^«)JI1\OJO^ ^OfCAllFOff^ nw ^OJIIVJJO'^^ ^jyiJDNVSOl^ "^AaaAINIlJW^^ .5 ^ % ^Advaani^'^ >&A»v)ian# ^i^uowsov^^ ■^/jajMNnittV :^ ^OFCAllFORfc, ^OFCAllFOff^ ,^\^E^)NIVfBJ/A ^lOSi -T' O .i I' I -n l-> ^WEUNIVERJ/;^ ^lOSANCEl/j-^ .\«EUNIVERS/A > »<. -I _^lOSANCEl£f^ "^fllJOKVSOl^ "^/yaiAiNnjwv^ ^^MlBRARYQr ^QFCAllFOff^ ^5f,UIBRARY<9^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OAHvaani'^ ^^MEUN(VEj% .^WEUNIVERy/A. ^lOSANCElfj-^ ■^/Ja3AIN(l3WV> ^J3l]3NVS0V<^ ■^/ia3AIN(l]l\v ^illBRARYQc .-^OFCAllFOff^ ^(?Aavaani'J^ ^^^lUBRARY(?^^ ■■^ - - ^ — ■ ^ 4 'c? ^IIIBRARYO^ ,^MEllNlVERy/A ''■'JHONYSO)^ ^•lOSANCflfj-^ g X-> — .-Si = .< "^^/jaiAiNnjwv^ ^lllBRARYQ/^ ^^^tllBRARYQr ^.JOJIIVDJO'^ ^^WEINIVER% ^lOSJ i;OF CAllFOff^ 5. ,—'1 I. § 'OAavaani^ >&Aavaani^ >^ 1 ^fc^T T O Q .1. ^^V^EllNIVER5/A ^lOSANCEl^y. 4;;5^lllBRARYQf %a3AIN(l-3WV^ ^UIBRARYQc %)jnV3J0'f*' ,\WEUNIVERS//, ■^I^IJDNVSOl^ ^lOSANC[lfj> O il. -< "^/xaJAiNd-iW^ ^OFCAlIFOff^ ^OFCAllFORij^ ^'OAavaanii'^ ^^MEUNIVERS/^ ^lOSANCEtfj^ • ^^^lUBRARYO^ ^^WEllNIVER%. ^lOSi ^iJDNVsov^ ■^/sajAiNftiwv^ ^^ojiivjjo'^ %ojnv3jo^ -^Ji/uDNYsoi^ "^/sm -^OF CAIIFOP^^ .^0FCA1IF0% . \\\E UNIVERS/A •^OAavaaiH^"^ ^CAdvaaiiiv^ ^^:lOSANCElC^. •Si ^OFCAlIFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOS"^ ^JJUDNvsoi'^ "^/xaJAiNflJwv^ "^Aavaani^ ^^AavaaniV^- .^ME^)NIVER5■/A v^lOS-i ^TiijoNYsoi^" %a]/^ (-9 - i so ^ ^.!iojnvjjo'>* <'3i]3wsoi'^ v/naAiNn-Jiw ^aojiivDJo^ •^' ^OFCAllfO«V ^OFCAUfORij^ 'ii8l># 5 ^ . _, ^\i\EUNIVERJ/^ v>;lOSANCEl£r^ ^OFCAUFOff^ ^OfCAllFOP^ ^^UDNVSOl^ %a3MNIl]\«^ .t(S\EllNIVEl?y/A <^10SANCEI£ <(^DNVS01^ %a]AINIl-3\^ ^lrtEUNIVERS/^ ^JJUDHVSOl^ ^IOSANCEUTj, § ^lUBRARYOf ^lUBRARYQ^ ^aOJIWDJO'*^ '^^fOJnVDJO"^ .^!i\FUNIVER% o ^lOSANCEia^. ^ S f- -I "V/SaJAlNllJftV ^lUBRARYO/r. ^tUBRARY^ ^tfOdlTVa-JO"^ ^OJIWDJC t '%a3AINn3WV ^OFCAllFOff^ ^<7Aavsan-i^ ^OFCAllFORj^ ^^AHvaana^ .^WEUNIVERVa ^mjONVSOl^ >^lOSANCfl£; t e .5 AWM)N1VERJ/a ^WSANCF^* ^lUBRARYO^ ^lUBRARYO/; 5»EIINIVER% vvlOSMEUr, "^/^aaAiNdJrtV^ ^OFCAllFORi^ ^iojnvDJO>^ ^OFCAIIFOP^ ^^WEUNIVER% 5 ?J\fUNIVfR% ^JJlJONV-SOl^ ^lOSANCFl£r^ o , ■'i'AajAiNn-Jrti^ ^lOSANCEl^A*. CO 30 '.- - -I ^^lUBRARYQr (^ 5 ^OFCAUFOff^ ^ /—'I I- § ^5 "^OAavaani^ '^<7Aavaani^'^ .^MEUNIVERJ/A ■<(5l3DNVS0V^ ^lOSANCEl£j f E .:5' TO HIS EXCELLENCY FREDERICK, COUNT TRAMPE, LATE GOVERNOR OF ICELAND, NOW OF DRONTHEIM, IN NORWAY, 4-c. vvers of assembly for public purposes. In the Hreppar, or smaller districts, these assemblies were com- 12 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. posed of all the inhabitants who possessed more than an as- signed value of estate, and were of an iniblemished moral character. Their proceedings, which rehited almost entirely to matters of local police, were under the cognizance of the Court of Prefecture ; formed by the prefect and. the depu- ties from the several included districts. At these second as- semblies of judicature, which were held once in the year, a great part of the civil business of the country was transact- ed, and a superintendance exercised also in certain matters of religion ; an appeal, however, being still reserved, in the first instance to the States of the whole Province, which met at particular times, and finally to the Supreme General As- sembly of Iceland. This great assembly, called the Althing, * was held annu-^ ally on the shores of the lake of Thingvalla; and was attend- ed by all the civil oflicers, and by a certain number of the clergy and laity from every part of the island. In it were vested the legislative and supreme judicial powers of the state, and the decision in all important matters of national policy. Every appeal from the lower courts was determined here ; and every magistrate made responsible to this tribunal for his public conduct. The functions of the executive go- vernment were committed by the assembly to a magistrate,, elected by their votes, and retained in power during their pleasure. This s\ipreme officer had the title of Laugman, or administrator of the laws. Chosen, in consequence of merit, from among the chiefs of the state, he Avas invested with all the dignities suitable to his office. He presided at * From all, all, and thing, a forum or place of justice. This assembly corre- .sponds ill many circumstances to the Wittena-gemot of tiie Anglo-Saxons. Simi- lar institutions, indeed, existed among most of the northern nations at this pe- riod. I HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 13 the general assembly, conducted its counsels, and registered its decisions. He interpreted the laws of the nation, and pronounced the sentences which the administration of these laws required. His authority, though dependent for its du- ration upon the will of the states, was usually continued for many years, and often for life ; while, at the same time, this uncertainty afforded an important check to abuses of his office. As the supreme magistrate of the country, he was wisely gift- ed with all the externals of dignity and power; and with equal wisdom restricted in all those points, where his influence might prove dangerous to the welfare of the republic. * In this sketch of the constitution which the Icelanders created for themselves, an evident relation will be traced to the progressive institutions of several of the European states. One obvious peculiarity, however, offers itself in the present instance ; arising, as it is probable, from the character and rank of the first colonists, and from their attachment to the habits and institutions of their Scandinavian ancestors. Else- where, the progress towards regular government was gradual, and every step made through contest and bloodshed. In Ice- land, all was effected by a single and simultaneous effort. The necessity appeared for some bond of union among the several commimitics of the island: the voice of sacre deliberation save to the people this common bond, in a constitution which was received without tumult, and brought into action without de- lay. On this subject it would be an injustice to the reader not to quote the words of the elegant and ingenious Mallet. ' Le genie de ces peuples, leur bon sens naturel, et leur ' amour pour la liberte y paroissent sans aucun nuage. Au- * A minute account of the constitution of the Icelandic commonwealth is given in the Ciymogsea of Arngrim Jonas. 14 mSTORV AND LITERATURX OF ICELAND. ' tunc force cxtt'iicure ne les croise, ni nc les gene; c'est ' une nation livrc'c a clle mcme, qui s'etablit dans un pays ' isolc, ct conime separe du reste du nionde ; dans tons ses ' etablissemens, on ne voit que la plus pure expression de ses ' inclinations, et de ses sentimens : et ils lui sont en effet si ' naturels, que Ton n'appercoit pas dans les recits aussi ' nail's, qu'etcndus, des Clironiques Islandois qu'aucune deli- ' beration generale, aucune irresolution, aucune experience * des etats difFerens, ayent precede chez eux I'institution de ' cette forme politique. Tout y nait, et s'y arrange de soi- ' nienie ; et comme les abeillcs forment leurs ruches, les nou- * veau:x Islandois etablissent chez eux ce gouvcrnenient, qui ' senible ne devoir etre le fruit que d'une longue experience ' et d'une etude reflechie des hommes; et dont un grand ge- ' nie de ce siecle (^Montesquieii) remarque avec etonncnient, ' qu'il a ete trouve dans les hois.' * The code of laws, adoptetl in connection with this new form of government, and progressively altered and amend- ed by the decisions of the public assembly, is another strik- ing specimen of the genius and habits of the Icelanders of this age. It was constructed with a minute attention to the usages of the people, and to the various objects in their in- ternal economy. All the contingencies of society were pro- vided for; the relations and dtities of di tie rent classes pre- scribed ; and other regulations introduced, which had in view the convenience and utility of the whole. As instances, may be mentioned the lawsrespecting marriage, divorce, and inheritance ; those which regarded the management of the poor, the distribution of landed property, and the regulation of weights and measures. The criminal laws were equally * Introduction a THistoire de Dannemarc, p. 118. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 15 reduced to a systematic form, and adapted to the character of society in this age. In conformity to the custom of the other Scandinavian nations, corporal punishment was rarely inflicted ; and the atonement for almost every species of of- fence was made by the payment of certain fines ; which, in the cases of more heinous guilt, amounted sometimes to the confiscation of the whole property of the offender. * As, in the Spartan and Roman laws, no punishment was provided for jiarricide ; from the same conviction that the nature ot the crime was in itself a suflicient security against its commis- sion. There are evidences in some of the ancient writings of the country, that the trial by jury was not unknown to the Icelanders during the early periods of their history. Their acquaintance ^vith this mode of trial was not obtained from their Scandinavian descent; but it seems to have been resort- ed to only in particular circumstances, and was not adopted in the code of laws framed for the republic of Iceland, f The constitution, thus adopted by the Icelanders, was preserxed with little change for more than three centuries ; during which period the records exist of thirty-eight Laug- men, who in succession sustained the executive powers. Were it allowed to apply the term to a desolate island on the con- fines of the Arctic Circle, this might be called the golden age of Iceland. Secured by physical circumstances from the ambition of more powerful states, an efficient government and well directed laws proxided for the people all the advan- tages of justice and social order. Education, literature, and * For an account of the Wiigslode, or criminal laws of the Icelandic common- wealth, see the Crymogsea of Arngrim Jonas. f The Eyrbyggia Saga (Havnia, 1787, p. 47.) contains a curious narrative of the trial of a female, named Geirrida, accused of practising the art of magic ; to judge in which case, twelve men were appointed, and put upon theii' oaths. — An account of the same transaction is given in the Landnama Book, p. b2, note. l6 nrsTORY and literature of Iceland. even the refinements of poetical fancy, flourished among them : hke the Aurora Boreahs of their native sky, the poets and historians of Iceland not only illumined their own coinitry, but flashed the lights of their genius through the night which then hung over the rest of Euro})e. Com- merce was })ursued by the inhabitants with ardour and suc- cess ; and they partook in the maritime adventures of disco- very and colonization, which gave so much merited celebrity to the Norwegians of this period. Many of their chiefs and learned men visited the courts of other countries, form- ed connections with the most eminent personages of the time, and surveying the habits, institutions and arts of different communities, returned home, fraught Avith the treasures of collected knowledge. Nor was there among the Icelanders of this period an extinction of the elevated spirit, connnon to their forefathers and to the age. The Sagas, or tales of the country, afford many striking pictures of that high feeling of honour, and of those deeds of personal prowess, which were cherished by the disposition of the northern nations, and which refused not to exist even in this remote and deso- late region. Of the several features which distinguish this remarkable period in the history of Iceland, the literary character of the people is doubtless the most extraordinary and peculiar. We require much evidence to convince us of the fact, that a na- tion, remote from the rest of Europe, dwelling on a soil so sterile, and beneath such inclement skies, should have sent forth men whose genius, taste and acquirements, did honour to their coimtry, and to the times in which they lived. Such evidence, however, of the most decisive kind, we possess in the many writings which have come down from this period to the present age, and in the testimonies afforded by the con- HISTORY AXD LITERATURE OF ICELAKD. 1/ temporary writers of other countries. The reality of the fact, indeed, can admit of no doubt ; and it is only left for us to speculate upon the causes which led to this singular anomaly in the history of literature. The original settlers in Iceland were men who had possess- ed eminence and hereditary rank in the kingdom of Nor- way. Deserting their country from an abhorrence of des- potic sway, they carried with them to their new abodes the language of their ancestors, (the Gothic or Teutonic root, from which so many branches have sprung ;) and numerous records, both of individual family descent, and of the ge- neral history of the northern nations ; these annals being preserved for the most part in that poetical form, which dwelt with an equal vivacity of impression upon the memory and feelings. The mythology of the Scandinavians, in its nature propitious to poetic fiction and ornament, was at the same time transplanted into Iceland ; the gloomy scenery of which was not wholly unaccordant with the character and usages of this religion. The majesty and the terrors of Odin and of Thor might well be supposed to reside amidst the desolation of nature ; and the future bliss of the Valhalla was pictured with a simplicity of description, which gave it to the imagi- nation even of the Icelander, who knew but the names of luxury and splendour. The attributes of the other deities, and the metaphorical or fictitious events of the mythology, were equally adapted to the situation and conceptions of the people, during this infancy of their existence as an independ- ent community. Possessing thus the materials for history and the elements of poetical composition, and aided by various remembrances and associations connected with their former country, it is c IS HISTORY AND LTTERATURE OP ICELAND. not wonderful that the Icelanders should have been early led to the cultivation of these branches of literature. Other causes also contributed to this effect. The institution of a regular form of government, though it diminished the number of in- cidents which might have been adorned by the language of poetry, yet afforded a peaceable security of condition, which favoured the culture of the mind, and enabled those who had learning or genius to record the events and atchievements of ages that were gone by. The peculiar form, too, of this go- vernment, afforded a powerful incentive to mental exertions ; and at the great annual assembly of the people, those who possessed quickness of talent, with powers of composition and oratory, never failed to obtain the applause of their fellow- citizens, and an influence in the deliberations of the state. Nor were the more domestic occupations of the Icelanders such as to preclude an indulgence of these dispositions. The summer's sun saw them indeed laboriously occupied in seek- ing their provision from a stormy ocean and a barren soil ; but the long seclusion of the winter gave them the leisure, as well as the desire, to cultivate talents, which were at once so fruitful in occupation and delight. During the darkness of their year, and beneath the rude covering of wood and turf, they recited to their assembled families the deeds and descent of their forefathers ; from whom they had received that inhe- ritance of liberty, which they now dwelt among deserts to preserve. But it was not solely as reviving the memory of former times, or as a source of domestic enjoyment, that the Ice- landers of this age devoted themselves to the composition of history and poetry. The ambition of wealth and glory fur- ther animated their pursuits. Their bards and historians HrSTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND, U) visited other countries, resided amid the splendours of courts, were caressed by tiie greatest mouarchs of the time, and re- turned to their native island, covered with honours, and en- riched by the gifts which their genius had won. Thus, inte- rest and emulation preserved the character which the people had acquired, long after some of the causes producing it had ceased to operate ; and literature became with the Icelanders a species of commerce, in which the fruit of their mental en- dowments was exchanged for those foreign luxuries or com- forts, which nature had denied to them from their own soil. Such appear to have been the circumstances which gave rise to this singular condition of Iceland during the period from the 10th to the 14th century ; nor will it seem extraor- dinary, when the nature of the causes is considered, that they should have had so much effect upon the habits and character of tlic people. It may be observed, in concurrence with the view that has been given, that their attention was chiefly engaged by the two branches of literature already mentioned, history and poetry ; and that the more severe departments of knowledge, though not entirely disregarded, were by no means held in equal estimation. To these favourite pursuits they applied their utmost powers ; cultivating them in ^•arious forms, yet reducing the whole to a system, which in its struc- ture displayed great refinement and skill. The poetry of the ancient Icelanders, thovigh cherished by them with so much success, was not, however, essentially distinct in its character from that common to the other northern nations at this period. Before the emigration which originally peopled Iceland, the Scandinavian kings ami chief- tains retained in their courts, and about their persons, bards who might celebrate their greatness, and convey the memory of their deeds to future times. These men were called 20 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. Skuldr or Skalds : * they exercised poetry as a profession, and their exertions were munificently rewarded by those whose praises they sung. After the Icelanders were esta- blished as a people, and when, from the causes just enume- rated, they had devoted themselves to poetical composition, their native poets assumed the highest rank among these bards of the age. The style of their composition was nearly the same as that of their predecessors in the art ; but, from their more complete devotion to the pursuit, they appear to have acquired greater skill, and a superior excellence in the qualities which were deemed essential to this kind of poetry. We accordingly' find that the Icelandic Skalds obtained a singular celebrity, not only in their own country, but through- out all the north of Europe. They visited the courts of England, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, and were everywhere received with the hospitality and honours due to their talents, and to the exertions they made in the service of their patrons. From catalogues which are preserved to us of the Skalds who flourished in the three last mentioned king- doms, it appears that the majority of the whole number were natives of Iceland ; and numerous testimonies exist of the superior reputation and influence which these islanders enjoy- ed in the exercise of their profession, -j" * The origin of the word Skald has been variously stated. It has been de- rived from Skiall, narratio; from shall, sonus; from gal-a, cancre; and by Tor- ficus (Pfafat. Hist. Oread.) from Skatla, depilare. The most prol)able derivation seems to be from SIdael, signifying wisdom or counsel ; whence also the English word skill. •}• See the Skalda-lal, or list of Skalds, in the appendix to Wormius's Litt. Hunic. Also the accurate catalogue in the Sciograph. Hist. Literar. Island, p. 49 ; an excellent work, written by Halfdan Einar.sen, rector of the school at Hoo- lum, and published at Copenhagen in 1777. Under the form of a catalogue rai- soncc, with notes and indexes, it affords the most complete account, yet extant, of the literature and learned men of Iceland. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. 21 So much has been Avritten concerning the Scandinavian poetry of this age, that it will not be requisite here to enter with much minuteness into the subject. The character of this poetry exhibited certain peculiarities, derived partly from the mythology with which it was connected, partly from the situation and circumstances of the northern na- tions. The religion of the Scandinavians, highly metapho- rical in its nature, and embracing many strange and exag- gerated fictions, gave a corresponding tone to the poetical composition of the people. It abounded in allegory and ab- struse images. The events and language of mythology, as- sociated with the various objects of nature, threw over them a shade of mystery, somewhat akin to the sublime. Even where the subject was of a narrative kind, or the praises of a hero w^ere sung, a studied obscurity was still preserved ; — every name assumed some fictitious and figurative shape ; — the thought was strained to meet the conceptions of the poet ; —and the imagination oppressed by the magnitude of the metaphors employed. Owing to these causes, many of the compositions which have come down to us fi'om this age, are either wholly unintelligible, or have little accordance Avith the rules and observances of modern taste. The circumstances of the northern nations, and especially of the Icelanders, further modified the character of their poetry. Dwelling m countries where the softer features of nature were but rarely seen, and simple from necessity in all their habits and modes of life, their compositions seldom ex- hibit much refinement either of imagery or feeling. AVe do not find any extended descriptions of nature, or of the men- tal passions and emotions. All the allusions of this kind are short and abrupt ; while yet they often involve a degree of hyperbole, which would be inadmissible in the poetry of the 22 HISTORY AND LITELATURE OF ICELAND. present day. No resemblance was too vague or fanciful to form the basis of a metaphor; and the imagination being urged to the discovery of such relations, numerous allego- rical phrases were thus obtained, which were habitually employed by the writers of the age ; though with ev^ry li- cense to the novelties which individual genius might sug- gest. Their phraseology, however, was sometimes much less extravagant ; and, in the description of common events, we occasionally find a homeliness and simplicity of style, which are strikingly contrasted with the qualities just de- scribed. * The structure of the verse in the northern jjoetry of this period, as exemplified by that of the Icelanders, was equally peculiar. Its harmony appears to have depended less upon the arrangement and number of syllables, (though this also was the subject of minute attention,) than upon certain alliterations, and repetitions of sound, which were studiously introduced into all their poetical writings. The assonance, thus sought for, was of a more various and complicated kind than is admissible in the mechanism of modern verse. The simple artifice of rhyme was indeed rarely employed ; but upon the disposition of the consonants and vowels, and the repetition of these according to certain rules, infinite skill and labour were bestowed. Though it is difficult now to appreciate the beauty or propriety of these alliterations, we may presume that it was not merely as a demonstration of skill that they * Instances of the metaphors employed in the poetry of the Skalds might be indefinitely multiplied. The earth is the daughter and wife of Odin ; — Iiunger, the knife of Hcla or Death; — mountains, the bones of the giant Ymer; — giants, the sons of frost; — a warlike mind is an angry sword ;— a. battle, a storm of blood ;— the raven is said to rejoice over the hard game of war ;-^^ cloud of bloody drops covers the head of the wounded, &c. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 23 were used ; and it is probable they had severally their adapt- ations to the nature of the Gothic language ; which, abound- ing in consonants, might derive much increase of harmony from this artful disposition of sounds. The varieties of alli- teration were exceedingly numerous. Sometimes a repetition of the initial letters of verses was required ; — sometimes a correspondence in the initial letters of several words occur- ring in a distich or a verse ; while in other cases, more com- plex repetitions of sound were obtained, by using not only the same initial letters in different parts of a distich, but also certain correspondent syllables, with regular intervals between them. These varieties were connected with an al- most equal diversity in the metre of the poetry ; of which some have estimated more than a hundred different forms. It has been supposed that certain of these metres have a cor- respondence with the Sapphic measure of the lyrical poets of antiquity ; but this opinion may probably be considered more fanciful than certain.* * The metre most frequently used among the Icelanders was one in which the stanza was composed of four couplets ; each line of the couplet consisting of six syllables ; as in the following example from the Gunnlaugi Saga, the address of Gunnlaug to Helga, at the time of their last parting : Bramani skein brima Enn sa geisli syslir Brims und liosum himni Sidan menia-fridar Hristar horvi gloestrar Hvarma-tungls ok hringa Hauk-frann a mik lauka. Hlinar uthurft mina. ' Like that of the falcon,, the bright eye of the beautiful maid, shining from ' beneath an eye-brow, which is curved as the horned moon, hath enlightened me ' by its splendour. But the beam from beneath the moon-like eye-brow of the ' maiden adorned with rings, is the cause of evil, both to herself and to me.' Some valuable critical remarks on the Scandinavian poetry of this age will be found in various parts of Mallet's Jntrdd. a I'lluloire de Dannemarc ; in the notes of his excellent translator, Dr Percy ; and also in Dr Van Troll's Letter on 2 1 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. The Scandinavian poetry was thus an art of the most re- fined kind; and, as such, exercised with peculiar success by the Icelanders of this age. The skill of the poet being called into action even more than his imagination, contests in va- riety and facility of versification were very frequent, and much credit was attached to impromptus, as a proof of poeti- cal talent. Instances of such extemporary composition are extremely common, and may be found related in most of the Icelandic Sagas.* From the same Avorks it appears that these short pieces of poetry, (called Flockr, to distinguish them from the longer and more finished compositions, which had the name of Drnpa,Y) were frequently the vehicle of queries and enigmas, proposed to the ingenuity of competitors in the art. A striking example of this is recorded in the Hervarar Saga, where, to decide in a contest between a certain king and his vassal, relatively to the payment of tribute, a strict trial was made before judges of the intellectual skill of the two parties, in proposing and solving such poetical enigmas. X Satire, too, was by no means an uncommon subject of these poems ; and it was at one time exercised Avith such severity Icelandic Poetry. In the specimen given above, the regular alliteration will be observed ; and other instances of this will be found in No. IV. of the Appendix to this volume. * See the Gunnlaugi ok Skalld-Rafni Saga, Hervarar Saga, Eyrbyggia Saga, Egills Saga, Src. ■f See Gunnlaugi Saga, Havniae, 1775, p. 112, and note, p. 113. \ Hervarar Saga, Havnise, 1785, cap. xv. p. 128. Several other examples occur of the kings and princes of this age assuming the character of poets. The verses of Regnar Lodbrok, a warlike and celebrated king of Denmark, are still preserved: see Wormius's Litt. Runic. 195: also the fragment called Nordi/mra, published by Prof. Thorkelin, Lond. 1788. An instance is elsewhere recorded of a poet, Hiarno by name, who was invested with the royal diadem, on account of the excellence of an epitaph which he composed upon his predecessor. HISTORY AND LITERATmE OF ICELAND. 25 against Harold, a king of Denmark, who had offended the Icelanders, that an invasion of the island was threatened ; and it became necessary to pass an edict, making it a capital crime to satirize the Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish kings. Other laws also were enacted in Iceland about the same period, respecting the use of personal allusions in general, whether of censure or applause, in consequence of the ex- treme propensity to such topics which the poets of the coun- try displayed. Poetry having so entireU' the character of an art among the ancient Icelanders, we might expect to find them pos- sessing some common means of education in this favourite pursuit. The Edda, one of the most valuable remnants of northern antiquity, is a work designed expressly for these purposes. Much controversy has existed respecting this sin- gular and celebrated performance ; the period at which it was written, and the writers, being made equally the sub- jects of question. Though certain points of the discussion have never been completely decided, yet we may now consider ourselves as possessing all those facts respect- ing the work, which are of any material importance. It seems to be well ascertained, that the Edda is not entirely the composition of one person, or of one age, but that it derives its present form from several distinct sources. The name has been assigned to two different works ; one of which is called the ancient Edda, or Edda of Ssemund ; the other, supposed to be of more modern date, bears the name of the celebrated Snorro Sturleson, to whom it is ascribed. It must be remarked, however, that these titles were given at a period much later than the com- position of either of the works ; and that their accuracy has 26 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. been disputed, inasmuch as regards the names of the authors affixed to them. * The ancient Edda consists of various odes; which, as some allege, are the fragments only of a much larger work, now lost to the world. These writings, suppressed during a long period by the mistaken zeal of the Catholic clergy, were brought to hght about the year 1630, by Brynjolfus Sueno- nius, bishop of Skalholt. The most important of the poems are the Voluspa, and the Havamal. The Voluspa, or Prophet- ess of Vola, is a digest of the ancient Scandinavian mytho- logy, short and extremely obscure; the Havamal, a singular collection of moral precepts, professing to be derived from the god Odin himself. These poems have generally been attributed to Ssemund Sigfuson, an eminent Icelander, born A. D. 1056; who, from his knowledge, writings, and various acquirements, has been called by succeeding authors, Frode, or the learned. This opinion, however, as before mentioned, has had its opponents ; and strong reasons have been urged for believing that Sa^mund did not compose, perhaps not even compile, the Edda which is ascribed to him. f The second work, bearing this name, has come to us imder a more perfect form; and though itself losing the garb * Different derivations have been given of the name Edda: some have de- rived it from Edde, a gratidmotker, thus making it to signify the parent of poetry; or from Alta, a father, with the same use of the prosopopeia. Others have re- ferred it to Odde, the residence of Ssemund Sigfuson. Arnas Magnseus considers the name as a feminine of the old word Odr, signifying wisdom, or reason. -J- The principal opponent of Saemund's claim to the first Edda is Arnas Magnseus ; whose recondite inquiries into the early literature of Iceland have given him much celebrity. See his life of Saemund Frode, prefixed to the Edda Sttmundar, Hafnia 1787. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. '2 "■4 of poetry, is much better adapted to the object of instruct- ing others in the poetic art. It is distributed into two prin- cipal parts. The first contains an extensive view of the my- thology of Odin, under the form of dialogue ; in which are explained the attributes of the deities, their several actions, and the other remarkable events of the mythology. This was a code from which the Skalds, or bards of the age, might derive incidents and allusions for the ornament of their verses. The second part of the Edda, which has been called Skalda, is a still more singular instance of the attention which was given at this period to poetry, as an art. It is a collection of synonymes, epithets, and prosodiacal rules, carefully ar- ranged, and well adapted to increase the accuracy and faci- lity of composition. The different errors of style are dis- tinctly pointed out, and a minute account is given of the va- rieties of figure and of metre, which may be admitted into poetical writing. The origin of this extraordinary work, like that of the ancient Edda, is still a matter of dispute. Most authors concur in ascribing it to Snorro Sturleson; admitting, however, that certain additions were afterwards made to the Skalda, either by Gunnlaug, a monk who lived about the be- ginning of the thirteenth century, or, more probably, by a poet called Olaf Huitaskald, the nephew of Sturleson. The learned Amas Magnaeus, and some other writers, have con- tradicted this opinion, and suppose it more probable that the Edda was greatly altered, if not entirely composed, in the fourteenth century ; an idea which is the less probable, since at this period the art of poetry had greatly declined among the Icelanders, and the office and reputation of the Skalds were now become almost wholly extinct. * • See Vita Saemund. Mult. Edd. Saemund. prsefix. p. 14; also Sciagraph. Hist. Lit. Island, p. 17. The controversy respecting the origin of the Edda, and the 28 HISTORY AND LITEHATUIIE OF ICELAND. It would be exceeding the limits of the present disserta- tion, to detail the names of all the eminent poets who adorn- ed this period of Icelandic history. Besides the two cele- brated men, whose names have been mentioned in connec- tion Avith the Edda, those most conspicuous for their talents were, Egill Skallgrimson, a celebrated warrior as well as bard, who, in the court of Norway, rescued himself by his verses from impending death ; Thorleif Jarlaskald, whose skill was so great, that while every one admired and ap- plauded, no one knew whether his poetry spoke praise, satire, or reproach ; Sighvatr Thordson, whose talents raised him to the counsels and friendship of two successive Nor- wegian kings; and the two brothers, Olaf and Sturla Thord- son, who, in the thirteenth century, carried away the prize of fame from most of their competitors, both in Iceland and the kingdoms of the north. The former of these, surnamed Huitaslcald, or the White Poet, from the colour of his hair, has just been noticed, as the supposed author of a. part of the Edda. The latter, besides his celebrity as a poet, ac- tjuired much eminence in the departments of history and jurisprudence, and in other branches of knowledge. The chronicles of the coimtry recite the names and compositions txaniinalion of this singular work, have engaged many writers of great eminence. Resides those just referred to, we find connected with this subject the names of AVormius, Bartholin, Rudbeck, Resenius, Mallet, Suhm, Ihre, Thorkelin, &c. iVom whose several works the curious reader may obtain ample information on the subject. The principal editions of the Edda are those of Resenius, (Copen- hagen, 1665), and of Mr Goranson, a Swede, who obtained his text from the Upsal Manuscript of the work. A French translation of the greater part of it has l>een given by Mr Mallet in his Introduct. a THist. de Dannemarc ; and this has been transferred to our own language by Dr Percy, in his Northern Antiqui- ties. To the pens of Gray, Herbert, and Cottle^ we owe poetical translations of several passages in the ancient Edda. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. 29 of many cotemporary bards, little inferior in skill, and who exercised with scarcely less reputation the art to which they were attached. Great, however, as was the poetical celebrity of the Ice- landers of this age, they derived a still higher character from their historical writings. These may be divided into the ge- nuine, the fictitious, and those of a mixed character. Of the fabulous histories, \vhich were chiefly composed during the earlier periods of the Icelandic commonwealth, some appear to have had a concealed and figurative meaning ; others were mere fables, not connected with any such metaphori- cal allusions.* The Sagas, f or historical narratives, form a much morenumerous and valuableclassof compositions. These may in general be considered to belono; to the last or mixed character of history ; in which the fictions of the author are to a certain extent blended with the events he describes. Many of them, however, possess throughout all the features of real and authentic narrative, and afford sketches of the state of society during this period, which are highly inter- esting and important. In the subject of these Sagas there is considerable variety. Some of them furnish the history of particular events, either of a political or religious nature ; others give the more simple narrative of a family, or a com- nnniity of families ; others, again, contain biographical sketches of the eminent individuals of the age, the king, the warrior, the poet, or the priest. The merit of these writings IS equally various. In many of them we find a minute and wearisome description of events, neither interesting in them- * See Torf. Ser. Reg. Dan. lib. 1. cap 1 ; and Bartholin's Antiq. Dan. lib. 1. cap. 11. ■f From segid, to say. 30 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICEEANH. selves, nor adorned by any of the graces of narrative ; in others we meet with pictures of manners and feehngs, in which simphcity itself is the charm, and where the imagina- tion is insensibly led back to the times, the people, and the scenes, which are so faithfully pourtrayed. Of those which bear the latter character, the finest example, perhaps, is the Gininlaugs oh Skald- Ilafni Saga, or the history of Gunnlaug and the poet Rafn ; of which interesting story, a short sketch is given in the subjoined note, without any other ornament than the original itself affords, and with the neces- sary omission of many circumstances which confer grace and beauty upon the tale. The authenticity of the narrative, and the reality of all the personages it includes, are fully established by the evidence of cotemporary writers.* * Thorstein and Illugi, both men of wealth and power, dwelt in the great vale of the Borgard-Fiord, in the western part of Iceland. The former, who was son to the celebrated poet Egill, had a daughter named Helga, the pride of her family, and the loveliest among the women of the island. In the "house of Illugi, the most remarkable person was his youngest son, Gunnlaug. Born in 988, he early acquired reputation from his stature, strength, and prowess both of body and mind ; but his temper was turbulent and unyielding, and being opposed by his father in his desire to travel, he abruptly left his home, when only fifteen years of age, and took refuge in the house of Thorstein, by whom he was hospitably received. Here, while his mind was instructed by the father, his heart was subdued by the gentleness and elegance of the daughter. Living with Helga, and partaking in all her occupations and amusements, a mutual affection was quickly formed ; and the restless impetuosity of the boy passed by degrees into the refinement and delicacy of the youthful lover. His character thus changed, Gunnlaug was recon- ciled to his father, and, during three years, resided sometimes with him, some- times at the house of Thorstein. When he had reached the age of eighteen, Illugi consented to his going abroad ; but he would not leave Iceland, till he had obtained from the father of his secretly betrothed Helga, a solenm promise that the maiden's hand should be given to him, if, after three years had expired, he return- ed to claim it. Departing from his native country, Gunnlaug visited the courts of England, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden, and was every where received with HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 31 From the Icelandic Sagas, our knowledge of the history and antiquities of the northern nations has derived many im- portant additions. Still more valuable, however, in this respect, have been the regular historical writings of the Icelanders ; many of which have come down, in a more or less perfect state, to the present time. The causes which led these islanders the honours to which his person and talents entitled him. His extempore poetry was admired and munificently rewarded : an art which he had early cultivated, - though with so much tendency to satire, that he was called Ormstunga, or the snake-tongue. At the court of the Swedish king, Glare, he found the celebrated poet Rafn, likewise an Icelander, and of noble birth. A friendship formed be- tween them, was soon afterwards broken, by a dispute, which took place in the royal presence, respecting the comparative merits of their poetry. Rafn, thinking himself disgraced, declares his determination of revenge; and, in pursuance of this, returns almost immediately to Iceland, where he seeks to obtain in marriage the maiden betrothed to his rival. The three years being gone by, and no tidings received of Gunnlaug, Thorstein, after some delay, gave to Rafn the unwilling hand of Helga, whose heart meanwhile remained with her former lover. The unfortunate Gunnlaug, hastening home to claim his bride, was accidentally de- tained by a hurt received in wrestling, and reached the abode of his father on the very day on which Helga became a wife. A nuptial feast was prepared, with all the splendour suited to the condition of the families concerned. Gunnlaug, hav- ing hastened forwards from his father's house, shewed himself on a sudden among the assembled guests, eminent above all from the beauty of his person and the richness of his apparel. The eyes of the lovers hung upon each other in mute and melancholy sorrow ; and the bitterest pangs went to the heart of the gentle Helga. The nuptial feast was gloomy and without joy. A contest between the rivals was prevented by the urgent interference of their friends, but they parted with increased animosity and hatred. The revenge of Rafn, though thus accomplished, gave him little satisfaction. Helga, refusing all conjugal endearments, spent her days in unceasing sadness. At the great public assembly at Tlung\'alla, the ensuing summer, Gunnlaug chal- lenged his rival to single combat ; and the challenge being accepted, they met on an island in the river, which flows into the lake of Thingvalla. The combat, however, though severe, was indecisive ; and a renewal of it was prevented by an edict of the assembly, passed the following day, prohibiting the practice of 32 HISTORY AND LITERATURE Or ICELAND. thus early to the composition of history, as well as poetry, have already been mentioned. Originally bringing with them from Norway numerous traditionary records of the Scandi- navian people, they derived progressive additions to these, from the residence of their poets and learned men in the courts of the northern kingdoms, the princes and chieftains of which cherished the talents by which their own actions might be conveyed to posterity. Provided by these means with ample duels in Iceland. Gunnlaug here sees his beloved Helga for a few moments, and for the last time ; and in the empassioned language of poetry laments their mu- tual sorrows. Restrained from deciding their quarrel in Iceland, and each pur- sued by his own imhappiness and resentments, the rivals pass over to the territory of Sweden, and meet, attended by their respective companions, at a place called Dynguines. A combat takes place : the companions of each party fall victims to the bloody fray, and Gunnlaug and Rafn are left alone to decide their contest. The foot of the latter is severed by the sword of Gunnlaug, who wishes now to dis- continue the combat ; but Rafn exclaims that he would persevere in it, could he procure some water to alleviate his thirst. The generous Gunnlaug, trusting to the honour of his adversary, brings him water in his helmet from an adjoining lake. Rafn, seizing the critical moment, when the water was presented to him, strikes with his sword the bare head of Gunnlaug, crying out at the same time, ♦' that he cannot endure that his rival should enjoy the embraces of the beautiful " Helga." The fight is fiercely renewed, and Gunnlaug slays his perfidious oppo- nent ; but dies soon afterwards of the wound he has himself received, when yet. only in the twenty-fifth year of his age. The remainder of the story is short and melancholy. The sorrowing Helga, her husband and lover both destroyed, is compelled to give her hand to Thorkell, a noble and wealthy Icelander. But these nuptials are equally joyless as the for- mer. Her mind is wholly devoted to misery and gloom ; and she sinks an early victim to the grave, bending hto last looks upon a robe she had received from Gunnlaug ; and dwelling with her last thoughts upon the memory of her unhappy lover. A sketch of this story is given by the elegant pen of IVIr Herbert, in the first volume of his poems. Were it less interesting, as a specimen of the manners and literature of the ancient Icelanders, the repetition of what he has so nobly done, would not have been attempted. histohy and literature of Iceland. 33 materials for history, they became the annalists of all the north of Evirope ; and the simplicity and precision which their narratives display, prove that they were well entitled to this pre-eminence. The history of their own country was not neg- lected amid the more conspicuous events of other nations ; but the most careful record preserved of every circumstance occurring in the little community to which they belonged. Isleif, the first bishop of Skalholt, who died in 1080, was the earliest of the Icelandic historians, and a man of great general learning ; but his works are now unfortunately lost. Ssemund Frode, who has before been mentioned as the reput- ed author of the ancient Edda, was contemporary with the latter 3-ears of Isleif. He composed, among other historical works now extinct, the annals called, from his place of re- sidence, Odda, which contain a chronicle of events from the beginning of the world to his own time. For this work he was peculiarly qualified from his stiidies at Paris and Cologne, where, in the earlier part of his life, he spent several years in the most ardent devotion to the pnrsuits of knowledge.* His friend and fellow-traveller AreTliorgilson, also from his learn- ing surnamed Frode, was still more eminent as an historian of this age ; but here, too, we have to regret the loss of what would have been among the most important of the ancient re- cords of Danish, Norwegian, and English history, particular- ly of his lives of the Norwegian kings, from Odin to Magnus, the son of Olaus. He has left us, however, valuable testimo- nies of his talents and industry in the Icelandic Chronicle, usually called the Schedse, and in the Landnama Book, for- * The Annales Oddenses have been denied by some to be the work of Saemund Frode, and have been assigned to a much later period of Icelandic literature. It is impossible, at the present time, to decide with certainty upon a question belong- ing to an age so remote. E 34: HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. merly mentioned, of which he appears to have composed*the principal part. He died in 1148, when eighty years of age. Succeeding in the same track, was the celebrated Snorro Sturleson, who, born in 1178, became, when yet young, the wealthiest and most powerful man in Iceland. Twice he sus- tained the office of Laugman, or chief magistrate. His estab- lishment was suited to the dignity of his condition, and in visiting the general assembly of the island, he was frequently attended by a splendid retinue of 800 armed men. The re- putation which he acquired for learning and accomplishments was equally extensive. He had a minute knowledge of the Greek and Latin langtiages, v\'as an excellent poet and histo- rian, an admirable orator, and profoundly skilled in all the arts of his time. Besides the Edda, which is usually ascribed to him, and one or two fragments,* he has bequeathed to pos- terity his Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, called the Heim- skringla;-]- a work which, while it strikingly displays the erudi- tion and industry of its author, is scarcely less distinguished for the excellence of its composition and style. The latter part of his life was not equally fortimate with its commence- ment, being clouded by family feuds, which finally subjected him to a violent death in the sixty-tliird year of his age. It would appear that his character was not without its blemishes, as well as its noble and exalted qualities. To his private ambition he is said occasionally to have sacrificed the interests of his country, and much dissimulation and political artifice pervaded the whole of his public career. These are but a few of the illustrious men who adorned at this period the literature of Iceland. A complete catalogue of the native historical writers would include nearly two hun- * The Hattalykill, or Clavis Metrica, and the Bragarbot. •)• So named from the initial words of the book. J HISTORY AXD LITERATURE OT ICELAND. 35 dred names, some of them scarcely less eminent than those which have already been mentioned. * Though the sister muses, history and poetry, were thus principally cherished, there was not however an entire neglect of other branches of knowledge. The ancient calendars of the country, and the extraordinary skill which was exhibited in the maritime adventures of the people, shew that considerable attention was given to astronomical and physical observations ; and many learned men in the island, especially Sturleson and Paul, a bishop of Skalholt, were distinguished by their attain- ments in mathematics and mechanical science. f The study of jurisprudence was pursued with much ardour and industry ; it appears, from passages occurring in the Sagas, to have been made a distinct branch of education among the chiefs of the country, and the progressive improvement and excellent admi- nistration of the laws during the period of the Icelandic com- monwealth, furnish sufficient proof of the success with whicli its cultivation was attended. Geography could not fail to engage attention, when their travellers not only visited all the kingdoms of Europe, but penetrated even into the remote regions of Asia and Africa.;]: Philological studies were pur- * See Torfsei Ser. Reg. Danic. lib. 1, cap. 1. The other most important his- torical works of the ancient Icelanders are the Annales Flateyenses, Skalholtenses, Holenses, Vetustissimi, Regii, those called from the possessor of the manuscript, the Annales Resenii, the Sturlunga Saga, &c. Of the ^vnnales Regii, an excellent edition will be found in Langebeck's Script. Rer. Danic. Vol. 3. •f" See the Blanda and Riuibeigla books, published at Copenhagen under the patronage of M. Suhm. Also a treatise of the same age de Algorithmo, which is noticed in the Sciograph. Hist. Lit. Island, p. 161. The Rimbeigla book presents a singidar assemblage of astronomical, chronological, and theological facts, and will be found well worthy the attention of the curious reader. \ Gissurus, a Laugman of Iceland in 1181, composed a work entitled Flot Peregrinaiionis, describing the various countries through which he had travelled. 36 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. sued by the learned men of the island with much diligence ; and, in the course of the 11th and 12th centuries, they be- came familiar with the most celebrated of the Latin authors, deriving assistance to their own compositions from the classi- cal authorities thus laid open to them. The study of the Greek language, though less general, was not however disregarded ; as we find from the testimony of several writers of this age. It was scarcely possible that all this intellectual culture should exist, without some regular system of education, form- ing its basis and support. The first establishment of this kind appeared about the middle of the 11th century, when Isleif, the first bishop of Iceland, founded aschoolat Skalholt. This was shortly after followed by the institution of three other schools in different parts of the island, and by provisions for the education of youth in connection with the monasteries which were at this time established. It appears also to have been a common practice for those who possessed wealth and property in the country, to charge themselves with the in- struction and advancement of such young men as gave an early promise of eminence in their talents.* In the schools, besides the knowledge of their own language in reading, writing, and various modes of composition, the youth of the island were initiated into classical and theological studies ; to the latter of which especially much attention Avas given. Poetry was made expressly a branch of common education, and even music, or possibly a tbrm of recitation thus termed, appears in some instances to have been taught in a public manner, f Pre- viously to the reception of Christianity in Iceland at the close of the 10th century, the Runic characters, which were brought over by the original emigrants from Norway, seem to have been generally used, where the memory alone was not trusted * Hist. Eccles. Island. T. 1. p. 190. f Hist. Eccl. Island. T. 1. p. 190 and 327. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. tilj with the record of events. These were not, however, commit- tetl to the form of regular writings, but rudely inscribed upon the walls and rafters of their habitations, upon their shields, Avooden staffs, and other implements of common use. About the time of this important change in the religion of the people, the Roman characters were introduced ; the adop- tion of which was attended with manifest advantage to the progress of education, and to every department of literary, pursuit. Respecting the physical condition of the Icelanders in. this remarkable period of their history, we derive our in- formation chiefly from the poems, histories, and tales of the country, which incidentally furnish many interesting facts connected with this subject. The ancient Icelanders pos- sessed, as is still the case with their posterity, few of the luxuries or more refined conveniences of life ; and were occasionally exposed to severe privations from the nature of their soil, and the seasons under which they lived. There is some reason, however, to believe, though the fact cannot be regarded as positively ascertained, that the climate of Iceland was once considerably less austere than at present. From many sources of information it appears certain that corn was formerly grown upon the island, though in later periods, as a native produce, it has been \itterly unknown. * Of the fact that the trees and shrubs formerly attained a much larger size, and were more numerous than is now the case, there is satisfactory evidence in the discovery of tiimks of such trees among the morasses ; and in the frequent men- tion which is made in the ancient writings, of houses and * The evidences of the former growth of corn in Iceland are collected in a treatise by Snorreson, an Icelander, He Jgricultura Islandorum priscis temporibus, Hafmvas the establishment of Christianity in the island. This momentous change was effected in a man- ner strikingly accordant with the genius of the government and of the people. From the year 981, when the knowledge of the Christian doctrine was first introduced by Frederic, a bishop from Saxony, to the close of this century, the num- ber of those embracing the new faith progressively increased; and many missionaries, both foreigners and natives of Ice- land, who had been converted abroad, came over to the island to aid its propagation by their efforts. They experi- enced much opposition from those who still adhered to the superstition of their ancestors : the invectives of poetical sa- tire were ponred forth against them, and even personal vio- lence occasionally attempted by their opponents. These contests, and the growth of the new religion, at length en- o-aged the attention of the government ; and at the national assembly, in the summer of the year 1000, a formal discus- formally prohibited when the Christian religion was adopted in the island, yet it did not long survive this event ; and it appears to have been extinct in Ice- land nearly a hundred years before it was finally abolished in Norway. Hist. Eccles. Isl. Tom. 1. p. 71. Among the superstitions connected with the Scandi- navian mythology, one of the most singular was the Berserkine, as it has been called ; a treatise concerning which is subjoined to the Copenhagen edition of the Kristni Saga. The Berserkir were wrestlers or warriors by profession, who were believed by magical means to have hardened their bodies, so that they could not be injured by fire or sword. These men, roused at times by their incantations into a sort of phrenzy, committed every species of brutal violence ; rushed naked into battle, and overpowered and slew all who ventured to approach them ; till, deserted by the paroxysm, their supernatural strength left them, and they imme- diately sunk into a state of extreme debility and wretchedness. Many records of this strange superstition occur in the old Icelandic and Norwegian writings. It gradually disappeared together with other practices of magic and divination, fre- fjuent among the northern nations of this age. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND, 41 sion took place between the contending parlies. While yet the subject was in agitation before the assembled people, a messenger hurried into the place of meeting with the intelli- gence, that subterranean fire had burst out in the countr}- to the south, and was consuming every thing before it. The heathens exclaimed, that it was not wonderful the gods should burn with anger at the new and detestable heresies which were thus introduced into the coimtry. — " But wherefore," cried Snorro, a zealous advocate for the Christian cause, *' wherefore was the anger of your gods kindled, when the " very rock was burning, on which we now stand." The lake of Thingvalla is in the midst of a volcanic country, and lofty cliffs of lava environed the place of public assembly. The promptitude of the reply had its full effect ; the heathen party were repulsed ; and though the discvission still con- tinued, the ardour and abilities of the Christians triumphed over all obstacles, and procured a final decision in their favour, which was pronounced with much solemnity by Thor- geir, the chief magistrate of the island. Upon the promulga- tion of this act, all religious contests were suspended, and the whole people espoused the faith, to which the wise and the learned among them had given their assent.* Christianity being thus introduced into Iceland, the forms of a religious establishment were soon afterwards adopted : numerous churches were erected ; a provision made by tithe for the support of the clergy, and two bishops created, one for the southern, the other for the northern district of the island. Isleif, the first bishop of Skalholt, was ordained in 1057 : Jonas Ogmundson was fifty years afterwards invested with the same office at Hoolum in the northern province. * See the Eristni Saga, and Hist. Eccles. Island, vol. 1. p. 60. F 42 HISTORY AND LITERATURE Or ICELAND. During the early periods of the Icelandic church, the bishops were chosen by the collected voice of the people at the great p\iblic assembly : they were men eminent for piety, talents, and learning, and their influence was successfully exerted to maintain the purity of the religion over which they presided. The superstitious j)ractices of the ancient mythology were abolished, and the church of Rome not yet having acquired sufficient influence to substitute its errors in their stead, a simple and undisturbed exercise of religion Avas enjoyed by the Icelanders, for nearly two centuries after the first intro- duction of Christianity into the country. Another event, connected with the history of Iceland at this period, was the discovery of Greenland, effected about the year 972, by a Norwegian named Eric, who had settled in Iceland a short time before. Desirous of establishing a colony there, he called the country Groenland, with the de- sign, as it would appear, of alluring settlers by the idea thus given of the country. In this project he succeeded. A year or two afterwards, twenty-five vessels were fitted out on the Western coast for an expedition to Greenland ; of which num- ber it appears that fourteen reached the newly discovered shores.* A colony was soon established ; the population rapidly increased ; and in the progress of the ensuing century, a great extent of the eastern coast, opposite to Iceland, be- came inhabited. Christianity was introduced there at an early period, and the bishop of Garde, which was the prin- cipal establishment of the country, was known even to the Roman Pontiffs of the age. The colonists maintained a con- staijt commercial intercourse with Iceland and Norway ; and the records of the settlement come down uninterru])tedly to * Landnama Book, Part 2. cap. 14. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OE ICELAND. 43 the beginning of the fifteenth century, when at once every trace and vestige of it are lost. The causes of this singular fact have never yet been fully ascertained. It is the most probable supposition that an accumulation of ice took place abovit this time on the Greenland coast, preventing the ac- cess to it from the sea ; and this idea is confirmed by the narratives of later voyagers in these seas, and by the failure of several expeditions sent out to discover the settlement, all of which have been thus intercepted. Of the fate there- fore of this ancient colony, commonly called by distinction Old Greenland, nothing is yet known. The same accuiuula- tion of ice, which separated it from the rest of the world, was probably the cause of the unfavourable change which appears about this time to have occurred in the climate of Iceland ; the breadth of the sea intervening between the two countries not exceeding three hundred miles.* Another maritime adventure is due to the enterprising age before us, more remarkable in itself, though less import- ant in its consequences, than that just mentioned. It is a fact well ascertained, though not generally known, that the north-eastern part of the American coast was dis- covered at this period by the voyagers of these northern countries ; and that during two centuries it continued to be frequently visited by the Icelanders and Norwegians, for the purposes either of curiosity or commerce. This singular discovery was made A. D. 1001, by Biorn Heriolfson, an Icelander, who, on a voyage to Greenland, was driven by. unfavourable winds towards the south, and reached a flat woody coast, which, from several circumstances in the ori- * See Egede's History of Greenland ; Torfaei Groenlandiae Antiq. Descrlpt. ; and the Hist. Groenlandise of Arngrim Jonas. 44 , HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND* gitial narrative, we may presume to have been that of Labrador. Attracted by the report of this voyage, Leif, the son of Eric the discoverer of Greenland, fitted out a vessel with the design of pursuing the same adventure ; though im- provided with any of those aids which science furnishes to the navigators of modern times. Passing the coasts which Biorn had before seen, and continuing his course towards the south-west, he reached a strait which separated a large island from the mainland. Near this place, finding the country fertile and pleasant, he and his companions dragged their vessel on shore, and building huts, remained there dur- ing the winter. From the observation they made that wild vines grew in the country, they gave it the name of Vinland. They remarked also that the days during the winter were much longer than in Iceland, and the weather considerably more temjoerate. In the spring, Leif returned to Greenland, and was succeeded in the enterprize by his brother Thorvald, who arrived in safety at Vinland, and remaining two winters there, explored a considerable extent of the country and coasts. In the course of the third summer, however, he was killed in a combat with the natives, who appear now to have been seen for the first time, and who attacked the Icelanders with arrows and darts, irritated by an act of barbarous cruelty Avhich Thorvald had committed towards some of their number. Soon after this time it appears that a regular colony was established in Vinland by a wealthy Icelander, called Thorfin ; and that the colonists, increasing in numbers, carried on with the natives a regular traffic in furs, skins, and other articles.* Thorfin himself, having remained there three years, returned to Iceland, greatly enriched by his adventure, * The natives were called by the Icelanders Skrtelingar, signifying feeble or diminutive men. HISTOBV AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 45 and making a very favourable report of the climate and pro- ductions of the new country. Few particulars, however, are afforded us of the after progress of the settlement, and though we have a record of it in the early part of the twelfth cen- tury, when a bishop of Greenland went over to promulgate the Christian faith among the colonists, scarcely a vestige of its existence occurs beyond this time, and the name and situation of the ancient Vinland are now entirely \uiknown to the world. Whether the colonists left the country at any particular time, or whether, separated from their connexion with Europe, they were gradually blended with the savage tribes surrounding them, must for ever remain a matter of doubt.* * The reader who wishes farther to investigate this singular subject may con- sult the Landnama Book, the Eyrbyggia Saga, the Annales Flateyenses, the Heimskringia of Snorro Sturleson, and, among more modern writings, Arngrim's Hist. Gronlandise, Torfaeus^s Hist. Vinland. Antiq., the Hist. Eccles. Islandiae, &c. The well-known Venetian narrative of the voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeni, at the close of the fourteenth century, might be admitted as a farther evidence, did it not bear the character of one of those maritime romances, which were so common among the Venetians during the period of their commercial greatness. This narrative, however, in describing an extensive country, called Estotiland, situated to the south-west of Greenland, and which had before been visited by the Icelanders for the purposes of traffic, proves at least that the discovery of the northern navigators was not unknown by report to the people of the south of Europe. So many testimonies, indeed, direct or indirect, have come down to us on the subject of the ancient Vinland, that it is impossible not to admit the fact of their general authenticity. There is more room for doubt as to the exact situ- ation of the place, thus named. By some it has been supposed (Hist. Eccles. Isl. Tom. 1. p. 4.) that it might be as far towards the south as Virginia : others have conceived, with more reason, that it was situated on some part of the coast of Labrador, probably near to the island of Newfoundland. Mallet, who in his Introduct. a THist. de Dannemarc, has an ingenious disquisition on this subject, adopts the latter opinion ; and in the first edition of his work, cites the evidence of Father Charlevoix, a traveller into these countrie?, and of Dr Baumgartens, 46 HISTOKY AND LITERATURE Or ICELAND. The sketch which has now Ijcen given of the habits, in- stitutions, and arts of the ancient Icelanders, is by no means an exaggerated picture of this singular and interesting people. The comparative eminence, however, to which in this age they attained, Avas not destined to be permanent ; and the rapid advancement of other states towards civilization, con- curred with changes in their own condition, to effect an en- tire alteration in the balance subsisting between them. Even the period of the commonwealth, though the most brilliant and remarkable in the history of Iceland, presents not throughout the pleasing features which have just been de- lineated. In the progress of time, numerous intestine evils sprung up to disturb the repose of the people; and the middle of the thirteenth century is signalized in their history by the transference of the island to the power of the Nor- wegian kings, three hundred and forty years after the esta- blishment of the free constitution, under which they so greatly flourished. Several probable causes may be assigned for this change, some of them collateral, others perhaps connected with the nature of the constitution itself. There appears to have been a constant leaning of the aristocracy, which formed the basis of the government, towards an oli- garchy ; and in the later periods of the commonwealth, dis- turbances were excited by ambitious individuals, who aim- ed at the possession of more influence in the state than a learned German writer, to prove that the Esquimaux Indians, in this part of Labrador, differ materially in person, habits, and language, from the other North. American tribes ; from which the possibility is inferred that these may be the remnants of the ancient European colonists. That wild grapes were found in Vinland, cannot be considered an objection to this idea of tlie situation of the country, since modern travellers have ascertained that a species of wild vine grows native on the American coast, even as far to the north as the shores of Hudson's Bay. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND, 4tJ the constitution allowed. Where large feudal property and hereditary rights were connected with talent, ambition, and enterprize, it was natural to expect that efforts would be made to infringe the aristocratical equality, which existed in the spirit and design of the commonwealth. Accordingly we find about this period the relation of numerous contests be- tween the more powerful chieftains of the state ; and the an- nals of Iceland are for a time disgraced by the record of sedition, rapine, and bloodshed.* The liberties of the Icelanders might possibly, however, have survived these intestine feuds, had not other circum- stances co-operated with their effect. The Norwegian mo- narchs, though making no direct attempts to subjugate the island, 3'et appear to have contemjilated at an early period its annexation to their power. This desire was doubtless confirmed by the increasing prosperity of the Icelanders during the eleventh and twelfth centuries ; and the means of accomplishing their design were afforded by the disturbances which afterwards occurred. These broils appear to have been fomented by the concealed interference of the Norwe- gians, who were admitted to a constant intercourse with the island ; and who, while aggravating the internal evils under which it suffered, held out to the people the most specious promises of assistance and protection. By such promises, the kings of Norway gained over some of the most eminent of the Icelanders ; and persuaded them to urge, even in the councils of the nation, the necessity of composing their feuds by giving tlieniselves to the dominion of a single potentate. * These contests between the chieftains were not always trivial or unimport- ant. Instances are related where bodies of twelve or thirteen hundred men, and fleets of twenty vessels, were engaged on one side in such conflicts. Hist. Eccles. Island. Vol. 1. p. 103. 4S HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. The celebrated Snorro Sturleson, who resided two years at the Norwegian court, and was received there with many honours, was suspected of having aided this cause ; a suspicion from which he incurred much odium among his fellow- citizens. The efforts of the Norwegians, protracted through a long period, were finally successful. The Icelanders, wearied of feuds and contests, consented at last to resign their inde- pendence; and, in 1261, an act of the national assembly, imattended with violence or the compulsion of arms, deliver- ed up the greater part of the island to Haco, the reigning king of Norway. The eastern province which at first opposed this act, three years afterwards adopted the same course. It was not, however, a blind submission to arbitrary power which appeared in this revolution. Regular treaties were established between the Icelanders and their future sove- reigns ; and the acknowledgement of the kingly sway was preceded by conditions, which made it rather an alliance than a timid surrender of rights. All property was secured in the island ; no tribute exacted ; a liberal provision was made for the external traffic of the inhabitants, and a title given them to the acquirement of honours and civil offices in the kingdom of Norway itself. It was provided that the government of Iceland should be administered by a delegate from the king, either a Norwegian or a native of the island. Little change appears to have been made in the internal government of the country ; and the celebrated code of laws, called the Jonshoh, which was given to the Icelanders in 1280, by IMagnus the successor of Haco, was merely a revised and amended form of the more ancient body of laws, framed for the commonwealth of Iceland.* * A detailed account of this change in the government of Iceland is given in \ HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 49 Tlie short period during which the island remained subject to the native Norwegian monarchs, is dignified by no remark- able event. The laws were administered by the governors of the country in a mild and equitable manner ; and it does not appeal- that any attempts were made to infringe upon the conditions on which the liberties of Iceland were surren- dered. The internal fevids, which preceded and produced this €vent, were in great measure composed, and the inhabit- ants at large remained in a state of perfect order and tran- quillity. The annexation of Norway to the power of Denmark in 1380, was an event of. little importance to the interests of Iceland, and can scarcely be considered as forming an epoch in its history. The island was transferred to the Danish monarchy without tumult or opposition. The laws were maintained in their former state ; and the administration committed, as before, to a governor appointed by the crown. These prefects of the island were sometimes natives, some- times Norwegians or Danes. Though it was intended they should reside in the coimtry, this does not appear to have been generally done ; and many of them visited their govern- inent only once in the year, to inspect and regulate its vari- ous concerns. This is the last political change which occurs in the history of Iceland. The records we possess of the succeeding pe- riods are less numerous and less valuable than those which Torfaeus's Hist. Norv. Tom. 4. Ub. S. Also in the Hist. Eccles. Isl. T. 1. p. 373 et seq. The code of laws presented to the Icelanders at this time was called Jonsbok, from the name of the governor, by whom it was introduced into the island. Some of the most eminent among the natives, particularly the poet and historian Sturla Thordson, assisted in its compilation from the ancient laws of the republic. G 50 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. relate to the times already described. The historians of these later ages are occupied chiefly in the detail of events, neither very interesting in themselves, nor affecting beyond the mo- ment the condition or circumstancss of the people. Their nar- rativesare remarkable for accuracy and minuteness ; but they are spread over too broad and uniform a surface ; and are lit- tle relieved by any of the ornaments of style or composition. The history of Iceland, however, though now destitvite of po- litical event, is still the history of a people ; and the four last centvnies have exhibited some features not wholly unworthy of attention. The change in the constitution of the island, from its an- nexation to an European monarchy, produced, as might have been expected, a corresponding change in the character and habits of the people. Before this event, each individual, pos- sessing property, formed an integral part of the government of his country. Definite objects of ambition existed to every member of the community ; and vigour, activity, and talent, gave political importance, as well as private influence, to those in whom these qualities appeared. This, in the same degree, could no longer be the case, when the island was sub- jected to the government of a foreign power. The great as- sembly of the people was still summoned to its annual meet- ing at Thingvalla ; and still, under the cognizance of the Governor, enforced the execution of the laws ; but its national deliberations had now lost much of their spirit and import- ance. The influence of property and of personal merit were diminished in the same proportion ; and the efforts of indivi- dual ambition tacitly and without violence repressed. Had the foreign yoke been a tyrannical one, the primeval sj)irit of the Icelanders might possibly have been maintained by the l)ersecution which laboured to suppress it. But the case was HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. 51 far otherwise. The Norwegian, and subsequently the Danish monarchs, exercised their sway with a lenient and forbearing hand ; not merely refraining from oppression, bnt giving mnch attention to the interests and welfare of this remote part of their dominions. The customs and feelings of the people were respected ; the laws administered with equity, and tranquillity maintained throughout all classes of the inhabitants. To these circumstances we may chiefly attribute the change which appears about this period to have taken place in the national character of the people, and the distinction existing between the ancient Icelanders and their posterity of the pre- sent age. Repose and security, succeeding to internal broils, produced a state of comparative apathy and indolence. The same call was not made for individual exertion, nor the same rewards proposed to its successful exercise. Rank and pro- perty became more nearly equalized among the inhabitants ; and, all looking up to a superior power, the spirit of independ- ence declined, and they expected from others the support and protection which they had once afforded to themselves. Their ardour in maritime adventure was checked at the same time by the revolution Avhich took place in the government of the island. The trade which they had formerly carried on in the products of their country, was now gradually transferred to the natives of other kingdoms ; and a copious source of acti- vity and exertion thus in great measure extinguished. It ap- pears, too, that about this period, the agriculture of the coun- try declined ; owing either to a change in the nature of the climate, or to diminished industry on the part of the inha- bitants. These combined causes had a permanent influence upon the character of the Icelanders. The simplicity and warm social affections, which belonged to the ancient race, were still preserved unimpaired ; but their independence, vi- 53 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. gour, and activity, were now almost entirely lost, and will probably never be regained. The period immediately succeeding the union of Iceland to the Danish crown, was more especially unfortunate for the welfare of the country. In 1402, a plague broke out in the island, which in the course of this and the two following years swept away, if the accounts preserved may be depended upon, nearly two-thirds of the whole population.* This tremen- dous affliction was succeeded by a season of such inclemency, that scarcely a tenth part of the cattle on the island escaped destruction. Another epidemic pestilence prevailed towards the close of the century, which, though less disastrous than the former, carried off a large part of the population and pro- duced much general distress. The calamities of the island at this period were further increased by the occasional incur- sions of English pirates; who landing on different parts of the coast, plundered the property of the natives, committed fre- quent murders, and carried many persons into captivity. ■j' * " Anno 1402, atrox Iglandiam pestllentia prevagari coepit, qua multi morta-v ♦' les ita subite extincti sunt, ut quidam dicto citius perirent : puerique, adultj, et " senes indifferenter animam efflarent ; tantusque fuit contagionis furor ut ssepe ex " 12 vel 15 qui unum mortuum sepultom ibant, vix duo aut tres domum incolumes " redirent." Hist. Eccl. Isl. Tom. 2. p. 135. Very few particulars are transmitted to us by the Icelandic writers with respect to this dreadful disease, nor are its na- ture and causes distinctly explained ; but it may be presumed with some probabi- lity to have been the same epidemic which, about the middle of the 14th century, extended its effects over a great part of the European continent. Some accounts say that it was introduced into Iceland from Britain. •f See the annals of Biorn de Skardsaa, and various parts of the Hist. Eccles. IslandiiB. On this subject, a long and curious document is given in vol. iv. p. 162. of the latter work, in which are preserved the names of many of the English pirates who infested the coasts of Iceland between the years 1419 and 1425; and a minute narrative of the various enormities they committed. From this document it ap- pears, that most of these piratical vessels were fitted out at Hull, Lynn, and others of the eastern ports of England ; and that they came to Iceland with the double HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. 53 These events, which concurred with the causes before de- scribed in depressing the spirit of the people, and destroying the strength and prosperity of the country, are recorded in the annals of Iceland with an affecting and almost painful simplicity. No attempts are made to excite a sentiment of commiseration, beyond what humanity would of itself yield to the recital of such complicated evils. We are told that whole families were extinguished, and districts depopulated, by the virulence of disease ; that the learned, the pious, the wealthy, and the powerful, all dropt into a common grave ; that the labours of industry ceased ; that genius and litera-. ture disappeared ; and that the wretched remnant of the Ice- landers, scarcely themselves saved from destruction, sunk into a state of apathy, superstition, and ignorance. In pinsuing his melancholy narrative, the historian sometimes looks back for a moment to the former celebrity and splendours of his country : but he goes no further ; and all beyond is left to the feelings and imagination of the reader. Though, during this gloomy age, the talents and literature of the Icelanders were depressed almost to extinction, yet we must look to an earlier period for the commencement and primary causes of their decline. The alteration which has just been described as taking place in the character and condition of the people, after they were annexed to a foreign power, could not occur without a corresponding change in their in- tellectual habits. Of the various motives to literary pursuits which before existed, some in consequence of this event were view of plunder and of fishing upon the coast. In 1.512, the then Governor of the island was put to death by some of these marauders. The intercourse of the English with Iceland at this period was not, however, universally thus disgraced. During a considerable part of the 15th century, they appear to have carried on a fair traffic with the inhabitants in the products of the country. 54 flISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. entirely lost, and others so much enfeebled, as to produce few of their original and wonted effects. Talents and know- ledge were no longer associated with that political influence, of which before they formed the fairest ornament and the most stable security. Though proud of the eminence which their acquirements had given them among other nations, and attached to the habits and pursuits of their forefathers, these prepossessions were not sufficient to preserve unimpaired the spirit which had once animated their career. A circinnstance which assisted to produce its decline, was the change progres- sively taking place in the customs and institutions of those coimtries, with which the Icelanders had before been most intimately connected. The European nations were now be- ginning to liberate themselves from that bondage of ignorance and superstition, which, during the dark period of the middle ages, had suspended all but the sterner and more impetuous qualities of human nature. The restoration of civil and social order, while it gave repose to the mind, invited the exercise of those faculties, by which leisure might at once be occupied and adorned : knowledge and the arts rapidly revived, and the native literature of every country was protected and encouraged, by those who appeared before only as the op- pressors of its growth. Under these circumstances, the poets and historians of Iceland were receiv ed with fewer honours in the courts where they had once stood so proudly eminent ; and their talents were little cherished among nations, in which science had now made eqiial, or greater progress than among themselves. They retreated gradually into their na- tive island ; where, in the little community of their fellow citizens, they still kept alive a feeble remnant of that reputa- tion, which had formerly extended throughout the greater part of Europe. HISTORY AND LITERATURE Or ICELAND. 55 In addition to the causes just mentioned, there is another, which seems materially to have affected the literature, as well as the general character of the Icelanders during this age. For some lime after the introduction of Christianity into the island, the state of religion was distinguished for its purity and simplicity. The active and interested spirit of the Ro^ man church did not, however, long remain dormant, even in this remote part of the Christian world ; and, about the close of the 12th century, we find that its superstitious usa- ges and ecclesiastical tyranny began to make innovations up- on the religious establishments and customs of the people. Fables of miracles came into vogue ; the worship of saints was tolerated ; and the bishops of the island, formerly cho- sen in consequence of their learning and piety, were now re- commended chiefly by their subservience to the interests of the Papal see. It appears, too, that even the poverty of the Icelanders did not afford them a security against the pecu- niary exactions of the church of Rome. Besides other tri- butes, the celebrated one called Peter's Pence, was collected at different times among the inhabitants, and the sale of in^ dulgences appears to have been repeatedly carried on, both by foreign missionaries, and by the native bishops of the island. The preaching of the crusades also was attempted in 1275, 1289, and some succeeding years, but with very in- considerable success. In the first instance, many took up the cross, purchasing dispensations from bearing it to the Holy Land ; but in their latter efforts, the missionaries were less successful ; and it does not appear, that a single Ice- lander was at any time drawn away from his country to join in this remote and dangerous contest.* ♦ See Hist. Eccl. Island. T. 1. p. 571. 