ANNEX 5 072 972 BOTANY :EOLOSY MINERALOGY \ 6 V;HNQLGGY. PRACTICAL AIDS TO THE STUDY OP NATURAL HISTORY, BOTANY, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND TECHNOLOGY, ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. DR. CARL ARENDTS, PROFESSOR AT THE MILITARY SCHOOL OP MUNICH. WITH FOUR HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. TRANSLATED AND EDITED FROM THE GERMAN BY G. L. M. STRAUSS, PH.D. LONDON: WARD AND LOCK, 158, FLEET STREET. J1DCCCLXI. LONDON : PRINTED BY WERTHEIJTER AND CO., CIBCCS PLACE, PINSBDET. CONTENTS. PAGE NATURAL HISTORY . . 1 I. ZOOLOGY Introduction . . 3 Anatomy and Physiology of Man . 3 GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 15 First Class. MAMMALIA . . .15 Order 1. Two Handed Animals . 16 2. Four Handed Animals . 17 3. Bats . . . .18 4. Beasts of Prey . .18 5. Marsupial Animals . 20 6. Gnawers . . .21 7. Toothless Animals . 23 8. Single-hoofed Animals . 23 9. Thick-skinned Animals 25 10. Ruminating Animals . 26 11. Seals . . . .28 12. Whales . ' . .29 Second Class. BIEDS . . .30 Order 1. Birds of Prey . .31 2. Climbers . . .32 3. Singing Birds . . 32 4. Gallinaceous Birds . 34 5. Runners . . .35 6. Waders, or Shore-birds 36 7. Swimming, or Web- footed Birds . . 37 Third Class. REPTILES, or AMPHI- BIOUS ANIMALS . 38 Order 1. Tortoises and Turtles . 39 2. Lizards . . .40 3. Serpents . . .41 4. Frogs . . . .42 Fourth Class. FISHES . . .43 Fifth Class. INSECTS . . . .47 Sixth Class. SPIDERS . . .53 Seventh Class. CRUSTACEOUS ANI- MALS . . .54 Eighth Class. WORMS . . .54 Ninth Class. MOLLUSCA . . .54 Tenth Class. RADIATA . . .55 I. ZOOLOGY continued, Eleventh Class. POLYPES . . 55 Twelfth Class. INFUSORY ANIMAL- CULES . . .55 II. BOTANY Introduction . .57 A. ORGANS OF NUTRITION 1. TheRoot 2. The Stem 3. The Leaf ... 57 B. ORGANS OF GENERATION 1. The Flower 2. The Fruit 62 CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS . . 69 A. Artificial System . . .69 B. Natural System . . .84 HI. MINERALOGY Introduction . 90 I. The Regular System . .92 H. The Square Prismatic System 93 III. The Rhombohedral, or Hexa- gonal System . . .94 IV. The Rhombic, or Right Pris- matic System . . .95 V. The Clino-rhombic, or Oblique Rhombic System . .97 VI. The Clino-rhombic, or Doubly Oblique Prismatic System . 97 GEOGNOSY Introduction . . .100 A Tabular View of the Geological Formations .... 103 SUPPLEMENT Technological Part . 109 I. Weaving . . . .109 II. Manufacture of Paper . . 114 HI. Grinding . . . .11.5 IV. Distillation . . . .116 V. Cutting of Diamonds . .118 VI. Manufacture of Illuminating Gas 119 VH. Manufacture of Glass . .122 VIII. Manufacture of Porcelain . 123 IX. Extraction of Iron from its Ores 125 2090793 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. I. NATUKAL HISTORY. FIG. PAGE FIG 1. Human Skeleton .... 3 46. 2. Skull of Man .... 4 47. 3. Teeth of Man .... 4 48. 4. Vertebra seen from the Surface of 49. the Articulation ... 5 50. 5. Thorax of Man .... 5 6. Arm, Fore-arm, and Hand of Man 6 7. Shoulder of Man G 51. 8. Lower Extremities of Man (with- out the Bones of the Haunch and 52. Hip) 7 53. 9. Vertical Section of the Brain . 7 54. 10. Brain and Spinal Marrow, showing 55. also the Trunks of the principal 56. Nerves ..... 8 57. 11. TheEur 8 12. Incus, or Anvil .... 8 58. 13. The Labyrinth .... 8 59. 14. Vertical "Section of the Ear 9 60. 15. The Bali of the Eye laid open .9 61. 16. Vertical Section of the Mouth and 62. Pharynx 10 63. 17. Digestive Organs of Man . 11 64. 18. Vertical Section of the Heart, shew- ing the Trunks of the large Ar- 65. tcries and Veins . . .11 66. 19. The Lungs, the Heart, and the 67. principal Arterial Trunks ..11 68. 20. General View of the Arterial Sys- 69. tcm 12 70. 21. Ideal Representation of the Two 71. Systems of Circulation . . 13 72. 22. Trdchea and Lungs ... 13 73. 23. Skeleton of the Ourang Outang .16 74. 2-1. Skull of an Old Ourang Outang . 17 75. 25. Skull of a Chimpanzee . . 17 76. 26. Skeleton of the Bat, shewing the 77. outline of the Membrane consti- 78. tilting the Wings . . .17 79. 27. Head of the Vampire, shewing the 80. leaf-like Nasal Appendage .18 81. 28. Skull of the Hedgehog . . 18 82. 29. Skeleton of the Fox . . .19 83. 30. Skull of the Badger ... 19 84. 31. Skull of the Fox .... 19 85. 32. Skull of the Lion . ... 20 86. 33. Skull of the Cat .... 20 87. 34. Skull of the Pole-cat . . 20 88. 35. Skull of the Otter . . . 20 89. 36. Skeleton of the Kangaroo . .21 '90. 37. Skull of the Squirrel ... 21 91. 38. Skull of the Marmot ... 21 92. 39. Skull of the Field Mouse . . 22 93. 40. Skull of the Beaver ... 22 94. 41 Tail of the Beaver ... 22 95. 42. Fore-paw of the Beaver . . 22 96. 43. Hind-paw of the Beaver . . 22 97. 44. Skull of the Common Hare . . 22 98. 45. Skull of the Pangolin . . .23 99. Head of the Omithorhynchus Skeleton of the Horse . Right Hind Leg of the Horse Skull of the Horse Grinding Surface of Molar Teeth of a Horse, shewing the Enamel- plated Sinuous Furrows . Representation of the Changes of the Teeth in a Young Horse Right Hind Leg of the Hog . Skull of the Indian Elephant Right Fore-foot of the Roe . Skull of the Roebuck . Stomach of a Ruminating Animal Stomach of a Ruminating Animal opened Skeleton of the Camel . Skeleton of the Seal . Skeleton of the Dolphin Whalebone Skull of a Whale . Skeleton of the Sea-Mew Digestive Organs of the Domestic Fowl Head of the Grey Vulture . Head of the Red-legged Falcon . Foot of a Falcon .... Climbing Foot of the Wryneck . Stepping Foot of the Kingfisher . Head of the Cuckoo Head of the Green Parrot . Head of the Woodpecker Head of the Shrike Head of the Flycatcher , Head of the Fieldfare . Head of the Wren Head of the Titmouse . Head of the Bearded Titmouse . Head of the Crested Lark . Foot of a Lark .... Head of a Bullfinch ... . Head of the Hooded Crow . Head of the Nuthatch . Head of the Humming Bird . Head of the Goat-sucker Head of the Wood-pigeon . Skeleton of the Domestic Fowl . Left Foot of the African Ostrich . Head of the African Ostrich Foot of the Indian Cassowary Head of the Indian Cassowary Head of the Crane Right Foot of the Crane Head of the Water- rail Foot of the Water-hen . Head of the Lapwing . Head of the Snipe Head of the Avocette . Head of the Flamingo . PAGE 23 23 23 24 2-t 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 29 35 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 83 23 3^ 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 VI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. no. PAGE 100. Eight Foot of the Flamingo . 36 101. Head of the Ibis ... 37 102. Head of the Heron . . 37 103. Head of the Swan . . 37 104. Head of the Goose . . 37 105. Head of the White Goosander 37 106. Foot of the Goosander . 37 107. Head of the Pelican . . 38 108. Foot of the Pelican . . 38 109. Head of the Laughing Gull . 38 110. Ideal Representation of the Circu lation in Reptiles . . 39 111. Skeleton of a Turtle . . 39 112. Skeleton of the Common Slow Worm 39 113. Skeleton of the Crocodile of the Nile without the Tail . . 40 1 14. Skeleton of the Common Lizard . 41 115. Skeleton of the Common Adder, or Ringed Snake . . . .41 116. Skull of the Rattle-Snake . .41 117. Poison Apparatus of the Rattle- Snake 41 118. Common Viper . . . .42 119. Rattle of the Rattle-Snake . . 42 120. Skeleton of the Frog . . . 42 121. Tadpole, when first hatched . . 43 122. Tadpole, when first hatched, with the Gills 43 123. Tadpole, after the Development of the Hind Feet . . . .43 124. Tadpole, with the four Feet com- plete 43 125. Tadpole, with the tail in process of falling off 43 126. The young Frog, completely trans- formed 43 127. Head and Respiratory Apparatus of the River Perch . . .43 128. Ideal Representation of the Circu- lalion in Fishss . . . .44 129. Skeleton of the River Perch . . 44 130. Spinous Dorsal Fin . .45 131. Soft-rayed Dorsal Fin ... 45 132. Air-bag, or Swimming-bladder of the Carp 45 133. The Cod Fish . . . .45 134. TheTurbot 45 135. The Sun Fish .... 46 136. The Common Sturgeon . . 46 137. The Common Shark . . .46 138. Coriaceous Running Beetle . .47 139. Part of the Surface of the Eye of the Cockchafer . . . .47 FIG. PAGE 140. Part of a Vertical Section of the Eye of a Cockchafer . . .47 141. Antenna of a Butterfly . . 48 142. Antenna of a Butterfly . . 48 143. Antenna of an Insect of the Order of Hymenoptera . . .48 144. Antenna of another Insect of the Order of Hymenoptera . . 48 145. Antenna of a Cockchafer . . 48 146. Antenna of a Coleopterous Insect . 48 147. Component parts of the Mouth of the Coriaceous Running Beetle . 48 148. Outer Skeleton of the Cockchafer . 48 149. Ideal Representation of the Circu- lation in Insects . . .49 150. Nervous System of the Garden Beetle 49 151. Nervous System of the Garden Beetle 152. Larva of the Cockchafer 153. Chrysalis of the Cockchafer . 154. The Cockchafer in the perfect In- sect State 50 1 55. Female of the Dytiscus Marginalis 50 156. Seed Beetle 50 157. Red-winged Staphylinus . . 50 158. Common Necrophorus, or Grave- digger 50 159. 'Spanish Fly 51 160. Black Weevil, or Calander . .51 161. Typograph Leather-eater . .51 162. Rosalia Alpina . . . ,51 163. Oak-leaf Gall-fly .... 51 164. Queen Bee 51 165. Drone 51 166. Working Bee . . . .51 167. Head of the Wild Bee . . . 51 168. Sting and Poison Apparatus of the Bee 52 169. Hind-foot of the Working Bee . 52 170. Caterpillar of Machaon . . 52 171. Chrysalis of the Machaon . . 52 172. Swallow-tailed Butterfly . . 52 173. Sphinx Elpenor . . . .52 174. Caterpillar of the Silk-worm Moth 52 175. Chrysalis of the Silk- worm Moth . 53 176. Silk-worm Moth .... 53 177. True Cochineal (male) . . .53 178. True Cochineal (female) . . 53 179. Tarantula 53 180. Hedgehog Tick . . . .53 181. Oyster 54 182. Striped Umbilical Snail , . 55 183. Wheel Animal . . . .56 184. Vorticella 56 II. BOTANY. 185. Oval-shaped, somewhat flattened, Cell 57 186. Cellular Tissue, composed of Poly- hedral Cells . . . .57 187. Spiral Vessel . . . .58 188. Annular Vessel . . . .58 189. Reticulated Vessel ... 58 190. Longitudinal Section of the Stalk of the Balsamine . . .58 191. Tap Root 59 192. Fusiform, or Spindle-shaped Root 59 193. Branched Root . . . .59 194. Rhizome of the Iris . 59 195. Cross and Vertical Section of the Stem of a Tree . 196. Oval Leaf . 197. Elliptic Leaf 198. Oblong Leaf 199. Lanceolate Leaf . 200. Spatulate Leaf . 201. Cordate Leaf 202. Reniform Leaf 203. Sagittate Leaf 204. Hastate Leaf 205. Scalloped Leaf . 206. CrenateLeaf 59 fiO 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Vll FIG. PAGE 207. Dentate Leaf . . . .61 208. Serrate Leaf 61 209. Sinuate Leaf . . . .61 210. Three-lobed Leaf . ... 61 211. Cleft Leaf . . . . .61 212. Runcinate Leaf . . . .61 213. Parted Leaf 61 214. TernateLeaf . . . .62 215. Digitate Leaf . . . .62 216. Pinnate Leaf .... 62 217. Impari-Pinnate Leaf . .. .62 218. The Complete Flower . .62 219. Five-toothed Uricolate Calyx . 63 220. Campanulate Calyx . . ,63 222. Campanulate Corolla . . 63 222. Funnel-shaped Corolla . . .63 223. Salver-shaped Corolla . . .63 224. Labiate Flower . . . .63 225. Cruciform Corolla . . .64 226. Caryophyllaceous Corolla . .64 227. Papilionaceous Corolla . . 64 228. Calcarate Nectary . . .64 229. Galeate Nectary . . . .64 230. Stamen 64 231. Stamen with Oblong Anther . 64 232. Stamen with Monadelphous Fila- ments C4 233. Stamen with Diadelphous Fila- ments 64 234. Stamen with Polyadelphous Fila- ments 64 235. Pistil 65 236. Longitudinal Section of Ovary . 65 237. Fecundation of the Ovules . . 65 238. Ear of Barley . . . .65 239. Catkin, or Amentum . . .65 240. Spadix of Arum Maculatum . 65 241. Raceme , .... 66 242. Simple Umbel .... 66 243. Compound Umbel . . . 66 244. Corymb 66 245. Panicle 66 246. Calathium . 66 FIG. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. Achsenium 67 Diachanium Samara . Follicle Pod, or Legume Siliqua . Siliqna opened Silicula 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 Pyxidium 67 GerminatedField-bean in Progress of Development . Sweet Vernal Grass Saffron Crocus Darnel . Sweet Woodruff . Deadly Nightshade Henbane Fool's Parsley Hemlock Water Hemlock . 67 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 72 Tiger Lily 73 Lily of the Valley . . 73 French Willow .... 74 Flowering Rush . . * .74 Carthusian Pink . . . .75 Purple Loosestrife, or Willowstrife 75 Common White Thorn . .76 Wood Anemone . . . .76 Red Dead Nettle .... 77 Broom Rape . , . .77 Pod-bearing Red Lotus . . 78 Coronilla 78 Sainfoin 79 Perforated St. John's Wort . . 79 Common Knapweed . . .80 Dandelion 80 Meadow Salsify . . . .81 Daisy . . " . . . .81 Plathantera Bifolia ... .82 Larch 82 Scotch Fir ..... 82 Beech Tree , . . 82 Hornbeam Tree . . . .83 HI. MINERALOGY. 289. Equilateral Triangle . 90 290. Isosceles . . 90 291. Scalene . . 90 292. Square. . . 90 293. Rectangle . . 90 294. Rhomb . . 90 295. Rhomboid . . 90 296. Trapezoid . . 90 297. Pentagon . . 90 298. Hexagon . . 90 299. Combination of Cube and Octahe- dron 91 300. Combination of Cube and Octahe- dron 91 301. Combination of Cube and Octahe- dron ,92 302. Combination of Cube and Rhombic Dodecahedron . . . .92 303. Cube 93 304. Octahedron 93 305. Rhombic Dodecahedron . . 93 306. Tetrahedron . . . .93 307. Trapezohedron . . . .93 308. Hexakis-octahedron . . .93 309. Square Pyramid with short Prin- cipal Axis 94 310. Square Pyramid with long Prin- cipal Axis .94 311. Right Square Prism . , . 94 312. Combination of Three Square Py- ramids 94 313. Combination of Square Prism with Square Pyramid . . 94 314. Hexagonal Pyramid . .95 315. Hexagonal Prism . . . 95 316. Rhombohedron . . . 95 317. Rhombohedron . . . 95 318. Scalenohedron . . . 95 319. Combination of Hexagonal Prism and Hexagonal Pyramid . . 95 320. Combination of Three Different Rhombohedra . . . 95 321. Rhombic Pyramid . . 96 322. Rhombic Prism . . . 96 823. Rectangular Prism . . 96 324. Rectangular Pyramid . . 96 325. Combination of Rhombic Prism with Two Domes . .96 Till LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 326. Clino-rhombic Prism . . .97 327. Clino-rhombie Prism with Clino- dome . .... 97 fio. PAGE 328. Clino-rhomboidal Prism . . 98 329. Geminous, or Double Crystal (of Gypsum) 98 GEOGNOSY. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. Stratification of Rocks . . 99 Stratification of Rocks . . 99 Stratification of Rocks . . 99 Dislocation or Displacement . 100 Theoretic Section of the Earth's Crust 100 Artesian Well . . . .101 Cerithium mutabile . . . 105 Belemnites mucronatus . .105 Plagiostoma spinosum . . .105 Ammonites varians . . .105 Exogyra virgula . . . .105 Cidaris coronata . . . .105 Terebratula biplicata . . .105 343. Ichthyosauras communis . 344. Ammonites Bucklandi . 345. Belemnites digitalis 346. Gryphaea arena ta . 347. Ceratites s. Ammonites nodosus 348. Terebratula vulgaris . 349. Lima striata .... 350. Encrinites liliiformis 351. Productus aculeatus 352. Sphenophyllum dentatum 353. Annularia fertilis . 354. Calymene macrophthalma . 355. Cypridina serrato- striata 356. Pentamerus Knighti , 105 105 105 105 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 SUPPLEMENT. TECHNOLOGY. Loom 110 Gear 110 Shuttle 110 Jacquard Loom . . . .112 Stuff Engine for comminuting Rags into Paper Pulp . .114 Stuff Engine . . . .114 Corn Mill 116 Pistorius' Distilling Apparatus . 117 Brilliant 118 Brilliant 118 Brilliant US Rose Diamond . . . .119 Rose Diamond . . . .119 Square Table Diamond . .119 Plat Table Diamond . . .119 Scalar! form Diamond . . .119 Combination of Brilliant and Sca- lariformCut . . . .119 374. Conchoidal Cut . . . .119 375. Furnace, with Retorts, for the Ma- nufacture of Illuminating Gas . 120 376. Furnace, with Retorts, for the Ma- nufacture of Illuminating Gas . 120 377. Gasometer 121 378. Glass-blower's Blow-pipe . .122 379. Manufacture of Spread Window Glass 122 380. Manufacture of Spread Window Glass 123 381. Manufacture of Spread Window Glass 123 382. Porcelain Furnace, or Kiln . .124 383. Porcelain Kiln . . . .124 384. Blast Furnace . . . .126 385. Puddling Furnace . . .127 386. Puddling Furnace . . .127 PRACTICAL AIDS TO THE STUDY OF NATURAL HISTORY, BOTANY, EIO., ETC. NATURAL HISTORY. NATURAL HISTORY is a special branch of Natural Science, which teaches the knowledge of the objects of the material world in general, the distinctions and differences existing between them, and the systematic arrangement of them in classes, or groups, according to their characters and properties. Natural bodies are divided, in the first place, into two principal classes, or groups, viz., organic bodies, or such as are possessed of life (organised, living bodies), and inorganic objects, or such as are not possessed of life (inorganic, inanimate objects). Animals and Plants form the first class, that of the organic bodies of nature. The bodies of this class exhibit an incessant inner activity; they are provided with certain instruments, or organs, especially adapted for the performance of the various functions of life. From the objects of the inanimate world they differ in this, that they take nourishment, or food, which, by the operation of certain organs of the animal or plant, is, for the greater part, transformed into juices, or fluids, and so perfectly assimilated to the nature of the animal or vegetable body, as to become fit to form a component part of it, and to make it grow in size and strength the increase depending, accordingly, in this class of bodies, upon a principle operating from within ; that they, after a certain period of time, terminate their existence in death, or, in r> 2 PRACTICAL AIDS. other terms, cease to be possessed of life, and then undergo a total change, by the operation of the process of decomposition or putrefaction ; and, lastly, that they possess the faculty of multi- plying, or, in other terms, of producing beings like themselves. Minerals constitute the second class, viz., that of the inorganic objects of nature. They are constantly in a state of absolute quiescence, and have no organs. They, therefore, require no food, nor is their growth dependent upon a principle operating from within ; but they simply increase in size, during the period of their formation, by accretion from without, or superposition of new particles on their outer surface. They continue to exist so long as they are not destroyed by some external agency. Lastly, they are not possessed of the faculty of producing objects like them- selves. Animals and Plants have, indeed, the above-stated properties and faculties in common ; but the former differ again from the latter in some essential points, and most notably in this, that animals are endowed with sensation, and possess the power of voluntary motion, whilst plants lack both these faculties. According to these distinctions existing between the several classes of objects of the material world, Natural History is divided into three parts, viz. : I. ZOOLOGY, or the Study and Knowledge of Animals ; II. BOTANZ, or the Study and Knowledge of Plants ; and, III. MINERALOGY, or the Study and Knowledge of Minerals. I. ZOOLOGY. INTRODUCTION. bodies of animals are composed, most commonly, of three principal parts ; viz., the head, the trunk, and the extremities. Every one of these parts contains certain organs, by the aid of which all the functions of the animal are performed. According to the nature of the functions over which these organs severally preside, they are divided into organs of motion, sensa- tion, nutrition, and generation. A. The organs of motion consist of bones and muscles. The former, taken collectively, constitute the bony apparatus, or skeleton (see fig. 1, human skeleton), which is divided into three parts ; viz., the head, the trunk, and the extremities. 1. The head. This part consists of the cranium, or skull, and the bones of the face (see fig. 2, human skull). The cranium (skull, or brain-case) forms a large vaulted cavity, and is composed of eight bones, joined to- gether by sutures, or seams ; these bones are, the frontal bone, the two parietal bones, the occipital bone, the two temporal bones, the sphenoid bone, situate in the middle of the base of the cranium, and the ethmoid or cri- briform bone, placed in the fore part of the base of the cranium, and of which the greater part is hidden in the cavity of the nose, or fossa nasalis. The face is composed of thirteen bones, greatly differing in form, of which the most important are, the nasal bone and the two jaw-bones, or mandibles. The maxilla superior, or B 2 Fio. I. Human Skeleton. a. TarictiJ bone. 6. Frontal boue. e. Cer- vical vertebne. d. Sternum, or breast-bono. e. Lumbar vertebras. /. Ulna. g. Radius. it. Girpus, or wrist, i. Metacarpus. Ic. Fingers. I. Tibia, m. Fibula, n. Tarsus, or instep. o. Jiet.iarsus. p. Toes. q. Patella s. liotula, or kbee-pan. r. Femur, or tliiffh-bone. . Ilauiieh-bouo. t HuiiKTU.-i, i>r bone of tlio nnu. v.. Clavicle, or collar-bums. PRACTICAL AIDS. bone of the upper jaw, is firmly attached to the bones of the skull, whilst the lower jaw bone is moveable, being articulated, on both sides, behind the ears, with the glenoid cavities of the temporal bones. Pia. 2. Slcull of Man. a. Nasal bone. b. Upper jaw, or superior maxillary bone. c. Lower jaw. d. Occipital bone. e. Left temporal boiie. /. Left parietal bone. g. Frontal bone. In the alveoli, or sockets of the jaw, are placed the teeth (see fig. 3). According to their different shape, and the place which they severally occupy in the mouth, the teeth are divided into three classes ; viz., a. Incisors, or front teeth, placed in the fore-part of the jaw, Pio. 3. Teeth of Man. a. Incisors, or cutting teeth, b. Canine or dog tooth, c, Molar teeth, or grinders. with single root and crown ; b. Dog or canine teeth, placed at the sides of the incisors, also with single root and crown ; c. Molar teeth, or grinders, placed in the side-parts of the jaws, mostly with com- pound root and crown. The crown again differs in shape in different classes of animals, the form of the teeth indicating the nature of the food suited to the animal. Thus, for instance, dogs and other animals feeding on flesh have sharp, cutting, and com- ZOOLOGY. Vertebra seen from the Surface of the Articulation. pressed grinders; whilst cattle, feeding on grain and herbage, have broad grinders, with surfaces adapted for the mastication of vegetable food, etc. 2. The trunk, which means the body of the animal, is separated from the head and the extremities (see fig. 1). The most important part of the trunk is the vertebral column, or spine ; this is composed of a number of small irregular bones, called vertebra?, or vertebral bones (see fig. 4) . Each vertebra is composed of a lamelliform body in front, and processes behind and on each side of it ; the lateral processes are called the transverse processes ; the posterior process is called the spinous process. In man, the vertebral column is composed of seven cervical, twelve dorsal, and five lum- bar vertebrae, and of the os sacrum and os coccygis, or rump-bone. The os sacrum and the rump-bone are com- posed, the former of five, the latter of four, false vertebra?, firmly grown together. To the trunk belong also the bones of the chest; viz., the breast- bone, or sternum, and the ribs. To the twelve dorsal vertebras are affixed as many ribs on each side, which arch over forwards ; the seven uppermost ribs on each side, which are called true or tho- racic ribs, extend to the sternum, and are connected to it by means of cartilage, or gristle ; the five inferior ribs on each side, which are called false or abdominal ribs, do not reach the breast-bone. In this way the ribs form, with the sternum and the dorsal vertebra?, the cavity of the thorax, or chest (see fig. 5). 