IC 8Z4 C2. AX no. 70 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS C o♦ The following reports contain information pertirient to land and vater use within Orange County: Bailey, Paul. "Engineer's Report on Ground V/ater Conditions in the Orange County Water District". March, 1957' Bailey, Paul. "Engineer's Report on Ground V/ater Conditions in the Orange County Water District". March, 1958' California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. "Pacific Slope of Southern California^'. Bulletin No. 30 (Unpublished). California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resourcea. "Gcoloigy und Ground VJater Storage Capacity of Valley Fill". Ilu.Uctin Ijo. h'j. 193J;. Calii'orniu St&.tc Fcpar bmeut 01" aibJ.ic V.orkn, Division al' „ator Iteoourccs. ■'I'rer.cnt Ovcrfir.'.ft on, i.nC. ,;afe YioJ.d from, the Ground i/cter of the Coi'.sttJ. i'livh^ of 0:/"c,u.';o County' . June, \.9-i'^> California fjti.Lo V:o}.iurtjVK;/it ox' i.uW.ic .'orkr;, Divlr^ion of V/ater Kesourcca. "South Coaottd Lf.aln Investigcition, Ovcrdi'aft on Ground Water Basins". Bulletin No. i33. i9'*7' California State \;atcr Resources Board. "Central Basin Inveotigation" . Bulletin No. 8. riarch, 1952. California State VJater Resources Board. "Santa Ana River Investigation". (Preliminary) Bulletin No. 15. April, 1956. Hall, Williem Hammond, State Engineer. "Report of the State Engineer .to tho Legislature of the State of California, Session of I88O" . Part IV, Appendix on Irrigation in San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties . 188O . Hall,' William Heianiohd, State Engineer. "Irrigation in Southern California". ~- 1883. Mendenholl, V/alter C "Development of Underground Waters in the V.'e stern Coastal Plain of Southern California". United States Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Water Supply end Irrigation. Paper No. 139. 1905. Morris, R. I. "Orange County Progress Report". Volume I. No, 9. Kiurch, 1958. In other parts of the State investigations have been initiated pxireuant to Section 232 of the Water Code, known as the "Regan Investiga- tion". These studies have as their purpose, the determination of the follovinc muttcrc : (a) 'iTie boundaries of the rcGpective uutershcdc of the iJtatc unu tlic qurjititics ;)f wcter oi-i(jinutin(; therein; (b) The fjuantities 'if v/atcr re;i.r.on; bly re(:uircd for ul.timi-.te beneficial use in the respective vutershcds; (c) The quantities of water, if any, available for export from the respective watersheds; and (a) The areas which can be served by the water available for export from each v/atershed. The data collected in this invostigr.tion i.nd reported on herein aore si;iiil.;xv to sojr.e of the data being coLiectcd for the "Reecn Investigation" and can serve as a basis for such ;jn investigation in the studied area at t;. later date. Scope of Investigation .:.n d ; .teo()rt The Oi-ange County j^and and Later Use Survey included field surveys and office studies to detei-mine the nature and extent of present land use and net water use . A further objective of the studies was the preparation of estimates of present supplemental water requirements and comparison of the results of the studies with similar data available for prior years, as \.'el.L as with projected ultimate conditions. Full use v/as made of land use, land classification, and ultimate water requirement studies developed in connection with the preparation of State i.ater Resources Board Bulletin No. 2, along with the methods ajid procedures used therefor. In addition, studies were made of importation of v;ater and exportation of sewage end the historic effect of chanfjes in these items on supplemental water requirements of Orange C'ounty. Present land use in the area of investigation was determined from a lietailed field survey conducted during the summer of 1957- In addition, a review was made of unit values of water use derived in connection with the preparation '.if r.tate \.ater .^sources Board Bulletin No. P. in order to evaluate their applicability to 1957 conditions of development. In this review, primary attention was given to possible changes in industrial water use. Data obtained from unit value of water use studies were used in conjunction with land use surveys to determine present net water use. The safe yield of local water supplies was evaluated from basic data contained in the files of the Depeirtment of Water Resources. Supplemental water requirements were derived as the difference between net water use and safe yield of local water supplies. Results of the Orange County Land emd Water Use Survey of 1957 are presented in the three ensuing chapters of this report. Chapter II, entitled "Land Use", includes data on present land use and changes in land use within the investigational area, together with a discussion of methods and procedures utilized in the derivation thereof. Chapter III, "Net Water Use", contains data on unit values of water use and net water use by vsjrious categories of land use, together with a brief discussion of water supply conditions. Chapter IV, "Summary of Findings", contains a brief summary of the results of the investigation. The following definitions of certain terms and concepts, as used in this report, are presented to facilitate vmderstanding of the ensuing subject matter . Annual - The 12-month period from January 1st of a given year through December 31st of the same yeex, sometimes termed the "calendar year". Eteasonal - Any 12-month period other than the calendar year. Mean Period - A period chosen to represent conditions of water supply and climate over a long series of years. For purposes of the current investigation, the mean precipitation period embraces the 50 seasons from 1897-98 through 19^+6-^7, ond the mean rvinoff period, the 53 seasons from 189^-95 through 19h6-k7. Mean - An arithmetical average relating to a mean period. •5- Average - An arithmetical avo-age relating to a period other than a mean period. Present - Land use and water supply conditions prevailing during the 1956-57 season. Ultimate - Refers to conditions after an unspecified but long period of years in the future when land use and water supply development will be at a ma-ximum and essentially stabilized. Water Utilization - This includes all employments of water by natxire or man, whether consumptive or nonconsumptive, as well as irrecoverable losses of water incidental to such employment, and is synonymous with the term "water use". Water Requirement - The water needed to provide for all beneficial uses and for all irrecoverable losses incidental to such uses. Applied Vfater Requirement •- The applied water needed to provide for all bene- ficial uses and for all irrecoverable losses incidental to such uses. Net Water Use •■ V/ater historically applied or estimated to have been applied to provide for all beneficial uses and for those irrecoverable losses inci- dental to such uses with due regard to the possible reuse of that portion of the applied water which is not consunptively utilized. This term differs from "applied vmter requirement" which relates to the quantity required for development; whereas "net water use" relates to the historic amount actually applied. Under conditions where the historic net water use has been equal to the requirement, the terms are synon;;Tiious . Present Supplemental Water Requirement - The additional water needed to provide for all present beneficial consumptive uses of water an'^ for irrecoverable losses incidental to such use over and above the safe yield of the present local water supply development. Consumpti ve Use of Water - V7ater consumed by vegetative groirth in transpira- tion £ind building plant tissue, and to water evaporated froir ad^jacent soil, from water surface, arid from foliage. It also refers to water similarly consumed and evaporated by urban and nonvegetative types of land use. A pplied Water - Water delivered to a farmer's heaigate in the case of irri- ~ gation use, or to €in individual's meter ii. the case of urban use, cr its equivalent. It does not include direct precipitation. Irrigation Effi ciency - The ratio of consumptive use of applied irrigation water to the total amount of u'ater ap;:lied, expresses' as a lercentage. Aquifer - A geologic formation or structure sufficiently permeable to y^eld water to veils or springs. Free Ground Water - A body cf ground •\mter not imraediately overlain by in- perviouG materials . Confined Ground Water - A body of ground water immediately overlain by material sufficiently impervious to sever free hydraulic connection with overlying water, and moving under pressure caused by the difference in head between the intake or forebay area and the dis- charge area of the confined water body. Safe Yield - The average annual net amount of water that could be beneficially extracted from a ground water basin over an indefi- nitely long period of years, under a particular set of those physical conditions affecting supply to and disposal from the groiind water basin, without causing a net lowering of groixnd water levels during the period. Safe Yield of Local Supplies - The safe yield of a ground water basin under an assumed condition of no imported supply from an outside source . Ground Water Overdraft - Tlie rate of net extraction of water from a ground water basin in excess of safe ground water yield. Quality of Water - Those characteristics of water affecting its suita- bility for beneficial uses. Area Under Investigation The area under investigation, broadly designated "Orange County Area", includes all of Orange County except for small areas in the eastern part of the county which drain into the Upper Santa Ana River Basin. In addition, it includes those portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties tributary to Carbon Canyon, and those portions of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties tributary to the Santa Ana Narrows below Prado Dam. The general location of the area of in- vestigation is shown on Plate 1, "Location of Investigational Area" and detailed on Plate 2, "Major Water Agencies and Hydrologic Units in Orange Coxmty Area, 1957" • Location and Description The Orange County Area comprises an area of about o2i<- square miles. It is roughly rectangular in shape and extends some 35 miles parallel to the Pacific Ocean with an inland depth of about 25 miles. The coasxal plain of Orant^e County includes about 530 square miles of valley land lying between the Puente Hills and Santa Ana Mountains on the north and northeast and the Pacific Ocean on the southwest, and extending from the Los Angeles County line on the northwest to the San Joaquin Hills on the southeast . Aliso Creek Basin is a small basin joining the southeasterly side of the coastal plain area in the vicinity of El Toro and running to the ocean in a southerly di- rection. San Juan Creek Basin lies in the hilly terrain of tne southeasterly portion of the county and includes lands adjacent to San Juan Creek and its tributaries. The remainder of