INDIAN S MEXICAN DICRAFT : ThcrRANOS ElESTER (OMPANYjnc Indieoi andMexiceoi Handicraft TRETAII: E MosilleiPeirk, NewMexico GENUINE MEXICAN DRAWNWORK, FIRE OPALS, ZARAPES, SILK SHAWLS, POTTERY, SILVERWARE,Etc. University of California Berkeley MAIN OFFICE BUILDING OF THE FRANCIS E. LESTER COMPANY, MESILLA PARK, N. M. THIS is an uncommon catalogue. It is a catalogue devoted entirely to native handicraft. It is the representative to the great majority of our customers the sole representative of our business ; a business that is confined exclusively to the sale of Indian, Mexican and Japanese handicraft. Ours is not a "curio business" that term which covers a multitude of sins for the average curio busi- ness sells more imitation stuff than true handicraft. This matter of native handicraft is an extremely interesting one. The American Indian is a skilled crafts- man; far more so than many of his white brethren. For generations he has been making beautiful and useful articles for the home, but just because he is situated in the far West and the Southwest of our country his products have only become known in recent years. Similarly, the Mexican workers in certain lines of handicraft have ab- solutely no equal, and their linen drawn-work, filigree jewelry, hand-woven sombreros and carved leather work are models in finish and beauty. The Japanese have in recent years invaded the" field of native handicraft, and are now producing many products that are useful and ornamental. These various articles of handicraft that we offer are not simply luxuries. Some of them are almost necessities and many of them, when once seen and appreciated , are exceedingly popular. The genuine Indian blanket is rapidly coming into general favor as a necessary article of furnishing for the home, because of its wonderful dura- bility, and therefore economy, and because it is sanitary, reversible, easily cleaned and makes an ideal floor rug. This catalogue, then, presents to you our offerings in the various branches of native handicraft. It contains a great deal that can be used to make your home more beautiful and to bring into it with a charm that little else can equal the truest examples of handicraft from the intensely interesting craftsmen of our native people. The catalogue has been prepared with much care, and I hope it will merit a careful reading at your hands. I want my readers to feel that in every transaction that they may have with us they are guaranteed fair, square treatment. Six years ago one little room and one clerk took care of our business; now we have 150,000 customers, distributed throughout every continent in the world and every state in America; a large, well equip- ped office building and warehouses, and a force of 50 to 60 clerks during our winter season. Just one thing is responsible for this wonderful and rapid growth: the fact that all who have dealt with us have been given liberal, square treatment, and we have in turn been given their good -will and confidence as an aid in extending our business. A modern system and an adequate force of stenographers make it possible for me to personally keep in touch with a large proportion of our customers. I am more than glad to give my personal attention to either orders or correspondence that are addressed to me by any of our customers. Yours in the interest of genuine native handicraft, Introducing our Sixth Annual Catalogue. The Sign of Genuineness President Our Terms, Conditions and Guarantee Genuine Goods. We sell only genuine handicraft, no curio trash such as that which is found in most curio stores. This is important, especially in the matter of Mexican drawn-work and Indian blankets, of which the output of genuine goods is very limited and the cheap imitations numerous. Everything that we send out is warranted to be exactly as represented, and our trade-mark shown below is a guarantee of genuine- ness. If any further guarantee is wanted we are glad to furnish our written warranty upon request. LOW Prices. We buy our goods direct from the native workers, some of whom are in our direct employ. This makes it possible for us to eliminate the fancy profits usually charged for articles of this kind. We deliver our goods to our customers, charges prepaid, for, in some cases, half the prices charged by the retailer for the same article over the counter. We must ask our customers, however, in comparing prices, to bear in mind the fact that we sell only the best, believing, as we always have, that in the end, for our customers as well as ourselves, " the best is the cheapest." Everything Delivered Prepaid. We prepay all delivery charges on everything listed in this catalogue, unless distinctly stated otherwise. Our customers thus know exactly what an article will cost laid down at their doors. Cash With Order. Our terms are cash with order. We cannot afford to sell at the low prfqes that we quote and open credit accounts. We save the expense of keeping accounts, deducting it from the cost qf our goods to the customer. Goods on Approval. To responsible persons, giving satisfactory bank references, we will send goods on approval with the privilege of examination and return within three days from date of receipt, in good condition. In such cases the customer is to pay transportation charges both ways on all goods returned. C. O. D. Shipments. Any order will be sent by express C. O. D., delivery charges prepaid, upon receipt of one-third of the amount of the order, which will apply on account, the customer to pay all charges on the sh pment if goods are returned. ( Safe Delivery Guaranteed. We guarantee the safe delivery of any order amounting to $5.00 or more. Under that amount we do not guarantee against loss in the mails, unless the customer sends 8 cents to pay the cost of registration. In the case of fragile goods shipped by express, which may be broken upon delivery, we replace broken pieces at half price, providing claim is made to the transportation company promptly after discovery of the damage. *te Orders Filled Promptly. We fill all orders the same day received. This is an important consideration, especially during the busy holiday season. Guarantee. We guarantee everything we send out to be exactly as represented. Anything received by a customer which is not in every way satisfactory may be returned and we will promptly and gladly either ex- change the goods for others of equal value or refund to the customer the purchase price, less actual transporta- tion charges incurred. No article made to order especially for a customer is returnable. Our business now the largest of its kind has been built up on the policy of pleasing customers. We treat them as we ourselves like to be treated fairly, squarely and liberally. Orders by Telegraph. Prompt attention is given to all telegraphic orders, from responsible persons. These should be sent to our telegraphic address, Las Cruces, N. M., from which point messages are telephoned to our offices. Special Terms to Canadian Customers. We have a large business in Canada, with several thousand customers. We can ship Mexican drawn-work to Canada direct from our 'Mexico house, and thus save the import duties into the United States. We give our Canadian customers the benefit of this fact. On all orders for ship- ment to Canada amounting to $5.00 or more, and for Mexican drawn-work only, a customer is entitled to select additional articles of Mexican drawn-work to a value of 40% of the amount of the order. Thus if an order is sent us for $6.00 worth of Mexican drawn-work the customer may select additional Mexican drawn-work articles to a value of $2.40 without cost. This offer applies only to orders for Mexican drawn-work. Special Terms to Church Guilds and Women's Organizations. For six years past we have made a specialty of shipping goods on commission to responsible church and similar organizations for sale at fairs, bazaars, etc. With a desire to forward the interests of such worthy bodies, and inaporeciationof the advertising our goods thus receive, we offer special terms to such organizations, which will be gladly furnished on request. Our References. One hundred and fifty thousand pleased customers on every continent on the globe and in every state in America; also Bowman's Bank (established 1884), Las Cruces, N. M., or any commercial reference. HOW to Order. Use our order blank if you have one; if not order by letter. Remit by Postal or Express Money Order, Bank Draft, Certified Check, or Registered Mail. If you remit by a personal check, add 15 cents for collection charges. If you send coin or currency, be sure to register your letter; if you remit us in any other way, you do it at your own risk. We cannot be responsible for money lost in the mails. We accept stamps in payment of orders amounting to $1.00 or less. Our Other Publications In addition to this complete catalogue we publish the following, any of which will be sent to any address upon the terms stated: Lester's Handicraft Talk. An illustrated publication issued not less than four times a year, containing interesting articles on native handicraft, and the cream of our frequent sale offerings of Indian, Mexican and Japan- ese handiwork. We make a nominal charge for a year's subscription a total of four or more numbers of 25 cents, a mere fraction of its cost to us. Add this sum to your first order; or we will enter your name for a year's free subscription with every order amounting to $10.00 or more, if requested. Indian Rug Booklet in Colors. A beautiful art booklet illustrating Navajo and Pueblo Indian Rugs and Mexican zarapes in actual colors. Sent to any address for 10 cents. Native Gems. An art booklet on native gems and birth stones, explaining our facilities for selling precious and semi-precious stones at "mine to customer" prices, and giving much interesting information regarding the description and significance of gems. Sent to any interested person free. The Mexican Sombrero. An attractive 16-page catalogue on the Mexican sombrero, with other offerings. Sent to any address free. Special Circulars on "Navajo Blankets Sold from Photograohs," also special lists describing individual Navajo blankets; Mexican Yucca Root, the hair preparation; and The Swastika. Address all communications plainly to The Francis E. Lester Company Mesilla Park, New Mexico Copyright, 1907, by Francis E. Lester. ermine Mexican Dra wnwork A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its Loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. KEATS. Our Mexican Workers Drawing the Threads THERE are all kinds of Drawn-work nowadays, and the enterprising department store has done much to place on the market cheap and poor imitations from Japan and Europe. A piece of Mexican drawn-work placed by the side of these inferior imitations is itself an eloquent tribute to this beautiful handiwork of the Mexicans. Genuine Mexican drawn-work to-day stands at the head of all forms of art needlework, and in quality, service and durability it is far superior to any other kind of drawn-work produced. This being the case, Mexican drawn-work is, naturally, higher in price than Japanese or any imitation. And yet people never cease to wonder that it can be sold at such low prices. A doily, for example, such as we sell for thirty cents, contains more handiwork, all expended on a single piece of pure linen, than the ordinary woman could complete in a whole day of painstaking effort. Some of the centerpieces offered in this catalogue for less than $5.00 require more than two weeks of patient toil to make. The drawn-work women of Mexico never reap any great financial gain by their craft. Theirs is more a work of love and devotion to the craft than one of gain. An Art Centuries Old For centuries even since before the Moorish wars of six hundred years ago the art of needlework has been faithfully preserved from generation to generation by the Spaniards, and by them passed down to the Mexi- cans. To-day the art of drawn-work is taught in every Mexican family where there are daughters. Among the poorer classes, more particularly, it forms the greater part of a woman's education. It is taught in many of the schools, and in practically all the homes. It becomes the ambition of every Mexican girl to acquire that ability necessary for her to complete an elaborate design in drawn-work or to see her handiwork adorn the altar of her church, THE FRANCIS E. LESTER COMPANY The intensely religious feelings of the Mexicans are evidenced in the women's handiwork. Many of the designs they use in drawn-work are sym- bolical and inspired by religious teachings. One of the oldest, and at the same time one of the most beautiful and durable designs, is that called the "cross and crown," a design of purely religious origin, in which the pattern takes the form of a Maltese cross alternated with a crown of thorns. The dove, with outstretched wings, is another favorite pattern, and on the more elaborate pieces the Mexican eagle is worked. The worker also draws her inspiration from the flowers, the trees and the various forms of nature with which she is surrounded; even the forms of the snowflake are utilized. The "Margarita" daisy and the little "no me Divides" or forget-me-not de- signs the latter to be found in the finer thread wheels are illustrative of the numerous floral patterns in drawn-work. The poorer classes of Mexico contribute largely to the output of drawn-work. Many of these live on isolated ranches, often fifty miles or more distant from the nearest town. The head of a drawn-work establishment "farms out" her work; that is, she places the pieces of plain linen in the hands of the girl and women workers, who quite frequently make not more than two or three trips to their nearest town in a year. It is due to this fact that it becomes a ver" tedious and unsatisfactory undertaking to have any special patterns in Mexican drawn-work made to order. The Quality We Offer The quality of Mexican drawn-work varies greatly. It has been our pride ever since we started our business to select the Mexican drawn-work that we buy from our workers with as much care and thought as our most discriminating customers would give to the pieces if they were to select them in our store. We take no culls, and we warrant our work to be the very best produced by these wonderful women of Mexico. Worker-to-Customer Prices The very low prices named in this catalogue for our genuine Mexican Drawn-work are only made possible because we sell direct from the native worker to the customer. The usual process by which a piece of Mexi- can drawn-work reaches the customer is through the hands of an importer, a jobber, a wholesaler and a retailer. Each has his profit to make, and with each, if at all irresponsible, there is the temptation to substitute a cheap imitation; so that when the piece reaches the customer's hands it is sold for an exorbitant price. Our method is different. We pay our Mexican workers for the drawn- work they produce; pay all import duties into the United States; charge a low and very reasonable profit and deliver it direct to our customer's address, all charges prepaid. This is the secret of the ridiculously low prices we ask. Variable Designs Because Hand-Made As in all truly hand-made work, there is always some slight variation in the patterns of each individual piece of Mexican drawn-work. The illustrations shown in this catalogue are fair and typical representations of the various patterns, and whilst we will gladly especially select articles in sets to match for our customers, there is always the likelihood of some slight variation. The drawn-work articles listed in this catalogue are only a part of those we regularly carry in stock, as we constantly keep on hand a large assortment of special pieces. How to Wash Drawn-Work We have so many inquiries from our customers on how to wash drawn-work that we are pleased to give below instructions, which we have found to be reliable. There is a satisfaction in buying a good piece of drawn-work from the knowledge that it will stand frequent washing. At the same time, the process of laundering should be done carefully, for no matter how well made the piece may be, it will not stand the rough handling of an ordinary washtub. Never rub a piece of drawn-work when laundering. If it is a small piece, place it in something like a screwtop fruit-jar and shake it well. If a large piece, put it into a muslin bag and treat in the same manner. Do not wring it out or twist it roughly, but squeeze the surplus water out carefully. In drying, it is better to stretch the piece, if possible, on a frame. All the Mexican drawn-work we sell is laundered by the Mexican women workers after making, and dried by mount- ing and stretching in a frame, as shown on page 24 of this catalogue. If a frame is not to be had, sew the piece over some such article as a clean cushion that will serve as a stretcher until the piece is dry. It is important that the purest soap be used. No manufactured soap, however, is quite as good as the dried root of the soap-weed, which is used in the laundering of drawn-work by the Mexican women. We offer this dried root for this special work on page 47 of this catalogue. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid BRAZILIAN POINT THREAD WHEELS Genuine Hand-Made Brazilian Point Lace Linen Thread Wheels The wonderful Brazilian point wheels made by the Mexican women are still as popular as ever for use as lace trimming. They are adapted extensively for making baby caps, trimming waists, edging handkerchiefs, and other forms of needlework. The wheels here offered are made entirely by hand from an extra quality of pure linen thread. The size of the thread used in the ordinary quality of all the wheels except the 5-inch size is No. 70 ; in the sheer quality, it is No. 100. In the 5-inch wheels No. 60 thread is used. Our wheels are much finer than, and superior to, Teneriffe wheels. The illustrations here shown are only typical of the hundreds of different patterns in which these wheels are made by our workers. Do not order the small wheels in patterns shown in the larger sizes, for they cannot be so supplied. The illustration given above is from a photograph of a few only of the designs taken from our regular stocks, and shows wheels from 1 to 5 inches in diameter. We keep on hand at all times an immense stock of these wheels. We can usually match any pattern, and can supply the wheels either assorted or alike, at the following prices. Price List of Wheels Each 1 inch in diameter, plain design $0.03 1 inch in diameter, worked designs 05 1 3-4 inches in diameter, worked designs 06 2 1-2 inches in diameter, worked designs 10 3 1-4 inches in diameter, worked designs 15 3 1-4 inches in diameter, worked designs, very sheer, exquisite patterns 18 5 inches in diameter, worked designs, heavy thread, No. 60 35 5 inches in diameter, worked designs, very sheer and fine patterns 50 Per Doz. $ .25 .40 .60 1.00 1.25 1.75 4.00 5.00 Order everything by its Catalogue number MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK DOILIES Brazilian Point Lace Doilies Nothing can be daintier than these beautifu lace wheel doilies for table or bureau purposes Being made entirely by hand from pure linei thread, they are durable and can be cleaned am washed well. They are altogether a superior am different article to Teneriffe goods. For special prices on matched sets of whee centerpieces and doilies see page 17 of this cata logue. ALL WHEEL DOILIES Made entirely by hand from fine, all-linen Bra zilian point wheels, worked in beautiful designs Special value and one of our best sellers. No. 005 5 inches in diameter; made of one 3}-inch worked and ten 1-inch plain wheels $0.3 No. 070 7 inches in diameter; made of one 3}-inch worked and eight 2-inch worked wheels; as illus- trated 6 No. Oil 11' inches in diameter; made of seven Si- inch worked, surrounded by thirty 1-inch plain wheels; an exquisite piece of handiwork 2.0i WHEEL DOILIES Entirely hand-made, with center of fine, shee linen, surrounded by linen thread wheels, an< nicely buttonholed. No. 007 7 inches in diameter; with eight If-inch worked and 20 one-inch plain wheels surrounding center; as illustrated $1.1 No. 0116 11 inches in diameter; with six fine 3i-inch worked and 27 one-inch plain wheels surrounding center; a beautiful piece 2.0' WHEEL DOILIES Entirely hand-made, with center of fine linen surrounded by linen thread wheels; well made No. 005 5 inches in diameter; 8 one-inch plain wheels surrounding linen center $0.3' No. 006 6 inches in diameter; eight li-inch worked wheels around linen center 6< No. 008 8 inches in diameter; eight 2Hnch worked wheels around linen center; as illustrated 1.0 No. 010 10 inches in diameter; ten 2-inch worked wheels around linen center; fine value 1.31 WHEEL DOILY Entirely hand-made, a beautiful article, witl center of sheer handkerchief linen surrounded bj six 3^-inch sheer, worked wheels, joined ty thread fans. No. 0106 10 inches in diameter, as illustrated $1.71 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK DOILIES Mexican Drawn -Work Doilies We offer on the next two pages an extensive assortment of all hand-made Mexican drawn-work doilies in all patterns and sizes. We have other special doilies on hand at all times, some in exclusive designs, and will be glad to give particu- lars, but the line here shown will meet most needs. For special prices on centerpiece and doily sets to match, see page 17 of this catalogue. FRINGED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, in pure linen of strong, serviceable quality; good value. row drawn-work; NO. 154 4 inches each Per dozen No. 156 6 inches square; as illustrated, each Per dozen No. 158 6 inches square; square; one $0.10 90 two rows drawn-work; 25 2.70 two rows drawn-work; as illustrated, each .................... . ...... 30 Per dozen .................... . . 3.20 FRINGED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, from good, serviceable linen, with one row drawn- work and worked cen- ters; good value. No. 126 6 inches square, as illustrated, each ...... $0.30 Per dozen ................................... 3.20 No. 128 8 inches square, as illustrated, each Per dozen... 40 4.25 HEMSTITCHED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, in pure linen of good wearing quality, with one row drawn- work and all-worked center. No. 146 6 inches square, as illustrated, each $0.35 Per dozen 4.00 No. 148 8 inches square, as illustrated, each 45 Per dozen 4.85 HEMSTITCHED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, from an extra quality of fine lawn; very dainty and delicate. Two rows drawn-work with center all worked "in pretty designs. No. 136 6 inches square, as illustrated, each $0.45 Per dozen 4.75 No. 138 8 inches square, as illustrated, each 65 Per dozen . . 7.00 Order everything by ^catalogue number MEXICAN DRAWN- WORK DOILIES Hemstitched Doilies Entirely hand-made, in a pure linen especially selected for service. Our leading seller in a hem- stitched doily and splendid value. Two rows drawn-work, except as stated. Doilies 114, 116, and 118 match centerpieces 3110 to 3150 on page 13. No. 114 4 inches square; one row drawn-work; each ..$0.12 Per dozen 1.25 No. 116 6 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated, each 25 Per dozen 2.65 No. 118 8 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated, each 35 Per dozen 3.50 No. 1110 10 inches square; two rows drawn-work, the outer row being wider and in worked designs; as illustrated, each 55 Per dozen 7.00 No. 1112 12 inches square; two rows drawn-work like No. 1110 75 Per dozen 8.50 No. 1115 15 inches square; a center; two rows drawn-work like No. 1110, but outer row heavily worked 1.25 Per dozen. 14.50 FINE HEMSTITCHED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, in an extra fine quality of pure Irish linen which matches that in center- pieces Nos. 3612 to 3650, and scarfs Nos. 6632 to 6670, thus making it possible to secure sets per- fectly matched in linen and work. Beautifully finished with two rows of drawn-work and worked corners. No. 166 6 inches square, as illustrated, each $0.40 Per dozen 4.25 No. 168 8 inches square, as illustrated, each 55 Per dozen 6.00 No. 1610 10 inches square, as illustrated, each 85 Per dozen. . 9.50 HEMSTITCHED DOILIES Entirely hand-made, in an extra quality of round thread Irish linen. One row drawn- work with center worked in the "Cross and Crown" design. Finest handiwork throughout. No. 175 is usually finished up with all worked center. No. 175 5 inches square, each $0.50 Per dozen 5.75 No. 176 6 inches square, as illustrated, each 65 Per dozen 7.25 No. 178 8 inches square, as illustrated, each 85 Per dozen 9.50 No. 1710 10 inches square, as illustrated, each. . . . 1.25 No. 1712 12 inches square, as illustrated, each. . . . 1.85 HEMSTITCHED DOILY Entirely hand-made, in a good quality of linen. Two rows drawn-work with twelve heavily -worked one-inch linen wheels inserted. Very good value for the price. No. 1910 10 inches square, as illustrated, each. . . .$0.85 All prices in this Catalogue include<,delivery charges'prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK HANDKERCHIEFS Mexican Drawn -Work Handkerchiefs The genuine hand-made Mexican drawn-work handkerchief is the finest product in hand-made handkerchiefs to-day. The popularity of the many patterns that we offer has increased tre- mendously in the past few years. All of the handkerchiefs listed below will be found of very superior quality for the prices named, as no inferior work whatever is offered. Only Mexican drawn-work handkerchiefs are here listed; other excellent values will be found on page 29 of this catalogue. HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS Entirely hand-made, with one row of nicely- worked drawn-work. No. 410 11 inches square; French lawn; as illus- trated $0.50 No. 411 11 inches square; fine lawn of extra quality, as illustrated 70 No. 414 11 inches square, all pure, sheer linen, as illustrated... . 1.00 PICOT EDGE HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made, nicely worked with picot edge and lace effect. No. 420 11 inches square; fine lawn; as illustrated .$0.70 PICOT EDGE HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; picot edge, well and closely worked; one row of drawn-work; excellent value. No. 421 11 inches square; fine, sheer lawn; as illustrated. . . $1.00 HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; with one wide row drawn- work and each inside corner nicely worked. Good quality. No. 413 11 inches square; fine, sheer lawn; as illustrated... $1.00 "NATIVE GEMS" If you are interested in the purchase of any precious or semi-precious stone, send to us for our free art cata- logue entitled, " Native Gems," showing twelve kinds of precious stones in actual colors, and giving much inter- esting information about jewels, birth stones, etc. Order everything by its catalogue number 10 MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK HANDKERCHIEFS Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Entirely hand-made; with one wide and one narrow row of drawn-work; good value. No. 417 11 inches square; good, sheer lawn; as illustrated $0.85 No. 412 11 inches square; good, sheer linen; as illustrated . 1.10 HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made with two rows of drawn- work. No. 415 11 inches square; all pure linen; as illus- trated $1.25 HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; with three rows of drawn- work. No. 418 11 inches square; all pure linen; as illus- trated $1.50 HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; with one row and worked corners in the finest quality of drawn-work. A beautifully finished handkerchief. No. 416 11 inches square; finest sheer linen; as illustrated $2.00 Quitman, Ga. The handkerchiefs ordered from you are received. I am delighted. (Name furnished on request.) Marietta, Ohio. The handkerchief arrived this A. M., and I am not only well pleased but just delighton with it, and I feel that I must write you a line and tnank you for your prompt attention in sending it so soou. Jf will do what I can to- wards having my friends send *o you. (Name furnished on request.) St. Paul, Minn. I received my last order of goods and wish to thank you for the promptness which you have always shown in fill- ing my orders. I was delighted with the valuable piece and certainly appreciate your just and generous method of dealing. (Name furnished on request.) All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK HANDKERCHIEFS 11 Picot Edge Handkerchief Entirely hand-made; picot edge, well and closely worked, with the edge heavily finished with buttonhole stitch; fine value. No. 423 11 inches square; pure, sheer linen; as illustrated , . .$1.50 PICOT EDGE HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; picot edge, well finished; one row fine drawn-work with center worked in the "Cross and Crown" design; excellent value for the price. No. 422 11 inches square; fine sheer linen lawn; as illustrated $1.75 HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; with three rows of hem- stitching and one row of drawn-work in the finest and most difficult handiwork done by our workers ; worked on the finest handkerchief linen obtainable, "Tela de Rosa" cloth of roses transparent and beautiful. No. 419 11 inches square; as illustrated $2.50 SILK WHEEL HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand -made; center of China wash silk, surrounded with a double row of fine 1%-inch silk wheels; good value for the price. No. 406 10 inches square; all silk; as illustrated .. $0.90 Philadelphia, Pa. I wish to thank you for the most beautiful handker- chief, which I received this morning. I think it is even more beautiful than was represented in the catalogue. I greatly appreciate the prompt attention given to my order. (Name furnished on request.) Walnut Ridge, Ark. My little order is received, and I cannot say how well I am pleased. After Christmas I shall order a good many things. Every one who has seen my order is very en- thusiastic over the goods. (Name furnished on request.) "THE INDIAN BLANKET" A handsome booklet illustrating Indian blankets in colors, describing the various kinds, how made, and con- taining nine beautiful colored plates. Mailed to any ad- dress for 10 cents. Qrder everything by its catalogue number 12 BRAZILIAN POINT LACE HANDKERCHIEFS Brazilian Point Lace Handker- chiefs The four point lace handkerchiefs listed on this page are exceptionally fine values. They are all entirely hand-made, from sheer linen thread and with sheer linen centers, thus making them durable and easily washed. LINEN WHEEL HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; center of sheer hand- kerchief linen, surrounded with linen wheels, making a rich and showy article. No. 402 11 inches square; as illustrated $2.50 LINEN WHEEL HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; same material and work- manship as No. 402 but larger size and more wheels. No. 401 14 inches square; as illustrated $3.25 SHEER LINEN WHEEL HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand-made; center of fine sheer linen, surrounded with linen thread wheels arranged in the form of a six-pointed star. Beautifully made. No. 403 15 inches diameter; as illustrated $2.75 SHEER LINEN WHEEL HANDKERCHIEF Entirely hand -made; center of finest handker- chief linen, very sheer, surrounded with two rows of sheer wheels made from No. 200 thread. An exquisite piece of handiwork. No. 405 11 inches square; as illustrated $4.50 Chicago, 111. I thank you very much for your promptness in sending my order. It is a beautiful piece of handiwork. (Name furnished on request.) San Francisco, Cal. Thank you for your promptness in filling the small orders which I have sent you. I am much pleased with the specimens received. Please send me the following goods. (Name furnished on request.) Homestead, Ore. The goods that I sent for arrived last night and I was very much pleased with them. They are satisfactory in every way, and I will soon send another order. (Name furnished on request.) Chesley, Ont., Canada. I have received the lace centerpiece and the doilies and think them most beautiful. (Name furnished on request.) All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK CENTERPIECES 13 Mexican Drawn- Work Center- pieces The Mexican drawn-work centerpiece with- stands an endless amount of service and launder- ing. The filling in the designs is exceedingly close and worked with far finer thread than Japanese drawn-work, thus adding to the dura- bility of the pieces. We commend to our cus- tomers the centerpieces offered on the next three pages, as we have selected them by reason of their being special values. We class as centerpieces all square and round pieces from 12 to 50 inches in diameter. They are all in pure linen, and the wide range of patterns and sizes offered has been found to meet the demands of our customers most satisfactorily. Doilies to match these centerpieces will be found on page 8 and special prices for sets on page 17. OUR LEADING MEDIUM-PRICED DRAWN- WORK CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; worked in a good, durable quality of linen with three rows of drawn-work as illustrated. A design and a quality that will wear and wash well. Exceptional value at the low prices quoted. No. 3110 10 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated $0.68 No. 3111 12 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated 80 No. 3112 12 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated, extra quality of work and linen. . 1.15 No. 3116 16 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated 1.30 No. 3118 18 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated; extra quality of work and linen. . 