3. The extremities, or limbs, are divided into the upper and lower extremities. Each of the two upper extremities is composed of the bones of the shoulder, arm, fore- arm, and hand (see fig. 1, and figs. 6 and 7). a. The shoulder consists of the scapula, or shoulder-blade, a flat, FIG. 5. Thorax of Man. a. Spine. 6. First rib. c. Collar-bone, d. Third rib. e. Seventh rib. /. False ribs. g. Spine, h. Breast- oulder-I " bone. i. Shou -blade, or Scapula. G PEACTICAL AIDS. triangular bone, which covers the back part of the thorax, from the third to the seventh rib, and the collar-bone, or clavicle ; the latter resembles in shape an italic/: it is situated between the top of the scapula and the upper part of the sternum, and is attached to the latter by ligaments, b. The arm consists of a single cylindrical bone, called the liumerus, or os brachii. c. The fore-arm consists of two bones, the ulna, or cubit, at the inner part, and the radius, or wheel-spoke-like bone, at the outer part. d. The hand is composed of three divisions of bones ; viz., the wrist, or carpus, the metacarpus, and the fingers. The wrist, or carpus, consists of eight small cube-shaped bones, disposed in two rows. The metacarpus consists of four bones of nearly equal length. The thumb has two pha- langes ; each of the other fingers, three. The lower extremities (see fig. 1 and fig. 8) greatly resemble the upper in the shape, posi- tion, and number of the bones composing them. Their constituent parts are, the os coxoe, or innominatum (consisting of the haunch-bone, hip-bone, and share-bone), the thigh, leg, and. foot. a. The ossa innominata, or bones of the haunch and hip, correspond to the shoulder- blade in the upper extremities, and are joined behind to the os sacrum, b. The thigh-bone is the longest bone in the body. c. The leg consists of three bones ; viz., tbie tibia, fibula, and the patella s. rotula, or knee-pan, d. The foot is composed of the tarsus, instep, or ankle, the metatarsus, and the toes. The tarsus, or instep, is com- posed of seven bones, disposed in two rows ; the largest of them is called the os calcis, or heel-bone. The metatarsal bones and the toes are the same in number and position as the metacarpal bones and fingers of the hand ; with this exception, however, that the great toe, which corresponds to the thumb, runs along in the same direction with the other fingers, and not at an angle from them. B. The organs of sensation are the brain and nerves. FIG. 6. Arm, Fore-arm, and Hand of Man. a. Arm. b. Ulua, or cubit. c. Radius, d. Carpus, or wrist, e. Metacarpus. /. Fingers, g. Thumb. Fid. 7. Slioulder of Man. a. Collar-bone, b. Shoulder- blade, c. Arm. ZOOLOGY. 1. The brain (see fig. 9) is a soft, pulpy, white or grey mass, lodged in the cavity of the cranium ; its surface is divided by deep fissures into many turnings, or windings. It consists of two principal portions, of which, the anterior, the cerebrum, or brain proper, fills the front and middle part of the head; the other portion, which is termed the cerebellum, occupies the poste- rior and inferior part of the head. Each of these two portions is again divided into two halves, or hemispheres, a right and a left. In the cerebrum, the two lobes, or hemispheres, are separated from each other by a strip of medullary substance, termed the /a/a? (sickle). Continued from the cerebellum, there is the medulla oblongata (see fig. 10), which passes through ike foramen magnum of the occipital bone into the vertebral column, and constitutes the beginning of the spinal marrow. The nerves (see fig. 10) are formed, like the brain, of a soft, pulpy substance ; they take their origin from the brain and spinal marrow, and are, in the form of interlaced filaments, distributed to every part of the Lower Extremities of Man (without the Bones of the Haunch and Hip), a. Thigh. 6. Patella, or knee-pan. c. Tibia, d. Fibula, e. Tarsus, or instep. /. Metatarsus, g. Toea. h. Heel-bone, or os calcis. Fio. 9. Vertical Section of the Brain. a. Falx. 6. Cerebellum, c. Spinal marrow, d. Cerebrum, or brain proper. 8 PEAOTICAL AIDS. Fio. 10. Brain and Spinal Marrow, (hewing alto the Trunks of the principal JXerves. 1 12. Cerebral nerves, a. Ce- rebrum, or brain proper. 6. Me- dulla oblongata. c. Spinal mar- row, d. Cerebellum, e. Brachial plexus. /. Crural plexus, or lumbar plexus, jr. Sciatic nerve. nates in the which leads to an osseous cap- sule under the head. At the inner end of the duct, where it enters this capsule, it is closed by an elastic membrane stretch- ed over it, which is called the membrane of the tympanum. At the inner side of this mem- brane, within the osseous cap- sule, is situated the tympanum, a small cavity, connected with the mouth by the so-called body. The nerves are distinguished into two classes ; viz., those which convey to the parts to which they are distributed the power of sensation, and those which convey the power of motion. The former are usually termed cerebral nerves ; they are generally reckoned twelve pairs, which are marked in the engraving (fig. 10) 1 12, and are repre- sented cut near their origin. Most of them are distributed to the organs of the senses. The motory nerves are called also spinal nerves. They consist of thirty pairs, which pass out between the different vertebrae, and are called respectively, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, and sacral, according to the name of the divi- sion of the spine to which the vertebras seve- rally belong ; they are distributed, for the most part, to the extremities. The fifth, sixth, and seventh cervical, together with the first dorsal nerve, form the brachial plexus ; the five lumbar nerves form the lumbar or crural plexus. The organs of the senses are the skin, the tongue, the nose, the eye, and the ear. Figs. 11 14 give illustrations of the component parts of the ear, fig. 15 of the eye. The Ear is divided into external and in- ternal ear (see figs. 11 14). The external ear, or concha, contracts inwards, and termi- auditory duct, EustacUan tube. The cavity of oucdu Fio. 12. a. Incus, or anvil. 6. Malleus, or ham- mer, c. Lenticular bone. d. Stapes, or stirrup. erve . , Auditory pa8sage> r ZOOLOGY. 9 FIG. 14. rertical Section of the Ear. a. Concha. 6. Auditory duct. c. Lobe of the car, or ear-lap. d. Articulation of the lower jaw. e. Membrane of the tym- panum, or drum of the ear. /. Eustachian tube. g. Cavity of the tympanum, h. Cochlea, i. Auditory nerve, k. Vestibule. I. Labyrinth and semicircular canals, m. Temporal bone. the tympanum contains four small bones, called respectively, from their shape, malleus, or hammer, incus, or anvil, orbicular or len- ticular bone, and stapes, or stirrup (see fig. 12). These bones serve, principally to increase the tension of the membrane of the tympanum. Two holes, closed by membranes, lead from the tympanum to the inner- most part of the ear, the labyrinth (see figs. 13 and 14), which is formed of the vestibule with the fenestra ovalis, the cochlea, and the semicircular canals. The cochlea and vestibule are filled with an aqueous fluid, into which the ramifica- tions of the auditory nerve dip. The ball, globe, or bulb of the eye, is of a spherical form ; it is covered with a white, opaque membrane, called tunica sclerotica, or sclerotic coat. The eyeball has a round convex opening in it, which is closed by a transparent membrane, called cornea. Through this opening, or windoiv of the eye, is seen, further inward, another coat, called iris, which is of a brown, grey, or blue colour ; the inner coat is perforated in the middle by a hole, called the pupil or sight of the eye. Immediately behind the pupil is situated the crystalline lens, a perfectly pellucid body, which derives its name from its resemblance to a common lens, or magnifying glass. The large space in the ball of the eye, behind the crystalline lens, is occupied by a very transparent humour, termed vitreous humour, from its resemblance to glass. The back part of this space is covered by the retina, a membrane formed by the expansion of the optic nerve, which enters the orbit of the eye from the brain. Between the retina and sclerotica is placed the choroid coat, the inner side of which is coated over with a brownish black pigment, termed pigmentum nigrum, which gives the eye the character of a camera obscura, with the rays of light entering only through the pupil, the latter itself appearing black. FIG. 15. ' Tlie Sail of ilix Sye laid open, a. Crystalline lens. 6. Eye- lid, c. Iris. d. Pupil, e. Cornea. /. Vitreous humor, g. Retina. h. Optic nerve, i. Choroid coat. k. Sclerotic coat. 10 PEACTICAL AIDS. 0. The organs of nutrition are contained in the cavities of the chest and abdomen. The process of nutrition is effected, a, by the introduction of alimentary substances into the body, and the diges- tion of the same; b, the circulation throughout the body of .the vital fluid supplied by the digestive organs ; c, the transformation of the vital fluid after circulation. These several functions are performed respectively by the organs of digestion, circulation, and respiration. 1. The intestinal canal constitutes the chief part of the digestive organs ; it is divided into four principal portions, viz., the oesophagus or gullet, the stomach, the small intestines, and the great intestines. The teeth, salivary glands, liver, spleen, pancreas, etc., co-operate in the process as auxiliary organs. The solid alimentary substances are, in the first place, taken into the mouth (see fig. 16), where they are cut and ground into a paste, by the action of the jaws and teeth, being, at the same time, mixed also with the saliva, a slightly viscid liquor secreted by the salivary glands, situated under the tongue. The alimentary paste passes now from the mouth into a narrow canal, the oesophagus, or gullet, which descends through the thorax, behind the windpipe, into the abdominal cavity, and leads into the stomach (see fig. 17). This is a membranous bag, situated obliquely across the upper and back part of the abdomen, from the right to the left, and covered on the right by the left part of the liver, on the left by the spleen. From the inner surface of the stomach, a peculiar mucous acid fluid is secreted, termed gastric juice, which serves to reduce the alimentary substances introduced into the stomach to one homogeneous mass, called chyme. This operation being completed, the chyme passes out of the stomach by the pylorus, or lower orifice, situated toward the right, into the intestinal tube or canal, which is about thirty feet long, and winds in numerous convolutions through the abdomen down to the anus. The intes- tines are divided into small and large intestines ; the former constitute the first and longer portion of the canal; the first part of this is called duodenum, from the length of it being equal to about the width of twelve fingers. The digestive process is continued in the duodenum, the chyme being there subjected to the Fio. 16. Vertical Section of the Mouth and Pharynx. a. Nose. 6. Tongue, c. Arch of the palate, d. Hyoid bone. e. La- rynx. /. Thyroid gland, g. Trachea, or wiud-pipo. h. (Esophagus, i. Sali- vary glands, k. Pharynx. ZOOLOGY. 11 action of the bile and pancreatic juice ; the latter is secreted from the pancreas, a glandular organ, situated just below the stomach, the former by the liver. The effect of the mixture of these two fluids with the chyme is to separate the latter into two parts. One of these is a thin, milky *" fluid, called chyle, which contains the elements of the food required for the nutrition of the body, and is, in its pas- sage through the intestines, gradually absorbed by capillary vessels, called lac- teals, which are dispersed over the inner coats of the intestines through nearly their whole course, and convey the fluid to be absorbed finally into the blood. The other part, which is solid, consists of those portions of the food which are not fit for the nourishment of the body, and are, accordingly, after passing through the large intestine, thrown out of it as Flfl . , 7 . useless. One part of the lar^e intestine Siffesiive Oryans of Man - L a. (Esophagus. 6. Stomach, c. Pancreas. forms a shut sac, or bag, called the d - T s .p leeu< - t *J5fi**% / ,f a J 1 "] > J^ der ' g. Liver, h. Colon, i. Small intestines. caecum; the terminal portion of the large n * e . ctum> l Ca)cum< m ' Large illte8 ' intestine is called the rectum. 2. The organs of circulation, which collectively constitute the vascular system are divided into three parts; viz., the heart, the arteries, and the veins. a. The heart (see fig. 18) is situated in the cavity of the chest, between the two lungs (see fig. 19) ; it forms the general centre of the vas- cular system, and the mainspring of the circulation, the blood-vessels run- ning from it to all parts of the body, like the branches and twigs of a tree. It is of the size of a small fist. In Mammalia and FIG. IS. Vertical Sect ion of the He irt, shewing the Trunks of the large Arteries and Veins. a. Aorta. 6. Pulmonary artery. c. Vona cava superior, rf. Pul- monary veins, f. Right auricle. M Skull of tJie Common Hare (Lepus Timidus). species 01 the family. (Order &-. ZOOLOGY. 23 Order 7. TOOTHLESS ANIMALS. (Edentata). Fio. 46. Head, of the Ornithothynchw (Ornithorhynchus faradoxus.) (Order 7. Edentata.) FIG. 46. Skull of the Pangolin (Mani Brachyura). (Order 7. Edentata). The toothless animals are characterized by the absence cisors, and often also of the canine and grinding teeth. The spe- cies best known of this order are the Pangolin Manis brachyura (see fig. 45), and the Ornitho- rhynchus (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus) (see fig. 46). Order 8. SINGLE-HOOFED ANIMALS. (Solidungula}. The single-hoofed animals (Solidungula s. Solipeda) have on each foot only a single perfectly formed toe, surrounded by a broad of the in- Fig. 47. Skeleton of tlie Horse. a. Shoulder-blade, b Hauncli-bone, or os ilium, e. Knee-pan. d. Tibia, e. Metatarsus. /. Toe. g. Finger, h. Metacarpus. i. Carpus, k. Radius. I. Uumerus. Fig. 48. Right Hind Leg of the Horts. a. Tarsus, b. Metatarsus. c. Pastern, d. Coronal bone. e. Too. /. Nail phalanx. The punctuated line is intended to indicate the circumference of the hoof. 24 PRACTICAL AIDS. hoof; in other terms, the whole foot is enveloped in a single hoof (figs. 47 and 48). They have no collar-bones. They have six incisive teeth in each jaw, and twelve grinders, or double teeth, FlO. 49. Shall of the Hone (Eguus Cdballut). (Order 8. Solidungvld). a. Parietal bone. 6. Frontal bone. c. Nasal bone. d. Fore-teeth, or incisors, e. Canine teeth. six on each side ; the corner, or canine, teeth are mostly wanting in the female (see fig. 49). The grinders are quadrilateral, with the exception of the first and last, which are trilateral ; they are laterally compressed, and their grinding surfaces are marked by sinuous furrows formed by plates of enamel, which extend into the substance of the tooth, being mixed in a tortuous manner with the osseous parts. This order contains only one species, the Horse, which, besides the animal of that name, embraces the Ass, the Zebra, etc. The age of the horse is generally known by the teeth. Fig. 51 represents the changes of the teeth in a young horse. At its birth, the young foal has twelve grinders, consisting of the three foremost in each side of both jaws. At the end of the first or second week after birth, the two middle incisors make their appearance in the upper and lower jaw. At theTeetninaTourlgHortt , the end of four or six weeks, another tooth Milk teet ^ et ^- Permanent appears on each side of them, and at the end FlO. 50. Grinding Surface of Molar Teeth of a Horse, thaw- ing the Enamel-plated, Sinuous Furrowt. 4-5 Months CeWeks ISliDays; 4^ Years b Fio. 51. A 4- Representation of the Channel of ZOOLOGY. 25 of four or five months the external incisors make their ap- pearance; there are, accordingly, now six incisors in each jaw. This set of teeth is called the milk teeth. In the thirtieth month, the four middle milk incisors, termed the pincers, fall, two in the upper and two in the lower jaw, and are replaced by four new ones, which, by the end of the year, have attained their full growth. The four following change in the forty-second, and the four external incisors in the fifty-fourth month ; and at the same time with the latter the canine teeth mostly make their appearance in the male horse. The changes of the molar teeth take place gradually at the same time as those of the incisors, the last molar making its appearance in the fifth year. The second set of teeth are called permanent teeth. Order 9. THICK-SKINNED ANIMALS. (Pachydermata s. Multungula). The animals of this order have more than two perfect toes on each foot, each toe being enveloped in a distinct hoof (see fig. 52). f. Fio. 52. Right Hind leg of the Hog. a. Rotula. 6. Tibia, c. Fibula, d. Tarsus, e. Metatarsus. /. Toos. g. Heel. The collar-bones are wanting. The grinders are large and broad, and have plates of enamel extending into the substance of the tooth, and mixed in a tortuous manner with the osseous part. The best known spe- cies of this order are the Elephant, the Rhi- noceros, the Hippopota- mus, the Tapir, and the Hog. One of the distin- guishing characteristics of the Elephant (Elephas) no. 53. IS the peculiar Conform- SMloftrttlndianSltphcmt(Sl(plM*IndKui). (Order9.-.Pa<% or gallinaceous birds ; 5. Cursores, or runners (called, more com- monly, Struthiones, or struthious birds) ; 6. Grallce, or waders (otherwise called shore-birds) ; 7. Natatores, or swimming birds (called also Anseres, or web-footed birds). Fio. 64. Digestive Orgam of the Domestic Fowl. a. (Esophagus, or gullet, b. Infundibu- lum, seu Ventriculus succenturiatus, or second stomach, c. Gizzard, or third stomach. d. Duodenum. . Intestina csec.i. / Large intestine. g. Cloaca. A. Small intestine, t. Liver, i. Crop, or ingluvies. Order 1.- FIG. 65. Head of the Grey V-alture ( Vvltur cinertus). (Order 1. Accipitrtt*). BIRDS OF PKEY. (Accipitres s. Rapaces). The Birds of the first order have strong, hard bills, or beaks, hooked at the end to adapt them for seizing and lacerating their prey (see figs. 65 and 66) ; the base Fio. 66. Head of tlie Red-legged Falcon. (Falco T-etpertinu*). (Order 1. Accipitres). 32 PRACTICAL AIDS. of the bill is covered by a soft skin, which is called cere (wax). They have powerful legs, of moderate length, provided with four toes armed with powerful crooked talons (see fig. 67). They may be divided into three families ; Vultures, Falcons, and Owls. Order 2. CLIMBERS. (Scansores). FIG. 67. Foot of a Falcon. (Order 1. Accipitres). The beak, or bill, affects different shapes ; in many of them it attains to a dispropor- tionate size. The four toes are armed with curved and pointed claws, or talons. Some of them have the external toe on each side of the foot turned backwards (see fig. 68) ; these are the climbers. Others have only one toe turned backwards, the other three being stretched out in front, with the two e-xternal ones grown together up to beyond the middle (see fig. 69) ; these are more FIG. es. appropriately called walking Climbing Foot of the Wryneck. 7-7 /n \ birds, or steppers (Gressores). To the former class belong the Cuckoo (fig. 70), the Parrot (fig. 71), the Woodpecker (fig. 72) ; to the latter, the Kingfisher (fig. 69). FIG. 69. Stepping Foot of the Kingfisher. FIG. 70. Head of the Cuckoo (Cuccvlus canoruf). (Order 2 Scansores). FIG. 71. Head of the Green Parrot (Psittacus cestivus). (Order 2 Scansores). FIG. 72. Head of Vie Woodpecker (Plcus martius). (Order 2 Scansora). Order 3. SINGING BIRDS. (Passeres). This order embraces a great variety of species, differing among themselves chiefly in the form of the bill, or beak, which is gener- ally more or less conical or subulate, straight or variously curved, sometimes also slit rather wide. The legs are not strong, of moderate length, and provided with four toes, one of them turned backwards. The talons are weak, but pointed and slightly curved. In most of the birds belonging to this order the inferior larynx is ZOOLOGY. 33 furnished with muscles, called muscles of the vocal organs. Some species of this order, however, do not sing ; for instance, the crows and the swallows. - The order is divided, according to the form of the bird, into six families. 1. Dentirostres, with short hooked bills. Examples : the Shrike, or Butcher-bird (Lanius minor) (fig. 73), and the Fly-catcher (Mu- scicapa grisola) (fig. 74). Fio. 73. Iliad of the Shrike (Lanius minor). Order 3 Passeres. Family Dentirostres. Fio. 74. Head of the Fly-catcher (ifuscicapa grisola). Order 3 Passeres. Family Dentirostret. 2. Subulirostres, with awl-shaped bills, which are not hooked, but only slightly notched. Examples : the Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) (fig. 75), and the Wren (Troglodytes parvulus) (fig. 76). Fio. 75. Head of the Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris). Ovlur 3 I'atseres. Family Subulirottrcs FIG. 7C. Head of the Wrm ( Troglodytes ftansulvf). Order 3 Passeres. F;\'.r.i\ySubv.lirostres . 3. Conirostres, with short, strong, straight, conical bills. Ex- amples : the Titmouse (Parus cairuleus) (fig. 77), the Bearded Titmouse (Parus biarmicus) (fig. 78), and the Crested Lark (Alauda calandrd) (fig. 79). The birds of the Lark species are distinguished, FIG. 77. Head of the Titmouse (Parus cceruleus). Order 3 Parseres. Family Coniro^tra. Fio. 78. Head of the Bearded Titmouse (Parus Biannicus). Order 3 Passeres. Family Conirostres. Fio. 79. Head of the Civ ted Lark (Alauda Calandra). Order 3 Passeres. Family Conirottres. moreover, by a spur-like nail on one of the four toes, which is turned backwards ; this nail is almost straight, and considerably D 34 PEAOTICAL AIDS. longer than the toe (see fig. 80). The Bullfinch (Loxia pyrrhula) (fig. 81) belongs to the family of Conirostres. Fia. 81. Head of the Bullfinch (Loxia pyn-kula). Order 3 Passeres. Family Conirostres. 