ENCES LIBRARY IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. JOSEPH LECONTE. GIFT OF MRS. LECONTE. No. A TEXT-BOOK GEOLOGY DESIGNED FOR SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. BY JAMES D. DANA., LL.D., SILLIMAN PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY Hi YALE COLLEGE ; AUTHOR OP " A MANUAL OF GEOLOGY," " A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY," OF -REPORTS OF WILKES'S EXPLORING EXPEDITION ON GEOLOGY, ZOOPHYTES, ILLUSTRATED BY 375 WOOD CUTS. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY THEODORE BLISS & CO. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO. 1865. EAR . H SCIENCES LIBRARY Manual of Geology : treating of the Principles of the Science, with special reference to American Geological History. By JAMES D DANA, M.A., LL.D. Illus- trated by a Chart of the World, and over one thousand figures, mostly from Ameri- can sources. 814 pages, 8vo. Muslin $500 " Half Turkey morocco g 00 Principles of Physics ; or, Natural Philosophy. Designed for the \ se of Colleges and Schools. By BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, JR., M.A., M.D , Professor of Chemistry in Yale College. With seven hundred and twenty-two illustrations. 710 pages, small 8vo 3.50 First Principles of Chemistry. For the use of Colleges and Schools. By Prof. B. SILLIMAN, Jr. 554 pages, 12ino 2.00 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by THEODORE BLISS & CO. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ELECTROTYPE!) BY L. JOHNSON & CO. PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. IN preparing this abridgment of my Manual of Geology, the arrangement of the larger work has been retained. The science is not made a dry account of rocks and their fossils, but a history of the earth's continents, seas, strata, moun- tains, climates, and living races; and this history is illus- trated, as far as the case admits, by means of American facts, without, however, overlooking those of other continents, and especially of Great Britain and Europe. "No glossary of scientific terms has been inserted, because the volume is throughout a glossary, or a book of explana- tions of such terms, and it is only necessary to refer to the Index to find where the explanations are given. The teacher of Geology, and the student who would extend his inquiries beyond his study or recitation-room, is referred to the " Manual" for fuller explanations of all points that come under discussion in the " Text-book, including a more complete survey of the rock-formations of America and other parts of the world, with many sections and details of local geology, a much more copious exhibition of the ancient life of the several epochs and periods and of the principles deduced from the succession of living species on the globe, a more thorough elucidation of the departments of Physiographic and Dynamical Geology, a chapter on the Mosaic Cosmogony, a large number of additional wood- cut illustrations, and references to authorities, with personal acknowledgments, besides a general chart of the world. NEW HAVEN, CT., December 1, 1863. iii 101129 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAG* INTRODUCTION , 1 PAET L Physiographic Geology, 1. General Characteristics of the Earth's Features 5 2. System in the Earth's Features 8 PAET II. Lithological Geology, 1. CONSTITUTION OP ROCKS 14 1. General Observations on their Constituents 14 2. Kinds of Rocks 20 2. CONDITION, STRUCTURE, AND ARRANGEMENT OF ROCK-MASSES 27 Stratified Condition 31 1. Structure. 31 2. Positions of Strata 36 3. Order of Arrangement of Strata 43 REVIEW OF THE ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS. 1. Animal Kingdom 48 2. Vegetable Kingdom 60 PAET III, Historical Geology, General Observations 63 I. AZOIC TIME OR AGE 72 II. PALEOZOIC TIME 78 I. AGE OP MOLLUSKS, OR SILURIAN AGE 78 1. Primordial or Potsdam Period 79 2. Trenton and Hudson Periods 85 3. Upper Silurian Era 94 iv CONTENTS. V II. PALEOZOIC TIME (continued). PAGE II. AGE OP FISHES, on DEVONIAN AGE 104 III. AGE OF COAL PLANTS, OR CARBONIFEROUS AGE 116 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE PALEOZOIC 142 DISTURBANCES CLOSING PALEOZOIC TIME 154 III. MESOZOIC TIME 162 REPTILIAN AGE 163 1. Triassic and Jurassic Periods 164 2. Cretaceous Period 188 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE MESOZOIC ERA 198 DISTURBANCES AND CHANGES OF LEVEL CLOSING MESOZOIC TIME 202 IV. CENOZOIC TIME 205 MAMMALIAN AGE 205 1. Tertiary Period 206 2. Post-tertiary Period 219 1. Glacial Epoch 220 2. Champlain Epoch 224 3. Terrace Epoch 227 3. Life of the Post-tertiary 229 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON CENOZOIC TIME 234 V. ERA OF MIND AGE OF MAN 236 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 243 - PART IV Dynamical Geology, I. LIFE 262 1. Peat Formations 263 2. Beds of Microscopic Organisms 265 3. Coral Reefs 266 II. THE ATMOSPHERE 271 III. WATER .' 273 1. Fresh Waters 273 2. The Ocean 283 3. Freezing and Frozen Waters, Glaciers, Icebergs 290 4. Formation of Sedimentary Strata 296 IV. HEAT .'. 299 1. Heat of the Globe 299 2. Volcanoes and Non-volcanic Igneous Ejections 301 3. Metamorphism and Origin of Veins 312 4. Movements in the Earth's Crust.... 318 VI CONTENTS. IV. HEAT (continued). PAGE Movements of the Earth's Crust. 1. Plications, Mountains..... 318 2. Joints Slaty Cleavage 323 3. Earthquakes 324 4. Origin of the Earth's General Features 326 Y. CONCLUSION 336 APPENDIX, 1. Catalogue of American Localities of Fossils 341 2. Mineralogical Implements, etc 344 INDEX.., .. 349 INTRODUCTION. 1. Rock-structure of the earth's crust. Beneath the soil and waters of the earth's surface there is everywhere a base- ment of rocks. The rocky bluffs forming the sides of many valleys, the ledges about the tops of hills and mountains, and the cliffs along sea-shores, are portions of this basement exposed to view. The rocks generally lie in beds; and these beds vary from a few feet to hundreds of yards in thickness. The different kinds are spread out one over another, in many alternations. Sometimes they are in horizontal layers; but very often they are inclined, as if they had been pushed or thrown out of their original position; and in some regions they are crystallized. Moreover, they are not all found in any one country. By careful study of the rocks of different continents, it has been ascertained that the series of beds, if all were in one pile, would have a thickness of 15 or 18 miles. The actual thickness in most regions is far less than this. These 15 or 18 miles out of the 4000 miles between the earth's surface and centre are all of the great sphere that are within reach of observation. The series of rocks alluded to overlie, beyond all question, crystalline rocks that are not part of the series. There is good reason for believing, also, that, not many scores of miles below the surface, the whole interior of the globe is in a melted state. These fiery depths are nowhere open to examination; yet the rocks ejected in a melted state from i 2 INTRODUCTION. volcanoes or from the earth's fissures are supposed to afford indications of what they contain. 2. Facts taught by the arrangement and structure of the rocks. The various rocks afford proof that they were all slowly or gradually made, the lowest in the series, of course, first, and so on upward to the last. The lowest, therefore, belong to an early period of the world, and those above to later periods, in succession. Some of the beds indicate, by evidence that cannot be doubted, that they were made over the bottom of a shallow ocean, like the muddy and sandy deposits on soundings ; or along the ocean's borders, like the accumulations of a beach, or of a salt-marsh; others, that they were formed by the action of the waters of lakes, or of rivers; and others still, that they were gathered together by the drifting of the winds, as sands are drifted and heaped up near various sea- coasts. In many of the rocks there are marks on the layers that were made by the rippling waves or the currents when the material of the bed was loose sand or clay ; or there are cracks though now filled that were opened by the drying sun in an exposed mud-flat ; or impressions produced by the drops of a fall of rain. In some regions the beds, after being consolidated, have been profoundly fractured, and the fissures thus opened were often filled at once with rock, in a melted state, proceeding from the depths below. Again, they have been uplifted or pressed into great folds, and mountain-ranges have some- times been made as a consequence of the upturning ; and, in addition, they have often undergone crystallization over a country thousands or even hundreds of thousands of square miles in area. The succession of rocks in the earth's crust is, hence, like a series of historical volumes, and full of inscriptions. It is the endeavor of Geology to examine and interpret these inscriptions. They are sufficient, if faithfully studied and INTRODUCTION. 3 compared, to make known the general condition of the con-N tinents and seas in the course of the world's progress, and / also to tell of the epochs of disturbance or revolution, and J of mountain-making. \ 3. Facts taught by the fossil contents of rocks. Again, most of the beds contain shells, corals, and other related forms, called fossils, so named because dug out of the earth, the word being from the Latin fossilis, meaning, that which is dug up. These fossils are the remains of living animals that once inhabited the earth. The shells and corals were formed by animals, just as the shell of a clam is now formed by the animal occupying it, or corals of existing seas by the coral animals. The various species that have left their re- mains in any bed must have been in existence when that bed was in progress of formation : they were the living species of the waters and land at the time. The fossils that occur in one bed differ in species entirely, or nearly so, from those of every other bed in the series. In other words, each bed has its own peculiar species, those of the bottom almost or wholly unlike those in the one next above; and those of this bed as much unlike those of the following; and so on. Since, therefore, each bed contains evidence as to what animals and plants were living when it was forming, the study of the fossils of the successive beds ^ is the study of the succession of living species that have \ existed in the earth's history. 4 Objects of Geology, and Subdivisions of the science. The preceding explanations afford an idea of the objects of the science of Geology. They are (1.) To study out the system in the earth's features. (2.) To ascertain the nature and arrangement of the rocks. (3.) To make out the true history, or succession of events, as to the formation of rocks, the production of the features of the surface and the disturbances of rocks, and the progress and all changes in the living species of the globe. 4 INTRODUCTION. (4.) To determine the causes of all that has happened in the earth's history, that it may be understood hQw rocks were made, fractured, uplifted, folded, and crystallized ; how mountains were made, and valleys, and rivers; how con- tinents and oceanic basins were made, and how altered in^ size or outline from period to period ; why the climate of" the globe changed from time to time ; and how the living species of the globe were exterminated, or otherwise affected by the physical changes in progress. There are, hence, four principal branches of the science : 1. PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY, treating of the earth's phy- sical features; that is, of the system in the exterior features of the earth. (This department properly includes, also, the system of movements in the water and atmosphere, and the system in the earth's climates, and in the other physical agencies or conditions of the sphere.) 2. LiTHOLOGiCAL GEOLOGY, treating of the rocks of the globe, their kinds, structure, and conditions or modes of occurrence. The word lithological is from the Greek lithos, stone, and logos, discourse. 3. HISTORICAL GEOLOGY, treating of the succession in the rocks of the globe, and their teachings with regard to the successive conditions of the earth, or to the changes in its ocea*ns, continents, climates, and life. 4. DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY, treating of the caoiges, or the methods, by which the rocks were made, and by which all the earth's changes were brought about. The word 'dy- namical is from the Greek dunamis, power or force. These causes have acted through the sustaining power ^ and guidance of the great Cause of causes, the Infinite \ Creator, who made matter and all the kinds of life, and who has ever directed and still directs in every passing event. PART I. - PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY. UNDER the department of Physiographic Geology only a brief and partial review is here made of the general features of the earth's surface. THE EARTH'S FEATURES, 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 1. Size and form. The earth has a circumference of about 25,000 miles. Its form is that of a sphere flattened at the poles, the equatorial diameter (7926 miles) being about 13 miles greater than the polar. . 2. Oceanic basin and continental plateaus. Nearly three- fourths (more accurately, eight-elevenths} of the whole surface are depressed below the rest and occupied by salt water* This sunken part of the crust is called the oceanic basin, and the large areas of land between, the continents, or continental plateaus. 3. Subdivisions and relative positions of the oceanic basin and continental plateaus. Nearly three-fourths of the area of the continental plateaus are situated in the northern hemisphere, and more than three-fourths of the oceanic basin in the southern hemisphere. The dry land may be said to be clustered about the North pole, and to stretch southward in two masses, an Oriental, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australasia, and an Occidental, including North and 5 6 PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY. South America. The ocean is gathered in a similar manner about the South pole, and extends northward in two broad areas separating the Occident and Orient, namely, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and also in a third, the Indian Ocean, separating thQ^southern prolongations of the Orient, namely, Africa and Australasia. The Orient is made, by this means, to have two southern prolongations, while the Occident, or America, has but one. This double feature of the Orient accords with its great breadth ; for it averages 6000 miles from east to west, which is far more than twice the breadth of the Occident (2200 miles). The inequality of the two continental masses has its parallel in the inequality of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; for the former (6000 miles broad) is more than double the average breadth of the latter (2800 miles). Thus there is one broad and one narrow continental mass, and one broad and one narrow oceanic area. The connection of Asia with Australia, through the inter- vening islands, is very similar to that of North America with South America. The southern continent, in each case, lies almost wholly to the east of the meridians of the northern ; and the islands between are nearly in corresponding posi- tions, Florida in the Occident corresponding to Malacca in the Orient, Cuba to Sumatra, Porto Bico to Java, and the more eastern Antilles to Celebes and other adjoining- islands. It is, therefore, plain that Australia bears the same relation to Asia that South America does to North America. It is also true that Africa is essentially in a similar position with reference to Europe. The northern portion of the Orient, or Europe and Asia combined, makes one continental area ; and its general course is east and west. The northern portion of the Occident, or North America, is elongated from north to south. 4. Oceanic depression and continental elevations. The depth of the oceanic basins below the water-level is probably in THE EARTH'S FEATURES. some parts 50,000 feet. The mean depth is much less. The depth across from Newfoundland to Ireland, along what is called the telegraphic plateau, is from 10,000 to 15,000 feet. Farther south, the Atlantic Ocean is undoubtedly very much deeper; but the soundings hitherto made are not trustworthy as to the exact depth. The mean depth of the north Pacific between Japan and San Francisco has been determined by Professor Bache, from the passage of earth- quake-waves in 1855, to be IS^OOC^feet. This is the narrower part of the Pacific Ocean, and is probably much less deep than that in the southern hemisphere. highest point of the continents that has been mea- Bured is 29,000 feet : it is the peak called Mount Everest, in the Himalayas. But the mean height of the continental plateaus is only aboutJLOOO feet. The mean height of the several continents has been estimated as follows : Of Europe, 670 feet; Asia, 1150 feet; North America, 748 feet; South America, 1132 feet; all America, 932 feet; Europe and Asia, 1000 feet; Africa, probably 1600 feet; and Aus- tralia, perhaps 500. The material in the Pyrenees, if spread equally over Europ.e, would raise the surface only 6 feet ; and that of the Alps, only 22 feet. Although some moun- tain-chains reach to a great elevation, their breadth above a height of 1000 feet is small compared with that of the continents below this height. 5. True outline of the oceanic depression. Along the oceanic borders the sea is often, for a long distance out, quite shal- low, because the continental lands continue on under water with a nearly level surface; then comes a rather sudden slope to the deep bed of the ocean. This is the case off the eastern coast of the United States, south of New England. Off New Jersey, the deep water begins along a line about 80 miles from the shore; off Virginia, this line is 50 to 60 miles at sea; and thus it gradually approaches the coast to the southward. The slope of the bottom for the 80 miles 2 PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY. off New Jersey is only 1 foot in 700 feet. The true bound- ary between the continental plateau and the oceanic depres- sion is the commencement of the abrupt slope. The British Islands are situated on a submerged portion of the European continent, and are essentially a part of that continent, the limit of the oceanic basin being far outside of Ireland, and extending south into the Bay of Biscay. New Guinea is in a similar way proved to be a part of Australia. 6. Surfaces of the continents. The surface of a continent comprises (1) low lands, (2) high or elevated plateaus or table- lands, and (3) mountain-ridges. The mountain-ridges may rise either from the low lands or the plateaus. The plateaus are great areas of the surface situated several hundred feet, or a thousand feet or more, above the sea, or above the general level of the low lands. They are often a part of the great mountain-chains. Sometimes plateaus include a region between mountain-ridges, and sometimes the mass of the mountains themselves out of which the ridges rise. For example, the regions of northern and southern New York are plateaus (the former averaging 1500 feet in height, the latter 2000 feet) situated within, or on the borders of, the Appalachian chain. The eastern part of New Mexico is a plateau about 4000 feet above the sea, called the Llano esta- cado, and Mexico is situated in another plateau, from which rise various ridges and peaks ; and both of these, besides others, are situated in the region of the Eocky Mountain chain, or the great western chain of North America. The Desert of Gobi, between the Altai and the Kuen-Luen range, is a desert plateau about 4000 feet high. Persia and Ar- menia constitute another plateau. These examples are suffi- cient to explain the use of the term. 2. SYSTEM IN THE EARTH'S FEATURES. 1. General form of the continents resulting from their reliefs. The continents are constructed on a common model, as THE EARTH'S FEATURES. 9 follows : they have high borders and a low centre , and are, there- fore, basin-shaped. Thus, North America has the Appala- chians on the eastern border, the Rocky chain on the west, and between these the low Mississippi basin. Fig. 1 illus- Fig. 1. trates this form of the continent. In the section, b repre- sents the Rocky Mountain chain on the west, with its double line of ridges at summit; a, the Washington chain (including the Sierra Nevada and Cascade range) near the Pacific coast; c, the Mississippi basin; d, the Appalachian chain on the east. ' South America, in a similar manner, has the Andes on the west, the Brazilian Mountains on the east, and other heights along the north, with the low region of the Amazon and La Plata making up the larger part of the great inte- rior. Fig. 2 is a transverse section from west to east Fig. 2. (W, E), showing the Andes at a and the Brazilian Moun- tains at b. In these sections the height as compared with the breadth is necessarily much exaggerated. In the Orient, there are mountains on the Pacific side, others on the Atlantic ; and, again, the Himalayas on the south face the Indian Ocean, and the Altai face the Arctic or Northern Seas. Between the Himalayas (or rather tho Kuen-Luen Mountains, which are just north) and the Altai 10 PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY. lies the plateau of Gobi, which is low compared with the enclosing mountains; and farther west there are the low lands of the Caspian and Aral, the Caspian lying even below the level of the ocean. The Urals divide the 6000 miles of breadth into two parts, and so give Europe some title to its designation as a separate continent. West of their meri- dian there are again extensive low lands over middle and southern European Eussia. In Africa, there are mountains on the eastern border, and on the western border south of the coast of Guinea ; there are also the Atlas Mountains along the Mediterranean, and the Kong Mountains along the Guinea coast ; and the inte- rior is relatively low, although mostly 1000 to 2000 feet in elevation. In Australia, also, there are high lands on the eastern and western borders, and the interior is low. All the continents are, therefore, constructed on the basin- model. 2. Relation between the heights of the borders and the extent of the adjoining ocean. There is a second great truth with regard to the continental reliefs; namely, that the highest border faces the largest ocean. By largest ocean is meant not merely greatest in surface, but greatest in capacity, the depth being important in the consideration. The Pacific, both in depth and surface, greatly exceeds the Atlantic; so the South Pacific exceeds the North Pacific and the South Atlantic exceeds the North At- lantic. The Indian Ocean is also one of the large oceans; for it extends eighty degrees of latitude south of Asia before reaching any body of Antarctic land; and this is equivalent to 5500 miles, nearly the mean breadth of the Pacific : more- over, as it is much more free from islands than the Pacific, it is probably the deeper of the two, and, consequently, yields in capacity to no other ocean on the globe. Each of the continents sustains the truth announced. THE EARTH'S FEATURES. 11 North America has its great mountains, the Rocky chain, on the side of the great ocean, the Pacific ; and its small mountains, the Appalachian, on the side of the small ocean. So, South America has its highest border on the west; and the Andes as much exceed in elevation and abruptness the Kocky chain as the South Pacific exceeds in capacity the North Pacific. The Orient has high ranges of mountains on the east, or the Pacific side, and lower, as those of Norway and other parts of Europe, on the west; and the Himalayas, the highest of the globe, face the great Indian Ocean (besides being most elevated eastward towards the great Pacific), while the smaller Altai face the small Northern Ocean. In Africa the eastern mountains, or those on the Indian Ocean side, are higher than those on the Atlantic. In Australia the highest border is on the Pacific side; for the South Pacific, taking into view its range in front of east Austra- lia, is greater than the Indian Ocean fronting west Aus- tralia. Hence the basin-shape, before illustrated, is that of a basin with one border much higher than the other, and the highest border the one that adjoins the largest ocean. These features have a vast influence in adapting the con- tinents for man. America stands with its highest border in the far west, and with all its great plains and great rivers inclined towards the Atlantic ; for through the Gulf of Mexico the whole interior, as well as, the eastern border, has its natural outlet eastward. Had the high mountains of the continent been placed on its eastern side, they would have condensed the moisture of the winds before they had traversed the land, and sent it back, in hurrying and almost useless tor- rents, to the ocean ; but, being on the western, all the slopes from the Atlantic to the tops of the Rocky Mountains lie 2* 12 PHYSIOGRAPHIC GEOLOGY. open to the moist winds, and fields and rivers show the good they thus receive. Again, the Orient, instead of rising into Himalayas on the Atlantic border, has its great heights in the remote east, and its vast plains and the larger part of its great rivers, even those of central Asia, have their natural outlet west- ward, or towards the same Atlantic Ocean. Thus, as Pro- fessor Guyot has said, the vast regions of the world which are best fitted by climate and productions for man are com- bined into one great arena for the progress of civilization. Both the Orient and the Occident pour their streams and bear a large part of their commerce into a common ocean ; and this ocean, the Atlantic, is but a narrow ferriage between them, and vastly better for the union of nations than con- nection by as much dry land : 3000 miles of dry land would be, even in the present age, a serious obstacle to intercourse; while 3000 miles of ocean draw the east and west only into closer political, commercial, and social relations. PART II. LITHOLOGICAL GEOLOGY. THE term rock, in geology, is applied to all natural forma- tions of rock-material, whether solid or otherwise. Not only are sandstones and slates called rocks, but also the loose earth, sand, and gravel of the surface, provided they have been laid out in beds by natural causes. All sandstones were once beds of loose sand ; arid there is every shade of gradation from the hardest sandstone to the softest sand-bed : so that it is impossible to draw a line between the consolidated and unconsolidated. Geology does not attempt to draw the line, but classes all together as rocks, regarding consolidation as an accident that might or might not happen in the case of the earth's beds or deposits. Rocks may be studied simply as rocks, that is, with reference to their composition, and collections may be made containing specimens of their various kinds. Again, they may be studied as rock-masses spread out over the earth and forming the earth's crust ; and, with this in view, the condition, structure, and arrangement of the great rock- masses (called sometimes terrains} would come up for con- sideration. The two subjects under Lithological Geology are, therefore : (1.) The constitution of rocks ; (2.) The condi- tion, structure, and arrangement of rock-masses. 13 LITHOLOGICAL GEOLOGY. 1. CONSTITUTION OF ROCKS. * H 1. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THEIR CONSTITUENTS. Rocks consist essentially of mineral material. The fol- lowing are the most common kinds. 1. Quartz, or Silica. Quartz, or, as it is called in chemistry, silica, far exceeds^ all other species in abundance. It is one of the hardest of minerals; it does not melt before the blow- pipe, and does not dissolve in water. Its hardness and durability especially fit it for this place of first import- ance in the material of the earth's foundations. It often occurs in crystals of the forms represented in figs. 3, 4, though generally occurring in grains, pebbles, Fig. 3. Fig. 4. or masses. It is distinguished ordina- rily by its glassy aspect, whitish or grayish color, "and an absence of all tendency to break with a ({smooth sur- face of fracturd (a quality of crystals called cleavage). Although usually nearly colorless or white, it is very often red- dish, yellowish, brownish (especially smoky brown), and even black; and the lustre is sometimes very dull, as in chalcedony, flint, and jasper. The sands and pebbles of tho sea-shores and gravel-beds are mostly quartz, because quartz resists the wearing action of waters better than any other common mineral. For the same reason, most sand- stones and conglomerates consist mainly of quartz. The hardness (on account of which it scratches glass easily), infusibility, insolubility, non-action of acids, and absence of cleavage, are the characters that serve to distin- guish quartz from the other ingredients of rocks. Although quartz is one of the original minerals of the earth's crust, the quartz of rocks is not all directly of mine* ral origin. Part of it perhaps a large part has passed through living beings, either plants or animals; for some CONSTITUENTS OF ROCKS. 15 of the lowest species of these kingdoms of life have the power of making siliceous shells or forming siliceous par- ticles or spicules in their texture; and beds have been made of these microscopic siliceous shells. The animal specieB that secrete spicules of silica are the Sponges; and those making siliceous shells are the microscopic forms called Polycystines* The plants making siliceous shells are the microscopic kinds called Diatoms. (See page 61.) 2. Silicate> Silica also occurs in many of the other rock- making minerals, constituting what are called silicates. It exists, thus, in combination with J,he bases alumina, mag- nesia, lime-, potash, soda, the oxyds of iron, and a few others. Pure alumina, the most important of the above-mentioned bases in the silicates, is hard, infusible, and insoluble, and therefore adapted to be next in abundance to silica* When crystallized, it is the hardest of all known substances, ex- cepting the diamond, it being the gem sajytfiirfr) A massive or rock-like variety, reduced to powder, is emery. Magnesia, well known under the form of calcined mag- nesia, is as hard as quartz when crystallized, and equally infusible and insoluble. Lime is common quick-lime. Potash and soda are the alkalies ordinarily so called. These three ingredients are found in those silicates that contain also either alumina or magnesia, or both. The same is true, for the most part, of the oxyds of iron. The compounds they form have a degree of fusibility that docs not belong to the simple alumina- silicates, and which fits them for being the constituents of igneous or volcanic rocks. The following are the most common of these silicates : cj j^ (1.) Feldspar. Feldspar consists of silica and alumina along with lime, potash, or soda. Common feldspar, or oxho- clase, contains mainly potash, along with the silica and alu- mina; albite contains, in place of the potash, soda; and 16 LITHOLOGICAL GEOLOGY. labradorite, another kind of feldspar, contains mainly lime. The specific gravity is 2.4-2.7. Either of these kinds of feldspar is distinguished from quartz by having a distinct cleavage-structure, the grains or masses breaking easily in two directions with a flat and shining surface. They are nearly as hard as quartz, often white, but sometimes flesh-red. The albite is usually white ; and the labradorite often brownish, with generally a beau- tiful play of colors. (2.) Mica. Mica consists of silica and alumina, along with potash, lime, magnesia, or oxyd of iron. It cleaves easily into tough leaves, thinner than the thinnest paper and somewhat elastic. On account of its transparency, when colorless, it is often used in the doors of stoves. Its most common colors are whitish, brownish, and black/' The minerals quartz, feldspar, and mica are the con- stituents of granite ; and they may be distinguished in it" as follows : the quartz by its more glassy lustre and want > of cleavage; the feldspar by its being more opaque than quartz, and its having cleavage ; the mica by its very easy cleavage into thin, elastic leaves. (3.) Hornblende and pyroxene. Hornblende and pyroxene consist, alike, of silica along with magnesia, lime, and prot- oxyd. of iron. They are both of dark-green, greenish-black, and bjaek colors in most of the rocks formed of, them, though sometimes gray and white. Both are cleavable. Hornblende often occurs in slender needle-shaped crystals. There are fibrous varieties of each, called asbestus. They are nearly as hard as feldspar, but much heavier than it (spe- cific gravity = 3-3.5), and in general much more fusible. (4.) Garnet Tourmaline Andalusite. These are other silicates, of very common occurrence in rocks. They are usually found in crystals distributed through a rock. Gar- net is commonly in dark red, brownish, or black crystals of 12 or 24 sides (dodecahedrons or trapezohedrons). The CONSTITUENTS OF ROCKS. 17 first of these forms is represented in fig. 5, showing garnets distributed through a mica schist. Tourmaline is generally Fig. 5. Fig. 6. in oblong 3, 6, 9, or 12 sided crystals, shining and black; also at times blue-black, brown, green, and red. The crys- tals are common in gneiss and mica schist, and are at times imbedded in quartz (fig. 6). Andalusite is found in imbedded crystals in argillaceous schist : the form is nearly a square prism. The interior of the crystals is very frequently black or grayish-black at the centre and angles (fig. 7), while the rest is nearly white; and this variety is called made, or chiastolite. (5.) Talc and serpentine. Talc and serpentine are com- pounds of silica with magnesia and water. They both have a greasy feel, especially the talc. Talc is a very soft mineral. It is often in foliated plates or masses like mica; but the folia, or leaves, though separating rather easily and flexible, are not elastic. The usual color is pale green. A massive granular talc, of whitish, grayish, or greenish color, is called soapstone, or steatite. Serpentine is harder than talc. It occurs as a dark-green massive rock, of a very 18 LITIIOLOG1CAL GEOLOGY. fine-grained texture : it is rarely foliated, and when so, the leaves are not easily separated and are brittle. It may be carved with a knife, and it differs in this, and also in its being lighter, from compact hornblendic rocks. 3. Carbon, Carbonic Acid, Carbonates. (1.) Carbon. Car- bon is familiarly known under three names and conditions : (1.) Diamond^ (2.) Charcoal; (3.) Graphite. The last is the material of lead-pencils, and is called also black lead, though containing no lead. The first is the hardest of all known substances; the last, one of the softest. In Geology, carbon is most important in the state of mineral coal, which is carbon mixed with other ingredients, especially some of a bituminous kind. The variety con- taining bitumen or bituminous substances burns on this account with a bright flame, and is called bituminous coal. The harder kind, with little or no bitumen, burning with a very feeble-bluish or yellowish flame, is anthracite. Lignite is a coal retaining in part the structure of the original wood, and having an empyreumatic odor w T hen burned. (2.) Carbonic acid is a gas consisting of carbon and oxygen. It composes about 4 parts by volume of 10,000 parts of the atmosphere, is formed in all combustion of wood or coal, and is given out in the respiration of animals. (3.) Carbonate of lime, or calcite, the essential ingredient of limestone and marble, consists of carbonic acid and lime. It crystallizes in a great variety of forms, a few of which are represented in figs. 8, 9. It cleaves easily in three direc- tions with bright surfaces ; as may be seen on examining even the grains of a fine white marble. It is rather soft, so as to be easily scratched with a knife ; dissolves in diluted acids (chlorohydric or sulphuric) with effervescence, that is, with an escape of the gas carbonic acid ; and when heated (as in a lime-kiln, or before the blowpipe) it burns to quick-lime with- out melting. By its effervescence with acids it differs from all the minerals before mentioned. CONSTITUENTS OF ROCKS. Fi:: i :f :c 12 Catskill. 11 Chemung. Old Red Sandstone. '-;:: -.-:-:-;- % :->:'.->:->"->". . *'>~.-w^ " " ". .'-'-.-. ".V-. '/.'.'.'.'-. '-.-.'-.".'.'. .-.-..- -._-. . .-" -."-'-.V-. -.'"-.'-.'-/-/."" 10 Hamilton. - 9 Corniferous. ^ipMM^^^iS^ . .;. : .v. : . : . ; .v. : . : .. ; . : . : . ; . : . ; . : . ; . : .v. x . : . : . : . : . : . : . ; . ; . : . : . : .;. ; .v.v. 8 Oriskany. SILURIAN AGE, or AGE OF MOLLUSKS. ' .1 |-i ,' i ' T ^-r- 1 Lower Helderberg. Ludlow beds. -T^r-rr 6 Salina. j2 T /. . -. -. ... ., ... -.-.-,...',.. 5 Niagara. Wenlock beds. x%-"-'-"-"-"-"-"-"->M-x%-y.v - --' -~ ^ - - _--T^-_ --_^r^~ ^^ 4 Hiidsop. Caradoc sandstone. Bala limestone. Lhmdeilo flags. Primordial. =P=P=^^^ 3 Trenton. ::^]-v:~ T-^ - - ;"r^=^p:=r 2 Potsdam, or Primordial. Azoic. j X .'T n A'/'/x vV- SUBDIVISIONS IN THE HISTORY 67 Ages. Fig. 123 (continued). Periods^ Foreign Subdivisions. Quarteruary, or Pleistocene. Pliocene. Miocene. Eocene. Triassic. Upper Cretaceous. Middle Cretaceous. Lower Cretaceous. Wealden. Oolite. Lias. Keuper. Muschelkalk. Bunter-sandstein. diversified in character, limestones being overlaid abruptly by sandstones, conglomerates, or shales, or either of these last by limestones ; and each may be very different from the following in its fossils. These abrupt transitions in the strata are proofs that there were great changes at times in the conditions of the region where the strata were formed, and the transitions in the kinds of fossils are evidence of ' 7 G8 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. great destruction at intervals in the life of the seas. Such transitions, therefore, naturally divide off the ages into smaller portions of time, QY periods t as they are called. By transitions similar in kind, but not so great, periods may often be subdivided into still smaller parts, or epochs. In the preceding sections, Azoic is at the bottom, on the left; above it there are the names Silurian, Devonian, and so on; and the names of the Periods, Potsdam, Trenton, etc., dividing off these Ages, on the right. , The names of the Periods in the first part of the section (those of the Paleozoic) are derived from the names of Ame- rican rocks. The names on the other part are mostly Euro- pean, as the series of rocks it contains (those of Mesozoic and Ceiiozoic time) are more complete in Europe than in America= The map on page 69 represents the distribution of the rocks of the different ages, as surface-rocks, over the United States and Canada. The Azoic areas are dotted with short lines. The Silurian are lined horizontally. The Devonian are lined vertically. The Carboniferous are black, or black cross-lined or dotted with white, the black areas being of the Carboniferous period; the cross-lined of the Subcarboniferous ; the dotted, of the Permian. The Mesozoic have lines, or lines of dots, inclined from the right above to the left below, thus (/) ; the areas with lines being Triassic or Jurassic, and those with lines of dots Cre- taceous. The Cenozoic have lines inclined from the left above to the right below, thus (\); the areas more openly lined on the left border of the map are of fresh-water or brackish- Water origin, and the rest mainly of marine origin. The areas left white are of unascertained or doubtful age. The Silurian strata may underlie the Devonian, and both Silurian and Devonian the Carboniferous. The black areas SUBDIVISIONS IN THE HISTORY. 69 70 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. of the Carboniferous period do not, therefore, indicate the absence of Devonian and Silurian, but only that the Car- boniferous strata are the surface strata over the region. There may even be exceptions to this remark with regard to the surface strata; for over the areas thus marked Car- boniferous, older rocks may occur in some of the bluffs along the valleys, or occupy small areas in the region, which are too limited to be noted on so small a map. The map on page 71 represents the surface-rocks of the State of New York and Canada, the several areas corre- sponding to the periods. For the Silurian, the lines or dots are drawn horizontally, as in the preceding, and for the Devonian, vertically. There is no Carboniferous, except near the southern border of the State of New York. No. 1. The Azoic. 2. The Primordial, or Potsdam Period. 3. The Trenton Period. 4. The Hudson Period. 5. The Niagara Period. 6. The Salina Period. 9. The Upper Helderberg Period. 10 The Hamilton Period. 11 The Chemung Period. 12. The Catskill Period. Fig. 125. Lower Silurian. Upper Silurian. Devonian. Silurian. SUBDIVISIONS IN THE HISTORY. Geological Map of New York and Canada. 72 AZOIC AGE. In the section in fig. 125, the rocks of the successive periods are represented in order, from the Azoic, in northern New York, southwestward to the Coal formation of Penn- sylvania, showing that they succeed one another on the map simply because they come to the surface in succession. The amount of dip and its regularity are greatly exag- gerated in the section; and there is no attempt to give the relative thickness of the beds. I. AZOIC TIME, OR AGE. 1. Rocks: kinds and distribution. 1. Distribution. The Azoic Age commenced with the origin of the earth's crust, and includes the oldest rocks of the globe. Its formations are those upon which the fos- siliferous rocks of the Silurian and subsequent ages have been spread out, and the material out of which most of these later rocks have been made. The Azoic rocks extend around the whole sphere ; but, in general, they are concealed from view by subsequent forma- tions. In North America they are surface rocks over a large area north of the great lakes, the longer branch of which area runs northwest to the Arctic Ocean, and the shorter, northeast to Labrador. The white area on the following map, in what is now British America, is the portion of the continent covered with Azoic rocks. The shape is a little like that of the letter Y. There is also a small Azoic area in northern New York (see map, p. 71); another south of Lake Superior; and a few other spots east of the Rocky Mountains. What portion of the Rocky Mountain region, or the country beyond, may be Azoic at surface, is not known. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 73 In Europe, Azoic rocks are in view in the great iron regions of Sweden and Norway, in Bohemia, and in north- ern Scotland. 2. Kinds of Rocks. The rocks are mostly crystalline rocks, such as granite, syenite, gneiss, hornblendic gneiss, mica- Fig. 127. Azoic Map of North America. schist, hornblendic, chloritic, and talcose schists, and granu- lar limestone. But besides these there are some hard con- glomerates, quartz-rocks or gritty sandstones, and slates. The beautiful iridescent feldspar called labradorite is a common constituent of some of the crystalline or granitic rocks. Along with the rocks there are, in some regions, immense AZOIC AGE. Fig. 128. beds of iron ore (, t, i in fig. 128). In northern New York there are beds 100 to 700 feet thick. In Missouri there are two "iron mountains," as they are called; one, the Pilot Knob, is 581 feet high, the other 228 feet. Similar iron-ore beds occur in Michigan, south of Lake Superior. 3. Disturbance and Crystallization of the Rocks. The layers of gneiss and other schistose rocks, with the included lime- stones, are nowhere horizontal; but, instead of this, they dip at all angles, and are often flexed or folded in a most complex manner. Fig. 129 represents the folded character Fig. 129. Fig 129, by Logan, from the south side of the St. Lawrence in Canada, between Cascade Point and St. Louis Rapids ; 1, gneiss. of the Azoic rocks of Canada. The folded rocks in this figure are overlaid by beds that are nearly horizontal, which belong to the Lower Silurian., Owing to the dislocations and uplifts which the rocks have undergone, the iron-ore beds look like veins; and even the strata of crystalline limestone have often a similar vein- like appearance. Where strata have been thrown up so that the layers stand vertical, the included bed of ore will be vertical also, and will descend downward in the same man- ner as a true metallic vein ; and through the breaking and * o o faulting of the strata, many of those irregularities would result that are so common in veins. Gneiss, mica-schist, granular limestone, and other crys- talline rocks have been described on page 23 as metamor- phic rocks, rocks that were once horizontal sandstones, shales, and stratified limestones, and which have been, DISTURBANCES OF BEDS. 75 by some process, crystallized. The gneiss and schists in Azoic regions are actually in layers or strata, alternating with one another, as common with ordinary sandstones and shales ; and the ore-beds are conformable to the layers of schist and quartz-rock in which they occur. 4. Conclusions as to the Origin of the Hocks. The following conclusions hence follow :- (1) That the Azoic rocks here referred to were originally horizontal strata of sandstones, shales, and limestones; (2) That after their formation they were pushed out of place by some great movement of the earth's crust, which uplifted and folded them, so that now they are nowhere horizontal ; (3) That, besides being dis- placed, they were also crystallized, that is, changed into metamorphic rocks. Even the sandstones and conglomerates of the Azoic give evidence by their hardness of the action of the same heat that caused the crystallization of other Azoic strata. It is altogether probable that the time of the uplifting and that of the metamorphism were the same. There may have been many such metarmophic epochs in the course of the Azoic age. But, since even the latest beds of the Azoic are thus upturned and crystallized, an extensive revolution of this kind must have been a closing event of the age. Fig. 129 shows that the upturning preceded the formation of the lowest Silurian beds, for these lie undisturbed over the folded and crystallized Azoic. Below the surface Azoic rocks, there must be others, con- stituting the interior portions of the earth's crust. If the earth were originally a melted globe, as appears altogether pro- bable, the earth's crust is its cooled exterior. Whenever the crust formed, its surface must have been at once worn by the waves, wherever within their reach, and deposits of sand, pebbles, and clay must have been formed ; and in this way the Azoic formations were begun. But at the same time that these surface strata were in progress, the crust 76 AZOIC AGE. would have been increasing in thickness within by the cool- ing which was continuing its progress. Of the interior rock of the crust we know little or nothing. 2, Life. The Azoic rocks as far as they have been examined, con- tain no fossils. It is not yet certain, however, that some life may not have existed on the globe before the close of the age. There is abundant reason for concluding that if there were any plants, they were only sea-weeds; for none but sea-weeds occur in the overlying Lower Silurian formations. If there were any animal life, it is probable that it included only the minute animalcular forms ; since if shells and corals were in the seas their remains would have been preserved in some of the beds that were least altered by the heat of meta- morphism. The graphite in certain Azoic rocks, as in those near Ticonderoga, is sometimes thought to be evidence of the existence of plants, because it is known that in later times graphite has been formed out of the remains of plants. The limestone beds have suggested the idea that there may have been animal life of some kinds; for almost all limestones (see p. 21) are of organic origin. But the evidence with regard to both plants and animals is still doubtful. 3, General Observations. The large Azoic area on the map, p. 73, represents the main portion of the dry land of North America in the later part or at the close of the Azoic age ; for it consists of the rocks made during the age, and is bordered, on its different sides, by the earliest rocks of the next age. It is the outline, approximately, of Azoic North America, or the continent, as it appeared when the Silurian age opened. It is, therefore, the beginning of the dry land of North America, the original GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 77 nucleus of the continent, to which additions were made, in succession, with the progress of tbe ages, until its final com- pletion as the age of Man was opening. The smaller Azoic areas mentioned appear to have been mere islets in the great continental sea. Each of the other continents was probably represented at the same time by its spot, or spots, of dry land. All the rest of the sphere, excepting these limited areas, was an expanse of waters. The evidence appears also to show that both waters and land were lifeless wastes, except it be that sea-weeds and Protozoans were in the oceans. The facts to be presented under the Silurian age teach that the great, yet unmade, continents, although so small in the amount of dry land, were not covered by the dee}) ocean, but only by shallow oceanic waters. They lay just beneath the waves, already outlined, prepared to commence that series of formations the Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and others which was required to finish the crust for its ultimate continental purposes. We thus gather some hints with regard to the geography of America in the period of its first beginnings. It is stated, in Genesis, that on the third day the waters were gathered together into one place, and the dry land was made to appear, and also that, as a second work of the same day, plants were called into existence as the first life of the earth. The Azoic age in geology witnessed, with little doubt, the appearance of the first continents and probably of the first plants. The outline of the northern Azoic area on the map, p. 73 the embryo of the continent is very nearly parallel to that of the present continent. The Azoic lands, both in North America and Europe, are largest in the more northern latitudes. 78 PALEOZOIC TIME. LOWER SILURIAN. H. PALEOZOIC TIME. PALEOZOIC time includes three ages : 1. The AGE OF MOLLUSKS, or SILURIAN AGE. 2. The AGE OF FISHES, or DEVONIAN AGE. 3. The AGE OF COAL-PLANTS, or CARBONIFEROUS AGE. In describing the rocks of these ages over North Ame- rica, and the events connected with their history, there are three distinct regions to be noted, distinct, because in an important degree independent in their history. These are 1. The Eastern border region, or that near the Atlantic border, including central and eastern New England, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the coast region south of New York. 2. The Appalachian region, or that now occupied by the Appalachian Mountain chain, from Labrador, on the north, along by the Green Mountains, and the continuation of the heights through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Yirginia, east- ern Tennessee, and so southwestward to Alabama. 3. The Interior Continental region, or that west of the Appalachian region, continued over much of the present eastern slope of the Rocky Mountain chain. We may have hereafter to recognize a Rocky Mountain region and a Western border region, and others on the north ; but at present the geology of these regions is too imperfectly known to render it necessary. I. AGE OF MOLLUSKS, OR SILURIAN AGE. This Age is called Silurian, from the region of the ancient Silures in Wales, where the rocks occur. It was first so named by Murchison. The Age is naturally divided into Lower and Upper Silu- rian, each corresponding, in America, to three periods, thus : POTSDAM PERIOD. 79 1. LOWER SILURIAN. 1. Potsdam, or Primordial Period. \ 2. Trenton Period : Bala formation anct Llandeilo flags of England. 3. Hudson Period: Lower Caradoc, or Upper Llandeilo beds of England. 2. UPPER SILURIAN. 1. Niagara Period: Wenlock beds of England, either in part, or wholly. 2. Salina Period. 3. Lower Helderberg Period : Ludlow beds of England, or all but their upper portion. The Silurian is also sometimes divided as follows : 1. PRIMORDIAL SILURIAN, or Potsdam Period. The term Primordial signifies first in order, or, in this place, the period of the first life of the globe. 2. MIDDLE SILURIAN ; corresponding to the remainder of the Lower Silurian. 3. UPPER SILURIAN. The same as above given. 1. PRIMORDIAL, OR POTSDAM PERIOD. 1. Rocks: kinds and distribution. The strata of the Primordial or Potsdam period, in Ame- rica, over the Interior Continental basin, are exposed to view at intervals from New York to the Mississippi River; beyond the river, over some parts of the eastern slopes of the Eocky Mountains; and also in Texas. The area on the map of New York and Canada (p. 71) is that numbered 2, lying next to the Azoic. There is reason to believe, from the many points at which the strata come to the surface (as in Michigan, Wis- consin, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, the I pper Mis- souri region), that they extend over the larger part of the continent outside of the Azoic area represented on the map, 8 80 PALEOZOIC TIME LOWER SILURIAN. p. 73, though concealed by other less ancient strata over most of the surface. Through this interior region the lower rocks are mainly a sandstone, called the Potsdam sandstone, from a locality in northern New York. The sandstone beds contain, in many places, ripple-marks (fig. 18, p. 32); mud-cracks (fig. 20) ; layers showing the wind-drift and ebb-and-flow struc- ture (figs. 17/, e,); worm-burrows, and also occasionally the tracks of some of the animals of the period. The upper rocks in New York, and in the same latitudes west, are sandstone, containing some carbonate of lime, and called the Calciferous beds ; but more to the south in the Mississippi Yalley the beds are mainly a magnesian limestone, called the Lower Magnesian. In the Appalachian region in Yermont, north in Canada, and in Pennsylvania, etc., the rocks are slates overlying sandstone, the whole 20QO to 7000 feet or more thick, exceeding many times the thickness to the west. In the Eastern border region beds of the period occur at Braintree near Boston, and near the Labrador coast. In Great Britain the primordial rocks are hard sandstones and slates, called in part the Lingula flags. They are most extensively in view in north and south Wales and in Shrop- shire. A lower portion of the series, of great thickness, consisting of slates and other rocks, has been named Cam- brian by Sedgwick. In Lapland, Norway, Sweden, and Bohemia, Primordial strata have been observed. If the strata of later date could be removed from the continents, we should probably find the primordial beds extensively distributed over all the conti- nents. 2. Life. These most ancient of fossiliferous rocks contain no remains of terrestrial life. The plants of the period were all sea-weeds. Among animals, the sub-kingdoms of Radiates, POTSDAM PERIOD. 81 Mollusks, and Articulates were represented by water-species, and by these alone. There is no evidence that there were any Vertebrates. The older sandstone abounds in many places in a shell smaller, in general, than a finger-nail, called a Lingula (fig. 133). It is the shell of a Mollusk of the tribe of Brachiopods. It stood on a stem, when alive, as represented in fig. 82, p. 55. These shells are so characteristic of the beds in many Fig. 130, Phyllograptus Typus; 131, 132, Graptolithtis Logani; 133, Lingula prima; 134, Ophileta levata: 135, Leperditia Anna; 136, same, natural size; 137, Paradoxides Harlanl (X l /Q ; 138, Track of a Trilobite (X %). regions as to give them the name of Lingula flags, or Lin- gula sandstone. 82 PALEOZOIC TIME LOWER SILURIAN. Another tribe very prominent among the earliest of the earth's animals is that of Trilobites, of the sub-kingdom of Artieulates, and cLass of Crustaceans. One of the largest species of them is represented in fig. 137, reduced to one-sixth the natural length. Its total length, when living, must have been 18 inches or more, and hence it was as large as any living Crustacean. The speci- men figured was found at Braintree south of Boston. It is seen to have had large eyes situated on the head-shield, evidence, as Buckland observed, of the clear waters and clear skies of Primordial time. As no legs are ever found in connection with Trilobites, they are supposed to have had only thin membranous or foliaceous plates for swimming. Fig. 138 shows the track of a large animal found by Logan in the Canada beds (and reduced like fig. 137), which may have been made by one of the great Trilobites as it crawled over the sand. Another group, characterizing especially the later half of the period, is that of Graptolites, two specimens of which are shown in figs. 130, 131, and an enlarged view of part of fig. 131 in fig. 132. The species are so named from the Greek grapho, I write, in allusion to their having commonly a plume- like form. The fossils are very thin, -and are supposed to have consisted of the cells of minute Radiate animals, allied to the Hydroid Acalephs (p. 58). A great number of species have been described. They appear to have grown like delicate mossy plants densely over the muddy bottom of the sea. Among Mollusks, besides Brachiopods, there were also Gasteropoda, one of which is shown in fig. 134. Crustaceans were represented also by a few species a little like shrimps in general form, but having foliaceous legs like the Trilobites, and called PhyUopods ; also by Ostracoids, one species of which is shown, enlarged, in fig. 135, and of natu- ral size in fig. 136. These little Ostracoids, though insig- POTSDAM PERIOD. 