2.00 2.00 No. 3120 20 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated No. 3124 24 inches square; three rows drawn-work; as illustrated 2.50 No. 3133 33 inches square; three rows drawn- work; as illustrated 3.75 No. 3140 40 inches square; a lunch cloth beautifully worked on a heavy, round thread Irish linen; as illustrated 9.50 No. 3150 50 inches square; same quality as No. 3140; as illustrated 11.00 A WELL-MADE CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; worked on pure, service- able linen with two rows of drawn-work with eight 3^-inch linen thread wheels carefully inserted. Good value. No. 3916 16 inches square; as illustrated $2.00 A VERY POPULAR CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made on pure round thread Irish linen of good quality, worked with four rows of good drawn-work with wheel design in the corners. This is the original Mexican design in drawn- work centerpieces. Splendid value for the price. No. 3412 12 inches square; four rows drawn-work; as illustrated $1.60 No. 3424 24 inches square; four rows drawn-work; as illustrated 3.85 No. 3433 33 inches square; four rows drawn-work; &a illustrated 5.25 V W*** jp*^***' B tfife&iiK Order everything by its catalogue number 14 MEXICAN DRAWN- WORK CENTERPIECES 3615 36EO 36H4 3633 Fine Linen Centerpieces We believe this series of centerpieces to be the finest in material and work for the price asked of any that are made in Mexico. Entirely hand- made, and worked in an uncommonly fine quality of Irish linen, the same as in doilies 166 to 1610 and in scarfs 6632 to 6670, all of which these centerpieces match. Beautifully finished with two rows of drawn- work and worked corners. A strictly high- grade line. For special prices on centerpieces and doily sets in this line, see page 17 of this catalogue. No. 3615 15 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated $2.35 No. 3620 20 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated 3.20 NO. 3624 24 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated 4.00 No. 3633 33 inches square; two rows drawn-work; as illustrated 6.00 A BEAUTIFUL DESIGN Entirely hand-made; worked on fine linen with three rows of drawn -work and with eight 3J^-inch linen thread wheels inserted. Well made, ser- viceable, and fine value. No. 392424 inches square; as illustrated $3.75 No. 3933 33 inches square; as illustrated 5.50 MEXICAN CROSS CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; worked on pure, good quality linen with one row of drawn-work all around and a three-row pattern forming the figure of a large cross. One 3%-mch linen thread wheel inserted in each corner. A fine centerpiece for the money. No. 3934 33 inches square; as illustrated $5.75 Valdez, Alaska. I have received the centerpiece which you sent and am very much pleased with it. My friend, Mrs. S., to whom I showed it, thought it so pretty that she is sending you an order for one. (Name furnished on request.) "THE SWASTIKA" A leaflet giving the true history and meaning of the Swastika, copyrighted by us, and offering the best that we have in genuine hand-made Swastika jewelry and Indian handicraft. Sent free to any address upon re- quest. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK CENTERPIECES 15 "Cross and Crown" Centerpieces Entirely hand-made; worked on a very fine quality of Irish round thread linen in the famous "Cross and Crown" design, which is used only on the best grade of drawn-work made by our workers. The general designs in the various centerpieces of this line vary slightly, but ap- proximate the illustration. Doilies Nos. 175 to 1712 match these centerpieces in work and ma- terial. A beautiful line of centerpieces. No. 3716 16 inches square; as illustrated $2.40 No. 3718 18 inches square; as illustrated 3.50 No. 3724 24 inches square; as illustrated 4.75 No. 3725 24 inches square; made in an extra fine quality of linen; as illustrated 6.00 No. 3733 33 inches square; as illustrated 7.25 No. 3734 33 inches square; made in an extra fine quality of linen; as illustrated 9.00 No. 374040 inches square; as illustrated 15.00 No. 3750 50 inches square; a very fine lunch cloth; as illustrated ... 20.00 MEXICAN STAR CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; worked on a fine, service- able quality of linen with three outer rows of drawn-work and a beautiful star design in the center, to which the illustration does not do jus- tice. An excellent centerpiece for the price named, and one of our most popular designs. No. 3533 33 inches square; as illustrated $7.50 MEXICAN CROWN CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; worked on a fine round thread linen of excellent quality in the "Cross and Crown" pattern, arranged in a general design sup- posed to resemble Maximilian's crown. By reason of the great reduction in photographing this piece, the illustration does the design but poor justice. A thoroughly first class article through- out. No. 3333 33 inches square; as illustiated $10.00 MEXICAN MUSIC If you are interested in the songs and instrumental music, the dreamy melody of which has made Mexican music famed the world over, turn to page 103 of this catalogue and notice our offerings of Mexican music, at the popular price of 10 cents per copy. Order everything by its catalogue number 16 BRAZILIAN POINT LACE CENTERPIECES Brazilian Point Lace Center- pieces Here are three beautiful articles of Mexican handicraft, all hand-made, worked in pure linen and recommended by us for durability and ser- vice. The last piece illustrated on this page is one of such rare beauty that the illustration can give no idea of its exquisite handiwork. ROUND WHEEL CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; six circles of pure linen thread wheels arranged around a center of sheer, fine linen, the wheels being beautifully worked in intricate designs. The illustration is from a greatly reduced photograph. For special price on set of this centerpiece and six doilies see next page. No. 381515 inches diameter; as illustrated ....... $2.75 SQUARE WHEEL CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made; eight beautifully worked three-inch linen wheels, surrounded by one-inch linen wheels, the whole arranged round a center of fine handkerchief linen. The illustration is greatly reduced. No. 381414 inches square; as illustrated ......... $2.75 SQUARE WHEEL CENTERPIECE Entirely hand-made. A center of the finest sheer linen surrounded by 8 beautifully worked 3-inch wheels, each of which is surrounded by two rows of heavily worked one-inch wheels. This is the finest wheel centerpiece we offer, and it is impossible to do justice to its beauty by the greatly reduced photograph used for the illustra- tion. No. 3824 24 inches square; as illustrated $10.00 Douglas, Ariz. I received the drawn-work centerpiece and linen yes- terday and can say that I am very much pleased. I con- sider thefln quite a bargain. (Name furnished on request.) Bohemia, Fla. The drawn-work centerpieces ordered came promptly and I am delighted with the beautiful work and such reasonable prices. (Name furnished on request.) Kimberly, Ala. The doily I ordered came yesterday and I am very much pleased with the same. (Name furnished on request.) Santa Cruz, Cal. I received the doilies to-day and must say I am well pleased with them. They are lovely. (Name furnished on request.) All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORKJjSETS 17 H Special Prices for Centerpiece and Doily Sets To meet a heavy demand from our retail trade for special prices on sets of centerpieces and doil- ies, we have made up a number of combination offers of matched sets and here offer them at re- duced prices. The variety offered is so great as to meet practically all needs. In ordering specify the set wanted by the letter number. No agents' or wholesale discount will be allowed from these special combination prices. No. DA One 20-inch linen centerpiece, No. 3120, price, $2.00; and six 4-inch linen doilies, No. 114, price 12 cents each; same as illustration for set DB, but doilies have one row of work; total regular price, $2.72; special price for the set $2.50 No. DB As illustrated; one 20-inch linen centerpiece, No. 3120, price, $2.00. and six 6-inch linen doil- ies, No. 116, price 25 cents each; total regular price, $3.50; special price for the set 3.00 No. DC As illustrated; same as set No. DB, but the centerpiece is 24 inches, No. 3124; total reg- ular price, $4.00; special price for the set 3.50 No. DD As illustrated; same as set No. DB, but the centerpiece is 33 inches, No. 3133; total regular price, $5.25; special price for the set 4.75 No. DE As illustrated; same as set No. DD, but with six 8-inch doilies (No. 118) instead of 6-inch; total regular price, $5.85; special price for the set 5.25 No. DF As illustrated by No. F; One 24-inch fine linen centerpiece, No. 3624, price $4.00, and six 6-inch fine linen doilies to match, No. 166, price 40 cents each; a fine set, the linen and work matching perfectly; total regular price, $6.40; special price for the set 6.00 NO. DG As illustrated by No. G; one 15-inch fine wheel centerpiece, No. 3815, price $2.75, and six 5-inch wheel doilies, No. 005, price 30 cents each; total regular price, $4.55; special price for the set 4.00 Mexican Cactus Candy Have you tasted this new sweetmeat, known to the Mexicans for generations but quite a novelty to most Americans? See page 46 for our offering of genuine Mexican cactus candy, packed in a real hand-woven Indian basket ; all for 50 cents. Coral Coral jewelry is at present more in style than ever be- fore. We sell only genuine coral jewelry, made from the best imported Mediterranean coral, and offer the same at reasonable prices on pages 52 and 53 of this catalogue. Order everything by its catalogue number 18 MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK SCARFS Mexican Drawn -Work Tray Cloths and Dresser Scarfs All of the scarfs listed below are made for service both on good linen and in a grade of workmanship that will stand wear. The variety of sizes offered is great enough to meet all ordinary needs. We keep an additional stock of special scarfs, elabor- ately worked in exclusive designs, and we will be glad to give particulars on request. THREE ROW SCARFS Entirely hand-made. Worked on the same serviceable quality of linen used for our Center- pieces Nos. 3110 to 3150 and in the same pattern of one wide and two narrow rows, with heavily worked corners. Fine value for the low prices named. NO. 611812 by 18 inches; three rows work; as illustrated $1.10 NO. 6132 16 by 32 inches; three rows work; as illustrated 2.50 No. 6130 20 by 30 inches; three rows work; as illustrated 2.65 No. 6145 20 by 45 inches; three rows work; as illustrated 3.75 No. 6154 20 by 54 inches; three rows work; as illustrated 4.10 NO. 617020 by 70 inches; three rows work; as illustrated 6.50 TWO ROW FINE LINEN SCARFS Entirely hand-made. Worked on the same extra fine linen used for centerpieces Nos. 3615 to 3633 which these scarfs match in material and design. Beautifully finished and the best grade of work. No. 6632 16 by 32 inches; two rows work; as illustrated $4.20 NO. 6630 20 by 30 inches; two rows work; as illustrated 4.25 No. 664520 by 45 inches; two rows work; as illustrated 6.00 NO. 6654 20 by 54 inches; two rows work; as illustrated 7.00 NO. 6670 20 by 70 inches; two rows work; as illustrated 9.50 "CROSS AND CROWN" SCARFS Entirely hand-made. Worked on fine Irish round thread linen in the " Cross and Crown" design, matching centerpieces Nos. 3716 to 3750. Unusually good value for the price. The designs vary with the individual pieces. No. 674520 by 45 inches; as illustrated $5.00 No. 675420 by 54 inches; as illustrated 6.00 No. 676320 by 63 inches; as illustrated 6.75 No. 677020 by 70 inches; as illustrated 8.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK TABLE-CLOTHS 19 Mexican Drawn -Work Table- Cloths and Table Napkins We pride ourselves on the high and serviceable quality of our table-cloths and napkins. They are entirely hand-made on a heavy Butch linen, man- ufactured in Europe especially for this purpose. The designs on these articles are worked in a very heavy linen thread. The result is that these cloths will stand an endless amount of laundering and wear and tear, and, with reasonable care, will literally last a lifetime. Considering these facts our prices will be found wonderfully reasonable. The illustrations are from photographs greatly reduced. Table-Cloths We have a number of drawn-work table-cloths on hand at all times in many other sizes and pat- terns than those shown on this page. We solicit special correspondence regarding these, believing that our stock is sufficient to meet at any time all demands for special pieces. No. 7123 6 by 9 feet; three rows of heavy work; as illustrated $35.00 No. 7422 6 by 6 feet; four rows of heavy work; as illustrated 30.00 No. 7423 6 by 9 feet; four rows of heavy work; as illustrated 40.00 No. 7722 6 by 6 feet; four rows of heavy work and "Cross and Crown" work around the center; as illustrated . 45.00 Table Napkins These table napkins are made up from the same strong, special linen used on the table-cloths. They have one row of heavy, serviceable work, as illustrated, and come in two sizes, as follows: No. 820 20 inches square; one row of work; as illustrated, each $2.00 Per dozen 22.00 No. 824 24 inches square; one row of work; as illustrated, each $2.75 Per dozen. . . 30.00 Native Gems If you are interested in the purchase of any precious or semi-precious stone, send to us for our free art catalogue, entitled "Native Gems," showing twelve kinds of precious stones in actual colors, and giving much interesting in- formation about jewels, birth stones, etc. Order everything by its catalogue number 20 BRAZILIAN "I POINT LACE COLLARS Brazilian Point Lace Collars and Yokes All articles on this page are entirely hand-made, in the most dainty and delicate Brazilian point lace work. The wheels are well finished, made from pure linen thread, and will therefore stand good service and laundering. All collars are about 13 inches long. Hemstitched drawn-work collars will be found offered on page 30. WHEEL COLLARS A good variety of styles, as follows: No. 202 Entirely hand-made in the design as illus- trated, from 14 1-inch thread wheels mounted on good lawn band, each $0.40 No. 203 Entirely hand-made, from 10 1-inch thread, wheels, handsomely worked in filled designs, matched, and mounted on good lawn band, each .40 No. 204 Entirely hand-made, from 19 handsome linen thread wheels 1 inch in diameter, in beauti- fully worked designs, and mounted on good lawn band; a handsome collar, each 60 No. 209 Entirely hand-made, from 13 plain designs and 1 filled design linen thread wheels 1 inch in diameter, in style as illustrated; mounted on good lawn band, each 40 No. 210 Entirely hand-made in fine sheer linen, with edging of 1-inch linen thread wheels and one row of fine drawn-work, as illustrated; mounted on band. Very fine handiwork, each 1.00 No. 211 Entirely hand-made from 1-inch linen thread wheels, mounted in design as illustrated, each 55 No. 212 Entirely hand-made lace stock collar, with wheels worked in beautifully filled designs; mounted in style as illustrated. A handsome article, each 90 WHEEL YOKES Entirely hand-made from fine linen thread wheels, beautifully worked and made up in the three following sizes : No. 205 About 15 inches from back to tip of the front $2.00 No. 206 About 21 inches from back to tip of the front 3.00 NO. 207 About 28 inches from back to tip of the front; as illustrated 4.00 WHEEL BERTHA Entirely hand-made from the finest linen thread wheels, beautifully worked and put together. No. 208 About 16 inches wide and 26 inches long; as illustrated $5.50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid GENUINE MEXICAN DRAWN- WORK 21 Brazilian Point Lace Baby Caps Entirely hand-made. Exquisite pieces of handi- work and exceedingly dainty, especially if trimmed with baby ribbon. Made from pure linen lace thread wheels of dainty yet serviceable texture. It will aid us if, in ordering, customers mention the age of the child for whom the cap is ordered. No. 310 Hemstitched Baby Cap of sheer Persian lawn, made for service and will withstand fre- quent laundering. Exquisitely worked in rows of fine drawn-work all around sides and top and at back, as illustrated. Long hemstitched ties, each $2.00 No. 311 Made from four 3-inch worked wheels, with one-inch wheels in plain design; as illustrated; splendid value; each 1.75 No. 312 Made from four 3-inch finely worked wheels, with one-inch wheels in filled designs; as illus- trated, each 2.25 Mexican Drawn- Work Insertion This insertion is in great favor for use in making up waists, gowns, and babies' dresses. It is en- tirely hand-made, and beautifully worked in de- signs about like the illustrations. Our sales of this beautiful hand-made insertion have trebled in the last year. Being all hand-made, and pro- duced by different workers, the designs vary slightly from the illustrations at times, but we carry large stocks and can supply all needs. No. 320 One row insertion worked on a fine, durable quality of good lawn with a single row of hand drawn-work f to 1 inch wide; material about 4 inches wide; per yard $0.60 No. 321 Three row insertion, worked on fine, sheer lawn made for service; middle row of insertion 1 to li inches wide with two narrow rows, as illus- trated; material about 5 inches wide; per yard.. 1.10 No. 321} Same as No. 321, but worked on a fine quality of pure linen; same width; per yard 1.35 No. 322 Three row insertion, worked on a fine qual- ity of pure Irish linen that will stand an endless amount of service; middle row beautifully worked with handsome filled design, as illus- trated, about H inches wide; outer rows about inch wide; material from 6 to 8 inches wide, per yard 1.75 Order everything by its catalogue number 22, GENUINE MEXICAN DRAWN- WORK Exclusive Designs in Mexican Drawn -Work We show on this page a few articles of genuine Mexican Drawn-work which, both in design and handiwork, are most uncommon. We list these separately from our other patterns because the output is very limited, these pieces being the handiwork of a very few of our best workers only and for this reason we cannot always guarantee the supply. All articles grouped on this page are of exceptionally fine quality. Whilst we cannot guarantee the exact patterns in these pieces, yet the illustrations may be relied upon as being very representative of our stocks. No. 275 Fine Round Doily. Entirely hand-made on fine linen with edge in handsome design of wheels worked out of the linen and beautifully filled; about 7 inches in diameter, each $0.75 Per dozen, matched 8.25 No. 276 Fine Round Doily. Entirely hand-made on fine linen in a difficult and beautiful pattern, the center being worked in a cross and crown or butterfly figure; edges heavily worked and finely finished; about 7 inches in diameter, each 1.00 Per dozen, matched 11.00 No. 277 Fine Cross Doily. Entirely hand-made on fine linen. A very fine and difficult design with the Mexican eagle in the figure; solid linen center; handsomely finished edges; about 7 inches in diameter, 'each 1.00 Per dozen, matched 11.00 No. 278 All Worked Doily. Entirely hand-made by one of our most skilled workers, beautifully fin- ished in a cross and crown figure; all pure linen; about 6 inches in diameter, each 90 Per dozen, matched 10.00 Fine Mexican Drawn- Work Pillow Covers These handsome pillow covers are all hand-made in choice drawn-work designs, as illustrated, and we have placed the prices so low as to make these offerings of ex- ceptional value. No. 260 Baby Pillow Cover. Entirely hand-made in a fine quality of sheer Persian lawn; hand-worked and hemstitched ruffle about three inches wide; one and two rows of the finest drawn-work with corners beautifully worked in filled designs; size about 18 inches square; complete cover, front and back, each $4.00 No. 261 Pillow Cover. Entirely hand-made in brown linen, witn hemstitched ruffle 3 to 4 inches wide; one row of fine drawn-work about one inch wide with beautifully worked corners; size about 24 inches square; excellent value; complete cover, front and back, each 4.00 No. 262 Pillow Cover. Entirely hand-made in linen in various colors brown, blue, yellow, red, etc., with deep hemstitched and hand-worked ruffle about 3^ inches wi 'e; center exquisitely hand- drawn and filled with white thread in rich cross and crown design with beautiful effect; size about 28 inches square; a very fine pillow cover of the best handiwork throughout; complete cover, front and back, each 6.00 Mexican Drawn -Work Baby Dresses No. 285 These are complete patterns for making up babies' dresses, and are made in a very sheer, beautiful quality of Persian lawn, with many handsomely worked rows of drawn-work, includ- ing all necessary material for completing the dress; not illustrated for the reason that justice could not be done to these dress patterns in an illustration; very finely made; complete pat- terns, each 5.00 Correspondence is solicited regarding our special offer- ings of complete ladies' drawn-work dress patterns, which we can supply at any time. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN DRAWN- WORK WAIST PATTERNS No. 330 Drawn- Work Waist Pattern 2.75 10.00 Mexican Drawn-Work Waist Patterns A waist pattern worked either in fine lawn or linen in any design of Mexican drawn- work is a dainty and beauti- ful creation. No imitation drawn-work insertion can com- pare with the beauty and effectiveness of real Mexican drawn-work. We keep a number of our best women workers busy the year through supplying us with waist patterns, and whilst the variety and styles of these are very great, we offer on this page a few patterns at most reasonable prices. No. 330 A waist pattern of excellent value, worked on a fine, dur- able quality of lawn, warranted all Mexican hand-made in design with yoke effect, as illustrated; beautifully worked front; one yard extra of fine drawn-work inser- tion to match for making up collar and cuffs; hem- stitched back, with ample material for finishing the waist; the pattern complete, each .......................... $ 4.50 No. 331 The same waist pattern as No. 330 but worked on a fine quality of linen; worked front, collar and cuffs, / Sm with hemstitched back, and all extra material; the pat- Tt*mw ^'mm tern complete, each ................................. 6.00 No. 332 Waist front only. Worked in fine lawn of service- able quality, in same design as No. 330; size about 25 x 28 inches, each ................................ No. 333 High-grade waist patterns, worked on fine lawn and linen in special designs, no two alike; worked fronts, backs, collars and cuffs, with all necessary material for * ishing waist; complete patterns, each . No. 334 The finest Mexican drawn-work waist patterns pro- curable; no two alike; designs in all worked yoke effects and other patterns, including Mexican eagle and butterfly figures of drawn-work; worked on fine sheer linen, with collar and cuffs to match; all material for complete waists. The handi- work of our best workers only; supply limited; each, com- plete ................................................. 12.50 ALL MATERIAL FOR THIS DRAWN-WORK WAIST PATTERN $3.50 Four years ago, we originated the money saving plan of a combination offer, consisting of a special drawn-work cen- terpiece and enough plain linen for completing a drawn-work waist. The offer has been received so enthusiastically by our customers that we here repeat it. The women workers in Mexico are in many re- spects a peculiar lot of people. In nothing is this more true than in the fact that better value can be procured from them in a centerpiece than in any other article containing no more work. Thus it comes about that . by taking very large quantities they make for us a drawn- work centerpiece 24 inches square, with three rows of work, which con tains about 2 yards of insertion 1>^ inches wide and over 3 yards of nar- row insertion about ^ inch wide. insertion as would cost us double what this centerpiece does. For this reason we can make this most economical offer, consisting of the special centerpiece that we have made up exclusively for this offer and 2 yards of linen to match. This gives our customers in this offer enough material for making up the waist pattern as illustrated , at a cost of only $3.50 for this material. For large sizes we advise the purchase of a small extra quantity of linen; and this we will supply, if purchased with this offer, at a special price of only 60 cents a yard. No. 336 Complete material for making up waist pattern, consist- ing of 24-inch fine linen centerpiece as above described and two extra yards of fine Irish linen to match; the set complete $3.50 NO. 337 The same as 336, but with 2 yards of linen instead of 2 yards; for large sizes; complete .......................... 3.80 Material for $3.50 If we purchased this No. 333 Fine Drawn- Work Waist Pattern Order everything by its catalogue number 24 MEXICAN DRAWN-WORK CURTAINS Mexican Drawn-Work Curtains Here is something from our Mexican workers of rare quality for the discriminat- ing housekeeper. These curtains are ex- quisitely worked on a sheer Persian lawn especially imported for this work. They are worked with one row of the handsom- est drawn-work, about \% inches wide, with heavily filled figures, as represented in the illustration; finished with hem 1*^ inches wide and fine hemstitching. The cur- tains are 32 inches wide, and we offer them in two lengths, as quoted below. No. 340 Drawn-work curtains, as above de- scribed, each 32 inches wide and 2 yards long, per pair $10.00 No. 341 Same as No. 340, but 3 yards long, per pair 15.00 Mexican Drawn- Work Cen- terpiece in Frame A few of our customers frequently in- quire for an unfinished Mexican drawn-work centerpiece showing the various stages of this delicate form of handicraft. To ac- commodate such inquirers we have arranged to supply unfinished centerpieces, size about 20 inches square, showing all stages of the work, from the untouched linen to the com- pleted filled designs. With the centerpiece we furnish one of the wooden frames used by our native Mexican women in doing- their work. The set is of much value to the dealer as a display piece, attracting as it always does much attention; and partic- ularly is it of value to anyone interested in learning the art of drawn-work. The frame, moreover, is valuable for mounting and drying any piece of Mexican drawn-work by being stretched after being laundered. No. 342 Unfinished centerpiece and frame complete, as above described, the set . . $ 2.25 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid FINE JAPANESE DRAWN-WORK Fine Japanese Drawn -Work On the next few pages we extend an offering of genuine imported hand-made Japanese drawn- work. We do this after much hesitation, for in recent years so much inferior drawn-work has been produced by the Japanese for the purpose of catering to the cheapest department store trade in this country that the reputation of the best Japanese work has naturally suffered. However, through the efforts of our special representative we have secured a line of handiwork from a small number of the best Japanese workers. We offer their product on these pages for exactly what it is: a handsome line of genuine all hand-made Japan- ese drawn-work, including doilies and centerpieces worked on linen and of a very much superior grade to the cheap offerings of low priced department stores. At the same time we have based our prices on the lowest possible margin of profit. We feel, therefore, confident in commending this line to the attention of our customers as work which can hardly be equaled in value at the price. Japanese Drawn- Work Hemstitched Doilies A choice line of drawn-work doilies, worked in linen and in patterns about as illustrated. Being all hand-made, there is some slight variation in the designs; but those illustrated are representa- tive of what we receive from our Japanese workers under these numbers. We always supply matched sets unless otherwise requested when a quantity of the same pattern is ordered. No. 4105 5 inches square, good serviceable linen, one row of drawn-work, design about as illustrated, each $0.08 Per dozen, matched . No. 4109 9 inches square, good serviceable linen, drawn-work design about as illustrated, each 18 Per dozen, matched 1.90 NO. 4609 9 inches square, good serviceable linen, one row of well finished drawn-work, about as illus- trated, each 40 Per dozen, matched 4.25 No. 4509 9 inches square, g9od serviceable linen, handsome drawn-work design with filet work, in pattern about as illustrated, each 65 Per dozen, matched 7.25 NO. 201/77 7 inches in diameter, fine linen, scalloped edge, hand-embroidered; fine embroidery and drawn-work design, as illustrated, matching cen- terpieces 201/518 and 201/522, illustrated on page 28; each 40 Per dozen 4.25 No. 201/710 10 inches in diameter; otherwise the same as 201/77; each 65 Per dozen, matched . 7.25 Order everything by its catalogue number 26 FINE JAPANESE DRAWN-WORK 55 Japanese Drawn -Work Center- pieces and Scarfs Order by article number only. No need to mention pattern number. PATTERN NO. 223/8 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 223/8, with 2-inch hem neatly double hemstitched, one row of drawn- work about ^2 inch wide and worked in handsome corner design as illustrated. Made in a good grade of linen, entirely by hand. For doilies to match these centerpieces see page 25. No. 4118 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each No. 4124 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each No. 4130 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each . . . No. 4127 Scarf, 18 x 27 inches, each No. 4154 Scarf, 18 x 54 inches, each NO. 4172 Scarf , 18 x 72 inches, each $0.50 .75 1.00 .75 1.25 2.00 PATTERN NO. 223/3 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 223/3, with 2-inch hem beautifully double hemstitched, and one wide and two narrow rows of drawn-work, combined width 2^4 inches, with corners beautifully filled in hand- some design, as illustrated; worked on a good quality of durable linen. For doilies to match these centerpieces, see page 25. No. 4612 Centerpiece, 12 inches square, each $0.60 No. 4618 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each 85 No. 4624 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each 1.25 No. 4630 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each 1.85 No. 4636 Centerpiece, 36 inches square, each 2.15 No. 4637 Scarf, 18x36 inches, each 1.35 No. 4645 Scarf, 18x45 inches, each , 1.75 No. 4654 Scarf, 18x54 inches, each 2.00 No. 4672 Scarf, 18x72 inches, each 2.50 PATTERN NO. 221/41 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 221/41, with 2-inch hem beautifully double hemstitched, and one inner wide row of drawn- work about 1% inches wide, with corners all worked in open drawn-work square filled with filet embroidery in Grecian de- signs. A very stylish and beautiful line. Worked on the finest pure linen entirely by hand. For doilies to match these centerpieces, see page 25. No. 4512 Centerpiece, 12 inches square, each $0.70 No. 4518 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each 1.50 No. 4524 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each 2.25 No. 4530 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each 3.00 No. 4545 Scarf, 18 x 45 inches, each 3.00 All; prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid FINE JAPANESE DRAWN-WORK Japanese Drawn -Work Center- pieces and Scarfs Order by article number only. No need to mention pattern number. PATTERN NO. 221/25 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 221/25, with two-inch hem double hemstitched, one row of drawn-work about one inch wide and one inner row about % inch wide with handsomely worked and filled corner design, as illustrated. Made on a fine grade of pure linen entirely by hand. No. 4218 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each $1.25 No. 4224 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each ...... 2.00 No. 4230 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each 2.40 No. 4236 Centerpiece, 36 inches square, each 3.00 No. 4242 Centerpiece, 42 inches square, each 4.00 NO. 4245 Scarf, 18 by 45 inches, each 2.50 PATTERN NO. 221/49 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 221/49, with two -inch hem beautifully double hemstitched, outer row of drawn-work about % inch wide, with worked corner design and inner row of drawn-work about }4 inch wide, as illustrated; beautifully hand embroidered in design as shown. Worked on the finest pure linen of exquisite texture, entirely by hand. No. 4424 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each $2.85 No. 4430 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each 3.85 No. 4436 Centerpiece, 36 inches square, each 4.50 No. 4442 Centerpiece, 42 inches square, each 5.75 PATTERN NO. 221/45 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 221/45, with two-inch hem beautifully double hemstitched, outer wide and narrow rows of drawn -work, as illustrated, about three inches wide, and with heavily -filled design in corners, butterfly figures in sides; inner row of drawn- work one half inch wide, with filled designs; inner corner designs in handsome " Cross and Crown " figure. Worked on the finest pure linen, entirely by hand. Drawn- work doilies No. 4609 match this line of centerpieces. No. 4312 Centerpiece, 12 inches square, each $1.00 No. 4318 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each 2.25 No. 4324 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each 3.00 No. 4330 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each 4.50 No. 4336 Centerpiece, 36 inches square, each 5.75 No. 4342 Lunch Cloth, 42 inches square, each 6.75 No. 4354 Lunch Cloth, 54 inches square, each 9.75 Order everything by its catalogue number 28 FINE JAPANESE DRAWN-WORK Japanese Teneriffe and Embroidered Doilies and Centerpieces Some exceptionally good values are listed on this page, including the inexpensive but very attractive teneriffe doilies- and the beautifully hand-finished embroidered centerpieces. All are entirely hand-made and on good linen. TENERIFFE DOILIES No. 304/1 Plain linen center with six 2-inch teneriffe wheels surrounding; 6 inches in diameter; re- markable value. Each $0.08 Per dozen 75 No. 301/3 Doily, 7 inches in diameter, with linen center; hand-worked in drawn-work design If inch wide, as illustrated, and surrounded with seven 2-inch wheels; excellent value, each 12 Per dozen 1.25 No. 302/2 Doily, 7 inches in diameter, with linen cen- ter, worked in handsome filled drawn-work design as illustrated, and surrounded with eight 2-inch teneriffe wheels. A splendid doily for the money. Each 15 Per dozen 1.60 Teneriffe and Drawn- Work Centerpieces PATTERN NO. 301/1 The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 301/1, with edge of fine durable teneriffe lace wheels 2.J4 inches in diam- eter, and with two rows of drawn-work, outer row being 1*4 inches wide, handsomely worked in filled design, as illustrated, with inner row ]/% inch wide, and worked corners. Entirely hand-made on an excellent quality of pure linen. No. 4712 Centerpiece, 12 inches in diameter, each. .