4. Coraceous birds (Ravens and Crows), with almost straight, strong beaks, equal in length to the head of the animal ; the nos- trils are more or less covered with feathers. Example : the Hooded Crow (Corvus comix) (fig. 82). 5. Tenuirostres, mostly with long and slender beaks, more or less curved, and sharply pointed ; the beak is often larger than the head. Examples : the Nuthatch (Sitta europcea) (fig. 83), and the Hum- ming Bird (Trochilus colubris) (fig. 84). FIG. 82. Head of the Hooded Crow (Corvus comix). Order 3 Passeres. Family Coraces. Fio. 83. Head of the Nuthatch (Sitta europcea). Order 3 Passeres. Family Tenuirostres. Fio. 84. Head of the Humming Bird (Trochilus colubris). Order 3 Passeres. Family Tenuirottret. 6. Fissirostres. The birds of this family have a short, triangular, flat beak, and wide mouth, and long and pointed wings. To this family belongs the Goatsucker (Caprimulgus europceus) (fig. 85). Order 4. G-ALLINAOEOUS BIRDS. (Gallinacece). FIG. 85. In the birds of this order, the upper man- (Caprimulgut europceus). Order 3 Passeres. Family fissirostres. Fio. 86. Head of the Wood-pigeon (Columba anas). Order 4Gallinacece. dible, or bill, is arched, expanded at the base, and covered by a soft skin, in which the nostrils are placed; the latter are mostly covered by a cartilaginous scale, or lamina. The gallinaceous birds may be divided into three families; to wit, Pigeons, Partridges, ZOOLOGY. and Fowls. Examples : the Wood-pigeon (Columba oenas) (fig. 86), and the Domestic Fowl (Gallus domesticus) (see fig. 87, skeleton). FIO. sr. Skeleton of the Domettic Fowl. o. Furcula. 6. Breast-bone. c. Spur. d. Metatarsus, e. Tarsus. /. Leg. g. Thigh. A. Os ilium. Order 5. EUNNEES. (Cursores). The bill bears some resemblance to that of the Gallinaceae ; the wings are short and too small for flight. The legs, on the other hand, are long and strong, and admirably adapted for Fio. 88. Left Foot of the African Ostrich. Two toes. FIG. 89. Head of tin African Ostrich. (Struthio camtlut). Order 6 (*uroi\.. Fio. 90. Foot of the Indian Cattoicury. Three t"C.s. Fio. 91. Head of the Mian Cauovaft (Ccuvariu* iitdioa). Order 5 Cvrwra. D 2 PRACTICAL AIDS. running. Examples: the African Ostrich (Struthio camelus), with two toes on the feet, and bristly feathers on the head and neck (see figs. 88 and 89); and the Indian Cassoivary (Casuarius indicus), with three toes on the feet, and a bony crest on the head. The plumage is black, and resembles horse-hair (see figs. 90 and 91). Order 6. WADERS, OR SHORE-BIRDS. (Grallce). The birds belonging to this order have bills of various forms, generally of great length, and always covered at the base by a cere. The legs are generally longer than the trunk, and articulated to the body about the middle ; three of the four toes are in front, the fourth is turned backward; they are rarely connected together by a web, and the feet of the Waders are, accordingly, not FIG. 92. Head of the Crane (Grut cinereus). Order G Grallce Fia. 94. Head of tlie Water-rail (KaUus aquaticus). Older 6 Or alia;. Tin. 93. Right foot of the Crane. Fia. 96. Head of the Lapwing (VaneUus cristatus). Order C GriilUe. Fio. 97. Head of the Snipe (Scolopar r/allinitla'). Order GralUc. FIG. 95. Foot of the Water-hen. Fio. 98. fftad of tlic Avocette (Recurvirottra avocctta). Order 6 Grallce. Fio. 100. Right foot of the 1 lamingo. Fio. 99. Head of the Flaminrio (Phvenicoptenu ruber). Order 6 Grallce. ZOOLOGY. adapted for swimming. Numerous species belong to this order. Examples: the Crane (Grus cinereus) (figs. 92 and 93): the Water-rail (Rallus aquaticus) (fig. 94) ; the Coot, or Y/ah-r-hcn (Fulica atra), with web-bordered toes (fig. 95) ; the Lapwing (Va- nellus cristatus) (fig. 96) ; the Snipe (Scolopax gallinula) (fig. 97} ; the Avocette (Recur virostra avocetta) (fig. 98) ; the Flamingo (Phw- nicoptems ruber) (fig. 99), with almost completely webbed toes (fig. 100) ; the Ibis (Ibis religiosa) (fig. 101) ; the Heron (Ardea cinerea) (fig. 102). Fio. 101. Head of the Ibis (fliis rdigiosa). Order dGrcMcs. FIG. 102. Head of the Heron (Ardea cintr(a). Order dGraLlcc. Order 7. SWIMMING, OB WEB-FOOTED BIRDS. (Natatores s. Anseres). The bills of birds of this order present a variety of shapes, and are generally covered at the base with a cere. The legs are shorter than the trunk, and are -placed very much behind. The toes are con- nected together by a web, or membrane, FIG. 103. Head of the Swan. Fio. 104. Head of tlie Goose. FIG. 105. Head of the Wlritt. (ionnavdcr (Mergits Albtllwi). Order ~Ntatort. Fio. 106. Foot of the Goosander which fits them for being used as oars ; most of the birds belonging to this order are, accordingly, excellent swimmers. The principal families of this order are the Duck, the Pelican, the Petrel, the Gull, the Diver, the Auk, and the Penguin. 38 PRACTICAL AIDS. In the Ducks the bill is hardly longer than the head ; to this family belong the Swan (Cygnus olor) (fig. 103), and the Goose FIG. 107. Head of the Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalut). Order 7 Natatores. Fio. 108. Foot of the Pelican, (Anser cinereus) (fig. 104) ; the Merganser, or Goosander, or Saw-beak (Mergus albellus) (see figs. 105 and 106). In the Pelicans, the bill is generally longer than the head, and the hind toe is connected with the front toes by one and the same web, and is, accordingly, turned forward. Example : the Common Pelican (Pelicanus onocrotalus) (figs. 107 and 108). The Laughing Gull (Larus ridibundus) (fig. 109) is a speci- men of the family of the Gulls. FIG. 109. Head of the Laughing Gutt (Larut ridibundus). (Order 7 Natatores). THIRD CLASS. REPTILES, OR AMPHIBIOUS ANIMALS. (Reptilia s. Amphibia'). The class of Reptiles have red cold blood, breathe by means of lungs, and lay eggs, which, however, they do not hatch themselves. The greater part of them have two auricles to the heart, but only one ventricle ; some of them have only one auricle and one ven- tricle. Most of them have four feet ; but some are only possessed of two, and in some the feet are altogether wanting. The animals of one of the orders of this class, the Batrachia, have to undergo a transformation in the early period of their existence, after leaving the egg. When first hatched, they are furnished with gills, like a fish, which, in most of them, after a certain period, shrivel up; in some, however, they are retained through life, leaving the animal thus in possession of an additional organ of respiration, besides the lungs. In Reptiles, only a part of the blood received from the body by the heart is sent to the ZOOLOGY. 39 lungs, to be subjected to the influence of the air; whilst the remainder is at once returned again into the general circulation, without having previously been purified by the respiratory pro- cess (see fig. 110). Hence the ? low temperature of the blood 3 of these animals, and the fa- J culty possessed by them to ? live, for a time, without breath- * ing. Reptiles are arranged in four , orders, according to the cover- ? ing of the body, and the pre- ^ ^ sence or absence of feet : viz., g * o ^ Chelonia, or Tortoises ; Sauna, 2, f or Lizards ; Ophidia, or Ser- f | pents ; and Satrachia, or f * Frogs. i> FIG. 110. Ideal Representation of the Circulation in Reptiles, a. Pulmonary circula- tion, b. Left auricle, c. Right auricle, d. Sole ventricle, e. General cir- culation. Order 1. TORTOISES AND TURTLES (Chelonia). The body, which is short and broad, is pro- vided with a complete covering, consisting of Fio. 111. Skeleton of a Turtle. a. ShouHer-b'.ade. 6. Collar-bone, c. Fore-arm, d. Humerus. e. I>orsal vertebra.-. /. lUbs. g. Bones of the pelvis. A. Tibia. i. Thigh-bone. 40 PRACTICAL AIDS. an upper, or dorsal, and an under, or abdominal shell, joined toge- ther at the sides, which permits only the head, tail, andfour feet to appear outside. The upper shell consists of a great number of horny plates, connected to each other by sutures, and is grown into one with the ribs and part of the backbone (the dorsal, lumbar, and sacral vertebra3, which are all united into one piece) ; the under shell is also composed of many plates, joined together by suture, and forming a kind of greatly enlarged breast-bone : thus a part of the skeleton of the animal is placed actually outside the body (see fig. 111). The plates of the dorsal shell are known in commerce as tortoise-shell. The jaws of the turtle are destitute of teeth. The animals of this order are divided into three families ; viz., Land Tortoises, River Tortoises, and Sea Tortoises. Order 2. LIZARDS. (Sauria). The body is long, and covered with osseous plates, or shields, or with membranous scales; the ribs are moveable. The bones of the upper jaw are firmly joined together and to the skull ; and the FIG. 113. Skdelon of the Crocodile of Hit Nilt,witlMut the Tail, a. Shoulder-blade, b. Humcrus. c. Fore-arm, d. Carpus, e. Thigh-bouo. /. Leg. jaws are always armed with teeth. Most members of the Lizard order have four feet, but a few are possessed of only two, or are even altogether destitute of limbs ; however, even in the latter case, the skeleton still contains the shoulder-blade, breast-bone, and the pelvis. An example of this species of the Lizard order is the Common Blind-worm, or Slow-worm, which is destitute of limbs, and still possessed of the bones named (see fig. 112). The order of Lizards is divided into three families ; viz., Croco- diles (fig. 113), True Lizards (fig. 114), and Snake Lizards. ZOOLOGY. 41 FIG. 114. Skeleton of the Common Lizard, a. Shoulder-blade. 6. Humerus. c. Fore-arm, d. Leg. . Tarsus. /. Metatarsal bones, g. Thigh-bones, h. Bones of the pelvis, i. Toes. Tho vertebra of the spinal column are merely indicated by points. Order 3. SERPENTS. (Ophidia s. Serpentes). The body is long and cylindrical, and covered with scales and plates. The limbs are wanting, as well as also the sternum, shoulder-blades, and bones of the pelvis ; but there are a great number of moveable ribs, extending from the neck to the tail. The bones of the upper jaw are simply bound to- gether by tendinous liga- ments, and joined to the skull by moveable bones. The upper jaw being thus moveable on the cranium, the animal is enabled to open the mouth very wide. The tongue is forked (see Staaoa of the Cmimon Adder, or Ringed Snal-e (Coluber natrin). fig. 115). Serpents are divided into three families ; viz., Serpents which are not venomous ; Serpents which are suspected to be venomous ; and venomous serpents. In the non-venomous Serpents, the teeth in the upper jaw are ail solid, and neither grooved nor perforated by a canal. The bite of these animals is not poisonous. The Sefpents suspected to be venomous have in the upper jaw, besides the solid teeth, also teeth with a longitudinal groove running down the front side; the roots of these grooved teeth generally communicate with a poison gland. FIG. 116. Skull of the Rattle-Snake. a. Cranium. 6. Uppcrjaw. c. Poi- sonous fangs, d. Lower jaw. FIG. 117. Poison Apparatus of it* Rattle-Snake, a. Nasal orifice. 6. Poison faugs. c. Salivary glands, d. Temporal mua- cles. . Poison-gland. 42 PRACTICAL AIDS. Fio. 118. Common Viper ( Vipera beru*). In the venomous Serpents, the upper jaw is armed with long hollow tusks, or fangs, and some smaller reserve teeth by the side of them. The canal by which the fangs are perforated communi- cates with a poison-gland, situated in the temporal region ; the tusks lie concealed in the jaw, but can be darted out at the will of the animal (see figs. 116 and 117). When the fang pierces the flesh of any animal, a portion of the poisonous fluid flows from the orifice of the gland, through the canal, into the wound, which pre- sents the appearance of two minute holes, as made with a pin or needle. The venomous Snake most com- monly met with in Europe is the Common Viper (Vipera herns') (fig. 118). It is grey or brownish, and has a blackish-brown stripe running along the back in zigzag, and spots of the same colour along the sides. The most venomous of the poisonous snakes is the Rattle Snalce of America, so called from a peculiar instrument at the end of the tail, which consists of a greater or less number of horny pieces, and is termed the rattle. By shaking this, the animal is enabled to produce a slight rustling sound (see fig. 119). Order 4. FEOGS. (Batrachia). In the animals of this class the body is oval or long, always naked, or simply covered with papillae. The number of feet is generally four, rarely two or none ; the ribs are altogether wanting (see fig. 120). The reptiles of this order are principally remark- able for a complete transforma- tion, which takes place in their offspring after leaving the egg. When first hatched, they are strictly aquatic animals, of fish- like shape, and breathe through branchiae, or gills, hanging loose by the side of the neck ; they have no legs, but are provided with a tail, by the aid of which they are enabled to swim and steer their course through the water ; the mouth is horny (see figs. 121 and 122). In this state, they are known by the familiar name of Tadpoles. After a certain period, the lungs begin to be developed. Fio. 119. Rattle of the Rattle-Snake. Fio. 120. Skeleton of the Frog. a. Shoulder-blade. 6. Leg. c. Thigh. tarsus, e. Carpus. /. Fore-arm. d. Meta- ZOOLOGY. 43 and the feet and legs grow, and project from beneath the skin, the fore-feet somewhat later than the hind-feet (see figs. 123 and 124). The gills are gradually taken into the thorax, and the young animal FIG. 121. Tadpole, when first hatched' Four times the liatural size. Fid. 123. Tadpole, after the Development of the Hind Feet. FIG. 125. TvApole, tcith the tail in process of fall- ing off . FIG. 124. Tadpole, with the four Feet complete. Fio. 122. Tadpole, when first hatched, with the Gills. Eight times the natural size. Fio. 12C. The young Frog, completely trans- formed. begins to respire by means of its lungs. The skeleton grows osseous, the tail gradually disappears (fig. 125), as well as the horny mouth, and the transformation is completed (fig. 126). FOURTH CLASS. FISHES. (Pisces). Fishes have red, cold blood ; instead of lungs, they are furnished with branchiae, or gills ; they produce their young by means of eggs, or spawn, which, however, they do not hatch themselves. The heart has only one auri- cle and one ventricle. Fishes are destitute of limbs, being provided instead with a tail and fins. The body is co- vered with scales, rarely bare of all covering. The outer and inner structure of fishes is adapted to the element in which they exclusive- ly reside. The body is, accordingly, generally flattened on the sides, rarely cylindrical or flattened from the top. There is no distinct neck, the head, neck, and chest being united into one piece ; the head contains not only FIG. 127. Head and Respiratory Apparatus of Hit River Perth (Perca fluviatilit). a. Orbit of the eye. 6. Lower jaw. e. Hyoid bone. d. Laminae, or rays of the gills, e. Arm-bone. /. Small bones of the hand. g. Pectoral fin. h. Clavicle, i. Arches of the gills, k. Cranium. 44 PRACTICAL AIDS. the brain, but also the gills and the arches of cartilaginous bone on which they rest, and the heart (see fig. 127). The gills usually consist of two ranges of cartilaginous lamina?, issuing like rays, and having the branches of the branchial artery minutely dispersed upon them; in some species of fishes they consist simply of membranes, divided into little fibrils, or fringes. They are placed behind the head, on each side, and are attached to four arches of bone, or cartilage, representing the pectoral ribs, and called arches of the gills. Externally, the gills are usually covered by a flap, called gill- flap, which, in most fishes, is moveable. The heart of fishes is situated in a cavity between the posterior parts of the right and left set of gills. It receives the whole of the blood from the body, and transmits it by means of the ventricle to the gills ; from the latter it does not return to the heart, but is sent by a set of arteries to all parts of the body, whence it is returned again by a set of veins to the auricle of the heart, for renewed transmission to the gills (fig. 128). The organs of motion in fishes are called fins. According to the part of the body in which they are placed, they are divided into pectoral, abdominal or ventral, anal, dorsal, Ideal Representation of the Cir- culation in Fishes, a. Branchial circulation. 6. Ventricle of the heart. c. Auricle, d. Veins. . Ar- teries. /. General circulation. FIG. 129. Skeleton of the River Perch (Perca fluviatilit). a. First dorsal fin. 6. Second dorsal fin. c. Caudal fin (or tail fin), d. Anal fin. e. Ventral, or abdominal fin. /. Pectoral fin. and caudal or tail fins (see fig. 129). According to their nature, the fins, more especially the dorsal, are termed spinous, when supported by hard, pointed, non-articulated rays ; or soft rayed, when supported by soft branching rays (see figs. 130 and 131). Many fishes are possessed of an air-bag, either single or double, filled with air, and generally communicating by a special duct with ZOOLOGY. 45 the middle part of the oesophagus (see fig. 132). The air-bag may FIG. 130. Fm. 131. Spinous Dorsal Fin. Soft-rayed Dorsal Fin. be considered as an accessory organ of motion : by contracting it, the fish is enabled to sink; by dilating or distending it, to rise again at pleasure. Accoroling to the nature of their skele- ton, fishes are divided into two principal groups ; viz., Osseous Fishes and Cartilaginous Fishes. The Osseous Fishes are again divided into two orders ; viz., Acanthopterygians, or fishes with spinous fins, and Malacopterygians, or fishes with soft-rayed fins ; each of these two subdivisions is divided again into several genera, according to the position of the abdominal fins. FIG. 132. Air-bag, or Sminming-lladdcr of the Carp. a. Parts of the bag. &. Duct leading from the bag to the oesophagus, c. (Esophagus. Fio. 133. The Cod fish (Gadus Morrhua) Fio.134. The Turbot (RJiombus maxima*). 46 PEACTICAL AIDS. FIG. 135. The Hun Fish (Orthagoriscus mola). Among the malacopterygious osseous fishes may be mention- ed the Cod (Gadus morrhua) (fig. 133); and the Turbot (Rhombus maximus) (fig. 134). As representatives of the car- tilaginous fishes may be named the Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mold) (fig. 135) ; the Common Stur- geon (Acipenser sturio) (fig. 136); and the Common Shark (Squalus car char ias) (fig. 137). ZOOLOGY. 47 Fio. 138. Coriaceous Running Beetle. 6. Head a. Antennae domen. e. Thigh. c. Trunk, d. Ab- /. Leg, or shank. FIFTH CLASS. INSECTS. (Insecta). Insects have white blood ; they breathe by means of tracheae, or air-tubes; in the perfect state they have always six feet. The body is divided into three principal parts ; viz., head, trunk, and abdomen (see fig. 138) ; and is mostly provided with four or two wings. They have to pass through certain metamorphoses, or changes of structure and form, be- fore they arrive at their perfect state. In the head are observed 1. The eyes, which mostly are com- pound and immoveable. They are placed at the sides of the head, and are divided into numerous regular hexa- gonal convex surfaces, or facets (see figs. 139 and 140). In some of the butterflies, there have been counted as many as sixty thou- sand of such facets. Each of these facets forms the surface of a distinct eye ; but they are collectively covered by a cornea common to all of them. Each little eye has a crystalline lens of its own, and the inner points are covered with dark pigment. A distinct fine branch of the optic nerve passes from the com- mon ganglion of that nerve into each little eye. Many of the little eyes are covered with hair, as in the Cock-chafer. Many insects have, besides the compound, also two or three sim- ple eyes, which are smaller, and have no facets ; they are gene- rally placed in front. 2. The antennae, or feelers ; they Fia.i39. are the organs of the sense of Part of the Surface of the Eye of the cockchafer. touch ; they are articulated with (400 times the natural size). . a. Facets. 6. Hairs form- the head, by the side or in front ing a kind of brow on the eye-baiis. of the eyes, and are generally freely moveable. According to their form, they are termed setiform (bristle-shaped), moniliform (bead-shaped), pectinate, serrulate, etc. see (figs. 141146). FIG. 140. (400 times the natural size). a. Cornea. 6. Crystal- line lens. c. Pigment. d. Branch of nerve. e. Ganglion of the optic nerve. 48 PRACTICAL AIDS. 3. The mouth is placed in the lower part of the head, and contains the organs with which insects seize their food, and which are constructed either for masti- Fio. 141. Antenna of a Butterfly. Fio. 143. Fio. 144. FIG. 145. Fig. 146. Antenna of an Antenna of another A ntenna of a Antenna of a. Insect of the Order I-iisect of the Order Cockchafer. Coleopterous of Hymenoptera. of Hymenoptera. Insect. cation or for suction. In the former case (see fig. 147), they consist of, a, the labial palpi ; b, the maxillary palpi ; the palpi are organs somewhat resembling the antenna? in structure and appearance, but serving to convey the food to the mouth, c. lower jaw, consisting of two arched hooks, moving hori- zontally to each other ; d, the upper jaw, similar to the above, but larger; e. the upper lip, a horny plate connected to the head ; /, the under lip, which shuts the aperture of the mouth from beneath, and has attached to its inner, surface the mem- Fig. 147. Component parts o/the moiith of the Corlacivus Running JieMe. (Underside magnified). a. Labial palpi, b. Max- iMary palpi, c. Lower jaw. i(. Upper jaw. . Upper lip. /. Undor lip. branous tongue. The organs constructed for suction consist essentially of the same parts, but arranged in the form of a tube or sucker, or in the form of a trunk or proboscis. The trunk is divided into three segments, called, respectively, the anterior, middle, and poste- rior pectoral rings, which adhere more or less strongly to each other, and to each of which one pair of legs is attached (see fig. 148). Each leg is composed of Fio. 148. Outer Skeleton of the Cockchafer (Mdolontha vulgarit). a. Head. 6. Anterior pectoral ring. c. Middle pec- rest, h. ZOOLOGY. 