^)) 1.',"" .1 ■>V',"'^:," i^^v;v^vvv:^:^':^ ^w • •> M •. r/A-e e/ i0^ ,.**•••. • 1 1 ■ _^ -i' — •• • -• ' ••, • - ^%*: -•* .' ••.-..^ ] -If < Ifirj :•♦ -;f •« ;i f 7: INDEX CATALOGUE OF A PORTION PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON, AUllANGED IN THE LOWER HALL. -^::.A^^^&§- '>„.__ 1630. ___,^J ^ 'I BOSTON: PRESS OF GEO. C. RAND AND AVERY PRINTERS TO THE CITY. 1858. PREFATORY NOTICE. The first Catalogue of the Public Libraiy was printed in 1854, and contained the titles of about twelve thousand volumes. Of these, less than one half could be regarded as well fitted for general circulation. But the rest, most of which were donations, were often of great value, and all of them were desirable for fulfilling the wide purposes of such an institution. The present Catalogue, or rather Index, contains the titles of about fifteen thousand volumes, all placed for the convenience of easy use in the lower hall of the Library Building, and all believed to be well fitted for free and general circulation. As a popular circulating Library, therefore, the collection now oflered to the public contains probably three times as many desirable books as the one offered four or five years ago. About fourteen thousand of the volumes embraced in it are in the English language, and the remaining thousand consists of books of general interest and a popular character, in French, German and Italian. It is not, however, even for its especial purpose, supposed to be a perfect collection. Far from it. But it is believed to be a collection begun and well advanced on the true principle of a Free Public Library ; — that of providing, first, by interesting, wholesome and useful reading, for the intel- lectual, moral, and religious progress of those portions of our community that are not so able as they may desire to be, to provide such reading for themselves and for their families. Time, however, as the ■ Trustees believe, is alone needed to make this part of the Library all that can be desired. A very large proportion of the books contained in it has been purchased by the Trustees with careful reference to the widest and freest circulation. They have been bought, in a large degree, from funds or from the income of funds given by the benefactors of the Library, but also fi'om funds furnished annually by the liber- ality of the City Government. It has been the desire of the Trustees to make this part of the Library as ample, as attractive and as useful as possible. The remainder, which is in the large upper hall, consists of above fifty thousand volumes, and has come to us almost entirely by donation, but chiefly from the munificence of our great benefactor, Mr. Bates, who — over and above his original gift of fifty thousand dollars, the income of which for the last five years has been devoted, as he required it should be, to the purchase of " books of permanent value and authority," — has more recently given the city between twenty and thirty thousand volumes of other valuable and often very costly books, selected on the same wise principle. Nor does he stop with such beneficence, but from month to month continues to afford us fresh proofs of his desire to promote the welfare of an institution for which he first laid a sure and sufficient foundation, and to which he first gave a guiding and decisive impulse. Many of the books in this large and important portion of the Library ai'e more or less fitted for circulation, and destined to it, like those in the lower hall. The preparation of a catalogue of all of them is far advanced, and the index to it will be published without unnecessary delay. But it has been thought advisable by the Trustees not to postpone the circulation of the books in the lower hall until the catalogue of the books in the upper hall can be completed, and its index carried with the needful care through the press. They are quite aware that the institution has become too important to large masses of our citizens and their families, to permit any of its resources to remain inaccessible for a day after it has become possible to open them for use. It will be observed that the catalogue now published is entitled " An Index." The larger one, when published, will probably offer a title-page of no higher pretensions. The main catalogue, as the annual reports have heretofore explained, is much more ample and important, and is to be found in manuscript, alphabetically arranged on separate cards, indicating the contents of the Library with as much minuteness of detail, both by subjects and by authors, as the means at the disposition of the Trustees have permitted them to make it. Any person enjoying the privileges of the Library can have access to this catalogue, and, by the aid of the Superintendent or one of his assistants, can readily learn from it whatever the Library contains on any subject concerning which he may desire to make especial researches. Next to the collection of its books, the Trustees look upon this catalogue as the most important part of the Library, for it is the part by which the whole mass of its resources is opened far easy use ; — the key hy which all its treasures are unlocked to the many who, in this community, are now asking for them so often and so earnestly. A large Library without good catalogues has sometimes iv PREFATORY NOTICE. been compared to a Polyphemus without an eye, and more frequently to a chaos, which it certainly too much resembles. This reproach the Trustees hope to avoid for the Public Library, which they desire, above everything else, to render useful. The index now published has been prepared by the Superintendent of the Library, Charles C. Jewett, Esq., and by competent and faithful persons under his direction. It is the result of much patient labor and much practical knowledge and skill. The Trustees believe it to be well fitted to its purpose, which is that of rendering the portion of the Library represented by it, intelligible and accessible to all ; — to those who are little in the habit of using books, as well as to those who make reading and study the main business of their lives. Its arrangement and details they conceive can hardly be made plainer. It is alphabetical throughout. It is, therefore, as simple in its construction as an English dictionary, and as easily used. At the same time, they have no doubt that it is sufficiently ample and minute. For not only does it give the title of each book once with considerable fulness under the name of its avtthor, if known, or, if not known, under its first leading word, but the same book will be found more briefly indicated again under its subject : and, if need be, yet again under one or more of the principal words in its title. Those who may wish to examine any subject will therefore turn to the subject itself in its alphabetical order and place, and will see, at once, what the Library offers for their especial purpose ; — those who know only the title of the book they need, will seek it under one of its prominent words ; — and those who wish to find a given author, will simply look for his name. It is, in fact, an unpretending piece of practical bibliography adapted to the wants, not of scholars, but of the mass of the people, and intended as much as possible to render the use of the Library pleasant and profitable. At the same time, it will serve to direct students whose pursuits may demand researches either more minute, or more comprehensive, to the ampler catalogue on the cards, where they will, with equal ease, find a notice of every thing the Library can give them. The Trustees feel under no small obligations to Mr. Jewett for the excellent manner in which this index and the catalogue on which it is founded have been prepared, and for the great amount of labor, both in season and out of season, which he has most faithfully bestowed on both of them. The system adopted is substantially the system explained by him in a pamphlet which he published several years ago; but when the catalogue of the Public Library was originally undertaken, there was no thought that the institution would ever be indebted to his services, and no reason whatever existed for selecting Mr. Jewett's system in preference to any other, except that it was believed to be the best and the most practical for the purposes to which it was here to be applied. But while the Trustees ofier this statement of the condition of the Library, and of the catalogues by which its use is to be made easy and agreeable to the public, they do not wish to be understood as claiming the institution itself to be all they would gladly have it. Private munificence has, indeed, in a comparatively short time, made the collection of its books large and respectable, and its catalogues, by the zeal and fidelity of those employed to make them, have been prepared — so far as they are yet pre- pared — with extraordinary rapidity and success. Taken together it is hoped they may prove to be the foundation of a good Library, with a good apparatus to promote or ensure its usefulness. But the Trustees do not suppose that the institution as yet is anything more or anything better than this state- ment implies. Many important books will be sought for in vain on its shelves and in its catalogues by those who examine them with intelligence and with care. These books will, no doubt, be purchased as fast as the funds at the disposal of the Trustees will permit, so that, in time, the whole Library may become in every department of human knowledge such a Library as the City of Boston ought to have, and such as its citizens not only ask for, but will faithfully use for their own benefit and for the advance- ment of the city's character and prosperity. To reach this most desirable end, and to reach it at no distant day, the Trustees rely confidently on the beneficence of the patrons and friends of the Library, who have already done so much for it ; on the interest felt in it by our citizens generally, who, with their families, daily enjoy its great privileges ; and on the City Government, which never ceases to feel the paramount duty of protecting and fostering whatever promotes the education and the moral advance- ment of the whole community. EDWARD EVERETT, GEO. TICILN'OR, JOHN P. BIGELOW, NATH. B. SHURTLEFF, W. W. GREENOUGH, GEORGE DENNIE, PiTBLic LiBU.UiY, 19 Oct., 1858. HENRY W. HAYNES. I Pi D E X . Abaddox: a poem. Fairfield, S. L 349.2 Abbeokuta: the Yoruba mission. Tucker, Miss. C99.14 Abbot, A. Letters in Cuba. Boston, 1829. 8° . 035. 1 Abbot, The: a novel. Scott, Sir AY 400.55-59 Abbotsfokd. See Irving, W. Abbott, J. The corner stone. Boston, 1835. 12° 1087.16 — [Frauconia stories.] New York, n.d. lOv. 10° 738.4 Conltnts. — Vol. I. Mallevillc. II. Wallace. III. Mary Erskine. IV. Mary Bell. V. Beechnut. VI. Rodolphus. VII. Ellen Linn. VIII. Stuyvesant. IX. Caroline. X. Agnes. — General course of history to [1789.] Xew Y'ork, 1850. 8° 948.1 — Harper's storybooks. N. Y.,n.d. 27v.in9. 10° 739.1 Contents. —Vol. I. Bruno; Willie and the Mortgage; The strait gate. II. Virginia ; Timboo and Joliua; Tiinboo and Fanny. III. The little Louvre; Frank; Emma. IV. Harper establishment; Franklin; The studio. V. Ancient liistory ; English history ; American history. . VI. John True; Elfred; The mu- seum. VII. The engineer; Kanibles among the A^ps; Three gold dollars. \ll\. The Gibraltar gallery ; 'I he alcove ; Dialogues. IX. The great elm ; Aunt Marga- ret ; Vernon. — ILirper establishment. N. Y'., n.d. 10° . . . 739.2 — History of Alexander the G. N. Y.,u.d. 10° 549.1-1 — - Alfred of England. N. Y., 1849. 10° . . 559.1-5 — - Charles I. of England. N. Y., n.d. 10° . 550.18-21 — - CharlesII. of England. N.Y'., 1852. 10°. 559.22-24 — - Cleopatra. New York, n.d. 10° ... . 549.5-10 — - Cyrus the Great. New York, 1852. 10° . 549.11-13 — - Darius the Great. New Y'ork, n.d. 10° . 540.15-10 — - Q.Elizabeth. New York, 1854. 10°. . . SGO.l-G — - Hannibal. New York, n.d. 10° 549.14 — - Julius Ca^sar. New York, 1852. 10° . .549.17-18 — - Mary Q. of Scots. New York, 1854. 10°. 559.7-12 — - Nero. New York, 1853. 10° 549.19 — - Pyrrhus. New York, 1854. 10° 549.20-24 — - Kichard I. of England. N. Y., 1857. 10°. 550.8-12 — - Kichard II. of England. N. Y., 1858. 10°. 579.8-12 — - Richard III. of England. N.Y'., 1858. 10° .579.1.3-17 — - Komulus. New York, 1852. 10° ... . 549.27-28 — - William the Conq. N. Y'., n.d. 10° . . . 559.0-7 — - Xerxes the Great. N. Y., 1852. 10° . . 649.25-20 — Kollo on the Atlantic. Boston, n.d. 10° . . 059.1-4 — - in Loudon. Boston, 1858. 10° 059.5-7 — - in Paris. Boston, 1854. 10° 059.8 — - in Switzerl.ind. Boston, 1854. 10°. . . .059.9-11 — - in Geneva. Boston, 1857. 10° 059.12-10 — - in Holland. Boston, 1857. 10° 050.17-21 — - on the Khine. Boston, 1857. 10° . . . 059.22-24 — Springfield Armory. n.p.,n.d. 10° 738.5-7 — Summer in Scotland. New York, 1848. 12° 047.18-21 — Way to do good. New York, [1852.] 12° . . 1087.0 — Young Christian. New York, [1851.] 12°. . 1087.7 Abbott, J. S. C. Child at home. N. Y., n.d. 10° 1100.14 — History of Henry IV. of Fr. N.Y.,1S50. 10° 559.1.3-17 — - Hernando Cortez. N. Y'., 1855. 10° . . . 579.1-1 — - Josephine. New York, 1854. 10°. . . .539.17-22 — - King Philip. New York, 1857. 10° . . . 579.7 — - Maria Antoinette. New York, 1854. 10°. 509.1.3-10 — - Mme. Koland. New York, 1853. 10°. . 500.23-27 — Mother at home. New York, n.d. 10° . . . 119.12 — Napoleon at St. Helena. New York, 1855. 8° . 002.2-4 — Napoleon Bonaparte. N. Y., 1855-0. 2v. 8°. 001. 1-8 Abdul Medjid. ,S'ee Gilson, A. Czar and sultan. 018.10 Abdv. E. S. Journal in the United States, ia3.3-4. Loudon, 1835. 3v. 8° 029.7 Abel, F. A. and Bloxham, C. L. Handbook of chemistry. Pref. by Dr. Hofmann. Philad., 1854. 8° 150.3 Abell, L. G. The skillful housewife's book. N. York, 1855. 12° 188.29 Abeecrombie, J. Intellectual powers, rev. ed. with add. by J. Abbott. N. Y., 1853. 12° . 124.20-21 — Intellectual powers. New York, n.d. 18° . 810.46 — Tlie moral feelings. New York, 1848. 18° . . S;0.57 Abeunetiiy, J. Memoirs of. Macilwain, G. . . 5S8.8 Abipoxes of Paraguay, Ace't of. Dobrizhofler, M. 206.2 AitOLiTioN. See Slavery. ABOiJiGiNESof Am., Manners of. Nuttall, T. . , 024.8 — of the U. S., Acc't of. Sanford, E 305.1 — of N. Eng., Hist. of. Thacher, J 227.11 Aboktiox, Causes and treatm't of. AVhitehead, J. 153 3 About, E. Germaine. Paris, 1857. 12° 1078.15 — La Grdce contemporaine. 2d ed. Paris, 1855. 12° 1078.54 — Greece and the Greeks, transl. N. Y., 1857. 12° 918.15 — Tolla: a tale of mod. Kome. Boston, 1850. 10° 478.13 Abhadates and Panthea: a poem. Atherstone, F .349.9-10 Abrantes, Duchesse d'. See Junot, Mme. L. P. Abuse, School of. Gosson, S 342.2 Abyssinia. Gobat, S. Three years in 097.7 — Johnston, C. Travels in Southern 097.1 — Parkyns, M. Life in 097.5-0 — liussell, M. History, etc., of 810.01 Acadian geology. Dawson, J. W 103.23 ACCUM, F. Chemical tests. 3d ed.Lond., 1820. 12° 150.24 Account of pilgrim celebration, Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8° 224.17 Achilles Tatius, Romances of. Tr. by Smith, R. 844.10 ACKERMANN, Charlotte. Roman. JluUer, O. . . 1013.12 ACLAxn, C. Manners and customs of India. London, 1847. p.8° 889.2 Acton, E. English bread-book. Lond., 1857. 12° 188.33 Acton, W. Diseases of urinary and generative organs. Fr. 2d Lond. ed. N. Y., 1852. 8° 151.21 Acton, Mass., A history of. Shattuck, L. . . . 224.20 Actors in the plays of Shakespeare, Memoirs of. Collier, J. P 342.31 Actors, An apology for. Hey ward, T 342.2 Acts of the Apostles. Barnes, A. Notes. . . . 1097.9 — Hackett, H. B. Commentary 1093.2 See also .• Bible. Adair, R. Mission to the court of Vienna, 1800. London, 1844. 8° 007.3 Adalbert, Pr. of Prussia. Travels in South of Europe and in Brazil. Transl. by Sir R. II. Schomburgk and J. E. Taylor. Introd. by Bar. von Humboldt. Lond., 1849. 2v. 8°. 633 11 Adam, A. Roman antiquities. Notes by J. Boyd 7th N. Y. ed. by L. L. Da Ponte. New York, 1830. 8° 954.7 Adam Blair, Passages in life of. Lockhart, J. G. 709.9 Adam Brown, the merchant. Smith, H 802.21 Ad.vji Graeme of Mossgray. Olipliant, Mrs. . . 753.13 Ad.\MS, Mrs. A. Journal and corresp. 1780. Ed. by [C. A. DeWindt.] N. Y., 1841. 2v. 12° 217.18 — Letters, with memoir by C. F.Adams. 4th ed. Boston; 1848. 10° 5.37.2 Adams, II. History of the Jews. Boston, 1812. 2v. 12° 949.6 — Memoir, by herself. Boston, 18.32. 12° . . . 699.3 — View of religious, in 2 parts, 2d ed. Boston, n.d. 8° 1099.5 ADAMS AGATHA Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of poetical quotations. London, n.d. 10° 344.21 Adams, J. Letters to his wife. Ed. by C. V. Ad- ams. Boston, 1?41. 2v. 1(>° 537.3 — Works, with life and notes, by C. F. Adams. Boston, 1850-50. lOv. 8° 2S;i.l Con(cr.!s.— Vol. I. Lit'.'. II. Diary; Notes of debates incopgress, 1775— C; Autobiography; App. III. Auto- biography, continued; Diary; Notes of debate in the senate of the U. S.; Essays; Disputation on ihe canon and the feudal law ; Instiuctions cf Braintree to its representatives, 170 j ; lusiructions of Boston to their representatives, ]7C8-y ; On the independence of the judiciary : controversy between \V. lirattle and J. Adams; App. IV. Novanghis, or a history cf the dis- pu:e with America from li51 ; Thoughts on govern- ment, 177IJ ; Report of a constitution for Jlassachu- setis, I77'J ; Detence of the Constitutions of the U. S. 17r«, vol. 1. V. Defence, vols. 2 and a. VI. Defence, vol. 3, continu"d; D.scourses on Davila ; Four let- ters on government; Three letters on the Consiitu- tion; Letters to Jno. Taylor of Caroline, in reply to strictures on the Defe»ce; Review of Mr. Ilillhouse's propositions for amending the Constitution. VII.— IX. Otticiil Utters, messages, and public papers. IX., X. General correspondence; Indexes. — Administration of. Gibbs, G 285.5 — Diplomatic hist, of the administration of. Trescot, AV. II 297.5 — Suppressed history of the administration of. Wood, J -m.^ Ad.vms, J. Q. Dermot Mac Morroyh, in 4 cantos. Boston, 1832. 8° 314.10 — Letters on the Bible. Auburn, 1850. 32" . . 12'J.30 — Letters on the masonic institution. Boston, 1847. 8° 134.0 — Letters on the study of the Bible, witli letters of Mrs. A. Adams 537.2 — Life of. Quincy, J 512.1 — Life and I'ublic Services. Seward, W. II . . . 517.25 Adams, Nath'l. Annals of Portsmoutli, [N. 11.] Portsmouth, 1825. 8° 224.20 Ad.\^is, J2€v. Neh. Christ a friend, 13 discourses. Boston, 1855. 8" 1100.3 — South side view of slavery 127.21 — TIio communion Sabbatli. Boston, 1S5 ">. 12° 1100.3 — The friends of Christ in the N. T. .3d cd. Boston, 1853. 8° 1083.19 Ad.\ms, K. Narrativeof an Am. sailor wreclcedon W. coast of Africa, 1810. Boston, 1.S17. 6° 092. 7 Adams, lier. W., Af.A. Sacred allejjories. IMiila- delphia, 1858. sm. 4° 1004.9 Adams, W., l).l>. The three gardens, Eden, (Jeth- semane, and Paradise. N. York, lS5:i. 12° 1080.27 Adams, W. T. All aboard, or life on the lake. Boston, 1850. 10° 720.3 — The boat club; a tale for boys. Boston, 1855. 12° 729.7-8 — Now or never. A story for young folks. Bos- ton, 1857. 12° 729.4-0 Ad\pt.\tion of external nature to man. Clial- mers, T 820.0 Adcock, H. Uulos and data for the steam engine. London, 18;«). 12° 198.20 Addison, J. Poetical works, with life. Loudon, [1790.'] 24° .309.19 — The spectator; complete. London, 1827. S° 873.12 — - With the lives of tlie authors. Phila., ISSl. 12v. in 4. 12" 90S. 8-0 — - Selections from the. N. Y., 1840. 2v. 18° 8:30.2 — Sir lioger de Covcrlcy, notes by W. II. Wills. London, 1852. p. 8° 409. 1 — Life of. Aikin, L 5S4.2 — - and writings of. Macaulay, T. B 409.17 Adei.i;. A tale. Kavanagh, J 454.1-3 Anioi.li et Theodore: ou lettres sur 1' education. Genlis, Mmc. de 1008.0 Adirondack, The: or, life in the woods. Head- ley, J. T 0.30.29 Adoi.phi;; [roman.] Constant, B IO'JO.8 Adolphus, J. Hist, of England, [reign of Geo. III.] London, 1840-45. 7 v. 8° 9G4.1 ADOi.Pin.s, .T. L. Letters to K. Heber on the [Waverley] novels. Boston, 1822. 8° . . . 808.10 Adonis; poeme. La Font.aine, J. de 1009.7 Adopted child. Hist, of an. Jewsbury, G. E. . . 469.2 Adriatic, Highl'ds and islands. Paton, A. A. . 667.4 Adsiie.vd, J. Prisons and prisoners. London, 1845. 8° 1.35.12 Adulterations, in food and med. Hassall, A. H. 156.12 — in drugs, chemicals, etc. Pcirce, C. H. . . . 156.13 Adventure. See American A. by land and sea . 820.08 Adventurer, The. Hawkesworth, J 860.26 — See British essayists, v. 23-25 850.24 — 5ee Johnson, S. Works, 1 901.6 Adventures of British seamen in the So. Ocean. Edinburgh, 1827. 18° 830.26 Advice to his grandchildren. Hale, M 139.6 .S;ge.\n, Letters from the. Emerson, J 683.4 .aisCHYLUS. Popular Eng. specimens of the Greek dramat. poets, with essays and notes. London, 1831. 24° 359.6 — Tragedies ; transl. by T. A. Buckley. London, 1849. p. 8° 814.6-7 iEsoPUS. [Fables, translated.] 10° 728.10 JisTHETic papers. Peabody, E. P 873.0 .Esthetic works. Schlegcl, F. von 6-38.8 Afflicted, An offering to the. I'arkman, F. . . 1089.25 Afflicted man's companion. Willison, J. . . , 1109.5 Afoilvnistan. Ferricr, J. P. Caravan journeys . 6M.3 — Eraser, J. B. Description of. 810.68 — Gleig, G. U. Sale's brigade in 899.11 — Sale, Lady. Disasters in. 1841,2 987.0 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F 700.1-5 Africa. Adams, 11. Western coast of, in 1810 . 092.7 — Andersson, C. J. Four years in So. Western • 097.4 — Backhouse, J. Narrative of a visit to South. er the Great, Essay on. Schlegel, K. W. F. V 848. 1 — History of. Abbott, J 519.1-4 — Life and actions of. Williams, J 810.8 Alexander VI. Pope. Life of. Gordon, A. . 544.2 Alexander I. of Russia, Last daysof. Lee, R. 517.10 Alexander, A. Authenticity, etc. of the Scrip- tures. 5th ed. Philadelphia, n.d. 12° . . 118.4 — Founder and alumni of the Log College. Princeton, 1845. 12° 1089.8 Alexander, J. E. L'Acadie: or seven years in Brit. America. London, 1849. 2v. 12° . . 020.8 Alexander, W., Earl of Stirling. Life of. Duer, W. A 513.8 Alfieri,V. Commedie. Londra, 1804. 2v.ini. 10° 104{;.4 Co7itents.— Vol. J. L'TJno; IPochi; I Troppi. II. L'Antidoto; La Fincstiina; H Divorzio. — Tragedie. Firenze, 1855. 2v. 12° 1040.3 Contents.— Vol. I. Filippo; Polinice; Antigone; Vir- ginia; Agamennonc; Orcste; Rosmunda ; Ottavia; Timoleone; Merope ; Maria Stuarda ; La congiura de' Pazzi;Don Garzia. II. Saul; Agide; Sofonisba; Bruto prirao; Mirra ; Bruto secundo ; Antonio e Cleopatra; Abcle; Alccste secunda; SuU'arte comica in Italia ; Lettera di Ranicri de' Calsabigi ; Kiposta; Lettere dell' abate Cesarotti; — di G. M. Lampredi;— di M. Cesarotti ; Bisposte, ec. — Tragedies, transl. by C. Lloyd. London, 1815. 3v. 10° 356.20 Contents. — Vol. I. Philip; Polinices ; Antigone; Virginia; Agamemnon; Orestes. II. Rosmunda; Oc- tavii; Tiraoleon; Merope; JIary Stuart; Conspiracy ofthePazzi. III. Don Garcia; Saul; Agis; Soplion- isba; The first Brutus; Myrrha; The second Brutus. — Vita, scritta da csso. Ed. arrich. di giunte. Firenze, 1853. 12° 1040.2 — Autobiography. Transl. with an essay, by C. E. Lester. 3d ed. New York, 1845. 12° . 544.0-7 — Life and adventures of. Copping, E 544.5 Alford, H. Poetical works. Boston, 1853. 16° .324.10 Alfred the Groat, History of. Abbott, J 569.1-5 ALIKED ;.mj:rica Alfred the Great, Asser's life of 840.4 — Life and times of. Giles, J. A 552.1 — Life of; and version of Orosius. Pauli, R. . 85(3.4 — ou I'Angleterre sous les Ang-lo-Saxons. Gui- zot, F. P. G 1078.14 — Toems of. Tupper, M. F. Works, IV. . . . 887.3 Algebra. A. and aritiimetic 305.17 — De Morgan. Double algebra 147.14 — - Elements of 147.15 — Iladdon, J. Elements of 820.21 -.- Kirkman, T. P. Mnemonic lessons in ... . 829. .35 — Lund, T. A short course of 149.27 — Peirce, B. Elementary treatise on 148.4 Algebraic geometry. Waud, S. TV 305.17 Algebraical equations, Tlicory of. Murphy, R. 305.15 Alger, W. R. Hist, of the cross of Christ. Bos- ton, 1858. 10" 1089.9 — Poetry of the East. Boston, 1853. 10° . . .315.12-13 Algeria in 1845. St. JIarie, Count 098.23 Algic researches. Schoolcraft, II. R 4s9.9 Algiers. Bowen, A. War with 215.11 Campbell, T. Letters from 098.25 — Davies, E. W. L. Its climate and resources . 918.3 — Lamping, C. & France A. de. The French in. 889.18 — Shaler, W. Sketches of. 915.4 Alhajibra, The. See Irving, W. Ali Pasha, Life of. Davenport, It. A 379.15 Alice : or, the mysteries. Lytton, E. Buhvcr . . 405.10 Alison, Her. A. Essays on taste. With correc- tions by A. Mills. New York, 1850. 12'.. 129.12 Alison, Sii- A. History of Europe from 1789 to 1815. Kew York, 1848-50. 4v. 8° 943.1 — Epitome of the hist, of Europe, from 1789 to 1815. London, 1852. 8° 947.7 — History of Europe, 1815-52. New York, 1855- 58. 3v. 8° 943.2 — Miscellaneous essays. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° 803.5 Alkalimetry, New methods of. Fresenius, C. R. and Will, II 150.21 All aboard: or, life on the lake. Adams, W. T. 729.3 All is not gold that glitters. Opic, A 409.28-29 Allan, G. Life of Sir W. Scott. Edin., 1834. 8°. 585.1 Alleghany mountains. Letters from the. Lan- man, C 028.11 Allegories, Sacred. Adams, W 1094.9 Alleine, R. Heaven opened. New York, n.d. 12° 1107.5 Allen, C. B. Cottage building. 2d cd. London, 1854. 10° 819.29 Allen, D. O. India, ane. &mod. Boston, 1850. 8? 934.1-2 Allen, E. Narrative of his captivity. AValpolc, N. H., 1807. 12° 528.18 - - Same. 4th cd. Burlington, 1840. 12°. . 528.17 — and the Green mount, heroes. De I'uy, H. W. 528.10 — Life of. Sparks, J. I-ives of em. indiv. II. 518.5 — - Same 528.22 — - Same. Anier. biog., v. I 529.1 — Life of. Moore, H 528.19 Allen, J. Battles of the British navy. New cd. London, 1852. 2v. p. 8° 825.1 Allen, J. F. Culture of the grape vine. 3d ed. New York, 1853. 12° 105.19-21 Allen, P. Expedition of Lewis and Clarke. New York, 1845-47. 2v. 8° 820.52 Allen, W.,Z>.Z). Memoir of John Codman. Bos- ton, 1853. 8° 534.8 — Wunnissoo: a poem. Boston, 1850. 12°.. . 338.8 Allen, W. and Thompson, T. R. IT. Expedition to the Niger, 1841. London, 1848. 2v. 8° . 093.9 Allen, W., i^.)?.,?. Memoir of. Sherman, J.. 508.0 Alleyn, E. Memoirs of. Collier, J. P 342.1 Alleyn papers. Collier, J. P 342.17 Allston, W. Lectures on art, and poems, ed. by R.H.Dana, jr. N. Y., 18o0. 12° 208.10 — Monaldi: a tale. Boston, 1850. 10° 755.1 — On tJie works and genius of. Ware, W. . . • 208.11 Almacks revisited, a novel. London, 1828. 3v. 12° 709.4 — - Same. New York, 1828. 2v. 12° ... . 709.5 Alnwick castle and other poems. Halleck, F. G. .345.10 Alone: a novel. Ilawes, V 805.23-25 Alphonso and Dalinda: a tale. Genlis, Mme. de. 449.21 Alps. Abbott, J. Rambles among the. Harper's story books. All 739.1 — Brockedon, W. Excursions in the 603.13 — Forbes, J. D. Travels through A. of Savoy. 603.2 — Headlcy, J. T. A. and the Rhine 670.18 — Hinchliff. T. W. Summer months among the 007.14 — Murray, J. Ilandbookof Savoy and Piedmont 049.18 — Mustoia, A. The Israel of the 879.13 Altamont: or the charity sister. Norton, Mrs. 802.2 Altar, Companion for the. Hob.art, J. H 118.10 — at home. Prayers, etc. Miles, H. A 118.10 Alton Locke, tailor and poet. Kingslcy, C.. . . 484.13-14 Amabel, a family history. Wormeley, M. E. . . 416.2 Amadis of Gaul. Lobeira, V. de 779.2 Amalie von Sachsen. Original Bcitrage zur deut- schen Schaubuhne. Dresden. lS:VrGrih fioO.S — Murray, H. Discoveries and travels in Xorth ()25.14 — - Account of British S20.S — Neff, J. K. Army and navy of 215.10 — Parkinson, R. Tour in, 170S-1SOO 024.13 — Powell, T. Living- authors of, 1S50 518.15 — Pritts, J. Early history of 245.2 — Rafinesque, C. S. Trav. and researches in N. 029.11 — Raumer, F. von. A. and the Amer. people . 297.1 — Roberts, O. W. Excursions in Central . . . 830. rjs — Robertson, AV. History of 830.5 — Robinson, C. Voyag^es along the coast of North, 1520-1573 025.1 — Russell, R. Agriculture and climate of X. . 023.4 — Saxc-AVeimar, Duke of. Travels through lyo. 023.11 — Schaff, P. Lectures on 1088.10 — Schcrzer, C. Travels in Central 038.2 — Shireff, P. Tour through Xorth 024.10 — Simpson, T. Discov's on coast of N., 183C-39 025.2 — Smith, J. T. Discovery of, by the Korthmcn .300.0 — Squier, E. G. Notes on Central 203.1 — Stansbury, P. Pedestr. tour in Xorth . . . . 024.10 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of trav. in Central 021.5-0 — Stuart, .1. Three years in Xorth 039.0 — Sutcliff, R. Travels in Xorth 028.29 — Trumbull, H. Discovery of 245.7 — Tudor, H. Tour in X'orth 038.1 — Tytler, P. F. The northern coasts of . . . . 027.18 — Wakefield, E. G. Social and political state of England and 045.1 — Warner, H. W. The liberties of 297.15 — Waterton, C. Wanderings in South 033.10 — Weld, I. Travels througii X'orth 025.15 — Wells, W. V. War in Central 200.8 — - Travels in Central 021.2 — Whately, R. Historic certainties respecting. 808.15 See also the varioua divisions under their several names, as United States, Brazil, etc. American adventure by land and sea. Xew York, [1847.] 2v. 18° 820.08 American anecdotes, original and select. Bos- ton, 1830. 2v. 12" 210.13 — Am. anec. added to the Percy anecdotes . . . 892.3 American Anti-slavery Soc. Slavery and the in- ternal S. trade in the U. S. London, 1841. S" 127.1 American antiquities in the west. Priest, J. . . 250.1 Americ.vn biograpliical dictionary. Rogers, T. J. 518.14 Ajiekican biography. Belknap, J 820.58 — Sparks, J 529.1 — Medical. Thacher, J 523.11 — Medical. Williams, S. W 523.12 See also .• Biography. Ajierican citizen : his rights and duties. Hop- kins, J. H 134.17 American colonies, Introd. hist, to the revolt of. Chalmers, G .304.8 — Memoirs of a missionary in the North. Mus- grave, P 889.1 American criminal trials. Chandler, P. W. . . . 297.17 American eloquence, speeches, etc. Moore, F. . 801.1 American frugal housewife. Child, L. :>!.... 188.27 American gentleman's guide to politeness and fashion. Xew York, 1857. 12° 127.33 American government. History of. Benton, T.H. 282.1-4 American history, to 1787. Abbott, J. Harper's storybooks. V 739.1 — Banvard, J. Romance of 228.15 — Schoolcraft, H. R. Contributions to ... . 244.0 — Willard, E. Last leaves of 309.11 See also .• America. American housewife. Philadelphia, 1851. 24°. 189.13 American institute of homoeopathy. Topograph- ical anatomy. Report, 1850. [Boston, n.d.j 10° 158.13 American inst. of instruc. Lect., at Manchester, N.H. 1857, incl. Jour., [etc.] Bost., 1858. 12° 1.38.3 American liberty and government questioned. Ryle, T 104.15 American literature. Chambers, W. and R. Hand-book of 404.13 — Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of 404.3 — Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopjedia of 392.2 — Griswold, E. W. A survey of literature. . . 872.12 — - Curiosities of 402.5 — Knapp, S. L. Lectures on 402.3 American merchant in Europe, Asia and Aus- tralia. Train, G. F 705.18 American naval otficers. Lives of. Cooper, J. F. 527.3 American notes. Dickens, C 471.1C-17 — Change for. By an American lady 471.10&1S Americ.xn oratory. Golden age of. Parker, E. G. 860.3 American painters, Sketches of. Tuckerman, H. T 520.8 American poetry. Specimens of. Kettcil, S. . . 3-39.4 American poets, Selections from. Bryant, W. C. 820.24 American poultry yard. Browne, D. J 108.6 American privateers, 1812. Coggeshall, G. . . . 215.8 American pulpit. Fowler, H 534.9 American rejected addresses. Bigelow, J. . . . 325.4-5 Ajierican revolution, The. Bancroft, G 212.3-5 — Botta, C. G. G. War of independence . . ..213.11-12 — Campbell, W. W. Border warfare of Xew York 217.11 — EUet, E. F. Domestic hist, of 217.S-:o — - Women of 538.13 — Fox, E. Adventures in 219.5 — Frothingham, R., jr. Siege of Boston, etc. . . 214.2-8 — Garden, A. Anecdotes of 213.14 — Gordon, W. Account of 214.11 — Graydon, A. Reminiscences of 213.5 — Hinman, R. R. Connecticut iu 213.7 — History of 219.3 — Lamb, R. Journal during 2)3.13 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of 528.1 — Marshall, C. Diary kept during 217.13 — Moore, F. Songs and ballads of 314.2 — Morse, J. Annals of 213.15 — Nell, AV. C. Colored patriots of 210.8 — Onderdouk, IL, jr. Incidents in Queen's co.. 217.17 — Ramsay, D. History of 214.12 — Saffell, W. T. R. Records of 210.12 — Sears, R. Pictorial history of .305.2 — Simcoe, J. G. Journal of tlic " Queen's rangers " 212.2 — Sparks, J. Correspondence of 213.2 — - Diplomatic correspondence of 210.1 — Stone, W. L. Border wars of 820.02 — Sullivan, W. Public men of 213.3 — Thacher, J. 3Iilitary journal during 214.9 — Trescot, W. H. Diplomacy of 217.16 — Warren, M. Hist, of, with biog. obscrv.. . . 214.10 — Wilkinson, E. Occupation of Charleston, S. C 210.10 — Wilson, S. F. History of 210.9 See also .- America and United States. American slavery and colour. Chambers, W. . . 297.8 American theatre. History of the. Dunlap, AY. . 353.5-0 American Tract Soc. Anecdotes for the family. New York, n.d. 10° 110.21 American travel, Appleton's hand book erf. Rich- ards, T. A 039.17 American women. Noble deeds of. Clement, J. • 538.3-3 American Union, Guide to understanding the. Johnson, A. B 297.10 American's guide: compr. the deci. of independ- ence, etc. Philadelphia, n.d. 12° 299.7 Americans. Cooper, J. F. Xotions of the. . . 029.12 — Lossing, B. J. Hist, of the Anglo- 213.8-0 — - IMemoirs of eminent 518.11 AMERIKA-Miide (Der). Roman. Kiirnberger, F. 1013.9 Ames, F. AVo'rks, ed. [with life] by his son. Bos- ton, 1854. 2v. 8° 524.8 Ami descnfantsetdes adolescents. Berquin,A. de 10G7.2 Aminta. Favola boschereeeia. Tasso, T 1047.9 AMMER,DieFamilie. Sittenroman. AVillkomm,E. 1013.5 Ampisre, J. J. La Grcce, Rome ot Dante. Paris. 1854. 12° 1000.1 AMPHIBIANS 6 APPERLEY Ajiphibians, Natural history of. Swainp.oii,W. . 408.1 Amusements, Plea for. Sawyer, F. W 120.14 — Festivals, games and. Smith, 11 810.31 A:my Herbert. A uovel. Sewell, E. M 425.1-2 Amyas Leigh, Sir : a novel. Kingaley, C. . . . 484.9-10 Amyot, T. Old taming of a shrew. Kopr. fr. ed. ''-■ of 1594. Also : A morry jest of a shrev,d and curst wife. Loudon, 1844. 8° 012.24 Ana, Selections from tlic 830.30 Anabasis: or, expedition of Cyrus. Xenophon. 844.4 Anacreon. Transl. by Th. Bourne. New York, 1852. 18° 830.23 — Odes, transl. with notes, by T. Moore. Phila- delphia, 1804. 12° 3^5.9 Analogy of religion to nature. Butler, J. . . . 858.0 Anam, Some account of 825.8 Anatomist's vade mecum. Wilson, E 157.34 Anatomy. Carpenter, W. B. Physiological. . . 149.23 — Cutter, C. Anat. and physiology 35S.G — Fau, J. Anat. for artists 144.9 — Flagg, J. F. Topographical 158.13 — Schwann, T. A. du corps humain 10:15.49 — Wilson, E. Human 151.4 — - Practical and surgical 153.7 An.\tomy, Comparative. Beneden, P. J. von . . 10C5.5 "— Owen, R. Invertebrate animals 172.15 — - Vertebrate animals 172.10 — - Forms of skeleton and teeth 177.5 — Siebold, C. Th. von. Comparative 175.1 Anatomy of melancholy. Burton, R 872.7-9 ANCiiLOT, J. F. A. Fiesque. Trag. 3d cd. Paris, 1820. 8° 1078. S Ancient cities. Ruins of. Buckc, C 379.0 A-NCIENT and Honorable Artill. Company. Hist. of. Whitman, Z. G 294.0 Ancient regime. The: a tale. .lames, G. P. R. . 404.7 Ancie.vt times. A drama. Strutt, J 499.6 Ancient world. The. Ansted, 1). T 107.14 Ancue, Assassinat d'. Marillac, JI. dc 1078.33 Andersen, H. C. Marchen. Ote. Autt. Leipzig, n.d. 10° 1035.11 — Only a fiddler ! and O. T. Lond., 1845. 3v. 12° 700.8 — Story book : with memoir. N. Y., 1852. 10°. 719.9 — True story of my life. I>ondon, 1.S47. 12° . . 540.23 — Tlie two baronesses. Loudon, 1848. 2v. 12° 700.9 — Wonderful tales. New York, 1852. 12° . . . 719.8 Anderson, J. Course of creation. Cincin., 18;5t. 8° 107.23 Anderson, R. Life of T. Smollett. Edin., 1803. 8° 584.9 Anderson, AV. Mercantile correspondence. Now York, 1851. 12° 130.21 Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami. 2d cd. Lf)ndon, 1850. 8° 092.2 — - Same. New York, 1850. 12° 097.4 Andes, Journeys among the. Head, Sir F. B. . . 889.22 — Twenty months in the. Holton, I. F 033.2 ANDRli. A tragedy. Lord, W. W ■ 338.3 ANDRii, Maj. J. Causes of the death of. Smith, J. H 505.3 Andreini, G. B. Adam. A drama. Cowper, W. Works X 337.1 Andrews, A. The eighteenth century. London, 1850. 12° 988.2 Andrews, C. Dartmoor prison. N. Y., 1815. 12° 219.2 Andrews, C. C. Minnesota and Dacotah. 2d ed. Washington, 1857. 12° 237.10 Andrews, G. H. Agricultural engineering. Lon- don, 1852-53. 3v. 10° 829.2 Andrews, W. W. Eulogy on J. C. Smitli .... 898.0 Andromeda. A poem. Kingsley, C 324.18 Andryane, A. Memoirs of a prisoner of state. London, 1842. 2v. 12° 544.10 Anecdotes, Original and select. See American anecdotes 210.13 — anciennes et modernes. See. Clioix 1079.14 — Dictionnaire d'. See Dictionnairc 1008.5 — for the family. See American Tract Soc. . . 119.21 — historiques ot litteraires. Paris, 1853. 12° . . 1078.48 — moral and religious. Arvine, K 892.2 — of foreign courts. .S'ee Private anecdotes . . 1005.5 — of his own time. King, Dr. AY 588.15 Angela. A novel. Marsh, Mrs. A 795.9 Angler, The complete. AA'alton, 1 177.2 Angler's guide. Brown, J. J 177.1 Angling literature of all nations 177.29 Anglo Amer. literature and manners. Chasles, P. 404.11 Anglo Saxon chronicle. Bedo 840.1 Anglo Saxon grammar and literature. Klipstein, L. F 4W.4 Anglo Saxons. Miller, T. History of the . . . 835.0 — Palgrave, F. History of the 389.17 — Turner, S. History of the 905.1 Animal kingdom. Goodrich, S. G. Anecdotes of 109.14 — Jones, T. R. Organization of 172. IC Animal life. Sketches of. AYood, J. G 178.24 Animal magnetism. Deleuze,J. P. F. Instruct. in 157.16 — Gregory, W. Letters on 124.11 Animal mechanics. Bell, Sir C .305.12 Anim.vl mechfinism. Edwards, M. and Comte, A. 177.23 — Griscom, J. H 810.78 Anijial products. Owen, R. Lectures on . . . . 199.10 Animali parlanti. Poema. Casti, G 1049.4 Animals. Jones, T. R. Natural history of . . . 177.10 — Marcet, Mrs. Lessons on 178.30 — Swainson, AA'. Geog. and classification of . . 398.17 — - Habits and instincts of 408.4 — - A. in menageries 398.19 — Trimmer, Mrs. Treatment of 129.4 — AVebster, N.,jr. History of 177.31 Animated nature. Goldsmith, 172.14 Annals of England. Oxford, 1855-57. .3v. 10°. 979.7 Anne Boleyn. A tragedy. Bokcr, Geo. H. . . . 3.35.2 Anne of Geierstcin. Scott, Sir AV., XXII 480.27-30 Anne, Court of Queen A. Thomson, Mrs. A. T. . 594.1 Annual of scientific discov., 1850-58. AVells, D. A. 159. 1 ANSi'ACH-Bayrcuth, ]ilargravlne of. Memoirs by herself. London, 1820. 2v. 8° 542.5 Ansted, D.T. The anc't world. Phila., 1847. 12° 167.14 — Element, geology, mineralogy, and physical gcograpliy. 2d ed. London, 1850. 12°.. . 163.24 — Scenery, science and art. London, 1854. 8° . 208.2 Anster fair. A poem. Tennant, AV 369.11 Ant.vh ; a Bedoueen romance. Asmai 418.4 Antarctic regions, A'oyage in the. Ross, Sir J. C. 702.14 Antiion, C. Manual of Greek literature. New York, 1853. 12° 403.5 Anthon, C E. Pilgrimage to Treves. New York, 1845. 12° 607.12 Antiion, J. The law student. New York, 1850. 8°. 133.4 ANTiiRoroLoGY, Neurological system of. Bu- chanan, J. R 124.5 Antignostikus, or the spirit of Tertullian. Ne- ander, J. A. AV 848.9 Antilles, AVanderings in the. Waterton, C. . 033.16 Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir AV., Ill . . . .400.13,15-10 Antiquities in the British Museum. London, 1848. 18° 209.15 — Bockh, A. Public economy of Athens. . . . 953.1 — Brand, J. Popular, of Great Britain 840.8 — Napier, J. Ancient workers in metal .... 199.4 Antisell, T. Handbook of tlie useful arts. New York, 1852. 8° 197.2 Antisla VERY recollections. Stephen, Sir G. . . 1089.17 Antologia Italiana. Genova, 1840. 12° 1040.1 Antommarchi, F. Last days of Napoleon. 2d ed. London, 1820. 8° 002.7 Anvers, Marquisat d'. Huydens, G 1075.18 Anxious enquirer after salvation. James, J. A. . 1109.25 Apennines, Travels in. Spallanzani, L 670.4 Apes, AV. Indian nullification. Boston, 1835. 16° 249.3 Aphorisms. Bartlett, J 878.12 Aphra Behn. Roman. Mundt, K 1010.7 Apocalypse revealed. Swedenborg, E 10S4.3 Apostles. See Constitutions and canons of the 10S3.1 Apparitions. Brierre de Boismont, A. Rational history of. 122.1 — Ferriar, J. Theory of. 118.13 See also .• Supcrnaturalism. Appearance is against her. Opic, Mrs. A. . . 469.38-39 Apperley, C J. The chace, turf and road. Lon- don, 1852. 8° 177.14 APPLETON ARNALBO Apim.eton's cyclopaedia of drawing-. Wortben, W. E 201.5 Appleton's g-uide book. Williams, W 039.11 APPi.ETON'shandbk. of Am. trav. Kichards,T.A. G39.17 APULEIUS. Works, witli Mrs. Tig-he's Psyche. London, 1853. p. 8° 834.15 — Doctrines of Plato by 814.3 Aquarian naturalist. Jones, T. R 175.10 Aquarium. Hand book. Gosse, P. H 178.14 — Marine and fresh. Somerby, G. B 178.18 Ararella Stuart. A romance. James, G. P. R. 403.2 & 18-21 Araria. Crichton, A. History of 810.07 — Wellsted, J. R. Voyage to 603. 3 Araria Petraa. Laborde, L. de. Journey . . . 685.8 — Robinson, E. Biblical researches 684.4 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel 690.1-2 Arabian nig-lits' entertainments 733.2 — - Same, translated by E. W. Lane. New ed. Boston, 1853. 1.8° 733.1 A.RABIAN tales and anecdotes. Lane, E. W. . . . 840.30 Arabs in Spain, History of the. Conde, J. A. . . 827.3 Arago, D. r. J. Biographies of scientific men. Transl. London, 1S57. 8° 541.3 — Eloge of Jas. Watt. Transl. by J. P. Muir- head London, 1839. 8° 573.0 — History of my youth. Transl. by B. Powell. London, 1855. 10° 54.S.20 — Meteorological essays. Introduced by Hum- boldt. Tr. by CoL Sabine. Lond, 1855. 8° 145.17 — Popular astronomy. Transl. by W. K. Kelly. 6th ed. by L. Tomlinson. London, 1856. 10° 149.34 Arator. Agricultural essays. Taylor, J.- . . . 109.12 Araucanians. Indians of So. Chili. Smith, E. R. 635.9 Arc, Joan of. See Joan of Arc. ArcH-EOLOGY, biblical. Jahn, J 1103.5 Architect, The American. Ritch, J. W 201.1-2 Akcuitkctural criticism. Gwilt, J 202.2 Architecture. Allen, C. B. Cottage building 819.29 — Andrews, G. H. Agricultural buildings . . 829.2 — Bardwcll, W. Healthy homes 203.7 — Barnard, H. School 203.3 — Bartliolomew, A. Specifications for 202.7 — Bottari, G. Lcttere 1040.1 — Brown, R. A. of temples and churches . . . 201.3 — Bullock, J. American cottage builder . . . . 207.7 — - History and rudiments of 207.0 — Burnell, G. R. Treatise on limes, mortars, etc. 199.19 — Bury, T. T. Rudimentary 819.12 — Dobson, E. Art of building 819.15 — - Brick making 819.10 — - Foundations 819.31 — Downing, A. J. A. of country houses . • .203.11-14 — - Rural 203.8-10 — Eergusson, J. Illustrated hand book of . . . 203.21 — Field, M. Rural 203.10 — Fowler, O. S. Gravel wall, and octagon. . . 207.10 — Garbctt, E. L. Design in 819.13 — Gwilt, J. Encyelopcedia of 202.6 — - Rudiments of 202.4 — Ilibbard, S. Rustic adornments 207.11 — HoskingjAV. Regulation of build's in towns 207.13 — - Treatise on, from Encyclopaedia Brit. , . 201.4 — Jarves, J. J. Art hints 208.16 — Law, H. Manuel de construction 1075.32 — Leeds, W. H. Orders of 819.12 — Memes, J. S. History of 830.48 — Moseley, H. Mechanical principles of. . . . 203.20 — Xicholson, P. Principles of 202.5 — - Student's instructor in 203.22 — Ruskin, J. Lectures on 206.2 — - Seven lamps 208.24 — Scott, G. G. Secular and domestic 203.17 — Schayes, A. G. B. A. en Belgiquc 1065.47 — Turnbull, AV. Strength of timber 190.10 — Vaux, C. Cottage 203.15 — Weale, J. Dictionary of 819.26 — Wheeler, G. Homes for the people . . . « • 207.8 — - Rural homes 207.9 — Wilds, W. Earthen walls 207.4 See also .- Carpentry, Chimneys, Masonry, Naval architecture. Timber, Ventilation, Warming-. Architecture of birds. Rennie, J 839.2 Architects, Lives of British. Cunningham, A. 379.9 Architects, Lives of the most eminent. Vasari, G. S48.G Arco, S. d'. Corrispondenze • .... . 105^s.l2 Arctic adventure. Sargent, E 704.. '0-16 Arctic expedition. 1833-35. Back, G 703.12 Arctic explorations. Smucker, S. M 704.17 Arctic journal. Stray leaves. Osboru, S 709.7-5 Arctic regions, The. Barrow, J. Hist, of voyages 702.10 — - Discovery, from 1818 700.13 — Scoresby, W. jr. An account of 702.10 Arctic ocean. Journey to the. King, R 704.18 Arctic searching expedition. Ricliardson, Sir J. 704..'-- 9 Arculf, Narrative of. Wriglit, T • . 846." Arfvvedson, C. D. U. S. and Canada, in 1832-34. 024.12 Argentine provinces. Jour, in, 1849. Strain, I. G. 635.13 Argentine republic. Twenty-four years in. King, J. A 263. S Ariosto, L. Commedie e Satire. Firenze, 1856. 8° 1046.5 Contents. — 1^3, Cassaria; I Suppositi; La Lena; II Negromante; La Scolastica; Commedie in vcrsi; La Cassaria; I Suppositi; Commedie in prosa; Satire. — Orlando Furioso. Preceduto da pensieri di Gioberti. 3a ed. Firenze, 1854. 2v. 12° . . . 1040.0 — Orlando Furioso. Tr. by W. S. Rose. Lon- don, 1823-31. 8v. 8° 345.2 Aristocracy, Trials connect, with the. Burke, P. 133.8 Aristophanes. The birds, with notes, etc. ; by C. C. Felton, Cambridge, 1849. 12° 357.3 — Comedies. Tr. by AV. J. Hickie. Loud., 1853. p.8° 834.13 Aristoteles. Metaphysics. Tr. by J. H. Mc- Mahon. Lond., 1S57. p.8° 854.4 — Ethics. Transl. by R. W. Browne. London, 1853. p.8° 824.1 — Organon : witli the introd. of Porphyry. Tr. by O. F. Owen. Lond., 1853. 2v. p.8° . . 834.12 — Politics and Economics. Tr. by E. AValford. Introd. essay and life by J. Gillies. Lond., 1853. p.8° 834.9 — Rhetoric, also poetic. Tr. by T. A. Buckley. New ed. Lond., 1851. p.8° 814.8 Arithmetic. Cours elementaire 1075.39 — Hipsley, AV. A. applied to interest, annui- ties, etc 829.20 — Lardner, D. Treatise on 398.6 — Mailly, E. Science du caleul 1005.37 — Meulder, L. de. Caleul mental et chiiTre .. . 1005.39 — AA^aud, S. AV. Treatise on 365.17 — Young, J. R. Treatise on 829.18 — - Key to treatise 829.19 Arkansas territory in 1819, Travels. Nuttall, T. 024.8 Ar.MADA, The : a fragment. Macaulay, T. B. . ,324.13 Ar:menia. Curzon, R. A year at Erzcroom, etc. 687.5 — Hamilton, AV. J. Researches in 094.14 — Morier, J. Journey through, l80c-9 094.15 — Southgate, H. Tour tlirough 087.3 Armin, R. Fools and jesters. Nest of ninnies. 160S. AA^itli notes, [and introd. by J. P. Collier.] London, 1842. S° 342.9 Armitage, J. History of Brazil, lSOE-31. Lon- don, 1830. 2v. 8° 263.6 Armstrong, J., lU.D. Miscellanies [chiefly in verse.] Loudon, 1770. 2v. 10° 348.17 Contents. — Vo\. I. Art of preserving hcalih; Benev- olence; Taste; Imilations of Shakespear :.nd Spenser; Universal almanac. II. Forced marriage, a tragedy; Sketches or essays by Launcelot Temple. — The art of preserving healtli 358.24 Armstrong, Gen. J. AVarofl8l2. New A'ork, 1840. 2v. 12° 217.4 — Livesof Anthony Wayne, and Richard Mont- gomery. Lives of eminent men 111. . . . 518.5 — - Same. See Sparks' Am. biogr. Armstrong, L. Temperance ref. New York, 1853. 12° 127.22 Armstrong, R. Treatise on steam-boilers. Lon- don, 1850. 10° s:9.41 Armstrong, R. G. 3Iemoir of Hannah Hobble. N. York, u.d. 10° HO. 11 Army and navy of America. Neff, J. K 215.10 Army on the Rio Grande. Thorpe, T.B 259.0 Arnaldo da Brescia. Tragedia. Niccolini, G. B. 1056.8 ARNOULT ASTRONOMY Arnoult, E. Pronouncing reading book of the French language. Boston, 1857. 8° . . . . 392.3 Arxdt, E. M. Gedichte. Keue Ausg. Leipzig, 1543. 12° 1034.16 Arxim, E. von. Bettina. Goethe's Briefweehsel mit eiuem Kinde. Berlin, 1S35. 3v. 16°.. 1034.20 AiiNiM, L. A. V. Ausgewahlte Novellen. Berlin, 1853. 3v. 16° 1029.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Die drei liebreichen Schwestern unci der glickliche Farber; Die Ehensehmiede; Die Verkleidungen des franzosischen Hofmeisters und eeincs deutschen ZogUnga; Angelika die Gcnueserin. n. Holllndische Liebhabereien ; Philaijder; Wunder fiber Wunder; Farst Ganzgott und der Sanger Halb- gott ; Eurial und Lukrezia ; Licbesgeschichte dcs Kanzlers Scfdik und der schonen Sienerin; Selt- sames Begegnen und 'WieJersehen; Frau von Havern. III. Kapliael und seine Xachbarinnen ; Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Carl t^tuart; Die Mojoratsherren; Martin Marter; Die zerbrochene Postkutsclie. Arnold, B. Life of. Sparks, J. Am. biogr. IIL 529.1 Arnold, M. Toenis. New ed. Boston, 18.50. 10° 325.11 Arnold, T. Introd. lectures on mod. history. Ed. byH. Reid. Fr. 2d Lond. ed. N.Y., 1852. 12° 947.11 — History of Rome. Fr. last London ed. New York, 1S4G. 2v. 8° 953.2 — - S.ime. New York, 1853. 8° 953.3 — Later Rom. commonwealth. N. Y., 1846. 8° . 950.3 — Miscel. works. 1st Am. ed., with additional essays. New York, 18-15. S° 10S3.14 CoH^cnfe — The church ; Oxford malignant'? and Dr. Hampden; Christian duty of conceding the Ro- man Catholic claims; Church of England; Tracts for the times; Divisions and mutual relation of knowl- edge; Social progress of states; Rugliy ichool; Use of the classics; Discipline of the public schools; E.irly Koman history ; Social condition of the operative classes ; Christian politics ; National church estab- lishments. — Sermons in Rugby school. N. Y., l.'HO. 12° . 137.32 — Life and correspondence. Stanley, A. P. . . 574.2-3 Arnold, W. D. Oakfield. A novel. 2d ed. Lon- don, lso4. 2v. p.8° 418.0 — - Same. Boston, 1855. 12° 418.7 Arnot, W. Race for riches. Pref. and notes by S. ColwcU. Philadelphia, 185-3. 12° .... 127.7 Arnott, N. Elements of physics. 2d Am. ed. by I. Hays. Pliiladelphia, 1831. 8° 145.10 — - Same. New ed. Pliiladelphia, 1848. 8° . 140.1 Arr.mi Neil. A romance. James, G. P. R. . . . 46;i.3-4 AkriN(;ton, a. '\V. Rangers and regulators of the Tanaha. New York, n.d. 12° 488.4 ' Art. AUston, ■\y. Lectures on 208.10 — Brande, \V. T. Dictionary 135.1 — Deleutrc, C. Precis dc I'histoire de P . . . . 1005.13 — Dwight, M. A. Introduction to tlie study of 208.18 — Greeley, IT. A. at the Crystal Palac. New York, 1853-54 198.9 — Harris, .T. Treatise on 209.4 — Hazlitt, W. Criticisms on 207.19 — Howitt, A. M. A. student in Mmiich . . . .207.1(W17 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Essays on 870.14 — - Hand book to galleries, London 208.9 — Jarves, J. J. Art hints 208.16 — Ruskin, J. Political economy of 208.25 — Wallace, H. B. Art in Europe 208.3 — Winckelmann, .1. History of ancient .... 205.7 See also .- Arts, Fine arts, and Artist. Art, Application of, to manufaet's. Mason, G. C. 197.1 Art: a dramatic tale. Readc, C 415.0 Art of dining. 2d ed. London, 1853. 10° . . . . 189.12 Art dramatique, Histoire de P. Baron, A 10G5.4 Art militaire, Precis de P. Brialmont,A lOOr^.O Arthur Arundel. A novel. Smith, H 802.20 Arthur Mervyn. A novel. Brown, C. B 757.3 Arthur, Prince. History of P. Arthur and his knights of tlie round table, red. into Eng. by T.Malory. Loudon, 1810. 3v. 24°.. . 850.29 Arthur, T. S. Tlie hand but not the heart. New York, ISoS. 12° 410.17 — Insubordination. Baltimore, 1841. 12°. . . . 44!). 11 — Steps towards heaven. New York, 1858. 12° 1100.17 Arthur, T. S. See Carpenter, W. H. Hist, of Vt. 228.13 — Successful merchant. Life of S. Budgett. New Y'ork, 1853. 12° 526.21 Artist, Leisure moments of an. Brackett, E. A. 348.19 Artist life. Sketches of Amer. painters. Tuck- erman, H. T 520. S Artist wife : and other tales. Howitt, M 459. -3-7 Artist's [DUrer's] married life. Schefer, L. . . . 410.16 Artists of America. Biog. sketches. Lester, C.E. ,524.14 Artists of Spain. Stirling, W 543.4 Arts. Aikin, A. Illustrations of the 199.17 — Antisell, T. Handbook of useful 197.2 — Ewbank, T. Ancient South American .... 6.33.1 — Fosbroke, T. D. Of the Greeks and Romans .378.3 — Guillery, E. Arts c(?ramiques 1005.18 — Joyce, J. Introduction to tlie 8.59.4 — Manual of the 197.19 — Novelties, inventions, etc., in 199.26 — Potter, A. Science applied to tlie 197.5 — Fre, A. Dictionary of 146.2 Arts of design in tlie U. S. Dunlap, W 202.1 See also .- Art, Fine arts. Useful arts, Rec- reative arts. Arvine, K. Anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. Boston, 1853. 8° 892.1 — Moral and religious anecdotes. N.Y., 1852. 1.8° 892.2 AsnnuRNHAM, J. Charles I. Lond., 18:10. 2 v. 8° 975.10 ASHMUN, J. Memoir of Rev. S. Bacon. Washing- ton, 1822. 8° 534.13 — Life of. Gurley, R. R 524.10 AsmvKLL, S. Diseases peculiar to women : with notes by P. B. Goddard. 2d American ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 8° 151.16 Asia. Cliaudler, R. Travels in A. Minor .... 683.5 — Clarke, E. D. Travels in 682.1 — Fellows, Sir C. Travels in A. 3Iinor .... 087.6 — Hamilton, "W. J. Researches in A. Minor. . 694.14 — Malcom, H. Travels in South Eastern . . . 709.3-4 — Morier, J. Journey tlirough 694.15 Note.— For the various divisions, sec their several names. AsMAi. Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Translated by T. Hamilton 418.4 Assassins, Hist, of the. Hammer-Purgstall, J.v. 937.4 Ass.vssiNS of the cast 849.5 See Secret societies. AsSAYiNc;. Jlitchell, J. Manual of 144.10 — Overman, F. A. and mining 197.16 AssER's life of Alfred. Giles, J. A 846.4 Assurance, Life. Babbage, C 147.10 See also : Insurance. Assyria and Mesopotamia. Eraser, J. B 820.54 Assyrians, Manners and arts of ancient. Lay- ard, A. H 085.14-10 ASTit, .1. F. Louis XIV. and tlie writers of his age. Transl. by E. N. Kirk. Boston, 1855. 12°. . 1008.10 ASTORI.A. Irving, W. VIII .367.2-3 Astronomer, The practical. Dick, T 149.14 Astronomy. Airy, G.B. Lectures on 147.8 — Arago, D. F. Popular 149.34 Bouvier, H. M. Familiar 146.3 — Brewster, Sir D. More worlds than one. . . 146.28 — Carey, G. G. A. at the present day 147.11 — Carpenter, W. B 8.36.7 — Ferguson, J. A. explained 146.9 — - Lectures on 146.8 — (Jrant, R. Hist, of physical 146.10 — H.1II, T. G. Outlines of 149.40 — Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of 140.5 — - Treatise on .398.10 — Hind, J. R. The illustrated London 147.12 — - The solar system 140.26 — Jeans, H.W. Nautical 829.30 — Lardner,D. Handbook 147.18-19 — Loomis, E. Progress of 146.22 — Main, R. Rudimentary 829.27 — Malkin, B. H 305.14 — Mitchell, O. M. Discov. and theories in. . . 879.11 — - Planetary and stellar worlds 146.27 — Moseloy, H. Lectures on 147.13 — Nicliol, .1. P. Architecture of the heavens. . 144.5 ASTRONOMY BABYLON Astronomy. Nichol, J. r. Solar system .... 147.22 — - System of tlie world 140.12 — Olmsted, D. Compendium of 149.6-0 — - An introduction to 146.4 — - Letters on 140.11-12 — Quetelet, A. Astronomic 10C5.40 — Rothman, R. W. Hist. of. Lib. Us. Kn. IIL .305.14 — Somerville. Mechanism of the heavens. . . 149.38 — Universe no desert 140.0 — Whewell, W. A. with ref. to nat. theology . 820.4 -- - Plurality of worlds 140.18-21 See also .• Navigation. Athanasia : or fore-gleams of immortality. Sears, E. H 118.18 Atheism. Buchanan, J. Modern 1090.8 — Godwin, B. Philosophy of 1088.34 — Parker, T. Sermons of 1080.19 See also .• Theology. Atiielings, The: a novel. Oliphant, M 753.5 AtheXvEUS. Deipnosophists. Tr. by C. D. Yongc. London, 1853. 4v. 8° 844.1 Atiienia of Damascus. A poem. Dawes, R. . . .358.8 Athenians, Public economy of the. Bockh,A. . 953.1 Athens. Lytton, E. Bulwer. Rise and fall of . 957.7 — Stuart, J. Antiquities of 835.17 — Wright, r. A few days in 808.5 Athens and Attica. Miiller, K. 953.7 — Wordsworth, C. Residence in 68:3.0 Athekn, a. Here and hereafter : or, the two altars. Boston, 1858. 12° 478.5 Atherstone, E. Last days of Herculaneum ; Abradates, and Panthea. London, 1821. 10° 349.9-10 Athertox, and other tales. Jlitford, M. R. . . . 794.13 At home and abroad. Ossoli, 31. F. d' 654.5-6 Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prus- sia. London, 1858. 8° 546.1 Atkinson, H. G. Man's nature and development. Boston, 1851. 8° 137.18 Atkinson. T. W. Oriental and western Siberia. London, 1858. 8° 701.1 Atlantic, Rollo on the. Abbott, J 059.1-4 Atlantic and trans-A. sketches. Mackinnon, Capt. 628.9 Atlantis, The new. Bacon, Lord 888.14 Atomic theory. Introduction to the. Daubeny, C. 149.30 See also .