the Orange County Area is very hilly. The Puente Hills and San Joaquin Hills, which attain elevations of about 1,800 and 1,200 feet respectively, are relatively smooth. The Santa Ana Mountains are more rugged and rise to an elevation of 5? TOO feet. The Santa Ana River, the principal stream m Orange County, rises in the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains some 50 to 90 miles inland and passes through portions of Riverside and San Bernardino Couiitie?. It enters Orange County by vay of a twelve-mile gorge, known as tae Santa Ana Narrows, which exists between the Puente Hills and the Santa Ana Mountains, and flows in a southwesterly direction across the coastal plain to the Pacific Ocean. •3- Precipitation in Orange County varies widely both seasonally and geographicaJ.ly and generally occurs in the form of rainfall. Mean seasonal rainfall at the City of Santa Ana for the 50-year period l897- 19^7 is 1^4^.16 inches, ranging from a maximum of 3^-3^ inches during the 19^-^1 season to a minimum of 6.61 inches during the l893-9^ season. At Camp Silverado in the Santa Ana Mountains mean seasonal rainfall is 2^.87 inches. The maximum recorded rainfall at this station was ^.73 inches during the 19^-^1 season, while the minimum recorded rainfall was 15 '18 inches dxiring the 1950-51 season. Generally the temperature range is rather small. At Santa Ana the mean temperature is 62° Fahrenheit with recorded extremes of 22'*F and 112"? • Killing frosts and temperatures exceeding 100°F are of in- frequent occurrence. Loss of semi-tropical crops is usually prevented during heavy frosts by use of artificial heating devices or wind-making machines. For study purposes, the Orange County Area has been divided into three hydrologic units, primarily on the basis of topographic and geologic considerations. These units are designated the La Habra Hydrologic Unit, Coastal Plain Hydrologic Unit, and San Juan Capistrano Hydrologic Unit and are delineated on Plate 2. Gross areas of these units are presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 GROSS AREAS OF HYDROLOGIC UNITS ORANGE COUNTY AREA In Acres Hydrologic : unit ; Area La Kabra l8,013 Coastal Plain 339,266 San Juan Capistrano 170,328 TOTAL 527,607 The Coastal Plain of Orange Coimty is comprised of absorptive Pleistocene marine, continental, and Recent alluvial deposits. These deposits are \mderlain by and, with the exception of the boundary with the adjacent Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County, surrounded by formations generally con- sidered to be essentially nonwater-bearing. The more permeable of the quaternarj^ and tertiary deposits contain ground water which is extracted for beneficial use. Surface stream flow c.nd precipitation as v^ell as water imported for artificial replenisliment enter these aquifers principally in the forebay or nonpressure areas primarily through the pervious bed of the Santa Ana River. In the westerly portion of the Coastal Plain the ground water is generally confined. Deep percolation of precipitation to the confined aquifers is restricted by the presence of sandy clay or clay strata of rela- tively low permeability overlying the impo.-v.ant iiumped aqtiifers. Tiie cpproxi- oate bomidary between tfie pressure and noirpressure area is delineated o:; Plate 3, "Ground Water Ba.sins i;. Orange Cc:uil-y Area". The La Habra Unit i:: comprised '.p ibsorptive luc-rine end contin:* k,q1 deposits. The unit occupies the long eac cynclinul trough between .-."le -1.0- Santa Fe Springs -Coyote Uplift and the Puente Hills . It runs easterly from the San Gabriel River Cone and is subdivided from the Yorba Linda Basin on the east by the East Coyote anticline. The unit is made up of two zones of water-bearing material. The upper zone deposits are entirely continental and are primarily alluvial material derived locally from the Puente Hills. They are replenished by percolation ninoff from the Puente Hills, rainfall on the valley floor, and deep penetration of excess applied water. The lower zone is principally of marine origin, but some continental beds do occur. This zone is replenished by percolation of rainfall and runoff in areas of outcrop and by percolation of water from the upper zone. The San Juan Capistrano Unit, including the drainages of San Juan and Aliso Creeks, is characterized by relatively long narrow alluvial valleys in the lower reaches of the main streams . Smaller valleys of the same type are also dispersed about the inland area at higher stream ele- vations where favorable conditions exist for the deposition of detritus above contractions in the rock formations. Most of these formations are derived from sediments of marine origin, and only about 10 per cent may be considered to be water bearing or potentially water bearing. Population Orange County has experienced outstanding growth during the past several decades. With the exception of the depression period, the rate of population growth of Orange County has exceeded that of the entire State of California for every decade since I89O. Furthermore, since 19^0, the rate of population growth, percentage wise, has exceeded that -11- of the ten southernmost counties of the State, including that of neighboring Los Angeles County. At the time of the 1950 census the population of the county was 216,000. On July 1, 1957, the California State Department of Finance, in a report entitled "California Population", estimated the county population to be 520,000, which represents an increase over the 1950 population of about li+O per cent. The "Orange County Progress Report", Volvune 1, Number ^, dated March 1958> prepared for the Oreinge County Board of Supervisors by R. I. Morris and based primarily upon special censuses, contained an estimate that the population on December, 31^ 1957, exceeded 610,000. This is nearly three times the 1950 population . The "Orange County Progress Report" contains an estimate to the effect that GG per cent of the county's population resided within its incor- porated cities. In 1950 there were thirteen such cities. Since that date eight new cities have been incorporated. Since 1950, nine of the largest cities in Orange County have increased in population by more than 100 per cent. Of these, seven have recorded increases in population exceeding 200 per cent. The most phenomenal increase has been in the City of Garden Grove, which grew from an unincorporated community of 3^800 persons in 1950 to a city of 58,500 in 1957; an increase of over 1550 per cent. Table 2 lists the twentynDne incorporated cities in Orange County with their reported populations in 19^0, 1950, and the estimated 1957 popu- lation as prepared by the Orange County Planning Commission. The per cent of increase in population from 19i+0 to I95O and I95O to July, 1957, :le also shown. The recent growth of population in incorporated areas is depicced graphically on Plate U, "Population Growth of Principal Incorporated Cities in Orange County", while the population grov^h in relation to other partii of -12. California is delineated on Plate 5, "Comparison of Population Increases of Orange County with those of Los Angeles County, 10 Southernmost California Counties and State of California". -13- TABLE 2 POPULATION OF INCORPORATED CITIES IN ORANGE COUNTY City : 19^ : Census : 1950 : : Census : 1957a Estimate : Increase in per cent w* w^ : 1940 to 1950 : 1950 to 1957 Anaheim 11,031 14,556 65,000 32 347 Brea 2,567 3,208 6,500 25 103 Buena Park Uninc. 5,483^ 27,000 — 392 Costa Mesa Uninc . 11,844^ 23,000 ~ 94 Cypress Uninc. Uninc. 1,700 — ~ Dairyland Uninc. Ifriinc. 600 — — Fountain Valley IMinc. Uninc. 600 — — Fullerton 10,442 13,958 46,000 3i^ 230 Gaxden Grove toinc. 3,762^ 58,500 — 1,555 Huntington Beach 3,738 5,237 12,300 ko 135 Laguna Beach k,k60 6,661 8,500 ^ 28 lA Habra 2,499 4,961 15,000 99 202 Newport Beach 4,438 12,120 21,200 173 75 Orange 7,901 10,027 20,000 27 99 Placentia 1,472 1,682 3,200 14 90 San Clejnente 479 2,008 7,4oo 319 269 Santa Ana 31,921 J+5,533 71,200 1^3 56 Seal Beach 1,553 3,553 4,200 129 18 Stanton Uninc . Uninc. 4,600 — — Tustin 953 1,1^3 1,800 20 57 Westminster Uninc. 3,131^ 14,200 — 354 a. Orange County Planning Coanaission estimate for Jiily 1, I9-7- b. U. S. Census count of unincorporated coramunitics, shown for comparative purposes. Agriculture The first known agricultural development in Orange County occurred in the vicinity of the Mission San Juan Capistrano as early as 1776. Prior to the turn of the present century the principal source of revenue was the raising of cattle pastured on native grasses and dry farm stubble. However, some irrigated agricxilture, primarily truck crops and wine vineyards, did exist. Water for irrigation was obtained by diversions from the Santa Ana River and other streams, although shallow dug wells were developed during the latter part of the nineteenth century to provide firm supplies during the late svimmer and fall. Commencing about the year I9OO, the planting of orchards, pri- marily citrus, became common. The greatest influence on the expansion of agricultural development was the introduction of the deep well turbine pump. Use of gro\ind water resulted in an increase of approximately 350 per cent in agricultural acreage between 190^1 and I926. By 19^8 there were 136,600 gross acres of irrigated agriculture in the County. The principal crops included citrus, avocados, walnuts and other deciduous fruits, truck crops, and alfalfa. The past nine years have seen a great change in Orange County agriculture . The advent of industrial and urban development in both Orange and Los Angeles Counties has changed the pattern of land use. Orchards, including citrus and deciduous trees, are being replaced by new urban developments, truck farms, or animal industry. The Orange County Department of Agriculture reported in the "Agriciiltural Crop Report, 1951", that, at peak development, these orchards covered as -15- much as 8^^,000 acres. By 19b7, only about ^9,500 acres of orchards were productive. It is to be noted that while much of the decrease in orchard acreage has been due to urbanization and industrialization there has also been an increase in acreage devoted to truck crops and animal industry of all types. In "Agricultural Crop Report, 1957", issued by the Orange County Department cf Agriculture, it is indicated that the animal industry including dairy, eggs, beef cattle, hatcheries, and turkeys has increased in gross value from $14,700,000 in I9U7 to $44,i+00,000 in 19i)7. During this period irrigated truck crop acreage increased from l6,700 to 20,300 acres. These changes have been brought about primarily by the needs of the large population i:enter existing in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The historic development of irrigation is depicted graphically on Plate 8, "Historic Change in Pattern of Land Use in Orange County Coastal Plain Area". Irrigation development reached a peak in the late 1920 's. The historic grcvth a.nd subsequent decline in irrigated acreage in the