. Positive metals, plating of, 85. plate and pole of battery, 38. Post Office Daniell-cell, 45. Potash alum, 368. cleansing solution, 109, 110. -vat, 110. Potassium compounds, 382. cyanide, cleansing by, 113. use in silver-baths, 179. Potential difference, 349. Potential, meaning of term, 25. Pott's nickeling-bath, 218. Powder, silver-, obtained, 214. plate-restoring, 178. Powdery copper-deposit, cause of, 132. Powell's nickeling solutions, 218. Power, cost of, 333. factor, 36, 313. loss of, in conductors, 335. required for electrolysis, calculation of, 329. unit of, 35, 331. Press for moulding from type, 159. Pressure, electrolytic solution-, 343. of electric current, 25. osmotic-, 339. solution-, 338. Primary battery, 75. Printers' electrotyping, 151. formes, moulding from, 157. Printing-plates, copper, iron-faced, 230. nickeled copper, life of, 227. -surfaces, nickeled, 227. various, production of, 172. Projections on deposit, cause of, 90. Proof-spirit, 367. Prussiate of potash, yellow, 383. Prussic acid gas evolved from cyanide- baths, 92. Pumice, scouring with, 117. Puscher's immersion copper-bath, 125. Pyrites, burnt Spanish, treatment of, 278. QUANTITY and intensity of current, 35. Quicking of objects, 115. before gilding, 206. Quicklime, 371. Quicksilver, 378. RAG-GILDING, 209. Reaumur thermometer and scale, 35. Red-lead, 385. Refining, electro-, scope for, 267. of copper, electrolytic, 268. of iron (electrolytic), 289. electro-thermal, 297. of lead, 281. of silver, electrolytic, 284. Reflectors, electrolytic manufacture of, 173. silvering of, 176, 178. Regulation of current in electrotyping, 156. 420 INDEX. Regulus, copper-, use as anode, 279. Resistance, effect of varying, on de- posit, 80. electrical, of copper wires, 395. relation of, to power required, 336. specific, of copper- sulphate solu- tions, 394. of sulphuric acid, 394. unit of measurement, 34. Resistance-coils, 81. Resistances, use of, 81. Rochelle salt, 383. Rochling and Rodenhauser's electric refining furnace for iron, 313. Rock salt, 386. Rodenhauser and Rochling's electric refining furnace for iron, 313. Rogers Plating Co.'s silver - baths, 180. Rollers, iron, coppering of, 137. Rooms for plating, arrangement of, 92. Rose's fusible alloy, 147. Roseleur's antimony-bath, 251. brassing-bath, 258, 260. coppering-bath, 129, 130. gilding-bath (battery), 202. (immersion), 198, 199, 200. nickeling-bath, 218. plating-balance, 100. platinising-bath, 238. quicking-bath, 116. silvering-bath (battery), 180. (immersion), 176. silvering-pastes, 178. tinning-bath (battery), 248. (immersion), 246. wire-gilding process, 103. Roseleur and Lanaux's platinating- bath, 239. Rosin, 384. use of, in moulding, 146, 166. Rotary converter, 76. Rotatory plating apparatus, 105. Rouge, use of, 122. Round's tin-silver-bath, 266. Rue (de la), discovery of electro- typing, 5. Rules for handling chemicals, 263. Ruolz (de) bronzing solution, 264. gilding- bath, 202. Russell and Woolrich's brassing-bath, 258. cadmium-bath, 245. Rust, preservation of iron-deposit from, 232. Rust-coloured precipitate in iron vats, 231. Ryhiner's iron-plating solution, 233. SALT, common, 386. Salts, fused, electrolysis of, 32. Salzede's (De la) brassing-bath, 258. bronzing-bath, 264. Sand, scouring with, 117. Trent, use of, in polishing, 118. Sartoria's tinning-bath, 249. Satin finish to silver, 197. Sawdust for drying, 136. Schmollnitz waters, coppering iron by, 2. treatment of, 278. Schneider and Szontagh system of circulating electrolyte, 