• Chemistry. Attache, The. Haliburton, T. C 801.1 Attic philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, E 767.10 Attica and Athens. Miiller, K. 955.7 Attica, Residence in. AVordsworth, C 683.6 Attila. a romance. James, G. P. R 404.6 Attleborough, Mass. Hist. of. Daggett, J... 224.11 Attornies, Duties of. Warren, S 134.25 Attl'cks, C. Trial of British soldiers for murder of, Boston, March 5, 1770 219.1 AUBIGNE, J. H. Merle d'. See Merle d' Aubigne. AUDUHON, J. J. Adventures and discoveries. St. John, Mrs. H. . . • 529.2 AUERBACH, B. Dichter u. Kaufmann. Mannheim, 1855. 16" 1037.4 — Schwarzwiilder Dorfgeschichten. Mannheim, 1855. 4v. 8° . . . ' 1037. 1&3 — Spinoza, ein Denkerleben. Mannheim, 1855. sm. 8° ■ 1037.2 — The professor's lady. Translated by M. How- Itt. Now York, n.d. 8° 802.18 Auger, E. Voyage en Californie. Paris, 1854. 12° 1078.53 AUGUSTINUS, St. Sehaff, P 544.17 Augustus, Reign of. Arnold, T 950.3 AULDJO, J. Visit to Constantinople and the Greek Islands. London, 1835. 8° 685.4 AULICUS Coquinarijs. Secret history of court of James I, vol. II 652.6 AULNOY, Ctesse d'. Cabinet des F(5es. II. Contes dea fees. III. — V. Fees a la mode. VI. Les chevaliers errans et la genie fa- milier 1077.1 Aunt Margaret. Abbott, J 739.1 AURELI AN, or Rome in the third century. Ware,W. 808. 10 Auricular confession, History of. Lasteyrie, C. P. de 1098.10 Auscultation, Student's aid to. Bowditch, H. I. 153.10 Austen, J. Novels. London, 1853. 5v. 10° . . 758.3 Contents. — A^ol. I. Sense and sensibility. II. Pride and prejudice. III. Emma. IV. Mansfield park. Y. Norihanger abbey, and Persuasion. — Mansfield park. A novel. London, 1847. 16° 758.5-6 — Pride and prejudice. A novel. London, 1853. 16° 758.7 — Sense and sensibility. A novel. London, 1846. 16° 7,58.4 — - Same. New York, 1856. 12° 758.2 Austin, B.jr. Constitutional republicanism. Bos- ton, 1803. 8° 297.11 Austin, J. T. Life of E. Gerry. Boston, 1828-29. 2v. 8°. . . 613.11 Austin, S. Germany, 1760 to 1814. Lond., 1854. 12° C67.15 — Girls' schools and the training of Avorking women. I^ondon, 1857. 12° 137.23 — Goethe and his contemporaries. 2d ed. Lon- don, 18.30. 12° 897.9 Austin, Wm. Letters from London, 1802 & 1803. Boston, 1804. 8° •.■... 047.2 Australasian colonies. Residence in the. Mun- dy, G. C 705.1 Australia. Grey, G. Expeditions in 705.4 — Hargr.aves, E. H. A. and its gold fields . . . 93S.7 — Hay garth, II. W. Bush life in 8*0.21 — Meredith, Mrs. C. Nine ye.ars in 707.10 — Rise and progress of 705.15 — Sidney, S. Three colonies of 705.2 Australian backwoods. Sixteen years in. . . . 850.10 AusTR.\LiAN colonies. Hughes, W. Origin and condition of the 400.11 Australian Crusoes. Rowcroft, C 737.7 Australian gold discoveries. Stirling, P. J. . . 1.30.12 Australian gold fields. AVathen, G. H. Geology 707.15 Austria. Coxe, AY. History of the house of . . 828.2 — Kohl, J. G. A'ienna, Prague, Hungary, etc. . 667.2 — Murray, J. Handbook for So. Germany . . 049.5 — Stiles, "ay. H. A. in 1848-49 924.2 — Sutton, R. Lexington papers. Courts of Lon- don and A^ienna. 17th century 975.11 — TurnbuU, P. E. Austria 067.1 — A'ehse, E. Court of 927.10 — AA^ilde, AY. R. Scientific institutions of . . . 007.17 Austrian dungeons in Italy. Orsini, F 919.7 Austrian empire. Russell, J. Tour in 003.5 Austrian poets. Album osterreichischer Dichter 1013.3 Authentic details of the A'aldenses. London, 1827. 8° 1090.1 Authors, Calamities of. D'Israeli, 1 897.5-0 AUTOBIOGR.VPHY. See Biography. Autographs for freedom. Stowe, IT. B 809.23 Autumnal leaves. Tales and sketches. Child, L. M 488.12 AuvERGNE, Pilgrimage to. Costello, L. S 054.1 AvA and the Burmese, Accoimt of 825.8 AvA, Embassy to. Symes, 31 690.0 AviLLiON and other tales. Muloch, D. M 702.1-2 Avon, The. Rambles by rivers. Thorne, J. II. 850.18 Aa'VENTuroso Ciciliano. Romanzo storico. Bu- sone da Gubbio 1059.8 Awful disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery, Montreal. Monk, M 1098.24 Axel and Anna: a tale. Bremer, F.. . . • ... 817. 5-() Ayder All Khan. See Hyder Ali Khan. Ayesha, the maid of Kars : a novel. Morier, J. . 418.3 Ayrshire legatees : a novel. Gait, J 788.8 Aytoun, W. E. Ballads of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1858. 2v. p.8° -375.1 — Bothwell: a poem. Boston, 1850. 12°.. . . 334.3-5 — Life and times of Richard I. Lond., 1840. 10° 379.1 AzEGLio, M d'. Ettore fioramosca ossia la disfida di Barletta. Firenze, 1850. 12° 1036.19 — Florence betrayed. Boston, 1836. 12° ... . 478.9 — Niccolo de' Lapi. Firenze, 1850. 12° ... • 1056.21 B.iBB.A.GE, C. Economy of machinery and manu- factures. 4th ed. London, 1846. 12° . . . 198.30 — Institutions for the assurance of lives. Lon- don, 1820. 8° 147.10 Babylon. Layard, A. H. Discoveries in . . .085.12-13 — Rich, C.J. Journey to, in 1811 • 094.S BACHE 10 BANCROFT Bache, r. ^ee Wood, G. B. Dispensatory. . . 151.12 Bachelor of the Albany. A novel. Savage, M.W. 438.1-3 Bachelors, The, and other tales. Knapp, S. L. . 49S.12 Back, G. Arctic land expedition, 1833-35. Lon- don, ISJO. 8° 703.12 Backhouse, J. Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa. London, 1844. 8° C92.13 Bacon, D. Philosophy of the plays of Shaksperc unfolded. Pref. by N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1857. 8° 353.3 Bacon, E. A. Memoir of Kev. Henry Bacon. Bos- ton, 1857. 12° 535.13 Bacon, F. Essays. Also, conduct of the under- standing, by J. Locke. X. Y., n.d. 18° . . 820. C5 — Essays and wisdom of the ancients. Ed. by B.Montagu. London, [1845.] 10° 8GS.20 — Essays: with annot. by K. Whately. N. Y., 1857. 8° 901.3 — Moral and hist, works, with introd. and notes, by J. Devcy. London, 1852. p.S° 858.0 ^ AVorks. New ed. with life, by B. Montagu. Phil., 1852. 3v. roy. 8° 901.2 Contents. — Vol. 1. Life of Bacon; Eseoys; Medifa- tiones Sacrae ; Colours of good and evil ; Misccl. tracts upon human philos. ; ApophthcKnis ; Orna- menta rationalia; CoUee. of sentences; Notes for con- versation; Essay on death; Advanc. of learning; New Atlantis; Wisdom of the ancients; Civil hist.; Biog.j Aliii. tracts. II. Sylva Sylvarum; Tracts relat. to Scotland, Ireland, Spnin, England ; Speeches ; Charges; Papers relat. to Earl of Essex; Theological tracts; Miscellaneous; Judicial charges and tracts; Misc. tracts, [tr. from the Latin.] III. Letters; Law tracts; The great instauration of Lord Bacon ; Misc. tracts; Index. — Works. Phys. and metaphysics. Ed. by J. Devey. London, 185.3. p.S° 820.7 Cotitents. — The great instauration. I. Dignity and advancement of learning. II. Novum Urganum. — Brougham, H. Acc't of the novum organon. .3(55.11 ^ Campbell, J. Life of 580.26 — Craik, G. L. AVritings and philosophy . . . 840.13 — Macaulay, T. B. Life and writings of . . . . 409.17 — New Atlantis. See More, T 888.14 Bacon, H. Memoir of. Bacon, E. A 535.13 Bacon, J. Life and times of Francis L of France. London, 18.30. 2v. 8° ClG.l Bacon, J. F. Six years in Biscay, 1831-1837. London, 18,38. 8° fi73.2 Bacon, L. Slavery discussed. N. Y., l.s4C.. 12°. 127.10 — Life of Baxter 1094.8 Bacon, N. Life, by Ware, W. Sparks's American biography. XIII .529.1 Bacon, O. N. Hist, of N.atick. Boston, 1850. 8°. 224.8 Bacon, S., Memoir of. Ashmun, .1 534.13 Baffin's Bay. Voyage of discovery. Boss, .T. . 703.11 BAGE, R. Man as he is not v. XLVIII. of 779.1 Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen. London, 1858. 8° 503.9 Bailey, J. Life of. Bartlet, W. S 534.5 BAILEY, P. J. The age: a satire. Boston, 1858. 10° 3-39.5 — Festus: apocm. 17th Am. ed. Bost., 18;55. 12° .344. 10-12 — - Same. Illustrated by Billings. From 3d Lond. ed. Boston, 1853. 8° 322.6 — The mystic : and other poems. Boston, 1S;50. 1()° 344.9 Bailey, S. Essays on the pursuit of truth, etc. Philadelphia, 18:^1. 12° 878.14 — Formation of opinions. Fr. last Lond. edition. Philadelphia, 1831. 12° 1.37.33 — - Same. New edition. Boston, 1854. 12°. 125. IS Baillie, .L Life-studies. New York, 1S57. 10°. 548.12 Baili.iere, H. Library of standard scientific works. I^ondon, 1S47-54. lOv. 8° As follow .- — Fan's anatomy of man. Plates, 4° 144.9 — Graham's elements of chemistry 144.7 — Hogg, . I. The microscope 144.2 — Knapp's technology. 3v 14-1.3-4 — Mitchell's assaying 144.10 — MuUer's physics and meteorology 144.11 — Nichol's architecture of the heavens 144.5 — Quekett's use of the microscope ]44.1iS:'i -«- Weisbach's mechanics of machinery. 2v. . . 144. S BaillV, J. S. Revolution FranQaise 1079.14 Baily, J. Central America. London, 1850. 8°. . 266.4 Bainuridge, W., Life and services of. Harris, T. 527.1 Baird, H. M. Modern Greece. N. Y., 1850. 12° 918.11 Baird, R. H. Am. cotton spinner. Philadelphia, 1852. 12° 199.5 Baird, R. W. Indies and North America in 1849. Philadelphia, 1850. 12° 628.6 — Protestantism in Italy. Boston, 1845. 12°. . 1096.13 — Religion in America. New York. 1856. 8°. . 113.2 Baker, A. R. School history of the U. S. See Hall, S. R 309.10 Baker, G. E. Life of W. H. Seward, with select. fr. his works. New York, 1855. 12° ... . 526.3 Baker, II. N., Mrs. First and second marriages. Boston, 1.856. 12° 470.1-2 — Household angel in disguise. Boston, 1857. 12° 476.3 Baker, J. L. Men and things. Boston, 1858. 12° 136.16 Baker, S. W. The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. London, 1854. 8° 695.8 Baker, T. Elements of mechanism. London, 1852. 10° 829.29 — Statics and dynamics. London, 1851. 16° . . 829.28 — Treatise on mensuration. London, 1850. 16° 829.25 Baking. Donovan, M. Domestic economy, 1.. . 408.8 Balance of organic nature. Dumas, ,1 150. .34 Balbo, C. Delia storia d' Italia. Firenze, 1850. ed. 10a. sm. 8° 1040.9 — Life and times of Dante. Transl. by Bunbury, London, 18,52. 2v. 12° 544.8 — Novelle [e frammenti.] Per cura di Stefaai. Firenze. 1854. 12° 1040.8 Content':.— Di Cesare Balbo e della Ictteratnra civile odierna; Quattro novelle narrate da un maestro di Ecuola: Im' Ida, Novella qiiinta; I due spagnuoli; Nov. sesta; Nuovc novelle ; Tre novf He volgnrizzate da De Maistre, W. Irving, M^rimc-c ; Frammenti sul Picmonte; Altri frammenti. Balboa, Vasco Nunez de. Life of 539.21-22 Balch, W. S. Lectures on language. Providence, 1&38. 12° 406.25 B.^LinviN, .1. G. Party leaders ; sketches of .Jeffer- son, Hamilton, .Jackson, Clay, Randolph. New York, 1855. 12° ' 518.7 B.\LFOrR, .L H. Manual of botany. London, 1851. 2d ed. 8° 100.17 Baliol, M. B. Pseud. Diary, 175:}-54. Lond., 1853. p.8° 596.4 B.VLL, B. L. Rambles in Eastern Asia. Boston, 1855. 12° 708.6-7 Ball, S. Cultiv. of tea in China. London, 1848. 8° 136.5 Ballads. Aytoun, W. A. B. of .Scotland ... . .375.1 — Evans, T. Ohl 316.4 — Fiulay, .J. Scottish 316.10 — Hayes, E. B. of Ireland 316.5 — Ilowitt, M. B. and otiior poems 345.12 — JMoore, F. B. of the American revolution . . 314.2 — Thackeray, AV. yi. Ballads 325.6 — Tupper, M. F. B. for the times. Works III. 887.3 See also .- Poetry. Ballantyne, R. M. Snow-fiakes and sunbeams. New York, 1850. 12° 728.12-16 B.VLLANTYNE, T. Biograph. mcm. of T. Carlyle . 885.12 B.VLLOU, A. Memt)ir of A. A. Ballon. Hopedale, 1853. 16° 539.9 — Pract. Christian socialism. Hopedale, 1854. 8° 1.34.2 BALLor, A. A. Jlemoir of. Ballon, A 539.9 Ballou, H. Nine sermons. Philadelphia, 18-35. 12° 1089.4 — Sermons on doct. subjects. Boston, 1832. 10° 1089.19 — Biography of. Ballou, M. M 535.11 Ballou, H. 2d. Anc. hist, of Universalism. 2ded. Providence, 1842. 12° 1099.12 B.VLLOU, M.M. Biog. of Rev. II. Ballou. Boston, 1852. 12° 5.35.11 — History of Culm. Boston, 18.54. 12° 200.5 B.\LMES, I. Protest.iutism and Catholicity com- pared. 2d ed. Baltimore, 1851. 8° . . . . 108;5.3 Baltic. Hill, S. S. Shores of the 087.20 — ■ Letters from the shores of • • 889.29 Balzac, H. de. Lettre et etude litteraire, sur II. Beyle 1007.28 B.VNCROFT, A. The life of George Wasliington. Boston, 1&39. 2v. 18° 510.2 BANCROFT 11 BARROW Bancroft, G. American Revolution. Boston, 1858. V. I. 8° 212.3-5 — History of the U. S. Boston, 1858. ~v. 8°. 301.1-3 — Literary and hist. misc. New York, 1855. 8° 873.1 Banditti of the prairies. A tale. Bonney, E. . 735.13 Banditti, Lives and exploits of. MacFarlane, C. 379.10 Banfield, T. C. Industry of the Rhine. London, 1845-48. 2v. 24° 840.1 B\NIM, J. Crohoore of the bill-hook. A tale. London, n.d. 10° 400.13 — The croppy. A tale. Boston, 1830. 12° . . . 807.9 — The fetches. A tale. London, 1852. 10° . . 469.14 — Ghost hunter and his family. Lend., 1833. 12° 807.10 — Murray, P.J. Life of 580.21 Bank of Eng-land, History of. Francis, J 1.30.13 Bank of N. Amer. History of. Clarke, M. St. C. 290.1 Bank of the United States. Clarke, M. St. C. . . 296.1 Banker's common place book. Boston, 1851. 12° 1.36.17 ContPiits. — Art. I. On banking. By A. B. John- eon, n. On keeping a banker. By J. W. Gilbart. III. Byles on bills of exchange. IV. On bills of ex- change. By J. R. M'CuUoch. V. Forms of bills of exchange, in eight European languages. A'l. Forms of notices of protest, with remarks. VII. Synopsis of the bank laws of Mass. now in force. VIII. Decisions of tlie Supr. Jud. Court of Mass. Banker's wife. The. Gore, Mrs. C. G 770.1 Banking. Gilbart, J. W. Treatise on 1.35.5 — Wilson, J. Banking- 130.8 Banks. Hildreth, R. Banks, etc 1.36.23 — McCulloch, J. R. Essay on 135.4 See also .• Political economy. Banks, J. Life of Peter the Great. Trenton, 1813. 12° 546.21 Banvard, J. Illust. of the life and character of D. AYebster. Boston, 1853. 16° 520.24 — Plymouth and the pilgrims. Bost., 1853. 18° 228.14 — Romanceof American history. Bost., 1853. 18° 228.15 Baptism. Chase, I. Desig-n of 1089.11 — Noel, B. W. Essay on Christian 1099.25 Baptist churches, Principles and practices of. Wayland, F 1088.8 Baptist missions. Hist, of Amer. Gammell, W. 1100.10 Barbadcs. History of. Schomburg-k, R. H. . . 204.1 Barbary. Chateaubriand, F. a. de. Travels... 085.7 — Hay, J. H. D. Wild tribes, etc., of Western. 889.20 — Russell, M. Hist, and present condition of . Barbauld, a. L. Works. Mem. by L. Aikin. Boston, 1826. 2v. 12° — Poems. New ed. London, 1792. 8° — A legacy for young ladies. Boston, 1826. 12° — Aikin, J. and Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home 719.11-12 — - Misc. pieces in prose. London, 1792. 12° 349.6 — British novelists. London, 1810. 50v. 12° . 778 & 779 Contents. — Vols. I.— VITI. Clarissa. Richardson, S. IX.— XV. Sir Charles Grandison. Richardson, S. XVI.— XVII. Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, D. XVIII. Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H. XIX.-XXI. Tom Jones, a foundling. Fielding, H. XXn. Old English baron. Reeve, Mrs. C; Castle of Otranto. Wa pole, H. XXIII. Pompey the little. Coventry, F.; Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith, O. XXIV.— V. Female Quixote. Lennox, Mrs. C. XXVI. Rasse- las. Johnson, S.; Almoran and Haraet. Hawkes- worth, J. XXVII. Jnlia Mandeville. Brooke, Mrs. F. -M. ; Nature and art. Inchbald. Mrs. E. S. XXVm. A simple story. Inchbald, Jlrs. E. S. XXIX. The man of feeling. Mackenzie, H.; Julia de Roubigne. Mackenzie, II. XXX. — I. Humphrey Clinker. Smollett, T. XXXII.-III. The spiritual Quixote. Graves, R. XXXIV.— V. Zeluco. Moore, Dr. J. XXXVI.— VII. The old manor-house. Smith, Mrs. C. XXXVin.-IX. EvcUna. Bnr- ney, F. XL.— n. Cecilia, liurney, F. XLIII.— IV. Romance of the Forest. Iladcliffe, Mrs. A. XLV.— VII. Mysteries of Udolpho. RadclifFe, A. XLVIII. Man as he is not. Bage, R. XLIX.— I.. Belinda. Edgeworth.M.; Modern Griselda. Edge- worth, M. — Correspondence of S. Richardson, with biog- raphy and observations 599.2 Barber, J. Grammar of Elocution. N. Haven, 18.30, 12° 405.13 810.70 &88.5 349.0 137.31 Barber, J. W. History and antiquities of New Eng., N. Y., N. J., and Penn. 3d ed. Hart- ford, 1847. 8° 2.37.5 — Historical collections relating to every town in Mass. Worcester, 1848. 8° 223.8 B.vrca. ,S'ee Calderon de la Barca 0.38.4 Barclay, J. T. City of the great king. Phila- delphia, 1858. 1. 8° 684.3 Barclay, R. Apology for the true Christ, divinity. Providence, 1847. 8° 1095.4 Barclays of Boston. A novel. Otis, Mrs. H. G. 417.2-7 Bard, S. A. Waikna, or adventures on the Mos- quito shore. New York, 18.55. 12° 023.21 Bards of the Bible. Gilfillan, G . 118.2 Bardwell, W. Healthy homes, and how to make them. London, n.d. 8° 203.7 Bariiam, R. H. Ingoldsby legends. Fr. 10th Eng. ed. Philadelphia, 1856. 2v. 12°. . . 345.6 Barker, E. H. Lit. anecdotes of Porsou and others. London, 1852. 2v. 8°. ..... . 584.8 Barker, W. B. Celicia and its governors. Ed. by W. F. Ains worth. London, 1853. 8°. . 694.2 — Short historical account of the Crimea. Hart- ford, 1855. 16° 929.1 Barletta, La Disfida di. Azeglio, M. d' . . . . 1050.19 Barlow, John. Connection between physiology and intellectual philosophy. 2d ed. Phila- delphia, 1846. 16° V.I. of 850.25 — Man's power over himself to prevent insanity. Philadelphia, 1846. 10° v.I. of 850.25 Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus. A poem. Hartford, 1787. 8° 314.1 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C 471.1-6,11 Barnard, H. Education in Europe. 2d ed. N. York, 1854. 8° 1.37.1 — School architecture. 3d ed. New York, 1849 203.23 Barnes, A. Notes on the gospels 1097.3 — - Acts of the apostles 1097.9 — - the Romans 1097.10 — - 1st Corinthians 1097.11 — - 2d Corinthians and Galatians 1097.12 — - Hebrews 1097.15 — - Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians . 1097.13 — - Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Phil- emon, 1097.14 — - James, John, Peter, and Jude 1097.10 — - the Revelation 1097.17 — - on.Tob 1097.18 — - on Isaiah 1097.19 Barney, J. Biogr. memoir. Ed. by M. Barney. Boston, 18.32. 8° 513.7 Barnum, p. T. Life, by himself. N. Y., 1855. 12° 526.6-7 Barnwell, R. G. Life and times of J. De Witt. New York, 1856. 12° 545.16 Baron, A. Ilistoire de 1' art dramatique. Brux- elles, n.d. 12° 1005.4 — Manuel abrege de rh^toHque. Brux., n.d. 12° 1065.3 B.VRON, J. Life of Jenner. London, 18.38. 2v. 8° 573.1 Barrett, B. F. The golden reed or true measure of a true church. New York, 18.55. 12°. . 1088.15 Barrlngton, Sir J. Personal sketches of his own times. New York, 1853. 12° &84.10 — Rise and fall of the Irish nation. New York, n.d. 12° 987.8 — Rise and fall of the Irish nation. London, 1844. 8° 986.6 Barrow, Geo. Ceylon, past and present. Lon- don, 1857. 8°. . . • 695.11 Barrow, .Sir J. Autobiographical memoir. Lon- don, 1847. 8° 564.0 — Life of Peter the Gi-eat. 3d ed. London, 18.39. 10° 389.10 — Life of Peter the Great. New York, 1848. 18° 810.60 — Life of Richard, earl Howe. Lond., 1838. 8° . 564.7 — Mutiny of H. M. S. Bounty. 3d ed. London, 1839. 10? 389.1 — Pitcairn's island, with mutiny of the Bounty. New York, n.d. 18° 810.42 — Travels into South Africa. 2d ed. Lond., 1806. 2v. 4° 092.1 — Voyages into the Arctic rcg. Lond., 1818. 8° 702.16 BARROTS 12 BEAUTY BAKiiOW, Sir J. Voyages within the Arctic rogions from 1818. New York, 1.S46. 12°.. 709.13 Bakuow, .1. I^il'e and correspondence of Admiral Sir W. S. Smith. London, 1S48. 2v. 8°. . 5G4.3 — Life, voyages, etc., of Sir F. Dralje. London, 2ded., abr. 1844. p.S" 889.13 — Naval wortliies of Q. Elizabeth's reign. Lon- don, 1845. 8° 5f>4.8 — Tour on the continent, 1852. Lend., 1853. 8° 409.26 — Tour round Ireland, 1835. Loudon, 183(5. 12° 040.1/ — Excursion in the North of Europe, 18.30-33. London, 18:34. 12° 6G8.6 Barry Cornwall, pseud, for Procter, B. W. Poems 345 . 11 Barry, J., Opie, J., and Fuseli, H. Lectures on painting. Ed. by R. N. Wornum. London, 1848. p.8° 810.2 Barry, J. S. History of Hanover, Mass. Boston, 1853. 8° 224.13 — History of Massachusetts. Bost., 1855-7. .3v. 8° 223.3 Barry, W. History of Framingham, Mass., 1040- 1847. Boston, 1847. 8° 224.7 Barstow, G. History of New Hampshire. Con- cord, N. H., 1.842. 8° 234.3 B.vrth, H. Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa, 1849-55. London, 1S57-5S. 6v. 8° C91.12 Bartholojiew, a. Specifications for architecture. London, 1840. 8° 202.7 Bartlet, W. S. Memoir of J. Bailey, with pref. by G. Burgess. Boston, 1853. 8° 534.5 B.VRTLETT, E. Feversoftlie United States. Pliila- delphia, 1852. 3d ed. 8° 152.12 B.VRTLETT, John. Familiar quotations. Cam., 1855 344.20 — Familiar quotations. 3d cd., with supplem't. Cambridge, 1858. 12' 344.19 Bartlett, J. R. Personal narrative, connected witli the U. S. and Mexican commission. New York, 1854. 2v. 8° 624.2 Bartlett, Jos. Aphorisms, physiognomy, etc. Boston, 182.3. 12° 878.12 Bartlett, W. H. Pilgrim fathers. Lond., 185.3. 8° 223.1 — The Nile boat : or, glimpses of Egypt. New York, 1851. Imp. 8° 684.1 Bartol, C. a. Church and congregation. Bos- ton, 1858. 12° 1086.30 — Pictures of Europe. Boston, 1855. 12°. . .648.10-11 Barton, 15. Jlomoir, letters and poems. Ed. by his daughter. Philadelphia, 1850. 12°... 584.19 Bartox, W. Memoirs of David Rittenhouse, with pliilos. ami other papers. Pliila., 1813. 8°. 524.12 Bartox, Gen. W. Life of. Williams, Mrs. C. R. 528. 12 Basque provinces. State of the. Herbert, H. J. (i. 8S9.8 Bass rock. The: geology and history of. Mil- ler, H 167.27 Bass's straits. Visit to islands in. Nixon, F. R. . 707.9 Bassxett, T. Meclianical theory of storms. New York, 1854. 12° 145.25 Bastard, Der: Roman. Spindler, C 102().6 Bastile, History of the. Davenport, R. A. . . . 379.12 Bastille, Deux annees a la. Staal, Mme. de. . . 1078.26 Batciieluer, E. Romance of the fashionable world. Boston, 1S57. 10° 339.6 Bates, D. B. Four years on the Pacific coast. Boston, 1857. 12° 708.12 Bates, J. Reminiscences of John Codman . . . 534.8 B.A.THURST, C. Lectures. London, 1854. 16°. . . 878.20 Battle fields, Pictures from 988.5-6 Battle of life : a cliristmas story. Dickens, C. . 481. 12-10 Battle of the books, etc. Swift, J 7.38.2 Battle of the frogs and mice. Tr. by T. A. Buck- ley. Homerus 824.5 Battle summer, The, 1848. Mitchell, D. G. . . . as4.11 Battles of the British navy. Allen, J 825.1 Battles of the world, 15 decisive. Creasy, E. S. 948.3 Baucher, F. Horsemanship. 3ded. Phila.,1850. 12° 104.7 BauernfCrst, Der: Roman. Sehiieking, C. B. L. 1017.1 Bauerx-spiegel, Der: Novelle. Bitzius, A... . 1010.3 Balsset, L. F. J. de. Priv.ate memoirs of the court of Napoleon, 1805-14. Phila., 1828. 8° 603.5 Bavaria, A glance at. Inglis, H. D 003.15 Baxter, R. Call to the unconverted, with introd. essay, by T. Chalmers. Hartford, 1,851. 12° 1087.3 — Practical writings, with life, by L. Bacon. N. Haven. 1&31. 2v. 8° 1094.8 Contents. — yo\. J. Life; Spiritual peace and com- fort; Making light of Christ, (Sermon); Passages of the life of Mrs. Baker. II. Character of a sound con- firmed Christian; Dying thoughts; Sermon cf repent- ance; Sermon on right rejoicing; How to do good to many; God's goodness Tindicated; Reasons for min- isters using plainness with their people; Extracts from the poor man's family book. — Saint's everlasting rest. Abr. by B. Fawcett. Essay by T. Erskine. Hartford, 1851. 12° 1087.3 B.vxTER, W. E. America and the Americans. London, 1855. 18° 029.30 BAYARn, Chevalier. P. Du Terrail. See Du Ter- rail, P. B.VYLIES, F. Histor. mem. of New Plymouth, 1020-41. Boston, 18.30. 2v. in 3 223.11 Bayse, p. Christian life. Boston, 1855. 12°. . . 1086.12-13 — Essays in biography and criticism. 1st and 2d series. Boston, 1857-8. 12° 885.1-2 Bay-path, The : a tale. Holland, J. G 415.1-2 Be.vrd, J. R. Life of Toussaint 1' Ouverture. London, 1853. 8* 539.2 Bi^iARX and tlie Pyrenees. Costello. L. S 654.2 Be.vsley, H. Pocket formulary. 1st American edition. Pliiladelphia, 1852. 12° 153.6 Beatrice: or the imknown relatives. Sinclair, C. 450.3-7 Beattie, J. Evidences of the Christian religion. 4th ed. London, 1795. 2v. 10° 1089.20 — Poetical works. London, KSJl. p.8° .... 319.2 — The minstrel: or, progress of genius 358.24 Beattie, W. Life and letters of Tliomas Camp- bell 584.14 BE.vrcHAMP: or, the error. James, G. P. R. . .403.1&'26 Beauchampe: or, the Kentucky tragedy. Simms, W. G 790.35-39 Beauch.vmps, P. F. G. de. Funestine. Cabinet dcsFe^s. XXXI 1077.1 Beauciiesxk, a. de. Louis XVII. Tr. by W. Hazlitt. N. Y'., 1853. 2v. 12° 615.5-6 Beau.m.xrchais, p. a. C. de, and his times. Lo- menie, L. de 615.4 Beaumox T, F. and Fletcher, J. Works, with notes and a memoir, by A. Dyce. London, 1843-40. llv. 8° 351.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Biographical memoir; Dedica- tion, etc. : Commendatory poems; The woman hater; Thierry and Theodorct; Philaster; The maid's trage- dy. II. The faithful shepherdess ; The knight of the burning pestle; King and no king; Cupid's revenge; Masque of the Inner-Temple and Gray's Inn; Four plays in one. III. The scornful lady; The coxcomb; The captain; The honest man's fortune; The little French lawyer. IV. Wit at several weapons: Wit without money; The faithful friends; The widow; The custom of thecountry. V. Bonduca; The knight of Malta; Valentiuian; The laws of Candy ; The Queen of Corinth. VI. The loyal subject; 'The mad lover; The false one; The double marriage; The hu- . morous lieutenant. VII. Women pleased ; The woman's prize; The chances ; Monsieur Thomas; The island princess. VIII. The pilgrim; The wild- goose chase; The prophetess; The sea voyage; The Spanish curate. IX. Beggar's bush; Love's cure; The maid in the mill; A wife for a month; Rule a wife and have a wife. X. The fair maid of the inn ; The noble eentleman; The elder brother; The nice valor, or, the passionate madman ; The bloody brother, or, Rollo, Duke of Normandy. XI. The lover's progress ; The night walker, or, the little thief; Love's pilgrimage; The two noble kinsmen; Poems by Beaumont; Poems by Fletcher; Index to the notes. — Beauties of, selected, etc., by Leigh Hunt. Lon- don, 1855. p.8° 837.1 — Don .John, a musical drama, founded on B. and F.'s comedy of " Tlie cliances " 3.55 11 Beautiful, The, Philosophy of. Cousin, Victor. 125.21 Beauty. Hay, D. R. First principles of sym- metrical 208. -20 — Walker, A. Analysis and classification of, in woman 1.38.4 BECHSTEIN 13 BENTLEY Bechsteix, J. M. Cage and chamber birds, incl. Sweet's warblers. Tr. with additions by H. G. Adams. London, 1853. p.8°. . . . 825.6 Bechstein, L. Der Dunkelgraf. [Roman.] Frank- furt a.M., 1854. 8° 1013.? — Der Sagenschatz des Thiiringerlandes. Mein- ingeu, 1835-3.S. 4 thle. in L'v. 10° 1025.3 Bechee, a. B. Landfall of Columbus. London, 1856. 8° 625.13 Beck, L. C. Botany of the U. S. North of Vir- ginia. 2ded. New York, 1848. 12° 106.7 Becker, Prof. AY. A. Charicles. Private life of the ancient Greeks, transl., new ed. Lon- don, 1854. 12° 957.1 — Gallus : or, Roman scenes in the time of Augustus. Tr. London, 1849. 12° .... 957.2 Becket, Thomas a. Life and letters of. Giles, J. A 575.4 Beckett, G. A. a. Comic history of Rome. Lon- don, n.d. 8° 950.9 Beckford, ^Ym. Italy, Spain and Portugal. X. York, 1.S45. 2 parts in 1 v. 12° 675.18 — Italy : with sketches of Spain and Portugal. Philadelphia, hSM. 2v. 12° 679.0 — Vathek : an Arabian tale, with mem. of the author. Philadelphia, 1854. 12° 799.14 — Vathek : 2d Am. from last Lond. ed. Phila- delphia, 1834. 12° 799.15 Beckmaxn, J. Hist, of inventions, etc., transl. by W. Johnston. Kev. by W. Francis and J. W. Griffltli. London, 1846. 2v. p.8° . . 818.8-9 Beckwourth, ,T. p. Life written from dictation, by T. D. Bonner. X. Y., 1856. 12° 526.5 Bede. Eccles. hist, of Eng. Also : the Anglo- Saxon chronicle. Ed. by J. A. Giles. Lon- don, 1849. p.8° 846.1 Bedford, Mass. History of. Shattuck, L. . . . 224.20 Beechcroft, a novel. Yonge, C. M 786.8-9 Beeciier, C. E. Domestic economy. New York, [var. ster. eds. 1842 to 1852.] 12° 188.17-19 — Domestic receipt-book. N. Y., [var. ster. eds., 1852-5.] 12° 188.13 16 — On health and happiness. N. Y., 1855. 12°. 158.11 — The Bible and the people. N. Y., 1857. 12° . 1086.4 — True remedy for the wrongs of woman. Bos- ton, 1851. 12° 868.13 Beeciier, E. Conflict of ages. 5th ed. Boston, 1854. 12° 1106.20-21 — The papal conspiracy exposed. Bost.,1855. 12° 1098.9 Beecher, H. W. Star papers. N. Y., 1855. 12° . 885.4-5 — Life thoughts. Boston, 1858. 12° 1080.16 Beechey, F. W., Capt. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's St. in 1825-28. Lond., 1831. 2v. 8° 702.13 Beechnut, a Franconia story. V. Abbott, J. . . 738.4 Bee-keeper's manual. Langstroth, L. L 165.23 Bees, Natural history of. Huber, F 165.22 Beethoven, L. von. Life of Schindler, A. . . . 545.3 Behaviour book. The. Leslie, Miss E 127.12-17 Beitzke, it. Geschichte der deutsclien Freiheits- kriege, 1813 u. 1814. Berlin, 1854-55. 3v. 8°. . 1013.1 Belcher, E. Voyage round the world, 1836-42. London, 1843. 2v. 8° 702.9 Belford Regis: a novel. Mitford,M. R 804.4 Belgium. Bell, R. Wayside pictures through. . 075.5 — Coomans aine. Les communes beiges .... 1075.22 — Deby, J. Histoire naturelle de la Belgique . 1075.25 — Dobson, E. Railways of 194.3 — Dufau, J. B Hagiographie beige 1075.24 — Gens, E. Ruines et paysages 1075.23 — Haunon, .T. D. Flore beige 1075.26 — Hassclt, A. V. Les beiges aux croisades . . . 1075.21 — Histoire d' Albert et Isabelle 1075.14 — Leuaerts, J. Organisation provinciale .... 1065.33 — Lcutre, C. de. Revolution de, 1830 1065.34 — Moke. Moeurs, usages, etc., des beiges . . . 1075.11 — Murray, J. Handbook 049.19 — Saint-Genois, J. de. Voyageurs beiges . . . 1075.10 — Schayes, A. G. B. Architecture en 1005.47 — Siborne, Capt. AV. Hist, of the war in 1815 . 1005.2 — Tarlier, J. Description geographique . . . . 1065.55 Belief, The restoration of 10S0.28 Belisarius, Lifeof. Stanhope, P. H., jFnW S. . . 546.13 Belknap, .T. American biog. N. Y., 1851. .3v. 18° 820.58 — Life, with selections from his corresp. New York, 1847. 16° 539.15 Bell, Acton, Currer and Ellis. Pseudomjms. See Bronte, Miss. Bell, Si?- C. Animal mechanics in Lib. Us. Kn. . 365.12 — Illustrative notes to Paley's natural theology. Palcy, W 820.4 — The hand, its mechanism and vital endow- ments. Philadelphia, 1835. 12° 139.3 Bell, H. G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Edin- burgh, 1828. 2v. 18° 830.40 — - Same. New York, 1855. 2v. 18° ... . 810.21-28 — Late operations in the Bii-mese Empire. See Symes, M 830.29 — Selections of the most remarkable phenom- ena of nature. Edinburgli, 1827. 18°.. . . 830.32 Bell, J. Observations on Italy. Bost., 1826. 12° 679.3 — On regimen and longevity. Phila., 1842. 12° 157.21 — Chemical and pharmac. processes. Lectures on the Exhibition 199.16 Bell, Mrs. M. Julia Howard. Romance. New York, 1850. 8° 802.13 Bell, R. [Lives of] English poets. London, 1839. 2v. 16° 398.2 — History of Russia. London, [1836-38.] 3v. 16° 378.7 — Life of Canning. London, 1846. p.8° .... 560.12 — - Same. New York, 1840. 12° 566.13 — Lives of the Brit, admirals. See Southey, R. 388.5 — History of England. See Jlackintosh, Sir J. 368.3 — Wayside pictures thro' France, Holland, Bel- gium, and up the Rhine. Lond., 1858. 12°. 675.5 Bell, Th. British quadrupeds, incl. the cetacea. London, 1837. 8° 172.18 Belle Brittan on a tour at Ne\vport. Fuller, II. . 635.22 Bellot, J. R. Memoirs, with journal to Polar sea. London, 1855. 2v. p.S° 617.13 Beloochistan, Description of. Eraser, J. B. . . 810.68 Belsham, Wm. ReigTi of George III., 1802-20. London, 1824. 2v. 8° 553.9 Belteajii, J. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and Ame- rica. London, 1828. 2v. 8° 625.18 Belzoni, G. Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 3ded. London, 1822. 2v. 8° 693.12 Bement, C. N. American poulterer's companion. New ed. New York, 1850. sq. 12° 168.8 Be MIS, G. Report of the case of John W. Webster. Boston, 1850. 8° 133.3 Benauly, pse?oy. 8°. . . . 1093.1 — Notes on the Gospels, by A. Barnes. N. Y. [Var. ster. eds. 1852-58.] 2v. 12° 1097.3-8 — The Gospels : with moral reflections, by P. Quesnel, with introd. essay, by D. Wilson. Rev. by H. A. Boardman. Philadelphia, 1855. 2v. 8° 1093.3 — The Gospels : transl. by A. Norton, with notes. Boston, 1855. 2v. 8° 1003.5 — Notes and illustr. of the parables, by T. Whit- temore. Boston, 1832. 18° 1089.15 — Notes on the Acts of the Apostles, by A. Barnes, 10th ed. New York, 1852. 12° . . . 1097.9 — Notes on the epistle to the Romans, by A. Barnes. 9th ed. New York, 1852. 12° . . . 1007.10 BIBLE 15 BIGELOW BlBLK. Epistles to the Corintliians : with notes by A. P. Stanley. London, 1855. 2v. 8° . . . 1003.15 — Epistles to the Thessalonians, Galatians, Ko- mans: notesby B. Jowett. Lond., 1855. 2v.S° 1093.14 — Notes on I. epistle to the Corinthians, by A. Barnes. 3d ed. New York, 1849. 12° . . . lODr.ll — Notes on II. Corinth, and the epist. to the Ga- latians, by A. Barnes. New York, 1851. 12° 1097.12 — Notes on the epistles to the Ephesians, Phil- ippians and Colossians, by A. Barnes. New York, 1852. 12° 10Dr.l3 — Notes on epistles of Paul to the Thess., Tim., Titus and Philemon, by A. Barnes. New Y'ork, 1853. 12° 109r.l4 — Notes on the epistle to the Hebrews, by A. Barnes. New York, 1852. 12° 1097. '5 — Notes on the epistles of James, Peter, John andJude. New York, 1852. 12° 1097.10 — Notes on the book of Revelation, by A. Barnes. New York, 1852. 12° 1097.17 Apocryphal New Testament. Transl., with notes. New York, n.d. 8° 1097.2 Works on the Bible, including commentaries without the text. — Adams, J. Q. Letters to his son on the study of the Bible. With letters of Mrs. Adams 537.2 — - The Bible and its teachings 129. .3r) — Alexander, A. Authenticity, iuspira. etc., of 118.4 — Beeeher, C. E. Bible and the people 1080.4 — Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the counting- house llOo.lO — IiOgue, D. Divine authority of the New Test. 119.8 — Book, The, and its story 1094.12 — Conybeare, W. J. Life and epistles of .St. Paul 113.9 — Crofton, U. Genesis and geology 118.20 — Gumming, J. Scripture readings. Genesis. 110.9 — - Sabbath morning readings. Leviticus.. 110.18 — - Lectures on the book of Daniel 110.10 — - Lectures on the book of Revelation . . . 110.0-7 — - Sabbath evening readings. Mattliew. . . 110.8 — - Sabbath evening readings. Mark . . . • 110.15 — - Sabbath evening readings. Luke .... 116.10 — - Lectures on our Lord's miracles 110.4 — - Lectures on our Lord's parables 110.5 — De Wettc, W. M. L. Introduction to the Old Testament 1093.0 — - Introd. to the New Testament 1093.10 — Gilfillan, G. Bards of the 118.2 — Gleig, G. R. History of the 810.14 — Goodrich, C. A. Geography of the 1089.28 — Greenleaf, S. Exam, of the testimony of the evangelists 1093.10 — Hackett, II. B. Commen. on the Acts of the Apostles 1093.2 — Hall, J. Scripture history 1107.9 — Halsey, Le Roy J. Literary attractions of the 1087.11 — Hamilton, .1. Lectures on Ecclesiastes . . . 1088.31 — Herder, J. G. v. Spirit of Hebrew poetry . . 1087.17 — Higginson, E. Spirit of the 1100.4 — Hopkins, E. Exposition of the ten com- mandments 1107.19 — Home, T. II. Introduction to the study of the 1088.28 — Kitto, J. Cyclopaedia of biblical literature . 1083.8 — - Scripture lands 815.7 — Literary history of the New Testament . . , 1085.5 — McClure, A. W. Mem. of the translators of 548.10 — Melvill, H B. thoughts 119.17 — Noble, S. Plenary inspiration asserted . . . 1080.20 — Norton, A. Evidence of the genuineness of the Gospels 1003.11-13 — Paley, W. Horje Paulina; • 1099.37 — Prideaux, H. Old and New Testament con- nected with the history of the Jews . . . . 1093.12 — Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine 1103.7 — Scars, R. History of the 1085.4 — Spring, G. B. not of man 1107.14 — Stuart, M. Commentary on book of Daniel 1093.4 — - Comment, on the epistle to the Romans . 1097.1 — - Critical history and defence of the Old Testament canon 1097.24 Bible. Sharpe, S. Notes on Eug. version of New Testament 1089.18 — Swedenborg, E. v. Apocalypse revealed 1084.3 — Trimmer, Mrs. S. B. explained in a familiar way 129.0 — Trench, R. C. On the authorized version of the New Testament 128.0 — - Notes on the miracles , 1093.8 — - Notes on the parables 1093.9 — AVilson D. Lectures on the epistle to the Col- ossians 1097.20 See also : Theology. BrBLiCAL archaeology. Jahn, J 1103.5 BiisLiCAL geography, Travels in the year 1838, un- dertaken with reference to. Robinson, E. . 084.4 Biblical literature. Cyclopaedia of. Kitto, J. . 10S3.8 Biblical trinity. By Theopliihis. Hartf., 1850. 12° 1090.20 BiBLiOTHtQUE industrielle institude par le gouv. beige. Ire ser. Bruxelles, 1850-53. lOv. 12°. Containing : 1. Geometric pratique . . . . • ....... 1075.30 2. Tomlinson, Ch. Physique generale. Trad. de I'angl 1075.31 3. Law, H. Manuel de construction. Trad. de I'augl 1075.32 4. Alcan, M. Manuel du tisserand 1075. .33 5. Connaissance des metaux 1075.34 0. Girardin, J. Manuel de chimie appliqueo . 1075. .35 7. De la charpente 1075.30 8. Connaissance des bois 1075.37 9. Manuel du Serrurier 1075.38 10. Cours d' arithmetique elementaire .... 1075.39 BiBLiOTHKQUE nationalc, publ. sous le patronage du gouv. beige. 43v. 12°. Containing-. 1. Borgnet, J. Histoire du comte de Namur. 1075.12 2. Coomans aine. Les communes beiges . . 1075.22 3. Histoire d' Albert et Isabelle 1075.14 4. Deby, J. Hist. naturelledelaBelgique. 2v. 1075.25 5. Dufau, .1. B. Hagiographie beige .... 1075.24 0. Fetis, E. Les musiciens beiges. 2v. . . . 1075.29 7. Gens, E. Histoire du comte de Flandre . 1075.7 8. Gens, E. Ruines et paysages en Belgique 1075.23 9. Hannon, J. D. Flore beige. 3v 1075.20 10. Hasselt, A. V. Histoire des Beiges. 2v . 1075.17 11. Hasselt, A. V. Les Beiges auxcroisades. 2v 1075.21 12. Huydens, G. Histoire du marquisat d' Anvers 1075.18 13. Juste, T. Precis de 1' histoire du moyen age. 5v 1075.15 14. Juste, T. Precis de P histoire moderne. 2v. 1075.10 15. Juste, T. Charlemagne 1075.9 10. Laveleye, E. de. Histoire des rois francs. 2v 1075.13 17. Lagarde, M. Histoire du duche de Lim- bourg 1075.8 18. Lagarde, M. Histoire du duche de Lux- embourg. 2v 1075.20 19. Moke. Moeurs, usages, fetes et solennites des Beiges. 2° 1075.11 20. Moke, H. G. Histoire de la litterature frangaise. 4v 1075.27 21. ReifTenberg, F. A. F. T. de. Histoire du comte de Hainaut. 3v 1075.19 22. Saint Genois, .1. de. Les voyageurs beiges du XIII— XIX siecle. 2v 1075.10 23. Snellaert, A. Hist, de la litter, flamande . 1075.28 Bi-CENTENXIAL book of JIalden. Boston, 1850. 10° 227.18 BiCKFORn, Mrs. J. T. Scandal. Boston, 1857. 1:>° 410.12 BinDLES, H. P. A few poems. Cincinnati, 1858. 12° 349.5 BiDPAi. Contes et fables indienncs. Cabinet des Fees. XVII 1077.1 BiEENATZKi, J. C. The hallig. Transl.ated by Mrs. G. P. Marsh. Boston, 1,S50. 12° . . . 884.1 BiGELOW, A. Rambles in N. Britain and Ireland in 1817. Boston, 1821. 12° 048. 10 — Travels in Malta and Sicily, with sketches of Gibraltar. Boston, 1831. 8° 070.2 BiGELOw, J. Eolopoesis. Am. rejected addresses. New York, n.d. 12° 325.4-5 BIGELOW 16 iJioGRAniy BiGELOW, J. Nature in disease. Miscellaneous writings. IJoston, l.Soi. 10° 157.25-20 — The useful arts, with the applications of sci- ence. Xew York, IfSol. 2v. 12° 108.7-8 Biggs, J. History of Miranda's attempt in South America. Boston, 1.^08. 18° 200.7 BIGLOW papers, The. Lowell, J. K 890.13-14 BiGLOw, W. History of Natick, Mass. Boston, 1830. 8° 224.12 Billow and the rock: a tale. Martineau, H. . . 840.42 Bingham, H. Kesidenee in the Sandwich islands. Hartford, 1847. 8° 934.4 BiNXEY, T. Is it possible to make the best of both worlds ? New York, 1S5 1. 10° 118.22 — Sir T. F. Buxton. A study for young men. London, ls53. p.8° 588.10 BINXING, 11. B. M. Two years' travel in I'ersia, Ceylon, etc. London, 1857. 2v. 8° . . . . 085.1 BlNXS,W. Orthographic projection. Lon., 1857. 8° 200.8 BiOGRAi'iiiES of eminent men from the 1.3th cen- tury. London, n.d. 4v. 12° a39.0 Biography. Hood, E. P. Uses of 878.24 Mioc.iiwiiY — Collections .- — Arago, F. Scientific men 511.3 — Atkinson, E. W. (Queens of Prussia 540.1 — Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 5f»3.9 — Baillie, J. Life studies 548.12 — Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 518.7 — Barker, E. 11. Porson and others 584.8 — Barrow, .1. Naval worthies of Q. Elizabeth's reign 504.8 — Bayne, P. Essays in biography 885.1-2 — Belknap, J. Aniericau biography 820.58 — Bell, i{. Englisli poets 398.2 — Biographies of eminent men in literature, etc. 8:J9.0 — Bossuet,.!. B. Oraisons funel)res 1000.5 — Bradford, A. Distinguished men in N. E. . . 518.0 — Brewster, Sir 1). Martyrs of science .... 548.15 — British cabinet, 1853 599.9 — Brougham, H., Lord. Men of letters of the time of Geo. Ill 548.7 — - Philosophers of the time of Geo. III. . . 548.7 — - Statesmen in tlie time of Geo. HI 810.5 — Bush, Mrs. F. (Queens of France 000.8-13 — Butler, A Fathers, martyrs and prin. saints. 541.5 — Cabinet portrait gallery of JSritish worthies. 840. 10-11 — Campbell, J., L'd. Chief justices of England 508. 'j — - Lord chancellors and keepers of the seal. .'iOs.i — Caro, E. St. Dominique et les Dominicains . 1078. :t5 — Child, L. M. Good wives 51s. n-O — Clarke, A. Wesley family .5:15.12 — Clement, J. Noble deeds of Am. women . . 53s.v!-:j — Coleridge, II. Northern worthies 589.10 — Cooper, J. F. Distinguished Am. naval officers 527.3-5 — Cormcnin, L. M. dc La H. Orators of France 017.9 — Costello, L. S. Mem's of em. English women 595.1 — Creasy, E. S. Eminent Etonians 58'.;. 2 — Crowe, E. E. Eminent foreign statesmen . . 388.7 — Cunningham, A. British painters, sculptors and architects 379.9 — Davenport, K. A. Individuals who raised themselves from poverty 379.13 — De Quincey, T. The Cssars 895.9 — - Biographical essays 895.7 — Distinguished men of modern times 820.29 — Doran, Dr. J. Queens of England .593.3 — Dufau, J. B. Ilagiograpliie beige 1075.24 — Dunham, S. A. Literary and scientiiic men of Great Britain 398.3 — Diintzer, H. Frauenbilder aus Goethe's Ju- gendzeit 1034.8 — Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the missionary en- terprise 5.39.13 — Edwards, B.B. Self-taught men 548.18-19 — Ellet, E. F. Women of the Amer. rcvol. . . 538.13 — Ellis, G. A., L'd Dover. Eminent sovereigns of modern Europe 548.28 — Elton, C. A. Itoman emperors. 28 B. C. — A. D. 1453 .518.11 — Emerson, U. W. Representative men . . . 870.5 BlOGR.VPHY — Collections, continued. — Eminent men in literature, etc., from the 13th century 839.0 — Fenelon. Ancient philosoi)hers 820.42 — Flanders, II. Chief justices of the U. States. 523.3 — Forster,J. Historical and biographical essays 894.3 — - Statesmen of the commonwealth 502.3 — Fowler, II. American jiulpit 534.9 — Fuller, T. AYorthies of England 574.5 — George, A. Queens of Spain 544.4 — Gleig, G. It. British military commanders . .388.3 — Godwin, AY. Lives of the necromancers. . . 125.1 — Gorrie, P. D. Eminent mcthodist ministers . 535.14 — Great men's boyhood 548.13 — Green, M. A. E. Letters of royal and illus- trious ladies of Great Britain 590.5 — - Lives of the jjrincesses of England. . . . 5m. 13 — Griswold, U. W. Biographical annual . . ..518.12-13 — Hale, S. J. Distinguished women 541.1 — Hall, M. Queens before the conquest . . . . 5'.M.12 — llardwieke, K. .Vnnual for l>i.">0 518.27 — lleadley, .1. T. Napoh'on and his marshals . 005.1-2 — - Washington !Uid his generals 510.1-5 — Herbert, H. W. Henry S'lll. and !iis queens 558.1-3 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of Br. poets. 890.1-2 — Hunter, H. Sacred biography 541.4 — Huntington, Lady, and her friends 1107.7 — Irving,!). Lives of Scottish writers .... 58(».13 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Celebrated female sever. 810.44 — - Early Italian painters 840.23 — Jervis-White-Jervis, Mary, Latly. Great painters' boyhood 548.14 — Jessie, . J. H. (ieo. Selwyn and contempora. . 6<53.2 — - Pretenders and their adherents 553.5 — Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . . 580.20 — Kirby, I{. S. Henuirkable characters 894.1 — Knapp,S. L. Eniin. lawyers, statesmen, etc. .524.10-11 — Lamartine, A. de. Celebrated characters . . 547.4 — Lancelott, Thomas. (Queens of England . . 593.2 — Larrabee, W. C. Wesley and his coadjutors . 578.9 — Lawrence, E. Lives of the Brit, historians. 580. 11-12 — Lester, C. E. Artists of America 524.14 — Lewes, G. II. Biog. history of philosophy . 547.1 — Lives of eminent individuals celebrated in American history • . 518.5 — Lodge, E. Hlustr. jiersonages of Gt. Britain 815.1 — Lossing, B. J. Our countrymen 518.11 — - Signers of the declaration of independence 518.10 — M.icaulay, T. B. Hiogr. and liistor. sketches. 884.19 — Macaulay, T. B. and others. Hlustrious men 517.7 — McDonald, J. Biographical sketches. . . . 518.8 — Mackintosh,.!. Eminent British statesmen . 388.0 — JlcClure, A. W. Authors of Eng. version of Bible 518.10 — Matlden, U. R. United Irishmen 598.1-3 — >lagoon, E. L. Living orators in America. . 518.10 — - Orators of the American revolution . . . 628.1 — ;Maury, S. M. .Statesmen of America . . . . 525.1 — Men of the time 648.1-2 — Merz, IL Christliche frauenbilder 1014.3 — Plutarchus. Select lives 850.1 — Powell, T. Living authors of America . • . 518.15 — - Living authors of England 6S0.9-10 — I'ratt, A. Lives of some eminent men of the last century 548.20 — I'rescott, W. H. Biogr. and crit. miscellanies 872.2 — Robertson, I. L. I'ublic characters 618.9 — Rogers, T. J. Biographical dictionary . . . 518.14 — Roscoc, H. British lawyers 388.4 — St. Hilaire, E. M. de. Napoleon ct la grandc armee 1008.10 — St. John, J. A. Celebrated travellers .... 810.47 — Schloenbach, A. Frauenbilder aus der Goethe Schiller Epoche 1024.1 — Scott, AY. Novelists 580.19 — Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. . . . 598.5 — Shelley, Mrs. M. AY. Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain and Portugal .398.1 — - Literary and scientiiic men of France . . .388.8 — Sketches of eminent surgeons and physicians of Paris CWl BIOGRAPHY 17 BIOGRAPHY BiooRAPilY — Collectionx, continued. — Southey, II. British admirals 388.5 — Sparks, J. American biography 529.1 — Stirlin,!,', W. Artists of Spain .' 543.4 — Strickland, A. Queens of Eny^laad 502.1-4 — - Queens of Scotland 593.4-5 — Swainson, W. Zoologists 408.5 — Thacher, J. American medical biography. . 523.11 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography 249.6 — Tliackeray, AV. M. English humorists of the 18th century 580.1-4 — Thomson, A. S. Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 . 502.2 — Timbs, J. School days of eminent men . . . 5S9.3 — Tuckerman, II. T. Artist life : or, sketches of American painters 520.8 — - Biographical essays 547.2 — Tytler, P. F. Scottish worthies 399.9-10 — Updike, W. Mem. of the Rhode Island bar . 518.1-2 — Van Santvoord, G. Chief justices of the United States 523.4 — Varnhagen von Ensc, K. A. Biographische Denkmale 1020.3 — Vasari, G. Eminent painters, sculptors and architects 848.6 — Vicars,.!. England's worthies 58S.13 — Warburtou, E. Pr. Rupert and the cavaliers 553.0 — AVatson, E. Men of the revolution 513.9 — Wliitman, Z. G. Distiu. men of colony, etc., of Massachusetts 294.6 — Williams, E. Twelve stars of our republic . 513.13 — 'Williams, S. W. American medical biog. . . 523.12 -r- WlUmott, R. A. Jeremy Taylor, his prede- cessors, contemporaries and successors . . 578.0 — "Wilson, T. American heroes 527.8 — Wynne, J. Literary and scientific men of America 518.3-4 Biography and correspondence of individiiuh, under their sei'cral names, viz. : Abernethy, J. Belisarius Carleton, G. Adams, A. Belknap, J. Carl XIV., Johann of Adams, II. Bellot, J. R. Sweden Adams, J. Bcnyowsky, M. A. Carpenter, L. Adams, J. Q. Beranger, P. J. de Carter, E. Addison, J. Bernadotte Caitwright, P. Agrippa v. Netteshcim. Bt-thune, M. dc, Duke Cary, II. F. .S'cp Cornelius. ofSidly Cary, K., Earl of Mon- Aikin, J. Black Hawk mouth Akenside, M. Blair, 11. Cass, L. Alexander the Great Blennerhassclt, IT. Castriot, Kinp of Alba- Alcxander I. of Kussia iJlessington, Countess nia (Seanderbeg) Alexander VI., Pope Boleyn, A. Catharine II. of Russia. Alexander, W., Earl of Bolivar Caulfield, J., Earl of Stirling Borgia, Caesar Charlemont Altieri, V. Boswell, J. Cavendish, T. Alfred of Eng. Bowditch, N. Cellini, B. All Pasha Brainerd, 1). Chalmers, T. Allen, E. Brant, J. Channing, W. E. Allen, Wm. Brenton, Sir J. Charlemagne Allston, W. Brock, Sir I. Charles I. of Eng. Ancrc, Mariichal D' Bronte, C. Charles II. of Eng. Andersen, II. C. Bruee, J. Charles V. ofGerm'y Anspach Bayrcu'h, Brumraell, G. Chatterton, T. Margravine of Buchanan, C. Cheverus, Cardinal Arago, F. Buchanan, J. Chrysostom, St. Arnold, T. Buckingham, J. T. Churcliill, J., Duke of Ashmuu, J. Buckminster, J. Marlborough Audubon, J. J. Buckminster, J. S. Churchill, S., Duchess Bacon, K.,L'd Budgett, S. of Marlborough Bacon, 11. Bunyan, J. Cicero, M. T. Bacon, S. Buonarroti, M. Angelo Clapp, T. Bailey, J. Burke, E. Clarke, E. D. Bainbridge, W. Burns, R. Clay, H. Balboa, V. N. do Burr, A. Cleopatra Bahol, M. B., pseud. Buxton, Sir T. K. CUnton, D. Ballou, A. A. Byron, L'd Clive, R., Lord Bnllou, U. Cabot, S. Cockburn, II., Lord Banim, J. Ciesar, C. J. Codman, J. Barney, J. Cagliostro Colburn, Z. Barnum, P. T. Calderon de la Barca Cole, T. Barrow, Sir J. Caldwell, C. Coleridge, S. T. Barton, B. Calhoun, J. C. Columbus Barton, W. Culvin, J. Colqubonn, Lady Bayard, Chev. Canipan, Mad. Combe, A. Beuuraarchois, P. A. Campbell, I. Conder, J. C. de Campbell, T. Congar, O. Becket, T. a Canning, O. Cooke, G. F. Beckwourlh, J. P. C.ippc, C. Cooper, J. F. Beetbuven, L. v. Cardan Coplcaton, Bishop E. Biography and correapon. of individuals, continued. Copway, G. Graeme, J., Marquis of Jortin, J. Cortcz, II. Montrose Cotton, n. Graham, Sir T. Craig, Sir T. Graham, Sirs. I. Cranmer, Archbishop Grant, Mrs. A. Criehton, Adm. J. Cromwell, O. Croswell, W. Cumberland, R. Curran, J. P. Currie, J. Curtis, J. Cyrus Dampier, W. Dante D'Arblay, Mme. F. Darius Darwin, E. Davidson, M. 5L Davidson, L. M. Davy, Sir H. Decatur, S. Defoe, D. De Quineey, T. Dc Veaux,"j. De Witt, J. Dexter, S. Dibdin, T. Disraeli, B. Doddridge, P. Dolcino, Fra Grattan, H. Greene, N. Greeuough, H. Gregory VII., Pope Cresham, Sir T. Griffin, E. D. Grimaldi, J. Gustavus Adolphus Guyon, Mme. Gwyn, NelL Hale, Sir M. Hale, N. Hallock, J. Hamilton, A. Hamilton, Mrs. E. Hamlin, II. A. L. Hammond, M. M. Hampden, J. Handel Hannibal Hanson, J. Harrison, W. H. Hastings, W. Hatton, Sir C. Havelock, Sir H. Haven, N. A. Dolgorookov, Nathalia, Haydn Princess Hay don, B. B. Heber, Bishop R. Hemans, Mrs. F. D. Henry V. of Eng. Henry VIH. ofEng. Henry, M. Henry, P. Donne, J. Douglass, F. Dow, L. Drake, Sir F. Duncan, M. L. Dunton, J. Du Guesclin, B. Eaton, W. Edgeworth, Abbi Edgeworth, R. L. Eaward, the black prince Edwards, J. Edwards, M. Eldon,EarIof Elizabeth of Eng. Elizabeth of Hungary Hollei, K. v. Elliott, E. Hook, T. E. Elliott, J. D. Hooker, R. Elliston, R. W. Hopper, I. T. Emerson, J. E. Horner, F. Emmett, R. Houston, S. Einmett, T. A. Howard, J. Exmouth, Vise. E. Pel- Howe, R., Earl lew Howell, J. W. Fairchild, J. H. Ilowland, J. Fanshawe, Lady Hubbcll, M. E. Felix, Rachel Huet, P. D. Fenelon, F. de Hull, W. Ferdinand I. of Aust'a Humboldt, A. v, Joseph Bonaparte Josephine, Empress Judd, S. Judson, A. Judson, A. n. Judson, E. C. Judson, S. B. Julian, Emp. Kah-gega-gah-bowh, or Geo. Copway Kane, E. H. Kelly, M. Kemble, J. P. Keppel, A. Kidd, Capt. King, W. Kirkaldy, Sir W. Knight, F. Kotzebue, A. von La Payette, Marq. de Lamb, J. La Kochcjaquelein, M. L. \. de D. Lawrence, A. Lawrence, J. Lawrence, Sir Thos. Lawrence, W. Ledvard, J. Lee] C. Lee, R. H. L'Enclos, Ninon da Leo Xth. Levis, J. Lewis, M. G. Henriettc d'Angleterre Linn, L. F. Henry IV. of France Longuevillc, Mme. de Lorenzo de' Medici Louis XIV. of France Louis XVIL, the lost prince Herbert, E., of Cher- Louis Najxileon bury Herbert, G. Hill, R. Hobbie, H. Holbrook, S. Holcrott, T. HoUcv, H. Ferguson, J. Fielding, H. Fitch, J. Fitzgerald, Lord E. Foote, S. Forbes, D. Foster, J. Fouehe, J. Fourier, C. Fox, C. J. Fox, G. Francis I. of France Franklin, B. Humboldt, W. v. Hume, D. Hunt, J. N. L. Huntington, Mrs. S. Hutchinson, Col. Hutten, U.von Louis, Prince of Condo Louis Philippe of Fr. Lovat, Lord Lumisden, A. L'Ouverture,Touss:unt Lutfullah Luther, M. Mackintosh, J. Macomb, A. Mahomet Maintenon, 5Ime. do Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia- kiah, or Black H'k Malcolm, John Malibran, Mme. Mallet-du-Pan, J. Marble, D. Mai-,auorite d'Angou- IJme Maria Antoinette Mary Q. of Scots Marie de' Medici Marion, F. Marlborough, Duke of Marlborough, Duchess of Marty n, H. Hyde, E., EarlofClar- Maximilian II. ofAus. endon Hyder Ali Jackson, A. Jackson, J., jr. Jackson, \V. James I. of Eng. Frederic II. of Prussia James, Duke of Mon^ Fremont, J. C. Fry, E. Fulton, R. Fuseli, H. Gait, J. Gardiner, Col. J. Garrick, D. George UI. of Eng. Gerry, E. Gibbou, E. Godolphin, Mrs. 51. Gorgei, A. Goethe, J. W. v. Goldoni, C. Goldsmith, O. Goodrich, S. O. Good, J. M. mouth Jay, J. Jav, W. Jefferson, T. Jeffrey, F., L'd Jennison, M. Jenner, E. Mayhew, J. Mazavin, Card. Melancthon, P. Mendelssohn, Barthol- dy F. ^lerriman, Archd. Metastasio, P. Michael Angelo Miller, H. Milnor, J. Milton, J. Mirabeau Mitford, M. R. Mohammed Jervis, J., Earl of St. Monk, G., Duke of Al- Tinccnt Joan of Arc Johnson, J. Johnson, R. M, Johnson, S. Jones, D. S. Jones, J. Jones, J. P. Jones, Sir W. berraarle Montagu, Mrs. E. Montagu, M. W. Montaigne, M. de Montgomery, J. Moore, Sir John Moore, Th. Jlora, A. H. De More, H. BIOGRAPHY 18 BLESSINGTON Biography and correspon. of individuals, continued. More, Sir T. Putnam, I. Stiles, Ezra Morgan, D. Pvrrlius Stilling, II. Morris, Gouv. Rachel, Mile. Story, J. Mountain, A. S. 11. Raikes, R. Strange, Sir R. Jlozart Raleigh, Sir W. Summerfielil, J. Muffling, F. K. F. Randolph...!. Swedenborg, E. Muhlenberg, P. Ran'odl, R., jr. Swift, .Tona. Munro, Sir T. Raphael Symonds, W. Murray, L. Reed, J. Tai-Ping-Wang Napier, Sir C. Retz, Cardinal do Talbot, S. Napoleon I. of France Reynolds, F. Talleyrand, Prince Napoleon III. of Fr. Reynolds, Sir J. Taylor, J. Nathaha Borissovna, Richard I., Cceur-de- Taylor, J. B. Prin. Dolgorookov Lion Taylor, Z. Neander, J. A. W. Richard II. of Eng. Tecuniseh Neff, F. Richard III. of Eng. Thorburn, G. Nelson, H. Viae. Richardson, S. Thurston, L. G. Nero Richelieu, Cardinal de Titian Newell, Mrs. H. Richmond, L. Tonna, C. E. Newton, Sir I. Richter, J. P. F. Tooke, J. II. Newtcn, J. Ripa, Father Torrey, J. Nicholas of Russia Ritchie,. Mrs. A. C. M. Toussaint, Pierre Niebuhr, B. G. Rittenhouse, D. Trenck, Baron Nolte, v. Robertson, W. Trumbull, J. Northingtou, Earl of Robespierre Turenne, Marshal Oberkirch, Baroness Robin Ilofjd Tuttle, W. Oberlin, J. F. Roland, Mme. Van Bureu, M. Oehlenschllger, A. Romaiu, R. D. Van Campen, M. Oglethorpe, J. Romilly, S. Van Shaack, P. O'Keeffe, J. Romulus A'arnhagen von Ense, Oldfield, Mrs. A. Rosa, Salvator R. A. F. Olin, S. Roscoe, W. Vespueius, Americus Olney, S. Rossini Vicars, II. S. J. Opie, A. Russell, Rachel, Lady Vidocc), E. F. Ossuli, S. M. F. d' St. Vincent, Earl of Vinci, Leonardo da Otis, J. Salt, H. Voltaire, F. M. A. do Page, U. Sampson, W. Walker, J. Paine, T. Sanderson, R. Wallace, Sir W. Paine, R. T. Schamyl Walpole, H. Palissy, B. Schiller, F. von Ware, H., jr. Park, JIungo Schimmclpenninck, Ware, M. L. Parr, S. M. A. Warner, S. Parry, Sir W. E. Schlatter, M. Washington, G. Payson, E. Schulze, E. Washington, Martha Pcarce, S. Scott, J., Earl of Eldon Washington, Mary Pellew, E., Lord Ex- Scott, Sir W. W.atson,~R. mouth Scott, Gen. W. Watt, J. Penn, W. Sigiir, Count Watts, I. Penn, Sir W. Siivigne, Mme. la Mar- Webster, D. Pepperrell, Sir Wm. quise de WcUesley, A., Duke Perez, Antonio Seward, W. H. of Wellington Perkins, J. II. Shakespeare Whcaton, R. Perkins, T. H. Sharp, Arehb'p J. White, J. B. Perthes, F. Shaw, V/. S. White, W. Perry, Com. 0. H. Shelley, P. B. Wickliff, J. Peter the Cruel, of Gas- Sheridan, R. B. Wilberforce tile and Leon Schopenhauer, J. Wilkes, J. Peter the Great, of Ras. Slater, S. Wilkie, D. Peters, A. R. Smith, A. Wilkinson, J. Peters, H. Smiih, E. Willard, S. Petrarch, F. Smith, JaJ. William the Con- Philip, King Smith, ,Jer. queror Philip 11. of Spain Smith, < 'apt. John William III. of Eng. Philippe Augusle Smith, J. E. Williams, J. Phillips, S. Srni:h, S. Williams, Roger Pichler, C. Smith, Mrs. S. L. H. Winslow, Mrs. H. L. Pickard, Mrs. II. M. Smith, Sir Vv". S. Wirt, W. Pierce, F. Smollett, T. Wolscy, Card. T. Pinkney, W. Sopliia Dorothea Wordsworth, W, Pitt, Wm. Southey, R. Wotton, Sir H. Pizarro, F. Spencer, T. Wren, Sir C. Plater, E. Spinoza Wright, S. Poggio BraccioUnl Stail, Mme. de Xerx s Popkin, I. S. Stephenson, G. Yarranton, A. Prentiss, S. S. Sterling, J. Zouch, T. BiON, Idylls. Translated by J. Banks and J. 51. Chapman R34.n BiRCii, S. Introduction to Egyptian hieroglyphs 95r.8 — History of ancient pottery. London, LSjS. 