THE NATURAL HISTORY OF LINCOLNSHIRE ; BEING THE NATURAL HISTORY SECTION OF LINCOLNSHIRE NOTES & QUERIES, From January, 1896, to Oftober, 1897. EDITED BY THE REV. E. ADRIAN WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK, L.Th., F.L.S., F.G.S., Hon. Organising Botanical Secretary of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union ,' Vicar of Cadney, Srigg. HORNCASTLE : W. K. MORTON, HIGH STREET. 1898. HORNCASTLE : PRINTED BY W. K. MORTON, HIGH STREET. PREFACE. P\URING the autumn of 1895 arrangements were entered *~"^ into between the Publisher of Lincolnshire Notes s* Queries and the Rev. E. Adrian WoodrufFe-Peacock, L.Th., F.L.S., F.G.S., Hon. Organising Secretary of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union, to publish a Natural History Section of 16 pages each quarter as an annexe to the Antiquarian portion of Lincolnshire Notes & ^uerles^ com- mencing with the January part of Vol. V. of that periodical. The two portions (Antiquarian and Natural History) were kept quite distinct from each other, each having a separate pagination. This arrangement was kept in force during the period January, 1896 to October, 1897, when it was relinquished on account of the Publisher not receiving sufficient support to enable him to continue to publish without charge this section relating to Natural History, in which so few took the interest that was desired. Accordingly a small volume of 128 pages of extremely interesting matter has alone been produced, but there has been supplied a Title Page, Index, and List of Contents, in order to give the volume the position of standing on its own merits. The Editor has certainly been fortunate in procuring many able writers on matters Geological, Botanical, Zoological, Entomological, &c., connected with the County of Lincoln which are of considerable value. The very complete Place Name List will serve as a guide to the student of this subject, and deserves a careful perusal. Mr. Burton's "Story of the Lincoln Gap," illustrated, is a remarkable account of the laws relating to river courses ; and Mr. George Sills' article on the " Archaeological History of the Wash," shewing the effect the formation of the Wash had on the low-lying land between Lincoln and Nottingham, &c., and even upon Lincoln itself, is one of first-class interest to any Lincolnshire student of Geology. The Publisher regrets, as much as the Editor, that his efforts to found a Magazine dealing with the Natural History of Lincolnshire has not met with the success that was expected, but should an interest in this desirable field of work at any time ever arise, he will be the first to offer a helping hand as publisher, and do his best to produce a well-executed publication worthy alike of the subject and of the county to which he belongs. Horncastle^ 1898. CONTENTS. Prefatory Note, I. The Natural History Divisions of Lincolnshire : (a), The County, 2 ; (b] Natural History Divisions, 3 j (c] Maps, 4 ; (d] The Place Name List, 5 ; by Rev. E. Adrian Woodruffe-Peacock, Th., F.L.S., F.G.S. Lincolnshire Natural History, by John Cordeaux, M.B.O.U., 15. The Lincolnshire Boulder Committee, by the L.N.U., 26. The Contents of Birds' Crops, by Mr. F. A. Dorrington, 29. The Goat Willow, by the Editor, 30. The Lincolnshire Rye-grass, by the Editor, 30. The ' Blue Stone ' Boulder, Louth, Lincolnshire, by W. Hampton, F.C.S., and H. Wallis Kew, F.E.S., 31. How the Land between Gainsborough and Lincoln was formed, by F. M. Burton, F.L.S., F.G.S. , 32. Lincolnshire Naturalists at Louth, by R. W. Goulding, 41. A Lincolnshire Coleoptera Record Wanted, by Rev. A. Thornley, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S., 46. A Short Account of a Country Parish, by Mrs. C. E. Jarvis, 48. The Story of the Lincoln Gap (part i.), by F. M. Burton, F.L.S., F.G.S., 53. Louth Antiquarian and Naturalists Society, by R. W. Goulding, 61. Vertebrata of Lincolnshire, by the Editor, 64. Lincolnshire (part i.), by John Cordeaux, M.B.O.U., 65. Value of a Salmon Fishery on the Trent, by the Editor, 71. The Story of the Lincoln Gap (part ii.), by F. M. Burton, F.L.S., F.G.S., 72. A Short Account of a Country Parish (part ii.), by Mrs. C. E. Jarvis, 77. Lincolnshire (part ii.),by John Cordeaux, M.B.O.U., 83. Notes on the Ice-borne Blocks of Shap Granite, &c., found in Lincolnshire, by Thomas Sheppard, 94. Notes on the Ice-borne Blocks of Shap Granite, &c., found in Lincolnshire, by Thomas Sheppard (part ii.), 97. An Archseological History of the Wash, by Geo. Sills, 101. The Story of the Lincoln Gap, by S. Bateman, no. President's Address to the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union, 1896, by Rev. Canon W. W. Fowler, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S., 113. The Lincoln Gap, by F. M. Burton, 122. Natural History Notes; What to Note and How to Make Notes, by Gregory O. Benoni, 124. PLATES. Sketch Map of the Natural History Divisions of Lincolnshire, to face p. I. Diagram illustrating " The Story of the Lincoln Gap," to face p. 53. C S H I R E NATURAL HISTORY DIVISIONS OF LINCOLNSHIRE . Rsacock. English, Jfiles AND ISLE OP / BROUGHTON HOLME! 2 I ! GREAT I GRIMSBY ,'" LTFLE \{DITTORAL) LFORD \) AND i BURCH AND \ EAST FEN SWINESHEAD AND DONINCTON 17 SPALDTNO AN D HOLBEACH Lincolnshire 3\(otes & Queries. Clje Natural ^tstorj> Section, PREFATORY NOTE. SIXTEEN pages per quarter have been dedicated by the proprietor of this journal to advancing the study of Natural History in Lincolnshire. With this end in view, we propose to print a series of literary articles on every branch of the subject which can interest dwellers in the county. With these we hope to appeal, at once, by their accuracy to the workers who are already athirst for knowledge, and by their clear and simple style to those not a few who require to be incited to take a greater interest in the varied materials for observation that a quiet walk or drive in the country will reveal. As but little space can be found for Notes and Queries in such a limited number of pages, the Editor has arranged with the Sectional Secretaries of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union to render any help in their power to any one applying for it, e.g.^ by naming specimens, giving advice as to the best books to be consulted, or the best grounds for collecting. The following list gives the names and addresses of the Sectional Secretaries to whom direct application should be made by post j but in case of doubt, it will be better to apply to the editor of this section of the journal, who will transmit the communication to the proper authority, from whom a reply will be received in due course. The Sectional Secretaries are : Geology, H. Cooke, F.L.S., F.G.S., 123, Monks' Road, Lincoln; Phanerogamic Botany, Rev. E. Adrian Woodruffe-Peacock, L.Th., F.L.S., F.G.S., Cadney, Brigg ; Cryptogamic Botany, J. Larder, 33, Mercer Row, Louth ; Vertebrate Zoology, John Cordeaux, M.B.O.U., Great Cotes House, R.S.O., Lincolnshire; Conchology, W. D. Roebuck, F.L.S., F.R.P.S.E., Sunny Bank, Leeds ; General Entomology, Rev. Canon W. W. Fowler, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S., Lincoln ; Lepidoptera, Rev. G. H. Raynor, M.A., Panton, Wragby; Coleoptera, Rev. A. Thornley, F.L.S., F.E.S., South Leverton, Lincoln. Any further information required can be obtained by applying to Cadney Vicarage^ Brigg. THE EDITOR. Vol. 5, No. 33, Lines. N. & #. Nat. Hist. Sect. 2 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. THE NATURAL BISTORT 'DIVISIONS OF LINCOLNSHIRE* REV. E. ADRIAN WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK, L.Th., F.L.S., F.G.S., Vicar of Cadney, Brigg, General and Botanical Secretary Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, and Curator of Lincolnshire County Herbarium, THE COUNTY. LINCOLNSHIRE, the second county in England in size, according to the last Ordnance Survey, contains 1,783,769-998 square acres or 2,787-140 square miles of land, fresh water, salt-marsh, fore-shore and tidal water. It is about 75 miles from its extreme points north and south, and 45 miles in its widest part from east to west, and lies between the parallels 52 degrees and 40 minutes and 53 degrees 43 minutes north latitude, and 56 minutes west and 22 minutes east longitude from the meridian of Greenwich. A little more than half of the county is upland and heath of the wold and cliff ranges of hills ; the rest was formerly fen, marsh, and carr, but is now most thoroughly drained by natural means, artificial dykes, and steam pumps. There is not an acre of true fen left in the whole county. Even the bogs on the sand commons are most restricted, and only found in two or three parishes in north-west Lindsey. The drainage has been so thoroughly carried out that in a dry season the fen-farms more distant from the outfall of the rivers are badly in want of water for their stock, and to keep the cattle from wandering across the natural boundaries of the district, the fen-dykes, which are often quite dry. The native fauna and flora of the fens have quite gone, but we have the fen-dyke fauna and flora in profusion, if anyone but a native can under- stand the distindtion, or appreciate the effecl: which the annual cleaning out and mowing the sides of our larger and smaller drains, liming and manuring have had on our flora annual, biennial, or perennial and the life which it sustains. NATURAL HISTORY DIVISIONS. The plan I have adopted for these Divisions, after many useless attempts to make a geological or river-basin distribution, * This is the greater part of an article, with alterations and additions, which appeared in The Naturalist, 1895, pp. 289-301, republished by special permission. Natural History. 3 much thought, and some consultation with others interested in the matter, is a purely arbitrary one, like that of the late Profes- sor Babington's Flora of Cambridgeshire^ for the peculiar physical features of Lincolnshire, with its 500,000 acres of fenland and low hills, admit of no other. With a very few exceptions all the natural history records yet published are on the parish basis ; taking the larger towns as far as possible as centres the parishes have been aggregated round them into divisions, always keeping in view two points, (i) the work already done, and (2) railway communication for future observation. The Watsonian Vice- Counties, N. Lines. 54 or N. and S. Lines. 53 or S., have been left inta6l, clearly separated as they are by the river Witham from Boston to Lincoln, and by the Foss Dyke from Lincoln to the border of Nottingham. The modern course of these streams is the line of demarcation ; and as both cut through one or more parishes on their way from the cathedral city to their outfalls in the Wash and river Trent, these parishes have both a N. and S. Vice-county number. This is also the case with parishes scattered in departments referred to below. In making notes in divided or scattered parishes it is an easy matter to remember whether the Witham or Foss Dyke is to the north or south of the place of observation. As N. contains more than three-fifths of the county, and as S. is almost one-half unwooded fen-land, which has been so greatly changed in fauna and flora by drainage and high farming during the last hundred years, I have given N. a double share of Divisions, which are therefore smaller for the most part than those of S. They are shown by black lines, names, and numbers on the map, and are named as follows : NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE, 54. I. Isle of Axholme. 7. Market Rasen. 2. Winterton and Broughton. 8. - Louth. 3. Barton and Caistor. 9. Saltfleet (Littoral). 4. Great Grimsby. lo. Horncastle and West Fen. 5.- Kirton and Gainsborough. n. - Alford and Burgh. 6. Lincoln (North). 12. Boston and East Fen. SOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE, 53. 