56 HISTORY AKH literature of irF.LAND. The effect of these various circumstances upon the hlera- lure of the island was rapidly progressive. The two brothers, Olaf and Sturla Thordson, whose reputation during the 13th century has before been noticed, may be considered the last of the ancient Icelanders Avho attained any considerable eminence in the arts and knowledge of the age. The histo- rical work of the latter, called Sturlunga Saga, relating the events of his own times, was characterized by a genius worthy of the illustrious family to which he belonged. But he was succeeded by no writer who could claim an affinity of talent to the great names that were extinct. The depart- ment of history now degenerated into a mere collection of ecclesiastical fables, the lives of luonks and saints, and the stories of miracles, written in a crude style, and displaying little of the erudition or elegance which adorned the compo- sitions of the earlier Icelanders. In the department of poetry, a similar change occurred ; the number and reputation of those who were attached to the pursuit, gradually declined ; and the few remaining exercised their art in the composition of hymns to the praise of saints and martyrs, which were distinguished only by the rudeness of their structure, and the absence of every beauty of imagery and taste. The study of jurisprudence, so much cherished and so successfully culti- vated by the ancient Icelanders, was now exchanged for a laborious attention to the rites and usages of the Catholic church ; while the knowledge of the languages, of astronomy, and of the more rational parts of theology, sunk into a state of corresponding depression and decline. This progressive change was completed by the events of the 15th century. The accumulated evils which then opj)ressed the country, destroyed all that was left of its former literature and great- ness, and the annals of Iceland during this period, are the HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 5/ records only of mental depression, and of physical calamities and suffering. * The introduction of printing into the island, and the refor- mation of religion which soon after took place, give a more pleasing character to the commencement of the succeeding century. The first printing press Avas erected at Hoolum, in the northern province, about the year 1530, under the aus- pices of John Areson, who was at that time the bishop of this see. Though an illiterate and inicultivaled man, he was ex- tremely ambitious ; and wished to avail himself of all the means which literature might afford for the promotion of his influence in the country. With this view, he procured as his secretary, a Swede of the name of Mathiesson, who, coming over to Iceland, brought with him a printing press, and made a small establishment for its xise. The types were originally of wood, and very rudely formed ; and the only works issuing from the press during the first forty years after its institution, were a few breviaries, church rituals, and ca- lendars. In 1574, however, Gudbrand Thorlakson, bishop of Hoolum, made very great improvements in the printing esta- blishment at that place, providing new presses and types, some of which were constructed by his own hand, and bestow- ing the utmost care upon the correction of every work, which was printed during his lifetime. Before the century had elaps- ed, a number of valuable publications made their appear- ance, greatly improved in their style of composition, and displaying a neatness and even elegance of execution, very * It has been supposed by Schlozer, that the language of the Icelanders, as well as their literature, was materially affected by the events of this age. It is more probable, however, that the alterations which have taken place in the Ice- landic language were made progressively, and not at any particular period, H 58 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. remarkable at this early period of the use of printing in the coiuitry. The reformation of religion in Iceland was not accomplish- ed without some disturbance. Early in the l6th century, the Lutheran doctrines had begini to combat the superstition and tyranny of the Catholic church; and their influence was great- ly aided by the zeal of the Danish monarch, Christian III, who, having abolished the usages of popery in his continental dominions, wished to extend this reformation to the religious establishment in Iceland. His intentions, and the progressive change of opinion from the growing knowledge of the peo- ple, Avere strenuously opposed by those of the clergy who Avere attached to the former state of religion ; and particular- ly by John Afeson, the bishop of Hoolum, whose ambitious and assuming character has already been noticed. The power which this man had acquired in the country, and the haughty violence of his temper, led him into acts of open hostility against the reformers. Attended by a body of armed men, he left his northern diocese, and proceeding into the western province, seized the person of Einarson, the bishop of Skal- holt, who had son>e time before espoused the Lutheran doc- trines, and was at this time engaged in visiting the different churches of his district. In the course of the following year, however, he was himself arrested by order of the king of Denmark ; and being accused of various crimes, was be- headed at Skalholt, together with his two natural sons, who had participated in the violence and usurpations of their father. After his death, no opposition was made to the new doctrines ; and in 1551 the Reformation was legally establish- ed, and universally received throughout the country. About the same time, the public schools of the island, which, toge- HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. ^ ther with its other institutions, had ahnost been annihilated by the disastrous events of the 15th century, were again es- tabhshed, under the patronage of the king of Denmark ; and such funds attached to them, as afforded facihties of educa- tion to those of every class among the inhabitants. At the time of their revival, it was found difficult to obtain in the country men of sufficient learning to discharge the office of teachers ; so greatly had the condition of literatiire been de- pressed. Several of the Icelanders, however, having been sent to Copenhagen, to pursuetheir studies at that xmiversity, the schools of the island were afterwards conducted by men whose talents and acquirements well fitted them for this im- portant duty. The events which have just been described, render the pe- riod of the l6th century, a new era in the history of Iceland. Though the former condition and character of the people were never entirely restored, yet their situation appears to have been considerably improved, and their more intellectual habits again excited to that exertion which once conferred so much celebrity upon the country. But the revival of litera- ture among the Icelanders was attended by none of those re- markable circumstances which distinguished its original pro- pagation and growth. The relation of their little community to the neighbouring kingdoms of the north was at this time completely changed : the disparity of their physical condition exerted all its natviral influence; and the flame which was again kindled among them, shone dimly beneath the splen- dours of that sun of science which had now risen over the nations of Europe. In later periods, the literary fame of the Icelanders has rarely been extended beyond the limits of their native island : and though the progress of their knowledge has, in a certain degree, kept pace with that of other coun- ^ HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. tries, yet this must be regarded rather as an extension of the growth of the latter, than as the effect of any internal powers of acqnisition or improvement. During the century which succeeded the restoration of li- terature in Iceland, several individuals appeared, whose abi- lities and learning gave them considerable celebrity in their native island. It may be remarked, however, that almost all these eminent characters were either bishoj)s, or masters of the public schools, the diffusion of knowledge not having yet taken place to such an extent as to include those belonging to inferior classes of the community. The person whose name is most conspicuous among the restorers of learning, was Gudbrand Thorlakson, bishop of Hoolum. Born in 1542, he studied for some years in the school of Hoolum, and after- wards at the university of Copenhagen, where his talents and industry gained him the intimate friendship of Tycho Brahe, Resenius, Paul Matthias, and other celebrated men in the Danish court. When yet only thirty years of age, he was appointed to the see of Hoolum ; an office which he sustain- ed during the long period of fifty- six years, in a manner most honourable to himself, and advantageous to his country. His labours for the promotion of knowledge were unwearied and incessant. Having reformed the printing establishment of the island, he occupied himself in the superintendance of the press ; and as the best testimony of his diligence in this office, we have a catalogue of between eighty and ninety works, which were either written by himself, or published under his immediate patronage and direction. The greater part of these publications were of a theological nature ; and many of them translations of the more eminent works in divinity, which at this time appeared on the continent of Europe. To the zeal ^nd learning of Thorlakson himself, the Icelanders were in- HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. ^1 debtee! for the first translation of the Bible into their native language ; which was published in folio in 1584, and after- wards under other forms better adapted to the common use of the people. About the same time, an edition apjx^ared of the Log-bok, or Icelandic code of laws ; and succeeding it, several other works of much value, in reference to the history and other circumstances, physical as well as political, of the country. Another very eminent individual of this age was Arngrim Jonas ; the intimate friend and, for many years, the coadjutor of Bishop Thorlakson in the duties of the episcopal office. He was associated in all the schemes for the promotion of literature, which so much distinguished the career of the lat- ter ; and twenty-six different works in various branches of divinity, history, jurisprudence, and philology, attest equally the extent of his acquirements, and his zeal for the progress of general knowledge. The most valuable of his writings arc those which relate to the history of his native island ; the early condition of which, especially during the period of the com- monwealth, he has illustrated with singular diligence and suc- cess. His works are for the most part composed in Latin, and are remarkable for the purity and elegance of their style, in which he appears greatly to have excelled all his contem- poraries.* Of the other historical writers who distinguished themselves at this period, the most eminent was Biorn de Skardsaa ; w hose annals of Iceland from the year 1400 to 1645, exhibit an extreme minuteness of narrative ; animated, however, by few interesting or important events, and deficient * The most important of the writings of Arngrim Jonas were the Crymogaea ; the Brevis Commentarius de Islandia ; Anatome Blekfeniana ; Historia Groenlan- dite ; Specimen Islandiae Historicum ; Compendium Historiae Norvegiae ; Tracta- tus de successione ab intestato ; Discursus de Literis Runicis, &c. 6Z HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. in the ornaments of composition and style. His work, nevertheless, is valuable, as filling up an interval in the history of Iceland, which has been less dwelt upon than any other by the native writers of the country ; and its sin- gular simplicity of character affords an evidence of its perfect authenticity.* The history of the island during the 17th century is almost wholly destitute of remarkable events. The condition of the people, their law s and government, continued nearly in the same state. The commercial connexions of the country un- derwent some change about the beginning of the century, in consequence of an edict of Christian the Fourth, which con- veyed a monopoly of the traffic with the island to certain com- mercial towns within the dominion of Denmark. For some time prior to this regulation it had been in the hands of the merchants of Hamburgh and Bremen, who appear to have car- ried it on with considerable success. The piratical incursions of foreigners, which, during the unfortunate period of the 15th century, had added to the other afflictions of the Icelanders, were still frequently continvied ; and little opposition being made to their lawless attacks by a timid and unarmed people, the banditti carried rapine and oppression along every part of the coast. Even as late as I6I6, the English and French nations bore a part in these enormities ; which the more en- gage detestation, as being exercised against those who were subject from their situation to all the evils of poverty and want. The most calamitous event of this kind occurred in 1627, when a large body of Algerine pirates landed on various parts of the southern coast of the island ; and not satisfied * The other writings of Biorn de Skardsaa are, the Tractatus de Groenlan- dia ; Glossariuni Juridicum ; Tractatis Juridici ; Illustratio odarum in Edda Sse- niiindina, &c. HISTORY AICD LITERATURE OF ICELA>}D. 63 with the booty they obtained, murdered bet^veen forty and fifty of the inhabitants, and carried off nearly four hundred prisoners of both sexes. These unfortunate captives trans- ported to Algiers, were exposed there to so much wretched- ness, that nine years afterwards, when the king of Denmark, obtained their liberty by ransom, only thirty-seven out of the whole number were foimd to be surviving. Of these, thirteen succeeded in reaching their native island.* Though the feelings and practices of superstition have never gained more ground in Iceland than among the greater communities of Europe, yet at some periods they appear to have existed to a considerable extent; and the 17th century is remarkable for many excesses derived from this source. Numerous individuals, both of the clergy and laity, were ac- cused of dealing in the arts of magic ; and several of these, being pronounced guilty of the offence, were sentenced to be burnt alive. For some time the belief in necromancy was so general, and its supposed practises held in so m\ich horror, that in the course of sixty years, not fewer than twenty jier- sons perished in the flames. The superstition afterwards gra- dually declined ; and at present few of its vestiges are to be found in the country. The later periods in the history of Iceland are too much distinguished by the record of physical calamities. The 18th century was ushered in by a dreadful mortality consequent * The Westmann Islands, situated on the southern coast of Iceland, suffered more particularly from the Algerines ; almost their whole population being de- stroyed or carried into captivity. Olaus Egilson, a priest in these islands, who had been made a captive, but obtained his release from Algiers in 1629, left a manuscript relation of this event, which has since been published in Danish. Biorn de Skardsaa, and other writers, have also left narratives of these piracies ; and on the same subject a poem was composed by Gudmond Erlendson, the author of a translation of iE sop's fables into Icelandic verse. 64 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. upon the small pox; which, in 1707, raged Avith such epide- niic virulence, as to destroy more than 16,000 of the inha- bitants. The years intervening between 1753 and 1759 were so exceedingly inclement, that the cattle perished in vast numbers from the scarcity of food, and a famine ensuing carried off nearly 10,000 people. The year 1783 was sig- nalized by an event, more alarming in itself, and not less dis- astrous in its consequences. Several volcanic eruptions had already occurred in different parts of the island during the preceding periods of the century ; but without producing, in a country so thinly peopled, any very extensive devastation or distress. At this time, however, the great eruption took place in the Skaptaa-Syssel ; the most tremendous perhaps in its nature and extent by which Iceland or any other part of the globe has been afflicted. The sudden extinction of a submarine volcano near Cape Reikianes, Avhich during some months had continued to burn with extreme violence, was succeeded by frequent and dreadful earthquakes, and by the bursting out of the volcanic fire, in a tract of country nearly two hundred miles distant. The scene of the latter eruption appears to have been among the lofty mountains, called the Skaptaa Jokul, situated in the interior of the island, and known to the natives themselves only by the re- mote view of their summits, clad in perpetual snows. From this desolate and unfrequented region, vast torrents of lava issued forth, overwhelming all before them, and filling uj) the beds of great rivers in their progress towards the sea. For more than a year, a dense cloud of smoke and volcanic ashes covered the whole of Iceland, obscuring almost entirely the light of the sun, and extending its effects even to the northern parts of continental Europe ; the cattle, sheep, and horses of the country were destroyed ; a famine, with its HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 65 attendant diseases broke out among the inhabitants, and the small-pox invaded the island at the same time with its former virulence and fatal effects. From these com- bined causes, more than eleven thousand people perished during the period of a few years ; an extent of calamity which can only be understood, by considering that this nvnnber forms nearly a fourth part of the whole present population of the country. The destruction of the fishery upon the south- ern coasts of the island, by the volcanic eruptions just describ- ed, was another more permanent source of distress, which even at the present time is not entirely removed. The literature of the Icelanders in later times, though affected in some degree by the various evils of their situation, has nevertheless been preserved from decline ; and may per- haps be considered as having made a certain progress, in its connection with the general advancement of knowledge among the nations of Europe. The names of numerous poets and historians still appear in the literary records of the island, and the introduction of new and important branches of science has given to the learning of the country a more extensive and diversified character, than it possessed even in the most splendid periods of its ancient history. It is pro- bable, however, that the proportion of the inhabitants de- voted to such pursuits, has in later periods been consider- ably diminished ; and this change may be regarded perhaps as forming the most remarkable distinction between the pre- sent and former state of literature in the country. The few are still not unworthy of the names of their ancestors ; but the people at large, though possessing a mental cultivation far above their physical circumstances, have probably de- clined from that spirit of progress and improvement, which so much distinguished the early condition of their community. I 66 HISTORY ANI> LITERATURE OP ICELAND. The names of Thorniodus Torfaeus, Arnas Magnaeiis, and Finnur Jonson, are the most celebrated of those which have adorned the modern Hterature of Iceland. Torfaeus, who was born in 1636, and educated first at the school of Skalholt, and afterwards in the university of Copenhagen, acqviired a high reputation at the Danish court, from the extent of his erudi- tion and acquirements; and in 1682 was appointed the his- toriographer of Norway ; a situation for which the nvmiber and value of his historical writings shew that he was peculi- arly well qualified. Of these writings, the most important are the ' Series of Dynasties and Kings of Denmark,' and the * History of Norvv'ay ;' both published at Copenhagen in the beginning of the last century.* Still more conspicuous for his devotion to literary pursuits was the learned and eminent Arnas Magnaeus, the son of an obscvire country priest in the western part of Iceland. Raised from the ori- ginal lowness of his situation by extraordinary efforts of in- dustry and talent, he attained in 1694, when only thirty- one years of age, the honourable situation of professor of philo- sophy in the university of Copenhagen ; and a few years afterwards was inv'ested with the further offices of professor of northern antiquities, and secretary of the royal archives. His exertions for the progress of knowledge were laborious and incessant. Besides composing himself several important works, he collected at great labour and expence a magnifi- cent library, illustrative of the literature and antiquities of the north ; and especially valuable in reference to the litera- ture of his native island, which he visited several times with the view of collecting all the books and manuscripts extant * The other most valuable writings of Torfseus are the Historia Fseroensium ; Ilistoria Orcadensium ; Vinlandia Antiqua ; Groenlandia Antiqua, &c. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OP ICELAND. 67 in the Icelandic language. The greater part of this library was unhappily consumed by the fire which happened at Copenhagen in 1728 ; and the unfortunate Magnaeus, present on the spot, saw the fruits of his long continued industry and toils in the course of a few hours almost entirely de- stroyed. He died two years afterwards, and bequeathed to the library of the university the remnant of his literary treasures, under the superintendance of certain trustees, selected from among the most learned men in the Danish metropolis. * His friend, and favourite pupil, Finnur Jonson, is another of the eminent Icelanders who, during the last century, have contributed to preserve unimpaired the character and re- spectability of their country. Created bishop of Skalholt in 1754, he retained this office during the remainder of a long life, devoted entirely to tlie promotion of happiness and improvement among the community of his fellow citizens. In his admirable work, the Ecclesiastical History of Iceland, he has bequeathed to them a moniniient of extensive erudi- tion, genuine piety, and warm patriotic feelings, which will long continue as one of the fairest and most illustrious orna- ments of their literature, -f It would be impossible to mention here even the names of all the Icelanders, who, in these later periods, have distin- * The works of Arnas Magnaeus are chiefly historical and critical. In his early youth he was a pupil of the celebrated Bartholin, and assisted him in the composition of his great work on Danish antiquities. His character is admirably drawn by his friend Bishop Jonson (Hist. Eccl. Island, vol. 3. p. 676), to whose intrepidity, at the time of the great fire in Copenhagen, we owe the preservation of some of the manuscripts from the Magnjeanian library. •f The Historia Ecclesiastica Islandise was published at Copenhagen in four volumes quarto. It is written in Latin of remarkable elegance ; and is replete with valuable information, not solely in relation to the ecclesiastical affairs, but also the political history and literature of the island. 6s HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. gnished themselves in the departments of history, poetry, theology, criticism, and physical science ; but in a succeed- ing chapter, on the present state of Icelandic literature, some remarks will be found, illustrative of the actual pro- gress of the people in these various branches of knowledge. Though among themselves a careful record is preserved of all the authors and learned men who have appeared in the country, yet the reputation of few of these individuals has been conveyed beyond the limits of their native island, and their views towards posterity have for the most part been bounded by the small and remote circle of society in which their destiny was cast. * It must be mentioned, however, to the honour of the court of Denmark, that during the last century, considerable encouragement has been given to the progress of knowledge among the Icelanders ; and much pains bestowed upon the revival of the various records of iheir ancient history and learning. For some time, several of the most eminent literary characters of the Danish me- tropohs were associated together, under royal patronage, for the purpose of illustrating the antiquities of the north ; and to their industry and research, aided by the manuscripts which were preserved in the library of Magnseus, we owe very excellent editions of several of the most important of the early Icelandic writings. The editions of the Sagas which were published under their superintendance, are rendered particularly valuable by Latin translations of the text, and * The names might be recited of between two and three hundred authors in different departments of literature, who have appeared in Iceland during the period inter\ening between 1650 and the pi-esent time. Besides the three distin- guished individuals who are mentioned above, there are many others who appear to have merited well the reputation which they enjoyed among their countrymen. Such are, John Haltorson, Paul Vidalin, Paul Biornson, Jonas Vidalin, Eggert Olafson, Biarne Paulson, Ilalfdan Einarson, John Finsson, &c. HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. 69 by the very copious notes and illustrations which are sub- joined to thera» Among the distinguished men who were engaged in this office, we find the names of Luxdorph, Suhm, Langebeck, and of several Icelanders who had acquired re- putation in Copenhagen from their abihties and acquire- ments.* The most eminent among the latter was the learned Professor Thorkelin, whose exertions in behalf of the litera- ture and other interests of Iceland, are yet continued to his country. The government of Iceland has imdergone no material change during the last century. The country is still attached to the dominion of Denmark ; and the charge of its admini- stration is committed, as formerly, to governors appointed by the crown, who have generally resided in the island, and ad- ministered its laws in a mild and equitable manner. The change which was introduced some years ago into the judicial establishments of the country, when the courts of law were transferred from Thingvalla to Reikiavik, will be spoken of in the chapter on this subject ; and the alterations which have taken place of late in its commercial system will elsewhere be detailed at length. It is much to be lamented that the history of Iceland may not close here. A calamity, however, remains to be record- ed, under which the people of this island are still suffering, and the termination of which is yet uncertain and obscure. Secluded from the rest of Europe, bearing no part in the contentions of more powerful states, gentle and peaceable in all their habits, the Icelanders are nevertheless exposed at the present time to the evils and privations of war. The un- happy contest wliich has now for some years subsisted bc- * By the lovers of northern literature, the name of Count Sulun, as one of its most active and generous patrons, will ever be held in veneration. I 70 HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF ICELAND. tween England and Denmark, by intercepting the trade to the island, has abridged the few comforts the people before possessed, and deprived them of many things, which might almost be considered the indispensible necessaries of life. An attempt was made some time ago by the British government jto obviate this evil ; but hitherto, from particular circum- stances, without all the success which such an effort de- served. It will surely be viewed as one of the most lamenta- ble features in the history of the times, that a people on whom nature has bestowed so few of her blessings, should be despoil- ed even of these amid the ruthless and injurious contests of their fellow men. The mind, while it recoils from such a pictine, will the more earnestly look forward to the period, when these complicated social calamities may have an end ; and when the desolate scenes of nature, as well as the fairest regions of the earth, may no longer echo to the continual tumults of war. I TRAVELS IN ICELAND DURING THE SUMMER OF THE YEAR 1810. 1 TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 6cc. JOURNAL. CHAP. I. Having had the good fortune to procure accommoda- tions on board the ship Elbe, belonging to Messrs. Phelps and Company of London, we sailed from Leith, on the 18th of April 1810, for Stromness, where we were to meet that vessel. A favourable wind enabled us to accomplish this part of our voyage in forty- four hours. The Elbe had not arrived ; but in the harbour was a brig, the property of the same Company, and also bound for Iceland ; which vessel had been blown off the east coast of that island in the month of November. Expecting every moment the arrival of the Elbe, we could not venture to explore any part of the Orkney Islands, except the immediate neighbourhood of Stromness. It happened, when we approached the Pentland Frith, to be the time of slack tide, so that our passage across it was very pleasant. K 74 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. I. Stromncss. There is nothing particularly striking in the first view of the Orkneys. On entering the narrow sounds, we were surprised by the great number of ships assembled in the harbour called the Long Hope. These, together Avitli the rocky shores of the islands, and the hills of Hoy (the highest group in Ork- ney,) formed a very pleasing scene. The security of the Long Hope, the easy access to it and the excellent harbour of Stromness, together with the light-houses on the Pentland Skerries, seem effectually to remove the terrors of the Pent- land Frith ; the navigation of which, from the violence and rapidity with which the tide flows through it, had long been considered as extremely hazardous. The town of Stromness is pleasantly situate along the foot of a hill, on the west side of the bay which forms the harbour. The houses, of which some are very good, are crowded together in the utmost con- fusion; and what is called the street, is a long, narrow, dirty lane, badly paved with flag-stones. It is so narrow in some places that it seems impossible for two whefel-barrows lo pass each other ; and in walking along, it is not unusual to be slopped by the operation of slaughtering a pig, a sheep, or a calf, in the street, which is never cleaned but by heavy rain. The inn is very comfortable, and we had no cause to complain of what was provided for us. There is often a scarcity of wheaten bread, arising from the uncertainty and irregularity of the supply of flour. The water is excellent ; and there is abundance of it for the supply of ships frequent- ing the harbour. The state of agriculture in the neighbourhood of Stromness is most wretched ; the cottages are filthy, and the inhabitants are very indolent. The black cattle, sheep, and horses, are miserable looking creatures ; and the implements of hus- bandry are of the rudest construction, especially the plough. Ch, I. Stromness.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. ^5 It seems that the peasants of Orkney are extremely averse to any innovation on their old practices, and exceedingly jeal- ous of strangers. Of the latter quality we had one proof, while examining some cottages, and taking sketches of them. An old man, who was busy in planting potatoes at a little distance, on seeing us thus employed, left his work, and walking up with as much fierceness as his weather-beaten countenance could express, roughly demanded what we were doing, and why we dared to go into the houses to frighten the children. The proprietors of the Orkney Islands, as they have many difficulties to encounter, will have the greater merit when they shall have improved the condition of the peasantry, as well as the productiveness of the soil. On the 25th, the Elbe arrived at Stromness. Immediate- ly on her arrival, we went on board, and were received with great kindness by Captain Liston, and Mr Fell, who was going out as agent for Phelps and Company. To these gen- tlemen, as well as to their employers, we are under very great obligations. Not only did they incommode themsehes that every thing might be comfortable to us in point of accom- modation, but they continued to luake every exertion to ren- der the voyage agreeable. The island of Iceland is placed in the Atlantic ocean, in a direction nearly north-west from the continent of Europe. Its position has not been very accurately ascertained ; but, from the best authorities in our possession, it appears to lie between the 12th and 25th degrees of longitude west from Greenwich ; its extreme breadth from east to west being nearly 300 miles. From some notes which were obligingly, sent to us by the Danish officers employed in surveying the coast, the latitude of the northern extremity of the island. Cape North, appears to be 66° 30', which nearly coincides 76 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cb. i. Coast of Iceland; with the Arctic Circle. In the common maps of the country, k is laid clown a degree farther north. The most southern. part is in north latitude GS" 40' nearly ; and the broadest part of the island from north to south, is probal>ly not much more than 180 miles. We sailed on the 28th for Reikiavik, the capital of Ice- land. A fine breeze carried us about twenty miles to the westward of Orkney, when we were becalmed ; and several- ships, bound for America, which had sailed the day before, were seen in the same situation. On our return to Orkney in autumn, we were informed that, at Stromness, the same favourable wind which had carried us only twenty miles, had continued several days, and had given our friends reason to believe that we should have a very short voyage. The weather soon became unsteady ; and a heavy gale of wind overtook us on the 3d of May ; but it was not against our course. Early in the morning, one of the sailors, an elderly man, fell from the main-yard upon the deck. On hearing of this accident we got out of bed, and, though it was hardly possible to stand, we contrived to reach the place where he lay, and to bleed him. He died in the evening. At night on the 4th, the wind became more violent, accom- panied with snow ; and the rigging was stiffened with ice. Moderate weather now succeeded, and as soon as it was- clear day-light, we had the pleasure of being summoned upon deck to enjoy the first view of Iceland. The land first in sight was that called by navigators Gape Hekla, though it is at a considerable distance from the celebrated volcano of that name. The range of enormous mountains, which now appeared soaring above the horizon, was entirely covered with snow ; and though we felt considerable joy on finding ourselves so near the end of our voyage, we could not help Ch. I. Coast of Iceland.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND* fT being impressed with the very uninviting appearance of the country : — Where undissolving, from the first of time. Snows swell on snows amazing to the sky ; And icy mountains high on mountains piPd, Seem to the shivering sailor from afar, Shapeless and white, an atmosphere of clouds Projected huge, and horrid o'er the siu-ge. In the evening we passed to the southward of the West- mann Islands, a fine group of rocks, extending to a distance of about twenty miles from the most southern part of Ice- land. The navigation round Cape Reikianes, the south- Avest point of the island, not being deemed safe during the night, we lay to, a little to the westward of the rocks, till day-light, when a fresh breeze came off the land. In sailing along towards the Cape, we had a fine view of the mountains of the south-west part of Iceland. They are not very high, and the snow had almost disappeared from them. Their rugged summits, and the desolate appearance of their sides, seemed to indicate a volcanic origin; and, with the assistance of a telescope, we thought we could distinguish the places whence lava had flowed. We also saw the vapour rising from the sulphur mountains, which are in this range. Towards Cape Reikianes, the mountains gradually decrease in height, and become more conical ; and at length the country is low, and rocky, which renders an approach to the shore very dangerous. Off the Cape are some small rocks, about six miles apart from each other; and beyond them is a sunken reef extending about ten miles farther, and termin- ating in a rock called, in the Danish chart, BUtulc Fugle Skier, or the blind bird rock. We steered for the passage between 7^ TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. u Coast of Iceland^ the Cape and the nearest rock ; and, just as we got into it, were becahned. This circumstance excited considerable anxiety in the captain ; but he was soon relieved by perceiv- ing the tide to be in our favour, which carried the ship safe- ly from the rocks. We now turned northwards, and observ- ed that the flat country, between the Cape and the Skagen Point, had the appearance of having been desolated by vol- canic eruptions. We sailed backwards and forwards during the night, and began to beat up the Faxe Fiord * at sun-rise, on the 7th of May. The day proved clear, and we had a distinct view of the amphitheatre of moimtains which bound the Faxe Fiord. On one hand, the view terminated with the bare, rugged, and gloomy hills stretching towards the east from Cape Reikianes ; on the other, with the lofty Snaefell Jokulf towering above the neighbouring snow-covered moun- tains, which rose in a variety of shapes, forming a most mag- nificent scene ; but such a one as seemed to forbid the ap- proach of man. Where no snow appeared, hideous preci- pices overhung the sea, or the destructive effiects of subter- raneous fire were visible on the more level country, where alone an adventurer could hope to find access. A great number of boats were seen coming from different parts of the coast to fish. Passing near one of them, we hailed it, and took the people and their fish on board. They had caught about thirty cod, halibut, and tusk, or cat fish, for the whole of which they demanded four shillings. The people were clad in sheep skins, which they took off' before coming into the ship. This covering has a very singular appear- ance ; but it keeps the fishermen dry, and preserves their * Fiord means, bay, or frith. -f- Jokul (pronounced Yokul) is a name given to such mountains as are per- petually covered with snow. Cu. I. Reikiavilc.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 79 clothes from being spoiled while they are hauling in the fish. In the north of Iceland they wear seal skins, with hoods fit- ted to the jackets. The dress of the men in this, and in an- other boat which afterwards approached the ship, consisted of blue, grey, or black cloth jackets and breeches, and coarse woollen stockings. Their shoes were made of undressed seal skin. Some of them wore woollen caps, with a tassel, vary- ing in colour, hanging at the end. The owner of the first boat had his jacket trimmed with red cloth: he officiated as our pilot. Most of them had on round slouched hats ; their hair was long and lank, and several of them had long beards. On our approaching nearer to Reikiavik bay, the pilot of that place, who had been fishing, came on board, and super- seded the other, who belonged to a place called Kieblivik. The Reikiavik pilot was a tall, stout, good looking man, but his sheep-skin dress gave him rather a savage appearance. Viewed from the sea, the capital of Iceland has a very mean appearance. It is built on a narrow flat, between two low hills, having the sea on the north-east, and a small lake on the south-west side. We landed for a short time in the evening ; and had we not previously seen the fishermen, we should have been a good deal surprised at the odd figures that flocked about us. The Danish inhabitants, who sel- dom stir without tobacco pipes in their mouths, were easily distinguished. The beach slopes rapidly ; but is extremely convenient for boats at all times of the tide. It is composed entirely of comminuted lava. There were two large wooden platforms, made to be occasionally pushed into the water, for the purpose of loading and unloading the larger boats. The anchorage is good ; and the bay is defended from heavy seas by several small islands, which render it a very safe harbour. The houses, with the exception of one that is constructed 80 TRAITILS IN ICELAND. [Ch. i. JReiktavik. of brick, and the church and prison which are of stone, are formed of wood, coated on the outside with a mixture of tar and.red clay. The storehouses, some of which are very large, are built of the same materials, which in every case are put together very neatly. The longest range of houses extends along the beach ; the other stretches at a right angle from it at the west end, and is terminated by a house which is used by the merchants as a tavern. At the east end of the town is the Toght-huus, or prison, which having been white-washed, is very conspicuous among the other dark brown buildings. Behind this end of the street, which is on the beach, stands the house of the late governor. Count Trampe ; and beyond that, near the lake, is the church ; a clumsy building covered with tiles. It is in a sad state of dilapidation, the winds and rain having free access to every part of it. Though suffici- ently large to accommodate some hundreds of persons, it is not much freqviented on ordinary Sundays. On particular occasions, such as a day of confirmation, it is much crowded. In the neighbourhood of the town there is a considerable number of cottag€s, all very mean, and inhabited for tlie most part by the people who work for the merchants. The whole population amounts to about five hundred. On the top of the hill, to the westward, is an observatory, in which a few instruments are usually kept. At present they are in the hands of two Danish officers, who are employed in sur- veying the coasts. The drawing from which the engraving is taken was made from some rocks above a cottage a little to the south-east of the town. This is the most favourable view of the town ; and it includes part of the range of mountains in the Snaefell Syssel, which is terminated by the Snaefell Jokul. The spring- tides often rise so high as to overflow the Ch. r. Reilciavik.} TRAVET.S IN ICErANTJ. 81 ground between the governor's house and the church, and the street which runs up from the beacli. The water some- times enters the httle gardens which are beiiind most of the houses. A small stream runs from the lake ; and, were its channel deepened, a very useful and commodious harbour might be made. On shewing some letters received from his Excellency Count Trampe, to his agent Mr Simonsou, and to Mr Fry- densberg, the landfoged, or treasurer of the island, they, without the least hesitation, permitted us to take possession of the Count's house, in which we were afterwards confirmed by a letter, from the Count himself, to Mr Simonson, desir- ing him to provide accommodations for us in this habitation, which, though small, is very comfortable. It consists of three rooms below, one of which opens into the kitchen, and another is occupied as a public office. There is a pantry well fitted up with shelves, presses, and drawers. The kitcl>on has a fire place like a smith's forge, with a small grate in the middle, in which the fire is kindled. When a dinner is pre- paring, different fires are lighted to suit different utensils. The rooms are heated by close stoves connected with the kitchen vent. Above, there is a loft, the access to which is by a narrow trap stair- case. In this there are three apart- ments, one of which has a stove ; the rest of the space is left open for lumber. Adjoining the house is an open court, beyond which are a stable and a cow-house, with a hay loft above them. About a quarter of an acre of indifferent soil behind the house, is inclosed by a paling, and used as a gar- den. Soon after we went to lodge here, some seeds of tur- nip, radish, cabbage, pease, cress, and miistard, were sown in a corner of the garden, and what we left unoccupied was 82 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cti. I. Vidoe. filled by Mr Simonson with potatoes and Swedish turnip seed. The first visit we paid, after landing on the Sth of May, was to the bishop, Geir Vidalin, who received us with great kindness. He is a good looking man, above the ordinary stature ; corpxdent, but not unwieldy ; with an open counte- nance, which seems to declare his feelings without disguise. He is an excellent classical scholar, and speaks Latin fluently; and his general knowledge is equal, if not superior, to that of any person in Iceland. Having learned that we should be obliged frequently to return to Reikiavik, after making excursions into the country, our first care was to arrange our household affairs, and to inquire for horses, which, at this season, were difficult to pro- cuie. The grass not having begun to grow, they were still very lean, and unfit for hard service. In several districts a disease had attacked the horses, and carried off great num- bers of them. Every body told us that it would be in vain to attempt travelling so early in the season ; and as we saw that delay was unavoidable, we resolved to employ ourselves in forming acquaintance, and in observing the manners of the people in the capital. We thought it our duty to pay our respects to Mr Olaf Stephenson, who has the title of Geheime Etatsraad, and was formerly governor of the island ; and having been informed that he would be glad to see us, we went to his house, which is on the island of Vidiie, about three miles from the town. It is built of stone, and bears evident marks of decay on the outside. The situation, between two green hills, the ground in front sloping towards the sea, is very agreeable. On the west side is a neat chapel, where the minister of Reikiavik Cir. T. Vidoe.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND." 83 performs divine service once in three weeks. Before the chapel is a small garden, inclosed by a turf wall. Behind the house are cottages for the accommodation of servants ; and farther off, are the cow and sheep houses. The old gentleman, dressed in the uniform of a Danish colonel of the guards, received us at the door with great po- liteness, and seemed to be exceedingly gratilied by our visit. He ushered us into a large room, furnished with the remains of ancient finery, some prints, portraits, and a number of profile shades, which afibrded little relief to the eye while wandering over the damp, decaying walls. The house alto- gether appeared as if it would not long survive its venerable inhabitant. The next room we entered was our host's bed- chamber, which was very comfortable, and well warmed by a stove placed in a corner. After a little conversation on indif- ferent subjects, the old gentleman talked of his health, and seemed quite delighted to find that we could give him some medicines as well as advice. We had the pleasure of being told, after the lapse of a few weeks, that Mr Holland's pre- scriptions had been attended with the best effects. We had no intention of remaining here to dinner; but, on proposing to take leave, we soon perceived that it would give great offence, to withdraw without partaking of his hospitality. Mr Stephenson spoke affectionately of Sir Joseph Banks, who is much and deservedly esteemed in Iceland ; and he shewed us, with much apparent satisfaction, some diplomas which he had received from different societies. While awaiting the hour of dinner, one of the party hap- pened to take a little snufF from a box of no great value ; but as it attracted the notice of our host, and as he seemed to ad- mire the snuff no less than the box, he was entreated to accept of both. The present was received with the highest 84 TKAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. i. Dress of the wometK marks of satisfaction ; and the good old gentleman instanta- neously drew from his pocket a curious box, ornamented with silver, which had been made in Iceland, and insisted on being permitted to return the compliment. This mark of politeness, and the beauty of the box, produced very warm expressions of admiration from the whole party ; when our host suddenly left the room, and returning Avith a silver box of far greater value, snatched the first from the person who held it, and insisted on an exchange with so good a grace, and with so much earnestness, that this heavy balance against the trifle he had got could not be refused. We afterwards found that the box belonged to his father, whose initials were wrought on the cover. We were very much struck with the refined, at the same time heartfelt politeness which accom- panied this little transaction. In due time, the repast which had been prepared, was an- novmced by a good looking girl, drest in the complete Ice- landic costume. The dress of the women is not calculated to shew the person to advantage. The long waist, bunchy pet- ticoats, and the fashion of flattening the bosom as much as possible, together with the extraordinary head-dress, excited rather ludicrous emotions at the first view ; but there is a richness in the whole that is pleasing. A dress which we pro- cured, consists of a blue cloth petticoat, with a waist of scarlet woollen stuff ornamented v/ith gold lace, and silver loop-holes on black velvet, for lacing it. On the back of the waist are stripes of black velvet, which cover the seams. Over the pet- ticoat is tied an apron of blue cloth, having a silver-gilt orna- ment hanging from the middle of the upper part ; and along the bottom, several stripes of light blue stamped velvet.. Over the waist is put on a jacket of blaCk cloth, having two stripes of black velvet in front, and next to them two of gold Cb.i. Dress of the women.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 85 lace. On the back and shoulders are stripes of orange-co- loured velvet. Round the waist is buckled a girdle of black velvet, covered with rich silver-gilt ornaments. A collar or ruff of black and crimson velvet, ornamented with silver lace, and having attached to it a sort of tippet of black clothj adorned in front with light brown velvet, is put round the • neck. Silver-gilt chains of various forms, and medals, are worn suspended from the neck.* On going out of doors, to church, or on any occasion of ceremony, the women wear a cloak or mantle of black cloth, called wadmal. That belong- ing to the dress above described is ornamented in front with two large hollow convex buttons, made of silver gilt and richly ornamented. The cloak is trimmed with two broad stripes of figured woollen stuff resembling black stamped velvets The head-dress is formed of white linen or cotton cloth, shaped like a large flat horn bending forwards, and made stiff with a quantity of pins, fastened on the top of the head with a coloured silk or cotton handkerchief, which entirely conceals the hair. The petticoat, the apron, and the jacket, are of different colours, though blue and black are the most common ; and the ornaments of silver are variously shaped. The general fashion of the dress has long remained the same, though the head-dress has imdergone some alterations in its dimensions, and in the mode of bending it. Little girls are dressed in the same manner, only they wear a cap variously ornamented. Boys have more gaudy caps. One in our pos^ * On one side of a medal in our possession, is a representation of God, with three faces, sitting in a cloud, and holding a globe surmounted by a cross in one hand. The following inscription is above in Roman characters, tetragramma- TON. JEHOVAH. ADONAY. ELOY. On the rcvcrse is a representation of the Trinity, with the inscription benedicta. semper, sancta. sit. trinitas. The figures are in relief, and well executed. 88 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cu. J. Dinner at Viduf. session is made of blue silk, surrounded with gold lace, and has a green silk tassel on the top. When a lady goes abroad on horseback, the head-dress is covered by a hat of a very curious shape, which is seen in th6 engraving, ^vhere the different dresses are better explained than by words. No. 1, is a lady in full dress ; No. 2, the ordinary dress of the women of all ranks ; No. 3, a lady in a riding dress ; No. 4, an Icelander in his best clothes. The jackets of the men are frequently made of black wadmal. No. 5, is the figure of the Reikiavik pilot in his sheep-skin dress, as he came on board the Elbe. Tlie names of the different parts of the dress are, — -fahhir, the head-dress, of which the upper part is called, skoit ; tipphlutur, the waist of the petticoat ; fat, the petticoat ; ncerpills, these when joined together ; svinta, the apron; trojc, the jacket ; licmpa, the cloak ; sMrta, the shift ; hals-festi, the neck-chain ; liragd, the collar ; herda-festi, the shoulder-chain ; milniir, the ornamented loop-holes of the waist ; I'lndi', the girdle ; sockar, stockings ; sochakond, garters ; skior, shoes. On entering the room into which we had at first been in- troduced, we found a table neatly covered, and a bottle of wine set down for each person. This alarmed us a little, as we feared that the old gentleman intended, according to the ancient custom of Denmark, to ' keep wassel.' The only dish on the table was one of sago soup, to w hich we were helped very liberally. The appearance of a piece of roasted, or rather baked, beef, relieved us considerably; and we sub- mitted, as well as we were able, to receive an unusual supply of a food to which we were accustomed. We had drank a few glasses of wine, when a curious silver cup, large enough to contain half a bottle, was put upon the table. Oin* host Ca.i. Dinner at ridue.] TRAVELS IN rcELANU. 87 filled it to the brim, and put on the cover. He then held it towards the person who sat next to him, and desired him to take off the cover, and look into the cup ; a ceiemony in- tended to secure fair play in filling it ; after which he drank our healths, expressing his happiness at seeing us in his house, and his hopes that we would honour him with our company as often as we could. He desired to be excused from empty- ing the cup, on account of the indifferent state of his health ; but we were informed at the same time, that if any one of us should neglect any part of the ceremony, or fail to invert the cup, ])lacing the edge on one of the thumbs, as a proof that we had swallowed every drop, the defaidter would be obliged by the laws of drinking to fill the cup again, and drink it off a second time. He then gave the cup to his neighbour, who, having drank it off, put on the cover, and handed it to the person opposite to him. Being filled, the cup was examined by the person whose turn it was to drink next, and thus it went round. In spite of their utmost exer- tions, the penalty of a second draught was incurred by two of the company. While we were dreading the consequences of having swallowed so much wine, and in terror lest the cup should be sent round again, a dish of cold pancakes, of an oblong form, and covered with sugar, was produced ; and after them sago puddings floating in rich cream. It was in vain that we pleaded the incapacity of our stomachs to con- tain any more ; we were obliged to submit to an additional load ; when a summons to coffee in an adjoining room, brought us a most welcome rehef. Our sufferings, however, were not yet at an end. On first entering the house, we had noticed a very large china tureen on the top of a press ; and as it had not been used at dinner, we concluded that it was a mere ornament. We had scarcely flattered ourselves that 88 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. l.Visit to Dr Klog. coffee was to finish the entertainment, when the young woman who had waited at table came in with this tureen, and set it before us. It was accompanied by some large glasses, each of the size of an ordinary tumbler. We looked at each other with dismay, on observing this huge vessel full of smoking punch ; and as there was no prospect of being able to escape, we endeavoured to look chearfvil, and accomplish the task required of us. Having at length taken leave, our hospitable friend insisted on attending us to the beach. Our next visit was to the minister of Reikiavik, and to the physician, both of whom live at some distance to the west- ward of the town. The former, Mr Sigurdson, met us at the door of a miserable hut, and led us through a long, dark and dirty passage, obstructed by all sorts of utensils, and by a man beating stock fish, into an obscure room. The apart- ment into which we were ushered was the family bed room, and the best in the house. The roof was so low that a person could hardly stand upright, and there was scarcely room for any thing beside the furniture, which consisted of a bed, a clock, a small chest of drawers, and a glass cup-board. Our surprise at finding the minister of the only town in Iceland so ill accommodated, ceased on discovering that a stipend of one hvmdred and twenty dollars, not very regularly paid, with pasture for a cow or two, and a few sheep, were all that he had for the support of himself and his family. We were presented with a bason of very good milk, and, after some conversation on indifferent matters, we proceeded towards the house of Dr Klog.* Nothing can be more dreary than the face of the country hereabouts ; and how an elevated and exposed situation, at a distance from the town, came to * Pronounced Klo. Ck. r. risit to Dr JHog.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 69 be chosen for the residence of the physician, seems difficult to explain. The doctor's house, and that of the apothecary, are under the same roof; and Avith respect to size, furniture, and cleanhness, were the best we had yet seen. The house is built of stone, and white-washed, Dr Klog having been informed that we had brought some vaccine virus with us, said that there had been none in Ice- land for two years, and rejoiced that such a blessing was re- newed to the country. He was very impatient to have some children inoculated. Having taught him to use the crust, we had soon the satisfaction of seeing a supply of virus sent oft' to different parts of the island ; and before we left it, we learned that it had reached the most remote corners. The people have implicit faith in the virtues of this mild substi- tute for small pox. Madame Klog soon made her appearance, and brought some chocolate, which, we were told, had been made by the apothecary, and had some of the Lichen Islandicus mixed with it. We found it to be remarkably good, but could not distinguish the addition of the Lichen. On examining the laboratory, it was observed to be well stored with old fashion- ed drugs of all sorts, most of them quite useless. The com- pounds were prepared according to the directions of the Danish pharmacopoeia. From the large supply of medicines, one might suppose that they were much called for ; but there are few physicians in the world whose practice is less laborious than that of Dr Klog. There are five other medical practi- tioners in the island, who have salaries from the Danish go- vernment. The little practice they have is very laborious, on account of the very scattered state of the population ; and their fees are extremely small. We had an opportunity of seeing the funeral service of the 90 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. i. Funeral service. Icelandic church performed, at the burial of the sailor who lost his life on the vo3'age. The minister, dressed in a gown of plain black cloth, and with a band, met the corpse on the beach, and walked before it. On entering the churchjard,^ he began to chaimt, and was joined by many of the people. This continued till the coffin was laid in the grave, when the priest took a small wooden spade, and pronouncing some words of the same import as ' dust to dust,' &c. in the Eng- lish service, threw in a little earth. The chaunting then re- commenced, and continued till the grave was filled up ; after which all present put their hats before their faces, and seem- ed to pray. A general obeisance followed, which closed the ceremony. The whole was conducted with solemnity, and the people seemed very serious and earnest in their devotions. We did not admire the music of the Icelanders. On the 13th of May, we were honoured with a visit from Mr Magnus Stephenson, son of our friend at Vidoe. He presides in the highest court of justice, and styles himself Lord Chief Justice of Iceland. He is also a counsellor of state, and was invested with the government at the time Count Trampe went to England in I8O9. He was accompanied by one of his sons, and two of his brothers, one of whom is Amtmand, or governor, of the western district, and the other secretary to the court of justice. They were all ex- tremely polite, and, through the Chief Justice, who spoke English tolerably well, expressed their desire to be of use to us in very handsome terms. We found every one emulous in offering his services ; and we shall ever remember Avith grati- tude the kind attention and hospitality we experienced during our stay in Iceland, both from the natives and from tlie Danes. The latter had really little cause to make Englishmen welcome. But on all occasions they spoke of what had hap- ta. I. Hot ^rtngs.] TRAVELS IN" ICELAND. 91 pened at Copenhagen in the most liberal manner ; and one gentleman observed, that, though our government had used them ill, we were not to blame ; and had as much right as strangers from any other country, to expect and receive such attention as they had it in their power to bestow. On the 14th a court was held, in order that the deput} - governor might pass sentence in some civil causes. He was dressed in a red coat adorned with gold lace and embroidery. The meeting of the covu't was announced by the beating of an old drum, the prelude to a short proclamation. In the room was a table covered with a tattered green cloth, and a few chairs. Beside the depiity-governor, the secretary and half a dozen other persons were present ; and there was no sort of ceremony, or apjicarance of dignity. Mr Stephenson took up a book, read the sentences as fast as he could, signed Ihem, and then the whole ended. We went to Mr Frydensberg's to breakfast, between eleven and twelve o'clock, where we found a table covered as if for dinner, having bottles, glasses, &c. upon it. It is customary in Iceland, either for the lady of the house, or one of her daughters, to place the dishes on the table, and to remove them, the plates, knives and forks, &c. ; though sometimes the housekeepers, who are on a very familiar footing with their employers, perform these offices. There are no men- servants. After this breakfast, which was, more properly, a very early dinner, a few glasses of wine were drank, and cof- fee was served, which concluded the entertainment ; when all rose up, and bowed to the lady. Next day, we went to see some hot springs, about two miles to the eastward of the town, which the people frequent for the purpose of washing clothes. A rivulet runs past them; and, by a little management, a person may plunge his hand 92 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. • [Cir. i. Baih into the water, so that one part of it may be subjected to any degree of heat up to 188°, while another is chille' female who had appeared at the same time, was his sister-in-law. We had sent some trifling present to these ladies; and, on this account, as soon as we entered the house, it became necessary to sub- mit to the customary salute denoting the gratitude of those who receive presents. On many occasions, we could well have dispensed with the ceremony; and our talents were often exercised in contriving means of evasion or escape. On meet- ing after a short absence, and on taking leave, the Icelanders take each other by the right hand, remove their hats Mith the left, and, stroking back their long hair, kiss each other with much apparent satisfaction. Our reception at Vidoe was as cordial as on our former visit, and the entertainment more agreeable, as the ceremony of the cup was not repeated, and we were not obliged to over- eat ourselves. The old gentleman told us of his having been robbed by the people of a ship that had come to Iceland two or three years before ; and we were afterwards informed, that this outrage had been committed by direction of Baron Hompesch, who, after his Avanton attack on the Faro islands, sent a vessel to plunder Iceland. It must be mentioned, however, that Mr Stephenson obtained the restitution of 96; TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cu. J. Modes ofirairlling. part of his property by an application to the commander of the ship. We now became very anxious to commence our travels, though all our Icelandic friends endeavoured to dissxiade us from undertaking any expedition so early in the season. The horses were still very lean, and the grass had hardly begun to grow. Observing, however, that there was no part of the Guldbringe Syssel * covered with snow, we resolved to travel through it, and to visit the sulphur mountains without delay. Having mentioned the Guldbringe Syssel, it may be proper to take notice here, that Iceland is divided into four large de- partments called Amts ; the northern, southern, eastern, and western Amts. These are subdivided into districts called Syssels, and the Syssels into parishes. The number and names of the districts will be found in the Statistical Tables, in an- other part of the work. Not being able to procure riding horses, we determined to walk ; and this resolution seemed to astonish the people not a little, as the meanest person in Iceland never tiavels on foot. A young man who had been educated as a priest, offered his service; he spoke Latin. to- lerably well ; and as he seemed active, and disposed to be useful to us, a bargain was soon made with him. Early in the morning of the 20th, the preparations for our departure com- menced; but the motions of the Icelanders were so extremely slow, and they had so many discussions about distributing the loads on the horses which we had procured for carrying our baggage, that it was past two o'clock in the afternoon before , all was ready. The packsaddles consist of square pieces of light spongy turf, cut from the bogs. These are tied on with • Gold-hringing district, a name probably derived from the principal fishing stations being situate on its coasts. Cv.i. Modes of traielling.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 97 a rope ; a piece of wood made to fit the horse's back, with a peg projecting from each side, is fastened over the turf, and on these pegs the baggage is hung by means of cords. The Icelanders pretend to be very nice in bahmcing the loads; but we do not recollect ever having travelled two miles, Avithout stopping ten times to rectify the baggage. When all the horses are loaded, they are fastened to each other, head to tail. A cord is tied round the under jaw of the second horse, and the other end of it is joined to the tail of the first ; and thus we have seen thirty or forty marching through the country. The Iceland horses, though very hardy, and patient of fatigue, are easily startled. When any one horse in a string is alarm- ed, it often happens that the cords break, and the whole cavalcade is put into confusion. The poor animals, however, never fail to stop where they can get any thing to eat ; and at all times they are easily caught. A well-broke riding horse will wait on the spot where his master leaves him, for any length of time. If any grass is near him, he may feed ; but, if there is none, he will stand perfectly still for hovirs. Many horses will not even touch grass when under their feet. Every Icelander, of whatever rank, can shoe a horse. The shoes are plain ; and the nails, which are very large, are driven firmly through the hoof, and carefully doubled over ; and in this simple state the shoes remain firm till completely worn, or accidentally broken. Travellers always carry a supply of shoes and nails, when going long journeys ; but, for a short journey, it is customary to put shoes only on the fore feet of the horses. When iron is scarce, the horns of sheep are made use of for horse shoes. It often happens, when horses are heavily laden, especially when they are in low condition, that their backs are galled. By way of preventing this accident, or curing any tumour or N 98 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cir. i. Lava. Havnefiord. ruffling of the skin, the Icehmders insert one or more setons of horse hair into the breasts of the animals. This cruel prac- tice, instead of alleviating the pain which the horses suffer from their burdens, only serves to add to their torments ; and the artificial sores thus produced, soon become very disgust- ing. We left Reikiavik with the intention of stopping at Havne- fiord, about six miles distant. The day was fine, but we saw snow showers falling on the mountains towards which we were travelling, and expected to meet them. We passed through a bare dismal looking country, over some low hills ; till, not far from Havnefiord, we entered a rough path, and got upon a tract which bore dreadful marks of fire. As we approach- ed this scene of desolation, snow began to fall so thickly, that we could not see more than fifty yards distance ; and this ad- ded not a little to the awful imj^ressions which the first sight of a stream of lava made upon us. The melted masses had been heaved up iii every direction, and had assumed all sorts of fantastic forms ; on every side chasms and caverns present- ed themselves. As we advanced the scene assumed a more terrific aspect ; and when we least expected it, we descried Ha^•nefio^d situate directly under one of the most rugged parts of the lava ; and so placed, that the houses obtained the most complete shelter from masses of matter, that had formerly carried destruction in their course. There are only two merchants' houses here, and a few store houses, all constructed of wood, and placed close to the sea, which here forms a small but very snug bay, in which there is good anchorage. There is a dry harboiu', into which a sloop of forty or fifty tons may be brought for repair. The wooden buildings, the cottages scattered among the lava, the sea, and the distant country, form altogether a singular scene. Ca. I. School at Bessestad.] TRAVELS IN ICELAXU. 99 The view of this place was taken at a little distance from the path. It is extremely difficult to express the appearance of a rough stream of lava by the pencil ; and the representation given convej's but a faint idea of its terrific appearance. We stopped at the house of Mr Sivertson, who had gone to England with Count Trampe, and had not yet returned. His family received us in the kindest manner, and every civilit}^ that could be shewn, was bestowed upon us by his son and daughter. The house is one of the cleanest and most com- fortable that we saw in Iceland. Here we endeavoured to sleep inider Eider-down for the first time. To a stranger, crawling under a huge feather bed seems rather alarming. But though very bulky, the down of the Eider dvick is very light ; and a bed which swells to the thickness of two or three feet, weighs no more than four or five pounds. At first, the sensations produced by this light covering were very agree- able ; but the down being one of the very worst conductors of heat, the accumulation soon became oppressive ; and at length we were under the necessity of getting rid of the upper bed, to escape the proofs of the good qualities of Eider-down, nvhich we now experienced to an intolerable degree. On the 21st we went to visit the school at Bessestad, the only one now in Iceland. We had been invited by the bishop to be present at the examination, which was to take place previous to the boys dispersing to their respective homes for the summer. On our way we visited Mr Magnuson, the minis- ter of a place called Garde. This gentleman is styled Provost of the Guldbringe Syssel, and superintends all the ecclesiasti- cal concerns of that district. It is to be regretted, that the poverty of the clergy in Iceland has never been taken into consideration by the Danish government. Their influence over the people, by whom they are highly respected, would, 100 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. i. School at Besscstad. we might suppose, be a sufficient reason for not leaving them to subsist ou miserable pittances, hardly sufficient to keep them from starving. Knowing his poverty, we were not sur- prised that this dignitary of the church exhibited in his person and habiliments, a figure, the description of which we shall spare our readers, that they may not partake the pain inspired by the most squalid indigence in a clerical garb. This gen- tleman, however, has a considerable collection of books, among which we observed German translations of some of the works of Pope, and Young's Night Thoughts. There were a number of volumes written in Latin, chiefly on theological subjects. We were obliged to leave Mr Magniison sooner than we wished, because the hour of commencing the exami- nation at Bessestad was already past ; but we promised to remain with him longer on our return. The following is the invitation we received, and the order in which the examination was to take place. The first will serve as a specimen of the familiar style in writing Latin ; and the other Avill shew what are the principal branches of education at the school. ' Hie tibi, vir nobilissime ! exhibeo exscriptum invitatio- ' nis publicae lectoris nostri ad examen, quod in schola nos- * tra (quaj nunc unica in Islandia est) sequenti hebdomade ' habendum est. Si tibi, tuisque, vel unica hora a propriis ' negotiis vacaverit, summo nobis honori ducemus, si nos tua ' et illorum praesentie dignari velis. ' Tuffi singularis humanitatis, ' Observantissimus ciiltor, ' Geirus Vidaltnus. * 17. Mail, 1810.* Ca. I. School at Bessestad.} TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 101 Ad Examen Publicum Alumnorum Scholae Bessestadensis, Audiendum d. 21, et seq. Mali 1810, ita ordinatum : Die Limae, hora antemer. . . 8 — 12. 11 Class, in auth. Lat. interpretandis. li, pomerid .... 2 — 6. 11 et 1 CI. in Stylo Latino. Die Martis,. h. antemer .... 8 — 10. 11 Class, in Theologi- cis, secundum Nie- meirum. 10—12. 1 CI. in autli. Latin, interpretandis. h. pomerid .... 2 — 4. 11 et 1 CI. in Lingua Danica. 4 — 6. 11 et 1 CI. in Stylo Danico. Die Merciirii, h. antemer. . . .8 — 10. 11 CI. in auth. Grsecis interpretandis. 17 — 12. 1 CI. in auth. Graecis interpretandis. h. pomerid . . . 2 — 3. 11 et 1 CI. in Decla- matione. 3—6. 11 et 1 CI. in Stylo Islandico. Die Jovis, h. antemer . . . 8 — 10. 11 CI. in Novi Faed. Exegesi. 10—12. 11 CI. in AnalysiHe- braica. 102 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. i. Churth of Bessestad. h. pomerid . . . 2 — 4. 1 CI. in reliq. dogma- tica juxta Niem. 4 — 6. 11 et 1 CI. inArithme- tica. Die Veneris, h. antemer . . 8 — 12. 11 etl. CI. in Historia, et Geographia. Omnes rei scholasticae patronos, fautores, et amicos, qua par est observantia, invitanius. Steingrimus Jon^us, Lectoi^ Tlieologice. Before going to the schoolhonse we called at the house of the head master, Mr Steingrim Jonson, who received us with great kindness. His countenance displayed a degree of intelli- gence not common in the phj'siognomies of Icelanders ; and it was not long before the first impressions we received were am- ply confirmed. We have often regretted that we had but little of this gentleman's company. His learning is \nitinctured by pedantry ; and his communicative disposition renders him a most agreeable companion. His room was Avell furnished with books ; and the library he possesses as Lector Theologiae of the school, is the best collection of theological works in the island. Mr Jonson married the widow of the late learn- ed and worthy Bishop Finsson. The lady politely brought us coffee and milk, and after this refreshment we went to exa- mine the church. It is a biiilding of some size, roofed with tiles, and is in much better repair than the church at Reikia- vik. At the door is a grave-stone, with the effigy of Paulus Stigotus, a governor of the island, who died in the year 1566, carved upon it. He is represented in armour, leaning on a two-handed sword. In a vault opposite to the door we saw two large coffins, containing the bodies of two ladies, mother and daughter. The date of the inscription was 1/88. They Cb. I. ScJiool at Bcssestad.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 103 were wrapped in white sarsnet, and enveloped in a quantity of vegetable matter, resembling hop flowers. The bodies had the appearance of mummies, the flesh being completely dry and black. Above the altar is an indiff'erent painting of the Last Supper, and representations of some saints. On each side is an inscription to the memory of a young man who died in the year 1707- One of them is an acrostic. On the altar were a gilt chalice, wafer box, and two small brass candle- sticks ; and in a press behind, two very large ones. The space where the altar is placed, is separated from that part of the church, in which are the pe«s. At the entrance to these, there is a stone inscribed to the father and mother-in-law of our friend at Vidoe. The entrance is formed by two painted pillars, surmounted by two large gilded balls, and between them is an arch supporting the crown and cypher of Christian the Seventh. The pidpit is gaudily ornamented, and has figures of the evangelists painted on the pannels, and inscrip- tions above and below them ; a dove is represented on the sound-board. Opposite to the pulpit is an elevated seat, closed all round with glazed windows, in wliich the governor formerly sat. Having satisfied our curiosity in the church, we proceeded to the school- house, and were received by the bishop in his fidl dress. His under robe was of black velvet ; over which Avas a silk one bordered with velvet ; the cuffs were of white cambric. Round his neck he wore a white ruff. In this dress our good friend had a most venerable and dignified appear- ance. The school rooms are lofty, but rather confined and dirty. Above these are barrack- rooms for the scholars and attend- ants, all in a very uncleanly condition. The lector lamented this, and the bishop pronounced with emphasis, ' Bella, hor- 104 TRAVELS IN ICEI-AND. [C».x. 3fr Einerson. ' lida bellal' which at once explained the evident state of decay into which this only remaining seminary of learning seemed to be falling. There is a considerable collection of books, a few of them cnrious and rare ; but they are piled confusedly together in a niiserable garret, and covered with dust and cobwebs. An account of the institution and ma- nagement of this school will be given in the chapter on the present state of Icelandic literature. Bessestad was formerly the abode of the governors of Ice- land, and was defended by several small batteries, the remains of which we saw. During the usurpation of Jorgensen in 1809, some guns were removed from the sand, near one of the batteries, to Reikiavik, where they were planted so as to command the harbour. The fort has been demolished, and the guns are now lying on the beach. From Bessestad we went to visit Mr Einerson, a member of the court of justice, with the title of assessor, who received us with great cordiality. While drinking coffee, we received much useful information from this gentleman. He seems to have set about improving his farm in earnest, and has inclosed a small space for a garden ; but he complained much of the want of seeds. He is levelling the ground, and inclosing it with the stones He takes up in that operation. If Mr Einerson perseveres, there is no doubt of his rendering his farm much more productive in grass ; and he may even attempt to cul- tivate rye, barley, and potatoes, with a reasonable hope of success. Had we met with Mr Einerson any where else, we should have concluded from his complexion, that he had spent the former period of his life in some of the tropical regions. As well as we can recollect, we did not meet with any other Icelander, who had black hair ; certainly none that had hair curled somewhat like that of a negro. Mr Einerson may pos- Ch. I. Leave Havnefiord.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 105 sibly be descended from a Lapland family. There is notlunrt- in the general appearance of the natives of Iceland, that can discriminate them in the natural history of Man. If there is any circumstance which can be deemed peculiar, it seems to be, that the spine is generally long in proportion to the limbs. Were those to be proportioned to the length of the bodv, numbers of the Icelanders would become giants. At first this pecuharity appeared to be a deception occasioned by dress ; but though it does not hold universally, it occurred so often, that we are inclined to state it as characteristic. Having returned to Mr Magnuson's, we were treated with a dram and with coffee. He told us, that by going a few miles out of the direct road to Krisuvik, we might see a curious cave ; and his description of it determined us to visit it. On the 22d we left the hospitable house of Mr Sivertson. Having passed a low ridge of hills opposite to Havnefiord, we descended into a valley filled with lava, which is connected with that about Havnefiord, and has evidently proceeded from the same sovirce. Along the edge of this we travelled for about two miles, and then began to ascend a ridge covered with light slags. We observed that the lava had run down on the east side of the valley, and in some places it appeared as if it had ascended. The ascending of lava is a well known fact, though in examining a cold mass, this circumstance strikes an inexperienced observer as something wonderful ; more so than the ' random ruin' it so awfully displays. It is caused by the formation of a crust on the cooling of the sur- face, and a case or tube being thus produced, the lava rises in the same manner as water in a pipe. Beyond this spot we saw the most dreadful effects of subterraneous heat all around us ; and as far as the eye could reach over a wide ex- tended plain, nothing appeared to relieve it from the black o lOd TKAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. i. Face of the country. rugged lava, which had destroyed the whole of the district. The surface was swelled into knobs from a few feet in diame- ter to forty or fifty, many of which had burst, and disclosed caverns lined with melted matter in the form of stalactites. The day being very warm we relieved our thirst, which began to be troublesome, by means of snow and icicles which we found in these cavities. We met with some deep clefts ; and soon afterwards reached a green spot on the bank of the river Kald-aa,* or the cold river. Here we resolved to pitch our tent, being informed that there was no other place on the road to Krisuvik where the horses could pick up any food. Having unloaded the horses, we proceeded towards the cave described by Mr Magnuson, which lay about two miles to the eastward. It was nothing more than an extensive hollow formed by one of those blisters or bubbles, hundreds of which we had Avalked over. Many of these are of considerable depth, and great length. The bottom of this was covered with ice, and uumerovis icicles hung from the roof. Having lighted our lamps, Ave went to the end of the cave, the distance of which from the entrance we foimd to be 55 yards, the height not being in general more than seven or eight feet. The inside ^\ as lined with melted matter, disposed in various singular forms. On leaving the cave, we took a circviit in order to exa- mine some of the hills in the neighbomhood. In our pro- gress we saw the source of the river Kald-aa, which is a large bason at the bottom of a hollow, into which numerous springs empty themselves, and at once form a considerable stream. After running about two miles, the water entirely disappears among the lava, and is lost. We now proceeded towards the * The double a, or a, is pronounced like ow in how. Cu. I. HelgafcU.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, ]07 hill called Helgafell, and passed over a lava, wliich from the comparative smoothness of its surface, and the evident marks of fusion which it bore, struck us as beina: somethins luicommon. Having traversed the plain formed of this lava, we met with a number of little craters, which, by giving vent to the vapours produced by the heat, may have prevented the usual heavings and burstings of the surface. One of these craters presented a very singular spectacle. The melted mat- ter had formed a sort of dome, about twenty-five feet in dia- meter, and open at one side. Within, it was lined with an assemblage of stalactitical forms, hanging m a very curious and fantastic manner. After visiting several of these craters, we returned to the place where we had left the baggage. By means of the apparatus called a conjurer, we cooked a tolera- ble mess of portable soup and fish ; which with biscuit, cheese, and pure water, composed a very comfortable dinner, after which we chose the most convenient spot for our tent, and settled ourselves for the night. It would be difficult to ima- gine a country more wild and dreary than that which now surrounded us. The melancholy whistling of a few solitary plovers, and our horses moving slowly with their fettered limbs in search of the withered herbage, contributed to the horror of the scene. The night became so cold that we ' enjoyed but little sleep. Towards morning it began to rain, the wind having gone round to the east ; but before we liad accomplished three miles of our day's journe}', the clouds broke, and the rest of the day was fine. We crept along the foot of the hills by the edge of the lava for some miles, and then began to ascend near several craters, larger than any we had yet seen. While examining some fissures, we found the remains of a woman who had been lost about a year before, and of whom there had hitherto been no 108 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. t. Face of the country. tidings. Her clothes and bones were lying scattered about ; the bones of one leg remained in the stocking. It is proba- ble that she had missed the path during a thick shower of snow, and had fallen over the precipice, where her body was torn to pieces by eagles and foxes. It is astonishing how the Icelanders find their way during winter across these trackless deserts. Even with the assistance of marks, which are set up here and there, unless the snow be perfectly firm, there is danger at every step of being swallowed up in a fissure. Accidents of this kind, however, very rarely happen. We all now became exceedingly thirsty ; and our guide having informed us that we should not get any water for some hours, we were very uneasy. Scrambling among lava is very hard exercise ; and this, with the uniformity of the prospect, presenting nothing but an extensive country literally burnt up, occasioned our feeling thirst more painfully than usual. We kept up our spirits as well as we could ; and w hile meditating how to get the horses over a great heap of slags at the foot of a crater, we descried a small wreath of snow on the side of a hill about half a mile distant. We instantly left our guide and horses to manage matters as they could ; and rushing over slags, lava, and mud, fell upon the snow with inconceivable eagerness. Our enjoyment was excessive ; and the very recollection of it is so gratifying, that we must be excused for recording a circumstance of so little importance. We now proceeded through this dismal country, without any gratification but that occasionally afforded by views of the romantic summits of the mountains. The relief expe- rienced from a further supply of snow, raised our spirits and strength so much, that we had got a considerable way before our guide, when he came hallooing after us, and making signs for us to return. Having kept close to the foot of the moun- Ch. I. Mountain pass.] TRAVELS IN ICELAJJD. lOQ tain, and being persuaded that nothing worthy of observation had escaped our notice, we were at a loss to conceive the occasion of this alarm, and feared some disaster among the horses. We were somewhat surprised on being told that we had passed the road. Already accustomed to the risk of miss- ing our way, we had flattered ourselves with being sufficiently cautious ; and when we came to the place where the horses had halted, we could not see any other track than the one we had followed. The guide pointed to the side of the moun- tain ; but no outlet was visible. The steepness of the mountain we might overcome ; but how the horses loaded with baggage could gain the summit, was to us utterly inconceivable. After ascending a little way by a winding path, we saw a large hol- low, the sides of which were very steep, and composed of loose sand and large stones which required very little force to be rolled from their places. Along one side of this hollow we ascended ; and the poor horses, with a degree of steadiness and perseverance truly astonishing, accomplished their ardu- ous task. The scene now before us was exceedingly dismal. The surface was covered with black cinders ; and the various hollows enclosed by high clitfs and rugged peaks, destitute of every sign of vegetation, and rendered more gloomy by float- ing mist, and a perfect stillness, contributed to excite strong feelings of horror. After a pause, we proceeded, and our eyes were soon gratified by a small lake coming into view. From the general appearance of the whole of this mountain, and the situation of this lake, it is more than probable that the hollow now filled with water had been formerly a crater from which the profusion of burnt matter which we had seen had been thrown. The horses made several attempts to reach 4l the water, but in vain : the clay banks sunk, under them, and 4r 110 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cu. I. Boiling 7nucl. the poor animals thus cruelly tantalised, were obliged to pro- ceed on their journey. From this place we saw vapour arising behind a hill at a short distance. We approached, and beheld it ascending with impetuosity from a circular bason, in a hollow near the sum- mit of the mountain. Having advanced to the spot, we were surprised to see no water running from what was supposed to be a boiling spring. On advancing nearer we heard loud splashing, and going close to the bason, which was twelve feet in diameter, we perceived it to be full of thick black mud, in a state of very violent ebullition. This singular phenome- non seemed to be occasioned by steam escaping from some deep seated reservoir of boiling water, and suspending the mud, which was probably produced by the action of the steam, in softening the matter through which it forced its way. We discovered a number of little fissures in the sand round about, from which steam rushed with a hissing noise. Though the splashing of the mud was incessant and violent, we did not observe any of it to escape from the boundary it had formed for itself. Having satisfied our curiosity here, we descended towards the valley of Krisuvik, and soon saw so large a quantity of vapour below, as effaced the wonder excited by the extraor- dinary appearance we had left. This proceeded from various cavities, from banks of clay and sulphur, and chinks in the rock. Knowing, however, that we had more curious things of the same kind to examine the next day, we did not spend much time here, but proceeded through a long valley, form- ing one continued swamp, which forced us frequently to take very circuitous tracks to advance. In going along we had a striking view of the Sulphur Mountains, to visit which was Ca.i. Krisuvik.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. Ill the object of our coming to this part of the country. There is a large lake in this district called the Kleisar Vatn, a part of which we saw when descending from the mountains. There are two small ones in the valley, one of which derives its name, Groenvatn, from the green colour of the water, which resem- bles that of the sea. The colour is owing to that of the bot- tom, which seems to be covered with clay, such as is met with in abundance on the mountains. The water has no peculiar taste or smell. jj- We may here remark, that the want of curiosity, and the ^ ' want of observation, so conspicuous in the people of Iceland, often occasioned us much loss of time. We had to explore a country already, one would think, well enough known to the inhabitants to enable them to give some general direc- tions concerning our journey through it. We now reached Krisuvik after two days of fatigue, which might have been saved had we been told, that by taking the direct road, and marching eight hours, we should see just as much, as by mak- ing a jo\irney that lasted two days. We had no sooner pitch- ed our tent, than our guide signified his intention of return- ing to Garde immediately ; and although it was past ten o'clock, he could not be induced to remain ; and departed, preferring any fatigue to the risk of losing a share in the next day's fishing. At Krisuvik there is a farm-house with a few cottages. It was proposed at first that the party should occupy the church; but, on examining it, we preferred our tent. The length of the church, which is constructed of wood, is 18 feet, the breadth 8 feet, and the height, from the floor to the joist, 5 feet 8 inches. Near the door, in the inside, is suspended a bell, large enough to make an intolerable noise in so small an apartment. About ten feet from the door is the division be- ■u 112 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. I. Church at Krisuvik. tween the rest of the church and the altar. The space be- tween this and the door was occupied by kirge chests, filled with the goods and chattels of the farmer, many of which were also piled under the roof. The pulpit, raised about two feet, stood in a corner on one side of the division ; audit was evident that, if the priest were a man of ordinary size, his audience would be totally eclipsed from his view, and that he would have to address himself to lumber and stock fish in the loft. There were seats before the pulpit that, with a little squeezing, might be capable of accommodating half a dozen persons. Beyond the pulpit was a space of about eight feet square, in which the altar was placed, between two small windows. The altar was merely a wooden press or cup- board, seemingly destined to serve many unhallowed pur- poses, as it contained various household utensils. The farmer and his wife cleared away several articles on the top, and, placing some milk on the altar, invited us to eat. There was nothing so sacred in the appearance of this church, as to make us hesitate to use the altar as our dining table. The open space round it being rather small, the floor perfectly rotten, and very damp, we could not think of sleeping in the church ; and as to the house, exposure to frost and snow would have been preferable to spending a night in such a place. Varying a little in size, all the houses of the Ice- landers are constructed on nearly the same plan. An outer w^all of turf, about four feet and a half high, often six feet thick, encloses all the apartments. On one side, generally that facing the south, are doors, for the most part painted red, surmounted with vanes. These are the entrances to the dwelling-house, the smithy, dairy, cow-house, &c. From the door of the house is a long, narrow, dark, and damp passage, into which, on each side, the different apartments open. Be- Cti. I. Icelandic houses.] THAVELS IN ICELAND. 113 tween each of these is a thick partition of turf, and every one has a separate roof, through which hght is achnitted by bits of glass or skin, four or five inches in diameter. The principal rooms of the better sort of houses have windows in front, consisting of from one to four panes of glass. The thick turf walls, the earthen floors kept continually damp and filth}', the personal luicleanliness of the inhabitants, all unite in causing a smell insupportable to a stranger. No article of furniture seems to have been cleaned since the day it was first used ; and all is in disorder. The beds look like receptacles for dirty rags ; and when wooden dishes, spinning-wheels, and other articles, are not seen upon them, these are confusedly piled up at one end of the room. There is no mode of ventilat- ing any part of the house ; and as twenty people sometimes eat and sleep in the same apartment, very pungent vapours are added, in no small quantity, to the plentiful effluvia pro- ceeding from fish, bags of oil, skins, &c. A farm-house looks more like a village than a single habitation ; and sometimes several families live enclosed within the same mass of turf. The cottages of the lowest order of people are wretched hovels ; so very wretched, that it is wonderful how any thing in the human form can breathe in them. The weather being warm and calm, we slept very comfort- ably in our tent, which was pitched near the banks of a small stream, at a short distance from the church. The 2oth was a delightful day ; and, having taken an early breakfast, we set out towards the Sulphur Mo\mtain, which is about three miles distant from Krisuvik. At the foot of the mountain was a small bank composed chiefly of w hite clay and some sulphiu', from all parts of which steam issued. Ascending it, we got upon a ridge innnediately above a deep hollow, from which a profusion of vapour arose, and heard a confused noise of p 114 ' TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii.x. Sulphur mountains. boiling and splashing, joined to the roaring of steam escap- ing from narrow crevices in the rock. This hollow, together with the whole side of the mountain opposite, as far up as we could see, was covered with sulphur and clay, chieily of a white or yellowish colour. Walking over this soft and steam- ing surface we found to be very hazardous ; and we were fre- quently very uneasy when the vapour concealed us from each other. The day, however, being dry and warm, the surface was not so slippery as to occasion much risk of our falling. The chance of the crust of sulphur breaking, or the clay sinking with us, was great ; and we were several times in dan- ger of being much scalded. Mr Bright ran at one time a great hazard, and suffered considerable pain from accidental- ly plunging one of his legs into the hot clay. From what- ever spot the sulphur is removed, steam instantly escapes ; and, in many places, the sulphur was so hot that we could scarcely handle it. From the smell, we perceived that the steam was mixed with a small quantity of svdphurated hydro- gen gas. When the thermometer was sunk a few inches into the clay, it rose generally to within a few degrees of the boil- ing point. By stepping cautiously, and avoiding every little hole from which steam issued, we soon discovered how far we might venture. Our good fortvme, however, ought not to tempt any person to examine this wonderful place, without being provided with two boards, with which every part of the banks njay be traversed in perfect safety. At the bottom of this hollow we found a cauldron of boiling mud, aboxit fifteen feet in diameter, similar to that on the top of the mountain, which we had seen the evening before ; but this boiled with much more vehemence. We went within a few yards of it, the wind happening to be remarkably favourable for viewing every part of this singular scene. The mud was in constant Cb.