'Jv. S° 190. 1 BiPX'ii, T. Court and times of James I. London, 1843. 2v. 8° 552.10 Bird, G- Electricity and galvanism, in their phy- .siol. and therap. relations. London, 1849. 10° 145.29 — and Brooke, C. Natural philosophy. 4tli ed. London, 1S.54. 12° 149.24 Bird, J. Gleanings fr'ora the history of music. Boston, 1850. 12° 209. .3 BIRD, R. M. Calavar: a novel. Philadelphia, 1834. 2v. 12° -. . 726.7 — Shcppard Lee. New York, 1836. 2v. 12°. . 408.11 BfRD architecture. Rennie, J 839.2 Bird fancier, The American. Browne, D. J.. . . 177.21-22 BiRD-keeper's manual. Jlann, J 177.24 Bird miscellanies. Rennie, J 850.8 BiP.DS. Bcchstein, J. M. Nat. hist, of cage and chamber . . • 825.6 — Bennett, E.T. Gardens of the Zoological Soc. 172.20 — Giraud, J. P. B. of Long Island 172.7 — Gosse, P. H. B. of .Jamaica 178.16 — Rennie, J. Domestic habits of 8.30.11 — - Faculties of 839.10 — - Natural history of 820.5 — Stanley, E. Familiar history of 177.26 — Swainson, W. Nat hist, and classification of 398.20 BiRKBECK, M. Letters from Illinois. Philadel- phia, 1S18. 12° 029.21 — Notes on America. 2d ed. London, 1818. 8° 025.17 Birthright, The: a novel. Gore, C. G. . . .• . 770.2 Bisc.VY, Six years in. Bacon, J. F 673.2 BissET, R. Reign of George III. London, 1820. Ov. 8° 970.5 BiTZius, A. Der Bauern-Spiogel oder Lebensgesch. des J. Gottholf. 3tte Aufl. Berlin, 1851. 12° 1010.3 — Gottheirs Schriften. Berlin, 1850. 7v. 16°. 1020.1 Contents.— Yo\. J. Dor Baucmspiegel oder Lebens- geschichtc des Jcremias Gotthelf. II. Uli, derKnecht. in. Uli, der Pichter. IV. Kathi, die Grossmutter Oder der wahrc Weg durch jede Noth. V. — VI. Leiden und Freuden einea Schulmeisters. VII. Erzihlurgen und Bilder ausdem Volksleben der Schweiz. — Uli, der Knecht. Ein Volksbuch. 3tte Aufl. Berlin, 1854. sm. S° 1034.13 Black dwarf. Scott, \V 400.22-23.25-26 Black Hawk. Drake, B. Life and adventures of. 539.7 — Life, dictated by himself 539.6 — Smith, E.H. Black Hawk, etc. A poem. . . 338.11 Black prophet : a tale of Irish famine. Carle- ton, W 758.10 Black sea, Russian shores of the. Oliphant, L. . 074.2 Black velvet pelisse. Opie, A 409.48 Blackstoxe, W. Commentaries on the laws of England. Portland, 1S07. 4v. 8° 133.6 — The student's Blackstone, by R. M. Kerr. London, 1853. 12° 133.12 Blackwood, F. T. Lord Dufferin. Letters from high latitudes. London, 1857. 8° 708.1 Blackwood, Stories from 409.22 Blair, H. Life and writings of. Hill, J 575.10 Blair's chronological tables to Apr., 1S50, by J. W. Rosse. London, 1850. p.8° 836.2 Blake, J. Annals of Dorchester, Mass.. . . • . 227.16 Blake, .1. L. The world. New York, 1853. 12° . 947.8 Blakely, J. Theology of inventions. New York, 1856. 12° 1087.14 Blakey, R. Angling literature. Lond., 1856. 10° 177.29 Blanc, .1. .T. Louis. History of ten years, 1830-40. London, 1844-15. 2v. 8° 1002.5 Blanchard, L. Sketches from life. Edited with memoir, by Sir E. B. Lytton. New York, 1848. 12° 877.18 Bland, T. jr. Bland papers, with a memoir. Petersburg, 1810-43. 2v. in 1. 8° 210.3 Bland, W. Hints on the form of ships and boats. London, 1852. 10° 829.16 Blaquiere, E. Greek revolution, with remarks on the religion, etc., of the Greeks. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8° 018.1 — Second visit to Greece, incl. last days of Lord Byron. London, 1825. 8° 083.11 Bl.VSTING and quarrying of stone. Treatise on. Burgoyne, J 819.25 Blaze do Bury, Baroness. Mem. of the princess Palatine, incl. corrcsp. Lond., 1853. 8°. . 545.15 — Racine, and the French classical drama. Lon- don, 1845. 24° 840.4 Bleak house. Dickens, C 400.20-21 Bleby, H. Death struggles of slavery [in Jamai- ca.] London, 1853. 8° 127.20 Blennerhassett, H. Safford, W. H. Life of. Compris. a narrative of Burr's expedition. 517. 12-13 — Robertson, D. Motion to commit 296.6 BLESSINGTON, Countcss of. See Gardiner, M. BLEWITT 19 noiiN Blewitt O. Hand-book for JJomr. ;"!d od. I>oii- don, 1853. 12° MO. 10 — Hand-book for Southern Italy. 2d ed. Lond., 1855. 12° f,10.3 — Hand-book for Sonthcrn Tuscany and tlio Papal States. M ed. London, U;53. 12' . Bmnd man's olTering'. Bowon, B. 15 Bliss, G. Address at the ojioning- of the town hall hi Spring-field. Spring-field, 182S. 8°. . Bliss, G. jr. and Wells, D. A. Annual of scien- tific discovery, 1850-58 Bliss, Mrs. Practical cook-book. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° y Peffigrew. . . 85';.i:t 25. Polyglot of for'n proverbs, by IL G. Bohn )-5).ll BoilN, II. G. Classical library. London. 80v. p.8°. Containiiiri : 1. Herodotus; new trans], liy Ifev. II. Cary . 814. 1 2, .3. Thucydides: transl. by Rev. 11. Dale. 2v 814.2 4, 0, 18, 23, 20, .54. Plato : transl. by H. Cary and others. Ov 814.3 5,7,11,10. Livy: new transl. by Dr. Spil- lan and others. 4v 814.1 8. Sophocles: tragedies, transl 814.5 0. .Eschylus: trag. : transl. by T. A. Buckley 814.0,7 10. Aristotle's rhetoric and poetic. Transl. by T. A. lUukley 814.8 12,14. Eurijiides: literally transl. according to the te.xf of Dindorf. 2v 814.0 13. \'irgil: literally transl. by Davidson . . . 814.10 15. Horace: lit. transl. by Smart; new ed. by T. Buckley 811.11 10. Aristotle's ethics : transl. by R. W. Browne 824 . 1 17. Cicero's offices, old age, frienciship, etc.: transl. by C. R. Edmonds 824.2 20. Ca?sar: comment, with tlie Alexandrian, African, and .Spanish wars 824.3 21. Homer's Iliad, lit. transl. into Eng. prose 824.4 22. Homer's Odyssey; hymns: battle of the frogs and mice, transl 824.5 24. Ovid's fasti, tristia, epistles, etc., transl. by H. T. Riley 824.0 25. Ovid's metamorphoses : transl. by II. T. Riley 824.7 20. Lucretius: nature of things : transl. by J. S. Watson 824.9 27, 30, 31, .34. Cicero's orations: transl. by Yongc. 4v 824 . 10 28. Pindar: transl. by D. AV. Turner 824.11 32. Ovid : containing the heriiides, amour.s, etc.: transl. by H. T. Riley 824.8 33, .3(). Plautus : comedies : transl. by H. T. Riley. 2v 824.12 35. Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia and Lucilius : transl. by Rev. L. Evans 824.13 37. Greek anthology: transl. by G. Burges. . 834.8 38. Demosthenes' Olynthiac and other public orations: transl 834.1 39. Sallust, Floras, and Velleius Paterculus: transl., with notes, by Rev. J. S. Watson . &34-4 40. Lucan's Pharsalia: transl., with notes, by H. T. Riley 8.34.5 41. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtasus : transl. by Rev. J. Banks 834.0 42. Cicero's academics, de finibus, and Tus- culan disput. transl. by C. D. Yonge . . . ^4.7 43. Aristotle's politics and economics : transl. by E. Walford 834.0 44. Diogenes Laertius. Lives and opinions of the emin. philosophers : transl. by Yonge. 8.34.10 45. Terence and Plia-drus : fr. by H. T. Riley 8.34.11 40,47. Aristotle's organon : fransl.,witli notes, byO. F.Owen. 2v 8.34.12 48,40. Comedies of Aristophanes : transl. by W.J. Hickie &34.13 50. Cicero on the nature of the gods, divina- tion, fate, etc. : transl. by Yonge 8.34.14 61. Apuleius. The golden ass: god of Soc- rates, etc.: transl 834.15 52. Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius: transl. by J. S. Watson 834.10 63,58. Tacitus, v. I. contains the annals. II. History ; Germany ; Agricola ; and ora- tory: transl 834. IT 55. 50. 57. Atheuaeus : tr. by C. D. Yonge. 3v. 844.1 BOHN 20 BOHN BOHN, H. G. CInssical library, continued. 59. Catullus, Tibullus, and the vigil of Venus : transl. by ^\ . II. Kelly 844.2 61,74,82. Geography of Strabo: transl. by W. Falconer, and II. C. Hamilton 844.3 62. Xenophon's anabasis and memorabilia : transl., with notes, by J. S. Watson . . . 844.4 63. Cyropa^dia aud Hellenics : transl. by J. S. AVatson and H. Dale 844.5 64,67,09, 72,78,81. Pliny's natural history: transl. by J. Bostock and H. T. Riley. Ov. 814.7 66. Suetonius: livesofthe twelve Caesars, etc. transl. by A. Tliomsou 844.8 60. Demosthenes. Orations on the crown and embassy: transl. by C. R. Kennedy . . . . 834.2 68. Cicero on oratory and orators : transl. by J. S. AYatson 844.9 70. The Greek romances of Ileliodorus, Lon- g-us, Achilles Tatius : transl. by R. Smith. 844.10 71,70. Quintilian's institutes of oratory : tr. by .J. S. Watson. 2v 854.1 73. Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis : tr. by J. Banks 854.2 75. Dictionary of Latin quotations. Ed. by H. T. Riley 854.3 77. Orations of Demosthenes against Leptines, etc.: transl. by C. R. Kennedy 834.3 79. Xenophon's minor works : transl. by J. S. Watson 844.0 80. Aristotle's metaphysics : transl., with notes, by J. H. 3I'Mahon 854.4 BOHN, H.G. Ecclesiastical library. London, Sv. p. 8°. Containing •■ 1. Eusebius: Eccl. hist.: tr. by C. F. Cruse. 845.1-2 2. Socrates scholasticus : Eccl. hist., transl. 845.3-1 3. Theodoret and Evagrius : History of the Church A. D. .322-427 and 431-.594 845.5-0 4. 5, 7, 8. Philo JudiEus. Works. Transl. by C. D. Yonge 845.7-8 0. Sozomen. Eccl. hist., also eccl. hist, of Philostorgius : transl. by E. AValford . . . 845.9-10 BoHN, H. G. Extra volumes, uniform with Standard library. London, p.S°. Kamehj -. Hamilton, A. Mem. of court of Charles II. . 857.1 — Fairy tales and romances 857.2 Cervantes, M. de. Exemplary novels. Transl. byW. H.Kelly 857.3 Joyce, J. Introd. to arts and sciences .... 859.4 Long, G. Cyclop;Edia of polit. knowledge. 4v. 859.5 Miller's histories philosophically illustrated 859.6 BoHN, H. G. Illustrated library. Loudon. 40v. p.8°. Namely .- 1-S. Lodge's portraits of illustr. personages of Great Britain 815.1 9. Cruikshank's three courses and a dessert . 815.2 10. Pickering's hist, of the races of man . . . 815. .3-6 11. Kitto's scripture lands and biblical atlas . 815.7 12. White's nat. hist, of Selborne 815.8 13. Didron's Christian iconography. Vol. I. 815.9 14. Bedding's hist, and descr. of mod. wines . 815.10 15. 10. Allen's battles of the British navy . . 825.1 17, 18. Rome in the 19th century. Miss C. A. Eaton. 5th ed 825.2 19. Maxwell's victories of Wellington and the British armies 825.3 20. Life of Wellington 825.4 21. Howitt's, Wm. & M., Stories of English and foreign life 825.5 22. Bechstein's cage and chamber birds . . . 825.0 23. Price, E. Xorway and its scenery . . . . 825.7 24. China, pictorial, descrip. and histor. . . . 825.8 20. Howitt's, M., pictor.calend. of the seasons 825.10 28,29. Mudie's British birds 825.12 30. Tasso's .lerusalem delivered. Transl. by J. H. AViffen &35.1 31. India, pictorial, descrip. and hist., by Miss Corner 835.2 .32. Jsicolini's history of the Jesuits 8.35.3 33. Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, D • 8.35. 4 34. AA''alker's manly exercises. Revised by "Craven" [Capt. Carleton] 8-35.5 BOHN, H. G. Illustrated librari/, continned. .35. Miller's history of the Anglo Saxons. . . 8.35.6 30. Michael Angelo and Raphael. Their lives and works, by Duppa and Quatremere de Quincy 835.7 37 AA'alton's and Cotton's complete angler. Ed by E. Jesse 8.''5.8 38. Marryat's Mastcrman Ready R35.9 .39. Tales of the genii, by J. Ridley 835.10 40. Guide to the knovvl. tf pottery, porcelain, etc., by II. G. Bohn 835.11 41. Life of Alex. Pope, by Robt. Carruthers . 8.35.12 42. Pope's Homer's Iliad, with Flaxmiin's designs 8.35.13 43. Bonomi's Nineveh and its palaces .... 835.14 44. Pope's Homer's Odyssey, with Flaxman's designs 8.35.15 45. Pope's poetical works. Ed. by R. Carru- thers. \'ol. I &35.16 40. Stuart and Revett's antiq. of Athens . . . 8.35.17 Bohn, H. G. Library of French memoirs. Loud., 18.55-50. Ov. p.S°. Namebj ■. I, 2. Commines, P. de. Memoirs. Also The Scandal, chronicle, by .Jean de Troyes. 2v.. 857.4 3-0. Bcthune, M. de. Duke of Sidly. Memoir. Translated. 4v 857.5 BoiiN, H. G. Philological and philosophical library. London. 9v. p.8°. Containing: 1. Tennemann, AY. A. History of philosophy. Translated by A. Johnson 855.1 2. Herodotus. Analysis and summary, by J. T. AVheeler 855.2 3. Turner, D. W. Notes on Herodotus . . . 855.3 4. Devey, J. Logic • 855.4 5. Kant, I. Critique of pure reason. Trans- lated by J. AY. D. Meiklejohn 855.5 6. Thucydides. Analysis and summary, by J. T. AYheeler 855.0 7. AYright, T. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. 2v 855.7 8. Hegel, G. AY. F. Philosophy of history. Translated by J. Sibree 855.8 BOHX, H. G. Scientific library. London. p.8° Containing .- 1. Staunton, H. Chess player's handbook . 816.1 2. Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Lectures on painting 816.2 3. 4, 8, 15. Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos . . . 816.3 5. Staunton, IT. Chess-player's companion. 816.4 0. Handbook of games, cd." by H. G. Bohn. 8!6.5 7. Humboldt, A. von. A'iews of Nature . . 810.0-7 9. Richardson, G. F. Introduc. to geology . 810.10 10. Stdckhardt, J. A. Principles of chemistry 816.8-9 II. Mantell, G. A. Petrifactions and their teachings 810.11 12. Agassiz, L. and Gould, A. A. Compar. physiology 810.12 13. 19, 28. Humboldt, A. von. Travels to the equinoctial regions of America 810.13 14. Smith, J. P. Holy script, and geology. . 810.14 10. Oersted, H. C. Soul in nature ! 810.15 17. Staunton, H. Chess tournament 820.1 18, 20. Kirby, AY. Power, etc., of God mani- fested in the creation of animals 820.2 21. Kidd, J. Adapt, of extern, nature to man 826.3 22. AVhewell, AA^. Astronomy and general physics, with reference to nat. theology . 826.4 23. Schouw, J. F. Earth, plants, and man, and sketches from the mineral kingdom, by F. von Kobell 826.5 24. Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external na- ture to man 820.6 25. Bacon, F. Physical and metaphysical works 820.7 26. 27. Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector's manual 820.8 29. Lewes, G. H. Comte's philosophy of the sciences 820.9 30. Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight 820.10 31. Hunt, R. Poetry of science 820.11 BOHN 21 BOND BoilN, H. G. Sfientifir Vibrai-ji, continued. 32,30. Ennemoser's history of mag'ic .... 82C.12 34. Hunt, H. Elonicntary physios 82(>.13 3.5. llaudbook of domestic nu'iiicinc .... 820.14 30. StaiUoy, G. I'ainters of the Dutch and Flemish schools 820.15 3r. Prout, W. Chemistry, etc., with reference to natural theoloy llowitt 817.4 84. De Loline, J. L. Constitution of Eng. . . 817.8 87, 88. Foster, J. Lectures at Broadinead chapel. 2v 817.0 89. Bremer, F. A diary, H— family, A.\<1 and Anna, and other tales 817.. 5-0 90. Smith, A. Theory of moral Rcnfiments . 817.10 91,95, %, 99, 102, 10:t, 105, Kxl. Cowper's com- plete works. Ed. by R. Soul hey. 8v. . . 817.11 92. Kanke, I,. History of Servia 827.1 91. Heuinont, A. von. Carafas of Maddaloni 827.2 97, 109, 112- Conde, J. A. Dominion of tlie Arabs in Spain 827-3 98, 104. Locke, .J. Philosophic.il works. 2v. 827.4 100. Hungary and its revolutions, with n me- moir of iCossuth 827.5 101, 113. Kelly, W. K. History of Russia. 2v. 827.0 107, los. .Fames, G. P. R. Life of Richard Cocur-de-Lion. 2v 627.7 110,111. Smyth, W. Lectures on modern his- tory. 2v 827.8-9 114. Goethe, .J. \Y. v. Wilhelm Meistcr's ap- prenticeship 827.10 115. Beaumont and Fletcher. Beauties of. Se- lections by L. Hunt 837.1 116. 117. .Smyth, W. Lectures on the French revolution. 2v 8.37.2 118. Mignet, F. A. History of the French revolution 837.3 119. Guizot, F. English revolution of 1040. Translated by W. Hazlitt 837.4 120. 121, 122. Guizot, F. Hist, of civillza. .3v. 8.37.5 12-3, 124. Thierry, A. Conquest of England. 2v. 837.0 125, 120. Foster, .J. Critical essays. Ed. by J. E. Ryhand 837.7 127. Luther, M. Table talk. Translated by \\. Hazlitt. Life of Luther, by Chalmers . . 8.37.8 12S, 129, 1.30, 131. Lamartine, A. de. Restora- tion of monarchy in France. 4v 8.37.9 132. Carrel, J. B. N. A. Counter revolution in England. Fo.x's James II. I,onsdale's James II 8.37.10 133. Sturm, C. C. Morning communings with God. Tmnslated by W. Johnstone. . . . 8.37.11 Bois, V. Les Chemins de fer franjais. Paris, 1853. 12° 1078.37 — La telegraphic electrique. Paris, 1855. 12° . 1078.32 BoiSMoxT, lirierre de. See Brierre de Boismont BOKER, G. H. Plays and poems. Bost., 1S56. 2v. 12° .3.35.2 Contents. — Vol.1. Cala.vnos: Anne Bolcyn; I-oonor dc Guzman; Franceses dc Rimini.' II. The betrothal; Widow's raarringe; Poems; Songs; Sir. Ij'ries; Sonnets. Boicii.\RA. Bnrnes, A. Travels into 094.11 — Khanikofl". Its amir and its people 094.4 — Wolff, J. Narrative of a mission to 095.2 BOLEYN, Anne, Memoir of. Beiiger, E. 5i»4.14 BOLINGltlJOKK, Lord. .SVc St. .John, Henry . . . 891.3 BOLIVAK, S., :Memoir of, and of his generals. Hol- Btein, II. L. V. D 6.39.1 BOLLEY, P. A. and Paul, B. H. ]tlanual of techni- cal analysis. London, 1857. p.S° 836.3 Bolton, W. .J. Evidences of Christianity. — apolo- gists down to Augustine. Boston, 1854. 12° 1094.11 BON.M'AltTK, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. BoNATAItTK, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. BONAl'.M'.Ti:, C. L. American ornithology. See Wilson, A- 8.30.00 Bond, H. Family memorials. Early BCttlers of Watcrtown. Waltham and Weston, Mass. Boston, 1855. 2v. in 1. 8° 224.1 EOND 22 LOTTA 1 nor. 2-3 10(iG.4 Bosn, J. W. Minnesota and its resources. Chi- cago, lS5f.. 12° l^J-l BoNDMAX.Tlie. London, 1833. p.8' TOs.lO Ik>N.\K( iiosi:, K. do. Histoire de France. Otlicd. Vans, isj.). -.'v. 12° lO*'*-"* — IliHtory of Friiuco, translated by W. Robsou. l.uiiiion, Isi'J. p.s° — l.cs nfornmteiirs avnnt la ri-lornio. 2il etl. I'aris, IM(>. 2v. 12° — Tlie rifomuTti iH-fore the reformation. Trans- lat.iM.v ('. Ma.kfnzie. N. Y., 1S44. b' . . 1085.9 lk)NNK.K)ix, Haron. History of Columbus. See Ho.-luT, A. I! C25.13 Uov.NEit, J. Ciiild's history of Greece. New \ ork, IKir. 2v. ir,° 950.10 — riiil.l's history of Kome. N. Y., 1850. 2v. 10° Do'.t.ll — Chihl's history of the U. S. N.Y., 1855. 2v. 18° 309 12 IJoXNKV, K. The banditti of the prairies. A tale. fhiia^'O, Itsii'.. 8° 7.35.13 BoxNV, A. Travels to the ef)uinoctial regions of America. .Sec IlumboUlt, A. von . . . . 810.13 Book, Tlie, and its story ; with i)roface hy Key. T. IMiillips. IstAm. ed. I'liila., 1854. 12°.. 1094.12 I5ooK,The, of niv lady. Boston, 1833. 10°.... 449.18 liooK of table-talk. New ed. Lend., 18-17. 2v. 24° 840.2 Book of trades. 11th ed. London and Glasgow, Ls^t. sq. 10° 199.37 Book. Hunt,!.. B. for a corner: or selections in prose and verse 890.15 — Smitli, ('. Vi'. B. of recitations 35!>.25 — Thaikeray, W. M. B. of snobs .WO. 4 — Tyler, Mrs. M. U'. A book witliont a title. . 478.10 B-50. 2v. 8° 582.4 — Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. From London edition. Phila., 1810. 8° . . 040.2 — Tour to the Hebrides with S. Johnson. New ed. London, [1852.] p.8° 809.1 Botanical letters to a friend. Linger, F 100.14 Botanical text-book. Gray, A 100.3 Botanist, Marine. Gifford, 1 169.21 Botany. Balfour, J. H. Manual of 100.17 — Beck, L. C B. of the U. S., North of Vir- ginia 100.7 — Bentham, G. Handbook of British flora. . . 100.18 — Burnett, G. T. Outlines of 160.1 — Darby, J. Manual of, for the Southern states 109.4 — Downing, A. .T. Fruits and fruit-trees. . . . 105.14 — Flagg, W. Studies in the field and forest . . 106.6 — Flower garden, from (Quarterly Review . . . 105.28 — Forests iind forest trees 105.10 — Gray, A. B. for young people. How- plants grow 100.13 — - Manual of, of the northern U. S 100.8 — Griffith, R. E. Medical 152.11 — Hannon, J. D. Flore beige 1075.20 — Henfrey,A. Outlines of structural and physio- logical 109.17 — - Rudiments of 109.32 — Henslow, J. S. Principles of descriptive and physiological 408.0 — Johns, C. A. Flowers of the field 109.24 — Lincoln, Mrs. A. H. Familiar lectures on. . 109.3 — Lindley, J. Botany. Lib. Us. Kn 305.15 — - Introd. to the natural system of 104.3 — - School 109.25 — - Ladies' 104.2 — Nuttall, T. Introduction to systematic and physiological 109.1 — Phelps, Mrs. B. for beginners 109. 10 — Pratt, A. Field, garden and woodland. . . . 169.33 — Schleidcn, M. J. Popular exposition of . . .166.9-10 — - The plant, a biography 164.5 — Soc. for prom. Christ, knowl. Conservatories ofKew 178.22 — Spring, A. Botanique 1065.54 — Thomson, S. Wanderings among wild flow- ers 169.22 — Woodland gleanings : Br. forest trees . . . . 169.20 See also ; Gardening. BoTinvELL: a poem. Aytqun, W. E .334.3-5 BOTTA, C. G. G. Storia d'ltalia sino al 1789. Ca- polago, 1&32-.33. 12v. 10° 1048.2 — Storia d'ltalia dal 17S9 al 1814. Capolago, ia33. Ov. 10° 1048.1 — Hist, of the war of Am. independence. Tr. byG. A. Otis. 8th ed. N. Haven, ia38. 2v. 8° 213.12 — - Same. Tr. by G. A. Otis. 9th ed. Coop- erstown, N. Y'., 1847-8. 2v. 8° 213.11 BoTTA , P. E. Discoveries of, appl. to the elucida- tion of Holy Writ. Bonoml, J . 835.14 BOTTARI 23 BHANDOX BOTTARI, G. Dialoghi sopra le tre arti del di segno. Dial, a difosa di Felsina: Discorso sulla no- bilta attrib. ai frat. Paggi. Ed. 2da Tarma, 1S45. 16° 1059.13 — Lettere sulla pittura, scultura, cd arolii- tettura. Contin. da S. Tieozzi. Milano, 1822-25. 8v. 1G° 10-10.1 BOUDON, H. M. do. Life of. Butler, C r.ir.l4 BouiLLY, J. N. Talcs for motliers. From the French. New York, 1824. 12° 49S.n Bounty, (ship,) Home of the mutineers of the . . 1109.8 — Barrow, J. Autli. acc't of the mutiny of the. 810.42 — - Eventful hist, of tlie mutiny 389.1 — Murray, T. B. Short acc't of the mutiny of the 939. G BOURDALOUE, iu the court of Louis XIV. Bun- gener, L 1090.4-0 BouRXK, B. F. The captive iu Patagonia: or, life among the giants. Boston, 1853. 12° .. .035.10-17 Bourne, J. Catechism of the steam engine. New ed. New York, 1851. 18° 198.22-28 — Treatise on the screw propeller. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1855. 4° 191.3 — Treatise on the steam engine. Lond., 1851. 4° 191.2 BouKRiENNE, L. A. F. de. Life of Napoleon. Phil- adelphia, 1832. 8° 002.8 — Mem. of Napoleon Bonaparte. Transl. by J. S. Memes. Edinburgh, 1830. 3v. 18° . . . &30.00 BoussiNGAULT, M. J. B. Balance of organic na- ture. See Dumas, M. J 150.34 BOUTMY. Personal history of Louis Philippe, fr. 1773-1848. London, 1848. 12° 010.10 BouTON, N. History of Concord, N. H. Concord, 185G. 8° 224.3 BouTERWEK, F. Spanish literature. Transl. by T. Ross, with notes. London, 1847. 10°.. 404.10 BouvET, F. The Turks in Europe, etc. Gilson, A. 918.10 BouviER, H. M. Familiar astronomy. Philadel- phia, 1857. 8° 140.3 BovEE, C. N. Thoughts, feelings and fancies. New York, 1857. sm. 4° 877.2 BOWDITCH, H. I. The young stethoscopist. 2d ed. New York, 1848. 12° '. . 153.10 BowDiTCH, N. Memoir of, prepared for the young. Boston, 1841. 10° 520.10 — The practical navigator, contin. by J. I. Bow- ditch. 18th ed. New York, 1848. 8° . . . 135.3 BowDLER, Miss H. Poems and essays. Fr. lOtli London ed. Boston, 1827. 12° 888.12 BownLER, H. M. Acc't of life and character of Miss E. Smith 509.7 BoWEX, A. Naval monument, 1812-15. Boston, 1810. 8° 215.11 BowEN, B. B. Blind man's oCfering. 4th ed. New York, 1854. 12° SSS.O BowEN, F. Life of J. Otis. Sparks's Am. biog., XII. 529. 1 — Lifeof B.Lincoln. Sparks's Am. biog., XXIIl. 529.1 — Lifeof Sir W.Phips. Sparks's Am.biog., VII. 529.1 — Life of Baron Steuben. Sparks's Amer. biog., IX 529.1 — Metaphysical and ethical science appl. to the evidences of religion. Newed. Bost.,lS55. 12° 125. S — Principles of political economy. Bost., 1850. 8° 135.7 BowEN, G. F. Hand-book for Greece. New ed. London, 1854. 12° 049.8-9 Bowman, A. The castaways : or, adven. in the wilds of Africa. London, 1857. 12° ... . 719.7 Bowman, J. E. Handbook of medical chemis- try. Philadelphia, 1850. 12° 157.11 BOWRING, J. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain. London, 1824. 12° 310.9 — Matins and vespers. From 2d London ed. Boston, 1827. 12° 349.18 — Poetry of the Magyars, and sketch of the lan- guage and lit. of Hungary. Lond., 1830. 8° 310.2 — Specimens of the Russian poets, witli mem'rs and biog. notices. Boiston, 1822. 12°.. . . 315.14 — Kingdom and people of Siam in 1855. Lon- don, 1857. 2v. 8° 090.3 BoxFORD, Mass. History of Rowley, anciently incl. Boxford. Gage, T 227.0 Box tunnel, The : a fact. Reade, C 415.8 Boyd, J. M'N. Manual for naval cadets. London, 1857. 10° 199.3 Boyhood of great men. New York, 1853. 10°. . 548.13 — .Tervis, M. .1. AV. B. of great painters . . . . 548.14 — Russell, W. B. and early lifeof extraord. men 879.15 Boy hunters, Tlie : a novel. Rcid, JI 718.1 Boy's adventures in Australia, llowitt, AV. . . . 719. 4-G Boy's book. Encyclop. of sports. Forrest, G. . . 197.25 Boy's book of industrial information. Noyce, E. . 190.15 Boy's own book. 1st Am. ed. Bost., 1829. sq.lO° 199.40 Boz.MAN, J. L. History of Maryland from 1033- 1000. Baltimore, 1837. 2v. iu 1 235.3 BrACCIOLINI, p. Life of. Shepherd, W 543.8 Brace, C. L. Home-life in Germany. New York, 1850. 12° .' 007.7-11 — Hungary in 1851 : with an experience of the Austrian police. New York, 1853. 12° . . 007.5-0 — The Norse-folk. New York, 1857. 12° .... 008.9-11 Bracebridge hall. See Irving, W. Brackenridge, II. II. Modern chivalry: adven- tures of a captain and Teaguc O'Rcgan his servant. Pittsl)urgh, 1819. 2v. 12° . . 498.19 Br.VCKenridge, II. M. Hist, of the late war be- tween the U. S. and G. B. Pliila., 1839. 12° 217.5 — Recollections of persons and places in the West. Philadelphia, n.d. 10° 239.7 — Voyage to South America, 1817-18. Balti- more, 1819. 2v. 8° 033.19 Bracicett, E. a. Twilight hours of an artist. Boston, 1845. 12° 318.19 Braddock's expedition against Fort Du Qucsnc. Sargent, W 244.1 Br.\dford, a. Biographical notices of distin- guished men in N. Eng. Boston, 1842. 12° 518. G — History of Mass. from 1020-1820. Bost., 18.35. S°223.9-10 — Memoir of Rev. J. Mayhew. Boston, 18.38. 8° 5.34.2 Bradford, J. Address at 2d centennial anniver- sary of the settlement of Rowley 227.6 Bradford, S. H. History of Peter the Great. New York, 1858. 12° 546.22 — Story of Columbus. New York, 1857. 12°.. 544.19 Bradford, T. G. S'ee Encyclopasdia Americana. Bradford, W. History of Plymouth colony and dialogue. See Morton, N. Memorial . . . 223.14 — History of Plymoutli colony. Journal, dia- logue, and memoir of Brewster. Young, A. 223.13 — Hist, of Plymouth planta. Now first printed. Boston, 1850. JIass. hist. col. 4th series, III. 278.4 Bradford, Mass. History of Rowley, anciently including Bradford. Gage, T 227.0 Bradshaw, J. Biography of. Trials of Charles I., and some of the regicides 399.7 Brady, W. Kedge-anchor, or young sailor's as- sistant. 8th ed. enl. New York, 1855. 8°. 194.0 Braiie, Tycho. Life of. Brewster, Sir D 820.34 Brainard, J. G. C. Literary remains, with a sketch of his life. By J. G. Whittior. Hart- ford, n.d. 12° .338.16 Braineud, D. Lifeof. Edwards, J 534.11 — Lifeof. Abridged. Edwards, J 119.25 — Life of. Peabody, AV. B. 518.5 Brainne, C. La Nouvelle Caledonie. Paris, 1854. 12° 1078.50 Braman, D. E. E. Information about Texas. Phila., 1857. 12° ,. . 2.39.10 Brambletye house. Smith, II 797.1 Brajiiere, L. Novclle. See Soavc, F 1058.2 Brand, .1. Obs. on the popular antiquities of Gt. Britain. London, 1848-49. 3v. p.8° .... 840.8 — Obs. on i)opular .intiquities. New ed. Lon- don, 1841. 3v. sq.lG° 949.8 Brande, W. T. Dictionary of science, literature and art. Ed. by W. T. B., assisted by J. Cau- vin. New York, 1843. roy.&° 135.1 Brandenburg, House of, in the I7th and l^th centuries. Rauke, L 925.7 Brandis, C. .a. Essay on tlie character and in- fluence of B. G. Nlebuhr 583.1 Bk^V^'don, or 100 years ago. Tiffany, 4:5.14 BRANSTON 24 BRIERRE Branstox, T. F. Hand-book of practical receipts : a manual for the chemist. 1st Am. ed. I'liiludulphia, If'or. 12" '^^-^ Brant, J. Life of. Stone, W. L 513.12 BuvTTLK street church, IJostou. A history of. , . -.1- ''07 *>*> Lothrop, ^. K ~J> ■ — BRVrs, T. I'riucipcs d'education. R'ruxelles, n.d. 12° . . ,1065-7 Bravo, The: a tale. Cooper, J. F 700.9-13 Bkay, .\. K. Courteuay of Wulreddou : a romance. New ed. Loudon, ls4*i. 10" 44S.13 — De Foix ; an historical romance. New cd. London, IsJo. 10° 44S.11 — Fitz of Fitz Ford : a lejjend. New ed. Lon- don, 1M4J. 10° 448.15 — Henry de I'omeroy: a leg^end. Also, The white rose. New edition. Loudon, IWG. 10' -ws.io — The protestant. A talc of the rei^n of Q. Mary. New ed. London, 18-15. 1G° . . . . 44S.10 The Talba: a romance. New ed. London, 1,-q;-,. 10° «S.14 — Trelawny of Trelawne : a legend. New ed. London, is4j. 10° • 44S.9 — Warleigh : a legend. New ed. London, 1845. 10° 448.12 Tlic Whitc-lioods : an historical romance. New eu. London, l>rl5. 10° . 448.17 Braylky, K. W. Londiuiaua. I,ond., 1829. 4v. 12° 989.7 Brazil. Adalbert, Prince. Travels in 033.11 — Armitage, J. History of. 1808 to 1831. .. . 203.0 — Ewbanli, T. Life in 633.1 — Kidder, D. 1'. and Fletcher, J. C. B. and the Brazilians 263.2-5 — Manslield, C. B. Letters in 1852-53 035.10 — Spix, J. B. von. Travels in 1817-20 &33.18 — Stewart, C. S. Record of a cruise 0.35.14 — ■\Valsh, R. Notices of, in 1828-29 206.6 Br.KAcil of promise: a novel. Curtis, Miss. . . 802.30 Bkkad-book, Englisli. Acton, E 188.33 Bkeck, .). The flower garden. New ed. rev. Bos- ton, 18.J0. 12° 106.11 Breen, II. n. Modern English literature, its blemishes and defects. Loudon, 1857. 8°. 401.2 Bre.MKI!, F. Brotliers and sisters: a talc. Tr. by .M. Ilowitt. N. Y., 1848. 8° 455.1 — The curate. Translated. See Omnibus Mod. Kom 801.2 — Diary, the H — family, and other tales. Tr. by M. Uowitt. 4th cd. London, 1853. p.8° 817.5-0 — llertha. Translated by M. llowitt. New York, 1,850. 12° 455.14-18 — Tlie liome. Transl. by M. Howitt. Author's ed. New York, 1850. 12° 455.10 — The home. Strife and peace. Transl. by M. Howitt. London, 1853. p.8° 817.4 — Homes of the new world. Transl. by Mary Howitt. N. Y., 185:j-54. 2v. 12° 027.2 — Midnight sun. Transl. by M. Howitt. New York, n.d. 8° 455.4-5 — Morning watclies. Strauss and the (Jospels. Tlie confession of faith of F. B. Transl. Boston, 1843. 8* 1094.3 — The neighbors : a story. Translated by M. Howitt. London, lKi2. 2v. 12° 455.11 — - Same. Author's edition. N. York. 1850. 12° 455.12 — - Same. Boston, 1813. 2v. in 1. 12°. . . . 455.13 — - Same. And otiier tales. Transl. by M. Howitt. 4th cd. I,ondon, 1852. i>.n° . . . 817.1-2 — New sketches of every day life : a diary ; with Strife and peace. Translated by M. Howitt. New York, 1844. 8° 455.2-3 — President's daughters. Translated. Boston, 1843. 12° 455.8 — - Same. Part 2. Nina. Translated by M. Howitt. New York, 1843. 8° 455.0 — - Same. Including Nina. Translated by M. Howitt. London, 1843. 3v. VZ" . . . . 455.9 — - Same. Including Nina. Translated by M. Howitt. I,ondon, 1852. p.8° 817.3 Brextano, CI. Marchen. Ilerausg. v. Gorres. Stuttgart, 1840-47. 2v. 8° 1013.8 ConlenLi. —Vol. I. Vorwort zur Erinnerung an den Dichtcrdicser Mirchcn; Von dem Khcin und dem MiiUcr Radlauf i von dem Hause Staarenberg u. den Almen dcs MuUcrs Radlauf; vom Murmelthier; vom Schneider Siebentodt auf einen Schlag ; von dem Witzenspitzel ; von dem Myrthenfraulcin. II. Das Marchen von den Marchen oder Liebseelchen; von dem Schulmeister Klopfstock u. seinen fanf Sohnen; von Gockcl und Uinkel; von RoaenbUttchen; TOn dem Baron von Hjpfenstich ; von Fanferlieschcn Schonefiisschen; von dem Dilldapp; von Komandit Chen; [fragment;] von Schnurlieschen; [fragment.] Brextox, E. p. Naval history of Great Britain, 178.3-1836. New ed. London, 1837. 2v. 8° 986.3 Brextox, Sir J., Memoir of. Raikes, H 505.7 Bresciaxi, a. Biografie di tre giovinetfi .... 1058.7 Breslau und die schlesiselien Eisenbahncn. Kur- nik, M 1029.9 Brewer, E. C. Scientific knowledge of things familiar. New York, 1851. 18° 199.31 — Sound and its plienomena. London, 1854. 18° 199.32 Brewixg. Booth. The art of 305.12 — Byrn, M. L. The art of 199.8 — Donovan, M. Domestic economy. 1 408.8 Brewster, Sir D. Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler. 2d ed. London, 1840. 10°. . 548.15 — Same. New York, 1847. 18° 820.34 — Natural magic. London, 1834. 10° 379.10 — Same. 6th "ed. London, 1851. 16° 379.3 — Life of Sir I. Newton. New York, n.d. 18°. 810.32 — Same. London, 1831. 10° 379.4 — Memoirs of Sir I. Newton. Edin., 1855. 2v. 8° 573.2 — More worlds than one. London, 1854. 8m.8° 146.28 — Same. New York, 1854. 16° 146.29 — Optics. 2d Am. ed. Phila., 1835. 12° . . . 149.35 — Same. New ed. London, 1843. 16° 398.11 — Optics. Double refraction and polarisation of light. Lib. Us. Kn., 1 365.14 — The stereoscope, its history, etc. London, 1850. 12° 207.18 — Treatise on new philosophical instruments. Edinburgh, 1813. 8° 144.12 — Lives of eminent men. See Shelley, Mrs. . . 398.1 Brewster, M. M. Work: or, plenty to do, etc. New York, 1855. 12° 1099.20-21 Brewster, "W. Mem. of, by Bradford, "VV. . . . 223.12-13 — Life and times of. Steele, A 223.15 Bri.vlmoxt, a. Life of Arthur, duke of Welling- ton. London, 1853. 2v. 8° 565.9 — Precis d'art militaire. Bruxelle8,n.d. 12°.. 1065.9 Bricks. Dobson, i;. Manufacture of, and tiles . 819.16 — Wilds, W. Manufacture of 207.4 See also .• Architecture. Bride of Fort Edward. New Y'ork, 1859. 12°. . 358.2 Bride of the northern wilds. Curtis, N. M. . . . 802.29 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W 460.34-38 BRiDGE-construction. Theory of. Haupt, H. . . 195.1 Bridges, Tubular and iron girder. Dempsey, G. D. 819.30 Bridges, F. Phrenology made practical. Lond., 1857. 10° 124.26 Bridgewater, Mass. History of. Mitchell, N. 224.6 Bridgmax, T. Epitaphs from Copp's hill burial ground. Boston, 1851. 12°. . 229.4 — Inscriptions in Nortliampton and valley of the Conn. Northampton, 1850. 12° ... . 228.3 — Pilgrims of Boston and their descendants. New York, 1850. 8° 223.5 Brief analysis of the sects, heresies and writers of tlie first three centuries. Cambridge, l''5~. 12° 1090.15 Brief view of Greek philosophy to the age of Peri- cles. Phila., 1840. 10°. Sm. books. II... 850.25 Brief view of Greek philosophy from Socrates to Christ. Phila., 1840. 10°. Sm. books. II. . 850.25 Briefe aus dem Froundeskreise von Goethe, Her- der, Hopfner u. Merck. Leipzig, 1847. sm.S° 1034.10 Brierre de Boismont, A. Hallucinations : rational hist, of apparitions, etc. 1st Am. ed. Phila., 185.3. 8° 1-22.1 BRIGG8 25 BROOKS Beiggs, C. r. and Maverick, A. Story of the telegraph, and hist, of the Atlantic cable. New York, 1858. 12° 190.10 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the life of A. Opie. Norwich, 1854. 8° 505.4 Brimley, G. Kssays : ed. by W. G. Clarke. Cam- bridge, 1858. p.S° 8r7.5 Brisson, M. de. Captivity of 830.31 Brissot de Warville, J. P. Travels in the U. S. in 1788, by 15. andClaviere. 2dcd. London, 1794. 2v. 8° 025.10 — New travels in U. S. in 1788. Transl. Bos- ton, 1797. 12° C29.27 Bristei), C. a. Five years in an Eng. university. 2dcd. New York, 1852. 12° '. 884.14 Britain, Great. See Great Britain. Britannic researches. Poste, B 985.2 British admirals, Lives of the. Southey, R. and Bell, R .388.5 British army as it is 894.2 British army. Campaigns of the, at Washington and New Orleans. Gleig, G. R 889.19 British cabinet in 1853. London, 1853. 12° . . . 599.9 British coasts. Natural history of the. Harvey, W. H 178.25 British commerce, History of. Craik, G. L.. . . 840.14 British commonwealth. Cox, H 1.34.22 British constitution. Outline of the. Goldsmith, O. 908.6 British costume. History of. Planehe, J. R. . . 840.51 British drama, The anc. and mod. Scott, Sir W. 331.1-2 British eloquence, Select. Goodrich, C. A. . . . 801.2 British empire. Pictorial and literary sketch-book of the 041.1 British essayists : with prefaces by A. Chalmers. London, 1817. 45v. 18° 850.24 Contents. — Vol. I.— V. Tatler, Steele, with hiat. and biog. pref. VI.— XV. Spectator, with prefaces. XVI.-XVIII. Guardian, with index. XIX.— XXU. Kambler. Johnson, S. XXIII.— V. Adventurer. Hawkesworth. XXVI. -IX. The world. Moore, E. XXX.— II. Connoisseur. Colraan and Thornton, B. XXXIII. Idler. Johnson, S. XXXIV.— V. Mirror. Mackenzie, H. and oth. XXXVI.- VII. Lounger. Mackenzie, II. XXXVIII.— XL. Observer. Cum- berland, R. XLL— IV. Looker-on. Roberts, W. XLV. Index. British flora. Handbook of. Bentham, G 160.18 British historians. Lives of. Lawrence, E.. . . 586.11-12 British institutions. Character and tendency of. Isham, W 135.21 British invasion of North Carolina in 1770. Swain, D. L 235.6 British lawyers. Lives of eminent. Roscoe, II.. 388.4 British manufactures. Dodd, G 840.20 British military commanders, Lives of. Gleig, K. 388.3 British mines, as a means of investment. Mur- chison, J. H 136.32 British museum, Antiquities and marbles in the 209.15 British navy. Allen, J. Battles of the 825.1 — Giffard, E. Anecdotes of the 989.8 British novelists. Barbauld, A. L 778&779 British painters, Lives of. Cunningham, A. . . 810.19 British poets. Aikin, J. Select works of the. . 312.1 — Campbell, T. Notices of tlie. 889.7 — Campbell, T. Specimens of 343.14 — Dictionary of quotations from 358.5 — Halleck, F. G. Selections from the 820.25 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of 890.1-2 — Reed, H. Lectures on tlie 346.9 ~ Southey, R. Chaucer to Jonson 312.11 — Specimens of the 309.12 British satirist, comprising the best satires fr. Pope to Byron. Glasgow, 1820. 24° . . . . 3C9.13 ContenU. — Knglish bards and Scotch reviewers, Byron; New moralitj-. Canning; The Lousiud, Epis- tle to James Boswell, Bozzy and Piozzi, Pindar; An heroic epistle to Sir W. Chambers, Knt.; An heroic epistle to the public; London, Johnson; The vanity of human wishes, Johnson; The Rosciad, Churchill; Retaliation, Goldsmith; The state dunces, ■White- head ; Advice and reproof, SmoUet; Taste, Arm- strong; A day, Armstrong; On poetry. Swift; A char- acter of the Legion Club, Swift; Life and character of Dr. Swift ; Tho Dunoiad, Pope. British senate. Grant, J 898. IS British spy, Letters of. Wirt, W 909.5-6 British statesmen. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent .388.6 — Speeches of 800.12 British theatre. Inchbald, E 354.1 BltlTlSH wortliies. Cal)inet i)ortrait gallery of. 840.10-11 Britt.vn, Belle. See Fuller, II. Britt.vnv. Froissart, J. The ancient chronicles of 1001.2 — Hope, I. B. and the Bible 409.9 — - B. and tlie clijise 409.9 — Lowell, J. K. A legend of 340.17 — Souvcstre, E. B. and La Vend(5e 707.4-8 Broad grins from China. A novel. Sealy, T. H. 409.10 Brock, Sir I. I-ife and corresp. Ed. by F. B. Tupper. London, 1845. 12° 550.10 Brock, Wm. Biogr. sketch of Sir H. Havclock. London, 1858. 10° 578.11 — - Same. New York, 1858. 12° 578.12 Brockeuon, W. Excursions in the Alps. 3d ed. London, 1845. 12° 603.13 Brockhaus's Keise Bibliothek. Leipzig, 18;')5-57. 20v. 10°. Containing .- 1. Berneck, K. G. v. Schlachten bei Leipzig 1029.2 2. Bock, A. Die thiiringische Eisenbahn . 1029.8 3. Buddeus, A. Eisenbalinfahrt u. Wan- derungen im siiddeiitsclien Uheinland . . 1029.16 4. Gottschall, R. Das schlesische Gebirge . 1029.19 5. Forster, M. Briefe aus SUdrussland. . . 1029.13 6. Haring, W. Reise-Pitaval 1029.10 7. Hooker, N. Der Rlieiu 1029.21 8. — Das Mosolthal 1029.3 9. Horn, J. E. Briissel nach seiner Vergang- enheit und Gegenwart 1029.7 10. Kapper, S. Die bohmischen Bader. . . . 1029.11 11. Miiller v. Konigswinter, AY. Jliinchenor Skizzeubiich 1029.17 12. Klihne, F. G. Wieu in alter u. neuer Zeit 1029.4 13. Kurnik, M. Breslau u. die schlesischen Eisenbahncn 1029.9 14. Miiller, E. Das hessische Land u. Volk . 1029.5 15. Prohle, H. Harzbilder 1029.14 10. Rank, J. Schillerhauser 1029.12 17. — Poetisches-Reise-Album 1029.0 18. Schiickiug, L. Einc Eisenbaliufalirt durcli Westfaleu 1029.20 19. — Von Miuden nach Koln 1029. J8 20. \Yillkomm,E. Von Berlin nach Hamburg 1029.15 Brocklesby, J. Elements of meteorology. 3d ed. New York, 1849 145.27 Broderip, W J. Leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. London, 1852. p.8° 178.5 — Zoological recreations. 3d ed. Lond., 185H. p.8° 177.8 Brodie, Sir B. C. Mind and matter ; with notes by the Am. ed. New York, 1857. 12° . . . 125.6 — Psychological inquiries. 2d ed. London, 1855. 10° 129.18 Brodhead, J. R. History of the State of New York. 1009-04. N. Y., 1853. 8° 234.10 BROGLio-Solari, C. H. See .• Solari, C. H. B. Bronte, A. Tenant of Wildfell hall. New York, 1848. 12° 435.18-19 Bronte, C. Jane Eyre. New York, 1848. 8°. . 4.35.2-3 — Jane Eyre. New York, 1850. 12° 4.35.4-8 — The professor. A tale. N. Y., 1857. 12°.. 435.1.3-17 — Shirley. A talc. New York, 1850. 12° . . . 435.11 — Villette. New York, 1853. 8° 435.9 — Villette. New York, 1850. 12° 435.10 — Life of. Gaskcll, E. C 590.11-15 Bronte, E. Wutliering heights. A novel. New York, 1855. 12° 435.12 Brooke and Brooke farm. A tale. Martineau, II. Ill 749.2-3 Brooke, Chr. Ghost of Richard III. A poem, 1014. With introduc. and notes, by J. P. Collier. London, 1844. 8° 342.21 P"00ke,C1is. Elements of nat.philos. .S'ceBird, G. 149.24 Brooke, H. The fool of quality. New cd. Dub- lin, 1790. 3v. 10° 799.4 Brooke, Mrs. F. M. Julia Mandeville. .. v. 27 of 778.1 Brooks, C. Hist.ofMedford, Mass. Boat., 1855. 8° 224.6 Brooks, C. T. German lyrics. Boston, 1843. 12' 316.8 BROOKS 26 BUCKE Brooks, C T. Songs and ballads ; tr. from Ger- man lyric poets. Boston, 1S4.2. 1-'° .... 310.0 Brooks, J. T. Four months amonj,' the gold-find- ers in California. New York, IM'J. 8°. . . 62.1.6 Brooks, M. Idomcn. A story. N. Y., 184."?. 10' 409.2? Brooks, S. Russians of the South. Loudon, 1854. p.»° 4<»? Brothkk and Bister : a tale. Opie, A 400.34-3o Brothkus, The. A tale of the Fronde. Herbert, II. \V '»9?C Brotiikrs and sisters: a tale. Bremer, F 455.1 Bkoi-ikkke, C. de. La eharite et I'assistauee pub- lique. Bru.\elles, n.d. W 1005.11 — I'riucipes d' economie politique. Bruxelles, „.(i. I.." 1065.10 Broigham, IL, Lord. Acc't of Bacon's organon. pt. 1,2. 8" 305.11 — Dialogues on instinct, with view of the re- searches on fossil osteology. Lond.,1844. 24° 8-10.7 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1845. 24° 840.8 — Discourses of. I. Science; II. Political sci- ence. London, 184t>. 24° 840.6 — Historical sketches of statesmen in the time of Geo. III. 1-3 series, each in 2v. Lond., 1815-48. Ov. 24* 840.5 — Historical sketches of st.itesmcn in the time of Geo. III. Loudon, lS.J5-5r.. 3v. 12°. . 508.7 — Hydrostatics. Lib. I's. Kn. 1 365.14 — Letters and speeches. Phila., 1840. 2v. 12° 888.4 — Men of letters aud .'science iuthe time of Geo. III. London, 1845. 8° 547.3 — Men of letters of the time of Geo. III. Lon- don, 1*55. sra.8° V. II. of 548.7 — Philosophers of the time of Geo. III. Lond., 1855. 8m.s° 548.7 — Objects, advantages, and pleasures of science. Lib. Us. Ku. 1 365.14 — Opinions on politics, etc. [with a memoir.] London, 18:J7. 12° 888.2 — Opinions on politics, etc. Paris, 1841. 8° . 888.1 — Sketches of public characters. Philadelphia, ia39. 2v. 12° 888.3 ~ Speeches; with hist, introductions. Phila., 1841. 2v. 8° 862.1 — Historical dissertations 988.7 — Notes to Paley's natural theology 820.4 — and Routh, E. J. Analytical view of Jsew- ton's Principia. London, 1855. 8° 147.6 — Sedgwick, A. and Verplanck, G. C. Discourses on literature and science. N. Y., n.d. 18° . 820.72 Brougham, J. Dramatic works ; with memoir by R. S. Mackenzie, v.l. N. Y"., n.d. 12° . 356.17 Contents. — Vol. I. Cair.c of life; Love and murder; Devid Coppcrfield; Temptation; Game of love; Poca- hontas; Domboy and son ; Romance aud reality. Brown, C. B. Arthur Mervyn, or memoirs of the year 1793. Philadelphia, 1857. 2v. 12° 757.3 — Clara Howard : a novel. Phila., 1857. 12°. . 757.2 — Edgar Huntley. IMiiladclphia, 1857. 12° . . . 757.5 — Jane Talbot: a novel. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 757.4 — Ormond. Philadelphia, 1S57. 12° 757.2 — Wieland. With memoir of the author. Phila., 1857. 12° 757.1 — Lifeof,by W. H. Prescott. Sparks's American biography. 1 529.1 Browx, D. p. The forum : or forty years at the Philadelphia bar. Phila., IrsJG. 2v. 8° . . 294.4 Brown, H. S. Lectures to the men of Liverpool. Liverpool, 185S. 8° 885.16 Brown, .1. North-west passage and search for Sir .J. Franklin. London, 1858. 8° 701.11 Brown, J. B. Memoirs of J. Howard, the philan- thropist. 2d ed. London, 1^23. 8° . . . . 575.12 Brown, J. J. American angler's guide. N. York, l*l'-»- 10° 177.30 — - Same. Partl-II. 4thed. N. Y.,1857. 1'°. 177.1 Brown, J. W. Life of L. da Yinci, witli a critical account of his works. Loudon, 1828. 8°.. 543.9 Brown, R. Sacred architecture. London, n.d. 4° 201.3 Brown, T. Account of the Shakers. Troy,lS12. 12° 1080.13 Brown, Capt. Thomas. The book of butterflies, sphinxes and moths. London, 1832-34. 3v. 18° 830.69-70 — Conchologist's text book. Glasgow, 1833. 12°. 178.34 — - Same. 4th ed. Glasgow, ISJO. 12° . . . 178.33 Brown, T. N. Life and times of II. Miller, N. Y., 1858. 12° 586. 8 Brown's letters to a young man about town. Tliackeray, W. M 508.12-14 Browne, C. T. Life of R. Southey. London, 1854. 10° 584.6-7 Browne, D. J. American poultry yard, with app. by S. Allen. Xew York, 1850. 12° 168.6 — The American bird-fancier. K. \'., n.d. 12° 177.21-22 Browne, F. E. Poems. Boston, 1848. 10° . . . 349.16 Browne, J. History of the highlands and the highland elans. New ed. London, 1852-54. 4v. 8° 985.3 Browne, Sir R. Correspondence with Sir E. Hyde 977.4 Browne, R. W. History of Greek literature. Philadelphia, 1852. 8° 401.3 Browne, Sir T. Works, ed. by S. Wilkm. Lon- don, 1852. .3v. p.8° 846.11 Browning, E. B. Poems. N. York, 1850. 2v. 12° 335.10 — Poems. New ed. with Introductory essay by H. T. Tuckermau. Boston, 1854. 2v. 12° . 335.11 Bro^vning, R. Men and women. [Poems.] Bos- ton, 1856. 16° 335.4-5 — Poems. New ed. Boston, 1850. 2v. 12° . . 335.9 Contents, — Vol. I. Paracelsus ; Pippa Passes, a drama ; King Victor and King Charles, tragedy ; Columbe's birth day, a play. II. A blot in the 'scutcheon, trag.; Tlie return of the Druses, trag.; Luria, trag.; A soul's tragedy; Dramatic romaucei and lyrics. Bkownson, O. a. Charles Elwood, or the infidel converted. Boston, 1840. 12° 1109.6 — The spirit-rapper. Boston, 1854. 12° ... . 125.3 — Theology, politics and socialism. N. Y'ork, 1852. 12° 1080.31 Bruce, J. Life of. Head, Sir F. B 820.32 Bruce, M. Poems. Edinburgh, 1782. 12° . . . 358.19 Bruce, Days of. Story from Scot. hist. Aguilar, G. 705. 1-10 Bruen, M. Scenes iu Italy, Switzerland and France. Edinburgh, lj>23. 12° 679.5 Brummell, Geo., Life of. Jesse, Capt 892.10 Bruno ; or fidelity, etc., taught by a dog. Abbott, J. Harper's story books. 1 739.1 BrCssel, nach seiner Vergangenheit imd Gegen- wart. Horn, J. E 1029.7 Brussels. A diary of. Lcgare, H. S 872.3 Bryant, J. D. Immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. Boston, 1S55. 12° 1098.17 Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller, in Europe and America. 2d ed. N. Y'., 1850. 12°. .658.12-13 — Poems. Complete in Iv. Phila., 1851. 12° . 324.7 — Selections from the American poets. N. Y., n.d. 18° 820.24 Brydone, p. Tour through Sicily and Malta. N. I'ork, 1813. 12° 679.11 Brydges, Sir S. E. Character and political genius of Lord Byron. London, 1824. 8° 585.8 BucCANEEits of America. History of. Esqueme- ling, J 254.3 Buchanan, C. Memoir of. Pearson, H 1109.22 Buchanan, James, Pres. U. S. Life of. Hortou, R. G 517.10 Buchanan, James, D.D. Modern atheism. Bos- ton, 1857. 12° 1096.8 Buchanan, J. R. Neurological system of anthro- pology. Cincinnati, 1854. 8° 124.5 Bucke, C. Beauties, harmonies, and sublimities of nature. New Y'ork, 1S46. 18° 820.46 — Life of Jolm Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. London, 18.39. 10° 379.5 — Life, writings and genius of Akenside. Lon- don, 1&32. p.8 586.16 — Ruins of ancient cities. London, 1840. 2v. 10° 379.0 — Ruins of ancient cities. N. Y., 1848. 2v. 18° 820.38 BUCKLE 27 BURCK Buckle, H. T. Hist, of civihzation iu England. Vol.1. London, 1857. S" 942.1 — - Same. From 2d Lond. cd. Vol. I. New York, 185S. 8* 942.2 BUCKEYK abroad : or, wandering's in Europe and in the Orient. Cox, S. S 058. 9 BuCKiXGHAii, J. S. America, historical, statistic and descriptive. New York, 1841. 2v. 8°. 624.4 — Travels in Mesopotamia, with researches on Nineveh, Babylon, etc. I^ondon, 1827. 2v. 8° 694.10 BUCKIXOHAM, J. T. Miscellanies, from the public journals. 2v. iu 1. Boston, 1822. 12° . . . 808.4 — Personal memoirs and recollections of edito- rial life. Boston, 1^52. 2v. 10° 525.21 — Specimens of newspaper literature, with anec. and reminiscences. Boston, 1852. 2v. 12° 868.3 — Annals of JIass. Charitable Mechanic Assoc. Boston, 1853. 8° 294.5 Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. See Gren- ville, R. P. T. BcCK.MiNSTEn, J. and J. Stevens, Memoirs of. Lee, E. B 535.8 BUCKMIN'STER, J. S. Works : with memoirs. [By Rev. S. C. Thacher.] Boston, ia39. 2v. 12° 117.5 BUDDEL'S, A. Eisenbahnfahrt u. Wanderungen im sUddeutschen Kheinland. Leipzig, 1850. 10° 1029.10 BCDGETT, S., Sketches of the life of. Arthur, VT. 520.21 Bl'EL, J. Am. husbandry, with additions by AV. Gaylord and L. Tucker. X. Y., 1840. 2v. 24° 169.29 — Farmer's companion : or, Am. husbandry ,witli life, by A. Dean. 2d ed. New York, 1847. 12° 109.8 — Farmer's instructer. New York, 1847. 2v. 18° 109.30 Buena Vista, Battle of. Carleton, J. H 259.8 Buenos Ayres, Letters from. Davie, J. P 633.14 Buff, H. Physics of the earth. Ed. by A. W. Hofmann. London, 1851. 12° 149.31 Buffum, E. G. Six months in the gold mines of California, 1847-49. Philadelphia, 1S50. 12° 628.12 BCG-JARGAL. fConte.] Hugo, V 1060.19 Building. Dobson, E. Kudiments of the art of . 819.15 — Encyclopsdia Britannica. Treatises on . . . 201.4 — Fowler, O. S. B. with gravel walls, in octag. form 207.10 See also .• Architecture, Carpentry, Timber. Buildings in towns. Guide to regelating. Hos- king, W 207.13 BuiST, R. Family kitchen gardener. N. Y.,ls50. 12° 108.5 BULFINCH, S, G. Holy land and its inhabitants. Cambridge, 1834. 18° 1089.24 — Poems. Charleston, 18.34. 10° 358.20 BuLFiNCH, T. Age of fable. Boston, 1855. 12°. 1087.21-24 Bullock, J. Am. cottage builder. N. Y., 1854. 8° 207.7 — History and rudiments of architecture. New York, 1853. 12° 207.6 Bullock, W. Six months' residence and travels in Mexico. London, 1824. 8° 633.9 BOlow, E. von. Das Novellenbuch, mit Vorworte von L. Tieck. Leipzig, 18;54-(). 4v. sm.8° . 1013.16 BULWER, E. See Lytton, Sir E. B. BuNBURY, C. J. F. Journal at the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1848. 12° 092.14 BUNGENER, L. The preacher and the king: or, Bourdaloue iu the court of Louis XIV. Tr. 12th ed. Boston, 1853. 12° 1096.4-0 — The priest and the Huguenot. From the French. Boston, 1854. 2v. 12° 1090.2-3 Bunker hill. Emmons, R. Battle of: a poem . 358.3 — Frothingham, R., jr. The battle, and acc't of the monument of 214.2-8 — Hudson, C. Doubts concern, the battle of . . 217.14 — Panoramic view from monument of 235.15 Bunkley, J. M. Testimony of an escaped novice. New York, 1855. 12° 1098.11 BUNN, A. Old England and New England. Phila- delphia, 1853. 12* 628.10 BuNNER, E. Hist, of Louisiana. N. Y., n.d. 18° 820.09 BUNSEN, C. C. J. Egypt's place in universal his- tory. Tr. by C. H. Cottrcll. London, 1848- 1854. 2v. 8° 954.4 BUNSEN, C- C. J. Signs of the times. Transl. by S. Winkworth. London, lK>i"i. 8° 113.3 — - Same. New York, 1850. 12° 1.34.9 — Character and influence of B. G.Niebuhr . . . 5S3.10 BUNYAN, J. Works: ilhistr. ed. Philadelphia, 1853. 2v.ini. roy.8° 1101.4 Conteni«. — Vol. I. Grace nboimdiufr to the chief of dinners, in life and death of J. U.; Brief acct. of Jlr. Bunyan's imprisonment ; cnntinimlion of Mr. B.'s life, dcaih, and burial; Brief character; Dying sayings; Pilgrim's progress: Christiun Ijchavionr: .Snl- onion's temple spiritualized; Jerusalem sinncrsaved; Holy war; Tlic life and death of Mr. Badman. II. Come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ; The barren fig- tree; Discourse on prayer; Impiiscnincnt of J. B.; Prison meditations; Doctrine of election and reproba- tion asserted; The strait gate; The heavenly fof)tman ; Sighs from hell; Confession of my failli; Poetical pieces; Differ, in judgment about ba|)tism no bar to communion; Peaceful principles and true, or ans. about baptism; Nature of the sevenih day Sabbath; First day the true Sabbath ; Last ■crmuii : The Trinily and a Christian: Law and a Christian; Instrnciiontbr the ignorant; Justification by imputed righteousness. — AVorks, with introduc. to each treatise, and a sketch of his life and times. Ed. by G. Offor. Glasgow, 1854. 3v. imp.8° 1101. 1 Contenlf. — Vol. I. Grace abounding to the chief of sinners; Prison meditations; The Jerusalem sinner saved; The greatness nf the soul; The work of Christ as an advocate; Christ a complete saviour; Conic, ard welcome, to Jesus Christ; Justification by an imputed righteousneBS; Saved by grace; The stroit gale; l/ii^ht for them that sit in darkness; The fear of Gcd; Doctr. ofthelawand grace unfolded; Israel's hope encour- aged ; Discourse tourhinc prayer; The Ihnjnc of grace; The acceptable sacrifice; Paul's departure and crown; The des'ire of tt e lighteous granted. II. The saint's knowledge of Christ's love; Of fn'iehrist and his ruin; The resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment: Some gospel trutlis opened; A vindication of gospel truths; The Pharisee »nd the publican: A defence of the doctrine of justification by faith in Jesus Christ; Reprobation assi-rtcd; Ques ions about the nature and perpetuity of the seventh-day Sab- bath; Of tlie trinity and a Christian: Of the lawanda Christian; Scriptural poems; Exposition of the first ten chapters of Genesis: A holy life the beaut.v of Christianity; Christian behaviour; Caution to stir up to watch against sin: Discourse of the building, na- ture, excellency, and government of the house of God; On the terms of communion and fellowship ot Chris- tians at the table of the Lord; .V confession of my faith, and a reason of my practice: KilTcrences about water-baptism no bar to communion : Peaceable prin- ciples and true; On the love of Christ, a poem ; A case of conscience resolved: J. B.'s catechism; Sea- sonable counsel ; -Vn exhortation to peace and unity ; Bunyan's last sermon. III. Pilgrim's prog. ess; The holy war: The heavenly footmon; The holy city, or the New Jerusalem; Solomon's temple spiritualized; Discourse of the house of tlie forest of Lebanon; The water of life; The barren fig-lrer; Life and death of Mr. Badman; Sighs from hell; One thing is needful; Ebal and Gerizim ; A book for boys and girls, or tem- poral things spiritualized. — Pilgrim's progress. Notes by W. Mason. Life of the author by J. Conder. Boston, 18.39. 8° 1091.7 — - Same. Life and notes by T. Scott. Lon- don, 1841. 24° 1099.31-32 — - Same. Edinburgh, 1842. sm.8° 1099. .3;j — - Same, with life by R. Southey. New York, 1847. 12° 1099. .30 — - Same. New ed., with memoir by J. M. Hare. London, 18,53. p.8° 809.0 — The riches of Bunyaii, selected by Rev. J. Chaplin. Introd. by W. R. Williams. New York, n.d. 12° 1109.1 — Baillic,.!. Life of 54S.12 — Cheever, G. B. Life and times of imM.O — Southey, R. A biography 880.11 Buonarroti, Michael Angelo. Duppa, R. I,ife and works of 8.35.7 — Harford, J. S. Life of 543.2 BCrck, a., ririch von Mutton, der Ritter, der Gelehrtc, der Dichter, d?r Kiimpfer. Dres- den, 1840. 