13. Lincoln (South). 1 6. Bourn and Stamford. 14.. Sleaford. I 7- Swineshead and Donington. 15. Grantham. 18. Spalding and Holbeach. The numbers indicate which vice-county a record refers to without the constant use of N. and S. MAPS. The best Map for field work is the index map to the six- 4 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. inch Ordnance Survey. It has the parishes printed in colours, and all the roads are shown. Messrs. Stanford, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, London, S.W. supply it. Sub-divisions have been added to the larger divisions for the purpose of facilitating more detailed work, and of more fully indicating the distribution of rare and local species. These were obligingly worked out by W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.S., of Sunny Bank, Leeds the editor of The Naturalist who is prepared to supply workers with a large scale map of Lincoln- shire showing the parish boundaries, and coloured clearly to to indicate all the division and sub-division. In the Sketch Map of the Soils of Lincolnshire^ by A. J. Jukes Browne, B.A., F.G.S., which appeared in The Naturalist with the first edition of this paper, the divisions and sub-divisions are shown, and are further indicated by the initial letters of the cardinal points of the compass. It is not thought advisable to print these initial letters after the division numbers in the place name list that follows, as it would add considerably to the length of this paper. All these maps can be obtained from the Editor of the Natural History section of the Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. THE PLACE NAME LIST. The following alphabetical list gives the name and division number of every parish, township, hamlet, railway stations which are not called after places, and remarkable physical features of the county, such as fens, hills, commons, woods and waters, when these places have a name of their own to be found in gazetteers, directories, and maps, new and old, which have come under my observation. In the rare case where a parish is scattered in separate departments lying at a distance from one another, or a wood, with a distinctive name, runs continu- ously from one parish into the next on the boundary line of a division, two only in one case three numbers are required to indicate the exact spot where an observation might be made or a specimen taken. The spelling of these place-names is that adopted by the Post Office Directory, or if not found there, which was most frequently met with in the books and maps consulted. Workers in the field, who intend to use this place-name list, in recording the distribution of the species they are studying, should note that Railway Stations are not always situated in the parish after which they are named, in the case Natural History. 5 of Dogdyke not even in the same Vice-county as the parish. The sand and silt-banks of the Wash, and round the coast, as well as the warp banks of the Humber and Trent, are so constantly changing that they are hardly worth recording, but with the latest maps to hand I have done my best; for the flora of even a temporary bank of silt that rises above the wash of ordinary tides in sea or river is extremely interesting, when considering geographical distributions and means of dispersal. The contractions used in this place name list are the following : E., East ; G., Great ; L., Little ; M. t Middle j N., North ; PL, Plantation ; S., South ; St., Railway Station ; W., West ; Wd., Wood. The words 'both' or 'all* in parentheses after a parish name in this list implies that both or all the parishes of this name are in the division indicated. Abney Wood 15 Ashby (West) 10 Bardney 7 Aby II Ashby -de- la-Launde 13 Barf (Beelsby) 4 A&horpe 8 Ashby Puerorum . . 10 Barf (Blankney) 13 Acres (The) . . 4 Ash Holt 7 Barf (Howsham) 3 Addlethorpe . . ii Ash Lound . . I 3 Barholme 16 Agthorpe Wood 8 Aslackby 16 Barkstone 15 Ailby ii Asserby ii Barkwith (E. & W.) 7 Ailesham 3 Asterby 8 Barlings 6 Aisby (Gainsborough 5 Aswardby (Falkingham) 14 Barnacle Pits.. 15 Aisby (Grantham) H Aswardby (Spilsby) ii Barnetby-le-Wold 3 Aisthorpe 6 Atterby 5 Barnoldby-le-Beck 4 Alford ii Aubourn . . . . "3 Barnsdale (Eagle) 13 Algarkirk 17 Audleby 3 Barrowby 15 Algarkirk Allotment 14 Aukborough 2 Barrow-upon-Humbe 3 Alkborough 2 Aunby . . . . 16 Barton-upon-Humber 3 Allen's Wood 3 Aunsby . . . . '4 Bassingham . . 13 Allington (E. & W.) i5 Austendyke 18 Bassingthorpe IS Althorpe i Austen Fen 9 Baston 16 Alvingham . . 8 Austerby . . 16 Baumber 7 Amberhill *7 AusterWood 16 Bayard's Leap 13 Amcotts i Autby 8 Bay Hall . . 12 Ancaster J 5 Authorpe (Muckton) 8 Bayons Manor 7 Ancroft Fen . . i Authorpe (Hogsthorpe) ii Beacon Hills (Barton) 3 Anderby ii Aveland . . . . 16 Beacon Hill Ann Cover . . 3 Axeltree Hurn 9 (Marsh Chapel) 9 Anthony's Clump 3 Aylesby 4 Beacon Hill Anthony's Cover 3 Ayscoughfee Hall 18 (Thorpe-on-the-H ill) 1 3 Anwick 14 Azeby H Beaconthorpe. . 4. Apley 7 Beadhouse Wood 10 Appleholme . . 8 Back Oak Wood 16 Beats (G. & L.) 10 Apple by 2 Badger Hills .. 3 Beckering . . 7 Asfordby II Badger Hills .. 4 Beckingham . . 13 Asgarby (Sleaford) J 4 Badger Moor Wood . . 7 Beckingham Shores Asgarby (Spilsby) 10 Bag Enderby . . . . 10 (Twigmoor) 2 Ashby (Brigg) 2 Bagmoor 2 Becklands . . 4. Ashby (Grimsby) 4 Bamburgh . . . . 7 Bedlam Wood Ashby (Partney) II Bamber Bridge 9 (Brocklesby) 3 6 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Bedlam Wood Bonsdale a> (Wainfleet St. Mary) 12 Bonthorpe . . Beech Holt . . H Boothby Graffoe . . Beelsby 4 Boothby-in-the-Marsh Beesby (Hawerby) Beesby-on-the- Marsh 8 II Boothby Pagnall Booths Belch ford 10 Boston .. 12 and Belleau II Boswell Belmont . . 15 Botany Bay . . . . Belmount . . 10 Bottesford f t Belnie 17 Boughton . Beltoft I Bounston Hill Belton (Grantham) .. 15 Boultham . . Belton-in the-Isle I Bourn . . Bendon's Cover . . 5 Bowin Benington 12 Bowland's Cover Bennington (Long) . . 15 Bowthorpe , Bennington Grange . . 15 Braceborough Benniworth 7 Bracebridge . . . . Betty Green 9 Braceby . . Bickar 17 Bracken . . Bigby 3 Brackenborough Billingborough 16 Brackendale Cover Billinghay H Bracken (PI.) Bilsby ii Bradley Binbrook 8 Braithing Bridge . . Birch Holt 13 Brakin . . Birch Plot 13 Brakon Wood Birch Wood 5 Bramble Holt . . Bird Hag 10 Brampton Birdock Gate 15 Brampton Firs . . Birds' Drove 17 Brand End Plot(G.&L.) Birke Wood 7 Brandon Birkholme 15 Brandy Wharfe Birk'sWood.. 10 Bransby Birthorpe 16 Branston Biscathorpe 8 Branswell . . Bishop Bridge 5 Brant Broughton Bishop Norton 5 Bratland's Cover . . Bitchfield 15 Bratoft Blackmills 3 Brattleby Blackmoor i3 Brauncewell . . Blankney 13 Breachom's Wood Bleasby 7 Bready Wood Bloxholm H Break's Holt.. Blow Wells (Barton) 3 Breast Sand . . . . BlowWells(Little Coates)4 Breeder Hills Blow Wells (Tetney) 9 Bridge End . . Blubber Hill .. 13 Brigg (Glamford) . . Blue Hills ii Brigsley Blyborough 5 Brindwell Blyton 5 Brinkhill Boat Mere Creek 18 Broadgate . . Bogmoor (Manton) . . 2 Broadham's Cover Bole Ferry 6 Brocklesby . . . . Bolingbroke 10 Broom Hill . . Bonby 3 Brothertoft . . 5 Broughton (Brant) .. 13 II Broughton l Brigg) .. 2 13 Broughton Clays .. 13 1 1 Broxholme . . . . 6 15 Brumby .. ..2 13 Buckminster . . .. 16 17 Bucknall .. . . 7 8 Bulby 15 9 Bull Close Holt .. 13 2 Bullington (Goltho) . . 7 14 Bullington (Friskney) 12 14 Bully Hills .. ..8 13 Bully Wells .. ..14 16 Bumble Pit . . ..14 16 Bunker's Hill .. lo 4 Eurcom Sand . . 4 1 6 Burgh Beacon .. 7 1 6 Burgh-in-the-Marsh . . ii 13 Burgh-upon-Bain .. 8 15 Burnham (The Isle) .. i 13 Burnham (Ulceby) .. 3 8 Burnt Wood .. ..13 13 Burringham .. ..2 13 Burtoft .. . . I/ 4 Burton-by-Lincoln . . 6 13 Burton Coggles .. 15 1 Burton Ferry. . .. 6 10 Burton Gate . . 6 13 Burton Pedwardine .. 14 6 Burton-on-Stather . . 2 3 Burton Slate Wood .. 15 17 Burwell .. ..8 15 Bushy Leys . . . . 16 5 Buslingthorpe . . 7 6 Butler's (PL).. .. 3 13 Butterbump .. .. ii 14 Butterwick (Boston) .. 12 13 Butterwick (East) .. 2 4 Butterwick (West) . . I 11 Button Cap Holt .. II 6 Byard's Leap. . ..13 14 Bytham (Castle) .. 15 1 6 Bytham (Little) .. 15 15 13 Cabbage Wood .. 14 1 8 Cabourn .. 3 15 Cadeby .. ..8 16 Cadney .. .-3 3 Cadwell .. ..8 4 Caenby . . 6 1 6 Caistor .. 3 lo Calceby .. ..II 1 8 Calcethorpe .. ..8 2 Callow . . 7 3 Cammingham . . 6 13 Campney Lane .. 7 17 Candle Bottom .. 10 Natural History. Candlesby . . Ti Clump Hill .. 7 Cross Keys Wash . . 18 Canwick . . . . J 3 Coates (G.) .. 4 Cross Moors 7 Careby 16 Coates (L.) 4 Crowland . . . . 16 Carlby 16 Coates (N.) .. 9 Crowle . . . . I Carlton-by-the-Ashes 15 Coates (Willingham). . 6 Croxby 4 Carlton (Castle) 8 Cocked Hat (PL) . . 13 Croxton 3 Carlton (G.) 8 Cockerington (N. & S.) 8 Culverthorpe H Carlton-le-Moorlands 13 Cocklode Wood 7 Cumberworth ii Carlton (L.) 8 Cold Bath House 6 Curdle Well 13 Carlton (N.) 6 Coldham Quarter *3 Cuxwold . . . . 4 Carlton Scroop 15 Cold Hanworth 6 Carlton (S.) 6 Coldstead 7 Dalby ii Carr Holt 4 Coleby (Lincoln) J 3 Dalderby 10 Carr House i Coleby (West Halton) 2 Dales Bottom 4 Carr (W.) i College Wood 3 Dame Amos' Holt . . 18 Carrington . . . . 10 Collow 7 Dam Ring *5 Caseby Wood 15 Colsterworth. . 15 Dandy Holt *3 Casewick 1 6 Combe Hill (Denton) 15 Dane Hill 16 Casthorpe i5 Common Side 12 Daubers Hill.. 4 Castle Bytham 15 Coney Wood.. II Dawesmere 18 Castle Carlton 8 Coneysby 2 Daw Wood 10 Castle Dyke Wood . . H Coningsby .. 10 and J 7 Decoy Cottages Castle Hill Place . . i Conisholme 9 (Brigg) 2 Castle Hills 3 Conyer's Wood 7 Decoy Plantation Castlethorpe 2 Cooksey's Caver . . 6 (Grimsby) 4 Cathorpe II Copping Syke 10 Deep Dale .. 8 Catley 14 Corby 15 Deeping (E. & W.) .. 16 Cawkwell 8 Corking Bridge 16 Deeping St. James . . 16 Cawthorpe (L.) 8 Corringham (G. & L.) 5 Deeping Market 16 Cawthorpe (Bourn) .. 16 Cotehouses 5 Deeping St. Nicholas 16 Cawood Hall.. i? Cotes Grange 8 Deer Park Wood . . 16 Cay Leys Wood 3 Counessome Cross 8 Delta Cover 3 Caythorpe . . . . 13 Counter Close 2 Dembleby H Central Wingland .. 18 Counter Drain . . 16 Denton 15 Chapel Hill .. H Counter Drove (St.) . . 16 Derrythorpe i Chapel (Mumby) ii Counthorpe 15 Dexthorpe ii Chase Hill .. 3 Court Leys 13 Digby J 4 Cheal 17 Covenham (both) 8 Ding Dong 7 Cherry Holt 15 Covers (The) 8 Dirrington . . . . 14 Cherry Willingham . . 6 Covey Wood ii Dobbin Wood 16 Church End 12 Cowbank ii Dob Wood 16 Church Town 1 Cowbit 18 Doddington Cindersom Well 13 Cowdyke (PI.) 8 (Skellingthorpe) 3 Claxby (Alford) II Cowgate Copse 16 Doddington (Dry) . . 15 Claxby (Normanby) . 7 Cow's Dyke 16 Dogdyke H Claxby Pluckacre 10 Coxey Hills .. 8 Dogdyke (St.) 10 Clay Hills Wood 15 Crab Tree Holt 8 Donington (Spalding) 17 Clay Hole 12 Craise Lound. . i Donington-on-Bain . . 8 Claypole 15 Cranwell 14 Donna Nook. . 9 Claythorpe II Cream Pot Wood 7 Dorrington H Cleatham 5 Creeton 15 Dotsey Wood i5 Clee 4 Cressy Hall : 7 Dove Cote 8 Cleethorpes 4 Croft ii Dovedale 8 Clixby 3 Crofton H Dow Dyke 17 Clough 17 Crosby . . . . 2 Dowsby 16 Clough Bridge ii Cross Close Holt 13 Dovesdale 18 Cloven Hill .. 10 Crossholme 5 Drainage Marsh 17 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Drainage Fen.. Driby Drove End Dry Doddington Dukes Wood.. Dumpin's Nook II 18 15 15 10 Fenby Fen Houses (Somercoates) Fen Houses (Wigtoft) Fenton (Beckingham) 4 9 17 !3 Fulletby .. ..10 Fullsby .. . . 1 6 Fulnetby .. .. 7 Fulney .. ..18 Fulsby .. .. 16 Fulstow . . . . 8 Dunham Bridge 6 Fenton (Kettlethorpe) 6 Dunholme 6 Ferriby (South) 3 Gainsborough . . 5 Dunkirk Cover 3 Ferry Corner Plot . . 17 Gainsthorpe . . 2 Dunsby St. Andrew Ferry (E.) .. 5 Callow Dale . . ..13 Dunsby (Bourn) 16 Ferry Gate Bottom . . 3 Gallows Dale . . 6 Dunstall 5 Ferry (High).. 10 Game Traps Wood . . 1 1 Dunston 13 Ferry (W.) .. I Gantoft .. ..II Dyke (Bourn) 16 Fillingham 6 Garnsgate .. . . 1 8 Dyke Fen 16 Fire Beacon . . 