49 the thigh, the shanlc, or leg, and the foot (fig. 138). Most winged insects have four wings, two of them, the anterior or superior pair, being attached to the middle pectoral ring, and the other two, the posterior or inferior pair, to the posterior pectoral ring (fig. 148). The abdomen is divided into a number of rings or segments, varying from three to nine ; it either adheres in its entire breadth to the truak, or is attached to the latter simply by a stalk or pedicle. In some insects, it is furnished with a kind of perforator, or auger, with which the animal bores holes in various substances, to deposit its eggs in ; in many, it is terminated by a sting, or by a forceps, a bristle, a kind of claw, etc. The abdomen contains the organs of digestion, circulation, and respiration. The digestive organs consist of the oesophagus and the stomach, which generally form a long tube, or canal. The organs of circulation are limited to a single membranous canal (termed dorsal canal, or dorsal vessel), which runs along the back from one end of the body to the other, and in which alternate contractions and dilatations are discerned ; this organ performs the part of the heart. No branches have been discovered going off from it, and it is generally held that the conveyance of the blood or nutritious fluid to the different parts of the body, is effected by simple imbibition and absorption (see fig. 149). The respiratory Pio. 149. Ideal Representation of the Circulation in Insects. a. Principal lateral cm-rent, 6. Dorsal vessel (heart). function is performed by air-tubes, or trachea, thin membranous tubes, ramified over every part of the Fio M body, which open externally, on each side, by a certain * r <->* system # ' J tlt& Oat den Settle. number of apertures, termed stigmata, corresponding ^*" Ja " tm ' to the number of abdominal segments. Insects have no brain, nor spinal marrow; but they are fur- nished instead with two knotted cords, running the length of their E 50 PRACTICAL AIDS. bodies, which perform the same functions, sending from the several knots, or ganglia, numerous branches to all parts of the body (see figs. 150 and 151). All insects undergo certain changes of structure and form, before arriving at their perfect state, which are called their metamor- phoses. The young animal issuing from the egg, generally differs entirely from its parent. In the first state of its existence, it is called larva (see fig. 152) ; it has a long and cylin- drical body, divided into a great many rings, and is either destitute of feet, or provided with six or more very short legs. Larvae, destitute of head and feet are termed maggots; those possessed of a head and six feet, true larvae ; and those provided with a head and more than six feet, caterpillars. In the state of larva, the animal lives a considerable time, consuming a large amount of food; after having repeatedly cast its skin, it changes into the chrysalis pupa nympha, or aurelia (see fig. 153), from which the perfect insect issues (see fig. 154), after a longer or shorter period of time. FIG. 151. Nervous System of the Garden Beetle. FIG. 152. Larva of the Cock-chafer. FIG. 153. Chrysalis of the Cock-chafer. FIG. 154. The Cock-chafer in the perfect Insect State. According to the structure, texture, number, and arrangement of the wings, insects are divided into seven orders, viz., 1, Coleop- tera ; 2, Hymenoptera ; 3, Lepidoptera, or butterflies and moths ; 4, Diptera ; 5, Neuroptera ; 6, Orthoptera ; 7, Hemiptera. Figs. 155 162 illustrate examples of the order Coleoptera. Fio. 155. female of the Dytitws Marylnnlit. Fia. 157. Red-winged Slaphy- linut (Staphylimu erytbropttntt). FIG. 158. Common Necrophorus, or Grave digger (Necrophorv* vttpillo). ZOOLOGY. 51 FIG. 159. Spanith Fly. (Lytta vtticatoria). FIG. 160. Black Weevil, or Calandtr. (Calandra ffranaria). Fio. 101. Typograph Leather-eater. (Bostrichtu typographu*). Fio. 162. Fio. 163. Oak-leaf GaU-fly. (Cynips guercus folii). Rosalia Alpina. Examples of the order Hymenoptera, are tlie oak-leaf gall-fly (Cynips quercus folii fig. 163J and the lee (figs. 164 166) Bees are provided with a trunk, or proboscis (fig. 167) ; they live in most artistically constructed habitations, either solitary or in societies, greater or less in ex- tent and number. The honey bees (apis mellifica) form regularly organized republics (swarms or hives), containing each only one female, called Queen (fig. 164), but from 800 to 1000 males or drones (fig. 165), and from 10,000 to 30,000 working bees (unde- veloped females, fig. 166). The queen has the longest abdomen of all, and is provided with a sting, enclosed in a curved sheath; in the drones, the abdomen is thick and bulky; in the working bee, which is the smallest of the three classes constituting the hive, the shape of the abdomen is oblong, and the sting with which the animal is provided is E 2 Fio. 167. Head of tlie Wild Bte (front view), a. Antennas. 6. Low- er jaw. c. Tongue. 52 PEACTICAL AIDS. enclosed in a straight sheath (fig. 168). The sting communicates with poison-glands, and is barbed at the point. The shanks of the hind-legs in the working bee are channelled outside in their entire length, and covered with long hair, which, jointly with the chan- nelled cavity, form the bee's basket. The first phalanges of the hind-feet are rather long, and are covered on the inner side with several transverse rows of hair, which form what is termed the bee's brush. By means of this brush, the animal strips the farina off the flowers, and then carries it home in the bas- ket (fig. 169). As examples of the order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) may be mentioned the Machaon, or Swallow -tailed Butterfly (Papilio Machaon, see figs. 170 172) ; the Elpenor sphinx (Sphinx Elpenor, fig. 173) ; and the Silk-worm Moth (Bombyx, mori, figs. 174- 176). Fio. 1GS. Sting and Poison Apparatus of the See. a. Poi.-on glands, b. Duct convey- ing the poison from the glands to the bag, or reservoir, c. Poison-bag, or reservoir, d. Duct conveying the poison to the base of the sting, e. The sting, in the sheath. /. The point of the sting, out of the sheath (very considerably magnified). Fid. 1C9. Hind-foot of the Working B<.e. FIG. 170. Caterpillar of Machaon. Fid. 171. Chrysalis of tite Machaon. FIG. 172. SaaUoie-lzilut Butterfly. (Papilio Machaon). FIG. 173. Sphinx Elpcnor. F:G. \.7-l.Clerj)i;ia.r of the Sill-worm Moth. ZOOLOGY. 53 As an example of the Hemiptera, may be mentioned the True Cochineal (Coccus cacti, figs. 177 and 178). FIO. 175. Chrytalis of the Silk-worm. Moth. FIG. 176. Silk-icorm Moth. (Bonibyx mori). FIO. 177. FIG. 178. True Cochineal. (Coccus cacti). Male. Female. (Both considerably magnified). SIXTH CLASS. SPIDERS. (Arachnidce) . Spiders are insects destitute of wings ; they have cold white blood ; they breathe by means of pulmonary sacs, or by means of simple tracheae ; and are furnished with eight feet. The head and trunk, in spiders, are united in one piece. The eyes are always simple ; their number varies between two and twelve. Antennae are wanting. Spiders have, like insects, a simple dorsal canal, or vessel, in lieu of a heart. They undergo no metamor- phosis, but shed their skin several times. FIO. 180. Hedgtliog Tick (Ixodcs erinacei). FIG. 179. Tarantula (Lycosc. tarantula*. 54 PEACTICAL AIDS. According to the nature of their respiratory organs, spiders may be divided into two orders, viz., pulmonary spiders and trachean spiders. To the former order belongs the Tarantula (Lycosa tarantula, fig. 179); to the latter order, the Hedgehog Tick (Ixodes erinacei, fig. 180). SEVENTH CLASS. CTttJSTACEOUS ANIMALS. (Crustacea). The animals of this class have white blood ; they breathe by means of bronchise, or gills. They are covered by a calcareous, horny, or coriaceous shell, rarely by a mere membranous envelope. The feet vary in form and number in the different genera ; there are never less than ten. Wings are wanting; the number of antennae is from two to four. The eyes are either simple or com- pound, pediculated or non-pediculated. The body is composed of the head, the trunk, and the abdomen. Crustacea are divided into two principal orders, viz., Entomostracea and Malacostracea. EIGHTH CLASS. "WORMS. (Vermes). Worms have long, cylindrical or flat, soft and compressible bodies, and are destitute of limbs, or are furnished simply with non-articulated small bristles, or spines, which answer, in some sort, the purpose of feet. Most worms have red blood, but the heart is wanting in all of them. Some few of them have simple eyes, and some tentacula around the mouth, which answer the purpose of feeling and touching; but most worms are destitute of a head and organs of the senses. NINTH CLASS. MOLLUSCA. The animals of this clas s have soft, lu- bricated bodies, enveloped by a mem- brano-muscular covering, termed cloalc, or mantle. Most of them are covered, moreover, by a hard, calca- reous external shell. Some species of them (Acephala) are destitute of a head, whilst others have a dis- tinctly discernible head, provided with organs of the senses. The organs of circulation, digestion, and respiration are always greatly de- . **>. ^eloped in them (fig. 181). - The Testaceous Mollusca carry canal> "' Broncbiae - A> Hearfc ' their shells about with them. Shells ZOOLOGY. 50 consisting of one piece, are called univalvular; of two pieces, bivalvular (mussels, oysters, etc.). Univalvular shells are composed of several convolutions, which are either all of them placed in the same plane, presenting a discoid form, or ascend in gradually tapering spiral windings, somewhat after the fashion of a spire. We distinguish in unival- vular spiral shells (fig. 182), 1, the top or crown; 2, the base, with the orifice, i. e., the lowest and broadest part formed by the outer rim ; 3, the vertical column, round which the convolutions T * 1 1 7*7* j i 11 jji i j lutions wind. Umbilicus. wind ; 4, the umbilicus, or the hole at the bot- /. T OP , or crown. torn, of greater or less depth, which is formed where the spiral convolutions do not quite join. In bivalvular shells we distinguish principally, 1, the lower rim, or the part where the valves open ; 2, the upper rim, opposite to the lower; 3, the hinge, or the part where the two valves are joined ; 4, the ligament of the hinge, consisting of cartilaginous elastic ligament, placed behind the hinge, which, by contraction, permits the shell to open. TENTH CLASS. EADIATA. The Radiata have soft diversely covered bodies, divided into radii, or branches, like the spokes of a wheel, with the mouth in the centre. ELEVENTH CLASS. POLYPES. (Polypi). The Polypes, or Corals, have a soft cylindrical, or club-shaped, body, with the orifice of the mouth turned upwards, and mostly sur- rounded by a number of acutely sensitive simple or fringed tentacula. They live in societies ; they are solidly attached by their base to rocks, etc., and produce, by secretion, either on the surface or in the interior of their bodies, a calcareous or horny mass, familiarly known by the name of coral. TWELFTH CLASS. INFUSOBY ANIMALCULES. (Infusoria). Infusoria are most minute animals, mostly discernible only by the assistance of the microscope ; they are found in all zones, in fluids containing decaying organic matter. 56 PRACTICAL AIDS. They may be divided into two orders, viz., Wheel Animals, or Rotifera, and Monads (Proteus, etc.) The Rotifera are chiefly remarkable for a ciliary vibratile wheel apparatus, placed at the anterior extremity of the body, which serves principally to create an eddy in the water, by means of which the prey of the animal is drawn within reach (see fig. 183). The body is cuneiform, or oval, or somewhat elongated, acephalous, and often covered by a gelatinous coat ; the eyes, in most Rotifera, appear of a fine red. The Monads (Proteus, etc.), present an infinite variety of shapes ; mostly, however, their bodies are more or less spherical, bell-shaped, discoid, stel- late, etc. The body is either naked or covered by a silicious coat (fig. apparatus, b. Stomach, c. Eyes. 1 QA\ d. Wheel apparatus. - 1 - O^>J Fio. 184. Fortictlla. (rorticdla convaUaria). (Magnified 50 times). II. BOTANY. 'THE organs of plants are intended to perform two sets of vital functions, viz., nutrition and reproduction. They are developed in the plant progressively with its growth, in three periods, or stages, termed respectively germination, flowering, and ripening, or maturation. A. In the stage of germination, the organs of nutrition (root, stem and leaves) make their appearance ; during the time of flowering, the organs of generation, or reproduction (flowers), are formed ; and, in the third and last period, these latter organs undergo a further most important change, which leads to their conversion into fruit. Minute vesicles, discernible only with the aid of the microscope, constitute the basis of all vegetable tissues and organs ; these vesicles are called cells, cellules, or utricles. They are of various forms, usually, however, more or less rounded. They are enclosed by a delicate, transparent, colourless mem- brane, through which fluid matters are absorbed by a process of transudation. The cells constitute the elementary organs of plants ; they derive their sustenance by absorbing, from the matters around them, the liquid elements of their food, and con- verting these elements into material adapted for their further growth and development, and for the generation of new cells. The contents of the cells are partly fluid, partly solid. Fig. 185 shews an oval-shaped, somewhat flattened cell, with its contents, highly magnified. The aggregation, or union, of a number of cells into a coherent FlO. 1S5. FIG. 186. Oval thtrptd, someuhat Cdlular Tifiue, composed of Polyhedral Cdlt, fattened, Ctll. mass, which presents, on its cut surface, the appearance of a net- work, constitutes the cellular tissue (fig. 186). Different names PKACTICAL AIDS. have been applied to the cellular tissue, made up of variously formed cells, e. g., muriform, tabular, etc. The vessels of a plant consist of cells joined together, end to end, in rows, like pearls on a string, and forming cylindrical canals, having no transverse partitions inside. According to the configuration of these vessels, they are called spiral vessels, or trachea?, (fig. 187), annular vessels (fig. 188), reticulated vessels (fig. 189), etc. Fro. 188. Annular Veisd. Fio. 1ST. Spiral Vettel. FIG. 189.- Reticulated Vetel. Fig. 190 shows a longitudinal section of the stalk of the bal- samine, magnified 130 times, -which will serve to give the student some notion of the way in which variously formed cells are combined, in the vegetable tissues, with vessels of divers configurations. The organs which serve to provide for the nourishment and growth of plants (organs of nutrition}, are the root, the stem, and the leaves. I. The root is the descending part, or axis, of the plant, which fixes it to the place it grows on ; its office is to attract from the soil the liquid and gaseous matters which constitute the food of plants. According to the direction, shape, etc., of the root, dif- c. e. Divers Thus, FIG. 290. Longitudinal Section of the Stalk of tfa Saliamine. a. a. and b. 6. Divers cells, vessels. ferent names are given to it. a root descending perpendicularly into the earth, without divid- ing, is called a tap-root (see fig. 191). Roots of the form repre- sented in fig. 192, are called fusiform, or spindle-shaped ; roots branching in the manner shewn in fig. 193, are called ramous, or branched. II. The stem is the ascending part, which, growing upward from the root, rises above ground, and bears leaves, flowers, and fruit ; BOTANY. 59 its office is to convey into the leaves the food drawn up from the ground by the roots. Some plants produce their stems Fig. 191. Tap Root. FIG. 192. Fusiform, or Spindle- shaped Root. Fia. 193. Branched Root. underground, or, at least, partially so. Such underground stems are called rhizomes, or root -stocks (see fig. 194) ; the rhizome differs from the root in this, that it sends out leaf-buds from its upper side, and bears sheaths, scales, scars, etc., upon it. The stem proper presents two principal modifications : when soft and herbaceous, it is called stalk, or caulis ; when thick, woody, and perennial, it is named trurilc. FIG. 194. Rhizome of the Iris. FIG. 195. Cross and Vertical Section of the Stan of a Tree, a. Medullary rays. b. Annual rings, c. Mo- dullary sheath, d. Heart wood. e. Albur- uum. /. Bark with liber. The internal structure of the stem differs in the several primary classes into which the vegetable kingdom is divided. If we examine a cross and vertical section of the stem of any of our exogenous plants (i. e. t plants growing by successive external addi- tions of vascular tissue, and going on increasing indefinitely in an outward direction, as our trees and shrubs), we find, proceeding from the circumference to the centre, the following parts (see fig. 195) : 60 PRACTICAL AIDS. 1. The bark, or rind, the innermost layer of which is called liber; 2. the wood, in which again a distinction is made between the outer portion, the alburnum, or sap-iuood, and the central Jieart- ivood, or duramen', 3. the medullary sheath, which contains the pith : fine lines are seen to proceed from this to the bark; these lines are called medullary rays ; 4. the annual rings, which are new layers deposited annually between the alburnum of the preceding year and the liber, forming the alburnum of the next year. Different names are given to stems, according to the direction in which they grow, and their regular or irregular shape ; thus, they are called upright, straight, ascending, prostrate, knotty, articulated, etc. The first divisions of the stem are called branches ; the last, twigs. III. The leaf is a more or less flat expansion of the bark of the stem, or one of its divisions, which springs from the leaf-bud : it is generally green. Leaves present a very great variety of form. "We distinguish, in this respect a. The form of the outline of the leaf, according to which leaves are called oval (fig. 1.96) ; elliptic (fig. 197) ; oblong (fig. 198) ; Fid. 106. Oval Leaf. Fio. 199. Lanceolate Leaf. Fio. 200. Spatulateleaf. Fio. 202. Reniform Leaf. lanceolate (fig. 199) ; spatulate (fig. 200) ; cordate (fig. 201) ; reniform (fig. 202) ; sagittate (fig. 203) ; hastate (fig. 204) ; etc. b. The margin of the leaf, which may be scalloped (fig. 205) ; BOTANY. 61 crenate (fig. 206) ; dentate (fig. 207) ; serrate (fig. 208) ; sinuate (fig. 209) ; etc. FIG. 205. Scalloped Leaf. (Half.) FIG. 206. Crenate Leaf. (Half.) Fio. 207. Dentate Leaf. (Half.) Fia. 209. Sinuate Leaf. (Half.) c. The division of the blade, according to which leaves are called three-lobed (fig. 210) ; cleft (bifid, trifid, fig. 211) ; runcinate (fig. 212) ; parted (fig. 213) ; etc. Fio. 210. Three-lobed Leaf. FIG. 213. Parted Leaf (Septtmfid, or Seven-dtft Ltaf.) d. The composition of the leaf. Leaves are simple (as in figs. 196 209) or compound. The latter again are distinguished by 62 PEACTICAL AIDS. different names, as binate, ternate (fig. 214) ; digitate (fig. 215) ; pinnate (fig. 216); impari-pinnate, or, alternately pinnate (fig. 217) ; etc. ^ \\X\\\\\V\ \-IIZ-Wl !' I ( wm^f^ Fio. 214. Ternate leaf. FIG. 217. Jmpari- Pinnate Leaf. B. The organs of generation, or reproduction, of the plant are the flower and the fruit. 1. The flower is the part, or organ, which serves to produce the seed, and, accordingly, to ensure the preservation of the species. It consists usually of four parts arranged in rings, or whorls, one within the other. The first whorl, which is always on the outside of the flower, and is generally green, is called the calyx', the second whorl, next to this, is called the corolla ; this is generally beautifully coloured, but never green; the third ivhorl, standing next the corolla, consists of the stamens ; and the fourth and innermost ivhorl is called the pistil (see fig. 218). All these parts arise from a common basis, called the receptacle. The calyx and corolla together are called perianth, or floral envelope, or non-essential parts of the flower ; the stamens and pistils are called the repro- ductive organs, or essential parts of the flower. Flowers possessing all the essential and non-essential parts, are called ' roii on j; BOTANY. 63 cc mplete flowers ; those which lack one or both of the non-essential parts (calyx or corolla), are called incomplete floivers. Flowers having both essential parts, are called perfect ; those with only one of the essential parts, are named imperfect. Imperfect flowers with stamens only, are called male ; with pistils only, female. a. The calyx resembles the leaves in solidity of structure; it consists almost invariably of a whorl of leaves, called sepals, which are either separated from each other, forming what is called a polysepalous cup, or united to a greater or less extent, forming a monosepalous cup. The part grown to- gether in the latter, is called tube, or sheath (see figs. 218 and 219) ; the free portion, border, or seam ; if the parts con- stituting the border, or seam, be short, they are called teeth of the calyx. Certain names are employed to express differences in the form of the calyx, as urceolate, or urn-shaped (fig. 219) ; campanulate, or bell-shape (fig. 220), etc. b. The corolla (or blossom) resembles, in many respects, the calyx, and the terms used in speaking of it are much the same as those applied to the latter. The corolla is, however, more delicate than the calyx, and more gaily coloured. We distinguish a mono- petalous (or gamopetalous), and a polypetalous corolla. Different names are used to express differences in the form of the corolla ; thus, the monopetalous corolla is called campanulate, or bell-shaped (fig. 221) ; funnel-shaped, or infundibuliform (fig. 222) ; salver-shaped (fig. 223) ; labiate, or lipped (fig. 224), with an upper and under-lip, which unite in a tube, etc. Fia. 219. Five-toothed Urceolate Calyx. a. Tube, or sheath. 6. Teeth. PIG. 221. Campanviate Corolla. FIG. 222. Ftmnd-thaped Corolla. FIG. 228. FIG. 224. Salver-shaped Labiate Flower. Corolla. ". Calyx, b. Tube, or sheath, c. Lips. The polypetalous corolla is called, according to its shape, cruci- form (fig. 225) ; rosaceous, caryophyllaceous (fig. 226) ; papiliona- ceous (fig. 227), with five petals, one superior, called the vexillum, PEACTICAL AIDS. or standard ; two lateral, the alee, or wings ; and two inferior, united slightly by their lower margins, so as to form a single keel- like piece, called carma, or keel. FIG. 225. Cruciform Corolla. Fio. 226. Caryophyllaccous Corolla. Fio. 227. Papilionaceous Corolla, a. Standard, b. Wings, c. Carina, or keel. Among the accessory parts of the corolla, we remark the honcy- cups, or nectaries, which are calcarate (fig. 228) ; or cncullate, or galeate (fig. 229). Fio. 22S. Calcarate Nectary. Fia. 220. Galeate Nectary. c.T^lie stamen consists of a stalk, or filament, and a head, or anther, of various forms, which contains a powder, named pollen (figs. 230 and 231). In the examination of the filaments, we have to consider their number, length and position, and also whether they stand distinct from each other, or are collected in bundles, or united with other Fio. 231. Fio. 232. FIG. 233. Stamen with Stamen with S'amen with Obloiig Anther. Monadelphous Diaddphous a. Anther. I. Filament. Filaments. Filaments. Fio. 234. Stamen with Polyadelphous Filamenlt. parts of the flower. If the filaments are united, so as to form a tube or bundle, the stamens are called monadelphous ; when the filaments are united., so as to form two bundles, the stamens are called dladelphous ; when the filaments form three or more bundles, the stamens are said to be triadelphous, or polyadelphous (see figs. 232234). BOTANY. 