\. Sulphur mountains.] TRA^'ELS IN ICELAND. 115 agitation, and often thrown trp to the height of six or eight feet. Near this spot was an irregular space filled with water boiling briskly. At the foot of the hill, in a hollow formed by a bank of clay and sulphur, steam iiished with great force and noise from among the loose fragments of rock. Further up the mountain, we met with a spring of cold ■water, a circumstance Hi tie expected in a place like this. Ascending still higher, we came to a ridge composed entire- ly of sulphur and clay, joining two summits of the moun- tain. Here we found a much greater quantity of sulphur than on any other part of the surface we had gone over. It formed a smooth crust from a quarter of an inch to se- veral inches in thickness. The crust was beautifully crystal- lized, and immediately beneath it we found a quantity of loose granular sulphur, which appeared to be collecting and crys- tallizing as it was sublimed along with the steam. Some- times we met with clay of diiferent colours, white, red, and blue, under the crvist ; but we could not examine this place to any depth, as, the moment the crust was removed, steam came forth, and proved extremely annoying. We found several pieces of wood, which were probably the remains of planks that had been formerly used in collecting the sulphur, small crystals of which partially co^-ered them. There appears to be a constant sublimation of this substance; and were arti- ficial chambers constructed for the reception and condensa- tion of the vapours, much of it might probably be collected. As it is, there is a large quantity on the surface; and, by search- ing, there is little doubt that great stores may be found. The inconvenience proceeding from the steam issuing on every side, and from the heat, is certainly considerable ; but, by proper precavitions, neither would be felt so much as to ren- der the collection of the sulphur a matter of any great diffi- 116 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. i. Sulphur mountains. culty. The chief obstacle to working these mines, is their distance from a port whence the produce could be shipped. But there are so many horses in the country, whose original price is trifling, and whose maintenance during summer costs nothing, that the conveyance of sulphur to Rcikiavik presents no difficulties which might not probably be surmounted. Below the ridge on the farther side of this great bed of sulphur, we saw a great deal of vapour escaping with much noise. We crossed to the side of the mountain opposite, and found the surface sufficiently firm to admit of walking cau- tiously upon it. We had now to walk towards the principal spring, as it is called. This was a task of much apparent danger, as the side of the mountain, for the extent of about half a mile, is covered with loose clay, into which our feet sunk at every step. In many places there was a thin crust, below which the clay was wet, and extremely hot. Good fortune attended us ; and, without any serious inconvenience, we reached the object we had in view. A dense column of steam, mixed with a little water, was forcing its way impetu- ously through a crevice in the rock, at the head of a narrow valley, or break in the mountain. The violence with which it rushes out is so great, that the noise, thus occasioned, may often be heard at the distance of several miles ; and, during night, while lying in our tent at Krisuvik, we more than once listened to it with mingled awe and astonishment. Behind the column of va]iour was a dark coloured rock, which gave it its full effect. It is quite beyond our power to offer such a description of this extraordinary place, as to convey adequate ideas of its wonders or its terrors. The sensations of a person, even of firm nerves, standing on a support which feebly sustains him, over an abyss where, literally, fire and brimstone are in dread- Ca.i. Krisuvik.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 117 fill and incessant action ; having before his eyes tremendous proofs of what is going on beneath him ; enveloped in thick A'apours ; his ears stunned with thundering noises ; must be experienced before they can be understood. Earthquakes are said to occur frequently at Krisuvik, li- mited, however, to a small district in their extent and effects. It was remarked to us also, that they happen generally after a continuance of wet weather ; but whether these statements are accurate or not, we had no means of ascertaining. On returning to our tent, we were agreeably saved the trouble of cooking, by the farmer and his wife, who brought in a large pewter dish full of boiled rice and milk, and some slices of smoked mutton. The 26th was spent in drawing, and examining the cliffs on the coast about four miles distant, where we found some curious mineralogical appearances, which will be afterwards described. While we were sitting at dinner in our tent, a woman came from an adjoining cottage, having a wooden vessel full of milk in one hand, and a snuff box in the other. These she alternately held out to us. We did not at first understand her gestures; but afterwards found that she wished to barter milk for snuff. Before we left the place, we gave her some tobacco and snuff, with which she appeared to be highly gratified. On the 27th, we set out for Grundevik, and walked about fifteen miles through a perfect desert of lava, slags, and sand. We saw hardly the slightest appearance of a vegetable, dead or alive. The mountains were of the most dreary aspect : nothing appeared to relieve the eye, or cheer the spirits, till we descried some cottages on the coast, to which we made all possible haste. Our eagerness to get out of this dismal coun- try, made us walk so fast that our guides and horses were left far behind. On coming towards the houses, the people, men. 118 TRAA-ELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. I. Walk to Gru7idevik. women, and children, came crowding out like ants from a dis- turbed hillock, to gaze at us. We were the first strangers that had ever been in that part of the island. On enquiry we found that the place we had to go to, was yet some miles dis- tant. We struck into a path, and at length came to a bay which, from a chart we had with us, we knew to be that of Grundevik. The cottages here were of mean appearance, and Ave could not persuade ourselves that this was the place where the person to whom we had an introduction dwelt. There was one of the same name, however, and we produced our passport, which was given to an old man who had thick grey hair, and a bushy grey beard. He sat do\vn, and putting a pair of spectacles on his nose, proceeded to read the paper with all the gravity of a patriarch. This done, plenty of milk was brought to us ; and we were informed that the Jon Jon- son we wanted lived a mile or two farther on, which was by no means very agreeable news. It had become cloudy, and the wind was blowing strongly from the east. At last we reached a part of the coast well studded with cottages. Heaps of fish were every where piled up ; and though it was Sunday, this seemed to be a place of considerable business, and to contain a large population. Our surprise, on finding so dreary a region so well inhabited, ceased when we were informed that, at the commencement of every fishing season, numbers of people came from different parts of the country to the fish- ing stations, to provide fish for winter use. Cottages are set apart for their accommodation, and we here saw a large build- ing destined for this purpose, called the bud, or booth. One of the chief cares of an Icelander is the laying in a stock of provision for the winter season. Towards this object almost his whole time and exertions are directed, and the sea is his great and sure resource. About the beginning of Cm. I. Fisheri,.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 119 February, the people of the mterior, and even those inhabit- ing the northern parts of the island, begin to move, and a great part of the male population emigrates towards the west- ern and south western coasts. The farmers send their ser- vants, and frequently accompany them ; taking a small stock of butter and smoked mutton, and sheep skin dresses. They are sometimes distinguished from their servants by having a small quantity of rye bread and a little brandy. Before com- mencing his journey, an Icelander takes off his hat, places it before his face, and repeats a prayer prescribed for such oc- casions. He is welcomed at every cottage he stops at, and it is seldom that any remuneration is required for his entertain- ment. Many travel two hundred miles amidst snow and dark- ness, to the place they chuse for their fishing station ; and if they have not previously made some agreement with the pro- jirietor of a boat, a bargain is soon entered into, the terms of which have long been established by custom. By these, a person coming from the interior, engages himself from the 12tli February to the 12th May, (the period varies a little) to be ready to obey the call for fishing, and to assist in the management of the boat. In return for his labour he receives forty pounds of meal, (if any is to be got) and five gallons of sour whey, besides a share of the fish that are taken. The fish are divided into two shares more than the number of men employed, and these belong to the owner of the boat, who provides lines and hooks. AVhen he furnishes nets, which are generally used during the early part of the season, he receives one half of the fish caught. All the people engaged for one boat generally live together in the same hut. The previous arrangements being made, a long period of hardship and pri- vation begins. In darkness, and subjected to intense cold, these poor people seek from the ocean the means for subsist- 120 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. i. GrundeviL Hig their families during the following winter. As soon as the boat is pushed from the shore, the man at the ijelm takes off his hat and repeats a prayer for success, in which he is joined by the crew. They generally remain at sea from eight to twelve hours, during w'hich time thev taste nothint; but a little sour whey, which is the only provision ever taken out with them. The women assist in cleaning and splitting the fish, after they have been brought to land. When the weather is so stormy that the fishermen cannot venture to sea, they frequently amuse themselves by wrestling, or playing at leap frog, and other diversions. Their mode of wrestling is some- v,hat peculiar. The two men who are to try their strength and skill, lay hold of each other in the way they think best. As soon as they have secured their grasp, each endeavours by sudden jerks, or by lifting him from the ground, or by quick turning, to throw his antagonist ; and the dexterity they dis- play is often extraordinary. About the beginning of May, the fishermen return home, leaving their fish, which are not by this time perfectly dried, and which may amoimt to five or six hundred for the share of each individual, to the care of some person who resides on the spot. About the middle of June, when the horses have got plump and strong, the farmers set out on their second annual journey, carrying with them all their marketable commodities, which they dispose of, and re- turn home with their fish and such things as they may have purchased. When the stock of fish is thought too small, they barter avooI, tallow, or butter, for any additional quantity they may require, and pay a small sum for the lodging and food of their servants- Jon Jonson was not at home when we arrived; but he soon made his appearance, and pressed us to go into his house. It 16 somewhat remarkable that the Icelanders should display Ch. I. Grundevik.] TRAV^ELS IN ICELAND. 121 considerable industry, and even ingenuity, in making the out- side of their houses neat, while they keep the inside in such a state of dirtiness as to be truly disgusting. We complied with Jonson's request, but were glad to seize the first oppor- tunity of escaping into the open air. Our baggage arrived just as it began to rain. Upwards of thirty men, women, and children, gathered round, and dis- turbed us greatly while pitching our tent, which, had it not rained all night, would have exhibited lasting tokens of the pawing of the crowd that assembled about it. Even after we had gone to bed, they still continued at the door of the tent, and we were not suffered to sleep quietly, till our tor- mentors thought of rest themselves. With every desire to in- dulge the curiosity of the natives, and a readiness to submit to various privations and hardships, we could not endure to be touched ourselves, or to have any thing belonging to us handled by them. For this nicety we had another reason besides dislike of filth : the cutaneous eruptions from which very few Icelanders are free, more powerfully deterred us from any near approach. Poor Jonson did all he could to, serve us, and gave us what milk he covild spare, and some fish. Milk is extremely scarce in this district, and it was lucky that we had filled some bottles with it at Krisuvik. We rose early in the morning, and found the rain falling heavily, accompanied by a gale of wind from the eastward. It was our original design to go to Cape Reikianes, where there are some hot springs ; but having been informed that no food could be got for our horses, we resolved to proceed to Kieblivik, The country towards the Cape becomes low, and is entirely of volcanic formation ; and this part of Iceland has been rendered famous on account of a remarkable event in. the history of volcanoes, which happened in the year IJSo, a; Q 122 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii. i. KiebUvik. description of which will be found in the chapter on Minera- logy ; for which it is reserved on accoimt of the phenomena being important in relation to the origin of pumice. We now crossed the peninsula to the opposite shore, a dis- tance of about fifteen miles, through a wild and dreary tract of lava ; meeting with nothing remarkable except a consider- able extent of gravel, which had every appearance of having once formed the sea beach. We reached the northern side of the Guldbringe Syssel at Niardivik, a large fishing village,, much frequented by the inhabitants of the interior, who come down to procure fish. There are not fewer than three hundred boats, of different sizes, belonging to this place ; and it is said that the population, during the fishing season, sometimes amoimts to two thousand, while at other times it does not ex- ceed two hundred. The fishing banks are at a very short dis- tance from this place, and the fish are esteemed finer than on any other part of the coast. A mile or two westward is Kieblivik, situate at the head of a small bay, in which there is very good anchorage. Two or three merchants are established here, who reside in houses constructed of wood, resembling those at Reikiavik. We were very cordially received by Mr Jacobaius, a Dane, one of the most respectable as well as wealthiest merchants in Iceland ; who, with his lady, entertained us in the most hospitable man- ner for three days, during which there was a violent gale of wind and heavy rain. Soon after our arrival at his house, we got excellent coffee, rye bread, and butter. Dinner was not served up till nine o'clock ; but our patience was well rewarded with soup, mutton, and pan -cakes ; and we were treated in the same luxurious manner during the whole time of oiu' stay with the family. It was a matter of much regret to us that, from^ our ignorance of the Danish language, we had no direct Ch. 1. Walk to Havnefiord.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 123 means of conversation with Mr Jacobaeus, who appeared to be a particularly intelligent man, had resided a long time in Iceland, and was well informed in many circumstances re- lating to the statistics and commerce of the country. It may be mentioned as a singular fact, that Madame Jacobseus, though she has now lived sixteen years in Iceland, has ac- tually ne\ er been out of Kieblivik ; not even to visit the me- tropolis of the island. On the first of June we took leave of our hospitable friends. As we had about thirty miles to walk, and could not foretel what obstacles we were to meet with, we made a very hearty breakfast. The day was cloudy, but favourable for walking. After having advanced a mile or two, Mr Holland returned for some things he had forgot. Mr Bright and I proceeded slowly, and not seeing our friend coming up, we concluded that he had resolved to remain with the baggage. After pass- ing Niardivik, we were bewildered by the number of tracks, and at length lost them altogether. As we knew the general direction in which we were to go, we advanced, till after four hours walking, we began to feel the painful sensation of thirst. By good luck we found a puddle of rain water, near which we sat down and refreshed ourselves. Soon afterwards, we found a path, but lost it at the edge of a stream of lava. After a fruitless search to recover it, or find the proper place for ente- ing the lava, we left all to chance, and ventured forwp d. We kept our course as well as we could, among hep^js of loose slags, rugged lava, and deep fissures. The u OSS which grew in some places on the lava, often gave way, and we slid down among the slags. However trying this was to the limbs, we felt no inconvenience till thirst once more distressed us. The soles of Mr Bright's shoes having been torn by the lava, he sat down to cut away the loose pieces 124 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. i. Lam. which were troublesome. On rising he neglected to take up his great coat, which he had laid down beside him. Only a iew minutes had elapsed before he discovered ihat he had left it behind, and we had not yet proceeded two hundred yards from the place. I ascended a peak of lava in order to direct his course, but very soon lost sight of him. He was away half an hour, and I remained all the while at my station ; and was beginning to feel some uneasiness, when I heard him hal- looing very near me. On my answering, he scrambled to the top of a mass of lava, and was surprised to see me so near him. So rugged was this lava, and so circuitous the way to get through it, that he could not retrace a single step, and failed in his attempts to recover his coat. It had never occurred to us to enquire whether it would be necessary to carry a little water with us ; and the people be- ing accustomed to perform their journies on horseback with fijreat speed, had no idea that we had any thing else to do than to make the best of our way through the country. Our examination of the rocks, and picking up plants, seemed to afford much amusement to the natives. Delays occasioned by such occupations often produced some inconveniences, and thirst was by far the most considerable. At this time it was almost intolerable ; but after some hours, the path appeared, and in the hollows there was a sufficient quantity of rain water to afford relief. After a very fatiguing walk of twelve hours, we arrived at Mr Sivertson's, and found Mr Holland already there. On com- paring notes, it appeared that he had got into the same track of lava in which Mr Bright had lost his coat, and that he must often have been not more than fifty yards from us. This was discovered by means of a few green knolls that had attracted our attention. He fared worse upon the whole than we did, Ch. I. Havnefiord.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 125 for he had been alone during the whole day, his shoes were completely destroyed, and his feet very much cut. In one respect, however, he was more fortunate ; as he had found a peasant's cottage on the edge of the lava, where, by the aid of signs and a {ew Icelandic words, he had contrived to obtain a draught of milk, and a direction for the remainder of the way. Every thing that could administer to our comfort was pro- vided at Havnefiord. Our horses arrived four hours after us. Next morning we felt completely refreshed, and able to un- dergo a renewal of our fatigues. Though the appearance of the lava about Havnefiord. is sufficiently terrific to a person who has never before seen any, yet on our return to it, the strong impression it had made was no longer felt. It is not to be compared in any respect with the horrible scenes we had passed through, nor were these equal to some lavas we afterwards encoiintered. No portion of the inhabited part of Iceland is so dreary and barren as that we had now travelled over. The only inducement, (but in this country it is a pow- erful one) for people to settle here, is the vast abundance of fish obtained on every part of the coast. On the third of June we returned to Reikiavik, after hav- ing been absent nearly a fortnight upon our journey. We were much gratified to observe the progress that vegetation had made during our absence. We now saw some patches of green scattered here and there ; and the vegetables in the lit- tle gardens about the houses were beginning to appear. On the 4th, we went on board the Elbe, from which a salute was fired in honour of our Sovereign's birth-day, and the day was spent in showing every mark of loyalty and affection for our gracious king, that our means allowed. On the 8th we went to Vidoe to see the Eider-ducks, whiclk 126 TRAVELS IK ICELAND. [Ch. i. Eider-ducks. had now assembled in great numbers to nestle : at all other times of the year these birds are perfectly wild. They are pro- tected by the laws ; a severe penalty being inflicted on any person who kills one ; and, dnring the breeding season, the fine is thirty dollars for each bird. As our boat approached the shore, we passed through multitudes of these beautiful fowls, which scarcely gave themselves the trouble to go out of the way. Between the landing place and the old gover- nor's house, the ground was strewed with them ; and it re- quired some caution to avoid treading on the nests. The drakes were walking about, uttering a soimd very like the cooing of doves, and were even more familiar than the com- mon domestic ducks. All round the house, on the garden wall, on the roofs, and even in the inside of the houses, and in the chapel, Avere numbers of ducks sitting on their nests. Such as had not been long on the nest generally left it on be- ing approached ; but those that had more than one or two eggs sat perfectly quiet, suffering us to touch them, and some- times making a gentle use of their bills to remove our hands. When a drake happens to be near his mate, he is extremely agitated when any one approaches her. He passes and re- passes between her and the object of his suspicion, raising his head and cooing. The nests were lined with down, which the duck takes from her own breast ; and there is a siifficient quantity laid round the nest, for the duck to cover up the eggs when she goes to feed, which is generally during the time of low water. The down, which is a valuable article of commerce, is removed at two different times from the nest. Sometimes the poor duck is compelled to provide a fourth lining ; and, when her down is exhausted, the drake supplies the deficiency. A certain number of eggs is also removed, as they are esteemed a great delicacy. Our good friend at Ca. I. EtJer-ducks.} TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 127 Vidoe used to send us two hundred at a time. When boiled hard they are tolerably good, but much inferior to the eggs of common poultry. Swans eggs, of which we got a few, are superior, and really excellent M'hen boiled hard. When taken from the nest, the Eider-down is mixed with feathers and straws. To separate them, and make the down fit for market, is part of the employment of the women during winter. As soon as the young birds leave the eggs, the duck takes them on her back, and swims to a consider- able distance from the shore. She then dives, and leaves the little ones to exercise themselves in swimming about. As soon as they have got the use of their feet in this way, the duck returns, and becomes their guide. Several broods, often great numbers, join company, and are seen quite wild for a few weeks ; after which, they totally disappear. Long before we left Iceland, there was not a single Eider-duck to be seen. Whither they retire is not known. These birds are found in the Flannen Isles, to the west of the Island of Lewis. They are seen in Shetland and Orkney ; and they breed on the Island of May, at the mouth of the Firth of Forth. A few days after our return to Reikiavik, a Danish galliot arrived in the harboiir, which had sailed from Liverpool about three weeks before, and which brought over as passen- gers from England, Mr Sivertson of Havnefiord, and Mr Flood, a young Norwegian, who had been private secretary to Count Trampe. The latter was the bearer of a packet which the Count had been polite enough to send, containing letters of introduction to several of the principal people in Iceland. Besides those directed to individuals, there was one addressed generally to all persons holding offices or autho- rity in the island, desiring them to facilitate our travels through the country, and to assist us in the prosecution of the ob- 128 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.i. Change of Governors. jects we had in view. The ar? ival of this vessel effected a sort of miniature revolution in the government of Iceland 5 which was transferred from the hands of the Chief Justice Stephenson to those of three dej)uty governors ; Mr Thoran- son, the Anitmand of the northern province ; Assessor Einar- son ; and our friend Mr Frvdensberg of Reikiavik. At a ball which we attended a few da3'S after this political change had taken place, the health of the new Governors was drunk with many demonstrations of satisfaction. The name of Count Trampe was also given as a toast, with much applause; and a poem in his praise, composed for the occasion by Mr Magnuson, one of the most celebrated of the Icelandic poets of the day, was sung in chorus by the whole party. During our present stay in Reikiavik, we frequently vi- sited the Bishop, and continued to be greatly pleased with him. We saw once or twice at his house a Mr Paulson, one of the medical practitioners of Iceland, Avho lives on the southern coast, at the distance of about a hundred miles from Reikiavik. He is a man of much information, and par- ticularly conversant in the natural history of his own coun- try, which he has studied with great attention. A few days after our return from the Guldbringe Syssel, Mr Holland re- ceived from him a note, written in Latin, * requesting his medical attendance upon one of the daughters of Mr Sigurd- son, the minister of Reikiavik. Mr Holland visited Mr Si- gurdson's family frequently in this capacity, not only at the present time, but also upon our return from the journies we subsequently made ; and his offices were rewarded by that * Dr Holland, ut filiolam pastoris templi Reykiavianini, domini Sigurdson, ^grotantem, data occasione, concomitante interprete, visitare velit, humillime ro- gatur. Paulsonio. Ch. I. ConfirmaiMn.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 1*29. expression of gratitude, of which its simplicit\Mvas the strong- est recommendation. The 11th of June was a hohday; and the ceremony of confirmation was performed in the church. The ordinary service began with prayer and singing. Lessons were then read from the Bible, and the conclusion was a sermon, the delivery of which occupied more than half an hour. Dur- ing the first part of the service, the minister was dressed in a sort of surplice, ornamented with broad blue bands, and with gold lace. The singing, or rather roaring, was perform- ed by ten or twelve men, standing round the space enclosed about the altar. The sermon was read from the pulpit with much emphasis and gesture. The Bishop entered the church just before it began, and took a seat near the altar. The minister, having resumed his surplice and his station at the altar, read a long exhortation to the children who attended for confirmation, and were ranged round him, the boys apart from the girls, all of them dressed in their best clothes. Af- ter an examination from a printed form of catechism, the children received confirmation from the minister, who laid his hands upon them. The whole was concluded with ano- ther exhortation, and a prayer by the minister, kneeling in the midst of the children. During this service, the Bishop was a mere spectator : his only occupation consisted in tak- ing snufF, and chewing tobacco. A great number of Ice- landers had come to Reikiavik from the adjoining country, to attend this ceremony ; and the church was crowded with people, all in their finest suits. The Avomen, who were ha- bited in the proper costume of the country, sat together on the left side, and formed a singular and interesting as- semblage. They were, for the most part, rather tall than R 130 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.-i. Confirmatton. otherwise ; their features in general well formed ; and their complexions fair and florid. The men were seated on the opposite side of the church. None of the Danish inhabit- ants appeared at this ceremony ; nor is it customary with them to attend any of the religious services of the Icelandic church. Ch. II. Prq>arations.'] TRAVELS IN ICELANU. 131 JOURNAL. CHAP. II. The object of our second journey in Iceland, was to explore the peninsula on the western side of the island, which is ter- minated by the remarkable mountain called Snsefell JokuL We were assisted in fixing our route, by the Chief Justice Stephenson, who was well acquainted with the district called the Borgarfiord Syssel, and by Mr Clausen, a Danish mer- chant, settled at Olafsvik, not far from the extremity of tlie peninsula. This gentleman, who came over to Reikiavik soon after our return from the Guldbringe Syssel, we found to be remarkably intelligent. We receis ed from him every neces- sary direction as to our route, and also some account of the natural curiosities we should meet with in the tract of country through which we were to pass. Having pvirchased five more horses, and hired two men, Gwylfr and Gudrnundr by name, to attend our cavalcade, we made preparations proportioned to the length of the journey we were about to undertake, which we calculated to be be- tween three and four hundred miles. Our baggage -horses 132 TRA^-ELS IN ICELAND. [Cii. ir. Leave ReihiaviL cost from eight to ten rixdollars each ; and those we intend- ed for our own use, about twelve. They were by no means of the best description of riding-horses ; but sufficiently good for the rough work they had to enco\mter. An exceedingly good horse may be procured for twenty or thirty dollars ; a sum, according to the rate of exchange at this time, equiva- lent to two or three guineas. All our cattle were rather lean, and they had not yet lost their rough winter coats. Our servants professed to be well acquainted with the country we wished to examine ; and, being young and stout, we flatter- ed ourselves that we should have little occasion to reproach them with laziness ; but we soon found that, like all their countrymen, they were systematically slow in their move- ments ; and that every attempt, either in the way of intreaty or of threat, to make them alert, was quite fruitless. One of them, however, who had been a servant to the Danish offi- cers surveying the coasts of Iceland, was somewhat more dis- posed to activity than the other ; and we were gratified to find, on more than one occasion, that this superiority was the cause of high words between them, and of a little saving of time. Every one who undertakes to travel in Iceland, must resolve to submit with patience to the tardiness of his attendants. The young man who had accompanied us dur- ing our first journey, had left our service on being refused an increase of wages ; and he went to cut hay in the northern part of the island, where labourers are very scarce. He ad- dressed a long letter in Latin to Mr Holland, which was so well written, that we suspected it was not his own composi- tion ; and our suspicions were confirmed, on learning tlxat he had gone to the school at Bessestad a few days before. Early in the morning of the loth June, we sent off the horses with our baggage, as they had to go round the bay; and Ca. II. Mount Esian.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 133 we crossed it in the afternoon, in a boat belonging to the cap- tain of the Danish gaUiot, then in the harbour, expecting to meet our horses at the opposite side. The wind was strong from the eastward, and it began to rain violently, when we were about half way across the bay, which is here six or seven miles in width. The rain and the water of the sea, which fre- quently broke over the boat, in asliorttime completely wetted us. Our voyage, however, was not long, and we landed in safety near the foot of the mountain called Esian. We now found ourselves in a country very different from that we had before traversed. Here we saw none of the desolated appear- ances which had marked the progress of volcanic fire in the Guldbringe Syssel. From the shore to the base of the moun- tain, was a flat green country, about a mile in breadth. It was, however, almost one continued bog, in many places nearly impassable. The mountain rose precipitous from the flat, the lower part being covered by the debris of the beds, which we saw ranged horizontally above; and its bold and lofty front was broken into gulleys of various dimensions. The height of Esian is about ] 500 feet, which it preserves for an extent of several miles, without varying. It forms a very fine object viewed from Reikiavik, and is seen from the sea south- ward of tlie Guldbringe Syssel, over the mountains of that dis- trict. Our horses not being in sight, we proceeded along the shore, examining the rocks that appeared. We then left the shore, and crossed the swamp towards the foot of the moun- tain. The rain still continued heavy, but we went on with the intention of stopping at the first convenient spot where we might pilch our tent. After walking to a considerable distance, and descrying no cottages, we waited for more than an hour in momentary expectation that our horses should 134 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Brautarholt. make their appearance. Being disappointed, however, in this, and dreading lest we should by any accident miss them, we returned towards the shore, and, in crossing the bog, were luifortunate enough to break one of our Ijarometers. We soon reached some cottages near the sea, and having waked the inhabitants, who had already retired to rest, a man very civilly imdertook to guide us to Brautarholt, a place where we had been recommended by some of our Rei- kiavik friends to pass the night. Here we found a farm- house, and a church of similar construction, but consider- ably larger than that at Krisuvik. Our horses did not arrive till eleven o'clock, owing to the extreme difficulty of guiding them across the bogs ; and this lateness of the hour, as well as the difficulty of finding a convenient place in which to pitch the tent, led us to determine upon passing the night in the church. The people who inhabited the adjoining house readily acceded to this plan, brought us the keys of the church, and prepared for our supper a large dish of Eider- duck eggs, which was placed before us on the altar. We found the portable bedsteads, which we had with us, ex- tremely well adapted to the form and dimensions of the church ; and placing them in the space before the altar, which was just large enough to receive them, we slept most com- fortably in this new situation, undisturbed either by mortal or spiritual visitants. Next morning, we were supplied with boiled fish, rice and milk, from the farm-house, which, with the addition of bis- cuit we had brought with us, made a very excellent breakfast. The morning being stormy, we delayed our departure till noon, when the weather became more favourable. We pro- ceeded along the shore of the Hval Fiord (Whale Frith), which runs up the country about twenty miles in a north- €h. II. Bogs.] TRAVF.rs IK TnKr.ANT). 135 easterly direction, preserving nearly an uniform breadth of about three miles. The scenery was similar to that of many of those arms of the sea, called Lochs, in the highlands of Scotland, the grandeur and variety of which it rivalled in every respect, except that its shores were wholly destitute of wood. The precipices are magnificent ; and the eye is carried to the extreme distance, by mountains assuming every variety of romantic form, many of them capped with snow. Having walked about six miles, we mounted our horses, and left the Fiord, passing into a valley to the right. This valley is high, and little more than a mile in breadth. The mountains on each side are lofty, bold, and rugged ; and the patches of snow which yet remained upon their sides added much to the wildness of the scene. Though the ground is swampy, it affords much excellent pasture, and we observed several farm-houses in different parts of the valley. Turning round the mountains on our left, we came to an open country of considerable extent, but so boggy, that it was with great difficulty we got through it. We now found how necessary the provision of riding horses was to our pre^ sent journey, and had at the same time an opportunity of ascertaining the confidence which might be placed in these animals. In going through a bog, an Iceland horse seems to know precisely where he may place his foot in safety, and where he cannot venture to pass. If in doubt, he will feel the ground with his foot before he attempts to place his whole weight upon it. If convinced that there is danger, neither coaxing nor whipping will induce him to go forward ; but when left to himself he will find his way, and carry over his burden in safety. It sometimes happens, though very sel-. dom, that in traversing an extensive bog a horse will sink to his belly, but he soon extricates himself with apparent ease. 136 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. I. Houls^ So very iiulKTcrent do the horses appear to such an accident, that we have seen them begin to eat the grass within their reach, till reminded of making their way forward by the ap- plication of a whip. Having left our baggage and our guides behind, we should have been greatly perplexed in crossing the bogs, had not a peasant, whom we accidentally met, very kindly assisted us by leading the way. He appeared to be active and intelligent, thouffh we inferred all this from his motions and signs alone, as we had no other means of conversation with him. Though we had a perfect confidence in his guidance, we were not a little astonished when he conducted us through places where we were in continual expectation of being swallowed up. Our astonishment was not lessened, w hen we observed him plunge into a small inlet of the sea connected with the Hval Fiord, and proceed directly across it. A river of considerable size empties itself into this bay; and being much swollen by the rain which had fallen during some days before, we were for- tunate in arriving at a time when the tide was out ; the river itself being impassable. The breadth of the water was little less than half a mile ; but by scrupulously following the steps of our guide, we passed over in safety, and soon afterwards arrived at the farm-house called Houls. This we found to be much superior in appearance to such houses of the same de- scription as we had already seen. The general construction of the habitation was the same ; and though it was very far indeed from being neat, yet it was some degrees nearer to that desirable state than most others. Our baggage horses did not arrive till a very late hour ; and the good people of the hoiise having given us their best apartment, we removed some of the furniture, which appeared not to have been displaced since the house was originally furnished, and put up our own beds, for Ch.ii. Houh.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 137 which there was just sufficient room. The floor was earthen, and extremely damp, and exhaled no very agreeable odour ; but this we endeavoured to correct by smoking segars. The proprietor of this house, by name Gudmundson, was the Hreppstiore, or constable of the parish ; an office next in rank to that of Sysselman, or Sheriff. The general duties of the Hreppstiore relate to the preservation of the peace, and the superintendance of the poor. The farm attached to the house supports ten cows, several horses, and above a hundred sheep. Besides a certain proportion of the produce of the cattle, twenty-seven rixdollars per annum are paid as land rent. For this sum, however, independently of his farm, the tenant is entitled to a part of the profits of a salmon fishery in the ad- joining river: it being the custom, in the case of most of the salmon rivers in Iceland, to divide the profits of the fishery among the different farms which are situate on their banks. We had some salmon for breakfast at Houls, caught in the river the preceding evening, and found it to be excellent. No other mode of taking the fish is here practised, than that of constructing dams under the falls. The number of salmon caught does not much more than suffice for the use of the different farm-houses in the neighbourhood. At Houls we saw a small patch of groimd laid out as a gar- den, with regular beds. A young woman was planting small cabbages in it : by means of a plank she preserved the beds from being spoiled by her feet; and, making holes in the earth along the edge of it, she placed the plants in regular and equidistant rows. Next morning, we gave to the farmer's wife, who was a neat, good looking woman, a trifling present of needles, pins, scissars, thread, &c. with which she appeared highly pleased ; and, having breakfasted, we took our leave. Mr Gudmund- s 13S TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. n. Saurbar. son shewed his kindness in accompanying us as a guide. We returned to the sliores of the Hval Fiord, and proceeded to a place called Huamr, where we procured a small fishing-boat, and crossed over to Saurbar, leaving our baggage-horses to go round by the head of the Fiord, and taking only our beds with us. Two men rowed us across, who appeared perfectly indifferent to the swell of the water, which sometimes came over the gunnel of the boat, and now and then occasioned us considerable alarm. Saurbar is situate on a rising groxind, at a short distance from the shore of the Hval Fiord, and is the residence of the parish priest, Mr Hialtalin ; from whose house there is a strik- ing, and somewhat picturesque view of the upper part of the Fiord, which has here the appearance of an extensive lake. Mr Hialtalin had just alighted from his horse as we arrived, and received us in the kindest manner. He had very much the appearance of a gentleman, both in dress and manner ; and we found him possessed of considerable information. He had been settled at this place twenty- four years, with a stipend of thirty dollars, and as nuich land as maintains a small stock of cows and sheep. Upon this slender provision he has contrived to support a very numerous family ; having had altogether, from two matrimonial engagements, not fewer than twenty-three children, thirteen of whom are still living. One of his daughters is married to Mr Gudmundson, our host of the preceding night. Mr Hialtalin's habitation entirely resembles the common farm-houses of Iceland, except that it is somewhat cleaner and more comfortable in the interior. The sitting room, which is very small and ill lighted, is fur- nished with a stove, an article not common in the houses of Icelanders, and possesses a considerable collection of books ; among which we met with a sort of catalogue raisonntk of all Ch. II. Church of Saurhar.'\ TRAA^EI-S IN ICELAND. 139 the Icelandic authors, which we wished very much to obtain, but found the author unwilling to part with it. Having perceived the church to be tolerablv clean, we asked permission to sleep in it, which was cheerfull}' granted. The altar was covered with crimson silk, ornamented with gold lace ; and above it was a very indifferent painting of the Last Supper, surmounted by a crucifix. The dimensions of the church we ascertained to be thirty-five by sixteen feet. and about seven feet in height to the joists. We have chosen a representation of this building, in order that the reader may form some idea of the general exterior appearance of the country churches in Iceland. For supper, we had coffee, mashed fish prepared with but- ter, milk, and spices, and rice-milk. This last dish was given us for breakfast the next morning, with cakes made of the same materials. Si;/.y,f.//.,A /Jr^y/,/ Church of Saitirbar. £. Aft/M^/jf/::,,^,^ 140 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Saurbar. In the course of the evening, we had much conversation with our worthy host, who spoke Latin exceedingly well. We obtained from him some interesting particulars relative to his parish, and had much reason to admire his paternal care of the flock committed to his charge. In a population varying, in difl'erent years, from two hundred to two hun- dred and ten, there are fifteen married couples. The aver- age annual number of births is seven ; and of deaths, six or seven : of marriages, below one. The extent of the parish Is sixteen English miles in length, and ten in breadth ; so that the population does not exceed 1^ to a square mile. We were gratified with a sight of Mr Hialtalin's parish re- gister ; a very interesting book, in which, for his own satis- faction, he makes an annual record of the state of each fa- mily within the district of which he has the pastoral charge. He permitted us to copy part of this book ; and the following is a translation, made by his assistance, of the first page of the register for the year 1805. This example of the attention and pious care with which the duties of a country priest are performed, in so remote a corner of the Christian world, may excite a blush in many of his brethren in more fortu- nate countries, and amid more opulent establishments. Ch.ii. Parish RegMter.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 141 Names of Habitations Storibotn Names of the People in the Family. Gudrun Sigurdardottir, Oddur Jonssoo, Hans Jonssoo, Ingiborg Jonsdottir, Gudrun Jonsdottir, Wigfus Gudmundson, Situation, Oc- cupation, &c. Widow, and owner of tlie house, Widow's son, Do. Widow's daughter, Do. An orphan kept by the widow, Age. Con- firm- ed. Com- muni- can ts. Yes Do. Do. Do. Do. No. Yes Do. Do. Do. Do. No. Whe. ther ahleto read Yes Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Conduct. General abilities, &c. Clean and in- dustri- ous, A good boy, Clever at work, A hope- ful girl, Equally good, A tract- able boy Wellinformed Well educated. Not so good an understanding as his brother. Wellinformed Above mediO' crity in her abilities. Good under- standing. The books in this house are, the New Psalm-book ; Vidalin's Sermons ; Thoughts on the Nativity of Christ ; Psalms relating to the Passion of Christ; the Conversation of the Soul with itself; Thoughts on the Passion; Diarium ; Thordir's Prayers; the New Testament, and a Psalm-book. ThyriU. Jorundr Gislasson, Margret Thorstensdottir, Gudrun Eireksdottir, Gudmundr Grirason, Thorsdys Saemnsdottir, Jarfrudr Stephansdottir, Hristiu Jonsdottir, Waldi Sterinderson, Hreppstiore, Elderor Con- stable, His wife. Her daugh- ter by a for- mer husband. Servant man, Maidservant Her child, A female or- phan, A male or- phan, 41 53 19 42 Y'es Do. Do. Do. Do. Yes Do. Do. Do. Do. Yes Do. Do. Do. Do. Welldis posed and clean, Good charac- ter, A hope- ful girl, A faith- ful la- bourer. Neat & faithful, Moderate abi- lities. Piously dis- posed. Well informed, Hehas neglect- ed his improve- ment, and is therefore ad- monished. Wellinformed, Atract- "''^fi"^^'-''^ , , her catechism; able . , ' , ., , — to be con- child, c , hrmed Tract able and|Is learning the obedi- catechism. ent, I The books in the house are, the Old Psalm-book and the New one ; Vidalin's Sermons ; Vidalin's Doctrines of Religion ; Fast Sermons ; Seven Sermons ; Psalm-books ; Sturm's Meditations (translated into Icelandic) ; Bible Extracts ; Bastholm's Religious Doctrine; a Prayer-book ; and a New Testament belonging to the church. ' 142 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. ii. Icelaiidic sirnamcs. This table is extremely interesting in many points of view. Besides showing the great attention of Mr Hialtalin to the duties of his office, it exhibited in some degree the character of the people, the importance they attach to religious and moral dispositions, and the attention which is paid to educa- tion even among the lower classes. By attending to the list of names, the manner of forming the sirname among the Icelanders may be observed. The son takes the Christian name of his father, and adds sofi to it for his sirname ; and the daughter annexes doftir in the same manner. A similar custom is well known to have given rise to many English sir- names. In Scotland, the word Mac, signifying son, was pre- fixed. The inconvenience of this mode is not felt in Iceland, Avhere the population is so much scattered. There are, how- ever, instances here also, in which a sirname has been per- petuated, as in the family of the Stephensons. We slept very comfortably in the church at Saurbar. Before leaving the place the following morning, we inocu- lated, with the vaccine virus, the minister's eldest daughter, a fine he:G .'ST'lKl. 146 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. IndreJiobm proficiency is too often only a display of feats of art, which have no reference whatever to the emotions which natural melody is calculated to excite. Mr Stephenson's family is the only one in Iceland that can be said to cultivate music at all. He himself plays upon a chamber-organ, which he brought from Copenhagen a few vears ago. This gentleman, who has been already mentioned as at the head of the Icelandic courts of justice, and a privy coun- sellor of Denmark, with the title of Etatsraad, has been very assiduous in his endeavours to distinguish himself in the walks of literature. He has had great merit in recommend- ing the pursuit of knowledge to his countrymen ; and has himself written various works on politics, history, and mo- rals. All these amount to about twenty different books; and he had in the press, at the time we were in his house, an additional work on the Polity of Iceland. He is the owner of a very good library, consisting probably of seven or eight lumdred volumes, among which are a number of Eng- lish works, history, novels, and poetry ; and a valuable col- lection of Icelandic books and manuscripts. In his house is also the library belonging to a society, which will be par-: ticularly mentioned in the chapter on the present state of li- terature in Iceland. The family of Mr Stephenson consists of his lady, the Fru Stephenson, as her title stands ; his daughter, intitled the Frukin, or young ladyship, a tall, lively girl, apparent- ly about twenty years of age, whose stiff and formal dress, of coarse blue cloth, but ill accorded with the laughter ever present in her countenance ; another young lady who is at present under the guardianship of Mr Stephenson; two sons, both of whom appear to be clever, intelligent youths; and an Cb. It. Indreholm.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 147 elderly gentleman, the father of Mr Stephenson's lady. At the time of our visit to Indreholm, two nephews of the Chijef Justice likewise formed a part of the family establishment, to whose education Mr Stephenson appears to have paid a good deal of attention. During the three days we remained at Indreholm, we ex- perienced the utnK>st hospitality and attention. Our resi- dence here was interesting, as giving us some view of the ha- bits and modes of life among the Icelanders of the highest class. We made a very minute examination of every part of the house ; penetrating, under the guidance and authority of Mr Stephenson, even into the bed-chambers of the females of the family. While viewing these apartments, the ladies brought us various little articles of their own manufacture, in which considerable ingenuity was displayed, though not much elegance. They consisted principally of rude flower- work in coloured worsted. The extent of the house, as was before noticed, is very considerable. At a little distance is a water- mill, which is turned by the water of a small stream striking against a horizontal wheel. The dairy and other oftices are detached from the house. Behind these buildings is a small smithy, where, at the time we visited it, we found the smiths busied in preparing scythes. The fuel is charcoal, made of birch-wood ; great quantities of which, though the shrubs are very small, grow on the western bank of the Huitaa, and in some parts of the Borgarfiord Syssel. The making of char- coal is not the least important employment of the Icelanders during the summer. Every farmer has a smithy; and almost every man in the country knows how to shoe a horse ; even the son and heir of the Chief Justice of Iceland having been seen thus occupied. On going to bed, each night, during our stay at Indre- 148 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. u. Iiidreholm. holm, a cup or bason, full of milk and ^\ater, was set down at the bedside ; a custom we had before observed at Kiebli- vik, but here for the first time in the house of an Icelander. Indreholm is, on the whole, a very pleasant place ; and is so situate as to command a fine view of the Faxe Fiord, and of the mountains of the Guldbringe and Kiosar Syssels. Did the climate permit the cultivation of corn, or the growth of trees, it might become a very beautiful residence. The pas- tures immediately round the place are very good, and adorn- ed by a profusion of the Statice armeria. Adjoining the house are two small gardens, well inclosed with walls of turf, in which cabbages, turnips, and sometimes potatoes, are cul- tivated with success, for the use of the family. At a short distance from the shore is a small island, crossing over to which, at low water, we saw vast multitudes of Eider-ducks, for whose convenience, rows of little apartments are con- structed of stones, in different directions across the island. About forty pounds weight of Eider-dowai are annually ob- tained from this spot. Mr Stephenson has considerable property in this part of the country, as well as in other more remote districts of Ice- land. In his own hands he holds lands sufficient for support- ing twenty-five cows and three hundred sheeji. He has late- ly brought over from Norway some fine-woolled sheep of the Spanish breed, which seem likely to thrive well in the island. Connected with his property at Indreholm, there is a large fishing establishment, comprehending about twenty boats of different sizes, the use of which is given to the people com- ing from the interior of the country, on the terms formerly described. The last day of our stay at Indreholm was occupied in the ascent of the mountain of Akkrefell ; a labour of no small .Cb. 11. Akkrefell.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 149 difficulty and hazard, from the excessive steepness of the face of rock which we liad to chmb ; but one for which we were fully recompensed by the important uiineralogical facts oc- curring to our observation, which will elsewhere be spoken of at length. The view from the pinnacle of the mountain, which seems almost to hang over the plain below, was exten- sive and interesting, comprehending a very considerable part of the south-western district of Iceland. We descended at another part of the mountain, but with even more risk than had attended our ascent. Availing ourselves of the convey- ance by sea from Indreholm to Reikiavik, we left the speci- mens we had collected here, and in the preceding part of our journey, under the care of Mr Stephenson, being desirous of reserving our baggage-horses for further duties of the same kind. On the 21st of Jime we left Indreholm, accompanied by Mr Stephenson and one of his nephews. The Chief Justice was, on this occasion, dressed in blue trowsers and a short jacket of the same colour, the stuff coarse and warm. On the top of his saddle was buckled a pillow of blue plush, stuffed with Eider-down. We retraced our steps for about four miles, and then turning to the left, crossed the bogs to- wards Leira, the abode of Mr Scheving, Sysselman of Bor- garfiord, who is married to a sister of Mr Stephenson. This place was formerly the residence of the latter ; and the house was built by him. Externally, it is somewhat out of repair ; but the interior, and especially the sitting-room, displayed more decoration than is usual in the houses of Iceland. The cornices were formed of wood, coloured red, and carved with some degree of neatness ; and the chairs covered with leather painted and gilded. Near the house there is a church, supe- rior in accommodation to most of the edifices of the kind we 150 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Leira. met with ; and having a gallery, which is by no means com- mon in the country churches of Iceland. The lady of Sys- selman Scheving is a tall, and rather handsome woman. She was habited in the common dress of Icelandic females of the higher class, except that the head-dress was merely a cap of blue cloth, with a tassel hanging from the top. At supper, we had a dish set before us, made of the Iceland Lichen (Cetrar'm Islandica,} which we had hitherto scarcely ever seen employed by the inhabitants of the country. The Lichen, chopped small, is boiled in three or four successive portions of water, to take off its natural bitterness, and then for an hour or two in milk. When cold, this preparation has some- what of the form of a jelly, which is eaten with milk or cream, and makes a very palatable dish. On our arrival at Leira, we had observed, in a causeway leading to the house, a fragment of stone, appearing to be an incrustation, or deposit from water, and containing nu- merous vegetable petrifactions. Upon inquiry, we found that there was a hot spring at the distance of about a mile from the S^'sselnian's house. After supper, we set off, by the light of an Icelandic midnight, to visit this spring, being guided to it by Mr Stephenson and his nephew. We found the water, which had a temperature of 138°, issuing from two or three small holes in the rock, and running into a stream which flows near the spot. A small cavity which has been formed so as to receive the hot water, is occasionally employed as a bath. Near the springs, we observed a con- siderable extent of surface covered with curious petrifactions, evidently formed by deposition from some more ancient hot springs, which have now disappeared. Oiu" walk was finished a little before 12 o'clock at night. Though the sky was cloudy and lowering, and a high range of mountains limited the ho- Ca. ii. PrtnUng-office.] TRA^^ELS IN' ICELAND. 151 rizon towards the north, yet the light was such as, even within the house, to be sufficient for the perusal of the smallest type, without difficulty or inconvenience. We left Leira next morning ; and the Sysselman attended us for some miles. We visited in our way the only printing- office now in Iceland, which is close to Leira, in a small and miserable wooden building, situate in the midst of a bog. This establishment is at present kept up by the literary society, of which Mr Stephenson is at the head. He has the sole ma- nagement of the press; and few other people now give it employment ; none liking to submit their works to a censor who is reckoned too severe, but perhaps without much reason. This state of the press is, however, extremely injurious to the literature of Iceland. Two men are engaged in the printing- office : they have a press of the common construction, and make their own ink of oil and lamp-black. There are eight founts of types ; six Gothic, and two Roman ; with a few Greek characters. We found a small collection of books, which had been printed within the last few years, and remained here for sale. We purchased several of these, among which was Pope's Essay on Man, translated into Icelandic verse. During the last winter, the printing-office, with all its contents, was very nearly swept away by a flood ; and, at the present time, the building is in a state of wretched repair. Leaving the plain of Leira, we began the ascent of the Eastern Skards-heide, or mountain-road. Part of this range of mountains, which divides the Borgarfiord Syssel into two portions, is extremely lofty and precipitous ; and the pass through it is very grand. The ascent of the road is long, and it certainly attains a height of not less than a thousand feet : the mountains on each side of the pass, however, ha\e a much greater elevation, and some of them were still almost 152 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. II. Skards-heidc. entirely covered with snow. In making tliis ascent, we over- took several cavalcades of horses, returning from various parts of the coast, loaded with dried fish, the winter stock of the farmers to whom they belonged. The Icelandic peasants who were guiding these cavalcades, addressed us in the lan- guage of salutation as we passed them ; this being the invaria- ble custom in every part of the island. In some of the par- ties, we observed as many as ten or twelve horses, each bear- ing its respective burthen of fish. Just as we had gained the highest part of the mountain- pass, we saw rain approaching, and had only time to cast our eyes over the wide and extensive valley of the Huitaa, or White River, which now lay beneath us, boxmded on each side by a magnificent range of hills ; and the view terminated towards the north, by mountains entirely covered with snow. The stream of the Huitaa, and of other smaller rivers wind- ing over the broad expanse of the valley, and meeting the eye at intervals, added much to the pleasing features of the landscape. Not far from the place where we began to descend, we observed a lofty and very remarkable mountain, called Honn, on our right hand. It is a complete four- sided pyramid, composed of regular beds of rock, piled one above another, and diminishing to a point ; and forming the steps, as it were, of a huge staircase. When near the bottom of the hill, we went a little out of the road to examine some hot springs. We found the water gushing from several holes in different parts of the side of the hill. Its temperature was from 100° to 132°. It is pure ; no incrustation being formed by it, nor has it any peculiar taste. A little farther down, we had to cross a deep and rapid river, which comes tumbling from the rocks above, forming some very fine cascades. ; Ca. II. Hiianeyre.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 153 After several tedious turnings and windings through bogs, which we crossed not without considerable difficulty and dan- ger, we arrived at Huaneyre, the abode of Amtmand Ste- phenson, brother of the Chief Justice, and governor of the western province of Iceland. The house of this gentleman stands upon an eminence in the great plain or valley of the Huitaa ; commanding, in front, a fine view of the arm of the sea called the Borgarfiord ; behind, a still more striking view of the Skards-heide mountains, which we had lately passed. There is nothing particular in the aj)pearance or construction of the habitation, or of the farm buildings attached to it. The only novelty to us was a small and rudely constructed wind- mill, used for grinding rye, which we were informed Mas the only edifice of the kind in Iceland.* The rain was now heavy ; and we were glad to enter the house, where we were kindly received by the Amtmand's lady, the daughter of a country priest ; the iVmtmand, with his eldest son, being absent on an official tour through part of his district. While supper was preparing, we amused ourselves with some English books which we found in the library in the sit- ting room. Ovir evening repast consisted of veal and sal- mon. The salmon of the Borgarfiord rivers are particularly good; indeed, were we implicitly to credit the inhabitants of this district, there is nothing in it but what is peculiarly excellent, and far surpassing any thing that is to be met with elsewhere in Iceland, The best fish, the best cows, the best sheep, the best horses, the best pasture, the best every thing, was to be found in the faA oured region of the Borgarfiord Syssel, and more especially at Indreholm. Nor * Since we left Iceland, Amtmand Stephenson has changed his abode to Huitar-vellir, a place which will soon be mentioned. U 154 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. 11. Huanei/r^. were these praises bestowed without some appearance of rea- son. Though the extensive pastures of Borgar fiord Syssel, and particularly those in the valley of the Huitaa, are mere morasses, yet they yield a large quantity of grass, and sup- port vast numbers of cows, horses, and sheep. The farm which Amtmand Stephenson holds in his own hands, is rec- koned the best in the island. He keeps upon it between thirty and forty horses, fifty cows, and two or three hundred sheep ; and gets as much hay as sutfices for the maintenance of this large stock during the long winters of Iceland. The district of Borgarfiord is likewise remarkable for the vast number of swans frequenting it, which are particularly numerous in the extensive marshes below Huaneyre. On the morning after our arrival, we counted forty of them within a short distance of the house. Our breakfast, at Huaneyre, consisted of salmon, boilect sorrel, sweet cakes, excellent coffee, sago jelly, a large tureen full of rich cream, rye-bread, and biscuit. We had reason to expect to find here the perfection of Icelandic cookery j for the Amtmand's first wife was the authoress of a work on that art, which is held in great esteem, and of which we each treated ourselves with a copy from the Leira printing-office. This family, with respect to manners and domestic economy, was much the same as that at Indreholm. After breakfast, we took our leave, still accompaniied by the Chief Justice, who was resolved to attend us to the verge of the Borgarfiord Syssel. He conducted us for several miles through the bogs and swamps by which Huaneyre is com- pletely svirrovmded, till at last we got to the place called Huitar-vellir, where there is a ferry over the Huitaa. This river, which is one of the largest in Iceland, is here con- tracted in its channel by the rocks, which rise abruptly on Ca. lu Huitar-vellir.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 155 each side ; but the stream is A'ery deep and rapid. It is very properl}' named the White River, as it has ver}' nearly the colour of milk and water, owing to the suspension of the finer particles of clay, washed down from the Jokuls among which it rises. A clergyman, Arnar Jonson, who is Provost of the Borgarfiord Syssel, lives at this place ; and, while the people were employed in carrying our baggage over in a boat, and causing the horses to swim across the river, we went to his house and were treated with coffee. We here parted with our friend Mr Stephenson, who had shewn us at his house, and during our short journey with him, a degree of attention and kindness, for which he Mill always be entitled to our gratitude. Having crossed the river, we were told that it would be necessary to send the boat up the stream, to carry iis over another branch of it, which we had still to pass. We walked towards this second crossing-place, where, the baggage being taken off, our horses were driven over ; the holes in the chan- nel rendering it unsafe to have them tied together. The breadth of this part of the river was about two hundred yards ; and it was not without considerable trouble that all got safely across. It now began to rain, which occasioned the rest of our day's journey to be very uncomfortable, as we had to pass through many swamps. The whole of the val- ley of the Huitaa may not improperly be called a vast morass. The western side of it, which we had now reached, belongs to the district called the Myre Syssel ; a name lite- rally signifying the Syssel of Bogs. The southern part of this district, more especially, is so swampy that, during the summer, it is in general wholly impassable; though, in winter, it may occasionally be traversed upon the ice. W^e stopped for the night at a place called Svigna-skard, where we found 156 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cu.ii. Scigna-skard a fanii-liouse inhabited by the widow of a Syssehiian of Myrfe, who died about a year before. The poor woman was blind ; but her son and daughter, who managed the affairs of the house, paid us every attention. We here found a small room, which, though by no means elegant, nor remarkably clean, we requested and obtained leave to occupy. In this apartment we discovered several old books belonging to the late Sysselman, a few of which we purchased from the ' family. We remained at Svigna-skard during the whole of the next day; the rain still continuing very heavy. It being Sunday, we saw some of the people setting out on horseback for their parish church, which was at the distance of a few miles. On leaving the house, they took off their hats, and, putting them before their faces, continued for some time in the act of prayer, while the horses went on. We had for dinner here, a dish called skier, which is simi- lar to one well known in Scotland by the name of Corstor- phine cream, or Hattit hit. In Iceland, it is made by means of sour whey ; in Scotland, by butter-milk, over which cream or milk is poured, and allowed to remain till it has become sour ; when the whey is suffered to run off by removing a plug in the bottom of the vessel into which the materials were put. In proceeding tOAvards the interior of the country, more cleanliness appears in the domestic habits of the people. Fresh fish is here an article of greater scarcity ; and the offences to the sight and smell, which are always found in habitations where this is the principal food, decrease in pro- portion as it is less used. On Monday morning, the 25th, we rose at two o'clock, and commenced our journey a little after four. Two or three Ch. It. IV. Skards-Mdi\] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 157 hours were always occupied by our Icelandic guides in load- ing the horses, and making the other preparations lor de- parture ; though it is probable that an active Englishman would have accomplished the same business in a third part of the time. We were attended by a peasant from the neigh- bourhood, as a guide, on account of a thick fog, which ob- scured every thing around us. Our route lay along the course of a river, which came tumbling over a rocky chaimel from the moimtains forming the western boundary of the valley of the Huitaa. We could not see further than fifty or sixty yards before us ; but the rocky sides of the river being stud- ded with birch shrubs, three or four feet in height, the scene was, upon the whole, a pleasing one. We had to cross the river occasionally ; and found the current so strong, that it was with difliculty the horses could make their way across. The pass over these mountains, which are called the Western Skards-heid^, must be very grand in fair weather. Several small lakes appeared in the hollows between the hills, from which there issued large and rapid streams. The fog did not begin to clear away till we found ourselves amongst lava, and were beginning to descend. We had before observed slags scattered about the sides of the mountains ; and were now in a hollow on the summit, bearing all the characters of the volcanic country we had seen in the Guldbringe Syssel. After winding amongst some steep and broken hills, we de- scended into a valley completely filled with lava, which, from its being in many places covered with soil, appeared to be very old. The rude and irregular rocky masses of which it is composed, are broken into every possible variety of form ; and, in some places, being partially covered with moss, strik- ingly resemble the ruins of old castles or fortifications. We were informed that there is a great deal of lava amongst the 158 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. n. Stadarhraun. swamps towards the south, which has probably proceeded from the same source as the stream we now followed. At the opening from the mountains of the valley through which the lava has flowed, we saw a small group of cottages, called Hraundalur,* and a wide extended plain, stretching, on our left hand, towards the sea. From the rugged appearance of many parts of it, we easily credited the account we had re- ceived of much lava existing in this quarter. We now skirted along the base of the mountains ; and, after travelling a kw miles, came to the opening of an exten- sive valley, the lower part of which is occujned by another great stream of lava, apparently about two miles in breadth. Having passed along the edge of this, by a very rough and dangerous path, we at length reached a place called Stadar- hraun, where we found a small church, and the priest's house, situate on a small grassy spot, almost entirely environed by rugged masses of lava. The priest had just mounted his horse for the purpose of accompanying the Sysselman of Myre, who was at this time travelling through his district. On observing us, he dismounted ; and, after a little conversation ■with the Sysselman, who invited us to his house, the latter proceeded on his journey alone. The priest readily allowed us to take up our night's abode in the church ; and provided us with plenty of boiled milk ; with which, and a lamb we had purchased and roasted at Svigna-skard, we made up a tolera- ble dinner. The night became extremely cold, the wind being from the north. The sky was, however, remarkably clear ; and, from the door of the church, we had a line view of the Snaefell Jokul, which, from our nearer approach to it, now made a very magnificent appearance. * Hraundalur, literally translated, signifies the Lava Valley ; lava being called Hraun in the Icelandic language. Ch. II. Volcanic kills.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 159 We were informed of the existence of a mineral water near this place, which the minister discovered, and which will be more particularly noticed in the chapter on mineralofjy. Not being able to procure a guide, the priest offered to ac- company us as far as Kolbeindstadr ; and we resumed our journey at seven in the morning. Our companion, who was a tall, aukward man, dressed in a very uncouth manner, exhi- bited a singular figure when mounted on his poney ; and the effect was rather heightened by the ornamental trappings witli which the animal itself was decorated. We passed through the lava by a winding and rugged path ; and, as we went alqng, observed many conical hills, which were evidently of vol- canic formation. One of these, on the west side of the val- ley, is remarkable. It stands alone ; is about 300 feet high ; and is composed of slags and sand, having a rocky, scorified looking mass at the top. On some parts of the lava, where sand and a little soil had accumulated, weobservcd birch shrubs growing more luxuriantly than any we had before seen. At the place where we descended and quitted the lava, it ap- peared to be the most considerable mass we had met with. Having crossed a deep and rapid stream which skirts it, we arrived at the foot of a lofty range of precipitous mountains ; among the debris of which we found abundance of zeolite. On turning into the valley of Kolbeinstadr, which here is several miles in width, we observed it to be filled, like many other vallies in this district, partly with lava, and partly with bogs. In the flat towards the sea, we remarked a circular crater about sixty yards in diameter, surrounded by lava. Other appearances of the same kind occurred higher up the valley ; and we saw likewise several conical hills resembling that just described, many of them of considerable height, and exhibiting a surface of a reddish brown colour, derived 160 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. n. Kolbeinsladr. from the loose volcanic scorijE and sand of which they seem to be composed. Before us, in the striking precipices of the lofty mountain called Kolbeinstadr-Fialla, (or Fell), we saw some horizontal beds of rock beautifully arranged in columns. On the side of one of the mountains we were fortnnate enough to find a full-blown specimen of the Ranunculus Glacialis ; for Avhich jilant, Mr Hooker, when in Iceland, had looked in vain. We never afterwards met with it. We arrived at Kolbeinstadr about one o'clock. There is a very decent church here, in which we dined; the good people of an adjoining farm-house bringing us abundance of milk. They remained in the chiu'ch while we were engaged with our re- past; and examined our appearance and dresses with the most minute attention. The priest of Stadarhraun, Avho had par- taken in our meal, here took leave of us. We proceeded, imder the direction of a peasant, towards Roudemelr, on the opposite side of the valley ; crossing, in our way, a broad and rugged stream of lava, and traversing some very danger- ous and unpleasant bogs. When very near the end of our journey, our guide and his horse suddenly sunk into the swamp, but soon scrambled out. After this warning, we deemed it prudent to dismount, and proceed on foot, leav- ing o\n- horses to find their own way. The house and church at Roudemelr, are placed under the termination of a vast stream of lava, which here exposes a precipitous front of considerable height. The farmer, an old man, undertook to guide us to a spring of mineral water, which has been long knoAvn, and much celebrated, in Iceland ; and which Mr Clausen had recommended us to visit. Winding round the base of one of the conical volcanic hills which are so nume- rous in this valley, we came to the spring, about two miles to the north of Roudenjelr. It is called Ol-kilda, or the ale~ Ch. It. Aerated spring.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. iGl well. We saw two small cavities full of water, which was kept in constant and violent agitation by the escape of car- bonic acid gas. On tasting it, we found it to possess a strong, but grateful degree of pungency, very much like that of soda water, after it has been exposed to the air for a few seconds. As water highly impregnated, as this is, with carbonic acid gas, has been known to produce some degree of intoxication, the name may have been derived from this circumstance. No water ran from the cavities, nor was there any other re- markable appearance in the vicinity of the spring. The tem- perature was 45°; precisely the same with that of an adjacent stream . Near Roudemelr there is a very fine range of columns in a bed of rock, of which from fifteen to twenty feet are visible. In general, along the whole extent, which is about half a mile, tlie columns are very thick ; many fragments which had fal- len down, measuring five, and some six feet in diameter. How far they extended under the surface, could not be as- certained; but, from their thickness, it is probable that their length is very considerable. Some of them were detached several feet from the rock, and stood singly. The regularity of this rock formed a striking contrast to the ruggedness of the lava which has flowed near it. We had already found so much advantage in the plan of sleeping in the churches as we proceeded on our journey, that we did not hesitate to aA'ail ourselves of the same ac- commodation at Roudemelr, though we found the church here not in the very best condition. In almost all these edifices, there is a painting of the Lord's Supper above the altar, for the most part very wretched both in design and ex- ecution. There was a painting of this kind in the church at Roudemelr; and we saw chalked upon it the numbers and X l62 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Roudemeh. order of the psalms to be sung during the service of the sab- baih-day. These numbers are usually inscribed with chalk uj)()n the walls or beams of the building. While we made the churches our places of nightly abode, our guides, though they had an Iceland tent with them, always slept in the ad- joining farm-house or cottage; and appeared to be everywhere received by the inhabitants with great cordiality. In one of the apartments of the farm-house, we found two large barrels filled with the Lichen Islandicus, which was laid up for the use of the family during winter. On the morning of the 27th, a very thick fog came on* Having breakfasted on curds brought from the farm-house, we were fortunate in being enabled to purchase three addi- tional horses, which made the whole number in our caval- cade amount to fourteen. These were found necessary to the convenience of our journey ; the mineralogical specimens, which formed a considerable proportion of the burthen, re- ceiving every day some increase. One of our new horses was obtained for seven rixdollars ; the other two for eight rixdol- lars each. We likewise exchanged a horse here with a coun- try priest, who was travelling to the coast for fish, and had pitched his tent near the church during the night. This per-> son was more miserable in his appearance than any one of his profession whom we had seen in Iceland ; his habiliments being such as would scarcely have distinguished him from an English beggar of the lowest description. During the whole of our journey to Miklaholt, which was our next resting-j)lace, the fog was so thick as to prevent our seeing the country through which we passed. This perhaps was not to be regretted, as we traversed, during the whole way,- either lava, loose stones, or almost impassable bogs. Of all we had hitherto seen, the bogs here were the most for- Cb. n. Miklaholt.] TRAVELS IN IC EL AXD, l63 midable. The farmer of Roudemelr was our guide ; but he was glad to procure the assistance of a peasant whom Ave took up at a house in the way. The horses were often in great danger from sinking into the swamp ; and every step was made with apprehension. Some idea of the difficulties and danger of this stage may be formed, when it is stated, that we spent five hours in going eight miles on horseback. We saw, in the course of our day's journey, several Icelandic tents, pitched in green spots, where the horses employed in carrying goods could feed. The tents used by the natives of the country are made of woollen stuff, and formed like a mar- quee, but very small. They are supported by two poles and a rail, and stretched by means of small cords fastened by stones, or sometimes by wooden pegs. The baggage was heaped up round the outside of the tents which we passed in our way to Miklaholt. Some of the people %vere going for fish, and others returning with it from the coast. They had stopped on account of the weather, about which an Icelander is much more apprehensive than his general habits would seem to indicate. Miklaholt is situate on a small eminence, completely sur- rounded by morasses ; and consists of a church, the priest's house, and a few cottages. The priest was not at home when we arrived, but soon made his appearance. His wife receiv- ed us with every demonstration of kindness ; and, shewing us into a small room, the furniture of which consisted of a bed, two tables, a bench, and a few boxes, prepared some coffee for us. When the husband, a tall, good looking man, returned, he displayed an equal degree of kindness and at- tention. He was extremely fond of snuff; and we return- ed his hospitality by a present of some of English manu- facture. The Icelandic snuff-boxes are commonly made 164 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. II. Snuff-box. of wood ; but the better sort of people have them made of the tooth of the sea-horse, or walrus, and ornamented with sil- ver. Their common shape is seen in the vignette, which is taken from one that was presented to us by Mr Simonson of Reikia- vik. The snuff' is put in at the bottom, and taken out at the smaller end, and laid on the back of the hand, from whence it is drawn into the nose. In windy weather, this end of the box is put into the nostril, and the snuff is poured out. The quantity of snuff taken by the Icelanders is very great, and it constitutes one of the most important of the few luxuries which they can be said to enjoy. Early in the morning we began to prepare for our depart- ure, and were, as usual, a little disturbed by the curiosity of the people, who crowded rovnid us in the churchyard, and watched all our movements with the most minute attention. The minister, habited very much like an English sailor, imder- took to guide us through the bogs. We were told that we should not find the way through them, on this side of Miklaholt,so bad as on the other, as there was a bridge constructed for the accom- modation of passengers, This bridge we found to be no other ihan a narrow and deep ditch, with loose, sharp stones at the i^JKiril-'iF JBOX Ch. II. Stadarstad.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. l65 bottom, along which we passed in a string ; for if any of the horses had stepped but a few inches to the right or left, they would infallibly have sunk into the swamp. Having passed the bogs, we came to a stream, which we had to cross a dozen times at least, before we reached the sea-shore, which we gained by passing over a broad and deep ford. Being now upon tolerably firm sand, we put our poneys to the gallop, and soon got over two or three miles very pleasantly. The priest of Miklaholt, having seen us safe across some deep holes filled by the flowing tide, took his leave. For the last three days, we had been travelling in the dis- trict called Hnappadals Syssel. About six miles to the west of Miklaholt, we entered Snaefell's Syssel, which forms the extremity of the peninsula, terminated by the Snsefell Jokul. The central part of this peninsula, for its whole length, is occupied by a lofty range of mountains, between which and the sea on the southern side, an extensive tract of flat land intervenes. Beyond Miklaholt we found this plain to narrow considerably, becominc; not more than three or four miles in width. Some part of this extent is sandy, and appears to have been left by the sea. The greatest proportion, however, is boggy ; and the whole is covered with an abundance of fine grass, on which we saw numbers of cattle and sheep grazing. Here and there are small elevations, on one of which we found Stadarstad, a group of buildings, comprising a church ; the habitation of the minister, Mr Jonson, who is Provost of Snie fell's Syssel ; and a few detached cottages. The general appearance of this little hamlet had more the air of neatness and respectability, than any j)lace we had seen since we left Indreholm ; and, on inquiring for the Provost, in order to deliver a letter of introduction from the Bishop, we were pleased to find that his appearance was in conformity with 166 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. ii. Stadarstad. the impressions which his dwelling had made upon us. He was a good looking man, apparently upwards of sixty years of age, dressed in a gown of coarse black cloth, and a cap of the same stuff. He received us with an air of politeness, which corresponded, as much as any thing we had hitherto seen in this country, with what we are accustomed to regard as the manner of a gentleman. We delivered the Bishop's letter, which came to us while at Indreholm, accompanied with the following epistle. ' Dominum perillustrem nobilissimum Mackenzie ' Salvere jubet Geirus Vidalinus. ' Exigua haec epistolia, ut data occasione, Praepositis ' Toparchiae Borgarfiordensis, et Snaefellnsessensis tradantur, ' enixe rogo, certe persuasus ut, me vel non rogante, quid- ' quid in eorum potestate situm est, lubentissime servient, ad ' iter tuum facilitandum. Arnorus Jona? tibi quae in Borgar- ' fiordo visu digna sunt indicabit. Gudmundus vero Jonae ' facilem tibi praebebit antiquum montishujus incolam domi- ' nvun Bardum Snsefellsas,* cujus sine auspiciis mons Snaefell ' Jokul vix ac ne vix quidem superari potest.' The church at Stadarstad was the best we had seen, except that of Bessestad. It is constructed entirely of wood, and has a pretty large gallery. The weather had now become very serene, and in the evening we had a striking view of Snaefell Jokul, and the mountains stretching from it towards the east, the summits of which were still capped with snow. Those rising immediately behind Stadarstad are very lofty, * A sort of tutelar saint of the Snaefell Jokul. Ch.ii. Lysiehouh.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. l67 and present a bold and precipitous front towards the sea. Our breakfast consisted of trout, tern eggs, and milk ; and after finishing it, we spent some time in looking over the books in the Provost's house, a few of which we purchased. We found him to be an extremely intelligent man, and par- ticularly well informed on every subject connected with the history and condition of his own country. He was formerly secretary to the late Bishop Finnsson at Skalholt, and re- collected having seen Sir John Stanley there, when on his way to Mount Hekla. Having arranged all our little affairs, the Provost left us for a while, and soon returned, so altered by his dress, that we hardly recognised him. He had on a decent black suit, with boots, and had decorated his head with a very respect- able brown wig, and a hat. Altogether he looked much like a country clergyman of the Scotch church. We took leave of his wife, who had been very attentive to TiSj and proceeded towards Buderstad, the next stage of our journey. The road for the greatest part of the way lay along the shore. About six miles from Stadarstad, we left the re- gular track, and proceeded towards the mountains (which now begin to approach nearer the sea), in order to visit a hot spring. We found it near a place called Lysiehouls. The water issues from the top of a mount about ten feet high, and fifty yards in diameter, entirely calcareous. The temper- ature of the spring was 96°, and the water had an acidulous taste. Not far from the mount, were great quantities of in- crustations not calcareous, which had evidently been formed by some ancient springs. They were like those we had found at the hot springs of Leira. About half a mile from the spring, we came to a stream of lava that had flowed down the precipices above, and spread over the flat plain intervening 168 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Biukrstad. between the mountains and the sea. It did not differ in any respect from the many streams of lava we had seen before. Near Buderstad, we found another mineral water, the taste of which was similar to that of Lysiehouls : the temperature was 46°. In approaching Buderstad, it was necessary for us to cross some small inlets of the sea ; and as the tide was flowing, and the creeks were of considerable depth, we did not accomplish this without much difficulty. Our friend, the Provost, how- ever, brought us safely to the end of our day's journey at Buderstad, which place we found situate on the edge of lava, in the same manner as Havnefiord. This is one of the trading stations of Iceland ; and consists of a merchant's house, a large wooden storehouse, a church, and a considerable num- ber of cottages. The house is constructed of bricks, which have been brought hither from Denmark. We were received by Mr Gudmundson, its inhabitant and the principal person of the place, with every demonstration of civility. He is a merchant, and has connections at Reikiavik, and at Copen- hagen. The war between England and Denmark has been severely felt by Mr Gudmundson. No vessel has come to Buderstad for three years past, previously to which time, one or two every year used regularly to visit this station. In consequence of this interruption of the intercourse, the inhabitants are in great want of corn, timber, and iron ; and the storehouses are every where full of the produce of tlie country, for which no proper market can be found. The curiosity of the people manifested itself no where in such a degree as at this place. We could not move without being closely observed ; and when we a})plied oin* hammers to the lava, with the view of collecting specimens, it seemed Ch. II. Budcrstad lava.