10° 1025.5 BURGER BuEGEn, G. A. Sammtliche Werkc. Gottingon, Itm. 4v. 16° Coiife«<«. — Vol. I. Oedichte; Vnrianten; Anmcr- kungin. II. Homer's llias, Vcrthcidigung und Pro- bcn eiiier Uibcrsetziing in lamlicn; llomer's IHas, Probin liner lelwrselzung in Ucxamctern ; Dido, cin episches Gcdichf, au9 Virgils Aeniis gezogcn; Aotliia iind Abrokomttlvker's companion. Stokes, J 199.24 Cabinkt of curiosities. London, n.d. 8° 890.11 — Portraitgallery of British worthies. London, I.S45-1847. 12V-. 24° 840.10-11 Cable, History of the great Atlantic. Brings, C. F 19G.16 Cabot, .T. E. [Tour of Prof. Agassiz to lake Su- perior.] See Agnssiz,!. 024.1 Cabot, S. Memoir, witli a hist, of maritime dis- coveries. 2d ed. London, 18,32. 8° . . . . 504.10 — Hay ward, C. jr. Life of. Sparks's Am. hiog. IX. 529. 1 — Tytler, P. F. Remarks on a late memoir of . 810. .5-3 Cesar Borgia, T.ife of. Gordon, A 544.2 C.E.SAn, C. J. Translated by W. Duncan, [also Hirtiua.] New York, 1852. 2v. 18" . . . . 830.11 — Commentaries. Transl. London, 1851. p.8° 824.3 — Abbott, J. History of 519.17-18 — Schlegcl, K. W. F. von. Essays on 848.1 C.ESARS, The. De Quinccy, T 895.9 — Suetonius. Lives of the twelve 844.8 C.VFFRARIA, and its inhabitants. Kay, S 098.22 rAfiLio.sTRO, Avcnturcs de. Saint-Felix, J. de . 1078.29 CAiLLifi, R. Travels to Timbuctoo, 1824-8. Lon- don, 18.30. 2t. 8° 093.10 C.VIX, and other poems. Simms,'W. G 309.14 Cairnks, .1. E. Cliaractor and logical method of political economy. London, 1857. 12". . . 130.11 Cairo, in 1839. Kinnear, J.G 089.13 Calamities of authors. D'Israeli, 1 897.5-6 Calavar, a romance of Mexico. Bird, R. M. . . 720.7 Calaynos: a tragedy. Bokor, G. H .T5o.2 Calcott, J. ^Y. Grammar of music. 11th ed. London, n.d. 24° 209.12 Calculator, The practical model. Byrne, O. . . 194.4 Calculus, Cox, H. A treatise of integral . . . 829. .32 — De Morgan, A. The differential and integral .305.2 — Haddon, J. Examples, etc., in differential . . 829. .34 — llann, .1. Examples of integral 829. .33 — "Woolhouse, W. S. B. Elements of the differ. 829.31 Calderox de la Barca, Mme. F. E. Attache in Madrid. New York, 1850. 12° 075.10-11 Calderon' de la Barca, Mme. F. E. Life in Mex- ico, with preface by VT. H. Prescott. Bos- ton, 1S43. 2v. 12° 83S.4 — - Same. London, 1843. 8° 036.7 C.VLDERON dc la Barca, Pedro de. His life and ge- nius, with specimens of his plays. Trench, R. C 808.11 — The Spanish drama. Lope de Vega and C. By Lewes, G. H 840.35 Calderon, the courtier. A novel. Lytton, E. B. 466.7-9 Caldwell, C. Autobiography, with notes by H. W. TVarner. Philadelphia, 1855. 8° . . . . 524.6 — Discourse on the genius and character of Rev. II. Ilollcy. Boston, 1828. 8° 534.1 — Life and campaigns of Nath. Greene. Phila- delphia, 1819. 8' 515.7 Caldwell, H. H. Poems. Boston, 1858. 12° . . 338.20 Caldwell, J. Trial of British soldiers for the murder of J. C. and others in Boston, Jlarcli 5, 1770 219.1 Caldwell, Vf. W. Poems, original and trans- lated. Boston and Cambridge, 1857. 12°. . 348.4 Calef, R. More wonders of the invisible world. Salem, 1790. 12° 229.5 Calendar of the seasons. Howitt, M 825.10 Calhoun, J. C. Life, with a selection from his speeches. Xew Y'ork, [184-3.] 8° 512.11 — Works. Ed. by R. K. Cralle. New Y'ork, 1853-55. 6v. 8° 287.1 Contents. — yoLl. Disq. on government. II.— IV. Speeches in congress. V.— VI. Reports and public letters. CAlidAs. Sacontala, Indian drama. Transl. [by Sir Wm. Jones.]^ London, 1792. 18° . . . . .356.8 California. Auger, e. Voyage en Califoruie . 1078.53 — Brooks, J. T. Four months among the gold- linders of 623.6 — Borthwick, J. D. Three years in 624.6 — Buffum, E. G. Three years in 628.12 — Capron, E. S. History, etc. of 2.37.13 — Colton, W. Three years in 020.20-20 — - Cruise to 626.19 — Farnham, E. W. Cal. in-doors and out . . . 037.7 — Farnham, T.J. Life, etc., in 633.10 — Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to ..628.1.3-15 — Greenhow, R. History of 2.35.9 — .Johnson, T. T. Sights in the gold region . . 2.39. S — Parkman, F. jr. C. and Oregon trail . . ..020.12-13 — - California trail 020.14 — Revere, J. W. A tour of duty in 637.5 — Sage, R. B. Scenes in 0.39.16 — Scyd, E. C. and its resources 230.9 — Soule, F. History, etc., of 235.10 — Taylor, J. B. Voyage to 027.12-16 — AVise, H. A. An inside view of 627.24 Californian gold discoveries. Stirling, P. J. . 136.12 Caliphs. Travels to the city of the. AVellsted, J. R 693.3 Call to the unconverted. Baxter, R 1087.3 Gallery and Yvan. Hist, of the insurrection in China. Transl. N. Y., 1853. 12° 938.6 Callimachus. The works of. Translated by J. Banks and N. W. Tytler 854.2 Calmet, a. The phantom world, from the French by II. Christmas. Phila., 1850. 2v. in 1. 12° 1100.6 Calvert, G. H. Scenes and thoughts in Europe. [1st series.] New York, 1851. 12° 047.14 — - Same. [First and] second series. New Y'ork, 1852. 2v. in 1. 12° 047.15 — Comedies. Boston, 1850. 12° 350.4 Contents. — The will and the way; Like unto like. Calvert, L. Life of. Burnap, G. VT. Sparks's American biography. XIX 529.1 Calvin,.!. Dyer, T. H. Life of Calvin 545.10 — Mackenzie, J. Life and writings of 1108.9 CAMBACERfes, Princc. Evenings with. Lamothe- Langon, E. L. de 1004.3 Cambridge, W. G. Henri : or, the web and woof of life. Boston. 1854. 12° 489.7 nM.— Vol. I. Essay on English poetry. II. Chaucer, 140", to Beaumont, 1628. III. Drayton, Iftil, to Phillips, 1«CL IV. Shirley, KM. to Prior, I72I. V. Sewell, 172I. Travels in 028.24 — Finch, I. Travels in 024.7 — llowison, J. Sketches of Upper 037.1 — Jameson, A. Sketclies in, among the red men 409.12 — - Sketches in 029.24 — - AVinter studies and summer rambles in. . 029.10 — Lambert, J. Travels through Lower .... 025.20 — Lyell, C. Geological observations on . . . . 028.1 — Melish, J. Travels through Upper 023.7 — Moodie, S. Life in 030.3-11 — Murray, A. M. Letters from 039.18 — Murray, H. Discoveries .and travels in . . . 025.14 — Murray, H. A. Travels in 027.4 — Smith, W. II. Past, present and future of C. West 205.1 — Traill, Mrs. C. P. The backwoods of . . . . 839.1 — Tremenheere, H. S. Notes on public subjects during a tour in 297.12 — Weld, I. Travels through Upper and Lower C. 025.15 Caxadas. Heriot, G. Travels through the . . . 029.23 — ShirrefF, P. Comprehensive view of the . . 024.10 Canadian forest. Stories of the. Traill, Mrs. C. P 728.17 C.INDLES. Kurten, P. Transparent and eamphene oil 198.11-12 — Morfit, C. Chemistry applied to the manufac- ture of 194.5 Canning, G. Select speeclies. Ed. by R. Walsh. Philadelphia, 1850. 8' 802.2 — Life of. Bell, R 506.12-13 — Memoir of 830.38 Canoe voyage up the Miunay .Sotor. Featherston- haugh, G. W 023.14 C.\NOT, T. Twenty years of an African slaver. Ed. by B. Mayer. New York, 1854. 12° . . 609.2 Canterbury tales. Chaucer, G 754.11 — - Same .330.15 — Lee,H 437.2 — Lee, S 437.1 Canticles, New translation of, by Noycs, G. R. 1097.21 Cantit, C. Ezelino da Romano. Storia d' un Ghibellino. Milano, 1854. 12° 1040.15 — Margherita Pusterla, racconto. La Madonna d' Imbevera, racconto. Isotta, novella. Inni sacri. Firenze, 1845. 12° 1046.13 — Racconti e descrizioni. Milano, 1851. 12°. . 10-10.14 — Storia di cento auui [1750-1850.] 3a ed. Fi- renze, 1855. .3v. 12° 1040.10 — Tre discorsi sulla storia universale. [Notizie biogr. c bibliogr. di Carlotti.] Firenze, 1855. 12° 1040.12 Cant^, Ig. Macario Spaocalancia. Avvcnturc d' un uomo di pace, 1525. Milano, 1845. 12° . 1040.11 C.VNTON Chinese, The. .Sojourn in the celestial empire. Tiffany, O.jr 697.8 C.\.NZONiEKE of Dante. Italian and English. Tr. by C. Lyell 355.2 Cape Ann, Landing at. Thornton, J. W 223.2 Cape, The, and the Kaffirs. Ward, H 699.15 C.VPE of Good Hope, The. Journal of a residence at. Bunbury, C. J. F 692.14 — - Same 098.14 CAPEFIGUE 32 GARY Capefigi-e, B. H. R. Hist, de Philippe Auguste. 3c cd. Paris, 18-11. 2v. 12° 1006.0 CvriTAi. piiuishment. IXfouec of. Chccvcr, G. li. 135.23 Cai-italuiuI labor. Kui^'lit, C 840. 20 CAi'lTAt,, currt-nrv aud baiikiuj^. Wilson,.!.. . - 1-30.8 Capi'E, C Memoirs, by herself. Roston, 1824. 12° 599.5 Capkon, E. S. History of Califoruia. Boston, 18.54. 12' 2.37.13 Captaix.s of the old world. IIerl>crt, II. W.. . . 948.8 CAPTAIN'S of the Itoniau repiib. Herbert, H. W. 948.7 CAPTlvnv among the Indians. Hunter, . J. D. . . 244.9 Caraccas. Geographical notices of. Biggs,.!.. 200.7 Caiiakas, The, of Maddaloni. Naples under Spanisli dominion. Transl. Reuniont, A. v. 827.2 CARCAXU, G. Dodiei novelle. Kirenze, 1853. 12° 1050.10 Conte7iti. — Dc\la Icttcratura ruslicale. Lettora a O. C; Memorie d'uii fanciiillo; Una povcrft tosa; II giovinc BConosciuto; Bencdctta; La vcccliia dclla Mezzegra ; La inadre c il figlio; t'n buon galant- uomo: Kuchc-le; Una siinpatia; Tecla; 11 cappcUano di'Ua Rovella; L'Anieda. — Racconti semplici. Milano, 1853. 10° ... . 1050.5 C'o)if/:H/.<. — Memorie d'un Tanciullo ; Una povera toia; 11 gioviue sconosciuto ; Benedotta; La vocchia dclla Mczzegra; La madrc e 11 figlio; Un buun galaiit- uonio. Cardaxo, G. Life of. Morlcy, H 546.10 Cardoxni;, D. Dom. See Cabinet des F^es XVII.-XVIII. Les contes et fables In- diennes de Bidpa'i et de Lolfman. Par GallandetC 1077.1 Cards. Les cartes ii jouer et la cartomancie. Ambly, P. B. d' 1078.28 Carey, A. Clovemook. New York, 1852. 12° . 416.15 Carey, G. G. Astronomy : as known at the pres- ent day. London, n.d. 8° 147.11 Carey, H. C. Essay on wages. Phila., 1835. 8° 130.7 — Past, present and future. Phila., 1848. 8° . . 136.4 — Slave trade, domestic and foreign. Philadel- phia, 1853. 12° 1090.23 Carl XIV'., Johan, king of Sweden, marshal Ber- nadotte. Memoirs and campaigns of. Phi- lippart, J 542.3 Carlen, E. F. Gustavus Lindorm. N. Y., 1853. 12° 766.7 — Slarie Louise, and Passages in the life of James Leganger. New York, 1><54. 8° . . 766.1 — One year : a tale of wedlock. N. Y.,1S53. 12° 760.4-5 — Rose of Tistelon : a tale. London, 1844. 2v. p.8° 766.3 — Smugglers of the Swedish coast. N.Y., 1845. 8° 766.2 — Whimsical woman. New York, 1854. 12° . . 760.6 Carletti, M. Notizie di C. Cantii 1046.12 Carleton, G. Memoirs by himself; including anecdotes of the war in Spain. Edinburgh, 1808. 8° 565.2 Carleto.v, J. II. Battle of Buena Vista. New York, 1848. 10° 259.8 Carletox, W. The black prophet: a tale. Lou- don, 1847. 18° 758.10 Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, (i. W. F. Carlisle, Mass., History of. Shattuck, L. . . . 224.20 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 3d ed. London, 1847. 4v. 8° 857.1 — - Same. New ed. Pliiladelphia, 1850. 8°. 863.7 — Genius and writings of Burns 586.15 — French revolution : a history. Boston, 1838. 2v. 12° 1007.7 — - Same. New York, 1847. 2v. 12° ... . 1008.4 — German romance. Edinburgh, 1827. 4v. 12° 418.1 Contmlj'. — Vol. 1. Musxus and La Alette Fouqu^. IL Tieck and Hoffmann. HI. Uichter. IV. Goethe. — Heroes, hero worship and the heroic in liist. New York, 1852. 12° 885.13 — Latter day pamphlets. Boston, 1850. 12°. . 885.15 — Life of Schiller. From 2d London ed. N. Y., 1846. 12° 545.12 — Life of John Sterling. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 12° 584.15 — Passages selected from : with memoir. Lon- don, 1855. 12° 885.12 — Past and present. 2d ed. N. York, 1843. 12" 878.16 — Sartor Kesartus. N. Y., 1844. 12° 878.16 — - Same. Fr. last Lond. ed. Best., 1846. 12° 886.14 Carmela Oder die Wiedcrtaufe. Rom. Mundt, T. 1034.17 Caknaiian, J. Discourse del. in Murray St. ch. NevrYork 1083.5 Cakn.\rvon, Earl of. See Herbert, II. J. G. Caune, J. Letters from the East. 2d ed. Lond., 1826. p.8° 687.7 — Travels in the East. London, 1830. p.8. . . 694.18 Carne.", J. A. Voyage to the West coast of Af- rica. Boston, 1852. 12° 698.16-17 Caro, E. St. Dominique et les dominicains. Paris, 1853. 12° 1078.35 CAROLINA, Fort. French settlement at. Ban- vard, J 228.15 Caroline. A Frauconia story. Abbott, J. v. IX. of 738.4 Caroline, Queen of George II. Memoir of. Thompson, A. T 554.6 Carpani, G. Life of Haydn; with life of Mozart. Providence, 1820. 12° 545.20 — - Same. Boston, 1839. 16° 545.19 Carpenter, L. Memoirs, ed. by his son. Bristol, 1842. 8° 574.6 Carpenter, M. Juvenile delinquents ; their con- dition and treatment. London, 1853. 8°. . 135.16 Carpenter, S. C. Memoirs of T. Jefferson. [N. York.] 2v. 8° 623.16 Carpenter, W. B. 3Ianual of physiology. 2d ed. London, 1851. p.8° 149.23 — Mechanical philosophy, horology and astron- omy. London, 1848. p.8° 146.25 — - Same. New ed. London, 1857. p.8°. . . 836.7 — The microscope and its revelations. London, 1856. 12° 178.21 — Physiology of temperance and total absti- nence. London, 1853. 12° 139.8 — Principles of human physiology. 4th ed. London, 1853. 8° 152.16 — - Same. 5th ed. By F. G. Smith. Phila- delphia, 1853. 8° 152.15 — Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. Boston, 1851. 12° 157.17 — Zoology. New ed. by W. S. Dallas. London, 1857. 2v. p.8° 836.6 Carpenter, W. H. History of Massachusetts. Philadelphia, 185.3. 12° 228.11-12 — and Arthur, T. S. History of Vermont. Pliiladelphia, 1853. 12° 228.13 Carpenter, W. W. Travels and adventures in Mexico. New York, 1851. 12° 638.8 Carpenter of Rouen, a dramat. tale. Jones, J. S. 498.8-9 Carpentry. De la charpente 1075.36 — Treatise on, from the Encyclopaedia Brit. . . 201.4 See also .- Arcliitecture. Carr, p. Trial of British soldiers for murder of, in Boston, 5th March, 1770 219.1 Carrel, J. B. N. A. Counter revolution in Eng- land. London, 1846. p.8° 978.4 — - Same. London, 1857. p.8° 837.10 Carrick, J. D. Life of Sir Wm. Wallace of El- derslie. Edinburgh, 1830. 2v. 18° 830.58 Carruthers, R. Life of Alexander Pope. 2d ed. London, 1857. p.8° 835.12 Carstens, H. W. A Trifolium. Boston, 1855. 10° 878.5 Cartaphilus, the wandering Jew. Chronicles of. Hoffman, D 901.5 C.VRTER, Mrs. E. Park, L. J. Memoir of . . . . 599.10 — Pennington, M. Life of 595.5 Cartwright, p. Autobiography. New York, 1857. 10° 534.17 C.\RUS, C. G. The king of Saxony's journey through Engl'd and Scotland in 1844. Lon- don, 1840. 8° 047.3 Carvajal. Famille do. Drame. Merimee, P... 1009.0 Carvaliio, S. N. Travels in the far West ; with Col. J'r('mont'8 last expedition. New York, 1857. 12° 020.11 Carver, J. Travels throughout North America, 1706-69. Walpole, N. H. 1813. 12° ... . 039.8 Cary, a. F. C. Chow-chow. A journal kept in India, Egypt, etc. London, 1857. 2v. 8°. 696.1 Cary, H. F. Memoir, literary journal and letters. Ed. by H. Cary. London, 1847. 2v. 8° .. 684.10-11 CARY CIIAMBEUS 540. 2 1 103.0 Caky, R. Earl of Monmouth. Monioii-s by him- self, and fragnieuta regalia, by Sir R. Xaiin- tou. Edinburgh, 1808. 8° 503. S Caky, T. G. Memoir of T. H. Perkins. Boston, 1836. 8° 5-M.-1 Ca.se of the Seneca Indians. Phil., 1840. 8°. . . 24-4.S Caspian, Sketches on the shores of tlie. Holmes, "NV. R 0M.3 Cass, L. France, its king, court and government. 3dcd. New York, 1848. 8° 1004.5 — Life and character of. Schoolcraft, II. R. . . 52.3.8 — Life and public services of. Young, W. T. . 523.7 Castaways, Tlie : or, adventures in the wilds of Africa. Bowman, A 719.7 Casti, G. Gli animali parlanti. Poema. Paler- mo, 1848. 2v. 18° 1010.4 Castle, II. J. Treatise on land surveying and levelling. London, 1845. 8° 190.0 Castle dangerous. Scott, Sir W 480.35&37-39 Castle of Ehrenstciu. A novel. James, G. P. R.4G3.2&22-24 Castle of fools : a novel. Howitt, M 409.11 Castle builders. The. [A novel]. Yonge, C. M. . 780.7 Castles in the air. A novel. Gore, Mrs. C. G. . 770.3 Castriot, G. [Scanderbeg], king of Albania, Life of. Moore, C. C. 547.10 Caswell, H. Scotland and the Scottish church. Oxford, 1853. 16° 1089.12 Catacojibs of Rome. Pliiladelpliia, n.d. 12° . . 1088.0 — as illustrating the church of tlie first tliree centuries. Kip, "\V. 1 1088.13 Catel, C. S. Treatise on harmony, transl. by Mrs. M.C.Clarke. London, 1854. roy.8° . . . . 204.1 Catherine II. of Russia. Smucker, S. jM. Court and reign of 54().10 — Tooke, W. Life of Catholic and prot. nations compar. Roussell, N. Catholic church. Courcy, H. de. Cath. church in the United States 1098.0 — Wiseman, Card. Doctrines and practices of the 1098.5 Catholic missions. Hist, of, among tlie Indian tribes. Shea, J. G 1098.7 Catholicity and Protestantism comp. Balmcs, J. 1083.3 Catlix, G. Manners, customs and condition of the N. A. Indians. Phila., 1857. 2v. 8°. . . 245.1 — Ojibbeway and loway Indians in Europe. 3d ed. London, 1852. 2v. in 1. 8° 045.4 Catlow, a. Drops of water: their inhabitants displayed by the microscojie. London, 1851. sq.l2° 178.29 — Popular conchology. London, 1843. 12°. . . 178.32 Cats and dogs : lessons in natural liistory. 31yrtlc, Mrs. II 177.28 Cattle, Breeds, management, etc. of. Youatt-W. 172.13 Catullus, C. V. "Works, [also those] of Tibulhis and tlie Vigil of Venus. Transl. [With] metrical version. London, 18.54. p.&° . . . 844.2 Caucasus. Captivity of two Russian princesses in the. Verderevsky 087.1 Caudle's, Mrs., Curtain lectures. Jerrold,D. III. of 900.1 Caulfieli), J., Earl of Charlemont. ^Memoirs of. Hardy, F 503.0 Caulkins, F. M. Hist, of New London, Conn. New London, 1852. S° 225.3 Cavaliers, Memoirs of the. Warburton, E.. . . 553.0 Cavaliers and Roundlieads, Songs of. Tliorii- bury, G. W 310.3 Cave et Dittmer. Les soirees de Xcuilly. Brux- elles, 1828. 2 v. 18° 1079.13 Cavendish. G. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Ed. by S. W. Singer. 2ded. London, 1827. 8° 500.10 Cavendish, T. Life and voyages of 810.41 Canton, AVm. Biograpliy of. Knight, C 840.28 Cantons, The. A family picture. Lytton, E. B. 405.28-30 Caylus, Comte de. Cabinet des Fees. v. XXIV. Les Feeries Xouvelles, v. XXV. Les nou- veaux contes orientaux, Cadichon et Jcan- nette 1077 . 1 Cecil, R. Works, sermons, remains, [etc.] N. York, 1850. 3v. 12° 1087.5 Cecilia; or memoirs of an heiress: a novel. D'Arblay, F. B 499.4 Celeih!.\ted characters. Memoirs of. Lamartine, A. de 517.4 Celestial scenery, etc., displayed. Dick, T. . . &1U.77 Cellini, B. Jlemoirs, i)y himself. Translated by T. Roscoe; with the notes of G. P. Carpani. New York, 1845. 2v. 12° 514.13 — - Same. Coll. with the new text of (i. ^lolini, with notes of Carpani. Transl. by Roscoe. London, IS50. p.S° 828.1 Cements. Burnell.G. R. Treatise on mortars, etc. 819.32 Cements, Treatise on 109.19 Central America. See America. Century of inventions. Somerset, E. Marq. of ■Worcester 199.27 Cervantes Saavedha, M. de. Don Quixote de la Manclia. Translated by C. Jarvis. Pliilu- dclphia, 1852. 2v. 8° 789.1 — Don (Quixote. Transl. by Motteux. New cd., with notes and essay by J. G. Lockhart. Boston, 1854. 4v. 12° 789.2 — Don Quixote. Transl. by Smollett. Pref'd life of the author. London, n.d. 4v. 18°. 789.3 — Exeniplarj' novels. Transl. by W. H. Kelly. I^ondon, 1855. p.s° 857.3 — Nouvelles. Traduction nouv. Paris, 1809. 4v. 18° 10G9.11 Content/. — Vol.1. Avant-propos; Minis, sur la vie de Cervantes; La Bolirniienne; I.'amant gent-reux; Exanicn de I'amant. 11. Rinconnt't et Cortadille; Isabelle et Scmoiirs; Don Manuel; Lc Licencie Vid- riera; Leocadic, ou, la force du sang. III. Le Jaloux; Les Kivalcs; Cornelie. IV. Constance; Lc Trom- peur tronipe; Dialogue des deux cliicns de Mahudc^. — Life and writings of, etc. Roscoe, T 399.1 Cesari, a. NovcUe. Nuova ed. Napoli, 1851. 3v. in 1. 16° 1049.5 — Bellezze di Dante 1047.2 — Novelle. ,S'ee Mauzoni, G 1058.7 Cetace.v, Natural history of the. Bell, T 172.18 Ceylon. Baker, S. W. Ritle and hound in . . . C95.8 — Barrow, Sir G. C. past and present 9.38.8 — Binning, R. B. M. Two years travel in . . . 085.1 — Forbes, Major. Eleven years in 095.4 — Heber, R. Notes on 8S9.24 Chace, The, the turf, and the road. Apperlej-, C. J 177.14 Cii.VDWiCK, J. Home cookery. Boston, 185.3. 12° 188.23 Chainbeareu, The: auovel. Cooper, J. F. . .700.14-15 Chald.e.v. Travels and researches in. Loftus, W. K « 094. 1 Chalmers, A. Prefaces to the Britisli essayists 850.24 CiiALJiERS, G. Introduction to the history of the revolt of the American colonies. Boston, 1845. 2v. 8° 304.8 Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external nature to man, [with] a biographical preface by* J. Gumming. I^ondou, 1853. p.8° 820.0 — Political economy in connection with morals. New York, 1832. 12° 130.29 — Posthumous works. Ed. by Vi'. Ilauna. New York, 1848-51. 9v. 12° 1108.0 Contoi^'. — Vols. I. — III. Daily scripture readings. IV. — V. lIorsE biblica; sabbatiea;; Sabbath scripture readings. VI. Sermons, illustrative of his ministry, 17S8— 1S47. VII.— VIII. Institutes of theology. IX. Prelections on Butler's analogy; Paley's evidences of Christianitj', and Hill's lectures in divinity, with two introductory lectures, and four addresses. — Selections from his correspondence. Ed. by Rev. W. Hauna. N.Y., 1853. 12° 1080.25 — Life of. llanua, AV 570.7 — Life of. Ed. by,!. C. Mofl'at 570.1 Chamhi:rs, K. Cyclopaedia of Englisli literature. Boston, 1851. 2v. 8° 392.1 — Domestic annals of Scotland. Edinburgh and London. 18.58. 2v. 8° 974.3 — Life of king James I. Edinburgh, 18.30. 2v. 18° 830.50 — Rebellions in .Scotland, 1038-00. Edinburgh, 1828. '2v. 18° 830.44 — Rebellions in Scotland. 1089 and 1715. Edin- burgh, 1829. 18° 8.30. 50 CHAMBERS 34 CIlATlOAlCiAY CuvMiir.r.s, K. Kobolliona in Scudaiul. IM.WIO. Kiliubm-li, I»-':. -'V. 1^° **'"*-;'| _ Sol.vt writin-s. K.linlmvt>li. l.^ir. Iv. Hi". MX'-t CllA.M»i:iis, W. Anu'ricau sluvory iiiul iv>l<>iir. Louiloii, lS">r. .'^° , ,\',",'., — HmulbookDrAiiuM-. litoratuiv. riiil.,"-'!- I-" m.U — History oflho Kiijvlisli l«n-uiiso !>»"! li- tuiv. lMliiit>iir^;li, ISVt. If." • ">■••'>'> — lufi.niiiitiou \or llu" poopK-. 131 li Amorii-an oil. riiila.I.lpliia, ISM. -'v. voy.S" . . . . Wl.l — Misfi'Uanv of uscl'iil ami i-dttM-tMiniii;;- traits. Kiliubur;,'li, inl. lOv. If.' :W(5&:5(!r — I'niKTS for Iho pooplo. Kilinbiirsh, 1S'>I>-.')1. 1-v. ir ='-^''->-- — rockot miscollimy. Host., ISV.'-'i.'i. f,'v. inC«. 1'^" :U17.1 — Tliiiitraas tlii-y arc in Anu'rioa. IMiilaik-lpliia, isji. \:' . '. ''-^•" — Youth's romiiaiiion. I.oikIoh. | IS'ir.] U'>". ■ i:!'"^-!' ClIAMIKK, V. Mil" of a sailor: a uomI. N. V., l,«vi:t. 'Jv. 1-'° '•'■■^ rilAXti; iiu'tllcy ofli.uhl iiiallor. (iraltau, 'I'. ('. . M)J..TJ C'll vxi>i.i;h, l).\.. 'I'iiis, that and llu' otlu'r. l!os- *fon. ISVI. ir I IS. 1-8 ClIAXDl.KK, M. (i. Klonunifsol'cliarach'r. '.'il itl. Boston, ISVI. >s* lis. II — Klcnii'uts of I'liara.'tcr. IJoston, IsM. W. . l.T.liO — KU'ni.'ntsorcliara.'Icr. .-Ul.-d. lioston, 1S.V.. 10° lOSli.li'.) ClIA.MH.lCK, r. W. Ann'rioanoriniinal trials, lios- ton, ISII-ll. l!v. 1-'° '-"T.i: CllANKI.KK, U. Travols in Asia Minor and (iri^'cc. New I'd., Iiy N. Kovotl. Oxford, 1SJ,>. •Jv. in 1. s~ <"'S'5.5 CllANDl.Kss, Win. A visit to Salt I.akc. I,oni«eourKe8i KviderecH of Chriitinn- Ity. Y. UeuutrkH on the Nluvery iiueslioni I.eetiireou war; r.eetnreson the elevation of the I ilioiinn eUsseni Death of lli>v. Dr. I'oUcn, a diseouvHe; CharBesattho ordinntiouB of 1'". T. (Jray, 11. ('. Wnteistnn, and .), S. Dwight; Miscellanieii; Appendix. \'l. lOinancipa- tion.l.Slll; Discourse on the life of Kev. J. Tuel;er- innn; Address on the present ngei Theehnrch; Duly of the fr«e stales; Address i>n the anniversary of cninneipution in Ihe Ilrilish W. I, — GCuvroH socialcs, trad., etc., par i'.. Laboiilayo. Paris, 18;)l. 12° ." . incr.u Contrntn. — Enai snr hi vie el les ouvrnRes de Chnn- nlng, pur M. 10. liUhoulaye; Introduction aux leuvres BOCiales de Chanuing; l)e I'l cliiuation iiersoniieMe; Du I'elOvation ilea clusses lahorienses; Disciiiirs snr hi teniprance; MInisterc pour los panvrts; De Tohliita- liiui poor les nuiulelpulit<:s do veiller ii lu siiutti inoralo de leurs lueinbres. — (Knvrcs. Dc 1' csclnvan-p. rn'faco par <■; Laboulayo. I'nris, ISVS. l'.i° 10(17.10 — I'oetical f4('niiiH of Milton ;!iV.).:( — .Memoir of. (Mianniii;.^, W. II ry',i,.i-l CllA.S.N-iNc, W. II. Memoir.s of Sarah M. F. D'OsHoli. Prepared by C. and otIierH . . . GIJS.U-IO — Memoir of W. K. Chunnin-j. «th ed. Uostoii, iK)i. nv. 12° 5;ir).i-2 ClIAn.lN, J. I). Convent and the mnuHe, by llyla, bo»tou, 1804. 12° 117.10-20 CiiAi'MAN, II. History of (^uslavns AdolpIius,aiid of the thirty years' war. London, Isul. S" MO. 5 CllAfMAN, K. •'. rnietieal niineralo:;y. London, isi:t. s' If-;'-'- Cll.vrMAN, .1. Cotton and eonmu'ree of liidi.i. London, IS.-.I. S' l:'""'-!*' OtlAKAiTKii. Klements of. Cbamller, IM. (1. . . . US. II CiiAHAcri'.Kisrtisof lilt>ratiiie. 'riickerinau, II. 'I'. M.s.ft CllAl!Ai"ri':i{.s and eritieisms. .lones, W. A. . . . SSS.U CiiAKtn.ics. I'riv. life of Ihe ane.(.i reeks. Meeker, W. A W.l CiiAUUi.i'.s, atlramutie poein. (.^liuey, .1. I". . . . .'110.7 CllAKlTY. Uronekeie, (\ de. Charite, ete UV>.'i.ll — Trimmer, Mrs. The eeonoiny of I'JI>.7 ClIAlU.K.MAiiNK. Hanreaii, H. C. etsaeoiir. . . 107S.-I0 — .lames, (i. 1". K. The history (d" SIO.OO — .luste, T. llisloiredi' lo:;..'.» ClIAKl.lCMONT: a tale of Keiidieky. Sim in s, W. ti.SO().'j:t~20 CllAltl.los 1. of Kiifilan.l. Abb.>lt,.L History of.V.lt. lS-21 — Aikiii, L. Court of tCO.O — .\slilmrnliaiii,.l. \ indiealion id", from the mis representaliims of Lord Clarendon '.>;.'>. 10 — l)'lsraeli, I. Cominenlaries on .V);!.': — lOvelvu, .1. Private (^orrespondiiiee of Charles I. withSir K. Nieholas I'; 7. I ClIAUl.KS the lifst. Hist. Ira;'vdy. M it ford, M. H f^OLl ClIAKl.l'.s II. of Kuiilaiid. Mdu.tl, .1. History ofS.V.). 22-24 — Hamilton, A. IV rsomil history, ete .>^.'>7.I — Sidney, H. Diary of the times of .V^t.-l CllAUl.lcs \'. Minuet, F. A. .V. Son abdieation el saniort lOO.'i.l — Koherlsim, W. History .d" the iH'ij;n of . . . 1)12. -Ur. — - Hist, of tlie reij^n of. Abri(lj4ed S.10.0 — Stirling-, W. Cloister life of 017. (US CiiAni,i';s \' 1 1 1. kino- of France, History of. Com mines, P. de s,'i7.l CllAKl.KS IX. Lestempsde. Merimee, P. . . . KlOli.l CllAKl.lcs X. Hist, of the reij^n of. Crowe, h). K. 100.'.. :t CllAltl.KS the Hold, duke of llnrH'Uiidy, lllsl. of. Commines, P. de .Si'i7.4 (MiAltl.Ks Aiieliester. A memorial. l!ert;er, K. . 802.31) Ciiaiu,i;h Khvood: or, tin' iiilldel converted. Itrowiison, O. A IIOD.O ClIAUl.KS el Marie. Noiiv. Son/a, IMm.'. de . . . lo;0.1O CllAKl.KS O'Malley, Hie 1 risli dra-ooii. Li'ver, C..,)01 . ll-'.f. CUlAKI.KS Tvrrel : or, (he bjKer blood, .lames, (i. P. i{ Hi:!.:!!) ClIAItl.KSTON, S. ('., Invasion of. Wilkinson, K.. 210.10 OllAKLOTfl". Klizalieth. .SVc Toniia. CiiARi.orri'; Temple. A tale of I nil h. Itowson, S. Sirs TSO.IO CllAltMl'.l) sea: a tale. Mardneaii, II.. v. \ 1 1 1, of 7l0.2-:t CllAHSlsand coiinti'r charms. M'liilosb, i\I..I. . -1:17. IS OlIASlc, II. and Sanborn, C.W. The north and (be Bouth. Slalistieal view. Itoslon, Is.'.ii. 12' 207.18 ClIA.SK, I. Ilaptismal Iraels Cor llie liiiies. Itostoll, 1851. 12° lOSO.n ClIAHK, The, with critical essays by Hr. Aikiii. Somervile, W .'i.Ml.ft CUASI.KS, V. K. 1". Aii,'.rlo Anierii'an liliialiire and maiiiKM-s Iiil.ll — NotabilltleH of l''rain'e and Fiij^land, with an aii(obio;4rapliy. New ^■ork, IS,.:!. 12" . . . SOS. 7 CllAri-.Al! de (ienappe. Itecif. Saintine, X. IS. . . 1078. HI) CllAIKAI'iUtlAM), K. F. A. v'te de. (ieniiis of Chrislianlly. Transl. by C.I. While. Phila didphia, IS.'.O. 8° Um.l — Seleclioiis fr<.in "(ieniiiH of Chrislianily." Transl., w Itb an introdiic, by JO. Ii. Stork. Philadelphia, IS,VS. 12" 1088.1(1 — ]Melaiij;es liistoriqiieH. Hru.xelleH, I82S. 24°. 100".). i:i — Les martyrs. Paris, IS.V:). 12° 10(10.7 — Les Natciie/.. l!riiX(dl<'H, 1827. 2v. 24° . . . . 1000.14 — Porlrail of lionaparle, witli all odo by Lord I'.yron. New York, 1S14. 18° GOD. 7 — Travels in (ireece, Palestine, l^Kyiil and IJar- bary, l80ti-7. Triinsl. by F. Slioberl. New York, 1814. 8° (lsr..7 CIllATKAtKiAV woods, A tram|i in. HiimiMoiid, K. II (rm.2 CHATSWORTII 35 CHILD CiiATSWORTii : a romance. Ward, R. P 787.1 Chatterton, T., with notices of his poetical works, life, Rowley controversy and notes. Cambridije, 184'^. 2v. 12". . . ."540.0 — Life of. Dix, J 5S9.7 Chauceu, G. Poetical works, with mem., by .^ir H. Nicolas. London, 1845. Ov. 10° .... .^l'.).u Contents. — Vol. I. Memoir of Chaucer, by Sir II. Nicolas; Essay on the languaw nnd vcrsifieotioii of Chaucer, by T. Tyrwhitt, Esq.; Introdudory dis- course to ihc Canterbury talus. II.— III. Canterbury tales. IV. The romaunt of the rose; Troilus and Crcseidc, b. 1,2. V. Troilus and CreseUle, b. ." — j; Legend of gool women; A^oodly ballade of Chouecr; The booke of the dutchosse; The assembly of foules. VI. Queen Annelida nnd f.dsc Arcitc; The complaint of the black knight; .V praise of women; 'Ihe house Otfame; The complaint of Mars and Venus; The cuckow and Ihc nightingale ; The court of love ; Cliauc^r'« d ream ; Tlie flower and the leaf; Chaucer's A. B. C; Ballads, etc. — Riclics of Chaucer ; notes and mem., by C. C. Clarke. London, 18.35. 'Z\. 12° .355.4 — Canterbury tales, n.d. 10° 330.15 — Canterbury tales. Notes of T. Tyrwliitt. Newcd. New York, 1855. 12° 754.11 — Canterbury tales. Ed. by J. Saunders. Lon- don, 18-15-47. 2v. 18° S40.12 — - Tales from, in prose. Clarke, C. C. . . . 754.12 — Dryden, J. Fables transl.ated into verso . . . .315.17 — Saunders, J. Pictures of Eng-. life fr. Chaucer 8.50.0 Cheap repository tracts. Lond., 1830-3'J. .3v. 12° 1108.13 ClIEETllAM, J. LifeofT. Paine. N. Y., 1809. 8° 513.14 Cheevek, G. B. Lectures on the Pilgrim's pro- gress, and on iJunyan. New York, 1844. 8° 1094.0 — Defence of capital punishment and essay on the reason of punishment by T. Lewis. New York, 1840. 12° 135.23 Cheever, H. T. The island world of the Pacific. New York, 1851. 12° 705.11 — Life in the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., 1851. 12° 705.20 — The whale and his captors. N. York, 1850. 12° 728.8 Chelius, J. M. System of surgery. Transl. by South, J. F. Pliiladelphia, 1847. 3v. 8° . . 152.8 Chelsea pensioners. The : a novel. Glcig, G. R. 777.2 CiiEMicAi- analysis. Frosenlus, C. R. Sy.stem of, qualitative and quantitative 155.10-11 — Normandy, A. Commercial handbook of . . 15 5.20 — - Introduction to Rose's treatise on . . . . 155.13 — Rose, H. Practical treatise of 155.12 — Will, H. Outlines of 15G.2 — Wohler, F. Manual of 156.10 Chemical and pharmaceutical processes. Bell, J. 199.10 C MEMK AL aud pharmaceut. manipulat's. Morlit, C. 155.2 (^IIE.MICAL field lectures. Stcickhardt, J. A. . . . 836.1 CiiEMicAL manipulation. Faraday, M 155.17 — Noad, II. M 1.55.9 Chemical philosophy, Introd. to. Daniell, J. F. 155.3 Che.mical and physiological balance of organic nature. Dumas and Boussingault 150. .34 Chemical problems and reactions. Cooke, J. P. . 150.8 Chemical technology. Ronalds, E 155.20 Chemical tests. Aecum, F. Treat, on use, etc., of 150.24 Chejilstry. Abel, F. A. and Bloxam, C. L. Hand- book of 150.3 — Berzelius, J. J. Tlie use of the blow-pipe . . 155.22 — Bowman, J. E. Handbook of medical . . . . 157.11 — Campbell, D. Text book of inorganic . . . . 150. .30 — Comstock, J. L. Elements of 150.17 — Daubeny,C. Atomic theory 149. .30 — Donovan, M. Treatise on 398.13 — Dyer and colour m.aker's companion 199.13 — Faraday, M. The non-metallic elements. . . 15'5.33 — Familiar introduction to 149. .39 — Fownes, G. Rudimentary 819.1 — Fresenius, C. R. and Vrill, II. Alkalimetry . 15T.21 — Glover, R. M. Manual of elementary .... 150.25 — Graham, T. Elements of 144.7 — Gregory, W. Elementary treatise on . . . . 150.27 — - Inorganic 150.19 — - Organic 1;50.18 — Griffin, ,L J. Radical theory in 15S.23 Chemlstrv. Griffiths, T. C. of the four seasons. 156.6 — Ilassall, A. II. Food and its adulterations. . 1.55.19 — - Adulterations detected 150.12 — Iluard, A. Epitome of 1.55.23 — Introduction to iiractical organic . . . . v. I. of 850.25 — Johnston, .f. F. AV. C. applied to agriculture 104.14 — - C. of common life 150.15 — .lones, II. B. Animal C. in stom.acli diseases 155.10 — Kemp, T. L. Discoveries and applications of modern 15'i.22 — Knapp, F. C. applied to the art.s and manuf. 144. .3-4 — Liebig, .1. Agricultural 155.24 — - Animal 155.4 — - Applica. of orgJin. C. toagric. and physiol. 155.25 — - Handbook of organic analysis 1.50.23 — - C. in relation to physiology 1.55.21 — - C. of food 1.55.7 — Liiwig, C. Organic and physiological 1,50.4 — Manuel de chimio 1075.35 — Marcet, Mrs. .1. Conversations on 1.55.20 — Marcet, AV. Composition of foo me. Is'ew York, 185r. 10'. . 488.12 — Biog. of good wives. 5th ed. N. Y., 18o0. 12° 548.8-9 — Fact and fiction : a collection of stories. N. York, lMr-1'... 12» .■*^-!"-" — Flowers for children. New York, 1852. 10°. 7:18.9 — Isaac T. Hoi)i)cr: a true life. Host., 185'1. 12° 525.10-15 — Little girl's own book. Host., l.sil. sq.lC.° . 199.41 — Mother's book. 0th edition, with additions. New York, isl'j. 12° l-'5'-~*^ — Oasis, The. Boston, 18:14. 10° 1.19.17 — I'liilotlica. A romance. IJoston, is:i0. 12°. 4S8.I5 — Progress of relig. ideas. N. Y., 1855. .3v. 8° 1095.0 Cllli.KKKX. Condie, D. F. Diseases of 132.0 — Directions for forming the habits of 109.18 Ciiii.i>i:i;s of the new forest. Marryat, F 745.0 Cllll.DKKN of the abbey. Kochc, K. M 789.8 Cnil.D's friend, The. Hcrquin, A. de 729.20 21 Child's book of nature. Hooker, W 177.32 Chilk con came: or camp and field. Smith, S. C 02:1.19 Chili. Davie, J. C History of 033.14 Cardiuer, .V. F. Visit to tlie Indians of . . . 035.18 — Gerstiicker, F. Travels in 030.1 — Hall, H. Chili in 1820-22 039.7 — Smitli, E. K. Indian tribes of southern . . . 0:55.9 — Strain, 1. G. Journey in, 1849 035.13 — SutclilTe, T. Sixteen years in 033.17 Chimes, The: a goblin story. Dickens, C . . .481.12-10 Chimxkys, Practical treatise on. Eckstein, G. F. 207.12 China, with some account of Ava and the Bur- mese, Siam and Anam. London, 1853. p.8° 825.8 — Ball, B. L. Rambles in 708.0-7 — Callery and Y'van. Hist, of the insurrection in 938.0 — Cochrane, J. D. Pedestrian journey to the frontiers of 830.40 — Davis, J. F. C. during the war and since . . 090.13 — - Empire of C. and its inhabitants 810.75 — - Sketches of 700.8 — Dobell, P. A residence in 000.2 — Ellis, H. Late embassy to 090.10 — Fishbourne, E. G. Impressions of, and the present revolution 709.15 — Forbes, F. E. Five years in, 1842-47 096.9 — Fortune, It. Kesidence among the Chinese . 096.4 — Gutzlaff, C. Two voyages along the coast of. 700. .5-0 — - Sketch of Cliinese history 9:14.7 — Hue, M. 1' Abbe. Christianity in 113.4 — - Tlie Chinese empire 706.1 — - Travels in, 184-1-10 706.4 — Kidd, S. Illustr. of the symbols, philosophy, etc., of 090.8 — Jocelyn, Lord. Six months with the Chinese expedition 709.10 — Meares, J. Voyages from, 1788-89 023.13 — Milne, Vi'. C. Life in 097.9 — Smith, G. Consular cities of 096.14-15 — Taylor, B. C in 18.53 708.17-19 — Sirr, II. C. China and the Chinese 096.2 — Tiffany, O. jr. Canton Chinese 097.8 — White, .J. History of a voyage to Cliina sea . 023.12 — AVilliams, S. W. Chinese empire and its in- habitants 090.12 CiiirjiAN, D. Memoir of Soth AVarner. [Also,] the life of E. Allen, by J. Sparks, iliddle- bury, 1818. 10° 528.22 CniPPKWAY Indians, Character, customs, etc., of. 3I'Kenney, T. L 025.4 CiiiTTKNDKX, W. P.. Lifeof.I. B. Ladd 898.7 ClllVAI.UY and charity illustrated by t!ie lives of Bortraud du Guesclin and .John Howard . . 5S9.14 Chivaluy. .James, G. p. li. History of 810.20 — Mills, C. History of: or, knighthood and its times 945.2 — Stabbing, H. History of C. and the crusades 830.56 Choix d' anecdotes. Precis hist, sur la revolution fran^aise par 31. Bailly. 5e ed. par 3Ime. Celnart. Paris, 1828. 4v. 16° 1079.14 Chorley, H.F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. N. Y'ork, 18.30. 2v. 12° 596.8 CiiORLKY, H. F. Modern German music. Lond., 1854. 2v. 8° i^09.5 CiiORLTOX, W. American grape grower's guide. New York, 1856. 12° 105.25 CiiOUANXKiaK, The war in the little. Hill, G. J. 1008.13 CiioULES, .J. O. Cruise of the steam yaciit North Star. Boston, 1854. 12° 047.9-12 Cliow-ciiow : journal in India, Egypt, and Syria. Gary, A. F 090.1 Christ a friend. Adams, N 1106.1 Christ knocking at the door. Flavel, J 1107.4 Christ. Furness,\V. H. Jeens and his biograph. 1101.5 — Greenlcaf, S. Account of the trial of Jesus . 109:1.10 — Neander, A. Life of Jesus Christ 848.8 — TurnbuU, K. C. in history 1106.18 — Young, J. The C. of history 1087.13 Christiax art in the middle ages. Didron, M. . 815.9 Christian character, formation of. Ware, H. jr. 1089.31 Christian church. See Church and Ecclesiastical history. Christian contemplated. The. Lectures. Jay, W. 119.14 Christian days and thoughts. Peabody, E. . . . 117.12 Christian divinity, Apology for the true. Bar- clay, K 1095.4 Christian doctrine and practice in the second cen- tury. Philadelphia, 1848. 18° 850.25 Christian doctrine. Lectures on. Peabody, A. P. 117.13 Christian duty, Pastoral addresses on. James, J. A 1088.30 Christian iconograpiiy. Didron, 31 815.9 Christian life, in the early and middle ages. Ne- ander, A 858.7 Christian life, social and individual. Bayne, P. 1086.12-13 Christian missions. See Missions. Christian morals. Browne, SirT v. III. of 846.11 — More, H 129.20 See also .• Ethics, Morals, etc. Christian professor, Counsels and cautions ad- dressed to the. James, J. A 118 8 Christian progress. James, J. A 119.22 Christian religion. See Evidences. Christian sects. Phi la., 1846. 16° . . . . v. III. of 850.25 See also .• Ecclesiastical history. Christian slave : a drama. Stowe, H. B 357.11 Christian socialism. Ballon, A 1.34.2 Christian truth, etc.. Views of. Priestley, J. . 1099.10 Christian year. The. Thoughts inverse for Sun- days and holydays. Keble, J 10^3.20 Christianity. Chateaubriand, Vise. de. Genius of 1095.1 — - Selections from " Genius of C." 1088.10 — .Tames, II. C. the logic of creation 1088.7 — 3Iann, Mrs. H. C. in the kitchen 188.24 — Martineau, J. Studies of 108fi.l4 — Norton, A. Tracts concerning 1095.3 See also: Evidences, Missions, Theology. Christian's manual of faith and devotion. Ho- bart, J. H 1099.16 Christians, The early. Eliot, S 1.34.8 Christie Johnstone: a novel. Keade, C 4i5.7 Christina and her court: a novel. Velde, F. K. van der 801 . 1 Christison, R. Manual of practical toxicology. Notes and additions, by J. T. Ducatel. Bal- timore, 18:33. 12° 158.5 Christmas, II. Echoes of the universe. Phila., 1850. 12° 1106.5 — Nicliolas I. Brief mem. of his life and reign. London, 1854. 10° 540.20 Christmas, Customs, ceremonies, etc., of. Hervey, T. K 989.2 Christmas books. Dickens, C 402.10-17 Christmas carol, A. Dickens, C 481.12-16 Christmas fire. New stories by the. Dickens, C. . 491 .1-6 Christmas holydays in Kome. Kip, W. 1 078.18 Christmas stories. Dickens, C 481.12-16 Christoffel, R. Zwingli: or, the reformation in Switzerland. Transl. by J. Cochran. Ed- inburgh, 1858. 8° 1085.14 Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by R. Southcy. 1st Am. ed. Lowell, l&iO. 8°. . 913.2 Chronicles of the crusades. London, 1848. p.8°. 840.6 CHRONICLES 37 CLASSICS Chronicles. Froissart, J. C. of Kng-., France and Spain, etc *. 1001.2 — Jerrold, D. C. of Clovornook v. VI. of 000.1 — Pettijjrew, T. J. C. of tlio tombs Soj.l.T — Young-> A. C. of the pilgrim fathers 223.12-1."$ CllRONOl.odY. Blair, J. Clironoloj,ncal tables. . 8.'5(5.2 — Jlunsell, J. Every day book of hist, aud C. 947.1 — Nicolas, Sir X. ir. C. of history .3()8.2 — C. of hist., art, literature and civilization . . . 82'.).:!i) — Tegg-, T. Uietionary of 947.2 — - C. from the earliest period to present time 949.7 CriRYSOSTOM,.T. Lil'e of, by I'erthes, F. M. . . . 547.20 CHuncir. Barrett, B. F. True measure of a true C. 1088.15 — Bartol, C. A. Unity of ('. and congregation . 1080. .30 — Coleridge, S. T. Church and state . . v. VI. of 880.2 — Cumming, J. C. before the flood llG.ll — 3Iacaulay, T. B. C. and state. Review of Gladstone on 409.20 — Noel, B. W. Union of C. and state 128.3 — Spencer, C. C. Explanation, etc., of C. modes 204.5 See also: Ecclesiastical hist, and Theology. Churchill, C. Poetical works, with notes and life, by W. Tooke. Lond., 1844. 3v. 16° . . 319.0 Contents. — Vo\. I. L'f,', letters, will, etc.; The Ros- ciad; The npology, addressed to the ciitical reviewers; Niglit; The projilieey of famine; An epistle to Wm. Ilocarth. II. The duellist; Gotham; The author; The conference; The ghost, b. 1—3. III. The ghost, b. 4; The cniidirtate; The furewell; The times; Inde- pendence; The journey; Frasnientof a dedication; Lines written in Windsor park; Index. — Poetical works, with mem., uotes, etc., by G. Giliillau. N. Y., 1855. h° 322.5 — Biography of. Forstcr, J v. II. of 894. 3 Churchill, F. Diseases of women. New Am. ed. ; byD. F. Condie. Pliiladelphia, 1852. 8° 151.11 Churchill, J. Duke of Marlborough. Bucke, C. Life of 379.5 — - Coxe, W. Memoirs of 838.2 Churchyards, Chapters on. Soutlicy, Mrs. C. . 878.10 CiiuTii: d'unange; episode. Lamartine, A. de . . 1008.12 Gibber, C. Dramatic works. Loudon, 1700. 4v. 10° 357.13 Contents. — Vol. I. Love's last sliift, a comedy ; Woman's wit, a comedy ; I.ove makes a man, a com- edy; She would and she would not, a comedy. II. The careless husband, a comedy; The rival fools, a comedy; The lady's last stake, a comcd3'; Richard III., a tragedy. III. The double gallant, a comedy; Ximena, a tragedy; The comical lovers, a comedy; The non -juror, a comedy. IV. The refusal, a com- edy; The provoked hush:ind, a comedy; Love in a riddle, a pastoral; King John, a tragedy. Cicero, M. T. Academic questions. De Finibus and Tusculau disputations. Transl. by C. D. Vonge. London, ItS'J. p.8° 834.7 — Three books of offices, etc. Transl. by C. R. Edmonds. London, 1853. p.&° 824.2 — Orations, etc. Transl. by C. D. Youge. Lon- don, 1851-52. 4v. p.8° 824.10 — Orations, offices, ('ato and Laelius. New York, 1852. 3v. 18° 8.30.12 — Orationum XII selectanim liber. Etona?, ^:s.'i. 18° 808.22 — Oratory. Transl. by ,1. S. Watsou. Ivondon, 1,S)5. p.8° 844.9 — Three dialogues on the orator. Translated by W. Guthrie. 2d Am. ed. N. Y., n.d. IS' . 830.24 — Treatises. Transl. by C. D. Youge. London, 1S.J3. p.8° 834.14 — Tusculru questions. Transl. by (j. A. 0:is. Boston, IKiO. 12° 128.5 — Life by Dr. Middletou. Inciters, transl. by W. Melmoth and lleberden. Lond., 1S48. 8° .541.2 — Life of. IIollings,.L F .389.7 Cm, the. Chronicle of, transl. by U. Southcy . . . 913.2 — Dennis, G. A short chronicle of 840.19 — Lockhart, .1. G. Acct., with specimens of . . 310.1 — Monseignat, C. de. I>e C. canipeador .... 1078. .30 CiLi(i.\. Hist. acct. of. Barker, W. B 094.2 Cixond., l.sl(W4. II v. 8°. 082.1 — Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 5th Am ed. Hartford. N. Y., 1815-17. 3v. in 2. 12° 0S9.G — Travels, (ireece, Egypt and the Holy Land. New York, 1813. 8° i'0.19 Clai'din-k : or the ^irl of Savoy. A talc. Florian, J.P. C. tic ■^'•'•-'^ Cr.AVK;r.uo, F. S. History of Mexico. Transl. by ('. Cull.n. I'hila., isir. •Jv. 8° 254.7 Ci-AV, H. Life and specclics. Kd. by D. Mallory. New York, l>^:i. iJv. 8° sa^.S I'rivatc correspondence. Ed by C. Colton. >-. York, iNw. 8' 512.9 — .«;pceches. Kd. byC. Colton. X. Y., IS5r. 2v. S° 801.5 — .'^ket.li of. Baldwin, .L G 518.7 — Life and times of. Colton, C 512.8 — Iljou'raphy of. Prentice, (J. D 517.20 Cl.AY lanils aiid loamy soils. Treatise on. Don- aldson, I'rof. 820,3 CiF.MiNi, ■)• lioruard Lilc. Hist, romance. Phila., k-.r.. 12" 408.7 Ci-KMKNT, J. Noble deeds of American women. r.uffalo, 1852. 1-2° 5.18.2-3 CLKii)xr, Mademoiselle de. lioman hist. Genlis, 3Ime.de 10GG.17 Clevki.AND, C D. Compendium of American litcr.itiire. Pliiladelphia, 1S58. 12° ... . 404..'? — Compendium of Enfflisli literature from Mau- deville to Cowper. Pliila., 1851. 12°.... 404.1 — Enj^Iish literature of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia, 185!. 12° 404.2 Ci.KVKi..\M), H. K. Life of Henry Hudson. Lives of em. indiv. v. II 518.5 — - Same. Sparks's Am. bio-rr. v.X 529.1 Ci.EVi;i.ANM), U. .1. Voyag-es and commercial en- terprises. Cambridji^e, 1842. 2v. 12° . . . 707.2-3 — - Same. 3d ed. Boston, 1850. 12° 707.1 Clijiate of Korth America. Kussoll, K 023.4 Climatoi.ogie, Ki'^'-les de. Houzeau, .J. C. . . . 1005.23 Clinton, De AY. Life of. Kenwick, J 820.30 Clinton, H. F. Literary remains. Kd. by C. J. F. Clinton. London, 1&J4. 12° 874.12 Clissold, a. Doctrines and revelations of Swe- denborg. Boston, 1839. 12° 10:'4.15 Clive, K. Loril C. Gleig, G. R. Life of ... . 889.9 — Macaulay, T. B. Essay on 409.19 Ci>053. 10° 109.10 Cohbett, W. a year's residence in the U. S. A. >"ew Y'ork, 1818- 12° 029.25 COBDEN, R. Russia and the Eastern question. Boston, 1854. 12° 928.5 Cochrane, J. D. Pedestrian journey through Russia and Sib. Tartary. Pliila., 1824. S°. 074.0 — - Same. New ed. Edinburgh, 1829. 2v. 18° 8.30.40 CocnrT, P. A. Law, son systeme et son epoqne. Paris, 1S.)3. 10° 1078. .30 Cockayne, T. O. Life of Marslial Timnne Lon- don, ls53. p.8° 409. .30 — Outlines of the liistory of Ireland. London, 1851. If5° 989.14 Cockayne, T. O. Outlines of the history of France. 2d*cd. London, 1850. 10°. . . . 989.13 COCKBUKN, Sir G. Buonaparte's voyage to St. Helena. P.ostou, l.s.33. 12° 1009.10 COCKBUHN, Lord H. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with selections; from his correspondence. Phila- delphia, 1852. 2v. 8° 508.3 — Memorials of his time, by himself. N. Y'ork, 1850. 12° 508.5 Cocke, W. A. Constitutional history of the U. S. 1777-1&30., V.I. Philadelphia, 1858. 8° . . . 283.4 Codman, J. Life of. Allen, W 534.8 CfELEBS in search of a wife : a novel. More, H. . 709.14 COGGESIFALL, G. History of the American pri- vateers and letters of marque, 1812-14. N. York, 1850. 8° 215.8 Coin collector's manual. Humphreys, H.N. . . . 820.8 Coin, Essay on gold and silver. M'CuUoch, J. R. 135.4 Coke, T. History of the West Indies with an ac- count of the missions. Liverpool, 1808-11. 3v. 8° 204.5 CoLBURN, Z. Memoir, by himself. Springfield, 183.3. 12° 519.4 CoLDEN, C. D. The life of Robert Fulton. New Y'ork, 1817. 8° 524.7 Cole, T. Life, etc., of. Noble, L. 1 525.9 Coleridge, H. Essays and Marginalia. London, 1851. 2v. 16° 875.14 — Lives of Northern worthies. New ed. Lon- don, 1852. 3v. 10° 589.10 Coleridge, H. N. Introduction to the study of the Greek classic poets. Part I. Boston, 1842. 8° 400.1 — Six months in the West Indies. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1832. 10° 379.8 Coleridge, S. T. Complete works. Ed. by Prof. Shedd. New Y'ork, 1853. 7v. 12° 880.2 Contents. — Vol.1. Aids to reflection; Statesman's manual. 11. The friend, ed. by H. N. Coleridge. III. Biograpliia Uteraria, ed. by H. N. C. IV. Lec- tures upon Shakspeare and other dramatists, ed. by Jlrs. II. N. Coleridge. V. Literary remains, ed. by II. N. C; Confessions of an inquiring; spirit, ed. by H. N. C. VI. Constitution of chnreh and state, ed. by H. N. C; A lay sermon on the distresses and discon- tents, l«ir; Table talk. VII. Poetical and dramatic works. — Poetical works. London, 1835. 3v. 10° .. 327.10-11 Contents.— Vol. I. Juvenile poems; Sibylline leaves. II. The ancient mariner; Ciiristabcl; Miscellaneous poems; Remorse, a tragedy; Zapalya, a Christmas tale; Fall of Robespierre. III. The Piccolomini; lieath of Wallenstein, ti-ansl. from Schiller. — Aids to reflection. London, 1825. 12° . . . . 898.10 — Seven lectures on Shakespeare and Milton. Introd. by J. P. Collier. London, 1850. 8° .332.7 — Life of. Gillman, J 583.5 — Reminiscences of. Cottle, J 580.17 College words and customs. Hall, B. H. . . .403.14-15 CoLLEONi, G. Isnardo. Raeeontoitalico. Livorno, 18.39. 3v. 10° 1049.3 Collier, J. P. AUeyn papers. London, 184-3. 8° 342.17 — Memoirs of E. Alleyn. London, 1841. 8°.. 342.1 — 3Iemoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. London, 1840. 8° .342.31 — Notes and emendations to Shakespeare's plays. New Y'ork, 1853. 12° 357.9 Collins, L. Historical sketches of Kentucky. Maysville, Ky., 1850. 8° 2.35.5 COLLIN.S, W. Poetical works. London, 1830. 1G°. 329.1 Collins, W. W. The dead secret : a novel. New Y'ork, 1857. 12° 754-0-10 — Hide and seek: a nov^el. N. Y"., n.d. 8° . . . 754.1-5 CoLMAN, G. Connoisseur. Br. essayists, v. XXX. 850.24 COLMAN, H. European agriculture and rural economy. Boston, 184(i-48. 2v. 8° . . . . 105.9 — European life and manners. Bost., 1850. 2v. 12° 648.12 CoLOMB, M. R. Notice sur H.Boyle 1007.22 COLOMBA : a novel. Translated. Merimee, P.. . 787.12 Colombia. Duane, W. Visit to C in 1822-23 . . 6.33.15 Colombo, C. See Columbus. COLONNA 39 COXGAR CoLONNA, v., Marchioness of Pescara. Memoirs of. Harford, J. S 543.2 CoLoxxA Infamc, Storia della. Manzoni, A. . . . 105S.G CoLOU as a means of art. Howard, F 20S.7 Colored patriots of tlic American revolution. Xell, W. C 21G.S Coloring, Field, G. Grammar of S19.19 CoLOHiNG, The laws of harmonious. Hay, D. H. 208. G Colors. Principles of harmony and contrast of. Chevrcul, M. E 20S.5 — Theory of. Goethe, .1. M'. von 2a^.4 — Theory and application of. Minifie, Wm. . . 203.3-5 See also .• Painting-. CoLOSSiANS, I'aul's epistle to the. See Bible. CoLQL'HOUN, Janet, Lady. Memoir of. Hamil- ton, J 500.8 COLQUHOI'N, J. C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time. London, 1S5S. 12° 915.5 Colt, S. Manufacture of rotating- chanibcred- breech-fire arms 195.23 COLTOX, C. Life and times of Henry Clay. 2d ed. Xew York, 1S4G. 2v. 8° 512.8 CoLTOX, C. C. Lacon : or many thiug-s in few words. Xew ed. London, L-Sl. 6° . . . . 8S5.S CoLTOX, W. Deck and port, or a cruise to Cali- fornia. Xew York, 1852. 12° G2G.10 — Ship and shore in Madeira, Lisbon, and the Mediterranean. Kev. by H. T. Cheever. Xew York, Kn)I. 12° 078.10-15 — Ship and shore, or a cruise in the Levant. X'. York, 18:J5. 1-2° 678.16 — Three years in California. X. York, 18.51. 12° 620.20-20 Columbus, C. Personal narrative of the first voy- age to America. Transl. Boston, 1827. 8° 214.1 — Life of 547.21 — Barlow, J. The vision of : a poem 314.1 — Becher, A. B. The landi"all of 025.13 — Bradford, S. H. The story of 544.19 — Dandolo, T.' I secoli del due sonuni Italian!, Dante e C 1057.1 — Irving, W. Life and voyages of C. and bis companions .397. 1-3 — Irving, W. Life and voyages of . . . . v. II. of 001.1 — Lamartine, A. de. Christophe Colomb . . . 1078.19 — Jlemorials of Columbus, preceded by a me- moir of his life [by G. B. Spotorno]. Trans. London, 1823. 8° 514.3 CoLVOCOKESSES, G. 31. Four years in a govern- ment exploring exped. X Y., 1652. 1-2° . 70S. 15-10 C03IBE, A. Management of infancy. From 4th Edinb. ed. Xew Y'ork, 1840. 18° 15S.17 — Physiology of digestion. 4thAm. ed. Bost., 1837. 18° 158.15 — - .Same. From 3d Edin. ed. XM'., n.d. 18° 158.10 — - Same. 10th ed. Xew York, 1850. 18° . . 158.22 — Principles of physiology applied to health. From 7th Edinb. ed. X.Y., l^ol. 18°... 810.09 — Life and correspondence of 5S4.4 Combe, G. Constitution of man. 17th Am. ed. Boston, 1848. r2° 157.18 — - Same. Add. cliap. by Warne, .1. A. 27th Am. ed. Boston, 1848. 12° 124.9 — Life and corresp. of A. Combe. Phil., 1850. 12° 584.4 — Moral philosophy. From revised Edinb. ed. Xew York, n.d. 12° 1.39.19 — Xotes on the U. States during a, phrenological tour, 18.38-40. Philadelphia, 1841. 2v. 12° . 637.2 — System of phrenology. 5th American from 3d Edinburgh ed. Boston, 183s. 8° 124.2 — - Same. Xew York, 1849. 12° 125.15 CoMfeDiE. Duval, A. Keflexions sur 1' art de la . 1078.4 Comedy. See Drama. Comer, G. X. Keeping books by double entry. 6th ed. Boston, 1850. 8° ". 135.11 Comforter, The : a tale. Bremer, F 817.1-2 CojiFORTER, The mission of the. Hare, J. C. . . 1100.7 Comic dramatists of the Kestoration. Macaulay, T. B 409.18 Comic English grammar. Xew ed. Lond., 1852. 10° 890.18 Comic history of Rome. Beckett, G. Abbott a . . 950.9 Comic tales and sketdios. Smith, A 728.11 Commerce. Craik, G. L. Hist, of British . . . . 840.14 — Gllhart, .1. W. Hist, and principles of ancient 130.18 — M'CuUoch, .1. 1{. Dictionary of 135.9 — - Principles, pract. and hist, of .305.15 — Cleveland, 1{. J. Commercial enterprises . . 707.1 Co.MMiNES, P. de. Memoirs, and The ncandalouB chronicle, by .F.de Troves. Edit, by A. K. Scoble. Lonilon, 1S.'>5. 2v. p.8° 857.4 Commissioner, The : a novel. James, G. P. U. . 4Mi>,\R.VTlVE anatomy. See Anatomy, Conip. CoMi'Ass, The, in iron ships. Scoresby, W. . . . 1% 7 CoMl'LETE guide to ornamental leather work. Kepr. from London ed. Boston, 1854. 16° . 199.7 Composition and letter writing, Manual of . . . 400.12 COMPUTlsT's manual of facts. Winslow, E. S. . . 1.30. 20 COMSToCK, J. L. E!e\nents of chemistry. 45th cd. Xev.- York, 1840. 12° .' 150. 17 COMTE, Achille and Edwards, 51. I'hysiology and animal mechanism 177.2-3 Co.MTE, Auguste. Positive philosophy. Transl. and condensed by H. 3Iartineau. London, 185.3. 2v. 8° 124.10 — Lewes, G. H. Exposition of Comte's philos. 820.9 CoMTESSE de Fargy, nouvelle. Souza, Mme. de 1079.7 Co.MVN, K. History of the Western empire, [772- 15-20.] London, 1841. 2v. 8° 1004.7 Cox.\XT, H. C. Char.acter and labors of A. Jud- son. Boston, 1850. 12° 536. 4 CoxciioLOGY. Brown, T. Conchologist's text book 178. .34 — Catlow, A. Popular 178.32 — Johnston, G. Introduction to 175.6 — Sowerby, G. B.,jr. Conchological manual. 175.5 — Turton, W. Shells of the British islands . . 175.9 — "Woodward, S. P. Eecent and fossil sliclls . 175.12 Concord, Mass. Frothingham, K., jr. Hist, of the battle of , 214. 2-S — Shattuck, L. History of the town of ... . 224.20 Concord, X. H. Bouton, X. History of . . . 224.3 — Moore, J. B. Annals of the town of 224.18 Concord river, "NVeek on the. Thoreau, H. D. . 023.17 Concrete works and foundations. Dobson, E. . 819.31 Concretes, Treatise on. Burnell, G. H 819.32 CoND^, .1. A. Dominion of tlie Arabs in Spain. Tran. by Mrs. Foster. Lon., 18;>4-5.j. 3v.p.8° 827.3 CoNDE, Louis de Bourbon, prince de, Memoirs of. Stanhope, P. H 017.19 CONDER, E. R. Memoir of .1. Conder. London, 1857. 8° 576.2 Conder, J. Life of J. Bunyan 1094.7 CoNDIE, D. F. Diseases of children. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 18.J3. 8° 152.6 CONDORCET, M. J. A. M. de. Life of Voltaire, [with] memoirs written by himself. Transl. Phil., 1792. 2v.ini. 12° 609.4 Cone cut corners. By Benauly. X. Y., [1.S55.] 12° 428.12 Confederation, Articles of. Hickey, W. . . . 299.2-.3 See also .- America and Fnited .States. Confession, or the blind heart. Simms, \V. G. . 790.44-16 Confessions of an eltjerly lady and gentleman. By Lady Blessingto'n 498.17 Confessions of an English opium cater. De Quincey, T. . . . .^ 895.2-0 Confessions of an inquiring spirit. Coleridge, S. T v.V. of 880.2 Confessions of a working-man. Souvestre, E. . 767.10 Confidence man. The: a novel. Melville, II. . . 730.10 Confidences, Les. Lamartine, A. de 885.9 Conflict of ages. Beecher, E 1106.20-21 Confucius, Morals of 898.8 CONGAR, O.' Autobiography and memorials. Ed. by H. T. Cheever. X. Y., 1851. 10° ... . 539.18 COXGREGATIONALISM 40 CONVERSATION Co.NGREGATioxAi.isM, History of. Punchard, G. 1009.13 CONGRKSS, Koniiiiisieaccs of. March, C. W. . . . 520.22 See «/.<() •• I'uitcd States. Coxu; settious. See Matlu'inafirs. CuxJL'OiAi. lovo. Deli^'hts of wisdom concerning-. Swedeuborg:, K ^'^'^':''r:' CoxJUiUNc, Art of 107. 2.i CoXKLIX(;, yi. C. Jleinoirs of the motlier and wife of \Vasliin','tou. Auburn, 1853. 16°.. . .53S.14-1>'> CoxxAIssANci; des nu-taux. IJruxelles, 1852. 12° 1075.34 CuNNAlSSANCK des l)Ois. Hnixcllcs, 1852. 12° . . 1075.37 CONXKCTUIT. ])wi','lit, T.,jr. Hist, of ^''^'^y^l — Uiuuiau, K. U. C. in tlie revolution 213.7 — Records of tlic colony and plantation of New Haven, l(j:w to UHO. Kd. by C. J. Hoadly. Hartford, 1S57. 8° 234.9 Ci>XQii:sr of (iranada. .See Irving, "W. CoxsclKNCi;, H. Tales of Fiemisli life. N. Y., 1857. 10° 488.10 - Same. Kd. by Anno C. Lynch. N. York, 1840. 12° 488.17 — Veva: an historical talc. Loud., 1855. 