65 d. The pistil occupies the centre, or axis, of the flower. Like the other organs, it consists of one or more modified leaves, which, in this instance, are called carpels, from the Greek word for fruit. A perfect pistil (fig. 235) consists of three parts, viz., 1. the ovary, or germen (fig. 236), which forms the lowest part, and con- tains the ovules, which, after fecundation, become seeds ; 2. the style, a tubular extension of the ovary upwards ; 3. the stigma (fig. 237), which forms the FIG. 236. Longitudinal Section of Ovary, a. Style. 6. Ovules. FIG. 237. Fecundation of tlie OvuUt. a. Stigma. 6. Pollen- tube, c. Style, d. Ovu- les, e. Ovary. upper part of the pistil, and, like the style, has a variety of forms ; it opens into the style at the period of fertilization, and secretes or exudes a viscous fluid. Fecundation in plants, takes place in the following manner: the anthers, when ripe, open and scatter the pollen over the stigma. Each pollen-grain, by the extension of its intime, or inner covering or membrane, forms a tube (pollen-tube), which, passing through the style into the ovary, penetrates into one of the ovules, effecting thereby the conversion of the latter into seed, and of the ovary, or germen, into fruit. The term inflorescence, or anthotaxis, is used to designate the general dis- position and arrangement of the flowers on the axis. The following are the principal forms of in- florescence : the spike, the FIG. 240. raceme, or cluster, the pani- Spadix of Arum Macuiatum. fU an( j the capitulum. or a. Male flower. ' * 6. Female flower, PRACTICAL AIDS. Bach of these again presents several varieties, thus a. The spicate inflorescence is called : Spike (fig. 238) ; Gatldn, or Amentum (fig. 239) ; Spadix (fig. 240). b. .The racemose inflorescence is called: Raceme (fig. 241); PIG. 241. Raceme. Fio. 242. Simple Umbel. FIG. 243. Compound Umbel. Simple Umbel (fig. 242) ; Compound Umbel (fig. 243) ; Corymb (fig. 244). c. The panicular inflorescence is called Panicle (fig. 245) ; thyrsus, (e. g., in lilac, the vine). d. The capitular inflorescence is called: Flower-head, or Ca- pitulum (e. g., in trefoil) ; vertical (e. g., in peppermint) ; Cala- thium (fig. 246), etc. In the Oalathium, the flowers situated on the border often differ in form from those in the centre ; in which Fio. 244. Corymb. Fio. 246. Calathium. (Compound Flower). a. Disc. 6. Ray. case, the flowers on the border, which are usually ribbon-shaped, are collectively called ray ; those in the centre, which mostly are tubular, disc (e. g., sun-flower). 2. The fruit is the ripe pistil; we distinguish two principal parts in it, viz., the pericarp, or shell, and the seed. The pericarp is the shell which encloses the seed ; it consists of an outer membrane (the epicarp), a fleshy part (the mesocarp), and an inner membrane (the endocarp). The principal kinds or forms of fruit are: the Achcenium BOTANY. 67 (fig. 247); the Diachcenium (fig. 248); tlae'Safoara (fig. 249); the Follicle (fig. 250) ; the Pod, or Legume (fig. 251) ; the Siliqua (figs. 252 and 253) ; the Silicula (fig. 254) ; the Pyxis, or Pyxidium (fig. 255, a and b). FIG. 252. Siliqua. Fio.253. Siliqua. opened. Fio. 254. Silicula. Fio. 255. Pyxidium (of Henbane) a. Pyxis, with the cap thrown off. b. Pyxis m the calyx. Fio. 256. Germinated Field-bean in Proffress of De- velopment, a. First, b. second, c. third leaflet, d. Seed-lobo, or cotyle- don. . Radicle. /. Plumule. b. The seed is the full-grown ovule; it is com- posed of two parts, viz., the seed-coat, or testa, and the embryo, or germ. In most plants, there is inter- posed between the embryo and the testa a substance called albumen, which consists chiefly of starchy matter, and serves to afford the first nutriment to the young plant. However, in many plants, this substance is altogether wanting. Three parts may be distinguished in the growing embryo : the radicle, 6r young root, which grows downward; the cotyledons, or seed-lobes; and the plumule, or gemmule, or young stem, with the first leaflets (see fig. 256). According to the absence or presence, and the number, of the seed-lobes, or cotyledons, in the embryo, the entire vegetable kingdom is divided into three principal classes, viz., 1. Dicotyle- dons, or plants with seeds having two or more opposite lobes, or cotyledons, as in the leguminous plants, the large-leaved trees, etc. F 2 68 PRACTICAL AIDS. PlaDts with seeds having more than two lobes, are called also Poly cotyledons. 2. Monocotyledons, or plants with seeds having only one lobe (if in any instance there are more lobes than one, they are alternate instead of opposite), e. g., the grasses, the tulip, etc. 3. Acotyledons, or plants with seeds, without lobes, e.g., the mosses, etc. Dicotyledonous plants have a tap-root. The stem exhibits wood and true bark ; the wood is exogenous, and arranged in concentric circles. The venation, or nervation, of the leaves is reticulated. The number of parts in the flower and fruit of a dicotyledonous plant is generally some power of five. In Monocotyledonous plants the root 1.3 fascicular ; the stem shows no concentric circles of wood, but simply filamentous woody bun- dles, scattered through the cellular tissue, and there is no dis- tinction of pith, wood, bark, and medullary rays. The leaves are parallel- veined. The number of parts in the flower and fruit is generally a power of three. CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS. HPHERE are upwards of 100,000 known species of plants. In -^ order to facilitate their description and the comparison of their affinities and differences, they are arranged in classes. The two principal systems of classification are the artificial and the natural. The artificial system is founded on the diversity of form and structure presented by certain parts of plants only, without reference to others ; while the natural system takes into account all the parts of plants, and bases the arrangement in classes upon certain affinities in the essential organs. A. Artificial System. Of the many artificial systems proposed, the classification of Linnmus is the easiest and most useful for beginners. The Linnaean System arranges all plants in twenty-four classes or divisions ; the distinc- tive marks of the several classes are derived from characters taken from the stamens, viz. : a, the number and position of the sta- mens ; l t their relative lengths ; c, the perfection or imperfection of the flowers; d, the connec- tion of the stamens. The classes are subdivided into orders, which, in the first thirteen classes, are arranged and denominated according to the number of pistils. In the remaining eleven classes, the subdivision into orders is found- ed either upon the form of the fruit, or upon the connection ,, , . _ Sweet Vernal Grots (Anlhoxaiithwn odoratum). 01 tne stamens in one or several mandna D; ffyn ia. araminea. bundles. * lfagnUtod flower> 70 PEACTICAL AIDS. FIBST CLASS. MONANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; one free stamen. Example: the Horsetail (Hippuris vulgaris). SECOND CLASS. DIANDRIA. t Flowers, perfect; two free stamens. . To this class belong, among others, the Olive (Olea Europced); the Lilac .(Syringa vulgaris) ; the Ash tree (Fraxinus) ; the Sage (Salvia officinalis) ; the Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) ; the Sweet Yernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum, see fig. 257).. Fio. 258. Saffron Crocus (Crocus autumnalis). Triandria Afonogynia. Iridece. Fia. 259. Darnel (lolium temulentum). Triandria Digynia. Graminece. a. Flower. THIED CLASS. TRIANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; three free stamens. To this class belong the several species of Iris ; the Saffron (Crocus autumnalis, fig. 258) ; the Grasses (Graminecz, fig. 259) ; and, also, the Sugar-cane (Saccharum officinarum). BOTANY. 71 FOUETH CLASS. TETRANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; four free stamens of equal length. To this class belong principally the Madder-worts (Galiacece, or Stellatce), which are distinguished by their verticillate leaves and double fruit. Examples : The Madder (Bubia Tinctorum) ; the Sweet Wood- ruff (Asperula odorata, fig. 260). Fio. 260. Sweet Woodruff (Aperula odorata). Tetrandria Monogynia. Galiacece. a. Single flower. 6. Flower open. c. Stamen, Fio. 261. Deadly NigJitshade (Atropa Belladonna). Pentandria Monogynia. Solanece. a. Flower magnified. 6. Fruit, e. Cross section of fruit. , FIFTH CLASS. PENTANDRIA. Floivers, perfect; five free stamens. This class is composed of a large number of families, genera and species ; it contains a great many ornamental and useful plants, but, also, the most dangerous of the poisonous plants. To the first order of this class belong the Primroses (Primula?) ; the Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna, fig. 261) ; the common Potato (Solanum tuberosum) ; the Chili, or Cayenne Pepper PRACTICAL AIDS. (Capsicum annuum) ; the Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger, fig. 262) ; the Thorn Apple (Datura stramonium) ; the Tobacco Plant (Nico- a. 262. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger). Pentandria Monogynia. Solan&e. a. Corolla magnified. 6. Fruit. FIG. 263. Fool's Parsley (JEthusa cynapiuni). Pentandria Digynia. Umbellifcrce. a. Single floret. 6. Fruit, c. Root. Fio. 264. HemlocTc (Corium macvtatum). Pentandria Digynia. Umbdliferoi. a. Lower part of the stalk. 6. Root. Fio. -205. Water Hemlock (Cicuta viroia). Pentandria Digynia. Umbdliferae. a. Root. b. Longitudinal section of root. tiana)-, the Cinchona Tree ( Cinchonce) ; the Coffee Tree (Coffea BOTANY. 73 Arabica) ; the Currant and the Gooseberry (Ribes) ; the Vine (Vitis vinifera). To the second order of the fifth class belong, among others, the Gentian Plants (Gentianoe) ; the Beet Root (Beta maritima) ; the Elm (Ulmus) ; and the family of the Umbellifers (Umbelli- ferae), which abounds in species, as, e.g., Common Anise, Parsley, Coriander, Carrot (Daucus carota) ; Fool's Parsley (^Btkusa cyna- pium, fig. 263) ; Hemlock (Conium maculatum, fig. 264); Water Hemlock, or Cowbane (Cicuta virosa, fig. 265). To the third order belong the common Elder Tree (Sambucus nigra) ; the Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus), etc. To the fifth order, the common Flax (Linum usitatissimum). FIG. 266. Tiger Lily (Lilium Martagon). Hexandria Monogynia. Liliaceai. a. Flower. 6. Pistil, c, c. Stamens. Fio. 267. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria najaKt). Hexandria Monogynia. Atparaginea. a. Floret laid open. 6. Stamen. SIXTH CLASS. EEXANDRIA. Flower, perfect; six free stamens of equal length. This class is formed principally by the bulbous plants, and contains, also, some of the palms and grasses. Examples : The Tiger Lily, or Turk's Turban (Lilium Martagon, fig. 266) ; the Tulip ( Tulipa Gesneriana) ; the Hyacinth (Hyacin- thus orientalis} ; the Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis) ; the numerous species of Aloes ; the Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis ; the Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis, fig. 267) ; the Date Palm (Plicenix dactylifera) ; the Cocoa-nut Palm (Cocos nucifera). PEACTICAL AIDS. SEVENTH CLASS. HEPTANDRIA. Flower, perfect; seven free stamens. This class contains only a limited number of plants 3 among the best known of which may be mentioned the Horse-Chesnut (jffisculus hippocastanum). EIGHTS CLASS. OCTANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; eight free stamens. Examples : The Maples (Aceracece) ; the Mezereon (Daphne mezereum) ; the several varieties of Heath (Erica) ; the Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) ; the French "Willow (Epilobium angusti- folium, fig. 268) ; the Fuchsia, FIG. 268. French Willow (Spilobium cmgutti folium). Octandria Monogynia. Onagracece. a. Magnified flower, b. Side view of flower. Fro. 269. Flowering Rush (Bviomus unibdlaiiis). Enneandria Hexagynia. Butomaceoi. a. Magnified flower. NINTH CLASS. ENNEANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; nine free stamens. The Flowering Eush (Butomus umbellatus, fig. 269), is the only British plant in this class, which, however, .contains several im- BOTANY. 75 portant aromatic and medicinal exotics, e.g., the Sweet Bay, or Victor's Laurel (Laurus nobilis); the Cinnamon Tree (Cinna- momum ceylanicum Laurus cinnamomum) ; the Camphor Tree (Camphor a officinarum Laurus camphor a). TENTH CLASS. DECANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; ten free stamens. Examples : the Rhododendrons ; the Rue Plant (Ruta ) ; the Pink (Dianthus, fig. 270); also several tropical plants, as the Pernambuco Tree ( Ccesalpinia echinata) ; the Campeachy or Log- wood Tree (Hcsmatoxylon Campeachianum} ; the Mahogany Tree (Swietenia mahogani), etc. Fio. 270. Carthiitian Pink (DiantUui Carthwtianorttm). Silenta. a. Magnified flower. Fio. 271. Purple Lootestrife, or Willonttrife (Lythrum talicaria). Dodeeandria Uonogynia. Lythraeeoe. a. Magnified flower, b. Flower laid open. ELEVENTH CLASS. DODECANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; twelve free stamens. Examples : The Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria, fig. 271), and the fragrant Mignonette (Eeseda odorata). 76 PRACTICAL AIDS. TWELFTH CLASS. ICOSANDRIA. Flowers, perfect ; fifteen, twenty and more free stamens, inserted on calyx or corolla. This class contains our Apple and Pear Trees and Rose Plants, also the divers species of Cactus, the Myrtles, etc. Among the Poinacese may be mentioned here, the White Thorn (Cratcegus oxyacantha, fig. 272). Fio. 272. Common White Thorn (Cratagut oxyacantha). Icosandria Digynia. Pomacece. a. Bud. b. Magnified flower, c. Fruit. Fio. 273. Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa). Polyandria Polygynia. Ranunculacca. a. Magnified flower. 6. Flower seen from below. THIRTEENTH CLASS. POLYANDRIA. Flowers, perfect; fifteen, twenty and more free stamens, inserted on receptacle. Examples : The Poppy (Papaver) ; the Lime, or Linden Trees ); the "Water Lilies; the Tea Plant (Thea chinensis) the Camellia ( Camellia japonica) ; the Lotus ; the Victoria Regia ; the Larkspur (Delphinium) ; the Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) ; the plants of the Crowfoot family (Ranunculi) ; the "Wood Anem- one (Anemone nemorosa, fig. 273). BOTANY. 77 FOUETEENTH CLASS. DIDYNAMIA. Flowers, perfect ; two long and two short free stamens. This class is divided into two orders, viz., 1, Gymnospermia, with labiate flowers (see fig. 224), and fruit formed by four achsenia. 2,' Angiospermia ; fruit, a two-celled capsule with many seeds. Examples of the first order, which is formed by the labiate family : The Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) ; the Common Balm (Melissa officinalis) ; the Peppermint (Mentha piperita, etc., see fig. 224) ; the Red Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum, fig. 274). FIG. 274. Red Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum). Didynamia gymiwspermia. Labiate. a. Magnified flower. FIG. 275. Broom Rape (Orobanehe major). Didynamia angiotpennia. Orobanehea. a. Magnified flower. 6. Flower laid open. e. Pistil. Examples of the second order, of which the plants, for the greater part, belong to the extensive family of plants with per- sonate or masked corolla : The Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) ; the Broom Rape (Orobanehe major, fig. 275). FIFTEENTH CLASS. TETR ADYNAMIA. Flowers, perfect; four long and two short free stamens. Linnaeus divides this class, which contains our most important culinary vegetables and oleaginous plants, into two orders, viz. : 1, Siliculosa?, in which the fruit (Silicitla, fig. 254) is broad and 78 PRACTICAL AIDS. thin; and, 2, Siliquosce, in which the fruit (Siliqua, figs. 252 and 253) is long and narrow. This class is formed by a natural family, the Cruciferce, or Cress- warts; the plants of this family are distinguished, as just now stated, by the form of their fruit, and, besides,' by having cruci- form corollas, i.e., four petals placed opposite in the form of a cross. Examples of the first order (Siliculosw) : The "Woad (Isatis tinctorid) ; the Horse-radish (Armoraciarusticana). Examples of the second order (Siliquosce) : The divers kinds of Cabbage (Brassica), as the garden cabbages, turnips, etc. ; the Radish (Raphanus sativus) ; the Wall-flower (Gheiranthus clieiri). SIXTEENTH CLASS. MONADELPHIA. Flowers, perfect; stamens united by filaments in one bundle, or tube (see fig. 232). The subdivision of this and the two following classes (seventeen and eighteen) is based upon the number of stamens united. Examples : The Mallow family (Malvacece), of which may be mentioned here, the Marsh Mallow (Althcea officinalis), and the divers species of the Cotton Plant (Gossypium) ; the Geraniums and Pelargoniums of the Cranesbill family (Geraniacece) ; the Arabian Gum Tree (Acacia Arabica). Fio. 276. Pod-bearing Red Lotus (Tetragonolobus silixjuosus). Diadelphia Decandria. Papilionacece. a. Magnified flower. Fio. 27Y. Coronilla (Coronilla varia). Diadelpkia Decandria. fapilionacea. a. Magnified flower, b. Organs of fructification. r. Fruit. BOTANY". 79 SEVENTEENTH CLASS. "DT A DELPHI A. Flowers, perfect; stamens united by filaments in two bundles (see fig. 233). This class is formed principally by the extensive natural order of the Papilionacece (see fig. 227), or Leguminosce. Examples : The many species of Bean (Phaseolus) ; the Pea (Pisum sativum) ; the Pod-bearing Eed Lotus (Tetragonolobus siliquosus, fig. 276) ; the Lentil (Ervum lens) ; the Vetch (Vicia) ; the Coronilla (Coronilla varia, fig. 277) ; the Clover (Trifolium); the Sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa, fig. 278); the various species of the Indigo Plant (Indigofera) ; the Locust Tree, or False Acacia (Robinia pseudo-acacia), etc. Fio. 278. Sainfoin (Onobrydtis tatiwf). Diadelphia Decandria. Papilionacece. a. Magnified flower. FIG. 279. Perforated St. John's Wort (ffypericum perforation). Polyaddphia Polyandria. Bypericaceos. a. Magnified flower. EIGHTEENTH CLASS. POLYADELPHIA. Flowers, perfect ; stamens united by filaments inmore than two bundles. The Cacao Tree ( Theobroma Cacao) ; the divers members of the Orange family (Aurantiacece), as the Orange, Lime, Lemon, Citron, etc. ; the perforated St. John's Wort (Hypericum perfora- tum, fig. 279). 80 PRACTICAL AIDS. NINETEENTH CLASS. SYNGENESIA. Flowers, perfect ; stamens united by Anthers into a tube. This class is formed exclusively by the Composite Plants (Com- posites, see fig. 246), one of the largest, and, at the same time, one of the most natural families in the vegetable kingdom, which numbers, altogether, upwards of 900 species. Fruit, an achse- nium (or cypsela), one-seeded (see fig. 247), usually crowned with the limb of the calyx, divided into hairs, and called pappus (see fig. 281). This class was divided by Linnseus into five orders. In the natural system it is usually divided into three large natural groups or sections, viz., Tubuliflorce or Cynarocephalce, Liguliflorce or Cichoracece, and Radiatce or Corymbiferce. FlO. 280. Common Knapweed (Centawea Jaced). Dandelion (Taraxacum officinal*). Syngenetia Polygamia superflua. Compotita. Syngenesia Polygamia aqualit. CompoiUa. a. Floret of the ray magnified. . Fruit, b. Naked receptacle, with only one achsenium crowned with the pappus, c. Receptacle with one floret left. . Pistiliferous flower. C. Fruit. BOTANY. 83 Examples : Tlie common Orchis ; the Vanilla ( Vanilla plenifolia s. aromatica) ; the Lady's Slipper ( Gypripedium calceolus] ; the Birth- wort (Aristolochia). TWENTY-FIEST CLASS. MONCECIA. Flowers, imperfect; staminiferous and pistilliferous flowers on the same plant. LinnaBus divides this class into eleven orders, according to the number, etc., of the stamens. Examples (arranged after the natural families to which the plants severally belong) : The Maize, or Indian Corn (Zea mays] ; the common Cuckoo- pint, or Wake-Robin (Arum ma- culatum, see fig. 240, which shows the spadix or succulent spike of this plant) ; the Coni- fers, as the Norway Spruce Fir (Abies excelsa) ; the Silver Fir (Abies pectinatd) ; the Larch (Abies larix, fig. 285) ; the Scotch Fir (Pinus silvestris, fig. 286) ; the Cupuliferce, or Mast- worts., as the Oak (Quercus) ; the Beech Tree (Fagus silvalica, fig. 287); the Hazel Nut (Corylus avellana) ; the Hornbeam Tree (Carpinus betulus fig. 288); the Birchworts, as the Common Birch (Betula alba) ; the Alder (Alnus)--i\\Q Walnut Tribe, as the Common Walnut (Juglans regia); the Plane tribe (Platanece) ; -the Nettle Family (Urticacece), as the Common Nettle (Urtica urens); the Common Fig (Ficus carica); the Mulberry Tribe (Morece) ; and several exotic plants;the Gourds, etc., etc. TWEXTY-SECOND CLASS. DICECIA. Flowers, imperfect; staminiferous and pistilliferous /lowers on two different plants. Examples : Of the family of the Conifers, the Juniper (Juni- perus) ; the Yew ( Taxus baccata) ; of the Willow- worts, the G2 FIG. 288. Hornbeam Tree (Carpinus Bettdut). Monacia Polyandria. Cupulifera. a. Staminiferous flower. 6. Pistilliferous flower. c. Fruit. 84 PEACTICAL AIDS. Willows (Salices); and the Poplars (Populi); of the Nettle-worts, the Hop (Hunndus lapulus) ; and the Heinp (Cannabis sativa). TWENTY-THIRD CLASS. POLYGAMIA. Flowers perfect and imperfect; stamens and pistils in the same or in different flowers on the same or on different plants. This class is now no longer admitted, and the plants formerly belonging to it are distributed among the other classes, according to the number of stamens in their perfect flowers. TWENTY-FOUETH CLASS. CRYPTOGAMIA (OE FLOWEELESS PLANTS). Flowers, absent; and no distinct stamens nor pistils. The principal families of this class are the Ferns ; the Horse- tails (Equisetacece) ; the Lycopodiums, or Club-moss family ; the mosses ; the Lichens ; the Algce, or Sea-weed family ; and the Fungi, or Mushroom family. The plants of the first twenty-three classes are also termed Phanerogamous plants (i.e., plants in which the flowers, or at least the essential organs, are conspicuous), to distinguish *them from the twenty-fourth class, Cryptogamous plants. B. Natural System. The most important natural systems are those of Bernard de Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, Reichenbach, Oken, von Martius, Endlicher, De Candolle, and Lindley. De Candolle's system has been the most generally adopted. This system proceeds from the most perfectly organised plants to those which are least so, and is based principally upon the structure of the stem, the number and position of the coty- ledons, the presence of all or absence of certain parts of the flower, the union of the petals, etc. Perleb has arranged the families belonging respectively to the several classes of De Can- dolle's system into large sections or orders. The following is a general view of De Candolle's system, with the principal families, as arranged by Perleb. 