. THE VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA; AN ATTEMPT TO RECORD THE VULGAR TONGUE OF THE TWIN SISTER COUNTIES, NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK, AS IT EXISTED 3In flje Ia0t 3Ctoentg 2?ears of tfye (ZEigljtecntf) Century, W!TH PROOF OF ITS ANTIQUITY FROM ETYMOLOGY AND AUTHORITY. Antiquam exquirite matreni. VIRGIL. BY THE LATE REV. ROBERT FORBY, RECTOR OF FINCHAM, NORFOLK. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED BY AND FOR J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. AND SOLD BY MATCHETT AND STEVENSON, AND WILKIN, NORWICH ; RAW, IPSWICH; SLOMAN, YARMOUTH; DECK, BURY ; LODER, WOODBBIDGE ; SW1NBORNE, WALTER, AND TAYLOR, COLCHESTER; GUY, CHELMSFORD ; AND DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE. 1830. iii CONTENTS. Page Preface v Names of Subscribers viii MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR, by Dawson Turner, Esq. F.R.S. F.S.A xiii INTRODUCTION 1 ESSAY I. On the Origin and Progress of Po- pular Language, with a particular view to that of East Anglia 11 ESSAY II. On the principal characteristics of East Anglian Pronunciation 76 ESSAY III. On some peculiarities of East An- glian Grammar 120 VOCABULARY 1 Abbreviations explained 2 APPENDIX. On the Popular Superstitions of East Anglia 585 Popular Sayings respecting the Weather . . 416 Saints' Days, Seasons, &c .418 Old Customs, Old Stories, &c 419 Proverbial, or Common Sayings, &c. . . . 427 a2 PREFACE. IT may be expected from the Editor, that he should give some account of the book which he now offers to the public ; but the extracts from Mr. Forby's Correspondence in the following Memoir are so full and explicit upon this subject, as to ren- der any observations on the design and nature of the work unnecessary. Some explanation, however, may be required of one passage in the correspond- ence referred to ; in which (after detailing the plan of the work) it is stated, that it would " conclude with an Essay on the remarkable prevalence of Anglo-Saxon nomenclature in the Topography of East Anglia." It might be supposed from this passage, that some part of Mr. Forby's materials had been suppressed, or that the book had been abridged of one of its members in the present pub- lication. But this is assuredly not the case. What- ever might have been the Author's original inten- tion, it is probable that he soon changed his views, and abandoned his design : at any rate, it is quite certain, that neither in his letters to the Editor, nor in several conversations which they had on the sub- ject of his bock a few months before his death, did he ever mention this Essay. Indeed there appears a3 VI PREFACE. to have been no provision made for it in any of the papers which came into the Editor's possession, except a collection of the names of a few parishes ; but without any notice of the purpose for which they were brought together, or the slightest sketch from which the plan of the proposed Essay could be conjectured. It may not be improper perhaps, in this place, to mention in what degree of forward- ness the work was left by Mr. Forby. The Introduction and the two first Essays were entirely finished, and copied out fairly for the press. The Vocabulary had been for some time in an equally forward state of preparation, and had been repeatedly revised. These parts may therefore be said to have received the Author's final correction. The " Essay on the Grammar of the East-Anglian Dialect" was composed subsequently, and was copied out fairly for more than three parts of its length. The remainder was supplied by the Editor from a rough copy, which, however, he was not always able exactly to decipher ; and he suspects it was not quite finished by the Author. For the Appendix there were some materials, of which the Editor has availed himself. Such was the state of the work, when the Author was, by the will of Providence, suddenly snatched away, and his book left incomplete. It was still, however, the opinion of his friends (of whom the Editor avows himself to have been one) PREFACE. Vll that, incomplete as it was, it ought not to be lost to the world : and, as the Executors declined the printing, it was finally agreed that the work should be published by subscription. It is certainly not im- probable that the judgment of Mr. Forby's friends may have been biassed by their affection for him: and most undoubtedly the work would have appeared to much greater advantage, if the Author had been spared to put the finishing hand to his composi- tion, and to superintend its publication. But the Editor still entertains a hope that the opinion of himself and his friends may be confirmed by the Public ; and that the Book, with all its disadvan- tages, may not be found unworthy of the patronage it has received. But, however this may be, he trusts that it will meet with the indulgence usually shown to posthumous publications, and that he may be allowed to bespeak it in the language of the poet : Orba parente suo quicunque volumlna cernis, His saltern vestia detur in urbe locus. Qu&que raagis faveas, non heec sunt edila ab Ulo, Sed quasi de doraini funere rapta sui. Quicquid in his igitur vitii rude carmen habebit, Emendaturus, si licuisset, erat. OVID, Trist. Eleg. 6. GEORGE TURNER. Kettleburgh, Nov. 16, 1829. NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF GRAFTON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE. THE RT. HON. WILLIAM HENRY EARL OF ROCHFORD. THE RIGHT HON. GEORGE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. THE RIGHT HON. GEORGE JOHN EARL SPENCER, K. G. THE RIGHT HONORABLE JOHN EARL OF STRADBROKE. THE RIGHT HON. ARCHIBALD EARL OF GOSFORD. THE RIGHT HON. LORD VISCbUNT ACHESON. THE RIGHT HON. DOWAGER LADY SUFFIELD. THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND REV. LORD BAYNING. THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD WODEHOUSE. THE HONORABLE JOHN WODEHOUSE, Lieutenant, Vice Admiral, and Custos Rot. of the Co. of Norfolk. THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD HENNIKER. THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF ELY. THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH. THE VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF NORWICH. THE VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF ELY. THE REVEREND THE DEAN AND CHAPTER OF ELY. SIR THOMAS GERY CULLUM, BART. SIR WILLIAM PARKER, BART. SIR CHARLES BLOIS, BART. SIR THOMAS SHERLOCK GOOCH, BART., M. P. SIR SAMUEL FLUDYER, BART. SIR W. H. B. FOLKES, BART. SIR W. F. MIDDLETON, BART. SIR EDMUND K. LACON, BART. SUBSCRIBERS. Henry Alexander, Esq. CorkStreet. John Alexander, Esq. 8, Knights- bridge Terrace. Miss Alexander, Ely. Rev. Wm. Allen, Narburgh. Thomas Amyot, Esq. F.R.S.Treas. S.A. James-st. Buckingham-gt. John Angerstein, Esq. 2 copies. Rev. Geo. Anguish, Gisleham.Suff. Andrew Arcedeckue, Esq. M. P. Glevering Hall. Walter Arcedeckne, Esq. J. T. Brockett, Esq. F.S.A. New- castle. Rev. Charles Brooke, Ufford Place. MM. J. Brooke, East Bergholt, Dedham. Miss Brooke, Hemel Hempstead. Rev. James Brown, Norwich. Rev. Thomas Brown, Hemingston. Mrs. Brown, ditto. Rev. Lancelot R. Browne, Kelsale. Rev. Wm. Browne, Marlesford. Mrs. Browne, Elsing. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS OF BRISTOL. SIR HENRY EDWARD BUNBURY, BART. K.C.B. S. S. Beare, Esq. Norwich. Mr. Gedge, Bookseller, Bury St. Edmund's. T. Holmes, Esq. Bury St. Edmund's. Rev. H. Hasted, Bury St. Edmund's. John Moseley, Esq. Glemham House. J. Blackburne, Esq. St. John's College, Cambridge. Rev. T. C. Blofeld, Hoveton. Giles Borrett, Esq. Yarmouth. Mrs. Borthwick, tipper Park Cot- tage, Dedham. Rev. J. D. Borton, Blofield. Rev. Joseph Bosworth, Vicarage, Little Horwood John Brightwen, Esq. Yarmouth. Rev. Tho. Broadhurst, Brandeston. Rev. S. Cobbo'ld, Woolpit. T. W. Coke, Esq. M. P. Holkham. H. Colby, Esq. Yarmouth. Rev. Samuel Colby, Ellingham. Rev. William Colby. Rev. A. Collett, Heveningham. Rev. N. Colville, Livermere. James Colvin, Esq. Grove, Little Bealings, near Woodbridge. R. Crawshay, Esq. Honingham. Francis Cresswell, Esq. Lynn. NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF GRAFTON. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE. SIR WILLIAM PARKER, BART. SIR CHARLES BLOIS, BART. SIR THOMAS SHERLOCK GOOCH, BART., M. P. SIR SAMUEL FLUDYER, BART. SIR W. H. B. FOLKES, BART. SIR W. F. MIDDLETON, BART. SIR EDMUND K. LACON, BART. SUBSCRIBERS. IX Henry Alexander, Esq. CorkStreet. John Alexander, Esq. 8, Knights- bridge Terrace. Miss Alexander, Ely. Rev. Win. Allen, Narburgh. Thomas Amyot, Esq. F.R.S.Treas. S.A. James-st. Buckingham-gt. John Angerstein, Esq. 2 copies. Rev. Geo. Anguish, Gisleham.Suff. Andrew Arcedeckne, Esq. M. P. Glevering Hall. Walter Arcedeckne, Esq. Rev. Dr. Bacon, Fring Parsonage. Rev. Samuel Badely. Rev. Edward Bartee. Rev. William Barlee. George Barlee, Esq. C. F. Barnwell, Esq. British Mus. Nathaniel Barthropp, Esq. Ha- cheston. Rev. Rob. Bathurst, Norwich. Rev. Thomas Beauchamp. Rev. Edward John Bell, Wickham Market. Rev. Philip Bayles, Rector of St. Mary at the Walls, Colchester. Rev. Philip Bell, Stow. Rev. J. W. Bellamy, Head Master of Merchant-taylors' School. H. B. Bence, Esq. Mr. H. Bennington. Mrs. Berney, Morton. David Bevan, Esq. 5 copies. Robert Bevan, Esq Rougharu. John Bidwell, Esq. London. L. S. Bidwell, Esq. Thetford. Rev. George Bidwell, Standon. J. Blackburne, Esq. St. John's College, Cambridge. Rev. T. C. Blofeld, Hoveton. Giles Borrett, Esq. Yarmouth. Mrs. Borthwick, Upper Park Cot- tage, Dedham. Rev. J. D. Borton, Blofield. Rev Joseph Bosworth, Vicarage, Little Horwood John Brightwen, Esq. Yarmouth. Rev. Tho. Broadhurst, Brandeston. J. T. Brockett, Esq. F.S.A. New- castle. Rev. Charles Brooke, Ufford Place. Mrs. J. Brooke, East Bergholt, Dedham. Miss Brooke, Hemel Hempstead. Rev. James Brown, Norwich. Rev. Thomas Brown, Hemingston. Mrs. Brown, ditto. Rev. Lancelot R. Browne, Kelsale. Rev. Wm. Browne, Marlesford. Mrs. Browne, Elsing. Rev. Chas. Cambell, Weasenham. The Yen. G. O. Cambridge, Arch- deacon of Middlesex and Pre- bendary of Ely. Mrs. George Cambridge, Twick- enham Meadows. Rev. George Capper, Wherstead. Miss Cappers, Beacon Hill, Mart- lesham. J. S. Cardale, Esq. Leicester. Rev.Wm. Carr, B.D. BoltonAbbey. Rev. Joseph Carter. Rev. Thos. Carthew, Woodbridge. Rev. Thomas Catton, St. John's College, Cambridge. Rev. Dr. Chafey, Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Rev. Edw Chaplin, Camden Town. Rev. Dr. Chevallier, Aspall Hall. Charles Chevallier, Esq. ditto, ditto. Rev. C. Chevallier, Badingham. Rev. John Clarke, Woodbridge. Miss Clough, Feltwell. Rev. Edward Cobbold, Watlington. John Cobbold, Esq. Ipswich. Rev. S. Cobbold, Woolpit. T. W. Coke, Esq. M. P. Holkham. H. Colby, Esq. Yarmouth. Rev. Samuel Colby, Ellingham. Rev. William Colby. Rev. A. Collett, Heveningham. Rev. N. ColvilIe,Livermere. James Colvin, Esq. Grove, Little Bealings, near Woodbridge. R. Crawshay, Esq. Honingham. Francis Cresswell, Esq. Lynn. SUBSCRIBERS. Rev. Thomas Crnmpton. Charles Crowe, Esq. Coddenham. Rev. Henry Crowe, Bath. Philip Crowe, 45, Montagu-squ. W. H. Crowfoot, Esq. Beccles. Rev. B. Cubitt, Sloley. Rev. W. Dalton, Swaffham. William Dawes, Esq. Bank of England. Capt. Davy, R. N. Mount Amelia, Ingoldisthorpe. Rev. Charles Davy, Barking. Mrs. Davy, Barking. Miss Davy, Barking. Miss C. Davy, Barking. Miss M.D.Davy, Burking. D. E.Davy, Esq. Ufford. Rev. F. Daubenny, Bexwell. Rev. J. Day, Hethersett. Mr. Deck, bookseller, Bury. Charles Devon, Esq. Loudham Hall, nearWoodbridge, 2 copies. Rev. W. F. Drake, Norwich. Rev. Philip Durham, Ely. M.Edgar, Esq. Ipswich. Rev. A. Edwards, Great Cressing- ham. Rev. Edward Edwards, Lynn. Edmund Elsden, Esq. Lynn. Mr. Etheridge, Stoke. H. R. Evans, Esq. Ely. W. Everard, Esq. Lynn. Mrs.Everard, Dedham. Rev. Henry Fardell, Prebendary of Ely. Rev. Dr. Fawssett, Minister of Brunswick Chapel, St. Mary- le- bone. T. Fisher, Esq. Cambridge. Mr. W.S. Fitch, Ipswich. John Fitz-Gerald, Esq. M. P. Wherstead Lodge. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. Narford Hall. Henry Francis, Esq. Norwich. Mrs. Francis, Norwich. Rev. Dr. French, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. Rev. French, Bedingham. John Gage, Esq. Director S.A. Lincoln's Inn. J. Garden, Esq Redisham Hall. Mr. Garner Gill. S. H. L. N. Oilman, Esq. Hing- ham. Rev. Theophilus Girdlestone, Ba- consthorpe. Rev. W. E. Girdlestone, Ke ling. Mrs. Girdlestone, Kelling Hall. Rev. W. Girling, Seaming. Mr. John Andrew Girling, jun. 45, West Smithfield, L'jLdon. Rev. John Glasse, Burnhaui West- gate. Robert Gooding, Esq. Southwold. Rev. John Griffith, Ely. E. H. Grigson,Esq. Sahara. Rev. Wm. Grigson, Sahara. Rev. John Hindes Groome, Earl Soham. John Gunn, Esq. Lincoln's-Inn. Rev. W. Gunn, Smallburgh. Daniel Gurney, Esq. North Rune- ton. Mrs. Henrietta Gurney, Norwich. Hudson Gurney, Esq. M. P. 2 copies. Rev. Robert Hamond, Swaffham. Miss Hamond. Rev. R. Hankinson, Bilney. Rev. W. Hardwicke, Outwell. Thomas Harvey, Esq. Northwold. Mrs. Harvey, Watton. Miss Harwood, Ely. Rev. B. G. Heath, Creeling All- Saints. Miss Helsham, Burnham. Mr. George Helsham, Ely. Rev. Cuthbert Henley, Rectory, Rendlesham. Rev. Edward Hibgame, Jesus Col- lege, Cambridge. Rev. Martin Hogge, Southacre. Rev. Gervas Holmes, Copford. W. J. Hooker, LL. D. Glasgow. Rev. James Hoste, Lltcham. SUBSCRIBERS. Hon. and Rev Frederick Hotham, Dennington. Rev. Edward J. Howman, Hock- ering. Rev. R.F. Howman, Beccles. Rev John Huiufrey, Wroxham. J. B. Huntington/Esq. Hethel. W. Hustler, Esq. Registrar of the University of Cambridge. Mr. Ingle, Lynn. Hugh Jackson, Esq. Wisbech. Rev. S. Jackson, Blakenham. W. Rhodes James, Esq. Barking. H.N. Jarratt, Esq. Great Bromley. Edmund Jenney, Esq. Hasketou. Rev. George Jenvns, Prebendary of Ely. Rev. Richard Johnson, Statham. Rev. T. Kerrich, Principal Libra- rian, Cambridge University. Rev. W. Kil!ett,'Kcnninhall. Rev. Geo. King, Prebendary of Ely. Tho. W. King, Esq. Heralds Col- Re?^. KIrby, F. L. S. &c. Rec- tor of Barbara. John Kitson, Esq. Norwich. F. Lane, Esq. Lynn. James Lawson, Esq. London. Rev. James Layton, Catfield. Rev. William La\ton, Ipswich. Rev. W. C. Leach, Ely. J. F Loathes, Esq. Herringfleet Hall. Rev. J. Lewis, Gillingham. Mr. J. Loder, bookseller, Woodb. Rev. John Longe, Coddenham. John Longe, Esq. Coddenham. Rev. Robert Longe, Coddenham. Rev. R. Lucas, Oxburgh. Lynn Subscription Library. Rev. Thomas Mack, Tunstead. Rear- Admiral Manby, Northwold. Matthew Manby, Esq. Kettlestone. Miss H. L. Marcon. Swaffham. JonathanMatchett.Esq.Lakenham. Rev. John Metcalfe, Canterbury. Rev. Wm. Metcalfe, Foulmire. Rev. Thomas Methold, Prebend- ary of Norwich. Rev. George Millers, Ely. Rev. W. Millers, Rector of Aber- daron, 2 copies. Major Edw. Moor, Bealings Hall. J. Morse, Esq. Swaffham. Mr. E. Muggridge, bookseller, Lynn, 2 copies. Rev. T. C. Munnings, Gorgate. Rev. W. NewcotHf, HockwoIdHall. Rev. T. Newman, Little Bromley. Norfolk and Norwich Literary In- stitution. Rev. Henry North, Ringstead. Mr John Notcutt, Ipswich. Rev. James Oakes, Tostock. The Venerable J. Oldershaw,Arch- deacon of Norfolk. W. W. Page, Esq. Woodbridge. Francis Palgrave, Esq. F.S.A. 26, Duke street, Westminster. Rev. Benj.Paike, Prebend, of Ely. Rev. John Partridge, Cranwich. Rev. George Peacock, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Wm. Pearce, Esq.WeasenhamHall. Rev. Charles Penrice, Plumstead, 10 copies. George Penrice, M.D Yarmouth. John' Penrice, Esq. Hobland Hall. Mrs. Penrice, Yarmouth. Henry Petrie, Esq.. Keeper of the Records, Tower. Rev. Daniel Petti ward, Onehonse. Rev. Richard Pillans, Larlingford. W. P. Pillans, Esq. Swaffham. Rev. R. Pointer, Southery. Rev. George Preston, M.A. Rector fLexden Rev. Joseph Procter, D. D. Master of Catherine Hall, and Prebend- ary of Norwich Rev. Rede Rede, Colchester. Robert Reeve, Esq. Lowestoft. F. R. Reynolds, Esq. Yarmouth. SUBSCRIBERS. Rev. J. P. Reynolds, Munden Rec- tory. J. Robinson, Esq. Carbrook. Mrs. Robinson, Carbrook. Rev. John Romney, Whitestock Hall, Lancashire. Rev. James Royle, Wereham. Rev. John Royle, Rector of Comp- ton Martin, co. Somerset. Mr. Salmon, Stoke. Col. Say, Downham. Christopher Sayers,Esq.Yarmouth. Mr. Seppings, Syderstone. R. N Shawe, Esq. Kesgrave. Rev. Thomas Shelford, Tutor of Corpus Christi Coll. Camb. Rev. Revett Sheppard. Mr. John Shipp, Bookseller, Bland ford. Rev. Singleton. Robert Smirke, Esq. Stratford PI. Edward Smirke, Esq. Temple. Sydney Smirke, Esq. F.S.A. 4, Carleton Chambers. Rev. Joshua Smith, Holt. Rev.T.C. Smith, Rector of Denver. The Worshipful J. H. Sparke, Chancellor of theDiocese of Ely, and Prebendary of Ely. H.P.Standly.Esq. Paxton.St.Neots. j Rev. John Standly, Diddington, 2 copies. Mr. Steele, Stoke. S. W. Stevenson, Esq. Norwich. William Steward, Esq. Yarmouth. Francis Steward, Esq. Yarmouth. Rev. Mr. Stratton, Boughton. Mrs. Styleman, Snettisham. Rev. Dr. Sutton, Norwich. George Swaine, Esq. Broxbourn, Herts. Robert Swallow, Esq. Watton. Swinborne and Co. booksellers, Colc-hester. Rev. Ralph Tatham, R. D. Public Orator of the University of Cam- bridge. Rev. Geo. Frederick Tavel, Camp- sey Ash. Rev. Geo. Taylor, LL.D. Dedham, Essex. Mr. P. Thomson, Bookseller, New Road, London. Rev. E. Thurlow, M.A. Prebendary of Norwich. Rev. H.Tilney, Hockwold. Rev. H. J. Todd, Settrington Rev. W. G.Townley, BeaupreHall. Dawson Turner, Esq. 5 copies. Rev. G. T. Turner, Kettleburgh. Rev. Richard Turner, B. D. Yar- mouth, 2 copies. Thomas .). Turner, Esq. Colchester. C.Tyrell,Esq. Samuel Tyssen, Esq. Narburgh. Rev. Edward Valpy, Norwich. Sir C. B. Vere, K C.B. Brooke Hall, near Ipswich H. Villebois, Marham House. Rev. Ellis Wade, Blaxhall. Mrs. Agnes Waddington, Ely. Rev. George Waddington, North- wold. Mrs. Thomas Waddington, Bury St. Edmund's. Mr. Robert Wales, Flncham. Miss Warburton, Dedham. William Watson, Esq. Wisbech. Frederick White, Esq. Bredfield House. Rev. J. Neville White, Norwich. Rev. Walter Whiter, Hardingharo. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Stratton Street. Robert Whincop, Esq. Lynn. Rev. J. Whitmore, Polstead. Mr. S. Wilkin, Norwich, 2 copies. E.Wodehouse,Esq.M.P. Norwich. Mr. Samuel Woodward, Norwich. Yarmouth Monthly Book Club. The Worshipful W.Yonge, Chan- cellor of the Diocese of Nor- wich. Rev. T. Young, Necton. MEMOIRS REV. ROBERT FORBY. THE very first letter which I chanced to open upon my return from Italy, at the close of the year 1825, announced to me the death of the subject of these Memoirs. Four months only had elapsed since I had left him in the enjoyment of perfect health ; and it had been fixed that he should pay me a visit immediately on my coming home, in order that whilst the impression was still fresh upon my mind, I might detail to him the principal treasures of nature, of art, and of learning, which I had seen in the magic regions beyond the Alps, and might thus at once gratify a man eminently qualified to receive pleasure from the recital, while I corrected any hasty or erroneous opinion of my own by the extensive knowledge, the sound judgment, and the good sense which I well knew that he possessed. But the grave had already closed upon one of VOL. i. b XIV MEMOIRS OF the earliest, the kindest, and the best of my friends. The letter which communicated to me this intel- ligence was from his brother in law, the Rev. George Millers, a Minor Canon of the Cathedral at Ely, under date of December 21 ; and it ran in the following terms : "It becomes my melancholy and painful duty to acquaint you with the sad event which has thrown us all into the greatest distress and afflic- tion. Yesterday morning, Mr. Waddington called upon our good friend, Mr. Forby, about one o'clock, while he was taking his bath, as usual. After waiting a considerable period, the family be- came alarmed; and, upon opening the door, they found that he had fainted in the water, and had been suffocated, and had evidently been dead some time. The news was immediately communicated to me at Ely ; and, without losing a moment, I set out, and arrived at Fincham this morning. I need not say that it is a most bitter affliction and irre- parable loss to us all. It will, however, be a source of much consolation, when the mind becomes com- posed, that, though his death has been awfully sud- den, yet his religious and exemplary life leaves us every hope that he was fully prepared for the change, and will not fail to receive the reward of his proved service." THE REV. R. FORBY. .XV; - It were easy to dilate in panegyric upon the de-* ceased, or in expression of the regret of numerous surviving friends : more difficult by far is the task of giving interest to the biography of an indivi- dual, whose days were passed in the quiet retire- ment of a village, most usefully indeed to society, and most honourably to himself, in the educa- tion of youth, the exercise of domestic duties, and the occupations of a parish priest; but unmarked by any of those occurrences which may claim to be recorded. The life of a literary man is sel- dom more than the catalogue of his publications : they indeed may remain, and may delight or in- struct posterity; but it commonly happens that the " fallentis semita vitae," trodden by the indivi- dual who composed them, presents an insuperable obstacle to our obtaining any intimate acquaintance with the author. The very time devoted to com- position intimates seclusion; and seclusion is in every respect the contrary of notoriety. A portrait may make known " quae membra, quis illi vultug erat," and a fac-simile of an autograph may ac- quaint us with the character of his hand-writing ; and, from either the one or the other of these, ingenious persons may speculate upon the supposed talents or moral properties of the man; but the transactions and the occurrences of his life will re- main unknown; or, if known, will only be matter Xvi MEMOIRS OF of interest to those, who, from knowledge of the individual while living, love to dwell with affection upon his memory. I speak, of course, of literary men in the mass : in this, as in every other case, there are of necessity exceptions which prove the rule ; when minds, cast in the highest mould, while they distinguish themselves by their writings, have still sufficient energy to take part in the more active scenes of life ; or when writings are impressed with such a stamp of genius as to render the every-day table-talk of the author, his opinions upon miscel- laneous subjects and upon the events of the passing hour, objects of general inquiry and interest. To neither of these classes did Mr. Forby be- long; and, excepting for the following publication, he is scarcely even entitled to be ranked among the number of authors. Nearly the whole that had previously appeared from his pen, consisted only of a letter to the Bishop of Norwich,* a single sermon,f an antiquarian dissertation, printed with his name, and a few election squibs without it; but equally known to have originated from * " Letter to the Bishop of Norwich, on some passages in the Re- ports of two Speeches, said to have been addressed by his Lordship to the Church Missionary Association and Bible Society," 1815, 8vo. f " A Sermon preached in the parish church of St. Peter at Man- croft in the city of Norwich, on Good Friday, April 14, 1797, for the benefit of the Charity Schools in that city." 4to. THE REV. R. FORBY. XVU him. The latter are designated by that playful humour which strongly characterized the conversa- tion and habits of the man. It will be sufficient here to introduce, by way of specimen, the follow- ing epigram, which appeared at the time when the late Mr. Windham came forward, in conjunction with Mr. Coke, as candidate for the representation of the county of Norfolk, and when his adversaries strove to excite the popular feeling against him, by charging him with the numerous changes in his public career. It was entitled, THE POLITICAL WEATHERCOCK, OR, THE WHITE COCKADE. " When opticians a sunbeam dissect, Pure and white as it comes from the sun, What plain folks would never suspect, They can shew seven tints mixed in one : There's red, yellow, green, orange, and blue, For Tories or Whigs, both or neither, Each to choose his appropriate hue, And then change, if they please, like the weather. But such emblems, so stale and deceiving, Philosophical Windham derides, And by white, which includes all the seven, Demonstrates that he's on all sides." I could adduce many others of a similar descrip- tion ; but, meritorious as they may appear in the b 3 Xvill MEMOIRS OF eyes of one party, and harmless in those of both, I cannot consent to exhibit my departed friend in the light of a busy meddler in county elections. The minister of the religion of the Blessed Jesus has a different and a far more exalted character to maintain. The very magisterial office, how- ever important their services may be in it, is barely compatible with the real interests of a clergyman. If it does not, as too often happens, excite angry feelings between himself and his flock, it causes them to regard him in a new light, as ex- alted above them, and thus in a manner estranged from them. Such a man, I speak generally, for I know many most honourable exceptions, can rarely become one of those, to whom the poet alludes, when he says that, " The service past, around the pious man, With ready zeal, each honest rustic ran ; E'en children followed with endearing wile, And plucked his gown, to share the good roan's smile. His ready smile a parent's warmth expressed, Their welfare pleased him, and their care distressed : To them his heart, his love, his grief were given ; But all his serious thoughts had root in Heaven." I dwell with the more earnestness upon the sub- ject, as the circumstance of his having been placed in the Commission of the Peace was a source of the bitterest anxiety and sorrow to my friend. Warm, generous, open hearted, and unsuspicious, THE REV. R. FORBY. XIX and, to use the words of Horace, " uni aequus vir- tuti atque ejus amicis," he acted from the impulse of a heart that he knew to be right ; but he did not always give time to his judgment to temper his conduct ; nor did he always allow himself to weigh the importance of self-controul and deliberate judgment. Hence he was led into errors, which, venial in themselves, exposed him to the venomed shafts of others, who exulted and triumphed over foibles, which the good man would have viewed with regret and pardoned, and the generous man would have respected and defended. More than five and thirty years have now elapsed since I quitted Mr. Forby's parsonage at Barton, to enter upon the busy scenes of active life; and it is no less a subject of pride than of the most heart- felt gratification to me to be able to say, that, during all that time, nothing ever occurred to in- terrupt the friendly feeling between us. The vir- tues and the abilities, which, as a boy, I admired in my tutor, I no less respected and loved, as a man, in my friend ; and the sentiments which I here express, I am persuaded, are shared by the great majority of those, who, like me, were indebted to him for their education, as I am sure they are by a large circle of surviving parishioners and friends : Ei/ceis" d\\' ou veto AeXaoyieyoi kyuev, eratpe, Ou iev &r) sjwovros tt/cjees owe QO.VOVTOS, XX MEMOIRS OF Mr. Forby was born of respectable, but far from opulent parents, at Stoke Ferry, in the county of Norfolk, and was educated at the free school at Lynn, under the care of the Rev. Dr. Lloyd, of whom he always spoke with esteem and gratitude, as an excellent master and an accomplished scholar. He had here the good fortune to have among his companions some men of distinguished ability, the Rev. Henry Lloyd, the son, of his master, Pro- fessor of Hebrew at Cambridge ; the Rev. Thomas Catton, Senior Fellow of St. John's College, in the same University; the Rev. Thomas Carpendale, Master of the college at Armagh ; and, though last, not least, the friend and preserver of shipwrecked sailors, Captain G. W. Manby, the man who above all others of our times has distinguished himself by his exertions in the cause of humanity. With all these he maintained more or less of intimacy throughout life. By Dr. Lloyd himself he was particularly esteemed and regarded, as a scholar of whom he had reason to be proud. I remember, while I was his pupil at Barton, an application to him on the part of his old master, to furnish an inscription for a drinking cup, made from the stem of a mulberry-tree, which had grown in the school play-ground at the time he lived there, but had then recently fallen from age. The following is a copy of what he sent ; and it is the only one I now THE REV. R. FORBY. XXI remember of many similar productions which were once in my possession. I regret that I have not preserved more ; for, trifles as they are, I feel that they were particularly qualified to convey a cor- rect idea of that neatness of taste and feeling which in an eminent degree marked his classical acquirements. " Me quondam viridi com& decoram Noras, tu virides vigens per minus : Mori sis, utinam, memor vetustic ; Lapsae relliquias tones ; senectus Oppressit, cecidi ; cades et ipse. Dum tempus sinit invidum bibendum est." I may, I hope, be allowed to quote another trifle of the same character, which the late Dr. Sayers has preserved in the last edition of his " Dissertations." The ancient font belonging to the church of Burnham Depedale had been re- moved from its place ; and its stones would have been dispersed and lost, had not Mr. For by col- lected them, and rebuilt in his garden that very curious monument "antique laudis et artis." This done, he added to it the following inscription : " NE PEREAT IND1GNUM PERIRE, HE QUO TURPI CONTAM1NETUR USU, HOC BAPTISTER1UM, ARTIS ANGLO-SAXONICJE OPUS, A STUDIOSIS NOV1TATIS XX11 MEMOIRS OF IOCO PROPRIO DETURBATUM, HIC POS1TUM, A. D. M.DCCCVII. ID SALTEM ANTISUI JURIS OBTINET, UT NON NISI COXESTEM AgUAM CAPIAT." From Lynn Mr. Forby was removed to Caius College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1781, and soon after became a Fellow; and where he would have continued to reside, but that the late Sir John Berney, in an evil hour, induced him to resign his fellowship and abandon his prospects in College, for the sake of retiring into the country and undertaking the education of his sons. He received from Sir John the small living of Horn- ingtoft, in Norfolk ; but all other expectations from that quarter were frustrated by misfortunes on the part of the Baronet. Mr. Forby, who, in the full confidence that he had now found his harbour, and bidden farewell to hope and fortune, had fixed him- self at Barton Bendish, in the immediate vicinity of his intended patron, and had taken his mother and sisters to reside there with him, was obliged to have recourse to pupils for his sustenance. Shortly after this time, my connection with him commenced in the year 1790 : he begun with the intention of receiving two scholars, and before I left him in 1793 the number had increased to six. The dif- fusion of his well-merited celebrity caused even this number in a few years to be nearly doubled, till in THE REV. R. FORBY. Xxiii 1*797 he found it necessary to engage a larger resi- dence, and removed from his confined parsonage at Barton to Wereham. Two years subsequently, the death of his uncle, the Rev. Joseph Forby, wholly altered his situation and his views. He came into possession of the valuable living of Fincham, an adjoining parish, the presentation to which belonged alternately to his family and to the Crown ; and he fixed himself there, never again to move, in 1801. Pupils he still continued to take, but they were no longer necessary to furnish him with daily bread ; and every one who has been con- versant, in however slight a degree, with education, knows that the daily and hourly annoyances neces- sarily attendant upon it are such, that no motive can ever thoroughly reconcile the mind to the irk- some task, except the spur of more irksome ne- cessity. Hence vexations arose, of which, in a letter, written to me about this time, he thus feelingly complained : " The father of one of my pupils lately took upon himself to address to me a sort of language which I was not disposed to brook ; for I am proud, you know ; a mighty good sort of a man, but of no great amplitude or elevation of mind, he thought fit to descant much on my pecuniary obligations to him. I found myself obliged to tell him that I did not desire any man XXIV MEMOIRS OF to send his son to me who did not think the obli- gation perfectly mutual ; and this unexpected and incomprehensible remark producing language more affronting still, I added, that I should feel uneasy in having the care of a pupil whose father did not feel entire confidence and satisfaction ; and, as that did not seem to be the case with him, I wished him to remove his son. The lad and I parted on the best and most friendly terms ; he did all he could to induce his father to relent, but in vain : he will speak kindly and gratefully of me. I have also lost another pupil. I have neither room nor dis- position to enlarge on the very unhandsome man- ner in which I have been treated in this case. The fact is this ; my having an usher gives offence. It is to no purpose to observe, that if I be fit to be trusted at all, I am fit to be trusted with the choice of an assistant, and that I know best whether my assistant answers my purpose or not. Education being one of those subjects which every body un- derstands intuitively, my experience and skill go for nothing in this matter; and, except I will do every thing myself, I am not to be confided in. I expect more attacks of this sort, and have no doubt, entre nous, that my numbers will dwindle, perhaps rapidly : so let them ; I will have an assistant as long as I am persuaded in conscience I want one ; and when I have no more boys than I can abso- THE REV. R. FORBY. XXV > lutely attend to in every point myself, I will dis- miss him." I have indulged myself in this long extract, not so much to show the situation, as the feelings, of the man ; but he nevertheless continued to take pupils for above ten years more, and at last relinquished them with regret, so thoroughly does use grow into a second nature. At the time the complaints just alluded to were made, Mr. Forby had added to his very important duties at home more than one of a public nature, which, however they might contribute to his importance in the scale of society, were but little calculated to extend the sphere of his real usefulness; and he soon felt the burthen oppressive. In writing to me upon 'the subject in 1 803, he says, " Indeed, till you have experienced the heavy drudgery of an acting Justice, Deputy Lieutenant, and Commis- sioner of the Land Tax, one of two on whom the burthen of a large district lies, you will not readily conceive the fatigue they cause to the mind. Of the fatigue of my daily domestic occupations you are a competent judge : this is to be added to the other; and, when I have left home soon after breakfast, and return at 5 o'clock to a solitary din- ner, which I abhor, with my head full of parish rates, surveyor's accounts, vagrants, rnn-away- husbands, assaults, petty larcenies, militia lists and VOL. i. c XXVI MEMOIRS OF substitutes, tax duplicates and distress warrants, some or all of these jumbled together in a horrid confusion ; and, my dinner dispatched, sit down to have my aching head split by prosaic verses, bald themes, or abominable lessons, tell me is it wonder- ful if I take up any slight amusement that lies in my way, kick off my shoes, and lounge by the fireside, or try to win sixpence of my mother at cribbage ? " I have already spoken cursorily of Mr. Forby as a scholar, and upon this point it were of course as easy as it were agreeable for me to dilate. Whe- ther he was what would in the present day be re- garded as a profound and critical Grecian, I can- not presume to consider myself competent to de- cide. I have heard Dr. Parr say that he was not ; but every one who knew that most learned and extraordinary man, knows that his judgment was so affected by strong and unchecked feeling, that im- plicit reliance was by no means to be placed upon his opinions, when the object of them was an indi- vidual who might by any accident be brought into collision with himself, or who was opposed to his favourite doctrines. That Mr. Forby was far from a contemptible scholar may, I flatter myself, fairly be inferred from a " Dissertation upon the different uses of the middle Verb in Greek," writ- ten when he had scarcely attained to the age of THE REV. R. FORBY. XXV11 twenty. This Dissertation, addressed to his friend the Rev. Charles Davy, the present rector of Bark- ing, in Suffolk, displays extensive reading and great ingenuity; and, if it is not entirely satisfactory, I will venture to say that its not being so is in no small degree attributable to the subject itself. It was printed by Mr. Davy's father, himself a Suffolk clergyman and of the same name, in two volumes of " Letters upon Subjects of Literature," a work full of erudition, strong sense, good feeling, and genuine piety, but by no means known as it de- serves, being principally devoted to one of those topics the most difficult to be explained and under- stood, the Music of the Greeks. For the same gen- tleman Mr. Forby afterwards composed the follow- ing epitaph, which, in speaking of his classical at- tainments, cannot be considered out of place, as serving to display them in another point of view. It has never, I believe, appeared in print,* and in sending it to me he observed, that nobody would know whence it came, indeed that he was very diffi- dent of his skill in these matters : CAROLUS DAVY, A. M. Rector hujus ecclesiae, et ecclesiae de Topcroft in com. Norf. * I do not even know if it was ever used for the purpose for which it was designed 5 for Mr. Forby at the same time sent another, which it is probable, was preferred, as being much shorter ; or probably his advice was adopted, to take one in English, in preference to either. XXV111 MEMOIRS OF vir bonus, plus, ingetiiosus, eruditus, verae Religionis et studiis et moribus cultor, artium elegantiorum subtilis judex, doctrinarum quoque severiorum non mediocriter peritus, Paralysi correptus, vita; aerumnosae tsedium, aegro et debilitate corpore, sed mente inconcussa, sex annos fortiter et pie perpessus est j altero tainen et saeviore ictu afflictus necdum oppressus, egregiis animi dotibus per alterum sexennium superstes, tandem occubuit octavo die Apr. An. Dom. M.DCC.XCVII, septuagesimum et quintum annum agens. Talem virum dum ademptum flemus, tantis ercptum malis kutamur. Even those who have read Mr. Davy's Letters may be ignorant that the Dissertation just men- tioned was written by Mr. Forby; for it is only signed with his initials, and his name is not once mentioned in the work. Nothing more of his classic compositions was ever printed. I wish they had been; for I am sure they would have done him credit. Of my own knowledge I can venture fearlessly to affirm that it would be difficult to find any man who was more sensibly alive to the beau- ties of style, especially in poetry, and that few were more conversant with the most esteemed authors of Greece and Rome. His memory was stored, his THE REV. R. FORBY. mind was tinctured, and his conversation was en- riched with them : he studied them himself with intense delight, and he equally delighted in des- canting upon the varied excellencies of each to his pupils. Nor were the seeds always scattered upon ungrateful soil; for, of the comparatively small number of those educated under his care, the names of three are to be found upon the rolls of fame at Cambridge, as distinguished in their academical career by the highest of classical honours, the hav- ing obtained the Chancellor's medal. He was no less conversant with the classical writers of our own country, among whom, as Theocritus, Horace, and Virgil, among the ancients, he had studied Chau- cer, Shakspeare, and Pope, with particular atten-r tion, and had often amused himself with annotating upon them. But every memorandum of this de<- scription appears to have perished with him, as did his correspondence, whence I might otherwise have drawn curious and copious materials for this Me- moir, for the present scantiness of which I cannot too much apologize. The favourite amusement of Mr. Forby's leisure hours was the study of Botany and Architectural Antiquities, the one naturally congenial to a mind accustomed no less by taste than by duty to " look through nature up to Nature's God," nor like the c3 XXX MEMOIRS OF brutes that perish, content " pinguescere glandibus, neque arborem aspicere unde ceciderit fructus;" the other scarcely less naturally springing from the habit of conversing with the authors of days long past. To botany he was more particularly attached during the time which I spent with him; and it was no less my pleasure and my pride to accompany him in his botanical rambles, than it is at present to acknowledge that I am indebted to his precepts and example for any proficiency which I may have myself made in this delightful pursuit. The follow- ing extract will tend to give some idea of the ar- dour with which he cultivated it : " Be it known that I feel myself more eager and alert about botany now than I have ever done. Almost every day since my return home I have done something. Do not, however, suppose that I have done much, and am speedily coming forth to immortalize my- self by new discoveries. Remember how miserably low my collection is, even in common plants, and in what confusion. I have stumped into that ex- quisite spot, Shouldham Common, and made dis- coveries: none, indeed, extremely rare: among them Teucrium Scorodonia on the edge of a fen- ditch, very luxuriant and shrubby; Hypericum humifasum and Galium procumbens. Apropos : not the Galium spurium ; where does it grow ? I have THE REV. R. FORBY. XXXl for you a specimen of Orobus tuberosus and Lathy- rus dphaca. Oenanthe crocata I have found for you ; but it dries most intractably. I wish you would gather me two or three dozen seeds of Ononis repens : I have two reasous ; I should like to sow it in my garden, to try how it will keep its charac- ter ; and I wish to compare its seeds with those of the other two species, if such they be, which I find abundantly here. I am in some hopes of detecting a specific difference between arvensis and spinosa in the seeds. If this occult difference be ascer- tained, then are the thorns a sufficient prima facie character, and the business is done at once." The letter just quoted was written prior to the year 1798, at which time Mr. Forby was elected a Fellow of the Linnaean Society, the only literary or scientific distinction which he ever obtained. His decided taste for antiquities commenced subse- quently to that period, and had its origin in the comparative failure of his eye-sight, which to a great degree disqualified him for botany. " You have heard, it seems," he says to me in 1805, " of my lately acquired taste for antiquities. It is im- possible to say how much I am amused by it. Never did I examine a new plant found at length, at the expence of much fatigue, with more delight. The plain fact is this ; my eyes are by no means XXX11 MEMOIRS OF good enough to be trusted with the examination of microscopic objects ; and it is a very foolish thing to play tricks with eyes. I am therefore come to a sort of stand still in botany. Architectural antiquity fell in my way accidentally, and I much delight in it." Nearly at the same time an application was made to Mr. Forby to assist Mr. Miller, then engaged in reprinting Blomefield's History of Norfolk, with an additional volume, supplying those points in which our county historian is noto- riously deficient, and bringing down the succession of property, &c. to the date of the publication. The proposal was so much to his taste that he would readily have joined any other in the task, though he himself shrank from the responsibility of general editor. On the same ground he resisted a similar application to write an introductory Essay to " Cotman's Architectural Antiquities of the County." " I am very willing," said he, " to com- municate to Mr. Miller any thing I know upon the subject, and I should be truly glad to assist Mr. Cotman, who was lately for a day or two in my house, and to whom I pointed out several things in the neighbourhood, with which he will enrich his collection. I am much pleased with what he has done : so far as I have been able to follow him, he is very accurate, a main point with all who design THE REV. R. FORBY. XXXlll for your antiquaries, who are humdrum matter-of- fact folks, very fond of accurately discriminating, and very much afraid of being led astray by the picturesque. As to Mr. Miller, to tell you the truth, I have occasionally amused myself with an indistinct intention of doing something to serve as .a sort of supplement to the History of Norfolk in that particular in which it is most deficient. Nei- ther Blomefield nor his continuator seems to have had discriminative taste or judgment in architec- tural antiquity. Indeed, how should they? it is in a manner new ground, opened since their time, and indefatigably beaten. Our remains of ancient art (and among them, I believe, an unusual pro- portion of very ancient ones) are yearly dwindling away, by stupid disregard, by perverse innovation, by wanton mischief, and even by dishonest depre- dation. It seems therefore that a man would not waste his time in recording the actual state of things, not with minute descriptions, which would spread into immeasurable length, but as compre- hensively and distinctly as possible. Such a survey would, in a very short time, cease to be a view of the present, and become a history of the past, and would therefore progressively increase in interest and value. I had thought of throwing our Churches into their several classes of round-arched XXXIV MEMOIRS OF style, and three separate orders of pointed-arched, leaving (perhaps a greater number) those unclassed, which bear no certain mark of their age ; under them to mention towers, fonts, crosses, stalls, mo- numents, and other subordinate points: such I mean as are distinct ; to notice briefly the present state and quantum of remains of monastic edifices, and to pay attention to castles, such as Rising; cas- tellated mansions, as Caistor ; and manor houses, as Arminghall. Now, it is plain, that, with a series of engravings to refer to, the two things, conju- rando amicd, would