83 niiicant in size, are so abundant in some places as nearly to make up the mass of a slate. The existence of marine worms among the earliest animals of the globe, is proved by the great numbers of worm-holes or burrows in the sandstones, now filled with the hard sand- stone like that of the rock. They are very similar to the holes made by such worms in the sands of sea-shores at the present time. One species is called Scolithus linearis. These worm-holes are common in the European as well as Ame- rican Primordial sandstones. There were also Crinoids of the sub-kingdom of Radiates (p. 58), for disks from the broken stems of Crinoids are not uncommon. And among Protozoans there were at least Sponges, if not also the minute Ehizopods and Polycystines (p. 59). Sponges among Protozoans, Graptolites and Crinoids among Radiates, Brachiopods and some representatives of other tribes among Mollusks, Worms and Trilobites, and a few other Crustaceans, among Articulates, and Sea-weeds among Plants, made up the living species ; and in this Prim- ordial population, Trilobites took the lead. There is as yet no evidence that the dry Primordial hills bore a moss or lichen, or harbored the meanest insect, or that the oceans contained a single fish. 3. General Observations. The ripple-marks, mud-cracks, and tracks of animals pre- served in this most ancient of Paleozoic rocks are records left by the waves, the sun, and the life of the period, as to the extent and condition of the continent in that early era ; and the layers having the wind-drift structure or the ebb- and-flow structure are other evidence of similar import. These markings teach that when the beds were in progress a large part of the continent lay at shallow depths in the sea, so shallow that the waves could ripple its sands ; that 8* 84 PALEOZOIC TIME LOWER SILURIAN. over other portions the surface was a sand-flat exposed at low tide; or a sea-beach, the burrowing-place of worms; or a mud-flat, that could be dried and cracked under the heat of the sun, or in a drying atmosphere; or a field of drift heaps of sands, beyond the reach of the tides, which the winds, now gentle in movement, and now blowing in gales, had gradually built up. With such evidences of shallow water or emerged sand in a formation extending widely over the continent, it is a safe conclusion that the North American continent was at the time in actual existence, and probably not far from its present extent; and, although partly below the sea-level, it was generally at shallow depths. The same may prove to have been true of the other continents. There is, in fact, evidence of other kinds which, taken in connection with the above, leaves little doubt that the existing places of the deep ocean and of the continents were determined even in the first formation of the earth's crust in the early Azoic, and that, in all the movements that have since occurred, the oceans and continents have never changed places. This preservation of markings, seemingly so perishable, on the early shifting sands, is a very instructive fact. They illustrate part of the means by which the earth has, through time, been recording its own history. The track of a Trilo- bite or of a wavelet is a mould in sand or earth, into which other sands are cast both to copy and preserve it ; for if the waves or currents that succeed are light, they simply spread new sands over the indented surface, without obliterating the mould ; and so the addition of successive layers only buries the markings more deeply and thus protects them against destruction. When, finally, consolidation takes place, the track or ripple-mark is made as enduring as the rock itself. After the formation in North America of the great Primor- dial sandstone, there was a change in the condition of the TRENTON AND HUDSON PERIODS. 85 surface, especially over the interior of the continent. For limestone strata began then to form where sandstones were in progress before. This change was probably some increase in the depth and clearness of the interior of the continental sea. Along the borders of this sea that is, in New York and along the Appalachian region from Quebec into Vir- ginia the rock was still a sandstone or shale, though often more or less calcareous in its composition. The limestone of the interior region is remarkably free from fossils; and if, as is probable, it was of organic origin, it follows either that the fossils were all ground to powder to make the rock, or else they were too minute to need grinding, like the Ehizopods figured on page 59, which seldom exceed the finest grains of sand in size. Now, since such Ehizopods made the strata of chalk at a later age, and since also they constitute at the present time the bed of the ocean over immense areas in both deep and shallow waters, and inasmuch as their existence in the Lower Silurian era has been proved by finding fossils of them (though not in the rock here under consideration), it is certainly possible that the magnesian limestones of the period may have been formed out of the remains of Rhizopods. Whether the reasoning here used be regarded as satisfac- tory or not, the above will serve to illustrate the methods of searching into the geography of the ancient world that are within the reach of the geologist. And when the facts are all fully known, there is little reason to doubt that the results arrived at will be in the main right. 2. TRENTON AND HUDSON PERIODS. The Middle Silurian includes the Trenton and Hudson periods of America, and those of the Bala limestone and Llandeilo flags of Great Britain. 86 PALEOZOIC TIME LOWER SILURIAN." Rocks: kinds and distribution, In the Primordial period of America, there was, first, the spreading out of a great sandstone over the submerged por- tions of the continent ; afterwards, the formation of a lime- stone about the middle of the Interior Continental basin, while sandstones but little calcareous were forming along the northern United States and over the Appalachian region. In the next period, called the Trenton, limestones were in progress over the Appalachian region, as well as a very large part of the Interior Continental basin, northeastern, northern, and southern. It was the most universal of all limestone formations. It is numbered 3 on the map, p. 71. The rock differs from the Lower Magnesian limestone in being full of fossils, shells, crinoidal remains, corals, etc. ; and often the fossil shells and corals are so crowded together that no spot as large as the end of the finger can be found without one or more of them. In fact, if the portions which seem to be without them are sliced very thin and examined under a microscope, they are found to be made up of frag- ments of fossils. The thickness of these rocks in some portions of the Ap- palachian region is 6000 to 8000 feet, or more than ten times the thickness in the larger part of the Interior Continental region. The name Trenton is derived from Trenton Falls, north of Utica, New York, where the Trenton limestone is exposed in high bluffs along the banks of the stream. The " Chazy," " Birdseye," and " Black Kiver" limestones are the lower strata, in succession, of the Trenton Period, the Chazy being the oldest. In the Green Mountains these limestones are now in the condition of white statuary or building marble; for they are the marbles of the Stockbridge and other quarries in TRENTON AND HUDSON PERIODS. 87 Berkshire, Massachusetts, and of those of Vermont. They have been altered or metamorphosed, in this part of the Appalachian region, into a crystalline rock, or, in other words, they are metamorphic limestones (see p. 21). In the process of change they have lost all their fossils, excepting a rare example, as at Sudbury, Yermont. Other associated rocks in the same region are also metamorphic, or more or less crystalline. Before the close of the Lower Silurian that is, in the Hudson period the area of limestone-making had again contracted. Over the Appalachian region in Pennsylvania, and in the northern portion of the Interior Continental region, that is, through New York State and the same latitudes to the westward, the rocks are shales and shaly sandstones; while in Ohio and some other States beyond they consist of shales and limestones, or shaly limestones. The Utica shale and Lorraine shale of central New York are of this period (see No. 4, on the map, p. 71). The rocks of the Middle Silurian, in Great Britain, are shales and shaly sandstones, with but little limestone. The Llandeilo flags are shaly sandstones ; and, together with the associated shales, they have a thickness of many thousand feet. Above them there are the Caradoc sandstone of Shrop- shire and the Bala formation the latter including some limestone in Wales. In Scandinavia there are limestone formations, overlaid by slates and flags ; in Bussia and the Baltic provinces part of the Interior Continental portion of the Eastern Continent the rocks are mainly limestones. 2. Life. The life of the Middle Silurian, like that of the Primordial period, was, as far as evidence has been collected from the American or foreign rocks, wholly marine : no trace of a terrestrial or fresh-water species of plant or animal has been found. 88 PALEOZOIC TIME SILURIAN. The plants were sea-weeds alone. All the sub-kingdoms of animals were represented, with the exception of the Vertebrates. Among Radiates there were Corals and Crinoids; among Mollusks, representatives of all the several orders; among Articulates, the water-divisions, AYorms and Crustaceans. 1. Radiates. Fig. 139 represents one of the Corals. Its shape is that of a curved cone, a little like a short horn, the small end being the lower. At top, when perfect, there is a cavity divided oif by plates radiating from the centre. Such corals are called Cyathophylloid corals, from the Greek kuathos, cup, and phullon, leaf, alluding to the cup full of radiating leaves or plates. When living, the coral occupied the interior of an animal similar to that represented in fig. 94 or 95. Another kind of coral, of a hemispherical form, and made up of very fine columns, is represented in figs. 140, 141, the latter showing the interior appearance. It is called Chcetetes Lycoperdon. Another, of coarser columns, each nearly a sixth of an inch in diameter, is called the Columnaria alveo- lata. In a transverse section the columns are divided off by horizontal partitions. Masses of this coral have been found which weigh each between two and three thousand' pounds. Fig. 142 shows the form of one of the Crinoids, though the stem on which it stood is mostly wanting, and the arms are not entire. The mouth was in the centre above, and the animal was like a star-fish with branching arms, turned bottom-upward, and standing on a jointed stem. There were also true star-fishes in the seas. 2. Mollusks. rAmong Mollusks, Bryozoans were very com- mon : the fossils are small cellular corals : one is shown in fig. 143, and a portion, enlarged, in fig. 144. Brachiopods were still more characteristic of the period, and occur in vast numbers. Fig. 145 is 0. testudinaria ; fig. 146, 0. occi- dentalis; fig. 147, Leptcena sericea. There were also some TRENTON AND HUDSON PERIODS. 89 Conchifers, as fig. 148, Aviculaf Trentonensis ; and some Gasteropoda, as fig. 149, Pleurotomaria lenticularis. Shells Fig. 139-151 RADIATES. Fig. 139, Petraia Corniculum; 140, 141, Chaetetes Lycoperdon; 142, Lecanocrinus elegans. MOLLUSKS : Figs. 143, 144, Ptilodictya fenestrata; 145, Orthis testudinaria ; 146, Ortlris occidentalis ; 147, Leptrcna sericea ; 148, Avicula (?) Trentonensis ; 149, Pleurotomaria lenticularis; 150, Orthoceras juncetiin. ARTICULATES: Fig. 151, Asaphus (Isotelus) gigas. of Cephalopoda were especially common under the form of a straight or curved horn with transverse partitions. Fig. 150, Orthoceras junceum, represents a small species. One kind had a shell 12 or 15 feet long and nearly a foot in diameter. The word Orthoceras is from the Greek orthos, straight, and keras, horn. There were some species also of the genus Nautilus. 3. Articulates. Fig. 151 represents one of the large Trilo- bites of the Trenton rocks, the Asaphus gigas, a species 90 PALEOZOIC TIME. sometimes found a foot long. Another Trilobite is the Caly- mene Blumenbachii, of Europe, represented in fig. 73, p. 54, very similar to the C. senaria of the American rocks. While Trilobites appear to have been the largest and highest life of the Primordial seas, Cephalopods, of the Orthoceras family, far exceeded Trilobites in both respects in the Trenton period. The larger kinds must have been powerful animals to have borne and wielded a shell 12 or 15 feet long. Although clumsy compared with the fishes of a later age, they emulated the largest of fishes in size, and no doubt also in their voracious habits. Crustaceans, in their highest divisions, as the Crabs, may perhaps be regarded by some as of superior rank to Cephalopods. But Trilobites, of the inferior division of Crustaceans, without proper legs, living a sluggish life in slow movement over the sands or through the shallow waters, or skulking in holes, or attached like limpets to the rocks, were far inferior species to the Cephalopods. 3. General Observations. 1. Geography, The wide continental region covered in the Trenton period by the Trenton limestone formation stretching over the Appalachian region on the east, and widely through the Interior basin, must have been through- out a clear sea, densely populated over its bottom with Brachiopods, Corals, Crinoids, Trilobites, and the other life of the era. It may, however, have been a shallow sea ; for the corals and beautiful shells of coral reefs live mostly within 100 feet of the surface. During the next, or Hudson period, the same seas, espe- cially on the north, became less free from sediment, through some change of level or of coast-barriers, and consequently much of the former life disappeared, and other kinds sup- plied their places, adapted to impure waters or to muddy bottoms. LOWER SILURIAN. 91 2. Disturbances during the lower Silurian, and at its Close. (1.) Igneous ejections in the Lake Superior district. Before the close of the Primordial period there were extensive igneous ejections through fractures of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Lake Superior, about Keweenaw Point and elsewhere, and probably to some extent also over the bottom or area of the lake itself, for this is indi- cated by the dikes and columnar trap of Isle Eoyale, an island in the lake. These rocks, which were melted when ejected, now stand, in many places, in bold bluifs and ridges; and mixtures of scoria and sand make up some of the con- glomerate beds of the region. The sandstones, penetrated by the dikes of trap, and made partly before and partly after the ejection, have a thickness in some places of six or eight thousand feet. There appears to have been a sinking of the region equal to the thickness of the beds, in addition to the igneous ejections. The great veins of native copper of the Lake Superior region are part of the results of this period of disturbance. (2.) Emergence of the region of the Green Mountains. The changes from deep to shallow seas, or partly emerged flats, during the Silurian era, are evidence that changes of level, by gentle movements or oscillations in the earth's crust, were going on throughout it. But after the Lower Silurian had closed, or toward its close, there appear to have been greater and more permanent changes. The valley of Lake Champlain and the Hudson, as shown by Logan, probably dates from this time. The Green Mountains, though not raised to their full height, then became stable dry land, like the Azoic regions on the map, p. 73. That they were not dry land before, is shown by the Trenton limestones in their structure, for these are of marine origin ; and that their western side and summit were above the water from and after this time, is indicated by the fact that the formations of the Middle Silurian are the latest that were there formed. 92 PALEOZOIC TIME. Upper Silurian and Devonian rocks exist over New Eng- land on the east, and over much of the State of New York on the west (see map, p. 71), but not about the top or western side of this range. The Green Mountains appear, therefore, to have been the portion of the great Appalachian chain which first became stable land. The vast thickness of the several Lower Silurian forma- tions along the course of the Appalachian chain, as men- tioned on pages 80, 86, and the contrast in this respect with the Interior Continental region, are indications that prepa- ration was making throughout the Appalachian region which were to result ultimately in mountains : the raising of part of the Green Mountains above the sea-level, though it may have been but to a very small height, was the commence- ment of the elevation of the Appalachian chain. 3. Life. (1.) Progress. There is no evidence that the system of life in its progress during the Primordial and Middle Silurian had so far advanced as to include a terres- trial species, or the lowest of Vertebrates. Trilobites held the first position in the former of these eras, Orthocerata and other Cephalopods in the latter. It was the Age of Mollushs ; and while Cephalopods took the lead in the life of the world, all the other orders of Mol- lusks had their representatives. No other sub-kingdom was as well displayed in its several grand divisions, not even that of the Eadiates. Among Articulates, there were neither Myriapods, Spiders, nor Insects; for these are essentially terrestrial animals, and the first species of them thus far discovered are of the Devonian age. (2.) Exterminations and Creations. Among. the genera of the Lower Silurian, only five have living species. These are Lingula, Discina, Rhynchonella, and Crania among Brachiopods, and Nautilus among Cephalopods. These genera of long lineage thus reach through all time from LOWER SILURIAN. 93 the beginning of the systems of life. All other genera disappear, some at the close of the Primordial, others at that of the Trenton or Hudson period, or even at the termination of subordinate epochs within these periods. The extermination of species took place at intervals through the periods, as well as at their close; though the latter were most universal. With the changes from one stratum to another there w r ere disappearances of some species, and with the changes from one formation to another, still larger proportions became extinct. No Prim- ordial species are known to occur in the Trenton period; very few of the species of the earlier epoch of the Trenton survive into the next epoch ; and very many of those of the Trenton did not exist in the Hudson period. Thus life and death were in progress together, species being removed, and other species being created, as time moved on. In the first chapter of Genesis we read that on the fifth day the waters brought forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life; and the rocks declare most decisively that the waters were filled with life when the Silurian age opened, although but the earlier species of the life of that fifth day. The eyes of the Trilobites have been referred to as evidence of sunshine and clear skies in that early era. The existence of so much animal life is itself as good proof of the fact ; for without the sun the systems of life could not have had even the display they presented in the Primor- dial period. It is clear, therefore, that although the first vegetation may have existed in Azoic time, while the seas were unduly warm and while, therefore, the earth was densely shrouded in clouds, as the Zoic ages began the clouds were already broken, and the earth had completed its garniture of sky and " greater and lesser lights." 94 PALEOZOIC TIME. 3. UPPER SILURIAN ERA. 1. Subdivisions. The Upper Silurian in North America includes three periods : the NIAGARA, the SALINA, and the LOWER HELDER- BERG. The name of the first is from the Niagara Eiver, along which the rocks are displayed; that of the second, from Salina in central New York, the beds being the salt- bearing rocks of that part of the State ; that of the third, from the Helderberg Mountains, south of Albany, where the lower rocks are of this period. 2. Rocks: kinds and distribution. The rocks of the Niagara period are 1, a conglomerate and grit-rock called the Oneida conglomerate, which extends from central New York southward along the Appalachian region, having a thickness of 700 feet in some parts of Pennsylvania; 2, shaly sandstones of the Medina group, which spread westward from central New York through Michigan, and also southward along the Appalachian region, being 1500 feet thick in Pennsylvania; 3, hard sandstones, or flags and shales of the Clinton group, having nearly the same distribution as the Medina formation, though a little more widely spread in the west, and about 2000 feet thick in Pennsylvania ; 4, the Niagara group, occurring in western New York, and extending widely over both the Appalachian and Interior Continental regions ; it consists of shales below and thick limestone above at Niagara, mainly of limestone in the Interior region, and of clayey sandstone or shales in the Appalachian region, where it has a thickness of 1500 feet or more. The Niagara is one of the great limestone formations of the continent, existing also in the Arctic regions. Ripple-marks and mud-cracks are very common in the UPPER SILURIAN. 95 Medina formation. The example of rill-marks figured on page 32 is from its strata in western New York. The Salina rocks are fragile clayey sandstones, marlites, and shales, usually reddish in color, and including a little limestone. They occur in New York and sparingly to the westward, being thickest (700 to 1000 feet thick) in Onon- daga county, N.Y. The salt of Salina and Syracuse, in central New York, is obtained from wells of salt water 150 to 310 feet deep, which are borings into these saliferous rocks. 35 to 45 gallons of the water afford a bushel of salt, while of sea-water it takes 350 gallons for the same amount. No salt is found in solid masses. Gypsum is common in some of the beds. A lime- stone called the Guelph formation overlies the Niagara beds at Guelph and in some other parts of western Canada. The Lower Helderberg group consists mainly of limestones, and is the second limestone formation of the Upper Silurian. But the rock is generally impure or earthy, and the forma- tion is mostly confined to the State of New York and to the Appalachian region on the south. The section, fig. 152, represents the rocks on the Niagara Eiver at and below the Falls. The falls are at F; the whirl- pool, 3 miles below, at W; and the Lewiston Heights, which front Lake Ontario, at L. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 are different sand- Fig. 152. Section along the Niagara, from the Falls to Lewiston Heights. stone strata belonging to the Medina group; 5, shale, and 6, limestone, to the Clinton group; 7, shale, and 8, lime- 96 PALEOZOIC TIME. stone, to the Niagara group. (Hall.) The next section (fig. 153), from the region south of the eastern part of Lake Ontario, consists as follows : 5 6, Medina group, 5 c, Clinton Fig. 153. Section of the Salina and underlying strata, from north to south, south of Lake Ontario. group, 5 d, Niagara group (shale and limestone), 6, Salina beds. (Hall.) In Great Britain, the Upper Silurian rocks are first sand, stones and shales, called, when occurring in South Wales, Llandovery beds, and corresponding to the Medina and Clin- ton groups; above these, the Wenlock limestone group, con- sisting of limestone and some shale (and including in the upper portion the Dudley limestone). These rocks occur as surface-rocks near the borders of Wales and England. Next comes the Ludlow group, of the age of the Lower Helder- berg, and perhaps also of the first part of the American Devonian. In Scandinavia, the Gothland limestone is the equivalent of the Niagara. 3. Life. The limestone strata and most of the other beds of the Niagara group are full of fossils; so also are the rocks of the Lower Helderberg period, and the Wenlock and Ludlow formations of Great Britain. The Salina formation is almost wholly destitute of them. The life of the era was the same in general features as that of the later half of the Lower Silurian. It was wholly marine. The only plants were Algce, or sea-weeds. In the Animal Kingdom the sub-kingdom of Radiates was represented by Corals and Crinoids; that of Mollusks, by species of all the grand divisions, among which the Brachio- UPPER SILURIAN. 97 pod and Orthoceras tribes were the most prominent, and especially the Brachiopod, whose shells far outnumber those Figs. 154-166. 54 RADIATES : Fig. 154, Zaphrentis bilateralis, Clinton group ; 155, Favosites Niagarensis, Nia gara group*} 156, Halysitea catenulatus, id.; 157, Caryocrinus ornatus, id. MOLLUSKS: Fig. 158, Pentamerus oblongus, Clinton gr.; 159, Orthis biloba (X 2), Niagara gr. and Dud- ley limestone ; 160, Leptama transversalis, id. ; 161, Spirifer Niagarensis, id. ; 162, Rhyn- chonella cuneata, U. S. and Great Britain; 163, Avicula emacerata, Niag. gr.; 164, Cyclo- nenia cancellata, Clinton gr.; 165, Platyceras angulatum, Niag. gr. ARTICULATES: Fig. 166, Ilomalonotus delphinocephalus. of all other Mollusks ; that of Articulates, by Worms, Ostra- coids, and Trilobites; and before the close of the era, by the new form of Crustaceans represented in fig. 174. 98 PALEOZOIC TIME. 1. Radiates. Fig. 154 is a polyp-coral of the Cyathophyl- loid tribe, showing the radiating plates of the interior; fig. 155, a species of Favosites, a genus in which the corals have a columnar structure, and horizontal partitions subdivide Figs. 167-175. .69 MOLLUSKS: Figs. 167, 168, Pentamerus galeatus; 169, 170, Rhynchonella ventricosa; 171, Spirifer macropleurus ; 172, Tentaculites ornatus; 173, id. enlarged. ARTICULATES; Fig. 174, Eurypterus remipes, a small specimen; 175, Leperditia alta. Species all from the Lower Helderberg group. the cells within; fig. 156, Halysites catenulatus, called chain- coral; fig. 157, a Crinoid, Caryocrinus ornatus, the arms at the summit broken off; fig. 89, p. 57, another Crinoid of the family of Cystideans, from the Niagara group ; fig. 87, p. 57, a star-fish, also from the Niagara group. 2. Mollusks. Figs. 158 to 162, different Brachiopods of the Niagara period; figs. 167 to 171, other species charac- teristic of the Lower Helderberg period; figs. 164, 165. Gasteropods of the Niagara period; fig. 172, small slender tubular cones, called Tentaculites^ almost making up the UPPER SILURIAN. 99 mass of some layers in the Lower Helderberg ; the form of one of them, enlarged, is shown in fig. 173. 3. Articulates. Fig. 166, a reduced figure of a common Tri- lobite of the Niagara group, a species of Homalonotus, often having a length of 8 or 10 inches; fig. 174, Eurypterus remipes, of a new family of Crustaceans, commencing in the Lower Helderberg; it is sometimes nearly a foot long; species of the same family occur in Great Britain in the Ludlow beds, and one of them is supposed, from the frag- ments found, to have been 6 or 8 feet long, far surpassing any Crustacean now living; fig. 175, an Ostracoid Crusta- cean, the Leper ditia alta, of unusually large size for the family, modern Ostracoids seldom exceeding a twelfth of an inch in length. In the Upper Ludlow beds of Great Britain a few remains of land-plants and of fishes have been found. But, from the similarity of many fossils of the upper part of the Ludlow beds to those of the Upper Helderberg, it is probable that these Upper Ludlow beds, if referred to the American sys- tem of subdivisions, would rank as Devonian. 4. General Observations. 1. Geography. On the map, p. 69, the areas over which the Silurian formations are surface-rocks are distinguished by being horizontally lined. It is observed that they spread southward from the northern Azoic. South of the Silurian area commences the Devonian, which is vertically lined ; and the limit between them shows approximately the course of the sea-shore at the close of the Silurian age. It is seen that more than half of New York, and nearly all of Canada and Wisconsin, had by that time become part of the dry land ; but a broad bay covered the Michigan region to the northern point of Lake Michigan, for here Devonian rocks, and to some extent Carboniferous, were afterwards formed. The Azoic dry land, the back- 100 PALEOZOIC TIME. bone of the continent, had also received additions in a simi- lar manner on its eastern and western sides, through British America.* But, with all the increase, the amount of dry land in North America was still small. Europe is proved by similar evi- dence to have had much undry land. The surface of the earth was a surface of great waters, with the continents only in embryo, one large area and some islands represent- ing that of North America, and an archipelago that of Europe. The emerged land, moreover, was most extensive in the higher latitudes. The rivers of a world so small in its lands must also have been small. The lands, too, accord- ing to present evidence, were barren, except perhaps during the closing part of the age. The succession of Upper Silurian formations is as fol- lows : (1) The coarse grit called Oneida conglomerate, occurring of great thickness along the Appalachian region, and reaching north to central New York; (2) the Medina sandstone, also very thick along the Appalachian region, and extending northward to central New York, and, besides, spreading westward beyond the limits of that State ; (3) the Clinton group of flags and shales, having the same Appala- chian extension and great thickness, but spreading on the north much farther westward, even to the Mississippi; (4) the Niagara group, covering the Appalachian region deeply with sandstone and shales, and New York with shales and limestones, and spreading as 'a great limestone forma- tion through the larger part of the Interior region ; then (5) the limited Salina salt-bearing marlites of New York, * On the map referred to, page 69, lines of the Silurian and Devonian are seen to extend from the Hudson River southwestward along the Appalachian region. But the outcrop of the Silurian, here represented, is not evidence that there was a strip of dry land along this region from the close of the Silurian era, because there is proof that these Appalachian outcrops are a consequence of the uplift of the Appalachian Mountains, an event of much later date. (p. 155.) UPPER SILURIAN. 101 and the Appalachian region southwest, with some cotempo- raneous limestones in Canada; then (6) another limestone, but impure and mostly confined to New York State and the Appalachian region. These facts teach that geographical ^changes took* place from time to time, in the course of the era, corresponding to these several changes in the forma- tions. The clear continental seas of the Trenton period were succeeded by conditions fitted to produce the several arenaceous and argillaceous formations, of varying limits, which followed; and then they were again in existence at the epoch of the Niagara group, when corals, crinoids, and shells covered the bottom of the continental sea and made the Niagara limestone formations. But the pure continental seas in the Niagara epoch were less extended than those of the Trenton; for the Appalachian region, instead of being part of the pure sea and making limestones, was receiving great depositions of sand and clay, as if it were at the time a broad reef, or bank, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. The Niagara epoch of limestone-making was followed by the Salina or Saliferous period. As the beds are (1) clays and clayey sands, (2) are almost wholly without fossils, and (3) afford salt, it may be inferred that central New York was at the time a great salt marsh, mostly -shut off from the sea. Over such an area the waters would at times have become too salt to support life, owing to partial evapor- ation under the hot sun, and too fresh at other times, from the rains. Moreover, muddy deposits would have been formed; for they are now common in salt marshes wherever there is, as there was then, no covering of vegetation, and the salt waters would naturally have yielded salt on evapor- ation in the drier seasons. Through an occasional ingress of the sea, the salt waters might have been re-supplied for further evaporation. There is direct testimony as to the condition of the land and shallowness of the waters in the regions where many 102 PALEOZOIC TIME. of the rocks were in progress; for ripple-marks and mud- cracks are common in some layers, and are positive evidence that the sands and earth that are now the solid .rock were then the loose sands of beaches, sand-flats, or sea-bottoms, or the mud of a salt marsh. Such little markings, therefore, remove all doubt as to the condition of central New York in the Salina period. Similar markings indicate, also, the precise condition of the region of the Medina sandstone, showing that there were sand-flats, sea-beaches, and muddy bottoms open to the inflowing sea. Where the rill-marks were made (fig. 19, p. 32) the sands of the spot were those of a gently sloping flat or beach ; the waters swept lightly over the sands, dropping here and there a stray shell (as the Lingula cuneata) .or a pebble, which became partly buried; and then, as they retreated, they made a tiny plunge over the little obstacle and furrowed out the loose sand below it. The firmness of the sand, lightness of the shells, and smallness of the fur- rows are proof that the movements, were light. The great thickness of the several formations of the Upper Silurian along the Appalachian region leads to many inte- resting conclusions. It has been stated (p. 92) that the Appalachian formations of the earlier Silurian were equally remarkable for their great thickness. The Appalachian region, from the Primordial era onward, was, hence, in strong contrast with the Interior Continental region, where the series of cotemporaneous beds are hardly one-tenth as thick. Taking this into connection with another fact, that very many of the strata among the thousands of feet of Silurian formations in the Appalachian region contain those evidences of shallow water and mud-flat or sand-flat origin above ex- plained, there is full proof that in the Silurian era the region was for the most part, as already suggested, a vast sand- reef, ever increasing by new accumulations under the action of the waves and currents of the ocean It was much of UPPER SILURIAN. 103 the time a great barrier-reef lying between the open ocean and th^ Interior Continental sea ; and under its lee, this inner sea, opening southward through the area of the Mexi- can Gulf, was often in the best condition for the growth of the shells, corals, and crinoids of which the great limestones were made. While the Appalachian region was alike in its general condition through the earlier and later Silurian, the limits of the formations in progress during these two eras were somewhat different. The Green Mountain portions of the region took no part in the new depositions during the Upper Silurian era. The fact stated on page 91, that it had become part of the comparatively stable and emerged portion of the continent, is thus proved ; for if it had been under water, some Upper Silurian beds would have been formed about its western or central portions. The part of the Appalachian region which participated, during the Upper Silurian era, in the great changes connected with the formation of rocks, extended northward from Pennsylvania into New York, and not along the Green Mountains ; the rocks in the State of New York have great thickness for some distance beyond the Pennsylvania border, but thin out about the centre. 2. Life. In the Upper Silurian the highest species of the seas and of the world continued to be Mollusks, of the order of Cephalopods. At the same time, Trilobites were the first of Articulates, and sea-weeds the highest of plants.* Corals and Crinoids were the only species of life that had the sem- blance of flowers. These flower-animals foreshadowed the flowers of the vegetable kingdom for ages before any of the latter existed. There had been, however, considerable progress in the unfolding of the system of life, through the creation of new species and the introduction of new genera and families, * The only exceptions to this remark yet known are alluded to on page 99. 10 104 PALEOZOIC TIME. cotemporaneously with the extinction of the older forms. In the Lower Silurian era at least 1000 species of .animals became extinct in America, and 600 in Great Britain ; and in the Upper Silurian 800, or more, in America. The kind of progress which was exhibited is explained on a future page. H. AGE OF FISHES, OK DEVONIAN AGE. 1. Subdivision. The Devonian Age may be divided into two eras, an earlier and a later, or that of the lower and that of the upper formations. The earlier includes the periods ORISKANY and CORNIFEROUS ; the later, the HAMILTON, CHEMUNG, and CATS- KILL. The Oriskany period might with almost equal pro- priety be annexed to the Upper Silurian. The distinction of the Catskill from the Chemung is questioned. 2. Rocks: kinds and distribution. 1. Earlier and Later eras. The earlier Devonian is remark- able for a great limestone formation, which spread from New York over a large part of the Interior region, and nearly equalled the Trenton in extent ; while the later has almost no limestones, the rocks being sandstones and shales with some conglomerates. 2. Oriskany Period. The first of the formations, the Oris- kany sandstone, is a rough-looking, earthy rock. It extends along the Appalachian region, and northward in New York to the vicinity of Oriskany. A rock of the same age occurs also in the Eastern border region in Maine and Nova Scotia. To this succeeds the 3. Corniferous Period. Its lowest rocks are fragmental beds, called the Cauda-Galli grit and the Schoharie grit, having their distribution along the Appalachian region, DEVONIAN AGE. 105 commencing in central and eastern New York and extend- ing southwestward. Next follows the great Corniferous limestone, the lower part of which is sometimes called the Onondaga limestone, and the whole often the Upper Helderberg group. It stretches from eastern New York westward to the States beyond the Mississippi. The name Corniferous (derived from the Latin cornu, horn) was given it by Eaton, from its frequently containing a kind of flint called hornstone. This hornstone differs from true flint in being less tough, or more splintery in fracture, though it is like it in hardness and in consisting wholly of silica. The limestone is literally an ancient coral reef. It con- tains corals in vast numbers and of great variety ; and in some places, as near Louisville, Kentucky, at the Falls on the Ohio, the resemblance to a modern reef is perfect. Some of the coral masses at that place are 6 or 8 feet in diameter; and single polyps of the Cyathophylloid corals had in some species a diameter of 2 and 3 inches, and in one, of 6 or 7 inches. The same reef-rock occurs near Lake Memphremagog on the borders of Yermont and Canada; but the corals have there been partly obliterated by metamorphism. The lime- stone occurs among metamorphic schists, a talcose schist overlying it,, according to Hitchcock. The crystalline rocks extending south through Yermont into Massachusetts, and the granites and gneiss of the White Mountains, are supposed to be altered Devonian sandstones, and shales. 4. Hamilton Period. The Hamilton formation consists of sandstones and shales, with a few thin layers of limestone. It consists of three parts, corresponding to three epochs : the lower part is called the Marcellus shale; the middle, the Hamilton beds ; and the upper, the G-enesee shale. It has its greatest thickness along the Appalachians. From New 106 PALEOZOIC TIME. York it spreads westward, and, in the form of what is called black slate, more properly a black shale (supposed to be of the epoch of the Marcellus shale), it is widely known through the Interior Continental region. The Hamilton beds afford an excellent flagging-stone in central New York and on the Hudson Eiver, which is ex- tensively quarried and exported to other States. 5. Chemung Period. The Chemung beds are mainly sand- stones, or shaly sandstones, with some conglomerate. They spread over a large part of southern New York, having great thickness in the Catskill Mountains. The formation along the Appalachians is 5000 feet thick. It thins out to the west of New York, in Ohio, and Michigan. In the following section, taken on a north-and-south line south of Lake Ontario, No. 6 represents the beds of the Fig. 176. 7 9 10 a Section of Devonian formations south of Lake Ontario. Salina period ; overlaid by 7, the Lower Helderberg lime- stone; 9, the Corniferous, or Upper Helderberg limestone; 10, a, b, c, the Hamilton beds ; and 11, the Chemung group. 6. Catskill Period. The Catskill rocks of Ne^ York have been considered as pertaining to a Catskill period; but recent observations have shown that they are part of the Chemung formation. It is not yet known that the same is true of the sandstones and shales of Pennsylvania, referred to the Cats- kill period, which are stated to have a thickness of 6000 feet. In Great Britain, the Devonian rocks have been called the Old Eed Sandstone, the prevailing rock in Wales and Scotland being a red sandstone. This sandstone formation, however, includes marls of red and other colors, and some DEVONIAN AGE. 107 limestone. The distribution in Great Britain is shown on the map, p. 120. In Germany, in the Rhenish provinces, there is a coral limestone very similar to that of North America. 3, Life. 1. General characteristics. The Devonian of North America, as far as now known, is the era of the first of terrestrial plants, the first of Insects or terrestrial Articulates, and the first, also, of Vertebrates. These early Vertebrates were Fishes, the species that belong to the water. 2. Plants. Figs. 177-179 represent portions of some of the plants. Fig. 179 is a fragment of a, fern, and figs. 177, 178, portions Figs. 177-179. 177 PLANTS. Fig. 177, Lepidodendrou primsevum, from the Hamilton group; 178, Sigillaria, ibid. ; 179, Noeggerathia Halliana, from the Chemung group. of the trees, of the age. The scars or prominences over the surface are the bases of the fallen leaves : a dried branch of a Norway spruce, stripped of its leaves, looks closely like fig. 178f By referring to page 60, it will there be seen that among the Cryptogams there is one order, the highest, or 10* 108 PALEOZOIC TIME. that of Acrogens, in which the plants have upward growth like ordinary trees, and the tissues are partly vascular : it is the one containing the Ferns, Lycopodia, and Equiseta. The most ancient of land plants belong, to a great extent, to this order, the highest of Cryptogams. Another portion are related to the lowest order of flower-bearing plants, or Pheno- gams, called G-ymnosperms (see p. 61). The groups represented under these divisions are the following : I. FLOWERLESS PLANTS, or CRYPTOGAMS, Order of ACRO- GENS. 1. Fern tribe. The species have a general resemblance to the ferns or brakes of the present time. 2. Lycopodium tribe, or that of the Ground-pine. The ex- isting plants of this tribe are slender species, seldom over 4 or 5 feet high : some of the ancient were of the size of forest- trees. These ancient species belong mostly to the Lepido- dendron family, in which the scars are contiguous and are arranged in quincunx order, that is, alternate in adjoining rows, as shown in fig. 177. The Ground-pine of our woods, although nowerless like the fern, has leaves very similar to those of the spruce or cedar (Conifers) ; and this type of plants is intermediate in some respects between the Aero- gens and Gymnosperms (Conifers). 3. Equisetum tribe. The Equiseta of modern wet woods are slender, hollow, jointed rushes, called sometimes scouring- rushes. They often have a circle of slender leaf-like append- ages at each joint. The CalamiteSj or tree-rushes, are peculiar to the ancient world, none having existed since the Mesozoic. They had jointed striated stems like the Equiseta, and otherwise resembled them. But they were often a score of feet or more in height, and sometimes 6 inches in diameter. Some of them had hollow stems like the Equiseta; others fead the interior of the stems woody, and these were intermediate in DEVONIAN AGE. 109 some respects between the Equiseta and the Gymnosperms. Fig. 225, under the Carboniferous age, represents a portion of one of these plants. II. FLOWERING PLANTS, or PHENOGAMS, of the Order of GYMNOSPERMS. 1. Conifers. The species are related to the common pines and spruces, or more nearly to the Araucarian pines of Australia and South America. The fossils are merely por- tions of the trunk or branches. It has been suggested by Mr. Lesquereux that all the specimens belong to the follow- ing tribe : 2. Sigillarids. The Sigillarice were trees of moderate height, with stout, sparingly-branched trunks, bearing long linear leaves much like those of the Lepidodendra. The scars on the exterior are mostly in parallel vertical lines, as in fig. 178 and fig. 222, p. 127, and not in quincunx order, like those of the Lepidodendra. The earliest fossil land-plants thus far found in the United States occur in the Hamilton formation. Whether they occur lower than this, or in earlier Devonian, in Canada and New Brunswick, is not certain. Conifers, Ferns, and Lepidodendra have also been reported from some of the Devonian beds of Britain and Europe. The earliest remains found in Great Britain occur in the lowest Devonian, and also in the Upper Ludlow beds (p. 99). The hornstone develops, under the microscope, the fact that it was probably made from the siliceous remains of plants and animals. Figs. 180 to 194 represent some of the species which have been detected by Dr. M. C. White in specimens from New York and elsewhere. Figs. 180 to 186 are microscopic plants, related to the Desmids; fig. 187 is another kind, called a Diatom, a kind which forms siliceous shells, and which is probably one of the sources of the silica of which the hornstone was made. (See, on Diatoms and Desmids, p. 61.) Figs. 188, 189 are spicules of Sponges, 110 PALEOZOIC TIME. also siliceous, and another of the sources of the silica. Figs. 190-192 are probably also sponge-spicules. Figs. 193, 194 are fragments of the teeth of some Gasteropod Mollusk. The last is from a hornstone of the Trenton period (Silurian) which was found to afford the same evidences of organic origin. 3. Animals. The early Devonian was the coral period of the ancient world. In no age before or since, not even the present, have coral reefs of greater extent been formed. Among Mollusks, Brachiopods were still the prevailing kinds, though ordinary Bivalves or Conchifers, and Uni- Figs. 180-194. 80 Microscopic Organisms from the Hornstone. valves or Gasteropods, were more abundant than in the Silurian. A new type of Cephalopods commenced in the Middle Devonian. Hitherto, the partitions or septa in the shells, straight or coiled, were flat or simply concave ; but in the new genus Goniatites, the margin of the plate has one or more deep angles, one of the angles being at the middle of the back of the shell. The name is from the Greek gonu, knee or angle. Among Articulates, there were "Worms and Crustaceans as in earlier time, and the most common Crustaceans were Trilobites. Besides these there were the first of Insects, the wings of some species having been reported from the Devo- nian of New Brunswick. DEVONIAN AGE. Figs. 195-200. Ill 200 RADIATES. Fig. 195, Zaphrentia Rafinesquii; 196, 197, Cyathophyllum rngosum; 198, Syringopora Maclurii; 199, Aulopora cornuta; 200, Favosites Goldfussi: all of the Cornif- erous period. 1. Badiates. Fig. 195, one of the Cyathophylloid corals, Zaphrentis Rafinesquii ; fig. 196, another, Cyathophyllum rugo- SMTTi, both from the Falls of the Ohio, and the latter forming very large masses. Fig. 197 is a top view of the cells in fig. 196. Fig. 200, a Favosites from the same locality, showing well the columnar structure characterizing the genus : the species F. Goldfussi occurs both in America and Europe. Figs. 198 and 199 are small corals from Canada West. 2. Mollusks. Figs. 201 to 203, Brachiopods from the Hamilton beds; figs. 204, 205, Conchifers, from the same; fig. 206, Goniatites Marcellensis, ib.; fig. 207, a view of the back, showing the angles in the partitions, this species hav- ing only one angle or re-entering lobe. 3. Articulates. Fig. 208, the Trilobite Phacops Bufo. 4. Vertebrates. The fishes of the Devonian belong to two orders : the Ganoid and the Selachian (see p. 51). Some of the Ganoids are represented in figs. 210 to 216. The fishes of this order are related in several points to Eep tiles. Unlike ordinary fishes (or the Teliosts) (1) they have the power of moving the head up and down at the articulation between 112 PALEOZOIC TIME. the head and the body, the articulation being made by means of a convex and concave surface ; (2) the air-bladder, which Figs. 201-208. MOLLUSKS. Fig. 201, Atrypa aspera; 202, Spirifer mucronatua ; 203, Chonetes setigera; 204, Grammysia Hamiltonensis ; 205, Microdon bellistriatus ; 206, 207, Goniatites Marcellensis t all from the Hamilton group. ARTICULATES : Fig. 208, Phacops Bufo, from the Hamilton group. answers to the lung of higher animals, has a cellular or lung-like structure, thus approximating to air-breathing species ; (3) the teeth have in general a structure like that of some early Reptiles. Fig. 210 is a reduced view of a Ganoid with large plates over the body, like a Turtle : moreover, it moved by means of paddles instead of its tail, the principal organ of motion in most Fishes, and in this, also, it resembles DEVONIAN AGE. 113 Turtles. It is the Pterichthys of Agassiz, a name signifying winged fish. There is another plate-covered kind, one genus Figs. 209, 210. VERTEBRATES. Fig. 209, Fin-spine of a Shark (X %); 210, Pterichthys Milleri (X%). of which is named Coccosteus, which wants the paddles, and sculled itself along with the tail, like most Fishes. Fig. 211 represents a different type of Ganoid, the Cephalaspis, having a flat and broad plate-covered head, with rhombic scales over the body : figs. 212 show the forms of some of the scales. Fig. 215 is another, a species of Dipterus, covered with rhombic scales, put on, as in the preceding, much as tiles are arranged on a roof: fig. 216 is one of the scales, natural size. Fig. 213 is another type of Ganoids, having the scales rounded and set on more like shingles ; it is a Holo- ptycliius : fig. 214 represents a scale, natural size. These figures are all much reduced. Scales of & Holoptychius have been found in Chemung beds which were over an inch and a half broad, indicating the existence of fishes of great size. 114 PALEOZOIC TIME. The Selachians, or species of the shark tribe, belong to the family of Cestracionts (p. 52), or that in which the mouth Figs. 211-216. 11 GANOIDS. Fig. 211, Cephalaspis Lyellii (X%); 212, Scales; 213, Holoptychius (XH); 214, Scale ; 215, Dipterus macrolepidotus (X K) 5 216 > Scale. has a pavement of broad bony pieces for grinding. The food in the seas for these carnivorous Fishes consisted mainly of shell-fish and mail-clad Ganoids; and grinders were, there- fore, better suited for the times than cutting teeth. Many of these Cestraciont sharks were of very large size. Fig. 209 represents a fin-spine of one, drawn two-thirds its actual size, found in the Corniferous beds of the State of New York. DEVONIAN AGE. 115 The remains of Fishes in the rocks are numerous after the first appearance of them. 4. General Observations, 1. Geography. During the Silurian there had heen a gra- dual gain of dry land on the north, extending the Azoic con- tinent (p. 73) southward. This gain continued through the Devonian, so that the beds of the next age, the Carbon- iferous, extend only a short distance north of the southern boundary of New York. The sea-shore was thus being set farther and farther southward with the progressing periods. The formations have their greatest thickness along the Appalachian region, as in the Silurian Age. And both this fact and their successions lead to similar general conclu- sions to those stated 011 page 102. 2. Life. The great feature of the Devonian age is the introduction of the first of terrestrial plants, the first of ter- restrial animals (Insects), and the first of Yertebrates. It is possible that future discovery may throw farther back in time the commencement of these types. However this may be, whenever the first land-plant appeared, it was an epoch of great progress in the system of life on the earth. It was a change from the leafless Sea-weed to Ferns, Lepidodeiidra, and Pines, from a bare and lifeless world above tide-level to one of forest-clad hills. This step of progress from Sea-weeds to Ferns, Lycopo- dia, and Pines was not made by a gradual working upward through Mosses arid other low forms of Cryptogams. On the contrary, no Mosses, although many are true marsh- species, appear to have been in existence until long after the close of the Carboniferous age. It was a sudden advance from the lowest to the highest of Cryptogams. In the same manner, with regard to Fishes, the earliest species belong to the two highest groups of the class, the Sharks and Ganoids; and both are above the level of the 11 116 PALEOZOIC TIME. fish, the Ganoids being partly Reptilian. There is not the least evidence of any development upward from the Mollusk, Worm, or Trilobite to these Fishes, or of a gradual rise in the grade of Fishes from the lower to the highest. The Devonian Fishes are often of great size and eminently com- plete and perfect in their parts. Their introduction into the system of life was a no less sudden step upward than in the case of plants. There are here no facts sustaining the theory that species were made from species by a natural process of growth or development. Without any known natural method of crea- tion to appeal to, Science is led rightly to ascribe the exist- ence of plants and smimals, each in its time and place, to Him alone who created " in the beginning." HI. CARBONIFEROUS AGE, OR AGE OF COAL PLANTS. 1, General Characteristics: Subdivision. The Carboniferous age was remarkable, in general, for (1.) The wide limits of the continents above the sea-level. (2.) The extent of the low marshy or fresh- water areas over these continents, and the flat or gently undulating surface of nearly all the rest of the emerged land, few ele- vated ridges existing any where. (3.) The luxuriant vegetation, clothing the land with forests and jungles. (4.) The existence of Insect life over the land, and of Amphibians and other Reptiles in the marshes and seas. But, while having these as its main characteristics, it was not an age of continued verdure. There was, first, a long periocU-^the Subcarboniferous-^m which the land was mostly beneath the sea; for limestone, full of marine fossils, is the CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 117 prevailing rock, and there are but thin coal seams in some regions of sandstones and shales. This period was followed by the Carboniferous, or that of the true Coal measures. Yet even in this middle period of the age there were alterna- tions of submerged with emerged continents, long eras of dry and marshy lands luxuriantly overgrown with shrub- bery and forest-trees intervening between other long eras of great barren continental seas. Then there was a closing period, the Permian m which the ocean prevailed again, though with contracted limits ; for the rocks are mainly of marine origin. The Carboniferous period and age were so named from the fact that the great coal beds of the world originated mainly during their progress. The term Permian was given to the rocks of the third period by Murchison, de Yerneuil and Keyserling, from a region of Permian rocks in Eussia, the ancient kingdom of Permia, now divided into the govern- ments of Perm, Yiatka, Kasan, Orenberg, etc. 2. Distribution of Carboniferous Hocks. The Carboniferous areas on the map of the United States, p. 69, are the dark areas; the black cross-lined with white being the Subcarboniferous; the pure black, the Carbonife- rous ; the black dotted with white, the Permian. The last occur only west of the Mississippi. The following are the positions of the several great areas in North America : I. EASTERN BORDER REGION. (1.) The Rhode Island area, extending from Newport in Rhode Island to Worcester in Massachusetts. (2.) The Nova Scotia and New Brunswick area. II. APPALACHIAN and INTERIOR REGIONS. (1.) The great Appalachian area, extending from the southern borders of New York and Ohio southwestward to Alabama, covering the larger part of Pennsylvania, half of Ohio, part of 118 PALEOZOIC TIME. Kentucky and Tennessee, and a little of Mississippi. To the northeast, in Pennsylvania, this coal field is much broken into patches, as shown in the accompanying map of a part of the State, the black areas being those of the coal district. (2.) The Michigan area, covering the central part of the State. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 119 (3.) The Illinois and Missouri area, or that of the Missis- sippi basin, covering much of Illinois, and part of Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, and stretching southward into northern Texas. (4.) The Rocky Mountain area, situated in some parts of the summits of the Kocky Mountains, as around the Great Salt Lake in Utah. III. ARCTIC EEGION. The Melville Island, and those of other islands between Grinnell Land and Banks Land, mostly north of latitude 70. The areas of workable coal measures are estimated as follow : 1. Rhode Island 1,000 square miles. 2. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 18,000 " " 3. Appalachian 60,000 " " 4. Michigan 5,000 " " 5. Illinois and Missouri 60,000 " " The total for the whole United States is about 130,000 square miles. Carboniferous strata occur also in Great Britain and various parts of Europe. Those of England are distributed over an area between South Wales on the west and the Newcastle basin on the northeast coast (as shown by the black areas on the following map), the most important for coal being the South Wales region ; the Lancashire district, bordering on Manchester and Liverpool; the Yorkshire, about Leeds and Sheffield ; and the Newcastle. Scotland has some small areas between the Grampian range on the north and the Lammermuirs on the south ; and Ireland, several coal regions of large extent, as at Ulster, Connaught, Leinster (Kilkenny), and Munster. The coal-fields of Europe which are most worked are the Belgian, bordering on and passing into France. Germany contains only small coal-bearing areas; and Russia in Europe 11* 120 PALEOZOIC TIME. Fig. 218. Fig. 218, Geological Map of England. The areas lined horizontally and numbered 1 are Silurian. Those lined vertically (2), Devonian. Those cross-lined (3), Subcarboniferous. Carboniferous (4), black. Permian (5). Those lined obliquely from right to left, Triassic (6), Lias (7 a), Oolite (7 fc), Wealden (8), Cretaceous (9). Those lined obliquely from left to right (10, 11), Tertiary. A is London, B, Liverpool, C, Manchester, D, Newcastle. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 121 almost none, although the Subcarboniferous and Permian rocks cover large portions of the surface. The following are the areas of some of the foreign coal districts : Great Britain and Ireland 12,000 square miles. Spain 4,000 " " France 2,000? " " Belgium 518 " " or less than 20,000 square miles, against 148,000 in North America. Valuable coal beds are not found in any rocks older than the Carboniferous, although black bituminous slates are not uncommon even in the Lower Silurian. They occur, how- ever, in different Mesozoic formations, and also occasionally in the Cenozoic, but not of the extent which they have in the Carboniferous formations. 3. Kinds of Rocks. 1. SUBCARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. The Subcarboniferous strata in the Interior Continental region are mainly lime- stone; and, as the limestone abounds in many places in Cri- noidal remains, the rock is often called the Crinoidal limestone. In the Appalachian region, in middle and southern Virginia, the rock is also limestone, and has great thickness; but in northern Virginia and Pennsylvania it is mostly a sandstone or conglomerate overlaid by a shaly or clayey sandstone and marlite of reddish and other colors, the whole having a maximum thickness of 5000 to 6000 feet. In the Eastern border region, in Nova Scotia, the rocks are mostly reddish sandstone and marlite, with some limestone, the estimated thickness 6000 feet. The prevailing rock in Great Britain and Europe is a limestone, called there the Mountain limestone. 2. CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. (1.) Hocks of the Coal forma- tion. The rocks of the Carboniferous period that is, those 122 PALEOZOIC TIME. of the Coal measures are sandstones, shales, conglomerates, and occasionally limestones ; and they are so similar to the rocks of the Devonian and Silurian ages that they cannot be distinguished except by the fossils. They occur in various alternations, with an occasional bed of coal between them. The coal-beds, taken together, make up not more than one- fiftieth of the whole thickness ; that is, there are 50 feet or more of barren rock in the coal formation to 1 foot of coal. An example of the alternations is given in the following section : 1. Sandstone and conglomerate beds 120 feet. 2. COAL 6 " 3. Fine-grained shaly sandstone 50 " 4. Siliceous iron-ore 1 " 5. Argillaceous sandstone 75 " 6. COAL, upper 4 feet shale, with fossil plants, and below a thin clayey layer 7 " 7. Sandstone 80 " 8. Iron-Ore 1 " 9. Argillaceous shale 80 " 10. LIMESTONE (oolitic), containing Producti, Grinoids, etc 11 " 11. Iron- Ore, with many fossil shells 3 " 12. Coarse sandstone, containing trunks of trees 25 " 13. COAL, lying on 1 foot slaty shale with fossil plants 5 " 14. Coarse sandstone 12 " The limestone strata are more numerous and extensive in the Interior Continental region than in the Appalachian, and west of the States of Missouri and Kansas limestone is the prevailing rock. Beds of argillaceous iron-ore are very common in coal districts, so that the same region affords ore and the coal for smelting it. Some of the largest iron-works in the world, on both sides of the Atlantic, occur in coal districts. The coal beds often rest on a bed of grayish or bluish clay, called the under-day, which is filled with the roots or stems of plants. When this under-clay is absent, the rock is usually a sandstone or shale. Above the coal, the rock may CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 123 be sandstone, shale, conglomerate, or even limestone; often the layer next above, especially if shaly, is filled with fossil leaves and stems. In some cases, trunks of old trees rise from the coal and extend up through overlying beds, as in the annexed figure, by Dawson, from the Nova Scotia Coal measures. Occasionally, as in Ohio, logs 50 to 60 feet long lie scattered through the sandstone beds, looking as if a forest had been swept off from the land into the sea. (2.) Coal beds. The coal beds vary in thickness from a fraction of an inch to 30 or 40 feet, but seldom exceed 8 feet, Fig. 219. Section of a portion of the Coal measures at the Joggins, Nova Scotia, having erect stumps, and also " rootlets" in the under-clays. and are generally much thinner : 8 feet is the thickness of the principal bed at Pittsburg, Pa.; 29 feet, that of the " Mammoth Vein" at Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; 37 feet, that of one of the two great beds at Pictou in Nova Scotia. In these thick beds, and often also in the thin ones, there are some intervening beds of shale, or of very impure coal, so that the whole is not fit for burning. The coal varies in kind according to the proportion of bituminous substances present, that containing little or none being called Anthracite, and the rest Bituminous coal (see p. 18). When only 10 or 15 per cent, of bituminous substances are present, it is often called Semi-bituminous coal. In Pennsylvania the coal of the Pottsville, Lehigh, and Wilkesbarre regions is anthracite; that of Pit^burg, bitumi- 124 PALEOZOIC TIME. nous coal; and that of part of the intermediate district, semi-bituminous, as so designated on the map, page 118. The coal also varies as to the impurities present. All of it contains more or less of earthy material, as clay or silica ; and this earthy material constitutes the ashes and slag of a coal fire. Ordinary good anthracite contains 7 to 12 pounds of impurities in a hundred pounds of coal. In some coal beds there is considerable pyrites or sulphuret of iron (a compound of sulphur and iron), and the coal is then unfit for use. It is seldom that pyrites is altogether absent. The sulphur gases which are perceived in the smoke or gas from a coal fire come usually from the decomposition of pyrites. Mineral coal, although it seldom breaks into plates unless quite impure, still consists of thin layers. This is shown in the hardest anthracite by a delicate banding of a surface of fracture, as may be readily seen when it is held up to the light. This structure is absent in the variety called Cannel coal, which is a bituminous coal, very compact in texture, feeble in lustre, and smooth and often flint-like in fracture. (3.) Mineral Oil. Besides mineral coal, the rocks some- times afford bituminous liquids, called ordinarily petroleum, or mineral oil, or, when purified for burning, kerosene, and sometimes mineral naphtha. Oil-wells are largely worked at Titusville in Pennsylvania, and at Mecca in Trumbull co., Ohio ; and it is probable that the material at each of these places proceeds from the lower Subcarboniferous rocks, though possibly from the Devonian. Petroleum is a result of the decomposition of vegetable substances. It proceeds from rocks of various ages, from those of the Lower Silu- rian to the Tertiary. The earliest springs affording a large supply of oil come from the Corniferous beds (Devonian), as at Enniskillen in Canada. (4.) Salt or Salines. The Subcarboniferous formation in Michigan, at Grand Rapids and the adjoining region, affords extensive salines, and there are many wells opened by CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 125 boring. The beds affording the saline waters consist of clayey beds or marlites, shale, and magnesian limestone, and abound also in gypsum, thus resembling those of the Salina period in New York (p. 95). 3. PERMIAN PERIOD. The rocks of the Permian beds are mostly sandstones and marlites, with some impure or mag- nesian limestones, and gypsum. They occur in North Ame- rica west of the Mississippi in Kansas, and about some parts of the eastern slope of the Eocky Mountains, where they lie conformably over the Carboniferous. Similar rocks occur in Great Britain in the vicinity of several of the coal regions, and also in Germany and Russia. Thin seams of coal are occasionally interstratrfied with the sandstones, but none of workable extent are known. 4. Life. 1. Plants. The plants of the forests, jungles, and floating islands of the Carboniferous Age, thus far made known, number about 900 species. Among the fossils there are none that afford satisfactory evidence of the presence of either Angiosperms or Palms (p. 62) ; for no net-veined leaves, allied in charac- ter to those of the Oak, Maple, Willow, Eose, etc., have been found among them ; and no palm-leaves or palm-wood. More- over, the plains were without grass, and the swamps and woods without moss. At the present day Angiosperms, along with Conifers, or the Pine family, make up the great bulk of our shrubs and forest-vegetation; Palms abound in all tropical countries; grass covers all exposed slopes where the climate is not too arid ; and mosses are the prin- cipal vegetation of most open marshes. The view in fig. 220 gives some idea of the Carbon- iferous vegetation over the plains and marshes of the era. The Carboniferous species, like their predecessors in the Devonian age, belonged to the following groups : 12G PALEOZOIC TIME. I. CRYPTOGAMS, or Flowerless Plants, Order of ACROGENS. (1.) Fern tribe. Ferns were very abundant, a large part of the fossil plants of a coal region being their delicate fronds Fig. 220. Carboniferous Vegetation. (usually called leaves). One of them is represented in fig. 224. Besides small species, like the common kinds of the present day, there 'were tree-ferns, species that had a trunk, perhaps 15 or 20 feet high, and which bore at top a radiating tuft of the very large leaf-like fronds, resembling the CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 127 modern tree-fern of the tropics. One of the tree-ferns of the Pacific is represented in fig. 220, near the middle of the view, and smaller ferns in front of it below. Tree-ferns, however, Figs. 221-226. Fig. 221, Lepidodendron obovatum; 222, Sigillaria oculata; 223, Stigmaria ficoides; 224, Sphenopteris Gravenborstii; 225, Calamitea cannseformis ; 226, Trigonocarpum tricuspi- datum. were not common in the Carboniferous forests. The scars in fossil or recent tree-ferns are many times larger than 12 [ , - V : 128 PALEOZOIC TIME. those of Lepidodendra, and the fossils may be thus distin- guished. (2.) Lycopodium tribe. The Lepidodendra appear to have been among the most abundant of Carboniferous forest- trees, especially in the earlier half of the Carboniferous Age, or to the middle of the Coal Period. They probably covered both the marshes and the drier plains and hills. Some of the old logs now preserved in the strata are 50 to 60 feet in length; and the pine-like leaves were occasionally a foot or more long. The taller tree to the left, in figure 220, is a Lepidodendron. Figure 221 shows the surface- markings of one of the species, natural size : the regular arrangement of the scars resembles a little the arrangement of scales on a fish, and this gave origin to the name Lepido- dendron, from the Greek lepis, scale, and dendron, tree. (3.) Equisetum tribe. Fig. 225 represents a portion of one of the tree-rushes, or Calamites, usually regarded as of the Equisetum tribe. The species were evidently very abundant in the great marshes, through the whole of the Carbonif- erous Age ; some were 20 feet or more high, and 10 or 12 inches in diameter. Besides these Cryptogams there were also Funcji, or Musli- gpoms; but, as already stated, no remains of Mosses from ' A ie rocks of the age are known./ II. PHENOGAMS, or Flowering Plants, Order of GYMNO- SPERMS. (1.) Conifers. Trunks of trees, supposed to be Coniferous in character, and related especially to the Araucarian pines, are common. As stated on p. 109, they may be the trunks of Sigillarids ; yet this is not probable. (2.) Sigillarids. The Sigillarice were a very marked fea- ture of the great jungles and damp forests of the Coal period. They grew to a height sometimes of 30 to 60 feet ; but the trunks were seldom branched, and must have had a stiff, clumsy aspect, although covered above with long, si der, CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 129 rush-like leaves. Fig. 222 represents a common species, exhibiting the usual arrangement of the scars, in vertical lines, and also indicating, by the difference in the scars of the right row from those of the others, the difference of form on the inside and outside of the bark. (3.) Stigmarice. The fossil jStigmarice are stout stems, generally 2 to 3 or more inches thick, having over the sur- face distant rounded punctures or depressions. Fig. 223 is a portion of the extremity of a stem, showing the rounded depressions and also the leaf-like appendages occasionally observed. The stems or branches are a little irregular in form, and sparingly branched. They have been found spreading, like roots, from the base of the trunk of a Sigillaria, and sometimes also from that of a Lepidodendron ; and they are hence regarded either as the roots or sub- aqueous stems of these trees. They are an exceedingly common fossil, especially in the under-clays of the Coal measures (p. 122). If they are roots, they indicate that the under-clay, as stated by Logan, was the old dirt-bed in which the vegetation that gave rise to a bed of coal first took root. If subaqueous stems, as Lesquereux believes them to have often been, they grew and spread through the shallow waters, and formed the basis of floating vegetation, while tne clay was accumulating over the bottom, like the fire- clay beneath a modern peat-bed. In the Carboniferous landscape, fig. 220, p. 126, the broken trunk to the right is a Sigillaria. The landscape, to be quite true to nature, should have been made up largely of Sigil- larice, Catamites, and Lepidodendra, with few tree-ferns. The Stigmaria3 would have been mostly concealed beneath tho water or soil, or in the submerged mass of the floating islands. (4.) Fruits. Besides the leaves, stems, and trunks already alluded to, there are various nut-like fruits found in the Carboniferous strata. One is represented in fig. 226, the fig^ 3 to the left being that of the shell, and the other that 130 PALEOZOIC TIME. of the nut which it contained. Some of them are two inches in length. The most of them were probably the fruit of Sigillarice or Conifers ; some, perhaps, of the Lepidodendra. (5.) Conclusions. It is seen from the above that (1.) The vegetation of the Carboniferous age consisted very largely of Cryptogams, or flowerless plants. (2.) The flowering plants, or Phenogams, associated with the flowerless vegetation, were of the order of Gymno- sperms, whose flowers are incomplete and inconspicuous. (3.) While, therefore, there was abundant and beautiful foliage (for no foliage exceeds in beauty that of Ferns), the vegetation was nearly flowerless. (4.) The characteristic Cryptogams were not only of the highest group of that division of plants, but in general they exceeded in size and perfection the species of the present day, many being forest-trees. 2. Animals. The principal steps of progress in animal life have already been in part pointed out, viz. the increase in the variety and number of land- Articulates ; there being Myriapods (or Centipedes) and Scorpions, as well as Insects; and the rise in Vertebrates from water-Vertebrates, or Fishes, to Reptiles. 1. Radiates. Among Radiates, species of Crinoids were especially numerous and varied in form in the Subcarbonif- erous period. Figs. 227 to 229 represent some of the species. The radiating arms are perfect in fig. 227, but wanting in 228. Fig. 229 is a species of the genus Pentremites (named from the Greek pente, five, alluding to the five-sided form of the fossil). The Pentremites had a long stem made of calcareous disks, like other Crinoids, but no long radiating arms at top. Fig. 230 presents an upper view of a very common Coral of the same period : it has a columnar appearance in a side view. 2. Mollusks. The tribe of Bryozoans contained the sin- CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 131 gular screw-shaped (or auger-shaped) coral shown in fig. 231, and named Archimedes (referring to Archimedes' screw). It 27 Figs. 227-237. 31 RADIATES : Fig. 227, Zeacrinus elegans ; 228, Actinocrinus proboscidialis ; 229, Pentremites pyriformis ; 230, Lithostrotion Canadense. MOLLUSKS : Fig. 231, Archimedes reversa ; 232, Chonetes mesoloba; 233, Productus Rogersi; 234, Spirifer cameratus; 235, Athyris sub- tilita ; 236, Pleurotomaria tabulata ; 237, Pupa vetusta. is made up of minute cells that open over the lower surface; each of the cells, when alive, contained a minute Bryozoan 12* 132 PALEOZOIC TIME. (p. 57). These fossils are common in some of the Subcar- boniferous limestone strata. Brachiopods were the most abundant of Mollusks through the Carboniferous age, and especially species of the genera Spirifer and Productus. Figures 232 to 235 are of species from the American Coal measures: fig. 234, a Spirifer; fig. 233, a Productus; fig. 232, a Chonetes; fig. 235, an Athyris, occuring also in Europe. Fig. 236 represents one of the Gasteropods of the Coal measures. Fig. 237 is a Pupa, the first yet known of land-snails : it is from the Coal measures of Nova Scotia. The order of Cephalopods contained but few and small species of the old tribe of Orthocerata, but many of the Ammonite-like Goniatites. 3. Articulates. Among Articulates, Crustaceans appeared under a new form, much like that of modern shrimps (fig. 238, from Scotland), and Trilobites were of rare occurrence. Figs. 238-240. CRUSTACEAN : Fig. 238, Anthracopalaemon Salteri. MYRIAPOD : Fig. 239 a, Xylobius Sigil- larise. INSECT-WING : Fig. 240, Blattina venusta. Fig. 239 represents a Myriapod resembling a modern lulus, from Nova Scotia ; 239 a, shows the organs of the mouth, as they are still preserved in the specimen. Fig. 240 is a wing of an Insect of the genus Blattina, CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 133 related to the modern Cockroach (or Blatta}, drawn from a specimen obtained in the Coal measures of Arkansas. There were also species of Neuropterous insects, of Locusts (or Orthopterous insects) and Beetles (or Coleopters), besides Scorpions (of the class of Spiders). 4. Vertebrates. Fishes were numerous, both of the orders of Ganoids and Selachians. All the Ganoids were of the ancient type, having the caudal fin vertebrated (or hetero- cercal), as in the Palceoniscus, represented in fig. 241, a Per- mian species. Many of the Selachians, or Sharks, were of great size, as shown by the fin-spines. Fig. 242 represents a small portion of one of these spines, natural size, from the Subcarboniferous beds of Europe. One of the largest specimens of the same species thus far found had a length Figs. 241, 242. Fig. 241, Paleeoniscus Freieslebeni (X %); 242, Part of a spine of Ctenacanthus major. of 14J inches, and when entire it must have been full 18 inches long. 134 PALEOZOIC TIME. The first traces of Reptiles yet known occur in the Sub- carboniferous beds of Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Figs. 243-245. Fig. 243, Tracks of Sauropus primsevus (XH); 2 4, Raniceps Lyellii ; 245 a, Vertebra of Eosaunis Acadianui. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. + 135 Fig. 243 is a reduced sketch of a slab containing tracks of the species, and also an impression left by the tail of the animal. The tracks of the fore-feet, as described by I. Lea, are 5-fingered and 4 inches broad, and those of the hind feet 4-fingered and nearly of the same size; while the stride indicated was 13 inches. Fig. 244 represents a skeleton of an Amphibian from the Ohio Coal measures, found by New- berry; and fig. 245 a vertebra of a swimming Saurian probably related to the Enaliosaurs, or Sea-Saurians, of the Mesozoic (see p. 180), discovered by Marsh in the Coal measures of Nova Scotia. This vertebra is concave on both surfaces, as shown in the section in fig. 245 a, and in this respect resembles those of fishes. The Enaliosaurs had paddles like Whales. These Enaliosaurs, or swimming Reptiles, are the highest species of animal yet discovered in rocks of the Carbonif- erous period. In the Permian period there were still higher Reptiles, called Thecodonts (because the teeth are set in sockets, from the Greek theca, case, and odous, tooth'). But these also had the fish-like characteristic of doubly-concave vertebrae. 5. General Observations. 1. Formation of Coal and the Coal measures. (1.) Origin of the Coal. The vegetable origin of coal is proved by the fol- lowing facts : (1.) Trunks of trees, retaining still the original form and part of the structure of the wood, have been found changed to mineral coal, both in the Carboniferous and more modern formations, showing that the change may and does take place. (2.) Beds of peat, a result of vegetable growth and accu- mulation, exist in modern marshes; and in some cases they are altered below to an imperfect coal (see page 263 on the formation of peat). 136 PALEOZOIC TIME. (3.) Eemains of plants, their leaves, branches, and stems or trunks, abound in the Coal measures ; trunks sometimes extend upward from a coal-bed into and through some of the overlying beds of rock ; roots or stems abound in the under-clays. (4.) The hardest anthracite contains throughout its mass vegetable tissues. Prof. Bailey examined with a high mag- nifying power several pieces of anthracite burnt at one end, like fig. 246, taking fragments from the junction of the white and black portion, and detected readily the tissues. Figure 247 represents the ducts, as they appeared in one case under his microscope ; and fig. 248 part of the same, more magnified. (2.) Decomposition of Vegetable Material. Carbon, the essen- tial element of mineral coal, exists as one of the constituents of all wood or vegetable material, making up 49 per cent, (or nearly one-half) of dry wood ; and to obtain this carbon as coal it is necessary only to expel the other constituents Figs. 246-248. of the wood, that is, the gases oxygen and hydrogen. Vege- table matter decomposing in the open air like wood burnt in an open fire passes, carbon and all, into gaseous combi- nations, and little or no carbon is left behind. But when it is decomposed slowly tinder water, or by a slow, half- smothered fire, only part of the carbon is lost in gaseous CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 137 combinations, the rest remaining a& coal, called mineral coal in the former case, and charcoal in the latter. The actual loss, by weight, in the transformation into bituminous coal, is at least three-fourths of the wood, and in that into anthracite, five-sixths. Adding to this loss that from compression, by which the material is brought to the density of mineral coal, the whole reduction in bulk is not less than seven-eighths for the former, and eleven-twelfths for the latter. In other words, it would take 8 feet of vegetable matters to make 1 of bituminous coal, and 12 feet to make 1 of anthracite. (3.) Impurities in Coal. The coal thus formed contains the silica existing in minute quantities in vegetable sub- stances, and also other earthy materials that are not carried away in solutions. By this means, and through the addition of clay or earth, introduced by waters or by the winds, the coal has derived the earthy impurities which give rise to the ashes and slag formed in a hot fire. (4.) Accumulation and Formation of Coal-beds. The origin of coal-beds was, then, as follows : The plants of the great marshes and shallow lakes of the Coal era, the latter with their floating islands of vegetation, continued growing for a long period, dropping annually their leaves, and from time to time decaying stems or branches, until a thick accu.mula- tion of vegetable remains was formed, probably 8 feet in thickness for a one-foot bed of bituminous coal, or over 60 feet for such a bed as that of the Pittsburg region (p. 123). The bed of material thus prepared over the vast wet areas of the continent early commenced to undergo at bottom that slow decomposition the final result of which is mineral coal. But, as the coal-beds alternate with sandstones, shales, conglomerates, and limestones, the long period of verdure w^as followed by another of overflowing waters, and gene- rally oceanic waters, as the fossifis prove, which carried sands, pebbles, or earth over the old marsh, till scores or 138 PALEOZOIC TIME. hundreds ol feet in depth of such deposits had been made. Thus, the bed of vegetable debris was buried where the process of decomposition proper for making coal could still go on to its completion ; for it would have the smothering influence of the burial, as well as the presence of water, to favor the process. (5.) Climate of the Age. The wide distribution of the coal regions over the globe, from the tropics to the remote Arctic, and the general similarity of the vegetable remains in the coal-beds of these remote zones, prove that there was a general uniformity of climate over the globe in the Car- boniferous age, or at least that the climate was nowhere colder than warm-temperate. Similar corals and shells ex- isted during the Subcarboniferous period in Europe, the United States, and the Arctic within 20 of the north pole, and so profusely as to form thick limestones out of their accumulations. The ocean's waters, even in the Arctic, were, therefore, warm compared with those of the modern temperate zone, and probably quite as warm as the coral- reef seas of the present age, w^hich lie mostly between the parallels of 28 either side of the equator. (6.) Atmosphere. The atmosphere was especially adapted for the age in other respects. It contained a larger amount than now of carbonic acid gas, the gas which promotes (if not in excess) the growth of vegetation. Plants derive their carbon mainly from the carbonic acid of the atmo- sphere ; and hence the mineral coal of the world is approxi- mately a measure of the amount of carbonic acid the atmo- sphere in the Carboniferous era lost. The growth of the flora of that age was a means of purifying the atmosphere so as to fit it for the higher terrestrial life that was afterwards to possess the world. Again, the atmosphere was more moist than now. This follows from the greater heat of the climate and the greater extent as well as higher temperature of the oceans. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 139 The continents, although large during the intervals of ver- dure compared with the areas above the ocean in the Devo- nian or Silurian, were still small and the land low. It must, therefore, have been an era of prevailing clouds and mists. A moist climate would not, however, have been universal, as even the ocean has now its great areas of drought depending on the courses of the. winds. America is now the moist forest-continent of the globe; and the great extent of the coal-fields of its northern half proves that it bore the same character in the Carboniferous age. 2. Geography. (1.) Appalachian and Rocky Mountains not made. On page 116 it is stated that the continents in this age were low, with few mountains. The non-existence of the Appalachians of Pennsylvania and Virginia is proved by the fact that the rocks of these mountains are to a con- siderable extent Carboniferous rocks; partly marine rocks, indicating that the sea then spread over the region where they now lie; partly coal-beds, each bed evidence that a great fresh-water marsh, flat as all marshes are, for a long while occupied the region of the present mountains. Tjiere is the same evidence that the mass of the Rocky Mountains had not been lifted; for marine Carboniferous rocks constitute a large part of these mountains, many beds containing remains of the life of the Carboniferous seas that covered that part of North America. Only islands, or archipelagos of islands, made by some Azoic and Paleozoic ridges, existed in the midst of the wide-spread western waters. (2.) Condition in the Subcarboniferous Period. Through the first period of this age the Subcarboniferous the continent was almost as extensively beneath the sea as in the Devo- nian age. This, again, is shown by the nature and extent of the Subcarboniferous rocks, the great crinoidal lime- stones. The shallow continental seas were profusely planted with Crinoids amid clumps of Corals. Brachiopods were here 13 140 PALEOZOIC TIME. and there in great abundance, many lying together in beds as oysters in an oyster-bed; other Mollusks, both Conchi- fers and Gasteropods, were also numerous; Trilobites were few; Goniatites and Nautili, along with Ganoid Fishes and sharks, were the voracious life of the seas, and Amphi- bian reptiles haunted the marshes. (3.) Transition to the Carboniferous Period. Finally, the Subcarboniferous period closed, and the Carboniferous opened. But in the transition from the period of submerg- ence to that of emergence required to bring into existence the great marshes, a wide-spread bed of pebbles, gravel, and sand was accumulated by the waves dashing rudely over the surface of the rising continent; and these pebble-beds make the Millstone grit that marks the commencement of the Carboniferous period in a large part of eastern North Ame- rica, especially along the Appalachian region, and also in Europe. (4.) Coal-plant Areas in the Carboniferous Period. Then began the epoch of the Coal measures. The positions of the great coal areas of North America^' (see map, p. 69) are the positions, beyond question, of the great marshes and shallow fresh- water lakes of the period. But it is probable that the number of these marshes was less than that of the coal areas. The Appalachian, Illinois, Mis- souri, Arkansas, and Texas fields may have made one vast Interior continental marsh-region, and those of Rhode Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick an Eastern border marsh- region. There is some reason, however, for believing that a low area of dry land (or not marshy land), extending from the region of Cincinnati into Tennessee, divided the Interior marsh, or at least its northern portion. The Michigan marsh-region appears also to have had its dry margins, instead of coalescing with the Illinois or Ohio areas. It is not to be inferred that the marshes alone were covered with verdure. The vegetation probably spread over CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 141 all the dry land, though making thick deposits of vegetable remains only where there were marshes under dense jungle growth and shallow lakes with their floating islands. (5.) Alternations of Condition, Changes of Level. It has been remarked that the many alternations of the coal- beds with sandstones, shales, conglomerates, and lime- stones (p. 117), are evidence of as many alternations of level during the era. After the great marshes had been long under verdure, the ocean began again to encroach upon them, and finally swept over the whole surface, destroying the land and fresh-water life of the area, that ffe, the land and fresh-water Plants, Mollusks, Insects, and Reptiles, but distributing at the same time the new life of the salt waters. Then, after another long period of various oscillations in the water-level, in which sedimentary beds in many alter- nations were formed, the continent again rose to aerial life, and the marshes and shallow lakes were luxuriant anew with the Carboniferous vegetation. Thus the sea prevailed at intervals intervals of long duration through the era even of the Coal measures ; for the associated sedimentary beds, as has been stated, are at least fifty times as thick as the coal beds. These oscillations continued until 3000 to 4000 feet of strata were formed in Pennsylvania, and over 14,000 in Nova Scotia. The Carboniferous period w r as, therefore, ever varying in its geography. A map of its condition when the great coal beds were accumulating would have its eastern coast- line not far inside of the present, and in the region of Nova Scotia and New England even outside of the present. The southern coast-line would pass through central Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, and northern Mississippi, then, west of the Mississippi, around Arkansas and the bordering coun- ties of Texas ; thence it would stretch northward, bounding a sea covering a large part of the Rocky Mountain region, 142 PALEOZOIC TIME. for the Coal period was in that part of the continent mainly a time of limestone-making. But in a map repre- senting it during the succeeding times of submergence, the coast-line would run through south middle New England, then near the southern boundary of New York State, then northwestward around Michigan, then southward again to northern Illinois, and then westward and north- westward to the Upper Missouri region, or the Eocky Mountain sea. Through these conditions, as the extremes, the continent passed several times in the course of the Car- boniferous ^period. (6.) Condition in the Permian Period. Finally, in the Permian period, the Appalachian region, and the Interior region east of a north-and-south line running through Mis- souri, appear to have been mainly above the ocean; for the Permian beds are mostly confined to the meridian of Kansas and the remoter West. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE PALEOZOIC. 1. Rocks. (1.) Maximum thickness. The maximum thick- ness of the rocks of the Silurian age in North America is 22,000 feet; of the Devonian, about 14,000 feet; and of the Carboniferous age, under 15,000 feet. (2.) Diversities of the different Continental regions as to kinds of rocks. The Paleozoic rocks of the Appalachian region are mainly sandstones, shales, and -conglomerates; only about one-fourth in thickness of the whole consists of limestone. The rocks of the Interior continental are mostly limestone, full two-thirds being of this nature. The difference of these two regions, in this particular, will be appreciated on comparing the following general sec- tion of the strata of the Interior with the section, on page 66, of the rocks of New York, New York State lying on the inner borders of the Appalachian region. The Lower Silurian beds in the Mississippi basin, as the section shows, GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 143 consist mainly of limestones; so also the Upper Silurian, Devonian, and Subcarboniferous formations; and the Car- boniferous of the region contains more limestone than that of the East. In the Devonian of the Interior, a black shale, one or two hundred feet thick, is the only representative of the Hamilton group ; and a few hundred feet of sandstone part of the so-called Waverly sandstone corresponds to the Chemung group, or Uppermost Devonian. In the Eastern border region, about the Gulf of St. Law- rence, there is a great predominance of limestones in the PERMIAN. CARBONIFEROUS SUBCARBONIFEROUS - f HAMILTON J (.U. HELDERBERG.... / NIAGARA / HUDSON RIVER j TRENTON j POTSDAM. Permian. Coal Measures. Coal Conglomerate. Subcarboniferous limestone. Waverly sandstone (= Chemung and Subcarboniferous). Black shale. Cliff limestone. Blue limestone and shale. Trenton limestone ; Galena lime- stone ; Black River limestone. Lower magnesian limestone ( = Calciferous). Potsdam sandstone. Section of the Paleozoic rocks in the Mississippi basin. formations. They prove the existence in that region of an Atlantic border basin similar in some respects to the basin of the Interior, the two being separated by the northern part of the Appalachian region. (3.) Diversities of the Appalachian and Interior Continental regions as to the thickness of the rocks. In the Appalachian 13* 144 PALEOZOIC TIME. region the maximum thickness of the Paleozoic rocks is about 50,000 feet. But this thickness is not observed at any one locality, it being obtained by adding together the greatest thicknesses of the several formations wherever observed. The greatest actual thickness at any one place in Pennsylvania is about 36,000 feet, or between 6? and 7 miles. In the central portions of the Interior continental region, the thickness varies from 3500 feet (and still less on the northern border) to 6000 feet; and it is, therefore, from one-sixth to one-tenth that in the Appalachian region. (4.) Origin of the deposits. The fragmented rocks, as those of sand, clay, mud, pebbles (or the sandstones, shales, earthy sandstones and conglomerates), were made from the wear of pre-existing rocks under the action of water. The water was mainly that of the ocean, and the power was that of the waves and currents. The material acted upon was subjected to wave-action, and must have been at or near the surface. The material of the coarser rocks may have been accumulating where the waves were dashing against a beach or an exposed sand-reef, or else where cur- rents were in rapid movement over the bottom ; for accumu- lations of pebbles and coarse sand are now made under these circumstances. The material of the earthy sandstones may have been the mud or earthy sands forming the bottom of shallow seas. The fine clayey or earthy deposits must have been made in sheltered bays or interior seas, in which the waves were light, and, therefore, fitted to produce by their gentle attrition the finest of mud ; or else in the deeper off-shore waters, where the finer detritus of the shores is liable to be borne by the currents. Accumulations of any degree of thickness may be made in shallow waters, provided the region is undergoing very slow subsidence ; for in this way the depth of the waters may be kept sufficient to allow of constantly increasing depositions. Thus, by a slow subsidence of 1000 feet, GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 145 deposits 1000 feet thick may be produced, and the depth of water at no time exceed 20 feet. The occurrence of ripple- marks, mud-cracks, or rain-drop impressions in many beds of most of the formations, proves that the layers so marked were successively near the surface, and, therefore, that there must have been a gradual sinking of the bottom as the beds were formed. The limestones of the Paleozoic were probably made, in every case, out of organic remains, as Shells, Corals, Crinoids, etc., and perhaps in some cases (as that of the Lower Mag- nesian limestones of the Interior) out of minute Rhizo- pods, which are known to have formed, to a large extent, the chalk-beds of Europe. Shells, Corals, and Crinoids must be ground up by the waves to form fine-grained rocks ; while the shells of Rhizopods are so minute as to be already fine grains, and may become compact rocks by simple con- solidation. The hornstone in the limestones, as remarked on page 109, may be wholly of organic origin. 2. Time-Ratios. Judging from the maximum thickness of the rocks of the several Paleozoic ages in North America, and allowing that five feet of fragmental rocks may accumu- late in the time required for one foot of limestone, the rela- tive lengths of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous ages were not far from 3:1:1, and the Lower Silurian era was four times as long as the Upper. Thus time moved on slowly in the earth's first beginnings. The condition of the earth in an age of Mollusks, when only Invertebrates and Sea-weeds were living, when all life was the life of the waters, and nothing existed above the ocean's level, was very inferior to that of the Carbonif- erous, when the continents had their forests, the waters their fishes, and the marshes their reptiles. Yet the length of the time through which the earth was groping under the first-mentioned condition was at least three times that 146 PALEOZOIC TIME. under the last ; and the earlier Lower Silurian era was four times as long as the Upper Silurian. Such was the divine system in the progress of creation. Such is time in the view of the infinite Creator. 3. Geography. (1.) Close, of Azoic time. The map on page 73 shows approximately the outline of the dry land of North America at the close of Azoic time. The only moun- tains were Azoic mountains, "the principal of which were the Laurentian of Canada and the Adirondack of northern New York. We cannot judge of the height of these moun- tains then from what we now see, after all the ages of Geology have passed over them, for the elements and run- ning water have never ceased action since the time of their uplift, and the amount of loss by degradation must have been very great. (2.) General Progress through Paleozoic time. The increase of dry land during the Paleozoic has been shown (pp. 99, 115) to have taken place mainly along the borders of the Azoic, so that the old nucleus has been on the gradual increase. This increase is well marked from north to south across New York. At the close of the Lower Silurian, the shore-line was not far from the present position of the Mohawk, showing but a slight extension of the dry land in the course of this very long era ; when the Upper Silurian ended, the shore-line extended along 15 or 20 miles south of the Mohawk. When the Devonian ended and the Carbonif- erous age was about opening, the coast-line was just north of the Pennsylvania boundary. Thus, the dry part of the continent was on the slow increase. The progress southward was at an equal rate in Wis- consin, where there is an isolated Azoic region like that of northern New York. In the intermediate district of Michi- gan, the coast made a deep northern bend through the Silu- rian and Devonian. In the Carboniferous the same great Michigan bay existed during the intervals of submergence; GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 147 but it was changed to a Michigan marsh or fresh-water lake, filled with Goal-measure vegetation during the intervening portions of the Carboniferous period ; and at the same times, as explained on page 140, the continent east of the western meridian of Missouri had nearly its present extent, though not its mountains or its rivers. (3.) Regions of rock-making, and their differences. The sub- merged part of the continent was the scene of nearly all the rock-making ; and this work probably went on over its whole wide extent. The rocks, as partially explained on page 144, varied in kind with the depth and with the exposure to the open sea. This Interior continental region, which was for the most of the time a great interior oceanic sea, afforded the conditions fitted for the growth of corals and crinoids and other clear- water species, and hence for the making of limestone reefs out of their remains ; for limestones are the principal rocks of the interior. Yet there were oscillations in the level; for there are abrupt transitions in the limestones, and some sandstones and shales alternate with them. But these oscil- lations were not great, the whole thickness of the rocks, as stated on page 144, being small. The Appalachian region, on the contrary, presented the conditions required for /fragmental deposits. It was ap- parently a region of immense sand-reefs and mud-flats, with bays, estuaries, and extensive submerged plateaus or off-shore soundings, such as might have existed in the face of the ocean. Here, too, the change of level was very great; for within this region occur the 6 to 7 miles of Paleozoic formations (p. 144), and even 9 miles, reckoning the maxi- mum amount of all the deposits. This vast thickness indi- cates that while there were various upward and downward movements over this Appalachian region through Paleozoic time, the downward movements exceeded the upward even by the amount just stated. These movements, moreover, were 148 PALEOZOIC TIME. in progress from the Potsdam period onward; the forma- tions of nearly every period in the series exceed 8 to 10 times the thickness they have over the Interior region. (4.) Mountains of Paleozoic origin. The mountains in eastern North America, made in the course of the Paleozoic ages, were few. Those of the region south of Lake Supe- rior about Keweenaw Point, and to the west, probably rose during the latter part of the Potsdam period. The Green Mountain region became dry land after the Lower Silurian (p. 91) ; but there is no reason to believe that it was very much raised; for the eastern half of Yermont was beneath the ocean, and became covered by coral reefs and other formations during the Devonian age. The Devonian beds of the vicinity of Gaspe may have been raised into ridges before the Carboniferous age began. But the larger part of the continental area was still without mountains. The Rocky chain had only some ridges as islands in the seas, and the Appalachians were yet to be made. (5.) Rivers Lakes. The depression between the New York and the Canada Azoic, dating from the Azoic age, was the first indication of a future St. Lawrence channel. It continued to be an arm of the sea, or deep bay, through the Silurian, and underwent a great amount of subsidence as it received its thick Canadian formations. After the Silurian age, marine strata ceased to form, indicating thereby that the sea had retired ; and fresh waters, derived from the Azoic heights of Canada and New York, probably began their flow along its upper portion, and emptied into the St. Lawrence Gulf of the time not far below Montreal. The raising of New York State out of water at the close of the Devonian suggests that from that time the Hudson valley was a stream of fresh water. The valley itself, and its continuation north as the Champlain valley, date from the close of the Lower Silurian. The Mississippi and its tributaries, east and west, were GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 149 not in existence in the Paleozoic ages. In the intervals of Carboniferous verdure, when the continent was emerged, the Ohio and Mississippi basin were regions of great marshes, lakes, and bayous, and not of great rivers; for rivers could not exist without a head of high land to supply water and give it a flow. Lake Superior was a district of vast rock-deposits and extensive igneous eruptions in the Potsdam j eriod, or near the close of that period, as well as in the closing Azoic ; and the thick accumulations show that deep subsidences were then in progress there, as also in the region of the St. Lawrence; so that we may infer that the basin of this great lake was already in process of formation before the Lower Silurian closed. The extent and position of the great Michigan bay through the Silurian and Devonian ages and much of the Carboniferous, as mentioned on pp. 99, 142, show that Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan were then within the limits of this bay. Whether deeper or not than other portions of the bay, is not known. Thus, Geology studies the Geography of the Paleozoic ages, and traces North America through its successive stages of growth. 4. Climate. ~No evidence has been found through the Paleozoic records of any marked difference of temperature between the zones. In the Carboniferous age the Arctic seas had their Corals and Brachiopods, and the Arctic lands their forests and marshes under dense foliage, no less than those of America and Europe. The facts on this subject are stated on p. 138. 5. Life. (1.) Appearance and disappearance of species. "With each new period in the progressing ages, new living species were introduced; and, as each period ended, the old more or less completely passed away, or were exterminated. There were also partial destructions attending the many minor changes in the rock-formations, as in the transition 150 PALEOZOIC TIME. from the formation of a bed of shale to that of sandstone or of limestone, or the reverse ; and sonie new species made their appearance with each new stratum. Thus, destruc- tions and creations took place at intervals through the whole course of the ages. (2.) T\e exterminations indicated not in harmony with any development-theory. This extermination of the life of a period or epoch, according to the evidence gathered from the rocks, cut short not only species, but genera, families, and tribes; -void yet these same genera and tribes were often begun again by other species, and so continued on. Had the system of creation been dependent on the development of species from species, this would have been impossible. The system could not have withstood the disasters it had to encounter. (3.) Beginning and ending of genera, families, and higher groups. The following table of the tribe of Trilobites illus- trates the general character of the progress which took place in this and other groups : TRILOBITES.. Paradoxides, Conocephalus, Sao, Ellipso- cephalus, Hydrocephalus, Dicelloc phalus, Arionellus, Menocephalus, Ba- thyurus Olenua and Agnostus. Ogygia Trinucleus, Asaphus, Remopleurides, Amphion, and Triarthrus Calymene, Ampyx, Illaenus, Acidaspis, and Cheirurus Homalonotus and Lichas Phillipsia, Griffithides GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 151 The vertical columns correspond to the Lower and Upper Silurian, the Devonian, and the Carboniferous. The left- hand column under Lower Silurian corresponds to the first, or Primordial period; and the three columns under the Carboniferous, to the Subcarboniferous, Carboniferous, and Permian periods of the age. The widths of the columns are made to represent, as nearly as possible, the relative lengths of the eras. Opposite TRILOBITES, the black area shows that the tribe began with the beginning of the Paleozoic and continued nearly to its end. Next there are the names of nine genera which existed only in the Primordial Period, each having then one or many species, but none afterwards. Then there are two genera, Olenus and Agnostus, which con- tinued from the Primordial through the Lower Silurian. Then, others confined to the rest of the Lower Silurian ; others that passed into the Upper Silurian, then to become extinct; others that continued into the Devonian; and two genera confined to the Carboniferous. These genera included more than 500 species. Of the Carboniferous genera the last species had been exterminated before the close of the In a similar manner the genera and families of Brachio- pods began at different periods or epochs, and continued on for a while, to become, in general, extinct. Many genera ended in the course of the Paleozoic and at its close ; only a few continued into later periods. (4.) Long-lived genera. Two Lower Silurian genera of Brachiopods continue from the Primordial period, not only through Paleozoic and Mesozoic time, but onward to the present age, having species in existing seas. They are Lingula and Discina. It will be noted that these genera survived through the long ages of the past, not by the uninterrupted existence of any of their species, but by the perpetuating of the type of form and structure character- izing the genera in a succession of distinct species. 14 152 PALEOZOIC TIME. (5.) Unity of plan in nature. These long generic lines, stretching on with such uniformity from the very begin- nings of life on the globe, are proofs of the unity of plan through the system of creation. (6.) Permanency of types, notwithstanding the influence of external causes. As this uniformity has remained in spite of the vast physical changes the globe has undergone since life began, it is evidence of the strongest kind as to the little power which external causes have towards producing changes in types. The facts bear abundant testimony to a Creating Power above nature, carrying forward a preordained plan. More- over, there is evidence even in the Paleozoic records their coal-beds, iron-ores, and the system of life in progress of expansion that this plan involved the future existence of a being that should have knowledge to use the coal and iron, and power to read the records and discern in God's marvel- lous works His wisdom and beneficence. (7.) General characteristics of Paleozoic life. Both plants and animals were marine through, or till near the close of, the Silurian age. In the Devonian age there were terrestrial plants and animals, and a still greater diversity of life over the land in the Carboniferous. The characteristics of the life of the Silurian age are mentioned on page 103; of that of the Devonian, on page 115; and of that of the Carbonif- erous, on page 125. (8.) Special Paleozoic peculiarities of the life. The follow- ing facts show in what respects the life of the Paleozoic ages was peculiarly ancient : a. Not only are the species all extinct, but almost every genus. But 15 or 16 of the genera which existed in the course of the Paleozoic have living species; and all these are Molluscan. b. Among Eadiates, the Polyps were largely of the tribe of Cyathophylloid corals, which is exclusively ancient, or GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 153 Paleozoic, not a species having lived after the close of the Carboniferous age. The Echinoderms were mostly Cri- noids, and these were in great profusion. Crinoids were far less abundant, and of different genera, in the Mesozoic ; and now, very few exist. c. Among Mollusks, Brachiopods were exceedingly abun- dant : their fossil shells far outweigh those of all other Mol- lusks. They were much less numerous than other Mollusks in the Mesozoic; and at the present time the group is nearly extinct. The Cephalopods were represented very largely by Orthocerata, but few species of which existed in the early Mesozoic, and none afterwards. d. Among Articulates, Trilobites were the most common Crustaceans, a, group exclusively Paleozoic. e. Among Vertebrates, the Devonian Fishes were either Ganoids or Selachians, and the Ganoids were the heterocer- cal species. Of heterocercal Ganoids, but few species lived in the first period of the Mesozoic; and the whole group of Ganoids is now nearly extinct. Of the Selachians, a large proportion were Cestracionts, a tribe common in the Meso- zoic, but now nearly extinct. /. Among terrestrial Plants, there were Lepidodendra, Sigillarife, Calamites in great profusion, making, with Coni- fers and Ferns, the forests and jungles of the Carboniferous and later Devonian: no Lepidodendron or Sigillaria existed afterwards, and the Calamites ended in the Mesozoic. Thus, the Paleozoic or ancient aspect of the animal life was produced through the great predominance of Brachio- pods, Crinoids, Cyathopliylloid Corals, Orthocerata, Trilobites, and heterocercal Ganoids; and that of the plants over the land, through the Lepidodendra, Sigillaria^, and Calamites, along with Ferns and Conifers. In addition to this should be mentioned the absence of Angiosperms and Palms among Plants ; the absence of Teliost Fishes, Birds, and Mammals, 154 PALEOZOIC TIME. among Yertebrates ; and of nearly all modern tribes of genera among Radiates, Mollusks, and Articulates. y. Mesozoic and Modern types begun in Paleozoic time. The principal Mesozoic type which began in the Paleozoic was the Reptilian. But besides Reptiles there were the first of the Decapod Crustaceans; the first of Oysters; and the first of the great tribe of Ammonites, the Goniatites being of this tribe. The type of Insects, or terrestrial Articulates, belongs eminently to modern time; for it has now its fullest dis- play. It dates from the existence of terrestrial plants in the Devonian. Thus, while the Paleozoic ages were progressing, and the types peculiar to them were passing through their time of greatest expansion in numbers and perfection of structure, there were other types introduced which should have their culmination in a future age. The Reptiles and Goniatites of the later Paleozoic were precursors of the Age of Rep- tiles which followed, in accordance with the principle exem- plified in all history, that the characteristics of an age com- mence to appear in the age preceding. DISTURBANCES CLOSING PALEOZOIC TIME. 1. General quiet of the Paleozoic Ages. The long ages of the Paleozoic passed with but few and comparatively small disturbances of the strata of eastern North America. There were some early permanent uplifts in the Lake Superior region, and along the course of the Green Mountains, and some later in the district of Gaspe near St. Lawrence Bay ; there was, through the ages, a gradual increase on the north vin the amount of dry land; there were, through parts of all the periods, slow oscillations in progress, varying the water- level and favoring the increasing thickness of the rocks, and their successive variations as to kind and extent. But these changes were probably caused by exceedingly slow movements of the earth's crust, probably less than a foot APPALACHIAN REVOLUTION. 