85 FIEST DIVISION. VASCULAR OK COTYLEDONOUS PLANTS (Plantce vasculares s. cotyledonece). The plants included under this division have a cellular and vascular system ; the embryo has invariably one or two or more cotyledons, or seed lobes. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDONS OR EXOGENS (Dicotylcdones s. Exogencc). Plants with seeds having two or more opposite cotyledons. This class is divided into two sections, viz., A. Diclilamydece, or plants having both calyx and corolla; B. Monochlamydece, or plants having a calyx only. These two sections together are sub- divided into thirty-four orders, and the latter again into a number of families. A. DlCHLAMYDE^, OR PLANTS HAVING BOTH CALYX AND COROLLA. SUBCLASS I. THALAMIFLORJS. Petals distinct, inserted into the Thalamus, or receptacle. Order 1. Multisiliquce. To this order belong the Crowfoot family (Ranunculacece, see fig. 270) ; the Berberry family (Berberi- dacece) ; the Water Lily family (Nympliceacece), etc. Order 2. Cruciferce. To this order belong the Poppy family (Papaveracece) ; the Fumewort family (Fumariacece), etc. Order 3. Climbing Plants. To this order belong the Balsam family (Balsaminacece) ; the Cranesbill family (Geraniacecc) ; the Vine family (Ampelidece s. vitacece, s. viniferce), etc. Order 4. Hesperidece. To this class belong the Tutsan, or St. John's Wort family (Hypericacece, see fig. 279) the Orange family (AwranliaceaJ) ; the Camellias (Camelliacece}, etc. Order 5. Columniferce. To this order belong the Mallow family (Malvaceae) ; the Lime Tree family (Tiliacece), etc. Order 6. Umbilicatce. To this order belong the Indian Cress family (Tropceolacece) ; the Horse-Chestnut family (Eippocastaneae) ; the Maple family (Aceracece, see fig. 249), etc. Order 7. Eueworts. To this order belong the Rue family (Eutacece) ; the Milkwort family (Polygalacea), etc. 86 PEACTICAL AIDS. Order 8. Violetworts. To tMs order belong the Mignonette family (Resedacece) ; the Violet family (Violacece) ; the Rock Rose family (Cistacece'), etc. Order 9. Cloveworts, or Chickweeds (Oa/ryopliyUacece). To this order belong the Silenece (see fig. 270) ; and Alsinece. SUBCLASS II. CALYCIFLOE^I. The Petals are attached at the base .to the calyx, and appear, accordingly, inserted on the calyx. Order 10. Succulent Plants. To this order belong the House Leek family ( Crassulacece) ; e.g., the Stonecrop (Sedum acre), the Saxifrages (Saxifragacece\ etc. Order 11. Plants with Ribbed Seeds. To this order belong the Cactus, or Indian Fig family ( Cactacece) ; the Gooseberry and Currant family (Grossulariacece s. Ribesiacece), etc. Order 12. Roseworts (Rosacece). To this order belong the Fuchswort, or Evening Primrose family (Onagracece, see fig. 268) ; the Loosestrife family (Lythracece, see fig. 271) ; the Myrtle family (Myrtacece) ; the Pomacece (Apple Trees, Pear Trees, White Thorn, see fig. 272) ; the Amygdalece (Almonds, Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Apricots, etc.) ; the Potentillece, etc. Order 13. Leguminoscs, s.Fabacece. To this order belong the Mimosce, the Papilionacece (see figs. 227, 276, 277, and 278). Examples : the Pea, the Lentil, the Yetch, etc. Order 14. Resinous Plants. To this order belong the Buck- thorns (Rhamnacece) ; the Terebinthacece ; the Walnut family (Juglandacece), etc. Order 15. Umbelliferce. Examples : Parsley, Caraway or Cu- min, Hemlock, etc. (see figs. 263, 264 and 265). Order 16. Peponifercs. To this order belong the Passion- flower family (Passifloracece), and the Cucumber family (Cucur- bitacece). Order 17. Rapunculacece. To which order belongs, among others, the Hare-bell family (Campanulacece). Order 18. Composites. (See Class nineteen of Linnsean sys- tem). Families : GynarocepJialce s. Tubuliflorce (see fig. 282) ; IA- guliflorce s. Gichoracece (see figs. 280 and 281) ; and Radiatce s. Corymbiferce (see fig. 283). Order 19. Glomendiferce. To this order belong the Valerian family (Valerianacece), and the Teazel family (Dipsacacece). Order 20. Orthophyfa. To this order belong the Elder family (Sambucece) ; the Bark family (Cinchonce) ; the Coffee Tree family (Coffeacece) ; and the Galiece s. Stellatce (see fig. 260). BOTANY. 87 SUBCLASS III. COROLLIFLOILE s. THALAMAOTEGE. Petals united; corolla hypogynous, not attached to the calyx. Order 21. Atasees. To this order belong the Cranberry family ( VacciniacecB ; the Heath family (Ericaceae), etc. Order 22. Bitter Plants. As the Gentian family (Gentianacece}, and others. Order 23. Solanece. To this order belong the Bindweed family (Convolvulacece) ; the Nightshade family (Solanacece) ; the Mullein family (Verbascece), etc. Order 24. Tetrachceniece. (See Class fourteen of Linnsean sys- tem). To this order belong the Borage family (Boraginaceoe) , and the Labiate family (Labiatce, see fig. 274). Order 25. Drupacece. To this order belong the Olive and Ash families (Oleacece and Fraxinece), as the common Lilac, the common Ash, etc. ; the Jessamine family (Jasminacece) . Order 26. Personates (see Class fourteen of Linnasan system. To this order belong the Broom-rape family (Orobanchacece, see fig. 275), and others. Order 27. Hypocrateriformce. To this order belong the Prim- rose family (Primulacece) ; the Ribwort family (Plantaginacece) , etc. B. MONOOHLAMYDEJI, OE PLANTS WITH A SlMPLE PERIANTH (THE CALYX). SUBCLASS IY. MONOOHLAMYDEJI. Corolla wanting ; floral envelope consisting of calyx alone. Order 28. Gynandria (Exogenous). To this order belong the Birthwort family (Aristolochiacece) ; the Pitcher-plant family (Ne- penthaceoe)) etc. Order 29. Lauracece. To this order belong the Nutmeg family (Myristicacece) ; the Laurel family (Laurinece) ; the Daphne family (Thymelceacece), etc. Order 30. Pot Herbs. To this order belong the Goose-foot family (Ghenopodiacece) ; the Amaranth family (Amaranthacece) ; the Buckwheat family (Polygonacece), etc. Order 31. Pepper Plants. To this order belong the Pepper family (Piper acece], and others. Order 32. Nettle Plants. To this order belong the Spurge family (Euphorbiacefe) ; the Plane tribe (Platanece) ; the Nettle family (Urticacece) ; the Elm tribe (Ulmacece), etc. 88 PRACTICAL AIDS. Order 33. Amentacece, or Catkin-bearing plants. To this order belong the "Willow tribe (Salicinece), as "Willows, Poplars, etc ; the Nut tribe (Cupuliferce), as Oaks, Beeches, etc. (figs. 287 and 288) ; the Birch tribe (Betulinece], etc. Order 34. Coniferce, or Cone-bearing plants. To this order belong the Fir and Spruce tribe (Abietincce, see figs. 285 and 286) ; the Cypress tribe (Cupressinece), etc. CLASS II. MONOCOTYLEDONES s. ENDOGEN.E. In the plants of this class the embryo has only one cotyledon ; or, if in any instance there are more, the second is always alternate with the first formed. This class is divided into nine orders. SUBCLASS I. PHANEROGAME.E, OR FLOWERING PLANTS. Plants in which the essential organs are conspicuous. Order 35. Gynandria (Endogenous). To this order belong the Orchis family (Orchidacece, see fig. 284) ; the Ginger family (Sci- taminece s. Zingiberacece] ; the Banana family (Musacece), etc. Order 34. Liliacece. To this order belong the Iris family (Tridacece, see fig. 258) ; the Lily and Tulip family (see fig. 266) ; the Colchicum family (Melanthacece) ; the Narcissus tribe (Nar- cisseoB) ; the Asparagus tribe (Asparagece, see fig. 267), etc. Order 37 Palms (Palmes). To this order belong the Betel- nut Tribe (Arecineos) ; the Cocoa-nut tribe (Cocoince , etc. Order 38. Plants with tripetalous corolla. To this order be- long the Pine-Apple family (Bromeliacece) ; the Flowering Rush family (Butomacea, see fig. 269), etc. Order 39. Glumacece. To this order belong the Sedge family (Cyperace-ce) ; the Grass family (Graminece, see figs. 257 and 259), etc. Order 40. Spadicece. To this order belong the Sweet-flag tribe ( Acorece) ; the Arum family (Aracece, see fig. 240), etc. SUBCLASS II. CRYPTOGAME^E, OR FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Plants in which the essential organs are concealed. Order 41. Sac Ferns (with thecce, or spore-cases). To this order belong the Horsetail family (Equisetacece), etc. Order 42. Fan Ferns. To which order belongs the Fern family (Filices}. Order 43. Flap Ferns. To which order belongs, among others, the Club-moss family (Lycopodiacecs). BOTANY. 89 SECOND DIVISION. CELLULAR, OR ACOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS (Plantce cellular es s. Acotyledonece) . These plants are composed entirely of cellular tissue, and have no vessels ; the spore (embryo) has no cotyledons. SUBCLASS I. FOLIAGES s. FOLIOSJE. Distinct leaves. Order 44. Foliaceous mosses (Musci frondosi}. Order 45. Liverworts Eepaticece). SUBCLASS II. LEAFLESS CELLULAR PLANTS (Aphyllce). No leaves. Order 46. Sea-weeds (Algce). Order 47. Lichens (Liclienes). Order 48. Mushrooms (Fungi). III. MINERALOGY. IMTINERALS are either crystallized or amorphous. 1TJL rpj^ erm Crystal is used to designate any mineral substance of a distinct geometrical form or figure, bounded by plane surfaces, having angles of fixed and constant value, and presenting a cor- responding regularity of internal structure. The forms of crystals are of the same importance in Mineralogy as those of animals and plants in Zoology and Botany. Minerals having no definite geometrical form are said to be amorphous. The Systematic Arrangement of Crystals is based upon the nature of the faces or planes, edges, points or angles, and axes. 1. The planes bounding a crystal are called its faces. Their form is determined by the sides bounding them ; we have, accord- ingly, three-sided, four-sided, five-sided, and six-sided planes. The most remarkable forms of the three- sided planes, are, the equilateral triangle (fig. 289) ; the equicrural or isosceles triangle (fig. 290) ; the scalene, or triangle having three sides unequal to each FIG. 2Sa. Equilateral Triangle. FIG. 290. Isosceles. Fio. 291. Scalene. Fio. 293. Rectangle. FIG. 296. Trapezoid. Fio. 29T. Pentagon. Fio. 298. Hexagon. other (fig. 291) : of the four-sided planes, the square (fig. 292) ; the rectangle (fig. 293) ; the rhomb (fig. 294) ; the rhomboid (fig. 295) ; the trapezoid (fig. 296). A five-sided plane is called a pentagon (fig. 297). A six-sided one, a hexagon (fig. 298). MINEEALOGY. 91 2. The lines of contact of two planes are called edges. 3. Points or angles are formed by the meeting of three or more planes. The angles formed by the meeting of two, three, or more planes, are termed, according to their nature and size, right, obtuse, or acute angles. 4. Axes are imaginary straight lines, drawn from one angle to an opposite one, passing from side to side, or from end to end, through the centre of a crystal. In examining a crystal as to its form, three or four such lines or axes are taken into consideration ; that one of the axes which is situated vertically in front of the observer's eye, is called the principal axis, while the others are called secondary axes. In crystals having three axes of equal length, crossing each other at right angles, any one of the three may be chosen for the principal or vertical axis ; but if the axes vary in length, the longest of them is chosen. The planes, edges, angles, and axes, are either similar or dissimilar in a crystal. In the former case they must, considered under the same conditions and circumstances, respectively cor- respond with each other ; the faces, accordingly, must present the same form, position and inclination to each other; the edges the same length, and the same planes and angles ; and the points, also the same planes, edges and angles. The axes of crystals are called similar, or equal, if they are of equal length. Modifications of Crystalline Forms. A Crystal' is said to be simple if it presents no more faces than are required to bound a certain definite form ; but if there are more faces in a crystal than are required for this purpose, a combination is produced. The difference of the faces shows the different forms united in a combination (see figs. 299, 300, 301, and 302). To understand Fio. 299. Combination of Cube and Octahedron. o, o. Octahedral pianos. Fm. 300. Combination of Cube and Octahedron, o, o. Octahedral planes. the development of a combination, we have simply 'to suppose a crystal to grow in such a manner, that, instead of increasing by equal additions on every part, it increases only in some parts, but still in obedience to certain definite laws ; the increase of these 92 PRACTICAL AIDS. parts being, of course, attended with a corresponding decrement upon other parts. Figs. 299, 800, and 301, show a combination of cube and octahedron, in which the planes of the latter ulti- mately appear larger than those of the former. The next forms V FIG. 301. Combination of Cube mid Octahedron. Ji, h. Cube pianos, o, o. Octahedron planes. Fio. 302. Combination of Cube and Rhombic Dodecahedron. h, h. Cube planes rh, rh. Rhombic Dodecahedron planes. produced by this process of irregular increase, are called secondary forms ; they belong, of course, to the same system as their original or primary forms. The terms truncation (decrement), basilling or bevelling, and pointing, are employed to denote the nature of the modification of form observed. a. The term truncation is used to denote the formation of a plane in the place of an edge or angle, b. Basilling denotes the formation of two planes in the place of an edge or angle, c. Point- ing denotes the formation of three or more faces or planes on an r Systematic Classification of Crystals. The extreme variety of form which crystals present, has led to their arrangement in certain general groups, or classes, which are called Crystallo- graphical Systems. This term denotes a general collection of crystalline forms, capable of combining with, and passing into, each other, in conformity with the law of symmetry. The original form from which the others are derived is termed the primary form. Crystals belonging to different systems cannot combine with, nor be derived from, one another, according to the law of symmetry. The following are the six Crystallographical Systems, in which crystalline forms are arranged. 1, The regular system; 2, the square prismatic system ; 3, the rhombohedral system ; 4, the right prismatic system ; 5, the clino-rhombic, or oblique rhombic system ; 6, the clino-rhornboidal, or double oblique rhombic system. I. The Regular System. The crystals of this system have three MINEEALOGY. 93 equal axes, all placed at right angles to each other. The primary form is the cube. The most important forms of this system are, 1, the Cube, or Hexahedron (fig. 303) ; 2, the Octahedron (fig. 304) ; 3, the Rhombic Dodecahedron (fig. 305) ; 4, the Tetrahedron (fig. 306) ; 5, the Trapezohedron (fig. 307) ; 6, the Hexakis-octahedron (fig. 308). FIG. 306. Tetrahedron. FIG. 308. Ilexakis-octaliedron. The cube passes to the octahedron by the truncation of its eight angles, and the octahedron, vice versa, to the cube by the truncation of its six angles (see figs. 299, 300 and 301). By the truncation of its twelve edges, the cube passes to the rhombic dodecahedron (fig. 302), and the latter again to the cube by the truncation of its six quadrangular angles. The rhombic dodeca- hedron may also be formed from the octahedron, by the truncation of the twelve edges of the latter, and the octahedron, vice versa, from the dodecahedron, by the truncation of the eight triangular angles of the latter. To this system belong, also, the pentagon-dodecahedron, which is bounded by twelve pentagons ; the pyramidal cube, which is bounded by twenty-four equal equicrural triangles, etc. II. The Square Prismatic System. The crystals of this system also have three axes, at right angles to each other; of these, 94 PRACTICAL AIDS. however, two only are of equal length, the third being longer or shorter. The most important forms are 1. The square pyramid, or right square-based octahedron, the principal axis of which may be short, with the secondary axes terminating in the centres of the lateral planes (fig. 309) ; or long, with the secondary axes terminating at the edges of the lateral planes (fig. 310). FIG. 309. Stjuare Pyramid irith short Principal Axis. FIG. 310. are Pyramid with long Principal Axis. FIG. 311. Right Square Prism. b. Basic planes. 2. The right square prism, of which the lateral axes terminate at the edges of the lateral planes. The square terminal planes of this form are called basic planes (see fig. 311). The square pyramids are capable of combining with each other (see fig. 312), as well as with the right square prism (see fig. 313). FIG. 312. Combination of Thru Square Pyramids. a, b, e. Planes of the three pyramids. Fio. 313. Combination of Square Prism with Square Pyramid, m. Prism, p. Pyramid. III. The Rhombohedral, or Hexagonal System. This system is characterised by the presence of four axes, three of which are equal, in the same plane, and inclined to each other at angles of 60 degrees, while the fourth, or principal axis, is perpendicular to all. The most important forms of this system are MINERALOGY. 95 1. The hexagonal pyramid (fig. 314), which is bounded by twelve equal equicrural triangles, and has its six edges lying in the same plane. 2. The hexagonal prism, or regular six-sided prism (fig. 315), with hexagonal basic planes. 3. The rhombohedron, pointed and obtuse (figs. 316 and 317). FIG. 3H. Hexagonal Pyramid, a. Vertical edges. 6. Border edges. Fro. 315. . Hexagonal Prism, b, b. Basic planes. 4. The scalenohedron (fig. 318), which is bounded by twelve scalene triangles, and characterised by its zigzag edges. Among the combinations derived from the forms of this system may be mentioned the combination of the hexagonal prism with the pyramid (fig. 319), and of three different rhombohedra (fig. 320). Fig. 319. Combination of Hexagonal Prism. and Hexagonal Pyramid. p. Pyramid planes. m. Prism planes. Fio. 320. Combination of Three Different RKombohedra. a, b, c. Planes of the three Rhombohedra. IV._77 ie Rhombic,' OT Right Prismatic System. This system is characterised by three axes of unequal lengths, placed at right angles to each other, and each of which may be selected as principal axis. The most important forms of this system are, 96 FBACTICAL AIDS. 1. The rhombic pyramid, or rhombic-based octahedron (fig. 321). The long diagonal at the basis of crystals of this form is termed macro-diagonal, the short brachy-diagonal. 2. The right rhombic prism (fig. 322), the terminal faces of which are called basic planes. If the rhombic prism (or else the FlO. 321. JUiombic Pyramid, m, TO. Macro-diagonal. 6, 6. Brachy-diagonal. FIG. 322. RJiombic Prism. b, b. Bauic planes. Fio. 323. Rectangular Prim. rhombic pyramid) is held in a manner to place either the macro- or the brachy-diagonal in a vertical position, the crystal forms a horizontal prism, termed a dome, which is called a macro- or a brachy-diagonal dome, according to which of the two diagonals occupies a vertical position. 3. The right rectangular prism (323), which is bounded by six rectangular planes. 4. The rectangular pyramid (fig. 324). This pyramidal figure m Fio. 324. Rectangular Pyramid. Fio. 325. Combination of Rhombic Prism with Two Homes, m, m. Prism planes. 6, 6. Dome planes. is produced by the planes of two domes meeting in a manner to constitute two opposite quadrangular angles. The basis of this double pyramid is a rectangle. Fig. 325 shows a combination of a rhombic prism with two domes. MJNEBALOGY. 97 V. TJie Clino-rhombic, or Oblique Rhombic System. Crystals belonging to this group have three unequal axes, two of which intersect each other obliquely, while the third forms with them right angles. The clino-rhombic, or oblique rhombic prism, or hendyo-hedron (fig. 326), is selected as the primary form of this system. It consists of two equal oblique rhombs, constituting Flo. 326. Clino-rhombic Priam, h, h. Ortho-diagonal. k, k. Cliuo-diagoual. Fio. 327. Clino-rhombic Prism with Clino-dome. I, k. Clino-dome. 'in, m. Prism. I. Clico-diagonal plane. the terminal planes, and four equal rhomboids, constituting the lateral planes. The axis terminating in the two rhombs is taken to be the principal axis ; in crystals of this system we distinguish an oblique or clino- diagonal, and a horizontal or ortho -diagonal. The terminal planes are also called hemi-domes. The junction of two hemi-domes, obliquely inclined to each other, constitutes what is termed a clino-dome. Fig. 327 represents a clino-rhombic prism, with a clino-dome and the two clino-diagonal planes (so called because they are situated at the ends of the ortho-diagonal). VI. The Clino-rhomboidal, or Doubly Oblique Prismatic System. The crystals of this system have three unequal axes, all oblique to each other. Any one of the three axes may be selected for the principal axis. The planes, edges and angles are only two and two, equal and parallel. The simplest form of this system is the clino-rhomboidal, or doubly oblique prism, or heno-hedron (fig. 328), which consists of a unilateral prism with two terminal faces. All the faces or planes are rhomboids. It occasionally happens that two, three, or four crystals, belonging to the same crystallographical system, are united together in a certain definite manner. Aggregations of this kind H 98 PRACTICAL AIDS. are called geminous, or double crystals (fig. 329) ; tri-geminous, or triple ; quadrigeminous, or quadruple crystals ; they are met with in all the six systems. Fio. 328. Clino-rhomboidal Prim. Fie. 829. Geminous, or Double Crystal (of Gypsum). GEOGNOSY. FIG. 330. Stratification of Rock*. a. Vertical strata. b. Inclined strata, c. Horizontal strata. GEOGNOSY (knowledge of the earth) is that branch of the physical sciences which treats of the structure of the earth's crust, and of the rocks or mineral masses composing it. Among the phenomena of rocks, stratification claims our par- ticular attention. By this term, we understand the deposition of mineral matter in lamellae or layers (strata) of greater or less thickness, which run pretty pa- rallel, often extending many miles in length, and have evidently been gradually superposed one upon another. Stratification is found only in rocks deposited from the water. The order of superposition affords a safe guide to the relative ages of the seve- ral strata, as, of course, the underlying stratum must always be older than the overlying one; Terms used in connection with Strata. Strata are called, accord- ing to circumstances, vertical, inclined, or horizontal (fig. 330). The bed immediately overlying a stratified deposit is called roof, the one immediately underlying it, level-bed (fig. 331). The direc- tion in which a stratum runs lengthways to one of the points of the compass, is called the strike of the stra- tum ; this is deter- mined by a horizontal line drawn, or supposed to be drawn, along the lateral face of the stratum. The inclination of a stratified deposit to the horizon, is termed " dip ; " this is determined by a line intersecting the strike line at a right angle. The measure of the diameter of a stra- tum from the roof to the level-bed is called its thickness. Strata are frequently undulating on a large scale, i.e., the po- sition of the beds alternates between the vertical, inclined and horizontal (fig. 332); the terms "bend" or "saddle," and n2 Fio. 331. Stratification of Rock*. d, d. Roof, t, t. Level-bed, u. Break. Fio. 332. Stratification of Rocks. t, i. Bends, m, m. Hollows. 