12°.. 488.18 CoxsEKVAToiuKS at Kew 178.22 CoxsOLATiox, Sermons of. Greenwood, F. \Y. V. 1088.24 CoNSOL.VTioxs of solitudc. [Poems.] Boston, 1850. 12° 338.15 CoNSPiRACiE.s, Hist, of remarkable. 15rh to 17th centuries. I.awson, J. P 8.30.51 CoxsT.\Bi.E, A. Miscellany of original and se- lected publications. Lond. and Edinburgh, 1820-34. 7Sv. 18° 830.2,5-71 1-3. Hall's voyages. 3v 8.30.25 4. Adventures of British seamen 8.30.20 5. Memoirs of the Marchioness de la lioche- jaquelein 8.30.27 0, 7. Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. 2v. 830.28 8, 9. Symes, 31. Embassy to Ava, in 1795, and Bell's narrative of operations in the Bir- mese empire. 2v 8.30.29 10. Table talk, or selections from the Ana . . 83(».30 11. Perils and captivity 830.31 12. Phenomena of nature. Ed. by H. G. Bell. 830.32 13. 14. Account of the natives of the Tonga Islands. 2v 830.33 15, 10. Chambers, R. History of the rebellion in Scotland, 1745-40. 2v 830.34 17. Robert's narrative of voyages to Central America 830.35 18, 19. Schiller's thirty years' war. 2v. . . . 8.30. .30 20, 21. Thomson, R. Illastr.of Brit. hist. 2v. 830.37 22. Gen. register of politics and lit. in Europe and Am., for 1827 830.38 2-3. Lockhart, J. G. Life of R. Burns .... 8.30.39 24, 25. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 2v 8.30.40 26. Wrangham, F. The Pleiad. Seven writers on the evidences of Christianity 830.41 27,28. Memorials of the late war. 1800-15. 2v. 8-30.42 29, .30. Russell, J. Tour in Germany. 2v. . . 830.43 31, 32. Cliambers, R. Rebellions in Scotland from 1038-00. 2v 8.30.44 33, 34, .35. Kocli, C. W. Revolutions in Eu- rope. 3v 830.45 36, 37. Cochrane, J. D. I'edcstrian journey through Russia. 2v 8,30.40 38. luglis, H. D. .Tourney through Norway, Sweden and Denmark 830.47 39. Memes, J. S. Sculpture, painting and architecture 8,30.48 40. 41. ri)hani, E. The Ottoman empire. 2v. 8,30.49 42. Chambers, R. Rebellious in Scotland, ICksyand 1715 830. go 43, H. Lawsou,. LP. Remark. conspiracies. 2v. 830.51 45. White, G. Nat. hist, of Selborne 8.30.52 40. Sinclair, J. D. An autumn in Italy . . . 8.30.53 4r,4!S. Russell, M. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 'Jv. 8.30.54 49. Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Life of Ileruuu Cortes S30.55 50,51. Stebbing, II. Chivalry and the Cru- sa35.13 CORDILLKHAS, Striking Ht-enes in the. Humboldt, A. von 250.2 CORKA. Hall, n. Voyage of discovery to the W. coast of '■'^•5 — McLood, J. Voyag-e along the coast of . . . 090.11 CoRKl', History of. Jervis, H. J. W • 918.10 CuULNNE, or Italy: a romance. StJii-l Holstein, Mrae. de 757.7-10 ConiNNK, on I'ltalie. Stacl Holstein, Mme. de . . 1070.9 CoKl.vrHlANs, Kpistk's of I'aul to the. Sec Bihle. CoiiKRAX, J. F. History of the national constitu- ent assemblv [of France,] from 3Iay, 1848. New York, 1M9. 1-'^ 1008.3 CoUMENix, L. M. de la H. de. Orators of I'Vam». Kd. by a. H. Coltou. K. York, 1849. 4th ed. W C'l-O CoR.x laws, Kepeal of the. Peel, Sir R. . . . v.IL of 5(50.4 CoKNE, H. Le cardinal JIazarin. Paris, 185:!. 12° 1078.22 — Le cardinal de Richelieu. Paris, 185:i. 12° . 1078.38 CORNEILLE, p. and T. Theatre. Paris, 1854. 2v. 12° 1006.9 Contents. — Vol. I. Vic de Corncille, par Fcn- tcnelle: Le Cid, trag.: Horace, trag.j Cinna, Irag.; Polyeuctc, martyr, Inig. chretienne ; Pompcc, trag. ; Lo menlcur, com.; Lasuitedii menteur, com. 11. liodo- gunc, trag.; lleraclius, trag.; Don Sancbe d'Aragon, com. hcroique ; Nicomede, trag.; Sertoriiis, trag.; (Euvrcs de T. Corneille; Le comte d'Essex, trag.; L.e lestin de Pierre, com. CoRXEiLLK and his times. Guizot, F. P. G. . . . 880.8 ConxELirs, M. H. Guide to domestic economy and comfort. Hoston, 18.55. 12° 188.25 CoRXELiLS >'epos. Translated by AVatson. . . . 834.10 CuRXELlfs Agrippa von Xetteslieim, Uenricus. Life of Morley, H 540.15 CORXELL, W. M. Ship and shore physician and surgeon. Boston, 1858. 12° 157.30 CORXER, Miss. India, pictorial, descriptive and historical. London, 1854. p.8° 835.2 CORXER cupboard — a family repository. 10th thousand. London, 1858. 12° 19S.2 CORXEK stone. The. Abbott, J 1087.10 CoRXET, .J. Manual of Russian and English con- versation. Loudon, 1S58. 10° 400.19 CoRXiiiLL to Cairo. Thackeray, AY. 31 058.10-11 CoRXWALL: its mines and miners. London, 1855. 12° 058.17 CoRXWALL and Devon. Murray, J. Handbook for 049.2 Corpus poetaruin latinorum. Walker, W. S. . . 353.1 CORREOGlo: a tragedy. Oehlenschlager, A. G. . 489.10 Cor.se De Leon : a romance. James, G. P. R. . . 403.29 Corset making. Essay on. Howell, Mrs. M. J. 199.2 Corsica picturesque, historical, etc. Gregoro- vius, F 1007.5 Corsicaxs, British essays in favor of the 079.12 Cortes, The vision of. A poem. Simms, W. G. 309.14 Cortes, Hernando. Life of 5-39.21-22 — Abbott, .1. S. C. History of 579.1-0 — Prescott, \V. U. Life of. Conquest of Mex- ico, v. I ' 2.52.1-2 — Trueba y Cosio. Life of 8.30.55 CoRfXXA, Despatch after the battle of. . . v. L of 830.42 CosMOuRAPiiv ; or philosophical views of the universe. Winslow, (;li. F 118.14 Cosmology, rational. Hickok, L. P 103.20 Cosmos j description of the universe. Humboldt, A. von 140.15-16 CossAKS. R. Heber's history of the 574.4 Costa Rica, Description of. I$aily, .1 :;iG0.4 Costello, L. S. Ream and the Pyrenees. Lou- don, 1844. 2v. 8° 054.2 — Memoirs of eminent Englishwomen. London, 18+4. 4v. 8° 595.1 — Pilgrimage to Auvergne. London, 1812. 2 V. 8° 054.1 CosTiGAX, A. yv. Sketches of society and man- ners in Portugal, n.p. 1787. 2v. 12° . . 079.10 Cothrex, Wm. History of ancient Woodbury, Conn. 1059 to 1854. Watcrbury, 1854. 8°. 2-^5.2 Cottage Bible. See Bible 100' " Cottage building. Rudimentary treatise on. Al- len, C. B 819.29 CoTT.VGE builder, American. Bullock, J 207.7 Cottage comforts. Hints for promoting them. Copley, E 188.22 Cottages, Villas and. Vaux, C 203.15 Cottagers of Gleuburnie : a talc. Hamilton, E. 789.13 Cotter, J. R. Mass and rubrics of the Roman Catholic church. Trausl. K. Y., 1840. 18° 1098.23 COTTix, :Mmc. M. ,1. R. Malvina. Bru.velles, 1828. 4v. in 2. 18° 1009.12 — Elizabeth : or, the exiles of Siberia. From the French. 2d ed. Boston, 1809. 18°... 499.14 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1853. 12° 789.9 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Sou- tlioy. Kew York, 1848. 12° 586.17 Cottox, C and Walton, I. Complete angler. . . 177.2 Cottox, .1., Memoir of. Norton, J 539.24 Cottox spinner. The American. Baird, R. H. . . 199.5 Cottox and commerce of India. Chapman, J. , . 135.10 Cottox, History of 195.4 — Kindt, J. De 1' Industrie du coton 1005.28 Cottox spinner and manufacturer. Scott, R. . . 195.5 Cottox lord, The : a novel. Stone, Mrs 802.11 Coues, S. E. System of mechanical philosophy. Boston, 1851. 12° 147.17 Council of Trent, Canons and decrees of the. . . 1085.18 CouxT Robert of Paris. A novel. Scott, Sir W.4S0. 31-34 Counter point and fugue. Cherubini, L 204.2 CouXTESS Faustina. Hahn-Hahn, Ida, Countess von 802.12 Couxtry curate. A novel. Gleig, G. R 798.2 CouXTRir houses. Downing, A.J. Architect, of . 203.11-14 Couxtry life. Miller, T. Pictures of 900.4 CouxTRY' rambles in England. Knapp, J. F. .. . 177. -35 Couxtry' stories. Mitford, M. R 779.4 Couxtry' vicarage. A tale. Marsh, Mrs. A.. . . 469.9 Couxtry year-book. Howitt, W 478.7 Courcy', H. de. Catholic church in the U. States. Transl. by J. G. Shea. N. Y., 1850. 12° . . 1098.6 CouKS d' arithmetique elementaire. Bruxelles, 1853. 12° 1075.39 Course of time. Poem. PoUok, R 345.5 Court and camp of Buonaparte. London, 1831. 10° 379.11 — - Same. New York, 1848. 18° 810.39-40 Court fools. History of. Doran, Dr 948.4 Couet of Eng. Jesse, J. H. C. of E. during the reign of the Stuarts 970.1 — - C. of E. from 1088 to death of Geo. II. . . 970.2 Court of France in the 17th century. Paruoe, J. 010.3-9 COL'RTEXAY', T. P. Lives of R. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, and Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby v.V. of 388.6 CouETEXAi' of Waldreddon. A novel. Bray, Mrs. A. E 448.13 Courtship and marriage. Moral philosopliy of. Alcott, W. A 127.5 Cousix, V. Hist, of mod. philosophy, transl. by O.W.Wight. New Y'ork, 1852. 2v. 8° . . 124.4 — Introduction to the history of philosophy. Translated ,by H. G. Linberg. Boston, 18.32. 8° 122.2 — Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good. Append, on French art. Translated by O. W, Wight. New Y'ork, 1854. 8° . . . 124.3 — Philosophy of the beautiful. Transl. by J. C. Daniel. N. Y'., 1849. 18° 125.21 — Y'outh of Mme. de Longueville. Transl. by F. W. Ricord. N. Y\, 1854. 12° 617.12 — Faugere, A. P. and Vinet, A. R. Jaqucline Pascal : or, convent life at Port Royal. New Y'ork, 1854. 12° &45.8 Cousix Geoffry, the old bachelor. A novel. Hook, T 809.10 Cousix Marshall. A tale. Martineau,H. v. VIII. of 749.2-3 Cousix Veronica A novel. Wormeley, M. E. . . 416.1 CovEX.\XTERs, Characters and conduct of the. Napier, M 975.9 CovEXTRY mysteries. Halliwell, J. 342.3 CovERLEY, Sir Roger de. Addison, J 409.1 cow 43 CnOKEU Cow, The. Milburn, M. M V.I. oflGO.lo Co«XEY, A. Prose works, [with a life, by Sprat, T.] 8GS. 1 CowPER, ^y^ Works, with a life by R. Southoy. London, 1835-37. lov. 10° 33?. 1 Omlent.'>. — Vols. 1.— III. Life IV.— VII. LeHirs. VIII. Miscellaneous poems; Ulney brnins; Anti- Thclyphlhcrai Table talk: Progress of error: Truth; Expostulation; Hope; Charity: Conversation; Ke- tireraent: Translations from ^■. Bourne. IX. Tians- lations from Mmc. Guion; The task; Tirocinium; Jlisc. poeniB. X. Misc. poems: Transl. from Vine. Bourne; Translations of the Lat. and Ital. poems of Milton; [Elegies, epigrams, misc. poems:] Epigrams transl. fr. the I.at. of Owen; Translations of Greek verses; Translations from the fables of Gay ; Adam, a sacred drama, transl. fr. Italian of G. B. Andreini. XI. -XII. The Iliad, transl. XIII.— XIV. The Odys- sey. XV. Letters: Papers in the Connoisseur; Letter from an owl to a bird of paradise: Fragment of an in- tended commentary on Paradise Lost. — Works. Ed. with life, by U. Southey. London, 1853-5.5. 8v. p.8° 817.11 Contents.— \o\3. I.— 11. Life. III.— IV. Letters and pai)ers in the Connoisseur; Commentary on Par- adise Lost, v.— VI. Poetical works. VII. Iliad of Homer. VIII. Od.vsse}'. — Poems, with life. Amherst, X.n., 1808. .3v. 12' 358.23 Con(<*)ifs. — Vol. I. Life; Table talk: Progress of error: Truth: Expostulation: Hope: Charity: Con- versation: Retirement: John Gilpin: Verses. 11. The task: Tirocinium, or a review (-f schools: Verses. III. Poems: Olney hymns; Poems from the French. — Poems. London, 1817. 3v. 12° .358.22 Content.'. — Vol. I. Table talk; Progress of error; Truth; E.xpostulation: Charitv: Conversation: Re- tirement; Miscellanies. II. The task; Tirocinium; Miscellanies. III. Posthumous poetry; Sketch of his lifie by his kinsman, J. Johnson. — Poetical works. London, 1843. 3v. 10° . . 319.7 — Poetical works, including Adam, from G. B. Andreini, with mem. by H. Stebbing'. New York, 1852. 2v. in 1. 10° 316.15 — The task. Poems of established reputation . 358.24 Cox, H. British commonwealth. London, 1854. 8° 134.22 — Integral calculus. London, 1852. 10° ... . 820.32 Cox, S. H. Discourse delivered in Murray St. ch. 1083.5 Cox, S. S. Buckeye abroad, in Europe and in the Orient. New York, 1S52. 12° 058.9 COXE, W. Hist, of the house of Austria, 121S-1792. 3d ed. London, 1847. .3v. p.S° 828.2 — Hist, of the house of Austria. Continuation to 1848, by W. H. Kelly. With Hartig's Genesis : or, details of the late revolution, translated. London, 1853. p.&° 828.3 — Mem. of Duke of JIarlborough, revd. by John Wade. New ed. London, 1&J7-18. 3v. p.8° . 838.2 — Kussian discoveries between Asia and Amer- ica, [with] conquest of Siberia, etc. 4th ed. enlarged. • London, 180.3. 8° 702.17 — Travels in Switzerland. London, 1789. .3v. 8° 663.11 CoYFEL, C. A. " Aglae ou Nabotine." " Cabinet des Fees." v.XXXV. of 1077.1 Cr.\bb, G. English synonymes. 10th ed. New York, 1853. 8° 403.1 CrAbbe, G. Poems. Philadelphia, 1808. 12° . . .348.15 — Poetical works, etc. London, 18-34. Sv. 10° . 327.8 Contetits. — Vol. L Life. II. The library: The vil- lage; The newspaper,; The parish register; The birth of flattery; Sir Eustace Grej'; The hall of justice; Woman; Inebriety: Fri^menls of verse; The candi- date. III. The borough. IV. The borough, contin- ued: Occasional pieces; The world of dreams: Tales. V. Tales, continued: Flirtation; Occasional pieces. VI. Tales of the hall. VII. Tales of the hall, con- tinued. VIII. Posthumous tales. — Tales [in verse]. New York, 181.3. 2v. 12° . 34S.14 Crabbe, G., the .50H. System of natural theology. London, 1840. 8° 1083.18 Craig, Sir T. Life and writings of. Tytlcr, P. F. 589.12 Craigallan castle, or the stolen will. Gore, Mrs. CM 776.10 Craik. G. L. Bacon, his writings and his philos- ophy. London, l.SlO 47. 3v. 18° 840.13 — The English of Shakespeare, illustrated in a philological commentary on Julius Ca;sar. London, 1857. 12° 356.7 Craik, G. L. Hist, of British commerce. Lond., 1844. .3v. 1N° 840.14 — Pursuit of knowledge under diflicultics. Bos- ton, 1830. 12° 849.21 — - Same. Rev. ed. Boston, IvKt. 2v. 12°. 125. 12-13 — - Same. New York, 1840. 2v. 18° ... . S20.3 — - Same Rev. ed. Loudon, 184.). .3v. 18°. 840.10 — - Same. London, n.d. 2v. 12° 849.4 — Same. Female examples. Lend., 1847. 18° 840.17 — Romance of the peerage. London, 1848-.50. 4v. 8° 500.8 — Sketches of the hist, of literature and learn- ing in England. London, 1844-45. Ov. lh° 8-10.15 — and Macfarlane, C. Pictorial hist, of England. New York, IS-Kl. 4v. roy.s° 902.2 CrAXBKHKY, Cultivation of Hie. Eastwood, B. . 1(k).24 CiSANES for raising heavy bodies, (ilynn, J. .. . ]9'.i.20 Craxkord: a novel. Gaskell, E. C. . . ..... 794.17 Craxmer, Archbishop T. Le Bas, C W. Life of 578.2 — Lee, H. F. Life and times of 578.5 — Todd, H.J. Life of 574.8 CHATElt, The : a tale. Cooper, J. F 700.10-19 Crawford, H. C. First and second love. Omnibus Mod. Romance 801.3 Cr.VYOX miscellany. Sec Irving, W. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. New York, l.S")4. 12° 918. .3 — Jlemoirs of eminent Etonians. London, 1850. 8° 582.2 — Rise and progress of the English constitution. London, 1853. 12° 1.35.15 — English nation : whence and what 988.7 Cre.\tiox. Anderson, J. Course of 107.23 — Ansted, D. T. Sketches of 107.14 — Lewis, T. The six days of 140.17 — Lord, E. The epoch of 1100.16 — Powell, B. Essays on the philosophy of . . 147.23 — Vestigesof the natural history of • 1087.1-2 — Walker, J. B. God revealed in the process of 1080.7 Credulity, Sketches of deception and 3'.>9.5 Creed, Exposition of the. I'earson, .T 1103.2 Crescext and the cross. Warburton, E 089.7 Cresswell, D. Treatise of geometry. Cambridge, 1819. 8° H7.4 Cresswell, F. Memoir of Elizabeth Fry. Lon- don, 1850. 12° 595.7 Creuze, a. F. B. Naval architecture. [From the Encyclopjcdia Brit.] Edinh., 1840. 4°. 191.4 Crichtox, a. Converts from infidelity. Edinb., 1827. 2v. 18° 8.30.28 — History of Arabia. New ed. London, 18;52. 10° 938.12 — History of Arabia. New York, n.d. 2v. 18° 810.07 — and ATlieaton, H. Hist, of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. New York, 18.VJ. 2v. 18° . 820. .39 Crichtox, J., Life of. Tytler, P. F 589.8 Cricket on the hearth : a Christmas story. Dick- ens, C 481.12-10 Crimea, Barker, W. B. Short historical account of 929.1 — Macintosh, A. F. Military tour in the . . . 087.8 — Russell, W.H. British expedition to the . . 984.1 — Seymour, H. D. Travels in the ('>85.5 — Spencer, Capt. E. Fall of the 928.0 Crimix.VL law, Principles of Son. 25 Cri>ii.x.\i. trials. Burton, J. H. Cr. tr. in .Scotland 9>'7.4 — Chandler, P. W. American 297.17 — Jardiuo, D. Criminal trials 849.11 — - Criminal trials, supplying copious illus- trations of history 8.39.4 Criticism. Bayne, P. Essays in 885.1-2 — Gwilt, J. Elements of architectural 202.2 — Home, H., Lord Kamos. Elements of . . . 40:t.3 Criticisms, Characters and. Jones, W. A. . . . 888.11 Crockett, D. Tour to the North and down East, ia34. Philadelphia, 18:35. 12° 028.27 Croftox, D. Genesis and geology. Introd. by E. Hitchcock. Boston, 1853. 12° 118.20 Crohoore of the bill-hook. Banim, .T 409.13 CitOKEH, J. W. Essays on the French revolution. London, 18.»7. 8° 1002.3 — History of the guillotine. London, 1853. 10° 1009.13 CROLY 44 Cnoi.Y, G. Poetical works. Londou, 18.10. 2v. 12° 324.10 roHfnifK.- Vol. I. Paris in 1815: The death of I.eoiiidos; Czerni Gi-orpe; The angel of the vorld; Sandt, the murderer; (iems from the antique; The maaie lamp, etc. 11. Catiline, a dramatic poem; Sibastian, a Spanish tale: The prophet's si-imitar; Lines on the death of the princess Charlotte, [with minor poi'ms.] — Life and times of Georjre IV. N. Y., n.d. 18° 810.1G-17 — Politicallifo of Kilmuud Burke. Edinburgh, IMO. 2v. li' 588.14 Cromwkli., O. Letters and speeclies. [Kdited] byT. Carlyle. N. York, 1845. 2v. 12°. 800.9 — Cromwell, Thomas. O. C. and his times .. . 55.3.3 — Korstrr, J. O. C. and tlie civil wars 8£)4.3 — Guizot, F. P. G. O. C. and the Knglish com- luonwealtli 9r5.8 — Russell, M. Life of 810.02-03 — Southcy, K. Cromwell, a biography 889.11 _ - Life of 589.13 Chomwki. I. and the protectorate. Wilson, D. . . 558.6-7 Cko.mwki.i., T. Oliver Cromwell and his times. 2ded. London, 1822. 8° 553.3 Crook in the lot. lioston, T 10S9.29 Ckoppy, The: a tale. Banim, J 807.9 CKosi..\xr), C. English talcs and sketches. Bos- ton, 1853. l(i' 808.14 Cross of Christ, History of the. Alger, \Y. R. . . 1089.9 Ckoswici.l, 1L Jlemoir of Wm. Croswell. Xew York, 1853. 8° 534.7 Crotciikts and quavers. Mr.retzek, Max .... 42S.I0 CUOWK, C. Night-side of nature. N. Y., 1853. 12° 124.23 Ckowi;, E. E. History of France. London. 18:50-31. 3v. 10° .... 368.0 — - Same. New York, 1840-43. 3v. 12°. .1009.11-12 — Kcigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. Lon- don, 1854. 2v. 8° 1005.3 — and James, G. P. R. Lives of eminent for- eign statesmen. London, [ia32J-38. 5v. 16° 388.7 Cbowk, F. The gospel in Central America. Lon- don, 1850. 12° 1087.4 Chowen, T. J. The American lady's system of cookery. Auburn, 1854. 12° 188.11 CROwyciLL, A. Pliantasniagoria of fun, ed. by Crowquill. London, 1S43. 2v. 12° ... . 449.1 CR0YI.AM>, Abbey of, Ingulph's chronicle of the. 85G.8 Cruise of the Beacon. Nixon, F. R 707.9 Ckciser of tlie mist: a novel. Ingraham, J. H. . 801.1 Ckcsades, Clironicles of the 846.6 — Hasselt, A. van. Les Beiges aux Croisades . 1075.21 — Michaud, .1. F. History of the 1095.12 — Stebbing, H. Chivalry, and the 830.56 CRUSEXSTOi.rE, M. J. von. Der Mohr odcr das Haus Holstein Gottorp. Aus d. Schwed. 2te Ausg. Berlin, 184;). 7v.in3. 10° . . . 1025.8 Crustacea, History of British. W'liite, A. . . . 178.28 Crystal palace, London. Berlyn, P. and Fow- ler, C. jr. Architectural history of tlie . . 205.6 Crystal palace. New York. Art and industry of the. Greeley, U 198.9 Crystalixa: a fairy tale. New York, 1816. 12°. .358.9 Crystalline: a romance. Shelton, F. W. . . . 7(");).io Cuba. Abbot, A. Letters written in O:!,").! — Ballou, M. 31. History of 260.5 — Hurlltut, W. H. Pictures of 627.23 — 3Iurray, A. 31. Letters from 039.18 — Murray, H. A. Lands of the slave and free . 627.4 — Phillippo, J. M. United States and 625.21 — Sargent, J. Notes on 629.4-5 — Tudor, H. Excursion to 638.1 — Turnbull, D. C, with notices of Porto Rico 635.3 — Yankee travels tlirougli 626.15 Cclinaky campaign. Soyer, A 884.15 CvLlMilT Fay, The: apoem. Drake, J. R 332.5 Cii.tuke: apoem. Lunt, G 338.13 Cumberland, R. Memoirs, by himself. New Y'ork, 1806. 8° 597.9 — - Same. London, 1807. 2v. 8° 597.8 Cu.MMiS(;,J. Church before the flood. Boston, 1*54. 12° 110.11 CURTIS CUMMINO, .T. The end. Poston, 1855. 12°. . . . 110.19 — Lectures on our Lord's miracles. Philadel- pliia, 1854. 12° 116.4 — Lectures on our Lord's parables. Philadel- phia, 1854. 12° 116.5 — I,ecturesouthebookof Daniel. Phil., 1854. 12° 110. iO — Lectures ou tlie book of Revelation. First and second ser. I'hiladelphia, 1854. 2v. 12° 116.6-7 — Sabbath evening readings on the New Testa- ment. St. Matthew. Boston, 1855. 12° . . 116.8 — - Same. St. Mark. Boston, 1855. 12°.. 116.15 — - Same. St. Luke. Boston, 1855. 12° . . 116.16 — Sabbutli morning readings on the Old Testa- ment. Leviticus. Boston, 1855. 12° . . . . 116.18 — Scripture readings. Genesis. Post., 1854. 12° 116.9 — Signs of the times. Philadelphia, 1855. 12°. 116.3 — Tent and the altar. Boston, 1854. 12° . . . . 116.17 — Voices of the day. Boston, 1854. 12° . . . . 116.12 — Voices of the dead. Boston, 1854. 12° . . . . 116.13 — A'oices of the night. Boston, 1854. 12° . . . . 110.14 CuMMiNO, R. G. A liuuter's life in South Africa. New York, 1850-51. 2v. 12° 097.13 — Hunter's life in South Africa; with introd. by B. Taylor. New Y'ork, 1858. 2v. in 1. 12°. 697. 10-12 CUMMIXGS, A. Mem. of Rev. E. Payson. Port- land, 1830. 12° 599.1 — - New Y'ork, n.d. 16° 119.26 — Mem. and select thoughts of Rev. K. Payson. New York, 1849. 8° 534. G Cummins, 31. S. The Lauplighter. Bost., 1854. 12° 447.11-15 — 3Iabel Vaughan. Boston, 1857. 12° 447.1-10 Cunninghaji, a. Life and land of Burns, with contributions by T. Campbell, and essay byT. Carlyle. New Y'ork, 1841. 12°.... 586.15 — Life of Sir David AVilkie : with his journals and correspondence. London, 1843. 3v. 8° 556.2 — Lives of British painters, sculptors and archi- tects. London, 1S29-.37. 6v. 16° 379.9 — Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. N. York, [1S40.] 5v. 18° . , 810.19 — Sir Jlichael Scott. A romance. London, 1828. 3v. p.8° 777.3 CUNNINGHASI, G. G. History of England in the lives of Englishmen. London, 1849-51. 8v. 8° 502.1 CuxNiNtiHAM, J. W. Pncumanee : or, the fairy of tlie 19th century. Philadelphia, 1815. 12° . 777.4 — The velvet cushion. 1st Amer. from 5th Lon- don ed. Boston, 1815. 18° 429.13 Cunningham, P. Lond. in 1853. Lond., n.d. 10° 049.21 — Revels at court in the reigns of Elizabeth and .James I. London, 1842. 8° 342.5 — Story of Nell Gwynn and the sayings of Charles II. London, 1852. p. 8° 595.10 CUNYNGiiAME, Col. A. Glimpse at the great West- ern republic. London, 1852. 10° 629.28 CUPin and Pysche. Metrical version. Apuleius . 834.15 Curate, The: a novel. By Fredrika Bremer. . . 801.2 Curiosities, Cabinet of. London, n.d. 8° . . . . 896.11 Curiosities in arts and manufactures 199.26 Curiosities. D'Israeli, 1. C. of literature . . . 897.1-2 — Kirby, R. S. C. of nature and art 894.1 — Timbs, J. C. of history 949.9 CUKRAN, J. P. Speeches. 5ee Phillips, C 862.3-8 — and his contemporaries. Phillipsi C 698.11 CUURAN,W. H. Lifeof J. P. Curran. 2ded. Edin- burg, 1822. 2v. 12° 598.12 — Life of J. P. Curran. New Y'ork, 18.55. 12°. 598.10 — Sketches of the Irish bar : with essays, lit. and polit. London, 1855. 2v. p.8° 598.4 Currency, Sketch of the history of. Maclaren, J. 136.10 Currency and banking. AVilson, J 1.36.8 CURRIE, W. W. 3Iem. of the life [etc.] of Jas. Currle. London, 1831. 2v. 8° 583.4 Currying, Art of. Foutenelle, J. de 194.11 Curtis, G. T. Inventor's manual of legal princi- ples. Boston, 1851. 12° 196.17 — Origin, formation and adoption of the consti- tution of the V. S. and notices of the fra- mers. New Y'ork, 1854-58. 2v. 8° 282.7 Curtis, G.3V. Howadji in Syria. N.Y., 1855. 12° 686.19-21 CURTIS 45 DARBY Curtis, G. VT. Howadji in Syria. N.Y., 1857. 12° G8G. 22-25 — Lotus eatiuif : a summer book. JT.Y., 1852. 12° 028.28 — Nile notes. New York, 1857. 12° CiOS.l-a — - Same. New York, 1851. 12° (598.0-7 — The Potiphar papers. Xow York, is,"):!. 12° ■170.M-15 — Prueaud I. New York, is") !. 12° 794.10 Curtis, J. Jlemoir of. Sedgwick, C. JI 5;57.4 Curtis, Miss. Tlie breacli ol' promise : a novel. New York, 1840. 8° 802. :iO — Tlie jilt: a novel. New York, 1844. 8°. . . . 802.31 Curtis, N. M. Doom of the tory's guard. A tale. New York, 1S43. 8° SK.M CURVKS, functions and forces. Treat, on. Pcirce,!?. 148.2 CURWKX, S. .Journal and letters. 1775 to 1784. [With] biogr. notices of Am. loyalists, by G. A. Ward. New York, 1S42. 8° 213.4 CURZON, R. Armenia. A year at Erzeroom. Lon- don, 1854. 12° 087.5 — - Same. New York, 1854. 12° 087.4 — A visit to monasteries iu the Levant. New York, 1852. 12° 089.8-0 Gushing, C. History of Newburyport, Mass. Newburyport, 1820. 12° 228. 7 — Reminiscences of Spain. Boston, 1833. 2v. 12° 079.1 — Review of the late revolution in France. Bo.-,- tou, 1833. 2v. 12° 1009.2 CusHiNG, C. AY. Letters from France and Spain. Newburyport, 1832. 2v. 12° 888.13 CuSHiNG, L. S. Law and practice of legislative assemblies. Boston, 1850. 8° 133.1 — Manual of parliamentary practice. Boston, 1854. 10° 139.25 Custine, a., Marq. de. Empire of the Czar, trausl. London, 1843. 3v. 12° 927.5 — Russia. Loudon, 1854. p.8° 409.4 — - Same. New York, 1851. 12° 074.8 Customs, Origin of our vulgar. Brand, J 949-8 — of New England. Felt, J. B 224.21 Cutchke hills, History of the campaign in the. Napier, Sir AVm 937.2 Cutter, C. Anatomy and physiology. Gth ed. Boston, 1847. 12° 158.0 Cutter, W. Life of Israel Putnam. 3d ed. New York, 1847. 12° 528.8 Cutting [garments], Guide to. Minister, E. . . 194.2 Cuzco, A journey to. Markham, C. R 033.20 Cyclop.edia. Adams, H. G. C. of poetical quo- tations 344.21 — Arvine, K. C. of moral and relig. anecdotes 892.2 — Burton, W.E. C. of wit and humor 901.7 — Chambers, R. C. of English literature . . . 392.1 — Davies, C. C. of mathematical science . . . 147.1 — Duyckiuck, E. A. and G. L. C. of American literature 392.2 — Ivitto, J. Popular C. of Biblical literature . 1083.8 — Knight, C. C. of London 974.2 — - C. of the industry of all nations 190.2 — Lardner, D. Cabinet cyclopaadia. See Larduer. — Long, Geo. C. political, statistical 859.5 — McBurney, I. C. of universal history . . . . 947.5 — Nichol, J.P. C. of the physical sciences . . 145.8 — Taylor, B. C. of modern travel 021.1 See also .- Encyclopaedia. CYROPyEDiA, The. Xenophou v.TT. of 830.8 Cyril Thornton, Youth and manhood of. Ham- ilton, T 777.14 Cyrus the Great, History of. Abbott, J 549.11-13 Czar and the sultan. Gilson,A 918.10 Dacotah, A tour through. Andrews, C. C. . . . 237.10 Daggett, J. History of Attleborougli, Mass. Dedham, 18:54. 8° 224.11 Daily life. Chemistry of. Reid, D. B 15(>.35 DAISY Burns: a tale. Kavanagh, .1 454.4 Daisy chain: a talc. Yonge, CM 775.1-10 DALLAS; R. C. Recollections of Lord Byron, 1808-14. London, 1824. 8° "... 585. 4 Dalmatia and Montenegro, History of. Wilkin- son, .T.G 925.5 Dalrymple, Capt. C. History of British India. See Murray, H 810.51 Dalton,W. Wolf boy of China. Batli, 1S57 12° 728.0 Daltoxs, The : a novel. Lever, C 501.19 DAjiAscusin 18:?9. Kinncar, J. G (').s9.13 Damguks, L. Story of Ninon dc L'Enclos, witl» letters. Trausl. New York, 1843. 8° . . . 892.10 Dami'IEK, W. Life and voyages of 810.41 Dana,.F. 1). System of mineralogy. 2d ed. New York, ISH. 8° 103.9 Dana, M. S. B. Reply to arguments in support of the Trinity. New ed. Boston, 1840. 12°. 1100.8 Dana, 1{. H. Poems and prose writings. New York, 1850. 2v. 12° 3.38.9 Oititentf.—XoX.I. The buccaneer; Changes of home; Foclilioua lile; The idlu man. II. Eseays and llcviews. — The idle man. N. Y., 1821-22. v.L 8°. . . . 80-2.43 — Poems. Boston, 1827. 12° .349.23 Dana, R. H. jr. Two years before (lie mast. New York, 1K58. 18° 8;.'0. 12-21 Dan.V, S. L. JIuck manual, for farmers. 2d ed. Lowell, 1843. 18° 109.31 D.\NC1NG, A treatise against. Norflibrooke, J.. . .342.13 Dandolo, T. I seeoli dei due sommi Italiaui, Dante e Colombo. Milano, 1852. 2v. 12°. . 1057.1 Danes and Swedes. Visit to Denmark, etc. Scott, C. H cm.i Daniel, G. Merrie England in the olden time. Loudon, 1842. 2v. p.8° 978.1 Daniel, Book of. See Bible. D.VNIELL, .L F. Elements of meteorology. 3d cd. London, 1845. 2v. 8° 145.10 — Introduction to chemical philosophy. 2d ed. London, 1843. 8° 155.3 Dante Alighieri. Bellezze di. Dialoghi d'Ant. Cesari. Parma, 1841-15. 3v. 10° 1017.2 — Opere minori. Annot. cc. da P. Fratioclll. Fircnzf, 1850. 2v. 10° 1059.14 Conlenta. — Vol.1. II canzoniere; Rime apocrife; I settc salmi penitenziali cd il credo; Egloghe Latinedi Giovanni del Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri. II. la vitanuova; De vulgari eloquio sive idiomate lil)ri duo. (Ital. and Lat. ;) De monareliia, (Italian and Latin) ; Questio de aqua et terra (Lat. and Ital.) — Tlic canzoniere, Italian and English. Transla- ted by C. Lyell. London, 1840. 12°. . . . 355.2 — La divina commedia. Bologna, 1820. 3v. 12° 1047.1 — Divine comedy, rendered into English by F. Pollock. London, 1S54. p.8° .355.1 — Notes on the translation of the divine comedy, by C. B. Cayley. London, 1855. 1()° . . . ". 317.7 — Hell. Cantos I.-X. Translated by .1. C. Pea- body. Boston, 1857. 12° 317.0 — The vision: transl. by H. F. Cary, with life. Fr. last Lond. ed. New York, 1857. 10° . . 317.8-15 — The vision; transl. by H. F. Cary. New cd. with life. London, 1850. 12° 317.5 — Voyage Dantesque. Ampere, . I. J l(M">ii.l — Life and times of. Balbo, Count C 544.8 — c Colombo. Dandolo, T 1057.1 — Life and times. Vericour, R. do 544.0 Danube, Travels on the lower 085.2 Danubian principalities in 1853, Residence in. O'Brien, P • 003.12 Danvers, Mass. Centennial celebration, lii .Tune, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8° 224.10 D'Arblay, F. Camilla ;'a picture of youth. New Y'ork, 1833. 3v. 18° 499.5 — Cecilia; or, memoirs of an heiress. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1803. 3v 499.4 — Cecilia; or, memoirs of an heiress. Bar- bauld's British novelists, XL.-XLII 779.1 — Diary and letters, 1778-1840. Ed. by her niece. London, 1842-10. 7 v. 8° T . . 590.1 — Evelina. New York, 1852. 2v. in 1. 12\ . . 499.2 — Evelina. Barbauld's Brit. novelists. XXXVIIL -XXXIX 779.1 — Evelina. New ed. New Y'ork, 1854. 12° . . 499.3 — The wanderer : or female difficulties. Lond., 1814. 5v. 12° 499.1 DARBY, J. Manual of botany, adapted to the Southern states. Partl.-II. Macon, 1841. 12° 109.4 DAKBY 46 DEIPXOSOPHISTS Darby, W. Tour from Now York to Detroit in the Michij,':in t.rritorj-. N. V., IM'.i. ><'. . . • f^-o-S Darp, C. a. SulTerinj,-* of the Picard family . . . SOO.Sl Dark scenes of history. James, G. P. K 4(>.'».27 Daku-s the Great, History of Abbott, J 549.15-16 DARTMOdK pri.-ion, Jlansacrcat. Andrews, C. • . 219.2 Darismoxt, F. W. a few days in Athens. Trans- lated from a Greek MS. Poston, 1^50. 8°. . SOS. 5 Society and manners in America. 2d Am. ed. New York, l.vJl. fe' ^'24. 9 Darwin, C. Gcolo^'ical observations on coral reefs, etc. I.oudon, r^ol. :iv. in 1. 8° . . . 103.15 — Natural history and jjeolojjy of the countries visited by the Beagle. 2d ed. London, 1^5. pj 889.12 — - Same. New York, 1846. 2v. 12° ... . 707.12-13 Dakwix, K., Memoirs of. Seward, A 573.5 DASUKSat life. Willis, X. P S91.1 Dal'be.ny, C. Description of volcanoes. 2d ed. London, 184S. 8° 1&3.H — Introduction to the atomic theory. 2d ed. Oxford, 1850. 10° 149.30 — Lect. on Koman husbandry. Oxford, 1857. 8° 165.11 D'AUBiGXt, J. U. Merle. See Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Daughtkr of night : a story. Fullom, S. "VY. . . 802.19 Daughtkrs of England. Ellis, S. S 804. 7 Daughter's own book : or, hints from a Aithcr. Boston, 18:?4. Is' 1089.35 Dao'OI", p. C F. Court of Kome and temporal power of the popes. Pliiladelphia, 1837. 12° 919.2 DavexpoRT, K. a. History of the Bastile and of its principal captives. London, 1S:}9. 16°. .379.12 — Life of Ali Pasha. London, 18;i7. 10' . . . . 379.15 — Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence. London, 1S41. 16° 379.13 — Narratives of peril and suffering. Lond.,*lS40. 2v. 16° 379.14 — Perilous adventures. [Selected from preced- ing.] New York, n.d. 18° 820.56 DAvfisiKS de Pontes, 3Ime. L. See De Pontes, Mme. L. Davesies. David Copperfield, Personal hist. of. Dickens, C. 481.1-5 Davidson, D. Connexion of sacred and profane history. Edinburgh, 1842. 16° 1089.34 DA^nDSON,L. M.,Mem.of. Sedgwick, CM. v.YILof 529.1 Davidson, M. M. Biography and poetical remains, by W. Irving 538.12 — Selections from writings of, with pref. by C. M. Sedgwick. Philadelphia, 1843. 8° . . . 877.8 Davie, J. C. Letters from Buenos Ayres and Chili. London, 1819. 8° 633.14 Davie, W. R., Life of. Hubbard, F. M. Sparks's American biography v.XXY. of 529.1 Davies, C. and Peck, W. G. Mathematical diction- ary. New York, 1855. 8° 147.1 Davies, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch. London, Isol. 3v. 8° 914.1 Davies, E. ^Y. L. Algiers in 1857, its climate and resources. London, 1858. 8° 918.3 Davies, T. Dramatic miscellanies. London, 17.S.3-84. 3v. 8° .353.11 — Memoir of I). Garrick. From the last London edition. Boston, 1818. 2v. 12° 597.7 Davies, T. S., Rutherford, W. and Fenwick, S. The mathematician. London, 1856. 3v. 8° 147.9 Davis, A. J. Present age and inner life. New York, 1853. 8° 122.10 Davis, D. Book of the telegraph. Bost., ia51. 12° 149.10 — Manual of magnetism. Bost., 18.50. 3d ed. 12° 149.2 Davis, E. The half century, 1800-50. Bost., 1851. 12° 297.10 Davis, J. Discourse before Mass. Hist. Society, Dec. 22, 1813. Boston, 1814. 8' v.I. of 278.2 Davis, Sir J. F. China, during the war and since the peace. London, 1852. 2v. p.8° . . . . 696.13 — Description of China and its inliabitants. London, n.d. 2v. 12° 839.5 — - Same. New ed. London, 1845-40. 4v. 18° 840.18 — - Same. New York, 1848. 2v. 18° ... . 810.75 — - Sketches of China. London, 1841. 2v. 12° 706.8 Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with se- lections from his correspondence. N. York, 18.30. 2v. 8° 515.8 Davis, AY. W. H. El Gringo ; or New Mexico and her people. New York, 1857. 12°. . . 623.18 D.VVISON, \Y. Life of. Nicolas, Sir N. H 562.4 D.WY, Sir H. The young H. D. Mayhew, H... 149.21 — Memoirs of. Davy, J 573.4 Davy, J. AYost Indies before and since slave emancipation. London, 1854. 8° 635.4 — Memoirs of Sir Humphry Davy. London, 1839. 8° 573.4 Dawes, R. Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus and miscellaneous poems. New York, 18.39. 16° 358.8 Dawson, J. AY. Acadian geology. Edinburgh, 1855. 12° 103.23 Day, C. W. Five years' residence in tlie AA'est Indies. London, 1852. 2v. 8° 6-35.20 D.\Y, J. The old engagement. Boston, 18.12. 16° 478.14 Day, S. Historical collections of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1813. 8° 235.1 DAY', T. History of Sanford and Mertou. Lon- don, 1847. Bm.l2° 729.22 Days of battle : or Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Eaton, C. A 1008.16 Days of Bruce : a story of Scottish history. Aguilar, G 765.1-10 Days of my life. Autobiography. Oliphant, M.. 753.6-10 Dead sea. Expedition to the. I-ynch, AY. F.. . . 684.5-6 De.\d secret : a novel. Collins, AY. AA' 754.(V-10 Dealings with the dead. Sargent, L. M 228.1 Deax, a. Eulogy on Judge Buel 169.8 Deaxe, S. History of Scituate, Mass. Boston, 1831. 8° 224.23 Deane, Rev. S., of Portland. Journal and bio- graphical notice of. .S'ee Willis, AA' 2.34.2 Dearborn, N. Boston notions, 1630-1847. Bos- ton, 1848. 18° 229.8-9 Debater, The American. M'EUigott, J. N. . . . 1.34.20 Debit and credit : a novel. Trausl. Freytag, G. . 434.2-5 De Bow, J. D. B. Industrial resources of the Southern and AA'estern states. N. Orleans, 1852-53. 3v. 8° 296.2 Deby', J. Hist, naturelle de la Belgique. Brux- elles, n.d. 2v. 12° 1075.25 Decameron, The. Translated. Boccaccio, G. . 759.14 Decatl'R, S., Life of. Mackenzie, A. S. Sparks'a American biography v. XXI. of 529.1 — Life of. Waldo, S. P. . . . • 627.6 Deception, credulity, etc. Sketches of 399.5 Declaration of independence by the citizens of Mecklenberg county. North Carolina, 20th Mav, 1775, with accompanying documents. Raleigh, [1&31.] 8° 235.6 Deck and port. Cruise to California. Colton, AY. 620.19 Decline and fall of tlie Roman cmp. Gibbon, E. 953.6 Dediiam, Mass., History of. AYorthington, E. . 224.16 Deeds of naval daring. Giffard, E 989.8 Deerbrook : a novel. Martineau, H 749.1 Deerslayer, The. Cooper, J. F 770. 1-S Defoe, D. Journal of the plague. New ed. Lon- don, 1&39. 16° 379.17 — Robinson Crusoe. London, 1845. sq.l2°. . . 7.35.9 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1852. 12° 735.10 — - Same. AA'ith a biographical account of Defoe. New York, LSiS. 12° 35.11-12 — - Same. London, iS5C. p.S° 835.4 — - Same. AYith an autobiography of the author and a life of Selkir)c. Ed. by G. P. AYalker. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° . . ! . . . 7.35.8 — New voyage round the world. Lond., 1725. 12° 709.2 — Biography of. Forster, J 894.3 — Life and times of AA'ilson, AA' 582.13 De Foix. Historical romance of the 14th century. Bray, A. E 448.11 De Forest, J. AY. European acquaintance. New Y'ork, 1858. 12' 687.18 — Oriental acquaintance, or letters from Syria. New York, 1856. 12° 687.17 DEIPXOSOPHISTS : or banquet of the learned. Athenaeus 844.1 DEKKER 47 DE WETTE Dekker, T., Chettle, H. and Ilaugliton, W. Pa- tient Grissil: a comedy. London, 1S41. &° 342.0 Dii K ROY FT, S. U. A place in thy memory. New York, 1850. 12' ' 878. .3 De La Bkche, II. T. The g-eological observer. 2dcd. London, 1853. 8° 103.13 — How to observe: geology. 2d ed. London, 1830. 12° 103.19 — Mining, quarrying, etc. Lecture on the Ex- hibition 190.10 — Ecsearches in theoretical geology. London, 1834. 12° 109.20 Delamotte, P. H. Practice of photography. 2d ed. London, 1855. 12° 197.15 Delano, A. Voyag-es and travels in tlie North and South hemispheres. Boston, lsl7. 8° 701.1-2 Delavigne, C. 3Iarino Faliero. [Drame hist.] Paris, 1829. 10° 1078.3 — Princesse Aurelle : comedie. Paris, 1828. 12° 1078.7 — Theatre. Xouv. ed. 1 — 3 ser. Paris, 1852. 3v. 12° 1000.10 ConUntf. — Vol. I. Les vepres siciliennes ; Lcs Comciliens; Le Paria; L'Ecole des Vieillards; I>« Princesse Aurelie. II. Marino Faliero; Eouis XI.; Lcs Enfants d'Edouard; Don Juan d'Autricho. III. Foe famille au temps de Luther; La PopalariU ; La mie du Cid. Deleitke, C. Precis de I'histoire de Part. Brtix- elles, n.d. 12° 1065.13 Delel'ze, J. P. F. Animal magnetism. Transl. by T. C. Hartshorn. Kev. ed. X. Y., 1850. 12° 157.16 Delfico, M. Memorie storiche della repubblica di San Marino. Capolag-o, 1842. 10= . . . . 1010.16 Delhi, From New York to iiinturn, R. B. jr. . 706.9 De LoLME, J. L. Constitution of England. Xevf ed., with life. London, 1853. p. 8° 817.8 Delphixe : a novel. Stai^l-Holstein, A. L., Ba- ronne de 48S.1 Dell'SIOX : or, the witch of >"ew England. Bos- ton, 1S40. 10° DEi.rsiox.'^, Extraordinary popular. Mackay, C. Demerara: a tale. Martineau, H. . . . v.IV. of Democracy. Camp, G. S Democracy in France. Guizot. F Demogeot, J. Les lettres et rhomme de lettres au XIXe si^cle. Paris, lS5;j. 12° Demoxoi.ogy and witchcraft. Letters on. Scott, SirAV Dk Morgan, A. Algebra. London, 1835. 8° . . — Number and magnitude. London, 18-36. 8°. . — Differential and integral calculus — Essay on probabilities. Newed. Lon., 1841. 16° — Spherical trigonometry. Lib. Us. Knl. . . . — Trigonometry and double algebra- London, 1849. p.8° — Trigonometry and trigonometrical analysis. London, 1S37. p. 8° Demosthexes. Olynthiac and other orations. Tr. by C. R. Kennedy. Lond., 1852. p.S° . — Orations. Transl. by T. Lehuid. New ed. London, ISOj. 2v. 8° — Orations. Transl. by T. Leland. Xew York, 1844. 2r. 18° — Orations against Leptines, Midias, Androtion, and Aristocrates. Trans, by C. R. Kennedy. London, 1850. p. 8° — Orations on the crown and on the embassy, Tr. by C. R. Kennedy. London, 1855. p.8° DemoticCj Philalethes. Yankee travels in Cuba. Dempsey, G. D. Drainage of districts and lands. 2d ed. London, l5o4. 16° — Drain, of towns and build'gs. Lon., 1849. 10° — Tubular and other iron girder bridges. Lon- don, 1850. 16° DEXHA>r, D. and Clapperton, H. Travels ia Afri- ca in 1822-24. Boston, 1826. 8° — - Same. 3d ed. London, 1828. 2v. 8° . . Denisox, E. B. Clocks and locks. From the Encyc. Brit. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1857. p.S° — Clock and watch making. London, 1850. 10° . Dexjiark. Dunham, S. a. History of I 799.10 879.8-9 749.2-3 I 820.40 ! 134.21 j 1078.49 399.2 ] 147. 1# ! 147.16 365.2 I .398.15 * 365.12 i 147.14 I 147.16 834.1 800.2 830.9 834.3 834.2 626.15 819.30 819.21 819.30 G93.7 693.6 197.7 829.4 378.10 Denmark. Ilowitt, W.and M. Literature of . . 404.5 — Inglis, II. D. Journey through the islands and states of 668.7 — Murray, .J. Handbook for 649.11 Desxie, .1. The lay preacher. Collected by J. K. Hall. Philadelphia, 1X17. 18° 1069.32 Dexxis, G. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. London, 1848. 2v. 8° 954.2 — Tlie Cid : a clironicle founded on the early po- etry of Spain. London, 1845. 18° 840.19 Dexxistoin, J. Memoirs of Sir K. Strange and A. Lumisden. London, 1855. 2v. 12° . . . 556.6 DEXOMiXATioxsofthc Christian world. Evans, J. 1099. ft-7 Dental surgery. Harris, C. A 151-13 De Poxxfes, Mmc. L. Davesies. I'oets and poetry of Germany. Biograpliical and critical no- tices. London, 185s. 2v. 8° 355.13 De Ply, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green Mt. heroes of '70. Buffalo, 1853. 12* S28.16 De Quixcey,T. Autobiographic sketches. Bon- ton, 185-3. 16° 895.17-18 — - Same. London, 1854. p.8° 895.19 — Biographical essays. Boston, 1851. 10° . , . 895.7 — The Osars. Boston, 1851. 16° 895.9 — Confessions of an English opium cater. Bos- ton, 1851. 10° 895.1 — - Same, and Suspiria de profundig. Boston, 1858. 16° 895.2-0 — Hist, and erit. essays. Boston, 18.5-3. 2v. 10° 895.16 — Letters to a young man, and other papers. Boston, 1.S54. 10° 905.1 — Life and manners. Boston, 1851. 16° .... 895.10 — Literary reminiscences. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 16° 895. 11-1.3 — Memorials and other papers, [contain. Kloster- heim.] Boston, 1850. 2v. 10° 905.3 — Miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1851. 16° . . 895.8 — Narrative and misc. papers. Bost., 1853. 2v. 10° 895.14 — Philosophical writers and men of letters. Boston, 1854. 2v. 10° %95.20 — The poets, and other I^nglish writers. Bos- ton, 1853. 10' 895.15 — Theological essays and other papers. Boston, 1854. 2v. 10° 905.2 Derby, E. H. The catholic. Letters to a young kinsman. Boston, 1856. 12° 1098.12 Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana, by John Phoenix. New York, 1850. 12° 806.1 Dermot MacMorrogh, A poem. Adams, J. Q.. . 314.10 Derxier jour d'un condamnc. Hugo, V 1066.19 De Roo.^, F. F. Travels in the U. S. and Cauada, in 1826. London, 1827. 8° 624.14 Descriptiox and hist, of vegetable substances, used in the arts. Timber-trees, fruits. Lon- don, n.d. 12° 849.7 — - Same. Boston, 18:!0. 12° 859.1 Desigx in architecture, Prin. of. Garbett, E. L. 819.13 Destiny : or, the chiers daughter. Ferrier, Miss. 777.13 Deslltory man. A novel. James, G. P. K.. . . 464.1 Deumier, J. Le F. Oehlenschliiger, etude biogr. et litt. Paris, 1854. 12° 1078.23 — Tittoria Colonna. Paris, ls5r). 12° 1078.47 Dectscher Leinweber. Storch, L 1016.8 De Veal-x, J., Memoir of. Gibbes, R. W 524.18 De Vere : or, the man of independence. Ward, R. P 787.4 Devereix, a novel. Lytton, E. B 465.8-10 De Veuteuil, L. A. A. Trinidad— its geography and prospects. London, 1838. 8° 6-35.2 Devey, J. Logic. London. 1854. p.8° 655.4 Devon and Cornwall, Handbook for. Murray, J. 649.2 Devonshire coa.^t. Naturalist's rambles on. Gosse, P. H 178.12 DeWette, W. M. L. Human life : or, prac. ethics. Transl. by S. Osgood. Bost., 1842. 2v. 12° 127.6 — Intro. />• Discourse delivered in Mur- ray St. church, New York 1083.5 De Witt, .J. I.ile and times of: [ witii] Iiis treatise on life annuities. Barnwell, K. (i 545.10 Dexter, G. T. and Edmonds, J. W. .Si)iritualism 122.14-15 Dexteu, S. Kcniiniscences of. .Sargent, L. M. . 519.3 Deycks, V. Giitlie's I'aust. Audeutungen, u. s. w. 2te Ausg. Frankfurt, a. M., 1855. 18° . . . 1034.21 DlAl.l.lNt;,Lect.ou select subjects in. Ferguson,.!. 140.8 DlAl.oci'Esforyoungpersons. Abbott,.!, v. VIII. of 739.1 DlAl.oiilE.sdes morts. Fenelon, F. dc la M. . . . 1000.13 Dn-NK. Koniau. Sternberg, A. F. v. U 10.3". 11 DlAiiv. New sketdiesofevery day life. Brcmcr,F. 455.2-3 IHAIJV of an ennuyce. Jameson, Mrs. A 058.8 ]H\i;v of au invalid. Jlatthews, If 079.14 DiAVOLi) del Sant' I'flicio. Storia Bologuese, dal 178<.V1800. Zanolini, A 1057.9 Diaz del Castillo, B. Jlomoirs, by himself. Trans- lated by J. I. Lockhart. Lond., 1844. 2v. 8° 254.0 Dinni.i;, S. ilist. of tlie Sandwicli Islands' mis- sion. New York, 1839. 12° 1108.7 — Thoughts on missions. New Y'ork, n.d. 10° 119.20 DinniN, T. Reminiscences. London, 1827. 2v. 8° 597.3 Diciiteu und Kaufmann. Ein Lebensgemalde. Auerbach, 15 1037.4 Dick, T. Celestial scenery. N. York, n.d. 18° . 810.77 — Iinprov. of society by the diffusion of knowl- edge. New York, n.d. 18° 810.58-59 — - .Same. Glasgow, 1833. 12° 124.19 — The practical astronomer. New York, 1840. 12° 149.14 — The sidereal heavens. New York, n.d. 18° . 820.0 Dickens, C. American notes. N. Y'.^ 1842. 8°. 471. 10-17 — - Same. London, 1850. p.S° 402.14-15 — Barnaby Rudge. London, 1841. 8° 471.1 — - Same. London, 1853. 8° 402.10-11 — - Same. Peterson's edition. Phila., n.d. 8° 471.2-0 — - Same. I'liiladelphia, 1853. 8° 471.11 — Bleak house. New Y'ork, 1853. 2v. 12°. .. .402.20-21 — - Same. Philadelphia, n.d. 8° 481.7-11 — - Same. Pliiladelphia, 1854. 8° 481.0 — Cliild's history of England to 10.S8. N. Y., 1851. 2v. 10° 909.1-2 — The chimes. A goblin story. N. Y., 1845. 8° 471.10 — Same. New York, n.d. 8° 892.10 — Cliristmas books. London, 1&52. p.S° . . ..402.10-17 — A Cliristmas carol, in prose. N. Y., 1844. 8°. 892.10 Christmas stories. Pliiladelphia, 1852. 8° . . 481.12 Coi!*en(.«. — Christmas carol; The chimes; Cricket on the hearth; Battle of lil'e; The haunted man; Pic- tures from Italy. — - Same. Peterson's edition. Phila., n.d. 8°481. 13-10 — Cricket on the hearth. Boston, n.d. 8° . . . 471.19 — - Same. New York, 1840. 8° 892.10 — David Copporiicld. New York, 1852. 2v. 12° 402.19 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1853. 8° 481.5 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Phil., n.d. 8°. . 481.1-4 — Dombey and son. N. Y., 1848. 2v. 12°.. . . 402.18 — - Same. Pliilaileliiliia, 1853. 8° 471.12-13 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Phila., n.d. 8°. 471. 14-15 — Hard times. London, 1854. p.S° 472.2 — - Same. New York, 1854. 8° 481.17-22 — - Same. New York, 1854. 12° 472.1 — The haunted man, and the ghost's bargain. New York, n.d. 8° 471.10 — - Same. New York, n.d. 8° 892.10 — Household words. Lond. 1850-57. 15v. 8° . 871.1 — Little Dorrit, with illustrations. Peterson's ed. Pliiladelpl-ia, n.d. 2v. 12° 472.4-8 — Martin Chuzzlewit. London, 1852. 8°.. . .402.12-13 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1853. 8° 471.7-8 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Phila., n.d. 8°. .471.9-10 — New stories. Peterson's ed. Phila., n.d. 8° . 491.1-0 Content). - Seven poor travellers: Nine new stories by the Christmas lire; Hard times; Lizzie Leigh; The miner's daughters: Fortune Wildrcd, etc. Dickens, C. Nicholas Nickleby. Lond., 1852. p.8° 402.9 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1852. 8° 401.29 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Phila., n.d. 8° . .401.24-28 — The old curiosity shop, and other tales. Pliil., 1841. 8° 401.23 — , Same. PhiladclphiiV, 1853. 8° 401.21-22 — - Same. London, 1853. p.8° 402.8 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Pliila., n.d. 8°. . 401.17-20 — Oliver Twist. London, 1853. 8° 402.5 — - Same. Pliiladelphia, 1853. 8°. 401.0-7 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Phila., n.d. 8°. .401.8-10 — Pearl-flshiug. Stories from " Household words." 1st Ser. Auburn, 1854. 12° . . . 472.3 — Pickwick papers. New ed. Phila., 1853. 8° 401.11-12 — - Same. London, 1854. p.8° 402.0-7 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Pliila., n.d. 8° . 401.1.3-10 — Pictures from Italy. N. Y., n.d. 8° 892-10 — Sketches by "Boz." London, 1850. p.8° . . 402.2-3 — - Same. New ed. Philadelpliia, 1852. 8°. 461.1-3 — - Same. Peterson's ed. Pliila., n.d. 8°.. 401.4-5 — Sunshine on daily paths. From " Household words." Philadelpliia, 1S54. 12° 402.22-26 — The Tuggs's at Kamsgate. To which is added The pantomime of life. Phila., 18.37. 12°. 462.1 — and others. Pie-nic papers. Lond., n.d. 12° 462.4 Dicing, etc. Treatise against. Northbrooke, J. . 342.13 DiCTiONNAiKE d' anecdotes. Nouv. ed. Kiom, 1821. 2v. 10° 1038.5 Dictionary of qno';ations from the British poets. 2d ed. Loudon, 1835. 12° 358.5 — of commerce and commercial navigation. M'Culloch, J. K 135.9 — of printing. Savage, 'W 196.4 — of Shakespearian quotations 357.4 — of chronology. Tegg, T 947.2 — of arts, manufactures and mines. Ure, A. . . 140.2 — of terms in arcliitecture, mining, surveying, etc. Weale, J 819.20 Note. — See also the list of books of reference ap- pended to this Index. DiDitON, M. Christian iconography. Translated by E. J. Millington. v.I. Lond., 1851. p.S° 815.9 DiEFFENBACii, E. Travels in N. Zealand. Lond., 1843. 2v. 8° 705.3 Diet. Hitchcock, E. Lectures on 158.4 — Pereira, J. Treatise on food and 157.3 Digestion. Combe, A. Physiology of 15S.15&22 — Sweetser, AV. Treatise on 157.29 iDiNARBAs; a tale. Knight, E. C 799.5 Dingelstedt, F. Hoptameron. Gesammelte Nov- ellen. Magdeburg, 1841. 2v. 10° 1024.12 Contents. — Vol. I. Misverstindnisse; Die Schei- dnng; Esel Fritze. II. Gutenbergs Tod; Lorbeer und Doruenkrone; Blinde Liebe; Das bose Auge. — - Same. Magdeburg, 1841. 2v. in 1. 10° . . 1034.22 Contents. — Same as above. — Licht nnd Schatten in der Liebe. Novelle. Kassel, 1838. 10° 1028.2 Dining, Art of 189.12 Dinks. Sportsman's vade raecum. See Herbert, H. W 177.4 Diogenes Laertius. Life of Plato v.VI. of 814.3 — Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. Transl. by C. D. Yonge. Lond.. 1853. p.8° 634.10 DiPLOisiACY, History of 987.5 DIPLOMACY' of the United States. Lyman, T., jr. 297.4 Diplomacy of the revolution. Trescot, W. H. . 217.10 Diplomatic correspondence of the revolution. Sparks, J 210.1 Diplomatic history of the administrations of AVashington aud Adams. Trescot, AV. H. . 297.5 DiPLOM.vnsT, Adventures of a roving. Wikoff, II. 887.4 Disciples, Guide for young. Pike, J. G 119.3 Discourses delivered in Murray st. church, [N. Y.] March— May, 1830. New York, 1830. 8° 1083.5 Contents. — Discourses by Dr[s.] Spring, Cox, Skin- ner, De Witt, Miller, Sprague, Carnahan, Wood- . bridge, Kice, Woods, Wuyland, Snodgrass, Griffin. Discoveries in the West until 1519. Robinson, C. 625.1 Discoveries, inventions and origins, IIi.itory of. Beckmann, .J 818.8-9 DISCOVERY 49 DONALD DiscovEKY. Coolcy, W. D. History of muritinic and iulaud ;i78.11 — Tytler, P. V. Pro£,'ri>ss of discovery ou tlie Nortlioru coasts of Aniorioa 810. sn DiSEAsi;. IJii^clow, J. Xatiire in lj7.L'd-'J0 — Forbes, Sir J. Kature and art in the cure of. 1.07.4 — llufl, G. Prcvcution, causes and cure of . • . 157.8 DiSNKY,.!. 5Iom. of .lohii Jortiu. Lond., 1792. 8° 575.7 DisowNicn, Tlie : a novi'l. hytton, K. 1$ 4(>5.5-7 Dispic.NSATOiiY of the I". S. oi'Anicr. Wood,G.B. 151.12 Disi'ON'KNT, The : a tale. Livouian tales S!^'.>.:J1 D'I.jKAici.i, H. Literary and political bioi^rapliy. Macknig^ht, T '. . . . OS.'. 11 D'ISKAKl.l, 1. Anienities of literature. 2d ed. Kew York, 1841. 2v. 12" 807. 7-S — - Same. 4tli ed. New York, 1847. 2v-. 12° 404.8 — Curiosities of literature. 2d cd. Uoston, 1834. .3v. 12° 807.1-2 — - Same. 2d series. Boston, 1S.'54. 2v. 12° 807. :M — - Same. 'With curiosities of American lit- erature, by li. W. Griswold. N. Y., 1851. 8" 402.5 — Life pad reign of Charles 1. New ed. Lon- don, 1851. 2v. 8^ 553.2 — Miscellanies of literature. New edition. New York, 1841. 3v. 12° 807.5-0 Contenls. — Vol. I. Literary miscellanies; Cnlami- ties of auOiors ; Quarrels of authors. 111. Literary oharacter; Charai;ter of James I. DiSSECTOU, Tlie : or practical and surgical anat- omy. Wilson, W. J. K 153.7 Distilling. Donovan, M v. I. of 408.8 DiSTiNGUiSHLU mcu of modern times. N. York, 1840., 2v. 18° 820.20 District scliool as it was. Burton, AV 440.7-8 DiviXA eonunedia. Dante Alighieri 1047.1 Divine government. M'Cosh, J. Method of . . 113.8 — Smith, T. S. Illustrations of 1080.2 Divine love and divine wisdom. Swedenborg, E. 1084.7 Dix, J. Life of Chattertou, including poems and correspondence. Loudon, 1851. 10° .... 580.7 DiX, J. A. Winter in Madeira, and summer in Spain and Florence. 2d ed. N.Y., 1851. 12° 075.8 Dixon, K. H. Scenes in the practice of a New Y'ork surgeon. New York, 1855. 12° . . . 428.2 Dixon, J. Tour through the United States and Canada. New York, 1840. 12° G37.S Dixon, AY. H. John Howard and the prison world of Europe. New York, 1850. 12° 575.14 — ■Wm. Peun: an hist, biogr. Phila., 1851. 12° 520.15-10 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 1852. 10° ... . 520.17 DOANE, G. W. Memoir of Dr. Wainwright . . . . 1083.13 DoBELL, P. Travels in Kamtschatka and Siberia. London, 1830. 2v. 12° 0(K).2 DOBKi/CHoEFEU, M. Accouut of the Abipones of Paraguay. Transl. London, 1822. 3v. 8° 200.2 DOBSON, E. Art of building. 2ded. London, 1&>4. 10' ' 819.15 — Foundations and concrete works. London, 1850. 10° 810.31 — Manufacture of bricks and tiles. London, 1850. 2v.ini. 10° 810.10 — Railways of Belgium, 1834-42. ,I>ond., 1843. 8° liH.3 — Masonry and stone-cutting. London, 1840. 10° 810. 17-'S DOCTOK, The. Soutliey, It 802.11 DocTou Antonio. A tale. Kulfini, G 75;>.5-9 DoDD, G. British manufacturer. London, 1844- 1851. Ov. 18° 840.20 DoDU family abroad: a novel. Lever, C 501.18 Doddkidg:;, P. Life of Col. Gardiner. London, n.d. 8° 575.11 — Ilise and progress of religion. N. Y., n.d. 10° 110.10 — Stoughtou, J. Life and labors of 570.0 Dodge, P. Painting, its rise and progress. Bos- ton, 181(i. 12°'. 208.15 DODS, J. B. Spirit manifestations examined and explained. New York, [1.854.] 12° 1000.24 Dog, The. See Herbert, H. W. The dog. By Dinks, JIayhew and Hutcliiuson 177.4 — Martin, W. C. L. History of the 840.43 — KichanlHon, H. 1). Origin, natural liistory and varieties of v. III. of 100.15 Dot:. Youatt, AV. The dog, ed. by Lewis. . . .172.22-2.3 IfoGS. KIcIiardsou, II. 1). Origin and varieties of. 177.15 Dolby, U. Cook's dictionary. New e, .1. Laud-drainage, embankment and irrigation. London, n.d. 10° . . . . v. II. of 100.15 DONALDSON 50 DUANE Donaldson, J. Clay lands and loamy soils. Lon- don, isj-'. 10° ^■-•'••'' — On a«,'riciilture and landed property l'.)4.1:: — Soils and manures. New edition. London. 1C=. v.IV. oflCO-lu Donelan, J. P. 3Iy trip to France. New York, 1857. ir ''■:*;1'^ DoNc;i>LA, Kxpedition to. Kujj'lisli, G. 1? <5*L} DoNn-iiAX,Col. Campaign in New Mexico. See Kdwards, F. S (V-'3.20 DoNXK, I>r. J. The life of. Walton, 1 5S9.5 lK>xxi:, W. U. Kssays on the drama. I.imiloii, 1IS0.S. 1-" '■'^'■'■^ Donovan, M. Domestic economy. Lond., HsUO-'Jr. u'v. Kf ■K'S.S — Treatise on chemistry. London, 1832. 10°.. .•«)8.i:{ Doom of tlie tory's g-uard: a novel. Curtis, N.M. S02.34 1>mi;ax, Dr. J. iicntley ballads. A stdection from IJentley's miscellany, l^ondon, ISOS. t>° . 310.1.'5 — History of court fools. London, 1858. p.8° . IHS.-l — Knights and tlieir days. New York, l.'^5;i. 8° 1)48.0 — Lives of the t^ucons of England, of tlio house of Hanover. New York, If-55. 2v. V-i" . . 51)3.3 — Monarclis retired from business. New York, 1)^57. 2v. 12° MS. 5 — Table traits. New York, 1855. 12° 188.20 DoilCHKSTKl! antiq. and historical society. An- nals of Dorchester. By J. Blake, 1750. Bos- ton, 1840. 12° 227.16 DORCHKSTKK in 1030, 1770 and 1855. An oration. Everett, E 224.25 DorsK. By a stroller in Europe. N. Y'ork, 1857. 12° 057.0 DoKFGKStHK'llTKX, Sell warzwiilder. Erziihlun- gcn. Auerbach, B 1037. 1&3 DonOTllK. Konian aus der Braudenburgischcn Geschichte. HUring, W 1024.3 Dour, B. Travels in Egypt, the Holy Land, Tur- key and Greece, rhiladelphia, 1^50. 12°. 080.12 DoRVAi., or the speculator : a novel. Portsmouth, N. IL, 1801. 12° 409.24 DoiriioL'RO, J. Huen. I'seud. See Hamond. DoUGt-Ass, V. My bondage and my freedom. N. York, 1855. 12° 520.14 Dove, P. E. An account of Andrew Y'arranton. Edinburgh, 1«4. 10° 5&S.1 DovKii, Lord. See Ellis, G. .1. W. A. Dow, L. Writings, containing his experience and travels. The " .Journey of life," by Peggy Dow. 8th ed. Cincinnati, 1855. S°' . . . '. 1083.21. DOWLINO, J. History of liomanism. New ed. New York, 1853. 8° 1085.15 Down East. Col. Crockett's tour. Crockett, D. 028.27 Downing, A. J. Architecture of country houses. New York, 1850. 8° 203.11-14 — Fruits and fruit trees of America. X. York, 18;J2. 12° 105.15 — - .Same. Uevised by C. Downing, X. York, 18.58. r.i° 105.14 — Landscape gardening; witli remarks on rural architecture, [var. eds.] X. Y., 1850-57. 8°. 203.S-10 — Rural essays, with memoir, by G. W. Curtis. Letter by F. Bremer. New York, 1853. 8°. 105.5 Dkainagi;. Dempsey, G. D. D. of districts and lands 810.20 — - D. of towns and buildings 8i'.i.21 — Donald, J. Land v. II. of 100.15 — Lederc, J. M. J. Traitc de 1005.30 Dl'.AKK, B. Life and adventures of Black Hawk, Keokuk, etc. Cincinnati, l.S-'is. y^" .... 530.7 — Life of Tecumseh. Cincinnati, 1S41. \S . . 539.5 DuAKK, Sir F. Life and voyages of 810.41 — Life, voyages, etc. Barrow, J 889.13 Dkakk, J. U. The culprit fay, and other poems. New York, 18:55. 8° 332.5 Drakk, N. Xoontide leisure, or sketches in sum- mer. London, 1824. 2v.ini. 8° .340.12 Drakk, S. G. Book of the Indians. History to 1841. 8th ed. Boston, 1841. 8° ..... . 214.5 — History and antiq. of Boston, 1030-1770. Bos- ton, 18;5r). 8° 222.1 — Indian captivities. Auburn, 1852. lu° . . . .245.9-10 Dra^ia, The. Blaze de Bury, Mme. French . . 840.4 — Baron, A 1055.4 — Donne, W. B. Essays on 350.3 — Ilalliwell, .1. O. Illustrations of Shakespeare and the early English 342.30 — Tansur, J. P. A poem on the use of .3.58.27 DitAMATK' art and literature. Schlcgel, A. W. v. 818.7 DitAJiATic literature of the age of Elizabt^th. Ilazlitt, W .350.24 Dramatic miscellanies. Davies, T 353.11 Dramatic poets. Specimens of Eug. Lamb, C. . 856.9 Dramas, Collections of': — Cliild, F. J. Four old plays .356.1 — French, S. American drama 355.10 — Halliwell, J. O. Ludus Coventria; ...... 342.3 — Inchbald, E. The British theatre .354.1 — - Collection of farces 354.2 — Sargent, E. Modern standard drama .... 363.1 — Scott, W. Ancient British drama .331.2 — - Modern British drama .331.1 — Shakespeare society 342.1-.32 — Spencer, W. y. Boston theatre 355.9 — Wemyss, F. C. Minor drama 303.2 — Wright, T. The Chester plays 342.16 Drawing. Binns,W. Mechanical and engineering 200.8 — Burn, 11. S. Illustrated Loudon D. book . . 200.9-10 — Eagles, J. Thesketcher 208.1 — Howard, F. Imitative art 208.19 — Kriisi, H. Drawing from nature 201.6 — Mahan, D. H. Drawing instruments 203.0 — Minifie, Wm. Text book of geometrical . . . 203. -3-5 — Ruskin, .L Elements of 200.11-16 — Worthen, W. E. Appleton's cyclopajdia of . 201.5 See also .• Sciography, Perspective. Dr.^yson, a. W. Sporting scenes among the Kaf- firs. London, 1S58. 8° 692. .3 DRKAM.chintz, Tlie : a story. Mackarness, M. . . 476.7-8 Dreamer, The, and the worker. Jerrold, D. . . 802..36 Dreams and reveries of a quiet man. Fay, T. S. . 797.14 Dreams, Sleep and. Symonds, J. A 125.23 Dred : atale of the Dismal swamp. Stowe, H. B. 800.4-12 Dress, Tiie art of 209.11 Dress of the inhabitants of the British islands, History of. Planche, J. R 839.3 Dress-making, Handbook of. Howell, M. J. . . 199.1 Drew, J. Practical meteorology. Lond., 1855. 10° 149.17 Drinkwater, J. Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. Loudon, 1844. p.8° 889. li Drops of water, their beauty, etc., displayed by the microscope. Catlow, A 178.29 Drowning, Respiration in. Hall, 31 157.5 Droz, .T. Art of being happy. From the French, with comments, by T. Flint. Bost., 1832. 12° 139.5 — Essai sur 1' art d'etre heureux. Oe ed. Paris, 1828. 18° 1079.6 Druitt, R. Modern surgery. Ed. by F. W. Sar- gent. New Am. from last Lond. ed. Pliil- adelphia, 1853. 8° 151.18 Drummoni), W. Poems, with life by P. Cunning- ham. London, 1833. 12° .338.20 — Conversations with Ben Jonson 342.7 Drury, a. H. Eastbury : a tale. N. Y., 1851. 12° 410.0 Dry sticks fagoted. Poems. Landor, W. S. . . . 332.10 Dryden, J. Original poems and translations. Edinburgh, 1777. 2v. 12° 369.3 Contents. — Vol. I. A'erses in praise of Mr. Uryden, and poenis on several occasions. XI. Translations from Homer; Theocritus; Lucretius; Horace; Uvid; Epistles; Prologues and epilogues; Elegies and epi- taphs; Songs. — Poetical works. London, l&i.3-44. 5v. p.8° 319.8 Conrcnis. — Vol. I. l.ife by .1. Mltford ; Poems. II. Poems and epistles. III. Songs, etc.; Prologues and epilogues; Translations from Theocritus; Lucretius; Horace. IV. Transl. from Boceace a-.id Ovid. V. Transls. from Ovid; Juvenal; Persius, and Homer; Miscellaneous. — Fables translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boceace, and Chaucer. 5th ed. Lon- don, 1745. 12° 315.17 Dlane, Col. W. Visit to Colombia. 1822-23. Philadelphia, 1826. 8° 033.15 DUBLIN 51 DYSPEPSIA DUBI-IN, N. H. History of. Proceedings at the centennial celebration Dubois, E. OhlNick: a satirical story. Dublin, 1801. 2v. 16° DUBOURO, G. The violin and its most eminent professors. London, IjSol'. 4tli cd. 1'^° . . DUBOruG, J. linen. J'seufl. .sVv Hamond. Duci-os, C. I*. Acajou et Zirphile. Cabinet des Fees. v..\.\.\V Dunnox, The. Kaml)les by rivers. Tliorno, .1.. DunEV.\XT, M. A. Consiiclo. Translated by V. G. Shaw. Hoston, 1^4(1. ;.'v. V2° DUEM.INfi, History oT. 3Iilling-en, J. G DuKi.s nnd duelling. With hist, essay. Sabine, L. DUKR, W. A. Constitutional jurisprudence of the ITnited States. Js'ew Vork, n.d. IS" ... . — Life of William Alexander, earl of Stirling. New York, 184r. 8° DuKAU, J. B. H.agiographie beige. Bruxelles, n.d. 12° DUFK, A. Indian rebellion : its causes and results. New York, 1S08. 12° Du GUKSCU.IX, Bertraud, and John Howard, Lives of: or, chivalry and charity illustrated . . DiTiiRiNG, H. The United States with regard to Europe. London, 18:!3. 12° Dut.CKEN, H. W. German songs; from the Kitli to the lOth century. Edited and translated. London, 185(). 12' Dumas, A. Henri III. et sa cour : drame histo- ique. 2d ed. Paris, 1829. 12° — The iron mask. Translated by T. Williams. Philadelphia, 18.50. 8° — Memoirs of a maitre d'arines. Transl. Lond., 1853. p.8° — Memoirs of a physician. Part I. Joseph Balsamo. Transl. London, 184r. 12°. . . — Pictures of travel in the South of France. Translated. London, n.d. 12° — Travels in the South of France. Translated. London, n.d. 12° — Trav. sketches in Egypt and Sinai. Trans- lated. London, 183'J. Iff Dumas, J. B. and Boussingault, .T. B. Cliemical and physiological balance of organic nature. Translated. 3d ed. London, 1844. U)° . . — Manures : nutrition of plants, etc. Transl. by C. Morfit. New York, 1848. 8° Dumas, M. Memoirs of his own time. Philadel- phia, 1&39. 2v. 12° DuMONT, P. E. L. Souvenirs sur :Mirabeau. Brux- elles, 1832. 12° — Recollections of Mirabeau. Lond., 1832. 8° . DuNAi-L^VN, a religious tale. Kennedy, G Duncan, H. Sacred philosophy of the seasons, with additions, etc., by V. AV. P. Greenwood. Boston, 1839. 4v. 12° Duncan, J. British butterflies v. XXIX. — Introduction to entomology . . . v.XXVIII. Duncan, Jona. Hist, of Russia. Lond., n.d. 2v. 12° Duncan, J. M. Travels in the United States and Canada, 1818-19. New York, 1823. 2v. 12° Duncan, M. L., Memoir of. Lundie, J. C DuNGLisoN, R. Gen. therapeutics and mat. med. 5th ed. Philadelphia, 18.53. 2v. 8° . . . . — Medical lexicon. 10th ed. Phila., 1853. 8° . — New remedies, with formulae, flth edition, with additions. Philadelphia, 1851. 8° . . — Practice of medicine. 3ded. Phila., 1848. 2v. 8° Dunham, S. A. History of Europe during the middle ages. London, 1833-34. 4v. 1()° . . — History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. London, 1839-40. 3v. 10° — History of the Germanic empire. London, 1834-35. 3v. li;° — History of Poland. London, 1831. ltl° . . . — History of Spain and Portugal. Loudon, 1832. 5v. 16° — Bell,R. and others. I>ives of the most emi- nent literary and scientific men of Great Britain. London, 18.3(V-38. 3v. 10° .... 225.1 799.12 aw. 2 1077.1 850.18 476.0 985.4 947.14 820.57 513.8 1075.24 939.4 589.14 297.14 310.7 1078.6 735.1 409.5 496.9 654.8 869.10 709.20 15G.34 105.4 1008.12 1079.1 613.3 808.15 1089.7 of 179.1 of 179.1 869.11 628.24 119.7 152.4 151.14 151.15 152.1 378.0 .378.10 368.9 378.9 .308.8 DUNKELGRAK, Der. Roman. Bcchstein, 1 1013.7 DUNi.Ar, S. F. Vestiges of the spirit history of man. New Vork, l.'<;58. 8° 122.10 DUNl.Ar, W. History of the American theatre. New Vork, 1832. 8° 353.5-6 — Hisrory of the arts of design in the I'nited States. New York, 18:14. 2v. s' 202.1 — Memoirs of a water drinki'r. 2d edition. New York, 1837. 2v. asl. 12° 539.20 — Memoirs of G. F. Cooke. N. V., 1813. 2v. 18°. 597.18 DUNIxjf, J. Memoirs of Spain from 1021-1700. Edhiburgli, 18:i4. 2v. 8° 913.3 — History of fi<'tion. From 2d London edition. Philadelphia, 1842. 2v. 12° 405.15 DuNT<).N,J. Life aud errors, by himself. Lond., 1818. 2v. in 1. 8° 583.9 DL'ntzer, J. H. J. Frauenbilder aus Goethe's Jugendzeif. Stuttgart, 1S52. 8° 10.34.8 — Goethe's Faust erliiutert. Leipzig, 1854. 2v. 8° 1034.2 — Goethe's Giitz niid Kgniont. (ieschichte, Ent- wickelung, u. s. w. Braunschweig, 1^54. 8° 1034.3 — Goethe's Tasso erliiutert. Leipzig, 1K54. 8° 1034.7 — StudienzuGiithe'sWerken. Elberl'd, 1849. 8° 1034.0 Dui'lN, C. Essays on industrial sul)jects 147.21 Dui'fA, K. and Quatremere de Quincy. Lives of Jlichel Angelo [and] Raflaello. London, 1846. p.8° 543.12 — - Same, London, 1850. p.8° 835.7 DURFEE J. I'anidea; or, omnipresent reason the Logos. Boston, 1840. 8° 122.8 DCringsfei.I), 1. von. Sehloss Goczyn, Roman. 2teAufl. Breslau, 1845. 16°.." 1034.23 Dutch aud Flemish schools of painting. Stan- ley, G 826.15 Dutch republic. Rise of the. Motley, J. L. . . . 923.1-4 Dutchman's fireside. A tale. Paulding, .1. K. . 797.9 Du Tkrrail, Pierre. Chevalier Bayard. Life of. Simms, W'. G 547.13 Duty, Complete, of man. Venn, H 1107.15 Duv.VL, A. Jeunesse de Henri V. Comedic. Paris, 1821. 12° 1078.5 — Sur V art de la comedie. Paris, 1820. 12° . . 1078.4 DuxBURY, Mass. History of. Winsor, J 224.9 DUYCKINCK, E. A. AVit and wisdom of Sydney Smith 896.5-0 — and G. L. Cyclopsdia of American litera- ture. New Y'ork, 1855. 2v. 8° 392.2 Davight, M. a. Grecian and Roman mythology. Introductory essay by T. Lewis. 2d ed. N. Y'ork, 1849. 8° 1083.10 — Introduction to the study of art. New Vork, 1856. 12° " 208.18 Dwight. Theo. Character of Tlionias Jcfl'erson. Boston, 18.39. 12° 517.10 — History of the Hartford convention. New York, 18:33. 8° 305.4 Dwight, Theo. jr. History of Connecticut. New York, n.d. 18° 820.37 Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York. New Haven, 1821-22. 4v. 8° . 624.5 — Life of, by W. B. Sprague. Sparks's Amer. biography v.XIV. of .529.1 Dwyek,J. H. Essay on elocution. 6th ed. Al- bany, 1840. 12° 405.11 DY'A-Na-Sore, Oder, die AVanderer. Jleyern, AV. F. von '..... lo:!7.)5 Dy'eing, Chemistry applied to. Napier, J 197.3 Dy'ER and color-maker's companion. Philadelphia, 1851. 12° 199.13 Dyer, .L Character, etc., of Mary Dyer. Con- cord, 1819. 12° iaS9.14 Dye1{, S. Songs and ballads. N. Y'., 1857. 12°.. XiSAS Dyek, T. H. Life of John Calvin. N.Y'.,1850. 12° 545.10 Dy.aiond, J. Accordancy of war with Christianity. New York, 1847." 8° 127.2 — Essays on tlie princijjles of morality. New Vork, 1850. 12° 125.9 Dyn.'VMICS, Principles aud practice of. Baker, T. 829.28 See also .• Mechanics. Dy'NEVor terrace : a tale. Y'ongo, C. M 785.1-10 Dyspepsia forestalled and resisted. Hitchcock, E. 158.4 p:agek 52 ECKEKMANN Eager, S. W. History of Orange comity, N. Y. Xewburgli, 184C)-47. b° L'30.12 Eagi.ks, J. Tlie slcetchcr. EUinbuvgli, 18r)(i. 8°. 208.1 Eaki,, G. ^V. Native races of the Indian archipel- ago. I'apiiaiis. London, l!-.5:5. 12° ... . 1~0.2 — Voyages in the Indian archipelago. 1S32-34. London, li^tr. S° ';W.~ Eaki.'s daughter: a noveL Sewell, K. M 4J!i.l-4 Eaui-y blossoms. Biographical notices. Stylos,.!. t;r8.11 Eaiitii, The. Huff, 11. i'hysics of 140.31 — (ioldsmith, O. History of ^\Z'^'^ — (inyot, A. The eartli and mar. lOr.hS — lliggins, W. M. I'hysical condition of. . . . 810.73 — .Miufie, It. General treatise of 109.18 — 8chou\v, J. V. Tlie K., plants and man . . . 826.5 KAiniitjrAKKS and volcanoes. Wittich, W. v.II. of850.21 KAi'.riiwoioi, The, and the common housefly. Samuelson, J 175.13 East, The. Alger, W. R. Poetry of 315.12-13 — Carne, J. Travels in G04.18 — - Letters from 087.7 — Goodell, W. Changes of thirty years in . . . 087.14 — Laniartine, A. de. Ti-avels in 687.15 — 3IacFarlaue,C. Romance of travel in. . . .840.38-39 East 15oston, Mass., History of. Sumner, W.JI. 233.1 1">AST lndianarchipcl.,Glaneeatthe. Gibson,W. M. 707.0-7 EASTliCUY : a tale. Drury, A. H 416.6 Eastkun life, present and past. Jlartineau, H. . 680.1-4 Easteijn question, Russia and the. Cobden, 11. . 928.5 Eastkkn states, Letters on the. Tudor, Wm. . . 228.5-6 Eastuam, Mass, History of. Pratt, E 224.22 Easti.ake, C. L. Contributions to the literature of the tine arts. London, 1848. 8° 205.3 — Materials for a history of oil painting. Lon- don, 1847. 8° 205.1 Eastwood, B. Manual for the cultivation of the cranberry. Kew York, 185(5. 12° 165.24 Easy introduction to the game of chess, including Pliilidor, etc. New ed. Phil., 1817. 12° . 197.27 Eaton, C. Annals of the town of Warren, Me. HallowcU, 1851. 12° 227.7 Eatox, C. a. The days of battle: or Quatre Bras and Waterloo. London, 1853. 12° 1008.16 — Rome in the 19th century. 3d ed. London, 1823. .3v. p.S° 678.5 — Rome in the 19th century. 5th ed. London, 1852. 2v. p.8° 825.2 Eaton. .1. H. Life of Andrew Jackson. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1828. 12° 517.3 Eaton, W., Life of Brookfield, 181.3. 8° 627.2 — Life of. By C. C. Felton. Sparks's Am. biog V. IX. of 529.1 EbenEkskink: or the traveller : a novel. Gait, J. 788.9 Ebers, J. Seven years of the King's theatre. Philadelphia, 1828. 12° 353.12 Ebrington, Viscount. See Fortescue, Hugh. Ecartk: or the salons of Paris. Richardson, J. . 807.7 EcCLKSiASTKS. See Bible. Ecclesiastical history and polity, including his- tory of sects, etc. : — Baird, R. Protestantism in Italy 1090.13 — - Religion in America 113.2 — Ballou, H., 2d. Anc. hist, of Cuiversalism . 1099.12 — Bartol, C. A. Churcli and congregation . . . 1086.30 — Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England . . 846.1 — Bonnechose, E. de. Reformers before the reformation 1085.9 — Brown, T. Account of the Shakers 1089.13 — Caswall,H. Scotland and the Scottish church 1089.12 — Christoffel, R. Zwingli: or the reformation in Switzerland 1085.14 — Courcy, H.de. Catholic church in the U. S. . 1098.6 — Bowling, J. History of Romanism 1085.15 — Eusobius Pampliilus. Ecclesiastical history 845.1-2 — Evagrius. Hist, of the church, A. D. 431-594 845.5 — Evans, J. Denominations of the Clir. world 1039.6-7 — Felt,J.B. Eccl. liistory of New England . 1085.1 — Ferris, B.G. Utah and the Mormons . . . . 1095.14 — Fox,.). Acts and monuments of the Church 1101.2 — Goodrich, C. A. Religious ceremonies and cistoms 1099.4 Ecclesiastical history, polity, etc., contimied. — Gorliam, G. C. Gleanings during the reform- ation in England, 1.533-SS 1085.6 — Guuuisou, J. W. The Mormons 1087.8 — Uetiieriugton, W. 31. History of the West- minster assemblj' of divines 1100.15 — Hungary, Hist, of the Protestant church in . 1005.9 — Kidder, D. P. Mormonism and the Mormons 1099.27 — Kip, W. I. Early conflicts of Christianity . 1088.14 — Maefarlan, D. Revivals of the 18th century . 118.9 — M'Gee, T. D. Protestant refor. in Ireland . 1089.10 — Marshall, T. W. Episcopal polity 118.6 — M'Nemar, R. The Kentucky revival 1089.20 — Marsden, J. B. History of the later Pul-itans, 1642-62 1085.17 — Merle d' Aubignd, J. H. History of the ref- ormation . ' 1085.13 — Milman, H. II. liistory of Christianity. . . 1085.3 — Moshcim, J. L. V. Institutes of ecclesiasti- cal history 1085.2 — Neal, D. PI istory of the Puritans 1085.16 — Neander, A. History of the Christian reli- gion and church 1103.1 — - Memorials of Christian life 858.7 — - Planting and training of the church by the apostles 848.9 — Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical history epitom- ized 845.9 — Punchard, G. History of Congregationalism, A.D. 250-1016 1099.13 — Ranke, L. History of the popes 838.1 — - Reformation in Germany 1085.12&2C — Reformation in I'^urope 119.4 — Ritchie, J. E. London pulpit 128.7 — Roussell, N. Catholic and Protestant nations compared 1103.6 — Ryle, J. C. Priest, Puritan and preacher. 1088. -32-33 — Sects, heresies and writers of the flrst three centuries 1090.15 — Sects in the lOtli century 850.25 — Sewel, AV. History of the Quakers 1085.10 — Smyth, T. History of the Westminster as- sembly 1090.19 — Spraguc, W. B. Annals of the American pulpit 113.1 — Socrates scholasticus. History of the church A.D. .305-445 845.3-4 — Soutligate, H. Visit to the Syrian church . . 118.15 — Sozomen. Hist, of the church, A.D. .324-440 845.9 — Stebbing, H. Christian church to 1492. . . . 388.1 — Steinmetz, A. History of the Jesuits. . . .. 1095.7 — Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs 1094.10 — Taylor, I. Loyola ; and Jesuitism in its rudi- ments 1098.8 — - Wesley and Methodism 1108.4 — Theodoretus. History of the church, A.D. .322-427, and 431-594 845.5-6 — Trent, Decrees of the council of 1085.18 — Turnbull, R. Christ in history 1100.18 — Valdenses. Authentic details of the 1090.1 — Waddington, G. Church history to the refor. 305.13 — Wagstair, W. R. Hist, of the soci. of Friends 1085.11 — Wayland, F. Principles and practices of the Baptist churches 1088.8 — Weiss, C. History of the French Protestant refugees 1095.13 — Wilberforce, S. History of the Protestant Episcopal church in America 1099.20 — Wiseman, N. Recollections of the last four popes 1098.1 — - On the principal doctrines and practices of the Catholic church 1098.5 — Young, J. The Christ of history 1087.13 See also : Theology. Echoes of the universe. Christmas, H 1100.5 EcivEkmann, J. P. Gespriiche mit Goethe. Leip- zig, 18.37-48. .3y. 16° 10.34.14 — Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. Transl. by S. M. Fuller. Bos- ton, 1839. 12° 874.14 ECKSTEIN 53 EDWARDS Eckstein, G. F. On chimneys, with remarks ou stoves, coal, ventihition, etc. Loud., KS:"i„'. 10° 207.12 ECLIPSK of liiith. Kogers, II 117.11 — Defence of. Kogers, H 117.10 EcoNOJiY, Domestic. See Domestic economy. Ecoxojrv of machinery. Babbagc, C. 19S.W EfONOMV, Political. Sfe Political economy. Edda, The prose. Transl. by I. A. lUackwoll . . 840.2 Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the inissioniry enter- prise. Boston, 1S50. l(i° SoO.I.l Edgar, J. G. Footprints of iamous men. Xcw York, )851. lO" 518.10 Edgak Huntley: or, memoirs of a sleep-walker, Brown, C. B 757. 5 Edgarton, W. p. IS'cw York speaker, with intro- duction on declamation by W. Uussell. Is'. York, 1857. 8° 405.5 EDGKWORTir, C. S. Memoirs of the Abbe Kdg-e- wortli, containing- narrative of Louis XVI. London, 1815. 8° f)!5.S EDGKWOKTir, M. Tales and novels. London, 1832-:l'?. 18v. 10° 408.8 Contents. — Vol. I. Cistle Eackrent; An essoy on Irish luiUs; Essay on self justification. II. Forester; The Prussian vase; The good aunt. III. Angelina, or L'amic inconnue; The good I'reneh governess; Mile. Panache; The knapsack. IV. I^ame Jervas; The will; The Limerick gloves; Ont of debt out of danger; The lottery; Rosanna. V. Murad the un- lucky; The manufacturers; The contrast; The grate- ful negro; To-morrow. VI. Ennui; The dun. VII. Manoeuvring ; Almeria. A'lII. Vivian. IX. The absentee. X. The absentee, concl.; Mnic. de Fleury; Emilie de Conlanges; Modern Griselda. XI.— XII. Belinda. XIII. Leonora; Letters ou \'arious subjects. XIV.— XV. Patronage. XVI. Patronage, concluded; Love and I^aw, a drama; Rose, thistle and shamrock. XVII. Harrington; Thoughts on bores. XVIII. Or- mond. — - New York, 1855. 20v. in 10. 12° 407.1-3 Contenle. — Same as the preceding. The two addi- tional vols. (10 and 20) contain " Helen." — Belinda. Barbauld's Br. uov. v.XLIX. — L. of 770.1 — Frank. Boston, n.d. 10° 4(i8.G — - Same. New York, 1848. 2v. 12° 408.7 — Helen. A tale. London, 18.34. 3v. 12°. . . . 408.1 — - Same. London, 1850. 12° 408. .3-1 — Modern Griselda. Barbauld's Br. nov., v.L. of 779.1 — Parent's assistant. Stories for children. Bos- ton, n.d. 10° 408.10 — ' - Same. New ed. New York, 1850. 12°. . 408.0 — Rosamond ; with other tales. N. Y., 1844. 12° 408.5 — & R. L. Practical education. N. Y., 1840. 12° 137.20 Edgeworth, R. L. Mems. by himself, concluded by M. Edgeworth. Bost., 1820-21. 2v.in 1. 8° 583.12 Edith Allen: a novel. Neville, L 777.0 Edmoxd Dantes: a novel. Noble, G. W 735.4 Edmonds, C. K. Life and times of Washington. London, 1835-30. 2v. 10° 370.18 Edmonds, J. AV. and Dexter, G. T. Spiritualism. Appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. 8th ed. New York, 1853-55. 2v. 8° 122.14-15 Edom, Letters on. Lindsay, iorrf. 093.10 Education. Austin, S. Girls' schools, and the training of working women 137.23 — Barnard, H. Education in Europe 137.1 — Braun, Th. Prineipes d' education 1005.7 — Campbell, J. L. and Hadley, A. M. Teacher's miscellany 137.11 — Edgeworth, il. and R. L. Practical 137.20 — Everett, E. Imi)ortancc of practical 137.21 — Fenelon, F. S. de la M. E. des lilies .... lOOii.lS — Fowle, W. B. The teacher'.s institute .... 137.30 — Genlis, Mme. de. Lettres sur I'education . . lOftS.O — Goodrich, S. G. Fireside 137.20 — Greenwood, C. The child and the man . . . 1090.11 — Grey, M. G. and Shirrcff, E. Tliouglits on self-culture 124.12-13 — Grimko, T. S. Relative value of religious and secular 878.9 — Hall, S. K. Instructor's manual 129.24 — Hamilton, Sir W. Discussions on 872.1 Education. Hood, E. P. Self-education .... 129.20 I — Howard, G.^Y. v., ^arl of C(n-lisle. Lectures I in aid of popular 409.3 — JelVerson, T. Bill for a complete system of . 294.2 — Lcssiug, G. E. E. of the human race .... 138.8 — Madeod, N. Home education 129.19 — T ]Mann, H. Lectures on. 137.8 — Mansfield, E. D. I'riuciples and elements of American 137.3 — IMartineau, II. Household education 137.19 — JIayliew, I. Means and ends of universal. . 137.5 — Jlore, II. Strictures on modern female edu- cation v.VI. of 907.2 — Necker de Saussurc, Mme. Progressive. . . 137.7 — Northend, C. Teacher and parent 137.17 — Pillans, J. Elementary teaching in Scotland 1099.2.3 — Potter, A. and Emerson, G. B. .School and school-master 137.14-15 — Self-formation. Hist, of an individual n)ind 137.22 — Smith, H. I. Hist, of ancient and modern. . 820.53 — Taylor, I. Self-cultivation recommended . . 129.23 — - Home education 137.0 — Wines, E. C. Popular 137.10 Educational conference of 1857. Essays read. Ed. by A. Hill. London, 1857. 12° . . . . 1.37.12 Edward the black prince. Hist. of. James, G. P. R. .552.3 Edward IV., Histories of. Heywood, T 342.12 EDWAitD VI. Turner, S. Reign of 905.4 — Tytler, P. F. England under tlie reign of . . 974.4 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught mi-n. Boston, 1832. 12° 518.18-19 — - Same. Boston, 1850-52. 2v. 18° .... 518.22-23 ! — Writings, with memoir, by E. A. Park. Bos- ton, 1853. 2v. 12° 1090.12 Contents. — Yol. I. Life; Sermons, n. IJonian Calh. I wlig. in Italy ; Slavery in ancient Greece, early Cliris- ! tian era, and in the middle ages; Classical studies; Female education; Poetry of Word-worth; Study of the Hebrew language; Early English versions (f the Bible; Authenticity and genuincnes of the Penta- teuch; Imprecations in the scriptures; Hebrew po- etry; Importance of theological education; ( hristians should study the pro'onnder my^teric.^ of their faith ; Human depravit}'; Inttuencc of piety on the inlellcct. — Sears, B. and Felton, C. C. Ancient literature and art 403. IC Edwards, F. S. Campaign in New Jle.xico with ! Col. Doniphan. Phila., 1847. 12° 023.20 j Edwards, H. B. A year in the Punjab frontier, j 1848-49. London, ls51. 2v. 8° . . • ... 095. G 1 Edwards, .lonathan. Works. Reprint of the I Worcester edition, with additions. 8tli ed. I New York, 1851-52. 4v. 8° lO'.H.l I Contents.— VoLl. Memoirs of President Edwards; j Farewell sermon; Inquiry concerning qualilications fbrcommunion; Reply to Rev. Sfilomon Williams; i Hist, of the work of redempiion ; Dislinguishing I marks of a work of the spirit of God; Miscellaneous observations on important doclrincs: Ai count of the I life of David Brainerd. II. Inquiry into Ihe freedom of the will; Dissertation concerning the end for which j God created the world j Dissertation on the nature of true virtue; Doctrine of original sin def nded; Mis- I cellaneou.s observations concerningthedivinedicrces in general and electi. Now York, 1S57. 12° .... 648.3 Ei>WAi!i>s, H. -Al. and Comte, A. I'liysiolo'jy imd animal mocliauism. Transl. by W. S. W. Husclionl)cr!,'cr. I'hiladflphia, 1841. 12° . 177.23 Edwauks, Monroe. Life and adventures. New York. 1.S4S. 8° ^20.1 EnwAitKs, W. H. Voyag^e up the river Amazon. New York, 1847. 12° 035.15 — Voynjje np the Amazon, includinfj a residence at rani. London, 1847. p.8° ^^l*;''^ Edwin the Kair : drama. Taylor, H 355.7 Effi.nciiams, The : or, home as / found it. New York, 1841. 2v. 12° "07-8 Egedk, IL Ocscription of Greenland, with his- torical introduction and life of the author. 2ded. London, 1818. 8° 703.13 Egertox, F., Earl of Kllesmere. Life of the duke of Wellington. 2d ed. London, 1852. 10°.. 558.11 EcEKTOX, W. Memoirs of 3Irs. Anne Oldfield. London, 1731. 12° 507.0 Eggs of Brit, birds, Popular hist. of. Laishley, K. 177.27 Egmoxt. Trauerspiel. Gothe, J W. von . . . . 1038.4 — Trag-edy. Transl. by A. Swanwick. Gothe, J.W. von , 838.5 J^GMONT, Lamoral, Cotint of. Trial of. Schiller, F. von 818.10 Egypt. Bartlett,W. H. Glimpses of 084.1 — lielzoni, G. Operations and discoveries in . 093.12 — Hunsen, C.C. .J. Egypt's place in univ. hist. 954.4 — Chateaubriand, V. A. de. Travels in .... 085.7 — Clarke. E. 1). Travels in . . . v.lll. and IV. of 082.1 — Dorr, B. Notes of travel in 086.12 — Dumas, A. f ravelling sketches in 709.20 — JIahn-Hahn, L Travels in 0S7.1O — JIawks, F. L. The monuments of 0S4.2 — Irby, C. L. and Mangles, J. Travels in . . . SS9.25 — Lcpsius, K. R. Discoveries in 093.11 — Lindsay, A. W. C., Lorrf. Letters on 093. l(i — ."Madden, R. R. Travels in 087.9 — Osburn, Wm. Monumental history of . . . 955.1 — rfeiffer, Ida. Visit to 879.5 — Roole, S. Englishwoman in 850.3 — rriinc, S. I. Travels in 047.8 — I'rime, \V. C. Boat life in 098.8-12 — Russell, M. View of ancient and modern . . 810.29 — Saint .John, J. A. Hist, and antiquities of . 093.5 — Seymour, E. G. Romance of ancient liistory. 959.3 — Sharpe, S. History of, to 040 A. D 954.3 — Smith, .1. V. C. A pilgrimage to 098.18 — Spencer, J. A. Sketches of travel in 080.0 — Stephens, .3. L. Incidents of travel in. . . . 099.1-2 — Thomas, J. Travels in 099.3 — Thompson, .J. P. Photographic views of . . 098.24 — I'pham, T. C. Letters from 057.5 — Wilkinson, Sir G. Hand-book for 049.13 — Y'ates, W. II. Mod. hist, and condition of . . 955.8 Egyptian antiquities in Br. Museum. Long, Geo. 839.7 Egyptians. Lane, E. W. Manners and customs of modern 839.8 — Wilkinson, ,Sn- J. G. Account of ancient . . 959.1 — - Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. . 957.8 EiCHENDOHFi--, J. Frhr. v. Werke. Berlin, 1842. 4v. 16° 1027.1 Contents. — \o\. I. Gedichte. II. Ahnung und Gegcnwart. III. Dichter und ihre Gesellcn; Krleg den Philistern. IV. Kleinere Novellen; Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichtg ; Das Marnioibild ; Viel Lirmen um niclits; Das Schloss Dirande; Die Ent fHhrung; Die Glacksrittcr. Eighteen Christian centuries, The. White, . I. . 1105.1 EiGiiTEKNTii century. Manners and customs of. Andrews, A 988.2 Ekkeiiard. Geschichte ausd. lOten Jahrhundert SchelTel, J. V 1013.11 El Gringo: or, New Mexico and her people. Davis, W.W.H 023.18 Elder, W. Biography of E. K. Kane. Philadel- phia, 1S5S. 8° 224.9 • ELnp;R sister. The. James, M 498.15-16 I Eldon, Earl of. See Scott, J. I Election, The. Dublin, 1840. 10° 807.11 I Electric telegraph. History and progress of. llighton, E .' 819.9 Electricity. Bird, G. Lectures on 145.29 — Faraday, M. Experimental researches in . 145.11 — Garvey, M. A. Future effects of 199.23 — Harris, Sir W. S. Principles and purposes of 819.7 — Larduer, D. Manual of 398.14 — La Rive, Aug. de. Treatise of electricity . . 145.7 — Noad, H. M. E., electro-dynamics and E. telegraph 145.12 — Roget, P. M v.II. of .305.14 — Reichenbach, K. bar. v. E. in relation to the vital force H5.9 — Wilson. G. E. and the electric telegraph. . . 409.31 Electro-magnetic telegraph. Hist, account of. TurubuU, L 194.9 Electro-magnetism. Roget, P. M. . . . v.II. of .305.14 P^lectro-sietallurgy, Elements of. Sraee, A. 190.13 Electro-physiolocjy, Scient. and pract. treatise. Huff, Dr. G 157.8 Electron : a telegraphic epic. Richards, W. C. . .339.7 Electrotype manipulation. Walker, C. V. . . . 199. .33 Elegant narratives. Published by the Am. Tract Society. New York, n.d. 12° 1107.8 Elephant, The, in relation to man. Knigbt, C. . 840.21 — Natural history of the 820.59 Elfrkd: or, the blind boy and his pictures. Abbott, J v.VI. of 739.1 Elgin marbles. Ellis, Sir H 839.9 Elia, Essays of. Lamb, C 884.2-3 Eli.taii the Tishbite. Kruramacher, F. W 119.0 Eliot, J., Life of, by C. Francis. Sparks's Amer. biography v. V. of 529.1 Eliot, S. History of liberty. The anc. Romans. New ed. Boston, 1853. 2v. 8° 1.34.7 — - Same. Part II. The early Christians. Boston, 1853. 2v. 8° 134.8 — Passages from the history of liberty. Boston, 1847. 12° 135.22 — Manual of U. S. history. 1492 to 1850. Bos- ton, 1850. 12° 309.1 Eliot, S. A. Sketch of the history of Harvard College. Boston, 1848. 10° 297.21 Eliot, W. G. Discipline of sorrow. Boston, 1855. 18° 1089.22 — Lectures to young men. 3d ed. Boston, 1854. 10° 127.26 — Lectures to young women. 4th ed. Boston, 1854. 16° 127.27 — On the unity of God. Boston, 1854. 12°.. . 1080.23 Eliza Wharton, the coquette. Foster, H 807.8 Elizabf;th, Queen of Eug. Abbott, J. Hist, of . . 509.1-0 — Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of 554.3 — Barrow, J. Naval worthies of the reign of . 504.8 — Ilazlitt, W. Dramatic lit. of the age of. v.III. of 807.2 — Turner, S. History of the reign of 9()5.4 — Wright, T. Queen E. and her times 554.2 Elizabeth, princess of Bohemia, Memoir of, in- clud. her corresp. Blaze de Bury, Baroness 545.15 Elizabeth, Saint, of Hungary, Life of. Monta- Icmbert, Ct. C. de 547.15 Elizabeth, or the exiles of Siberia. Cottiu, Mme. M. J. R 499.14 Ella of Garveloch. A tale. Martineau, H.v.V. of 749.2-3 Ellen Linn ; a Franconia story. Abbott, ,1. v. Vll.of 7-38.4 Ellen Middleton. A tale. Fullerton, Lady G. . 458.4-5 Elleky, Wm., Life of, by E. T. Channing. . v.III.of 518.5 — - Same. Sparks's American biog. .. v.VI. of 529.1 Ellet, E. F. Characters of Schiller. Boston, 1839. 12' 908.7 — Domestic history of the American revolution. New Y'ork, 1851. 12° 217.8-10 — The practical housekeeper. N. Y., 1857. 8°. 187.1 — Women of the American revolution. New Y'ork, 18.52-53. 3v. 12° 538.13 Elliott, C. W. New England history, 980 to 1776. New Y'ork, 1857. 2 v. 8° 223.6 Elliott, E., Life and genius of. Searle, J. . . . 5i)9.12 ELLIOTT 55 EXCYCLOPfeDIE Elliott, E., Life, poetry and lett. of. ^yatkins, J. 5SC.1S Elliott, J. D. Biograpliieal notice; reviews of the controv. witli Perry. I'liila., 1835. 12°. 527.10 Ellis, G. Specimens of early English metrical romances. London, 1S48. p.s" S-IO.S — Specimens of the early English poets, and sketch of the progress of English poetry. 5tli ed. London, 1845. 3v. 12" Sld.n Ellis, G. E. A half-century of tlie Unitarian con- troversy. Boston, 1857. 8° 113.7 — Life of Anne Hutchinson. Sparks's American biography v.XVI. of 52<.).l — Life of John Mason. Sparks's American bi- ography v.XIlI. of 52'J.l — Life of William Penn. Sparks's American biography v.XXlL of 52'J.l Ellis, G. J. W. A., Loi-d Dover. Character of Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon. Loudon, 1827. p.8'' 500.14 — Life of Frederick II. of Prussia. N. ¥.,1848. 2v. 18° 810. 48 — Lives of eminent sovereigns of modern Eu- rope. 4th ed. London, [1833.J 12° .... 548.28 — True history of the iron mask. liOnd., 1820. p. 8° 015.0 Ellis, Sir H. .lournal of the late embassy to China. Philadelphia, 1818. 8° O'.Mi.lO — Elgin and Phigaleiun marbles. London, 1840. 2v. 12° 83'J.9 — Townley gallery of classic sculpture. Lond., n.d. 2v. 10° 849.0 Ellis, S. S. Daughters of England. London, [1842?] 8° 908.4 — Family secrets : a novel. Lond., [1841.] 3v. 8° 804.9 — Home : or the iron rule. New York, 1845. 2v. in 1. 12° 804.10 — Look to the end : a novel. Lond., n.d. 2v. 12° 8(J4.13 — The morning call. [Self deception.] Loudon, n.d. 4v. 8° 804.5 — 3tothers of England. London, 1843. 12°.. . 908.3 — Poetry of life. London, 1835. 2v. 12°.. . . 908.0 — Prevention better than cure. Loud., 1847. 12° 804.11 — Select works. New York, 1844. [4v. in 1.] 8° 804.7 Contents. — Women of Eng. j Wives of Eng.; Daugh- ters of Eng. ; Poetry of life. — Social distinction : or hearts and homes. London, n.d. 3v. 8° 804.8 Summer and winter in the Pyrenees, 2d ed. Loudon, [1841.] 8° 054.10 — Temper and temperiiment. Novel. Loudon, [1840]. 2v. 8° 804.12 — Wives of England. London, n.d. 8° . . . . 908.2 — Women of Eng. 13th ed. London, n.d. 12° 908.5 Ellis, W. Tour through Hawaii. J>ond., 1820. 8° 705.5 — History of Madagascar. Lond., [1838?] 2v. 8° 934.5 — Polynesian researches. N. York, 1833. 4v. 12° 707.4 Ellistox, E. W. Life of, by G. Raymond. . . . 597.10 El-Medinah and Meccah. Pilgrimage to. Bur- ton, K. F 089.10 Elmks, J. Sir Chr. Wren and his times. Lond., 1852. 8° 203.18 El-Mukattem. Lands of the ^Moslem. New York, 1851. 8° 084.8 Elocution. Barber, J. Grammar of 405.12 — Dwyer, J. H. Essay on 405.11 — Murdoch, J. E. Vocal culture in 137.10 — Kush, J. Art of 405.1 — Walker, J. Elements of 405.4 Eloquence. Brougliam, II., Lord. K. of the ancients Ss8.3 — Goodrich, C. A. British .soi.2 — McQueen, H. E. simplified 405. s — Maury, J. S. Principles of s:',o.4 — Moore, F. American 801.1 — Theremin, F. E. a virtue 405.7 Eloha. Seely, J. B. The wonders of Elora. . . 095.7 Elpiiinstone, M. History of India. Loudon, 1841. 2v. 8° 934.3 Elton, C. A. Hist of Roman emperors. [15.C. 28 to A.D. 1453.] London, 1825. 12° 548.11 EmranivING lands from the sea. Wiggins, .L. . 1»29.13 Embassies and foreign courts. London, 1855. p.8° 987.5 Emhlems, divine and moral. Poems. Quarloa, F. .'WO. 24 E.-\ibryolooy of the turtle. Agassiz, L. . . v. II. of 170.2 E.MI5URY, E. C. Pictures of early life. Boston. 18.39. 18° 878.27 E.MERGKNCIES, Hints on. Soutli,.J. F 157.7 E:MEUS(iN,G. B. The schoolmaster 137.14-15 Emerson, .J. Letters from the uEgean. N. York, 1829. 8' . . . f)S3.4 Emerson, J. E. Memoir. Clark, R. W 119.19 Kmkkson, R. W. English traits. Boston, 18.50. 12° 870.8-11 — Essays. Ist and 2d series, (var. eds.) Bost., 1852-57. 2v. 10° 870.1-4 — Memoirs of S. M. F. D'OssoIi 538.U-10 — Nature. Addresses and lectures. Boston, 1849. 16° 870.0-7 — Representative men. Boston, 1850. 12° . . . 870.5 Emigrant, The. Head, F. B 489.14 t'^.MiLiA Wyndham: a novel. Marsh, A 795.6 Emilie et Alphonse. Nouvelle. Souza, Mme. de 1079.8 Emilv, or the Countess of Rosendale : a novel. Maberly, K. C • . . 709.1 IOmma. Abbott, J. Harpers' story books .V. in. of 73U.1 Emma: a novel. Austen, J v.lll. of ?58..'? Emmkt, R. Burke, .LW. Life of 598.16 — Madden, R. R. Liic and times of 598.15 — Appeal at the close of Ills trial 802. .3-8 E.m.-\iet, T. A. Haines, C. G. Jlemoir of . . . . 598.17 — Madden, R. R. Memoir of 598.15 E:ndions, R. The battle of Bunker liill: a poem. 2d ed. Boston, 1841. 12° .358.3 Enamelling, The art of. Gessert, M. A 819.27 ICxCYCLOP.KDiA Americana. Ed. by F. Lieber, assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G. Bradford. [v.l4J by U. Vetliake. Pliila., 1842-53. 14v. 8° 401.1 Contents. — Vol. I. A-Bat. H. Bat-Cat. III. Cat-Cra. IV. Cra— Eve. V. Eve— Gre. VI. Gre— Ind. VII. Ind-Lin. VIII. Lin-Mon. IX. Mon- Pen. X.Pen— Rev. XI. Rev— Ste. XII. Stc-Vis. XIII. Vis— Zwi. XIV. Supplement. Ency-clop.kdia of architecture. Gwilt, J 202.6 Encyclop-kdi.v Britannica. 7th ed. Treatises on architecture, building, by W. Hosking ; ma- sonry, joinery, by T. Tredgold ; and car- pentry by Prof. Robison, with notes by Th. Young. Edinburgh, 1840. 4° 201.4 Encyclop.edia, The farmer's. Johnson, C. W. . KH.l ENCYCLOP.iiDiA, Female's 187.10 ENCYCLOP.KniA of geography. Murray, H. . . . 952.4 Encycloimcdia of instruction. Jolinson, A. B. 127.8 Encyclop.edia. See also .• Cyclopa;dia. Encyclopkoie populairc ou repertoire universel des connaissances humaines,publlee sous le patronage du roi. Bru.xelles, n.d. 12°. Con- taininr/ .• — Baron, A. Histoiro de 1' art dramatique . . . 1005.4 — - Manuel abrt'ge de rhetorique 1005.3 — Beneden, P. J. van. Anatomic comparee. . . 1005.5 — Boscaven, H. Manuel de versification. . . . 1065.6 — Braun, Th. Principes d'education 1005.7 — Brialmont, A. Precis d'art militaire 1005.9 — BroHckere, C. de. La cliarite 1005.11 — - Economic politique 10()5.10 — Burggraeve, le Dr. Chirurgie ]0f»5.S — Closset, A. de. :filements de droit civil . . . 1005.12 — Deleutre, C. Precis de I'histoire de I'art. . . lOCw.l.T — Fallot, L. Aper9U de la medecine 10. i:h.; Ch. autlioiity; Calumnies of Elunco White ugaiiist the Culli. icl.; Tninsubstimtintion; Doctrine of inlenlioii. II. Let- ters to Dr. Bowen; Misrepreseutalions of the C'ath. rel.; Austerities; Liberality; Detinition of faith; ///.<- lori/: Influenec, political and moral of the Uomun See; Kpiscopuey of St. Peter at Rome; Pope's dispensing power; English eecl. laws; Moral character of popes; Papacy and feudidisni; AValdenses. III. /Jisloii/: Influence, political and mor^l of the Roman See; Ro- man chancery; Domestic slavery; Contributions to the eccl. hist, of America; Catholicity in So. Am.; To the inopagation soc's of J,yons and Dublin; Uist. of the diocess of Charleston; Mother M. C. Mol- ony; Historical fragments; Denmark, Sweden, etc.; Turkey; Misccllunmns : Mass; lioly week at liome; Miraculous cure of Jlrs. Matliugly; Mirai lesof rrineo Hohenlohe; Letters to O'Conucll. 1\'. Jli^i:. : Repub- lic in danger; Calumnies against Cnth. voters refuted; Vindication of Judge Gaston; Cath. schools; N. Y. school question; Jansenist schism ; Ward and Poin- sett; lyolters from Rome; Willis' misrepresentations; Imputed superstitions; Cath. tenets; Th< title "Cath- olic"; Discourses, imstoral lettciv, anil oral ions: Disc, before Congress ; Uisulines ; On charity ; Pastoral letters; Addresses to conventions; Society of .lohn liaptist; Great fire in Charleston; American Indians, their relig. ; Washington, his character. \. Di»- CQurses, etc. : On classical education; Pleasures of the scholar; Epochs of Irish hist. ; Duelling ; yEneas among the Shades; Appendix; Diocess of Charleston; Case of Wm. Hogan; Harold corresp. ; Burning of CharU'stown convent; Maria Monk's "Disclosures;" Hotel Dieu, Montreal; Indexes. ExGLAxn. Adolphus, J. E. dtiring the reign of George III 904.1 — Aikin, L. Menis. of the court of Charles I. . 970.0 — - Memoirs of the court of James 1 552.8 — - 5Iemoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth 554.3 — Ashburnliam, J. Attendance on Charles I. . 975.10 — Belsham, AV. Keign of George III 553.9 — Berry, M. Social life of France and 98C.4 — Birch, T. Court and times of .Tames I. . . . 552.10 — Bisset, H. Keign of George III 970.5 — Blunt, I. J. Keformation in .379.2 — Brougham, TL, Z/ort^. Statesmen of the time of (ieo. TIL 008.7 — Buckle, II. T. History of civilization in. . . 942.2 — I'.unn, A. E. old and now 028.10 — Carrel, J. B. N. A. History of the counter- revolution 837.10 — Cams, C. G. King of Sa.vony's journey through 047.3 — Chasles, V. E. P. Notabilities in France and 808.7 — Cooper, J. F. E. with sketches of the me- tropolis 015.2 — - Gleanings in Europe 040.20 — Copway, (t. Sketchcsof men and ]»laccs in . 047.10 — Crtiik, (;. L. Pictorial history of 902.2 — - History of literature in 840.15 — Croly, G. Life and times of George TV. . . 810.10-17 — Cunningham, G. G. A history of England iu the lives of Englishmen 502.1 — Daniel G. Merrie E. in the olden time . . . 978.1 — DeLolme,J. L. E., its const, and gov't . . . 817.8 — Dickens, C. Child's history of 909.1-2 — Doran, .T. Queens of, of the ho. of Hanover . 593.3 — Epitome of the history of 979.7 — ICvelyn, .T. Diary and corresi)., 1041-1705 . . 977.4 — Florence of Worcester. Chronicle 850.11 — I'^onblanque, A. E. under seven administ. . . 979.1 — Froissart, .J. The ancient chronicles of . . . 1001.2 — Fuller, T. AVorthiesof 574.5 — George III., his court and family 970.4 — Goedc, (\ A. G. A foreigner's oi)iiiioii of . . (VITA — Goldsmith, O. Abridg. of the history of. . . 908.0 — - The history of, to 1700 908.7 — - Same. Pinnock's ed 908.5 — Goodman, G. Court of James 1 5.52.7 — (ioodrich, S. G. Outlines of the liislorv of . 909.4 ENGLAND 57 ENTOMOLOGY EXGLAXD. Grenvillo, Dulce of Bnckinrjham. Court of E. durin;,^ therc;jonpy, 1811--.'0 55."!. 10 — - Court aud cabinets of Gcor^^c III '.)7(i.:5 — Guizot, F. P. G. Kovolutiou of KHI) 'J7S.5 — Hall, A. 31. and l^oster, J. Stories and ;tud- ies from the clirouiclos of 970.0 — Hallam, H. The eonstitut. liist. of, 1500-1700. 075.1 — Halliwell, J. O. Letters of the kinjjs of . . 078.:! — Hamilton, W. D. Constitutional history of. 820.:3I5 — Hasldns, G. F. Travels in 058.14 — Headley, J. T. Second war of U. S. with . . 217.2-3 — Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle of, 55 A. C. to A.I). 1154 85G.3 — Herbert, IL V.'. Persons and pictures from tlie history of 54'^. — nervey,J. lleigu of Georg-e II 55:$. 7 — Historical pictures 070.10 — Holt. E. Public and domest. life of Geo. III. 553.8 — Howitt, W. Kural life of 080.5 — Hume, D. History of, A. C. 55 to A. D. 1088. 908. 1 — Hume, Smollett, and Farr. History of . . . 901.1 — Hyde, E. Rebellion and civil wars in . . . . 977.1 — Ing-ulph's chronicle of the abbey of Croyland. 850.8 — Jesse, J. H. E. dur. the reign of tlio Stuarts. 970.1 — - Court of, from KiSS to deatli of George II. 970.2 — Johnston, W. E. in the middle of the 19th century 979.4 — Johnstone, Chev.de. Rebellion in 1745 and '40. 970.7 — Keightley, T. History of E. to 1S30 820.20 — Knapp, J. F. Country rambles in 177.35 — Kolil, .1. G. Ireland, Scotland, and 047.5 — Lancelott, F. The queens of, and their times. 503.2 — Lester, C.E. Condition and liite of 088.0 — - The glory and shame of 040.12 — Liugard, J. History of, to IGSO 0(H.2 — Lytton, E. B. E. and the English 808.13 — Maeaulay, T. P.. History of, from 1085 . . . 007.1-3 — Mackenzie, A. S. The American in 058.15 — Mackintosh, Sir J. History of, to 1700 . . . 308.3 — Miller, H. First impressions of 640.7-0 — Montalembert, Comte de. Political future of 088.3 — Old sports of 580.14 — Olmsted, F. L. American flirmcr in . . . .040.10-11 — Ordericus-Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of 850.7 — Penrose, E. History of 008.3 — Pepys,S. Diary aud correspondence, reigns of James II. and Charles II 977.5 — Pillet, li. M. Views of, during a residence of ten years OSS. 10 — Powell, T. Living authors of 530. 9-10 — Raumer, F. L. G. von. England in 1835 . . . 979.2 — - E. in 1841 979.3 — Roger de Hoveden. Annals of, 732-1201 . . . 850.2 — Roger of Wendover. Hist, of, A. D. 447-1235 840.9 — Secret history of the court of .James 1 552.0 — Sidney, H. Diary of times of Charles II. . . 553.4 — Stanhope, P. H. History of, 1713-03 003.2 — Strickland, A. Queens of 502.1-4 — Southey, R. Espriella's letters from .... 079.13 — - Introductory view of tlie naval history of 388.5 — Thierry, J. N. A. Conquest of, by tlio Nor- mans 837.0 — Thomson, A. T., George II. of E., Court and times 554.-6 — Trimmer, S. A concise history of 900.5 — Tuckerman, H. T. A montli in 040.15-16 — Turner, S. E. during the middle ages . . . . 9ri5.2 — - History of the Anglo-Sa.xons 005.1 — - Reigns of Edward VI., Mary and Eliza- beth 005.4 — - Reign of Henry VIII 905.3 — Tytler, P. F. Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary 974.4 — Vaughan, R. History of, under the house of Stuart 305.10 — 'Wakefield, E. G. Comparison of E. and Am. 045.1 — "Wayland, J. Reeoliections of real life in E.. 800.22 — Wiflen, J. II. Mem. of the house of Russell 075.7 — AYilliam of Slalmesbury, Clironiclc of . . . . 840.3 — Wright, T. Literature, history, etc., of, in tlie middle ages 088.13 Englanp. Yonge, C. D. History of, to the peace of Paris, 1850 000.1 — Vi<'ars, J. Wortliies of 5ss.l3 — "Wade, J. Greatness of, etc 087.9 See also .• Great Britain. ExGLisir, G. B. E.xpeditiou to Dongola and Sen- naar. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1823. 8° . . . 093.4 — ( i rounds of Clu-istianity examined. Boston, 1813. 12" 1099.14 English battles, etc., in the peninsula. Napier, SirW.F. P 1007.8 ExGi.isii character. Sketches of. Gore, C. G. . . 409.18 English comic writers and the English poets. Ilazlitt, AV v.IV. of867.2 English commonwealth, Oliver Cromwell and the. Guizot, F. P. G 075.8 English constitution. Creasy, E. S. Rise and progress of 1.35.15 — - Howley, E. History of 987.7 English dramatic poets. Specimens of the, about the time of Sli.akspeare. Lamb, C.. . . . . 350.2 English family Robinson: a novel. Rcid, Capt. M 718. 1.3-14 English forests and forest trees. Lond., 1853. 8° 105.10 English history. Abbott, J. Tlie story of, to 1776 v.V. of 739.1 — Kniglit, C. Half hours of 975.2 — Paris, 31. From 1235-73 f50.1 — Reed, H. E. history and tragic poetry as Hlustrated by Sliakspeare 908.2 English humourists of the ISth century. Thack- eray, 3V. 31 580.1-4 English language. Chambers, "W. and R. His- tory of 404.15 — Latham, R. G. Handbook of the 403.12 — Spalding, W. Growth and origin of 4W.10 English literature. Breen, H. H. Jlodcrn. . . 401.2 — Cliambers, W. and R. History of 404.15 — Chambers, R. Cyclopedia of 392.1 — Cleveland, C D. Of the 19th century . . . . 404.2 -«- - Compendium of 404.1 — Reed, II. Lectures on 400.8 — Spalding, "W. History of 404.10 English metrical romances. Specimens of early. Ellis, G 840.5 English of Sliakespeare. Craik, G. 1 350.7 English, past aud i)rosent. Trench, R. C 403.19 English poetry. Canii)bell, T. Essay on . . . . 343.14 — Percy, T. Reliques of ancient 332.3 English poets, Specimens of the early. Ellis, G. 31().ll English princesses. Lives of the. Strickland, A. 593.4-5 English reading, Course of. Pycroft, J 405.19-20 English revolution of 1010. Guizot, F. P. G. . . 837.4 English songs. Illustrated book of 809.7 — Procter, B. W 345.11 English stage. Some account of, from 1000-18.30. 351.1 English style of writing. Graham, G. F 400.13 English synonymcs. Crabb, G 403.1 See Synonymcs. English tales and sketches. Crosland, N. . . . . 808.14 English tongue, History of the. Free, J .338.7 English traits. Emerson, R. W 876.8-11 English university. Five years in. Bristed, C. A. 884.14 English versification. Everett, Erastus 400.4 English women, 3Iem. of eminent. Costello,L. S. 595.1 English writers. Essays on. De Quinccy, T. . . 895.15 Englisiimicn and Scotchmen, Estimates of some. Bageliot,W 563.9 Englishwojian, The, in Russia. N.Y., 1855. 12° 087.24 Engraving, The art of. Fielding, T. H 202.8 Enkico Valieri. Racconto. See Rusconi, C. . . . 1056.20 Entail, The : a novel. Gait, J 788.15 Entertaining knowledge. Library of. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge . . . 840.10-21 Enthusia.sm, Natural history of. Taylor, I. . . . 1108.3 Enthusiast, History of an. Jewsbury, 31. J. . . 460.1 Entomologists' text book. Westwood, .1. O. . . 178.35 ENTOMOl.otiY. Buruieister, II. 3Ianual of . . . 175.4 — Jardiue's (Sir W.) naturalists' lib. 28-34 . . . 170.1 — Newman, E. Grammar of 175.7 See al.io .■ Insects. EOLINE 58 EUTROPIUS EoMNE, or Maffiiolia vale : a novel, llcntz, C. L. 445. 13 EoLOPoKsis : Aiin'riian rcjoctcd addresses. Big^c- low, .1 325.4-5 EOthkn : or tnici'.H of travil from the East. King- lake, A. AV 08?.13 Epkksiaxs, Epistle to the. See Biljle. Epicikeax, Tlie : a tale. Jloore, T "59.0 Eri<;oNi:N, iJie. Koinan. Inuiiermnnn, K. L. . . 10:i7.5 Ei'lscor.M. c-hiirch in America, History of the. Wilberloree, S 1099.20 — Illustrations of the book of common prayer of. Wluiitly, C 838.0 Si-e also : Keclesiastieal Hist, and Tlicoloffy. EiMsroi'Ai. polity of tlie holy Catholic church. Marshall, T. ^Y ll«-0 Episodes of insect life. 15y Acheta Domcstica. 1st to 3d ser. London, lis-l!)-51. 3v. 8°. . 175.8 Epitaphs. 15ridj,'man, T. E. from Copp's Hill burial frrouud 229.4 — Harris, AV.T. E. from the old burying ground in Cambridge 228.2 — IVltigrcw, T. .J. A select collection of . . . 850.13 Epps, ,h Evidences of Christianity deduced from phrenology. Preface and notes by J. A. Warne. Boston, 18.37. lb" 1089.23 Eqcatioxal arithmetic. Hipsley, AV 829.20 EtiUATioxs, Algebraical. Jlurpliy, K. Lib. Us. Kn. .305.15 EyUixocTiAi. regions of America, Travels to the. Humboldt, A. von 810.13 Ercoliaxi, L. I valvassori Breseiani. Kacconto. 3a ed. Brescia, 1853. 3v. 10' 1058.9 Erich Uandal. IHstor. Koman. Miigge, T. . . . 1013.13 ERMAN, a. Travels in Siberia. Translated by W. D. Cooley. Philadelphia, 1850. 2v. 12°.. 709.1 Ernest Linwood : a novel. Hentz, C. L 445.1.10 Ernest JIaltravcrs : a novel. Lytton, E. B. . .4(;5. 1.3-14 Enp.()i:s, Popular, explained and illustr. Timbs, J. 197.22 EusiiiNE, .7. E. Cruise among the islands of the western Pacific. London, 1853. 8° . . . . 690.7 Erskine, T. Freeness of the gospel. Three es- says. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1828. 10° ... . 1088.'25 — On the internal evidence of revealed religion. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1821. 12° 1087.12 Erl'PTIVE fevers. Lectures on. Gregory, G. . . . 152.13 Ep.win von .Steinbach. Boman. Melas, T 1035.2 P2KZEROOM, A year at. Curzon, K 087.5 EscHEXBUP.fj, .T. .T. Manual of classical literature, with additions by N. W. Fiske. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1S;jO. 8° 402.0 Espousals, The: a novel. Patmore, C. K. . ..334.12-10 EsPRiELLA, Don 3Iauuel Alvarez. Pseud. See Southey, 11. EsQUEAiELiNf;, J. History of the Buccaneers of America. New ed. Boston, 1853. 8° . • . 254.3 Essays from " The Times." London, 1852. 16°. 899.13 — - Same. New York, 1852. 10° S'M.li — - Same. 2d ser. New York, 1852. 12°... 899.15 Essex, Cruise and capture of the. 1812-14. Por- ter, Capt. \) 702.11 Ethel Churchill : or the two brides. Landon, I- K 498.18 Ethelwkp.d's chronicle. Giles, J. A. Old Engl. chronicles 840.4 Etherization, with surgical remarks. Warren, J-f' 157.22 Ethk:al discourses. Butler, J 139.1 Ethical science applied to the evidences of reli- gion. Bowen, V 125.8 Ethics. Aristoteles. The E. of 824.1 — l»e Wette, W. M. L. Human life: or, practical 127.0 — Dymond,.J. Accordancy of war with Chris- tianity 127.2 — "White, C. Essays in 403.17 Secalno: .Moral philos. Jloral science, etc. Ethiopia. Lcpsius, U. Letters from 850.6 — - Discoveries in, in 1842 5 093.11 Etiixookaphical library, v.1 170.2 Ethxographv. Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on . , OSsls — Omaliusd' Halloy, .J. .J. d'. Iblements d' . . 1005.43 Ethnolo<;ical inquiry. New chapters of. Nott, J'' 171.2 Ethxolocical researches. Nott, J. C 173.1-2 EriixoLf)c;Y, General. Sclioolcraft, H. U 244.0 ETiciUETTE for gentlemen. 13th ed. Loudon, 1841. 32° 129. .35 Etonian, The. No. L — X. 4th ed. London, 1824. 3v. 12° 880.9 Etonians, Memoirs of eminent. Creasy, E. S. . 582.2 Etimtria. Dennis, G. Cities an9.r — Sequel to denominations of tlie Cliristiau world. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1811. 1'.'°. . 1099.0 EVAXS, O. Mill-\vriy:Ijt and miller's guide. Witli additions, by T. P. Jones. 13tli ed. Pliilu- delphia, 18;50. S" 195.9 Ev.VNS, T. Old ballads, with some of mod. date. Ncwed.by 1{. H. Evans, l.on., ISIO. Iv. p.8' 310.4 EVKLINA : a novil. D'Arblay, JIme 499.2 EVKI-YN', J. Diary and eorrespoudence. Ed. by AV. Bray. Xew ed. London, 1850-54. 4v. 8° 977.4 — History of religion. Kd. by K. 31. Evauson. London, 1850.' 2v. 8" . . " 1095.8 — Life of 3Irs. Godolphin. Ed. by S. [Wilber- force]. New York, 1847. 1-2° 590.10 EVEXIXGS at Iladdon Ilall. Illust. by G. Catter- mole. London, 1851. 12° 808,17 EvEXiXGsathome. Aikiu, J. and Barbanld, A. L. 719.11-12 EVEUETT, A. II. America, general survey of [its] political situation. I'hiladelphia, 1827. 8° 297.3 — Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1845-40. 2v. 12° '. 877.4 — Europe, or a survey of the situation of the principal powers. Loudon, 1822. 8°. . . . 943.0 — Life of Gen. Joseph Warren. Sp.H'ks's Am, biograpliy v.X. of 529.1 — - Same. Lives of eminent individuals .V. 11. of 518.5 — Life of Patrick Henry. Sparks's American biography v.XI. of 529.1 — Xew ideas on population. London, 1823. 8°. 130. EVEKICTT, Edward. Defence of Christianity. Bos- ton, 1814. 12" 1099.15 — Discourse on .Tohn Lowell, jr 10S3.17 — Dorchester in 1030, 1770 and 1855. An oration. Boston, 1855. 8° 224.25 — Importance of practical education. Boston, 1840. 12° 1.37.21 — Life of John Stark. Sparks's American biog- raphy V.I. of 529.1 — Life of John Stark. Lives of eminent indi- viduals v.X. of 518. 5 — Orations and speeches. 2d ed. Boston, 1850. 2v. 8° 801.7 Everett, Erastus. System of English versifica- tion. Xew York, 1848. 12° 400.4 EVEKKTT, J. and Holland, J. Memoirs and writ- ings of J. Jlontgomery 584.17 EVKHG15EKNS, Treatise on. \Varder, J. A 100.15 EvEUY day book and table book. Hone, W. . . . 892.12 Evidence, Fundamental principle of. Bailey, S. 878.14 Evidences of Cliristianity. Beattie, J. Evidences of the Christian religion 1089.20 — Bolton, W.J. Evidences of Christianity . . 1094.11 — Englisli, G. B. Grounds of Christianity ex- amined 1099.14 — Epps, J. Evidences of Christianity from phrenology 1089.23 — Erskine, T. Internal evidences of revealed religion 1087.12 — Everett, E. Defence of Christi.inity against G. B. English '. . . 1099.15 — Greenlcaf, S. Examination of the testimony of the four Evangelists 1003.10 — Gregory, O. Evid. of the Christ, religion . . 858.2 — Mcllvaine, C. P. Evidences of Christianity . 1107.1 — Morison, J. Evidences of Christianity for young men 1109.10 — Norton, A. Internal evidence of the genuine- ness of the gospels 1093.11-13 — Paley, W. Evidences of Christi.inity . . . . 1099.34 — Palfrey, J. (i. Evidences of Christianity . . IO8.3.17 — AVare, H. luciuiry into the evidences of relig. 118.12 — Wrangham, V. The plciad, seven writers on the evidences 830.41 See also .• Bible, Theology. Evil, Nature of. James, H 1087.18 EwBAXK,T. Hydraulic and otlior machines for raising water. 4tli ed. New York, 1800. h° 195.3 — Life in Brazil; with illustrations of ancient Soutli .\mericau arts. New York, 1S50. 8°- 033. 1 ExAJii'i,i:s from the Ibth and 19tl» centuries. Sigourney, L. H 548.17 Exciiaxge, Essay on. ^rCulloch, .1. B l.i^A Excrijsiox, The: a poem. Wordsworth, W.. . . .34^1.3-4 ExcL'Ksioxs in Normandy. Ed. by V. Shobcrl. London, 1841. 2v. 12° 054.14 Exemplary novels. Cervantes Saavedra, M. dc 857.3 ExiiinrridN of 1851. Lectures on tlie results of. 199.10 — Bedding, C. Sketch of the great 987.11 — Iteports by the juries 191.0 — Timbs,J. Origin, progress and details. v. XIV. of 159.2 Exiles, The: a tale. Uobiuson, T. A. L. v. .1. . . 