8 Garthorpe . . I Dyke Outgang . . 16 Firsby (E. and W.) . . 6 Garwick . . . . 14 Dyke Wood 16 Firsby (Wainfleet) . . ii Gate Burton . . 6 Fishtoft . . 12 and 17 Gatliffe Wood . . 7 Eagle 13 Fiskerton 6 Gatt Sand .. .. 18 Eagle Barnsdale 13 Fitties (The) 9 GaumerHill.. .. 8 Eagle Hall 13 Five Mile (St.) 13 Gauntlet .. ..17 Eagle Woodhouse 13 Flawford 13 Gautby .. ..7 Ealand i Fleet (all) 18 Gayton (both) . 8 East Fen 12 Flixborough . . . . 2 Gazebo 9 East Ferry 5 Floors 12 Gedney . 18 Eastholme 9 Fockerby I Gedney Hill (St.) . 18 Eastlands Gorse 16 Fodder Dyke Bank . . 12 Gelston 15 Eastoft i Foldhill 12 Gibbet Hills . . 17 Easton 15 Folkingham . . . 16 Gibraltar Point . ii East Lound i Folly's Wood . . 2 Gilby.. . 5 East Thorpe 6 Fonaby 3 Gillian Holt . . . 8 Eastville 12 Fordington ii Gillswell (PI.) . ii Eaudyke 17 Forty Foot Bank 17 Gillwood . 8 Eaugate 18 Fosdyke 17 Gippel i5 Edenham 16 Foston 15 Gipsey Bridge . 10 Edlington 10 Fotherby 8 Girsby . 8 Elkington (N. & S.) . . 8 Foxendale . . . 10 Glanford Brigg 3 Ellarow Wood 12 Foxhole Wood 16 Glentham . 5 Elsey II Foxholt 13 Glentworth . . . 6 Elsham 3 Frampton 10, 12 and 17 Goat Close (PI.) . 8 Elsthorpe 16 Freiston . . 12 and 17 Godnow Bridge (St.) i Emswell . . 5 French Drove (St.) . . 18 God's Cross . . i Enderby (all) 10 Friesland 13 Gokewell 2 Epworth i Friesthorpe 7 Goltho 7 Eskham . . . . 9 Frieston (Boston) Gonerby (G. M. & L 15 Evedon 12 and ij Good Copse . . . i Ewerby 14 Frieston (Claythorpe) 13 Goody Hatchem . 4 Friskney 12 Gorse Hill . . .14 Faldingworth 7 Frist ... 17 Gosberton .. . 17 Falkingham 16 Frith Bank 10 Goulceby .. .8 Farforth 8 Friths 'The) .. 17 Gould Dyke Bank . 18 Farlsthorpe Ii Frithville . . 10 and 12 Goulsby . . . 8 Farthorpe 10 Frodingham . . . . 2 Goxhill .. .3 Fellands 12 Froghall (Cadney) . . 3 Graby .. .16 Fen (E.) 12 Froghall(Wildmore).. 10 Grainsby . . . 8 Fen (W.) IO Frognall 16 Grainthorpe . . . 9 Fen Wood . . ... 6 Fulbeck 13 Grand father's Wood . 13 Natural History. Grange-de-Ling 6 Halltoft End.. . 12 Grantham *5 Haltham . 10 Grantham Grange . . 15 Halton (E.) . . 3 Grantham's Cross . . 8 Halton Holegate . ii Grasby 3 Halton Skitter 3 Grass Hill (PL) 15 Halton (W.) . . . 2 Grayingham 5 Halton Wood . 16 Great Beats 10 Hameringham . 10 Great Brand End Plot *7 Hamilton Hill J 5 Great Common . . 18 Hammock Beck . 17 Greatford 16 Hampshire (Pi.) . II Grebby 1 1 Hanbeck . 14 Greenfield ii Hanby J 5 Greenhill 5 Hang Wood . . . ii Greenwalks . . . . 15 Hannah . ii Greetham 10 Hanthorpe . . . 16 Greetwell 6 Hanworth (Cold) . 6 Greetford 16 Hanworth (Porter) 13 Greygreen i Harding's (PL) . 3 Grey Leys H Hardwick . 6 Grimblethorpe 8 Hare Booth . . . 7 Grime's Holt 4 Hareby . 10 Grimoldby 8 Harlaxton J 5 Grimsby (G.) 4 Harmston . 13 Grimsby (L.) 8 Harpswell . 5 Grimsthorpe 16 Harrington . . . 10 Grisels Bottom 8 Harrowby !5 Grubhill 6 Harts' Grounds . 17 Guanockgate 18 Hartsholme . . . 13 Gulholme 7 Haseby . . . 14 Gunborough Wood . . 16 Hasethorpe . . . II Gunby (St. Nicholas).. 15 Hatcliffe 4 Gunby (Spilsby) ii Hathow . 6 Gunness 2 Hatton . 7 Gunthorpe I Haugh . . . ii Gunthorpe Sluice 18 Haugham . 8 Guthramcote. . 16 Haughton . 8 Haven Bank . . . 10 Habertoft ii Haverholme Priory . 14 Habrough 3 Hawerby . 8 Hacconby 16 Hawstead Wood . 10 Haceby H Hawthorn Hill . 10 Hackthorn 6 Hawthorpe . . J 5 Haddington 13 Haxey i Hagnaby (Hannah) . . 1 1 Haydor . 14 Hagnaby (Spilsby) . . 10 Hayes (The) .. . 5 Hag Wood I 3 Healing . 4 Hagworthingham 10 Heapham . . . 6 Hainton 7 Heck Dyke . . . I Hale (G. & L.) H Heckington (both) . 14 Halfway Houses 13 Heighington . . 13 Hall Gate 18 Hell Furse .. . 8 Hall Hills 12 Hell Hole . . . 14 Halliday Hill 3 Hell Holt . . 13 Hallifers 6 Helpringham . . . 14 Hallington 8 Helsey . ii Hallowells' Hills . . 8 Hemingby . 8 Hemswell . . 5 Hendale Wood . . 3 Henhole Wood . . 4 Hericho Wood . . 15 Hermitage Hill .. II Heron Wood (Broughton) 2 Heron Wood (Doddington) 13 Hibaldstow . . . . 2 High Bibers Hill .. Ii High Ferry . . . . lo Highfield Wood . . 4 High Hall Wood .. lo High Wood .. ..13 High Wood Decoy .. 12 Hill Dyke . . . . lo Hill Six Acres .. 17 Hills of the Slain . . 1 1 Hinkerson's Fen .. 18 Hirst Priory . . . . I Hoffleet Stow .. 17 Hogsthorpe . . ..II Hogtree Wood .. 15 Holbeach (all) .. 1 8 Holdingham . . . . 14 Holland (E.) .. ..12 Holland Fen .. 14 and 17 Holland Fen Chapel . . 14 Holland House .. 18 Holland (New) . . 3 Holme (Bottesford) . . 2 Holmes (Epworth) . . I Holmes (Louth) . . 8 Holmes Common . . 6 Holton-le-Clay . . 8 Holton-le-Moor .. 7 Holton (Wragby) . . 7 Holtonbeck Gorse .. lo Holy well .. ..15 Holy- Well Wood .. lo Home Decoy. . .. 12 Home Wood . . . . 7 Honey Close (PL) . . 3 Honington .. . . 15 Hood's Wood .. 1 6 Hook Hill .. ..12 Hopland (PL) ..II Hop Lane . . . . 7 Horbling .. . . 1 6 Horkstow . . 3 Horncastle . . . . lo Horse Acre Wood . . 7 Horse Shoe Clump . . 8 Horsington . . . . 7 Hougham .. ..IS Hough-on-the Hill .. 15 10 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Housham (Cadney) . . 3 Ketsby 10 Legsby 7 Housham Kettleby 3 Lenton 15 (Haddington) 13 Kettlethorpe 6 Leverton 12 Howdale 9 Kew's Holt .. 6 Lily Wd.(Broughton) 2 Howell H Kexby 6 Lily Wood (Lea) 6 How Hills .. 16 Kib Wood 2 Limber (G. & L.) 3 Howlets Gate IT Killingholme (N. & S.) 3 Lincoln . . 6 and 13 Howsham 3 Kinaid Ferry i Lincoln Heath . . T 3 Hubbert's Bridge 17 Kingerby 7 Linwood (Blankney) . . 13 Hudson's Cover 3 Kingsforth Hall 3 Linwood (Rasen) 7 Humberstone. . 9 Kingsthorpe 7 Lissington 7 Humby (G. & L.) .. 15 Kingston Wood 16 Listoft 1 1 Hundleby 10 King's Wood 10 Little Beats 10 Hundon 3 Kirkby (E.) .. 10 Little Brand End Plot 17 Hungar Hill 4 Kirkby Green 13 Little Decoy 12 Hungerton i5 Kirkby-la-Thorpe . . H Little Hawe Wood . . 15 Hum's End 12 Kirkby-by-Rasen 7 Little Lond'n (Ulceby) 4 Hurst Priory. . I Kirkby Underwood . . 16 Little London Huttoft II Kirkby-on-Bain 10 (Wisbech) . . 18 Hykeham (N. & S.) . . 13 Kirkstead 10 Little Sale Wood 13 Kirmington 3 Little Scrubs 7 Immingham 4 Kirkmond-le-Mire . . 8 Little Thicket i Infield Wood.. H Kirton (Boston) lo and 17 Littleworth (Goxhill) 3 Ingham . . 6 Kirton (Lindsey) 5 Littleworth (Spalding) 16 Ingleby (all) 6 Knaith 6 Lobthorpe . . . . 15 Ingoldmells . . ii Knowle's Wood 7 Londonthorpe 15 Ingoldsby 15 Knowle's Carr 10 Long Bennington 15 Ingram Gorse 7 Kyme (N. & S.) 14 Long Hills J 3 Inner Knock ii Kyme Tower.. 12 Long Holt 10 Irby-on-Humber 4 Long Nursery H Irby-in -the-Marsh .. ii Laceby 4 Long Owersby 7 Irford 4 Lady Wood 16 Long Sand 12 Irnham 15 Lambcroft 8 Long Sutton 18 Iver's Wood 7 Langham II Long Wood 15 Langmere Field II Lound 16 ackson's Leys 3 and 4 Langmoor Cover 3 Louth 8 ail (PI.) ii Langrick . . 10 and 17 Loveden Hill 15 enny's Wood 8 Langriville . . lo and 17 Lower Barf Wood . . 13 ericho Wood 15 Langtoft 16 Lower Daw Wood . . 10 ock Hedge .. ii Langton (Horncastle) 10 Lowfield 13 ubilee (PI.) .. ii Langton Low. . 7 Ludborough .. .. 8 umping Mill 7 Langton (Spilsby) ii Luddington I Langton (Wragby) . . 7 Ludford (G. &L.) .. 8 Kate's Bridges 16 Langworth 6 Ludney 9 Kay Wood 7 Laughterton 6 Lusby 10 Keadby i Laughton (Falkingham) 16 Lutton 18 Keal (all) 10 Laughton(Gainsbro') . . 5 Keddington 8 Lavington 15 Mablethorpe 9 Keelby 4 Lawless Wood 7 Magpie Holt ii Keisby 15 Lawn Wood (both) . . 10 Maidenwell 8 Kelby H Law's Wood H Maidsdyke Bridge 16 Kelfield i Laythorpe 10 Major Wood 13 Kellwell 2 Lea 6 Maltby (Legbourne) . . 8 Kelsey(N.) .. 3 Leadenham 13 Maltby-le-Marsh I Kelsey (S.) 7 Leake (both) 12 Maltby (Raithby) . . 8 Kelstern 8 Leasingham . . H Manby (Brigg) 2 Kenwick ^Louth) 8 Legbuurne 8 Manby (Louth) 8 Natural History. ii Manthorpe (Bourn) . . 16 Monks' Liberty . . 6 Northlands 10 Manthorpe (Grantham) 15 Monksthorpe . . II Northholme 12 Manton 2 Monks' Wood 16 Northorpe Mareham-le-Fen 10 Moorby .. .. 10 (Donington) 17 Mareham-on-the-Hill 10 Moorhouses 10 Northorpe (Gainsboro') 5 Marehills Wood 3 Moortown 7 Northorpe (Thurlby) . . 16 Mare Tail 1 8 Morton (Bourn) 16 Northspring Wood . . 7 Marhams (The) 14 Morton (Gainsboro') . . 5 Northway Pond 13 Markbush Wood 6 Morton (Lincoln) 13 Norton (Bishop) 5 Markby ii Mosswood . . . . i Norton Disney J 3 Market Bridge . . 7 Moulton . . . . 18 Norton Wood 6 Market Deeping 16 Mown Rakes i7 Nun Gotham. . 2 Market Rasen 7 Muckton 8 Nun Ormsby. . 8 Market Stainton 7 Mumby ii Marlborough. . n Munthorpe . . II Oaklands 4 Marsh (The) 18 Obthorpe 16 Marshall Wood ii Nab Wood 16 Old Don (PI.) I Marsh Bank 17 Natty Cake Wood . . 4 Old Orchard 13 Marsh Chapel 9 Navenby 13 Old Park Wood s Marston 15 Neap Houses. . 2 Old Pits Wood H Martin (Blankney) . . 13 Nelsam 16 Old Wood .. 13 Martin (Horncastle) . . 10 Nethergate I Orby ii Marton 6 Neftleham 6 Orford (Binbrook) . . 8 Masson Hall. . 12 Nettleton 3 Orford Marvis Enderby 10 Neville Wood 13 (Stainton-le-Vale) 4 Mawthorpe (Well) . . II Newball 7 Orgarth Hill.. 8 Mawthorpe Newbigg i Ormsby (N.) 8 (Willoughby) II Newbold 7 Ormsby (S.) 10 Mayo Hill Clump .. 7 Newclose Wood 3 Osbournbv H Meagrim Hall ii New Decoy Wood . . 13 Oseby H Medlam 10 New England . . 10 Osgodby (Grantham) . . 15 Megtree Hill.. 13 New Holland 3 Osgodby (Rasen) 7 Melton Ross. . 3 Newland I Otby 7 Mere 13 Newpark Wood 7 Outer Knock.. ii Merrishaw's (PI.) 14 Newsham 3 Outgate 12 Messingham 2 Newstead . . . . 3 Outhorpe 15 Metheringham 13 Newton-by-Falk ing- Owersby (N. & S.) 7 Mickleburg II ham . . . . H Owmby (Searby) 3 Mickleholme 6 Newton-by-Toft 7 Owmby (Spittal) 6 Mickley Wood 15 Newton-le-Wold 8 Owston . . I Middle Carr 4 Newton-on-Trent 6 Oxcomb . . . . 10 Middle (PI.) 13 New York 10 Ozeby J 4 Middle Rasen 7 Nineteen Pound 16 Middlethorpe 10 Nob Hill 8 Paddock (PL) 13 Midville 12 Nocton 13 Panton 7 Miles Cross Hill II Norlands 10 Park House 17 Miles Gorse Hill . . II Nurmanby Parkinson's Wood 10 Mill Lane 7 (Scunthorpe) 2 Partney ii Millthorpe 16 Normanby (Spittal) . . 6 Patching Knaves H Milner Wood 3 Normanby (Stow) 6 Patman's Wood H Miningsby 10 Normanby-le-Wold . . 7 Patstone Wood 14 Minting 7 Normanton 15 Pauline's Garden 16 Moat Orchard 14 Northbeck H Paunton (G. and L.) . . 15 Mockery Wood 15 North Drove (St.) . . 17 Peakhill 18 Money Bridge 17 Northfield 3 Peaks Fox Cover 4 Monks' Dyke 8 North Forty Foot Peaterills (The) 8 Monks' Hall.. 17 Bank 17 Pelham's Lands '7 12 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Penny Hill .. 18 Ring Wood ii Scamblesby 8 Pepper Gowt Plot . . 12 Rippingale 16 Scampton . . 6 Pickhill Wath 8 Risby (High) 7 Scarle (N.) 13 Pickworth 15 Risby (Low) 2 Scartho 4 Piggin's Gorse 4 Risby (Rasen) 7 Scawby 2 Pilham 5 Risby (Roxby) 2 Scitler Wood 16 Pillar, The (Dunston) 13 Risegate 17 Scopwick 13 Pillow Wood 16 Riseholme 6 Scothern 6 Pinchbeck *7 Rise (PI.) J 3 Scotter 5 Podehole 17 Riverhead (Ancholme) 7 Scotterthorpe (Bourn) 16 Pointon 16 Riverhead (Lud) 8 Scotterthorpe (Brigg) . . 5 Poke's Hole 8 Robin Wood.. H Scottlethorpe 16 Pondclose Wood 3 Roger Sand 12 Scotton 5 Ponton (G. and L.) . . 15 Rookery Clump 7 Scott's Wood 7 Pool Decoy Wood . . 12 Ropsley . . . . 15 Scotwater Bridge J 3 Poolham Hall 10 Rosedale 7 Scot Willoughby H Poplar Walk 3 Roseshole 10 Scrafield 10 Postland 16 Rothwell 4 Scrane End 12 Potter-Hanworth 13 Roughton 10 Scredington .. !4 Prim Fen 8 Rough Wood.. 6 Scremby I 1 Primrose Hill 3 Round Holt !3 Scrivelsby 10 Pudding Pie Sand . . 2 Rowston 13 Scrope 18 Roxby 2 Scrubbly Wood 8 Quadring 17 Roxham H Scrub Close Wood . . 4 Quaker's Hill II Roxholme H Scrub Hill 10 Quarrington . . H Roxton . . . . 4 Scrub Holt 4 Quebeck Wood 6 Royalty Farm 17 Scrubs (The) 10 Quick Gate 16 Rubbing Pit Cover . . 8 Scrub Wood 7 Ruckholme 3 Sculler Wood 16 Raithby (Maltby) . . 8 Ruckland 8 Scunthorpe 2 Raithby (Spilsby) . . 10 Ruskington H Scupholme 9 Rakes Farm 17 Ryehill Cover 3 Searby 3 Ranby 7 Ryland 6 Seas End 18 Rand 7 Sedgebrook i5 Rasen 7 St. Anne's Well 13 Sempringham 16 Rauceby (N. & S.) 14 St. Helen's Cover 3 Seven Acres Parish . . 