155 a century. There may have been occasional quakings of the earth, even exceeding the heaviest of modern earth- quakes. There may have been at times sudden raisings or sinkings of the continental crust. But, while there were some uplifts, as above mentioned, there is nothing in the condition of the strata indicating a general or extensive upturning. 2. The Appalachian the region of greatest change of level through the Paleozoic Ages. The region of greatest move- ment during these ages was the Appalachian. For it has been shown that the oscillations which there took place resulted in subsidences of one or more thousand feet with nearly every period of the Paleozoic. The oscillations ceased in the Green Mountain portion after the close of the Lower Silurian era, but not until the subsidence there had reached at least 10,000 feet; and in Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia they continued through a large part of the Carbonif- erous Age, until the sinking amounted to 35,000 or 38,000 feet. But all this sinking was probably quiet in its progress, as is proved by the regularity in the series of strata. The thickness of the coal-beds indicates that the coal- plant marshes were long undisturbed, and therefore that long periods passed without appreciable movement. 3. Approach of the epoch of Appalachian revolution. The era of comparative quiet alluded to came gradually to a close as the Carboniferous age was terminating, and an epoch of upturning, metamorphism, and mountain-making began. There are mountains to testify to this both in Europe and America. In eastern North America the disturbances affected the Appalachian region and Atlantic border from Newfoundland to Alabama, and the Appalachian mountains are a part of the result. The epoch is hence appropriately styled the epoch of the Appalachian revolution. The region in eastern America of the deepest Paleozoic subsidence and of the thickest accumulation of Paleozoic rocks was now the 14* 156 CLOSE OF PALEOZOIC TIME. region of the profoundest disturbances and the greatest uplifts. 4. Effects of the disturbances. The following are among the effects of the disturbances along the Appalachian region and Atlantic border : (1.) Strata were upraised and flexed into great folds, many of the folds a score or more of miles in span. (2.) Deep fissures of the earth's crust were opened, and faults innumerable were produced, some of them of 10,000 to 20,000 feet. (3.) Eocks were consolidated; and, over a large part of New England and the more southern Atlantic border, sand- stones and shales were crystallized into granite, gneiss, mica and argillaceous schist and other related rocks, and limestone into architectural and statuary marble. (4.) At the same time, the crystallized and consolidated rocks had their fractures filled with mineral material mak- ing veins, some of them being filled with rock alone, mak- ing veins of quartz, granite, etc.; others with rock and associated metallic minerals, making metallic veins, as of lead-ore, copper-ore, gold; others were made containing gems, as topaz, beryl, and the like. Diamonds, also, are among the results of the metamorphism. (5.) Bituminous coal was turned into anthracite in Penn- sylvania and Rhode Island. (6.) In the end, the Appalachian mountains were made. 5. Evidence of the flexures, uplifts, and metamorphism. The evidence that the rocks of the Appalachian region and Atlantic border were flexed, uplifted, faulted, and otherwise changed from their original condition, is as follows : The Coal measures and other Paleozoic strata, though originally spread out in horizontal beds, are now in an uplifted and flexed or folded condition; and they are so involved together in one system of flexures and uplifts that APPALACHIAN REVOLUTION. 157 the whole must have been the result of one system of move- ments. Figures 250-253 illustrate this. Fig. 250. Section of the Coal measures, near JNesquehoniug, Pa. Fig. 250 shows the condition of the Anthracite coal-beds of Mauch Chunk in Pennsylvania. Some of the upturned Fig. 251. Section on the Schuylkill, Pa.; P. Pottsville on the Coal measures; 2, Calciferous formation; 3, Trenton; 4, Hudson River; 5, Oneida and Niagara; 7, Lower Helderberg; 8, 10, 11, Devonian ; 12, 13, Subcarboniferous ; 14, Carboniferous, or Coal measures. beds, as is seen, stand nearly vertical. Fig. 251 is from another locality near Pottsville in the same State. The coal Fig. 252. r S.E. Section from the Great North to the Little North Mountain through Bore Springs, Va.; t, t, position of thermal springs; n, Calciferous formation; in, Trenton; IV, Hudson River; v, Oneida; vi, Clinton and Lower Helderberg; vn, Oriskany Sandstone and Cauda-Galli Grit. beds are the upper ones below 14; the rest are the beds of the Upper and Lower Silurian (2 to 7) ; the Devonian (8, 10, 11), and Subcarboniferous (12, 13). Fig. 252 was taken* from the vicinity of Bore Springs in Virginia, and includes Silurian and Devonian beds : it shows well the folded cha- 158 CLOSE OP PALEOZOIC TIME. racter of the rocks. Fig. 253 represents one of the great faults in southern Yirginia (between Walker's Mountain and Fig. 253. Section of the Paleozoic formations of the Appalachians in southern Virginia, between Walker's Mt. and the Peak Hills (near Peak Creek Valley) : F, fault ; a, Lower Silurian limestone ; 6, Upper Silurian ; c, Devonian ; d, Subcarboniferous, with coal beds. Peak Hills) ; the break is at F, and along it the rocks on the left were shoved up along the sloping fracture until a Lower Silurian limestone (a) was on a level with the Subcarbonif- erous formation (d), a fault of at least 10,000 feet. Such examples are in great numbers throughout the Appalachians. In many of the transverse valleys the curves may be traced for scores of miles. As shown in the above sections (figs. 250-253), the folds, instead of remaining in regular rounded ridges with even synclinal valleys between, such as the flexing of the strata might make, have been to a great extent worn away, or modelled into new ridges and valleys, by the action of waters during subsequent time ; and often what was the top of a fold is now the bottom of a valley, because the folds would be most broken where most abruptly bent, that is, along the axes of flexure, and hence would be most liable in this part to be cut away or gorged out by any denuding causes. The figures on page 41 illustrate still further the condition of folded strata before and after denudation. Some of the Appala- chian folds were probably 20,000 feet in height above the present level of the ocean, or would have had this height if they had remained unbroken, while in fact the loftiest sum- mits now are less than 7000 feet, and few exceed 5000 feet. Over New England there are similar flexures. Those of APPALACHIAN REVOLUTION. 159 the Ehode Island coal formation are very abrupt, and full of faults, the coal-beds being much broken and displaced. Through eastern Yermont, and in Massachusetts for some distance west of the Connecticut River, there are Devonian strata in the same condition; although the rocks are in general crystalline, Devonian fossils have been found at Bernardston in Massachusetts, and on Lake Memphremagog. At the latter place there was once a coral-reef (p. 105). It is inferred from the facts that even the granites, gneiss, and slates of the White Mountains, and the gneiss of Haddam, Connecticut, were originally Devonian sedimentary strata, and that all New England is made of folded and meta- morphosed Paleozoic rocks. Similar facts might be cited from Nova Scotia on the north and Alabama on the south, proving that a region 1000 miles in length along the Atlantic border, from Newfound- land to the Gulf States, participated in the grand movement. 6. General truths with regard to the results. The following are some of the general truths connected with the uplifts and metamorphism : (1.) The courses of the flexures and of the outcrops or strike, and those of the great faults, are approximately northeast, or parallel to the Atlantic border. There is a bend eastward in Pennsylvania corresponding with the eastward bend of the southern coast of New England, and then a change to the northward in New England. (2.) The folds have their steepest slope towards the north- west, or away from the ocean. If fig. 41 (page 42) represent one of the folds, the left would be the ocean side, or that to the southeast, and the right the landward side, or that to the northwest. (3.) The flexures are most numerous and most crowded on that side of the Appalachian region which is towards the ocean, and diminish westward. There is seldom, however, a gradual dying out westward, the region of disturbance 160 CLOSE OP PALEOZOIC TIME. being often bounded on the west by one or more of the great fractures and faults, as in eastern Tennessee and along the valley of the Hudson. (4.) The wearing away of the summits of the folds when crowded together produces a series of southeast dips, as illustrated in figures 41, 42 (p. 42). Such southeast dips, not looking as if they were ever due to folds, characterize the rocks of much of New England and the eastern part of the Appalachian region. (5.) The metamorphism of the strata is more extensive and complete to the eastward (or towards the ocean) than to the westward. (6.) The change of bituminous coal to anthracite, by an expulsion of the bitumen, was most complete -jphere the disturbances were greatest, that is, in the Eastern coal regions. The anthracite region of Pennsylvania (see map, p. 118) owes its broken character partly to the uplifts and partly to denudation. To the westward, the coal is first Bemibituminous, and then, as at Pittsburg, true bituminous. In Eh ode Island, where the associated rocks are partly true metamorphic or crystalline rocks and the disturbances arQ very great, the coal is an excessively hard anthracite, and in some places is altered to graphite (an effect which may be produced in ordinary coal by the heat of a furnace). The bed of graphite near Worcester in Massachusetts is sup- posed to be an altered coal seam. 7. Conclusions. These facts lead to the following conclu- sions : (1.) The movement producing these vast results was due to lateral pressure, the folding having taken place just as it might in paper or cloth under a lateral or pushing movement. (2.) The pressure was exerted at right angles to the courses of the folds, as is the case when paper is folded in the manner mentioned. (3.) The pressure was exerted from the ocean side of the APPALACHIAN REVOLUTION. 161 Appalachians ; for the results in foldings and metamorphism are most marked towards the ocean. (4.) The force was vast in amount. (5.) The force was slow in action and long continued, and not abrupt or paroxysmal as when a wave or series of waves is thrown up by an earthquake shock on the surface of an ocean. For the strata were not reduced by it to a state of chaos, but retain their stratification, and show com- paratively little confusion, even in the regions of greatest disturbance and alteration. (6.) The action of the force was connected with the emis- sion of heat. For without some heat above the ordinary temperature, it is not possible to account for the consolida- tion an^crystallization of the rocks. (7.) The history of the Appalachian Mountains stretches through all the geological ages from the Azoic onward. Through the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous ages, the formations were accumulating to a great thickness, while slow oscillations of level were in progress. "When the Carboniferous age was closing, these oscillations, which had resulted in a subsidence of several miles, began to culminate in pro founder movements, producing flexures of the earth's crust, uplifts, faults, consolidation, and metamorphism, and ending in the elevation of the mountains. And finally, during these upliftings, moving waters commenced the work of denudation, the chiselling of the heights, which has con- tinued to the present time. 8. Disturbances on other continents. The amount of cotem- poraneous mountain-making over the globe at this epoch has not yet been clearly made out. Enough is known to render it probable that the Ural Mountains, with their veins of gold and platinum, were made at the same time with the Appalachians, and that uplifts and metamorphism also occurred in other parts of Europe, and in Great Bri- tain. Murchison states that the close of the Carboniferous 162 MESOZOIC TIME. period was specially marked by disturbances and uplifts ; that it was then " that the coal strata and their antecedent formations were very generally broken up, and thrown, by grand upheavals, into separate basins, which were fractured by numberless powerful dislocations/' The epoch of the Appalachian revolution was, then, a grand epoch for the world. The -complete extermination of life which took place at the time was probably a consequence of these great physical changes progressing over the earth's surface. The Appalachian Mountains stand up as boldly between Paleozoic and Mesozoic time as between the ocean and the Interior Continental basin. HI. MESOZOIC TIME. 1. Ages. Mesozoic or medieval time, in Geological his- tory, comprises but one age, the EEPTILIAN. In the course of it, the class of Reptiles passed its culminations; that is, its species increased in numbers, size, and diversity of forms, until they vastly exceeded in each of these respects the Eeptiles of either earlier or later time. 2. Area of progress in rock-making. The area of rock- making in North America, during Mesozoic time, was some- what different from what it was in Paleozoic. Then, nearly the whole continent, outside of the northern Azoic, was receiving its successive formations; and the three great regions were the Eastern border, the Appalachian, and the Interior Continental. By the close of the Paleozoic era, the Appalachian region and the Interior east of the Mississippi, excepting its southern portion, had become part of the dry land of the continent, as is shown by the absence of marine strata of later date. The great areas of progress were con- sequently changed, and became (1) the Atlantic border, (2) the Gulf border, and (3) the Western Interior, or region REPTILIAN AGE. 163 west of the Mississippi. In other words, the continent, from the Mesozoic onward, until the close of the Tertiary period in the Cenozoic, was receiving its new marine formations only along its borders and over the part of the Interior region which covers the present site of the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. These three regions are continuous with one another, the Atlantic connecting with the Gulf border region on the south, and the Gulf border region passing northwestward into the Western Interior or Rocky Mountain region. In Europe no analogous change can be distinguished; for the continent was, from the first, an archipelago; and it continued to bear this geographical character, though with an increasing prevalence of dry land, until the Cenozoic era had half passed. Western England then stood as three or four islands above the sea (the area marked as covered by Paleo- zoic rocks on the map, p. 120), and the area of future rock- making was mainly confined to the intervals between these islands and to the submerged area on the east and southeast; and it is probable that this area and a portion of northeast- ern France were part of a large German-Ocean basin. REPTILIAN AGE. Periods. The Reptilian Age includes tljree periods : 1. TRIASSIC : named from the Latin tria, three, in allusion to the fact that the rocks of the period in Germany consist of three separate groups of strata. This is a local subdivi- sion, not characterizing the rocks in Britain or in most other parts of Europe. 2. JURASSIC : named from the Jura Mountains, situated on the eastern border of France, between France and Switzerland, where rocks of the period occur. 3. CRETACEOUS : named from the Latin creta, chalk, the chalk beds of Britain and Europe being included in the Cretaceous formation. 15 164 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. 1. TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 1. Rocks: kinds and distribution. The American rocks of the Triassic period have not yet been separated from those of the Jurassic, except in a few points west of the Mississippi. In the Atlantic border region, these Mesozoic rocks occupy narrow ranges of country parallel with the Appalachian chain, following its varying courses. One of these ranges occupies the valley of the Connecticut between northern Massachusetts and New Haven on Long Island Sound, and runs parallel with the Green Mountains : it has a length of about 110 miles. Another the longest of them commences at the north extremity of the Palisades, on the west bank of the Hudson River, and stretches south- westward through New Jersey, Pennsylvania (here bending much to the westward, like the Appalachians of the State, as shown in the map on page 118), and reaching far into the State of Yirginia. Another stretches almost in the line of the last through North Carolina. There is another along western Nova Scotia. These, and some other smaller areas, are indicated on the map on p. 69 by an oblique lining in which the lines run from the right above to the left below. The rocks are mainly sandstones and conglomerates, but include some considerable beds of shale, and in some places a bed of impure limestone. The sandstones are generally red or brownish-red. The freestone of Portland, near Middle- town in Connecticut, and of Newark in New Jersey, are from the formation. The pebbles and sand of the beds were derived from the granites, gneiss, schists, etc. that were crystallized in the epoch of the Appalachian revolution; and in some of the coarser kinds large stones of granite and mica schist may be taken from the layers. The strata overlie directly, but unconformably, these metamorphic rocks. Near Richmond in Yirginia and in North Carolina TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 165 there are valuable coal-beds in this formation. The coal is bituminous. The several ranges of this sandstone formation are remarkable for the great number of trap ridges and trap dikes intersecting them (p. 30). Mount Holyoke in Massa- chusetts, East and West Rocks near New Haven in Connec- ticut, and the Palisades on the Hudson, are a few examples of these trap ridges. Trap is an igneous rock, one that was ejected in a melted state from a deep-seated source of fire, through fissures made by fracturing the earth's crust. The dikes and ridges are exceedingly numerous, and have the same general course with the sandstone ranges. They are so associated with the sandstone formation that there appears to be some connection in origin between the water- made and the fire-made rocks. The proofs that the trap came up through the fissures in a melted state are abundant'; for the wall-rock of the fissures is often baked so as to be very hard, and is sometimes filled with crystallizations, as of epidote or tourmaline, evidently due to the heat. West of the Mississippi that is, in the Western Interior region there is a sandstone formation containing much gypsum (and hence called the Gypsiferous formation), which is barren of fossils, except an occasional fragment or trunk of fossil wood and some Reptilian remains. It probably spreads widely over the Rocky Mountain region beneath the later beds. It comes out to view on the western borders of Kansas, and also in the Colorado region beyond the sum- mit of the Rocky Mountains. Owing to the absence of marine fossils, it has not been determined whether the formation is Triassic, lower Jurassic, or both united. In the vicinity of the Black Hills in the region of the upper Missouri, there are some beds of impure limestone containing marine fossils which are true Jurassic. (Meek and Hay den). These beds overlie the gypsiferous forma- tion just mentioned. 168 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. In Europe the Triassic rocks of eastern France and Ger- many, east and west of the Rhine, consist of a Shell lime- stone (called in German Muschelkalk) between an underlying thick reddish sandstone (Bunter Sandsteiri) and overlying strata of reddish and mottled marlites and sandstone (Keu- per of the Germans). In England (see No. 6 on map, p. 120), the rock is a reddish sandstone and marlite; it is mostly confined to a region running north-northwest just east of the Paleozoic areas mentioned on page 163, and to an extension of this region westward to Liverpool bay (or over the interval between the two main areas) and up the west coast. This formation, in Europe, contains in many places beds of salt, and is hence often called the Saliferous group. At Northwich in Cheshire, in England, there are two beds of rock-salt, 90 to 100 feet thick; and in Europe there are similar beds at Yic and Dieuze in France, and at Wurtem- berg in Germany. The Jurassic rocks of Britain and Europe are divided into three principal groups : 1. The Liassic (No. 7 a on map of England, p. 120), con- sisting of grayish compact limestone strata, called Lias. 2. The Oolitic (No. 7 b on map, p. 120), consisting mostly of whitish and grayish limestones, part of them oolitic (p. 25). One stratum, near the middle of the series, is a coral- reef limestone, much like the reef-rock of existing coral seas, though wholly diiferent in species of coral. Near the top of the series there are some local beds of fresh-water or terrestrial origin, in what is called the Purbeck group, and one on the island of Portland is named, significantly, the Portland dirt-bed. The Solenhofen lithographic limestone is a very fine-grained rock (thereby fit for lithography), of the age of the Middle Oolite, occurring in Pappenheim in Bavaria. 3. The Wealden (No. 8 on the map of England) : a series TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 167 &f beds of estuary and fresh-water origin, mostly clay and Sand, but partly of limestone. They occur in southeastern England. They are named Wealden from the region where first studied, called the Weald, covering parts of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. 2. Life. 1. Plants. The vegetation of the Triassic and Jurassic periods included numerous kinds of Ferns, both large and small, Calamites, and Conifers, and so far resembled that of the Carboniferous age. But there were no forests or jungles of Lepidodendra and Sigillarise. Instead of these Carbon- iferous types, a new group of trees and shrubs existed, that of the Cycads. This group was eminently character- istic of the Mesozoic world : it has now but few living species, and among the genera, Cycas and Zamia are those whose names are best known. mi Figs. 254, 255. The plants have the aspect of palms; and there was, therefore, in the Mesozoic forests a mingling of palm- like foliage with that of Coni- fers (spruces, cypress, and the like). But the Cycads are not true Palms. They are Gymnosperms, like the Coni- fers both in the structure of the wood and in the fruit. The resemblance to Palms is mainly in the cluster of great leaves at the summit, and in rig T 2 54, Leaf of a living zamia the appearance of the ex- stum P of the c y cad ' Mantellia ,* Al i -r,. nf . A dea)megalophylla(Xgt)- tenor of the trunk. Fig. 254 represents the leaf of a modern species reduced to one- twentieth the actual length; and fig. 255 the trunk of 15* 168 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. a fossil species from the Portland dirt-bed, where they are common. The trunks of some Cycads have a height of 15 or 20 feet. Although the form of the leaf is palm- like, the leaflets do not split lengthwise with facility, like those of Palms. In one important respect these Cycads resemble the Ferns, that is, in the unfolding of the young l ea f ? the leaf being at first rolled up into a coil, and gra- Figs. 256-260. Fig. 256, Podozamites lanceolatus; 257, Pterophyllum graminioides ; 258, Clathroptem rectiusculus ; 259, Pecopteris Stuttgartensis ; 260, Cyclopteria linnoeifolia. dually unrolling as it expands. The Cycads thus combine peculiarities of three orders of plants, Ferns, Palms, and Conifers, and are examples, therefore, of what are called comprehensive types. TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 169 Fossil plants are common in the coal regions of Kichmond, Virginia, and in North Carolina, and occur also in other localities. The following figures represent some of the spe- cies. Figs. 256, 257 are parts of the leaves of two species of Cycads, from North Carolina. Figs. 258 to 260 repre- sent a few of the ferns : fig. 258, a Clathropteris, from East Hampton, Mass.; fig. 259, a Pecopteris, from Kichmond, Ya., and the Trias of Europe ; fig. 260, a Cyclopteris, from Richmond, Ya. Large cones of firs have also heen found. Several of the American plants are identical in species with those of the European Triassic, and a few nearer to Jurassic forms. 2. Animals. A. AMERICAN. The American heds of the Atlantic border region are remarkable for the absence of true marine life : all the species appear to he either those of brackish water, or of fresh water or the land. 1. Radiates and Mollusks. Radiates are unknown. There are very few Mollusks of any kind, and these are Conchifers. 2. Articulates. The shells of Ostracoid Crustaceans are common in Pennsylvania, Yirginia, and North Carolina, but have not yet been "found in New England. Fig. 261 represents one of the little shells of these bivalve species, called an Estheria. It was long supposed to Fig. 261. be Molluscan. The Estherice are brackish-water species. A few remains of Insects have been found, and, what is more remarkable, the tracks of several species. These tracks were left on the soft mud probably by the larves of the Insects, for certain kinds pass their larval state in the water. Fig. 262 represents one of these larves found in shale at Turner's Falls in Massachusetts; it resembles, according to Dr. Le Conte, the larve of a Estheria ovata. 170 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. Figs. 262-264. 7 ;nf ! ''^ ! ; 'r M A A A 64 modern Ephemera. Figs. 263, 264 are the tracks of Insects. Prof. Hitchcock has named nearly 30 species of tracks of Insects and Crustaceans. Vertebrates. There are evidences of the existence of Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. The last two types here make their first appear- ance, and thus the sub-king- dom of Vertebrates is finally represented in all its classes. The Fishes found in the American rocks are all Ga- noids, although Selachian re- mains are common in Europe. Fig. 265 represents one of the ARTICULATES ._ rig . 262> Palep hemera , reduced One-half. seva (x |) ; 263, 264, Tracks of Insects. Fig. 265. Fig. 265, GANOID, Catoptems gracilis (X K) '> a > Scale of same, natural size. The Eeptiles of the era are known to us partly from their fossil bones and partly from their footprints. The foot- prints indicate a wonderful variety as to form and size. Bones have been found especially in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nova Scotia. Fig. 266 represents a tooth, half the natural size, of a Nova Scotia species (Bothy gnaihus borealis of Leidy); and fig. 267, a tooth of another, from North Carolina, Palceosaurus Carolinensis Emmons. Several TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 171 kinds occur at Phoenixville, Pa., where there is literally a bone-bed. Figs. 268-270 represent the tracks of three species of Eeptiles from the Connecticut valley beds; 268-270 are Figs. 266-270. REPTILES. Fig. 266, Bathygnathus borealis (X M); 267, Palaeosaurus Carolinensis ; 267 a, section of same; 268, 268 a, fore and hind feet of Anisopus Deweyanus (X /)', 269, 269 a, id. of A. gracilis (X i); 270, 270 a, id. of Otozoum Moodii (X AJ)- the impressions made by the fore-foot in each, and 268 #, 269 a, 270 a, of the hind-foot. Fig. 270 is reduced to one- eighteenth the natural size, the actual length of the track being 20 inches. The animal is called Otozoum Moodii by Hitchcock : it appears to have walked like a biped, bringing its fore-feet to the ground only occasionally, impressions of these feet being seldom found. The animal had a stride of 3 feet, and must have been of formidable dimensions. One slab, 30 feet long, in the collection of Amherst College (Massachusetts) contains 11 tracks of this huge animal. Some of the .Reptiles made three-toed tracks, closely like 172 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. those of birds ; and this fact has led some to question whe- ther all may not be Reptilian. The tracks regarded as those of birds are also very nume- rous. The largest of them is nearly 2 feet long (fig. 271), far exceeding that of an Ostrich, and even surpassing that which the giant Moa of New Zealand might have made (p. Figs. 271, 272. 72 Fig. 271, Track of Brontozoum giganteum (X %) ; 272, Slab of sandstone with tracks of Birds and Reptiles (X &) 241). Fig. 272 represents, on a small scale, a slab from the Connecticut River sandstone covered with tracks of birds and reptiles, as figured by Hitchcock. The two tracks lettered a are added, of larger proportional size than the others, to show more distinctly the form. The only relic of a Mammal yet discovered in the Ameri- can rocks is a jawbone (fig. 273). It is from North Caro- lina, and is named Dromatherium sylvestre by Emmons. It TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 173 Fig. 273. belongs to the order of Marsupials, the same which con- tains the modern Opossum. The facts prove that the land-population of Mesozoic America included Insects, Hcptiles, Birds, and Marsu- pial Mammals, and that the forests that covered the hills were mainly composed of Conifers and Cycads. B. FOREIGN. The European and British rocks of these periods, espe- cially of the Jurassic, abound in marine fossils, and afford a Figs. 274-277 Jawbone of Dromatherium sylvestre. RADIATES. rig. 274, the Coral, Prionastrsea oblonga; 275, the Crinoid, Encrinus liliiformis ; 276, Cidaris Blumenbachii ; 277, Spine of same. knowledge of the Mesozoic life of the ocean which we fail to get from the American records. The remains of terres- trial life are also of great interest, and, like the American, 174 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. they attest the existence of Birds and Mammals in the course of the era. 1. Radiates. Polyp-corals are common in some Jurassic strata : they are related to the modern tribe of corals, and not to the ancient : none of the Paleozoic types existed. Fig. 274 is one of the oolitic species. Crinoids are of many kinds, yet their number, as compared with other fossils, is far less than in the preceding ages ; and they are accompa- nied by various new forms of Star-fishes and Echini (p. 57). Fig. 275 represents one of the Triassic Crinoids, the Lily- Encrinite, or Encrinus liliiformis; fig. 276, an Echinus, from Figs. 278-281. MOLLUSKS. Fig. 278, Spirifer Walcotti; 279, Gryphfea arcuata; 280, Trigonia clavellata; 281, Vivipara (Paludina) Fluviorum. the Oolite, stripped of its spines, and fig. 277, one of the spines separate. . 2. Mollusks. Brachiopods are few compared with the Paleozoic. The last species of the Paleozoic families of the Spirifers and Leptcenas lived in the earlier part of the Juras- sic period. Fig. 278 represents one of these last of the Spiri- TRIASS1C AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 175 fer group. Conchifers and G-asteropods abound in species, and under various new, and many of them modern, genera. The genus Gryphcea (fig. 279 representing a Liassic species) is common in the Lias and later Mesozoic rocks : it is an oyster with the beak incurved. Trigonia (fig. 280) is a cha- racteristic genus of the Mesozoic. The name alludes to the triangular form of the shell : the species figured is from the Oolite. Fig. 281 represents a fresh-water snail-shell, a very abundant fossil in fresh-water limestone of the Wealden, closely resembling many modern species. But the most remarkable and characteristic of all Mesozoic Mollusks were the Cephalopoda. This order passed its maxi- mum as to number and size in the Mesozoic, and hundreds of species existed. The last of the Paleozoic type of Ortho- Figs. 282, 283. 82 MOLLUSKS. Fig. 282, Ammonites Humphreysianus ; 283, A. Jason. cerata and G-oniatites lived in the Triassic Period. In the same period began the genus Ammonites, the most common of the Mesozoic genera, and in the earliest Jurassic the family of Belemnites, another peculiarly Mesozoic type. 16 176 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. The Ammonites had external shells like the Nautili (p. 55). Two Oolitic species are represented in figs. 282, 283. One of them (fig. 283) has the side of the aperture very much prolonged; but the margin of the shell, whether prolonged or not, is seldom well preserved. The partitions (or septa) within the shells of Ammonites are bent back in many folds (and much plaited within each fold) at their junction with the shell, so as to make deep plaited pockets. The front view of the outer plate, with the entrances to its side- pockets, are seen in fig. 284. The fleshy mantle of the animal descended into these pockets, and thus the animal was aided in holding firmly to its shell. The siphuncle in the Ammonites is Fi s- 284 - dorsal. The Paleozoic Croniatites were of the Ammonite family, but the pockets were much more simple, the flexures of the margins of the partitions being without plications. The fossil Belemnite is the internal bone of a kind of Cephalopod, analogous to the pen or internal bone (or osselet) of a Sepia, or Cut- tle-fish (see fig. 289). It is a thick, heavy fos- sil, of the forms in figs. 285, 286, having a conical cavity at the upper end. The fossils are more or less broken at this extremity ; * J Ammonites tornatus. when entire, the margin of the aperture is elongated into a thin edge, and sometimes, on one side, into a thin plate of the form in fig. 287. The animal had an ink- bag like the modern Sepia; and ink from these ancient Cephalopods has been used in sketching their fossil remains. Fig. 288 represents one of the ink-bags of the Jurassic Cephalopods. Fig. 289 is another related Cephalopod, show- ing something of the form of the animal, and also the ink- bag in place. 3. Articulates. The Articulates included various shrimps, or craw-fishes (fig. 290, a Triassic species), Crabs, and Te- TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. ,,. 177 tradecapod (or 14-footed) Crustaceans (fig. 291, represent- ing a species something like the modern Sow-bug*), but no Figs. 285-289. MOLLUSKS. Fig. 285, Belemnitcs pistilliformis; 286, B. p.ixillosus ; 286 a, Outline of section of same, near extremity; 287,' View, reduced, of the complete osselet of a Belemnite; 288, Fossil Ink-bags of a Cephalopod ; 289, Acanthoteuthis antiquus. Trilobites; also the first known of true Spiders (fig. 292), and species of many of the orders of Insects. Fig. 293 is a Libellula, or Dragon-fly, of the Jurassic period, from Solen- 178 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. hofen; and fig. 294, the wing-case of a beetle, from the Stonesfield Oolite. Figs. 290-294. ARTICULATES. Fig. 290, Pemphix Sueurii; 291, Archaeoniscus Brodiel; 292, Palpipes priscus; 293, Libellula ; 294, Wing-case of a Buprestis. 3. Vertebrates. The Fishes were all either Ganoids or Sela- chians. In the Triassic beds occurred the last species of the heterocercal Ganoids, and the first of the homocercal, along with some, like fig. 265, p. 170, of intermediate character, that is, having the tail-fin vertebrated through half its length. Fig. 295 represents one of the homocercal Ganoids of the Lias. Among the Sharks (or Selachians) the Cestra- ciont tribe, the most ancient, characterized by a pavement of grinding teeth (p. 52), still continued, and was very numerously represented. There were also in the Jurassic beds the first of the sharp-edged Shark-teeth, or those of the tribe of Sharks that inhabits modern waters. Reptiles were the dominant race in the Eeptilian world, and among them were Amphibians, the division most com- mon in the Carboniferous age, and also great numbers of TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 179 true Eeptiles. They included species for each of the ele- ments, the water, the earth, and the air. In the Triassic the Amphibian division (p. 50) appears Fig. 295. VERTEBRATE. Fig. 295, Restored figure of JSchmodus (Tetragonolepis) (X %); 295 a, Scales of same. to have reached its maximum. One of the frog-like Laby- rinthodonts had a skull of the form shown in fig. 296, whose Figs. 296-298. VERTEBRATES. Fig. 296, Skull of Mastodonsaurus Jsegeri (X i\); 297, Tooth of same (X /^)? 298, Footprints of Cheriotherium (X &). length was 3 to 4 feet ; its mouth was set around with teeth 3 inches long (fig. 297), and the body was covered with scales. The specimen figured was found in Saxony. It is 16* 180 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. probable that some of the American Reptilian species whose tracks are so common in the Connecticut valley were of this type. Fig. 298 is a reduced view of hand- like tracks, from the same locality as the above, sup- posed to have been made by an animal of the same species. The frogs of the present day are feeble and diminutive com- pared with the Triassic Amphibians. Swimming Beptiles, or Saurians, called Enaliosaurs because of their living in the sea (from the Greek enalios, marine, and sauros, lizard), probably existed in the Carbon- iferous age (p. 135) : they became numerous and of great size in the Mesozoic. They had paddles like Whales, and thus Figs. 299-304. VERTEBRATES. Fig. 299, Ichthyosaurus communis (XiJo); 300 Head of same (X &); 301 a, 301 6, View and section of vertebra of game (X %); 302, Tooth of same, natural size; 303, Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus (X&); 304 a, 304 6, View and section of vertebra of same. were well fitted for marine life. The most common kinds were the Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs. TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 181 The Ichthyosaurs (fig. 299) had a short neck, a long and large head, enormous eyes, and thin, fish-like, or doubly- concave, vertebrae. The name is from the Greek ichthus, fish, and saur. Fig. 300 represents the head of an Ichthyosaur, one-thirtieth the natural length, showing the large size of the eye and the great number of the teeth. Fig. 801 b is one of the vertebrae, reduced, and fig. 301 a, a transverse section of the same, exhibiting the fact that both surfaces are deeply concave, nearly as in fishes; fig. 302 is one of the teeth, natu- ral size. Some of the Ichthyosaurs were 30 feet long. The Plesiosaurs (named from the Greek plesios, near, and saur, because not quite like a Saurian), one of which is represented very much reduced in fig. 303, had a long snake- like neck, a comparatively short body, and a small head. Fig. 304 a represents one of the vertebrae, and 304 b, a sec- tion of the same; it is doubly-concave, but less so, and much thicker, than in the Ichthyosaurs. Some species of Plesio- saur were 25 to 30 feet long. Another related Reptile, called a Pliosaur, was 30 to 40 feet long. Remains of more than 50 species of Enaliosaurs have been found in the Jurassic rocks. Besides these swimming Saurians, there were numerous species of Lacertians (Lizards} and Crocodilians 10 to 50 feet long, and Dinosaurs, the bulkiest and highest in rank of the Saurians, 25 to 60 feet long. To the group of Dinosaurs belongs the Iguanodon, of the Wealden beds, first made known by Dr. Mantell, whose body was 28 to 30 feet long, and which stood high above the ground quadruped-like, the femur, or thigh-bone, alone being nearly 3 feet long. Its habits are supposed to have been like those of a Hippopotamus, the animal grazing on the plants and shrubs of the marshes, estuaries, or streams in or about which it lived. It had teeth like the modern Iguana (and hence the name, from Iguana, and iho Greek odous, tooth), but it had proportionally a much shorter 182 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. tail. The Megalosaur was another of the gigantic Dinosaurs of the later part of the Jurassic period; it was a terrestrial carnivorous Saurian, about 30 feet in length. The Eeptiles adapted for the air that is, for flying are designated Pterosaurs, from the Greek pteron, a wing, and saur. The most common genus is called Pterodactylus. The general form of a Pterodactyl is shown in fig. 305. The bone of one of the fingers is greatly elongated, for the purpose of Fig. 305. VERTEBRATE. Pterodactylus crassirostris (X /) supporting an expanded membrane, so as to make it serve (like an analogous arrangement in bats) for flying. The name Pterodactyl is from the Greek pteron, wing, and dak- tulos, finger. The Pterodactyls were mostly small, and proba- bly had the habits of bats ; the largest had a spread of wing of about 10 feet. Unlike birds, they had a mouth full of teeth, and no feathers. As Bats are flying Mammals, so the Pterosaurs are simply flying Eeptiles, and have no resem- blance to birds in structure, except that their bones are hollow. TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 183 Besides the kinds of Reptiles already mentioned, there were Turtles in the Jurassic period; but, according to pre- sent knowledge, the world contained no Snakes. Coprolites (or fossil excrements) of both Reptiles and Fishes are common in the bone-beds. When cut and polished they have a degree of beauty sufficient to have made them formerly an object of some value in jewelry. Remains of Birds have been found in the quarries of Solenhofen (p. 166). They have revealed the fact that some at least of the Mesozoic species (and of America, beyond question, as well as Europe) were reptilian in some of their characters. The skeleton found shows that the Birds had long reptile-like tails consisting of many vertebrae, and finger-like claws on the fore limb or wing, like those of the Pterodactyl and Bat, fitting them evidently for clinging. But, while thus reptilian in some points of structure, they were actually Birds, being feathered animals, and having the expanse of the wing made, not by an expanded mem- brane as in the Pterodactyl, but by long quill-feathers. Figs. 306, 307. VERTEBRATES. Fig. 306, Amphitherium Broderipii (X 2); 307, Phascolotherium Bucklandi (X2). The tail-quills were arranged in a row either side of the long tail. The feet were precisely like those of birds. 184 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. Eemairis of Mammals occur in the Upper Trias (or base of the Lias) of Germany, in the Lower Oolite deposit at Stonesfield, England, and in the Portland " dirt-bed" of the Upper Oolite (p. 166). Nearly 20 species have been made out, 14 of them from relics in the Portland " dirt-bed." The larger part are Marsupials; a few are pronounced to be non- marsupial Mammals of the order of Insectivores. Figs. 306, 307 represent the jaws of two species from Stonesfield, mag- nified twice the natural size. As Marsupials are semi-oviparous Mammals, and therefore are intermediate between ordinary Mammals and the inferior and oviparous Vertebrates (p. 50), it follows that both the Birds and Mammals of the Mesozoic were in part, at least, comprehensive or intermediate types, and partook of reptilian features in the Eeptilian age. 3. General Observations. 1. American Geography. The Mesozoic sandstones and shales of the Atlantic border region are sedimentary beds ; consequently, the long narrow ranges of country in which they were formed were occupied at the time more or less completely by water. The absence of true marine fossils has been remarked upon as proving that this water was either brackish or fresh; and hence the areas were estuaries or deep bays running far into the land. There was probably an abundance of marine life in the ocean, if we may judge from its diversity on the other side of the Atlantic ; but the seacoast of the era must have been outside of the present one, so that any true marine or sea- coast deposits that were made are now submerged. The present sea-border is shallow for a distance of 80 miles from the New Jersey coast, the depth of water at this distance out being but 600 feet. TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 185 As all the depressions or valleys occupied by the estuaries are parallel with the Appalachians (p. 164), and since the era of the formations was that next following the origin of these mountains, the depressions must have been made at the time the Appalachian foldings were in progress. In fact, they are some of the great valleys or depressions left in the course of the upliftings. The level of the several sandstone areas above the ocean proves that the land at the time was not far from its present elevation, and therefore that the Appalachians had probably nearly their present height. The deposits contain foot-prints, ripple-marks, rain-drop impressions, and other evidences, on many of the layers, that they were formed partly in shallow waters, and partly as sand-flats, or emerging marshes and shores, over which reptiles and birds might have walked or waded. If, then, they are several thousands of feet thick, there must have been a progressing subsidence of the valley-depressions that is, a sinking must have been going on. It is hence apparent that the oscillations of level that characterized the epoch of the Appalachian revolution were still in pro- gress. Two effects of this subsidence occurred : (1) The sandstone beds were more or less faulted and tilted, those of the Connecticut valley receiving a dip to the eastward, those of 'New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the northwest- ward. (2) In the sinking of the valley-depression, an increasing strain was produced in the earth's crystalline crust beneath, which finally became so great that the crust broke, fissures opened, and liquid rock came up. The dikes and ridges of trap are this liquid rock solidified by cooling. The existence of the dikes, and their parallelism to the general course of the valley-depressions, prove (1) the fact of the fractures; (2) their resulting from the same cause which produced the sinking; and (3) the fact of the igneous ejections. The earth's crust along the Connecticut valley 186 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. was thus a scene of igneous operations for a length over 100 miles, and through a vast number of opened fissures. The Palisades of the Hudson date from the same period, pro- bably the middle of the Jurassic period. The Western Interior, or Rocky Mountain region, had been mostly submerged during the Carboniferous age, as shown by the fact that limestones were forming there in the Coal Measure period, and fossiliferous sandstones in the Permian. The Gypsiferous sandstone of the Mesozoic proves, by its nature, its gypsum, and its rare fossils, that, by some change, this great region had become mostly an interior shallow salt sea, shut off to a great extent from the ocean. Such a sea would have been made too fresh for marine life in the rainy season, and probably too salt for any life in the hot season. Hence, as in the Great Salt Lake of Utah, life would have been absent. The salt waters by evaporation would have furnished gypsum to the beds, as happens now sometimes from sea- water. It follows, then, from the beds of the Atlantic border as well as those of the Western Interior, that the continent during the era of these Mesozoic beds was to a less extent submerged than in the greater part of the Paleozoic ages and the following portion of the Mesozoic. The fossiliferous Jurassic beds mentioned on page 165 show that before the Jurassic period had closed, the sea had again free access over it; and the later Cre- taceous formations prove that in the Cretaceous period also this marine condition prevailed. 2. Foreign Geography. The nature of the Triassic beds of Britain and Europe show that there were large shallow interior seas also on the eastern side of the Atlantic. The salt-deposits in the beds, the paucity of fossils in the most of the strata, and the prevalence of marlites, indicate the same conditions as existed in New York during the forma- tion of the Saliferous beds of the Upper Silurian (see page 95), arid somewhat similar to those in which the Rocky TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC PERIODS. 187 Mountain Gypsiferous formation originated. The limestone that intervened along the Khine, between the two forma- tions of sandstone and marlites, shows an interval of more open sea; yet the impurity of the limestone suggests that the ocean had not full sweep over the region. The beds of the Jurassic period are almost all of them evidence, both from their constitution and their abundant marine life, that the free ocean again had sway over large portions of the Continental area. Its limits, however, became more contracted as the period passed, and towards its close fresh-water and terrestrial beds were forming in some places that had earlier in the period been under saty water. 3. Climate. The Jurassic coral reefs of Britain indicate that England then lay within the sub-tropical oceanic zone. This zone now has the parallel of 27 to 28 as, in general, its outer limit (lying mostly between 20 and 27); and, con- sequently, its Jurassic limit, if including England, reached twice as far towards the pole as now. It is possible, how- ever, that the line ran along the British Channel, and that the Gulf Stream of the era carried the sub-tropical tempera- ture northeastward through the British seas, as it now does to Bermuda, in latitude 34. The following are other facts of similar import. In Arctic America, species of shells allied to those of Europe and tropical South America occur in latitudes 60 to 77 16'; and one species of Belemnite and one of Ammonite are said to be identical with species occurring in these two remote and now widely different regions. If not absolutely identical, the evidence from them as to oceanic temperature is nearly the same. Moreover, on Exmouth Island, in 77 16' N., remains of an Ichthyosaur have been found, and in 76 22' N., on Bathurst Island, bones of other large Jurassic Reptiles (Teleosaurs'). It is probable, therefore, that a warm-tempe- rate oceanic zone covered the Arctic to the parallel of 78, 17 188 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE if not beyond. No large living reptiles exist outside of the warm-temperate zone. 2. CRETACEOUS PERIOD. General characteristics. The Cretaceous, while the closing period of Mesozoic time, was also, in some respects, a transition period between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. During its progress, as is explained beyond, occurred the decline, and, at its close, the extinction, of a large number of the tribes of the medieval world, while, at the same time, there appeared in its course other tribes eminently charac- teristic of the modern world. Among these modernizing features, the most prominent arose from the introduction of Palms and Angiosperms among plants, and Teliosts among fishes. The Palms and Angiosperms include nearly all the fruit- trees of the world, and constitute far the larger part of modern forests. The Conifers and Cycads, wherever they now occur near groves of Angiosperms, exhibit the contrast between the medieval foliage and that of the present age. The Teliosts (p. 50) embrace nearly all modern fishes excepting those of the order of Sharks, or Selachians. Their appearance was as great a change for the waters as the new tribes of plants for the land. These tribes of plants and fishes were only begun in the Cretaceous; their full exhibition belongs to Cenozoic time and the Age of Man. 1, Hocks: kinds and distribution. In North America, the Cretaceous formation borders the continent on the Atlantic side, eouth of New York, and along the north and west sides of the Gulf of Mexico; besides, it spreads from Texas, northward, over the slopes of the Eocky Mountains, being now at a height in some places of 6000 to 7000 feet above the sea. Its beds are exposed to view in New Jersey and in some portions of the CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 189 more southern Atlantic States, though mostly covered by the Tertiary. They are largely displayed through Alabama and Mississippi, and cover a great area west of the Missis- sippi. (See map, p. 69). In England the formation occupies a region just east of the Jurassic, stretching from Dorset on the British Channel eastward, and also northeastward to Norfolk on the German Ocean, and continuing near the borders of this ocean, still farther north, beyond Flamborough Head : it is numbered 9 on the map, p. 120. Cretaceous rocks occur, also in northern and southern France, and many other parts of Europe. Among the rocks there are the following kinds : the soft variety of limestone called Chalk; hard limestones; ordi- nary hard sandstones ; shales and conglomerates like those of other ages; but, more common than these, soft sand- beds, clay-beds, and shell-beds, so imperfectly consolidated that they may be turned up with a pick. Many of the sand-beds or sandstones have a dark-green color, and are called green-sand. The green color is owing to the presence of dark-green grains which occur mixed with more or less of common sand. They are a hydrous silicate of iron and potash. This green-sand is often used for fertilizing land, and when so used it is called marl. Chalk-beds are the source of flint. The flint is distributed through the chalk in layers, these layers being made up of nodules of flint, or masses of irregular forms. Although often of rounded forms, they are not water-worn stones of foreign origin, but were formed in place, like the hornstone in the Corniferous limestone of New York (p. 105). Chalk constitutes a large proportion of the Cretaceous formation in England and some parts of Europe, but is not known in the American Cretaceous. The succession of beds in England is as follows : (1) The Lower Cretaceous, con- sisting largely of the Green-sand and other arenaceous beds, called collectively the Lower Green-sand; (2) the 190 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. Middle Cretaceous, containing the Upper Green-sand and some other beds ; (3) the Upper Cretaceous, comprising the Chalk-beds, the lower part of which is without flints. The Cretaceous beds in North America are supposed to correspond to the Middle and Upper of the European Cre- taceous. They consist of layers of Green-sand, thick sand- beds of other kinds, clays, shell-beds, and, in some places in the States bordering on the Mexican Gulf (especially in Texas), limestone. The thickness of the formation in New Jersey is 400 to 500 feet; in Alabama, 500 to 600 feet; in Texas, about 800, nearly all of it compact limestone ; in the region of the Upper Missouri, 2000 to 2500 feet. 2. Life. 1. Plants. The first of Angiosperms and of Palms, as already stated, date from the Cretaceous period. Leaves of a few Ameri- can species of the former are represented in figs. 308-311 ; fig. 309, from a species of Sassafras; fig. 310, a Liriodendron ; and fig. 311, a Willow; and with these occur leaves of Oak, Dogwood, Beech, Poplar, &c. Besides these highest of plants, there were also Conifers, Ferns, and Sea-weeds, as in former time, with some Cycads still. The microscopic Algae called Diatoms (p. 61), which make siliceous shells, and others called Desmids (p. 61), which consist of one or a few simple green cellules, were very abundant. Both occur fossil in flint; and a species of the latter is very similar to one from the Devonian horn- stone figured on page 109 (fig. 180). The Diatoms are believed to have contributed part of the silica of which the flint is formed. 