Orange County Coastal Plain Unit based on results of land use 3ui-/eys recorded in I688, I909, 1926, 1932, 19^2, I9US, and 1957 are presented in Table 3- AJ.so shown are data on urban and suburban land use which data will be discussed in a later section of this report. TABLE 3 HISTORIC LAND USE COASTAL PLAIN UNIT, ORANGE COUNTY Gross Area in Acres Year : Irrigated agricultural : Urban and : suburban : Total 1888 23,500 2,100 25,600 190i^ 30,700 2,700 33,i^oo 1926 137,900 11,000 ii+8,900 1932 126, 500 ik,koo 140,900 19i^2 131,200 15,300 IU6, 500 19h8 125,700 20,900 lU6,600 1957 9i^,700 58,800 153,500 The gross area of the Coastal Plain Unit conrprises about 339,000 acres of which 302,000 acres are classified habitable. The remaining 37,000 acres which have been classified as essentially nonhabitable are for the most part within the bovindaries of the Cleveland National Forest. -17- Urban and Siiburoan Development Although Orange County is still primarily an agricultural area, the population growth indicates that it is xindergoing a rapid transformation toward an urban and suburban area. This transformation has been sharply accelerated in recent years . Tiie growth in residential development may be attributed to a number of causes. These include overcrowding of the urban areas of nearby Los Angeles, an expanded freeway system which makes the suburbs more accessible to that City, the availability of flat land for economical subdivision, and a basic desire for home ownership. In addition, the decentralization of industrial and commercial centers from nearby Los Angeles toward Orange County has created convenient shopping and employment opportunities in this County. With the expansion of urban population in Orange County there has been a significant increase in industrial development. Major industries from all over the United States, attracted by the mild cliinate, ability to maintain year-round production, excellent transportation facilities, and ready markets for raaniifactured goods, have established branch factories, assembly plants and distributorships in the southern California area. An increased proportion of this industry has located in Orange County during recent years, attracted by a relatively abundant labor pool and the availability of land. Water Supply The two primary soui-ces of water supply for Grange County are gi'ound water and iniported ;ra.ter from the Colorado Biver througii facilities of Tlie Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. As previousJ.y nentjoned, surface diversions from the Santa Ana River constituted the priiaary source of ■16- water supply for early irrigation enterprises. However, because of the erratic nature of this supply and increased demands for irrigation and domestic water supplies, this source became inadequate, and wells were drilled to tap the underlying aquifers. As a result of the increased ground water development, large overdrafts have developed in certain portions of Orange County. The first published engineering evaluation of overdraft conditions was presented in a report entitled "Present Overdraft on, and Safe Yield from, the Ground Water of the Coastal Plain of Orange County", dated June 1, 19'4-5j hy the former State Division of Water Resources. At that time, the average annual overdraft on the Coastal Plain was estimated to be 12,000 acre-feet. Subsequent to that date, overdraft continued to increase in magnitude with increased use until about 1950^ when tne spreading of in^iorted Colorado River water in and adjacent to the bed of the Santa Ana River had a significant effect on the ground water supply. As a result of the continued OA'-erdraft, sea- water intrusion has occurred along portions of the coast line between Newport Harbor and the Los Angeles County line and is imputed to have occurred along other portions of the coast line. At one point on the coast, the line representing 500 parts per million chloride ion has now moved as far as three miles inland. This represents an inland movement of 8,000 feet within the last five years. In recognition of the inadequacy of local water supplies to meet the growing needs of the County, three cities, Santa Ana, Fullerton, and Anaheim became charter member agencies of The tfetropolitan Water District of Southern California. Since the District's organization in 1923, two additional agencies, the Coastal Municipal Water District and the Orange County Municipal Water District were formed and accepted into membership. -19- Imported water was first delivered to Orange County in 19^^! by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California through the Orange County Feeder. With the exception of the 195^-55 and I955-56 seasons, when deliveries were temporarily reduced because of insiifficient aqueduct capacity, imports have continued to increase. During the 1956-57 season, 154,200 acre-feet of water, 22 per cent of wnich was softened water, were purchased by Orange County water agencies. The foregoing total amount represents an increase of 370 per cent since I9U8. About 900 acre-feet of the water imported is accoiinted for by increased storage in Santiago Reservoir. Table h gives a tabulation of nistoric seasonal deliveries of imported water to Orange County. These data are depicted graphically on Plate 6, "Historic Importations of Water into Orange County". Names of \^rater service agencies in Orange County, together with the area irrigated or the number of services main- tained are listed in ^pendix A. -20- TABLE k HISTORIC SEASONAL DELIVERIES OF IMPORTED WATER TO GRAJSGE COUNTY BY TEE METROPOLITAIJ WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Acre -feet Season ending September 30 Softened water Itosoftened water Total delivered 19210- 4l l>500 .- 1,500 41-42 800 — 800 42-43 700 — 700 43-44 4,300 MM 4,300 44-45 9,200 -- 9,200 1945-46 10,900 _. 10,900 46-47 11,000 -- 11,000 47-48 12,300 -- 12,300 48-49 12,900 4,700 17,600 49-50 13,200 25,300 38,500 1950-51 15,000 28,500 43,500 51-52 17,500 38,200 55,700 52-53 18,600 28,900 47,500 53-54 22,000 61,000 83,000 54-55 26,500 52,400 78,900 1955-56 28,000 21,700 49,700 56-57 34,600 119,600* 154,200* * Includes 900 A.F. accounted for by increased storage in Seintiago Reservoir. -21- The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is presently- engaged in an aqueduct expansion program designed to complete the facilities necessary to import to the South Coastal area annually, the full 1,212,000 acre- feet entitlement to Colorado River water. The initial constioiction program, con5)leted in 1939, provided tunnels, canals, and conduits sized to carry the entire flow, but provided only one of the two barrels required for each siphon together with an initial pumping capacity of 600 cubic feet per second through three pumps at each of five stations. In 1956, the capacity of the aqueduct was increased from 600 cubic-feet per second to 1,000 cubic-feet per second through the installation of additional pumps. Construction of the remaining siphons and the installation of the remaining pumps is now under way. In addition to wprk on the main aqueduct. The ffetropolitan Water District of Southern California continued expansion of its distribution system during 1956 and 1957' Additions to the Lower Feeder included 0.8 miles of the line extending westerly from a point I8.5 miles west of Lake hfeithews to the Santiago lateral turnout, as well as the Santiago lateral which extends 8.8 miles south to Santiago Reservoir. This extension of the feeder, completed in 1956, has made possible the delivery of vinsoftened Colorado River water to the Santa Ana River within Orange CoTonty for replenisimient of the County's depleted ground water basins . A second portion of the Lower Feeder extending from South Gate easterly into Orange County increased, by approximately 50 per cent, the quantity of softened water available to Orange County users. This eased a shortage which had existed for several years and which had become critical by the fall of 1956. Plans for construction of the intervening section across the northern part of the county are being prepared. -22- Orange County is currently importing a quantity of water considerably in excess of its theoretical entitlement to Colorado River vra.ter. This en- titlement has been estimated by the Orange County Water District to be on the order of 80,000 to 90^000 acre-feet annually. This excess import is due in part to the present plan of the Orange County Water District for eliminating ground vater overdraft. This plan consists of the purchasing and spreading annually of an amount of Colorado River vater equal to the estimated current yearly overdraft, plus an additional amount of water estimated to be sufficient to eliminate the accumulated historic overdraft in a period of 10 to 20 years. Purchase of this water is financed through a combination of pumping assessments and ad valorem taxes. During the 1956-57 water year, 15^,200 acre-feet of Colorado River water were imported into Coastal Orange County. Of this amount, 102,400 acre-feet were spread for artificial replenishment purposes. Continued growth of the county's agriculture, urban areas, and industry is becoming more and more dependent upon an adequate supply of supplemental water which must be imported. In the not too distant future, member agencies of The Ifetropolitan Water District of Southern California will require additional sources of imported water to supplement the limited Colorado River supplies. In addition to its program for purchasing iniporbed water for replenishment of its ground water basins, the Orange County Water District has taken legal action to protect the rights of its inhabitants to that portion of its local supply which is derived from ground water basins of the Upper Santa Ana River Valley. In a suit filed in October, 1951^ in the Sv5)erior Court of San Bernardino County, entitled "Orange Coxuity Water -23- District vs. the City of Riverside, City of Colton, City of San Bernardino and City of Redlands", the Orange County Water District, as the plaintiff, requested the court to enjoin the defendant Cities from pumping water in excess of their rights from the ground water basins of the Upper Santa Ana River Valley and to define these legal rights. In 1957, a memorandum decision handed down by Superior Judge Albert R. Ross ruled in favor of the plaintiff District. His ruling set the legal rights of each of the defendant Cities to water origi- nating in the basins at the highest total quantity of water which each city had continuously produced from its facilities and so\arces of supply in each of five consecutive years preceding the filing of the complaint. The defen- dant Cities have filed an appeal in this case. Sewage and Industrial V/aste Disposal In the early stages of urbanization of Orange Covmty, sewage and waste disposal was accomplished through use of privately-owned cesspools and septic tanks. In free ground water areas, percolation from these cesspools and septic tanks constituted an important source of replenishment to the underlying ground water basins. With increased urban and industrial develop- ment it has become necessary to construct extensive sewerage systems and treatment facilities with ocean disposal in the interest of public health and convenience. The installation of these sewerage systems serving urban- ized areas overlying free ground water basins is more satisfactory from economic and sanitary points of view. Where the waste waters are of reason- able quality, such works exert an adverse effect on the ground water by removing an important source of replenishment. At present only limited qiiantities of the treated effluent are returned to ground water by artificial -2U- means. Waste waters of undesirable quality such as may be derived from some industrial processes must be removed from the area to prevent pollution of the ground waters. Since 192^, treated sewage has been discharged directly to the ocean and tidal lagoons by the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County and their predecessor agencies- More recently, the Cities of Laguna Beach, Seal Beachj and other smaller coastal cities and agencies have commenced discharging increasing amounts of sewage to the ocean. During the 1956-57 season, a total of 38.