10 Ravendale (E. & W.) 4 St. John's Wood 16 Shaw's Decoy 12 Raven Moor 7 St. Lambert's Farm . . 18 ShefTord 15 Ravens Bank. . 18 Saleby ii Shillingthorpe Hall . . 16 Raventhorpe . . 2 Salmonby 10 Shire Wood 10 Read's Island.. 2 and 3 Salter II Short Ferry 6 Reasby 7 Saltfleet 9 Showell Spring 8 Redbounv 5 Saltfleetby 9 ShufY Fen 17 Redhill 5 SalvinWood .. 5 Shurk Wood 7 Red Leys 8 Samber Wood 7 Sibsey 10 Redwell Spring 8 Sandfield ii Silk Willoughby H Reed ings (The) 10 Sand toft I Simon Weir 17 Reedmere Holt 4 Santon (High) 2 Sixhills 7 Reepham 6 Santon (Low) 2 Sixhundreds .. H Reeve's Cover 13 Sapperton 15 Skegness ii Reston.(N. & S.) .. 8 Sausthorpe II Skellingthorpe *3 Revesby 10 Sawcliffe (Roxby) . . 2 Skelton's Decoy Wd.. 12 Riby 4 Saxby (Barton) 3 Skendleby I I Ridge Spires H Saxby (Rasen) 6 Skidbrook 9 Ridings Wood 7 Saxilby . . 6 and 13 Skiers Flash i Rigbolt 17 Scabcroft 2 Skillington 15 Rigsby ii Scalp (The) 17 Skinnand '3 Natural History. Skirbeck 12 Stank (The) 7 Swaby 10 Skirbeck Quarter 17 Stanmore Hill 8 Swallow (Caistor) .. 4 Skitter Sand 3 Stapleford 13 Swallow Beck *3 Slackholme ii Steeping (G. & L.) ii Swallow Pit . . . . 16 Sleaford H Stenigot 8 Swallow Vale 4 Sleeken End ii Stewton 8 Swans Holt J 3 Sloothby ii Stewton Nook ng . . 8 Swarby 14 Smock Skirts 16 Steynby i5 Swaton . . 14 Snakeholme 7 Stickford 10 Swayfield 15 Snarford 7 Stickney 10 Swinderby . . J 3 Snelland 7 Stixwould 7 Swineshead 17 Snipe Dales 10 Stockdove Holt 13 Swinethorpe . . Snitter'oy 5 Stockhill Wood 1 1 Swinhope g Somerby (Bigby) Somerby (Corringham) 3 5 Stocking Wood Stockwith (E.) 13 5 Swinn Wood Swinestead ii 15 S->merby (Old & New) i5 Stoke Furlong Cover. . 8 Swinthorpe 7 Somercotes (N. & S.) , 9 Stoke (N. and S.) . . 15 Syston 15 Somersby . . 10 Stoke Rochford 15 Somerton Castle 13 Stonepit Wood 16 Tallington 16 Sotby 7 Storton 2 Tame Wood ! South Dale (PI.) 10 Stourton 7 Tanvats 13 South Fens (Bourn) . . 16 Stow (Billingborough) H Tathwell 8 Southgate South-of-the-Witham J 4 Stow (Gainsborough) Stow Park (St.) 6 6 Tattershall Tealby 10 7 (the parish) 10 Stowe 16 Temple Aslackby 16 Southorpe 5 Stragglethorpe . . 13 Temple Bellwood i Southrey . . . . 7 Stroxton i5 Temple Bluer 13 Southrow 7 Stroy Wood 15 Temple Garth 5 Southwood Malting . . 15 Strubby (Woodthorpe) ii Temple High Grange 13 Spalding 18 Strubby (Wragby) 7 Temple Hill 15 Spanby H Strugg's Hill.. 17 Tennison's Holt 4 Sparrow Gorse 15 Strunch Wood 13 Tesselated Pavement . . H Speezeland . . . . 5 Stubber Hill i5 Tetford 10 Spellow Hills ii Stubton 15 Tetley i Spilsby ii Sturgate . . . . 2 Tetney 9 Spittal 5 Sturton (G. and L.) . . 7 Thealby 2 Spittlegate . . 15 Sturton Harding 7 Theddlethorpe (both) 9 Spottle Hill 8 Sturton (Scawby) 2 Thick Thorn.. 7 Spreckle Field H Sturton (Stow) 6 Thimbleby 10 Spridlington 6 Sudbrook (Grantham) i5 Thirkington Wood . . i3 Springfield Cover 2 Sudbrooke (Wragby).. 6 Thomas Wood 3 Springs (The) II Sudthorpe i3 Thonock . . 5 Springthorpe 5 Summer Castle 6 Thoresby (N.) 8 Square Wood . . . . 7 Summer Ings 9 Thoresby (S.) ii Stackforth Hill 4 Sunny Fleet Eau 9 Thoresthorpe . . . . ii Stain ii Surfleet 17 Thoresway 4 Stainfield (Hacconby) 16 Susworth 5 Thorganby 4 Stainfield (Wragby) . . 7 Sutterby ii Thorn Bush 8 Stainsby 15 Sutterton 17 Thornholme 2 Stainton (Langworth) 7 Sutton (Beckingham) 13 Thornton Abbey (St.) 3 Stainton-le-Hole . . 4 Sutton Fen Allotment 14 Thornton Curtis 3 Stainton-le-Vale 4 Sutton-in-the-Marsh. . ii Thornton (Horncustle) 10 Stainton (Market) 7 Sutton (Long) 18 Thornton-le-Fen 10 Stainwith IS Sutton-on-Sea ii Thornton-le -Moor . . 7 Stallingborough . . 4 Sutton St. James 18 Thorpe (E. and W.) . . 6 Stamford 16 Sutton St. Mary 18 Thorpe-in-the-Fallows 6 Stane .. ii Sutton St. Nicholas . . 18 Thorpe Latimer H Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Thorpe-on-the-Hill Thorpe St. Peter Thorpe (Tattershall) Thorpe (The) . . Thorpe Tilney Threckingham Thrunscoe Thurlby (Alford) Thurlby (Bourn) Thurlby (Lincoln) Thurlby Wood Tiger Holt . . Tillbridge Lane Tilney (Thorpe) Timberland . . Toft (Bourn) . . Toft (Newton) Toft Hill Tofts (The) . . Tongue End . . Top Barf Wood Top Cover . . Torksey Torrington (E. & W Tothby Tothill Tower Moor. . Towes (G. and L.) Towsers End . . Toynton (All Saints) Toynton (High) Toynton (Low) Toynton St. Peter Troy Wood . . Trusthorpe . . Tumby Tumman's Wood Tupholme Tupholme Priory Turf Carr Turpits (PI.) . . Tuttle Rampier Twenty (St.).. Twigmoor Twyford Tydd (both) .. Tytton Hall . . Uckerby Uffington Ulceby (Alford) Ulceby (Barton) Upperthorpe . . Upton Usselby Utterby 13 Waddingham.. ii Waddington .. 10 Waddingworth 8 Wainfleet (all) Wainham Beck Waith Walcot (Alkborough) Walcot (Falkingham) Walcott (Billinghay) . . Walesby Walkerith Walks (The) Walmsgate Waltham Warfen Ings Warmsley Holt Warren Lodge Wood Wash Gould Washingborough 13 14 4 ii 16 13 6 6 6 13 13 16 7 10 12 1 6 Washingdales Wood 13 Waterloo 13 6 7 ii 1 1 10 Waterloo Wood Water Park . . Waterside Waythe Weavers' Lodge Weelsby Welbourn . . Welby Well Welhams Well Heads . . Wellingore . . Wellow Wellsdale Bottom Well Vale . . Welton-in-the-Marsh Welton-le-Wold 7 10 IO 10 II 10 II 10 13 7 10 Welton (Lincoln) 1 Welton Wood 1 1 Wenghale 9 Westborough . . 1 6 Westby 2 West Carr . . 15 West End 1 8 West Fen 1 7 Westgate Westhorpe 5 Westlaby 1 6 West Mark Knock II Westmere Creek 3 Weston I Westville 6 West Wood . . 7 West Woodside 8 Whaplode .. Wharton 5 Whisby .. ..13 13 White Hall Wood .. 10 7 White Pit .. .. 10 12 White Wood.. .. 5 13 Whitton .. ..2 8 Wickenby .. . . 7 2 Wickham .. .. 18 1 6 Wideham .. ..13 14. Wigtoft .. ..17 7 Wildmore . . . . 10 5 Wildsworth . . 5 9 Wilksby .. ,.io 8 Willingham (Cherry) 6 4 Willingham (N. & S.) 7 9 Willingham (Stow) . . 6 8 Willoughby (Alford).. ii 15 Willoughby (Scot) .. 14 18 Willoughby (Silk) .. 14 13 Willoughby (West) .. 15 4 Willoughton . . 5 13 Wilsford . . . . 14 10 Wilsthorpe .. .. 16 8 Winceby . . . . 10 14 Windle Bridge .. 5 8 Winghale . . . . 7 14 Wingland (Central) .. 18 4 Winsoever .. .. 18 13 Winteringham .. 2 15 Winterton . . 2 1 1 Winthorpe . . . . 1 1 3 Wirehill .. ..7 16 Wisby .. ..13 1 3 Wispington . . 7 4 Witham (N. & S.) ..15 8 Witham-on-the-Hill.. 16 n Withcall .. ..8 ii Withern .. .. n 8 Woldale Trees .. 8 6 Wold Newton . . 8 ii Wood Enderby .. 10 7 Wood Nook .. ..15 15 Woodhall .. ..10 15 Woodhall Spa .. 10 I Woodhouse . . i 17 Woodside . . . . 10 10 Woodthorpe .. .. n i Woolfits (PI.) .. 13 17 Woolsthorpe .. . . 15 7 Wootton . . 3 1 8 Worlaby (Brigg) .. 3 1 8 Worlaby (Louth) .. 10 18 Wothorpe .. .. 16 10 Wragby .. 7 13 Wragholme .. ..9 i Wrangle .. .. 12 18 Wrawby .. ..3 5 Wrongsome Holt .. 13 Natural History. 15 Wroot .. ..i Wykeham (E. & W.) 8 Yaddlethorpe. . .. 2 Wyberton .. 10 and 17 Wykeham (Spalding) 18 Yarborough .. ..8 Wyche Drain .. n Wykes .. . . 17 Yarborough Camp .. 3 Wyham .. ..8 Wyville .. -.15 Yawthorpe .. ..5 LINCOLNSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY. By JOHN CORDEAUX, M.B.O.U. Great Cotes R.S.O., Lincolnshire. IN rising to address you on this occasion, 1 am not unmindful of the fact that I have been elected first President of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, and I wish now, in the first place, to thank you for having placed me in so honourable a position. The object of our Society is intended to bring about a thorough and systematic investigation of the Natural History capabilities of the county, carried on year by year, a publication, if possible, from time to time, of the results, and an endeavour to create amongst all classes of the population an intelligent interest and correct appreciation of the various natural phenomena which surround them. It is somewhat of a reflection on this great county that so little has been done hitherto for the cause of science ; this, indeed, becomes painfully apparent when we consider the excellent results shown by the enterprising naturalists in the two neighbouring counties of Norfolk and Yorkshire. In the former, the " Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society " was formed in 1870, and published their first report ; the number of members is now 250. The " Yorkshire Naturalists' Union" came into existence previous to 1883, and the number of its members is nearly 600. Both these, like our own, had small beginnings ; they have, however, succeeded in extending the knowledge of local Natural History. In looking forward to the future, I can see no reason whatever to think that our own Union will not be equally successful, and certainly in this great and diversified county it will never lack material to work on or fall short in variety and interest of subjects. So far, our efforts have been individual ones, and isolated and spasmodic : now, as a united band and numbering specialists * An address, delivered at Lincoln, May 24th, 1894, to the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union, by the First President (1893). 1 6 "Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. in various branches, we shall become a representative body having a local habitation and name, and have much greater facilities for an exchange of opinion and for the proper collection and diffusion of facts. It must not, however, altogether be inferred that nothing has hitherto been done by the sons of Lincolnshire for the increase of physical science; indeed, we have just cause of pride to see in our roll of honour such names as Isaac Newton, of Woolsthorpe ; Matthew- Flinders, of Donington ; John Franklin, of Spilsby ; Joseph Banks, of Revesby Abbey ; and more recently, Charles Anderson, of Lea. Of those now living, either within or without our boundaries, who are doing good work, it would be invidious to make direct personal mention ; sufficient is it to say that we include amongst ourselves all that is both necessary and capable for making this Union a great and a lasting success. Lincolnshire is the second largest county in England, its total length being 75 miles by 45 in breadth, and containing 1,783,769 acres, 85 per cent, under cultivation. The surface presents a very considerable diversity of character, sea-coast, marsh, wold, moor, heath and fen, and some very considerable woodlands with much pleasant and typical scenery without anywhere rising into the grand and strikingly picturesque. The county is not readily divided into what are called faunal areas that is, districts more or less compact, with well-defined boundaries, between which one or the other faunal dis- tinctions can be clearly established. In taking a general survey of the whole area it appears capable of being irregularly divided into at least six fairly marked districts ; these are I. The Marsh and Middle Marsh which is the whole of the great alluvial flat which lies between the east coast and the foot of the chalk wolds, as far as Spilsby. II. The Fens south of Spilsby and Wainfleet and east of Billinghay, Heckington, Bourn, and Market Deeping, with a branch extending westward of the Witham to Lincoln. III. The Chalk Wolds. IV. The Heath an irregular district, partly on the oolite and partly on the lias, and not easily defined. In its more southern portion it is split into two arms by the Witham valley. It runs from S.E. to N.W., and includes the heaths near Woodhall Spa, the moorland near Market Rasen and below Caistor, and the commons and rabbit- Natural History. 