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. IGQ to excite no small surprise among the group of people who were watching our motions. But this changed to astonish- ment, when following us into the house, they saw us carefully Avrapping our specimens in paper. Whether they, thought us very wise or very foolish, we could not ascertain. Provost Jonson took his leave in the evening, and return- ed to Stadarstad, having previously made us promise that we would write to him on our return to Britain. In Mr Gud- mundson's house Ave passed the night tolerably well, being disturbed only by the crowing of a cock, which took up its lodging in the room where we had fixed our beds. We had a plentiful breakfast the next morning, of mutton, cheese, rye bread, and coffee, and departed highly pleased with the attention we had received. Our next stage was to Stappen, farther along the coast towards the west. We found the lava of Buderstad, Avhich it was necessary to cross in our way, far more rugged than any we had met with. Numerous rents and chasms of great depth presented themselves on every side ; and it was with much difficulty and a considerable degree of danger that our horses got across by a winding path, in many places exceedingly steep and rough. On examining one of the caverns which occur in this lava, it appeared to have been formed in a man- ner similar to those we had seen in the Guldbringe Syssel. We penetrated into it about 40 yards upon the surface of the congealed snow, which forms its pavement.* After much time spent in crossing this lava, which is here two or three miles in breadth, we at last reached the bay of * Egbert Olafson particularly describes the Butla-hraun, or lava of Buder- stad ; and endeavours to account for the vast caves and fissures which appear in it, by supposing that the water of the sea obtained access to the lava, while yet in a heated state. 170 TRAVELS IN ICELAND, [Ch.ii. Bat/ofStappen. Stappen. Here we found a large extent of flat sand forming the beach, upon which Ave halted, and measured a base, with the view of calculating the height of the Snsefell Jokul, from the foot of which mountain we were now not very far distant. The atmosphere being perfectly clear, we succeeded in tak- ing angles, by a calculation from which we ascertained the height of the mountain to be 4,558 feet. AVe afterwards found that this estimate did not differ more than a few feet from the measurement of the Danish otBcers, who are now em- ployed in surveying the coasts of Iceland. On the other hand, Egbert Olafson, one of the most eminent naturalists of Iceland in modern times, asserts that, by barometrical measurement, he found the height of the mountain to be not less than 7,000 feet ; a calculation certainly differing widely from the truth. >,M*W(/< -S .y,K H- K h jj Jo isri, . Ch. n. Stajjpen.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. t/l The vignette of Snsefell Jokul was taken from the sands upon \\ hich we measured the base. On leaving the beach, the road became more and more ro- mantic. We ascended and descended by winding paths, and crept along the edge of high chffs overhanging the sea, over which numerous streams were dashed into spray. At one place we crossed a rapid stream within a few feet of the pre- cipice over which the water fell. Numerous flights of sea- birds rendered the scene still more lively. We found Stappen on the brow of a range of curiously columnar rocks, large in- sulated masses of which stood in the sea, in various singular forms. We had not expected to find the Jokul a volcanic mountain , but the observation we now made, of streams of lava ha\ing descended from it in various directions, left no doubt of this being the case. Stappen, like Buderstad, is a trading station, and consists of a merchant's house, two or three storehouses, and a few cottages inhabited by fishermen. We were met at the door of the house by Madame Hialtalin, a Danish lady, whose hus- band, brother to our friend the priest at Saurbar, had been absent for some years. He had been taken prisoner on a voy- age to Denmark, and had afterwards contrived to reach Nor- way ; but, since his arrival in that country, he had not been heard of. The situation of his wife, and her family consisting of six children, was highly deserving of pity; and we had but a melancholy satisfaction in receiving the numerous marks of hospitality which they lavishly bestowed upon us. The man- ners of Madame Hialtalin were those of a lady, and appeared to us to the greatest advantage. * The house was perfectly * We have since had the pleasure of learning, that Mr Hialtalin returned to Iceland the following summer. 172 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Columnar rocks. clean, and the rooms neatly furnished. The principal bed- room was really a most refreshing sight to us, after the places of nightly abode to which we had for some time been accus- tomed. From the roof was suspended a small glass chande- lier. There were three windows with festooned curtains of white muslin; a handsome canopy bed, with very neat cotton furniture, sheets white as snow, and, as usual, a heap of Eider- down upon it. From the window there was a fine view of the mountains ; and the dashing of a little stream over its rocky bed beneath, produced a very pleasing sound. Nothing could exceed the gratification we derived from the good breeding and attention of our hostess and her family. The coast in the neighbourhood of Stappen is very remark- able ; presenting, for the extent of about two miles, striking and beautiful columnar appearances, both in the cliffs which form the shore, and in the numerous insulated rocks which aj)pcar at different distances from the land. The ranges of columns, which in general are about fifty feet high, and per- fectly regular in their forms, are variously broken, in conse- quence of their exposvire to the action of the sea. In some places large caves have been formed; and in two of these the light is admitted by fissures in the roof, producing a very sin- gular and striking effect. In general, the columns have a vertical position ; but in different places they are disposed in bundles upon one an- other in all directions. In several instances they appear di- verging from a centre ; and they assume, in short, every form which such rocks can be imagined to take. About a mile and a half to the west of Stappen, there is a curious perforated rock, forming a detachetl arch of considerable magnitude, the view through which is singularly picturesque, comprefiend- jng in the foreground many of the insulated masses of colura- Ch. II. Columnar rocks.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 173 nar rock, and in the distance, the fine range of mountains, which stretches along the peninsula towards the east. On the ^vhole, it is probal)le that a more curious range of cliffs is no- where to be seen, both with respect to the picturesque appear- ances they present, and also from the interesting facts they offer to the attention of the geologist. We proceeded along the coast, till interrupted by a broad and rugged stream of lava, the characters of which were differ- ent from any Ave had before surveyed. It originated in some part of the Snaefell Jokul, and had flowed into the sea ; but we could not discover any way by which we might safely reach the place where it had met the water. The lav'as of this dis- trict are very ancient ; no eruptions having taken place, either from the Snaefell Jokul, or from any part of the adjacent range of mountains, since the island first became inhabited. '■^.'f...,/. C'-:\^K .liT Staj'pe:^'. 1 "^ TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii. ii. To Olafsvih Wc remained at Stappen nearly two days, occupied in the survey of the various inte.esling objects in its vicinity. On the second day of our stay here, we took a boat for the purpose of examining from the sea tiie columnar cliffs and caves already described, which in many points are thus seen more advantageously than they can be from the shore. We saw on the beach at Stappen several sharks that had been taken for the sake of the oil of the liver, and the skin : two or three of these fish were of very large size. In several parts of Iceland, particularly on the northern and north-western coasts, the shark fishery is a regular oc- cupation. Strong hooks fastened to chains, and baited with muscles, &c. are- anchored a little way out at sea, and the fish, when caught, are towed on shore. Of the skin, shoes are made ; and some parts of the flesh are occasionally smoked, and used as food by the natives. It was long before we could prevail on Madame Hialtalin to procure us a little of this de- licacy ; but when it did make its appearance, our noses were assailed by so horrible an odour, that we were glad to have it removed as soon as possible. It was our original design to have attempted the ascent of the Snsefell.Jokul from the side of Stappen; but having been disappointed in this by the foggy state of the weather, we took leave of our kind hostess on the 2d July, and set ovit for Olafs- vik, on the northern coast of Snaifell's Syssel, to visit Mr Clausen. On our leaving the house at Stappen, we Avere honoured by the display of the Danish flag, which was hoisted on the roof. We retraced our steps for a few miles, and then, by a pass called the Kamskard, began to ascend the mountains. There are different routes by which one can reach Olafsvik from Stappen. That rovind the coast, by the west side of the Jokul, is very dangerous, and we preferred the one we took, as being Ch.ii. Olafsvik.] TRAVELS IN ICELANI>. 175 the best and most secure. The ascent was long and fatiguing; but we were amply repaid for our labour, by a very fine moun- tain scene at the summit, and an extensive view towards the north of the great bay called Breide-Fiord, Avitli the mountains of the Dale and Bardestrand Syssels in the remote distance. While descending, we came to a stream which fell over a pre- cipice, forming an extremely fine cascade. The rocks above the channel of the stream were connx)sed of very perfect co- lumns, about sixty feet in height. On reaching the shores of the Breide-Fiord, we travelled two or three miles to the westward to Olafsvik, which place is si- tuate on the side of a fine bay. It consists of the dwelling- houses of Mr Clausen and his factor, and about a dozen cot- tages scattered on the rising ground behind, which is bounded by grand precipices. The beach was covered with numerous piles of dried fish ; and we found the warehouses quite full of the same article, for which lately no sufficient market has been found. We afterwards learned from Mr Clausen, that his stock at Olafsvik consisted of several hundred thousand fish, salted or dried ; besides very large quantities of woollen goods, stockings, gloves, &c. manufactured in the country, and ready for exportation. Mr Clausen, who had returned from Reikiavik by sea a short time before, received us with much kindness, and introduced us to his wife, a lady whose appearance and manners we found extremely pleasing. She is a native of Denmark, and came over to Iceland only two or three years ago. The weather having now become more favourable, the ascent of the Snaefell Jokul was accomplished by my friends on the 3d of July ; and I give the following narrative of the expedition in the words of Mr Bright. ' After a hesitation of an hour or two, on account of the 176 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ll. SnafellJokul. ' doubtful appearance of the day, Mr Holland and myself, with ' our interpreter, and one of our guides, who was very desirous ' of accompanying us, p\it ourselves under the direction of a ' stout Icelander, who undertook to be our leader in the ascent ' of the Jokul. He, however, honestly confessed, that he had ' never been higher up the movintain than the verge of the ' perpetual snow, as the sheep never wandered beyond that ' limit ; but this was also the case with the other inhabitants ' of the district. Every one of us provided himself with an ' Iceland walking staff, furnished with along spike at the end; ' and, in case of need, Ave carried some pairs of large coarse ' worsted stockings of the country manufacture. We like- ' wise had our hammers and bags for specimens, a compass ' and thermometer, a bottle of brandy, with some rye-bread * and cheese. * Thus equipped, we set forward on our march ; and hav- ' ing passed two or three cottages, whose inhabitants gazed ' with wonder at our expedition, we directed our course in * nearly a straight line towards the margin of the snow. The ' nearer we approached it, vegetation became more and more * scanty, and at length almost entirely disappeared. After ' walking at a steady pace for two hours, in which time we ' had gone about six miles, we came to the first snow, and * prepared ourselves for the more arduous part of our enter- ' prize. The road being now alike new to all, we were as ' competent as our guides to the direction of our further * course. The summits of all the surrounding mountains ' were covered with mist ; but the Jokul was perfectly clear ; ' and as the sun did not shine so bright as to dazzle our eyes * with the reflection from the snow, we entertained good hopes ' of accomplishing our purpose. During the first hour the * ascent was not very difficult, and the snow was sufficiently Cb. u. SnafellJohii] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 17/ * soft to yield to the pressure of our feet. After that time * the acclivity was steeper, the snow became harder, ami ' deep fissures appeared in it, which we were obliged to cross, ' or to avoid by going a considerable way round. These fis- * sures presented a very beautifid spectacle ; they were at * least thirty or forty feet in depth, and though not in genc- * ral above two or three feet wide, they admitted light enough ' to display the brilliancy of their white and nigged sides. As ' we ascended, the inferior mountains gradually diminished * to the sight, and we beheld a complete zone of clouds * encircling us, while the Jokul still remained clear and dis- ' tinct. From time to time the clouds, partially separating, ' formed most picturesque arches, through which we descried ' the distant sea, and still farther off, the mountains on the ' opposite side of the Breide-Fiord, stretching northwards ' towards the most remote extremity of the island. ' In the progress of our ascent, we were obliged frequently to allow ourselves a temporary respite, by sitting down for a few minutes on the snow. About three o'clock, we ar- rived at a chasm, which threatened to put a complete stop to our progress. It was at least forty feet in depth, and nearly six feet wide ; and the opposite side presented a face like a wall, being elevated several feet above the level of the surface on which we stood ; besides which, from the falling in of the snow in the interior of the chasm, all the part on which we were standing was undermined, so that we were afraid to approach too near the brink lest it should give way. Determined, however, not to renounce the hope of passing this barrier, we followed its course till we found a place that encouraged the attempt. The opposite bank was here not above four feet high, and a mass of snow formed a bridge, a very insecure one indeed, across the chasm. z 178 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. u. SnafellJokul. Standing upon the brink, we cut with our poles three or four steps in the bank on tlie other side, and then, stepj)ing as Hghtly as possible over the bridge, we passed one by one to the steps, which we ascended by the help of our poles. The snow on the opposite side became immediately so excessively steep, that it required our utmost efforts to prevent our sliding back to the edge of the precipice, in which case we should inevitably have been plunged into the chasm. This dangerous part of our ascent did not continue long ; and we soon found ourselv'es on a tolerably level bank of snow, with a precipice on our right about 60 feet perpendicular, presenting an appearance as if the snow on the side of the mountain had slipped away, leaving behind it the part on which we stood. We were now on the summit of one of the three peaks of the mountain ; that which is situated farthest to the east. We beheld immediately before us a fissure greatly more formidable in width and depth than any we had passed, and which, indeed, offered an insuperable ob- stacle to our further progress. The highest ^leak of the Jokul was still a hundred feet above us ; and after looking at it sometime with the mortification of disappointment, and making some fruitless attempts to reach, at least, a bare ex- posed rock which stood in the middle of the fissure, we were obliged to give up all hope of advancing further. ' The peak of the Jokul we had now attained, is about 4,460 feet above the level of the sea. The extensive view which we might have obtained from this elevated point, was almost entirely intercepted by the great masses of cloud, which hung upon the sides of the mountain, and admitted only partial and indistinct views of the landscape beneath. It has been said by Egbert Olafson, and others, that from one part of the channel which lies between Iceland and Ch. II. SnafellJohd.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 179 ' Greenland, the mountain of Snsefell Jokvil may be seen on * one side, and a lofty mountain in Greenland on the other. ^ It is difficult to ascertain how far this is an accurate state - * ment. The distance between the two coimtries at this place * cannot be less than eighty or ninety leagues. ' The clouds now began rapidly to accumulate, and were * visibly rolling up the side of the mountain ; we were there- ' fore anxious to quit our present situation as speedily as ' possible, that we might repass the chasm before we were in- ' volved in mist. Our first object, howev'er, was to examine ' the state of the magnetic needle, which Oiafson in his travels * asserts to be put into great agitation at the summit of this ^ mountain, and no longer to retain its polarity. What may * be the case a hxmdred feet higher, we cannot affirm ; but ' at the point we reached, the needle was quite stationary, and, ' as far as we could judge, perfectly true. We then noted an ' observation of the thermometer, which we were surprised to ' find scarcely so low as the freezing point ; and after an ap- ' plication to the brandy bottle, began with great care to re- ' trace the footsteps of our ascent. We found re-crossing the ' chasm a work of no small danger ; for whenever we stuck ' our poles into the snow bridge, they went directly through. ' The first person, therefore, who crossed, thrust his pole deep ' into the lower part of the wall, thus affording a point of sup- ' port for the feet of those who followed ; Mr Holland, how- ' ever, who was the second in passing over, had, notwithstand- ' ing, a narrow escape, for his foot actually broke through the ' bridge of snow, and it was with difficulty he rescued himself ' from falling into the chasm beneath. We were scarcely all ' safe on the lower side of the chasm, when the mist surround- ' ing us, made it extremely difficult to keep the tract by which • we had ascended the mountain. When we came opposite 180 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. II. Olafsvik. to a small bank which we had remarked in our ascent as being free from snow, we desired our guide to remain where he was, that we might not lose the path, while we went to examine that spot. We found the bank to be almost entirely composed of fragments of pumice and volcanic scoriae. After our return to the former tract, we made the best of our way- back to Olafsvik, which Ave reached at about a quarter past six, to the great surprise of every one ; for we were scarcely expected till the following morning ; such is the reverential awe inspired by the Jokul. None of our party seemed more gratified with the exploit than our guide, who having always been accustomed to look upon the Jokul as some invincible giant, greatly exulted in this victory over him ; but we after- wards learned, that he found considerable difficulty in mak- ing his friends credit his narrative of the ascent. ^/,4 !?~JJ"| Ch. II. Olafsvik.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 181 ' Tliermometer at different stages. ' At 11 o'clock on the shore 58° Fahren. — ]2 on the mountain . . 56° — 1 verge of the snow . . . 43° — 2 42° — 3 39° — 3 17 niin. at the highest point . . 34° On the snow at the same time . . 32°.'* ' We remained three days with Mr Clausen at Olafsvik. During this time several persons came to us for medical ad- vice ; and we inoculated a great number with the vaccine virus. The nearest medical practitioner resides at Stikkes- holm, about forty miles distant. During our stay at Olafsvik the weather was remarkably- clear and serene, and even oppressively warm Having a good opportunity from the situation of the place, of observing the setting and rising of the sun, it was found by Mr Holland on the night of the 5th July, that it remained under the horizon exactly two hours and thirty-five minutes. Previously to set- ting, it hung for a long time on the verge of the horizon, and even at midnight it had sunk so little below, that the bright * Professor Leslie, in the Appendix to the second edition of his Elements of Geometry, has given a theoretical Table of the height of the curve of congelation in different latitudes. In the latitude of the Snaefell Jokul, theory gives 2722 feet as the elevation of the curve. Sir J. T. Stanley, who reached the same sum- mit of the Jokul as that described by Mr Bright, has obligingly informed me, that by barometrical observation, he found the verge of the snow to be 2734 feet above the level of the sea ; which differs only 12 feet from the elevation given in Pro- fessor Leslie's Table ; and shews how very near, in this instance, theory has approached to truth. 182 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn.n. Ohfsvik. glow of the luminary \vas completely visible, and the light sufficient for the pursuance of the most minute occupation. We were at this time in latitude 64° 58' N. While in Mr Clausen's house, we felt quite at ease. No obtrusive curiosity, no restraint, incommoded us in our pur- suits ; and our host, having taught himself English, was able, without the uncertain assistance of an interpreter, to give us much information relative both to the topography and com- mercial concerns of Iceland. He had only a collection of voyages, and a volume of Roderick Random, in English ; most of his books in that language being at Copenhagen. He had travelled through several countries of Europe, and at this time talked of going to England, which purpose he has since accomplished. In a walk which we took along the coast towards the west, on the last evening of our stay at Olafsvik, Ave saw a great number of seals, at several of which we fired, but without success. These animals are particularly nvuiierous on the shores of the Breide-Fiord. We left the hospitable house of Mr Clausen on the 6th of July, and pursued our journey to Grunnefiord, having the intention qf varying our returning route along the peninsula, by following the line of its northern coast. We deviated from the road about fo\ir miles from Olafsvik, to examine some rocks which formed a promontory overhanging the sea. These rocks were columnar, and covered with vast numbers of kittiwakes, which took wing on our approach, and almost darkened the air. We here saw two large sea eagles, which prey upon the water fowl, and are very destructive to the Eider-ducks. Whenever the eagles passed over the rock, the noise made by the kittiwakes stunned our ears. The columns forming this promontory are for the most part vertical, and Ch. u. Grunnefiord.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 183 about sixty feet in height. Some of them, however, are con- torted in a very striking manner. They presented some curious geological appearances, which will hereafter be noticed. We now approached a place called Bulands-hofde, where the only means of advancing is by a path on the face of a precipice not less than a thousand feet high. To a consider- able height, it is quite perpendicular above the sea, and the path was in many places obliterated by the falling of the rocks and gravel above it. A more difficult and dangerous track cannot well be conceived. We were greatly alarmed lest some of our horses should fall down ; but they passed safely, having given remarkable proof of their steadiness and caution. This pass is totally stopped during winter by ice and snow ; and there are several instances of people who have perished in the attempt to proceed along it. All the way from Olafsvik to Grunnefiord, a distance of nearly twenty miles, the mountain scenery is very fine. The lofty precipices are varied in every form, and the summits of the mountains are broken into a thousand abrupt and singu- lar sha[jes. Cataracts are seen foaming and dashing from the rocks, and nothing but wood is wanting to make this one of the most picturesque countries in the world. There is one singular mountain not far from Grunnefiord, called Sukker-Toppen (Sugar loaf) in the charts, from its resemblance to a sugar loaf. Viewed from the east or west, the top appears tabular ; but when surveyed from the north or south, it is seen as a cone ending in a sharp point. Thus it appears that the summit of the mountain is an exceedingly narrow ridge. We found the merchant's house at Grunnefiord (Green - frith) situate at the head of an arm of the sea of the same name, which is derived from the extensive green flat stretch- 184 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. n. Grunnefioril. ing from the sea towards the movuitains. The merchant here, Mr Miiller, was on the eve of departing from the place in order to settle at Reikiavik, and had got most of his goods and furniture on board a sloop which was lying at anchor in the bay. We were well received, and as well entertained as Mr Midler's present circumstances would admit. We slept very comfortably in a room in his house ; and after the usual salutations had been evaded by some of the party, and sub- mitted to by others, we proceeded the next morning towards Stikkesholm, which is about twenty-five miles distant. A day's journey of such a length was a serious undertaking, impeded as we were by a long cavalcade of baggage horses ; and had any bogs been in the way, it would have been im- possible to have travelled so far in one day. Our route lay among mountains of a character similar to those we had passed. In a sort of cleft of prodigious magni- tude, we saw a fall of water about 150 feet high, dashing over a rock, of a curious reticulated appearance from the veins which intersect it, and afterwards rushing violently under several arches of snow. The rock, and the whole surrounding scenery, were very magnificent. We had now to cross a steep mountain, on the other side of which we met with a stream of lava, and the country be- yond it appeared to be entirely volcanic. The path through this stream was much better than any we had seen in similar situations, and we found very little difficulty in crossing the lava, though it was fully as rugged as that at Buderstad. We observed several cones composed of slags ; and the face of the mountain which we passed, after crossing the lava, was entirely covered with cinders. Having at length come to a green spot, near a cottage, we stopped to refresh ourselves and our horses. The poor people Cb.u. Stikkesholm.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 1S5 brought us some milk, which we were glad to drink, although we had recently witnessed a very disgusting instance of Ice- landic uncleanliness on a similar occasion. We made our rustic meal on the turf, our horses quietly grazing around us. Crossing another stream of lava, near its termination on the shore, we entered a low country, leaving the mountains on our right hand. The indentations made by the sea obliged us to proceed in a very zigzag direction towards Stikkesholm, which is placed at the extremity of a small peninsula. Near the isthmus over which we passed in entering this peninsula, is a hamlet called Helgafell, or the Holy Hill, from its situa- tion upon an eminence, with which certain superstitious ideas and usages were in ancient times connected. On this spot was established one of the earliest of those settlements which the Norwegian emigrants made upon tlie coasts of Iceland. While approaching Stikkesholm, we had several fine views of the Breide-Fiord, which is here completely studded with small rocky islands. Their number is stated to be 150, and this does not seem to be an exaggeration of the fact. Many of these islands contain vast numbers of Eider-ducks. Stikkes- holm is singularly sit\iate close to the sea amidst abruptly precipitous rocks, some of them columnar. The houses are large, and, as well as the storehouses and cottages, belong to Mr Tliorlacius, a native of the country, and reputed the richest man in Iceland. He lives at a place called Bildal, in the district of Bardestrand. His factor Mr Benedictson, another merchant, and Mr Hialtalin a surgeon, (son to the venerable priest of Saurbar), occupy the houses at Stikkesholm. The latter gentleman studied at Copenhagen, and was about to settle in some town in Jutland about two years ago, when he was ordered to occupy a vacant medical situation in Iceland. The district allotted to him is very ex- 2 A 186 TRAViELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. ii. Slikkesholm. tensive, and his salary is only about L.12 per annum. The profits arising from his practice during the first year of his residence at Stikkesholm have not exceeded L.6, and on tliis pittance he must support a wife and family. Before the war between England and Denmark, Stikkes- holm was a place of considerable traffic. The fishery begins earlier than in the Faxe-Fiord, and is very productive. Only one vessel came hither during the last season, from Norway; and our entertainers were of opinion, that the connection intended to be established with England by the late proclam- ation, would not remove their distresses. Mr Hialtalin was in Copenhagen during the last attack upon that city, and his house, and the greatest part of his property had been de- stroyed by the bombardment. He shewed us an umbrella which had been broken by a shot while he was sleeping under it in a tent. It was not very agreeable to listen to these nar- ratives, as we had nothing to say in vindication of the attack on Copenhagen. Mr Hialtalin also spoke of some bad usage he had met with from the captains of two English ships of war, while he was on his passage to Iceland. He and Mr Benedictson made many inquiries respecting the present state of Europe, and were greatly astonished when told of the mar- riage of Bonaparte. We spent the following day, which was Sunday, in the house of Mr Benedictson, at Stikkesholm. During the early part of the day, all the occupations of the people were sus- pended, and many of them went to the neighbouring church at Helgafell ; but, at six o'clock in the evening, the store- houses were again opened, and the inhabitants of the place, resuming their common dresses, went to work as usual. This is the case in every part of the country. The sabbath of the Icelanders, according to the ecclesiastical law of the island. Ca. It. Drapuhlid.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. IS/ begins at six o'clock on Saturday evening, and terminates at the same hour on Sunday; after which time any occupation or amusement may proceed as on the ordinary week days. The females of the family at Stikkesholm, as in the other houses of the higher class of people which we had visited, did not sit at the table when we were eating our meals. We ob- served here, however, that the master of the house always saluted his lady, when himself rising from the table ; a prac- tice which had not occurred to our notice before. On our arrival at, and departure from Stikkesholm, we were as usual honoured by the display of the Danish flag. On the 9th, we left the place, accompanied by Mr Hialtalin, who rode with us to the mountain of Drapuhlid, about six miles to the south of Stikkesholm. This mountain, from the previous accounts we had received of it, we had been led to consider as something very remarkable in a mineralogical point of view, and in these expectations we were by no means disappointed. Mr Hialtalin remained at the foot of the mountain while we were examining it; and, on our return, we found the Sysselman of the district with him. This officer had heard of our arrival at Stikkesholm, and came to deliver a message from the Amtmand Stephenson, requesting that we would take his house in our way in returning to Reikiavik. We observed a stream of lava that had descended from the mountains behind Drapuhlid, had divided, and run down each side of a ridge which connects this mountain with those to the south. On a small grassy spot at the foot of the mountain, we packed up the specimens we had procured ; and enjoyed a draught of excellent milk, brought to us in a wooden vessel from an adjoining cottage. Of this repast the Sysselman and Mr Hialtalin partook with us, the whole party sitting on the 1S8 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. ii. JVeavitig. grass. Having taken leave of these gentlemen, we pursued our journey to Narfeyre, situate on the east side of the Alpta- Fiord ; an arm of the sea which runs up several miles into the country, and is bounded on each side by lofty and mag- nificent mountains. We had to make a large circuit towards the head of the Fiord, and should have had a longer journey, had not the tide luckily been out ; so that we were enabled to cross the mud, by the help of a guide whom we took with us from the cottage near Drapuhlid. We found a very good church at Narfeyre, and took up our quarters for the night in it, On examining the loft of the building, we saw lying on a chest a mass which we were told was human fat that had been taken out of a grave. It appeared, however, to be the muscular substance converted into the saponaceous matter so much resembling spermaceti, a change effected by water. This is reckoned a very precious article as a medicine, and is frequently used by the Icelanders in pulmonary complaints. Before our departure from Narfeyre, we went into the farm-house adjoining the church, to see the mode of weaving commonly employed in Iceland. The whole process is auk- ward and laborious. The threads for the woof hang perpen- dicularly, being stretched by stones tied to them on a wooden frame. No shuttle is used ; but a thread is passed across the woof by the hand, and is stretched by rubbing a little piece of wood upon the threads. A portion of the rib of a whale, nicely polished, and shaped somewhat like a broad sword, is then introduced between the threads, and with this the warp is struck forcibly. In this way, a woman can weave a yard of stuff in a day. The stuff we saw in this loom, was conijiosed of red and yellow threads, and was intended for a bed-cover. These articles are exchanged for fish ; and the value of three yards is reckoned to be somewhat less than two dollars. Ch. II. To Snoksdalr.'\ TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 189 Having procured a guide, we set out for Snoksdalr, the next stage of our journey. The wind blew sharply from the north-east, and the day was the coldest we had yet experi- enced. The country through which our route lay, was for the most part low, and totally uninteresting. Not far from Narfeyre, there was a considerable track covered with small birch shrubs. Excepting the hamlet called Breidabolstadr, where there is a church and a solitary cottage, no human habitation appeared to enliven the dreary scene. We kept along the shore of the Fiord, and after a tedious and unplea- sant ride of about twenty-four miles, reached Snoksdalr at eight o'clock in the evening, where we found a good farm-, house and a small church. The latter did not differ materially from those we had already seen, except in having a different subject for the altar-piece, which was the stoning of St Ste- phen. On each side of the altar was a large chair, in the bot- tom of which were kept the habiliments of the priest. There were two dresses ; one of them of a red stuff, having a large cross embroidered in white, on each side of the robe. Tlie other was made of a sort of crimson velvet or plush, the crosses being formed of silver lace. Over the door- way to the altar was a curious group of male figures carved in wood, which appeared as if intended to represent Christ disputing with the doctors. Snoksdalr formed the limit of our northern journey. It is situate at a short distance from the extremity of the Breide- Fiord, on the brow of a hill, and in a very exposed situation, but in the midst of plenty of grass. We took up our abode in the church, while the inhabitants of the adjoining house cheer- fully supplied us with curds and milk, upon which suj)ply we now entirely depended, our stock of biscuit being nearly ex- hausted. We remained here during tlue M'hole of the llthj 190 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. To Iluam. in order that the horses might recruit their strength, for a long and fatiguing day's journey which they were next to encoun- ter. About Snoksdah" the country begins again to be moun- tainous, and towards the north and east nothing is to be seen but long ranges of dreary hills stretching across the narrow isthmus, which here separates the Breide-Fiord from the sea on the northern shores of Iceland. The breadth of this isth- mus, fi'om Snoksdalr to the nearest inlet on the northern coast, does not exceed forty miles. The cold north-east wind continued to blow, and to render our abode here by no means comfortable. The church too was in bad repair, and ex- ceedingly damp ; and at no time, during the day we passed in it, did the thermometer stand above 45°, even in the build- ing. The latitude of Snoksdalr is about 65° 5'. At five o'clock on the morning of the 12th, we recom- menced our journey. After crossing a rugged hill behind Snoksdalr, we entered an extensive valley, well clothed with grass, and studded with a number of cottages, to each of which a portion of the pasture belongs. We were told that there were about thirty such divisions in the valley, and that the greater part of the land in it is kept for pasture, no hay being made excepting round the farm-houses. From the num- ber of such valleys contained in this district, the Dal^ Syssel, in which we were now travelling, derives its name. From this valley, which is called Middalur, we passed into another, which gradually contracted for two or three miles, till we got to the foot of a steep and lofty ridge of mountains, called Brautarbrekkar. The ascent of this was long and labori- ous ; but we were gratified, on arriving at the top, with a view of some fine moimtains, stretching towards the south as far ■as the Western Skards-heide. The descent into the valley, on ihe south side, was very rapid. Having advanced a little way Cm. II. Sidumule.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. J9l into the valley, we dismounted, and took our breakfast by the side of a small stream. This done, the sun shining fvdl upon us, we stretched ourselves upon the grass, and slept for an hour very comfortably, though snow lay not a hundred feet above. A lofty and singular mountain, called Baula, forms the eastern side of the valley ; the direction of which is nearly north and south. After proceeding along it for some miles, we turned to the north-east, round Baula, which bears a strik- ing resemblance to the mountain of Drapuhlid near Stikkes- holm. We were now in the valley of the Norderaa, a con- siderable river, which we crossed several times before reach- ing the farm-house called Huam, where our day's journey terminated. We were now on the border of the low countrj^ through the centre of which the Huitaa flows. Having passed the night in the church at Huam, we recommenced our journey the following morning, attended by the farmer, who very readily undertook the office of guide. He was an oddly shaped, merry, and active little man, mounted on a miser- able horse, which, by dint of constant kicking, he made to move forwards at a great rate. After crossing several rocky ridges, we descended into the valley of the Huitaa, ten or twelv'e miles above the place where we had formerly crossed this river. In our way we passed through some birch wood, which was the tallest we had yet met with, the trees, in ge- neral, being from six to ten feet high. We stopped at Sidumule, the abode of Mr Otteson, Sys- selman of the Myrfe and Hnappadals Syssels. This gentle- man, whom we had already seen for a (ew moments at Stad- arhraun, from his answers to the various questions we pro- posed to him, seemed to be fully master of the duties of his office ; in which, however, he had been only a short time 19^ TRAVELS IN ICELAKD, [Ch. n. Huilar-vdlir. installed. In his library we found Danish translations of Sir Charles Grandison, of Addison's Cato, and other English works. If we might judge from the appearance of Mr Otte- son's dairy, in which we saw twenty- four large dishes full of milk, his farm, and his management of it, must be very good. Having been informed by Mr Otteson that we could not get across the river Huitaa at this place, without great risk of wetting our baggage, we were under the necessity of alter- ing our plans ; and instead of crossing directly to Reikholt, we resolved to return to Huaneyre, and from thence visit the hot springs near the former place. Mr Otteson was going to Huaneyre, and offered to be our guide. The banks of the river, almost the whole way, were swampy, and we had to M'ind through the bogs in various directions, which rendered our journey tedious and very disagreeable. We examined a hot spring on the western bank of the river, but found no- thing remarkable about it. The temperature was l65°. About eight miles from Sidumule, we crossed the Huitaa at a place where it was very broad, and so deep that the water reached our saddles. The singular colour of the water in this river was formerly mentioned. The stream, in general, is about one hundred yards broad, and very rapid. The left bank we found to be as boggy as the other ; but, under Mr Otteson's direction, who was very skilful in selecting the best route across these swamps, we got rapidly forward. On ar- riving at Huitar-vellir, the place where we had before crossed the river, we found that the hay harvest was just begun, several peasants being engaged in cutting the grass around the priest's house. Here we were informed that Amtmand Stephenson had gone to Reikiavik, which to us was a piece of bad news, as we had relied upon the use of his horses to go to Reikholt next day. But our usual good fortune did Ch. II. Son ofiheAmtmand.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 193 not forsake us. Not only the Amtmand, but our good friend Mr Fell, arrived at Huaneyrb from Reikiavik, almost at the same moment with ourselves ; and tliis unexpected meeting gave uncommon pleasure to the whole party. Mr Fell had come over into the Borgarfiord Syssel, to make some inquiry respecting the salmon fishery in this district. We also found here Mr Magnuson, who is Sysselman of the Dale S^'ssel. This large party, added to a very large family, occasioned some consultation on the manner in which we were all to be disposed of during the night. We were not suffered to wait for our baggage horses ; the good people set themselves to work, and, by means of chairs, and mattresses filled with Eider-down, soon made up a sufficient number of beds. From the noise over our heads, it was probable that the whole family, males and females, were crammed together in the loft. It is not uncommon in Iceland, as it must be in all countries imder similar circumstances of poverty, for people of all ranks, ages, and sexes, to sleep in the same apartment. Their notions of decency are unavoidably not very refined ; but we had sufficient proof that the instances of this which we wit- nessed expressed nothing but perfect innocence. Mr Bright being somewhat indisposed, Mr Holland and I occupied the following day in visiting the valley of Reikholt, leaving him behind with great regret. We were accompanied part of the way by the Amtmand, Mr Magnuson, and Mr Fell. The two former were going to hold a judicial court at a place called Huitaar, in the Myre Syssel. The eldest son of the Amtmand was our guide, a youth about sixteen years of age, and of the most promising talents. The fiuency and elegance with which he spoke the Latin language, and the progress he had made in the English under his uncle the Chief Justice, were far less surprising to us than the shrewd- 2b 191 ^ TRAVELS m ICTLL\-SD.[Ch. 11. Reikholt hot springSi ness of his remarks on every subject which occurred in con- versation. His father intends to send him to Copenhagen. If life shall be granted to him, and proper opportunities of prosecuting his studies, we venture to prophecy, that this young man will prove an honour to his native country, which may derive much advantage from his public services. After traversing a great extent of swampy ground, and encoimtering many difficulties in our progress through it, we at length reached the entrance of the valley ; the natural curiosities of which greatly exceeded the expectation we had formed of them. The hot springs in the valley of Reikholt, or Reikiadal,* though not the most magnificent, are perhaps the most curious among the numerous phenomena of this sort that are found in Iceland. Some of them, indeed, excite a greater degree of interest than the Geyser, though they possess none of the terrible grandeur of that celebrated fountain ; and are well calcvilated to exercise the ingenuity of natural philosophers. On entering the valley, we saw numerous columns of vapour ascending from different parts of it. The first springs we visited, issued from a ninnber of apertures in a sort of plat- form of rock, covered by a thin coating of calcareous incrvist- ations. We could not procure any good specimens, but from those we broke off, the rock appeared to be greenstone. From several of the apertures the water rose with great force, and was thrown two or three feet into the air. On plunging the thermometer into such of them as we could approach with safety, we found that it stood at 212'. ••> A little farther up the valley, there is a rock in the middle * Reikholt, means smoky hill ; Reikiadal, smoky valley ; Reikiadals-aa, the river of the smoky valley. <2ti. 11. IteikHvlt hot spr{ngs.]TnA\'r.LS IN ICELAND." 195 of the river, about ten feet high, twelve yards long, and six or eight feet in breadth. From the highest part of this rock a jet of boiling water proceeded with violence. The water was daslied up to the height of several feet. Near the middle and not more than two feet from the edge of the rock, there is a hole, about two feet in diameter, full of water, boiling strongly. There is a third hole near the other end of the rock, in which water also boils briskly. At the time we saw these springs, there happened to be less water in the river than usual, and a bank of gravel was left dry a little higher up than the rock. From this bank a considerable quantity of boiling water issued. About two miles farther up tlie valley, on the opposite side ■J/lM^///'-"/- JiDiT.iiTo Hmu^oajix'rBX arrisa BEiKiAJDAX,sa..v. 19^ TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cu.u.Baih. of the river, whose windings rendered it necessary for us to cross it several times, are the church of Reikholt, and the minister's house. We went thither for the purpose of ex- amining a bath which was built nearly 600 years ago by the celebrated Snorro Sturleson. The bath is a circular bason, constructed of stones, apparently without any cement, but nicely fitted together. It is about fourteen feet in diameter, and altogether about six feet deep, the water being allowed to fill it to the depth of about four feet. The hot water is brought from a spring about 100 yards distant, by means of a covered conduit, Avhich has been somewhat injured by an earthquake. We were told that cold water had been brought to it, so that, by mixing the hot and cold together, any de- sired temperature luight be obtained. All round the inside, a little way under the surface of the water, was a row of projecting stones, placed apparently to serve the purpose of steps. Steps were constructed as an entrance to the bath, close to the orifice by which the hot water entered. At pre- sent it is not much used, and the bottom is covered with veiietable matter and soil. In the absence of the minister, we were politely received by his wife, who gave us some excellent cream ; a good proof of the quality of the pastures of this valley. Proceeding down the valley on the side opposite to that on which we entered it, we came to a group of cottages, situate close to some hot springs. In the Avater of one of them we saw some pots, containing milk and curds. There is a sort of na- tural dome, several feet in diameter, formed over part of this spring, of clay and stones. It intermits at short and pretty regular intervals. Having sat down near an orifice in the dome from which steam was rushing, we obseived that the noise suddenly ceased, and the water, when it was visible, sunk Cb. u.Retkhohhofspt'ngs.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 197 down amonffst the stones in its channel, leaving them dry. After a short interval, the noise recommenced, steam rushed forth, and boiling water followed. We observed many repe- titions of this phenomenon, and the intervals were scarcely two minutes. It may be easily explained in the same manner as that of ordinary intermittent springs, connecting such an apparatus as is supposed to belong to them, with one in which steam may be brought into action in order to force the water upwards. Upon part of the mound or dome mentioned above, and extending a little way beyond, a hut was constructed, the entrance to which was by a long, narrow, and low passage. The heat of the earth occasioned by the hot water was here confined, so that the temperature of the air was 73°. No use was made of this hut except for the drying of clothes. It is singular that the people have not contrived the means of heating their apartments by the hot springs that are steady in their operations. One would think, that the great scarcity of fuel, and the difficulty of procuring it, would have suggested this long ago. The fear of danger does not exist, for the habitations are close to the springs; and near the place where boiling water is thrown out with the most terrible violence, and which will afterwards be described, the natives quietly repose. Their not having taken advantage of this natural source of comfort, must proceed from that want of enterprise, which is so conspicuous in the character of the Icelanders of the present day. About a mile farther down, at the foot of the valley, is the Tunga-hver, an assemblage of springs the most extraordinary, perhai)s, in the whole world. A rock (uatkel'J rises from the bog, about twenty feet, and is about fifty yards in length, the breadth not being considerable. This seems formerly to have been a hillock, one side of which remains covered with grass, 198 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ii. Jlternaling Ceyser. while the other has been worn away, or perhaps dcstroved at the time when the hot water burst forth. Along the face of the rock are arranged no fewer than sixteen springs, all of them boiling furiously, and some of them throwing the water to a considerable height. One of them, however, deserves par- ticular notice. On apj)roaching this |)lace, we observed a high jet of water, near one extremity of the rock. Suddenly this jet disappeared, and another thicker, but not so high, rose with- in a very short distance of it. At first we supposed that a piece of the rock had given way, and that the water had at that moment found a more convenient passage. Having left our horses, we went directly to the place where this had ap- parently happened ; but we had scarcely reached the spot, when this new jet disappeared, and the one we had seen before was renewed. We observed that there were two irregular holes in the rock within a yard of each other ; and while from one, a jet proceeded to the height of twelve or fourteen feet, the other was full of boiling water. We had scarcely made this observation, when the first jet began to subside, and the water in the other hole to rise ; and as soon as the first had entirely sunk down, the other attained its greatest height, which was about five feet. In this extraordinary manner, these- two jets played alternately. The smallest and highest jet con- tinued about four minutes and a half, and the other about three minutes. We remained admiring this very remarkable phenomenon for a considerable time, during which we saw many alternations of the jets, which happened regularly at the intervals already mentioned. This spring may be distinguished by the name of the ALTERNATING GEYSER. These springs have been formerly observed, though the singularity of the alternations does not seem to have been Ch. n. Alternating Get/ser.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 199 attended to as any thing remarkable. Olafson and Paulson mention, that the jets appear and disappear successively in the second, third, and fourth openings. We observed no cessation in any of the springs but in the two under consider- ation. To form a theory of this regular alternation is no easy mat- ter ; and it seems to require a kind of mechanism very differ- ent from the simple apparatus usually employed by nature in ordinary intermittent or spouting springs. The prime mover in this case is evidently steam, an agent sufficiently powerful for the phenomena. The two orifices are manifestly connected ; for, as the one jet sinks towards the surface, the other rises ; and this in a regular and uniform manner. We observed once, that when one of the jets was sinking, and the other beginning to rise, the first rose again a little before ■""^'■r-^rSt.,,. S.Mi6A^/&f%r THE TimOPHVXR Ainj ALTEBSATIITO OEYSEB . 200 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [CH.ii.AmfmajidSlephenson. it had quite sunk down ; and when this happened, the other ceased to make any efforts to rise, and reJurned to its former state, till the first again simk ; when the second rose and played as usual. This communication must be formed in such a manner, that it is never complete, but alternately in- terrupted, first on one side, and then on another. Not having obtained any explanation which we can con- sider quite satisfactory, and having been unable entirely to overcome the difficulty, we leave its solution to the ingenuity of those who may think the phenomenon of the Alternating Geyser worthy the exercise of their talents. The examination of the various natural wonders in the valley of Reikholt, detained us so long, that we did not reach Huaneyre \mtil a late hour in the evening ; and we found the rest of the party, who had left the place in the morning, already re- assembled there. Of all the Icelanders we had hitherto met with, we agreed that the Amtmand Stephenson had most of the appearance and manners of an Englishman. He is unassuming and mild in his address, and possesses something more than good com- mon sense. With the exception of Mr Steingrim Jonson of Bessestad, he is the only person in Iceland who imderstands the French language, which he speaks with considerable facility. His property and rank, as well as character, give him a high degree of respectability among his countrymen. The Amtmand did not terminate his great civility when we quitted his house the following morning, on our return to Reikiavik, but attended us several miles on the road to In- dreholm. Mr Fell having expressed his wonder at the swift pacing of the Amtmand's horse, I was requested to try it. The poney paced with me at the rate of twelve or fourteen miles an hour, while I felt as if sitting in an easy chair ; and Ch.ii. Indreholm.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 201 when, on dismounting, I spoke in warm terms of my admira- tion of the animal's performance, and the pleasure it had given me, the Amtmand, with a politeness that could not be surpassed at the most refined court, requested that I would honour him by accepting his horse. In spite of my remon- strances against his parting with an animal so valuable to him, and which it was probably impossible for me to convey to England, he pressed the matter so much that I was obliged to comply with his desire. He is himself famous in Iceland for the rapidity of his travelling. With two or three led horses, he usually accomplishes 100 English miles in twenty- four hours. We had a charming day for viewing the stupendous pre- cipices of the Eastern Skards-heide, over which mountains we again passed. On our return to Leira, we found all in a bustle preparing for a wedding, which was to be celebrated in the afternoon. Not wishing to mtrude, we stopped only to take a dish of coffee. The priest, and a number of people, dressed in their holiday clothes, had already arrived. Though it would have gratified our curiosity to see the marriage feast, we feared lest our presence might interrupt the enjoyment of the party. We remained at Indreholm only a few hours, haAing re solved, as the evening was favourable, to cross over to Rei- kiavik by sea. When formerly here, we had observed a quantity of the bones of small whales lying scattered upon the shore. We were informed that, early in the preceding winter, a shoal consisting of nearly a thousand of these whales had come on shore, and had been taken. At ten o'clock we went to the beach ; but, on getting into the boat prepared for us, it filled so fast, that we were glad to make our escape, notwithstanding the assurances of the 2 202 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. ii. The Handel. boatmen that the leaks were of no consequence. The Chief Justice soon had another boat launched, but we could not get away till the first had been drawn upon the beach. All hands from the house were called to assist, and men and women jumped out of bed on the alarm being given, and came down without waiting to dress themselves. We were perfectly thunderstruck with the appearance of this motley group. A pleasant sail of four hours brought us to Reikiavik at two o'clock in the morning, after an absence of one month and two days, during which we had travelled about three hundred and fifty miles. From the 25th of June till the end of July, the Icelanders frequent Reikiavik, in order to dispose of their commodities, and to piirchase such articles as they may require from the Danish merchants. They bring oil, fish, tallow, wool, butter, fox and swan skins, &c. which are taken in exchange for to- bacco, spirits, meal, rye, iron and steel, linen and cotton goods, thread, &c. &c. This period of traffic is called the Handel, and while it lasts, many thousands of laden horses come to the town. The people bring tents with them, in which they live during their stay, and on their journey. During^this period of activity little b\istle is observable, excepting in the shops. The Handel of this year Avas not so good as usual. Butter was scarce all over the country, and tallow being used in its stead, very little of that article was exposed to sale. There was a good deal of drunkenness observable at this time. The drinking of spirits is much encouraged by the merchants, both for the purpose of promoting the sale of that article, and of enabling them to over- reach the poor people who deal with them. During our stay at Reikiavik at this time, a day was ap- pointed for taking the salmon from the Laxaa (Salmon river), Ch. II. Salmon ^shery.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 203 about three miles from the town. This is a sort of gala day, and not only the people interested in the capture offish, but all the ladies and principal people attend. Sometime before the appointed period, parties were seen galloping off towards the scene of action. The river, which is small, divides into two branches about a mile from the sea. The channel is dammed up early in the morning, and the water forced into one branch, while the other is allowed to run almost dry, and the salmon that hap- pen to be in the river are thus easily taken. The river is held on lease by Mr Scheele, who keeps the tavern, and pays a rent of sixty dollars. Sometimes two or three thousand salmon are taken out. At the time we witnessed the capture, there ji.M'J :iryiy\.i'r of Srr.iEKW i..l .Jokt'X.. 204 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca.u.Amtmand TVwranson. were only nine hundred taken. The fish are caught in the early part of the season, in boxes formed like our mouse traps. The salmon fishery of Iceland appears to be an ad- mirable object for speculation, while the rents of our British rivers are so high. From the beginning of June to the be- ginning of August, vast quantities might be taken in the dif- ferent rivers with very little trouble. On the river near Reikiavik, near the place where the salmon traps are set, are the remains of a mill, which was erected many years ago for the purposes of the woollen ma- nufacture, Avhich did not succeed. About this time, Amtmand Thoranson, having been ap- pointed one of the commissioners for managing the affairs of Iceland in the absence of the Governor, came from his resi- dence at Eyafiord, in the north, to Reikiavik, He honoured us with a visit ; and we found him to be a man of plain sim- ple manners, but sensible, and possessed of much and accu- rate knowledge respecting every thing connected with Ice- land; and at the same time very liberal in communicating what he knew. Ca. III. Leave Reikiavik.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 205 JOURNAL. CHAP. III. On the 24lli of July, we attempted to leave Reikiavik, in Older to visit the Geysers, and Mount Hekla ; but the wind blew so strongly from the east, accompanied by very heavy rain, that, after having proceeded a few miles, we were obliged to return. Next morning the weather seemed to be improv- ing, and, though it was rather foggy, and heavy showers ap- peared all round, we departed for Thingvalla. * We were at- tended to the Geysers by Mr Fell, to whom we were very much obliged, and in whose society we often found great re- lief from the fatigues we underwent ; and by Mr Jorgen Flood, private secretary to Count Trampe. In the direction of Thingvalla the hills are low, and the country comparative- ly flat, and it contains much good grass, interspersed with boggy ground. We passed a deep gulley by a steep winding path, and here we once more perceived the great defect aris- ing, even in the most romantic country, from the want of trees, f On approaching Mosfell, we saw tlie vapour of se- * The double / is pronounced like tl. •f- We saw no vestiges of wood in the bogs ; and were informed, that where it occurs, the trees are small. Mr Hooker, however, saw one five or six feet long, and about a foot in diameter. 206 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.iii. Almannagiau. veral hot springs at the foot of the mountain, on the south side of the valley. At that place are a church, the priest's house, and some cottages. We found the good pastor busy cutting down his grass for hay ; an employment not beneath his calling, and a symptom of industry extremely pleasing. In England, the most wealthy, those of highest rank, do not disdain to amuse themselves in rural labour. With the poor priest, it was a matter of necessity to handle the scythe ; yet in necessity there is often much delight ; and there is little doubt that this man, and all the Icelanders occupied in the same way, were reaping the gifts of their Maker with glad and thankful hearts. On our approach, the priest left his work, and conducted us into his house. We were ushered into a very good room, and treated with abundance of milk by his wife, while he went to fasten the shoes of some of our horses. Having left Mosfell, We gradually ascended, and came upon an extensive tract of lava, which has been cover- ed in many places to a considerable depth, with sandy soil. Our ride was now dreary and tiresome, though the path was good. We halted to refresh the horses on a small spot where there was a little grass, the principal covering of the soil be- ing dwarf willows. Near Thing valla, we entered a deep and frightful fissure, called Almannagiau. This has been formed, with many others of smaller dimensions, and another large one which runs pa- rallel to it at a considerable distance, by the sinking of the ground during some of those terrible convulsions which have shaken Iceland to its foundation?. The whole rock bears marks of having been affected by fire. We came suddenly upon the brink of the precipice, and were turning aside from a scene so horrible, when we were told that we must descend. Our horses seemed prepared to carry us to the bottom, and Ch. III. Tfiingvalla.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 20/ we had already proceeded a little way, when compassion for them, not any doubt, or fear for our own safety, while we depended on these cautious and sure-footed creatures, inr duced us to dismount, and allow them to find their own way. Having admired this frightful scene,and the caverns which were exposed to view by the disruption of the rock, we got out of the hollow by a narrow path, and after crossing a small stream that runs into the lake, we arrived at the place of Thing- valla, which is about twenty- six miles distant from Reikiavik. Here is a small, mean, and dirty church, in which, however, we contrived to sleep. The priest is a very old man ; and has had his coffin prepared and placed in the church, though his appearance did not indicate a speedy dissolution. He was the only clergyman who seemed at all to dislike our occupy- ing the church ; and he did not receive ns with the same cor- diality we experienced from his brethren in other parts of the country. But we were treated with civility ; milk, and an excellent dish of fre^^h trout, fried, were soon brought to us. Trouts abound in the lake, and often go up where the water gets into the fissures of the lava ; so that, by throwing a line Avith a baited hook into a hole at a distance from the lake, where the water is not even visible, the people frequently catch them. The scenery about Thingvalla is romantic, but the want of wood, and the effects of subterraneous heat, combine to give an impression of dreariness. The lake is a fine sheet of water, leckoned to be about ten miles long, and from three to seven in breadth. There are two pretty large islands in the lake, called Sandey, and Nesey, composed entirely of volcanic matter. The mountains at the south end are very pictur- esque, and the vapour ascending from hot springs on their sides, contributes to the solemnity of the whole scene, which 208 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. m. Tkingvatla. has been created by the most dreadful commotion, and the destruction of a coinitry that may once have been beautiful and fertile. Near this place was the building where the courts of justice were held formerly. Reikiavik being now the seat of govern- ment, the courts are at present held there. Why Thing\'alla was originally chosen as the seat of justice, does not appear; but a town being once established, and trade carried on freely, and to a greater extent than in former times, ready recourse to the law became necessary. Though not more than ten years have elapsed since the judicial courts were transferred to Reikiavik, few remains are left to mark a spot so famous in the history of Iceland. The only building was a small wooden house in which the consultations were held, and sen- tence pronounced by the Stiftamtmand, or Governor. The Magistrates and people assembled on th6 occasion lived in tents. Those culprits who were condemned to die, were beheaded on a small island in the river Oxeraa, which here flows into the lake. The females were drowned in a deep pool below the lava, a little farther up the valley. An ecclesiastical court used to be held at Thingvalla by tlie Bishoj) of Skalholt, attended by the Provosts and two minis- ters from each Syssel.* Towards the north are several ranges of mountains, which, from the account received, and the appearances we observed, are volcanic. Among these the principal seems to be Skal- breidfe, a lofty Jokul, of which description of mountains others were seen at a distance. From Thingvalla to Skalholt, a distance of twenty-four * Tingwall in Shetland, and Dingwall in Ross-shire, are evidently the same name as Thingvalla in Iceland ; and were probably, in ancient times, places where justice was administered. Ca. III. Skalholt.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 209 miles, the country Is low and uninteresting ; except at a place where, from an eminence, we obtained the first view of Mount Hekla, and the stnpendous mountains beyond it. The road lies along the north end, and part of the east side of the lake, where there is a considerable tract of stunted birch, and willow trees. The depth of the lake is said to be very great, a line of a hundred fathoms having been sunk without bottom being found. After many turnings, and crossing some bogs, we came to a low hill, round which we passed, and having got safe over another bog, which seemed to be fully as hazardous as any we had formerly attempted, we reached the bank of a large river called the Brueraa, which takes its rise from the Apa Vatn. This lake receives the water of the surrounding bogs ; and near it, in different places, we saw vapours ascending from hot springs. After waiting and hallooing for some time, the boatman arrived and carried us across the river in a very good boat, the horses being obliged to swim. We stopped a few minutes at the house of the ferryman, whom, with his wife and family, we admired exceedingly on account of their clean- liness. Their persons, house, and the utensils in which they brought milk to us, were all neat , but this description must be understood comparatively. About a mile farther on is Skalholt, which has been erroneously denominated the capi- tal of Iceland, in most English books on geography ; but for- merly it might have been entitled to this appellation as well as any other place. Till Reikiavik became of some note, there was nothing in Iceland that could be called a town ; and it is no wonder that the seat of a Bishop should be honoured in preference to that of the Governor. The situation of Skalholt is beautiful. Towards the south, there is a view of a noble river, formed by the junction of that discharged from Apa Vatn and the Huitaa, bounded by a 2d 210 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.iii. Skalkolt. finely shaped hill in the distance ; another equally picturesque hill rising on the eastern bank of the latter, and facing Skalholt. Flat meadow land, gently swelling ground, and distant moun- tains towards the east, among which are Eyafialla Jokul and Hekla, form altogether a magnificent amphitheatre, and com- pose a landscape which, even without wood, was highly gra- tifying to the eye. Here we found Mr Jonson, the Lector of the school of Bessestad, for which place he was preparing to depart on our arrival. He remained, however, till the following morning, and gave us fresh cause for lamenting our having had so little of his society. A daughter of the late Bishop Finnsson, very attentively furnished us with the best provisions she had, and one of her brothers offered to shew us the way to the Geysers. On the 27th of July we set out to visit these celebrated fountains, which are aboutsixteen miles to the north of Skalholt. ::,,/:/.A^€^-^' '^'■^'■2:^/ .'^KAlLHOi.T. Cn.m. Geyser*.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 211 The country betueen is varied by gentle risings, and the pros- pect towards the north and west is bounded by mountains, from which there appear to have been many volcanic erup- tions. All the flat ground in this quarter is swampy, but, ex- cepting near the lakes, it is not so soft as to occasion any risk in travelling over it. To the eastward of Skalholt are several hot springs, and others rise among the low hills which we left on the right hand in going to the Geyser. We passed one farm- house situate on a rising ground in the midst of the bogs ; and the weather being favourable, the people were busy making hay ; a scene which afforded a pleasing change from dreary solitude. The whole of this extensive district abounds in grass, and were draining practised, might prove a very rich pasture country. Further on, we found some cottages at the foot of the moimtain ; round which we turned, and came in sight of the hill, on one side of which are the Geysers. This hill, "which does not exceed three hundred feet in height, is sepa- rated from the movmtain towards the west by a narrow stripe of flat boggy ground, connected with that which extends over the whole valley. Crossing this bog, and a small river whicli runs through it, we came to a farm-house at the east end of the hill, and arrived at a place where the most wonderful and awful effects of subterraneous heat are exhibited. On the east side of the hill there are several banks of clay, from some of which steam arises in different places ; and in others there are cavities in which water boils briskly. In a few of these cavities the water, by being mixed with clay, is thick, and varies in colour; but it is chiefly red and grey. Below these banks there is a gentle and uniform slope, composed of mat- ter which, at some distant period, has been deposited by springs that no longer exist. The strata or beds thus formed, seemed to have been broken by the shocks of earthquakes, par- 212 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. m. Geysers, ticularly near the great Geyser. Within a space not exceed- ing a quarter of a mile, there are numerous orifices in the old incrustations, from which boiling water and steam issue, with different degrees of force ; and at the northern extremity is the great Geyser, s\ifRciently distinguishable from the others by every circumstance connected with it. On approaching this place, it appeared that a moimt had been formed of irre- gular, rough looking depositions, upon the ancient regular strata, whose origin has been similar. The slope of the latter has caused the mount to spread more on the east side, and the recent depositions of the water may be traced till they coincide with them. The perpendicular height of the mount is about seven feet, measmed from the highest })art of the surface of the old depositions. From these the matter com- posing the mount may be readily distinguished, on the west side, where a disruption has taken place. On the top of this mount is a bason, which we found to extend fifty-six feet in one direction, and forty-six in another. At a quarter before three o'clock in the afternoon, when we arrived on the spot, we found the bason full of hot water, a little of which was running over. Having satisfied our cu- riosity at this time, we went to examine some other places whence we saw vapour ascending. Above the great Geyser at a «hort distance, is a large irregular opening, the beauties of which it is hardly possible to describe. The water which filled it was as clear as crystal, and perfectly still, though nearly at the boiling point. Through it we saw white incrus- tations forming a variety of figures and cavities, to a great depth ; and carrying the eye into a vast and dark abyss, over which the crust supporting us formed a dome of no great thickness; a circumstance which, though not of itself agree- able, contributed much to the effect of this awful scene. • if 5< l> J s. ■it U. I f Cii. ni. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 213 Near this spot are several holes from Avhich vapour conti- nually rises ; and from one of which a rumbling noise proceed- ed. This last might probably be taken for what Sir John Stanley denominates the roaring Geyser. But as the opening is not large, the beautiful cavity attempted to be described may have been the seat of that once furious spring. — ' One of ' the most remarkable of these springs,' says Sir John, ' threw ' out a great quantity of water, and from its continual noise ' we named it the roaring Geyser. The eruptions of this foun- ' tain were incessant. The water darted out with fury every ' four or fi\'e minutes, and covered a great space of ground ' with the matter it deposited. The jets were from thirty to ' forty feet high. They were shivered into the finest particles ' of spray, and surrounded by great clouds of steam. The ' situation of this spring was eighty yards distant from the * Geyser, on the rise of the hill.' From the last mentioned circumstance, notwithstanding the noise produced by the other, we are inclined to think that the first cavity described was the one whence these furious jets were thrown. The quantity of water that runs from it is small ; and its perfect stillness at the time we saw it, formed a striking contrast with Sir J. Stanley's description. The mass of incrustations which seems to have been formed by this spring, was open in several places, and the cavities were full of water. It is probable that an earthquake has deranged the mechanism of this spring, or that the production of heat at the particular spot where it is situate, has ceased to be suffi- cient to produce the striking phenomena it formerly exhiljited. Having examined several other cavities, I returned to the Geyser in order to collect specimens of the incrustations on the mount. I selected a fine mass close to the water on the brink of the bason, and had not struck many blows with my 214 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cm. in. Geysers, hammer, when I heard a sound like the distant discharge of a piece of ordnance, and the ground shook under me. The sound was repeated irregularly, and rapidly ; and I had just given the alarm to my comjianions, who were at a little dis- tance, when the water, after heaving several times, suddenly rose in a large column, accompanied by clouds of steam, from the middle of the bason, to the height of ten or twelve feet. The column seemed as if it burst, and sinking down it pro- duced a wave which caused the water to overflow the bason in considerable quantity. The water having reached my feet, I was under the necessity of retreating, but I kept my eye fixed on what was going on. After the first propulsion, the water was thrown up again to the height of about fifteen feet. There was now a succession of jets to the number of eighteen, none of which appeared to me to exceed fifty feet in height ; they lasted about five minutes. Though the wind blew strong- ly, yet the clouds of vapour were so dense, that after the first two jets, I could only see the highest part of the spray, and some of it that was occasionally thrown out sideways. After the last jet, which was the most furious, the water suddenly left the bason, and sunk into a pipe in the centre. The heat of the bottom of the bason soon made it dry, and the wind blew aside the vapour almost immediately after the spouting ceased. We lost no time in entering the bason to examine the pipe, into which the water had sunk about ten feet, and appeared to be rising slowly. The diameter of the pipe, or rather pit, is ten feet, but oear the top it widens to sixteen feet. The section, which is taken across the longest diameter of the bason, gives a distinct idea of the whole structnre of the external part of this wonderful apparatus. The perpen- dicular depth of the bason is three feet ; that of the pipe be- ing somewhat more than sixty feet, though there may be Cu. III. Geysers.'l TRAVELS FN TCELAND. 215 some inaccessible hollows which extend to a much greater depth. After the water had descended into the pipe, there was no appearance of any vapour issuing from it, till it had reached the mouth, when a little was visible. Even when the bason was full, the quantity of vapour was far from being so great as might have been expected to proceed from so large a sur- face of hot water. At five minutes before six o'clock it boiled a little, and continued to do so at intervals. Having thrown a stone into the water while it was perfectly still, we observed y%r« i^Srr/fim on/i^, 6aj!OZ>. oftJif Oreat ffevter. ^16 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. ui. Geyser Si that an ebullition immediately took place, and continued till the stone reached the bottom. All the party having provided themselves with large stones, threw them into the pipe, on a signal, when the Mater was still. When the stones were thrown in, a violent ebullition instantly followed ; and this escape of steam on agitation, may serve to assist a theory of tlie phenomena. At twenty-nine minutes past six o'clock the pipe was full ; and the water being within reach, its temperature was found to be 209°. At twenty minutes before seven we looked into the bason, and it was then hardly one-fourth full. The water Avas gently moved ; and in some little hollows of the bottom of the bason it had the appearance of ebbing and flowing. About five minutes after, while we were collecting specimens on the edge of the bason, and expecting nothing, three jets took place, none of which exceeded thirty feet in height. In the same manner, at a quarter past eight o'clock, jets were thrown up repeatedly during the space of three minutes, one of which was about forty feet high. After these casual jets the water did not sink, but remained, filling about three- fourths of the bason. Sir John Stanley mentions his having been surprised by similar unexpected jets ; and we must take this opportunity of advising travellers who may wish to see the Geyser, not to be rash in going into the bason while the water is rising, as an opportunity of safely gratifying their curiosity will always occur immediately after every great ex- ertion of the fountain. We pitched our tent at the distance of about one hundred yards from the Geyser, and having arranged matters so that a regular watch might be kept during the night, I went to my station at eleven o'clock, and my companions lay down to sleep. About ten minutes before twelve, I heard subterraneous Cv. III. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 21/ discharges, and waked my friends. The water in the bason was greatly agitated, and flowed over, but there was no jet. The same occurred at half past two. At five minutes past four on Saturday morning an alarm was given by Mr Bright. As I lay next the door of the tent, I instantly drew aside the canvas, when at a distance of little more than fifty yards, a most extraordinary and magnificent appearance presented itself. From a place we had not before noticed, we saw water thrown up, and steam issuing with a tremendous noise. There was little water; but the force with which the steam escaped, produced a white column of spray and vapour at least sixty feet high. We enjoyed this astonishing and beautiful sight till seven o'clock, when it gradually disappeared. This fountain we immediately conjectured to be what has been called, by Sir John Stanley, the New Geyser, We were occupied this morning in examining the environs of the Geysers ; and at every step received some new gratifi- cation. Following the channel which has been formed b}' the water escaping from the great bason during the eruptions, we found some beautiful and delicate petrifactions. The leaves of birch a«d willow were seen converted into white stone, and in the most perfect state of preservation ; every minute fibre being entire. Grass and rushes were in the same state, and also masses of j)eat. In order to preserve specimens so rare and elegant, we brought away large masses, and broke them up after our return to Britain ; by which means we have formed very rich collections ; though many fine specimens were destroyed in carrying them to Reikiavik. On the outside of the mount of the Geyser, the depositions, owing to the splashing of the water, are rough, and have been justly compared to the heads of cauliflowers. They are of a yellowish brown colour, and are arranged round the mount 2 E 218 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cb. lu. Geysers, somewhat like a circular flight of steps. The inside of the bason is comparatively smooth ; and the matter forming it is more compact and dense than the exterior crust ; and, when polished, is not devoid of beauty, being of a grey colour, mottled with black and white spots and streaks. The white incrustation formed by the water of the beautiful cavity before described, had taken a very curious form at the edge of the water, very much resembling the capital of a Gothic column. We were so rapacious here, that we did not leave a single specimen which we could reach ; and even scalded our fingers in our eagerness to obtain them. We found the process of petrifaction in all its stages ; and procured some specimens in which the grass was yet alive and fresh, while the deposition of the silicious matter was going on around it. These were found in places at a little distance from the cavity, where the water running from it had become cold. About a hundred yards from the Great Geyser towards the north, in the cleft where the disruption already men- tioned had taken place, and which has probably been form- ed by an earthquake, are banks of clay, in which there are several small basons fvill of boiling mud. The mud is thin, and tastes strongly of sulphate of alumina, of which we ob- served many films attached to the clay, which seems to have been forced up from below, through fissures in the ancient incrustations. The clay contains also iron i)yrites ; the de- composition of which has given it very rich colours. Almost directly above this place, under the rock at the top of the hill, are several orifices, from which steam rushes ; and there are some slight appearances of sulphur. Almost the whole of this side of the hill is comjjosed of incrustations and clay. Cii. til. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 219 The depositions of the present and former springs are visible to a great extent, about half a mile in every direc- tion ; and from their great thickness in many places, it is probable that they are spread imder the surface now covered with grass and water, to a very considerable distance. About half a mile up the rivulet, in the direction of Haukardal, where there is a church, another hot spring appears, which deposits silicious matter. From thence we obtained one of the most curious specimens we collected; it almost perfectly re- sembles opal. The situation of this spring is mentioned to shew the probability that the extent of the matter, which may for ages have been collecting, is very great; and its depth, from what is seen in the cleft near the Geyser, where it is visible to the thickness of ten or twelve feet, is probably also very considerable. It is somewhat curious, that no particular notice has been taken by the early Icelandic authorsof this, themostremarkable spot in all the island. Though hot springs are without num- ber, and occur in every part of the country, and may be regard- ed with indifference, yet the Geysers must have been remark- able at all times ; for the extent of the old incrustations shews them to have been deposited by springs of no ordinary dimen- sions. They are, it is true, on the verge of that vast district of uninhabited and desolate country which forms the interior of Iceland. In looking around as we approached the place, nothing was seen but rugged mountains, far extended swamps, and frightful Jokids rearing their frozen summits to the sky. Nothing in this direction seemed to invite the curiosity or en- terprise of people, already accustomed to the horrors of vol- canic eruptions, and fully aware that their only sure subsist- ence was to be derived from the sea. The indifferent and ca- sual manner in which the Geysers are mentioned by Arngrim 220 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii. m. Gej/sers. Jonas, shews this want of curiosity even among the learned of the Icelanders. He speaks of some great springs near Haukardal, to the north of Skalholt, which he had never him- self seen, but of which he had heard that they deposited incrustations, and changed vegetable matter into stone.* At the present day, the number of the natives who have visited these springs is comparatively very small ; and, by those who live near them, their extraordinary operations constantly going on, are regarded with the same eye as the most com- mon and indifferent appearances of nature. Towards the north-east, and east, the country is low ; the only elevated ground that appears towards the south-east being the sum- mits of Hekla, and Eyafialla Jokul. Several Jokuls break the view towards the north ; and we remarked one mountain which had several rugged and peaked summits soaring to a great elevation. However strongly the feelings excited by the produc- tions of the springs, and by the appearance of the sur- rounding country, were impressed upon us, we often turned anxiously towards the Geysers, longing for a re])etition of their wonderful operations. To them all our wishes and hopes were directed ; and we felt as if our eyes could never tire of beholding, nor our minds weary of contemp- lating them. The descriptions we had read, and the ideas we had formed of their grandeur, were all lost in the amaze- ment excited on their being actually before vis ; and, though we may perhaps raise their attributes in the estimation of the reader, we are satisfied that we cannot convey the slight- * Brev. Com. de Island. Hakluyfs Voyages, London 1S09, vol. 1. p. 596. — Saxo Gramniaticus, in his preface to the history of Denmark, sligiitly notices the Geysers ; and this is the earliest account we have. It proves them to have existed at least six hundred years. Ch. III. Geysers.} TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 221 est idea of the mingled raptures of wonder, admiration, and terror, with which our breasts were filled ; nor do we fear that any conception which may arise of the astonishing effect of the Geysers, will leave the traveller disappointed, who trusts himself to the tempestuous ocean, and braves fatigue, in or- der to visit what must be reckoned among the greatest won- ders of the world. After yielding u little to impatience, we were gratified by symptoms of commotion in the Great Geyser. At three mi- nutes before two o'clock, we again heard subterraneous dis- charges, and the water flowed over the edge of the bason ; but no jet took place. The same happened at twenty- five minutes past five o'clock, and at five minutes before seven. At thirty- five minutes past eight, it boiled over again, and immediately the new Geyser began to play, and continued till a quarter past nine. This Geyser gives no warning be- fore it spouts, and it is therefore necessary to be cautious in looking down Ihe pipe, unless it is known what time has elapsed since the preceding jet. While the spray and vapour are rushing out, one may approach with perfect safety, and stand quite close to the very brink of the pipe on the wind- ward side. The pipe is nine feet in diameter, not perfectly round, and rough and uneven within. Having been busily engaged in packing our specimens, and being somewhat tired, we went to sleep a little earlier than usual. We lay with our clothes on, separated from the ground by sheep-skins and a rug, in order that we might start up at a moment's notice. Mr Fell and Mr Flood had left us to return to Reikiavik ; and we had soon cause to regret that they had departed before the next eruption of the Great Geyser took place. On lying down, we could not sleep more than a minute or two at a time ; our anxiety causing us often 222 TRAV^ELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. hi. Geysers. to raise our heads to listen. At last the joyful sound struck our ears ; and we started up with a shout, at the same mo- ment when our guides, who were sleeping in their Iceland lent at a short distance opposite to us, jumped up in their shirts, and hallooed to us. In an instant we were within sight of the Geyser ; the discharges continuing, heing more freqtient and louder than before, and resembling the distant firing of artillery from a ship at sea. This happened at half past eleven o'clock ; at which time, though the sky was cloudy, the light was more than sufficient for shewing the Geyser ; but it was of that degree of faintness which rendered a gloomy country still more dismal. Such a midnight scene as was now before us, can seldom be witnessed. Here description fails altogether. The Geyser did not disappoint us, and seem- ed as if it was exerting itself to exhibit all its glory on the eve of our departure. It raged furiously, and threw up a suc- cession of magnificent jets, the highest of which was at least ninety feet. At this time the sketch from which the engraving is made was taken : but no draviang, no engraving, can pos- sibly convey any idea of the noise and velocity of the jets, nor of the swift rolling of the clouds of vapour, which were hurled, one over another, with amazing rapidity. After this great exertion, the water, as before, sunk into the pipe, leaving the bason empty. At seven minutes before seven o'clock on Sunday morning, the Geyser boiled over ; and again at twenty minutes past nine ; and this was the last time we saw it in motion.* * In Olafson's and Paulson's travels, we have a description of the Geyser, in which the height of the jet is stated at three hundred and sixty feet. This, making every allowance for deception, is certainly an exaggeration, since in subsequent observations made at distant periods, we find a striking uniformity. The heights observed at the time Sir Joseph Banks visited Iceland in the year 1722, are stated S/.W<^,. J. 'n-S „;,■.'./ £„y,-''ir^^ l/i/.A-// EiRUPTIDIf ,R EAT 13 1-: i'.^ & M Pn^/is/ifi/ A}' A. Cof> sAiA/^ V (T- T^: Wf^iArrry/i NE^'' CjEYSER Ch. iir. Gei/sers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 223 At thirty-two minutes past nine, the New Geyser began its operations by throwing the water out of the pipe at three or four short jets, and then some longer ones. As soon as the bulk of the water was thrown out, the steam rushed up with amazing force, and a loud thundering noise, tossing the water frequently to a height of at least seventy feet. So very great was the force of the steam, that although a brisk gale of wind was blowing against it, the column of vapour remained as perpendicular as it is represented in the engraving. It pro- ceeded in this magnificent play for more than half an hour,, during which time we had an opportunity of taking a correct sketch of this beautiful fountain. A light shower fell from the vapour, which has been attempted to be expressed ; but the imitation is very far short of the fine effect it produced. Sir John Stanley saw it throw up water to the height of one hun- dred and thirty-two feet. When stones are dropped into the pipe while the steam is rushing out, they are immediately thrown up, and are commonly broken into fragments, some of which are projected to an astonishing height. This Geyser, we were told, had formerly been a compara- tively insignificant spring, like many which we saw around. There is no bason round the pipe, but there are some remains of incrustations on its brink, similar to those round several of the smaller springs. The water constantly boils violently, about by Von Troil, to have been from six to ninety-two feet. Sir John Stanley men- tions the highest jet to have been ninety-six feet. He visited tUe Geyser in the year 1789. I have stated the heights as vaiying from ten to at least ninety feet. From these observations it appears tliat the great Geyser has not failed in magnificence after the lapse of thirty-eight years. Sir John Stanley mentions that, as the jets rose out of the bason, they reflected by their density the most brilliant blue ; and that in certain shades the colour was green. We did not observe any thing of this kind, which probably depended on the position of the spectator, and the bright- Bess of the sun, which scarcely shone while we were near the springs. 224 TRAVELS IN ICELAND, [Ch. in. Geysers. twenty feet below the mouth of the pipe ; but no subterrane- ous discharges take place to announce its operations ; and this circumstance seems to render a different theory from that of the great Geyser, necessary for explaining the jihenomena.* Each spring seems to have its own reserv^oirs, and its own mechanism distinct from the others. There is a small Geyser about a hundred yards distant from the new one, as it was called by Sir John Stanley, the phenomena of which we think worthy of being described, though after viewing the great Gey- ser, there is nothing wonderful in them. The description, how- ever, may serve to shew what a singular range of cavities and pipes must exist mider a small extent of surface, in order to produce the extraordinary effects which have been detailed. This little Geyser, for so Ave shall call it, first attracted our * This Geyser seems to have undergone a considerable change since the time of the expedition to Iceland undertaken by Sir Jolin Stanley. ' Its pipe,' says Sir John, ' is formed with equal regularity as that of the great Geyser, and is six feet ' ten inches in diameter. It does not open into a bason, but it is nearly surround- ' ed by a rim or wall two feet high. After each eruption the pipe is emptied, and ' the water returns gradually into it, as into that of the old Geyser. During three ' hours nearly that the pipe is filling, the pai'tial eruptions happen seldom, and do ' not rise very high ; but the water boils the whole time, and often with great vio- * lence.' Sir John further informs us in a note, that before the month of June 1789, the year he visited Iceland, ' this spring had not played with any great • degree of violence, at least for a considerable time. (Indeed the formation of the • pipe will not allow us to suppose, that its eruptions had at no former period ' 'been violent.) But in the month of June, this quarter of Iceland had suffered '-some very severe shocks of an earthquake ; and it is not unlikely, that many of * the cavities communicating with the bottom of the pipe had been then enlarged, ' and new sources of water opened into them.' Our author also says, that the eruptions of the new Geysw resembled those of the great one, consisting of several jets succeeding each other rapidly. It will be seen from the theory I have formed of the phenomena, that the change has been occasioned by the supply of water to the pipe having become less, while the great re- servoir of water, subject to occasional and sudden increase of heat, remains the same. Ch. III. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND; 225 attention while watching the great one on the night of the 27th. There are several openings near it, from one of which water occasionally spouts to the height of ten or twelve feet, and a number of holes whence steam rushes. The little Gey- ser does not throw its water above four or five feet high, but its phenomena are similar to those of the great one, whose grandeur it may one day rival. The pipe of this Geyser, at the depth of eight feet, is of an irregular shape, three feet by two in Avidth, and opens like a funnel into a shallow bason about ten feet in diameter. When we went to examine it, the water was sinking into the pipe, and was at the same time very much agitated. After it had reached its greatest depth, which was about seven feet, it remained quiet for a considerable time, and we took the opportunity of going to examine some springs near it, which boil constantly. On our return we found all quiet, but in a very short time the water became disturbed, and before it began to rise we counted nineteen distinct bursts of steam. It then rose gently, a burst of steam taking place at intervals, and at each burst the water rose a few inches : sometimes it rose .ilmost a foot, and then, sunk again. Thus it proceeded for some time, till at last the ebullition became more constant, and the water rose faster. At length there were violent bursts of steam, and the water rapidly approached, being thrown up in short jets ; and at this time we felt a distinct trembling of the ground, but heard no subterraneous noise. The bason was now filled, and we left the spring throwing up jets at short intervals. The little Geyser is pretty regular, and continues its operations about an. hoiu'. It is probable that the water of all these springs is of the same nature with that of the great Geyser ; those, how- ever, that are muddy, are different in respect to the ingre- dients contained in the water. 2f 226 TRAITILS IN ICELAND. {Ch. ni. Gtysers. From all tlie circumstances which have been mentioned, it is evident, that a vast variety of cavities exists in the space from which the water issues in so many different ways. In forming a theory of the phenomena, therefore, any kind of mechanism may be supposed, that, by means of steam, is capable of producing such effects. The following theory, which was formed on the spot while the phenomena were before us, is submitted to our readers. Were the appearances regular in duration, and the inter- vals between the jets always equal, it would not be difficult to construct an apparatus which would exhibit them with precision ; but in both respects, as well as in the degree of violence, there is great irregularity. From whatever source the heat proceeds, whether from the combustion of beds of coal, the decomposition of pyrites, or any other cause, there can be no hesitation in granting tlie possibility of a greater quantity of heat being ev olved at one time than at another ; or of the heat remaining steady at intervals. It is not merely possible, but very probable, that the wonders of the Geysers are caused by svidden productions of heat. By such a sup- position they may easily be explained with the help of an ex- tremely simple apparatus ; but without it, a very complicated system of pipes and cavities, and perhaps, too, of valves, will be necessary. A column of water is suspended in a pi{>e, by the expan- sive force of steam confined in cavities under the surface. An additional quantity of steam can only be produced by more heat being evolved. When heat is suddenly evolved, and elastic vapour suddenly produced, we can at once account for explosions accompanied by noises. The accumulation of steam will cause agitation in the column of water, and a far- ther production of vapour. The pressure of the column will Ch. III. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 227 be overcome, and the steam escaping, will force the water upwards along with it. Let us suppose a cavity C communi- cating with the pipe PQ, filled with boiling water to the height AB, and that the steam above this line is confined, so that it sustains the water to the height P. If we suppose a sudden addition of heat to be applied under the cavity C, a quantity of steam will be produced, which, owing to the great pressure, will be evolved in starts, causing the noises like discharges of artillery, and the shaking of the ground. The pressure being now greatly increased, the water must rise out of the pipe ; an oscillation is produced ; the water is pressed downwards from A to Q, and the steam having now room to escape, darts upwards, breaking through the column, and carrying along with it a great part of the water. As long as the ex- 228 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. m. Geysers. traordinary supply of sleani continues, these oscillations and jets will go on. But at every jet some of the water is thrown over the bason, and a considerable quantity runs out of it. The pressure is thus diminished ; the steam plays more and more pmverfully, till at last a forcible jet takes place, a pro- digious quantity of steam escapes, and the remaining water sinks into the pipe. This explanation, however, is not quite complete, as it requires the production of tlie extraordinary quantity of heat to cease the moment after the last jet, which is in general the most violent. For though we may suppose the whole of the water to have been expelled, which it is not, unless the accumulation of heat was stopped at the very in- stant of the last and strongest jet, we should lind steam rush- ing from the pipe. But it uniformly happens, that after the last jet all becomes perfectly quiet ; and this unformity we know has continued since the time that Sir Joseph Banks saw the Geyser. It may be as allowable to infer a sudden cessation, as a sudden production of heat. But it is a very curious circumstance, that the heat should continue to pro- duce steam, just as long as the pressure of the water conti- nued considerable, and that it should cease the instant that the pressure is removed. AVe think that this last fact may be explained, by the diminution of temperature occasioned by the escape of the vast body of vaj)Our, which accompanies the last effort. The same configuration of a cavity will explain the phe- nomena of the new Geyser satisfactorily. We have only to suppose that there is a smaller supply of water, and that in- stead of a column reaching to P, pressing against the steam in the reservoir, the water reaches only a little way, if at all, above the level of that within the cavity. Things being thus adjusted, a sudden evolution of heat causes no explosive Ch. hi. Geysers.] TRAVELS IN ICELA>'D. 229 escape of steam, as there is but little pressure to overcome. The instant that an extraordinary supply of vapour is brought into action, part of it passes through the water, and carries some up with it. This is repeated, more and more water being thrown out ; at last there is no interruption, and the steam rushes forth with fury and noise, till, the heat abating, the force of the jet is gradually weakened, at last exhausted, and the phenomena cease. Another way of accounting for the operations of these ex- traordinary fountains, which appears equally plausible with what has been stated, has been suggested. It requires the existence of a strongly heated surface free from water ; and also that of a small subterraneous fountain, operating like the little Geyser we have described, expelling its water occasion- ally, so that it flows over the heated surface, by which means an additional quantity of steam may be temporarily produced. But this explanation is perhaps more deficient than the other ; for if we suppose the water which is to be suddenly converted into elastic vapour to be furnished from a small subterra- neous fountain, the operations of that fountain must be ex- plained, and the same difliculties that remain to be overcome in the case of the Geyser, meet us in this ; as they must also do in whatever mode we may suppose water to be supplied. About a mile from a place called Husavik, in the north of Iceland, is the Uxahver, (ox spring,*) which is more regular, and is said nearly to equal the Geyser in the magnificence of its operations. We returned to Skalholt on the 29th. This place, during many centuries, was the residence of one of the Bishops. On the death of the last Bishop of Skalholt, the learned John * It is said that this name was given to it from the circumstance of an ox hav- ing accidentally fallen into it, and been boiled alive. 230 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.iii. Skalholl. Finnsson (son to Finnur Jonson, the author of the Ecclesias- tical History of Iceland), and that of the Bishop of Hoolum, which occurred soon afterwards, application was made to the court of Denmark to sanction a union of the two sees. This was granted ; and the title of Bishop of Iceland was first conferred on our friend Geir Vidalin, who still holds that dignity. The church of Skalholt is a neat small building of wood, erected on the site of the former one, which was taken down about six years ago. That, the Bishop's house, and a few cottages, constituted the supposed capital of Iceland. There IS a very good picture of the late Bishop, painted at Copen- hagen, in the church ; and, on the floor of the space before the altar, is a beautiful white marble slab, inscribed to bis memory by the present Chief Justice. The font, and pulpit of the old church, which are curiously carved and painted, are in the present building. Near the door of the church are some epitaphs carved on stones ; none, however, of an old date. The following is a specimen of them : ' Priscis nobilibus creatus olim, ' Virtutisque patrum beatus hseres^ * Dilecti genitoris ipsa imago, ' Et desiderium pise parentis, ' Communisque amor omnium bonorum. ' Quos secum sociavit alma fides, ■ ' Et candor sibi nescius fraudis ; ' Eheu ! precipiti nimis ruina, . ' Mortis vulnifico peremptus oestro, ' Post vita; decies duos Decembre, * Msestse Thorstenides domus levamen ' Eggertus jacet hac sepultus in urna ; ' Amoris ergo fecit, Joliannes Vidalinus.* Cn.m. North of Iceland.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 231 The easiest route from the southern to the northern parts of Iceland, is by the way of Skalholt. To Skagastrand, the nearest road is by Thingvalla and Kahnanstunga; which last place is situate a little to the north-east of Reikholt. There is another route through the eastern part of the Borgarfiord Syssel. The northern division of the island is usually called the Nordland ; the others, Ostland, Sudland, and Vestland. We had no time for exploring the Nordland : indeed, to tra- vel through it would take up a whole summer ; which, pro- bably, might be sjient in that quarter by a naturalist, with much profit and pleasure. Respecting that part of the coun- try, we obtained some information from Amtmand Thoran- son, which we may take the presentopportunity of communi- cating to the reader. A journey to the northern part of the island, from Skal- holt or Thingvalla, generally occupies three or four days. The interior of Iceland, an extent of perhaps not less than forty thousand square miles, is a dreary, inhospitable waste, without a single human habitation, and almost entirely un- known to the natives themselves. Through more or less of this desert, a traveller going to the northern coast, or com- ing towards the south, must necessarily pass ; and it is no wonder that it has become customary to travel through it night and day without stopping. The greatest proportion of the Nordland is the property of the farmers who occupy it. Some of it belongs to the church ; and part to the crown. The lands which belonged to the school of Hoolum, were sold to the farmers of the dis- trict at the time when that establishment was removed.* The population is confined to the shores of the Fiords ; * For an account of the mode in which the land in general is possessed, see the chapter cm Biira) Affairs. 232 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. lii. North of Iceland. along which, and up the valleys, an extent, in many places, of above twenty miles, is occupied. In the four Syssels com- posing the Nordland, viz. Hunavatn, Hegranes, Vadlfe, and Thingoes Syssels, there are about 12,000 inhabitants. The Vadle, in which Eyafiord is situate, is the most populous in proportion to its extent, containing about 3000 people. Tiie harbour of Eyafiord is the best on the northern coast. At this place there are three wooden dwellinghouses, and four storehouses. Before the war, three ships used to be laden every year at this port, with tallow, wool, woollen goods, salted mutton, sheep-skins, &c. ; the particulars of which will be found in the tables in the chapter relating to the state of conmierce. Except during the month of June, and the beginning of July, and in September and October, there are no cod-fish nor haddocks found in the Fiord ; and it is only at some dis- tance out at sea that the fish are taken at these times. The months of April and May are chiefly occupied in taking the Houkal, or Shark. The shark fishery is principally carried on at Siglifiord, a place about fifty miles north-west from Eyafiord. At the last mentioned place, herrings appear in vast shoals during the months of June and July ; and are taken by means of Seine nets at the upper extremity of'the Fiord. We heard, as no uncommon occurrence, that one hundred and fifty bar- rels of herrings are taken at a single hawl of a net. The fish are sold to the farmers in the neighbourhood for one rixdol- lar a barrel. Several rivers of considerable size run into the Evafiord; but the courses of the rivers in this part of the island have never been traced to any great distance up the country. Hofsos, and Skagastrand, are the next most considerable Ch. III. North of Iceland.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 233 places of trade on the northern coast of Icehmd. The for- mer, on the western side of the Skagafiord, is a very bad harbonr, and only one merchant has settled there. This Fiord receives the waters of two rivers ; one of which is as large as the Huitaa of Borgarfiord, and is called Kolbeinsdalsaa. At the head of the Skagafiord, not far from Hofsos, is Hoolum, which, initil the close of the last century, was the seat of one of the Bishops of Iceland. A public school was also estab- lished there ; but now the place consists only of a few cot- tages; and, in its present state, contains nothing particularly worthy of notice. Skagastrand is situate on the western side of the large promontory which bounds the Skagafiord, It is a bad harbour ; and, towards the end of September, is par- ticularly unsafe, on account of its being exposed to the north wind, and floating ice. This place formerly furnished a cargo for one vessel every year ; but, since the commencement of the war, we believe the arrival of even one ship has not been regular. Husavik is the only commercial station which remains to be mentioned. It lies to the north-east of Eyafiord, on the Skialfandefiord, which receives the waters of a large and ra- pid river called the Skialfandefliot, and also a river called Laxaa, which flows from the lake Myvatn. There is no good fishing at Husavik ; but a great many seals are caught dur- ing the winter. Eider-ducks are very abundant on the coast. Throughout the whole of the northern districts, the pas- ture is very good, though not so rich as that of Borgarfiord, and some other parts of the Sudland. It is better calculated for sheep than cows ; but it is always necessary to feed the sheep with hay during the greatest part of the winter. La- bourers being scarce, and the summer short, numbers of peo- 2 G 234 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. iil North of Iceland. pie go from other parts of the country, particularly from the Guldbringe Syssel, to assist in securing the hay crop. The Nordlancl is the only part of the country where goats are kept. The Fiords on the north coast are frozen over every win- ter ; bvit the open sea only in the most severe seasons. Float- ing ice frequently comes upon the coast, both during winter and summer. Very little ice is ever seen on the western side of the island, notwithstanding its proximity to Greenland ; but, on the eastern shores, it comes often farther south than Berufiord, which it completely shut up about the middle of May this year. The prevailing wind proceeds from the north. Snow generally begins to fall in large qviantities about the end of September, and remains on the ground till the middle of May, and sometimes much later. The greatest degree of cold which Amtmand Thoranson recollected to have observed, v\ as about ■minus 35°. Last winter, the thermometer, about the end of January, stood at minus 30°, for several weeks. The greatest heat of summer he had observed, was about "/(f. These de- grees are those of Fahrenheit : the thermometer used by the Amtmand was that of Reaumur. We left Skalholt on the 30th, in order to visit Mount Hekla. On approaching this mountain from the westward, it does not appear remarkable ; and has nothing to distin- guish it among the surrounding mountains, some of which are much higher, and more picturesque. It has three distinct summits ; but they are not much elevated above the body of the mountain. After passing some dangerous bogs, we came to the noble river Huitaa, which derives its name from the same cause that gives that appellation to the river of Bor- garfiord. It is not, however, equally white, being somewhat Ch. III. Skalholt to Hekla.] TRAATIILS IN ICELAND. 235 of the colour of the Thames as it passes through London. Having crossed this river in a boat, making the horses swim over before us, we traAelled over a flat countr}-, sometimes through bogs, sometimes among sand banks, and occasionally on good dry turf, till we approached a farm-house, called Reikuni, when we came upon lava. Indeed, we had been travelling over a particular species of this substance almost all the way ; as shall be more particularly explained in the chapter on mineralogy. This place of Reikum, derives its name from a hot spring near it, which made its first appear- ance during an earthquake in the year 1789- Here we were informed that there was no boat at the usual place of crossing the Thiorsaa ; and that we must go down the river to a place called Eyalstadir. The farmer haWng agreed to be our guide, he mounted his horse, and we proceeded over an extensive flat, in some parts boggy, and in others rough with lava. This is part of an extensive plain, the opening of which, from the sea, reaches from Eyarback to the INIarkarfliot, a distance of about thirty-six miles ; and it extends a great way to the north, a number of low hills and ridges rising in it here and there. On many parts of this great flat, there has been a large deposition of loose sand, the spreading of which by the wind has done considerable mischief, and is still continuing to be injurious. This district is by far the richest in pasture that we saw during our stay in Iceland. On our arrival at E3'alstadir, after a tedious ride, we found the Thiorsaa to be a very large turbid river; and we had some fears lest our horses should not be able to swim across, as at this place the river is about a quarter of a mile broad. The ferry boat which was destined for us was large enough for three persons, and that number was sufficient to keep the gunnel close to the w ater, so that the slightest motion 236 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. hi. Eyahtadir Ferrtj. to the right or left must have filled it in a moment; but al- though the wind was blowing strong against the current, we were carried in safety to the other side. In this little bark the ferryman sat with the utmost composure, and rowed across with two horses tied to the stern. The animals seem- ed to be perfectl}' aware, that if they did not swim steadily, their fate and that of the boat would he the same. We were told, that it was no micommon thing to see this man cross in his little boat with four or five horses at a time ; and that, when the people are going to Reikiavik with their goods, he frequently ferries over several hundred horses in one day, and several thousands in the course of the season. The fare for crossing the ferry was a mere trifle, a few of the small coins, called skillings, which are equivalent to our halfpence ; but we gave the man a dollar, telling him that we greatly admired his skill, which made him very happy. From the opposite bank the place of Kalfholt is about two miles distant ; per- haps not so much in a direct line, but a bog intervenes which occasions the rovite to be circuitous. We there found a church, which we entered and occupied without much ceremony. The Priest presented himself in a dress through which we could not possibly descry the slightest tokens of the clerical character. On his head was a greasy woollen cap that had probably once been white, elevated like a sugar loaf. A short jacket and breeches of the same stuff adorned his body, and his legs were covered with coarse black stockings reaching above the knee. His father was dressed in the same mode at our arrival; but he had a small white beard which rendered his figure somewhat more venerable than that of his son. Both of them, after some time, put on their best clothes. Tlie Priest accompanied us, next day, a part of the road to Ch. III. Rangaa River.] TRAVELS IX ICELAND. 237 Storuvellir, where the Provost of the district Hves. The road lay among low hills and bogs; and on our wa}-, we saw some young Ptarmigans in a place not suited to the general habits of that bird in our own coiuitry, where they frequent stony places on the tops of mountains. We now came into the ])lain from which Hekla rises ; but we had no view of the mountain as we approached, as it was covered with clouds. We j)assed through lava which had been exposed to view by the blowing of the sand that covers so great an extent of this country. Storuvellir is situate in the midst of this tract ; and round it there is a great deal of excellent grass. The Provost had a large stock of old hay, which, w ithout any report in his favour as a good rvu'al economist, would have been a sufficient proof of his merit. He received us with great kindness, but annoyed us a little by the excess of his attention or curiosity. The Provost is reputed rich ; and it is said that he has made his fortune entirely by his fjood management of his farm, on which we saw a con- siderablc flock of sheep, and some cows. The winter provi- sion of stock-fish kept in the church, was no advantage to its atmosphere, which can undergo little purification ; for the windows of the churches, in general, did not seem to be made to open. The weather being still foggy, we could not see Hekla as we approached it. On the 1st August, we passed through lava of the same description as that pervading every part of this flat district we had travelled over. We crossed the river call- ed Wester Rangaa, the water of which is perfectly transpa- rent, and flows along the foot of Hekla, on the west side. The bed of this river is very remarkable, being formed of rug- ged masses of lava, which being here and there elevated in peaks, cause great rapidity in the stream. Owing to the clefts 238 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cji. hi. Naifurholt. ill the lava, it is very dangerous to attempt crossing the river at this place without a guide. The Provost was very oblig- ing, and gave us instructions in what manner to follow him across ; and as soon as he saw us safe, he took leave and re- turned to Storuvellir. On the end of a long ridge, running nearly north and south, close to the base of Hekla, is a small farm, called Naifur- holt. Here we halted ; and the grass having been recently monn, we found an admirable station for our tent. The cottager, Jon Brandtson, whom we found to be the most obliging and active Icelander we had met with, was not long in making his appearance, and ministering to our wants. He told us that he could guide us to a place where there was a great quantity of Iceland agate, or obsidian ; a piece of in- formation the most welcome we had for a long time received. That substance was one of the chief objects of our mineralo- gical researches ; and not having before met with it, w-e had given up all thoughts of seeing it in its place ; when honest Brandtson, observing us employed with the minerals we had already collected, brought a mass of obsidian to us, and re- lieved us from a most severe mortification. He told us that the place where he had seen great quantities of that substance, was situate near the Torfa Jokul, and distant a long day's journey from Naifurholt. Our time was now limited ; but we had no hesitation in making up our minds to endure considerable fatigue, in order to visit a spot so interesting to us ; and even, in case of need, to relinquish the project of ascending the far-famed Hekla; and, accordingly, we re- solved to undertake this expedition next day, as the weather did not appear favourable for the ascent of the mountain. Having made preparations for both adventures, we went early to bed. Ctt.m.CountrrfbeyondHekla.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 239 Finding, at two o'clock in the morning, that Hekla was entirely obscured by fog, we mounted our horses ; and each taking a spare one, we departed, Brandtson leading the way. In the course of our journey, as the clouds dispersed, we had different views of the mountain, which is completely co- vered with slags. Few streams of lava seem to have taken their course on the west and north sides ; indeed, we saw distinctly only one. Hekla, like Snsefell Jokul, terminates a long group of comparatively low hills. Viewed from the westward, when Eyafialla, Tinfialla, and other Jokuls beyond it are in sight, the mountain makes no great figure ; but, from the east and south, it appears to rise out of the hills surrounding it, and is very conspicuous. Our road towards the obsidian lay between the Rangaa and the Thiorsaa, the course of which is nearly from north- east to south-west. This last mentioned river here rolls its large turbid stream, over rugged masses of lava rising abrupt- ly from its bed ; and in its efforts to overcome the obstruction thus occasioned, dashes among the rocks, forming impetuous rapids and falls. Great quantities of alluvial sand appeared disposed in strata in different parts of the country through which we passed ; and in other places there were extensive accumulations of volcanic sand composed of pumice and cinders. Having recrossed the Rangaa, we entered a wide plain, bounded by Hekla and the adjacent mountains on one side, and by a lofty, precipitous, and broken ridge on the other, the surface being completely covered with lava, sand, or mi- nute fragments of scoriae and pumice. The lava which has flowed over the plain, the termination of which we could not see, appears to have been remarkably rough, from the nu- merous sharp pointed masses rising out of the loose sand and 240 TRA^-ELS IN ICELAND. [Cii.iii.Counlri/bei/ondHekla. slags, the accumulation of which has rendered it passable. We travelled about fourteen miles, judging of the distance by the time our journey occupied, and then halted at the foot of a large mass of lava, and changed our horses ; stop])ing no longer than was necessary for shifting our saddles. The sub- sequent part of our route, though still through an extremely desolate country, was rendered more easy by the absence of lava, and somewhat less forbidding by the appearance of thin- ly scattered vegetation on the vallies, and on the sides of some of the hills. Ere long we found ourselves inclosed in a hollow among the mountains, from which there was no ap- parent outlet; but following the steps of our guide, we pursued a winding course, passing through a number of rivulets of very thick muddy water which proceeded from under the snow on the mountains.* As we went along we observed several craters in low si- tuations, from which flame and ejected matter had proceeded during the convulsions to which this part of the island has been particularly subjected. After having advanced about fifteen miles farther, and traversed a part of that immense waste which forms the interior of Iceland, and is partially known only to those who go in search of strayed sheep, we descended by a dangerous path into a small valley, having a small lake in one corner, and the extremity opposite to us bounded by a perpendicular face of rock resembling a stream of lava in its broken and rugged appearance. While we ad- vanced, the sun suddenly broke through the clouds, and the brilliant reflection of his beams from different parts of this supposed lava, as if from a surface of glass, delighted us by * Extensive masses of clay are not uncommon in volcanic districts, especially where there are hot springs, or where such have existed ; and this may account for the peculiar colour of most of the large rivers of Iceland. C«.m.Cottntryhe7/ondHeJcra.]rB.AVT:,LS IN ICELAND; 241 an instantaneous conviction, that we had now attained one of the principal objects connected with the plan of our expedi- tion to Iceland. We hastened to the spot, and all our wishes were fully accomplished in the examination of an object which greatly exceeded the expectations we had formed. The mineralogical facts which here presented themselves to our notice, will be described in a sxibsecpient chapter. On ascending one of the abrupt pinnacles which rose out of this extraordinary mass of rock, we beheld a region, the desolation of which can scarcely be paralleled. Fantastic groups of hills, craters, and lava, leading the eye to distant snow-crowned Jokuls ; the mist rising from a waterfall ; Jakes embosomed among bare, bleak mountains ; an awful profound silence ; lowering clouds ; marks all around of the furious action of the most destructive of elements ; all com- bined to impress the soul with sensations of dread and won- der. The longer we contem})lated this scene, horrible as it ■was, the more unable we were to turn our eyes from it; and a considerable time elapsed, before we could bring ourselves to attend to the business which tempted iis to enter so frightful a district of the country. Our discovery of obsidian affordeil us very great pleasure, which can only be understood by zeal- ous geologists ; and we traversed an inunense and rugged mass of that curious substance, with a high degree of satis- faction ; though various circumstances prevented our tracing it so fully as we wished. Towards the east, at the distance of three or four miles, we observed a very large circular hollow, the sides of which were chiefly of a bright red colour; from which circumstance, and its general apjiearance, we concluded that it was the cra- ter of an extinct volcano. The waterfall, the noise of which ■jve distinctly heard, though at the distance of several miles, 2h ^42 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ctt. m. Ascent of Hekla. was formed by the Tunaa, a large ri^'er, which takes its course in this part of the country, and joins the Thiorsaa. Brandtson told us that he had never been farther in this direction ; and pointed out to us the Sprang^ Sands, a vast plain, consisting of volcanic matter, which is stretched over a great part of those inhospitable regions already mentioned. Numerous obstacles present themselves to any person who may think of entering this dreadful country, among which the want of food for horses is the principal. The rivers, lakes, streams of lava, all the horrors of nature combined, oppose every desire to penetrate into these unknown districts ; and the superstitious dread in which they are held by the natives is readily excused, the instant they are seen, even from afar. We saw the lake called Fiske Vatn, and the summits of se- veral Jokuls, in the distance, which will be more particularly noticed afterwards, as we observed them more distinctly from another station. Before we had satisfied our curiosity, rain fell in torrents, and continued to do so for an hour or two. We had not proceeded far on our return to Naifurholt, when it ceas- ed, and was succeeded by a very thick fog, through which Brandtson guided us safely, and we reached our tents soon after twelve o'clock at night, having been absent twenty-two hours, during seventeen of which we were on horseback. After the fatigue we had undergone in our excursion to- wards tlie Torfa Jokid in search of obsidian, we did not ex- pect to find ourselves sufficiently refreshed to attempt ascend- ing Mount Hekla on the following day ; but, as we had been long in the constant habit of enduring daily hardships, we rose at an early hour on the third of August, quite alert ; and, on seeing the whole of the mountain free from clouds, we were soon ready to finish our labours, by ascending Hekla, Ch. in. Ascent of Hekla.] TRAVELS IN ICELANU. 243 and attaining the summit of a mountain whose fame has spread to every quarter of the world. At ten o'clock, we were ready ; and Brandtson having collected our horses, we mounted them, and began our expedition under circumstances as fa- vourable as we could wish. We rode through sand and lava about three miles, when the surface became too rugged and steep for horses. Our guide proposed leaving the poor ani- mals standing till we returned ; but though they would not have stirred from the spot, we sent them back, not chusing that such valuable and steady servants should remain a whole day without food. We now proceeded a considerable way along the edge of a stream of lava, and then crossed it where .■''^"^^^ri'^fiM. .55 p NT > ' ! T ' . ■•' 1-J JiKi.v AS 3 KEIY FK OJ>I I^fATTTrKJaOLT . &i£lduM_^^,^^' 244 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. {Cii. nr. Jscent of Hckla. 5t was not very broad, and gained the foot of the south end of the mountain. From this place we saw several mounts and iioUows from which the streams of lava below aj)peared to have flowed. While we had to pass over rugged lava, we ex- perienced no great difficidty in ad\ ancing ; but when we ar- rived at the steepest part of the n)ountain, which was cover- ed with loose slags, we sometimes lost at one step, by their yielding, a space that had been gained by several. In some places we saw collections of black sand, which, had there been any wind, might have proved extremely troublesome. The ascent now became very steep, but the roughness of the surface greatly assisted us. Before we had reached the first summit, clouds surround- ed us, and prevented our seeing farther than a few yards. Placing implicit^ confidence in our guide, we proceeded, and having attained what we thought was the nearest of the three summits, we sat down to refresh ourselves, Avhen Brandtson told us that he had never been higher up the mountain. The clouds occasionally dividing, we saw that we had not yet reached the southern summit. After having passed a number of fissures, by leaping across some, and stepping along masses of slags that lay over others, we at last got to the top of the first peak. The clouds now became so thick, that we began to despair of being able to proceed any farther. Indeed it was dangerous even to move ; for the peak consists of a very narrow ridge of slags, not more than two feet broad, hav- ing a precipice on each side many hundred feet high. One of these precipices forms the side of a vast hollow which seems to have been one of the craters. At length the sky cleared a little, and enabled us to discover a ridge below, that seemed to connect the peak we were on with the middle one. We lost no time in availing ourselves of this opportu- CH.ni.JscentofHekh] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. i2 1 J nity, and by balancing ourselves like rope-dancers, we suc- ceeded in passing along a ridge of slags so narrow that there was hardly room for our feet. After a short, but very steep ascent, we gained the higliest point of this celebrated mountain. We now foiuid that our usual good fortune had not yet forsaken us ; for we had scarcely begun to ascend the middle peak, when the sky became clear, and we had a full view of the surrounding country. Towards the north it is low, ex- cept where a Jokul here and there towers into the regions of perpetual snow. Several large lakes appeared in different places, and among them the Fiske Vatn was the most conspi- cuous. In this direction we saw nearly two-thirds across the island. The Blaefell and the Lange Jokuls, stretched them- selves in the distance to a great extent, presenting the appear- ance of enormous masses of snow heaped up on the plains. The Skaptar Jokul, whence the great eruption that took place in the year 1/83 broke forth, bounded the view towards the north-east. It is a large, extensive, and lofty mountain, and appeared to be covered with snow to the very base. On the side next to us, though at a distance of about forty miles, we plainly discerned a black conical hill, which very pro- bably may be one of the craters that were formed during the eruption. The Torfa, Tinfialla, and Eyafialla Jokuls, limit the view of the eastern part of the country. To- wards the south, the great plain we had passed through seem- ed as if stretched under our feet, and was bounded by the sea. The same valley was terminated towards the west by a range of curiously peaked mountains, those in the neigh- bourhood of Thingvalla, and to the north and west of the Geysers. The middle peak of Hekla forms one side of a hollow, 246 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. III. Ascent of Hekla. which contains a large mass of snow at the bottom ; and is evidently another crater. The whole summit of the mountain is a ridge of slags, and the hollows on each side appear to have been so many different vents from which the eruptions have from time to time issued. We saw no indications that lava had flowed from the upper part of the mountain ; but our examination, from the frequent recurrence of fog, was una- voidably confined. After we had satisfied ourselves in surveying the surround- ing country, we began to collect specimens of the slags, and perceived some of them to be warm. On removing some from the surface, we found those below were too hot to be handled ; and on placing a thermometer amongst them, it rose to 144". The vapour of water ascended from several parts of the peak. It had been remarked to us by many of the inhabitants, that there was less snow on Hekla at this time than had been observed for many years. We supposed, there- fore, that the heat now noticed might be the recommence- ment of activity in the volcano, rather than the remaining effects of the last eruption which took place in the year I766. The crater, of which the highest peak forms a part, does not much exceed a hundred feet in depth. The bot- tom is filled by a large mass of snow, in which various ca- verns had been formed by its partial melting. In these the snow had become solid and transparent, reflecting a bluish tinge ; and their whole appearance was extremely beautiful, reminding us of the description of magic palaces in eastern tales. At the foot of the mountain, the thermometer at half pgst nine o'clock stood at 59°. At eleven, it was at 55°, and at four, on the top, at 39°. Our descent was greatly retarded by thick fog ; and we Ch. in. Volcanoes.] TRAVELS IN ICELA^■D. 24:7 found it much more hazardous than the ascent. Wc miss- ed ovir way and were under the necessity of crossing the lava we had passed in our way up, at a place where it had spread to a much greater breadth, and, from the rapidity of the slope along which it had flowed, had become fright^- fully rugged. Mount Hekla has acquired a degree of distinction among volcanoes, to which it does not seem to be entitled. It is far behind Etna and Vesuvius, both in the frequency and magni- tude of its eruptions. We could not distinguish more than four streams of lava ; three of which have descended on the south and one on the north side ; but there may be some streams on the east side, which we did not see. The early eruptions of this mountain do not seem to have been regular- ly recorded. Olafson and Paulson say, that after careful re- search they found that the number of eruptions amounted to twenty-two; and none are recorded as having happened before the year 1004. There were eruptions in the years 1137, 1222, 1300, 1341, 1362, 1389, 1538, l(il9, 1636, and 1693. Flames appeared in the neighbourhood in 1728. In 1554, there were eruptions from the mountains to the eastward ; and in 1754, flames burst out to the westward. From the mountain itself, no eruption took place between the years 1693 and 1766, an interval of seventy-three years ; and during this last period of activity, no lava was thrown out. The following year, flames broke out afresh, and the mountain was not perfectly quiet in the year I768 : since that time, it has remained inactive. We had no opportunity of measuring the height of Mount Hekla ; but we have been informed by Sir J. Stanley that the elevation which resulted from his observations, was 4,300 feet, and this, from different circumstances, we believe to be correct. 248 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ui. Volcanoes. In the year 1755, Ji terrible eruption proceeded from the mountain called Kattlagiau Jokul, which is situate to the eastward of Eyafialla. From the accounts of this erup- tion, it does not appear that any lava flowed ; but immense torrents of water carried destruction before them through the neighbouring country ; and ignited stones and ashes were thrown in all directions. The electrical phenomena that ac- companied this eruption, seem to have been very tremendous; several people and cattle having been killed by the lightning. The moimtain continued in a state of violent activity during a whole month ; and, indeed, it may be said to have been so during a whole year ; for, between January and Septem- ber of the year 1756, five difl'erent eruptions took place. We heard a report, that early in the summer the inhabitants in the neighbourhood had some reason to apprehend an im- pending eruption ; but we could get no distinct account of the symptoms that had been observed. The earliest eruption of Kattlagiavi, appears to have happened about the year 900 ; and, since that period, to the great one in 1755, only five have occurred. It is mentioned, in the history of Iceland during the IStli century, that an eruption took place from Eyrefa Jokul, in the south-east part of the island, in the year 17-0 » ^"d one from the lake of Grimsvatn in the year I716.* In the north-east quarter of Iceland, near a large lake * I am uncertain of the position of this lake. The only one of the name which I could tind marked on the maps of Iceland, is noted on the small map ; but, from the circumstance of all the most recent eruptions having proceeded from the southern part of the island, I suspect that there may be a lake of the same name somewhere to the eastward of the Markarfliot; ai'd, since the publi- cation of the first edition, I have received such information as leads me to believe my conjecture right. Crt. III. Volcanoes.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 249 called Myvatn, is Mount Krabla, which became remarkable by dreadful eruptions of lava that proceeded from it between the years 1/24 and 173 ). Some of the streams of lava flow- ed into the lake, destroyed the fish, and almost dried it up. There werfe eruptions also from the mountains round Krabla; and an extensive district of inhabited country was laid waste. At a place called Reikiahlid, near Krabla, sulphur is foiuid in the same circumstances as that at Krisuvik, but in larger quantities. It was from the former place that most of the sulphur brought from Iceland was exported. In the year 1000, an eruption took place in the Guld- bring^ Syssel. Another broke out near Reikianes in the year 1340 ; and one is said to have been seen at a great distance in the sea, in the year 1583, similar to that which was observ- ed preceding the great eruption of 1783. The total number of recorded eruptions appears to l>€ th^ following : From Hekla, since the year 1004, inclusive - - - 22 From Kattlagiau Jokul 900, .... 7 From Krabla, 1724, - - . . 4 In different parts of the Guld- bringe Syssel 1000, - - - . 3 At sea, 1583, _ . _ . 2 From the lake Grimsvatn, in 1716, _ _ « _ 1 From Eyafialla Jokul * in 1717* - - - - l * This mountain is often called Oster Jokul (eastern Jokul), in contradistinc- tion to Snsefell Jokul, which is called western The eruption of the eastern Jokul in 1717, and the one from Grimsvatn, are recorded by Mr Stephenson in his History of Iceland during the eighteenth century. 2l 250 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. III. Volcanoes. From Eyrefa Jokul, in 1720, -_--__. i From Skaptar Jokul, in 1783, ------- i 42 In chronological order, the different eruptions mentioned by Icelandic authors stand recorded thus : In the years 900, 1000, 1104, 1137, 1222, 1300, 1340, 1341, 1362, 13S9, 1422, 1538 (Vesuvius erupted the same year), 1554 (Etna), 1583, 1619, 1636 (Etna), 1693 (Vesuvius, I692 ; Etna, 1694), I716, 1717 (Vesuvius), 1720, 1724, 1728, 1730 (Vesuvius), 1754 (Vesuvius), 1755 (Etna), 1756, I766 (Etna and Vesuvius), 1771j and 1772, flames seen on Hekla; 1783. Thus it appears, that many of the eruptions that are known to have taken place since Iceland was inhabited, have not been particularly noticed ; and it is very probable, that numerous eruptions of less note have been passed over. We may reckon active all those mountains which have burned within the last century. Of these there are six; — Hekla, Krabla, Kattlagiau, Eyafialla, Eyrefa, and Skaptar, Jokuls. The most recent eruption that took place in Iceland seems also to have been the most awful. It proceeded from the low country near the Skaptar Jokul in the year 1783. Mr Stephenson of Indreholm was ordered by the King of Denmark to proceed from Copenhagen, where he hap- pened to be diuing the eruption, and to visit the district, that his Majesty might be enabled to alleviate the distresses occasioned by the eruption. That gentleman has published a laboured account of the whole ; but, although there is no doubt of the eruption having been one of the most terrible in the annals of volcanoes, he seems to have depended too much on reports and information, which appear to be exaggerated. Ch. III. Volcanoes.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 2o\ He himself told us, that the lava was so hot at the thne he approached it, uhich was about ax'ear after the eruption, thai it could not be examined, and that it has never been traced to its source. Another account has been written, which, from what we heard in Iceland, is the most correct. It is to be lamented that the present state of the Icelandic press, pre- vents its being given to the public* The whole tract between Hekla and Krabla is a desert quite impassable and unknown ; and there is still subsisting a ridiculous notion that it is inhabited by a tribe of robbers. Did such people really exist, and did they know the dread which they inspire, they might easily procure more comforta- ble quarters. No single volcanic mountain which we saw, appeared to have thrown out much lava. Probably this has been owing to the vast number of apertures which have given vent to the rage of subterraneous heat. In other countries, where it has for ages continued to explode from one or two mountains, the lava is confined to one place, and is abundant. There is no country in the known world where volcanic eruptions have been so numerous as in Iceland, or have been spread over so large a surface. No part of the island is whol- ly free from the marks of volcanic agency ; and it may be truly called the abode of subterraneous heat. Various vol- * I have accidentally procured a map, which appears to have belonged to some description of thh dreadful event, and by which it appears, that the lava burst out at three different points about eight or nine miles distant from each other, and spread in some places to a breadth of 30 miles. The extent from north to south as far as the lava seems to have been observed, is upwards of 40 miles, and it is known to have flowed mudi farther ; though it has not been traced. 252 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. ICu. III. Volcanoes. canic mountains and streams of lava, are mentioned as exist- ing in the eastern and northern districts, by Eggert Olafson, in his Ennarrationes Historicce de Natura et Const'itutione Is- landicc. In the north-west quarter, in the district of Isafiord, there is a volcanic mountain called Glama, which he de- scribes as rivalhng the magnitude of the Snsefell Jokul. Thus it appears, that the force of subterraneous fire has heen exerted upon every part of this extensive island ; and when we consider the eruptions that have been seen at a distance in the sea, we are safe in estimating, that, in this part of the earth, one continued surface of not less than 60,000 square miles has been subjected to that engine of destruction. On the 4lh of August we took leave of Hekla, and our excellent guide Brandtson, Avhose great activity, and obliging disposition, must recommend him to all travellers who may 3Ior:?f'r JlK.icj^AFKo.'yi xme Schl'tm. Ch. III. Hltderendl] TKAVELS IN rcELANI>i 253 have occasion for his services. After passing the different streams of lava on the south side of the mountain, we left the plain, and ascended a ridge from which we had a view of the Westmann Islands and Eyafialla Jokul. Having descended towards the valley of the Markarfliot, we arrived at Hlide- rende, the house of Sysseluian Thoranson, brother of the Amtmand. The Markarfliot is a large and remarkable river. Its course to the sea is short, and it is formed by nume- rous streams, which descend precipitately from the Jokuls, bringing down a quantity of clay which gives it a white colour, and a fetid smell, especially perceptible in au- tumn. It divides into numerous branches, and very fre- quently changes its course, sometimes keeping close to the moim tains, and at other times flowing ten or fifteen miles to the westward. We were received very hospitably at Hliderende ; and had we been less welcome, we should have very readily excused any deficiency of attention, when we saw how very busy the people were in getting home the hay, during the fine wea- ther which had prevailed for some time. The Sysselman has a large farm ; and such of the pastures as we saw were excel- lent. A considerable quantity of angelica grows here, which is used as an article of food in many parts of the island. The carraway grows abundantly in the meadows at this place, but is not indigenous. A small quantity of seed was brought from Coi)euhagen by some person, and in a short time it dis- seminated itself. Our supper consisted of baked mutton and melted tal- low; a sauce of which we could not partake. In the morning we had coffee ; and for breakfast the same viands which were presented to us at suj)per ; and our dinner was a repetition of the breakfa>^t. There was no kind of 254 TRAVELS "IN ICELAND. [Ch. hi. Eyafialla Jokul. bread in the house ; and the only hquor presented to us was corn brandy. It was with much difficulty we could obtain leave to drink water ; and we were afraid lest our entertainers should tliink our asking for it as great a piece of rudeness, as they esteem offering such liquor to their guests. From the Sysselman's lady we purchased the dress whicli has been already described. We were shewn how the figured stuff used for saddle-cushions, and with which the cloaks are ornamented, is manufactured. It is first made as our country- women make coverings for footstools ; only instead of work- ing on canvas, the Icelandic women use a small frame, on which threads are stretched. These are crossed with others, and worsted loops are wove in, which being afterwards cut, the stuff resembles a very course velvet. To form the figures on trimming, part of the rough nap is cut out with scissars. By using different needles and different coloured worsteds, very neat figures are worked in this manner ; and the piece we saw>in the little loom was really very pretty. The scenery hereabouts is very interesting and picturesque. Many fine streams precipitate their waters over the lofty cliffs forming the western boundary of the Markarfliot. One of these streams falls upon a ledge in the rock, and has worn a pipe through if, having four apertures at different heights, when there is little water in the river, it falls directly down the pipe, and issues only from the lowest ; but when swelled by rain, it rushes from all the apertures, forming a very curious and magnificent cascade. Some of the rocks composing these cliffs, consist of very fine ranges of lofty columns. Eyafialla Jokul soars above the eastern side of the valley. It is covered with perpetual snow for nearly two thirds of its height, which has been ascertained by the Danish officers now engaged in surveying the coast Ch. in. Weslmann Islands.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 255 to be about 5,500 feet. On some parts of the sides of this mountain, magnificent glaciers have been formed, the snow having descended in several places almost to the valley, and become frozen into solid masses, which assume a great variety of singular and abruj^t forms. The appearance of the Westmann Islands from Hliderende is very picturesque ; and we were told that they consist entirely of lava. The nearest to the coast is about twelve m.iles dis- tant; and the most remote about twice that distance. Only one of them, called Heimaey, is inhabited ; and the people are by no means respected by their neighbours on the main- land, who represent them as being remarkably indolent, and depraved in their habits. Their food consists chiefly of ful- mars and puffins, (the procellaria Glacialis, and Alca Arctica of LinnceusJ, which are slightly salted and barrelled. This is the principal aliment of the people of St Kilda, the most re- mote of the western islands of Scotland, which J visited in the year 1800 ; and a peculiar and fatal disease which attacks children, is common in both places, and may probably be occasioned by the mode of living. These islands produce a great quantity of feathers ; and, until the great eruption took place in 17*^3, there was abundance of fish around them ; but since that period, the fishing on this coast is reported to have been much less productive. There is a church in the island of Heimaey, said to be one of the best in Iceland ; but it does not appear to be of much use in improving the characters of those for whose benefit it is intended. In the same island, there is a small creek, which forms a tolerable harbour, but it is equally difficult to enter or to leave it, on account of the strong currents, and the heavy sea, which generally rolls around the islands when the wind is a httle more than mo- derately high. 256 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cir. in. Oddf. ' A journey to the eastern part of Iceland, along the south- ern coast, is rendered very difficult by the rivers ; and is not often attempted, even by the natives of the country. From Kattlagiau Jokul, the road is chiefly along the shore ; but when the rivers are swollen, it is usual to cross some of the mountains to avoid them. During two days of the journey to Berufiord, which is the most southerly station on the east- ern coa*t, no habitations are met with ; and an express cannot reach that place from Reikiavik in less than fourteen days. Berufiord, Rodefiord, and Vapnafiord, are the only ports on this side of the island. We had intended to proceed farther to the eastward, in order to examine Kattlagiau Jokul, and the lava of 1783; but being aware, that should the Elbe return, even at this time, we should necessarily be detained till a late period of the year, and probably the greatest part of the winter ; and hav- ing been informed that the brig Flora, which we had left at Stromness, after failing to procure a cargo on the east and north coasts, was daily expected at Reikiavik, and would re- main there only a few days, we resolved to avail ourselves of this opportunity of returning to Britain. We therefore pro- ceeded, on the evening of the 5th, down the valley of the Markarfliot, towards Reikiavik, having been furnished with * fresh horses by Sysselman Thoranson, who attended us to Odde. The Sysselman is famed in the country as a good horseman, and for being possessed of an excellent stud. All the Icelanders shew a great regard for their riding-horses, and emulate each other in breaking them to pace rapidly. They also pay great attention to their cushions, and other trappings, which they arrange and put on with much pains, and after- wards tie up the horses tails into a knot, to prevent their being spoiled. Ch. in. 0(ldA] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 257 The pasture in this district, and the appearance of inclo- snres, are far superior to any thing we had seen before ; and if ever an attempt shall be made to raise corn, potatoes, orturnips, this is the district which, in respect to soil and situation, seems to holdout the greatest temptations to agricultural ex- periment. The vicinity of Eyafialla, and the other lofty Jokuls to the eastward, render the climate perhaps too un- steady for extensive cultivation. We passed the church of Breide-bolstadr, which is the richest living in Iceland ; the stipend being 182 dollars. We found Odde under some small green hills, not far from the bank of the Rangaa. The church is one of the best struc- ture, very like that of Skalholt; and the priest's house is large and commodious. The house was at this time occu- pied by the widow of the late minister, whose successor, the Lector Theologise, Steingrim Jonson, had not yet taken pos- session of it. The widow and her family were very hospitable ; and her son, a young man of superior manners and under- standing, was very assiduous in his attentions. Although we arrived at a late hour, and were not much disposed for eating, it was thought necessary to prepare a repast for us ; and ac- cordingly, a little before twelve o'clock, baked mutton, and a dish of rice boiled in milk, were set before us. Early in the morning of the Gth, we were preparing for our departure, when a substantial breakfast of mutton, coffee, and chocolate, detained us ; and, in the course of conversa- tion, we discovered that a number of books were in the house, some of which we might purchase. Accordingly, simdry chests and other receptacles were opened, and various volumes were released from dust and cobwebs. We made several purchases ; but the most curious, and perhaps the most valuable, was a superb Icelandic Bible, which fell to the lot of Mr Bright, 2k 258 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. m. Reikum. The way to Eyarback from Odde, is long and tiresome. We first passed through the Rangaa by a deep and difficult ford; and, after scrambling among bogs, we crossed the Thiorsaa at a place where it was very broad. Owing to the shallow- ness of the stream, the boat grounded when not much more than half way over, and we had to mount our horses, and ride about a hundred and fifty yards through a very dangerous quicksand. We now went towards the coast, where the plain becomes more sandy. On approaching Eyarback, we saw, at the dis- tance of a few miles, the vapour ascending from the hot springs of Reikum, which, had our time not been much limited (an express having been sent to Odde by Mr Fell, acquainting us of the arrival of the Flora, and wishing us to hasten our re- turn, if we desired to seize this opportunity of embarking), and had we not been quite familiarized with similar pheno- mena, we should have visited. Our not having done so is not to be regretted, as Sir John Stanley has given an excellent description of Reikum, in a letter to the late Dr Black, which is printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh ; from which I shall now transcribe it. ' The valley is in this place fertile, and nearly half a mile ' in breadth. It becomes more narrow towards the north ; ' and it is there rendered barren by heaps of crumbled lava, ' or other rubbish, brought down from the hills by the waters. * These have the appearance of artificial mounds, and a great ' number of springs are continually boiling through them. ' Below the surface, a general decomposition seems taking ' place : for almost wherever the ground is turned up, a « strong heat is felt ; and the loose earth and stones are ' changing gradually into a clay, or bole of various colours, • and beautifully veined, resembling a variegated jasper. Cb. lit. Reikum.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 259 The heat may possibly proceed from a fermentation of the materials composing these mounds ; but more probably (I should conjecture) from the springs and steam forced up through them. The springs must have acquired their heat at some greater depth, from some constant, steady cause (however difficult to explain), adequate to the length of time they have been known to exist, with the same unvaried force and temperature. ' Springs do not boil on or near these banks onlv. Tliey rise in every part of the valley ; and, within the circumfe- rence of a mile and an half, more than an hundred might easily be counted. Most of them are very small, and may be just perceived simmering in the hole from whence the steam is issuing. This, trailing on the ground, deposits, in some places, a thin coat of sulphvn-. The proportion varies, for, near some of these small springs, scarce any is percep- tible, whilst the channels by which the Avater escapes from others, are entirely lined with it for several yards. Neither the water nor the steam from the larger springs, ever ap- pear to deposit the smallest proportion of sulphur ; nor can the sulphureous vapour they contain be discovered, other- wise than by the taste of what has been boiled in them for a long time. ' Many springs boil in great cauldrons or basons, of two, three, or four feet diameter. The water in these is agitated with a violent ebullition, and vast clouds of steam fly off from its surface. Several little streams are formed by the water which escapes from the basons ; and as these retain their heat for a considerable way, no little caution is re- quired to walk among them with safety. ' Tlie thermometer constantly rose in these springs to the ' 212th degree; and in one small opening, from whence a 260 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. hi. Keikunu * quantity of steam issued with great impetuosity, Dr Wright ' observed the mercury rise, in two successive trials, to the ' 213th degree. ' I have already said, that the ground through which many " of the springs were boiling, was reduced to a clay of vari- ' ous colours. In some, the water is quite turbid ; and, ' according to the colour of the clay through which it has ' passed, is red, yellow, or grey. ' The springs, however, from whence the water overflows ' in any great qxiantity, are, to appearance, perfectly pure. ' The most remarkable of these was about fifty or sixty yards ' from ovu" station, and was distinguished by the people of ' the neighbourhood, by the name of the Little Geyser. The ' water of it boiled with a loud and rumbling noise in a well * of an irregular form, of about six feet in its greatest dia- ' meter ; from thence it burst forth into the air, and subsided * again nearly every minute. The jets were dashed into spray * as they rose, and were from twenty to thirty feet high. ' Volumes of steam or vapour ascended with them, and pro- ' duced a most magnificent effect, particularly if the dark ' hills, which almost hung over the fountain, formed a back- ' ground to the picture. The jets are forced, in rising, to an ' oblique direction, by two or three large stones, which lay * on the edge of the bason. Between these and the hill, the ' ground (to a distance of eight or nine feet) is remarkably ' hot, and entirely bare of vegetation. If the earth is stirred, ' a steam instantly rises ; and in some places it was covered ' with a thin coat of sulphur, or rather, I should say, some ' loose stones only were covered with flakes of it. In one ' place, there was a slight efflorescence on the surface of the ' soil, which, by the taste, seemed to be alum. ' The spray fell towards the valley, and in that direction Ca. in. Reihim.] TRAVELS IN ICELAN13. 261 * covered the ground with a thick incrustation of matter, ' which it deposited. Close to this, and in one spot, very near ' the well itself, the grass grows with great luxuriance. ' There is another fountain in the valley, not much infe- ' rior in beauty to that which I have described. It breaks * out from under one of the mounds, close to the river. Its ' eruptions are, I think, in some respects, more beautiful than ' those of the former. They rise nearly to the same height ; * and the quantity of water thrown up at one time is greater, ' and not so much scattered into spray. The jets conti- * nue seldom longer than a minute ; and the intervals be- ' tween them are from five to six minutes. They are forced ' to bend forwards from the well, by the shelving of the bank, * or probably their height would be very considerable ; for * they appear to be thrown up with great force. We never ' dared approach near enough to look deep into the well ; ' but we could perceive the water boiling near its surface, ' from time to time, with much violence. The ground in ' front of it was covered with a white incrustation, of a more ' beautiful appearance than the deposition near any other * spring in this place. By a trial of it with acids, it seemed ' almost entirely calcareous. * I have now described to you the two most remarkable * fountains in the valley of Reikum, the only two which ' throw up water to a considerable height with any regulari- ' ty. There are some from whence, in the course of every ' hour, or half hour, beautiful jets burst out unexpectedly ; ' but their eruptions continue only a few seconds, and be- ' tween them the water boils in the same manner as in the ' other basons. ' Towards the uj)per end of the valley, there was a very ' curious hole, which attracted much of our attention. It 262 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. nt. Reikum. seemed to have served at some former period as the well of a fountain. It was of an irregular form, and from four to five feet in diameter. It was divided into diflferent hollows or cavities at the depth of a few feet, into which we could not see a great way, on account of their direction. A quan- tity of steam issued from these recesses, which prevented us from examining them very closely. We vs'ere stunned while standing near this cavern, and in some measure alarmed, by an amazing loud and continued noise which came from the. bottom. It was as loud as the blast of air forced into the furnace from the four great cylinders at the Carron iron- works. ' We could discover no water in any of the cavities ; but we found near the place many beautiful petrifactions of leaves and mosses. They were formed with extreme deli- cacy, but were brittle, and would not bear much handling ; their svibstance seemed chiefly argillaceous. ' We perceived smoke issuing from the ground in many places in the higher parts of the valley, much further than we extended our walks. I am sorry to say we left many things in this wonderful country unexamined ; but we were checked in our journey by many circumstances, which al- lowed us neither the leisure nor the opportunity for explor- ing every part of it as we could have wished. The sub- stances deposited near the diflferent springs seemed to me, in general, a mixture of calcareous and argillaceous earths ; but near one spring, not far from our tents, there seemed to be a slight deposition of silicious matter. To the eye it resembled calcedony ; but with its transparency, it had not the same hardness, and, if pressed, would break to pieces. The water you have analysed came from this spring, and we were obliged to take some care in filling Ch. hi. Eyarback.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 263 ' the bottles ; for though gradually heated, they would break « when the water was poured into them, if it had not been ' previously exposed to the air for some minutes in an open ' vessel. ' The water of this spring boiled, as in most of the ' others, in a cauldron four or five feet broad, I do not ' recollect to have seen any of it either thrown up above a ' foot, and some meat we dressed in it tasted very strong of ' sulphur. ' Mr Baine, by a measurement of the depth, the breadth, ' and the velocity of the stream flowing from the Little Gey- * ser, found the quantity of water thrown up every minute ' by it to be 59*064 wine gallons, or 7^-96 cubic feet. Mr ' Wright and myself followed the stream, to observe how ' far any matter continued to be deposited by the water. * We found some little still deposited where it joined the *■ river a quarter of a mile at least from its source. At ' that place, it retained the heat of S3' by Fahrenheit's ther- * mometer.' We found Eyarback near the mouth of the river Elvas, which is formed by the rivers which join near Skalholt, and that which flctws from the lake of Thingvalla. Here a large quantity of the fiicus palmatiis (called in Scotland, dulse) is prepared by drying. It is packed in casks, and in a short time gives out a white and somewhat saccharine powder. In this state it is eaten by the natives, either raw or with butter, or boiled in milk. The merchant who is settled here is a Mr Lambasson, who was at this time in Denmark. During his absence, the business is carried on by his wife, and his agent Mr Peterson, who received us very civilly. The harbour is by no means a safe one ; and, in bad' weather, exceedingly dangerous of approach. Finding 264 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. iii. Reiktavik. that owing to the state of the tide, we could not cross the river (which is here about half a mile broad) till midnight, we refreshed ourselves by sleeping a few hours. We had some trouble in getting the ferrymen out of their beds, but we vvere carried over in an excellent boat, our horses swimming after us. Many thousand horses cross at this place during the summer, and we were told that sometimes so many as 900 crossed in one day. Having proceeded a mile or two along the river, we began to ascend the ridge of volcanic hills which extends almost with- out interruption from the lake of Thingvalla to the extremity of the Guldbringe Syssel. We had a fine view from the heights, of Hekla, and the whole country we had passed through, towards Eyafialla Jokul, which bounded the scene. We now encountered lava, many streams of which we pass- ed ; and after travelling through twenty-five miles of a dis- trict entirely laid waste by fire, we arrived at Reikiavik about, noon, on the 7th of August, considerably fatigued ; our progress having been very slow on account of the ex- treme ruggedness of the country. The length of the journey we had now accomplished, was about 280 miles. Thus our travels terminated ; and we immediately commenced our preparations for leaving a country, whose inhabitants and natural curiosities we had surveyed with singular gratifi- cation. We found the vegetables, the seeds of which we had sown on our arrival in Iceland, tolerably well advanced. The white turnips were of a good size ; the pease were just out of blossom ; the radishes, cress, and mustard, had most- ly gone to seed ; but the cabbages had not made much progress. In Mr Frydensberg's garden, the potatoes were very good, and we partook of a dish of them, and of well- Ch. III. Letter from the TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 265 Governors.] grown kol-rhabie. Nasturtium, lupines, and some other hardy annual flowers, had advanced to perfection in Mr Fry- densberg's dining-room, which they greatly contributed to ornament. The attentions of all our friends were renewed on our ar- rival, and the Bishop repeated a present of a sheep for the third time ; a mark of his hospitality which we shall never forget. That our wants might be supplied, we had only to express them to Mr Frydensberg or Mr Simonson. On Sunday the 12th, we went to an entertainment to which we had been invited by the merchants, who desired to pay us a compliment before we departed. In the morning they all displayed their flags from, their houses, and at two o'clock we sat down to a very good dinner. Having, a short time before our departure, addressed a letter to the Deputy-governors, expressive of our gratitude for all the attention which had been bestowed upon us, and requesting them to communicate our thanks to the people of the various districts through which we had travelled, for their hospitality and kindness, Ave received the following letter in reply : — ' Perillustri, nobilissimo Domino Georgio Mackenzie, salutem plurimam. ' Literas tuas, vir nobilissime, humanissimas aecepimus, ' et nostri ofticii crit, incolas regionum, per quas iter fecisti, ' de singulari tua, et itineris sociorum, humanitate, benigni-, ' tate, et grata erga eos animo certiores facere. Te et socios ' vicissim excusare rogamus, si antiqua ilia hospitalitas, quae ' incolis hujus insulie a primis usque temporibus propria fuit, ' vobis alicubi defuerit, et ut hoc verecundise, paupertati, ac 2.L 266 TRAVELS IN ICT.L\JsT>.[Ca.m.CharacteroflJiepeople. * linguae vestrae, iit et vitae consuetiidinis, imperitise, non in- * humanitati gentis tribuatur, enixe postulamus. • Accipe denique, vir nobilissinie ! nostras integerrimas ' grates, pro tua et sociorum dulci, arnica, et urban& conver- ' satione, quam grata diu colemus memoria. Prosperrima te, * tuosque itineris socios, nostra et insulae hujus incolarum ' prosequuntur vota ! * Thoranson. ' EiNARSON. ' Frydensberg. ' Reikiavicae, d. 13 Augusti 1810.' We must not omit mentioning, that we also received a let- ter written in tolerably good English, from the Chief Justice Stephenson, in which he expressed himself in terms highly flattering to iis. He presented several books and his picture to us ; and of these, as well as many other marks of his re- gard and hospitality, we shall ever retain a grateful remem- brance. We were now about to take leave of a people whose situ- ation had often excited our pity. Being of quiet and harmless dispositions ; having nothing to rouse them into a state of activity, bvit the necessity of providing means of subsistence for the winter season ; nothing to inspire emulation ; no ob- ject of ambition ; the Icelanders may be said merely to live. But they possess innate good qualities, which, independently of the consciousness o( their former importance, have pre- served their general character as an amiable community. They have indeed become negligent with respect to the clean- liness of their persons and dwellings; but they deserve a high place in the scale of morality and religion. The example of the Danes has done very material injury to the moral cha- Ca.m.Characterofthepeopk.]TRA.VELS IN ICELAND; 26/ racter of those with whom they have constant intercourse ; but beyond tlie precincts qf Reikiavik, the people are found possessed of their pristine worth and simplicity. To religious duties they are strictly attentive ; and though the clergy are not in general raised above the level of the peasantry, in any respect but in their sacred office, yet they have been able to preserve the regard due to those who are considered as pecu- liarly the servants of the Supreme Being. To say that crimes are rare, is perhaps a slight compli- ment to people who have few temptations to commit them. Except at Reikiavik, vice is hardly known ; and even there, when we reflect on the loose lives of some of the Danes, it is astonisliing how little progress it has made among the natives. To the laws of hospitality they are particularly attentive. If they give little, it is because they have little to give. To measure their disposition by their power of bestowing, would be a very unjust estimate. The history of the Icelanders points out sufficient reasons for the decline of activity and enterprize. In pronouncing upon their character, therefore, some caution is necessar\'. Travellers, when they find themselves obliged to submit to privations before iniknown to them, when they experience a deficiency of alacrity in supplying their wants, and a great degree of indifference in the behaviour of the people among whom they sojourn, are too apt to form a hasty and partial judgment of their character. Some of the occurrences we ex- perienced in Iceland might have entitled us to speak un- favourably of the inhabitants, had we been disposed to judge of them inconsiderately. But when we recollected what Ice- landers once were ; when we saw the depressed state of this poor, but highly respectable people ; and perceived that they still retained that mild spirit (once, too, an independent and an 268 TRAVELS IN TCELAKP. [Ch. hi. Leave Iceland. enterprizing one) which taught them to legTilate their affairs with prudence, and to live together in the utmost harmony; we could not help admiring their patience and contentment. Yet still, e'en here, content can spread a charm, Redress tlie clime, and all its rage disarm. Tho' poor the peasant's hut, his feasts tho' small. He sees his little lot, the lot of all ; Sees no contiguous palace rear its head. To shame the meanness of his humble shed ; No costly lord the sumptuous banquet deal. To make him loathe his hard-earn' d scanty meal ; But calm, and bred in ignorance and toil, Each wish contracting, fits him to the soil. In these pages enough will probably be found to excite compassion in every British breast, for the calamitous situa- tion of an innocent and amiable people, at that critical period when oppression or neglect may overwhelm them in misery. The distracted state of Europe will not, we trust, be consider- ed as a reason that Britain should disregard their wants, or withhold relief; for Iceland requires no sacrifice of blood or treasure. In the present state of Europe, however, Iceland cannot be supplied without our permitting the trade with Den- mark to go on as heretofore. On the 19th of August we set sail for England, and, after a tempestuous voyage of fourteen days, during which Cap- tain Butterwick of the Flora paid us every attention in his power, we landed at Stromness. The only occurrence, dur- ing the voyage, worth mentioning, was that of a flock of wagtails and two sparrow-hawks perching on the rigging of the ship one morning, during a heavy gale, when we were at least 100 miles from any land. On our coming in sight of the rocks called Barra and Rona, off the north of Ch. hi. Leave Iceland.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 269 the island of Lewis, the wagtails left us. The sailors had deprived one of the hawks which was caught, of the means of flying, by clipping its wings. We saw, at different times, a considerable number of large whales ; and were struck with the resemblance between the forcible jets of water which they threw from their nostrils, and some of the fountains we had seen in Iceland. We remained in Orkney two days, and went to see the town of Kirkwall. Although this country did not strike us as by any means beautiful when we first saw it, we now derived very high gratification from the sight of corn fields and gardens ; and were particularly delighted with the few small trees which grow about Kirkwall. Having hired a boat, we intended to proceed by water to Inverness ; but bad weather forced us into the harbour of Wick in Caithness- shire. From thence we proceeded to Dunrobin, and crossed the Dornoch Frith to Ross-shire, pursuing our journey by land to Edinburgh, where we arrived in health and safety, after an absence of nearly five months. 270 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. iv. Tenures'. RURAL AFFAIRS. CHAP. IV. The terms on which a tenant holds a farm in Iceland, are similar to what is called steelhoiv in Scotland. The rent is paid in two parts. First, there is a land rent, or Land-skuld as it is called, which is a fixed sum rated according to an old valuation ; secondly, there is a certain rent paid for a per- manent stock of cattle and sheep, which is transferred from tenant to tenant, every succeeding one being obliged to take it on certain conditions, and to leave the same number on his quitting the farm. The tenant, however, is at liberty to keep as much stock as he can support, without paying any addi- tional rent. The Land-skuld is paid in various ways ; in money, wool, tallow, &c. &c. ; that for the permanent stock chiefly in butter. Leases for a term of years are not common in any part of the island. The same tenant continues to possess the land, unless the proprietor can prove that the farm has been ne- glected, or that the farmer has misconducted himself. The law is effectual in preventing abuses in the dismissal of ten- Cb. III. Pent.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 27 1^ ants ; for if a farmer can prove by a survey of the Hrcpsti- ore, or two respectable persons of his own profession, that his farm has not been neglected, he cannot be removed ; but he may quit his farm whenever he pleases. The practice of letting farms from year to year is not uncommon ; six months notice being necessary for the tenant to quit. A farm, the disposable value of which is about 200 rix- dollars, pays a Land-skuld of from four to six. The nominal price of land has, in many instances, doubled within the last forty years ; not, however, in consequence of any improve- ment, but of the depreciation of the government paper. The rixdollar, which is paper, is worth four shillings English, when at par. A guinea in Iceland, at the time we left the island, was worth fifteen paper dollars ; and since my arrival in Scotland I have been offered twenty for a guinea.* The increase of rent has taken place chiefly on the permanent stock of the farm. Besides the rent payable to the proprietor, a farmer is obliged to pay a proportion to the parish priest, according to the rent of his farm ; and to keep a lamb for him during the winter season, taking it in October, and returning it in good condition about the middle of May. A general description of a farm-house was given in the account of our first excursion. We shall now describe one of the best sort, that of the provost at Storuvellir, of which an accurate plan was taken. a. The entrance passage, 40 feet long, and 4 feet wide. b. The kitchen. c. Fuel-room. f * At present (July 1812) the exchange is 25 rixdoUars for a pound sterling. f Bad turf, dried cow and sheep dung, and fish bones, are the articles used as 272 TRAVELS IN ICELAND, [Ch. IV. Farm-house. d. Bunn, or store-room. €. Bed- room, 40 feet long by 8 feet wide, with a recess 10 feet by 8. /. A wainscotted room, with bedsteads. This is an. ap- pendage only to some of the principal dwellings, and is usually crowded with saddles, harness, and imple- ments of various kinds. It has fretjuently a small window in the .end. g. Dairy. h. Out- house. i. Smithy. fuel. In the Westmann islands, they use dried sea-birds. Fuel is very scarce ; and in the houses of the Icelanders, there is only one fire in the kitchen, which is placed on the floor ; stoves being seldom seen even in the houses of the better sort of farmers. Ch. IV. Winter occupations.