2. Animals. 1. Protozoans. The simplest of animals, Rhizopods, of the group of Protozoans (p. 59), were of great geological im- portance in the Cretaceous period; for the Chalk is supposed CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 191 to be made mostly from their minute calcareous shells. The powdered chalk is often found to contain large numbers of Figs. 308-311. Fig. 308, Leguminosites Marcouanus ; 309, Sassafras Cretaceum ; 310, Liriodendron Meekii ; 311, Salix Meekii. these shells, the great majority of which do not exceed a pin's head in size. A few of the forms are represented in Figs. 312-316. 12 13 U 15 RHIZOPODS: Fig. 312, Lituola naxitiloidea ; 313, Flabellina rugosa; 314, Chrysalidina gradata 315, Cuneolina pavonia ; 316, Orbitolina Texana. 17* 192 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. Fig. 317. figs. 312 to 316, all very much enlarged, except 316, which is natural size. A very common kind resembles fig. 99, p. 59, and is called a Rotalia. Fig. 316 represents a large disk-shaped species, called an Orbitolina, from Texas. Besides the above Protozoans, Sponges were also very abundant, and their siliceous spicula (p. 58) were another important source of the silica of the flints. Fig. 317 represents one of the Sponges from the Chalk of Europe. 2. Radiates Mollusks. Corals and Echini were common among Eadiates. Mollusks abounded, both of the Ammonite and Belemnite types, besides others of genera not peculiar to the Mesozoic. Many of the genera are identical with those represented in modern seas. Figs. 318-321. Siphonia lobata. MOLLUSKS : Fig. 318, Exogyra costata ; 319, Inoceramus probleinaticus ; lam; 321, G. Pitcheri. , Gryphsea vesicu- CRETACEOUS PERIOD. Figs. 322-328. 26 193 MOLLUSKS : Fig. 322, Fasciolaria buccinoides ; 323, Fusus Newberryi ; 324, Ammonites Pla- centa; 324 a, id., in profile, reduced; 325, Scaphites lameformis ; 326, Turrilites catenatus; 327, Baculites ovatus ; 328, Belemnitella mucronata. 194 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. Figs. 318-321 are of some of the most characteristic Con- chifers from the American Cretaceous; fig. 318, an Exogyra; fig. 319, an Inoceramus; figs. 320, 321, Gryphceas : genera that are now extinct. Figs. 322,323 represent shells of Gastero- pods, and 324 to 328, Cephalopods, all American except 326; fig. 324, an upper front view of an Ammonite, showing the pockets along the sides of one of the partitions ; fig. 324 a, a reduced view of the same Ammonite in profile ; figs. 325 to 327, three species of the Ammonite family, but not of the genus Ammonites, one, fig. 325, being called a Scaphites (from the Latin scapha, a skiff), an Ammonite with the shell looking as if partly uncoiled, and thus made somewhat to resemble a boat; fig. 326, a Turrilites, or turreted Ammonite, an anomaly in the family, as the species are almost all coiled in a flat plane; fig. 327, a Baculites, or straight Ammon- ite, so named from the Latin baculum, a walking-stick. Fig. 328 represents a very common New Jersey species of Belemnites. Some of the Ammonites of the Cretaceous period are 3 to 4 feet in diameter. 3. Vertebrates. Among Vertebrates appeared the first of Osmeroides Lewesiensis (X /<) the Teliost or Osseous Fishes, fishes allied to the perch, salmon, pickerel, etc. They occur along with numerous Sharks of both ancient and modern types (Cestracionts and CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 195 Squalodonts), and many also of Ganoids. Thus the ancient and modern forms of Fishes were united in the population of the Cretaceous seas, the former, however, making hardly more than a tenth of the species. Fig. 829 represents one of these Teliost Fishes, related to the Salmon and Smelt, from the Chalk at Lewes, England. There were also Herring, and many other kinds. The Reptiles included species of some of the Jurassic genera, as Pterodactyls, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, and the Fig. 330. Mosasaurus Hofmanni (X ^)- Iguanodon; also of other genera, as Mosasaurs (fig. 330), and true Crocodiles. No remains of Mammals or Birds have yet been gathered from the Cretaceous formation. 3, General Observations. 1. Geography. In North America the position of the Cretaceous beds along the borders of the Atlantic south of New York, near the Mexican Gulf, and also over a large part of the Eocky Mountain region, indicates that these border 196 MESOZOIC TIME REPTILIAN AGE. regions and the Western Interior were under water when the period opened, as represented in the following map (fig. 331). The shaded part of the continent exhibits the extent to which it was submerged. (This map should be compared with that on page 73). It shows that the Chesapeake and Delaware Gulfs were in the ocean ; that Florida was still under water; that the region of the Missouri River was a salt- Fig. 331. North America in the Cretaceous Period ; MO, Upper Missouri region. water region; that in fact the Kocky Mountains were at least 6000 or 7000 feet lower than now, the Cretaceous beds having now this elevation upon them. The Mexican Gulf spread over a large part of Georgia, Alabama, and Missis- sippi, extended northward to the mou-th of the Ohio, and CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 197 then west of Missouri and Kansas stretched far north over the present slopes of the great Western mountains, reaching perhaps to the Arctic, though on this point the evidence is not yet decisive. The deposits, excepting those of Texas, appear to be of seashore and off-shore formations; the Texan compact limestones were probably formed in clear interior waters. In Europe the Chalk appears to have been accumulated in an open sea, where the water was one or more hundred feet deep. The material of the Chalk has been stated on page 190 to be mainly the shells of Rhizopods, and that of the associated flint to have been derived from Diatoms and Sponges. Rhizopods and Diatoms are now living in many parts of the ocean, over the bottom, even where the depth is thousands of feet, and are making accumulations of vast area. There appear, hence, to be in the present seas the conditions requisite for making chalk and also flint. The- many Sponges, Echini, and Shells found in the Chalk beds are evidence, however, that tha%depth was not thousands of feet, although it may have been a few hundreds. The fossils of the Chalk are in many regions turned into flint, and some hollow specimens are filled with quartz-crystals, or agate 2. Climate. The corals and other tropical life of the Bri- tish rocks indicate that the seas were at least warm-tem- perate to latitude 60 north on the east side of the ocean. On the American side it appears to have been cooler, as it now is, in corresponding latitudes; and still the temperature was considerably warmer than the present. The warm oceanic zone which spread over the British seas appears, from the distribution of the fossils, to have reached the North American coast south of Long Island, and perhaps had no place on the coast north of Cape Hatteras. The plants of the Upper Missouri region indicate a warm-tem- perate climate over that territory. 198 MESOZOIC TIME. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE MESOZOIC. 1. Time-Ratios. The ratios between the Paleozoic ages as to the length of time that elapsed during their progress, or their time-ratios, are stated on p. 145 as probably not far from 3:1:1. The American Mesozoic formations are too imperfect to be used as data for calculating the Mesozoic time-ratios; and in Europe there is much uncertainty as to the actual thick- ness of the rocks. Calculating from the best estimates of the thickness which have been given, the time-ratio between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic is nearly 3:1; and between the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, 1 : li : 1. That is, Mesozoic time was hardly one-third as long as the Paleozoic ; and the three periods of the Mesozoic were not far from equal, the Jurassic being one-quarter the longest. 2. American Geography. On page 162 it is remarked that the Mesozoic formations were confined to the Atlantic and Gulf border regions, and to. an interior region west of the Mississippi covering much of the Rocky Mountain area, and that the intermediate portion of the continent had probably become part of the dry land. The facts which have been presented in the preceding pages have sustained this state- ment. The Triassico-Jurassic beds, as has been shown, lie in long narrow strips between the Appalachians and the coast, and spread widely over the Rocky Mountain region. The Cretaceous beds cover the Atlantic and Gulf borders, and also, like the Triassic, a very large part of the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. The eastern half of the continent during the Mesozoic was, therefore, receiving rock-forma- tions only along its borders, while the western half had marine deposits in progress over its great interior. None of the American Mesozoic deposits bear any evidence that they were formed in a deep ocean. They appear to have been formed along coasts, or in shallow waters off coasts, or REPTILIAN AGE. 199 in shallow inland seas; and only the Cretaceous limestone of Texas indicates a pure open, though not deep, sea, like that required for coral-reefs. The Appalachians the eastern mountains of the continent had nearly their present elevation before the early Meso- zoic beds commenced to form (p. 185). But the region of the Eocky Mountains the western chain was to a great extent still a shallow sea even during the Cretaceous period, or when the Mesozoic era was drawing to its close (p. 197). Only one series of mountain-elevations can be pointed out, with our present knowledge, as originating in eastern North America in the course of the Mesozoic era, although great oscillations of level were much of the time in progress (p. 185). This one is that of the Mesozoic red sandstone and trap along the Atlantic border region. The trap ridges, ranging through the Connecticut valley from New Haven, Ct., to northern Massachusetts, that of the Palisades on the Hudson, and those connected with the early Mesozoic rocks of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Nova Scotia, appear to date from a common epoch (p. 185). They conform to a common system, being parallel to the Appalachian chain through its varying courses, and not following one special compass-course. The epoch of their formation probably divides off the Triassico- Jurassic ^ period of North Americ'a from the Cretaceous. The study of the Pacific border of the continent will probably make known one or more additional mountain- ranges of Mesozoic origin. 3. European Geography. Europe has its Mesozoic rocks distributed in patches, or in several independent or nearly independent areas, which show that it retained its condition of an archipelago throughout Mesozoic time. The oscilla- tions of level, as indicated by the variations in the rocks, variations both as to the nature of the beds and their distri- bution, were more numerous and irregular than in North 18 200 MESOZOIC TIME. America. The mountain-elevations formed, however, were few and small compared with those that followed either the Paleozoic or Mesozoic era. One series of disturbances is referred to the close of the Triassic, and another to the close of the Jurassic. * Among the Mesozoic formations of the European conti- nent there are deposits of all kinds, those of seashores; of off-shore shallow waters; of inland seas; of moderately deep oceanic waters; and of marshy, or dry a-nd forest-covered, land. Both in America and Europe there .were some coal-beds made, though of small extent compared., with those of the Carboniferous age * * ^ 4. Life. The Mesozoic era. witnessed- 1 (1) the decline of some ancient, or Paleozoic, types, of both plants and animals, (2) the increase and culmination of medieval or Mesozoic types, and (3) the beginning of je of the most important of modern or Cenozoic types. (1.) Disappearance of Ancient or Paleozoic features. Among the ancient tribes of plants the Calamites,or tree-rushes, and several genera of Ferns, disappear^in the Jurassic. Among the old Brachiopod tribes ^he Spirifer and Leptcena families end in the Triassic ; and among higher Mollusks the Silu- rian type of Orthoccras^ and Devonian of Goniatites, have their last species in tlj Triassic. (2.) Progress in Mesozoic features. The Cycads, among plants, were those nTost characteristic of the Mesozoic : they afterwards yield to other kinds, and are now nearly an extinct tribe. The Cephalopods,, among Mollusks, existed, in vast numbers, both those with external shells, as the Ammonites, and those without, as the Belemnites. The,whole number of species of Cephalopods now known from the Mesozoic formations is nearly 1200. Of these, about 950 were of the Nautilus and Ammonite families. Since the Cretaceous period no Ammonite has existed, and at the REPTILIAN AGE. 201 present time there are only 2 or 3 species of Nautilus. The whole number of species of Cephalopods living in the course of the Mesozoic era may have been three or four times 1200, as only a part would have been preserved as fossils. The sub- kingdom of Mollusks, therefore, culminated in the Mesozoic era; for its highest order, that of the Cephalopods, was then at its maximum. The type of Eeptiles was another that expanded and reached its height that is, its maximum in number, variety, and rank of species and commenced its decline in the Mesozoic era. There were huge swimming Saurians, Enaliosaurs, in the place of whales in the sea; -bat-like Saurians or Pterodac- tyls flying through the air; and four-footed Saurians, both grazing and carnivorous, many of them 25 to 50 feet long, occupying the marshes and estuaries. In the era of the Wealden and Lower Cretaceous there lived, in and about Great Britain, 4 or 5 species of Dinosaurs 20 to 50 feet long, 10 to 12 Crocodilians, Lizards, and Enaliosaurs 10 to 50 or 60 feet long, besides Pterodactyls and Turtles; and many more than this, since all "that lived would not have left their remains in the deposits. To appreciate this peculiarity of medieval time, it should be considered that in the present age Britain has no large Eeptiles; in Asia there are only two species over 15 feet in length; in Africa but one; in all America but three; in the whole world not more than six; and the largest of the six does not exceed 25 feet in length. The Mesozoic era is well named the Age of Reptiles. All the Mesozoic animals, excepting the Mammals, belong to the Oviparous divisions; and the Mammals were mainly Marsupial species, that is, semi-oviparous Mammals, as explained on p. 50, species quite in harmony, therefore, with the other life of the era. The Birds of the age, or at least some of them, partook of the reptilian features of the time, having long tails like the associated Eeptiles (though 202 MESOZOIC TIME. feathered tails), and possessing some other peculiarities of the scaly tribes. The long-tailed birds and Pterodactyls were the flying creatures of the age; the Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs, and the like, the "great whales;" the Teleosaurs, Iguanodon, and other gigantic species of the estuaries and marshes, the creeping species. These, along with the small Marsupials and Insectivores of the Cycadean and Coniferous forests, were the more prominent kinds of Mesozoic life. (3.) Introduction of Cenozoic features. Among Plants the first of AngiospermSj (or the order including all trees having a bark (Oak, Maple, Apple, &c.), excepting the Conifers) and the first of Palms, are found in the Cretaceous. These become the characteristic plants of the Cenozoic era and Age of Man. Among Vertebrates there were the first of the great order of Teliost or Osseous Fishes in the Cretaceous (p. 194), all previous species being either Selachians (Shark tribe) or Ganoids; the first of the modern tribe of Sharks in the Jurassic ; the first of the modern genus of Crocodilus in the Jurassic; the first of Birds in the Triassic or Jurassic, the reptilian Birds; the first of Mammals in the Triassic, Marsupials, or semi-oviparous Mammals, along with some Insectivores. Of the classes of Yertebrates, Fishes and Reptiles com- mence in the middle and later Paleozoic, and Birds and Mammals in the early or middle Mesozoic. DISTURBANCES AND CHANGES OF LEVEL CLOSING MESOZOIC TIME. At the close of the last period of the Mesozoic era the Cretaceous there was an extermination of the species then on the globe, which was as complete as that closing the Paleozoic era. No species have yet been proved to have survived from the Cretaceous into the Cenozoic era, except REPTILIAN AGE. 203 possibly some kinds of Sharks. The species most likely to have outlived the period of disturbance which intervened are the species of the open ocean, as Sharks, since variations in the climate of the globe and changes of level over its surface affect but slightly the ocean's waters remote from coasts. Besides the destruction of species, there was the final extinction of several families and tribes. The great family of Ammonites, and many others of Mollusks, all the genera of Eeptiles excepting Crocodilus, and others in all depart- ments of life, came to their end in the revolution. From the occurrence of Cretaceous rocks in the structure of mountains or about their tops, and the existence of marine rocks of the next (or Tertiary) period only at low levels upon the sides, or towards the foot, of the same moun- tains, it has been discovered that the epoch of disturbance or revolution was remarkable for the number of great moun- tain-ranges which either began at that time their existence above the oceans, or else had their altitude greatly increased. The region occupied by a Cretaceous sea must have been raised into a mountain-elevation before seashore Tertiary strata could have been formed about its base. The Rocky Mountains and Andes, Himalayas and Alps, received a large part of their elevation subsequent to the Mesozoic era, and some considerable part immediately at the close of the Cre- taceous period, although the elevation in the case of each of these great chains of the world was continued in progress through the Tertiary and afterwards. The Himalayas have no known Cretaceous rocks in their structure ; but Oolitic beds occur at a height of 14,000 to 18,000 feet, and extend along at these elevations for 400 miles. (Strachey.) The land may in part have made its emergence from the sea before the Cretaceous period began ; whether so or not, it continued long after rising : the eleva- tion of the western part of the chain about Cashmeer was not completed until after the Tertiary period had well 18* 204 MESOZOIC TIME. advanced. The Apennines began their elevation about the middle of the Cretaceous period, but made the most of their altitude in the early Tertiary. The Andes have Cretaceo- oolitic beds about their higher slopes, proving also their elevation to have been essentially cotemporaneous with that of the Eocky Mountains and other highest mountains of the globe. The facts will be better appreciated after a study of the Tertiary formations, which afford part of the evidence on which these conclusions are based. Extermination of life. The proofs of elevation are so many and so extensive that it is reasonable to infer that a great change of climate must also have taken place over the globe. The Arctic regions may have been elevated more than lower latitudes, for Tertiary rocks do not occur on the eastern borders of the American continent north of the parallel of 42 N. to show that the continent was then below its present level. The change of climate consequent on the increase of Arctic lands, and the increased number and height of mountain-chains, may, therefore, have been so great as to have proved a principal cause of the extinction of life that then took place both over the land and along the oceanic borders. Should the cold winds and cold oceanic currents of the northern part of the existing temperate zone penetrate for a single year into the tropical regions, they would produce a general extermination of the plants and animals of the land, and also of those of the coast and sea-borders, even to a great depth, as far as the cold oceanic currents extended. If a change of climate took place at the close of the Cretaceous, such as has been supposed, these very results would then have happened; moreover, the frigid air and waters would have found tropical life much nearer to the pole than now, even over Europe and a largo part of the United States. CENOZOIC TIME. 205 IY. CENOZOIC TIME. 1. Age of Mammals, Cenozoic time covers but one age, the age of Mammals. 2. General characteristics, In the transition to this age the life of the world takes on a new aspect. Trees of modern types Oak, Maple, Beech, etc., and Palms unite with Conifers to make the forests; Mammals of great variety and size Herbivores, Carnivores, and others, suc- cessors to the small semi-oviparous Mammals and Insect- ivores tenant the land in place of Beptiles; true Birds and Bats possess the air in place of reptilian Birds and Pterodactyls ; Whales and Teliost or common Fishes, with Sharks, mainly of modern type, occupy the waters in place of Enaliosaurs, and almost to the exclusion of the ancient tribes of Cestraciont Sharks and Ganoids. It has already been shown that several of these modern- izing features began to appear in the Mesozoic era. Thus, in all geological as well as other history (as remarked on page 154), every age has preparations for it in progress in the age preceding. There are no abrupt transitions. The Mammals, Birds, Teliosts, and Angiosperms of the Eeptile world were precursors of a future and brighter era, when these species should be the predominant races. The type of Mammals appears in Cenozoic time under several successive faunas of different species, each successively exterminated, and finally expands till in number of kinds and in the magnitude of its wild beasts the Mammalian age far exceeds the Age of Man. These, also, disappear before the last age opens and during its early progress. MAMMALIAN AGE. The age of Mammals is divided into two Periods: 1. The Tertiary; 2. The Post-tertiary. 206 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. In the Tertiary the Mammals are all extinct species, and the other species of life mostly so ; the number of living species of Invertebrates (Kadiates, Mollusks, and Articu- lates) varies from none in the early part of the period to 90 per cent, in the latter part. In the Post-tertiary the Mammals are nearly all of extinct species, but the Invertebrates are almost wholly of living species, not over 5 per cent, being extinct. I. TERTIARY PERIOD. 1. Epochs. The beds of the Tertiary period have been divided by Lyell into three series : 1. EOCENE (from the Greek eos, dawn, and kainos, recent). Species all extinct. 2. MIOCENE (from meion, less, and kainos*) : 15 to 40 per cent, of the species extinct. 3. PLIOCENE (from pleion, more, and kainos) : 50 to 90 per cent, of the species extinct. These subdivisions do not correspond to the epochs of the period, either in Europe or America, although affording convenient terms for Lower, Upper, and Middle Tertiary. In North America the epochs are the following : 1. CLAIBORNE, or that of the Tertiary beds of Claiborne, Alabama, the early Eocene. 2. JACKSON, or that of the beds of Jackson, Mississippi, the Middle Eocene. 3. VICKSBURG, or that of the beds of Vicksburg, Missis- sippi, the later Eocene. 4. YORKTOWN, or that of the beds of Yorktown, Yirginia, in which 15 to 30 per cent, of the species are living, usually called Miocene, but probably including part, at least, of the Pliocene. A fifth has been separated as Pliocene, or the SUMTER epoch, based on observations on the beds in Sumter and TERTIARY PERIOD. 207 Darlington districts, South Carolina; but it is probably not distinct from the Yorktown. (Conrad.) 2. Rocks: kinds and distribution. The marine Tertiary beds of North America border the continent south of New England along both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mexican Gulf, like the Cretaceous. They overlie nearly all the Cretaceous beds on the Atlantic border, but extend less far inland on the Gulf border. (See map on p. 69, in which the area is lined obliquely from the left above to the right below). They spread northward along the Mississippi to the mouth of the Ohio, and also westward beyond this river into Texas, along the west side of the Mexican Gulf; but the marine Tertiary beds do not, like the Cretaceous, stretch north over the Rocky Mountain region. There are, however, about the Upper Missouri and over other parts of the slopes of these mountains, extensive deposits of fresh-water Tertiary, the lowest layers of which are of brackish-water origin. (On the map the area of this fresh-water Tertiary is distinguished by being more openly lined than those of the marine Tertiary.) The most northern locality of Tertiary on the Atlantic coast is on Martha's Vineyard. The Tertiary formation also occurs extensively in California and Oregon, and in some places has a height of 2000 fe'et above the sea. The Eocene beds are best displayed in the Tertiary of the Gulf border from the Mississippi Eiver to South Carolina, and the marine Miocene beds on the Atlantic border from New Jersey to South Carolina, though both occur in other parts of the Tertiary region. The fresh-water Tertiary of the Upper Missouri is at its base probably Eocene ; it con- tains much lignite and many fossil leaves, like the lower Eocene elsewhere. The rest is Miocene and Pliocene. The Tertiary beds are generally but little consolidated: they consist of compacted sand, pebbles, clay, earth that 208 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. was once the mud of the sea-bottom or of estuaries, mixed often with shells, being just such kinds of deposits as are now forming along the seashores and in the shallow bays and estuaries of the coast, or in the shallow waters off the coast. There are also some limestones made of shells ; and others made of corals, resembling the reef-rock of coral seas. The latter are found mainly in the States bordering on the Mexican Gulf. Another variety of rock is the buhrstone, a very cellular siliceous rock, flinty in texture, used, on account of its being so hard and at the same time full of irregu- lar cavities, for making mill-stones. It is found in South Carolina. The Tertiary of Great Britain occurs mostly in the south- eastern part of England, in the London basin as it is called, and on the southern and eastern borders of the island, adjoining the Cretaceous. On the continent of Europe the Paris basin is noted for its Eocene strata and fossil Mammals. Other Tertiary areas are those of the Pyrenean and Mediterranean regions, those of Switzerland, of Austria, etc. Some of the marine Eocene beds contain a fossil having the shape of a coin, called a Nummulite (from the Latin nummus, a coin). One is figured on page 59. Occasionally the beds are so far made up of these Nummulites that they are called Nummu- litic limestone. These marine Eocene strata spread very widely over both Europe, northern Africa, and Asia, occurring in the Pyre- nees, forming some of their summits; in the Alps to a height of 10,000 feet ; in the Carpathians, in Algeria, in Egypt, where the most noted pyramids are made of Nummulitic limestone, in Persia, in the western Himalayas (the region of Cash- mere), to a height of 15,000 feet. The later Tertiary forma- tions are much more limited in distribution, and many are of terrestrial or fresh-water origin. The rocks are similar to those of North America, but TERTIARY PERIOD. 209 with more of compact sandstone and compact limestone. The sandstone is a very common building-stone in different parts of Europe, being soft enough to be worked with faci- lity, yet generally hardening on exposure, owing to the fact that it contains calcareous particles (triturated shells), which render the percolating waters or rain calcareous, so that on evaporating they produce a calcareous deposit, as a cement, among the grains of sand. The Eocene formation of southeastern England consists of bed of clay and sand, the lowest of sand sometimes con- taining rolled flints. The Lower Eocene includes the Thanet sands, Woolwich beds, London clay, and Bognor beds; the Middle Eocene, the Bagshot beds, Headon group, arid others; the Upper Eocene, the Hempstead beds near Yarmouth. The Older Pliocene includes the Coralline crag and Red crag of Suffolk; and the Newer Pliocene, the Norwich crag, which is of fluvio-marine origin. No marine Miocene beds have yet been identified in Great Britain. 3. Life. 1. Plants. The great feature of the vegetation is the prevalence of the class of Angiosperms, which made its first appearance in the Cretaceous. Leaves of Oak, Poplar, Maple, Hickory, Dogwood, Mulberry, Magnolia, Cinnamon, Fig, Sycamore, and many others, have already been found in both American and European Tertiary strata, besides the remains of Palms and Conifers. A leaf of a Tertiary Fan-palm (species of Sdbal) found in the Upper Missouri must have been, when entire, 12 feet in breadth. Nuts are also common in some beds, as at Brandon, Yermont. Fig. 332 is the leaf of an Oak ; fig. 333, of a species of Cinnamon ; fig. 334, of a Palm ; fig. 335, the nut of a beech, closely like that of the common beech; fig. 336, another nut, from Brandon, of unknown relations. 210 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. The Eocene Plants in central and southern Europe have, in general, a striking resemblance to those of Australia, and the Miocene and Pliocene to those of America. The forests of England, in the Eocene, abounded in Palms. The microscopic plants which form siliceous shells called Diatoms (p. 61) make extensive deposits in some places. Fig. 332, Quercus myrtifolia ? ; 333, Cinnamomum Mississippiense ; 334, Calamopsis Dame; 335, Fagus ferruginea ? ; 336, Carpolithes irregularis. One stratum near Eichmond, Virginia, is 30 feet thick, and is many miles in extent; and another, near Bilin in Bohe- mia, is 14 feet thick. The material from the latter place was used as a polishing-powder (and called Tripoli, or polishing-slate) long before it was known that its fine grit was owing to the remains of microscopic life. Ehrenberg TERTIARY PERIOD. 211 has calculated that a cubic inch of the fine earthy slate con- tains about forty-one thousand millions of organisms. 2. Animals. The most prominent fact with regard to the Tertiary Invertebrates is their general resemblance to modern species. Although a number of the genera are extinct, and all the Eocene species, there is still a modern look in the remains, and the specimens have often the freshness" of a shell from a modern beach. The species of Tertiary shells found in the European beds number about 6000; while not over 3000 have been gathered from the North American beds. The following are figures of a few species of the Clai- borne epoch. Fig. 337 represents an Eocene Oyster; fig. 338, Figs. 337-341. MOLLUSKS :' Fig. 337, Ostrea sellaeformig ; 338, Crassatella alta ; 339, Astarte Conradi ; 340, Cardita planicosta; 341, Turritella carinata. a species of Crassatella; fig. 339, an Astarte; fig. 340, a Car- dita; and fig. 341, a Turritella: all are from Claiborne, Alabama. 19 212 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. Figures 342 to 345 are of species of shells of the York- town epoch, from Virginia; figs. 342, 343 represent a very 42 Figs. 342-345. 44 GASTEBOPOD: Figs. 342, 343, Crepidula costata. CONCHIFERS : Fig. 344, Yoldia limatula; 345, Oallista Sayana. common Crepidula, upper and under sides. The species of the epoch include the common Oyster and Clam, and other modern species ; and these are, therefore, among the most ancient of living species on the globe; for, until the Miocene epoch opened, every species of Mollusk that had existed on the globe had become extinct, and every species of other kinds of life, if we except some Protozoans and Protophytes. With regard to Vertebrates the points of special interest are the following : 1. In the class of Fishes : (1) The prevalence of Teliosts, or fishes allied to the Perch and Salmon, as already stated; and (2) the abundance of Sharks, some of them having teeth 6 inches long and broad. The teeth of sharks are the durable part of the skeleton; they are very abundant in both Eocene and Miocene beds. Fig. 59, p. 52, represents a tooth of the Carcharodon angustidens. The larger teeth above alluded to belong to the Carcharodon megalodon, and are found at different places on the Atlantic border from Martha's Vineyard south. Fig. 58 represents the tooth of TERTIARY PERIOD. 213 another common kind of Shark, a species of Lamna (JJ. elegans), from Claiborne. In the class of .Reptiles: The existence of numerous Crocodiles and Turtles. The shell of one of the Miocene Tur- tles, found fossil in India, had a length of 12 feet, and the animal is supposed to have been 20 feet long. The first of Snakes, moreover, occur in the Eocene. In the class of Birds : The species found are not reptilian or long-tailed, but like modern birds; they are related to the Pelican, Waders, Pheasants, Perchers, Vultures. But fossil birds are of very rare occurrence; none have yet been found in America, although Mammalian remains are common. In the class of Mammals : The occurrence of the first of Whales, the first of Carnivores, Herbivores, Rodents, Monkeys, and of other tribes, indicating a large population of brute animals wholly different from the present in species, though, in general, related to the modern kinds in form and struc- ture. A few, however, are widely diverse from any thing in existence, such combinations as the mind would never have imagined without aid from the skeletons furnished by the strata. In the early Eocene there appear to have been more Herbivores than Carnivores; but afterward the Carni- vores were as common as now. Cuvier first made known to science the existence of fossil Mammals. The remains from the earthy beds about Paris had been long known, and were thought to be those of modern beasts. But, through careful study and comparisons with living animals, he was enabled to bring the scattered bones together into skeletons, ascertain the tribe to which they belonged, and determine the food and mode of life of the ancient but now extinct species. Cuvier acquired his skill by observing the mutual dependence which subsists between all parts of a skeleton, and, in fact, all parts of an animal. A sharp claw is evidence that the animal has 214 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. trenchant or cutting molar teeth, and is a flesh-eater; a hoof, that he has broad molars and is a grazing species; and, further, every bone has some modification showing the group of species to which it belongs, and may thus be an indication, in the hands of one well versed in the subject, of the special type of the animal, and of its structure, even to its stomach within and its hide without. One of these Paris beasts is called a Paleothere (from the Greek palaios, ancient, and therion, wild beast. Its form, as restored, is shown in figure 346. It is related to the modern Tapir, and was of the size of a horse. Another kind, called Fig. 346. Palseotherium magnum. an Anoplothere, was of more slender habit, and somewhat resembled a stag. There were others, related to the hog, or Mexican Peccary, and to the horse ; also some Carnivores, a Bat, and an Opossum. The only American Eocene Mammals that have been dis- covered are those of the ocean, as Whales. The bones of a species of whale, called a Zeuglodon, occur in many places in the Gulf States; and in Alabama the vertebrae were formerly so abundant as to have been built up into TERTIARY PERIOD. 215 stone walls, or burnt to rid the fields of them. The living animal was probably 70 feet in length. One of the larger vertebrae measures a foot and a half in length and a foot in diameter. The Miocene beds of the "Bad Lands" on the White Eiver, in the Upper Missouri region, have afforded remains of a large number of Miocene quadrupeds. Among them, according to Leidy, there are eight Carnivores related somewhat to the Hyena, Dog, and Panther ; 25 Herbivores, including 2 Ehinoceroses, and species approaching the Tapir, Peccary, Deer, Camel, Horse ; and 4 Rodents, besides many Fig. 347. Tooth of Titanotherium Proutii (X M)- Turtles. Figure 347 represents a tooth, half the natural size, of a Titanothere, an animal related to the Tapir and Paleothere, but of elephantine size, standing probably 7 or Fig. 348. Teeth of Rhinoceros Nebrascensis. 8 feet high. Figure 348 represents a few of the teeth of one of the Rhinoceroses. 19* 216 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. Fig. 349. Among Mammals of the European Miocene there were Elephants, Mastodons, Deer, and other Herbivores, many Carnivores, Monkeys, Ant-eaters, etc. One of the most sin- gular species is the Dinothere, the form of the skull of which the only part of the skeleton found is shown in the annexed figure; its actual length is 3 feet 8 inches. It appears to have had a pro- boscis like an Elephant, but the tusks proceeded from the lower instead of upper jaw, and were bent downward. Some sup- pose it to have been related to the Elephant, and others to the marine Manatus and Dugong. In fresh-water Pliocene beds of the Upper Missouri there are remains of a fauna totally dif- ferent in species from that of the Miocene. It included a Rhinoceros, an Elephant of great size, a Mastodon, 3 species of Camel, 4 of the Horse family, Deers, a Wolf, a Fox, a Beaver, and a Porcupine, all of extinct species; it had, in its Camels and Ehinoceros and Elephant, quite an Oriental character, as Leidy observes, though still prominently North American in the preponder- ance of Ungulates, and the absence of the South American type of Edentates or Sloths. The earliest of the Bovine or Ox group occur in the European Pliocene. 4. General Observations. 1. Geography. The Tertiary period completed mainly the work of rock-making, along the borders of the continent, which had been in progress during the Cretaceous period. The accompanying map shows approximately the part of Dinotherium giganteum TERTIARY PERIOD. 217 the continent of North America under the sea when the Tertiary era began. By comparing'it with the map of the Fig. 350. Map of North America in the early part of the Tertiary Period. Cretaceous continent, p. 196, it is seen that the Eocky Mountain region had become dry land in the interval; but, as Hayden has shown by the discovery of brackish-water beds in the lowest Tertiary of the Upper Missouri region, the elevation was at first small; and its present height was gradually attained later in the Tertiary period. The great river-system of the Mississippi, embracing slopes from the Eocky Mountains on -the west to the Appalachians on the east, then for the first time became complete. The Mexican Gulf was much larger than at present; but there was not 218 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. that long extension far northward which it had during the Cretaceous period. Florida was still submerged, and also all the bays of'the Atlantic coast south of New York. After the Eocene epoch the Mexican Gulf became much more contracted by an elevation of the coast along the Gulf; and by the close of the Tertiary period the continent appears to have reached nearly its present outline. In the Orient the Eocene era was one of very extensive submergence of the land, as shown by the distribution of the marine beds over Europe, Asia, and northern Africa, as stated on page 208. After the Eocene, the greater part of these continental seas had become dry land, and in gene- ral continued so afterward ; for the Miocene and Pliocene are, comparatively, very limited in extent. The fact that many of the great mountains of the globe, as the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Himalayas, etc., were only partly made, is here proved by their containing Eocene rocks in their structure, or by their bearing them about their summits. By evidence of this kind, the presence of Eocene strata, it is learned that the elevation of the Pyrenees, though commenced before the close of the Cretaceous, was mainly produced in the middle or later part of the Eocene, as also that of the Julian Alps, the Apennines and Carpathians, and that of heights in Corsica. The elevation of the western Alps, including Mont Blanc, is referred by Elie de Beau- mont to the close or latter part of the Miocene epoch; and that of the eastern Alps, along the Bernese Oberland, to the close of the Pliocene. An elevation of 3000 feet took place in Sicily after the Pliocene. The Himalayas, in their western part about Cashmere, have nummulitic or Eocene beds, at a height of 15,000 feet; so that even this great chain, although earlier elevated to the east, was not completed before the Middle Eocene; and even later than this, as later Tertiary beds at lower levels show, it received a consider- able part of its elevation. POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 219 Many parts of the region of the Andes were raised 8000 to 5000 feet or more in the course of the Tertiary period. Climate. In Europe, the fact that the plants of the Eocene were Australian in character over its central and southern portions, and that Palms abounded in Britain, is evidence of a tropical or sub-tropical climate on the south, and sub- tropical or warm-temperate on the north. Again, the plants of the Miocene, in southern Europe, are supposed to indicate a sub-tropical climate there during the middle Tertiary. In North America, the Eocene palms and other plants of the Upper Missouri region show that the temperature now found in the Dismal Swamp in North Carolina characterized in the early Tertiary era the region of the Upper Missouri, the vicinity of the Great Lakes, and Yermont (where is the Brandon deposit of nuts and lignite). The Camels, Rhinoceroses, and other animals of the Pliocene of the Upper Missouri seem to prove that a warm-tem- perate climate still prevailed there in that closing epoch of the Tertiary period. It is therefore plain that the Earth had not its present diversity of zones of climate ; and Europe was apparently little if any colder in the Eocene than in the Jurassic era. If the interval between the Cretaceous and Tertiary was one of unusual cold, through Arctic and other elevations, as suggested on page 204, the cold epoch had mostly passed when the Eocene era opened. II. POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 1. General characteristics. The Post-tertiary period was remarkable (1) as the period of culmination of the type of Mammals; and (2) as that of high-latitude movements and operations both north and south of the equator. 2. Epochs. The epochs, as observed in North America, are two : 1. The GLACIAL, or the epoch when, over the higher lati- 220 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE* tudes, the continents underwent great modifications in the features of the surface through the agency of ice. 2. The CHAMPLAIN, an epoch when the ice had disap- peared, and the same high-latitude portions of the continent, and to a less extent the lower, became covered by extensive fluvial and lacustrine formations, and also, in some places, by marine. These epochs were followed in America by another, the TERRACE epoch, which forms a transition to the Age of Man; when these fluvial, lacustrine, and marine formations were made into terraced heights by an elevation of the con- tinent which was also in the main a high-latitude movement. 1. GLACIAL EPOCH. The special effects of the operations going on in the Glacial epoch are the following : 1. Transportation. The transportation of a vast amount of earth and stones from the higher latitudes to the lower, over a large part of the breadth of a continent. The material consists of earth and pebbles, or stones, confusedly mingled or unstratified, and is called drift. It contains no marine fossils or relics. New England, Long Island, Canada, New York, and the States west to Iowa and beyond, are in many parts thickly covered with drift; it reaches south to the latitude of 39, or nearly to the southern limits of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and central Missouri, being hardly trace- able south of the Ohio Eiver. The stones are of all dimensions, from that of a small pebble to masses as large as a moderate-sized house. One at Brad- ford in Massachusetts is 30 feet each way, and its weight is estimated to be at least 4,500,000 pounds. Many on Cape Cod are 20 feet in diameter. One lying on a naked ledge at "VYhitingham in Yermont measures 43 feet in length and 30 in height and width, or 40,000 cubic feet in bulk, and was POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 221 probably transported across Deerfield valley, the bottom of which is 500 feet below the spot where it lies. The drift-material is coarsest to the north. The directions in which it travelled are in general between southwestward and southeastward, and mostly between southward and southeastward. The material was carried southward across the great lakes and across Long Island Sound, the land to the south, in each case, being covered with stones from the land to the north. The distance to which the stones were transported, as learned by comparing them with the rocks in place to the north, is mostly between 20 and 40 miles, though in some cases 60 miles or more. 2. Scratches. The rocky ledges over which the drift was borne are often scratched, in closely crowded parallel lines, as in the annexed figure (fig. 351). The scratchings or groov- Fig. 351. Drift groovings or scratches. ings are often deep and broad channellings, at times even a foot in depth and several feet wide, as if made by a tool of great size as well as power. At Howe in Massachusetts and on the top of Mount Monadnock, the scratches are of this 222 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. remarkable character. These scratches occur wherever the drift occurs, provided the underlying rocks are sufficiently durable to have preserved them, and they are usually of great uniformity in any given region. Frequently two or more directions may be observed on the same surface, as if made at different epochs. They are found in the valleys and on the slopes of moun- tains to a height, on the Green Mountains, of 5000 feet. They often cross slopes and valleys obliquely, that is, without following the direction of the slope or valley. But, when so, it is usually found that these valleys are tributary to some great valley to which the oblique scratches are more or less nearly parallel. For the courses of the scratches generally conform to the directions of the great valleys of the land, rather than to those of the smaller. Thus, in the Hudson River valley, between the Catskills and Green Moun- tains, the scratches have mostly the Hudson River course ; and in the Connecticut River valley, between the Green Mountains and the heights of eastern Massachusetts, they conform in general to the course of the Connecticut valley. While the courses are generally from the northward to the southward, like those of the drift, there are cases of eastward and westward scratches. Such occur on the eleva- tions south of the Mohawk valley, near Cherry Valley, and over the bottom of the Mohawk valley, near Amsterdam, at various localities ; they are here parallel to the course of the great Mohawk valley. The stones, or boulders, are often scratched like the rocks. European drift. The drift in Europe presents the same general course and peculiarities as in North America. It reaches south to about latitude 50. The region south of the Baltic, and parts of Great Britain, are covered with drift and stones from Scandinavia. The distance of travel varies from 5 or 10 miles to 500 or 600. 3. Fiords. Fiords are deep narrow sea-channels, running POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 223 many miles into the land. They occur on the coasts of Nor- way, Britain, Maine, Nova Scotia, Labrador, Greenland, on the coast of western North America north of the Straits of de Fuca, and that of western South America south of lati- tude 41 S. Fiords are thus, like the drift, confined to the higher lati- tudes of the globe ; and the two may have been of cotempo- raneous origin. Origin of the drift. Nothing but moving ice could have transported the drift with its immense boulders. Ice is per- forming this very work now in the glacier regions of the Alps and other icy mountains, and stones of as great size have in former times been borne by a slow-moving glacier from the vicinity of Mont Blanc across the lowlands of Switzerland to the slopes of the Jura Mountains, and left there at a height of 2203 feet above the present level of Lake Geneva. Moreover, there are scratches, of precisely the same character as to numbers, depth, and parallelism, in the granitic and limestone rocks of the ridges; and, besides, the transported material is left unstratified, when not after- wards acted upon and redistributed by Alpine torrents. Icebergs also transport earth and stones, as in the Arctic seas; and great numbers are annually floated south to the Newfoundland banks, through the action of the northern or Labrador current, where they melt and drop their great boulders and burden of gravel and earth to make unstrati- fied deposits. It is objected to icebergs as the cause of the phenomena of drift, that they could not have covered great surfaces so regularly with scratches, and, again, that there are no marine relics in the unstratified drift to prove that the continent was under the sea in the Glacial epoch. There is a seeming difficulty in the Glacier theory, from the supposed want of a sufficient slope in the surface to produce movement. A slope, however, of one degree would be enough. The production of the degree of cold required 20 224 CE.NOZ01U TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. to make a glacial epoch is an indication that the continent was considerably higher than it is now over its higher lati- tudes ; and the fiords are other evidence to the same effect, since they must have been scooped out when the land was above the sea-level, so that running water or ice could have carried on the erosion by which they were made. If a great glacier, covering the land, had moved along through its extent but a single mile, it would have made scratches every where beneath it; and 50 miles are all that would have been required in order to have transported the boulders the dis- tances they are known to have travelled in North America. The Connecticut valley appears to have been the course of one great independent glacier; the Hudson valley, of another; and the Mohawk valley, in the latter part of the epoch at least, of another. 2. CHAMPLAIN EPOCH. The principal deposits of the Champlain epoch are of three kinds : (1.) Alluvial, or those formed along river-valleys by the action of the streams. (2.) Lacustrine, or those formed about lakes. (3.) Sea-border or marine, or those formed on or near sea- coasts, and often containing marine remains. The alluvial deposits occur in all or nearly all the river- valleys within the drift latitudes of the North American continent, from Maine to Oregon and California; and they exist even farther south, in Kentucky and Tennessee, and perhaps in the Gulf States. The beds consist of earth, clay, sand, or pebbles, or of mixtures of these materials. They overlie the unstratified drift wherever the two are in contact. They form at present elevated alluvial flats on one or both sides of a river-valley. Their elevation above the bot- tom of the valley is greater in northern New England than POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 225 in southern ; and there is a like difference between those of the northern and southern parts of the States to the west of New England. The flats have great extent along the Connecticut River and its various tributaries. The view in fig. 352 represents Fig. 352. Terraces on the Connecticut River, south of Hanover, IS. II. a scene a few miles below Hanover in New Hampshire. There are here three different levels, or terraces, in the Fig. 353. Section of a valley in the Champlain epoch, with dotted lines showing the terraces of the Terrace epoch. alluvial formation ; the upper shows the total thickness of the formation down to the river-level. 226 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. Figure 353 represents a section of a valley, with the allu- vial formation,//, filling it, and the ehannel of the river at R. Were the country to be elevated, the river would dig out a deeper channel as the elevation went on, and thus the alluvial formation would finally be left far above the river, beyond the reach of its waters. The river would at the same time wear away a portion of the alluvium either side during its floods, and thus make room for a lower flat on its banks, over which the flooded waters would spread; for every river, not confined by rocks, has both its channel and its flood-ground. The lacustrine deposits are of similar character, of like distribution over the continent, and in equally elevated positions above the present level of the water they border. The great lakes, as well as the smaller lakes of the country, are bordered by them. The sea-border deposits are found along the borders of the sea, and often have the character of elevated beaches. They are found at many places on the coasts of New England, both southern and eastern. At several localities, in Maine they afford shells at heights not exceeding 200 feet above the sea-level. They form deposits of great thickness along the St. Lawrence, as near Quebec, Montreal, and Kingston; at Montreal they contain numerous marine shells at a height of 400 to 500 feet above the river. They border Lake Champlain, beigig there 393 feet in height above its level; and, besides marine shells, the remains of a whale have been taken from the beds. In the Arctic, similar deposits full of shells are common, at different elevations up to 600 or 800 feet, and in some places 1000 feet, above the sea-level. These sea-border deposits, now elevated, must have been at the water-level, or below it, in the Champlain epoch. The facts prove that the river St. Lawrence was at that time an arm of the sea, of great breadth, with the bordering land POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 227 400 to 500 feet below its present level; that Lake Champlain was a deep bay opening into the St. Lawrence channel, and that it had its whales and seals as well as sea-shells ; that the coast of Maine was 50 to 200 feet below its present level, and southern New England 30 feet or more. The present elevated positions of the alluvial and lacustrine formations over the wide extent of the continent are equally good evidence that its interior, in the Champlain epoch, was below its present level. There is thus proof that the whole northern portion of the continent w T as less elevated than now. In fact, the whole continent may have been lower ; but, if so, the northern parts must have been most depressed, since the sea-border, alluvial, and lacustrine formations are all at higher elevations to the north, or near the northern boundary of the United States, than they are to the south. While, therefore, the facts connected with the Glacial epoch favor the view that the northern portions of the con- tinent were then much raised above their present level, those of the next or Champlain epoch prove that it was afterwards much below its present level. We hence learn that there was an upward high-latitude movement for the Glacial epoch, and a downward for the Champlain epoch, and that the latter movement brought to its close the epoch of ice, by occasioning a warm climate. 