make an interesting publica- tion. But my life is so far advanced that in all probability the idea will end where it has begun. The friendly solicitude you express for my literary character only causes me to smile. You are asked, you tell me, " what has he done ? " And does such a question gall you ? indeed it makes me laugh ; and, let me tell you, a strong spice of con- tempt is mixed with my merriment. The next time the question is proposed, tell the querist (I do not desire to know who it is) he has laboured honestly and, in some cases, successfully, to make others better men and better scholars than himself. But I suppose to do means print : to be sure it is a word of very extensive import, and I think this meaning of it is almost as ludicrous as any of those THE REV. R. FORBY. XXXV which my poor old friend, Dr. Smith, of Caius College, attached to it, who used it on all occasions. Let me tell you that most of the very best teachers, public and private, to whom I am as nothing, have done nothing, because they have had something else to do. I tell you again that I think I could do such a book as I have just mentioned, and it is not impossible but I may. But I also tell you again, as I have told you before, that if I were to do any thing which will really tend to raising my literary character in public, it will be professional. In the mean while, whatever is in private, such let it re- main ; I am satisfied, and read my books, and con- verse with my friends, and write to them now and then, and take my snuff at perfect ease, and ut- terly regardless of the foolish questions which are asked about me by prating puppies, who do not know me, and whom I do not desire to know." With this extract I would conclude my remarks upon Mr. Forby's literary pursuits, did I not feel it necessary to say a few words with more parti- cular reference to the volume which this memoir is intended to precede. Deprived as that work has been of its preface, and even of a portion of its in- tended contents, by the sudden death of the author, it is only by his letters, and perhaps only by those addressed to myself, that the full scope of his de- XXXvl MEMOIRS OF sign can be made known. I well remember, when I was his pupil in 1792, the interest he took in col- lecting specimens of what he called the Doric dia- lect of his parishioners. The first allusion which I find to the subject in our correspondence, is in 1809, on the occasion of my sending him Jamie- son's Scottish Dictionary. " Thank you," says he, " again and again for this book. I have really never met with so agreeable a Scotchman. It would have answered to have hired a cart to bring him. What- ever becomes of his hypothesis that English and Scottish are distinct from each other, and co-de- scendants of Anglo-Saxon and other Gothic tongues, to which I think objections may be taken, it is certain there is a much stronger family like- ness than I could have expected between the Cale- donian and the Icenian languages. Of about 1300 or 1400 words, which I have from time to time col- lected, I find above 250 in Jamieson. If ever I were to methodize and discuss and print my collec- tion, this comparison would form a valuable part of it, and would strongly illustrate what I have al- ways thought." The idea of methodizing, discussing, and print- ing, here casually mentioned, appears from this time forward to have continually occupied a place in Mr. Forby's mind, and gradually to have ac- THE REV. R. FORBY. XXXV11 quired " decided form and feature." Reference is made to it in the greater number of the letters which I received from him. In June 18&1 he en- tered upon the subject more at large. " In the long evenings and some of the foul days in winter," he says, " I may probably prepare myself to talk to you to some purpose on my collection of Icenisms. It is certainly very copious, but in a state of such confusion and illegibility that it would be to no purpose whatsoever to give you the perusal of it, which you seem to wish. I agree with you that such collections are not only curious but useful, and might be made of public and general interest ; are, in fact, worth reading ; and too good to be left for an executor or administrator to throw into the fire among other waste papers. And certainly that is likely to be their fate, if they be not arranged by the collector himself; for nobody else would be able, if he were both willing and qualified. On looking into my farrago, I find myself in possession of not fewer than 2000 words and phrases. Some of them, no doubt (say 500, but I think it is saying too much,) might be classed as instances under general observ- ations on pronunciation, perversion of authentic words, &c. ; but the rest would be fair provincial- isms, to be arranged in alphabetical order, ex- plained, derived, &c. Now, if I were ever to get VOL. i. d * .Xviii MEMOIRS OF them into order, it would be my main object to ex- plain and derive as much as possible : to prove them to have been legitimate parts of the English language, in a now obsolete state of it. I have a very considerable number of etymologies, chiefly from Somner, Junius, Skinner, and Jamieson. I find a prodigious deal of Saxon and the connected Northern languages. I am most to seek in French derivations, of which I suspect many that I cannot ascertain. Cotgrave indeed furnishes me some good ones, and the Norman Dictionary a few more; but this Dictionary was compiled for the especial use of lawyers, to enable them to understand old statutes, pleadings, deeds, &c., while all legisla- tive, forensic, and what we now call diplomatic bu- siness, was conducted in that language ; so that it only incidentally contains the name of common things, and general vernacular or vulgar phraseo- logy. Our great strength certainly lies in Saxon : I have a notion our Icenian ancestors got no im- portant share of those " integra verborum plaustra," which Chaucer is absurdly said to have introduced, writing, forsooth, his popular poems in a language fresh imported, and which consequently nobody could understand. When I cannot get deriva- tions, I put down authorities ; some from Chaucer, Shakspeare, and the writers of former times who THE REV. R. FORBY. XXXIX have been raked out of their ashes. This at least proves antient usage. Indeed this tracing back seems the only way to turn such collections to use. Those who have previously made them, Grose for instance, seem to be satisfied with merely giving a catalogue of the words they have picked up, as they picked them up, without caring what they were." With only one more extract I will close what remains to be said respecting the Icenian Glossary. The extract in question contains internal evidence of having been written* shortly before Mr. Forby's death. He had been telling me that he had sent a sample of his vocabulary to our mutual excellent friend the Rev. George Turner, of Kettleburgh, and he proceeds to say, " To him and to you I am under different sorts of obligation ; to you for black- letter, 8cc. and to him for large and valuable con- tributions of materials. He and I agree exactly in our conception of what ought to be done ; and we have exchanged many letters, in which he has sent me his approbation of this small part of my task in terms much stronger than I looked for. And yet, in reading what he writes over and over again, I am obliged to believe that he means what he says, and that our coincidence of opinion upon this sub- ject produces his approbation. I had better, I Xl MEMOIRS OF think, give you the outline of what is intended. The title will be this, or something to the same effect, written out not in form but so as to econo- mize room, " A General View of the popular East Anglian Dialect of the English Language, as it ex- isted in the last twenty years of the Eighteenth Century, and still exists in what has hitherto passed of the Nineteenth Century, consisting of, first, an Introduction and three preliminary Essays, on the origin and progress, on the principal characteristics of pronunciation, and on the chief peculiarities of grammar in that dialect : secondly, a Vocabulary, with etymologies, ancient authorities, modern coin- cidences, occasional explanations, and examples of usage : thirdly, an Appendix containing such mat- ters as could not be conveniently arranged under any leading words, as proverbial phrases, anoma- lous sayings, memorial reliques, quaint similes, su- perstitious notions, or customs, still existing or scarcely extinct, as far as they are connected with language. With a concluding Essay on the re- markable and almost universal prevalence of An- glo-Saxon Nomenclature in the Topography of East Anglia. By a Native East Anglian. ' Anti- quam exquirite matrem.' This, I think, gives you a farther insight than you have had before; and the extent is greater than you suppose, certainly THE REV. K. FOIIBY. . xli greater than I originally contemplated. No such view, as far as I know, has yet been taken of pro- vincial or popular English ; and, as many of the materials are undeniably curious, if they be tole- rably put together, it must be an accession to English Literature in one particular part of it. Whatever may be thought of its importance, it cannot fail to illustrate the history of the language. Now let me tell you generally what has been done. The introduction and preliminary matter, as far as the mode of pronunciation ; grammar, not put to- gether yet, but plenty of materials, though at pre- sent, " rudis indigestaque moles." In the vocabu- lary, I have come to the end of R. For the appen- dix I have very considerable materials, but have begun no arrangement ; indeed for every part there will be need of much revision, correction, omission, and in some respects new disposition ; but I have the great comfort that what I have done is to a cer- tain degree a INTRODUCTION. 13 with Ascham, there were writers of indisputably clas- sic authority. On comparing passages of Chaucer's Persone's Tale, or Tale of Melibeus, or of Wickliffe's contemporary Translation of the New Testament, with passages from the writings of Sir Thomas More, Arch, bishop Cranmer, Ascham himself, or even with the homely style of " Maistre Hugh Latymer," it must appear that much improvement had taken place in the construction of English prose. And with respect to poetical composition, we certainly find in the poems of Surry, Wyatt, and Spenser, "versiculos magis fac- tos, et euntes mollius." From that time to this, under a succession of eminent writers, the farther progress of improvement has been uninterrupted ; but it is not necessary here to go into particulars of it. It will be more to our purpose, to go back for a while to the age of Chaucer, and from that point of eminence and elevation, take a retrospective* view, their writings shonld have been correctly copied. In the English language we have scarce any authors within the first century after the conquest ; of those who wrote before Chaucer, and whose writ- ings have been preserved, we have no testimony of approbation from their contemporaries or successors ; and lastly, the copies of their works, which we have received, are in general so full of inaccuracies, as to make it often very difficult for us to be assured that we are in possession of the genuine words of the author." Tyrwhitt's "Essay on the Language and Versification of Chaucer," London, 1775. The same observations may be extended, in nearly equal force, a century after Chaucer, till the art of printing had not only been discovered, but improved. * In this retrospect, the observations quoted from Tyrwhitt in the preceding note, acquire additional force at every step beyond their limit, the Conquest ; till all traces whatsoever are lost in darkness palpable. VOL. I. C 14 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. however indistinct and unsatisfactory it may be, in order to dispatch at once, all that is intended to be said on the present topic of discussion the influence exercised, more or less in all ages, by the learned and refined, on the popular language of their respective times. Our intended retrospect is covered with mists and fogs which soon become quite impenetrable. The writers of those dark ages were all monks ; their sub- jects were almost entirely History, Theology, and Legendary Biography ; and they wrote in barbarous Latin. Those who wrote in their native language, such as it then was, were too few and too far asunder, to constitute any thing like a series of native classics. The only two, perhaps, who can be discerned with tolerable distinctness, are Piers Plowman, and Robert of Gloucester.* If we contrive to look above the mists and clouds which there obstruct our view, we shall find it much brightened in the distance ; a very great distance unquestionably ; for it is only at that of five or six cen- turies that we get sight of Caedmon, andAldhelm,Bede, Alcuin, and Alfred. All these, indeed, were still monks, or educated by monks; but they wrote in their native tongue; and, in the rude ages in which they lived, were exactly what Chaucer and Wicklifte were, when the Saxon language had become English ; and what the illustrious Greek and Roman writers were, in their respective times and countries of greater civility and refinement the arbiters of the language then living. Neither are these great Anglo-Saxon luminaries to be * The very few names which might be added, are principally, if not entirely, those of Metrical Chroniclers, as the monk of Gloucester was. INTRODUCTION. 15 viewed as having burst forth from chaotic darkness, as having had no predecessors, and as having left at their death, so vast a chasm unoccupied by successors ; but as being the earliest known writers, whose works are in part come down to us, in that language to which we must trace back our own. They had a language to work upon, and an ancient one ; though what it was before they had wrought up- on it, we have extremely scanty means, if any at all, of judging. There can be no doubt that they greatly improved what they found, and largely contributed in their days to make their native language the copious and expressive one which it is allowed to have been. The period in which they lived extended, from first to last, nearly through the eighth and ninth centuries. The improvements they effected were therefore suc- cessive. They were all students in monasteries, in which some of them passed all their days; others went forth into public and active life. Few of those reli- gious establishments at that time had libraries and professors. Those which had them were thronged with youth from all quarters. It is not to be supposed, that in those days more than in others, any great pro- portion of students reached considerable eminence in literature ; but they all carried away with them, and diffused among society, some portion of such acquisi- tions as they had made. And it was thus that the learned, in that as in all other ages, without coming in immediate contact with the vulgar, exercised their proper influence in providing language for them. Simi- lar influence, which it is not possible to investigate, had been exercised before, and was exercised after, the 16 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. times of those great men, by inferior agents, in darker times ; though whatever might have been their literary productions, they have either perished, as though they had never been, or, what comes to the same thing, lie yet unknown and unexplored, the prey of moths and mice. In short, whensoever there were any writers, they provided words and phrases to be conveyed di- rectly or indirectly to the talkers. When it happened that there were no writers, the most intelligent talkers might afford some little help to those who were less so. In default of both, if ever that happened, as the mere vulgar would never conceive the idea that their diction needed any mending, nor if they did, would know how to set about mending it, it must even remain stationary till some other classical authority might arise to give it farther improvement. On the general fact, hitherto taken for granted, that modern English is the lineal descendant, through many generations, from ancient Anglo-Saxon, few words are necessary, as it is universally admitted. We will only refer to the last chapter of Turner's excellent " History of the Anglo-Saxons," the subject of which is their language. He has adopted a very simple and striking mode of exhibiting the prodigious prevalence of Saxon words in present use, by printing them in a different character from those otherwise derived. Ne- ver were the words of a poet more happily exemplified and illustrated : Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus. They exhibit the clearest demonstration. He has se- lected passages from the best authors of different ages, INTRODUCTION. 17 beginning with Shakspeare, and ending with Samuel Johnson. We will borrow one of those quotations ; which has the double recommendation of being at once the shortest and the strongest. " Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died. When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in spirit and was troubled, and said, where have ye laid him ? They said unto him, Lord come and see. Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, behold how he loved him." John x. 3236. With the exception of proper names (which either retain the same form in all languages, or are varied only by some slight modification) this passage con- tains seventy-two words, nouns, pronouns, verbs, and particles. Of these, all are Saxon, but the two printed in italics, one of which is of Latin, the other of French origin. This is, indeed, the English of the early part of the century before the last. It is above two hun- dred years old. But it is also the English of the pre- sent day. Not one of the words, as they stand in this passage of our New Testament, is either obsolete, or in any degree unusual. If the passages had been trans- lated in our time we should, indeed, very probably have found it less purely Saxon. The passages quoted by Mr. Turner from Robertson, Hume, Gibbon, and Johnson, contain a much greater proportion of words derived from other languages. But, as the author well observes, " we must not conclude that the words which -e not Saxon could not be supplied by Saxon c3 18 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. words. On the contrary, Saxon terms might be sub- stituted for almost all of them." The force of the de- monstration therefore remains unimpaired. But, however certain be the proof that such is the origin of a vast majority of the words and phrases in the formed and polished diction of our most eminent writers in different ages, understood and approved wheresoever our language, in those different ages, has been in use, will it be contended that the coarse talk of our common people, the vulgar and colloquial tongue of secluded or almost insulated districts, never heard beyond their respective boundaries, or if they should perchance stray abroad, perfectly unintelligi- ble, and received with ridicule and contempt will it be contended, that this is, to the same extent, de- rivable from the same source ? It is the main object of the following pages, not only to contend, but to prove that it is so. To prove it, as far at least as one of the great branches of the common Saxon stock is concerned. It has already been laid down as a principle, that the vulgar are in all ages provided with words and phrases by their betters. And, on due consideration of probabilities, it may farther be asserted, that the populace are likely to keep old ones safe and sound long after they have been forgotten by the followers of new fashions. There are several good reasons to expect this ; first, because they make few migrations ; secondly, because they receive few visits from stran- gers ; very few from those who are likely to have in- fluence on their language by sufficiently intimate con- nexion; thirdly, because new usages are very scantily INTRODUCTION. 19 imported among them in books. For all these reasons, the progress of change will be very slow among the stationary and unlettered vulgar ; among whom many very ancient remnants of genuine old English, or ra- ther of Anglo-Saxon, have remained hitherto un- moved, apparently still immoveable ; some in one dis- trict, some in another, or in more than one, even per- haps, in many. No where, indeed, is the " well of English* undefiled" to be found; but every where some streamlets flow down from the fountain head, re- taining their original purity and flavour, though not relished perhaps by .fastidious palates. None can boast that they retain the language of their early fore- fathers unimpaired, but all may prove that they possess strong traces of it, and even scattered members in their proper forms. It would be absurd, for instance, to say that an East Anglian clown is actually speaking good English, when, to a fine lady, or a well-bred gen- tleman, he seems to be uttering a barbarous jargon. But it may be safely and justly alleged on his behalf, that he has much better authority for a great deal of what he says, ( if he knew where to look for it, and if he could pronounce somewhat better than he does,) than is at all suspected by those who laugh at him, be- cause they have never considered the matter in its proper light. * Indeed, what is to be understood by " English undefiled ! " Chaucer, to whom this compliment was paid, wrote a language much mixed and compounded. That of Spenser, who paid it, was still more so, and from the same sources. But what defilements did he suppose it had contracted ? It seems to be no more than a poetical flourish; of which an etymologist can certainly make no use. 20 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. But it is not enough, thus generally and indefinitely, to acknowledge the Anglo-Saxon as the common mo- ther of all the English that has ever been spoken, in every age of our history, in every part of our country, and in every rank of our countrymen. It is farther con- ducive to our purpose, limited as it is, to take as clear and as comprehensive a view as may be gained, without spreading into undue prolixity, of the whole posterity of our " Antiqua Mater," and of the foreign alliances and affinities contracted in different generations of it. The Saxons brought their language into this coun- try exactly in the middle of the fifth century. With the particular state and character of it at that time, it it is impossible that any researches can make us ac- quainted. No documents of it are now to be found. This we know, that not many years had elapsed, be- fore those fierce invaders, to whom it belonged, throw- ing off the insidious character of allies, under which they came, had not only occupied the greater part of the country, but had driven out its ancient inhabitants, and replaced them by successive hordes of barbarous invaders from the north-western coasts of Germany.* The whole history of mankind does not afford a stronger, perhaps not so strong, an instance, of the entire conquest and extermination of a whole people by an invading enemy. Of all the proofs of such a conquest, the most cogent and demonstrative is that of language. In our case, the language of the inva- ders so totally f superseded that of the original inha- * In little more than a century the country was parcelled out under the Heptarchy, f This has, however, been denied ; and some antiquaries of great INTRODUCTION. 21 bitant?, as to have soon become, in body and substance, the language of the nation, retaining no more than a very scanty sprinkling of the old British, and even that, in a great proportion of the instances, fairly disputable. The language, thus introduced and extensively esta- blished, is called, by the learned and laborious Dr. Hickes, in his " Thesaurus Veterum Linguarum Sep- tentrionalium," pure Saxon.* He proceeds to consider it in a second stage, as intermixed with Danish words, introduced by the inroads of the Danes ; and in a eminence, though (with much deference be it said) not of the high- est authority in the particular department of etymology, have con- tended for the Celtic origin of our language. Mr. Whitaker, the learned historian of Manchester, may be mentioned as an instance. But surely, the chapter of Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons, may alone be accepted as an ample and all-sufficient refutation of that opinion. * Though these nicely defined distinctions be not generally adopted, they are not without their use in disquisitions on ancient languages, or on ancient acts. In the eager pursuit of a favourite object in the dark, it is quite natural, that those who are most earn- estly desirous of discovering it, should persuade themselves that they have caught a light, which others, less sanguine and more cautious, dare not trust. Still they may lead on farther through the gloom than any have gone before. The celebrated author of " Muuimenta Antiqua," who (without a quibble on his name) may justly be de- nominated the Prince of English Antiquaries in an age in which the study of antiquity has been pursued with so much zeal and success, has ventured to discriminate Saxon architecture, as Hickes has divided the language, into three oeras, assigning distinctive characteristics to each. It is to be presumed that very few have embraced his whole system. It is certain that a very great number of judicious antiqua- ries are still of opinion that no certain criteria have yet been esta- blished even between Saxon and Norman architecture. Yet how much light has King in his great work thrown 011 both. 22 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. third, as farther compounded with Norman. Now, without any disposition to question the differences, alleged to be observable at different times, which we have fully admitted to be always probable ; allowing that those differences are fully proved by the several charters cited by Hickes ; not presuming to question the decision of so profound a Saxonist on any philolo- gical point ; we may still venture, on the fair open ground of historical fact or probability, to doubt the accuracy of these formal divisions ; and, however use- ful they may be in some views of the subject, to deny their utility in that which we propose to take. And first, of the term pure Saxon. It is not to be conceived that the Anglo-Saxon on its arrival in this country, had any claim to the character, given by the Roman historian to the hardy natives of that country, from a skirt of which it came ; that it was " propria, et sincera, et tantum sui similis." There are reasons very strong at least, if not positively demonstrative, that it was not so. There must always have been great affi- nity among the different languages or dialects (and they seem to have been scarcely more) of common Gothic origin. Our best etymologists, in case of their not* finding an Anglo-Saxon etymon of a modem word, assign one from some other, and perhaps from more than one, of the kindred Gothic tongues already * And sometimes, and even not unfrequently, when they can find one. It is by no means uncommon to meet with a choice of deriva- tions, from words hi two or three of the old Northern languages, in addition to the Anglo-Saxon ; words differing from each other, only in a few letters or a single letter perhaps easily commutable, and therefore having all the appearance of mere dialectical varieties. INTRODUCTION. 23 enumerated. Who can pretend to account for the introduction into this country of words from those lan- guages ? What events are recorded in the history of the Saxons in this country, which can reasonably ac- count for the adoption of words from more than one of those sources, the Danish } And how far even that may be allowed as an exception, will presently come under consideration. And yet these nominally aliens must have got among us, at some time, or in some manner or other. Otherwise their posterity could not have existed here, as it assuredly does, and is allowed to do, at this day. The inference is unavoidable ; that they were mingled with the Saxon (so far as we are concerned with it) originally. Our Saxon Dictiona- ries, like all other dictionaries of dead languages, have been compiled from the written documents remaining of it, in its different stages, whatsoever they may have been. Those documents are very abundant. Some have been printed, but many more are still in manu- script, and for the most part, likely so to remain. The second volume of Hickes's Thesaurus, less bulky, in- deed, than the first, but still a ponderous tome, con- sists entirely of a catalogue of Anglo-Saxon manu- scripts, preserved in the libraries of the two Univer- sities, in those of private Colleges, of Cathedral Churches, and other repositories. Multitudes of these have been laboriously explored by the great * Saxon * Members of the University of Oxford, in which Saxon literature has always been most diligently and successfully cultivated, and is so still. Our acknowledgment of obligation is not to be confined to writers of a former age. In particular it would be unjust, not to comprehend in it, the late translation of the Saxon Chronicle, from 24 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. scholars of a former age, and the result of their la- bours has been a proof that the language was most copious and various. There can be no doubt that much additional proof of the same sort would be found, in the still greater number of manuscripts yet unexa- inined, and by the discovery * of others (and such no doubt there are) not yet inserted in catalogues. The general result of all would probably be, that for those words which we now derive from the kindred f Gothic a text amended by collation of manuscripts, enriched with learned notes. And in this work, it would not be less unjust to pass unno- ticed, the literal translation from the printed copies of those curious annals, by an East Anglian lady ; whose work was printed but not published, about four or five years ago. Whatever additional value may be conferred by collation and annotation, the Oxford Professor could find no room to improve on the characteristic simplicity and purity of our fair countrywoman's style. * In like manner, the present bulk of Latin and Greek lexico- graphy might be enlarged and enlightened, by the discovery of those numerous ancient works, of the best ages, which are known to have once existed, but are now unknown; many of them, probably, lost in the. dark recesses of vast libraries, yet unexplored. This may be particu- larly the case with those libraries which have been emphatically and very aptly called the grave of manuscripts, the Vatican and Ambro- siiui. The late edition of the supposed lost treatise of Cicero de Re- publica from a manuscript imperfectly discharged, and with some monkish theology written over it, found by the Abbate Mai in the Vatican, is a highly curious specimen of the mode in which some of those treasures have been lost and may be recovered. f- Of the strong traits of family likeness among the various lan- guages or dialects descended from the great Gothic stock, a most ingenious and convincing illustration is to be found in the fifth volume of the Archaeologia, in Mr. Drake's valuable Paper on the Origin of the English Language. It is written in refutation of Mr. Whitaker's notion of a Celtic origin. The learned and sagacious etymologist INTRODUCTION. 25 tongues, we should find etyma in our own native stores ; in other words, the intermixture would be proved to be original. But, before we consider the probability of farther in- termixture by the Danish inroads, it is necessary to observe in this place, that Hickes's pure Saxon was not only compounded with other Northern languages, but even with those of Greece and Rome. The admixture of Greek and Latin with English, in much later times, is a matter of separate consideration, to which we shall come in the course of our argument. What is now before us is their connexion with Saxon. We have no concern with the truth or error of the opinion of many great etymologists, that whatsoever in the Latin language is not Greek, Etruscan, or of some other very ancient dialect of Italy, is Gothic; deduced, in the course of ages and of intercourse, from some of the Northern tongues, left in some period of indefinite an- tiquity by Northern barbarians on their inroads into the regions of the South. We are neither concerned to assent nor to deny. We have nothing to do with the formation of the Latin language, or with its early particularly compares two of the Gothic tongues ; the Moeso- Gothic and the Anglo-Saxon. He has selected one chapter from the Gospel of Saint John, in the version of Ulphilas, and compared it, verse by verse, and word by word, with the Saxon version ; and through that, has rendered it, still verbatim, into English ; finding throughout, with very few exceptions, words which have been, or 'now- are, in current use, or at least have a clear and undeniable connexion with such words. This surely is even demonstrative. The demonstratioa might in all probability be strengthened by a collation of the same chapter in the Islandic version. The three ancient Gothic dialects might be brought as near to each other as the two have been. VOL. I. D 26 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. stages. It is enough for us to account, and we are abundantly able to account, for its having travelled far North in its improved and matured state. Whereso- ever the Romans extended their conquests, there they left permanent and indelible traces of their language. Their arts every where followed their arms. Where- soever they established provinces, and planted colo- nies, they communicated the blessings of civilization to the vanquished barbarians. That was the aera of the commencement of civil, social, and moral improvement among them. This must amply account for the incor- poration of much Latin with Anglo-Saxon before its introduction into this country. In the region from which they came, the Roman power and predomi- nance had been quite sufficiently felt to produce this effect. But farther ; when the Saxons had been long established in this country ; when they had become considerably humanized ; when Christianity had been partially introduced among them by Augustine in the very end of the fifth century ; and still more, when an incipient disposition to learning had been encouraged and improved among them by Theodore and Adrian in an advanced period of the seventh ; direct inter- course with Rome became frequent. By this, indeed, we may more particularly account for the introduction of theological and ecclesiastical terms ; but, upon the whole, through these several inlets a great deal of La- tin must have been admitted, before the termination of Hickes's aera of pure Saxon, It is easy for any one to convince himself how great the proportion was, by merely running his eye down half a page of Somner or Lye. INTRODUCTION. 27 And, with respect to Greek, still forbearing to be- wilder ourselves in the mists of remote antiquity, (not presuming to entertain the disputable and disputed point, whether the Pelasgi, being a Scythian tribe, in- troduced into Greece, in a very early age, elements of the same original and radical languagewhich spread itself in other directions into the Northern regions,) we may rest abundantly persuaded, that in much later times, a great deal of Greek came to us "North about." Dr. Wallis well observes, that polysyllabic words from Greek or Latin would become in a Northern language monosyllables, according to the genius of those languages ; and by such a change, be- come much disguised, and as far as possible from at- testing their origin by their form. It is impossible to forbear an occasional smile at the grave attempts of Junius or Casaubon, to prove that some reputed na- tive of a hyperborean region, of most barbarous and rugged aspect, is in fact, nee Sarmata nee Thrax Mediis sed natus Athenis ! And one may sometimes be tempted to laugh outright at the endless genealogies of our East Anglian lexico- grapher, Mr. Lemon, in his most amusing of all dic- tionaries. We cannot, however, help conceding to those recondite etymologists, that they produce many striking, and even convincing resemblances, though we are unable to assent to all they advance as proof. But, be this as it may, no doubt can exist, that from the many Grecian colonies on the coasts of Samo- thrace, the Hellespont, and the Propontis, their lan- guage travelled along the banks of the Danube, and 28 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. intermingled itself with the Teutonic, and through that with other Gothic dialects. This intermix- ture happened, indeed, in a much later age, but quite early enough for our purpose. It appears that the Moeso-Goths, who had their settlements in that tract of country north of Thrace, and not far from the mouths of the Danube, in the middle of the fourth century, used letters nearly, or even exactly, resem- bling in form, in organic power, or in both, those of the Greek alphabet. These letters are to be found (and many words also) in the celebrated translation of the Scriptures by Ulphilas the Gothic bishop, of which the inestimable, though scanty, remains exist in the famous Codex Argenteus at Upsal ; and of which ample specimens are given in the works of Junius, Skinner, Hickes, &c. Now, whether the Gothic alpha- bet was borrowed from the Greek, when the Goths first began to use alphabetic writing, or whether both were deduced from Cadmean or other common origin, we have no interest in inquiring. It would be going a great deal too far back, and out of our way. The introduction of Latin and Greek words into the Anglo-Saxon, before it came into this country, de- priving it, as far as they go, of the character of native purity, having been thus, as it seems, reasonably ex- plained; our next point of inquiry must be, the proba- ble effect of the Danish inroads on the language so compounded, in addition to that general intercom- munity of the Northern dialects, which has already been remarked. Perhaps too much weight has been attributed to this. An attentive consideration of dates may throw light upon the question. There is certainly no little force in the historical fact that those very INTRODUCTION. 29 Danes were themselves no other than Saxons. They were the posterity of those who, after the successive emigrations of their countrymen into this island, con- tinued to occupy their own country, in the lower part of the Cimbric Chersonese, on the sea-coast, stretch- ing in general direction south-westward, thence to the mouth of the river Elbe, and to a very considerable extent inland. At an advanced period of the eighth century they were expelled by the victorious arms of Charlemagne, and sought new settlements in the higher parts of the Chersonese ; in the neighbouring islands of the Baltic, now constituting the kingdom of Den- mark ; and in the southern parts of Scandinavia. But, not long satisfied with the change, they began their predatory adventures by sea; some came into this island under the name of Danes ; others went, under that of Normans, into different provinces of France long before their actual and permanent occupation of Ncustria. Jn point of language then, they could have nothing more to contribute to the Saxon, which they found here, than what they might have acquired either at home, since their ancestors had migrated hither about four hundred years before, or during their own short migration, or that of their immediate ancestors, northward. That so barbarous a people should have had enough of the necessary intercourse with others, to acquire much, is not very probable. Whether, of what they had so gained, they were likely to commu- nicate enough to make any characteristic change in the Saxon, to effect a sort of new aera in it, is the pre- cise subject of present inquiry. The Danes made their first descent on our coasts in A. D. 787, and were very 30 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. soon repelled. During the following 230 years, they made many successive invasions, at different intervals of time. While they staid, their ravages were most ferocious and desolating. " Their hand was against every man, and every man's hand against them." In every instance, the Saxons got rid of them as soon as possible, either by force of arms, or by large contribu- tions of money. Whether the time were long or short, they were objects of too much terror and abhorrence, to allow the possibility of such coalescence with their enemies as to produce any considerable intermixture of language. Time and peaceful intercourse must have been necessary to effect that. Where colonies were established, they must have been strong enough to defend themselves, and have taken care to keep aloof from the exasperated and desperate natives. At the end of those 230 years of warfare and mortal hatred, a Danish dynasty, indeed, mounted the throne in A. D. 1017 ; but it became extinct in 1041, and a Saxon prince succeeded. These twenty-four years were too few to produce any great effect upon lan- guage, even if the two nations, no longer at deadly feud, lived together in tolerable concord, as subjects of the same sovereign. It was, moreover, very near the end of Dr. Hickes's second stage of the Anglo- Saxon language, and the commencement of the third. But though it be, for these reasons improbable that the whole mass and body of the national language should have been affected by the Danish inroads, yet there can be no doubt that stray words would be drop- ped here and there, particularly in th;r,e parts of the island which were most completely overrun and longest INTRODUCTION. 81 occupied by those fierce barbarians. None were longer or more completely so than our kingdom of East An- glia. The conclusion is that there must be much doubt and difficulty in ascertaining the importation of such a number of Danish words as to give any thing of new colour and character to the Saxon language ; that such a distinction is not worth making : certainly not in our view of the subject. Nor does it seem easier or more important to ac- count for the accession of a sufficient number of words from Normandy, and for the incorporation of them with the language of this country, while it bore the denomination of Saxon, to effect a change in the gene- ral character of it. About the same time, at which the Danes invaded this country, their brethren the Normans made equally destructive inroads into differ- ent provinces of France, and were either repelled or bought off in much the same manner as they were here. At length, at the very end of the ninth century, the illustrious chieftain Hollo obtained, from the imbecility of Charles the Simple, quiet possession of the rich pro- vince of Neustria, thenceforth denominated from its new masters, Normandy. The genius of Rollo appears to have been as great in peace as in war. He was soon firmly established in his new dominion ; and wisely availed himself of all the advantages it afforded. His followers, not so numerous as to overpower and sup- plant the old inhabitants, as the Saxons did here, be- came amicably incorporated with them. The language, which the Normans carried with them, must have been very nearly the same which the Danes brought hither. But in their case, it was uninterruptedly blended with 32 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. that of their new country ; and that mixture was what may properly and definitely be called Norman French. This term appears to have been used with too much latitude. It is commonly said there is in the English a great deal of Norman-French. The fact is, that there is very little of what ought to be called so. It is plainly and incontestably true, that no inconsider- able part of our language is French, and due attention will be paid to it in its place. But it was not Norman- French. Whatsoever could with propriety bear that name must have been contributed during the Saxon aera, which is limited in respect of language by Hickes, and of history by the Saxon Chronicle, to the accession of Henry II. in 1154. Sufficiently occupied at home in consolidating and perfecting their new in- stitutions, and securing them against their continental neighbours, by whom they must have been regarded with a jealous eye, the Normans, during the greater part at least of the tenth century, appear to have had very little intercourse with the Saxons in this country, to whom they were neither enemies nor allies in their almost constant harrassing struggles with the Danes. To the Danish dynasty, which commenced in an early part of the following century, they were even posi- tively hostile ; and afforded protection and support to the exiled Saxon princes. Here was an opening, in- deed, but it was late in the time assigned to the last stage of the Saxon language ; and it must have been confined to persons of high rank, and their immediate attendants. When the Confessor returned and mounted the throne of his ancestors, it is well known that the intercourse between the two countries became more INTRODUCTION. 