$0.60 No. 4718 Centerpiece, 18 inches in diameter, each. . 1.00 No. 4724 Centerpiece, 24 inches in diameter, each. . 1.75 No. 4730 Centerpiece, 30 inches in diameter, each. . 2.35 No. 4736 Scarf, 18 x 36 inches, each 2.00 No. 4745 Scarf, 18 x 45 inches, each 2.50 NO. 4754 Scarf, 18 x 54 inches, each 3.00 No. 4772 Scarf, 18 x 72 inches, each 3.50 DRAWN-WORK AND EMBROIDERED CENTER- PIECES The following numbers are worked in the design illustrated as 201/5, with embroidered edge, four handsome drawn-work figures in "Cross and Crown" design, and with elaborate heavy em- broidery as illustrated; entirely hand-made, on a fine serviceable quality of pure linen. Doilies illustrated on page 25 match these centerpieces. No. 201/518 Centerpiece, 18 inches in diameter, as illustrated, each $2.85 No. 201/522 Centerpiece, 22 inches in diameter, much more elaborately finished than illustration, each 6.00 All,, prices Jn;this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid DRAW-WORK HATOKERCHIEFS Hand-Made Drawn- Work Handkerchiefs The handkerchiefs offered on this page are all warranted genu- ine hand-made and hand-drawn throughout. They represent values that ordinarily retail for prices much higher than those quoted. The illustration on this page is made directly by photograph from the handkerchiefs offered. Being all hand-made, there may be slight variations in the designs, but the illustration is a fair representation of the handkerchiefs offered. All handkerchiefs are about 11 inches square. Notice especially the assortment offer K. No. A Good linen lawn, with one row of drawn-work about one-half inch wide, with filled design in corners and sides; each $ .40 Six for 2.00 Twelve in a box for 3.75 No. B Made in a very fine sheer quality of pure linen; beautifully hand-drawn, with one narrow row of work and worked and filled design in each corner as illus- trated ; a beautiful handkerchief ; each 50 Six for 2.65 Twelve in a box for 5.00 No. C Good linen lawn, with one row of hemstitching and hand-drawn design in each corner, about as illustrated. Each 30 Six for 1.25 Twelve in a box for 2.25 No. D Good linen lawn, with one row of drawn-work and hand-drawn corners as illustrated ; each 30 Six for 1.35 Twelve in a box for 2.50 No. E Pure linen throughout, one row drawn-work about one-half inch wide and hand-worked corners, like illus- tration. Good value ; each 45 Six for 2.35 Twelve in a box for 4.50 No. F Good sheer linen lawn, with one row fine hand drawn-work about one-half inch wide in design as illustrated ; each .35 Six for. 1.85 Twelve in a box for 3 .40 No. G Pure linen throughout, beautifully hand-worked with one row of drawn-work all round and worked cor- ners with filled design as illustrated ; each 85 Six for 4.60 Twelve in a box for 8.75 No. H Sheer linen lawn, hand embroidered in two oppo- site corners, with design as illustrated. Splendid value; each 45 ^F S && -&*'\ Six for 2.35 \^/ *&.. ,^>; Twelve in a box for 4.50 L^X .4i'-V ; *' V ^- & "i SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OFFER For the convenience of our customers desiring an assortment of handkerchiefs we make the following special assortment offer, which, as will be noted, gives a considerable saving in cost: Offer No. K One each of all handkerchiefs illustrated on this page, A to H inclusive, regular retail price $3.40; sent packed in a box to one address for 2.75 If you are interested in the purchase of any precious or semi- precious stone, send to us for our free art catalogue, entitled, " Native Gems," showing twelve kinds of precious stones in actual colors, ard giving much interesting ^information about jewels, birth stones, etc. Order everything by its catalogue number 30 DRAWN- WORK COLLARS AND TIES Japanese Drawn -Work Ties and Collars This page lists the special patterns of fine hand- made drawn-work ties and collars which have been picked up by our buyer in Japan as the best values among a very large number made by the Japanese workers. We warrant every article offered on this page to be made entirely by hand, and quality considered the prices are exceedingly low. DRAWN- WORK TIES Three beautiful patterns in hand-made drawn- work and embroidered ties. All are entirely hand-made, worked on a beautiful sheer quality of silk-finished lawn; hemstitched ends and sides, with both ends worked. Size about 4 inches wide and 45 inches long. No. 302 Very fine drawn-work design, both ends, in "Cross and Crown" figure about as illustrated, each $0.75 No. 301 Handsomely hand-embroidered and eyelet work at both ends, as illustrated, each 75 No. 300 Fine drawn-work design on both ends, as illustrated, each 50 SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OFFER Offer No. One each of the ties illustrated, regular price, $2.00, the complete set for $1.75 HEMSTITCHED DRAWN-WORK COLLARS No. 213 Nicely finished, with three rows of drawn- work, as illustrated, and hemstitching; made on good lawn, each $0.12 Three for... .32 Six for 60 No. 218 Well made, with three square drawn-work figures and one row of drawn-work the entire length; prettily hemstitched; on good lawn, each .12 Three for 32 Six for 60 No. 218 About the same as No. 218 in work and material, each 12 Three for 32 Six for 60 No. 215 A very pretty collar, nicely worked and finished, with one row of drawn-work and center figure, as illustrated; neatly hemstitched; good sheer lawn, each 16 Three for 44 Six for 85 NO. 214 One row of fine drawn-work, with inner fig- ures, as illustrated; good sheer durable lawn, each 15 Three for 40 Six for 75 NO. 219 A well-made collar in handsomely finished design, with one row of drawn-work as illustrated, and nicely hemstitched; good lawn in extra sheer quality, each 15 Three for 40 Six for 75 No. 216 Collar and cuff set; one row of drawn-work, with filled figures handsomely worked and well- made; good sheer lawn; splendid value. Per set 50 No. 217 Hand-embroidered and drawn-work collar; beautifully made on good linen, each 50 SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OFFER OF COLLARS Offer No. M One each of hemstitched collars Nos. 213, 214, 215, collar and cuff set No. 216 and em- broidered collar No. 217, regular price, $1.43, the complete set for $1.25 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid CLUNY AND BATTENBERG Hand-Made Cluny and Bat- tenberg This page offers a particularly nice line of genuine hand-made Cluny and Battenberg doilies, centerpieces and scarfs. The work we warrant to be entirely hand-made, and the material in every case an excellent grade of linen that will give the best of service. The prices are remark- ably low for the values offered. Hand -Made Cluny Order by article number only. No need to mention pattern number. PATTERN NO. 12403F The following numbers are all worked in the design illustrated as No. 12403F, with solid linen centers and edges handsomely worked in cluny designs as illustrated. The larger pieces are much more elaborately finished than shown in the illustration, which represents only a 12-inch centerpiece. No. 1307 Doily, 7 inches in diameter, each. $0.25 Per dozen 2.50 No. 1309 Doily, 9 inches in diameter, each 55 Per dozen 5.50 No. 1312 Centerpiece, 12 inches in diameter, each . . 1.00 No. 1320 Centerpiece, 20 inches in diameter, each . . 2.00 No. 1324 Centerpiece, 24 inches in diameter, each . . 2.75 No. 1330 Centerpiece, 30 inches in diameter, very fine, each 4.00 No. 1354 Scarf, 20 x 54 inches, elaborately finished; each 7.00 PATTERN NO. 124F The following numbers are all worked in the pattern illustrated as No. 124F, with center of fine linen and beautifully worked cluny edge, as illustrated. The illus- tration shows a 12-inch centerpiece; the larger pieces are much more elaborately finished. A beautiful line of doilies, centerpieces and scarfs, all in the finest handiwork. No. 1407 Doily, 7 inches in diameter, each $0.50 Per dozen 5.50 No. 1409 Doily, 9 inches in diameter, each 1.10 Per dozen 12.00 No. 1412 Centerpiece, 12 inches in diameter, each. 1.25 No. 1420 Centerpiece, 20 inches in diameter, very fine, each 3.50 No. 1424 Centerpiece, 24 inches in diameter, very fine, each 5.50 No. 1430 Centerpiece, 30 inches in diameter, very fine, each 7.00 No. 1445 Scarf, 20 x 45 inches, elaborately finished, each 10.00 Hand -Made Battenberg A well-made line of Battenberg doilies, centerpieces and scarfs of good handiwork and material. PATTERN NO. 100/1 The following pieces are all worked in the design illus- trated as 100/1. This, however, represents only an 18- inch centerpiece; the larger sizes are much more elabor- ately finished. No. 100/19 Doily, 9 inches in diameter, each $0.20 Per dozen. No. 100/112 Doily, 12 inches in diameter, each Per dozen No. 100/118 Centerpiece, 18 inches in diameter each 1.85 .30 3.00 .65 PATTERN NO. 121/3 A beautiful line, with pure linen center, handsomely worked with one row of drawn-work, as illustrated; hand- made throughout. No. 121/39 Doily, 9 inches square, each $0.30 Per dozen 3.15 No. 121/312 Doily, 12 inches square, each 50 Per dozen 5.50 No. 121/318 Centerpiece, 18 inches square, each... . 1.00 No. 121/324 Centerpiece, 24 inches square, each. . . 1.50 No. 121/330 Centerpiece, 30 inches square, each. . . 2.50 No. 121/336 Scarf, 18 x 36 inches, each 2.00 No. 121/354 Scarf, 18 x 54 inches, each 3.00 Order everything by its catalogue number 32 JAPANESE HANDICRAFT Japanese Silk Embroidered . Waist Pattern No. 335 A rich waist pattern made in the finest quality of Japanese wash silk, handsomely embroidered in flower design in cream silk, as illustrated; with worked collar and cuffs and all necessary material for completing the waist; a beautiful set that will wear and wash well and give the fullest satisfaction. Com- plete, each packed in a box $ 6.50 No. 257 Japanese drawn-work cushion cover. Complete drawn-work cushion cover, made of linen crash with hemstitched ruffle edge 4 inches wide; two row and center design in hand drawn-work, as illustrated, 20 inches wide without border; good $2.50 value, each 1.75 (For other styles of pillow and cushion covers, see pages 22 and 99 of this catalogue.) No. 335 Japanese Silk Embroidered Waist Pattern Japanese Paper Napkins and Doilies Paper napkins and doilies are becoming more popular each year for more general use. For No. 257. Drawn- Work Cushion Cover some years we have had numerous inquiries for Japanese paper napkins and doilies printed in drawn-work designs to resemble drawn- work napkins and doilies. After a great deal of trouble we have finally been able to produce an attractive paper nap- kin and doily, as here offered. These are especially printed for us in our own designs, and we believe are not procurable from any other source. No. 345 Paper napkin, 13 inches square, made on a fine, strong quality of crepe tissue, finished with scalloped edge and printed in handsome drawn-work design, as illustrated. Per dozen $ 0.12 Three dozen for 30 Per hundred 60 No. 345J Same as No. 345 but plain edge; per dozen, 10; 3 dozen for 25; 100 for. . . .50 No. 346 Paper doily, 5 inches square; made in the same good quality of crepe tissue as the napkins, and printed in handsome Nos. 345 and 346. Paper Napkins and Doilies 'Cross and Crown' as illustrated. Per dozen Three dozen for Per hundred ... drawn-work design, .05 .10 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN SILK SHAWLS 33 Mexican Silk Shawls For six years past we have offered Mex- ican Silk Shawls each season, with a rapidly increasing number of orders. Last year we sold nearly three times as many of these articles as in any previous year. Mexican silk shawls make most acceptable gifts in any season, by reason of their beauty, delicacy and usefulness. The shawls here offered are made of pure silk and in the very latest designs of weave and finish. As will be noted, we can supply them in a variety of delicate colorings. They are of light weight, of beautiful texture and are popular as a graceful article of wearing apparel the year round. In ordering please state color desired. Silk Shawls No. 10103 A strictly high grade shawl, close- ly woven in handsome striped shell and open work pattern, with 2H inch edging and 6 inch fringe; the finest pure silk; about 43 inches square without _ fringe. Colors cream, light blue, shell pink and black ; each $5 .00 No. 10194 Well woven in a pretty Mexican shell pattern, with 3 inch edge and 5 inch fringe ; all pure silk ; about 40 inches square without fringe ; excellent value. Colors cream, light blue, shell pink and black ; each 2.50 No. 5301 A shawl of exquisite finish and texture, beautifully woven in a handsome striped design from the finest possible quality of pure silk ; 4 inch lace edge ; about 44 inches square. A very high grade article. Colors white, cream, light blue, shell pink and black ; each 5-00 No. 204-48 A mixed color shawl, handsome- ly woven in shell and leaf design in pure silk. Each shawl is woven in prettily blended combinations of brown and cream, gray and black, etc. ; 3 inch edge, with 6 inch fringe ; about 44 inches square with- out fringe ; each 4.25 No. 4003 An excellent shawl for the money; well woven from pure silk in a choice shell pattern; 2 inch edge with a 4V. inch fringe ; about 38 inches wide without fringe. Worth 75 cents to $1.00 more than our price. Colors cream, light blue, shell pink and black ; each 1.50 'The Indian Blanket " A handsome booklet, illustrating Indian blankets in colors, describing the various kinds, how made, and containing nine beautiful colored plates. Mailed to any address for 10 cents. Order everything by its catalogue number MANTILLAS AND REBOZOS Mexican Silk Black and White Mantillas No. 4202 No. 4206 The beauty and gracefulness of the Mexican and Spanish mantilla is gaining for this exquisite article of apparel a wider popularity each year. The mantilla is worn by Mexican and Spanish ladies of the better classes as a head and shoulder shawl. Our offerings on this page are woven from pure silk lace in exquisite flower and leaf designs. They are imported direct by us from the native workers, and we commend them as being exceptional values in a line of goods that is ordi- narily very difficult to procure. No. 4502 All black silk, fine flower design about like illustration of 420C; pointed end style, 34 inches wide across center; 66 inches long, each No. 4202 All black silk in handsome flowered figure; oblong shape, square ends; 19 inches wide, 96 inches long, each No. 4206 All black silk of exquisite quality, in exquisite flower and figured design, as illus- trated; oblong shape, with square ends; 23 inches wide, 96 inches long. A beautiful art- icle, each $ 2.00 2.50 4.25 No. 369. Mexican Hand Woven Silk Rebozo No. 4212 All white silk of rare quality, in rich figured flower and delicate leaf spray design; oblong shape; square ends; 16 inches wide, 96 inches long. An exquisite article of the rarest handiwork, each 6.00 Mexican Silk Rebozos The Rebozo is the original style of silk shawl which is used by the ladies of Mexico and Spain. It is an article of delicate texture and coloring, hand- woven from pure silk, with a strand of white wool woven into the design. The colors are alternating stripes of two shades and include delicate shades of light blue and primrose, pink and primrose, white and sky-blue,, etc. Fine silk fringe about 8 inches long. No. 369 Size, 28 by 80 inches without fringe, each $6.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN SILK SCARFS Mexican Silk | Shoulder f p - 1 Scarfs I i This page lists a new offering of Mexican silk scarfs in woven, plain, and striped silks. The popularity of the silk scarf for general, as well as automobile wear, leads us to commend this offering to the attention of our customers as being one of exceptional value. The scarfs are direct importations from the best workers, and are all of them excellent values. No. 218K Made of very fine quality white silk chiffon with satin stripe running through it; all-over flower design in delicate tints; very dainty and rich. Size 24 x 64 inches. As illustrated. Regular $4.50 value, each ..................................................................... " No. 1303K Mexican woven lace scarf, all pure silk throughout; dainty leaf design. A splendid article for the money. Size 15 x 58 inches. As illustrated. Regular $2.0 value, each ................... No. 1426L All French silk crepe of high quality; solid colors only: white, 1 lack, sky blue, sage green, lavender, gray, and shell pink. Size 11 x 68 inches. As illustrated. Regular $2.50 value, each ....... No. 232K The daintiest and most beautiful Silk Scarf we have ever carried in stock; a most deli- cate and exquisite article. Made from the high- est quality of Parisian silk crepe, with a slightly heavier crepe stripe running through it; delicate flower figure, rose and leaf design, in delicate shades of pink. Size 20 x 80 inches. As illus- trated. Regular $6.00 value, each ............. 4.98 3.48 1.49 1.49 Mexican Silk Flags The Mexican silk flag in small sizes is popular for favors and for decorations. The large size offered and illustrated is one of the most effective and striking cushion covers that can be procured. All are made from pure twilled silk in the Mexi- can national colors of red, white, and green, with the Mexican coat of arms printed in actual colors on white center. Edges are well sewn. Mexican Silk Cushion Top No. 510 Size 2 x 3 inches, each. One dozen for. . $0.10 85 No. 511 Size 4x6 inches, each 18 One dozen for 1.50 No. 512 Size 12 x 18 inches, each 75 One dozen for 8.00 No. 512} Cushion Top, as illustrated; size 20 x 20 inches; made of extra heavy fine twilled silk. A hand- some article, each 1.00 No. 513 Size 24 x 36 inches, each 2.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 36 MEXICAN SOMBREROS s25 Order everything by its catalogue number 48 MEXICAN SILVER FILIGREE Mexican Solid Silver Filigree The fame of the Mexican filigree workers has extended the world over. Their handiwork in both gold and silver is one of the most dainty and uncommon forms of handicraft. Molten silver is first drawn out into fine wires no thicker than a thread, and this with wonderful skill is worked into many beautiful designs, entirely by hand. These designs are strengthened by a frame of solid silver placed on the back of the article, which gives strength to what would otherwise be delicate pieces; so that they are thus as durable as they are beautiful. On account of the work being entirely hand- made which we warrant we cannot always guarantee that the pieces shall exactly resemble the illustrations. These, however, are represen- tative of what we offer. The illustration is from a photograph, showing the articles much reduced in size. All articles on this page are solid silver. Additional silver filigree articles and solid gold filigree jewelry will be found on the next page. Nos. 601, 601)., 603, 604, 6044> 6054 Filigree Scarf Pins, in butterfly, horse shoe, sword, daisy, Swastika cross and sombrero designs, each $0.35 No. No. NO. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. SPECIAL OFFER: 1 each of all 6 designs for.. 1.85 607 Cross Pendant or Charm; large size, If inches long; each 85 607$ Same as No. 607, but H inches long, each . .50 608 Cross Pendant or Charm; solid silver frame; about 14- inches long, each 85 6084 Same as No. 608, but H inches long, each . .50 610 Brooch or Lace Pin of three daisies, with gold centers; 1| inches long, each 40 Waist set of four pins for 1.40 611 Brooch or Lace Pin of four daisies, with gold centers; 1 inches long, each 55 Waist set of four pins for 2.00 612 Brooch or Lace Pin; one large daisy with gold center; 1 inch wide, each 90 Waist set of four pins for 3.25 612 Same as No. 612, but about $ inch, each . . .55 Waist set of four pins for 2.00 614 Brooch or Lace Pin, of one large and two small daisies with gold centers; li inches long, each 65 615 Brooch or Lace Pin; two hearts inter- twined; li inches long, each 75 617 Brooch or Lace Pin; butterfly design; about If inches, each 1.00 6174 Same as No. 617, but smaller, about 1 inch wide, each 60 Waist set of four pins for 2.25 619 Brooch or Lace Pin; Swastika cross design; \ inch wide, each 50 Waist set of four pins for 1.75 619i Same as No. 619, but larger; f inch wide, each 75 Waist set of four pins for 2.75 6194 Charm or Pendant, Swastika cross design; -fs inch wide, each 25 Set of six for 1.25 619| Same as No. 619*. but * inch wide, each . . .35 Set of six for 1.85 620 Same as No. 6191, but f inch wide, each 50 621 Cuff Link, Swastika Cross design; strongly made; f inch wide, each 85 Per pair 1.50 625 Ring; hand-made in fine grape design from pure silver and mounted with large fine turquoise of about H carats, each 2.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN SILVER FILIGREE 49 Mexican Solid Silver Filigree The articles illustrated on this page are larger and heavier than those on the preceding page, and are much reduced in size in the illustration. All articles are made with a view to giving good ser- vice, with the links hand soldered and the pieces strongly joined. No. 626 Bracelet of square links; heavy and strongly made, each $3.25 One pair matched for 6.00 No. 627 Bracelet in single daisy design; well made, each 2.25 One pair matched for 4.00 No. 628 Bracelet in double daisy design; very dainty, yet strong and serviceable, each 3.00 One pair matched for 5.75 No. 628$ Bracelet, made of nine Swastika crosses, i inch wide; strongly and well made; 7$- inches long, with good, secure clasp, each 2.50 One pair matched for 4.75 No. 629 Hair Pin, in beautiful butterfly design, strongly mounted on silver spiral spring, giving trembling effect, each 1.75 No. 630$ Fob, made of four graduated crosses in Swastika design, strongly joined; a handsome article, each 2.50 No. 631 Filigree Spoon in beautiful ivy leaf design; about 4^ inches long; heavy and strong; as illus- trated, each 2.50 No. 632 Filigree Spoon, with bowl in handsome leaf design and all-worked filigree handle; about 5 inches long; good value, each 1.75 "Native Gems." If you are interested in the purchase of any precious or semi-precious stone, send to us for our free art cata- logue, entitled "Native Gems," showing twelve kinds of precious stones in actual colors, and giving much inter- esting information about jewels, birth stones, etc. "The Indian Blanket." A handsome booklet illustrating Indian blankets in colors, describing the various kinds, how made, and containing nine beautiful colored plates. Mailed to any address for 10 cents. Order everything by its catalogue number 50 MEXICAN GOLD FILIGREE Mexican Solid Gold Filigree The highest development of the art of filigree jewelry is reached in the filigree made from solid gold. This is untarnishable and presents a rich and yet exceedingly dainty appearance which is hardly equaled by any other form of jewelry. It is made with the same degree of fine workmanship and with the same strength and durability as the best silver filigree. When mounted with genuine turquoise of clear color a piece of gold filigree is an article of jewelry that is rich and uncommon in appearance. All of the gold filigree articles offered on this page are made in solid 16k gold, and the gem -set pieces are mounted with the finest genuine clear blue turquoise. All articles are much reduced in size in the illustration. NO. 700 Gold Filigree Ring, dainty grape and leaf design, each, up to size 6 $3.00 Sizes from 6 to 8, each 3.50 Sizes over 8, each 4.00 No. 700^ G9ld Filigree Scarf Pin; Mexican som- brero design; very dainty, each 2.75 NO. 701 Gold Filigree Scarf Pin; Swastika cross design; -& inch, each 2.00 No. 702 Same as No. 701, but set with fine genuine turquoise, each . 2.35 No. 7024 Geld Filigree Scarf Pin, in fine butterfly design, each 2.75 No. 703 Gold Filigree Brooch or Lace Pin; Swastika cross design; 4 inch, each 2.50 Waist set of four pins for 9.00 No. 704 Same as No. 703, but set with fine genuine turquoise, each 3.00 Waist set of four pins for 11.00 NO. 705 Gold Filigree Brooch or Lace Pin, in rich butterfly design; 1 inch wide; heavy, each 6.00 No. 706 Same as No. 705, but larger and heavier; about 1 inches wide, each 6.00 No. 707 Gold Filigree Bar Brooch; dainty design; H inch long, each 2.00 No. 708 Gold Filigree Bar Brooch; dainty design; set with fine genuine turquoise; T! inch long, each 2.35 No. 709 Gold filigree Brooch and Locket or Chate- laine pin combined; fitted with ring to be used for either purpose; rich pansy design with double petals, as illustrated; 1 inch wide, each 6.00 No. 710 Gold Filigree Brooch, in handsome four leaf clover design; set with fine genuine tur- quoise; 1 inch wide, each 6.75 No. 711 Gold Filigree Cross; handsome design; heavy; 2 inches long, each 6.00 NO. 712 Gold Filigree Watch Fob; five graduated links; heavy, -strong and rich design; a beautiful piece of handiwork, weighing about 6 penny- weights, each 17.50 Gold Filigree Bracelet in linked heart design, strongly and beautifully made, with heavy solid gold clasp; two sizes and weights carried in stock, as follows: No. 713 Adult's size, heavy weight, 74 inches long; as illustrated, each $22.50 No. 713^ Small size, medium weight, 64 inches long, each 15.00 Other sizes made to order at the same proportionate prices, namely, No. 713 at $3.00 per inch; No. 7134 at $2.35 per inch. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MEXICAN CUT COIN SILVERWARE 51 Mexican Cut-Coin Silverware A unique and durable form of Mexican handi- work. Each coin is carefully cut out by hand, leaving the lettering and eagle in the coin strongly supported from the edge. All articles here listed are made from new, clear specimens of Mexican silver coins. No. 651 Brooch of three silver five-cent pieces, strongly mounted, each $0.75 No. 652 Scarf Pin made from one silver ten-cent piece, each 30 No. 652i Same as 652, but a Brooch Pin, made from one silver ten-cent piece, each 30 NO. 652i Same as 652, but a Charm, made from one silver ten-cent piece, each 30 No. 653 Scarf Pin, made from one silver five-cent piece, each 25 No. 653i Same as 653, but a Brooch Pin, made from one silver five-cent piece, each 25 No. 653i Same as 653, but a Charm, made from one silver five-cent piece, each 25 No. 654 Fob, made from two five-cent, one ten-rent, and one twenty-five-cent silver coins; stroagly joined, each 1.60 No. 655 Brooch Pin, made from one twenty-cent silver coin, each 75 No. 655^ Same as 655, but a Charm, made from one twenty-cent silver coin, each 75 No. 656 Brooch Pin, made from one twenty-five cent silver coin, each 85 No. 656 Same as 656, but a Charm, made from one twenty-five cent silver coin, each 85 No. 657 Bracelet, made from twenty five-cent and one twenty-cent silver coins; a handsome and durable article, each 5.00 No. 658 Fob, made from six five-cent and one twenty-cent silver coins; rich and well made, each 2.00 No. 659 Bracelet, made from ten five-cent and one twenty-cent silver coins; fine value, each 2.75 SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFERS Especially adapted for Shirt-waist Sets Set CA One No. 652% and three No. 653 X 4 Coin Brooches; the set $1.00 Set CB One No. 651 three-piece Brooch and three No. 653M, brooches, the set 1.35 Set CC One No. 655 and three No. 652H Coin Brooches; the set 1.50 Set CD One each of Nos. 651, 652^, 653&, and 655. 1.90 MEXICAN PUZZLE RING A novelty that is useful and pretty. Hand made by the Mexicans in both solid silver and gold as quoted below. It is worn as an ordinary ring, but can be in- stantly separated into the four separate rings of which it consists, as shown by the illustration, when " all the king's horses and all the king's men" could not, without knowing the trick, "put it together again." No. 670 Solid silver, all sizes, each $0.75 No. 770 Solid gold, all sizes, each 4.00 More elaborate gold puzzle rings made to order. Order everything by its catalogue number 52 GENUINE CORAL JEWELRY Genuine Coral Jewelry Those of our customers who doubted our ability to sell GENUINE Coral Jewelry at the prices we name have found out by experience that our goods are as represented absolutely genuine coral. We buy this coral direct from the workers on the shores of the Mediterranean, and we know and warrant every article listed on this page to be made from absolutely genuine Mediterranean coral of ex- cellent quality. The country is full of imitation coral jewelry, but there is little satisfaction to any person in wearing this when the genuine article, much more beau- tiful and durable, can be had for such reasonable prices as those named below. These are half, and in many cases less than half, the prices usually asked for these goods by jewelers. The illustrations show the articles very much reduced in size, but we name sizes so that our customers can order intelligently. No. 31 Scarf Pin; made of one large, fine, pink coral bead % inch in diameter ; each $ .50 No. 31j^ Scarf Pin; seven coral beads mounted in horseshoe design ; each 90 No. 31% Scarf Pin ; made of one very fine spheri- cal pink coral bead M inch in diameter, set in fine eagle claw mounting ; each 1.00 No. 32% Scarf Pin ; made of one rare, very fine pink coral pear-shaped bead ^ inch long; each. 2.00 No. 32% Cluster Brooch ; made from 21 good pink coral beads, well mounted, 1% inches long; each .75 No. 33> Brooch; made from 11 fine pink coral beads, securely mounted, 1 inch wide; each 90 No. 34 Coral Cluster Brooch; made from 10 large and 6 small coral beads securely mounted, 1 inch wide ; each 1 .00 No. 34> Coral Cluster Brooch; made from clus- ter of 28 pink tooth corals, securely mounted, 2Y 2 inches long; each , 1.25 No. 35 Necklace of dark pink oblong coral beads, uniform, about 14 inches long, with clasp; each .30 No. 35*/2 Same as No. 35, but a fan chain about 56 inches long, with clasp; enough coral to make up into four necklaces; each 80 No. 36 Necklace of round pink coral beads, grad- uated and polished, about 15 inches long, with clasp; each No. 37 Necklace of rare white round coral beads, finely polished; about 16 inches long, with clasp ; each No. 3B14 Necklace of fine pink coral beads of good size, graduated and beautifully polished and matched, about 16 inches long; each 1.75 No. 40 Necklace of rich pink half finished coral beads, graduated and beautifully polished, about 16 inches long, witn clasp; each 90 No. 40 '-^ Very fine Necklace of the finest matched pink coral beads, from T 3 s to over 54 inch in diameter, beautifully hand polished, a fine high grade necklace with clasp; 16 inches long; each No. 42 Necklace of rich red twig or rough coral, graduated, about 14 inches long, with clasp; each No. 42 14 Same as No. 42, but a fan chain about 56 inches long; enough coral to make up into four necklaces; each .85 1.75 2.50 .20 .50 "The Swastika" A leaflet giving the true history and meaning of the Swastika, copyrighted by us and offering the best that we have in genuine hand-made Swastika jewelry and Indian handicraft. Sent free to any address upon request. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid GENUINE CORAL AND MOSAIC 53 Genuine Coral Jewelry and Hand -Made Mosaic Jewelry GENUINE CORAL JEWELS Y-Continued No. 43 Coral bracelet; heavily gold filled, with handsome filigree design; studded with 34 fine pink coral beads; lock fastening and chain safety guard; 11/16 inch wide; each ................ $7.50 No. 44 Coral bracelet; 8 links, heavily gold filled, with filigree design, studded with 22 pink coral beads | inch wide, each ................... .... 6.00 No. 45 Coral bracelet; three strands of fine, round, pink, genuine coral beads ra inch diameter, per- fectly matched; clasp mounted with three large coral beads; each ............................ 6.50 No. 46 Same as No. 45, but two strands of coral and two-bead clasp; each ........................ 5.00 No. 47 Coral and pearl necklace, with 9 fine pink genuine coral beads and 9 fine Mexican pearls, pear shaped, suspended, each ................. 3.50 No. 48 Coral and pearl La Valliere necklace, 7 chains of round genuine coral beads, with small pearls; 2 large fine coral beads, each surrounded with 7 large Mexican pearls; total of 40 small and 2 large round coral beads; a handsome necklace, each ....................................... 7.50 GENUINE HAND-MADE MOSAIC JEWELRY We offer for the first time in this catalogue a selection of fine Mosaic jewelry, as listed below and as illustrated. These goods are imported by us direct from the native workers on the shores of the Mediterranean, and in this way only can we offer them at the low prices which char- acterize this offering, as well as our offering of genuine coral. No. 67 Scarf pin, in fine clover leaf design, each. . .