449.13 ExMourii, Viscount. See Pellew, E. ExooLS, Book of. See Bible. ExPECTAXT, The: anovel. Pickering, E. . . .805.10il0 ExPERIEXCE of life: a tale. Sewell, E. M. . . . 424.1-2 Exploring expedition. Keynolds, J. N. South Sea 704.0 — (U. S. 18.38-42.) Wilkes, C. Narrative of . . 701.0-7 — Four years in. Colvocoresses, G. 31 708.15-10 Exposition of vulgar and common errors, adapt- ed to 1845. Philadelphia, 1840. 10° . v. II. of 850.25 Extraordinap.y men, their boyhood and early life. Kussell, M' 879.15 Ey'es, Economy of the. Kitchiner, W 158.12 Eyrisyggja Saga. Abstract of, by Sir W. Scott . 840.2 EzELiNO da liomano. Cautii, C 1040.15 Fabens, J. W. The camel liunt. New ed. New York, 1853. 12° (W. 12-13 F.VBLE, Tlie age of. Bulfnicli, T 1067.21-24 Table for critics. Lowell, J. K 340.18 Fables. .lEsopus. Fables, translated 728.10 — Dryden, J. F. from Homer, Ovid, Boccace and Cliaucer 315.17 — Fiacclii, L. Favolo 1049.0 — La Fontaine, J. Fables, various editions. — JIanzoni, G. Favolc 1058.7 — Nortlicote, J. Fables 7:!5.3 — Schefer, L. Fabeln 1018.2 — Vanden Heuvel, 3Irs. Mythological 345.8 Fabiola : or, the church of the catacombs. Wise- man, Cardinal N 809.13 Fabl'LOI's histories on the treatment of animals. Trimmer, S 12fl.4 Fact and fiction. A collection of stories. Child, L. M 488.1.3-14 Facts in a clergyman's life. Tayler, C. B 449.2 F.VCULTIES of birds. Kenuie, J 839.10 Faggot of French sticks. He.id, Sir F. B 054.18 F.VGNAN, 31me. M. A. Minet-Bleu et Louvette. Cabinet des Fees v. XXXV. of 1077.1 F.viR maid of tlie exchange. Hey wood, T 342.20 Fair Pauline, The: a story. Genlis, Mnie. de . . 759.15 F.viRBAiRN, W. Application of iron to building. London, 1854. roy*° 194.1 Fairbanks, G. II. History of St. Augustine, Florida. New York, 1858. 8° 234.10 Fairchili), J. H. Incidents in the life of. Bost., 1855. 12° 534.14 Faibfielh, G. G. Irene and other tales. Boston, 1853. 8° 804.0 Fairfield, S. L. Abaddon and other poems. New York, 18.30. 8° 349.2 — Last niglit of Pompeii ; and lays and legends. New York, 18:V2. 8° . . . .^3S.2 Fairiioi.me, G. Geology of Scripture. Pliiladel- phia, 18:«. 10° . 109.27 Fairy mythology. Keiglitley, T 840.10 Fairy queen. The. 5ce .'>peusor, E. — Exposition of. Hart, J. S .324.1 F.viRY tales. Cabinet des Fees 1077.1 — H.imiltou, Count A 857.2 — Hotlmanu, E. F. W 737.14 — Maury, L. F. A. Les Fees du moyen age . . 1078.2 FAIKY 60 FERGUSON F.viuY talcs. riancIu',.J.K. F. talcs from Perrault and otliLTS - /3/.9 — Sc-^'ur, Mmc. do. routes dcs fees 1078.43 — Wolf, J. W. F. talcs collected iu the Odcn- ^y■M '19-10 F \nn, The, as unfolded by many prophets. 3Iar- ■ tineau, H ^^^j^^ Faith, The eclipse of. Uogrers, II 11^.11 — Defence of same. Kog-ers, H 117.10 F.u.coNEU.W. Poetical works. Loud., 183G. 10° 329.2-3 ContenlK. — Ure of Falconer, by Rev. J. -Mitford; The shipwreck: The demasoguc: Poem to the mem- ory of the Prince c,f Wales; Ode on the Dulie of York's second departure from England; The tond lover; Scarcity of poetry; Description of a ninety gun sliip. — The shipwreck, aud other poems, with life. f.J/o.oj The chase, by W. Somcrvile ; with Dr. Aikin's crit. essay and life of author. Loudon, 18.TS. 10° 350.5 Falk, J.D. Gothe aus niiherm personl. Um- g-aniredar'jestellt. 3tte Aufl. Leipzig, 1S50. 8° 10.34.12 Goethe aud his coutcmporarics. ,S'('e Austin, S. 897.'.) Falkland, Viscountess. See Gary, A. F. G. Falkland islands. Cruise ofl'the. Snow, W. P. . 708.9 Fallot, L. Apcrju de la medecine. Bruxelles, n.d 12° 1005.14 Falschk Woldemar, Der : Haring, VT 1024.7 False heir, The : a novel. James, G. P. K. . 403.2&1G-17 Falsehood and truth. Touna, C. F 409.23 False or true : a tale. Opie, 3Irs. A. . . v.III. of 801.4-0 Familiaii things, Knowledge of. Brewer, E. C. . 199.31 Family at llcitherdale : a tale. Mackay, Mrs. . . 499.7 Fajiily libraries. See Harper and Murray. Family magazine. The, Miscellaneous pieces from. Trimmer, S 888.16 F.VMILY manual aud servant's guide. 7th edition. London, n.d. 12° 188.31 Family memorials of AVatertown, AValtham, and AVeston. Dond, 11 224.1 F.V31ILY tour through South Holland, up the Khine, and to Ostend. London, 1831. 10° 3S9.2 F.VMILY' secrets : a novel. Ellis, S. S 804. 9 F.VJIOL'S men. Footprints of. Edgar, J. G 548.10 Famous persons and places. AVillis, N. P. . . . 657.7-8 Fanaticism. Taylor, 1 1108.5 F.VNCIKS of a whimsical man. New York, 185"2. 10° 449.3 Fancol'UT, C. St. J. History of Yucatan. Lond., 1854. 8° ' 035.0 Fanny: a poem. Halleck, F. G .328. '23 Fanny JIansfield. Philadelphia, n.d. 1S° 499.8 Fanny Fern. Sec Partou, Mrs. S. P. Faxshawe, Lady A. H. Memoirs : [with] the corresp. of Sir K. Fanshawe. Lou., 1829. 8° 595.2 Far-'ivest, Life in the. Ruxton, G. F 628.'22-23 FAK-WEST,AVild sports in the. Gerstiicker, F. . 028.25 Fauaday', M. Chemical manipulation. 3d ed. revised. London, 1812. 8° 155.17 — E.^perimental researches in electricity. 2d ed. London, lS^H-55. .3v. S° 145.11 — Non-metallic elements. Arranged by J. Scof- fcrn. London, lKi3. 1'2° 15G..33 Farces, Collection of. Inchbald. Mrs. E. . . . 354.2 See also .- Dramas. F.vr.LEY, S. Discourses and essays on theological and speculative topics. Boston, 1S51. 12° 117.7 Far:m, Book of the. Stephens, H lfi.j.4 F.VUM implements. Thomas,,!. J 105.12 Farm. See also: Agriculture. Farmer, The complete. Fesscuden, T. G 165.13 Farrier, The progressive. Nash, J. A 108.4 Farmer's companion. Buel, .J 169.8 Farmer's instructor. Buel, J 109.30 Farmer's encyclopaedia. Johnson, C.W 104.1 Farming, Productive. Discoveries in vegetable chemistry. Smith, J. A 109.9 Farmingdale: a novel. Thomas, C 794.10-11 Fauniiam, E. W. California, in doors and out. New York, iNji). 12° 637.7 Farnham, T. J. Life, adventures, and travels in California. New York, 1852. 8° 633.10 Faroe islands, Historical and dcscript. ac'tof the. 820.35 Farr, E. Hist, of Eng., 1769-1847. 5ee Hume, D. 901. 1 Farriery'. See Veterinary xVrt. Fashion and famine : a novel. Stephens, A. S. . 410.5 Fat.vl whisper. The : a novel. Gait, .1 801.2 Father and daughter : a tale. Opie, A 469.42 Father and son : a tale. Opie, A 409.43 F.VTHER Clement: a story. Kennedy, G 808.16 F.vthers, Lives of the. Butler, A 541.5 Fau, J. Anatomy of the external forms of man. London, 1849. 8° AVith atlas in fol. . . . 144.9 FAUGi5;RE, A. P., Cousin, V. and Vinet, A. K. Ja- queline Pascal, a glimpse at Port Koyal . . 545.8 F.\UST. See Giithe, J. W. von. Fay', T. S. Dreams and reveries of a quiet man. New York, 1832. 2v. 12° 797.14 Fearon, II. B. Journey through the Eastern and AA^estern states of Am. 3d ed. Lon., 1819. 8° 624.15 Featherstoniiaugh, G. AA^. Canoe. voyage up the Minr.ay Sotor. London, 1847. 2v. 8°. 623.14 Federal constitution. See Const, of the U. S. Federalist, The : by Hamilton, Madison, and J;Ty 285.4 FEHMDE-GERICHr : or, secret tribunals of AVest- phalia 849.5 Felix, Mile. liachel. Memoirs, by 3Ime. de B. New York, 185S. 12° 615.12 Fellows, C. Travels and researches in Asia Minor. London, 1852. 8° 687.6 Felt, JL. B. Annals of Salem. 2d cd. Salem, 1845-49. 2v. 12° 227.13 — Customs of New England. Boston, 1853. 12° 224.21 — Ecclesiastical history of New England. Bos- ton, 1855. 8° 1085.1 — MemorialsofAA". S.Shaw. Boston, 1852. 12° 537.1 Felton, a. C. Second festival of the sons of New Hampshire. Report by A. C. F. Bos- ton, 1854. 8° 234.5 Felton, C. C Life of AVm. Eaton. Sparks's American biography v. IX. of 529.1 — Memorial of J. S. Popkin, with biogr. sketch. 534.20 — Sears, B. and Edwards, B. B. Classical studies 403.16 Female's encyclopaedia. London, 1830. 8°. . . . 187.10 Fem.yle poets of America. Griswold, R. AA'.. . . 314.7 Female poets, Selections from 360.15 Female sovereigns, Memoirs of celebrated. Jame- son, A 810.44 FiiNELON, F. de S. de la M. Fables et contes. Cabi- net des Fees v.XA'IIl. of 1077.1 — Education des filles. Dialogues des morts. Opuscules. Vies des anciens philosophes. Paris, 1854. 12° 1000.13 — Life of Plato 898.22 — Lives of ancient philosophers. Translated. New York, n.d. 18° 820.42 — Pious reflections, with life of the author. Cooke's ed. London, n.d. 18° . 1089.33 — Selections from, by Mrs. Follen. 6th ed. Boston, 1851. 8° 118.19 — Telemaque. Nouv. ed. Ediub., 1703. 12° . . 1008.3 — , Telemaque, suiv. des Fables. Paris, 1854. 12° 1000.12 — Tclemachus. From the French, by J. Hawkes- worth, with life and remarks on epic poetry. New York, 1853. 18° 759.11-12 — Butler, C. Life of 017.14 — Upham, T. C. Personal history and religious opinions of 017.15-16 Fenwick, T. Four essays on practical mechanics. 2d ed. I. AA'ater wheels ; II. Steam engine ; III. 3Iills ; lA^. Simplification of machinery. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1802. 8° 195.21 Ferdinand I. of Austria. Ranke, L 409.27 Ferdinand and Isabella, Reign of. Prescott, AA^. H 912.1-3 Fergus, H. Hist, of the AVcstern world. The United States. London, 1830-32. 2v. 10° . 308.10 Ferguson, A. History of tlie Roman republic. ' New ed. Abridged. New York, n.d. 18° . 8.30.7 — Progress and termination of the Itoman re- public. New York, 1849. 8° ...'.... . 050.2 FERGUSON 61 FLEETWOOD Ferguson, J. Astronomy oxplaincd. AVith notes, etc., by Sir D. Brewster. 2cl ed. Ecliubury:h, 1S21. 2v. 8° 140.0 ^— Lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydrau- lics, pneumatics, optics, gcoy:raphy, astron- omy iuul dialling. Willi notes, etc., by D. Brewster. .-W cd. Ediu., 182:$. 2v. S" . . . 14C.8 — The shepherd-boy astronomer, Early life of the. Mayhew, H 5S0.4 Ferguson, U. Swiss men and Swiss mountains. London, l.Sjii. p.S 400.20 Fergusson, J. lUustrafcd liandbook of architec- ture. London, ISoj. 2v. S° 203.21 — Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. London, IWl. S" 004.0 Fergussox, "W. System of practical surg-ery. 4th American ed. Philadelphia, l)Sj3. 8° . . . 152.14 Fern, Vi\niiy,j)!;VJ. 8° 004.3 Ferrier, Miss S. Destiny : or, the chief's daugh- ter. London, 1852. 10° 777.13 — The inheritance. 2d ed. Loud., 1825. 3v. p.8° 777.12 Ferris, B. G. Utah and tlie Mormons. X. York, 1854. 12' 1005.14 Ferris, Mrs. B. G. The Mormons at home, 1852-53. New York, 1850. 12° 637.0 Ferry, G. Vagabond life in Mexico. New York, 1850. 12° 0.3S.3 Fessendex, T. G. The complete farmer and rural economist. 10th ed. Xev>- York, 1853. 12°. 105.13 — New Amer. gardener. 5th cd. Bost., 1831. 12° 100.11 — - Same. 30th ed. New York, lb53. 12°.. 105.13 — Terrible tractoration, and other poems. By Chr. Caustic. 4thAm. ed. [Alao] Wooden booksellers and miseries of authorship. Boston, 18:i7. 12° 340.10 Festivals, games and amusements. Smith, H. . 810.31 Festus, a poem. Bailey, P. J 344.10-12 Fetches, The : a tale. Banim, J 409.14 Fetis, E. Les musiciens beiges. Bruxelles, n.d. 2v. 12° 1075.29 F^Tis, F. I. Music explained to the world. Trans- lated. Boston, 1842. 12° 200.10 — La musique. Expose succinct. Bruxelles, 1839. 10° 1078.58 — Traite elem. de musique. Bruxelles, n.d. 12° 1005.15 Feuchterslebex, E. von. Dietetics of the soul. 7th ed. New York, 1854. 12° 129.15 Feuerbacii, a. K. von. Kemarkable criminal tri- als. Transl. by Lady D. Gordon. London, 1840. 8° 133.7 FiACCHi, L. (Clasio.) Favole. Jlilano, 1820. 10° 1049.0 Fiction, The liistory of. Duulop, J 405.15 Field and forest. Studies in. Flagg, W 100.0 Field artillery. Exercises in. See United States. 194.8 See also .■ Jlilitary art and science. Field book, Tlie : or, sports and pastimes of the British Islands. Maxwell, W- H 174.1 Field, garden and woodland. I'ratt, A 100.33 Field operations, Jlanual of. Jarvis, .1. W. . . . 107.0 Field sports of the United States. Herbert, II. W. 174.4-5 Field, B. Tlie true tragedy of Kichard III. and the Latin play, Kicliardus Tertius, by T. Legge, witli notes. I^ondon, 1844. 8° . . . 342.20 Field, G. Kudiments of the painter's art ; gram- mar of coloring. 1-ondou, 1850. 10°.. . . 819.19 Field, J. The life of John Howard. London, 1850. 8° 575.13 Field, M. Rural architecture : essa;/ on landscape gardening, including a critique on Ruskin. New York, 1857. 8° 203.10 Fielding, H. Adventures of Joseph Andrews. London, 1810. 10° v.XVIII. of 778.1 — Hist, of Tom Jones, a foundling. London, 1810. .3v. 10° v.XIX.-XXI. of 778.1 — Life of. Lawrence, F 584.3 Fielding, T. II. The art of engraving. London, 1841. 8° 202.8 Fields, J. T. Poems. Cambri5. 12° 709.15 Fisher, R. S. Book of the world. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 2v. 8° 951.4 Fishing tackle, etc. Papers on. Bohn, H. G. . . 835.8 Fitch, G. AV. Outlines of pliysical geography. 5th ed. New York, 185!). 12° 107.8 Fitch, John. Life of. AVhittlosey, C. Sparks's American biography v. XVI. of 529.1 — Life of, by Westcott, T 525.5 Fitch, S. S. Six lectures on the uses of the lungs, and on longevity. New York, 1848. 12° . . 158.7 Fitz-Boodle, Confessions of. Thackeray, W. M. 500.8-11 Fitzgerald, Lord E. Life of. Jloore, T 508.13 FiTZHUfiH, G. Sociology for the South, or the failure of free society. Rich., Va., 1854. 12° 135.19 FiTZ of Fitz-Ford : a legend of Devon. Bray, A. E. 448.15 Five years of youth. Martiueau, II 740.5 Flag ship. The, or voyage round the world. Taylor, F. W 708.8 Flagg, E. The far AY est: a tour beyond the mountains. New York, 1838. 2v. 12°... 029.18 — A'euice, from 1797 to 1840. New York, 1853. 2v. 12° 078.7-8 Flac;g, AA^. Studies in the field and forest. Bos- ton, 1857. 12° 100.0 Flanders. Froissart, J. Ancient chronicles of. 1003.1 — Gens, E. Histoire du conite de Flandre . . . 1075.7 — Snellacrt, A. Hist, de la litteraturefiamande. 1075.28 Flanders, II. Lives and times of the chief jus- tices of the supreme court of the U. S. First ser. Philadelphia, 1855. 8° 523.3 Flavel, J. Christ knocking at the door of sin- ners' hearts. New York, n.d. 12° 1107.4 — The fountain of life. New York, n.d. 12°. . 1107.3 — Method of grace. 1st Am. ed. New York, n.d. 12° 1107.0 Flax, Cultivation of. AVard, J v.IV. of 100.15 FLi;ciiii;i;, E. Oraisons Ami ores 1000.5 Fleetavood, or the stain of birth. Sargent, E. . 439.10 FLE3IIXG 62 rOKGlVEXESS Fleming, W. Vocabulary of philosophy, men- tal, moral, and metaphysical. London, l-or. 1-'' 12O.30 Flemish life, Talcs of. Conscience, II 48S.10 Fletc HLit, J. Uistory of Poland. New York, n.d. 18° 810..30 Fletcher, John. AVorks. See Beaumont, F. . . 351.2 Fletcheii, J. C. and Kidder, D. r. Brazil and the Brazilians 2C.3.2-5 Flei-ky de Chaboulon, P. A. E. Private life of Xapolcon in is!5. I-ondon, 1820. 2v. 8° . 604.9 Flint, T. Francis Berriuu, or the Mexican pat- riot. Boston, ivj,;. ..'v. 12° 7C9.1.3 — Indianwarsof the West. Cincinnati, )S33. 12° 249.2 — Ten years in the valley of the 3Iississippi. Boston, \>y>. 8° 2.3l-9 Florence. Aze,<^lio, M. d'. F. betrayed. . . . 47S.9 — Beyle, II. Itome, Xaplcs et 1007.27 — Busini, G. B. Dell' assedio di Fircnze . . . 1053.4 — Dix, J. A. A summer in 075. 8 — Guerrazzi, F. D. L' assedio di Firenze . . . 1057.4 — 3Iachiavclli, X. History of 82S.7 — Panzaui, A. Misteri di Firenze 1057.7 Flokexce of AVorcester. Chronicle, with contin- uations. Tr. by T. Forester. Lond.,1854. p.8° &J0.11 Floriax, J. P. C. de. Claudinc : a talc 449.20 — Fables ; poiimes ; Galatiie ; Estelle ; idees sur nos auteurs comiques ; lettres ; theatre ; Myrtil et Chloe ; fables de Lamotte. Paris, 1S50. 12^ 10C6.14 — Galatee. Eoman pastoral. Lyon, 1805. 12° 1078.55 — The Moors of Spain, [with] a notice of Islam- ism. New York, n.d. 1S° 820.70 — Xuma Pompilius. Paris, 1812. 18° 1079.5 Florida. Irving-, T. Conquest of, by de Soto . 2.37.11 — Giddings, J. K. Exiles of Florida 2:17.19 — Latour, A. L. War in Florida West .... 240.1 — Sprague, J. T. The Florida war 244.7 Floridas, Sketches of the. Forbes, J. G 230.8 Florl'S, Lucius Annseus. Transl. by J. S. Watson. 834.4 Flower fables. Alcott, L. M 729.2 Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. Eichter, J. P. Y. 887.8 Flower garden. The. Poetry of gardening-. From the Quarterly lieview. London, 1852. 1C° 105.28 Flowers of history. Roger of Wendover . . . 8-10.9 Flowers for children. Stories. Child, L. M. . 7;JS.9 Flowers of the field. Johns, C. A 169.24 Flowers and their associations. Pratt, A. . . . 850.4 See also .- Botany, Gardening, Horticult., etc. Flying islanders, History of the. Wilkins, P. . 799.10 Follen, C. T. C. Works, with a memoir. Bos- ton, 1841-42. 5v. 12° 877.1 Contents. - Vol. I. Life. 11. Sermons. Til. Lcc- tnres on moral philojopliy; Fragment on psycholf^gr. IV. Schiller's life and dramss. V. Miscellaneous •WTitings; Future state of man; History; Inaugural discourse; Funeral oration on G. Spurzheim; Aildnss on slaverj- : Franklin lecture; Religion and the church; Peace and war. Follen, E. L. Poems. Boston, 1839. 12° . . . .^5S.O — Sketches of married life. Xew ed. Boston, I'^^l- Ki' 429.5 — The well -spent hour. Xewed. Bost.,lS18. 10° 7:a.8 Following the drum. Viele, E. L 020.4 FoNBLANQL'E, A. England under seven adminis- trations. London, 1837. 3v. 12° 979.1 FONGERAY. Pseu'lonym. ,S'e«Cave and Dittmer. Fontaine, J. Memoirs of a Huguenot family. Trans, by A. Maury. X. York, 1853. 12° . . 017.11 FONTENELLE, J. de and Malepeyre, F. The arts of tanning, currying, and leather-dressing ; with additions by C.Morfit. Phil., 1S52. V 194. u Food. Donovan, M. Aliments used by various nations V. II. of 403.8 — Hassan, A. H. F. and its adulterations .. . 155.19 — Lankester, E. Vegetable substances used for the food of man !^40.32 Food. Liebig, J. Chemistry of 155.7 — Lindlcy, J. Substances used as 191). 16 — Marcet, W. Composition of 155.15 — Mitchell, J. Falsifications of 150.28 — Pcreira, J. Treatise on 157.3 Fool of quality : a novel. Brooke, II 799.4 Fool of the nineteenth century ; and other talcs. Transl. Zsehokke, J. ll'. D 707.13 FOOT-PRINTS of the Creator. Miller, II 107.15-17 FoOTE, A. H. Africa and the American flag. N. York, 1854. 12° 698.13 FoOTE, H. S. Texas and the Texans. Philadel- phia, 1841. 2v. 1-2° 039.1 FooTE, Sam'l, Memoirs of. Cooke, W 597.12 Forbes, D., Life of. Burton, J. H 500.6 Forbes, Prof. E. Literary papers. Lond., 1S55. 12° 589. 6 — and Spratt, T. A. B. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and theCibyratis 083. 7 Forbes, F. E. Five years in China, 1842-47. Lon- don, 1843. 8° 090.9 FOBBES, J. Happiness, in its relations to work and knowledge. London, I.njO. 18° ... . 1089.30 — Nature and art in the cure of disease. Lon- don, 1857. 12° 157.4 — Physician's holiday : or, a month in Switzer- land in 184S. 3d ed. London, 1852. 12°. . 609.6 — Physiological effects of alcoholic drinks, with documents of the Mass. Temp. Soc. Bos- ton, 1848. 12° 127.19 Forbes, Major .Jon. Eleven years in Ceylon. London, 1840. 2v. 8° 095.4 Forbes, J. D. Xorway and its glaciers. Edin- burgh, 1853. 8° 003.1 — Travels through the Alps of Savoy, with map. Edinburgh, 1843. 8-° Ca3.2 Forbes, J. G. Sketches of the Floridas. N. Y'ork, 1821. 8° • 2.30.8 Forbes, K. B. Voyage of the Jamesto-wn. [Re port and corrcsponJence.] Boston, 1847. 8° 296.5 Forces, Elementary treatise on. Peirce, B. . . . 148.2 Ford, J. Dramatic works ; with introduction and notes. London, 1831. 2v. 18° 359.7 Con'7. 2v. 8° 353.9 Contfnia. — Vol.1. Commendatory verses; Lover's melancholy; 'Tis pity she's a whore; The broken heart; Love's sacrifice. II. Perkin Warbeck; The fancies, chaste and noble; The lady's trial; The sun's darling; The witch of Edmonton; Fame's memorial; Verses to the memory of Jonson; Glossarial index. FOKD, E. Gatherings from Spain. Lond. ,1840. p.8° 889.17 — Handbook for Spain. 3d ed. London, 1855. 2^-. 12* 049.12 — The Spaniards and their country. New ed. New York, 18.50. 12* 675.19 Ford, T. History of Illinois, from 1818 to 1847. Chicago, 1854. 12° 237.0 Forde, .J. Honour triumphant, a line of life. Lon- don, 1843. 8° .342.18 For each and for all : a tale. 3Iartineau,H. v.XI. of 749.2-3 Forefathers, Footsteps of our. MialI,J. G. . . 1080. '22 Foreign reminiscences. Holland, II. E., Lord. . 890.9 Foreign travel. Passages in. Jewctt, I. A. . . . 057.4 Forest and shore : or, legends of the pine-tree state. Ilslcy, C. P 42S.1 Forest days ; a romance. James, G. P. li 403.1 Forest exiles ; a novel. Eeid, Capt. M 718.15 Forest life and forest trees. Sprii.ger, J. S. . . . 0-28.18 Forest sanctuary. The : a poem. Hemans, F. v.ILof324.2 Forest trees. An account of British 109.20 Forester, Frank. Pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester, Th. Norway in 1&48 and 1849. Lond., 18.50. 8° 008.3 P'ORESTERS, The : a novel. Wilson, J 759.8 Forests and forest trees, English 105.10 Forests of France, A month in. Berkeley, G. F. 654.4 Forgiveness of sin. Owen, J 1109.3 FORMULARY 63 FOURIER FOKJIULARY, Pocket. Bcasloy, H 15.1.0 — Universal medical. Griffith, R. E loJ.l) Forrest, G. Every boy's book : complete ency- clopa?clia of sports and amusements. Eon- don, I600. 12° 107.25 Forrester, J. J. Prize essay on Portugal. 2d cd. London, 1S54. S° Or.l.S Forsaken, The : a tale. Phila., IS^l. 2v. 12°.. 4'.)8.2 FoRSTER, J. Historical and biographical essays. London, I80S. 2v. 10° 894.3 Omteiita. — Vol. I. Jlisluriccit : The tlcbatcs on the grand remonstrance, 1U41 ; The Plantagenets nnd the Tuilors: The civil wars and Oliver Cromwell. II. lHorjrii/iliica! : Daniel De Foe; Sir Richard Siccle; Charles Churchill; Samuel Foo'.e. — Life and adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. London, 1848. 8° 5S.3.13 — Statesmen of the commonwealth of England. Edited by .1. O. Choules. N. Y., 1S4G. 8°. 502.3 — Lives of British statesmen . v.IL IV. YI. VILof 3SS.0 FoRSTER, 31. Briefe aus Siidrussland. Leipzig, 1850. 10° 1029.13 Forsyth, W. Captivity of Xapoleon at St. Helena. London, 1853. 3v. S° 1005.1 — - Same. New Y'ork, 1853. 2v. 12° ... . 005. 5 FORTESCUE, H., J'isc. Ehrinfiton. Two conversa- tions with Napoleon. Boston, 1823. 8° v. III. of 003.1 FoRTiFiCATiox, Elements of. Leudy, Capt. A. F. lOr.S Fortune by land and by sea : a tragi-comedy. By T. Hcywood and W. Rowley 342.29 Fortune Wildred, a story. Dickens, C 491.1-0 Fortune, R. Residence among the Chinese, 1S53- 1850. London, 1857. 8° 690.4 — Tea countries of China and the Himalaya. 3d edition. London, 1853. 2v. 12° 700.7 FORTUXESof Xigcl: anovcl. Seott, Sir VT. . . .470.0-12 Forty-five, The. Narrative of tiie insurrection, 1745. Stanhope, P. H., Vise, ^fallon .... 989.0 Forum, The : or. Forty years' practice at the Phila- delphia bar. Brown, D. P 294.4 FoSBROlvE, T. D. Arts, manufactures, manners and institutions of tlie Greeks and Romans. London, 18.3.3-35. 2v. 10° 378.3 FoscARi : a tragedy. Mitford, 31. R 804.4 FoscoLO, U., Vita ; e delle opere di. Gcnielli, C. 1050.11 Fossils. See Geology. Foster, A. and Lester, C. E. Life of Amoricus Vespucius 544.1 Foster, B. F. The merehaut's manual. Boston, 18-38. 12° 1.30.22 Foster, H. The coquette : or, the hist, of Eliza Wharton. A novel founded on fact. Bos- ton, 1855. 12° 807.8 — - Same. 11th ed. Exeter, 1828. 18°. . . . 789.11 Foster, J. Critical essays. Ed. by J. E. Ryland. London, 1857. 2v."p.S° &37.7 — Essays, in a series of letters. N. Y., 1851. 12° 1.37.13 — - Same. 1st Am. from 18th Lond. ed. Xew York, 1853. 10° 129.17 — - Same. 24th ed. London, 1851. 10° . . . 909.2 — Evils of popular ignorance. 1st Am. edition. Boston, 1821. 12° , 909.1 — - Same. New ed. London, 1850. 10°. . . 878.10 — Lectures deliv. at Broadmead Chapel. 3d ed. Loudon, 1853. 2v. p.8° 817.9 — Life and correspondence. Ed.by .1. P. Ryland, with notices by J. Slieppard, London, 1852. 2\'. p.S° 85.8.8 Foster, Mrs. J. and Hall, 3Irs. A. 31. Stories and studies from the Chronicles of England . . 979.0 Foster, 31. E. Handbook of French literature. London, n.d. 12' 405.2-3-24 — Handbook of modern European literature. Philadelphia, 1850. 12° 404.0 FouCH i:, .1. , (hil:e of Otranto, 3Iemoirs of. Jullian, P. L. P. dc 013.4 FoUND.\TioNs. See Architecture. Fountain of life. The. Flavel, J 1107.3 Fountain of living waters. 3d ed. New York, 1851. 12° 120.25 Fourier, F. C. 31. G;uvres completes. 3c ed. lOO-l.l Paris, 1S41-4S. Ov. 8° Coiitrnts.— \'i,\. I. Preface des editcurf; Th-oiic desqua:rc niouvcments ct destinies prncralcs. II. Thiioiie dc I'unitJ universclic; Soniinaircs du trait.-; Traili; de r.issoeiati' n domcstiquc-agricolc. III. Theorie de I'uniic univcrselle, en ubstr..it; Introduc- tion; I'riil.giimtnes. IV. Theorie, etc., {coutinupil) ; Cis legomcnes; Th-orie mi\te, ou i-tude speculative de I'association; Synthase rouiini re 1.. i.; ussociaiiun composic. 3'. Tlieoiic, etc., {routinued) : Theorie en coneret L. ii.; I)c I'cdueution unitairc ou intigrulc composec L. iii.; Dispo'itions de h:\uteharnioiiieL. iv. ; Dc I'cquilibrc passionnel. VI. I^e nouvcau monde industriel et sociiitaire, ou invention du pro- c?de d industiie attrayanlc et naturcUe distrlbui^e en series passionnees. — Life of. Pellarin, Ch 5J5.n FowLE, \y. B. TIic teachers' institute. 2d ed. Boston, 1847. 12° 137. .-lO — Parlor dramr.s. Boston, 1857. 12° .3.5'"i.9 Fowler, C. jr. and Berlyn, P. Crystal palace . . 205.0 Fowler, G. Lives of the sovereigns of Russia. London, 18.)8. 2v. p..S° 511.22 Fowler, H. The American pulpit : sketclies biogr. and descriptive. New 3'ork, 1,nj;>. 8° . . . 5-34.9 Fowler, O. S. A home for all : or, the gravel wall and octagon mode of building. New York, 18,Jl. 12° 207.10 — Pliysiology, animal and mental. Otli ed. N. Y'ork, 1853. 12° 157.13 Fowls, Domestic. See. Poultry. FowNES, G. Rudimentary chemistry ; [with] ap- plication to agriculture. London, 1854. 10° 819.1 Fox, C. J. History of the reign of James II. . . 8.37.10 — Memorials and correspondence, ed. by Lord John Russell, Philadelphia, 1853. 2v. 12° . saO.S — 3Iemoirs of tlie latter years of. Trotter, .1. B. 5;i0.2 Fox, E. Adventures in tlie revolutionary war. Boston, 1848. 18° 219.5 Fox, Geo. Journal of, with notes by \Y. Armi;;- tead. 7th ed. 2v. in 1. London, 1S52. 12° 1095.5 Fox, H. R., Lord Holland. Foreign reminiscen- ces, ed. by his son. New York, 1S51. 12°. S90.9 Fox, J. Acts and monuments of the church. [Book of 3Iartyrs.] New ed., with five ap- pendices, revised by 31. H. Seymour. New York, 1855. 8° 1101.2 FRA5IING1IA3I, 3Iass. History of. Barry, AV. . . 224.7 France. Astie, J. F. Louis XIV. and tlie writers of his age ioa'5.10 — Bell, R. 3Vayside pictures tlirough 075.5 — Berkeley, G. F. A montli in tlie forests of. . f>54.4 — Berry, 31. Social life of 9S(>.4 — Blanc, J.J. L. History of, 18-30-10 1002.5 — Bonnechose, E. de. Histoire de, jusqu'k 18.30. 10C4S lOOi.4 — Laiuj,', S. Social and political state of . . . . 409.14 — Lamartine, A. de. Past, present and future of tlie republic 134.11 - Kcstoration of the monarchy in 837.9 — Lamothe-Langon, E. L. de. Evenings with Cambaceres 1001.3 — Lavelcye, E. de. Histoire des rois francs . . 1075.13 Lemaistrc, J. G. F- after the peace of Amiens. 654.3 — Letters on Louis Xapoleou and the coup d' etat 1009.6-7 — Long-, G. F. and its revolutions 1001.1 — 3Iarsh, Mrs. A. History of the Protestant reformation in 1008.2 — Matthews, H. Tour in 079.14 — Merimee, P. Voyage dans le midi de . . . . 1009.3 — - Voyage dans I'ouest de 1009.2 — Michelet.J. History of France 1003.2-3 — Moore, J. Society and manners in 657.3 — 3Iorgan, Lady S. F., with appendix by Sir T. C. Morgan 1003.4 — Murray, J. Handbook for 049.1 — Napier, VT. F. P. War in the South of. . . . 1004.1-2 — Xapoleon I. F. during the reign of Napoleon. 603.4 — Xodier, C. E. Souvenirs de la revol 1007.8 — Pardoe, .L Louis XIV. and the court of . . . 010.3-9 — Penrose, 3Irs E. A history of. 1007.4 — Phipps, C. H. Paris in 1648 1002.4 — Piozzi, H. L. Journey through 676.1 — Kanke, L. Civil wars and monarchy in 10th and 17th centuries 1007.0 — Kitchie, L. Komanec of history 419.4-5 — Koelker, K. Constitutions of 134.14 — Saint Simon. Louis XIV. et sa cour 1078.18 — Scott, Sir W. Stories of. Tales of a grand- father 490.1-6 — Shelley, M. VT. Lives of literary and scien- tific men of 3SS.8 — Sibonie, Capt. W. History of the war in 1815. 1005.2 — Smedley, Ed. History of, 843-1529 .3()5.5 — Stephon, Sir J. Lectures on the history of . 1002.1-2 — Thierry, A. Formation and progress of the " tiers etat " in 100S.17 — - Lettres sur 1' histoire de — Thiers, A. Kcvolution francaise — Tricolored sketclies in Paris, 1851-2-3 .... — Vane-Stewart, C. W. j . in 1813-14 — Voltaire, F. de. Age of Louis XIV See aUo: French, Paris, etc. Fr.vxce, a. de. The prisoners of Abd-el-Kader . Fr.\xcesc.v da Rimini : a tragedy. Boker, G. H. Fr.\scheke, G. Voyage to tlie X. AV. coast of America, 181 1-1814. Transl. and ed. by J. V. Huntington. New York, 1854. VJ." . . . Fraxcia, Dr. J. G. II. de. Reign of, in Paraguay. Rengger, .1. R — Residence in Paraguay under. Robertson, J. P. Fraxcis I. See Francois I. Fran-CIS Berrian, or the Mexican patriot. Flint, T. FR.VXCIS, C. Historical sketch of Watertown, Mass. Cambridge, 18:50. 6'- — Life of John Eliot. Sparks's Am. biogr. v.V. of 529.1 — Life of Sebastian Rale. Sparks's American biography v.XVII. of 529.1 Fr.vxcis, J. Bank of England. 3d edition. Lon- don, n.d. 2v. 8° 136.13 Fraxcis, J. W. Old N'ew York, or the past sixty years. New York, 1858. 12° 2.37.3 1076.12 1070.16 1008.8 1009.3 1005.7 889.18 335.2 626.7 260.3 635.11 769.13 I — 224.2 Fraxcklix, W. Tour from Bengal to Persia : 178(>-S7. London, 17it0. 8° 694.10 FRAXfOis I. of France. Bacon, J. Life and times. 616.1 — Ilaureau, B. Francois I. et sa cour ..... 1078.20 — Pardoe, J. Court and reign of 616.2 FRAXf ois d'Assise, St.,ct les Franciscains. Moriu, F 1078.46 Fraxcoxia stories. Abbott, J 738.4 Fraxk: a novel. Edgeworth, 51 468.6-7 Franmc Forester. Pseud. See Herbert, II. AY. Fraxic Ileartwell: anovel. Tiller, B 801.3 Fraxk Mildmay : anovel. Marryat, F 745.11 Fr.\xic AVildman's adventures. Gerstiicker, F.. . 709.11 Fkaxkexsteix : or, the modern Prometheus. Shelley, M.AV 798.9 Fk.ajn'KLIX, B. AYorks ; with notes, and a life of the author by J. Sparks. Bost., n.d. lOv. 8° 286.2 Conle}its.— \o\. I. Aufobiography ; Life contin- ued, by Sparl-s. n. Essays on religious and moral subjects, aud the economy of life; Essays on politics, commerce, and ix)liticiJ tconomy. lU. Essays and tracts, histoiical and political, before the .\n)eiican revolution; Coasti ution and government of Penn- sylvania. IV. Essays and tracts, continued. V. Political papers during and afier the American revo- lution; Letters and papers on electricity. VI. Letters and papers on philosophical subjects. ^"II. Corres- pondence, part J: Private letters to the time of the author's tiist mission to England, 1725— 57 ; P.irt 2: Letters, private and official, trom the time of the au- thor's first mission to England to the beginning cf the American revolution, 1757—75. VUl. Correspond- ence, part 2, continued, ]7j7 — 75; Part 3: Letters, pri- vate and otScial, from the beginning of the revo ution to end of the author's raissjon to France, 1775 — So; Appendix: Fragment of Polybius, on the .\thenian government; Memoir of Sir John Dalryniple. IX. Correspondence, part 3, continued; Journal of tlie negotiation of the treaty of peace. X. Correspond- ence, parts, continued; Part 4; Private Letters, from the termination of the author's mission to France to the end of his lile, 1785- SKJ; Supplement; Indexes; Chronological list of the author's wiitings. Select works. Notes and memoir by E. Sar- gent. Boston, 1853. 12° 878.28 — Autobiography ; with a narrative of his pub- lic lifeTby H. H. Weld^ New York, n.d. 8° 523.6 -- Familiar letters and miscellaneous papers. Boston, 18.33. 12' 878.1 — Life, by liimsclf ; and essays. >:. Y'., 1857. 12° 517.21-22 — Memoirs by himself, ^vith miscellaneous writ- ings. Xew Y'ork, n.d. 2v. 18° 820.2 — Memoirs by himself and others. Philadelphia, 1810. 2v. 8° 5-23.5 — F. the apprentice boy. Abbott, J. . . . v.IV. of 739.1 — Life. AVeems, M. L 517. '23 Fk^vxklix, Sir J. Journey to the Polar sea. 1819- 22. Philadelphia, 1S24. 8° 704.5 — Belcher, Sir E. Expedition in search of . . . 702.1 — Bellot, J. R. A'oyage in search of 617.13 — Brown, J. N. AVest passage, and search for . 701.11 — Kane, E. K. Grinnell expedition 702.2-6 — - Second Grinnell expedition in search of . 703.1-9 — Osborn, S. Eighteen months in search of . . 709.7-8 — Richardson, Sir J. Boat voyage in search of. 704.8-9 Fraxklix, State of, from 1784 to 1788. Ramsey, J. G. M 235.4 Fraxks, History of. Perry, AV. C 925.0 FE.i.Kit;RE, A. de. Les abeilles et I'apiculture. Paris, 1855. 12° 1078.11 Fraser, J. B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia. New York, n.d. 18° 810.08 — The Kuzzilbash : a tale of Khorasan. Lon- don, 1828. .3v. 12° 807.6 Mesopotamia and Assyria. X. Y'., n.d. 18°. . 820.54 — AVinter's journey from Constantinople to Tehran. London, 1838. •2v. 8° 094.17 Fr.\SERI.\x papers. 3Iaginn, AV 884.12 Fred Markham in Russia. Kingston, AV. II. G. . 709.14 FREnEKic II. See Friedrinh 117 Frp;e, j. Poems and miscellaneous pieces. Lon- don, 1751. 8° 33S.7 — Essay towards a history of the English tongue. London, 1740. 8° 338.7 I _ FREEDLEY 65 FUSELI Freedi.ey, E. T. Leading- pursuits aud leading men. Philadelpliia, IKiO. 8° 29<"..3 — The legal adviser, riiiladelpliia, 1857. 12°.. 13.3.11 — Practical treatise on business, riiila., 1853. 12° 1.30.15 Freer, 31. W. Life of JLirnuerite d'Augoulemc. Loudon, 1854. 2v. 12° 544.12 Freiligrath, F. Gedichte. Stuttgart, 1805. 10° 1027.3 Freimaurer, Die ; Roman. Kiihnc, F. G 1013.4 FRli.MOXT, J. C. Explorations and adventures in Kanzas and California ; [witli] memoir by S. Smucker. iS'ew Yorlc, IXoO. 12° 517.10 — Exploring expedition to the Rocky moun- tains, Oregon and California. Auburn, 1854. 12° 028.13-15 — Life of, etc., by C. W. I'phani 517.17-18 — and Emory, Maj. Xotes of travel in Cali- fornia, kew York, 1849. 8° 023.8 French iu Algiers. Lamping, C. and France, A. de. 88'.». IS French court. Campan, Mme. J. L. H. G. Secret anecdotes of the 013.7 — Private anecdotes of the IOUJ.5 French language, Pronouncing reading-book of the. Arnoult, E 302.3 French literature. Foster, M. E. Handbook of 40().2:j-24 — Moke, H. G. Histoire do la 1075.27 — Vericour, L. R. de. 3Iodern 404.12 French, The neutral ; or tlie exiles of Xova Scotia. AVilliams, Mrs. C. R 217.12 French principles and Parisi.in sights. Jarves, J.J 054.17 — - Same. 2d series 1008.9 French revolution, [The first.] Brougham, 11., Lord. Remarks on v.V. of 840.5 — Carlyle, T. A history 1007.7 — Croker, J. W. Early period of 1002.3 — Lamartine, A. de. Patriots of the 828.0 — Michelet, J. The women of 1008.0-7 — Mignet, F. A. A. History of 837.3 — Poore, B. P. History of, 1789-1848 1000.1 — Sayous, A. Memoirs of Mallet du Pan. . . . 013.0 — Scott, "W. Preliminary memoir on 004.5-0 — Smytli, W. Lectures on 837.2 — Stal'l-Holstein, Mme. de. Considerations on 10O4.0 — Thiers, L. A. History of 1002.7 — Tocqueville, A. de. The old regime, etc. . . 1008.11 French revolution [of 1830]. Sarrans, B. Me- moirs of Gen. I>afayette 017.5 French revolution [of 1848.]. Lamartine, A. de. History of the 848.3-4 French schools of painting. Hist. of. Head, E. 208.21 French society iu the 18th century. Lomenie, L. de 015.4 French wines and politics : a tale. Martineau, H V. Xn.of749.2-3 French, S. American drama, v. I., witli a me- moir of E. Forrest. New York, n.d. 12° . 355.10 Contents. — I. Jlidsuminer night's dream. II. Popping the question, by John Baldwin Buckstone. 111. La tour de Ncsle, from the Frencli of Victor Hugo. IV. Deaf as a post, by T. Poole. V. Tlieresa, or the orplian of Geneva, transl. and adapted by Jolin Howard Pa^ne. VI. Flying Dutehinan, by Edward Fitzball. VII. New Footman, by Charles Sclby. VIII. Pleasant neighbor, by Mrs. Eliza Planclie. FRE.SENIUS, C. R. Quantitative chemical analysis. 2d ed. by J. L. Bullock. London, 1854. 8°. 155.11 — Qualitative chemical analysis. 4th ed. by J. L.Bullock. London, 1855. 8° 155.10 — and Will, H. New methods of alkalimetry. Ed. by J. L. Bullock. London, 1843. 12°.. 150.21 Fresh gleanings. Mitchell, D. G 0(i9.2-3 Fresh leaves, by Fanny Fern. Parton, S. P. . . 755.11 Freytag, G. Debit aud credit, with introduc- tion by C. C J. Bunsen. N. York, 1858. 12° 4.34.2-4 — Debit aud credit, witlj preface by C. C. J. Bunsen. Edinburgh, 1857. 2v. 12° . . . 434.5 — Soil und Haben : roman. 4e Auflage. Leip- zig, 1855. 3v. 10° 1035.5 Friedrigh der Grosse und sein Ilof. Roman. Mundt, K 1030.0 Friedrich II. of Prussia. Ellis, G. A., Lord Dover. Life of 810.48 — Gillies, J. Reign of 540.4 — Raumer, F. L. G. v. F. and his times .... 540.8 Friends, History of the society of. Wagstaflr, W. R 1085.11 Friends in council. Helps, A 878.4 Fright, The: a novel. Pickering, E 805.1 FuoissART, Sir J. Antient chronicles of England, and France, Spain, Port., Scot., Brittany and Flanders. Translated by J. Bourdiier. London, 1814. 4v. 8° 1003.1 — - Same. Translated by T. Johncs, with an introductory essay, [etc.] by J. Lord. New York, 1853. 8° 1001.2 Fro.mrerg, E. O. Painting on glass. London, 1851. 10° 819.28 Frontieij lauds of the Christian and the Turk, in 1850-51. 2d ed. London, 1853. 2v. 8°. . . 085.2 Frontier men, Sketches of. Pritts, J 245.2 FuosT, J. Life of Gen. Taylor. X. Y., 1847. 12° 517.8 — Pictorial history of tlie U. States. Hartford, 1848. 4v. in2. 8° 304.5-0 — Pictorial life of Andrew Jackson. Hartford, 18;")3. 8° 517.1 — Remarkable events in the history of America. Embellished. Philadelijliia, 1852. 2v. 8° . 304.7 — Travels in Africa, from the earliest ages. N. York, 1848. 12° 098.20 Frothinghaxi, N. L. Metrical pieces ; translated aud original. Boston, 1855. 12° .340.8 — Sermons in the order of a twelvemonth. Boston, 1852. 12° 1105.2 FrothingHjUI, R. History of the siege of Bos- ton. 2d ed. Boston, 1851. 8° 214. 2-S Fruits of leisure. Essays. Helps, A 888.22 Fruits and fruit trees of Amer. Downing, A.J. . 105.14-15 Fry, Elizabeth. Life compiled from her journal, etc. Corder, S 595.0 — A memoir of. Cresswell, Mrs. F 595.7 Fry, J. R. Life of Zachary Taylor. Philadel- phia, 1847. 12° .' 517.7 Fry, W. H. Treatise on artificial fish-breed- ing, translated and edited by Fry. New York, 1854. 12° 105.27 Fryxei.l, A. History of Sweden. Translated. Ed. by M. Howitt. London, 1844. 2v. 12° 928. .3 FuDCJE family in Paris. Jloore, T 358.17 Fuel, Economy of. Prideaux, T. S 829.9 Fuller, A. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Pearce. N. York, n.d. 10° 1109.18 — Principal works and memoir, by A. G. Fuller. I-ondon, 1852. p.8° 858.5 Fuller, H. Belle Brittan on a tour at Newport. New York, 1858. 12° 0.^5.22 p-ULLER, R. aud "Wayland, F. Domestic slavery, considered as a scriptural institution. 5th ed. New York, 1847. 10° 1109.23 Fuller, T. History of the worthies of England. Newed.byP. A.Nuttall. Loud.,1840. .3v.8° 574.5 FuLLERToN, G., Zrtr///. Elteu Jliddleton: a talc. From last London ed. New York, 1849. 12° 458.4-5 — Grantley Manor: a tale. New York, 1848. 12° 458.1-3 FuLLo:\i, S. W. Daugliter of the niglit : a story. New York, 1851. 8° im.\9 Fulton, R. Life of. Colden, C. D 524.7 — Life of, by Reuwick, J v. I. of 518. 5 — - Same. Sparks's Am. biography. . . v. X. of 520.1 FUN-.JOTTINGS. Willis, N. P '.KM. 11-13 Functions, Elementary treatise on. Peirce, B. . 148.2 Fur trade. An account of the. Mackenzie, A. . . 025.19 FuRNEss, W. H. Jesus and liis biographers. Pliiladelphia, 1838. 8° 1101.5 — Julius, and other tales from the German. Philadelphia, 18iJ6. 12° 750.10 FuRNiss, W. Waraga, or the charms of the Nile. New York, 1850. 12° 098.19 FusEi.i, H. Life and writings ; ed. by J. Knowles. London, 1831. 3v. 8° .... ' 543.5 — Lectures on painting 810.2 FUTURE 66 GAZUL FCTIRK state, Scripture revelations oonecrnin0.25 General register of politics and literature in Europe and Amer. for 1827. Ediuh., 1828. 18° 830.38 General view of the line arts, with introduction by D. Huntington. 4th ed. X. V., 18;>1. 12° 208.22 Generative organs, Diseases of the. Acton, W. 151.21 Genesis, Book of. .See Bible. GENEVifcVE, coute. Karr, J. B. A 1007.14 — Histoire d' une servante. Lamartino, A. dc . 1000.23 Genii, Tales of the. Ridley, J 835.10 Genius in its relations to culture and society. Giles, H 875.5 — Infirmities of. Illustrated. Madden, R. R. . 887.7 — Dawnings of. Pratt, A 548.26 Genlis, Mme., S. F. D. St. A., CtsseAa. Adele et Theodore, ou lettres sur 1' education. Paris, 1804. 4v. 16° 1068.0 — - Alphonso and Dalinda: amoral tale, trans- lated by T. Iloloroft. Fairhaven, 1799. 10°. 449.21 — - Mile, de Clermont, suivie de nouveHes et notice sur 1' auteur par Mme. A. Tastu. Paris, 1844. 12° 1006.17 Contents. — Madame de Genlis, par Madame A. Ta8tu; Mademoiselle de Clermont: La princcsse des Ursins; Le comte de Corke ; Trait de la vie de Henri IV. ; Les ermites des marais pontins; Lc marl insti- tuteur; Les preventions d'unefemme; Lejupon vert; Les reunions de famille; Lindane et Valmire; Nour- raahal, ou le regne de vingt-quatre heurcs. — Mile, de La Fayette ; suivie de nouvelles. [La jeuue penitente ; Les amants sans amour.] Paris, 1843. 12° 1000.15 — Madame de Maintenon. 4e ed. Paris, 1813-21. 2v. 16° 1068.4 — Madame de Maintenon ; [suivie de nouvelles: Lebonhomme; Le tulipier.] Paris, 1853. 12° 1000.10 — Les meres rivales, ou la calomuie. Berlin, 1801. 4v. 10° 1008.7 — New moral tales. New York, 1825. 12' . . . 489.20 — Saiuclair and Hortense : [and] Claudine, by M. Florian. Transl. by A. Haralson. New York, 1813. 12' 449.20 — Siege de la Rochelle. Xouv. ed. Bruxelles, 1829. 4v. in2. 18° 1009.15 — Zuma ; the fair Pauline ; Zeneida ; the reeds of the Tiber; the widow of Luzi. New York, 1818. 18° 759.15 Genoa, Summer tour to. Sewell, E. M 059.28 Gens, E. Histoire dti comte de Flandre. Brux- elles, n.d. 2v. 12° 1075.7 — Ruines et paysages en Belgique. Bruxelles, n.d. 12° .' 1075.23 Gentility. .S'ee Manners, etc. Gentleman Jack: a naval story. Neale. W. J. . 737.0 Geoffrey de Vinsauf. Narrative of the crusade of Richard 1 840.0 Geoffrey of Monmouth's British history. See Giles, J. A 840.4 Geographical descr. of the earth. Goldsmith, J. 649.20 Geography. Ferguson, J. Select subjects iu . 146.8 — Goodrich, C. A. G. of the Bible 1089.28 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial G. of the world . . 951.1 — Guy, J. jr. Illustrated Loudon 955.4 — Guyot, A. Comparative physical 167.18 — Kitto, J. Physical G. of the Holy Land . . . 840.25 — - Scripture lands 815.7 — Laurent, P. E. Manual of ancient 954.5 — Lloyd, E. Mathematical v. III. of .3()5.14 — Lloyd, H. J. Physical v. III. of 305.14 Geoop.aphy. Murray, H. Encyclopsedia of . . . 952.4 — Nicolay, C. G. Principles of pliysical .... 107.7 — Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on ancient 955.3 — Robinson, E. Biblical (>S4.4 — G. ofStrabo 844.3 — Swainson, W. G. of animals 308.17 — VuUiet, M. fi. of nature 107.13 Note.— For the geography of parlicular regions, kc their several names. Geological excursions around the Isle of Wight. Mantell, (J. A 820. 1(» GKOLOtiicAL knot. Attempt to untie the. Gosse, P. H I(i3.17 Geological observations ou coral reefs, volcanic islands, and on South America. Darwin, C. 103.15 Geological observer, Tlic. De la Beche, II. T. . 163. 13 Geological science and .Scriptures. Smith, J. P. 816.14 Geologist. Ansted, 1). T. Extracts from the note-book of a 208.2 — Miller, H. Rambles of a O. over the fossilif- erous deposits of Scotland 107.6 Geology. Anderson, .J. Course of creation . . 167.23 — Ansted, D. T. Ancient world . ....... 107.14 — - Elementary course of 163.24 — Brougliam, II. View of researclies on fossil osteology 840. K — Crofton, D. G. reconciled with Scripture . . Us. 20 — Daubeny, C. Description of volcanoes. . . . 103.14 — Dawson, J. W. Acadian 163.23 — Dc la Beche, H. T. How to observe 163.19 — - Researches in theoretical 109. 2<) — Fairliolme, G. G. of scripture 169.27 — Goodrich, S. G. Wonders of 109.13 — Hitchcock, E. G. of Massachusetts 103.10 — - G. of the United States and the globe . . 163.11 — - Religion of 167.21-22 — Lardner, D. Popular l();j.22 — Lee, C. A. Elements of 820.71 — Lesley, J. P. Coal and its topography. . . . 197.6 — Lewis, T. Six days of creation 14(i.l7 — Loomis, J. R. Elements of 163.20 , — Lyell, C. Elements of Iti3.10 — - Manual of elementary 163.2-3 — - Principles of 10:!.5-7 — Mantell, G. A. Wonders of 8:10.4 — Miller, H. Cruise of the Betsey 167.6 — - Footprints of the Creator 107.15-17 — - Fossilifcrous deposits of the Hebrides . . 167. (i — - Bearing of G. on the two theologies . . . 167.2-5 — - G. of the Bass rock 107.27 — - Old red sandstone 167.24-20 — - Testimony of tlie rocks -.'... 107.1 — Omalius d'Halloy, J. J. d' 1005.42 — Owen, R. British fossil mammals and birds. 172.21 — Pattison, S. R. G. for bible students .... 1(>7.28 — - Fossil botany 109. (i — Phillips, J. Treatise on 408.7 — Phillips, W. Outlines of 163.21 — Portlock, J. E. Rudimentary treatise ou . . 819.4 — Richardson, G. F. Introduction to 81().10 — Voices from the rocks' — reply to H. Jliller. . 160.19 GiiOMETRiE pratique. Bruxelles, 1850. 1::^'. . . . 1075. •30 Geometry. Cresswell, D. Treatise of 147.4 — Hann, J. Rudimentary treatise on analytical. 829.22 — Haswell, C. II. 3Iensuralion and practical . 147.25 — Heather, J. F. Element, treat, on descriptive. 829.8 — Kirkman, T. P. IMnenionical lessons in . . . 829.35 — Lardner, D. Treatise on 398.7 — Liagre, J. Elements de 1(h=5.:}5 — Lowell, Mrs. A. C.J. Introduction lo. . . . 148. 1 — Morton, P. Plane, solid and si)h(riciil. . . . 3(5.4 — Peirce, B. Elementary treatise on plane and solid I4S.3 — Waud,S. W. Treatise on algebraical .... :;r)5. 17 George II. of England. Hervey, J. Memoirs of the reign of 5.'»3.7 — Thomson, A. T. Court and limes of 554.6 George III.- His court and family. New edition. London, 1824. 2v. 8' 07(i.4 — Belsham. W. Reign of 553.9 GEORGE 68 GIOBERTI George III. Bisset, R. Reign of 9"<>-5 Brougham, 11. Statesmen in the time of. . . o6S.7 — Grenville, R. T. T. Court and cabinets of . . 970.3 — Holt.K. Public and domestic life of. . . . . 553.8 George IV., Life and times of. Croly, G SlO.10-17 George, A. Annals of the Queens of Spain. >*ew York, \S60. -iv. 12° 5W.4 Georgetown, JIass., History of. Gag^e, T. . . . 2-2". t> Georgia. M'Call, H. History of 2-34.15 — Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of 2tH.3 Geraldixe: a poem. Dawes, R 358.8 GeR-VKD, J. Adventures of the lion killer. Xew York, 1S5<-.. ir 69". 14-18 Gerhard, F. Illinois as it is. Chicago, 1857. 8° 2;}7.7 Gerhart, E. V. Introduction to the study of philosophv, with a treatise on logic. Phila., !<.>*. r^l 403.8 Ger.maixe: nouvelle. About, E 1078.15 German, The, in ^Vmerica. Bogen, F.V,' G29.33 German literature. Gostick, J 404.14 German lyrics. Brooks, C. T 310.8 German music. Modern. Recollections and criti- cisms. Chorley, H. F 209.5 German novelists. Roscoe, T 418.2 GERJt AN romance. Carlyle, T 418.1 German songs, from the l»jth to the 10th century. Ed.andtransl. by Dukken, H. W 316.7 Germ.vnic empire, History of tlie. Dunham, S. A. 368.9 Germany. Amalie, Princess. Social Ufe in . . 870.15 — Austin, S. G. from 17(>0 to 1814 667.15 — Beitzkc, H. Freiheitskriege, 1813 n. 1814 . . 1013.1 — Brace. C. L. Home life ic 607.7-11 — De Pontes, Mme. L. Davesies. Poets and poetry of .355.13 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of 545.1 — Howitt, Wm. Student -life of 663.0 — Kohlrauscli, F. History of 925.2-3 — Lemaistre, J. G. Travels in 6.54.3 — Menzel, VT. History of 848.2 — Moore, J. Society and manners in 657.3 — ilurray, J. Handbook for Southern 649.5 — - Handbook for Northern 649.19 — Penrose, 3Irs. E. History of 92S.4 — Piozzi, H. L. Observations respecting . . . 676.1 — Ranke, L. Political and religious state of, after the reformation 409.27 — Russell, .J. Tour in 6'ew York, 1844. 8° 172.7 GlRL's own book. Child, L. M 199.41 GiRI.s' schools, Two letters on. Austin, S 137.23 Girondists, History of the. Lamartine, A. do . 828.0 GiL'RiA, P. Raccouti storici e romantici. Vogliera, 1854. 12° 1050.7 Gi^ACIERS, Norway and its, in 1851. Forbes, J. I). 00:j.l Gladstone, T. H. Englishman in Kansas ; with introduc. by F. L. Olmsted. New York. 1857. 12° . . . .• 2.39.5 — Kanzas : or, squatter life and border warfare in the West. London, 1857. 10° 2-39.4 Gladstone, W. E. Essay on cliurch and state, reviewed. Maeaulay, T. B 40').20 Glaisheu, J. Philosophical instruments. Lect. on the exhibition 199.10 GL.fkcEs and glimpses. Hunt, H. K 880.3 Glass. Fromberg, E. O. Painting on 819.28 — Gessert, il. A. Art of painting on 819.27 — Pellatt, A. Curiosities of glass making . . . 190.11 — Porter, G. R. 3Ianufacture of 408.11 Glaucus : or, the wonders of the shore. Kings- ley, C 178.27 Gleig, G. R. British empire in India. London, 18.30-35. 4t. 10° 389.3 — Campaigns of the British army at Washing- ton and N. Orleans, 18]4-!5. Lond.,1847. p.8° 889.19 — Chelsea pensioners. London, 1829. 3v. 12°. 777.2 — Country curate. London, 1830. 2v. 12° . . . 798.2 — History of tlie Bible. N. Y., n.d. 2v. 18°.. 810.14 — Leipsic campaign. Loudon, 1852. p.8°. . . . 409.7 — Life of Robert, first Lord Clive. London, 1848. p.8° 889.9 — Life of Sir T. Jlunro. New edition. London, 1849. p.8° 899.5 — Light dragoon. London, 1844. 2v. p.8°. . . 720.1 — Lives of the most eminent British military commanders. London, 1832. 3v. 10° . . . 388.3 — Memoirs of Warren Hastings. London, 1S41. .3v. 8° 672.1 — Sale's brigade in Afghanistan. London, 1840. p.8° 899.11 — The subaltern. New ed. Edinb., 1852. 10° . 979.5 Glenny, G. Flower garden. New ed. London, n.d. 10° V.I V.of 109.15 Gliddon, G. R. and Nott, J. C. Indigenous races of the earth 171.2 Glory and shame of England. Lester, C. E.. . . 040.12 Glover, R. M. Manual of elementary chemistry. London, 1855. 12° 150.25 Gluge, Zei)r. Physiologic. Bruxelles, n.d. 12° 10<)5.17 Glynn, J. Cranes and machinery for raising heavy bodies. 2d ed. London, 1854. 12°. 199.20 — Power of water to drive mills and other engines. London, 1853. 10° 829.14 Goadby', H. Text -book of vegetable and animal physiology. New Y'ork, 1858. 8° 173.5 GOBAT, S. Three j-ears in Abyssinia, translated, with introduction by S. D. Clark. Witli biogr. sketch by R. Baird. N. Y., 1851. 12° 097.7 GtOBiNEAU, A. de. Diversity of races ; with intro- duction and notes by H. Hotz, [.ind] an ap- pendix by J. C. Nott. Phila., 18.50. 12° . . 170.3 God. Chalmers, T. Power, wisdom and good- ness of 820.0 — Eliot, AV. G. jr. Discourses on the unity of . 1080.23 — Gurney, J. J. Habitual exercise of love to. . 1089.27 — Kirby, W. Power, wisdom, etc., of, as mani- fested in the creation of animals 820.2 God. Osgood, Samuel. God with men : or, Foot- prints of providential leaders 117.8 See also .- Theology. Godfrey of Bulloigne ; or the recovery of .Jeru- salem. See Tasso, T. GODIN, Madame, Voyage of, along the river of the Amazons, 1770 830.31 Godley, J. R. Letters from America. Loudon, 1844. 2v. 12° 029.0 GoDMAN, J. D. American natural Iiistory. Part I. Mastology. Philadelphia, l82i"i-28. 3v. 8° . 172.12 GoDOLPHiN : a novel. Lytton, E. Bulwer. . . .400.12-14 GoDOLl'lllN, Mrs. M., Life of. Evelyn, J 590.10 Godwin, B. The philosophy of atheism. Lond., 1853. 10° 1088.34 Godwin, W. Cloudesley : a tale. N. York, 18.30. 2v. 12° 408.1 — Lives of the necromancers. London, 1834. 8° 125.1 — St. Leon : a tale of the 10th century. 2d ed. London, 1^00. 4v. 12° 419.8 GoEDE, C. A. G. A foreigner's opinion of Eng- land, etc. Translated by T. Home. Bos- ton, 1822. 8° 047.4 GOETIIE, J. W. von. See Gothe, J. W. v. GOGUfi, A. Secrets de la cuisine fran9aise. Paris, 1850. 12° 1078.21 Gold, Use, working and sources of. Hargravcs, E. H 938.7 Gold diggings, Sixteen months at the. AVoods, D. B 0.37.3 Gold discoveries, Australian and Californian. Stirling, P.J 1.30.12 Gold mines, Six months in the. Buffum, E. G. . 02si.l2 Golden Dagon : or, up and down the Irrawaddi. New York, 1850. 12° 709.10 Golden legend. Longfellow, H. W 3.'{3. 11-13 GOLDONi,C. Commedie sceltc. Milano, 1825. 3v. 10° 1(H7.3 Consents. — Vol. I. Xotizie su la vita dell'autorc; XJn curioso accidente; 11 vero aniico; Pamela fanci- ulla; La bottega del caffe; La locandiera; II matrimo- nio per concorso: II burbcro benefice o sia il bisbctico dibuoncuore; Oil innamorati. II. 11 cavaliere c la dama; L'impresario delle Sniirno ; Lawenturicre onorato; Terenzio; GU amori di Zelindo o Lindoro; Le gelosie di Lindoro; Le inquictudini di Zclinda; II Ventaglio. 111. l.a dama pruticntc; II ilolicre; La Villeggiatura: Le smanic per la villegsiatura ; Le awenture della villegyiatura; Tl rilomo d'dla villeg- giatura; n medico urlaudese; II Torquato Tasso. Goldoni, C., Giraud and Nota. Select Italian comedies, translated. New York, 1849. 12° 345.3 Contentf. — Odd mistake, Goldoni; Morose good man, Goldoni ; Jealousy at fault, Giraud : Mad prophet, Giraud ; Projector, Nota ; First steps to folly, Nota. Goldoni, C. and Alfieri. Lives and adventures of. Copping, E 5H.5 Goldsmith, J. Manners, customs and curiosities of nations. Philadelphia, 1810. 2v. 12°. . 049.20 Goldsmith, L. Secret history of tin? cabinet of Bonaparte. New York, ISIO. 2v. 10° . . . 1009.14 Goldsmith, O. Miscellaneous works, with life, edited by W. Irving. Phila., 1S50. 8° . . . 892.9 — Miscellaneous works, [ed.] by J. Prior. New York, 1853. 4v. 12° 900.2-3 Contents. — "VoVl. The bee; Kssays; An inquiry into the present state of polite learning in Europe; Prefaces and introductions. II. Letters trom a citizen of the world to his friend in the East; A familiar intro- duction to the study of natural histon.-. III. The vicar of Wakefield; Biographies; Misci llaneous criti- cism. IV. Poems; Miscellaneous pieces; Dramas; ^ Criticism relating to poetry and the belles-lettres. — Poems : a new edition. London, 1800. 12°.. 348.0 — Poetical works. London, 1851. 10° 329.4 — Animated nature: new ed. Liverpool, 1811. 4v. 8° 172.14 — Essays ; with the life of the author. London, n.d. 18° 650.27 — History of England. 0th edition. Perth, 1792. 4v. io° 908.7 — - Same. Pinnock's edition. 15th American from 24th English ed. Phila., 18-38. VT . . 908.5 GOLDSMITH 70 GOTHE %8.() 9"):5.a 950.9 952.5 959.0 759.4 GoLDSStiTii, O. History of En>?land, abridged. Ed. by Simpson. 19th od. Ediiib., 1S5I). VZ" — History of Greece to tlic death of Alexander. London, 1821. 2v. 8° — - Same. 7thAni.ed. Philadelphia, IS22. 12" — History of Kome. Loudon, 1821. 2v. 8° . . — - Same. Pinnock'sed. 1st Am. from the 12th Engl. ed. Philadelpliia, 1837. 12° — Vicar of Wakelield. Paris, 1800. 12° ... . — - Same. Barbauld's Brit. nov. . v.XXIII. of 778.1 — - Same. New York, 1851. 10° 759.3 — - Same, [witli] The deserted village. Ex- eter, 1828. 18° 499.15 — - Same. With ae't of life and writings of the author, byJ. Aikin. X. York, 185:!. 12° 759.2 — Lc ministre do Wakelield, trad, par llenne- quiu. Boston, )8.!1. 12° 1078.1 — Life and adventures of. Forster, .1 — Life, with selections from Ills writings. See Irving, W. Goldsmith of Paris. Transl. from HofTmann . . GoLOWNiN, W. 31. Japan and the Japanese. Iscw ed. London, 1853. 12° GONDI, J. F. P. dc, Card, de Retz. Memoirs of, [by himself.] Philadelphia, 1817. 3v. 8°. Good, J. M. Book of nature. >'. Y'ork, 1827. 8° — - Same. From last London edition. Hart- ford, 1850. 8° — Memoirs of. Gregory, 578.10 GooDEi.i., AV. Old and new : or the changes of thirty years in the East, with introduction by W. Adams. New York, 1853. 12° . . . Goodman. G. Court of James I. London, 1839. 2v. 8° Goodrich, Charles A. Geography of the Bible. Xew York, 1856. 18' 1089.28 — History ofthe United States. Boston, 1853. 12° 309.9 — Keligious ceremonies and customs. Hartford, 1&36. 8° Goodrich, Chauncy A. Select British eloquence. N. Y'ork, 1852. S° — - Same. Xcw York, 1853. 8° Goodrich, C. B. Science of government as ex- hibited in the United States. Bost., 1853. 8° Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the sea: or, history of maritime adventure. Philad., 1858. 