33 open, enlarged, and diversified, and more likely to have effect upon language. But this state of things continued but a very short time ; only twenty-five years. When the Norman Conqueror came over, to- gether with the civil and military institutions of his country, he brought also its language entire ; that lan- guage, which, during more than two centuries, had been gradually compounded by an intermixture of French with the Dano-Saxon, or Saxo-Norman, or by whatsoever other name it may be more distinctively called, which had been introduced by Rollo and his followers. This language (Norman-French) must of course have contained much which the Saxon of this country had not. But it is to be questioned much, whether it were communicated or communicable to any considerable extent. It was spoken and written by all the higher orders in society ; the court, the great landholders, the superior clergy, regular and secular. For the most part, indeed, it was their native language. Those to whom it was not so, the very few of the Saxon nobility and clergy who were allowed to retain their possessions, had a direct interest in making themselves masters of it. That acquisition was a fashionable accomplishment. The people at large ; the inferior landholders, who in successive degrees, held of those who held of the crown ; the immediate cultivators of the soil ; the villans, the bordars, the traders and artisans in cities and towns, and other wretched praedial slaves to their new feudal lords, knew enough of their language if they understood their commands, frequently canveyedj no doubt, by 34 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. intimations more significant, than words in an unknown longue. At any rate they had no inducement to in- corporate it with their own, which was treated with insult, contempt, and abhorrence, likely enough to be amply requited. It has been said, indeed, that the Saxon language was intended to have been utterly abolished, as the British had been by the Saxon many centuries before. If such an intention were ever ac- tually entertained, which is much to be doubted, it has been very far indeed from having the same success ! The probable paucity of really Norman-French words, is justified by actual appearances. Etymolo- gists rarely assign such a derivation, in the language at large ; and certainly, in our dialect in particular, there are very few. Perhaps, more may be found in the provincial language of the southern counties ; but in proportion to the whole they must, at any rate, be inconsiderable. Kelham's Norman dictionary, the most generally acknowledged authority of its kind on this subject, is by no means an ample collection ; yet we must suppose the author to have collected all he could find. But they fill only an octavo volume of very moderate bulk, and loosely printed ; very differ- ent indeed, in that respect from our Saxon tomes " grandes, Jupiter, atque ponderosos ! " The object of the author was to collect the language of the law, while the proceedings of our courts were recorded in the Norman-French language. As there are very few things, indeed, which have not at one time or other been subjects of litigation, it might be reasonably ex- pected that such a compilation would incidentally con- INTRODUCTION. 35 tain many words of common life. The fact is, how- ever, that the number of these is very small, and still smaller, that of such as are not also to be found in Saxon dictionaries ; which were therefore not French acquisitions, but of the old Gothic stock,* common to Saxons, Danes, and Normans. Far more copious was the influx of French words into our language, which soon after began, and which may be said to have never ceased, and scarcely to have been intermitted, from that time to this. During the reigns of our first three Nor- man Princes, the Conqueror and his two sons, con- tinual intercourse, in any degree of intimacy, was confined to their Duchy of Normandy. The turbu- lent reign of the usurper Stephen is scarcely worth mentioning, but that the end of it has been fixed as the termination of our Saxon aera. Here then, the terms Saxon and Norman-French are to cease. The lan- guage of our country assumes the denomination of English. Fcr the French, which from that time was imported, we may be thought to want an appropriate epithet instead of Norman. Old French may perhaps be allowed to serve tolerably well for lack of a better. And, if it be not sufficiently definite to express what the * A philological friend of the Author, who, a few summers ago, passed some months in the province of Normandy, caught among the peasantry several sounds quite familiar to his ear in Norfolk. Unfor- tunately, in this instance, he put too much confidence in a memory of extraordinary powers, and made no memoranda. He has lost all hut one, which of course he offered as a Norman-French etymon. It is, however, of this old common stock, and occurs in our Saxon diction- aries. V. UPADAY. 36 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. language was, it may be enough to intimate what it was not. On the accession of Henry the Second, communication with the continent was very much en- larged and diversified. That Prince had lived many years on the continent, and made large acquisitions of territory. By his mother and his wife, he received the accession of the rich provinces of Maine, Anjou, Touraine, and Poitou. Farther additions were made by the marriages of succeeding Princes ; until, within 200 years, Edward the Third laid formal claim to the sovereignty of France. During all this time, and be- yond it, those contributions from France were per- petually pouring in, which confessedly constitute so large a part of our compound tongue. This was the French of which our great poet, Chaucer, was absurdly accused, by Skinner, of importing " integra vocum plaustra." The accusation was absurd, because Chau- cer was certainly, among his contemporaries, a very popular writer, as well as a great favourite at court. And he certainly could not have been so, had he used a multitude of words, which had been used by no pre- ceding writer ; which, to a great proportion of his readers, would be quite unintelligible ; and, to those who understood them, would most probably savour of affectation. We may be quite sure, that neither he nor any other writer ever brought home new words by the " cart-load," though many before, and many since his time, have taken up such as happened to come in their way, and seemed worth taking ; under a general caution, however, to write nothing but what their readers would be likely to understand. It seems strange that Skinner, who has so very ably investi- INTRODUCTION. 87 gated the etymology of his native language, should have attended so little to the history of it, as to have been unaware that Chaucer used no more French words than his contemporaries. Among these, Sir John Maundevile might, indeed, have been suspected of being, like some other travellers, fond of larding his mother tongue with out-landish words, phrases, and idioms. But. this cannot possibly be suspected in Wickliffe, who assuredly intended his translation for popular use and instruction. Going a little farther back we come to the two monks of Gloucester and of Bourn. The former, indeed, carries us back about 30 years into the thirteenth century ; terminating his chronicle in A. D. 1270, in all probability but a short time before his death. He must certainly have been writing within a century from the accession of Henry the Second, the date already assigned for the free and copious admission of French. Robert of Gloucester is the earliest English writer cited by Dr. Johnson, in the History of the English Language prefixed to his Dictionary. He observes upon him, that he " uses a diction neither Saxon nor English." What is alone important to our present purpose, is to remark, that, in this ambiguous diction, be it what it may, there is a very visible interspersion of French words. His immediate successor, and in part contemporary, Robert de Brunne, or Bourn, has more ; but, in his turn, has fewer than Chaucer, and other writers of the next age. The historian of English Poetry gives specimens from writers earlier than Robert de Glou- cester. He gives as many, probably, as he could find ; at least, as were sufficient to his purpose. And if the VOL. I. E 38 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. series be not absolutely unbroken, till all that can be called English is lost in mere Saxon, the proof is sa- tisfactory, that from the first few scattered Norman- isms in the latest Saxon, French became progressively more and more discernible, particularly after the opener and more enlarged communication with France. Not, indeed, that the effect was immediately discern- ible. It could not be so. For a century at least after the accession of Henry of Anjou, although it was working its way by oral communication through many channels into popular use, but little would appear in books. When authors submit their works to the pub- lic, they mean, of course, the reading public ; a very confined description of persons in those days. There were no such persons in existence as the general readers, of whom we have now such multitudes. Those of them who wrote for scholars used the Latin lan- guage. Those who purveyed for the taste of men of the world wrote in French. At length, when the great and the learned condescended to encourage, cultivate, and improve, their mother-tongue, what had been long privately accumulating appeared publicly. Geoffry Chaucer was the first writer of great celebrity in whom it is to be found ; for the plain reason, that he found it in general use, and knew that it would be generally understood. From other European languages we have received much scantier contributions. It might seem probable from some circumstances, that we might have a gocd deal of Italian. The fact is, that we have very little ; for there were strong counteracting causes. From a very early age to that of the Reformation religion af- INTRODUCTION. 39 forded an open and frequent intercourse with Italy. Ecclesiastical persons were very often resorting to the Papal Court. From time to time, Nuncios with nu- merous trains were sent into this country. The Pope thrust multitudes of Italians into our Bishoprics, Abba- cies, and principal parochial benefices. But the Papal yoke had been so intolerable to our ancestors, long be- fore it was shaken off, that the Pope's emissaries, of whatsoever rank, were very unlikely to be allowed to coalesce much with them, or to find them very docile in the adoption of foreign terms. Not to mention, that a great many of them had no opportunity of making the attempt, being entirely non-resident, and having all their revenues sent to Rome or Avignon. Commerce also might seem likely to have considerable influence of the same sort. The Lombards had much of it in their hands, and consequently much of the wealth of the nation, from the days of our early Henries and Ed- wards for a very considerable series of years. They were, indeed, principally resident in London, and even, in one quarter of it, which bears their name to this day, or were scattered in some few other trading towns. But, however occasionally useful they might be, they seem to have been generally looked upon with jealousy and suspicion. Still fewer Spanish terms are likely to have been in- corporated with our language. There was never any open and permanent channel for their admission. Three events in our history may seem to have afforded some opening ; the marriage of Edward I. with Elea- nor of Castile ; that of Henry VIII. with Catharine of Arragon, and that of their daughter Mary with Philip 40 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. II. of Spain. All these royal personages were, no doubt, attended by numerous trains, speaking their na- tive language. The Castilian Princess lived about 35 years in this country, but it was at a time when her language, whatever effect it might otherwise have had, was overborne by the tide of French, at that time set- ting strongly in. The ill-fated and injured Catharine remained here much about the same number of years, at an interval of three hundred from Eleanor. Very soon after came the gloomy and ferocious tyrant Philip, who staid among us but four years, and, during that time was held in utter abhorrence. In fact, in none of these instances was it probable that the foreign lan- guage should descend freely from the court among the people. In the last instance, indeed, some stray words seem to have been left, and to have continued for a time. In the comedies of Shakspeare and his contem- poraries there are Spanish words and phrases, not so numerous, as frequently occurring. They seem to have been used with a sort of fashionable affectation, and like all other fopperies of that kind, were transient. They are all gone out of use long ago, or if one or two remain it is under some disguise. Of other modern European languages, the admix- ture, if there be any, is much less easily detected. Should we have received any small fragments of the ancient languages or dialects of those countries which are now provinces of France, the Provencal, the Langue d'Oc, or the Breton, they are covered and concealed under the general name of French, through which we must have had them. A few scraps of Por- tugese, if such there be, would easily be taken for INTRODUCTION. 41 Spanish. Our immediate contact with Portugal, has been comparatively recent, and only maritime and commercial. As for the more northern languages having so very intimate an ancient connexion, their modern derivations are likely to approach so nearly to our own as not to be worth taking, or not to afford any proof that they have been taken. But the two ancient languages of Greece and Rome must be mentioned again here. Besides the remote and obscure connexion, already noticed, we have nu- merous derivatives from them, in much later times. In very great measure, they have come to us through the French. This is most observable of Latin words, by far the more numerous of the two. Very little Greek has come to us through that channel. The French scholars (with a very few exceptions) have never had any to share. Some little may have come to us through the Italian. Of these transmissions proof is exhibited in those variations which are made, more or less, when words migrate from the language to which they belong, into another. The strangers must wear the costume of the country. This is espe- cially observable in words taken into the French from other languages. The French, like the Greeks of old, take nothing as they find it, but shape every thing to their own liking. Even proper names must undergo this transformation, and lose a great deal of their Ro- man air. If we take the same liberty, it is in a few instances, and we are to blame for following a bad ex- ample. Latin words which have come to us through French are instantly discernible. But there are many other words, both Latin and Greek, which have come E 3 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. to us immediately, without passing through any medi- um. These are principally terms of science (Greek words in particular) which have been introduced since the revival of arts and letters ; the number of which has increased, and is still increasing with the advances and improvement of arts and sciences.* * The coinage of Greek or Greek-like words has been prodigiously abundant in our days. Some very few of them may be allowed to get into general and permanent currency. But the greatest part of them are struck off on adulterated metal and a coarse die ; such as cannot possibly pass longer than they can be made to serve the purposes of their fantastical fabricators, or perhaps patent proprietors. It is scarcely possible to take up a newspaper without finding some puffing advertisement, headed with a hard word, meant to be for Greek, but for the most part put together with perfect ignorance, or disregard of the manner in which the Greeks formed their compound words. Should any of these have been admitted, through inadvertence, into a dictionary, it is to be hoped, that on the next revision, what may have privily crept in, will be authoritatively turned out. Fifty years hence, when the shews, or quackeries, or fooleries, which they are now em- ployed to designate, are forgotten, it will be impossible to conjecture what the names ever meant. It would be trifling, as well as tedious, to give instances ; and, moreover, might be thought invidious, for one might probably hit upon something very ingenious in itself, and with nothing ridiculous about it, but its nickname. Upon the whole it is seriously to be wished that none of these scaramouch Hellenisms may be allowed to become settled as English denizens. And it seems worthy of observation in this place, that the mighty steam-engine, the most powerful of moving forces constructed by human art, worthy to have been invented and used by Archimedes himself, as the nearest approach ever made to his grand conception of the possibility of mov- iag the earth, does not bear a Greek name. There was no need of it. An apt and adequate denomination was easily found in our own lan- guage, by compounding, according to the known usage of it, two plain words, one of them genuine Anglo-Saxon, the other, though remotely Latin, certainly coming from the Norman-French, and na- turalized among us many ages ago. INTRODUCTION. 43 The enumeration may be closed by mentioning col- lectively, certain sources of communication which might seem likely to be copious, but in fact, have been very scanty. In different and distinct parts of our own island, two languages now exist ; and a third existed not very long since, distinct from each other, and from the English. The Cambro-British in the principality of Wales, and the Gaelic in the Highlands of Scotland, are spoken and written at this day by great multi- tudes unacquainted with any other language. Scarcely more than fifty years are said to have elapsed since the final extinction of the Cornish. Of every one of these, many derivations may, and probably do, exist in the provincial dialects of neighbouring districts. Very few indeed have found their way into the gene- ral body of our language. Johnson gives but few ; but more than can be unanimously admitted by ety- mologists, more competent to form a correct judg- ment, in such cases, than the great lexicographer him- self appears to have been. Jamieson, for the reason above suggested, has a larger proportion. What may have caused our ancestors, who made such large im- portations from beyond sea, to be so inattentive to the produce or the manufacture of their own country ? For a considerable time, and to a great degree, it may be accounted for, by supposing that both in the north and in the west, the race, expelled from its own settle- ments, and that which occupied them, were effectu- ally kept asunder by the joint causes assigned by the Roman historian for a like separation ; " montibus et mutuo metu." When fear was removed, it was cer- tainly succeeded, and perhaps in equal force, by mu- 44 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. tual hatred. And may we not, in addition to these visibly operating causes, imagine, that, as in the ani- mal and vegetable kingdoms of nature, certain phy- sical sympathies and antipathies, serve to perpetuate the distinctions, and to prevent the utter confusion of genera and species ; so, by some analogous principle, languages, from different original stocks, are withheld from intimate intermixture ; and that a hybrid lan- guage, between Gothic and Celtic, would be as much a monster, as the rose blossoming on the crab-tree, or the progeny of the panther and the camel. Having now finished the proposed general view of the composition of our multifarious language (which has run into greater length than was apprehended) we may consider it summarily under a similitude suffici- ently expressive, "fluminis cum pace delabeutis." Of the fountain head of the noble stream, we may be contented to remain as perfectly ignorant, as of that of the Nile. If we cannot be said positively to know, we are obliged to believe, that it made its first ap- pearance in this country, nearly fourteen hundred years ago. What it might be before that time, we are still less able, and not at all concerned to know. We may, if we will, conceive it to have burst forth, like Eridanus in the .Eneid, from the lower re- gions. At first, and perhaps for no inconsiderable length of time, it may be supposed to have been stag- nant and marshy; but to have settled itself at length, in a safe and certain channel, flowing, if not with uni- form velocity, yet never again with sluggish and im- perceptible motion ; in different parts of its progress, augmented by tributary streams. If the exact point INTRODUCTION. 45 of influx cannot in every, or even in any such instance be discerned, the effect of the intermixture is soon and certainly perceived ; first, perhaps, as it were by a dif- ference of colour and flavour, which is said to be per- ceptible in some natural streams ; afterwards by the visibly increasing mass of the mingled waters, which are copiously poured along without locks or weirs to intercept their majestic course, ever increasing in force, expansion, beauty, and utility, till it hath at- tained the amplitude in which we now view it.* But let us not suppose that it has reached a point of per- fection, beyond which it will not and cannot proceed. However enriched, enlarged, and embellished, it is still, whatever some may appear f to think, progres- * Dr. Johnson's opinion strongly confirms this idea of a continu- ous current. He observes that " it cannot be expected in the nature of things gradually changing, that any time can be assigned, when the Saxon may be said to cease, and the English to commence." Hist, of the Eng. Lang. The observation is applicable, in still greater force, to any subdivisions of the one language or of the other, either local or chronological. f That Mr. Pegge should be one of those who appear to think so, is somewhat strange. His words are, " our language now seems to be at its height of purity and energy." Anec. of the Eng. Lan. 1814. p. 79. It would have been enough to say that it is now purer and more energetic than it ever was before. But he may be understood to me&n final purity and energy. The expression may have been in- advertently used. So good a philologist would surely not deny the possibility of further improvement in both respects. As to purity, this highly entertaining and instructive writer fully accords with Bp. Lowth in censuring the multitude of gross anomalies which have be- come inveterate in our language, and may wtll be called impurities. Some of them may have been corrected since the learned prelate 46 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. sive in all those respects. Additions are neither so likely, so necessary, nor so desirable as they have been. The stream is neither so rapid, nor so much swelled by contribution from other sources, as it was in some parts of its course; yet still it is as much as ever a stream, and shews no sign of present or proba- ble stagnation. " Labitur et labetur." Every dictionary may be considered as a view of some portion of this stream, taken at a certain point in its course ; or, rather, as a particular representation of whatsoever may, from that point, be seen floating on its surface. The general expectation of those who use dictionaries, either for the purpose of acquiring or improving a knowledge of a living language, is to find in them a faithful account of its present current and authentic form, as settled by the best authorities. At most, there are comparatively very few who care what degree of attention, or whether any at all, is paid to those words and phrases which are gone out of use, or are only locally or partially known, and the compilers of dictionaries, on their part, have been willing to ac- commodate their works to those expectations ; and have, from time to time, given as much as they have thought useful and interesting. Such has been their general character from the Promptuarium Parvulorum, our first printed dictionary by Wynkyn de Worde, A. D. 1516, to an advanced period of the last century. called the public attention to them in his Grammar. Many, how- ever, certainly have not hitherto been, nor is there any present pro- bability that they will be ; yet in process of time, they may be cor- rected. INTRODUCTION. 47 During that interval many dictionaries have been published of very various merit, some English and Latin some English only ; some with the names of their authors, others anonymous. To characterise, or even to enumerate, these would be foreign to the pre- sent purpose, if the author felt himself competent to the task. But it would, even in that case, be unneces- sary, as sufficient information on the subject may be found, by those who desire it, in Sir John Hawkins's Life of Dr. Johnson. So much was it the general object of all these to " catch the living language as it rose " in common life, that dictionaries of Hard Words, as they were called, were from time to time published, as books of science multiplied, and new terms were introduced; which, without such sup- plementary interpretation, must have been unintel- ligible to those who were not sufficiently acquainted with the languages from which such terms are derived. Not indeed, that those auxiliary compi- lations consist entirely of such words. There are many which can scarcely be imagined to have been at any time considered as hard words, or not to have been in common use. Others there are, certainly, very hard, fantastical, or extravagant, " super sesqui- pedalia," which, if they have ever been used any where else, are only to be found in some forgotten books in which they will never again be sought. These two sorts of dictionary combined, exhibited nothing like a standard of the English Language in any stage of it. The want of it was felt and complained of long before it was supplied. Two great authori- ties of different ages may be mentioned as having con- 48 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. curred in that complaint. Dryden, in his dedication of Troilus and Cressida to Lord Sunderland, says, " How barbarously we yet write and speak, your lordship knows, and I am sufficiently sensible, in my own English ; for I am often put to a stand in consi- dering whether what I write is the idiom of the tongue, or false grammar and nonsense couched under the specious name of Anglicism.'' Not stooping to so humiliating an avowal, Warburton, towards the end of the preface to his edition of Shakspeare, expresses much the same sense with equal force. " The Eng- lish tongue is yet destitute of a test or standard to ap- ply to in cases of doubt and difficulty. We have nei- ther Grammar nor Dictionary, neither chart nor com- pass to guide us through the wide sea of words. Both are to be composed and finished on the authority of our best established writers, their texts being cor- rectly settled, and their phraseology critically exa- mined ; and by these aids they may be planned on the best rules of logic and philosophy." These two great men certainly spoke the general sense of scholars in their respective times. The latter of them saw the grievance redressed within eight years after he had complained of it. Johnson's Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language was published in 1755. Within that short period, one mighty mind atchieved for our na- tive tongue, what had been before accomplished for those of France and Italy by the combined effort of their respective national academies, continued through five or or six times as many years ! It is obvious that such a dictionary as this cannot be figured under the same image and similitude with INTRODUCTION. 40 any which preceded it in this country. It is not a par- tial delineation of any district or department, but a general chart of the great stream of language through its whole course. To expect that such a work should be at once exhibited in perfection would be absurd. A multitude of lines must remain to be added from time to time to bring it nearer and nearer to correct delineation. Some little of this kind was done by the master hand in subsequent editions. A professed Supplement has been published by Mason not with all that respect which English scholars in general would think due to Johnson, even should they happen to differ from him. A more copious dictionary has also been published (not surely in a spirit of rivalry) by Ashe. Neither the one nor the other has been ad- mitted to share, with the great work, the honour of being considered as the standard. That character must be continued entire from Johnson's own editions to the enlarged and improved one published a few years ago by Mr. Todd. His valuable and successful labours have been conducted most judiciously in scru- pulous conformity with Johnson's plan. He has added a multitude of words and authorities. He has made much addition, improvement, and correction in ety- mology, in which point the great lexicographer him- self seems to have been most deficient. And, if he has done comparatively little in definition, it is because that part of the original work was executed with such consummate skill, that little was left for him to do. Yet, after all, Mr. Todd himself would surely be one of the last to deny, that there is still ample room, not only for more addition, but for farther improvement. VOL. I. F 50 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Considering the present bulk of that work, and the indefinite enlargement of which it is still capable, and may hereafter receive, indeed must receive before it can be said to give a complete view of the English language ; it is obvious that an inquirer, wishing to consult some particular part of the huge chart, may feel bewildered and encumbered, and wish it were di- vided, in order to be more conveniently consulted. Mr. Archdeacon Nares, in the Preface to his Glossary, published in 1822, aware of this inconvenience, pro- poses to make the division by " throwing out of John- son's Dictionary all the words not actually classical, at that time, so as to make it a standard of correct phraseology;" then to make three more dictionaries, corresponding with three different stages of the lan- guage, one or other of which is of course to receive all that is to be " thrown out" of Johnson. Such an ar- rangement, however, is expressly considered as a thing more specious in theory than likely to be realised in practice. Certainly no such likelihood is conceivable. And with all the deference unquestionably due to the opinion of such a veteran in philology as the Arch- deacon of Stafford, it may not be too presumptuous to doubt, whether he has hit upon the happiest princi- ple of division. One prima facie objection, pervading the whole system, would be this. A word or phrase occurs of which a reader wants explanation. In which of the dictionaries in the series is he to seek it? He must either already know the age of his word or phrase, that is, the history of it (which it is the pro- fessed design of the arrangement to teach), or he must work his way through them all, if he happens to have INTRODUCTION. 51 them, till he finds what he wants. This utterly does away the benefit of division. Again, is it possible to keep the different aeras distinct? Must they not of ne- cessity run one into another. Is it not so in the learned author's own practice. Of the Elizabethan age, or the age of Shakspeare, which he calls his own " link of the philological chain," he has given a very copious (not to say superabundant in point of cited authorities), and certainly a very interesting and entertaining ac- count. But does he keep it distinct ? He even ex- pressly apologises for not doing so ; and his apology is Spenser's well-known affectation of Chaucer's words. He draws no line, then, on that side. Two of his ages intermix their words. From Shakspeare downwards no line of separation is proposed. If it were, some in- stance, like that of Spenser, or more than one, would interfere with that also. In fact, in both those inter- vals, between Chaucer's time and Shakspeare's, and between Shakspeare's and our's, indeed in all times whatsoever, the state of change has been perpetual. These " winged words " scorn to be confined to any one district, and some there are among them, which extend their bold flight over all. But farther, if three aeras be fixed upon, why not more, especially on this side of Shakspeare's age ? Why not the age of Dry- den ? It might very properly be denominated from so very distinguished an author in prose as well as in, poetry. It was certainly an age of great improvement, though that great ornament of it has been cited to prove, that in his own opinion, enough had not been done. The language of it was assuredly very different from that of Shakspeare's time, or of our's. If, then, 52 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. a chronological division involves difficulties, apparently insuperable, we may be allowed to inquire farther, whether it may be effected on some other principle ; on some property of the words themselves, and not merely on their dates, that the desired improvement in our lexicography may become, if not more likely to be realised in practice, yet more practicable in case it should ever be undertaken, and, if ably executed, more comprehensive. ' The words in Todd's edition of Johnson, below the modern " standard of correct phraseology," amount- ing to a very great multitude, but, according to Mr. Nares's proposal, all to be " thrown out," are, in differ- ent degrees, antiquated or obsolete. All such words may be divided into three classes: 1. Words, now no longer in use, but occurring in works of past ages, never likely to be forgotten, or to be held in less estimation than at present. Surely the language of these is genuine English, abounding in nervous, expressive, energetic words, " actually clas- sical " at any time, and at all times, " Et raaribus Curiis, et decantata Camillis." A dictionary of " correct phraseology," excluding all these words, would be full as much limited in utility as in bulk. That man's reading must be very narrowly confined, indeed, who did not soon complain of the want of more assistance and information than such a dictionary would afford. All such words being re- tained, it would be perfectly easy, by affixing to them a cautionary mark, to secure very effectually correct- ness of phraseology. There would still be many which might be got rid of. All those which are cha- INTRODUCTION. 53 racterised as low, coarse, burlesque, obscure, obsolete, &c. All known provincialisms ; all which are no bet- ter authorised than by writers of inferior note,* of which not a few have been admitted by Johnson, and retained by Todd; all those, which though vouched by first-rate names, occur only in those species of com* position in which homely language must be used, for instance in low comedy, of which we have a great abundance under high names. 2. Words, which, if not totally and irrecover- ably lost, are to be found only where they are not at all likely to be sought; in books, which still, indeed, continue to lumber the shelves of old libraries, but by a sort of tacit common consent, are allowed to lie un- disturbed; which nobody now opens, or only perhaps now and then, a dry and determined antiquary, for some particular purpose, about which nobody else cares a straw. Such words might be "thrown out" of every dictionary. There are, or rather have been, many such in our language. For a very large sample of them, recourse may be had to Skinner, who has subjoined to his Etymologicon, under a separate al- phabet, between 2,000 and 3,000 of them, which he considers as having actually perished between the reign of William the Conqueror and his own time about the middle of the seventeenth century. No doubt the number would now be found much increased, if any body thought it worth while to inquire. To * L'Estrange and Tusser may be mentioned as instances. Both are often quoted ; both were East-Anglians, and understood, and used their dialect ; which their authority, unsupported, cannot pos- ibly convert into standard English. F3 54 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. revert once more to our similitude of the stream, these were all once freely afloat on the surface, but have sunk to the bottom, and are not worth the pains of fishing up again. 3. Words, which, though they may be supposed obsolete, are in fact still in use, and likely long to continue so. These have also all been buoyant, and have not sunk to the bottom ; but, at many different times and places, have been cast on shore ; and the in- habitants of the bank, fortunate in finding so valuable a sort of wreck, have dul} estimated and retained the use of them. This is the great body of Provincial Lan- guage, which, when it shall have received the deserved attention not hitherto bestowed upon it, will yield so ample a contribution of sound old English, as to form more than is yet imagined, of the bulk of even a large dictionary. Many of these words have lurked in such profound obscurity, as never to have found their way into a dictionary, or, indeed, into any other book. Yet not a few can produce vouchers for their legiti- macy, not less strong than those which have procured for their more favoured contemporaries in times past admission into the standard dictionary. From this, however, they must be positively excluded ; and the few of them which have been introduced, must be turned out again. They are totally unqualified for such a station, having no pretension to be considered as correct phraseology, in the present state of the lan- guage, and not being now '' actually classical," what- ever they may have been reckoned in the days of their prosperity. To these must be added the many words under the first of these three classes, which are to be INTRODUCTION. 55 dislodged from the stations they at present improperly occupy ; those of the second class which are recover- able, and worth recovering, if peradventure some few there be; and \vhatsoeverofhumblepretension, may still have a valid claim to admission somewhere. All these collectively would form ample materials for a supplementary dictionary. On this principle, two dictionaries might be con- structed, perfectly separate, but of concurrent autho- rity and utility. One would contain all that is neces- sary for the various purposes of Science and Litera- ture. The other a complete digest of the vulgar and colloquial tongue. In one or the other, fit reception would be provided for every known word, properly English, with the total exclusion of all cant, slang, and flash ; for which the proper place is one, of which the author has often heard, but never saw the Scoundrel's Dictionary. Some difficulty might occur in drawing the line of separation with accuracy. Doubts might arise, and errors be committed, in determining where to place some, which seem to hover on the border, and in deciding for or against others, which may seem not to belong to either. The necessary care and vigilance, might, however, obviate any important intermixture or omission. The two jointly would give a continuous and consistent history of the English Language from the time at which it could be pronounced to be no longer Saxon. They must be distinguished by two sufficiently characteristic names. They have already insensibly, and for convenience of speaking separately of them, been called Standard and Supplementary. Those two names may perhaps serve as well as any. 56 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Ancient and Modern they certainly must not be called ; for each would contain as much archaism as the other. But it will be time enough to think of names, if the scheme be adopted. However that may be, it is sub- mitted with unaffected deference to superior judgment and correction. Before we proceed to consider more particularly what may hereafter be done in this way for our Pro- vincial English, it will be right to bestow a little at- tention on what already has been done. The very existence of it seems scarcely to have been recognised till within the last 200 years. Not that such varieties had no earlier existence, but that they had been dis- regarded. General and local, old and new, coarse and refined, language was mixed together with little or no distinction in our old dictionaries ; and certainly our old authors in general were by no means nice in their choice of words. The first recorded instance of any notice vouchsafed to Provincialisms, and that a very slight one, seems to have proceeded from the pen of the learned Sir Thomas Browne. We may be allowed, perhaps, to indulge a little venial vanity on this point. It was our own dialect, which was honoured with this first particular attention. Sir Thomas, who was a na- tive of London, came to settle as a physician at Nor- wich in the year 1637. No doubt his ear was soon Struck with many unwonted sounds. It was, however, some years after that time, that, in one of his miscella- neous Tracts (the eighth, on Languages), he gives a small sample of Norfolk words, twenty-six in number, to illustrate his subject, the Saxon origin of the Eng- lish language. He does not, however, give either the INTRODUCTION. 57 derivation or the meaning of any one, but simply cites them, without order or connexion, as they occurred to his recollection, and suited his purpose. Many of them are still in use ; some have become extinct ; two or three were surely never properly to be called pro- vincial, being used by good authors contemporary with Sir Thomas himself; and it seems strange he should not have heard them till he came into Norfolk. From the manner in which he must be conceived to have picked up his words, by occasional and infrequent, not by common and habitual, conversation with those who used them, he may perhaps have been led into some other mistakes. However that may be, every one of them is, with due respect, inserted in its proper place in the Vocabulary. Not many years after, the illustrious Ray stooped from his elevation in science, to make a pretty consi- derable collection of these poor despised outcasts, as they were then to be found in the North, the South, and the East Country. So far as we are concerned with them, these also, for the most part, are still in ex- istence. He has adopted all Sir Thomas Browne's words, not in his alphabetical arrangement, but by way of honorary distinction in his Preface : of most of them he has given etymologies. So he has of some of his own ; but by no means of so many as might be wished. And it is farther to be wished, that he had found leisure, inclination, and opportunity, to give something from other districts of the kingdom. Indeed, his cor- respondent * Lloyd has contributed some little, which * Ray's correspondences were of course with the most eminent 58 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. might be useful, from the counties bordering upon Wales. Ray was the first writer who condescended to treat on this subject directly. Sir Thomas Browne's small fasciculus was only incidentally introduced. " It lay in his way and he found it." Next in point of time to Ray,* are to be mentioned the collections of provincialisms given in some of the County Histories. But these are very inferior parts of those laborious and voluminous compilations ; scarcely, if at all, more than mere appendages, which it was thought fit or necessary to affix ; much like the catalogues of rare plants, &c. accepted and inserted as they were offered, and not deemed to require any industry of research. In some of the later works of that sort, these collections may be somewhat more ample, but no where approaching to complete enume- ration. However that may be, they can scarcely be said to be given to the public, being pretty safely locked up from readers in general in those rare and literary, and scientific men of his time. By such men large con- tributions were made to his collections of words. Truly, this seems very consolatory and encouraging to scholars, though of far inferior note, who, in these days, may seek amusement to themselves, and attempt to communicate it to others, by investigations of the like kind. * Here is evidently an omission. The Author makes no mention of Major Moor's Suffolk Words. But that it was his intention to have done so appears clearly from a memorandum in pencil on the blank page of his copy. He even refers to the book in more than one place ; and would certainly have noticed it with becoming re- spect, if his life had been spared to revise his book. EDIT. INTRODUCTION. 59 costly works. In our East-Anglian Topography we have nothing of the kind.* The Society of Antiquaries has, from time to time, bestowed its attention on this particular branch of antiquity. There are some papers in the Archaeolo- gia, more considerable in value than in number. Mr. Drake's convincing comparison of the Mreso-Gothic, the Anglo-Saxon, and the modern English languages, in the seventh volume, has already been mentioned. There is a second paper, from the same able pen, in which the subject is continued. We must add Dr. William's words from the West Riding of Yorkshire in the sixteenth, and Mr. Wilbraham's Cheshire words in the nineteenth. Perhaps, no other names need be mentioned, f In all the works hitherto enumerated, their respec- tive authors appear to suppose that they are commu- nicating information worthy of some serious attention. A different class is now to be mentioned, in which it seems to have been the object to raise a laugh at the expence of the poor rustics, who express themselves in so ridiculous and barbarous a manner. These works are more accessible, indeed, or rather were so * In making this assertion, the Author's memory must evidently have failed him. In the last edition of Sir John Cullum's History of Hawstecl, there is a list of Suffolk words, certainly not a large one, but filling two or three quarto pages ; and the Author must have been aware of this, because he quotes it in another part of the work. EDIT. } Here is again an omission of Mr. Brockett's book on the Dis- lect of Northumberland, to which the same observation will apply, as to Moor's Suffolk words in a preceding note. EDIT. 60 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. at the times of their publication, mostly pretty late in the last century, being printed in separate forms, and at low prices. There was one Timothy Bobbin, as he called himself, a Lancashire man, who certainly had no other intention but to make fun. He was a shrewd vulgar wag, whose waggery is more useful than he was aware of. He gives some few Saxon de- rivations, wherever he got them. The dialects of Exmoor and Sedgmoor in the West, were also printed in separate forms, and much in the same ludicrous manner. The Author remembers to have met with them many years ago, but has not been able to get them, since he has been led to think of putting his materials together. One, if not both, has been printed in the Gentleman's Magazine ; but neither is that within reach. It is no matter ; for there is sufficient reason to believe, that all in either, which was worth taking, has been taken by Grose. There may have been some other local collections, of like character, but of less note. Grose's Provincial Glossary was first published in our own memory, and has passed through several editions. It is avowedly taken from the collections above mentioned. He seems to have used all he could find in Ray, a great deal from Exmoor, Sedg- moor, and Tim Bobbin, probably, all he thought worth having. To these, he is indebted for consider- ably more than one half. He speaks also in his pre- face of some topographical works, to which he ac- knowledges obligation. The remainder he professes to have collected while he was in country quarters, in different parts of the kingdom, in the course of his mi- INTRODUCTION. 