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 2^3 k. Out-house. /. Cattle-house. VI. An enclosure for hay and turf, to which there is a path, often over the top of the house. The servants are generally orphans, or the children of very poor farmers. As they are considered nearly on a level with their master's children, it is not uncommon for marriages to take place between them ; and a poor farmer sends his son or daughter to serve in the house of one in more affluent cir- cumstances, in hopes of such a connection being formed. The wages given to servants, male and female, amount to from four to six dollars a-year, sometimes more, besides food and clothes. By these, and the other members of the family, every thing that is necessary for subsistence and clothing is prepared, and all business performed. During the winter season, the family rises about six or seven o'clock in the morning. One is sent out to look after the sheep ; another attends the cattle ; some are employed in making ropes of wool or horse hair ; one is in the smithy making horse shoes and other articles. Spinning is performed with a spindle and distaff, and sometimes with a wheel. Some, both men and wo- men, knit and weave, and others prepare sheep-skins for fish- ing dresses. While so many are thus occupied, one generally reads aloud, in a singing tone, different tales and histories. Most farm-houses are supi)lied \vith books containing such tales ; and the people exchange books with each other for the sake of variety. The only opportunity they have of making this exchange is when they meet at church, where, even dur- ing the mt)st inclement part of the season, a {ew always con- trive to be present. The people sometimes amuse themselves with a game somewhat like drafts ; with cards ; and many play chess extremely well. 2 m 27^ TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. iv. Mamfacturtii The Icelanders divide the day and night into nine periods. From midnight to three o'clock in the morning they call Ot- ta; from three to six, Midurmorgnn; from six to nine, Dag- mal ; from nine to twelve, Hactei ; the first hour and a half after noon, Midmunda; from half past one to three o'clock, Noon ; from three to six, Miduraftur ; from six to nine» Nattmal ; from nine to twelve, Midnat. There are but few clocks in the island, and they are not very good. We saw in different places, particularly at Huaneyre, pieces of very good cloth which had been manufactured in the coun- try. The sort called wadmal differs from cloth, in being what is called in this country, tweeled. Blue and black are the most common colours. One piece of cloth which we saw was a mixed black and white. Different shades of yellow are used, and not unfrequently for stockings. The processes of dyeing are very simple. The leaves of the arbutus uva ursi, the lycO" podium alpimim, the lichen Islandicus, and some others, are employed. Stockings are filled with the lichen Islandicus, and boiled. When cloth is to be dyed, the vegetable sub- stances are chopped small, and spread over the cloth, which is then rolled up and boiled. Black is obtained by strewing a rich black earth, found in some of the bogs, over the cloth, after it has been boiled with the arbutus uva ursi, when it is again rolled up and boiled. We saw none of this earth, but probably it contains a considerable proportion of iron, which, with the astringent matter of the plant, affords the black co- lour. Indigo is used for dyeing blue. The skins of horses and cows, after having been steeped for some time in urine, are frequently put into the liquor ■which has been used for dyeing black ; by which means they undergo a slight degree of tanning. Sheep-skins are pre- pared by being soaked in water till the wool loosens, which Ch. IV. ^oy.) TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 275 is removed ; and then the skins are drawn over a ram's horn fastened to the roof by its ends. Farm-houses are for the most part built on dry knolls, and the ground immediately around them is allotted for hay. The extent is greater or less according to circumstances; and though hay is by far the most important article to a farmer in Iceland, we do not recollect to have seen any signs of exertions to improve a hay field by draining, or otherwise. All the manure is bestowed upon the little hillocks, which surround the houses like graves, into which the hay ground is generally partitioned. About the time of our arrival in Iceland, the people were busy spreading the dung; and about the end of Jvdy, the hay harvest had begun in many places. The grass is neither close, nor long, at the time it is reckoned fit for cutting. We did not observe any field in which the useless or less nutritious plants did not exceed, or at least equal in number, those that were really valuable. Every thing that grows is cut down by means of a short narrow scythe, with which the Icelanders work expeditiously and neatly, making all the little knolls perfectly bare. When cut, the grass is commonly gathered together on some even place, where it can be turned and tossed conveniently. We observed in many places, that no more was cut at a time than what would employ the people on the farm to dr\'; and before any more was cut, the first portion was carried home. When bog-grasses are accessible, they are carefully cut and made into hay. Tlie process of drying is the same as with us; and when carried home, the hay is made up into long and nar<- row stacks, often before it is perfectly dry, and consequently much of it is spoiled by heating. The hay is kept chiefly for the cows, on which the people depend for m\ich of their sub- sistence. In severe weather, a little is given to the sheep aud 276 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. iv. Harvest-home, horses ; but they often struggle through a hard winter with- out any sustenance but what they can procure for them- selves. As soon as the hay around the house is secured, the far- mers give a feast, or harvest-home. This is a supper of which the chief delicacy is porridge, made of meal of some sort, and milk. When the whole hay-harvest is finished, another feast takes place, when a fat sheep is killed. Though neither dancing nor singing are called in aid, these feasts are chear- ful and merry. The immense extent of the bogs and swamps of Iceland renders it obvious to any one who has attended to the subject, that the climate must be greatly deteriorated by the evapora- tion from them. Were the people to set about draining the bogs, they would find not only the climate improve, but the quantity of grass fit for hay to increase largely. There seems to be some prejudice against draining, which a little inter- course with Britain may probably remove. We do not know any place where draining could be more easily or more ad- vantageously practised than Indreholm, and in the country lying between Akkrcfell and the Skardsheide. The cattle, in point of size and appearance, are very like the largest of our highland sorts, except in one respect, that those of Iceland are seldom seen with horns. As in other countries, we meet with finer cattle on some farms than on others ; but, from every observation we could make, and information we could obtain, the Iceland farmers know nothing of the art of breeding stock. The bulls are in general ugly, and no use is made of them till after they are five years old. In rearing a bull-calf no more attention is paid to him than to others. Taking all the circumstances of management to- gether, we had some reason to be surprised to find the cattle Ch. IV. Cattk^Butter.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 277 upon the whole SO handsome. The cows in general yield a considerable quantity of milk, many of them ten or twelve quarts per day, and some a good deal more. Milk is usually made into what is called skier, which has been already men- tioned. Sour whey, mixed with water, is a favourite beverage of the Icelanders, and they seldom travel without a sujjply of it. Butter, however, is the chief article among the products of the farm, and of this the Icelanders eat a surprising quanti- ty. They value it most after it has been barrelled, without salt, and kept several years. It is wonderful how well butter keeps in this manner ; it arrives at a certain degree of ran- cidity, beyond which it does not pass. The smell and taste of the sour butter are very disagreeable to English palates, though Icelanders delight in it. When there is a scarcity of butter, the people eat tallow.. The former was not very plen- tiful last summer, and consequently little tallow was brought to market ; and we have seen children eating lumps of it with as much pleasure as our little ones express when sucking a piece of sugar-candy. When people go to the northern dis- tricts for the purpose of cutting hay, they are paid for their work in butter, at the rate of 301bs. per week. It is made in churns of the form most common in this country, in which the cream is agitated by the perpendicular motion of a plunger. Sometimes two are worked by one handle, fastened to a cross piece of woodj to which the plungers are connect- ed by projecting arms, the cross piece forming the angle be- tween them and the handle, and turning on two pivots. There is not much cheese made in Iceland, and they do not begin to manufacture it till late in the season. It is of very inferior quality. The manufacture of butter and sour whey employs the farmer's wife during his absence, while he is eur 278 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cb. iv. Sheepi gaged in fishing. In some parts of the country, the servants or children are employed in gathering lichen and angelica root. The former is carefully dried and packed for use; and the latter is buried, and vised more as an article of luxury than of subsistence. The sheep of Iceland appear to be the same with the old Scotch highland sort, which is now nearly extinct. They are larger, however, and the wool is long and soft, but not fine. Many of them are entirely black, and a great pro- portion are black and white. The wool is never shorn; but pulled off. Much of it is lost before it is taken off; and what remains, after hanging for a lime on the animal's back, becomes spoiled and felted by the rain. The sheep are very much infested by vermin, known in England by the names of ticks and keds. The lambs are early restrained from sucking ; the ewes are milked, and butter is made from the produce. It is part of the employment of the women, during winter, to pick and clean the wool, and to spin it. A considerable quantity is exported ; and it is so valuable an article in Den- mark, that it sells in Iceland for as much as coarse wool in the north of Scotland. Abovit the year 1756, an attempt was made to improve the wool in Iceland, by the introduction of Spanish rams ; but, owing to negligence, it was unsuccessful. With that zeal for bettering the condition of his country which distinguishes him, Mr Stephenson of Indreholm brought a few Merino rams and ewes from Norway in the year 1808. Their wool is toler- ably fine, but by no means so good as that of the Merinos in England. We saw the lambs of the first cross between them and the Iceland ewes, and they promised very well. If Mr Stevenson perseveres in his laudable exeitions, and if the Ch. IV. Sheep.] TRAVELS LN ICELAND. 279 people can be made sensible of the advantages to be derived from improving the wool, he will have the satisfaction of hav- ing begun a most beneficial improvement. The gathering of the sheep from the mountains before the commencement of winter, is a very important part of the business of an Iceland farmer. As soon as the hay harvest is over, and when the Hreppstiore, or parish officer, thinks that the farmers are ready, he informs the Sysselman of the district, who causes a notice to be given in the churches, that on a cer- tain day the gathering of the sheep shall commence, and, at the same time, appoints a place of rendezvous. Every farmer who has a considerable- part of his stock feeding.on the mountains, must send one man ; or, if the number of his sheep be very small, he may join with another whose case is similar, and together they send one. When the men destined for this service assemble, they chuse one who has had much experi- ence, whom they agree to obey, and they give him the title of king, and the power of selecting two associates as counsel- lors. On the appointed day they meet at the place fixed up- on, perhaps to the number of 200, on horseback. Having pitched their tents, and committed their horses to the care of children who have accompanied them, the king, on horse- back, gives his orders, and sends the men off two and two, strictly enjoining them not to lose sight of their comrades. Having collected as many sheep as they can find, they drive them towards the tents, and then shift their quarters. Thus they go on during a week, when they take all the sheep to one of the large pens constructed for the purpose, which con- sist of one large enclosure, surrounded by a number of smal- ler ones, for the purpose of separating the sheep belonging to different persons. This business is quite a rural festival; but the meiriment is often mingled with the lamentations of those 280 TRAVJiLS IN ICELAND. [Ch. IV. Sheep-~Horses. who have lost some of their sheep, or the quarrels of others who have accidentally fixed upon the same mark for their property. The search for sheep is repeated about the middle, and again about the end, of October. At this last time, those only who have failed in recovering their sheep on the former occasions, are engaged. Every animal that is unproductive, or which cannot be used, must, by a law which is strictly en- forced, be sent to the mountains about the end of May, in order that as much fine grass as possible may be saved for the milch cows and ewes, and for making hay. Mention has been made in the Journal, of the excellence of the riding horses of this country. When a young horse is thovight to promise well, his nostrils are slit up; the Iceland- ers believing, that when exercised, or ridden hard, this opera-; tion will allow him to breathe more freely. It is not likely that the horses of Iceland could run on our roads at the great rate at which we have seen them go, for any length of time* They are accustomed to scramble slowly through the bogs and over rocks, and to dart rapidly forward whenever they come to dry and smooth ground. In travelling, a man has generally two or three horses with him, and he changes from one to another as they become tired. The saddle for the use of Avomen resembles an elbow- chair, in which they sit with their feet resting on a board. Some of them are highly ornamented with brass, cut into va- riovis figvires. The common people all ride in the same way, with the legs astride, the women having their feet raised so high, that their knees are considerably above the back of the horse. For grinding corn, the Icelanders use small handmills, the same with those known in Scotland by the name of querns. Though there is little encouragement from the climate, yet he state of the population of is taken from the register of rns are regularly made by the contains also a detailed state- le population of the island, of [eneral result :— Males. Females. 6231 6300 3207 3299 3385 4060 3190 3901 1838 2460 1707 2453 1162 1842 592 1096 158 285 6 35 21476 25731 I could only furnish us with the greater than that of the men. [To face page 2Sl. No. I. POPULATION. Names of Districts. Fanns. Families. FanncrB. HircUngi having grass. Hirelings williout Pricsta. Civil oai. Males. Females. Total In. habitants. This Table, cxliibiting the state of the population of Iceland in the year 1801, is taken from the register of the Bishop, to whom returns are regularly made hy the priests. The original table contains also a detailed state- ment of the ages of the whole population of the island, of which the following is the general result ; — Males, Females. Under 10 years of age 6831 6300 From 11 to 20 3207 3299 21 ... 30 ,. 3385 4060 31 ... 40 3190 3901 41 ... 50 1838 2460 61 ... 60 1707 2+53 61 ... 70 1168 18+2 71 ... 80 592 1096 81 ... 90 158 285 91 ...100 6 35 Southern Ami. Kflst Skantafells Svssel S3 133 37+ 418 256 28T ISO 2T0 181 803 123 170 118 375 412 4+8 387 217 211 126 2+8 664 709 70+ 885 235 652 231 374 861 305 150 433 492 535 451 267 279 88 21+ 530 495 302 850 202 337 208 332 236 255 1+0 +05 459 +99 420 222 231 89 86 10+ 153 138 9 13 143 10 12 5 20 3 3 9 6 1 32 25 1 13 40 8+5 11 9 167 + 81 13 88 6 2 13 7 3 13 7 8 1+ 21 13 9 9 10 7 10 7 7 6 80 20 17 23 11 12 2 1 + I 18 4 2 2 3 8 1 1 8 3 3 1 1 400 678 1876 8063 1949 85+ 69+ 1627 099 iiei 88+ 961 +38 18SS 1385 1572 1337 781 839 511 ■ 861 8311 8572 2066 1028 784 191 + 893 1332 9«6 1076 5+4 1592 1756 1881 1665 1981 998 911 1539 +187 +623 4015 1882 1478 3511 1598 2493 1850 2037 982 8880 3141 3+53 3002 1762 1837 Rangaavalle Si Westmann Isles. Guldhringe and Kiose Syssels... IVeslem Jml. Myreand Hnappadals Syssels .. Snajfell Svssel Northern and Eastern Amts. Total 81476 25731 North Mule Syssel Total 47B1 7+01 5881 735 590 231 +5 21476 35731 47207 The Bishop not having made up tables from the most recent returns, and having been unable to arrange them before our departure, could only furnish us with the general results of the years 180+ and 1808. He said, that the population was on the increase. It appears that the excess of the female population of the island is very considerable ; and that the average longevity of the women is greater than that of the men. The population has varied little during the last 100 years. * In the year 1703 it amounted to 50,+++ 1770 46,201 1783 47,887 1801 47,807 180+ +6,3+9 1808 48,063 ,„ . ... No. II. TABLE iUustmtive of tlic FOLITICAL ECONOMY of ICELAND. In the Year 1804. Taken ffavi Mr Slephntson^s ISth Century. Names of Districts. East Skaptafell West Skalitofell.... Westniaiin Islands Rangaavalle Aarnes Guldhringe Kiose Borgarfiord ..... 833 1499 157 385+ 4898 2866 10S8 1796 Myre&Hnappadals' 1924 3341 1506 2225 3887 895 2873 3080 3234 2928 1845 1900 Total... 94 224 42 358 505 915 1.35 260 276 346 128 448 418 260 209 189 246 285 365 11 17 5 48 105 739 37 130 41 598 41 123 fiO 26 79 29 128 43 30 59 Heifers with one Calf. 391 747 39 2074 2371 490 444 764 701 671 408 665 965 201 894 1086 1012 677 47.5 520 2,349 15,593 Butls and Oxen. 34 102 8 251 336 36 31 69 94 S5 50 61 87 114 74 29 28 31 1,556 29 150 1 174 176 6 110 94 1,132 36 116 325 375 SO 109 120 113 36 60 76 84 16 86 52 116 74 75 83 Ramnand Wethers above one year Rams. Ewe-: Lainh.s, and ^ Wethers, of 1 Lambs, year old. 2241 3230 268 8079 8550 1022 1449 3870 3898 1995 1662 3374 6182 2489 11310 9398 9113 10013 8039 3921 408 371 88 744 700 14fl 244 426 372 339 218 610 1911 33 479 641 263 616 1116 1082 Horses &. Horses & Mures |iMarcs not broken in. brokenin 1134 1989 165 3750 2944 500 979 1841 1697 214 867 1809 4048 235 2620 2299 1842 3106 3735 2910 102,305 10,803 38,724 2024 3153 225 7479 7050 974 1487 3230 2929 1671 1471 2443 3382 942 4370 1322 6069 3217 6549 4779 615 1209 39 2889 2886 745 469 900 1112 670 543 550 493 324 1885 1462 1241 943 733 663 66,986 20,373 4,109 97 323 1 949 331 38 203 249 218 92 173 45 54 7 294 432 177 38 71 97 ^olts and FiUies. 78 135 468 255 30 94 125 105 27 38 23 39 8 137 165 109 32 73 79 2,042 Boats with 1 and 6 Oils, Small Boats. 19 1 11 8 30 225 16 25 19 118 31 115 119 30 42 40 56 68 40 35 Number of Gar- S 3 13 3 1 2 23 21 17 232 139 31 13 88 9 17 9 SO 8 5 1 90 17 129 16 67 — 293 The population of Keikiavik in the year 1806 (includ- ing 27 prisoners in the Toght-Huus,) was 446. Of this number 134 were working men. Be- longing to the town there were 35 cows, 2 sheep, 92 horses, 3 large boats, 26 of a middle size, 9 small ones, and 17 gardens. 1703 1770 1783. 1801. 1804. 50,444 46,201 47,287 47,207 46,349 4039 3647 3567 4661 35,860 30,096 21,457 t9,986 20,325 A. D. 1760. 1770, 1784 279,812 491,934 112,809 42,243 218,818 A. D. 1770.. 17S3.. 1784., 26,909 32,689 36,408 8,395 26,524 A. D.< 1770 According to the above table 1,869 Total 2,163 •In the year 1707, the small-pox destroyed 16,000 people. Between 1753 and 1759, famine carried oflT 10,000, and vast numbers of cattle perished. f In the year 1783. the great eruption from Skaptar Jokul destroyed a great number of cattle; but the loss in this table appears to be exaggerated. h Cb. IV. Husbandry.] TRAA'ELS IN ICELAND. 281 tliere are some parts of Iceland where experiments might be made in cultivating barley, potatoes, and turnips. Along the shores, where the soil is sandy, and where sea- weeds can be procured m abundance, sometliing in this way might be done. But nothing can be effected without the superintendance of some active and intelligent person, able to combat the pre- judices, and to encourage the exertions of the natives. 2 N ^^■2r TRAVELS 7N ICELAND. fCn. v. Commerce. STATE OF COMMERCE. CHAP. V. From the beginning of the l/th century till the year 177^, the trade of Iceland was in the hands of a chartered company, during the existence of whose monopoly the Icelanders were greatly oppressed. The Iceland trade however did not con- tinue to hold out its original temptations ; and at length an unwillingness to risk capital in prosecuting it, became appa- rent. These circumstances induced the Danish government to adopt a system, the liberality of which deserves the highest praise. Before the trade was declared free, it was nominally vested in the King for a period often years, and was carried on with a fund, amoiuiting to 4,000,000 dollars, provided by the government, and of which the King was director. At the end of ten years, when the vessels and stock were sold at greatly reduced prices, it was found that the capital had diminished 600,000 dollars. The remainder of the fund was placed under the management of commissioners, who were empowered to lend money at four per cent, interest to those who embarked in the trade to Iceland. The merchandize Ch. v. Commerce.} TRAVELS IX ICELAN1>. 283 being now freed from imposts of every kind, the encourage- ments held forth did not fail to take effect. The present state of the fund is not known in Iceland ; but the events of the war in retarding, and indeed })utting a stop to regular com- munication, render it probable that considerable loss has been sustained. The freedom from impost was proclaimed to con- tinue for twenty years, at the end of which period, in the year I8O7, it was further prolonged for five years. It is impossible, however, that, in so short a time, the ttade can recover from the severe shock it has recently received. In the years 1797» 1798, and 1799» a very considerable traffic in fish, was carried on to Spain and the Mediterranean ; and this period was cer- tainly one of the most favourable for the commerce of Ice- land that has ever occurred. Mr Thorlacius, a native mer- chant residing at Bildal, in the north-western part of the island, speculated largely at that time, and made a consider- able fortune. At present he is esteemed the most wealthy man in Iceland. Before the war, about fifty vessels, chiefly galliots of 100 to 250 tons, were employed in the trade. Last year, not more than ten ships arrived in Iceland ; and while we remain- ed there, not more than seven, including three from Britain, and one galliot laden with salt from Liverpool, on account of Messrs Phelps and Company of London. The nature of the trade with Iceland will be seen in the following tables, taken from Mr Stephenson's history of Ice- land during the 18th century; and, to render them intelligi- ble, the weights and measures are annexed. 384 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. v. Current Prias, Current Prices of IcelatuVw Produce, in the Year 1810. I Pair of Mittens, .... 4 to 6 Skillings. 1 do. of Stockings, ... 12 to 18 do. 1 do. do. fine, 6l Sk. to 1 Rixdollar. 1 Woollen Jacket, . . . . 40 to 64 Skillings. 1 do. fine 2 to 3 Rixdollars. 1 Fund Wool, 12 to 20 Skillings. 1 do. Eider-down, ... 2 Rixd. 48 Sk. to 3 Rixd. I do. Feathers, . . , . . l6 to 20 Skillings. 1 do. Tallow, 16 to 22 do. I do. Butter, 10 to 28 do, 1 Skippund Stock-fish, . 12 to 20 Rixdollars, I do. Salted Fish, .... 15 to 30 do. 1 Barrel of Oil, 12 to 20 do. 1 White Fox-skin, .... 80 Skillings to 3 do. 1 Black do 5 to 8 do. 100 Swan-quills, .... 2 Rixd. 48 Sk. to 3 Rixd. A Horse, 6 to 40 do. A Cow, 16 to 24 do. A Ewe with Lamb, ... 2 io 2\ do. A Wether, 2 to 5 do. A Lamb, 80 Sk. to 1 Rixd. 32 Sk. The circulating medium of Iceland is the same as that of Denmark ; the coins being 10 sk., 8 sk., 4 sk., 2 sk., and 1 skilling pieces. A considerable number of specie dollars are in the island, but are seldom seen ; the natives being in the practice of hoarding them. The paper rixdollar is used in all transactions. Brandy. Rum. Wine. \ French. Grape. Barrels. B.irrclj. BaireUi. Hhils. 43 149 28 60 98 6 4 8 52 23k 12^ 6A 33^ 32 3 12 226i 212i 47i 86^ Pipes. 13? 14 361 12^ 57J 71 18 np. Fishing Lines. Cable. Twine. Unhack- led. Skpd. L. lb. Pieces. Pieces. Skpd. L.lb. 17 6 7117 1122 4 8 817 907 3630 3 1 2 1 16 ' 3 23 19 5 12471 6 12 34412 9 1 12890 9 5i \ (To face page 285.) No. I. TABLE of IMPORTS into ICELAND in the Year 1806. Districts. Meal. Rye. Bailey. Oats. Peas. Pearl Barley. Barley Groale. Buck Wheal. Oat Groata. Rice. Wheat Plour. Rye Bread. Biscuit. Wheaten Bread. Brandy. Bum. Wine. Danish. French. Grope. Reikiavik Eskefiord Eyafiord Baneb, 3502 563 97S 1017 Barren. 2365 575 2965 701 27 ""32 26 Barrclr. 72 4 6 2 Barrel!. 777 310 856 136 Barreli. 531 145 190 161i 128 109 80 56j 7 Barreir. 8 4 *i 4 Liapa. lb. 3 10 I'o 30 13 LLpcl, lb. 66 Skpd.L.lb 90 15 51 12 35 14 S3 6 SkpJ.L.lb. 226 4 21 4 19 17 3 5 Skpa.L.tb 47 4 255 59 105 150 Barrvli. ■13 98 52 33.) BJrrrU. 149 6 32 Bambi. 28 4 124 3 HhdJ. GO 8 64 13 SI 2 28 5 16 12 13 2 15 Total . . . In tUe year 1630 1743 1779 6U0 6506 85 84 2079 1027i 373 i 14J 201 35 7 111 l'231 7 270 11 50 12 569 236" 212; 47.> 86i 4501 8038 10,665 "475 1138 ""98 17 52 133 83 135 367 ZZ Barren. 352 1239 986 Barreli. 93 684 422 262 722 116U Pipes. 13J 67J 71 14 36J 12i 18 Districts. Vinegar. Mead. Beer. MoJt. Coffee. Sugar. Treaele. Tobacco. Paper. Soap. Salt. Iron. Tar. foal. Hemp. Fishing Lines. Cable. Twine. Hackled. Unhack- led. Hhdj. 5 1 2 2J Barrels. 24. 9 17 3 BarrelJ. 7 Barreli. 10 11 18 SkpU.L.lb 13 15 4 10 2 7 6 6 Skpd.L.lb 24 17 10 6 13 7 5 Skpd.LJb. 13 14 4 6 5 10 1 13 Skpd.L.ib. 96 19 52 5 44 3 44 13 Rcarru, 63 25 65 4 Firkinj. 4B 1 7 Barreli. 843 325 549 862 SlpiUb. 170 13 5 4 2 13 21 14 Barrel!. 159 31 13 116 Lull. Bar. 26 4i 9 2 17 3 SkF«].L.1b. 27 Skpd. L. lb 17 6 Pieces. 7117 817 907 3630 ISeeei. 1132 Skpd. L.lb. 4 8 3 1 2 34i U 1 16 3 1 16 3 23 Total Intlieyearl693... 17M... 1779... lOJ 53 S2i 39 26 18 48 15 25 3 238 157 55 2378 200 4 319 32 12 J 27 4 19 5 12471 U 12 216 67 67 38 IS 313 834 1864 2954 781 272- 310 61 147 291 34412 9 1 20 10 256 15 10 7J 27 218 Iba. 2054 23 IS 12890 9 54 (To face page 285.^ No. II. TABLE of EXPORTS from ICELAND in the Year 1806. Districts. Fish. Dried Fish. (Slock Fish.l Sdltetlcad in barreN Salted coO m bulk. OiJ. Fish Liver. Tallow. Sailed Salmon. Wool Woollen Yarn. Stockings. Wa'ghla and Measures used in the Island. LIQUID MEASURE. 1 Pipe contains 3 Amc, or 120 Gallons. 1 Oxhoved, (Hogshead), 60 1 Anie 4 Ankers, or 40 Cod. Shark. Seal. White. Mised. Sklb. I-.ib 1606 3 8klb. L. lb, 1809 3 Barreb. 06 28 36 20 Sklb. L. lb. 2 8 BatTClj. 495i 36 17 259 BamU. no 79i 561 913 Baireti. 10 BaiTcli. 12 sklb. L. lb. 149 15 151 10 278 6 19 8 Barrelt. 28J Sklb. L. lb. 327 14 92 12 166 17 92 6 Sklb. L. lb. sub. L. lb. 58 14 9 56 4 4 3 11 524 11 Pairs. 19,507 26,186 79,900 56,023 Vt\coRnre{* 30 18 364 5 'f'is" 524 16 14 7 18 1 Anker 5 Kutting,or 10 Total 3001 6 233 IS 150 10 1 S07i 1663.S 24 1 12 598 19 28i [679 8|134 129 3 181,670 1 Kutting 4 Kandcr, or -2 1 Kandc 2 Potter, or OJ 1 Pot 4 Piele, or 3 Pints. In the year 1624... 1630... 1743... 1779... 843 207 393 3613 5817 2823 5380 4901 444i 142 658 1905 930 1445 J 471 1402 Barrels. 337 133 J SIslb. L.lb. 475 6 609 8 5i 5 3 16^ 1 Paele or Oi Pint. 365 CORN MEASURE. 1 Tonde, (Barrel), = 8 Skepper, or 4 English Bushels. 1 Skepper, (!, Bushel), contains 18 Potter or Quarts. CLOTH MEASURE. I Alen, or Yard, := 25 English inches, or two- thirds of a Yard, and is divided into Quarters. WEIGHTS, 1 Skippund, = 20 Lisepund, or 3 cwt. 22 lb. English. 33 Districts. Frocks or Jackets. Mittens. Wadmal. Lamb SkitiG. Salted Sheep Skins. Small Shark Skins. Fox Skins. Swan Skins. Goat Skins. Eider Down. Feathers. Iceland Moss. Rcin.deei Horns. Reiktavik 130 345 5790 17 Pslr.. 77,203 0,737 57,798 141,338 Pleee». 3 8 2442 642 3723 G20 190 23,516 9,091 6 233 63 32 15 35 52 sklb. L.lb 1 11 19 19 3 7J sklb. L. lb. 14 12 4 Eskefiord 115 153 1335 3 12 1 1 Total.. 6,283 283,076 11 7427 32,803 1568 145 55 115 6 16jl 26 is! 41 153 In tlieyear 1624... 12,232 13,004 110,507 186,624 EUi. 12,251 4,042 876 621 1 Fund = lOOnzer or lib. The Danish Pound is 12 per cent, heavier than the English. 1630... 1743... 1779... 121 1 884 20,722 406 98 6 2 9 A volume was published in the year 1787, at Copenhagen, by Royal authority, entitled, ' Regulations for the Trade and Navigation of Iceland.' This was at the time when the trade was declared free ; and the volume contains Tables of the Exports of Iceland from 1764 to 1784 ; but I have not had an opportunity of copying them. • Eskefiord is situate on the same bay as Rodefiord. 3_ Ch. v. Cotnmerce.1 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 28j In the preceding tables, it will be seen that the island is divided into four commercial districts; viz. Reikiavik, Eske- fiord, Eyafiord, and Isafiord. Formerly, there were six dis- tricts. This division is not merely nominal, regulations be- ing established for merchant ships visiting each district, and the settlement of Danes or Icelanders as merchants. A ves- sel arriving from Denmark in any district, is allowed to visit all the ports included in it ; but is not allowed to go into any of the harbours of the other districts.* Every person de- sirous of settling in Iceland as a merchant, must become a burgher or freeman, of the district in which he wishes to ^tablish himself. A settlement is obtained without difficulty, most commonly through the favour of the Governor or the Sj'sselmen ; and vs ith no other expence than that of a few dol- lars for writings. The districts of Reikiavik and Isafiord supply the greatest quantity of salted and dried fish ; and from the latter the greatest exportation of oil takes place, on account of the pro- ductiveness of the cod and shark fisheries. The northern and eastern coasts furnish the greatest quantity of tallow, salted mutton, wool, and woollen goods. The large quantity of tal- low and woollen stuffs exported from the Reikiavik district, is not owing to the number of sheep and cattle kept in this ♦Reikiavik includes, EsKEFIORD, Eyafiord, Isafiord, Keikiavik. Eskefiord. Eyafiord. Isafiord. Havnefiord. Rodefiord. Husavik Patrixfiord. Kieblivik. Berufiord. Siglefiord. Bildal. Eyarback. Vapnafiord. Hofsos. Olafsvik. Westmann Islands. Skagastrand. Gronnefiord Stikkesholm Stappen. Buderstad. 2S6 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. t. Commerce. part of Iceland, but to these articles being brought by the people from different j)arts of the island, for the purpose of bartering with the merchants of this place.* There is perhaps no part of the world where the cod fishery can be carried on so extensively, so easily, or so safely, as in Iceland. When the distance of Newfoundland, and the stormy weather which prevails in that quarter, are comparatively considered, together with the expence of our establishments there, Iceland offers the most important advantages as a fishing station. The facility with which the fishing is carried on by the natives is really astonishing. In the morning they go out in small skifts, to the distance of a (ew miles from the shore, and in the afternoon return with as many fine fish as their boats can contain. Even in the very harbours, as was the case at Reikiavik soon after we left it, abundance of cod are sometimes taken. The rivers are frequented by vast num- bers of salmon, an article on great demand both in this coun- try and in the West Indies. But they are neglected ; no means being employed for a regular capture, except in the small river near Reikiavik ; and the salmon from that river are almost all consumed in the country. Fish and oil are the chief articles of export, which could be extended to an indefinite amount. Wool is an article not required in Britain ; but, by improving the land, the stock of cattle and sheep might be greatly increased, so that the quantity of hides and tallow would become considerable. The disposition of the English Government to be humane towards that miserable country, cannot be doubted ; and to the feelings which dictated the Order in Council, dated in Februarv 1810, much credit is due. That compassionate * See Journal, page 202. Ch. Y. Commerce.^ ' TRAVELS IX ICELAND, '28/ and well-meant Order was not at first attended with any ad- vantage to the Icelanders. Though permission was given to trade with the natives, the duties on the goods brought home still remained prohibitory ; and several ships belonging to Ice- land, which came to this country on the faith of the Order, were, on account of the duties, long detained at Leith, till strong representations being made, they were permitted to sail to Denmark with their cargoes. Sir Joseph Banks, Avith that humanity which distinguishes him, has made many ap- plications in behalf of Iceland ; and we have not failed to re- present the case of that country, as we found it, to those under whose management our foreign relations and trade arc placed. The Board of Trade has shewn a great inclination to favour the Danish merchants trading to Iceland ; and in- dulgences, far beyond any which have ever been given to an enemy, have been granted to them. Unless these merchants be permitted to carry Icelandic produce to Denmark they cannot afford to carry provisions to Iceland. As the enrich- ment of a few individuals, who are subjects of a hostile power, cannot possibly injure this country, humanity to the wretch- ed Icelanders dictates the permission of free intercourse with Denmark. 288 TRAVELS IN ICELAND, [Ch. vi. Government 0"N THE GOVERNMENT, LAWS, AND RELFGION. CHAP. VI. vSiNc E ihe period when Iceland was first annexed to a European monarchy, the progress of time has effected little change either in the physical condition or political situation of its inhabit- ants. The general form of government, which was established nearly six centuries ago, is still preserved ; and the circum- stances of the people have required few important alterations in the code of laws, which was then transmitted to them by the Norwegian monarchs. Even this form of govern- ment, and these laws, were founded upon the existing usages of the country ; and we must principally look to the wisdom of those, who framed the ancient commonwealth of Iceland, for the origin of institutions, which, in this later age, preserve to their posterity all the blessings of tranquillity and social order. The government of Iceland is committed to an officer, ap- pointed by the crown of Denmark ; who is occasionally a native of the island, but more frequently a Dane or Norwe- gian by birdi. This supreme magistrate has the title of Stift- Ch. VI. Government.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 289 amtmand. It is his office to conduct the various public con- cerns of the country ; to preside in the courts of law ; to superintend the execution of the laws, and the collection and disposal of the public revenue ; and, in conjunction with the Bishop, to regulate the schools and certain ecclesiastical con- cerns of the island. He receives a salary, as Governor, of 2,000 rixdollars per annum ; and has a house appropriated to his use. Since the disturbances which occurred in Iceland in the sximmer of I8O9, there has been no regular governor in the country ; and it is probable that the appointment of one will not be made, till the war between England and Denmark has been brought to a termination. After Jorgensen had been deposed, and Coiuit Trampe taken to Britain in the Talbot sloop of war, the functions of the government were undertak- en by Mr Stephenson, who retained this office till the month of June 1810 ; when the change took place which has already been mentioned in the narrative. Immediately subordinate to the Governor are the Amtmen, or Provincial Governors. The island is divided into four provinces ; but as the jurisdiction of the northern and eastern are united, and as the Governor of Iceland assumes the office of Amtmand of the southern province, in which he resides, there are, in fact, only two officers who possess this title. Their duties are very similar to those of the Stiftamtmand, though on a more limited scale. They inspect the conduct of all the subordinate officers, and hold provincial courts, at which a report is made of all the public proceedings within their districts. The present Amtmen are Mr Stephenson of Huaneyre, who has the jurisdiction of the western province ; and Mr Thoranson, who holds the northern and eastern pro- vinces of the island. 2o 290 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vi. Magistrates, The S^'sselmen, though of inferior rank, are, in the offices they sustain, of great importance in the country. The}' have the personal charge of collecting the taxes in their several dis- tricts or Syssels ; they hold courts of law and pronounce judg- ment in all cases ; they watch over the public peace, officiate as public notaries, and maintain the rights of inheritance. The Sysselman is appointed by the Crown ; and the office, on account of its importance, is always given to one of the most respectable landed proprietors within the district. There is still a subordinate local officer, called the Hrepp- stiore, whose jurisdiction is a parochial one, and whose duty it particularly is to attend to the condition and maintenance of the poor, and to assist the proceedings of the Sysselman in all that relates to the preservation of public order. Where the population of a parish exceeds four hundred persons, the office is committed to two individuals ; who usually belong to the class of farmers, and are invariably chosen from a regard to their abilities and steadiness of character. By a late edict of the Danish Government, these inferior magistrates, as well as their children, are exempted from the levies for the sup- port of the poor, and are allowed also to use a dress appro- priate to their situation. In each parish, beside the Hrepp- stiore, there are a certain number of individuals (Forlikunar- men), appointed for the express purpose of accommodating any disputes which may arise among the inhabitants. The laws of Iceland, it has been already remarked, are founded ])rincipally upon the ancient code, called the Jons- bok, which was introduced into the island A. D. 1 280. Cer- tain changes have since been introduced into the substance of these laws, and several additions made to them by the edicts of the Norwegian and Danish Kings ; but none such as to affect materially their general spirit or character. The al- Ch.\i. Inferior Courts.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 291 leratlons, however, which have taken place in the judicial establishments of the country, have been much more con- siderable; and the forms of justice, in consequence of progres- sive changes, are now in many respects similar to those in the continental dominions of Denmark. Of the judicial establishments of the island, the court of the Sysselman is the first to which all cases, whether criminal or civil, are referred. This court, which is called the Hierads- thing, is officially held only once in the year in each Syssel ; but should the public business of the country require it, an extraordinary court may at any time be appointed, with the same jurisdiction ; either by the Crown in criminal cases, or by the petition of the litigants in causes of a civil nature. Every public suit brought before this tribunal is instituted by the Amtmand of the province, as the representative of the Crown. In criminal cases, an examination of the suspected person, and of the witnesses, is made immediately after the apprehen- sion of the former; and the results of the examination are transmitted to the Amtmand, who decides upon these grounds whether a trial is required. If it be deemed necessary, the prosecution is conducted in the Sysselman's court by a public pleader on the part of the Crown, who is opposed by another pleader appointed for the defendant. Upon the evidence and the pleadings, the decision of the court is founded ; the Sysselman in his judicial capacity being assisted by four per- sons, called Meddoms-menn, fconsessores judiciij who both register the proceedings, and give their suiFrages, together with the Sysselman, in the decision upon every cause.* The * A similar institution, with respect to the assistant inferior judges, exists in the inferior courts of Denmark. See Dissert, de Offic. Judicuni Inferior, in Da- nia. (Havnioe 1801, p. 17,) by Snsebiorn Stadfeldt. 2^3 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. |^Ch. vi. Superior Courts. sentence proceeds upon a plurality of these suffrages. At Reikiavik the Bifoged, or Sheriflf of the town, has a jurisdic- tion similar to that of the Sysselmen in the larger districts. From these provincial courts appeals are permitted, and are usually made in all important civil or criminal cases, to the superior court of justice, which has its ordinary sittings at Reikiavik six times in the course of the year.* This tri- bunal, in its present form, was constituted as lately as the year 1800 ; at which period the judicial assemblies, held an- nually at Thingvalla during so many centuries, were finally abolished, and their place supplied by the present establish- ment, considerably altered in its constitution and forms. The court is composed of the Stiftamtmand or governor ; of three judges ; of a secretary ; and two public pleaders. The go- vernor officiates as president, but takes no part whatsoever in the judicial proceedings. Of the judges, one has a superi- or rank, with the title of Justitiarius, which office, since the institution of the court, has been held by Mr Stephenson of Indreholm, with credit to himself, and advantage to his coun- try. The other judges, entitled the Assessors, are Mr Gron- dal of Reikiavik, whose poetical celebrity has elsewhere been mentioned, and Mr Einarson of Bessestad. Though inferior in rank to the Justitiarius, they have an equal weight with him m the decisions of the court, every sentence being determined by a plurality among their three votes. In the proceedings of the tribunal, much impartiality is observed. The evidence and jileadings for each party are respectively heard ; and the sentence is pronounced by the Justitiarius, after the votes of the other judges are obtained. As was remarked in the Pre- * This court is called the Konunglegi Lands-^ur-rettur: according to a literal translation, The Royal court of justice over the land. Ch. VI. Superior Courts.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 293 liminary Dissertation, there are at present in Iceland no ves- tiges of the trial by jury. From the superior court of justice at Reikiavik, a final ap- peal is still in all cases reserved to the authority of the higher courts at Copenhagen. Since the interruption, however, of the ordinary intercourse between Iceland and Denmark, by the war with England, it has been found desirable to estab- lish a court in the island, with the authority of passing a final judgment in criminal cases ; which court is constituted by the governor, the three judges, and one or two other members specially appointed by the governor in every cause. This tribunal, being created by an emergency, will doubtless be abolished as soon as the necessity for it has ceased. Though the transference of the superior court from Thing- valla to Reikiavik has probably, on the whole, been attended with advantage, yet there are some reasons why the Iceland- ers, as a people, should contemplate this change with feelings of regret. The annual meeting at Thingvalla was not merely that of a tribxmal of justice, but an assembly of the nation ; and though the importance of this assembly was diminished, and its dignity degraded, by the subjection of the island to a fo- reign power, yet, on the spot where the greatest among his ancestors had so often stood, the mind of the Icelander must ever have been awake to enthusiasm and patriotic pride. * Hie sacra, hie genus, hie majorum multa vestigia!' To the eye too of the poet, every thing is lost in this change. The Icelanders are now summoned to the public courts of the country in a small and miserable apartment, destitute of all ornament, and even of common furniture; where there is no- thing present to confer external dignity upon the meetings, or to mark the character of a national establishment. At the assemblies of Thingvalla, though artificial splendour was 294 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vi. Thingmlla. wanting, yet the majesty of nati're presided, and gave a su- perior and more impressive solemnity to the scene. On the banks of the river Oxeraa, where its rapid stream enters a lake, embosomed among dark and precipitous mountains, was held during eight centuries, the annual convention of the people. It is a spot of singular wildness and desolation ; on every side of which appear the mast tremendous effects of ancient convulsion and disorder ; while there is now a death- like silence amidst the horrors of the scene. Here the legis- lators, the magistrates, and the people met together. Their little group of tents placed beside the stream, was sheltered behind by a rugged precipice of lava ; and on a small grassy spot in the midst of them was held the assembly, which pro- vided by its deliberations for the happiness and tranquillity of the nation. The study of their own laws, as well as of the principles of law in general, has ever been a favourite pursuit among the Icelanders; and both in ancient and modern times, a great number of writings, connected with this subject, have appear- ed in the island. In consequence of this minute attention, all the laws of the country, both civil and criminal, are very distinctly defined ; and even among the inferior magistrates, are so well understood, that their execution is every where conducted with fidelity and exactness. The punishments for theft, prescribed in the criminal law, are varied by the degree of the offence. In cases where the theft is of little importance, or the crime committed for the first time, the offender is whipped, in the presence of only the judge and two witnesses. This punishment is allotted also to other trifling offences, when the poverty of the persons con- victed makes it impossible for them to pay a pecuniary fine. In cases where petty thefts have been a second time commit- Gh. Vf. Criminal Laws.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 295 ted, the criminal is usually sent to Copenhagen ; in the work- house of which city he is confined for the term of three or five years, according to the degree of his guilt. Thefts of a more serious nature, as the breaking into churches or houses, or the stealing of horses, are punished either by public whip- ping, or by a sentence of perpetual confinement in the Co- penhagen work -house.* Where such thefts have been com- mitted for the fourth time, or still more frequently, the pun- ishment is confinement for life in the public prisons of Den- mark. The operation of these more severe laws is, however, very seldom required ; crimes of this description being by no means frequent among the natives of Iceland. The only public prison in the island is that of Roikiavik, which was erected about fifty years ago. By a mistake, not imnatural in such a country as Iceland, this building has been rendered greatly more comfortable than the common habita- tions of the natives ; so that, were it not for the privation of liberty, the Icelander might well be content to exchange his own abode, for one where his actual comforts are little infe- rior, and Avhere he is exempted from many of the evils inci- dent to his usual mode of life. Sheep-stealing is the most common offence for which imprisonment here is adjudged ; the term of confinement extending from two to five years, and a certain portion of daily labour being appointed for each prisoner. The crime of adultery committed for the third time, is piinished by a confinement of two years. At the time we visited Iceland, there were six people imprisoned * In the work-house at Copenhagen there are different sections, allotted to different classes of ciiminals. The men condemned to c .nfinement there are kept in a part of it called the Rusp-huus, where they are employed in rasping dye-woods ; an occupation considered very dangerous to the health. 296 TBAVELS IN ICELAND, [Ch. vi. Criminal Laws, in this place ; but this is probably rather below the usual number. Capital punishment, though strictly provided for by the laws in cases of murder, &c. is scarcely ever required among a people, gentle in all their dispositions, and possessing moral qualities of an excellent kind. Examples of this have been so very rare, tliat a few years ago, when a peasant was condemned to die for the murder of his wife, no one in the island could be induced to perform the office of executioner, and it was necessary to send the criminal over to Norway, that the sentence of the law might be carried into effect. The method prescribed for inflicting death, is that of taking off the head with an axe. In all cases where capital punishment or perpetual imprisonment have been adjudged by the courts, the ratification of the king of Denmark is required, before the sentence can be acted upon. By a law enacted a iew years ago, it is provided that no Icelander, imless under an accusation which might subject him to capital punisliment, or to imprisonment for life, shall be kept in confinement before the time of his trial. When an individual is accused of any inferior crime, he is admonished by the Hreppstiore in the presence of witnesses, not to leave the parish in which he resides. If he infringes upon this •obligation, and is afterwards apprehended, he remains under strict confinement, until judgment upon his case has been pronounced. Some of the Icelandic laws with respect to property have been mentioned in the chapter on Rural Affairs. The law of inheritance is well defined, and acted upon with much strict- ness. No entail of landed property is allowed ; but upon the decease of an individual, a division is made of his lands, or of ja value equivalent to them by estimate, in which an equal Ch. VI. Taxes.} TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 297 share is allotted to every son ; with the right, however, in the case of the eldest, of chusing the farm or share of the property, which may be most agreeable to him. The daughters have each the half of a son's portion. If the wife survives her husband, she has half of his estate ; or if she dies first, the husband retains the same proportion of the property which she brought him at her marriage. The tributes paid by the Icelanders are by no means con- siderable ; and do not even suffice for the support of the civil establishment of the island. They are collected in different ways. Some of them are strictly taxes on property ; founded upon an estimate which is annually made, under the snper- intendance of the Hreppstiores, of the possessions of the se- veral individuals in each parish. This estimate is conducted in a somewhat singular way ; its basis being a very ancient regulation of property, according to the number of ells of tvadmal, the cloth of native manufacture, which each indivi- dual possessed, or was enabled to manufacture in the course of the year. The term hundred, which was formerly a division derived from the number of ells, is now applied to other de- scriptions of property. An Icelander is reckoned the posses-- sor of a hundred, when he has two horses, a cow, a certain number of sheep and lambs, a fishing boat furnished with nets and lines, and forty rixdollars in specie ; and it is by this ratio, that the amount of all possessions is ascertained, and the tributes le\'ied upon them. One of the tributes called the Tuind's, requires from every person possessing more than five hundreds, the annual payment of twelve fish, or an equiva- lent amounting to twenty- seven skillings, or somewhat more than a shilling of English money. This tax increases in an uniform ratio with the increase of property ; and its produce is allotted in equal portions to the public revenue, to the 2 p 29S TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. VI. Taxes. priests, to the churches, and to the maintenance of the poor. Another tribute, called the Skattur, consisted in former times of twenty ells of wadmal, but is now commuted to money, at the rate of four skillings and a half per ell. It is paid to the public revenue by the owners of farms, and by all whose pro- perty, estimated in hundreds, exceeds the number of indivi- duals composing their families. A third tax, called the Olaf- tollur, is paid cither in fish or money ; likewise in proportion to the property of each individual. A few others are col- lected in the country ; but they are very inconsiderable in amount, and devolve little burthen upon the inhabitants. The commerce of the island, since the year 1787j has been exempted from all duties. The management of the taxes is entirely in the hands of the Sysselmen, who collect them from the inhabitants at the public meetings which they hold in their respective districts. The payment is for the most part made in produce of various kind ; fish, tallow, butter, fox-skins, wool, or woollen goods. As the Sysselman is required to pay the amount of the taxes in money to the Landfoged, or treasurer of the island, it be- comes a part of his office to dispose of these articles to the merchants ; in which transaction, he is himself subject to the chances of gain or loss that may arise from fluctuations in the market price. A third part of the produce of the taxes is retained as his own salary ; nor is this more than sufficient to compensate him for the labour and responsibility which he incurs in the discharge of his various duties. The Icelandic laws respecting the condition and mainte- nance of the poor, are very strictly enforced ; and become much more burthensome to the farmers and peasants of the country, than the taxes to which they are subject. With the exception of three smairbuildings, for the admission of a few Ch. VI. Religion.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 299 incurable lepers, there is no public establishment in the island, which affords a permanent abode to the aged and destitute ; and by all such, the more immediate assistance of their fellow-citizens is therefore imperiously required. The laws render it necessary for every farmer or householder to receive into his family, and to give support, to those of his relations, even in the fourth degree of kindred, who may be in a destitute condition. If he has no such calls made upon him by consanguinity, he is still required to assist in the sup- port of the poor, either by admitting some orphan or aged person into his house, or by contributing an annual sum proportioned to the value of his property. It not unfre- quently happens, that a landed proprietor, who pays little more than two rixdollars to the public revenue, is called upon for forty, fifty, or even sixty, as his ratio towards the maintenance of the poor in the district ; when he is unwilling to receive any of these into his own habitation. The exe- cution of the poor-laws is committed to the Hreppstiore of each parish ; and form the most essential part of the duties of his office. In the preceding parts of this volume, much has been said respecting the history of religion in Iceland, the services of the Icelandic church, and the general condition of the priests throughout the country. A brief account of the nature of the religious establishment, and the mention of a few miscel- laneous facts, will give the reader all the information that re- mains upon this subject. The reformation of religion in Iceland took place A. D. 1551 ; since which period the doctrines of the Lutheran church, as it exists in the northern kingdoms of Europe, have been strictly maintained in the island. At the present time. 300 TEAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vi. Religion. not a single dissentient is to be found from the established religion of the country ; and the only instance of the kind on record, is one which occurred about the end of the 17th century ; when Helgo Eiolfidas, a man who had acquired much knowledge of German literature, espoused the Socinian doctrines, and taught them openly to his children and friends ; till compelled by the judgment of the Ecclesiastical Court to make a public renunciation of his belief. Doctrinal discus- sion is of course little known among the Icelanders ; and the contests which have existed in their church, relate chiefly to external ordinances, and to the situation and rights of the clergy of the island. The religious establishment of Iceland is formed on a more extensive scale, than might have been expected from the na- ture of the country and the condition of the people. The inhabited parts of the island are divided into 184 parishes ; a division which gives to each parish an average population of about 260 persons. From the great extent, however, of these districts, it has in many instances been found necessary to erect more than one church in a parish ; and the total num- ber of churches in the island somewhat exceeds three hundred. The duty of each parish devolves upon a single priest ; with the permission, however, if his own circumstances do not al- low the full discharge of his duties, to take an assistant from among theyovuig men educated for the church, who have not yet obtained a permanent situation in life. The number of the officiating ministers of religion is of course various at different times, though never greatly exceeding that of the parishes. Immediately superior to the common priests are the Provosts, or Deacons, whose office it is to exercise a ge- neral superintendance over the churches in each Syssel, and who are chosen in general from a regard to their talents and i Ca.vi. Clergy.l TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 301 respectability of character. There are nineteen of these dea- cons in the island ; but their number is included among that of the priests, just mentioned, as they severally have parishes allotted to them, of which they discharge all the ordinary duties. A small additional stipend is attached to the office, which renders their situation somewhat superior to that of the other clergy. ,; - During a period of seven centuries, Iceland was divided into two bishoprics ; that of Skalholt comprehending the southern, that of Hoolum the northern, districts of the island. The sees becoming vacant at the same time, they were united in 1797 t)y the order of the Danish government ; and the title of Bisliop of Iceland w^s conferred upon the learned and respectable Geir Vidalin, the present possessor of this digni- ty. The duties of the office are important and extensive. The Bishop superintends tlie general concerns of the religi- ous establishment ; he inspects the conduct of the priests, regulates any ecclesiastical disputes which may occur, or- dains those who are entering upon the pastoral office, and watches over the education and moral conduct of the people at large. It is a part of his duty also to visit at stated pe- riods the different districts of his diocese, for the purpose of personal inspection ; and the farmers of the country are re- quired to assist him, while making these journies, with every accommodation which their means may afford. The appoint- ment of the Bishop is vested in the Crown. While there w»ere two bishoprics in Iceland, the revenues of each were very small, and ill adapted to support the dignity, scarcely even the necessary duties of the ofKce. In consequence of the union of tht sees, a considerable augmentation Was made in the revenues of the present Bishop, which now amount to about 1800 dollars per annum ; derived chieHy from the pub- 303 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. {Cn. vi. THthci. lie treasury of the island. Did he reside in the interior of the country, this sum woukl raise him to the highest rank of opu- lence ; but making his abode in Reikiavik, he is subject to many additional expences, not only from the different mode of life among the Danes, but also from the necessity of en- tertaining the country priests, who come to barter their com- modities with the merchants at this place. The singular hos- pitality .and kindness of heart, which distinguish the character of Bishop Vidalin, would keep him in a state of poverty, even were his means of exercising these dispositions much greater than they actually are. The patronage of the church in Iceland was formerly in the hands of the people and the proprietors of land ; was af- terwards assumed by the Bishops, as the representatives of the Papal authority ; and finally, at the period of the refor- mation, was transferred to the crown of Denmark. The power is now, in most cases, exercised by the Governor of the island, with the assistance and advice of the Bishop. The reveni>es of the clergy are derived in part from the lands an- nexed to the churches ; partly from tithes upon the landed property of the country. These tithes are paid by the farm- ers, in a ratio determined, not by the quantity of produce raised upon each farm, but by the fixed rents of the land • from the nature of which rents, as described in the chapter on Rural Affairs, it will appear that the value of the tithes is subject to very little variation. More than half a century has elapsed since the estimate was made, upon which the regula- tion of their value was founded ; but this regulation probably falls little short of the present revenues of the Icelandic church, in as far as they are derived from tithes. To afford an idea of the extreme scantiness of the provision which is thus made for the clergy, it may be sufficient to state, from Ca. yi. Tithes.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 303 the tables drawn up at that time, that the whole revenue by- tithe, in 18.1 parishes, does not exceed the sum of 6400 specie dollars ; giving an average of 34 or 35 dollars for each parish in the island. The distribution of the stipends is by no means equal, owing to the difference in the extent and value of the land under cultivation in different districts. The most valua- ble living in the island is that of Breide-bolstadr, in Rangaa- valle Syssel, the stipend of which is upwards of 180 dollars : the parish contains 376 people. In the parish of Krciss, in the same district, where there are two churches, and a popu- lation exceeding 500, the stipend amounts only to 33 dollars. In Aarnes Syssel, the parish of Torfastadir, in which the Geysers are situated, contains five churches ; while the salary of the priest and his assistant, amounts scarcely to 30 dollars. In numerous instances, however, the stipends are still much smaller ; and there are two or three parishes in the island, where the annual sum of five dollars forms the whole provi- sion which is made by tithe for the support of the ministers of religion. The stipends, though specified according to their value in luoney, are very generally paid, like the taxes, in different articles of produce ; which the priests either consume in their own families, or barter with the merchants for other articles which they more immediately require. These scanty pittances would obviously be insufficient to the support of the religious establishment, were they not as- sisted by the value of the glebe-land, which is annexed to the church in each parish. Every priest thus becomes a farmer; and though the land which they hold is in general of small extent, yet there are certain rights attached to it, which aug- ment considerably the profits derived from this source. Be- side the tithe upon his rent, each farmer in the parish is re- quired to give annually to the priest, either a day's work, or 304 TRAVFXS IN ICELAND, [Ch. vi. Churches, an equivalent value in money; and likewise to keep one of his lambs during the winter season ; taking it home in October, and returning it in good condition the following spring. It is customary, also, for the more wealthy of his parishioners, to make him a small offering, of the value of eightpence in Eng- lish money, three times in the course of the year ; besides Avhich, a trifling perquisite is occasionally obtained for the per- formance of particular services, as baptism, marriage, and burial. These are all the sources from which the Icelandic priest obtains a livelihood for his family. In the preceding narrative of our travels, the general ap- pearance and construction of the churches in Iceland has been minutely described. It would be difficult, indeed, to convey to one who has not visited the country, an adequate idea of the extreme wretchedness of some of the edifices which bear this name. But it must be recollected, that if a greater size, or more decoration, had been given to these places of Avorship, their number would have been diminished in the same proportion ; and in looking therefore at the Icelandic churches, as they now are, no feeling of contempt can have place in the mind, but rather a sentiment of admiration, for the judgment with which the means of the people have been applied to the great object in view. The charge of attending to the condition of the churches is committed to the Hreppstiore of each parish ; while to provide for any ne- cessary repairs, a small tax is levied upon the inhabitants, and the personal labours of the peasants are occasionally re-- qiiired. The present war between England and Denmark, unfortunate for Iceland in so many points of view, has here also inflicted some of its evils. The accustomed supply of timber from Norway being suspended, many of the churches in the country are getting into a ruinous state ; and d\iring Cb.yi. Priests.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 305 the last siiniiner, communications were made to the Bishop from different parishes, representing the impossibility of con- tinuing public worship from this cause. The education of the priests at the school of Bessestad, will be described in the next chapter. When a young man, intended for this office, has undergone the required examina- tions, he leaves the school, and usually returns to his native place ; where, in assisting his family to obtain their scanty and hardly-earned provision, he submits to the same labours as the meanest of those around him. During our first jour- ney in Iceland, we were attended by a person in this situa- tion, who performed for us all the menial offices of a servant and guide. These young men are still called upon, however, to pursue their theological studies in as far as their limited means will allow ; and, to provide for this necessary part of discipline, the superintendance of the Bishop is continued, who annually transmits to each candidate for the priesthood, a series of Latin questions, as a test of his diligence and proficiency. The nature of these questions will be seen from the subjoined list, which was sent to some of the students of divinity in the summer of 1810.* The dissertations in reply to them, are conveyed to the Bishop at Reikiavik by those who come down * Examen Theologicum Candidato solvendum. 1. Quanam cautione opus est in prophetiis Veteris Testament! explicandis? 2. Quid libri Veteris Testamenti docent de resurrectione mortuorum. 3. An niali genii Iiomines ad peccandum solicitant ? 4. In quo consistit venia peccatorum nobis per Jesum parta ? 5. ^ternitas poenarum post hanc vitam quibus argumentis probator, et quo- modo cum benignitate Summi Numinis concilianda est .'' 6. Explicentur Matt. xv. 4, 3, 6 ; et i. Cor. in. 15, 16. 7. Qualis fuit status religionis in patria nostra ante Reformationem ? 8. Cur Deus hominibus salutem seternam, tantum conditione vitae emcndandae, pollicetur .' 306 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. it. Church servict. to this part of the coast to fish, or to dispose of their tallow and other commodities to the merchants. After a certain period of probation, and a personal examination by the Bishop on the doctrines and duties of their profession, the candidates are received into orders, and await the occurrence of vacancies, which may afford them a place of final settle- ment. It is not, however, a life of luxurious ease which they enjoy, when their abode is thus determined. From the scan- tiness of the provision which is made for them in their public situation, the toil of their own hands is necessary to the sup- port of their families ; and besides the labours of the liltle farm which is attached to his church, the priest may often be seen conducting a train of loaded horses from the fishing station to his distant home ; a journey not unfrequently of many days ; and through a country wild and desolate beyond description. Their habitations are constructed merely of wood and turf, like those of the farmers of the country, and are equally destitute of all internal comforts. A stove, or place for containing fire, is scarcely ever to be found in them : often there is only one apartment in the house to which the light of the sun has free access, or where there is any flooring but the naked earth ; and the furniture of this room seldom comprehends more than a bed, a broken table, one or two chairs, and a few boxes, in which the clothes of the family are preserved. Such is the situation during life of the Icelandic priests ; and amidst all this wretchedness and these privations, genius, learning, and moral excellence, are but too frequently entombed. The ordinary service of the churches in Iceland consists of prayer, psalms, a sermon, and readings from the Scriptures. The prayers and readings are rather chaunted than spoken by the priest, who performs this part of the service at the Cb. VI. Sabbath scene.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 30/ altar of the clnirch. The sermons appear in general to be previously composed, and are delivered from notes. Of the style and character of these compositions we had not the means of forming an accurate judgment; but in those in- stances where we attended the public worship of the coun- try, it seemed, from the warm and empassioned manner of their delivery, and from the frequent use of the figure of in- terrogation, that a powerful appeal was made to the feelings, as well as to the understanding, of the audience. In the con- duct of the religious service, considerable decorum is main- tained. The moral and religious habits of the people at large may be spoken of in terms of much commendation. In his do- mestic capacity, the Icelander performs all the duties which his situation requires, or renders possible ; and while by the labour of his hands, he obtains a provision of food for his children, it is not less his care to convey to their minds the iflheritance of knowledge and virtue. In his intercourse with those around him, his character displays the stamp of honour and integrity. His religious duties are performed with cheer- fulness and punctuality ; and this even amidst the numerous obstacles, which are afforded by the nature of the country, and the climate under which he lives. The Sabbath scene at an Icelandic church is indeed one of the most singular and interesting kind. The little edifice, constructed of wood and turf, is situated perhaps amid the rugged ruins of a stream of lava, or beneath mountains which are covered with never melting snows ; in a spot where the mind almost sinks under the silence and desolation of surrounding nature. Here the Icelanders assemble to perform the duties of their religion. A group of male and female peasants may be seen gathered about the church, waiting the arrival of their pastor ; all 308 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vi. Bibles. habited in their best attire, after the manner of the country ; their children with them ; and the liorses, which brought them from their respective homes, grazing quietly around the little assembly. The arrival of a new-comer is welcomed by every one with the kiss of salutation ; and the pleasures of social intercourse, so rarely enjoyed by the Icelanders, are happily connected with the occasion which summons them to the discharge of their religious duties. The priest makes his appearance among them as a friend : he salutes individually each member of his flock, and stoops down to give his almost parental kiss to the little ones, who are to grow up under his pastoral charge. These offices of kindness performed, they all go together into the house of prayer. * There are two translations of the Bible into the Icelandic language ; the first by Gudbrand Thorlakson, Bishop of Hoolum, from the German Bible of Martin Luther, and pub- lished in 1584 ; the second was executed chiefly by Bishop Skulasson, in conformity with the Danish version of Resenius, and appeared about sixty years afterwards, under the more immediate patronage of the King of Denmark. The latter of these versions is preferable to the former, merely from the division of the text into verses ; which division the edition of Bishop Thorlakson did not supply. At present, owing to the length of time which has elapsed since any edition appeared, there is a great deficiency of Bibles in every part of Iceland ; an evil which, from the depressed state of the printing esta- blishment of the island, it is scarcely possible that the unaided efforts of the people should be enabled to remove. Ch. VII. Literature] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 309 PRESENT STATE OF EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. CHAP. VII. In the Dissertation prefixed to this vohime, an attempt has been made to explain the circumstances in which the Htera- ture of the Icelanders originated, and to trace its progress through the successive periods .of the history of the island. It will be the object of this chapter to complete the view of Icelandic literature, by exhibiting the present state of mental cultivation among the people ; their institutions for the pro- motion of learning ; and the modes of education among dif- ferent classes of the community. From the more minute de- scription to which they lead, these circumstances could not with propriety f»>rm a part in the general history of the coim- try ; though, as a sequel to it, they may possibly be interest- ing to the reader. The picture of the present state of Hterature in Iceland is much less imposinj; than that of its early condition and growth. The changes, however, which the lapse of time has effected, are rather relative than absolute in their nature ; and thouj,h the glory of the Icelanders is now for ever sunk, and llieir 310 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii. vii. School name almost lost among nations, yet in their own island they still keep alive much of that spiritof literary pursuit by which the character of their ancestors was so greatly distinguished. A few of the names which adorn the modern history of the country have already been mentioned. At the present time, there are many individuals, living on this remote spot, and from their situation exposed to innumerable privations, whose talents and acquirements would grace the most refined circles of civilized society. The business of education is systematic- ally carried on among all ranks of the inhabitants ; and the degree of information existing, even among the lower classes, is probably greater than in almost any part of continental Europe. This state of mental culture will appear more wonderful, when it is considered that the circumstanceis of the country do not allow of any extended scheme of public education, and that the transmission of knowledge can take place only through the private and domestic habits of the people. In the existence among the Icelanders of habits which are fitted to this end, we contemplate a feature which is justly entitled to admiration and esteem. At the present time, the school of Bessestad is in fact the only establishment for education in Iceland. About the middle of the l6lh century, when the reformation of religion took place in the island, two schools were founded ; one at Skalholt, the other at Hoolum in the northern province ; and a landed property was attached to these institutions, sufficient for the support of between twenty and thirty scholars at each place. Towards the close of the last century, the two schools were united into one, and transferred to Reikiavik ; while in lieu of the school lands, which were appropriated by the crown, an annual sum from the public money was allotted to Ch. vm. School.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 311 the support of the estabhshment. A few years ago, the school was again transferred to its present situation atBessestad; the building being vacant which was formerly the abode of the Governors of Iceland. This edifice, though by no means in good repair, is from its size better adapted than any other in the covuitry for the purposes to which it is now applied; and, but for the intervention of the war between England and Denmark, would ha\'e been further improved by the comple- tion of some additional buildings, which are yet in an un- -finished state. The establishment at Bessestad consists at present of three masters, and twenty- three or twenty- four scholars ; the funds of the school not allowing the reception of a greater number. The head master, or Lector Theologise, has an annual salary of 600 rixdollars. It is his office to superintend the general concerns of the school, and to conduct more especially the theological department, and the study of the Hebrew lan- guage. At the time of our arrival in Iceland, the person who held this situation was Mr Steingrim Jonson ; a man ap- parently not more than thirty-five years of age, but possessed of talents and learning which well fitted him for the discharge of its important duties. For several years he was the pupil and secretary of the late bishop FInsson at Skalholt, after whose death he studied some time at Copenhagen ; where, as a classical scholar, he acquired very great credit. His know- ledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages is said to be ac- curate and extensive ; and to theological studies he has given a very minute attention, being intimately acquainted with ihe writings of the most eminent of the- German tlieologians. This gentleman, during our stay in Iceland, was removed from Bessestad to the church of Odde, in Rangaavalle Syssel, one of the most valuable livings in the island. He was sue- 31!^ TRAVELS TN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. School. ceeded by another person, of the same name, who is likewise reputed to be a man of learning and acqxiirements. The two inferior masters of the school have salaries of 300 rixdoUars each. The office of the second master compre- hends the instruction of the scholars in Latin, history, geo- graphy, and arithmetic ; while the third is occupied in teach- ing the Greek, Danish, and Icelandic languages. It is a sin- gular circumstance in the regulations of the school, that each scholar, whether intended for the pastoral office or not, is obliged to study the elements of Hebrew, and to undergo some examination in this language. By far the greater num- ber, however, of those who attend the school, are preparing themselves for this future situation in life ; and in the admis- sion of scholars, a preference is always given to the children of priests. A youth is not allowed to enter until he has been confirmed ; and a certificate of his talents and disposition is required from the minister of the parish in which he has re- sided. The period of annual study extends from the begin- ning of October to the end of May ; the summer being made the season of vacation, to accommodate the rural occupations, in which all ranks among the Icelanders are obliged to par- take. It is a part of the office of the Bishop to visit the school at the commencement and close of each session ; and at the latter time, to superintend the examinations of the scholars; which then take place. These examinations continue during several days with a prescribed form of proceeding, of which a sketch has already been given in the narrative. After a certain degree of progress in the studies allotted to him, each scholar becomes what is termed a c/eniissus : leaving the school, and pursuing his future studies at home. No particular period is fixed for a demission. This is deter- mined solely by the proficiency of the student, as ascertained Cb. YU. School] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 313 by an examination ; for which it is required that he should be able to read and write Latin with accuracy ; that he shoidd have some knowledge of Greek and Hebrew ; and of the rules for interpreting the Old and new Testaments ; and that he should be acquainted with the Danish language, with history, arithmetic, and geography. The knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, though officially required, is, however, in the prac- tice of these examinations, by no means very rigorously ex- acted. Where the students are preparing for the priesthood, as is generally the case, they are farther questioned upon the Bible and ecclesiastical history, upon the doctrines of the Lutheran church, &c. If a youth has continued seven years without attaining the qualifications which entitle him to be- come a Jemissus, the Lector writes to his family, representing the matter to them, and he is not allowed to remain longer at the school. A library is attached to the establishment at Bessestad, containing probably twelve or fourteen hundred volumes ; among which are a few good editions of the classics. The greater part of the library consists of Icelandic and Danish works; beside which there are a considerable number of vo- lumes in the German language, and a few in the English and French. The number of manuscripts is very considerable, and they appear to be of little value. The private library of the Lector Theologise, though smaller, is more select ; and contains the works of Mosheim, Heinzius, Rcinhard, Lowth, Griesbach, Michaelis, and numerous other authors of minor note, on ecclesiastical history and doctrine. It is the best theological collection in the island. ' Among the young men educated at this school, there are some who afterwards go to Copenhagen, with the view of prosecuting their studies at the university there ; this advan- 2 R 314 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Literary habits. tage being. occasionally afforded to the children of those who hold civil offices, or possess landed property, and to the sons of some of the wealthier among the clergy of the country. The number of students, however, mIio enjoy such opportuni- ties is very limited ; and the remainder, oppressed by poverty and the necessities of their situation, are generally compell- ed to take up their abode for life in solitary spots, where their intercourse, even with each other, is almost wholly sus- pended, and where any future progress in knowledge can only be effected by their independent and unaided exertions. This is the condition of all the country priests in the island, and of many of the more respectable of the proprietors and farmers. Deprived, as they thus appear to be, both of the means and motives for mental cultivation, it could scarcely be expected that instances should occur, where the ardour of literary pursuit is still maintained, and the acquisitions of former study not only preserved but even increased and im- proved. The occurrence, however, and even the frequency of examples of this kind, may render necessary some explana- tion of a fact so extraordinary. Among the more obvious of the causes which present themselves, is the long period of leisure which the Icelanders enjoy, during the protracted winters of their northern region. This leisure, those who have acquired in their youth the habits of literary pursuit, will naturally devote to a continuance in occupations, which are so well adapted to relieve the weariness of the passing time. Their means of study are indeed very limited, and the enjoy- ments of participation almost wholly denied; but these com- parative disadvantages are in some measure o\ercome by the habits of perseverance, which necessity creates, and which are maintained from an exi-erimental sense of their value. Nor is the great name of their ancestors without its influence Ch.yu. Priests.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 315 upon the present generation of Icelanders. There are few amongst them who cannot refer back to the times, when those, born on the same soil with themselves, were raised to honours and renown in foreign lands : and never is this ap- peal made without an animated feeling of patriotic pride and satisfaction. Among the class of priests, another motive to mental cul- tivation is the desire of maintaining in their office, an influ- ence, which cannot be derived from any difference of external circumstances. The pastor must undergo the same labours and hardships as the meanest of his flock : he enjoys few ad- ditional comforts or refinements of life ; and but for the superiorit}' of his intellectual attainments, would speedily lose that station in society, which it is so necessary he should retain. It forms, too, an important part of his duty, to superintend the business of domestic education in the fa- milies placed under his pastoral care. This oftice is not, in- deed, strictly required by the ecclesiastical statutes of the country ; but it is founded upon usage, and ultimately upon a sense of the necessity for such a superintendance, W'here the public means of education are so greatly limited by the poverty of the people, and tlie dispersion of their num- bers. An interesting example of the attention with which this duty is sometimes exercised, has been given in the Journal, (p. 141) ; and the instance of the parish priest of Saurbar is by no means singular among the ministers of religion in Iceland. Their poverty, indeed, rather increases than lessens the influence of these exertions, by associ- ating them more intimately with their parishioners, and promoting that free, and unreserved communication, which a more refined state of society has so much tendency to preclude. 316 TRAVFXS IN ICELAND. [Ca. fix. Domsttc education. By this supcrintendance of the priests, and the long estab- lished habits of the people, a regular system of domestic edu- cation is maintained, in the benefits of which even the low- est ranks of the community partake. With the exception of those who inhabit the coast, in the vicinity of the great fish- ing stations, it is a rare thing to meet with an Icelander who is unable to read and write, or who does not possess con- siderable intelligence on all subjects to which his situation allows him access. The instruction of his children forms one of his stated occupations, and while the little earthen hut which he inhabits is almost buried by the snows of winter, and darkness and desolation are spread universally around, the light of an oil lamp illuminates the page, from which he reads to his family the lessons of knowledge, religion, and virtue. The importance of these domestic habits has been well understood by the Icelanders themselves. In the eccle- siastical code of the country, an article is extant, singular perhaps in its natiu'e, but admirable in its design, which gives to the Bishop, or even the inferior clergy, the power of pre- venting any marriage where the female is unable to read. This law, which provides so powerful a pledge for the instruc- tion of the rising generation, is still occasionally acted upon, though probably not with so much strictness as in former times. The books in the possession of the lower classes are chiefly of a religious nature ; a great niunber of these works having been printed in Iceland during the last two or three centuries, and very generally circulated through the conntry. In many parishes, there is a small collection of books be- longing to the church ; from which, under the supcrintend- ance of the priest, each family in the district may derive some little addition to its means of instruction and improve- ment. Cu.yii. Ancient wrilings.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 31/ The historical and poetical writings which the early litera- ture of Iceland produced, are by no means generally known among the Icelanders of the present time; such studies being principally confined to the priests, and to those of the higher classes. The calamities which oppressed the island during the 15th century, and which entirely extinguished the cele- brity, and almost even the name of the people, interposed a sort of barrier between the ancient Icelanders and their pos- terity. Learning was restored under an altered form ; the works of former genius were only partially revived ; and these circumstances, together with the changes progressively taking place in the language of the country, have removed from the possession of the present race of people, all the more striking evidences of the ancient condition of their commu- nity. A great number of manuscripts are still to be found in the churches, and in the houses of the priests and principal inhabitants ; but, with few exceptions, they are all of modern date, and are merel}' the representatives of works which were intended for publication, but which the poverty of their writers, or other circumstances, have unavoidably suppressed. The greater proportion of the Icelandic manuscripts which derive value from their antiquity, have been graduall}' trans- ferred to Copenhagen, and deposited in the public or private libraries of that metropolis.* Here they have been carefully collated, with a view to the pubhcation of those which were found most remarkable or important ; and it is principally through this channel that the earlier wrilings of the Iceland- ers are known to the present inhabitants of the country. The * The library of Professor Thorkelin, which contained a valuable collection of Icelandic works, is said to have been destroyed during the late bombardment of Copenhagen. 318 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cii.vii. Classical literature. valuable editions of these writings printed at Copenhagen, have come into the possession of all who bear a literary cha- racter among the Icelanders; and a few editions of the works of this period, which have been printed in the island, have given a further diffusion to this branch of knowledge among the people. It is, however, by no means general ; the tales and traditions which now prevail in the country, relating for the most part to more recent times, and being in few instances derived from the Sagas and poems, in which the events of antiquity are described. Among those individuals of the present day who have made the early literature of Iceland an object of study, the name of Finnur Magnuson may particvdarly be mentioned. This young man, who holds the situation of public pleader in the courts of law at Reikiavik, and is distinguished by his clas- sical acquirements, has bestowed very great attention upon the early writings, and especially upon the ancient poetry of his country ; and is considered to have a more intimate know- ledge of them than any other person in the island. He has likewise been enabled, from his residence on the spot, and from his family connections with several eminent Icelanders, to collect some manuscripts of considerable value from their age and rarity. The industry and success of Professor Thorke- lin in the same pursuits are more generally known ; but the long absence of this gentleman from Iceland has lessened^ in some degree, his connection with the modern literature of the country. In describing the state of knowledge among the present race of Icelanders, their attainments in languages and in classical literature must particularly be noticed. This is one of the first of those circumstances which engage the atten- tion and admiration of the stranger, in visiting the island. Ch. vn. Classical literalure.l TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 319 He sees men whose habitations bespeak a condition little re- moved from the savage state; who suffer an almost entire pri- vation of every comfort or refinement of life ; and who, amid the storms of the surrounding sea, seek, in their little boats, the provision upon which alone their families can securely de- pend. Among these very men, he finds an intimate know- ledge of the classical writings of antiquity ; a taste formed upon the purest models of Greece and Rome ; and a suscep- tibility to all the beauties which these models disclose. While traversing the country, he is often attended by guides who can communicate with him in Latin ; and, arriving at liis* place of nightly rest, he not un frequently draws forth from the labours of his little smithy, a man who addresses him in this language with the utmost fluency and elegance. This cultivation of the ancient languages has been common among the Icelanders from an early period in their history ; and it will be seen from the Preliminary Dissertation, that many of the principal works which distinguish their literature, and especially those of the historical kind, have been composed in Latin. At the present time, this language forms a part of tlie education of the priests, and of all the principal inhabit- ants of the island. It is still very frequently the vehicle of their writings ; and a great number of inediled Latin books, both in poetry and prose, may be found throughout the coun- try, destined for ever to remain in the obscurity which gave them birth. Epigrams and short descriptive poems in the same language are exceedingly common ; and, through this metlium, the Icelanders <>ften indulge that tendency to per- sonal satire, which it formerly required even the operation of laws to restrain. The study of Greek, as might be expected, is by no means equally general ; but there are, notwithstanding, several very 320 TUAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. PhUnlogi/. excellent Grecian scholars, who now do credit to the litera- ture of the island. In the first place among these is the pre- sent Bishop, Geir Vidalin ; a man whose acquirements in every department of literary pursuit, would do honour to any country, or condition of society. To classical studies, he has devoted peculiar attention ; and, in his colloquial Latin, he displays a facihty and correctness of style, and a richness and propriety of quotation, which evince the most intimate acquaintance with the writers of the best ages of Rome. In Grecian literature, his reading has been almost equally ex- tensive ; and he is said to be a very good Hebrew scholar. Among the other Icelanders of the present time who have distinguished themselves in classical literature, are. Stein- grim Jonson of Bessestad ; the Rector Hialmarson, who for- merly conducted the school at Hoolum ; and Arnas Helge- son, the priest of Vatnsfiord, at the most northerly extremity of the island. Few translations from the classics have been published in the Icelandic language, though it is probable that many manuscripts of this kind exist in the country. The Transactions of the Icelandic Society, a work afterwards to be mentioned, contain translations of the Idylls of Theocritus, which possess very great merit ; and, in the same work, there is a translation of Plutarch's Paidagogia by the Assessor Einarson. The fables of j^sop, and many of the odes of Horace, have likewise been given to the Icelanders in their native verse. It may be proper to notice here the great attention to the studies of philology and criticism, which has existed among the learned men of Iceland during the last two centuries. Many valuable works, connected witii this department of literature, have been already published, either in the island or at Co- penhagen ; and numerous writings of the same kind are still Ch. vii. Modern languages.