SB PC-NRLF 73 Price 2s. 6d. REPORT OF THE Tulip Nomenclature Committee 14-1915 printed for tbc Horticultural Societ BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE & GO. LTD. NEW STREET SQUARE, LONDON, E.C.4. 1917. So/d by W. WESLEY & SON, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C. EXCHANGE REPORT OF THE Tulip Nomenclature Committee 1914-1915 ptintct) for tbe IRo^al Dortfcultural Society BY. SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE & GO. LTD. NEW STREET SQUARE, LONDON. 1917. R] CONTENTS. PAGB I. PREFATORY NOTE. By E. A. BOWLES, M.A., F.L.S. . i II. INTRODUCTION TO CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. By A. D. HALL, M.A., F.R.S 4 III. SCHEME FOR CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS . 9 IV. DESCRIPTIONS OF GARDEN TULIPS .... 17 EARLY-FLOWERING VARIETIES 1. Due VAN THOL TULIPS, SINGLE ... 17 2. SINGLE TULIPS . . ... . .18 3. DOUBLE TULIPS . . ... . .31 MAY-FLOWERING VARIETIES 4. COTTAGE TULIPS . . . . .38 5. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS . . .52 6. ENGLISH FLORISTS' TULIPS .... 58 7. DARWIN TULIPS 60 8. BROKEN DUTCH TULIPS .... 85 9. BROKEN ENGLISH, TULIPS .... 100 10. REMBRANDT TULIPS 103 11. BROKEN COTTAGE TULIPS .... 108 12. PARROT TULIPS no 13. LATE DOUBLE TULIPS ..... in 14. SPECIES OF TULIPA . . . . . 112 V. SOME NEW COTTAGE TULIPS 118 NOTE ON BRANCHING TULIPS .... 119 VI. LIST OF SYNONYMS 120 VII. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TULIP NAMES . . . 130 VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY. By REV. JOSEPH JACOB . . . 143 3GS672 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. I. PREFATORY NOTE. By E. A. BOWLES, M.A., F.E.S., F.L.S., Chairman of the Committee. THE existence and labours of the R.H.S. Tulip Nomenclature Com- mittee were brought about by the rapidly increasing popularity during the last decade of the Garden Tulip. This popularity can be traced to the introduction to commerce of a race of especially sturdy, easily grown, self-coloured or Breeder Tulips, now known as the Darwin Tulips. The taste for self-coloured Tulips spread rapidly, and old gardens in Flanders, Great Britain, and Ireland were ransacked by enter- prising enthusiasts for other races of May-flowering Tulips. Most of these were the castaways of Tulip-raisers and were more often discovered in cottage gardens than elsewhere, and therefore a very heterogeneous set of plants has been gathered together under the name of Cottage Tulips. The vigour of most of the forms of these hitherto neglected strains proved so remarkable that it was not long before large stocks were accumulated, and the May-flower- ing Tulip was found to be an inexpensive and reliable plant for spring gardening, being quite as suitable for forming masses of colour in large gardens as for associating with other flowers in the smallest garden plot. Many firms of nurserymen were soon engaged in growing and selling them in Holland, Britain, and Ireland ; new names were coined for them at such a rate and in so many different centres that a certain amount of confusion arose and the bestowal of more than one name for a variety was no uncommon thing, B 2 REPORT OK THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Wherever a footpath exists over some open stretch of land, and especially where such a track is still in course of formation, it is generally noticeable that the track takes an indirect route. It may be that a winding course was used for no apparent reasons by the first who made a short cut ; or again devious tracks wind away from the main one, due to the individual inclinations of pedestrians, and a network of paths may result, and need arises for signposts or fences to prevent strangers from losing their way. The opportunities for individual action in the naming of Tulips have been very numerous. Many growers translated foreign names into their own language ; for instance * Kanarie- vogel ' became ' Canary Bird/ and ' Reve de Jeunesse ' ' Dream/ Others, taking greater liberties, changed the name altogether. 'Salmon Queen * and 'Landelle' represented the same variety, and if anyone bought the Tulips named 'Clio/ 'Biscuit/ 'Bronze Queen/ 'Sensation/ and 'Due d'Orleans/ the flowering season showed he had but one brown variety and not five. Tulip-growers were beginning to feel the time had come for some action to be taken ; a fence was needed to prevent further straying into paths of fancy nomenclature. The climax was reached when a Darwin variety found to be useful for forcing was renamed in the R.H.S. Hall at a Spring show, and eventually appeared in lists at 2s. a dozen more under its new name than under the one it had borne for many years. So in the autumn of 1913 the Council of the R.H.S. issued invita- tions to the leading growers to send Tulip bulbs to Wisley, and a joint committee of English and Dutch experts was appointed to draw up a scheme of classification that should be useful for Garden purposes, and to settle the synonymy of the varieties bearing more than one name. This Committee, as originally formed, consisted of Mr. E. A. Bowles (Chairman), Mr. E. Krelage (Vice-Chairman), and Messrs. J. de Graaff, T. Hoog, Jan Roes, P. R. Barr, C. W. Needham, A. D. Hall, W. T. Ware, G. W. Leak, and the Rev. Joseph Jacob, with Mr. C. C. Titchmarsh as Trials Officer, and later was strengthened by the addi- tion of Mr. R. W. Wallace. Mr. Jacob was deputed to visit Holland and, in conjunction with the Dutch Bulb-growers' Association, pre- pare a preliminary list of synonyms, and the Committee met at Wisley in April and again in May, both in 1914 and 1915, to consider the Early and May-flowering varieties while in full bloom. It is a matter of great regret that, owing to the War and the con- sequent difficulty of travelling between Holland and England, the Committee was deprived of the valuable help of its Dutch members at their Wisley meetings in 1915. However, the lists of names were revised in Holland, and much valuable assistance was kindly afforded. These lists alone will show the magnitude of the work before the Committee, and it would have been quite impossible to have examined PREFATORY NOTE. 3 and classified so many varieties, especially at the Conference held on May 13 and 14, 1915, in the R.H.S. Hall, but for the untiring zeal and willing co-operation of all those engaged in the work. The thanks of the Committee are due to the donors of bulbs for the Trial, viz. Messrs. The Anglesey Bulb-Growers' Association, Llanfair, Isle of Anglesey ; Barr & Sons, Covent Garden, London ; R. H. Bath, Wisbech ; Gebroeders Bijvoet, Haarlem ; W. Blom & Sons, Haarlem ; G. Bony, Clermont Ferrand, France ; J. Carter, Raynes Park, S.W. ; A. Dawkins, King's Road, Chelsea ; De Graaff Bros., Leiden; Hogg & Robertson, Dublin; Rev. J. Jacob, Whit- church, Salop ; Jefferies & Son, Cirencester ; C. Kieft & Sons, Limmen, nr. Haarlem; E. H. Krelage & Son, Haarlem ; J. R. Pearson & Sons, Lowdham ; Polman Mooy, Haarlem ; A. Roozen & Son, Haarlem ; W. Rowlands & Co., Liverpool ; W. Ruijnok & Sons, Hillegom ; Gerrit Segers, Lisse ; Van der Schoot & Son, Hillegom ; Van Meer- beck & Co., Hillegom ; J. Van Til Jshon, Hillegom ; Van Tubergen, jr., Haarlem ; Van Waveren & Son, Hillegom ; Wallace & Co., Colchester ; The Wargrave Plant Farm, Liverpool Street, E.C. ; and E. H. Wheadon & Sons, Guernsey ; to all concerned with the growing of the plants at Wisley ; and especially to Mr. Titchmarsh, the Trials Officer, who made the notes on the growing flowers, superintended the collection of the immense number of cut blooms sent from Wisley to the Hall for the Conference, helped in their grading as to colour, and, with the assistance of the students, Messrs. A. T. Rudge, R. Wightman, N. K. Gould, and P. Greenway, recorded the place in the colour arrangement assigned to each variety, in itself a very heavy piece of work, and also drafted the descriptive report, faithfully embodying the decisions of the Committee at their many meetings. REPORT OF THE TULIP .NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. II. INTRODUCTION TO CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. By A. D. HALL, M.A.,F.R.S. THE garden Tulip began to be cultivated in Western Europe towards the middle of the sixteenth century. It came to us from the Turks, with whom it had already been for a long time in cultivation. It is supposed to have originated near Baghdad, and Turkish manuscripts of the fourteenth century are known in which many varieties possessing the special characteristics of the modern flower are enumerated. When the Tulip reached Europe it was already made a garden flower, presumably of composite origin, but the sources are quite lost, and none of the species which have latterly been discovered in the East can be fixed upon as the probable parents of the garden flower. A composite origin seems to be indicated not only by the great range of variation, but by the differences in the time of flowering which tend to segregate garden Tulips into two main groups flowering with us at intervals of nearly a month, by the presence or absence of yellow pigment, and by the occasional occurrence of flowers possessing a strong scent like that of T. sylvestris. A genetic classification of the garden Tulips thus becomes impossible with our ignorance of origins, and the only other scientific basis remaining would be one founded upon colour. Four sources of colour may be traced. Firstly, in nearly all Tulips- the ovary is surrounded by a central blotch, formed by the lower portions of each petal and approximating to a circle in shape, of a different colour from the rest of the flower. This base is deep blue or black in many forms, but it varies enormously in intensity, and may be entirely absent, so as to leave a circle of pure white or yellow. Only in a few of the true white or yellow selfs is the base indistinguishable from the rest of the petal. The shape and extent of the base may also vary considerably, though it is always symmetrical. In speaking of the colour of the Tulip the base is not taken into account. Secondly, the Tulip possesses a sap pigment, located in the cells of the mesophyll only. This pigment may be white or yellow, and it is, ex- cept for the basal colour, the only one present in the true white or yellow selfs. Thirdly, there is present in the epidermis of many Tulips an anthocyanin pigment, which varies through all shades of rose, red, and purple. That this anthocyanin pigment is confined to the epidermis may be easily ascertained by stripping the skin from the upper and lower surfaces of any garden Tulip other than the self yellows or whites, when the colouring will be found to have come off with the skin. This anthocyanin pigment tends to become a little more intense INTRODUCTION TO CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. 5 and to change a little in the direction of purple as the individual bloom ages. If it is superimposed upon white mesophyll it becomes the typical colour of that Tulip ; superimposed upon a yellow ground it forms the true scarlets, oranges, and light and dark browns, which characterize the Tulips called ' Bizarres.' Lastly, there is in some Tulips a second yellow pigment, related, however, to the anthocyanins and present in the epidermis alongside of the normal red or purple. This gives the flower a flushed or " shot " effect, often very beautiful. This latter yellow pigment bleaches rapidly, and may even disappear as the bloom ages. One other colour property of the Tulip, a very special one, must be dealt with here : that is, .the process known as " breaking." When a Tulip seedling first blooms, if it contains any anthocyanin pigments, i.e. red or purple, that colour will be uniformly diffused all over the surface of the segments, and the result is a self-coloured flower (save for the base) known as a " breeder." This bulb and those which arise from offsets in succeeding years remain similarly breeders, but sooner or later some, and doubtless eventually all, will undergo a remarkable change, known as " breaking." In the broken flower the anthocyanin pigment is no longer diffused all over the surface, but is segregated into stripes up the middle of each segment or fine featherings upon its edges. Often the shade changes somewhat on breaking ; as a rule it becomes more intense. The offsets from a bulb that has thrown a broken flower will always be broken. As far. as is known, reversion to the breeder state never takes place ; though the markings of broken colour, which vary considerably in shape and distribution from year to year, may with age almost overspread the whole segment, still these heavy broken flowers are always to be distinguished from the true breeders. Breaking is accompanied by other changes in the plant. The leaves generally show a distinct mottling in the green ; the stem possesses markings of anthocyanin pigment ; the size, height, and vigour of the plant are reduced, and it does not throw offsets so freely. The cause of breaking remains unknown ; change of soil, a hot and dry situation accelerate it, but we are acquainted with no method of preventing it. It is a property of all garden Tulips containing the anthocyanin pigment, i.e. of all except the white and yellow selfs. This property of breaking adds greatly to the difficulty of classifying Tulips for garden purposes ; the breeder and the broken or rectified flowers arising from it are so distinct that their common origin, indeed identity, would not be suspected, and they subserve quite different purposes in the garden. Hence a scientific classifica- tion based upon colour becomes as impossible as one based upon origin, and the Committee has fallen back upon a purely empirical classification based upon garden convenience alone. This aims at bringing into the same class flowers which " match " and possess similar habits, such as time of flowering, style of growth, colour, and shape. As a rule, flowers in the same class will be more nearly related than 6 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. flowers in different classes, though varieties of common origin may have to go into different classes, and some varieties have to be placed rather arbitrarily on one side or other of the dividing line. The classification begins by dividing the garden Tulips into early and late flowering, in practice a good division, though one or two intermediate varieties, like ' Le Reve/ exist and others may be expected. Certain races like the ' Van Thols ' may be distinguished among the earlies; some of them break, and quite a number of double forms exist. Turning to the late or May-flowering Tulips, the main groups that have been adopted are Breeders, Broken, and Cottage Tulips, with minor groups for the Doubles and the Parrot Tulips. The Breeders or self-coloured Tulips have already been defined. Though they all originate from a common stock and have much in common, they are subdivided into three sections, Dutch, English, and Darwins. The Dutch represent the old parent stock ; they show all shades of rose and purple (called ' Bybloemen ') which have white grounds, and again all shades of scarlet and brown, the ' Bizarres,' which possess a yellow ground. The bases may be of any shade of blue down to pure white ; the form, sometimes a true cup, is generally egg-shaped when not fully expanded, with somewhat long and even pointed petals. The English Tulips were segregated from the original Dutch stock during the early years of the nineteenth century by the labours of the English florists who insisted and refined upon certain points of excellence that had already been recognized by the Dutch florists. The segments must be broad and rounded and open to a true cup, approximately a hemisphere ; the colours are generally clearer and brighter than those of the Dutch breeders, and the base must always be clean white or yellow without any trace of blue. They are sub- divided into ' Roses ' (all shades of pink and rose), ' Bybloemen ' (purple and violet), both of which possess white grounds and bases, and ' Bizarres ' (various shades of scarlet and brown) with yellow grounds and bases. The other distinctive properties of the English Tulip are seen only in the broken state. Somewhere, it is believed in Flanders, another race was segregated from the original Dutch stock and was introduced into commerce in 1899 by KRELAGE under the name of ' Darwin Tulips.' They possess a stronger constitution than the original stock, grow taller, and have larger flowers of great substance. The shape is also characteristic ; the flower segments spring at right angles from the stem and turn again at right angles to form the cup, so that the whole flower possesses a distinc- tive, squarely-built profile (figs. 19,21). Among the Darwins the yellow ground has been eliminated, so that only shades of rose and purple are recognized. The base may be any shade of blue down to pure white. To the three classes of breeders, Dutch, English, and Darwins, correspond three classes of broken Tulips, for all members of this great group possess the property of breaking. The Dutch broken INTRODUCTION TO CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS 7 Tulips usually show considerable irregularity of marking, with streaks and splashes of rose or purple upon a white ground (Bybloemen) or of scarlet and brown upon a yellow ground (Bizarres). The English florists insist upon complete distinctness and regularity of marking in the English broken Tulips (fig. 22) ; they distinguish two types: the "feathered" flowers, in which the marking is confined to a fine pencilling upon the edges of the petals, and "flamed" flowers, which possess a branching beam of colour up the centre of the petal in addition to the feathering upon the edges. Unfortunately, as yet, only a few varieties mark truly from year to year. The broken Darwins, known as " Rembrandt Tulips," are even more irregularly marked than the Dutch ; they generally show two shades of colour upon a white ground splashes of the lighter breeder colour with irregular streaks of a darker shade. The Cottage class is nothing more than a convenient gathering ground for a number of Tulips from the same general stock which could not be placed in the florist's classes, but which were sufficiently attractive to be kept for garden decoration. It includes the true selfs, white and yellow, which possess no anthocyanin pigment and never break. It also includes races which open with a narrow edge of red upon a white or yellow ground, but as the flower ages the red extends until it flushes over the whole bloom. Among the other sections in the Cottage Tulips is one including various shades of red and crimson, and another including the shades of scarlet, orange, or brown. It should be remembered that all flowers of rose-red, crimson, and purplish shades possess a white ground colour, whereas the true scarlets and all brown shades are due to the same red or purple colours superimposed upon a yellow ground. Lastly we have a group of varying and indeterminate colours, in which the red or purple pigment is " shot " with a yellow shade of varying intensity. Again, there are broken classes for all the Cottage Tulips except the true selfs. Form varies greatly among the Cottage Tulips, and we may distinguish four types : (i) the true cup, as in ' Bouton d'Or ' (fig. i) ; (2) the long pointed form, often showing a distinct waist, as in ' Mrs. Moon ' (fig. 2) ; (3) the form with pointed reflexing segments, giving the flower an outline resembling the heraldic fleur-de-lys, as in retroflexa (fig. 4) ; (4) the form that is in outline much like a long egg, as in ' John Ruskin' (fig. 3). The Double Late Tulips need no definition. The Parrots include a few varieties with cut and laciniated petals, often showing blotches of green unpigmented tissue. The Parrots are usually marked with scarlet or brown upon a yellow ground, but a few are known with white grounds. As a rule they have weak stems and do not bloom very freely. As a final group we have to bring together all the true species, not that they possess necessarily anything in common, save the property of breeding true, but simply for convenience. It should be noted that many of the so-called species, which have Latin names in the catalogues, are really garden forms, and are mostly included in 8 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COxMMITTEE. the Cottage section. Among such varieties are Gesneriana, vitellina, fulgens, retroftexa, &c. Synonyms abound among garden Tulips. Sometimes this has been due to accidental or deliberate re-naming ; sometimes a broken form has been given a name different from that of the breeder form. The Committee has endeavoured to preserve the best-known name and record all the synonyms, and in the case of broken flowers to indicate the breeders from which they sprang. SCHEME FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS, 9 III. SCHEME FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. WITH LIST OF SELECTED VARIETIES. SECTION I. EARLY FLOWERING. Definition : Of garden origin, dwarf habit, and in full flower before the end of April. SUBSECTION A. Due VAN THOL TULIPS. (=Class I., p. 17.) Definition : Very early Tulips, rarely exceeding six inches in height. [Suitable for pot cultivation only.] SUBSECTION B. SINGLES. (=Class II., p. 17.) a. White. For Pots : Pottebakker White, Lady Boreel, Princesse Helene. For Bedding : Washington, Lady Boreel, Princess Marianne, Pottebakker White, White Swan (late), Jacoba van Beieren. b. White and yellow. For all purposes : Brunhilde, Princess Ida. c. White, flushed pink. For Pots : Rose of Holland, Queen of the Netherlands, La Reine. For Bedding : Rose of Holland, La Reine. d. Pink on white. For Pots : Rose Gris-de-lin, Rose Tendre. For Bedding : Rosamundi Huykman, Alice Roosevelt, Rose Gris-de-lin. e. Deep rose and white. For Pots : Rose Luisante, Le Matelas, De Vlieger. For Bedding : Pink Beauty, Cottage Maid, Wapen van Leiden, Princess Wilhelmina, De Vlieger. /. Deep rose. For Pots : Jenny, Stanley, Van Berghem. For Bedding : Jenny, Stanley, Cramoisi Royal. g. Cerise. For Pots : Aelbert Cuyp, Joost van den Vondel, Paul Moreelse. 10 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. For Bedding : Joost van den Vondel, Couleur Ponceau, Mrs. Langtry, Aelbert Cuyp. h. Crimson. For Bedding : Bacchus. i. Scarlet. For Pots : Vermilion Brillant, La Grandeur, Orange Brillant, Cramoisi Brillant. For Bedding : Vermilion Brillant, Dusart, Sir Thomas Lipton, Artus, Couleur Cardinal. j. Orange-scarlet. For Pots : Prince of Austria. For Bedding : Prince of Austria, Grace Darling. k. Orange. For all purposes : Fred. Moore, Thomas Moore. /. Orange and yellow. For Pots : De Wet, Cardinal Rampolla. For Bedding : De Wet, Cottage Boy, Cardinal Ram- polla, Golden Lion. m. Yellow. For Pots : Yellow Queen, Mon Tre*sor, Prince de Ligny. For Bedding : Yellow Globe, King of the Yellows, Gold- finch, Prince de Ligny, Golden Queen, Royal Sovereign. n. Primrose. For Pots and Bedding: Primrose Queen. o. Purple. For Pots : Van der Neer, President Lincoln, Molire. For Bedding : Van der Neer, Wouwerman, President Lincoln, Molie're. p. Red and yellow. For Pots : Hector, Keizerskroon. For Bedding : Duchesse de Parme, Hector, Keizerskroon. q. Purple, edged white. For Pots : Mrs. Elwes. For Bedding : Lac Premier, Eleonora, Lac van Rhijn. r. Striped, white ground. For Pots : Fabiola, Spaendonck, Admiral Reyniers. s. Striped, yellow ground. For Bedding : Golden Bride of Haarlem, Due d'Autriche. /. Of other colours. For Bedding : Enchantress, La Remarquable, Potter. u. Foliage striped. For Pots : Rose Luisante, Joost van den Vondel, Silver Standard. For Bedding : Yellow Prince, Rose Aplatie. SCHEME FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. II SUBSECTION C. DOUBLES. (=Class III., p. 31.) a. White. For Pots : Schoonoord, White Salvator Rosa. For Bedding: Schoonoord, Boule de Neige, Alba Maxima, La Candeur. b. White, flushed pink. For Pots : Murillo, Raphael. For Bedding : Raphael, Parmesiano. c. Rose. For Pots: Lady Palmerston, Couronne de Roses, Salvator Rosa. For Bedding: Virginia, Lady Palmerston, Couronne de Roses. d. Deep Rose. For Bedding : Lord Beaconsfield, La Victoire. e. Cerise. For Bedding : Queen Emma, Arabella, Rozekroon. /. Scarlet. For Pots : Vuurbaak, Imperator Rubrorum. For Bedding: Vuurbaak, Imperator Rubrorum, Rubra Maxima, Willem III. g. Orange and red. For Pots : El Toreador, Prince of Orange. For Bedding : El Toreador. h. Red, edged yellow. For Pots : Tournesol. For Bedding: Pieneman, Titian, Gloria Solis. i. Yellow and orange. For Pots and Bedding : Couronne d'Or, Yellow Tournesol. ;'. Yellow. For Pots : Van Tubergen. For Bedding : Van Tubergen, Velasquez. k. Primrose. For Pots and Bedding : Safrano. /. Puce. For Pots and Bedding : Lac van Haarlem, Turban Violet. m. Of other colours. For Pots : Harlequin. n. Foliage striped. For Pots : Tournesol. 12 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. SECTION II. MAY-FLOWERING. Definition : Of garden origin, mostly of tall and robust habit, and usually flowering after May i. SUBSECTION A. COTTAGE VARIETIES. (= Class IV., p. 38.) Definition : All Tulips which do not fall within the other classes. The colours may be pure white or yellow, all shades of pink, crimson to purple, orange, and brown, and various " shot " shades, produced by the combination of pink or purple colours on a yellow ground. The shape may be (a) a true cup with rounded segments, (b) a long flower with pointed segments, (c) a long flower with reflexed segments, (d) long egg-shaped. a. White. Parisian White, Dora. b. White, edged pink. Elegans alba, Picotee, Carnation. c. Cream, flushed pink. Isabella, Innovation, Pride of Inglescombe. d. Pink. Inglescombe Pink, Mrs. Kerrell, Sir Harry. e. Cerise. Cassandra, Rosalind, Rose Beauty. /. Cochineal-red. Gesneriana spathulata, Fulgens, Glare of the Garden. g. Scarlet. Scarlet Emperor, Inglescombe Scarlet, Beau Brummell. h. Orange-scarlet. Orange King, Grenadier, Boadicea, La Merveille. i. Yellow. Inglescombe Yellow, Mrs. Moon, Bouton d'Or, Avis Kennicott. j. Primrose. ^ Ellen Willmott, Moonlight. k. Yellow, edged red. Cardinal Billiet, Illuminator, Golden Crown. /. Light bronze. Jaune d'CEuf, Garibaldi, Yellow Perfection. m. Dark bronze. Golden Bronze, Goudvink, Quaintness. n. Shot. John Ruskin, Beauty of Bath, The Fawn, Fairy Queen. SCHEME FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. 13 SUBSECTION B. BREEDERS. Definition : Self-coloured flowers, except as regards the base. (1) Dutch Breeders. (=Class V., p. 52.) Definition : Flower oval or cupped, brown, purple, or red, but sometimes bronze ; base white or yellow, but generally stained blue or green to blue-black. a. Roses. Definition : Pink to red. Charles Dickens. b. Bybloemen. Definition: Purple to violet. Bacchus, Cardinal Manning, Godet Parfait, Velvet King. c. Bizarres. Definition : Shades of scarlet, bronze or brown. Dom Pedro, Louis Quatorze, Panorama. (2) English Breeders. (-Class VI., p. 58.) Definition : Flower forming J to J of a hollow ball when fully expanded ; base always white or yellow, without trace of other colour. a. Roses. Definition : Rose shades, with white base. Annie McGregor, Mabel, Mrs. Barlow, Rose Hill. b. Bybloemen. Definition : Purple shades, with white base. Adonis, Elizabeth Pegg, Talisman. c. Bizarres. Definition : Brown shades, with yellow base. Sir Joseph Paxton, Samuel Barlow, Sulphur, Goldfinder. (3) Darwins. (=Class VII., p. 60.) Definition : Lower portion of flower usually rect- angular in outline ; segments of good substance ; stems strong and tall ; colour, shades of purple- red to white, never yellow or brown ; base black, blue, or white, or any combination of these colours. a. Scarlet- vermilion. Isis, Feu Brillant, Whistler, City of Haarlem. b. Cochineal-red. Farncombe Sanders, Van Poortvliet, Prof. Rauwen- hof, Europe. 14 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. c. Cerise. I Pride of Haarlem, Prince of the Netherlands, Mattia. d. Magenta. William Goldring, Admiral Togo, The International. e. Pale Magenta. Centenaire, Nauticus, Adele Sandrock. /. Rose. Edmee, Princess Elizabeth, Baronne de la Tonnaye, Venus. g. Pale Rose. Psyche, Suzon, Flamingo, Sophrosyne. h. Salmon-pink. Clara Butt, Yolande, Maiden's Blush. i. Crimson-maroon. Marcella, Henner, King Harold, Millet. j. Maroon-black. Fra Angelico, Philippe de Comines, Zanzibar. k. Purple-black. Faust, Zulu, La Tulipe Noire. I. Purple. Frans Hals, Marconi, Paul Boudry, Raphael. m. Violet-purple. Valentin, Moralis, The Bishop, Viking. n. Rosy Purple. Palissa, Mrs. Potter Palmer. o. Rosy Lilac. Euterpe, Ascanio, Pygmalion. p. Lilac. Erguste, Bleu Amiable, Melicette, Rev. H. Ewbank. q. Lilac, with a lighter edge. Mauve Clair, Electra, Wally Moes, Nora Ware. r. Blush. L'Ingenue, Margaret, Zephyr. s. Slaty Lilac. Oliphant, Remembrance, Ronald Gunn. SUBSECTION C. BROKEN TULIPS. Definition : Flowers in which the colour appears in the form of stripes on a lighter ground colour, generally white or yellow, SCHEME FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF GARDEN TULIPS. 15 (1) Broken Dutch. (=Class VIII. , p. 85.) a. Roses. Definition : Rose or cerise markings on white ground. Admiral van Kingsbergen, Comte de Vergennes, Henry VIII, Perle Brillante. b. Bybloemen. Definition : Violet or purple markings on white ground. Dainty Maid, Imperatrice de Maroc, May Blossom. c. Bizarres. Definition : Brown, red, or purple markings on yellow ground. Cherbourg, Miss Doris Diggle, Trafalgar. (2) Broken English. (=Class IX., p. 100.) a. Roses. Definition : Rose markings on white ground. Annie McGregor, Mabel, Aglaia. b. Bybloemen. Definition : Purple markings on white ground. Talisman, Adonis, Duchess of Sutherland. c. Bizarres. Definition : Brown or black markings on yellow ground. Samuel Barlow, Sir Joseph Paxton, Dr. Hardy, George Hayward, Lord Stanley. (3) Rembrandts. (=Class X., p. 103.) Definition : Broken Darwins. a. Roses. Definition : Rose markings on white ground. Red Prince, Semele, Victor Hugo. b. Bybloemen. Definition : Purple markings on white ground. Franoise d'Amboise, Procles. (4) Broken Cottage. (=Class XL, p. 108.) a. Roses. Definition : Rose markings on white ground. Striped Beauty, Zomerschoon. b. Bybloemen. Definition : Purple markings on white ground. Twilight, Union Jack. l6 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, c. Bizarres. Definition : Brown, red, or purple markings on yellow ground. Chameleon, Gala Beauty, Scotia. SUBSECTION D. PARROTS. (=Class XII., p. no.) Definition : Tulips with laciniate segments. Amiral de Constantinople, Lutea major, Markgraaf van Baden, Crimson Beauty. SUBSECTION E. DOUBLES. (=Class XIII., p. in.) Blue Flag, Mariage de ma Fille, Yellow Rose, Rose Pompon. SECTION III. SPECIES. (=ClassXIV., p. 112.) Definition : Tulips which are or have been found wild, and which keep their characteristics under cultivation. e.g. Clusiana, Greigii, Fosteriana, sylvestris, Batalini. FIG. 1. COTTAGE TULIP ' BOUTON D'OR.' [To face p. 16. FIG. 2. COTTAGE TULIP 'MRS. MOON.' DESCRIPTIONS OF GARDEN TULIPS, 17 IV. DESCRIPTIONS OF GARDEN TULIPS.* [For General Classification see p. 9. Names in italics are synonyms. The date of flowering given below and the duration of the flower are for the year 1915 and represent the order in which the varieties may be expected to flower rather than the exact date of flowering, which will vary from year to year ; it will also vary according to the source and time of planting of the bulbs. The dates are taken, as a rule, from bulbs which had been grown for two years at Wisley and had been planted at the same time. The heights are measured from the same bulbs and are relative only.] CLASS I. Due VAN THOL VARIETIES SINGLE. These varieties, believed to be derived from Tulipa suaveolens, are the earliest-flowering garden Tulips, often being in flower before the end of March and in full flower by April 10. The yellow variety is the earliest, and is succeeded by the others after an interval of a few days. With the exception of ' White Maxima/ the plants do not exceed 6 inches in height. The flower is pointed in the bud, and cup-shape when open. Cochenille = Cochineal, q.v. Cochineal. Light crimson. Crimson . Crimson . Duchesss. Scarlet, with yellow segment margins. Gloriosa = Crimson, q.v. Orange, Scarlet Striped. Deep yellow, striped scarlet. Orange Maxima. Small, orange-red. Red and Yellow. Crimson, with yellow segment margins. Red and Yellow Maxima. A larger-flowered form of the preceding. Rose. White, flushed deep rose-pink. Scarlet. Small, dark scarlet. Violet. Dull plum-purple, edged white. White Maxima. White, larger and later than other van Thol variety. Yellow. Small, yellow. * As with other Trials the Tulips were grown at Wisley under number only. These numbers do not appear in this Report, but any Fellows, having noted the number under which a Tulip was growing, and desiring to know its name, may ascertain it on application to the Director, R.H.S. Gardens, Wisley, Ripley, Surrey. 18 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS II. SINGLE-FLOWERED VARIETIES. a. Flower white. Alba Regalis. Of medium size, slightly splashed and streaked with yellow ; base yellow ; stem stout ; leaves very undulate ; scented ; 13 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Albion = White Hawk, q.v. Blanchard. Very like ' Alba Regalis,' but with a coloured stem and less undulate leaves ; 14 inches ; April 21, 16 days. Claermond White. Rounded, rough ; base yellow, diffuse 12 inches ; April 15, 17 days. David Teniers. Goblet-shape, of good substance, faintly marked outside with pearl-blue ; base pale yellow, diffuse ; stem stout ; leaves very glaucous, ascending ; 8 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Grande Blanche. Egg-shape, points reflexed, marked outside with pearl- blue filaments, yellow ; stem stiff, dark ; 15 inches ; April 27, 14 days. Jacoba van Beieren. Small, pointed ; base pale yellow, diffuse ; filaments yellow ; stem reddish ; leaves ascending ; 10 inches ; April 21, 1 6 days. Jan Steen. Small ; segments green tipped, marked outside with pearl- blue ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem stiff, coloured ; 13 inches ; April 21, 15 days. Joost van den Vondel White = Lady Boreel, q.v. Lady Boreel. The pure white form of ' Joost van den Vondel ' (see ii g) ; 14 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Lilian Mont Blanc, q.v. L'Immaculee. Small ; base and filaments deep yellow ; leaves ascending ; 10 inches ; April 16, 16 days. Lord Derby = Mont Blanc, q.v. Mont Blanc. An early, crumpled flower ; base and filaments deep yellow ; leaves narrow ; n inches ; April n, 20 days. Nelly. Goblet-shape, medium size ; base small, pale yellow ; filaments yellow ; stigma large ; stem slender ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 28, 13 days. Pigeon. Goblet-shape, small ; flamed pale yellow and pencilled blue outside ; base small ; stem slender ; 12 inches; April 17, 17 days. Pottebakker White. The white form of ' Pottebakker ' (see II m) ; base large, yellow ; 17 inches ; April 15, 20 days. Princesse Helene. The whitest early Tulip ; base faintly yellow ; filaments white ; segments dentate at apex ; stem coloured, stout ; 15 inches ; April 19, 19 days. Princess Marianne. Tips of segments reflexed, streaked red on each side of midrib of inner segments ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 13 inches ; April 16, 17 days. Snowdrift = Washington, q.v. Snowflake. Goblet-shape, small ; base very small, yellow ; filaments yellow; stem strong; leaves broad; 13 inches; April 21, 17 days. SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 19 Snow-white. Quarters wheji just open ; base and filaments yellow ; 13 inches ; April 22, 16 days. Trilby. Small ; base and filaments pale yellow ; leaves broad, ascending ; 15 inches ; April 23, 15 days. Washington. Goblet-shape, opening flat, marked pearl- blue out- side ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves broad, very undulate ; 12 inches ; April 21, 19 days. White Bird = Washington, q.v. White Falcon White Hawk, q.v. White Hawk. Round ; base and filaments yellow ; pollen green ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 19, 17 days. White Perfection. Resembles ' White Hawk/ but the flower is thinner and larger ; pollen green ; 13 inches ; April 26, 12 days. White Swan. Goblet -shape, medium size; base tinged yellow; filaments white ; 18 inches ; May i, 17 days. b. Flower white and yellow. Brunhilde. Cup-shape, crumpled; base yellow, extending to a heavy flame on each segment ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves long ; 15 inches ; April 15, 21 days. L' Unique Brunhilde, q.v. Paragon Guldenbloem = Princess Ida, q.v. Pottebakker White and Gold = Brunhilde, q.v. Princess Ida. Small, pointed, heavily flamed yellow; segments with reddish tips ; filaments yellow ; stem stiff ; leaves ascending ; ii inches ; April 21, 16 days. c. Flower white, flushed pink. Blushing Bride. Goblet-shape ; flush deep on midribs of inner segments, pencilled pearl-blue outside ; base diffuse, yellow ; fila- ments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves broad ; 17 inches ; April 21, 17 days. La Reine. Round ; base and filaments pale yellow ; pollen green ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; forces well ; 13 inches ; April 19, 14 days. La Reine Maxima. A large-flowered form of the preceding ; 15 inches ; April 19, 15 days. Le Flambeau. Small ; base and filaments yellow ; 6 inches ; April 20, 16 days. Milliades = La Reine, q.v. Prose. Small, opens wide ; base and filaments pale yellow ; 17 inches ; April 28, 19 days. Queen of the Netherlands. Cup-shape, large; base and filaments pale yellow ; anthers very long ; stem rather weak ; 14 inches ; April 17, 19 days. Rose Aplatie. Cup-shape, small, neat ; base diffuse, yellow ; fila- ments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves broad ; 13 inches April 21, 17 days. 20 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Rose of Holland. Long cup shape, pencilled pearl- blue outside ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 19, 15 days. Rose Triomphante = Rose of Holland, q.v. d. Flower pink on white. Alice Roosevelt. Cup shape, large, in form much like ' Queen of the Netherlands ' (lie) ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem weak ; 14 inches ; April 17, 20 days. Blyhof . Small ; 9 inches ; April 27, 15 days. Couleur des Roses. Long, pointed ; colour in distinctly triangular patch in upper part of each outer segment ; base diffuse, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 15 inches ; April 22, 1 6 days. Cupido. Long, pointed; opening flat; base yellow; filaments white ; stem strong ; n inches ; April 14, 17 days. Duchess of Albany. Round ; inner segments exceeding the outer ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 13 inches ; April 16, 17 days. La Tendresse Rose Tendre, q.v. Margot = Mrs. Cleveland, q.v. Mrs. Cleveland. Pointed, base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 12 inches ; April 21, 15 days. Princess Royal Couleur des Roses, q.v. Queen of Roses = Duchess of Albany, q.v. Rachel Ruisch. Pointed; base diffuse, yellow; 12 inches; April 16, 18 days. Rosamundi Huykman. Cup shape, medium size, refined ; outside marked pearl-blue ; base and filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 24, 14 days. Rose Gris-de-Lin. Resembling ' Duchess of Albany' in form and colour, but smaller ; 10 inches ; April 22, 14 days. Rose Tendre. Goblet shape ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 17, 19 days. Van Gooyen. Medium size ; base and filaments yellow ; opens out flat very quickly ; stem strong ; leaves very glaucous ; 18 inches ; April 23, 15 days. e. Flower deep rose and white. Claermond Rose. A rounded flower; base yellow, diffuse. An old variety, now quite superseded; 12 inches; April n, 20 days. Cottage Maid. Goblet shape, base white, with a small yellow blotch on each segment ; filaments yellow ; stem slender, wiry ; 12 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Dainty Maid, Prosperity, q.v. De Vlieger. Pointed, opening very flat ; base yellow, with a white ring ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 15 inches ; April 19, 15 days. Flamingo. Of the form of ' White Hawk ' ; 12 inches ; April 19, 17 days. SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 21 La Precieuse Cottage Maid, q.v. La Reine des Reims Prosperity, q.v. La Reine Rose. A colour form of ' La Reine ' (see lie). La Riante. Resembling, but inferior to ' De Vlieger ' ; 12 inches ; April 17, 20 days. Le Matelas. Round, becoming deeper in colour with age, scented ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 9, 20 days. Pink Beauty. Pointed, opening to a long cup, very shapely, brightly coloured ; base small, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ovate, very strong ; 14 inches ; April 26, 16 days. Princess Wilhelmina. Long, pointed, of good substance ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves strong, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 1 6, 17 days. Prosperity. A large deep-coloured form of ' La Reine ' (see He). Queen of Pinks = Princess Wilhelmina, q.v. Queen Wilhelmina = Princess Wilhelmina, q.v. Rosa Regalis. Cup shape, large ; base large, white, with an extensive yellow blotch ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; 15 inches ; April 27, 12 days. Rose Luisante. Goblet shape, medium size, good substance ; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad ; 14 inches ; April 27, 12 days. Rose Riante. Cup shape, small; base small, yellow; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; leaves narrow ; 12 inches ; April 21, 16 days. Village Maid. Long, pointed; base diffuse, yellow; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves flat ; 10 inches ; April 16, 17 days. Wapen van Leiden. A singular flower, long cup-shaped, rose-red on the upper part and on the midrib, and flamed yellow on the back of each segment ; stem strong ; leaves ovate, undulate, ascending ; 19 inches ; April 17, 19 days. /. Flower deep rose. Adeline. Medium size ; base yellow, with a white margin ; filaments white ; stem stout, reddish ; 13 inches ; April 26, 14 days. Augusta. The form of ' Gris-de-Lin Rose ' ; outside greenish, base white ; suffused yellow ; n inches ; April 24, 14 days. Cramoisi Pourpre Stanley, q.v. Cramoisi Royal. Round, of great substance ; base yellow, fringed blue ; filaments stained blue ; stem stout ; leaves long, straight, drooping ; 20 inches ; April 19, 15 days. Gris-de-Lin Superbe = Augusta, q.v. Jenny. Opens wide to a shallow cup with an undulate margin, sweetly scented ; base yellow ; leaves undulate, ascending ; 13 inches ; April 19, 18 days. John Bright = Van Berghem, q.v. Miranda = Cramoisi Royal, q.v. 22 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Proserpine. Goblet shape ; base white, suffused yellow, stained blue ; stem weak ; leaves narrow ; 15 inches ; April 16, 21 days. Rose Superbe = Stanley, q.v. Satin Rose. Goblet shape, large ; base and filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves broad, ascending ; n inches ; April 19, 18 days. Stanley. Pointed, shapely, of good substance, duller outside; base white, blotched yellow ; filaments white ; stem stout ; leaves broad, very glaucous, ascending ; 16 inches ; April 21, 20 days. Van Berghem. Goblet shape ; base bright yellow with a white ring ; filaments yellow ; 17 inches ; April 17, 20 days. g. Flower cerise. Aelbert Cuyp. Long, pointed; base diffuse, yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending. Resembling ' Pink Beauty ' (110), but ten days earlier ; 14 inches ; April 16, 18 days. Belle The'rese. Small ; base dull yellow ; filaments white ; anthers sterile ; stem purplish ; 12 inches ; April 28, 12 days. Claermond Zilver. A cerise form of ' Claermond White ' (II#), but, like that variety, out of date. Couleur Ponceau. Goblet shape ; segments pointed ; base large, diffuse, deep yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 15 inches ; April 17, 20 days. Joost van den Vondel. Long, pointed, opening wide, bright cerise, stippled and lightly streaked with white ; base yellow ; filaments white ; stem rather weak ; leaves very undulate, ascending ; u inches ; April 19, 1 8 days. Mrs. Langtry. Goblet shape, of excellent substance ; base large, dull yellow ; stem rather weak ; leaves flat ; 12 inches ; April 22, 15 days. Monument. Small; base cream, with a blue ring; filaments white ; pollen brown ; stem purplish ; 10 inches ; April 27, 14 days. Paul Moreelse. Goblet shape ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem strong ; leaves flat ; 19 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Rosalie. A variety similar to ' Aelbert Cuyp,' but of inferior substance ; 14 inches ; April 16, 18 days. Van der Heist. Small, square-shouldered ; base large, white, blotched yellow ; stem weak ; 15 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Vuurvlam. Of moderate size and excellent substance, colour very deep ; base small, dull yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; 18 inches ; April 28, 17 days. h. Flower crimson. Asselyn. Cup shape, small ; base hexagonal, well defined, deep yellow ; stem slender ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 17, 14 days. Bacchus. Segments pointed ; base deep yellow ; filaments stained ; stem stout, brownish; 13 inches; April 16, 17 days. SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 23 Bizard Pronkert. Goblet shape, small; base small, deep yellow; filaments yellow, stained at apex ; stem slender ; leaves ascending'; 13 inches ; April 28, 12 days. Koh-i-noor. A variety differing from ' Menelik ' only in its smaller flowers and stained filaments ; individual flowers open irregularly ; 13 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Maarten Zoorg. Large, rounded ; base hexagonal, well defined, bright yellow; filaments deeply stained; 16 inches; April 20, 1 6 days. Mars. Flower quarters; base diffuse, dirty brown, blue at margin ; segments incurved at margins ; filaments deeply stained ; 16 inches ; April 19, 15 days. Menelik. Pointed, very deep colour, with a slight plum-purple bloom outside ; base circular, deep yellow ; filaments deeply stained ; leaves broad, glaucous ; 12 inches ; April 19, 15 days. The deepest crimson flower. Purple Crown. Large, shallow cup shape, segments pointed, inside glossy, outside dull ; base stellate, well defined ; filaments stained ; stem slender ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 16, 19 days. Rubens. Pointed ; base small, diffuse ; filaments stained ; stem stout ; leaves very broad ; 15 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Visscher. Open, spreading ; base circular, bright yellow ; stem smooth ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches; April 18, 18 days. i. Flower scarlet. Artus. Pointed, opens triangular ; base well defined, bright yellow ; filaments stained ; stem and leaves very strong ; 14 inches ; April 21, 19 days. Belle Alliance Waterloo, q.v. Brilliant Star. Large, pointed, opens very flat; base hexagonal, deep yellow, with a large olive blotch ; filaments stained ; stem pur- plish ; leaves narrow ; 13 inches ; April 15, 18 days. Brutus. Goblet^shape ; base large, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 21, 19 days. Cardinal's Hat. Pointed; base circular, deep yellow; filaments yellow ; one segment often grows to the stem, deforming the flower ; leaves broad, ascending ; 15 inches ; April 20, 18 days. Carlisle Sir Thomas Lipton, q.v. Carmin Brillant = Cramoisi Brillant, q.v. Couleur Cardinal. A distinct pointed flower, inside very bright, outside plum colour ; base and filaments bright yellow ; stem smooth, dark ; leaves broad, ascending ; 17 inches ; April 26, 16 days. Cramoisi Brillant. Pointed; base circular, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem rather weak ; 18 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Crimson Giant Dusart, q.v. Crimson King = Roi Cramoisi, q.v. 24 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. De Keizer. Goblet shape, opening flat ; base sharply defined, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Due Milton. A small flower ; probably a ' Due van Thol,' but later ; 12 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Dusart. Goblet shape, opening triangular ; margins of segments incurved ; base small, well defined, hexagonal, bright, deep yellow ; filaments stained at apex ; stem purplish ; 13 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Garibaldi = Artus, q.v. Jules Janin. Large flat flower ; base large, deep yellow ; filaments yellow; stem weak ; leaves narrow, ascending ; n inches ; April 15, 17 days. King of the Scarlets. Large, goblet shape, base hexagonal, deep yellow, with a large olive blotch ; filaments deeply stained ; 12 inches ; April 18, 17 days. La Grandeur. Goblet shape, opening triangular; base sharply defined, deep yellow ; filaments stained ; stem reddish ; 16 inches ; April 21, 20 days. McKinley. Cup shape ; base yellowish, stained green, margin blue ; filaments stained ; stem strong, coloured ; 19 inches ; April 26, 19 days. Maes. Large, round ; base hexagonal, with a large olive blotch ; filaments very deeply stained ; stem weak, at first short, but elongating rapidly as the flower ages ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 14, 16 days. Moucheron. Pointed, opening wide and quartering ; base circular, deep yellow ; filaments stained ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 16 inches ; April 16, 19 days. Orange Brillant. Goblet shape, medium size, bright colour ; base large, deep yellow ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; n inches ; April 16, 18 days. Pioneer. Small, with deeper splashes of colour in flower; base deep yellow ; filaments stained ; stem usually two- flowered ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 17, 18 days. Pottebakker Scarlet = Verboom, q.v. Red Admiral. The scarlet-red form of ' Duchesse de Parme ' Red Claret. Goblet shape, medium size, of good substance, out- side flushed plum colour ; base small, clearly defined, bright yellow ; filaments yellow ; 12 inches ; April 28, 14 days. Red Hawk. A form of ' White Hawk ' (110). Rembrandt. Goblet shape, glossy ; base large, bright yellow, 3- pointed on each of the inner segments ; filaments stained ; stem slender ; leaves narrow ; n inches ; April 9, 21 days. Roi Cramoisi. A variety closely resembling ' Dusart,' but smaller and with clean filaments ; 15 inches ; April 22/15 days. Samson. Cup shape, opening wide ; base large, deep yellow, stained SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 25 olive; filaments olive ; stem weak, purplish; leaves narrow; 16 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Schalken. A variety very similar to ' Brilliant Star ' ; 14 inches ; April ii, 20 days. Sir Thomas Lipton. Cup shape, large ; base yellow, stained olive ; filaments olive brown ; stem stout ; leaves narrow, drooping ; 14 inches ; April 17, 21 days. Sparkler Cramoisi Brillant, q.v. Verboom. Goblet shape, large ; base hexagonal, well defined, deep yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Vermilion Brillant. Pointed, a unique colour ; base diffuse, bright yellow, slightly stained ; filaments stained ; n inches ; April 16, 20 days. Vesuvius.