61 litary service. What was so collected, could surely not be very considerable, and would be liable to the same danger of mistakes, already noticed in the case of Sir Thomas Browne. He picked up occasionally, and accidentally, what he did not at all understand. Upon the whole, his claim to originality can be but very slender indeed. But he has done very useful and acceptable service, by putting whatever he got, and whencesoever got, into a popular and accessi- ble form. He allows the Saxon or Danish origin of a large part of his words, whatsoever may be the value of his opinion, but gives the particular deriva- tions of a few only, and for those is principally in- debted to Ray. His whole number of words is about 2500. The only name which now remains to be added is entitled to peculiar respect. It is that of the late Samuel Pegge, F. S. A. His valuable collection of Provincialisms he has thought fit to entitle a Sup- plement to Grose's Provincial Glossary ; and he has annexed it to his Anecdotes of the English Language without a word of introduction or explanation. Whence he collected his materials, therefore, we know not. In part, perhaps, from local collections which had not fallen in Grose's way. But from the number of words from Derbyshire (his native county), and from some contiguous districts, it is safely to be presumed that his matter is, in very great measure, original. However that may be, in the highly en- tertaining little work to which his Provincialisms are annexed, this most ingenious philologist has con- trived, by a peculiar vein of playful pleasantry, so to VOL. I. G 62 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. relieve and enliven the inherent dulness and dryness of his subject, without once losing sight of its real importance, that though he totally discourages and defies rivalry, he strongly intimates to all who may succeed him in the same sort of composition, to do all they can to prevent their readers from throwing aside the book in disgust, or dropping it in a fit of drowsiness ; either of which they might be very likely to do, if the subject were treated with grave and di- dactic formality. This addition to Grose, contains above 1000 words. The aggregate is, therefore, at least 3500. This, then, is to be considered as the present pub- lic stock of Provincialisms. Mr. Todd has largely availed himself of it, in the very considerable addi- tion of such matter, which he has made to Johnson's Dictionary. In this point, it was certainly very defec- tive; and no wonder. The same sources were not open to the author. He had himself little knowledge of that local and obscure part of the language ; and he might be very well excused, if he were not anxious to collect and insert, unless it were directly brought to his hand, what he might reasonably suppose that only a small proportion of his readers would value. But whatever be the paucity or abundance of such words, in the view we are now taking, they, with many others, must be dislodged and turned over to the Supplemental Dictionary. To the present stock very great additions may be made. And it could not be insuperably difficult to collect them. Contribu- tions might doubtless be raised from many, or from all quarters. The habit with which the Author began INTRODUCTION. 63 to amuse himself so many years ago, is neither a sin- gular, nor probably a very uncommon one. There must be in every county, philologists with sufficient leisure and curiosity to have made such collections for their own amusement ; and with as little thought as the Author entertained till very lately, of laying them be- fore the public ; but which would be forth-coming if they were properly solicited, and to be deposited in proper hands. Even if not habitually and progressively collected, a great deal mignt be got together in a short time. Every man who passes his life in retire- ment, and intermixes with his home-bred neighbours, must become a good deal acquainted with their dialect. Nay, he must even be constrained in some degree, occasionally at least, to adopt it himself, or he would very often speak unintelligibly. Among contributions thus made, it is indeed likely that many superfluities would be found, if rigid caution were not used to avoid every thing that might come under the denomi- nation of mere slang, manifest corruption, or slight deviation from authentic words. But all such things might be thrown out once for all, on general revision and arrangement. The more copious and miscella- neous the immediate communication, the better. What ample materials might thus be brought to light for the Supplemental Dictionary may be made the subject of a little calculation. The joint stock of Grose and Pegge has been stated at 3500. The following collection contains at least 2500, alphabeti- cally arranged, besides what are comprehended un- der general observations on pronunciation and gram- mar. Of the 2500 about 600 are to be found among 64 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. the 3500, either in the very same form, or with some slight variation, but certainly the same words. Con- sequently about 1900 East-Anglian terms are pro- duced, which have not before been recorded. If, as we are in pursuit of Saxon antiquity, we follow the Saxon division of the country, and suppose a return made from each of the other ancient kingdoms with nearly the same numerical results, the whole number of words so brought to light would exceed 13,000; a pretty plentiful accession of materials for an addi- tional Dictionary ; and no weak proof of the neces- sity of a division. However, not venturing in such a matter to trust implicitly to an arithmetical calcula- tion, into which many particulars must be taken, which it would be tedious to specify here, and which might materially affect the result ; and supposing the grand total to fall considerably short of this last number, we may feel fully confident that we should thus obtain, from every corner of the country, enlarged and diver- sified proof of the prodigious fecundity of our Antiqua Mater. And the Author feels himself warranted to exhort, in the terms of his motto, all who may be fitly circumstanced and disposed, to contribute their en- deavours to "search her out" to as much perfection as possible. With respect to his own contribution to that effect, he is not vain enough to fancy that he is giving an example and mode of what ought to be done, but merely an indication of what may be done ; and no one would rejoice more sincerely, to see much more effected, by abler hands in other districts, than he has accomplished on behalf of the East-Angles, INTRODUCTION. 65 In speaking of this service to the East Angles at large, he may be thought to assume too much. It may be said that this title is too large for his subject. It may be so; but some explanation may be allowed, perhaps some indulgence. The Saxon Kingdom of East Anglia is reckoned to have comprehended the three modern counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cam- bridge. Now this collection has been almost exclu- sively made from Norfolk and Suffolk. It is not, in- deed, without a slight sprinkling of words from the third county ; but they are no more than what the Author might glean during his residence in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, from College GIPS (ex. grj or the few other natives with whom he might occasionally converse. Such gleanings would be likely to be even more scanty than those of Captain Grose in his coun- try quarters. For this partial application of a general name, a precedent may be found in the venerable ex- ample of the greatest of all East Anglian antiquaries, Sir Henry Spelman ; whose tract entitled " Icenia ' contains no more than short accounts of some of the towns and villages of Norfolk only ; though, according to Camden and others, the Iceni were the ancient British inhabitants of the three counties above men- tioned, with the addition of Huntingdonshire. If the apology be not satisfactory, all that can be farther said is, that the objection is easily enough removable. The paucity of Cambridgeshire words might be done away, and the deficiencies of words from the other two coun- ties (which no doubt are many, copious as the collec- tion may seem) might be supplied, by communications from various quarters. The Author, indeed, is not so G3 66 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. absurdly sanguine as to expect to be called upon for an enlarged and improved edition. He means no more than to hint that, if his work be thought of any value at all, a Supplement to it, some time hence, might not be unacceptable ; and to give assurance that if any corrections of what may be found here, or any addi- tion of what is wanting, were transmitted through his Publisher, they would be received thankfully, and con- sidered attentively ; and, when they seem sufficient in quantity and importance, be printed, with any expla- nation which may seem necessary, and as much ety- mology as possible.* But another objection ought perhaps to be obviated. The East Anglian dialect is spoken of as one. And it may be asked, are not the dialects of the counties dis- tinguishable from each other? That no shades of dif- ference exist, would, indeed, be too much to assert. But, if every thing of that sort were collected and placed in the strongest light, it would not amount to what is called in Natural History a different specific character. No more could be made of them all, than that, in Norfolk and Suffolk at least, (to say nothing, for the present, of Cambridgeshire,) they are mere varieties, and even slight ones, of the same species, and are therefore properly called by the same name. If the points in which they certainly agree, and those * The Editor has not thought himself at liberty to omit this in- vitation to other collectors, as it shews so clearly the zeal of the Author on the subject of his inquiry. But his untimely death has cut off the hope of any future communications being laid before the public. INTRODUCTION. 67 in which they may be said to differ, some of which will incidentally occur, were minutely discussed, the discussion would be insufferably tedious and trifling ; but the former would be found so predominant as to leave no doubt of their constituting what may very fairly be called one dialectic character. If they ever were two dialects, they have been long ago completely blended and identified by contiguity and perpetual in- tercourse. Some persons, indeed, either for the cre- dit of their county, or for the joke's sake, seem to shew a nonsensical sort of jealousy in claiming certain words or phrases as peculiarly their own. If there be any such they are certainly not worth contending for. Any one who, on the ground of his own individual ex- perience, is disposed to pronounce this and that Nor- folk words, and to assign another and another to Suf- folk, is liable to be contradicted by the very next per- son with whom he may happen to converse on the sub- ject. For this reason, no marks of discrimination have been affixed to the words of the Vocabulary, though the Author very well knew in which county almost every one of them was collected. His valuable co- operating correspondent in Suffolk furnished him with near 1200 words. With about 800 of them he was well acquainted before. The 400, or thereabouts, were new to him. But, on shewing them to another friend (a Norfolk man), well acquainted with his mother tongue, and who had heard and used it in parts of the county least familiarly known to the Author himself, a very considerable reduction was made. And the same intelligent critic made the same remark on Moor's " Suffolk Words." Many of the remainder, or most, 68 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. or even all, might be claimed in like manner should fit opportunities occur. In short, it seems as if certain of our words and phrases were comparatively rare or frequent in different parts of the two counties, as some of our indigenous plants are known to be. Let us suppose a meeting of two East Anglian clowns, one from the Northern coast, the other from the banks of the Stour or the Orwell, there can be no doubt that, on entering into conversation, each would recognise a countryman in the other. Their language would be mutually intelligible, with the exception, perhaps, of some few appellations, if any should unluckily come in the way, expressive of merely local objects, or of some figurative terms taken from those objects ; which words there had been neither need nor means of transmitting. Now, suppose two other clowns by some chance to join the party, one from Cumberland, the other from Somersetshire. Before three sentences had been uttered, there would be the most complete confusion. The strangers from the North and from the West would be as foreigners to each other, and both equally to the East Angles. The commonest things with which all four were familiarly acquainted, would be called by such strange names that it would be impossible to understand what was meant, and they must soon have recourse to signs, or talk by things, like the philosophers of Laputa. But, after all, what- ever may be the local and relative frequency or rarity, or even peculiarity, of some words and phrases in our own two counties, we shall soon come to stronger points in which there is perfect concurrence, which must establish the East Anglian dialect " one and in- INTRODUCTION. 69 divisible." These will occur in the following Essay; but, before we conclude this, we must attend to an- other topic, properly connected with the subject of it, and which may by no means be omitted. An appre- hension exists, it seems, of present and pressing danger to the permanence, and the very existence, of ours, and of all our popular dialects. They are imagined to be in a state of rapid decline, and to be actually giving way to a more correct diction. This great change is expected from the general disposition to acquire know- ledge, and the increased facilities of diffusing it among those who formerly rested humbly content in their ignorance. These alarming indications have really been urged to the Author by some of his literary friends, as inducements to arrange and publish his col- lection without delay, lest the peculiarities of our mo- ther tongue, if not recorded in time, be irrecoverably lost. Let those judge who are properly circumstanced and most able, how far this mighty change may have proceeded, and be likely still farther to proceed, in country towns; where there are many and various schools, circulating or subscription libraries, book- clubs, reading-rooms, and other appliances and means of literary proficiency, adapted to the different ranks of a numerous population. In villages, the strong holds of provincial language, we are affrighted with no such portentous signs of change. The Author can only say for himself, that he has opportunity almost every day of conversing with the children or grand- children of those with whom he was wont to talk forty years ago, and that he perceives very little change in- deed, and certainly none that can be attributed to 70 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. such a cause. It is true that, during what were called the good times, which opened many sources of expence never thought of before, many more of our rustic youth, of both sexes, were sent from the farm-yard or the dairy to the boarding-school ; some of whom, but a few years before, it would have been thought very absurd so to take out of their proper places. It is no less true, that, though the number is now considerably diminished, it still continues greater than it formerly was. But, in the seminaries to which they are for the most part sent, their rough tongues are not likely to be much filed and polished. Even admitting that some of them bring home from school what is called a love of learning, and a taste for reading, it is likely to have very little influence on their talking. Among us rus- tics, there is, and ever will be, a wide difference be- tween book-learning and common talk. In the comedy of the " Two Gentlemen of Verona," the servant, who has been charged with a verbal message of more than ordinary importance, talks of " speaking it in printy* that is, in choice terms, such as are used in books, not in his own every day familiar style. The vulgar are much alike in all ages. Shakspeare drew the charac- ter of Speed from nature ; and just so would a tolera- bly shrewd country servant speak at this day, on the like occasion. He would, in all probability, use the very same phrase, for we have it. And who has not observed that a rustic, who fancies himself a great scholar, and talks "in print," (suppose the village schoolmaster, the exciseman, or some fortunate adven- turer, who, having left his native cottage in early life, has prospered in the world, and returns late to enjoy INTRODUCTION. 71 his othim cum dignitate,} excites so much gaping won- der in his fellows, that they marvel " That one small head can carry all he knows ? " But still they will laugh in their own sleeves, if not in his face, that he does not use common words on com- mon occasions. But this is not all the danger. Should our popular dialects withstand these partial attacks, will they not be overwhelmed and borne down by the general onset of the various plans and unwearied exertions for the education of all ? The zealous promoters of new schemes are in all cases disposed to anticipate the most prosperous issues. In plans of unquestionable beneficence, the world will ever applaud their zeal, and cordially bid them God speed ! But should any thing be included in the expected result neither essen- tial nor subservient to the intended good, of question- able utility, and moreover, not likely to come to pass ; the most sincere well-wisher may be allowed to depre- cate it, and to do what he can to allay the apprehen- sion of it. Supposing, then, all the strong, and some apparently insuperable obstacles overcome, to the uni- versal adoption of one or other of the rival systems of popular instruction ; supposing that, after a competent time, there be a reading population ; the question is, whether we may reckon also on a population of cor- rect speakers ? Does any thing in the nature of for- mer example warrant the expectation ? There is one precedent, indeed, very strongly in point, from which certainly that conclusion is not to be drawn. In Scot- land, from the very time of the Reformation, there has been parochial provision for the simple schooling 72 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. of the poor. And this facility and universality of ele- mentary instruction has assuredly had no fatal, or even mischievous, effect on the popular language. On the contrary, were an instance required of remarkable exemption from the operation of those causes which are perpetually working change in living languages, it must be that of the Lowland Scotch. How little its purity and integrity have been affected is proved in the Scotch Novels and Romances, which have been so popular of late years; which we must suppose to give the language in its actual state ; and of which, fortu- nately for this proof, as well as for the pleasure of reading them, so large a proportion is dramatic and colloquial. With this example before us, what have we to fear for the safety of our Eastern English ? Of the little change which actually has taken place with- in the reach of living memory, can we impute any thing to the puny operation of a cause which has been partially working during a few years only of that con- siderable period ? or can we apprehend more, when it is proved that the same cause, in full force, extent, and activity, has been so inefficient in this respect in the course of many ages ? It may be alledged that a com- parison is not fairly made between a national language, in which a multitude of books have been written, con- stantly in the hands of those who use the language, and a provincial dialect altogether oral, which neither is nor ever was so exemplified and embodied, but lies thinly scattered in works not at all likely to be read by the vulgar. It may seem that this gives to the one a great advantage over the other, in the probability of permanence or perpetuity. But it is to be remarked, INTRODUCTION. 73 that there is, on the same side, a power strongly, and perhaps equally, counteracting. It is a fact, too well known to be denied, that the Northern multitudes who migrate Southward, and the still greater multi- tudes who must stay where they are, take great pains, if not to get rid of their native tongue, at least to polish and Anglicise it as much as they can. On the other side, the unwritten dialect rests humbly content in its obscurity, equally unaided and unendangered by any such circumstances. This may be thought to bring the two sufficiently to a level, in the one point in which we want to consider them. And the fact seems to be, that both the men of the North and the men of the East, who stay quietly at home, mind their own business, talk as well as they can what their fathers talked before them, and what all their neigh- bours understand, will preserve it, if not absolutely unvaried, yet certainly from running rapidly to ruin. And what has been the change among us within our assumed limits? Why, some few words and phrases have become less frequent ; some nearly forgotten ; some very few, indeed, have perhaps actually disap- peared just as might have happened, nay, actually has happened, in any other equal period. On the other hand, new ones have been introduced. Not, in- deed, such as to compensate the loss of good old English. The stock of vulgarisms is, upon the whole, not at all diminished, but by no means improved. Some of our newly introduced terms are expressive of new ideas, bringing their foreign names with them, which are accepted, though with a little attention we might find names full as good in our own language. VOL. I. H 74 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. A much greater number is adopted without any pre- tence of necessity at all, througli mere wantonness and affectation, superseding even better native words. There is no limit to this apery of what is supposed to be fine and fashionable. It is to be found in the deepest retirement, and in language no less 'than in dress and manners, in which it may, indeed, be more seriously mischievous. But to whichsoever of those classes such novelties may belong, they are quite sure, when they come among us, to be grossly or ridi- culously misapplied, mispronounced, or both. Hap- pily, however, they are held in very different estima- tion from our old sound native phraseology by those among us who occasionally make awkward attempts to use them. Though they may seem to be sported off very glibly, and with no little self-complacency or vanity, the fancied necessity or propriety of using them is always, while it lasts, a state of uneasy con- straint, from which the embarrassed bumkin is glad of an opportunity of escaping " Vaga prosiliet froenls natura remotis." Upon the whole, we may rest satisfied that the pro- vincial dialects are in very safe* keeping, and very likely so to remain. The subject may be summed up and illustrated, perhaps somewhat enlivened, by an anecdote. On one of the many hazy days of the ungenial summer of 1823, the Author was attending an ingenious young lady while she took a sketch of some picturesque ob- ject in a retired village. A girl came from a cottage with an umbrella in her hand, which she presented, with an air of modest and simple civility, which be- INTRODUCTION. T5f came her well, but with an address not quite so ex- pressive of rustic simplicity : " Will you allow me, ma'am, to offer you the use of my numlarel?" The mixture of rusticity and affected refinement sounded very comically. But it would be very hasty to infer from it that the girl was unlearning her native phrase- ology. Forty years ago, indeed, a village maiden would not have offered a numbarel at all for the best reason possible, that at that time no such thing had been ever seen or heard of in a cottage, though now there are few without them. But, whatever her civi- lity might have been, she would not have expressed it in such "holiday and lady terms." The fact is, that the girl had, some how or other, picked up this as a polite phrase used by gentlefolks, and proper to be addressed to them. Perhaps it came from some lady's chambermaid who had lately made a visit to her coun- try cousins. Had she been overheard in familiar talk with the other inmates of the cottage, she would doubtless have used such language as her grand- mother did. And even had she at the moment been questioned why she offered the umbrella, it is not likely that she was provided with any more specimens of such dainty diction to carry on a dialogue, but that her answer would have been, " Because ta smur of a rain, and ta fare 'lection to rain pouring." Pure East Anglian, such as was spoken not only by this mauther's grandmother, but by that grandmother's great grand- mother, and is likely to be spoken by the equally re- mote posterity of the mouther herself. VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. ESSAY II. On the principal characteristics of East Anglian Pronunciation. Should any reader expect to find under this title, rules by which he may learn to speak East Anglian, he will be disappointed. No such attempt was in- tended. If the coarse cacophonies of unlettered boors were of any interest to philologists, the attempt to convey them would be nugatory. As all ideas must enter the mind by their proper inlets, those of sounds (whatever some may have seemed to think) cannot be admitted by the eye. Experiments of the kind have indeed been made. The compilers of some Gram- mars of modern languages have professed to prescribe rules for correct pronunciation. Certainly a learner, destitute of an oral teacher, may get on tolerably well, to some extent, by comparing familiar sounds in his mother tongue, with those at which he is taught to aim, in the language he is endeavouring to acquire, He will at least feel so well satisfied as not to disgust himself, while he has his books before him. But the moment he shuts them, and opens his mouth, he will be likely to disgust those who are natural and competent judges of his success. He may even puzzle them to conceive what words he means to attempt. At any INTRODUCTION. 77 rate he must very soon come to certain shibboleths, which exist in any language. For instance, whoever acquired, by the help of printed directions, and com- parative sounds, the exact pronunciation of the French diphthong eu, the Italian uo, or the Spanish initial II ; as exemplified in the substantive Jleur, the adjective buono, and the verb llamar? All these are words cf very common occurrence in those languages ; but how few foreigners are able to pronounce them so as not to give offence to a Parisian, a Roman, or a Castiliaa ear? Still greater would be the difficulty of managing the formidable clusters of consonants which abound in the German, and other northern nations, our own not excepted. These, however, are very successfully smoothed down, and uttered " trippingly on the tongue," by organs properly disciplined and habitu- ated ; so that the sound seems widely different from the appearance, and would never have been conveyed by written rules, to one before unacquainted with it. But it may be said that the instances produced, are from the polished enunciation of highly refined lan- guages, and are therefore nothing to us, who are not concerned about euphonic niceties. On the contrary, they strengthen our case. If so much difficulty exists where great pains have been taken, there must be much more, where none at all have been bestowed. The writer, whose own ear is familiar with certain sounds, may suppose that by putting letters together into combinations which never actually co-existed in any word, of any language, he is exhibiting such a strict graphic delineation, as cannnot be mistaken. Where- as, in point of fact, those only who know what he H3 78 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. means, can at all understand him, and even they may sometimes be totally unable to conceive what he is aiming at. After all, supposing the intended informa- tion were effectually conveyed, who would care for it ? None but those who already have it. Or if, by any strange and inconceivable chance, any stranger should wish to obtain a correct notion of East Anglian ortho- epy, he must e'en come among us, and hear us talk ! And it is fully to be expected that having heard our in- describably odd splay-mouthed utterance, in which all the organs of speech, tongue, teeth, and palate, seem to be running foul of one another in full play, he would acknowledge, that an idea of such " villainous compounds " of ill sounds could not have been con- veyed by any possible artifice ; and that we might as well attempt to write down in legible and utterable characters, the cawing of our rooks, or the croaking of our frogs, if we supposed there were any difference between their tones, and those of the same animals in other districts. But there is another, and a very different view in which the subject of pronunciation may be considered, and in which only it will be considered in this work. Not for the gratification of a curiosity which, in fact, nobody entertains, but in order to draw from it, cer- tain dialectical characteristics, and to use it as a se- condary, or rather concurrent proof of antiquity. Any attempt, indeed, to investigate and ascertain accu- rately the pronunciation of a language, dead many centuries since, must be vague and unsatisfactory. But at least some general principles or outlines of pro- nunciation may reasonably be conceived to have INTRODUCTION. 79 passed traditionally into a modern derived language, of which an ancient and defunct tongue forms the main substance. And the less change that has been made in the forms of words, the more similarity is likely to remain of their original sounds. Thus, it is generally and probably supposed that more of the ge- nuine pronunciation of Latin exists in the modern Italian, than in any other of the languages of Europe. Into every one of them, indeed, a multitude of Latin words has been transferred, but adapted both in form and sound, to the peculiar structure of each, and by no means constituting the main substance and bulk of it It may, indeed, be contended, and with much probability, that on the Spanish, almost as fundamen- tally and substantially Latin as the Italian, the gra- vity and dignity of the classic language is more likely to be adequately represented than in the exquisitely smoothed and polished tones of the present language of Italy. However that may be, on a perfectly simi- lar principle, the English must be believed to retain a greater number of original Saxon sounds as well as form. Indeed, modern English seems to be even more substantially Saxon, than either Italian or Span- ish is Latin. It certainly does not become the Editor to play the critic in either of those languages. With much diffidence he submits his opinion to those who are competent to judge, together with the reasons on which he founds it. We have at least as many nouns and verbs from the Saxon, as either of those languages from the Latin. We have also retained, without bor- rowing from other languages, the " whole body of numerals, auxiliary verbs, articles, pronouns, adverbs, 80 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGL1A. conjunctions, and prepositions," which, as Sir Thomas Browne well observes, " are the distinguishing and lasting parts of a language." Whereas, on the other hand, many of these have been borrowed by the southern from the northern languages. In particular, they have assumed articles, definite and indefinite, of which there is neither in their parent tongue. They have abolished inflexions of case, in substantives and adjectives, supplying their places by prepositions, and retaining no other differences of terminations, than seemed necessary to distinguish gender and number. They have made much alteration in the structure of the verb ; adopting a new auxiliary in the active voice, and introducing compound tenses, which in the Latin exist in the passive only ; and increasing the number of those tenses in both. It might have been observed before, but better now than not at all, that we retain, with little variation, the Saxon modes of declension and conjugation. Allowing to the English Language at large, this ample claim for Saxonism, we have farther to observe, that in its provincial dialects, that claim may have been more or less varied or superseded by local causes ; principally by a partial commixture of words from other sources, introduced by vicinity, and pro- bably accompanied by their native pronunciation, -or something like it. Any one of those dialects which can refer to the Saxon, the greatest number of its words now actually in use, must be allowed to ad- vance the best proof of antiquity and originality. And that proof must be allowed to acquire additional confirmation, if, on comparison of its modes of pro- INTRODUCTION. 81 nunciation with the powers of vowels and diphthongs, a fair presumption can be established of identity, or near similarity to the Saxon pronunciation. Of those powers, as they actually existed while the Saxon was a living language, it would be absurd to pronounce confidently. We must make our approaches to them cautiously. We cannot be in much danger if we do not venture farther than the mere consideration of greater or less breadth. Of this, perhaps, a pretty safe criterion may be established thus : It has been laid down as a principle by etymologists, that in the derivation of words, and in tracing them from one lan- guage into another, all the vowels may be considered as one letter. A synoptical view of their gradations and changes may be exhibited by taking them out of alphabetical order, and ranging them according to their organic powers. Taking z and y as homotonous (and they are sufficiently so in Anglo-Saxon and in modern English, for our present purpose) and placing them in the middle, the sound will pass one way through e to a, and in the opposite way through u to o ; in either case, the vowel becoming broader at each step. Thus, a e i=y u o. But the two extreme vowels, being themselves also commutable, the changes might be rather conceived circular than rectilinear, bringing the extreme points of the line into contact. If the interchanges of diph- thongs cannot be so simply exhibited, neither is there so much need of it. Their bearings on the vowels, and on each other, may, without difficulty, be deter- mined by the vowels of which they are respectively compounded. 82 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Now, it is observable, that in a great multitude of modern English words derived from Anglo-Saxon, the principal vowels or diphthongs have acquired breadth in the course of their descent. Such are CM, a cow ; kus, a house; brun, brown, &c. A very long list might easily be made, in which other vowels or diphthongs, even all of them, are concerned. But to our present argument, these few, in which one of them only is included, may suffice. If it be urged, that we have no means of being sure that these words were pronounced, either with the long or the short sound of the modern English u, this cannot be denied. Suppose it then to have had something like the power of the Italian u, still it has grown broader by its con- version into our broadest diphthong. But this ten- dency to greater breadtli, observable in the English language in general, in its Saxon derivatives, is by us East Angles absolutely inverted. We are perpetually endeavouring to go back again into the original Saxon narrowness. The most general and pervading characteristic of our pronunciation, which may, indeed, be called its essential character, is a narrowness and tenuity, pre- cisely the reverse of the round, sonorous, " mouth- filling" tones of Northern English. The broad and open sounds of vowels, the rich and full tones of diph- thongs, are generally thus reduced. Generally not universally. Some few words become broader in our mouths; not that we so make them fuller and more flowing, but for the most part harsher and coarser. Instances will occur in their proper places. From this prevalent principle of narrowing, it results that, if it INTRODUCTION. 83 be asserted, as doubtless it will, that we speak the worse English, what we do speak must undeniably be more like Saxon in sound as well as in form. This narrowness of utterance is, in some parts of our country, rendered still more offensive to ears not accustomed to it, by being delivered in a sort of shrill whining recitativo, which may very possibly bring us to a nearer and more correct resemblance to our pa- rent tongue. This may, perhaps, be one of those dis- tinctions without essential difference, already alluded to. It prevails principally, not exclusively, in the county of Suffolk. So far, however, as to be com- monly called in Norfolk, the " Suffolk whine." The voice of the speaker (or singer) is perpetually running up and down, through half an octave, or perhaps a whole one, of sharp notes; with now and then a most querulous cadence. This squeaking tune is very dis- agreeable to sensitive organs ; and often becomes very ludicrous, when something, even of merry import, is uttered with this " dying fall." It is time to have done with generalising, and to Irregular Sounds of Vowels and Diphthongs. There is a great multitude of English words, even in the mouths of the most correct speakers, in which every one of the voAvels and diphthongs stands as a representative of the power of some other. Such ano- malies are to be found, more or less, in every lan- guage. In our own they are said particularly to abound, to the great annoyance and perplexity of foreigners, in their attempts to acquire it. An ample, 84 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. if not a complete, enumeration of these disorderly words is to be found in the valuable work by which the present Archdeacon of Stafford announced himself to the public as a philologist above forty years ago.* As there are many particular points on which practice is not uniform, should a reader not feel himself disposed to acquiese in every determination of she learned wri- ter, he Avill be sure to find a great deal of useful and amusing information. The same method is adopted here ; only that complete enumeration is not attempt- ed ; but a select and competent number of examples given under the different heads. It may well be con- ceived that such deviations from strict regularity will become more licentious still, in provincial dialects. Those only which are peculiar to us, or which we use in uncommon and unwarranted latitude will be noted here. The Vouel A has regularly four different sounds in English words, which are commonly thus distinguished : fl, long, as in ale ; short, as in hat ; open, as in balm ; broad, as in call. 1. Ex. Have, and its inflexions has, hast, &c. Catch thank sack wax. Gather radish, &c. It is not asserted that this pronunciation is peculiar to us, or that it is in toto provincial. No doubt, some such words, though not many, are so pronounced very * Nares' Elements of Orthoepy, Svo. Payne 1784. INTRODUCTION. 85 generally ; whether ever properly, is no question for us. Be they many or few, and be the usage right or wrong, it is certain that, on our principle of narrowing, we greatly increase the number, and therefore the ob- servation is properly made here. The usage prevails more in some places than in others. In and about the town of Lynn, for instance, it seems as if the short a were in all cases to be rejected, and short e accepted in its stead. A bad man, is there, a bed men, &c. Whatever may be said of such extreme and ridiculous frittering, the pronunciation is by no means destitute of ancient authority. In Spenser we find ivex for tuax. In many of Percy's Ancient Ballads, the inflexions of the verb have, are printed hes, hest, &c. from heve. Isl. hef, habeo. In Wicklitfe's New Testament is geder, for gather ; in Chaucer ketch for catch, aad lest for last. And if this be not enough, esh (our name of the ash-tree) is the very Anglo-Saxon esc* itself; grass is from gres, as indeed we very commonly pronounce it ; black is from blec, trap from treppe, and mantle from mentl. In which last instance also, we retain the iden- tical Saxon word. 2. There are some few instances in which the short a is even pared down to short i. We say January for January, and kin for can, the auxiliary verb. In these instances it is plain that a has passed through e to i ; for the intermediate form is often used. 3. The long a is in some words reduced to long e. Ex. Credle for cradle. This is among Ray's North Country words ; doubtless ancient, though no precise * In the Anglo-Saxon it is plain that sc was pronounced as it is in the modern Italian, like our sh. VOL. I. I 86 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Authority is given there, or at present occurs else- where. 4. In words, in which a has commonly its open sound, we make it intermediate between that and the long one ; rather broader than the latter but narrower than the former. Here is a difficulty. Certainly no English word contains such a sound. Perhaps the nearest approach to it is the bleat of a very young lamb. Ex. Calf dance staff glass. Cask glance raft grasp. On the true pronunciation of these and similar words there does not seem to be perfect agreement. We, however, have no opinion to give (V. Nares) whe- ther they are to have the open, or something nearly approaching the short, sound of the vowel, or whether some are to follow one rule, some the other ; it is very certain that none of them ought to have the narrow, and somewhat lengthened or drawled sound which we give them. 5. When the a would be short, if it were not length- ened by the e final mute. We are determined to have it short at all events. Ex. Bare stare dare flare, &c. Now bar and dar both occur in old ballads. Besides one of them is positively Danish, bar, nudus. Learners, however, must be cautious here. All words of this form are not to be indiscriminately so docked. For instance, care, snare, spare, and many others. Every body knows how bitterly foreigners complain of the anomalies in English pronunciation, and into what scrapes they often get themselves, by INTRODUCTION. 87 following too implicitly what they suppose to be rules. To a like danger would they be exposed, who at- tempted to speak East Anglian, without a familiar ac- quaintance with it. It is an undertaking of much nicety. 6. In a few words, short or open a is made long. Ex. Nasty natural past barn. The Anglo-Saxon bcern, horreum, will go some way, if not far enough, to justify us. 7. In a few others, open a, either by itself or com- bined with r, has the sound of short u. Ex. Rather farther. The latter word, having become futther, receives aa additional improvement (by the very legitimate change of the cognate mutes d and ), and becomes Judder. In like manner, though in inverted order, a ladder be- comes first a latther, and then a luttker. 8. In some words, in which a has commonly the sound of short o, the short a is used instead of it. Ex. Squab waddle wash wander. Swamp want wasp swan. Certainly many words of like form are regularly pronounced with the short a ; as stab, saddle, cash, sand, &c. These have their proper pronunciation among us ; but, as was observed on a former occasion, we extend it unwarrantably. Our countryman Tusser rhymes want to plant ; but though he may be strongly suspected of having pronounced both the words alike, a rhyme in itself will not prove this point. Our poets too frequently rhyme to the eye instead of the ear ; even the most correct of them occasionally. Pope for instance, rhymes vice to caprice; yet surely no one VOCABULARY OF EASTTANGLIA. will believe that he pronounced the two syllables alike. Perhaps, however, this license was not known to the simplicity of Tusser's muse. Wickliffe spells the word wash, ivaisch. It must be inferred, that he at least pronounced the word narrower than the modern usage. And when we can go fairly back as far as Wickliffe, we are at next door to Saxonism. 9. In some words, in which a is followed by n, it takes the sound of o, as sand, sond ; land, lond. This mode of pronunciation is perhaps more generally used in Suffolk. 10. In some words, in which a is followed by r, the r is dropped. Ex. Harsh marsh scarce, &c. And to warrant us, there is Anglo-Saxon hasc, asper, of which word, as has been before observed, the an- cient pronunciation was hash, as it is with us. The Vowel E has only two sounds regularly, Long, as in equal; short, as in bed. 1. The short e is in many words sounded as short a. Ex. Merchant sermon settle when. Errand vermin temper then. In some such words (but not in all our instances) this is neither modern nor provincial ; but surely never correct. Ben Jonson has marchant. This, by the way, may be right, as it is certainly the French mar- chand. Piers Plowman gives sahile for settle. Tusser, Wickliffe, and Chaucer have than; and the very first word of the Canterbury Tales is tvhanne. INTRODUCTION. 89 2. The short e sometimes becomes short i. Ex. Yet men ever kettle. Yes hen seldom tremble. Neither is this usage our own, but only a great fa- vourite. There is a great abundance of venerably old authority for it. Holinshed and Tusser have sildom. Wickliffe has togidre, and Tusser togither. He also rhymes bless with miss and kiss. Wickliffe has yit and yhis. Moreover, yet is in Anglo-Saxon git, kettle is cyttty hen is keen, and end is cende. 3. Short e is in some words pronounced like short u. Ex. Fellow mellow elder wether. Yellow elbow better letter. In these cases it seems to have passed through i into n. It may be observed (though this is perhaps not exactly the right place) that the same liberty is taken with words in which a diphthong has the sound of short e, as in heifer, pheasant, andfeather. 