276. Scratch-brushes, 119. -brushing, 119. during deposition, 194, 207. effect of, 122. of platinum, 240. Scratches, unobliterated, 89. Screws, binding-, for batteries, 57. Sealing-wax, use of, in moulding, 149. Secondary actions in electrolysis, 354. batteries, 74. Sectional moulding, 167. Seebeck's discovery of thermo-elec- tricity, 4. Seignette salt, 383. Selective chemical union, 21. Series arrangement of battery cells, 55. of plating- vats, 86. of refining- vats, 274. electro-chemical, 22. system of copper-refining, 275. thermo-electric, of metals, 60. Shape of object, effect on thickness of coat, 89. Sheffield lime, 371. used in polishing, 119. 'Sherardising,'241. Short-circuiting of current, 39. avoided in art-electrotyping, 170. indicated, 80. Shunt-wires, distribution of current in, 39. Siemens' electric furnace, 290. Siemens and .Halske's antimony-ex- traction process, 289. copper ore treatment process, 280. gold-extraction process, 283. zinc-extraction process, 288. Signets, moulding from, 149. Silver and its compounds, 384. anodes, 186. appearance during electrolysis, 182. antique, 197. -bath, bright, use of, 194. controlled by anode appearance, 182. INDEX. 421 Silver-bath cyanide, 181. effect of age on, 183. electrolytic preparation of, 184. iodide, 184. limits of density for, 183. suspension of objects in, 191. thiosulphate, 184. behaviour of, in copper-refining, 271. bright, deposit, 8, 185. presence of sulphur in, 186. coin, standard, 186, 384. -cyanide of potassium, 382. cyanide, preparation of, 179, 385. use of, in silver-bath, 179. dead lustre produced, 197. -deposit, character of, 187. final treatment of, 194. non-adhesive, cause of, 182. thickening of, locally, 195. thickness of, 187, 196. deposition of, by battery, 179. by immersion, 175. from pastes, 175, 177. on glass, 173. electrode arrangement, 192. non-electrolytic, 177. effect of, on colour of gold, 203. electro-refining of, 284. electrotype, use of, 151. electrotyping with, 196. German-, deposition of, 265. final cleansing of, 112. gilding of soft - soldered goods, 211. gilt, dead lustre on, 209. niello- work, 197. oxidised, 197. plate, polishing of, 121. platinised by immersion, 237. -platinum alloy deposited, 266. -potassium cyanide, electrolysis of, 181. -powder obtained, 214. pure, preparation of, 384. recovered in copper-refining, 277. in lead -refining, 281. from old baths, 322. refining of, 284. solutions, assay of, 328. for separate current, 180. preparation of, 179. spongy, prepared, 214. standard, 186, 384. striking-bath, use of, 193. stripping of old coat, 188. sub-cyanide dissolved, 194. -surfaces, ornamentation of, 196. -tin alloy deposited, 266. Silvered plumbago used, 150, 162. Silvering of glass, 173. Silvering- vat, 186. Single-cell deposition of copper, 126. extraction of copper, 278. gilding by, 201. platinising by, 238. silvering by, 178. tinning by, 247. -fluid battery, 41. Sire and Person's zinc-bath, 242. Skeleton wire statuary anodes, 1 68. Slaked lime, 371. Slate vats, 94. Slime on copper anode, 132. rusty, in iron-baths, 231. Slimes, copper-refining, composition of, 271. Slinging of objects in silver- vat, 191. Small objects, coating of, 105, 135. Smee's battery cell, 41. book on electro-metallurgy, 8. platinising, 238. Smelting, electro-, 290. of aluminium, 295. of iron, 297. of magnesium, 296. of sodium, 297. Smith's system of copper - refining, 276. Smith and Deakin's rotatory plating apparatus, 105. Snowdon, nickeling, 223. Soda alum, 368. ash, 386. cleansing- vat, 110. Sodium compounds, 386. smelting, 297. Softening of deposited iron, 235. Soldering of lead-vats, 95. Solder-lines, gilding of, 211. Solution of anode in copper-refining, 269. pressure, 338. electrolytic, 343. various cases of, 346. Solutions, agitation of, effected, 98. necessary, 90. circulation of, 90, 98, 276. copper and zinc sulphates, sp. gr., 393. depositing-, assay of, 324. heating of, 96. homogeneity of, need for, 90. potash, vat for, 110. quicking-, 115. recovery of metals from, 318. Sorrel, salt of, 383. Sparking of dynamo - commutator, 73. 422 INDEX. Specific gravity of silver-baths, 183. tables for acids, 392. for copper and zinc sulphate solutions, 393. resistance of copper sulphate solu- tion, 394. of sulphuric acid, 394. Spence's metal, 387. Spencer, electrotyping by, 6. Spermaceti, use in moulding, 146. Spirits of hartshorn, 368. of wine, 367. Sponginess of anode in refining, 270. Spongy copper-deposit, cause of, 156. silver prepared, 214. Spoons supported in vat, 191. thickness on bowls increased, 195. Spots on silver-deposit, 193. Sprague's platinating-bath. 239. Sq. ins. and dms. , intercon version of, 401. Stalmann's system of copper-refining, 276. Stannate of soda, 387. Stannous and stannic compounds, 387. Star antimony, 369. Stassano's electric refining furnace for iron, 309. Statuary, moulding from, 148, 166. Steam-heated plating-vat, 96. potash -vat, 110. Stearine, use of, in moulding, 146. Steel, 376. burnishers, 121. cleansing of, 113. coppering of, 151. electro-thermal production, 297. electro - thermal energy required for, 301. -facing of copper-plate, 230, 235. gilding of, 199, 200, 211. hardened, zincing of, 241. nickeling of, 224. pens, coppering of, 124. -plates, copying of, 151. moulding from, 144. preservation of, 151. polishing of, 122. silvering of, 180. stripping nickel from, 223. Steele's gilding-bath, 201. tinning-bath, 249. Stein's silver-paste, 176. Stereotyping, 151. Stibnite, 369. Stirring of bath effected, 98. need for, 90. Stopping-out varnish, 388. Straightening of electrotypes, 164. I Striation marks on deposits, 89. Striking of nickel, 225. Striking-bath for silver, 193. Stripping of old gold coats, 206. of iron coats, 236. of nickel coats, 222. of platinum coats, 240. of silver coats, 188. Stylography, 172. Sub-cyanide of silver in silver-deposit, 187. Sublimate, corrosive, 379. Suet, use of, in moulding, 146. Sugar, use of, in moulding, 148. of lead, 377. Sulphide of ammonium, use of, in electrotyping, 168. Sulphides as anodes, 279, 281. Sulphur, 387. chloride for bright- plating, 185. presence in bright-silver deposits, 186. Sulphuric acid, 366. specific gravity tables, 392. specific resistance of, 394. Supply, public electricity, use of, 75. Surface amperage, units intercon- verted, 391. Suspension of electrodes, 98. of objects in depositing-vats, 105, 135, 191. of objects in potash- vat, 111. Swan's-down used in dollying, 122. Swinburne and Ashcroft's zinc-extrac- tion process, 288. Switch-board for battery, 57. Symbols, chemical, 16. of elements, 19. Szontagh and Schneider's system of circulating electrolyte, 276. TABLE-SALT, 386. Tallow, clarification of, 144. used in moulding, 166. Tanks for solutions, 94. Tannic acid, 366. Tarnish to be removed from objects, 108. . Tartar, cream of, 383. emetic, 370. Tartaric acid, 366. Telegraph-wires, coppering of, 1 40. Temperature, effect of, on resistance of baths, 394. unit of measurement, 35. Tenacity of deposited copper, 134, 138. Tetravalent, meaning of term, 17. Theories of electrolysis, modern, 338. Thermal (electro-) processes, 294. INDEX. 