- Open, segments pointed ; base bright yellow, 3-pointed on inner segments ; filaments slightly stained ; stem stout ; 10 inches ; April n, 19 days. Waterloo. Open; segments pointed; base large, bright yellow; filaments stained ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 15, 18 days. j. Flower orange -scarlet. Grace Darling. Round, crumpled, large ; base hexagonal, with a large olive stain; filaments greenish; stem weak; leaves large, flat, drooping ; 15 inches ; April 15, 20 days. Leonardo da Vinci Miss Hallen, q.v. Miss Hallen. Cup shape, orange at margins and flushed crimson on the back of each segment ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; 14 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Prince of Austria. Goblet shape, opening triangular, handsome; base bright yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong, purplish ; leaves ascending ; 20 inches ; April 22, 23 days. k. Flower orange. Distinction. Cup shape, neat, outside flushed crimson ; base deep yellow, greenish around the ovary ; stem reddish, strong ; 11 inches ; April 10, 20 days. Fred. Moore. Goblet shape, large, bright orange yellow at the margins of each segment ; base stellate, deep yellow, slightly fringed olive ; stem slender ; leaves ascending ; 18 inches ; April 19, 19 days. Thomas Moore. Similar to ' Fred. Moore,' but the colour is not so bright and the segments are thinner. There is a more distinct olive ring to the base ; 18 inches ; April 19, 18 days. /. Flower orange and yellow. Apricot = Cardinal Rampolla, q.v. Cardinal Rampolla. Goblet shape ; filaments yellow ; stem strong, reddish ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 26, 15 days. 26 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Chromatella = Golden Horn, q.v. Claermond Goud. A colour form of ' Claermond White ' (see Ha). Cottage Boy. Goblet shape, bright ; stem strong ; leaves very undulate ; 10 inches ; April 19, 17 days. De Wet. A broken form of ' Prince of Austria/ in which the colour appears as a fine splashing and stippling (see II;). Golden Horn. Goblet shape; base dull yellow; filaments yellow ; stem stiff ; leaves broad ; 13 inches ; April 26, 13 days. Golden Lion. Goblet shape ; stem stiff ; leaves ascending ; 17 inches ; April 19, 1 8 days. Golden Lion of Hillegom = Golden Lion, q.v. Karel de Moor. Goblet shape ; stem weak ; leaves drooping ; 18 inches ; April 20, 18 days. Leopold II. Cup shape; filaments yellow ; stem strong; leaves broad ; 12 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Lion d'HUlegom = Golden Lion, q.v. Orange Queen. Cup shape, small ; filaments deeply stained ; stem bears a secondary flower in the axil of one of the cauline leaves ; ii inches ; April 17, 17 days. Safrano = Cardinal Rampolla, q.v. Yellow Brutus Cardinal Rampolla, q.v. m. Flower yellow. Buttercup. The earliest yellow Tulip. Goblet shape, segments pointed, form good, burns badly ; filaments clean ; stem stiff ; leaves narrow ; 12 inches ; April 8, 20 days. Canary Bird. Egg shape to round, colour deep, segments pointed ; stem stiff; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 9, 20 days. Chrysolora. Spreading, large, of good substance ; filaments clean ; stem stiff ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 11,21 days. Golden Queen. Large, opening to a somewhat crumpled cup; filaments clean ; stem stout but weak ; 17 inches ; April 15, 21 days. Golden Prince = Yellow Prince, q.v. Goldfinch. Egg shape, neat ; filaments clean; stem stiff; leaves, broad ; 13 inches ; April 21, 18 days. Kanarievogel = Canary Bird, q.v. King of the Yellows. Goblet shape, medium size ; base with dull blotches ; filaments clean ; stem slender ; leaves narrow ; 14 inches ; April 19, 20 days. Mon Tresor. Form variable ; base blotched dull yellow ; filaments clean ; stem stiff ; leaves undulate ; 15 inches ; April 16, 20 days. Ophir d'Or. Rather short, deeply coloured ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; 17 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Pottebakker. Rounded, of very good substance, large, often stippled with scarlet ; filaments yellow ; stem rather weak ; 17 inches ; April 15, 20 days. Prince de Ligny. Pointed, opening wide, very deeply coloured ; SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 27 filaments yellow ; stem stiff ; leaves ascending ; 15 inches ; April 15, 18 days. Regentes. A small yellow. Rising Sun. A clear yellow form of ' Duchesse de Parme ' (see lip) . Royal Sovereign. Large, rounded ; filaments stained ; stem weak ; leaves long, channelled ; 16 inches ; April 16, 20 days. Yellow Globe = Royal Sovereign, q.v. Yellow Prince. Goblet shape, medium size, sometimes taking a scarlet flush in the lower part of the flower ; filaments stained ; stem stiff ; 12 inches ; April 19, 20 days. Yellow Queen. Goblet shape, medium size ; filaments yellow ; stem stiff ; leaves broad, flat ; 14 inches ; April 17, 19 days. n. Flower primrose. Herman Schlegel Primrose Queen, q.v . Primrose Queen. The shape of 'La Reine' (He), but probably a seedling, not a colour form of that variety. With slight rose flush at the margins of the old flower ; stem strong ; 12 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Yellow La Reine = Primrose Queen, q.v. o. Flower purple. Moliere. Cup shape, medium size, refined ; base yellow ; filaments yellow; stem slender; leaves ascending; 15 inches; April 16, 20 days. Netscher = Van der Neer, q.v. Paragon. Goblet shape, streaked orange at the margins of the segments ; base deep yellow ; stem stout ; 14 inches ; April 21, 14 days. President Lincoln. Goblet shape, opening triangular, base diffuse white ; filaments white ; leaves broad, ascending ; n inches ; April 19, 1 8 days. Queen of the Violets President Lincoln, q.v. Van der Neer. Goblet shape, large, handsome ; base dull yellow, edged blue ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad ; 14 inches ; April 16, 20 days. Violet Queen = President Lincoln, q.v. Wouwerman. Goblet shape, opening wide, quarters ; base stellate, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong, purplish ; 17 inches ; April 19, 20 days. p. Flower red and yellow. Commandant. Cup shape, segments pointed, yellow margins narrow ; base diffuse, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves broad ; 13 inches ; April 26, 12 days. Due de Berlin. A small rounded ' Keizerskroon,' but 10 days later ; n inches ; April 19, 25 days. Due de Malakoff. Cup shape, segments pointed ; base large, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong, reddish ; leaves ascending ; 17 inches ; April 17, 20 days. 28 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Duchesse de Parme. Oval, large, good substance, pencilled yellow margin to the segments ; base large, deep yellow ; stem stout ; leaves very undulate ; 16 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Duke of Cambridge. A deeper coloured ' Due de Berlin ' ; ii inches ; April 17, 16 days. Grand Due Keizerskroon, q.v. Hector. Of the form of ' Duchesse de Parme ' ; base deep yellow, well denned ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches; April 26, 15 days. Keizerskroon. Goblet shape, bold ; base large ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad, drooping ; 15 inches ; April 14, 16 days. Ma Plus Aimable. A long, egg-shaped flower ; base deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 13, 18 days. (/. Flower purple, edged white. Caaijman. Pointed; base yellow; filaments white ; stem strong; leaves very undulate ; 13 inches ; April 26, 12 days. Cerise Gris-de-Lin. Round, dull ; base tinged yellow ; filaments white ; stem stout ; leaves very undulate ; 14 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Eleonora. Pointed; base small, deep yellow ; filaments yellow; stem strong, reddish ; leaves broad ; 18 inches ; April 27, 18 days. Lac Bakhuyzen. Pointed, broad white margin ; base pale yellow ; filaments orange ; stem slender ; leaves small, ascending ; 10 inches ; April 7, 20 days. Lac Bloemaert. Funnel shape ; base and filaments creamy ; 16 inches ; April 27, 13 days. Lac d'Asturie. Intermediate between ' Lac Premier ' and ' Lac van Rhijn ' ; 13 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Lac Premier. Pointed, opening triangular; base bright yellow, small ; filaments orange ; stem stout ; leaves broad, ascending ; 12 inches ; April 9, 21 days. Lac van Rhijn. Pointed, opening triangular, more purple than ' Lac Premier ' ; base bright yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; 16 inches ; April 27, 15 days. Marie. Goblet shape, margins pinkish ; base light dull yellow ; stem rather weak ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 15, 19 days. Mrs. Elwes. Similar to but better than ' Lac van Rhijn.' r. Flower striped, white ground. Admiral Reyniers. Long, pointed, segments reflexing, deep rose stripes; base bright yellow, stellate ; stem strong; 14 inches; April 21, 15 days. Belle Lisette. Cup shape, neat, rose pink flame; base yellowish; SINGLE EARLY TULIPS. 29 filaments white ; stem stiff ; leaves ascending ; 16 inches ; April 29, 12 days. Chameleon. The broken form of ' Wapen van Leiden ' (II*) ; 15 inches; April 19, 17 days. Comte de Vergennes. The Tulip sent for trial was a broken form of ' Paul Moreelse ' (110) and must not be confused with the old Dutch rose tulip of this name ; 14 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Dorothea de France. A small flower, stripes heavy, rose-red; base light yellow; filaments yellow; 13 inches; April 21, 17 days. Emperor Maximilian. Cup shape, stripes heavy, rose-red; base diffuse, light yellow ; filaments white ; 9 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Fabiola. Goblet shape, large, stripes variable, rose-magenta ; base deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout; leaves broad, ascend- ing ; 13 inches ; April 27, 12 days. General Gordon. Goblet shape, large, stripes heavy, deep rose- pink ; base dull yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves narrow, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 27, 15 days. Globe de Rigaut. Cup shape, open, stripes heavy, purple ; base white, with a blue ring ; stem stiff, streaked purple ; leaves dull, streaky ; 14 inches ; April 22, 16 days. Grand Due de Russie = Fabiola, q.v. Grootmeester van Malta. Cup shape, stripes heavy, rose- magenta ; filaments white ; stem reddish ; 16 inches ; April 27, 19 days. Hillegonda Zilver. The broken form of 'Proserpine' (II/), dull and poor. Imperator Gris-de-Lin. The broken form of ' Cerise Gris-de-Lin ' (110) striped magenta ; filaments white ; leaves narrow ; 10 inches ; April 26, 14 days. Jacht van Rotterdam = Fabiola, q.v. Marquise Incarnata. Goblet shape, large, flushed and striped rose ; stem strong ; leaves very flat ; 18 inches ; April 15, 16 days. Reine des Cerises. Cup shape, small, stripes heavy, deep rose ; base yellowish ; filaments white, stained blue ; stem strong ; 16 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Roi Pe'pin. Goblet shape, stripes heavy, deep rose-red ; base light yellow, diffuse ; filaments yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; n inches ; April 22, 16 days. Silver Bride of Haarlem. Long, bright, flamed and feathered deep rose-red ; base and filaments bright yellow ; n inches ; April 24, 15 days. Silver Standard. Cup shape, flamed and feathered rose-red ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout; leaves ascending ; 13 inches; April 21, 17 days. Spaendonck. The broken form of ' Cerise Gris-de-Lin ' (Ilq). Victoria. Rounded, segments pointed, stripes heavy, rose- red; 14 inches ; April 26, 15 days. 30 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. s. Flower striped, yellow ground. Cour de France. Large, spreading, stripes heavy, scarlet-red; base hexagonal, deep yellow ; stem weak ; 17 inches ; April 24, 14 days. Due d'Autriche. A broken form of ' Duchesse de Parme ' (lip). Golden Bride of Haarlem. The form of ' Silver Bride of Haarlem ' (llr), but striped scarlet on yellow ; 12 inches ; April 22, 16 days. Marquise de Westrade. Goblet shape, stripes irregular ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; 19 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Royal Standard. The form of ' Silver Standard ' (llr), striped scarlet on yellow ; 13 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Standaard Goud Royal Standard, q.v. t. Flower of other colours. Enchantress. Goblet -shape, deep dull rose- red, passing to geranium pink at the margins ; base creamy ; filaments white ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 10 inches ; April 19, 17 days. La Remarquable. Pointed, opening wide, dull wine-purple; base and filaments dull, deep yellow ; stem strong ; 14 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Potter. Cup-shape, reddish purple, opening triangular ; base dull yellow ; filaments yellowish ; 14 inches ; April 19, 20 days. u. Foliage striped (variegated). The varieties named below have flowers similar to those of the green-leaved types of the same varieties, q.v. Cottage Maid (II*). Rose Luisante (II*). Dusart (Hi). Silver Standard (llr). Joost van den Vondel (Ilg). Waterloo (III). Moliere (IIo). Yellow Prince (IIw). Rose Aplatie (lie). DOUBLE EARLY TULIPS. 31 CLASS III. DOUBLE-FLOWERED VARIETIES. a. Flower white. Alba Maxima. Semi-double, creamy white ; base diffuse, pale yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves ascending ; 16 inches ; April 21, 19 days. Blanche Hative. Loose, semi-double ; base dull yellow ; fila- ments white ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 23, 15 days. Boule de Neige. Rounded, large, full ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves very undulate ; 13 inches ; April 26, 19 days. Felicitas. Triangular in outline ; segments of good substance ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves very undulate ; 12 inches ; April 28, 13 days. La Candeur. Segments of good substance ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves very broad ; 15 inches ; April 28, 21 days. L'Innocence. Semi-double, open ; base and filaments slightly yellow ; stem stout ; leaves very undulate, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 26, 19 days. Rose Blanche. Round, full ; base yellowish ; filaments pale yellow ; stem slender ; leaves crisply undulate, ascending ; 15 inches ; April 29, 21 days. Schoonoord. Large, full, becoming slightly flushed with pink when aged ; segments of good substance ; base and filaments yellow ; stem strong ; 12 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Snowball = Boule de Neige, q.v. Snow Queen. Rough, thin ; segments flaked slight rose pink when aged ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves ascending ; n inches ; April 26, 13 days. White Murillo = Schoonoord, q.v. White Salvator Rosa. The white form of ' Salvator Rosa ' (1114 6. Flower white, flushed pink. Blanche Rosette. Not very full, creamy white, tinged at the margins of the segments ; base large, diffuse yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves broad, drooping ; 13 inches ; April 28, 13 days. La Vertu. Semi-double ; segments flushed at the centre ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves very undulate, dark ; 15 inches ; April 29, 16 days. Le Blason. Not very full, lightly flushed ; base large, indefinite, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; 10 inches ; April 27, 12 days. Lord Rosebery. Large ; segments fimbriate, flushed in the centre ; base and filaments yellow ; stigma very large ; leaves crisply undulate ; 12 inches ; April 29, 12 days. 32 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, Murillo. Large, well shaped, full ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves very undulate, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 26, 19 days. Parmesiano. Medium size, not very full, good substance, flush slight, but variable ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves narrow, ascending ; n inches ; April 26, 13 days. Princess Beatrice. Like ' Parmesiano/ but smaller ; 16 inches ; April 26, 13 days. Queen of the Netherlands. Large, full, regular, flush slight ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves large ; 16 inches, April 26, 17 days. Raphael. Large, full, well formed, flush heavy at the margins of each segment ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves abruptly ascending ; 13 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Rose des Dames. Semi-double, creamy white ; flushed in upper part of each segment ; sometimes slightly streaked with yellow ; base diffuse, yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 22, 18 days. c. Flower rose. Anna Rooze. Loose ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves short, ascending ; 15 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Carmen Sylva. Large, full ; base and filaments pale yellow ; stem strong ; 13 inches, April 27, 17 days. Couronne de Roses. Large, loose, pale at margins of each segment ; base and filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; stem slender ; leaves long ; n inches ; April 26, 14 days. Emmeline. Large, open ; segments laciniate ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad ; 15 inches ; April 29, 12 days. La Grandesse. Large, full, round ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; 15 inches ; April 26, 14 days. Lady Palmer ston. Large, loose ; base diffuse, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves narrow, ascending ; n inches ; April 26, 1 6 days. Lina = Lady Palmerston. Norma. Semi-double to almost single ; colour heavy at margins ; base and filaments pale yellow ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 26, 12 days. Reine des Roses. Large, full, round ; base diffuse ; filaments yellow ; pollen green ; stem stout ; leaves undulate ; 12 inches ; April 28, 12 days. Rose d'Amour. Small, full, round ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 29, 14 days. Rose de la Montagne. Medium size ; base and filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 22, 19 days. Rose de Nice. Small, round, colour deep and bright ; filaments and base pale yellow ; stem slender ; leaves drooping ; 16 inches ; April 29, 16 days. FIG. 3. COTTAGE TULIP 'JOHN RUSKIN.' [To f nee t> 32. FIG. 4. COTTAGE TULIP ' RETROFLEXA.' DOUBLE EARLY TULIPS, 33 Rosea Perfecta. Full, somewhat starry ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 16 inches ; April 27, 18 days. Rosine. Semi-double to single ; base diffuse yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 22, 16 days. Salvator Rosa. Regular ; margins of segments almost white ; leaves narrow, ascending ; 13 inches ; April 22, 18 days. Triomphe Blandina. Semi-double ; segments rounded ; base diffuse, yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves short, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 28, 12 days. Triomphe des Roses. Regular, fairly full ; base diffuse, yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; 14 inches ; April 28, 13 days. Virgilius. Semi-double, open ; segments white at base, blotched in centre with rose-red, and rose-pink at margins ; filaments white ; leaves long, ascending ; 10 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Virginia. Full, rounded ; margins of segments white ; base and filaments yellow ; stem weak ; 10 inches ; April 22, 17 days. d. Flower deep rose. Cardinal Manning. Semi-double ; margins of segments rose- pink ; filaments yellow ; stem stout, often 3-4-flowered ; leaves broad, deep green ; 12 inches ; April 28, 13 days. Empress Victoria. Large ; base white, blotched yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 29, 1 8 days. La Jolie. Semi-double ; base white with a small yellowish blotch ; filaments yellow ; stem 2-4-flowered ; 14 inches ; April 28, 17 days. La Victoire. Deep colour ; stem stout but weak ; 10 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Lord Beaconsfield. Round, compact ; base and filaments dull yellow ; stem strong ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 28, 18 days. Lucretia. Base large, yellow; filaments yellow; stem stout; 12 inches ; April 27, 19 days. e. Flower cerise. Arabella. Semi-double ; segments somewhat crumpled, colour bright ; base and filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; stem slender, coloured ; 13 inches ; April 22, 17 days. Couronne de Cerise = Rozekroon, q.v. Due van Thol Double. Small, compact ; segments cherry-red, with a white margin ; 9 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Prince of Wales. Large, rough ; base white, blotched pale yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 28, 17 days. 34 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Prins Hendrik. Rough, thin ; base white, blotched yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad, ascending ; 12 inches ; April 27, 12 days. Queen Emma. Semi-double, open ; base white, blotched yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad, very glaucous ; 12 inches ; April 27, 14 days. Rosalie = Arabella, q.v. Rozekroon. Semi-double, colour deep, bright ; base and filaments white ; pollen violet ; stem slender, coloured ; 15 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Rozenburg. Full, compact ; base white, blotched yellow ; fila- ments yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves very broad ; 10 inches ; May 4, 20 days. /. Flower scarlet. Agnes. Small, full ; base diffuse, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; leaves very undulate; n inches; April 27, 19 days. Andromeda.' Rather thin ; base deep yellow, with a blue margin ; filaments yellow ; pollen violet ; stem coloured ; 13 inches ; April 27, 21 days. Cochenille Due. Large, loose ; base and filaments deep yellow ; pollen purple ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves broad ; 13 inches ; April 26, 19 days. Don Carlos. Large, showy ; base and filaments deep yellow ; leaves very vigorous ; 12 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Etna. Small, colour deep ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves very broad ; 15 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Fire Dome =Vuurbaak, q.v. Fire King. Rather thin, semi-double ; base dull yellow ; filaments stained ; stem stout, coloured ; leaves ascending ; 14 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Grand Brillant. Large, rather coarse; filament yellow; pollen dark ; 13 inches ; April 27, 19 days. Imperator Rubrorum. Very full, round, compact ; base yellow, with a green margin; filaments yellow; stem strong, coloured; leaves narrow, ascending; 15 inches; April 21, 22 days. Lady Grandison. Small, rather thin, rough ; base and filaments yellow ; leaves narrow ; 9 inches ; April 26, 16 days. Le Matador. Medium size, well formed, colour deep ; base and filaments yellow ; stem coloured ; leaves narrow, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 26, 20 days. Leo XIII. Base large, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves pale green, drooping ; 12 inches ; April 19, 17 days. Lion d'Orange. Large; scarlet red, with a dull flush; base and filaments yellow ; n inches ; May 5, 17 days. Luminosa. Semi-double, large ; base and filaments yellow ; DOUBLE EARLY TULIPS. 35 pollen violet ; leaves numerous, ascending ; 13 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Manteau de Velours= Velvet Gem, q.v. Phcenix. Large ; base large, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves long ; 12 inches ; April 19, 1 8 days. Premier Gladstone. Full, round ; base white, with a pale yellow blotch ; stem strong, reddish ; leaves broad ; n inches ; April 26, 12 days. Rex Magnificus. Medium size, colour bright ; base and filaments yellow ; 10 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Rubra Maxima. Full, form good, colour very deep ; base large deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; stem coloured ; leaves very undulate ; 10 inches ; April 21, 17 days. Sultane Favorite. A fuller flower, but otherwise very like 'Rubra Maxima '; 14 inches ; April 27, 19 days. Thalia. Base and filaments deep yellow ; stem stout, ascending ; 12 inches ; April 26, 16 days. Velvet Gem. Segments slightly margined with deep yellow ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 13 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Voltaire. Large, rounded ; base and filaments deep yellow ; stem stout ; leaves broad ; 12 inches ; April 28, 14 days. Vuurbaak. Large, open ; base and filaments bright' yellow ; stem coloured ; leaves long, very undulate ; 10 inches ; April 26, 15 days. Willem III. Large, full, opening wide ; base and filaments bright yellow ; stem coloured ; leaves long, very undulate, glaucous ; 15 inches ; April 27, 19 days. Wynmalen. Thin, open ; segments very numerous ; base and filaments deep yellow ; leaves ascending ; 15 inches ; April 27, 19 days. g. Flower orange and red, El Toreador. Large, open ; segments orange with a central blotch of deep dull orange ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; 10 inches ; April 19, 19 days. Prince of Orange. Large ; segments laciniate ; deep yellow ; base filaments stained at apex ; leaves short, ascending ; 9 inches ; April 22, 1 8 days. h. Flower red, edged yellow. Due de Bordeaux. Medium size, full ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; n inches ; April 28, 14 days. Frans Hals. Medium size ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves broad, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 24, 17 inches. Gloria Solis. Round, full ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves pale ; 13 inches ; April 19, 18 days. Helianthus. Round, full, yellow margin, broad ; filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; leaves ascending ; 12 inches ; April 28, 14 days. 36 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Henry Witte. Round, full ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; 14 inches ; April 27, 18 days. Herman = Titian, q.v. La Citadelle. Small, compact, yellow margin narrow ; filaments yellow ; stem slender, coloured ; leaves ascending ; 15 inches ; April 28, 17 days. Leonardo da Vinci. Round, full, brightly coloured ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; leaves glaucous ; 15 inches ; May 4, 16 days. Pieneman. Large, loose, red blotch diffuse ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; 12 inches ; April 21, 18 days. Titian. Medium size, well formed; filaments yellow; pollen dark ; stem strong ; 15 inches ; April 21, 20 days. Tournesol Red and Yellow. Round, full, colours bright ; filaments yellow ; stem rather weak ; leaves ascending ; n inches ; April 21, 1 6 days. i. Flower yellow and orange. Count of Leicester. Full, open ; stem strong ; 13 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Couronne d'Or. Large, full ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; leaves short, ascending ; 12 inches ; April 19, 19 days. La Coquette. Loose ; filaments yellow ; leaves narrow, ascend- ing ; 13 inches ; April 21, 18 days. Tournesol Yellow. A colour form of ' Tournesol ' (HI/*), yellow lightly flushed scarlet ; 12 inches ; April 22, 17 days. j. Flower yellow. Dr. Edward Jenner = Golden King. Golden Beauty. Rather small, full ; filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; stem weak ; leaves ascending ; n inches ; April 28, 13 days. Golden King. A colour form of 'Tournesol ' (lllh) ; 13 inches ; April 21, 18 days. Mr. van der Hoef = Reve d'Or, q.v. Murillo Yellow = Reve d'Or, q.v. Princess of Wales. Semi-double, medium size ; filaments yellow ; pollen dark ; stem slender ; leaves ascending, dark ; 13 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Reve d'Or. A colour form of ' Murillo ' (lllb). Van Tubergen. A colour form of ' Couronne d'Or ' (III*). Velasquez. Of the ' Murillo ' (III b) type ; substance good ; filaments yellow ; stem strong ; 12 inches ; April 22, 19 days. Yellow Couronne d" Or = Van Tubergen, q.v. k. Flower primrose. Brimstone = Safrano, q.v. Brimstone Beauty = Safrano, q.v. Marechal Niel = Safrano, q.v. DOUBLE EARLY TULIPS. 37 Murillo Sulphur = Safrano, q.v. Safrano. A colour form of ' Murillo ' (III&), very soft shade of primrose flushed salmon. Tea Rose Safrano, q.v. Theeroos = Safrano, q.v. I. Flower puce. Empress = Turban Violet, q.v. Empress Eugenie. Thin, open ; segments reddish purple, with a white margin and sometimes slightly streaked yellow ; base yellow ; stem coloured ; 19 inches ; April 26, 16 days. Gris-de-Lin Pale. Round, open ; segments reddish purple with a broad white margin ; filaments yellow ; stem slender ; leaves ascending ; n inches ; April 22, 16 days. La Candeur Lilac = Violet Superieur, q.v. Lac van Haarlem. Large, full ; segments reddish purple, with paler margins ; base white, with a yellow blotch ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves very undulate ; 13 inches ; April 27, 14 days. Ma Cousine. Round, full, striped purple and rose ; base white blotched yellow ; filaments yellow ; stem stout ; leaves ascending ; 16 inches ; May 4, 16 days. Turban Violet. Large, loose, blue purple passing to reddish purple, streaked and splashed with orange ; filaments yellow ; stem weak ; leaves very undulate, ascending ; 14 inches ; April 27, 21 days. Violet Fonce = Turban Violet, q.v. Violet Superieur. Shape poor ; colour dull magenta ; base white, with a yellowish blotch ; filaments white ; stem stout ; leaves short, ascending ; 13 inches ; May 4, 16 days. m. Flower of other colours. Harlequin. A colour form of ' Murillo,' yellow splashed with crimson. Purperkroon. Large, rough, purplish crimson ; stem stout ; 11 inches ; April 28, 21 days. Spotted Murillo Harlequin, q.v. The Moor = Purperkroon, q.v.. Veronica. Small, thin, chestnut colour with yellow margins ; 12 inches ; April 19, 16 days. n. Foliage striped (variegated). La Candeur (Illfl). Rex Magnificus (HI/). Rex Rubrorum. Flower small, scarlet. Tournesol (IIU). 38 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS IV. COTTAGE TULIPS.* The form of the flowers in Cottage Tulips falls into four types, which are indicated in the descriptions, viz. : Type i. Cup-shaped, e.g. ' Bouton d'Or.' Fig. i. 2. Pointed, e.g. ' Mrs. Moon.' Fig. 2. 3. Egg-shaped, e.g. 'John Ruskin.' Fig. 3. 4. Segments reflexed, e.g. ' Retroflexa.' Fig. 4. a. Flower white. Dora. Type I. Medium size ; outer segments reflexed ; base yellow blotched of the form in Fig. 5 ; 17 inches ; April 30, 19 days. The Bride. Type I. Substance poor ; base blotched pale yellow of the form in Fig. 5 ; filaments pale yellow. (Conf.) f Beauty of America. Type 2. Substance fair ; base and filaments tinged yellow ; 19 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Dame Blanche. Type 2. Substance fair ; base blotched yellow (Fig. 5) ; filaments yellow ; 21 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Cygnet. Type i. Small, of good form and substance ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Parisian White. Type i. Form good ; white, tinged pink in the upper part of each segment when old ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Innocence. Type 3. Form and substance fair ; base blotched yellow (Fig. 5) ; filaments yellow ; 23 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Niphetos. Type 2. A white form of ' Didieri ' ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Silver Crown. Type 2. Opening wide ; 18 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Royal White. Type i. Form and substance good ; base with a diffuse yellow blotch ; stigma large ; 17 inches ; April 27, 20 days. Water-lily. Type I. Of great substance, white more or less slightly flaked rose-red ; 16 inches ; April 20, 20 days. A semi-early variety. Albi flora Silver Crown, q.v. Dame Elegante = Dame Blanche, q.v. Didieri alba = Niphetos, q.v. Gilt Crown = Beauty of America, q.v. La Candeur = Parisian White, q.v. Sncwdon = Parisian White, q.v. Suaveolens alba Water-lily, q.v. b. Flower white, edged pink. Perle Royale. Type i. White, more or less flushed and feathered with purplish pink ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 15, 15 days. * In this Class the varieties are arranged as they might be in a border so that they form a sequence with the most typically coloured flower of the section about the middle and thence grading off towards the sections above and below it. f Indicates that the varieties appear at the Conference only and not in the trials at Wisley. COTTAGE TULIPS. 39 Virginalis. Type 2. Substance fair ; white, feathered and flushed with pink ; base blue, as in Fig. 5 ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Rose Unique. Type i. Form good ; 17 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Merry Maid. Type 2. Ground white, when young creamy to very pale yellow ; base pale yellow, as in Fig. 5 ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Rose Swan. Type i. 'Rather long, substance fair; base yellow as in Fig. 5 ; 18 inches ; April 29, 19 days. Silver Queen. Type 2. A form of ' Isabella ' (IVc) with white ground-colour and slightly paler markings. Carnation. Type 2. Form and substance good filaments clear white 21 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Picotee. Type 2. Form and substance good; at first the seg- ments are feathered rose, which gradually flushes over the whole segment as the flower ages ; pollen green ; 24 inches ; May 8, 14 days. La Vierge. Type 2. A variety resembling but inferior to ' Picotee ' ; 27 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Milkmaid. Type 2. Resembles ' Picotee/ but has a distinct fawn-blotched base ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Sweet Nancy. Type 2. Segments reflexed at tips when old ; base and filaments bluish ; 21 inches ; May 7, 16 days. Elegans alba. Type 4. The fine form and substance of 'Elegans' (IV/), but with slightly wider segments, white, with a fine wire-edge of rose-red ; 24 inches ; May 8, 23 days. Snowdon. Type 3. Of fair form and substance, and of medium size ; 18 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Gesneriana albo-marginata = Sweet Nancy, q.v. Maiden's Blush = Picotee, q.v. Narbonensis alba = Sweet Nancy, q.v. Rose Crown = Virginalis, q.v. White Crown = Elegans alba, q.v. c. Flower cream, flushed pink. Corona lutea. Type 2. Substance fair, pale lemon-yellow, flaked and stippled with rose ; base blotched light fawn as in Fig. 5 ; 21 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Marjoletti. Type 2. Ground cream, becoming white ; base blotched pale blue as in Fig. 5 ; filaments pale blue ; 25 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Rose Pompon. Ground cream, becoming white ; pink edge spreads with age ; 23 inches ; May u, 15 days. Didieri lutescens. Type 2. A form of ' Didieri ' (IVd) ; base blotched black as in Fig. 5 ; 23 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Eva. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base as in Fig. 5 ; pale yellow. (Conf.) 40 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Rose Mignon. Type 4. Small, slightly flaked ; base pale yellow as in Fig. 5 ; 21 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Maid of Honour. Type i. A form of ' Didieri ' (IVd), very close to 'Didieri lutescens.' Maid of Holland. Type 2. Cream to pale yellow, spotted and flaked rose-red ; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5 ; 18 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Innovation. Type 3. Form and substance good ; flush very deep ; base blue and yellow ; filaments blue above the middle ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Pride of Inglescombe. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base small, blotched blue as in Fig. 5, and tinged yellow ; 23 inches ; May n, 15 days. Pauline. Type i. Small, substance fair ; base blotched pale yellow as in Fig. 5. (Conf.) Orpheus. Type 2. Large, good substance ; base blotched yellow, as in Fig. 5, blue around ovary ; 24 inches ; May 7, 17 inches. Isabella. Type 2, almost 3. Form and substance good ; base blotched blue and yellow of the form in Fig. 5 ; stem strong ; 18 inches ; May 6, 18 days. General Vetter. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base blotched slaty blue as in Fig. 5 ; filaments blue ; 20 inches ; May 12, 16 days. Yellow Picotee. Type 2. Differs from 'Picotee' (IV6) only in its ivory yellow ground ; 21 inches ; May 18, 15 days. York and Lancaster. Type 2, almost 3. A pale break from 'Isabella.' Lady Roberts. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; stem weak ; 12 inches ; April 23, 16 days. A semi-early variety. Blushing Bride = Isabella, q.v. Gesneriana Bridesmaid = Maid of Holland, q.v. Irish Beauty = General Vetter, q.v. Shandon Bells = Isabella, q.v. d. Flower pink. Pluto. Type i. Substance fair, colour rather dull ; base white, with a blue ring ; 24 inches ; May 7, 17 days. La Parisienne. Type 2. Form fair; base blue, edged white, form as in Fig. 5. (Conf.) Rose Beauty. Type i. Outer segments spreading ; base as in Fig. 5, blue and yellow ; 24 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Mary Hollis. Type i. Form fair, colour deep and dull; base tinged yellow ; 23 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Glaucopsis. Type 2. Quarters badly ; base as in Fig. 5, dul] blue ; filaments bluish ; 19 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Hatfield Pink. Type 2. Form fair, substance good ; base COTTAGE TULIPS. 41 as in Fig. 5, large, white, tinged yellow near ovary ; filaments yellow ; 19 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Platystigma. Type 2. Small, form fair; base as in Fig. 5, yellowish, tinged blue ; 20 inches ; May 7, 13 days. One of the famous " thief " Tulips, probably the most common. Didieri. Type 2. Shapely, of good substance ; inside soft colour, outside flushed salmon ; base white, tinged with yellow, and with a large blue blotch on the outer and a smaller on the inner segments ; filaments yellow, olive above the middle ; 24 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Cottager. Type 2. Attractive, form and substance fair ; base as in Fig. 5, white, tinged with yellow and somewhat blotched olive ; filaments yellow, olive at apex ; 22 inches May 8, 17 days. Inglescombe Pink. Type i. Large form and substance good ; colour good, much deeper outside ; base as in Fig. 5, pale blue ; 25 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Sir Harry. Type 2. Above medium size, of good form and substance, colour soft and clear ; base white, with a blue ring ; 21 inches ; May 4, 19 days. The " breeder " form of ' Sir Harry.' Mrs. Kerrell. Type 2, almost 3. Large, of fair substance ; base white, with a blue ring ; 22 inches ; May 10, 16 days. George Broadbridge. Type 2. Form and substance fair, colour a little hard ; base white, with a pale blue ring ; 20 inches ; May 10, 16 days. May Queen. Type i. Large, of Darwin shape, but of much less substance ; colour good ; base blue, as in Fig. 6 ; 30 inches ; May 3, 15 days. Arentine Arendsen = May Queen, q.v. Parisian Aurore = Inglescombe Pink, q.v. Salmon Queen == Inglescombe Pink, q.v. e. Flower cerise. Oriana. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; colour dull, becoming almost flesh colour at the margins of the segments ; base large, greenish, yellow around the ovary and ringed with blue filaments greenish ; 24 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Maltese Cross. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' ; base blue, with a large white region ; 24 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Crimson Flame. Type 2. Form and substance fair; outside of midribs of segments white, deep cerise paler at margin ; base large, indefinite, white ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Rosetta. Type i. Form and substance fair ; segments have a fringed white margin ; base white, the form of Fig. 7 ; 25 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Blue Star. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' ; base with the fine blue-blotched base of ' Gesneriana spathulata ' (Fig. 5) ; 24 inches ; May 10, 18 days. 42 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Rosalind. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' ; base white of the form in Fig. 7, with a pale fawn blotch on each segment ; 25 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Rose Beauty. Type i. Form and substance fair ; base white and blue as in Fig. 8 ; 25 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Cassandra. Type 2. Form and substance good, colour clear ; base white of the form in Fig. 8 ; 21 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Gesneriana rosea = Blue Star, q.v. Gesneriana rosea Stella = Maltese Cross, q.v. Gesneriana oculata White Star = Rosalind, q.v. Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata = Rosalind, q.v. Rose Queen = Rosalind, q.v. f. Flower cochineal-red. Othello. Type I. Form and substance fair ; base large, circular, blackish olive filaments blackish. (Conf .) Elvira. Type 3. Form good, substance fair ; base pale yellow as in Fig. 5 ; 22 inches ; May 17, n days. Orlando. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base as in Fig. 7, white, blotched blue ; 18 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Emin Pasha. Type i. Substance fair ; base as in Fig. 8, white, with a blue margin ; 28 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Elegans. Type 4. Form and substance good, colour deep ; base as in Fig. 5, yellow ; 20 inches ; April 29, 17 days. Saracenica. Type i. Form fair; base circular, large, dull olive ; filaments olive ; 20 inches ; May 3, 15 days. The Coon. Type 3. Rather pointed. A form of ' Maculata ' resembling ' The Nigger ' ; 26 inches ; May 12, 1 6 days. The Moor. Type 3. A form of ' Maculata ' ; base as Fig. 9, black ; 26 inches ; May 12, 16 days. The Nigger. Type 3, but rather pointed. A form of ' Maculata ' ; base as Fig. 5 ; 26 inches ; May 12, 16 days. Cleopatra. Type 2-3. A large flower, resembling ' Glare of the Garden ' ; 21 inches ; May 3, 21 days. (Fig. 9.) Glare of the Garden. Type 2-3. A form of ' Maculata.' Large, form and substance good, colour deep ; base of the form in Fig. 9, black and yellow ; filaments black ; 20 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Couranti Fulgens. Type 3-4. Form good, substance fair ; base as in Fig. 7 with a blue margin ; 19 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Macrospeila. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' ; base as in Fig. 7, white, tinged with yellow, and a deep, dull blue blotch on each segment ; filaments blue ; 24 inches ; May 12, 17 days. Segusiana. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base large, inde- finite yellow, stained with olive ; filaments stained olive ; 25 inches ; May 5, 14 days. Aximensis. Type 3. Form and substance good ; colour deep, with a white beam on the outer segments ; base as in Fig. 9, blue- COTTAGE TULIPS. 43 black, with a yellow margin ; filaments deep blue ; 25 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Pompadour. Type 3. Form and substance good ; base as in Fig. 5, blue ; 22 inches ; May n, 18 days. Shahzada. Type 4. Shallow, open form like ' Fulgens ' ; colour dull ; base as in Fig. 8, yellow and blue ; 22 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Fulgens. Type 4. Large, form and substance very good, colour deep and clear ; base as Fig. 7, creamy ; filaments purplish below, bluish above the middle ; 34 inches ; May 3, 23 days. A robust and showy garden plant. Fulmina. Type 4. A variety with the distinct form, stature, base and filaments of ' Fulgens,' of which it is probably a broken form. Colour deep and dull, with markings of ox-blood red. General Roberts. Type 3-4. A form of ' Maculata ' ; base as Fig. 10, blue and yellow ; 16 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Mrs. W. O. Wolseley. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 5, yellow with an elliptic black blotch on each segment ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Gesneriana spathulata. Type 2. Large, of good substance, opening well colour bright and clear ; base as Fig. 5, clear bright blue ; 28 inches May 8, 18 days. A strong and brilliant garden flower. (Fig. 5.) Ret roflexa Mars. Type 4. Segments rounded, spreading ; base as Fig. 5, deep olive, with a yellow margin ; filaments olive ; 19 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Elegans rubra. Type 4. A dull-coloured form of ' Elegans.' Crimson Globe = Cleopatra, q.v. Crimson Pompadour Pompadour, q.v. Gesneriana major = Gesneriana spathulata, q.v. Lord Byron = Elvira, q.v. Maculata globosa grandiftora = Glare of the Garden, q.v. Maculata globosa nana = Cleopatra, q.v. g. Flower scarlet. Mars. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base as Fig. 9, black and yellow ; filaments black ; 24 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Planifolia. Type 3. Small, form fair ; rather short segments, yellow at tips ; base as Fig. n, black ; 24 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Scarlet Beauty. Type 2. Form good, substance fair ; base as Fig. 8, deep yellow, stained with olive ; 22 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Feu Ardent. Type i to 2. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 7, deep yellow; filaments deep yellow; 26 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Scarlet Mammoth. Type I. Very large, rather loose ; base as in Fig. 7, small, deep yellow ; 14 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Red Standard. Type 3. Short, rather small, occasionally 44 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. streaked with darker red; base as in Fig. 10, deep yellow, with an elliptic orange blotch on each segment ; filaments olive ; 19 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Sunlight. Type i. Small, inferior ; base as in Fig. 7, yellow and olive. (Conf.) Inglescombe Scarlet. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base as in Fig. n, black, with yellow points ; 26 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Scarlet Emperor. Type 2. Form good, substance fair ; base as Fig. 7, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; 23 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Coronation Scarlet. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 10, yellow, with an olive blotch ; filaments olive ; 21 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Beau Brummell. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 5, olive ; filaments olive ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Mauriana. Type 2. Form and substance good, outside orange ; base as Fig. 8, deep yellow ; filaments brownish ; 27 inches ; May 10, 1 6 days. Norman Knight. Type 3. Rather short, substance good ; base as Fig. 8, yellow, stained olive ; filaments stained olive ; 18 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Mammoth = Scarlet Mammoth, q.v. h. Flower orange-scarlet. Flame. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; deep yellow, with a purplish-red flush ; base indefinite, heavily blotched olive ; stem rather weak ; 27 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Firefly. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; deep yellow, with a purplish-red flush ; base indefinite, yellow, with a heavy olive blotch ; filaments stained ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Emerald Gem. Type 2. Form good, substance fair ; base as Fig. 12, bright green ; filaments black above the middle ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Boyne. Type i. Small, substance good ; base as Fig. 10, blackish and yellow. (Conf.) Lion d'Orange. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 7, large, deep yellow ; 27 inches ; May 3, 20 days. Caledonia. Type i. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 9, yellow, blotched olive ; filaments olive above the middle ; 22 inches ; May 10, 1 6 days. Hammer Hales. Type 1-3. A large flower; base as in Fig. 10, pale olive and yellow ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Boadicea. Type 2-3. Rather short, a smaller, rather more pointed flower than ' Hammer Hales ' ; base as in Fig. 8, yellow, with a broad olive margin ; 29 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Audley. Type 2. Large, substance fair ; base circular, yellow, streaked olive ; 18 inches ; May 10, 12 days. COTTAGE TULIPS. 45 Claudius. Type 2-3. Small, fair substance ; base as Fig. 8, yellow, stained olive ; 22 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Orange King. Type 3. Form and substance good; base yellow, with a faint olive margin and an olive blotch on each outer segment ; 29 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Orange Globe. Type 1-2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 10, dull olive brown, with a yellow margin ; filaments black ; 24 inches ; May n, 16 days. Orange Beauty. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Large, opening well ; form good, substance fair ; outside with a purplish flush ; base indefinite, yellow, streaked with olive ; filaments olive ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Globe of Fire. Type 2. A form of 'Gesneriana.' Large, form and substance good ; base large, pale olive-black ; filaments olive- brown ; 30 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Grenadier. Type 3. Large, form and substance good ; colour very bright ; base as in Fig. 7, yellow ; 21 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Orange Queen. Type i. Medium size, form and substance fair ; base circular, large, yellow, blotched with olive ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Marksman. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base as in Fig. 7, yellow, blotched with olive ; filaments green ; 18 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Orange Coquette. Type 2. Form and substance good, washed orange on a yellow ground, and flushed purple outside ; filaments blue at apex ; 17 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Mandarin. Type 2. Small, form and substance fair, yellow, pencilled and stippled with scarlet ; base as in Fig. 1 1, large, blackish olive ; filaments blue ; 20 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Old Gold. Type 2. Form and substance fair, deep yellow, heavily pencilled and flushed with deep scarlet ; base as in Fig. 10, olive- black ; filaments black ; 23 inches ; May n, 15 days. Salmon Prince. Type i. Form and substance good ; base as Fig. 7 or circular, deep yellow ; filaments yellow ; 30 inches ; May n, 18 days. Aspasia. Type 2. Small, fair substance, yellow, stippled scarlet ; base as Fig. 5, black ; filaments blackish ; 20 inches ; May 10, 17 days. La Merveille. Type 2. Large, of fair substance ; colour good ; base as Fig. 8, small, yellow and olive ; filaments stained olive ; 26 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Coralie. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base indefinite, yellow, streaked olive ; 23 inches ; May 8, 17 days. De Gesner. Type 3. Small, form and substance fair ; base as Fig. 8, small, olive and yellow. (Conf.) Gerrarda. Type i. Small, form fair, substance good, dull brownish orange ; base indefinite, dull yellow ; 28 inches ; May 10, 1 8 days. 46 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Indian Prince. Type 3. Small, form and substance fair, dull orange buff ; base as Fig. 8, yellowish, with a diffuse greenish margin ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. General Ney. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana.' Smaller, with a streaky base, and generally inferior to ' Orange Beauty/ with which variety it is often confused ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Lucifer. Type i. Form and substance good ; base more or less circular, ringed with pale olive ; filaments olive ; 30 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Gesneriana aurantiaca = Globe of Fire, q.v. Gesneriana aurantiaca maculata = Orange Globe, q.v. Torch = Orange Queen, q.v. Bonfire = Lucifer, q.v. Coquette d' Orange = Orange Coquette, q.v. Gorgeous = Lucifer, q.v. Prince of Orange = Orange Beauty, q.v. i. Flower yellow. Walter T. Ware. Type 2. Large, form and substance very good ; colour deep. (Conf.) Bouton d'Or. Type i. Of medium size and very fine form and sub- stance ; filaments blackish at apex ; 25 inches ; May 7, 21 days. (Fig. i.) Yellow Queen. Type 3. Large, substance fair ; 22 inches ; May 7, 21 days. Yellow Emperor. Type i. Large, often minutely dotted with red ; 22 inches ; May 13, 15 days. Golden Queen. Type 3. Long, segments rather pointed ; 21 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Gesneriana lutea. Type 2. Large, opening well, clear deep colour ; 20 inches May 8, 19 days. Mrs. James Robertson. Type 2. Large, long, form and substance good ; base deeper yellow, slightly streaked with olive ; filaments streaked with olive above the middle ; 27 inches ; May n, 18 days. A variety close to 'Mrs. Moon.' Mrs. Moon. Type 2. Large, long, form and substance good ; colour clear, with duller blotches at base ; 30 inches ; May n, 19 days. (Fig. 2.) Avis Kennicott. Type 2. Form and substance good ; bright pale yellow, with black streaks at base, filaments black ; 22 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Parisian Yellow. Type 2. A variety resembling ' Gesneriana lutea ' ; base blackish ; 33 inches ; May 16, 14 days. Golden Spire. Type 2-3. Form good, substance fair ; 25 inches ; May 14, 15 days. Golden Goblet. Type 2. The form and colour of ' Gesneriana lutea,' but larger ; 21 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Ixioides. Type 2-3. Form good, opens well ; base as Fig. n, black ; filaments black ; 26 inches ; May 10, 17 days. COTTAGE TULIPS. 47 Gold Dust. Type 2. Rather small, substance fair ; 21 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Golden Eagle. Type i. Rather small, colour bright ; 20 inches; April 29, 19 days. Inglescombe Yellow. Type i. Long, form and substance very good ; base bluish ; 23 inches ; May 13, 17 days. Lady of the Lake. Type 3. Form fair, pale yellow ; 18 inches; May 7, 18 days. Mrs. Keightley. Type 2. A form of ' Gesneriana ' paler than ' Gesneriana lutea/ but of larger size ; base blotched with wax-yellow ; 23 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Retroflexa superba. Type 4. A larger, darker-coloured form of ' Retroflexa ' (Fig. 4) ; 23 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Galatica. Type 2. Small ; 13 inches ; May n, 17 days. Bird of Paradise = Mrs. Keightley, q.v. Elegans lutea maxima = Golden Spire, q.v. Fulgens maxima lutea = Mrs. Moon, q.v. Gesneriana ixioides = Ixioides, q.v. Gesneriana lutea pallida Mrs. Keightley, q.v. Golden Beauty Bouton d'Or, q.v. Ida = Bouton d'Or, q.v. Jaune Pure = Parisian Yellow, q.v. Mrs. Clarke = Mrs. Moon, q.v. Vanguard = Parisian Yellow, q.v. , Yellow Goblet = Golden Goblet, q.v. Yellow Hammer = Golden Goblet, q.v. j. Flower primrose. Krina. Type 2. Form fair ; 23 inches ; May 12, 13 days. Leghorn Bonnet. Type 2. Large, form and substance good, outer segments sometimes reflexed ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Retroflexa. Type 4. Form good, very elegant, substance fair, segments undulate at margin ; 24 inches ; May 3, 16 days. (Fig. 4.) Ellen Willmott. Type 2. The form and substance of ' Mrs. Moon ' (IV*) ; 26 inches ; May 13, 16 days. Yellow Gem. Type 2. Slightly smaller and paler, but otherwise very like 'Mrs. Keightley ' (IV*) ; 24 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Moonlight. Type 2-3. Large, form and substance good, colour very soft ; 21 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Gertrude. Type 2. Small, form and substance fair. (Conf.) Flava. Type 2. Similar to but paler than 'Mrs. Keightley' (IV*) ; 26 inches ; May 13, 16 days. Solfatare. Type 4. Large, of good form and substance ; base dull ; 23 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Primrose Perfection. Type i. Form and substance fair; 22 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Miss Jekyll. Type 3. Form and substance fair, pallid and 48 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. slightly flushed with rose when aged ; base as Fig. XII. ; 18 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Primrose Beauty. Type 2. Form and substance fair, somewhat constricted in the middle ; 20 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Vitellina. Type 2. Long, form and substance good ; 31 inches ; May 16, 12 days. Strangulata. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; 18 inches ; May 3, 15 days. Eldorado. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base dull ; 23 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Strangulata primulina. A very pale form of ' Strangulata ' ; 17 inches ; May 6, 12 days. (Fig. n) Elegans lutea pallida = Leghorn Bonnet, q.v. Fulgens Sulphur = Solfatare, q.v. Primrose Gem = Yellow Gem, q.v. k. Flower yellow, edged red. Billietiana aurea. Type 2. Form and substance good ; yellow, wholly scarlet from the base to the middle of the midrib, where the colour forks to either margin ; 23 inches ; May 3, 15 days. Cloth of Gold. Type 2. A form of 'Billietiana ' ; yellow, with a slight scarlet flame ; 22 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Billietiana nana. Type 2. This did not differ in height from 'Billietiana,' q.v. ; 22 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Billietiana pallida. Type 2. A pale form of ' Billietiana ' ; 20 inches ; May 13, 15 days. Gold Cup. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; the lemon-chrome ground shows in streaks through a scarlet wash ; base as in Fig. 5 ; 26 inches ; May 13, 15 days. Bandmaster. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; deep bright lemon-chrome with carmine splashes, which spread as the flower ages ; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5 ; 25 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Cardinal Billiet. Type 2. Good form and substance, colour bright ; 24 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Illuminator. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; base blotched olive as in Fig. 5 ; filaments olive ; 19 inches ; May 12, 13 days. Octoroon. Type 2. Form and substance fair; bright lemon- chrome, flaked and margined with scarlet ; base olive ; 21 inches ; May 8, 12 days. Billietiana. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; Empire yellow, feathered with scarlet ; base dull ; 23 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Sunset. Type 2. Large, and of good substance ; colour bright ; 21 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Golden Crown. Type 2. Large, form and substance fair ; 20 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Gaiety. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; deep scarlet \ base large, lemon-yellow, rather streaky outside ; 21 inches ; May 10, 14 days. FIG. 5. COTTAGE TULIP ' GESNERIANA SPATHULATA.' i. Base blue. [To face. />. 48. FIG. 6. DARWIN TULIP ' SIERAAD VAN FLORA.' Base blue, white rayed. FIG. 7. COTTAGE TULIP ' SCARLET EMPEROR.' Base rich yellow. FIG. 8. COTTAGE TULIP 'ROSE BEAUTY.' Base white, edged blue. [To face p. 49. COTTAGE TULIPS. 49 Billietiana Aurora. Type 2. Larger, brighter, and mofe scarlet than ' Billietiana ' ; 21 inches j May 6, 19 days. Royal Crown. Type i. Form and substance fair ; bright nopal red, each segment with base and lower part of each lateral margin pale cadmium yellow ; 19 inches ; May 7, n days. Aurora = Billietiana Aurora, q.v. Billietiana Sunset = Sunset, q.v. Billietiana Cloth of Gold = Cloth of Gold, q.v. Koningskroon Royal Crown, q.v. Narbonensis Yellow = Gold Cup, q.v. Yellow Crown = Golden Crown, q.v. I. Light Bronze. Coridion. Type i. Form and substance fair j lemon-chrome, washed with rosolane-purple ; 28 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Queen Alexandra. Type i. Small and of good substance ; bright lemon-yellow, with a streaky purplish blotch at the apex of each outer segment ; filaments brownish above the middle ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Alcida. Very similar to ' Jaune d'CEuf ' ; 22 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Jaune d'CEuf. Type i . Form and substance fair ; bright deep lemon-chrome, with a slight flush of pale purple on the outer segments ; base large, pale green ; filaments greenish ; 28 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Plutargus. Type i. Form and substance fair ; lemon-yellow, outside flamed dull purple ; base and filaments greenish ; 25 inches ; May 6, 21 days. Empress of China. Type i. Form and substance fair ; yellow, flushed inside with olive ; outer segments have a broad purplish beam ; base and filaments olive ; 29 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Garibaldi. Similar to but paler than ' Bronze Queen ' (IV m), and with a bluish tinge ; a long flower. Yellow Perfection. Type i. Very like 'Apricot ' (IV m) ; 26 inches { May 6, 19 days. Eastern Queen = Coridion, q.v. Sunrise = Jaune d'CEuf, q.v. m. Dark Bronze. Orion. 20 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Bronze King. Purple on pale yellow ground ; 31 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Abd-el-Kadir. Large ; base yellow ; 30 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Bronze Queen. Form and substance fair ; buff-yellow within, purplish fawn without ; base bright lemon-chrome ; filaments olive above, yellow below ; 28 inches ; May 8, 23 days. Goldmine. Mahogany striped ; base stained ; 22 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. 50 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Toison d'Or. Brown ; outside deep lemon-chrome and deep dull red ; base deep chrome ; filaments yellow ; 24 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Goudvink. Type i. Form and substance fair ; golden chestnut ; base streaked with olive ; 30 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Madras.- 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Old Times. Type i. Form and substance fair ; light yellow, flamed outside with dull purple, inside lightly flushed with that colour ; filaments streaked with black ; 21 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Prof. Keizer. 18 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Mme. de StaeL 30 inches ; May 6, 21 days. Adele. 25 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Boerhaave. 27 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Alice. Of poor form and colour ; 22 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Apricot. Type i. Flower of good substance ; chestnut -red inside ; flushed purple out ; base lemon-chrome ; 23 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Vulcan. Reddish-bronze ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. La Parfaite. Purplish outside with orange margins to segments ; base large, yellow ; 30 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Quaintness. Type i. Form and substance fair ; pale brown, paler at the margins ; outer segments with a purple beam ; base deep yellow ; 27 inches ; May 14, 14 days. Biscuit = Bronze Queen, q.v. Clio = Bronze Queen, q.v. Due d'Orleans = Bronze Queen, q.v. Goldfinch = Goudvink, q.v. Golden Bronze = Toison d'Or, q.v. Grandissima = Bronze King, q.v. Sensation = Bronze Queen, q.v. n. Shot. Amber Crown. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; yellow and purple ; 23 inches ; May 5, 20 days. John Ruskin. Type 3. Form and substance fair ; pink and orange ; base yellowish, with olive ring ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days (Fig- 3-) Le Reve. Type 2. A mid-season variety; bright coral-red flushed with dusky rose ; base dull yellow ; 16 inches ; April 25, 26 days. A semi-early variety. Marie Louise. Type i. Large, form and substance fair ; pink, shot with yellow ; base white, streaked blue and yellow ; filaments streaky blue ; 22 inches ; May 5, 15 days. A semi-early variety. Doris. Type 2. Of fair size, rather loose ; pink ; stem dark base as in Fig. n, bluish ; filaments blue at the apex ; 26 inches ; May 15, 14 days. COTTAGE TULIPS. 51 Eurasian. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; lilac and buff ; base olive ; filaments dark at apex ; 28 inches ; May n, 17 days. Daybreak. Type 2. Form and substance fair; pale yellow, shot with purple ; outer segments nearly white, with a broad purplish beam ; filaments blue-black 25 inches May 13, 15 days. Fairy Queen. Type 2. Form and substance good; outside light purple, passing to a paler margin, tinged with primrose-yellow ; inside deep yellow, with a purplish flush ; base dull ; filaments with a black ring at apex ; 30 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Norham Beauty. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; purplish, becoming yellowish at margin ; base lemon-yellow, flushed olive ; 24 inches ; May 12, 16 days. Beauty of Bath. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; white, with yellowish margin ; outer segments with a beam of light purple ; base black, streaked with yellow ; filaments blackish ; 25 inches ; May 8, 17 days. The Fawn. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; white, suffused rose, outside with a beam of salmon ; base blotched with yellow ; filaments yellow, with an olive ring at apex ; 27 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Eric. Type 2. From and substance fair } outside purple, inside pale brown ; base yellow ; inner segments streaked with brown above the middle ; 24 inches ; May 5, 19 days. 52 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS V. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BREEDER VARIETIES. a. Roses. Pink to Red. Admiral van Kingsbergen. Reddish purple ; base white ; fila- ments blue at tips ; 26 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Annie Macgregor, Not the famous English florists' variety of the same name ; 26 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Carl Becker. Of Darwin shape ; rose with a broad pale margin to each segment, rose-pink shaded with flesh colour inside ; base picric yellow, passing to green ; filaments green ; 36 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Charles Dickens. Segments rather more pointed than in English Tulips, otherwise of excellent form ; base and filaments very clean ; 27 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Correggio. Crimson ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Crimson Beauty. Cherry -rose ; 17 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Earth Globe. Deep rose-red ; base white, stained ; 22 inches ; May 7, 21 days. Kern = Maria Edgeworth, q.v. La Tendresse. Rose ; 26 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Lord Byron. A long conical flower ; rose-red, with dull purplish bloom outside ; base small, lemon-yellow ; 23 inches ; April 27, 20 days. Lord Grey. A long flower, dark rose ; base deeply stained ; 26 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Lord Macaulay. Form good ; cherry -rose ; base white ; 30 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Maria Edgeworth. A shapely flower on a weak stem ; white with a triangular beam of pink, amaranth-pink inside tinged with salmon ; base lemon-yellow ; 30 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Marie Louise. Dull rose with a yellowish edge ; base whitish ; 24 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Philomel. Rose ; 22 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Rose Agre"able. 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Rose des Dames. Of cup shape ; rose ; base tinged blue and olive ; filaments violet-blue ; 24 inches ; May 16, 14 days. Vainqueur. Cherry-red ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. b. Bybloemen. Purple to violet. ^Esculapius. Form good ; pale violet ; base dull ; 29 inches ; May 8, 22 days. Alice = Prince Albert, q.v. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS. 53 Amazone. Violet-purple ; base white with blue ring ; 25 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Apollo. Bright violet and deep purple ; base white ; 22 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Attraction.- Rosy-lilac ; base tinged yellow ; 24 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Bacchus. Bright purple ; base with white margin ; filaments blue-black ; 33 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Baguette. Rosy purple ; base blue and yellow ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Black Chief. Of good shape and substance ; bright dark red- purple ; base black ; filaments black ; 26 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Bloemhof . Of Darwin shape ; light rosolane-purple outside, pink inside ; base circular, dull blue, yellow near ovary ; 28 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Bougainville. Light violet ; base blue ; 26 inches ; May 5, 22 days. Cardinal Manning. Egg-shape, large ; Bishop's purple ; base diffuse, tinged yellow ; filaments blue at apex ; 34 inches ; May 8, 22 days. Carolus Duran. Purplish violet ; base blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Cetewayo. Of Darwin shape ; 25 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Claudius. 22 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Clown. Long ; violet ; base large, clean ; 24 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Colonel Astor. Of Darwin shape ; violet ; 28 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Copernicus. Small, shoulder rounded ; maroon-black ; base blue ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Cramoisi. Reddish purple ; base clear, white ; 22 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Cramoisi Violet. 26 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Danae. Purplish ; base stained ; 22 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Dreadnought ~ Velvet King, q.v. Duke of Edinburgh. Deep violet ; base large, white ; 33 inches ; May 8, 22 days. Excellentissima. Violet ; 33 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Firebrand. A large violet flower ; base white ; 32 inches ; May 5, 22 days. Frans Hals. 23 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Godet Parfait. Violet ; 29 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Goliath Cardinal Manning, q.v. Grand Conquerant. Large ; purplish ; 27 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Grand Maitre. Of medium size ; purple ; base blue and white ; 27 inches ; May 7, 13 days. 54 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Grand Monarque. Of Darwin shape ; dahlia-purple ; base yellowish with green ring ; 34 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Gris-de-lin Pale. Roundish flower ; light lilac -purple ; 25 inches ; May 8, 14 days. Gumma. 25 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Haidee. Dull magenta ; 21 inches ; May 15, 15 days. H&oise. 25 inches ; May 8, 14 days. Henri Jules. Violet ; base stained. Henry Percy. 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Jeffries. Large ; dull pomegranate-purple ; base bluish ; filaments black ; 32 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Je Maintiendrai. Small, of Darwin shape ; amaranth-purple ; base small, lemon yellow, clearly defined ; 24 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Judas Machabee = Apollo, q.v. Jupiter. Reddish violet ; 33 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Kingscourt == Cardinal Manning, q.v. Klopstock. Bishop's purple margined with purplish lilac ; base white with a blue star ; 24 inches ; May 5, 21 days. L'Ambitieuse. Violet ; base white ; 31 inches ; May 10, 16 days. L'Amie Desvercheux. Large, of Darwin shape ; deep purplish violet ; base stained ; 20 days ; May 3, 22 days. La Complice. Violet with white midribs ; base yellow ; 21 inches ; May 10, 12 days. La Douceur. Violet ; base white ; 32 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Lafayette = Black Chief, q.v. La N^grette. Burnt lake ; base lemon -chrome streaked olive ; filaments lemon chrome, black above middle ; 25 inches. La Seduisante. Cup-shape ; light violet ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 3, 18 days. La Singulidre. Goblet-shape ; flushed deep pansy-purple, very dark at margins of segments ; base white, large, diffuse ; 27 inches ; May 6, 20 days. L'fitincellante. Large, purplish ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Le Martiens. 24 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Le Miroir. Violet ; base large, white, with blue margins ; 25 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Le Mogul. 29 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Lion d'Hillegom. Claret-purple ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Very like ' Velvet King,' q.v. Lord Curzon La Singuliere, q.v. Mme. Augan. Violet ; flower quarters ; base stained ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Ma Favorite. Violet ; 32 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Marianne. Raisin-purple ; base white ; filaments pale blue ; 26 inches ; May 5, 20 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS, 55 Marie Antoinette. Large, well shaped ; aconite- violet ; base large, white ; 28 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Medea. Dull magenta-purple ; base white ; filaments pale blue ; 27 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Mrs. Beecher Stowe. Violet ; base white, clean ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Newton. Violet ; 27 inches ; May 8, 21 days. Noir Veritable = Black Chief, q.v. Othello. Amaranth-purple ; base diffuse, yellowish streaked with olive ; filaments black ; 25 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Pluto. Purple ; 25 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Pourpre Aplatie. 18 inches ; May 3, 25 days. President Lincoln. Violet ; base blue ; 33 inches ; May 15, 16 days. Prince Albert. Form good ; pale violet ; base white ; 30 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Prince of Waterloo. Violet ; 35 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Princess Alice. 28 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Purple King. Dark maroon-purple, reddish purple within ; base triangular, white, with blue margin and a large yellow blotch ; filaments yellowish. (Fig. 14.) Purple Perfection. Violet ; base blue, tinged with yellow ; 25 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Queen Victoria. Magenta ; base blue and white. Regal Purple = Bacchus, q.v. Robinson. Light violet ; 30 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Roi de Siam. Purple ; 30 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Rosamundi. Long ; magenta ; base white ; 27 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Sanspareil. Purplish violet ; 33 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Sappho. Violet -purple ; 25 inches ; May 10, 20 days. Sentinel = Je Maintiendrai, q.v. Socrates. Violet ; 25 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Superba. Deep maroon ; 30 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Tombeau de Lincoln. Segments pointed ; lilac with white and dark violet streaks ; base stained. Velvet Gem = Velvet King, q.v. Velvet King. Cup-shaped, large ; bright dark red-purple ; base small, sharply defined, white ; 31 inches ; May 14, 15 days. Vertumnus. Violet ; base large, white ; 27 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Violata. Large ; pale bronzy lilac ; base white, dirty ; 24 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Violet magnifique. Small ; lavender-violet ; 24 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Violet Queen. Long, form and substance good ; segments some- what pointed ; rich reddish purple ; base white ; tinged yellow ; filaments blue above middle ; 24 inches ; May 4, 17 days. 36 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Wedding Coat. Very dark ; base stained. Wilberforce. Orange-salmon, shaded cherry outside ; 27 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Willem de Zwyger. Very large ; violet -purple ; base white ; 26 inches ; May 14, 13 days. Zanzibar. Violet ; 30 inches ; May 8, 17 days. c. Bizarres. Shades of scarlet, bronze, and brown. Bell's Queen. Form very good ; mahogany ; base clean ; 30 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Catafalque. Egg-shaped ; coffee brown ; base black. Coralie. Reddish brown ; 23 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Dom Pedro. Morocco-red on a cadmium-yellow ground ; base yellowish, streaked olive ; filaments olive ; 28 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Due de Saxe Weimar. Of Darwin shape ; large ; mahogany -red ; 15 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Fairy = Panorama, q.v. Felicitas. Rounded ; bronze ; base green and yellow ; 28 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Gloria. Pale purplish yellow ; 23 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Graaff van Beuren. Flamed with livid purple and feathered carmine, margin slightly tinged yellow ; base white, streaked lemon - yellow and margined blue ; 30 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Very similar to ' Turenne/ q.v. Hamlet Sobrina, q.v. James Watt. Large, round ; slaty violet, with few yellow streaks ; base dull, blackish ; 25 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Lord Cochrane. Egg-shape ; deep mahogany ; base yellow, stained ; 35 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Louis XIV. Large, goblet-shaped ; dark dull bluish - violet, with tawny margin ; base circular, dull blue ; filaments blackish ; 31 inches ; May 5, 24 days. McMahon ==' Turenne, '*q.v\ Marechal Victor. Dull brownish ; base yellow ; 30 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Mary Hollis. Dull reddish -brown ; 23 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Meyerbeer. Small ; 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Monument = ' Panorama/ q.v. Panorama. Flower large, goblet-shape ; rich chestnut-red ; base and filaments chestnut -brown ; 26 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Prince of Wales. Deep purplish maroon ; base yellow. Rembrandt. Chestnut-red ; base clean ; 32 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Sir Robert Peel.^-Egg-shape ; scarlet ; base clean ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Sobrina. Mahogany, purplish outside ; 20 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS. 57 Themistocles. Orange-scarlet ; base yellow ; 27 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Turenne. Large, egg-shape ; nigrosin-violet ; base baryta-yellow with irregular blue margin ; 25 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Victor Hugo. Large ; purplish bronze ; base yellow ; 24 inches ; May ii, 18 days. William III. Yellow-bronze ; 28 inches ; May 10, 19 days. 58 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS VI. ENGLISH FLORISTS' TULIPS BREEDER VARIETIES. The English Florists' Tulip is differentiated from the Dutch and other strains of the original stock (i) by its shape, (2) by its base. The shape must be that of a cup with a spherical base, when fully ex- panded about half a hollow ball (type ' Dr. Hardy ') ; a shortish claret glass approximates closely to the desired shape. The petals must be broad, rounded, and should be level on the top when open. The base must be free from any green or blue stain, and should be well-defined brilliant white or yellow, according to the class. English Tulips are divided, like the Dutch, into Roses (rose on white ground) , Bybloemen (purple on white ground), and Bizarres (yellow grounds) ; beginning as breeders they break into marked flowers (see p. 100). The colouring is generally brighter than that which prevails in the Dutch and Darwin classes. Many of the English Tulips are unsuited for cultivation in the ordinary border, as they lack vigour and the flowers are easily knocked about by wind or rain ; in rich soil also the marking is apt to lose its character. The following varieties, however, are good doers with strong constitutions, increasing freely and standing the weather under ordinary garden cultivation ; they are also among the best for exhibition, and are all obtainable. The English Tulips preserve the same name in both breeder and broken states. Many varieties appear in both Class VI. and IX. (p. 100), and it should be remembered that their habits as regards earliness, height, and shape are identical in both breeder and broken states. a. Roses. Annie McGregor (Martin).* Dwarf ; good cup, bright rosy scarlet, with brilliant white base. Grows well and increases freely ; 18 inches ; May 9, 18 days. Lady Grosvenor. Below medium height. Fair cup, though the outer segments stand apart ; pale dull rose, with a conspicuous white streak up the petal. Valueless when broken ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Mabel (Martin). Below medium height. Large long cup; the segments hook in a little at the tips. Pale soft rose, with good white base. Strong constitution ; grows and increases well ; 22 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Mrs. Barlow (Hepworth). Tall; fine cup, a little longish; soft rose with fine wide white base. One of the best Rose Breeders, but not very common. When broken the markings are indistinct and the flower of little value ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Rose Hill (Oldfield). Below medium height ; large perfectly shaped cup, deep crimson with wide white base ; good constitution, increases well ; 18 inches ; May 8, 17 days. * The names in brackets are those of the raisers. ENGLISH FLORISTS' TULIPS. 59 b. Bybioemen. Adonis (Headley). Tall ; fine open cup, rich purple, with wide white base ; smooth and shining, but a little lacking in substance. Good constitution, increases freely ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Elizabeth Pegg (Camp). Late. Tall ; small, good cup, light rosy- purple, with fine wide base ; bold black anthers ; glossy and attractive ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Talisman (Hardy). Tall ; dark slaty-purple, with fine wide base ; good cup, but outer segments reflex when aged. Good constitution ; increases freely ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. c. Bizarres. Alfred Lloyd (Lloyd) .Tall, early. The finest Bizarre Breeder; perfectly-shaped cup of rich red-brown with a wide shining base ; segments stout, and stands well. Breaks with indefinite markings, and, though attractive, has then no exhibition value. Cyclops Goldfinder, q.v. Goldfinder (Hepworth) . Tall ; fine cup, brilliant scarlet, with a clear golden base. Very rich and glowing colour ; foliage glaucous ; good constitution and increases freely, but breaks very readily, in which state the markings lack character, though the flower is still bright and attractive ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Samuel Barlow (Storer). Medium height; early. Large perfect cup, rich brown, with a small yellow base ; stigma very large. Vigorous ; increases rapidly. One of the very best ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Sir Joseph Paxton (Willison) . Tall ; fine cup, chocolate-brown, with clear yellow base. Vigorous grower and stands well ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. The best English Tulip. A chance seedling from ' Trafalgar.' Sulphur (Birtwistle). Tall ; wide segments, mustardy yellow with brown shading, opening to a triangular form ; sweetly scented good grower and increaser ; 24 inches May 12, 13 days. 60 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS VII. DARWIN TULIPS.* a. Flower vermilion-scarlet. Type, Isis.f This section is composed of flowers of two types. (1) Colour brilliant, e.g. ' Isis/ (2) Colour dull, e.g. ' Orion/ The flowers of Type i have, without exception, clear blue or blue- black bases ringed with white as in 'Isis' (Fig. 13). This base is associated with a white, six-rayed star on the outside of the flower, which varies in size with the size of the base. The filaments are blue or blue-black. The flowers of Type 2 have circular dull blue bases, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of the segment (Fig. 14). The outside of the flower has white segment -margins corresponding with those of the inside. Filaments blue or blue-black. Prof. Oliver. Type 2. Small, paler at margins of segments ; 26 inches ; May 7, 18 days. King David. Type i. Of medium size ; outer segments occasionally reflexed ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Murillo. Type i. Small, very dark ; 15 inches ; May 7, 23 days. John Fraser. Type i. Small, very like ' Murillo.' Dr. Leyds. Type i. Small ; base very dark ; 24 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Pieneman. Type i. Small ; base very dark, very like ' Dr. Leyds ' ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Adelina Patti. Type i. Small, very bright, remaining open ; 27 inches ; May i, 21 days. Burgomaster Fock. Type i. 29 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Parkinson. Type i. Medium size, very brilliant ; 24 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Coquelin. Type i. Rather long ; base small ; 28 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Diana. Type i. Large ; 32 inches ; May 7, 19 days. City of Haarlem. Type i. Large, not so bright as ' Isis,' of fine form and substance ; 31 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Isis. Type i. Of very good substance, colour brilliant ; 30 inches ; May 4, 17 days (Fig. 13). Whistler. Type i. Medium size; colour deep, outside with a dull bloom ; 27 inches ; May 5, 19 days. * In this Class, as with the Cottage Tulips, an endeavour has been made to arrange the varieties as they might be in a border, so that they form a colour sequence grading off towards the sections above and below. f A well-known variety has been selected in each case as the " type " of the section. It is not necessarily the best, but it provides a name by which its section may be referred to. DARWIN TULIPS, 6l Feu Brillant. Type i. Large, colour very bright ; stem very strong ; early ; 30 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Orion. Type 2. Large, remaining open ; base small ; stem very strong ; 19 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Prince Eugen. Type I. Large, bold, colour very deep ; 28 inches ; May 7, 1 6 days. Scarlet Beauty. Type i. Approaches egg shape, often slightly streaked with a darker shade ; 31 inches ; May 4, 19 days. Claude Gillot. Type i. This variety is similar to ' Glow/ with which it is often confused. It has, however, a more violet-coloured, less clearly-defined base ; 26 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Glow. Type i. Large, colour very bright ; base very clearly defined, clear deep blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Mars. Type i. Flower short, outer segments spreading ; base not clearly defined, slaty black and white ; 27 inches ; May 4, 16 days. Martino Capello. Type 2. Flower dark, dull but brighter when open ; 24 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Glory. Type 2. Flower large, spreading ; base pale ; 24 inches ; May 4, 16 days. Ariadne. Type 2. Large, long cup ; base large, violet ; 27 inches j May 5, 19 days. Fire King. Type 2. Small ; base streaky ; 25 inches ; May 6, 1 8 days. Flambeau. Type 2. Flower short, with a round shoulder ; base pale ; 29 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Rev. H. H. D'Ombrain. Type i. Large ; base very large ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Potgeiter. Type i. In this variety the white base ring is reduced to two small white spots on the margin of each segment ; 29 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Rev. Canon Ellacombe. Type i. Small, very deeply coloured ; 26 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Anna. Type i. Small, segments spreading ; base ring wide ; 30 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Spring Beauty. Type i. Medium size ; base blackish ; 30 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Jacob Maris. Type i. Flower short; of great substance; 29 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Scarlet Perfection. Type i. Colour rather light, base pale ; 33 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Fireball. Type i. Of medium size, rounded ; 26 inches ; May 3, 17 days. General Boulanger. Type i. Small to medium size ; 20 inches ; May 8, 15 days. Teddy. Type i. Large, colour rather dull ; base with broad ring j 34 inches ; May 8, 16 days, 62 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Esato. Type i. Colour very deep ; base large ; 30 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Emma. Type 2. Small, outer segments reflexed, saccate at base ; stem weak ; 20 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Minnesota. Type 2. Base pale, greyish ; 23 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Minister Roell. Type i. Flower large, colour very deep; base slaty blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Marianne. Type 2. Large; base large, dull. (Conf.) Bucephalus. Type i. Short; outer segments reflexed ; 26 inches ; May 7, 17 days. George Sand. Type i. Small, dull ; base black and white. (Conf.) Ouida. Type i. Large; base pale ; 29 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Dodoens. Type i. Large ; base slaty black and white ; 25 inches ; May 6, 18 days. H. J. Elwes. Type i. Of medium size, rather dull ; 25 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Michelin. Type i. Form fair, colour very deep ; 21 inches ; May 4, 14 days. Torchlight = Flambeau, q.v. Nerine = Spring Beauty, q.v. b. Flower cochineal-red. Type, Farncombe Sanders. This section is composed of flowers of four types, according to their base. (1) Base circular or slightly starry blue. (2) Base circular or slightly starry blue, except that each blotch has a white streak along the margin of each segment ; Fig. 14. (3) Base circular, or slightly starry blue, each blotch having a spreading white mark along the margin of each segment ; Fig. 12. (4) Base circular or somewhat like Fig. 20, with a narrow blue or purplish margin. These subdivisions may be considered as representing successive increases in the white streaks on the margins of the segments. Outside white, corresponding to the white region on the base. Filaments blue, except in a few cases in Type 4. North Dakota. Type 4. Small, of very good substance ; stem stout ; 25 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Medusa. Type 2. Colour bright ; base pale blue, sometimes also slightly striped with white ; 30 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Professor Rauwenhof. Type 3. Large, refined ; 29 inches ; May 6, 16 days. (Fig. 12.) Queen of Brilliants. Type 4. Bright ; filaments only tinged with blue ; 25 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Princess Juliana. Type 3. Shapely, rounded shoulder ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. DARWIN TULIPS, 63 Farncombe Sanders. Type 4. Large, refined ; colour of a very brilliant shade peculiar to this variety ; 30 inches ; May 6, 17 days. Van Poortvliet. Type i. Large, short ; outside very dark ; 29 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Europe. Type 4. Medium size, refined ; base clear white ; filaments white ; 26 inches ; May 5, 20 days. (Fig. 20.) Cochineal. Type 4. A variety very like ' Europe/ but the base is more circular ; 31 inches ; May 10, 20 days. Salmon King. Type 4. Colour good ; base white, with a narrow, faint purplish margin ; 26 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Hitchcock. Type 2. Large, long ; segments somewhat pointed ; shoulder rounded ; stem rather weak ; 37 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Crepin. Type 3. Rounded shoulder ; base small ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Dora Silberrad. Type i. Stem weak ; 23 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Pomona. Type 4. Flower short, small, rounded shoulder ; fila- ments blue above the middle ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Pallas. Type i. Rather light colour. (Conf.) Cyrano de Bergerac. Type 2. Small ; outer segments saccate at base ; base small ; 27 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Feuerfackel. Type i. Small ; colour bright ; outer segments reflexed ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. J. G. Baker, Type i. Medium size, well open ; stem rather slender ; 29 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Prince George. Type 4. Small, colour clear ; filaments white ; 24 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Etna. Type i. Large, very square shoulder ; base dull ; stem coloured ; 29 inches ; May 4, 17 days. A. J. Salter. Type 4. Medium size ; base ring purplish blue ; 30 inches ; May 8, 20 days. President Perrier. Type 2. Outer segments reflexed at the tips ; rounded shoulder ; base bright ; 26 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Calypso. Type 4. Segments rather narrow ; base margin faint ; 29 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Professor Michael Foster. Type 2. Large, colour bright; 33 inches; May 5, 19 days. Martados de Mardoc. Type i. Very dull outside ; 27 inches ; May 6, 17 days. Professor Francis Darwin. Type I. A shapely rounded flower, open in even the dullest weather ; 30 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Mandranassa. Type 2. Large, very bright inside ; base small ; 27 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Paul Kruger. Type 2. Tips of the outer segments reflexed ; 28 inches ; May 7, 18 days. W. A. Viruly-Verbrugge. Type 2. Medium size, opening well ; colour soft ; stem very stout ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Bartigon. Type 4. A shapely flower of good substance and 64 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. colour ; stem strong ; base ring broad, deep blue ; 31 inches ; May 8, 20 days. King George V. Type 2. Flower short, rounded shoulder ; colour very bright ; 25 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Henri Vilmorin. Type 3. 