$0.30 No. 175 Scarf pin, in handsome diamond flower design, each ......... . ....................... 30 No. 176 Scarf pin, in shaded crescent design, each. . .30 No. 177 Scarf pin, in rich heart design, each ....... 35 No. 178 Scarf pin, round design, studded on side; % inch diameter, each ......................... 35 No. 179 Scarf pin; fine mosaic center, set around with 13 small turquoise; inch diameter, each . . .50 No. 180 Brooch; round, handsome flower design; 1 inch wide, each ............................. 50 No. 181 Bar brooch, set in very small forget-me- nots; shaded colors and leaves; very pretty; H inches long, each .......................... 60 No. 182 Ring brooch; fine daisy design on blue ground; 1 inch wide each ...................... 50 No. 183 Heart brooch; handsome flower design; f inch wide, each ............................. 60 No. 134 Brooch, with center in very fine flower mosaic, set in hand-carved open bone-ivory frame; 1-J- inches wide, each .................... 75 % No. 195 Necklace; one handsome mosaic heart; f inch wide, with fine gold filled chain 15 inches long, each ................................... 90 No. 196 Necklace; six fine mosaic hearts and five small mosaics and one fine mosaic diamond pendant on rich gold filled chain 15 inches long, each ............................... . 1.25 No. 197 Seven oval mosaics, with five very fine mosaic pear-shaped pendants on handsome gold- filled chain 15 inches long, each .......... .... 2.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 54 UNCOMMON NATIVE JEWELRY Uncommon Hand-Made Native Jewelry This page offers an assortment of uncommon articles of jewelry, all specimens of good handiwork, and many of the pieces mounted with genuine stones. The prices will be found very reasonable, and all articles offered on this page are strongly made and serviceable. SCARF PINS MOUNTED WITH GENUINE STONES Genuine moss agates, opals, turquoise and goldstones, well mounted in good rolled gold pins. No. 51 Genuine native Moss Agate, as illustrated . .40 No. 52 Genuine native Opal, as illustrated, each. . .40 No. 53 Genuine native Turquoise; as illustrated, ea .40 No. 54 Genuine Moss Agate, cut and polished, as illustrated, each ; 50 No. 55 Genuine Opal, cut and polished, as illus- trated, each 50 No. 56 Genuine Turquoise, cut and polished, as illustrated, each 50 No. 57 Genuine Goldstone, cut and polished, as illustrated, each 50 RINGS SET WITH GENUINE STONES A good substantial rolled gold ring with stones well mounted. No. 58 Genuine Goldstone, cut and polished, as illustrated, each 85 No. 59 Genuine Turquoise, cut and polished, as illustrated, each 85 No. 60 Genuine Moss Agate, cut and polished, each .85 HAT PINS SET WITH NATIVE STONES No. 61 Genuine native Moss Agate, as illustrated, ea .50 No. 62 Genuine native Opal, as illustrated, each. . .50 LACE PINS SET WITH GENUINE STONES No. 63 Genuine Turquoise, cut and polished, as illustrated, each 85 No. 64 Genuine Goldstone, cut and polished, each .85 No. 65 Genuine Moss Agate, cut and polished, each .85 OTHER UNCOMMON JEWELRY No. 66 Scarf Pin; made from real Brazilian beetle, rich bronze green color, durable and novel; as illustrated, each m $0.50 No. 68 Scarf Pin, set with genuine Indian arrow head, each 50 REAL BETHLEHEM PEARL CROSSES The two crosses listed below are rare articles, imported by us direct from the Holy Land. They are made from solid mother-of-pearl, finest quality, and are cut and polished entirely by hand in the city of Bethlehem, Pales- tine. We warrant the genuineness of these articles. No. 69 Bethlehem Pearl Cross Pendant, 1 inches long, each $0.50 No. 69 Same thing, but 2$ inches long, heavier and finer, each 1.00 MEXICAN PEARL NECKLACES These Necklaces are made from imported Mexican pearls, and are an article very much better than the imita- tion pearl necklaces sold in average stores at even much higher prices. The pearls are beautifully finished, round, and of much brilliancy and lustre. Two sizes as follows: No. 95 Necklace of Mexican pearls 3-16 inch diam- eter, as illustrated; with clasp; 14 inches long, ea. $0.60 No. 95^ Necklace of Mexican pearls i inch and over in diameter; with clasp; 14 inches long, each. . .75 OTHER NATIVE HAND-MADE NECKLACES No. 96 Necklace made of genuine South Sea Island shells, beautifully iridescent; opal, green and pink colors; with clasp; length 14 inches, each .50 No. 97 Hawaiian Necklace, made of black-eyed Susan seeds; with clasp; 16 inches long, each. .. .40 No. 1246} 70 inch Chain of same beads 90 No. 98 Necklace made of Hawaiian Wili-Wili seeds of rich scarlet color with cut steel beads threaded between; with clasp; 16 inches long, ea. .50 No. 99 Hawaiian Necklace made of golden shower seeds of rich light brown color, with cut steel beads threaded between, with clasp, 16 inches long, each 50 For other bead chains see pages 58 and 90 of this catalogue. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid SWASTIKA SILVERWARE 55 Hand-Made Swastika Silverware The popularity and significance of the Swastika, which has now come into general use as a design for jewelry, originated with the Navajo Indians of New Mexico. With these Indians, as with a few other native tribes, the Swas- tika has from time immemorial been accepted as a sign of good fortune. The design appears in many forms of Indian handicraft, including blankets, baskets, pottery and silverware, but much more in the last named form than in anything else. It represents to the Indians an omen of good fortune, insuring health and prosperity, and it is used extensively by them as an amulet and charm. The full significance of the Swastika symbol is ex- plained in our special circular, "The Swastika," sent free to any customer upon request. In this circular we ex- plain the history, origin and meaning of the symbol. In view of the fact that it originated with the Indians, we should like to suggest how much more in keeping with the significance of the emblem it is to wear nothing but the genuine hand-made solid silver Indian jewelry in Swastika design, instead of the cheap, plated, factory-made imita- tions which now flood the market. The articles offered on this page are all hand-hammered, the method used by the Navajo silversmiths for generations, and hand-figured in original Indian designs. All pieces here offered are in solid silver, warranted in every respect genuine, strong and serviceable. No. 81 Navajo band Bracelet; hand-hammered from silver coins; -f to $ inch wide; about as illustrated, but no two exactly alike, each $1.50 No. 81J Same, children's size; each 1.00 No. 82 Swastika Hat Pin, f inch cross; each 60 No. 82$ Same, but set with fine genuine turquoise; each 75 No. 83 Swastika Fob; three crosses, no turquoise; each 2.50 No. 83$ Same, set with three fine turquoise; each. . 3.00 No. 83 1 Swastika Watch Fob; made of four f-inch crosses, each 2.00 No. 84 Swastika Navajo Spoon; hand-hammered from silver coins; about 4f inches; each 1.50 Set of 6, matched, for 8.00 No. 85 Swastika Scarf Pin; $ inch cross; set with fine genuine turquoise, each 35 No. 85$ Same thing, but without turquoise; each . .25 No. 86 Swastika Brooch or Lace Pin; 9/16 inch cross; set with fine genuine turquoise, each 50 Waist set of four for 1.75 No. 86$ Same thing, but without turquoise, each . . .35 Waist set of four, for 1.25 No. 86J Swastika Lapel Button; 9/16 inch cross; safety screw back, each 35 No. 87 Swastika and Arrow Lace Pin; set with fine genuine turquoise; 1J inches, each 65 No. 88 Swastika Ring; set with fine genuine tur- quoise; all sizes, each 45 No. 88$ Same thing, but without turquoise, each. . .30 No. 89 Swastika Charm; f inch cross, each 35 No. 90 Swastika Cuff Buttons; set with fine gen- uine turquoise, per pair 1.50 No. 90$ Same thing, but without turquoise, per pair 1.00 No. 91 Swastika Brooch or Lace Pin; f inch cross, set with fine genuine turquoise, each ^ .75 No. 91$ Same thing, but without turquoise, each . . . .50 Order everything by its catalogue number 56 JAPANESE HANDICRAFT Japanese Hand-Made Silver and Metal Work We offer here for the first time an interesting collection of Japanese articles of handicraft. The wonderful crafts- men of Japan have for some time been producing novel- ties of interest, and our buyer in that country has made the following selections from a multitude of different articles. We believe these selections will merit the attention of pur customers, as they represent interesting and useful pieces of Japanese silver and metal work, as well as the best values procurable in Japan. JAPANESE SILVER STICK PINS Made of German silver, oxidized silver finish; solid, strong and dainty. "). 584N Six for . No. Japanese dragon, inch wide, each ..... $0.25 1.25 No. 580N Spider, * inch wide, each ............... 25 Six for ..................................... 1.25 No. 579N Japanese monkey; gold finished face; inch high, each ............................... 25 Six for .................................... 1.25 No. 581N Elephant head, } inch wide; each ........ 25 Six for ..................................... 1.25 No. 586N Skull, i inch wide, each ................ 25 Six for ..................................... 1.25 JAPANESE SILVER CHARMS OR PENDANTS Well made and unique, oxidized silver finish. No. 545N Japanese solid silver tea pot containing five minute dice; opening slide in bottom; each .$0.75 No. 550N Japanese figure; quaint and nicely finished; solid, each ........................... 35 No. 548N Tambourine; Japanese design on sides, bound with silver wire, f inch wide, each ....... 50 No. 538N Solid silver monkey; 1 inch high; very finely finished, each ........................... 90 No. 556N Lifelike model of fish; solid, each ........ 45 JAPANESE CUFF BUTTONS No. 563N Japanese good luck design, inch wide Per pair .................................... $0.85 No. 567N Skull design, oxidized silver finish; per pair ........................................ 75 No. 566N Double monkey design, $ inch wide; well finished; per pair ........................ 75 No. 494N Japanese good luck figure; bright finish; inch wide; per pair ......................... 50 JAPANESE BROOCHES, BUCKLE AND FOBS No. SOON Three Japanese characters, representing message of good fortune; bright finish; each. . . .$0.40 No. 502N-^-Good fortune symbol, with arrows sur- rounding; 1^ inch; bright finish; each NO. 504N Ch9ice Japanese design, oxidized silver finish; 1-J- inch; each No. 508N Japanese belt buckle; bright silver finish; If incn high; each ........ No. 511N Fob; four-piece, good fortune design; bright silver finish; each No. 512N Fob in Japanese good fortune symbols and heavy oxidized silver finish; strong and well made; each ............................. 85 JAPANESE INCENSE BURNERS These are very popular for use as incense burners in the home. The use of incense is most effective for dis- pelling mosquitoes and unpleasant odors. Incense is also used on social occasions, by reason of its rare fra- grance. All burners offered are strongly made in metal with green antique finish. With each set quoted below a liberal Quantity of incense sticks is supplied. No. 1009N Metal incense burner, Japanese sweet flag design, on tray; 3 inches high; packed in box with good supply of incense. The set complete$0.35 No. 1007N Metal incense burner; peacock design, on tray; 3 inches high; packed in box with good supply of incense. The set complete ........... 35 No. 1006N Metal incense burner; skeleton design, mounted on tray; about 3 inches high; packed in box with good supply of incense. The set com- plete ....................................... -40 40 50 35 75 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid JAPANESE HANDICRAFT 57 Japanese Bone-Ivory Charms These are exquisitely hand-carved from a high grade of bone, known as Japanese bone-ivory, by reason of its exact resemblance to genuine tusk ivory. 25 20 25 60 25 40 25 75 No. 488N Elephant; H inch long; each .......... $0.40 No. 454N Japanese tea pot; hand -ornamented, in gold; lid screws out revealing five minute dice inside; f inch wide; each ............ No. 463N Japanese maiden; opening on side, con- taining small dice; 1 inch long; each No. 459N-rGold and colored charm; top unscrewing, with dice inside; inch high; each No. 429N Beautifully hand-carved charm repre- senting the three wise monkeys of Japan; old ivory color; i inch high; each. ........ . No. 480N Dice; one side unscrewing, showing five smaller dice inside; f inch wide; each No. 439N Barrel with ivory ends and hand-carved ivory monk's face attached to side; ^ inch wide; each No. 486N Skull; nicely hand-finished; each No. 426N Quaint Japanese face, finely hand-carved; li inch; very fine handiwork; each OTHER BONE-IVORY ARTICLES No. 490N Japanese hand-colored girl bone tooth pick, with pick, ear and nail cleaner; 2 inches long; each ................................. $0.20 NO. 484N Hat pin, with finely hand-carved rose design; old ivory and pink-tinted finish; very fine; each ................................... 60 No. 482N Hand -carved hat pin; finely made; old ivory finished head | inch wide; each ........... 35 JAPANESE PURSES No. 32N Japanese leather figure, in flower design, soft colors; double snap button, with two pock- ets; 2^ inches wide; each .................... $0.35 No. 626N Rattlesnake skin purse, 2i inches wide; good value; each ............. ................ 25 No. 634N Leather purse; hand-painted design; 2 inches wide; each ............................ 15 JAPANESE BELTS No. 640N Japanese leather; in quaint colored dra- gon design; silk sewn; strong, with heavy dra- gon oxidized silver finished buckle, adjustable to any size; H inches wide; each ............ $0.85 No. 659N Silk and colored tapestry, leather lined; oxidized silver finished buckle, pretty design; adjustable to any size; 11 inches wide; each. . .75 No. 644N Silk lined and sewn; beautifully hand- painted iris flower design; oxidized silver finished buckle; adjustable to any size; 1 inch wide; each ....................................... 1.00 NO. 654N Silk and leather lined, and silk sewn belt, H inches wide, handsomely hand embroidered in flower design, heavy attractive design buckle, oxidized silver finish, adjustable to any size, each 1.50 No. 649N Finely all hand-embroidered, exquisite work in attractive design and delicate shading of colors; soft leather lined with remarkably fine hand-engraved bone-iv9ry buckle; bone ivory clasp on both ends making it adjustable at either end and to any size; 1* inches wide; a very fine and high-grade belt. Each .......... 3.50 JAPANESE FANS Splendid values in Japanese silk fans, hand- painted and photographic designs. All fans quoted are about 8 inches wide and 8 inches high without handle; handles are nicely lac- quered. No. 814N Hand-painted Japanese designs; each. .15 No. 810N Hand painted in Japanese designs; fine work and good value; each ................... 30 No. 811N Photographs of Japanese maidens, deli- cately hand-tinted in colors; each 20 Order everything by its catalogue number 58 JAPANESE HANDICRAFT Miscellaneous Japanese Handicraft The Japanese handicraft offered on this page is the handiwork of a number of individual craftsmen in Japan who for years have been celebrated for their superior handiwork. Every- thing is hand-made, and excellent value for the money. JAPANESE POCKET BOOKS AND PURSES No. 384/159 A handsome pocket book, made in dark green Japanese art leather, leather lined; four inside pockets for papers and cards; fin- ished in attractive design and colors; 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. Each $1.00 No. 384/112 Pocket book, made of Japanese leather, leather lined, with three large and two stamp pockets; light brown color; in handsome lily design in natural shades; 5 inches long and 3 inches wide. Each No. 384/138 Japanese purse; small; long, with metal frame; solid leather. inches Each. . . .85 .20 No. 384/51 Japanese Netsuke purse; made of art leather, with two full-sized inside pockets, fas- tened with snap button; fancy embossed metal center, oxidized silver finish; nine chains, with imitation ivory button handle 2 inches wide; finished in typical Japanese dragon designs, softly colored. Each. . . 1.75 No. 384/130 Japanese neck chain, made of small coral beads, with interesting larger hand-carved- figures and ornamental beads, as illustrated. The large figures include hand-carved bone- ivory skull, quaint heads, carved wooden beads, and other kinds; no two alike. About 72 inches long. Each 2.00 No. 394/65 Japanese dolls in basket. A hand- woven fibre basket 5 inches long; 31 inches wide, with cover fastening with clasp, containing two miniature twin dolls in full Japanese costume: a pretty, interesting little piece of handicraft. Each, complete 40 No. 387/28 Japanese doll pin cushion. A Japanese doll, daintily made and dressed, sitting in a pretty little Japanese hand-woven basket. The doll can be removed from the basket, the basket forming a good pin tray and the body of the doll a pin cushion. Each 50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid JAPANESE HANDICRAFT 59 Japanese Metal and Cloisonne Work This page illustrates and offers some well made Japanese metal and Cloisonne work. The illustrations are representative of the articles offered, but in several cases show only the me- dium sizes and qualities, and not the larger, our policy being at all times to allow no misrep- resentation in our illustrations. The ware here offered is all attractively hand-made by the Japanese, and includes especially good values. JAPANESE CLOISONNE No. 265/64 Handsome Japanese silver Cloisonne vase, 31 inches high, in choice flower and scroll designs. Each $0.85 No. 265/65 Japanese silver Cloisonne vase, about 4 inches high, otherwise the same as 265/64. Each 1.10 JAPANESE HAND-MADE BRASSWARE This brassware is heavy, hand-made throughout and of unusual ornamental value. No. 304/108 High-necked Japanese vase, like illus- tration 306/42; solid brass; 5 inches high. Each$0.65 No. 306/42 Same as above, but 7 inches high; as illustrated. Each 1.00 No. 304/111 Same as above, but lOf inches high; otherwise like illustration of 306/42. A very handsome, heavy article. Each 2.00 No. 308/244 High-necked brass vase, with prettily shaped base, as illustrated by 308/245, with body hand-carved in Japanese figures, both above and below. Size about 5 inches high. Each 85 No. 308/245 Same as above, but 6i inches high; as illustrated. Each 1.15 No. 308/247 Same as above, but 8 inches high; a heavy, handsomely made vase. Each 1.85 No. 307/263 Japanese Brass Finger Bowl. Hand-hammered in handsome embossed design as illustrated, with three dainty feet in figured de- sign. Two sizes, as follows: No. 307/263 A 3* inches wide; each $0.85 No. 307/263B 4i inches wide; each 1.00 NO. 307/263 The set of both finger bowls for 1.50 No. 307/86 Japanese finger bowl in solid brass, em- bossed antique design about as illustrated; 5 inches wide; splendid value; each 90 No. 310/39 Japanese metal gongs. These gongs are beautifully polished and decorated in dainty characteristic Japanese designs of flowers, dragons, etc. They are of an uncommonly sweet tone, due to the fact that they are made of silver bronze, superior handiwork and all hand -ham- mered and hand-made throughout, very superior to the ordinary grade. All sets described have three gongs. Larger sets of four to six gongs supplied to order. Three sizes, as follows: No. 310/38 Like illustration, but the gongs are from H to 2 inches in diameter. Per set, com- plete, with striker $0.60 No. 310/39 Size as illustrated, gongs from 3i to 4^ inches in diameter. Per set, complete, with striker 1.75 No. 312/74 Like illustration, but larger sized gongs, from 4i to 6 inches in diameter. A handsome, finely made set. Per set, complete, with striker 3.25 Order everything by k its catalogue number 00 JAPANESE HANDICRAFT Japanese Handicraft The illustrations and text below are confined to articles of the same superior Japanese handi- craft as on the previous two pages, but are all of very moderate prices. They include a number of articles that in addition to those described on pages 56 and 57 are particularly well suited for use as favors. No. 393/108 Japanese papier mache walnut shell, 2i inches long, containing on a string the flags of all nations, 21 in number, all of them printed in actual colors. Each $0.10 Per dozen 85 No. 384/231 Folding paper ornament shown in illustration as unfolded. Used extensively for party favors. Prettily colored designs and* mounted on lacquered handles as illustrated. Length about 6 inches. Each 05 Per dozen 35 No. 390/7 Dainty miniature fan, with figured de- sign, trimmed with tassels at sides. A dainty and attractive favor, about 6 inches long. Each .04 Per dozen 25 No. 390/57 Another style of miniature fan, made of paper and mounted with nine flags of different nations. Tassel ornaments at the sides. A dainty favor; about 6 inches long. Each 08 Per dozen 65 No. 384/224 Japanese bone paper knife; hand- painted designs in gilt and colors; silk tassel about 5 inches long. Each 20 Per dozen 1.75 No. 384/206 Japanese bone-ivory charm or pen- dant; the figure of a pretty Japanese maiden, about 1 inch long, opening as illustrated and containing five miniature dice. Each 25 Per dozen 2.00 No. 384/227 Japanese bone-ivory charm or pendant with button handle; hand-figured in gilt and colors; slide opening as illustrated, revealing set of small dice. Each .25 Per dozen. . . . 2.00 JAPANESE FOLDING FANS Three numbers selected from the best fan makers in Japan and representing, as our buyer believes, the best values that we can offer in this popular line of Japanese goods. No. 0/192 White painted, silver-finished handles covered with silk gauze, hand-figured and tinsel trimmed; about 8 incnes long. Each $0.15 Per dozen 1.50 No. 0/327 A pretty fan in combined paper and silk gauze; design hand-figured in iris and other flower designs; silver figured; wooden handles. About 81 inches long. Each 28 Per dozen 2.65 No. 0/360 A finely-finished fan, made in heavy special paper, handsomely hand-nainted in elaborate Japanese flower design; strong wooden frame, with hand-painted figures. A hand- some fan. Length about 81 inches. Each 70 Per dozen. . . 6.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery chargesj>repaid JAPANESE BASKETS 01 Japanese Hand-Woven Baskets On this and the next page we list an entirely new offering of Japanese hand- woven baskets. In workmanship, durability, pretty designs and moderate prices these baskets are probably unequaled by any other line of low and medium priced handicraft. The Japanese are wonderfully clever basket makers, and they have in their own country a great variety of the best basket working materials to draw from, including the famous wistaria vine, which is the material used in some of the baskets offered by us on these pages. We name some attractive prices for baskets in sets, giving our customers the advantage in this way of our pur- chasing these baskets direct from Japan in very large quantities. No. 336/57 A set consisting 9f five baskets, with edges prettily shaped, as shown by illustration; bottom strongly woven, edges in wistaria vine and braid, strongly bound. Width from 6 to 9 inches, each $0.25 The complete set of 5 baskets for 1.00 No. 335/86 Oblong baskets; handsomely woven in design as illustrated, with sides and top of wistaria vine, with braid filling; gold thread trimming on top and sides; strong frame. Two sizes, as follows: No. 335/86A 6 inches long, 2 inches deep, each 45 No. 335/86B 7i inches long, 3 inches deep, each 55 No. 335/86 Set of both baskets for 85 No. 336/90 A handsome line of three baskets in three different shapes, as illustrated; strong frame, with closely woven sides, bottoms, and covers; handsomely hand-painted on tops and sides in all colored designs, as illustrated. Sizes as follows: No. 336/90A Square shape, 5 inches wide, 2 inches deep, each 35 No. 336/90B Round shape, 7J inches wide, 3 inches deep, each 45 No. 336/90C Hexagonal shape, 9 inches wide, 4 inches deep, each 60 No. 336/90 Complete set of 3 baskets for 1.15 No. 335/96 -Wistaria vine basket tray; strongly woven in design as illustrated; 7 inches wide, each 25 No. 17940 Two shapes of baskets, woven in the same style as No. 335/86, described above, with gold thread trimming; strong, and splendid value. No. 17940 Handkerchief basket; 5 inches wide, 1 inch deep, each 30 No. 17940G Glove basket; 9 inches long, 3 inches wide, H inches deep, each 40 No. 17940A Set of both handkerchief and glove basket for 60 No. 336/70 Round basket, handsomely woven on strong frame, wi-th weaving hand sewn in thread, and hand-painted flower designs on top and sides, as illustrated; very dainty and durable. 5 inches wide, 2i inches high, each 30 No. 336/102G The same handiwork as 336/70, but a handspme glove basket, 10 inches long, 4 inches wide and 3 inches deep, with open design around the top in wistaria vine, each 60 No. 336/102 The same handiwork as above, but a handkerchief basket, 7 inches square and 2 inches deep, with open row of wistaria vine in cover, each 65 No. 336/102 A Set of glove and handkerchief baskets, above described, for 1.15 No. 336/102B Set of all three baskets above described and as illustrated together, for 1.35 No. 19105 Well-made handkerchief basket, closely woven; as illustrated; 5J inches square, 2i inches deep, each 30 NO. 336/101 A set of three handsome, strong tray baskets in same fine handiwork as 336/70; extra strong rims and bottoms, handsome hand-painted designs. Three sizes, as follows: No. 336/101 A 10 inches long, 71 inches wide, 2 inches deep, each 45 No. 336/101B 10^ inches long, 1\ inches wide, 2J inches deep, each 55 No. 336/101C Hi inches long, 8i inches wide, 3 inches deep, each 65 No. 336/101 The complete set of 3 baskets, as illustrated, for 1.35 Order everything by its catalogue number 62 JAPANESE 'BASKETS Japanese Hand-Woven Baskets Continued No. 341/19 Three sizes of Japanese baskets, all good size, strongly made; just the thing for ladies or library wastebasket. Made from bamboo, braid and split bamboo in attractive colorings. Very durable. Sizes as follows: No. 341/19 A 8 inches wide and 7 inches high, each 45 No. 341/19B 9 inches wide and 8 inches high, each 55 NO. 341/19C 10 inches wide and 8* inches high, each 65 No. 341/19 The set of 3 baskets, as described and illustrated, for 1.35 No. 335/65 A beautifully made set of baskets, woven entirely from the wistaria vine, a durable and very pretty basket material. Lid covers opening from pretty brim; handsome handiwork throughout. Two sizes, as follows: No. 335/65A 7 inches wide and 3 inches high, each 1.00 No. 335/65B 9 inches wide and 5 inches high, each 1.25 No. 335/65 The set of above 2 baskets for 2.05 No. 340/28 Japanese wastebaskets. Very closely woven from the best basket fibre, on very strong frame and base; sides handsomely hand-painted in Japanese designs in colors and gold. Splendid value. Three sizes, as follows: No. 340/28A 9 inches square and 14 inches high, each 90 No. 340/28B 9i inches square and 14 inches high, each 1.00 No. 340/28C 9f inches square and 15 inches high, each 1.10 No. 340/28 The complete set of 3 baskets as illustrated, for 2.65 No. 336/31 A series of pretty hexagonal basket trays, handsomely woven on strong frame and base, in pretty designs, as illustrated, and trimmed with gold thread; useful and good values. Three sizes, as follows: No. 336/31A 9 inches wide and 2f inches high, each 45 No. 336/31B 9* inches wide and 3* inches high, each 55 No. 336/31C 10 inches wide and 3 inches high, each 65 No. 336/31 The complete set of 3 baskets, as illustrated, for 1.30 No. 335/10 Handsome covered Wistaria baskets, in design as illustrated; woven entirely from the pretty wistaria vine, in attractive open design as shown. Good values. An ideal basket in workmanship and shape for ladies' work basket. Three sizes, as follows: No. 335/10A 6^ inches wide and 4^ inches high, each 85 No. 335/10B 7 inches wide and 5 inches high, each 95 No. 335/10C 8 inches wide and 5 inches high, each 1.10 No. 335/10 The complete set of 3 baskets as illustrated, for 2.50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid JAPANESE HANDICRAFT Miscellaneous Japanese Handicraft JAPANESE FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS These paper flags are always popular and of much use for decorative purposes. Their low price makes them exceptionally interesting. The flags we offer are all made on strong paper, printed in actual colors of the original flags they represent. No. 104M Set of twelve flags, size 8x11, mounted on string, as illustrated, made from durable, heavy crepe paper. The complete set for $ .15 1 dozen sets for 1.50 No. 105M String of 28 flags, each 3^x4 inches, good qual- ity, and splendid value. Per set 15 1 dozen sets for 1.45 For set of Japanese flags packed in nut shell see No. 393-108, on page 60. OTHER JAPANESE ARTICLES Japanese Water Flowers. This is an interesting novelty, con- sisting of dried pith and vegetable matter, made up in such form that when scattered on water the pieces unfold in a magical way until they exactly represent in actual colors the various Japan- ese flowers, and remain in this condition for a long time. Used for scattering in finger bowls on social occasions, and sim- ilar purposes. No. 106M Box containing good supply $ .10 6 boxes for 50 Japanese Gold Embroidery Thread Used extensively for em- broidery purposes; untarnishable, and of the best quality. Put up in packages containing 120 yards; also sold in smaller quanti- ties. No. 382/164 Japanese gold thread, per hank of 12 yards, each $ .12 Original package, containing 10 hanks or 120 yards, each 75 JAPANESE BAMBOO PORTIERES All hand-made Japanese portieres, durably made from thread- ed bamboo of different shades, giving the effect of dainty colored designs, to which the illustration does not at all do justice. Supported from strong frames, as illustrated. Splendid value. Size 42 x 100 inches. No. 345/29 Each $ 2.00 Per pair, matched 3.75 Order everything by its catalogue number 64 SHELL JEWELRY AND GOLD SWASTIKA 294 286 Vt G 291 Sea Shell Jewelry A number of useful articles of jewelry are included in this offering made by hand from the shell of the abalone, a large shell fish familiar to all who have visited the Pacific Coast. The shell takes a brilliant polish, which reveals its iri- descent colors with pretty effect. The shell articles offered are all mounted in sterling silver. No. 226 Scarf pin, heart of polished shell in sterling silver mounting, each $0.25 No. 227 Beauty Pins, polished shell in sterling silver mounting; % inch long; per pair 35 No. 228 Brooch or Lace Pin; heart of polished shell in sterling silver mounting; 1 inch high; each. . .75 No. 229 Cross Pendant or Charm of polished shell in sterling silver mounting; 1 inches long; each .75 No. 230 Hat Pin, heart of polished shell in sterling silver mounting; inch heart; each 35 NO. 231 Waist set of three polished shell brooches, round, 1 inch wide; gold filled pin mountings; the set 50 No. 232 Belt Pin of polished shell with sterling silver mounting; If inches wide; not illustrated ; each 50 No. 233 Charm consisting of one fine sea bean about inch wide; polished, with ring; each 25 MODERATE PRICED SOLID GOLD AND GOLD FILLED SWASTIKA JEWELRY A special offering of Swastika jewelry in attractive styles made either in solid gold or heavily gold filled, as specified, and yet priced very moderately. Beautifully hand-finished. No. 290 Bracelet, spring band adjustable to any size, with neat Swastika cross on scroll design; heavily gold filled; each $1.25 No. 291 Brooch or Lace Pin; cluster of 4 Swastika crosses; strongly mounted; li inches long; heavily gold filled; each 1.00 No. 292 Brooch in handsome link design with Swastika cross in center; well made; 1 inch wide; heavily gold filled; each 1.00 No. 294 Brooch of one Swastika Cross with bright edges, Roman finished center; inch wide; heavily gold filled; each 50 No. 294$ Hat Pin, otherwise like Brooch No. 294; each 50 No. 295 Brooch of one Swastika cross, Roman finish with enamel and pretty figured center; f inch wide; heavily gold filled; each .75 No. 295} Hat Pin, otherwise like Brooch No. 295; each .75 No. 296 Brooch or Lace Pin; very stylish design, with one small Swastika cross, and daintily tinted leaf design at ends; heavily gold filled; li inches long; each 75 No. 297 Brooch or Lace Pin, in "doubly lucky" design; small Swastika cross set in double horse shoe; stylish and pretty; i inch wide; heavily gold filled; each 75 No. 28dG Scarf pin; f inch wide; light weight but strong; solid gold mount in Swastika cross design; each 60 No. 285iG Same as No. 285G, but set with half pearls and a chaton ruby; each 1.00 No. 285 ^G Scarf pin; round; beautifully hand- engraved in Swastika cross design; solid gold mount; each 75 NO. 285iG Same as No. 2851G, but mounted as lapel button, with screw joint and safety catch; each . .90 No. 286G Brooch or lace pin; Swastika cross design ^ inch wide; light-weight but strong; solid gold mount; each 1.50 Waist set of 4 for 5.00 No. 286JG Same as No. 286G, but mounted as a hat pin; solid gold mount; each. 1.00 No. 286AG Brooch or lace pin; $ inch diameter; round, with beautiful hand-engraved Swastika cross design; solid gold mount; each 2.00 Waist set of 4 for 7.50 No. 723 Scarf or stick pin; heavy, solid 14k gold; plain hand-finished; 5/16 inch wide; each 1.50 No. 724 Brooch or lace pin; inch wide; heavy, solid 14k gold; plain hand-finished; each 2.25 Waist set of 4 for 8.50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid NATIVE GEMS 65 Native Gems Opals, Turquoise, Rubies, Sapphires, Amethysts, Etc. It is not generally known that our Western and Southwestern States produce a large output of some of our best native gems. The finest turquoise in the world is mined in New Mexico, and in the same Territory many of the Navajo Indians gain a livelihood finding the beautiful gem known as the Navajo ruby or garnet, as well as the peridot, for which they find a ready market. Sapphires, tourmalines, sardonyx, jasper, agates and many other of our gems are found in our Western States. These facts ought to make it possible for the public to secure at far more moderate prices than they do a majority of our precious and semi-precious stones. But it seems to be understood that in the purchase of gems the public should be compelled to pay an exorbitant profit. We have never been able to see the reason for this condition, and within the past six months we have com- pleted all arrangements for the sale of absolutely genuine stones, sold by us practically direct from the first sources to the customer. This plan makes it possible for us to offer genuine gems at prices which are a great deal less than gems of the same quality can be purchased for in any jeweler's store. The reason for this is that we procure them directly from the first sources, have them cut by expert cutters, sell them direct to the customer and save the numerous profits which are usually paid by the public in the purchase of a gem. A Free Art Booklet in Colors It is not our purpose to explain here all the details of our offerings of gems. We have issued , an attractive booklet especially on this branch of our business. This booklet is entitled "Native Gems," and is an art production of 24 pages, containing four color plates illustrating a few of the gems we offer, in actual colors. This we believe to be the first successful effort to show in printed form the beauty and colors of cut and polished precious stones. The booklet gives full informa- tion regarding the source, history, meaning and price of the various gems offered. We list in these pages for the convenience of our customers a summary of our offerings of gems. We wish to emphasize the fact that every precious and semi-precious stone that we sell is warranted by us to be absolutely genuine, being furnished in a special wrapper under our definite warranty. Any stone purchased from us, if not satisfactory to the customer, may be returned under the liberal conditions named by us at the beginning of this catalogue. Gems Mounted to Order We desire to call especial attention to our offering of solid gold mounts, listed on page 68 of this catalogue. This makes it possible for our customers to purchase any article of solid gold jewelry in the designs offered, and have it mounted especially to order with any of t he gems that we Mexican Opal Grinder at Work sell. This is an advantage that we believe to be exclusive. Order everything by its catalogue number NATIVE GEMS ZKT5. 