100 PRACTICAL AIDS. "hollow" or "basin," are employed to mark the elevations and depressions of such undulating strata. Crevices or fissures in the crust of the earth that have been filled up by some other kind of rock than that which constitutes the beds or stratified deposits into which they project, are called "dykes" (fig. 333, d) they are, for the most part, straight. The strata traversed n i^ ^cation or DisplacM fa ^^ ^QQ often exhibit c. Coal-bed, displaced and forced up on the right J J by the dyke, d. The horizontal strata, z aud r, have r]i1npc>i irm rT rlienlnnarnnnf a been formed at a later period. UlblOCdUOUb, OI UlfepiaCementS, which are the result of the action of the disturbing or disruptive GEOGNOSY. 101 force that has thrown up the foreign mineral matter of the dyke amongst them (fig. 333). Mineral veins (fig. 334, M) are filled with non-metallic minerals ; metallic veins or lodes (fig. 334, E), with ores of metals. Fig. 335 shows a bed of sand and gravel (s, ), which is saturated with water, and receives also a constant supply of that fluid from more elevated parts. Now, as the water is pent up in the sand and gravel bed, being prevented from descending by a layer of clay below, and from ascending, by a layer of clay above (t, t), it will easy be understood that an issue may be afforded to the pent-up water by boring a hole through the upper layer of clay. The water rises with considerable force through the bore-hole made, and forms what is called an artesian well. FIG. 335. Artesian WM. t, f. Sand and gravel, t, t. Clay. b. Bore-hole. In certain mineral beds, there are found, in greater or less quantity, remains of plants and animals, which are called petri- factions, and occasionally also fossils. These are either organic bodies, actually changed to stone, or, simply, organic parts enveloped and partially penetrated by mineral matter deposited upon them; or, simply, impressions of plants, etc. The number of petrifactions (i. e., the number of species, genera and families of them) is found to increase in proportion as we proceed from the ancient to the more recent geological formations. The greater the distance between two geological beds, as regards the respective periods of their formation, the more dissimilar are the petrifactions respectively found in either, and vice versa, for the organic bodies of more recent creation differ more and more from those belonging to the more ancient epochs ; each geological formation being, in fact, characterised by its own animals and plants. Certain petrifactions are found exclusively in certain formations, being never met with in any other formation, above or below ; these serve as guides to the recognition and identifica- tion of the formation in which they occur. Geognostic System. In the classification of geological formations, we consult either their origin or their formation. 102 PEACTIOAL AIDS. a. Origin. Certain rocks present a crystalline structure ; these are assumed to be the product of a spontaneous process of crys- tallization of mineral matter in a state of semi-fluidity, the result of direct igneous action. Others owe their origin, in a measure, to the agency of water; these are usually called "rocks of deposition," also "neptunic or pelagic rocks" Others, finally, owe their origin to the agency of fire ; these are called igneous, plutonic, volcanic or eruptive rocks. b. Formation. Here we distinguish, 1, Normal, or stratified rocks or deposits, which overlie each other in a certain definite order, and contain petrifactions ; they are all of them beds of deposition, owing their origin to the agency of water. 2, Abnormal, or non- stratified rocks, which, for the most part, present no trace of stratification, exhibit less regularity in the position which they occupy relatively to each other in the earth's crust, and contain no petrifactions. They mostly serve as a base for the stratified deposits to rest on, but are also frequently found traversing the latter, having been forced up through them by eruptive agency. They are subdivided again into primitive or primary rocks, and volcanic rocks. The primary rocks have been formed by crys- tallization from a state of semi-fluidity ; the volcanic rocks are the result of igneous action. Fig. 334 shows a theoretic section of the earth's crust, in which the several geological formations are indicated. The formations from I. to VIII. are stratified deposits, from IX. to XIV. non- stratified deposits. A TABULAR VIEW GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. 104 CLASSES OF BOCKS. TABULAR VIEW OF THE FORMATIONS AND GEOUPS. MEMBEES. > * 1 I. ALLUVIUM . . 1. Alluvial group . Recent Alluvial deposits II. TERTIARY CLASS< 2. Diluvial group , ,01d Alluvial deposits. v Upper Tertiary (Plio- 3. Tertiary group / (4s. Cretaceous, or Chalk forma- tion III. FLCETZ-GEBIEGE (Stratified de- posits) . (Continued on p. 106). cene) Middle Tertiary (Mio- cene) Lower Tertiary (Eocene) White Chalk (white Limestone) Planerkalk (consist- ing of a deposit of Marl, Marly Sand- stone, and Lime-, stone) Quadersandstein, or Green-sandforma- tion. Middle Chalk, or Gault Lower Chalk, or Neo- comien. Wealden. Upper or white Jura (Portland stone) 5. Jura, or Oolitic group . . Lower or black Jura . Lias GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. IMPORTANT PETRIFACTIONS. Cerithium mutabile (Fig. 336). Belemnites mucronatus FIG. 338. Plagiostoma spinosum. ( White limestone'). FIG. 336. Fio. 337. SpinOSUm CerUMummutaUle. Belemniles mucro- /tN. QQCA (Tertiary). natus. ^Xlg. OOOj. (White limestone). Ammonites varians FIG. 340. Exogyra virgvla. ( White Jura.) (Fig. 339). ! Exogyra virgula (Fig. 340). Cidaris coronata (Fig. 341). Terebratula biplicata (Fig. 342). Ichthyosaurus communis (Fig. 343). Ammonites Bucklandi (Fig. 344). Belemnites digitalis (Fig. 345.) Gryphsea armata (Fig. 346). FIG. 341. Cidaris coronala. (White Jura). FIG. 339. Ammonites variant. (Planerl-alk) FIG. 342. Tftbratula biplicata. (Jura). FIG. 343. Ichthyosaurus communis. (Lias). Fio. 346. Gryphcea armata (Lower lias). FIG. 345. Sdemnites digitalis. (Lias). b. Cross section. 106 TABULAR VIEW OF THE FORMATIONS AND MEMBERS. I S I o CLASSES OP BOOKS. GROUPS. III. FLCETZ-GEBIRGE continued 6. Trias, or Keuper Group . Keuper. Muschelkalk Bunter Sandstein, or variegated Sandstone TV. TRANSITION EOCKS 7. Zechstein(Mag-jZechstein . nesian Lime- 1 stone) or Per-\ mian group . Kupferschiefer. 8. Carboniferous : or Coal-bear-, ing group 9. Grauwacke, or Transition Rocks Red-dead-Iyer. Coal formation Mountain Limestone. V Devonian . Silurian . - f} o e i-O Y. PRIMARY ROCKS (crystalline) .< YI. YOLCANIO ROOKS -, n o i , Clay Slate. 10. bcmstose crys- k/r. J a -, , -n / Mica Schist, tallme Kocks .i n I Gneiss. \ 11. Massive crvs- |^ ram ' te - talline Rocks. ^ lor f ' or f reen stone ' LPorphyry, &c. .12. Trapp Rocks . Trachytes, Phonolite, Basalt, Dolerite, Lava, &c. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS (continued). IMPORTANT PETRIFACTIONS. Ceratites nodosus (Fig. 347). Terebratulavulgaris (Fig. 348). Lima striata (Fig. 349). In all three divisions of the Trias formation : Encrinites liliiformis (Fig. 350). Productus aculeatus (Fig. 351). 107 FIG. 34T. CeratUes s. Ammonites nodosus. (Musehelkalk). Sphenophyllum dentatum J (Fig. 352). lAnnularia fertilis [ 353). (Kg- Calymene macrophthal- \ ma (Fig. 354). Cypridina serrato-striata (Fig. 355). Pentamems Knighti (Fig. 356). PIG. 351. Productus acideatM. (Zfchstein). FIG. 353. Annularia fertilit. (Coal formation). FIG. 354. Calymene macroph- thalma. (Devonian). FIG. 348. Terebratula vulgaris. (MuKhelkalk). FIG. 350. Encrinites W.iifirmit (Trial). Fio. 352. SpJtenophyllum dentatum. (Coal formation). Fio. 355. Cypridina serrato striata. (Devonian). a. Natural size. b. ilasnified. Fio. 356. Pentamena Knighti. (Silurian'). SUPPLEMENT. TECHNOLOGICAL PART. TVEE term Technology is properly applied to that science which treats of the industrial arts and pursuits, and gives a sys- tematic and detailed account and description of the various processes and operations by which the raw materials supplied by nature are fashioned into articles of food, clothing, etc., for the use of man. The division of Technology into two principal branches, the Mechanical and the Chemical, is of old date. The Mechanical branch of Technology embraces the various mechanical operations and processes by which the raw materials are made to undergo simply certain changes of form (spinning, weaving, wire-drawing, etc.) ; whilst the Chemical branch treats of those operations and processes which alter the inner structure and composition of the raw materials (manufacture of glass, distillation of brandy, manu- facture of leather from hides, etc.). However, as most manufac- turing processes embrace changes both of form and composition, it is extremely difficult to assign exact limits to either of the two great branches of Technology. "We will, therefore, confine our- selves here to a brief description of some of the more important manufacturing processes, and the machines and other apparatus employed therein. I. WEAVING. Loom (see figs. 357, 358 and 359) is the ancient and well- known machine for weaving cloth, by the decussation of a series of parallel threads, running lengthways, called the warp or chain, with other threads, thrown transversely with the shuttle, called the weft or woof. There are looms of different construc- tions for the different textile fabrics ; but they consist all of them essentially of the following parts : 110 PEACTICAL AIDS. In the back part of the frame (fig. 357, A), is placed tlie yarn- beam, or warp-beam, with, the chain wound round it (fig. 357, /j). The heddles, or healds (figs. 357, I, d, and 358, I, d, and e, e), consisting of twines looped in the middle, and stretched between two wooden shafts, are suspended by cords drawn over two rollers (figs. 357 and 358, a, a), which are attached to the upper A PIG. 357. Loom. A, A. Frame, fc. Warp-beam. 6. Breast-beam, or cloth-beam. t. Treddle. I. Lathe, lay or batten, r. Cross-bar to which the lay is freely suspended. 6, d. Healds or heddles. a, a. Rollers. Fid. 358. Gear. a, a. Rollers, b, d, aud c, e. Heddles. o. Loops. t, t. Treddles. FlQ. 359. Shuttle. part of the frame. All the heddles connected by the same shafts are collectively called a leaf. The lower shaft of each leaf is connected with a treddle (figs. 357 and 328, t, ), The heddles, with the rollers and cords and the treddles, constitute the gear. Through the loops, or eyes, of the heddles, the warp-yarns are drawn, one half through the heddles of the front leaf, the other through those of the back leaf. The yarns then pass through the dents, of the reed, which is set in a moveable swing frame, called the lay, lathe, or batten; the latter is freely suspended to a cross-bar (fig. 357, r), attached by rulers to the lateral standards of the loom. The weaver, sitting on the bench before the frame (see fig. 357), presses down one of the treddles at t, with one of his feet, whereby he raises the corresponding heddle leaf, and sinks the alternate one. The yarns of the one leaf are thus inclined at an acute angle to those of the other. The upper yarns are called the top or high warp ; the lower, the bottom or low warp. As a matter of course, the position of the yarns changing with every alternate raising and depression of the heddles, what is at one TECHNOLOGY. Ill instant the top becomes the next the bottom, and vice versa. The weaver thus sheds the warp, by lifting and depressing each alternate thread, through a little space, and opens a pathway for the shuttle (fig. 359) to traverse the middle of the warp. The shuttle which is mostly made of wood, contains a bobbin, with the thread or yarn of the weft wound round it. The weaver, with his left hand, lays hold of the so-called picking-peg, and, with a smart jerk of his wrist, drives the shuttle swiftly from one side of 'the loom to the other, between the shed warp-yarns. The weaver, with his left hand, then drives home the shoot of weft thus introduced between the warp-yarns, by pulling the lay towards him, with a greater or less degree of force, in proportion to the closeness of texture required. The web, thus woven, is wound up by turning round the cloth-beam (fig. 357, b). The Weaving of Figured Fabrics, i.e., such as exhibit a design or pattern, plain or coloured, requires an increased number of heddle leaves. Small patterns, consisting only of a limited number of warp and weft threads, may be woven on the common loom. But large patterns and fanciful designs would require a very considerable number of heddle leaves and treddles, with a corre- sponding lengthening of the loom, which would render them unmanageable. This has led to the introduction of the operations of drawing, or reading in and cording, combined with a total alteration of the heald-gear (see fig. 360, H, harness), by which the heddles are disposed in several parallel rows, passing across the chain, and are not connected by shafts ; to the lower end of each heddle is attached a piece of iron wire or lead, from eight to twelve inches long (not shown in the drawing), which, by its weight, serves to give tension to the heddle, and to draw it down again each time after lifting. The harness healds consist of an upper and a lower part, with either a loop or a glass eye in the middle, through which the warp-yarns are drawn. Each heald is tied by the upper end to a string, and the whole of these strings (lifters or arcades) pass perpendicularly, one by one, through a horizontal board, called harness-board. These lifters, or raising- strings, are tied, above the plank, to somewhat stouter strings (cords) in a definite order ; these cords answer the same purpose in the draught loom as the shafts in the common loom. The cords are worked either by draw-boys, as in the common draw-loom, or by a mechanical contrivance, which derives its motion from a single pedal put in action by the weaver's feet. Of the several kinds of apparatus devised for this purpose, the one invented by Jacquard is now almost universally used in all 112 PRACTICAL AIDS. large establishments for weaving figured goods. This most ingenious apparatus (fig. 360), which bears the name of its inventor, may readily be adapted to any common harness loom. w FlC. 300. Jacquard Loom. . 11. Harness. &. Harness-board. W. Frame of loom. B. Cloth-beam. V. Fore gear. V. Fore gear treddle. r. Reed. L. Lathe. M. Frame of Jacquard apparatus. K. Warp-beam, t. Pedal. ^.Vertical skewers, h. Lever. n. Case holding tho horizontal needles or spindles, a. Square axis, or drum, i: Card shafts. /. Case holding the spiral springs which serve to bring back the needles' to their primitive position. P. Press. The stand is made of wood or cast iron, and bears a frame in which a number of upright skewers of iron wire, with tops and bottoms hooked in the same direction, are disposed in several rows. The bottom hooks embrace small wooden bars, whose office it is to keep them in their respective places. To these hooks are attached strings from below, which, after crossing a fixed horizontal board, pierced with corresponding holes for this purpose, are next attached to the loops destined to lift the warp threads. Each row of skewers is connected together at the top by means of a small bar, over which the looped upper ends of the skewers naturally place themselves ; accordingly, when this bar is raised, it draws with it all the skewera of the row. The TECHXOLOGY. 113 bars of all the rows are fixed in a frame, called claw, susceptible of being raised by means of a lever. When this claw comes to be raised, therefore, it would draw up with it all the skewers, and, accordingly, also all the warp-threads attached to them, were it not for an ingenious contrivance which withdraws part of them from the action of the bar. This is effected as follows : Each one of the vertical skewers is connected with a horizontal needle or spindle, which serves to push it out of the perpendicular when required. Both ends of these horizontal needles project to some extent beyond the outer rows of the skewers. A square wooden axis, called drum, moveable upon itself round two iron pivots, fixed into its two ends, occupies the bottom of the moveable frame of the apparatus. An endless chain, formed with cards, perforated in a certain definite order, according to the figure or design to be woven, and connected together by strings, passes over this axis ; each card corresponds in form and size with the four faces of the axis. Now, when the axis strikes against the fore-ends of the horizontal needles, the card applied against the striking face of the axis, leaves untouched the horizontal needles whose ends correspond to the holes in it ; but it pushes back those which are opposite to the unpierced part of the card, and, the corresponding upright skewers, being thereby pushed out of the perpendicular, unhook themselves from above the bars of the claw, and remain, accordingly, in their place when the latter comes to be raised ; whilst those skewers which, being connected with the untouched horizontal needles, have remained on their hooks, are raised along with the warp-threads attached to them. The whole play of this most ingenious apparatus is dependent upon the movement of the lever, which the weaver causes to rise and fall by means of the pedal. By pressing the latter down with his foot, the upright skeAvers are raised ; an instant after the square axis is, by the continued rising of the lever, lifted off the horizontal needles, making at the same time a quarter revolution, and the needles, freed from the pressure of the axis upon them, are immediately forced back to their primitive position by the spiral springs placed behind them in the spring case. When the claw has been fully raised along with the skewers remaining hooked on, and the warp-threads attached to them, the weft is shot in. By now suddenly removing the pressure of his foot from the pedal, the weaver causes the claw with the skewers to fall back to its original position with considerable force, and, by means of the press, compels the square axis to strike again against the points of the horizontal needles. 114 PKACTICAL AIDS. FIG. 361. Stuff Engine for Comminuting Rags into Paper Pulp. Manufacture of Paper. (Longitudinal Section). a, a. Vat, or cistern, c. Cylinder. /. Adjusting screw. i. Breasting. K. Wooden block, mounted with cutters, m, m. Wire sieves, o, o. Grooves for boards to cover the sieves. II. MANUFACTURE OF PAPER. PATER is made, with few exceptions, of vegetable fibres, linen rags being best adapted for the purpose. The rags must, in the first place, be cut and reduced to pulp, which is now usually effected in the so-called stuff-engine, an apparatus originally invented in Germany, but afterwards considerably improved in Holland (see figs. 361 and 362). The apparatus consists of an oblong vat, or cistern, two feet deep ; it is made of strong planks, and lined inside with lead. It is divided by a partition, with ample space left between the ends of the latter and the sides of the vat to permit the free circulation of the fluid in the engine. The cylin- der (see figs. 361 and 362, c), is made of wood, and furnished all round with a number of blades, or cutters, made of hard tempered wrought iron, or of brass ; these blades are fixed into grooves cut in the wood of the cylinder, at equal distances asunder, around its periphery, and are set parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The cylinder is made fast to the spindle (see fig. 362, d), which extends across the engine, and is put in motion by a pinion, fixed to the end of it (fig. 362, _p). Immediately beneath the cylinder is placed a block of wood (fig. 361, Ic), mounted with cutters like those of the cylinder, but set somewhat obliquely to the . > Tl I Stuff Engine. (Plan). axis Of the latter. When the o. a. Vat. b, b. Partition, c. Cylinder. A Spindle. /,/. . Ad- justing screws, g, g. Levers, h, h. Bolts. *. Bi easting, cylinder revolves, its teeth p- < pass very near to the teeth of the block, meeting them at a small angle, so that the rags, coming between them, are torn as if between the blades of a pair of forceps. The distance between the cutters of the cylinder and those of the block may be increased or lessened, by raising or lowering, by means of adjusting screws (figs. 361 and'362,/), the bearings upon which the necks of the TECHNOLOGY. 