4. E long is sometimes changed into i. Ex. Glebe glibe. The Vowl I has two regular sounds ; Long, as in abide ; short, as in bid. The short i has among us sometimes the power of short e. Ex. Pit kiln silver stint. Bid mill cistern sit. This usage is not very general ; more perhaps in Suffolk than in Norfolk. However that may be, it is venerably antique. Tusser uses kel for kiln. Hed, 3 90 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. hefs, and melle, are used by Chaucer. Selver occurs in the Percy Ballads ; and melk, bed, and pet, are actually Anglo-Saxon. In !&]. print is prants. The fowl has also two regular sounds ; Long, as in mode ; short, as in modern. 1. We substitute the short sound for the long in Droll scroll roll mole. 2. Short o has sometimes the sound of short a. Ex. From slop drop soft. Hornet morning Norfolk. And we are at no loss for authority. The Anglo- Saxon form of the prepositions/Tom isfram ; and our word morning is from the Anglo-Saxon margene, Au- rora. 3. The long o has often a peculiar sound explained hereafter under the diphthong ou ; the most conveni- ent place for that explanation, which is extended to two other sounds ; this being the first of the three. The words droll, &c. under Observation 1, are sometimes thus pronounced, and so are Old told sold scold, &c. 4. It has also in some words, the common short sound of the diphthong oo (in foot}, or that of the vowel u in pull. Ex. Bone stone whole. 5. It has the sound of short M, in the imperfect tenses of some verbs ending in ive, as strove, drove, (pron. struv, druv,) but not in the substantive drove, nor perhaps in any other substantive. It has however the same sound in hither and wither. INTRODUCTION. 91 6. The same change is made in words in which o has commonly the long sound of oo. Ex. Prove move. Both which words are rhymed by Tusser to love. It is very fairly to be presumed that he pronounced them as we do, pruv and muv. 7. The short o becomes short u, in Ex. Not font front bomb. In Blomfield's History of Norfolk, vol. x. p. 11, 8vo edit, is an extract from a churchwarden's account at East Dereham in 14-68, for the expenses of the new Funte. That beautiful baptistery is still the Funte. 8. has sometimes the sound of long e, as move meve. The Votoel U has likewise a short sound, as in tub, and a long one, as in tube. 1. One of its irregular sounds, very frequent and general, is that of short oo, as it occurs in the word bull. This irregularity is corrected by some of our best speakers, to the legitimate short sound of the vowel itself. Ex. Pull puss pulley pudding. Full bush bushel bully. 2. We sometimes meet with the very reverse of this usage. The sound of short oo is given where it ought not to be. Ex. Punch bunch bundle. 3. The short u, forming with n a negative particle at the beginning of compound words, is invariably pronounced on. And so it ought to be, in words of Saxon origin at least, for it is the Saxon particle. We are apt, indeed, to carry it beyond its proper limit; 92 VOCABULARY OP EAST ANGLIA, and where a word of Latin derivation has assumed the equivalent Latin particle in, however neatly it may have been fitted and jointed to its word, we tear them asunder, and substitute our own. Thus the words impossible and irregular are with us, onpossible and onregular. Unpossible is certainly Old English. 4. To the syllable ur (and consequently to ir and or, which have often the same sound) we give a pro- nunciation certainly our own. Ex. Third word burn curse. Bird curd dirt worse. It is one which can be neither intelligibly described, nor represented by other letters. It must be heard. Of all legitimate English sounds, it seems to come nearest to open a ; or rather to the rapid utterance of the a in the word arrow, supposing it be caught be- fore it light on the r. Tusser may be suspected, from a rhyme, to have thus pronounced the word worse; shert (pronounced shart), for shirt is Old Eng- lish, but in pronouncing it in our manner, great care must be taken, not to touch the r.* As to Gothic authority, the only instance that has been found, exactly in point, is one which cannot be offered without some scruple and hesitation. It is Islandic, tdd, stercus. 5. In words of some of these forms, we merely leave out the r, and pronounce the u short. * Bahd has been used to convey our sound of bird. Certainly this gets rid of the danger of r , but the h must as certainly be un- derstood to lengthen the sound of a , which is quite inconsistent with our snap-short utterance of the syllable. In short it must be heard from the mouth of a correct speaker. INTRODUCTION. 93 Ex. Worse purse curse nurse wus pus, &c. May we venture to defend ourselves by Anglo- Saxon pusa, marsupium ? 6. The u is sometimes merely turned to open a, and the r retained. Ex. Burst curse nurse. We are in some degree kept in countenance by Anglo-Saxon bcerst, ruptus. 7. The short u is sometimes changed into short e, as shut, shet, shutter, shelter, which is the universal pro- nunciation in Suffolk, and in the eastern part of Nor- folk. Chaucer has shet. Wickliffe narrows it still more. And lastly, it is the true Anglo-Saxon scyttan, claudere, whence we have, 8. The short u, convertible into short i. Ex. Shut. In Lowland Scotch, the common form of the verb put is pit. Irregular Sounds of Diphthongs. Ai 1. Followed by r is sounded as if there were no i. Ex. Chair fair pair stair. In Islandic pair is par ; no doubt the Latin word adopted. 2. It is sometimes pronounced broad, as it com- monly is in Greek ; or as it is in the modern Italian, so as to make the proper sound of each vowel in a diphthong, perceptible to the ear, if, indeed, it be not thought a profanation of the Bella Lingua Toscana, to use any of its fine tones to illustrate those of our tra- montane Gothic linguaggia ! To the Greek we can- not be sure that any such affront is offered. 94 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Ex. Plain gain pain fail. Nail twain maid. Nay, in some few words it is made a broad, as oi. We do not take a bait but a boit. 3. Sometimes it is like open a, or a followed by h. Ex. May play pray stay. Mayor* (pronounced as monosyllable). Islandic, mah, may. 4. In one instance, at least, at is sounded like ee. A chain is a cheen ; and so it was in Old English. Au has very generally the sound attributed to the vowel a, in observation A 4. Ex. Aunt paunch laugh. Draught saunter. An is in many words scarcely to be considered as a diph- thong. The vowel a is pronounced open, without any help from iv, and u holding itself ready to begin another syllable, as if another vowel were coming after it, thus, supposing the word drawer, divided and pronounced dra-iuer. In order to pronounce dratv alone, er only is to be cut off, and w left with something of its own power. To those who are not used to it, this may be somewhat difficult, if there be no following vowel. It is easy enough to say " stra-w is dear," * Forty years ago, the Chief Magistrate of the City of Norwich was called the Mahr ; and probably some elderly and old-fashioned people call him so still. But in the progress of refinement, the pronunciation is in general smoothed and polished ; and that ancient city is now ( as the borough of Lynn has been time immemorial ) governed by a worshipful personage called The Mare. INTRODUCTION. 95 la-w is expensive. But to pronounce straw and law- alone, in this manner, nice aim must be taken.* Ea 1. Is sometimes like short i. Ex. Head heaven teat each. Breast ready thread bleach. In Percy's Ballads ych and stydfast occur. Thrid is Old English. And there is even Saxon authority in Anglo-Saxon title, mamma. 2. It is like short u in Ex. Feather leather weather. Pleasant measure pleasure. In pronouncing the last two words great care must be taken to admit no power of the letter h. They must be muzzer and pluzzer. 3. It is sometimes like short a Ex. Earnest leather breakfast. Learn early weather.f Here we have on our side Anglo-Saxon arlice, ma- tutine. 4. Sometimes it is like long a. Ex. Deal beard spread early.f Earth hear bean search. This is a well-known Hibernian pronunciation. How Pat came by it, is not for us to inquire or care. * The pronunciation of the word straw varies very much. It Is sometimes spoken as if it was written stra, without the w, and ha* the long sound of a, as in ale. At other times, as if it were written strar, and pronounced like star ; as are also saw and law. EDIT. f If the same words be found as examples under different obser- vations, it is not to be taken as an oversight. They are pronounced variously. 96 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. We have carefully handed it down from our own fore- fathers. Anglo-Saxon ivac, infirmus, Iqf, reliquiae, &c. 5. It has the sound of long e in some cases in which it ought not to have it. Ex. Deaf tread endeavour. Spread dead instead . Wickliffe has both defe and dede ; and the latter is in Percy's Ballads. 6. Frequently (and particularly in Suffolk) it has the sound of short . Ex. Leather weather, &c. Ee 1. Is sometimes sounded like long a. Ex. Geer cheer beer. Sneer fleer peer. Whether we might be able to defend all these re- puted mispronunciations would only be known by taking more trouble than the most favourable issue would requite, and finding more opportunities than are likely to occur. Two of them, however, may be easily explained if not vindicated. When we call a Peer of the realm a Pair, as if we thought him equal to two ordinary men, we use the word exactly as we received it with its proper French sound. For a reason exactly similar we call beer, bear. It is from the Norman French, bere ; and there can be no rea- son to suppose that the vowel e in the middle of a word had in that ancient language any other sound than that of e masculine, as it is called, in modern French ; and that sound is exactly the long a in Eng- lish. 2. It has sometimes the sound of long z. Ex. Freeze frize. INTRODUCTION. 97 Ei and Ey 1. Have sometimes the sound of open a. Ex. Either neither their. They grey neighbour. This pronunciation is unquestionably ancient. Ei- ther and neither are, in Old English, other and nather ; sometimes other and nother and norther. Wickliffe has even nouther. Ather is in Lowland Scotch. So, probably, by easy analogy is nather, though Jamieson has not inserted it. Their is in Old English written ther, which is but a step to our word thar. 2. They have sometimes the sound of the diphthong ai, in observation ai 2. Ex. Deign either leisure conceive. Vein weigh neighbour receipt. Grey convey obey weigh. We may place some reliance here on Anglo-Saxon tzyther, uter. le Has the sound of short i. Ex. Friend field yield. Frinde is frequent in Old English ; and Chaucer has felde, a step to jild, our word. Oi. and Oy Are very commonly narrowed to long i. Ex. Boil join poison destroy. Point soil foil spoil. Ancient authority is good and abundant. In Percy's Ballads we \\avefile for/of/, and spylt for spoiled. Tus- ser also has the latter. Wickliffe has destrie for de- stroy ; and we find Anglo-Saxon besylan, maculare. VOL. I. K 98 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Oo 1. Is in some words narrowed to long u. Ex. Fool spoon noose goose moor. Moon soon boot noon. We despise the ridicule we have incurred by this paltry sound, which, after all, is by no means peculiar to us. Should these things be ever thoroughly in- vestigated, as they deserve to be, it will be found in other and distant districts ; in the County of Devon certainly, and no less certain in Lowland Scotch. It is ancient. Culeandsune are both in Percy's Ballads; and we find in Somner Anglo-Saxon stupian, se in- clinare, and Brid-guma, sponsus. 2. It is sometimes docked into short u. Ex. Hood wood wool foot. Spoon roof proof broom. This mode of pronouncing the word spoon is much rarer than the former, but a spoonful is invariably a spunful. A brume also is a much commoner domestic utensil than a brum ; but if it happened to be made of hair, it ought by all means to be called a karren brum. As to ancient authority, Tusser uses both Jut and tvul. Ruff is Old English. And there are Anglo-Saxon tvul, lana, and ivuman, faemina. 3. It has the sound of long o in many more words than are commonly so pronounced, whether properly or improperly. Ex. Moor poor took. In fact words of this form are, and ever have been, readily commutable by the help of e final, mute. Toke, none, and rome are, in Old English, very com- mon modes of spelling took, noon, and room. INTRODUCTION. 99 On and Ow. In these last of our diphthong sounds we have the greatest difficulty to encounter, whether in vindicating our practice, or in conveying an idea of it to those who never heard it. In truth, we make very strange havoc with them. They have, with us, three different sounds, all equally departing in different ways from euphony, and from approved usage; sounds which cannot be represented, and to which it is not tb be conceived that any natural organs can give easy and habitual utterance, if any utterance at all, but those of a native East-Angle, or of an old he-cat. 1. The first is a broad twanging sound somewhat, but not exactly, as if it were written au-iv. These three letters are not to be considered as a triphthong; the tc standing independent, and ready, either to ap- ply its force to an initial vowel following, or to rest in itself, if nothing follows, as in observation aw 1. Ex. Ought low owe moult. Dough mow glow soul, &c. 2. The second is considerably narrower, and may be attempted by endeavouring to sound the open a with to after it, as above described. Ex. Power sour devour. Shower scour our. 3. The third is narrower still ; and may be de- scribed as about midway between the legitimate sound of ou and that of long u. Or it may be easier to at- tempt the pronunciation (should any one think of attemping it at all) by lengthening out long M, in- stead of open u, as in the former case. Ex. Cow sow plow. Now crowd proud. 100 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. For narrowing this diphthong, some how or other, if not precisely that, we may at least have taken a hint from the Anglo-Saxon, in which cu is a cow, hits a house, pundls a pound, andbrun is brown. 4. Ou is sometimes reduced to short u. Ex. Could would should. 5. Where it has generally that sound before gh. Ex. Tough rough enough, We give it our third sound of that diphthong. Tow for tough is very common. And Chaucer has written row for rough. 6. W'ords in which ou is commonly sounded like an. Ex. Bought sought nought thought, are pronounced without the Jirst sound of ou. In a Churchwarden's account for the year 1468, the word bought is written boivt. No doubt they pronounced it as they pronounced bow. The two diphthongs an and ou seem to be pretty easily commutable. Sir Thomas More and the poet Skelton both spell the word naughty, as we pronounce (and most likely so did they) noughty. 7. It is notorious that the diphthongs ew and ow are very apt to be confounded. The verb sew, for instance, is generally pronounced sow. Many like instances might be given. The most common if not the only liberties we take are, Yow (with our first sound) for ewe. Douce for deuce. Fow (with our third sound) for Jew. Enew for enow, pi. n. of enough. INTRODUCTION. 101 Irregular uses of Consonants. Ffor V Ex. Vane vetch vagary vat. For the substitution in every one of these words, we have the authority of Chaucer, or of some other an- cient writer. We even find Anglo-Saxon^a^, torcular. G Jinal, hard. If g final be followed by an initial vowel or diph- thong, or if it terminates a syllable in the body of a word, and the next syllable begins with a vowel or diphthong, the g is pronounced as if it belonged to the following word or syllable. This is more general and constant in Suffolk ; variably, partially, or locally, used in Norfolk. If any one be curious to form an exact idea of this harsh and offensive twang, let him endeavour to pronounce, with strict attention to it, the phrase, " bringing in, and flinging out." L mute. It is often dropped in words of the following form, and the o is pronounced as in observation ou f 1. Ex. Old cold told sold hold. The same usage is also Northern English and Low- land Scotch, and is, indeed, analogous to the general pronunciation of such words as could, would, &c. In fact it is Old English. R adscitiiious. It is added to words ending in certain vowels and diphthongs, as au>, OIK, and the open a final, in the K 3 102 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. names of women. " Set the window-r open." " Law-r and justice." ' Anna-r is at home." It is not meant that this is peculiar to our, or any Provincial Dialect. But we constantly use it. It is even sometimes heard from the mouths of persons of education and refine- ment, whose delicate ears, forsooth, cannot endure a hiatu?, but who thus produce a much worse sound, in this offensive and absurd use of the canine letter ; indeed, adopt a positive vulgarism. If the hiatus must, at all risks, be filled up, it is pity some softer mode of accomplishing it cannot be devised. The aspirated Mutes. We seem to have a general disposition to smooth them ; which is particularly observable when th is fol- lowed by r, the h is invariably dropped. Ex. Throat thread threaten through. W and V commutable. These two letters, by perfectly correct speakers, are uniformly substituted for each other, with as much nicety as, in some parts of England, the initial as- piration is used wheresoever it ought not to be, and sunk where it is actually necessary. Of this barbarous violation of euphony, we seem to be quite clear. Nor is it at all common to be scrupulously exact in the misapplication of the two cognate letters, now before us. In general, tu for v is used by rude rustics, and v for tv, by those whose diction has been polished by a town breeding. For the liberties we take with these kindred letters, some excuse may be derived from eomparision of Anglo-Saxon with Islandic words. INTRODUCTION. 103 Many, which in the former begin with w, have in the latter, an initial v. Vide Somner and Hickes. To these might be added some very perverse uses of single consonants ; but occurring only in particular in- stances, and reducible to general rules, besides being undeniably exposed to the charge of positive corrup- tion, they will be better enumerated under that name at the end of this essay, as in their proper intermediate place. Tao intractable to be brought under these ge- neral remarks on pronunciation, they have still less claim to be formally inserted hi the vocabulary. In the mean time, then, we will pass on to some observa- tions on Syllables. The system of English accentuation has a direct tendency to produce indistinctness in pronouncing final syllables. Very few indeed, if any, genuine English words are accented there ; and we generally take the liberty of adjusting, as much as possible, to our own practice, the accentuation of those which we adopt from other languages. Even in such words, an accent on the last syllable is almost invariably a mere mark of necessary distinction of one word from ano- ther, with which it is liable to be confounded. * This general care to avoid touching final syllables may easily be conceived to produce a more particular neg- lect of them in the illiterate, with whom the language is merely oral, who never think of such a thing as or- thography ; still more in those who use some provin- * The substantive decent, and the verb accent may, theniselrei serve as well as any for instances. 104 VOCABULARY OF EAST ~ANGLIA. cial form of it. Whether we excel particularly in this respect is not our concern to determine. We are to contribute what we have, at least what has been noted, and leave it to comparison with what others may pro- duce. Certain it is that we utter final syllables in such a clumsy, careless, and slurring manner, as often to defy all guess at the letters of which they may con- sist. And if at the same time, a little disguise be be- stowed on preceding syllables, it becomes very effec- tual indeed. Who, for instance, quite unskilled in our dialect, could construe the words in the first column below, if he laid his hand over the second ? Still less would he be likely to interpret, if he heard them pro- perly pronounced. Ashup, eshup, or ushup, an ash-heap. Muckup, . a muck-heap. Nettus or nuttus, a neat-house. Duffus or dowus, a dove-house. Allus, ellus, or ullus, an ale-house. Wuddus,* a wood-house. Sid us, sideways. Bridle, bridewell, Ollus or allost, always, Wammle-cheese, one meal cheese. If in these specimens of pronunciation, to which * Of the exactness with which the " unlettered rouse " spells by the ear, a curious proof was exhibited during the ever-memorable con- tested election for Norfolk in the year 1817. It was thus the name of the popular and successful candidate was inscribed on barn-doors, throughout the county, and on all the dead walls in the city. " Mag- num et venerabile nomen ! " though it was thus incidentally made ridiculous, at the very time when it was receiving additional lustre. INTItODUCflOtf. 105 more might be added, we be thought too slovenly, there are others in which we are very elaborately dis- tinct. The termination ive, of adjectives, for instance, which, in the English language commonly glides faintly off the tongue, is drawn out to its full length. Ex. Expensive positive abusive native. Here we are quite ready with our defence. These words are French ; or rather Latin originally, coming to us through French, and therefore accented on the last syllable. So we found, and so we use them. Nor are words of this form the only ones which we thus use (contrary to the general rule) neat as im- ported. Enemy' and envy' are instances. And we follow the analogy of the latter word in its adjective envious. Adjectives in able, which have commonly the accent on the antepenultimate of polysyllables, or even farther back, are accented by us on the penultimate, especially when it is intended to give them emphatic force. Ex. Lamentable abominable, &c. Here we may plead the same defence. Adverbs in /y, particularly when the sense of them is meant to be emphatical, have the accent on the last syllable, as continually', certainly', &c. This ter- mination is Saxon, and is in fact, a word, lick, synony- mous with like. So those adverbs in strictness are a sort of compound words, and the last syllable is likely to have been pronounced more distinctly than it com- monly is in its present form. Words of exclamation, of whatsoever grammatical rank, are used in the same manner. Mr. Pegge no- 106 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. tices this use of Goodness ! And we have " Lord ha' mercy ! " and others, seemingly ad libitum. To that very meagre and insignificant syllable le final, which a Frenchman bites off at once, and an Englishman scarcely deigns to touch with the tip of his tongue, we are apt to give very undue prominence, by pronouncing it ul, as possibul, &c. For this pro- nunciation, coarse and awkward as it may seem, we appeal to Spencer, who writes Iqfful for baffle. In- deed, he is himself under authority; for the le is no other than the Saxon termination ol, of which very many instances may be given. So much then for final syllables. But we are not satisfied with slurring them over in the manner, of which a sufficiency of examples has been given. We clutter and huddle together, the syllable of two or more words, into a combination of which no consti- tuent part can bo recognised. Many instances of this sort are afforded by connecting together the negative particle and a verb. Such forms are pretty numerous in all dialects, and in colloquial use. We have only to enumerate our own, or a competent number of them, to which additions might be made. Shant, (a. 4.) " Shall not. Cant, (a. 4.) Can not. Ont, wont Will (wull) not. Dint -N Dent > Did not. Dant J Shunt Should (shuld) not. Wunt Would (wuld) not. INTRODUCTION. 107 Mant, (a. 4.) May not. Warnt Were not. Eent Is not. Aint Am not. Heent Has (hes) not. Hant Had not. Of like sort are several combinations of the pronoun it, represented by an initial or final t. Tut To it. Dut Do it. Wut With (wuth) it. Het Have it. Tebbin * It has been. Some are combinations of verbs, with other words : Cup Come up. Gup Go up. Gout Go out. Gin Go in. Giz Give us. Shakspeare uses dup for do ope. Doff and don for do o^and do on, are very well known, and certainly Old English. Perhaps the four following are our own : K'ye here, or k'ere. K'ye there. K'ye hinder, or k'inder. K'ye thinder. * The pronouns possessive hisn, ourn, yourn, theirn, so very com- mon among cocknies, are little used by us ; only, perhaps, by some affected persons who seem to consider them as more than common elegancies. They are certainly condensations of his own, &c. 108 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. respectively signifying, " Look ye here, there, or yonder." But all these are tight compact condensations of two, or, at most, three short words. Some are on a larger scale. An example or two had been preserved, but have unluckily escaped. This loss is the less to be lamented, as Major Moor's Collection of Suffolk Words, supplies a very queer one. A girl was em- ployed to keep coM'S, a task commonly allotted to boys. She called herself a galcobaw ; a word which might puzzle the most learned East Anglian philologist. It was found, however, to mean a girl-cow-boy. Whe- ther the strange word be in any degree of currency, or whether it was merely hit off by chance, does not appear. It may serve to exemplify the habit of jum- bling words together, which is, indeed, pretty much ad libitum. The following may be thought a neat cluster of small samples : " M'aunt bod me g'into th'archard, and call m'uncle into house." If Ray's interpretation of one of Sir Thos. Browne's words be correct (as it probably is) our ancestors in his time possessed more skill and bestowed more pains on these ingenious fabrications, than we do. The word alluded to is now, indeed, and probably has very long been, totally out of use. But the celebrity of the name (on which alone it rests) must rescue it from oblivion. The same consideration must also save it from being thus swept into a corner among rubbish. It must be inserted and interpreted in its place in the Vocabulary. Therefore, V. Samodothee. We seem now to be naturally and easily led to the subject of INTRODUCTION. 109 Corruptions, A title under which we must be content to class many perversions and distortions of legitimate words, not reducible to the foregoing, or to any rules ; not mere peculiarities of pronunciation, changes of the organic powers of letters, or of the form of syllables ; but, more or less, of the very structure of words. Such aberrations are to be found in abundance in every provincial dialect ; the same in more than one ; in many ; in most ; or even in all ; so as rather to de- serve the name of general vulgarisms. They seem to have been too freely admitted into some recent Glos- saries. In this a few choice specimens only will be inserted for special reasons. From this opprobrious character it would be trifling to attempt'?, general vin- dication of them. Yet, for some may be pleaded, in different degrees of exculpation, their high antiquity, their analogical formation, their occurring in the works of grave authors, -or their possible derivation from such sources as make them not less, perhaps even more ex- pressive, than the words of which they seem to be awkward or fantastical representatives. The following catalogue coincides * in a great mea- sure with that given by Mr. Pegge in his Anecdotes of the English Language. He keeps these words se- * This coincidence may serve to prove, as far as such words can prove, and as far as they are of competent antiquity, the good sym- pathy and sisterly likeness between the popular language of the East Angles, and that of their near neighbours the East Saxons; for with that ancient nation must Mr.JPegge's favourites and protege's, the cockneys, be numbered, . , VOL. I. L 110 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. parate as they are kept here, that they may not en- cumber those which he means more particularly to discuss. The whole of his collection is not inserted here, only as much of it as we can claim. Yet this is much ampler than his ; and it might have been consi- derably enlarged, had not the rule been rigidly ob- served, to admit no word which could not be fairly said to be in current use among us. There would be no end of noticing every missed aim at a hard word, which one may have happened once to hear. Besides, it might be thought uncourteous, as well as tedious to call Mrs. Malaprop, or Mrs. Slipslop, to a very strict account for their diction. There is scarcely a trisyllable in the English language (to go no farther) of which a travestie might not be ex- hibited off-hand every day and every where, by those who are fond of using what they reckon fine words, without knowing the form or the meaning of them. There is, indeed, another class of anomalous words, of more value than these, connected with, but not to be identified with them. Words so slippery and fuga- cious as to elude any attempt to form a collection of them, but which ought to be noticed somewhere, and, perhaps, no where more opportunely than at this point. It is observable, most likely in all cases, cer- tainly in ours, that in popular and oral language, where there is no recorded and acknowledged standard to which speakers feel themselves obliged to conform, there exists a strong propensity to what is called the coinage of words. Words are struck off on the spur of the occasion, on the principle of the figure onoma- opoeia, but sometimes strongly and happily expressive, INTRODUCTION. Ill such as to remind one of the courteous reply of a po- lite Frenchman to an Englishman who had apologised for his bad French : <- Ce que vous dites, Monsieur, n'est pas Francois, mais il merite bien 1'etre ;" words suggested to the speaker by anger, grief, disappoint- ment, surprise, or some other vehement and sudden emotion ; random and extemporaneous words, never thought of before, never likely to be used again *. These airat, eipjjjueva can have no pretension to appear among words of " good admission." If a single one has found its way into these pages, it is an estray, which was allowed to creep in through inadvertence., and not detected on revision. To almost every one of Mr. Pegge's words is an- nexed a short note, explanatory, illustrative, or in some sort exculpatory, and all expressed with his cha- racteristic peasantry. With not one of these annota- tions has the Author ventured to make free. Nothing is more dangerous to borrow than a jest ; and no mode of borrowing more clearly betrays poverty, or rather beggary. Any East Angle who wishes to claim a share in these apologies, as far as they concern him, will do well to have recourse to the book, and may de- pend on finding much amusement and information. And, in return, if in any case it should happen, that * In other words, on the principle of making the " sound seem an echo to the sense," or rather a comment on the sense. This ex- planation may, perchance, enable some reader, well acquainted with his mother-tongue, but not familiar with the names or powers of the figures of rhetoric, to bear witness to the correctness of this obser - vation. 112 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. more light is thrown here on any word than Mr. Pegge has afforded, the Cockney is heartily welcome to the benefit of it. It is intended to give Ii3re, as nearly as possible, a simple nomenclature, and to leave the words in general to shift for themselves, as best they may. Entirely to avoid encumbering the List with notes, should some lucky formation, some quaint ana- logy, perhaps some weighty authority, seem to entitle any word to particular notice, it will be marked with an asterisk here, and repeated in the Vocabulary, as the properer place to say whatever can be said on its behalf. Some little improvement has been attempted in arrangement, by throwing the words under different heads, in order to give a clearer view of them. Whe- ther this may have been worth the trouble, let the reader judge. It will of course be understood, that, in our use of them, they are subject to the rules of pronunciation, if they can be so called, which have- been above laid down. 1. To some words is added the letter d or t, by the figure called paragoge: Attact for Attack. Close-t Close. Drownd Drown. Epitapht Epitaph. Gallont Gallon. Gownd Gown. *Margent Margin. Nice-t Nice. Paragraph! Paragraph. *Regiment Regimen. Scholard Scholar. Sermont Sermon, INTRODUCTION. 113. *Simont for Simon. Sould Soul Surgeont Surgeon. Talont Talon. Verment Vermin. Wind Wine. 2. To some a whole syllable is added: Masoner for Mason. Musicianer Musician. Physicianer Physician. Teamer Team. 3. Some assume an initial s: Snoose for Noose. Snotch Notch. Squench Quench. Squink Wink. Squit Quit. 4. In some the first syllable is changed: Bagonet for Bayonet, Compacity Capacity. Court of Arms Coat of Arms. Discommode Incommode. Disgest Digest. Dismolish Demolish. Eminent. Imminent. Mislest Molest. Perdigious Prodigious. Preverse Perverse. Star-naked Stark-naked. Vocation Vacation. . In some the last syllable : Agash for Aghast. L3 114 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Ballat for Ballad. Becase Because. Bedisle Bedizen. Chaply Chapel. Chimbly Chimly J Chimney. Clash Class. Conquest. Concourse. Delightsome Delightful. *Disburst Disburse. Drugster Druggist. Effidge Effigy. Fancical Fanciful. Flustrate Fluster. Furnitude Furniture. Jaunders Jaundice. Luxurious Luxuriant. Moral Model. Notage Notice. Otherguess Otherguise. Portmantle Portmanteau. Quite Quiet. Refuge Refuse. Rheumatics, s. pi. Rheumatism. Rheumaty pains Rheumatic pains. Rinch Rinse. Roment Romance. *Rubbage Rubbish. *Skirmage Skirmish. Successfully Successively. Timorsome - Timborsome J Timorous. INTRODUCTION. 115 for Topsy-turvy. Topsy-tivy Undenting Undermine! 6. Some are deformed by insertion of superfluous letters : for Bachelor. Bin. Cavalry. Commonalty. Confiscate. Desolate. Dilatory. Disposal. Dubious. Enormous. Flagitious Fairy. Furlough. Industrious. Manner. Partner. Proprietor. Ruin. Solitary. Speckled. Stupendous. Stupify. Bacheldor Bing Cavaltry Commonality Confisticate Destolate Dilantory Disposial Duberous Enormerous Flagititious Frairy Furbelow Industerous Mander Partender Properietor Ruinate Solentary *Spreckled Stupenduous Stuprify Sudges Tremenduous Suds. Tremendous. Some by omittting necessary letters : Bacca for Tobacco. Chai Chaise. 116 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. *Christan for Christian. Curosity Curiosity. Curous Curious. Debiliate Debilitate. Fictious Fictitious. Ingenous Ingenious. Necessiate Necessitate. Ruffin Ruffian. Tedous Tedious. Vement Vehement. Versal Universal. Volumous Voluminous. 8. It is easy enough to conceive that Latin words, retained in their own form, as in terms of Law, &c. are very open to corruption : Arcy-farsy for Vice-versa. Cavy Peccavi. Cessarary Certiorari. Crissy Crisis. Davy Affidavit. Diddimous Dedimus. Hizy-prizy Nisi prius. Hoxy-croxy Oxycroceum. Hoizon Horizon. Nolus-bolus Nolens volens. Non-plush i *Non-plunge / Non P lus * Primmery -i T, . . > rremumre. Pnmmmery J 9. There remains no inconsiderable number in which the distortion or dislocation is too great or too INTRODUCTION. 117 general to allow them to be otherwise arranged than in alphabetical order : Acquese for Acquiesce. *Artiflexy Apoplexy. Bewiddle Bewilder. Blather Bladder. Brefkas Breakfast. Cartrach Cateract. Coalese (diss.) Coalesce. Crowner - Cronnier / Coroner. Cutriments, Accoutrements. Farisee Fairy. Farrage Fairing. Fidgy Effigy. Fisherate Officiate. Gash-full -) Gashly / Ghastly. Hobble Hovel. Howsomedever Howsoever. *Hume Hymn. Inquiration Inquiry. Intossicate ~i Intosticate J Intoxicate. *Intrust Interest. Jocotious Jocose. Juggler's vein The jugular vein. Liceness License. *Miscomfortune Misfortune. *Miscomhap Mishap. *Narrow-wriggle Earwig. Nechthorn Nectarine. 118 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Newelty ^ Neweltry J for Novelty Nottomy Anatomy. *Numpost Imposthume. Obligate Oblige. Odious Odorous. Obstropulous Obstreperous. Oudacious Audacious. Palaratoch Paralytic. Permiscous Promiscuous. *Plumpendicular Perpendicular. Porpus Pauper. Portingal Portugal. Pumgenet Pomegranate. Quivy Equivocate. Rale Real. Semblitude Similitude. Sinnable Syllable. Singafy-fize ,. Sinnify-fize s. Signify. Singnafy-fize J Scrummage Skirmish. Speciously Especially. *Spettacle Spectacle. Surficate - Snufficate J Suffocate. Tater ~\ Potato. Tate J Timinate Intimidate. Trinkle -> Trittle / Trickle. Turpentine walk Serpentine walk. INTRODUCTION. 119 Vamment for Vomit. * Viper's dance Unbombinable Saint Vitus's dance. Abominable. *Upperhand *Upperlet Wagabone *Whosomedever Apprehend. Epaulet. Vagabond. Whosoever. Whatsomedever Whatsoever. Whensomedever Whensoever. If any words have been improperly inserted or omitted in this catalogue, placed under wrong heads, repeated in the Vocabulary, or inserted there with less propriety than here ; and if any apology be necessary, for errors or oversights so very likely to happen, it is now offered. 120 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. ESSAY III. On some peculiarities of East Anglian Grammar. The Anglo-Saxon Grammars, of which we now ac- knowledge the authority, are entirely retrospective. They were not compiled till the language had gone through all its stages; nor, indeed, till it had been many centuries extinct. The English language, in its turn, passed through the greatest part of its progress, without a Grammar. None of any general practical utility has been in existence much above half a cen- tury. Dr. Johnson, in discussing the question of Shakspeare's learning, says, he " had only Latin enough to grammaticise his English." In fact, in the Poet's time, it was the only possible way of gramma- ticising it. His great contemporary and rival, Ben Jonson, indeed, wrote a grammar, but he could not avail himself of it; and it is not easy to conceive who could. The numerous schools founded in the latter half of the sixteenth, and the earlier part of the seven- teenth centuries, in which the elements of Latin and Greek were to be taught, were called Grammar Schools, and still retain that name. To learn those elements, was to learn Grammar, and it could no otherwise be learned. Our great etymological grammarian Dr. Wallis, INTRODUCTION. 121 when he enters on his discussion of the Parts of Speech, excuses himself from giving a formal detail of them, in confidence that none of his readers can need such an elementary statement, by their ignorance of Latin grammar, in which language he wrote. The same excuse may be made here for a similar reason. Every reader must be presumed to be competently ac- quainted with English grammar. Our Provincial for- mations and constructions agree with it in the main. We have not wherewithal to construct a particular East Anglian Grammar, or even an Accidence. No- thing more is intended than to give some account of certain deviations from general and established usage. Fastidious critics, who can endure their mother tongue in that form only which they consider as the most im- proved and refined, may choose to look upon these as mere grammatical anomalies. Be it so, if so it seem good to them. We will not cavil about a term. Thus much, however, may undeniably be said on behalf of such local usages. Their regular and unvaried recur- rence strongly implies the existence of some rule, which, though it be no where written, is uniformly obeyed ; and, like some other causes of infinitely more moment, operates unseen, to produce constant and vi- sible effects ; while those who contribute habitually to the production of those effects, are perfectly unconsci- ous of the cause. In the course of our inquiry, some of them may, peradventure, be found in the darkness of remote antiquity, and may add, not inconsiderably, to the proof afforded by the derivations of our words. They are said to be characteristic of our dialect. It is VOL. I. M 122 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGL1A. not meant that they are exclusively so. Some of them may also characterise other dialects. So much the better. Our proofs of antiquity will be strengthened by that of common origin. To give them the only sort of order to which they can be reduced, they will be placed under the heads of the several parts of speech in which they are observable. The Definite Article. This little word was of no inconsiderable importance in our parent language. Besides its necessary pre- sence to point out any particular object or objects among many, it was even sometimes prefixed to pro- per names and abstract nouns, as in Greek, 6 AXefrtv- pos and ft ApeZrj. It is not our present concern to ascertain by what rules, and under what circumstances, it was so used in either of those languages. Our con- cern is with the omission, not the seeming redundance of it. Hickes says, that in his Dano-Saxon dialect, the article " ut plurimum omittitur." Now, as it is not easy to conceive limits to our oral tradition when it is once in motion, there can be no violent improba- bility in supposing that the omissions of this sort, pre- sently to be produced, have been transmitted to us from the Lord-Danes, who so long domineered in East Anglia. Such traditional modes of speech may well be conceived to grow fainter, to waver and vary, yet still to manifest sufficient traces of their continued ex- istence, though not in full force, even among very re- mote posterity. The omission of the article in some instances, in INTRODUCTION. 123 which it might be used, is very general. Every body talks of going to town, or to church. The sportsman pursues his game to covert, or to earth, and finds it above ground or under water; but these several sub- stantives are used in a general and indefinite sense. The omission of the article to be observed here, is when it properly bears its character of definite ; when it should precede substantives in a particular and indi- vidual signification ; and that only in the case of nouns of a certain description, and under certain circum- stances. The nouns are names of familiar, and for the most part domestic objects ; as, house, barn, stable ; parlour, kitchen, chamber ; chair, table, basket ; yard, garden, field ; pond, ditch, river. And farther, the omission is observable only after prepositions signify- ing motion to or from them. Ex. Walk into house ; go up chamber ; put the apples into basket ; turn the dog into yard ; come out of barn, &c. It is never said that the horse is in stable, that a crow flew over barn, that there are flowers in garden, fish in pond, &c. It may be farther observed, that when the preposi- tion ends, and its noun begins, with a vowel, some con- trivance seems necessary to save our sensitive ears from the pain of a hiatus. To effect this the article is used with an elision of its vowel. Ex. Send him into th' orchard. He is going on to th' ice. Put the bread into th' oven. Though some times the article is omit- ted even in these embarrassing cases, but not without a similar guard against the hiatus ; as, on t' ice, int* oven. If it be not positively proved, it does not seem safe to deny, that this idiomatical peculiarity is a rem- 124 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. nant, vague and obscure as it may be thought, yet still in existence, of an " ut pluriraum " characteristic of the Dano-Saxon dialect. Nouns. i In a very considerable variety of instances we use the same form to express both the numbers. This is, indeed, by no means a peculiarity of ours, or of any other Provincial dialect. There certainly are some substantives in the English language distinguished by this formation, or rather non-formation of their plurals. But, as it is a subject which does not seem to have been sufficiently considered by any of our gramma- rians, and is rather a curious one, we may perhaps be allowed to endeavour to throw some light upon it here, without incurring blame for going too far beyond our tether. Of this identity of the two numbers Dr. Lowth gives only two instances, sheep and deer. He might have given more from the animal kingdom ; as plover and grouse among birds ; salmon and mackarel among fish. Indeed, the word fish itself is an instance, and several other species of it might be mentioned. He might also have added horse in the military use of it. We could furnish him with another beast, meaning animals of the beeve kind in a fattening state, or designed for it. Swine too, is pretty generally so used, but very impro- perly no doubt, as it is essentially a plural word, of which sow is the singular. But whatsoever additional instances might be produced, they could not constitute a rule. The names of animals, wild or tame, terres,- INTRODUCTION. 125 trial, aerial, aquatic, or amphibious, neither are, nor ever were, in any stage of our language, nor in the Anglo-Saxon, generally used in the plural number without variation. Dr. Johnson has not even men- tioned this class of plurals. Lowth, in treating afterwards on the construction of sentences, lays it down as a rule of English Grammar, that "nouns of measure, number, and weight, (dura- tion might have been added,) are sometimes found in a singular form, with numeral adjectives denoting plurality, as fifty foot, six score," &c. Surely it is strange that the grammarian should give his ex- press sanction to a violation of that essential principle of grammar, concord. As this is said only to happen sometimes, and as the instances which will soon be produced prove that it happens irregularly or licen- tiously, it seems safer to refer such instances to the class of unchanged plurals. And, though it should be undeniable that plural forms exist of the very same words in which this identity is sometimes observed, by going a little farther into the subject, it may be shewn that the difficulty is less of taking the singular form for the plural, pro hdc vice, than of conceiving the bar- barous incongruity of singular substantives with plural adjectives. In the primitive simplicity of language, it is easy to suppose that, when a name had been given to any thing, and it became necessary to speak of more than one such thing, the idea of plurality was conveyed by connecting with the name some particle, or other word of numerical signification ; and that, in process of time and improvement, inflected plurals were intro- M 3 126 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. duced by the permanent connection of them. No actual proof of this, with examples, can reasonably be demanded. In its nature it can rest on grounds of probability only. No specimens are producible of what any language was in its very infancy. That this observation is applicable to the Anglo Saxon language is in the very highest degree probable. It is actually certain that all nouns in it were not so changed. Some continued, even in its highest state of improvement, to express under the same form both singularity and plu- rality, and must therefore have been explained by some other word or words standing in occasional con- struction with them. The learned Dr. Hickes makes six declensions of Anglo-Saxon substantives. They have been since reduced to three, which seem quite sufficiently comprehensive. His fourth is one of those which have been abolished, and thrown in among the others. It contained the nouns which were the same in both numbers ; and he says the neuter nouns in general belonged to it. In his Islandic Grammar, he says that all neuter nouns in that language were the same in both numbers. Here, then, in two of the main branches of the great Gothic stock from which our language springs, we find a general authority for our economy, in sometimes making one word serve a dou- ble purpose. We must rest content that it is general. It would be waste of time and pains to endeavour to ascertain whether all the words which we use in this manner were derived from one or the other of those ancient tongues ; and whether they were of the fourth declension in the Saxon, or of the neuter gender in the Islandic. But, if it convey no very valuable in- INTRODUCTION. 127 formation, it may at least afford some amusement, and perhaps illustration, if we consider somewhat particu- larly our variable and undefinable copies of our ancient models. We will take the several classes of those nouns as Lowth has arranged them, nouns of measure, number, and weight, taking the liberty to add nouns of duration, which he has not mentioned. In nouns of measure of length, we have mile in the plural, and not furlong or yard; foot and span, but not inch or line. Neither do we so use the superior denominations, league or degree. Perhaps, indeed, it may be safe to assert, in general, that the usage pre- vails in those words only which have come to us from or through the Gothic. In measures of capacity, dry or fluid, we have chal- dron, last, coom, strike, as plurals; but not bushel or peck. Tun, but not hogshead, barrel, gallon, or quart. In square or superficial measure, it is usual with us to speak of two rood or twenty perch ; but not of ten acre. In solid measure, we fell so many load of timber, and dig so many floor of earth. Of nouns of number, million, thousand, hundred, score, dozen, couple, pair, brace, leash, serve both purposes, and seem to constitute the only description of nouns which have been thus used without variation or exception, in old and in modern English, general as well as provincial, and in Anglo-Saxon, so far as it has been traced. And for the practice in this class of nouns, a reason, at least very plausible, may be as- signed. The idea of plurality is so necessarily in- 128 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. volved in every one of them, that it might not be thought requisite to invest them with a plural form. It is not, however, to be understood that these words have absolutely never distinct plurals. The identity of the two numbers goes through them all, indeed, but only when they are preceded by a numeral adjective strictly so called, a cardinal number ; not by a sort of quasi numeral, as many, several, few. Everybody says three million, five thousand, &c. but many hun- dreds, several scores, &c. Indeed, in the former case, the noun of number coalesces, as it were, with the an- nexed cardinal, and they become jointly one adjec- tive ; in the second, it has its proper character of a substantive, attended by its adjective. It is like mille and millia in Latin. The numeral is also properly a substantive after a preposition, and assumes the plural termination ; as, "lay them in dozens," " count them by scores," &c. This suggests the mention of a prac- tice among us, totally the reverse of this parsimony of plurality in nouns of number. We sometimes make them even a double allowance of it. If we are count- ing a considerable number of things, by two, three, &c. we say we count by tivoses, threeses, &c. The number of such combinations being large, we express that idea absurdly, and, to confess the truth, barbar- ously. But I am not aware of any other instance of this profuse plurality. We certainly never run against postesses, as the cocknies do. Of nouns of weight, the pound, and all denomina- tions above it, pass unchanged into the plural. Pound, stone, quarter, todd, wey, hundred weight, and ton, are equally expressive of one and of many. But not so are ounce, dram, &c. INTRODUCTION. 129 On the intermediate word, pound) it may be worth while to be somewhat more particular. It is used as a denomination of money, as well as of actual weight. Originally, the two senses were coincident. A pound weight of gold and a money-pound were synonymous. In Saxon times, the pound of gold was divided into sixty shillings, which progressively decreased both in number and value. The shilling was divided into pence, always the same in number, but of course de- creasing in value. Neither of these inferior denomina- tions ever followed the example of their principal in the plural number. They have at all times been shil- lings and pence. Or, if there be any exception, it must be some obscure provincial usage, not yet brought to light. Another inferior denomination was the mark, two-thirds of the pound. This did follow the analogy of its superior, while money accounts were kept in marks, as they now are in pounds. Shakspeare speaks of a " ring worth forty mark." Just so do we say "twenty pound." Pope has repeatedly written "ten pound;" and, to guard against all mistake, has rhymed it. For this word, thus used, we claim not only Anglo-Saxon and continued English, but even Latin authority. Twenty pound is exactly viginti pondo. In Anglo-Saxon, from which we must have had it immediately, it is pund. Whether it came to the Saxons from the Romans during their inroads, or to the Romans from the Goths, in a much earlier age, or to both from some other source, is neither ascer- tainable nor worth ascertaining. Of nouns of duration, we have positive Anglo-Saxon proof of year in the plural number. In the Saxon 130 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Chronicle we read "twentig geare," which is precisely our twenty year. And we use here the compound words a seven-year (septennium), and a hundred-year (centuria), both unchanged in the plural number. But we never talk of six month, three week, four day, or five hour. Upon the whole, then, on our own behalf or that of others (to which assistance they are heartily wel- come), we seem to have obtained satisfactory general proof of Saxonism in this point. The great irregula- rity and variableness of the usage, and the impossibi- lity of confining it by anything like a strict rule, we must reverently submit to the unquestionable autho- rity of that "arbitrium loquendi," which gradually erects itself into "jus et norma." Whether, in the present state of our language, any one, who aims at perfect correctness of expression, be justifiable in using any of these archaisms, is a question of criticism in which we have no concern. We retain the Anglo-Saxon plural termination in n or en, in such words as housen, closen, cheesen. But this ancient formation is not so current and familiar in our dialect as it is in some others, and in old English. The final syllable er of many words, signifying the offices or occupations of men, and nearly resembling the or masculine in Latin, and the rjp and wp in Greek, is in the Anglo-Saxon not merely a syllable, but, in fact, an entire word. It is tver, a man ; the very same as the Latin vir. So that a baker is a bakeman, a painter a paint-man, &c. So firmly established is this an- cient traditional termination, that words derived from other tongues, and already complete in their forma- INTRODUCTION. 131 tion, are wont to be lengthened out with this Saxon adjunct, as if it were essential to the conveyance of the full sense of the word ; as a masoner, a musicianer, &c. The synonymous word man, which is also Saxon, is sometimes employed in the same service, and even in addition to the er. But the word thus fabricated is by no means intended as a respectful appellation. I have often heard of a soldier-man, a lawyer-man, a doctor man, and even (salva sit reverential) a parson- man. The same terminal syllable, er, sometimes makes words equivalent to those which are formed in Latin in anus or ensis, signifying the inhabitants of places. The word Londoner is nearly, if not absolutely, the only one which has obtained general currency. The names of very few places admit the termination so easily and fluently. We have no scruples of that sort. Not only are the inhabitants of Norwich called Nnr- tvichers, and those of the neighbouring villages Cat- toners, Eatoners, Earlhamers, &c. none of which words is very offensively harsh, but we form similar words at all risks, ad libitum. For instance, an old farmer in West-Norfolk went to Thetford, and took lodgings there to drink the mineral water, with the same hope with which "Dean Spavin, Dean Mangy, and Dr. de Squirt," were sent some years ago from Cambridge to Bath. Returning to see how his household and his cattle fared, he told a neighbour that he must go back again in three days, for he was become quite a Thet- forder. The formation is still Anglo-Saxon, however offensively to the ear it may sometimes be exemplified by modern East Angles. 132 VOCABULARV OF EAST ANGLIA. Adjectives. Dr. Wallis has given a small list in en, which he calls material, such as golden, wooden, earthen, &c. The whole number amounts to but ten ; and h adds, "raro alia." He might have added some which assume only the letter n, if the substantive ends in a vowel or diphthong, as stratvn is used by Bishop Hall ; or if it ends in r } * as leathern. Some might have been no- ticed with the same termination which cannot be called material, as northern, &c. The alia, not enu- merated by the learned grammarian, probably lie scattered in provincial dialects. We can contribute specimens. We make use of hornen spoons, tinnen pots, and glassen bottles. We make wine of eldern berries; and have not quite left off the ancient cus- tom of regaling on tansy pudding on Eastern Sunday. Adjectives are often used for the adverbs formed from them ; as " to behave rude," " to speak plain." This is readily recognised, however it came to us, as a Greek idiom. Lowth says it is "not according to the genius of the English language." Why not ? The syllable ful is added to some adjectives for the purpose of increasing or strengthening their meaning. Ex. "It is a longjul while since I have seen you" a very long while is meant, longer than if it had been simply called " a long while." It is, in fact, the old English phrase " full long." But by turning this phrase " end for end," as we say, and by making one compound word, we seem to ourselves to express the idea with more neatness and force. Chaucer, however, has silveren. INTRODUCTION^ 133 Of the duplications, and reduplications, and accu- mulations of comparatives and superlatives, we have' our full-share. We come behind none in this 'expres- sive phraseology. There seems to have been in. all language, more or less, a propensity to hyperbolize in this matter beyond the strict limits of idiomatical pro- priety. In our own it is certainly very conspicuous. Our principal grammarians seem to have paid little attention to the subject. As it was their office to lay down rules and laws, they may have thought it none of their concern to enumerate violations of them. They may have been passed over as vulgarisms and provincialisms. Then they come properly within this our humbler sphere. Ben Jonson, indeed, offers grave reasons for some of these. Of what may be called the super-superlative, for instance, he says that it is an English Atticism; and very happily illustrates his po- sition, by adding that it is after the mot>t nntiente&t of the Greek writers; who, as the learned Ben might have recollected, were not Attics. Dr. Johnson ob- serves, that, " in a language subjected so little and so late'ly to grammar," such anomalies, even in good writers, "must frequently occur." The instances, which he proceeds to give from some old authors, are only of adjectives regularly compared by er and est, instead of the signs more and most, which are now thought more correct in those cases. This is by no means viewing the whole of the subject. Dr. Lowth mentions "double comparatives and superlatives" in a note, and passes a general censure on them, with a single exception, but says nothing explanatory. Mr. Pegge, in his Anecdotes of the English Language, is 134< VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. led by the nature of his subject to do what is much more to the purpose. He gives many instances of these irregularities, with very amusing apologies for the cocknies who use them, in quotations from many eminent writers in prose and verse, and of different ages. Not that he means to vindicate these erroneous practices, but to account for them, and to refer them to their Anglo-Saxon model, not individually, but col- lectively and analogically. Yet still, much ai has been said by that entertaining and instructive writer, it seems as if something farther might be said on the subject, as far at least as double, or more than double, comparatives are concerned ; not, indeed, with a view to the vindication of any one of them, but of suggest- ing some not improbable reason for their origin and formation. The positive degree is fixed and unchanged. We must take it as we find it. Indeed some grammarians have doubted whether it ought properly to be called a degree at all. This, however, is only uselessly dis- puting about a term. We proceed to the compara- tive. There we find more, and perhaps progressively more and more, of the quality signified by the posi- tive. There are successive shades of meaning. To express these, the word degree would be very objec- tionable, as it must produce confusion. Suppose, then, they be called sub- degrees. For example, here is something, no matter what, positively bad. On looking farther, we find other things of the same kind, comparatively and progressively worse, much worse, very much worse. Why not apply the Saxon comparative termination er, and say they are worse, worser, worserer? INTRODUCTION. 135 It is only suggested that these words might thus have arisen. It is not likely they would always be used with exact discriminating precision. But this might be the origin of them, and that is all we want to come at. Supposing them used with due regard to the import of each, we should be able to give in one word, what must otherwise cost two ; what has, indeed, been actually expressed in two by many of our best writers. Shakspeare says " more better," " more happier," " more sharper." We might thus get at least an in- telligible interpretation of our phrase, " worser and worserer." Sometimes, from inattention to propriety of expression, " worserer and worserer," it would ex- press such a deterioration of what is already bad, as almost to have reached the very extreme point; to have become only not so bad, as that which is absolutely the very worst of all. From this same progress of comparative meaning, we might get a more plausible account of such words as better-most, upper-most) inner-most, &c. All the first parts of these words are of comparative import, whe- ther they be strictly comparative degrees from positive adjectives or not. What have been called the sub- degrees might stand thus : Better, betterer, more better ; better-most, most better. The meaning would be so much improved, as to have closely approached, or even actually attained, the ex- treme point of the good quality. That point once reached, there can be no farther progress. In the superlative degree, the sub-degrees, which have been mentioned, can have no existence. If 136 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. any one be dissatisfied with its full force, as not amounting to what he wishes to express, no farther in- tention can be effected, than by doubling the superla- tive upon itself, as it cannot go backward into the com- parative. It cannot be denied that the effect of this doubling may sometimes be very striking; in some very few instances, even sublime. But it will warrant no such low expressions as, " the most wickedest ac- tion," the " most worthlessest character," the " most rascalliest trick," &c. Though truly, should one inad- vertently blunder into the use of these, or any such like expressions, he might endeavour to draw some consolation from knowing that the great Sir Thomas More has gone as low as " most basest." If we have a peculiar claim to any of these seemingly disorderly words, it may be to lessest and ivorsest ; so far at least as may be inferred from their not occurring in the glossaries of other provincial dialects. Dr. Wal- lis, indeed, contends that lessest is the proper Anglo- Saxon superlative ; that least is a syncopated form of it, and ought therefore to be written lest . Pennant has actually adopted this emendation. We use also littlest ; which is but an instance of that affectation of regularity, of which several are given in verbs. Worsest is very properly inserted by Major Moor among his Suffolk words. This may be accounted for in like manner as lessest. We retain the ancient form, which by syncope has become tvorst. Our countryman Tus- ser has ixorsest. It may deserve to be remarked, that we have a strong manner of expressing the superlative degree, by the simple expedient of comparing the positive with INTRODUCTION. 137 itself. Thus, if any thing be extremely white, we say it is " as white as white ;" meaning that it is inexpres- sibly, or inconceivably white ; white as whiteness itself in the abstract. " As old as old," meaning that any attempt to ascertain its age would be fruitless. Before we quit the consideration of adjectives, some notice must be taken of our great fondness for com- pound epithets. Though they be generally under- stood to be the proper ornaments of poetical or highly rhetorical composition, we use them in our most fami- liar colloquy. It will be readily conceived that the formation of them is somewhat licentious. In fact, they are "graces snatched beyond the reach of art." It is not therefore easy to prescribe rules for the use of them. Some little may, however, be done in this way. For instance, familiar similes are easily convertible, and often converted, into them. If any body, or any thing, be as white as snow, or as black as a coal, it is more poetical to call it snow-white, or coal-black. But we are fond of decorating our plain prose with the same elegance. When we meet with something as dry as a bone bleached in the air j as bitter as gall ; as cold as a frog ; as slow as a slug ; as tired as a dog with his day's hunting ; instead of formally detailing our mean- ing in set terms, we give it, with a more graceful concin- nity, in the compound form, bone-dry, gall-bitter, slug-slow, frog-cold, dog-tired. We follow an ancient model. Shakspeare has dog-weary, snail-slow, and key-cold, where he certainly does not mean to make his characters express themselves poetically. One other mode of fabricating these compound terms may be mentioned. It consists in tacking together, off-hand, N3 138 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. two or more words, no matter what parts of speech, into one adjective, by means of the terminal syllable ly. These bold figures are of course prompted by some vehement emotion. A certain widow Go,* in venting her just wrath on a profligate fellow who had run away and left several illegitimate children to be maintained by the parish, called him, with perfect fluency, "a. toss-pot-ly, stuff-gut-ly, smoke-bacco-ly, whore-monger-ly, starve-bastard-ly vagabond. 1 ' A strong, and certainly an ingenious compression of vitu- peration. It would not be easy to condense more of it into the same number of words. Pronouns. It is very common to impute to us provincials in general, the use of the letter a, as a substitute for the personal pronoun he. Shakspeare has put it into the mouth of Mrs. Quickly, and of others of his low cha- racters. But it is not so. It would, indeed, be a very improper and unaccountable representative. An at- tentive listener, properly qualified with ears, would not catch the power of a, or of any modification of it. It is in fact he, without the aspirate, and the e left alone, pronounced exactly like the French monosyllables, le, de, &c. Thus it is with us at least, whatever it may be elsewhere. r>?* --,< What is very often used for the relatives tWzo or which. Ex. " The woman ivhat came yesterday." " The pigs what I bought last Tuesday." What is, in- deed, very generally used as a sort of relative, but *See Cralibe's Parish Register. INTRODUCTION. 139 with an antecedent implied, or involved, in it. Ex. " That is what I meant." i. e. " the thing which." But the simple substitution of it for the proper relatives is certainly provincial, if it be not peculiar to us. Every body occasionally uses the pronoun personal they as an indefinite, in such phrases as, " they say,'' &c. meaning no particular individuals, but that any body, or every body, says so. In short it is equiva- lent to the French " On dit" But we go farther than this, and speak as if we thought the importation of the foreign on, and the conversion of it into the pronoun or pronominal adjective one, were quite unnecessary, for that our own Saxon word they would have served all purposes quite as well. Instances are very nume- rous. What Lowth has given may serve as well as any : " One is apt to think," " one sees," " one sup- poses." In every one of these, and in all like in- stances, we substitute they. And we are not without ancient and venerable authority. In 2 Kings, xix. 35, we read, " When they rose early in the morning, be- hold they were all dead corpses.'' The expression is by no means perspicuous. It has even somewhat of an Irish aspect. The word they has two different mean- ings. In the first instance it is indefinite, and in French would be, "quand on se levait de grand matin.'' In the second it is definitely applied to those who had been smitten by the destroying angel. As we sink all distinction between the nominative and accusative plural of the pronoun of the second person, ye and you, there seems to be a sort of parity in doing the same thing in that of the first person, and saying both, " Let us go," and " shall us go?" Shak- 140 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. speare has used the latter phrase twice at least. If it be in familiar and low dialogue, it is more to our pur- pose. It was in existence at that time. We even use me as a nominative case, and are certainly not singular in so doing. Ex. " My wife and me are (perhaps is) going to London to-morrow." This is, no doubt, a Gallicism. Moi is so used, and when je would be thought positively improper, which is more than can be said for our practice. We entertain so high an opinion of the essential ser- vices of the personal pronouns (especially of those of the third person) as agents or nominative cases of verbs, that we very commonly obtrude them, even after the verb is sufficiently provided with one. Ex. " Mr. Smith he came to my house yesterday." " His family they are all gone out." These may be understood as elliptical expressions ; the words omitted being " as to " or " with respect to " Mr. Smith and his family. However this may be, we are not answerable for it. Shakspeare has it. Ex. " The Count he is my hus- band." All's Well, &c. The nobles they are fled." Richard II. In fact it is an Anglo-Saxon idiom. " The Bishop he wrote," is literally taken from a Saxon document in Hickes ; who seems to consider the usage as intended to be emphatical. Certainly it is so, in many passages of our translation of the Bible, and of other writings of that age. But, in the passage quoted above from Hickes, it seems to be plain narrative. Certainly we mean no more by it than simple assertion. Sometimes, indeed, the verb is repeated with the pro- nominal agent. Ex. " Says Mr. Smith, says he." This INTRODUCTION. 14 may be emphatical, as far as mere awkward repetition can make it so. The demonstrative them is very commonly used for those, and in all cases. Ex. " Them are the women I meant." " I saw them boys yesterday." There is often annexed, which certainly makes the phrase more pointedly demonstrative, and perhaps emphatical. Ex. " Give me them-there books. Verbs and Participles* This subject may be most properly begun with the few remarks we have to make on the verb substantive. The antiquated form be of the present tense indica- tive, so very common in Old English, and not less so now, in many dialects, is almost extinct in our's. It is heard but very rarely indeed, perhaps never, but in such an exclamation as " Here he be !" On the con- trary, it is in very frequent and correct use, as the sub- junctive present, after the signs if or though. This cor- rectness is not a little remarkable in those who use it habitually, and, being untaught, are unable to give any reason for their practice. Our constant use of tear for ivas, is merely using the plural form for singular also, and pronouncing it with a broader vowel. Indeed, war appears to have been the Danish form of iuere or uaer ; and has therefore been a very long time in our uninterrupted possession. Having nothing farther to observe here we may pro- ceed to consider verbs in general. In the Anglo-Saxon, and in the English, which ex- actly follows it in this respect, the structure of the verb is simpler than in any other language. Still, as 142 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. no grammar was ever constructed before the language to which it belongs had reached a state of improve- ment and refinement, it is not impossible that traces may occasionally be found of earlier stages, in which this characteristic simplicity may have been even greater still. Something like this has already been observed with reference to our use of certain plural numbers. On this observation it is intended to found a conjecture, by no means an assertion, that a particu- lar usage in all verbs, appearing to be grossly ungram- matical, but to which we are inveterately addicted, is in fact a stray remnant of very ancient simplicity ; nay, almost of primitive simplicity j if we admit the literal identity of the original nouns and their verbs (whichsoever of them might be of prior invention), and that the only way to distinguish the one from the other was by position or context. The indicative mood, present tense, singular num- ber of the English verb, stands thus ; I love thou lovest he loveth, or loves. Now, we so stubbornly maintain that the first and third persons are of the very same form, " I love, he love," that it is not very uncommon to meet with persons of even rather more than decent education, who are oc- casionally caught tripping in this point. Of the second person it is not necessary for us to speak, for we never use it ; though it seems in the Northern dialects to be no less expressive of easy familiarity than the tu-toi of the French. The proposed conjecture is, that the sameness of the first and third person is no solecism, as it may seem to be, but in fact an archaism. Some- thing, it is hoped, may be said in support of this notion. INTRODUCTION. 143 In the first place, the learned Hickes, in four of the five conjugations in his Islandic Grammar, makes the second and third persons singular alike. In the fifth conjugation, all the three persons singular are so. The example he gives is 1. her. 2. her. 3. her (porto). Considering the intimate connexion of the several Go- thic languages with each other, this seems to be much to our purpose. But we may perhaps come nearer still to our point by observing, that in the Anglo-Saxon itself, and in the English after it, the three plural persons are the same in all tenses. What improbability is there, that the same rule prevailed in the singular number, in some early and simpler stage ? It is easily conceivable that some light might be thrown on this point in what is re- corded to have been written on the subject of Gram- mar by Ven. Bede and other Saxon writers. But wherever those ancient tracts are to be found, they are far beyond our reach. Indeed, Wanley's Cata- logue, in the second volume of Hickes's Thesaurus, may serve as a guide to them, and, should opportunity oc- cur, they might be consulted. But, in truth, this seems scarcely a " dignus vindice nodus." We may rest well content with probable conjecture. That conjecture is very considerably strengthened by the certainty that in almost all our many auxilia- ries, the first and third persons singular of the present tense are the same. And this suffices us, as we take no cognizance of the second. These auxiliaries are can may shall. 144 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Ex. I can thou canst he can. I may thou mayest he may. I shall thou shalt he shall. Let us next endeavour to account for the introduc- tion of the syllable " etti' into the third person. The three persons of the plural number had all an- ciently that termination. Ex. We loveth ye loveth they loveth. In process of time this " ith"was changed into " en." Ex. We loven ye loven they loven ; as in the imperfect tense it had always been We loveden ye loveden they loveden ; and of both these formations instances are to be found in very early English. Long after the language had become English "en" was dropped in its turn. Now it is not at all easy to conceive that, whilst " eth" was used in the whole plural number, it was also used to distinguish the third from the other persons in the sin- gular. It was more likely to have been transferred to it when a new plural termination came into use. As for the final "s" in the third person singular, it is al- most a modern innovation ; certainly of no consider- able standing. If this be no proof, it at least affords some probability, that our very remote ancestors said, as we say, " He love." But, however that might be, some of our nearer forefathers most assuredly did. We find many traces of it in different periods of o. E. Chaucer, in the Wife of Bath's Tale, uses " chese" (choose) for " cheseth." In the proclamation for ap- prehending Sir John Oldcastle, in the reign of Henry the Fifth, it is said, "that he refuse." Tusser complains that the corn " shed as it stand." The last authority INTRODUCTION. 145 perhaps, which can be found in point, is that ofPepys, in his Diary. He often writes " He do," &c. Upon the whole, our use of these third persons is not with- out very respectable countenance and support. The simple structure of the English verb, exactly following the Saxon, admits of three varieties of in- flexion only ; viz. the present and imperfect tenses of the indicative mood and the participle passive. All other modifications of time or action, expressed by in- flected tenses in languages more artificially constructed, being conveyed in our's by means of our great abund- ance of auxiliaries. It has been thought by some that the participle active should be added as a fourth in- flexion. But this seems to be a distinction without actual difference, as it is in every instance formed by the addition of "end" in Saxon, and of "ing" in English, to the present tense. This is indeed what every body knows ; and it might be impertinent to mention these, and one or two other particulars much of the same kind, did it not seem necessary to intro- duce them as foundations of what is to follow, and is much more proper to our purpose. By these three principal parts our grammarians have arranged all our verbs under the two heads of regular and irregular; an arrangement more comprehensive, as well as more simple, than that of conjugations. We could not have so arranged them, as they are in the Latin and its derivative modern languages, by the pe" nultim. of the infinitive mode, for with us it is invaria- ble ; all infinitives having the adjunct " an" in Saxon, and the prefix " to" in English. Neither could con- jugations be discriminated, as they are in Greek, by VOL. i. o 146 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. characteristic letters ; with us, indeed, the character- istics must have been syllables, not letters. And, in the original monosyllabic brevity of our simple verbs, the whole word must have been characteristic, excepting an initial consonant, or consonants, when there hap- pened to be any. These different forms of our verbs must have produced a most unreasonable and unma- nageable multitude of conjugations. But suppose them made : scarcely in one of those many forms, if in one, is the change of the present tense into the imper- fect and participle effected by any uniform analogy. Under every one of them exceptions must be made, and the number of irregulars must still be great. The difficulty is well cut short by ranging them all at once as regulars and irregulars. The character of regularity is allowed by gram- marians to those verbs only which form the imperfect and participle passive by simply adding the syllable " ed," or, if the present have an " e' final, the letter "e?" only. As Mend mended mended. Love loved loved. It is not to be understood that all of the same form are also regular. In the first instance, change but the initial m into s, and we steal immediately into irregu- larity. As Send sent sent The whole multitude of irregulars has been divided by Lowth into three classes. It is not necessary for us, indeed, if it would be possible, to follow him through this division. Our unconnected remarks upon some of them, to which we are now coming, may be taken as INTRODUCTION. 147 they occur with little regard to order : and they may perhaps be best introduced by a general observation, that we manifest a laudable anxiety to bring many of these vagrants into a more orderly state, which, if it be not what the grammarians call regularity, seems to us to be so. Not, indeed, that we attempt it on any con- sistent and uniform plan. There is one instance in which we perfectly succeed in bringing to order all verbs of one particular form, and that one only. In other instances, either our endeavours or our success are partial. But this only serves to prove the stubborn and inveterate propensity to anomaly, which charac- terizes the English language: and which cannot be overcome even in those parts of it, in which most pains are taken to that effect. Our first instance shall be an imperfect attempt at perfect regularity. We always say Sell selled selled. Tell telled telled. Catch catched catched. Teach teached teached. Seek seeked seeked. Work worked worked. Some few occasional attempts of a like sort might per- haps be quoted ; but these are well established. Of verbs in " ot," or " otoe," some very few are re- gular, as Flow flowed flowed, but the greater number follow the analogy of Know knew known. To facilitate correctness and uniformity of diction, we contend that all without exceptions should follow it; as Snow snew snown. Mow mew mown. 148 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Row rew rown. Sow sew sown. Here is surely enough of specimens. Of these, the first is o. E. Hollingshed says, " It snetv during the whole battle." The third is genuine Saxon. King Canute, in the elegant little impromptu * so properly preserved by Bentham and other authors, expresses the pleasure he felt in hearing the monks of Ely sing as he " re'w therby " in his boat on the river. By the way, the monks, though they were pretty numerous, must have had powerful voices. With respect to the last instance, it coincides in the pronunciation of all the three parts with those of Sew sew sewn. Ex. " Tom Smith sew a furrow, while his wife sew a seam." To the same rule we subject the verb " hoe," which we pronounce (according to our rule, q. v.) as if it were written "Aotw." Hoe hew hown. * But not given correctly even by Bentham in the History of Ely, though he had the authentic record of it before him. In the ve- nerable " Liber Eliensis," written considerably within a century after the time of King Cnut, in the year 1 107, it stands thus : " Merie sungen the munecb.es binnen Ely, Tha Cnut Ching reu ther by Roweth Cnites noer the lant And here we these muneches sseng." It is finished with an " etc'a," and the monkish scribe adds that in his time the whole of it continued to be sung " in choris." Pity he did not give the whole ! This one stanza however affords almost a contemporary authority for our imperfect tense, end for the plural termination in " elk," INTRODUCTION. 149 Ex. " When Tom had finished sowing his barley, he hew his banes." We are not much less assiduous and successful in bringing into order verbs which have a long i, in the present. Some of them assume a short one in the im- perfect ; others change it into a broader vowel, a, o, or M. To the first we give a decided preference, and are desirous of reducing those of the second form to it : as Rise ris ride rid. Rive ri v stride strid . Smite smit drive driv. never drove, but sometimes druv, which is merely a step from driv. Shakspeare has requit in Tempest, and betid in Richard II. and Chaucer has the same. On the contrary, if the i in the present is short, we prefer the broad vowel to the narrow in the imperfect, as bid bod give gov sit sot. If it be said that we are somewhat capricious, we despise the censure, for we can prove it Anglo-Saxon. We also use stvum for sfvam ; and Shakspeare has swum in Two Gentle- men of Verona. Among so many well-meant endeavours to regulate and methodize, it is really mortifying to be obliged to cite even one instance of a contrary description ; but candour compels us to acknowledge that in the word give, mentioned above, we are far from consistent. In fact, we make sad confusion in its imperfect and par- ticiple, using indiscriminately for the one or the other giv, gav, gov, gin, gan, gon, syncopated from given, gaven, orgoven; or even those words themselves are used in their proper length and barbarism. o 3 150 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Almost all the words in ing take u in the imperfect, as sing sung. We wish to bring the few stragglers under the same rule ; as Ming mung. Ding dung. Bring brung. We use trough*, indeed, for the most part as the participle (with our own pronunciation, of course), but we say just as often / have brung, as I have brought. Verbs involving the syllable eave, or ave, follow very generally the analogy of leave left. We manifest here the same love of uniformity ; we say Weave weft. Save seft. Wave weft. Dr. Lowth gives a list of verbs ending in d or t, which have the present, imperfect, and participle all alike ; as Cast cast cast Shut shut shut. He accounts for this uniformity by supposing the second and third to be contractions, to avoid the harsh forms " casted" and shutted." We use some few others, without being at all scrupulous about their termina- tions, for which we have not the same excuse to make, but full as good a one correct usage. Come come come. Ex. She come this morning. Bid bid bid. I was bid to do so. See see see I see her yesterday. Run run run. He run for a wager last week. If we are called upon to account for our diction, we INTRODUCTION. 151 may shew some cause. In the first instance, the im- perfect should probably be written cum, as it fre- quently is in Old English, and by illiterate modern scribes. For the second, we have the authority of Shakspeare, in Romeo and Juliet. For the third, that of Chaucer, who makes sey,* or seie, the imperfect of see, which could only be faintly distinguished in pro- nunciation from the present, and we make no distinc- tion at all. The fourth must even take its chance. Some few detached instances of departure from mo- dern formation might have been added, but are not worth formal mention here, as not constituting a rule or analogy ; such as steal staul, shriek shruk. It may seem as if some of our verbs had, in process of time, grown up out of the imperfect tenses of others; or rather as if they were those imperfects themselves in some sort emancipated, and, if not be- come absolutely independent of their principals, at least clearly distinguishable from them in sense. As the vowel of the derived verb is broader or narrower than that of the original, it becomes in one case an in- tensive or augmentative, and in the other a diminutive. Under those heads, indeed, it will be better to range examples. The subjunctive form of a verb, without its sign that, is as anciently and idiomatically used in East Anglian as in Latin, instead of the infinitive. Ex. " This was what made me I would not act as con. stable." In precisely the same form is Mrs. Quickly's * By very clear analogy, Chaucer also uses jleefleye, in which we do not follow him. 152 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. consolatory advice to Falstaff, when she "bade him he should not think about God." The omission of the sign to before an infinitive, though certainly not peculiar to us, seems to be much more familiarly in use than is common. Ex. " Come and help me dress, reap, or mow." The sign to is omitted also after other verbs than those enumerated by grammarians, bid, dare, need, &c. Ex. " You ought not walk so late a' nights." " Why need you do it?" Participles. A little remains to be said on participles in parti- cular. It is observable that in our participles active the final g is always mute; for instance, taking is never dis- tinguishable from taken. Indeed, by those who do not pique themselves on grammatical accuracy, and spell by the ear, they are very commonly written in the same form. It is not difficult to account for this. We seem to retain the Saxon termination of the participle, which was and or end, not ing : and it is certain that the letter d is more easily lost in such a place than g. In participles passive ending in d we are extremely apt to substituted for it: as kilt for killed; spilt, with the short i, from spill, and with the long i from spoil. It may be allowed to be very easy in many cases to confound these two final mutes; and that, in some such combinations with other letters, it is even difficult to give the dhs distinct and proper sound in the rapidity of utterance. There must have been an original dis- position to this substitution oft ford. The Low Scotch INTRODUCTION. 153 always has it for ed. So have we in some instances, as raggit for ragged. If this will not serve us a defence, I know not what we can do further than appeal to Irish authority for the first word. Of our disposition to confound imperfect tenses with passive participles a passing notice has already been taken. But this seems the proper place for our de- fence. We not only often make one word serve both purposes, when it appears that two have been provided for us ; but we sometimes form a participle from the im- perfect, as tooken,forsooken, &c. uncouth words enough, but justifiable by ancient authorities. Our ancestors had formations of the same kind, scarcely less awk- ward. Chaucer has clomben, from climb, clomb ; and cropen, from creep, crope. Gotten, from get, got, is very common in modern English ; but getten, very common in the north, is at least a more orderly for- mation from the present tense. Prepositions. We are accustomed to make the preposition in serve in our dialect, as it does in the Latin language, to ex- press both motion and rest. In the one language, the difference is marked by the case of the noun which follows ; but we can effect it only by a preceding verb. We say indifferently to " go " and to " stay in the house." Certainly the substitution of in for into ap- pears at this time very incorrect; but we have old au- thority for it in abundance. In Shakspeare we find " Bring in grace," (i.e. into favour). All's well, &c- " Go in the vault." Rom. and Jul. " Turn this fellow in his grace," (\. e. into it). Rich. III. 154 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. The preposition by, signifying continuance of time, " by the space of many years," is common enough in old authors, as far back as Chaucer at least ; but John- son says it is out of use. It is not so with us. Ex. " He took care to do it by his life-time." There is another sense of the same preposition, which Johnson does notice at all, but which is perfectly familiar to us. It is expressive of relation to some person or thing. Ex. " I never heard no harm by the man." Here again Shakspeare supports us: "By him, Or by this woman, what know you ?" All 's well, &c. This may indeed come under the comprehensive figure ellipsis, the participle " done," or " committed," being understood. On is used for of. Ex. " I heard on it yesterday." Shakspeare has " out on " for " out of," in Troilus and Cressida. Whether misled by the ear, or in what other way, may not be worth enquiry, but we carry it a step farther ; in which it is pretty certain that we can derive no countenance from Shakspeare, or any one else. We change the on into in, and always say, " Go out in the house." " He is out in health;" " out in temper;" "out in spirits," &c. Of, in its turn, is also substituted for on. Ex. " He got up of his horse." But there is ample authority for confounding on and of. If we say, (< I told him on it," or " I bestowed it of him ;" the former is very frequent in old English, and Shakspeare must answer for the other. The preposition o^is always followed by his humble and kindred attendant of. Ex. " He fell off" of his horse." But here, by the unlucky intimacy of con- INTRODUCTION. 155 nection between o/'and on, we are apt to say off on, a combination which may be thought no less whimsically contradictory in terms than out in, though neither the one nor the other strikes us with any impropriety. For the preposition upon, when it signifies motion to, we use onto (why not as good as into?