3Kis. (4KT5. SKis. I6KTS 7Kis. 8Kis IZKrs. l5K?s. Price List of Native Gems PRECIOUS OPALS The birthstone for the month of October, signifying Hope. It is one of the hand- somest of gems and in constant demand for all kinds of mountings. We sell both Australian and Mexican Fire Opals, in several different grades, as follows : AUSTRALIAN RAINBOW OPALS No. 1851 Exquisitely cut and polished, cabochon style. These stones get their name from their rainbow colors brilliant hues of red, blue and green. Three grades, A, B and C. The C grade have a small amount of fire; the B are much more brilliant; and the A include the finest of Australian rainbow opals, and are brilliant, beautiful stones. Oval and round shapes. GRADES c B A No. 1851A J, i, and 1 carat stones, per carat $1.00 $2.00 $5.00 No. 1851B J, 1, 11, and 2 carat stones, per carat 90 1.75 4.50 NO. 1851C 21, 3, 31, 4, 5 to 10 carat stones; per carat 1.15 2.25 5.50 MEXICAN FIRE OPALS No. 1852 Considered by many to be the finest gems known. Flashing with many colored fires and in greater variety than any other known gem, including clear, yellow, milky, white and cherry opals. Furnished in the following grades, of which the D has but little fire, the C a fair amount, the B a large amount of fire, whilst the A grade includes nothing but the most brilliant selections, full of many colored fire. Oval and round shapes. GRADES D c B A No. 1852A 1, f, and 1 carat stones; per carat $0.50 $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 No. 1852B H, 2, 21, 3,4and 5 carat stones; per carat 1.25 1.85 3.00 CHERRY FIRE OPALS No. 1852C 2, 21, 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat $5.00 $7.50 NAVAJO RUBIES OR GARNETS No. 1853 The birthstone for the month of January, signifying Constancy and Fidelity. These stones are picked up by the Navajo Indians, and are beautifully facet cut and polished ready for mounting. They are of a rich dark red color and make handsome rings, scarf pins or brooches. Our prices are very moderate. Oval and round shapes. No. 1853A -|, i and 1 carat stones; per carat $1.00 NO. 1853B 1, 11 and 2 carat stones; per carat . .85 No. 1853C 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat 1.25 PERIDOTS No. 1854 A wonderfully beautiful gem of pea green color, possessing great brilliancy and hardness. These stones are picked up by the Navajo Indians. Diamond facet cut. Fine gems for rings, pins or brooches. Oval and round shapes. No. 1854A i, 3 and 1 carat stones; per carat $3.00 NO. 1854B f , 1, 11 and 2 carat stones; per carat 2.75 No. 1854C 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat 3.00 BLOODSTONES No. 1855 The birthstone for the month of March, signifying Courage and Presence of Mind. It is cabochon cut, like a turquoise or opal, and very popular for ring or pin or brooch. Dark color, almost black, with markings of blood red. Oval and round shapes. No. 1855A 1, 1 and 2 carat stones; per carat $0.50 No. 1855B 3, 4 and 5 carat stones; per carat 40 AMETHYSTS Showing the Relative Size of Gems of Various Weights No. 1856 The birthstone for the month of February, signifying Sincerity. Diam- ond facet cut, of much brilliancy and a rich purple color. Used extensively for brooches, pins and rings. Oval and round shapes. No. 1856A 1 and 1 carat stones; per carat $1.25 No. 1856B 1, 11, 2, 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat 85 No. 1856C 41, 5, 51 and 6 carat stones; per carat 1.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid NATIVE GEMS Price List of Native Gems Continued TURQUOISE No. l861^The birthstone for the month of December, signifying Prosperity. A most popular stone, by reason of its rich azure blue, making it a beautiful gem for gold setting or with other gems. Cabochon cut. Both clear, (without matrix markings), and matrix, the latter showing some of the markings of the natural rock in which it is found. The finest turquoise in the world is mined in New Mexico, hence our remarkably low prices. Oval and round shapes. CLEAR TURQUOISE GRADES C B A NO. 1861A 1, i, i, | and 1 carat stones; per carat $0.75 $1.25 No. 1861B H, 2, 2$ and 3 carat stones; per carat 1.00 1.50 No. 1861C 4 and 5 carat stones; per carat , 1.25 2.00 No. 1861D Over 5 carats, oval shapes only, per carat 2.00 3.00 MATRIX TURQUOISE No. 1861E 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 carat stones, per carat $0.50 $1.25 $2.50 TOPAZ No. 1850 Golden Topaz No. 1857 Amber Topaz The birthstone for the month of November, signifying Fidelity. Diamond facet cut, of a beautiful golden or amber shade, (both kinds supplied at the prices named below) ; a stone of much brilliancy, and largely used for rings and brooches. Oval and round shapes. GOLDEN TOPAZ AMBER TOPAZ No. 1850A No. 1857A i and carat stones; per carat $1.25 No. 1850B No. 1857B 1, H, 2, 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat 85 No. 1850C No. 1857C 4, 5, 5 and 6 carat stones; per carat 80 MONTANA SAPPHIRES No. 1862. The birthstone for the month of September, signifying an antidote against madness. It is a beau- tiful dark blue stone of great brilliancy, and is facet cut like a diamond. It is now one of the most popular of gems, and the only precious stone found in the highly prized dark blue shade. Used extensively for rings. Oval and round. No. 1862A J, i, , | and 1 carat stones; per carat $6.00 AUSTRALIAN SAPPHIRES No. 1863. A genuine sapphire, cabochon cut, like a turquoise or opal, of beautiful color and brilliancy. Round shapes only. No. 1863 A J, i and 1 carat stones; per carat $4.00 SAPPHIRE DOUBLETS No. 1864. Genuine Sapphire doublets, with all the color and brilliancy of the Montana sapphires. Diamond facet cut. Splendid values. Oval and round. No. 1864A , 1, H and 2 carat stones; per carat $1.00 No. 1864B 3 carat stones; per carat 1.50 AGATES Moss Agates, Sardonyx, Green Agates No. 1858 The birthstone for the month of June, signilying Health and Long Life. A very pretty stone, found in a variety of colors. The red agate is the true sardonyx, whilst the moss and green varieties are very popular. Cabochon cut, like a turquoise; used extensively for rings, pins and brooches. Oval and round shapes. No. 1858A \, % and 1 carat stones; per carat $0.60 NO. 1858B 2, 3 and 4 carat stones; per carat 50 No. 1858C 5 and 6 carat stones (oval shapes only) ; per carat 40 EMERALD DOUBLETS No. 1859 The Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May, signifying Success in Love. Diamond facet cut, of rich color, a beautiful dark green. Oval and round shapes. No. 1859A i, 1, H and 2 carat stones; per carat $1.25 NO. 1859B 3 carat stones; per carat 1.60 RUBY DOUBLETS No. 1860 The Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and signifies Cheerfulness. Our offerings of gen- uine ruby doublets are beautifully facet cut, like a diamond. Oval and round shapes. No. 1860A i, 1, H and 2 carat stones; per carat $1.25 No. 1860B 3 carat stones; per carat 1.60 Order everything by its catalogue number 63 NATIVE GEMS AND GOLD MOUNTINGS Price List of Native Gems Continued WHITE TOPAZ No. 1871 The only genuine stone that ever takes the place of the diamond, of which it is the only equal in bril- iancy and hardness. A beautiful white stone of lasting brilliancy, flashing with all the fire of a diamond. Not an imitation, but a genuine stone which we sell strictly on its own merits. Exquisitely diamond cut, especially for ring, pin and brooch mountings. Round shapes only. NO. 1871A , i, i, I, 1 and 2 carat stones; per carat $4.00 JADES No. 1872 Believed by the Chinese to be a guarantee of good health and good fortune. A beautiful rich green stone, cabochon cut, like a turquoise. A most popular stone at present for all settings. Oval and round shapes. No. 1872A i, i, i and 1 carat stones; per carat $0.50 * 2, 3, 4 NO. 1872B and 5 carat stones; per carat MOONSTONES .30 751' 750 No. 1874 This is a popular gem of bluish white color, transparent to semi-transparent, and is the birth- stone for the month of August, signifying Conjugal Felicity. It is used extensively in ring and brooch mountings, and whilst an inexpensive stone is a most attractive one. The largest supply of fine moon- stones comes from Ceylon, but inferior ones are picked up on the American coast. We offer only the im- ported moonstones of best quality, cabochon cut like a turquoise or opal, and in oval and round shapes. No. 1874A b and 1 carat stones; per carat $0.60 NO. 1874B 2, 3 and 4 carats; per carat 75 AQUAMARINE DOUBLETS No. 1875 A handsome gem of delicate, light blue cotar, very popular in recent years. The aqua- marine is a form of beryl, found in India, South America and Siberia. Used as a setting for all forms of mount- ings, principally rings and brooches. Facet cut, like a diamond; oval and round shapes. No 1875A i and 1 carat stones; per carat $1.00 No. 1875B H, 2, 2i and 3 carat stones; per carat 1.25 Fine Solid Gold Mountings To accommodate the numerous requests of our customers for precious stones mounted to order we have arranged to supply, at very reasonable cost, the mounts illustrated on this page. These mounts are all made in the very latest styles, up to the spring of 1908. They are all of the highest quality, made in solid not hollow 14k gold. The illustrations show vng| these mount; reduced in size. We supply any of $ these mountings at the prices named below and mount any stone purchased by the customer without charge for the mounting. We specify in each instance the weight of stone required by the mounting offered. The illustrations show the mountings with stones already set, but the prices are for the mountings only without stones. No. 750 Scarf pin; leaf base, safety point, taking i-carat stone; each $2.50 No. 751 Scarf pin; heavy handsome design, safety point, taking 1-carat stone; each 3.50 No. 752 Screw earrings; neat, strong designs; tak- ing i-carat stones; per pair 3.50 No. 753 Brooch and chatelaine pin combined; heavy, solid gold in handsome stylish design, taking f-carat stone; each 6.50 No. 754 Three-stone ring; heavy handsome design; taking three }-carat stones; each 5.00 No. 755 Two-stone ring, otherwise same as No. 754, but slightly heavier, taking two -carat stones; each ; 5.00 No. 756 Ladies' Tiffany ring; handsome and stylish; heavy weight; taking f-carat stone; each . . . 3.50 No. 757 Ladies' Tiffany Belcher ring; extra weight and latest style; taking ^-carat stone; each . 3.25 No. 758 Gentleman's round Belcher ring; very neavy and finely made; taking ^-carat stone; each 5.25 No. 759 Gentleman's flat Belcher ring; extra width and weight; a handsome article, in latest style; tak- ing i-carat stone; each 6.50 Any stone ordered from us with any of the above mounts will be mounted by an expert work- man free of charge. We guarantee genuine stones and the best workmanship in all cases. Stones of the right size for above mountings will be found in our list of prices. 753 752 757 f59 758 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid ORANGE WOOD HANDICRAFT G9 Orangewood Handicraft A pretty selection of articles hand-made from orangewood, Yucca palm and redwood bark are listed on this page. These are all attractive souvenirs that are uncommon, and at the moderate prices quoted are remarkably good values. No. 830 Pocket needle book, made of orangewood with flannel leaves; front prettily hand-painted in Poinsettia design; size 2x2i inches. Each. .$0.25 No. 831 Round pocket cushion, made of orange- wood, with center filled with bark of giant trees of California; hand-painted in Poinsettia design. Size 2 inches wide. Each ................... 35 No. 832 Arrow head hanger cushion; back and front made of orangewood, with center of bark of giant trees. Front finished in colored Indian design; ribbon hanger; 4J inches high. Each.. .35 No. 833 Yucca pin cushion; 2 inches wide; made from the stem of the yucca palm. Each ....... 12 6 to the same address for ..................... 60 No. 834 Yucca pin cushion, 2 inches wide; made from the stem of the yucca palm, with hand- painted design on top; notched side. Each 20 No. 835 Orangewood rustic pincushion; made from section of orangewood trunk; center with bark of giant trees; 2 inches wide. Each ........... 35 No. 836 Orangewood fancy book mark, with silk tas- sels; pretty Poinsettia design; 5 inches long. Each ....................................... 20 6 to the same address for ................... 1.00 No. 837 Orangewood paper cutter, with handle cut out in form cf orange and leaf cluster; hand- painted in natural colors; nicely finished; 7 inches long. Each ........................... 40 No. 838 Orangewood fancy wall match safe; made of orangewood, with small section of orange tree trunk for match holder; colored designs as illustrated; 7 inches long. Each .............. 50 NO. 839 Burro head hanger cushion; front and back made of bark of giant trees; 5 inches high; hung from ribbon. Each ..................... 50 No. 840 Indian face hanger cushion; front and back made of orangewood, with front hancl-paintej in Indian face design; hung from ribbon; 4 > inches high. Each ................................. 40 No. 841 Swastika cross hanger cushion; front and back made of orangewood; front hand- painted in good luck Swastika figure in red; middle of hanger made of bark of giant trees; hung from ribbon; Scinches square. Each.... .35 No. 842 Orangewood paper knife; scimitar style; made of orangewood; hand-painted in Poinsettia design; Si- inches long. Each ................. 30 Order everything by its catalogue number 70 RUSSIAN HAND-HAMMERED BRASS 869 Hand-Made Russian Hammered Brass This form of handicraft has quite recently come into much favor, by reason of its great decorative value. Solid hand-hammered brass- ware such as this is, fashioned into useful and ornamental shapes, makes a form of metal goods that is most effective for home decoration. The discriminating housekeeper will find many uses for these beautiful articles, as in the many use- ful forms in which they are made they find a place for a dozen useful purposes in the home. The genuine Russian brassware is an altogether superior product to the light-weight sheet brass- ware articles made in the Orient. The articles offered by us on this and the next page are warranted to be of the best Russian make, hand-shaped from solid brass of heavy weight, and practically everlasting. The pieces are exquisitely finished and hand-polished, and our prices will be found fully twenty-five per cent less than what the identical goods sell for in the ordinary way. Large pieces furnished, if required; prices furnished on application. The illustration shows all pieces greatly reduced in size. No. 851 Solid brass candlestick, as illustrated; 3i inches high, each ......................... $0.75 No. 852 Solid brass candlestick, on wide base, as illustrated; 4 inches high, each ............. 1.25 No. 853 Solid brass candlestick, on heavy square base; a very handsome article; 6 inches high, each ....................................... 2.25 No. 854 Solid brass candlestick, with tray and handle, old English style; very richly and hand- somely finished; 4 inches high, each ......... 2.00 No. 855 Solid brass jewel or cigar box; tin line-I; exquisitely finished and very strong; with hand- made clasp; 3 inches high, 3^ inches wide, 5 inches long, each ............................ 3.00 No. 857 Solid brass vase, of artistic shape; 4 inches high, each .................................. 1.00 No. 859 Solid brass jardiniere, with heavy rim; handsomely shaped, and hand-finished; 7 inches wide, each .................................. 2.50 No. 860 Solid brass ash tray; 3f inches wide, each ........................................ 40 No. 862 Solid brass finger bowl; antique style; 5i inches in diameter. Very fine, each ........... 1.25 No. 863 Solid brass pitcher; handsome antique design; hand-shaped; handle riveted on; very fine value, each ............................. 2.00 No. 864 Solid brass and tin-lined coffeepot; an- tique design; strongly made and very handsome; 10 inches high, each ......................... 4.00 No. 865 Solid brass cream pitcher; tin lined; 3 inches high, each ............................ 1.00 No. 866 Solid brass ash tray, with three eagle feet; 3 inches wide, each 90 No. 868 Solid brass jardiniere, in handsome r'esign as illustrated; three legs, with lion head figures and brass rings; 5 inches high, each ......... . . 1.75 No. 869 Solid brass oval tray; very heavy and handsomely hand-hammered, with handles; 10 inches long, each ............................ 1.75 No. 870 Solid brass tray; 8 inches wide, well made, each ..................... . ............ 90 prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid INDIAN HANDICRAFT 71 INDIAN HANDICRAFT WHEN I say Indian handicraft I mean the handiwork of a real live Indian. I do not mean something like an Indian's handiwork something turned out from a big New England factory. The Francis E. Lester Company believes in selling a thing for just what it is. I suppose that nothing has been so extensively imitated as Indian handiwork. Certainly no other line of handicraft has been so badly imitated with such a mass of trash and trinkets. Visit the average curio store and see for yourself the burned leather and wood rubbish unblushingly called "Indian handiwork." The Indian who would own to creating such stuff doesn't live. Indians are self-respecting beings. The best Indian will have nothing to do with imitation stuff. The Navajo works with no metal but pure silver. A Pima basket weaver never yet turned out a basket that would not last a life-time. We do not buy and we will not sell this "curio trash '' We would kick it out of the back door first. The Indian of the great Southwest is the original American craftsman. He was a skilled craftsman, patiently at work, generations before the present day appreciation of true handicraft was preached or thought of. Half the pleasure of owning a piece of Indian handicraft an Indian blanket, a piece of Indian pottery, a Navajo silver bracelet, a Pima or Apache basket is in knowing absolutely that it is genuine. There must be no question about it. Then, and only then, does it become a human document transplanted from the Indian's desert home to yours and pregnant with an interest that can never die. The great usefulness of the various articles of Indian handicraft for the home is being appre- ciated far more than ever before. Hundreds of our best homes are now using Indian blankets for floor coverings, simply because their owners have come to recognize the fact that nothing makes so satisfactory a floor covering as a genuine hand-woven Indian rug. It is reversible, lasts a generation, is sanitary and easily cleaned. Thousands of people who a few years ago thought that Indian handicraft was of interest only to the collector or for decorative purposes now realize its practical usefulness. Indian silver jewelry is so extensively worn that it is simply a question of getting enough of it from the native craftsmen to meet the demand. In this Indian handicraft business we make no misrepresentations. Our trade mark which you will find on every article we send out is a definite guarantee of genuineness. We simply act as your agents, passing on to you the articles we buy direct from the Indians them- selves. You have the advantage in thus buying from us of knowing that the article has not passed through the hands of three or four imaginative dealers, each of whom has added his story as well as his profit to the article, and each of whom can shift the responsibility of genuineness on to some one else. You deal with us direct, which is the next best thing to dealing with our Indians. If there is an interesting history about any special article we sell you, you can have it; just the plain simple story as we know it; but if not, we cannot patch up a story for you. And it is on this basis alone genuine goods, backed by our unqualified guarantee, with the lowest possible prices that we solicit your orders for Indian handicraft. ^^^i^dx2-x<^ ^\ P The Sign of Genuineness ^\. President. Order everything by its catalogue number 72 INDIAN HANDICRAFT On the Decorative Value of Indian Handicraft Never in the history of our country has the handiwork of the American Indian been the object of so much in- terest as it is to-day. Not only is the Indian himself being studied with an intense interest; but his handiwork is so rabidly growing in popularity that the limit of its output is already being realized. This is largely due to the peculiar fitness of Indian handicraft to our modern ideas of home decoration. In the first place, we have in it the true handicraft of the original American craftsman; and in the second place, by reason of his isolation, the Indian craftsman of the southwest has been less affected by the modernizing influence of the white man than his fellows of the north and middle west states, such as the Sioux and Chippewas. Asa result, we frequently find in Hanketry, basketry, pottery, and the silversmith's art, exactly the same decorative designs that are seen in unearthed specimens of this handicraft of unknown age. Tirst in useful "ess for interior decoration comes the Indian blanket, a fact that has been recognized in the many machine made imitations produced in eastern states. Any one who has seen a Mission style interior furnished with a Navajo blanket of suitable design and colors, or a Pueblo blanket woven to order, and with Indian blankets for P9rtieres, hung flat and drawn lightly back, much as the old Flemish door tapestries were used, cannot fail to have been im- pressed with the harmony of the scheme. The popular impression that an Indian blanket must be " loud " and barbarous in color is in- correct. Only the poorest grades of Indian blankets ever incorpo- rate the inharmonious color combinations of pink, purple, green and orange. The Indian weaver is of simple tastes, drawing his inspirations from natural surroundings, and, left to himself, will, nine times out of ten, produce a beautiful harmony of both design and color. The best made blankets usually combine only the three primary colors of Indian blanketry a rich red, black and white, with the two last often mixed into a gray. Occasionally deep, rich shades of olive green and blue are used; and some of the richest and finest blankets are made only in black, white and gray. The durability of a fine Indian blanket is but little appreciated. Though not cheap in its first cost, a fine Navajo or Pueblo blanket is, in the end, one of the most eco- nomical of floor coverings. It will literally last a generation or more, can be readily cleaned if it becomes dirty; can be almost said to im- prove with age, as the colors soften; can be used either side up; and cannot be worn out. As comj ared with the much advertised Ori- ental rug, it is more American, better adapted to modern decorative styles, and more durable. Indian basketry and pottery come as c^se seconds to blanketry in decorative usefulness. The former, being made in almost all cases, in the natural colors of the fibre used or with vegetable dyes, will be found to harmonize beautifully with almost all furnishing schemes, the colors in the average Indian basket being soft and natural, and lending themselves readily to such uses as shelf or mantel decorations. The same is largely true of Indian pottery, the best of which is made with soft colorings in shades of brown and dull red. Pure white and black, and bright red are seen only in the most inferior pottery, or in the white man's factory-made imitation. A Santa Clara vase or jar without design and with its lustrous black finish, or a fine Moqui jar, in dull brick red and with its quaint fig- ures in dull white and black, will lend a spirit of richness and origin- ality to any interior. The lesson that we should draw in the use of Indian handicraft for decorative purposes is to buy only genuine articles and good spec- - imens, even though they be small and comparatively inexpensive. A void, as you would the plague, the cheap burned leather and similar trash produced by the white man and slanderously called Indian curios. Whether for the fitting up of an Indian corner or the furnishing of an entire room see that what you do get is really Indian handicraft, and get it as good as you can afford, even though it may be small in size. Better a few good specimens than a large number of poor ones. Strive to maintain the effect of simplicity in your furnishing schemes. Then if your purchases are genuine, and especially if you know something of the simple life and gentle character of their mak- ers, your home takes on an additional charm and, since the better specimens are constantly becoming scarcer, the interest of each piece of Indian handicraft will grow with its increasing value as the years go by. F E. L. "The Swastika" A leaflet giving the true history and meaning of the Swastika, copyrighted by us, and offering the best that we have in genuine hand-made Swastika jewelry and Indian handicraft. Sent free to any address upon request. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid GENUINE INDIAN BLANKETS 73 INDIAN BLANKETS The real hand-woven Indian blanket has in the past few years come into great favor as an article of home furnishing. The genuine Indian blanket takes first place as an ideal floor rug. It is so durable that it will literally last a life time, is reversible, easily cleaned and sanitary. The fact that it can now be had in any color to harmonize with any furnishings has removed the last objection that was raised to the more general use of this interesting form of handicraft. Starting six years ago with a very small beginning, our business in Indian blankets has now grown to very large proportions. The reason for this success is the fact that we sell nothing but the best product of the Indian's loom: absolutely genuine Indian blankets that are woven by the Indian in his wonderful way, from nothing but pure, native, hand-spun wool. Wo refuse to sell an imitation Indian blanket of any kind. Only the genuine blanket and the best selected blankets made by the Indians are offered by us, and it is this fact that has built up our business to what it now is the largest of its kind in the world. In order to fully present our offerings of Indian blankets we have issued A Navajo Mother and Child AN ART CATALOGUE OF INDIAN BLANKETS IN COLORS An attractive little publication, containing three-color proces> plates, showing nineteen Indian blankets and similar articles in their actual beautiful colors. The booklet illustrates Navajo, Puetlo and Chimayo Indian blankets and the Mexican zarapes or 1 lankets. It also fully describes the methods of weaving, illustrating the text with numerous original engravings. The catalogue is sent to any address on receipt of 10 cents as an evidence of interest in this form of handicraft. We illustrate and list briefly in this general catalogue our principal offerings of Indian blankets. These are confined to the following: Navajo Indian Blankets, which are woven by the Navajo squaw* on the Navajo Indian Reservation, situated in New Mexico and Arizona. Pueblo Indian Blankets, woven for us under our immediate super- vision, by the best weavers of the Pueblo Indians of southern New Mexico. These blankets are woven in regular patterns and also in special designs and colors to order. Chimayo Indian Blankets, woven by the Indians of the Chimay Valley in Xew Mexico. Navajo Indian Blankets A genuine Navajo blanket is peculiar for two things for the intense interest that attaches to its simple maker in the mind of any one who i> at all interested in Indian handicraft, and for the wonderful skill required in its production. The interest that attaches to a Navajo blanket starts generation* ago. The first Indian weavers on this continent were the Hopis Mokis, as they are now more often called. When the invadinjr Order everything by its catalogue number 7-1 NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKETS Navajo Indian Blankets Continued Spaniards first entered their villages in the year 1540 they found them weaving articles from their home grown and hand-spun cotton, for the sheep was then unknown to them. It was from them that the Navajoes first learned the art, and their method of acquiring it is characteristic of the Navajo of to-day. For years both Navajoes and Hopis had been at war, and when at last a treaty of peace was agreed upon, the principal condition imposed on the Hopis by their Nav- ajo conquerors was that they should teach the latter the art of weaving. That was three hun- dred years ago or more; but the incident deserves to go down in history, and is pregnant with a lesson that might well be taken to heart by war- ring nations of modern times. Through the Spaniards the Navajoes learned the use of wool; and the different stages in the history of Navajo blanket weaving are exemplified 'by the various kinds still in existence. For generations past, however, the principal type of the best Navajo blanket has been the native wool blanket. This is made entirely, both warp and woof, from the hand-spun wool taken from the flocks of sheep that graze throughout the forests and plains of Navajo land. From the time the wool is clipped by hand from the sheep to the completion of the blanket, the process is entirely one of handwork, and the wool never leaves the hands of its Navajo owner. v In Navajo Land A WONDERFUL HANDICRAFT The Navajo simplicity of life and ideas is seen in the making of the blanket. The weaving is done entirely by the Navajo squaw, and is a process that may last for months or even a year or more for the completion of a .single blanket, one weaves her blanket when alone, or with perhaps her little child, and prefers to set up her loom, which is especially made up for each blanket to be woven, under a pine tree some little distance from her "hogan" or hut. Here, surrounded entirely by nature, it is little wonder that she looks to her natural sur- roundings for inspiration as to design. These, as a matter of fact, together with her traditions and supersti- tions, are the story she weaves into her blanket, for, when all is said, every Navajo blanket is, to a greater or less extent, but a story an expression of some tradition or belief. It is in this way that it comes about that almost every Navajo blanket has some significance or symbolic meaning. The ordinary cross, for example, represents the four cardinal points of the compass; the swastika cross, good fortune; the diagonal figures that stand for the male and the female lightning the latter distinguished by the blunt end; the cow, represent- ing the horizon; the wind, rain, thunder, pueblo, mountain and mesa all are found represented by various figures. Similarly, colors have their significance, such as white, which represents purity; black, authority; blue, truth or sincerity; red, delight and joy. No two Navajo blankets are ever woven alike, and never is one found to be perfectly symmetrical in the smallest detail of pat- tern. A Navajo squaw has an unconquerable superstition against making a perfect pattern, which to her mind would imply the perfect completion of her work and the consequent ending of her life. At the same time, these imperfections of pattern are so slight as to be seldom evident to an ordinary person. RUGS THAT LAST A LIFETIME The durability of a Navajo blanket is phenomenal, and i.s probably its leading characteristic. Some of the best weaves are so fine as to be water proof. This feature of durability makes them well adapted for use as floor rugs, as they will stand unlimited wear and tear. They are, of course, the same on both sides, and therefore reversible. In the purchase of a Navajo blanket everything depends upon 'the selection of the weave and harmony of design and color. Our Mr. Lester has always purchased by personal selec- tion all of our offerings of Navajo blankets. For this purpose he visits the Navajo Indian Reservation frequently and selects the blankets that we offer of such character that he frequently ^BJHBP^" discards a hundred blankets before he purchases one which comes up to the standard that we seek to maintain in all our Navajoes Spinning and Weaving offerings. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKETS Navajo Indian Blankets -Continued NAVAJO BLANKETS SOLD FROM ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS We issue special circulars describing in detail the individual blankets that we offer. Furthermore, we have adopted the method of having our best blankets photographed, and these original photographs we are pleased to send to our customers who contemplate the purchase of a Navajo blanket. We require a deposit of SI. 00 as a guarantee of good faith, upon receipt of which we send a good selection of original photographs of the blankets that we have in stock; or the same will be sent to any responsible person upon receipt of satisfactory banking reference. This makes it pos- sible for our customers to see the actual photographs made from the blankets offered by us. No. 1600 A Navajo Native Wool Mat No. 1601 A Navajo Yarn Cushion Top PRICES OF NAVAJO BLANKETS The following prices include the best values that we offer in Navajo blankets. We particularly request that our readers bear in mind the fact that these prices are based on our supplying nothing but the very finest Navajo blankets that are made. The common, thick, poorly woven and inharmoniously colored blankets that are largely produced by the Indians are not offered by us at any price. NAVAJO MATS All native wool; good heavy weaves; ground colors in white and grey, with designs in black and some red; size about 22 inches square. Just the thing for floor mats, small porch rugs and bed-side mats. No. 1600 Each, prepaid. . $2.25 NAVAJO CUSHION COVERS These are small blankets, woven from domestic yarn in exquisite designs; much lighter weave than the Navajo mats above described. Well suited for use as cushion covers. Bright harmonious colorings and wonderfully well woven. No. 1601 Size about 22 inches square; about as illustrated, each. . . $3.00 NAVAJO MINIATURE LOOMS No. 1604 A Navajo Miniature Loom No. 1606 A Navajo Double Saddle Blanket An exact reproduction of the loom used by the Navajo squaw in weav- ing her blanket, but on a much small- er scale. A small yarn blanket is woven into the loom, the handiwork of a young squaw. Bright colors, and an excellent decoration for the wall or den. Two sizes, as follows: No. 1603 Small looms, about 7 x 13 inches, each $0.85 No. 1804 Large looms fine handiwork, about 1(5 x 24 inches, each. . . 1.75 NAVAJO SADDLE BLANKETS These are genuine Navajo blankets, well woven from pure, native wool, in sizes that adapt them well for use as bath room rugs or for use on the floor, porch or at the bedside. They are splendidly woven, and will stand an endless amount of wear. The reason that they are cheaper than the regular high grade of Navajo blanket is that they are woven mostly in striped designs; but they are otherwise equal to the best quality of blank- ets in weave and colors. They are made mostly in a ground color of rich red, with gray, and sometimes black and white. Two sizes, about as follows: No. 1605 Single saddle blankets, approximately 28x32, each $3.50 No. 1606 Double saddle blankets, approximately 32 x 54, each 7.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 76 NAVAJO INDIAN BLANKETS Navajo Indian Blankets Continued FANCY NAVAJO BLANKETS Under this heading we include all our finest Navajo blankets, the personal selections of our Mr. Lester, picked out from literally thousands of Navajo blankets woven on the Navajo Reservation. They include no common, cheap qualities, for our experience proves that the additional price paid for a high-grade Navajo blanket is never regretted by our customers. Please note our plan of selling these high- grade Navajo blankets from original photographs, as de- scribed on the previous page. We group these blankets in the following special offers: SPECIAL $15.00 NAVAJO BLANKET OFFER A selection of the very best Navajo blankets produced are put together for this offering, comprising some very fine weaves and designs. The ground colors in these blanket- are mostly a rich natural gray (made by mixing the black with the white wool), and rich designs woven in red, bladk. and white. These blankets are regularly sold by the Indian trader at from $18.00 to $22.50, and by the curio store at from $25.00 to $35.00. No. 1607 Approximately each . . 34 x 60; special price, A Fine Navajo Blanket $15.00 SPECIAL $25.00 NAVAJO BLANKET OFRER These blankets include some of the finest productions of the Navajo Indian weavers. They are all of them masterpieces, some of them blankets upon which the weaver has expended from four to six months' patient work. The weaves are of rare workmanship, close and fine, making the blankets such as will last a lifetime. The color combinations are all harmonious, and mostly in shades of natural gray, with rich red, black, and white in the designs. We can supply these blankets with either gray, red, or white ground color, as desired. They are blankets that retail at from $35.00 to $50.00 each. No. 1608 Size approximately 50 x 70 inches; special price, each $25.00 HANOL-CHADI OR CHIEFS' BLANKETS These blankets are very difficult to procure. They differ from the ordinary Navajo blanket chiefly in tlia they are woven the wide way, and are made in a wide stripe design with nine figures; one in each corner and side and one in the center. The blankets are woven by the Indians only for the use of an Indian chief, and are very seldom made. They are always masterpieces of the art of blanket weaving, and are usually in color combi- nations of black, white, dark blue, and rich red. No. 1609 Size approximately 50 x 60 inches, each $35.00 For other and higher priced blankets we refer our readers to our special detailed descriptive offerings, and to our original photographs furnished upon request under the terms stated above. Pueblo Indian Blankets The Pueblo Indian blanket differs but little from the best quality of Navajo blanket. We have ex- plained fully and illustrated quite extensively in our special catalogue entitled, "The Indian Blanket" (sent No. 1609 A Navajo Chief's Blanket All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid PUEBLO INDIAN BLANKETS 77 Pueblo Indian Blankets Continued A Pueblo Indian Weaver at work on one of our No. 1725 Rugs We offer in this catalogue a few only of our regular de- signs, but they are our best values and are in absolutely the finest handiwork. SPECIAL DESIGNS WOVEN TO ORDER We give especial attention to our facilities for supply- ing these Indian blankets woven to our customer's order, in any size, color, or design wanted. Our Mr. Lester takes personal charge of this feature of our business, afld we are pleased to submit suggestive sketches to any inquirer desiring Indian blankets for furnishing purposes. These advantages we believe to be unique, and we find that they appeal strongly to all lovers of a beautiful home. They overcome the only objection that has ever been raised to the use of an Indian blanket, and that is, the inability to harmonize in size or color. PRICES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF PUEBLO INDIAN BLANKETS The Indian blankets described below can be furnished promptly at all times from stock. Any other size, color, or design can be woven to order at prices gladly fur- nished on application. Prices iaclude all delivery charges prepaid to the customer's address. No. 1703 A handsome blanket in lightning de- sign, forming open diamonds. Ground color, a rich red; design in harmoniously blended shadings of olive green, old gold, and white. Size 30 x 40 inches, each $ 5.00 No. 1703^ Same as No. 1703, but 30x60 inches, each 8.00 No. 1703| Same as No. 1703, but 56 x 94 inch- es full blanket size and with double row of diamond design; a beautiful blanket, each 18.00 on receipt of 10 cents), just how blankets are made. They are the handi - work of a tribe of Pueblo Indians living in southern New Mexico, from among whom we have selected the best weavers, whom we keep constantly employed. Their blankets are woven entirely from pure, native, hand-spun wool, in the same way as the Navajo blankets. They acquired the art many generations ago, and con- stant practice from generation to gener- ation has enabled them to bring it to a high point of perfection. The Pueblo Indians were the original blanket weavers of the Southwest, and it was from them that the Navajo Indians first learned the art. These blankets are woven in absolute- ly fast colors, and we can offer the exclu- sive advantage of having them made to our customer's order in any size, color or design to order. This is a decided advan- tage over the Navajo blanket, two of which are never produced exactly alike. No. 1720. Pueblo Indian Blanket Order everything by its catalogue number 78 PUEBLO INDIAN BLANKETS 16.00 20.00 Pueblo Indian Blankets Continued No. 1720 A rug of full blanket size, in a rich lightning design, making an excellent floor rug, portiere or bed blanket. Ground color either a rich red or white, with design beauti- fully worked in harmonious shades of dark green, old gold, black, and other colors. Size 56 x 74 inches, each No. 1720^ Same as No. 1720, but 56 x 94 inches, each No. 1725 Woven in the design that has done more than any other to attract public attention to our Pueblo blankets, one of great artistic beauty, to which the illustration cannot do justice. End design of ceremonial origin; border in light- ning figure inclosing three small crosses. Ground color in a rich red, in dark, rich Indian blue, or in dark olive green, as desired, with pattern woven in black and white. A blanket that we know our wholesale customers to have sold, by displaying it, for as high as $18.00. Size 30 x 60 inches, as illustrated, each No. 1725J Same as No. 1725 but 56 x 74 inches, each No. 17251 Same as No. 1725 but 72 x 96 inches, each 40.00 SWASTIKA CROSS PILLOW TOP A light weight Pueblo blanket, pillow top size, woven from domestic yarn, very closely and durably, in Swastika cross design. The ground color is a rich red, the design being woven in either black or a very dark green. A splendidly woven article, fine value and just th for a handsome, durable cush- ion cover. No. 1735 Size about 22 inches square; as illustrated, each. . .$2.25 Two, matched, for 4.00 10.00 No. 1725. Pueblo Indian Blanket Chimayo Indian Blankets These blankets are hand-made by the Pueblo Indians of tne Chimayo Valley in New Mexico. They are much lighter in weight than either the Navajo or Pueblo blankets, and are woven from domestic yarn. They are well suited for use as portieres or couch covers. The predom- inant color in all designs is a rich, deep red, with the figures usually woven in white and black. The illustrations shown herewith are typical of the blankets we supply. Swastika Cross Cushion Cover No. 1774 A Chimayo Cushion Cover CHIMAYO INDIAN PILLOW TOP A nicely woven, most attractive Indian Pillow Top, in designs about as shown by the illustration. Dark red, black, and white color combi- nations. Just the right weight for pillow top use. No. 1774 Size, 20 inches square, each $1.50 % CHIMAYO BLANKETS No. 1775 Scarf size, about 15 x 30 inches, each $1.50 No. 1776 Scarf size, about 15 x 60 inches, each 3.00 No. 1777 Scarf size, about 20 x 40 inches, each 3.00 No. 1778 Blanket size, about 36 x 60 inches, each 10.00 No. 1779 Blanket size, about 36 x 72 inches, each 15.00 No. 1780 Portiere, about 26 x 90 inches, each 10.00 A matched pair for 19.00 NO. 1781 Portiere, about 30 x 90 inches, each 13.00 A matched pair for 25.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid INDIAN BASKETS 79 INDIAN BASKETS This form of handicraft is practiced by a greater number of different Indian tribes than any other. From the Pueblos of New Mexico to the Pacific Coast, and extending thence far into Alaska, we find a multitude of differ- ent types, each characteristic of its makers. A number of smaller tribes situated in other parts of the continent also practice the art. It would require a catalogue as large as this one to list and describe all of the various types of Indian basketry. We can only content ourselves with offering here the best types from the Indian tribes of the Southwest of New Mexico and Arizona. Indian baskets are useful for a variety of purposes, such as work baskets, waste paper baskets, card receivers, and in other ways about the home. They are strong in decorative value, and one or two suitably placed about an interior lend a distinct charm that can be had from nothing else. The better types of Indian baskets are exceedingly durable, and will last several generations. Our selections here offered have been made with care, and in making the illustrations, we have here, as else- where throughout this catalogue, avoided the practice of showing only the best examples. The baskets shown are typical of our stocks, and we can supply similar representative specimens promptly at any time. Pima and Apache Indian Baskets First, from the standpoint of the relative importance of their makers, as well as in the quality of the baskets themselves, come the Pima and Apache baskets, made by the Indians of those tribes in eastern Arizona. They are by far the best woven and the most durable baskets of any made in the southwest, and of more general useful- ness than any other Indian baskets. They are woven from willow, which is gathered at a certain season of the year by the Indian squaws and peeled and stored. When about to be used, it is placed in water to be made suffi- ciently pliable. The ground work of the baskets is woven in the natural color of the fibre a light, dull yellow whilst the pattern, which is woven from the peeled bark of a native plant, commonly known as Devil's Claw, is woven in black. The process of making these baskets is an exceedingly laborious one, and a weaver frequently spends more than a month on a single specimen. The following descriptions and prices are representative of what we can readily supply from stock, although no two baskets are ever made alike. Pima and No. 901 Shallow Bowl Shape. Finest quality of weave; animal and symbolic designs. Size about 6 to 7 inches; as illustrated, each. . . . Size 8 to 10 inches; as illustrated, each. .. . No. 902 Fine Baskets in Olla Shape. A beau- tiful piece of handicraft in the best weave and geometric design. Size 10 to 13 inches high; as illustrated, each No. 903 Fine Shallow Bowl Baskets. This series is in a very superior quality of design and weave; symbolic and geometric designs. Size 10 to 13 inches in diameter, each Size 16 to 18 inches in diameter; as illus- trated , each NOS. 904 and 905 Jar Shaped Baskets. Good weave and fine designs; an uncommon shape, shown in the illustration by two baskets. Apache Indian Baskets No. 904 Size about 8 inches high, as illus- trated, each $3.00 6.50 $2.00 NO. 905 Size 12 to 14 inches high, as illus- 2.50 trated, each NOS. 906 and 907 Deep Bowl Baskets. Finely woven in good geometric designs. Shown in the illustration by two baskets. 5.00 Size 4 to 5 inches in diameter, each Size 7 to 8 inches in diameter, as illustrated by No. 907, each Size 9 to 10 inches in diameter, each 5.00 Size 12 to 14 inches in diameter, as illus- trated by No. 906, each 9.00 No. 908 Shallow Bowl Baskets. Fine weaves and geometric designs; a great variety of sizes. Splendid value. Size 5 to 7 inches, each 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 1.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 80 INDIAN BASKETS Pima and Apache Indian Baskets Continued Size 8 to 10 inches, each $2.00 No. 910 Deep Bowl Beaded Baskets. The finer Size 12 to 13 inches; as illustrated, each.. . 2.50 Size 14 to 16 inches; as illustrated, each.. . 3.50 No. 909 Shallow Bowl Baskets. The most un- common designs only, including animal and symbolic designs, of which the illustration is typical. Very fine weaves. Size 10 to 13 inches in diameter, as illus- trated, each 4.00 quality only; woven beautifully in geometric designs, and finished as shown, with a few large dark blue beads on the edge. Size 11 to 14 inches, as illustrated, each. . . $4.00 No. 911 Deep Bowl Baskets. Finished with ornamental edges, as illustrated. Finely woven and handsome designs. Size 8 to 10 inches in diameter; as illus- trated, each , 3.00 Moki and Oraibe Indian Baskets Next in importance to the Pimas come the Moki basket weavers, whose handiwork is interesting because it is not made to sell, but forms a part of their everyday life. Every basket that they make is strongly associated with some religious ceremony, and the designs are all symbolic of some belief. This is emphatically the case with all Katcina plaques, each one resembling one of the two hundred or more distinct Katcina personages, who are supposed to exercise some special influence with the many spirits in which the Moki Indian still firmly believes. The basketry of the Mokis is remarkable for the fact that in many forms it retains the original Indian vegetable dyes, whose soft and harmonizing shades are so greatly admired. ' The Moki baskets are made in two forms, the coiled plaques and baskets, which are made by the Mokis of the second or middle mesa, and which are excellent types of the best coiled weaving; and the other form which is made from a different material and in a different weave, and is pro- duced by the Moki Indians of the third cr west mesa, principally at the pueblo of Oraibe. Moki and Oraibe Indian Baskets No. 921 Fine Moki Katcina Plaque. Heavy coiled weave, handsomely woven in symbolic Katcina design; rich coloring. Size 12 to 14 inches in diameter, each $3.00 Size 17 to 18 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 4.00 No. 922 Oraibe Plaque. Woven in fine geometric design; good coloring. Size 6 to 8 inches in diameter, each 75 Size 9 to 11 inches in diameter, as illustrated, each 1.25 No. 923 Moki Coiled Plaque. Handsome designs in choice colorings and fine weaves. Size 12 to 14 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 2.50 Size 17 to 18 inches in diameter, each 3.50 NOS. 924 and 925 Oraibe Katcina Plaques. All vegetable dyes; woven in handsome Katcina design; soft colorings. Size 11 to 12 inches in diameter, as illustrated by No. 924, each 1.50 Size 15 to 17 inches, as illustrated by No. 925; the finest specimens procurable, each 3.00 No. 926 Oraibe Corn Katcina Plaque. All vegetable dyes; handsomely woven in the Corn Katcina design, the center of the figure being usually a rich maize color. Very fine specimens. Size 15 to 18 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 3.00 NOS. 927 and 928 Moki Round Baskets. Coiled form of baskets with cover and handle; woven in geometric figures of choice handiwork and fine colorings. Novel and useful as work baskets. Size about 4 inches high, some without covers; as illustrated by No. 928, each 1.00 Size 5 to 6 inches high, as illustrated by No. 927, each 1.50 Size 7 to 8 inches high, as illustrated by No. 927, each 2.00 All prices in this Catalogue include 'delivery charges prepaid INDIAN BASKETS 81 Mescalero Apache Indian Baskets Another form of the coiled basket, and famous for its very fine handiwork and great durability. Woven by the Mescalero Apache Indians of New Mexico. The designs are pleasing, and are woven from the different natural colors of the yucca fibre, which is used. Rich and pleasing in effect. No. 911 Waste Basket Size. Handsome baskets that will last a lifetime; in a useful shape; choice designs. fcize about 13 inches high , each $5. GO Mescalero Apache Indian Baskets No. 942 Necked Baskets. Unique in shape and of the finest handiwork. Size 12 to 13 inches high, each. . . 5.00 Nos. 943, 944, 945, and 946 Various sizes and patterns in shallow bowl baskets. Handsome for mantel and wall decorations. Made in the best designs produced by the Apaches. A wide range in sizes. Size 8 to 10 inches in diameter; as illustrated by No. 945, each 1.50 Size 10 to 12 inches in diameter, each 2.00 Size 14 to 16 inches in diameter; as illustrated by Nos. 944 and 948, each 2.50 Size 16 to 18 inches in diameter; as illustrated by No. 943, each 3.00 Size 20 to 24 inches in diameter; not illustrated. The finest specimens made, each 6.00 No. 947 Water Bottle Basket. A different weave from the others in the illustration, but made by the same weavers. Similar to the water bottles used by the Apaches before being coated with pitch; an interesting type. Size about 10 inches high; as illustrated, each 2.00 No. 943 Fine Deep Basket. The best weave and designs. Size 8 to 10 inches wide; as illustrated, each ... 3.00 Miscellaneous Indian Baskets We group here representative types of a number of different Indian baskets, made by tribes not represented in other illustrated groups. They include some remarkably interesting specimens, all of which are priced very moderately. NOS. 961 and 962 Zufii Indian Baskets. The illustration shows the two different forms in which these baskets are made for us by the Zunis. We purchase practically the entire output of this little tribe, as the baskets are moderate in price, well made, useful, and excellent value. No. 961 Size 10 to 12 inches in diameter, as illustrated, each $ 1.00 No. 962 Size 12 to 15 inches in diameter, as illustrated , each 1.00 No. 963 Navajo Ceremonial Basket. The Navajoes make but few baskets, and these not for commercial purposes. Every Navajo basket is made for the purpose of being used in certain ceremonies, such as the Yebichai and wedding dances. They are exceedingly difficult to procure, being very scarce, the Navajo seldom parting with used specimens except as a last resort. All our offerings include only baskets that have been used in the Navajo ceremonies. Some are very old and all are fine specimens. These baskets are considered to be among the very finest examples of the art. Size about 9 to 10 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 5.00 Size 12 to 14 inches in diameter; very fine specimens, each 10.00 No. 964 Santo Domingo Baskets. Woven from willow by the Indians of the pueblo of Santo Domingo; useful shapes; strong and durable. Colors are in assorted shades of light natural yellow and a rich dark brown, good*yalue. Size 12 to 13 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 75 Size 15 to 18 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 1.00 No. 965 Yucca baskets. Made by the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. Woven from the leaf of the yucca or soap weed. Useful for general purposes, and very durable, being a close, serviceable weave; shallow bowl shapes. Size 5 to 7 inches in diameter, each 75 Size 8 to 10 inches in diameter, each 1.00 Size 10 to 14 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 1.25 Size 14 to 20 inches in diameter, each 2.00 Fize 20 to 28 inches in diameter, each 2.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 82 INDIAN BASKETS Miscellaneous Indian Baskets Continued Miscellaneous Indian Baskets No. 966 Apache basket water bottle. Made by the Indians of Arizona. Woven from willow and coated with the resinous pitch from the piiion tree. Used for carrying water; excellent for both useful and decorative purposes. Size about 6 inches high, each 1.00 Size 8 to 10 inches high, each 1.50 Size 10 to 12 inches high; as illustrated, each 2.00 Size 12 to 14 inches high; fine old specimens, each 3.50 No. 967 Pueblo baskets. Woven from willow by a small band of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico. Natural willow and dyed colors. A novel shape that is pretty and useful. Size 7 to 9 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 75 No. 968 Seminole basket. Made by the Seminole Indians. Woven closely, and in a very pretty and useful shape with cover. Excellent both in size and shape for a lady's work basket. Size about 6 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 75 No. 969 Klamath basket. Made by the Klamath Indians of Oregon. Woven very tightly, and so finely as almost to resemble cloth in texture, being flexible. Useful shapes, about as illustrated. Size 5 to 6 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 2.00 Size 6 to 8 inches in diameter, each 2.50 No. 970 Tompiate Indian basket. Woven from palm fibre by a small tribe of Indians living in the remote mountains of Mexico. Light in weight but very durable, and of pretty design, being woven in assorted colors. Various sizes. Size 4 to 5 inches high , each 15 Size 6 to 8 inches high; as illustrated, each 25 Size about 8 inches high, uncolored and coarser weave, each 15 Waste basket size, 13 to 15 inches high, each 85 What Our Customers Say We have literally thousands of letters in our files similar in character to those quoted below. We have built up our business now much the largest of its kind in the world on the one policy of pleasing our cus- tomers, and we submit the following testimonials as evidence of our success in this effort. These testi- monials were unsolicited by us. About Our Indian Blankets Syracuse, N. Y., June 4, 1907. The Pueblo rug that I bought from you some time ago was very satisfactory, and continues to be so. It has been admired by a good many people. D. J. HOGAN. Wilkinsburg, Pa., October 3, 1907. The Indian rug and basket are received. Am delighted with them, and commend you for the prompt delivery. J. S. WILLARD.. Mullan, Idaho, May 12, 1907. The Indian rug sent me is a beauty. I shall take great pleasure in telling my friends that I bought the rug from you. DR. CHARLES S. MOODY. Pittsfield, Mass., May 9, 1907. The Navajo rug was received this morning in perfect condition. It is the prettiest we have ever seen, and entirely satisfactory. MISS J. W. REDFIELD. Chicago, 111., April 3, 1907 Permit me to express my appreciation of the care and skill in making up the rug received from you this week. It certainly looks as if it would last several generations. T. H. BLODGETT. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid INDIAN BASKETS Indian Sweet Grass and Birch Bark Baskets These pretty little baskets are woven by hand from the Indians' sweet grass, a certain kind cf grass the source of which is kept a secret by the Indians, possessing the sweet fragrance of new mown hay which is as lasting as it is pleasant. A few of the baskets here offered are made from birch bark, and some of them are handsomely embroidered in colored moose hair by the Indians. No. 980 Round basket, sweet grass; with cover, about 2 inches wide, each SO No. 981 Thimble basket, sweet grass, for thimbles of all sizes; about H inches high, with cover, each 20 No. 982 Pin cushion, prettily woven from sweet grass with velvet top; about 3 inches wide, each 50 No. 983 Table mat made of sweet grass with birch bark center, with moose hair embroidery; 5 inches wide, each 25 Set of 6 for 1.25 No. 983i Same as No. 983, but 7 inches wide, each 35 Set of 6 for 1.85 No. 984 Jewelry box, handsomely made from Indian birch bark beautifully embroidered in colored moose hair in flower designs; a good gift article; with cover, about 5 inches long, each 85 No. 985 Stamp basket, sweet grass; with hinged cover, about 2 inches square, each 25 No. 987 Round basket, sweet grass, well made, with cover; about 5 inches wide, each 90 No. 988 Round box made of natural silver birch bark, with natural markings; sewn with sweet grass; a unique jewelry or hairpin box; with cover, about 4^ inches wide, each 85 No. 989 Handkerchief basket, sweet grass, strongly and well made, with hinged cover; a useful article of good size; about 6 inches square, each 1.25 No. 990 Tomato basket, made in resemblance of tomato from chip straw by the Indians; colored naturally in red and green; leaf end opens; about 4 inches wide, each 75 Indian Sweet Grass and Birch Bark Baskets Mexican Playing Cards A curiosity and interesting article. Mexican playing cards are an entirely different thing from our American playing cards, being made up in quaint and weird figures. To meet a demand we offer genuine imported Mexican playing cards, in full sets, printed in colors on good quality of specially prepared playing card stock. No . 591 Per pack complete , each $1 .00 Drawn- Work Paper Napkins Nothing is daintier in the way of an inexpensive paper napkin than our Japanese crepe paper napkins in drawn-work designs, offered exclusively by us on page 32 of this catalogue at very moderate prices. Japanese Baskets Turn to pages 61 and 62 and notice the remarkably low prices that we quote for genuine hand-woven Japanese baskets. These are in all shapes and all sizes, and useful for a multitude of different purposes. What Our Customers Say Des Moines, Iowa, May 17, 1907 1 he table-cloth is received, and I am most agreeably surprised. It is a most elegant cloth, and I thank you for the great value you gave me for the money. E. K. MEREDITH. Ionia, N. J., March 25, 1907 The thread wheels ordered arrived in good time, and I must say were away beyond my expectations. I am very, very well pleased with them. MRS. F. W. DIXON. Order everything by its catalogue number 84 INDIAN POTTERY INDIAN POTTERY The art of pottery making is undoubtedly the oldest of the Indian arts, for we find in almost all the ruins of prehistoric times many beautiful examples. It is the one art in which the Indians' love of artistic form is given its fullesl scope. The art is confined to the non-nomadic tribes which have a fixed residence; that is, to the Pueblos They are the master potters to whom all other American tribes are, relatively speaking, but novices; and theii handiwork is of infinite variety both in form and ornamentation. The industry is an important one, and eacl tribe has its own peculiar method of working, which we find varying in such details as the different methods of preparing the clay, of making the vessel, and of firing; whilst the variety of form in the decorations used ij almost endless. The Pueblo potter uses no wheel, and the forms he makes are his original creations of eye and hand. The claj is ground and mixed with powdered potsherds. A form, such as the bottom of an old bowl, is made use of ir moulding the bottom of his piece of handiwork, and on this the clay, rolled out into a slender coil or rope, is fastened By a process of careful coiling the vessel to be made is gradually built up and fashioned into its beautiful form It is then smoothed with a gourd rind and dried in the sun. Following this, it is covered with a wash, by means of a piece of rabbit skin and when dry the exterior surface is given a beautiful finish by being rubbed with smooth polishing stone, an article that is frequently handed down as an heirloom from one generation to another The decorations in natural Indian colors many of them of vegetable origin are then applied, by means of i brush made from the fibre of the yucca plant. Finally, the piece is burned in a rude kiln or oven, and at lengtl comes forth a truly remarkable and beautiful piece of ceramic art. The making of a piece of pottery is sometime.' attended with a good deal of superstition. In the process of burning the Indians sometimes associate the hissing sound caused by the heated moisture in the bowl with the spirit which is embodied in the bowl or jar. Th< break in the line decorating many pieces of Indian pottery is purposely left there by its maker to release the spiril of the bowl when broken. Indian pottery lends itself readily to the interior decoration of home, office, or schoolroom. It possesses a high educational value, and is coming to be greatly appreciated in drawing, modeling, and other forms of manuai training work. We devote the time of an expert collector to the filling of orders for schools and similar institutions Our offerings in pottery include the best handiwork of the Pueblos, and will be found properly classified on the following pages. We pack all pottery with the greatest care, and in such a way as to insure safe delivery if handled in the ordinary manner. We prepay all charges, except where otherwise specified, and ship at the buyer's risk. TERMS OF DELIVERY AND GUARANTEE A large item of expense in the shipment of Indian pottery is the transportation charges. We quote all prices on the next three pages to include all delivery charges to the customer's address, so that our customers may know exactly what the pieces will cost laid down at their door. We guarantee safe delivery of all pottery to this extent: that if any shipment of pottery sold by us, charges prepaid, be received in bad condition and noti- fication made to the transportation company promptly after receipt, we will replace broken pieces at one half regular price. Special assortment offers, both charges prepaid by us and by the customer, are listed on page 88. PREHISTORIC POTTERY We have a few specimens of prehistoric pottery, excavated .to our personal knowledge from the cliff and cave dwellings of New Mexico and Arizona. These are specimens of great value for the collector. We list the follow- ing: No. 1060 Small pieces, excellently preserved: bowls, vases, etc., each $2.50 No. 1061 Finer specimens, including perfect ones. Each $5.00, 10.00, 25.00 and 50.00 SCHOOL COLLECTIONS We make a specialty of supplying collections of Indian pottery for school and college purposes. These collec- tions are in demand for industrial work, and are valuable and exceedingly interesting as representing the Indian potter's art. Special correspondence with our Mr. Lester is solicited regarding these collections, which range in piice from $10.00 to $103.00 each. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid INDIAN POTTERY 85 Acoma and Zuiii Indian Pottery The pottery produced in the pueblos of Acoma and Zufii, the former the town of the Enchanted Mesa, is classed as the finest produced on this continent. The pieces are of much lighter weight than the pottery of most other pueblos, and yet they possess great strength. They are beautifully shaped in forms of which our illustration is typical. It is the most elaborately decorated pottery of any, and the colors used are black, white, or cream, and a dull orange; the Zufii pottery being, as a rule, without the orange, but occasionally with a little red. No. 1001 Fine Acoma tinajqn or meal jar. The most typical shape made by this pueblo. Small jars, 5 to 6 inches high, each $2.50 Large jars, 9 to 10 inches high; very fine; as illustrated, each 3.50 No. 1002 -Fine Acoma olla or water jar. Beautiful handiwork. 12 to 14 inches high, some with handles; as illustrated, each 5.00 No. 1003 Zufii water bottle. Very typical and unique in form. Size 5 to 6 inches in diameter, each 1.50 Size 7 to 9 inches in diameter, as illustrated, each 2.50 No. 1004 Fine Acoma water jar. The same class of handiwork as No. 1002, but smaller. Size 8 to 10 inches high, each 3.00 No. 1005 Very fine Acoma vase. Beautifully finished; extra large sizes. A unique shape. Size 15 to 18 inches; as illustrated, each 6.00 f006 1007 1006 (OtO Acoma and Zuiii Indian Pottery No. 1006 Fine Acoma water jar. Same type as No. 1002, but without handles; rich decoration. Size about 12 inches high, each No. 1007 Zuiii tinajon or meal jar. The work of the best Zufii potters; in typical designs, almost all of ivhich incorporate the deer. Various sizes. 4.00 . . 2.50 . 3.50 Size 6 to 8 inches high, each .... Size 9 to 11 inches high, as illustrated, each No. 1008 Small Zufii Jars. Various shapes, of which the illustration is typical. Well decorated. Size 5 to 8 inches high; as illustrated, each 1.25 No. 1009 Small Acoma jars. Various shapes, about as illustrated. Size 6 to 8 inches high, each 1.50 No. 1010 Fine Acoma water pitcher. The best handiwork and decoration. Small sizes, 6 to 8 inches high, each 2.50 Large sizes, 9 to 11 inches high, as illustrated, each 4.00 What Our Customers Say San Jacinto, Cal., February 10, 1907. I take great pleasure in recommending your firm, and shall continue to do so in the future. I received the handkerchief and Swastika brooch, and am greatly pleased with both. Your goods are just exactly as adver- tised. I also wish to thank you for your courteous treatment and promptness in filling my order. E. C. AGrUIKK. I want to thank you for sending such a nice Apache Indian basket Bridgeport, Conn., February 25, 1907. et. It is a fine weave and good design. H. S. MILES. Detroit, Mich., July 29, 1907. I received the filigree cross to-day, and am much pleased with same. Will send another order soon, MK!S. J. VV. rJKUWJN. Order everything by its catalogue number INDIAN POTTERY Moki Indian Pottery The Craftsman" Mr. Aikin, an authority on the handiwork of these decoration on a pot or In a recent number of Indians wrote: "In pottery, which only the women work in, the lines and proportions couldn't be improved on by a hair's breadth, while the composition and balance of the painted bowl are entirely satisfying." And truly no pottery is richer in decorative value or more distinct in the symbolism of its figures. Hardly any of it is made by the Mokis to sell, but for their own use only, and the best specimens are at all times scarce and difficult for the white man to procure. Nampeya, a Moki squaw, is admittedly the finest living decorator of Indian pottery. Each example of her handi- work is a masterpiece, and the output, of course, is limited. Our offerings of Moki pottery com- prise the best from the pueblo. The pottery is all finished in shades varying in depth from a dull cream to a rich, deep red. 1021 Moki Indian Pottery. Nos. 1023, 1027, 1028 and 1029 are Nampeya's Handiwork No. 1021 Fine Moki jar. The kind that rings like a bell when tapped; handsomely figured in symbolic designs. Very scarce. Size, 9 to 11 inches high, and 13 to 15 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each . . .$10.00 No. 1022 Small Mold jars. 4 to 6 inches high. Typical figurings, about as illustrated, each 2.00 No. 1023 Fine, richly figured Moki jar. Flat style. About 7 inches high and 12 to 15 inches in diameter. Fine specimens, each 7.50 No. 1023 } A few rare pieces, the handiwork of Nampeya; as illustrated, each 10.00 No. 1024 Old Moki water carrier. These are fine old specimens, many of which have been used by the Mokis for a number of years. The finest handiwork, but without ornamentation. We offer none but used specimens, in perfect condition. Very scarce. One side flat; with handles. Size 14 to 16 inches high, as illustrated, each 10.00 NOS. 1025 and 1027 Moki Bowls. A typical shape of Moki pottery. Beautifully shaped bowls, from 2 to 3 inches in depth; assorted sizes. No. 1027 is a genuine Nampeya bowl. Size 6 to 8 inches in diameter, each 2.50 Size 9 to 11 inches in diameter; very fine; as illustrated by No. 1025, each 3.50 No. 1027^ A few only of these in the handiwork of Nampeya; scarce. As illustrated by No. 1027, each. . . 5.00 NOS. 1026, 1028 and 1029 Small mouthed flat bowls. This is a type of pottery peculiar to the Mpkis. Nice shape, being made as illustrated, and of a rich red color. The three illustrations are in typical sizes and designs. Size 6 to 7 inches in diameter; as illustrated by No. 1026, each 2.50 Size 7 to 9 inches in diameter, same size as shown by No. 1029, each 3.50 A few in this size in genuine Nampeya handiwork, as illustrated by No. 1029, each 4.00 Size 10 to 11 inches in diameter; same size as shown by No. 1028, each 4.00 No. 1029i A few only in this size in Nampeya's handiwork; as illustrated; very fine, each 5.00 No. 1030 Moki bowls. These are in a rich cream color, and of fine decorative value. Size 4 to 5 inches in diameter, each ,, 1.50 Size 6 to 8 inches in diameter, each 2.00 Size 9 to 12 inches in diameter; as illustrated, each 3.00 Small pieces. A number of odd small pieces of genuine Moki pottery, consisting of bowls, vases and quaint forms; average size 3 to 4 inches in diameter No. 1031 Each 75 Six nice pieces, all different, packed together, for 3.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid. INDIAN POTTERY Miscellaneous Indian Pottery We group under this head examples of Pottery from practically all the pottery-making Indians of the Southwest not otherwise classified. We recommend highly the black Santa Clara ware and the Santo Domingo pitchers. Nos. 1041 and 1045 Santa Clara Loving Cups. Fine lustrous black pottery without ornamentation, in a shape made by no other tribe of Indians. Rich and very effective. Size about 6 inches high, each.. . . $1.25 Size about 8 inches high, finer specimens, each 2.00 Size about 10 inches high; as illustrated by No. 1045, each 3.00 Very fine specimens; 12 to 14 inches high; as illustrated by No. 1041, each 5.00 No. 1042 San Ildefonso Olla. Made in a rich deep red color, with black figuring. Size 10 to 12 inches high; handsome jars; as illustrated, each 5.00 No. 1043 Santa Clara Vase. Lustrous black ware; handsome shapes. Size 4 to 6 inches high, each 1.25 Size 8 to 9 inches high, as illustrated, each 2.00 No. 1044 Santa Clara Water Jar. These are exquisitely shaped, and being in the lustrous plain black finish are exceedingly effective. The finest handiwork. Size 10 to 13 inches high; as illustrated, each 5.00 Miscellaneous Indian Pottery No. 1046 Small Pieces Santa Clara Pottery. A great assortment of different sizes and shapes, the illustra- tion being merely representative. Size 3 to 5 inches high , each 75 Three pieces, all different, packed together, for 1.50 No. 1047 Santa Clara Pitcher. Good pitchers, well shaped, finely finished; about like the illustration. Size 6 to 8 inches high; as illustrated, each 2.00 No. 1048 Cochiti Jar. Typical of the pottery from the Cochiti pueblo, in a dull white ground with plain black figurings. Good handiwork; assorted shapes. Size 7 to 9 inches high, each 2.00 No. 1049 Pueblo Rain Gods. Made of pottery, about 6 inches high; hand-decorated in colors. Supposed to be bearers of good fortune to all who possess them. Weight l to 2 pounds. Carefully packed in a box, each 75 No. 1050 Sia Water Jar. Made by the Indian potters in the pueblo of that name. Good handiwork, with decorations in black and red on white ground; about as shown. Fine value. Size 8 to 11 inches high; as illustrated, each 2.50 No. 1051 Santo Domingo Vase. A shapely and beautifully made piece of pottery, in a rich gray white finish, with well executed decoration in black. Size 8 inches high; as illustrated, each 2.00 Order everything by its catalogue number 88 ASSORTMENTS OF INDIAN POTTERY Special Assortment Offer of Indian Pottery Assortment of Indian Pottery No. P $2.90 By reason of the heavy item of expense in packing and transporting Indian pottery, we are able to give our customers much greater value where a number of pieces of pottery are ordered together. For this reason we have made up the following offerings, the conditions of delivery being plainly noted in each case. Assortment Offer No. P 6 pieces of Indian pottery, about as illustrated above, including one genuine Indian pottery God of Fortune 4 to 6 inches high, and 5 assorted shapes of the best Indian pottery made; average size 3 to 6 inches. Regular price for the collection $3.85; special assortment offer, delivery charges prepaid, carefully packed in a box, under our guarantee of safe delivery given on page 84, the set $2.90 Assortment Offer No. Q Same as offer No. P, except that God of Fortune is omitted and two other pieces added; total of 7 pieces, same general style as illustration. Regular retail price $4.25; special assortment offer, delivery charges prepaid, sub- ject to guarantee on page 84, the set $3.00 Assortment Offer No. U This offer includes 15 to 18 pieces of Indian pottery, representing the handiwork of six to eight different tribes, as represented by illustration below, which is a typical assortment. We will deliver for shipment by freight this entire assortment, carefully packed in box or barrel, customer to pay transportation charges regular catalogue price for the assortment, $20.00 special offer, the set $ 10.00 9 1 12 Assortment of Indian Pottery No. U $10.00 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid NAVAJO INDIAN SILVERWARE 89 Navajo Indian Silverware A characteristic of the Navajo Indian is his fondness for silverware ami his wonderful skill in working it into articles of adornment. Unlike most other Indian tribes, the Navajoes will not wear or use any imitation of the precious metals nor any of the worthless metal trinkets worn and prized by the Indians of the Middle West. They disdain to have anything to do with an imitation of any kind. Neither do they work in gold. The Navajo silversmith works with the most primi- tive of tools. These consist of a small melting pot, a small anvil, a hammer, and the necessary dies with which he creates the designs to be hammered on the finished pieces. With this outfit he melts down silver dollars in his melt- ing pot and from the product molds and hammers out the finished articles with a skill that, considering his primitive appliances, is little short of marvelous. The articles most generally made by the Navajo silver- smith consist of the silver bead necklace, the bracelet, the ring, and the belt buckle. Other forms are scarce an 1 growing more so each year. The price of all genuine Navajo silverware is steadily maintained by the constant demand for it among the Navajoes themselves. They will readily pay the top price for any fine example of their silverware, and, as a matter of fact, a large part of the articles made by the Navajo silversmith are bought by his fellow Indians. Old Navajo silverware, which we show on this page, is rapidly becoming scarce. It is highly prized by collectors who appreciate the fact that little of the modern silver- ware possesses the richness and originality of design found in the better examples of the older forms of the art. We cannot guarantee the supply of the articles here listed. Some are only procured with difficulty. Many Navajoes will sooner part with all their other worldly possessions than dispose of their bead necklaces. Our stock, how- ever, is kept up as well as possible by constant collecting from the Navajoes themselves and through time-expired articles of silverware which they have pawned. OLD NAVAJO SILVERWARE No. 1251 Bead Necklaces; made from hollow spherical silver beads; the more expensive speci- mens with crescent and fleurs-de-lis, as in the illustration. Very difficult to procure. From 8 to 15 silver dollars are used in making one of these necklaces. Price according to wear and condition, each $10.00 to $25.00 No. 1252 Belt buckles; the one illustrated is a pattern typical of those used in the heavy silver belts used by the Navajoes. About 3 inches long. Fine specimens, each 6.50 No. 1253 Smaller belt buckles; mounted with turquoise; about 3 by 1 inches in size. Fine specimens, each 5.00 No. 1254 Wrist Guard or Bow Plate; used by the Navajoes as a protection to the wrist in shooting with the bow. Rare and very hard to procure. The higher priced specimens are mounted on leather. Size from 2 to 3 inches long each 5.00 to 8.00 NO. 1255 to 1260 inclusive Old Navajo Bracelets; assorted designs, specimens of the handiwork of the best old craftsmen; beautiful original de- signs; all more or less worn by the Navajoes. The illustrations are representative of our stock. Full adult's size, about one inch in width. NOS. 1255, 1257, 1258, 1260 Fine designs, each.. . 5.00 No. 1256 Mounted with turquoise of good size, each 7.50 No. 1259 Triangular shape, heavy; an old original type, each 3.75 No. 1261 Old Navajo Rings; a popular form of silverware with the Navajoes, worn by men, squaws, and children. Illustrations are typical of our collection, which includes the best specimens. Good designs, unmounted; according to weight, each 1.50 to 2.50 Fine specimens mounted with turquoise; accord- ing to quality, each 2.00 to 4.00 No. 1262 Navajo Conchas; concave buttons, or con- chas, used by the Navajoes in adorning their leather work, such as belts and bridles. Each concha made with a fastening link underneath. Designs about as illustrated, about f-inch wide, each 25 Order everything by its catalogue number 90 INDIAN BEAD WORK AND BEADS Indian Bead Work and Beads The product of the best bead-working Indians in the country, all strictly genuine Indian hand-made, sewn with sinew thread on buckskin and leather. Beadwork that will last and wear well. The illustrations are typical of our stocks, which include all forms of Indian beadwork. NO. 1231 Very Fine Indian Full Beaded Vest; adult's size; worked in beautiful colored designs back and front. Sewn on buckskin, with buck- skin fringe; cloth lined, price ............... $20.00 Smaller beaded vests, boy's sizes, each ........ 10.00 No. 1232 Beaded Buckskin Purse; all full beaded both sides; about 3 inches wide, each ........... 75 No. 1233 Apache Beaded Buckskin Purse; all full beaded with metal tassel fringe; about 7 inches long; a fine article, each .................... 2.00 No. 1234 Beaded Watch Fobs, nicely woven from beads in pretty designs; 4 to 6 inches long, each .60 No. 1235 Zuni Indian Bead Necklace; made from fine beads, assorted sizes and colors, strung on leather thong; about 18 inches long; excellent value, each .................................. 50 No. 1236 Tesuque Indian Purse; a prettily made and novel style of purse, made by one of the small- er Pueblo tribes of New Mexico; beaded designs worked on both sides, on leather, with draw string, each ................................. 1.00 No. 1237 Beaded Knife Sheath; all full beaded in pretty designs; fine handiwork, on buckskin. Assorted sizes. Small sheaths, about 4 to 5 inches long, each ............................. 50 Large sizes, 5 to 7 inches long, each ............. 85 No. 1238 Genuine Indian Beaded Dolls; real Indian dolls, made of buckskin and nursed by a papoose,. and not a cheap imitation. Procured direct from the Indians and therefore these dolls have sometimes been slightly used. Various sizes. Full size, about 12 inches long, as illustrated. each ....................................... 4.00 Medium and small sizes, each ..... 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 NO. 1239 Woven Beaded Belts, fine designs strongly woven in pretty colors. About !$ inches wide, each ........... . . . .............. 2.00 Woven Beaded Hat-bands; similar to the belts but slightly narrower and shorter, each ........ 1.00 No. 1240 Bone and Bead Necklace; about 50 inches long as illustrated, each ...................... 1.00 NO. 1241 Beaded Pin cushions; made in the form of animals from buckskin; upper side covered with finely worked designs. As illustrated. Price according to size, each ............. 75 and 1.00 No. 1242 Awl Case; made from buckskin and covered with full beaded designs. About 7 inches long; as illustrated, each .............. 1.00 No. 1243 Woven Beaded Necklace; made by the Chippewas; fine handiwork and designs in as- sorted colors. About 1 inch wide and 50 inches long. As illustrated, each .................... 1.00 INDIAN BEADS Indian Seed Beads. The small transparent and opaque beads generally used for bead work; crystal white, opal white, turquoise blue, medium .blue, dark blue, Nile green, emerald green, olive green, pea green, brown, ruby red, pink, amber, yellow, orange and black. No. 1244 Per bunch of about 80 strings .......... $0.25 No. 1245 Large beads about J-inch in diameter assorted colors, per hundred No. 1246 Black Eyed Susans; bright red seeds, used as beads, per ounce ......................... No. 1246* Threaded on chain 70 inches long, each. . No. 1247 Red Circassian Seeds; rich red color, used as beads. About 1-inch, per ounce ............ No. 1247^ Threaded on chain 70 inches long, each . . No. 1248 White Job's Tears; gray-white seeds, used .as beads. About f -inch, per ounce ............ No. 12484 Threaded on chain 70 inches long, each . . No. 1249 Alligator Teeth; used in necklaces; gen- uine, each ................................... 10 25 .10 .90 .15 .90 .10 .50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT No. 1271 Genuine Indian Cradle or Papoose Carrier; used by the Navajo, Apache, and other Indians of the Southwest. Made of boards with buckskin straps, with hoop and foot-piece. Some filled with the pine bark bedding used to make the little Indian papoose comfortable, as shown by the illustra- tion. Very difficult to procure, since an Indian will hardly ever part with a cradle, which is so im- portant a feature in the rearing of his children. Average size, 20 to 24 inches long, as illustrated, each $5.00 No. 1272 Old Navajo Bow and Arrows; fine old Navajo bow made of. iron wood, wrapped with sinew and with sinew thong; two fine arrows, metal tipped and with eagle feathers. These old ,, Navajo bows are fast disappearing and difficult to procure. Length, about 40 to 44 inches, as illustrated, each 5.00 No. 1272 2 Arrows only, fine, each 25 No. 1273 Apache Bow and Arrows; made and used by the Apache Indians of New Mexico and Arizona. Good bows of fine wood, made for service and not for ornament, with straight, well-made arrows, tipped with metal and feathers. Full size, about 40 to 44 inches long; with two arrows, as illustrated, each 3.00 Smaller size, 30 to 36 inches long; with two arrows, each 2.00 No. 1273^ Arrows only, fine, each 20 No. 1274 Pueblo Bow and Arrows; made by the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, with sinew thong and two arrows. Bow is ornamented with hand paintings by the Indians. Fine for an Indian corner or den. Length, 30 to 36 inches; with two arrows; as illustrated, each 60 No. 1274} Arrows only, each 15 No. 1275 Pueblo War Club; well made, with stone tightly wrapped in rawhide and sinew sewn; strong stem, with steer's tail. A little beadwork on the handle. Length, about 14 inches with- out tail; as illustrated, each 1.00 No. 1276 Indian Boomerang or Throwing Stick; a curved stick of heavy, hard wood, so made as to be a formidable weapon for both fighting and hunting, for which purposes it is used. Plain colored figures. Difficult to procure and an uncommon piece of Indian handicraft. Average length 20 inches; as illustrated, each 1.00 No. 1277 Cree War Club; finely-made old war club, with heavy, round, stone head, bound with raw- hide on rawhide covered handle; steer's tail and feathers. Fine specimens. About 26 inches long without tail, as illustrated, each 3.00 No. 1278 Cree War Club; same quality, size, and make as No. 1277 but another type, having pointed stone head. The best handiwork. About 26 inches long without tail; as illustrated, each .... 3.00 No. 1279 Cree Sling Shot; a unique weapon, used by a few tribes of Indians only. Made of soft leather, strongly bound and sewn, with round stone sewn in the head and slip loop handle. Hand-figured in Indian colors. Good specimens only. About 30 inches long, as illustrated, each, 1.50 No. 1279^ Bow and Quiver Sets; a few fine old sets of Navajo and Apache bow, quiver and six arrows, per set 5.00 1279 Order everything by its catalogue number 92 MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT Miscellaneous Indian Handicraft Continued No. 1280 Zuni Indian Belt; hand-woven by the In- dians of the pueblo of Zuni, and worn regularly by them and by neighboring tribes. Fine ex- ample of weaving; the colors being dull red, dark green, and black. Excellent for use in draping or for an Indian corner. 4 to 5 inches wide and 5 to 6 feet long, as illustrated, each 2.5( No. 1281 Zuni Gaming Rings; used by the Zunis in gambling, and also for placing on the head in carrying water jars. Hand-woven from the leaf of the yucca or soap weed plant. Size, 5 to 6 inches, as illustrated, each 21 No. 1282 Pueblo Dance Rattle; the dance rattle used in most of the dances and ceremonies of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. Made of raw- hide, thoroughly hardened and seasoned, sewn with sinew, and containing pebbles, which make it serve the purpose of a rattle; strongly mounted on wooden handle covered with rawhide and finished with a steer's tail and bead work. An interesting piece of handiwork. Size, 7 to 8 inches long, without tail, as illustrated, each 81 No. 1283 Indian Tobacco Flask; made from buck- skin, hardened and strongly sewn, with stopper. Used extensively by the Indians for carrying their tobacco. Size, about 3 inches long, as il- lustrated, each 7i No. 1284 Indian Peace Pipe; genuine Indian Pipe of Peace, made from real pipestone, and slightly used. Fine handiwork and the best kind of Indian pipe procurable. Each pipe an Indian trophy. Long wooden stem. Size, without stem, 5 to 7 inches long. Fine specimens, as illustrated, each 4.0l No. 1285 Pueblo Indian Pipe; made by the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, from pottery, with glazed finish and hand-decorated with Indian designs in colors; wooden stem. A genuine Indian pipe at a reasonable price. Length of stem 12 to 15 inches, as illustrated, each 51 No. 1286 Turtle Dance Rattle; made from the complete shell of a tortoise, with bear claws or deer hoofs tied on with buckskin. Greatly prized by the Indians and used in their religious and ceremonial dances. Scarce and very difficult to procure. We offer only used specimens. Size 4 to 5 inches long, as illustrated, each 2.50 No. 1237 Inc'.ian Spoon; well made by the Apache and Pima Indians of Arizona; cut out from hard native wood entirely by hand. Size, about 20 inches long, as illustrated, each 1.00 No. 1288 Cree Dance Rattle; made from Indian tanned leather, the head being in the form of a drum, containing pebbles, and about 6 inches wide. Wooden handle. Size about 18 inches long, as illustrated, each 1.00 NO. 1289 Indian Drill; made by the Pueblos of New Mexico; wooden stem wheel, and handle, with rawhide thong; end fitted with flint point, sinew bound. Length, about 12 inches, as illustrated, each 1.00 No. 1290 Zuni Indian Head Band; hand-woven in combinations of red, dark green, and black. Used by the Zunis and many other Indians of the Southwest as a head band. We offer only specimens that have been used. Size, about H inches wide and 18 to 24 inches long, as illustrated, each .75 A Woman of Sia All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT 93 Moki and Snake Dance Handicraft The interest in recent years in the Moki snake dance has been so widespread that we have undertaken to meet an extensive demand for genuine articles of Indian handi- craft used in the various ceremonies of this and other dances of the Moki Indians or, as they are more prop- erly called, the Hopis. No other Indian ceremonies, excepting, possibly, the annual ceremony of the Peni- tentes, possess so much of interest to the person interested in Indian characteristics as the snake, flute, and antelope dances held annually by the Mokis. Most of the articles offered on this page are genuine relics of the Moki snake dance, and are procured with difficulty in anything like the quantity necessary to meet the demand. They are exceedingly quaint and belong to a class by themselves, by reason of the peculiar religious traditions with which they are associated by the Moki Indians. Their historic associations make them ideal decorations for the den. NOS. 1291 to 1293 Various forms of the Moki Katcina dolls, which are a prominent feature of the ceremonies and daily life of these Indians. Hand-carved out of wood; brightly painted with Indian designs in red, green, yellow, and blue, and trimmed with feathers. Procured by us direct from the Mokis and warranted genuine. All speci- mens that we offer have been more or less used. No. 1291 A rare and handsome specimen, which we can seldom furnish. About 13 inches high, as illustrated, each $5.00 NOS. 1292 and 1293 Good specimens, well carved and in good condition. 8 to 10 inches high, as illustrated and in other forms, each 2.00 No. 1292^ Smaller specimens, 5 to 7 inches high, each... , 1.00 NO. 1294 Sacred Tablet; these are hand -made boards, decorated in colors and in designs sym- bolic of the Moki traditions. They are a promi- nent feature of the Katcina dances, being carried by certain of the Indians taking part. Trimmed with feathers and sometimes corn tassels. Sizes vary greatly, but will average 4 inches in width and 18 inches in length. About as illustrated, each 1.50 No. 1294| A few very fine large specimens, 8 to 10 inches wide, and about 18 inches long; all slightly used, each 2.50 NO. 1295 Moki Ceremonial Sash; used by the more prominent participants in the snake dance. Hand-woven from cotton with design about as illustrated; embroidered in design of religious significance, in harmonious colorings of black, dark green, red, and white. A rare and fine relic. Size 9 to 10 inches wide and about 60 inches long. Illustration shows only one half, both ends being similarly embroidered, each 6.00 NOS. 1296 and 1297 Moki Dance Rattles; a dif- ferent type of dance rattle from that used by most of the Southwestern Indians. Made from a gourd, dried and hardened, and containing pebbles. Wooden handle. Some are plain, as illustrated by No. 1296, and others hand-painted ,. in colors, as shown by No. 1297. Size 8 to 9 inches long, each 1.00 Order everything by its catalogue number MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT Miscellaneous Indian Handicraft Continued INDIAN MOCCASINS We offer two kinds of Indian moccasins: those made with rawhide soles, with beaded buckskin tops, all sinew sewn throughout, the handiwork of the best buck- skin working Indians on the continent; also the soft sole beaded moccasins, made from tannery-finished leather. RAWHIDE SOLE MOCCASINS All Indian hand-made, with seasoned rawhide soles and Indian tanned buckskin uppers, which are handsomely sewn in beaded designs. All sewing is by hand and in genuine sinew, not thread. These moccasins, being made for the Indian's foot, cannot be guaranteed to closely fit a white person's foot; nor can they be supplied in any quantity in large sizes. Being hand-made they always look slightly used. Very durable; one pair will outwear two pairs of ordinary slippers. Children's sizes, three-fourths to full beaded; a nice assortment. No. 1200 Sizes 1 to 6, per pair $0.75 NO. 1200i Sizes 7 to 13, per pair 1.00 No. 1201 Half beaded moccasins; good designs, about like illustration; all sizes up to 7, per pair 1.75 No. 1201^ Same thing, but sizes 7 to 7; supply limited, per pair 2.00 No. 1202 Three-fourths beaded moccasins, pretty designs and handiwork, about as illustrated; all sizes up to 7i, per pair 2.50 No. 1203 Full beaded moccasins, with uppers entirely covered with finest designs; beautifully made and finished; all Indian Raw-hide Sole Moccasins $1.00 3.50 5.00 Soft Sole Indian Moccasins No. 1209. Indian Single Tomtom Nos. 1222 to 1222%, bead work in choice . to 7i, per pair 3.50 No. 1204 A few only extra fine pairs, the work of the best Indian craftsmen; sizes up to 71, per pair 5.00 SOFT SOLE MOCCASINS These are finished from very soft finished tanned leather, and are made for com- fort. We can supply these in all sizes. The uppers have a small amount of Indian bead work, and the edges are turned over and fastened with a leather tie. No. 1205 Infants' sizes 1 to 6, per pair $0.90 No. 1206 Misses' sizes 7 to 13, per pair 1.25 No. 1207 Ladies' or boys' sizes 1 to 5, per pair 1.75 No. 1208 Men's sizes 6 to 12, per pr. 2.25 INDIAN TOMTOMS Hand-made by the Pueblo Indians from rawhide tightly stretched over wooden hoops, hand-painted by the Indians in original de- signs; no two alike. These are used by the Indians in their dances, and are splendid art- icles for decoration and for the den. No. 1209 Single tomtoms, like illus- tration, about 10 inches in diame- ter, with beating stick, each . . No. 1210 Double head tomtoms, well made and full painted; about 15 inches in diameter and 10 inches high; with beating stick, each. . . No. 1211 Large tomtoms, 12 to 15 inches in diameter and about 20 inches high; used in Indian dances; with beating stick. Very fine, each No. 1212 Tree trunk tomtoms; old and finely made speci- mens; constructed from sec- tions of hollow tree trunks, covered at both ends with the best skin. Rare and dif- ficult to procure. Each, with beating stick 15.00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Arrow Heads. Genuine Indian hand-made, assorted colors; made from flint and obsidian. No. 1213 About f inch long, ea $0.05 Per dozen 50 No. 1214 Large specimens, 1 to 2 inches long; each, accord- ing to size and quality, 25C, 50c, 75c and 1.00 NO. 1215-Indian Horse tooth necklace. Fine specimens of these rare necklaces, made from threaded horse teeth, as illustrated; average length Indian Birch Bark Canoe 22 incties, ea.. , *a is < cJ re;} 41 o fc ~ cv rnto 1216 3.00 Indian Horse Tooth and Wampum Necklaces All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid MISCELLANEOUS INDIAN HANDICRAFT 95 Miscellaneous Indian Handicraft Continued No. 1216 Genuine Indian wampum. The original native Indian necklace, made from wampum, the quantity of which worn by an Indian chief signified his wealth. Tnreaded with pieces of native turquoise and other stones. Rare. Each, according to size and quality, $5.00 and $10.00 EAGLE FEATHERS Genuine, procured from the Indians, by whom they are highly prized for head gear and war dances ; two qualities, the white tipped being rare and worn only by chiefs. No. 1217 Brown eagle feathers, each. .$0.25 No. 1217J White tipped eagle feathers, each 60 SPEAR HEADS AND TOMAHAWKS No. 1218 Spear heads; fine specimens, 4 to 6 inches; each, according to quality and size. .$1.00, $2.00 and 3.00 No. 1219 Prehistoric stone axes and hammer heads, excavated from cliff and cave dwellings. Each, accord- ing to condition, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and 3.00 No. 1220 Indian tomahawk. Rare and fine specimen; handle of wood, with hand-forged metal point ; hung with beaded buckskin string. Size 5.00 Indian Tomahawks about 22 inches, each NO. 1221 Indian tomahawk. Different style from 1220, but rare specimen with all metal head; strung with buckskin string and wampum beads; about 22 inches long, each 5.00 BIRCH BARK CANOES These are genuine hand-made canoes, made from birch bark and sewn with colored moose hair. Very dainty and pretty for use and decoration. Three sizes, as follows: No. 1222 About 5 inches long, each $0.15 Per dozen 1.50 NO. 1222 About 7 inches long, each 20 Per dozen 2.25 No. 1222 J About 9 inches long, each 25 Per dozen 2.75 No. 1223 Canoe Scarf Pin. A dainty gold filled scarf pin, mount- ed with a genuine Indian hand-made miniature birch bark canoe about f-inch long, and sewn with sweet grass, each 15 Per dozen 1.25 OTHER RARE HANDICRAFT NO. 1224 Indian Flutes. Made of cedar wood; fine old, rare speci- mens, usually with mouth hand-carved in bird's head design. Very sweet tone, each 5.00 No. 1225 Old paintings. Mostly of Spanish origin, secured from the old Indian churches of the Southwest. Each, according to size and condition, $2.50, $5.00, $10.00 and 20.00 No. 1226 Penitente Indian crosses. The wooden crosses used by the Penitente Indians of New Mexico in their famous annual ceremony, which represents the story of the cross. Very rare. Average length, 24 inches, each 5.00 Indian War Bonnets Eagle Feathers Genuine Indian hand-made war bonnets, trimmed with bead work and eagle feathers. Rare and difficult to procure; splendidly made. A fine thing for the den. No. 1227 Indian war bonnet head dress, like illustration on page 96, each $14.00 NO. 1227 Chief's war bonnets; splen- did specimens, as illustrated; full length with head bonnet and streamer to heels, 5 to 6 feet long, each 27.50 NO. 1228 Genuine Human Scalp Locks, secured by Indians in war- fare many years ago, exceedingly rare, each 75.00 NO. 1229 Indian Ivory Figures. Hand carved in ivory in animal shapes by the Alaska Indians; about 1 inches long, each No. 1230 Indian head lithographs, representing Burbank's studies; somely colored prints about 6 x 8 on mounts 11 x 14, each 6 for No. 1227 l / 2 Indian Eagle Feather War Bonnet hand- 1.00 .25 1.25 Order everything by its catalogue number 96 FUR SKINS AND RUGS Miscellaneous Indian Handicraft Continued INDIAN PINON NUTS These delicious little nuts are practically unknown beyond New Mexico and the Southwest, on account of their scarcity. They are a small nut about + inch in length, with paper-like shell, which is filled with large meaty kernel of delicious flavor. The nuts are gathered by the Navajo Indians from the trees during the winter and by them are used as a regular article of diet. They make a most delicious and uncommon dainty. No. 502 Indian pinon nuts, daintily packed in box containing several hundred, each box $0.25 5 boxes to the same address for. . . 