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 321 to be found in manuscript, in different parts of Iceland. A catalogue of a few of these works is given in the subjoined note.* In the study of the modern languages, the proficiency of the Icelanders is as great as can be expected from their limited intercourse with the continental nations. With the Danish language all the higher class of inhabitants are perfectly fa- miliar ; the German is imderstood by many; and of late years the English has been cultivated by a few individuals with much success. All these languages, as is well known, originate from the same root ; and the resemblance still retained between the Icelandic and Danish, or still more the Norwegian, is such, that the natives of each country can, without much difficulty, make themselves mutually understood. Through these differ- ent channels, the Icelanders have acquired considerable in- formation respecting the modern literature of Europe, parti- cularly that of Germany and Denmark ; and they possess not * Lexicon Runicum Magni Olavii. Havniae, 1650. -^ Lexicon Islandicum Gudmundi Andrea. Havniae, 1683. Monosyllabica Islandica Johanm's Rugmanni. 1676. Prsecepta Grammatica et Syntactica Theodori Thorlacii, Linguae Septentrionalis Elementa, per Runolphum Jonte. Havnise, 1652. Re- published at Oxford, 1689; and in Hickes's Thesaurus, 1705. Gustus ad Isocratem Argrimi Vidalini. Havniae, 1698. it Dissertatio Philologica Arngrimi Vidalini, de vocis 11X3 (Psalm xx. v. 11.) ge- nuina lectione et significatione. 1689. Lexicon Juridicum Patili Vidalini. Exposito Alphabeti Hebraici Gunnlaugi Snorronis. Havniae, 1775. Tractatus de Orthographia Islandica Eggerti Olavii. Claves Metricae Thorsteini Magni, Gudmundi Olavii, Thorlaci Gudbrandi, &c. NOT PUBLISHED. Lexicon Islandico-Latinum Johan. Arnai, Episcopi Skalholtensis. Lexicon Islandicum Gudmundi Olavii. Lexicon Islandicum Johan. Olavii, kc. &c. 2s ..>, 322" TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Poetry. only the originals, but translations of many of the works, which have acquired reputation in these countries in later times. Their knowledge of English literature is obtained chiefly through the medium of the Danish and German ; in which languages the works of Addison, Pope, Richardson, and Young, are known and admired by many individuals in the island. They possess likewise a few translations of English works into their native language. Twenty or thirty years ago, the whole of Milton's Paradise Lost was translated into Ice- landic verse by Jonas Thorlakson, a priest at Backa, in the northern part of the island ; of which translation two books were published in the Acts of the Icelandic Society : the re- mainder are yet in manuscript. The merits of the poetry in this translation are spoken of in terms of high eulogium by the Bishop ; who is, however, unacquainted with the original. The same Jonas Thorlakson has also translated Pope's Essay on Man, of which a considerable edition was printed at Leira in 1798, in a duodecimo form. The cultivation of poetry in Iceland, though by no means so general as in ancient times, still forms a striking feature in the literature of the coimtry. Among those of the natives who enjoy the reputation of talents or learning, there are few who have not occasionally tempted the Muse ; and where ^ such efforts have been seconded by the true inspiration of genius, the poet still receives his reward in the applause and admiration of his fellow- citizens. The days indeed are past, when the bard ' poured forth his unpremeditated lay' to the assembled and admiring multitude ; but in exchange for these irregular effusions of fancy, a more classical style has been acquired, and greater selection and taste are exercised irt poetical compositions. A few only can be mentioned of those individuals who still adorn this branch Ch. vii. Poetry.] TRAVELS IN ICELAXD; 525 of Icelandic literature. One of the most eminent is the Assessor Benedict Grondal, a judge in the higher court of justice, and a man of an elegant and cultivated mind. His published poems, which are regarded as the best modern spe- cimens of the Icelandic language, are not, however, either very numerous or considerable in length; consisting chiefly of odes, epitaphs, and other detached pieces; among which are many excellent translations from Theocritus, Anacreon, and Horace. A translation of Pope's Temple of Fame, which was published some years ago, is greatly esteemed by the best judges of Ice- landic poetry. He has composed also several poetical satires ; in which, according to the information of the Bishop, there is much successful ridicule, after the manner of Horace, of the follies and vices of his countrymen ; but these satires, in consequence of the express prohibitory article in the laws of the island, he has not ventured to publish. The general style of his poetry is described to be terse, pointed, and ele- gant, Finnur Magnvison is another of the Icelandic writers of the present day, who has acquired much credit from the facility with nhich he composes in the Latin and Danish lan- guages, and for the extreme accuracy of his Icelandic style. He has translated into Danish verse, the poem of his uncle Eggert Olafson, on the rustic life of the Icelander, and pub- lished also several smaller pieces. Jonas Thorlakson, the ve- nerable translator of Milton, is still living in a remote part of the island, and has composed many original poems of great merit ; of which, however, nearly all are unpublished. An- other individual, possessing some reputation, is Sigurdar Pe- turson of Reikiavik, who has written among other works a poem in six books, called Stella ; in which, under a fictitious form, the manners and habits of the Icelanders are minutely described. This poem is likewise unpublished, and will pro- 324 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Poetri;. bably ever remain in obscurity. The poverty and other cir- cumstances of the Icelanders, offer indeed such multiplied ob- stacles to their literary progress, that it is impossible not to admire the ardour and industry which, in pursuits of this ^ nature, they continue to display. In the department of poetry, more especially, the number of manuscript works, doomed, from the situation of their authors, to perpetual oblivion, is . X, exceedingly great; yet the mvise is still invoked; and the taste ^ and feeling for such compositions are still awake in the minds IH^ of the people, though so little cherished by opportunity, or - . # by the aspect of surrounding nature. The religious character of the Icelanders has strongly dis- posed them to the cultivation of sacred poetry ; and a great number of writings of this kind have appeared in the island during the last two centuries. Besides numerous collections ♦ of psalms and hymns, various parts of the Old and New Testament, as the books of the Pentateuch, the history of David, and the life of the Apostle Paul, have been published in the form of poetical paraphrase ; and a few of these works ft '■ niay be found in the possession of almost every family in the country. With the scanty materials for history which the Icelanders possess, it is scarcely wonderful that this branch of literature should be less cultivated now than it was in former times. Among those of the natives who have received patronage and support at Copenhagen, many, during the last century, have ^v'ell maintained, by their historical writings, the reputation of their country ; but in Iceland itself, few considerable worJis of this kind have lately appeared ; and the greater number of these relate merely to the events of the passing age. The Chief Justice Stephenson is untloubtcdly entitled to the first j)lace uijiiong the present historical writers of the island. This gen- Ch. VII. Poetry.] TRAVELS TN ICELAND. 325 tleman, whose zeal in the pursuit of knowledge has been se- eonded by better opportunities than most of his countrymen enjoy, has held, during the last twenty years, tlie most con- spicuous place among the literary characters of Iceland; a situation to which his acquirements and influence would seem to justify his claim. The attainments he has made are varioiis and extensive; a residence of several years at Copen- hagen having afforded him access, not only to the literature, but also to some part of the science of modern times. To the English language he has paid particular attention ; and be- sides speaking and writing it with facility, he is famihar with all the more eminent of our writers in the department of the belles-lettres. Mr Stephenson is himself a very voluminous author. As President of one of the Literary Societies of Ice- land, he has published many books for the use of the Society; and from the catalogue of his writings, which is given in the note, it will be seen that his labours have comprehended a singular extent and variety of subjects, * The most important • 1. Treatise on Meteors, 1783. 2. Description of the eruption of a new volcano in Skaptaa-fell Syssel, with engravings, 8vo. 1783. 3. ^lournful Thoughts, and a Funeral Song, at the tomb of the celebrated and beloved Bishop Finsson, 8vo. 1796. 4. A Panegyric on Bishop Finsson, read to a meeting of the Icelandic Society, 8vo. 1797. 5. Amusements for Friends ; containing useful pieces in prose and poetry, on natural history, physic, astronomy, Iiistory, morals, and divinity, 8vo. 1797. C. A Biographical Memoir of the Lady of the late Bishop Teitson, 8vo. 1797. 7. MtHnisvcrd 7'idindi, or Memorable News, containing the most remarkable historical events from 1795 to IHOl; in five vols. 8vo. 8. Jest and Earnest ; or a collection of pieces in poetry and prose; on jurispru- dence, morals, theology, medicine, and the belles-lettres, 8vo. 1798. 9. A Defence for the injured Icelandic Magistrate, 8vo. 1798. 326 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vn. Hislori/i among his writings, is the History of Iceland in the 18th cen- tury ; a work which abounds in vahiable information respect- ing the civil condition, the natural history, and the literature of the island during this period. In the style of the book, by a singular example of the prosopopeia, Iceland is made occa- sionally to tell her own tale, and to speak in a personal form of the various events which have befallen her ; a mode of narrative which, though sometimes verging towards the ludi- crous, has nevertheless a simplicity congenial to the subject, and capable even of rising into the pathetic and sublime. Another historical work, edited and chiefly written by Mr Stephenson, is a sort of political register, of which, in the period between 1795 and 1802, a volume was published annuallyatthe Leira printing-office, under an octavo form. This contained a narrative of the political events which had occurred in Europe during the preceding year ; a separate article being allotted to the affairs of every state. The narratives appear to be drawn up with much care and considerable minuteness. Under the article of England, as an example, not only are the more 10. A select collection of Hymns and Psalms for the Churches, 8vo. 1801. 11. Translations from the Danish of select Royal Edicts; published by the Court General of Iceland at different periods since 1801. 12. A speech made at the establishment of the Royal Court Greneral, 8vo. 1801. 13. Iceland in the 18th century, 8vo. 1806. 14. The same book translated into Danish, with additions, 8vo. 1808. 15. A Treatise on the Fuci ; published by the Royal Society of Denmark, 1809. 16. A Treatise on the Sheep, Cows, and Horses of Iceland ; published by the Copenhagen Veterinarian Society, 1809. 17. Encouragement to the good people of Iceland during these times of war. Written and published by the King's order, 8vo. 1808. 18. Instructions for the Officers of the Police, 8vo. 1809. 19. Commentary on these Instructions, 8vo. 1810. 20. Help in Distress ; or Instructions to the Icelandic Farmers in their Hus- bandry, 8vo. 1810. Ch. VII. Tkcologi/.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 327 important national events described; but the state of parties is accurately detailed; extracts are given from the Parliamentary debates ; and notice is taken of many provincial occurrences. The information necessary to this work was almost entirely obtained through the medium of Denmark. The greater num- ber of the volumes were Avritten by Mr Stephenson ; one by his brother the Amtmand Stephenson ; and the last which was published, by Finnur Magnuson of Reikiavik. The vast number of works of divinity, which have appeared in Iceland since the period of the Reformation, testify the diligence with which such studies have been pursued by the learned men of the country ; and from catalogues which are extant, it would appear that the writings on this subject, yet inedited, are much more numerous than those already pub- lished. Man}' of these works are translations from the Ger- man and Danish ; with a few also from the Danish language. Among the latter, may be mentioned the translation of the * Whole Duty of Man' by John Vidalin, a Bishop of Skal- holt at the beginning of the last century, very eminent for his piety and learning. The original writings of the natives are for the most part either commentaries on particular parts of scripture, or collections of prayers, homilies, and sermons ; the doctrinal parts of theology being less frequently the sub- jects of discussion. At the present time, the works of the Bishop, whose name has just been mentioned, possess great reputation in the country ; and of the collections of sermons which he published, some are to be found in almost every habitation. In all departments of literature, there is a strong disposition among the Icelanders to critical severity ; and in theological writings more especially, this severity has occa- sionally assumed a very rigorous form. A curious instance of this kind occurred about a hundred years ago, when an 328 TRAVELS in ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Metaphysics, ^X. unfortunate man was publicly whipped, as a punishment for the errors he had committed in a translation of the book of Genesis. Metaphysical studies do not engage much attention among the learned men of Iceland. A iew individuals, from their residence at Copenhagen, have become intimately acquaint- ed with the metaphysics of the German schools, and have themselves pviblished treatises connected with the subject ; but these writings are by no means numerous, nor does it appear that they possess any peculiar value. * Publications connected with practical morality are, however, very com- mon in Iceland ; and several excellent books of this kind have lately appeared in the island, adapted chiefly to the use of the farmers, or those of the middle class ; in which moral instruction is judiciously blended with amusing informa- tion in various branches of knowledge. The most valuable of these writings is a work, called ' Evening Hours,' which was published by the late Bishop Finsson, a iew years before his death. While the studies of literature are thus cherished among the Icelanders of the present time, science, strictly so called, engages but few votaries ; and these follovv^ with feeble and tardy steps the rapid progress which has been made among the European nations. Even in the department of natural * Tlie following are some of the metaphysical writings of the Icelanders : Dissertatio de Essentia Consecutiva ; by Stephen Biornson, 1757. Dissertatio de Ente ; by Finnur Thoralfson, 1770. Examen facultatis cognoscitivae superioris et inferioris ; by the same author, 1773. Dissertatio de Infinite; by Skule Thorlacius, 1762. Disputatio de Nihilo ; by John Olafson. 1758, &c. The Dialectics of Aristotle, and the Logic of Peter Ramus, have been translated jnto the Icelandic language. Ch. vu. Natural hUort/.l TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 329 history, where the situation of the people does not oppose the same obstacles as in other scientific pursuits, there are few individuals who have acquired more than a superficial know- ledge of the subject, and few works have been published, which possess value either from tlic extent or accuracy of their information. Most of the writings of the Icelanders upon the natural history of their own country, display indeed a singular vagueness of description, and more of superstitious belief than is consistent with the other habits and attainments of the people. When considered, however, the latter cir- cumstance will scarcely be thought surprising. In forming the scenes which surround them, nature seems to have de- serted all her ordinary operations, and to have worked only in combining the most terrific extremes which her powers can command. Nor is it merely a passive and silent desolation which marks this tremendous influence. After the lapse of ages, the fire of the volcano still bursts out among regions of eternal snovv, the earthcpiake shakes the foundations of the island, and the impetuous thundering of the Geyser continues to disturb the stillness of the surrovuiding solitude. Living amidst so many wonders of nature, and ignorant of natural causes, the Icelanders are readily infected by superstition relating to these objects ; and this influence is observable in most of the descriptions they have given of their country. In later times, however, such superstitions have greatly declined; and during the last century, several works have appeared, descriptive of the natural history of the island, in which accurate observation is conjoined with some degree of scien- tific knowledge. The author of most reputation in this de- partment is Eggert Olafson, who in 1749 printed his ' Enarra- tiones Historicce de hlamUce Naturd et Const ifiitione ;' and after- wards in conjunction with Paulson, another naturalist, pub- 2t 330 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ca. \ii. Natural hislorj/. lished a larger work, xinder the title of ' Travels in Iceland ;' in which the various objects in its natural history are carefully and minutely described. The niineralogical details in this book are very am[)le ; but owing to the want of arrangement, and of suitable nomenclature, they are not easily intelligible to the reader. In 1780, a work by Olaf Olafson, entitled, ' Economical Travels through the northern parts of Iceland,' was published in two volumes quarto ; containing much valu- able information upon the natural history of this district. Two smaller treatises are svibjoined to the work ; one on the Sur- turbrand, the other on the Sulphur beds of Iceland. Several descriptions have been published of the different volcanic eruptions during the last century; among which may be men- tioned, the treatises of John Saemundson on the eruptions around the lake of Myvatn, in 1724, 1725, 1727, and 1728; the treatise of Bishop Finsson on the eruption from Hecla in 1766 ; and that of Mr Stephenson on the great eruptions in 1783, at Cape Reikianes, and from the mountains of the Skap- taa Jokul. The person said at present to be the best naturalist in Iceland, and particularly intimate with botanical science, is Swein Paulson, one of the medical practitioners of the coun- try, whose abode is near the volcano of Kattlagiau Jokul on the southern coast. His principal original work is on the diseases of Iceland ; but he has written also several treatises on the natural history of the island, and on the rural economy of the people, which are said to possess great merit. Mr Stephenson has distinguished himself in tlte same department ; and in many of his writings, has laboured to make his coun- trymen avail themselves of all the means of improving their condition, which are rendered possible by the nature of their soil and climate. ^^ The sciences of mathematics and astronomy are by no Cb.vii. Mathematics.] TRAVELS IN ICELANdI 331 means generally cultivated among the Icelanders ; though there are some individuals who have pursued these studies, either in the island itself, or with the better opportunities which were afforded by a residence in the Danish metropolis. A few of the astronomical treatises published during the last century are noticed below.* The study of the mathematics, though prescribed by the regulations of the school at Besses- tad, receives bvit little attention there ; nor does it in general form a part of the private occupation of those, who enjoy a literary character in the island. No purely mathematical work is extant in the Icelandic language ; but in a book of arithmetic, which was written some time ago by the elder Mr Stephenson, trigonometry and equations are briefly in- cluded. Stephen Biornson, formerly the master of the school at Hoolum, published in the acts of the Icelandic Society a treatise on statics, which is well spoken of. This man, whose acquirements in various branches of science were very con- siderable, died at Copenhagen about the beginning of the present century. After all that has been said in the preceding pages of the poverty of the Icelanders, and of the nature of the country upon which their destiny is cast, it will not be thought won- derful that the fine arts should desert a clime so little conge- nial to their growth. Painting exists here only in its rudest * Dissertations on the Zones of the Terrestrial Globe, and on the Phases of the Moon ; by Magnus Areson. 1710. Dissertations on the Astronomy of the Chaldeans ; on the Sphere of the Fixed Stars; on the Pj-lhagorcan Harmony, &c. ; by Thorieif Haltorson; 1706, 1707, 1708. Dissertation on the Solar Year of the Ancients ; by Jonas David Gam. 17S3. Dissertation on the efliects of Comets ; by Stephen Biornson. 175S. Dissertation on Celestial Physics ; by the same. 1760. Introduction to Tetragonometry ; by the same. 1780. 332 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Socieliet. forms ; the native music of the island is inharmonious and uncouth ; while the art of sculpture is almost entirely un- known. In proof, however, that these deficiencies must be ascribed to the situation of the people, and not to a defect in original genius, it may be mentioned that Thorvaldson, the son of an Icelander, dwelling on the classic ground of Rome, is at the present moment second only to Canova among the statuaries of Europe. Before closing this sketch of the literature of Iceland, it will be necessary to say something of the Icelandic Societies, to which a reference has already more than once been made. The first of these was instituted at Copenhagen in 1779, with the professed object of aiding the literature of the island, and bettering the condition of the inhabitants, by the suggestion of improv'ements in their rural economy. The Society, at its first establishment, was composed of only twelve members ; but the number was afterwards extended to about a hundred and thirty ; comprising all the most learned and intelligent men in Iceland ; and, as extraordinary members, many in- dividuals of much eminence on the continent of Europe. Fourteen volumes of transactions have been published by the Society; the contents of which are various, comprehending many valuable papers upon the fishery, agriculture, and na- tural history of Iceland ; poetry ; historical essays, &c. The principal writers were Bishop Finsson ; the elder Mr Ste- phenson, then Governor of the island ; Mr Ericson ; Mr Paul- son ; Mr Ketilson, Sysselman of Dale ; and many others of the literary Icelanders, whose names have before been men- tioned. These transactions were entirely composed in the Icelandic language, and great attention was paid to the pre- servation of its purity ; two censors being ap[)ointed to judge of the style of every essay which was presented for publica- Ca. VII. Societies.] TRAVELS IN ICKT. AND. 333 tion. In 1790, considerable dissensions arose in the Society, in consequence of a project for transferring it to Iceland ; and this circumstance, with other concurring events, had the effect of suspending all the proceedings of the institution. Though still nominally in existence, it has now for a long pe- riod been entirely dormant. The second Icelandic Society was established in the island in 1791 ; chiefly under the auspices of the Chief Justice Ste- phenson, who had been a strenuous advocate for the removal of the former Society from Copenhagen. The original num- ber of members was not less than twelve hundred ; most of the farmers, as well as the priests and civil officers of the country, being included. The object of the institution was the promotion of knowledge and improv-ement among the people ; and with this view, a fund was provided by the an- nual contribution of a dollar from each member, and devot- ed to the publication of books, to be distributed among the subscribers. The printing establishment at Hoolum, which had fallen into decline, and another which in 1773 was in- stituted at Hrappsey, an island in the Ereide Fiord, were purchased by the Society ; and a printing-office, under their management, established atLeira, in the Borgar-Fiord Syssel. From this press have issued, for the use of the Society, fifty or sixty different works ; some of them translated, but the greater number original, and comprising a very great variety of subjects; history, poetry, divinity, law, medicine, natural history, and rural economy. In his situation of President, Mr Stephenson has had the superintendance of the funds of the Society, the entire direction of their various publications, and the management of a small, but well chosen collection of books, which was presented to them by some literary characters of the Danish metropolis. Though his exertions,- 334 TRAVEL!? IN ICELAND. [Ch. vii. Socuties. however, for the support of the institution liave been incessant, it has notwithstanding greatly decUned during the last few years ; and, at present, the number of members does not exceed thirty or forty. The successive occurrence of several unfavourable seasons, and the evils entailed upon the Ice- landers by the war between England and Denmark, have contributed in some degree to produce this decline. It was found, too, that there was much difficulty in accomplisliing the scheme for the distribution of books, among a people dispersed over so vast an extent of coimtry, and during a great part of the year so entirely separated from each other by the barriers of nature. Some little fault has, perhaps, also existed in the general management of the institution. The office of censorship of the press, vested in one individnal, has had the effect of disgusting or deterring many, whose connection would have done credit to the Society ; while, by giving too much to this single judgment, it has been the means of bringing forth many works, little adapted to the compre- hension of those for whose us€ they were designed. In the present state of the Society, it is particularly unfortunate that the only printing establishment in Iceland should be thus exclusively appropriated ; and as a matter of general policy, it may be doubted whether, under any circumstances, such a corporate institution ought thus to monopolize the literary growth of the coimtry. As guides and protectors to the pro- gress of knowledge, institutions are good ; — when they be- come arbitrary rulers, their influence but retards the course of mental improvement, and proves baneful to the very ener- gies which gave them birth. Such is the present state of mental cultivation among this singular ]>eople. The disparity of their physical and moral x;ircumstances forms an interesting fact equally in the his- Ch. VII. Literature.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 335 tory of literature, and in that of the human species. While the calamities of internal Avarfare, and the oppression of tyrannical governments, have clouded with ignorance and harbarity countries on which the sun of nature sheds its brightest beams, — the possession of peace, of political liberty, and well ordered laws, has given both intellectual and moral exaltation to a community, which has its abode at the very confines of the habitable world. 336' TRAVELS IN ICELAND. {Ch. viii. Zoologj/. ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. CHAP. VIII. In a general outline of the zoological productions of Iceland, it is by no means necessary to be minute; nor, indeed, would the few observations we were enabled to make, authorise such an luidertaking. Iceland does not present many of those species of animals which are strictly confined to the land ; but of those which require land only as a resting place, while the sea supplies their other wants, many have found in this country every requisite for support. We will proceed, however, to take a cursory survey of all the tribes of animated nature which ex- ist there under any circumstances. The catalogue of mammiferous animals inhabiting Iceland, is nearly confined to the following : — The dog, the fox, the cat, the rat, the mouse, the rein-deer, the goat, the sheep, the ox, and the horse ; together with seals and whales, and a few Polar bears which annually make their appearance. Bears cannot be considered as inhabitants; tliey are merely visitors, brought on detached masses of ice. They are chiefly landed Ch. Tin. Zoology.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, 33"/ on the north coast ; and twelve or thirteen appears to be the greatest nviniber ever seen in one year. They are not suffer- ed long to enjoy themselves on land ; for, hinigry and vora- cious after their voyage, they commit great devastations among the flocks. The people take the alarm ; and, with whatever weapons they can command, generally with mus- quets, they attack, and soon destroy them. The dogs which are generally seen in Iceland, bear a strong resemblance to those of Greenland. Like them they are co- vered with long hair, forming about their necks a kind of ruff. Their noses are sharp, their ears pointed, and their tails bushy, and curled over their backs. Their predominant co- lour is white ; yet they vary considerably ; and some are en- tirely brown or black. Very few of them can be induced to go into the water; and though some are of service in guard- ing the cottages and flocks, and preventing the horses from eating the grass intended for hay, yet the greater number appear very useless. Scarcely any family, however, is with- out one or two of them. Two distinct varieties of the fox present themselves in Iceland : the arctic, or white fox, (Canis Lagopus), and one which is termed the blue fox, (Canis Fuliginosus), and varies considerably in the shades of its fur, from a light brownish or blueish grey, to a colour nearly approaching to black. It is a more gracefully formed animal than the white fox ; has longer legs, and a more pointed nose. Horrebovv mentions a dark red coloured fox, in the existence of which we had no reason to believe. He likewise says, that the black fox is sometimes brought over on the ice. Frequently at night, in travelling through the comitry, you hear the discordant cries of the two former varieties. But if we may judge from the quantity of skins exported, the number of foxes in Iceland, though con- 2 u 338 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. viii. Zoology. siderable, cannot be great. The inhabitants do their utmost to destroy them ; being induced not only to prevent the great devastation which they commit among the young lambs, but to obtain the reward given by government, and to profit by the furs, which is an advantageous article of traffic. There is no particular ingenuity, however, displayed in the methods by which they are taken ; they are shot, caught in gins, or forced from their holes by smoke. Rats in considerable numbers, and mice, are met with, particularly at the Danish factories ; but, as far as our ob- servation went, there was nothing to render them particularly ■worthy of attention. The hog, which has from time to time been imported from Denmark, has, from the scarcity of proper food, been found so expensive- to keep, that it has never been much propagat- ed ; and it is doubtful whether, independently of two or three sows and pigs which were taken from England during the last summer, a single animal of the species exists in tlie coun- try. The rein-deer has been introduced into the island, and has increased rapidly. Out of thirteen which were exported from Norway in I77O5 three only reached Iceland. They were sent into the mountains of the Guldbringe Syssel ; and they have since multiplied so considerably, that it is now no uncommon thing for those who pass often through the mountains in va- rious part of the island, to meet with herds, consisting of from forty to sixty, or a hundred. They are very little mo- lested, the Icelanders satisfying themselves with complaining that the deer eat their lichen ; and though, sometimes, for the sake of amusement, the Danes go out in pursuit of them, very few are destroyed. They live almost entirely among the mountains, and are very shy ; but sometimes, in the depth of Cw.-rm. Zoology.] TRAITILS IN ICELAND, 339 winter, come down into the plains, particularly about Thing- valla, to feed on the moss which abounds in that quarter. Goats were at one time more numerous in Iceland than they now are. At present, they seem to have been complete- ly expelled from the southern part, because vegetation be- ing very scanty, they were constantly injuring the roofs of the houses by climbing on them in search of food. There are still a few in the north, where farmers keep flocks of thirty or forty. The cow, the horse, and the sheep, afford the principal source of wealth, comfort, and subsistence to the Icelanders. Milk is almost their only summer beverage. Whey becomes a wholesome, and to them a pleasant drink in winter. Even fish itself, their primary article of food, is scarcely palatable to an Icelander without butter ; and curds, eaten fresh in summer, and kept through the winter, yield the most pre- cious change of diet, both for health and pleasure, which he enjoys. A cow on the farm of the Amtmand Stephenson, we were assured, gave regularly every day twenty-one quarts of milk. The value of their cattle is well known and appreciated by the Icelanders, who take the greatest care of them through the winter, and seem to shake off" their habitual listlessness, while employed in gathering in the hay that is to support them through the inclemencies of that season. If the horse be less useful in Iceland than the cow, the care which is devoted to him is proportionally less : still, how- ever, the assistance which he affords is by no means to be overlooked. But it will be \mnecessary, after what has been stated respecting the frequent intercourse between different parts of the island, and the extreme roughness of the coun- try, to say any thing farther of the utility of this animal. The Iceland horse is about thirteen hands in height, stoutly made, 340 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.vcu. Zoologj/. and frequently evincing much spirit. These animals are in very considerable numbers throughout all the inhabited parts of the island ; no farmer being able to carry on the necessary affairs of life without their assistance ; and many of the Ice- landers, particularly those who, from their avocations as judges or magistrates, are obliged to take long journies, are at great pains in the breeding and rearing of them. But by the inhabitants in general, they are let loose to provide them- selves with food and shelter : in consequence of which, a great number are annually carried off by the severity of the winter. The sheep furnish much milk and butter ; and besides af- fording, when smoked or salted, a part of the Avinter food of the inhabitants, form a considerable article of export. Almost every part of the Icelandic dress is manufactured from wool : and of the sheep-skins, without much preparation, they make their fishing-dresses, Avhich they smear repeatedly with oil, for the pvirpose of rendering them impervious to water. Of the seal, three or four species (Phoca vitulina, Lepor- rina, Barbata, and Groenlandica) frequent the shores. Their number is considerable. A few are taken for the oil which they afford ; and their skins are applied to various useful pur- poses, being formed into shoes and thongs, and particularly into a kind of travelling bag, in which the Icelanders carry their sour butter, fish, and other little supplies, when passing from place to place. Very few of the great northern whales (Balsena Mysticetus) approach Iceland. The fin-fish (Balsena Physalus) is more common. A species of dolphin, the bottle-nose, (Delphinus Bidens ?) is sometimes driven on shore in very considerable shoals. During the winter 1809-10, eleven hundred came towards the shore in the Hvalfiord, and were captured. Ch. vm. Zoology.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 341 Of the Linnean order Accipitres, we only saw one, the Great Erne, or Cinereous Eagle (Falco AlbicilUi). Accord- ing to Pennant, the following other species exist in Iceland : — the white-headed eagle (Falco Leucocephalus) ; the Ice- land falcon (Falco Gryfalco) ; Falco fulvus ; and the Lan- ner. Of all these, the Erne is, at present, certainly the most frequent, the others being very seldom seen. It is constantly observed hovering over the shores, and is a determined enemy to the Eider-duck ; and, as such, of course draws upon itself the hatred of the Icelanders, The Iceland falcon, once so much valued in Denmark for its excellence in falconry, is now suffered to remain unmolested ; yet it does not seem to multiply as might be expected ; and during our residence in the island, we had not a single opportunity of seeing it, even at a distance. The raven is very common in Iceland. A pair or more sit near every habitation on the sea- shore, ready to feed on the ofFal of the fish ; and they frequently do great mischief to the fish itself, when split and left on the beach to dry. They build their nests in the cliffs, and sometimes resort for this purpose to rocks a considerable way inland. The snow-flake, or snow-bunting, (Emberiza nivalis), re- sides here during the whole year, occurring in pairs, or soli- tary, during the summer, when it loses much of its snowy plumage ; and collecting into flocks in the winter. This is the only bird in Iceland which can truly be said to attempt singing. The song is pleasing, but short, and much resem- bles the first two or three notes of the robin-redbreast. The wheat-ear (Motacilla Oenanthe) was not uncommon ; and we sometimes saw another small bird, of a brownish co- lour, in the marshy places, which we had no opportunity of examining. 342 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. viii. Zoo/ogy. The white wagtail (Motacilla Alba) frequents the margins of the pools and rivulets. Very few of the swallow tribe ever arrive in Iceland. Some of our party saw one or two flying about the church at Reikiavik early in the month of July; but to what species they belonged, was not ascertained. Ptarmigans (Tetrao Lagopus) are generally very abundant in this country ; but when we were there, we were told that they were scarce in the neighbourhood of the towm, and in some other parts of the country. Towards the latter end of July, we observed a bird of the grouse kind, with a brood of young ones : it was possibly the species which Paulson, in his catalogue of Iceland birds, has called the hazel grouse. It had less white, and in general differed somewhat in its plu- mage from the common ptarmigan, and appeared to be larger. Of all the land-birds which are seen in Iceland, none are more common than the golden plover and the whimbrel. These birds are frequently the only enliveners of dreary plains and extended marshes, where their wild and inharmonious notes accord well with the surrounding scenery. The snipe is like- wise common in the same situations ; and in some instances seemed to have lost much of that wildness of disposition which it exhibits in this country. Thus we saw it associating, as it were, with the Eider-ducks, and sitting on its eggs within an hundred yards of the house at Vidoe. The variety of birds which frequent the sea- shore is very great. The high rocky islets on the south are covered with gannets (Pelicanus Bassanus). The shag (Pelicamis Gracu- lus) and the corvorant (Pelicanus Carbo) sit constantly on the rocks. Innumerable guUs, fulmars, and shearwaters, breed in the cliff's. The arctic gull (Larus parasiticus) we saw frequently in the swamps, in considerable numbers. Ducks, mergau- Ch. VIII. Zoologi/.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 343 sers, and divers, in great variety, are at one time seen float- ing on the bays, and at another, suffer themselves to be car- ried along by the rapid streams, or accompany their young broods in the marshes. Large flocks of auks and guillemots live about the coasts, which, together with the kittiwake, and other species of the gull, present in their eggs and feathers a valuable reward to the Icelanders for the fatigue and labour they vmdergo in their pursuit. The tern (Sterna Hirundo) is another bird which is very common, always choosing, for the purpose of breeding, a piece of fresh water situated in a marsh near the sea-shore. The egg of this bird is a very delicate article of food, and frequently formed a principal relish in our homely repasts. We saw the tern, for the first time, on the 27th of May, at ^ Grundevik; and, as we had not seen it atReikiavik when we were there only a few days before, this was probably about the time of its arrival in Iceland. Mr Macwick, in the Lin- nean Transactions, gives as an average of 26 years observa- tions, that the Sterno Hirundo is first seen in England April Ist, and last seen October 8th. He likewise-represents the snipe as appearing Xovember 20th, and disappearing March 20th. The most m.ajestic bird of Iceland is undoubtedly the Swan. It in general seeks the more remote lakes among the moun- tains, resorting at times to the salt marshes about the sea- shore, where forty or fifty are sometimes seen feeding toge- ther. During the breeding season, they retire in pairs to small lakes, where they may be concealed among the reeds, and thus protect themselves from the attacks of the Icelanders, who receive the value of a few shillings for their skins from the Danish merchants. Of the eggs, we once had an oppor- tunity of partaking ; and though somewhat heavy, they were very palatable. 344 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch.viii. Zoology. So much has already been said respecting the manners and habits of that most curious and interesting bird, the Eider- duck, that it will be unnecessary to do more than merely mention its name in this place. Some parts of the coast of Iceland, particularly the bays on the west, abound with varieties of very fine cod; for which, before the discovery of Newfoundland, a considerable fishery was carried on ; so that, in the reign of James I., no less than 150 British vessels were employed in the Iceland fisheries. Great numbers are still taken by the Icelanders, chiefly for the Danish merchants, who dry them, either with or without salt, and export then) to Denmark. Some are consumed by the Icelanders themselves; but their number is comi)aratively small, as they either prefer haddocks, or are obliged to eat them, because the merchants will scarcely take any thing but cod. The best season for fishing is from the beginning of February to the middle of May. In June, the fish become meagre and watery, as this is the month in which they gene- rally cast their spawn. The haddock is likewise very plentiful, apparently asso- ciating with the cod, for they are always taken together. They grow to a size not inferior to the cod, frequently mea- suring above three feet in length ; and are to the inhabitants of greater importance than any thing with which nature or art has supplied them. The ling, the skate, and the hollibut, occur in considerable numbers, though not nearly so common as the two last. The hollibut arrives at a great size ; and, like the wolf-fish, is cut up and dried for winter use. Flounders abound on the shores ; and herrings are taken in great numbers on the north coast. They come in extensive shoals in the months of June and July, not less than 150 barrels of them having been taken Ch. VIU. Zoologt/.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 345 at one draught of a net. Sharks are taken in great abundance on the north and western coasts. Eels are found in the rivers ; and we once observed a very fine one in a stream, which was rendered tepid by the admixture of the water arising from a hot spring. Two or three species of the sahnon frequent the rivers and lakes, among which the sea-trout is in great perfection. The Zeus Opah has been seen in Iceland. One, of which we saw a tolerable drawing, was taken about two years ago. Of the insect tribes, we saw nothing very remarkable. A large Tipula (Plumosa ?) began to appear in considerable numbers about the middle of May ; and although, as the sum- mer advanced, a few of the most common species of flies and moths were seen, — once only, in a low and marshy situation, in the month of July, did we experience any inconvenience from them. At that time, the air was thickly peopled by a small yellow-coloured fly, probably a species of Empis. ' The entomological productions of Iceland,' says Mr Hooker, ' are extremely scanty. A very small collection of * insects indeed, rewarded my researches in this department ' of natural history ; and of these there were none that were * in the least remarkable for their beautv. Some of the Le- * pidopterous species were new to me ; among which I think * I had five or six nondescript Phalense. No Papilio or * Sphinx has ever been met with in the country. Of Coleop- * terous insects, there is scarcely a greater variety; and I * saw only a single Scarabaeus, and a very few Curculiones ' and Carabi, most of which, however, to make me amends, * were such as 1 was unacquainted with. I, by mere acci- * dent, have still preserved a sj)ecimen of an undescribed * species of Cocciuella, which I found killed by the steam of 2x M6 TRAVELS IN icrn AND. [Ca. vm. Sotanj^. * one of the hot springs at the Geysers ; it was the only one ' of the genus that 1 saw. Small crabs, of two or three species, are thrown upon the shore, together with the star-fish and echinus ; of which lat- ter, we once observed a great number carried by- the birds, and dispersed along an extensive marsh to a considerable dis- tance from the sea. Mussels are in great abimdance, and also whelks, snails, and limpets ; and the barnacle often forms a firm coating to the rocks.' BOTANY. In the variety of soil which Iceland presents, from the deep bog to the light burnt earth which can scarcely stand against the storm, even the verge of the arctic circle may af- ford some objects of interest to the botanist. There is, in fact, no small variety of plants in Iceland ; and what is want- ing in the gaiety of the individual blossom, is frequently com- pensated by its abundant production, and the length of time that it remains in perfection. It was partly, perhaps, from the contrast with surrounding objects, and partly from the effects of association, that the flowers of the Dryas Octope- tala, and the Silene Acaulis, have excited in us as much pleasing admiration as the lively scenes of an English flower- garden. The blossoms of this plant last but for a short time, but their succession is rapid and uninterrupted during the greater part of the months of July and August; and at the same time the intervening spaces were filled by a great variety of less conspicuous flowers, among which the wild thyme and the Cerastium latifolium were particularly observable; Cw. vm. Botanj/.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 347 and in two or three places, the Koenigia Icelandica grows v/ith great luxuriance. Less striking in itself, but still more abundant than the Dryas, or perhaps than any other flower, may be mentioned the Statice Armeria, which in many places, especially near the sea-side, was thickly and widely distributed among the grass ; and in many high vallies, at a distance of fifty miles from the sea, formed the only tufts of vegetation on which our eyes coidd fix as a relief, when wea- ried with the constant succession of cinders and lava. Some- times different species of sorrel, or the yellow poppy, would assist in cheering tlie dreariness of such places ; and occasion- ally a great variety of moss and lichen grew amidst the cinders. It was in the roughest tracts of lava that the mosses grew with the greatest luxuriance. The Trichostomum Canescens, was the prevailing species, v^hich in dry weather renders the places on which it grows of a greyish colour, but after a little rain it becomes of a light and cheerful green. Many species of Saxifrages are found among the moss ; and in some places the Bearberry (Arbutus Uva virsi), the Crowberry (Empe- trum Nigrum), and a little heath (Erica vulgaris), afford a more substantial covering to the stones. As you leave this broken scene, you may become insensibly involved in an Ice- landic forest, -where the most stately birch rises to the height of only ten feet. These trees find it difficult to raise them- selves above three or fovir feet from the ground. They con- sist of the common and dwarf birch (Betula alba and nana), several varieties of the willow, and a (ew solitary individuals of the pyrus domestica. Though in some instances we travel- led over four or five miles of such forests, they are by no means common, and wc did not see above five of them. A great part of the surface of the ground is covered with bogs, where ve- getation is more luxuriant, affording considerable variety of 348 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Cn. vm. Botany. carices and coarse grass, the dark green of which was but little enlivened with flowers. Such is the general view of ve- getation in Iceland. It is, however, very unequally distri- buted. In some parts, as in the Guldbringe Syssel, the tra- veller may pass over many miles, and scarcely find a single spot of earth covered with vegetation ; while, in the Borgar- fiord and Myre Syssels, the verdure at times almost equals that of the pasture districts of England. But were the ver- dure much greater than it is in the most favoured spot, the entire want of any thing deserving the name of a tree would give a wearisome nakedness to the prospect. It is not consistent with the object of this sketch to enter into a detailed enumeration of the different species of plants observable in Iceland, with their localities. None of our party was skilled in botany ; and the collection we made was chiefly intended to make up, in some degree, the severe losses which Mr Hooker sustained in the destruction of his collec- tion. That gentleman has kindly permitted us to make ex- tracts from his interesting work ; and we shall now present onr readers with his general view of the botany of Iceland ; and in the Appendix will be found the Icelandic Flora by the same gentleman. ' My inclination, rather than my ability, leads me, in the ' first place, to offer a few remarks on the botany and zoology * of the country. In these two great kingdoms of nature, * perhaps it would be difficult to find any spot of land of a * similar extent, in an equal degree of latitude, which can * lay claim to so small a number of species. The arctic re- * gions of Norway, Lapland, and the Russian empire, are * comparatively rich in these departments ; a circumstance * most probably to be attributed to their warmer sunnners, * and to the undisturbed state of the soil. In spite of this. Ch. VIII. Bo(any.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 349 ' however, a botanist, coming from the more temperate cli- ' mate of Great Britain, will still meet with many vegetable ' productions that will interest him, such as Azalea procum- * bens, Cardamine hastulata, of English botany, Rubus sax- ' atilis, Erigeron alpinum, Saxifraga nivalis, rivularis, cernua, ' and oppositifolia, Silene acaulis, Veronica alpina, and fru- ' ticulosa, with many other species, which he has been ac- ' customed to see only on the summits of his loftiest moun- * tains, but which will here be found growing in the plains ' and vallies, and near the shores of the sea. Ranunculus ' lapponicus, glacialis, and hyperboreus, Eriophorum capi- ' tatum, Koenigia islandica, Gentiana tenella, detonsa (the ' ciliata of Retzius), and aurea, Andromeda hypnoides, Cha- ' maenerium halamifolium, Angelica Archangelica, Lychnis ' alpina, Papaver nudicaule, Draba contorta of Retzius, Or- ' chis hyperborea, Carex Bellardi, Salix Lapponum, and ' other plants peculiar to high northern latitudes, together * with some, as yet undescribed, will likewise offer themselves ' for his examination, and afford him a pleasure, of which no ' one but a naturalist can form an idea, as well as what is * happily termed by Dr Smith one of the highest sources of ' gratification attending upon this and similar pursuits, " the " anticipation of the pleasure he may have to bestow onkin- •' dred minds with his own, in sharing with them his disco- " veries and his acquisitions."* But a richer field is open * before him in the class Cryptogamia. The Muscologia of * the country is little known ; and I am sure, from what I ' myself found, that many new and rare species would re- * ward a careful search among this tribe, though, like me, he ' might seek in vain for the magnificent Splachnaof the Nor- * Preface to the " Introduction to Botanj." 350 TRAVELf, IN ICULANO,' [Ca. viii. Botany, wegian and Lapponian Alps, rubruni and luteiim, two plants that J. had most earnestly reckoned upt)n "athering. Tor- tula tortuosa, Polytrichuni sexangidare, and hercynicum, the former always barren, as in Scotland, Buxbauuiia fo- liosa, Dicranum piisillum, Hypnum revolvens, Silesianum, and filanientosum, Meesia daalbata, Conostomtuii boreale, Splachnum vasculosum, and urceolatum, Trichostomum ellipticum, Fontinalis squamosa, and falcata, both abund- antly provided with capsules, and Encalypta alpina, as well as many other mosses, which I cannot with any degree of certainty now call to my remembrance, are met with upon the lava, in the morasses, or in the rapid torrents. Most of the known alpine species of Jungermannia are also na- tives of Iceland, and some new ones, the loss of which I peculiarly regret. Of Lichens, there are comparatively but few, as indeed may reasonably be expected, from the ex- treme scarcity of trees, to which so many of them are ex- clusively attached ; and even the rocky species are far from abounding ; the lava which covers so great a proportion of the island, being eminently unfavourable to the growth of them. On the primitive mountains I observed the more common crustaceous Lecidese and ParmeliiE, with some others unknown to me, which the exceeding severity of the weather prevented my examining carefully in their places of growth, and the exceeding hardness of the stone prevented my getting specimens of. The perennial snow that caps the higher hills, forbids any of them to grow on very high elevations, as in more temperate climates. In the plains, BEBomyces rangiferinus, so useful in Lapland as the food of *-*he rein-deer, is found in the greatest profusion and luxu- riance ; and the singularly elegant Celraria nivalis, which is almost equally abundant, though always barren, makes Ch. vin. Botany.] THAVET.S IN ICELAND,' 351 amends by its beauty for the absence of a greater variety of species. The shores of the island are too much exposed to the most heavy and tempestuous seas, to suffer the more delicate species of submerged Algse to attach themselves to the rocks ; and the violence of the surf prevents such as come from more sheltered spots, from being thrown unin- jvired upon the beach. Ulvae I saw none, except U. lactuca and umbilicalis ; and, among Fuci, F. ramentaceus was the only one which came under my observation, that has not a place in the British list. With the larger kinds employed in the making of kelp, the rocks everywhere abound ; and I should think, that the advantages resulting from the ma- nufacture of this article, which is carried on in Scotland to such a great extent, and has proved so enormous a source of wealth to many of the Hebrides, might also, with the fostering aid of a benevolent and liberal government, be extended to the wretched Icelanders, who have so much greater need of it. A plant, which has been found in Lap- land, and which Dr Wahlenberg, in a letter to Mr Dawson Turner, calls Rivularia cylindrica (sec page Jl of his MSS.), is extremely common in the rivers and fresh-water lakes of Iceland, but appears to me to have no nearer an affinity to the genus Rivularia, than it has to Conferva ; to which lat- ter, Dr Roth has lately referred a plant formerly known under the name of Ulva lubrica, with which, in its texture and the disposition of its seeds, it appears exactly to coin- cide. It extends from three inches to as many feet in length, unbranched, and, as its name implies, cylindrical, forming an uniform tube, of a pale green colour, and thin delicate semigelatinous substance, studded all over with darker green seeds, that are almost universally placed in fours, standing in small squares. As I have been fortunate enough to save 352 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. viii. Botany. ' specimens of this plant, and a drawing that I made upon ' the spot, I sliall probably, at some future time, take an op- ' jiortunity of making a figure, and more full description of ' it public. The water of the pools, that have been formed ' in the morasses, by cutting away the turf for fuel, generally ' abounds with our common sjjecies of Confervae, such as ' G. nitida and bipunctata : and a few of our marine ones are * found in the basins among the rocks, and upon the sea- ' shores. But other more interesting species are met with on ' spots of earth and rock that are heated to a great degree, ' either by the steam of the boiling springs, or by the waters ' themselves. Most of these seem to belong to the Vaucherian ' genus, Oscillatoria. Of Fungi, the island can boast but few, ' except some Agarici, scattered in such small quantities, that ' they are not used for food, and Lycoperdon Bovista, which ' is found everywhere.' Oh. IX. Mineralogi/.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. B53 MINERALOGY. CHAP. IX. In describing, as well as in examining a country, where the operations of subterraneous heat have been very widely dif- fused, accurate discrimination is indispensable. When new facts are met with, the difficulty of description becomes so great, while the necessity of clearness and precision is so ob- vious, that even the most expert mineralogists are rendered diffident when called upon to give an account of what they have seen. Being fully aware of the difficulty of the task we have undertaken, we are the more sensible of our inability to do justice to what we have seen. It is fortunate, however, that we are not under the necessity of appealing to solitary facts, nor of describing any thing which fell only under the observation of a single individual. Our sole desire is to be faithful, and to render our details as cl^ar as possible with- out the aid of specimens. We cannot help, however, ex- pressing a wish, that the language of mineralogy were divested of theory. In so far as it relates to his own system, the lan- guage of Werner is admirably contrived ; but few, it is be- 2 Y 354 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. (Ch. ix. Mineralogy. lieved, will acknowledge the right of the proposer of a theory to alter the whole language of a science, expressly for the purpose of adapting it to that theory. Neither the disciples of Dr Hutton, nor Werner, have any title to assume such authority; and there ought to be a language, independent of all theory, "which might be used in all discussions, as being imiversally understood. Such a language does not at pre- sent exist. With respect to individual minerals, a settled language is not so indispensable, though certainly very desirable. But in what regards the great rocky masses in which individual minerals occur, and which compose the crust of the earth, without a fixed language, geologists will always be at vari- ance. While the science of geology is thus deficient in terms, we feel ourselves at a loss when attempting to describe a country hitherto unknown to mineralogists. The language of Werner having excited a good deal of attention, is perhaps better understood than any other; and though we by no means approve of it, some of its terms shall be used. Were a de- scriptive language employed, and mineralogists left to guess at what was meant, our labours would infallibly prove fruit- less ; and therefore it is considered better, in the present in- stance, to make use of a faulty language, which can be ex- plained, than one in any respect ambiguous. When any of Werner's expressions which may involve theory are used, they must be understood in no other than a descriptive sense. Having deposited a collection of Icelandic minerals in the cabinet of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a catalogue is annexed, with the marks and numbers affixed to the speci- mens. This will admit a short and easy mode of reference to any particular rock or substance. And as, on proper ap-" plication, any person interested iu the science of mineralogy. Ch. IX. Mviemlogi/.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAKD. 355 may have access to the cabinet, it is hoped that such an ap- pendix will be found useful. This chapter will therefore be chiefly confined to geological discussion. It is proposed, in the first place, to describe the appear- ances that present themselves in Iceland, which are similar to those observed in other countries, and then to point out such geological facts as distinguish that country from all others hitherto described. This arrangement is considered to be the best ; and it is presumed that the reader is now well acquaint- ed with the map, and the names of different places, from the perusal of the Journal. The external efforts of volcanoes have excited a greater degree of interest than any other natural operations, to the influence of which our globe is subjected. In the infancy of geological science, the minds of philosophers naturally tvu'ned towards fire, as an omnipotent agent, demonstrating its tre- mendous effects by awful appeals to the senses, and display- ing its capacity of producing mineral bodies, as well as of destroying those that had been already formed. As soon as chemistry had advanced so far as to assume the character of a science, and the effects of fire upon mineral bodies began to be investigated, it was discovered that a theory of the earth, founded on the external operations of volcanoes, could not be maintained. Recourse was then had to water, as an agent whose power was sufficient to remove all difficulties. In Iceland, the eflfects of heat constitute not only, as in some other parts of the world, one of the principal geological features, but they seem to embrace the whole mineral masses of the country. If we take a general view of the continent of Europe, we find that only in a very tew spots siditcrra- neous heat has shown itself externally in full activity. With regard to the extent to which its operations may be traced, 356 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ix. Mineralogy. geologists differ very widely. Those who are disposed to ascribe the most extensive influence to fire, even the most decided Huttonians, consider heat as having acted with but little intensity on by far the greatest proportion of rocks. Thus, wherever stratification occurs, they consider the heat that operated in this instance as having been comparatively moderate ; since a strong degree would have reduced the strata to such a state of liquidity as would have obliterated every trace of deposition. Even in those strata which appear to have lost almost the whole of their original structure, the heat supposed to have acted upon them has been confined within certain limits. The instance of tuffa excepted, we saw no trace of stratification in Iceland ; all the rocks having, according to the igneous system, been subjected to a degree of heat sufficient to reduce them to a state of perfect fusion. We can judge of the intensity of subterraneous heat, only by comparing its effects with others which are known ; and, even here, we are greatly limited; for the degree of liquidity in any mass depends on its fusibility ; and its peculiar cha- racters, when solid, depend on the circumstances under which it has cooled, and are totally independent of the intensity of the heat. There is, however, one general distinction among the rocks of Iceland. Some bear the marks of having been in a state of fusion in the open air, as those of Vesuvius, &c. ; others possess the same characters which distinguish the unstratified rocks about Edinburgh and other places in Scotland, from lava, by containing nodules of calcareous spar and zeolite, substances which, being destructible in open fire, could not exist, or be produced, in the matter ejected from external volcanoes. There is a set of rocks of this description seen in Mount Etna, which Dolomieu regarded as lavas which had Ch. IX. Mintralogy.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND, ' 357 been covered by the sea. Thai some, if not all, of the Ice- landic masses which are not the production of external erup- tions, are really submarine lavas, various circumstances con- spire to prove ; circumstances which could not come under the contemplation of Dolomieu, since they are derived from principles which were unknown to him. In the present state of geology, nothing can be of greater importance than to ascertain with accuracy what are the results of heat acting on bodies under strong compression ; since, by means of that knowledge, we are enabled to compare the ordinary deduc- tions from Dr Button's principles, with the phenomena of nature, and bring to the test of actual observation the merits of a system which promises fair to put us in possession of a most simple and beautiful view of the mineral kingdom. Dr Hutton has clearly pointed out the reason why calca- reous spar may occur in the productions of subterraneous heat, while it could not exist in those of open fire, by ascrib- ing the presence of carbonic acid to the effects of powerful compression. Since Dr Hutton's death. Sir James Hall has confirmed, by actual experiment, the truth of these theoreti- cal deductions. The rocks of Etna, to which Dolomieu ascrib- ed a submarine origin, present a result in the works of nature by which these principles are brought to a test. But that philosopher, having no such ideas in contemplation, could derive no such advantage from the facts before him. His natural sagacity, however, induced him, from other circum- stances, to conclude that the rocks of Etna, which contained calcareous spar and zeolite, had actually been in a state of fusion, and that their vesicles had been filled by submersion in the sea. Doing every justice to so admirable an observer, we may be allowed, availing ourselves of the elucidation of the subject by Dr Hutton, to derive still greater light from 358 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ix. Mt'neralogi/. the phenomena which present themselves in Iceland ; and by tracing every circumstance peculiar to this intermediate class of bodies, acquire the means of rigorously scrutinising the application of the same principles to the rocks of our own country, in which the influence of pressure seems to have had its full effect. We shall have occasion to resume the consi- deration of this subject hereafter ; and shall now proceed to offer some observations on common lavas, of which a vast quantity is to be seen in Iceland. All lavas that have flowed in the open air, have assumed a rugged aspect, which cannot be mistaken. Those who have seen lava actually flowing, have described the mode in which this rugged appearance is produced. On its first issuing from the volcano, it flows with the rapidity of a torrent of water; but in its progress it becomes gradually more and more viscid ; it proceeds more tardily; the surface cools; and in that process a crust is formed upon it. This crust is burst, and the broken masses are tossed about, by the slow, but powerful current. Occasionally the formation of a crust stops for a time the progress of the lava, which at last forces its way through, and continues its course. This distinguishing character of erupt- ed lava, its rugged aspect, soon becomes familiar. Instances may occur, in which, owing to the current being impeded, the surface may remain comparatively smooth ; but it is pro- bable that, on being traced, every stream of lava will be found to possess a greater or less degree of ruggedness in different parts. The escape of volatile matter renders the upper surface of streams of lava very porous and slaggy. The internal por- tions are more or less vesicular, and possess characters more or less similar to those of basalt, greenstone, &c. A great many varieties of those substances may be matched by speci- Ch. IX. Mineralogi/.] TRAVELS IN ICELANIT. 359 mens from streams of lava. So striking, indeed, is the resem- blance, that the most skilful mineralogists cannot, from hand specimens, distinguish the one from the other. Tiie chemical analyses, by the much lamented Dr Kennedy, have proved their perfect similarity in composition ; and there now re- mains no doubt that the materials of which both consist, are exactly the same. * But the supporters of the two great theories which divide geologists, differ materially in their ac- counts of the production of lava. The followers of Werner maintain that lava is melted greenstone; and this supposition is not grounded upon the result of the chemical analysis of the two substances, but is a necessary acknowledgment aris- ing out of the Wernerian theory of volcanoes, which assumes the heat to be occasioned by the burning of beds of coal. The theory of Hutton is not thus limited ; for whatever va- riety there may be in lavas, the matter composing them is supposed to have been produced as well from materials iu the bonels of the earth, independently of any rock formation, as from the destruction of rocks; to which last circumstance the Wernerians confine themselves. They have given no satisfactory account of the mode in which beds of coal may be set on fire, or how the combustion is to be kept up, wheu a sufficient mass of fuel is provided. The presence of water they very properly consider indisjjensable for producing aa eruption ; but a variety of other causes are required to com- * Mucli stress has been laid on the circumstance, that lava contains no water, while every variety of trap yields more or less. But this is of little importance in a theoretical point of view ; for, as all the varieties of trap are supposed to have been melted under the influence of strong compression, the Huttonian theory leads us to expect that water may be found in them, as well as carbonate of lime ; while lava flowing in the open air, and red hot, must necessarily be de- prived of any water which it might previously iiave contained. 360 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ix. Mineralogy, "bine and act in regular succession. The Huttonians are not under the necessity of going in search of any accidental causes. They infer the existence of an internal source of heat ; but how, or where that heat is produced, or maintain- ed, is not of any importance to the fundamental principles of their system. Philosophers may speculate respecting the existence of a central source of heat, the casual effects of electricity, or the inflammation of the metals of the earths and alkalies; but though it was absolutely impossible to prove that any of these causes was the true one, it is surely as rea- sonable to infer the existence of internal heat from the phe- nomena of volcanoes, as to believe in the Wernerian rising and falling of the waters of the globe, without the evidence of any analogous fact whatever. Much ingenuity has been exercised in combating and defending what is really not ne- cessary for the support of the Huttonian theory ; and it is by no means fair to interweave detached speculations on the possibility or probability of the existence of a central source of heat, with a theory which has the widely extended pheno- mena of volcanoes to refer to, in proof of the existence of subterraneous fire. The point, whether lava is, or is not, melted greenstone, is really not worth disputing. The lava of Mount Hekla * cannot be distinguished from some varieties of basalt; and that of the Snaefell Jokul is of the same character. A great many lavas in Iceland con- tain olivin and felspar; and several of them have, in addi- tion to these, a large proportion of augit. Since erupted la^as have this great resemblance, it is impossible to doubt that, had the volatile matter which caused the vesicularity been confined, complete greenstone would have been formed. * See Catalogue; C 21 to 27, and B 51, &c. Ch. IX. Mineralogy.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 36l Thus it appears, that the lavas of Iceland have the same affinity to that class of rocks, as the lavas of other coun- tries. There are two minerals which have of late become of very considerable importance in geological discussion, but which we think ourselves entitled to range with volcanic productions. We allude to obsidian and pumice. These had been consi- dered as indubitably volcanic, till, having been discovered in connection with rocks whose origin was not so apparent, they were likely to overset the great system that had been con- structed by Werner, who had no other resource but to deny altogether their igneous origin, and to assert that they were of aqueous formation. Obsidian and pumice having been found connected with rocks, supposed by Werner to have been produced by water, is the only proof that has been ad- duced, to render of no avail the testimony of many philoso- phers, who have asserted from their own observations, that these substances are distinctly among the productions of vol- canoes ; though they have been observed in countries where, so far as is known, no external volcanoes appear ever to have existed. The evidence we possess of the igneous origin of the sub- stances imder consideration, is such as to render its ever hav- ing been doubted, a matter of wonder. The first authority w€ shall quote is that of Dolomieu. * • It has been announced, that Werner has acknowledged the origin of the obsidian and pumice of Lipari and Iceland to be volcanic ; but, as their igneous origin is still denied by many of his disciples, we think it proper not to omit what was stated on this subject in the first edition. We may soon expect from Dr Holland, who has gone to visH the Sicilian volcanoes, more accurate and full information on this subject. It may be added, that some Wernerians have stated, that the substances in question may be formed both by heat and by water. That water strongly heated may operate powerfully on mineral substances, there is no 2 Z 362 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. IX. Mineratogi/. This celebrated observer of nature, after describing a num- ber of funnel-shaped cavities, and a rent about twenty feet deep, Avliich opened into the crater of the island of Vulcano, proceeds thus, * — ' It was from a fissure of this sort that, a ' few years ago, a black vitreous lava flowed, the course of ' which is still seen on the side of the mountain, and I walk- ' ed along it while ascending. This melted glass had reach- ' ed the base of the cone, without entering the valley. ' Of this vitreous lava the stream principally consisted, and he mentions that some of it was of a grey colour. At the top of the new cone he found the most perfect glass adhering to this stream, and thus describes it, — ' A black, solid, heavy, ' and very hard glass, giving strong sparks with steel. In ' somewhat thick masses it is perfectly opaque, and resem- ' bles the bitumen of Judsea ; but when its fragments are ' thin, they are semitransparent.' There can be no doubt that the substance here described is obsidian. Dolomieu mentions another black glass not differing from the former, except in being traversed by veins of pumice. Another is of a greyish colour, and has the grain of porcelain, and ap- proaches to pumice, and is stated to be a very common pro- duction of the volcano. Spallanzani mentions the existence of obsidian and pumice in the cone of Vulcano. After describing the obsidian on the mountain of Delia Castagna, he observes, that the appear- ance of streams of it, on the top and sides of the mountain, indicate its having flowed. Dr James Home, who travelled through the Lipaii islands reason to doubt; and it does not appear improbable, that appearances, wliich cannot be well explained either by the aqueous or igneous systems, may yet b« accounted for by the joint action of heat and water under compression. * Voyage aus lies de Lipari. Ch. IX. Mineralogy.] TRAVELS IN ICELAKD. 363 with Sir James Hall, has often expressed to us his conviction of the volcanic origin of obsidian and pumice, and has gone over with us the specimens which he and Sir James brought from these islands, in order to evince how clearly the speci- mens themselves point out their origin. He has very kindly permitted us to peruse his journal, and to extract from it whatever we thought worthy of notice in regard to the mine- rals in question. Dr Home's observations amply confirm those of Dolomieu, in respect to the stream of obsidian that issued from Vulcano in the year 1775 ; and he notices its passing into pumice, and being very like the lava in the northern part of Lipari. In that island. Sir James Hall and Dr Home visited a mountain that had not been observed by Dolomieu, whom they afterwards met. Arriving at a stream of Avhat they took at a distance for common lava, they were surprised to find it entirely composed of obsidian and pumice, which passed into each other. The former was split into large masses, and white specks were disseminated through some of it. The pvunice, of which there were varieties, had evidently flowed along with the obsidian, and formed the upper surface of the stream. The travellers mounted along / this lava, and observed that it had liurst by different mouths from the great crater. The greatest breadth of the stream was about two miles and a half, and it had flowed about three miles ; and seemed to have been produced by the last effort of the volcano. After such descriptions, coming from observers of acknow- ledged acuteness and industry, it appears surprising that the least doubt should be entertained respecting the origin of obsidian and pumice. What was observed in Iceland will be found to agree well ,with the descriptions of the naturalists just quoted. After 364 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ix. Mineralogy. having gone round Mount Hekla to the northward, and then travelled in an easterly direction about twenty miles, wind- ing through valleys covered with volcanic productions, and surrounded by hills of tufFa, we descended by a steep bank of loose earth, into a small valley closed on all sides, and having a small lake in one corner. Opposite was what we •took to be a stream of coiumon rough lava, presenting its usual rude and fantastic appearance. On seeing this, we were greatly disappointed, as we had been on horseback during ten hours, and had seen neither obsidian nor pumice, ex- cepting some detached masses scattered on the ground. On reaching this supposed stream of lava, we were most agreeably surprised to find it consist of obsidian, pumice,^ and slags. Those who have seen a stream of rough lava, filling up a v-al- ley to the depth of thirty feet, will have a just conception of the appearance which was before us. Having scrambled to the top, we saw this stream extending about two miles, its limits being concealed by hills, behind which it disappeared. At some distance from the place where we had ascended to the upper surface of the stream, we observed a separation, as if the matter had divided, while flowing, into two branches. Having gone to examine the further branch, as it had an aspect somewhat diff'erent from that on which we stood, we found the difference to be owing to a greater quantity of pumice being on the surface ; when that was removed, obsi- dian was found beneath. The great extent of this stream; and several untoward circumstances, prevented our ascertain- ing its limits. We traversed it in various directions, and se- lected specimens, which bear every mark of the action of heat, and of which a description will be found in the cata- logue. No doubt can be entertained of heat having affected this. I Ch, IX. Sfineralogy.] TRAVELS IN ICELAND." 3G5 mass of obsidian and pumice, in some way or other. This being the fact, it is fair to infer from its general aspect, with- out any reference to what has been seen in the Lipari islands, that what we saw was no other than a stream of lava of a par- ticular species. There is another very remarkable fact in the history of the volcanoes of Iceland, which seems to have favoured the idea of the igneous origin of pumice. About the end of January in the year 1783, flames were observed rising from the sea, about thirty miles off Cape Reikianes. Several small islands also appeared, as if they had emerged from the sea ; but no new ones were afterwards found (though it has been asserted that there was one) ; but a reef of sunk rock now exists in the direction in which the flames were seen, terminating in what is called the Blind Bird Rock, over which the sea breaks. The flames lasted several months, during which time vast quantities of pumice and light slags were washed on shore, along the southern coasts of the Guldbringe and Snaefell Sys- sels, and along different other parts of the shores of the Faxefiord. In the beginning of June, earthquakes shook the whole of Iceland ; the flames in the sea disappeared ; and the dreadful eruption commenced from the Skaptar Jokul, which is nearly two hundred miles distant from the spot where the marine eruption took place. This remarkable fact seems to indicate a communication having subsisted between those two places from which the fire burst out ; and, when we consider that Hekla is almost in the direct line between them, we may conjecture that the depth of the source from whence both proceeded was very great. * * Having procured a map which appears to have belonged to some description of the terrible eruption of 1 783, we have reduced it to the scale of the map of our journey, and caused it to be added to the plate. 366 TRAVELS IN ICELAND. [Ch. ix. Mineralogy. The connection of obsidian and pumice is so very intimate, that the origin of the one must also be the origin of the other ; and the evidence we already possess, seems to be perfectly sufficient to establish their igneous origin. Pumice generally occurs above obsidian ; and may be considered as bearing the same relation to the latter, as the common slags of a stream of lava bear to the body of lava.* Numerous cones are to be found in Iceland, composed entirely of loose volcanic substances. The whole of Mount Hekla is a collection of these matters. But the most remark- able appearance connected with the volcanoes of that coun- try, is that of hills of tuffa, which invariably accompany lava. This substance forms whole ranges of mountains in the Guld- bringe Syssel ; and the hills round Hekla, and wherever erup- tions have happened, are composed of it. The tufFa of Ice- land closely resembles that of Italy and Sicily ; and the mode of its formation is a curious subject of inquiry; but we shall defer entering upon it, till we have described some other ap- pearances with which it is connected. The general appearance of the sulphur mountains of Kri- suvik have been already described .f The rocks above the highest banks of sulphur are a species of tuffa, (a consider- able portion of which appears to be pearlstone), decomposed greenstone, and what has been called porphyr}- slate. The rocks of the portion of Iceland which we examined, that have no external marks of the effects of heat, are of that * When a mass of obsidian is subjected to heot it swells, piiffs up, and is con- verted into pumice. We have formed several specimens of pumice which cannot be distinguished from the natural prodtiction ; and have successfully imitated some natural specimens in which the pumice is blended with the obsidian. The pitch- stone of Iceland is much more refractory ; but in the strong heat of a forge, it l)€come5 frothy. t P. "3. Ch. IX. Mineralogt/.'] TRAVELS IN ICELAND. 36/ class known by the general appellation, trap. They are chiefly amygdaloidal, and contain all the varieties of zeolite, calce- dony, calcareous spar, &c. Greenstone and basalt occur in the island of Vidoe, and on the opposite shore. They are seen massive, in beds and veins, and often assume the colum- nar form. Some of the columns in Vidiie are composed of tables several inches in thickness, and from three to five feet in diameter. Others have the tables composed of oval masses, rendered visible by the decomposition of the rock. There is a peculiarity in all the veins we examined in various parts of the country, which was first observed in the island of Vidoe It is a black vitreous coating on their sides, which varies in thickness in different instances, and gradually blends with the substance of the veins. This is accoimted for by the Hutto- nian hypothesis, by supposing that, when the matter of the vein was forced into the fissure which it fills, the portion next the walls was suddenly cooled, and reduced to the state of glass, while the internal part, by cooling more slowly, be- came gradually more crystalline in its texture, Werner sup- poses that, when a solution entered the fissure, the first de- position was so rapid as to have little or none of the crystal- line appearance, and, as it became more gradual, the matter shewed more tendency to crystallize. The structure of the mountains is, in general, finely dis- })laycd. The beds of greenstone and amygdaloid are of great thickness, often from twenty to thirty feet. We frequently observed beds of tut£i, alternating with the greenstone and other rocks. The most remarkable rock to which the Wer- nerian term tu^ can be applied, occurs iji the island of Vidiie, and on the road from Reikiavik to Havnefiord. It is com- posed chiefiy of masses of black jiearlstone imbedded in a six hundred people were carried off by this disease. Syphihs cannot be said to exist in Iceland. Single cases have sometimes occurred from communication with foreign- Diseases.] APPENDIX. 403 ers ; but the disease has always been Intercepted before it made any progress in the country. Psora is an almost universal complaint in Iceland, appear- ing indiscriminately among all classes of the inhabitants. No discredit is attached to it, nor does it seem that any means of cure are attempted, though the most efficacious remedy exists in so great abundance in the country. It would seem that scrophulous affections are not of fre- quent occurrence in the island. Inflammatory visceral affections are verv common amonar the Icelanders. The variable nature of the climate, and the constant exposure to wet and cold which is incurred in the occupation of fishing, give a strong tendency to pulmonary complaints ; and out of the annual number of deaths in the island, a very large proportion are referable to this cause. This fact was ascertained from the examination of certain statistical registers, which are annually drawn up by the priests of the several parishes, and transmitted to the Bishop at Reikiavik. In these pulmonary affections, and especially in cases of Phthisis, the Lichen Islandicus is much employed by the natives ; and possesses a reputation among them, which the experience of its effects in other countries would scarcely seem to warrant. As a demulcent remed}^ however, it probably in some degree alleviates the symptoms, and, as an article of diet, in such cases its use may certainly be advantageous. Inflammatory affections of the abdominal viscera are like- wise very common among the Icelanders ; chiefly perhaps in consequence of the peculiar nature of the diet to which they are accustomed. It is ])ossible also that a disposition may be given to these complaints by the treatment of the children in their early infancy. A mother in Iceland seldom suckles her child ; but nourishes it from the time of its birth, with cows or 404 APPENDIX, [Diseases. slieep's milk, which the infant sucks from a piece of moistened rag, or a sponge. Where from extreme poverty, or other cir- cumstances, milk cannot be obtained, a little fish or flesh meat, rolled up in cloth and linen, and put into the infant's mouth, is the substitute most commonly employed. The diet of the Icelanders likewise gives much disposition to worms ; and the ascarides are observed to be particularly frequent. The climate and the occupations of the people, particularly that of fishing, render rheumatic affections very common. It is said that gout also occasionally occurs ; but it may be dovibted whether it is not some modification of rheumatism which obtains this name. Hypochondriasis is a frequent complaint among the natives of Iceland ; induced probably by the physical circuiustances of their situation, and the long confinement to their habita- tions, which is necessary during the winter season. Yet the general temperament of the Icelanders does not appear to be a melancholic one, and the vivacity of their manner frequently forms a striking contrast to the wretchedness which their ex- ternal condition displays. Besides the diseases which have already been noticed, I had the opportunity, while in Iceland, of seeing cases of Epi- lepsy, Hysteria, Amenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Asthma, Icterus, &c. No case of idiopathic fever, either intermittent or conti- nued, occurred to my observation. With respect to intermit- tents, however, I was informed that they occasionally appear among the inhabitants under a well marked form ; an effect no doubt of the vast extent of bogs and marshy ground, which are found even in the most populous districts of the island. A singular complaint remains to be noticed, the effects of which, though limited to a small spot, are eminently disastrous as far as they extend. This is the disease, called Diseases.} APPENDIX, 405 GiuMofe by the Icelanders ; the Tetanus or Trismus Neonato- rum of medical writers ; which invades children at a very early age, and almost invariably proves fatal in its event. It oc- curs very rarely, if at all, on the mainland of Iceland ; but is confined principally to the group of islands, called West- mann-Eyar, situated on the southern coast, of which a de- scription has already been given in the Journal, p. 255. The population of Heimaey, which is the only one of these islands that is inhabited, does not amount at present to 200 souls, and is almost entirely supported by migration from the main- land; scarcely a single instance having been known, during the last twenty years, of a child surviving the period of infancy. During a great part of the year, the island is wholly inacces- sible in consequence of storms, currents, and the nature of the coast. The inhabitants are therefore left almost solely to their own resources. Their chief article of food is the sea- fowl, called the Fulmar, which they procure in vast abun- dance ; using the eggs and flesh of the bird, and salting the latter for their winter food. The destructive effect upon the fishery around these islands, by the great volcanic eruptions in 17S3, has before been mentioned. Of vegetable food the inhabitants have none, and there are only a few cows and sheep on the island. The distressing consequences of this disease led the Danish government to give an official direction to the Landphysicus of Iceland, to visit the Westmann Islands, for the purpose of investigating its nature and causes. This gentleman went over to the islands during the summer of 1810, and remained three weeks on the spot. Though he did not himself see a case of the disease, he obtained all the principal facts connected with it from the priests, and those of the inhabitants who had had children. The sym])toins of the complaint are brieHy these. 