'Rounded shoulder ; base very blue ; 25 inches ; May 3, 14 days. Canossa. Type 2. Large; outer segments reflexed; filaments blackish ; 32 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Laurentia. Type 2. Rounded shoulder, colour very bright ; base with a narrow blue margin ; 26 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Von Deffregger. Type 2. Large, colour good ; 29 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Wagner. Type i. Loose, fading with exposure; base paler; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Menelik. Type 3. Segments reflexing to a very flattened flower, triangular in outline ; 31 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Nova Scotia. Type 4. Small, colour clear ; 24 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Louise de la Valliere. Type 2. Tips of the outer segments re- flexed, rounded shoulder ; 2 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Professor Sargent. Type 2. Small; segments saccate at base, dark and dull outside ; 25 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Maitre Part out. Type 2. A vigorous variety, flower large, shoulder rounded ; 30 inches ; May 6, 22 inches. Adolphe van den Heede. Type 3. Outer segments a little re- flexed, rounded shoulder ; 27 inches ; May 7, 16 days. G. de Cordons. Type i. Colour very bright, flower opening well ; base good ; 30 inches ; April 30, 21 days. William Pitt. Type 2. Large, long; base dull; 27 inches May 4, 17 days. King of the Reds = J. G. Baker, q.v. Lord Duncan Bartigon, q.v. Minister Tak van Poortvliet = Van Poortvliet, q.v. Sweetheart = Princess Juliana, q.v. c. Flower cerise. Type, Pride of Haarlem. This section is composed of flowers which, with five exceptions, have circular, blue bases, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of the segments (Fig. 14). Filaments blue. The exceptions are dealt with individually in the descriptions. Pride of Haarlem. A very vigorous variety; flower large, well formed, opening well, rounded shoulder; 30 inches; April 29, 21 days. Petrus Hondius. Large, rounded shoulder ; segments often dentate ; 24 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Mme. Schneider. Large. (Conf.) FIG. 9. COTTAGE TULIP ' CLEOPATRA.' Base black, edged gold. [To face p. 64. FIG. 10. COTTAGE TULIP 'CORONATION SCARLET.' Base black, edged yellow. FIG. 11. COTTAGE TULIP ' STRANGULATA PRIMULINA.' Base black. FIG. 12. DARWIN TULIP 'PROF. RAWENHOF.' Base blue, flushed with white. [To face i>. 65 J DARWIN TULIPS, 65 Tollens. Small, opening well ; base pale ; 31 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Phociea. Large, colour dull ; base large ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Robert Manning. Base streaky ; 25 inches ; May 7, 17 days. The First. Small ; base dull, slaty ; 25 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Mrs. H. Ward. Small ; base white, splashed with blue ; 22 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Mattia. Bold, large, colour very bright inside ; 34 inches ; May 6, 1 6 days. Princess Mary. Shapely, of good substance ; 35 inches ; May 10, 20 days. Henry Lyte. Colour dull, paler at the margins of the segments ; 27 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Louis Cusin. Somewhat pointed ; base very bright blue. (Conf.) Julia. Egg shape, pale at margins of the segments ; 28 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Bijou. Shapely, good substance ; 31 inches ; May 15, 16 days. Comtesse de Fresnay. Small, egg shape; 36 inches; May n, 17 days. Alata. Long, shoulder rounded ; base large, each blotch having a white streak along the margin of each segment ; 27 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Alexis. Large, paler at the margins of each segment ; base greyish, dull ; 23 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Prince of the Netherlands. Large, opening well ; outer seg- ments reflexed ; base dull ; 28 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Souvenir de Carnot. Outer segments reflexed, colour deep; base dull ; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. General Kohler. Short, shoulder rounded ; 26 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Duke of Portland. Large, shoulder rounded; colour bright ; 27 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Scylla. Large, opening almost flat ; base dull ; 28 inches ; May 3, 1 8 days. Carminea. Outer segments rather short, reflexed; base circular, blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Starlight. Small, colour bright ; May 8, 14 days. Apollo. 24 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Princess Amalia. A cup-shaped flower, colour bright ; 23 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Henry Conscience. Shape good ; base circular, greyish ; 27 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Feu d'Artifice. Outer segments short, colour dull, much deeper outside ; 27 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Hecuba. Small, poor form ; 20 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Mme. de Tavernier. Medium size, poor form ; base white, with a blue ring ; 27 inches ; May 6, 21 days. F 66 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Asa Gray. Outer segments reflexed, colour deep ; 27 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Rubens. Small, outer segments spreading, colour dull outside ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Galatea. Large, of good substance, colour very deep outside ; 32 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Giovanni. Small; base dull, slaty; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Carlos. Base large ; filaments blue-black ; 26 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Sir Walter Scott. Colour dull, paler at the margins of each segment ; 27 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Madrazza. Medium size ; 27 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Madame Bosboom Toussaint = Carminea, q.v. d. Flower magenta. Type, William Goldring. The flowers of this section are characterized by more rounded shoulders than those of the preceding classes. They fall into three types, according to their bases. (1) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a slight white streak on margins of each segment. (Fig; 14.) (2) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a spreading white streak on the margins of the segment. (Fig. 12.) (3) Base circular, blue with a white region as in Fig. 15. As in section b, these bases may be considered as representing successive increases in the white base margins. Outside white, corresponding to the white region of the base. Filaments blue or white tinged blue. William Goldring. Type 3. Large, well shaped, good substance ; filaments tinged ; 28 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Berthold Schwartz. Type 3. Good cup-shape; tips of segments very regular; base bright ; 25 inches ; May 4, 21 days. (Fig. 15.) The Shah. Short, good form ; 29 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Miranda. Type I. The form of ' Professor Francis Darwin ' (VII. b) ; colour bright, filaments blue ; 27 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Princess Alice. Type 3. Form good; colour very deep. (Conf.) Verdi. Type i. 24 inches ; May 14, 17 days. Oliver Goldsmith, Type i. Colour very bright, filaments violet. Closely resembles ' Kentucky ' ; 26 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Vanity. Type 2. Large ; base very blue ; 23 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Bussy Rabutin. Type 2. Segments broad, outer reflexed ; base dull, filaments white ; 21 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Burbidge. Type i. Long, deep flower; base dull; 31 inches; May 8, 22 days. Herta. Type i. Opens well ; tips of segments broad, level, colour lighter ; 28 inches ; April 30, 20 days. DARWIN TULIPS, 67 Van Berghem. Opens well; base variable, often very pale around the ovary ; 24 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Admiral Jellicoe. Type i. Large; base dull, speckled white; filaments blue. (Conf.) Thorbecke. Type 2. Form good, colour deep; base dark, yellowish round the ovary ; filaments blackish ; 31 inches ; April 30, 21 days. Grossi. Type i. Base large, rather cloudy ; 24 inches; May 3, 1 8 days. Emily. Type i. Below medium size ; filaments blue-black ; 27 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Kentucky. Type i. Form good, colour very bright; base rather dull, filaments blue ; 26 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Admiral Togo. Type 2. Long, deep flower, shapely; filaments violet -black ; 26 inches ; May 3, 19 days. The International. Type i. Cup-shape, open, shapely; colour deep and bright ; base rather pale ; 27 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Andromaque. Type i. Large ; base ill-defined ; filaments deep blue ; 31 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Descartes. Type 3. Large ; stem very stout ; 32 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Blue Eye. Type i. Below medium size ; base bright, filaments blue ; 24 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Beatrice. Type i. Below medium size, dull ; 24 inches ; May 3, 17 days. G. F. Wilson. Type I. Base streaky, filaments black ; 19 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Rufus. Type i. Base small, very deep blue ; 23 inches; May 3, 1 6 days. John Lee. Type i. Base very large, filaments greenish; 23 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Georgia. Type 3. Outer segments spreading ; colour rather pale ; 28 inches ; May 6, 15 days. William Paul. Type 2. Base creamy; 33 inches; May 3, 20 days. Ruby Queen Admiral Togo, q.v. Tar a = William Goldring, q.v. e. Flower pale magenta. Type, Centenaire. The colour of the flowers of this section is often described as "rose," but it is of a harder tone than can be admitted under that term. With a few exceptions, which are treated separately in the descrip- tions, the bases are of a more or less circular indeterminate blue and white rayed type, of which that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. 68 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Adele Sandrock. Large flower, tinted apricot at the margins of the segments ; ' base creamy, with a blue ring ; 24 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Theodor Jerisson. Medium size, good substance, purplish base ; 30 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Washington. Large segments ; rather thin, base as that in Fig. 12 ; 28 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Village Maid. Form good ; 29 inches ; May 8, 14 days. Koningin Emma. (Conf.) Hoola van Nooten. Large ; base large, white, with abroad, diffuse, pale blue margin ; filaments white ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Edison. Large, loose ; base as in Fig. 20 with a pale blue margin, filaments blue at apex ; 27 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Richard Owen. Form fair, base as in Fig. 20 with pale blue margin. (Conf.) James Douglas. Rather more pointed than is usual in Darwins; filaments tinged blue ; 31 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Mississippi. Colour deep, rather streaky ; base as in Fig. 20, with a pale blue margin ; 29 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Emanuel Sweerts. Form good; base as in Fig. 20, with a blue margin ; filaments tinged blue ; 24 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Amor. Of good substance ; base as in Fig. 20 ; filaments tinged blue ; 22 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Velimbrose. Filaments blue above the middle ; 31 inches ; May 8, 1 6 days. Centenaire. Large, well formed ; base dull ; filaments pale blue, rather irregular in height ; 29 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Longfellow. Medium size, fair form ; base large, irregular, white, with a blue margin ; filaments blue ; 24 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Max Leichtlin. Medium size, rather short. (Conf.) Early Dawn. Large ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 7, 13 days. Nauticus. Form refined, substance good ; base slightly stained green ; filaments black ; 26 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Carmen. Large, margins of the segments paler ; base stained green ; filaments black ; 30 inches ; May 4, 17 days. La Fiancee. Large, open, with a soft satiny sheen, pale at the margins of the segments ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Hugo de Vries. Colour deep in the upper part of each segment, paler below and inside ; base circular, pale blue ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 5, 20 days. La Robuste. Large ; filaments tinged ; 21 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Leonora. Small ; base white, with a blue ring (Fig. 16) ; 21 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Maiden Rose. Medium size. (Conf.) Alabama. Large, colour streaky ; base large, dull ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 4, 17 days. William Copland. Oval, shapely, colour dull ; base circular, with a blue ring (Fig. 16) ; filaments blue ; 26 inches ; April 30, 20 days. DARWIN TULIPS. 69 Plurot. Deep cup-3hape, regular ; base white, with a faint irregular blue ring ; filaments blue above the middle ; 25 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Meteor. Large, form good ; 25 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Buffon. Square shoulder, deep colour, abruptly passing to a pale margin on each segment ; base diffuse, very pale ; filaments grey ; 28 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Albert Kellogg Early Dawn, q.v. d'Aubigny = Washington, q.v. Haarlem = Carmen, q.v. Sir Edward Grey Nauticus, q.v. Sweet Lavender = William Copland, q.v. The Bride = La Fiancee, q.v. J. Flower rose. Type, Edmee. A large section composed of flowers of two kinds : (a.) Segments with paler margins (e.g. Edmee). (ft.) Segments without paler margins (e.g. Sieraad van Flora). They fall into three types, according to their bases, the majority in (i). (1) Base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring ; Fig. 17. (2) Base white, of the shape represented in Fig. 20. (3) Base more or less circular, indeterminate, blue and white rayed ; that represented in Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. a. Segments with paler margins. Coquette. Type I. Small ; 31 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Sylvia. Type i. Form good ; filaments white ; 32 inches ; May 6, 21 days. Landelle. Type i. Refined form, good substance ; 28 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Edmee. Type i. Form and substance good, shoulder square, colour deep ; filaments white, with a blue tip ; 30 inches ; May 6, 1 8 days. Mme. Raven. Type i. A variety very similar to ' Edmee,' but inferior in colour and substance ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Beethoven. Type i. Form good ; filaments white ; 28 inches ; May 8, 14 days. Gustave Dore. Type i. Slightly paler, smaller and less distinct base, but very like Edmee ; 31 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Ptzepios. Type i. An inferior variety ; flower small ; filaments tinged blue ; 27 inches ; May 4, 20 days. 70 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Aida. Type i. Form long ; substance good ; base creamy ; 26 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Hesperia. Type i. Identical with ' Gustave Dore ' except that it is slightly paler, the base has a wider blue ring, and the filaments are blue at the apex ; 27 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Jonkheer Schorer. Type i. Dull in colour ; 30 inches ; May 8, 1 6 days. Beyerinck. Type i. Form good; base dull ; 23 inches ; May 16, 15 days. Ant. Roozen. Type i. A bold flower of good form ; filaments stained blue ; 26 inches ; May 3, 17 days. (Fig. 17.) Baronne de la Tonnaye. Type 2. Well formed; large ; filaments violet at apex ; 30 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Mme. Richebourg. Type 2. 25 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Calistre. Type 2. Paler than but very like ' Baronne de la Tonnaye ' ; 29 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Calliope. Type 2. Smaller but otherwise identical with ' Calistre ' ; 27 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Mme. Krelage. Type 2. Large, good substance ; base greyish ; filaments blue at apex ; 34 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Cabanel. Type 2. Large, colour deep outside ; base dull ; filaments white ; 29 inches ; May 8, 16 days. George Maw. Type 2. Small; base pale; filaments white; 29 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Princesse Elisabeth. Type 2. Form and substance good; base clearly defined ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Queen Mary. Type 3. A variety similar to but slightly darker than ' Bijou ' ; 27 inches ; May 10, 12 days. Bijou. Type 3. Rather small ; form and substance good ; 31 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Mme. Barrois. Type 3. Rather long ; outer segments reflexed, rapidly paling with age ; filaments blue above the middle ; 26 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Louis Mimmerel. Type 3. Shallow, wide open ; filaments deep blue ; 25 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Rev. Harpur Crewe. Type 3. Form and substance good; fila- ments white ; 27 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Alexander Dickson. Type 3. Small, shape good, colour soft ; filaments tinged blue above the middle ; 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Oregon. Type i. Colour deep and dull ; filaments blue at the apex ; 29 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Cupido. Type i. Medium size, of rather poor substance; base tinged with purple ; 28 inches ; May n, 15 days. Julie King. Type 3. Small, dull; filaments tinged blue; 28 inches; May 7, 21 days. DARWIN TULIPS. (3. Segments without paler margins. Lilith. Type i. Filaments white; 24 inches; May 6, 17 daysT Venus. Type i. Large, good form and substance; filaments tinged; 28 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Amy.* Type i. Small, form good ; filaments white. (Conf.) Ronner Kuip. Type i. Colour rather pale ; base dull ; filaments pale blue ; 27 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Loveliness. Type 2. Medium size, short cup, round shoulder ; base and filaments very clean, colour clear ; 23 inches ; May 5,17 days. Queen of Roses. Type 3. Small, colour dull ; filaments blackish ; 25 inches j May 7, 17 days. Miss T. White. Type 3. Small; filaments tinged blue; 21 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Massachusetts. Type 3. Large cup ; filaments creamy, tinged blue at apex ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Thomas Gray. Type 3. Colour clear ; filaments blue ; 24 inches ; May 7, 13 days. Le Cid. Type 3. Colour dull; filaments greyish; 29 inches; May 10, 14 days. Sieraad van Flora. Type 3. Large, opening well, substance good ; base large ; 27 inches ; April 29, 20 days. (Fig. 6.) James Mackintosh. -Type 3. Flower of the form of ' Professor Francis Darwin' (VII. b); filaments pale blue; 29 inches; May 5, 16 days. Rosa. Type 3. Form and substance good, colour pale ; 27 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Rose Tendre. Type 3. Large, opens well, colour rather pale ; 23 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Dandy. Type i. Small, closed, margins slightly flushed with blue ; base diffuse, creamy ; 25 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Aphrodite. Type 3. Large, segments somewhat crumpled ; 36 inches ; May 15, 13 days. Lonna. Type 3. Large, form very good, paler in the upper part of each segment, tips of the outer segments reflexed ; 24 inches ; May 6, 1 8 days, Parthenope. Type i. Small ; 21 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Lendtre. Type 3. Large ; base large, dull ; 26 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Flora's Ornament = Sieraad van Flora, q.v. Julie Virnot = Princesse Elisabeth, q.v. Marcellus Emants = Queen of the Roses, q.v . Queen Flora = Sieraad van Flora, q.v. Salmon Queen = Landelle, q.v. Superbe = Alexander Dickson, q.v. * Shown at Conference as ' Anna/ but name subsequently changed to avoid confusion with a scarlet variety of that name. 72 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. g. Flower pale rose. Type, Fanny. This section is subdivided according to whether the margins are paler than the rest of the segment or not, and the flowers fall into two types, according to their bases. (1) Base circular, white, with a more or less well-marked pale blue ring (Fig. 17). (2) Base more or less circular, indeterminate blue and white rayed ; that represented by Fig. 6 may be taken as an average. Two flowers have white bases of the form represented in Fig. 20. a. Segments with paler margins. Ethel Roosevelt. Type i. Long, with a rounded shoulder, pale margins broad ; filaments tipped with blue at the apex ; 31 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Fanny. Type i. Long, rather pointed ; outer segments reflexed at tips ; filaments blotched blue at the base ; 21 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Lizzie. Type i. Medium size, form and substance good ; 27 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Salmonea. Type i. Egg shape, very broad at the base, colour deeper at the middle of each segment ; 18 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Roxane. Type i. Base tinged green, and filaments yellowish ; 24 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Marc Micheli. Type 2. Large ; 30 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Suzon. Type 2. Form and substance good, margins of segments very pale ; 28 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Sophrosyne. Type 2. Pale, margins of the segments tinged with flesh colour ; filaments blue ; 21 inches ; May 7, 22 days. /3. Segments without paler margins. Saes. Type i. Flower small, filaments blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Rose Queen. Type i. Outer segments incurved at margins, colour deeper at tip of each segment ; 30 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Psyche. Type i. Rather large ; base creamy, filaments white ; 32 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Flamingo. Type i. Long, shoulder rounded ; filaments white ; 25 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Pauline. Type i. Small ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Rev. E. Bourne. Type i. Small, colour deep ; filaments tinged blue ; 22 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Mrs. Stanley. Type 2. Bold, form good ; base colour clear ; 27 inches, May 3, 17 days. President Wilson. Type 2. Large, very pale outside ; 31 inches ; May 10, 18 day?. DARWIN TULIPS. 73 Gelery Larate. Type 2. Dull ; 28 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Massenet. Type i. Short, with an ugly square shoulder; base blue-black and white stained with yellow ; filaments blue-black ; 26 inches; May 6, 18 days. Texas. Type i. A large flower resembling ' Psyche,' but paler and with a weak stem ; 32 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Duchesse de Mouchy. Type 2. Short, good cup, inside very pale pink ; base white, of the form in Fig. 20 ; 27 inches ; May 17, 13 days. Mile. Prevet. Type 2. The form of 'Loveliness' (VII. /), but much paler in colour ; base and filaments as in that variety ; 24 inches ; May 6, 18 days. New Hampshire. Type 2. Colour pale and dull ; 17 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Pales = Saes, q.v. Prima Donna = Ethel Roosevelt, q.v. The Dove = Massenet, q.v. h. Flower salmon-pink. Type, Clara Butt. A small section which cannot be subdivided. Clara Butt. Form refined, substance good, colour soft and very pleasing ; base white, with a small blue-grey blotch on each segment ; 23 inches ; May 6, 16 days. (Fig. 21.) Maiden's Blush. Of fair substance, paler at the margins of each segment ; base white, with a large blue blotch on each segment (Fig. 16); 26 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Baron van Goldtstein. Large, pale and dull outside ; base large, of the form shown in Fig. 18 ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Mme. Lethiery. Form good, deep rose-pink, flushed with salmon at the outside margin and on the whole of the inside of each segment ; base yellowish near the ovary, passing to a greenish-black ring ; 25 inches ; M.ay 4, 16 days. Yolande. Long, shoulder rounded, deep rose-pink, heavily flushed with salmon ; base as in Fig. 20, yellowish ; filaments yellowish ; 23 inches ; May 6, 14 days. Orange Perfection. Medium size, of good substance, deep rose- pink inside, flushed with salmon ; base blue and white, of the form shown in Fig. 14 ; 32 inches ; May 15, 13 days. Duchess of Westminster = Yolande, q.v. Major Mason = Maiden's Blush, q.v. i. Flower crimson-maroon. Type, King Harold. The flowers of this section are darker colour forms of those in Section a. Not only do the flowers possess the uniformly square shoulder 74 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. of those of that section, but the bases are of the same types as in that section. Furthermore, those with the base represented in Fig. 13 are more brightly coloured than those with that represented in Fig. 14. Filaments blue or blue-black. There are two exceptions with white bases of the form repre- sented in Fig. 7, dealt with individually in the descriptions. Jupiter. Type i. Large, form and substance fair, colour light ; 20 inches ; May 10, 12 days. President Taft. Type i. Form and substance good, dusky out- side ; 26 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Harry Veitch. Type i. Form and substance good ;- base sharply defined, good blue ; 22 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Victoire d'Oliveira. Type i. Identical with ' Harry Veitch ' except that the base is slaty black ; 23 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Dido. Type 2. Base slaty black and white ; 31 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Appelius. Type 2. 19 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Dr. Ariens. Type i. Opening well ; 26 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Uncle Sam. Type 2. Small ; 24 inches ; May 5, 16 days. De Sacy. Type 2. Form and substance good ; base dull, blackish ; 31 inches May 10, 16 days. Mr. Kolkman. Type i. Small ; 20 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Marcella. Type i. Form good, colour bright, opening well; base violet and black ; 28 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Leopold de Rothschild. Type i. Large, opening to a triangular outline ; 29 inches ; May 6, 14 days. Sir Joseph Hooker. Type i. Short, opening well; base slaty black and white ; 19 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Millet. Type 2. Large, bold, substance good ; 19 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Henner. Type i. Form fair, shoulder rounded; 26 inches; May 4, 20 days. W.Roberts. Type i. Small, outer segments reflexed ; 20 inches; May 4, 17 days. Paris. Type i. Medium size, good substance; the white ring around the base is reduced to two white blotches on the margins of each segment ; 24 inches May 3, 17 days. Schiller. Type 2. Somewhat egg-shaped ; 24 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Michael Angelo. Type 2. Square in contour, opening well ; 29 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Eclipse. Type i. Medium size, opens well, colour good; 28 inches ; May 3, 20 days. King Harold. Type 2. Medium size, opens well, dull outside ; 27 inches j May 5, 19 days. Donders. Type i. Form and substance good, opens well ; 28 inches ;- April 30, 21 days. DARWIN TULIPS. 75 Hecla. Type i. Colour very deep ; 27 inches May 4, 17 days. Alphonse Daudet. Type 2. Form fair, shoulder rounded, opens well, colour very deep ; 33 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Allard Pierson. Type i. Long, egg-shaped, open segments ; 27 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Fontanelle. Type 2. Form good, colour good; 28 inches; May 6, 20 days. Mahony King Harold, q.v. Tiberius W inkier King Harold, q.v. j. Flower maroon-black. Type, Fra Angelico. This section is composed of flowers which fall into three types, according to their bases. There is one exception. (1) Base circular, blue. (Fig. 18.) (2) Base circular, blue except that each blotch has a broad streak on the margin of each segment, sometimes faintly tinged with yellow. (Fig. 14.) (3) Base white, with a large dark blue to blue-black blotch on each segment (Fig. 16), outside white. Filaments black, sometimes blue-black. This and the following section include the ' black ' Tulips, and, although the grouping is at first sight arbitrary, it has been found that any variety from section j will clash with one from section k, but all plants within each section will harmonize with one another. The flowers of these two sections are generally early. Gipsy Queen. Type 2. Large, long ; filaments blue above the middle ; 27 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Herschell. Type 3. Large, outer segments reflexed ; base large 30 inches ; May 3, 15 days. Peter Barr. Type i. Rather small ; 28 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Souvenir. Type 2. 26 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Decamps. Type 2. Filaments blue above the middle ; 25 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Arizona. Type i. Substance good; outer segments reflexed, paler at their margins ; 27 inches ; May 8, 12 days. Fantasy. Type 2. Outer segments reflexed; 25 inches; May 3, 17 days. Bathurst. Type 2. 20 inches; May 3, 17 days. Andrea Doria. Type i. Form good; short cup; shoulder rounded ; 32 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Ebony. Type 2. Form good, opens well base tinged with yellow ; 23 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Black Knight. Type i. Form good, long, shoulder rounded base slaty blue ; 25 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Mystery. Type i. Large, short cup, shoulder rounded; 23 inches May 4, 17 days. 76 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, Night. Type 2. Large, long ; filaments blackish in the upper part ; 30 inches ; May 13, 17 days. Philippe de Comines. Type 2. Long, shoulder rounded, sub- stance good ; 30 inches ; April 30, 18 days. Auber. Type 3. Long, form and substance good ; outer segments reflexed ; 29 inches ; May 3, 20 days. (Fig. 16.) Zanzibar. Type 2. Form good, long, opens well ; base slaty blue ; 26 inches ; May 3, 18 days. J . Reynalt . Type 2. Large, of the form and colour of ' Zanzibar,' substance good ; 31 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Negro. Medium size, short, opens wide ; base tinged with yellow ; 23 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Uncle Tom. Type 2. Long ; 37 inches ; May 8, 13 days. Kepler. Type 2. Outer segments reflexed ; base stained yellow ; 25 inches ; May 6, 14 days. Dandolo. Type 2. Form good, long, substance good, colour rich, glossy ; 19 inches > April 29, 20 days. Fra Angelico. Type 2. Fine cup-shape, opens well, colour rich, glossy ; 26 inches ; April 29, 20 days. A . M. Van der Schoot = Negro. k. Flower purple-black. Type, Zulu. The flowers of this section have scarcely visible blue bases with white segment margins. Filaments black or blue above the middle. Faust. Large, form good ; colour rich, with a striking metallic sheen ; 31 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Van Jehring. Rather dull ; 25 inches ; April 30, 19 days. Johanna Matilda. Base dull ; 27 inches ; April 30, 20 days. La Tulipe Noire. Form and substance good, short, opening well ; base slightly streaked with yellow ; filaments black ; 24 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Zulu. Of medium size, pointed ; good substance ; base has a white triangle around the ovary ; 31 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Leonardo da Vinci. Cup-shape, shoulder rounded ; 27 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Negerfurst. Small ; 13 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Othello. Form good, cup -shape ; base tinged with yellow ; filaments black ; 31 inches ; April 30, 20 days. The Sultan. Form good ; colour very deep ; 27 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Joseph Israels = The Sultan. Ravenswing = Faust. DARWIN TULIPS. 77 /. Flower purple. Type, Marconi. The flowers of this section have rounded shoulders, and fall into two types, according to their bases : (1) Base circular, blue, with a white region as represented in Fig. 15. (2) Base more or less circular, blue, except that each blotch has a streak of white along the margins of each segment. (Fig. 14.) Fila- ments more or less blue. Mme. Beynat. Type i. Small, opening wide ; filaments tinged blue. (Fired.) G. de Salelle. Type i. Small ; base streaky blue ; filaments violet-black ; 21 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Viola. Type i. Large, form and substance good; shoulder rounded ; flushed red outside ; 25 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Maneau. Large, outer segments reflexed ; base large, circular, white ; 27 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Vulcan. Type i. Of medium size ; 19 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Marconi. Type i. Large, of fine form and substance, opening well ; base very distinct and striking ; 30 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Courbet. Type i. Form and substance fair ; 23 inches ; May 4, 16 days. Gryphus. Type i. Form and substance good ; base stained yellow ; 34 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Raphael. Type i. Large, of good form ; base tinged with yellow ; 27 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Gigli. Type i. Small, of poor form ; 16 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Sir Trevor Lawrence. Type i. Large, form and substance good ; shoulder square ; filaments white ; 34 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Rev. Wolley-Dod. Type 2. Of moderate form and substance ; 24 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Frans Hals. Type 2. Form and substance good; colour very bright outside ; 28 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Paul Baudry. Type 2. Medium size, of good form and substance, opening well ; 24 inches ; May 3, 21 days. St. Simon. Type 2. Of medium size, somewhat pointed, flushed with red outside ; 27 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Giant. Type 2. Plant very robust ; flower large, of fair form >' filaments pale blue ; 31 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Maugeron. Type 2. Small; outer segments somewhat reflexed; 29 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Anton de Bary. Type 2. Of medium size ; filaments deep blue ; 31 inches ; May 10, 15 days. La Victoire. Type i. Small ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Goliath = Giant. 78 REPORT OF THE- TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, m. Flower violet-purple. Type, The Bishop. The flowers of this section fall into two types, (i) and (2) according to their bases, as in section I. Jubilee. Type i. Form good, substance fair 24 inches ; May 4, 17 days. New York. Type i. Of medium size and fair form"; base slightly stained with yellow ; filaments pale blue ; 25 inches ; May 3, 16 days. The Bishop. Type 2. Form and^substance good ; base small, dull ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Geefs. Type i. Of medium size, opens well; filaments white; 28 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Moralis. Type i. A bold, shapely flower ; base creamy, streaked with blue, especially on the outer segments ; 34 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Vespuccio. Type 2. Form fgood,fshoulder] rounded ; filaments tinged blue ; 29 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Viking. Type 2. Large, good substance and fine colour ; filaments tinged blue ; 30 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Pierre Loti. Type 2. Form good, opens well; filaments tinged blue ; 23 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Sybil. Type 2. Small, form fair; filaments tinged blue; 26 inches; May 3, 16 days. Professor Balfour. Type i. Of medium size, colour rather dull ; filaments tinged blue ; 25 inches ; May 10, n days. Professor McOwan. Type i. A rounded flower of fair size and substance ; 30 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Prins Maurits. Type 2. Large ; base clear blue ; filaments bluish ; 24 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Greuze. Type 2. Outer segments saccate at base ; filaments black ; 27 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Valentin. Type 2. A robust plant; flower early, large, opening well ; colour light but good ; filaments blue above the middle ; 35 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Colonist. Type 2. Form and substance good; base very pale blue ; 34 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Marie = Valentin. n. Flower rosy purple. Type, Mrs. Potter Palmer. The flowers of this section fall into two types (i) and (2), accord- ing to their bases, as in section /. Bettelini. Type i. Small, colour streaky ; 25 inches ; May 3, 1 6 days. DARWIN TULIPS. 79 Charles H. Morot. Type i. Long, shoulder rounded ; filaments blackish above the middle ; 25 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Colonel Astor. Type i. Large, of good form; base rather creamy ; 31 inches ; May 2, 16 days. Cordelia. Type i. Small, outer segments reflexed ; 28 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Gluck. Type i . Filaments blue-grey ; 24 inches ; May 4, 17 days. Lord Hertford. Type i. Form and substance good ; 31 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Palissa. Type i. Form and substance good; 27 inches ; May 5, 17 days. Valere. Type i. Large, form good ; shaded with copper on the inside. (Conf.) Adrian Baillet, Type 2. Form fair, colour deep and dull base indistinct ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Mme. Virnot. Form fair, substance good ; base distinct white, with a blue streak on the margins of each blotch; filaments pale blue j 25 inches ; May 3, 20 days. Mrs. Potter Palmer. Type 2. Medium size, form and substance good ; outer segments reflexed when old, and having an almost orange blotch ; 31 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Monaco. Type 2. Form and substance fair, colour dull ; base irregular ; filaments black above the middle ; 22 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Fashion = Mrs. Potter Palmer, q.v. Mr. D. T. Fish = Mrs. Potter Palmer, q.v. Willem III. Mme. Virnot, q.v. o. Flower rosy lilac. Type, Ascanio. The flowers of this section have well-marked square shoulders (Fig. 19). The majority, especially those of the redder shades, have a paler margin to their segments. They fall into three types, according to their bases and their filaments. (1) Base white, of the form represented in Fig. 20 ; filaments white. (2) Base white, of the form represented in Fig. 15, with a narrow blue margin ; filaments usually tinged with blue. (3) Base blue, with white margins (Fig. 14) ; filaments blue. Mariette Barrois. Type i. Form fair, substance good; midrib distinct ; segments paler at the margins ; 29 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Acaste. Type i. Substance good; segments paler at the margins, midrib distinct, outer reflexed ; 31 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Victorine. Type i. Form and substance poor; segments paler at margin ; 26 inches May 6, 15 days. 80 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Penelope. Type i. Form fair, substance good, deeply flushed with rose ; 28 inches ; May 4, 19 days. Lazzaro Peppo. Type i. Medium size, substance good, heavily flushed rose ; outer segments spreading ; 32 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Lilaceus. Type i. Large, dull inside ; 24 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Mommsen. Type i. Cup-shape, large; segments somewhat pointed, paler at the margins ; base tinged with blue ; filaments light blue ; 27 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Professor Trelease. Type i. Cup-shape, large; segments pale at the margins and very pale outside ; 31 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Livingstone. Type i. Inferior in form, but similar in colour to ' Professor Trelease ' ; 25 inches ; May 15, 14 days. douard Andre\ Type i. Large; deeply coloured, paler at the margins of the segments; base slightly tinged blue; 27 inches; May 3, 16 days. Caesar. Type i. Medium size, form fair, colour deep. (Conf.) Giotto. Type i. Small, of good form and substance, colour deep, flushed inside with copper ; 28 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Van Zompel. Type i. Large, of fair form and substance, colour deep ; 27 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Euterpe. Type 2. Form and substance good, paler at segment margins ; 29 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Virginia. Type 2. Large, opens wide ; 30 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Berthelot. Type 2. Short, medium size ; base creamy ; 27 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Monseigneur Bottemanni. Type 2. Medium size, rosy inside, paler at segment margins ; 26 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Sealand. Rounded ; 28 inches ; May 6, 13 days. Violet King. Type i. Form and substance fair, opens well ; base has slight blue blotches around the ovary ; 29 inches ; May 4, 15 days. Pygmalion. Long, of good form and substance ; 24 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Besronia del Fore. Type 2. 22 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Joas. Type 2. Medium size, substance good; base blotched with blue around the ovary, outer segments spreading ; 29 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Dal Ongaro. Type 2. Medium size; 26 inches; May 10, 16 days. Attraction. Type 2. Base tinged yellow; 24 inches; May 6, 1 8 days. Gipsy. Type 2. 30 inches May 5, 15 days. Ascanio. Type 2. Form good; segment margins paler, outer segments spreading ; base small ; 31 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Mr. Dettmann. Type 3. 19 inches May 8, 12 days. w a be W o> i-3 w &* bX) p . *j QJ OU S H Hrt U If H 5 H z s FIG. 17. DARWIN TULIP 'ANT. ROOZEN. Base white, flushed blue. FIG. 18. DARWIN TULIP ' BARON VAN GOLDTSTEIN.' Base black. [To face />. 81. DARWIN TULIPS. 8l Barbara. Type 3. Large, form good, shoulder rounded ; stem rather slender ; 30 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Marquise d'Argenson. Type 3. Form and substance fair, colour dull, outer segments spreading ; 22 inches May 5, 14 days. Louisiana. Type 3. Form and substance fair, redder at apex of each segment ; 23 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Hippolyta. Type 3. Form and substance fair, outside flushed red, outer segments spreading ; base clearly denned ; 28 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Sybilla Merian. Type 3. Form and substance good; segments reddish at apex ; 25 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Vermont. Type 3. Large, rounded, substance fair j 32 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Blue Bird Gipsy, q.v. D. Bois Ascanio, q.v. Louis Lenglart = Louisiana, q.v. Mark Twain = Mariette Barrois, q.v. p. Flower lilac. Type, Erguste. The flowers of this section fall into three types, (i), (2), and (3), according to their bases, as in Section o, but in (2) the base is some- what rounded, approximating to the intermediate condition between the forms represented in Figs. 15 and 17. Claude Monet. Type i. Fair substance, dull ;< 20 inches j May 6, 15 days. Lioba. Type i. Large, form and substance good; 29 inches; May 3, 18 days. Anton Mauve. Type i. Form good, substance good; scorches badly ; base dull ; 25 inches ; April 30, 20 days. John Malcolm. Type i. Large, fair substance; base creamy; 29 inches May 3, 17 days. Erguste. Type i. Form elegant, good; colour bright and clear ; base clearly denned, quite clean ; 25 inches ; April 30, 19 days. Corot. Type 2. Form good, substance fair, opening wide ; colour clear, flaked with a reddish shade ; 27 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Eugene Delacroix. Type 2. Base dull; 29 inches j April 30, 20 days. Dream. Type 2. Round ; 27 inches ; May 7, 12 days. Melicette. Type 3. Form cup-shape, good, substance fair i base tinged green near the ovary ; 27 inches ; May 4, 18 days. Agneta. Type 3. Form and substance fair, paler outside ; outer segments spreading ; 31 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Rev. H. Ewbank. Type 3. Form good ; colour clear, but pale and dusty at the segment margins j base dull ; 25 inches ; April 30, 20 days. 82 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Bleu Aimable. Type 3. Form and substance good, spreading ; base bright blue ; 30 inches ; May 5, 17 days. (Fig. 19.) Crepuscule. Type 3. Rounded, large ; base large, diffuse ; 22 inches ; May 6, 14 days. Reve de Jeunesse = Dream. q. Flower lilac, with a lighter edge. Type, Electra. The flowers of this section are usually small ; their bases are inde- terminate, and will be dealt with individually in the descriptions. Nora Ware. Small to medium size, substance good, colour clear # base white, with a bluish ring ; 27 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Electra. Cup-shape, very regular in outline ; base white, extensive ; 25 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Mauve Clair. Form and substance good, shoulder very square ; base blue, with white blotches ; 30 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Lantern. Rounded, pale, with a reddish blotch at the apex of each outer segment ; base circular, white ; filaments blue at apex ; 24 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Dorothy. Substance fair, rarely opening, pale pinkish lilac base circular, white, with greyish blotches around the ovary ; 23 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Circe. Smaller than, but otherwise resembling ' Dorothy ' ; outer segments spreading ; base large, white. (Conf.) Blushing Bride. Form and substance fair, very slightly tinged lilac ; outer segments spreading ; base large ; 19 inches ; May 4, 1 6 days. Marie de Gournay. Smaller and more open, but otherwise very like ' Dorothy ' ; 20 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Gudin. Smaller than ' Mauve Clair ' ; 27 inches May 7, 17 days. Paul Eudel. Egg-shape, blue at the back of the lower part of the segments ; base circular, white or creamy white ; 27 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Beulah. Form and substance fair, outer segments reflexed ; colour dull, deep on the tips of the segments, flushed inside with copper colour ; base large, white, of the form in Fig. 20 ; 20 inches ; May 6, 1 6 days. Wally Moes. Cup shape, form and colour good ; base white, of the form in Fig. 20 ; 23 inches ; May 5, 15 days. Nymph. Small, tinged clear pinkish lilac, outer segments greenish at the tip ; base small, white, of the form in Fig. 20 ; 25 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Fille Cherie = Mauve Clair, q.v. Le Petit Blondin = Lantern, q.v. Ma Fille Cherie = Mauve Clair, q.v. Nizza = Lantern, q.v. DARWIN TULIPS. 