1.00 No. 502. Indian Pinon Nuts Indian Tanned Fur Skins and Rugs The Indians bring to us from time to time handsome speci- mens of the natural fur rugs of some of the wild and domestic animals of the Southwest. These are all Indian tanned by them, in a process which renders them soft, pliable, durable and moth proof. We list on this page most of the skins that are brought to us in this way. We can have any of these mounted with heads and eyes' and .lined with a high grade of felt, if desired, and solicit correspondence from our customers desiring this work done. ANGORA FUR RUGS The finest flocks of Angora goats in the world range through the mountains of New Mexico. We have made importations of the celebrated Turkish Angora rugs direct from Turkey, for the purpose of comparing with the New Mexican Angora rugs, and find that the latter are equal to the finest Turkish importations. The wool of the New Mexico Angora goat in the rugs here offered is from 4 to 6 inches long just the right length for combined service and beauty, and it is of a beautifully white, silky texture. These rugs are -admirable and showy floor rugs, and being moth proof will last for an indefinite number of years. All are in the pure white color of the Angora goat. They can be washed at any time, in case they become soiled, and are in this way quickly cleaned. No. 1085 Angora fur rugs as described above; length 30 to 36 inches, each $5.00 No. 1085. Angora Fur Rug No. 1227. Indian War Bonnet No. 1086 The same, but the finest selected specimens only; length 40 to 45 inches, each 7.50 BEAR SKINS We occasionally get from the Indians black and brown bear skins from bears they have killed or trapped in hunting. The bounty on a bear hide is now so high in practically all Western States that it is difficult to secure any bear skins for low prices. The following quotations must, therefore, be considered as approximate. They are for Ind- ian tanned bear skins, complete with head and claws, and in good condition, and subject only to our having them in stock. No. 1087 Bear Skins; medium size,, pbout 50 inches long, each v $12.50 No. 1088 The same, but larger and finer specimens, about 60 inches longpeach . . 17.50 No. 1089 Extra large bear skins; (i feet long and over; prime condition only, ^ach. . 30.00 OTHER FUR SKINS No. 1090 Wildcat skins; complete with head, x > tail and claws; fine specimens only, each $3.50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid FUR SKINS AND RUGS 97 Indian Tanned Fur Skins and Rugs Continued $O. 1091 The same, but the finest and largest selected specimens only, about 36 inches long, each $5.00 Prairie Wolf or Coyote. The skin of the :oyote makes a handsome fur rug, with its long jushy tail and handsome light brown colorings ind shadings. So. 1092 Coyote fur rugs, medium sizes, about 36 inches long, each. . . $3.50 STo. 1093 Same, but extra fine selected specimens, 3 to 4 feet long, each. . . 5.00 STo. 1094 Gray Fox. Handsome speci- mens of these beautiful skins, with fine bushy tails. All soft Indian tanned, each 3.50 MOUNTED FUR RUGS AND GAME HEADS We quote the following prices for hand- iomely mounted fur rugs and game heads. Pull head mounts include the entire head, ipper and lower jaws. Half head mounts in- :lude only the head, without lower jaw. In joth cases the heads are entirely natural, with :olored eyes, and the work is that of an expert. STo. 1095 Cinnamon bear, full head mount; each, according to size and condition $30.00 to $65.00 So. 1096 Leopard, full head mount; each, according to size and con- dition $50.00 to $100.00 SO. 1097 Mountain lion, full head mount; each, according to size and condition $40.00 to $60.00 STo. 1098 Prairie wolf robes; 8 skins, with tails, each $35.00 X. No. 1090. Wild Cat Skin No. 1099 Antelope heads; full mount and perfect specimens only, each $18.00 to $25.00 No. 1100 Deer heads; black tail, each $18.00 to $35.00 No. 1101 Rocky Mountain sheep heads, each $60.00 to $100.00 No. 1102 Elk heads each. $75.00 to $150.00 MOUNTED TEXAS STEER HORNS These are handsomely mounted and polished specimens of the Texas steer horns, and are prepared under our per- sonal supervision by expert Mexican craftsmen. The horns are beautifully hand pplished and finished and are No. 1 103. Mounted Texas Steer Horns mounted on board mounts as illustrated, trimmed in dark vel- vet and finished with handsome trimmings, all ready for hang- ing up on the wall. They make handsome and unique hat acks. Average width between horn tips 20 to 24 inches. No. 1103 Mounted Texas Steer Horns, as illustrated, per set ......................................... $5.00 ARMADILLO BASKETS A beautiful basket that is a great novelty. Made from the ttard shell and entire covering of the Armadillo, an animal tound in Mexico and South America. The nose and tail are firmly joined by wire, making a substantial handle. The shell is hand polished, and is so strong that it will stand much rough usage and service.' No. 1104 Armadillo basket, 12 to 15 inches long, height about 10 inches. Each, carefully boxed, charges pre- paid... ........... $3.00 No. 1104. Arniadillo Basket Order everything by its catalogue number INSECTS AND REPTILES 1075 Mounted Insects and Reptile The specimens listed on this page include the moi venomous insects and reptiles of the Southwest. "W keep our own expert collector employed the entire tin: procuring these specimens for our wholesale and reta trade. His work in stuffing and mounting these spec mens is of a very superior grade, all the specimens bein well stuffed and mounted in lifelike attitudes. Specif preservatives are used to insure the specimens keepir for an indefinite length of time. The illustrations show are greatly reduced from actual photographs. Wit each specimen sold we supply a specially printed sli describing fully the insect or reptile and its habits an principal characteristics. We pack each specimen wit great care to insure its safe arrival. Horned Toad. A species of lizard, covered with smal sharp horns, and beautifully marked with shadings < brown and yellow. The New Mexico variety which v supply, is the most beautiful in the world. Size, froi 5 to 6 inches long. No. 1071 Mounted on a card and boxed, each $O.E No. 1071$ Mounted on an orangewood plaque about 9 inches long, as illustrated, boxed, each. . .1 No. 1071| Extra large and fine specimens, on plaque, boxed { No. 1072 Centipede; fine specimens of this venom- ous insect, well preserved. From 4 to 6 inches long. Mounted on a card and boxed, each 5 No. 1072 J A few very fine specimens, about 7 inches long, each 1 No. 1073 Scorpion; good specimens of this poison- ous insect, well mounted and preserved. About 3 inches long. Mounted on a card and boxed, each 4 Tarantula. The largest spider known, with a venon ous bite that is sometimes fatal. Fine, well-preserve specimens. Size, 3 to 4 inches across. No. 1074 Mounted on a card and boxed, each $0.4 No. 1074} A few immense specimens, 5 inches and over across, boxed C No. 1075 Tarantula Hawk; an immense hornet, the enemy of the tarantula, which it kills and buries as described on the slip accompanying each specimen. Bright, bronze-colored wings. Size, 2^ to 3 inches across. Mounted on a card and boxed, each 3 SPECIAL MOUNTED SETS No. 1076 Tarantula and its enemy, the tarantula hawk, both mounted on one card; fine speci- mens; boxed, the set 5 No. 1077 All five specimens shown in the illustra- tion, nicely arranged and mounted on a large card; boxed, the set 1.1 RATTLESNAKE SKINS No. 1080 Dried Rattlesnake Skins. Air-dried skir of the genuine diamond back rattlesnake. Size, about 4 feet long, each $1.5 Size, about 5 feet long, each 2.0 Size, about 6 feet long, each 3.0 No. 1081 Rattlesnake Belts; made from the tanned skin of the genuine diamond back rattlesnake; leather lined; either cinch or buckle fastening. State size in ordering. Width, about 1 inches, each 4.0 No. 1082 Rattlesnake Neckties; made from a genuine diamond back rattlesnake skin, well prepared and tanned, lined with satin. The rattles of the snake are arranged as a scarf pin on the tie, making a most unique article. Size, about 11 inches long, each 2.0 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid CUSHION TOPS AND RAFFIA 99 A Page of Cushion Tops and Covers Here is a choice lot of inexpensive pillow covers and slips in handsome Western and Indian designs. We believe them to be just as good values as can be procured anywhere, and the character and finish of the designs is of a superior grade. The colorings are lifelike, and yet not "loud." NOS. 251 to 254. Four attractive art linen pillow tops; designs of Western and Indian characters; hand- somely colored; on good quality of heavy linen. Size 23 inches square. No. 251 "The Western Girl," each $0.40 No. 252 "Pocahontas," each No. 253 "Indian Chief," each No. 254 "Indian Maiden," each Offer No. W One each of all 4 designs listed, for. .40 .40 .40 1.30 No. 255 A handsome pillow top; made on heavy weight of good art linen, handsomely printed in rich but natural coloring, illustrating the Navajo chief, Tche-Nah-He, with Indian char- acters in background. A high-grade art pillow top; 23 inches square, each .................. $0.70 No. 256 Good luck pillow cover, complete r front and back; finished edges and corner tassels; front of unbleached linen, with colored design in Swastika cross and four leaf clover; ready for use, or can be embroidered. Substantial green denim back; 21 inches square; excellent value, each ................................. 60 No. 256 Complete Oriental pillow cover, with finished edges and Oriental tassels; front of heavy double weave art tapestry in handsome Oriental designs; dark blue, green, dark red and gold, with back of red denim; 21 inches square; splendid value for the money, each ............. 80 RAFFIA AND REEDS FOR BASKET MAKING Raffia comes from Madagascar, where it is gathered from a long leaf palm. The natural color which is per- manent is a creamy white, and as imported it is put up in hard twisted braids. It is used extensively in schools and by ladies generally, for making such useful and ornamental articles as baskets, fans, hammocks, screens, table covers, lamp shades, mats, portieres, etc. The various colors that we offer afford an unlimited field for pretty effects in this dainty handiwork. Our raffia is the highest grade procurable. No. 1325 Plain raffia, in the natural color. Small bunches, each .............................. $0.10 One pound, prepaid .......................... 40 Original braids, 2 to 4 pounds each; per pound, prepaid .................................... 35 Colored Raffia. We supply the following shades: dark red, Irish green, olive green, pink, navy blue, seal brown, orange, jet black, old gold, yellow, Indian red, purple, canary yellow, and burnt orange. sent on request. Samples of colors No. 1326 Quarter-pound skeins, each ............. $0.25 Special prices on raffia to large users and to schools. Rattan Reeds. Used as the foundation for making raffia baskets. Imported in the best stock. No. 1340 Nos. 1 to 3, quarter-pound, prepaid ..... $0.35 One pound ................................. 1.25 No. 1341 Nos. 4 to 6, quarter-pound, prepaid ...... 30 One pound, prepaid ......................... 1.00 We recommend for those who desire a book of instruc- tion, the work "Basket Making How to do It," listed in this catalogue on page 103. Order everything by its catalogue number 100 INDIAN PIPES 1504 1506 Carved Indian Wooden Figures The figures illustrated on this page are all hand-carved in wood and make interesting and useful articles for many purposes, including deco- rations for the den or the home. The Indian heads offered are nicely finished off, with hand- burned designs and hand-colored decorations. No. 1500 Indian Head Pipe; prettily colored and well made; finished with china eyes; natural wood hollow stem; large size, about 10 inches long, each $0.50 No. 1501 Indian Head Pipe; corn-cob shape, as illustrated; the "hat" made from natural wood stem, with natural bark, prettily hand-burned; nicely finished in colors, with natural wood hol- low stem; about 6 inches long, each 25 No. 1502 Indian Head Pipe; the same as No. 1500, but of smaller size; about 7 inches long; each 35 No. 1503 Indian Head Cigar Holder; same style of head as Nos. 1500 and 1502, but smaller size; with hollow natural wood stem; about 6 inches long, each 25 No. 1504 Indian Head Paper Knife; with hand- carved Indian head end, prettily finished and colored; about 8 inches long, each 40 No. 1505 Match Holder; strongly made from a sec- tion of small tree trunk, with the natural birch bark; mounted with well made Indian head, hand-burned and hand-colored; scratcher at side; about 3 inches wide; each 76 No. 1506 Match Tray; wooden base covered with gravel securely fastened; mounted with small bisque Indian figure and real Indian hand-made canoe about 3 inches long; about 4 inches wide; each 50 An Inexpensive Drawn-Work Waist (From the Woman's Home Companion, October, 1907.) " I purchased a Mexican drawn-work centerpiece of pure linen two feet square for two dollars, and three yards of linen to match at fifty cents a yard. This was sufficient material to make a medium-sized shirt waist, the drawn-work borders of the centerpiece making the front, with plenty left for the collar and cuffs. It is quite as nice a waist as can be purchased in the shops for eight dollars." The above refers to our Drawn-Work Waist Offer No. 336, shown on page 23 of this catalogue. It is an un- equalled offer for the woman who desires a beautiful drawn-work waist at an economical price. A Page of Cushion Tops If you will turn to page 99 you will see an interesting lot of cushion covers in handsome Indian and Western designs^ at popular prices. All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid POSTAL CARDS AND CALENDARS 101 Indian and Mexican Postal Cards We offer here an interesting lot of souvenir postal cards, lithographed in Indian, Mexican and cowboy sub- jects, typical of the West and Southwest. These cards are of the highest quality, beautifully printed by three and four color processes, and distinctly of a high class and superior to the common colored postal cards extensively sold. Order by numbers given below. No. 1820 Burro Series An assortment of 20 differ- ent views of burros, like No. 1811 above, 2 for. .$0.05 Complete assortment of 20, all different, for 50 DNo. 1821 COW Boy Series An exceedingly inter- esting series of postal cards, comprising various scenes in cowboy life, with many different views of buckinc broncos, etc., as illustrated by 1801 and 1814, 2 for 05 Complete set of 10, all different, for 50 No. 1822 Indian Series A very choice lot of Indian views, true to life, being made from photographs and beautifully colored, showing Indian chiefs, Indian blanket weaving, basket making, villages, etc., as illustrated by 1803 to 1810, 2 for 05 Complete set of 20, all different, for 50 No. 1823 Mexican Series Finely finished colored views of Mexican life, as illustrated by 1802, 2 for 05 Complete set of 10, all different, for 25 No. 1824 Mexican Bull Fight Series Mexican bull fight series. High grade art cards illustrating in colors views of the Spanish and Mex- ican bullfights, including all the acts, 2 for 05 Complete set of 20, all different, for 50 A BEAUTIFUL SERIES OF SIX PHOTOGRAPHIC INDIAN ART CALENDARS This is a series of uncommon and very artistic calendars. They are furnished without the calendar pad and for use as a wall hanger, if preferred. Each of these calendars consists of an original sepia photograph from copyrighted study qf^ptdian subject, mounted on heavy art board of light sepia shade, printed in dark sepia tone, with design from copyrighted drawings. The size of the pho- tographs^SLverage 41 x 6. The pen and ink designs average 7 x 8; whilst the mounted calendar boards complete measure 10 x 12^ inches. Each calendar is mounted with neat calendar pad for 1908 not shown in the illustration size 1^x3 inches, specially printed in sepia ink to match, but any or all of these art studies can be furnished without calendar pad if desired, at the same price, making attractive wall hangers. Each calendar is tied with colored raffia. Each calendar is thus an exclusive work of art, superior to any ordinary printed calendar, and yet offered by us here at a wonderfully low price. Note our special price for the set. No. 150 Original photograph of Ke-wana, a Santo Domingo Indian dancer, taken at Santo Domingo, N. M.; with copyrighted drawing made at the same pueblo, each $0.50 No. 151 Original photograph of the old Indian church at Laguna, N. M., erected in the sixteenth century; with copyrighted pen and ink ds- sign, each No. 152 Original photograph of Zuni Indian corn grinders, taken in an In- dian's home at Zufii, N. M.; with copyrighted pen and ink design, each No. 153 Original photograph of Des-chin^, the Indian medicine man; with drawing of Navajo necklace, ceremonial blanket and medicine basket, each No. 157 Original photograph of the annual Corn Dance of the Santo Do- mingo Indians the largest regular Indian dance held on the continent; with copyrighted pen and ink study made at the same Indian pueblo, each No. 159 Original photograph of street scene in the Indian pueblo of Laguna, N. M., with copyrighted drawing of the same pueblo, each .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OFFER One each of all the six calendars above described, furnished with 1908 cal- endars mounted, unless otherwise ordered. Offer No. V 6 art calendars, 50 cents each, to the same address, for $2.50 Order everything by its catalogue number 102 COWBOY EQUIPMENT AND HAMMOCKS Cowboy Equipment The constant demand for articles used in daily life by the cowboys of the West has led us to make this offering We quote below on the more popular articles of cowboy equipment. All of these are of a very superior quality. The cowboy's life is a strenuous one, and calls for articles that are well made by hand, and that will withstand an endless amount of wear. Quality considered, our prices will be found to be very reasonable. COWBOYS' CUFFS Cuffs made of solid leather, as used by the cowboys on the plains as a pro- tection for the wrist in roping cattle. No. 1835 Plain, 5 inches long, per pair $1.00 No. 1836 Handsomely finished, in stamped design, about like illustration; buckskin laced, and fastening with patent button; fine solid leather; 7 inches long. Per pair 2.50 No 1836 CHAPABEJOS OR "CHAPS" Cowboy's Leather Cuffs These are practically a form of leather trousers, used by the cowboys in the saddle, and especially in the work of roping cattle, as a protection to the limbs. The illustration shows a typical pair. They are made of solid leather, bark tanned, with stamped design solid leather belt, re-enforced edges, fancy shaped bottoms; all silk stitched and extra nand buckskin laced; with nickel conchas. No. 1841 Made of "chap" leather, fastening with straps or leather buttons; Texas style; without nickel con- chas. Per pair $13.50 No. 1841 Finest "chaps" made, as illustrated, with full sets of nickel conchas; beautifully hand-made and silk sewn throughout. Per pair. $30.00 COWBOYS' SPURS. These spurs are of superior quality, made in styles exactly as used by the cowboys, and much heavier than the gentleman's riding spur used in fashionable riding. No. 1842 Made of malleable steel, burnished and chased; complete with set of spur leathers; finished with chains. Per pair $3.50 CARTRIDGE BELT. Hand-made in solid leather; plaited kip, 36 loops, nickel buckle; 2 inches wide. No. 1843 As described above, each $3.00 PISTOL HOLSTER. Made of solid leather by hand, raised stamped design; beauti- fully finished; for 45 Colt's pistol, long or short. No. 1844 As described above, each $4.00 COWBOYS' LARIATS. We list Mexican maguey and horse hair lariats both of which are used extensively by the cowboys on page 44 of this catalogue. The lariats offered below are all made in the West, exclusively for cowboy use, and are seldom found in our Eastern states. No. 1845 Cowboy's Lariat, 35 feet long ; three-strand 7-16 extra hard twist Manila; brass honda or loop braided in. Each $2.50 COWBOYS' QUIRTS. Mexican and Indian-made quirts will be found on page 46 of this catalogue. The quirts named below are Western-made for cowboys' use exclu- sively; very strong and very durable. stitch, back plait with knots and $3.50 COWBOYS' HAT. A fine cowboy's sombrero in brown beaver color, with 3-inch flat set brim, 5^-inch dented crown, finished with brown ribbed silk band, around which is trimmed and woven solid leather band with tassel; reeded leather sweat band. A typical cowboy's hat, exactly as worn by the cowboys in their daily life on the plains. No. 1847 As described above, carefully packed in a box, each $2.00 HORSE HAIR HAT BAND. Woven from genuine horse hair, in natural colors, with Cowboy's Leather tassel; end and ring loop fastening, making it adjustable to any size; very choice design Chaparejos made by the different colors of hair; exceedingly durable. No. 1848 One half inch wide, as described above, each $1.50 HORSE HAIR BRIDLES. One of the handsomest articles seen in use among the cowboys is the hand- woven horse hair bridle. These bridles are made from horse hair, woven entirely by hand and in different colors, so as to make most attractive designs. They are more durable than leather, and beautiful pieces of handiwork. The prices vary greatly, but the following are typical: No. 1849 Bridles of horse hair and leather; well made, each complete .-:: : $25.00 No. 1849^ The finest specimens of horse hair woven; beautifully made and exquisite pieces of handiwork; finished with nickel and silver conchas and trimmings. Each $35.00 We can supply regular cowboys' saddles, best hand-made quality, at from $30.00 to $100.00 each. Carved leather hat bands will be found listed in this catalogue on page 39; Indian saddle blankets, as used by the cow- boys, on page 75; and straw sombreros on pages 36 and 37. Any lother cowboy equipment required can undoubtedly be furnished by us, and we solicit correspondence from any interested customer. Mexican Hammocks Hand-made from maguey fibre in Mexico. A strong hammock that will last for an indefi- nite time. Made in mixed shades of natural, yellow and red colorings. Without spreader or rope. No. 585 Size of body, about 7 feet long. Each $2.50 All prices in this Catalogue include delivery charges prepaid ui tins cauuugue. me quins nameu ueiow art sively; very strong and very durable. No. 1846 Solid leather cowboy's quirt, negro leather fringe; loaded with shot. Each... HANDICRAFT BOOKS AND MEXICAN MUSIC 103 Books on Handicraft We have so many inquiries from our customers for reliable books on the various forms of handicraft that we st on tiiis page a number of these books which we can recommend. The prices are reasonable, and in all cases te books are written in an attractive, interesting way by authors who understand their subjects. O. 1375 How To Do Drawn-work. A book of 29 pages, size 6f x 8i , with full directions and information on the subject, from the linen and the thread to the finished pieces; showing fifty designs with forty-nine illustrations, working designs and instructions. Price each, postpaid $0.25 O. 1376 Book 9n Drawn-work. An elaborate and beautifully printed treatise on modern drawn-work in color, sixty-eight pages, size 8x11, with 63 illustrated designs, accompanied by full working instruc- tions; seven beautifully colored plates showing finished pieces in actual colors; heavy calendered paper and fine printing throughout, each 75 t). 1377 Basket Making How to Do It. A practical treatise on the interesting art of basket making, containing thirty-two pages, well illustrated, with working designs explained in a thoroughly practical manner, each 25 b. 1378 Bead Work. A practical treatise on bead work, of thirty-two pages, with twenty-five pages of illustrated designs and full practical information, each ' 25 D. 1379 Three Hundred Designs for Bead Work. A thirty-two page book, profusely illustrated with a large number of practical handsome designs for bead work; containing much interesting information, each .25 O. 1390 Embroidery. A book of forty pages, with practical directions for the popular and fashionable styles in embroidery; the essence of all embroidery books boiled down. Profusely illustrated with drawings and designs, each 25 O. 1381 Pyrography and Flemish Carving. A practical guide to this interesting art, containing thirty- two pages of practical instructions and a large number of designs and illustrations, each 25 o. 1382 Chip Carving. A practical treatise on this form of handicraft, containing twenty-four pages, with many illustrations, each 25 O. 1383 Venetian Iron Work. A very practical book of instructions with many designs and all the in- formation that the student or worker wishes to know about this art. Forty-four pages, each 25 MEXICAN MUSIC We have had so many calls for Mexican music that we offer here a selection of the best standard pieces of exican music, the work of the best composers. Although this music is very low in price it is well printed, on 11-sized sheets. The most beautiful Mexican songs and instrumental pieces are included in this list those hose sweetness and sentiment have made them dear to the heart of every Mexican. Order by number below. Price, any piece, per copy $0.10 >/1181 Himno Nacional Mexicano " Mexican National Hymn " Jaime Nuno ) 73335 La Golondrina " The Swallow " Variations Serrdell-Lanyon J/1625 La Paloma " The Dove" Yradier ) /4036 Zacatecas March Codina J/2387 Sobre las Olas " Over the Waves" Vals Juv. Rosas )/2953 Te Volvi a Ver " I See Thee Again" Vals Estrada ) 72954 La Tipica " The Typical " Polka Curti )/2673 Una Confidencia " Confidence" Mazurka Codini )/2779 Contra las Olas " Against the Waves" G. L. )/2664 Amelia Waltzes Juv. Rosas ) 73852 Un Beso de la Luna " A Kiss by Moonlight" Schot Rohas )/3851 Abora y Tente Quieto " Adore and Be Silent " Schot Alvarado J/3873 Polka de los Tereros " Bull Fighters' Polka" Navarro ) 72952 Bizzarria de Artista Polka Capitani )73867 Cascada de Perlas " Cascade of Pearls " Ortiz ) 72531 Carmen Waltz Juv. Rosas )72780 Corazon de Fuego " Heart of Fire " Schot De Llano )74O53 Culto a lo Bello " Cultivating the Beautiful" Vals Codina ) 74054 Dolores Valso Sanches )/3477 La Sonadora " The Dreamer " Waltzes Alvarado )74039 Esmeralda " Emerald " Schot Austri J/2781 Eterno Amor " Eternal Love" Schot Navarro )/4055 Gratitud " Gratitude " Vals Moreno )/3853 Buenas Dias, Senorita " Good Morning, Miss " Danza Rohas ) 72788 La Luna de Miel " Honeymoon " Polka Navarro ) 73328 Ensueno Seductor " Seductive Dream " Vals Juv. Rosa } 72782 Josefina Waltz Juv. Rosas ) 72783 La Aurora " The Dawn " Caprice Elegante Ituarte >/2784 La Cantinera " The Bar Maid" Polka Juv. Rosas )73480 Las Campanitas " The Little Bells" Polka Del Rio ) 72833 La Jota, Spanish Dance Ed. Hoist J/765 Maria Mazurka Navarro )74056 Maria Polka Cordero ) 72785 Mexico Adios " Farewell Mexico" Schot Tajada )74057 Misterio del Alma " Mystery of the Soul " Schot Moreno ) 72786 Mi Ultima Illusion " My Last Illusion " Mazurka Hermandes ) 73854. .Serenata de la Luna " Moonlight Serenade" Danza Rohas ) 72630 Reina de Rosas " Queen of Roses" Vals. . Schleiffarth V3482 Rosa Mazurka Acuna )'/3481 Siempre Tu en mi Corazon " Always You in My Heart" Carillo 3/3478 La Serenata de la Luna " Moonlight Serenade" Schot. Alvarado J72787 Selika Mazurka Logheder V2696 Salamanka Schot Arranjo J/4058 Toreador " Bull Fighter" Waltz Rovle )/3857 El Medio del Mar " Upon the Sea" Alvarado V3622 Victorioso " Victorious " March Martinez )/2789 Porque Tan Triste " Why So Sad?" Nocturne Leon )/3874 Zarzuela Polka Pastor )/l 136 Miaul Miaul " The Cats " Austri J/1686 Mandolina, Mexican Serenade. . . Langey )/1124 Majas y Foreros Austri OTHER MEXICAN MUSIC We can supply promntly practically every piece of music published in Mexico, for any instrument, including le most popular and select copyrighted pieces, ranging in price from 50 cents to $1.50 each. Order everything by its catalogue numbsr INDEX Alligator Teeth 90 Angora Fur Rugs 96 Armadillo Baskets 97 Arrow Heads 94 Baby Caps 21 Baby Dresses 22 Baskets, Armadillo 97 Baskets, Japanese 61, 62 Baskets, Indian 79 to 83 Baskets, Mexican Indian 44 Battenberg, Doilies and Centerpieces 31 Beads 31 Beadwork, Indian 90 Bear Skins 96 Belts, Carved Leather. . 39 Belts, Indian Beaded 90 Belts, Zuni Indian 90 Blankets, Chimayo Indian 78 Blankets, Navajo Indian 73 to 76 Blankets, Pueblo Indian 77, 78 Books on Handicraft 103 Bows and Arrows 91 Bracelets 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 64, 89 Brass Work, Japanese 59 Brass, Russian Hammered 70 Brooches 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 64, 67 Brooms and Brushes, Mexican 42, 44 Bull Fight Souvenirs 43 Cactus Candy, Mexican 46 Cactus Plants 47 Calendars, Indian Art 101 Canes, Mexican 46 Canoes, Birch Bark 95 Canoe Stick Pins 95 Centerpieces, Battenberg and Cluny 31 Centerpieces, Japanese Drawn-Work 28, 27, 28 Centerpieces, Mexican Drawn- Work. 8, 13, 14, 15, 16 Chimayo Indian Blankets 78 Cloisonne Ware, Japanese 59 Cluny Lace Doilies and Centerpieces 31 Collars, Japanese Drawn- Work 30 Collars, Brazilian Point 20 Coral Jewelry 52, 53 Cowboy Equipment 102 Coyote Fur Rugs 97 Crosses, Bethlehem Pearl 54 Curtains, Mexican Drawn-Work 24 Cushion Covers, Drawn- Work 22, 32 Cushion Tops and Slips 99 Dance Rattles 92, 93 Doilies Battenberg and Cluny 31 Doilies, Mexican Drawn-Work 7, 8, 22 Drawn- Work in Frames 24 Drawn-Work, Japanese 25 to 30 Drawn- Work, Mexican 7 to 24 Eagle Feathers, Indian 95 Fans, Bull Fight 43 Fans, Japanese 57, 60 Feather Cards, Mexican 42 Filigree Silverware, Mexican 48, 49 Flags, Japanese 60, 63 Flags, Mexican Silk 35 Fobs 43, 50, 51, 55, 56 Fur Skins and Rugs 96, 97 Game Heads, Mounted . 97 Gems 65, 66, 67 Gold Filigree Jewelry, Mexican 50 Hammocks, Mexican 102 Handkerchiefs, Silk, Bull Fight 43 Handkerchiefs, Drawn- Work 9, 10, 11, 12, 29 Hats, Mexican 36, 37 How to Wash Drawn-Work 4 Indian Blankets 73 to 78 Indian Handicraft, Miscellaneous 91 to 96 Indian Pottery 84 to 88 Indian Rugs and Blankets 73 to 78 Insects and Reptiles, Mounted 98 Insertion, Drawn- Work 21 Japanese Bone-Ivory Goods 57 Japanese Drawn-Work 25 to 30 Japanese Fans 57. 60 Japanese Handicraft 56 to 62 Japanese Purses and Handicraft 58 Japanese Silver and Metal Work 56 Jewelry, Uncommon Native . 54 Lariats 44,102 Leatherwqrk, Mexican Carved .38, 39 Looms, Miniature Navajo 75 Mantillas and Rebozos 34 Mexican Silverware. 48, 49, 51 Mexican Drawn- Work . .7 to 24 Mexican Handicraft, Miscellaneous 42 to 46 Mexican Music 103 Mexican Novelties 42 Moccasins, Indian 94 Napkins and Doilies, Paper t . . 32 Native Gems , 65 to 68 Navajo Blankets 73_ to 76 Navajo Silverware 89 Necklaces 52, 53, 90, 94 Onyx, Mexican , , 45 Opals, Mexican Fire . . . 66 Orangewood Handicraft 69 Paper Napkins and Doilies 32 Pillow Covers, Drawn-Work ,22, 32 Pillow Tops, Indian 75 to 78 Pinon Nuts, Indian 96 Pipes, Indian 92, 100 Portieres, Chimayo Indian 78 Portieres, Japanese Bamboo , 63 Postal Cards, Indian and Mexican 101 Pottery, Indian 84 tp 88 Pottery, Mexican .4 Pueblo Indian Blankets 77, Purses, Mexican . . . .38, Purses, Japanese 57, 58 Puzzle Ring, Mexican 51 Quirts, Mexican 46 Raffia and Rattan Reeds *i 99 Rattlesnake Skins, Belts and Ties 98 Rebozos, Mexican Silk 34 Resurrection Plants '. '. 47 Rings 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 64, 68, 89 Saddle Blankets, Indian '75 Scarfs, Chimayo Indian .... Scarfs, Japanese Drawn- Work 26, 27, Scarfs, Mexican Drawn- Work Scarfs, Mexican Silk Shoulder Scarf Pins 48, 50, 51. 52, 53, 54, 56, 64, Seed Beads Shawls, Mexican Silk Shell Jewelry .'. Silk Shawls, Mexican . . Silk Waist Patterns Silverware, Filigree Silverware, Japanese : . Silverware, Mexican Cut Coin : . . . . Silverware, Navajo Silverware, Swastika Snake Dance Handicraft Soapweed Root Sombreros, Mexican 36, 37 Sombreros, Miniature Mexican 42 Steer Horns, Mounted Texas 97 Suits, Mexican Leather 45 Swastika Jewelry, Gold 64 Swastika Silverware 55 Table Cloths and Napkins, Mexican Drawn- Work 19 Telegraph Office 2 Teneriffe Doilies and Centerpieces. 28 Terms and Conditions 2 Ties, Drawn- Work 30 Tomahawks, Indian 95 Tomtoms, Indian 94 War 'Jlubs, Indian 91 War Bonnets, Indian 95 Waste Baskets 44, 62 Wheels, Brazilian Point 5 Whips, Mexican '46 Wolf Skins. 97 Yokes, Brazilian Point 20 Yucca Root 47 Zarapes. Mexican 40 .7? 18 3c - Thefi^ancisElesfer Company's Caf alogue of INDIAN & MEXICAN HAND!