} Ex. " Throw- some coals onto the fire." In use, this seems distinct from unto. Yet it is certainly the same word, and with a better, i. e. the true Anglo-Saxon, pronunciation. The prepositions on and upon seem to coincide ex- actly with super in Latin, expressive either of motion or rest; those significations being discriminated in each language respectively, as was just now observed of the preposition in. We say in English, " the book stands on the shelf," or " set it on the shelf." In Latin, "su- per pluteo," or " pluteum." Johnson has not exempli- fied the latter use of the preposition, though he has given many senses, or rather applications, of both on and upon. Into is now generally, and probably has always in great measure, been used, with respect to in, as denoting motion. We use (as has been before ob- served) onto, with the like relation to on. So, proba- bly, do other provincials, and on the same warrant of antiquity. The analogy is certainly good. For on and upon, as betokening rest, we are much in the habit of using a whimsical sort of compound pre- position, a-top-of, or a-top-on. No doubt it is common enough to say, that a man "is a-top-of a. tower," or " of a. tree." But we use it in such phrases as " 1 see Mr. Smith yesterday a-top-of his new horse;" and, " the dog is asleep under (or rather, undernean) the table, and the cat she is playing a-top-on f t." 156 VOCABULARY OF EAST ANGLIA. Negatives and Affirmatives. We do not accord with the rule, that " two nega- tives make an affirmative, by destroying each other ;" nor yet ; as we learn in our Greek Grammar, that they make the negation more vehement. In using two, or more, we mean to express simple negation. A cot- tager, complaining of the failure of his orchard in a bad season, said, " I have no apples to year, no pears, no plums, no cherries, no nuts, no nothing at all." The vindication of my poor neighbour is easy and ample. The double, or more than double, negative was in use in the Saxon language, from which Chaucer had it, as Dr. Hickes expressly says. This usage was continued down to Shakspeare's time undoubtedly, for he abounds in it. In fact, the single negative has only been used since the modern improvement of our language, within less than two hundred years. Bentley uses the double one in the letter on Phalaris, though he would most likely have "slashed " it, had he found it in Boyle. THE VOCABULARY EAST ANGL.IA. VOL. ABBREVIATIONS. A. s. Anglo-Saxon. B. A. Barrett's Alvearie. B. o. Barn's Glossary. B. JON. Ben. Jonson. B. TR. Bible Translation. BR. Brockett's Glossary. CH. Chaucer. CR. Craven Glossary. DICTT. Dictionaries in general. E. A. East Anglian. GR. Grose's Provincial Diet. JAM. Dr. Jamieson. JEN. Jennings's Glossary. JUN. Junius Etymologium. L. sc. Lowland Scotch. Mix. Minshew's Diet. M.S. Moor's Suffolk Words. N. E. Northern English. N. G. Nares's Glossary. o. E. Old English. o. V. Ortus Vocabulorum. p. B. Percy's Ballads. PE. Pegge's Supplement to Grose. p. G. Percy's Glossary. p. L. Paston Letters. P. PL. Piers Plowman. PR. PA. Promptuarium Parvulonim. q. v. quod vide. a. N. c. Ray's North Country Words. H. s. E. C. South and East Country Words. sc. N. Scotch Novels. SH. Shakspeare. SK. Skinner's Etymol. SP. Spenser. SOM. Somner. T. Tusser. T. B. Tim Bobbin. T. J. Todd's Johnson. v. D. Various Dialects. w. c. Wilbraham's Chesh. Gloss. w. W. R. Willan's West Riding Words. Archaeol. w. Wickliffe's Translation of the Gospels. VOCABULARY. A. This letter has been used to serve many irregular purposes ; as an awkward contraction of the verb have ; as a still more awkward representative of the pronoun he ; as a substitute for the several prepo- sitions at, to, in, into, on, and of; as an useless ini- tial augment of a word ; and as a ridiculous ap- pendage to a verse. Of all these anomalies, an ac- count sufficiently particular is given in Todd's Edi- tion of Johnson's Dictionary. For the origin of some of them it seems easy to account from careless and confused pronunciation ; for that of the others, in great measure, if not entirely, from analogy with the French preposition a. At any rate, we are not particularly interested about them here We use them, indeed ; but they are by no means peculiarly our own, nor used more by us than by others. If any one of them seem worth notice, it will be found in its place. ABOUT, prep, near to. This sense is, of course, in the DICTT. ; but there is a particular East Anglian mode of using the word in conjunction with a pronoun, which is not common. Ex. " Is the horse worth VOCABULARY OF forty pounds? Nothing about it." " Is he a mile off? No, nor about it." " About forty pounds," and " about a mile," are phrases common enough ; but in those now quoted, the prep, near would certainly be used. A-DAYS, prep, a shorter form of the general phrase " now-a-days." Ex. " Corn sells cheap a-days." " I seldom see Mr. Smith a-days." o. E. ADDLE, AIDLE, u. 1. To grow, to thrive. Ex. " That crop addles" 2. To earn, to profit gradually. Ex. "I have at last addled up a little money." A. s. eadlian, prsemium. R. S.E. c. T. w. c. AFEARD, adj. afraid. In Chaucer's time there was certainly some difference between the significations of these two words, though with us they are per- fectly synonymous. They occur in the same verse: " This wif was not aferde ne affraide." Cant. Tales. The difference seems to result, naturally enough, from their different derivations. Afeard is clearly of Saxon origin, (from A. s. jferght, timor, ) and means, affected by fear, or in a fright. Afraid is French, from effrayer, to startle or scare ; and therefore signifies put into a fright by some recent cause. BR. JEN. AFORE, prep, before, o. E. JEN. AGAIN, prep. 1. Against. Ex. " I am not for it, but again it." 2. Near to. Ex. " She stood again the door." If she stood, very near the door, it would be more correct to say " close again," or " right again ;" if facing it, at some little distance, " over again." EAST ANGLIA. 5 AGE, v. to grow old, to assume the appearance of old age. The very common word aged is the regular part, pass, of this verb. It is strictly Saxon, though in that language a compound word is used, and by us the simple A. s. aldagian, veterascere. AGGRAVATE, v. to irritate, v. D. AGONE, adv. ago. Our word is the better of the two. It involves the part. pass, and therefore expresses more distinctly time actually past : indeed it is precisely and identically A. s. agan, praeteritus. AGREEABLE, adj. compliant. Taking this word in its ordinary sense, a man announcing himself to be so, would certainly oe thought vain, and perhaps mistaken. In our sense of it there is neither va- nity nor possibility of mistake : " I am agreeable," means simply " I agree to your proposal." w.c. AGUE, s. swelling and inflammation from taking cold. An "ague in the face" is a very common con- sequence of facing a Norfolk North-easter. AGUE-OINTMENT, s. an unguent made with the leaves of elder, held to be of sovereign efficacy in curing agues in the face. AHUH, adv. awry, aslant. A. s. aivoh, torte. ALE-STOOL, ALE-STALL, s. the stool or stand on which casks of ale or beer are placed in the cellar. A. s. eale, cerevisium, and steal, subsellium. ALLEN, s. grass-land lately broken up. Aid-land. It is synon. with OLLAND, q. v. Aid is the A. s. form of old. This word is most familiarly used in Suf- folk, the other in Norfolk. ALLEY, s. a choice taw, not made of baked clay, as u3 VOCABULARY OF vulgar marbles are, but of alabaster, or what is supposed to be so ; and thence its name. BR. AMPEH, s. a sort of inflamed swelling. A. s. ampre, varix. SK. JEN. " a small red pimple." AMPERSAND, 5. the character fy, representing the conjunction and. V. N. G. A 'per se A. This is and per se and ; by a little smoothing and elision in pronunciation, becoming Ampersand. "The ex- pression," says the learned author referred to, " is not yet forgotten in the nursery." No ; nor far beyond the nursery. It is remembered and used in the village-school, in the cottage, the shop, and the farm-house. This formula of spelling and putting together was applied to every syllable consisting of one letter only ; as we all may re- member who learned our first elements on the principles of the old school. Only, indeed, the dame was wont to express per se in her own Eng- lish, and teach us to say "A by the self A."' The character $ is, however, in fact, originally and properly Latin, and is a combination of the two letters e and t, which constitute the common con- junction copulative in that language. It has been adopted and transferred into other languages, for the same use, with or without the same propriety. It must be allowed to exhibit stronger traces of its two constituent letters than the majority of those Greek abbreviations, tables of which, more or less copious, are inserted in almost all grammars, and which are so very embarrassing in ancient MSS. and early printed editions. A curious and irrefra- gable proof of the Latinity of this character exists EAST ANGLIA. T in the rich library at Holkham, Norfolk. In a Latin MS. of the Four Gospels, supposed to be of the tenth century, it is used as a part of many words, at the end, and even in the body of them. Instances are, posset and sciretis ; written thus, possSf and scirfyis. There is a multitude of others. AN, conj. 1. If. Ex. Anldo," &c. 2. Than. Ex. Little more an a half." Both o. E. In this sense it seems a corruption, or licentious abbreviation. ANAN ! interj. How ! what say you ? It is often con- tracted to A'an, or N'an. It may be, as Mr. Brockett conjectures, the Fr. interrogation ain, said by Le Roux to be " commune aux petites gens, et fort incivile parmi des personnes polies;" which is pre- cisely the case with our own word. Or perhaps we may make it more our own by considering it as an invitation to come near, in order to be better heard, and deriving it from A. s. nean, prope. BR. w.c. JEN. ANBERRY, s. 1. A small swelling, or pustule, to which horses are are subject on the softest parts of their bodies. In books of Farriery, and in the DICTT. the word is Anbury, which may possibly be right ; and so, per- ad venture, may Skinner's elaborate derivation of it. Still I beg leave to submit a very different one. 2. A small knob, or excrescence, on turnips and other roots. In both cases, these are very well known to be caused by the punctures of insects to deposit their eggs. If, therefore, it be not attributing to our rude and remote ancestors more accurate ob- 8 VOCABULARY OF servation of nature than they may be thought likely to have made, our word may be a derivative of A. s. anbryrdan, compungere. ANCHOR, s. the part of a buckle commonly called the chape, put into a slit in the strap ; so called from some resemblance in shape to an anchor. BR. ANCHOR, v. to hold like an anchor. The strong tenacious spreading roots of trees or vigorous plants are said to "anchor out." AN-END, adv. onward, towards the end. The letter a (becoming an before a vowel) is prefixed to the word end, as it is to many others, along, aside, &c. When Protheus, in the " Two Gentlemen of Ve- rona," calls his man Launce "a slave, who still an-end puts him to shame," though he puzzles the learned commentators, he is familiarly intelligible to an East Anglian clown, who calls to his com- panion to "go an end," when he wants him to go forward. It also signifies upright, rearing, w. c. ANGRY, adj. painfully inflamed. Ex. " My corn, or my kibe, is very angry to-night." In the PR. PA. anger is given as a synonym of anguish, and ren- dered into Latin by angor. ANPASTY, s. another name for Ampersand. It means and past y. To be sure it is also on the horn- book past Z. But that crabbed and impracticable double letter could not be brought into an euphon- ous, or even an utterable syllable, to close the word So the fabricator of it went back, and found the very next letter suitable to his purpose. In JEN. it is Anpassy, and the author supposes passy a corrup- tion of per se. No doubt it is very probable ; but we must find a derivation for our own word. EAST ANGLIA. 9 APPLE-JACK, s. a homely sort of pastry, made by folding sliced apples with sugar in a coarse crust, and baking them without a pan. It is otherwise called ajlap-jach, an apple-hoglin, a crab-lanthorn, and a turn-over, q. v. APPLE-JOHN, JOHN-APPLE, s. We retain the name, but whether we mean the same variety of fruit which was so called in Shakspeare's time, it is not possible to ascertain. Probably we do not. In 2d pt. Hen. IV. Prince Hal certainly meant a large round apple, apt to shrivel and wither by long keeping, like his fat companion. This is not parti- cularly characteristic of our John-apple. APIION, s. the cawl or omentum of a hog. Its size, position, and the fine vascular and adipose ramifi- cations, which overspread it like lace-work, make the name much more applicable to it, than to the fat skinny covering of the belly of a goose or duck, to which it is commonly applied. ARGUFY, v. to import, to have weight as argument. Ex. " What does that argufy ?" JEX. ARSLE, v. 1. To move backwards. This is the primary signifi- cation of the word, which is L. sc. JAM. 2. To be unquiet, to fidget, to move frequently in any direction, particularly on a seat. In this secondary sense the adverb about is usually annexed. Belg. arselem, retrocedere. ARSELING POLE, s. the pole with which bakers spread the hot embers to all parts of the oven. It is otherwise called a ivrastling-pole, which seems somewhat better descriptive of its use ; for ivrastle is certainly of kin to wrest. The words are the 10 VOCABULARY OF same, varied by a sort of metathesis. The first can only mean, " to throw backwards." ARSELINS, adv. backwards. L. sc. JAM. ARTICLE, s. a poor creature ! a wretched animal ! Probably the first introducer of this term of ex- treme contempt meant, that the person to whom it is applicable is as completely insignificant in him- self as an article in grammar. AS, pron. rel. who, which. Ex. Those as sleep. SH. AS, partic. redund. Ex. " He will come as to-morrow." O. E. P. L. ASOSH, ASHOSH, ad. awry, aslant; differently formed from the same etymon as AHUH, q. v. But ahuh seems to come nearer to the Saxon ori ginal. ATOP OF, prep. upon. Ex. "I saw Mr. Brown a'top of his new horse yesterday." ATTER, s. pus, morbid matter. A. s. attre, venenum. L. sc. JAM. GR. ATTERY, adj. purulent. L. sc. JAM. ATTONCE, ATTONES, adv. at once. SP. Ex. '* Do it attonce." ATWEEN, prep, between, o. E. AVEL, s. the awn or beard of barley. A. s. aivel, sub- ula. M. s. AUGHT, v. imperf. and part, of atve ; another form of oive. Ex. ' He aught me ten pounds." AVISED, part, aware, informed. " Are you avised of that?" quoth Dame Quickly to Master Slender's man in the " Merry Wives of Windsor." Just so would a modern East Anglian Dame Quickly say. Fr. s'aviser. AUSIER, s. the osier. This word seems to point at EAST ANGLIA. 11 the proper origin of the name. The genus of plants in question grows for the most part in or near water. But in all the French Dictionaries which have come within reach, it occurs only under the letter O. Surely it must once have been eausier* AWK, adj. inverted, or confused. Bells are " rung awk" to give alarm of fire. This is the only connec- tion in which the word is used among us, without its adjunct ware?. L'Estrange (who was a Norfolk man) uses it, In PR. PA. auk is rendered into La- tin by perversi. Ray says, that awkward is opposed to toward. R. s. E. c. AX, v. to ask. v. D. Used by many old authors, and in fact, original Saxon, A. s. acsian, interrogare. B. BAB, v. to fish in a simple and inartificial manner, by throwing into the water a bait on a line, with a small piece of lead to sink it, lifting it up from time to time, and dropping it again. Eels are thus taken in the fens, and crabs on the sea-coast. It is the same as bob, which in T. j. is defined " a term in angling." Our bobbing differs from angling. Neither floats, pole, nor hook are necessary to it, though one or more of them are occasionally used. BAB, s. the bait used for fishing in this manner, which usually is made of large worms, strung together, and tied in a bunch. BABS, s. p. small prints to amuse children. Qu. 12 VOCABULARY OF babes ? Skinner has baberies in the same sense. Our word seems to be contracted. " A penn'orth of babs" contains considerable variety of birds, beasts, &c. BADGET, 5. a badger. BADLY, adv. in ill health. Sometimes sadly-badly. PR. and sometimes sad-bad. BAD, adv. JUN. BR. BAFFLE, v . 1. To gull, to cheat, or make a fool of. In SH. it is ap- plied to the tricks played on Malvolio in " Twelfth Night." 2. To manage capriciously or wantonly, as in the case of children or cattle. Ex. " He was sadly baffled in his bringing up." 3. To beat and twist irregularly together, as " grow- ing corn or grass is baffled by wind and rain." The derivation offered in x. j. for the word in the senses there given, seems to suit ours also. Fr. en bas fouler. BAG, s. the dug of a cow. BAIL, s. the handle of a pail, bucket, or kettle. Hence the sailor's term, "to bale out." Also the bow of a scythe. Fr. battler. BAIN, adj. pliant, limber. In R. N. c. " willing, for- ward," which are connected meanings. In w. c. "near, convenient," which brings it to our GAIN, q. v. Isl. beina, expedire. BR. w. w. R. w. c. BALDER, v. to use coarse language. A. s. bald, audax, comp. deg. baldor. BALDERDASH, s. not "frothy and confused" as the DICTT. have it, but filthy or obscene talk. BALK, s. There is some difficulty in determining EAST ANGLIA. 13 on the admission of this word ; some of its senses being recognized by the DJCTT. and in general use, others either peculiar to us, or common to ours with some other provincial dialects. As there are, however, connecting links between all the senses, it seems best to state them all. 1. A ridge of land left unploughed, to serve as a boundary, either between two contiguous occupa- tions, or two divisions of the same farm, in an uninclosed cornfield. V. MEREBALK. E. s. E. c. x. 2. A ridge so left in the body of the land, at certain intervals, in a particular mode of ploughing called balk-ploughing. The ridge, J UN. observes, is " tigni instar." 3. A beam in a building, supporting an upper floor or roof; or, indeed, it may be applied in general to any piece of timber, squared, and made ready for that, or any other purpose in building. A. s. bale, lignum. CH. B. G, 4-. The failure of an expectation. Metaph. from the slipping of the plough over the parts which it seemed to be approaching, but leaves untouched. 5. A simple piece of machinery used in the dairy- districts of the county of Suffolk, into which the cow's head is put while she is milked. It allows her to move her head freely up and down, but when she attempts to withdraw it, she finds her- self balked, and that she must stand still till the dairy- maid dismisses her. M, s. 6. Straight young trees after they are felled ; but before they are hewn, it should seem, for then they they would become balks in the third sense. M. s. VOL. i. C 14 VOCABULARY OF BALKER, 5. a great beam. An augm. of Balk. SK. has bulkar, which he assigns to Lincolnshire, and derives, perhaps rightly, from Dan. pi. n. ofbielke, trabs. BAMBLE, v. to shamble, to walk unsteadily and weakly. Is it possible to trace it through the feeble and unsteady gait of young children to Ital. bambino ? BAN, v. to curse. SH. " fell banning hag ! " Ex. " Oh ! how she did ban and blast ! " BANDY, s. 1. The curved stick with which the ball is struck at sundry games. 2. Any game so played is called by the general name. Some are distinguished by appropriate additions. 3. A hare, from the curvature of her hind legs. BANDY-HOSHOE, s. a game at ball played with a bandy either made of some very tough wood, or shod with metal, or with the point of the horn or the hoof of some animal. The ball is a knob or gnarl from the trunk of a tree, carefully formed into a globular shape. The adverse parties strive to beat it with their bandies, through one or other of the goals placed at proper distances. It is probably named from the supposed resemblance of the lower end of the bandy, in strength or cur- vature, to a horse-shoe ; or it may be so called from being shod, as it were, with horn or hoof. In particular, the empty hoof of a sheep or calf, which is frequently used, may be well assimilated to a shoe. BANDY- WICKET, s. the game of cricket. Of the several games at ball played with a bandy, that EAST ANGLIA. 15 in which a ball is aimed by one player at a wicket, defended by the adversary with his bandy, must be allowed to be very appropriately called bandy- ixicket. BANG, s. cheese made, in Suffolk, of milk, several times skimmed ; therefore very hard and tough, and with which a hard knock or bang might be given. For the same reason it is otherwise called Suffolk Thump. Or it may have obtained both those names from another circumstance, that when it is dry, knock as hard as you will, you can make no impression on it. BANGING, adj. huge; beating or excelling in size other things of the same kind. BR. DANGLED, part, when cocked hats were worn, one of the sides was sometimes let down to protect the face of the wearer. The hat was said to be bangled. It is even now said of a round hat with a broad and loose brim, such as is worn by Quakers, or of late by dandies. The same name is also applied to the young shoots, or more particularly the broad leaves of plants, when they droop under heavy rain or strong sun-shine. Teut. abbangen, depen- dere. SK. BARGAIN, s. an indefinite number or quantity of any thing ; not necessarily conveying the idea of purchase and sale. Ex. " Two good tidy bargains of hay from an acre," meaning something less than waggon loads. " A poor bargain of wool from three score hoggets." "A sad bargain of lazy chaps." BARGOOD, s. yeast; the good of the beer; the 16 VOCABULARY OF flower or cream of it. It is sometimes corrupted into burgood, and even bulgood. But may not bar good be from c. BR. bragod or bragot, a sort of country drink in Wales, mentioned by Lloyd in Ray ? It was composed of wort and honey. BARK, s. the tartar deposited by bottled wine or other liquor, encrusting the bottle. BARLEY-BIRD, s. the nightingale, which comes to us in the season of sowing barley. To lovers of natural history, it is highly interesting and amusing to mark the coincidences of the arrival or departure of migratory birds with the germina- tion, foliation, inflorescence, or maturation of vege- tables. It may even be made useful to some pur- poses of husbandry. This name of the " sweet bird " of night could have originated only in such a habit of observation. And among whom ? Even simple rustics ! For neither gentlefolks nor per- sons of science were ever known to call the night- ingale the Barley-bird. BARLEY-MUNG, s. barley meal mixed with water or milk, to fatten fowls or pigs. BARN, v. to lay up in a barn. Ex. " I shall stack some of that wheat, and barn the rest." BARNACLES, s. pi. spectacles; which, before the invention of springs, were made to keep their pro- per position before the eyes by simply pinching the nose, like the instrument used by farriers to make a horse stand still, and commonly called barnacles. The word was certainly in use 200 years ago. BARROW-PIG, s. the least pig of the litter. The pitman has the same meaning, and perhaps is more EAST ANGLIA. 17 general. In JEN. a barrotv-pig is a gelded pig. In x. j. barrow is made synonymous with hog, and a passage from one of Milton's controversial tracts is quoted as authority. But this affords no proof that Milton thought the two words exactly equivalent. It might have been quite enough to call his adver- sary hog; but the great poet's virulence and acri- mony on such occasions are sufficiently notorious ; and he might mean to apply the most insulting and degrading term, applicable only to the lowest of the whole swinish race. However this may be, it is certainly from A. s. berg, porcus. BARSELE, BARKSELE, s. the season of stripping bark. BARLEY-SELE, s. the season of sowing barley. A. s. seel, opportunitas. EARTH. 5. a shelter for cattle, &c. Seamen give the name of berth to a snug place for themselves, their vessel, or their cargo. Between the sound of the two words there is little or nothing to choose in the mouth of an East- Angle. Barth, however, is the right word ; it is from bar, implying separation, or inclosure. BARTON, s. Spelman's account of this word is short and perfectly clear. It was the demesne land of the lord of a manor j not let out on lease, either of years or lives, but held by the lord, in his own hands, for the sustenance of his household. The signification of the word has been reduced from a part of a manor to a part of a farm ; to a farm-yard, a rick-yard, or even a poultry -yard. In this sense it occurs in some DICTT. and is said to be still in use c3 18 VOCABULARY OF in the Northern and Western counties. On the other hand, it has been extended from being the appellative of the Lord's own occupation to be the proper name of a whole manor, or even of a parish, containing more than one manor. There are pa- rishes of this name in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cam- bridgeshire. It cannot be improper to record here one East- Anglian instance (and there may be more) of the modern existence of the word, nearly, if not precisely, in its original and peculiar sense. Be- hind the episcopal palace and gardens at Ely, and separated from them only by a public highway, is a farm called Barton, which has been so called as far back as can be traced by records. There is no village, hamlet, or messuage upon it, nor any re- cord or tradition of them, but the lands only, and the buildings necessary to the cultivation of them. From this proximity, there is full reason to con- clude that this was the demesne land, on the pro- duce of which the households of the ancient Bi- shops were maintained, while that system prevailed. Since it ceased, the land has been held, and is still held, of the See, under its original name, by a se- ries of leases for four lives. BASKING, *. 1. A drenching in a heavy shower. 2. A sound drubbing. In the first sense, it is commonly said that a man gets a wet jacket ; in the second, that his jacket has been well laced, or trimmed. Our word may therefore be very well derived from O. Fr. basque, a shirt, or flap of a doublet. BATCH, s. a bout ; as of drinking, card-playing, & c. EAST-ANGLIA. 1 Properly it means a quantity of bread, or other things, baked at the same time. This is a dictionary sense. Our large metaphorical sense is probably not peculiar to us. BATTEN, s. a rail from three to six inches in breadth, one or more in thickness, and of indefinite length. Dr. Johnson says it is a word used only by work- men. With us it is used by anybody. BATTEN-FENCE, s. a fence made by two or three battens, one above another, nailed to posts at pro- per distances. BATTLINGS, s. pi. toppings and loppings of trees. An unhewn rail is also called a battling. This and the foregoing are from A. s. bat, fustis. BAUBERY, BOBBERY, s. a squabble, a brawl. Fr. baube. BAVIN, s. a light, loose faggot. SH. speaks of " Rash, bavin wits, Soon kindled, and soon burnt." HEN. IV. Neither Johnson nor his last Editor makes any thing of the derivation. V. GAVIN and GAVEL. BAVISH, v. to drive away. Corruption of banish. BAWND, part, swollen. Not in present use ; at least, not known to be so. Isl. bon, tumidus. Sir Thomas Browne. R. N c. BAY, s. 1. The space in a building between two main beams. We speak of a barn, or a cartlodge, of so many bays. Sometimes, but not so correctly, the whole space between the threshing-floor and the end of the barn is so called. SH. applies the word to a house. In " Measure for Measure" the clown talks of houses being let at so much a bay. SO VOCABULARY Of 2. The nest of a squirrel. BAY-DUCK, s. the shell-duck ; from its bright colour, like that of a lay horse. BEAKER, s. a drinking-glass. The definition of this word in T. j. is at least vague : " a vessel for drink, a flaggon." That given by Dr. Johnson himself seems purely fanciful : " a cup with a spout in the form of a bird's beak" In our use it is simply and solely a glass for the table. The bicker of Scotland, and of the Northern Borders, accord- ing to JAM. and BE* is a wooden dish, or bowl, of greater capacity, and used for other purposes. The latter, indeed, gives beaker also, very indefi- nitely, as " a tumbler, or any thing large." Ours is a definite and invariable sense, and likely to be the true one. Our homely ancestors quaffed their ale from wooden cups, which retain their name, now they have outgrown it by the general substi- tution of glass for wood. The word would be bet- ter spelled becher, or beker, from A. s. bece, fagus. BEAR, v. Phr. " to bear a bob ;" to make one among many ; to lend a helping hand, at the risque, as it should seem, of receiving a bob, or blow. Origi- nally, perhaps, it meant joining a party in some sport ; the antient quintaine, for instance, in which the players were very likely to have a bob to bear, and a pretty severe one too. Or it might originate in the steeple. Among their terms of art, ringers have several sorts of bob, all of course, involving the idea of a blow. BEARN, s. a barn. In this instance we retain the exact A, s. bcern, horreum. EAST-ANGLIA. 21 BEAST, s. an animal of the beeve kind in a fatting state. This word, like sheep, is the same in the plural as in the singular number. A farmer has so many sheep, so many beast, steers, buds, wennels, &c. BEASTLINGS, s. pi. the first milk drawn after the cow has calved. GR. v. D. Proper food for the little beast. A beastling pudding is thought superior to one made of common milk. BR. BEAT, v. to repair, to supply the gradual waste of any thing. We seem to apply it only to mending the broken meshes of a net. To " beet the fire" means in the North to supply it with fuel. This may be the better speaking. A. s. betan, restau- rare. BR. w. c. BECK, s. a brook or rivulet. A. s. bece, rivulus. GR. v. D. o. E. BED, s. 1. the uterus of an animal. 2. A fleshy piece of beef cut from the upper part of the leg and bottom of the belly. The first sense is illustrated at least by A. s. name for the womb cylde-hama, q. d. the child's home. BED- FAGGOT, s. a contemptuous name for a bed- fellow, as it were, a wretched substitute, no better than a faggot in the muster of a regiment. BEE-BREAD, s. a brownish opake substance, with which some of the cells in a honey-comb are filled, for the food of the insect in its larva state. Jamie- son says it goes to the formation of bees. That eminent lexicographer may be excused for being no entomologist. A. s. beo-bread, favus. BEE-DROVE, s. a great confluence of men, or of any *2 VOCABULARY OF other creatures ; as it were, a swarm of them. But drove is a strangely absurd synonym for swarm. It may be remarked, however, that Cowley uses the word drove for a flight of birds. BEGGAR'S VELVET, s. the lightest particles of down shaken from a feather-bed, and left by a sluttish housemaid to collect under the bed till it covers the floor for want of due sweeping, and she gets a scolding from her dame. BEGGARY, s. the copious and various growth of weeds in the " field of the slothful ;" the " urenda filix" of neglected lands ; the very best are apt to be overrun with beggary for lack of sufficient ploughing, hoeing, and hand-weeding. BEGONE, part, decayed, worn out. GR. Norf. & SufF. Sufficiently recognized in the o. E. word tuoe-begonC) q. d. wasted with misery. BEING, s. an abode, particularly a lodging. A. s. byan, habitare. BEING, part. We have a particular use of this word, much like the construction of the ablative absolute in Latin, when the substantive is represented by a clause of the sentence. Ex. "I could not meet you yesterday, being I was ill a-bed. " BELIKE, adv. 1. Likely; L. sc. 2. As it is said. To speak accurately, this word, in the first sense, must lead in the sentence, and be followed by the poten- tial form of a verb. Ex. " Belike we may have snow to-night." In the second sense it must follow, and the verb must be indicative. Ex. " I hear Mr. A. is to be married to Miss B." " Aye, so belike.' 1 EAST AXGLIA. 23 BELLIBORION, s. a variety of apple. It is certainly a fine sonorous corruption of Fr. belle et bonne. BELSIZE, adj. bulky, of goodly size. BELL-SOLLER, s. the loft on which ringers stand. Chaucer has solere, apparently in a like sense. BEN-JOLTRAM, s. brown bread soaked in skimmed milk ; the plough-boy's usual breakfast, served in a capacious wooden bowl. It may, perhaps, be mere farm-house slang. Yet, as there must be some ground even for the most licentious and ar- bitrary fabrications, we may be allowed to imagine one in this case ; and it might not be altogether absurd to conjecture, that in the first part of this strange word an obscure allusion is intended to Benjamin s seven-fold mess ; and that the latter part was meant to express thejoltering (q. d.jolt- ing) of the flatulent mixture in the stomach of the young rustic, when he resumes his labour in the field, after swallowing it. BENTS, s. pi. dry stalks of grass remaining in pas- tures after summer feeding. BENNET. .TUN. Teut. bintz, juncus. SK. BESS O' BEDLAM, s. a sort of vagrant very com- mon in this country thirty or forty years ago ; but now very nearly, if not quite, extinct ; either from the greater efficiency of the Vagrant Laws, the stricter administration of them, or the diminished credulity of the public. They were wont to an- nounce themselves as inmates of Bedlam, allowed in some lucid interval to range the country, and return at a stated time to their confinement. They talked in a wild incoherent manner, were great 24 VOCABULARY OF annoyances to every body, objects of great terror to many, and, from the general wish to be rid of them as soon as possible, were likely to collect considerable contributions. They were in exis- tence in Shakspeare's time, who speaks of" Bedlam beggars with their roaring voices." The name is not yet obsolete. Any female maniac, or any whose dress, manners, and language, are wild, dis- orderly, and incoherent, is still called a Bess o' Bedlam. V. TOM o' BEDLAM. BESTOW, . 1. To deliver a woman. To " put her to bed" has the same import. 2. To lay up, to put out of the way. It is equivalent to the seaman's phrase, "to &toia away." o. E. B. TR. " to bestow my goods." BETWIXT and BETWEEN, adv. exactly in the middle point. BEVIL, s. a slope, or declivity. Ex. "The road is laid on a bevil, i. e. highest in the middle." The word occurs in DICTT. as only used in architecture. BEVILING, adj. having such a declivity. BEZZLE, v. when the edge of a tool is blunted or turned in the process of whetting or grinding, it is said to be bezzled. BIBBLE, v. to eat like a duck, gathering its food from water, and taking up both together. A dim of bib, and that doubtless from Lat. bibo. It means, also, to tipple. JEN. Bib is o. E. " a wine-bibber." BIDE-OWE, w. interpreted by Ray (Pr. to N. c.) "pcenas dare" It may be so. It is impossible to assent or gainsay, as it is totally extinct. It is one of Sir Thomas Browne's words. EAST ANGLIA. 25 BIGG, s. a species of barley ; called also barley-big. It is hordeum hexastichon, Lin. It is a good deal cultivated in the fenny districts of Norfolk, and the Isle of Ely. It yields and grinds well, but will not malt. The Scotch big, according to JAM. is hord. tetrastichon, Lin. Isl. bigg, hordeum. BIGHES, s. pi. jewels, female ornaments, o. E. We use it in a figurative sense. Ex. " She is all in her bighes to-day," q. d. best humour, best graces, &c. BILLY-WIX, s. an owl. BING, s. a bin for corn, flour, wine, &c. The proper word. Dan. bing, cumulus. BIRD OF THE EYE, s. the pupil, or rather, perhaps, the little refracted image on the retina, or that of a very near spectator reflected from the cornea. In many languages there seems to be some delicate or endearing term of this kind. The Greeks call it Kopa, or Trapflevos, the girl or virgin ; and our an- cestors talked of the " baby in the eye." In Latin it is pupilla. R. s. E. c. BIRTLE, adj. brittle. These metathetical changes are, perhaps, scarcely worth notice. BISHOP, v. to confirm. Chiefly used in the part. pass, and so it was in the Saxon. A. s. biscopod, confir- matus. BISHOP-BARNABEE, s. the pretty insect more generally called the Lady-bird, or May-bug, Coc- cinella septem punctata, Lin. It is one of those few highly favoured among God's harmless creatures, which superstition protects from wanton injury. Some obscurity seems to hang over this popular name of it. It has certainly no more relation to the VOL. I. D 26 VOCABULARY OF companion of St. Paul than to drunken Barnaby ; though some seem to have supposed it has. It is sometimes called Bishop Benebee, which may pos- sibly have been intended to mean the blessed bee ; sometimes Bishop Benetree, of which it seems not possible to make any thing. The name has most probably been derived from the Barn-Bishop; whether in scorn of that silly and profane mockery, or in pious commemoration of it, must depend on the time of its adoption, before or since the Refor- mation ; and it is not worth inquiring. The two words are transposed, and bee annexed, as being perhaps thought more seemly in such a connexion than fly, bug, or beetle. The dignified ecclesias- tics in ancient times wore brilliant mixtures of colours in their habits. Bishops had scarlet and black, as this insect has on its wing-covers. Some remains of the finery of the gravest personages still exist in our academical robes of ceremony. There is something inconsistent with the popish episco- pal character in the childish rhyme with which Bishop Barnabee is thrown up and dismissed when he happens to light on any one's hand. Un- luckily the words are not recollected, nor at pre- sent recoverable. But the purport of them is to admonish him to fly home, and take care of his wife and children, for that his house is on fire. Perhaps, indeed, the rhyme has been fabricated long since the name, by some one who did not think of such niceties. BITCH, s. a trull ; the female companion of a vagrant. Kay has a "tinker's bitch." Our tinkers do not EAST ANGLIA, 27 keep bitches but trulls. The fiddling vagabond, with us, is the only one who has such an establish- ment ; and we found upon it an extremely coarse and offensive comparison, '' as drunk as a fiddler's bitch:' BLACK-SAP, s. the jaundice in a very advanced state. BLAME, u. a very decent and commendable evasion of the horrible word damn. Ex. " Blame me," or " 1 will be blamed, if," &c. It is to be observed, however, that the use of it is altogether selfish ; cpnfined to the first person singular. Nobody ever heard so mild an imprecation as "blame you for a rascal," or, "John Smith be blamed for a fool." BLAR, BLARE, v. It may seem an unnecessary ex- actness to point out any difference in the appli- cation of these words. Correct speakers, how- ever, with very nice ears, will apply them differ- ently, according to the sharpness or flatness of the tone. It is enough to say that calves, sheep, asses, and children, all blar, or blare in their several natu- ral modes. BR. Belg. blaren, mugire. BLAUNCH, s. a blain. BLAUTHY, adj. bloated. From blow came blowth, a word used in o. E. for bloom. From blaw, another form of the same verb (still used in L. sc.) would come blawtk, and thence our adjective. BLEE, s. general resemblance, not " colour and complexion/' as the DICTT. give it ; and as might seem to result from its derivation. Mr. Nares asserts that it was obsolete in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. If so, we have a very extraordinary 28 VOCABULARY OF instance of the renascence of a word ; for it is in use among us every day in the sense here given to it. Ex. That boy has a strong blee of his father." BR. in the sense of complexion. CH. p. G. BLEEK, adj. 1. Pale, sickly. 2. Sheepish. A. s. blcece, pallor. BLIND, adj. abortive. When blossoms fade away without forming the fruit, we say they are blind. It seems to be particularly said of strawberries, and other small summer fruits. The process of vege- tation is stopped. It should rather be considered as a participle from the Saxon verb blinan ; an English verb bline would come quite regularly ; the part. pass, of which would be blined. A. s. blinan, cessare. BLIND-SIM, BLIND-HOB, s. the game of blind- man's buff. The unfortunate wight whose lot it is to be hood-winked, and who is thumped and punched by the other players, bears the contemp- tuous name of a coarse clown j to make fun for the company, as in a pantomime. BLINKED-BEER, s. Skinner, and after him others, say that sour beer is so called. It may be so, but not by us. The beer which we called blinked, has no acidity, but an ill flavour peculiar to itself; said to be occasioned by too long delay of fermentation, until the wort is too cool to ferment with proper activity. Others account for it from insufficient stirring of the mash, so as not to wet all the malt. In either case carelessness or laziness is implied. Either reason, therefore, agrees better with Skin- ner's etymology than our own, according to which EAST ANGLIA. 29 the liquor is intended to be sour. Blinked-beer will of course have a great tendency to turn sour ; but certainly in our usage is blinked before it is sour. A. s. blinan, cessare. In L. sc. beer is said to be blinked when it is turned become subacid. BLOB, s. a small lump of any thing thick, viscid, or dirty, as of tallow, dregs of ink, &c. JAM. says, it is "anything tumid, and circular." An aug- mentative, or intensive of bleb, by means of the broader vowel. It affords some expressive com- pounds. An ugly fellow has blob-lips or a blob" nose ; and if what ought to be pointed is blunt and round at the end, as a pen, a pencil, an awl, or a nail, it is said to be blob-ended. BLOCK-HORSE, s. a strong wooden frame with four handles, commonly called a hand-barrow, for the purpose of carrying blocks. BLOOD-FALLEN, part, chill-blained. BLGOD-OLPH. s. the bull-finch. The first part of the name is from the colour of its breast and belly. We have neither alp nor nope; but our name is probably a variation of the former. We call the Green-finch the Green-olph. q. v. BLORE, v. to bellow like a bull. Intens. of blare. BLOUZE, *. 1. A woman with hair or head-dress loose and dis- ordered, or decorated with vulgar finery. Whe- ther she be " ruddy and fat-faced," or at all "like a blossom," is nothing to us, though she is so re- presented in T. J. 2. A woman's bonnet; most properly that sort which is otherwise called a slouch. But it seems to be D 3 30 VOCABULARY OF applied to bonnets of all shapes, fashions, and di- mensions, from the bee-hive to the crow's nest. Ex. ft I will just slip on my blouze, and go with you directly." BLOUZY, adj. tricked out in flaring finery, loosely and carelessly disposed. It is not at all necessary that the fair one should be " sun-burnt and high- coloured," the only characteristics mentioned in T. J. Our senses both of subst. and adj. suffi- ciently illustrate the passages cited. BLOW, s. blossoms. The DICTT. give the verb, but not the subst. We use the word collectively. Ex. " There is a fine blotv of apples this year." BR. BLOWN-HERRING, s. a herring slightly cured for speedy use, and home consumption. Those which are intended for exportation, or long keeping, undergo the operation of three successive fires, each kept up for about twenty-four hours. In- tervals of two or three days are allowed between the smokings, in which the fat of the fish is drained away. The blown fish are smoked but once. That process has the effect of plumping them, without discharging the fatj somewhat like the baking or roasting of apples. In this state of su- perior richness and flavour, they will not bear long keeping. On some parts of our coasts a blown-herring is called atotv-botven. Why ? They are also called bloaters, but we do not acknow- ledge the word. BLUBBER, 5. a bubble, from blob. L. sc. BLUBBER-GRASS, s. different species of bromus, from their soft inflated glumes ; in particular mollis, which infests barren pastures. EAST ANGLIA. 31 BLUTHER, s. 1. To blot in writing. 2. To disfigure the face with weeping. Sui. G. plattra, incuriose scribere. L. sc. JAM. BOAR-THISTLE, s. the Carduus lanceolatus, Lin. BOARD-CLOTH, s. a table-cloth. In o. E. the table was called the board, not only poetically, as it still is, but in common use. So it was in Saxon. A. s. bord, mensa. L. sc. BOB, v. to cheat, o. E. " the gold and jewels that I bobb'd him of." BOBBISH, adj. pretty good, somewhat clever. JEN. BOBBISHLY, adv. pretty well, rather cleverly. These words doubtless belong to the verb bob, of which several ludicrous senses are to be found in DICTT. o. FR. bobe, a joke or trick. BODE, v. to board. Ex. " He bodes and lodges there." A. s. bead, mensa. BODE-CLOTH, s. a table-cloth. BODGE, v. 1. To patch clumsily ; the same as botch. 2. To boggle, to fail. SH. BODILY, adv. entirely ; in the whole mass ; all at once. A wind-mill, a hay-barn, or other edifice constructed in frame-work, without foundation, may be removed bodily. BOGG, adj. sturdy, self-sufficient, petulant. R. s. E. c. Two etyma may be proposed. A. s. boga, ar- cus. " Qui semper arcum tendit," is always ready for attack or defence. Skinner spells it bug, which he makes syn. with big, and derives from A. s. luc, or Dan. bug, veuter, as it were confidently strutting, "protenso sesquipede." 32 VOCABULARY OF BOIST, s. a swelling. The adjective Loistous, regu- larly formed from this word, is used both by Wick- liffe and Chaucer, in the modern sense of boisterous. This seems to be one of the very few words of the ancient British language, which are be found in our's, at least in the eastern dialects of it. BOKE, s. bulk. Ex. " there is more loke than corn in that goaf." It is in R. N. c. Pegge spells it booke, and assigns it to us. Bulk, bolk, boke, booke run easily enough into each other. BR. CR. It is surely bolk. BOKE, i). to nauseate, to be ready to vomit. L. sc. bolk. A. s. bealcan, ructare. It is, in fact, intens. of belch, w. w. R. BR. BOKE-OUT, v. to swell out, to gain bulk and promi- nence, w. c. " to thrust or poke out." BOLT, v. to swallow food without chewing. A sense not given in DIGIT, but connected with others by the idea of haste. BOMBAZE, v. to confound, bewilder, perplex ; as if a veil were thrown before the eyes, to hinder one from seeing what he is about. Ex. if I am right on bombazed," i. e. by the communication of some unexpected news, or the proposal of some puzzling question. It is certainly connected with the word bombazine, but not in its modern sense. Anciently it meant a fine web of cotton. This may be enough to prove our word o. E. BONE-DRY, adj. perfectly dry ; as dry as a bone long bleached in the weather. BONE-LAZY, BONE-SORE, BONE-TIRED, adj. so lazy, sore, or tired, that the laziness, the sore- ness, or the fatigue, seem to have penetrated the very bones. These compound epithets are cer- EAST ANGLIA. 