- 900 acre-feet of treated effluent were discharged to the ocean, of which 93 per cent was discharged by the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County. Studies by the Depart- ment of Water Resources indicate that approximately 51 pei" cent of the effluent discharged to the ocean by the Orange Coimty Sanitation Districts originates in free ground water areas of the Coastal Plain and la Habra Units where recharge would be possible. Presented in Table 5 is a tab\ilation of quantities of sewage and industrial waste discharged to the ocean from Orange County sewerage systems. Comparative relationships of seasonal sewage and industrial waste discharges to the ocean from the treatment plants of the Orange County Sanitation Districts and from other areas of Orange County are illustrated on Plate 7> entitled "Historical Discharge of Sewage and Industrial Waste to Ocean from Orange Coimty". -25- 3 W W O u^. CO g 3 o o s w s H C5 O •p 4) (V I a MOO 3 -O 4-* V CI P( CQ a- oj t^ 0\ iTN. ir\ 00 ^ O O -=1- -J- J- -* on o c— o 1-1 -d^ ON H -* t~-00 en m oo H O u> CO CO m rH O "Ti^ OJ o o onoj a\c\j t^ f- cvi o\ a^ «^ ov O (' •V » "V ». ». -^ •^ "^ irwo C-OD 00 CO 00 a\ ON o H c\j On W ITNVO o\o ON H H H I e g 3 1 t I ! C t 5' LT. O '-r\ O LfN LTN LT. fs IT. ONVO 00 t^VO C\J O H LT. On vo vo t^ c~- t- ITN LA.CO NO O H-4- t^oO on o^. cvi r^ t— c\j Ot «K c^ CVJ OJ •\ •x IS^. 'TNCO NO O .H-* C^CO rn O ON-* On-* Ho6 OJ 6 CVl J- ^ 0\ OO ITi ^ u\ ITN O or, ir\ p cjnc\j onc\j r- r- cy 00 !^-NO LfN On *-. » (k. «N •^ • , "s «N "^ e% LTN NO ir-,NO iTN l/^.VO NO C— f- C^ t- CO CO (7NO H or, oo on oo oo j ] g 3 3 O H CVJ m-* (>-) CO oo oo CO CTN NO t^CO ON Q "^ rc oo on J- 1 : ( g g ir\No t^oo ON CO OO OO PO ro On H c o M H Q O O ie o CO o M Eh CO M W CO H (S O CO ■P o c_> < > S I •H a P< •H G s o CO -H <:! ciJ ■P CO CO bO I 3 -p o to Q o C tpoo CO -H ■ e8 tS +> <1> C ft to OJ no m CJN ■-0 M3 CO O aj ^- Li-NO? .-I -T •^ •^ •\ •» •N C— Ov O oo t— rH H CVJ CM CM M3 H -:t CM oo-d- ON CM Lf>VO O MD VO ^ o ai UNCO rooQ 00 CO CM f- OO ON o fn t— -d- -* o C3N ON O O CM -* cr\ L-N [^ f- CM CJNCO O UN t— LfN H O LTN VO o t^ o o •\ •v •\ •* •\ H CM CM -^ l/N H H H H H CM oco J- C3N ONH V> CTN ON CM OO m CM O O O VOVO CO -^ LTvcO UN ^ CO ^ovo f- •v ^ •* iV •» H H f^J PO-d- H H rH iH rH *-0 >-cO On O ^ _d- ^- -d- UN I I I I I ON r-l H rH H H r-! H O f- C3N-^ C^ C^ UN -:t cm -* MD oo-=f UN CTN ^ ^ A •V "V MD CO ON r-i UN H rH rH CM CM VO tr- H O CJ VO m o -4- J- OJ C7\ UN CM >0 C3N (3N O ro m (V)-^ UA •9^ Csco Ir- rH UACO VO no ^- UN OJ -4- C3N UN CM -4- CO Cn O O -^ •* "V •v »\ »\ MD C- CT\ -H UN rH rH rH CM CM O-NCO vo ^- CM O rH CM U~v UN fv-1-4- UN ■r\ UN UN vo r- UN UN O H UN UN CTn CM ro-^ UN UN UN UN L'A ON o o cd cfl i) u u o o cd cd CM vo CM CJN H H CO CO ^^ :i :i rH rH O U 03 fii -27- Not included in Table 5 is the amount of reclaimed water purchased from the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County by the Talbert Water District for irrigation purposes. The water is applied to approximately 2,000 acres located just west of the Santa Ana River and adjacent to the coast. This di- version, which began in December, 1956, amounted to about 2,l60 acre-feet during the 1956-57 water year. -28- CHAPTER II LAND USE The nature, location, and areal extent of present land use within the Orange County Area was determined by a detailed land use survey con- ducted during the summer of 1957- Results of that survey are presented in this chapter, together with discussion and tabulations of land use within the various hydrologic units of the investigational area. Methods and Procedures The survey of land use within the Orange County Area was carried out by the use of methods and procedures similar to those utilized in the 19^ survey. Those procedures are described in Chapter II, State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2. The only change in the procedures used in the 1957 survey was in the classification of certain specified types of land use. For example, schools which were included in "unclassified urban and suburban areas" in 19^ were classified as "commercial" in 195''' • For the most part field mapping of land use in connection with the current investigation was carried on during the summer of 1957 > In addition, three supplemental surveys at three-month intervals were conducted in areas subject to miiltlple cropping in an endeavor to determine the de- gree of such usage . ^fepping in the field was expedited by the use of recent aerial photographs of the entire investigational area, supplemented by the use of United States Geological Suriyey 7 l/2 minute quadrangle maps. The grouping of land use categories for survey purposes was based primarily on relative water-using characteristics. Inasmuch as -29- this survey was designed for both determination of present net water use and hydrologic analysis of the basin, all categories of land use were mapped in areas overlying defined ground water basins. In areas tributary to defined ground water basins, only those categories requiring applied water were mapped, since such categories must be served either from water exported from the de- fined ground water basin or by additional import to the watershed. Other categories in the tributary areas did not require detailed mapping since only runoff from these areas is required in the aforementioned analysis. This runoff inherently includes deductions for cons\a5)tive use. Delineation of urban and agricultural lands was made on the basis of their gross areas. Thus, in general, the included areas of streets, roads, railroads, and power line rights of way were not segregated at the time of the survey. These items were later evalixated and net areas obtained by applica- tion of appropriate percentage factors to the gross surveyed areas. These factors, which are listed in Table 6, were determined from detailed svirveys of representative sample plots . TABLE 6 FACTORS FOR CONVERSION FROM GROSS TO NET WATER SERVICE AREAS Classification Percent Deducted from Gross Area Residential 25 Commercial 35 Industrial Manufacturing 25 Parks, cemeteries, and golf courses 15 Farmsteads, feedlots, dairies 10 Irrigated Agriculture 5 -30- Categories of Land Use For purposes of analysis and presentation herein, the various types of land use were combined into several general categories. The specific types of land use included in each of these categories is as follows: WATER SERVICE AREAS URBAN AND SUBURBAN Residential Commercial Industrial Single and multiple family houses and apartments, rest homes, trailer parks, and residential subdivisions under construction at time of sur- vey. All classes of commercial enterprises, including strip commercial and down- town commercial areas, schools, and hospitals. All classes of industrial land use involving maniifacturing, processing, and packaging, excluding extractive (oil, sand and gravel), storage and distribution industries, transporta- tion facilities and air-fields. Unclassified Urban and Subiirban Areas Included Nonwater Service Areas . IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE Alfalfa Pasture Dairies, farmsteads, live stock ranches, parks, cemeteries and golf courses. Oil fields, tank farms, vacant lots, quarries, gravel pits, warehouses and storage yards, railroads, public streets, and landing strips of air-fields. Hay, seed and pastizre. Irrigated grasses and legumes other than alfalfa used for livestock forage. -31- Citrus and Subtropical Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tanger- ines, and avocados. Truck Crops Fresh vegetables of all varieties, flower seed, and nursery crops. Field Crops Lima beans, dry field beans, sugar beets, field corn and hops. Deciduous and Nuts All varieties of deciduous fruits, olives, and nuts. Small Grain Barley, wheats oats, and rye. Vineyards Included Nonwater Service Areas . Public highways and roads, farm access roads, and other inclusions NONWATER SERVICE AREAS NON IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE NATIVE VEGETATION UNCLASSIFIED not devoted to crop production. All varieties of dry-farmed crops, including pasture overlying de- fined ground water basins. Native grasses, brush, and trees, including phreatophytes overlying defined ground water basins. Bare ground, including river washes, beaches, and water surfaces over- lying defined ground water basins. It also includes nonirrigated agri- culture and native vegetation not overlying defined ground water basins and may include minor iso- lated recreation areas . Resxilts of Land Us e Sii rvey Data obtained from this survey have been compiled in Tables No. J, 8, and 9 which summarize the land use for the hydrologic xmits previously described. Compajrable land use data from the I9W survey are also presented. The results of the 1957 survey are illustrated graphically by the color -32- separations on Plate 9.» "Present Land Use in Orange County". In the prepa- ration of this plate no differentiation was made between areas devoted to native vegetation and areas such as nonirrigated agricultural lands which are developed but do not require water sejrv'-ice . ■33- o CO (^ I-; \o OO t-^ C^ j:f ON\o J- o r-C c^ •. «* Ok o * a r^ 0-\ r-l \o C\ O CM C^ C^ 3? 3^5 o K '^JKiS' "?; c< c OJ IT J- Csl CO CM U tD 4 $5 r-t J- t^O c^ w jS- OO i-t <^. ir flk •* •» • J- C^ r^ U^ O CM o 3- ^ CM 1 J- aj I OO OO US i;^ ^ ir\V^ OO to CM ir\ ■-• CM en r-' 1-- O C^. «« % i^ •k ik a OK * c^ c^ CO ITVJ- CM IT CM o OO OO VO J- irvcn CM CM ^ R ?!.R§ ft •V •t •k % «^ a «k A ON ^ ■3; c^ \^ O OO CACM CM lf\ r-( cn r-l o g T3 C 1 I r-l 3l r-l •H 4 £ 2 T3 3 i I I o ■32 en o T5 O AS o ■fe at < 1 o •r< 3 M 1 o ^ c •s. c +» 3 re 1« r"5 5 '^1 § ■5 E. o o o a £ 3 j^ -a c 8 i^ ■ o 3 •3 5 o 4f> +> no t. u 8 ^ o •c , +» u o Si C/1 o a: o ■ 34- Si OO is CD e 3 28 4 S3 Z° c E- si 3» M t 0) tv O CT> I 3 o •o 9 I ^ ^ 03 0>l «v. o .