83 r. Flower blush. Type, Margaret. The flowers of this section fall into two types, according to their bases : (1) Base circular, white, as that represented in Fig. 20 when the colour is distinct. (2) Where the colour is merely flushed there are no definite base markings. Where not otherwise stated the colour is pink. Reine Wilhelmine. Type i. Form good, flush deeper than most of this class ; base irregular, tinged with yellow around ovary ; filaments tinged yellow ; 25 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Phyllis. Type i. Somewhat pointed, not opening well, flush deep inside ; base circular, white ; filaments white ; 26 inches ; May 6, 1 8 days. Kate Greenaway. Type 2. Form and substance fair; inside flushed with pale pinkish lilac, outside has a creamy beam speckled with reddish purple at its apex ; base blotched with blue around the ovary ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Amazone. Type 2 . Cup-shape, very pale violet-pink inside, outside almost white, pink at the apex of each segment ; 22 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Angelina. Type 2. Dull, tinged copper colour inside ; 27 inches; May 3, 17 days. Rose Gem. Type i. Form fair, very pale at segment margins ; base creamy ; 24 inches ; May 8, 12 days. Mrs. Cleveland. Type i. Small, fair substance ; base white, ringed with faint blue ; 27 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Zephyr. Type 2. Long, rounded shoulder, lilac-pink flush ; base streaked and ringed with blue around the ovary ; filaments bluish ; fragrant ; 26 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Margaret. Type i. Rounded ; clear pale pink ; base white, ringed with faint blue ; 26 inches ; May 6, 18 days. White Queen. Type 2. Form and substance good; the palest Darwin in commerce ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Painted Lady. Type 2. Form and substance good; white, slightly flushed with lilac-pink, deeper at segment tips ; filaments deep blue ; stem purplish ; 33 inches ; May 6, 18 days. L'Ingenue. Type i. Large, form good, rounded ; base ringed and streaked with very pale blue ; 29 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Wedding Veil. Type 2. Small, form and substance fair, flushed pale rose-purple ; 26 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Therese Schwartz. Type i. Small, rounded, fair substance ; 24 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Princess Olga. Type i. Cup-shape, substance good ; filaments blue i 23 inches ; May 15, 14 days. 84 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Blanco = Angeline. Gretchen = Margaret. La Candeur White Queen. Lina Schneider = Phyllis. s. Flower slaty lilac. Type, Remembrance. The flowers of this section fall into two types, according to their bases : (1) Base of the form represented in Fig. 20, white. (2) Base circular, blue, each blotch with a white streak along the margin of the segment. (Fig. 14.) Filaments blue to blue-black. The flowers of this section have a wash of purplish drab on the inside. Remembrance. Type 2. Large, form and substance good ; base small ; 23 inches ; May 3, 20 days. Oliphant. Type i. Large, form and substance good ; 32 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Fraulein Amberg. Type i. Form good, substance fair, paler at segment margins ; 22 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Herzogin von Hohenberg. Type i. Form and substance good, dull in colour ; 27 inches ; May 3, 17 days. La Tristesse. Type i. Form and substance good ; base tinged with yellow and slaty at the margin ; 30 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Pensee Amere. Type i. Form good, substance fair, paler at segment margins ; 29 inches ; May 6, 21 days. Robert Lindsay. Type 2. Reddish outside ; base very sharply denned ; 23 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Ronald Gunn. Type 2. Form and substance good, dusky ; 25 inches ; May 4, 20 days. Corydon. Small, outer segments spreading ; 24 inches; April 30, 19 days. Dolores La Tristesse, q.v. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 85 CLASS VIII. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN VARIETIES. a. Roses. Rose or cerise markings on a white ground. Aardglobe. Cup-shaped, large ; ground tinged yellow, flamed dark rose ; base dirty ; 27 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Addison. Darwin shape ; white base ; 31 inches ; May 15, ii days. Admiral van Kingsbergen. Of Darwin shape ; nopal-red streaks on lemon-chrome ground ; 23 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Alexandre III. Large ; rose with yellowish base ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Ariadne. Form good ; fine rose-red feathering ; base clear ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Aspasia. Cup-shaped, outer segments reflexed ; deep rose-red ; base circular, bright blue ; filaments blue ; 20 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Athalia. Long flower, with acuminate segments ; light rose-red, paler at margin ; base circular, cream with faint blue ring ; filaments clean ; 27 inches ; May 4, 18 days. Bannockburn. Long flower ; dark red ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Bruno. Egg-shaped ; well flamed rose-red flower ; base stained ; 27 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Charles Dickens. 23 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Comte de Vergennes. Cup-shaped ; white, well feathered deep rose-red ; base and filaments clean ; 27 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Cornelia. Goblet-shaped, outer segments reflexed ; flamed deep rose ; base and filaments stained blue ; 25 inches, May 8, 18 days. Cramoisi Donat = ' Henry VIII. / q.v. Cramoisi Valenca. Egg-shaped ; rose, well feathered; base olive ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Darling. Rose ; base white ; 27 inches ; May 17, 14 days. Do Little. Goblet-shaped ; white, feathered rose-red ; base white ; filaments clean ; 25 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Douceur. Goblet-shaped ; flamed rose-red and rose ; base and filaments pale yellow ; 26 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Duchess of Brunswick. Rose ; 23 inches ; May 17, 12 days. Fleur de Paradis. Goblet-shaped ; ground tinged yellow, flamed rose-red and pomegranate purple ; base and filaments clean ; 25 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Gertrude. Rose ; 22 inches ; May 17, 13 days. Globe Terrestre. Cup-shaped, segments pointed ; ground yellowish, flamed rose-red ; base and filaments clean ; 27 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Grand Conquerant. Long flower ; flamed rose-red ; base stained ; 30 inches ; May 11, 16 days. 86 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Grand Maitre. Egg-shaped ; rose-red ; base stained ; 21 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Grande Fleur Blanche. Egg-shaped ; rose ; 26 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Haltesse. Cup-shaped, square shoulder ; somewhat flamed rose- red ; base circular, stained yellow and blue ; filaments blue ; 27 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Henry VIII. Large, cup-shaped ; heavily streaked cochineal red on white ; base margined blue ; 28 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Kate Connor. Large ; base white. King Lear. Rose ; bright ; 26 inches ; May 17, 14 days. La Circassienne. Egg-shaped, large ; heavily streaked cerise on white ; base blue streaked ; 22 inches ; May 16, 13 days. La Chene. Cup-shaped, of good form, very large ; lightly feathered rose-red ; base and filaments tinged yellow ; 23 inches ; May 6, 16 days. L'Ame*ricaine. Rose ; 21 inches ; May 17, 12 days. La Splendeur de Louvain. Dark rose, feathering very fine ; base white with blue ring ; 27 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Longfellow. Long flower ; bright rose ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 13, 13 days. Lycidas. Cup-shaped ; creamy white, flamed red ; base whitish with broad blue ring ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 6, 17 days. Madame Gyzelaar. Rose ; base white, with blue margin ; 24 inches ; May n, 15 days. Madame Royale. Darwin shape ; dark rose ; base blue; 21 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Mary Lamb. Dark rose ; base white, with blue ring ; 30 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Miss Blugbro. Long, pointed flower, well flamed ; base clean ; 25 inches ; May n, 15 days. Perle Brillante. Egg-shaped, small ; bright rose ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Ponceau de la Fine. Rose ; 24 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Preciosa. Of Darwin shape ; dull rose ; base dirty ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Prince d'Asturie. Long, cup-shaped ; bright rose ; base blue ; 27 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Prins Willem. Dull rose ; 28 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Roi des Cerises. Of Darwin shape ; dark rose ; base dirty ; 22 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Rose. Long flower ; rose-red ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Rose a Merveille. Large, long flower ; rose ; white base, with slight blue edge ; 21 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Rose Amusante. Egg-shaped ; dark rose ; base white, ringed blue ; 26 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Rose de la Fine. Rose ; 26 inches ; May 15, 15 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN, 87 Rose Corne'lie. Large ; rose ; base with blue ring ; 25 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Rose Hebe. Rose ; 22 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Rose Mignon. Foliage variegated. Similar to ' La Panache*e ' but flowers paler ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Rose Parelschaafs. Of Darwin shape ; deep rose ; base stained ; 30 inches ; May n, 16 days. Rose Riante. Bright rose-red ; base clean ; 23 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Rose Sanspareille. Of Darwin shape ; well feathered ; deep rose ; base clean ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Rose Tertia. Large ; bright rose ; base white ; 25 inches ; May 12, 13 days. Rosette. Bright rose ; 21 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Salome. Dull rose ; base dirty ; 24 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Sans Souci. Rose ; 23 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Vesta. Rose ; 21 inches ; May 16, 15 days. Washington. Of good form, egg-shaped ; dark rose ; base and filaments yellow ; 24 inches ; May 12, 15 days. Wilhelmina. Similar to 'Washington/ but taller; 29 inches ; May 13, 14 days. Xerxes. Pale, ros,y cerise, with solid flame ; 25 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. b. Bybloemen. Violet or purple markings on white ground. Admiral Blake. Long flower ; rose-red, flamed carmine ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Albion. Cup-shaped .; ground pale yellow at first, heavily flamed purple ; base slightly stained blue round ovary ; filaments bluish ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Alexander. Rosy ; 28 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Alexander Primus. Cup-shaped, large, segments pointed ; bright purple ; base white ; filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Amaranthe. Large ; violet ; base yellow stained ; 21 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Ambassadeur de Hollande. Of Darwin shape ; violet ; base white ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Amore. Cup-shaped ; flamed dahlia purple ; base and filaments tinged blue ; 20 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Angela. Of Darwin shape ; purple ; base clean ; 29 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Apollo. Small ; pale violet, with heavy purple markings ; base white ; 26 inches ; May 13, 14 days. Arabesk. Long flower ; pale purple ; base yellowish ; 30 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Arbre de Diane. Goblet - shaped, square shoulders ; flamed amaranth purple ; base blue, yellow round ovary ; filaments clean ; 25 inches ; May 10, 15 days. 88 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Archimedes. Goblet -shaped, square shouldered ; heavily flamed purple ; base yellowish ; filaments yellowish, olive at apex. Baguette de Rigaut. Large ; rosy purple ; base white ; 31 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Baron von Beust. Cup-shaped ; heavily flamed pomegranate- purple ; base yellowish, with blue margin ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Belle Actrice. Small; violet; 23 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Belle Forme. Cup-shaped ; flamed aster-purple ; base small, with blue circle round ovary ; filaments blue-black ; 22 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Belle Helene. Large, of Darwin shape ; base stained blue ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Belle Irlandaise. Large rounded flower ; rosy ; base cream with blue ring ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Belle Jaconie. Violet ; 28 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Belle Louise. Violet ; base stained blue ; 21 inches ; May 12, 13 days. Belle Narine. Cup-shaped, of good form ; flamed dahlia -purple ; base and filaments clean ; 22 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Bellissima. Goblet-shaped, outer segments acuminate ; pansy- purple, little broken ; base dull ; filaments blue ; 21 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Beranger. Goblet-shaped, flamed bright pomegranate-purple ; base and filaments blue ; 21 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Bertrand. Long flower ; dark violet ; 20 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Bianca. Cup-shaped, segments bluntly pointed ; flamed violet- carmine ; base circular, dirty; filaments dirty yellow; 21 inches; May 10, 15 days. Bienfait Incomparable. Goblet-shaped, segments acuminate ; creamy white, heavily flamed light pansy-purple ; base yellowish round ovary ; filaments blue at apex ; 23 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Blanc de Lait. Cup-shaped ; creamy white, heavily flamed light aster purple ; base pale yellow ; filaments blue at apex ; 30 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Blanche Fleur. Small ; violet ; base clean ; 22 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Blandina. Crimson and lilac ; base blue and yellow. Bouquet Joli. Cup-shaped ; phlox-purple, streaked with dahlia- purple ; base dull blue-grey ; filaments blackish ; 23 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Bouquet Noir. Of Darwin shape ; base white ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Brigetta. Goblet-shaped, small, segments acuminate ; heavily flamed aster-purple ; base white ; filaments blue at tip ; 22 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Bruid Marie. Goblet-shaped, small ; flamed aster purple ; base DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 89 with a blue ring round ovary and margin ; filaments clean ; 21 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Brunhilde. Of Darwin shape ; flamed pansy-purple with darker streaks ; base stained olive ; filaments blue at apex ; 23 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Cato. Goblet-shaped, large ; aster-purple ; base blue round ovary ; filaments blue above ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Cerise a Belle Forme. Long flower ; rosy ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Cerise Buenaventura. Cup-shaped, outer segments reflexed; flamed Tyrian rose and purple ; base and filaments clean ; 21 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Cerise Royale. Purple ; base clean ; 31 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Charles Dickens. A large flower ; light violet ; base stained. Cincinnatus. Goblet-shaped ; feathered amaranth-purple ; base yellowish ; filaments tinged blue ; 29 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Clothilde de Lobel. Long ; 25 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Commandant. 26 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Commandant en Chef. Violet ; 23 inches ; May 16, 14 days. Comte de Cambridge. Violet ; 26 inches ; May 15, 13 days. Comte de Mirabeau. Heavily flamed ; base dirty ; 26 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Comte de Paris. Cup-shaped, of good form ; heavily flamed dahlia-purple ; base and filaments stained blue and olive ; 27 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Cosmos. Cup-shaped, very large ; ground pale yellow, flamed dark purple ; base and filaments stained dull purple ; 25 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Crozy. Feathered ; base stained ; 27 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Dainty Maid. Egg-shaped ; white, flamed magenta-purple ; base white to blue ; filaments bluish at apex ; 27 inches. Decandolle. Dark ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Diana. Rosy ; 22 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Diana Brune. Violet ; 25 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Don Pauli. Violet ; 22 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Due d'Aremberg. Cup-shaped ; flamed amaranth-purple ; base yellowish ; filaments tinged purple ; 29 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Duchesse de Malines. Violet ; 25 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Elgiva. Cup-shaped ; phlox-purple, streaked amaranth- purple ; base whitish ; filaments clean ; 22 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Emilie. Heavily flamed violet ; base stained ; 21 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Emperor Alexander. Blackish red-purple on white ground ; base dirty ; filaments black ; 26 inches. Emperor Nicolas. Goblet-shaped, segments pointed ; feathered amaranth-purple ; base and filaments tinged yellow ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. 90 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Endonio. Goblet-shaped ; little broken, aster-purple ; base streaked blue ; filaments blue ; 25 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Fabius. Cup-shaped, of good form ; flamed deep dahlia-purple ; ground tinged yellow ; base and filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Feu au fond blanc. Goblet-shaped ; flamed pomegranate-purple ; base yellowish ; 23 inches ; May 8, 25 days. Flamboyante. Cup-shaped, square shouldered ; flamed light bright purple ; base dull ; filaments blue ; 21 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Frans Hals. Goblet -shaped, large ; flamed phlox-purple and deep rose ; base white ; filaments tinged blue ; 21 inches ; May 6, 15 days. George Canning. Goblet-shaped, outer segments reflexed, shoulder square ; flamed dahlia-purple ; base clean, fringed blue ; filaments clean ; 22 inches ; May 12, 15 days. George Stephenson. Cup-shaped, small, segments acuminate ; flamed pansy-purple ; base and filaments stained dark olive ; 29 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Gloria Albarum. Very pale violet ; 23 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Gloria Mundi. Rounded ; dark purplish violet on creamy ground ; 29 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Gloria Nigrorum. Cup-shaped, square shouldered ; ground faintly yellow ; flamed violet-carmine ; base and filaments whitish ; 27 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Gobertine. Pale violet ; 27 inches ; May 17, 13 days. Godet Parfait. Dark ; base dirty ; 23 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Grand Roi de France. Goblet-shaped, large, segments acuminate ; flamed pomegranate-purple ; base and filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Grand Turc. Goblet-shaped ; heavily flamed dahlia-purple ; base with brownish streaks ; filaments purplish at tips ; 24 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Griselle Gris-de-lin. Violet ; 28 inches ; May 17, 14 days. Grotius. Cup-shaped, square shouldered, large ; heavily flamed dahlia-purple ; base clean ; filaments blue at apex ; 22 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Habit Nuptial. Goblet-shaped, segments pointed ; flamed amaranth-purple.; base and filaments yellowish ; 22 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Halley. Cup-shaped ; flamed dahlia-purple and phlox-purple ; base tinged yellow ; filaments blackish ; 26 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Impe'ratrice de Maroc. Goblet -shaped, large ; flamed amaranth- purple ; base whitish ; filaments blue above ; 30 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Incomparable. Cup-shaped, segments pointed ; flamed aster- purple ; base yellowish ; filaments tinged blue ; 27 inches ; May n, 15 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 91 Isambert. Of Darwin shape ; large ; base white. Jan I. Long flower ; heavily flamed purplish ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Joost van den Vondel. Claret ; base stained ; 25 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Jos. Seysener. Long, pointed flower ; filaments lilac and rose- red ; base clean ; 23 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Juliana. Of good shape ; lilac ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 8, 18 days. King of Prussia. Violet ; 23 inches ; May 7, 19 days. La Belle Narine Belle Narine, q.v. La Cherie. Of Darwin shape ; rosy violet ; base clean ; 22 inches ; May 15, 15 days. La Citadelle. Rosy ; base white, with blue ring ; 20 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. La France. Reddish ; base stained ; 23 inches ; May u, 14 days. La Grandeur. Cup-shaped, segments pointed ; flamed amaranth purple ; base tinged yellow ; filaments clean ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. La Precieuse. A pointed flower ; dark violet ; base stained ; 21 inches ; May 8, 17 days. La Ravissante. Large ; dark rosy purple ; base blue, tinged olive ; 27 inches ; May 10, 15 days. La Sultane. Cup-shaped ; purple ; base stained ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. La Tendresse. Deep violet ; base dull ; 26 inches ; May 8, 18 days. La Tour d'Auvergne. Deep violet ; base stained olive ; 23 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Lady Flora Hastings. Dark purplish, feathered ; base stained ; 23 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Laurens Koster. -Lilac, feathered carmine ; base stained. L'Esperance. Flamed dull reddish violet on pale violet ; base 25 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Le Blason. Long flower ; rosy ; base stained ; 23 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Les tats Beiges. Violet ; 24 inches ; May 15, 13 days. Lilas Grand Rose. Violet ; 19 inches ; May 15, 14 days. Lord Iddesleigh. Cup-shaped, round ; little broken ; dahlia- purple ; base and filaments tinged blue ; 24 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Lord Wellington. Heavily flamed purple ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 8, 17 days. L'Ornement. Rose flamed purple ; base bluish ; 21 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Mme. Krelage. 22 inches ; May 18, 18 days. Mme. Remina. Large, rounded; white, feathered light amaranth- purple ; base dull, heavily streaked blue ; filaments blue at apex ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. 92 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Mme. Van den Hoef . Rounded ; dark lilac, flamed purple ; base cream, with blue margin ; 26 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Maid of Orleans. Large ; dark violet ; base stained ; 28 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Maitre Partout. Long flower ; pale ; base white ; 29 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Maria Theresa. Of Darwin shape ; violet ; base white ; scented; 25 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Marie Antoinette. Long flower ; lightly flamed ; base stained ; 27 inches ; May 10, 15 days. May Blossom. Cup-shaped, fairly large ; lightly streaked purple on cream ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Mere Brun. Good cup ; 27 inches ; May 8, 19 days. M. Hoboken. Rosy ; base stained ; 19 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Michael Angelo. Purple on creamy ground ; base yellow ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Millie. Pale violet on upper part of segments ; base dirty. Minerva. Dark rosy ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Mon Bijou. Large ; reddish ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Mosaique Brun. Of Darwin shape ; heavily flamed blackish purple ; 30 inches ; May 9, 17 days. Mrs. A. B. Storey. A good flower ; violet ; base clean. Newton. Round ; light violet ; base blue ; 25 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Nonpareil. Violet ; 26 inches ; May 15, 13 days. Olympia. 33 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Osmar I. Spreading, somewhat similar to ' Union Jack ' (XI b), but coarser ; dark and light violet ; base clean ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Paul Kruger. Dark, heavily flamed ; 28 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Philantroop. Of Darwin shape, large ; deep blackish purple ; base dull ; 25 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Phoenix. Bright rose, base stained blue ; 28 inches ; May n, 15 days. Ponceau Sans Pareil. Long flower ; base white ; 26 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Premier Noble. Cup-shaped, of excellent form ; well feathered ; 22 inches ; May 10, 16 days. President Carnot. Open flower ; deep violet ; base stained ; 29 inches ; May 8, 17 days. President Jules Faure. Purple, with deeper streaks ; 27 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Prince Maurits. Of Darwin shape ; rosy purple ; base blue and white ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Proteus. Deep cup-shaped ; bright rose ; base blue ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Queen Victoria. Large ; dull purplish ; base stained ; 25 inches ; May 7, 18 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 93 Raphael. Brownish purple ; base stained ; 23 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Rebecca. Rosy purple ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Reine d'Hongrie. Long flower ; rosy ; filaments stained ; 25 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Reine des Cerises. Large ; cerise ; base stained blue ; 25 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Reine des Fleurs. Bright rose-red ; base blue ; 25 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Reine des Roses. Of poor shape ; violet ; base white ; 22 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Reine Esther. Dark cerise ; base bluish ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Reine Marianne. Long flower ; bright reddish purple ; base blue ; 23 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Rembrandt. Long, pointed flower ; reddish ; base large, yellowish ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Renan. Dark rose-red ; base ringed blue ; 24 inches ; May 8, 1 8 days. Rendoline. Large ; deep reddish purple ; base suffused yellow ; 29 inches ; May n, 14 days. Richard Wagner. Dark violet ; base white ; 25 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Roi de Perse. Violet : base stained ; 22 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Roi des Beiges. Small, open ; reddish violet, with darker streaks ; base stained ; 18 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Roi d'Espagne. Long flower ; rosy purple ; base stained ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Roi des Mauves. Long flower ; rosy purple ; base stained ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Rosalie. Large ; dark ; base whitish ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Rose Bordox. Long flower, outer segments spreading ; rose- purple ; base tinged blue ; 26 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Rose Bebe. Small ; deep rose ; base clean, margined blue ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Rose Tendre. Long flower ; dark rose ; base blue ; 27 inches ; May n, 14 days. Rosy Gem. 27 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Rouge fiblouissante. Cup-shaped ; base bluish. Royal Pearl. Violet ; 25 inches ; May 10, 19 days. Ruban Gris-de-lin. Violet on yellow-tinged ground ; 22 inches ; May 16, 13 days. . Rubis Conder. Long flower ; dark purple ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 10, 17 days. St. Simon. 27 inches ; May 7, 20 days. Sarah Bernhardt. Large ; deep violet ; base stained ;. 30 inches ; May 10, 1 6 days. 94 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Schoonderwoerd. Form good ; violet ; base stained ; 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Sparta. Form good ; purplish violet ; base whitish ; 29 inches ; May 15, II days. Superbe. Violet ; base clean ; 33 inches ; May 13, 13 days. Surpasse ficlatant. Rosy ; 26 inches ; May 6, 20 days. Tableaux Grof. Light purplish ; base stained; 21 inches; May 6, 19 days. Tadema. Long flower ; purplish ; base and ground whitish ; 33 inches ; May 13, 13 days. The First. Large and striking ; violet ; base clean ; 27 inches ; May n, 15 days. Tom Thumb. Small ; flamed violet ; base bluish ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Valentine de Milan. Lilac and rosy purple ; base clean. Vasco da Gama. Rosy ; 27 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Veldheer. Rounded, large ; violet ; base stained ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Violata. Large, rosy ; base dirty ; Violet. Form good ; violet ; base bright blue ; 27 inches ; May n, 15 days. Violet Pale. Of Darwin shape ; violet ; base white ; 30 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Violet Quarto. Large, of Darwin shape ; violet ; base white ; 33 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Violet Sanspareil. Violet, 22 inches ; May 19, 10 days. Violet Superb. Small ; violet ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Voltaire. Dark violet ; 27 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Zomerkleed. Feathered violet ; base and filaments clean ; 25 inches ; May 13, 13 days. c. Bizarres. Brown, red, or purple markings on yellow ground, Ababa. Cup-shaped, of good form ; little broken, garnet-brown ; base and filaments stained olive ; 25 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Absalom. Large, egg-shaped ; rosy ; tinged yellow ; base yellow ; 30 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Achilles. Cup-shaped, small, of good form ; flamed morocco-red and garnet-brown ; base dull ; filaments clean ; 20 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Adelaide. Cup-shaped, square shouldered ; flamed garnet-brown ; base olive ; filaments clean ; 29 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Adrianus. Goblet-shaped, little broken ; garnet-brown ; base black ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Agnes. Goblet-shaped ; ground yellowish, heavily flamed rose- red and pomegranate-purple ; base yellow stained olive ; filaments stained olive ; 24 inches ; May 10, 16 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 95 Albion. Form good ; outside pale naphthalene yellow, inside deep Bishop's purple, paler at tips of segments ; base circular, lemon chrome ; filaments yellow ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Alexandra. Large, cup-shaped, segments pointed ; flamed rose- red and pomegranate-purple ; base yellow ; filaments olive ; 20 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Alpheus. Egg-shaped, large, segments acuminate, thin ; flamed garnet-brown ; base and filaments slightly stained olive ; 23 inches ; May 3, 1 8 days. Amadeus. Cup-shaped, of good form ; heavily feathered morocco- red and garnet-brown ; base dull ; filaments clean ; 26 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Anna Pavlovna. Pale yellow ground, with rosy purple markings ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Beethoven. Purplish ; base stained ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Belle Monde. Large, cup-shaped ; flamed morocco-red and garnet-brown ; base tinged olive ; filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Bohemienne. Violet and brown ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Bolivar. Egg-shaped, segments acuminate, heavily flamed raisin purple, with slight splashes and margins of orange ; base and filaments stained orange ; 22 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Brilliant. Light scarlet ; 22 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Brutus. Cup-shaped, short ; flamed garnet-brown ; base stained olive ; filaments clean ; 26 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Caesar. 27 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Carinata. Cup-shaped ; heavily flamed light morocco-red and garnet-brown ; base tinged olive ; filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Casino. Cup-shaped, of good form ; flamed carmine and garnet- brown ; base tinged brown ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Charbonnier. Purplish brown ; base clean ; 28 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Cherbourg. Large, egg-shaped, golden feathered and streaked purple-brown ; base slightly stained. Comte de Warwick. Large, short cup ; flamed blood-red and garnet-brown ; base stained olive ; filaments clean ; pollen bright violet ; 27 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Cour Aimable. Goblet-shaped, poor ; flamed light morocco-red ; base clean ; filaments brownish ; 25 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Donker. Cup-shaped ; heavily flamed garnet-brown and maroon ; base dark, stained olive ; filaments dark olive ; 25 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Due de Mont rose. Goblet-shaped ; flamed garnet-brown ; base dark, dull ; filaments deeply stained olive ; 23 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Duchesse de Modene. Egg-shaped ; lightly flamed, 96 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Earl Douglas. Cup-shaped, form good ; purplish ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 15, n days. Earl of Warwick = Comte de Warwick, q.v. Edison. Cup-shaped, small ; flamed deep morocco-red ; base and filaments clean ; 28 inches, May 5, 20 days. Emperor. Cup-shaped, small ; flamed deep morocco-red ; base tinged olive ; filaments clean ; 29 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Feu de FEmpire. Cup-shaped, brown ; base clean ; 20 inches ; May 13, 13 days. Gare des Yeux. Bright ; base yellow ; 22 inches ; May 16, 13 days. Gargantia. Scarlet ; 19 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Gellert. Pale slaty purple ; 26 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Gipsy Queen. Large ; dark-flamed brown or yellow ; base black rayed ; 25 inches ; May 3, 19 days. Gloria Naturalibus. Purplish mahogany ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Golden King = ' Trafalgar/ q.v. Goliath. Tricolor ; 19 inches ; May 15, 15 days. Goudheurs. Pale chestnut-red ; base stained ; 22 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Gouv. Gen. van Rees. Cup-shaped, short ; flamed red and maroon ; base slightly stained ; filaments clean ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Grand Patriarch. Large ; base and filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Groote Samson. 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Guaricola. Bronze-purple, streaked darker ; base stained ; 24 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Guorgentia. Long flower ; bright scarlet ; base yellow ; 20 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Halifax. Cup-shaped, short ; flamed dark garnet-brown ; base and filaments clean ; 23 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Very like ' Miss Doris Diggle.' Hamlet. Cup-shaped, large, rather thin ; orange-rufous, with streaks of garnet-brown, purplish outside ; base and filaments stained olive ; 23 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Henri VI. Cup-shaped ; little broken, blood-red and garnet- brown ; base stained olive ; filaments clean ; 28 inches ; May 5, 20 days. James Walter. Red-brown ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Jameson. Cup-shaped ; flamed carmine and garnet-brown ; base stained olive ; filaments clean ; 27 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Joost van den Vondel. Cup-shaped, of good form ; well flamed garnet-brown ; base and filaments slightly stained olive. King Richard. Dark brown ; base slightly stained ; 34 inches ; May 7, 19 days. FIG. 19. DARWIN TULIP 'BLEU AIMABLE.' [To face p. 96. FIG. 20. DARWIN TULIP 'EUROPE. Base white. FIG. 21. DARWIN TULIP ' CLARA BUTT. FIG. 22. BROKEN ENGLISH TULIP ' SIR JOSEPH PAXTON.' [ To face p. 97. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS BROKEN. 97 Kroeschel. Very large ; flamed Brazil red on pale cadmium ground, streaked carmine ; filaments deep brown ; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Broken form of ' Panorama.' La Bastille. Cup-shaped, crumpled ; Brazil red, streaked garnet brown ; base clean, with olive margin ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 5, 16 days. La Belle Bertha. Cup-shaped, short ; flamed garnet-brown ; base tinged olive ; filaments clean ; 29 inches ; May 3, 22 days. La Charmante. Cup-shaped ; heavily flamed blood-red ; base stained ; filaments clean ; 24 inches ; May 5, 22 days. La Circassienne ' Trafalgar/ q.v. La Citadelle. Cup-shaped ; flamed carmine and blood-red ; base tinged olive ; filaments clean. La Clarte. Cup-shaped, large ; flamed lake and orange rufous ; base and filaments clean ; 26 inches ; May 3, 22 days. La Grandesse. Flamed blood-red and garnet-brown ; base slightly, filaments deeply, stained olive ; 24 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Laburnum. Cup-shaped, large, well formed ; well flamed garnet- brown ; base slightly stained olive ; filaments deep olive ; 23 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Laternus. Goblet-shaped, large ; ground pale yellow, flamed aster-purple, feathered garnet-brown ; base and filaments slightly stained olive ; 21 inches ; May 3, 16 days. Le Matelas. Dark brown ; base stained ; 22 inches ; May 5, 1 6 days. Lord Methuen. Dark brown ; base stained ; 21 inches ; May 5, 16 days. L'Union. Purplish brown ; base deeply stained ; 23 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Mme. Pombal. Dark purplish ; base clean ; 28 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Major Hofer = ' Trafalgar/ q.v. Maleguide. Rosy ; base dirty ; 24 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Mare*chal Marmont. Dark violet-purple ; base slightly stained ; 28 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Marshal Mortier. Base dirty ; 26 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Marie Louise. Dull rose on yellow ground. Mariage de ma Fille. Pale apricot ; 22 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Minr. Heemskerk. Purplish brown ; base clean ; 27 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Mirandoline. Bright brown ; 32 inches ; May 8, 20 days. Miss Doris Diggle. Large ; bright brown ; base dirty ; 26 inches ; May 8, 21 days. Monarque de France. Small ; brown ; base stained ; 28 inches ; May n, 14 days. Mon Tresor. Flamed scarlet on yellow ; base clean. Monsieur de Feash. 23 inches ; May 8, 18 days. 98 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Montefiore. Long flower ; reddish mahogany ; base stained ; 19 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Mr. Badier. Mahogany-brown ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Mrs. Sybron. Purplish brown ; base stained ; 25 inches ; May 4, 21 days. Napoleon. Large ; dark violet ; 23 inches ; May 16, 15 days. Neger. Three-coloured ; 23 inches ; May 10, 20 days. Negerin. Very deep purple-brown on deep yellow ground ; 19 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Orion. Large ; purplish brown ; base clean ; 27 inches ; May n, 14 days. Othello. Dark brown-black ; base stained ; 29 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Passe Prins Willem. Large, egg-shaped ; purplish J base stained ; 25 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Phantasy. Small. Phantom. Small, thin ; purplish ; 21 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Philistine. Pale rosy flower ; base pale yellow. Plutarque. Light red-brown ; base orange ; 23 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Pompe Celebre. Large, light mahogany ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Pourpre Celeste. Loose, open ; violet on yellowish ground ; 29 inches ; May 7 ; 22 days. President Roosevelt. Of good shape ; purplish brown ; base clean ; 29 inches ; May 8, 18 days. President Wilson. Dull purplish brown ; base clean ; 24 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Prince of Austria. Dark; base dirty ; 25 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Prince of Orange. Round, reddish mahogany on dark ground ; base clean ; 21 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Prince of Wales. Small ; orange ; base dirty ; 24 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Radamanthus. Brown ; base stained ; 22 inches ; May 5, 12 days. Reine de Bresil. Lightly flamed brown ; base stained ; 26 inches ; May' 7, 19 days. Reine de Congo. Brownish purple ; base stained olive ; 28 inches ; May 7, 1 8 days. Reine des Abeilles. Lightly flamed red-brown ; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Sang de Bceuf . Large ; deep violet on yellowish ground ; base dark, dull ; 26 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Schelfus = Surpasse Lion, q.v. Sieur de la Motte. Very large ; rosy purple on pale yellow ground ; base yellow ; 28 inches ; May 8, 18 days. Sultan. Brown ; 19 days ; May 10, 16 days. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS -BROKEN. 99 Surpasse Lion. Large ; reddish ; base dirty ; 27 inches ; May 3, 22 days. Talma. Brownish ; base stained ; 25 inches ; May 5, 20 days. Tarquinius. Violet ; base stained ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. The Lizard. Tricolor ; 24 inches ; May 15, 15 days. The Zebra. Of Darwin shape, small ; base dirty. Trafalgar. Egg-shaped ; feathered scarlet on bright yellow ground ; base stained ; 20 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Twilight. Violet, purple and yellow tricolour ; 19 inches ; May 3, 1 8 days. Van Maasdyk. Large ; purplish ; base clean ; 26 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Van Schiller. Purple ; base clean ; 28 inches ; May 6, 19 days. 100 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS IX. BROKEN ENGLISH FLORISTS' TULIPS. a. Roses. In the broken flowers two types of marking are recognized for exhibition ; in the one (feathered) the marking colour is pencilled on the edges of the petals only, in the other (flamed), in addition to the feathering on the edges, the petals carry a central beam of colour which branches and merges in the feathering. (See p. 58.) Aglaia (Lawrence). Tall; long cup, well marked with deep dull crimson on a yellowish ground, which soon bleaches to pure white. Feathered form unknown ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Andromeda (Walmsley). Dwarf; cup longish and egg-shaped; stem weak. Finely feathered with bright rose on white, but base always cloudy ; 18 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Annie McGregor (Martin). Beautifully marked with scarlet on a clear white ground ; generally flamed but occasionally feathered. The best roze tulip ; 18 inches ; May 9, 18 days. Mabel (Martin). Rather taller than Annie McGregor. Strongly marked with deep rose on a clear white ground, finely flamed and sometimes feathered ; 22 inches ; May 6, 19 days.. Modesty (Walker). Sometimes finely feathered with bright rose. Base yellow on opening but bleaches. The markings are too generally scratchy and indefinite. Early and increases freely. Mrs. Collier (Collier). Dwarf ; stem rather weak ; good cup, late but opens freely and soon loses shape ; well feathered. One of the most reliable feathered roses. b. Bybloemen. Adonis (Headley). Well marked with deep purple on a white ground, a little lacking in brilliancy; good constitution, increases freely ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Bessie (Hepworth). Early, dwarf. Fair cup, but easily opens flat ; deep purple markings, often rather characterless, on white ground. Fair constitution, but does not increase freely. Valuable for exhibition only in the feathered state. An attractive garden flower ; 18 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Chancellor (Battersby). Tall; flower opening only on a bright sunny day; base very pure, marked purple, but the beam is paler than the feather. Duchess of Sutherland (Walker) .Medium height. Cup longish, with outer petals standing apart. Well marked with bright purple on brilliant white ground. Good constitution, but increases slowly ; 20 inches \ May 7, 18 days. Elizabeth Pegg. Sometimes beautifully feathered with deep purple, more generally flamed with shades of purple, grows well and BROKEN ENGLISH FLORISTS ^TULIPS /> :> ;; increases freely, but rather tender to frost ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. George Edward (Scholefield). Medium height, short cup of great substance. Base rather cloudy. Heavily flamed with deep purple on a clear white ground. Early and lasts well. Queen of the May (Hepworth). Late; below medium height. Rather pointed petals, stout and lasting well ; boldly marked with dark purple on pure white ground. Sometimes produces a fine feathered flower ; 20 inches ; May n, 16 days. Stockport (Hepworth), Dwarf, early; stem rather weak ; feathered lilac on a pure white ground ; a good flower for exhibition. Talisman (Hardy). -Tall, beautifully marked with purple black on a fine white ground, bold black anthers. Good constitution and increases freely ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Universe (Dymock) .Below medium height. Large cup, form good, well marked with rich purple on a good white ground. Base generally very small. Fair constitution ; 20 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Formerly known as ' King of the Universe.' c. Bizarres. Colbert (Slater). Dwarf; good cup, dark chocolate markings on rich yellow ground ; scented ; best when feathered 5 18 inches j May 7, 17 days. Dr. Hardy (Storer). Beautifully marked with warm red-brown on brilliant golden-yellow ground ; fine constitution, increases freely. One of the three best Bizarres, stands well under ordinary garden cultivation ; 23 inches ; May 10, 15 inches. George Hayward (Lawrence) . Tall ; large cup of good shape and substance, though the petals are narrow and open too widely in heat. Rich red-brown markings on a brilliant golden-yellow ground, sometimes very fine. Good constitution; grows and increases well ; 25 inches ; May 8, 17 days. James Mclntosh (Hepworth). Tall, late ; good cup, well-feathered chestnut on a rich yellow ground. Lord Frederick Cavendish (Hardwick). Tall, long flower, outer segments pointed ; well feathered with red-brown on a good yellow ground. ' Attraction ' either the same flower or a related seedling. Lord Stanley (Storer). Early, tall. Very good cup, but small; marked finely with rich brown on a good yellow ground. Good constitution and increases freely ; 24 inches ; May 12, 13 days. Masterpiece (Slater). Early; below medium height. Petals pointed and showing an awkward shoulder. Sometimes beauti- fully marked with black on a clear orange-yellow ground, but more generally it shows a good deal of indefinite brown splashes besides the black. Good constitution ; increases freely; 20 inches; May 3; 15 days, 102 -REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, Samuel Barlow (Storer). Flamed with rich reddish-brown on a bright yellow ground. There are two strains, one lightly marked and showing a good deal of ground, the other richly pencilled and redder. Vigorous ; increases rapidly. One of the very best ; 20 inches ; May 8, 17 days. Sir Joseph Paxton (Willison). Beautifully marked with black and brown on a clear yellow ground ; good shape and stands well ; vigorous grower; 24 inches; May 8, 18 days. The best English tulip. A chance seedling from 'Trafalgar/ (Fig. 22.) REMBRANDT TULIPS. 