17 warrens between Gainsboro' and Frodingham, in the north-west of the county. V. A portion of Kesteven, south of Grantham and east of Belvoir, of which Corby is about the centre, well-wooded, picturesque, and highly cultivated, and containing noble parks and country seats. VI. The Isle of Axholme, formerly moor, bog, and widely extending heath and low firwood, but now 50,000 acres of rich warp, and bounded to the north-west by the great level of Thome waste in Yorkshire. It must be clearly understood, however, that these divisions are only approximate, and that with our present knowledge no absolutely hard and fast lines can be laid down defining faunal areas, and that there are yet portions of the county which it is difficult to range under any of these divisions. I have en- deavoured to define roughly six fairly marked districts within the boundaries of Lincolnshire, and I shall now briefly enter more fully into the physical peculiarities of each, and endeavour to show that, notwithstanding the great changes which have taken place, these still possess attractions for the naturalist. I would also mention those special matters which require more careful working out. In the Marsh and Middle Marsh is included the whole of the low-lying plain between the foot of the chalk wolds and the sea, including the sea-coast itself and all its wide attractions. The chief interest of this district rests in its ornithology more particularly in the spring and autumn and in connection with the migration of birds. The total number of species which can fairly be admitted at the present time into the Lincolnshire avifauna is somewhat doubtful. In the Humber district up to this date I have been able to record 290. This compares favourably with the Norfolk list of 293, and Yorkshire with 310. With our present knowledge as to the frequency with which rare birds turn up during the period of migration, far out of their ordinary route, I think we should attach very little importance to the increase of any local or county list by the addition of mere wanderers. The record of such is interesting as showing how far some birds get driven out of their normal course. The chief additions to the Humber district in late years have come from Spurn, but there is no reason why equally good results should not be obtained from our own coast. Vol. 5, No. 34, Lines. N. & >. B Nat. Hist. Sect. 1 8 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. The flora of the marshes and the sea-coast is a very attractive and interesting one, and our knowledge of the same, as well as of Lincolnshire botany generally, has been greatly increased by the researches of the Rev. W. Fowler, of Liversedge ; Dr. F. Arnold Lees, of Harrogate ; the Rev. Adrian Wood ruffe- Peacock ; Mr. F. M. Burton ; Mr. O. Thimbleby, of Spilsby, and others. The collection of facl:s in connection with this district commenced as far back as 1590, and the great naturalists of former days Gerarde, Ray, Dr. Martin Lister, and Sir Joseph Banks have each in turn visited and investigated its floral treasures. Before leaving this portion of the county I should like to call attention to the marine mammalia, the seals, and various forms of whale, grampus, porpoise, and dolphin. Although in recent years considerable additions have been made to our local list, we still require much further knowledge and more scientific investigations. The capture of a seal or the stranding of a whale and such occurrences are by no means unfrequent should at once be noted, and an examination carried out on the spot, careful notes and measurements made, the skull, at least preserved, and where possible a photograph taken before the carcase is removed. In this branch of zoology, as well as ornithology, the official representative of our Vertebrate Section, Mr. G. H. Caton Haigh, has done some excellent work. There is, so far as I know, no list of marine fish ; the colle&ion of fa&s in connection with these and with Marine Zoology generally, might well be taken up by those members who live near or have most frequent access to the coast. The Entomology, more particularly in this district the Aquatic- entomology, Conchology, and Micro-zoology and Botany, also present wide fields for close and careful study. In the former we have in the Rev. Canon W. W. Fowler, a member whose reputation as an entomologist is not only local and national, but world-wide. We must not fail to recognise, also, the good services rendered by Mr. H. W. Kew, formerly of Louth, and Mr. James Eardley Mason, of Alford. There is no other faunal area in Lincolnshire where the old glories have so entirely vanished as in the fenland, formerly a vast level of peat-moor, morass and bog, with league beyond league of shallow mere, interspersed with a vast growth of reed and bull rush and various water-loving plants, and on the drier portion deep sedge and doubtless some rich pasturage, with Natural History. 19 thickets of sallow, willow, birch, and sweet-gale, which before the dawn of history had usurped the place of oak, Scotch fir, and yew. The whole of this vast level was a paradise for wild creatures, beast, bird, and fish, and predominate over all, upon the peat-stained waters of the shallow lagoons floated primitive man in a canoe dug out from a single tree, and using weapons tipped with fractured flint or fish-bone. Of the natural treasures of the old fenland we have but scant record. Unfortunately our forefathers, when they did write, cared little for depicting their natural every-day surroundings, yet we must be thankful for the few precious records which have come down to us of those olden times, and enable us to form some idea of the extreme richness of the Fen fauna and flora, from the Liber Ellensis ; the Chronicles of Crowland ; and the writings of William of Malmsbury (1200); Thomas Fuller j Camden's Britannia (Gough's edition) ; and the naturalists Pennant, Ray, and Colonel Montagu; also the quaint verses left by Michael Drayton in the Polyolbion ; and by " Antiquary Hall," of Llyn, in the doggerel rhymes depicting a fenman's daily life. One aim of our Society should be the collection of any scrap, oral or written, in connection with physical-archaeology, and any who have opportunities of inspecting old deeds, letters, and family account books, will do good service by extracting any small matter which directly or indirectly bears on this subject. Such entries were, no doubt, considered most trivial by the original writers, but in the light of the present day they are of much interest and importance. To cite one or two instances alone, how little historical record is left of the Great Bustard in Lincolnshire. The late Sir Charles Anderson, of Lea, in 1874, sent me extracts from an old account book kept by Charles Anderson, at Broughton, near Brigg, from 1669 to 1673 :~ " 1670, September 26 To John Hall, brought curlew - is. October 23 Item to Thos. Beckett for killing two Bustards - 2s. Then there is a letter from the great Dr. Johnson, dated January gth, 1758, to his friend, Bennet Langton of Langton, acknowledging the receiving a parcel of game, amongst other things a bustard which he gave to Dr. Lawrence. A letter written to myself by the Rev. Edward Elmhirst, November 29th, 1886, containing personal recollections of Lincolnshire ornithology, also his communication made to the 2O Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Field newspaper, November 28th, 1886, concerning the former nesting of the Hen Harriers in the moors near Market Rasen, are amongst the most valuable contributions to the records of county natural history in recent years. Of infinite interest also, as throwing light on the past, would be the account books and records of captures made in the duck-decoys at one period so common in the marsh and fen. We have never met with more than one decoy book, namely, the well-kept register of the Ashby Decoy, near Brigg, worked successfully for so many years by Captain Healey. So marvellously abundant were wildfowl before the fens were drained that we are told a flock of wild ducks has been observed passing along from the north and north-east into the east fen, in a continuous stream for eight hours together. Our next faunal area is very distinct and well-marked the Chalk Wolds in its greatest length from Barton-on-Humber to Burgh, fifty- two miles, and the greatest breadth near Market Rasen, fourteen miles ; and the highest point of the range, 549 ft., is near Normanby Clump, and this is the highest land in the county. Before the general enclosure at the commencement of the present century the wold was a wild and open region, a rolling upland, more or less intersected by deep valleys. These rounded hills were covered with heather and heaths, coarse rough grasses, like the barren brome, and Aria ctespitosa the tufted hair-grass, the most graceful if the most useless of all, with thousands of acres together of gorse, and ancient thorns in clumps and single. It was a district most admirably fitted to the habits of that noble bird the Great Bustard, and the Stone Curlew, the former probably becoming nearly extinct before the commencement of the century, and the latter still holding its own a few pairs annually nesting, but not now on the wold. During the last quarter of the century much good work has been done with Lincolnshire geology, the most important reports being in connection with the extension of the Rhcetic beds, near Gainsborough, by Mr. F. M. Burton, also his examination of these and the Keuper Sandstones in the same district; Professor Judd's paper on the Neocomian strata; Professor Morris on some Oolite sections ; Canon J. E. Cross on Lincolnshire Oolites and Lias ; also Mr. Clement Reid's work in connection with the new Geological Survey amongst the boulder-clays, inter-glacial beds, marine gravels, post glacial beds and alluvium of Northern Lincolnshire. Natural History. 21 In connection with our Geological section I would suggest the appointment of a boulder committee, whose object will be to take observations relative to the erratic or ice-borne blocks of Lincolnshire, their character, position, size, origin and height above the sea. This to be carried out on the same lines generally as those adopted by the boulder committee of the British Association. The two distinct ranges of chalk and oolite which run from south to north of the county form elevated tracts, which in their original condition were heath and moorland, and almost destitute of timber trees. Along the flanks of these hills and in the intervening low country stretched the deep forests of Kesteven and Lindsey the Bruneswald oak, ash, elm, beech, fir, holly, yew, and hazel, sufficient remains existing in some of our oldest woodlands to recall the ancient glories of the land. No better "happy hunting grounds" remain to reward the naturalist than these comparatively undisturbed areas. Here in 1884 an example of the old British wild cat (Fells catus] was taken, and the pine marten (Martes abietum] can scarcely yet be extinct j bones of red deer, Bos longifrons, wolf, wild boar, and beavers, have been found in the becks. We have as yet no list of Lincolnshire mammals, and I shall be greatly indebted to any of our members who will enable me to complete a list, which is already partially prepared, with notes from their respective districts. The heath is another most charming faunal area, from the fact that some few scattered portions are still in their primitive condition, as in the neighbourhood of Woodhall Spa and the warrens and commons of Scotton, Manton, Twigmoor, Crosby and Brumby, in the north-east. The Ermin Street, that great military highway of the Romans, which passed through the gates of their chief fortress, Lincoln, followed the ridge of the oolite from south to north to east and west of this was a wide, open and continuous stretch of elevated tableland, the road running through leagues of purple heather, where the pink and purple shading of the common and cross-leaved heaths intermingled with the yellow blooms of the petty whin and sheets of pale blue hairbell, and the darker blue gentian (Qentiana pneumonanthe). A glorious land it was to cross in those days : the long, lone, level line of a well-kept war path, stretching like a ribbon over the heath, and marked at short intervals with high stones or