423 Thermo-electric battery, 59. diamond's, 64. direction of current in, 60. Giilcher's, 66. invention of, 4. reversal of current in, 62. wastefulness of, 66. neutral-point, 62. series of metals, 60. Thermo-electro-motive force of metals, 61. Thermometer - scales, intercon version of, 399. Thermopile (see Thermo-electric bat- tery). Thick copper-deposits on iron, 137. iron-deposits, 236. tin-deposits, 249. Thickening of deposits at bottom, 90. of silver coat locally, 195. Thickness of deposit, calculation of, 79. of film determined, 156. of metal deposited by any known current, 390. for copper- deposit, 136. for copper electrotype, 157. for copper in statuary, 168. for gold, 209. for nickel, 225. for silver, 187, 195. unequal, on long articles, 194. Thiosulphate silver-bath, 184. Thompson's cobalting-bath, 228. switch -board, 58. . Thomson's electric annealing process, 317. electric welding process, 315. Thorn's platinating-bath, 240. Tin and its compounds, 387. anodes, 248. behaviour in copper-refining, 270. cleansing of, 114. -copper alloys, deposition of, 263. coppering-bath for, 130. -foil, grades of, 248. nickeling of, 218. -plate, 248. platinising of, 238. -powder as conductor, 150, 162. recovery from tin scrap, 290. -salt, 388. -silver alloy, deposition of, 266. stripping of silver from, 190. unsuited for silvering, 188. use in fusible alloys, 147. Tinning solutions for battery, 249. for immersion, 246. for single-cell process, 246, 247. Toggle-press, 160. Tools for burnishing, 122. Treacle, use of, in moulding, 148. Trent sand for polishing, 118. Tripoli-powder, use of, 121. Trivalent, meaning of term, 17. Troy-weight, 400. Tubes, formation of (copper), 137. Turpentine, Venice, use of, 145. Tuttle, refining silver, 286. Twaddell's hydrometer, value of degrees, 393. Two-fluid battery, 41, 349. Type, bookbinders', brassing of, 263. cleansing and preparation of, 158. moulding from, 157. to be used for electrotyping, 157. Typographical matter, electrotyping of, 157. UNDERCUT moulding, 143, 148. Uneven deposits, cause of, 90. Units of measurement, 34. Urquhart's electrotyping of medals, 165. wax-moulding, 146. VALENCY, meaning of term, 17. Varnish, acid-resisting, 214. for interior of vats, 95. lacquer, 388. non- conductive, 152, 388. use of, 6, 136. stopping-off, 152, 214, 388. Varrentrapp's iron-bath, 233. Vat for gilding, 105. iron-depositing, 234. nickeling, 222. potash solutions, 110. silvering, 186. Vats, arrangement of, for copper- refining, 274. for plating, 85. description of, 94. lead-lined, jointing of, 107. supporting objects in, 97. Vegetable forms reproduced, 171. Ventilation, need for, 92, 94. system of, 94. Vermilion pigments, nickeled sur- faces for printing with, 227. Vitriol, blue-, 373. green-, 376. oil of, 366. white-, 389. Volkmer's brassing-bath, 258. iron-bath, 233. nickeling-bath, 218. silvering-bath, 180. wax moulding-composition, 146. Volt, value of the, 34. 424 INDEX. Volta's experiments, 3. Voltage, best, for metal - deposition, 78. reduction of, 76. Voltaic cell, principles of, 24, 38. pile, 3. Voltmeter, 84. advantages of, 78. position of, in circuit, 154. WAGENEE, and Netto's ' doctor,' 104. Wagner's gilding-bath, 202. Wahl's gilding-bath, 199. platinating-baths, 239. silvering-baths (battery), 180. (immersion), 176. tinning-bath, 246. Walenn's iron-bath, 233. Walker's wax moulding-composition, 146. Walrus-hide for polishing, 118. Wash-waters, recovery of copper from, 136. Watch-movements, gilding of, 213. Water, composition of, 16. -gilding, 200. power, cost of, 334. supply, good, need for, 93. to be used in operations, 85. waste, removal of, 93. Watt, value of the, 35. Watt's brassing-bath, 258. cobalting-bath, 228. copper-baths, 130. German-silver-bath, 265. gilding-baths, 202. nickeling-baths, 218. platinating-bath, 239. silvering-baths, 176, 180. silvering-paste, 176. wax moulding-composition, 146. zincing solution, 242. Wax, bees'-, 370. compositions, use of, 145. in elastic moulding, 166. cracking of, on cooling, 145. melting of, 159. models, moulding from, 167. moulding with, 146. with pressure, 159. moulds, copper deposited on, 163. electrical contact with, 162. maximum current-strength for, 164. parting of copper from, 164. plumbagoing of, 161. trimming and building up, 160. wetting of surface, 163. sealing-, moulding with, 149. Weak currents, effect in coppering, 133. effect in electrotyping, 156. solutions, effect in coppering, 132. Weighing deposit in bath, 100. correction for, 102. Weight, atomic, definition of, 16. of deposit, calculation of, 79. unit of, 34. Weights and measures, 400. intercon version of, 401. atomic, of elements, 19. equivalent, 19, 20. Weil's bronzing-bath, 264. copper-baths, 126, 130. Weiss and Hartmann's cobalt-bath, 228. Weiss' brassing-bath, 258. bronzing-bath, 264. copper-bath, 130. gilding-bath, 202. iron-bath, 233. nickel-baths, 218. silvering-baths, 180. tinning-bath, 249. wax moulding-composition, 146. zinc-bath, 242. Welding, electric, 315. Weston's nickeling solutions, 218, 221. White-lead, use in wax moulding, 145. Whitening of small goods, 175. Whiting, 371. cleansing by, 111. Wilde's first dynamo, 9. coppering of iron rollers, 137. Wire anode for statuary, 168. -gauges, diameters of, 396, 397. -gauze, plating of, 104. -gilding process, 103. marks, to avoid, 135. scratch-brushes, 119. Wires, conducting, loss of power in, 335. maximum current for, 335. copper, resistances of, 395. guiding-, for art moulds, 170. telegraph, coppering of, 140. Wiring of goods for nickeling, 225. for silvering, 191. Wohlwill's gold-refining process, 284. Wolfe and Pioche's ore-treatment, 9. Wollaston's coppering of silver, 3. Wood-blocks, electrotyping of, 158, 165. Wood's brassing-bath, 258. fusible alloy, 147. gilding-bath, 202. Wooden vats, use of, 95. Woolrich and Russell's brassing-bath, 258. cadmium-bath, 245. INDEX. 425 Wright's cyanide-bath, 8. Wrought iron, 376. YELLOW stain on scratch - brushed platinum, 240. ZERENER'S electric welding process, 316. Zinc and its compounds, 388. anodes, 243. used in brassing, 261. battery-, amalgamation of, 39. costliness of, 37, 333. mercury from, 51. behaviour of, in copper-refining, 270. characteristics of, 241. cleansing of, 114. -copper alloys, deposition of, 257. -copper-nickel alloy deposited, 265. coppering baths for, 130. Zinc, dead-gilding of, 211. deposition of, 241. effect of current-density, 243. dust, use of, in zinc-bath, 243, 244. extraction of, 286. gilding of, by battery, 211. by immersion, 199. local action on, 39. nickeling of, 218, 224, 227. ores, electro-magnetic and electro- static treatment of, 288. quicking of, 116. silvering of, 191. solutions for depositing, 242. spongy deposits, cause of, 244. stripping of silver from, 190. sulphate solutions, sp. gr. of, 393. tinning of, 246. Zinin's silvering-bath, 180, 184. Zosimus on the coppering of iron, 2. PRINTED BY NKILL AND CO., LTD., EDINBURGH. 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