8°. Goodrich, S. G. Anecdotes of the animal king- dom. Boston, 1845. 12° 109.14 — Contes de Pierre Parley sur 1' Ameriquo. Boston, 1832. 10° 1009.8 — Early history of the Southern states. Bos- ton, 1854. 10° 239.14 — Fireside education. New Y^ork, 1838. 12° . . 137.20 — History of all nations. Boston, 1851. 2v. 8° 951.2 — Lights and shadows of African history. Bos- ton, 1.S44. 10° '. . . . 939.1 — Literature, anc. and mod. Boston, 1845. 10° 400.9 — Outlines of the history of England. Boston, 1828. 18° 909.4 — Pictorial geography. New ed. Boston, l,>-5!>. 2v. 8° 951.1 — Recollections of a life-time. N.Y'., 1850. 2v. 12° 520.4 — Kobert Merry's museum. New York, 1849-55. .30v. in 15. 8° 907.1 — The token. Boston, 1828. 18° 899.24 — Wonders of geology. Boston, 1845. 12°. . . 109.13 GORDO.N, A. Lives of Pope Alexander VI. and Caesar Borgia. Philadelphia, 1844. 8° . . . 544.2 GORDOX, J. History of Ireland to 1801. Lon- **• don, 1806. 2v. 8° 9-5.3 Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of Xew Jersey. Tren- ton, 1834. 8° 235.7 — Hist, of America to 1520. Phila., 1.S31. 2v. 12° 259.9 — History of New Jersey to 1787. Trenton, 1834. 8° 235.7 Gordon, W. History of the independence of the United States. London, 1788. 4v. 8° . . . 214.11 Gordon, W. R. Three-fold test of modern spirit- ualism. Xew York, 1850. 12° 1090.18 Gore, C. F. Banker's wife: a novel. Xew York, " 770.1 583. 13 801.3 708.14 613.10 172.8 172.9 087.14 552. 1099.4 861.3 801.2 1.34.1 701.10 1843. 8°. Gore, C F. Birthright : a novel. N. Y'., 1843. 8° 776.2 — Castles in the air: a novel. N. York, 1848. 8° 770.3 — Craigallan castle. New York, 1852. 8° . . . 770.10 — Manners of the day. London, 18:50. .3v. 12°. 770.9 — Man of capital. London, 1840. 3v. 12° • . . 770.8 — Mrs. Armytage. Philadelphia, IKjfl. 2v. 12° 489.8 — Peers and parvenus. London, 1840. 3v. 12° 776.5 — - Same. New Y'ork, 1840. 8° 805.11 — Percy Ranthorpe. New Y'ork, 1848. 8°. . . 776.4 — Polish tales. London, 1833. 3v. 12° .... 776.6 — Progress and prejudice. New Y'ork, n.d. 12° 776.11 — Self. 2d ed. London, 1845. 3v. 12° .... 776.7 — Sketches of English character. New edition. London, 1852. 10° 469.18 GoRGEi, A. My life and acts in Hungary in 1848-49. New Y'ork, 1852. 12° 547.14 GORHAM, G. C. Gleanings during the reforma- tion in England, 1533-88. London, 1857. 8° 1085.6 GORRIE, P. D. Lives of eminent Methodist min- isters. Auburn, 1852. 12° 535.14 Gorton, S., Life of. Mackie, J. M. Sparks's American biography. . . . : . . . v. XV. of 529.1 Gospel, Unconditional freeness of the. Erskine, T. 1088.25 Gospels. See Bible, and Theology. GOSSE, P. H. Aquarium : wonders of the deep sea. London, 1854. 12° 178.13 — Handbook to the marine aquarium. London, 1855. 10° 178.14 — Life in its lower, intermediate and higher forms. 2d ed. Loudon, 1857. 10° 178.15 — Naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast. London, 1853. 12° 178.12 — Ocean. London, 1854. 12° 178.11 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1856. 12° 178.10 — Omphalos : an attempt to untie the geological knot. London, 1857. 12° 103.17 — Popular British ornithology. Lond., 1849. 12° 178.17 — and Hill, R. Birds of Jamaica. London, 1847. 12° 178.16 — - Naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. London, 1851. 12° 178.7 Gossip. From Household words. Morley, H. . . 885.17 GossON, S. School of abuse. London, 1841. 8' 342.2 GosTicK, J. German literature. Edinburgh, 1849. 16° 404.14 GoTHE,*J. W. von. Dramatic works, comprising Faust ; Iphigenia in Tauris ; Torquato Tasso ; Egmont, translated by Anna Swan- wick, and Goetz von Berlichingen, trans- lated by Sir Walter Scott. Lond., 1850. p.S° 838.5 — Siimratliche Werke. Stuttgart uud Tiibingen. 1854. 40v. 16° 1038.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Zueignimg; Lieder ; GescUige Ijieder; Aus Wilhelm Meister; Balladen; Antiker Form eich naliernd; Elegien; Episteln; Epigrammej Weissagungcn des Bakis; Vier Jahreszeiten; Noten. II. Sonette; Vermischte Gedichte; Kunst; Parabo- liseh; Epigrammatisch ; Politica; Gott und Welt; Chinesisch-Deutsche Jahres-und Tagcs-Zeiten; Aus fremden Sprachcn: Noten. III. Sprichein Reimen: SprJche in Prosa; Ethisches. IV. Buch des Sangers. Buch Hafis; Buch der Eiebe; Buch der Betrach- tungen ; Buch des Unmuths; Buch der Sproche; Buch des Timur; Buch Sultika; Das Schenkenbuch; Buch der Parabcln ; Buch des P.irsen; Buch des Faradicses; Noten und Abhandlungen zu besserera Verstmdniss des 'West-ostlichen Divans. V. Her- mann und Dorothea; Achilleis: Reineke Fuchs. VI. AUes an Person en und zu festlichcn Gelegenhciten Gedichtete cnthaltend: Logc; Festgedichte; An Per- sonen;InvecUven;Gedichte zu Bildern; ^laskcnzuge; Im Namen der Borgerschalt von Carlsbad; Einzelne Scenen zu festlichen Gelcgenheiten; Theaterreden; Noten. ■\'n. Die Laune des Vcrliebten, ein SchAfer- spiel; Die Mitschuldigen, ein Lustspicl; Das Jahr- marktsfcst zu Pluudersweilem, ein Schnnbartspiel: Das Neueste von Plundersweilem ; Ein Fastn.achtgpiel voni Pater Brey ; Satyros Oder der vergottertc Wald- teufel. Drama; Prolog zu den neues'en Offenbarungen Gottes, verdeutscht durch Carl Friedrich Bahrdt ; Getter, Uelden und Wieland; Prometheus, dramalis- ches fragment ; Kunstler's Erdewallcn, Drama ; Kanstler's Apotheose, Drama ; Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit, cine dramatischc Grille; Die Vogi I, nich dem Aristophanes. VIII. Claudine von Villa Bella, ein Singspicl; Erwin undElmi e, ein Singspiel; GOTHE GoTHE, J. W. Tou, contimied. Jery und Bately, ein SingspicI: Lila: Die Fischerin, cin Singspiel: "Schcrz, List und Richc. ein Singspielj Die iingleielien Hausgenossen, e'.n SingspicI; Dcr Zauberflote, zwcilcr Tlicil, Fragnicnt; Cantaten. IX. Gotz von Berliehingen mit dcr eiserncn Hand, Schauspiel; Egmont, Traucrspiel; Clavigo, Trjuer spiel; Stella, Trauerspiel: Die Geschwister, Schau- spiel. X. Der Gross Coplita, Lustspicl ; Dcr Bargcrgeneral, Lnstspiel ; Die .Vu^gercgten, poli- tisehes Drama ; Des Epimcnides F.rwachen ; Pan- dora, Festspiel. XI.— XII. Faust, Tragodie. XIII. Iphigenie auf Tauris, Svliauspicl ; Torquato Tasso, Sciiauspiel; Die natJrlielic Tocliter, Trauer- spiel; Elpenor, Traucrspiel. XI\'. Leiden des jungen Werlhers; Briefe aus der Schwcir: Biiefcincs Land- ge;stUehen;Z»obiblischeFragcn. XV. DieWohlver- wandschaften. Roman. XVI.-XVII. Wilhelm -Mcis- ters Lehrjahre. XVIIL ■Wilhelni Meisters Wauder- jahre oder die Entsagenden, 1 u. tJ Buch. XIX. Wil- hclm Meister, Schluss: Rtise der Sohnc Megaprazou's, Fragmente; Untcrhaltungen deutseher Ausjcwander- tcn : Die guten Weiber, NorcUe. XX. -XXII. Aus nieinem l.eben; Wahrheit und Dichtung. XXIII. Carlsbad bis auf den Brenner; Vom Brenner bis \'er- ona; Verona bis Venedig: Venedig; Ferrarabis Eoni; Eom; Xcapol: Siciiicn. XXIV. Xeapel; Zwieter Aufenthalt in Rom: Ueherltalicn, Fragmente. XXV. Campagne in Frankreich, 17'J2; Belagerung von JIainz, ira". XXVI. Schweizerrcisc im Jahre IZ'.ir; Rciso am Rhein, Main iind Neckar in den Jahreii, l.-^U und 1S15: Sanct Roclius F. st zu Bingen: Ira Rhein ?au Uerbsttnge; Kunst-Schitzeam Rhein. Main und Xeckar. XXV 11. Anualcn Oder Tag-und Jahrcs- HcfV von 1740, bis Ende I82J; Reden; Biograpliische Einrelnheiten. XXVIII. Benvcnuto Cellini, 1 — 3 Buch. XXIX. Benvenuto Cellini, 4ies Buch; An- hang; Rameau's X.ffe, ein Dialog von Diderot; .Vn- merkun;;en; Xaehtrigliches zu Rameau's XeffeiDide- rots Versuch uber die JIalerei. XXX. Winckelmaon; Philipp llackcrt; Einlcitung in die Propylccn ; l e- her Laokoon:Der Sammlcrund die Seinigcn; I'eber Wahrheit und Wahrscheiniichke't der IvDnstwerke, ein Gesprlch; Philostrafs GcmiUe undAntik und Modern ; Xachtrigllches. XXXI. Fernercs jberKunst. XXXII. Deutsche Literatur. — Reccnsionen in die Frankfurter gelehrten Anzcigen; Kerensionen in die Jenaischc allgemeinc Literaturzeitung: Femeres uber deutsche Literatur. XXXIII. Altjriechische Litera- tur; Fran zosische Literatur; Englis.die Literatur; Ital- i.inische Literatur; 07ienta!ischeLiteratur;Volkspoc- sie. XXXIV. Geschichte Gottf iedens von Berliehing- en mi; der eisemen Hand, dramatisirt; Iphigenie aut Tauris; Erwin und Elmire, ein Schauspiel; Clandine von Villa Bella, cin Schauspiel; Zwci altere Scenen aus dcm Jahrmarktsfcst zu Plunderswcilem; Uans- wurst's Ilochzcit oder der Lauf der Welt, ein mikro- kosraisches Drana: Paralipomcna zu Faust; Zwei Teulc ehen unJ Amor: Fragmente ciner Traeodie; Die natirlichc Tochter, Schema der Fortsetzung; Pandora, Schema der Fortsetzving; Xausikaa, ein Traucrspiel. XXXV. Gotz von BcrUchingen mit der eisernen Hand, Schauspiel: Die W'ette, Lnstspiel; Mahomet, Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire; Tancred, Trauerspiel. nach Voltaire; Theater und dramalische Poesie. XXXVI. Morphologic, Beitruge zur Optik; 1. Bildung und T'mbildung organischer Xaturen; Die Metamorphose dcr Pflanzen: Verfolg; Osteologie. 2. Beitrige zur Optik. XXXVII. Zur Farbenlehrc, didaktischer TUeil. XXXVIII. Dcr Farbenlehrc, polemischer Theil. XXXIX. Geschichte der Farben- lehrc. XL. Xachtrage zur Farbenlehrc; Xatiirwis- senschaftliche Einzclalieiten; MincT-alogie, Geologic: Meteorologie; ZurXaturwissenschaftim AUgemeinen; Chronologic der Entstchung Gothescher Schrifteu. — Werke. Tollst. Ausg.-letzter lid. -Stuttgart und Tubing-en, 1837. 5v. S" Content:!. — !. Gothe's Leben; Gcd'ehte: Zueig- nung; Lieder; Balladen; Elegicn; Episteln; Epi- gramnie: Weissagungcn des Bakis; Vier Jahreszei- tcn; Sonette; Canta:en; Vcrmischta Gedichte; Aus ■Willielm Jleister; Aniikcr Form sich nihernd; An Personen; Kunst; Parabolisch; Gott, Gemath und ■Welt; SprichwortUch; Epijrammatisch; Lyrisches; Paria; Triligie der Leidcuschaft; Loge: Gott und Welt; Kunst; Epigrammatisch: Parabolisch; Aus frcmden Sprachen; Zahme Xenicn; Inschriften, Denk-undSende-BIitter: Dramatisches; Zahme Xe- nicn; Jugendgedieh'e; Lieder fir Liebende; Chi- nisisch-DeLtsche Juhres-und Ta^es-Zeiten; Ver- mischte Gedichte: Original und Xachhilinni: Festge- dichte: Gedichte zuBildom; Zuschriften und Erinne- runss-BUtter; Politica; Der neui Alclnous; West- cstlicher Divan; Reinckc Fuehs, in 12 Gcslnjen; 71 GOTHE 1034.1 GtJTiiE, J. W. von, continued. Hermann und Dorothea: Achilleis: Pandora, Fest- spiel; Die Launc des Vcrliebten, S.hiferspicl in Ver- 6cn; Die mitsehuldigcn, Lustspitl in Versen; Die Geschwister, Schauspiel; Mahomet, Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire; Tancred, Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire: Gotz von Berliehingen mit der eisemen Hand, Schauspiel; Egmont, Trauerspiel; Iphigenie auf Tauris, Schaus- piel; Torquato Tassa; Die nUirlichc Tochter. II. Elpenor, Trauerspiel; Clavigo, Trauerspiel: Stella, Trauerspiel: Claudine von Villa Bella, Singspiel; Er- win und Elmire, Singspiel: Jery und Eaiely, Sings- piel: Lila, Singspiel; Die Fischerin, Singspiel; Scherz, List und Rache, Singspiel; Der Zauberflote, zwciter Theil: Palaeophron und Ncolerpe: Vorspiel zur Er- oft'unng des Weimarischcn Theaters; Was wir brin- gen, Vorspiel : Theaterreden : Faust : Das Jahrmarkts- fcst zu Plunderswcilem, Schonbartspiel: Das Xeu- este von Plunderswcilem: Fastnachtsspiel vom Pater Brey ; Satj-ros, Drama; Prolog zu den ncuestcn Offen- bamngen Gottes: Parabeln; Legende; Hans Sach- sens poctische Sendung: .\uf Micdinpn Tod; KQnst- lers Erdewallen, Drama: K instlers Apotheosc, Dra- ma: Epilog zu Schillers Glocke: Die Geheimuisse, Fragment: .MaskenzJge: Im Xamen der Birgerschaft zu Carlsbad; Des Epimcnides Erwachcn ; Der triumph der Emrfindsamkeit. dramatischc Grille; Die Vogel, nach dcm .Vristophnnes: Der Gross-Cophta, Lust*piel; Der Birgergcneral, Lustspicl; Die Aufieregten, poli!ischcs Drama; Unterhaltungen deutseher Aus- gewanderten; Die guten Weiber; Xovellc: Leiden dos jungen Werihers; Briefe aus der Schwciz; Die Wahlvcrwantdsehaften, ein Roman: Einzclnhcilcn, Maximeu undReflexionen: Prometheus, Fragment; Goiter, Helden und Wiclund; Xavhspiel zu HTlnnds Ha^esMzcn. III. Wilhelm Meisters Lehriohre; Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre: Aus meincm Lehen, Diehtune und Wahrheit : Italiinische Reise. IV. Zwciter Rimischer Aufenthalt, 17.-7,1788: Campagne in Frankreich. 1702; Aus einer Reise in die Schweiz, 1797; Aus einer Reise am Rhein, Mayn und Xeekar 1814, ISI."): Benvcnuto Cellini: Rameau's Xeffe. Dia- log von Diderot: Diderot's Versuch uber die Malerei; Winckelmann; Philipp Hackert; Propylien: Eild- hauerei: M mzcn, Medaillcn, geschnittene Pteinc; Vorbildcrf ir Fabrican'en und Handwerkcr: Altdcut- sche Baukunst: Verschiedenes flber Kunst aus der nachsten Zeit nach dem Gjtz von Eerlichingen und Werther; ireber Chrislus und die zwolf Apostel, nach Raphael, von Marc- Anton cestochcn: Christus nebst zwolfalt-undncut.-stamentiichen Figurcn: Veicinder Deutschen Bildhaucr: Dcnkmale: VorsehUge den Kans'Iem Arbeit zu verschaffeu: Ranch's BasreUef am Picdestnl von Blicher's S'atue; Granitarbeilen in Ber- lin; Der Markgrafenstein von J. Schoppe gcz: Pro- gramm zur Profungder JjnglingederGewerbschule; Piastische Anatomic; Verzeichniss der geschnittenen Steine im Museum zu Berlin; Charon, neugriechis- chos Gedicht; Polygnot's Gemalde; Nachtricliches zu Philostrafs Grradden : Zahn's Omamente und Cemil- de aus Pompcji, Ilcrculanum und Stabii; Dr. Jacob Roux, uber die Farben im tcchnischcn Sinne: Penta- zoniumVimaiiensc; Arehitectur in Sicihen: Kirehen, Palaslo und Kloster in Italicn, gez. von C. E. RuM: Das altrcmische Denkmnl bii Ygel; Der Tinzerin Grab; Homer's Apotheosc; Rjma sottcranea di Antonio Bosio Romaro: Zwei antike weibl.che Fieuren ; Reiz- mi'.tcl in derbillenden Kunst ;Tischbein's Zeichnung- tn; Danae; Beispielc symboUscher Behandlung; Rembrandt der Denker: Georg Friedrich Schmidt; Konstlerischc Cehandlmig landschaftlicher Gegen- stinde: Aphorismcn: Verschiedenes Einzelne: Jung- en Konstlernempfohlcn: Vortheileeines jungen Ma- Icrs: Zu malende Gegenstmde; Ueber den sogenannt- en Dilettantismus: Schauspielkunst. T. Literatur: Auswaitige Literatur und Volkspoesie; Zur Xatur. wissenschaft: Mincrolode und Geologic: Meteorolo- gie; Zur Farbenlehrc; Zur P/lanzenlehre; Osteologie. - Auto-biooraphy. Also letters from Switzer- l.ind and Travel:* in Italy ; transl. by J. O.x- cnford and A. J. W. ilorrisoa. Loudon, l,^f.^}0. 'Jv. p.S° ■_ 8.38.3-4 - Briefv.echsel mit eiuem KJndc. Berlin, 1835. 3^ J.10 ia34.20 - E;Tnont, Trauerspiel. Leipzig, 1788. 10° . . 10:i.S.4 - Faust. Trag.idie. London, 18-23. 10° .... 1038.3 - Faust. Traiisl. into prose bv A. Hayward. 1st Am. from 3d Lond. ed. Lowell, 1S40. l-2° . 337.2 - - Same. Xew ed. Boston, 18.52 .3-27.1&3-4 - Faust. Transl. by C. T. Brooks. Bost., 1850. 1'2° 3'27.5 - Faust, a tragedy. Pt. II. '2d ed. London, 1»12. 12° 327.6 GOTHE 72 GRAY GoTHE, J. W. von. Giithe und Wcrthcr. Bricfe. Hrs". V. A. Kestner. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 185or 12° 103*-11 — Opinions on the world, mankind, literature, seieucc and art. Transl. by O. Wencksteru. London, 185:'.. 10° 878.2a — Theory of colours. Transl. by C. L. East- lake. London, 1840. 8° • 208.4 — Torquato Tasso, Scliauspiel. Neue Aufl. Leip- zi-,', 181f.. 10° 1038.2 — VTillKlinMoistcr. Apprenticeship and travels. rXrunsl. by T. Carlyle.] New ed. Boston, Ul. 2v. 12° 750.1-2 — -WilhelmMeister's apprenticeship: transl. by K. D. Boylan. Loudon, 1X55. p.8° 827.1(3 — Bricfe aus dem Freundcskreisc von 1034.10 — Wilhelm Jleister's travels transl. with biogr. Carlvle's German romance v.lV. of 418.1 — Xenien-Manuscript. ,S'ee Schiller, J. C. F. v. 1013.15 — Gcitz von Berlichingeu. Translated by Sir W. Scott 838.5 — Deycks, F. Andcutungen iiber G.'s Faust. . 1034.21 — DUutzer,J.H. J. StudienzuGothe's Werken. 1034.0 — - Frauenbilder aus G.'s Jugendzeit 1034.8 — - G.'s Faust erlliutert 1034.2 — - Gotz und Egmont. Geschichte 1034.3 _ - Tasso erliiutert 1034.7 — Meyer, E. Studi(!U zu G.'s Faust 1034.4 — Austin, S. G. and his contemporaries .... 807.0 Eckcrmann, .7. P. Gcspriiche mit Goethe, in den letzten Jahren seines Lel:iens 1034.14 — - Conversations with. Translated .... 874.14 — Falk, J. D. G. aus nahrem personlichen Um- gange dargestellt 1034.12 — Lewes, G. H. Life and works of 545.5-0 Kosenkranz, .J. K. F. G. und seine Werke. . 1034.5 — Schaefer, J. W. G.'s Leben 1034.9 — Schiller, J. C. F. V. Anecdotes of 670.10 GoTTiiKLF, J. Pseud. See Bitzius, A. GoTTSciiALL,K. Das schlesische Gebirge. Leip- zig, 1S57. 10° 1029.19 GOCLD, A. A. Naturalist's library. Boat., 1851. 8° 172.1 — Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts . 175.2 — and Agassiz, L. Comparative physiology . . 810.12 — - Principles of zoology 177.0-7 Government. Eliot, S. History of liberty. . . 134.7-8 :.— Goodrich, C. B. ScienceofG. as exhibited iu the United States 134.1 — Lieber, F. Civil liberty and self-government 134.13 — O'Brien, W. S. Principles of 135.17 — St. John, J. A. The Nemesis of power . . . 139.14 — Sketches of popular tumults 134.10 See also .■ Politics, Political economy. For works on the institutions of various countries, sec the names of those countries. GowER. Illustrations of. Todd, H. J 312.10 Graau, W. a. Expedition to the East coast of Greenland. Transl. by G. G. Macdougall. London, 1837. 8° 704.3 Grace, Method of. Flavel, J 1107.0 Grace Greenwood. Pseud. .SfcLippincott, S. J. C. Grace Lee: a tale. Kavanagh, J 454.12 GRAl'iN.Chateaubriant. lioman. Laube, II. . . 1029.24 Grafton, H. D. Treatise on the camp and march. Boston, 1854. 12° 197.11 Graham, G. F. English style : with an historical sketch of the language. London, 1857. 12° 400.18 — English synonymes. Edited by H. Kecd. N. York, Ibijl. 12° 403.9-10 Graham, I. The power of faith, exemplified in the life and writings of Mrs. Graham. New ed. New York, [1843.] 12° 538.23 Graham, J. Life of Gen. D. Morgan. N. York, 1853. 12° 5-38.3 Graham, M. Three months in the mountains East of Rome. 2d ed. London, 1821. 8° . 070.3 Graiia-M, T. Elements of chemistry. 2d od. v. I. London, 1850. S° 144.7 Grahame, J. History of the United States till [1770.] 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1850. 2v. 8° . .304.3 Gra^imar, Comic English 893.18 — General principles of v.III. of 850.25 Grammar of music. Calcott, Dr. J. W 209.12 Grammarians, Lives of the. Suetonius Tranquil- lus,C 844.8 Grajimont, a.. Count de. Memoirs of the court of Charles II. Hamilton, A 857.1 Granada, Conquest of. See Irving, W. Grax.vry burial ground, Inscriptions from. Bridg- man, T 223.5 Grandfather, The : a novel. Pickering, E.. . . 805.0-7 Grant, A. Letters from the mountains, 1773-1807. 1st Am. from 3d Lond. ed. 2v. in 1. Bos- ton, 1809. 10° 009.3 — Memoir and correspondence, ed. by her son. 2d ed. London, 1845. 3v. 10° 590.0 — Memoirsof an American lady. N. Y., 1809. 10° 878.17 — - Same. New Y'ork, 1840. 10° 878.7 Grant, Dr. A. and the mountain Nestorians. Laurie, T 080.5 Grant, J. British senate : or, recollections of the Lords and Commons. Phila., 1838. 2v. 12° 898.18 — Random recollections of the House of Lords. Philadelphia, 1830. 12° 808.9 — Random recollections of the House of Com- mons. Philadelphia, 1830. 12° 808.10 — Great metropoli"?. 2d ed. New Y'ork, 1837. 2v. in 1. 12° 808.8 — Sketches of London. Phila., 1839. 2v. 12°. 040.13 — Metropolitan pulpit : or, sketches of preach- ers in London. New York, 1839. 10° . . . 1099.11 — Walks and wanderings in the world of litera- ture. Philadelphia, 1840. 2v. 12° 898.19 — Memoirs of James [Graeme] Marquis of Mont- rose. London, 1S58. 10° 505.8 Grant, R. History of physical astronomy. Lon- don, 1852. 8° 140.10 Granteey manor : a tale. Fullerton, X«f?y G. . . 458.1-3 Grape grower's guide. The American. Chorlton, W 105.25 Grape vine, Culture of. Allen, J. F 105.19-21 Guattan, H., Memoirs of life and times of. New edition. London, 1849. 5v. 8° 503.4 — Speeches of 802.3-8 Grattan, T. C. Agnes de Mansfeldt : a tale. London, 1835. 3v. 12° 798.5 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1830. 2v. in 1. 12°. 798.4 — Chance medley of light matter. N.Y., 1845. 8° 802.32 — Heiress of Bruges : a tale of the year 1000. NewY''ork, 1831. 2v. 12° 798.8 — High-ways and by-ways. New edition. Bos- ton, 1840. 3v. 12° 798.7 — - Same. 3d series. Phila., 1827. 2v. 12° . 798.6 — - Same. .3d series. London, 18.35. 3v. 12° 798.3 — History of the Netherlands. Lond., 1&30. 10° 378.8 — - Same. New York, 1S43. 18° 919.8 — Traits of travel. Boston, 1829. 2v. 12°... 798.1 Gravel wall mode of building. Fowler, O. S. . . 207.10 Graves, A. J. Woman in America. N.Y"., n.d. 18° 820.01 Graves, R. Spiritual Quixote. 2v. 12°. v. XXXII., XXXIII. of Barbauld's Brit, nov 779.1 Gravitation, An elementary explanation of. Airy, G. B 140.24 Gray, A. Botany of the Northern United States. Boston, 1848. 12° 100.8 — Botanical text-book. Parts I.-II. Nev.^ Y^ork. 1842. 12° 100.16 — - Same. 3d edition, enlarged. N.Y., 1850. 8° 100. b — - Same. 4th edition. New York, 1853. 8°. 100.4 — First lessons in botany and vegetable physi- ology. New Y'ork, 1857. 8° 100.5 — How plants grow. New Y'ork, 1858. 12°. . 100.13 Gray, H. Sepulchres of Etruria in 1&39. 2d ed. London, 1841. 12° 950.12 Gray, J. C. Essays : agricultural and literary. Boston, 1850. 12°.' 898.1 Gray, S., Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 GRAY 73 GREENWOOD Gray, T. Works. London, 1835-4^!. 5v. 12" . . 339.2 Contents. — Vo). I. Life, by J. Jlitford; Odes; Prog- ress of poesy; Tlie bard; Elegy; Pocmata. II. Essay on the poetry of Gray; (xray's letters. III. — IV. Let- ters; Criticisms on arcliitccdire and painting. V. Letters; Observations on English metre; Remarks on the poems of Lydgate. Gr.'^y, Dr. T. The Vestal : or, a talc of FomiMMi. Boston, 1830. 12° -120. (•) Graydon, a. Memoirs of his own time and of the revolution. Edited by J. S. I.ittell. Philadelphia, is4tj. S° 213.5 Gu.VYSox, AV. .1. The hireling and the slave, Chicora and other poems. Charleston, 1850. 12° 349.3 Grazzixi, G. [detto II Lasea.] Novelle seelte e lezione accademiea. Parma, 1843. 10° . . . 1059.5 Gre.AT Britain. Admiralty. Last of the Arctic voyages. London, 1855. 2v. 8° 702.1 — - Manual of scientific enquiry. Ed. by Sir J. F. W. Hersehel. 2d ed. Lond., 18;)1. 12° 119.3-i — Exhibition of 1851. Reports by tlie juries. London, [1852.] 8° 191. f. — Brand, J. Popular antiquities of 840.8 — Brenton, E. P. Naval history of 980.3 — Dunham, S. A. Literary and scientiJic men of. 398.3 — Greg, R. P. aiineralogy of 103.8 — Haussez, Baron d'. G. B. in 1833 058.10 — Hazlitt, W. Select poets of 312.9 — lugersoll, C J. Sketch of the war of 1812-15. 215.9 — James, William. Naval history of 986.2 — Long, G. and Porter, G. R. Geography of. . 365.10 — Mills, A. Literature and literary men of G. B. 402.2 — Nicolas, Sir N. H. History of the navy of. . 980.1 — Simond, L. Tour and residence in 045.3 — Sutton, R. Lexington papers 975.11 — Thomson," R. Illustrations of the history of. 830.37 — Wilson, S. F. Controversies of the colonists with 216.9 — and Ireland. Barringtou, Sir J. Union be- tween 980.6 — - Greg, R. P. Mineralogy of 103.8 See also : England, Scotl'd, Ireland, Wales. Great commission. The. Harris, J 10S8.1 Great elm, The. Abbott, J. Harper's story books v.IX. of 739.1 Great events by great historians. Lieber, F. . . 947.12 Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M. . 501.12-13 Great men. The boyhood of 548.13 Great metropolis. The. Grant, J 868.8 Great secret. The. Judson, Mrs. E. C 789.7 Great teacher, The. Harris, J 1088.2 Greece. About, E. G. and the Greeks of the present day 918.15 — - La Grece contemporainc 1078.54 — Ampere, J. J. Grece, Rome et Dante . . . . 1000.1 — Baird, H. M. Modern 918.11 — Blaquiere, E. Second visit to 083.11 — Bonner, J. Child's history of 959.10 — Bowen, G. F. Handbook for 049.8-9 — Chandler, R. Travels in 083.5 — Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Travels in, 1800-7. 085.7 — Clarke, E. D. Travels in 689.0 — Dorr, B. Travel in 686.12 — Dwight, M. A. Grecian mythology 1083.10 — Finlay, G. History of, B.C. 140 to A.D. 717 . 956.6 — - History of, 540-14(il 956.5 ~ Goldsmith, O. History of 953.5 — Grote, G. History of 958.5 — Hamilton, W. D. and Levicn, K. History of. 829. -38 — Herve, F. Residence in 083.8 — Keightley, T. History of 959.7 — - War of independence in 830.61 — Malkin, F. History of. 305.0-7 — Mitford, W 944.1 — MUUer, K. O. Literature of ancient .... .305.11 — Parry, W. State and prospects of 585.5 — Peter, W. Poets and poetry of 315.1 — Pococke, E. India in 950.10 — Schmitz, L. History of G. to B.C. 140. . . . 958.3 — Smith, W. Hist, of, to the Roman conquest. 952.7 Greece. Sonnini, C. S. Travels in 083.9 — Stanhope, Col. L. G. in 1823-24 91S.2 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in . . . . 0s9.1-2 — Thirlwall, C History of .'ios.ll — - History of 952. <"> — White, J. History of '.i5'.M2 Gi:i:ek and Byzantine empires. History of. Fin- lay, G 955.5 Greek anthology. Translated chiefly by (i. Bur- ges. Loudon, 1852. y.s' 834.8 Greek classic poets, Study of. Coleridge, II. X. 40(i.l Greek dramatic poets. ..Eschylus 359. i! Greek fairy tales. Kingsley, C 484.12 Greek history. Ilistoire grecque. Juste, T. . . 1005.24 Greek islands, visit to in 1S33. .\uldjo, .1 (V-5.4 Greek literature. Antlion, C. ^Manual of. . . . 403.5 — Browne, R. W. History of 401.3 — Matthiae, A. Manual of 4ipO.ii Greek mission. Narrative of. AVilson, .S. .S. . . . 0s3.2 Greek pliilosophy, J$rief view of v. II. of 850.25 Greek revolution. Blaquiere, E. Origin and pro- gress of the 918.1 — Howe, S. G. Historical sketch of the . . . . 918.4 Greek waters. Diary in. Howard, G. W. F. . . 083.12-13 Greeks. Becker, W. A. Private life of the anc. 957.1 — Fosbroke, T. D. Arts, institutions, etc., of the 378.3 — Ilase, II. A. Public and private life of the ancient 959.13 — AVinckelmann, J. History of art among the. 205.7 Greeley, II. Art and industry at the Crystal palace, 185:1-54. New York, 1853. 12° . . . 198.9 — Glances at Europe, 1851. New York, 1851. 12° (H7.13 — Hints toward reforms. New York, 1850. 12° 877.3 — Introduction to "Woman in the 19th century." Ossoli, S. M. F. d' 885.10 Greex, M. a. E. Letters of royal and illustrious ladies of Gt. Britain. London, 1840. 3v. 12° 590.5 — Lives of the princesses of England. London, 1850-55. Ov. 8° 594.13 Green, S. Life of Mahomet. London, 1840. 10° 389.4 Green, T. J. Texian expedition against Mier. New York, 1845. 8° ." 023.10 Green mountain boys. Thompson, D. P 720.8 Green mountain heroes. De Puy, H. W 528.10 Greene, G. W. History of the middle ages. Nev/ York, 1851. 12° 947.10 — Historical studies. New York, 1850. 12° . . ] 12° 898.2 — Sermons.. Boston, 1844. 2v. 12° 117.2 — Sermons of consolation. .3d ed. Boston, 1847. 8° 1088.24 Greenwood, Col. G. Rain and rivers : or. Hut- ton and Playfair against Lyell, and allcom- ers. London, 1857. 8° 145.14 GREENWOOD 74 GUIZOT Greenwood, J. Sailor's sea-book : navigation in two parts. London, 1850. 10° 819.39 Gkeg, K. p. Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ire- laud. Loudon, 1.Sj!<. S° ItJ'^-S GkegG, J. Counucrce of tlic prairies: or, tlio journal of a Santa Fti trader. 4tli edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 2v. 12° 028.10 — Scenes and incidents in the Western prairies. Philadelphia, Ifoii. 2v.ini. 12° 239.12 GnEGOuovus.F- Corsica, picturesque, histor. and social. Tr. by K. J. Morris. Pliila. 1855. 12° 1007.5 Gkegory, G. Eruptive fevers, ed. by IL D. Bulk- ley. 1st American ed. New Vork, 1851. 8° 152.13 Gkegouy, O. Evidences, etc., of the Christian religion. Oth edition. London, 1851. p.8°. 858.2 — Mathematics for practical men. 2d American from 2d London ed. Philadelphia, 1852. 8° 147.2 — Memoirs of the life, writings and character of J. 31. Good. London, 1832. 10° 578.10 — Works of Kobert Hall. With a memoir. . . 1089.10 Gkegoiiy, W. Elementary treatise on chemistry. Edinburgh, 1855. 12° 153.27 — Handbook of inorganic chemistry. 3d ed. London, 1853. 12° 150.19 — Handbook of organic chemistry. 3d edition. London, 1852. 12° 15G.1S — Letters on animal magnetism. Lond., 1851. 12° 124.11 Gregouy VII., Life and pontificate of. Greisley, Sir R 543.7 Greisley, Sir R. Life and pontificate of Gregory VII. London, 1832. 8° 543.7 Grenville, G. N. T., Lord Xugent. Lands, clas- sical and sacred. London, 1840. 2v. 18° . 840.48 — Legends of the library at Lilies ; by Lord and Lady Nugent. London, 1847. 2v. 12°.. . 777.11 — Memorials of John Hampden. London, 1832. 2v. 8° 502.7 Grexville, R. p. T. N. B. C, Dul-e of Bucldng- ham. Memoir of the court of England dur- ing the regency, 1811-20. Lond., 1850. 2v. 8° 553.10 — Memoirs of the court and cabinets of George III. London, 1853-55. 4v. 8° 976.3 Guesh.ui, Sir Th. Life. Loudon, 1845. 18°. . . 840.22 — Life, with illustrations. Burgou, J. W. . . . 573.8 Grevili.k, R. K. Hist, of Brit. India. Murray, H. 810.51 Grey, Hon. Mrs. Bosom friend : a novel. New York, 1845. 8° ' . 802.28 — Young prima donna: a romance. Philadel- phia, n.d. 8° 802.20-27 Grey, G. Journals of discovery in Australia, 1837-39. London, 1841. 2v. 8° 705.4 — Polynesian mythology, and history of the New Zealand race. London, 1855. 12° . . 1037.20 Grey, M. G. and Shirreff, E. Thoughts on self- culture. Boston, 1851. 12° 124.12-13 Greysox letters, The. Rogers, H 885.0 Griffin, E. D. Remains, compiled by F. Griffin ; with a memoir by J. McVickar. N. York, 1831. 2v. 8° 534.10 — Discourse delivered in Murray st. church . . 1083.5 Griffin, F. Junius discovered. Boston, 1854. 10° 877.12-13 Griffin, G. The invasion ; a novel. London, 1832. 4v. 12° 807.1 — The rivals. Tracy's ambition. London, 1830. 3v. 12° 807.2 Griffin, J. J. Radical theory in chemistry. Lon- don, 1858. 10° 158.23 Griffith, R.E. Medical botany. Phila.,1847. 8° 152.11 — Universal formulary of medicines. Pliiladel- phia, 1&50. 8° 152 9 Griffiths, J. W. On marine and naval arclutect- urc. New York, 1851. 4° 191.1 Griffiths, T. Chemistry of tlie four seasons. London, 1840. 12° loG.O Grillparzer, F. Sappho: a tragedy 489.10 GRiMAi.ni, J. Memoirs, ed. by Charles Dickens. Philadelphia, 1838. 2v. 12° 597.10 — Memoirs, ed. by Boz. Notes by C. Whitehead. London, 1854. 10° 597.11 GrimkiS, T. S. Character and objects of science and literature, and relative excellence of re- ligious and secular education. N. Haven, 1831. 12° 878.9 Gkimji, H. Novelleu. Berlin, 1850. 10° .... 1015.0 Contents.— jyie Sangerin! Cajeton; Das Kind; Assly Tjnd Kyarem ; Armenisches Volkslicd ; Trost in Einsamkeit; Das Abenteiiei ; l>io Sclilange ; Eva; Dcr Landsclmflsmaler. Grimmelshausen, C V. Die Abenteuer des sim- plicisaunus, Roman. Hrsg. v. E. v. Billow. Leipzig, 1830. 10° 1025.4 Grinnell expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin. Kane, E. K 702.2-0 — - Second expedition, Kane, E. K 703.1-9 Griscom, J. Year in Europe in 1818-19. New York, 1823. 2v. 8° 647.7 Gkiscom, J. H. Animal mechanism and physi- ology. New York, n.d. 18° 810.78 — Uses and abuses of air. 2d ed. N. Y., 1850. 12° 207 14 Griswold, C. D. Tlie isthmus of Panama. New York, 1852. 12° 029.16 Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual. New York, 1841. 12° 518.12-13 — Female poets of America. 2d ed. Philadel- phia, 1S52. 8° 314.7 — Poets and poetry of America. 10th ed. Phila- delphia, 1850. 8° 314.4-6 — Same, with historical iutrod. Phil., 1842. 8° 314.5 — Poets and poetry of England in tlie 19th cen • tury. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1852. S° . . . 311-7 — Prose writers of America. Philad., 1S47. 8° 872.12 — Sacred poets of England and America. New ed. New York, 1850. 8° 314.8 Grossi, T. Marco Visconti, storia del trecento. Aggiuntovilldegonda, la fuggitiva, Ulrico e Lida. Firenze, 1849. 12° 1050.14 Grosvenor, B. The mourner. N. Y'ork, n.d. 12° 1109.5 Grote, G. History of Greece. Boston and New York, 1851-50. 12v. 12° 958.5 Grotefend, G. F. Attica and Athens, by G. and others. 5Ve Miiller, K. 955.7 Groth, Klaus. Quickborn. Volksleben in platt- deutschen Gedichten ditmarscher 3Iuudart. Ote Autt. Hamburg, 1850. 10° 1024.2 Groton, Mass., History of. Butler, C 224.14 Grumbler, The : a novel. Pickering, E 805.9 Guard. Histoire de la garde imperiale. Saint- Hilaire, E. M. de 1008.17 Guardian, The, and the Tatler; in Iv 873.11 Guardian spirits. Werner, H 1084.14 Guatemala, Description of. Baily, J 200.4 — Ajourney in, 1853-55. Tempsky, G. F. von . 633.8 See America. GUGLIELMUCCI, V. La monaca di Casa ; racconto moderno. Firenze, 1840. 12° 1050.1 Guiana, Discovery of the empire of. Ralegh, SirW 200.1 Guillotine, History of the. Croker, J. W. . . . 1009.13 Guekrazzi, F. D. Isabella Orsini. Racconto. Oa impr. Firenze, 1850. 12° 1057.5 — L'assedio di Firenze. Livorno, 1849. 3v. 12° 1057.4 — Scritti. Firenze, 1851. 12° 1057.3 Contents. — Veronica Cybo; La Serpicina; I nuovi Tartuli, racconti; Pcnsicri; Discorsi; Illustrazioni ; Traduzioni; 1 Bianchi e i Neri, dramma. Guicciardini, Fr. Istoria d' Italia. Prefaz. di Botta. Milano, 1838. 6v. 10° 1048.3 Guillery,E. Arts ceramiques. Bruxolles,n.d. 12° 1005.18 GuiLLERY, H. Technologic. Bruxelles, n.d. 12° 1005.19 GuizoT, Mme. E. C. P. de M. Les enfans, contes a I'usage de la jeunesse. Bruxelles, 1837. 2v. 10° 1078.56 — Moral tales. Translated by Mrs. L. Burke. 2d ed. London, 1852. 10° 737.16 — Popular tales. Translated by Mrs. L. Burke. London, 1854. 10° 737.15 — Une famille ; conte. Bruxelles, 1837. 2v. 10° 1078.57 GUIZOT 75 HALEY GuizoT, F. P. G. Alfrofl le grand. Paris, 185G. 10° 10r8.14 — Corncillc and his timos. New York, 1852. 12° 880.8 — Cromwell and the English commonwealth. Trausl. by A. R. Scoble. I.ond., 1854. 2v. b" 975.8 — - Same. Philadolpliia, 1851. 2v. 12°. . . 978.2 — Democracy in France. Jsew York, 18-19. 12°. 1.34.21 — Essay on the character and influence of Wash- ington. Boston, 1851. 1()° 518.17 — Etude liistorique sur Washington. See Witt, C. de 1007.30 — History of civilization. Trausl. by W. Haz- litt. Lend., 1850. 3v. p.8° 837.5 — - Same. New York, 1850-52. 4v. 12°. . . 949.1 — - Same, with notes by C. S. Henry. 7th American edition. New York, 1848. 12°. . 949.2 — History of the Englislj revohition of 1040. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Lend., 1851. p.8° 978.5 — - Same. London, 1850. p.S° 837.4 — - Same. New York, 1840. 12° 979.9 — Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. V.I. London, ISoS. 8° 1003.5 — Monk : or the foil of the republic and the restoration in 10()0. Loudon, 1858. 12°.. . 508.11 — Origin of representative government. Lond., 1852. p.S° 817.7 — Shakespeare and his times. New York, 1852. 12° .357.5 Gulliver's travels. Swift, J 73S.2 GUNXISOX, J. W. The Mormons : a history of their rise and progress. Phila., 1853. 12°. 1087.8 GuNrowDEE plot, A narrative of tlic. Jardine, D. 839.4 GuRLEY, K. 11. Life of Jehudi Aslimun, with a sketch of the life of L. Gary. Washington, 1835. 8° 524.10 GuKXEY, J. J. Habitual love to God, as a prepara- tion for heaven. From 5tli Englisli edition. Philadelphia, 1840. 18° 1089.27 — Winter in the W. Indies. 3d ed. Lond, 1841. 8° 035.5 GUROWSKI, A. G. de. America and Europe. New York, 1857. 12° 1.34.19 — Russia as it is. New York, 1854. 12° 927.1-2 GuSTAVUS Adolphus. History of. Harte, W... . 540.3 — Life of. HoUings, J. F 389.0 GusTAVUS Lindorm. Carlcn, pj. F 700.7 GuTZKOW, K. F. Gesammelto Werke. Frank- furt a. M. 1845-52. 1.3v. 10° 1015.5 Coiiteiits. — Vol. I. Vorrcdc; Gedichte; Nero, Tra- gedie; Hamlet in Wittenberg, draniatische Phanta- sie; Xenien und Epigrammc. II. Ocffcutliche Char- aktcre. III. Aus den Briefen tines Narrcn an cine Narrin; Serapliinc; Ein Roman; Wiener Eindracke, 1845. IV. Philosopliie der That und des Ereignisses; I'eber Gothe im Wendepunkte zwcitr Jalirhundcrte. V. Maha Guru, Geschichte eines Gottes. VI. Eornes Lebcn (Aus Bornes ungedruektem Nachlasse reicli vermehrt) ; Rosa Maria und J. D. Assing; Friedrieh von Hurler, K. K. Hofrath und Historiograph. VII. — VIII. Blasedow und seine Sohne, Roman. IX.— X. Slkularbilder. XI. Novellcnbuch. XII. Briefe aus Paris 1842; Pariser Eiudrucke, 184G. XIII. Vergangene Tagc. — Die Kitter vom Geiste ; lloman. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1854-55. 9v. 10° 10i5.4 GuTZLAKF, K. F. A. Sketch of Chinese history. London, 18.34. 2v. 8° 934.7 — Two voyages along the coast of China, in 1831 and 1832. New York, 1833. 12° 700.5-0 Guv, J. jr. Illustrated London geography. 2d edition. London, 1853. 8° 955.4 GUEULI.ETTE, T. S. Cabinet des fees. Contcs Chinols. v.XIX. Contes Tartares. Los mille et un quart d'heure. v.XXI.-XXlI. Contes Mogols. Les sultanes de Guza- rate. XXII.-XXIII. Les soirees bi-etonues. XXXII 1077.1 Guy Mannering: a romance. Scott, Sir W. . . .400.7-11 Guy rivers. A tale of Georgia. Simms, W. G. . 800.8-11 Guyon, Mmc. J. M. B. de la M. Letters, tr. by P. L. Upham. Boston, n.d. 10° 118.21 — Translations from the French of. Cowper, Wm. Works, v.IX 3.37.1 — Life, religious opinions and experiences of. Upham, T. C 017.15-10 Guyot, A. Earth and man. Translated by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1849. 12° 107.18 — - Same. 4th ed., revised. Boston, 1851. 12° 107.19-20 GwiLT, ,T. Elements of architectural criticism. London, 1837. 8° 202.2 — Encyclopaidia of arcliitecture. Loud., 1842. S° 202. G — IJudiments of architecture. 2d ed. London, 18.39. 8° 202.4 — Sciography : or examples of shadows. 3d ed. Loudon, 1833. 8° 205.4 (Jwynx, Nell, Story of. C'unningliam, P 595. lO (JvjiN.vsTics for youth. Salzmann, C. G 137.2 Gypsies, Customs, habits, and present state of. Hoyland, J 955.0 — of Spam, Account of the. Borrow, George . 889.5 H— fiimily. The : a tale. Bremer, F 817.5-0 IlAiiERDASHERY and hosicry. A treatise on. Perkins, E. E 199. .38 llAHITS of animals. Swainson, W 408.4 ILVCKETT; H. B. Commentary on the Acts of the apostles. New ed. Boston, 1858. . 8° . . . 1093.2 llACivT.ANDER, F. W. Wcrkc. Stuttgart, 1855^5'!. 20v. 10° 1017.4 Contents. — Vols. I.— II. Namenlosc Gesehichten. ni. Nam. Gesch. zchn .lahre spMer. IV. IJa-s Solda- tenlebeu im Frieden. V. Wnchlstubcnahenteuer. VI. Kleincrc Erz.tldungen und humorislische Skizzen. VII. Handel und Wandel. VIII.-IX. Kei-ieiM .Ion Orient. X.-XII. Eugen Stillfricd. XIII. .M.irehon. XIV. Her Pilgerzug nach .Mekl!)— Aug., 1794.) A'. Cabinet papers, (1791-95); Speech on commercial relations ; Acts; Remarks on the treaty with Gt. Brit., (1795) ; Military papers, (1798—1801)) ; Correspondence, (set. 32—38.) VI. Cor- respondence, (jEt. 38— JB, and appendix) Letters of H. G.; Address to public creditors; Funding system; Antidefamer. VII. Political essays, (»t. 35 — 47) including papers under various signatures; Drafts of ■papers (or Washington; Public conduct of J. Adams; Examination of Jefferson's message, (1801) ; Law briefs; Lansing or Burr. HAMILTON 77 HARPKR HAMILTON', A. Onicial and other papers, v. I. New York, 1S4-'. 8° 285.2 — History of tlie United States as traced in the writings of. Hamilton, J. C 304.2 — Life of. Renwick, J 820..'?;} — Life and times of. Smucker, S. JI 517.9 — Sketch of. BaUhviu, J. G 51S.7 Hamilton, Anthony. Count Grammont's memoirs of the court of Charles II. Lond., IW:?. p.s°. 857.1 — Fairy tales and romances. Transl. London, 1849. p.8° 857.2 — Le belier ; fleur d'epiuc ; les quatre facardius. "Cabinet dcs Foes." v. XX 1077.1 Hamilton, Mrs. E. Memoir of. Benger, E. O. . 59'J.G — Cottagers of Glenburnie : a talc. New York, 1808. 18° 780.13 Hamilton, James. Lectures on Ecclesiastes. New York, 1853. 10° . . .• 10&S.31- — Life in earnest. New York, 1854. 18°. . .1109.20-28 — Memoirsof Lady Colquhoun. N. Y., 1853. J2°. 599.8 Hamilton, J. Wanderings in North Africa. London, 1850. 8= 097.2 Hamilton, J. C History of the L'nited States, traced in writings of A. Hamilton and con- temporaries. New York, 1857-58. 2v. 8°. . 304.2 Hamilton, R. British fishes. .Jardine, W. v. XXV., XXVI. and XXXVI. of 179.1 HAMILTON, S. National flag of the United States. Philadelphia, 1852. 12° 210.7 Hamilton, T. Annals of the Peninsular cam- paigns, 180S-14. Piiilad., 1831. 3v. 12° . 1009.4 — Cyril Thornton : a novel. New ed. New York, 1831. ■2v. 12° 777.14 — Men and manners in America. Phil., 1833. 8°. C26.1 Hamilton, Sir W. Discussions on philosophy and literature, education, and university re- form. New York, 1853. 8° 872.1 — Philosophy. Ed. by O. W. Wight. N. York, 1853. 8° 122.12 Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the history of England. London, 18;j2-3. 2v. in 1. 10°. . 829.30 — Outlines of the history of Greece. London, 1853-54. 2v. 10° 829.38 Hamilton, W. G. Parliamentary logic, [and] two speeches, with appendix, on the corn laws, by S. Johnson. London, 1808. 12° . 125.22 Hamilton, W. J. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. London, 1842. 2v. 8°. 094.14 Hamilton, W. R. Lectures on quaternions. Dublin, 1853. 8° 147.7 Hamlet, Play of, in a new garb. Rice, G. E. . . 350.22 Hamley, E. B. Lady Lee's widowhood. New York, 1853. 8° 802. .37-38 — Story of the campaign in South Russia. Bos- ton, 1855. 12° 928. 7-S Hamlin, H. A. L. Memoirs of. Lawrence, M. W. 538.0-8 Hajimeu-Purgstall, J. V. History of the As- sassins. Transl. by O. C Wood. London. 1840. 12° 937.4 Hammond, C. Light from the spirit world. Rochester, N. Y., 1852. 10° 1C:4.25 Hammond, J. D. Life and times of Silas Wright. Syracuse, 1848. 8° 523.9 — History of the political parties of the State of New York. Albany, 1842. 2v. 8° 234.13 HAJIMOND, M. M. Memoir of. N. Y'ork, 1858. 12°. 575.17 Hammond, S. H. Hills, lakes, and forest streams : or Chateaugay woods. N. Y., 1854. 12°. . 030.2 — Wild Northern scenes. New York, 1857. 12°. 174.9 HiVJioND, — Life of Card. Cheverus. Transl. by R.M.Walsh. Philadelphia, 1839. 12°... 017.17 — - Same. Transl. by E. Stewart. Boston, 1&39. 12° 017.18 Hampden, J., Memorials of. Grenville, G. N. T., Lord Kugent 502.7 Han d'Islande. Hugo, V KXiO.is Hand, The, but not the heart. Arthur, T. S. . . 410.17 Hand, The, its mechanism, etc. Bell, Sir C. . . . 1.39.3 Handbook of domestic medicine. Lon., 1855. p.8°. 820.14 Handel, G. F., Life of. Schoelcher, V 545.2 IlANn.s not hearts: a novel. Wilkinson, J. W. . . 802.9 I4%NN, .J. Examples on integral calculus. Lou- lion, 1850. 10° 829..^■^ — PK-me trigonometry. 2ded. London, 1854. 10°. 829.2.3 — Spherical trigonometry. London, 1849. 10°. 829.24 — Treatise on analytic geometry. Lon., 1850. 10°. 829.22 IlANNA, W. Life and writings of T. Chalmers. New York, 1851-52. 4v. 12° 570.7 — - Same. Abridged and edited by J. C. 3Iof- fat. Cincinnati, 1853. 12° .570.1 llANNlliAL, History of. Abbott, J 549.14 liANNO, Voyages of, round the coast of Africa. See Phenix, The 898.8 llANNON, J. Traitii elementairc do zoologie. Bruxellcs, n.d. 12° 1005.20 Hannon, J. D. Flore beige. Bruxelles, n.d. 3v. 12° 1075.20 IlANNOVEU, A. Construction and use cf the mic- roscope. Ed. by J. Goodsir. Edinb., 1853. 8° 145.19 Hanoveh, Mass., History of. Barry, J. S 224.13 Hans of Iceland : or the demon dwarf. Hugo, V. 498.14 Hanson, .T. H. The lost prhicc : Ident. of Louis XVII. and Rev. E. Williams. N. Y., 1854. 12° 015. 7 Happiness in its relations to work and knowl- edge. Forbes, J 1089. .30 Happiness, Treatise concerning. Harris, J. . . . 209.4 Happy, The art of being. Droz, J 139.5 IlAUBAUGii, H. Life of Rev. JI. Schlatter, with his travels and labors. Phila., 1857. 12°. . 534.18 — The true glory of woman. Phila., 1858. 12°. 890.8 Hard times: a tale. Dickens, C 481.17-22 Hardenberg, F. v. Henry of Ofterdingcn. Ro- mance. Cambridge, 1842. 12° 798.13 Hardwicke, R. Annual biography for 1850. [Ed.] by E. Walford. London, 1850. 10° 548.27 H.\.rdy, F. Jlemoirs of the life of Jas. Caullield, Earl of Charlemont. 2d ed. London, 1812. 2v. 8° 503.6 Hare, J. C. and A. W. Guesses at truth. 1st ser. 4th ed. London, 185!. 10° 139 10 — - Same. 2d scries. 2d ed. London, 1848. 10° 139.11 Hare, J. C. Mission of the comforter. From 2d London edition, Boston, 1854. 12° ... . 1100.7 — Memoir of J. Sterling 880.1 Hare, J. M. Memoir of .J. Bunyan 809.9 Harford, J. Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. London, 1857. 2v. 8° 543.2 H.\rgrave, E. H. Australia and its gold fields. London, 1855. 12° 93S.7 HAniNG,W. [W. Alexis, ^JseMf/.] Cabanis. [Vatcr- liiud. Roman.] Berlin, 1850. Ov. iu 3. 10° 1024.4 Contoi^s. — I. Die Knabenwclt; Der Dcscrtcur. II. Der Marquis; Die Vaterstadt. HI. Wintcrmihrchen ; Der Friede. — Derfalsche Woldemar. Vaterl. Roman. Ber- lin, 1842. 3v. in 1. 10° 1024.7 — - Same. Berlin, 1842. 3v. 10° 1024.8 — Per Roland von Berlin. Berlin, 1840. 3v.iu 1. 10° 1024.0 — Der Wiirwolf. Vaturl. Roman. Berlin, 1848. 3v. 10° 1024.9 Contents. — 11. Hake von Stnlpe. II. Die Sandfluth und der TempcllUifechc Berg. III. Kurfarstin Elisa- beth und die wcisse Frau. — Dorothe. Roman. Berlin, 1850. .3v. 10°. . 1024.3 — Rcise-Pitaval. Leipzig, 1850. 10° 1029.10 — Ruheistdie erste Biirgerpflioht. Vaterl. Ro- man. Berlin, 1852. 5v. 10° 1024.5 Harland, yi. Pseud. See Ilawcs, V. Harmony, Treatise on. Catel, C. S 204.1 Harold and Rosaline : a poem. Perry, A 309.5 Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. [Novel.] Lytton, E. B 400.4-5 Harp, The, of Sylva: a poem. Jones, E. C. . . . .3-38.22 Harper's classical library. New York. 37v. 18° . 830.8-24 1, 2. Xenophon. Transl. by E. Spclman. 2v. 830.8 3, 4. Demosthenes. Orations. Translated by T. Leland. 2v 8.30.9 5. Sall'ust, C C. Translated by W. Rose . . 830.10 0, 7. Cscsar, C. J. Translated by W. Dun- can. 2v 830.11 HARPER 78 HARPER IlARrER'S classical library, contimied. 8, 9, K). Cicero, JI. T. Orations, translated by Duncan ; Ofliccs by Cockman, ami the Cato and Laclius by Melmotii. 3v 8TO.12 11, 1-'. Virgil. Tlic Eclogues, Georgics and Jint'id. Translated, '^'v 830.1."? 14. Sophocles. Translated by T. Francklin. . 830.11 15, l(j, 17. Euripides. Translated by Rev. R. Potter. 3v Sr,0A5 18, 19. Horace. Transl. by Philip Francis. 2v. 830.10 20, 21. Ovid. Translated by Drydcn, Pope, Congieve, Addison, etc. 2v 830.17 22, 23. Thucydides. Pelopounesian war. Tr. by W.Smith. 2v 830.18 24-28. I-ivy. Translated by G. Baker. 5v.. . 830.19 29-:^. Herodotus. Transl. by W. P.eloc. 3v. 830.20 .32-31. Homer. Transl. by Alex. Pope. 3v. . 830.21 35. Juvenal and Persius. Translated by C. Badham S30.22 30. Pindar and Anacreon. Translated. . . . 830.23 37. Cicero on the orator. Translated by W. Guthrie S30.24 irARPER's family library. New York. KSrv. 18° 1-3. Milman, H.U. History of the Jews. 3v. 810.1 4, 5. Lockhart, J G Life of Napoleon. 2v. 810.2-3 C. Southey, R. Life of Lord Nelson .... 810.4-7 7. Williams, J. Alexander the Great. . . . 810.8 8,74. [Reimie, J. and Westwood, J. O.] Nat. history of insects. 2v 810.9 9. Gait, J. Lifoof Lord Byron 810.10-11 10. Bush, G. Life of Mohammed 810.12 11. Scott, Sir W. Demonology, etc 810.13 12. 13. Gleig, Rev. G. R. History of the Bible. 2v 810.14 14. Murray, II. and others. Polar seas and regions 810.15 15. Croly, G. Life of George IV 810. 10-17 IC. Murray, H. and others. Discov. in Africa. 810.18 17-19, CO, 07. Cunningham, A. British paint- ers and sculptors. 5v 810.10 20. James, G. P. R. History of chivalry. . . 810.20 21, 22. Bell, H. G. Mary Queen of Scots. 2v. 810.21-28 2.3. Russell, M. Egypt 810.29 24. Fletcher, J. History of Poland 810.30 25. Smith, II. Festivals, games, etc 810.31 20. Brewster, D. Life of Newton 810.32 27. Russell, M. History of Palestine .... 810.33 28. Memcs, J. S. Empress Josephine. . . .810.34-38 29. Court and camp of Bonaparte 810.39-40 30. Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampicr 810.41 31. Barrow, Sir J. Piteairn's island and the mutiny of the Bounty 810.42 32. 72, 84. Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. 3v 810.43 33. 34. Jameson, Mrs. A. Celebrated female sovereigns. 2v 810.44 35, 36. Lander, R. and J. Expedition to the Niger. 2v 810.45 37. Abercrombie,J. Intellectual powers, etc. 810.40 38-40. St. John, J. A. Livesof celebrated trav- ellers. 3v 810.47 41, 42. Ellis, G. J. W. Agar, Lord Dorer. Life of Frederick the Great. 2v 810.48 43, 44. Smedley, Rev. E. Venetian history. 2v 810.49 45, 46. Thatcher, B. B. Lives of the Indians. 2v 810.50 47-49. Murray, H. British India. 3v 810.51 51, 52. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. 2v. 810. .52 53. Tytler, P. F. Discovery in N. America . 810.53 54. Macgillivray, W. Humboldt's travels . . 810.54 65, 50. Eulcr, L. Natural philosophy. 2v. . 810.55 57. aiudie, R. Guide to the observation of nature 810.50 58. Abercrombie, J. The moral feelings. . . 810.57 59. Dick, T. Improvement of society .". . .810.58-59 CO. James, G. P. R. Charlemagne 810.00 61. Russell, M. Nubia and Abyssinia .... 810. CI 02,03. — Life of Cromwell. 2v 810.02-03 Harper's family library, covtimted. 04. Montgomery, J. Lectures on literature, poetry, etc 810.04-C5 C5 Barrow, Sir J. Peter the Great 810.06 08, (W. Criehton, A. History of Arabia. 2v. 810.67 70. Eraser, J. B. Persia 810.68 71. Combe, A. Principles of physiology. . . 810.69 73. Russell, M. The Barbary states 810.70 75,70. Paulding, J. K. Life of Washington. 2v. 810.71 77. Ticknor, C. Philosophy of living .... 810.72 78. Iliggins, W. M. The eai-tli 810.73 79. Sforzosi, L. History of Italy 810.74 80. 81. Davis, Sir J. F. The Chinese. 2v. . . 810.75 82. Circumnavigation of the globe 810.76 83. Dick, T. Celestial scenery 810.77 85. Griseom, J. II. Animal mechanism . . . 810.78 80-91. Tytler, A. F. Universal history. Ov. . 820.1 92, 93. Franklin, B. Life and writings. 2v.- . 820.2 94, 95. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. 2v. . . . • 820.3 90, 97. Paley, W. Natural theology. 2v. . . 820.4 '}^. Rennie, J. Natural history of birds . . . 820.5 99. Dick. T. The sidereal heavens 820.6 100. Uphara, T. C. Disordered mental action. 820.7 101, 102. Murray, H. British America. 2v.. . 820.8 103. Lossing, B. J. History of the fine arts . 820.9 104. Natural history of quadrupeds 820.10 105. Life and travels of Muugo Park 820.11 100. Dana, R. H. jr. Two years before the mast 820.12-21 107, 108. Parry, Sir W. E. Three voyages. 2v. 820.22 109, 110. Johnson, 8. Life and writings. 2v. 820.23 111. Bryant, W. C. Selec. from Amer. poets. 820.24 112, 113. Halleck, F. G. Selections from the British poets. 2v 820.25 114-118. Keightley, T. History of England. 5v. 820.26 119, 120. Hale, S. Hist, of the U. States. 2v.. 820.27 121, 122. Goldsmith, O. Life, and selections from his writings, by W.Irving. 2v. . . 820.28 123, 124. Distinguished men of mod. times. 2v. 820.29 125. Reuwiek, J. Life of Dewitt Clinton . . 820.30 126, 127. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Com. O. H. Perry. 2v 820.31 128. Head, Sir F. B. Life of Bruce, the travel'r. 820. .32 129. Renwick, H. B. and J. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton 820.33 130. Brewster, Sir D. Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler 820.34 131. Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe islands. 820.35 132. Manners of the Japanese 820.30 133. Dwight, T. jr. History of Connecticut . 820.37 134. 135. Bucke,C. Ruins of ancient cities. 2v. 820.38 1.30, 137. Criehton, A. and Wheaton, H. Den- mark, Sweden, and Norway. 2v 820. .39 138. Camp, G. S. Democracy 820.40 139. Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan .. . 820.41 140. Fcnelon, F. de S. de la M. Lives of an- cient philosophers 820.42 141. 142. Scgur, P. P. Cte de. Napoleon's ex- pedition to Russia. 2v 820.43-44 143, 114. Epitome of the hist, of philosophy. 2v. 820.45 145. Bucke, C. Beauties, etc., of nature . . . . 820.40 140. Lieber, F. On property and labour. . . . 820.47 147. AVhite, G. Nat. history of Selborne . . . 820.48 148. Wrangell, F. v. Expcd. to the Polar Sea. 820.49 149, 150. Hazen, E. Popular technology. 2v. 820.50 151-153. Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian islands. 3v 820.51 154, 155. Allen, P. Expedition of Lewis and Clarke. 2v. . . . 820.52 156. Smith, H. I. Education 820.53 157. Eraser, J. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 820.54 158. Russell, M. Polynesia 820.55 159. Davenport, R. A. Perilous adventures. . 820.66 100. Duer, W. A. Constitutional jurispru- dence of the United States 820.57 101-163. Belknap, J. American biography. .3v. 820.58 164. Natural history. The elephant 820.59 105. Potter, A. Handbook for readers and students 820.60 HAKPEE HAWKESWOUTU Harper's ftmily library, continued. lOG. Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in Amoriea . SCO. 01 lOr, 1C8. Stone, W. L. Border wars of the American revolution. 2v 8J0.(VJ 1(')9. Laiikester, Dr. E. Veg'etablc substance."? used for the food of m:iu S'30.(>r! 170. Michelct, J. Modern history S:J0.(;4 in. r?acou, F., Lord. Essays. Locke, J., on the understanding: S-.'O.O.'i 172. Kippis, A. Voyages round the world, by Cook, with a life SW.OC. 173. Polo, M. Travels sjo.cr 174,175. American adventure, etc. 2v. . . . 8,!0.0s 170. Runner, E. History of Louisiana .... S.iO.0'.) 177. Floriau, .T. P. C. de. The Moors in Spain. 8-'0.70 178. Lee, C. A. Elements of geology 820.71 179. Brougham, H. and otliers. Discourses on literature and science 820.72 ISO. Moseley, H. Mechanics S:!0.1 181, 182. Selections from the Spectator. 2v. . 8:!0.2 183. Potter, A. Political economy . . . . . . 830.3 184. Maury, J. S., CfHY?. On eloquence . . . . 830.4 185. Robertson, W. History of America, abr. 830.5 186. - Charles V., abridged 830. 187. Ferguson, A. Hist, of the Rom. repub. ab. 830.7 Harper's new monthly magazine. Vol. I-XV., June, 1850, to Nov., 1857. New York. 8°. . 880.2 Hahper's story books. See Abbott, J. Harper establishment. The. Abbott, J. . v.IV. of 739.1 Harrixgton : [a tale.] Edgeworth, M. v.IX. of 407.1-3 Harris, C. A. Dental surgery. 5th ed. I'liila- delphia, 1853. 8° 151.13 Harris, E. Progress of improvement in venti- lation. Reid, D. B 207.1 Harris, Jas. Three treatises ; 1st. Art ; 2d. Music, painting, and poetry ; 3d. Happiness. Lon- don, 1744. 8° 200.4 Harris, John. Great commission, with an intro- ductory essay by W. R. Williams. Boston, 1842. 12° 1088.1 — Great teacher, with introductory essay by H. Humphrey. 2d ed. Amlierst, 1830. 12°. . 1088.2 — Mammon. New York, n.d. 12° 1109.13 — Man primeval: a contribution to theological science. Boston, 1852. 12' 1090.14 Harris, T. Life and services of Com. Bainbridge. Philadelphia, 1837. 8° 527.1 Harris, T. M. Biographical memorials of James Oglethorpe. Boston, 1841. 8° 513.10 — Journal of a tour into the territory N. W. of the Alleghany mts. in 1803. Bost., 1S05. 8°. 639. 13 Harris, T. W. Insects of New England injurious to vegetation. 2d ed. Boston, 1852. 8°. . 105.1 Harris, W. Life of James I. 2d ed. London, 1772. 8° 552.9 Harris, W. S. Rudimentary electricity. 3d ed. London, 1853. 10° 819.7 — Rudiment'y magnetism. Lon., 1850-52. 2 v. 10°. 819.8 Harris, W. T. Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Cambridge. Cambridge, 1845. 12°. 228.2 Harrisox, T. Biography of 399.7 Harrison, W. H. Life of. 3d ed. Phila, 1840. 18°. 229.6 — Life of. Philadelpliia, 1840. 8° 517.4 — Life and services of. Montgomery 517.4 — Memoir of. Hall, J 519.1 Harrison almanac, 1841. New York. 8° . . . . 517.4 Harrison melodies. Boston, 1840. 18° 229.6 Hakt, A. M. History of the valley of the Missis- sippi. Cincinnati, 1853. 12° 237.12 Hart, J. S. Essay on Edmund Spenser. With an exposition of The fairy queen. N. York, 1847. 8° 324.1 Harte, W. History of Gustavus Adolphus. 3d ed. London, 1807. 2v. 8° 540.3 Hartford convention. Hist, of the. Dwight, T. 305.4 Hartig, E. Genesis of the Austrian revolution, 1848 828.3 Harvard college, History of. Eliot, S. A. . . . 297.21 Harvard uuiversity, History of. Quincy, J. . . 294.1 Harvey, T West Indies in 1837. Sturge, J. . . 0:;5.8 Harvey, AV.H. TIio seaside book. Natural his- tory of the British coast. 3d ed. Loudon, 1854. 12° 178.26 IlARzisiLDER, Sitten u. Gebriiuche. Priihle, IL . 1029.14 Hask, H. Public aii