103 CLASS X. REMBRANDT TULIPS.* A Rembrandt is a broken Darwin. It is rare, however, for the break to be clean, that is, for the colour to form clearly defined markings of uniform tone on a clear white ground. More frequently the colour is diffused and the ground is clouded with a lighter tone of the same colour as the markings. The Rembrandts are always less vigorous and less good " doers " than the Darwins from which they originated. a. Roses flower rose-red to crimson. Alfieri. Markings heavy, crimson \ base blue ; 22 inches , : May 7, 10 days. Bartlett. Large, deep rose-red ; base white \ 21 inches j May 7, 20 days. The broken form of ' Bartigon ' (VII. b). Beatrice. Deep rose-red j base white with a blue ring ; 28 inches j May 10, ii days. Caracalla. Markings very heavy, little broken, dark rose-red j base blue ; 23 inches May 7, 17 days. Cosette. Feathered rose-red base greyish j 19 inches j May 6, 13 days. Crimson Beauty. Cherry crimson base grey , 22 inches May 8, 16 days. Diogenes. Deep rose-red. Dutch Prince. Rose-red, ' Prince of the Netherlands ' (VII. c) broken. Ellen. Markings heavy, cherry-red ; base suffused blue. Esopus. Cherry-red base white, ringed blue j 24 inches ) May 8, 16 days. Firefly. Very bright rose-red j base blue ; 2 inches ; May 8, 18 days. The broken form of ' Fire King ' (VII. a). Galatea. Rose-red base flushed blue. Probably the broken form of the Darwin of this name. General French. Large, markings heavy, cherry-red j base streaked blue. The broken form of ' G. de Cordons ' (VII. b). Jeanne ton. Markings heavy, cherry-red j base blue ; 23 inches May 7, 17 days. Joffre. Rose-red. The broken form of ' Bijou ' (VII. c). Josine = Julienne, q.v. Julienne. Markings heavy, dark rose-red ; base pale blue j 28 inches May 8, 12 days. La Thangue. Large, heavy cherry-rose ; base blue. The broken form of ' Pride of Haarlem ' (VII. c) 3 24 inches / May 8, 21 days. Lola. Pale pink and white with cherry markings base blue. The broken form of ' Suzon ' (VII. g). * Where neither height nor time of flowering is given, the Tulips named were shown at the Conference but not grown in the Trials. 104 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Lord Beaconsfield. Markings heavy, cherry-rose ; base ringed blue ; 24 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Maidenhood. Rose, feathered reddish purple. The broken form of 'Maiden's Blush' (VILA). Margaretta. -Rose-red ; base white. The broken form of 'Margaret' (VII. r). Matins. Deep rosy cerise ; base streaked blue. The broken form of 'Mattia' (VII. c). < Melpomene. Rose-red ; base ringed blue ; 24 inches ; May 16, 15 days. Meyerbeer. Deep rose-red ; base tinged blue ; 26 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Mrs. Farr. Deep rose-red ; base suffused blue. The broken form of ' Farncombe Sanders ' (VII. b). Oracle du Siecle. Vigorous; flower large, rose marked reddish purple ; base blue ; 25 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Polypheme. Deep rose-red ; base bluish ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Professor. Heavily marked rose-red ; base ringed blue. The broken form of ' Prof. Rawenhof ' (VII. b). Raphael. Heavily marked blood-red ; base ringed blue ; 28 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Red Prince. Deep rose-red, with dark reddish purple feathering ; base white, with a blue ring ; 28 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Reynolds. Light rose red. The broken form of ' L'Ingenue ' (VII. r}. Semele. Vigorous ; flower large, distinct, rose-red and red-purple ; base deep blue ; 28 inches ; May 10, 16 days. Spring Cheer. Rose and rose-red. The broken form of ' Queen of Roses' (VII. f). The Admiral. Cherry-rose ; base suffused blue ; 25 inches j May 8, 17 days. The broken form of ' Adolphe van den Heede ' (VII. b). The Baron. Cherry-rose, markings heavy ; 23 inches ; May 17, 19 days. The broken form of ' William Pitt ' (VII. b). Thetis. Deep cherry-rose, ground creamy ; 22 inches ; May 5, 16 days. Van Dyk. Rose-red ; base blue. The broken form of ' Mme. Barrois' (VII. f). Vasco da Gama. Markings heavy, deep rose-red ; base creamy. Victor Hugo. Markings heavy, cherry-rose ; base white, ringed blue i 24 inches ; May 3, 22 days. b. Bybloemen. (i) Flower red-purple. Bowmont. Deep rosy purple ; base ringed blue ; 21 inches ; May 7, 19 days. The broken form of ' Cordelia ' (VII. n). Butterfly. Rosy lilac, flamed reddish purple ; base blue ; 27 inches ; May 8, 16 days. REMBRANDT TULIPS. 105 Candida. White, flamed bright reddish purple ; base white ; 27 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Centenaire. Vigorous, pale violet and deep reddish purple ; base white ; 28 inches ; May 7, 17 days Constable. Small, reddish purple ; base blue ; 22 inches ; May 6, 13 days. Gretchen. Pomegranate-purple, heavily feathered ; base white. The broken form of ' Margaret ' (VII. r) ; 23 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Hippolyta. Deep reddish purple. King George. Deep reddish purple. The broken form of ' Giant ' (VII. /). La Joyeuse. Dull reddish purple. L'Amiral Mackau. Large, dull reddish purple; base extensive, white ; 24 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Le Roi. White, with a narrow flame of reddish purple ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Loreley. Deep purple; base bluish; 26 inches ; May 5, 21 days. Millais. A boldly marked flower, purplish rose ; base blue. The broken form of ' Giovanni ' (VII. c). Nigrette. Deep reddish purple. Quasimodo. Dark reddish purple ; base white, ringed blue ; 27 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Queen Mary. Purplish rose, flame slight, feathering heavy and continuous ; 23 inches ; May 7, 19 days. The broken form of ' White Queen' (VII. r). Titania. Purplish rose ; base with a faint bluish ring. Wedding Robe. Deep reddish purple and pale lavender ; base white. The broken form of ' Wedding Veil ' (VII. r). (2) Flower purple- violet. Aladdin. Lightly marked, reddish lilac ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Alma Tadema. Deep, bright violet-purple ; 23 inches ; May 8, 16 days. The broken form of ' La Tristesse ' (VII. s). Amazone. Small, purplish lilac ; 20 inches ; May 3, 18 days. Anne Mary. Lilac, flamed reddish purple ; 22 inches ; April 30, 20 days. Antique. Dull purplish lilac ; base white. Delphine. Pale lilac markings, reddish purple ; base white ; 24 inches ; May 10, 12 days. Dreamland. Deep lilac and purple ; base blue. The broken form of 'Dream' (VII. p). Eros. Pale purplish lilac marked violet ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Hebe. Lilac and violet ; base small, white ; 23 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Irene. Light and dark violet, base bluish ; 24 inches ; May 6, 13 days. 106 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Jane Grey. Lilac and purplish-violet ; base white ; 20 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Juliette. Pale lilac with a regular feathering of pomegranate- purple ; base white ; 26 inches ; May 7, 17 days. La Czarine. Pale lilac, lightly flamed and feathered with deep violet ; base white ; 24 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Le Printemps. Reddish lilac, marked rose-purple ; base white ; 24 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Millie. Lilac to purple ; base blue around the ovary. The broken form of ' Melicette ' (VII. p). Ninette. Pale pinkish lilac, feathered reddish violet , J base white ; 21 inches May 10, 15 days. Ninon = Ninette, q.v. Remembrance. Deep lavender, marked blackish violet base dull ; 24 inches ; May 6, 20 days. The broken form of ' Remem- brance ' (VII. s). Romeo. Lilac, heavily feathered with deep reddish purple j base white ; 24 inches < May 7, 18 days. Rubens. Rosy lilac. Sirene. Open, purplish lilac ; base white ; 23 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Turner. Rose- red and lavender. The broken form of ' Lazzaro Peppo ' (VII. o). Undine. Pinkish lilac, marked light reddish purple ; 23 inches May 5, 15 days. Vesta. Lilac, with a heavy reddish purple flame ; base tinged blue \ 21 inches May 6, 19 days. Wedding Veil. Lilac and violet ; base white ; 22 inches 5 May 6, 19 days. Zenobia. Light violet and bright reddish purple ; base blue ; 20 inches ; May 3, 21 days. Zuleika. Pale lavender, with narrow markings of violet ; base white ; 23 inches * May 7, 17 days. (3) Flower deep violet to blackish purple. Albertine = La Saxone, q.v. Dream. Markings heavy, deep blackish purple 5 24 inches ; May 5, 14 days. Enos. Markings very heavy, blackish purple , : base white, tinged blue ; 19 inches ; May 3,16 days. Francoise d'Amboise. Large, light violet, with darker markings ;- base white j 28 inches j May 4, 18 days. George. Markings heavy, purplish violet base bluish. Jean Bart. Blackish purple = base slaty ; 23 inches ; May 6, 1 8 days. La Coquette. A handsome flower, bright violet j base white ; 24 inches ; May 6, 19 days. REMBRANDT TULIPS. 107 L'Amie Desvercheux. Very heavy maroon-purple flame on a white ground, giving the effect of a white feathered margin. La Saxone. Large ; segments spreading, light violet feathered blackish violet ; base blue ; 27 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Le Roi. Deep purplish violet ; 25 inches ; May 6, 19 days. Lydia. Flamed blackish purple ; base white. Mauve Queen. Light and dark violet ; base blue ; 24 inches ; May 7, 18 days. Milton. Marked purple. The broken form of ' Cordelia ' (VII. ). Nemesis. Light violet, feathered blackish violet base white ; 26 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Olympia. Deep violet-purple. Pelleas. Markings heavy, purplish violet \ base dull 23 inches j May 3, 21 days. Pierrette. Large, pale violet, streaked blackish violet 24 inches j May 3, 21 days. Procles. Violet and blue-purple ; base white, with a blue ring j 22 inches May 5, 14 days. St. John's. Violet. The broken form of ' Rev. H. Ewbank ' (VII. p). Souvenir. Violet . Sweetheart. Violet, deep. The broken form of ' Bleu Aimable ' (VII. P). The Artist. Deep purplish violet. 108 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS XL BROKEN COTTAGE TULIPS.* a. Roses. Striped Beauty. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; white, with a heavy flame which varies from rose-red to pink ; base white, with a blue ring ; 21 inches ; May 6, 17 days. Zommerschoon. Type 3. Finely marked salmon-rose on cream, inside clear salmon when young ; base yellow ; 26 inches ; May 15, 15 days. A very beautiful old variety. La Panachee fol. var. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; pink, heavily flamed with Tyrian rose ; base white, with a blue bar on each of the outer segments ; 20 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Gesneriana Bridesmaid. Type 2. Form as in ' Gesneriana ' (IV.) ; rose, streaked with carmine and white ; base circular, blue ; filaments blue above the middle ; 21 inches ; May 12, 14 days. Parisian Aurore. Type i. Form and substance fair, flower long ; 24 inches ; May 8, 19 days. Coquette de Belleville. Type i. Form and substance fair ; rose- red, with white margins ; outside dull ; base large, white, with a purplish margin ; 19 inches ; April 29, 19 days. Gesneriana striata = Gesneriana Bridesmaid, q.v. La Ravissante La Panache'e, q.v. Marie de Medicis = La Panachee, q.v. Maid of Holland = Gesneriana Bridesmaid, q.v. Summer Beauty = Striped Beauty, q.v. b. Bybloemen. Union Jack. Type i. Form and substance fair; violet, heavily streaked with purple ; base small, white, fringed with blue ; 21 inches ; April 29, 20 days. Belle Lisette. Type i. Form and substance fair ; white, flamed rose-red ; 19 inches ; April 29, 18 days. Twilight. Type i. Form and substance fair ; purple, streaked with deeper purple and white ; base light, marked with dull blue ; filaments with a blackish ring at the apex ; 22 inches ; May 3, 17 days. Rouge Eblouissante, = Union Jack, q.v. c. Bizarres. Chancellor. Type 3. Form and substance fair ; buff, heavily feathered below the middle of each segment with purple ; base lemon- yellow ; 20 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Chameleon. Type i. Form and substance fair; yellowish white, suffused light purple, and heavily streaked dark purplish red ; base yellow, streaked with green ; 23 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Gold Flake. Type 3. Form and substance fair, orange-scarlet ; base circular, with an olive ring ; 24 inches ; May 8, 17 days. * The ' Types ' are the same as those of Cottage Tulips, Class IV, (p, 38), and they are similarly arranged in colour sequence. BROKEN COTTAGE TULIPS, Scotia. Type i. Form and substance fair; light yellow, heavily streaked with light red ; base blotched with olive ; filaments olive above the middle ; 21 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Gala Beauty. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; flower bright yellow, heavily flamed with carmine ; outer segments reflexed at tips ; 22 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Flamed Crown. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; pale yellow, with beam of dull carmine ; base fringed with olive ; 21 inches ; May 6, 16 days. Billietiana L'Eblouissante. Type i. Form and stature of ' Billietiana ' ; lemon-yellow, heavily flamed with scarlet ; 21 inches ; May 10, 18 days. Pontifex maximus. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; yellow, flaked scarlet. Goldmine. Type i. Form and substance fair ; dull purple Bizarre. Boyne. Type i. Form and substance fair; mahogany-red Bizarre ; 19 inches ; May 16, 12 days. Brilliant. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; scarlet Bizarre ; base marked with olive as in Fig. XI. Red Crown. Type 2. Form and substance fair; orange-scarlet; Bizarre ; base large, yellow ; 21 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Torch. Type i. Flower small; form and substance fair; pale yellow, flushed with scarlet ; base blotched olive ; filaments greenish ; 19 inches ; May 10, 17 days. Buenaventura. Type 2. Flower small, form and substance fair ; scarlet, flaked with deep yellow ; base deep yellow ; 18 inches ; May 6, 18 days. Gloria Mundi. Type i. Flamed scarlet on yellow ; a rectified Tulip ; 18 inches ; May 5, 19 days. Fire Dragon. Type i. Large, form and substance fair | light yellow, flamed purple and carmine ; 25 inches ; May 7, 19 days. Royal Visit. Type i. Form and substance fair; deep red, with margins of yellow ; base deep yellow ; 23 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Orangeman. Type 2. Form and substance fair ; feathered scarlet Bizarre ; 21 inches ; May 14, 13 days. Cyclops. Type i. Flower small; form and substance fair; out- side carmine, inside scarlet ; base yellowish ; 23 inches ; May 6, 18 days. L'Hermite. Type 2. Form and substance fair. A broken form of ' La Merveille ' ; 24 inches ; May 10, 15 days. Eyebright. Type 2. Form and substance fair; scarlet Bizarre i base streaked olive ; 24 inches ; May 10, 14 days. Abdul Aziz = L'Hermite, q.v. Columbus = Gala Beauty, q.v. French Crown = Gala Beauty, q.v. Gold finder = Cyclops, q.v. Lebec = Chameleon, q.v. Orange Queen Torch, q.v. 110 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS XII. PARROT TULIPS. Amiral de Constantinople. Deep scarlet, streaked with yellow ; 20 inches ; May 8, 14 days. Perfecta. Yellow streaked with scarlet ; 23 inches ; May 6, 15 days. Coffee Colour. Dull yellow, heavily speckled and stippled with scarlet ; 21 inches ; May 8, 16 days. Lutea major. Yellow, lightly suffused scarlet ; 20 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Crimson Beauty. Crimson with blackish markings ; base yellow ; 19 inches ; May 7, 14 days. Preciosa. Orange-scarlet, streaked with dark scarlet and yellow ; 20 inches ; May 7, 15 days. Markgraaf van Baden. Yellow, speckled with scarlet ; 22 inches ; May 7, 17 days. Sensation. Violet purple and white. Cramoisi Brillant = Crimson Beauty, q.v. Markgraaf = Markgraaf van Baden, q.v. Constantinople = Amiral de Constantinople, q.v. LATE DOUBLE TULIPS. Ill CLASS XIII.--LATE DOUBLE TULIPS. Belle Panache'e. Medium size, form fair ; deep dull rose base white, blotched yellow ; 17 inches. Blue Flag. Form and substance good ; light violet base blue j 14 inches. Bonaparte. A fine, full flower ; reddish purple on outside of segments, inside dull scarlet-red ; base white, with a yellowish blotch ; stem very weak ; 14 inches. Duke of York. Form and substance fair ; segments with a well- defined scarlet-red blotch in their lower half ; the margin is white, changing to rose-pink as the flower ages 12 inches. Mariage de ma Fille. Large, of good substance ; segments white, heavily flamed with rose-red ; 16 inches. Orange Brillant. Round, compact flower ; segments light yellow, almost covered by red ; 12 inches. Overwinnaar. Large, form and substance fair ; segments white, with a large central blotch of dull purplish violet. Paeonie gold. Probably a broken form of Paeonie red, q.v. Paeonie red. Flower roundish, substance fair ; segments deep scarlet-red ; base deep yellow j 13 inches. Rhinoceros. A worthless variety, flower of poor shape segments dirty purple, outer greenish ; base white, streaked with blue. Rose Pompon. Large, form fair ; yellow flushed rose-pink. Rouge Eclatante. Form and substance fair j small } scarlet-red 3 base yellow. Yellow Rose. Large, of good form and substance j bright yellow i stem weak. Belle Alliance = Overwinnaar, q.v. Rose de Printemps = Belle Panache'e, q.v. 112 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. CLASS XIV. SPECIES OF TULIPA. In the following list the names in italics have been considered by botanists to be synonyms of the species indicated by the sign = follow- ing. In some cases, however, the name has been employed to designate a marked variety of a species and is nevertheless subordinated in botanical lists to the specific name quoted. acrocarpa Jord. ex Baker = gallica. *acuminata Vdhl Garden origin. acutiflora DC. ex Baker = Didieri. acutiflora Poir. = Oculus-solis. agenensis DC. = Oculus-solis. Alberti RegeL- Turkestan. aleppensis Boiss. ex Regel = T. Oculus-solis. aleppica Baker = T. Oculus-solis. alpestris Jord. & Fourr. = australis. alpina J. Gay ex Baker = pulchella. altaica Gebler ex Schult. = uniflora. altaica Pall, ex Spreng. Altai Mountains. Androssowi Litwinow. apula Guss. ex Tenore = praecox. aristata Regel China. *armena Boiss. = Gesneriana. atheniensis Orphan. = Orphanidea. aurea Rafin. N. America. *australis Link France and Portugal. aximensis Perr. & Song. = var. of Didieri; Kew Hand List (p. 42). balcanica Velen. Baldaccii Mattel. *Batalini Regel. Beccariana Bicchi Italy. Behmiana Regel Turkestan. bessarabica Zapal. bicolor Rafin. N. America. var. afghanica, Kew Hand List. *Biebersteiniana Schult. Caucasus. biflora Becker ex Nym. = Biebersteiniana. bifiora Donn = Clusiana. biflora Hort. Lund, ex Schult. = patens. *biflora Pall. Caucasus. *Billietiana Jord. Europe, bithynica Griseb. Asia Minor. Boeltgeri Regel. "boeotica Boiss. & Heldr. Greece. * These species are in cultivation. A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens. SPECIES OF TULIPA, 113 Boissieri Regel = montana. Bonarotiana Reboul = strangulata. Borszczowi Baker = Kolpakowskiana. Borszczowi Regel Turkestan, brachyanthera Freyn. brachystemon Regel Turkestan. Breyniana Ker-Gawl. = australis, Breyniana Linn. = Baeometra columellaris. Browniana Hort. ex Vilm. = patens. Bmjniana Roxb. = Breyniana ? bucharica Merklin ex Boiss. = sogdiana. Buhseana Boiss. = humilis. Callieri Halacsy & Levier. campsopetala Delaun. ex LoiseL ? caucasica Lipsky. caucasica Orsin ex Nym. = australis. caucasica Otto ex Steud. Caucasus. Celsiana DC. = australis. Celsiana Henning = Biebersteiniana. *chrysantha Boiss. ex Baker Persia, N.W. India. *ciliatula Baker. *Clusiana DC. Europe, Asia Minor. Clusiana Orph. ex Nym. = Orphanidea. Clusiana Shepherd, ex Schult. = stellata. concinna Baker. connivens Levier Italy. cornuta Delile = acuminata. coronaria Salisb. = Gesneriana. cretica Boiss. 6- Heldr. Crete, crispatula Boiss. & Buhse. Persia. crocata Orph. = Orphanidea. cuspidata Regel Algeria. *cuspidata Stapf Persia. Cypriani Hort. ex Steud. = Clusiana. *Dammannii Regel. *dasystemon Regel Turkestan. *Dictieri Jord. Europe, var. *aximensis, in Kew Hand List. *Mauriana ,, *planifolia ,, Didieri Passer. = Passeriniana. edulis Baker China, Japan. *Eichleri Regel Turkestan. *elegans Hort. ex Baker ? Elwesi Regel = cuspidata. erythronioides Baker China. * These species are in cultivation. A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens. 114 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. etrusca Levier Italy. eunanthiae Orph. = boeotica. ftorentina Hort, ex Baker = sylvestris. foliosa Stapf Persia. Foxiana Reboul = praecox. *fragrans Munby Algeria. Fransoniana Parl. = Didieri. *fulgens Hort. ex Baker ? *galatica Freyn. gallica Delaun. ex Loisel. France. Gesneriana Bell. = Didieri. Gesneriana Ker-Gawl. = praecox. *Gesneriana Linn. E. Europe, Asia Minor. Gesneriana Reboul = connivens. glaucophylla Fisch. ex Regel = Borszczowi. graminifolia Baker = edulis. *Greigi Regel Turkestan. Grisebachiana Pantoc. = Orphanidea. Grisebachii Borb. = praecox. *Hageri Held. Greece. Harmonia Dammann = undulatifolia. heliophthalma St. Lag. = T. Oculus-solis. heterochroa Freyn. heteropetala Ledeb. = uniflora. heterophylla Baker Altai Mountains. hexagonata Borb. = praecox. hispanica Willd. ex Schult. = Clusiana, Hoogiana B. Fedtsch. hortensis Gaertn. = Gesneriana. hortulanorum Wender. = suaveolens. humilis Herb. Persia. hungarica Borb. Hungary. iliensis Regel Turkestan. *ingens Hoog. Julia C. Koch = montana. kaghyzmanica Famine. *Kaufmanniana Regel Turkestan. *Kesselringi Regel Turkestan. Kolpakowskiana Baker = Ostrowskiana. *Kolpakowskiana Regel Turkestan. Korolkowi Regel Turkestan. Krauseana Regel Turkestan. laciniata Fisch. ex Bellerm. = Gesneriana. laciniata Rafin. = praecox ? *lanata Regel Bokhara. Lehmanniana Merck, ex Bunge = chrysantha. * These species are in cultivation. A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens. SPECIES OF TULIPA. 115 *Leichtlini Regel. Levieri Sprenger. libanotica Regel. *linifolia Regel Bokhara. Lortetii Jord. = T. Oculus-solis. Lownei Baker Syria. lurida Levier Europe. lutea Freyn. maculata Dulac = Clusiana. *maculata Hort. ex Baker ? maculata Roth = australis. *maleolens Reboul Italy. *Marjoletti Pen. & Song. Marshalliana Andrz. ex Baker = sylvestris. Martelliana Levier Europe. mauriana Jord. & Fourr. = Didieri var. mauritiana Jord. = Didieri. *Maximowiczii Regel. media Agardh ex Schult. = acuminata. Micheliana Hoog. micro gyna Baker = Biebersteiniana. Minervae Orph. ex Baker = Orphanidea. *montana Lindl. Asia Minor, montana Rafin. N. America, mucronata Famine. neglecta Reboul == strangulata. nitida Hoog. Oculus-solis Heldr. ex Baker = boeotica. Oculus-solis Ker Gawl. = praecox. Oculus-solis Koch = Didieri. Oculus-solis St. Amans S. Europe, Asia Minor. odoratissima Vis. Ort. = suaveolens ? orientalis Levier S. Europe, Caucasus. ornithogaloides Fisch. ex Bess. = Lloydia tri flora. *Orphanidea Boiss. ex Heldr. Greece. Orphanidesii Hort. ex Baker = praecox. *Ostrowskiana Regel Turkestan. oxypetala Stev. Tauria. Passeriniana Levier Europe. patens Agardh. ex Schult. Siberia. *persica Willd. ex Kunth = patens. planifolia Jord. = Didieri var. *platystigma Jord. in Billot France. *polychroma Stapf Persia. praecox Cav. = Clusiana. *praecox Tenor e S. Europe, Syria. .* These species are in cultivation. A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens. Il6 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. *praestans Hort. *primulina Baker Algeria. pubescens Willd. ? pudica Rafin. N. America. pulchella Boiss. ex Baker = montana. *pulchella Fenzl Cilicia. pumila Moench = sylvestris. pumila Tausch = Biebersteiniana. Raddii Reboul = praecox. Regeli Elwes ? Regeli Krassn. repens Fisch. ex Sweet = sylvestris. *retroflexa Hort. ex Baker ? rubroalba Brot. = Clusiana. saracenica Perrier. *saxatilis Sieber ex Spreng. Crete. *scabriscapa Strangw. Italy. Schmidtii Famine. Schrenkii Regel = Gesneriana. Segusiana Pen. 6- Song. serotina Reboul Italy. sibirica Patrin ex Kunth = patens. Sibthorpiana Sibth. & Sm. = Fritillaria Sibthorpiana. silvestris Herb. Bout, ex Willk. = australis. Sintenisii Baker. sogdiana Bunge Turkestan. Sommierii Levier Europe. spathulata Bertol. = Gesneriana. *Sprengeri Baker. stellata Hook. Himalaya and Persia. stenopetala Delaun. ex Loisel. = acurninata. *stolonifera Vill. Asia Minor. strangulata Heldr. ex Baker = boeotica. *strangulata Reboul Etruria. strangwaysiana Reboul ex Baker = praecox. stricta Stokes = Gesneriana. stylosa Fisch. ex Fisch. & Mey. = uniflora. suaveolens Roth S. Russia. sultanabadensis Sprenger. sylvestris Bieb. = Biebersteiniana. sylvestris Falk. ex Kunth = altaica. sylvestris Gouan ex Baker = australis. sylvestris Laxm. ex Schult. = patens. *sylvestris Linn. Europe. systola Stapf Persia. tetraphylla Regel Turkestan. * These species are in cultivation. A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens, SPECIES OF TULIPA. 117 Theophrasti Candargy. thianschanica Regel Central Asia. Thirkeana C. Koch = Biebersteiniana. transtagana Brot. = australis. tricolor Becker ex Nym. = Biebersteiniana. tricolor C. Koch = Bierbersteiniana. tricolor Ledeb. = patens. *triphylla Regel Turkestan. *Tubergeniana Hort. turcarum Levier = suaveolens. turcica Griseb. = bithynica. turcica Kunth = acuminata. turcica Roth = sylvestris. *turkestanica Regel Turkestan. undulata Jacquem. ex Baker = chrysantha. *undulatifolia Boiss. Asia Minor. unguiculata Rafin. ? uniflora Bess, ex Baker Siberia. variopicta Reboul = strangulata. *violacea Boiss. & Buhse Persia. volgensis Bieb. ex Eichw. = suaveolens. Watsoniana Andr6 = Wilsoniana. wolgensis Auct. ex Steud. = Celsiana. *Willmottiae Freyn. *Wilsoniana Hoog. * These species are in cultivations A few others may be, but only in isolated gardens. Il8 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. V. NEW COTTAGE TULIPS EXHIBITED FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THE TULIP CONFERENCE, MAY 1915, BY MR. W. T. WARE. [Mr. W. T. Ware was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the Council for his work in raising these new Tulips and the Lindley Medal for the whole group.] Apple Blossom. A rounded flower, cream, suffused with soft rose pink ; filaments blue. Aristotle. Almost barrel-shaped, soft, light bluish lilac ; base white, with a blue margin. Bloodstone. Of great substance, large, pointed; outer segments at first flat, later re flexed ; base large, black ; filaments black ; pollen purple. Brockweir. Cup-shape, scarlet, shaded with rose outside ; margin golden bronze ; base olive, with yellowish rays ; filaments olive. Burgundy. Large, long somewhat pointed, unique shade of clear light violet ; base large, pale blue. Empire. An enormous cup-shaped flower, four inches wide and four deep, clear golden yellow ; filaments deep yellow ; pollen green. Evensong. Cup-shape ; outer segments reflexed at tips, inside faintly yellow, outside lilac ; base pale yellow ; filaments blackish. Imperial. Large, of the form of ' Gesneriana spathulata,' deep scarlet ; base small, starry, deep yellow. Inglefire. Segments spreading, pointed, glowing scarlet ; base deep yellow, clearly defined. Inglescombe White. Somewhat loose, long cup shape, white, tips of segments reflexed. A great addition to the comparatively short list of white May-flowering Tulips. Lady Love. A long, goblet-shaped flower; tips of the outer seg- ments reflexed, outside soft primrose, inside clear lemon-yellow. A most attractive Tulip. Lena. Medium size, somewhat pointed ; soft lavender, with a reddish shading outside ; base and filaments white. Maidie. Deep buffy orange, outside shaded rose-red ; base deep yellow, with an olive margin ; filaments clean. Nirvana. Cup-shape, light purplish mauve ; base blue-rayed white ; filaments blue. Premier Mauve. Long, cup-shape, soft purplish violet, deeper inside ; midribs white ; base white, with a blue margin ; filaments white. Sanchia. A cup-shaped flower, after ' Jaune d'CEuf,' but paler, much larger, and of a softer colour. Satin Gown. Long ; outer segments slightly twisted, soft rose pink, shaded inside with salmon ; base cream, with olive rays ; fila- ments blue. NEW COTTAGE TULIPS. 119 The Jester. A brilliant scarlet flower with flattened, pointed segments, and a small, clear yellow base. Vivid. An egg-shaped flower, orange-scarlet ; base diffuse, dull yellow, blotched with orange. Winner. An extremely long flower, soft rose-pink, with a broad white margin to each segment ; base like that of ' Inglescombe Pink/ NOTE ON BRANCHED TULIPS. Many varieties of Tulips, especially perhaps among the vigorous Darwin forms, at times produce more than one flower on a stalk. Tulipa praestans often, in fact usually, does the same. There have recently (see R.H.S. JOURNAL, vol. 36, p. xxxvii) been offered a race of Tulips which normally produce several flowers on the same stem, and this race was represented in the trial by the variety ' Monsieur S. Mottet.' 120 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. VI.-TULIPS : LIST OF SYNONYMS. NOTE. In the following list the names in roman type are those which the Committee recommend for adoption. A few occur which were not represented in the trial. EARLY SINGLE TULIPS. Albion = White Falcon = White Hawk. American Lac = Le Reve = Hobbema = Sarah Bernhardt. Apricot Cardinal Rampolla = Sajrano = Yellow Brutus. Artus = Garibaldi. Augusta = Gris-de-lin Superbe. Belle Alliance = Waterloo. Brunhilde = L' Unique = Pottebakker, white and gold. Canary Bird = Kanarievogel. Cardinal Rampolla = Apricot = Sajrano = Yellow Brutus. Carlisle = Sir Thomas Lipton. Carmin Brillant = Cramoisi 'Bri\la.nt=Sparkler. Chromatella = Golden Horn. Cochenille = Cochineal Due van Thol. Cochineal Due van Thol = Cochenille. Cottage Maid = La Precieuse. Couleur des Roses = Princess Royal. Cramoisi Brillant = Carmin Brillant = Sparkler. Cramoisi Pourpre = Stanley = Rose superbe. Cramoisi Royal = Miranda. Crimson Giant = Dusart. Crimson King = Roi Cramoisi. Dainty Maid = La Reine des Reines = Prosperity. Due van Thol, crimson = Gloriosa. Duchess of Albany = Queen oj Roses. Dusart = Crimson Giant. Fabiola = Grand Due de Russie = Jacht van Rotterdam. Fairy Queen = Rose a Merveille. Garibaldi = Artus. Gloriosa = Due van Thol, crimson. Golden Horn = Chromatella. Golden Lion = Lion d'Hillegom = Golden Lion oj Hillegom. Golden Prince = Yellow Prince. Grand Due Keizerskroon. Grand Due de Russie = Fabiola = Jacht van Rotterdam. Gris-de-lin Superbe == Augusta. Herman Schlegel = Primrose Queen = Yellow La Reine. Hobbema = Le Reve = American Lac = Sarah Bernhardt. Jacht van Rotterdam Fabiola = Grand Due de Russie. John Bright = Van Berghem. TULIPS : LIST OF SYNONYMS. 121 Joost van den Vondel, white = Lady Boreel. Kanarievogel = Canary Bird. Keizerskroon = Grand Due. Lady Boreel = Joost van den Vondel, white. La Precieuse Cottage Maid. La Reine = Miltiades. La Reine des Reines = Prosperity = Dainty Maid. La Tendresse = Rose Tendre. Leonardo da Vinci = Miss Hallen. Le Reve = Hobbema = American Lac = Sarah Bernhardt. Lilian = Lord Derby = Mont Blanc. Lion d'Hillegom = Golden Lion = Golden Lion of Hillegom. Lord Derby = Mont Blanc = Lilian. L' Unique = Brunhilde = Pottebakker, white and gold. ' ' Margot = Mrs. Cleveland. Miltiades = La Reine. Miranda = Cramoisi Royal. Miss Hallen = Leonardo da Vinci. Mrs. Cleveland = Margot. Mont Blanc Lord Derby = Lilian. Netscher = Van der Neer. Paragon Guldenbloem = Princess Ida. Pottebakker, scarlet = Verboom. Pottebakker, white and gold Brunhilde = L Unique. President Lincoln = Queen of the Violets = Violet Queen. Primrose Queen = Herman Schlegel = Yellow La Reine. Princess Ida = Paragon Guldenbloem. Princess Royal = Couleur des Roses. Princess Wilhelmina = Queen of Pinks = Queen Wilhelmina Prosperity = La Reine des Reines = Dainty Maid. Queen of Pinks = Princess Wilhelmina = Queen Wilhelmina. Queen of Roses Duchess of Albany. Queen of the Violets = President Lincoln = Violet Queen. Queen Wilhelmina == Princess Wilhelmina = Queen of Pinks. Roi Cramoisi = Crimson King. Rose a Merveille = Fairy Queen. Rose of Holland = Rose Triomphante. Rose Superbe = Cramoisi pourpre Stanley. Rose Tendre = La Tendresse. Rose Triomphante Rose of Holland. Royal Sovereign = Yellow Globe. Royal Standard = Standaard Goud. Safrano = Cardinal Rampolla = Apricot = Yellow Brutus* Sarah Bernhardt = Le Reve = Hobbema = American Lac. Sir Thomas Lipton = Carlisle. Snowdrift = Washington = White Bird. Sparkler = Carmin Brillant Cramoisi Brillant. Standaard Goud = Royal Standard. 122 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Stanley = Cramoisi pourpre = Rose superbe. Van Berghem = John Bright. Van der Neer = Netscher. Verboom = Pottebakker, scarlet. Violet Queen = President Lincoln = Queen oj the Violets. Washington = Snowdrift = White Bird. Waterloo = Belle Alliance. White Bird = Washington = Snowdrift. White Falcon = Albion = White Hawk. White Hawk = Albion = White Falcon. Yellow Brutus = Apricot = Cardinal Rampolla = Sajrano. Yellow Globe = Royal Sovereign. Yellow La Reine = Herman Schlegel = Primrose Queen. Yellow Prince = Golden Prince. EARLY DOUBLE TULIPS. Arabella = Rosalie. Boule de Neige = Snowball. Brimstone = Theeroos = Safrano = Murillo, sulphur = Brimstone Beauty = Marechal Niel = Tea Rose. Brimstone Beauty, see preceding. Couronne de Cerise = Roozekroon = Cramoisi Superbe. Couronne d'Or yellow = Van Tubergen. Cramoisi Superbe = Roozekroon = Couronne de Cerise. Dr. Edward Jenner = Golden King = Tournesol, pure yellow. Due van Thol, scarlet = Scarlet King. Empress = Turban, violet = Violet Jonce. Fire Dome = Vuurbaak. Fluweelen Mantel = Manteau de Velours = Velvet Gem. Golden King = Dr. Edward Jenner = Tournesol, pure yellow. Harlequin = Murillo, spotted. Herman Titian. La Candeur, lilac = Violet superieur. Lady Palmerston = Lina. Lina Lady Palmerston. Manteau de Velours Velvet Gem = Fluweelen Mantel. Marechal Niel = Safrano, etc. Mr. van der Hoe} = Reve d'Or = Murillo, yellow. Murillo, spotted = Harlequin. Murillo, sulphur = Theeroos Safrano = Brimstone = Brimstone Beauty = Marechal Niel Tea Rose. Murillo, white = Schoonoord. Murillo, yellow = Mr. van der Hoe) Reve d'Or. Purperkroon = The Moor. Reve d'Or = MY. van der Hoej = Murillo, yellow. Roozekroon = Couronne de Cerise. Rosalie = Arabella. TULIPS ; LIST OF SYNONYMS. 123 Safrano = Theeroos = Brimstone = Murillo, sulphur, etc. Scarlet King = Due van Thol, scarlet. Schoonoord = White Murillo. Snowball = Boule de Neige. Tea Rose = Safrano, etc. Theeroos Brimstone = Murillo, sulphur = Safrano, etc. The Moor Purperkroon. Titian = Herman. Tournesol, pure yellow = Dr. Jenner = Golden King. Turban Violet = Empress Violet jonc'e. Van Tubergen = Couronne d'Or yellow. Velvet Gem Manteau de Velours = Fluweelen Mantel. Violet Fonce Turban Violet = Empress. Violet superieur = La Candeur lilac. Vuurbaak = Fire Dome. COTTAGE TULIPS.* Abdul Aziz = L'Hermite. Acuminata = chinensis = cornuta = stenopetala. Albiflora Silver Crown. Arentine Arendsen = May Queen. Armena = Concinna. Aurantiaca maculata =. Orange Globe. Aurora = Billietiana aurora. Australis = Celsiana Jragrans. Beauty of America = Gilt Crown. Billietiana Aurora = Aurora. Billietiana Cloth of Gold = Cloth of Gold. Billietiana Sunset = Sunset. Bird oj Paradise = Gesneriana lutea pallida = Mrs. Keightley. Biscuit = Clio = Bronze Queen = Sensation = Due d' Orleans. Blue Star = Gesneriana rosea. Blushing Bride = Isabella = Shandon Bells. Bonfire Lucifer = Gorgeous. Bouton d'Or = Golden Beauty = Ida. Breyniana persica ( = australis in Kew Hand List). Bronze King = Grandissima. Bronze Queen = Biscuit = Clio = Sensation = Due d' Orleans. Celsiana Jragrans = australis. Chameleon = Lebec. Chinensis = acuminata = cornuta = stenopetala. Cleopatra = Crimson Globe = Maculata globosa nana. Clio = Bronze Queen = Biscuit = Due d'Orleans = Sensation. Cloth of Gold = Billietiana Cloth oj Gold. * This portion of the list includes some of the species in cultivation, see p. 112. 124 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Columbus = Gala Beauty = French Crown. Concinna = Armena. Coquette d'Orange = Orange Coquette. Coridion = Eastern Queen. Cornuta = acuminata = chinensis stenopetala. Corona Tardiva = Milkmaid. Crested Crown = Striped Crown. Crimson Globe Maculata globosa nana = Cleopatra. Crimson Pompadour = Pompadour = The Coon. Cyclops = Goldfinder. Dame Blanche = Dame Elegante. Dame Elegante Dame Blanche. Didieri alba = Niphetos. Due d'Orleans = Biscuit = Bronze Queen = Clio Sensation. Eastern Queen = Coridion. Elegans alba = White Crown. Elegans lutea maxima = Golden Spire. Elegans lutea pallida Leghorn Bonnet. Elvira = Lord Byron. Fashion = Perle Roy ale. Florentina = sylvestris. French Crown Columbus = Gala Beauty. Fulgens maxima lutea = Mrs. Moon = Mrs. Clarke. Fulgens Sulphur = Solfatare. Gala Beauty = Columbus = French Crown. General Vetter = Irish Beauty. Gesneriana albo-marginata = Narbonensis alba = Sweet Nancy. Gesneriana aurantiaca = Globe of Fire. Gesneriana aurantiaca maculata = Orange Globe. Gesneriana Bridesmaid = Maid of Holland (see also pp. 40, 108). Gesneriana ixioides = Ixioides. Gesneriana lutea pallida = Mrs. Keightley = Bird of Paradise. Gesneriana major = Gesneriana spathulata. Gesneriana oculata White Star = Rosalind, q.v. Gesneriana Rosalind = Rosalind, q.v. Gesneriana rosea = Blue Star. Gesneriana rosea alba = Rosalind, q.v. Gesneriana rosea albo-marginata = Narbonensis alba = Sweet Nancy. Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata = Rosalind. Gesneriana rosea Stella = Maltese Cross. Gesneriana spathulata = Gesneriana major. Gesneriana striata = Gesneriana Bridesmaid = Maid of Holland. Gilt Crown = Beauty of America. Glare of the Garden = Maculata globosa grandiflora. Globe of Fire = Gesneriana aurantiaca. Golconda = maculata ornata grandiflora. Gold Cup = Narbonensis yellow. Golden Beauty = Bouton d'Or = Ida. TULIPS : LIST OF SYNONYMS. 125 Golden Bronze = Toison d'Or. Golden Crown = Yellow Crown. Golden Goblet = Yellow Goblet = Yellow Hammer. Golden Spire = elegans lutea maxima. Goldfinch Goudvink. Goldfinder Cyclops. Gorgeous Lucifer = Bonfire. Goudvink = Goldfinch. Grandissima Bronze King. Ida = Golden Beauty = Bouton d'Or. Inglescombe Pink = Salmon Queen = Parisian Aurora. Irish Beauty = General Vetter. Isabella = Blushing Bride Shandon Bells. Ixioides = Gesneriana ixioides. Jaune d'CEuf = Sunrise. Jaune Pure = Parisian Yellow = Vanguard. Koningskroon = Royal Crown. $ La Candeur = Parisian White = Snowdon. La Panachee = La Ravissante = Marie de M edicts. La Ravissante = La Panachee = Marie de Medicis. Lebec = Chameleon. . .= - Leghorn Bonnet = elegans lutea pallida. L' Hermit e = Abdul Aziz. Lord Byron = Elvira. Lucifer = Gorgeous = Bonfire. Maculata globosa grandifiora = Glare of the Garden. Maculata globosa nana = Crimson Globe = Cleopatra. Maculata ornata grandifiora = Golconda. Maiden's Blush = Picotee. Maid of Holland = Gesneriana Bridesmaid (cf. pp. 40, 108). Maltese Cross = Gesneriana rosea Stella. Mammoth = Scarlet Mammoth. Marie de Medicis La Panachee = La Ravissante. May Queen = Arentine Arendsen. Milkmaid = Corona Tardiva. Mrs. Clarke = Mrs. Moon = fulgens maxima lutea. Mrs. Keightley = Gesneriana lutea pallida = Bird oj Paradise. Mrs. Moon = Mrs. Clarke = fulgens maxima lutea. Narbonensis alba Gesneriana albo-marginata = Sweet Nancy. Narbonensis, yellow = Gold Cup. Neglecta ornata Strangulata picta. Niphetos = Didieri alba. Orange Beauty = Prince of Orange. Orange Coquette = Coquette d' Orange. Orange Globe = Gesneriana aurantiaca maculata. Orange Queen == Torch. Parisian Aurore Inglescombe Pink = Salmon Queen. Parisian White = La Candeur = Snowdon. 126 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE Parisian Yellow = Jaune Pure = Vanguard. Picotee = Maiden's Blush. Pompadour = Crimson Pompadour. Primrose Gem = Yellow Gem. Prince of Orange = Orange Beauty. Rosalind = Gesneriana albo-oculata = Rose Queen = Gesneriana oculata White Star Gesneriana Rosalind = Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata. Rose Crown Virginalis. Rose Queen = Rosalind. Rouge Eblouissante = Union Jack. Royal Crown == Koningskroon. Salmon Queen = Inglescombe Pink = Parisian Aurore. Scarlet Mammoth = Mammoth. Sensation = Clio = Biscuit = Bronze Queen = Due d' Orleans Shandon Bells = Blushing Bride = Isabella. Silver Crown = Albiflora. Snowdon = Parisian White = La Candeur. Solfatare = Julgens sulphur. Stenopetala = acuminata = chinensis cornuta. Strangulata picta = neglecta ornata. Striped Beauty = Summer Beauty. Striped Crown Crested Crown. Suaveolens alba = Water-lily. Summer Beauty = Striped Beauty. Sunrise = Jaune d'CEuf. Sunset = Billietiana Sunset. Sweet Nancy = Narbonensis alba = Gesneriana albo-marglnata Sylvestris =florentina. Toison d'Or = Golden Bronze. Torch = Orange Queen. Union Jack = Rouge fiblouissante. Vanguard Parisian Yellow = Jaune Pure. Virginalis = Rose Crown. Water-lily = Suaveolens alba. White Crown = elegans alba. White Star = Rosalind = Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata, etc. Yellow Crown = Golden Crown. Yellow Gem = Primrose Gem. Yellow Goblet = Yellow Hammer = Golden Goblet. Yellow Hammer = Yellow Goblet = Golden Goblet. DUTCH FLORISTS' TULIPS. Alice = Prince Albert. Apollo = Judas Machabee. Bacchus = Regal Purple. Belle Narine = La Belle Narine. TULIPS : LIST OF SYNONYMS. 127 Black Chief Noir Veritable = Lafayette. Cardinal Manning = Kingscourt = Goliath. Chestnut = La Negrette = La Nuit. Comte de Warwick = Earl of Warwick. Cramoisi Donat = Henry VIII. Dreadnought = Velvet King = Velvet Gem. Earl of Warwick = Comte de Warwick. Fairy Panorama = Monument. Golden King = Trafalgar = La Circassienne = Major Hojer. Goliath = Cardinal Manning = Kingscourt. Hamlet = Sobrina. Henry VIII. = Cramoisi Donat. Je maintiendrai = Sentinel. Judas Machabee = Apollo. Kern Maria Edgeworth. Kingscourt = Cardinal Manning = Goliath. La Belle Narine = Belle Narine. La Circassienne = Trafalgar = Golden King = Major Hofer. Lajayette = Black Chief = Noir Veritable. La Negrette = La Nuit = Chestnut. La Nuit = La Negrette = Chestnut. La Singuliere = Lord Curzon. Lord Curzon La Singuliere. McMahon = Turenne. Major Hojer Trafalgar = La Circassienne Golden King. Maria Edgeworth = Kern. Monument Panorama = Fairy. Noir Veritable Black Chief = Lafayette. Panorama = Fairy = Monument. Prince Albert = Alice. Regal Purple = Bacchus. Scheltus = Surpasse Lion. Sentinel = Je maintiendrai. Sobrina = Hamlet. Surpasse Lion = Scheltus. Trafalgar = Golden King La Circassienne = Major Hofer. Turenne = McMahon. Velvet Gem = Velvet King = Dreadnought. Velvet King = Dreadnought = Velvet Gem. DARWIN TULIPS. Admiral Togo = Ruby Queen. Albert Kellogg = Early Dawn. Alexander Dickson = Superbe. A. M. van der School Negro. Angeline = Blanco. Ascanio D. Bois. 128 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Bartigon = Lord Duncan. Blanco Angeline. Blue Bird Gipsy. Carmen = Haarlem. Carminea = Mme. Bosboom Toussaint, Coridon = Professor Tre lease. Daubigny= Washington. D. Bois Ascanio. Dolores = La Tristesse. Dream = Reve de Jeunesse. Duchess oj Westminster Yolande. Duke oj Westminster Excelsior. Early Dawn = Albert Kellogg. Ethel Roosevelt = Prima Donna. Excelsior = Duke oj Westminster. Fashion = Mr. D. T. Fish = Mrs. Potter Palmer. Faust = Ravenswing. Fille Cherie = Mauve clair = Ma Fille cherie. Flambeau = Torchlight. Flora's Ornament = Sieraad van Flora = Queen Flora. Giant = Goliath. Gipsy = Blue Bird. Goliath Giant. Gretchen = Margaret. Haarlem Carmen. J. G. Baker = King of the Reds. Joseph Israels = The Sultan. Julie Virnot = Princesse Elisabeth. King Harold = Mahony = Tiberius W inkier. King oj the Reds = J. G. Baker. La Candeur = White Queen. La Fiancee = The Bride. Landelle = Salmon Queen. Lantern = Le Petit Blondin = Nizza. La Tristesse = Dolores. Le Petit Blondin = Nizza = Lantern. Lina Schneider = Phyllis. Lord Duncan = Bartigon. Louisiana = Louis Lenglart. Louis Lenglart = Louisiana. Mme. Bosboom Toussaint Carminea. Mme. Virnot = Willem III. Ma Fille cherie = Fille cherie = Mauve clair. Mahony King Harold = Tiberius Winkler. Maiden's Blush = Major Mason. Major Mason Maiden's Blush. Marcellus Emants = Queen of the Roses. Margaret = Gretchen. TULIPS : LIST OF SYNONYMS. 12 9 Marie = Valentin. Mariette Barrois Mark Twain. Mark Twain = Mariette Barrois. Massenet = The Dove. Mauve clair = Fille cherie = Ma Fille cherie. Minister Tak van Poortvliet = Van Poortvliet. Mr. D. T. Fish = Fashion = Mrs. Potter Palmer. Mrs. Potter Palmer = Mr. D. T. Fish = Fashion. Nauticus = Sir Edward Grey. Negro = A. M. van der Schoot. Nerine = Spring Beauty. Nizza = Lantern = Le Petit Blondin. Pales = Saes. Phyllis = Lina Schneider. Prima Donna = Ethel Roosevelt. Princess Juliana = Sweetheart. Princesse Elisabeth = Julie Virnot. Professor Trelease = Coridon. Queen Flora Sieraad van Flora = Flora's Ornament. Queen of the Roses = Marcellus Emants. Ravenswing = Faust. Regal Purple = Royal Purple. Reve de Jeunesse = Dream. Royal Pur pie = Regal Purple. Ruby Queen = Admiral Togo. Saes = Pales. Salmon Queen = Landelle. Sieraad van Flora = Queen Flora = Flora's Ornament. Sir Edward Grey = Nauticus. Spring Beauty = Nerine. Superbe = Alexander Dickson. Sweetheart = Princess Juliana. Sweet Lavender = William Copland. Tara = William Goldring. The Bride = La Fiancee. The Dove = Massenet. The Sultan = Joseph Israels. Tiberius Winkler = Mahony == King Harold. Torchlight = Flambeau. Valentin = Marie. Van Poortvliet = Minister Tak van Poortvliet. Washington = Daubigny. White Queen = La Candeur. Willem III. = Mme. Virnot. William Copland = Sweet Lavender. William Goldring = Tara. Yolande = Duchess of Westminster. 