3. TERRACE EPOCH. When the Champlain epoch was in progress, the upper plain of the sea-border formations, now so elevated, was at the sea-level ; and the high alluvial plains along the rivers were the flood-grounds of the rivers. Since then the land has been raised ; and during the progress of the elevation the alluvial formations were cut into terraces, as represented in fig. 352, p. 225, and the sea-border formations, also, were cut into other terraces, or plains, of different levels. The epoch 20* 228 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. of this elevation is hence called the Terrace epoch. It con- stitutes the transition to the Age of Man. In figure 353 there are dotted lines showing the levels of the river and its flood-plain at different periods in this ele- vation ; and fig. 354 represents the terraces completed. The successive terraces are not necessarily evidence of as many Fig. 354. Section of a valley with its terraces completed. successive elevations of the continent, yet may be so in some cases. jis already stated, the alluvial formations throughout the continent, along its various rivers and lakes, are raised high above the present flood-plains of the rivers or lakes, and to a greater height in the northern portions of the country than in the southern. Hence, while the Champlain epoch was one of a low level in the continent, especially at the north, the Terrace epoch was one of a rising again until the continent reached its present height; and this rising was greatest at the north. The high-latitude oscillations of this part of geological history were hence an upward movement for the Glacial epoch ; a downward for the Champlain epoch ; an upward again for the Terrace epoch. There is no evidence that the movement resulted anywhere in the raising of a mountain- range; there was simply a gentle rising, then a sinking, and then a rising again of the general surface. 4. CHAMPLAIN AND TERRACE EPOCHS IN EUROPE. There are elevated alluvial, lacustrine, and sea-border formations, of great extent, in Britain and over the higher POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 229 latitudes of Europe, and also other evidence that these epochs were there represented by phenomena similar to those of America. But the limits of the epochs have not been made out, and are probably less clearly denned. The Glacial epoch may have been more prolonged, and the grander northern oscillations complicated by local changes of level. Europe has had its lofty glacial mountains ever since the closing Tertiary period. It is not improbable that the existing glaciers of Norway and the Alps are continuations of portions of the more ancient glaciers of the continent. After the Champlain epoch there was a time of unusual cold in Europe; and a glacier then covered all Switzerland between the Alps and the Juras (p. 223) ; for the transported stones and earth of the glacier cover the alluvial and lacustrine deposits. The simplicity observed in the order of events in American geological history is not found in any part of the European. Among the British terraces those of Glen Roy in Scot- land, called Parallel roads, or Benches, are especially noted. There are three, one above the other; the highest 1139 feet above tide-level, the second 1039 feet, the third 847 feet. Others exist along many of the rivers and about the lakes, as well as on the sea-borders. LIFE OF THE POST-TERTIARY. The invertebrate species of the Post-tertiary, and probably the plants, were nearly or quite all identical with the exist- ing species. The shells and other invertebrate remains found in the beds on the St. Lawrence, Lake Champlain, and the coast of Maine, are all similar to those now found on the Labrador and Maine coasts. The life of the period of greatest interest is the Mam- malian, which type, as already remarked, then culminated. This culmination appears in (1) the number of species, (2) the multitude of individuals, (3) the magnitude of the 230 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. animals, the period in each of these particulars exceeding the present age. The remains in America have not been found in the unstratified drift, but only in the overlying Champlain deposits, or possibly those of more recent origin. In Europe they are not excluded from the drift. 1. Europe and Asia. The bones of Mammals are found in caves that were their old haunts; in drift and alluvium; in sea-border deposits ; in marshes, where the animals appear to have been mired ; in ice, preserved from decay by the intense cold. The caves in Europe were the resort especially of the Great Cave Bear ( Ursus spelceus), and those of Britain of the Cave Hyena (Hycena spelced}. Into their dens they dragged the carcases or bones of other animals for food, so that relics of a large number of species are now mingled together in the earth, or stalagmite, which forms the floor of the cavern. In a cave at Kirkdale, England, portions of at least 75 Hyenas have been made out, besides remains of an Elephant, Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Weasel, Rhinoceros, Horse, Hippopotamus, Ox, and Deer, all of which are extinct species. A cave at Gaylenreuth is said to have afforded fragments of at least 800 individuals of the Cave Bear. The fact that the numbers of species and of individuals in the Post-tertiary was greater than now, may be inferred from comparing the fauna of Post-tertiary Great Britain with that of any region of equal area in the present age. The species included gigantic Elephants, two species of Rhinoceros, a Hippopotamus, three species of Oxen, two of them of colossal size, the Irish Elk (Megaceros Hibernicus^ whose height to the summit of its antlers was 10 to 11 feet, and the span of whose antlers was 8 feet, or twice that of the American Moose, Deer, Horses, Boars, a Wild-cat, Lynx, Leopard, a Tiger larger than that of Bengal, a large Lion called a Machcerodus, having sabre-like canines sometimes POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. 231 8 inches long, the Cave Hyena, Cave Bear, besides various smaller species. The Elephant (JElephas primigenius) was nearly a third taller than the largest modern species. It roamed over Britain, middle and northern Europe, and northern Asia even to its Arctic shores. Great quantities of tusks have been exported from the borders of the Arctic sea for ivory. These tusks sometimes have a length of 12? feet. Near the beginning of the century, one of these Elephants was found frozen in ice at the mouths of the Lena; and it was so well preserved that Siberian dogs ate of the ancient flesh. Its length to the extremity of the tail was 16 feet, and its height 9 feet. It had a coat of long hair. But no amount of hair would enable an Elephant now to live in those barren, icy regions, where the mean temperature in winter is 40 F. below zero. Although there were many Herbivores among the Post- tertiary species of the Orient, the most characteristic ani- mals were the great Carnivores. The period was the time of triumph of brute force and ferocity, and the Orient and perhaps especially the part of it in which lay Britain and Europe was the scene of its triumph. 2. North America. There were great Elephants and Mas- todons, Oxen, Horses, Stags, Beavers, and some Edentates, in Post-tertiary North America, unsurpassed in magnitude by any in other parts of the world. Herbivores were the cha- racteristic type. Of Carnivores there were comparatively few species; no bone-caverns have been discovered. Figure 355 (from Owen) represents the specimen of the American Mastodon now in the British Museum. The skeleton set up by Dr. Warren in Boston has a height of 11 feet and a length to the base of the tail of 17 feet. It was found in a marsh near Newburgh, New York. The American Elephant was fully as large as the Siberian. 3. South America. South America had its Carnivores, its 232 CENOZOIC TIME MAMMALIAN AGE. Mastodons, and other Herbivores ; but it was most remark- able for its Edentates, or Sloths, which were wonderful both Fig. 355. Skeleton of Mastodon giganteus. for their magnitude and numbers. Fig. 356 shows the form and skeleton of one of these animals, the Megathere. It exceeded in size the largest Rhinoceros : a skeleton in the British Museum is 18 feet long. It was a clumsy, sloth-like beast, but exceeded immensely the modern sloth in its size. Another kind of Edentate had a shell like a turtle, and was somewhat related to the Armadillo. One of them is called a Glyptodon (fig. 357). The animals of this kind were also gigantic, the Glyptodon here figured having had a length, to the extremity of the tail, of nine feet. South America was eminently the continent of Edentates. POST-TERTIARY PERIOD, 4. Australia. Post-tertiary Australia contained Marsupial animals almost exclusively, like modern Australia; but Fig. 356. Megatherium Cuvieri (X fa)- these partook of the gigantic size so characteristic of the Mammalian life of the period. One species, called Dipro- todon, was as large as a Hippopotamus. Conclusions. The facts sustain the following conclusions: Fig. 357. Glyptodon clavipes (X a\))- (1.) The Post-tertiary period was the culminant time of Mammals, both as to their numbers and magnitude. 234 CENOZOIC TIME. (2.) Each continent was gigantic in that type of Mam- malian life which is now eminently characteristic of it : The Orient, in Carnivores, and, it may be added, Quadrumanes or Monkeys; North America, in Herbivores; South America, in Edentates; Australia, in Marsupials. (3.) The climate of Great Britain and Europe, where were the haunts of Lions, Tigers, Hippopotamuses, etc., must have been warmer than now, and probably not colder than warm-temperate. The climate of Arctic Siberia was such that shrubs could have grown there to feed the herds of Elephants, and hence could not have been below sub-frigid, for which degree of cold it is possible the animals might have been adapted by their hairy covering. (4.) The meridian time of the Post-tertiary Mammals was, hence, one of warmer climate over the continents than the present, and much warmer than that of the Glacial epoch. The species may have begun to exist before the Glacial epoch ended in Europe, but belonged pre-eminently to the Champlain epoch, when the lower level of the land over the higher latitudes would have occasioned a warm climate. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE CENOZOIC ERA. 1. Contrast between the Tertiary and Post-tertiary periods in geographical progress. The review of Cenozoic time has brought out the true contrast in the results of the Tertiary and Post-tertiary periods. The Tertiary carried forward the work of rock-making and of extending the limits of dry land southward, south- eastward, and southwestward, which had been in progress through the Cretaceous period, and, indeed, ever since the Azoic age. The Post-tertiary transferred the scene of operations to the broad surface of the continent, which had been long LIFE. 235 in course of preparation, and especially to its middle and higher latitudes. Through the Tertiary the higher mountains of the globe had been rising and the continents extending; and hence the great rivers with their numerous tributaries which are the offspring of great mountains on great continents began to exist and to channel out the mountains and make valleys and crested heights. In the Glacial epoch this work went forward with special energy. The exposed rocks were torn to fragments by the frosts and moving ice, or, in regions beyond the reach of glaciers, by the torrents; the earth and boulders formed were borne over the surface, and the ex- cavation of valleys was everywhere in progress. In the Champlain epoch, the low level at which the land lay, and the gradual disappearance of the ice, enabled the flooded streams to fill the great valleys deep with alluvium. In the Terrace epoch, which followed, the upward movements of the land terraced the alluvial deposits along the river- valleys and about the lakes, and completed the action of the rivers and vegetation in spreading fertility over the land. Thus, under the rending, eroding, and transporting power of fresh waters, frozen and unfrozen, the great Post-tertiary agent, in connection with high-latitude oscillations of the earth's crust, the surface of the earth was brought into a state of preparation for the Age of Mind. 2. Life. In the Cenozoic era, as in the preceding, exter- minations took place at several successive times, and were followed by new creations. The Mammals of the early Eocene are wholly distinct from those of the later; and these were distinct from any of the Miocene, the Miocene from the Pliocene, and the Post-tertiary from the Pliocene. According to the present state of discovery, Mammals commenced in the Mesozoic era, late in the Triassic period, and the Mesozoic species were all Marsupials or Insectivores. They were the precursor species, prophetic of that expansion 21 236 ERA OF MIND. of the new type which was to take place after the Age of Reptiles had closed. In the early Eocene, at the very open- ing of the Age of Mammals, appeared Herbivores and Car- nivores of large size. The Herbivores were mostly Pachy- derms, related to the Tapir and Hog, and distantly to the Stag. The true Stag-family among Ruminants, and the Monkeys, commenced in the Miocene, or possibly in the later Eocene; the Elephant tribe, in the Miocene; the Bovine or Ox family, in the Pliocene, or late in the Tertiary. The last group seems to be more than all others especially adapted to man's necessities; and it was accordingly among the last of the types introduced on the globe. V. ERA OF MIND AGE OF MAK With the creation of Man a new era in Geological history opens. In earliest time only matter existed, dead matter. Then appeared life, unconscious life in the plant, conscious and intelligent life in the animal. Ages rolled by, with varied exhibitions of animal and vegetable life. Finally Man appeared, a being made of matter and endowed with life, but, more than this, partaking of a spiritual nature. The systems of life belong essentially to time, but Man, through his spirit, to the opening and infinite future. Thus gifted, Man is the only being capable of reaching towards a know- ledge of himself, of nature, or of God. He is, hence, the only being capable of conscious obedience or disobedience of any moral law, the only one subject to degradation through excesses of appetite and violation of moral law, the only one with the will and power to make nature's forces his means of progress. Man shows his exalted nature in his material structure. His fore-limbs are not made for locomotion, as in all AGE OF MAN. 237 quadrupeds. They are removed from the locomotive to the cephalic series, where they normally belong; for the fore- limbs in Vertebrates have been shown to be strictly append- ages of the occipital part of the head, although far displaced in all excepting Fishes. They are fitted to serve the head, and especially the intellect and soul. Man stands erect, his body placed wholly under the brain, to which it is sub- servient ; and his feet are simply for support and locomo- tion, and not, as in the Monkeys, grasping or prehensile organs for climbing. His whole outer being, in these and other ways, shows forth the divine feature of the inner being. And nature acknowledges with an appearance of homage the spiritual element of the new age ; for the fierce tribes that attend Man have but one-fourth the size in bulk of those that possessed the earth in the Age of Mammals, and all her departments are full of wealth and beauty for Man's good. 1. Rock-deposits. Stratified deposits of rock-material are in progress in the Age of Man, as they had been in the preceding ages. They occur as alluvial beds along the rivers ; as lacustrine in and about lakes; as sea-border in beaches, sand-flats, shore- marshes, and off-shore accumulations of earth, mud, or sand; and they often contain buried shells, bones, leaves, relics of the living species of the age. Rivers, and, about some heights, glaciers, are at work wearing down mountain- ridges and bearing the detritus to the lower lands. Ice- bergs, laden with earth and stones, are floated from the Arctic to the banks of Newfoundland, where they melt and drop the stony material over the bottom. Marshes over many parts of the continents have their accumulations of vegetable debris making peat, closely imitating the forma- tion of the great beds of vegetable debris of the Coal era. The nature and origin of these modern deposits are con- sidered under Dynamical Geology. 238 ERA OF MIND. The peculiarity of the age, as respects its rock-deposits, allying it to Cenozoic time, and especially to the Post- tertiary, and distinguishing it from earlier ages, is the fact that its marine deposits are almost wholly confined to the borders of the continents, the deposits of the interior being, with a few small exceptions, of terrestrial or fresh-water origin. 2, Life, The Life of the age has the following among its charac- teristics : 1. There is a vast diversity of terrestrial life. For the continents have now their greatest extent and their greatest variety of climates ; and hence, as life is adapted to all its different conditions, this life must exceed in diversity that of earlier time, especially that of all periods before the Post- tertiary. As to Birds and Insects, it probably exceeds greatly any earlier period in number of species, but not so as to Mammals and Reptiles. In oceanic life the age may be far behind the preceding ages, both in the number of species of most classes and in the number of individuals under the species. 2. While the Post-tertiary species of Invertebrates and Plants are the same as now exist, it cannot be asserted that all now living then existed. It is probable that, as the Post- tertiary period drew to its close, and the present climates of the globe were introduced by the movements of the earth's crust in the following Terrace epoch (p. 228), there were large additions of species, especially of those adapted to promote Man's physical, intellectual, and moral progress, through their nutritious or healing virtues, their strength and beauty, and their power of multiplying the necessities of labor and the evils of indolence. 3. The peculiar Mammalian life of the age appears to have commenced its existence mostly in the Terrace epoch, as is proved by the fact that their remains are found in AGE OF MAN. 239 ancient alluvium in the same latitudes of Europe in which they now occur, or even in lower latitudes. For this shows that the species were distributed over the continent very much as they are now, and therefore that the climate of Europe was essentially the same as now ; and this was true as the Terrace epoch made progress, and not before it in the Champlain epoch (p. 234). 4. The Mammals of the age have not more than one-fourth the bulk of those of the Post-tertiary, the Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Elk, Deer, Horses, Sloths, Kangaroos, Beavers, etc., being all of much reduced size. 5. When the Mammals of the age first appeared, there were still some of the great Post-tertiary Mammals in existence, as the Elephant, Hhinoceros, Cave-Bear, and some others, as is proved by the bones of these species occurring in the same beds with those of modern animals. The cooling climate of the progressing Terrace epoch may have occasioned the final extermination of the giant Post-tertiary animals. 6. Man, the dominant species of the age, adds a new class of fossils to the earth's deposits. There are, besides his own bones, remains of his works, as, for example, flint arrow-heads and hatchets, carved wood, coins, books or parchments, buried cities like Pompeii and Nineveh. Figure 358 represents a fossil skeleton of Man from a shell-rock of Guadaloupe. It is the remains of an Indian killed in battle two centuries since ; and the rock is of the same kind with that which is now forming and consolidating on the shores. Figure 359 represents a coin-conglomerate containing silver coins of the reign of Edward I., found at a depth of ten feet below the bed of the river Dove in England. 7. Man appears to have begun his existence in the Terrace epoch, before the complete extinction of the Post-tertiary Mammals; for flint arrow-heads and some other human 21* 240 ERA OF MIND. relics are found in deposits and caverns containing bones of the same Post-tertiary species that are mentioned in 5, as near Abbeville and Amiens in France, and at a few other localities in Europe and in Britain. 8. Man is of one species. He stands alone at the summit of the system of life. He was created in the temperate zone, for the species degenerates in the tropics; and in the warmer part of the Pigs. 358, 359. Human skeleton from Guadaloupe. Conglomerate containing coins. temperate, because this would best suit his primitive con- dition, without arts or education. His place of origin was not on both the Occidental and Oriental continents ; for no species of Mammals (excepting some in the Arctic) are common to the two ; but in the Orient, which was the continent of the highest of Mammals through the Age of Mammals, and which thereby promised to take the lead in future progress. No place of origin better accords with the conditions requisite for the species in AGE OF MAN. 241 its original state and for the commencement of its develop- ment than that region in western Asia, which is a central point of radiation for the three great Oriental lands, Asia, Europe, and Africa, where the Bible places his creation. 9. Some species of animals have become extinct since the Age of Man began, and through Man's agency. The Dodo, a large bird looking like an overgrown chicken in its plum- age and wings, was abundant in the island of Mauritius until early in the commencement of the eighteenth century. The M'ottj or Dinornis, is a New Zealand bird of the Ostrich kind that was living less than a century since ; it was 10 or 12 feet in height, and the tibia (" drumstick") 30 to 32 inches long. In Madagascar remains of a still larger bird, but of similar character, occur, called an JBpiornis; its egg is over a foot (13 J inches) long. These are a few of the examples of the modern extinction of species. The progress of civilization tends to restrict forests and forest-life to narrower and narrower limits. The Buffalo once roamed over North America to the Atlantic, but now lives only on the Bocky Mountain slopes west of the Mis- souri Eiver. The Beaver formerly ranged over the United States from the Pacific to the Atlantic, as well as to the Arctic, and many of their remains occur in caverns near Carlisle in Pennsylvania. It is now rarely seen east of the Missouri Biver, though occasionally met with in northern New York and in some parts of the Appalachians to the southwest. The beaver, wolf, bear, and wild-boar were formerly common in Britain, but are now wholly exterminated. 3. Changes of Level. The earth in this Age of Man its ages of progress past has beyond question reached an era of comparative repose. Its rocks are essentially completed j its mountains are made j its great outlines, early defined, have been filled out with 242 ERA OF MIND. their various details; and, now that the system of life is finished in the last creation, Man, the Earth, Man's resi- dence, is also in its finished state. But yet not only is the formation of rocks still in progress, the forces of nature continuing to work as in former ages, but there are also changes of level going on of the same kind with those of past time. These changes of level are either paroxysmal, that is, take place through a sudden movement of the earth's crust as sometimes happens in connection with an earthquake; or they are secular, that is, result from a gradual movement prolonged through many years or centuries. The following are some examples : 1. Paroxysmal. In 1822, the coast of western South America for 1200 miles along by Concepcion and Valpa- raiso was shaken by an earthquake, and it has been esti- mated that the coast near Valparaiso was raised at the time 3 or 4 feet. In 1835, during another earthquake in the same region, there was an elevation, it is stated, of 4 or 5 feet at Talcahuano, which was reduced after a while to 2 or 3 feet. In 1819 there was an earthquake about the Delta of the Indus, and simultaneously an area of 2000 square miles, in which the fort and village of Sindree were situated, sunk so as to become an inland sea, with the tops of the houses just out of water; and another region parallel with the sunken area, 50 miles long and in some parts 10 broad, was raised 10 feet above the delta. These few examples all happened within an interval of sixteen years. They show that the earth is still far from absolute quiet, even in this its finished state. 2. Secular. Along the coasts of Sweden and Finland on the Baltic there is evidence that a gradual rising of the land is in slow progress. Marks placed along the rocks by the Swedish government, many years since, show that the change is slight at Stockholm, but increases northward, and GEOLOGICAL TIME. 243 is felt even at the North Cape, 1000 miles from Stockholm. At Uddevalla the rate of elevation is equivalent to 3 or 4 feet in a century. In Greenland, for 600 miles from Disco Bay, near 69 N., to the firth of Igaliko 60 43' N., a slow sinking has been going on for at least four centuries. Islands along the coast, and old buildings, have been submerged. The Moravian settlers have had to put down new poles for their boats, and the old ones stand " as silent witnesses of the change." It is suspected that a sinking is also in progress along the coast of New Jersey, Long Island, and Martha's Vineyard, and a rising in different parts of the coast-region between Labrador and the Bay of Fundy. There are deeply buried stumps of forest-trees along the seashore plains of New Jersey, whose condition can hardly be otherwise explained. The above cases illustrate movements by the century, or those slow oscillations which have taken place through the geological ages, raising and sinking the continents, or at least changing the water-line along the land. This fact is to be noted, that these secular movements of the Age of Man are, so far as observed, high-latitude oscilla- tions, just as they were in the Post-tertiary period ; and they indicate, therefore, that the Post-tertiary system of changes has not yet reached its final end. GENEEAL OBSERVATIONS ON GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. 1. LENGTH OF GEOLOGICAL TIME. By employing as data the relative thickness of the form- ations of the Geological ages, estimates have been made of the time-ratios of those ages, or their relative lengths (pp. 145, 198). These estimated time-ratios for the Paleozoic, 244 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. Mesozoic, and Cenozoic are 14 : 4 : 3, equivalent to 3 : 1 : f ; that is, Paleozoic time was 3 times as long as the Meso- zoic, and the Cenozoic was three-fourths as long. But the numbers may be much altered when the facts on which they are based are more correctly ascertained. There is no doubt that the Paleozoic era exceeded the Mesozoic in length 3 or 4 times, and probably was full twice as long as the Meso- zoic and Cenozoic united. It is also quite certain that the first of the Paleozoic ages the Silurian was at the least three times as long as either the Devonian or Carbonif- erous. Hence comes the striking conclusion that the longest age of the world since life began was the earliest, when the earth was even without fishes and numbered in its popula- tion only Radiates, Mollusks, and marine Articulates. And the time of the earth's beginnings before the introduction of life may have exceeded in length all subsequent time. The actual lengths of these ages it is not possible to deter- mine even approximately. All that Geology can claim to do is to prove the general proposition that Time is long. One of the means of calculation which have been appealed to is that afforded by the Falls of Niagara. The river below the Falls flows northward in a deep gorge, with high rocky walls, for seven miles, towards Lake Ontario. It is reasonably assumed that the gorge has been cut out by the river, for the river is annually making progress of this very kind. From certain fossiliferous Post-tertiary beds over the country bordering the present walls, it is proved that the present gorge, about six miles long, was not made before the Glacial epoch. The present annual progress of the gorge from the cutting and undermining action of the waters has been variously estimated from three feet a century to one foot a year. At the larger estimate of one foot a year, the six miles would have required 31,000 years; and if the estimate be one inch a year, or 8^ feet a century, the time PROGRESS OF LIFE. 245 becomes nearly 380 ; 000 years. Since one foot a year is proved by observation to be altogether too large an esti- mate, the calculation may be regarded as at least esta- blishing the proposition that Time is long, although it affords no satisfactory numbers. Other modes of calculation fully establish this general proposition. Some estimates which have been recently made seem to show that it is true even of the Age of Man; but they are based on too imperfect a knowledge of facts to be of value. 2. GEOGRAPHICAL PROGRESS IN NORTH AMERICA. The principal steps of progress in the continent of North America are here recapitulated : 1. The continent at the close of the Azoic lay spread out mostly beneath the ocean (map, p. 73). Although thus sub- merged, its outline was nearly the same as now. The dry land lay mostly to the north, as shown in the map. The form of the main mass approximated to that of the letter V, and it had a southeast and a southwest border nearly parallel to its present outline. 2. Through the Paleozoic ages, as the successive periods passed, the dry land gradually extended itself southward in consequence of a gradual elevation : that is, the sea-border at the close of the Lower Silurian was as far south as the Mohawk valley in New York ; at the close of the Upper Silurian it extended along not far from the north end of Cayuga Lake and Lake Erie; and by the close of the Devo- nian age the State was a portion of the dry land nearly to its southern boundary. This progress southward of the sea- border in New York may be taken as an example of what occurred along the borders of the Azoic to the westward. In other words, there was through the Silurian and Devo- nian ages a gradual southerly extension of the dry part of the continent, that is, to the southeastward and the south- westward. 24G HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. By the close of the Carboniferous age, or before the open- ing of the Mesozoic era, the dry portion appears to have so far extended southwardly as to include nearly all the area east of the Mississippi and north of the Gailf States, along with a part of that west of the Mississippi, as far nearly as the western boundary of Kansas. 3. Before the Silurian age began, and in its first period, great subsidences were in progress along the Lake Superior region, when the thick Huronian and Potsdam formations were made. The facts show that the depression of the lake, and probably that of some of the other great lakes, and also that of the river St. Lawrence, began to form either during the closing part of the Azoic age or in the early part of the Silurian age. 4. During the Paleozoic ages, rock-formations were in progress over large parts of the submerged portions of the continent up to the sea-borders, and some vast accumula- tions of sand were made as drifts or dunes over the flat shores and reefs. These rock-formations had in general ten times the thickness along the Appalachian region which they had over the interior of the continent ; and they were mostly fragmental deposits in the former region, while mostly limestones in the latter. Hence two important conclusions follow : First. The Appalachian region was through much of the time an exposed shore-reef or flat of great extent, parallel in course with the present sea-border as well as that of the ancient Azoic; while the interior was a shallow sea opening southward freely into the Gulf of Mexico, and only during some few of the periods with the same freedom eastward directly into the Atlantic. Most of the western part of the sea (west of Missouri) appears to have been too deep for de- posits between the Lower Silurian and Carboniferous eras. Secondly. The Appalachian region was undergoing, through the Silurian and Devonian ages, great changes of PROGRESS OP LIFE. 247 level, and the amount of subsidence involved exceeded by ten times that in the Interior Continental region. 5. Of this Appalachian region, some or all of the Green Mountain portion was elevated above the ocean's level at the close of the Lower Silurian; and at the same time the valley of Lake Champlain and Hudson Elver was formed or began. This valley and the depressions of the Great Lakes, arid also those of the lakes extending in a line through British America northwestward from Lake Superior to the Arctic, lie not far from the borders of the Azoic continent, and, therefore, between the portion of the continent that was comparatively stable dry land from the time of the Azoic onward, and that portion which was receiving rock-forma- tions and undergoing oscillations of level. To this they owe their origin. 6. As the Paleozoic era closed, an epoch of revolution occurred, in which the rocks of the Appalachian region and those of the Eastern border underwent (1) great changes of level ; (2) extensive flexures or foldings ; (3) immense fault- ings in some parts ; (4) consolidation, and, in the eastern half especially, crystallization or metamorphism on a grand scale, and the loss of bitumen by the cOal-beds changing them into anthracite. These changes affected the region from Labrador to Alabama. The effects Of heat and uplift were more decided toward the Atlantic than toward the interior, showing that the force producing the great results was exerted in a direction from the Atlantic inland, or from the southeast toward the northwest. The Appa- lachian Mountains were then made; and they were, con- sequently, in existence when the Mesozoic era opened. These mountains are parallel to the eastern outline of the original Azoic continent. The outline of the New York Azoic peninsula is repeated in the trend of the Appalachian chain along through western New England and Pennsyl- 22 248 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. vania (the direction in New England being nearly north and south and in Pennsylvania as nearly east and west), and it is again repeated in the eastern and southern coasts of New England. Similar changes may have taken place on the Pacific side; but facts proving this have not yet been collected. The epoch of revolution was equally revolutionary in Europe. No living species are known to have survived from the Paleozoic into the Mesozoic. . 7. In the early or middle Mesozoic period (the continent being largely dry land, as stated in the latter part of 2), long depressions in the surface of the continent, made in the course of the Appalachian revolution and situated between the Appalachians and the sea-border, were brackish-water estuaries, or were occupied by fresh-water marshes and streams ; and Mesozoic sandstone, shale, and coal-beds were formed in them. The Connecticut valley region of Mesozoic rocks (p. 164) is one example. At the same time there were formations in progress over the Eocky Mountain region, a vast area from which the sea was not excluded, or only in part : the shores of this Mesozoic interior sea appear to have extended through Kansas near the meridian of 20 west of Washington (97 west of Greenwich). 8. In the later Mesozoic, or the Cretaceous period, the continent had its Atlantic and Gulf border yet under water, and Cretaceous rocks were formed about them, and thus the continent continued its former course of enlargement south- eastward (see map, p. 196). The Western Interior sea, open- ing south into the Gulf of Mexico, just alluded to, still existed, and deposits were made in it over a very large part of the great region reaching from Kansas on the east to the Colorado on the west. The Pacific border was also receiv- ing an extension like the Atlantic. 9. In the early Cenozoic, or Tertiary period, the exten- sion of the Atlantic and Pacific borders was stiil continued. PROGRESS OF LIFE. 249 With its close the progress of the continent in rock-making southeastward and southwestward was very nearly com- pleted. The Western Interior sea had become greatly contracted after the Cretaceous period by the elevation of the Rocky Mountain region; and, although the Mexican Gulf still remained of more than twice its present area, it was much reduced in size (map, p. 217). At the beginning of the Tertiary period the Ohio and Mississippi reached an arm of the Gulf just where they join their waters ; at its close the Ohio had taken a secondary place as a tributary of the Mississippi. The great Missouri River, the real trunk of the Interior river-system rather than the Mississippi, began its existence after the Cretaceous period, and reached its full size only towards the close of the Tertiary, when the Rocky Mountains had finally attained their full height. 10. The elevation of the Rocky Mountains, like that of the Appalachians, was the raising of the land along a region parallel with the outline of the original Azoic continent (see map, p. 73). The elevation of the Cascade range of Oregon and Sierra Nevada of California was a doubling of this same line on the west ; while the elevation of the trap ridges and red sandstone of the early Mesozoic along the Atlantic border (p. 165) was a doubling of the line on the east. 11. The continent being thus far completed, as the Post- tertiary period was drawing on, operations changed from those causing southern extension to those producing move- ments of ice and fresh waters over the land, especially in the higher latitudes ; and thereby valleys, great and small, were excavated over the continent ; earth and gravel were transported and made to cover deeply the rocks and spread the continent with fertile plains and hills ; and, as the final result, those grand features and those qualities of surface 250 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. were educed that were requisite to make the sphere a fit residence for Man. 3. PROGRESS OF LIFE. From the survey of the Life of the globe which has been made, the following conclusions may be drawn. Future discovery may change some of the details; but it is not probable that it will aifect the general principles announced. 1. Fact of progress of life. Life commenced among plants in Sea-weeds ; and it ended in Palms, Oaks, Elms, the Orange, Rose, etc. It commenced among animals in Lingulce (Mol- lusks standing on a stem like a plant) and in Crinoids and Trilobites, if not earlier in the simple systemless Protozoans (p. 58) ; it ended in Man. Sea-weeds were followed by Ferns and other Flowerless plants, and by G-ymnosperms, the lowest of Flowering plants j these finally by the higher Flowering species above mentioned, the Palms and Angio- sperms. Radiates, Mollusks, and Articulates of the Silurian afterwards had Fishes associated with them; late?, Reptiles; later, Birds and inferior Mammals; later, higher Mammals, as Beasts of prey and Cattle; lastly, Man. 2. Progress from marine , to terrestrial life. The Silurian and Devonian were eminently the marine ages of the world. The plants of the Silurian are sea-weeds, and the animals all marine. The animals of the Devonian, also, are mainly marine; but there is a step taken in terrestrial life by the introduction of land-plants and Insects. In the Carboniferous age and through the Mesozoic era the continents, or large areas over them, underwent alter- nations between a submerged state and dry land, leading a kind of amphibian existence. The Carboniferous age had,, besides aquatic life and Insects, its terrestrial Mollusks and Centipedes, its Amphibian and other Eeptiles, besides a great profusion of forest-trees and other terrestrial vegeta- PROGRESS OF LIFE. 251 tion. In the early Mesozoic, to Eeptiles were added Birds and Mammals, eminently terrestrial kinds of life. The Cenozoic was distinctively a continental era. The continents became mostly dry land after its earliest epoch; and as the Age of Man approached, they had their full size and their present diversities of surface and climate. With the increased variety of conditions fitted for terrestrial life there was, beyond question, a great augmentation in the number and variety of terrestrial species. Mammals were most numerous in kinds in the Post-tertiary; but Birds and Insects have probably their greatest numbers and variety of species in the present age. Marine species still abound, but relatively to the terrestrial they are far less numerous and less extensively distributed than in the Mesozoic and earlier ages. 3. Progress was connected with a constant change of life by exterminations and the introduction of new species. No species of animal survived from the beginning of life on the globe to the present time, nor even through a single one of the several geological ages ; and but few lived on from the beginning of any one of the many periods to its close, or from one period to another. There were universal exterminations, according to the existing state of testimony (with perhaps an exception as regards some species of oceanic x life, p. 203), closing some of the ages, as the Carboniferous and the Reptilian ; there were exterminations, nearly as complete, closing the periods on each of the continents ; and others, usually less complete,- closing epochs ; and often some exterminations accompany- ing each change in the rock-depositions that were in pro- gress. For, in passing from one bed to another above, some fossils fail that occur below; and from the strata of one epoch to another, still larger proportions disappear; and sometimes with the transitions to rocks of another period or age, all the species are different. 22* 252 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. Of all genera of animals now having living species, only two (and those Molluscan, Lingula and Discina) commenced their existence in the earliest Silurian; every other genus of that early time sooner or later numbered only extinct species. Such unbroken lines prove the oneness of plan or system through geological history, and, therefore, of purpose in the Creator. Five hundred species of Trilobite lived in the course of the Paleozoic ages : afterward there were none. 900 species of the Ammonite group existed in the Mesozoic, not all at once, but, as in the case of the Trilobites, in a succession of genera and species : the last then disappeared. There have been 450 species of the Nautilus tribe in exist- ence : now there are but 2 or 3, and these are peculiar to the present age. 700 species of Ganoids have been found fossil: the tribe is now nearly extinct. The remains of 2500 species of plants and nearly 40,000 species of animals have been found in the rocks, not one of which is now in existence. These are a few examples of the extinctions of tribes that have taken place. But the number of kinds of fossils discovered cannot be the number of species that have existed; and the above numbers of marine species may safely be multiplied by three, and of terrestrial by twenty. The facts show that the life of the world underwent con- stant changes through exterminations and creations. 4. Progress not always begun by the introduction first of the lowest species of a group. Mosses, although inferior to Ferns, appear to have been of later introduction, for no remains have been found in the Carboniferous or Devonian rocks, in which rocks there are relics of both Ferns and Gymno- sperms. The earliest of Fishes, instead of being 'those of lowest grade, were among the highest : they were Ganoids, or rep- PROGRESS OF LIFE. 253 tilian Fishes (that is, a kind intermediate in some respects between Fishes and Reptiles), along with others of the order of Selachians or Sharks, the superior division of the class. Trilobites of the first fauna of the Silurian are not the lowest of Crustaceans. No fossil Snakes have been found below the Cenozoic, although large Eeptiles abounded in the Mesozoic. Oxen date from the later Tertiary, long after the first appearance of many higher Mammals, as Tigers, Dogs, Monkeys, etc. There was upward progress in the grand series of species, as stated in 1, but there was not progress in all cases from the lowest species to the highest. 5. The earliest species of a group were often those of a com- prehensive type. The Ganoid fishes are an example of these comprehensive types. As stated on page 111, they were intermediate between Fishes and Reptiles; they were fishes comprehending in their structure some Reptilian cha- racters, and hence called comprehensive types. The Selachians are another example of a comprehensive type ; for the sharks have some important peculiarities in which they approximate to the higher Vertebrates and even Mammals, as is seen in their mode of development and in the very small number of their young. Fishes commenced with these two comprehensive types, the Ganoid and Selachian. The earliest Mammals were Marsupials, or species of Mammals comprehending in their structure some character- istics of oviparous Mammals (see p. 50), and, therefore, in certain respects intermediate between Mammals and Ovipa- rous Vertebrates. The vegetation of the coal era included trees allied to the small Ground-pine or Lycopodia of the present day; and these, as well as the Lycopodia, constitute a type interme- diate in some points between Ferns and Pines or Conifers (p. 108). There were at the same time Sigillarise, a type 254 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. allied closely to the Pine tribe, but intermediate between it and the Lycopodia and Ferns. In the Mesozoic the most characteristic plants were Cycads; and these comprehended in their structure some- thing of three distinct types. They are most closely like Conifers in fruit ; but they are like Ferns in the way the leaves unfold, and in some other points, and like Palms in their habit of growth and their foliage (p. 167). These comprehensive types embraced in their natures usually the features of some type that was to appear in the future. Thus, the Ganoid fishes of the Devonian in a sense foreshadowed the type of Reptiles, the species under which did not come into existence until long afterward in the Carboniferous age. The Cycads in a similar manner fore- shadowed the Palms, a type which $id not appear until the Cretaceous period. 6. Harmony in the life of a period or age. Through the existence of these comprehensive types, and also in other ways, there was always a striking degree of harmony between the species making up the population or the fauna and flora of each period in the world's history. Among the plants of the Carboniferous age there were (1) the highest of the Cryptogams, or Flowerless plants, the Ferns; (2) the lowest of Phenogams (Gymnosperms), or Flowering plants, species having only inconspicuous and imperfect flowers, and hence almost flowerless ; and (3) the intermediate types of Lycopodia (Lepidodendra) and Sigil- larise. Again, in the Mesozoic the terrestrial Yertebrate life included (1) Reptiles, which are oviparous species; (2) Birds, also oviparous species ; (3j reptilian Birds, having long tails like the Reptiles, a comprehensive type; (4) Insect- ivorous (Insect-eating) Mammals; (5) semi-oviparous Mam- mals, or Marsupials, an intermediate type between the true Insectivores and the oviparous Reptiles and Birds. PROGRESS OP LIFE. 255 This kind of harmony existed in all the ages. It exists none the less now when the types have their widest diversity; for the less size of the brute beasts than in the Post-tertiary, remarked upon on page 239, and the reference throughout the Flora and Fauna of the world to Man, are in full harmony with the spiritual being at the head of the existing creation. 7. Progress always the gradual unfolding of a system Man the culmination of that system. There were higher and lower species created through all the ages, but the successive populations were still, in their general range, of higher and higher grade ; and thus the progress was ever upward. The type or plan of vegetation, and the four grand types or plans of animal life (the Eadiate, Molluscan, Articulate, and Yertebrate), ordained in the act of creation, were each displayed under multitudes of tribes and species, rising in rank with the progress of time, and all under relations so harmonious and so systematic in their successions that they seem like the expression in material living forms of one divine idea. With every new fauna and flora in the passing periods, there was a fuller and higher exhibition of the kingdoms of life. Had progress ceased with the Post-tertiary, when the world was given up to brute passion and ferocity, the system might have been pronounced the scheme of an evil demon. But, as time moved on, Man came forth, not in strength of body, but in the majesty of his spirit; and then living nature was full of beneficence. The system of life, about to disappear as a thing of the past, had its final pur- pose fulfilled in the creation of a spiritual being, one hav- ing powers to search into the depths of nature and use the wealth of the world for his physical, intellectual, and moral advancement, that he might thereby prepare, under divine aid, for the new life in the coming future. Thus, through the creation of Man completing the system 256 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. of life, all parts of that system became mutually consistent and full of meaning, and Time was made to exhibit its true relation to Eternity. Methods of exterminations of species and extinctions of tribes. (1.) Some species of plants and animals require dry land for their support and growth ; some, fresh-water marshes or lakes; some, brackish water; some, seashore or shallow marine waters ; some, deeper ocean-waters. Hence, (a) movements in the earth's crust submerging large continental areas, or raising them from the condition of a sea-bottom to dry land, would exterminate life : sink- ing them in the ocean, extinguishing terrestrial life, raising them from the ocean, extinguishing marine life. In early times, when the continental surface was in general nearly flat, a change of level of a few hundred feet, or perhaps of even 100, would have been sufficient for a wide extermi- nation. If a modern coral island were to be raised 150 feet, its reef-forming corals would all be killed ; or if sunk in the ocean 150 feet, the same result would follow, because the species do not grow below a depth of 100 feet. And if all the coral-reefs of the Pacific were simultaneously sunk or raised to the extent stated, there would be a total extinction of a large number of species. (&) Along a seacoast the bays and inlets sometimes are closed by barriers thrown up by the sea, and hence become fresh, killing all marine life. Again, barriers are often washed away by the sea, and then salt water enters, destroying fresh-water life. (2.) Species are also made for a limited range of tempera- tures : some, for the equatorial regions only; some, for the cooler part of the tropical zone; some, for the warmer temperate latitudes; some, for the middle temperate; some, for the colder temperate ; some, for the frigid zone ; and few species live through two such zones. PROGRESS OF LIFE. 257 Hence, (a) as the earth has gradually cooled in its climates from a time of universal tropics to that of the present condition, those tribes or families made for the earlier condition of the globe afterward became of necessity extinct. This may be a reason why many of the tribes of the ancient world disappeared, and why the Eeptilian type culminated in the Mesozoic ; these species were made espe- cially for the warm condition which then prevailed. Again, (>) any temporary change of climate over the globe from cold to warm or warm to cold would have exterminated species. An increase in the extent and height of Arctic lands would have increased the cold, as shown by Lyell, and thereby sent cold winds south over the conti- nents and cold oceanic currents south along the border of the oceans. On the contrary, a diminution in the extent of Arctic lands, making the higher regions open seas, or an increase in the extent of tropical lands for the sun to heat, would have increased the heat of the globe and sent a warm climate far north. Such changes are destructive- to living species. It is sug- gested on p. 204 that the destruction of life at the close of O -L the Mesozoic may have arisen from the cause here explained. (3.) The heat which has escaped from the earth's interior through the crust, in connection with igneous eruptions, or seasons of metamorphic changes when the earth's rocks were crystallizing on a vast scale, would have caused a destruction of all marine life in the vicinity; and where metamorphic action has taken place through an area a thou- sand miles or more in length, as in the progress of the Appalachian revolution (p. 155), the devastation must have extended over a large part of the continental area. Origination of species. Geology affords no support to the hypothesis that species have been made from pre-existing 258 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. species, and suggests no theory of development by natural causes. In other words, it has no facts sustaining the notion that Man was made through the gradual progress or im- provement of some one of the Apes, or by any method of development out of an Ape, or that Elephants were so made from Mastodons, or the reverse, or from any other species, or one species of Monkey, Cat, Horse, etc., from another; and much less does it favor the hypothesis that the whole sys- tem of animal life is nothing but a growth from one, two, or more original species, one changing into, or evolving, another, through a method of development, as supposed in a development-hypothesis. The facts the science has thus far collected prove that a system of life has been gradually brought out in the course of the ages. But it gives no information, in the author's opinion, as to the manner in which the Divine will called into existence the successive tribes or species. The science in its present state affords the following evi- dence bearing on this subject : 1. Species do not shade into one another as if they had originated by transitions from one another. For example, the Post-tertiary Mastodon and Elephant of J^orth America do not pass into one another or into other earlier species; or the Apes into the species Man ; or any Mollusks or Articu- lates, through a series of stages, into Fishes; or any Sea- weeds into Ferns or the earliest land-plants, etc. The spe- cies of plants and animals at the present day as well as those of the past, with comparatively few exceptions, have their limits well defined, and do not blend with one another by insensible gradations. 2. Groups commence sometimes in their higher species. Thus, Fishes the earliest of Vertebrates began with the Ganoids and Sharks, with no evidence of a progress upward from lower species. The first of Land-plants are the Ferns, PROGRESS OF LIFE. 259 Lepidodendra, etc. ; and no species of the inferior group of Mosses have been found marking a line of progress upward to the Lepidodendra. Many other such cases might be men- tioned. 