posts as a guiding line in fog or snow, in a solitude but rarely broken, except by the footfall of 22 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. the legionaries and the dismal creakings of the baggage trains and provision carts, while above, under the blue heaven, the lark carolled as it does now, and the plaint of the golden plover sounded sweet from off the moorlands. The north-east corner of Lincolnshire, notwithstanding recent changes and trade encroachments, is still rich in animal and plant life, and presents a wide field for future research. Further westward, and beyond the Trent, lies the Isle of Axholme ; some portion adjoining the great deer chase of Hatfield and Lindholme, in Yorkshire, was once the hunting- ground of English kings. We must turn to the pages of historians, such as Leland, De la Pryme, Dr. Stonehouse and others if we wish to learn its ancient condition before the enterprise of the Dutchman Vermuyden transformed its wastes and swamps and demon-haunted solitudes into fertile lands, and at the same time banished its indigenous flora and fauna. In fact, the entire district, including Thorne waste, beyond our border, and portions also east of Trent, resembled the " tundras " of Lapland and northern Asia, and, like these, was the breeding-home of innumerable wildfowl and waders. Most suggestive of a not remote Arctic character are the lingering of such plants as Selaginella selaginoides, Lycopodium alpinum, recently discovered by the Rev. W. Fowler, also Andromeda polifolia, and Empetrum nigrum, on Thorne waste, Myrica gale, generally, and the impressions of leaves of some Arctic willow in the laminated silts and peaty alluviums. Of our sixth district, that south of Grantham and east of Belvoir, I can tell you little, for excepting in passing through by rail, it is a terra incognita to me. The chief attraction is Grimsthorpe Park, which contains many fine oaks, hornbeams and hawthorns, and a small herd of red deer interesting as the only one left in the county, and descendants of those indigenous deer which at one period wandered wild, free and unrestricted through the length and breadth of the land. It is customary on these occasions briefly to notice the work done by the Union during the President's year of office. Two meetings have been held, the first at Mablethorpe, on June 1 2th, about thirty attending, and Professor L. C. Miall, F.R.S., of the Yorkshire College, presiding. The vertebrate section (ornithology) was, perhaps, the most successful. The full report of this very interesting meeting will be found in " The Naturalist " for August and September, this year. Natural History. 23 The Rev. C. W. Whistler found the Natterjack toad (Bufo calamlta] on the sand-hills. This is an interesting reptile and very different from the common toad. It is a light yellow colour, and never leaps nor does it crawl, its progression being more like a run. This toad was first discovered near Revesby Abbey, by Sir Joseph Banks, who made it known to the naturalist Pennant. Its distribution is somewhat remarkable, for it is found not only in England, but also in localities in Ireland, where the common species is unknown. All the Irish snakes and toads, as you know, were turned into stone by St. Patrick, but this seems to have escaped the wrath of the Saint. The inference is that the Natterjack succeeded in reaching Ireland before that distressful isle had become severed from Great Britain, which the common toad did not do, so we must consider the former is the older immigrant of the two ; perhaps its particular mode of progress afforded better and more favourable facilities for getting over the ground. In our investigations into the natural history of this county, we must remember that at no very distant period Lincolnshire was part of the mainland of Europe, and there was no North Sea as we know it now, and we must therefore expect to find close affinity between the fauna and flora on both sides of the water. Once, no doubt, a great central river, whose debouchure was over the Dogger Bank, received the waters of the rivers from each side. The North Sea, if you will take the trouble to look at Mr. Olsen's map, is little more than a great plain covered by shallow water ; off the north-east coast of England it is twenty fathoms, and as we go south even this depth is exceptional. The North Sea contains some remarkable depressions, one of which, the Silver Pit, is a narrow submarine valley fifty fathoms in depth, forty miles off the north-east coast of Lincolnshire. The intrusion of this great water, the North Sea, between ourselves and the continent may have been very rapid, for when the chalk barrier, which presumably at one time extended eastward from Flamboro' Head (cropping out again round Heligoland), was once breached and the central river taken in flank, there is no reason why the great level plain of intermediate Lincolnshire should not have been submerged in a period even of a few days. The second meeting was at Woodhall Spa, on August yth, with a very fair attendance of members, who were taken over the ground by the Rev. J. Conway Walter. The day was very hot, scarcely any birds were seen and very few insects 24 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. taken. The botanical section was, however, most successful, and several rare plants were found, the most interesting, perhaps, being the lovely dark blue gentian, in damp places on the moor. I must take this opportunity of publicly expressing the thanks of the Union to our Secretary, Mr. Walter F. Baker, whose untiring and intelligent exertions and great aptitude for organisation have done so much in setting us in motion and making the Union a success. Before closing these remarks as we are now engaged in rocking the cradle of the Union I should like to say a few words as to the possibilities of a future, and the taking up of a useful position. There is no other county in England in which the fauna and flora have so greatly altered ; large numbers of birds, insects and plants have been altogether destroyed, or, in the former case, driven away by enclosure and drainage. It becomes therefore an imperative duty that we should use our best endeavours to preserve what is left and to take care that our scarcer mammals, nesting birds and surviving plants are not ruthlessly destroyed and unnecessarily banished. There is no sadder chapter to read than that on " Extermi- nation," in Professor Newton's recently published Part I. of "A Dictionary of Birds ;" it is a record of a destruction and waste of life in this fair world, brought about directly or indirectly by the ignorance, avarice, and greed of civilised man, assisted in late years by that rage for wearing feathers that now and again seizes civilised women. Much might be accomplished if we could give our people an intelligent knowledge of their natural surroundings and an interest in their preservation. It would be a step in the right direction if object lessons were occasionally given in our village schools in connection with Natural History, illustrated from those easily accessible raw materials of observation in the neighbourhood, which would best illustrate the every-day life of plants and animals. I fear there is no class of men who, considering the very favourable opportunities they have, are so proverbially ignorant of the economy of out-door life as the gamekeepers, and so systematically destroy what it is often their best interest to preserve. Agriculturists, too, as a class, with but few exceptions, are deplorably indifferent to, and ignorant of, the most elementary principles of Natural Science. They care for none of these things. In looking back, however, I am proud to admit many genuine services rendered by agricultural Natural History. 25 labourers, who have walked miles to bring some curious object, or to tell of some strange beast or bird seen during their daily toil. Unfortunately, in England the inculcation of scientific knowledge is left almost entirely to private enterprise and in the hands of such societies as ours. This is not the case in foreign states, and notably so in America, where neither pains nor expense are spared in instructing the people. I have now before me a volume, most beautifully illustrated, recently published and issued by the American Government Department of Agriculture, on " The Hawks and Owls of the United States." This book has been scattered wholesale, as a free gift, over the land, and is intended to teach the American farmer the great usefulness of birds of prey, and the good which, as a rule, they confer upon him. Surely we have had object lessons sufficient to bring this matter forcibly home to us in that plague of field voles which has laid waste some of the great sheep farms beyond the border, and the plague of rats in Lincolnshire. It is hoped that in time we shall get a museum in Lincoln. The want of this has been the cause of our losing many art treasures, antiquities, and natural history specimens. We have lost the inimitable pictures of De Wint, the Franklin relics, and many other things which ought not to have left the county. A word on our own individual and special duties as naturalists ; and here I cannot do better than quote the words of a late Bishop of Oxford the great Bishop Wilberforce. He says : u A good practical naturalist must be a good observer ; and how many qualities are required to make up a good observer ? Attention, patience, quickness to seize separate fails, discrim- ination to keep them unconfused, readiness to combine them, and rapidity and yet slowness of induction ; above all, perfect fidelity, which can be seduced neither by the enticements of a favourite theory nor by the temptation to see a little more than actually happens in some passing drama." In conclusion, it is gratifying to find that there is at least an awakening and uprising on these matters in Lincolnshire, and that the dry bones are moving. Let us trust that this Union a real Union of hearts will inaugurate a new era. The most wonderful fadfc in connection with the last half century has been the progress of science. Everywhere amongst the 26 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. educated and thoughtful there is a striving to search and probe downwards into the very sources and origin of all life not alone that we may get a deeper insight into the workings of nature, but to find the key to our own position in connection with the life which is everywhere about us. Men of science are diligently engaged in painfully searching backwards into the infinity of the past, and, considering the results already attained, I think we can look forward with hope to the infinity of the future. Yet, I think, when science has spoken her last word, we shall still have to confess, in the words of Lincoln- shire's noblest son, we are but " An infant crying in the night : An infant crying for the light : And with no language but a cry." THE LINCOLNSHIRE BOULDER COMMITTEE. A COMMITTEE has been appointed by the L. N. U. for the purpose of recording all the facts they can collect concerning the erratics left by the great ice sheet that once overspread the county. It consists of the following members : F. M. Burton, F.G.S. ; J. H. Cooke, B.Sc., F.G.S. ; H. Preston, F.G.S. ; A. W. Rowe, F.G.S. ; Percy F. Kendall, F.G.S. ; E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock, F.G.S. ; and W. Tuckwell. They wish that the following directions should be read over and acted upon in reporting to the Committee's Secretary. Shortly, in case of haste, the following points should be noted : I. Dimensions of Boulder in length, breadth, height above Sound, f what material composed ; Blue-Stone, Red Granite, Grey Granite, Sandstone. 3. Rounded or angular, smooth or scratched. More fully, the following : (A} ISOLATED BOULDERS. i. What is the name of the Parish, Estate, and Farm on which Boulder is situated, adding nearest Town, and Natural History. 27 County, and any particular enabling its position to be marked on the Ordnance map ? 2. What are dimensions of Boulder, in length, breadth, and height, above ground ? 3. Is the Boulder rounded, subangular, or angular ? 4. If the Boulder is long-shaped, and has not been moved by man, what is direction by compass of its longest axis ? 5. If there are any natural ruts, groovings, or striations on Boulder, state (a] Their length, depth, and number. (b] The part of Boulder striated, viz., whether top or sides. (c] Whether the striations are in the direction of the longer axis, or at what angle to it ? (d] Whether there is any difference of direction between the scratches on the upper surface and those on the lower surface ? Give the compass bearing. (e] Whether there are any indications by which you can tell from which direction the several sets of scratches were inflicted ? [The scratches on the under side are commonly from the opposite direction to those on the upper surface^ though parallel to them.'] 6. What is the nature of the rock composing the Boulder ? If it is of a species of rock differing from any rocks adjoining it, state locality where, from personal observa- tion, you know that a rock of the same nature as the Boulder occurs, the distance of that locality, and its bearings by compass from the Boulder. 7. If the Boulder is known by any popular name, or has any legend connected with it, mention it. 8. What is the height of the Boulder above the sea ? 9. Is the Boulder indicated on any map, or does it make any boundary of a County, Parish, or Estate ? 10. If there is any photograph or sketch of the Boulder, please to say how the Committee can obtain it ? 11. Is the Boulder connected with any long ridges of gravel or sand, or is it isolated ? 1 2. Upon what does the Boulder rest ? 28 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. (B} GROUPS OF BOULDERS. 1. What is the name of the Parish, Estate, and Farm on which they are situated, adding the nearest Town, and County, and any particular enabling their position to be marked on the Ordnance map ? 2. What are the dimensions of the smallest and largest Boulders of the group ? 3. Are the Boulders rounded, subangular, or angular ? 4. If any large Boulder of the group (which has not been moved by man) is long-shaped, what is the direction by compass of its longest axis ? 5. If there are any natural ruts, groovings, or striations on any Boulder, state (a] Their lengths, depth, and number. (b] The parts of the Boulder striated, viz., whether top or sides. (c] Whether the striations are in the direction of the longer axis, or at what angle to it ? (d] Whether there is any difference of direction between the scratches on the upper surface and those on the lower surface ? Give the compass bearing. (e] Whether there are any indications by which you can tell from which direction the several sets of scratches were inflicted ? [The scratches on the under side are commonly from the opposite direction to those on the upper surface^ though parallel to tkem.~] 6. State (a) Localities where rocks undoubtedly of the same nature as the Boulders occur. SBe careful to ascertain that none of the Boulders ave been brought from a distance by human agency ^\ (b) The distance of those localities and their bearings by compass from the Boulders. 7. What is the nature of the rocks composing the Boulders, and in what proportions do the Boulders of the various rocks represented in the ground occur ? 8. What is the height of the group above the sea ? 9. Over what area does the group extend, and what number of Boulders are there in the group or per acre ? Natural History. 29 With respect both to the isolated Boulders and groups of Boulders described, state whether they are exposed on the surface, or surrounded by any deposit. Describe the nature of any deposit containing Boulders, and state whether the imbedded Boulders are of the same character as those (if any) upon the surface. Please forward reports, accompanied by a specimen of the rock, to the Secretary, THE REV. W. TUCKWELL, Waltham Reftory^ Grimsby. THE CONTENTS OF BIRDS' CROPS. ON the iyth of March, Mr. F. A. Dorrington, of Nettle- ton Lodge, Caistor, sent me the contents of the crop of the Ring Dove Columba palumbas^ L. It was one of two birds shot a few days before in the wood round his place. The crop of the bird I did not receive was said to contain only the young spring leaves of the white clover Tnfolium repens, L. This was certainly the species of Tnfolium I found in the packet I received mixed up with a mass of cylindrical root-fibres, some of which were rarely of a fusiform shape. At the first glance I mistook these for the root-fibres of the Heath Thistle Cnicus pratensis^ Willd. j a not un- common species on sandy warreny ground like Nettleton, and common enough on Scotton Common and elsewhere. But after tasting the root-fibres of the Pilewort or Lesser Celandine Ranunculus Ficaria^ L., I came to the conclusion that the bird had been feeding on this plant, turned up on ground newly prepared for spring-corn sowing. The Cnicus is a rare plant in the neighbourhood, while the Ranunculus is common enough. This suggests the idea that very much might be learned concerning the varying food of our feathered population if sportsmen-naturalists would carefully examine the crops of all the birds they shoot. If any doubt arises, the contents should be put into a corked bottle and common lamp paraffin added. It is the cheapest and handiest preserving fluid I know, and has the great advantage that it does not take the colour 30 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries* , out of specimens even tender plant colours for weeks. I have by me some plants bottled in paraffin in June, 1892, as an experiment ; the colours of the Forget-me-not, common *" rimrose, and red garden variety, Veronica (7. Cham&drys^ L.), Daisy, and Dandelion, are still clearly distinguishable. When once bottled up and fully labelled, interesting finds can be sent on the most convenient opportunity to the nearest botanist, entomologist, &c., as the case may require. E. ADRIAN WOODRUFFE-PE ACOCK. Cadney Vicarage^ Brigg. @@ THE GOAT WILLOW. Salix Caprea^ L. The common hive-bee (Apis Mellifica, L.) in scores were very busy gathering honey from a goodly-sized male tree of this species in Poolthorn Cover, Howsham, on March 2ist, a very mild Spring-like day. On examination of a male catkin the other sex is not yet open the wedge-shaped nectary, which is to be found at the back of the two stamens, i.e., between the essential organs of the flower and the stalk of the catkin, could be clearly seen tipped with honey. Observation was attracted to the tree by the humming of the bees. Notes on bees or any insects frequenting the catkins of other species of willows will be thankfully received, if specimens of the leaves and flowers accompany them. THE EDITOR. THE LINCOLNSHIRE RYE-GRASS. Lolium perenne^ L. stoloniferum, G. Sinclair. " A specimen of the stolon- iferous rye-grass was communicated by Mr, Whitworth, from his extensive collection at Acre House. Of late years much has been done in discovering new and improved varieties of Lolium perenne. Mr. Whitworth has devoted much attention to this subject, and the talents, judgment, and success he has displayed in this important inquiry, deserve very great praise. His collection of the varieties of Lolium perenne, in 1823 amounted to the surprising number of sixty." G. Sinclair's Hort. Gram. Wobur. London, 1825. The Acre House in which Mr. Whitworth lived has disappeared from Normanby-le-Wold ; but the site of its garden,? where he carried on his experiments on the varieties of Rye Grass, is Natural History. 31 still known. I hope to visit it this season. Can anyone give me further fa&s about the late Mr. George Whitworth, and supply me with specimens of his variety of L. perenne^ L. ? THE EDITOR. THE 'BLUE STONE' BOULDER, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE. By W. HAMPTON, F.C.S., Hanky, AND H. WALLIS KEW, F.E.S., Louth* THE Louth 'Blue Stone' is a subangular boulder of a blue-black colour, about 32 inches in height and about 145 inches in girth, estimated to weigh from four to five tons, which has existed in Louth for centuries, and now rests in the yard of the c Blue Stone Printing Office ' in Mercer Row. This boulder is, doubtless, a natural monolith of glacial times ; its surface, however, does not exhibit definite striae. Unfortunately, its natural position is unknown, but considering its large size and great weight, the presumption is that it was originally found in the immediate neighbourhood of Louth. After preparing and examining a large number of micro- scopical sections, we consider the stone to be a typical Dolerite. It consists of crystals of Plagioclase felspar (Labradorite) ; Augite, very fresh and in large crystals ; Titaniferous Iron ; a greenish-looking decomposition product (which may or may not represent former Olivine) , and brownish stains, which are probably due to the oxidation of the iron. As the result of our examination did not exactly agree with the conclusions arrived at by one who had previously examined the stone, a section was submitted to Dr. Bonny, who says: 'The slide contains Plagioclase felspar, probably Labrodite ; Augite ; Iron Oxide (llmenite) ; and a greenish mineral of secondary origin, probably indicating the former presence of a ferro- magnesian-silicate. The replacing mineral is so indefinite in its character that I can hardly venture to give it a name. The structure of the rock is " Ophitic." It is merely a question whether we should call the rock a dolerite or a diabase. It is not a very typical diabase, but is a slightly altered dolerite. So * Reprinted from The Naturalist, 1887, pp. 225-226, by special permission. 32 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. practically your determination is accurate. In Scotland there are many dolerites in this condition, where one man would call them dolerites and others diabases.' Formerly standing at the corner of Mercer Row the principal street in Louth this boulder became a nuisance as a rendezvous for loafers and idlers, on which account it was removed, at a considerable expense, to the premises above- mentioned. These premises were in old time a large county inn, of which the c Blue Stone ' formed the material sign, and there is still in Louth a publichouse, known as the c Blue Stone Inn,' which has a rough representation of the boulder for its sign ; there is also a tradition to the effect that it was once in use as a Druidical altar stone on Julian Bower, a locality not far distant from its present position. Chapter xix of Bayley's 'Notitiae Ludae,' 1834, is devoted to the c Blue Stone,' from which the following extract may perhaps be amusing: c Conjecture is endless, and the positive opinions of men who have given some attention to the subject are very numerous and unsatisfactory. Some think a land flood, others an influx of the sea, others the Noachic flood [!] to have caused the presence of this stone here.' HOW THE LAND BETWEEN GAINS- BOROUGH AND LINCOLN WAS FORMED. By F. M. BURTON, F.L.S., F.G.S. * IN addressing you on a geological subject, as I am about to do, I do not forget that this is a Society of Naturalists ; and as Geology, to those who have not studied it, may perhaps have an uninviting aspect, I intend to avoid technical details as far as possible, endeavouring at the same time to show that, in point of interest, Geology comes quite up to that of any other branch of natural science, and perhaps, I may say, exceeds most of them. * An address, delivered at Grimsby, November 22nd, 1894, to the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union, by the second President (1894-5). Natural History. 