130 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. VII. LIST OF TULIP NAMES. NOTE. The names of species are not included in this list* They will be found in alphabetical order on page 112. The roman numerals and the letters refer to the class and section to which the variety belongs ; the arabic figures to the page on which it will be found t The list of synonyms should also be consulted. Aardglobe, VIII. a, 85 Ababa, VIII. c, 94 Abd-el-Kadir, IV. m, 49 Abdul Aziz, XI. c, 109 Absalom, VIII. c, 94 Acaste, VII. o, 79 Achilles, VIII. c, 94 Addison, VIII. a, 85 Adelaide, VIII. c, 94 Adele, IV. m, 50 Adele Sandrock, VII. e, 68 Adelina Patti, VII. a, 60 Adeline, II. /, 21 Admiral Blake, VIII. 6, 87 Admiral Jellicoe, VII. d, 67 Admiral Reyniers, II. r, 28 Admiral Togo, VII, d, 67 Admiral van Kingsbergen, V, a, VIII. a, 52, 85 Adolphe van der Heede, VII, 6, 64 Adonis, VI. b, IX. b, 59, 100 Adrian Baillet, VII. n, 79 Adrianus, VIII. c, 94 Aelbert Cuyp, II. g, 22 Aesculapius, V. b, 52 Aglaia, IX. a, 100 Agnes, III. /, VIII. c, 34, 94 Agneta, VII. p, 81 Aida, VII. /, 70 A. J. Salter, VII. 6, 63 Alabama, VII. e, 68 Aladdin, X, b, 105 Alata, VII. c, 65 Alba maxima, III. a, 31 Alba regalis, II. a, 18 Albert Kellogg, VII. e, 69 Albertine, X. b, 106 Albiflora, IV. a, 38 Albion, II. a, VIII. 6, VIII. c, 18, 87, 95 Alcida, IV. /, 49 Alexander, VIII. b, 87 Alexander Dickson, VII. /, 70 Alexander Primus, VIII. &, 87 Alexandra, VIII. c, 95 Alexandre III., VIII. a, 85 Alexis, VII. c, 65 Alfieri, X. a, 103 Alfred Lloyd, VI. c, 59 Alice, IV. m, V. 6, 50, 52 Alice Roosevelt, II. d, 20 Allard Pierson, VII. i, 75 Alma Tadema, X. 6, 105 Alpheus, VIII. c, 95 Alphonse Daudet, VII. , 75 Amadeus, VIII. c, 95 Amaranthe, VIII. b t 87 Amazone, V. 6, VII. r, X. 6, 53, 83, 105 Ambassadeur de Hollande, VIII. 6, 87 Amber Crown, IV. n, 50 American Lac, 120 Amiral de Constantinople, XII., no Amor, VII. e, 68 Amore, VIII. 6, 87 A. M. Van der Schoot, VII. /, 76 Amy, VII. /, 71 Andrea Doria, VII. /, 75 Andromaque, VII. d, 67 Andromeda, III. /, IX. a, 34, 100 Angela, VIII. 6, 87 Angelina, VII. r, 83 Anna, VII. a, 61 Anna Pavlovna, VIII. c, 95 Anna Rooze, III. c, 32 Anne Mary, X. b, 105 Annie McGregor, V. a, VI. a, IX. a, 52, 58, 100 Anton de Bary, VII. I, 77 Antique, X. b, 105 Anton Mauve, VII. p, 81 Antony Roozen, VII. /, 70 Aphrodite, VII. /, 71 Apollo, V. 6, VII. c, VIII. b, 53, 65, 87 Appelius, VII. , 74 Apple Blossom, 118 Apricot, II. I, IV. m, 25, 50 Arabella, III. e, 33 Arabesque, VIII. b, 87 Arbre de Diane, VIII. b, 87 Archimedes, VIII. b, 88 Arentine Arendsen, IV. d, 41 Ariadne, VII. a, VIII. a, 61, 85 Aristotle, 118 Arizona, VII. ;', 75 Artus, II. i, 23 Asa Gray, VII. c, 66 Ascanio, VII. o, 80 Aspasia, IV. h t VIII. a, 45, 85 Asselyn, II. h, 22 Athalia, VIII. a, 85 Attraction, V. b, VII. o, 53, 80 Auber, VII. /, 76 Audley, IV. h, 44 Augusta, II. /, 21 Aurantiaca macula ta, 123 Aurora, IV. k, 49 Avis Kennicott, IV. ', 46 Aximensis, IV. /, 42 Bacchus, II. h, V. b, 22, 53 Baguette, V. b, 53 Baguette de Rigaut, VIII. b, 88 Bandmaster, IV. k, 48 Bannockburn, VIII. a, 85 Barbara, VII. o, 81 Baron von Beust, VIII. b, 88 Baron von Goldtstein, VII. h, 73 Baronne de la Tonnaye, VII. /, 70 Bartigon, VII. b, 63 Bartlett, X. a, 103 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. Bathurst, VII. ;, 75 Beatrice, VII. d, X. a, 67, 103 Beau Brummell, IV. g, 44 Beauty of America, IV. a, 38 Beauty of Bath, IV. n, 51 Beethoven, VII. /, VIII. c t 69, 95 Belle Alliance, II. t, XIII. 23, in Belle Forme, VIII. 6, 88 Belle Helene, VIII. 6, 88 Belle Irlandaise, VIII. 6, 88 Belle Jaconie, VIII. b, 88 Belle Lisette, II. r, XI. b, 28, 108 Belle Louise, VIII. 6, 88 Belle Monde, VIII. c, 95 Belle Narine, VIII. 6, 88 Belle Panachee, XIII. in Belle Therese, II. g, 22 Bellissima, VIII. b, 88 Bell's Queen, V. c, 56 Beranger, VIII. b, 88 Berthelot, VII. o, 80 Berthold Schwartz, VII. d, 66 Bertrand, VIII. 6, 88 Besronia del Fore, VII. o, 80 Bessie, IX. b, 100 Bettelini, VII. n, 78 Beulah, VII. q, 82 Beyerinck, VII. /, 70 Bianca, VIII. b, 88 Bienfait Incomparable, VIII. 6, 88 Bijou, VII. c, VII. /, 65, 70 Billietiana, IV, k, 48 Billietiana aurea, IV. k, 48 Billietiana Aurora, IV. k, 49 Billietiana Cloth of Gold, IV. k, 49 Billietiana L'Eblouissante, XL c, 109 Billietiana nana, IV. k, 48 Billietiana pallida, IV. k, 48 Billietiana Sunset, IV. k, 49 Bird of Paradise, IV. ?', 47 Biscuit, IV. m, 50 Bizard Pronkert, II. h, 23 Black Chief, V. 6, 53 Black Knight, VII. ;, 75 Blanc de Lait, VIII. 6, 88 Blanchard, II. a, 18 Blanche Fleur, VIII. b, 88 Blanche Hative, III. a, 31 Blanche Rosette, III. b, 31 Blanco, VII. r, 84 Blandina, VIII. 5, 88 Bleu Aimable, VII. p, 82 Bloemhof, V. b, 53 Bloodstone, 118 Blue Bird, VII. o, 81 Blue Eye, VII. d, 67 Blue Flag, XIII. in Blue Star, IV. e, 41 Blushing Bride, II. c, IV. c, VII. q, 19, 40, 82 Blyhof, II. d, 20 Boadicea, IV. h, 44 Boerhaave, IV. m, 50 Boh6mienne, VIII. c, 95 Bolivar, VIII. c, 95 Bonaparte, XIII. in Bonfire, IV. h, 46 Bougainville, V. 6, 53 Boule de Neige, III. a, 31 Bouquet Joli, VIII. 6, 88 Bouquet Noir, VIII. 6, 88 Bouton d'Or, IV. *, 46 Bowmont, X. 6, 104 Boyne, IV. h, XL c, 44, 109 Brigetta, VIII. b, 88 Brilliant, VIII. c, XL c, 95, 109 Brilliant Star, II. *, 23 Brimstone, III. k, 36 Brimstone Beauty, III. k, 36 Brockweir, 118 Bronze King, IV. m, 49 Bronze Queen, IV. m, 49 Bruid Marie, VIII. b, 88 Brunhilde, II. 6, VIII. b, 19, 88 Bruno, VIII. a, 85 Brutus, II. ', VIII. c, 23, 95 Bucephalus, VII, a, 62 Buenaventura, XL c, 109 Buffon, VII. ^, 69 Burbidge, VII. d, 66 Burgomaster Fock, VII. a, 60 Burgundy, 118 Bussy Rabutin, VII. d, 66 Buttercup, II. m, 26 Butterfly, X. b, 104 Caaijman, II. q, 28 Cabanel, VII. /, 70 Caesar, VII. o, VIII. c, 80, 95 Caledonia, IV. h, 44 Calistre, VII. /, 70 Calliope, VIL /, 70 Calypso, VIL 6, 63 Canary Bird, II. m, 26 Candida, X. 6, 105 Canossa, VIL 6, 64 Caracalla, X. a, 103 Cardinal Billiet, IV. k, 48 Cardinal Manning, III. d, V. 6, 33, 53 Cardinal Rampolla, II. I, 25 Cardinal's Hat, II. *, 23 Carinata, VIII. c, 95 Carl Becker, V. a, 52 Carlisle, II. i, 23 Carlos, VIL c, 66 Carmen, VIL e, 68 Carmen Sylva, III. c, 32 Carmin Brillant, II. i, 23 Carminea, VII. c, 65 Carnation, IV. b, 39 Carolus Duran, V. b, 53 Casino, VIII. c, 95 Cassandra, IV. e, 42 Catafalque, V. c, 56 Cato, VIII. ft, 89 Centenaire, VIL e, X. 6, 68, 105 Cerise a Belle Forme, VIII. b, 89 Cerise Buenaventura, VIII. b, 89 Cerise Gris-de-lin, II. q, 28 Cerise Royale, VIII. 6, 89 Cetewayo, V. b t 53 Chameleon, II. r, XL c, 29, 108 Chancellor, IX. b, XL c, 100, 108 Charbonnier, VIII. c, 95 Charles Dickens, V. a, VIII. a, VIII. 6 52, 85, 89 Chas. H. Morot, VII. n, 79 Cherbourg, VIII. c, 95 132 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Chestnut, 127 Chromatella, II. /, 26 Chrysolora, II. m, 26 Cincinnatus, VIII. b t 88 Circe, VII. q t 82 City of Haarlem, VII. a, 60 Claennond Goud, II. /, 26 Claermond Rose, II. e, 20 Claermond White, II. a, 18 Claermond Zilver, II. g, 22 Clara Butt, VII. h, 73 Claude Gillot, VII. a, 6 1 Claude Monet, VII. p, 81 Claudius, IV. h, V. fc, 45, 53 Cleopatra, IV. /, 42 Clio, IV. m, 50 Cloth of Gold, IV. k, 48 Clothilde de Lobel, VIII. b, 89 Clown, V. b, 53 Cochenille Due, III. /, 34 Cochineal, VII. 6, 63 Coffee Colour, XII. no Colbert, IX. c, 101 Colonel Astor, V. 6, VII. n, 53, 79 Colonist, VII. m, 78 Columbus, XL c, 109 Commandant, II. p, VIII. b, 27, 89 Commandant en Chef, VIII. b, 89 Comte de Cambridge, VIII. b, 89 Comte de Mirabeau, VIII. &, 89 Comte de Paris, VIII. b, 89 Comte de Vergennes, II. r, VIII. a, 29, 85 Comte de Warwick, VIII. c, 95 Comtesse de Fresnay, VII. c, 65 Constable, X. &, 105 Constantinople, XII. no Copernicus, V. b, 53 Coquelin, VII. a, 60 Coquette, VII. /, 69 Coquette de Belleville, XL a, 108 Coquette d' Orange, IV. A, 46 Coralie, IV. h, V. c, 45, 56 Cordelia, VII. n, 79 Coridion, IV. I, 49 Coridon, 128 Cornelia, VIII. a, 85 Corona lutea, IV. c, 39 Corona tardiva, 126 Coronation Scarlet, IV. g, 44 Corot, VII. p, 81 Correggio, V. a, 52 Corydon, VII. s, 84 Cosette, X. a, 103 Cosmos, VIII. b, 89 Cottage Boy, II. I, 26 Cottage Maid, II. e, II. , 20, 30 Cottager, IV. d, 41 Couleur Cardinal, II. t, 23 Couleur des Roses, II. d, 20 Couleur Ponceau, II. g, 22 Count of Leicester, III. *', 36 Cour Aimable, VIII. c, 95 Cour de France, II. s, 30 Couranti fulgens, IV. /, 42 Courbet, VII. /, 77 Couronne de Cerise, III. e, 33 Couronne d'Or, III. t, 36 Couronne de Roses, III. c, 32 Cramoisi, V. b, 53 Cramoisi Brillant, II. ', XII. 23, no Cramoisi Donat, VIII. a, 85 Cramoisi Pourpre, II. /, 21 Cramoisi Royal, II. /, 21 Cramoisi Superbe, 122 Cramoisi Valenca, VIII. a, 85 Cramoisi Violet, V. b, 53 Crepin, VII. b, 63 Crepuscule, VII. p, 82 Crested Crown, 124 Crimson Beauty, V. a, X. a, XII. 52, 103, no Crimson Flame, IV. e, 41 Crimson Giant, II. i, 23 Crimson Globe, IV. /, 43 Crimson King, II. *', 23 Crimson Pompadour, IV. /, 43 Crozy, VIII. 6, 89 Cupido, II. d, VII. /, 20, 70 Cyclops, VI. c, XL c, 59, 109 Cygnet, IV. a, 38 Cyrano Bergerac, VII. b, 63 Dainty Maid, II. e, VIII. b, 20, 89 Dal Ongaro, VII. o, 80 Dame Blanche, IV. a, 38 Dame Elegante, IV. a, 38 Danae, V. 6, 53 Dandolo, VII. /, 76 Dandy, VII. /, 71 Darling, VIII. a, 85 Daubigny, VII. e, 69 David Teniers, II. a, 18 Daybreak, IV. n, 50 D. Bois, VII. o, 81 Decamps, VII. /, 75 Decandolle, VIII. b, 89 De Gesner, IV. h, 45 De Keizer, II. i, 24 De Sacy, VII. , 74 de Vlieger, II. e, 20 De Wet, II. I, 26 Delphine, X. b, 105 Descartes, VII. d, 67 Diana, VII. a, VIII. 6, 60, 89 Diane Brune, VIII. b, 89 Dido, VII. T, 74 Didieri, IV. d, 41 Didieri alba, IV. a, 38 Didieri lutescens, IV. c, 39 Diogenes, X. a, 103 Distinction, II. k, 25 Dr. Ariens, VII. *, 74 Dr. Edward Jenner, III. /, 36 Dr. Hardy, IX. c, 101 Dr. Leyds, VII. a, 60 Do Little, VIII. a, 85 Dodoens, VII. a, 62 Dolores, VII. 5, 84 Dom Pedro, V. c, 56 Don Carlos, III. /, 34 Don Pcfuli, VIII. 6, 89 Donders, VII. i, 74 Donker, VIII. c, 95 Dora, IV. , 38 Dora Silberrad, VII. b, 63 Doris, IV. , 50 Dorothea de France, II, r, 29 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. 133 Dorothy, VII. q t 82 Douceur, VIII. a, 85 Dreadnought, V. b, 53 Dream, VII. p, X. b, 81, 106 Dreamland, X. b, 106 Due d'Aremberg, VIII. 6, 89 Due d'Autriche, II. s, 30 Due de Berlin, II. />, 27 Due de Bordeaux, III. h, 35 Due de Malakoff, II. p, 27 " Due de Montrose, VIII. c, 95 Due de Saxe Weimar, V. c, 56 Due d'prleans, IV. m, 50 Due Milton, II. i, 24 Due van Thol (cochenille), I., 17 Due van Thol (cochineal), I., 17 Due van Thol, Crimson, I., 17 Due van Thol, double, III. e, 33 Due van Thol, orange scarlet striped, I., 17 Due van Thol, orange maxima, I., 17 Due van Thol, red and yellow, I., 17 Due van Thol, red and yellow maxima, L, 17 Due van Thol, rose, I., 17 Due van Thol, scarlet, I., 17, 122 Due van Thol, violet, I., 17 Due van Thol, white maxima, I., 17 Due van Thol, yellow, I., 17 Duchess of Albany, II. d, 20 Duchess of Brunswick, VIII. a, 85 Duchess of Sutherland, IX. 6, 100 Duchess of Westminster, VII. h, 73 Duchesse, I., 17 Duchesse de Malines, VIII. b, 89 Duchesse de Modine, VIII. c, 95 Duchesse de Mouchy, VII. g, 73 Duchesse de Parme, II. p, 28 Duke of Cambridge, II. p, 28 Duke of Edinburgh, V. b, 53 Duke of Portland, VII. c, 65 Duke of Westminster, 128 Duke of York, XIII., in Dusart, II. , II. u, 24, 30 Dutch Prince, X. a, 103 Earl Douglas, VIII. c, 96 Earl of Warwick, VIII. c, 96 Early Dawn, VII. e, 68 Earth Globe, V. a, 52 Eastern Queen, IV. /, 49 Ebony, VII. /, 75 Eclipse, VII. i, 74 Edison, VII. e y VIII. c, 68, 96 Edmee, VII. /, 69 Edouard Andre, VII. o, 80 El Toreador, III. g, 35 Eldorado, IV. /, 48 Electra, VII. q, 82 Elegans, IV. /, 42 Elegans alba, IV. b, 39 Elegans lutea maxima, IV. i, 47 Elegans lutea pallida, IV. /, 48 Elegans rubra, IV. /, 43 Eleonora, II. q, 28 Elgiva, VIII. 6, 89 Elizabeth Pegg, VI. b, IX. b, 59, 100 Ellen, X. a, 103 Ellen Willmott, IV. /, 47 Elvira, IV. /, 42 Emanuel Sweertz, VII. e t 68 Emerald Gem, IV. h, 44 Emilie, VIII. 6, 89 Emily, VII. d, 67 Emin Pasha, IV. /, 42 Emma, VII. a, 62 Emmeline, III. c, 52 Emperor, VIII. c, 96 Emperor Alexander, VIII. b, 89 Emperor Maximilian, II. r, 29 Emperor Nicolas, VIII. b, 89 Empire, 118 Empress, III. /, 37 Empress Eugenie, III. /, 37 Empress of China, IV. /, 49 Empress Victoria, III. d y 33 Enchantress, II. t, 30 Endonio, VIII. &, 90 Enos, X. fc, 106 Erguste, VII. p, 81 Eric, IV. , 51 Eros, X. 6, 105 Esato, VII. a, 62 Esopus, X. , 103 Ethel Roosevelt, VII. g, 72 Etna, III. /, VII. 6, 34, 63 Eugene Delacroix, VII. p, 81 Eurasian, IV. n, 50 Europe, VII. 6, 63 Euterpe, VII. o, 80 Eva, IV. c, 39 Evensong, 118 Excelsior, 128 Excellentissima, V. b, 53 Eyebright, XI. c, 109 Fabiola, II. r, 29 Fabius, VIII. 6, 90 Fairy, V. c, 56 Fairy Queen, IV. n, 51, 120 Fanny, VII. g, 72 Fantasy, VII. 7, 75 Farncombe Sanders, VII. b, 63 Fashion, 124 Faust, VII. k, 76 Felicitas, III. a, V. c, 31, 56 Feu au fond blanc, VIII. b, go Feu Ardent, IV. g, 43 Feu Brillant, VII. a, 61 Feu d' Artifice, VII. c, 65 Feu de 1'Empire, VIII. c, 96 Feuerfackel, VII. b, 63 Fille Cherie, VII. q t 82 Fireball, VII. a, 61 Firebrand, V. b, 53 Fire Dome, III. /, 34 Fire Dragon, XI. c, 109 Firefly, IV. h, X. a, 44, 103 Fire King, III. /, VII. a, 34, 61 Flambeau, VII. a, 61 Flamboyante, VIII. b, go Flame, IV. h, 44 Flamed Crown, XL c, 109 Flamingo, II. e, VII. g, 20, 72 Flava, IV. /, 47 Fleur de Paradis, VIII. a, 85 Flora's Ornament, VII. /, 71 Fluweelen Mantel, 122 134 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Fontanelle, VII. , 75 Fra Angelico, VII. /, 76 Fran9oise d'Amboise, X. 6, 106 Frans Hals, III. h, V. 6, VII. /, VIII. b, 35, 53, 77, 90 Fraulein Amberg, VII. $ t 84 Fred Moore, II. k, 25 French Crown, XI. c> 109 Fulgens, IV. /, 43 Fulgens maxima lutea, IV. i, 47 Fulgens Sulphur, IV. /, 48 Fulmina, IV. /, 43 Gaiety, IV. k, 48 Gala Beauty, XI. c, 109 Galatea, VII. c, X. a, 66, 103 Galatica, IV. *', 47 Gare des Yeux, VIII. c, 96 Gargantia, VIII. c, 96 Garibaldi, II. *, IV. /, 24, 49 G. de Cordons, VII. 6, 64 G. de Salelle, VII. I, 77 Geefs, VII. m, 78 Celery Larate, VII. g, 73 Gellert, VIII. c, 96 General Boulanger, VII. a, 61 General French, X. a, 103 General Gordon, II. r, 29 General Kohler, VII. c, 65 General Ney, IV. h, 46 General Roberts, IV. /, 43 General Vetter, IV. c, 40 George, X. fc, 106 George Broadbridge, IV. d> 41 George Canning, VIII. &, 90 George Edward, IX. 6, 101 George Hayward, IX, c, 101 George Maw, VII. /, 70 George Sand, VII. a, 62 George Stephenson, VIII. &, 90 Georgia, VII. d, 67 Gerrarda, IV. h, 45 Gertrude, IV. /, VIII. a, 47, 85 Gesneriana albo-marginata, IV. b, 39 Gesneriana aurantiaca, IV. h, 46 Gesneriana aurantiaca maculata, IV. h, 46 Gesneriana aurantiaca Orange Beauty, IV. h, 45 Gesneriana Bridesmaid, IV, c, XI. a, 40, 108 Gesneriana ixioides, IV. i, 47 Gesneriana lutea, IV. *', 46 Gesneriana lutea pallida, IV, i, 47 Gesneriana major, IV. /, 43 Gesneriana oculata White Star. IV. e, 42 Gesneriana Rosalind, 124 Gesneriana rosea, IV. e, 42 Gesneriana rosea alba, 124 Gesneriana rosea albo-oculata, IV. e, 42 Gesneriana rosea Stella, IV. e, 42 Gesneriana spathulata, IV. /, 43 Gesneriana striata, XI. a, 108 G. F. Wilson, VII. d, 67 Giant, VII. I, 77 Gigli, VII. /, 77 Gilt Crown, IV. a, 38 Giotto, VII. o, 80 Giovanni, VII. c, 66 Gipsy, VII. o, 80 Gipsy Queen, VII. /, VIII. c, 75, 96 Glare of the Garden, IV. /, 42 Glaucopis, IV. d, 40 Globe de Rigaut, II. r, 29 Globe of Fire, IV. h, 45 Globe Terrestre, VIII. a, 85 Gloria, V. c, 56 Gloria Albarum, VIII. b, go Gloria Mundi, VIII. b, XI. c, 90, 109 Gloria Naturalibus, VIII. c, 96 Gloria Nigrorum, VIII. 6, 90 Gloria Solis, III, h, 35 Gloriosa, I., 17 Glory, VII. a, 61 Glow, VII. a, 61 Gluck, VII. n, 79 Gobertine, VIII. 6, 90 Godet Parfait, V. b, VIII. b, 53, 90 Golconda, 124 Gold Cup, IV. k, 48 Gold Dust, IV. i, 47 Golden Beauty, III. ;', IV. , 36, 47 Golden Bride of Haarlem, II. s, 30 Golden Bronze, IV. m, 50 Golden Crown, IV. k, 48 Golden Eagle, IV. i, 47 Golden Goblet, IV. , 46 Golden Horn, II. I, 26 Golden King, III. /, VIII. &, 36, 96 Golden Lion, II. I, 26 Golden Lion of Hillegom, II. /, 26 Golden Prince, II. m, 26 Golden Queen, II. m, IV. i, 26, 46 Golden Spire, IV. *, 46 Goldfinch, II. m, IV. m, 26, 50 Goldfinder, VI. c, XI, c, 59, 109 Goldflake, XI. c, 108 Goldmine, IV. m, XI. c, 49, 109 Goliath, V. b, VII. /, VIII. c, 53, 77, 96 Gorgeous, IV. h, 46 Goudheurs, VIII. c, 96 Goudvink, IV. m, 50 Gouv. Gen. van Rees, VIII. c, 96 Graaff van Beuren, V. c, 56 Grace Darling, II. /, 25 Grand Brillant, III. /, 34 Grand Conquerant, V, b, VIII. a, 53, 85 Grand Due, II. p, 28 Grand Due de Russie, II. r, 29 Grand Maitre, V. fc, VIII. a, 53, 85 Grand Monarque, V. b, 54 Grand Patriarch, VIII. c, 96 Grand Roi de France, VIII. 6, 90 Grand Turc, VIII. ft, 90 Grande Blanche, II. a, 18 Grande Fleur Blanche, VIII. a, 86 Grandissima, IV. m, 49 Grenadier, IV. h, 45 Gretchen, X. b, 105 Greuze, VII. m, 78 Gris-de-lin Pale, III. /, V. b, 37, 54 Gris-de-lin Superbe, II. /, 21 Griselle Gris-de-lin, VIII. b, 90 Groote Samson, VIII. c, 96 Grootmeester van Malta, II. r, 29 Grossi, VII. d, 67 Grotius, VIII. b, 90 Gryphus, VII. /, 77 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. 135 Guaricola, VIII. c, 96 Gudin, VII. q, 82 Gumma, V. b, 54 Guorgentia, VIII. c, 96 Gustave Dore, VII. /, 69 Haarlem, VII. e, 69 Habit Nuptial, VIII. 6, 90 Haidee, V. 6, 54 Halifax, VIII. c, 96 Halley, VIII. b, go Haltesse, VIII. a, 86 Hamlet, V. c, VIII. c, 56, 96 Hammer Hales, IV. h, 44 Harlequin, III. m, 37 Harry Veitch, VII. *, 74 Hatfield Pink, IV. d, 40 Hebe, X. 6, 106 Hecla, VII. f, 75 Hector, II. p, 28 Hecuba, VII. c, 65 Helianthus, III. A, 35 Heloise, V. 6, 54 Henner, VII. ', 74 Henri Jules, V. b, 54 Henri Vilmorin, VII. b, 64 Henri VI., VIII. c, 96 Henry VIII., VIII. a, 86 Henry Conscience, VII. c, 65 Henry Lyte, VII. c, 65 Henry Witte, III. h, 36 Hermann, III. h, 36 Hermann Schlegel, II. n, 27 Herschell, VII. /, 75 Herta, VII. d, 66 Herzogin von Hohenberg, VII. s, 84 Hesperia, VII. /, 70 Hillegonda Zilver, II. r, 29 Hippolyta, VII. o, X. b, 81, 105 Hitchcock, VII. b, 63 H. J. Elwes, VII. a, 62 Hobbema, 120 Hoola van Nooten, VII. e, 68 Hugo de Vries, VII. e, 68 Ida, IV. *, 47 Illuminator, IV, k, 48 Imperator Gris-de-lin, II. r, 29 Imperator Rubrorum, III. /, 34 Imperatrice de Maroc, VIII, 6, 90 Imperial, 118 Incomparable, VIII. b, 90 Indian Prince, IV. h, 46 Inglefire, 118 Inglescombe Pink, IV. d, 41 Inglescombe Scarlet, IV. g, 44 Inglescombe White, 118 Inglescombe Yellow, IV. *', 47 Innocence, IV. a, 38 Innovation, IV. c, 40 Irene, X. b, 105 Irish Beauty, IV. c, 40 Isabella, IV. c, 40 Isambert, VIII. 6, 91 Isis, VII. a, 60 Ixioides, IV, *, 46 Jacht van Rotterdam, II. r, 29 Jacob Maris, VII. a, 61 Jacoba van Beieren, II. a, 18 James Douglas, VII. ,'68 James Mclntosh, VII. /, IX. c, 71, 101 James Walter, VIII. c, 96 James Watt, V. c, 56 Jameson, VIII. c, 96 Jan I., VIII. &, 91 Jan Steen, II. a, 18 Jane Gray, X. b, 106 aune d'CEuf, IV. /, 49 aune Pure, IV. ', 47 e maintiendrai, V. &, 54 ean Bart, X. b, 106 eanneton, X. a, 103 enny, II. /, 21 . G. Baker, VII. 6, 63 oas, VII. o, 80 Joffre, X. a, 103 bhanna Matilda, VII. k, 76 ohn Bright, II. /, 21 ohn Fraser, VII. a, 60 ohn Lee, VII. d, 67 ohn Malcolm, VII. p t 81 ohn Ruskin, IV. n, 50 Jonkheer Schorer, VII. /, 70 Joost van den Vondel, II. g, II. u. VIII. b, VIII. c, 22, 30, 91, 96 oost van den Vondel, White, II. a, 18 os. Seysener, VIII. b, 91 oseph Israels, VII. k, 76 osine, X. a, 103 . Reynalt, VII. J, 76 ubilee, VII. m, 78 Judas Machabee, V. b, 54 Jules Janin, II. *', 24 Julia, VII. c, 65 Juliana, VIII. 6, 91 ulie King, VII. /, 70 ulie Virnot, VII. /, 71 ulienne, X. a, 103 uliette, X. b, 106 Jupiter, V, 6, VII, , 54, 74 Kanarievogel, II. m, 26 Karel de Moor, II. /, 26 Kate Connor, VIII. a, 86 Kate Greenaway, VII. r, 83 Keizerskroon, II. p, 28 Kentucky, VII. d, 67 Kepler, VII. /, 76 Kern, V. a, 52 King David, VII. a, 60 King George, X. 6, 105 King George V., VII. 6, 64 King Harold, VII. *, 74 King Lear, VIII. a, 86 King of Prussia, VIII. b, 91 King of the Reds, VII. 6, 64 King of the Scarlets, II. , 24 King of the Yellows, II. m, 26 King Richard, VIII. c, 96 Kingscourt, V. b, 54 Klopstock, V. &, 54 Koh-i-Noor, II. h, 23 Koningin Emma, VII. e, 68 Koningskroon, IV. k, 49 Krina, IV. /, 47 Kroeschel, VIII. c, 97 136 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. La Bastille, VIII. c, 97 La Belle Bertha, VIII. c, 97 La Belle Narine, VIII. b, 91 Laburnum, VIII. c, 97 La Candeur, III. a, III. , IV. a, VII. r, 31, 37, 38, 84, 122 La Candeur Lilac, III. I, 37 La Charmante, VIII. c, 97 La Che-ne, VIII. a, 86 La Cherie, VIII. 6, 91 La Circassienne, VIII. a, VIII. c, 86, 97 La Citadelle, III. h, VIII. fc, VIII. c, 36, 9i, 97 La Clarte, VIII. c, 97 La Complice, V. b, 54 La Coquette, III. , X. 6, 36, 106 Lac Bakhuyzen, II. , 31, 91 Le Cid, VII. /, 71 Le Flambeau, II. c, 19 Leghorn Bonnet, IV. /, 47 Le Martiens, V. b, 54 Le Matador, III. /, 34 Le Matelas, II. e, VIII. c, 21, 97 Le Miroir, V. b, 54 Le Mogul, V. b, 54 Lena, 118 Lenotre, VII. /, 71 Leo XIII., III. /, 34 Leonardo da Vinci, II. ;, III. h, VII. k, 25, 36, 76 Leonora, VII. e, 68 Leopold II., II. I, 26 Leopold de Rothschild, VII. *, 74 Le Petit Blondin, VII. q, 82 Le Printemps, X. 6, 106 Le Reve, IV. n, 50, 121 Le Roi, X. b, 105, 107 L'Esperance, VIII. b, 91 L'Etincellante, V. 6, 54 L'Hermite, XI. c, 109 Lilaceus, VII. o, 80 Lilas Grand Rose, VIII. 6, 91 Lilian, II. a, 18 Lilith, VII. /, 71 L'lmmaculee, II. a, 18 Lina, III. c, 32 Lina Schneider, VII. r, 84 L' Ingenue, VII. y, 83 L'Innocence, III. a, 31 Lioba, VII. p t 81 Lion d'Hillegom, II. /, V. b, 26, 54 Lion d'Orange, III. /, IV. h, 34, 44 Livingstone, VII. o, 80 Lizzie, VII. g, 72 Lola, X. a, 103 Longfellow, VII. e, VIII. a, 68, 86 Lonna, VII. /, 71 Lord Beaconsfield, III. d, X. a, 33, 104 Lord Byron, IV. /, V. a, 43, 52 Lord Cochrane, V. c, 56 Lord Curzon, V. b, 54 Lord Derby, II. a, 18 Lord Duncan, VII. b, 64 Lord Frederick Cavendish, IX. c, 101 Lord Grey, V. a, 52 Lord Hertford, VII. n, 79 Lord Iddesleigh, VIII. 6, 91 Lord Macaulay, V. a, 52 Lord Methuen, VIII. c, 97 Lord Rosebery, III. b, 31 Lord Stanley, IX. c, 101 Lord Wellington, VIII. 6, 91 Loreley, X. b, 105 L'Ornement, VIII. b, 91 Louis Cusin, VII. c, 65 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. 137 Louis XIV., V. c. 56 Louis Lenglart, VII. o, 81 Louis Mimmerel, VII. /, 70 Louise de la Valliere, VII. b, 64 Louisiana, VII. o, 81 Loveliness, VII. /, 71 Lucifer, IV. h, 46 Lucre tia, III. d, 33 Luminosa, III. /, 34 L'Union, VIII. c, 97 L'Unique, II. b, ig Lutea major, XII. no Lycidas, VIII. a, 86 Lydia, X. b, 107 M. Hoboken, VIII. b, 92 Maarten Zoorg, II. h, 23 Mabel, VI. a, IX. a, 58, 100 Ma Cousine, III. /, 37 McKinley, II. *', 24 McMahon, V. c, 56 Macrospeila, IV. /, 42 Maculata globosa grandiflora, IV. /, 43 Maculata globosa nana, IV. /, 43 Maculata ornata grandiflora, 125 Mme. Augan, V. b, 54 Mme. Barrois, VII. /, 70 Mme. Beynat, VII. /, 77 Mme. Bosboom Toussaint, VII. c, 66 Mme. de S(ael, IV. m, 50 Mme, de Tavernier, VII. c, 65 Mme. Gyzelaar, VIII. a, 86 Mme. Krelage, VII. /, VIII. b, 70, 91 Mme, Lethiery, VII. h, 73 Mme. Pombal, VIII. c, 97 Mme. Raven, VII. /, 69 Mme, Remina, VIII. 6, 91 Mme. Richebourg, VII. /, 70 Mme. Royale, VIII. a, 86 Mme. Schneider, VII. c, 64 Mme. Van den Hoef, VIII. 6, 92 Mme. Virnot, VII. n t 79 Mile. Prevet, VII, g, 73 Madras, IV. m, 50 Madrazza, VII. c, 66 Maes, II. *, 24 Ma Favorite, V. b, 54 Ma Fille Cherie, VII. q, 82 Ma Plus Aimable, II. p, 28 Mahony, VII. ', 75 Maid of Holland, IV. c, XI. a, 40, 108 Maid of Honour, IV. c, 40 Maid of Orleans, VIII. b, 92 Maidenhood, X. a, 104 Maiden Rose, VII. e, 68 Maiden's Blush, IV. b, VII. h, 39, 73 Maidie, 118 Maitre Partout, VII. b, VIII. b, 64, 92 Major Hofer, VIII. c, 97 Major Mason, VII. h y 73 Maleguide, VIII. c, 97 Maltese Cross, IV. e, 41 Mammoth, IV. g, 44 Mandarin, IV. h t 45 Mandranassa, VII. b, 63 Maneau, VII. /, 77 Manteau de Velours, III. /, 35 Marc Michelli, VII., g 72 Marcella, VII. *, 74 Marcellus Emants, VII. /, 71 Marconi, VII. /, 77 Marechal Marmont, VIII. c, 97 Marechal Mortier, VIII. c, 97 Marechal Niel, III. k, V. c, 36, 56 Margaret, VII. r, 83 Margaretta, X. a, 104 Margot, II. d, 20 Maria Edgeworth, V. a, 52 Maria Theresa, VIII. b, 92 Manage de ma Fille, VIII, c, XIII. 97, in Marianne, V. b, VII. a, 54, 62 Marie, II. q, VII. m, 28, 78 Marie Antoinette, V. b, VIII. b, 55, 92 Marie de Gourney, VII. q, 82 Marie de Medicis, XI. a, 108 Marie Louise, IV. n, V. a, VIII. c, 50, 52, 97 Mariette Barrois, VII. o, 79 Marjoletti, IV. c, 39 Markgraaf, XII. no Markgraaf van Baden, XII. no Marksman, IV. h, 45 Mark Twain, VII. o, 81 Marquise d'Argenson, VII. o, 81 Marquise de Westrade, II. s, 30 Marquise Incarnata, II. r, 29 Mars, II. h, IV. /, VII. a, 23, 43, 61 Martados de Mardoc, VII. 6, 63 Martino Capello, VII. a, 61 Mary Hollis, IV. d, V. c, 40, 56 Mary Lamb, VIII. a, 86 Massachusetts, VII. /, 71 Massenet, VII. g, 73 Masterpiece, IX. c, 101 Matins, X. a, 104 Mattia, VII. c, 65 Maugeron, VII. /, 77 Mauriana, IV. g, 44 Mauve Clair, VII. q, 82 Mauve Queen, X. b, 107 Max Leichtlin, VII. e, 68 May Blossom, VIII. b, 92 May Queen, IV. d, 41 Medea, V. 6, 55 Medusa, VII. b, 62 Melicette, VII. p, 81 Melpomene, X. a, 104 Menelik, II. h, VII. 6, 23, 64 Mere Brun, VIII. 6, 92 Merry Maid, IV. 6, 39 Meteor, VII. e, 69 Meyerbeer, V. c, X. a, 56, 104 Michael Angelo, VII. i, VIII. b, 74, 92 Michelin, VII. a, 62 Milkmaid, IV. &, 39 Millais, X. 6, 105 Millet, VII. *, 74 Millie, VIII. 6, X. 6, 92, 106 Miltiades, II. c, 19 Milton, X. 6, 107 Minerva, VIII. b, 92 Minr. Heemskerk, VIII. c, 97 Minister Roell, VII. a, 62 Minister Tak van Poortvliet, VII. b, 64 Minnesota, VII. a, 62 Miranda, II. /, VII. d, 21, 66 Mirandoline, VIII. c, 97 138 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Miss Blugbro, VIII. a, 86 Miss Doris Diggle, VIII. c, 97 Miss Hallen, II. /, 25 Miss Jekyll, IV. ;, 47 Miss T. White, VII. /, 71 Mississippi, VII. e, 68 Mr. Badier, VIII. c, 98 Mr. Dettmann, VII. o, 80 Mr. Kolkman, VII. , 74 Mr. van der Hoof, III. ;', 36 Mrs. A. B. Storey, VIII. 6, 92 Mrs. Barlow, VI. a, 58 Mrs. Beecher Stowe, V. b, 55 Mrs. Clarke, IV, t, 47 Mrs. Cleveland, II. d, VII. r, 20, 83 Mrs. Collier, IX. a, 100 Mrs. Elwes, II. q, 28 Mrs. Fair, X. a, 104 Mrs, H. Ward, VII. c, 65 Mrs. James Robertson, IV. i, 46 Mrs. Keightley, IV. *, 47 Mrs. Kerrell, IV. d, 41 Mrs. Langtry, II. g, 22 Mrs. Moon, IV. *', 46 Mrs. Potter Palmer, VII. n, 79 Mrs. Stanley, VII. g, 72 Mrs. Sybron, VIII. c, 98 Mrs. W. O. Wolseley, IV. /, 43 Modesty, IX. a, 100 Moliere, II. o, II, , 27, 30 Mommsen, VII. o, 80 Mon Bijou, VIII. b, 92 Mon Tresor, II. m, VIII. c, 26, 97 Monaco, VII. , 79 Monarque de France, VIII. c, 97 Mons. Bottemanni, VII. o, 80 Mons. S. Mottet, 119 Mons. de Feash, VIII. c, 97 Mont Blanc, II. a, 18 Montefiore, VIII. c, 98 Monument, II. g, V. c, 22, 56 Moonlight, IV. ;', 47 Moralis, VII, m, 78 Mosai'que Brun, VIII. b, 92 Moucheron, II. *', 24 Murillo, III. b, VII. a, 32, 60 Murillo Sulphur, III. A, 37 Murillo Yellow, III. /, 36 Mystery, VII. ;, 75 Napoleon, VIII. c, 98 Narbonensis alba, IV. b, 39 Narbonensis Yellow, IV. k, 49 Nauticus, VII. e, 68 Neger, VIII. c, 98 Negerfiirst, VII. k t 76 Negerin, VIII. c, 98 Neglecta ornata, 125 Negro, VII. /, 76 Nelly, II. fl, 1 8 Nemesis, X. 6, 107 Nerine, VII. a, 62 Netscher, II. o, 27 New Hampshire, VII. g, 73 New York, VII. m, 78 Newton, V. b, VIII. 6, 55, 92 Night, VII. /, 76 Nigrette, X. 6, 105 Ninette, X. 6, 106 Ninon, X. 6, 106 Niphetos, IV. a, 38 Nirvana, 118 Nizza, VII. q t 82 Noir Veritable, V. b, 55 Nonpareil, VIII. b, 92 Nora Ware, VII. q, 82 Norham Beauty, IV. n, 51 Norma, III. c, 32 Norman Knight, IV. g, 44 North Dakota, VII. b, 62 Nova Scotia, VII. &, 64 Nymph, VII. XI. a, 41, 108 Parisian White, IV. a, 38 Parisian Yellow, IV. , 46 Parkinson, VII. a, 60 Parmesiano, III. b, 32 Parthenope, VII. /, 71 Passe Prins Willem, VIII. c, 98 Paul Baudry, VII. /, 77 Paul Eudel, VII. q, 82 Pauline, IV. c, VII. g, 40, 72 Paul Kruger, VII. 6, VIII. b, 63, 92 Paul Moreelse, II. g, 22 Pelleas, X. b, 107 Penelope, VII. o, 80 Pensfce Amere, VII. s, 84 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. 139 Perfecta, XII. no Perle Brillante, VIII. a, 86 Perle Royale, IV. b, 38 Peter Barr, VII. /, 75 Petrus Hondius, VII. c, 64 Phantasy, VIII. c, 98 Phantom, VIII. c, 98 Philantroop, VIII. 6, 92 Philip de Co mines, VII. /, 76 Philistine, VIII. c, 98 Philomel, V. , 52 Phociea, VII. c, 65 Phoenix, III. /, VIII. 6, 35, 92 Phyllis, VII. r, 83 Picotee, IV. b, 39 Pieneman, III. h, VII. a, 56, 60 Pierre Loti, VII. m, 78 Pierrette, X. 6, 107 Pigeon, II. a, 1 8 Pink Beauty, II. e, 21 Pioneer, II. ', 24 Planifolia, IV. g, 43 Platystigma, IV. d, 41 Plurot, VII. e, 69 Plutargus, IV. J, 49 Plutarque, VIII. c, 98 Pluto, IV. d, V. 6, 40, 55 Polypheme, X. a, 104 Pomona, VII. &, 63 Pompadour, IV. /, 43 Pompe Celebre, VIII. c, 98 Ponceau de la Fine, VIII. a, 86 Ponceau sans Pareil, VIII. b, 92 Pontifex maximus, XI. c, 109 Potgeiter, VII. a, 61 Pottebakker, II. m, 26 Pottebakker Scarlet, II. i, 24 Pottebakker White, II. a, 18 Pottebakker White and Gold, II. &, 19 Potter, II. t, 30 Pourpre Aplatie, V. b, 55 Pourpre Celeste, VIII. c, 98 Preciosa, VIII. a, XII., 86, no Premier Gladstone, III. /, 35 Premier Mauve, 118 Premier Noble, VIII. 6, 92 President Carnot, VIII. b, 92 President Jules Faure, VIII. 6, 92 President Lincoln, II. o, V. b, 27, 55 President Perrier, VII. b, 63 President Roosevelt, VIII. c, 08 President Taft, VII. ', 74 President Wilson, VII, g, VIII. c, 72, 98 Pride of Haarlem, VII. c, 64 Pride of Inglescombe, IV, c, 40 Prima Donna, VII. g, 73 Primrose Beauty, IV. /, 48 Primrose Gem, IV. /, 48 Primrose Perfection, IV. /, 47 Primrose Queen, II, n y 27 Prince Albert, V. 6, 55 Prince d'Asturie, VIII. a, 86 Prince de Ligny, II. m, 26 Prince Eugen, VII. a, 61 Prince George, VII. b, 63 Prince Mauritz, VIII. b, 92 Prince of Austria, II. /, VIII. c, 25, 98 Prince of Orange, III. g, IV, h, VIII. c, 35, 46, 98 Prince of the Netherlands, VII. c, 65 Prince of Wales, III, e, V. c, VIII. c t 33, 56, 98 Prince of Waterloo, V. b, 55 Princess Alice, V. &, VII. d, 55, 66 Princess Amalia, VII. c, 65 Princess Beatrice, III. &, 32 Princess Ida, II. b, 19 Princess Juliana, VII. b, 62 Princess Marianne, II. a, 18 Princess Mary, VII. c, 65 Princess of Wales, III, /, 36 Princess Olga, VII. r, 83 Princess Royal, II. d y 20 Princess Wilhelmina, II. e, 21 Princesse Elisabeth, VII. /, 70 Princesse Helene, II. a, 18 Prins Hendrik, III. e, 34 Prins Maurits, VII. m, 78 Prins Willem, VIII, a, 86 Procles, X. b, 107 Professor, X. a, 104 Professor Balfour, VII. m, 78 Professor Francis Darwin, VII. 6, 63 Professor Keizer, IV. m, 50 Professor McOwan, VII. m, 78 Professor M. Foster, VII. 6, 63 Professor Oliver, VII. a, 60 Professor Rauwenhof, VII. b, 62 Professor Sargent, VII. b, 64 Professor Trelease, VII. o y 80 Prose, II. c, 19 Proserpine, II. /, 22 Prosperity, II. e, 21 Proteus, VIII. 6, 92 Psyche, VII. g, 72 Ptzepios, VII, /, 69 Purperkroon, III. m, 37 Purple Crown, II. h, 23 Purple King, V. b, 55 Purple Perfection, V. &, 55 Pygmalion, VII. o, 80 Quaintness, IV. m, 50 Quasimodo, X. 6, 105 Queen Alexandra, IV, I, 49 Queen Emma, III. e y 34 Queen Flora, VII. /, 71 Queen Mary, VII. /, X. b, 70, 105 Queen of Brilliants, VII. b, 62 Queen of the May, IX. b, 101 Queen of the Netherlands, II. c, III. 6, 19, 32 Queen of Pinks, II. e, 21 Queen of Roses, II. d> VII. /, 20, 71 Queen of the Violets, II. o, 27 Queen Victoria, V. b, VIII. 6, 55, 92 Queen Wilhelmina, II. e, 21 Rachel Ruisch, II. d, 20 Radamanthus, VIII. c, 98 Raphael, III. b, VII. /, VIII. 6, X. a, 32, 77, 93, 104 Ravenswing, VII, k, 76 Rebecca, VIII. 6, 93 Red Admiral, II, i, 24 Red Claret, II. *', 24 140 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. Red Crown, XI. c, 109 Red Hawk, II. , 24 Red Prince, X. a, 104 Red Standard, IV. g, 43 Regal Purple, V. 6, 55 Regentes, II. m, 27 Reine de Bresil, VIII. c, 98 Reine de Congo, VIII. c, 98 Reine d'Hongrie, VIII. b, 93 Reine des Abeilles, VIII. c, 98 Reine des Cerises, II. f , VIII. b, 29, 93 Reine des Fleurs, VIII. b, 93 Reine des Roses, III. c, VIII, b, 32, 93 Reine Esther, VIII. 6, 93 Reine Wilhelmine, VII. r, 83 Rembrandt, II. *,V.c, VIII. 6, 24, 56, 93 Remembrance, VII. s, X. 6, 84, 106 Renan, VIII. b, 93 Rendoline, VIII. 6, 93 Retroflexa, IV. ;', 47 Retroflexa Mars, IV. /, 43 Retroflexa Superba, IV. ', 47 Reve de Jeunesse, VII. p, 82 Reve d'Or, III. /, 36 Rev. Canon Ellacombe, VII. a, 61 Rev. E. Bourne, VII. g, 72 Rev. Harpur Crewe, VII. /, 70 Rev. H. Ewbank, VII. p, 81 Rev. H. H. d'Ombrain, VII. a, 61 Rev. Wolley-Dod, VII. /, 77 Rex Magnificus, III. /, III. n, 35, 37 Rex Rubrorum, fol. var. III. n, 37 Reynolds, X. a, 104 Rhinoceros, XIII., in Richard Owen, VII. e, 68 Richard Wagner, VIII. b, 93 Rising Sun, II. m, 27 Robert Lindsay, VII. s, 84 Robert Manning, VII. c, 65 Robinson, V. b, 55 Roi Cramoisi, II. , 24 Roi de Perse, VIII. b, 93 Roi de Siam, V. b, 55 Roi des Beiges, VIII. b, 93 Roi des Cerises, VIII. a, 86 Roi d'Espagne, VIII. b, 93 Roi des Mauves, VIII. b, 93 Roi Pepin, II. r y 29 Romeo, X. b, 106 Ronald Gunn, VII. s, 84 Ronner Kuip, VII. /, 71 Rosa, VII. /, 71 Rosa Regalis, II. e, 21 Rosalie, II. g, III. e, VIII. b, 22, 34, 93 Rosalind, IV. e, 42 Rosamundi, V. b, 55 Rosamundi Huykman, II. d, 20 Rose, VIII. a, 86 Rose Agreable, V. a, 52 Rose a Merveille, VIII. a, 86, 128 Rose Amusante, VIII. a, 86 Rose Aplatie, II. c, II. tt, 19, 30 Rose Beauty, IV. d, IV. e, 40, 42 Rose B6be, VIII. fe, 93 Rose Blanche, III. a, 31 Rose Bordox, VIII. 6, 93 Rose Cornelie, VIII. a, 87 Rose Crown, IV. 6, 39 Rose d'Amour, III. c t 32 Rose de la Fine, VIII. a, 86 Rose de la Montagne, III. c, 32 Rose de Nice, III. c, 32 Rose de Printemps, XIII., in Rose des Dames, III. b, V. a, 32, 52 Rose Gem, VII. r, 83 Rose Gris-de-lin, II. d, 20 Rose Hebe, VIII. a, 87 Rose Hill, VI. a, 58 Rose Luisante, II. e, II. u, 21, 30 Rose Mignon, IV. c, VIII. a, 40, 87 Rose of Holland, II. c, 20 Rose Parelschaafs, VIII. a, 87 Rose Pompon, IV. c, XIII., 39, in Rose Queen, IV. e, VII. g, 42, 72 Rose Riante, II, e, VIII. a, 21, 87 Rose Sanspareille, VIII. a, 87 Rose Superbe, II. /, 21 Rose Swan, IV. b, 39 Rose Tendre, II. d, VII. /, VIII. 6, 20, 71, 93 Rose Tertia, VIII. a, 87 Rose Triomphante, II. c, 20 Rose Unique, IV. b, 39 Rosea Perfecta, III. c, 33 Rosetta, IV. d, 41 Rosette, VIII. a, 87 Rosine, III. c, 33 Rosy Gem, VIII. 6, 93 Rouge Eblouissante, VIII. 6, XI. b, 93, 108 Rouge Eclatante, XIII., in Roxane, VII. g", 72 Royal Crown, IV. k, 49 Royal Pearl, VIII. b, 93 Royal Purple, 129 Royal Sovereign, II. m, 27 Royal Standard, II. s, 30 Royal Visit, XI. c, 109 Royal White, IV. a, 38 Rozekroon, III. e, 34 Rozenburg, III. e, 34 Ruban Gris-de-lin, VIII. b, 93 Rubens, II. A, VII. c, X. b, 23, 66, 106 Rubis Conder, VIII. b, 93 Rubra maxima, III. /, 35 Ruby Queen, VII. d, 67 Rufus, VII. d, 67 Saes, VII. g', 72 Safrano, II. /, III. k, 26, 37 St. John's, X. b, 107 St. Simon, VII. /, VIII. b, 77, 93 Salmonea, VII. g, 72 Salmon King, VII. b, 63 Salmon Prince, IV. h, 45 Salmon Queen, IV. d, VII. /, 41, 71 Salome, VIII. a, 87 Salvator Rosa, III. c, 33 Samson, II. i, 24 Samuel Barlow, VI. c, IX. c, 59, 102 Sanchia, 118 Sang de Bceuf, VIII. c, 98 Sanspareil, V. 6, 55 Sans Souci, VIII. a, 87 Sappho, V. 6, 55 Saracenica, IV. /, 42 Sarah Bernhardt, VIII, &, 93, 121 LIST OF TULIP NAMES. 141 Satin Gown, 118 Satin Rose, II. /, 22 Scarlet Beauty, IV. g, VII. a, 43, 61 Scarlet Emperor, IV. g, 44 Scarlet King, 123 Scarlet Mammoth, IV. g, 43 Scarlet Perfection, VII. a, 61 Schalken, II. *', 25 Scheltus, VIII. c, 98 Schiller, VII. *, 74 Schoonderwoerd, VIII. b, 94 Schoonoord, III. a, 31 Scotia, XI, c, log Scylla, VII. c, 65 Sealand, VII. o, 80 Segusiana, IV. /, 42 Semele, X. a, 104 Sensation, XII., no Sentinel, V. 6, 55 Shahzada, IV. g, 43 Shandon Bells, IV. c, 40 Sieraad van Flora, VII. /, 71 Sieur de la Motte, VIII. c, 98 Silver Bride of Haarlem, II. r, 29 Silver Crown, IV. a, 38 Silver Queen, IV. b, 39 Silver Standard, II. r, II. u, 29, 30 Sir Edward Grey, VII. e t 69 Sirene, X. b, 106 Sir Harry, IV. d, 41 Sir Joseph Hooker, VII. ', 74 Sir Joseph Paxton, VI. c, IX. c, 59, 102 Sir Robert Peel, V. c, 56 Sir Thomas Lipton, II. *, 25 Sir Trevor Lawrence, VII. /, 77 Sir Walter Scott, VII. c, 66 Snowball, III. a, 31 Snowdon, IV. a, IV. 6, 38, 39 Snowdrift, II. a, 18 Snowflake, II. a, 18 Snow Queen, III. a, 31 Snow-white, II. a, 19 Sobrina, V. c, 57 Socrates, V. 6, 55 Solfatare, IV. ;', 47 Sophrosyne, VII. g, 72 Souvenir, VII. ;', X. b, 75, 107 Souvenir de Carnot, VII. c, 65 Spaendonck, II. r, 29 Sparkler, II. i, 25 Sparta, VIII. 6, 94 Spotted Murillo, III. m, 37 Spring Beauty, VII. a, 61 Spring Cheer, X. a, 104 Standaard Goud, II. s, 30 Stanley, II. /, 22 Starlight, VII. c, 65 Stockport, IX. b, 100 Strangulata, IV. ;', 48 Strangulata picta, 126 Strangulata primulina, IV. ;', 48 Striped Beauty, XI. a, 108 Striped Crown, 126 Suaveolens alba, IV. a, 38 Sulphur, VI. c, 59 Sultan, VIII. c, 98 Sultane Favorite, III. /, 35 Summer Beauty, XI. a, 108 Sunlight, IV. g, 44 Sunrise, IV. I, 49 Sunset, IV. k, 48 Superba, V. 6, 55 Superbe, VII. /, VIII. 6, 71, 94 Surpasse Eclatant, VIII. b, 94 Surpasse Lion, VIII. c, 99 Suzon, VII. g, 72 Sweetheart, VII. 6, X. b, 64, 107 Sweet Lavender, VII. e, 69 Sweet Nancy, IV. b, 39 Sybil, VII. m, 78 Sybilla Merian, VII. o, 81 Sylvia, VII. /, 69 Tableaux Grof, VIII. b, 94 Tadema, VIII. b, 94 Talisman, VI. a, IX. b, 59, 101 Talma, VIII. c, 99 Tara, VII. d, 67 Tarquinius, VIII. c, 99 Tea Rose, III. A, 37 Teddy, VII. a, 61 Texas, VII. g, 73 Thalia, III. /, 35 The Admiral, X. a, 104 The Artist, X. 6, 107 The Baron, X. a, 104 The Bishop, VII. m, 78 The Bride, IV. a, VII. e t 38, 69 The Coon, IV. /, 42 The Dove, VII. ^,.73 The Fawn, IV. n, 51 The First, VII. c, VIII. b, 65, 94 The International, VII. d, 67 The Jester, 119 The Lizard, VIII. c, 99 The Moor, III. m, IV. /, 37, 42 The Nigger, IV, /, 42 The Shah, VII. d, 66 The Sultan, VII. k, 76 The Zebra, VIII. c, 99 Theeroos, III. k, 37 Themistocles, V. c, 57 Theodore Jorissen, VII. 6459, 6518, 6635, 6639, Gartenftora. 6710, 6754, 6761, 6786, 6887, 6895, Gossip of the Garden. 7193, 7253, 7440, 7920, 7991, 7998, Horticultural Magazine (bound up as Floricultural Cabinet, Annals of Horticulture) , Florist. Journal of Horticulture. Florists' Journal, Midland Florist. Garden, Revue Horticole, 144 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. KRELAGE'S TULIP BOOKS. Mr. E. H. Krelage of Haarlem possesses a most valuable collection of tulip mania literature and pictures. He also has^.many sale lists, and both coloured and uncoloured drawings of tulips of later periods. A list of many of these is given in SOLMS-LAUBACH'S bibliography in " Weizen und Tulpe," pages 106-116. OLD ARCHIVES. The archives of the towns where the mania was most in evidence, notably Haarlem and the Hague, contain many references to the measures taken to regulate and end the sales of tulips at that period. See the bibliography in SOLMS-LAUBACH'S " Weizen und Tulpe " ; also the references in Murray's article in the R.H.S. JOURNAL. LIST OF PRINCIPAL WORKS. The following are the principal publications and papers containing information upon Tulips, the most important being preceded by the date in thick type : 1561. CONRAD GESNER. Valerii Cordi annotationes, &c. &c. Tigurinus. In this omnibus book, partly edited and partly written by Gesner, we have the earliest illustration of a garden tulip. He also records the date and the occasion when he first saw it in flower. 1576. MATTHIAS DE L'OBEL. * Plantarum seu Stirpium Historia. Antwerp. Early notes on wild and garden tulips. I 577- C. GESNER. Epistolarum medicinalium, libri iii. Tiguri. Liber ii. ultima epistola ad Adolphum Occonem medicum Augus- tanum de dato 5 Nov. 1565. 1582. RICHARD HAKLUYT. Remembrances of Things to be En- deavoured at Constantinople. London. In this work we get the date fixed for the introduction of the garden tulip into England. 1586. PIETRO ANDREA MATTIOLI. De plantis epitome, &c. Frank- fort. Notes on early tulip species. 1588. JOACHIM CAMERARIUS. *Hortus medicus et philosophicus. Frankfort. 1597. JOHN GERARD. *The Herball or Generall Historic of Plantes. London. In addition to numerous illustrations there are notes on the intro- duction and cultivation of the tulip in England, with a list of species and varieties. There is a second edition of this Herbal emarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, published in 1633. 1599. RENWARD CRYSAT. Manuscript in the State Library at Lucerne. Collectanea, vol. ix. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library, but not always in the edition refered to here. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 145 1601. C. CLUSIUS. * Rariorum plantarum Historia. Antwerp. Many details of the early history of the tulip in western Europe. An indispensable volume for the historian. Both wild species and garden forms are included. 1608. PIERRE VALLET. Le Jardin du roy tres chrestien Henry IV. Paris. Six tulips are figured. From their long stems they look like late flowering varieties. In the later editions published in the reigns of Louis XIII. and Louis XIV. three pages of tulips are added. 1610. SEB. SCHEDEL. Calendarium. A manuscript at Kew, in which the first indication of a flower with split petals or a " parrot tulip " is given. 1611. C. CLUSIUS. Curae posteriores, &c. Antwerp. Information about T. Clusiana (persica Clus.) and other species. 1612. J. T. DE BRY. Florilegium novum. Early pictures of tulips. 1613. BASILIUS BESLER. Hortus Eystettensis. Nurnberg. The number and variety of tulips illustrated at this early date are of great historical value. Included are double flowers and also branching tulips. 1614. CRISPIN DE PAS (PASSAEUS). * Hortus Floridus. Arnheim. A book of extraordinarily beautiful plates of flowers, Tulips are well represented, especially in those copies which have the fourteen extra tulip plates. The pointed petals are characteristic of the period. There are both English and French editions. 1616. JEAN FRANEAU. Jardin d'Hyver ou Cabinet des Fleurs. Douai. A poem describing the fashionable flowers of the period, with copper- plate illustrations. Thirty tulips are figured and more are described, showing how much tulips were thought of by gardeners before the period of the mania. The author's personal notes are very interesting. 1617. Author unknown. Traite compendieux et abrege des Tulippes et de leurs di verses sortes et especes, &c. Paris. 1620. LANGLOIS (L'ANGLOis). Livre des Fleurs ou sont represented touttes sortes des Tulippes, Narcisses, Iris, &c. &c. Paris. A rare flower-book of the pre-mania period. Tulips occupy the greater part of the work. Its publication in Paris shows that the tulip had at this date become fashionable there. 1621. PETRUS HONDIUS. Dapes inemptae, Of de Moufe-schans. Leiden. In Part III. (Bloem-Hof), under the head of tulips, the author laments the spread of tulip-growing in the gardens of Holland, and points out that it is the sign of a fool only to cultivate one flower " Month by month and week by week, my garden gives ne"w sights." 1622-25. NICOLAS WASSENAER. Historisch Verhael aller gedenk- waerdigher Geschiedenissen. (Volumes v., vii., and ix.) Amsterdam. Historical details about the introduction of the garden tulip into Holland. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 146 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1626. J. D. DE BRY. Anthologia magna. Frankfort. A picture of a fine branching tulip is given on Plate VIII. There are also three plates of garden varieties. 1629, J. PARKINSON. * Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris. London. Many pages are devoted to tulips wild species and garden varieties are included. He gives a list of 140. There are many illustrations. 1632. P. LAUREMBERG. Apparatus plantarius. Frankfort. Many interesting sidelights on early tulip history are given in the author's enumeration of the varieties he has known. A blue tulip is mentioned as a pium desiderium. " Gesnerus . , . Clusius . . . Hondius . . . fatentur neque oculis, neque manibus se Tulipas caeruleas unquam usurpasse." 1633. J. B. FERRARIUS. De florum cultura. (Libri iv.) Rome. Notes on the growth and cultivation of tulips. Details about T. persica bicolor and T. bombycina. 1633. Author unknown. Theatrum Florae. Paris. Many illustrations of garden tulips. An earlier edition is dated 1622. 1637. Author unknown. Adriaen Roman, publisher. * T'Samen- spraecken tusschen Waermondt ende Gaergoedt. Haarlem. Most of our detailed knowledge of mania ways and customs comes from this work. It is an imaginary conversation between two weavers(?) about the buying and selling of tulips in the mad times of 1635-1637. In the two later editions (1643 and 1 734) other pamphlets are usually bound up with "T'Samenspraecken," I am unable to say if it is the case with the first edition. 1637. P- Cos. Verzameling van een meenigte Tulipanen naer het leven, &c. Haarlem. A catalogue of tulips of the year 1637. 1638 (c.). HENDRICK G. Pox. "Flora's Carriage of Fools." This painting by Pot is in the Municipal Picture Gallery of Haarlem, and is probably the original of a black-and-white caricature of the mania period. It is reproduced in Murray's article in the R.H.S. Journal for July 1909, p. 25. 1640. Author unknown. Meteranus novus das 1st Niederlandischer Historien. (Vierter Theil. Lib. 47-55.) Amsterdam. Historical reports concerning the mania and the special laws passed in connexion therewith. 1641. MATT. MERIAN. Florilegium Renovatum et Auctum. Frank- fort. There is a picture of a branching tulip on a plate numbered 8. " Tulipa serolina major polyanthos." 1641. EMANUEL SWEERT. * Florilegium amplissimum et selectissimum. Amsterdam. In this edition there are many pictures of the flowers of tulips with about half an inch of stem. There is a short Latin description of each. The first edition of this work was published at Frankfort and is dated 1612. 1643. Author unknown. * Floraes sotte bollen afgemaelt in Dichten en Sangen door verscheyde autheuren tot Amstelredam voor Cornelis Danckaertsz anno 1643. Haarlem. A supplement to " T'Samenspraecken," which was published bound in with the second edition. It consists of a collection of * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 147 satirical poems about the mania, and it also has a small reproduction of a caricature of 1637 entitled " Floraes Geeks-Kap," &c, 1645. BALTAZAR MONCORNET. Livre nouveau de fleurs tres-util pour Tart, &c. Paris. Moncornet was a painter, engraver, and print-seller. There are two examples of branching garden tulips on one of the plates, 1647. TH. SCHREVAL. Harlemias or eerste stichting der stad Harlem. Information about the trade of the mania period. Second edition, 1754- 1648. MARTINUS SCHOOCKIUS. Dissertatio physico-historica de Tulipis. Groningen. Information about the first flowering of tulips in western Europe. Another edition appears to have been published at Frankfort in 1680. 1651. J. BAUHIN and J. H. CHERLER. Historia plantarum universalis. (Vol. ii.) Ebroduni. Of value as bearing on the distribution of wild species. 1651. P. GASSENDI. Viri illustris N. C. F. de Peiresc, Senat. Aqui- sextiensis vita. The Hague. Note on the introduction of the tulip into France. See under G. Kraus, 1894. 1653. SIMON PAULLI. Viridaria varia Regia et Academica publica. Hafniae. A catalogue of plants grown in certain botanical gardens, e.g. Paris and Oxford. 1654. DE LA CHESNEE-MONSTEREUL. Le Floriste frangois. Caen. One of the earliest of floral monographs. It deals exclusively with the tulip, of which it gives full particulars concerning its origin, history, and cultivation. A curious allegorical frontispiece is bound in with the letterpress in some copies. This has the inscrip- tion Rouen, 1658. 1661. LEONHARD URSINUS. Tulipa de Alepo. Leipsic. Of little importance, 1661. J. S. ELSHOLZ. Theatrum Tuliparum. A manuscript in the Berlin library of the tulips in the Elector of Brandenburg's garden, 1661. RENATUS RAPINUS. Hortorum. (Libri iv. &c.) Paris. Rapin's poem is so often quoted that a reference to it cannot be left out in a Tulip bibliography. It has been translated into English by (i) John Evelyn, 1673, and * (2) James Gardiner, c, 1706. 1662. J. MARQUARDUS. De jure mercatorum et commerciorum singular!. (Vol. i. lib. ii. cap. I.) Frankfort. 1663. J. F. STAPELL. Tulipanen Geheimniss, &c. Lubeck. 1665. JOHN REA. * Flora seu de florum cultura, or A Complete Flori- lege. London. Tulips and their cultivation occupy many pages. In the first edition (1665) a list of 184 varieties is given. In the second (1676) it is increased to 300. 1666. A. VALLOT. Hortus Regius. Paris. The first mention of a double tulip, * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 148 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1668. ABRAHAM COWLEY. Poemata latina in quibus continentur sex libri plantarum. London. Few realize in what esteem Cowley was held in his day. Tulips occupy a space in the third book. Flora at the end of the fourth book says, in dealing with the rival claims of the flowers : " The vernal Praetorship, Thou, Tulip ! take." * There is a translation of the whole poem into English by Nahum Tate, published at London in 1 795 . 1669. ROMER VISSCHER. Zinncpoppen. Amsterdam. The rising passion for tulips is ridiculed. 1669. VAN AITZEMA. Saken van Staet en Oorlog. (Vol. ii. p. 504.) S'Gravenhaage. Copy of decree of the States-General of Holland dated April 20, 1637- 1671. W. A. STROMER VON REICHENBACH. Die edle Gartenwissen- schaft, aus Petri Laurembergii Rostochiensis horticultura, &c. Number g. The German edition of Lauremberg's "Apparatus plantarius " (see 1632). 1672. ABR. MUNTING. * Waare Oeffening der Plan ten, &c. Amsterdam. Details about happenings in the mania time. 1675. J. B. GENT. * New additions to the Art of Husbandry. London. A good example of the impossible means that were sometimes advocated to " make any Tulip of what Colour you please." Here two bulbs of equal size are each to be slit into two equal halves and then one half of each joined with " Cruel, or Yarn or Worsted," and then " clayed up very well all over " and planted. 1676 (c.). D. H. CAUSE. *De Koninglycke Hovenier. Amsterdam. Details of cultivation. 