3. The earth's progress has involved the occurrence at intervals of revolutions or devastations. Some of these devastations appear to have been nearly or quite universal over the globe, while others have been confined to single continents, or limited areas, and have been only partial (see p. 162). But, whether universal or not, they have often cut off short not only species, but genera, families, and tribes; and yet the same genera, families, and tribes have had new species afterwards. Life has been re-introduced where it had been exterminated, as if the system were not at the mercy of temporary catastrophes, but owed its restoration and continued progress to a power that was independent of all causes of desolation and could even use desolation as a means of progress. The advocates of a development-hypothesis do not deny the above evidence; but they argue that the records are very imperfect, full of long breaks; and, again, that only a small part of the world has been searched for its truths, and that part not thoroughly. Eut a hypothesis unsustained by facts just where it would be most natural to look for them, and resting for its geolo- gical basis on possible discoveries in the future, may well be left to pass as a mere suggestion until the discoveries have been made. This is the dictate of true Science. Geology has no theory of creation to present; and its discoveries are already so extensive, and so corroborative of the general results arrived at, from whatever continent they have been gathered, that its present silence is in weighty opposition to such views. The science testifies to the fact that plants and animals have come into existence in a long 23 260 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. succession of species. It demonstrates the oneness in plan and purpose of all nature, and thereby the oneness of its Author. It points to boundless wisdom in every step of progress, and with increasing distinctness as the era ap- proaches when Man should appear and receive the Divine command, " Subdue and have dominion." But it directs to no cause of the origin of species but the Cause of causes, the infinite God. In the account of creation given in the first chapter of Genesis, it is stated that on the fifth day the waters brought forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, the flying creatures of the air, and the great whales (a word meaning as truly reptiles). In the commencing Silurian the first appearance of the swarming life of the waters took place (p. 93). In the Devonian, Fishes and Insects were added ; in the Carboniferous, Reptile life began j and in the Mesozoic, Birds as well as Eeptiles existed, and the latter became the dominant life of the globe. At the same time, small semi-oviparous Mammals, or Marsupials, with probably some Insectivores, appeared as precursors of the age that was next to follow. With the close of the Mesozoic the Reptile world ended; and so ended also the fifth day of the Mosaic record. On the sixth day there were two great works, first, the creation of Mammals, and, as a second, the creation of Man. With the opening Cenozoic, Mammals came forth in great numbers and of large size ; and as the era advanced, they increased in variety until the type reached an expan- sion as to magnitude of individuals and numbers of kinds even exceeding the exhibition of it in the present age. Thus passed the first portion of the sixth day. Finally Man appeared as the last great work. Creation finished, the day of rest followed, the era of PROGRESS OF LIFE. 261 the finished world, the era also of Man's progress and pre- paration for another and a higher life. And as the " six days" work of creation is succeeded by a seventh of rest, so, it has been well said, the Sabbath closes man's week, as a day of rest and of preparation for that spiritual life. PART IV. DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY treats of the causes or origin of events in Geological history, that is, of the origin of rocks, of disturbances of the earth's strata, and their effects, of valleys, of mountains, of continents, and of the changes in the earth's features, climates, and living species. The agencies of most importance, next to the universal power of Gravitation, are Life, the Atmosphere, Water, Heat, and Cohesive and Chemical attraction. The following are the subdivisions of the subject here adopted: 1. Life; 2. The Atmosphere; 3. Water; 4. Heat the mechanical effects of the Atmosphere, "Water, and Heat being considered under these heads ; 5. Movements in the earth's crust, and their consequences, including the fold- ing and uplifting of strata, the production of earthquakes, and the origin of mountains and of the earth's general features. Chemical Geology, which treats of the chemical operations connected with the origin of rocks, constitutes another division of the subject, but is not here taken up. I. LIFE. Life has done much geological work by contributing mate- rial for the making of rocks. Nearly all the limestones of 262 PEAT-FORMATIONS. 263 the globe, all the coal, and some siliceous beds, besides por- tions of rocks of other kinds, have been formed out of the stony relics of living species. Through simple growth and the power of secretion, Ver- tebrates form a bony skeleton ; Mollusks make shells, which are calcareous, or nearly of the composition of common limestone; Polyps make Corals, also calcareous; Crinoids make stems and flower-like skeletons that are calcareous ; and the Polyps and Crinoids, although as really animal as any quadruped, are yet so low in organization that nine- tenths of the bulk of the animal are often stony (calca- reous), and still the functions of life are perfectly carried on. There are various kinds, also, of microscopic species which contribute to the material of rocks. The Ehizopods among animals (p. 59) make calcareous shells, each con- taining one or many minute cells; the Diatoms among microscopic plants (p. 61) make siliceous shells ; the Poly- cystines among microscopic animals make siliceous shells. Plants also make beds of coal and peat out of accumula- tions of leaves and stems, as already in part explained on page 135. In further illustration of this subject, three examples of rock-making may be described: I. Peat-formations; 2. Beds of microscopic organisms; 3. Coral-reefs. 1. Peat-formations. Peat is an accumulation of half-decomposed vegetable matter formed in wet or swampy places. In temperate climates it is due mainly to the growth of mosses of the genus Sphagnum. These mosses form a loose turf; and, as they have the property of dying at the extremities of the roots while increasing above, they may gradually form a bed 23* 264 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. of great thickness. The roots and leaves of other plants, or their branches and stumps, and any other vegetation present, may contribute to the accumulating bed. The car- casses and excrements of dead animals at times become included. Dust may also be blown over the marsh by the winds. In wet parts of Alpine regions there are various flowering plants which grow in the form of a close turf, and give rise to beds of peat like the moss. In Fuegia, although not south of the parallel of 56, there are large marshes of such Alpine plants, the mean temperature being about 40 F. The dead and wet vegetable mass slowly undergoes a change, becoming an imperfect coal, of a brownish-black color, loose in texture, and often friable, although com- monly penetrated with rootlets. In the change the woody fibre loses a part of its gases ; but, unlike coal, it still con- tains usually 25 to 33 per cent, of oxygen. Occasionally it is. nearly a true coal. Peat-beds cover large surfaces of some countries, and occasionally have a thickness of forty feet. One-tenth of Ireland is covered by them ; and one of the " mosses" of the Shannon is stated to be fifty miles long and two or three broad. A marsh near the mouth of the Loire is described by Blavier as more than fifty leagues in circumference. Over many parts of New England and other portions of North America there are extensive beds. The amount in Massachusetts alone has been estimated to exceed 120,000,000 of cords. Many of the marshes were originally ponds or shallow lakes, and gradually became swamps as the water, from some cause, diminished in depth. The peat is often underlaid by a bed of whitish shell marl, consisting of fresh- water shells mostly species of Cyclas and Planorbis which were living in the lake. There are often also beds of the siliceous shields of Diatoms. Peat is used for fuel and also as a fertilizer. When pre- BEDS OF MICROSCOPIC ORGANISMS. 265 pared for burning, it is cut into large blocks and dried in the sun. It is sometimes pressed in order to serve as fuel for steam-engines. Muck is another name of peat, and is used especially when the material is employed as a manure ; but it includes also impure varieties not fit for burning, being applied to any black swamp-earth consisting largely of decomposed vegetable matter. Peat-beds sometimes contain standing trees, and entire skeletons of animals that had sunk in the swamp. The peat-waters-have often an antiseptic power, and flesh is sometimes changed by the burial into adipocere. 2. Beds of Microscopic Organisms. Microscopic life abounds in almost all waters, especially over muddy bottoms, as in lakes, rivers, marshes, salt- water swamps, harbors, bays, the shallow borders of the ocean, and also the deep ocean. Part of the species make no stony secretions, but much the larger part form calca- reous or siliceous shells. Although these shells are, with few exceptions, exceedingly minute, the most part wholly invisible unless highly magnified, they are in so vast num- bers in many places, and multiply so rapidly, that they form in time thick beds out of their accumulated shells. A square yard covered with these microscopic species will increase upward not only as fast as a square yard of an oyster-bank, but much more rapidly, because of their extreme simplicity of structure, their rapid reproduction, and the fact that nearly the whole bulk of each one is in stony material. The calcareous species, or Rhizopodz, abound in the shal- lower waters along the borders of the ocean, and also over its bottom where thousands of feet deep. Over what is called the Telegraphic plateau, between Ireland and Newfoundland, they appear to make a nearly continuous bed for a thousand 266 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. miles or more in breadth, and perhaps more than this from north to south. The thickness of the great limestone- formation there in progress, out of these minute shells, is of course unknown. The genera of shallow water are mostly different from those of the deep sea. The siliceous species are either Diatoms or Polycystines. They occur both in shallow and deep waters, like the Rhizo- pods. The Diatoms are found in cold as well as warm seas, and in fresh waters as well as marine. Over the bottoms of shallow lakes they make thick beds, just as the Rhizopods do in the ocean; and many of the peat-beds rest on a thick layer of Diatoms made from species thaj; were living in the lake that afterwards became the peat-growing swamp. The rock made of Rhizopod shells is exemplified in chalk, a soft white or whitish limestone. That consisting of Diatoms often looks like a very fine whitish earth ; but it is sometimes compacted into a nearly solid mass, and some- times into an imperfect slate. On p. 192 it is stated that the flint which occurs in chalk may have been made from the silica of Diatoms and of the spicula of sponges. These are examples of beds formed by simple growth and multiplication of living species. The shells are in size like the grains of a fine powder; and it is only necessary that they be consolidated as they lie, in order that a compact rock shall be made out of the accumulation. 3. Coral-Reefs. In tropical regions corals grow in vast plantations about most oceanic islands and the shores of the continents. The greatest depth at which the reef-making species live is about 100 feet; and from this depth to sometimes a foot above low-tide level, they flourish well. The patches or groves of coral are usually distributed among larger areas CORAL-REEFS. 267 of coral sand, like small groves of trees or shrubbery in some sandy plains. The corals have much resemblance to vegetation in their forms and their modes of growth; and the animals are so like flowers in shape and bright colors that they are called flower-animals (p. 57). Along with the corals there are also great numbers of Shells, besides Crabs, Echini, and other kinds of marine life. The coral plantations are swept by the waves, and with great force when the seas are driven by storms. The corals are thus frequently broken, and the fragments washed about until they are either worn to sand by the friction of piece upon piece, or become buried in the holes among the growing corals, or are washed up the beach. Corals are not injured by mere breaking, any more than is vegetation by the clip- ping of a branch, and those that are not torn up from the very base and reduced to fragments continue to grow. The fragments and sand made by the waves, and by the eame means strewed over the bottom along with the shells also of Mollusks, commence the formation of a bed of coral- rock, literally a bed of limestone, for the coral and shells have the composition of limestone. As the corals continue growing over this bed, fragments and sand are constantly forming, and the bed of limestone thus increases in thick- ness. In this manner it goes on increasing until it reaches the level of low tide ; beyond this it rises but little, because corals cannot grow wholly out of water, and the waves have too great force at this level to allow of their holding their places, if they were able to stand the hot and drying sun. The bed of calcareous rock thus produced is a coral-reef. Since reef-corals grow to a depth of only 100 feet, the thickness of the reef cannot much exceed 100 feet if the sea-bottom remains at a constant level, except where there are oceanic currents to transport to greater depths the sand that is made. But should the reef-region be slowly sink- 268 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. ing at a rate not faster than the corals can grow and make the reef rise, then almost any thickness may be made. From observations about the coral regions of the Pacific, it is sup- posed that some of the reefs have a thickness of two or three thousand feet or more, which has been acquired during such a slow subsidence. The coral formations of the Pacific are sometimes broad reefs around hilly or mountainous islands, as shown in the annexed sketch. To the left in the sketch there is an inner View of a high island, bordered by coral-reefs. reef and an outer reef, separated by a channel of water, the inner of which (/) is called a fringing reef, and the outer (>) a barrier reef. They are united in one beneath the water. At intervals there are usually openings through the barrier reef, as at A, A, which are entrances to harbors. The channels are sometimes deep enough for ships to pass from harbor to harbor. Many other coral-reefs stand alone in the ocean, far from any other lands. The latter are called coral islands, or atolls. Fig. 361. Coral island, or Atoll. They usually consist of a narrow reef encircling a salt- water lake. The lake is but a patch of ocean enclosed by CORAL-REEFS. 269 the reef and its groves of palms and other tropical plants. "When there are deep openings through the reef, ships may enter the lake, or lagoon, as it is usually called, and find excellent anchorage. The annexed F . figure (fig. 362) is a map of one of the atolls of the Kingsmill Islands in the Pacific. The reef on one side the windward is wooded throughout ; but on the other it has only a few wooded islets, the rest being bare and partly washed by the tides. At e there is an opening to the lagoon. The Paumotu archipelago, just northeast A P ia > of the Kin s smiu of the Society Islands, contains between 70 and 80 coral islands ; the Carolines, with the Eadack, Ealick, and Kingsmill groups on their eastern border, as many more ; and others are scattered over the intervening ocean. Most of the high islands between the parallels of 28 north and south of the equator, and also the borders of the. con- tinents, have their fringe of coral-reefs, unless (1) the waters adjoining the coasts are too deep, or (2) the bottom is too- muddy, or (3) the mouths of rivers are in the vicinity to pour in fresh waters, which are injurious to corals, or (4) cold oceanic currents sweep the coasts. Corals are limited by the parallel of 28, because they will not flourish where the mean temperature of the coldest winter month is below 68 F. The limestone beds made from corals and shells are not a result of growth alone, as in the case of the deposits formed from microscopic organisms, but of growth in con- nection with the breaking and wearing action of the ocean's waves and currents. Corals and shells, unaided, could make only an open mass full of large holes, and not a solid rock. There must be sand or fine fragments at hand, such as the waters can and do constantly make in such regions, in order to fill up the spaces or interstices between the corals or shells. If 270 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. there is clayey or ordinary siliceous sand at hand, this will suffice, but it will not make a pure limestone; in order to have the rock a proper limestone, the shells and corals must be the source of the sand or fine fragments, for these alone yield the needed calcareous material and cement. The limestone made in this way by the help of the waves may be, and often is, as fine-grained as a piece of flint or any ordinary limestone. In other cases it contains some imbedded fragments in the solid bed; in others it is a coral conglomerate; and over still other large areas it is a mass of standing corals with the interstices filled in solid with the sand and fragments. In some regions the compact coral limestone is an oolite (p. 25). The pages on the results of microscopic life have explained one method by which the ancient limestones of the globe have been made. The process of limestone-making now going on through the agency of coral animals illustrates another method, and far the most common. The beds, in the case of these limestones, are a result of the slow growth of living corals, crinoids, shells, and the like, and the gradual wearing of the calcareous remains more or less completely to sand and pebbles, preparatory for consolidation. The extent of some of the modern reefs matches nearly that of some of the Paleozoic reefs. On the north of the Feejee Islands the reef-grounds are 5 to 15 miles in width. In New Caledonia they extend 150 miles north of the island and 50 miles south, making a total length of 400 miles. Along northeastern Australia they stretch on, although with many interruptions, for 1000 miles. The modern reef-grounds, although often of great length, are, however, narrow, unlike those of the early geological ages. But this difference arises from the fact that the regions giving the requisite depth for abundant Coral and Molluscan life are now of narrow limits, being confined to the borders of the continents, whereas in ancient time the continents were to a large extent sub- THE ATMOSPHERE. 271 merged at shallow depths and afforded the conditions requi- site for immense Coral, Crinoidal, and Molluscan planta- tions. II. THE ATMOSPHEKE. The following are some of the mechanical effects con- nected with the movements of the atmosphere. 1. Destructive effects from the transportation of sand, dust, etc. The streets of most cities, as well as the roads of the country, in a dry summer day, afford examples of the drift of dust by the winds. The dust is borne most abundantly in the direction of the prevalent winds, and may in the course of time make deep beds. The dust that finds its way through the windows into a neglected room indicates what may be done in the progress of centuries where circum- stances are more favorable. The moving sands of a desert or seacoast are the more important examples of this kind of action. On seashores, where there is a sea-beach, the loose sands composing it are driven inland by the winds into parallel ridges higher than the beach, forming drift-sand hills. They are grouped somewhat irregularly, owing to the course of the wind among them, and also to little inequalities of com- pactness or to protection from vegetation. They form especially (1) where the sand is almost purely siliceous, and therefore not at all adhesive even when wet, and not good for giving root to grasses ; and (2) on windward coasts. They are common on the windward side, and especially the projecting points, even of a coral island, but never occur on the leeward side, unless this side is the windward during some portion of the year. On the north side of Oahu they are thirty feet high and made of coral sand. Some of them, which stand still higher (owing to an elevation of the island), have been solidified, and they show, where cut through, that they consist of thin layers lapping over one . 24 272 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. another; and they evince also, by the abrupt changes of direction in the layers (see fig. 17 /), that the growing hill was often cut partly down or through by storms, and again and again completed itself after such disasters. This style of lamination and irregularity is characteristic of the drift-sand hills of all coasts. On the southern shore of Long Island there are series of sand-hills of the kind described, extending along for one hundred miles, and five to thirty feet high. They are partially anchored by strag- gling tufts of grass. The coast of New Jersey down to the Chesapeake is similarly fronted by sand-hills. In Norfolk, England, between Hunstanton and Weybourne, the sand- hills are fifty to sixty feet high. 2. Additions to land by means of drift-sands. The drift-sand hills are a means of recovering lands from the sea. The appearance of a bank at the water's surface off an estuary at the mouth of a stream is followed by the formation of a beach, and then the raising of hills of sand by the winds, which enlarge till they sometimes close up the estuary, exclude the tides, and thus aid in the recovery of the land by the depositions of river-detritus. Lyell observes that at Yarmouth, England, thousands of acres of cultivated land have thus been gained from a former estuary. In all such results the action of the waves in first forming the beach is a very important part of the whole. 3. Destructive effects of drift-sands Dunes. Dunes are regions of loose drift-sand near the sea. In Norfolk, Eng- land, between Hunstanton and Weybourne, the drift-sands have travelled inland with great destructive effects, burying farms and houses. They reach, however, but a few miles from the coast-line, and were it not that the sea-shore itself is being undermined by the waves, and is thus moving landward, the effects would soon reach their limit. In the desert latitudes, drift-sands are more extended in their effects. WATER. 273 4. Sand-scratches. The sands carried by the winds, when passing over rocks, sometimes wear them smooth, or cover the surface with scratches and furrows, as observed by Wm. P. Blake over granite rocks at the Pass of San Bernardino in California. Even quartz was polished, and garnets were left projecting upon pedicels of feldspar. Limestone was so much worn as to look as if the surface had been removed by solution. Glass in the windows of houses on Cape Cod sometimes has holes worn through it by the same means. III. WATER The subject of "Water is here considered under the follow- ing heads : 1. FRESH WATERS; including especially Rivers and the smaller Lakes, and also subterranean as well as superficial w r aters. 2. The OCEAN ; including, along with the ocean, the larger Lakes, whether salt or fresh. 3. FROZEN WATERS, or Glaciers and Icebergs. 1. FEESH WATEES. A. SUPERFICIAL WATERS, OR RIVERS. The mechanical effects of fresh waters are 1. Erosion, or wear. 2. Transportation of earth, gravel, stones, etc. 3. Distribution of the transported material, and formation of fragmental deposits. 1. Erosion. The waters of rivers descend in the form of rain and snow from the clouds, and are derived by evaporation both from the surface of the land, with its lakes, rivers, and foliage, and from the ocean, but mostly from the latter. The waters rise into the upper regions of the atmosphere, and, 274 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. becoming condensed into drops or snow-flakes, fall over the hills and plains. They gather first into rills ; these, as they descend, unite into rivulets; these, again, if the region is elevated or mountainous, into torrents; torrents, flowing down the different mountain valleys, combine with other torrents to form rivers; and rivers from one mountain- chain sometimes join the rivers from another and make a common stream of great magnitude, like the Mississippi or the Amazon. The Mississippi has its tributaries among all the central heights of the Great Eocky Mountain chain, throughout a distance of 1000 miles, or between the parallels of 35 N. and 50 N". ; and still another set of tributaries gather in waters from the Appalachian chain, between western New York and Alabama. Bills, rivulets, torrents, and rivers combine over an area of millions of square miles to make the great central trunk of the North American continent. The amount of water poured each year into the ocean by the Mississippi averages 19 trillions (19,500,000,000,000) cfabic feet, varying from 11 trillions in dry years to 27 trillions in wet years. This amount is about one-quarter of that furnished by the rains, the rest being lost mostly by direct evaporation, but also in part by absorption into the soil and by contributing to the growth of vegetation. Erosion, or wear, goes on wherever the waters have motion. The rain-drop makes an impression (fig. 21) where it falls ; the rill and rivulet carry off light sand and deepen their bed, as may be seen on any sand-bank or by many a roadside; torrents work with far greater power, tearing up rocks and trees as they plunge along, and, in the course of time, making deep gorges or valleys in the moun- tain-slopes ; and rivers, especially in periods of flood, hurry on with vast power, making wider valleys over the breadth of a continent. The slopes of a lofty mountain, exposed through ages to WATER. 275 the" action described, finally become reduced to a series of valleys and ridges, and the summit often to towering peaks and crested heights, all these eifects originating in the fall of rain-drops or snow-flakes. The tendency of many rocks to decompose, aids th_e waters in producing their mechanical eifects. Where the stream has a rapid descent, and is therefore a torrent, it plunges on with great violence and erodes mainly along its bottom. Lower down the mountain, where the slope of its bed is gentle, it becomes more quiet, and exca- vates but slightly, if at all, at bottom. In its floods, how- ever, it spreads beyond its banks and tears away the earth or rocks, encroaching on the hills either side, and making for itself a broad flat, or flood-plain. As the floods cease, the stream Becomes again confined to its channel. Every river has thus its channel for the dry season, and its flood- plain which it covers in times of overflowing. The great rivers of the continents, as well as the stream- lets along roadsides, illustrate this subject. Wherever, in countries that have rain, there is a ridge, be it small OF large, there are gullies, or gorges, or valleys; and if any of its streams are followed up to their head, there will be found, first, the channel and its bordering flood-plain; then the narrower valley with the hurrying torrent, receiving smaller torrents along its course ; then, towards the top, the torrent dwindling to a rivulet, or, if the summit is nearly flat and wooded, there may be at top wet swampy land or lakes. A cascade usually occurs on a rapid stream, where in the course of it there is a hard bed of rock overlying a soft one. The hard bed resists wear, while the soft one below yields easily : thus a plunge begins, which increases in force as it increases in extent. The rills and rivulets made by a shower of rain along roadsides or sand-banks often illustrate also this feature of the great mountain streams. 24* 276 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. When the rocks underlying a region are nearly horizon- tal, the valleys cut by the rivers have usually bold rocky sides. In many parts of the Eocky Mountains the streams have worked their way down through the rocks for hundreds, and at times even thousands, of feet. Such a place is often called a canon (pronounced as if spelled canyon). These canons are of wonderful magnitude and depth on the Colorado Kiver, over the west slope of the Eocky Mountains, between longitude 111 W. and 115 W. For Fig. 363. CaSon of the Colorado near its junction with Green River. 300 miles there is a continuous canon, 3000 to 6000 feet deep. The annexed sketch, furnished the author by Dr. WATER. 277 Newberry (the Geologist of the Expedition, under Lieuten- ant J. C. Ives, that surveyed this region and first made known the facts), represents the great plain of the Colorado region, with its deep vertical cuts opening down to running water. This water is the Colorado Eiver, and the opening that looks so much like a mere crack in the rocks has a depth at the place of about 3000 feet. The deep gorge is the result, as stated by Dr. Newberry, of erosion by the stream, which is still continuing its wearing action. The isolated flat-topped hills and turreted rocks in the distance are portions of strata that once covered the other rocks, being all of the upper formations that the eroding waters have left. The rocky gorge, 7 miles long and 200 to 250 feet deep, in which the Niagara River flows in violent rapids after its plunge at the great fall, is believed with reason to have been made by the waters, and mainly through the action of the plunging stream at the fall. Every year rocks are under- mined and tumbled down into the depths below, and thus the position of the fall is slowly changing, moving higher and higher up stream with the successive years. The rock, for half the height of the fall, or 80 feet, is of hard lime- stone ; but the lower half is of soft shale, and, being easily worn away by the waters, it undermines the limestone and thus assists in the movement. 2. Transportation by rivers, and distribution of transported material. 1. Fact of transportation. It has been stated that the massive mountains have been eroded into valleys and ridges by running water. The material worn out has been trans- ported somewhere by the same waters. Part of the transported material in all such operations goes to form the great alluvial plains that occupy the river- valleys throughout their course. Part is carried on to the '4 278 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. sea into which the river empties, when it meets the counter- acting waves and currents and is distributed for the most part along the shores, filling estuaries or bays, or making deltas, and extending the bounds of the land. Thus the mountains of a continent are ever on the move seaward, and contribute to the enlargement of the seashore plains. The continent is losing annually in mean height, but gaining in width or extent of dry land. 2. The transporting power of water. The transporting power of running water is very great when the flow is rapid. Doubling the rate of flow increases sixty-four times the force of the water. Large stones and masses of rocks are torn up and moved^onward by the mountain-torrent; pebbles, when the current runs but a few miles per hour; and at slower rates, gravel, sand, or, when very slow, only fine clay. Hence, as a stream loses in rapidity of movement, it leaves behind the coarser material, and carries only the finer ; if the rate becomes very slow, it drops the gravel or the sand, and bears on only the finest earth or clay. Consequently, where the current is swift, the bottom (and the shores also wherever the current strikes them) is stony or pebbly ; and where the water is still, or nearly so, the bottom and shores are muddy. The larger part of the transportation by rivers is done in their seasons of flood. Then it is that streams are muddy with the earth they are bearing along. 3. Wearing action on the transported material. The stones are not only transported by the waters, but by the mutual friction thus produced they are made into rounded stones and reduced to pebbles and earth. Nearly all the rounded stones, gravel, and earth of fields and gardens over the globe, and also the material of all geological formations, has been made out of pre-existing solid rocks by the wearing action of waters, either those of streams over the land, or those of the ocean. WATER. 279 The finer transported material is called detritus (from the Latin for worn out), and also silt. The rounded stones are termed boulders. 4. Amount of material transported. The amount of tran- sported material varies with the size and current of the rivers and the kind of country they flow through. The Mississippi carries to the Gulf of Mexico, according to Hum- phreys & Abbot, annually, on an average, 812,500,000,000 pounds of silt, equal to a mass one square mile in area and 241 feet deep, and its bottom-waters push on enough more to make the 241 feet 268 feet. The total annual discharge of silt by the Ganges has been estimated at 6.368,000,000 cubic feet. 5. Alluvial formations. The deposits made by the tran- sported material which now constitute the alluvial plains of the river-valleys cover a very large part of a continent, since rivers or smaller streams are almost everywhere at work. They are made up of layers of pebbles or gravel, and of earth, silt, or clay, especially of these finer mate- rials. Some logs, leaves, and bones occur in them ; but these are rare ; for whatever floats down stream is widely scat- tered by the waters, and to a great extent destroyed by wear and decay. 6. Estuary and delta formations. The detritus-material discharged by the river at its mouth tends to fill up the bay into which it empties, and make wide flats on its borders, and thus contract it to the breadth merely of the river-current. Where the tides are feeble and the river large, the deposits about the mouth of the stream gradually encroach on the ocean, and make great plains and marshy flats, which are intersected by the many mouths of the river and a network of cross-channels. Such a formation is called a delta. Figure 364 represents the delta of the Mississippi, the white lines being the water-channels, and the black the great allu- vial plains. The delta properly commences below the mouth UNIVERSITY 280 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. of Eed River, where the Atchafalaya bayou, or side-channel of the river, begins. The whole area is about 12,300 square miles; about one-third is a sea-marsh, only two-thirds lying above the level of the Gulf. The deltas of the Nile, Ganges, and Amazon are similar in general features to that of the Mississippi. WATER. 281 The detritus poured into the ocean where the tides or ciirrents are strong, and a considerable part of that where the tides are feeble, goes to form seashore flats and sand- banks and off-shore deposits. In their formation the ocean takes part through its waves and currents ; and hence they are more conveniently described in connection with the remarks on oceanic action. B. SUBTERRANEAN WATERS. 1. Origin and course of subterranean waters. A part of the waters that fall on the earth's surface on its mountains as well as its plains sinks through the ground and often penetrates to unknown depths between the strata or their layers. Such under-ground waters become under-ground streams ; and, as their channels are surrounded by rocks, the water flows actually in a tube. When, therefore, they have their source in elevated regions, the pressure increases with the descent, and wherever an opening in the country below gives them a chance of escape, they often come out with great force. By boring down through the rocks, such an under-ground stream may be struck in almost any region, and fre- quently the water will rise and rush out of the opening in a jet Of great height. Section illustrating the origin of Artesian wells. In fig. 365 the under-ground waters are supposed to enter at , along a clayey layer (for clayey layers hold the water, while it will soak through a sandy one) ; it escapes by the boring b c, and is thrown up in a jet to d. There is so much friction along the bed of the stream in the course of its descent, that the height of the jet is always much less than the whole descent, or b e. Fig. 365. 282 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. Such wells are usually called Artesian wells or borings, from the district of Artois in France, where they were early made. The Artesian well of Grenelle in Paris is 2000 feet deep. One at St. Louis has a depth of 2200 feet ; another at Louisville is over 2000 feet. Such wells are used for agricultural purposes in California, and for manufacturing in various cities, as New York, New Haven, etc. The under-ground waters often gush out along a seashore, or from beneath the sea ; and sometimes in so great volume that vessels at certain seasons are enabled to take in fresh water from alongside while lying off in a harbor. They flow and have cascades in many caverns, as in the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, the Adelberg Cave near Trieste in Austria, and many others. In some cases they come out to the surface in sufficient volume to turn a mill, and are set to work immediately on their showing themselves. 2. Erosion. Subterranean waters have eroding and tran- sporting power, as well as those of the land, and may exca- vate large channels. 3. Land-slides. Land-slides are of different kinds : (1.) The sliding of the surface earth or gravel of a hill down to the plain below. This effect may be caused by the waters of a severe storm wetting the material deeply and giving it greatly increased weight, besides loosening its attach- ment to the more solid mass below. (2.) The sliding down a declivity to the plain below of the upper layer of a rock-formation. This may happen when this upper layer rests on a clayey or sandy layer and the latter becomes very wet and greatly softened by the waters ; the upper layer slides down on the softened bed. (3.) The settling of the ground over a large area. This may take place when a layer of clay or loose sand becomes wet and softened by percolating waters, and then is pressed out laterally by the weight of the superincumbent layers. WATER. 283 But this effect cannot be produced unless there happens to be a chance for the wet layer to move or escape laterally. 2. THE OCEAN. The ocean is vast in extent and vast in the power which it may exert. But its mechanical work in Geology is mostly confined to its coasts and to soundings, where alone material exists in quantity within reach of the waves or currents. In ancient time, when the continents were nearly flat and to a great extent- submerged at shallow depths, this work was performed simultaneously over a large part of their surface, and strata nearly of continental extent were sometimes formed. In the present age, oceanic action is confined to the borders of the continents. The mechanical effects of the ocean are produced by its waves and currents. 1. Erosion and Transportation. 1. Waves, (1.) General action. The oceanic waves are a constant force. Night and day, year in and year out, with hardly an intermission, they break against the beaches and rocks of the coasts; sometimes gently, sometimes in heavy plunges that have the force of a Niagara of almost unlimited breadth. The gentlest movements have some grinding action on the sands, while the heaviest may dislodge and move along up the shores rocks many tons in weight. Niagara wastes its power by falling into an abyss of waters : while in the case of the waves the rocks are bared anew for each successive plunge. Cliffs are undermined, rocks are worn to pebbles and sand, and sand ground to the finest powder. Rocky headlands on windward coasts are especially exposed to wear, since they are open to the battering force from different directions. (2.) Level of greatest eroding action. The eroding action 25 284 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. is greatest for a short distance above the height of half-tide, and, except in violent storms, it is almost null helow low-tide level. Figure 366 represents i TIC -u Fig- 366 - in profile a cliff, having its c r'~ lower layers, near the level of Ell- ~~I~ low-tide, extending out as a platform a hundred yards wide. As the tide commences to move in, the waters while still quiet swell over and cover this platform, and so give it their pro- tection ; and the force of wave-action, which is greatest above half-tide, is mainly expended near the base of the cliff, just above the level of the platform. (3.) Action landward. Waves on shallow soundings have some transporting power; and, as they always move toward the land, their action is landward. They thus beat back, little by little, any detritus in the waters, preventing that loss to continents or islands which would take place if it were carried out to sea. (4.) Effect on outline of coasts No excavation of narrow valleys. As the action of waves on a coast tends to wear away headlands, and at the same time to fill up bays with detritus, the general result will be to render the outline more regular or even. There is nowhere a tendency to excavate narrow valleys into a coast, like those occupied by rivers. Such valleys are made by the waters of the land ; for the ocean can work at valley-making only when it has already an open channel for the waters to pass through, and then the valleys are of very great width. If a continent were sinking slowly in the ocean, or rising slowly from it, wave-action would still be attended by the same results; for each part of the surface would be successively a coast-line, and over each there would be the same wearing away of headlands and filling of bays, instead of the excavation of valleys. WATER. 285 2. Tidal currents. Tidal currents often have great strength when the tide moves through channels or among islands, and consequently are a means of erosion and transportation in daily action wherever there is mud or sand within their reach, as is usually the case in the vicinity of the land.* The out-flowing current, or that connected with the ebbing tide, is deeper in its action and has, therefore, more excavating and more transporting power than the in-flowing, or that of the incoming tide. The latter moves on as a great swelling wave, and fills the bays much above their natural level ; but the out-flowing current begins along the bottom in bays before the tide is wholly in, owing to the accumulation of waters, and when the tide changes it adds to the strong current-movement already in progress. The piling up of the waters in a bay by the tides, or by storms, produces, especially if the entrance is not very broad, a strong out-flowing current at bottom, which tends to keep the channel deep and clear of obstructions. The bore or eagre of some great rivers is a kind of tidal flow up a stream. It is produced when the regular rise of the tide in the bay at the mouth of the river is prevented by the form of the entrance and its sand-banks, together with the outflow of the river, so that the waters are for a while prevented from entering until, finally, all of one tide rush in at once, or in a few great waves. The eagres of the Amazon, the Hoogly in India (one of the mouths of the Ganges), and the Tsien-tang in China, are among the most remarkable. In the case of the Tsien-tang, the water moves up stream in one great wave, plunging like an advancing cataract, 4 or 5 miles broad and 30 feet high, at a rate of 25 miles an hour. The boats in the middle Qf the stream simply rise and fall with the passage of the wave, being pushed forward only a short distance ; but along the shores there is great devastation, the banks being worn away and animals often surprised and destroyed. 286 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. 3. Currents made by winds. There are also currents pro- duced by winds, especially when there are long storms, or when the winds blow for months in one direction. The currents thus made have but little depth. Sweeping by an island, they transport from one place to another in their course -more or less of the sand of the shores, and the same sand may be in part carried back again when the season changes to that in which the wind blows from the opposite direction. Other portions of detritus may be carried by them away from the island and distributed in the deeper waters. 4. Great oceanic currents. The great currents of the ocean, like that called the Gulf Stream, are for the most part so distant from the borders of the continents that little detritus comes w T ithin their reach. As these currents have great depth, often a thousand feet or more, their course is deter- mined by the deep-water slopes of the submerged border of a continent, so that when the submerged border is shallow for a long distance out (as off New Jersey and Virginia, where this long distance is even 50 to 80 miles), the current is equally remote, and exerts very feeble if any action near the shores. Wherever it actually sweeps close along a coast, it will bear away some detritus to drop it over the bottom in the neighboring waters. The oceanic currents flowing from polar seas produce important effects by means of the icebergs which they bear into warmer latitudes. These icebergs are freighted with thousands of tons of earth and stones; and wherever they melt, they drop the whole to the ocean's bottom. The sea about the Newfoundland banks is one of the regions of the melting bergs ; and there is no doubt that vast submarine unstratified accumulations of such material have been there made by this means. It has been suggested that the banks may have been thus formed. WATER. 287 2. Distribution of material, and the formation of marine and fluvio-marine deposits. 1. Origin of material. The material used by the waves and currents is either (1) the stones, gravel, sand, or earth produced by the wear of coasts ; or (2) the detritus brought down by rivers and poured into the ocean, as explained on page 281. The latter in the present age is vastly the most important. But in the earlier geological ages, when the dry land was of very small extent, rivers were small and were but a feeble agency. The ocean had then vastly greater advantages than now, because, as stated on page 84, the continents were mostly submerged at very shallow depths, or lay near tide-level within reach of the waves and currents. 2. Forces in action. In the distribution of this material, the waves and marine currents may work alone, in the man- ner explained on the preceding pages, or in conjunction with river-currents wherever these exist. 3. Marine formations. The marine formations are of the following kinds : (1.) Beach-accumulations. Beaches are made of the mate- rial borne up the shores by the waves and tides and left above tide-level. This material consists of stones or pebbles, sand, mud, earth, or clay. It is coarse when the waves break heavily, because, although trituration to powder is going on at all times, the powerful wave-action and the undercurrent carry off the finer material into the off-shore shallow waters, where it settles over the bottom or is distributed by currents. It is fine where the waves are gentle in movement, as in sheltered bays, the triturated material remaining in such places near where it is made, and often being the finest of mud. (2.) Sand-banks, or reefs Shallow-water accumulations. Shallow-water accumulations may be produced in bays, 288 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. estuaries, or the inner channels of a coast, and over the bottom outside. They consist usually of coarse or fine sand and earthy detritus, but may include pebbles or stones when the currents are strong. The material constituting them is derived from the land through the triturating and tran- sporting action of the waves and currents. The accumula- tions may increase under wave-action in shallow water, until they approach or rise above low-tide level, and then they form sand-banks. Such sand-banks keep their place in the face of the waves, for the same reason as the platform of rock mentioned on page 284 and illustrated in fig. 366. (3.) Fluvio-marine formations. Most of the accumula- tions in progress on existing shores, whether sand-banks, or estuary or off-shore deposits, especially about well-watered continents, contain more or less of river-detritus, and are modified in their forms by the action of river-currents. Along the whole eastern coast of the United States south of New England, and on all the borders of the Gulf of Mexico, the formations in progress are mainly fluvio-marine, that is, the combined result of rivers and the ocean. The coast-region on the continent is now slowly widening through this means, and has been widening for an indefinite period. This coast-region is low, flat, often marshy, full of channels or sounds; and facing the ocean there is a barrier reef, made of sand. The rivers pour out their detritus especially during their floods, and the ocean's waves and currents meet it as the tide sets in with a counter-action, or one from the seaward; and between the two the waters lose in rate of flow and drop the detritus over the bottom. When the river is very large and the tides feeble, the banks and reefs extend far out to sea. The Mississippi thus stretches its many-branched mouth (p. 280) many miles into the Gulf. When the tide is high, sand-bars are formed; and the higher the tides the closer are the sand-bars to the coast. When the stream is WATER. 289 small, the ocean may throw a sand-bank quite across its -mouth, so that there shall be no egress to the river-waters except by percolation through the sand; or, if a channel be left open, it may be only a shallow one. 3. Structure of the formations. Beach-formations are very irregular in stratification. The layers as shown in figure 17e, page 31 have but little lateral extent, and change in character every few feet. They often include patches of stones, as well as pebbles and sand. The sand-banks and reefs made along a coast have much more regular stratification, and are mostly composed of sand with some beds of pebbles. They often vary much every mile or every few miles. Those beds that are formed in shallow waters, as in bays or in the off-shore waters, retain a uniformity of stratifica- tion over much larger areas, and may consist of pebbles, sand, or finer earth. The extent and regularity of level of the submerged area will determine in a great degree the extent to which the uniformity of stratification may extend ; and in this respect the former geological ages, as observed on page 287, had greatly the advantage of the present. Hippie-marks (figure 18, p. 32) are made by the spread of the waters in a wave up a beach, or by wave-action on the bottom within soundings where the depth does not exceed 60 or 80 fathoms. Hill-marks (fig. 19) are produced when the return waters of a tide, or of a wave that has broken on a beach, flow by an obstacle, as a shell or pebble, and are piled up a little by it so as to be made to plunge over it and so erode the sands for a short distance below the obstacle. The oblique lamination in a layer, or ebb-and-flow structure, results from the rapid inward movement of the tide, or of a current, over a sandy bottom : it makes a series of inclined layers by the piling action; when the movement ceases, the 290 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. detritus will deposit horizontally for a while ; and afterward the same inward movement may be repeated, producing anew the oblique lamination. The imbedded shells and other animal relics in a beach are worn or broken ; those in the bays or off-shore shallow waters out of the reach of the waves may be unbroken, or may lie as they did when living; but if the waters are not so deep but that the shells or corals are exposed to wave- action, they may be broken or worn to powder, and enter in this state into the formation in progress. See (page 85) the remarks on the formation of limestone from shells or corals. In the sands of beaches near low-tide level, borings of Sea- worms, or of some Mollusks or Crustaceans, may exist. 3. FEBBznra AND FEOZEN WATEES. A. FREEZING WATER. As water in the act of freezing expands, the. freezing pro- cess, when taking place in the seams of rock, opens the seams and tears masses asunder. This kind of action is especially destructive in the case of rocks that are much fissured, or intersected by joints, or that have a slaty or laminated structure. As the action continues through suc- cessive years and centuries, it may result in great accumu- lations of broken stone. The slope, or talus, of fragments at the foot of bluffs of trap or basalt is often half as high as the bluff itself. In tropical countries, bluffs have no such masses of ruins at their base. Granular rocks, whether crystalline or not, when they readily absorb water, lose their surface-grains by the same freezing process. Granite, as well as porous sandstones, may thus be imperceptibly turning to dust, earth, or gravel. In Alpine regions this action may be incessant. GLACIERS. 29] B. FROZEN WATER. The effects of ice and snow are conveniently considered under three heads: 1. The ice of lakes and rivers; 2. Glaciers; 3. Icebergs. 1. ICE OF LAKES AND RIVERS. The ice of lakes and rivers often freezes about stones along their shores, making them part of the mass; and other stones sometimes fall on the surface from overhanging bluffs. In times of high-water, or floods, the ice, rising with the waters, may carry its burden high up the shores, or over the flooded flats, to leave them there as it melts ; or, if within reach of the current, it may transport the stones far down stream. This is a common method of transportation by ice. Large accumulations of boulders are sometimes made by this means on the shores of lakes far above the ordinary level of the waters. 2. GLACIERS. 1. Glaciers are ice-streams, or rivers in which the moving material is frozen instead of liquid water. Like large rivers, they have their sources in high moun- tains, derive their waters from the clouds, and descend along the valleys; but the mountains are such as take snow from the clouds instead of rain, because of their elevation. They rise only in those mountains that receive annually a large supply of snow from the clouds ; for the snow must accumu- late to a great depth. Like large rivers, many tributary streams coming from the different valleys unite to make the great stream. As with rivers, their movement is owing to gravity, or to the weight of the material ; but the average rate of motion, instead of being some miles an hour, is generally but 8 to 10 inches a day, or a mile in 15 to 25 years. 292 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. As with rivers, the central portions move most rapidly, the sides and bottom being retarded by friction; but the difference of rate between the sides and bottom is far greater in glaciers than in rivers. The snow of the mountain-tops, which is perhaps hun- dreds of feet deep, becomes compacted and converted into ice mainly by its own weight; and thus the glacier begins. As it starts on its course, the clouds furnish new snows to keep up the supply and help press on the moving mass. 2. Fractures attending the movement Crevasses. Every val- ley has its ridgy sides, its sharp turns, its abrupt narrowings and widenings, its irregular bottom ; and the stiff ice, com- pelled to accommodate itself to these irregularities, has, consequently, profound crevasses made usually along its borders, besides multitudes of cracks that are not visible at the surface ; also, still profounder chasms when wrenched in turning some point; longer crevasses, crossing even its whole breadth, when the ice plunges down a steep place in an ice-cascade, or when, on escaping from a narrow gorge, it moves off freely again with increase of slope. Again, it may lose all its crevasses, from their closing up, when the motion is impeded by diminished slope or other- wise. 3. Descent below the snow-line. The icy mass thus descends 5000 to 7500 feet below the snow-line, or the limit of per- petual snow. It resists the melting heat of summer because of its mass, just like the ice in an ice-house. Though start- ing where all is white and barren, it passes by regions of Alpine flowers, and often continues down to a country of gardens and human dwellings before its course is finally cut short by the climate. Thus, the Her de Glace, which, under the name of the Bois Glacier, rises in Mont Blanc and other neighboring peaks, terminates in the vale of Chamouni. And in a similar manner two great glaciers descend from the Jungfrau and other heights of the Bernese Alps to GLACIERS. 293 the plains of the Grindelwald valley just south of Inter, lachen. Fig. 867 represents one of the ice-streams of the Mount Rosa region in the Alps, from a view in Professor Agassiz's work on Glaciers. It shows the lofty regions of perpetual Fig. 367. Glacier of Zermatt, or the Gorner Glacier. snow in the distance ; the bare rocky slopes that border it, later on its course ; and the many crevasses that intersect the surface of the ice-stream. 4. Glacier torrent, The melting over the surface of a glacier and about the sides of its crevasses gives origin to a stream of water flowing beneath it, which becomes gradu- ally a torrent of considerable size, and finally emerges to the light from beneath the bluff of ice in which the glacier 294 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. terminates. Thence it continues on its rocky course down the valley. 5. Method of movement. The movement and condition of a glacier is almost wholly dependent on the facility with which ice breaks and unites again into solid ice when the broken surfaces are brought into contact. This quality, first noticed by Faraday and applied to Glaciers by Tyndall, is called regelation, the word meaning a freezing together again. It is easily tried by breaking a lump of ice and bringing the surfaces again into contact : if moist, as they are at the ordinary temperature, they at once become firmly united. A glacier moves on and accommodates itself to its uneven bed by breaking when necessary, and in its progress it may soon become as solid as before. Thus it breaks and mends itself as it goes. Small portions of a glacier may slide along its bed, but the glacier never slides as a whole. In some places there may be an adaptation to an uneven surface by bending without breaking (which may take place if the force be ex- ceedingly slow in action) ; but this also is a means of motion of small importance, compared with the first mentioned. 