406 APPENDIX. [Diseases. Very soon after birth, strabismus and rolling of the eyes arc observed ; subsultus tendinum occurs ; and the muscles of the back are often drawn together and stiffened, evidently by incipient spasm. These appearances infallibly denote the ap- proach and event of the disease. Having continued during a period varying from one to seven days after birth, trismus ge- nerally comes on, sometimes attended by Opisthotonos, which is strictly called the GinMofe, occasionally with Emprostho- tonos, to which the name of Kliims is given by the natives. The trismus present impedes deglutition, and the paroxysms becoming more violent, the infant is speedily carried off. When the rare event of a favourable termination occurs, it is portended by a critical diarrhoea, or by an exanthematous eruption, with the evacuation of the meconium. The following Table, which includes a period of twenty- five years, shews the mortality consequent upon this disease in the Westmann Islands ; and exhibits also the days upon which death has happened. Children. Days. Children. Days. 1 . . . lived ... 2 18 . . . lived ... 9 2 3 ]0 10 14 4 2 11 16 5 1 12 22 6 1 13 75 7 5 14 16 8 1 21 It will be seen from this Table, that the number of deaths on the yxXx day greatly exceed those on any other ; and also that they are more frequent on the 14th day, than on the days immediately preceding or succeeding it. From the propor- Diseases.] APPENDIX, 407 tion which these cases of fatal event bear to the whole popu- lation of the island, it is probable that few, if any, instances of recovery have occurred, during the period included in the Table. No methods of cure have hitherto been resorted to by the inhaljitants. This disease is well known to prevail in other parts of the world ; and has been particularly described as it appears in the West Indies, and in the island of iNIinorca.* It exists also in Switzerland, and in some northern districts of Scotland ; especially in the island of St Kilda ; the inhabitants of which, in their diet and mode of life, much resemble the natives of the Westmann Islands. The exciting causes are involved in much obscurity. It may be presumed, however, that they must vary considerably, when the disease appears in countries so widely diflerent with respect to climate, and the situation of the inhabitants. Its occurrence in the Westmaim Islands may reasonably be supposed to have some connection with the extraordinary diet of the natives ; and this is the more probable, as it appears that the complaint has been much more frequent, since their fishery was destroyed by the vol- canic eruptions in 1/33. Independently of any effect which the peculiarity of the mother's constitution may have uj)on her offspring, the practice of giving to the infant a strong and oily animal food almost immediately after birth, will neces- sarily create irritation in the bowels, and dispose to spasmo- dic affections. Dr Klog, in some remarks he gave me on this subject, attributes much to the effects of the sea air, and of a moist atmosphere ; but had these causes any considcra- l)le influence, we might expect that the disease would be more * See the works of Hillary, Cliisholm, and Clarke, on the Diseases of the West Indies ; and Cleghorn's Diseases of Minorca. 408 APPENDIX. {Dtseasis. frequent in different parts of the world, than is actually found to be the case. The age which the Icelanders usually attain presents no- thing very remarkable in either extreme. From the Table of Population, given in a preceding part of this volume, it ap- pears that in 1801, when the numt)er of inhabitants was 47,207, there were 41 persons between the ages of 90 and 100 ; 443 between 80 and 90; and I698 between 70 and 80. The number of females was 25,371 : of males, only 21,746. The longevity of the females exceeds considerably that of the males ; owing no doubt to their less exposure to the severi- ties of labour, and the hardships of the climate. Of the 41 persons between 90 and 100, 35 were females ; of those be- tween 80 and 90, 285 wer^ females, while the number of males was not more than 158. A comparison of facts would proba- bly prove, that the longevity of the Icelanders rather exceeds, than falls short, of the average obtained from the continental nations of Europe. The Icelanders are in general of a tall statute ; arising, however, rather from -the length of the spine, than of the limbs : the head is of the middle size : the countenance open : the complexion exceedingly fair, and among the women, often very Horid. The hair is almost universally of a light colour, and seldom curled. Corpulency is rarely observed among the natives of the island. Flora.] APPENDIX. 409 No. II. LIST OF ICELANDIC PLANTS.* By W. J. Hooker, Esq. 1. MONANDRIA. I. Mofwgynia. HiPPLRis vulgaris Zostera marina 2. Digyuia. Callitriche aquatica 1 y autumnalis II. DIANDRIA. 1. Mo?iogynia. Veronica officinalis — serpyllifolia — Beccabunga — Anagallis Veronica scutellata — alpina — fruticulosa — marilandica Pinguicula vulgaris. — " Les Islandais s'en scr- vent quelcjuefois en guise d'ail." lot/age en Islandc. — alpina 2. Digyu'm. Anthoxantlium odoralum * Tliis catalogue is principally taken from Zoega's Flora Islaniica, (attached to the Danish edition of Poveiseii and Olafsen's account of Iceland) and Mohr's Forfijg til en Islandsk Naturliislorie, published at Copenhagen in 1786. The few additional species, which I am enabled to insert by means of Sir George Macken- zie's and Mr Paulsen's collections and my own researches, are distinguished by being printed in Italics. 3 F 410 APPENDIX. [Flora, III. TRIANDRIA. 1. Monogynia. Valeriana officinalis Schoenus compressus Scirpus palustris — lacustris — csespitosus — acicularis — setaceus Eriophorum polystachion. Of the pappus of this plant thenativesmake wicks for their lamps. — vaginatum — capitatum. Hoppe. • — alpinum Nardus stricta 2. D'lgynm. Phlenm pratense — nodosum — alpinum Alopecurus geniculatus Milium effusum Agrostis rubra — stolonifera — canina — vulgaris /S pumila — alba — arundinacea — c^erulea Aira csespitosa Aira flexuosa — montana — subspicata — alpina — aquatica — prsecox Holcus odoratus. — Said to be used by the Icelanders to perfume their apartments and their clothes. Sesleria cserulea Roa pratensis — trivialis — compressa — annua — angustifolia — alpina — maritima — slauca. — Both this and the following species are far from uncommon in Iceland. — ccesia Festuca ovina — rubra — elatior — fluitans — duriuscula — v'wapara Arundo Phragmites — Epigejos — arenaria Elymus arenarius. — ^The sqeds Flora.] APPENDIX. 411 are occasionally made in- to a sort of bread. Triticum caninum — repens 3. Tryginia. Montia fontana Koenigia islandica IV. TETRANDRIA. 1. Monogynia, Scabiosa succisa. — ^The Ice- landic names for this plant, Piikabit and Die- velsbid, have both the same signification as our Devil's bit. Galium verum — palustre — Mollugo — pit si Hum — boreale — Plantago major — lanceolata — maritima — alpina. — This I recollect seeing, in some plenty, at Thing valla, and I have since received specimens from Sir George Macken- zie and Mr Paulsen. — Coronopus Sanguisorba officinalis Alchemilla Anilgaris Alchcmilla alpina 3. Tetragynid, Potamogeton natans -^ marinum — compressum — lucens — crispum — perfoliatum — pectinatum — pusillum Sagina procumbens Tillaea aquatica V. PENTANDRIA. 1. Monogynia. Myosotis scorpioidcs a and /S Pulmonaria maritima Echium vulgare Primula farinosa Menyanthes trifoliata. — This plant is important to tra- vellers who are not ac- quainted with the route in the morasses ; for they are wellaware thatwhere- soever it grows they may safely pass ; its closely woven roots makinga firm bed upon the soft sub- soil. The Icelanders call it Reic/inga, and employ the matted tufts to pre- vent the saddle or any 412 .APPENDIX. IFlora. load from chafing the horses' backs. Azalea proctimbens Campanula rotundifolia — patula Viola canina — tricolor — palustris Glaux maritima 2. Digi/nia. Gentiana campestris — amarella — nivalis — aurea — detonsa — bavarica — tenella — verna — rotata Hydrocotyle vulgaris Ligusticum scoticum.— To this plant, which Mr Paulsen named by mistake Inipe- ratoria Ostrutliium, was attached the ' elFectus in hydaridibus ' abdominalibus. (isl. me- ' iulceti): Angelica Archangelica. — The Icelanders gather the stems and roots of this plant, which they eat raw, and generally with the addition of fresh butter, — sylvestris '' Imperatoria Ostruthium CarumCarui. — Naturalised in Iceland, according to Sir George Mackenzie. 4. Tetragynia. Parnassia palustris 5. Pentagynia. Statice Armeria Linum catharticun> 4. Hexogynia. Drosera rotundifolia — longifolia - - following VI. HEXANDRIA. 1. Mouogynia. Convallaria biflora observation : ' Haic (in Juncus efFusus. ^ Islandia) rarissima her- — arcticus. — Discovered by ' ba, in saxis solum et ' montibuspreernptis ma- ' ritimis reperiunda. De- ' voratisradicibushic Ira- ' ditur divinos edidissc Mr Bright. — sqnarrosus — trifidus — articulatus — bulbosus flora.] APPENDIX, 413 Junciis bufonius — biglumis — triglumis ■ — pilosus — canipestris — spicatus 2. Trigynla. Rumex digynus. — All the spe- cies of Kumex are boiled and eaten by the Icelan- ders ; though only the vounsT shoots of acutus before me it appears that this species is subject to considerable variation, as well in the proportional breadth of its leaves, as in the size of the flowers. ■ — Mr Paulsen remarks, ' Crescit fer^ solum ad ' fluvios montium glacia- ' lium, in argilla et areni ' vulcanica.' — angusti folium Epilobium montanum — palustrc are employed. Of the Acetosa a beverage is made by the common — origanifoUum people, by steeping the — alpinuni plant in water till all the — tetragoninn juice is extracted. This Vaccinium Myrtillus drink is kept some time ; — Oxycoccos but soon becomes bad — uliginosum. and putrid in warm wea then Erica vulgaris. magna — acutus — Acetosa — Acetosella Triglochin palustrc — maritimum Tofieldia palustris VIIl. OCTANDRI.A. 1. Monogyn'ia. Chamsenerium halimifoliuni. — From specimens now ' Ex ejus florescentiu de magna nivis hyemalis co- pid augurantur Islandi.' Paulsen in Epist. 2. Trigynia. Polygonum viviparuni — Bistorta. — The roots arc often eaten raw, and sometimes converted iuto bread. 4U APPENDIX. ■ [Flora. Polygonum Hydropiper — amphibium — Persicaria — aviculare 3. Tetragynia. Paris quadri folia X. DECANDRIA. 1. 3Ionogynia. Andromeda hypnoides Arbutus Uva Ursi — alpina Pyrola rotundifolia — secunda — minor 2. Digynla. Saxifraga Cotyledon — stellaris — nivalis — Hirculus* — palmata — punctata — oppositifolia — autumnalis — aizoides — bulbifera — cernua — rivularis — tridactylites Saxifraga csespitosa — groenlandica. — My speci- mens of this, gathered by Sir George Mackenzie, exactly accord with the figure of this species in the Flore de Pyrenees. La Pey- rouse has observed it grow- ing at the height of sixteen hundred toises above the level of the sea. — hypnoides — tricuspidata — petrsea Scleranthus annuus 3. Trigynia. Silene maritima — acaulis. — Boiled and eaten with butter by the Iceland- ers. Stellaria media — biflora — cerastoides Arenaria peploides.— This is steeped in sour whey, where it ferments ; then the liquid is strained off, and fresh water added to * I am informed by Mr Holland, that this beautiful Saxifraga which is abun- dant in Iceland, is only found on one small spot in Britain, near Knutsford in Che shire. G. M. Flora.] APrENDIX. 415 the beverage, which is 2. Penfagyma. said to taste like oUve- Pyrus domestica. — This was oil ; whence the name of the plant in Iceland, SmkUu-kaal. — loyage en Islande. — serpylli folia — ciliata 4. Pentagynia. Sedum saxatile — rupestre — annum found by SirGeorge Mac- kenzie, growing eight feet high in a cheft of lava near Buderstad in Snse- fellSyssel. Another plant of the same was brought to Sir George Mackenzie, from Eyafiord, on the north coast. — aucuparia' * acre. — ' Vulgatum inlslan- Spiraea Ulmaria dia vomitorium.' — Paul- 3. Polygynla. sen in Ep'ist. — villosum Lychnis Flos-Cuculi — alpina var.fi. albo. Cerastium viscosum — vulgatum — alpinum — hiflfuliuni Sjjergula arvensis — nodosa — saginoides XII. ICOSAKDRIA. Rosahibernica. — This, the on- ly species of Rosa disco- vered in Iceland, was sent me by Mr Paulsen with the following remark : ' NuUi hie prius obvia. ' Crescit in rupe unica ' ad villam Selj aland.' Rubus saxatilis Fragaria vesca Potentilla verna — anserina. — The roots are frequently eaten in the * It is probable that tite Pyrus Domestica has been taken for Aiicuparia, which, on that account, pcrliaps, should have no place in the Flora. It was only on close examination that Mr Hooker and Dr Smith discovered the specimen I found to be Domestica. 416 APPENDIX. [Flora. southern parts of the island. — aurea Tormentilla officinaUs Geum rivale Dryas octopetala. — Its leaves are gathered, and made into a sort of tea. Comarum palustre XIII. POLYANDRIA. 1 . Alonogynla. Papaver nndicaule 5. Polygyn'ia. Thalictrum alpinum Ranunculus acris. — Often us- ed for making blisters. Ranvmculus hederaceus — reptans — aquatilis — lapponicus — re pens — A rare plant in Iceland. I was not so fortunate as to meet with it myself. Sir George Mackenzie has favoured me with the only speci- men which he procured ; and which he found grow- ing among loose stones on the declivity of a mountain between Sta- — glacialis dar-hraun and Kolbein- stadr. — nivalis — hyperboreus — Caltha palustris XIV. DIDYNAMIA. 1. Gymnospennia. Lamium purpureum Galeopsis Ladanum — Tetrahit Thymus Serpyllum. — An in- fusion of the leaves is of- ten used to give an aro- matic flavor to the sour whey. Prunella vulgaris 3. Anglospermia. Bartsia alpina Rhinantluis Crista-Galli Euphrasia officinalis. — I pos- sess alpine varieties of this plant from Iceland, which (though bearing perfect flowers) scarcely rise a quarter of an inch above the surface of the ground. Pedicularis svlvatica — flammea Limosella aquatica XV. TETRAD VN A 3IIA. 1. SUiculoso. Subularia aquatica •Flora.] APPENDIX. 417 Draba verna — muralis — incana var. contorta. Refzhis. Tlilaspi Bursa Pastoris — campestre Cochlearia officinalis — danica. — Occasionally eat- en as spinage, and reck- oned of service in the cure of the scurvy, though sel- dom made use of. Bunias Cakile. 2. Siliquosa. Cardamine pratensis. — hirsuta. — Asingular variety of this plant, if not a dis- tinct species, has been sent mebothbySir George Mackenzie and Mr Paul- sen, having the lower leaflets round, the upper ones linear, and all very entire. — bellidifolia Sisymbrium terrestre Arabis alpina — hispida Brassica alpina, — Sent me by /Sir George Mackenzie. XVr. MONADELPHIA. 5. Decandria. Geranium sylvaticum — pratense — montanum XVm, DIADELPHIA, 3. Ocfandria. Polygala vulgaris 4. Decandria. Lathyrus pratensis Vicia cracca Pisum maritimum Lotus corniculatus Anthyllis vulneraria Trifolium arvense — pratense — repens. — ' Les gens de la ' campagne, dans la par- ' tie Nord et Est de cet- ' te ile, en mangent en ' legume.' — Poyagc en ' Islande. XIX. SYNGENESIA. 1. Poh/gamia ^qitalis. Leontodon taraxacum — autumnale Hedypnois Taraxaci Hieracium Pilosella — Auricula — alpinum — praemorsum — Murorum 3 G 41S .: APPENDIX. IFlorn, Serratula arvensis Carduiis lanceolatus — heteropbyllns. 2. Poly garni a Superjlua, Gnaphalium alpinum — uliginosum ' — sylvatlciim ^— fuscatum. Per&. Erigeron alpin\im Senecio vulgaris Pyrethrum inodorum — maritimiivi Achillea Milkfolium. — The Icelandic appellation, ^/Z- Humall (field-hops) seems to imply that this planthas been used instead of hops in that island, as it is still in some parts of Sweden. At present the natives only make an ointment of its leaves with butter, which they apply to cutaneous and other external sores. XX. GYNANDRIA. 1 . Diandria. Orchis maculata — Mori a — mascula — latifolia — hyperborean Satyrium viride Satyrium albidum T — nigrum Epipacfis ovata. — I possess the only specimen of this ever gathered in Iceland: it was found at a place called f^k^ by the son of Mr Paulsen. — Nidus avisP—-^\\.\\eY this or a new species of Epipacfis has been sent me by Sir George Mackenzie. The specimen is destitute of its root, so thgit I cannot as- certain it with certainty. Cymbidium corallorhizon. XXI. MONffiCIA. J 1. Monandria. Zostera marina. — This the cattle eat, and the natives gather and, dry for their beds. Chara vulgaris — hispida, 3. Triandna. Sparganium natans Cobresia scirpina. fFilld.- Carex Bcllardi of preceding au- thors. Carex dioica j^ — capitata . JFYofa.] APPENDIX, 419 Carex pulicaris ■ — arenaria — uliginosa — leporina — vulpina — muricata — — loliacea — canescens — elongata — flava — pedata — montana — rigida — limosa — atrata — pallescens — capillaris — Pseudo-cyperus ' — acuta — a/H/zM/Zoreflf.- -The specimen sent me by Sir George Mackenzie is a slight va- riety with branched spikes. — vesicaria — hirta. 4. Tetandrla. Urtica dioica r — urens. — This I only saw growing in Mr Savigniac's garden at Reikiavik. 8. Polyandria. Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum verticillatum CeratophyHum demersum Betiila alba — nana, XXII. DIOECIA. 2. Diandria. Salix Myrsinites — arbuscula — herbacea. — The downy substance from this and other species of Willow is applied by the natives to wounds both of man and beast. The leaves steeped in water are employed in tanning skins. The wood is used in making ink, be- ing steeped in a decoction of the leaves, to which is added some of the earth used in dyeing j it is then all boiled together until the liquid has acquired a pro- per consistency. Salix purpurea — reticulata — m^rtilloides — glauca — lanata — Lapponum — arenaria — f fusca 420 APPENDIX. IFlotiu Salix capraea — pentandia 3. Triandria. Empetrum nigrum 8. Octandria. Rliodiola rosea 13. Monadelphia. Juniperis communis XXIII. POLYGAMIA. 1. Monoecia. Atriplex laciniata — patula XXIV. CRYPTOGAMIA. 1. Filices. Equisetum sylvaticum. — ^Va- rious species of Equisetum are given to the cattle in Iceland, where they are said to be excellent food for the saddle horses. -— arvense — limosum — palustre — fluviatile — hyemale Osmunda Lunaria Ophioglossum vulgatum Lycopodium alpinum — clavatum Lycopodium annotinum — Selago — selaginoides — dubium* Polypodium vulgare — fontanum — ilvense — arvonicum — Phegopteris — Dryopteris Aspidium Lonchitis — Thelypteris — Filix mas — Filix faemina — fragile. — I possess a curious and elegant species of As- pidium (Cyathea of Dr Smith) somewhat allied to this, but hitherto imde- scribed. Asplenium septentrionale Isoetes lacmtris. 2. Musci. Phascum muticum Sphagnum obtusifolium.-The same use being made of this moss in Iceland as in Lap- land, I shall be readily ex- cused for inserting Lin- * Surculis simplicissimis, erectis, compressis ; foliis complicatis, carinitas, acutis, alternis, distiche imbricatis. Konig^ Slora.'] . APPENDIX-. 421 naeus' words upon the sub- ject. ' Feminis Lapponicis maxima notus est hie muscus ; hunc enim, lin- teiscum destituantur, in* fantibus, dum cunis suis continentur,undique cir- cumponunt, qui et pul- vinaris et tegmenti vices servat, urinam acremab- sorbet, calorem conser- vat, sericisque stragulis gratior est tenellis ; mu- tatur deinde vesperi et mane, dum purus et re- cens substituitur in pri- oris locum.' — Fl. Lapp, p. 337. Sphagnum capillifolium Gymnostomum truncatulum — fasciculare Tetraphis pelhicida Andraea rupestris — Rothii Splachnum ampuUaceum — urceolatum — mnioides — rubrum — vasculosum Conostomum horeale Encalypta vulgaris — alpina Grimmia apocarpa — maritima.— Not uncommon on rocks by the sea shores. Weissia cirrata. — lanceolata 9 — ■ Dicranum scoparium — undulatum — heteromallum — purpureum — flexuosuni — squarrosum ' — pusillum — pulvinatum — taxifolium Trichostomum fontinalioides — fasciculare — canescens — cllipticum Syntrichia ruralis — subulata Tortula torfuosa — convoluta Catharinea licrcynica Pollytrichum commune * — alpimun — sexangulare — mnigerum — aloides — subrotundum Orthotrichum striatum Neckera curtipendula Bryum androgynum 422 APPENDIX. \ Bryum argenteum Bartraniia ithyphylla — Zierii — pomiformis r— caespititium Fontinalis antipyretica — dealbatum — squamosa \ — hornum — falcata — cruduni Funaria hygrometrica — tiirbinatum Buxbau mia /o//o«a — serpyllifolium 3. Hepaticcs. — pyrifornie Jungermannia concinnata — dendroides • — julacea Hypnum sericeum — asplenioides — abietinum — scalaris — jilamentosum — Sphagni ■— praelongum — angulosa — velutinum —— hyssoides — proliferum — bicuspidata — nitens — disticha. Mohr. — illecebrum — albicans — purura — nemorosa — filicinum — resupinata — aduncum — complanata — uncinatum — dilatata — revolvens — ciliaris — denticulatum — epiphylla — triquetrum — pinguis — squarrosum — furcata — cuspidatum Marchantia polymorpha — Crista castrensis — hemispherica — cupressiforme — tenella — scorpioides Targionia hypophylla — sihsianum Blasia pucilla Bartraniia fontana Riccia crystallina IFlorH, i JFlora.] APPENDIX. Riccia glauca Anthoceros punctatus 4. Lichenes. — — Lepraria botryoides — Jolithos Lecidea sanguinaria •-P- fusco-atra — fusco-lutea. — About ReU kiavik. — atro-virens a and y — pustulata Gyrophora glabra /S — deusta — erosa - — cylindrica. — ^Used, in times of scarcity, as food, but more frequently for dyeing (.rx woollen cloth of a brown- ish green colour. -— hirsuta. — ' Longe optimum * in re cibaria Lichenis ' genus. — Pagina inferior ' pilosa. Crescit unice in ' lapidibus magnis discre- * tis, et rupibus alpini*, ' imprimis summis cacu- ' minibus, ubi Falcones * ssepius insident.' — Paul- sen in Epist. — vellea Endocarpon Hedwigii Endoc^rpon tephroides. About Reikiavik. Sphserophoron compressum Isidium defraudans Urceolaria calcaria — Parmelia tartarea — sub fu sea — — pallescens — candelaria ,..,;'. — briimiea.— About Reikiavik. — gelida — stygia •— fahlunensis — omphalodes — saxatilis — stellaris •— parietina — • — olivacea — • — scrohiculata — — nigrescens — physodes — furfuracea — ciliaris — Prunastri — fraxinea — farinacea — ochroleuca I — sarmentosa — jubata Pelt idea venosa — res\i|)inata — canina '424 APPENDIX* [Flora. Peltidea apthosa — crocea — saccata Cetraria islandica — nivalis Cornicularia lanata — pubescens Usnea hirta Stereocaulon paschale .— - globiferum. — About Reikia- vik and other places, not uncommon. Baeoniyces cocciferus — digitatus — deformis — pyxidatus — cornutus — gracilis nv — end'wifoUus.—hXiovX Reikia- vik. — imcialis — subulatus — rangiferinus — vermicidaris — tauricus 5. Algce Aquatkce. Fucus serratus. — This and va- rious other large species of Fucus serve occasionally for food for the cattle and fuel for the poor natives. — vesiculosus Fucus vesiculosus ■ var. divaricatus — excisus inflatus spiralis — ceranoides — canaliculatus — distichus. fFl.Dan. 351.) — nodosus — — siliquosus — loreus — aculeatus — purpiirascens — lycopodioides — ramentaceus — muscoides — Filum — lanosus. Mohr. — fastigiatus. (F1. Dan, 393.) — digitatus — palmatus. — This, the Sol of the Icelanders, is the most frequently prepared and eaten of any of the genus. — esculentus — saccharinus — edulis — sanguineus — ciliatus — crispus — alatus — dentatus Flora.] APPENDIX, 425 Fucus rubens — plumosus — cartilagineiis — spermophorus — gigartinus — confervoides — JiagelUformis — plicatus — albus. (Fl. Dan. 408.) — corneus — fungularis. (Fl. Dan. 420.) — clavatus. Mohr. — coronopifolius — fcen iculaceus.— (Conferva Huds.J Tremella lichenoides — verrucosa — hemispherica — adnata — Nostoc Ulva umbilicalis — intestinalis — latissima — compressa — pruniformis — Lactuca — lanceolata — Linza — plicata. Mohr. Rivularia cylindrica. — JVahl, MSS. angulosa Conferva dichotoma — spiralis — bi punctata — ' nitida — flavescem — aeruginosa — vaginata — limosa — littoralis — scoparia — cancellata — polymorpha — rupestris — aegagropila — corallina Byssus Cryptarum. 6. Fungi. Agaricus campanulatus — finietarius — campestris Boletus luteus — bovinus Helvella atra. fFl. Dan. 354.) — aeruginosa. fFl. Dan. 354.) Peziza lentifera — scutellata — cupularis — zonalis Clavaria coralloides — muscoides Lycoperdon Bovista Mucor Mucedo 3 H 426 APPENDIX. [Flora, In the collection of Mr Bright, a specimen of a very minute plant has been lately discovered, which Mr Hooker and Mr Brown think has been mentioned only by Wahlen- berg, who found it in Lapland, but has not yet published an account of his travels ; at least his work has not reached this country. If it is really the one discovered by Wahlenberg, its name is ' Polytrichum Glabratum.' Mt'nerah.] APPENDIX. 42/^ No. III. CATALOGUE OE ICELANDIC MINERALS, BEING CHIEFLY GEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS. Presented to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and deposited in their Cabinet. A No. 1. Rock, in the vicinity of Reikiavik. Its colour is ash grey ; it has a rough uneven fracture, and the frag- ments have blunt irregular edges ; it is not very com- pact, and with difficulty scratches glass : it contains particles of olivin. There is much resemblance, I am informed, between this rock, and the clinkstone of Andernach on the Rhine, where it is said to alternate with pumice. As some specimens contain a minute portion of hornblende, and the rock appears to be principally composed of compact felspar, it might be considered a variety of greenstone. It is, how- ever, a lava, (page 383.) A2,A,A'On examining these specimens, which are from the lower part of the same bed of rock, they all bear the most unequivocal marks of fusion. Tlris is the case on the whole of the lower surface ; hence I con- clude that this rock is a species of lava. 428 APPENDIX. [Minerals. A No. 3 In this specimen, which is broken from a columnar mass, the effects of decomposition are apparent, and the oHvin seems to have been destroyed. 4, 5, 6 Are from the bed of rock under A 1. It seems to be the same, only it is entirely vesicular ; the vesicles are partly filled with a reddish white decomposed matter, quite soft and friable. This bed may be readily distinguished by its columnar form, as exem- plified in the two last specimens. Some of the spe- cimens contain specks of a brilliant golden lustre, which are olivin in an altered state. 7 Wacke lying horizontally above A 1, but visible only for a few yards. 8, 9 The same with A 4, 5, 6, from a place where it ap- pears mixed with clay, slags, and other matter form- ing a tuffa. 10 Friable white steatite, forming a tumulus near the hot springs in the neighbourhood of Reikiavik. It is 11 also found where the hot water bubbles up. This circumstance, and the tumulus being hollow at the top, make it probable that the latter has been the site of a boiling spring, of a larger size than any which now exist at this place. 1^ The steatite occurs reddish brown, and has, in some places, recently deposited matter adhering to it, some 13, 14 of which effervesces with acid, though not all. Here 15 is also found tuffa the same as A 9* 16. Greenstone containing splendent crystals of felspar from the island of Vidoe. 17 Fine grained basalt, having a conchoidal fracture, from a vein cutting the greenstone. It contains small vesicles, some of which had water in them. Minerals.] APPENDIX. 429 A No, 18 This specimen sh ws a peculiarity common to all the veins we saw in Iceland ; a vitreous coating on the sides which becomes gradually blended with the sub- stance of the stone. 19j 20 Columnar greenstone, from the same place. The latter contains small specks of a black vitreous sub- stance, the fracture of which is conchoidal. The same has been observed by Professor Jameson in the trap rocks of Fifeshire, and by Mr Allan in the western parts of Mid Lothian. 21 From a vein of vesicular greenstone which cuts a mass of trap tuff.* 22 A slaggy mass from the tuff. 23 Mass of vesicular greenstone from the same ; many of the vesicles coated with zeolite. 24 This rock may be considered as non-descript. It is composed principally of the brilliant black substance, small specks of which were observed in A 20 ; but here it occurs in larger masses, mixed with a dull blackish green matrix, which circumstance denotes it 25 to be a tuff. It contains masses of amygdaloid ; and A' 1 nodules of pyrites, some of which have a small quan- tity of pitchcoal adhering to them. Professor Jame- son informed me, that he observed a rock in Dum- fries-shire which resembles this. The black substance seems to be pearlslone ; and the rock may there- fore be called pearlstone tuff. This rock appears irregularly connected with greenstone. There is in the island of Vitliie, a rock ot fragmented amygda- loid, which in some j>laces appears divided into large * The term tuff is used here, because this rock is similar to the trap tuff of "Werner. 430 APPENDIX. [Minerah. A masses by a sort of net work of veins ; the substance No. 26 of which is similar to A 23. Columns of vesicular greenstone are seen resting on it. 27 A great portion of the island of Vidoe consists of A 1. In A 27, there are specks of olivin, of a brilliant bliie colour in a state of decomposition. In one place we observed a vein of greenstone about forty feet thick, in such a situation that it must have cut A 27, though we did not see the junction of the rocks; several yards between the beds on each side and the vein, being covered with soil. 28 From columnar greenstone, near the above-mention- ed vein. 29 Columnar greenstone ; the columns being composed of tables from three to six inches thick, and from three to five or six feet in diameter, from one of which, A 29 was broken. 30, 31 From a vein of basaltic tuff cutting greenstone. 32 Broken from the wall of a rent in greenstone which appeared to have been once filled with matter form- ing a vein. This mass has a curious reniform ap- pearance, and the vitreous coating mentioned as be- ing common to the veins of Iceland. •33 From the same place ; tinged green by some metallic substance. 34 Another from the same place, having a vitreous me- ^ tallic glaze on its surface. 35 The rock from which this specimen was taken, is on the mainland opposite to Vidoe. It has, on the great scale, an external appearance from which one might be led to think that it had a slaty structure ; but this seemed to be owing to decomposition. It is^ JIfimrah.] APPENDIV, 431 A No. 35 fine grained greenstone, and it passes into the co- lumnar form, the columns being horizontal. Near the place where this was observed, we saw diverging co- lumns of amygdaloid resting on vertical columns of greenstone. We could not discover any connection of A 1 and A 5 with this greenstone. 36 Tuffa, found a few miles to the south of Reikiavik, on the sea-shore. It contains masses of greenstonfe, basalt, amygdaloid, small specks of the substance forming so large a proportion of A 24, (black pearl-, stone ?) of A 1 and 5. 37 Under the tuffa is a bed of wacke, containing shells, in some places four or five feet thick. This was tra- versed by a vast number of cracks, on each side of which at right angles with them, were innumerable o8 minute columnar masses, of which A 38 is a speci- men. 39 From an included mass in the tuffa. 40 Appears to be wacke much indurated. 41 Under these we observed A 1 ; and also a rock the same as A 24. 42 Is a specimen of the tuffa, with the wacke adhering to it. 13 Is part of a large mass of colnmnar greenstone, con- tained in a rock similar to A 41, which we saw on the sea-shore, in going to Havnefiord. 44, 45 Specimens of the lava near Havnefiord, This lava is of a bluish grey colour, dense and vesicular. It contains crystals of selspar, and has olivin disseminat- ed through it. In several parts of this stream of lava, 46 we observed that the olivin, from decomposition 432 APPENDIX. [Mineralt^ A No. 46 or alteration, presented a beautiful irridescent appear- ance. 47 At the extremity of this lava, towards the west, on the shore of the bay, we found a considerable extent of rock similar to A 1. We did not see the junction of this with any other rock ; but we soon came to a tuffa, with a vein of the same rocks passing through 48 it. The sides of this vein have the vitreous appearance 49 already mentioned. A little beyond this vein, a large 50, 51 extent of tuffa occurs, with the same rock passing through it in so many directions, that the two seem- ed as if mixed together. The tuffa has here a paste similar to A 9j inclosing round, black, vitreous masses like obsidian, perhaps black pearlstone. 52 A specimen of this has part of a vein adhering to it, presenting an appearance which many will con- sider to be the effect of heat, and which strikes me as such. Above these we found A 1. Not far from this place ar€ some hot springs, which are covered by the sea at high water. 53, 54, Are specimens of slags from the cave, mentioned page 55, 56, 106 of the journal. The first three are from the roof; 57 56 is from the bottom, and 57 is part of a mass which appeared to have been squeezed, while soft, from the side. 58 Is a slag from one of the little craters, mentioned in the same part of the Journal. 59 Is a specimen of tuffa, of which whole ranges of mountains are composed in the Guldbringe Syssel. 60 Soft white clay, from a bank on the side of a moun- tain on the road to Krisuvik, It has evidently been Minerals.} APPENDIX. 433 A No. 60 produced in the same manner as the banks on the sulphur mountains, which are not far distant. 61, 62 Masses from the same place ; the first two are de- 63 positions, the last is an altered rock. The speci- mens of sulphur are deposited in this part of the col- lection, but are not marked, on account of their de- licacy. 64, 65 A rock above the sulphur banks ; it appears to be a tufFa in a state of decomposition, and very friabie. 65 Similar to the last, but not so much decomposed; from the same place. It may perhaps be a variety of A 24, from the appearance of specks of pearl- stone. 66 Porphyry slate, from the same place. 67 We observed a great quantity of the rock A 63, ap- pearing above the surface of the clay and sulphur. It is difficult to give it a name. It is composed of soft roundish masses about the size of a walnut, of a greyish yellow colour, separated by irridescent ferru- ginous films ; and is extremely fragile. It has evi- dently been altered, and is probably wacke. It has, too, some resemblance to steatite. The specimens of sulphate of lime which are ar- ranged in this part of the collection, are not marked. They were taken from different places where masses occurred irregulaaly projecting through the clay. They are very beautiful ; chiefly white, tinged with .j„ red ; and are confusedly crystallised, some of them fibrous, and some of them stellated. 68 From the submarine lavas on the coast near Kri- suvik. It greatly resembles porphyry slate, and the specimen marked above B. 3 1 434 APPENDIX. {Minerals, A No. 69 Lava between Krisuvik and Grundcvik. 70, 71 Specimens of the pumice and slag, which were wash- ed on shore during the marine eruption of 17S3. 72, 73 Specimens of lava from Grundevik, containing fel- spar and olivin, the latter irridescent. 74, 75, Varieties of A 1. The first was found on the road from 76 Grundevik to Kieblivik, where subterraneous heat had acted in a tremendous manner ; the two last near Kieblivik, in beds. 77 Part of an amygdaloidal vein, near Brautarholt. It seems to be a variety of basalt. Its colour is dark bluish grey. The fracture is imperfect conchoidal passing into uneven. It is difficultly frangible; and the fragments have very sharp edges. It may be scraped by a knife ; but it scratches glass easily. It is very compact ; and on the whole greatly resembles indurated clay. Beside calcareous spar, and com- mon radiated zeolite, it contains nodules for the most part long and cylindrical, or rather of the shape of an egg much elongated, and sometimes flattened. These nodules are lined with Laumonite, a variety of zeolite lately described ; the crystals of which are characterised by their extreme brittleness ; so much so, that we could not preserve a single entire speci- men. The outside of the nodules was coated with green earth. 77' Part of one of the largest of the nodules. 78 Vesicular slaty clinkstone through which the former 79 passed. It likewise appeared to traverse greenstcne, which also had a slaty structure, and contained much green earth. The mountain of Esian, arid those which belong to the same range, are composed of varieties Mtnerals.} APPENDIX. 435 A No. 79 of greenstone and amygdaloid, traversed by veins of basalt, such as have been described, and of jasper 80, of various colours. The veins have the vitreous coat- 81 ing on their sides. The jasper is often mixed with cal- careous spar, and passes sometimes into opal jasper. 82 A specimen taken from the centre of a vein ; it is much less compact than the jasper, and appears to have been an included portion of some other rock in an altered state. Sometimes the jasper, from decom- 83 position, is vesicular. 84, 85, Are varieties of jasper. The last specimen is inte- 86 resting, in so far as it shows the jasper passing into opal jasper, and f''om that into pitchstone. 87 Amygdaloid, containing agate. 88, 89 These two specimens are particularly deserving of notice, especially the last. A 88, is an amygdaloid containing calcareous spar in elongated vesicles. I do not wish to lay any particular stress upon this specimen, because it has been unfortunately damaged, and because certain appearances which it presents may be attributed to the effects of the weather. But as it was found along with the next specimen, I may state what strikes me in regard to it, in order to in- duce future travellers to attend particularly to the spot where these were found, which is in the face of rock on the shore of the Hval Fiord, before turning into the valley on the road to Houls. Several days might be well spent in this district. The spar in A 88, is not attached closely to the sides or bottom of the vesicles, which are lined with a immber of minute, round, yellowish coloured masses, which have left impressions on the spar. 436 APPENDIX. [MintraUj. A No. 88, These are also seen in the body of the stone, and 89 must have Hned the vesicles before the spar was formed. If the spar entered in a state of solution, it ought to have reached the bottom of the vesicles and adhered closely to the sides. If any empty space was left at all, it should have been in the heart of the spar itself; but A 89, which was found at the same place, exhibits marks of fusion which cannot be mis- taken. I may here mention, that, among the debris of the rocks in this place, great quantities and varie- ties of slags were observed ; but these did not at first excite particular attention, as we were at the time quite ignorant of whence they came. Nor did I take particular notice of the specimen under considera- tion, excepting as a slag, till I was repacking it to be sent home. This remarkable specimen contains cal- careous spar ; and is one which, together with others to be soon described, gave rise to the discussion in the chapter on Mineralogy. At this place there are fine calcedonies and zeolites. The rocks near Houls consist of apparently hori- 90, 91, zontal beds of amygdaloid, porphyry slate, and of 92, 93, blackish pitchstone. Beyond this place masses of 94, 95, porphyritic pitchstone, of a dull black colour, were 965 97 found ; and also a species of tufFa, and a variety of wacke in a state of decomposition. On the western side of the Hval Fiord, nothing par- ticular occurred, all the rocks being greenstone or amygdaloid, excepting a variety of the former, of an 98 ash grey colour. The following specimens illustrate the structure of the mountain of Akkrefell, and probably of almost Minerals.} APPENDIX. 437 A No. 98 all the mountains in this part of Iceland. It was with difficulty and hazard that we obtained so com- plete a series of specimens, which are peculiarly in- teresting, as proving the existence of a new set of B rocks in the structure of the crust of the earth. 1, 2, 3, TufFa which appears on the shore near Indre- holm. 4, 5 Amygdaloidal greenstone containing fine crystals of chabasie, or cubic zeolite, on the shore above the former. 6 Another tuffa, which formed the lowest visible bed- of the mountain. It is similar to what is found in the Guldbring^ Syssel ; but no lava nor slags were ob- served in it. It contains cavities lined with minute crystals, unconnected with any included masses. 7, 8, 9, Amygdaloid from three different beds. 10 This fossil is very similar to red sandstone ; but is in fact a fine grained tuffa. The mass of it which we saw, was not more than a foot thick, and was irregu- larly interposed between the beds. lltolG Varieties of amygdaloid from different beds. The next specimen is wanting in the series, on account of the package having got wet, and the number having been lost. 18 to 22 Varieties of amygdaloid follow. 23 Is similar to B 10 ; and, being coarser, serves to eluci- date the nature of that substance. Above, amygda- 25 loid again appears. One variety of it is very \esicu- lar; some of the vesicles being empty, and others filled with chabasie, the crystals of which, in one in- stance, assume a slalactitic disposition. No. 1 After experiencing great difficulty, we arrived at a bed. 438 APPENHTX. [Minerals. the lower part of which was slaggy. Under some of No. 2 the slags was a substance, apparently indurated litho- marga, of the same red colour as that which forms so prominent a feature in the aspect of the Giant's Cause- way, and which abounds in many parts of the county of Antrim, 3 This specimen shews the junction of the slag with the rock. 4 The rock itself, which resembles the lava of Havne- fiord, (A 44, 45.) 5 Above this we found amygdaloid, an unexpected oc- currence in this situation, but we afterwards found it again in another part of the same mountain ; the amygdaloid being placed between two beds, the lower 6, 7> 8, surface of which were slaggy. 9 From a vein of basalt, which cut the beds nearly in a perpendicular direction. 10 Part of the edge of the vein, vitreous at the sides. Above this, to the top of the mountain, all the beds, except those of tuffa, were slaggy on the lower surface. 11, 12, Some were amygdaloidal as 11 ; and others compact 13 as 1'2; and some were vesicular and scorified looking throughout, as 13. One of the beds of tuffa was very large, not less than fifty feet thick, and contained slags and lava. Many of the included masses were several feet diameter. The average thickness of the beds composing this remarkable mountain, I suppose to be abovit 20 feet. Above this great bed of tuffa, were several beds slaggy underneath. The \ippermost re- 15 sembles the Havnefiord lava. This singular assemblage of rocks, which I have endeavour- ifinerats.] APPENDIX. 439 ed to show to be a series of lavas erupted at the bottom of the sea, I believe will be found to extend over the whole of Ice- land ; and it is very probable that the future researches of geologists will prove that the whole island has l)ecn produced by the agency of heat ; the power and efficacy of which seems to be vastly underrated by many philosophers who have not seen or sufficiently considered its elFects. B No. 26 Deposition of the hot springs near Leira. 27 Conglomerate, formed by the deposition of the same springs. 28, 29, Siliceous petrifactions, apparently of peat, contain- 30, 31 ing roots ; from the same place. These have been formed by more ancient springs, which no longer exist. In passing over the eastern Skardsheide, the same rocks, we had already observed, occurred ; and among them pitchstone. In the vast precipices, which were everywhere exposed to view, we saw the finest possi- ble display of the structure of the mountains ; and recognised the tufFa, so often mentioned, at a great elevation. Zeolites and calcedonies were scattered about in abundance, but we did not see any that were remarkably fine. The rocks of the Western Skardsheide continued amygclaloidal, till we met with lava of the same na- 32 ture as that at Havuefiord. Hills of tuffa were on every side. Leaving the defile which was filled with lava, nothing particular occurred till we met with a greenstone very highly crystallised, partly amygdaloid- 33, 34 al, and partly porphvrilic. The crystals of felspar occurred more than half an inch thick. Beyond tlie 440 ATPENDIX. TMineral^ B No. 33, valley of Stadarhravin, which was full of lava, the 34 mountains consisted of the same materials as those we had left behind ; and contained great plenty of zeo- lites of every description. I found one remarkably fine specimen, half of which is placed in the cabinet of Mr Allan, and the remainder in that of the college of this city. It was found entire, among the debris, and was afterwards broken, when it displayed a most beautiful cavity. \^_ 35 A specimen of the amygdaloidal rock containing stil- bite. 36 Lava from Roudemelr. It contains a great quantity of augit, and altered olivin. 37 A specimen of the range of columns near that place. This rock does not differ, except in its being more compact, from the lava of Havnefiord and other places. 38 Part of a rolled mass of sienitic greenstone, the fel- spar white. 39, 40 Depositions from the spring at Lysiehouls, chiefly 41 calcareous. Not far from this spring are large quan- 42, 43, titles, several acres, of petrifactions that have been 44 formed by some ancient springs which held silica in solution. 45 Lava of Buderstad, which differs from that at Havne- fiord in containing augit. 46 From the columns at Stappen. Here there is still a resemblance to common lava, only this contains less olivin than the lavas we had met with before. 47 From the lower end of a column. Wherever we saw 48, 49, the lower ends they were slaggy. Slags were found 50 in the heart of some, and lining every cavity we ob- ^^n^rals.] APPENDIX, 441 B No. 50 served. The specimens can hardly leave a doubt of the action of heat. 51, 52, From a stream of lava that has flowed from Sneefell 53, 54 Joknl. The more compact specimens are exactly similar to black basalt. In several parts of this stream, we saw masses very different from the lava in 55 general. They contain a (ew minute vesicles, some very small crystals of felspar, and specks of augit. The general colour of the stone is ash grey, spotted with white, and it appears to have a slaty texture. 56 A specimen of pumice, picked up from among many that still remain of those heaps which were washed on shore during the eruption in 1783. Masses of pumice exactly similar to this, have been frequently found on the north coast of Ireland ; and, in all probabi- lity, were deriv ed from the same source, having float- ed on the surface of the ocean from the place were the marine eruption took place. 57, 58, Slags, pumice and obsidian, from the Snaefell Jokul. 59, 60, These were picked up by my friends, from a bank 61 composed of them, and which was free from snow, 62, 63, Specimens from a bed on the mountain between 64 Stappen and Olafsvik. The upper part of this bed (B62) is a perfect greenstone, containing small specks of olivin, augit, and felspar. The middle part of the bed (63) has a coarse and scorified appearance ; and the lower part (64) is completely slaggy. 65 From another bed on the same road. It contains the largest masses of augit we had observed. We should have reaiiirked that we did not sec any augit distinctly crystallised. (^ Part of a rock which is heaved up into blisters, like 3 K 442 APPENDIX. [Mi7ieraff. B No. 66 those near Reikiavik. It is very like A 1, but is more generally vesicular. 67 TufFa on which a grand range of columns, on the ' road to Olafsvik, rested. 68 Is a part of one of the columns, which differ from those at Stappen in being more compact. 69 From a large rolled mass in the river near the co- lumns. It is a highly crystallised greenstone, con- taining augit and large crystals of felspar. The rocks abovit Olafsvik are amygdaloidal ; and, in several places, beds of tuffa present themselves. The most curious appearance in this neighbourhood, is a vein of slaggy matter, passing through the bank ' of gravel which forms the beach. On a point of land several miles to the eastward of Olafsvik, are some fine ranges of columns over- hanging the sea. Some of these appear as if they had been twisted. At the only place where they were accessible, they presented an undulated ap- pearance on the lower ends, at the separation of the 71 columns from a bed of amygdaloid on which they rested ; but of this it was difficult to obtain speci- mens. When broken, the fracture exhibits the vi- 72 treovis appearance so often observed on the sides of 73 veins. In some places the same slaggy appearance 74, 75 is seen on the sides, and also in the very heart of the columns. 76 Specimens of greenstone, from a mass that had fallen from a precipice not far from Bulandshofde. 77 Another mass from the same place. It is of an ash grey colour, vesicular, the vesicles being irregularly shaped, and lined with minute transparent crystals. Minerals. ] APPENDIX. 443 h No. 77 Some of the vesicles contained minute diverging crys- tals of calcareous spar. Near a cascade, mentioned 7S, 79, in the Journal, p. 184, we observed numerous veins of 80 greenstone passing through rock, of the same sub- stance, tufFa, and amygdaloid, all in the greatest con- fusion. In this part of the country, tufFa frequently oc- curs ; and when it forms the tops of mountains, it is easily recognised by the rugged and fantastic peaks which they present, similar to those in the view of the sulphur mountains. At Stikkeshohn, we observed a vein of greenstone, standing erect like a wall, about the height of ten feet, the beds of greenstone on each side having been worn away. The sides, as usual, were vitreous. It contained nodules of obsidian. Shows both sides of a vein, containing small no- dules of the same substance. A vein of calcareous spar traverses the rock in varioiis directions ; from one of which we took a specimen of semi-opal. Is a specimen of highly crystallised greenstone, which is disseminated through part of the rock near this place. Mineralised wood from Drapuhlid. fl-ld.p. 368 et seq. Ash grey pearlstone from the same mountain. Greenish black pearlstone from the same. Tliis rock was immediately abo»e the preceding. Above the last. This rock greatly resembles some we observed near Houls, where it was connected with pitehstone. The colour is dark bluish grey, with round reddish white specks. The fracture is uneven and earthy, and is somewhat slaty in the texture. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88, 89 90, 91 92, 93 444 APPENDIX. [Mtnerah. B No. 94 This appears to be the same rock, entirely slaty, with the specks hardly visible ; the beds were horizontal. These two rocks are similar to the fossils which ac- company some of the pitchstone veins in the island of Arran. 95 From a vein of pitchstone at the base of the moun- tain of Baula, on the west side. The colour is green- ish grey. This has much of the character of pearl- stone. 96 Dark green pitchstone, from the same place. 97 Pitchstone porphyry, from the same place. 98 This is from a rock connected with the pitchstone veins of Baula, probably a variety of porphyry slate. 99, 100 Small masses of coaly matter, which were given to me as having been found on the mountain of Baula. Both have a strong resemblance to wood, but are different from that of Drapuhlid. They contain a small quantity of pyrites, and burn with flame. C No. 1 This tuffa was found at Eyalstadir, and is the same with B 10, from the mountain of Akkrefell. It is here connected in the same manner with submarine lava. 2 The under surface of a bed of amygdaloid resting on tuffa, which has the peculiar characters of a slag. The bottom of this bed is not exposed in many places, being concealed by debris. It is probable, that, in the course of the river Thiorsaa, in places higher up, some interesting examples of submarine lava may be seen. 3 The upper part of the rock, containing analcime. 4 The same, with green steatite. MineraU.'] APPENDIX. ii5 C No. 5 Black obsidian. This occurs only in detached masses at the place where this specimen was found. It ex- ists in great quantity in the neighbourhood of Mount Krabla; from whence, we were informed, all the spe- cimens of Icelandic agate, in she European cabinets, were brought. This is not so perfectly vitreous as specimens we have seen from the north of Iceland. 6 The most common variety in the great stream which we saw. It is vesicular, with white crystals of felspar scattered through the mass. 7 In this the vesicles are elongated, and flattened so much, that when viewed in one direction, it seems as if composed of plates. The other fractures show distinctly the vesicular structure. The crj'stals of fel- spar are nearly disengaged. We have seen many si- milar specimens from Lipari. 8 Contains more felspar ; the vesicles are minute ; and it approaches to pumice. 9, 10 Show the whole gradation from compact obsidian, to the most perfect pumice. 11 This contains felspar, and is blackish grey. It wants the vitreous lustre, and its fracture is uneven. It is dense, and somewhat vesicular. This and the follow- ing have been called compact pearlstone by Mr Jameson. 12 The vesicles of this are studded with minute globular, white, and hard masses. It is of an ash grey colour, 13 and passes into obsidian. One variety has a pecu- liar aspect ; appearing, when fresh broken, as if dust- ed over with a purplish grey powder. 14 These are seen, in different specimens, passing to 15, l6 obsidian, which appears in layers. One specimen 446 APPENntX. (Afinerals. C (C 14) exhibits small globular masses of a reddish grey colour, dispersed through the obsidian. No. 17 In this specimen, all these are seen connected, as well as the gradation into pumice. 18, 19 These specimens have masses of slag attached to them. Pumice occurs above the obsidian ; and from the motion of the stream when flowing, has been sometimes included in it. 20 This is a remarkable and beautiful specimen, the last of the series from the stream of obsidian. It is a mass of slag, in a cavity of which some fusible matter has been included, and reduced to the state of glass. The cavity is lined by it in stalactitic masses ; and some of the matter has been drawn out to the fine- ness of hair. No operation of water could possibly produce these appearances. 21 to 27 Are specimens of lava from Mount Hekla, which are very like those from the Snaefell Jokul, B51, &c. The remaining numbers to C 40, inclusive, are va- rieties of slags from Hekla ; C 33, 34, being from the very summit of that celebrated mountain. 39 Is the only mass we found having the appearance of an ejected stone : it is little altered, and is probably sienite. 40 Is a specimen from the hills of tufFa which surround Hekla. The specimens from the Geysers are marked from D 1, toD 41. As the productions of the hot springs in Iceland, are of a nature entirely different from those of any other springs in the known world, it is jirobably not presuming too much when it is proposed to mineralogists, to form a separate class 'Minerals.] APPP-NKIX. 447 of those minerals, which have been deposited from chemical solution in water, under the general name of Hydrolile, and to arrange the stony depositions of water under the heads of calcareous and siliceous Hydrolite. This is perhaps a more precise denomination than Sinter, the word used by Werner, and at once conveys the knoivn mode of the formation of such substances. We shall, at present, only point out the speci- mens in a very general manner. D No. 1 too The outer part of the mount, 1, 2, being the sur- face, and much resembling the head of cauliflowers; or, both in colour and appearance, a piece of spunge. 6, 7 From the inside of the bason. This takes a tolerable polish, and is very pretty. The vertical section has a dendritic appearance, from the intermixture of brownish streaks with the mass which is chiefly white. The cross fracture presents roundish white spots sur- rounded by the brownish matter. The fracture is vi- treous, and the substance is very brittle. It scratches glass with difliculty. 8 Is a mass of old incrustation, coated over with re- cently deposited matter. It was taken from a hollow on the mount in which the water was retained. 9 Is part of the depositions of the New Geyser, form- ed, apparently, when that fountain presented phe- nomena different from what it now does. 10, 11 From the beautiful cavity described p. 212. The specimens resemble the capital of a Gothic column. 13 Is from the same place. 14 A mass of turf, on which the water, after having cooled, was depositing its contents while the grass was yet growing. 4iS APPENDIX, [Minerals. D 15 to 18 Masses of petrified leaves, &c. 19 This was picked up among ihe old incrustations. The opaline matter is arranged in waved lines, which are separated by layers of an open texture, resembling the tables of the scull separated by cellular bone. 20 Contains leaves and rushes, and is discoloured by iron. 21, 22 Masses of petrified peat, containing rushes and branches. 23 Clay from the muddy springs. 24 Shows the opaline matter in layers. 25 Appears to have been produced by the deposition having taken place upon a conferva. T0D37 Varieties of depositions and petrifactions. 38, 39 From the spring to the northward of the Geysers. It bears a very striking resemblance to opal. 40 A very curious specimen picked up on the clay bank above the great Geyser. It is in a state of decom- position, and is a good model of a rocky promon- tory. Miscellaneous arlicles-l APPENDIX. 44g No. IV. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, CONNECTED WITH HISTORV LITERATURE, &C. BY H. HOLLAND, M. D. The Berserkhie Superstitmr . A SHORT account of this superstition has been given iu a note to the PreUminary Dissertation, p. 39. The Berserkir, or magical wrestlers, are thus described in the Hist. Eccles. Island, torn. 1. p. 45, note : — ' Tales athletae, antiqua lingua ' vocantur Berserkir, id est, nudi et sine lorica in caedes et * pugnas ruentes. Erant viri robusti, sed facinorosi, et ut * plurimum incantatores, qui cutem arte diabolica induravc- * rant, ne iis ferrum ignisve nocere posset. His furore per- * citis, ita ad tempus intendebantur vires, ut postea debiles ' et languidi fierent.' In the treatise De Berserhs, annexed to the Kristni Saga, the following account is given of the pa- roxysms to which these men were subject : — ' Effcctus furo- * ris Berserkici ex veterum traditionibus praecipui fuerunt, ' quod CO occupati, ferocitate caniun luporumve semula, ore ' torvum infremerent, clypeosque morsibus non modo attrec- ' tarent, sed et ex parte consumerent ; porro quod robore * tauros ursosve aequante augerentur, ferro impenctrubiles 3 L 45d APPENDIX. [MtsceUanems articled ' evaderent, incendia et flammas nudis etiam pedibus percur- ' rerent et penetrarent ; denique et torridas prunas igneosve ' carbones deglutirent.' p. 159. By Snorro Sturleson and others, the origin of this superstition is ascribed to Odin himself, who was supposed, in those times, not only to have instructed the original Berserkir in the magical arts, upon •which their powers depended, but also to exercise an imme- diate influence upon the mind in every instance wliere this furor was present. With respect to the real history of the superstition, it is probable that some of the Berserkir were men of weak judgment and a depraved imagination, who be- came almost involuntary agents in these absurdities : others, doubtless, were merely impostors, who assumed this strange character that they might the better work vipon the preju- dices and terrors of those around them. For some centuries past, it has been customary among the Icelanders, during the period of any great volcanic eruption, to appoint a day of general prayer and supplication. This was first done in the northern parts of the island in 1477> when a great assembly Avas convened of the inhabitants of the district. The following is the preamble to the record preserved of the vows and other religious ceremonies of this meetnig. ' In nomine Domini, amen ! Die Martis primo mensis hye- mis ultimi, anno P. C. li/?? in Grund in Eyafiord, conve- nere clerici et laici inter Vargaa et Gleraa habitantes, et locuti sunt de terribilibus prodigiis, quae tunc premebant ; eruptio nenipe ignis, dispersio decidentis arenae atque cine- ris, tenebrte et horrendi stridores, Horum prodigiorum causa, pecora alimentis destituebantur, terra licet nive va- Miscellaneous drtictes.'] APPENDIX. 451 f^ cua esset. Convenit inter eos hoc profectb accidisse in ' peccatorum et praevaricalionum humanarum poenam : hinc ' onines in id consenserunt, ut graliam et misericoidiam ibi, ' ubi abundant, scilicet apud Deum ipsum quaererent, ut ' ille suae irae vindictum a nobis avertere vellet. Non isitur ' ulterius divinas castigationes et pocnas in hoc mundo de- * precabimur : ne autem regnum coelorum nobis occludat, ' elegimus, ut Deus, qui omnia scit atque potest, et ea quae * optima sunt, vult, nobis omnibus et in praesens et in futu- ' rum consulat. In primis votum vovebamus omnipotenti ' Deo, illi qui est fons omnium bonorum : illustri deinde re- ' ginae Virgini sanctae Mariae ; sancto Michaeli Archangelo, ' et omnibus Dei angelis : sancto Johanni Baptistae,' &c. The structure of the ancient Icelandic or Scandinavian verse has been briefly described in the Preliminary Disserta- tion, p. 22. The following verses will furnish a specimen of the modes of alliteration which were employed in the poetry of these times, and upon which its harmony was considered so much to depend. They form the beginning of a sacred poem, called the Lilium, which was composed during the 14th century, by Eystein, an Icelandic monk, who possessed much reputation at this period. Almattigr Gud, allra stetta All powerful God, who presidest over Yferbiodandinn, engla og thioda, all orders of beings, both angels and Ei thurfandi stadi ne standir, mortals; who, independent of place and Stad halldandi i kyrrleiks valldi ; time, continucst undisturbed in thy so- Senn verandi uti og inni, vereign power ; who at once art with- Uppi og nidri og thar i niidiu, out and within, above and below, and in Lof se ther um alldr og eefi the midst ; praise be unto thee for ever Eining sonn i ihrenuum gieinuni ! and ever, the true unity iu trinity ! 452 appendix; [Miscellaneous articki. Mski ec tliiii en mikla miskunn I ask of thee, that in thy great mercyj Mer veitist, er ec epterleita thou wouldst grant me what I implore Af klockum hug ; thui ec ynnist ecki with a submissive soul ; for I desire no Annad gott, nema af ther, Drottinn : other good than what comes from thee, Hreinsa briost, oc leid med listum Lord : Cleanse my breast, and dispose Loflig ord i studia skordum, suitable words with elegance into poeti- Stefnlig giord svo visan verdi cal numbers, that a song of graceful Vunnin ydur af thessum niunni. structure may be offered up unto thee from my mouth. The alliteration employed here is of two kinds ; one cor- respondence appearing in the initial letters or syllables, an- other in certain letters which occur in the middle of words. Where the alliteration is initial, the same letters generally occur twice in the first line of each distich, and are once re- peated in the second. Thus, in the first distich of the se- cond verse, we find mikla, mishun, mer; in the third we have hid, listum, loflig; in the fourth, visan, verdi, vunnin. The rythm in the middle of the words is also of two kinds. In the first line, the same consonants twice occur, with different vowels preceding them ; in the second, the alliteration is complete, both as to the consonants and vowels. Thus, in the first verse, we have of the former kind, alma^/igr, stc/z'a, — thurfa/2c/i, siundir, — %enn, inn'i, — lof, ce^i. Of the second kind, we have, yferb/oWandinn, ihidda, — ha//f/andi, \alldi, — uidri, mid'm, — ei?nng, greinum. This poem, which consists of a hundred stanzas, was, at the time it was written, in much repute among the Iceland- ers for the elegance and accuracy of its style. There is an old saying in the language, Oil skdlld villdti Liliu kuedit hafa; or, ' Every poet would wish to have composed the Lilium.' The following verses are jiart of a poem composed by Finnur Magnuson of Reikiavik, in commemoration of the Miscellaneous articles-l APPENDIX. 453 events which occurred in Iceland in 180.9. The first nine verses are descriptive of the earher condition of Iceland. Those succeeding, which are taken from another part of the poem, describe the usurpation of Jorgcnsen, in language which certainly assumes some license in the poetic embellish- ment of facts. In these verses, it will be observed that the alliteration is very frequent, in imitation of tiie ancient Ice- landic poetry. Fieck theim frelsi Frsedi skopud, Rit og mal Retti nadu. Gall thai- greppa Gullinn harpa ; Fedra saung Fraeg tlirekvirki.' Sin og kuiinra Sam lifenda Or log og verk Adrir skradu. Liberty brought forth the ele- gant arts : writing and speech obtained their proper privi- lege. The golden harp of the bard gave forth its sound : it sung the heroic deeds of our forefa- thers. The fates, and the deeds, of themselves and of their con- temporaries, were written by others. Skalda log, Skrifs og maelsken, Lista og ydna Litu ritinn. Undrast enn Europear Frodir visindi Fedra vorra. Breyttist fron, Breyttust landar; jErdust their auds Og seru-syki. The laws of poetry, of com- position, of oratory, of the arts, and of workmanship, were committed to writings. The European nations even now admired the learning and wisdom of our forefathers. The land was changed, the peo- ple were changed : the seek- ing of wealth and honours be- came a madness among them. 45i APPENDIX, IMiscellaneous arttclesi Mottu hvarfveggia Mentum fiemur : Kings og Klerka Kugun hrepptu. Soadi meingi Svartur daudi : Hvarf ur landi Hrodur forni. Forust lystir Fie og saela : Vesladist fold Og fegurd tyndi. They preferred these things to the pursuit of knowledge : kings and priests obtained the mastery over them. The Black-Death* devoured the people : its ancient glory de- parted from the land. The arts, wealth, and happi- ness, perished : the ground, diminished in fertility, lost its pleasantness. Lietst hann Engla Lofdung thioua Hermagtar hanns Hafa fylgi. Vopnadiz brodir Bormum moti : Enn otti greip Adra lydi. Hofdu ei sied Sverd nie dreira, Lagaleysi Lutu naudgir. Sa hinn oblgarl Ebldi virki Og heldocku Hreikti mirki. He pretended that he served the English king ; that he de- pended on the protection of his armies. brothers against He armed each other : tenor seized the remainder of the people ; Who had never before beheld the sword or blood, and unwil- lingly submitted to the inso- lent yoke. He more powerful raised for- tifications ; and erected his standard black as hell. * The plague which devastated Iceland at the beginning of the 14th century, is emphatically called, in the writings of the country, Svartur Daudi, or the Black Death. Miscellaneous articles.] APPENDIX. 455 Tok hann tignar He took a lordly title ; having Titil jarla, dared to assume possession of Vogandi mildings the supreme power. Magt eigna. Lietst at thiod vorri He pretended that our people Th ar til kiorim, wished for these things ; and Ad hun uppreitar that they all demanded these on svo krefdi. tumults. The following verses are an extract from the translation of Pope's Essay on Man by Jonas Thorlakson, the priest of Backa. They include the first twelve lines of the fourth epis- tle, beginning, " O Happiness ! our being's end and aim !" O ! farsald ! thu vort einka hnoss, Astefnda lifs og veru mid ! Lust, gledi, rosemd, alnsegd oss ! Oeld hvad hellst nafn thig brufar vid I Eitthvad sem girnast allir menn jEvarandi med stundun frekt, Sem gioerir lifid yndaellt, en Andlat daudlegum bcerilegt ; Er svo ei nalaeg shnist oeld Samt iirrist iafnan hendur manns ; Imist ei siest, eda'' ert tvoefold Augum ens visa' og heimskingians. Seig, himin-saedis himna blom Hia OSS ef bygd ther gefin var, Hvoer hreppti joerd, than heilla dom, Ad haef se til, thu varir thar ? Maske hofgoerduni megir a Med allt thit finnast glansa skraut .'' Ertu med demant hoeddum hia Hulin malm-aeda rikt vid skaut P 456 APPENDIX. IMiscdlaneons articles. Maske Parnassum byggir blid Blandin larberia kransa vid ? Hoendla thig their, sem heyia strid, Og hioervi brytia sigrad lid ? Translation of Anacreon's 3 ith Ode, by the Assessor Be- nedict Grondal. M>7 |M.s (pvyrig, o^uara.. Fly thu mig ecki, fagra mey ! Tho mer af haerum herdar vidur Hrynie fannhvitir lockar nidur, Fyrilit mina elsku ei, Medan ther aesku endiz blom, Thui ofurvel a milli rosa Miallhuitar ser, at minum dom, I mai-kroensum liliur hrosa. The following is a short extract from the M'mn'isverd Ti- dlndi, or Icelandic Historical Register, for the year interven- ing between the summers of 1801 and 1802. It is a part of the account of the debates which took place in the British Houses of Parliament, upon the peace of Amiens. The cele- brated speech of Mr Windham on this occasion, is given at considerable length. * Merkileg var fyrsta seta ens enska Parlaments eptir Fri- dar-gioerdina, tha Hertoginn af Bolton, eptir nockra bid, ■ — thui thenari bans Icom orseint med raeduna, — baud Yfir- husinu ad samglediast med ser yfir stridsins luckulegu en- dingu, og quad tilhlydilegt, ad thetta Rikisins haa rad leti thess vegna Konunginumskriflegathackargioerd i tie, hvoer ogsvo af oellum Radhernmum i einii hliodi alyktadist ad ske skyldi. I Undir-husinu framsetli Lord Lovainc lika osk, og gafu flestir mali hans godann ordrom. Medal Miscellaneous aWic/es.] APPENDIX, 457 * theirra reis thar upp fyrstur fals-vinurinn Fox, og na;rst ' eptir hann hinn iiafnkunni Pitt, er badir urdu a cinu niali. ' hvad thessi sagdi gleddi sitt hiarta, thar their Fox og haiin, ' aldrei tyrr hefdu ordid, samthyckir a aefi sinni, en — luoti ' theim reis upf) gamall viniir Pitts, og fyrrverandi Stiornai- * herra Windham, er sagdist engannveginn geta samsiunt ' thcssu thacklaiti, thar scr vyrdtist fridur vid Frankariki, ' i thessum kringumsta^dum, vera mioeg htryggur, og jafnvel ' skammarlegur fyrir-hina enskii thiod, og, eins og hann tok * til ords, Thangadur med eifmd ogolucku — " Eg verd " sagdi ' hann, " ad vera syrgiandi i gledinnar hop," &c. &c. The following is a catalogue of a few of the papers which appeared in the Transactions of the first Literary Society of Iceland. They are taken indiscriminately from the different volumes of this work. List of Icelandic plants, fishes, and birds, with their Linnxan names. By Olaf Olafson. Treatise on the catching of whales. By John Ericson. On the mines and merchandize of sulphur in Iceland. By Bishop Finnson. On the maintenance of orphans and crippled persons. By Sysselman Ketilson. On the catching of sea-fowl at Skaga-fiord. By Olaf Olafson. On the sea and river-fisheries of Iceland. By Olaf Stephenson. On the cultivation of trees in Iceland. By Skule Magnuson. Review and correction of the Icelandic version of certain passages in the Pro- phecies. A series of treatises by John Olafson. On the advantages of horned cattle. By Olaf Stephenson. On the catching of foxes. By Thord Thorkelson, farmer in Eyafiord Syssel. On faithfulness and affection in servants ; and how these qualities may best be produced and cultivated. By Sysselman Einarson. Treatises on the wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw, &c. By Stephen Bi- ornson. On the alkaline salt from sea-ware. Translated from the Danish by Assessor Benedict Grondal. 3 M 458 APPENDIX. ^Miscellaneous articles. A short commentary on the flowing back of the waters of the Red Sea for the passage of the Israelites. By Stephen Thorarenson. A key to meteorological changes, of the sun, moon, stars, air, winds, &c. By Stephen Biornson. On the causes of the diseases prevailing in Iceland. By John Peterson. On the building of habitations in Iceland. By Provost Sweinson. Dr James Home's Essay on the Scurvy. Translated into Icelandic by Land- physicus Sweinson. On the cookery of fish, flesh, meat, and milk, in Iceland. By Olaf Olafson. Some words on the free trade of Iceland. By Olaf Olafson The alphabet of the Icelandic language presents no strik- ing peculiarity, except in the letter called Thorn, P, which has been transferred from the Runic to the modern alphabet. This letter has a double sound. At the beginningof a word, it appears to be equivalent to the Hebrew Thau; and has a sound intermediate between Th and Tsh, such as is not un- known in the English language. At the end of a word, or af- ter a vowel in the same syllable, it is pronounced like d, as in inathnr, a man, which is pronounced madur. The following are the cardinal numbers in the Icelandic language; which, to thenvimberyoMr, are declinable : the re- mainder, lip to the hundred, are indeclinable words. Eyrn, One. Threttan, Thirteen. Tveir, Two. Fioortan, Fourteen. Thryr, Three. Tuttugu, Twenty. Floorer, Four. Thriatyu, Thirty. Fimm, Five. Fiorutyu, Forty. Sex, Six. Fimmtyu, Fifty. Sioe, Seven. Hundrad, Hundred. Aatta, Eight. Tvo-hundrad, Two hundred. Nyu, Nine. Thriu-hundrad. , Three hundred. Tyu, Ten. Thusund, Thousand. Ellefu, Eleven, Eyrn thusund, One thousand, &c. Twolf, Twelve. Miscellaneous articles. APPKNDTX. 459 The following short catalogue of Icelandic words will show the similarity between this language and the English, derived from their origin in a common source. Numerous other ex- amples of the same kind might have been obtained. Aska, Ashes. Graata, To weep — Scotch, Alphabet, Icelandic, peculiarities of, 4.58 America, coast of, discovered by the Ice- landers, 43 Amt, a term applied to the principal divisions of Iceland, 96 Apa Vatn, lake of, 209 Areson, John, first erects a printing press at Hooluni, 57 Bach, Chevalier, leprosy when introdu- ced into Iceland, according to liini, 401 Ball at lieikiavik, account of, 02 Banks, Sir Joseph, 83, 222, 228, 475, 470 Bath, ancient, described, 190 Baula, mountain of, 191 Beds, of eider down, 99 Benedictson, Mr, of Stikkesholm, 1S5 Berserkine superstition, account of, 449 Bessestad, the seat of the only school aow Iceland, 99. Description of the church, 102. Account of the sdiool establishment, 311. Library, 313 Bible, Icelandic versions of, 308 Birds found in Iceland, 341 Black, J)v, analvsis of the Geyser water bv, 389 Bla>"fell Jokul, 245 Brandtson, Jon, 238 Brautarbrekka, mountain of, 190 Brautarholt, church, &c. of, 134 Breakfast, Icelandic. 91 Brcide-bolstadr, church of, 189. The richest living in Iceland, 257 Breide Fiord, 175 Brucr-aa river, 211 Bright, Mr, 124, 175, 193, 2.'>7 Budcrstad, a trading station, 108. Mi- neral water near, 392 Bulands-hofde, dangerous path at, 183 Butter, sour, 277 Cataract, 184 Cattle, Icelandic, 276 Cave near Kaldaa river, lOG Character of the Icelanders, 206 Christianity, when introduced into Ice- land, 40. Period of the Tapal autlio- ritv, 55. Beformation of religion, 58 Churches, 304 486 INDEX. Church service, 30G Classics, ancient, much studied in Ice- land, 319 Clausen, Mr, 131, 175 Clergy, 300, 301 Climate less severe formerly than at pre- sent, 37 Clouston, Rev. Jlr, minister of Strom- ness, 7-4 Coin, current, 2S4< Commerce, state of, 282. Current prices of produce, 284 Composition, extemporarj', frequent a- mong the Icelanders, 2-1 Courts of justice, 291 Cowpox inoculation introduced into Ice- land, 142, 402 Craters, volcanic, 107, 159, 241, 244, 246 Crusades preached, but with little suc- cess, 55 Dale Syssel, 190 Diet, &c. of the Icelanders subjects them to cutaneous diseases, 399 Dinner, Icelandic, described, 86 Diseases of the Icelanders, 397 Doloniieu, 357, 361, 362 Draining might be advantageously prac- tised in Iceland, 276 Drapuhlid, mountain, account of, 187, 368 Dress of the Icelanders, 78, 79, 83, &c. Duel, trial b}-, abolished in Iceland, 39 Dyeing, articles used in, 274 £dda of the northern nations, account of the, 25 Education, domestic, of the Icelanders, 316 Eider-ducks, account of, 125, &c. Einerson, Mr, 104, 128 Ellis, Captain, depth sounded by, 374 Eric, a Norwegian, discovers Greenland, 42 Eruptions, volcanic, 64, 247, 365 Esian, mountain of, 133 Etna, mount, 387 Exports, table of, 285 Eyafialla Jokul, eruption from, 249. 'Height of, 254 Eyafiord, harbour of, 232 Eyalstadir, ferry at, 235 Eyarback, harbour, &c. of, 235, 263. Eyrefa Jokul, eruption from, 248 Earms, how held in Iceland, 270 Fat, human, used as a medicine by the Icelanders, 188 Faxe-fiord, 78 Fell, Mr, 75, 193, 200, 205 Fisherv, account of the, 118, &c. Fiske Vatn, lake of, 242 Floed, Mr, brings letters of recommend- ation to the travellers from Count Trampe, 127. Accompanies the author to the Gej'sers, 205 Floke, a pirate, conducted by a flight of ravens to Fceland, 6 Erode, Scemund, the reputed author of the ancient Edda, 33 Frydensberg, Mr, 81, 128. Breakfast at his house described, 91 Funeral service of the Icelandic church, 89, 90 Gardar, a Swede, circumnavigates Ice- land, 6 Geysers, or boiling fountains described, 211. Sir John Stanley's account of, 213. Have been little regarded by the Icelandic writers, 221. Theory to account for the operation of, 226. Analysis of their waters, 389 Gevser, alternating, description of, 198 Ginklofe, a disease fatal to children, 405 Glania, a volcanic mountain, 252 Government of Iceland, account of, 288 Greenland, discovery and colonization of, 42, 45 Grimsvatn, eruption from the lake of, 248 Grondal, Benedict, an eminent Icelandic poetical writer, 323 Grundevik, village of, 118 Grunnefiord, 183 Giidmundson, Mr, of Buderstad, 168 Gudmundson, Mr, of Houls, 137 Guldbringe Syssel, 96 Gunnlaug and the poet Rafn, story of, 30 Hall. Sir James, 357, 363, 373, 375, 376, 377, 378 Handel, the term applied to the annual period of traflic at Reikiavik, 202 Harold the fair-haired, subjugates the petty states of Norway, 6 INDFA'. 48; HavneSorJ, and adjoining countrj- de- scribed, 98, 125 Hay liarvesl, 27.5 Heimaey, an island on the coast of Ice- land, 2.!>j Ilckia, Mount, distant views of, 23i, 239. Account of the aullior^s journcv to the summit of, 243. Appearance of the surrounding country from, 24-.5. List of eruptions from, 24-7. Height of, ih. Helgafell, hill of, number of volcanic craters near, 107. One of the earliest Norwegian settlements at a place of the same name, 185 Heriolfson, Biorn, discovers Labrador, 43 Hialtalin, Madame, account of, and her residence at Stappen, 171 Hialtalin, Mr, priest of Saurbar, account of, 138. Extract from his parish re- gister, 141. Author inoculates some of his family with cowpox, 142 Hialtalin, Mr, surgeon at Stikkesholm, ISo Hliderende, the abode of Sysselman Tho- ranson, described, 2.53 Hofsos, harbour of, 233 Home, Dr James, 362 Honn, a remarkable mountain, 152. Hot springs near, ib. Hoolum, village of. 233. Once the seat of a school, 310 Hooker, Mr, 80 Horses, Icelandic, 96, 280 Hospitals, how maintained in Iceland, 398 Houls, farm-house at, described, 13t> Houses of the Icelanders, 112 Hraundalur, village of, 158 Hval-fiord, scenery in the neighbourhood of, 135, 143 Iluam, church of, 101 Huaneyre, the abode of Amtmand Ste- phenson, described, 153 Huitar-vellir, ferry of, 154, 192 Huitaa, river, and valley of, 152, 155, 191,234 Husavik, a commercial station, 233 Hution, Dr, 357 Hyindarmule, priest of, an exception to the general character of the Icelanders, 257 Holland, Dr. 63, 1.33, 179 Iceland, peculiarities in the history of, .3. When first discovered, 5. Is co- lonized by some Norwegian exiles, li. Sketch of the government established by them, 11. \Vas tiie seat of learn- ing and civilization when the rest of Europe was involved in ignorance, 15. Causes which contributed lo the literary character of the people, 17. Character of their jioetry, 19. Of their histori- cal writings, 29. System of educa- tion established among them, 30. Cli- mate formerly less severe, 37. Esta- blishment of Christianity, 40. The country falls under the dominion of Norway, 48 ; and along with it, is an- nexed to Denmark, 49. Change pro- duced by that event on the character and condition of the peo|)le, 50 ; and on their intellectual habits, o.i. In- troduction of printing, and the esta- blishment of the reformed religion, 57. Men of learning in the Itjth century, 60. State of the country in the 17th, 62. Dreadfid volcanic eruptions, 64. Present state of literature, 65. .Ap- pearance of the country viewed from the sea, 77. Dress of the inhabitants, 79, 85. Entertainments, 86. Funeral service, 91. Marriage ceremony, 93. IVIaimer of travelling, 96. Houses, 113. Eishery, 119. Volcanic erup- tions, 24-7. Character of the people, 266. Kural affairs, 270. Population, 281. Present state of education and literature, 309. Government, laws, Sec. 288. Religion, 299. Commerce, 282. Zoology, 336. Uotany, 340. Mineralogy, 353. IVIineral waters, 389. Diseases, 398. List of plants, 409. Of minerals, 427. Specimen of Icelandic verse, 4-51. Music, 461. Re- gister of the weather, 462. Disturb- ances in 1809, 474 Imports, table of, 285 Indrehnim, the abode of Chief Justice Stephenson, 143, 201 Ingolf, a Norwegian exile, leads a colony to Iceland, 6 Insects, 345 488 INDEX. Isleif, bishop of Skalholt, one of the ear- liest Icelandic historians, 33. Founds a school at Skalholt, 30 Jacolxens, JMr, 122 Jameson, Professor, 429 Jokul, a term applied to mountains per- petually covered with snow, 78 Jonas, Arngrini, an eminent writer, 61 Jonson, Finnur, an historian, (i7 Jonson, Jon, 118, 120 Jonson, Mr, minister of Staderstad, 105 Jonson, Mr Steinj^rini, head master of the school of Bessestad, 102, 104 Jorgensen, Jorgen, account of the usur- pation of, in 1809, 474 Kattlagiau Jokul, terrible eruption from, 248 Ivaldaa river, 106 Kalfholt, priest of, 236 Kennedy, Dr, 359, 393 Kieblivik, village of, 122 Kleisar-vatn, lake of, 111 Klog, Dr, first physician in Iceland, 88 Kolbeinstadr, church of, 100 Krabia, Mount, dreadful eruptions of lava from, 249 Krisuvik, village and church of, 111 Labrador discovered, and receives the name of Vinland, 43 Lambasson, Mr, 263 Landnama book, one of the earliest re- cords of Iceland, 7 Languages, study of, prevalent among the Icelanders, 318 Lang-spiel, an Icelandic musical instru- ment, described, 145 Lava, 98, 105, 124, 157, 159, 184, 187. Observations on, 358 Laxaa, river, salmon fishing in, 202, 233 Leira, the abode of Sysselman Scheving, described, 149. Hot springs near, • 150. Printing-office at, 151. AVed- ding at, 201 Leprosy of the Icelanders, account of, 400 Letter of introduction given to the au- thor, 460 Library at Bessestad, 313 Limestone, remarks on the formation of, by Sir James Hall, 374 Lipari islands, account of the obsidian of, 363 Liston, Captain, 75 Literature, present state of, 309 Lysie-houls, hot springs near, 107. An- alysis of the waters of, 392. ]\Iagistrates, 289 Magnsus Arnas, a learned Icelander, 66. Magnuson, Mr, Sysselman of Dale, 193 Magnuson, Mr, minister of GardC, 99, 105 Magnuson, Finnur, one of the most dis- tinguished Icelandic literati of the pre- sent day, 318, 323 Mallet, Mr, remarks of, on the Icelandic government, 1 3 IVIanuscripts, 317 Markarlliot, a remarkable river, 253 Marriage ceremony of the Icelanders, 93. Clergy may refuse to perform, where the female cannot read, 316. Merino sheep introduced into Iceland, 278 Middalur, valley of, 190 IVIiklaholt, church and priest of, 163 Mineralogy, 353 Mineral waters, 389 IMinerals, catalogue of, 427 ]Mosfell, priest of, 206 Mud, boiling, 110, 114 Mulgrave, Lord, 374 Muller, Mr, of Grunnefiord, 184 Music, 461 Myvatn, lake of, 233 Naddodr, a Norwegian, discovers Ice- land, 5 Naifurholt, farm of, 233 Narfeyre, church of, 188 Necromancy, belief of, formerly general in Iceland, 63 Niardivik, village of, 122 Nordland, general description of, 231 Norderaa, river and valley of, 191 Norway, a body of exiles from, colo- nizes Iceland, 0. Annexation of, to the power of Denmark, 49 Numbers, cardinal, in the Icelandic lan- guage, 4.58 Obsidian, where found in Iceland, 238, 241. I'roofs of the igneous origin of, 361 iNDrx. 489 Odde, church, Sec. of, 2.57 Olafson, Olaf, an Icelandic naturalist, 329 Olafsvik, vil!as;e of, 175 Ol-kilda, or the Ale Well at Roudemeh-, described, IGl, 391 Orkney, some particulars respecting, Otteson, Mr, Sysselman of Myrc and Knappadals, 191 Oxeraa, river, 208 Papal authority, state of Iceland under, 55 Patronage of the church, 302 Paulson, Mr, physician, 12S Paulson, Swein, an eminent naturalist, ajo Peterson, Mr, 263 Peterson, Sigurdar, author of a work on the manners and habits of the Iceland- ers, 323 Phelps, Mr, 474 Plague depopulates Iceland, 52 Pirates ravage Iceland, 62 Plants, Icelandic, 346. List of, 409 Place, M. de la, 375 Poetry of the Icelanders, remarks on, 19. Still mueh cultivated among them, 322 Poor-laws, 298 Population, tables of, 2S1 Priests, Icelandic, remarks on, 305, 314 Printing introduced into Iceland, 57 Printing-office at Leira, the only one now in the island, 151, 333 Prison at Ileikiavik, 295 Pulmonary complaints frequent in Ice- land, 403 Quadrupeds found in Iceland, 336 Rangaa river, 237, 239 Reformation, establishment of, 58 Reikholt, hot springs at, J 94. Ancient bath, 196 Reikianes, Cape, view of the country near, 77. Volcanic eruption at, 249, 365 Reikiavik, the capital of Iceland, de- scribed, 79. Hot springs near, 91. Ball given to the ladies of, 93. Tcre- mony of confirmation at, 129. Annual fair at, 2l)2 Reikuni, hot springs of, 235, 258. Rein-deer introduced into Iceland, 338 Religious establishment, 300 Revolution, late, account of, 474 Roudemeir, mineral water near, 160. Columnar rocks at, and church of, de- scribed, 161 Runic characters, when used in Iceland, 36 Sabbath of the Icelanders, 186. An in- teresting scene, 307 Saddle, Icelandic, described, 96, 280 Sagas, or historical narratives of the Ice- landers, 29 Sailor falls from the main-yard, and kill- ed, 76. Buried in Iceland, 00 Salmon-fishery of Iceiaud worthy of no- tice, 204 Saurbar, church of, 139 Scheele, Mr, 203 Sciences, much neglected by the Iceland- ers, 328 Scurvy, causes and treatment of, in Ice- land, 399 Shark-fishery, 174 Sheep of Iceland described, 278. Ac- count of the collecting of, from the mountains, at the approach of winter, 279 Siglifiord, shark-fishery at, 232 Sigurdson, Mr, minister of Reikiavik, 88, 128 Simonson, Mr, 81 Sirnames, how formed among the Ice- landers, 142 Siverston, Mr, 99, 127 Skagastrand, harbour of, 233 Skalbreide Jokul, 208 Skalds, or bards, of the northern na- tions, account of, 19 Skalholt, situation of, 209. Church, 230. Once the seat of a school, 230, and of a bishop, 229 Skapta Jokul, great eruption from, 245. Account of, written by Mr Stephen- son of Indreholm, 250 490 INDEX, Skardsaa, Bioni ilc, an eminent liisto- rian, (il Skardsliciilc, mountains of, 151, 157, 201 Skirtliandctliot river, 233 Skier, a j)reparation of milk, 156 Smallpox, terrible mortality from, 64, 401 Sneefell Jokul, 78. Journey to, 131, J 53, 165. Height of, 170. Narra- tive of the ascent of, 1 75 Suoksdalr, description of the church of, and adjoining country, 189 Snuff-boxes, Icelandic, form of, 163 Societies, account of, 332 Somma, Mount, 378 Spallanzani, 362 Sprange Sands, a vast plain of volcanic matter, 24-2 Springs, hot, 91, 110, 114, 150, 152, 167, 194, 212, 258 Stadarhraun, church and priest of, 158. Analysis of a mineral water at, 391 Stadarstad, village of, 165 Stanley, Sir John, his account of the Geysers, 213. Of the hot springs of Re'ikum, 258 Stappen, cave near, 169. Village of, 171. Remarkable aspect of the coast near, 172 Stephenson, Amtmand, account of, 153, 192, 200, 201 Stephenson, Mr Magnus, chief justice of Iceland, 90, 128, 131. Visit of the travellers to, 143. Account of his library, habitation. Sic. 146. Is the most eminent of the present his- torical writers in the island, 324. Ca- talogue of his works, 325 Stephenson, Mr Olaf, account of, and his habitation, 82 Stikkesholm, account of, 185 Sti])ends of the clergy, 302 Storuvellir, provost of, 237 Stromness, description of, 73, 74 Sturleson, Snorro, account of, 34. Bath . constructed by, 196 Svigna Skard, 155 Sukker-toppen, a remarkable mountain near Grunnefiord, 183 Sulphur mountains, account of, 110, 113 Surturbrand, or fossil wooil, description of, 369 Syssel, a term applied to the subdivisions of Iceland, 9(i Taxes, how collected in Iceland, 297 Tlicft, punishment of, 295 Thingvalla, church, priest, and lake of, 207. Formerly the scat of justice, 208. Transference of, to Rcikiavik, why regretted by the people, 293 Thiorsaa river, 235, 239 Thomson, Dr, his analyses of some Ice- landic mineral waters, 391 Thoranson, Amtmand, 204 Thoranson, Mr, 128 Thoranson, Sysselman, description of his residence, 253 Thordson, Olaf and Sturta, the last of the ancient eminent Icelandic writers, 56 Thorgilson, Are, an Icelandic historian, 33 Thorkelin, Professor, 69 Thorlacius, Mr, of Bildal, 185 Thorlakson, Gudbrand, bishop of Hoo- lum, account of, 60 Thorlakson, Jonas, translates Milton's Paradise Lost, 322 Thorvaldson, an Icelander, one of the most eminent modern statuaries, 332 Thule of the ancients, by some supposed to have been Iceland, 5 Time, division of, 274 Tithes, 302 Torfa Jokul, abundance of obsidian found near, 238 Torfaeus, Thormodus, a celebrated his- torian, 66 Trampe, Count, governor of Iceland, 80, 81, 128 Transactions of Icelandic societies, 332 Travelling, manner of, in Iceland, 97 Tunga-hver, an assemblage of extraor- dinary boiling springs, 197 Tunaa river, 242 TufTa, hills of, 367 Verse, ancient Icelandic, specimen of, 431 INDEX. 491 V'idalln, Geir, bishop of Iceland, account of, 82. Letter from, to tlie author, 100. Distinguished for his literary knowledge, 320. Vidoe, island of, 95. Account of the eider-ducks on, 126 Vinland. See Labrador. Volcanic eruptions, 6+, 247 Vulcano, obsidian found in the island of, 362 Uxa-hver, a spring near Husavik, simi- lar to the Geyser, 229 Waterfall, remarkable, 184 Weather, register of, 462 Weaving, how performed in Iceland, 188 Werner, language of, exclusively adapt- ed to his own system, 3j3. Asserts the aqueous origin of obsidian, Sjc, 361. Proofs of their being produced, on tlie contrary, by tiie action of fire, from Doloniieu and Spallanzani, 362. Dr Home and Sir J. Hall, 362, 363 Observations of the author, 363, &:c. Westniann islands, 77. Account of, 25.5. Disease fatal to children, preva- lent in, 4^J5 Winter-occupations of the Icelanders, 273 Wood, mineralized, found in Iceland^ 368 Words, Icelandic, showing the^similarity between that language and the Eng- lish, 459 Writers, Icelandic, account of, 318, 330 Wrestling, mode of, 120 I DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDEB. Maps at the end. Large INIap to fold out to the right band. Plate I. View of Reikiavik to face page 80 2. Costume 85 — — 3. View of Havnefiord .• 98 4. Krisuvik 113 — — 5. Caldron of boiling mud 116 —— — G. Great jet of steam ; 117 —— 8. Natural Arch near Stappen 172 8. Map of the Geysers 212 9. View of the Great Geyser 222 10. New Geyser 223 11. Hliderende 254 12. Mount Hekla from Odde 257 13. Eyafialla Jokul, Hekla, &c 264 14. Geological Sketches 377 15. Music 461 T. Allan & Co. FiiiUers, Edinburgh. ? 1 ^^J133NVS01=^ ^tllBRARYO/C ^Aa3MNniftV ^tUBRARYQ^ § 1 ir^^ § ^.yOJIlVDJO'*^ '%0jnV3J0'^ 3;OFCA1IFOR^ ^OFCAIIFOff^ ^CAavaan-5^^ ^ aweun >- < MW If •5 c-i IB b CO so I — CO ^lUNIVtKV^ ^TJUDNVSOl^ -^WEUNIVERS/a •i ^lOSANCEl^^ .^tUBRARYG^ .^^^ItlBRARYO/^ ^■Til^NVSOl^ "^/yaaAlNflJWV^ '^^OJIIVDJO'^ %OJI1VDJO'^ ^\«EUNIVER% ^lOS-WICEl£r^ ■^/iaaAiNniftv* ^tfOJITVDJO'^ "^,90 ^^\\EUNIVER%. — £3 ''-TJlJONVSOl^ ^lOSANCElfj-^ o " ^ vAa3MN(l-3UV ^OFCAIIFOR^ ^.OFCAIIFOR^ r— fc" "^ %a3AIN(l-3l\V^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ''jt?Aava8ii-^^ "^^oy ^tllBRARYOc <:^tllBRARYQc. § 1 ir^ ^ i;OFCAllF0ff^ ^OFCAIIFOR^ ''OAavaani^ ^ ,— '» I- § >&Aavaani'^ ,\WEUNIVER% "- ^lOSANCflfr^ - .^;OFCAllfO% ^OFCAIIFO*^ .^WEUNIVERS/A ^lOSANCEltr. — 'I I- § >OAavaani'<^ ^OfCAUfOf^^ <\\FUNIVER£{^ ^lOSANCEt^^ o " ■^/iajAiNiii;'. ^lUBRARYO/ svMUBRAfiYQ^^ ^AOilWDJO"^ .\WEUNIVKyA ^lOSANCfltr^ "^J^UONVSOl^ > IFOBlto ^OFCAIIFOff^ amS^ ■*a;iv:4' AWEUNIVER% I ^lOSANCEl^^ ^AaiMNIlii. ^OFCAUFOR^ ^OFCAllFOff^ is , ^E UNIVERS/, , o , ^WJITWJU ■'^aojnvjjo^ mS//^ ^lOSANCEl/j: "v/iajAisiuwv 'OH^y ^OFCAllFORj^ ^OAUvaani^"^ ^OAavaanv^"^ ^lOSANCEl£r^ S 3 ■^/SMJAINMrt^ x,OFCAIIF0% ■^iiUBRARYQr^ ^jMUBRAfiYQc^ ''uUIIVDJO'*^ aiii^ ^OAUvsani^ AWUNIN ^OFCAUFOftfe, ^OFCAllFOftfc, ,\'«an#