115 shaft are supported. These bearings rest on brasses let into the middle of two levers (fig. 362, g, g) ; one end of these levers is moveable, while the other end is adapted to rise and fall upon bolts placed in short beams (fig. 362, li, li). To the right hand of the cylinder is a circular breasting, made of boards (see fig. 361, i), and covered with sheet lead ; on the side turned to the cylinder, it is curved to fit the latter, so as to leave but little space between the cutter and the breasting. On the other side it forms a steep inclined plane. It is at the bottom of this breasting, that the block is fixed. The rags, being put into the engine together with a sufficient quantity of water, are drawn by the rapid rotation of the cylinder between the teeth of the latter and the cutters of the block (/;), which tear them into the finest shreds. By the impulsion of the cylinder, they are floated over the top of the breasting down the inclined plane, whilst the dirty water is sent off through the wire sieves (m, m, see fig. 361), the rag filaments, which the water car- ries along with it, being retained by the close network of the sieves. To keep the mass in the engine always at the same level, a constant supply of fresh water comes in through a pipe. The operation serves, accordingly, the double purpose of cutting and washing the rags. The cylinder is gradually let down, so as to lessen the distance between the two sets of cutters. When the operation is quite completed, the pulp is run off into the so-called stuff-chest, from which it is again taken to go through the other processes required to make it into the different sorts of paper. III. GRINDING. CORN is usually ground in a mill (see fig. 363), between two cylindric stones, called mill-stones, placed horizontally one above the other ; the upper stone which is called the runner (see fig. 363, Z), moves round its axis upon the nether stone (bed-stone, fig. 363, b). This motion is effected by a water-wheel, connected by its shaft (A) with a cog-wheel (K). To the wooden spindle of the runner is attached a lantern (t), which bites into the cog-wheel. A large circular hole, called the eye (a), passes right through the middle of the runner, from top to bottom. Into this is firmly fixed, from below, running right across it, a strong iron bar, called the hoe (h). Over the eye of the runner is placed a funnel- shaped box, called the hopper (R), with a board loosely suspended by strings, in lieu of a bottom, this is called the spout of the 110 PEACTICAL AIDS. hopper (s). The open side of the spout is so placed that the corn drops from the hopper into the eye of the runner, and, accord- ingly, between the two mill-stones. Both stones are surrounded by a wooden frame, with an opening in the lower border, through which the ground corn (meal or flower) drops into the bolter (B). Fid. 303. Corn Mill. A. Shaft of water-wheel. K. Cog-wheel, t. Lantern, or pinion. 6. Nether, or bed-stone, a. Eye of runner. 1. Runner, ft. Hoe. R. Hopper, s. Spout. B. Bolter. M. Bolting- hutch. N. Bran box. This is a long bag stretched obliquely across a box or case, called the bolting-hutch (M) ; by means of a mechanical contrivance, this bag is kept in an incessant shake, which causes the flour to pass through its pores into the box beneath, whilst the bran, together with the coarser portion of the flour passes through an aperture projecting beyond the hutch, and falls into the bran- box (N). IY. DISTILLATION. VERY great improvements have, of late, been made in the con- struction of distilling apparatus. The one devised by Pistorius (see fig. 364), may, indeed, be said to have attained to a high degree of perfection. The following are the principal parts of the apparatus : 1. The alembic, or first cucurbit (A), which is placed over the fire (a). TECHNOLOGY. 117 The capital (6) is furnished with an upright tube (c), with a safety valve ; from this tube proceeds another, which is lodged in a small refrigerator (e). The still is provided with a rotatory chain apparatus (g, g), for preventing the lees from adhering to the bottom. 2. The second cucurbit, or wash-charger (B). The vapours distilling over from A, pass through the arched neck (h) into B, which occupies a higher position than A. A bent tube 118 PRACTICAL AIDS. (p) conducts the vapour from B into 3, the wash-heater (C), which is divided by a double bottom into two parts ; the wash to be heated occupies the upper part, the vapours pass into the lower, whence they proceed through two tubes (q, 5), uniting at the top into one (to) to 4, the rectifier, or dephlegmator (D) a disk-shaped hollow apparatus, having inside a thin horizontal partition of somewhat smaller diameter, so as to leave an open space all round. The vapours ascending through w, after spreading over the lower surface of the partition, rise above it, and are thus forced to find their way, under the cold top of D, to the mouth of the tube Y, which conducts them finally into 5, the refrigerator, or worm- tub (E). 6, The pump, F, supplies the wash to the heater. V. CUTTING OF DIAMONDS. THE diamond to be cut is fixed on the end of a stick, in a small ball of cement, the part to be reduced being left to project. Another diamond being fixed in a similar manner, the projecting parts of the two are rubbed against each other with considerable force, by means of a mechanical contrivance ; this causes mutual abrasion of the parts in contact, whereby flat surfaces, or facets, are produced. By shifting the diamonds into fresh positions in the cement, and repeating the same operation, other facets are produced. After being thus cut in the desired fashion, the stones are polished. For this purpose the cut stone is imbedded in soft solder, contained in a small copper cup, the facet to be polished being left to protrude. A flat circular plate of soft steel is then charged with the diamond powder produced during the process of abrasion, soaked with a little olive oil ; the plate is made to revolve by machinery, and the protruding facet held against it. Softer stones are cut at a lead- wheel with emery and water ; and polished on a tin wheel with tripoli and water, or on a zinc wheel with putty of tin and water. Diamonds are cut at the present day almost exclusively in two forms, the brilliant and the rose. 1. The brilliant (see figs. 365, 366 and 367). We distinguish in Fio. 365. Fio.366. Fio. 3C7. Brilliant. (Side vino). Brilliant. Brilliant. 1. Table. 2. Table-side. (Seen from the table tide). (Seen from the collet fide). 3. Girdle. 4. Collet side. 5. Collet. TECHNOLOGY 119 the brjlliant two parts or portions, the upper, or table side, and the lower, or collet side ; the superior and larger plane at the top is called the table, the inferior and smaller one the collet. The common base of the two sides is called the girdle. The table side presents thirty-two facets, viz., eight lozenges and twenty-four triangles ; the collet side presents twenty-four facets, viz., four irregular pentagons, alternating with as many irregular lozenges radiating from the collet as a centre, and bordered by sixteen triangles adjoining the girdle. The brilliant form is the most suitable for diamonds of the first water. 2. The rose (see figs. 368 and 369). The rose diamond is usually flat beneath, while the upper face rises into a dome, and is cut into facets. Diamonds FIG. 368. Rote. (Seen from the table side). FIG. 371. Flat Table Diamond. (Seen from the top). FIG. 372. Scalariform Diamond, (Side view). FIG. 370. Square Table Diamond. FIG. 373. Combination of Brilliant and Scalariform Cut. Table side, brilliant. Collet side, Scalariform cut. FIG. 374. Conehoidal Cut. are also occasionally cut in other forms, as the square table diamond (fig. 370), the flat table diamond (fig. 371), the Scalariform diamond (fig. 372), a combination of the brilliant and the sca- lariform (fig. 373), the conchoidal form (fig. 374). VI. MANUFACTURE OF ILLUMINATING GAS. GOAF, or Illuminating Gas is usually produced from coal or wood. It is evolved from coal, etc., by dry distillation in closed retorts. The retorts used are of cast iron, or baked clay, or stone ware ; they are of an elliptical or cylindrical form, and generally five in number, arranged in form of a pyramid (see figs. 375 and 376). These retorts are partly filled with coal ; they are closed by lids (d, d), fastened down on them by means of screws (s, s). Under the retorts are the fire-places (a, a, a) ; coke is the fuel used in the process. From each of the retorts, a tube (h) proceeds per- 120 TKACTICAL AIDS. pendicularly upwards, behind a long and wide horizontal tube, shut at both ends with screw caps, and called the receiver, or the FIG. 375. Furnace, with Retorts, for tlie Manufacture of Illuminating Oat, (Vertical Section). r, r. Retorts, a. Fire-place, h. Conducting tube. i. Hydraulic main. I. Discharge pipe, d, d. Retort lida. , *. Screws to fasten down the lids on the retorts. hydraulic main (i) ; it then turns downwards, right above the latter, by a curve, or saddle-tube, enters it, and descends nearly to the bottom, so as to dip about an inch into the water contained in it. As soon as the process of distillation begins in the retorts, FIG. 376. Furnace, with Retorts, for the Manufacture af Illuminating Gat. (Elevation). r, r. Retorts, the two upper ones open, a, a. Fire-places, h, h. Con- ducting pipes, i. Hydraulic main. Discharge pipe for the products of the distillation. TECHNOLOGY. 121 tar and ammoniacal liquor are deposited in the hydraulic main; the tarry liquid closes the orifice of the several conducting pipes (h, h), thus cutting off" the communication between the several retorts. The larger portion of the tar having been deposited in the hydraulic main, the gas is conducted from the latter, by a discharge pipe (I), into a condenser, formed of a series of iron tubes, placed in an iron chest filled with cold water. The refri- gerated gas, which has now lost the chief part of the easily condensible impurities, is then subjected to further processes of purification. First in the scrubber, then in the milk of lime purifier. The scrubber is an ingenious contrivance, consisting of a tall cylindrical case, containing perforated shelves charged with fragments of coke, over which water is made to trickle; the gas being allowed to enter at the bottom of the case, loses another portion of its impurities in passing over the moist coke. The milk of lime purifiers are large iron vessels, partly filled with a mix- ture of hydrate of lime and water, in which a churning machine (agitator or rouser) is kept in constant motion to prevent the subsidence of the lime. The gas is admitted at the bottom of the vessel by a great number of minute apertures, and is thus made to present a large sur- face of contact to the puri- fying liquid. The depurated gas is then finally conducted into the gasometer (see fig. 377), which consists of two essential parts, viz., an un- der cistern, open at top, and filled with water ; this water cistern ( W) is usually constructed with cast iron plates bolted together, and tight Wltll rUSt CC- T. Gas-holder. W. Water ; cistern. o. Conducting pipe, bringing ment; and, 2, an upper floating cylinder, or chest, of somewhat smaller dimensions ; this inverted cistern, which is called a gas-holder (T), is made of sheet iron, strongly rivetted together; it is made tight by being repeatedly rubbed over inside and outside with hot tar, at a few days interval between each application. On the periphery of the top of the gas-holder several rings are made fast, by which the cylinder is suspended, by means of a common chain running over two pulleys, fastened to a cross-beam ; to the other end of the chain is appended a counter- weight. a and b (fig. 377) are the PRACTICAL AIDS. pipes leading the gas in and out. Fig. 377 shows the position of the gas-holder when filled with gas; it sinks in proportion as the gas is drawn off by the pipe I, and rises again in proportion as fresh gas flows in from the purifiers through the pipe a. VII. MANUFACTURE OF GLASS. THE materials which enter into the composition of the several varieties of glass are ground fine, thoroughly dried by calcination, and mixed together in proper proportions, according to the sort of glass required. The mixture is put into red-hot melting-pots, or crucibles, of refractory fire-clay. About twelve hours' exposure to a powerful heat suffices to melt the mixture to a uniform plastic mass, ready for working. The most important instrument of the glass-maker is the blowing-pipe (fig. 378), an iron tube, four or five feet in length, terminated at one end by a mouth-piece of wood (m), at the other end, which is to be dipped into the melted glass, by a button (g), ,. % v , rao======3!== ^^ f r the l a tter to adhere to. ^;,^;y,,;;nimfv::r^7^Mr"-^^v^'^^_ -V ^^^^^P^&J^ _A^ wooden handle (a), pro- * 11' FIG. 378. tects the workman against Glats-Uower's Blow-pipe. ,-i -i f 4-1 ' a. Wooden handle, m. Mouth-piece, g. Button for tho melted tn tube. The workman be- gins by collecting a proper quantity of soft pasty glass at the but- ton-end of his pipe ; he then commences blowing, by which the lump at the other end of the pipe is expanded into a kind of bulb or flask, which, by the aid of the puntil and a few other simple tools, is made to assume any desired shape, the glass being at the time in that plastic and workable condition that it can be readily cut with a pair of scissors. To make broad or spread window glass, the soft glass-paste at the end of the pipe is first blown into the shape of an oblong pear, which is after- wards elongated into a cylinder (fig. 379). The cylinder is then cut open at the lower end (fig. 380), and finally cracked r '- 379 - 5 ' . f Manufacture of Spread W-mdow (, ' . up along one side, parallel to The uoiiow cylinder. the axis, by touching it with a cold iron dipped in water, or slit open with a pair of scissors (fig. 381). The cylinder is now TECHNOLOGY. 123 ready for spreading, which operation is effected in the spreading furnace, or oven, the cylinder being laid horizontally on its side g- 380. FIG. 381. Manufacture of Spread Window Glass. Manufacture of Spread Window Glass. The hollow cylinder cut open, at one end. The Mlow cylinder cracked or tlit up along one tide. upon the slab on the sole of the furnace, with the cracked line uppermost; it gradually opens out with the heat, and flattens into a plate. Plate glass for mirrors, etc., is cast on perfectly level and polished tables of copper, bronze, or cast iron. The cast plates are then cooled in the annealing oven, or carquaise, from which they are carefully withdrawn when perfectly cold ; they are then ground with moistened sand, smoothed with moistened emery, and, finally, polished with colcothar (red oxide of iron) with rubbers of hat-felt. VIII. MANUFACTURE OF PORCELAIN. THE principal ingredient in the manufacture of porcelain is china clay, or kaolin. This is ground very fine, and mixed with a quantity of finely divided silica, and a proper proportion of felspar, or some other fusible material, also reduced to impalpable powder ; the utmost pains being taken to secure perfect uniformity of mixture, and to guard against the introduction of particles of grit or other foreign bodies. The pulverulent mass is moistened with water, and trampled into a paste or dough, by a workman marching over it with bare feet in every direction. It is then fashioned into the various shapes required, either on the potter's wheel, or lathe, or in moulds of plaster of Paris. The fashioned articles are allowed to dry very slowly, as the least hurry in this operation is apt to spoil them. When quite dry, they are taken to the kiln. The porcelain furnace, or kiln (figs. 382 and 383), is a kind of tower in three, occasionally only two, flats, con- structed of very refractory fire-bricks. Each floor is closed in above by a dome pierced with holes, and the whole covered in by a roof, or hood, terminating in a chimney. The kiln has five fire- places, which discharge their flames into the inside through tunnels or flues (see fig. 382, o, o, o). The best fuel is young aspen wood, PEACTICAL AIDS. very dry, and cleft very small. The air-dried articles are put into the upper floor of the kiln, and a moderate fire is made in fire-place h ; this being gradually increased in intensity, li becomes filled with incandescent coals, and a powerful draught is established FIG. 3S2. Porcelain Furnace, or Kiln, ( Vertical Section}. Fio. 383. Porcelain Kiln. (Horizontal Section). 6. Projecting stones for fuel. C. Upper floor. throughout the kiln. The commencement of baking, which the articles receive by this preliminary firing, dries them completely, and gives them sufficient solidity to bear handling. They are now ready and fit for receiving the glazing coat, after which operation they are replaced in the kiln, but in the lower floor, packed in earthen cases (saggers or seggars), made of very refractory fire-clay. Some pretty large pieces of dry wood are now thrown into the furnace-mouths, and the firing is kept up for about fifteen hours with a gradual increase of fuel. At the end of this time commences the operation termed covering the fire, which consists in this, that instead of throwing the wood vertically into the furnaces, billets of very dry aspen wood, cleft small, are placed horizontally, in a sloping position, on the projecting stones at the furnace-mouths. The flame produced penetrates through the flues into the kiln, and circulates round the seggar piles, heating the interior of the kiln to whiteness. At the end of eighteen or twenty hours of this intense firing, the porcelain is thoroughly baked. TECHNOLOGY. 125 IX. EXTRACTION OF IRON FROM ITS ORES. THE several species of iron ore from which iron is usually extracted consist chiefly of iron and oxygen ; to obtain the metal, it is, accordingly, necessary to abstract the oxygen from the ore. This is effected by exposing the ore to a very high temperature in contact with carbon. To this end, the ore having first been crushed to pieces, is roasted, by which the volatile matters present, such as carbonic acid, water, sulphur, are expelled. The roasted ore still retains numerous impurities, as silica, clay, etc. Now, as in order to obtain the carbide of iron in a fused state it is necessary that a fusible slag should be formed containing all these impurities of the ore, and as the latter are very infusible bodies, the addition of some substance is required capable of forming a liquid combination with them at the temperature of the furnace. The substances employed to promote the fusion of the slag are termed fluxes ; they are selected according to the nature of the ore. Thus, limestone is the flux used for smelting clay iron ores, clay for calcareous carbonate of iron, and a mixture of both fluxes for siliceous ores, such as the black oxide for instance. The reduction of the iron ore is effected in a blast furnace of very large dimensions, forty-five or fifty feet in height, constructed of solid brick- work, and lined with very refractory bricks or stones (see fig. 384). The inner space of the furnace is divided into portions, termed respectively the mouth, the shaft or cavity, the cone or body, the boshes, and the hearth or crucible. The operation is commenced by charging the furnace to a certain height with fuel, and forcing air into it through the tuyeres, or air-pipes, at the lower part. As soon as the furnace is in a regular heat, a quantity of ore, mixed with the proper flux (mostly limestone) is charged through the openings at the mouth of the furnace ; the blast is increased gradually, and alternate layers of fuel and ore are intro- duced from time to time. In the higher part of the furnace, the materials introduced lose their moisture and carbonic acid. The burning fuel (coal or coke, is chiefly used in this country), deprives the air entering through the blast-pipes of its oxygen, forming carbonic acid, which, coming in contact with other portions of the heated fuel, is reduced to carbonic oxide. The ore, sinking to a lower stage of the furnace, where the temperature is higher, the oxide of iron is reduced by the carbonic oxide, and the earthy 126 PEACTICAL AIDS. matters separate in the form of a fusible slag. At a still lower level of the furnace, just over the boshes, where the heat is greatest, the reduction of the ore is completed by the carbon, which, moreover, converts the difficultly fusible iron into a fusible carbide, while the silica and alumina unite with the lime added as flux (in the case of clay iron ores) to a kind of glass, or slag, which is nearly free from oxide of iron. The melted carbide and llllHllllllllfflllllillilllBIM MIDI MHMII1H Fm. 384. Blast Furnace. a. Throat, or mouth, b. Cone. c.'Shaft, or internal cavity of the furnace, d. Boshes. e. Tuyere, or air-pipe. /. Hearth. slag are finally drawn into the crucible, where they arrange them- selves in the order of their densities, viz., the slag above the metal; the former is allowed to run off over the side of the crucible, so that after a time the latter remains entirely filled with metal. Or the slag is made to run off through apertures con- trived for the purpose in the sides of the hearth or crucible. Cold air was formerly used to feed the blast-furnace ; at present the hot blast process is used instead, which consists simply iii TECHNOLOGY. 127 forcing into the furnace, through the tuyeres, air heated to 600 degrees F., by the waste heat of the furnace. A considerable saving of fuel is thereby effected. The gas issuing from the chimney consists chiefly of carbonic oxide, carbonic acid, hydrogen, and nitrogen, and is inflammable ; it is the burning of this gas which causes the great flame rising above the top of the furnace. FJO. 385. Puddling Furnace. (Vertical Section). a. Grate. 6. Ashpit, p. Chimney, or flue, d, d. Hearth-plate, i. Door for introducing the cast iron. q. Door for working the iron with the paddles or rakes. Fig. 386. Puddling Furnace. (Horizontal Section). a. Grate, d. Hearth-plate, g, g. Door for working the iron with the paddles or rakes, i. Door for introducing the iron. The metal obtained by this process of reduction is called crude, or cast iron ; it contains 3 or 4 per cent, of carbon and silicon, with traces of sulphur, phosphorus and manganese. There are two varieties of it, differing in color, hardness and composition, and known by the names of gray and white iron ; the former is best suited for cast iron ware, the latter for steel and wrought iron ware. Crude, or pig iron, is converted into bar iron, by removing the carbon from it. This is effected by two operations, refining and puddling. The refining furnace is constructed of iron, lined with refractory clay, and is furnished with air-pipes. In this furnace the pig iron is kept in fusion for about two hours, under a strong blast of air, which serves to oxidise the surface of the melted metal. A work- man diligently stirs the melted mass, so as to bring all parts of it in contact with the oxide. This serves to convert the carbon into carbonic acid, which escapes, and the silicon into silicic acid, which, combining with a portion of oxide of iron, forms a fusible silicate composing the slag. When the operation is completed, the fused iron is run out into a mould and quenched with water, which serves to cool it suddenly, and makes it brittle. The so-called fine metal is then subjected to the process of puddling, which is conducted in a reverberatory furnace, called a puddling furnace (see figs. 385 and 386). The charge of iron metal is introduced through the door, i, and laid on the sides of 128 PRACTICAL AIDS. the hearth, d, d ; a is the grate ; the fuel used is coal or wood. p is the flue ; g, a door through which the rake or paddle is intro- duced to work the metallic mass. The supply of air to the furnace is limited, in order to guard against excessive oxidation of the metal. The workman keeps stirring the mass with his paddle or rake. As the operation proceeds, the metal loses its fluidity, and becomes pasty. When the workman judges the process completed, he collects all the particles of the metal with his stirrer, and forms them into lumps, termed puddler's balls or blooms. These are then hammered, and subsequently rolled to free them from slag. THE END. A 000120223 3