-H CO ON Cn C4 H^ 03 irj CM >-)J ff\ o 00 O J* CO • - O Cvi CM uS I O C^ CM r4 i I 1 ^1 ^ »< »< o fc * i-. *■ ^ §9=5 §21 w » f-C $ I s u So « o I s 3 1 I « I \p «^ s^t c^ c^t^ cm! cm t--^ cj 00 f^' A a. «^ «K « • ^ CM iH «^ «« f^ «^ 9) «« } "^ 1 si NO •k •» •^ r-4 s s c^ ^ ^ ^^l o c^ t-i »s \i5 o co^ v«j* « HI 0O3- iH rH ^ ^ 00 C! 00 ifN O *>0 C^ CM IT* ON 0\ 1 CT\ I K UN •a 4: 13 B> B, »( « fi r. * g rt c * * ^ CM -3; c^ C3 s- ■vO VO VO (T> \o Ok • «N 0^ o» ON tv § UN CO Q 00 UN CO St CO St CM cn •» at «» • Ok J- ^ \c t CM c^ ^ e^ «k ai 0% ^ Vk ^ ) «t • CM '^'^^'^S^^ ON S£> S ON «s NO UN NO \f) UN t^ CM «h «k «t u\ ^ CM ON CM ON C^ rt 1=4 1-1 C^ \ \0 CfJ ON C g E" -35- Inspection of Table 8 shows that during the nine year period from I9W through 1957^ the gross water service area of Orange County increased from I6U, 700 acres to 171,^00 acres, an increase of about four per cent. In 1957 about 35 per cent of the land classified as habitable in the County was re- ceiving water service . Diiring the period between l^kd and 1957 the gross urban and suburban area increased by 4l,400 acres while the gross irrigated agricultural area decreased by 3^>700 acres. This indicates a substantial urban and suburban development of formerly agricultural lands. Land lost to agriculture was for the most part citrus and subtropical acreage, which, during this peri6d, was reduced by 24,900 acres or nearly 35 per cent. The largest increase in urban and suburban acreage was in residential development which increased from 11,700 acres to about 28,000 acres or about lUO per cent. In addition, industrial development increased from 56O to 1,^50 acres, or about 160 per cent. During the same period, land devoted to farmsteads, dairies, livestock, ranches, parks, and cemeteries as tabulated under un- classified urban and suburban areas increased from 23O acres in 19^8 to 6,086 acres in 1957> an increase of over 2,500 per cent. The areal change in land use in Orange County during the period from 19^8 to 1957 is demonstrated graphically on Plate 10, "Change in Land Use, 1948-1957"- The plate shows the areas where urban- sub virban and irri- gated agricultural development has occurred. La Habra Unit The gross urban and suburban area in the La Habra Unit increased by about 1,400 acres, while the gross irrigated agricultural area decreased by about 3>100 acres. Thus, during this period the gross water service area -36- Santa Ana Industrial Area July, 1947 nee Air Photos Courtesy Spence Air Photos Santo Ana Industrial Area June, 1958 '"^a-^::!- •' ^~3P- \-,. ■ A * ,-- Mi / ■■ decreased by about 1,700 acres. The net loss in gross water service area is believed to be the result of removal of acreage, primarily citinis orchards, from cxiltivation pending subdivision development. Citrus acre- age in the La Habra Unit has decreased by over 50 per cent from 5; 900 acres to 2,800 acres. Coastal Plain Unit The Coastal Plain Unit experienced a net increase of about 7.>000 acres in gross water service area between l^kd aad 1957- This increase in gross water service area was the result of a decrease in the gross irrigated agricultviral area of nearly 30,900 acres coupled with an expansion in gross urban and suburban area of about 37,-900 acres. The rise in urban and suburban acreage was due in large part to an increase in acreage devoted to all types of residential development from 9, 600 acres in 1948 to 24,800 acres in 1957 • At the same time imclassified urban and suburban acreage increased from less than 100 acres to over 5j500 acres . The decline in agricultural acreage was manifested primarily in a reduction of land used for citrus and subtropical agriculture from 6i»-, 500 acres in 19^48 to 43.200 in 1957. This represents a decrease of ap- proximately 33 per cent. The encroachment of urban and subiirban development upon irri- gated lands and habitable nonwater service lands is depicted graphically on Plate 8. The area of habitable nonwater service lands indicated there- on was determined from land classification simreys conducted for State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2. As previously mentioned the -37- nonhabitable land indicated thereon is coirprised primarily of the Cleveland National Forest. San Jixan Capistrano Uni t The San Juan Capistrano Unit, as defined herein, comprises about 170,300 acres. The gross water service area includes about 8,200 acres or approximately 5 per cent of the total area, and includes about 1,450 acres more than in 19^ The gross urban and suburban area has increased from 2,it00 acres in l^kS to U, 5OO acres in 1957- This development is generally located along the coast in the seaside resort cities. Special Resurvey of Mu ltipl e Cro p Areas As stated, three supplementary surveys of multiple crop areas were conducted in an endeavor to ascertain the pattern of plantings practiced by farmers on the Coastal Plain of Orange County. These surveys were conducted in December, 1957> February, 1958> and May^ 1958 The area encompassed by the resurvey comprised about 20,000 acres. This included about 5^100 acres indi- cated to be fallow at the time of the original survey in August, 1957. The detailed results of this resurvey are presented in Table 9,, "Special Resxirvey of Multiple Crop Areas on Coastal Plain of Orange County". ■38- TABLE 9 SPECIAL SURVEY OF MULTIPLE CROP AREAS ON COASTAL PLAIN OF ORANGE COUNTY Gross Area in Acres t Date of Survey ; August t December ; ; February : May Crop • 1957 : 1957 ; ; 1958 : 1958 Asparagus 992 317 317 317 Beans (green) 3.9^^8 631 klk 2,094 Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower 373 1,128 U22 173 Corn, green U20 ko 31 333 Carrots hi 266 182 Celery 304 iQl 62i^ 384 Lettuce and romaine 105 1,163 472 93 Melons, squashy, cucumbers 306 25 3^2 Onion and garlic 62 122 7 Peas 123 173 584 Potatoes 33 12 Sweet potatoes 2>552 1>132 2,075 Spinach 9 814 Tomatoes 3,505 1,75^^ Flowers and nursery 86 39 35 72 Miscellaneous truck 2,083 700 1.311 1,590 Strawberries 289 356 577 Peppers (chile, bell, etc) 110 Fallow 5,127 IMH 13 > 804 7,248 Subtotal Truck Crops 20,075 19,502 19,099 17,837 Field Crop 573 976 2,238 Totals 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 -39- The results of this survey indicate an interesting pattern of multiple plantings For example, during the months of August and May the emphasis in true] crops was to green beans, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, while during December the emphasis was more on leaf vegetables, such as broccoli, lettuce, and celery. In Febrxiary the predominate crops were celery and spinach. It will be noted that in the period between August, 1957;, and May 1958 7 there was an in- creasing amount of truck acreage planted to field crops, usually field beans, such as dry lima beans and kidney beans. Based on studies from this special survey, it is estimated that multiple crop areas are normally planted to irri- gated crops approximately U6 per cent of the time, and that during the remaining periods these areas are in fallow or are planted to nonirrigated field crops. Unit values of applied water, as derived in Chapter III, were therefore ap- plied to h6 per cent of the truck crop acreage shown in Tables T and 8. ■ko- i CHAPTER III NET WATER USE Population growth and the resulting change in land use have had a noticeable effect on the net water use of the Orange County Area. IXiring the period between 1950 and July, 195'7> popvilation in the area increased about 30^^000. The changes in land use between 19^ and 1957 resiilted in a gross increase in the water service area of about 6,700 acres. This in- crease in water service area and other factors discussed in this chapter resulted in an increase in the net water use of about 8,100 acre-feet per year in the Orange County Area. Unit Values of Water Use A review of unit values of water use derived in State Water Re- sources Board Bixlletin No. 2 was made in order to determine the applicability of these unit values to 1957 conditions of development Detailed studies of water use in sample industrial areas were conducted to supplement other available data. Resiilts of these studies indicated that, for the most part-, mean seasonal unit values of water use derived in 19^ were still appli- cable in 1957- However, mean seasonal unit values of applied water for in- dustrial manufacturing purposes have apparently increased from 9-2 to 10.8 acre-feet per acre , A complete discussion of the techniques employed in the derivation of unit values is contained in Chapter II of State Water Resources Board Bulletin No, 2, and, therefore, only a general description of those procedures is set forth herein. In general, \init values of consumptive use of applied water for each of the irrigated crop classes were estimated by a modification of a -Ul- method developed by Harry F. Blaney and Wayne D. Criddle of the United States De- partment of Agriculture The Blaney-Criddle Method was outlined in reports of the United States Department of Agriculture, entitled "A Method of Estimating Water Requirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatological Data", dated December, 19^7^ and "Determining Water Requirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatological Data", dated Aiigust, 1950. The technique involves correlation and adjustment of available data on consumptive use of water for irrigated crops in other local- ities in accordance with experimental data and environmental conditions pre- vailing in the Orange County Area. Mean seasonal \init values of applied water for the various irrigated crop classes were assumed to be equal to the respec- tive derived unit values of cons\;mptive use of applied water divided by the estimated crop irrigation efficiency. Available field data indicate that an average irrigation efficiency of about 70 per cent is being achieved for most crops in the Orange Coiinty Area, and this figure was utilized in the cxirrent investigation. Mean seasonal unit values of water use on urban and suburban lands were estimated on the basis of a saunpling procedure in which an inventory was made of measured water deliveries to sample areas representative of each category of land use . In the case of residential and commercial areas, a series of sample areas consisting of single blocks wholly devoted to one type of land use were chosen. Unit values of applied water were computed by dividing the amount of water delivered to a sample area by the net sampled area. With respect to the review of unit values of water use for manu- facturing purposes, a total of 33 industries were canvassed. ITiese industries included meat packing plants, refineries, vegetable and fruit processing plants, glass, pottery and tile industries, and miscellaneous metal assembly and other -42- manufacturing plants. The average depth of applied water over the composite industrial acreage sampled was nearly 20 feet per year. When weighted accord- ing to the distribution of industries encountered in the land use survey, the average unit value of industrial ^ra.ter was determined to be about 10.8 acre- feet per acre. This figure was assumed to be representative of the unit value of applied water for industry in Orange County under 1957 conditions of development. It represents a 17 per cent increase over the mean seasonal unit value of 9-2 acre-feet per acre adopted for the earlier state -wide studies and for the Los Angeles tfetropolitan Area, including Orange County. Mean seasonal unit values of water use applied in the derivation of 1957 net water use for Orange County are presented in Tables 10 and 11. Table 10 contains estimated mean seasonal imit values of consumptive use of water on irrigated lands, and Table 11 contains estimated mean seasonal unit values of applied water, labled "Total Applied Water", and consumptive use of water on urban and suburban lands . -43- TABLE 10 ESTIMATED MEAN SEASONAL UNIT VALUES OF CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER ON IRRIGATED LANDS, ORANGE COUNTY In feet of depth Type H y d r o Logic U n i t of La Habra Coastal San Juan Capist rano Land Applied :Precipi- ' •.Applied :Precipi- Applied Precipi- : Use water : tation : Total : water : tation . Total water • tation : Total Alfalfa 2.4 1.1 3-5 2.k 1.1 3.5 2.k 1.2 3.6 Pasture 2.k 1.1 3-5 2.k 1.1 3.5 2.5 1.1 3.6 Deciduous & Nuts 1.7 1.1 2.8 1.7 1.1 2.8 1.5 1.2 2.7 Citrus 1.3 1.1 2.k 1-3 1.1 2.k l.k 1.1 2.5 Truck croj )s 1.3 0.9 2.2 1.3 0.9 2.2 l.i+ 0.7 2.1 Field 1.3 0.9 2.2 1.3 0.9 2.2 1.3 0.7 2.0 Small graj .n 0.7 1.0 1.7 0.7 1.0 1.7 0.4 1.2 1.6 Miscel- laneous 1.3 0.9 2.2 1.3 0.9 2.2 1.3 0.8 2.1 Streets & roads - — 0.5 0.5 — 0.5 0.5 — — "• 0.5 0.5 -kk- m J2 ft 0) Vi o -p (D q; C M I H 0) ^ -P H -P ' ft cd H 0) ■P •p •H d o tiD O rH o ;h d -p I •H a ft o •H -H O +J •^ Oi u ■H (1) H -P ft cd Oj is oi cd -H u 0) +J H 4-> p ft cd Eh o, > CO I •H C ft o •H ^H 01 cd ■H (1) ft cd CO (U ^1 •H 0) ft d •H C ft o •H -H O +-I (1) cd > m OJ -H 0) -P rH +J I ft cd ft O ■H -H a) a) a; ^1 •H a- H +-•> ft rt •d cd -H 0) +3 H -t-> O ft E^ o, > 09 ■^ I •H C ft O -H -H O +J QJ OJ 'd •H a> H -p ft td ^ ., -d ro on o oo o CO ■d ^ s u O H O d m u a ft cd 6 o o VO o VC d d VO d VC' O O •dgi -d a' •H "H •d t (0 0} Si U ;3 tJ -P ^ 5S d c— ITS VO VO l/> VO l/^ o o o o o o o VO LPi 1 1 1 t i » • 1 9 1 1 t o o 1 1 1 I 1 I 1/N d t~- l/> VO VO LTN VO ir\ o o O o o o O 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 I d t-- l/\ VO VO LTN VO LTN o o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 t 1 f 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 o •d CO 500 acre-feet. The preparation of this estimate required the approximation that a pro rata share of the safe yield of the La Habra Unit, which covers portions of both Orange and Los Angeles Counties, can be arbitrarily assigned to the La Habra Unit in Orange County. The net water use determined for each of the land use surveys con- ducted in the Orange County Area since I926, together with the supplemental water requirement and the historic import for each survey year are given in Table l^i. Also included in Table lU are the estimated ultimate applied .50- water requirements for Orange County as derived for State Water Resources Board Bulletin No 2 The imported supplies do not include water imported to the La Habra Unit from adjacent ground water basins in Los Angeles County. Re- view of data in the files of the Department of Water Resources indicates this supply was small in magnitude when compared to supplies imported through facilities of The Nfetropolitan Water District of Southern California subsequent to the 19^3-^^ water year. TABLE Ik COMPARISON OF NET WATER USE AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS, ORANGE COUNTY In Acre-feet Date of 1 suj-vey ; Net water : use Safe yield : of ; local supplies : Supplemental ' water • requirements Historic : imports^ 1926^ 240,100 142,500 97,600 1932^ 234,300 142, 500 91,800 19i+2^ 230, 900 142, 500 88,400 700 1948 235,900 153,500 82,400 38,500 1957 244,000 153,500 90,500 154,200 Ultimate Conditions 825,000 153,500 671,500 a. From The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. b. For Coastal Plain Unit only. In the computations for the foregoing table, the safe yield of local supplies based upon a mean period is taken as the local supply avail- able. It is not the actual local supply available for that particular -51- year. For individiial years, differences between the actual supply and the mean supply or safe yield are absorbed by change In ground water storage in the nor- mal process of regulation of the erratic water supplies experienced during the wet and dry years. A review of Table Ik will show that in all years except 195'^ net water use exceeded the combination of the safe yield of local supplies plus tne im- ported supply. During periods of deficit supply, the net water use in excess of safe yield was met by overdraft on the accumulated ground water in storage. This is illustrated graphically on Plate 11, "Water Supplies and Estimated Water Utilization, Orange County Coastal Plain". On this plate there is pre- sented a con^)arison of estimated water supplies and water utilization in Orange County Coastal Plain Unit for historic conditions, insofar as records are available, and for present conditions. Also delineated on this plate is the estimated ultimate applied water requirement for the Orange County Coastal Plain Unit which was presented in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2. A conqjarison of data presented in Table k, "Historic Seasonal De- liveries of Imported Water to Orange County by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California", with the supplemental water requirements presented in Table 1^, and an interpolation of these requirements between survey dates on a straight line basis will show that, with the exception of the water years 1953-5'*. 1954-55, and 1956-57. the supplemental water requirements substantially exceeded the quantity ijnported. Thus, it is indicated that an overdraft of substantial magnitude has existed in Orange County for a con- siderable period of time prior to the 1953-5'*- water year. Under ultimate conditions, the estimated total seasonal applied water requirement for the Orange County Area will be about 825,000 acre-feet •52- Of this requirement approximately 671; 000 acre-feet must be derived by im- porting supplies from outside Orange County. The increase in net water use between present and ultimate conditions is anticipated to be the re- sult of development of and consequent water service to about 3^9 » 300 acres classified as habitable^ but not currently receiving water service. Satisfaction of these ultimate net water requirements will require the seasonal importation of between 580»000 and 590^000 acre-feet of water in excess of Orange County's entitlement to Colorado River water, presently estimated at 80,000 to 90^000 acre-feet per year. In view of this and the increased imported supplies which will be required by other areas in south- ern California luider ultimate conditions, it is apparent that Orange County, in conjunction with the other areas, has a great interest in the early im- portation of water from northern California. In Chapter I it was stated that, beginning in 19^9? "the Orange County Water District has purchased Colorado River water, insofar as avail- able, for artificial replenishment of the aquifers of Orange Coimty. The District has attempted to pvirehase an amo\int of water equal to the esti- mated annual overdraft plus an additional quantity to be used to gradually overcome the historic accumulated overdraft. The efforts of this agency have met with increasing success beginning with the year 1953-5^. although during the 1955-56 season purchases were curtailed because of temporary limitations on the aqueduct capacity of The ^fetropolitan Water District of Southern CsLLifornia, During the 1956-57 fiscal year, the Orange County Water District was able to purchase sufficient imported water to replace a portion of the supplies withdrawn from the ground water body to meet the historic overdraft. -53- I The overdraft on ground water supplies in Orange County was manifested primarily in the progressive lowering of grovind water levels throughout the area, and in coastal areas by the replacement of fresh water in the pressure aquifers with intiniding sea water. The effects of artificial replenishment activities of the Orange Co\inty Water District may be seen from an inspection of Plate 12, "Longitudinal Water Level Profiles, Mouth of Santa Ana Canyon to Pacific Ocean", which was adapted from a plate prepared by that agency and presented in "Engi- neer's Report on Ground Water Conditions in Orange County Water District", dated March, 1958^ by Paul Bailey. The profiles of water levels presented on this plate were computed from the average of water surface elevations at wells along lines extending easterly and westerly from the profile. Inspection of this plate will show that between 1956 and 195*7 there was, in general, a rise in water levels throughout the Coastal Plain, with rises of much greater magni- tude in the upstream forebay or free ground water areas. Studies by the Orange County Water District indicate that ground water levels in Orange County raised an average of about 5 l/2 feet between the fall of 1956 and the fall of 1957, primarily as a result of spreading activities- Although water levels were raised throughout a large part of the Coastal Plain between the fall of I956 and the fall of 1957, it should be pointed out that in the areas adjacent to the coast, the trough, or point of minimum water level elevation, remained below sea -level. Fiirthermore, the position of this trovigh moved Inland approximately one mile to a point about 15,000 feet from the coast. This inland movement indicates some loss of usable ground water storage, since as the position of a trough which is below sea level moves inland, sea water eventually follows with a consequent loss of use of the portion of the aquifer into which sea water has intruded . -54- I This loss cannot be reclaimed until such time as water levels adjacent to the coast are raised above sea level and the sea water is flushed out. An interesting feature of Plate 12 is that it illustrates the large amount of unwatered storage presently available in the forebay area of the Coastal Plain of Orange County, This storage, utilized to the majci- mum feasible extent commensurate with the maximiam conservation of local supplies, will provide relatively inexpensive regulatory storage for imported supplies > The use of such available storage for regulation of imported water is an integral part of The C-alifornia Water Plan. A water conservation progreim practiced in the Orange County Area is that of the Talbert Water District where water reclaimed from sewage is utilized for irrigation purposes. All reclaimed water thus utilized repre- sents a gain in water si:tpply, since such water would otherwise be discharged to the ocean and the water requirements thus satisfied would have to be met by additional importation. -55- 1 CHAPTER IV. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The resiilts of the 1957 survey of land and water use in Orange Coiinty are summarized as follows: 1. During the period from 1950 throvigh July, 1957* the population of the Orange County Area increased from about 216,000 to an estimated 520,000, a growth of about 304,000 or 140 per cent. 2. As a result of population growth, the gross water service area of the Orange County Area increased from 164,700 acres in 1948 to 171,400 acres in 1957^ an increase of 6,300 acres or about 4 per cent. The gross urban and suburban area expanded from 28,100 acres in 1948 to 69,500 acres in 1957> an increase of 4l,400 acres or about l45 per cent. During the same period the estimated gross irrigated area was reduced from about 136,600 acres to 101,900 acres, a reduction of 34,700 acres or about 25 per cent. 3. The estimated mean seasonal net water use of the Orange County Area increased from 235,900 acre-feet in 1948 to 244,000 acre-feet in 1957, an increase of 8,100 acre-feet or about 3 1/2 per cent. 4. Net water use in the Orange County Area has exceeded the sum of the safe yield of local supplies and imported supplies from a date some- time prior to I926 until the 1953-54 waxer year. During this period, de- mands for water in excess of the siam of the safe yield of local supplies and imported Colorado River water were met by overdraft on the ground water supply. However, as a result of action by the Orange County Water District, Colorado River water was purchased and spread during the 1953-54, 1954-55/ and 1956-57 water years in sufficient amounts to approximately balance the items of supply and disposal. Furthermore, during the 1956-57 water -56- year, sufficient Colorado River water was purchased to replace in storage a portion of the water previously withdrawn by the historic overdrafts 5. Of the total area of 527,600 acres in Orange County, there still remain about 319^300 acres of habitable land upon which there is essentially no water use. As these lands are developed^ the net water requirements will increase, reaching a total of about 825>000 acre-feet seasonally with full development of all habitable areas within the county. Of this total, the safe yield of local resources will supply 153^500 acre-feet. The remainder of the ultimate supply must be imported from sources outside of Orange Covinty. A portion of this amount. 80,000 to 90.»000 acre-feet seasonally, can be ob- tained from Orange County's entitlement to Colorado River water. 6 The rapidly changing character of the land use which is cur- rently occurring and will probably continue to occur in Orange County erapha= sizes the periodic need for the type of survey conducted for this report. This need is based upon the continued requirement for basic data related to items affecting the use of water. These data are the prerequisite to sound water resources planning. -57- APPENDIX A WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORAJJGE COUNT'Y, 1957 i WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY 1957 Najne and address of agency Municipal Waterworks City of Anaiieim, Public Utilities Department 518 South Los Angeles Street^ Anaheim City of Brea 401 South Pomona Avenue, Brea City of Buena Park 6650 Grand Avenue, Buena Park City of Fullerton 237 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton City of La Habra City Hall, La Habra City of Newport Beach, City Hall 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach City of Orange City Hall, Orange City of San Clemente City Hall, San Clemente City of Santa Ana Room 20 U, City Hall, Santa Ana City of Seal Beach City Hall, Seal Beach Commercial Water Companies Dyke Water Company 11065 Penn Avenue, Garden Grove Jones Water Compajiy (P.U.) p. 0- Box kkk, El Modena La Mirada Water Company (P.U.) 15075 Stage Road, La Mirada J. Ifertinez Water System (P.U.) 1028 North Olive, Santa Ana Area Number irrigated, of in acres services 300 278 210 18,112 2,090 6,h62 13,512 4,723 9,576 6,300 21,550 1,159 19,698 1,881 69 A-1 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUinY (continued) Area Number irrigated, of In acres services Name and address of agency Commercial Water Companies (continued) Pacific Water Company (P.U.) 12061 East Bolsa Avenue, Santa Ana Rancho Water Company (P.U.) P. 0. Box 95, Tustin San Juan Water Company (P.U.) ^17 South Hill Street, Room 90^+, Los Angeles 13 Southern California Water Company 11911 South Vermont Street, Los Angeles hk Sunset Land and Water Company (P.U.) P. 0. Box 111, Sunset Beach Tustin Water Works 235 East min Street, Tustin Mutual Water Companies At wood Water Compajiy 1108 North Oakdale, Fullerton Associated Pumping Company l6402 East North Street, Route k, Anaheim Anaheim Eucalyptus Water Company 15161 Coronado, Anaheim Anaheim Union Water Company 303 East Center Street, Anaheim Ball and Dale Water Company 8532 East Ball Road, Anaheim Batavia Water Company 9661 South Batavia, Orange Benedict Water Company 9111 Winston Road, Aneiheim 10 210 120 700 5,300 137 72 3,873 1+20 1,113 7,281 5i*e i+,000 10 A- 2 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency- Mutual Water Companies (continued) Bishop Camp Water Company k891 Camp Street, Cypress Bolt Tract Water Company 9722 Walker, Anaheim Boulevard Gardens Water Company 77U2 Alhambra Avenue, Huntington Beach Cameron Acres Mutual Water Company 17722 Huntington Beach BoiLLevard, Huntington Beach Carroll Water Company Box 36k, Anaheim R. J. Gary Water Tract 7830 Newman Street, Huntington Beach Catalina Street Pump Owners 1^4621 Verano, Santa Ana Cerritos Domestic Water Company 10372 South Euclid, Anaheim Cerritos Water Company 10162 Placentia, Route k, Anaheim Champion Pumping Plant 1791 West Broadway, Anaheim Citrus Water Company li+661 East La Palma, Anaheim Colonia Mutual Water Company 10761 Berry, Anaheim Community Pumping Plant 13322 Paularino Avenue, Santa Ana Community Water Supply Association U5UI La Palma, Buena Park Cozard Pumping Plant 13301 East Garden Grove Boulevard, Route, Orange Area irrigated, in acres ko Number of services 11 26 1*^3 20 22 26 10 17 5 65 2 134 ■-- 9 Ik 24 1+0 8 A- 3 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (corxtinued) Name and address of agency Mutual Water Conrpajiles (continued) Crescent Water A3Sociat.ion 87'+5 South Magnolia, Anaheim Crone Avenue Pumping ELant 5^4-2 South West Street, Anaheim Cypress Acres Water Association h&H Grace Avenue, Buena Park Dalewood Mutual Water Association 12821 Lorna Street, Garden Grove Dav/n Water Company 12331 South Jfeyer, Orange Diamond I^rk Mat lal Water Compajiy 16^4-42 Diamond Street, Santa Ana Doiiglas Water Fitnd 14762 Wagner Avenue, Anaheim Dunklee Lane Water Company 12091 Dsinklee Land, Garden Grove Easts ide Water Association P. 0. Box 81, Midway City East Vermont Street Well 13086 East Vermont Street, Anaheim Elaxiuador Irrigation Company 916 South West Street^ Anaiieim Eq-oitabl? Water Coa5)eLr.y 1801 Westwood Avenue, Santa Ana Area Number Irrigated, of in acres services 15 h3 175 80 36 100 110 100 Ik 96 k 3 298 Euclid Water Company 10702 Euclid Avenue, Anaheim Eureka Water System 9652 Webster Str-t^et^ Anaheim Fairview Irrigation Plant 10781 9th Street, Anaheim 60 20 25 17 A-k WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Area Number irrigated, of in acres services 3 5 1,250 50 k8 15 — — ~ 35 Name and eiddxess of agency Mutual water Companies (continued) Fairview Mitual Water Company 113^1 Katella Avenue, Anaiieim Frances Mutual Water Company k6^6 SE Irvine Boulevard, Santa Ana Garden Grove Acres Water Company 1^4051 Bowen Street, Garden Grove Garden Grove Irrigation Company P. 0. Box ik, Garden Grove Gay Street Water Association 8271 Gay Street, Buena Park Gay Water Company 1855 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim 11 Gilbert Water Company 9112 East Berritos, Anaheim 36 Goodwin Mutual Water Company 210 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton 5^ Green Street Water Association 16762 South Hoskin, Route 1, Huntirigton Beach 15 Greenwald Mutual Water Company Green Wing Land and Water Company I2U West 6th Street, Los Angeles Hansen Water Company 7272 East Ball Road, Anaheim Harding Water Company 9111 South Harding Avenue, Anaheim 21 Hell man Pump No. 5 11582 South Western Avenue, Anaheim 127 20 Hill Mutual Water Company I3U1I Barrett Way, Garden Grove A- 5 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency- Mutual Water Companies (continued) Hilltop Mutual Water Company 17^11 Huntington Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach H & M Water Company 311 South Placentia, Anaheim Holder Place Mutual Water System 7652 Holder Place, Buena Park Holder Road Water Company 9111 Holder Road, Anaheim Homewood Mutual Water Company 6131 Ifershall Avenue, Buena Park Hudson Lane Mutual Water Company 10002 South Gilbert, Anaheim Hynes Estate Water Company 8281 Hynes Road, Anaheim Ideal Water Company 1^13 Westmont Avenue, Anaheim Karen Street Water Company 5551 Karen Avenue, Cypress Katella Water Company, Inc . 8101 South Rio Vista Street, Anaheim Kellogg Water Company 10082 South Nutwood, Route 1, Anaheim K & L Water Company 13572 Katella, Anaheim Lamps on ffcignolia Water Company 9101 Lampson Street, Garden Grove L & D Water Association i+552 East Lincoln, Buena Park Liberty Park Water Association 7772 Liberty Street, Huntington Beach Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 50 62 61 45 12 16 11 10 580 7 32 Ik 9 k 8 55 A-6 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN GRANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency- Mutual Water Conrpanies (continued) Lincoln Water Association 8052 Lincoln, Anaheim Lobo Water Company 10531 Lexington Street, Anaheim Luce Water Company 9611 Lincoln, Anaheim Magnolia Lincoln Water Association 9052 South I^Lgnolia, Anaheim Magnolia Mutual Water Compaay 2615 West Orangethorpe , Fullerton ffegnolia Mutual Water Company 10822 Magnolia, Anaheim ffegnolia Pumping Plant 9001 East Lincoln, Anaheim >feLybury Tract Well Company p. 0. Box 8^4-, Santa Ana Midway City Mutual Water Company P. 0. Box 21, Midway City Miller Water Company 1885 West Ball Road, Anaheim Moffit and Prell Water Company Moody Mutual Water Association 8111 Moody, Buena Park Mores Mutual Water Company 17091 Ash Street, Huntington Beach Mutual Water Company 13372 Winston, Anaheim Mitual Water Company 18131 3rd Street, Route 3, Santa Ana Area N;imber irrigated. of in acres services 30 85 18 10+ 20 112 22 12 191 17 A- 7 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of a gency Mutual Water Companies (continued) Mutual Water Company of Landsdowne 3513 Flower Avenue, Fullerton Mutual Water Company of Stanton P. 0. Box 22, Stanton Newhope Matual Water Company 15136 South Newhope, Santa Ana North East Water Company 13^19 East La Palma, Anaheim North Street Co- Partnership Pumping Plant 1135 West North Street, Anaheim Nutwood Mutual Water Company 10701 South Nutwood, Anaheim Ocean View Mutual Water Company 17022 A. Street, Huntington Beach Orange Avenue Water Company Orange Grove Water Company 9002 Rio Vista Street, Anaheim Oraiigewood Water Company 130^1 Chapman Avenue, Anaheim Orchard Park Acres Mutual Water Company 2119 North Main Street, Santa Ana Orchard Park Water Company 9951 Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim Page Avenue Matual Water Company 9952 East Page Avenue, Fullerton Palm Mutual Water Company 6721 Orange Avenue, Route 2, Anaheim Parkview Mutual Water Company, Inc. 16911 "A" Street, Huntington Beach Area Irrigated, in acres 118 800 33 Number of services ■~" 259 h5 20 3 h 5 70 3 29 11 10 28 11 A-8 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency Mutual Water Companies (continued) Paw Paw Mutual Irrigation Company P.. 0. Box 288, Fullerton Peltzer Punqjing Plant I53OA Valencia, Fullerton Peralta Hills Water Company p. 0. Box hkQ, Oramge I Hot '-'ater Company 16651 North Street, Route h, Anaheim Pine Water Company 13181 Chapman Street, Orange Placentia Mitual Water Company 6862 Miller, Route 1, Placentia Plaza Rancho Pumping Plant 523 South Sillivan Street, Santa Ana Pyne Ranch Mutual Water Company 20252 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim Rancho Lomita, Inc . Suite 636, 550 South Flower Street, Los Angeles 1? Red Hill Water Company Box 175, Tustin R. p. Pees Water Company 87U2 Lincoln, Anaheim Richfield Mutual Water Company 601 Haas Bld^., 219 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles ik Rio Vista Water Company 8771 South Rio Vista, Anaheim Romneya Drive Mutual Water Company 1220 West Romneya Drive, Anaheim Salter Pump Plant 707 North Resh, Anaheim Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 31 39^^ 300 22 165 275 1,000 5 150 123 7 65 62 A-9 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency Mutual Water Companies (continued) Santa Ana Heights Water Company 1126 S. E. Palisades Road, Santa Ana Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company 15^ North Glassell Street, Orange Santiago Water Company P. 0. Box i+JiU, El Modena Savannah Mutual Water Company 6831 Savannah Street, Anaheim Schneider-Hargrove Water Company 1700 Los Angeles Street, Anaheim Schroeder Pumping Plant 21^3 West Broadway, Anaheim Section Two Water Company 7k62 Baxter Street, Anaheim Section 13 Water Company 9362 South Rio Vista, Anaheim Section I6 Water Company 1791 West Broadway, Anaheim Section 18 V/ater Company 9762 Orange Avenue, Anaheim Sloam Ranch Mutual Water Company 6152 Grand Avenue, Buena Park South Midway City Water Company 15061 South Jackson, Box 186, Midway City South I^in Mutual Water Company 2019 H ckory Street, Santa Ana Southwestern Mutual Water Compeiny 16391 South Fairview Road, Santa Ana Star Farms Mutual Water Company 8101 Starr Street, Route 1, Anaheim Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 13,379 20 13 1,606 1*65 15 33 11 k 27 108 35 196 10 160 68 38U 220 A- 10 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency Mutual Water Companies (continued) Sugar Avenue Pumping Plant Association 11851 Sugar Avenue, Santa Ana Tract 1052 Mitual Water Association 12631 Loma Street, Garden Grove Tract 1322 Water System 11151 Cerritos, Anaheim Trask Avenue Pumping Plant p. 0. Box ihS, Garden Grove Triangle Acres Water Company 9591 Holder, Anaheim Triangle Water Compajiy 9761 Beverly Lane, C-ardena Turner Mutual Water Company Box 175, Tustin Tustin Mutual Water Works Box 95, Tustin Tye Water Company 1530 Avolencia, Ftaierton United Water Association of Stanton 11292 Western, Anaheim Valencia Water Company 8562 Rio Vista Avenue, Route k, Anaheim ViBco Products Company, Inc. i*00 East Vermont Street, Anaheim Vista del Rio Rancho Water Group 21252 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim V, & M. Water Company 9231 Cerritos, Anaheim Wait Water Plant 12U12 Stanton Avenue, Garden Grove Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 50 10 13 85 50 131 8 102 Ik 60 10 18 23 3 12 A- 11 WATEF SERVICE AGENCTES IN ORANGE COUNTY ^continurd) Neune and address of company Mutual Water Companies (continued) Webster Tract Water System 9892 South Webster, Anaheim West Anaheim Water Company 1600 West Broadway, Anaheim West First Street Water Company 15122 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana West Street Water Company 1057 West Ball Road, Anaheim W. H. C Water Company 8U71 Rio Vista, Route h, Anaheim Wilminedi Water Compajiy 1801 North Westwood Avenue, Santa Ana Winchica Community Water Company 5065 Wintersburg Road, Huntington Beach Wintersburg Community Water Works 75^2 Washington Avenue, Huntington Beach Yorba Linda Water Company P. 0. Box 8, Yorba Linda County Water Districts Fairview County Water District 1971 Placentia Avenue, Costa Mesa Laguna Beach County Water District 306 Third Street, Laguna Beach Newport Mesa County District 5^+3 West 18th Street, Costa Mesa Orange County Water District No. 2 Buena Park Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 118 7 100 2,600 10 20 839 2,7^7 ^,573 659 Orange Coimty Water Works District No, 3 11061 'jarden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove 6,1400 A-12 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Name and address of agency County Water Districts (continued) Orange County Water Works District No. k San Juan Capistrajio Orange County Water Works District No. 5 7111 Wyoming Street, Westminster Orange County Water Works District No . 7 128 West Sycamore Street, Anaheim Orange County Water Works District No. 8 12822 South Barrett Lane, Santa Ana South Coast County Water District 31652 Second Avenue, South Laguna Irrigation Districts Carpenter Irrigation District Route 1, Box 152, Orange Newport Heights Irrigation District 116 East 18th Street, Costa Nfesa Serrano Irrigation District Box 18021 East Lincoln Street, Orange Municipal Water Districts Coastal Municipal Water District Laguna Beach, etc. Orange County Municipal Water District Placentia, etc. Metropolitan Water Districts Area Number irrigated. of in acres services 10 1>^97 302 773 190 332 1,197 3,680 219 (Sells at wholesale) (Sells at wholesale) The Metropolitan Water D- strict of Southern California (Sells at wholesale) A-13 J PLATE I STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY LAND AND WATER USE SURVEY 9 e N I :C,\ I LOCATION OF INVESTIGATIONAL AREA 1957 , , . I SCALE OF MILES 40 ORANGE COUNTY AREA PLATE 2 city of anaheim city of fullerton city of santa ana ;j;j;.;[;[1| coastal municipal water district orange county municipal water district pomona valley municipal water district chino basin municipal water district western municipal water district ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ^l^vl^f^!^ ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD ^i^^H^iF. CONTROL DISTRICT METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAIN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM REGULATING RESERVOIR MILITARY RESERVATION STATE or CALrFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ORANGE COUNTY LAND AND WATER USE SURVEY MAJOR WATER AGENCIES AND HYDROLOGIC UNITS IN COUNTY ORANGE AREA SCALE OF MILES LEQEND INVCtTIOATIONAL BDUNOtKV HronoLOOic unit BouNOAnr UrTHOPOLITMN WATtM OltlRICT Ot SOUTHERN CAlironNI* MAIN OUTRIBOTION SYSTEM RiauLATiNO nistnvoiR yiLtTAftr KEIERVITION ORANGE COUNTY LAND AND WATER USE SURVEY MAJOR WATER AGENCIES AND HYDROLOGIC UNITS ORANGE COUNTY AREA 1957 SCALE OF MILES < r^ — j^-. J SANTA ANA NARROWS \ I 'oA' \ ^ }i: -"wo""- " 'E BSIDE ^ ^ »«I.OE ^ "/V *t ' / FORE f> 1 It S I y \ » \^i ^ tJ\ I erf V, V ^ N o \ LEGEND •OUMOAHT or rNVtITIQMIONll MtA NTOMOlOSie UNIT BOUND«*>r SROUHD WATIN waJN QOOUNO tMTin tAim HAMt ORANGE COUNTY LAND AND WATER USE SURVEY GROUND WATER BASINS ORANGE COUNTY AREA 1957 SCALE OF HUES I I J ; J O 50,000 O 30,000 POPULATION GROWTH OF PRINCIPAL INCORPORATED CITIES IN ORANGE COUNTY PLATE 5 260 240 220 200 ISO 160 1690 - 1900 LEGEND H ORANGE COUNTY 53 LOS ANOELES COUNTY PTTi 10 SOUTHI lilU CALIFORNII 10 SOUTHERNMOST CALIFORNIA COUNTIES STSTE OF CALIFORNIA COMPARISON OF POPULATION INCREASES OF ORANGE COUNTY WITH THOSE OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, 10 SOUTHERNMOST CALIFORNIA COUNTIES AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE 6 (NJ lO ^ *r ^ 5J- m to r- (D CD O ^ ^ ^ «j ^r to cj ro ^ If) to r- tf) o m m tn m 0> 01 WATER YEAR, OCTOBER 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30 HISTORICAL IMPORTATIONS OF WATER TO ORANGE COUNTY 35 < o S < o 20 Q I 15 10 LEGEND TOTAL DISCHARGE TO OCEAN- LA6UNA BE KOUNTY SA^ N cvj HISTORICAL DIS TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE 7 TOTAL DISCHARGE TO OCEAN KaGUNA beach, seal BEACH, ETAL COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY WATER YEAR — OCTOBER I TO SEPTEMBER 30 HISTORICAL DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE TO OCEAN FROM ORANGE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE 8 339 325 300 275 HABITABLE NON WATER SERVICE AREA HISTORICAL CHANGE IN PATTERN OF LAND USE IN ORANGE COUNTY COASTAL PLAIN AREA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE II LEGEND WATER SUPPLIES I APPARENT GROUND WATER OVERDRAFT . IMPORT • SAFE LOCAL YIELD WATER UTILIZATION REPLACEMENT OF STORAGE 'dEWATERED by OVERDRAFT NET WATER USE IRRIGATED LANDS NET WATER USE URBAN AND SUBURBAN AREAS Q .3 I I ySu ^±ibt 1886 1904 1926 1932 1942 I9S7 PROBABLE ULTIMATE REQUIREMENT WATER SUPPLIES AND ESTIMATED WATER UTILIZATION ORANGE COUNTY COASTAL PLAIN DirtKTHtNT or ■inn maouiicit to -/^ ffi (E UJ l- ; ^ ^ ^, LONGITUDINAL WATER LEVEL PROFILES, MOUTH OF SANTA ANA NARROWS TO PACIFIC OCEAN THESE PROFILES INDICATE THE AVERAGE WATER LEVEL ELEVATIONS ALONG LATERAL RECTANGULAR LINES EACH EXTENDING BOTH WAYS FROM PROFILE, WESTERLY TO EDGE OF BASIN AND EASTERLY TO EDGE OF BASIN OR TO NEWPORT 8LVD AVERAGE ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ARE AS OF NOVEMBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR. ADAPTED FROM PLATE PREPARED 8Y ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR "ENGINEERS REPORT ON GROUND WATER CONDITIONS IN THE ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT" MARCH, 1958 £ * (E (D / UJ _1 / t^ 2-/- / / w s !^ / UJ / I / CO / // / 1 / / LU / / , y / / 1 -3*1- > O (E 10 z (E a / / [ < Q. O Z < m < o < y »/ */ 0) fi < < z ^ %y^ 1 // IE 2 z - 1-- to \- ^t-"^ ^ \\ < Z m J^ j^ / - > 1 Z UJ o z < vj f^^ ^ I a L / z o tr X < z ^ M 1 -i U. ^^ ^ 1 ii MOUTH OF SANTA ANA NARROWS > o / 1 / ^/// / ^i2*2— - -^^II- ^ __1957__ Z-^S^ ^^ :3sr ^ ^i2S2-— n3A3"I V3S 01 a3ay3d3d - i33d Nl N0liVA3T3 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES c THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL D^C 3 ff fggg I LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-20m-8,'6I (0162384)458 ■^KnliQQ Call Number: TC82U C2 A2 California, Dept. of water resources. PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY TC3Z^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS 240499 M'!i,^n?ff„?L S*Vf ORN"!. „P*v,s 3 75 02037 7027