1678. Author unknown. Traite des Tulipes. Paris. Plagiarism of "Le Flo riste Fran gois," with some chapters omitted. 1681. JOH. FRISSCHIUS. Historische, Philosophische, en Politische Rustuuren, door S. de Vries. Amsterdam. References to the mania time. 1682. SAMUEL GILBERT. * The Florist's Vade-mecum. London. List of the best varieties, details of making and then arranging a tulip bed. Cultivation and the raising of seedlings are all dealt with. 1688. J. RAY. *Historia plantarum. (Vol. ii.) 1689. J. W. VALVASSOR. Die Ehre des Herzogthums Krain in reines Teutsch gebracht und mit manchen Erklarungen, &c. Laybach. A list of the 107 varieties cultivated in the palace garden at Gayeran, near Gottschee, in Carniola, with their commercial value. 1689. A. G. BUSBEQUIUS. Epistolae de rebus Turcicis. The famous account of Busbequius' journey to Constantinople as Ambassador of the Emperor Ferdinand, in the course of which he saw tulips in flower for the first time. The result was the introduction of garden tulips into middle and western Europe. An English translation of part of Busbequius' works appeared in 1694 entitled " Epistles concerning his Embassy into Turkey." 1690. TENZEL. Monatliche Unterredungen. Early references to double tulips and their value. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 149 1695. J. B. REIJNTKENS. Den Sorghvuldighen Hovenier. Ghent. The first twenty pages are devoted to the cultivation, &c. of tulips. This work is of great interest as it appears to be the original of the Dutch method of cultivation, &c. &c. in Van Oosten's work. (See 1700.) 1696. N. VALNAY. Connoissance et Culture Parfaite des Belles Fleurs : Des Tulipes rares, des Anemones, &c. Paris. An excellent little book, dedicated to the great Le Notre. The details about tulip-growing about Paris are especially interesting. 1699. Author unknown. Le Nouveau Fleuriste. Amsterdam. Full details of cultivation and a long list of just over 400 varieties. 1700. H. VAN OOSTEN. De Nieuwe Nederlandse Bloem-hof. Leiden. Full details of cultivation according to the Dutch and French ways. * An English edition was published in 1703 and again in 1711 under the title of "The Dutch Gardener." A French edition appeared in 1714 called "Le jardin de Hollande." 1701. OLOF RUDBECK (the elder). Campi Elysii. (Liber ii.) Upsala. Mention of a double yellow variety. 1703. L. LIGER. * Le Jardinier Fleuriste. Pans. Useful remarks on tulip cultivation and planting. 1706. Louis LIGER D'AUXERRE. * The Compleat Florist. Newly done into English, bound up with "Le Jardinier Solitaire," or "The Solitary Gard'ner. " London. Notes on cultivation &c., and " The Fable " of the origin of the Tulip. 1706. HEINRICH HESSE. * Neue Gartenlust. Leipsic. Long list of garden varieties. Notes on cultivation &c. 1710. JOSEPH ADDISON, An article in The Tatler(No. 218) for August 31, 1710. The names given to tulips and the pains and money spent upon them are ridiculed. 1715. J. S. ELSHOLZ. Neuangelegter Gartenbau. Leipsic. Lists of garden tulips in the garden of G. Krauss, a commercial florist at Ausburg. 1715. P. J. GARIDEL. Histoire des plantes qui naissent aux environs d'Aix. Aix. An account of the wild tulips of the district. Especially interest- ing in connexion with the neo-tulips. 1718. Author unknown. Arcana Hortensia. Constanz. Notes on how to grow good tulips, with a curious untranslatable charade (Rakel) on p. 52. This is a translation from the French, but both the names of the original author and the translator are unknown. Under the title " Wohl-bewahrte Garten-Geheimnisse " the work was published at Vienna and Niirnberg in 1756. 1720. J. G. SIMULA. Flora exotica. A manuscript in the S. Kensington Department of the British Museum, with tulips pictured on vellum. 1723. J. P. RICARD. Le negoce d'Amsterdam. Rouen. 1724. P. B. CLARICI. * Istoria e coltura delle piante che sono per fiore piu riguardevoli. Venice. The tulip part is interesting historically, and for its references to other works. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 150 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1725. EDWARD YOUNG. The Universal Passion. (Satire ii.) Prob. London. Young was famous as a poet in the beginning of the eighteenth century. A fashionable tulip-grower of the period and his Quaker servant are ridiculed in this satire. Compare the reference to The Taller, J. Addison, 1710. 1730. JOHN COWELL. * The Curious and Profitable Gardener. London. Notes on rearing tulips from seed, and on means to be adopted for " breaking " them. 1730* JEAN DE LA QUINTINYE. Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers, &c. Paris. In this edition there is a chapter on tulips, with a list of varieties. 1731. PHILIP MILLER. * The Gardeners' Dictionary. London. In all the editions of this famous work, under the head of Tulipa, there is a great deal of interesting reading. Cultivation and the raising of seedlings are fully dealt with. I 737- C. LINNAEUS. * Hortus Cliffortianus. Amsterdam. List of plants, with some illustrations of plants cultivated in the garden of George Clifford at Hartecamp, near Haarlem. Under Tulips we read, " Varietatem primarium dicerem Tulipam caule multifloro." 1739. J- A PLUCHE (L/ABBE). Spectacle de la Nature or Nature Displayed. English Translation by Samuel Humphreys. London. In volume ii. there is some interesting historical information about the tulip. Mr. Bentley refers to this in his articles on " The Florists' Tulip," 1894-95. 1741. J. C. BENEMANN. Die Tulpe zum Ruhm ihres Schopfers, &c. &c. Dresden and Leipsic, I745- J- W. WEINMANN. *Phytanthozaiconographia. (Vol. iv.) Ratisbon. Pictures of tulips, including three " parrot " varieties and one branched called " Tulipa polianthos ex albo et puniceo variegata." 1747. Author unknown. * The Compleat Florist. London. Five plates of tulips. One is of the Due Van Thol, which can be " planted in pots and set in greenhouses." 1750. G. W. KNORR. Thesaurus rei herbariae hortensisqne uni- versalis exhibens figuras, &c. Nurnberg. Curious picture of a parrot tulip, with both perianth and foliage laciniated. 1754. J. P. MOET. Traite des Renoncules, des (Billets, des Auricules, et des Tulipes. Paris. A plagiarism. It is largely based on the " Floriste f ran 9013 " (1654). (C/. 1678.) 1757. Biologia Britannica. (Vol. iv., London. A note by Hakluyt about instructions given to English merchants trading with Turkey. 1758. J. HILL. * A Method of Producing Double Flowers from Single. London. When it was all the rage to get double flowers, tulips naturally came in for much attention. Since " the parts of it are large and plain," Hill took it as an example of how the desired change might be effected. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 151 1760. NICHOLAS VAN KAMPEN ET FILS. * Traite des Fleurs a Oignons. Haarlem. Full details of cultivation and seedling raising are given. An English translation appeared in 1763 called " The Dutch Florist/' 1760. J. P. R. D'ARDENE. * Traite des Tulipes. Avignon. The most famous of tulip monographs. Fullest details of the flower's history, bibliography, nomenclature, and cultivation are given. There are two black-and-white engravings. 1764. [FuARD DE CASTEL.] L'Ecole du Jardinier fleuriste. Paris. The earliest picture of the covering for a tulip bed appears as the frontispiece of the ist edition (1764). It is wanting in later editions. 1764. JAMES JUSTICE. * The British Gardener's Director. Edinburgh. Some interesting items of information, lists of varieties and cultural details are given. 1767 VON BLAINVILLE. Reisebeschreibung besonders durch Italien, iibersetzt von J. T. Kohler. (Vol. v.) Lemgo. Tale of an Englishman named Matthews brought before a law-court for stealing (?) tulip bulbs. Tulip tales were not all of them of the mania time. 1767. J. T. JABLONSKY. Allgemeines Lexicon dei Kunste und Wissen- schaften. (Vol. ii.) 1767. NICOLAS VAN KAMPEN ET FILS. Description exacte et sincere des plus belles Jacinthes et Tulipes. Haarlem. Supplements were published in 1769 and 1770. These last were in English. A long list of all varieties of tulips with their descriptions offered for sale by this very famous Dutch firm of florists. 1768-72-86. CHRISTOPHER JACOB TREW. Hortus Nitidissimus. N urn- berg. Three volumes were issued at different dates. Pictures of single and double tulips, including several of the ' Due ' varieties. Notes on the early history of the flower and seedling raising. Most of the tulips have varietal names. 1769. J. ROSENKRANTZ. Der Hollandische Aufmerksame Gartner. Amsterdam. 1770-71. A. HANBURY. A Complete Body of Planting and Gardening. (In 2 vols.) Interesting original remarks on tulips. 1771. P. S. PALLAS. Reisen durch verschiedene Provinzen des russischen Reichs 1771 bis 1776. (Vol. iii.) Tulipa biflora. 1771. H. CHR. VON BROCKE. Beobachtungen von Blumen. Leipsic. Notes upon the estimation in which parrot tulips or monstrosities were held. 1771. JOHN DICKS. The New Gardener's Dictionary. London. In the article " Tulip " typical " early, middling, and late " popular varieties are fully described. Fig. 31 of the ' Cluster Tulip ' is noteworthy as evidence of its being then in garden cultivation, M. Bony has lately reproduced the same type, of which the pioneer is named ' Mons. S. Mottet.' 1772. J. BECKMANN. Physikalisch-okonomische Bibliotheck. (Vol. iii. History of the tulip mania* *. These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 152 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1773. Author unknown. Trattato de' Fiori che provengono da Cipolla. Cremona. A large space of this small work is devoted to the cultivation of the tulip and a description of the different species and varieties. 1778. T. MA WE and J. ABERCROMBIE. * The Universal Gardener and Botanist. London. 1779. P. VON STETTEN. Kunst-, Gewerbs- und Handwerksgeschichte der Reichsstadt Ausburg. (Vol. i.) Ausburg. 1780-1805. J. BECKMANN. Geschichte der Erfindungen. (Vol. ii.) History of the mania time 1635-1637. 1781. P. J. BUC'HOZ. * Collection coloriee des plus belles varietes de tulipes qu'on cultive dans les jardins des fleuristes. Paris. A collection of 40 (60 ?) coloured pictures of tulips which were then grown in and around Paris. Each variety is named. 1784. F. H. H. LUEDER. Botanisch-praktische Lustgartnerei. (Vol. ii.) Leipsic. Notes and extracts on the " breaking " of tulips. 1785. DOMENICO SESTINI. Opuscoli. Florence. The references to tulips show the esteem in which they were held by the great people in Turkey at this date. The third part of this work is entitled " Idea dei Giardini Turco-Bisantini, e Coltura dei varj Fiori che si fa nei medesimi." 1791. C. A. L. BELLARDI. "Appendix ad Floram Pedemontanum " in the Mem. de I'Acad. des Sc. de Turin. Notes on wild tulips. First reference to a wild red tulip in the district of S. Jean de Maurienne. 1792. JAMES HADDOCK. * The Florist's Directory. London. Cultural directions and the properties of a " fine variegated late Tulip" are given. 1792. JAMES HADDOCK. A Catalogue of Roots and Bulbs for Sale by James Haddock. This catalogue contains the names of 665 tulips at prices varying from 6d. to 6 6s It is probably a unique copy, and is in the possession of Mr. Harman Payne. 1794. JAMES HUDSON. The Florist's Companion. Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Hudson was a famous florist, and his notes on tulip-growing, &c., are presumably records of his own practice. His " properties " are copied from Maddock's " Florist's Directory." 1797. A. W. ROTH. Catalecta botanica. (Fasc. i.) Leipsic. Notes on T. acuminata &c. 1802-16. P. J. REDOUT^. * Les Liliaces. Paris. Numerous pictures, with descriptions and historical notes. 1804. C. L. NEUENHAHN. Zwiebelgartner. 1807. KARL GOTT. ROESSIG. Versuch eines neuen Systems die Varie- taten und Sorten der Tulpe, &c. Leipsic. " In paginis 75-78 literatura de Tulipis fuse exponitur." (Pritzel.) 1808. CHR. SCHKUHR. Botanisches Handbuch. Vol. i. Leipsic. 1810. HORDANT DE LAUNAY. * Le bon j ardinier, Almanach pour 1'annee 1810. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 153 1812-18. LEOP. TRATTINICK. Archiv der Gewachskunde. 1815. JOHN BECKMANN. History of Inventions and Discoveries. (4 vols.) London. This is a translation from the German by William Johnston. In vol. i. there is a good popular account of the mania. 1815. H. FR. VON DIEZ. Von Tulpen- und Narzissenbau in der Turkei, &c. Halle. A translation into German of the whole or part of two Turkish flower books, which contain the oldest known references to the cultiva- tion and properties of the tulip in the literature of that country. One work is called " The Habit of Flowers," and the second "Acceptable and Beautiful." 1816. J. J. BELLERMANN. Bemerkungen iiber die Tulpe Freunde zu Berlin Magazin f. d. neuesten Entdeckungen in d. ges. Naturkunde. Year vii. Berlin (?). Notes on T. acuminata &c t &c. 1819. E. LOISELEUR DESLONGCHAMPS. * Herbier general de 1'amateur dedie au Roy par feu Mordant de Launay. Paris. 1820. THOMAS HOGG. * Treatise on the Growth and Culture of the Carnation, Pink, Auricula, &c. London. Much of interest about the seedling raisers of the period and their methods. 1821 (c.). CHARLES MALO. Histoire des Tulipes. Paris. Contains notes on some species and other distinct tulips. The remarks under the head of " Tulipe a petales etroits " are of particular interest. Two catalogues, one of famous old varieties and the second of " Tulipes modernes les plus connues des Amateurs," are of value as a record of what was grown in and about Paris in the time of the author. In fact, the special feature of the work is its being written from a Parisian point of view. Some poetry and allegories are included. 1821. J. F. B. DE SAINT AMANS. Flore Agenaise. Agen. Notes on some species of tulips. 1822 and 1823. E. DE REBOUL. Nonnullarum specierum Tuliparum in agro Florentino crescentium propriae notae. Florence. Appendix, 1823. Discovery of the neo-tulips in Italy. 1824. J. F. LIPPOLD. Taschenbuch des verstandigen Gartners fur 1824. (Vol. ii.) 1829. JOHANN KACHLER. Encyclopadisches Pflanzenworterbuch. Vienna. Notes of T. Celsiana and T, praecox. [1829.] G. VROLIK. Over de Veranderingen welke de Bloembol staande deseelfs Wasdom, bij Tulpen ondergaat. 1829-32. ROBERT SWEET. * The Florists' Guide. London. Pictures of many of the best flowers of the early years of the nine- teenth century. The letterpress gives many details about their history and the men who grew the tulips. 1830. C. L. TREVIRANUS. Caroli Clusii Atrebatis, &c. Leipsic. Notes about Clusius and his interest in tulips. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 154 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1830. Author unknown. Tulpen und Staatspapiere. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handels des 17. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg. 1833. THOMAS HOGG. * A Supplement to his " Practical Treatise on the Culture of Florists' Flowers." Paddington. Of 280 pages, over a hundred are devoted to the tulip. Full details , of culture and management when the bulbs are out of the ground are given, A long and important letter from William Clark of Croydon is included. He was the most famous raiser and grower in the early years of the nineteenth century. 1835. THOMAS WILLATS, The Florist Cultivator. London. Price list of best tulips of the day. 1837. E. BERG. Die Biologic der Zwiebelgewachse. Neustrelitz and Neubrandenburg. 1838. E. DE REBOUL. Selecta specierum Tuliparum in agro Florentine sponte nascentium synonyma. Florence. See 1822. 1838. TRIPET (aine). *" Notice sur la culture des tulipes" in the Annales de la Societe Roy ale d' Horticulture de Paris. Tome ii. Tripet was one of the most celebrated of all French cultivators of the tulip. 1839. A. BERTOLONI. Flora Italica. (Vol. iv.) Notes on some neo-tulips. 1840. P. W. LOTHES. Bloemen en Bloemenhandel Tijdschr. van Gesch. Oudh. en Statistikte Utrecht v. van de Monde, Jaarg. vi. (Pp. 100-109.) Notes about the mania period of no great importance. 1840. H. GROOM. " On Tulips " in the Florist's Journal for July i, 1840. London. A famous grower's views on the properties and markings of English tulips. 1840. J. SLATER. * "The Tulip: its History," Floricultural Cabinet, April 1840. Interesting and important because of the references to old English florists of the early years of the nineteenth century. 1841. R. J. KAYE. The Floral Register for Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Cheshire. (Part I.) Bury. This publication appeared ^or several years about the above date. It gives a good idea of the popularity of tulip-growing in the North of England at this period. All the Shows were then held in public- houses. 1842. J. F. W. BOSSE. Vollstandiges Handbuch der Blumengart- nerei. (Vol. iii.) Hannover. 1842. C. MORREN. * Histoire litteraire et scientifique des Tulipes, &c. &c. Brussels. I 843- JOHN SLATER. A Descriptive Catalogue of Tulips, together with History, Mode of Cultivation, &c. London. 1843. R. TYAS. The Tulip : its Propagation, Cultivation and General Treatment in all Seasons. London. One of Tyas' Popular Flowers Series. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1 55 1843. Author doubtful ; ? G. GLENNY. " Cultivation of Tulips," in the Gardener and Practical Florist for 1843. London. Method of cultivation ; arrangement of the flower in the beds, covering for the same ; details of a tulip cabinet or cupboard to keep the bulbs in when lifted ; how to make a " proper stage, as it is most improperly called, or as we should say, a canvas house," for protection of the blooms, &c. 3:844. PILE. "Tulips and Tulip Fanciers," in The Gardener and Practical Florist for 1844. London. An account of some of the best-known tulip-growers in the thirties and forties of the nineteenth century, together with the prices paid for certain flowers. 1845. A. HENRY. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Laubknospen. Abth. iii. Nova Acta Leop. Carol. Vol. 21. Pars i. 1846. J. G. KRUNITZ. Oekonomisch-technologische Encyclopedic. (Vol. 190.) Berlin. 1846. Author unknown. *"The Gorgeous Tulip Bed." Annals of Horticulture. London. Queen Adelaide is mentioned as a grower of florist's tulips and an annual donor of a prize at Bushey Show. 1846. TRIPET (ain6). Traits' de la Culture des Tulipes. Paris. It is doubtful if a copy of this treatise exists. Le Texnier has not seen one. 1846. Author unknown. * A Descriptive List of the best Tulips, in the Annals of Horticulture for 1846. (Pp. 464-476.) London. Full descriptions of all the best show varieties of this date. 1847. G. W. HARDY. * " On the Perfection of Form in the Tulip," in The Midland Florist for 1847. (Pp. 105 and 141.) London. An exhaustive account of the various views of what constitutes perfection of form in a tulip. Compare Hardy, 1855. 1850. G. GLENNY. "The Culture and Properties of the Tulip," in The Florist's Guide for 1850. (P. 81.) London. Glenny may be called the Flower-maker of the nineteenth century. He was both a voluminous writer on the tulip and also a considerable grower of the flowers. His views on cultivation and properties ar here given in a succinct form. * In the Annals of Horticulture for 1848, p. 210, there is a similar article to the above entitled " Glenny on the Tulip." This should be consulted if possible. 1850. THILO IRMISCH. Zur Morphologic der monocotylischen Knollen- und Zwiebelgewachse. Berlin. Details about tulip droppers. 1851. A. BRAUN. Die Verjiingung in der Natur. 1852. CHARLES MACKAY. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delu- sions. London. One of the articles is a popular account of the tulip mania. No references are given, so it is impossible to verify some of the details. 1853. A. BRAUN. "Das Individuum der Pflanze." II. Abhandl. d. Berliner Akad. 1854. F. PARLATORE. * Flora Italiana. (Vol. ii.) Notes on neo- tulips &c. &c. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 156 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1855. G. W. HARDY. * " Some of the Chief Properties of the Tulip," in The Midland Florist for 1855. (P. 135.) London. A statement by a famous Warrington grower and exhibitors of the points that go to make an ideal tulip. 1855-56. ALPHONSE KARR. " Les Tulipes, " in the Musee des Families. Paris. A skit on the passion for tulip-growing. 1855. ALPHONSE DE CANDOLLE. * Geographic botanique. Notes about the distribution of T. sylvestris &c. &c. 1857. SHIRLEY HIBBERD. The Tulip : its History, Properties, Cultivation, Propagation and General Management in all Seasons. London. The tulip is one of the author's " Garden Favourites." [1860-66.] ALEXANDRE DUMAS. La Tulipe Noire. Paris (?). A famous tale of the years 1672 to 1673, recounting the vicissitudes and adventures of a tulip-grower, wrongly accused of a political offence. Obviously, in the opinion of Dumas, the mania did not for long, if at all, interfere with the hobby of tulip-growing. 1860 (c.). JOHN SLATER. * The Amateur Florist's Guide. Manchester. Contains much information about the history of the florist's tulip in the first half of the nineteenth century. Prices of old varieties ; Details of many famous raisers ; Lists of synonyms ; Cultivation and the physiology of the bulb are included. A book of great importance to the historian. 1860. A. CHABERT. " Esquisse de la Vegetation de la Savoie," in the Bull, de la Soc. bot. de France, vol. vii. Notes on T. Clusiana and other tulips. 1863. TH. IRMISCH. "Beitrage zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Pflanzen, Tulipa," in Bot. Zeitg., vol. 21. See Irmisch, 1850. 1865. H. W. T. TIJDEMAN. Jets over den Tulpenhandel. Verslag over 1865 van het provinciaal genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in N. Brabant. Notes on the tulip mania. Of no great importance. 1865. W. P. SAUTYN-KLUYT. De Tulpen- en de Hyacinten-Handel in de Mededeelingen gedaan in de Vergaderingen van de Maatschappij der Nederlandschen Letterkunde te Leiden, Amsterdam. The fullest and most reliable account of the mania hitherto (1865) published. The references to the original documents and works on which the article is based are most valuable. 1866 and 1868. A. JORDAN ET J. FOURREAU. Icones ad Floram Europaeam. (Vol. i.) Paris. 1867. De Verhandeling van Mr. W. S. Sautyn-Kluyt over den Tulpenhandel van 1636. Nederlandsche Spectator. 2 Maart. An important addendum, containing also some corrections to Sautyn-Kluyt's " De Tulpen en Hyacin then han del." See 1865-66. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 157 1867. T. CARUEL. " Di alcuni cambiamenti avvenuti nella Flora della Toscana in quest! ultimi tre secoli." Atti della soc. Ital. d. sc. nat. ix. Milan. 1867. H. W. REICHARDT. Ueber Carl Clusius' Wohnhaus. (Vol. xvii.) Vienna. Details about Clusius. 1870. H. GERMAIN DE ST. PIERRE. Nouveau Dictionnaire de Bota- , nique. Notes on T. sylvestris. 1871. T. CARUEL. " Statistique botanique de laToscane." Arch. d. Sc. phys. et nat. de Geneve, vol. xl. 1872. M. BOSSIN. * Les Plantes Bulbeuses. Paris. Interesting notes of tulip species and varieties, including " Tulipa pluriflora " : details about French growers and Tulip history in France : cultural instructions : and lists of varieties grown by a famous French and a famous Dutch tulip fancier, 1872-81. A. C. VAN EEDEN & Co. * Album van Eeden. Haarlem. Forty-five tulips are pictured and described. They are for the most part popular double and single early varieties of the day. The full edition, with the letterpress in Dutch, has 120 plates. There is an undated edition, with the descriptions in English, with only 72 plates, 1873. E. REGEL. * Descriptiones plantarum novarum in regionibus Turkestanicis collectarum. (Fasc. i. 1873 ; Fasc. ii. 1874 ; Fasc. vii. 1879.) Acta Horti Petropolitani, vols. ii.-vi. Notices of mid-Asian tulips. 1874. J. G. BAKER. * Revision of the Genera and Species of Tulipeae in the Linnean Society's Journal Botany, vol. xiv. London. A botanical arrangement of tulips. 1875. H. LORET. * " Sur les bulbes pedicelles du Tulipa silvestris," Bulletin de la Soc. botan. de France, vol. 22. 1878. E. LEVIER. "I TulipanidiFirenzeedilDarwinismo," Rassegna settimanale, vol. ii. No. 17. Roma. 1879. T. CARUEL. "LaquestionedeiTulipanidiFirenze." An article in the Soc. Toscana di sc. nat., vol. iv. Notes on the distribution of T. sylvestris, and the date of the intro- duction in different parts of Europe. 1879. H. J. ELWES. * " Notes on the Genus Tulipa," in the Journal R.H.S. vol. v. pp. 194-208. London. Notes of new tulips &c. 1880. H. J. ELWES. * " Notes on the Genus Tulipa," in the Gardeners' Chronicle, vol. xiii. p. 653. London. On the changes in tulips due to cultivation. 1880. JAMES DOUGLAS. * Hardy Florists' Flowers : their Cultivation and Management. London. Some few details of historical interest are given, but the reasons of this work being included are Mr. Douglas' remarks on the covering of tulip beds and Mr, S, Barlow's list of the best " show " tulips in all the various classes, * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. 158 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. 1881. W. O. FOCKE. Die Pflanzenmischlinge. Berlin. Hybridization notes. 1881. CH. ROYER. Flore de la C6te d'Or. 1881. E. H. KRELAGE. * " Tulip Thieves," in the Gardeners' Chronicle for 1881, part ii. p. 182. London. Notes on tulip " thieves." 1882. E. A. CARRIERE. * " Tulipe Pluriflore Roi des Bleues," in the Revue Horticole for Feb. 1882. Paris. Interesting account of a double-flowered branched tulip. 1883. W. O. FOCKE. ''BeobachtungenanFeuerlilien/'/foswos/flArg., vii. Bd. xiii. 1883. A. CHABERT. * " Origine des Tulipes de la Savoie," Bull, de la Soc. bot. de France, vol. xxx. About the neo-tulips of Savoy. 1883. J. G. BAKER. * " Revision of Tulipeae," in the Gard. Chron. (vol. xix.). London. Notes on botanical classification. 1884. MILE LEVIER. Les Tulipes de TEurope. Neuchdtel. A monograph reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences naturelles de Neuchdtel, tome xiv. A description and list of old and modern wild tulips found in Europe. " L' Europe a 1'epoque ou vivaient Gesner et Clusius ne possedat que 17 especes de tulipes ; aujourd'hui elle en possede 37." 1884. MILE LEVIER. L'Origine des Tulipes de la Savoie et de 1'Italie . Turin. This is a reprint from the " Archives Italiennes de Biologic," April 1884. A botanical and historical article on the origin of the neo-tulips. 1885 (c.). D. T. FISH. * Bulbs and Bulb Culture. London. Fullest details of cultivation for out of doors and under glass. Lists of some of the best varieties. Cottage and Darwin tulips were not at this period introduced into general cultivation, 1885. L. FILLET. "Les Tulipes de la Savoie," Revue Savoisienne. Annee 26. Annecy. 1886. F. D. HORNER and GEORGE KIDSON. Gardening for Amateurs. Hull. - The Rev. F. D. Homer was a very famous grower and exhibitor of tulips at the end of the nineteenth century. He wrote the tulip article in this little book. Cultural details and lists of varieties for show are its strong points. Second edition. 1887. E. PERRIER DE LA BATHIE. * " Tulipe Cardinal Billiet," in the Revue Horticole for Sept. 1887. Paris. Notes on the habitats of the Savoy tulips. 1889-90. W. O. FOCKE. " Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber Kreuz- ung und Fruchtansatz bei Bluthenpflanzen." Abh. d. naturw. Vereins zu Bremen, vol. ix. 1889. JONAS GRATZER. Lebensbilder hervorragender schlesischer Aerzte aus den letzten vier Jahrhunderten. Breslau. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 159 1889. J. POLMAN MOOY. * La Tulipe, son Histoire et sa Culture. Haarlem. A reprint of an article in the Revue Horticole for 1889, Nos. 10, n, and 12. Interesting lists of varieties recommended, with cultural directions, also an account of the mania. This small booklet has been translated into German. It is sub- stantially the same as the same author's article in the Boston Ann. Rept. on Public Grounds for 1888. 1890. F, COHN. Dr. Laurentius Scholz von Rosenau, ein Arzt und Botaniker der Renaissance. Deutsche Rundschau, vol. 63. 1891. W. RIMPAU. Kreuzungsprodukte landwirthschaftlicher Cultur- pflanzen. Berlin. 1892. FRANCIS D. HORNER. * " The Florist's Tulip," R.H.S. Journal, vol. xv. parts 2 and 3. London. A paper by a great enthusiast on the properties of an English florist's tulip, with some historical notes about the principal growers of the past and of his own time. 1893. G. E. MATTEL " I Tulipani di Bologna/' in Malpighia, anno vii. 1-2. Geneva. Notes on wild tulips and their distribution, e.g. T. sylvestris, T. Celsiana, &c. 1894. A. FIORI. " I generi Tulipa et Colchicum," &c., for the pighia, vol. viii. Geneva. Notes on T. sylvestris and T. Celsiana &c. 1894-95. JAMES W. BENTLEY. * " The Florist's Tulip," in The Journal of Horticulture between Oct. 25, 1894, and April 4, 1895. London . A series of articles, which give the fullest and most accurate account ever written of the florist's tulip. Mr. Bentley, who at the time of writing was the honorary secretary of the Royal National Tulip Society, is one of the best cultivators if not the best of modern times. 1894. MILE LEVIER. "Neotulipes, Paleotulipes," in the Malpighia, vol. viii. Geneva. Discussion about the habitats &c. of various old and new species tulips. 1894. G. KRAUS. Der botanische Garten der Universitat Halle. Leipsic. According to this author the tulip was cultivated in 1598 at Mont- pellier. If so, this is the first date we have for its introduction into France. 1895. A. FIORI. " Palaeotulipe, Neotulipe e Mellotulipe." Malpighia, vol. ix. p. 534. [1895.] D. M. D. * The Tulip. London. A small brochure, mainly dealing with garden cultivation. List of varieties is given. 1896. WILLIAM BAYLOR HARTLAND. Original Little Book of Irish Grown Tulips. Cork. An early catalogue of the " Cottage " varieties. Also interesting because of W, B. H.'s note on tulip names and for its reprints from * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library, 166 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. horticultural publications. (These catalogues in various years differ somewhat in their contents ; thus in 1897 there is an original poem called " The Violet and the Tulip.") 1896. TH. SCHUBE. Schlesiens, Culturpflanzen zur Zeit der Renais- sance. Breslau. 1896. J. VALEKENIER SURINGAR. " Hyacinthus Orientalis L. en Tulipa Gesneriana L." (From De Natuur, 1896, Afl. 5.) Details of the growth of the new tulip bulb. 1897. J. W. BENTLEY, F. D. HORNER, and C. W. NEEDHAM. The English Tulip and its History. London. The contents are three papers which were read at the great Confer- ence of the Royal National Tulip Society in Regent's Park on May 12, 1897. They are entirely concerned with the florist's tulip. Cultiva- tion and seedling-raising are very fully dealt with. Of much value to exhibitors of this type of flower. 1898 (c.). GEORGE NICHOLSON. * The Illustrated Dictionary of Garden- ing, with Supplement. London. Under Tulipa, botanical classification, propagation, and cultivation are shortly dealt with. Full list of species. 1899. H. GRAFEN zu SOLMS-LAUBACH. * Weizen und Tulpe. Leipsic. An indispensable book for the historian and botanist, as it deals in a very complete manner with the introduction of both the wild and the garden tulip into middle and western Europe. There is also a full account of the tulip mania and its happenings, together with an excellent bibliography, to the contents of which I hereby acknowledge my grateful indebtedness. 1900. P. HARIOT. * A review of " Weizen und Tulpe " in the Journal de la Societe Nationale d' Horticulture de France, March 1900. (4 e serie, tome i.) An interesting review of Solms-Laubach's exhaustive work. 1901. Council of the " Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollen- cultuur." Florilegium Harlemense. Haarlem. A practical continuation of the " Album van Eeden." Over fifty early-flowering varieties are figured. and described, and frequently de- tails of their origin are given. The text is in Dutch, English, French, and German, 1901. JOHN WEATHERS. * A Practical Guide to Garden Plants- London. Notes on seedling-raising and English tulips ; also selections of best varieties. Many English or florist's tulips are fully described. 1902. E. H. KRELAGE. * May-flowering Cottage and Species Tulips. Report on the Haarlem Tulip Trials, 1901. Journal R.H.S., vol. xxvi. p. 822. 1902. A. D. HALL. * "The English or Florist's Tulip," Journal R.H.S. vol. xxvii., part i. London. Notes on the classification, properties, varieties, and cultivation of the English or " Show " tulip. 1903. ED. ANDR. * "Tulipa Micheliana et T, Watsoniana," in the Revue Horticole for May 1903. Paris. Notes on the above species, Micheliana and Watsoniana. * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. BIBLIOGRAPHY, l6l 1903. M. MADELIN. * " Le Forgage des Tulipes en Angleterre," in the Revue Horticole for Sept. 1903. Paris. The early forcing of tulips in England. 1905. JOHN HOOG. * " Newer Wild Tulips/ 1 in Flora and Sylva, vol. iii. London. Details about some of the new tulips from mid- Asia, such as Tubergeniana, praestans, &c. A valuable article, 1905. GEORGES GIBAULT. * Etude sur la Bibliographic et la Littera- ture Horticoles Anciennes. Paris. This is a reprint from the Jour, de la Societe nationale d'Hort. de France for November 1905. It contains valuable notes on old French tulip and flower books. A reproduction of the scarce frontis- piece to the "L'Ecole du jardinier fleuriste" (1764) is given, with the information that it is only to be found in the first edition. 1906. E. GADECEAU. * " La Tulipe Flamande," in the Revue Horticole for June 1906. Paris. Properties of La T. Flamande, with a picture of an arrangement (or tent) for covering the blooms. Notes on their culture and on " droppers." 1906. AGNES ROBERTSON. * " The Droppers of Tulipa and Erythro- nium," from Annals of Botany, vol. xx. No. Ixxx. London. October 1906. Accounts of droppers in mature and seedling bulbs: Valuable references to other writings on the subject. 1907. LE TEXNIER. *"La Tulipe," in the author's series entitled "Essais sur THistoire de Quelques Fleurs d'Ornement." Paris. A small brochure, but full of information. The tulip in England, France, Flanders, and the Netherlands is dealt with in separate sec- tions. Others are headed "Lesfous-tulipiers," " Le Tulipes botaniques,' ' &c. &c: 1908. EMILE GADECEAU. Les Derniers Tulipomanes. Rennes. Details about some famous French tulip fanciers of the nineteenth century. A picture of " James Lloyd, a Ten tree de la tente abritant la collection ' princeps ' des Tulipes " shows what an old-fashioned tulip tent was like, 1908-12. C. HARMAN PAYNE. * The Florist's Bibliography, with the Supplement, 1912. London. Included in its contents is a full list of works which from a gardener's or florist's point of view deal entirely with the tulip. I am indebted to this little book for some of the items in this bibliography, and I here return the author my sincere thanks for his help. 1909. W.S.MURRAY. *" The Introduction of the Tulip and the Tulipo- mania," R.H.S. Journal, vol. xxxv. pt. i. London. A narrative of the spread of the garden tulip in Western Europe, and a description of the proceedings of the mania time. Black-and- white illustrations are given of some of the most famous varieties, and there are reproductions of two celebrated prints of the same period (i) Flora's Fool's Cap and (2) The Fool's Wagon. 1910. EDMUND DORING. Das Leben der Tulpe. Sondershausen. The growth and development of the new bulb is fully explained, * These books can be consulted in the Lindley Library. M 162 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. The illustrations are very helpful for the better understanding of the text. For the information of those not conversant with the tulip's ways, it should be stated that the bulb which is planted in autumn does not live to be taken up the following year, but that what is lifted is an entirely new one. This development and growth occupy the pages of "Das Leben der Tulpe." 1910. MIGUEL ZAMACOIS. La Fleur Merveilleuse. Paris. A play, the action of which takes place in the years 1635-36. There are references to some of the more famous tulips of the period, and also to the inns which played to a large extent the role of exchanges. La Fleur Merveilleuse is the tulip. I am unable to say if there is any foundation in fact for a large prize being offered at Haarlem for a special variety as is here as well as in " La Tulipe Noire "of Dumas postulated. 1911. JOHN WEATHERS. * The Bulb Book. London. Lists of tulips, with selections of the best varieties. The sections into which they are divided are : (i) Early and Bedding, (2) Darwin Tulips, (3) Florists' or English, (4) Parrot or Dragon, (5) Natural species. 1912; JOSEPH JACOB. * Tulips. London and Edinburgh. One of the " Present-Day Gardening " series. A monograph on the tulip dealing with its history, cultivation, and garden and show classification. A list of the best varieties in the different sections is given. There are eight very beautiful coloured plates. 1913. E. TH. WITTE. Tulpen hare geschiedenis beschrijving en behandeling een boek voor Liefhebbers die zelf kweeken willen naar Joseph Jacob. Amsterdam. This is a Dutch translation of Joseph Jacob's " Tulips." A few items of purely English interest have been omitted and certain parts have been expanded, e.g. the history of the tulip mania, Some additional black-and-white illustrations are included. 1914. KARL ORTLEPP. Monographic de Fullungsercheinungen bei Tulpenbliiten. Leipsic. A work on the doubling of tulips, with three illustrations. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Abercrombie, J. Addison, Joseph Aitzema, van Andre, Ed. Anglois, L' Ardene, J. P, R. d' . Baker, J. G. . Bathie, E. Perrier de la Bauhin, J. Beckmann, J. . Bellardi, C. A. . Bellermann, J. J. Benemann, J. C. Bentley, J. W. . Berg, E. . Bertoloni, A. . Besler, B. Blainville, von . Bosse, J. F. W.. Bossin, M, 1778 1710 1669 1903 1620 1760 1874-83 1887 1651 1772-80, 1815 1791 1816 1741 1894-95-97 1837 1613 1767 1842 1872 Braun, A. Brocke, H. C. von Bry, J. D. de . Buc'hoz, P. J. . Busbequius, A. G. Camerarius, J. . Candolle, A. de Carriere, E. A. . Caruel, T. Castel, F. de . Cause, D. H, . Chabert, A. Cherler, J. H. . Chesnee-Monstere u I Clarici, P. B. . Clusius, C. Cohn, F. . Cos, P. . Cowley, A. Cowell, John 1851-53 1771 1621-26 1781 1689 1588 1855 1882 1867-71-79 1764 1676 1860-83 1651 1654 1724 1601-11 1890 1637 1668 1730 * These books can be consulted in the Lmdley Lindley. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Crysat, R. 1599 Lueder, F. H. H. Dicks, J. . 1771 Mackay, C. Diez, H. F. von 1815 Maddock, J. Doring, E. 1910 Madelin, M. Douglas, J. 1880 Malo, C. . Dumas, A. 1860 Marquardus, J. . Eeden, A. C. van 1872 Mattei, G. E. . Elsholz, J. S. . 1661-1715 Mattioli, P. A. . Elwes, H. J. 1879-80 Mawe, T. . Ferrarius, J. B. 1633 Merian, M. Fiori, A. . 1894-95 Miller, P. . Fish, D. T. 1885 Moet, J. P. Focke, W. O. . 1881-83-89 Moncornet, B. . Fourreau, J. 1866 Monstereul, De la C. . Franeau, J. 1616 Mordant de Lauiiay . Frisschius, J. 1681 Morren, C. Gadeceau, E. 1906-08 Munting, A. Garidel, P. J. . 1715 Murray, W. S. . Gassendi, P. 1651 Needham, C. W. Gent, J. B. 1675 Neuenhahn, C. L. Gerard, J. 1597 Nicholson, Geo. Gesner, C. 1561-77 Obel, M. de 1' . Gibault, G. 1905 Oosten, H. van Gilbert, S. 1682 Ortlepp, K. Glenny, G. 1843-50 Pallas, P. S. Gratzer, J. 1889 Parkinson, J. Groom, H. 1840 Parlatore, F. Hakluyt, R. 1582-1757 Pas, Crispin de Hall, A. D. 1902 Paulli, S. . Hanbury, A. 1770 Payne, C. H. Hardy, G. W. . 1847-55 Pile, . Hariot, P. 1900 Fillet, L. . Hartland, W. B. 1896 Pluche, La. Henry, A. . 1845 Polman-Mooy Hesse, H. 1706 Pot, H. G. Hibberd, S. 1857 Quintinye, J. de la Hill, J. . 1758 Rapin, R. Hogg, T. . 1820-33 Ray, J. . Hondius, P. 1621 Rea, J. . Hoog, J. . 1905 Reboul, E. de . Homer, F. D. . 1886-92-97 Redoute, P. J. . Hudson, J. 1794 Regel, E. . ' . Irmisch, T. 1850-63 Reichenbach, W. A. S. Jablonsky, J. T. 1767 Reichardt, H. W. Jacob, Joseph . 1912 Reijntkens, J. B. Jordan, A. 1866 Ricard, J. P. . Justice, Jas. 1764 Rimpau, W. Kachler, J. 1829 Robertson, A. . Kampen, N. 1760-67 Roessig, K. G. . Karr, A. . 1855 Rosenkrantz, J. Kaye, R. J. 1841 Roth, A. W. . Kidson, Geo. 1886 Royer, Ch. Knorr, G. W. . 175 Rudbeck, O. Kohler, J. T. . 1767 Saint-Amans, J. F. B. Kraus, G. 1894 St. Pierre, H. G. de . Krelage, E. H. . 1881-1902 Sautin-Kluyt, W. P. . Kriinitz, J. G. . 1846 Schedel, S. Langlois 1620 Schkuhr, C. Launay, M. de . 1810 Schoocldus, M. . Lauremberg, P. 1632 Schreval, T. Levier, E. . 1878-84-94 Schube, T. Liger, L. . 1703-06 Sestini, D. Linnaeus, C. 1737 Simula, J. G. . Lippold, J. F. . L'Obel, M. de . 1824 1576 Slater, J. . Solms-Laubach, H. Loiseleur, E. 1819 Stapell, J. F. . Loret, H. . 1875 Stetten, P. von Lothes, P. W. . 1840 Sweert, E. 1784 1852 1792 1903 1821 1662 1893 1586 1778 1641 1731 1754 1645 1654 1810 1842 1672 1909 1897 1804 1898 1576 1700 1914 1771 1629 1854 1614 1653 1908 1844 1885 1739 1889 1638 1730 1661 1688 1665 1822-38 1802 1873 1671 1867 1695 1723 1891 1906 1807 1769 1797 1 881 1701 1821 1870 1865 1610 1808 1648 1647-1754 1896 1788 1720 1840-43-60 1899 1663 1779 1641 164 REPORT OF THE TULIP NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE, Sweet, R. . 1829 Vallot, A. . 1666 Tenzel ... 1690 Valnay, N. . . 1696 Texnier, Le . . 1907 Valvassor, J. W. . 1689 Tijdeman, H. W. T. . 1865 Visscher, R, . . 1669 Trattinick, L. . 1812 Vrolik, G. . 1829 Treviranus, C, L. . 1830 Wassenaer, N. . . 1622 Trew, C. J. . . 1768 Weathers, J. . . 1901-11 Tripet . . . 1838-46 Weinmann, J. W. . *745 Tyas, R. . 1843 Willats, T. . 1835 Ursinus, L. . . 1661 Witte, E. T. . . 1913 Valekenier Suringar, J . 1896 Young, Edward . 1725 Vallet, P. . . . 1608 Zamacois, M. . . 1910 AT THE BALLANTYNE PRESS PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE AND CO. COLCHESTER. LONDON AND ETON ,i< .!:,-::. ri ,'1' .:::/ 'li-l,,;: / BARR'S 1 MAY - FLOWERING | TULIPS 1 Have received the following Highest Awards : FOUR GOLD MEDALS . . Royal Horticultural Society. SILVER & SiLVER-GiLT CUPS, Royal Horticultural Society. NINE GOLD MEDALS . Royal National Tulip Society. Special Collections of Darwin and Cottage-Garden Tulips supplied suitable for gentle forcing in Pots and Bowls, and for the Flower Garden; also Mixtures for Naturalising in Grass, Parks, &c. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE BEST SORTS WITH VALUABLE CULTURAL HINTS, SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. BARR & SONS, 1 1, 12 & 13 King St., Covent Garden, London m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii linn 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ilium miiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii n L H. KRELAGE & SON HAARLEM (Holland). a nDnnnnnnDnnnDnDannnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnannaanannannnnan Krelage's Darwin Tulips. 3 " The highly honoured name of Krelage \vill always bo associated with the Darwin tulip. Often and often as 1 look on these lovely handsome flowers, as with varied elegances they pass from childhood to old age, or as they are seemingly changed from something very magnificent to something still more magnificent by the growing intensity of a Max sun, I silently thank the man who found them and who had the business sagacity to give them to the world. They are a type by themselves, stronger in growth than the old-time ' breeder ' of florist days, and xx ith a range of colour surpassing the ancient cottage varieties. "7 'he (iartlen, Novem- ber ii, 1911. "That they will prove to be the twentieth-century tulips there is not a shadow of a doubt. Twenty-five years ago they were practically non-existent; to-day their importance is greater than that of anv other type, and neither the brilliance of the mid-Asiatic importations nor the exquisite refinement *of the florist varieties can vie with them in popular estimation." REV. JOSEPH JACOB, "Tulips" (1912). Krelage's Rembrandt Tulips. "The Rembrandt tulips constitute such a distinct and attractive group that a few of the many beautiful varieties should be included in selections of tulips that bloom during the month of Max. In habit and in the size and form of their flowers the Rembrandt somewhat closely resemble the Darwins, with which all who take an interest in gardening are now familiar, but there is a wide difference in the coloration of the flowers of the two sections. The Darwins are self-coloured, while the Rembrandts have rectified flowers, and in all cases the combination of colours is of the most delightful description. As in the case of the Darwins and other May flowering varieties, the Rembrandts are of much value in the production of broad effects, but I prefer to grow them in such manner that their distinctive characteristics can be more readily seen and fully enjoyed than is possible when they are planted in large mass* s. 1 have grown them in various ways, but the method by which the greatest pleasure has been derived from them has been their arrangement in groups in the herbaceous borders. The Rembrandts, it may be added, were introduced some years ago by Messrs. Krelage & Son." GEORGE GORDON, in 1 'he Gardeners' Magazine, October to, 1908. D D D D B I D D D n D B B B D D 5 Krelage & Son have annually introduced, have come before the public. But it is not going to be so for ever. Seedling raising has been quietly and unostentatiously' going on both in Holland and at home. Three examples which Mr. Krelage exhibited before the committee leave no doubt about the results of his work. They are named lily-flowered tulips, but readers will have a better idea of what they are like if I say they are much after the style of retroflexa or elegans. The most beautiful one, Siren, secured the high distinction of a first-class certificate. Very Krelage's Hybrid Tulips. " Of late years . . . few novelties, beyond the new Darwins that Messrs. beautiful it is. The flower is of great substance, and it is of a lovely silvery rose shade, the exterior being of a deeper (one than the interior." The (iarden, May if), Catalogues will be sent free on application to E. H. KRELAGE & SON, HAARLEM (Holland). ESTABLISHED 1811. Established 1797. CUTHBERT'S Gold Medal Bulbs HYACINTHS. Awards at Royal Horticultural Societies' Spring Bulb Shows. 1909. GOLD MEDAL of the General Bulb Growers' Society of Haarlem for Best Exhibit. 1910. Ditto ditto 1911. Ditto ditto 1912. Ditto ditto 1913. Ditto ditto 1914. Ditto ditto 1915. Ditto , ditto and SILVER GUP. 1916. GOLD MEDAL of the Royal Horticultural Society. TULIPS. 1908. SILVER GILT FLORA MEDAL for Darwin and May flowering Tulips in pots. 1914. GOLD MEDAL of the Royal Horticultural Society for Early flowering Tulips in pots. 1916. SILVER GILT FLORA MEDAL for Early flowering Tulips in pots. BULBS, AZALEAS, AND FORCING PLANTS :: a Speciality. _ :: DESCRIPTIVE PRICED CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. R C rTTTTJBT?I>T SOUTHGATE, . & VI. LUlHDlil\l MIDDLESEX. , MIDDLESEX. 'Phone : Palmers Green 143. Telegrams : " Cuthbcr ts, Southgate. SUN-DIALS form very interesting features for gardens, lawns, buildings, and most useful to set the clocks of the house by. Their moral inscriptions in the form of mottoes and decorative beauty plead for their continuance. ANTIQUE SUN-DIAL AND PEDESTAL Without Base Stone, 5 5s. Od. . . K ;> .- : *., i V^--:m~" ->. ^'.'^^4^'-*'tirl ^JT. DIALS SUPPLIED WITHOUT PEDESTALS. Illustrated {Booklet with 'Des- criptive Articles on the jtfneroid Barometer, Magnetic Compass and Sun-T>ial, 'Post free on application. BOOK OF SUNDIALS By H. K. EDEN and E. LLOYD. Over 500 pages and 1,600 Mottoes, post free 31/6. This Book iscatalo{4ued,and cunbo&eenin the Library of the Royal Horticultural Society, Compasses Treated with Radium Compound for Military Purposes. FRANCIS BARKER & SON, LTD. Sun-Dial House, 12 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C. Telephone No. : 1091 Central. Guernsey Grown W. MAUGER & SONS GUERNSEY ENGLAND Offer the finest bulbs the world can produce. Give us a trial order and verify our statement. TULIPS a Speciality. Also DAFFODILS and CAPE BULBS. KELWAyS of Langport, SOMERSET, a t*J ^^ CQ CO z 1 I "3 r Id < O a Cfl "a s ^ D 09 CO