33 tainly very expressive. The only objection to which they can be liable, seems to be, that they " may be thought by some too poetical for com- mon familiar language. BONNY, adj. brisk, cheerful, in good health, and spi- rits. So the word is not, as Dr. Johnson supposes, confined to the L. sc. We do not indeed include in it the idea of " comeliness." BOOBY-HUTCH,5. a clumsy and ill-contrived covered carriage, or seat. BOP, v. to dip, or duck suddenly. There are several other words of like formation, in more or less general use, for sudden, quick, and short motion, and formed to be expressive of it ; such are bob) pop, dop, dob. The dob-chick must have been so called from its instantaneous disappearance. BORH, BOR, s. a term of very familiar address, ge- nerally understood to be a coarse pronunciation of the word boy. A different account of it is proposed with some confidence. If boy is actually sometimes pronounced as if it were spelled baw, it is the sole instance of our so perverting the power of the diphthong oy ; we either pronounce it as others do, or we narrow it to long i ; we never call joy jaw, nor a toy a taw ; we do not talk of emplawlng or destraw'mg, but of emptying or destrt/'mg. This one seeming instance of such perversion is there- fore likely to have arisen from our not under- standing the term we use; besides, it may be remarked, that this word is applied indiscriminately to persons of both sexes and of all ages ; and though it may be common for elderly people to address as 34 VOCABULARY OF boys those who are much their juniors, or if they have been long intimate, to call each other in jocular familiarity old boys ; or if old men, affect- ing juvenile airs, be so called, yet it would surely be too absurd for old women to give to each other the appellation of boy. Now among so many traces as we have of Saxon antiquity, so many instances of Saxon words traditionally retained in their original form and use, it cannot be extravagant to conjecture that the word is, in fact, bor, and di- rectly refers to the well-known frame of Saxon society, in which those who constituted every little community, or township (borg), were mutually and formally bound by law to and for each other, under a petty local magistrate, or conservator of the peace, called the borsholder, i. e. the bors older, or elder. This official title still exists in some dis- tricts. The word under our consideration would thus signify townsman, neighbour, sworn friend, &c., much in the same way as our seamen call each other messmate, and our soldiers comrade. It is to be observed that it is actually a part of the word neighbour (A. s. neah, prope, andiorA) ; and why may it not exist in the simple as well as in a compound form ? If this explanation be admitted, one old woman may, without absurdity, say to an- other (as often happens), " Co' lor, let's go a sticking in the 'Squire's plantations." And the other may answer, " Aye, bor, so we will." BOSH, s. To " cut a bosh," is something stronger than the more usual expression to " cut a dash ; " some- thing more shewy and expansive. " Bosen out," EAST-ANGLIA. 35 is rendered by the Latin tumidus in PR. PA. Fr. bosse. BOSS, s. a hod for mortar, carried on the shoulders like a hump. BOSSOCH, v. to toss and tumble clumsily, as it were, to throw all the limbs together into one heap. BOTTLE, s. 1. " A quantity of hay or grass bundled up." JOHNS. This is very indistinct. " A truss of hay." NARES. This is positively wrong. By a " bottle of hay" is now understood such a moderate bundle as may serve for one feed, twisted somewhat into the shape of a bottle. It had probably always the same meaning. In Shakspeare's time it cer- tainly had. When Bottom, in Mids. Night's Dr. (the passage cited both in T. j. and N. G.), expresses his anxious craving for a " bottle of hay," he plainly means enough to make a meal on. To wish for a whole truss would be as extravagant and unnatural, as for a hungry man to wish for a quarter of mutton for his dinner. Mr. N. is again mistaken in supposing this phrase to be no longer in use but in the proverbial saying of " looking for a needle in a bottle of hay," which he conceives that few people understand. East-Angles all un- derstand it perfectly, and use the word bottle. currently. 2. We have also, or had within living memory, barley-bottles. These were little bundles of barley in the straw, given to farm-horses. This wasteful mode of giving feeds of corn, is probably now quite disused. Oats are now produced where formerly no spring-corn but barley was cultivated, and are 36 VOCABULARY OF the universal food of horses. In some years of very high price barley has been substituted, be- cause a less quantity is thought to suffice. But then it was cut in the straw, given in that form, and eaten up clean. After all it is possible that barley-bottles may still be given by some very old fashioned farmers, who so much venerate the wis- dom of their great-grandfathers, as to abhor and abjure all innovations upon their practice, good or bad. 3. The dug of a cow is called her bottle, as well as her bag. BOTTLE-BIRD, s. an apple rolled up and baked in a crust, so called from its fancied resemblance to birds nestling in those bottle-shaped receptacles, placed for that purpose under the eaves of some old buildings. BOTTLE-BUMP, s. the bittern, anciently called bittour, or buttour. Of this the first part of our word is manifestly a corruption ; the last syllable was formed from the dull hollow sound uttered by the bird. SK. has butter-bump; so have we by way of variety. In poetry this bird has been called "booming bittern." Sump is much more expres- sive of its sound. BOTTLE-NOSE, s. the common porpoise. It is so called by the sailors and fishermen at Cromer, and probably every where else on our coasts. BOUDS, s. pL weovils in malt. T. R. s. E. c. BOUDY, adj. applied to malt infested with those in- sects which give a nauseous taste to the beer brewed from it. . * EAST-ANGLIA. 37' BOUGE, s. Phr. " To make a bouge ;" to commit a gross blunder; to get a heavy fall by taking an awkward false step. BOUGE, v. to bulge or swell out. Fr. bouge. SK. BOUT-HAMMER, s. the heavy two-handed hammer used by blacksmiths. This word is not in the DICTT. however common here and perhaps else- where. BOWRY, s. a bower or arbour. The word was an- ciently written boivre, and signified a room, parti- cularly a woman's apartment; and being liable to become a diphthong in poetry (as shoivre does -in the very first verse of the Canterbury Tales), has been made permanently so with us in plain prose and common talk. It is from A. s. bure, conclave. BR ACKLY, adj. brittle. Particularly applied to stand- ing corn, some ears of which are so quickly ripened as to snap off short. M. s. BRAID, v. A culinary term ; to beat and blend soft substances or mixtures; particularly to press them with a spoon through a colander or sieve. It may possibly be another form of bray, to pound in a mortar, but as it means no more than the gentle pressure of what gives little or no resistance, it seems better connected with BRED. q. v. BRAKES, s.pl. fern. We use it in this sense only, which Dr. Johns, says is the original sense ; giving no etymon to prove it is so. Perhaps, what is hinted, not formally offered, by SK. may serve our purpose, " quia fragilis est." The ptesis aquilina, Lin. which covers many acres of our sterile sandy districts, and which we almost exclusively call VOL. I. E 38 VOCABULARY OF brakes (only occasionally including some other ferns), is not very remarkable for its fragility; but it may certainly be called fragile in comparison with the " thorns and briars," placed in the DICTT. among other senses of the word brake. Those senses are numerous, and not a little confused. Archdeacon Nares has reckoned up no fewer than eight. We are concerned only with our own, Bracken is exactly equivalent to brakes, being the A. s. plural of brake or brak. BRAIN-PAN, 5. the scull. It may seem intended for a ludicrous figurative expression ; but is the very word used by our Saxon ancestors to express the cranium. A. s. panne, cranium. BEAMISH, v. to flourish, gesticulate, and assume af- fected airs. BRAND, 5. the smut in wheat, making it look as if a hot iron had passed over it. BRAND-NEW, adj. new worked off, newly branded. There is fire-new in CH. ; and, to increase the force of the expression, we sometimes combine the two phrases, and call a thing brand-Jire-ne'vo. BRANDY, adj. affected with smut. A. s. bren, urere. BRANK, s. buck-wheat ; polygonum fagopyrum, Lin . T. R. S.E. C. BRASH, 5. an acid and watery rising from the sto- mach into the mouth. BR. BRASHY, adj. applied to land, overgrown with faint grass, rushes, or twigs. Teut. braasch, fragilis. BRATTLE, v. to lop the branches of trees after they are felled. BRATTLINGS, s. pi. loppings from felled trees. EAST ANGLIA. 39 BRAVELY, adv. very much recovered from sickness. BRAWN, s. a boar. To call the living animal by the name of his flesh when cut up and cured, was an. ancient usage. We read of beefs, muttons, and veals, in the accounts of ancient feasts in the Northumberland Household-book, and other such documents. Prince Hal. calls Falstaff " that old Brawn." BR. BRECK, s. a large division of an open corn-field, q. d. break. Ray calls it land ploughed the first year after it has lain fallow. It is certainly not so re- stricted by us. R. s. E. c. BRED, s. a board to press curd for cheese, somewhat less in circumference than the vat. A. s. bredan, stringere. The same name seems to have been applied in o. E. to small boards used for other pur- poses; the pax-bred for instance. The pax was a representation of the crucifixion, presented in the ceremony of the mass to be kissed by the faithful. A silver plate was probably used, when it could be afforded, and in default of it, aboard. Elisha Coles calls it the pax-bread, and expresses it in Latin by panis osculatorius, unfortunately confounding the wood with the consecrated wafer. V. c. HAW. and N. G. BRED-SORE, BREEDER, s. a whitlow, or any sore coming without wound, or other visible cause. BRIEF, s. a general name for any written or printed petition, or begging paper, of whatsoever descrip- tion. BRIG, s. a bridge ; pure Saxon. A. s. brigge, pons. BR. 40 VOCABULARY OF BRIM, *. 1. Commonly, but erroneously, supposed to be ano- ther name for a boar. We say, indeed, the " sow goes to brim;" but we never call the boar a brim. In Cheshire, the sow is said to be brimming) which is exactly the A. s. bremend, fervens. w. c. 1. A strumpet ; abbreviation of brimstone. The same etymon may serve both. A. s. brymende, fervens, or brync, ardor. BRINK-WARE, s. small faggots to repair the banks of rivers. They are generally made of white thorn for its strength and durability. BROACHES, BRAUCHES, s. pi. rods of sallow, hazle, or other tough and pliant wood split, sharp- ened at each end, and bent in the middle like an old fashioned hair pin ; used by thatchers to pierce and fix their work. A fell of such wood is divided into hurdle-wood and broach-wood ; the stouter and the slenderer. Fr. broche. BROAD, s. a lake formed by the expansion of a river in a flat country j as Braydon Broad, between Nor- wich and Yarmouth, and several others in that part of the county of Norfolk ; Oulton Broad, &c. in the hundred of Lothingland, in Suffolk. BROAD-BEST, s. the best suit of apparel. Perhaps because understood to be made of broad cloth. BROAK, BROCK, v. to belch. A. s.broccetan, rue- tare. BROCK, s. a badger ; but only used in a dirty com- parison. " He stinks like a brock." The animal is generally called badger, or else by his proper name. Sui.-G. brokug, versicolor. EAST ANGLIA. 41 BRUCKLED, BRUCKET, adj. grimy, speckled and ingrained with dirt. Ex. " that child's hands are all over bruckled" Sometimes it is used in a figura- tive sense ; not meaning that the thing to which it is applied actually wants washing, but that it looks as if it did. " A brucket complexion," cannot be bet- ter described. Archdeacon Nares having read 1 a " bruckled child," but never heard the word in use, supposes it to mean breeched-, laughably enough to us, who often see bruckled children, with or without breeches. BRUFF, adj. hearty, jolly, healthy, in good case. Should it be spc " Pretty bruff'." BRUMP, v. to lop trees in the night. BRUMP, s. as large a portion of such plunder as can be carried away at once. BRUN, s. bran ; but that is assuredly the corrupt word, and ours is the pure one. It designates the brown part of the grist, from which the white flour has been separated. A. s. brun, fuscus. BRUSTLE, 5. a bristle. A very easy change ; but there is Teut. burstael, seta. BUCK, s. that part of a cart or waggon, which may very properly be called its belly. A. s. bucc, ven- ter. R. s. E. c. BUCK, v. to spring or bound with agility, like a buck. BUCKER, s. 1. A horse's hind leg. 2. A bent piece of wood somewhat like it in shape; particularly that on which a slaughtered animal is hung up, more generally called a gambrel > which, E 3 42 VOCABULARY OF it may be observed, has a very similar connexion with Ital. gamba, a leg. In both senses it is sometimes pronounced Bucket ; a change exactly like that of BADGER to BADGET. q.v. BUCKER-HAM, s. the hock joint of a horse. Teut. buchen, flectere. BUCK-HEAD, BUCK-STALL, v. to cut down a quickset hedge to the height of two or three feet, with a view of renovating its growth. The two words are used indiscriminately. Buck-stall may have been retained from some supposed resem- blance the hedge so reduced bore to a sort of net so called, with which deer were anciently inter- cepted and caught in a forest. But what con- nexion can this mischievous practice in husbandry have with a buck's-head. Perhaps from the jagged and forky ends which may be thought to resemble the branches of antlers. Old trees, having their " high tops dry with bald antiquity," are also said to be buck-headed ; seemingly from the same re- semblance. BUD, s. a calf of which the horns are beginning to shoot. But the name is equally applied to those of the same age, of the polled breed. R. s. E. c. BUDDLE, s. a noxious weed among corn. Chrysan- themum segetum, Lin. T. Boddle. BUFFER, s. a fool, a buffoon. Fr. bouffard. L. sc. BUFFET-STOOL, s. a four-legged stool set on a frame like a table. It is the poor man's side-board, table, or stool, as occasion requires. PR. PA. biiffet- stole. EAST ANGLIA. 43 BUFFLE, v. 1 . To handle clumsily, as if the fingers were stuffed or blown up. 2. To speak thick and inarticulately, as if the mouth were stuffed. Fr. boujfu. BUFFLE-HEADED, adj. stupid and confused. BULK, . to throb. BULKING, s. a throbbing in the flesh. BULL-FEIST, s. the common puff-ball ; Lycoperdon bovista, Lin. It is called crepitus lupi, by Parkin- son, and bofist by Bauhin, whence came the words lycoperdon and bovista. Our provincial name is certainly from bull, and A. s. foist or Jist, flatus ventris. In some counties it is called puck-fist, which attributes the same flatulence to the jolly goblin Robin Goodfellow. BULLOCK, v. 1. To bully. 2. To bellow or lament vociferously. Ex. " sobbing and bullocking." Here the termination ock has certainly the force of an intensive or frequentative. BULL'S-NOON, s. midnight. The inhabitants of dairy counties can feelingly vouch for the propriety of this term. Their repose is often broken in the dead of night by the loud bellowing of the lord of the herd, who, rising vigorous from his evening ru- mination, rushes forth on his adventures, as if it were broad noon-day, and blares with increased rage and disappointment when he comes to a fence which he cannot break through. BULLY-MUNG, s. According to T. a mixture of the meal of oats, pease, and vetches. SK. makes 44 VOCABULARY OF buck-wheat the main ingredient. With us, it means any coarse thick mixture for homely food. The derivation doubtfully proposed by SK. is probably right. A. s. bilig, ater, and mengean, miscere. BULLY-RAG, BULARAG, v. to revile in vulgar and opprobrious terms. V. Rag- BR. w. w. R. JEN. Isl. bol, divas, and ragian, deferre. LYE. BULVER, v. to increase in bulk by being rolled over and over, like snow. The word is often applied to hay or corn collecting into increasing heaps. Fr. bouleverser. BUMBASTE, v. to beat or baste severely, particu- larly to inflict school discipline. BUMBLE, v. to muffle. Ex. " The bells were bum- bled at his burial." BUMBLES, s. pi. Coverings for the eyes of a horse, obstructing his vision more effectually than com- mon blinkers. BUMBLE-BEE, s. a better name than the common one, humlle-bee, and more delicate than the L. sc. bum-bee. It is to be wished it were fairly derivable from the/3o/t/3evo-ajueXt\os in Homer ; i\ov J?rwp, ^i\ov o/jL/na, t\a 92 VOCABULARY OF yovvara. It is a sense of close and particular en- dearment, in which certainly we often use those two words, in speaking of any thing we particu- larly cherish, as our beloved kindred or friends, or, as in Homer, the limbs or organs of our bodies. DERELY, adv. direly, lamentably, extremely. Ex. " I am derely ill ; " " derely tired, " &c. Com- monly, perhaps, but very absurdly, understood to be dearly. DEVE, v. to dive. o. E. also, to dip. DE VILIN, s. the species of swallow, commonly called the swift ; hirundo apus, Lin. Named from its imp-like ugliness and screaming. JEN. Sheer-devil. DEVIL'S-MINT, s. an inexhaustable abundance and succession of things hurtful or offensive, as if the devil himself were at work coining them. DEVILTRY, DEVILMENT, s. any thing unlucky, offensive, hurtful, or hateful, in which the devil may be suspected of having some concern. The first word ought certainly to be devilry, for it would be an exact English form of the word diablerie, which has the same meaning. The second word looks like the French adverb diablement, trans- formed to an English noun. DEVING-POND, s. a pond from which water is drawn for domestic use, by dipping a pail. DEUS AN, s. a hard sort of apple which keeps a long time, but turns pale and shrivels. Hence the si- mile, " pale as a deusan." Fr. deux ans. DEW-BEATERS, s. pi. coarse and thick shoes whic resist the dew. EAST ANGLIA. 93 DEW-DRINK, s. the first allowance of beer to har- vest men, before they begin their day's work. DIBLES, s. pi. difficulties, embarrassments, scrapes. It may be a contraction of the Fr. diableries, or from N. Fr. dibilU, disabled. DICK-A-DILVER, s. the herb periwinkle. Vinca minor. Lin. Is it so called from its rooting (delv- ing) at every joint, and spreading itself far and wide. DICKY, s. an ass, male or female. DICKY-ASS, s. a male ass; the female being usually called a Jenny ass, or a Betty ass. DIDDER, v. to have a quivering of the chin through cold. BR. Belg. sitteren, a sono, quern frigore trementes edimus. SK. G. A. DIDDLE, v. to waste time in the merest trifling. An extreme dimin. of dawdle. BR. DIDDLES, DIDDLING S, s. young ducks, or suck- ing pigs. DIDLE, v. to clean the bottom of a river. DILLS, s. pi. the paps of a sow. A contraction, per- haps, of the foregoing word. At any rate they are connected. DILVER, v. to weary with labour or exercise. It may not improperly be connected with delving, which is one effectual mode of producing fatigue. DING, v. 1. To throw with a quick and hasty motion. Ex. " I dung it at him." 2. To beat or knock repeatedly. Ex. " I could not ding it into him." R. s. E. c. 94 VOCABULARY OF DING, s. a smart slap ; particularly with the back of the hand. Sui.-G. dcenge, tundere. DINGE, v. to rain mistily, to drizzle. DIP, s. a sauce for dumplings, composed of melted butter, vinegar, and brown sugar. PE, gives us credit for this delicious hors d'oeuvre. DIRT- WEED, s. chenopodium viride, Lin. An ex- pressive name for what generally grows on dung- hills or other heaps of dirt. BR. muck-weed. DISBURST, v. to disburse. The idea of bursting may naturally enough suggest itself to an illiterate person, on any occasion of expenditure. In using this word, then, he has a distinct meaning, which he would not have if he said disburse, of the proper signification of which he knows nothing. DISCOMFRONTLE, v. seems to be a compound of discomfit and affront, in sense as well as in sound ; the additional syllable at the end being intended to smooth and round it off with the liquid/, eu- phonise gratia. DISOBLIGE, v. to stain or sully. A young miss is apt to disoblige her white frock by romping in the dirt with the boys, or by not taking proper care when she eats her tart. The cat may disoblige the carpet if she is not turned out of the room in time. DO, v. Phr. " to do for." To take care of, provide for. Ex. " The children have lost their mother, but their aunt will do for them." The more cor- rect sense of this phrase is widely different from ours. To " do for one," or to " do his business," means very generally and familiarly to dispatch him, to knock him on the head, or get rid of him EAST ANtiLIA. 95 in some other way. And so, indeed, it does with us. So that we have two opposite senses of doing for. To " do for," also sometimes means to ma- nage the affairs of another as steward or agent. DOATED, part, decayed, rotten ; chiefly applied to old trees. DOBBLE, v. to dawb ; of which it seems a frequent. DOCK, s. the broad nether end of a felled tree; or of the human body. DOCKSY, s. a very gentle softening or dimin. of the foregoing in its second acceptation. DOCTOR, s. an apothecary, who is invariably ad- dressed and mentioned under this title. DOCTOR OF SKILL, s. a physician, who never re- ceives his proper title, but is as invariably styled Mister. It is fruitless to attempt to explain this commutation. Perhaps it may be on an equitable give-and-take principle ; that the apothecary ought to be compensated for the implied denial of his skill, and the physician to feel himself sufficiently honoured by the express acknowledgment of it. DODDY, adj. low in stature, diminutive in person. Probably from the common vulgarism hoddy-doddy, as we also shorten hodmandod to dodman. DODGE, s. a small lump of something moist and thick, as of mortar, clay, &c. DODMAN, s. a snail. Hodmandod is pretty general. We are content with a part of it. R.S. E. c. DOER, *. an agent or manager for another. DOGS, s. pi. andirons on the hearth where wood is the fuel. Carpenters also use dogs to support some of their heavy work. A word implying that the dog 96 VOCABULARY OF is a beast of burthen, is certainly very odd and un- accountable in our language. It might do well enough in that of Kamschatka or of the Esquimaux. Horse would certainly suit us better. Indeed we do use it in a similar sense, and even employ it in some lighter labours. We make a horse bear our shirts and stockings in the laundry, and our but- tered toast by the parlour fire, and we load a poor dog with logs and beams. It is vain to attempt tracing the origin of such a strange expression. BR. DOG'S-GRASS, s. the common cynosurus cristatus, Lin. It is literally, "dog's-tail grass;" but we have cut off the tail. DOLK, DOKE, a larger and deeper delk, q. v. A. s. dolg, vulnus. DOME, DOOM, DUM, s. down ; as of a rabbit, a young fowl, &c. Dan. dun, pluma. DONE-GROWING, adj. stunted in growth ; short of stature. DOLE, s. a distribution of alms, in money, food, fuel, or clothing. It is strange this word is not given at all in T. J. nor definitely in Ash. A. s. dcelan, dis- tribuere. DOOL, DOLE, s. a boundary mark in an uninclosed field. It is very often a low post ; thence called a Dool-post. A. s. dcslan, dividere. BR. DOOR-STALL, s. a door post. The very Saxon word. A. s. dur-stodl, postis. DOP, 5. a short quick curtsey. A. s. doppetan, mersare. DOP-A-LOW, adj. very short in stature. Especially spoken of females. DOR, s. a cock-chaffer. The meloloutha solslitialis, Lin. EAST ANGLIA. 97 the larva of which does so much mischief to our meadows and pastures, and the perfect insect is so great an annoyance in summer evenings. A. s. dora, fucus. R. s. E. c. DORE-APPLE, 5. a firm winter apple of a bright yel- low colour ; supposed, I trow, pretty generally, to be thus called because it is as hard as a door. It is, however, a corruption or perversion, in part trans- lation of Fr.pomme d'or. DORMER, s. a large beam. It is observable that the only authority given for it in T. j. is that of a Suf- folk author, even the witty historian of Wheatfield ; the nature of whose subject would of course lead him often to prefer the words and phrases current in his county. The word is fairly our's. DOSS, v. to attack with the horns, as a bull, a ram, or a he-goat. So it cannot be, as some suppose, the same as toss ; because, though bulls can do so, the other two horned animals can not. Has it any con- nection with dowse ? When the learned translator of the three Greek Tragic Poets first came into Norfolk as a curate, the farmer with whom he lodged, completely posed his erudition, by telling him, in pointing out to his observation a remarkably fine bull, that he must soon make away with him, as he had already "dossed three mouthers." DOSS, s. a hassock to kneel upon at Church. Being made of rushes and flags, which are also common materials of baskets, it may be a contraction of dosser, which occurs in o. E. in that sense; and being carried on the back came from Fr. dos. CH. DOUGH-UP, v. to stick together, as if with paste. K 98 VOCABULARY OF DOW, s. a dove. ~~w/ DOW-HOUSE, s. a dove cote. Dowcot. sc. N. DOW, v. to mend, in health. Of a sick man continuing in the same state, it is said that he " neither dies nor dovos." May dotu mean do well? " Doe or die," is an ancient military maxim or motto. Ray says, dotv or daiv is, in " common speech," to awaken. In what common speech? Are we to understand that in his time it was a general word? PR. has "die nor do." Of the etyma offered by Ray, the best seems A.S. dugan, valere. w.c. w. w. R. DOWLER, s. a sort of coarse dumpling. It seems connected with dough. DOWN-BOUT, s. a hard set-to ; a tough battle. DOWNFALL, s. a descent from the atmosphere. Rain, hail, or snow. L. sc. onfall. DOWN-LYING, s. a lying-in. DOWN-LYING, adj. applied to a woman in her travail. DOWN-PINS, s. pi. those who in a jolly carousal are dead-drunk. Metaphor from Nine-pins. DOWNY, adj. low-spirited. DRABBLE, v. to draggle. Ours is the better word. A.S. drabbe, faeces. DRABBLE-TAIL, 5. a slattern, who allows her gar- ment to trail after her in the dirt. DRAGGING-TIME, s. the evening of the fair-day, when the young fellows pull the wenches about. DRAINS, s. pi. grains from the mash-tub* through which the wort has been drained of DRANT, v. to drawl in speaking or reading ; more properly, perhaps, spelled draunt (pronounced like aunt). It may be connected with drone. EAST ANGLIA. 99 DRANT, s. a droning or drawling tone. Ex. " He reads with a drant.'' It may be from A.s. dran, fucus. JEN. drean. DRAPS, s.pl. fruit in an orchard dropping before it is fit to be gathered. DRAWK, 5. the common darnel-grass. Lolium per- enne, Lin. DRAWLATCH, u. to dawdle tediously, and spend much time on little work. DRAWLATCH, s. a tedious dawdling loiterer. Min- shew explains drawlatchet a sort of nightly thief, from his drawing the latchets, or latches, of doors. He supposes the word to have been long obsolete in his time. Yet, lo ! after two centuries more it still lives, very nearly in the same form, and not remote from the same meaning. For though we do not impute to a dratvlatch any other dishonesty than that of wasting the time for which his em- ployer pays him wages, it is easy to conceive that he uses a part of it in watching opportunities to pilfer ; and, in so long a course of years, the word may easily enough have assumed a sense certainly not unconnected. DREPE, v. to drip, or dribble. A. s. drypan, stil- lare. BR. DREPING-WET, adj. so thoroughly soaked that water drips from the garments. DRINDLE, s. a small channel to carry off water, a very neat diminutive of drain. DRINGLE, v. to waste time in a lazy lingering man- ner. It has exactly the same sense as drumble, which Mrs. Ford uses in the " Merry Wives of Windsor," in rating her servants for not being 100 VOCABULARY OF more nimble in carrying off the buck-basket. Had that merry gossip been an East Angle, she must have said dringle. DROLL, v. to put off; to amuse with excuses. Pron. like doll. DROPE, v. to run down like wax or tallow from the candle, or perspiration down the face in violent heat. Intensive of drepe; but original Saxon. A. s. dropian, stillare. DROVY, adj. itchy; scabby; lousy; or all three. A word of supreme contempt, or rather loathing. It is from the subst. drove, which we have not. It is O.E. and in a quotation among the commentaries on SH. Hen. VI. from some contemporary author? a drove is coupled with a puzzel, q. v. A. s. drof, crenosus. DROZE, v. to beat very severely. DROZINGS, 5. a hearty drubbing. DRUG, s. a strong carriage with four wheels for con- veying heavy loads of timber. It has nothing to do with dragging. Drugge is o. E. synonymous with drudge. B. A. DRUGSTER, s. a druggist, sc. N. DUFFY-DO WS, s. pi. young pigeons not fully fledged. DUDDLE, v. commonly used with the addition of " up." " To duddle up" is to cover up closely and warmly, with an unnecessary quantity of cloaths. Ex. " How he do duddle his self up." DUGGLE, v. to lie snug and close together, like pigs or puppies. A. s. dygle, occultus. DULLOR, s. a dull and moaning noise, or the tune of some doleful ditty. Certainly the same word as dolour, by what rhetoricians call a metonymy of EAST ANGLIA. 101 cause for effect. Nothing more likely to produce moaning than dolour. DUMP, s. a clumsy medal of lead cast in moist sand. DUNDY, adj. of a dull colour, as dundy-grey, or whatsoever other colour is to be coupled with A. s. dunne, fuscus. DUNK-HORN, s. the short blunt horn of a beast. DUNK-HORNED, adj. sneaking ; shabby. One of the numberless and merciless jests on cuckoldom ; ap- plied to the poor cornuto, with an insinuation that he would be glad, if possible, that his horns should escape observation and ridicule. DUNT, adj. stupid ; or dizzy. A dizzy calf with wa- ter in the head is said to be dunt. DUNT, v. to stupify. Isl. dunt, ictus. DUTFIN, s. the bridle in cart-harness. DUZZY, adj. dizzy ; an easy change of letters. DVVAIN, DWAINY, adj. faint; sickly. The verb dwine (unde dwindle) occurs in CH. and in BR. A. s. divinan, tabescere. D WILE, s. 1. A refuse lock of wool. 2. A mop made of them. 3. Any coarse rubbing rug. It is certainly an awkward and rustic perversion of the word doily. Not, indeed, in its modern sense, of a small light cotton napkin, used at a dessert. But it may not be amiss to observe, that a young rustic lately caught, and taken into a country cler- gyman's family to be trained as a servant, called them dwiles. About 150 years ago, and probably long before, doily was a sort of woollen stuff, of K 3 102 VOCABULARY OF which, it appears from Congreve, that clothes were occasionally, but rarely made. And so, we know, they also were of drugget. Among its other uses, doily might have beeen employed in our third sense. In x. j. it is said to be named from its first maker. It is more likely to be, by a very easy change, from, Fr. toile. DWINGE, v. to shrivel and dwindle. Apples are dwinged by over-keeping. V. DWAIN, with which it is certainly connected. DYMOX, 5. a sturdy combatant; a stout pugilist; a champion. A good hearty constitutional English word, probably a very ancient one, and not at all likely to be peculiar to us. E. EA, s. water. A genuine Saxon word, unchanged. It is to be found, with some variety of form, in the proper names of places in all parts of East Anglia; but in its own proper form, perhaps only in the fen-country, at the south-eastern angle of the county of Norfolk, and the adjoining part of the Isle of Ely. Popham's ea, and St. John's ea, are water-courses cut for the drainage of different parts of the Bedford level into the Ouse above Lynn. Ea brink is the beginning of a very sud- den curvature of that river, from which point a new cut was made at a prodigious expence, and finished in the year 1820, to improve the outfall of the fen waters into Lynn Harbour, by giving them EAST ANGLIA. 103 a straight direction. It is commonly written and printed; and generally pronounced by strangers eau, as if the word had been borrowed from the French, which it certainly was not. The language must have been strangely poor, which wanted to borrow a name for one of the elements of nature ! and strangely fantastical, if, having one of its own, of common origin, and very nearly of the same form, it had preferred a foreign form. In the country it is invariably pronounced ea, and is most strictly A. s. ea, aqua. EACHON, adj. in speaking of two. individuals we commonly say ecichon (each one) as in speaking of more than two, every one. It is o. E. Indeed, in common pronunciation it may sound like eachin, or even itchin. Ex. " I gave eachon of them half a crown." EAGER, s. a peculiarly impetuous and dangerous ag- gravation of the tide in some rivers ; caused as it should seem, either by the vehement confluence of two streams, or by the channel becoming nar- rower, shallower, or both. Camden speaks of it, at the meeting of the Avon and the Severn with great fury, and calls it higre. In T. j. it is said to be " a tide swelling above another tide," ob- servable in the river Severn. The same thing has been observed of other rivers, as of the Rhone and Saone, but when once it is determined which shall be uppermost in a channel sufficient for both, it does not seem as if this would account satisfacto- rily for the continued violence and agitation of the waters. We have an eager in our river Ouse, many 104 VOCABULARY OF miles above Lynn, near Dovvnham-bridge, where the waters seem to " stand on an heap " along each bank, leaving a very dangerous sort of charybdis in the mid-stream. Here can be no super-induced tide, as there is no confluence, and we must endea- vour to account for the phenomenon in the seve- ral manners above-mentioned. Such a tide also exists in the river Nene, between Wisbeach and Peterborough, in the Trent, and in the Ouse near York. A. s. egor, vehemens. EASTERN-SUNDAY, s. We do not suppose this festival to have any oriental connexion. It seems to have been the heathen feast of the Saxon god- dess .Easier, transferred, on the introduction of Christianity, to a Christian solemnity. The adjec- jective eastern means in Saxon formation, " of or belonging to Easter." It is, however, often used alone, substantively, subaud Sunday or season. It may not be impertinent, though not exactly appo- site, to remark here, that the female baptismal name, Esther or Hester (by no means an uncom- mon one) is always pronounced Easter ; no doubt the name of the Saxon goddess, handed down without interruption or change, and confounded with that of the Persian queen. EAVE-LONG, adj. oblique; side-long; along the edges, skirts, or eaves, as we often call them, of in- closed grounds, particularly when they deviate from straight lines. Hence, " eave-long work," is mowing or reaping those irregular parts in which the corn or grass cannot be laid in exact parallel lines, y. SCUTE. A. s. efese, margo. EAST ANGLIA. 105 EBBLE, s. the asp tree. It is a variation, scarcely amounting to corruption, of abele, the name given by Evelyn, and all our botanists to the white pop- lar, another species of the same genus. They are populus tremula and alba, Lin. ECCLES-TREE, s. an axle-tree. T. writes it exle- tree, and it is so in PR. PA. The metathesis is easy. EDDISH, s. aftermath. Not in Johnson, but added by Todd, in different senses. This is ours. It is o. E. and v. D. Nay, indeed, the very Saxon word, for it appears that the sc in that language had the same power as in the modern [talian, that of sh. A. s. edisc, gramen serotinum. SK. EITHER OF BOTH, Phr. either of the two. It is used by Bishop Saunderson, and is in PR PA. " Neither of both," follows of course, which we also have. SH. in Love's Labour's Lost, has " either of neither," which is not by any means so gram- matical a phrase. ELDERN, s. an elder tree. Properly, indeed, it is an adjective, with tree understood. It is as old as Piers Ploughman. ELVISH, adj. peevish ; wantonly mischievous. These senses are not given in the DICTT. under the word elfish or elvish. But certainly we have them in per- fect consistency with the character of the elves. Ex. " The bees are very elvish to-day. END, s. 1. Part ; division. Ex. " Pie has the best end of the staff." " It cost me the best end of an hundred pounds." 106 VOCABULARY OF 2. The stems of a growing crop. Ex. " Here is a plenty of ends, however it may fill the bushel." ENDLESS, s. intestinum caecum; blind gut. ENEMIS, adv. Of very obscure and and doubtful meaning, like most of Sir Thomas Browne's words. Hickes says it means lest (ne forte"), and he de- rives it from Isl. einema, an adv. of exclusion, as he says. It may mean, notwithstanding, from N. Fr. nemis. Or it may be an adjective, signifying variable, as emmis is in L. sc. which JAM. derives from Isl. ymiss, varius. But as the word is quite extinct, in is impossible to decide upon its meaning, when it was in use. ERRI WIGGLE, s. an earwig. If it be determined, after Dr. Wallis and some other etymologists, that eariuig comes from eruca, in like manner as periwig from perruque, our word is certainly a great im- provement on that formation. For it is not only deduced in like manner, but in the very same man- ner, to a letter. As from perruque comes perri- tvig, so from eruque (eruca) comes eriwig ; and the additional syllable makes it, very expressively, a diminutive. It must not, however, be dissembled, that a word thus happily formed, and even ele- gantly finished, is exposed to so gross a corruption as arrow-wiggle on narrow-wriggle ; some persons fancying, forsooth, that the little creature may be so called because it is fond of wriggling itself into narrow crevices. In PR. PA. it is erevoyggle. In the West it is called an ear-ivig. JEN. E'RY, adj. every. A very common elision. Ex. My e'ry-day clothes." x. B. EAST ANGLIA. 107 ESH, s. the ash-tree. Literally Saxon. A. s. esc, fraxinus. PR. PA. BR. ETERNAL, adj. infernal ; damned. By a pretty ob- vious association of ideas. Ex. " Oh, he is an eter- nal rogue !" o. E. In SH. Othello, Emilia says, " I will be hanged if some eternal villain," &c. So would an East Anglian vixen say ; though, per- haps, not one of Emilia's condition. ETHER, v. to wattle, or intertwine, in making a staked hedge. Otherwise to " bond a hedge," meaning, particularly, the finishing part at top, of stouter materials, which is to confine all the rest. A. s. ether, sepes. T. and BR. edder. EVEN-FLAVOURED, adj. unmixed ; unvaried; uni- form. The word might possibly have a meaning, if it were properly applied ; but in the only appli- cation I have happened to hear of it, it is perfectly nonsensical. It was currently used above thirty years ago in High Suffolk. " An even-flavoured day of rain ;" meaning a day of incessant rain. E VERY-EACH, adj. alternate; every other. Possibly from the o. E, everich. That word, however, is merely every) with the Saxon termination. EXE, s. an axe. PR. PA. A. s. ex, securis. F. FADGE, v. 1. To suit or fit. Two persons, two things, or two parts of the same thing fadge well or ill together. 2. To succeed ; to answer expectation, o. E. " We 108 VOCABULARY OF will have, an this fadge not, an antic." SH. Love's Labour Lost. A. s. gefeagan, accommodare- FAGOT, s. a contemptuous appellation of a woman. Ex. "A lazy fagot" BR. The French, always ex- celling us in politeness, have a sort of proverbial saying, " Qu'il y a bien de difference entre une femme et un fagot" But then they explain it by adding, " que la plus grande difference est qu'une femme parle toujours, et c[u'unjhgot ne dit mot." HOG. FAIRY-BUTTER, s. a species oftremella, of yellow- ish colour and gelatinous substance, not very rarely found on furze and broom. BR. describes it as growing about the roots of old trees. This must be some other species ; probably what is called in some places witch's-butter ; of coarser texture and colour, by no means so suitable to those delicate beings the fairies, as that which we name after them. FAIRY-RINGS, s. circles, or parts of circles in the grass; distinguished, according to Mr. Brockett and other writers, by darker colour and ranker growth, in which, as many believed of old, and some believe still, the fairies are wont to dance. In our country, they are most observable where the grass is short and fine ; and the circular parts are most distinguishable by the abundant growth of a small esculent and well-flavoured fungus, called the fairy-ring mushroom, agaricus orcades, Lin. FALL, v. to let fall ; to make to fall. o. E. ." Mine eyes fall fellowly drops," says Prospero in the Tempest. EAST ANGLIA. 109 " I shall fall that tree next spring," say we. In this instance, it is synonymous with fell, to which it is certainly of kin. FALLALS, s. pi. flaunting and flaring ornaments. If any thing like derivation of the first syllable can be offered, it may suffice. The second follows as mere jingle. Lat. phalerce? FALSE-ROOF, s. the space between the cieling of the garret and the roof of the building. Where Grose picked up the vaunce-roof, which he imputes to us, and interprets a garret, it is impossible to conceive. No such word has been found by the most diligent inquiry. Perhaps his ear deceived him. But his imagination deceived him still more, when he fabricated the order from a Suffolk farmer to his mauther, which is almost as unintelligible to any farmer or mouther in that county, as it can be to any of his general readers, to whom he offers it as a specimen of our dialect ! FAMBLE-CROP, s. the first stomach in ruminating animals. To J amble in o. E. signified to mumble or speak imperfectly. It may have sufficient con- nexion with chewing imperfectly, to afford some explanation of our word. Dan.famler, haesitare. FANG, s. a fin. From the fancied resemblance of their pointed ends to long teeth, but improperly ; for those teeth only are fangs by which an animal catches and holds its prey ; an use which probably no fish are able to make of their fins. FANGAST, s. a marriageable maid. Sir Thomas Browne. The word is not now known, and is there- vot. i. L 110 VOCABULARY OF fore given with Ray's interpretation and etymon. A. s.fangan, capere, and gast, anfor. FAPES, s. pi. gooseberries. Variously called also feaps,feabs,fabes, and thapes ; all abbreviations of feaberries. But these names are with us applicable in the immature state of the fruit only. Nobody ever talks of a ripe Jape. It is observable that the excellent market of our East Anglian metropolis is well supplied with Japes till the Guild-day ; which is the Tuesday before June 22. On that day a f ape-tart is an indispensable regale at every table ; and after it, only gooseberries are to be found, whether ripe or unripe ; perhaps, in minute strict- ness, when ripe they are goose-gogs. q. v. As it is one of the welcome first fruits of the year, SK. would derive it, not improperly from A. s.fean, gaudere. R. S.E. c. P. B. FARE, v. to seem. Ex. " She fared sick ; " "they fare to be angry." PE. FARE, s. a litter of pigs. Farrow is commonly used in this sense, butfare is the better word. A. s.fearh, porcellus. R. s. E. c FARMER, s. a term of distinction commonly applied, in Suffolk, to the eldest son of the occupier of a farm. He is addressed and spoken of, by the la- bourers, as " the farmer." The occupier himself is called master. A labourer speaking to the son would say, " Pray, farmer, do you know where my master is ? " Or one labourer would ask another, " Did my master set out that job ? " And would be answered, " No, my master did'nt, but the far- mer did." EAST ANGLIA. 11 X FARROW, adj. barren. A cow not producing a calf, is for that year called a farrow cow. Yield- ing no profit, she may be said to lie fallow. In Suffolk she would be called ghast. FASGUNTIDE. s. shrove-tide ; which is interpreted fasting, time. This is given by Blount, in his " Dic- tionary of Hard Words," 1680, as a Norfolk word. If it were so then, it is like many of Sir Thomas Browne's words of nearly the same age, very little, if at all, known now. Perhaps Blount was misin- formed. The word, however, to do it justice, has somewhat of a Saxon air ; and may have been in use. Indeed may be so still ; though inquiry has not detected it. FAT-HEN, s. a wild pot-herb, very well worth cultiva- tion. It is as good as spinach if its grittiness be well washed off, and it be dressed in the same way. Chenopodium album, Lin. FEATHER-PIE, s. a hole in the ground, filled with feathers fixed on strings, and kept in motion by the wind. An excellent device to scare birds. FEFT, v. to persuade, or endeavour to persuade, says Ray in pref. to R. N. c. Yet he adds that in his own county, Essex, it meant, to " put off wares ;" but that he was to seek for an etymon. So are we. But it is of no importance. It is one of Sir Thomas Browne's words become obsolete. FEGARY, s. a whim, a freak, a toy. The same as vagary, o. E. FEISTY, adj. fusty ; but fusty is the corruption. Feisty is the original, and a most expressive word. FEIST, FEISTINESS, s. fustiness. Ex. "This cask has a feist in it. " P. B. has this word, or as he 112 VOCABULARY OF spells it Joist, in its primitive Saxon sense, A. s. Jist, flatus ventris. FELLOE, s. the felly of a wheel. A. s.felga, canthus. O.E. B. TR. FELT, s. a thick matted growth of weeds, spreading by their roots, as couch grass. Ex. < This land is all a felt" Felt is a sort of manufacture made by compacting and condensing the materials toge- ther without weaving, as that of which hats are made. The metaphor is strong. Indeed, several Saxon names of weeds have the prefix felt to their names. A. s.felt, pannus coactilis. FEN-NIGHTINGALE, s. a frog. Otherwise called a March-bird. It is in that month that frogs are vocal. FEW, adj. little. It is a plural adjective, used with a singular substantive in two instances only. We talk of " a Jew broth " and " a Jew gruel." In all other cases we use the word like other people. But our usage is o. E. In a sermon at Paul's Cross in 1550, a curious account is given of the College commons at Cambridge in those days.