6. Transportation by Glaciers Moraines. Glaciers become laden with stones and earth falling from the heights above, or coming down in crushing avalanches of snow and stones. The stones and earth make a band along either border of a glacier, and such a band is called a moraine. When two glaciers unite, or a tributary glacier joins another, they carry forward their bands of stones with them ; but those on the uniting sides combine to make one moraine. A large glacier like that in fig. 367 may have many moraines, or one less than the number of its tributaries. Some of the masses of rock on glaciers are of immense size. One is mentioned containing over 200,000 cubic feet, which is equivalent in cubic contents to a building 100 feet long, 50 wide, and 40 high. GLACIERS. 295 In the lower part of a glacier the several moraines lose their distinctness through the melting of the ice; for this brings to one level the dirt and stones of a considerable part of its former thickness, and the surface, therefore, becomes covered throughout with earth and stones. The bluff of ice which forms the foot of a glacier is often a dirty mass, showing little of its real nature in the distant view. The final melting leaves all the earth and stones in unstratified heaps or deposits, to be further transported, eroded and arranged by the stream that flows from the glacier. 7. Erosion by Glaciers. A glacier so laden with stones must have stones in its lower surface and sides as well as in its mass. As it moves down its valley, it consequently abrades the exposed rocks over which it passes, smoothing and polishing some surfaces, covering others closely with parallel scratches, and often ploughing out broad and deep channels, besides scratching or smoothing^ the ploughing boulders. In addition to these minor operations, glaciers deepen and widen the valleys in which they move. In this work they are aided by the frosts (p. 290), avalanches, and glacier torrents. 8. Glacier regions. The best known of Glacier regions are those of the Alps, in one of which Mont Blanc stands, with its summit 15,760 feet above the sea. There are glaciers also in the Pyrenees and the mountains of Norway, Spitzbergen, in the Caucasus and Himalaya, in the Southern Andes, in Greenland and other Arctic regions, etc. One of the Spitz- bergen glaciers borders the coast for 11 miles with cliifs of ice 100 to 400 feet high. The great Ilumboldt Glacier of Greenland, north of 79 20', has a breadth at foot where it enters the sea of 45 miles; and this is but one glacier among many in that icy land. 26 296 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. 3. ICEBERGS. When a glacier like those of Greenland terminates in the sea, the icy foot bearing its moraines becomes broken off from time to time ; and these fragments of glaciers, floated away by the sea, are icebergs. The geological effects of ice- bergs have been stated on page 286. 4. FOKMATION OF SEDIMENTABY BEDS. The following is a brief recapitulation of the explanations of the origin of deposits given in the preceding pages. Igneous and other crystalline rocks are not here included. 1. Sources of material, The material of sedimentary rocks has come either (1) from the degradation of pre- existing rocks, or (2) from a state of solution in the waters of the globe. These waters have in general taken up their mineral material originally from the rocks, except that part which has always existed in the ocean ever since the ocean began to be. The principal means of degradation are the following : 1. Erosion by moving waters, either those of the sea or land (pp. 283, 273) ; 2. Erosion by ice, either that of glaciers, icebergs, or ordinary snow and ice (pp. 291, 295) ; 3. Pressure of water filtrating into fissures ; 4. Freezing of water in fissures (p. 290) ; 5. Chemical decomposition, in the course of which rocks are crumbled down to fragments or earth. 2. Formation of deposits. The methods by which deposits have been formed are the following : 1. By the waters of the sea. (1.) Through the sweep of the ocean over the continents when barely or partly submerged, making (a) sandy or pebbly deposits near or at the surface where the waves strike, or at very shallow depths where swept by a strong current ; (6) argillaceous or shaly deposits near or at the surface, FORMATION OP SEDIMENTARY BEDS. 297 where sheltered from the waves, and also, at considerable depths, out of material washed off the land by the waves or currents ; but not making (c) coarse sandy or pebbly deposits over the deep bed of the ocean, as even great rivers carry only silt to the sea; and not making (d) argillaceous deposits over the ocean's bed except along the borders of the land, unless by the aid of a river like the Amazon, in which case, still, the detritus is mostly thrown back on the coast by the waves and currents. (2.) Through the waves and currents of the ocean acting on the borders of the continent with the same results as above, except that the beds have less extent. (3.) Through living species, and mainly Mollusks, Radiates, and Rhizopods, affording calcareous material for strata (p. 19), and Diatoms and some Protozoans, siliceous material (p. 14). All rocks made of corals, and the shells of Mol- lusks, excepting the smallest, require the help of the waves at least to fill up the interstices ; but Rhizopods and siliceous Infusoria may make rocks in deep water, by accumulation, which are in no sense sedimentary. See pp. 265, 266. 2. By the waters of lakes. Lacustrine deposits are essen- tially like those of the ocean in mode of origin, unless the lakes are small, when they are like those of rivers. 3. By the running waters of the land. (1.) Filling the val- leys with alluvium, and moving the earth from the hills over the plains (p. 277). (2.) Carrying detritus to the sea or to lakes, to make, in conjunction with the action of the sea or lake waters, delta and other seashore accumulations (p. 279). 4. By frozen waters. (1.) Spreading the rocks and earth of the higher lands over the lower, and, in the process, bearing onward blocks of great size, such as cannot be moved by other means, as well as finer material (pp. 291, 294). (2.) Carrying rocks and earth from the land to the ocean, either to the seashore, making accumulations in lines or moraines, 298 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. or to distant parts of the ocean, as from the Arctic to the Newfoundland Banks; and thus contributing to deep or shallow water or shore sedimentary accumulations, distin- guished for the irregular intermingling of huge blocks of stone, pebbles, and earth (p. 286). 5. GENEEAL EFFECTS OF EEOSION OYEE CON- TINENTS. The outlining of mountain-ridges and valleys has been in part produced by subterranean forces upturning and frac- turing the strata; but the final shaping of the heights is due to erosion. This cause has been in action from the ear- liest time, and the material of nearly all rocks not calcareous have resulted from the erosion of pre-existing formations. The Appalachians have probably lost by denudation more material than they now contain. Mention has been made of faults of even twenty thousand feet along the course of the chain from Canada to Alabama. In such a fault, one side is left standing twenty thousand feet above the other, equivalent in height to some of the loftier mountains of the globe ; and yet now the whole is so levelled off that there is no evidence of the fault in the surface-features of the country. The whole Appalachian region consists of ridges of strata isolated by long distances from others with which they were once continuous. Fig. 253 represents a common case of this kind. It is supposed by some geologists that the Appalachian and Western coal- fields were once united, and that, in western Ohio and other parts of the intermediate region, strata thousands of feet deep, from the Lower Silurian upward, have been removed, and this over a surface many scores of thousands of square miles in area. This view has been questioned on a former page. Whether true or not, there is no doubt that the anthracite coal-fields of central Pennsylvania were once a part of the great bituminous coal-field of western Pennsyl- HEAT. 299 vania and Virginia (fig. 219, p. 118). They are now in iso- lated patches, and formations of great extent have been removed over the intervening country. The Illinois coal- region is broken into many parts in consequence of similar denudation and uplifts. In New England there is evidence of erosion on a scale of vast magnitude since the crystallization of its rocks. On the summit-level between the head-waters of the Merrimac and Connecticut, there are several pot-holes in hard granite; one, as described by Professor Hubbard, is ten feet deep and eight feet in diameter, and another is twelve feet deep. They indicate the flow of a torrent for a long age where now it is impossible; and the period may not be earlier than the Post-tertiary. Many other similar cases are described by Hitchcock. These examples of denudation are sufficient for illustra- tion. Europe and the other continents furnish others no less remarkable, and to an indefinite extent. IY. HEAT. The crust of the earth derives heat from three sources : 1. The sun, an external source ; 2. The earth's heated inte- rior; 3. Chemical and mechanical action. The first two sources are geologically the most important. Internal heat. The fact of a high heat in the earth's inte- rior is established in various ways. 1. The form of the earth. The form of the earth is a spheroid, and a spheroid of just the shape that would have resulted from the earth's revolution on its axis, provided it had passed through a state of complete fusion, or of igneous fluidity, and had slowly cooled over its exterior. Hence follows the conclusion that it has passed through such a state of fusion, which is greatly strengthened by the other evidence here given. Another conclusion also follow^: namely, that the earth's axis had the same position (or, at 26* 300 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. least, very nearly the same) when cooling began as now. There is no evidence that there has been at any time a change. 2. Crystalline character of the lowest rocks. On descending through the earth's strata, the lowest reached are crystalline rocks. The Azoic rocks, which are the earliest, have been found to be, wherever observed, either crystalline or firmly consolidated, which proves that they must have been sub- jected for a long time to the action of heat. 3. Artesian borings. In deep borings for water, like those mentioned on page 282, it has been found that the tempera- ture of the earth's crust increases one degree of Fahrenheit for every 50 or 60 feet of descent. The rate of 1 F. for 50 feet of descent, in the latitude of New York, would give heat enough to boil water at a depth of 8100 feet; and at a depth of about 28 miles the temperature would be 3000 F., or that of the fusing point of iron. Since, however, the fusing temperature of any substance increases with the pressure, the depth required before a material like iron would be found in a melted state, would be greater than this. The facts suffice at least to prove that the earth has a source of heat within, and that a very high heat exists at no great depth. If the solid crust is 100 miles thick, it is still thin compared with the distance to the earth's centre. 4. Distribution of Volcanoes. The great Pacific Ocean has nearly a complete girt of volcanoes, extinct or active, and all of its many islands that are not coral are wholly volcanic islands, excepting New Zealand and a few others of large size in its southwest corner. Volcanoes occur along many parts of the Andes from Tierra del Fuego to the Straits of Darien, in Central America,- in Mexico, California, Oregon, and beyond; in the Aleutian Islands on the north; in Kamt- chatka, Japan, the Philippines, New Guinea, New Hebrides, New Zealand on the west; and on Antarctic lands both south of New Zealand and South America. The volcanic HEAT VOLCANOES. 301 region thus bounded is equal to a whole hemisphere, and is ample proof as to the nature of the whole globe. With outlets of fire so extensively distributed over this vast area, there surely must be some universal seat of fire beneath. But there are volcanoes also in the East Indies in great numbers, both extinct and active, in the islands of the Indian Ocean, in the West Indies, in the islands of the Atlantic, and in the vicinity of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The various evidences mentioned combine to prove that the interior of the earth is a source of heat. EFFECTS OF HEAT. The following are the effects of heat here considered : 1. Volcanoes. 2. Igneous ejections that are not volcanic. 3. Metamorphism, and the production of mineral veins. The heat of the globe is also one of the causes of earth- quakes, of change of level in the earth's crust, and of the elevation of mountains : these subjects are considered in the following chapter. It is an important agent also in all chemical changes. 1. VOLCANOES. A. General nature of volcanoes and their products. Yolcanoes are mountain-elevations of a somewhat conical form, which eject or have ejected at some time streams of melted rock. If the fire-mountain has at present no active fires within, and is emitting no vapors, it is said to be extinct. The following figure is a sketch of the lofty volcano of Cotopaxi, as published by Humboldt. The height of the peak is 18,876 feet. The larger volcanic mountains are seldom so steep as in this figure. Etna, about 10,000 feet high, and Mount Kea and Mount Loa of Hawaii, nearly 14,000 feet, have an average slope of less than 10 degrees. The form of a cone with a slope of 7 degrees which is the 302 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. average for the Hawaian volcanoes is shown in figs. 369, 370; fig. 369 has a pointed top, like Mount Kea, and fig. 370 Fi Volcano of Cotopaxi. a rounded outline, like Mount Loa, whose form is that of a very low dome Fig. 369. Fig. 370. The highest of volcanic mountains on the globe are the Aconcagua peak in Chili, 23,000 feet, and Sorata and Illi- mani, in Bolivia, each over 24,000 feet. The former appears to be still emitting vapors, showing that the fires are not wholly extinct. The mountains Shasta, Hood', 'Helens, and HEAT VOLCANOES. 303 others in California and Oregon are isolated volcanic cones 13,000 to 15,000 feet high. The cavity or pit in the top of a volcanic mountain, where the lavas may often be seen in fusion, is called the crater. It is sometimes thousands of feet deep, but may be quite shallow; and in extinct volcanoes it is often wholly wanting, owing to its having been left filled when the fires went out. The liquid rock issuing from a crater, and the same after becoming cold and solid, is called lava. An active crater, even in its most quiet state, emits vapors. These vapors are mostly simple steam, or aqueous vapor; but in addition there are usually sulphur gases, and some- times carbonic acid or muriatic acid. In a time of special activity, fiery jets are sometimes thrown up to a great height, which, in the distance, at night look like a discharge of sparks from a furnace. These jets are made of red-hot fragments of the liquid lava ; the frag- ments cool as they descend about the sides of the crater, and are then called cinders. When a shower of rain, or of moisture from the condensed steam, accompanies the fall of the cinders, the result is a mud-like mass, which dries and becomes a brownish or yel- lowish-brown layer or stratum called tufa. It is often much like a soft coarse sandstone, only the materials are of vol- canic origin. The materials produced by the volcano are, then 1. Lavas; 2. Cinders; 3. Tufas; 4. Vapors or Gases, which are mostly vapor of water, partly sulphur gases, and in some cases also carbonic acid, muriatic acid, and some other materials. The lavas are of various kinds. They are more or less cellular; sometimes light cellular, like the scoria of a furnace; but more commonly heavy rocks with some scattered ragged cellules or cavities through the mass. A stream of lava in a crater, of this more solid kind, has often a few inches of 304 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. scoria at top, as a running stream of syrup may have its scum or froth. The most of the scoria has this scum-like origin. Pumice is a very light grayish scoria, full of long and slender parallel air-cells. The lavas may be black or brownish, and greenish-black, in color, and very heavy (specific gravity above 2.9), as the Dolerite and Basalt, described on page 26 ; or they may be rather light (specific gravity under 2.7) and grayish in color, as trachyte and phonolite. Phonolite is a very compact felds- pathic rock, giving a clinking sound under the hammer. A volcanic mountain is made out of the ejected materials; either (1) out of lavas alone; or (2) of cinders alone; or (3) of tufas alone ; or (4) of alternations of two or more of these ingredients. As the centre of the mountain is the centre of the active fires, the ejections flow off or fall around it, and hence the form of a volcanic peak necessarily tends to become conical. The average angle of slope of a lava-cone is from 3 to 10 ; of a tufa-cone, 15 to 30 ; of a cinder-cone, 30 to 45 ; of mixed cones, intermediate inclinations according to their constitution. B. Volcanic eruptions. The process of eruption, though the same in general method in all volcanoes, varies much in its phenomena. The fundamental principles are well shown at the great craters of Hawaii, the southeasternmost of the Hawaian (or Sandwich) Islands. 1. Hawaian Volcanoes. 1. General description. Hawaii is made up mainly of three volcanic mountains, two, Mount Loa and Mount Kea, nearly 14,000 feet high; and one (the western), Mount Hualalai, about 10,000 feet. Mount Kea is alone in being extinct. The average slopes of the two highest are well shown in figs. 369, 370, on page 302, fig. 369 representing Mount Kea and 370 Mount Loa. Mount Loa has a great crater at top, and another 4000 HEAT VOLCANOES. 305 feet above the level of the sea (at k, fig. 370). The latter is the famous one called Kilauea, and also Lua Pele or Pele's pit, Pele being, in the mythology of the Hawaians, the goddess of the volcano. The accompanying map of the southeastern portion of Fig. 371. Map of part of Hawaii. - Hawaii shows the positions of Mount Loa and Mount Kea, and of the crater of Kilauea,"' besides other craters at the summit of Mount Loa, and tm the sides at P, A, B, C, K, &c. 2. Kilauea. The crater of Kilauea is literally a pit. It is three miles in greatest length, and nearly two in greatest breadth, and about seven and a half miles in circuit. It is large enough to contain Boston proper to South Bridge, three times over, or to accommodate 400 such structures as St. Peter's at Eome. The pit has nearly vertical sides of solid rock (made of lavas piled up in successive layers), and is 1000 feet in depth after its eruptions, and 600 when most filled with lavas (its present condition). The bottom is a 306 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. great area of solid lava ; and it may be surveyed from the brink of the pit, even when in most violent action, as calmly sand safely as if the landscape were one of houses and gardens. In some parts of it there are ordinarily one or more lakes or pools of liquid lava, and from these and other points vapors rise. The largest lake is sometimes 1000 feet or more in diameter. 3. Action in Kilauea. The action is simply this. The lavas in the active pools are in a state of ebullition, jets rising and falling as in a pot of boiling water, with this dif- ference, that the jets are 30 or 40 feet high. Such jets, in lava as well as water, arise from the effort of vapors to escape ; in water the vapor is steam derived from the water itself; in lavas it is steam and other gases from materials in the lavas. The lavas of the pools or lakes overflow at times and spread in streams across the great plain that forms the bottom of the crater. In times of great activity the pools and lakes are numerous, the ebullition incessant, and the overflowings follow one another in quick succession. 4. Cause of eruption. By these overflows the pit slowly fills, and in the course of a few years the bottom is, conse- quently, 400 feet above its lowest level ; so that the depth is thus reduced from 1000 to 600 feet. This addition of 400 feet increases 400 feet the height of the central column of liquid lava of the crater, and causes a corresponding increase of pressure against the sides of the mountain. The amount of this pressure is at least two and a half times as great as that which an equal column of water would produce. The mountain should be strong to bear it. The lavas at such times may be in a state of violent activity, and when so there is an addition to the pressure against the sides of the mountain, arising from the force of the imprisoned vapors. The consequence of this increase of pressure, both from the lavas and the augmented vapors, may be, and .has several 'HEAT VOLCANOES. 307 times been, a breaking of the sides of the mountain. One or more fractures result, and out flows the lava through the openings. Thus simple are the eruptions of the Hawaian t volcanoes. In one such eruption the lavas first appeared at the surface a few miles below Kilauea (at P, fig. 371), and then again at other points more remote, A, B, C, m; and finally a stream began at n, a point 20 miles from the sea, which continued to the shores at Nanawale. Here, on encounter- ing the waters, the great flood of lava was shivered into fragments, and the whole heavens were thick with an illu- minated cloud of vapors and cinders, the light coming from the fiery stream below. This eruption of Kilauea took place, it will be observed, not over the sides of the crater, but through breaks in the mountain's sides below; and the pressure of the column of lava within, along with the pressure of the escaping vapors, appear to have caused the break. In all known eruptions of Kilauea the process has been that described. 5. Summit-crater of Mount Loa. Eruptions have also taken place within a few years from the summit-crater of the same mountain (Mount Loa), or at a point nearly 14,000 feet high above the sea; and in each case there has been, not an over- flow from the crater, but an outflow through breaks in the sides of the mountain. In one case there was first a small issue of lavas near the summit, and then another of great mag- nitude about 10,000 feet above the sea-level. At this second outbreak the lava was thrown up in a fountain, or mass of jets, several hundred feet high; and thus it continued in action for several days. The forms of the fountain of liquid fire were compared by Eev. Mr. Coan to the clustered spires of some ancient Gothic cathedral. 6. Cause of the jet or fountain of lava. The pressure pro- ducing this jet was that of the column of lava between the point of outbreak and the level of the lavas in the summit- 27 308 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. crater 3000 to 4000 feet above. The same pressure in con- nection with confined vapors must have caused the breaking *of the mountain in which the eruption began. There have been no great earthquakes accompanying the Hawaian erup- tions, sometimes not even slight ones, the first announce- ment being merely " a light on the mountain." Moreover, when the summit-crater has been thus active, Kilauea, though 10,000 feet lower on the same mountain and even a ' larger pit-crater, has shown no agitation and no signs what- ever of sympathy. 7- Conclusions. These cases of eruption indicate (1) that the lavas go on gradually increasing the pressure in the interior by their accumulation and rising to a higher level ; and that finally, when the mountain can no longer resist it, it breaks and lets the heavy liquid out. They show (2) that while earthquakes may attend volcanic action, they are no necessary part of it. They show (3) that lavas may be so very liquid that no cinders are formed during a great erup- tion. For in the ebullition of the lava in the boiling lakes of Kilauea, the jets (made by the confined vapors) are thrown only to a height of 30 or 40 feet ; and on falling back, the material is still hot and does not become cooled fragments; it either falls back into the pool or lake, or becomes plastered to its sides. At some of the eruptions of Mount Loa the lava has con- tinued down the mountain to a distance of 30 or 40 miles. 2. Vesuvius. Vesuvius is an example of another type of volcano. The lavas are so dense or viscid that jets cannot rise freely over the surface : the vapors are kept confined until they form a bubble of great dimensions ; and when such a bubble, or a collection of them, bursts, the fragments are sometimes thrown thousands of feet in height. The crater, at a time of eruption, is a scene of violent activity, and can- not be approached, Destructive earthquakes often attend the eruptions. HEAT VOLCANOES. 309 The lavas at Vesuvius may flow directly from the top of the crater ; but they generally escape partly, if not entirely, through fissures in the sides of the mountain. 3. Comparison of Mount Loa and Vesuvius as to causes of eruption and nature of the mountains, Of the two causes of eruption hydrostatic pressure and elastic force of confined vapors the latter may be the most effective at Vesuvius, while the former is so at Hawaii. Mount Loa on Hawaii is an example of the great free-flowing volcanoes of the world, and the mountain is almost wholly a lava-cone. Vesuvius is an example of a smaller vent with less liquid lavas; and the cone is made up of both solid lavas and cinders. 4. Lateral cones of volcanoes. In eruptions through fissures the lavas may continue issuing for some days or weeks through the more open or widest part of the fissure, and consequently form at this point a cone of cinders or lavas. Thus have originated innumerable cones on the slopes of Etna and other volcanic mountains. 5. Submarine eruptions. The eruptions may sometimes take place from the submarine slopes of the mountain when it is situated near the sea, as has happened with Etna and Mount Loa ; and in such cases cones of fragmental lavas or solid layers may form under water about the opened vent. Fishes and other marine animals are usually destroyed in great numbers by such submarine eruptions. 6. Subsidences of volcanic regions Overwhelming of cities. Among the attendant effects of volcanoes are the sinking of regions in their vicinity that have been undermined by the outflow of the lavas, and the tumbling in of the summit of a mountain. Another is the burial, not only of fields and forests, but even of cities and their inhabitants, by the outflowing streams, or the falling cinders and accumulating tufas. Pompeii and Herculaneum are two of the cities that have been buried by Vesuvius; and every few years we 310 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. hear of some new devastations made on habitations or farms by this uneasy volcano. C. Subordinate volcanic phenomena, 1. Solfataras. In the vicinity of volcanoes, and sometimes in regions in which no volcanoes exist, there are areas where steam, sulphur vapors, and perhaps carbonic acid and other gases, are constantly escaping. Such areas are called sol- fataras. The sulphur gases deposit sulphur in crystals or incrustations about the fumaroles (as the steam-holes are called) ; and alum and gypsum often form from the action of sulphuric acid (another result from the sulphur gases) on the rocks. Fountains or springs of hot waters are common in such places, and are often so abundant as to be. used for baths. 2. Geysers. In Iceland at the Geysers the heated waters are thrown out in intermittent jets in some cases to a height of 200 feet. Subterranean streams arising in the mountains are supposed to pass over heated rocks, and then to be forced upward by the vapors produced by the heat. Such heated waters act on the rocks, decomposing them, and thereby become slightly alkaline and also siliceous solutions. The silica thus taken into solution is deposited again around the Geysers in many beautiful forms, besides making the bowl of the cavity or basin from which the waters are thrown out, and forming numerous petrifactions. When the basin of a boiling pool consists of earth or mud, mud-cones are formed, as in California. 2. IGNEOUS ERUPTIONS NOT VOLCANIC. It has been stated that eruptions of volcanoes generally take place through fissures. Fissures have often been made in the earth's crust and filled with liquid rock, also, in regions remote from volcanoes. Such fractures of the crust of the earth must have descended to some seat of fires, if NON-VOLCANIC IGNEOUS ERUPTIONS. 311 not through to the earth's liquid interior. Whatever cause was sufficient to break through the crust would have sufficed to press out the liquid rock beneath. The narrow mass of igneous rock which fills such fissures is called a dike (p. 30). The igneous rock is generally without cellules or air-cavities; or, if present, they are neatly formed, and not ragged like those of lavas. Such rocks having the cavities filled with minerals (as quartz, zeolites, etc.) are called Amygdaloids. The most common rocks of such dikes are dolerite and basalt (p. 26), and next to these, diorite and porphyry. The dolerite, basalt, and diorite are often called trap. Dikes of rocks of this kind are mentioned and described on p. 165 as occurring in various parts of the Eastern border region of North America, constituting the Palisades on the Hudson; Bergen HiU and other heights in New Jersey; many bold bluffs- in Connecticut between New Haven and its northern boundary; Mount Tom and Mount Holyoke and other elevations in central Massachusetts, and ridges in Nova Scotia near the Bay of Fundy. The rocks of the Salisbury Craigs near Edinburgh, and of the Giants' Cause- Fig. 372. Basaltic columns, coast of Illawana, New South Wales. way and Fingal's Cave, are other examples. They are common on all the continents, especially in the regions 27* 312 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. between the summits of the border mountains and the ocean, which are usually between 300 and 700 miles in breadth ; as, for example, between the Appalachians and the Atlantic, and between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific. These basaltic and doleritic rocks are often columnar in their forms, as illustrated in the preceding sketch of a scene in New South "Wales. The Giants' Causeway is remarkable for the regularity of its columns. Similar scenes of great beauty occur on Lake Superior, and some of less perfection in the Connecticut River valley and the Palisades on the Hudson. These columns were formed when the rock cooled, and are due partly to contraction and partly to a concre- tionary structure produced in the process of cooling. The size of the concretions in such a case determines the diame- ter of the columns, and depends on the amount of material and the rate of cooling, the size being largjkthe slower the rate. 3. METAMORPHISM, 1. Nature of metamorphism. The term metamorphism sig- nifies change or alteration; and in Geology, a change in the earth's rocks or strata, under the influence of heat below fusion, resulting in crystallization, or, at least, firm solidifi- cation : as when argillaceous shale is altered to roofing-slate or mica schist; argillaceous sandstone, to gneiss or granite; common compact limestone, to granular limestone or statuary marble ; a common siliceous sandstone, to a hard grit or to quartzite. The more common kinds of rocks resulting through metamorphism are described on pages 23, 24. 2. Effects. The effects of metamorphism include not only (1) solidification and (2) crystallization, but also (3.) A change of color; as the gray and black of common limestone to the white color or the clouded shadings of marble ; and the brown and yellowish-brown of some sand- stones colored by iron, to red, making red sandstone and jasper-rock. METAMORPHISM. 313 (4.) In most cases, a partial or complete expulsion of water, but not in all; for serpentine, a metamorphic rock, is one-eighth (or 13 per cent.) water. (5.) A partial or complete loss of bitumen, if this ingre- dient be present; as when bituminous coal is changed to anthracite or graphite (pp. 76, 160). (6.) An obliteration of all fossils ; or of nearly all if the metamorphism is partial. (7.) In many cases, a change of constitution ; for the ingre- dients subjected to the metamorphic process often enter into new combinations : as when a limestone, with its impu- rities of clay, sand, phosphates, and fluorids, gives rise under the action of heat not merely to white granular limestone, but to various crystalline minerals disseminated through it, such as mica, feldspar, scapolite, pyroxene, etc.; or when an argillaceous sandstone becomes a gneiss or schist full of garnets, tourmaline, hornblende, etc. Thus metamorphism often fills a i*bck with crystals of various minerals. Even the gems are among its results; for topaz, sapphire, emerald, ami diamond have been produced through metamorphic action. What is* of more value, this process makes out of rude shales and sandstones Bard and beautiful crystalline rocks, as granite and marble, for archi- tectural and other purposes. Man's imitations of nature in this line are seen in his little red bricks. 3. Process. Water and heat are two agencies essential in metamorphism. Metamorphism has taken place generally when the rocks were undergoing great disturbances or uplifts, foldings and faultings, and, therefore, when the conditions were favor- able for the escape of portions of the earth's internal heat. This heat has penetrated the wet rocks. The water or moisture within the rocks has rendered them good con- ductors of heat, and has aided directly in conveying the heat. Moreover, where the heat was above 212 F., or the 314 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. boiling point of water, as it probably has been in most cases of metamorphic change, all of it has passed to what is called a, superheated state; and in this state it -has great power in dissolving and decomposing minerals and pro- moting new combinations and crystallizations. Under such circumstances, the moisture becomes itself a solution by taking up mineral substances from the rock in which it is at the time; and these added materials are the source of a large part of its power in making changes ; for if it thus becomes an alkaline siliceous solution, like the waters of the Geysers (see p. 310), it may not only deposit quartz in all seams or cavities, if the temperature favors this, but it may, under other favorable circumstances, help in making feldspars, micas^ and many other alkaline siliceous minerals; or if the alkalies are mostly absent and iron is present, the siliceous waters may promote the crystallization of stauro,- tide and hornblende. The change of a siftceous sandstone to a grit or quartzite requires nothing but these conditions; for the moisture in such a rock would become, when subjected to slow heating, siliceous, from the material of the sandstone, and the silica taken uj5 would be deposited again as the rock cooled, and so cement and solidify the whole into a true quartzite. Such quartzites often contain some feldspar, a mineral that would also be formed if a little alkali and alumina were present. These are examples of the various ways in which heated and superheated waters may promote metamorphic changes. Direct experiments have shown that these kinds of crystal- lizations do result from the action of heat. Pressure is requisite for most metamorphic changes. Limestone heated without pressure loses its carbonic acid and becomes quick-lime, as in a lime-kiln; but if under pressure, the carbonic acid is not driven off. The possibility of the crystallization of limestone by heat, under pressure, has been proved by direct experiment. The necessary METAMORPHISM. 815 pressure may be that of an ocean above ; or it may be only that of the superincumbent rocks, a few hundred feet of which would be quite sufficient. The similarity of argillaceous sandstones to gneiss or granite is often much greater than appears to the eye. They have been made by the wear of just such rocks as gneiss and granite ; and the sand of the former is the quartz of the -latter, the clay of the former frequently only the pulverized feldspar of the latter, and mica may be in grains in the former as it is in the latter : so that the change would in such a case be mainly a change in the state of crystallization. By heating a bar of steel to a temperature far short of fusion, and cooling it again, it may be made coarse or fine steel, the process changing the grains by causing many small grains to combine to make the large ones in the coarser kind and the reverse fo* the finer kind. There is something analogous in the change of an argil- laceous sandstone to a gneiss or granke above described. If the sandstone or shale contains little or no alkali, its metamorphism cannot produce a gneiss or mica slate, since feldspar, one of the constituents of thes rocks, contains an alkali as an essential ingredient. The result will necessarily vary with the constituents of the original rock, and the heat and other conditions attending the metamorphism. Often, however, the material derived from the wear of gneiss and granite and other rocks is not only pulverized, but also more or less decomposed : the feldspar, for example, undergoes a change in its alkalies, or loses them altogether, they being carried off by waters, or the mica may lose its oxyd of iron and alkalies; or waters may bring in oxyd of iron or other ingredients ; and so on : and in such a case the process of metamorphism could not, of course, restore the original rock. The new rock made would contain no feldspar if the alkalies had been removed ; but it might be an argillite, or, if much oxyd of 316 DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. iron were present, a hornblende rock, or some other kind, according to the nature of the material subjected to the change, and the amount or continuance of the heat. Examples of the metamorphism of extensive regions of the earth have already been mentioned on pages 75, 156, and these pages should here be perused anew. In the case of the Azoic formation, the rocks of a large part of the earth's surface may have been in process of crystallization at one time ; and in that of the Appalachian chain changes of this kind took place not only over the region from Labra- dor to Alabama, but simultaneously in Europe and probably oin-conglomerate, 239.* Colorado, canon of, 276.* Columnaria alveolata, 88.* Comprehensive types, 168, 253. Conchifers, 56.* /oncretions, 33.* /onformable strata, 43.* Conglomerate, 22. Conifers, 61, 109. in Triassic, 167. of Carboniferous, 128. Connecticut River sandstone and footprints, 164. trap rocks, 186. Continents, basin-like shape of, 9.* origin of, 329. relations of, 6, 7, 8, 10. Contraction a cause of change of level, 320. Coprolites, 183. Coral islands, 268* reef of the Devonian, 105. reefs, 266* Corals, formation of, 58. fossil, 88 * 97,* 111,* 131* 173* Coralline crag, 209. Corniferous limestone, 105. period, 104. Cosmogony, 77, 93, 260. Cotopaxi, volcano of, 301.* Crabs, 53.* Crassatella alta, 211 * Crater, 302. Creations of species, 92, 116, 152, 257. Crepidula costata, 212.* Cretaceous period, 163, 188. America, map of, 196. Crevasses, 292. Cricodus, 51* Crinoidal limestone, Subcar- boniferous, 121. Crinoids, 58* Jurassic, 173* Primordial, 83 * Silurian, 88,* 97* Subcarboniferous, 130.* Crocodiles, 195. Crocodilus, first of, 202. Crustaceans, 53.* Cryptogams, 60. Crystalline rocks, 20. Crystallization in metamor phism, 312. of Azoic rocks, 75. Crystallizations during the Appalachian revolution, 156. Ctenacanthus major, 133.* Ctenoids, 50* Currents, oceanic, 285, 286. "lyathophylloid corals, 88,* 98,* Cyathophyllum rugosum, 111* Cycads, 61. Triassic and Jurassic, 167, Cycloids, 50.* 3yclonema cancellata, 97.* Cyclopteris linnseifolia, 168.* ystideans, 57,* 98. Decapods, 53.* Deer, fossil, 215, 216. Delta of Mississippi, 280* Deltas, 279. Denudation, 42,* 273, 283, 295, 298. Depth, zones in, 332. Desmids, 61,* 109* Detritus, 279, 281. Development- theory, objec- tions to, 115, 257. Devonian age, 104. hornstone, microscopic or- ganisms in, 109.* Diamond, 18. Diatoms, 61.* formation of deposits by, 263, 265. Tertiary, 210. Dicotyledons, 62. Dikes, 30,* 311. Dinornis, extinction of, 241. Dinothere, 216* Diorite, 26. Dip, 39.* Dipterus, 113.* Dislocated strata, 38.* Disturbances closing Paleo- zoic, 154, 161. Dodo, extinction of, 241. Dolerite, 26, 311. Dolomite, 19, 25. Drift, 220. sands, 32,* 271. scratches, 221.* Dromatherium sylvestre, 172.* Dudley limestone, 96. Dunes, 272. Dynamical Geology, 262. Eagre, 285. Earth, size and form of, 5. general features of surface of, 5. relation to Man, 336. Earth's crust, general struc- ture of, 1. features, origin of, 326, 328. Earthquakes, origin of, 324. INDEX. 351 Ebb-and-flow structure, 31, 80, 289. Echini, 57.* Mesozoic, 174* Echinoderms, 57.* Edentates, Post-tertiary, 232.* Elephants, Post-tertiary, 231, 232. Tertiary, 216. Elephas primigenius, 231. Elevation of Alps, 203, 218. of Appalachians, 155. of Apennines, 203, 218. of coast of Sweden, 242. of Green Mountains, 91. of Rocky Mountains, 203, 217. of western South Ame- rica, 242. Elevations, causes of, 318. after Cretaceous, 203. after Paleozoic, 154. in Age of Man, 241. Emery, 15. Emmons, fossil mammal of Triassic described by, 172. Enaliosaurs, 135,* 180.* Encrinua liliiformis, 57,* 173.* Endogens, 62. England in the Reptilian age, 201. geological map of, 120.* Entomostracans, 53.* Eocene, 206. era in the Orient, 218. Eosaurus Acadianus, 134.* Equiseta, 60, 108, 128. Equivalent strata, 44. Erosion by rivers, 273. over continents, 298. Eruptions of volcanoes, 306, 308. non- volcanic, 310. Estheria ovata, 169.* Estuary formations, 279. Eurypterus remipes, 98.* Exogyra costata, 192.* Extermination of species, 93, 150, 200, 202, 256. number of species of plants and animals lost by, 251. of species, methods of, 256. 332. Fasciolaria bticcinoides, 193.* Faults, 41,* 158.* Favosites Goldfussi, 111.* Niagarensis, 97. Feldspar, 15. Ferns, 60. of the Coal era, 126.* Fingal's Cave, 301. Fiords, 220. Fishes, 50* Age of, 104. Carboniferous, 133.* Fishes, first of Ganoid and Sela- chians, or Devonian, 111.* first Telioet, 188, 194 * Mesozoic 170,* 178 * 194 * Fish-spines, 113,* 133.* Flags, 22. Flint, 14, 189, 192, 197, 266. Flint arrow-heads, 239. Fluvio-marine formations, 288. Folded rocks, 41,* 74, 156,* 320. Footprints. See TRACKS. Foraminifera, 59.* Formation, 28. Fossiliferous limestone, 24. Fossils, use of, in determining the equivalency of strata, 3, 45. list of localities of, 341. number of species of, 252. Fragmental rocks, 20, 22. Freestone of Portland, Ct., 164. Fresh waters, action of, 273. Fusus Newberryi, 193.* Ganoids, 51* Devonian, 111.* Triassic, 170* Sarnet, 16.* Jrasteropods, 56.* Grenera, long-lived, 151. Genesee shale, 105. Genesis, 77, 93, 260. Geoclinal, 42. Geography, progress in North America, 146, 245, 333. American, in Azoic, 76.* in Carboniferous, 139. in Cretaceous, 196.* in Devonian, 115. in Mesozoic, 198. . in Post-tertiary, 226, 228. in Silurian, 90, 99. in Tertiary, 216.* in Triassic, 184. Geysers, 309. Giants' Causeway, 311. Glacial epoch, 219, 220. Glacier, great, of Switzerland, 223, 293* regions, 295. scratches, 221.* theory of the drift, 223. Glaciers, 231. Glen Roy, benches of, 229. Glyptodon, 232.* Gneiss, 23. Goniatites, first of, 110. last of, in Triassic, 175, 200. Marcellensis, 111.* Grammysia Hamiltonensis, 112* Granite, 23, 25. Graphite, 18, 76. Graptolites, 82.* Great Britain in the Reptilian age, 201. Greenland, glaciers of, 295. Green Mountains, emergence of, 91. Green-sand, 189. Grit, 22. Ground-pine, 60. Gryphgea, species of, 174,* 192 * Guadaloupe, human skeleton of, 240* Gulf of Mexico, progress of, 217. Gymnosperms, 61. Gypsiferous formation, 165. Gypsum, 95, 125, 165. yrodus umbilicus, 51.* Halysites catenulatus, 97.* Hamilton formation, 105. period, 104. Hammer, geological, 344.* Harmony in the life of an age, 254. Hawaii, volcanoes of, 301,* 304* Headon group, 209. Heat, 299. evidence of internal, 299. Height of Aconcagua peak, 302. of Cotopaxi, 301. of Illimani, 302. of Sorata, 302. Hempstead beds, 209. Herbivores, first of, 213. Herculaneum, 309. Heterocercal, 51.* Himalayas, origin of, 203, 218. Hitchcock, E., tracks'described by, 170* Holoptychius, 113.* Holyoke, 311. Homalonotus, 97.* Homocercal, 51. rocks, 23. Hornblende, 16. Hornstone, 105. microscopic remains in, 109.* Horse, fossil, 215, 216. Hudson period, 85. Hysena spelsea, 230. Hybodus, species of, 52.* Hydroid Acalephs, 58,* 82* Ice of lakes and rivers, 291. glacier, 291. Icebergs, 223, 286, 296. Iceberg theory of the drift, 223. Ichthyosaurus, 180,* 195. Igneous rocks, 21, 25. ejections of Lake Superior region, 91. ejections, Triassic, 165. Iguanodon, 181, 195. Illinois coal area, 117. Infusorial beds, Tertiary, 210. Ink-bag, fossil, 176.* Inoceramus problematicus, 192* 352 INDEX. Insectivores, Jurassic, 184. Life, general laws of progress Insects, 53. of, 250. first of, 107. of Age of man, 238. Carboniferous, 133.* Life. See SPECIES. Triassic, 169.* Lignite, 18, 219. Irish Elk, 230. Limestone, 24, 25. C>n ore beds of Azoic, 74.* mountains of Missouri, 74. pods, 54.* formation of, 265, 269, 297. Limestones of Mississippi valley, 143. Isotelus gigas, 89.* Itacolumite, 24. Lingula flags, 80. Lingulae, 81.* Liriodendrom Meekii, 191.* Jackson epoch, 206. Lithological Geology, 13. Joints in rocks, 35.* Lithostrotion Canadense, 131.* origin of, 324. Jurassic period, 163. Llandeilo flags, 87. Llandovery beds, 96. Localities of fossils, list of, Keuper, 166. 341. Kilauea, 304.* London clay, 209. Kingsmill Islands, 269. Lorraine shale, 87. Lower Helderberg, 95. Labradorite, 16. Labyrinthodonts, 179.* Ludlow group, 96. Lacustrine deposits, 224.* 1 Machgerodus, 230. Lake Champlain in Post-ter- i Madagascar, ^piornis, of, 241. tiary, 226, 227. JMagnesian limestone, 19, 25. Memphremagog, Devo- Mammals, 50. nian coral reef of, 105. Age of, 205. Lakes, origin of great, 148, 247. first of, 170. Lamellibranchs, 56.* Jurassic, 183 * 201. Laminated structure, 21, 31.* Mesozoic, 201. Lamna elegans, 52,* 213. Post-tertiary, 230.* Land-slides, 282. Tertiary, 213.* Lava, 26, 303. Triassic, 172.* Lava-cones, 304. Man, Age of, 236. Layer, 28. characteristics of, 236. Lecanocrinus elegans, 89.* fossil, of Guadaloupe, 239.* Leguminosites, 191.* place of origin of, 240. Leidy, J., fossil animals de- scribed by, 170,* 215. Map of coal region of Penn- sylvania, 118.* Leperditia, Anna, 81.* of England, 120.* Lepidodendra, 108, 127* of N. America, Azoic, 73.* Lepidodendron primsevum, of N. America, Cretaceous, 107.* 196. Lepidosteus, 51.* of N. America, Tertiary, Leptsena sericea, 88.* 217.* transversalis, 97.* Leptaanas, last of, 174, 200. of New York and Canada, 71.* Level, change of, in Greenland, of United States, 69.* 243. Marble 25. changes of, in Age of Man, Marcellus shale, 105. 241. Marine formations, 287. changes of, in Post-ter- Marl, 22. tiary, 226, 228, 249. Marlite, 22. origin of changes of, 318. Marsupials, 50. recent changes of, in first of, 172. Eastern N. America, 243. Jurassic, 184,* 201. recent changes of, in S. Post-tertiary, 233. America, 242. Massive structure, 21, 31.* recent changes of, in Mastodon, Post-tertiary, 231.* Sweden, 242. Tertiary, 216. Level. See ELEVATION. Mastodonsaurus, 179.* Lias, 166. Mauna. See MOUNT. Libellula, 177.* Medina group, 94. Life, agency of, in rock-making, Megaceros Hibernicus, 230. 261. Megalosaur, 181.* Megathere, 232.* Mer-de-glace, 292. Mesozoic time, 162. disturbances and progress, 248. general observations on, 198. geography of, 198. life of, 200. Metallic veins, 30, 317. Metamorphic rocks, 21, 23. Metamorphism, nature and cause of, 312. Azoic, 75. during the Appalachian revolution, 156. Mica, 16. schist, 23. Michigan coal area, 117. Microdon bellistriatus, 112 * Microscopic organisms, 59,* 61 * 263. formation of deposits of, 265. Mind, Era of, 236. Mineral coal. See COAL. oil, 124. Miocene, 206. Mississippi River, completed, amount of water of, 274. detritus of, 279. Missouri coal area, 117. iron-mountains of, 74. Moa, extinction of, 241. Mollusks, 49, 54* Monkeys, first of, 236. Tertiary, 216. Monoclinal, 42. Monocotyledons, 62. Moraines, 294.* Mosaic cosmogony, 77, 93, 260. Mosasaur, 195.* Mountains, elevation of, 218, 318. of Paleozoic origin, 148. made after the close of the Paleozoic, 154. made after the Cretaceous period, 204. See ELEVATIONS. Mount Blanc, 292. Holyoke, 165, 311. Kea, 301. Loa, 301* Rosa glaciers, 293. Tom, 311. ' Muck, 265. Mud-cones, 310. Mud-cracks, 33, 80, 102, 145. Muschelkalk, 166. Myriapods, first of, 130.* Nautilus, 55.* Nautilus tribe, number of ex- tinct specie* of, 252. INDEX. 353 New Brunswick coal area, 117 Niagara Falls, rocks of. 27, 95.* group, 94. period, 94. River, gorge of, 277. North America, form of, 9. geography of. See GEO GRAPHY. Norwich crag, 209. Notidanus primigenius, 52.* Nova Scotia coal area, 117. Nummulites, 59.* Nummulitic limestone, 208. Occident, characteristics of, 5. Ocean, depression of, 6, 7. effects of, 283. Oceanic basin, origin of, 329. waves, earthquake, 325. Ohio, coral reef of Falls of, 105 Oil, mineral, 124. Old red sandstone, 106. Oneida conglomerate, 94. Onondaga limestone, 105. Oolite, 25, 166. Ophileta levata, 81.* Orbitolina Texana, 191* Orient, characteristics of, 5. Origin of species. See CREATION Oriskany period, 104. sandstone, 104. Orthis biloba, 97 * occidental is, 88.* testudinaria, 88.* Orthoceras, 83.* last of, 175, 200. Orthoclase, 15. Osmeroides Lewesiensis, 194.* Ostracoids, 54,* 82.* of Triassic, 169.* Ostrea sellseformis, 211.* Otozoum Moodii, 171.* Outcrop, 39.* Ox, first of, 216. Oyster, Tertiary, 211,* 212. Packing specimens, 346. Palfeaster Niagarensis, 57.* Palaeoniscus lepidurus, 51.* Freieslebeni, 51,* 133.* Palaeosaurus Carolinensis,170.* Paleothere, 214* Paleozoic time, 78. disturbances closing, 154. general observations on, 142. Palephemera medifeva, 170.* Palisades, 165, 186, 312. Palms, first of, 188, 190, 202. Tertiary, 210.* Palpipes priscus,178.* Paludina Fluviorum, 174.* Paradoxides Harlani, 81.* Paris basin, Tertiary animals of, 208, 214.* Paumotu Archipelago, 269. Peat, formation of, 263. Peccary, fossil, 215. Pecopteris Stuttgartensis,168.' Pemphix Sueurii, 178* Pentamerus galeatus, 98.* oblongus, 97.* Pentremites, first of, 130.* Permian period, 116, 125. Petraia Corniculum, 89.* Petroleum. 12-1. Phacops Bufo, 111.* Phascolotherium, 183.* Phenogams, 61. * Phonolite, 304 Phyllopods, 82. Physiographic Geology, 5. Plants, 47, 60. Carboniferous, 126.* earliest marine, 76, 80. earliest terrestrial, or De- vonian, 99,* 107.* Tertiary, 210.* Triassic, 167.* Platyceras angulatum, 97.* Plesiosaurs, ISO,* 195. Pleurotomaria lenticularis 88* tabulata, 131.* Pliocene, 206. Pliosaur, 180. Podozamites lanceolatus, 168.= Polycystines,. 59,* 263. Polyps, 58.* Polythalamia, 59.* Pompeii, 309. orphyry, 26, 311. Portland (England) dirt-bed 166. (Connecticut) freestone 164. Post-tertiary period, 219. changes of level, 249, 331. general results of, 234. r'otsdam period, 79. Mmordial period, 79. r'rionastraea oblonga, 173.* ) roductus Rogersi, 131.* rotophytes, 60.* rotozoans, 49, 58,* 190. terichthys, 113.* terodactyl, 181,* 195. Pterophyllum graminoides, 168.* teropods, 56* >terosaurs, 181.* *udding stone, 22. ~*upa vetusta, 131.* ) yroxene, 16. Quadrupeds. See MAMMAL. tuarternary. See POST-TER- TIARY. Quartz, 14.* uartz rock, or Quartzite, 24. tuercus, Tertiary, 210.* Radiates, 49, 57* Rain-prints, 33,* 145. Raniceps Lyellii, 134. Reefs, coral, 266.* sand, 287, 289. Regelation, 294. Reptiles, 50. first of, 134. Mesozoic, 171 * 178 * 195 * 201. tracks of, 171.* Reptilian age, 162. Rhinoceroses, Tertiary, 215 * 216. Rhizopods, 59 * Cretaceous, 190.* formation of deposits by 263, 265. Rhode Island coal area, 117. Rhynchonella cuneata, 97.* ventricosa, 98.* Rill-marks, 33,* 102, 189. Ripple-marks, 33,* 80, 102,145, 289. Rivers, action of, 273. of Paleozoic origin, 148. River terraces, 225.* Rock, definition of, 14. Rocks, constituents of, 14. formation of sedimentary, kinds of, 20. of Mississippi Valley, see- tion of, 143* of New York, section of, 66,* 70,* 95,* 96,* 106.* origin of Paleozoic, 144. thickness of Paleozoic, in North America, 142, 249. Elocky Mountains, origin of, 198, 203, 217, 249. Mountain coal area, 117. Rotalia, 59,* 192. St. Lawrence River in the Post- tertiary, 226, 227. Saliferous group, of Britain and Europe, 166. rocks of New York, 95. Salina rocks, 95, 101. Salisbury craigs, 311. Salix Meekii, 191.* Salt of coal formation, 124. of Salina, &c., 95. of Triassic, 166. Sand, 20. Sand-banks, 287, 289. Sand-scratches, 273. Sandstones, 22. Sapphire, 15. Sassafras Cretaceum, 191.* Bauropus primaevus, 134.* Scaphites larvaeformis, 193.* Jchist, schistose rocks, 21, 22. Schoharie grit, 104. Scolithus linearis, 83. 854 INDEX. Scoria, 26. Stalagmite, 25. ^rap, columnar, 311.* Scorpions, first of, 130. Scouring-rush, 60. Star-fishes, 58* Statuary marble, 25. .Yavertine, 21. tree-ferns, 126.* Seaweeds, 60. Steatite, 17. Trenton Falls, period, 85. (Section of New York rocks, Stigmarise, 129.* rocks of, 86. 70.* Strata, definition cf, 28. Triassic period, 163, 164. of the series of rocks, 66.* origin of, 37. rocks, origin of American, Sections of Paleozoic rocks, 143,* 157,* 158* positions of, 36,* 43. Stratification, 27,* 31.* 185. Mgonia clavellata, 174.* Sedimentary beds, formation Strike, 41* Crigonocarpum tricuspida- of, 296. Subcarboniferous period, 116, tum, 127.* Selachians, 52.* 121. Trilobites, 54,* 150. Devonian, 111.* Serpentine, 17. Submarine eruptions, 309. Subsidence of coast of New Devonian, 110.* number of extinct, 252. Shale, 21, 22, 31. Jersey, 243. Silurian, 81,* 89,* 97.* Sharks, 52.* of Greenland, recent, 243. Tufa, 23, 303. teeth, 52,* 178, 212. Subsidences of volcanic re- Turrilites catenates, 193.* SigillariEe, 62, 109. Carboniferous, 128.* gions, 309. Subterranean waters, 281. Turritella carinata, 211.* Turtle of India, 213. Devonian, 107.* Suffolk crag, 209. Turtles, Jurassic, 183. Silica, or Quartz, 14. Syenite, 23. Tertiary, 216. Silicates, 15. Synclinal, 42.* Siliceous shells, microscopic, Syringopora Maclurii, 111.* Unconformable strata, 43.* 59*, 61,* 263. Under-clays, 122. waters of Geysers, 309. Silt, 279. Talc, 17. Talcose schist, 23. Univalves, 55.* [Jnstratified condition, 28.* Silurian age, 78. Siphonia lobata, 192.* Slate, 21, 24. Teliost fishes, 50* Teliosts, first of, 188, 194,* 202, Tertiary, 212. Upper Helderberg, 105. Upper Missouri region, fossil quadrupeds of, 215.* Slaty cleavage, 36,* 323. Sloths, gigantic, of Post-ter- tiary, 232 * Tentaculites, 98.* Terrace epoch, 220. 227. Terraces on Connecticut River, Missouri Tertiary, 207. Ursus spelams, 230. Utica shale, 87. Snakes, first of, 213. no Jurassic, 183. 225.* of Scotland. 229. Valleys, formation of, 274. Soapstone, 17. Solenhofen lithographic lime- stone, 166. origin of, 227. 228 * Tertiary period, 206. general results of, 234. Veins, 29* formation of, 316. Vertebrates, 49, 50. fossils from, 177. in America, 207. first of, 107, 258. Solfataras, 309. South America, form of, 9. Species, exterminations of, 93, 150, 200, 202, 256. 332. introduction of, 149, 256. of England, 209. [etradecapods, 53.* Tetragonolepis, 179.* Thallogens, 60. Thanet sands, 209. Vesuvius, 308. Vicksburg epoch, 206. Vivipara Fluviorum, 174.* Volcanoes, distribution of, 300. nature of, 301. origin of, 92, 116, 152, 256. permanency of, 152. Specimens, on collecting and packing, 346. Sphenopteris laxus, 107.* Gravenhorstii 127.* Thecodonts, 135. Thickness of rocks in Appa- lachian region, 102. of stratified rocks, 44. Thrissops, 51.* Tidal currents, 285. Water, action of, 273. Waters,, subterranean, 281. freezing and frozen, 290. Waves, action of, 283. Wealden, 166. Spicules of Sponges, 58, 110 * Time, length of geological, 244, 245. Wenlock limestone, 96. Whales, first of, 213. 192. Spiders, first of, 177* Spinax Blainvillii, 52* Spine of a fish, 113 * 133* Time-ratios, 145, 198, 243. Titanothere, 215.* Tourmaline, 17.* Wind-drift structure, 32* Woolwich beds, 209. Worms, 53,* 83. Spirifer cameratus, 131.* macropleurus, 98.* Trachyte, 26. Tracks of birds, 172.* Xylobius Sigillarias, 132* mucronatus, 112.* Niagarensis, 97.* Walcotti, 174 * Cheirotherium, 179.* of insects, 170* of reptiles in Carboni- Yoldia limatula, 212 * Yorktown epoch, 206. Spirifers, last of, 174,* 200. Sponge, Cretaceous, 192.* ferous, 134.* of reptiles, Triassic, 171. Zamia, 62. Sponges, 58. Sponge-spicules, 58, 110, 192. in hornstone, 110.* Stag family, first of, 236. Stalactites, 25. of Trilobites, 81* Transportation by rivers, 277. Trap, 26. of Connecticut valley, &c. 165. ^^uaemsss^*^ leaf of, 167.* Zaphrentis bilateralis, 97 * Rafiuesquii, 111* Zeacrinus elegans, 131.* Zeuglodon, 214. jf** OFTH ^K 1 ynfVRsmrj V of . K J W- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY TEL: 642-2997 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD21-35m-8,'72 (Q4189S10)476 A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley