Z881 Fs"?' A.TTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY MAIN FINDING LIST OF USEFUL ARTS SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1905 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/findinglistofuseOOseatrich SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FINDING LIST OF USEFUL ARTS SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1905 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION USEFUL ARTS 600 General 610 Medicine 620 Engineering 630 Agriculture 640 Domestic economy 650 Communication^ Commerce 660 Chemical technology 670 Manufactures 680 R^echanic trades '■6%- Biiiiafng USKFUL ARTS. Books having R before the call number are reference books and are not to be taken from the building. Those having j before the call number are especially adapted to the use of young people. 600 GENERAL WORKS. BAYE, Baron Joseph de. Industrial K arts of the Anglo-Saxons. 1893 ^ R600-B3427 GUILLEMIN, Am§d6e. Applications of physical forces. 1877 600-G944A JAPP, Alexander H. Days with indus- trials: adventures and exper- Iiences among curious industries. 1889 600-J275 PARKER, William G. Information readers No. 3. Man and mater- ials. 1901 J600-P224 ROCHELEAU, William Francis. Great ^^ American industries. Products ^kt of the soil. Book 2. (1896- ^r 1900) J600-R587 SEE, James W. (Chordal, pseud.) Ex- tracts from Chordal's letters. 1901. (1880) 600-SB32 UNCLE LAWRENCE, (pseud.) Young folks' ideas. 1898 J600-UN14I Young folks' queries. 1898 J600-UN14Q VALENTINE, Mrs. Laura Jewry. (Aunt Louisa, pseud.) Aunt Louisa's book of common things. J600-V235 603 DICTIONARIES, CYCLOPEDIAS. BEETON, Samuel Orchart, ed. Bee- ton's dictionary of industries and commerce R603-B398I BENJAMIN, Park, ed. Wrinkles and recipes compiled from the Scien- tific American. 1901. (1875) . . .R603-B436 BIGELOW, Jacob. Useful arts con- sidered in connection with the application of science. 2v. 1871. R603-B4843 BLAKELEE, George E. Industrial cyclopedia. (1884-1889) R603-B5825C BUTTS, I. R. Tinman's manual and builder's and mechanic's hand- book. 10th ed. 1860 R603-B987 Cassell's domestic dictionary R603-C2718 CHASE, Alvin Wood. Recipes. (1900) R603-C387 COLANGE, Auguste Leo de. Ameri- can encyclopedia of commerce. (1880) 2v R603-C67A Cyclopedia of practical information. 1899 R603-C994 DICK, William B. (Leger D. Mayne, pseud.) Encyclopaedia of prac- tical receipts and processes. 1901. R603-D551 EDISON, Thomas F., and WESTING- HOUSE, Charles J., comps. Me- chanics' complete library of modern rules, facts, processes, etc R603-ED44 HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Cyclo- paedia of mechanics. 1900. . .R603-H274 HOPKINS, Albert Allis, ed. Scientific American cyclopaedia of re- ceipts, notes and queries. 1900. R603-H774S HOYER, Egbert von, and KREUTER, Franz, eds. 'Technological dic- tionary: English, German, and French, of the terms employed in the manufactures, architec- ture, &c. 5th ed. 1903 RG03-H855 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TECHNOLOGY: a series of text- books for persons engaged in the engineering professions and trades. 1902. vs. 1-39 R603-IN85 MACKENZIE, Colin. Mackenzie's ten thousand receipts, in all the use- ful and domestic arts. 1868. . .R603-M195 SCHOFIELD, R. J. Home mechanic and complete self-instructor in carpentry, etc. (1897) R603-SCH66 SEEGER and GUERNSEY. Cyclo- paedia of manufactures and products of the U. S. (1899) . .RG03-SE34 SPON, Ernest, ed. Encyclopaedia of industrial arts, etc. 1879-82. 5vs R603-SP65 SPON, Ernest, and SPON, F. N. firm, pubs, and eds. Mechanics' own book. 1901 R603-SP65M THOMPSON, J. Gurnley. Farm stock and household repository of infor- mation R603-T374 TOLHAUSEN, Alexandre, ed. Dic- tionnaire technologique dans les langues francaise. 1901 R603-T577 Technological dictionary in the Eng- lish, German and French lan- guages, containing about 76,000 technical terms and locutions em- ployed in arts, trades and in- dustry in general. 1897 R603-T577 Technologisches worterbuch in Fransosischer, Deutscher and Englischer sprache. 1902 R603-T577 TOMLINSON, Charles, ed. Cyclo- paedia of useful arts, mechani- 438194 USEFUL ARTS cal and chemical, manufactures, mining and engineering. 1866. ^„^. ^J^ R603-T595 TROUGHTON, Felix J. You'll find it here. (1902) R603-T7524Y URE, Andrew. Ure's dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines, ed. by Hunt & Rudler. 1878-9. VAN. t?^w^--^ R603-UR27 VAN CLEVE, B. F. English and American mechanic. 1900 R603-V274 Workshop receipts. 5v. 1895-'97. . .R603-W895 604. ESSAYS. Arts and crafts essays. 1899 604-AR77 GALTON, Frank W. ed. Workers on on their industries. 1896. (So- cial science series) 604-G139 605. PERIODICAI^. Cassier's magazine, v. 1-date. 1891- date R005-C273 Electrical world and engineer, v. 37- date. 1901-date R605-EL27 Journal of Franklin institute v 1- date. 1826-date R605-F854 Metal worker, v. 55-date. 1900-date.R605-M565 Municipal engineering. v. 3-date. 1892-date R605-M9246 1 avmg and municipal engineering, see Municipal engineering. Scientific American, v. 1-date. 1845- ^ . ^^^^^ R605-SCI22 bcientific American supplement, v 1-date. 1876-date R605-SCI22S 606. SOCIETIES. FAIRS. Cunard Royal mail twin-screw steamers "Campania and "Luc- ania and the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Reprinted from "Engineering" R606-C9164 EARLE, Thomas, and CONGDON, Charles T. eds. Annals of the general society of mechanics and tradesmen of the city of N Y. from 1785 to 1880. 1882. . .R606-M464 FLINN, John J. comp. Ofllcial guide to the World's Columbian exposi- tion. 1893 R606-W896 LOWENSTEIN, Major J. comp. Official guide to the Louisiana Pur- chase exposition at the city of »... . .F^- ^°"'^- ^^*^^ R606-L936 MILLET, Francis Davis, and others. Some artists at the fair. 1893. .606-M616 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSI- TION. Report of . . . exhibit of state of N. Y. at the World's Columbian Exposition R606-W896N 607. EDUCATION. SCHOOLS OF TECHNOLOGY HAM, Charles Henry. Mind and hand (1900) 607-H169 MILLER, Fred. Training of a crafts- man. 1898 G07-M614 RICKETTS, Palmer C. History of the Rensselaer polytechnic institute 1824-1894. 1895 607-R425 608. PATENTS. INVENTIONS. BAKER, Ray Stannard. Boy's book of inventions. 1899 J608-B174 Same reference. BURNLEY, James. Romance of in- vention: vignettes from the an- nals of industry and science. lo92 J608-B938 BYRN, Edward W. Progress of in- tion in the nineteenth century. „ ^^^^, 608-B9957 Same reference. COCHRANE, Charles Henry. Wonders of modern mechanism. 1896. .608-C643W Same reference. COCHRANE, Robert, ed. Romance of „^^„^"d"stry and invention J608-C643 DEERING HARVESTER CO. Official retrospective exhibition of the development of harvesting ma- HA. c^'^r''^ .-^ 608-D3627 HALE, Edward Everett. Stories of in- HALl''w"«m- T/ J608-H13S HALL, W. Sliver. Manual of the Japan- ese laws and rules relating to patents, trade marks and de- signs. 1901 R608-H14 ILES, George, ed. Little masterpieces of science: Invention and dis- . AM.rT/''^-,, ^^^2 608-L726I LANE, Mrs. Martha Allan Luther, ed. Triumphs of science. 1903 J608-L24' MASON, Otis Tufton. Origins of in- vention. 1901 608-M384 MOWRY, William A., and MOWRY, Arthur May. American inven- tions and inventors. 1900 608-M873 Same juvenile. ROUTLEDGE, Robert. Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century. cKi... if ^l 608-R765D SMILES, Samuel. Industrial biography. „ ^^^l •: 6'08-SM45I Men of invention and industry. ^,„ , .\^?,1„ 608-SM45M WILLIAMS, Archibald. Romance of modern inventions, 2nd ed. »A,^«i^^ J608-W674 WOOD, Rev. John George. Nature's teachings. 1885 J608-W852 609. USEFUL ARTS. PilSTORY. BECKMANN, Johann. History of in- ventions, discoveries and origins, tr. fr. the German by William Johnston. 1846. 2v 609-B3874 BOYD, James Penny, and others. Triumphs and wonders of the 19th century. 1901 R609-B694 HILDEBRAND, Hans. Industrial arts of Scandinavia in the pagan time. 1892 609-H544 KNIGHT, Charles, pub. Pictorial gal- lery of arts: fine arts. 1847. .R609-K744 USEFUL ARTS LOSSING, Benson John. History of American industries and arts. (1876) R609-L898A NAPIER, James. Manufacturing arts in ancient times, with special reference to Bible history. 1879.609-N163 RIANO, Juan F. Industrial arts of Spain. 1879 609-R353 TROWBRIDGE, John Townsend. Law- rence's adventures among the ■i|. ice-cutters, glass-makers, coal- ^p miners, iron-men and ship- builders. (1870) J609-T757L WALLACE, Alfred Russel. Wonderful » century. 1899 609-W156 610. MEDICINE, BARNETT, Mrs. Henrietta Octavia Rowland. Making of the body. 1897 J610-B2634 BERDOE, Edward. Origin and growth of the healing art; a popular his- tory of medicine in all ages and countries. 1893 R610-B452 Berliner Klinische wochenschrift ; Organ fiir practische aerzte. 1882-4. 2v R610-B45715 BILLINGS, John Shaw, and others. National medical dictionary, in- cluding English, French, Ger- man, Italian and Latin technical terms used in medicine. 1890. 2v R610-B494 BROWN, Dr. Charles Henry, ed. Jour- nal of nervous and mental dis- eases. (1899) R610-N356 CARPENTER, Wesley M., ed. Wood's household practice of medicine, hygiene and surgery. 1886. .R610-W852 DUANE, Alexander. Dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences. (1902) R610-D85 FITZGERALD, Charles Egerton. Lec- tures on physiology, hygiene . . . for hospital and home nursing. 1890 610-F575 GOULD, George M. American year- book of medicine and surgery. 1901. 2v R610-AM33 Illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology and the allied sciences. WOO R610-G73 HODSON, Jane, ed. How to become a trained nurse. 1898 610-H666 ILES, George, ed. Little masterpieces of science: Health and healing. 610-L726H LIPPINCOTT, J. B. Medical diction- ary, ed. by Ryland Greene, and others. (1897) R610-L665 MANNING, Anne R. First principles of nursing. 1901 610-M315 NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Notes on nursing. 1901 610-N565 PACKARD, Francis Randolph. History of medicine in the U. S. 1901. . .610-P123 Same reference. QUAIN, Richard, ed. Quain's dic- tionary of medicine, by various writers, ed. Murray and others. 1903 R610-Q253 SAJOUS, Charles' Euchariste de Medici, ed. Annual of the universal medical sciences; a yearly re- port of the progress of the gen- eral sanitary sciences through- out the world. 1889. 5v R610-SA295 SHAW, Clara S. Weeks, comp. Text- book of nursing. 1901 610-SH28 ZIEMSSEN, Hugo von, ed. Handbuch der speciellen pathologie und therapie. 1875. v. 1-16 in 23v. .610-Z615 611. ANATOMY. Brain, v. 1-date. 1878-date R611-B732 ELLIS, Henry Havelock. Man and woman. 1900 611-EL56M FERRIER, David. Functions of the brain. 1886 611-F415 GALTON, Francis. Finger prints. 1892 611-G139 GRAY, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 1887 R611-G794A HARTSHORNE, Henry. Handbook of human anatomy and physiology for use of students. 1874 611-H258 HYRTL, Joseph. Lehrbuch der anat- omic des menschen, mit riick- sicht auf physiologische be- griindung und praktische an- wendung. 1873 611-H9965 KIMBER, Diana Clifford, comp. Text- book of anatomy and physiology for nurses. 1902 611-K564 MARTIN, Henry Newell. Human body. 1900 611-M365H MORRIS, Henry, ed. Human anat- omy; a complete systematic treatise by various authors. 1902. R611-M834 QUAIN, Jones. Quain's lehrbuch der anatomie. 1870-2. 2v 611-Q253 RASSWEILER, Henry H. Teacher's handbook designed to accom- pany Yaggy's anatomical study. R611-R185 ROSENTHAL, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 1896. . . .611-R727 WIEDERSHEIM, Dr. R. Structure of man. 1895 611-W6362 6J2. PHYSIOLOGY. ALLEN, Mrs. Mary Wood. Marvels of our bodily dwelling. 1896 612-AL54 BLAISDELL, Albert Franklin. Child's book of health. 1897 J612-B578C Our bodies and how we live, 1901. J612-B5780 BRANDS, Orestes M., and VAN GIESON, Henry C. Academic physiology and hygiene. (1893) R612-B7348 CHAP IN, Henry Dwight. Theory and practice of infant feeding. 1902 612-C3666 DURHAM, William. Food, physiology, etc. 1891 612-D935 USEFUL ARTS FICK, Adolph. Compendium der physiologie des menschen. 1874.612-F445 FLETCHER, Horace. A. B.-Z. of our own nutrition. (1903) 612-F635 GILLESPIE, A. Lockhart. Natural his- tory of digestion. 1898 612-G413 HAMMARSTEN, Olaf. Text book of physiological chemistry. 1900. .612-H1858 HILL, Alexander. Primer of physi- ology, with diagrams. 1902 612-H55 HOWELL, William H. ed. American text-book of physiology. 1900. .R612-H836 HUNT, Mary H., ed. Health for little folks. (1890) J612-H914H Physiology and health for advanced grades. 1890 J612-H914P JOHONNOT, James, and BOUTON, Eugene. How we live. (1884-5) J612-J66512 KIRKES, William S. Handbook of physiology; ed by Baker and Harris. 16th ed. 1901 R612-K6352 KROHN, William Ottarbein. First book in hygiene. 1903 J612-K914 LARISCH, E. Kurzes lehrbuch der physiologie des menschen. 1870 612-L3245 LOEB, Jacques. Comparative physi- ology of the brain and compara- tive psychology. 1900 612.8-L8235 LUYS, J. Brain and its functions. 1897 612-L977B MACE, Jean. History of a mouthful of bread. 1898 J612.3-M1457 MAN DEL, John A. Handbook for the bio-chemical laboratory. 1896. .612-M3113 MEYER, George Hermann von. Or- gans of speech. 1884 612-M575 STEELE, Joel Dorman. Hygienic physiology. (1872-88) 612-ST343 SUTRO, Emil. Duality of voice. 1899. 612-SU8176 WARNER, Francis. Study of children. 1899 612-W244 WILSON, Sir Daniel. Right hand: left-handedness. 1891 612-W695 613. PERSONAL HYGIENE. ADAM, Graeme Mercer, comp. San- dow on physical training. 1894 613-AD14S ALLEN, Mrs. Mary Wood, and STALL Sylvanus. What a young girl ought to know. (1897) 613-AL54W Same juvenile. What a young woman ought to know. (1898) 613-AL54W BLAIKIE, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. 1898 613-B575H Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1883) 613-B575S BLAISDELL, Albert Franklin. How to keep well. 1897 J613-B578 BRACKETT, Anna C. Technique of rest. 1901 613-B7244 CALL, Anna Payson. Power through repose. 1897 613-C13P CHECKLEY, Edwin. Natural method of physical training. 1892 613-C417N DAVIES, Nathaniel Edward Y. Foods for the fat. 1891 613-D287P! DEWEY, Edward Hooker. True science of living: the new gospel of health. 1902 613-D514T DOWD, D. L. Physical culture. (1895) 613-D7533 DRAKE, Mrs. Emma F. Angell. What a W£)man of forty-five ought to know. 1902 613-D783W What a young wife ought to know. 1902 613-D783 FLETCHER, Horace. Glutton or epi- cure? 1899 613-F635G FOTHERGILL, John Milner. Mainte- nance of health; a medical work for lay readers. 1874 613-F824M GREENE, Robert Holmes. Healthy ex- ercise. 1900 (1899) 613-G83 HALL, William Whitty. Good health by careful living; or, How to cure and how to prevent our everyday ailments. 1893 613-H14 HANCOCK, Harry Irving. Japanese physical training; the system of exercise, diet, and general mode of living . . 1904 613-H194 HINTON, James. Thoughts on health and some of its conditions. 1871.613-H597 HOGAN, Louise E. (Shimer), Mrs. J. L. Hogan. Children's diet in home and school, with classified recipes and menus. 1902 613-H6748 HUNTER, W. J. Manhood wrecked and rescued. (1894) R613-H915 HUTCHINSON, Robert. Food and the principles of dietetics. 1902 613-H976 LAGRANGE, Fernand. Physiology of bodily exercise. 1900 613-L135P LEE, Albert. Track athletics in detail. 1896 613-L5 Same juvenile. MACFADDEN, Bernarr. Strength from eating 613-M162 MACFADDEN, Bernarr, and OSWALD, Felix. Macfadden's fasting, hy- dropathy and exercise: nature's wonderful remedies 613-M1624F MAC LA REN, Archibald. Physical edu- cation. 1895 613-M223P MILES, Eustace, H. Failures in vege- tarianism. 1902 613-M596 Muscle, brain and diet, a plea for simpler foods. 1903 613-M596M MILLER, Annie Jenness. Physical beauty, how to obtain and how to preserve it. 1892 613-M614P MITCHELL, Silas Weir. Doctor and patient. 1901. (1887) 613-M695D Wear and tear. 1 897 613-M695W One hundred and fifty gymnastic games compiled by members of the alumni of the Boston Normal school of gymnastics. 1902 613-G999 Physiology for young people (1884-8) J613-P567 PRUDDEN, Theophilus Mitchell. Drink- ing water and ice-supplies. 1901. 613-P957D USEFUL ARTS PYLE, Walter Lytle, ed. Manual of per- sonal hygiene. 1900 613-P998 QUIGLEY. Dorothy. Way to keep young. 1897 613-Q433W RANKIN, Francis H. Hygiene of child- hood. 1890 613-R166H RICHARDS, Ellen, and WOODMAN, Alpheus G. Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint. 1900. . 613-R39 SCHMIDT, F. A., and MILES, Eustace H. Training of the body for games, etc. 1901 613-SCH54 SHEPHERD, Mrs. E. R. For girls: a special physiology. (1882) 613-SH483 SOLLY, S. Edwin. Handbook of medical climatology. 1897 613-S046M Same reference. STALL, Sylvanus. What a man of forty-five ought to know. 1901.613-ST15Ma What a young boy ought to know. (1897) 613-ST15B Same juvenile. What a young husband ought to know. (1897) 613-ST15H What a young man ought to know. (1897) 613-ST15M STEVENSON, Thomas, and MURPHY, Shirley F. eds. Treatise on hy- giene and public health. 1892-94. 3v R613-ST4717 THOMPSON, Sir Henry. Diet in rela- tion to age and activity. 1902.613-To7414 THORNTON, John P. Training for health, strength and speed. 1890. 613-T395T TIMBERG, Richard. Home exercises for spinal curvatures, adapted from Ling's Swedish system of medi- cal gymnasts 613-T482 UFFELMANN, Julius. Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child. 1891 613-UF34 WESTHALL, Charles. Modern method of training for running, walking, rowing, &c., including hints on « exercise, diet, clothing, and ad- vice to trainers 613-W5252 IPPLE, George Chandler. Miscros- copy of drinking water. 1st ed. 1899 613-W577 WOODHULL, Alfred Alexander. Notes on military hygiene. 1898 613-W857 YEO, J. Burney. Climate and health resorts. 1885 613-Y4H PARIES, Randolph. Practical training for athletics, health and pleasure. (1899) 613.7-F2269 GRANVILLE, Joseph Mortimer. Sleep and sleeplessness 613.7-G767S 6H. PUBLIC HEALTH. ABBOTT, Alexander Crever. Hygiene of transmissible diseases. 1901. R614-AB25 BATTERSHALL, Jesse P. Food adul- teration and its detection. 1887.614-B323 BURNLEY, James. Romance of life preservation. 1888 614-B938 CALDER, John. Prevention of factory accidents. 1899 614-C1269 COBB, John Storer. Quarter century of cremation in North America. 1901 614-C6329 DIETZ, William D. Soldier's first aid handbook. 1891 614-D5695 DRINKWATER, H. First aid to the in- jured and ambulance drills. 1900. 614-D8315 EGBERT, Seneca. Manual of hygiene and sanitation. (1900) 614-EG18 FUERTES, James Hillhouse. Water and public health. 1897 R614-F953 H AWE IS, Hugh Reginald. Ashes to ashes; a cremation prelude. 1875 614-H314 MOFFETT, Cleveland. Careers of dan- ger and daring. 1901 J614-M716 OLIVER, Thomas, ed. Dangerous trades. 1902 614-OL42 PAGET, Stephen. Experiments on ani- mals. 1900 614-P146 PARRY, Leonard A. Risks and dan- gers of various occupations and their prevention. 1900 R614-P248 PILCHER, James E. First aid in ill- ness and injury. 1899 R614-P6414 PRUDDEN, Theophilus Mitchell. Dust and its dangers. 1901 614-P957 Public health: papers and reports, V. 25. 1900 R614-P962 RIIS, Jacob August. Ten years' war. 1900 614-R443 ROHE, George H. Text-book of hy- giene. 1900 614-R634 SCHMITT, Gustav. Brief of necros- copy and its medico-legal rela- tion. 1902 614-SCH549 SEDGWICK, William Thompson. Prin- ciples of sanitary science and the public health. 1902 614-SE25 SIMON, John. Filth diseases and their prevention. 1876 614-SI52 SYKES, John F. J. Public health prob- lems. 1892 614-SY48P TEBB, William. Premature burial and how it may be prevented. . . . 1896 614-T225 THOMPSON, Sir Henry. Modern cre- mation: cremation, its history and practice to the present date. 1901 614-T374 TRACY, Roger S. Handbook of sani- tary information for household- ers. 1900 614-T672 TYNDALL, John. Essays on floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. 1892. 614-T976F WARWICK, F. J., and TUNSTALL, A. C. First aid to the injured and sick. 1901 R614-W234 WOODBURY, C. J. H. Fire protection of mills. 1895. (1882) 614-W8543 GERHARD, William Paul. Theatres. 1900 614.8-G312 HAYES, Matthew Horace. Horse on board ship. 1902 614.9-H325 USEFUL ARTS 615. THERAPEUTICS. MATERIA MEDICA. BUCHANAN, Charles Milton. Anti- sepsis and antiseptics. 1895. .615-B854A Climates and baths of Great Britain. 2v. 1895 R615-C6146 EDDY, Mrs. Mary Baker Glover. Christ- ian science versus pantheism. 1900 615-ED28C Retrospection and introspection. 1901 615-ED28R Science and health, with key to the •scriptures. 1892 615-ED28S Same reference. Unity of good. 1901 615-ED28U FLEURY, Maurice de. Medicine and the mind. 1900 615-F636 GRIFFITHS, T. M. Non-secret formu- las. 1897 R615-G875 OSTROM, Kuree Wilhelm. Massage. 1899 615-OS764 Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 7th decennial revis- ion. (1890) . 1893 R615-P496 REMINGTON, Joseph P. Practice of pharmacy. (1894) R615-R284P SCHNEIDER, Albert. General vegeta- ble pharmacography. 1900. . .615-SCH58 SEWARD, Theodore Frelinghuysen. How to get acquainted with God. 1902 615-SE84 STILLE, Alfred, and others. National dispensatory, containing the nat- ural history, chemistry, phar- macy, actions and uses of medi- cines. 1896 R615-N216 WALDENBURG, L., and SIMON, Carl Eduard, eds. Handbuch der al- Igemeinen und speciellen arz- neiverordnungslehre, auf griind- lage der pharmacopoea ger- manica. 1877 R615-W1415 WHITNEY, Mrs. Adeline Button (Train). Integrity of Christian science 615-W615 WOOD, George B., and BACHE, Frank- lin. Dispensatory of the U. S. (1899) R615-W853U WURM, Wilhelm Albert. Das Wasser als hausfreund in gesunden und kranken tagen 615-W9665 RUDDIMAN, Edsel A. Incompatibili- ties in prescriptions. For stu- dents in pharmacy and medicine and practicing pharmacists and physicians. 1900 R615.1-R8333 WOOD, Henry. Ideal suggestion through mental photography. 1899 615.8-W852 TANNER, Thomas Hawkes. Memo- randa on poisons. 1896 615.9-T158 616. PATHOLOGY. DISEASE. TREATMENT. BELL, Robert. Woman in health and sickness. 1890 616-B414W BILLROTH, Theodor. Care of the sick at home and in the hospital 616-B495C BRUNTON, Thomas Lauder. Disorders of digestion. 1893 (1886) 616-B8354 BURNET, Robert William. Foods and dietaries. 1896 R616-B9348 CREIGHTON, Charles. History of epi- demics in Britain. 2v. 1891 616-C865 DEAVER, John Blair. Treatise on ap- pendicitis. 1900 616-D346 DOHERTY, William B. You and your doctor. (1900) 616-D681Y Same reference. FOERSTER, August. Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologischen anat- omic. 1863-5 616-F687 FOTHERGILL, John Milner. Indiges- tion, biliousness, and gout in its protean aspects. 1887 616-F824 GIBSON, James Arthur. Nordrach treatment for consumptives in this country. 1901 616-G355N GOWERS, Sir W. R. Manual of dis- eases of the nervous system. 1900. 2v R616-G7452 GREEN, Thomas Henry. Pathology and morbid anatomy. 1900 R616-G82 HILLIER, Alfred. Prevention of con- sumption. 1903 616-H55775 HOLLANDER, Bernard. Mental func- tions of the brain. 1901 616-H716 HOOKER, Worthington. Lessons from the history of medical delusions. 1835 616-H767 HOWARD, Leland Ossian. Mosquitoes. 1901 616-H833 L E FT W I C H , R. W. Preservation of the hair. 1901 616-L5242 LEWIS, George Andrew. Practical treatment of stammering and stuttering. 1902 616-L586 NEUMANN, Isidor. Lehrbuch der hautkrankheiten. 1880 616-N3965 NEWMAN, George. Bacteria. 1899 . . . 616-N465 N I EM EYE R, Felix von. Lehrbuch der speciellen pathologic und ther- apie, mit besonderer riicksicht auf physiologic und pathologische anatomic. 1874-7. 2v 616-N56275 PHELPS, Charles. Traumatic injuries of the brain and its membranes. 1897 R616-P515 PRUDDEN, Theophilus Mitchell. Story of the bacteria and their relations to health and diseases. (1889) . .616-P957 RINDFLEISCH, Georg Eduard von. Lehrbuch der pathologischen gewebelehre, zur einfiihrung in das studium der pathologischen anatomie. 1875 616-R473 ROSS, Ronald. Mosquito brigades and how to organize them. 1902. (1901) 616-R732 STITSON, J. R. Human hair. 1900. . .616-ST59 STOUT, Henry R. Otir family physi- cian. 1885 616-ST75F SUTTON, J. Bland. Evolution and dis- ease. 1895 616-SU82 TILLING HAST, Joseph Reynolds, jr. How can I cure my catarrh? (1902) 616-T4642 USEFUL ARTS WATKINS, Robert Lincoln. Diagnosis by means of the blood. 1902 . . . 616-W3244 WOODHEAD, German Sims. Bacteria J. and their products. 1891 616-W855B 'W 617. SURGERY. ALOE, A. S. Illustrated catalogue of surgical instruments and physi- cians' supplies R617-AL67 American armamentarium chirurgicum, George Tumann & Co. (1879) .R617-AM33 BILLROTH, Christian Theodor. Die allgemeine chirurgische pathol- ogie und therapie. 1875 617-B495 HOPKINS, Samuel Augustus. The care of the teeth. 1902 617-H774C KOENIQ, Franz. Lehrbuch der spec- iellen chirurgie fiir aerzte und studirende. 1878-9. 2v 617-K816 ROSER, Wilhelm. Handbuch der anat- omischen chirurgie. 1875 617-R7285 GRAEFE, Alfred and SAEMISCH, Theodor, eds. Handbuch der gesammten augenheilkunde. 1874, 617.7-G7575 HERBERT, John Frederick. Anatomy and physiology of the eye. 1901.617.7-H416 MAUTHNER, Ludwig. Vortrage an der augenheilkunde 617.7-M4459 MEYER, Ed. Handbuch der augen- heilkunde. 1879 617.7-M575 RHEINDORF, J. Handbuch der augen- heilkunde fiir praktische aerzte. 3rd ed. 1875. 617.7-R3439 SCHWEIGGER, C. Handbuch der spec- iellen augenheilkunde. 1875.617.7-SCH955 TSCHERNING, Marius Hans Erik. Physiologic optics. 1900 f;i7.7-T787 618. GYNECOLOGY. CHILDREN. ELLIOTT, Sydney Barrington. Aedoeol- ogy. 1893 R618-EL5617 OPPENHEIM, Nathan. Medical dis- eases of childhood. 1900 R618-OP57 SCHROEDER, Karl. Lehrbuch der geburtshiilfe, mit einschluss der • pathologic der schwangerschaft und des wochenbettes. 4th ed. 1874 618-SCH756 STOCKHAM, Alice B. Tokology. 1899. 618-STG3T 619. VETERINARY MEDICINE. BROWN, Thomas. Complete modern farrier 1900 619-B812 Same reference. DALZIEL, Hugh. Diseases of dogs 619-D178 Diseases of horses 619-D178H HAYES, Matthew Horace. Veterinary notes for horse owners ; a manual of horse medicine and surgery. 1903 619-H325 HOBDAY, Frederick T. G. Canine and feline surgery. 1900 R619-H654 MILLER,. William B. E., HAZARD, Willis P., and others. Diseases of live stock and their most ef- ficient remedies. (1890-1900) .R619-M6144 STEEL, John Henry. Treatise on the diseases of the dog: being a man- ual of canine pathology. 1894. . .619-ST34 WINSLOW, Kenelm. Veterinary ma- teria medica and therapeutics. 1901 R619-W735 620. ENGINEERING. ADAMS, Henry. Strains in ironwork. 1898 620-AD14 American machinist, v. 22-date. 1899- date R620-AM33 BARBER, Thomas Walter. Engineer's sketch-book of mechanical move- ments. 1897 R620-B232 Repair and maintenance of machin- ery. 1895 620-B232 BART LEY, Bryan C. Marine engineer's record-book. 1897 R620-B2834 BLACK, William Murray. United States public works . . . methods of construction, character of ma- terials, &c. 1895 R620-B563 BOVEY, Henry T. Theory of struc- tures and strength of materials. 1900 ; 620-B6696 BURR, William Hubert. Elasticity and resistance of the materials of en- gineering. 1903 620-B94 BUTTS, Edward. Civil engineer's field- book. 1899 .620-B987 CARPENTER, RoUa C. Experimental engineering and manual for test- ing. 1901 620-C225 DERR, Louis, ed. Cyclopaedia of engi- neering R620-C994 Descriptive index of current engineer- ing literature. 1884-1900. 3v. .R620-EN35I DIXON, D. B. ed. Machinist's and engi- neer's pocket manual. (1898).R620-D646M DIXON, D. B. comp. Mechanical arts simplified. 1897 R620-D646 Engineering and mining journal, v. 13- date. 1872-date R620-BN3313 Engineering magazine, v. 1-date. 1891- date R620-EN35M Engineering news and American rail- way journal, v. 28-date. 1893- date. Index R620 -EN35N Engineering record, v. 45-date. 1902- date R620-EN35R FRITH, Henry. Romance of engineer- ing. 1895 620-F917R Triumphs of modern engineering. .620-F917T GEIPEL, W., and KILGOUR, M. Hamil- ton. Pocket book of electrical en- gineering formulae 620-G277 GREENE, Charles E. Action of mater- ials under stress, or structural mechanics. 1897 620-G83 GUNSAULUS, Frank Wakeley, ed. Modern . engineering practice. 1903. lOv , R620-G954 HASWELL, Charles Haynes. Me- chanic's and engineer's pocket book. 1890 620-H278M Same reference. HURST, John Thomas. Handbook of formulae, tables and memoranda "8 USEFUL ARTS for architectural surveyors. 1902 620-H945H Spon's tables and memoranda for en- gineers. 1901 R620-H945 INTERNATIONAL E N G I N E E RING CONGRESS. International engi- neering congress, Glasgow, 1901. 1902. 2v. V. 1. Railways, v. 2. Waterways and maritime works. R620-IN85 JOHNSON, John Butler. Material of construction. 1898 620-J634 Same reference. KEMPE, Harry Robert. Engineer's yearbook of formulae, rules, tables, data and memoranda in civil, mechanical, electrical, ma- rine and mine engineering. 1903.620-K321 KNIGHT, Edward H. American me- chanical dictionary. (1876) 3v. R620-K744A Knight's new mechanical dictionary. (1883) R620-K744N LEASK, A. Ritchie. Breakdowns at sea and how to repair them. 1901 . . 620-L486B LOW, David Allan. Pocket book for mechanical engineers. 1898 620-L9517 MAHAN, Dennis Hart. Treatise on civil engineering. 1896. 2v 620M278 MARTENS, Adolf. Handbook of test- ing materials. Tr. by G. C. Ken- ning. 1899. 2v 620-M3643 Mechanics' pocket memoranda. 1898.620-M464 MERRIMAN, Mansfield. Strength of materials. 1902 620-M555S Text-book on the mechanics of ma- terials. 1902(1885) 620-M555M MEYER, Jacob, G. Arnold, and PETER, Charles G. Easy lessons in me- chanical drawing and machine de- sign. 1902. 2v R620-M575 MOLESWORTH, Sir Guilford Lindsay, and MOLESWORTH, Henry Bridges. Pocket book of useful formulae and memoranda for civil and mechanical engineers. 1901 R620-M743 NEWMAN, John. Scamping tricks and odd knowledge occasionally prac- ticed upon public works. 1893. .620-N465 PATTON, William M. Treatise on civil engineering, 2nd ed. 1901 R620-P278 PLYMPTON, George W. How to be- come an engineer. 1902 620-P746 POWER, Frederick Danvers, comp. Pocket book for miners and met- allurgists. 1899 620-P877 RANKIN E, William John Macquorn. Manual of civil engineering. 1898 R620-R167M SEATON, A. E. and ROUNTHWAITE, H. M. Pocket book of marine en- gineering. 1901 R620-SE159 SMART, Richard Addison. Handbook of engineering laboratory prac- tice. Ist ed. 1898 620-SM25 SPON, Ernest, ed. Dictionary of engi- neering, supplement. 1879. 3v.R620-SP65S SPON, Ernest, and SPON, F. N. eds. Dictionary of engineering. 1874. 8v R620-SP65 STUEHLEN, P. Ingenieur-Kalendar fur maschinen und hiittentechniker. 1874 620-ST926 TEMPLETON, William. Engineer, millwright and mechanic's pock- et companion. 1893 620-T245 TH U RSTON, Robert Henry. Text book of the materials of construction. 1900 620.T425M TRAUTWINE, John Cresson. Civil en- gineers' pocket book. 1891 620-T695 Same reference. WHEELER, Junius Brutus. Elemen- tary course of civil engineering for the use of cadets of the United States Military academy. 5th ed. 1901 620-W5G7 WOOD, De Volson. Treatise on the re- sistance of materials, and an ap- pendix on the preservation of timber. 7th ed. 1894 620-W852 62J. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. American engineering competition. 1891 R621-AM33 BARNES, D. L. and WHITRIDGE, J. C. Modern locomotives. 1897. RG21-B263M DIXON, Thomas. Practical millwright's and engineer's ready reckoner. 1884 621-D64G4P FARNUM, John S. Practical points for stationary, locomotive and marine engineers. 1901 621-F234 FEHRENBATCH, John. Library of steam engineering. 1900 R621-F324 HISCOX, Gardner Dexter. Mechanical movements. 1899 R621-H618M HOUSTON, Edwin James, and KEN- NELLY, Arthur Edwin. Electric arc lighting. 1896 J621-H818A KENT, William. Mechanical engineer's pocket-book. 1900 RG21-K415 LEE, William H. American automobile annual for 1901. ed. by A. B. Chambers. (1900) 621-L51 Le VAN, William Barnett. Practical management of engines and boilers. 1897 621-L574 LUKIN, Rev. James. Amongst ma- chines. 1888 J621-L968A Boy engineers; what they did and how they did it. 1889 J621-L9G8B Young mechanic. 1902 J621-L968Y MARTIN, W. A. Screw-cutting tables for the use of mechanical engi- neers R621-M3G5 REULEAUX, F. Constructor. 1902.RG21-R318 ROPER, Stephen. Catechism for steam engineers and electricians. (1899) 621-R684C3 Engineers' handy-book. 1899 G21-R684E Questions and answers for stationary and marine engineers and electri- cians. (1900) 621-R684Q Young engineers' own book. (1897) . .621-R684 USEFUL ARTS ROSE, Joshua. Modern machine shop practice. 2v. 1895 R621-R72M STEVENS, H. G. Mechanical cate- chism for stationary and marine im. engineers, etc. 1899 R621-ST.4G5 llpUNWIN, William Cawthorne. Ele- r"f ments of machine design. 1901. 2v 621-UN97 USHER, John T. Modern machinist. 1896 621-US3M WEISBACH, Philip Julius. Manual of the mechanics of engineering. 1894-1902. 4v 621-W4355 WOOD. DeVolson. Thermodynamics, heat motors, and refrigerating machines. 8th ed. 1900 621-W852T ZWICKER, Phillip Henry. Practical instructor in questions and ans- wers for machinists, etc. (1891) . . .621-Z94 I ft 621.04. MACHINE DESIGN. JONES, Forrest R. Machine design. 1900. 2v 621.04-J71 LOW, David Allan, and BEVIS, William Alfred. Manual of machine drawing and design. 1893. .621.04-L952M MEYER, Jacob G. Arnold. Elementary principles of machine design. 1897 621.04^M575 WARREN, Samuel Edward. Elements of machine construction and drawing. 1895. 2v 621.04-W254 621. J. STEAM ENGINEERING. BAKER, George H. Manual of instruc- tion for the economic manage- ment of locomotives, for locomo- - tive engineers and firemen. 1889. 621.1-B174 BARNABY, Sydney W. Marine pro- pellers. 1900 621.1-B252 BOURNE, John. Handbook of the steam engine. 1892 621.1-B667S BURN, Robert Scott. Steam-engine, its history and mechanism. 1894.621.1-B93S CHASE, I. Mc Kim. Screw propellers and marine propulsion. 1895. .621. 1-C387 COTTERILL, James H. Steam engine considered as a thermo-dynamic machine. 1896 621.1-C828 DAHLSTROM, Karl P. tr. Fireman's guide. (1886) 621.1-D136 DURAND, William Frederick. Resist- ance and propulsion of ships. 1898 621.1-D932 FORD, W. H. Boiler making for boiler makers. 1902 621.1-F75 FORNEY, Matthias N. Catechism of the locomotive. 1897 621.1-F766C FOSTER, James, comp. Treatise on the evaporation of saccharine chemical and other liquids. (1895) 621.1-F813 GILL, Augustus Herman. Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. 1902. . .621.1-G412 GRAHAM, Maurice. Practical hints on the construction and working of regenerator furnaces. 1894 621.1-G762 GRIMSHAW, Robert. Steam-engine catechism. 1901 621.1-G8856 H ALDAN E, J. W. C. Steamships and their machinery from first to last. 1893 621.1-H1294 HALSEY, Frederick Arthur. Slide valve gears. 1899 621.1-H167 HEM EN WAY, Frank F. Indicator prac- tice and steam-engine economy. 1901 621.1-H375 HOPKINS, Nevil Monroe. Model en- gines and small boats. 1898. . .621.1-H774 Same juvenile. KENT, William. Steam-boiler econ- omy. 1901 621.1-K415S KILBURN, A. Standard handbook for railroad men 621.1-K552 KINEALY, J. H. Elementary text book on steam engines and boilers. 1901 621.1-K5695 KNEASS, Strickland L. Practice and theory of the injector. 1898. . .621.1-K732 KNIGHT, R. Practical boiler maker, iron-ship builder and mast mak- er 621.1-K744 LARDNER, Dionysius. Steam engine. 1888 621.1-L323S LEASK, A. Ritchie. Triple and quad- ruple expansion engines and boilers and their management. 1902 621.1-L486 LIVERSIDGE, John G. Engine room practice. 1899 621.1-L756 LONG, John H., and BUEL, R. H. Ca- det engineer. 1866 621.1-L85C MacCORD, Charles William. Slide- valves. 1897 621.1-M1368 McSHANE, Charles. Locomotives up to date. 1899 621.1-M252 MEYER, Jacob G. Arnold. Modern lo- comotive construction. 1899. . .621. 1-M575 MURRAY, Robert, and CARLISLE, George. Treatise on marine en- gines and steam vessels. 1886. 621. 1-M964 NICHOLLS, Samuel. Theoretical and practical boiler maker and engi- neer's reference book 621.1-N5172 NISSENSON, George N. Practical treatise on injectors. 1890 621.1-N635 NORTHCOTT, W. Henry. Theory and action of the steam engine. .621. 1-N815T PEABODY, Cecil Hobart. Steam-en- gine indicator. 1900 621.1-P313 Thermodynamics of the steam engine and other heat engines. 1898.621.1-P313T Valve-gears for steam-engines. 1901. 621.1-P313V PEABODY, Cecil Hobart, and MILLER, Edward Furber. Steam boilers. 1897 621.1-P3133S PORTER, Charles T. Treatise on the Richards' steam engine indicator with directions for its use. 1883. 621.1-P834T PRAY, Thomas, jr. Twenty years with the indicator. 1901 621.1-P888 REAGAN, Harry Clifton. Locomotives, simple, compound, and electric. 1902 621.1-R227 10 USEFUL ARTS REED, Thomas, and THORN, William H. Engineer's handbook to the board of trade 621.1-R252 Same reference. ROBERTS, Charles W.. Practical ad- vice for marine engineers 621.1-R544 ROBERTS, Edmund Willson. How to build a three horse-power launch engine. 1901 621.1-R5443H On marine motors and motor launches. 1901 621.1-R5443 ROBERTSON, Leslie S. Watertube boilers. 1901 621.1-R546 ROPER, Stephen. Handbook of land and marine engines. (1897) . . 621.1-R684L Handbook of modern steam fire-en- gines. (1897) 621.1-R684S Handbook of the locomotive. (1897) 621.1-R684L3 Instructions and suggestions for engi- neers and firemen. (1897) .. .621. 1-R684I Roper's simple process for estimat- ing the horse-power of steam- engines, by E. R. Keller. 1900. 621.1-R684S Steam boiler. (1897) 621.1-R684 Use and abuse of the steam boiler. (1897) 621.1-R684U ROSE, Joshua. Key to engines and en- ginje-running ; a practical treatise upon the management of steam engines and boilers for the use of those who desire to pass an ex- aanination. 1903 J621.1-R72E Modern steam engines. 1887 621.1-R72M4 Slide valve practically explained. 1899 621.1-R72S ROWAN, F. J. Boiler incrustation and corrosion. 1895 621.1-R783B SCHROOT, A. Der dampf: eine dar- stellung des zeitasters der dampf- maschine 621.1-SCH757 8EAT0N, A. E. Manual of marine en- gineering. 1891 621.1-SE159 SEXTON, Maurice John. Pocket-book for boiler-makers and steam users. 1900 G21.1-SE912 SINCLAIR, Angus. Locomotive engine running and management. 1899 621.1-SI598 SNOW, Walter B. Steam-boiler prac- tice. 1899 621.1-SN63 STROMEYER, Johann Philipp Edmund Care. Marine boiler manage- ment and construction. 1893. .621.1-ST87 Same reference. TEN N ANT, W. J. Slide valve simply . explained. 1899 621.1-T254 THURBER, Charles D. Corliss engine and its management. 1897. .. .621.1 -T424 THURSTON, Robert Henry. Hand- book of engine and boiler trials. 1897 621.1-T425E History of the growth of the steam- engine. 1891 621.1-T425G Manual of steam-boilers. 1901. . .621.1-T425M Manual of the steam-engine. 1900. . .621.1-T425 Stationary steam-engines. 1902. .621. 1-T425S Steam-boiler explosions. 1894. . .621.1-T425S2 TOMPKINS, A. E. Text book of ma- rine engineering. 1898 621.1-T597 WATSON, Egbert Pomeroy. How to run engines and boilers. 1899.621.1-W335 WHITHAM, Jay M. Steam-engine de- sign. 1902 621.1-W592 WILSON, Robert. Treatise on steam- boilers, ed by J. J. Flather. 1897 621.1-W695S YEO,. John. Steam and the marine steam-engine. 1894 621.1-Y4 62U 2, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING BJORLING, Philip R. Water; or Hy- draulic motors. 1894 621.2-B5558 BODMER, G. R. Hydraulic motors and turbines 621.2-B6329 FRIZ ELL, Joseph P. Water power. 1901 621.2-F918 INNES, Charles H. Centrifugal pumps, turbines and water motors. 1898. 621.2-IN67 WOOD, De Volson. Turbines. 1901. .621.2-W852 62U 3, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ABBOTT, Arthur Vaughan. Electrical transmission of energy. 1898.621.3-AB25 ADAMS, George. Transformer design. 1899 621.3-AD14 ATKINSON, Philip. Elements of dyna- mic electricity and magnetism. 1895 621.3-AT54D Elements of electric lighting. 1892. 621.3-AT54E Power transmitted by electricity. 1899 621.3-AT54P AVERY, Alfred H. A B C of dynamo design 621.3-AV365 BADT, Francis Beatus. Incandescent wiring. 1901 621.3-B1436I New dynamo tender's hand-book. 1901 ; 621.3-B1436D BELL, Louis. Electric power transmis- sion. 1901 621.3-B414 Power distribution for electric rail- roads. 1900 621.3-B414P BOTTONE, Selimo Romeo. Dynamo, how made and how used. 1899. ; 621.3-B658 Electrical instrument making for amateurs 621.3-B658E CARTER, E. Tremlett. Motive power and gearing for electrical ma- ckinery 621.3-C243 Cassier's magazine: Electric railway number 621.3-C273E Niagara number. July 1895 621.3-C273N CROCKER, Francis B. Electric light- ing. 1901. 2v 621.3-C874E CROCKER, Francis B., and WHEEL- ER, Schuyler S. Practical man- agement of dynamos and motors. 1896 621.3-C874P CU8HING, Harry C. jr. Standard wiring for electric light and pow- er. 1901 621.3-C954 Electrical designs. 1901 621.3-EL24 Electricity in daily life. 1893 621.3-EL25 II IB USEFUL FISKE, Bradley A. Electricity in theory and practice. 1894 621.3-F542 FOSTER, Horatio A. Electrical engi- neer's pocket-book. 1902 621.3-F813 GAYETTY, J. W. Motorman's guide. 1898 621.3-G2554M HANCHETT, George T. Modern elec- tric railway motors. (1900) . . .621.3-H193 HARMSWORTH, Altred C. Motors and motor driving. 1892 621.3-H228 HASKINS, Caryl D. Transformers. 1902 621.3-H273 HAWKINS, C.C, and WALLIS,F. Dy- namo. 1896 621.3-H314D DERRICK, Albert Bledsoe. Practical i m§ electric railway hand-book. 1901. ' P 621.3-H435 HOUSTON, Edwin James, and KEN- NEL LY, Arthur Edwin. Electric- dynamic machinery 621.3-H8182E Electricity made easy. 1900 J621.3-H818E HUTTON, Frederic Remsen. Mechani- cal engineering of power plants. 19,00 621.3-H977M JACKSON, Dugald Caleb, and JACK- SON, John Price. Elementary ■ ■ft book on electricity and magne- "k tism and their applications. 1902. 621.3-J132 LATIMER, Louis H. Incandescent electric lighting. 1890 621.3-L347I MARSHALL, Percival, ed. Simple . ^ electrical working models, how H to make and use them. 3rd ed. ■; J621.3-M355 [ ■■Small accumulators; how made and ^ used. 1899 621.3-M355 MARTIN, Thomas Commerford, and SACHS, Joseph. Electrical boats and navigation. 1894 621.3-M365 MARTIN, Thomas Commerford, and \tk WETZLER, Joseph. Electric [ ^P motor and its applications. 1895. 621.3-M365E MAYCOCK, William Perrin. Electric wiring, fittings, switches and lamps. 1899 621.3-M4545 MERRILL, Earle Abbott. Electric lighting specifications for the use of engineers and architects. 1896. ..621.3-M554E HMERRILL, Earle Abbott, com p. Ref- ■ erence book of tables and formu- P las for electric railway engi- neers. 1897 621.3-M554R PARKHURST, C. D. Dynamo and motor building for amateurs. ..621. 3-P227 PARSHALL, Horace Field, and HO- BART, Henry Metcalfe. Elec- tric generators. 1900 621.3-P2524 ROBB, Russell. Electric wiring. 1896. .621.3-R532 SCH ELLEN, H. Magneto-electric and dynamo-electric machines. 1891. 621.3-SCH24M SCHNEIDER, Norman Hugh (H. S. Norrie, pseud.) Electric gas lighting. 1901 621.3-SCH58 SHELDON, Samuel. Dynamo-electric machinery. 1901 621.3-SH44 ARTS 11 SHELDON, Samuel, and MASON, Ho- bart. Alternating-current ma- chinery. 1902 621.3-SH442 SLINGO, W., and BROOKER, A. Elec- trical engineering for electric light artisans and students. 1891. 621.3-SL35E SLOANE, Thomas O'Conor. Electric toy-making for amateurs. 1901. 621.3-SL53T STEIN METZ, Charles Proteus. Theo- retical elements of electrical en- gineering. (1901) 621.3-ST37 THOMPSON, Silvanus Phillips. Dy- namo-electric machinery. 1898. 2v 621.3-T374D Polyphase electric currents and al- ternate current motors. 1900. 621.3-T374P TREADWELL, Augustus, jr. Storage battery. 1902 621.3-T713 TREVERT, Edward, pseud. (Edward T. Bubier). Dynamos and elec- tric motors, and all about them. 1902. . . . 621.3-T729D Same Juvenile. Electric Railway Engineering. 1902. 621.3-T729 Electricity and its recent applica- tions. 1902 62L3-T729E Experimental electricity. 1902. i621.3-T729E How to make electric batteries at home. 1903 J621.3-T729H Practical directions for armature and field magnet winding. 1902. .621.3-T729P URQUHART, John W. Dynamo con- struction. 1895 621.3-UR74D Electric light, its production and use. 1891. 621.3-UR74E WALMSLEY, R. Mullineux. Electric current. 1854 621.3-W162 WOODS, Clinton Edgar. Electric au- tomobile. 1900 621.3-W867 62U 4. AIR-ENGINE. GAS-ENGINE. CLERK, Dugald. Gas and oil-engine. 1901 621.4-C5947 Same reference. DIESEL, Rudolf. Theory and con- struction of a rational heat mo- tor. 1894 621.4-D569 DON KIN, Bryan. Text-book on gas, oil and air-engines. 1900 621.4-D717 GOLDINGHAM, A. H. Design and con- struction of oil-engines. 1900. 621.4-G5686 HISCOX, Gardner Dexter. Horseless vehicles. 1900. .621.4-H618 LIECKFELD, G. Practical hand-book on the care and management of gas-engines. (1896) 621.4-L624 PARSELL, Henry V. A., and WEED, Arthur J. Gas-engine construc- tion. 1900 621.4-P252 ROBERTS, Edmund Willson. ' Gas- engine hand-book. (1900) . . .621.4-R5443 WOLFF, Alfred R. Windmill as a • prime mover. 2nd ed. 1900. 621.4-W834 It USEFUL ARTS 62U 5, COMPRESSED AIR. ICE. LEASK, A. Ritchie. Refrigerating macliinery. 1901 621.5-L486 LEDOUX, Charles. Ice-making ma- chines. 1897 621.5-L496 REDWOOD, Iltyd I. Theoretical and practical ammonia refrigeration. 1898 621.5-R2496 SCHMIDT, Louis M. Principles and practice of artificial ice-making and refrigeration. 1900 621.5-SCH54 8ELFE, Norman. Machinery for re- frigeration. 1899 621.5-SE487 SIEBEL, John E. Compend of mechan- ical refrigeration. 1899 R621.5-SI1686 8TEPHANSKY, Paul C, O. Practical running of an ice and refrigerat- ing plant. 1897 621.5-ST427 VOORHEES, Gardner T. Indicating the refrigerating machine. 1899. 621.5-V895 62U 6. PUMPING MACHINERY. BARR, William M. Pumping machin- ery. 1902 621.6-B27 DAVEY, Henry. Principles, construc- tion and application of pumping machinery. 1900 621.6-D273 Same reference. , 62U 7. MILLS. RICHARDS, J. Wood working machin- ery and the arrangement of facto- ries. 1885 621.7-R39W 62J. 8. GEARING. BELTING. ANTHONY, Gardner C. Essentials of gearing. 1897 621.8-AN84 BARR, John Henry. Kinematics of machinery. 1899 621.8-B27 BOX, Thomas. Practical treatise on mill-gearing. 1892 621.8-B692 COOPER, John H. Treatise on the use of belting for the transmission of power. 1888 621.8-C785 CROMWELL, John Howard. Treatise on belts and pulleys. 1899 621.8-C8824 Treatise on toothed gearing. 1894. 621.8-C8824T FLAT HER, John Joseph. Rope-drive- ing; a treatise on the transmis- sion of power by means of fibrous ropes. 1900 621.8-F617 General machinist. 1891 621.8-G282 HALL, W. E. Car lubrication. 1901. 621.8-H14 H A L L I D A Y, George. Belt - driving. 1894 621.8-H1555 HURST, Charles. Valves and valve- gearing. 1897 621.8-H945V KERR, Eugene Wycliffe. Power and power transmission. 1902 621.8-K46 ROBINSON, Stillman Williams. Prin- ciples of mechanism; a treatise on the modification of motion by means of the elementary combi- nations of mechanism. 1st ed. 1900 621.8-R56 SPANGLER, Henry Wilson. Valve- gears. 1902 621.8-SP22 THURSTON, Robert Henry. Treatise on friction and lost work in ma- chinery and millwork. 1898..G21.8-T425F ZEUNER, Gustav. Treatise on valve- gears. 1884 621.8-Z57 62J. 9. MACHINE TOOLS. TURNING. Amateur mechanics' workshop. 1897. 621.9-AM13 BARNARD, Charles. Tools and ma- chines. (1903) J621.9-B255 BYRNE, Oliver. Hand-book for the ar- tisan, mechanic and engineer. 1898 621.9-B99C CAMPIN, Francis. Practice of hand- turning in wood, ivory, shell. 1883 621.9-C152 COMPTON, Alfred G., and DeGROODT, James H. Advanced metal-work. 1898 621.9-C73C FITZGERALD, Walter S. Boston ma- chinist. 1900 621.9-F575 GRIMSHAW, Robert. Shop kinks. 1900 621.9-G8856 HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree. Lathe con- struction 621.9-H274L HODGSON, Frederick T. Handsaws, their use, care and abuse. 1896. 621.9-H665H HOLLY, H. W. Art of saw-filing. 1902 621.9-H7298 LUCAS, J. L. Dies and die-making. 1897 621.9-L96368 LUKIN, James. Turning lathes. 1899. 621.9-L9G8 ROSE, Joshua. Complete practical ma- chinist. 1897 621.9-R72P Pattern maker's assistant. 1900. 'R621.9-R72 SMITH, Oberlin. Press-working of metals. 1899 621.9-SM5P STONEY, Bindon B. Strength and pro- portion of riveted joints. 1885. 621.9-ST73 WATSON, Egbert Pomeroy. Manual of the hand lathe. 1898 621.9-W335 WILSON, Herbert S. Practical tool- maker and designer. 1898 621.9-W695 622. MINING ENGINEERING. ABEL, Sir Frederick Augustus. Min- ing accidents and their preven- tion. 1889 622-AB37 ANDERSON, J. W. Prospector's hand- book. 1890 622-AN254P ANDRE, George G. Practical treatise on coal mining. 1888. 2v. .R622-AN256 BALCH, William Ralston, comp. Mines, miners and mining interests of the United States in 1882. (1882) R622-B186 BEARD, J. T. Ventilation of mines, designed for use in schools and colleges. 1894 622-B382 USEFUL ARTS 13 i^ BEHR, Hans C. Mine drainage, pumps, etc. 1896 622-B3989 BOWIE, August J. jr. Practical trea- tise on hydraulic mining in Cali- fornia. 1895 622-B676 BRAMBLE, Charles A. A B C of min- ing. (1898) 622-B734 B ROUGH, Bennett H. Treatise on mine surveying. 1889 622-B796M California. State Mineralogist. An- nual report. 1880-1896. 13v. R622-C129 GALLON, Jules Pierre. Lectures on mining delivered at the school of mines, Paris. 1876. 4v. in 2. R622-C1353 CLARK, Horace F., and others, comps. Miner's manual; United States, Alaska, Klondike. 1898 R622-C547 Coal and metal miner's pocket-book of principles, rules, formulas and tables. 1900 R622-C6306 COPP, Henry N. American mining code. 1900. 622-C794 Manual for prospectors on the min- eral lands of the U. S. 1900.. .622-C794M COX, S. Herbert. Prospecting for min- erals. 1899 622-C837 DAVIES, David C. Treatise on slate and slate quarrying. 1899 622-D287 DAVIS, Floyd. Elementary course of instruction for mine foremen and pit-bosses. 1901 622-D29E DENNY, G. A. Diamond drilling for gold and other minerals. 1900. 622-D429 EVANS, George H. Practical notes on hydraulic mining 622-EV16 FIELD, Edwin R. Mining engineer's report-book. 1900 622-F453 FILLEY and OGDEN, comps. Latest mining laws of British Columbia, U. S. and state of Washington. 1897 622-F483B FOSTER, C. Le Neve. Text-book of ore and stone mining. 1901 622-F813 GOODYEAR, Watson Andrews. Coal mines of the western coast of the United States. 1879 622-G637 HATCH, Frederick H., and CHAL- MERS, J. A. Gold mines of the Rand; being a description of the mining industry of Witwaters- rand South African republic. 1895 622-H282 HODGES, L. K. ed. Mining in the Pa- cific northwest. 1897 622-H6644M HOPTON, William. Conversation on mines. 1900 622-H776C HUGHES, Herbert W. Text-book of coal-mining. 1901 R622-H876 IHLSENG, M. C. Manual of mining. 1900 622-IH45M JOHNSON, J. C. F. Getting gold. 1898. 622vJ634G KERR, George L. Practical coal min- ing. 1900 622-K46 KIRKPATRICK, T. S. G. Hydraulic gold miner's manual. 1897 622-K639 KUNHARDT, Wheaton B. Practice of ore dressing in Europe. 1901.. .622-K963 LAKES, Arthur. Prospecting for gold and silver in North America. 1899 622-L146 LAM PR EC HT, Robert. Recovery work after pit fires, tr. by C. Salter. 1901 622-L198 LAWN, James Gunson. Mine accounts and mining book-keeping. 1901. 622-L428 LEE HEY, M. D. Mining code for the use of miners and prospectors In Washington and Alaska. 1900. 622-L513 Same reference. LOCK, Charles George Warnford. Eco- nomic mining. 1895 622-L79E Same reference. Miner's pocket-book. 1897 622-L79 LOUIS, Henry L. Handbook of gold milling. 1894 622-L93H L UPTON, Arnold. Mining. 1899.. .622-L97545M Practical treatise on mine survey- ing. 1902 622-L97545 MARTIN, Archer, comp. Reports of mining cases. 1903 R622-M365 MAUCHLINE, Robert. Mine foreman's hand-book. 1893 622-M442 MICH ELL, Stephen. Mine drainage. 1899 622-M585 MILLER, John A. Practical hand-book for the working miner and pros- pector. 1897 622-M614 MILNE, John, comp. Miner's hand- book. 1894 622-M6348 Mineral industry. 1892-1902. llv. V. 1-9 ed. by Rothwell. v. 10-11 ed. by Struthers R622-R74 MORGANS, William. Manual of min- ing tools. 1871 622-M823M MORRISON, R. S., and DeSOTO, Emilio D. Mining rights in the western states and territories. 1900. ..R622-M835 O'DONAHUE, T. A. Colliery survey- ing. 1901 622-OD49 ORTON James. Underground treas- ures. 1881 622-OR87U Our coal and our coal pits; the people in them, and the scenes around them. 1855 622-OU74 PAMELY, Caleb. Colliery manager's hand-book. 1898 622-P187C PEEL, Robert. Elementary text-book of coal-mining. 1901 622.3-P347 PHILLIPS, J. S. Explorer's, miner's and metallurgist's companion, comprising a practical exposition of the various departments of geology, etc. 1873 622-P5444 PIGGOTT, Aaron Snowden. Chemistry and metallurgy of copper. In- cluding a description of the prin- cipal copper mines of the United States and other countries. 1858. 622-P625 Placer mining. 1897 622-P69 Same reference. li USEFUL ARTS POOLE Bros. Mining directory and reference book of the United States, Canada and Mexico. 1898. R622-P784 PRELINI, Charles. Tunneling. 1901. 622.2-P913 RAYMOND, Rossiter W. Mining in- dustry of the states and terri- tories of the r.ocky mountains. 1874 R622-R216 RICKARD, T. A. Stamp milling of gold ores. 1898 622-R422 ROBERTS, Peter, Anthracite coal industry. 1901 622-R544 SHINN, Charles Howard. Story of the mine. 1898 '. 622-SH65 SIMON IN, Louis. Underground life. 1869. 622-SI54 STORMS, W. H. Methods of mine timbering. 1896. 622-ST736M Mother lode region of California. 1900. , 622-ST736M2 STRETCH, R. H. Prospecting, locate- ing and valuing mines. 1900. .... 6^2-ST853 SUTTIE, T. R. Miners' and prospec- tors' guide-book. 1900 622-SU816 VAN WAGENEN, T. F. Manual of hy- draulic mining for the use of the miner. 1900 622.3-V383 WILLIAMS, Gardner F. Diamond mines of South Africa. 1902 622-W6737 WILSON, Eugene B. Hydraulic and placer mining. 1900 622-W695 Treatise on practical and theoretical mine ventilation. 1900 622-W695M WYMAN, Gilbert, comp. Public land and mining laws of Alaska. 1898. R622-W984 623. MILITARY AND NAVAL ENGINEERING. ABBOT, Henry L. Course of lec- tures upon the defence of the sea -coast of the U. S. .1888. 623-AB24 ARMSTRONG, George Elliot. Torpe- does and torpedo-vessels. 1901. ..623-AR54 ATTWOOD, E. L. Text-book of theo- retical naval architecture. 1889. 623-AT88 Same reference. BARNES, J. S. Sub-marine warfare. 1869 623-B263S BRUFF, Lawrence L. Textbook of ord- nance and gunnery, prepared for the use of cadets of the United States Military academy. 1902. 623-B8317 ORE MORE, Albert Gushing, and SQUIER, George Owen. Polar- izing photo-chronograph ... an ac- account of experiments at the United States Artillery school. Fort Monroe, Va. 1897 623-C8645 CRONKHITE, Adelbert, comp. Gun- nery for non-commissioned offi- cers. 1893 623-C8832 DURAND, William Frederick. Practi- cal marine engineering for mar- ine engineers and students. 1901. 623-D932 FIEBEGER, Giistave Joseph. Text- book on field fortifications. 1900. 623-F452 FYFE, Herbert C. Submarine war- fare, past, present and future. 1902 623-F993 GARBETT, H. Naval gunnery. 1897. 623-G162N HIGHBORN, Philip. Standard designs for boats of the United States navy. 1900 R623-H523 HOVGAARD, G. W. Submarine boats. 1887 623-H826 INGALLS, James Monroe. Ballistic tables for direct, curved and high-angle fire. 1900 623-IN42 Handbook of problems in direct fire. 189^ 623-IN42D KING, James Wilson. Warships and navies of the world. 1881 623-K58 MACK ROW, Clement. Naval archi- tect's and ship builder's pocket book of formulae. 1899 623-M217 MAHAN, Dennis Hart. Permanent for- tifications. 2nd ed. 1898 623-M278 MERCUR, James. Attack of fortified places, including siege - works, mining and demolitions. 1903. .623-M5434 METCALFE, Henry. United States Military academy; a course of instruction in ordnance and gun- nery. 3rd ed. 1894. 2v R623-M564 Notes on naval progress. 1902 R623-UN35N OLDKNOW, Reginald C. Mechanism of men of war. 1896 623-0 L33M Reports of experiments on strength ...of metals for cannon ... 1856. R623-C167 THEARLE, Samuel J. P. Theoretical naval architecture. 2v 623-T342 WHEELER, J. B. Textbook of mili- tary engineering. 1894 623-W567 624. BRIDGES. ADAMS, Henry. Practical designing of structural iron work. 1894. 624-AD14 BAKER, Benjamin C. E. Long-span railway bridges. 1870 624-B174 BARLOW, Crawford. New Tay bridge. 1889 624-B247N BERG, Walter G., ed. American rail- way bridges and buildings. 1898. 624-B454 Same reference. BIRKMIRE, William Harvey. Com- pound riveted girders. 1902. 624-B5354C 6LAND, William. Principles of con- struction in arches, piers and buttresses. 1899 624-B594 USEFUL ARTS 15 I BOLLER, Alfred Pancoast. Practical treatise on the construction of iron highway bridges. 1901.. .G24-B6389P Report upon the construction of the Thames river bridge, New York, Providence and Boston railroad. (1890) R624-B6389 BURR, William Hubert. Course on the stresses in bridge and roof trusses. 1900 624-B94 FITZMAURICE, Maurice. Plate-gird- er railway bridges. 1895 624-F582 FOSTER, Wolcott Cronk. Treatise on wooden trestle bridges. 1900. . .624-F813 FOWLER, Charles Evan. Coffer-dam process for piers. 1898 624-F829 GREENE, Charles E. Trusses and arches analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. 1888 624-G83 HOWE, Malverd Abijah. Retaining walls for earth. 189G 624-H835R Treatise on arches. 1897 624-H835 JOHNSON, F. R. Stresses in girder and roof trusses. 1894 624-J634 JOHNSON, John Butler, and others. Theory and practice of modern framed structures. 1900 R624-J63415 MERRIMAN, Mansfield, and JACOBY, Henry S. Text-book on roofs and bridges. 1888. 4v 624-M5552 MORISON, George Shattuck. Memphis bridge: a report. 1894 R624-M824 NEWMAN, ,Iohn. Notes on cylinder bridge piers and the well system of foundations. 1893 624-N465 WADDELL, John Alexander Low. De pontibus. 1901 624-W115 WOOD, De Volson. Treatise on the theory of the construction of bridges and roofs. 6th ed. 1893.624-W852B WRIGHT, Charles H. Designing of draw-spans. 1898 624-W933 WRIGHT, Charles H., and WING, Charles B. Manual of bridge drafting. 1897 R624-W93314 625. RAILROAD AND ROAD ENGINEERING. AITKEN, Thomas. Road making and maintenance. 1900 625-AI94 ALLEN, C. Frank. Railroad curves and earthwork. (1894) 625-AL54 ALLEN, George T. Tables of para- bolic curves for the use of rail- way engineers and others. 1898.625-AL5412 ANDREWS, Hiram Bertrand. Hand- book for street railway engi- neers. (1902) 625-AN26 BARRY, John Wolfe. Railway appli- ances. 1898 625-B279 BEANS, E. W. Treatise on railway curves and location. 1872 625-B3762 BERG, Walter G. Buildings and struc- • tures of American railroads. (1900) 625-B454 BROOKS, John P. Handbook of street railroad location. 1902 625-B794 BYRNE, Austin T. Treatise on high- way construction. 1900 625-B9959 BYRNE, Oliver. Pocket-book for rail- road and civil engineers. 1889 625-B996 COLE, W. H. Notes on permanent-way material. 1900 625-C675 CRANDALL, Charles Lee. Tables for the computation of railway and other earthwork. 1893 625-C8515 Transition curve. 1899 625-C8515T DELANO, W. H. Twenty years' prac- trical experience of natural as- phalt and mineral bitumen. 1893.625-D376 DREDGE, James. Pennsylvania rail- road; its organization, construc- tion and management. 1879. .R625-D805P GILBERT, Halbert Powers. Econom- ics of road-construction. 1901. . .625-G414 GILLMORE, Q. A. Practical treatise on roads, streets and pavements. 1896 625-G4163 GLOVER, James. Formulae for railway crossings and switches. 1896. . .625-G516 GRIPPER, Charles F. Railway tunnel- ling in heavy ground. 1879 625-G887 HAINES, Henry S. American railway management; addresses deliver- ed before the American railway association. 1897 625-H12875 HAUPT, Lewis M., ed. Essays on road making and maintenance and road laws. 1891 625-H2938 HENCK, John B. Field-book for rail- road engineers. 1900 625-H382 HOWARD, Conway R. Transition- curve field-book. 1894 625-H833 HULBERT, Archer Butler. Old na- tional roads. 1901 625-H8776 Red-men's roads. 1900 625-H8776R JERVIS, John B. Railway property. 1888 625-J487 JUDSON, William Pierson. City roads and pavements suited to cities of moderate size. 1902 .625-J926 KIRKMAN, Marshall Monroe. Build- ing and repairing railways. 1902.625-K637 N I COLLS, William Jasper. Railway builder. 1897 625-N547 PARKINSON, Richard Marion. Light railway construction. 85 dia- . grams. 1902 625-P228 PRATT, Mason Delano, and ALDEN, Charles Ames. Street-railway road bed. 1898 625-P886 ROCKWELL, Alfred Perkins. Roads and pavements in France. 1896.625-R597 SALWEY, E. R. Light railways as a practical means of exploration. 1890 625-SA39 SEARLES, William H. Field engi- neering. 1893 625-SE15F Railroad spiral. 1900 625-SE15 SHALER, Nathaniel Southgate. Amer- ican highways. 1896 625-SH17A SHUNK, William Findlay. Field en- gineer. 1892 625-SH95F SPALDING, Frederick Putnam. Text- book on roads and pavements. 1902 625-SP127 TAYLOR, Thomas Ulvan. Prismoidal formulae and earthwork. 1898. 625-T215 16 USEFUL ARTS TILLSON, George W. Street pave- ments and paving materials. 1900 625-T465 TRATMAN, Edward Ernest Russell. Railway track and track work. 1901 625-T694 TRAUTWINE, John Cressen. Field practice of laying out circular curves. 1901 625-T695 Method of calculating the cubic con- tents of excavations. 1896 625-T695E TREDGOLD, Thomas. Practical trea- tise on railroads and carriages, showing the principles of esti- mating their strength, propor- tions, expense and annual pro- duce. 1835 625-T717 United States reports of explorations and surveys. 13v. 1855-7.. .R625-UN35E WAR MAN, Cy. Story of the railroad. 1898 625-W238S Same juvenile. WEBB, Walter Loring. Railroad con- struction. 1900 625-W382 WELLINGTON, Arthur Mellen. Eco- nomic theory of the location of railways. 1900 625-W46E Same reference. Methods for the computation from diagrams of preliminary and final estimates of railway earthwork. 1893 625-W46 WOOD, Nicholas. Practical treatise on railroads, and interior connec- tions in general. . . . 1838 625-W852 626. CANAL ENGINEERING. COLQUHOUN, Archibald Ross. Key of the Pacific. 1898 626-C717K HARCOURT, Leveson Francis Vernon. Riviers and canals. 1896. 2v. 626-H2156 JEANS, James Stephen. Waterways and water transports in differ- ent countries. 1890 626-J344 KEASBEY, Lindley Miller. Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine. 1896 626-K219N NEWELL, Frederick Haynes. Irriga- tion in the U. S. (1902) 626-N44 SIMMONS, William E. Nicaragua canal. 1900. 626-SI456 SMYTH E, William E. Conquest of arid America. 1901 626-SM942 STONE, T. W. Notes on water supply in new countries. 1885 626-ST71 WILSON, Herbert Michael. Manual of irrigation engineering. 1901. . .626-W695 627. GENERAL HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. ALLEN, J. Romilly. Theory and prac- tice in the design and construc- tion of dock walls. 1876 627-AL54 BAZIN, H. Experiments upon the con- traction of the liquid vein, tr. by J. C. Trautwine, jr. 1896 627-B3494 BLAINE, Robert Gordon. Hydraulic machinery. 1897 627-B576 BOVEY, Henry Taylor. Treatise on hydraulics. 1902 627-B6696 COFFIN, Freeman C. Graphical solu- tion of hydraulic problems. 1897. 627-C655 Same reference. COLSON, Charles. Notes on docks and dock construction. 1894 627-C724 HARCOURT, Leveson Francis Vernon. Harbours and docks. 1895. 2v. 627-H2156 HARDY, William John. Lighthouses. 627-H224 HEAP, D. P. Ancient and modern lighthouses. 1889 627-H349 K UTTER, W. R. New formulae for mean velocity of discharge of rivers and canals. 1876 627-K969 LEFFEL, James, ed. Construction of mill dams. 1874 627-L5237 MERRIMAN, Mansfield. Treatise on hydraulics. 1900 627-M555 MOORE, E. C. S. New tables for the complete solution of Ganguillet and Kutter's formula. 1901 627-M78 SCHUYLER, James Dix. Reservoirs for irrigation, water-power and do- mestic water supply. 1901. . .627-SCH87 SHIELD, William. Principles and prac- tice of harbour construction. 1895 627-SHGl SILK, A. E. Tables for calculating the discharge of water in pipes for water and power supplies. 1899. 627-SI334 STONE, T. W. Simple hydraulic for- mulae. 1881 627-ST71 SULLIVAN, Marvin E. New hydraulics. 1900 627-SU54 THOMAS, Benjamin Franklin, and WATT, D. A. Improvement of rivers, a treatise on the methods employed for improving streams for open navigation. 1903 627-T364 WASHINGTON, State of. Second and final report of the harbor line commission. 1893 R627-W277 WEGMANN, Edward. Design and con- struction of dams. 1899 627-W423 WHEELER, William Henry. Drainage of fens and lowlands. 1888 627-W567 Tidal rivers. 1893 627-W567T WILLCOCKS, W. Nile reservoir dam at Assuan and after. 1901. . . . 627-W6625 628. SANITARY ENGINEERING. BARR, William M. Catechism on the combustion of coal and the pre-, vention of smoke. 1901 628-B27 BARWISE, Sidney. Purification of sew- age. 1899 ; e28-B288 BELL, Thomas J. History of the water- supply of the world. 1882 628-B414 BLAKE, Edward T. Sewage poisoning. 628-B582 BOULNOIS, H. Percy. Dirty dustbins and sloppy streets. 1881 628-B6596 Practical hints on taking a house. 1885 628-B6596P USEFUL ARTS 17 I COLEMAN, Thomas Everit. Sanitary house drainage. 1896 628-C6754S COLLET, Harold. Water softening and purification. 1896 628-C688 CRIMP, W. Santo. Sewage disposal works. 1894 628-C867 FOLWELL, Amory Prescott. Sewerage. -j^QQj^ 628-F727S Water-supply engineering. 1901. ...628-F727 FUERTES, James Hillhouse. Water filtration works. 1901. 628-F95i5 GERHARD, William Paul. Guide to sanitary house-inspection; or, Hints and helps regarding the choice of a healthful home in city or country. 1902 628-G312 GOODRICH, W. Francis. Economic dis- posal of town's refuse. 1901. . . .628-G624 HAZEN, Allen. Filtration of public water-supplies. 1900 628-H337 HAZLEHURST, James Nisbit. Towers and tanks for water - works. 1901 628-H3376 Home sanitation; a manual for house keepers. 1901 628-H753 HUGHES, Samuel. Treatise on water- works for the supply of cities and towns. 1882 028-H870 ISLER, C. Well-boring for water, brine and oil. 1902 628-IS45 JOHNSON, Columbus O. Water supply and prevention of waste in lead- ing European cities. 1903 628-J634 Mcpherson, J. a. waterworks dis- tribution. 1901 628-M242 MASON, William Pitt. Water supply. 1902 628-M384 MERRIMAN, Mansfield. Elements of sanitary engineering. 1899 628-M555 MOORE, E. C. S. Sanitary engineering 1898 628-M78 NICHOLS, William Ripley. Water sup- ply. 1894 628-N517 OGDEN, Henry Neely. Sewer design. 1899 628-OG24 PATERSON, Malcolm McCulloch. Test- ing of pipes and pipe-joints. 1879. 628-P274 PLUNKETT, Mrs. Harriette M. Women plumbers and doctors. 1900 628-P742 PRICE, George M. Hand book on sani- tation. 1901 628-P932 RAFTER, George W., and BAKER, Moses Nelson. Sewage disposal in the United States. 1900 628-R1265 REYNOLDS, Osborne. Sewer gas and how to keep it out of houses. 1876 628-R335 Rl DEAL, Samuel. Sewage and the bac- terial purification of sewage. 1900 628-R432 ROBINSON, Henry. Sewerage and sewage disposal. 1896 628-R559 ROWAN, Thomas. Disease and put- rescent air. 1883 628-R783D SWINDELL, John George, and BUR- NELL, G. R. Rudimentary trea- tise on wells and well-sinking. 628-SW65 TURNEAURE, Frederick Eugene, and RUSSELL, H. L. Public water- supplies. 1901 628-T853 WARING, George Edwin, jr. Draining for profit and draining for health. 1899 628-W235D How to drain a house. 1895 628-W235H Street cleaning and the disposal of a city's wastes. 1899. 628-W235S WEGMANN, Edward. Water-supply of the city of New York. 1658-1895. 1896. R628-W423W 630, AGRICULTURE- BAILEY, Liberty Hyde. Principles of agriculture. 1898 630-B152 BEECH ER, Henry Ward. Plain and pleasant talk about fruits, flow- ers and farming. 1859 630-B395 BUCKLEY, S. B. Geological and agri- cultural survey of Texas. First annual report. 1874 R630-T319 BUDD, Joseph L., and HANSEN, N. E. American horticultural manual. 1902-3 630-B859 CROZIER, William, and HENDERSON, Peter. How the farm pays. 1902. 630-C8859 Farmer's guide 630-F2284 INGLE, Herbert. Manual of agricul- tural chemistry. 1902 630-IN45 Kansas state board of agriculture. 12th and 13th biennial reports. 1899-1900, 1901-1902 R630-K134 LORING, George B. Farmyard club of Jotham. 1876 630-L894F PEER, Frank Sherman. Soiling, ensi- lage and stable construction. 1900 630-P3473 ROE, Edward Payson. Home acre. (1889) 630-R6213H SIMMONDS, Peter Lund. Tropical ag- riculture. 1889 R630-SI454 TEXAS. First annual report of the ge- ological and agricultural survey of Texas. By Buckley. 1874. .R630-T319 VIRGINIA. Report of the state board of agriculture. 1892 R630-V816 WASHINGTON. Reports of the state board of horticulture for the years 1891-6 R630-W277 WOLL, Fritz W. Handbook for farm- ers and dairymen. 1898 R630-W8346 63t, SOIL, FERTILIZERS, DRAINAGE. COUSINS, Herbert H. Chemistry of the garden. 1898 631-C8338 FRENCH, Henry F. Farm drainage. I860 631-F886F GAYE, Selina. Great world's farm. 1900 J631-G255 JOHNSON, Samuel W. How crops feed. 1900. 631-J634H KING, Franklin Hiram. Irrigation and drainage. 1899 631-K58I Soil. 1900 631-K58S MEAD, Elwood. Irrigation institu- tions. 1903 631-M4623 18 USEFUL ARTS STOCKBRIDGE, Horace Edward. Rocks and soils. 1901 631-ST62 STORER, Francis Humphreys. Agri- culture in some of its relations with chemistry. 1897. 3v 631-ST734 WILCOX, Lucius M. Irrigation farm- ing; a handbook for the proper application of water in the pro- duction of crops. 1902 631-WG45 632, AGRICULTURAL PESTS, HARRIS, Thaddeus William. Treatise on some of the insects injuri- ous to vegetation. 1862 632-H24 HARTIG, Robert. Text-book of the diseases of trees. 1894. . . . : . .632-H254 LODEMAN, Ernest Gustavus. Spray- ing of plants. 1896 632-L82S SAUNDERS, William. Insects injuri- ous to fruits. 1900 632-SA84 TREAT, Mary. Injurious insects of the farm and garden. 1892. ...632-T716 633, GRAINS, GRASSES, FIBRES, BAILEY, John M. Book of ensilage. 1881 633-B152 BILLINGS, E. R. Tobacco. 1875. ..633-B494 BROOKS, Christopher Parkinson. Cotton. 1898 633-B7939 COBURN, Foster Dwight. Alfalfa, lucerne, Spanish tree foil, etc. 1901 633-C639 EDGAR, William Crowell. Story of a grain of wheat. 1903 633-ED3 FLINT, Charles L. Grasses and forage plants. 1895 633-F645G GROSS, Emanuel. Hops in their botan- ical, agricultural and technical aspect. 1900 G33-G9136 KILLEBREW, J. B., and MYRICK, Herbert. Tobacco leaf. 1898..633-K554T LOCK, Charles George Warnford, ed. Coffee. 1888 • 633-L79C Tobacco. 1886 633-L79 MEEKER, Ezra. Hop culture in the U.S. (1883.) 633-M4763 MYRICK, Herbert. The hop, its cul- ture and cure. 1899 633-M997 Same reference. SARGENT, Frederick Leroy. Corn plants; their uses and ways of life. 1902 633-SA75 TOMPKINS, Daniel Augustus. Cotton and cotton oil. 1901 633-T597 WARE, Lewis S. Sugar beet. 1880..633-W22S Sugar beet seed. 1898 633-W22Su WILKINSON, Frederick. Story of the cotton plant. 1899 633-W655 634, FRUITS, ORCHARDS, BAILEY, Liberty. Hyde. Horticul- turist's rule-book. 1901 R634-B152H Plant breeding. 1897 634-B152P2 Pruning book. 1898 634-B152P3 Sketch of the evolution of our native fruits. 1898 634-B152S BALTET, Charles. Art of grafting and budding. 1900 634-B218 BRISBIN, James S. Trees and tree- planting. 1888. 634-B775T BROWN, John Croumbie. Introduc- tion to the study of modern for- est economy. 1884 634-B812 BRUNCKEN, Ernest. North American forests and forestry. 1900 634-B8333 CARD, Fred W. Bush-fruits. 1901.. .634-C179B DOWNING, Andrew Jackson. Fruits' and fruit-trees of America. 1890. R634-D756 DYSON, Mrs. Stories of the trees. 1896 J634-D998 EISEN, Gustav. Fig: its history, cul- ture and curing. 1901 634-EI79 English forests and forest trees. 1853. 634-EN356 FERNOW, Bernhard Edward. Econ- omics of forestry. (1902.) 634-F395 FUERST, William. Protection of wood- lands against dangers arising from organic and inorganic causes. 1893. 634-F985 FULLER, Andrew S. Nut culturist. 1896 634-F954 Practical forestry. 1900 R634-F954 Propagation of plants. 1887 634-F954P Small fruit culturist. 1900 634-F954S FULTON, James Alexander. Peach culture. 1901 634-F957 GOING, Ellen Maud. With the trees. (1903) 634-G562W HOUGH, Romeyn B. American woods, exhibited by actual specimens. 1893. lOv. R634-H812 HOUSTON, Edwin James. Outlines of forestry. 1893 634-H818 JARCHOW, H. Nicholas. Forest plant- ing. 1893 634-J282 JONES, B. W. Peanut plant. 1896.. .634-J71P KINNEY, Abbot. Forest and water. 1900 634-K6233 Same reference. LOUNSBERRY, Alice. Guide to the trees. 1900 634-L938 MATHEWS, Ferdinand Schuyler. Fa- miliar trees and their leaves. 1901 634-M424 MURRAY, Andrew. Notes upon Cali- fornia trees. 1859 R634-M964 NISBET, John. Our forests and wood- lands. 1900 634-N632 PINCHOT, Gifford. Primer of forest- ry. 1899 634-P649 QUINN, P. T. Pear culture for profit. 1900 634-Q45 ROD WAY, James. Story of forest and stream 634-R615 ROE, Edward Payson. Successful small fruits. 1886 634-R62S SCHLICH, William. Manual of for- estry. (1896). 5v R634-SCH346 SCHWARZ, George Frederick. Forest trees and forest scenery. 1901. 634-SCH937 SNOW, Charles Henry. Principal spe- cies of wood: their characteris- tic properties. 1903 634-SN63 STOKES, Susan. Ten common trees. (1901) J634-ST68 USEFUL ARTS 19 THOMAS, H. H. Book of the apple. 1902 634-T364 THOMAS, John J. American fruit cul- turist. 1897 634-T36314 WAUGH, F. A. Fruit harvesting. 1901 634-W3514 WICKSON, Edward J. California fruits and how to grow them. 1900 634-W63G WOOD, Samuel. Tree-planter and tree propagation. 1901 634-W85215 Tree pruner. 1897 634-W85215T WRIGHT, Elizur. Appeals for the Mid- dlessex fells and the foretets. 1893 634-W933 635. KITCHEN GARDEN. BAILEY, Liberty Hyde. Forcing book. 1897 635-B152F Garden making. 1901 635-B152G Principles of vegetable gardening. 1901 635-B152V FISKE, G. Burnap, comp. Prize gardening. 1901 635-F543 HENDERSON, Peter. Gardening for profit. 1901 635-H384G HEXAMER, Fred Maier. Asparagus, its culture for home use and for market. 1901 635-H517 ILOTT, Charles. Book of asparagus. 1901 • 635-IL65 QUINN, P. T. Money in the garden. 1871 635-Q45M WATSON, Alexander. American home garden. 1859 635-W335A WICKSON, Edward J. California vegetables in garden and field. 1897 635-W636 WYTHES, Gdorge. Book of vege- tables, together with chapters on the history and cookery of vegetables, by the editor Harry Roberts. 1902 635-W999 636. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ALLEN, Lewis F. American cattle. 1897 636-AL54 ARMSBY, Henry P. Manual of cattle- feeding. 1898 636-AR5395 BEALE, Stephen. Profitable poultry keeping. ed. by M. C. Weld. (1895) 636-B363P BLAKSTON, W. A., and others. Il- lustrated book of canaries and cage-birds, British and foreign. R636-B586 BURN HAM, George P. New poultry book. 1871 636-B937P COATES, Henry Troth. Short his- tory of the American trotting and pacing horse. 1901 636-C6325 COBURN, Foster Dwight. Swine hus- bandry: a practical manual for the breeding, rearing and man- agement of swine. 1903 636-C639 FERMOR, M. G. P. Home pets, furred and feathered. 1902 636-F387 FISKE, George Burnap, comp. Poultry appliances and handicraft. 1902. 636-F543 FLEMING, George. Practical horse- keeper 636-F625 GREENE, William T. Diseases of cage birds 636-G83 Notes on cage birds. 1899 636-G83N Popular parrakeets. 1898 636-G83P HALL, George F., comp. Laird and Lee's standard Belgian hare manual. 1901 636-H145 HARRIS, Joseph. The pig. 1899 636-H24P HAYES, Matthew Horace. Among horses in Russia. 1900 636-H325 Stable management and exercise: a book for horse-owners and stu- dents. 1900 636-H325S HEATLEY, George S. Our dogs and their diseases. 1884 634-H35516 HERBERT, Henry William. (Frank Forester, pseud.) Hints to horse-keepers. 1901 636-H416 HILL, J. Woodroffe. Diseases of the cat. 1901 636-H55 JENNINGS, John. Domestic and fancy cats. 1901 636-J44 LEE, Rawdon B. History and descrip- tion with reminiscences of the fox-terrier. 1902 636-L51 LEWIS, William M. How to raise poul- try for pleasure and profit. (1895) 636-L586 LYELL, James C. Pigeon-keeping for amateurs, a complete guide to the amateur breeder 636-L984 MAGNER, D. Standard horse and stock book. 1901 R636-M2747 MALDEN, Walter J. Sheepraising and shepherding. 1899 636-M2926 MILLS, Wesley. Dog in health and in disease, including his origin, his- tory, varieties, breeding, educa- tion and general management, etc. 1901 636-M627 MURRAY, William Henry Harrison. Perfect horse. 1873 636-M964P MYRICK, Herbert. Turkeys and how to grow them. 1900 636-M997 PAGE, Charles N. Feathered pets. 1898 J636-P145 Pigeon queries, 4th ed. Questions and answers on numerous topics per- taining to the breeding and care of pigeons 636-P624 RANDALL, Henry Stephens. Practi- cal shepherd. (1863) 636-R154P ROBINSON, John H. Poultry-craft. . .636-R56P RUSSELL, Fox. Horse-keeping for am- ateurs 636-R914H SHALER, Nathaniel Southgate. Do- mesticated animals. 1895 636-SH17D SHARPE, Dinah. My horse; my love. 1892 636-SH254M SHAW, Vero. Illustrated book of the dog R636-SH28D SHEPHERD, W. Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. 1885 636-SH483P 20 USEFUL ARTS SMITH, Sir Henry. Retrievers and how to break them. 1901 636-SM5R SUTCLIFFE, J. H. Incubators and their management. 1900 636-SU806 Profitable poultry farming 636-SU806P TWEEDIE, William. Arabian horse, his country and people. 1894...636-T919 WALSH, John Henry. (Stonhenge, pseud.) Dog, its varieties and management in health 636-W16G WARE, Francis M. Our noblest friend the horse. 1903 636-W22 WATSON, George C. Farm poultry. 1901 636-W335 WEIR, Harrison. Our cats and all about them. 1892 636-W434 WINSLOW, Helen Maria. Concern- ing cats; my own and some oth- ers. 1900. .63C-W735 WOOD, John George. Horse and man; their mutual dependence and du- ties. 1885 636-W852 WRIGHT, Lewis. Practical poultry keeper. 1902 636-W933 Practical pigeon keeper. 1901 636-W933P 637. DAIRY. FLEISCHMANN, W. Book of the dairy. 1896 637-F624 GROTENFELT, Gosta. Principles of modern dairy practice. Ameri- can ed. by T. W. Woll. 1902. . .637-G9165 SNYDER, Harry. Chemistry in dairy- ing. 1897 637-SN9C STEWART, Henry. Dairyman's man- ual. 1900 637-ST49D WING, Henry T. Milk and its products. 1902 637-W7259 638. BEES. COOK, Albert John. Bee-keeper's guide; or. Manual of the apiary. 1899 638-C773 LANGSTROTH, Lorenzo Lorrain. Hive and honey bee. 1900 .638-L268 ROOT, A. L A B C of bee-culture. 1899 .638-R678 Silk, its origin, culture and manufac- ture. 1902 R638-SI334 WEBSTER, W. B. Book of bee-keep- ing 638-W394B 639. FISH CULTURE. BEAN, Tarletan H. Report on the sal- mon and salmon rivers of Alas- ka. 1890 R639-B376 COB BOLD, T. Spencer. On the de- struction of fish and other aquat- ic animals by internal parasites. 1883 639-C6375 GOODE, George Brown. American fishes. (1887) 639-G6135 JORDAN, David Starr, and EVER- MANN, Barton Wharton. Amer- ican food and game fishes. 1902. R639-J762 MULERTT, Hugo. Goldfish and its systematic culture. (1896) 639-M8949 NEW YORK STATE. Annual reports of the commission of fisheries, games, etc. 1895-1899 R639-N487 SIMMONDS, Peter Lund. Commercial products of the sea. 1879 639-SI454 640. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. BEECHER, Catherine Esther, and STOWE, Harriet Beecher. Am- erican woman's home; or. Prin- ciples of domestic science. 1869. 640-B395 BEETON, Mrs. Isabella. Mrs. Bee-" ton's cookery book. 1901 640-B398 BIDDER, Marion Greenwood, and BADDELEY, Florence. Domes- tic economy in theory and prac- tice. 1901 640-B4765 BROWN, Susan Anna, ed. Home top- ics. 1881 640-B812H CAMPBELL, Helen Stuart, (now Mrs. Weeks). Easiest way in house- keeping and cooking. 1899. ...640-C153E Household economics. 1902 640-C153 GOODHOLME, Todd S., ed. Domestic cyclopedia of practical informa- tion. 1889 R640-G615C H ASK INS, Charles Waldo. How to keep household accounts. 1903. 640-H273 HERRICK, Christine '^erhune. First aid to the young housekeeper. 1900 640-H435F In city . tents. 1902 640-H435I House and Home; a practical book. 2v. 1896 R640-H8138 LUSH, Ethel R. Lessons in domestic science. 1900 640-L9755 ORMSBEE, Agnes Bailey. House com- fortable. 1892 640-OR58 OWEN, Catherine, (now Mrs. H. A. M. Nitsch.) Ten dollars enough. 1900 640-OW24T PARLOA, Maria. Home economics. 1898 640-P238H PAUL, F. T. Text-book of domestic economy. 1894 640-P283 RICHARDS, Ellen Henrietta (Swal- low). Mrs. R. H. Richards. The cost of living as modified by san- itary science. 1900 640-R39 RICHARDS, Ellen Henrietta (Swal- low), and ELLIOTT, S. Maria. Chemistry of cooking and clean- ing. 1897 640-R3915 SPON, Ernest, and SPON, F. N., eds. Spon's household manual; a treasury of domestic receipts and guide for household manage- ment. 1891 R640-SP65 STOWE, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Beech- er. House and home papers. 1887 640-ST76H Household papers and stories. 1896. 640-ST76H2 WILSON, Lucy Langdon Williams. Do- mestic science in grammar grades; a reader. 1900 J640-W695 Woman's book. 1894. 2v 640-W844 USEFUL ARTS 21 64J. COOKERY. ABEL, Mrs. Mary Hinman. Practi- cal sanitary and economic cook- ing adapted to persons of moder- ate and small means. 1890 641-AB37 ATKINSON, Edward. Science of nu- trition. 1896 641-AT54N BAILEY, Harriet P. On the chafing dish. 1899 641-B152 BEARD, Sidney H. Comprehensive guide-book to natural hygienic and humane diet. (1900) 641-B382 BE ETON, Mrs. Isabella. Book of house- hold management. 1893 R641-B398B BRAUN, Emil, tr. and ed. Baker's book. 1901. 2v 641-B738 BROWN, Mary Barrett. Fish, flesh and fowl. 1897 641-B8114 BROWN, Susan Anna. Book of forty puddings. 1887 641-B812F BROWNE, Phyllis, (A. G. Payne pseud.) Cassell's vegetarian cookery. 1899 641-B8138V Choice dishes at small cost. 1888. 641-B8138C Dictionary of dainty breakfasts. 1899. 641-B8138 Year's cookery. 1898 641-B8138Y CAMPBELL, Helen Stuart, (now Mrs. Weeks.) In foreign kitchens. 1893 641-C153 CORSON, Juliet. Family living on $500 a year. 1887 641-C8185F Practical American cookery and household management. (1885). G41-C8185P CURTIS, Isabel Gordon. Left-overs made palatable. 1902 641-C945 DeSALIS, Mrs. Harriet Anne. A la mode cookery. 1902 641-D452 DO DOS, Susanna W. Health in the household. 1895 641-D663 FARMER, Fannie Merritt. Boston cooking-school cook-book. 1901. 641-F227 FORWARD, Charles W. Practical vegetarian recipes, as used in the principal vegetarian restaurants in London. 1899 641-F7t95 HARDER, Jules Arthur. Physiology of taste. 1885 641-H216 Harper's cookbook encyclopedia, ar- ranged like a dictionary. 1902. 641-H235 HERBERT, A. Kenney (Wyvern). Com- mon-sense cookery for English households, based upon modern English and continental prin- ciples. (1894) 641-H416 HERRICK, Christine Terhune. Chafing dish supper. 1898 641-H435 What to eat; how to serve it. 1891. 641-H435W HILL, Janet McKenzie. Practical cook- ing and serving; a complete manual of how to select, pre- pare, and serve food. 1902. 641-H55P Salads, sandwiches and chafing dish dainties. 1899 641-H55 KEEN, Adelaide. With a saucepan over the sea; quaint and de- licious recipes from the kitchens of foreign countries. 1902 641-K254 KIRKLAND, Elizabeth Stansbury. Dora's housekeeping. 1899.. .J641-K636D Six little cooks; or. Aunt Jane's cooking-class. 1900 J641-K636S LEMCKE, Gesine. Desserts and sal- ads. 1901 641-L543D Preserving and pickling. 1900.. .... .641-L543 LESLIE, Eliza. Directions for cook- ing in its various branches. 1892. ..641-L565 LINCOLN, Mrs. Mary J. Boston cook- book. 1901 ....641:L633 MALLOCK, M. M. Economics of mod- ern cookery. 1900 641-M295E MANN, E. E. Invalid recipes. 1901.. .641-M3135 MURREY, Thomas J. Fifty salads. (1885) 641-M9645F PARLOA, Maria. Camp cookery. 1878. 641-P238C Kitchen companion. 1887 641-P238K New cook book and marketing guide. (1880) • 641-P238N PIERCE, Ella A. Hartley House cook book and household economist. (1901) 641-P613 POOLE, Hester M. Fruits and how to use them. 1890 641-P784 RICHARDS, Amy G. Cookery. 1895. 641-R39C RONALD, Mary. Century cook-book. 1897 641-R669C Luncheons, a cook's picture book. 1902 641-R6'69L RORER, Mrs. Sarah Tyson. Canning and preserving. (1887) 641-R694C Hot weather dishes. (1888) 641-R694 SACHSE, Helena Viola (Mrs. S. S. Sadtler). How to cook for the sick and convalescent. 1901.. .641-SA1255 SEELY, Mrs. Lida. Mrs. Seely's cook book. 1902 641-SE358 SOWLE, Henrietta. I go a-marketing. 1900 641-S095 TAYLOR, Mrs. Mary Hansen, (Mrs. Bayard Taylor). Letters to young house-keepers. 1893 641-T21514 TERHUNE, Mrs. Mary Virginia (Hawes), (Marion Harland, pseud.). Breakfast, luncheon and tea. 1889 641-T275B THUDICHUM, John Louis William. Spirit of cookery; a popular trea- , . tise on the history, science, prac- tice, and ethical and medical im- port of culinary art. . . .1895 641-T4226 WASHINGTON, Mrs. pseud. Unrivalled cook-book. 1886. 641-W275 WHITE, Sallie Joy. Cookery in the public schools. (1890) 641-W585 WILCOX, Milton C. Natural food of man. 1899 641-W645 WILLIAMS, Mary Emma, and FISHER, Katherine Rolston. Elements of 22 USEFUL ARTS the theory and practice of cook- ing. 1901 641-W6737 WILLIAMS, William Mattieu. Chem- istry of cooking. 1900 641-W674 WORSNOP, E. M., and BLAIR, M. C. Nurse's hand book of cookery. 1898 641-W899 YSAGUIRRE, and LaMARCA. Cold dishes for hot weather. 1896. 641-Y89 642. CONFECTIONERY. FRANCATELLI, Charles Elm6. Royal confectioner, English and foreign. 1891 642-F8419 PARTRIDGE, O. L. Candy maker's blue book. 1897 642-P257 RORER, Mrs. Sarah Tyson. Home candy making. (1889) 642-R694 WELLS, Robert. Ornamental confec- tionery. 1897 642-W463 643. FOOD. DINING. FILIPPINI, Alessandre. Table. (1885- 9) 643-F474T LOVELL, M. S. Edible mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland . 1867. 643-L946 THOMPSON, Sir Henry. Food and feeding. 1891 643-T374F 644. FUEL DYE, F. Cooking range. 1898 644-D984 646. DRESSMAKING. MILLINERY. BROWNE, M. Prince. Practical work of dressmaking and tailoring. 1902 646-B8138 HILL, C. Millinery, theoretical and practical. 1900 646-H55 ORTNER, Jessica. Practical millinery. 1897 646-OR65 647. DOMESTIC SERVICE. HOLT, Mrs. Elizabeth F. From attic to cellar. 1892 647-H747 Management of servants 647-M311 NICHOLAS, Griffith A. Biddy club. 1888 647-N516 SALMON, Lucy Maynard. Domestic service. 1901 647-SA353 649. NURSERY. SICK-ROOM. HARRISON, Eveleen. Home nursing. 1900 649-H245 KERLEY, Charles Gilmore. Short talks with young mothers on the man- agement of infants and young children. 1901 649-K456 OPPENHEIM, Nathan. Care of the child in health. 1900 649-OP57 WHEELER, Marianna. The baby; his care and training. 1901 649-W567 WINTERBURN, Florence Hull. Chil- dren's health. (1901) 649-W7368 YALE, Leroy Milton, and POLLAK, Gustav. Century book for mothers 1901 649-YlG 650. COMMERCE. COMMUNI- CATION. BEACH, Elmer Henry, and THORNE, W. W., comps. American busi- ness and accounting encyclo- pedia.. (1901) R650-B352 EATON, Seymour, ed. Up to date busi- ness. 1901 R650-EA84 GASKELL, G. A. Compendium of forms. (1894) R650-G214C HOOPER, Frederick, and GRAHAM, •lames. Commercial education at home and abroad. 1901 650-H769 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CONGRESS, Philadelphia. Offic- ial proceedings. 1899 R650-IN68 652. WRITING. TYPEWRITING. CODES. BAUGHAN, Rosa. Character indicated by hand writing 652-B328 BLOOMER, J. G. Commercial crypto- graph. 1890 R652-B6237 EDISON, Theodore Alfred. Telegraphy self-taught; a complete manual of instruction. (1902) 6.52-ED44 FRAZER, Persifor. Bibliotics. 1901. 652-F865 HICKOX, William Eugene. Correspon- dent's manual. 1902 652-H5237 Same reference. KEENE, .John Harrington. Mystery of handwriting. 1896 652-K255M PALMER, O.R. Typewriting and busi- ness correspondence. 1900.. .R652-P183T THUE, W. Clauson. ABC universal commercial electric telegraphic code. 1899 .:; R652-T423 TODD, F. Dundas. Guide to plain pen- manship. 1900 652-T566 653. SHORTHAND. GRAHAM, Andrew J. Handbook of standard or American phono- graphy. 1894 653-G7G2 MUNSON, James E. Complete pho- nographer. 1898 653-M927P Short course in Munson phonography. 1901 653-M927S OSGOODBY, William W. Phonetic shorthand 653-OS34P PITMAN, Benn, and HOWARD, Jerome B. Phonographic dictionary and phrase book. 1901 R653-P681P 654. TELEGRAPHS. CABLES. SIGNALS. ADAMS, Braman Blanchard. Block system of signalling on Ameri- can railroads. 1901 654-AD14B AINSLEY, Thomas L. New internat- ional code of signals R654-AI65 ALLSOP, Frederick Charles. Tele- phones. 1900 654-AL568 BADT, Francis Beatus. Bell-hanger's hand-book. 1901 654-B1436B USEFUL ARTS BOTTONE, Selimo Romeo. Electric bells and all about them 654-B658E Wireless telegraphy and Hertzian waves. 1900 654-B658W DOBBS, A. E. Practical features of telephone work. 1899 654-D652 FA HIE, J. J. History of electric tele- graphy. 1884 654-F144H Wireless telegraphy. 1838-99. 1899. 654-F144 FIELD, Henry Martin. History of the Atlantic telegraph. 1867 654-F454A GARCKE, Emil, comp. Manual of elec- trical undertakings. 1900-1. v.5. R654-G1635 HERING, Carl. Universal wiring com- puter. 1894 654-H427 HO MANS, James E. A B C of the tele- phone. 1901 654-H752 HOPKINS, William John. Telephone. 1898 654-H7742T HOUSTON, Edwin James, and KEN- NELLY, Arthur Edwin. Electric telegraphy. 1897 654-H8182E Electric telephone. 1896 J654-H818T HUGHES, Norman. Magneto hand tele- phone. 1901 654-H876 International code of signals for the use of all nations. 1901 R654-UN35I KERR, Richard. Wireless telegraphy popularly explained. 1901 654-K46W LODGE, Oliver J. Signalling through space without wires. 654-L823 MAVER, William, jr. American tele- graphy. 1899 R654-M446A MAVER, William, jr., and DAVIS, Minor M. Quadruplex. 1893. 654-M446Q MEYER, Frederick L. Twentieth cen- ■L tury manual of railway and com- J« mercial telegraphy. (1902) 654-M575 MILLER, Kempster B. American tele- phone practice. 1900 ;654-M614 POPE, Franklin Leonard. Modern practice of the electric telegraph. 1899 654-P812 Practical electrics 654-P88 SMITH, Willoughby. Rise and exten- sion of submarine telegraphy. 1891 654-SM5 TUNZELMANN, Georg W. de. Wire- less telegraphy. 1902 654-T839W WEBB, Herbert Laws. Telephone hand- book. 1901 654-W382 WITTBECKER, William A. Domestic electrical work. 1902 654-W787 655, PRINTING. PUBLISHING. COPYRIGHT. American dictionary of printing and bookmaking. . . . 1894 R655-AM33 BOUCHOT, Henri. Book; its printers illustrators and binders from Gutenberg to the present time. 1890 655-B65835 CLEGG, James, ed. International direc- tory of booksellers and biblio- phile's manual. 1903 R655-IN85 Copyright enactments. 1783-1900., comp. by Thorvald Solberg. 1900. R655-UN35 CRANE, Walter. Of the decorative il- lustrations of books; old and new. 1901 655-0853 De VINNE, Theodore Low- Practice of typography; a treatise on the processes of type-making, the point system, etc. 1900 655-D497 Practice of typography ; correct com- position; a treatise on spelling, abbreviations, etc. 1901 R655-D497C EAR HART, John F. Color printer; a treatise on the use of colors in typographic printing. 1892.. .R655-EA715 Harmonizer. 1897 R655-EA715H JACOB I, Charles Thomas. Printing. 1898 655-J153 KELLY, William J. Presswork; a prac- tical handbook for the use of pressmen. 1902 655-K295 Modern methods of illustrating book?. 1898 655-M715 Modern poster, by Arsene Alexan- der, and others. 1895 655-M715M NATHAN, Paul. How to make money in the printing business. 1900. 655-N197 PLOMER, Henry R. Short history of English printing. 1900 655-P727 Practical notes on stereotyping and electrotyping from the "British printer." 1901 655-P88 PUTNAM, George Haven. Authors and their public in ancient times. 1894 655-P984A Books and their makers. 1898. 2v. 655-P984B Question of copyright. 1896 655-P984Q RAWLINGS, Gertrude Burford. Story of books. 1901 655-R194 ROBERTS, William. Printers' marks; a chapter in the history of typo- graphy. 1893 655-R543 SHELDON, Frederick Martin. Practi- cal colorist. 1900 655-SH44 SMITH, Adele Millicent. Proof-read- ing and punctuation. 1902 R655-SM5 THOMAS, Isaiah. History of printing in America. 1874. 2v 655-T364 TIM PER LEY, Charles Henry, comp. Encyclopaedia of literary and ty- pographical anecdote. 1842.. .R655-T487 WHITE, Gleeson. English illustration. 1897 R655-W585 WILLIAMS, T. B. Hints on imposition; an illustrated guide for printer and pressman. 1895 655-W674 656. TRANSPORTATION. RAIL- ROADING. NAVIGATION. ABBOT, Willis John. American mer chant ships and sailors. 1902. 656-AB24A AINSLEY, Thomas L. Examiner in seamanship 656-AI65 American railway. 1902 656-AM33 ANSTED, A. Dictionary of sea-terms for the use of yachtsmen, ama- teur boatmen and beginners. 1898 R656-AN828 24 USEFUL ARTS BATES, William Wallace. American marine. 1897 656-B316A Blue book on American shipping; ma- rine and naval directory. 1903. R656-UN35 BRADY, William N. Kedge-anchor. 1893 656-B729K BRASSEY, Thomas, lord. Papers and addresses; mercantile marine and navigation from 1871 to 1894. 1894 65G-B736 SULLEN, Frank Thomas. Men of the merchant service. (1900) 656-B8754 CHAD WICK, F. E., and others. Ocean steamships. 1891 656-C3450 DAVIDSON, George. Pacific coast; coast pilot of Alaska. 1869.. . .R656-D285 Pacific coast. Coast pilot of Cali- fornia, Oregon and Washington. 4th ed. 1889 R656-P112 DERR, William L. Block signal opera- tion. 1897 656-D449 DREDGE, James. Record of transpor- tation exhibits at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. 1894 R656-D805 FELL, James. British merchant sea- men in San Francisco. 1892-98. 656-F33695 FRY, Henry. History of North Atlan- tic steam navigation with some account of early ships and ship- owners. 1896 656-F943 GINSBURG, Benedict W. Hints on the legal duties of shipmasters. 1898. 656-G435 HADLEY, Arthur Twining. Railroad transportation; its history and its laws. 1900 656-H1227 Illustrated coast pilot with sailing directions. (1896) R656-C632 IMRAY, James F. North Pacific pilot, pt. 1. 1885. West coast of North America R656-IM83 JOHNSON, P. W. Encyclopaedia of transportation. 1892 R656-J634 JONES, R. J. Cornewall. British mer- chant service. 1898 656-J71B Ships, sailors and the sea. 1887 J656-J71S LITTLE, George Herbert. Marine transport of petroleum. 1890. 656-L726 MARVIN, Winthrop Lippitt. American merchant marine. 1902 656-M3665 PREBLE, George Henry. Chronologi- cal history of the origin and de- velopment of steam navigation. 1895 656-P912 RING WALT, J. Luther. Development of transportation systems in the United States. 1888 R656-R477 RUSSELL, William Clark. Sailor's language. 1883 R656-R914 Ship; her story. 1899 656-R914S3 STEVENS, Robert White. Stowage of ships and their cargoes, with in- formation regarding freights. 7th ed. 1893 R656-ST469 TODD, John, and WH ALL, W.B. Prac- tical seamanship. 1898 656-T566 WEYL, Walter Edward. Passenger traffic of railways. 1901 656-W544 657. BOOKKEEPING. ARNOLD, Horace Lucian. Complete cost-keeper. 1900 657-AR65 BROWN, Nicol. Organization of gold mining business. 1897 R657-B812 BRYANT, J. C. Bryant's new book- keeping. 1881 R657-B842 CURTISS, C. C. American standard book-keeping. 1902 657-C946 FOSTER, Horatio A. Central station book-keeping and suggested forms. 1896 657-F813 MESERVEY, A. B. Book-keeping, single and double entry. (1875-95).. . .G57-M56B METCALFE, Henry. Cost of manu- factures. 1900 657-M564 PACKARD, S. S., and BRYANT, H. B. New Bryant and St^atton book- keeping R657-B8423 ROBERTSON, Powhatan Wyndham. Book-keeping and science of ac- counts. 1901 R657-R545 SADLER, Warren H. Business book- keeping and practice. 1897.. .657-SA13B SOULE, George. New science and prac- tice of accounts. (1897) R657-S084 658. BUSINESS MANUALS. METHODS. BRIGGS, C. E., comp. Useful informa- tion for business men R658-B7675 CORDINGLEY, W. G. Commercial terms, phrases and abbreviations containing a definition of all terms. (1894) R658-C8147 CORDINGLEY, W. G.. comp. Diction- ary of abbreviations and contrac- tions, commonly used in general mercantile transactions. 1902. . R658-C8147D CROMWELL, John Howard. Amer- ican business woman. 1900. ..658-C8824 HASKINS, Charles Waldo. Business education and accountancy. 1904. 658-H273 HILL, Thomas E. Hill's manual of so- cial and business forms. 1897. R658-H55 PHILLIPS, Wesley Briggs. How de- partment stores are carried on. 1901 658-P5445 RICE, A. E. Small talks about busi- ness. 1900 658-R364S SMITH, Howard Irving. Financial dictionary. 1903 R658-SM5 WARREN, Algernon. Commercial knowledge; a manual of business methods and transactions. 1901. 658-W254 659. ADVERTISING. American advertiser reporter. (1893). R659-AM33 FARRINGTON, Frank. Retail adver- tising for druggists .and station- ers. 1901 659-F247 USEFUL ARTS THE \ UNIVEc?SITY ] 25 HENDRICKS, Samuel E., pub. Hend- rick's commercial register of the United States. 1902 R659-H3846 LARWOOD, Jacob, and HOTTEN, John Camden. History of signboards, from the earliest times to the present day. 1900 659-L3296 National advertiser. 1887 R659-N216 660. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. GENERAL. BERKELEY, H. R., and WALKER, W. M. Practical receipts for the manufacturer, the mechanic and for home use. 1902 R660-B457 BLINN, Leroy J. Practical work-shop companion for tin,. sheet-iron and copper-plate workers. 1900.. .R660-B6175 BLOUNT, Bertram, and BLOXAM, A. G. Chemistry for engineers and manufacturers. 1900. 2v R660-B6246 BRAN NT, William T., and WAHL, H., eds. Techno-chemical receipt book. 1900 R660-B7356 CO WELL, W. B. Pure air, ozone and water. 1900 660-C83565 EFFRONT, Jean. Enzymes and their applications, tr. by Prescott. 1902 660-EF48 HUBBARD, Ernest. Utilization of wood- waste, tr. fr. German by M. J. Salter. 1902 .660-H86 KIRBY, Mary, and KIRBY, Elizabeth. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. 1898 J660-K632 LUNGE, George. Coal tar and am- monia. 1900 R660-L9752 SADTLER, Samuel Philip. Handbook of industrial organic chemistry. 1891 660-SA14I Same reference. THORP, Frank Hall. Outlines of indus- trial chemistry. 1898 R660-T396 66U ALKALIS. KINGZETT, Charles Thomas. History, products and processes of the alkali trade. 1877 661-K617 662. PYROTECHNICS. EXPLO- SIVES. BERNADOU, John Baptiste. Smoke- less powder. 1901 662-B45726 EISSLER, Manuel. Modern high ex- plosives. 1899 622-EI8M GUTTMAN, Oscar. Manufacture of ex- plosives. 1895. 2v R662-G988 Blasting. 1 892 662-G988B Same reference. HODGETTS, E. A. Brayley, comp. Liquid fuel for mechanical and industrial purposes. 1890 662-H6645 SAN FORD, P. Gerald. Nitro-explosives. 1896 662-SA544 WALKE, William Willoughby. Lectures on explosives. 1897 662-W152 663. BEVERAGES. DU BELLE, G. H., ed. Famous formu- las for soda fountain beverages. 1901 663-D851 LOVIBOND, Thomas Watson. Brewing with raw grain. 1883 663-L9496 WAHL, Robert, and HEN I US, Max. American handy-book of the brewing, malting and auxiliary trades. 1901 663-W127 664. FOODS. BRAN NT, William Theodore, ed. Practical treatise on the manu- facture of vinegar. 1900 664-B735 DEERR, Noel. Sugar house notes and tables. 1900 R664-D363 FRANKEL, Julius. Practical treatise on the manufacture of starch, glucose, starch-sugar, etc. 1881. 664-F847 GREEN, Mary E. Food products of the world. 1895 664-G83F JAGO, William. Text-book of the science and art of bread-making. 1895 664-J185 MYRICK, Herbert. Sugar. 1897. . . .664-M997S PACRETTE, Jean. Art of canning and preserving as an industry. 1901. 664-P125 PEFFER, Elwood S. Beet-sugar an- alysis. 1897 664-P348 RICHARDS, Ellen Henrietta (Swal- low), Mrs. R. H. Richards. Food materials and their adulteration. 1898 664-R39 SMITH, Edward. Foods. 1901 664-SM5F SPENCER, Guilford L. Handbook for chemists of beet-sugar houses and seed-culture farms. 1897.. .664-SP34 W I EC H MANN, Fred G. Sugar analysis. 1898 664-W63618 665, OILS. GASES. ABADY, Jacques. Gas analyst's man- ual. 1902 665-AB13 GIBBS, William E. Lighting by acety- lene. 1899 665-G354 HOEFER, Hans, and VEITH, Alexan- der. Petroleum. 1895 665-H67 Same reference. HORNBY, John. Text-book of gas manufacture for students. 1900. 665-H7861 HUGHES, Samuel. Gas works, their construction and arrangement, and the manufacture and distri- bution of coal gas. 1892 665-H876 HURST, George H. Lubricating oils, fats and greases. 1896 665-H945L LEE, D. Manual for gas engineering students. 1885 665-L51 LEWES, Vivian B. Acetylene. 1900. 665-L584 MELDOLA, Raphael. Coal and what we get from it. 1897 665-M483 26 USEFUL ARTS NEU BURGER, Henry, and NOALHAT, Henri. Technology of petroleum. 1901 6G5-N393 REDWOOD, Boverton. Petroleum; its production and use. 1887 665-R2495 REDWOOD, Boverton, and others. Pe- troleum. 1896. 2v R665-R2496 REDWOOD, Iltyd I. Lubricants, oils and greases. 1898 665-R2496L Practical treatise on mineral oils and their by-products. 1897 665-R2496M RICHARDS, William. Gas consumer's handy book. 1877 665-R39 Practical treatise on the manufacture and distribution of coal gas. 1877. 665-R39P THOMSON, Jocelyn Home, and RED- WOOD, Boverton. Handbook of petroleum, for inspectors under the petroleum acts and for those engaged in the storage. . . .1901..665-T385 666. BRICKS. CERAMICS. GLASS. TILES. BARBER, Edwin Atlee. American glass-ware, old and new. 1900.. .666-B232 BINNS, Charles F., ed. Ceramic tech- nology 66G-B517 BISER, Benjamin F. Elements of glass and glass-making 666-B544 DAVIS, Charles Thomas. Practical treatise on the manufacture of brick, tiles and terra-cotta. 3rd ed. 1895 G66-D29 DOBSON, Edward. Rudimentary trea- tise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. 1899 666-D654 DOBSON, Edward, and others. Prac- tical brick and tile book. 1899. 666-D65414 DUN LOP, M. A. Wallace. Glass in the old world R666-D923 FAIR IE, James. Notes on pottery clays, the distribution properties, uses and analysis of ball clays, china clays and china stone. 1901.. . .666-F1648 FIELD, Mary Katherine Keemle. Drama of glass J666-F454D HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Glass working by heat and by abrasion. 1899 666-H274 POWELL, Harry J. Principles of glass making. 1883 666-P875 Same reference. RANDAU, Paul. Enamels and enamel- ling, tr. by C. Salter. 1900 666-R1546 SAUZAY, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. 1898 666-SA85 SEGER, Hermann August. Collected writings of H. A. Seger. 1902. 666-SE383 666. 9. CEMENT. BROWN, Charles Carroll, ed. Direc- tory of American cement indus- tries. 1901 R666.9-B812 BUTLER, D. B. Portland cement. 1899 666.9-B973 Same reference. DIBDIN, W. J. Lime, mortar and ce- ment; their characteristics and analysis 666.9-D544 GOLENELLI, L. How to use Portland cement. 1899 666.9-G577 HEATH, A. H. Manual of lime and ce- ment. 1893 666.9-H355L LEWIS, Frederick H., and others. Ce- ment industry 666.9-C332 MEADE, Richard Kidder. The chemi- cal and physical examination of Portland cement. 1901 666.9-_M4624 NEWMAN, John. Notes on concrete and works in concrete. 1893.. .666.9-N465 REDGRAVE, Gilbert R. Calcareous ce- ments. 1895 666.9-R248 Same reference. SPALDING, Frederick Putnam. Hy- draulic cement; its properties, testing and use. 1900. . . 666.9-SP127 SUTCLIFFE, George L. Concrete; its nature and uses. 1893 666.9-SU80G 667. BLEACHING. DYEING. INK. PAINT. VARNISH. ANDES, Louis Edgar. Iron corrosion: anti-fouling and anti-corrosive paint. 1900 6G7-AN2555 BIRD, F. J. American practical dyer's companion. 1882 GG7-B532 Same reference. B RAN NT, William Theodore, ed. Prac- tical scourer and garment dyer. 1893 6G7-B735GP CHRISTOPHER, S. Cleaning and scouring. 1877 667-C4656 ERFURT, Julius. Dyeing of paper pulp, tr. into English by Julius Hubner. 2nd ed. 1901 R667-ER35 HASERICK, E. C. Secrets of the art of dyeing wool, cotton and linen. 1869 R667-H2716 HEERMANN, Paul. Dyer's materials; an introduction to the examina- tion, evaluation and application of the most important substances used in dyeing, printing, bleach- ing and finishing, tr. by A. C. Wright. 1901 G67-H36 HURST, George H. Dictionary of chem- icals and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colors, varnishes and allied preparations. 1901 R667-H945 Garment dyeing and cleaning. 1901. 667-H945G Painters colours, oils and varnishes. 1901 G67-H945 JONES, M. W. Testing and valuation of raw materials used in paint and colour manufacture. 1900. 667-J71 LEHNER, Sigmund. Manufacture of ink. 1892 6G7-L5283 LIVACHE, Ach. Manufacture of varn- ishes, oil crushing, refining and boiling. 1900 667-L743 ^ USEFUL ARTS 27 O'NEILL, Charles. Dictionary of dye- ing and calico printing. 1869. R667-ON26 REISIG, F. W. Guide for piece dye- ing. 1889 Rj667-R2793 RIFFAULT des Hetres, J. R. D., and otliers. Practical treatise on tlie ^k manufacture of colors for paint- V ins- 1874 667-R4416 ROTHWELL, C. F. Seymour. Print- ing of textile fabrics. 1897 667-R74 • SMITH, David. Dyer's instructor. 1900. 6G7-SM5 STANDAGE, H. C. Practical polish and varnish maker. 1892 667-ST208 TERRY, George. Pigments, paint and painting. 1893 R667-T278 WHEELER, Mrs. Candace (Thurber). How to make rugs. 1902 667-W567H 66S. GLUK PERFUME, SOAP. ASKINSON, George William. Perfumes and their preparation. 1900.. .R668-AS45 CARPENTER, William Lant. Treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles. 1895 GG8-C225 DAWIDOWSKY, F. Practical treatise on the raw materials and fabri- cations of glue, gelatine, etc. 1884 668-D324 LAMBERT, Thomas. Bone products and manure. 1901 668-L172 STANDAGE, H. C., comp. Cements, pastes, glues, and gums; a prac- tical guide. 1897 R668-ST208 WATT, Alexander. Art of soap-making; ta practical handbook of the man- ufacture of hard and soft soaps, toilet soaps. 6th ed. WOl 668-W342 669. METALLURGY AND ASSAYING. It AARON, C. H. Assaying. 3v. in 2. pt. 1. Gold and silver ores, pt. 2. Gold and silver bullion, pt. 3. Lead, copper, tin, mercury, etc. 1900 669-AA7 ADAMS, William James. Hints on amal- gamation and the general care of gold mills. 1899 669-AD14 AUSTEN, W. C. Roberts. Introduction to the study of metallurgy. 1898. 669-AU74 BAUERMAN, Hilary. Treatise on the metallurgy of iron. 1890 669-B327 BERINGER, C, and BERINGER, J. J. Text-book of assaying. 1900.. .669-B456A BOSQUI, Francis L. Practical- notes on the cyanide process. 1899.. .669-B654 BROWN, Walter Lee. Manual of assay- ing gold, silver, lead and copper. 1900 669-B813 CHARLETON, Arthur G. Tin. 1884.. .669-C385 COLLINS, Henry F. Metallurgy of lead and silver. 1899. 2v 669-C695 EGLESTON, Thomas. Metallurgy of silver, gold and mercury in the United States. 1887-90. 2v.. .669-EG3517 Same reference. EISSLER, Manuel. Cyanide process for the extraction of gold. 1898. .669-EI8C3 Metallurgy of argentiferous lead. 1891 669-EI8 A Metallurgy of gold. 1896 669-EI8M Metallurgy of silver. 1896 669-EI8S FAIRBAIRN, William. Iron, its his- tory, properties and processes of manufacture. 1869 669-F154 FAIRIE, James. Notes on lead ores. 1901 669-F1648 FLETCHER, E. L. Practical instruc- tions in quantitative assaying with the blow-pipe. 1899 669-F635 FURMAN, H. Van F. Manual of prac- tical assaying. 1899 669-F983 GRUENER, M. Louis. Studies of blast furnace phenomena. 1874 669-G924 HARBORD, F. W. Metallurgy of steel. 1904 669-H2145 HIORNS, Arthur H. Metallography. 1902. 669-H612Me Practical metallurgy and assaying. 1898 R669-H612P Principles of metallurgy. 1901 669-H612M Textbook of elementary metallurgy for students. 1895 669-H612 HIXON, Hiram W. Notes on lead and copper smelting and copper con- verting. 1897 669-H648 HOFMAN, H. O. Metallurgy of lead and the desilverization of base bullion. 1901 669-H6745 HOWE, Henry Marion. Metallurgy of steel. (1890) R669-H835 HUNTINGTON, A. K., and McMILLAN, W. G. Metals. 1901 669-H923 JAMES, Alfred. Cyanide process. (1901) 669-J233 LANG, Herbert. Matte smelting. 1898. 669-L25 LIEBER, Oscar M. Assayer's guide. 1899 669-L623 LOCK, Charles George Warnford. Gold milling principles and practice. 1901 669-L79 Same reference. LONGRIDGE, C. C. . Holloway-Long- ridge process for extracting gold from auriferous antimony ores. 1896 669-L867 LORD, Nathaniel Wright. Notes on metallurgical analysis, arranged for students in metallurgical chemistry. 1903 069-L883 MILLER, Alfred Stanley. Manual of assaying. 1900 669-M614 O'DRISCOLL, Florence. Notes on the treatment of gold ores. 1889.. .669-OD65 PARK, James. Cyanide process of gold extraction. 1900 669-P223 PETERS, Edward Dyer, jr. Modern copper smelting. 1898 669-P442C PHILLIPS, J. Arthur. Elements of metallurgy. 1891 R669-P5445 RANDALL, P. M. Quartz operators handbook. 1894 669-R154 RHEAD, E. L. Metallurgy. 1895 669-R343 28 USEFUL ARTS RHEAD, E. L., and SEXTON, A. Hum- boldt. Assaying and metallurgi- cal analysis. 1902 669-R343L RICHARDS, Joseph W. Aluminium. 1896 669-R39 RICKETTS, Pierre de Peyster, and MILLER, Edmund H. Notes on assaying. 1900 669-R425 ROSE, T. Kirke. Metallurgy of gold. 1902 G69-R72 SCHEIDEL, A. Cyanide process. 1894. 669-SCH23 SCHNABEL, Carl. Handbook of met- allurgy. 1898. 2v 669-SCH56 SEXTON, A. Humboldt. Elementary text-book of geology. 1899.. . .669-SE912 STEVENS, Horace J., comp. Copper hand book. 1900 R669-ST465 TURNER, Thomas. Metallurgy of iron. 1900 669-T855 WEST, Thomas D. Metallurgy of cast iron. 1897 669-W52M WILLIAMS, William Mattieu. Chemis- try of iron and steel making. 1890 669-W674C WILSON, Eugene B. Chlorination process. 1901 669-W695C Cyanide processes. 1897 669-W695C2 670. MANUFACTURES. CHASE, A., and CLOW, E. Stories of industry. (1891). 2v J670-C387S COLE, George S., ed. Cole's encyclo- paedia of dry goods. 1900 R670-C675 DODD, George. British manufactures. 1844-5. 3v G70-D662 V. 1. Chemical metals. V. 2. Textiles. V. 3. Miscellaneous. GORDON, W J. Foundry, forge and factory. 1890 670-GG55F GREELEY, Horace, and others. Great industries of the United States. 1873 670-G814G ROCHELEAU, William Francis. Great American industries ; manufac- tures. Book 3. (1896-1900).... J670-R587 671. ARTICLES MADE OF METALS. BOLLAND, Simpson. Encyclopaedia of founding and dictionary of foundry terms used in the prac- tice of moulding. 1894 R671-B6385E Iron-founder. 1896 671-B6385 BRAN NT, William Theodore, ed. Metal worker's handy-book of receipts and processes. 1899 R671-B7356 Metallic alloys. 1896 671-B735 BUCHANAN, John F. Brass-founder's alloys. 1901 671-B854 COMPTON, Alfred G. First lessons in metal-working. 1894 671-C736 DAVIES, James. Galvanized iron. 1899 671-D287 DINGEY, Peter S. Machinery pattern making. 1901 G71-D615 GEE, George E. Goldsmith's hand book. 1897 671-G266G Jeweller's assistant in the art of working in gold. 1892 671-G266J Silversmith's hand book containing full instructions for the alloying and working of silver. 1890.. .671-G2G6S HIORNS, Arthur H. Mixed metals; or. Metallic alloys. 1901 671-H612M KIRK, Edward. Cupola furnace. 1899. 671-K634 KITTREDGE, George W. New metal worker's pattern-book. 1901...R671-K658 LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Element- ary metal work. 1900 G71-L537 LETHABY, W. R. Lead work. 1893..G71-L5669 MULLIN, Joseph P. Modern moulding and pattern making. 1886 671-M914 OVERMAN, Frederick. Moulder's and founder's pocket guide. 1900..671-OV272 ROWELL, Harvey. Manual of instruc- tion in hard soldermg. 1902 G71-R793 SHARP, John. Modern foundry prac- tice. 1900 671-SH253 THURSTON, Robert Henry. Treatise on brasses, bronzes, and other alloys. 1900 671-T4645 VOSBRUGH, H. K. Tinsmiths' helper and pattern book. 1901 G71-V923 WEST, Thomas D. American foundry practice. 1901 G71-W52A Moulder's text-book. 1890 671-W52M WIGLEY, Thomas B., and STANSBEE, John H. Art of the goldsmith and jeweler. 1898 671-W6375 WILSON, H. Silverwork and jewelry, a textbook. 1903 671-W695 672. ARTICLES OF IRON AND STEEL. AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL AS- SOCIATION. Directory to the iron and steel works of the Unit- ed States. 1901 RG72-AM33 BOLLAND, Simpson. Iron founder sup- plement: art of casting in iron. 1901 672-B6385 CAMPBELL, Harry Huse. Manufacture and properties of iron and steel. 1903 672-C153 EDE, George. Management of steel. 1901 672-ED295 ERSKINE, F. J. Bent iron work 672-ER85 GREENWOOD, William Henry. Steel and iron. 1900 672-G857 HIORNS, Arthur H. Iron and steel manufacture. 1895 672-H612 KEEP, William John. Cast iron. 1902. 672-K256 LANDRIN, M. H. C. Treatise on steel. 1868 672-L2376 METCALF, William. Steel. 1900. . .672-M564 OVERMAN, Frederick. Manufacture of steel. 1894 672-OV272 PERCY, John. Manufacture of Rus- sian sheet-iron. 1871 672-P411 PERKINS. C. H., and STOWE, J. G. New guide to the sheet-iron and boiler plate roller. 1867 672-P4174 USEFUL ARTS 29 I Pocket companion, containing useful information and tables, apper- taining to the use of steel, 1903. R672-P749 SMITH, J. Bucknall. Treatise upon wire. 1891 672-SM5 673. ARTICLES OF BRASS AND BRONZE. BROWN, William Norman. Principles and practice of dipping, burnish- ing, lacquering and bronzing brass-ware. 1900 673-B812 GRAHAM, Walter. Brass founder's manual. 1900 673-G762 LARK IN, James. Practical brass and iron founder's guide. 1899 673-L,3255 674. LUMBER. GRAVES, Henry Solon. Woodsman's handbook. 1902 R674-G786 675. LEATHER. DAVIS, Charles Thomas. Manufacture of leather. 1897 R675-D29M F LEMMING, Louis Andrew. Practical tanning: a handbook of modern processes, receipts and sugges- tions for the treatment of hides, skins, &c. 1903 675-F628 PROCTER, Henry R. Leather indus- tries. 1898 675-P9436 K 676. PAPER. CELLULOSE. BUTLER, J. W. Story of paper-mak- ing. 1901 J676-B973 CROSS, Charles F., and SEVAN, E. J. Text-book on paper-making. 1900. 676-C885 SCHUBERT, Max. Manufacture of cellulose. (1899) 676-SCH758 677. COTTON. WOOL. SILK. LINEN. ASH EN HURST, Thomas R. Design in textile fabrics. 1892 677-AS335 ASH TON, Frederick T. Theory and practice of the art of design- ing fancy cotton and woollen cloths from sample. 1874 R677-AS37 BAIRD, Robert H. American cotton spinner. 1896 677-B167 BOWMAN, F. H. Structure of the wool fibre. 1885 677-B684 BRAMWELL, William Calvert. Wool- carders' vade mecum. 1881 677-B7346 HOLT, Rosa Belle. Rugs, oriental and occidental, antique and mod- ern. 1901 R677-H747 LANGTON, Mrs. Mary Beach. How to know oriental rugs. 1904. .677-L2687 McLaren, waiter S. Bright. Spinning woollen and worsted. 1897 677-M223 MORRIS, John, and WILKINSON, P. Elements of cotton spinning. 1897 677-M834C MUMFORD, John Kimberly. Oriental rugs. 1902 R677-M918 POSSE LT, E. A. Structure of fibres, yarns and fabrics. 1900 677-P8443 Technology of textile design 677-P8443T Textile world's oflicial directory. . . 1901 R677-T3196 678. RUBBER. BRAN NT, William Theodore. India- rubber, gutta-percha and balata. 1900 678-B735 PEARSON, Henry C. Crude rubber and compounding ingredients. 1899 R678-P317 SLOAN E, Thomas O'Conor. Rubber hand stamps and the manipu- lation of rubber. 1900 678-SL53 67^^. FLOUR. KICK, Friedrich. Flour manufacture. 1888 R679-K531 680. MECHANIC TRADES. "AMATEUR MECHANIC," pseud. How to make and how to mend. 1901 R680-AM13 BOWER, John A. How to make com- mon things. For boys. 1895. .J680-B6755 Boy's work-shop, with plans and de- signs for in-door and out-door work. (1884) J680-B716 CASSAL, Hans J. S. Workshop make- shifts. 1898 680-C2715 GRIFFITH, Robert. Boys' useful past- times. (1885) J680-G875 LELAND, Charles Godfrey (Hans Breitmann, pseud.) Manual of mending and repairing with dia- grams. 1896 680-L537 VANCE, F. T. Ways for boys to make and do things. (1887) J680-V2737 681. CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING. BECKETT, Sir Edmund. Rudiment- ary treatise on clocks, watches and bells. 1883 681-B3869 BRITTEN, Frederick James. Former clock and watch-makers and their work. 1894 R681-B776F Watch and clock-maker's handbook. 1902 R681-B776 HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Clock jobbers' handybook. 1899 681-H274C Watch jobber's handybook. 1899. .681-H274W IMMISCH, Moritz. Prize essay on the balance spring. 1872 681-IM65 KEMLO, F. Watch repairer's hand- book. 1901 681-K317 Same reference. no USEFUL ARTS 6S2, BLACKSMITHING. HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Smith's work G82-H274 RICH, George E. Artistic horseshoe- ing. 1899 682-R374 RICHARDSON, M. T., ed. and comp. Practical blacksmithing. 1899. 4v 682-R392 RUSSELL, William. Scientific horse- shoeing. 1899 682-R914 ^83. GUN-MAKING. EDE, George. Guns and gun material. 1889 683-ED295 GOULD, A. C., (Ralph Greenwood, pseud.) Modern American pis- tols and revolvers. 1894 683-G73P Modern Ainerican rifles. 1892 683-G73R 6Si. CARRIAGE AND CABINET MAKING. ARKWRIGHT, John P., ed. Cabinet- making for amateurs 684-AR449 PHILIPSON, John. Art and craft of coach building. 1897 684-P534G WARE Bros, firm, pubs. -Wagon builders' assistant. (1897) R684-W22 6S5, BOOT MAKING. GOLDING, F. Y. Manufacture of boots and shoes, being a modern treat- ise of all the processes of mak- ing and manufacturing footgear. 1902 685-G5G84 HASLUCK, Paul N., ed. Boot-making and mending. 1898 685-H274 6Z6. BOOKBINDING. COCKERELL, Douglas. Book-binding and the care of books. 1902 686-06445 CRANE, W. J. E. Book binding for ameteurs 686-C853 MATTHEWS, James Brander. Book bindings old and new. 1895 686-M434 NICHOLSON, James B. Manual of the art of book binding. 1887 .686-N523 ZAEHNSDORF, Joseph W. Art of book binding. 1900 686-Z13 587. CLOTHES MAKING. HASLUCK, Paul N., ed. Tailoring. 1901 687-H274T THOMSON,. John. Treatise on hat- making and felting. 1868 687-T385 6S9. VARIOUS TRADES. BURN, S. D. U. Bicycle repairing 689-B94 FIRTH, Annie. Cane basket work. 1st and 2nd series. 1901 689-F518C HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Basket work of all kinds. 1902 689-H274B Cycle building and repairing. 1900. 689-H274C JAMES, George Wharton. Indian bas- ketry. 1901 R689-J234 KIPPING, Robert. Sails and sail- making. 1898 689-K627 SADLER, Samuel B. Art and science of sail-making. 1892 689-SA13 TAYLER, Alexander James Wallace. Modern cycles. 1897 689-T214M WHITE, Mary. How to make baskets. 1901 689-W585 690. BUILDING. BURRELL, Edward J. Elementary building construction and draw- ing. 1901 690-B942 CLARK, Theodore Minot. Care of a house; a volume of suggestions to householders, etc. 1903 690-C54719 HATFIELD, R. G. American house carpenter. 1895 690-H284A KIDDER, Frank Eugene. Building construction and superintend- ence. 4th ed. 1902 690-K533 Same reference. RILEY, J. W. Building construction for beginners. 1899 690-R455 TYRRELL, H. G. Mill building con- struction. 1901 690-T982 VERNON, Arthur. Estate fences. 1899. 690-V598 69U MATERIALS. PRESERVA- TIVES. BIRKMIRE, William Harvey. Archi- tectural iron and steel. 1901. . .691-B5354 Same reference. BRITTON, Thomas Allen. Treatise on the origin, progress, prevention and cure of dry rot in timber. 1875 691-B778 BYRNE, Austin T. Inspection of the materials and workmanship em- ployed in construction. 1900.. .G91-B996I Same reference. LEFEVRE, Leon. Architectural pot- tery. 1900 R691-F523G MERRILL, George P. Stones for build- ing and decoration. 1891 691-M554 Same reference. 692. PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. BOWER, William Frank. Specifica- tions. 1898 R692-B6755 Builder's portfolio. (1886). 3v R692-B8G6 CLARK, Theodore Minot. Building superintendence; a manual for young architects. 1903 692-C547 HICKS, I. P. Builder's guide. 1902.. .692-H524 HODGSON, Frederick T. Estimating frame and brick houses. 1902.. .692-H665E 693. MASONRY. PLASTERING. FIREPROOFING. BAKER, Ira O. Treatise on masonry construction. 1900 693-B174M BOOTH, Mary L., tr. Marble-workers manual. 1895 693-B647M USEFUL ARTS 31 CHRISTIE, William Wallace. Chimney design and theory. 1899 693-C464C FREITAG, Joseph Kendall. Fireproof- ing of steel buildings. 1899 693-F883 HODGSON, Frederick T. Plaster and plastering. 1901 693-H665 MAGI NN IS, Owen B. Bricklaying. (1900) 693-M2743 MILLAR, William. Plastering, plain and decorative. 1899 R693-M613 RICHARDS, H. W. Bricklaying and brick cutting. 1902 693-R39 SIEBERT, John S. and BIGGIN, Fred- eric Child. Modern stone cut- ting and masonry, with special reference to the making of work- ing drawings. 1902 693-SI168 Stone mason and bricklayer. 1891 G93-ST72 694. CARPENTRY. STAIR- BUILDING- ADAMS, Henry. Joints in woodwork. 1894 694-AD14 BELL, William E. Carpentry made easy. 1900 694-B414 BENSON, W. A. S. Elements of handi- craft and design. 1893 J694-B442 DENNING, David. Art and craft of cabinet-making. 1891 G94-D428 ELLIS, George. Modern practical join- ery... with treatises on stair- building, etc. 1902 694-EL56 GOLDEN, Michael Joseph. Laboratory course in wood-turning. (1897). 694-G568 GOSS, W. F. M. Bench work in wood. 1902 694-G694 HODGSON, Frederick Thomas. Car- penters' steel square and its uses. 1890 694-H665S4 Modern carpentry. (1902) 694-HG65M Practical carpentry. 1900 G94-H6G5P Stair building made easy. 1884 G94-H665S HOLLY, H. W. Carpenter's and join- er's hand-book. 1900 G94-H7298 MONCKTON, James H. Stair-building. 1899 694-M742 New system of hand-railing. 1885. ...694-N42 WHEELER, Charles Gardner. Wood- working for beginners. 1900.. .J694-W5G7 WOOD, W. H. Practical stair building and handrailing, by the square section and falling-line system. 1894 694-W852 696. PLUMBING. American plumbing practice. 1896. .696-AM33 DA VIES, Philip John. Standard prac- tical plumbing. 1896 696-D287 DYE, F. Hot water fitting and steam cooking apparatus. 1897 696-D984 GRIM SHAW, H. Kitchen boilers and water pipes. 1887 696-G8856K HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Practi- cal gas-fitting. 1900 696-H274G Same reference. HELLYER, S. Stevens. Principles and nractice of plumbing. 1898.. . .696-H3668 McNeill, Thomas E. Steam and hot water fitter's text-book. (1896). G9G-M235 697. HEATING AND VENTILATION. BALDWIN, William J. Baldwin on heating. 1900 697-B194H Same reference. Hot water heating and ntting. 1891. 697-B194H2 BILLINGS, John S. Ventilation and heating. 1893 697-B494V BRIGGS, Robert. Steam-heating. 1895. 697-B767 CARPENTER, Rolla Clinton. Heating and ventilating buildings. 1902. 697-C220 HOOD, Charles. Practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water. 1897 697-H764 LAWLER, James Joseph. Modern plumbing, steam and hot water heating. (1899) 697-L424 Same reference. MILLS, John H. Heat. (1890). 2v. 697-M627H SNOW, William G. Furnace heating. 1900 G97-SNG3 698. PAINTING. GLAZING- PAPER- HANGING. ARROWSMITH, James. Paper-hanger's companion. 1900 698-AR658 BRAN NT, William Theodore, ed. Painter, gilder and varnisher's companion. 1900 698-P164 BROWN, William Norman. Hand book on japanning and enameling for cycles, bedsteads, tinware, etc. 1901 G98-B812 J House decorating and painting. 1900. 698-B812 DENNING, David. Polishes and stains for woods 698-D428 French polisher's manual. 1896 698-F88G GARDNER, Franklin B. Everybody's paint-book. 1888 G98-G173B Painters' encyclopaedia, containing definitions of all important words in the art of plain and artistic painting. 1901 R698-G173 HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. House decoration. 1897 698-H274H Wood finishing. 1897 698-H274W HILLICK, M. C. Practical carriage and wagon painting. 1900 G98-H5576 Hints and practical information for cabinet-makers, upholsterers and furniture men. 1899 698-H598 HODGSON, Frederick T., comp. Hard- wood finisher. 1901 698-HG65H Painters' manual 698-P165 PEARCE, Walter J. Painting and dec- orating. (1898) G98-P3147 SCHRIBER, Fritz. Complete carriage and wagon painter. 1899 698-SCH754 32 USEFUL ARTS 699. SHIPBUILDING. BOATS. CANOES. YACHTS AND YACHTING. BARKER, David Wilson. Manual of elementary seamanship. 1902. 699-B243 BIDDLE, Tyrrel E. Corinthian yachts- man. 18S6 G99-B477C Hints to beginners in amateur yacht designing. 1890 699-B477 BLAND, William. Forms of ships and boats. 1894 699-B594 BOWLING, Tom, pseud. Book of knots. 1899 699-B6825 BRAIN ARD, Frederick R. Knots, splices, hitches, bends and lash- ings. 1893 G99-B733K COTTERILL, C. C, and LITTLE, E. D. Ships and sailors, ancient and modern. 1868 699-C828 COZZENS, Fred S., and others. Yachts and yachting. 135th ed. (1888). 699-C838 CRAMP, William & Sons ship and en- gine building company. Cramp's shipyard. 1902 699-C849 DAVIS, Charles G. How to build a skip-jack. 1898 699-D29 DAY, Thomas Fleming. On yachts and yacht handling. 1901 699-D33 FIELD, Parker B. Canvas canoes; how to build them, with a plan and all dimensions. 1899 699-F454 FISHER, Herbert. How to build a model yacht. 1902 699-F534 FITZGERALD, C. C. P. Boat sailing and racing. 1888 699-F575 FOLK ARD, Henry Coleman. Sailing boat; a treatise on sailing boats and small yachts. 5th ed. 1901. 699-F7183 FRANKLIN, A. C. Yachting hints, tables and useful memoranda. 1900 R699-F854 FRAZAR, Douglas. Practical boatsail- ing. (1879) 699-F865 GRANTHAM, John. On iron ship build- ing. 1859 699-G766 GROSVENOR, John du V. Model yachts and boats 699-G914 HASLUCK, Paul Nooncree, ed. Build- ing model boats. 1901 699-H274B HAY WARD, John D. Canoeing with sail and paddle. 1893 699-H335G HICKS, C. Stansfeld. Yachts, boats and canoes. 1887 699-H524 HOGG, Archibald. Tables for con- structing ships lines. 1897. ...699-H678 HOLMES, George C. V. Ancient and modern ships. Pt. 1. Wooden sailing ships. 1900 699-H743 INGRAHAM, Frank A. U. S. yachting • directory. 1901 R699-IN48D JORDAN, Charles H. Tabulated weights of angle, tee and bulb, iron and steel. 1896 699-J762 KEMP, Dixon. Manual of yacht and boat sailing. 1900. 2v R699-K32M Yacht architecture; a treatise on the laws which govern the resistance of bodies moving in water, pro- pulsion by steam and sail, yacht designing and yacht building. 1897 R699-K32 KIPPING, Robert. Rudimentary treat- ise on masting, mast-making and rigging of ships. 1898 699-K627 KNIGHT, Austin M. Modern seaman- ship. 1902 R699-K744 KNIGHT, Edward Frederick. Sailing. 1890 699-K744 Small boat sailing. 1901 699-K744S KUNHARDT, C. P. Small yachts. 1891. R699-K963S Steam yachts and launches. 1891. 699-K963S LARK, model. How to build a racer for $50.00. 1899 699-L325 Same reference. LESLIE, Robert C. Sea-boat, how to build, rig and sail her. 1892. 699-L5G5 LUCE, Stephen Bleecker. Text-book of seamanship. 1898 RG99-L9637 MARETT, P. R. Yachts and yacht building. 1872 G99-M3362 MOTT, Henry A., ed. Yachts and yachtsmen of America. (1894). R699-M858 MOWER, Charles Drown. How to build a motor launch. 1901 699-M8724 How to build a racing sloop. 1902. G99-M8724R MURRAY, Andrew, and MURRAY, Robert. Ship building in iron and wood. 18G3 R699-M964 NEISON, Adrian, KEMP, Dixon, and others. Practical boat building and sailing 699-N3152 PATTERSON, Howard. Illustrated nautical encyclopaedia. (1901). R699-P27G2 On yacht etiquette; what to do, and how to do it. Courtesies, disci- pline, . . for all circumstances. 1903 R699-P2762Y PEAKE, James. Elementary prin- ciples of naval architecture. 1897 699-P314 REED, Thomas. Seamanship 699-R252 SOMMERFELDT, Hakon A. Construc- tion of ships for ocean and river service 699-S0546C STANTON, Samuel Ward. American steam vessels. 1895 R699-ST274 A STEPHENS, W. P. Canoe and boat building. 1898 699-ST44 Small yachts. Supplement. 1896. R699-ST44S SULLIVAN, Sir Edward, and others. Yachting. 2nd ed. 1902. 2v.. . .G99-SU54 TAYLOR, David Watson. Resistance of ships and screw propulsion. 1893 699-T215 THEARLE, Samuel J. P. Modern prac- tice of ship building in iron and steel. 2v 699-T342 TORR, Cecil. Ancient ships. 1894 699-T633 USEFUL ARTS 33 VAUX, C. Bowyer (Dot, pseud.) Canoe WHITE, Sir W. H. Manual of naval handling. 1888 699-V469 architecture. 1900 699-W585 WALTON, Thomas. Know your own WILLSON, H. Bowlby. Science of ship- ship. 1901 699-W175 building, considered in its rela- Steel ships. 1901 R699-W175 tion to the laws of nature. 1863. WATSON, Thomas H. Naval architec- 699-W684 ture. 1898 699-W335 WEBB, F. R. (The commodore, pseud.) Manual of the canvas canoe. 1898. 699-W382 AUTHOR INDEX Page Aaron, C. H 27 Abady, J 25 Abbot, H. L 14 Abbot, W. J 23 Abbott, A. C 5 Abbott, A. V 10 Abel, F. A 12 Abel, M. H 21 Adam, G. M 4 Adams, B. B 22 Adams, G 10 Adams, H 7, 14, 31 Adams, W. J 27 Ainsley, T. L 22, 23 Aitken, T 15 Allen C. F 15 Allen, G. T 15 Allen, J. R 16 Allen, L. F 19 Allen, M. W 3 Allen, M. W., & Stall, S 4 Allsop, F. C 22 Aloe, A. S 7 Amateur mechanic, pseud 29 Amateur mechanics' workshop 12 American advertiser reporter 24 American armamentarium chirurgicum. . 7 American dictionary of printing 23 American engineering competition 8 American Iron & Steel Association 28 American machinist 7 American plumbing practice 31 American railway 23 Anderson, J. W 12 Andes, L. E 26 Andre, G. G 12 Andrews, H. B 15 Ansted, A 23 Anthony, G. C 12 Arkwright, J. P 30 Armsby, H. P. 19 Armstrong, G. E 14 Arnold, H. L 24 Arrowsmith, J 31 Arts and crafts essays 2 Ashenhurst, T. R 29 Ashton, F. T 29 Askinson, G. W 27 Atkinson, E 21 Atkinson, P 10 Avtwood, E. L 14 Austen, W. C. Roberts- 27 Avery, A. H 10 Badt, F. B 10, 22 Bailey, H. P 21 Bailey, J. M 18 Bailey, L. H 17, 18, 19 Page Baird, R. H 29 Baker, B 14 Baker, G. H 9 Baker, I. 30 Baker, R. S 2 Balch, W. R 12 Baldwin, W. J 31 Baltet, C 18 Barber, E. A 26 Barber, T. W 7 Barker, D. W 32 Barlow, C 14 Barnaby, S. W 9 Barnard, C 12 Barnes, D. L., & Whitridge, J. C 8 Barnes, J. S 14 Barnett, H. O. R 3 Barr, J. H 12 Barr, W. M 12, 16 Barry, J. W 15 Bartley, B. C 7 Barwise, S 16 Bates, W. W 24 Battershall, J. P 5 Bauerman, H 27 Baughan, R 22 Baye, J 1 Bazin, H 16 Beach, B. H., & Thome, W. W 22 Beale, S 19 Bean, T. H 20 Beans, E. W 15 Beard, J. T 12 Beard, S. H 21 Beckett, Sir E 29 Beckman, J 2 Beecher, C. E., & Stowe, H. B 20 Beecher, H. W 17 Beeton, I 20, 21 Beeton, S. 1 Behr, H. C 13 Bell. L 10 Bell, R 6 Bell, T. J 16 Bell, W. E 31 Benjamin, P 1 Benson, W. A. S 31 Berdoe, E 3 Berg, W. G 14, 15 Beringer, C, & Beringer, J. J 27 Berkeley, H. R., & Walker, W. M 25 Berliner klinische wochenschrift 3 Bernadou, J. B ; 25 Bidder, M. G., & Baddeley, F 20 Biddle, T. E 32 Bigelow, J 1 Billings, E. R 18 Billings, J. S 3, 31 Billroth, T 6, 7 36 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. Page Binns, C. F 26 Bird, F. J 26 Birkmire, W. H 14, 30 Biser, B. F 26 Bjorling, P. R 10 Black, W. M 7 Blaikie, W 4 Blaine, R. G 16 Blaisdell, A. F 3, 4 Blake, E. T 16 Blakelee, G. E 1 Blakston, W. A 19 Bland, W 14, 32 Blinn, L. J 25 Bloomer, J. G 22 Blount, B., & Bloxam, A. G 25 Blue book of American shipping 24 Bodmer, G. R 10 Bolland, S 28 Boiler, A. P 15 Booth, M. L 30 Bosqui, F. L 27 Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. ... 4 Bottone, S. R 10, 23 Bouchot, H 23 Boulnois, H. P 16 Bourne, J 9 ' Bovey, H. T 7, 16 Bower, J. A 29 Bower, W. F 30 Bowie, A. J 13 Bowling, Tom, pseud 32 Bowman, F. H 29 Box, T ..12 Boyd, J. P 2 Boy's workshop 29 Brackett, A. C 4 Brady, W. N 24 Brain 3 Brainard, F. R 32 Bramble, C. A 13 Bramwell, W. C '. 29 Brands, O. M., & Van Gieson, H. C 3 Brannt, W. T 26, 28, 29, 31 Brannt, W. T., & Wahl, H 25 Brassey, T 24 Braun, E 21 Briggs, C. E 24 Briggs, R 31 Brisbin, J. S 18 Britten, F. J 29 Britton, T. A 30 Brooks, C. P 18 Brooks, J. P 15 Brough, B. H 13 Brown, C. C 26 Brown, C. H 3 Brown, J. C 18 " Brown, M. B 21 Brown, N 24 Brown, S. A 20, 21 Brown, T 7 Brown, W. L 27 Brown, W. N 29, 31 Browne, M. P 22 Browne, P 21 Bruff, L. L 14 Page Bruncken, E 18 Brunton, T. L 6 Bryant, J. C 24 Buchanan, C. M 6 Buchanan, J. F 28 Buckley, S. B 17 Budd, J. L., & Hansen, N. E 17 Builder's portfolio 30 BuUen, F. T 24 Burn, R. S 9 Burn, S. D. V 30 Burnet, R. W 6 Burnham, G. P 19 Burnley, J 2, 5 Burr, W. H ; 7, 15 Burrell, E. J 30 Butler, D. B 26 Butler, J. W 29 Butts, E 7 Butts, I. R 1 Byrn, E. W 2 Byrne, A. T 15, 30 Byrne, O 12, 15 Calder, J 5 California State Mineralogist 13 Call, A. P 4 Gallon, J. P 13 Campbell, H. H 28 Campbell, H. S 20, 21 Campin, F 12 Card, F. W 18 Carpenter, R. C 7, 31 Carpenter, W. L 27 Carpenter, W. M 3 Carter, E. T 10 Cassal, H. J. S 29 cassell 1 Cassier's magazine 2, 10 Chadwick, F. E 24 Chapin, H. D 3 Charleton, A. G 27 Chase, A., & Clow, E 28 Chase, A. W 1 Chase, I. McK 9 Checkley, E 4 Christie, W. W 31 Christopher, S 26 Clark, H. F 13 Clark, T. M 30 Clegg, J 23 Clerk, D H Climates and baths of Great Britain 6 Coal and metal miner's pocketbook 13 Coates, H. T 19 Cobb, J. S 5 Cobbold, T. S 20 Coburn, F. D 18, 19 Cochrane, C. H 2 Cochrane, R 2 Cockerell, D 30 , Coffin, F. C 16 Colange, A. L. de 1 Cole, G. S 28 Cole, W. H 15 Coleman, T. E 17 Collet, H 17 USEJ'UL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. 37 Page Collins, H. F 27 Colquhoun, A. R 16 Colson, C 16 Compton, A. G., & DeGroodt, J. H 12, 28 Cook, A. J 20 Cooper, J. H 12 Copp, H. N 13 Copyright enactments 23 Cordingley, W. G 24 Corson, J 21 Cotterill, C. C, & Little, E. D 32 Cotterill, J. H 9 Cousins, H. H 17 Cowell, W. B 25 Cox, S. H 13 Cozzens, F. S 32 Cramp, W 32 Crandall, C. L 15 Crane, W 23 Crane, W. J. E : 30 Crehore, A. C, & Squier, G. 14 Creighton, C 6 Crimp, W. S 17 Crocker, F. B 10 Crocker, F. B., & Wheeler, S. S 10 Cromwell,. J. H 12, 24 Cronkhite, A 14 Cross, C. F., & Bevan, E. J 29 Crozier, W., & Henderson, P 17 Ciinard Royal Mail 2 Curtis, I. G 21 Curtiss, C. C 24 Gushing, H. C 10 Cyclopedia of practical information 1 Dahlstrom, K. P 9 Dalziel, H 7 Davey, H 12 Davidson, G 24 Davies, D. C 13 Davies, J 28 Davies, N. E. Y 4 Davies, P. J 31 Davis, C. G...: ! 32 Davis, C. T 26, 29 Davis, F 13 Dawidowsky, F 27 Day, T. F 32 Deaver, J. B 6 Deering Harvester Co 2 Deerr, N 25 Delano, W. H 15 Denning, D 31 Denny, G. A 13 Derr, L 7 Derr, W. L 24 DeSalis, H. A 21 Descriptive index of current engineering literature 7 DeVinne, T. L 23 Dewey, E. H 4 Dibdin, W. J 26 Dick, W. B 1 Diesel, R H Dietz, W. D 5 Dingey, P. S ., 28 Dixon, D. B 7 Page Dixon, T 8 Dobbs, A. E 23 Dobson, E 26 Dodd, G 28 Dodds, S. W 21 Doherty, W. B 6 Donkin, B 11 Dowd, D. L 4 Downing, A. J 18 Drake, E. F. A 4 Dredge, J 15, 24 Drinkwater, H 5 Duane, A 3 Dubelle, G. H 25 Dunlop, M. A. W 26 Durand. W. F 9, 14 Durham, W 3 Dye, F 22, 31 Dyson, Mrs 18 Earhart, J. F 23 Earle. T., & Congdon, C. T 2 Eaton, S 22 Eddy, M. B. G 6 Ede, G 28, 30 Edgar, W. C 18 Edison, T. A 22 Edison, T. F., & Westinghouse, C. J 1 Eff ront, J 25 Egbert, S 5 Egleston, T 27 Eisen, G 18 Eissler, M 25, 27 Electrical designs 10 Electrical world 2 Electricity in daily life 10 Elliot, S. B 7 Ellis, G 31 Ellis, H. H 3 Engineering and mining journal 7 Engineering magazine ". 7 Engineering news 7 Engineering record 7 English forests and forest trees 18 Erfurt, J 26 Erskine, F. J 28 Evans, G. H 13 Fahie, J. J 23 Fairbairn, W 27 Fairie, J 26, 27 Faries, R 5 Farmer, F. M 2I Farmer's guide 17 Farnum, J. S g Farrington, F 24 Fehrenbatch, J g Fell, J 24 Fermor, M. G. P 19 Fernow, B. E [ , ig Ferrier, D 3 Fick, A 4 Fiebeger, G. J ]]] 14 Field, E. R 13 Field, H. M '.[ 23 Field, M. K. K 26 38 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. Page Field, P. B 32 Filippini, A 22 Filley and Ogden 13 Firth, A. 30 Fisher, H 32 Fiske, B. A 11 Fiske, G. B 19 Fitzgerald, C. C. P 32 Fitzgerald, C. E 3 Fitzgerald, W. S 12 Fitzmaurice, M 15 Flather, J. J 12 Fleischmann, W 20 Fleming, G 19 Flemming, L. A 29 Fletcher, E. L 27 Fletcher, H 4 Fleury, M. de 6 Flinn, J. J 2 Flint, C. L 18 Foerster, A 6 Folkard, H. C 32 Folwell, A. P * 17 Ford, W. H 9 Forney, M. N 9 Forward, C. W 21 Foster, C. LeN 13 Foster, H. A 11, 24 Foster, J 9 Foster, W. C 15 Fothergill, J. M 4, 6 Fowler, C. E 15 Francatelli, C. E 22 Frankel, J 25 Franklin, A. C 32 Franklin institute 2 Frazar, D 32 Frazer, P 22 Freitag, J. K 31 French, H. F 17 French polisher's manual 31 Frith, H , 7 Frizell, J. P 10 Fry, H 24 Fuerst, W 18 Fuertes, J. H 5, 17 Fuller, A. S 18 Fulton, J. A 18 Furman, H. V 27 Fyfe, H. C 14 Galton, F 3 Galton, F. W 2 Garbett, H 14 Garcke, E 23 Gardner, F. B 31 Gaskell, G. A 22 Gaye, S 17 Gayetty, J. W 11 Gee, G. E 28 Geipel, W. & Kilgour, M. H 7 General machinist 12 Gerhard, W. P 5, 17 Gibbs, W. E 25 Gibson, J. A 6 Gilbert, H. P 15 Gill, A. H 9 Page Gillespie, A. L 4 Gillraore, Q. A 15 Ginsburg, B. W 24 Glover, J 15 Going, E. M 18 Golden, M. J 31 Golding, F. Y 30 Goldingham, A. H 11 Golinelli, L 26 Goode, G. B 20 Goodholme, T. S 20 Goodrich, W. F 17 Goodyear, W. A 13 Gordon, W. J 28 Goss, W. F. M 31 Gould, A. C 30 Gould, G. M 3 Gowers, W. R 6 Graefe, A. & Saemisch, T 7 Graham, A. J 22 Graham, M 9 Graham, W 29 Grantham, J 32 Granville, J. M 5 Graves, H. S 29 Gray, H 3 Greeley, H 28 Green, M. E 25 Green, T. H 6 Greene, C. E 7, 15 Greene, R. H 4 Greene, W. T 19 Greenwood, W. H 28 Griffith, R 29 Griffiths, T. M 6 Grimshaw, H 31 Grimshaw, R 9, 12 Gripper, C. P 15 Gross, E 18 Grosvenor, J. duV 32 Grotenfelt, G 20 Gruener, M. L 27 Guillemin, A 1 Gunsaulus, F. W 7 Guttman, 25 Gymnastics, Boston normal school of, . . . 4 Hadley, A. T 24 Haines, H. S 15 Haldane, J. W. C 9 Hale, E. E 2 Hall, G. F 19 Hall, W. E 12 Hall, W. S 2 Hall, W. W 4 Halliday, G 12 Halsey, F. A 9 Ham, C. H 2 Hammarsten, 4 Hanchett, G. T 11 Hancock, H. 1 4 Harbord, F. W 27 Harcourt, L. F. V 16 Harder, J. A 21 Hardy, W. J 16 Harmsworth, A. C 11 Harper's cook book encyclopaedia 21 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. 39 Page Harris, J 19 Harris, T. W 18 Harrison, E. 22 Hartig, R 18 Hartshorne, H 3 Haserick, E. C 26 Haskins, CD 11 Haskins, C. W 20, 24 Hasluck, P. N 1, 12, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32 Haswell, C. H 7 Hatch, F. H. & Chalmers, J. A 13 Hatfield, R. G 30 Haupt, L. M : 15 Haweis, H. R 5 Hawkins, C. C. & Wallis, F 11 Hayes, M. H 5, 7, 19 Hay ward, J. D 32 Hazen, A 17 Hazlehurst, J. N 17 Heap, D. P 16 Heath, A. H 26 Heatley, G. S 19 Heermann, P 26 Hellyer, S. S 31 Hemenway, F. F 9 Henck, J. B 15 Henderson, P 19 Hendricks, S. E 25 Herbert, A. K. (Wyvern) 21 Herbert, H. W 19 Herbert, J. F 7 Hering, C 23 Herrick, A. B. . 11 Herrick, C. T 20, 21 Hexamer, F. M 19 Hichborn, P 14 Hickox, W. E.« 22 Hicks, C. S 32 Hicks, I. P 30 Hildebrand, H 2 Hill, A 4 Hill, C 22 Hill, J. McK 21 Hill, J. W 19 Hill, T. E 24 Hillick, M. C 31 Hillier, A 6 Hinton, J 4 Hints and practical information for cabi- net-makers 31 Hiorns, A. H 27, 28 Hiscox, G. D 8, 11 Hixon, H. W 27 Hobday, F. T. G 7 Hodges, L. K 13 Hodgetts, E. A. B 25 Hodgson, F. T 12, 30, 31 Hodson, J 3 Hoefer, H. & Veith, A .* 25 Hofman, H. 27 Hogan, L. E 4 Hogg, A 32 Hollander, B 6 Holly, H. W 12, 31 Holmes, G. C. V 32 Holt, E. F 22 Holt, R. B 29 Page Homans, J. E 23 Home sanitation 17 Hood, C 31 Hooker, W 6 Hooper, F. & Graham, J 22 Hopkins, A. A 1 Hopkins, N. M 9 Hopkins, S. A 7 Hopkins, W. J 23 Hopton, W 13 Hornby, J 25 Hough, R. B 18 House and home 20 Houston, E. J 18 Houston, E. J. & Kennelly, A. E 8, 11, 23 Hovgaard, G. W 14 Howard, C. R 15 Howard, L. 6 Howe, H. M 27 Howe, M. A 15 Howell, W. H 4 Hoyer, E. von & Kreuter, F 1 Hubbard, E 25 Hughes, H. W 13 Hughes, N 23 Hughes, S 17, 25 Hulbert, A. B 15 Hunt, M. H 4 Hunter, W. J 4 Huntington, A. K. & McMillan, W. G 27 Hurst, C 12 Hurst, G. H 25, 26 Hurst, J. T 7, 8 Hutchinson, R 4 Hutton, F. R 11 Hyrtl, J 3 Ihlseng, M. C 13 lies, G 2, 3 Illustrated coast pilot 24 Ilott, C 19 Immisch, M 29 Imray, J. F 24 Ingalls, J. M 14 Ingle, H 17 Ingraham, F. A 32 Innes, C. H 10 International code of signals 23 International commercial congress 22 International engineering congress 8 International library of technology 1 Isler, C 17 Jackson, D. C. & Jackson, J. P 11 Jacobi, C. T 23 Jago, W. 25 James, A 27 James, G. W 30 Japp, A. H 1 Jarchow, H. N 18 Jeans, J. S 16 Jennings, J 19 Jervis, J. B 15 Johnson, CO 17 Johnson, F. R 15 Johnson, J. B 8 40 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. Page Johnson, J. B. & Bryan, C. W 15 Johnson, J. C. F 13 Johnson, P. W 24 Johnson, S. W 17 Johonnot, J. & Bouton, E 4 Jones, B. W 18 Jones, F. R 9 Jones, M. W 26 Jones, R. J. C 24 Jordan, C. H 32 Jordan, D. S. & Evermann, B. W 20 Journal of the Franklin institute 2 Judson, W. P 15 Kansas state board of agriculture 17 Keasbey, L. M 16 Keen, A 21 Keene, J. H 22 Keep, W. J 28 Kelly, W. J 23 Kemlo, F 29 Kemp, D. 32 Kempe, H. R 8 Kent, W 8, 9 Kerley, C. G 22 Kerr, E. W 12 Kerr, G. L 13 Kerr, R 23 Kick, F 29 Kidder, F. B 30 Kilburn, A 9 Killebrew, J. B. & Myrick, H 18 Kimber, D. C 3 Kinealy, J. H 9 King, F. H 17 King, J. W 14 Kingzett, C. T 25 Kinney, A 18 Kipping, R 30, 32 Kirby, M. & Kirby, E 25 Kirk, E. 28 Kirkes, W. S 4 Kirkland, B. S 21 Kirkman, M. M 15 Kirkpatrick, T. S. G 13 Kittredge, G. W 28 Kneass, S. L 9 Knight, A. M 32 Knight, C 2 Knight, E. F 32 Knight, E. H 8 Knight, R 9 Koenig, F 7 Krohn, W. 4 Kunhardt, C. P 32 Kunhardt, W. B 13 Kutter, W. R 16 Lagrange, F 4 Lakes, A 13 Lambert, T 27 Lamprecht, R 13 Landrin, M. H. C 28 Lane, M. A. L 2 Lang, H 27 Langstroth, L. L , 20 Page Langton, M. B 29 Lardner, D 9 Larisch, E 4 Lark model 32 Larkin, J 29 Larwood, J. & Hotten, J. C 25 Latimer, L. H H Lawler, J. J 31 Lawn, J. G 13 Leask, A. R 8, 9, 12 Ledoux, C. 12 Lee, A 4 Lee, D 25 Lee, R. B 19 Lee, W. H 8 Leehey, M. D 13 Lefevre, L 30 Leffel, J 16 Leftwich, R. W 6 Lehner, S. 26 Leland, C. G 28, 29 Lemcke, G 21 Leslie, E 21 Leslie, R. C 32 Lethaby, W. R 28 LeVan, W. B 8 Lewes, V. B 25 Lewis, F. H 26 Lewis, G. A 6 Lewis, W. M 19 Lieber, O. M 27 Lieckfeld, G H Lincoln, M. J 21 Lippincott, J. B 3 Little, G. H 24 Livache, A 26 Liversidge, J. G : 9 Lock, C. G. W 13, 18, 27 Lodeman, E. G 18 Lodge, O. J 23 Loeb, J 4 Long, J. H. & Buel, R. H 9 Longridge, C. C 27 Lord, N. W 27 Loring, G. B 17 Lossing, B. J 3 Louis, H. L 13 Lounsberry, A 18 Lovell, M. S 22 Lovibond, T. W 25 Low, D. A 8 Low, D. A. & Bevis, W. A 9 Lowenstein, J 2 Lucas, J. L 12 Luce, S. B 32 Lukin, J 8, 12 Lunge, G 25 Lupton, ^ 13 Lush, B. R 20 Luys, J. 4 Lyell, J. C 19 MacCord, C. W 9 Mace, J 4 Macfadden, B 4 Macfadden, B. & Oswald, F 4 Mackenzie, C 1 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. 41 Page Mackrow, C 1^ Maclaren, A 4 McLaren, W. S. B 29 McNeill, T. E 31 McPherson, J. A 17 McShane, C 9 Maginnis, O. B • 31 Magner, D 19 . Mahan, D. H 8, 14 Maiden, W. J 19 Mallock, M. M 21 Management of servants 22 Mandel, J. A 4 Mann, E. B 21 Manning, A. R 3 Marett, P. R 32 Marshall, P H Martens, A 8 Martin, A 13 Martin, H. N 3 Martin, T. C. & Sachs, J 11 Martin, T. C. & Wetzler, J 11 Martin, W. A 8 Marvin, W. L 24 Mason, O. T 2 Mason, W. P 17 Mathews, F. S 18 Matthews, J. B 30 Mauchline, R 13 Mauthner, L 7 Maver, W 23 Maver, W. & Davis, M. M 23 Maycock, W. P H Mead, E 17 Meade, R. K 26 Mechanics' pocket memoranda 8 Meeker, E 18 Meldola, R 25 Mercur, J 14 Merrill, E. A 11 Merrill, G. P 30 Merriman, M 8, 16, 17 Merriman, M. & Jacoby, H. S 15 Meservey, A. B 24 Metal worker 2 Metcalf, W 28 Metcalfe, H 14, 24 Meyer, E 7 Meyer, F. L 23 Meyer, G. H. von 4 Meyer, J. G. A 9 Meyer, J. G. A. & Peter, C. G 8 Michell, S 13 Miles, E. H 4 Millar, W 31 Miller. A. J 4 Miller. A. S 27 Miller, F 2 Miller, J. A 13 Miller, K. B 23 Miller, W. B. E. & Hazard, W. P 7 Millet, F. D 2 Mills, J. H 31 Mills, W 19 Milne, J. 13 Mineral industry 13 Mitchell. S. W 4 Page Modern methods of illustrating books 23 Modern poster 23 Moffett, C 5 Molesworth, Sir G. L. & Molesworth, H. B., 8 Monckton, J. H 31 Moore, E. C. S 16, 17 Morgans, W 13 Morison, G. S 15 Morris, H 3 Morris, J. & Wilkinson, F 29 Morrison, R. S. & DeSoto, E. D 13 Mott, H. A 32 Mower, C. D 32 Mowry, W. A. & Mowry, A. M 2 Mulertt, H : 20 Mullin, J. P 28 Mumford, J. K 29 Municipal engineering 2 Munson, J. E 22 Murray, A 18 Murray, A. & Murray, R 32 Murray, R. & Carlisle, G 9 Murray, W. H. H. . . . .' 19 Murrey, T. J '. 21 Myrick, H 18, 19, 25 Napier, J 3 Nathan, P 23 National advertiser 25 Neison, A., Kemp, D. & Davies, G. C 32 Neuburger, H. & Noalhat, H 26 Neumann, 1 6 New system of hand-railing 31 New York State Commission of fisheries, 20 Newell, F. H 16 Newman, G 6 Newman, J 8, 15, 26 Nicholas, G. A 22 Nicholls, S 9 Nichols, W. R 17 Nicholson, J. B 30 Nicolls, W. J 15 Niemeyer, F. von 6 Nightingale, F 3 Nisbet, J. 18 Nissenson, G. N 9 Nitsch, H. A., see Owen, C Northcott, W. H 9 Notes on naval progress 14 O'Donahue, T. A 13 O'Driscoll, F 27 Ogden, H. N 17 Oldknow, R. C 14 Oliver, T. 5 One hundred and fifty gymnastic games, 4 O'Neill, C 27 Oppenheim, N 7, 22 Ormsbee, A. B 20 Ortner, J 22 Orton, J 13 Osgoodby, W. W 22 Ostrom, K. W 6 Our coal and our coal pits 13 Overman, F 28 Owen, C. pseud 20 42 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. Page Packard, F. R 3 Packard, S. S. & Bryant, H. B 24 Pacrette, J 25 Page, C. N 19 Paget, S 5 Painters' manual 31 Palmer, O. R 22 Pamely, C 13 Park, J 27 Parker, W. G 1 Parkhurst, CD 11 Parkinson, R. M 15 Parloa, M 20, 21 Parry, L. A 5 Parsell, H. V. A. & Weed, A. J 11 i^arshall, H. F. & Hobart, H. M 11 Partridge, O. L 22 Paterson, M. McC 17 Patterson, H 32 Patton ,W. M 8 Paul, F. T 20 Paving and municipal engineering 2 Peabody, C. H 9 Peabody, C. H. & Miller, B. F 9 Peake, J 32 Pearce, W. J 31 Pearson, H. C 29 Peel, R 13 Peer, F. S 17 Peffer, B. S 25 Percy, J 28 Perkins, C. H. & Stowe, J. G 28 Peters, E. D 27 Pharmacopoeia of the U. S C Phelps, C 6 Pailipson, J 30 Phillips, J. A 27 Phillips, J. S 13 Phillips, W. B 24 Physiology for young people 4 Pierce, B. A 21 Pigeon queries 19 Piggott, A. S 13 Pilcher, J. B 5 Pinchot, G 18 Pitman, B. & Howard, J. B 22 Placer mining 13 Plomer, H. R 23 Plunkett, H. M 17 Plympton, G. W 8 Pocket companion 29 Poole, H. M 21 Poole Bros 14 Pope, F. L 23 Porter, C. T 9 Posselt, E. A 29 Powell, H. J 2G Power, F. D 8 Practical electrics 23 Practical notes on stereotyping 23 Pratt, M. D. & Alden, C. A 15 Pray, T 9 Preble, G. H 24 Prelini, C 14 Price, G. M 17 Proctor, H. R 29 Prudden, T. M 4, 5, 6 Page Public health papers and reports 5 Putnam, G. H 23 Pyle, W. L 5 Quain, J. 3 Quain, R 3 Quigley, D 5 Quinn, P. T 18,19 Rafter, G. W. & Baker, M. N 17 Randall, H. S 19 Randall, P. M 27 Randau, P 26 Rankin, F. H 5 Rankine, W. J. M 8 Rassweiler, H. H 3 Rawlings, G. B 23 Raymond, R. W 14 Reagan, H. C 9 Redgrave, G. R 26 Redwood, B 26 Redwood, I. 1 12, 26 Reed, T 32 Reed, T. & Thorn, W. H 10 Reisig, F. W 27 Remington, J. P 6 Reports of experiments on the strength of metals for cannon 14 Reuleaux, F 8 Reynolds, 17 Rhead, E. L 27 Rhead, E. L. & Sexton, A. H 28 Rheindorf, J 7 Riano, J. F 3 Rice, A. B 24 Rich, G. E 30 Richards, A. G 21 Richards, E. H. S 20, 25 Richards, E. H. S. & Elliott, M 20 Richards, E. H. S. & Woodman, A 5 Richards, H. W 31 Richards, J 12 Richards, J. W 28 Richards, W 26 Richardson, M. T 30 Rickard, T. A 14 Ricketts, P. C 2 Ricketts, P. deP. & Miller, B. H 28 Rideal, S 17 Riffault des Hetres, J. R. D. & Vergnaud, A. D 27 Riis, J. A 5 Riley, J. W 30 Rindfleisch, G. B. von 6 Ringwalt, J. L 24 Robb, R 11 Roberts, C. W 10 Roberts, E. W 10, 11 Roberts, P 14 Roberts, W. 23 Robertson, L. S 10 Robertson, P. W 24 Robinson, H 17 Robinson, J. H 19 Robinson, S. W 12 Rocheleau, W. F 1, 28 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. 43 Page Rockwell, A. P 15 Rodway, J 18 Roe, E. P ■ 17. 18 Roh6, G. H 5 Ronald, M 21 Root, A. 1 20 Roper, S 8, 10 Rorer, S. T 21, 22 Rose, J 9> 10. 12 Rose, T. K 28 Rosenthal, I ^ Roser, W ' Ross, R • „2 Kothwell, C. F. S ^J Routledge, R ^ Rowan, F. J }" Rowan, T H Rowell, H ^° Ruddiman, E. A ^ Russell, F IJ Russell, W ^" Russell, W. C 24 Sachse, H. V 21 Sadler, S. B f^ Sadler, W. H 24 Sadtler, S. P 25 Sajous, C. E. de M 3 salmon, L. M 22 Salwey, E. R 1^ Sanford, P. G 25 Sargent, F. L 1° Saunders, W 18 Sauzay, A 26 Scharp, J 28 Scheidel, A 28 Schellen, H 11 Schlich, W 18 Schmidt, F. A. & Miles, E. H 5 Schmidt, L. M 12 Schmitt, G 5 Schnabel, C 28 Schneider, A. 6 Schneider, K. H • • • H Schofleld, R. J 1 Schriber, F 31 Schroeder, K "^ Schroot, A. 10 Schubert, M 29 Schuyler, J. D 16 Schwarz, tJ. F 18 Schweigger, C 7 Scientific American 2 Scientific American supplement 2 Searles, W. H 15 Seaton, A. E 10 Seaton, A. E. & Rounthwaite, H. M 8 Sedgwick, W. T 5 See, J. W 1 Seeger & Guernsey 1 Seely, L 21 Seger, H. A 26 Selfe, N. 12 Seward, T. F 6 Sexton, A. H 28 Sexton, M. J 10 Shaler, N. S 15, 19 Page Sharp, J 28 Sharpe, D 19 Shaw, C. S. W 3 Shaw, V 19 Sheldon, F. M 23 Sheldon, S H Sheldon, S. & Mason, H H Shepherd, E. R 5 Shepherd, W 19 Shield, W 16 Shinn, C. H 14 Shunk, W. F 15 Siebel, J. E 12 Siebert, J. S. & Biggin, F. C 31 Silk, A. E 16 Silk, its origin, culture and manufacture, 20 Simmonds, P. L 17, 20 Simmons, W. E 16 Simon, J. 5 Simonin, L 14 Sinclair, A 10 Slingo, W. & Brooker, A 11 Sloane, T. O'C H, 29 Smart, R. A 8 Smiles, S 2 Smith, A. M 23 Smith, D 27 Smith, E 25 Smith, H 20 Smith, H. 1 24 Smith, J. B 29 Smith, 12 Smith, W 23 Smythe, W. E 16 Snow, C. H 18 Snow, W. B 10 Snow, W. G 31 Snyder, H 20 Solly, S. E 5 Sommerfeldt, H. A 32 Soul6, G 24 Sowle, H 21 Spalding, F. P 15, 26 Spangler, H. W .- 12 Spencer, G. L 25 Spon, E 1, 8 Spon, E. & Spon, F. N 1, 8, 20 Stall, S 5 Standage, H. C 27 Stanton, S. W 32 Steel, J. H 7 Steele, J. D 4 Steinmetz, C. P 11 Stephansky, P. C. 12 Stephens, W. P 32 Stevens, H. G 9 Stevens, H. J 28 Stevens, R. W 24 Stevenson, T. & Murphy, S. F 5 Stewart, H 20 Stille, A 6 Stitson, J. R 6 Stockbridge, H. E 18 Stockham, A. B 7 Stokes, S 18 Stone, T. W 16 Stone mason and bricklayer 31 44 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. Page Stoney, B. B 12 Storer, F. H 18 Storms, W. H 11 Stout, H. R 6 Stowe, H. E. B 20 Stretch, R. H 14 Stromeyer, J. P. E. C 10 Stuehlen, P 8 Sullivan, Sir E 32 Sullivan, M. E 16 Sutcliffe, G. L 26 Sutcliffe, J. H 20 Sutro, E 4 Suttie, T. R 14 Sutton, J. B 6 Swindell, J. G. & Burnell, G. R 17 Sykes, J. F. J 5 Tanner, T. H 6 Taylor, A. J. W 30 Taylor, D. W 32 Taylor, M. H 21 Taylor, T. U 15 Tebb, W 5 Templeton, W 8 Tennant, W. J 10 Terhune, M. V. H 21 Terry, G 27 Texas 17 Textile world's official directory 29 Thearle, S. J. P 14, 32 Thomas, B. F. & Watt, D. A 16 Thomas, H. H 19 Thomas, 1 23 Thomas, J. J 19 Thompson, Sir H 5, 22 Thompson, J. G 1 Thompson, S. P 11 Thomson, J 30 Thomson, J. H. & Redwood, B 26 Thornton, J. P 5 Thorp, F. H 25 Thudichum, J. L. W 21 Thue, W. C 22 Thurber, C. D 10 Thurston, R. H 8, 10, 12, 28 Tillinghast, J. R 6 Tillson, G. W IC Timberg, R 5 Timperley, C. H 23 Todd, F. D 22 Todd, J. & Whall, W. B 24 Tolhausen, A 1 Tomlinson, C 1 Tompkins, A. E 10 Tompkins, D. A 18 Torr, C 32 Tracy, R. S 5 Tratman, E. E. R 16 Trautwin'e, J. C 8, 16 Treadwell, A 11 Treat, M , 18 Tredgold, T ,' 16 Trevert, E , 11 Troughton, F. J 2 Trowbridge, J. T 3 Page Tscherning, M. H. E 7 Tunzelmann, G. W. de 23 Turneaure, F. E. & Russell, H. L 17 Turner, T 28 Tweedie, W 20 Tyndall, J 5 Tyrrell, H. G 30 Uffelmann, J 5 Uncle Lawrence, pseud 1 United States reports of explorations and surveys 16 Unwin, W. C 9 Ure, A 2 Urquhart, J. W 11 Usher, J. T 9 Valentine, L. J 1 Van Cleve, B. F 2 Van Wagenen, T. F 14 Vance, F. T 29 Vaux, C. B 33 Vernon, A 30 Virginia, State of 17 Voorhees, G. T 12 Vosbrugh. H. K 28 Waddell. J. A. L 15 Wahl. R. & Henius, M 25 Waldenburg, L. & Simon, C. E 6 Walke, W 25 Wallace, A. R 3 Walmsley, R. M 11 Walsh, J. H 20 Walton, T 33 Ware, F. M 20 Ware, L. S 18 Ware Bros 30 Whitney, A. D. T 6 Wickson. E. J 19 Waring, G. E 17 Warman, C 16 Warner, F '. 4 Warren, A 24 Warren, S. E 9 Warwick, F. J. & Tunstall, A. C 5 Washington, Mrs., pseud 21 Washington, State of. Harbor-line com- mission report 16, 17 Watkins, R. L - 7 Watson, A 19 Watson, E. P 10, 12 Watson, G. C 20 Watson, T. H 33 Watt, A. 27 Waugh. F. A 19 Webb, F. R 33 Webb, H. L 23 Webb, W. L 16 Webster, W. B 20 Wegmann, E. 16, 17 Weir, H 20 Weisbach, P. J 9 Wellington, A. M 16 Wells, R. 22 West, T. D 28 USEFUL ARTS— AUTHOR INDEX. 45 Page Westhall, C 5 Weyl, W. E 24 Wheeler, C. G 31 Wheeler, C. T 27 Wheeler, J. B 8, 14 Wheeler. M 22 Wheeler, W. H 16 Whipple, G. C 5 White, G 23 White, M 30 White, S. J 21 White, Sir W. H 33 Whitham, J. M 10 Wiechmann, F. G 25 Wiedersheim, R 3 Wigley, T. B. & Stansbie, J. H 28 Wilcox, L. M 18 Wilcox, M. C 21 Wilkinson, F 18 Willcocks, W 16 Williams, A 2 Williams, G. F 14 Williams, M. E. & Fisher, K. R 21 Williams, T. B 23 Williams, W. M 22, 28 Willson, H. B 33 Wilson, D 4 Wilson, E. B 14, 28 Wilson, H 28 Wilson, H. M 16 Wilson, H. S 12 Wilson, L. L. W 20 Wilson, R 10 Wing, H. T 20 Winslow, H. M 20 Winslow, K 7 Winterburn, F. H 22 Page Wittbecker, W. A 23 Wolff, A. R 11 Woll, F. W 17 Woman's book 20 Wood, DeV 8, 9, 10, 15 Wood, G. B. & Bache, F Wood, H 6 Wood, J. G 2, 20 Wood, N 16 Wood, S 19 Wood, W. H 31 Woodbury, C. J. H '. . 5 Woodhead, G. S 7 Woodhull, A. A 5 Woods, C. E 11 Workshop receipts 2 World's Columbian Exposition 2 Worsnop, E. M. & Blair, M. C 22 Wright, C. H 15 Wright, C. H. & Wing, C. B 15 Wright, E 19 Wright, L 20 Wurm, W. A 6 Wyman, G 14 Wythes, G 19 Yale, L. M. & Pollak, G 22 Yeo, J. 10 Yeo, J. B 5 Ysaguirre & La Marca 22 Zaehnsdorf , J. W 30 Zeuner, G 12 Ziemssen, H. von 3 Zwicker, P. H 9 438194 SeaJrtle,Wadh, Pub. lib. "ar 51 Finding lifi't UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ''■:!'