33 Geologists divide the earth's strata, for convenience, into 3 great divisions Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary and as, in Lincolnshire, we have representatives of the entire Secondary series, from the strata above the Trias on the west to the chalk on the east, this fact alone must give to the Geology of the County a special interest and value. I am not, however, going to speak of so wide an area now, but intend to confine my address to the low flat land between Gainsborough and Lincoln a distance of some 15 miles alluding to the adjoining strata, only as they are necessary to explain the structure and present configuration of the district. Now, as we stand on the high ground above Gainsborough and look over the Trent, we are on the oldest strata in the County the Upper Keuper beds as they are called at the top of the Trias or new red sandstone, the highest beds in the great Primary Division ; and if we could be carried back to the time when these beds were laid down, we should see, instead of the present country, a vast lake, or inland sea, surrounded on all sides by land, which extended far out into the Atlantic on the west, and was connected with Europe on the south, and with Scandinavia, over what is now the North Sea or German Ocean, on the east. This region had, for a very long period, been in a quiet, tranquil state ; a great contrast to the stormy Permian age which preceded it, when the Alleghany mountains of America and the Pennine Chain of Derbyshire, the backbone of England, were thrown up. This vast inland sea was a fresh-water lake, which gradually became salt by the concentration of its waters, like the salt lakes of North America, and in which sandstones, grey and red marls, salt and gypsum were deposited. It is to this inland sea, barren as it was, that we owe the rock-salt and brine springs of Worcestershire, Cheshire, and Middlesborough : while, from its deposits of gypsum, or hydrated sulphate of lime, we get ornamental alabaster and plaster of Paris, from which Parian and other cements are made. In the railway cutting leading to Lincoln, bands of blue, red, and grey Keuper marls are seen, each resting on the other. They are the slow and quiet products of this great inland lake and have no traces of life left in them. Suddenly, however, a wonderful change takes place j for, resting on the uppermost Vol. 5, No. 35, Lines. N. & %. c Nat. Hist. Sea. 34 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Keuper deposit, and at the same angle with it, appears a broad black band of rock, utterly different from the bed on which it lies. The Keuper marls are, as I have said, devoid of fossil remains, but this new deposit abounds nay, literally swarms with them ; while, instead of marly deposits, the new strata consist of fissile slaty shales, full of iron pyrites >the token of exuberant life and narrow bands of sandstone glittering with mica : and, what adds to the wonder is, that, towards the base of this deposit, there lies a thin band of rock, not more than an inch in thickness, composed entirely of fish remains, bones, scales, teeth, and coprolites, pressed down into a hard solid mass ; while a similar bed, scarcely as thick, occurs a little higher up. And how can all this have come about ? To understand it we must know something of the world we live on. Originally a vast nebulous mass, which gradually condensed, it is now (as generally accepted) a thin crust, some 25 miles thick at the most, resting on a molten fluid substratum, under which (as some think), lies a solid rigid core. Now a thin crust over a fluid cannot be stable, and the surface therefore of our globe is for ever changing, rising here and sinking there ; rising in parts where denudation makes it thinner, and sinking in regions where, through volcanic action or the pouring on of the debris of large rivers and other similar causes, matter is being piled up and the strata thickened. And, in the region we are considering, action of this latter kind had taken place. The older strata had begun to sink, and, by degrees, the waters of a great ocean, coming up from the south over France, were let in upon them. The inland lake became an arm of the Liassic sea, and the Rhoetic beds were formed. It must not be supposed, however, that all this took place suddenly. It was the result of no convulsion of nature, no rending of the rocks and inrush of the sea, but it came about quietly and imperceptibly, occupying as much time, probably, as would be necessary for so great a change in our own days. First, as the land continued to sink, would come the want of drainage, then the morass, then the tidal wash, and, last of all, the full open sea. It was the work of ages. The Rhoetic beds, which owe their name to the Alps of Lombardy (the ancient Rhoetia), the Grisons, and the Tyrol, where they attain a considerable thickness, had not been Natural History. 35 found further to the north in England, in 1866, than at Coptheath near Birmingham, and at Abbots Bromley in Staffordshire ; when, in that year, as the gradients of the line between Gainsborough and Lincoln were lowered, I had the satisfaction of meeting with them. Since that time they have been discovered, in a nearly continuous line, across England from north to south, wherever the jun&ion of the Trias and Lias is exposed. Some geologists place these beds at the top of the Trias, others at the base of the Lias, or Jurassic, system. This, however, is a matter of small importance. They are the passage beds from one great system to another, from the deposits of the upper Keuper lake to those of the great Liassic sea ; beds which go far to unlock the hidden story of the land we are considering. About the origin of the bone beds referred to, much speculation has taken place. Mr. Jukes Browne, in his work on "the building of the British Isles," to which I am indebted for several of the facl:s stated in my paper, speaks of the irruption of the sea water being prejudicial to the inhabitants of the Triassic lake, "so that most of them died, and their bones, scales and teeth were drifted into layers on the sea floor;" but this, I think, could hardly have been the case, as, apparently, the concentrated saltness of the lake had, to a great extent, prevented the possibility of life no trace of it, except in a few localities, being met with throughout the system ; and this view Mr. Jukes Brown himself bears out, when, in another part of his work, speaking of the Triassic lake, he says, " the sheet of water being apparently as salt, as clear, and heavy, and as nearly lifeless as the modern waters of the Dead Sea, or of the great salt lake of Utah." May not these beds be rather due to the fishes, which the Liassic sea brought in, being killed by the salinity of the waters of the inland lake ? or, perhaps, after life had developed through the change of water, the land temporarily rose again, or became stationary for a time, and, the salinity returning, the fishes, no longer able to sustain life, perished, and their remains sank, in a layer, on the sea floor. There is another facl: of interest connected with the Rhoetics which must not be omitted before we leave them, and that is, that the earliest known British mammal the Microlestes a small insect-eating animal is found within its strata. The Rhoetic beds contain also remains of the huge 36 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Saurians which are so characteristic of the Lias and higher formations ; and we are indebted to Mr. Montagu Browne, of the Leicester Museum, for an account of several new species, which he recorded at the recent meeting of the British Association at Oxford, as well as on two former occasions. Remains of Saurian life occur also in the Rhoetic strata at Lea, near Gainsborough. AND now we pass on to the Lias, the lower beds of the Jurassic system, in which the ironstone bands of Frodingham and Appleby are found, and change to a deep sea ; the remains of which, beginning a little way to the east of Gainsborough, extend right across to Lincoln, and form the material of the Cliff there to within 20 feet of its summit. This sea is one of great interest j it covered a great part of England, with a portion of Ireland, and ran up far north into Scotland, having rivers to feed it from the adjoining lands around ; while to the south it extended down towards the tropics. Its depth was considerable, and, as its strata show, its waters teemed with life. Fish, reptiles, molluscs of many kinds, echinoderms, insects, wood and corals are met with in its layers. The insects, which, according to Westwood, belong to no less than 24 families, and comprise both wood- eating and herb-devouring beetles, grass-hoppers, dragon-flies, and may-flies, together with the wood, were doubtless brought down by the rivers which flowed into the sea ; while the corals owe their presence to the extension of its waters southward, enabling the products of warmer climes to push up towards the north. Amongst the mollusca the Ammonites hold the first place. Chambered shells of great beauty, which have their counterpart in the Nautilus of the present day ; they vary very much in shape, and are so distinct that they have been used to designate zones of life in describing the Liassic strata, each zone having its distinct Ammonite as a characteristic feature ; and although this cannot altogether be relied on, some Ammonites being found in more zones than one, and not always in the zones to which they give their name, yet the fact of different species being found in succession one above the other, as the higher beds appear, bears strong testimony to the vast period of time that must have elapsed during the formation of these strata. We have only to call to mind how slowly forms of molluscan life, (and we may say the same of life generally), die out now, and are replaced by others, to appreciate this. Natural History. 37 Taking an illustration near our own time, we find that, out of the shells in the Norwich Crag at the top of the Pliocene period in the Tertiary age, 85 per cent, exist at the present day ; and yet, between that period and our own lies the whole of the Pleistocene and Glacial age, during which the Mammoth, the cave Bear and the Hyaena, the woolly Rhinoceros, the great Irish Elk and other animals appeared on the scene and passed away, hunted to death for the most part by man. It is, however, in the Saurians that the great interest of this period centres. Huge fish-like lizards from 20 to 30 feet long Icthyosaurs with eyes 14 inches in diameter, and Plesiosaurs with long swan-like necks infested the shallower gulfs and bays, some swimming out in the open water and feeding on the fishes and Ammonites, others hiding themselves amongst the tangle and in the crevices of the rocks, and darting out at their passing prey, " Dragons of the prime That tare each other in their slime," while Pterodactyls large, flying, bat-like lizards, which are principally found in the higher Jurassic strata pursued their victims in the air, and clung to the cliffs and rocks on shore. A strange weird life indeed was that which once filled the plain between Gainsborough and Lincoln, and, with other deposits of the same period elsewhere, it has well been called " the great dragon land." This wonderful development of Saurian life began in the Triassic age, attained its greatest energy in the Lias, and finally died out, as a dominating power, in the Chalk. The greater portion of it then passed, by the process of evolution, into birds ; nearly every successive link in the chain having been now discovered, as Professor Huxley remarked at the late meeting of the British Association at Oxford. And here, after ascending the Lincoln Cliff and passing over the higher beds of the Lias on our way so well described by Mr. W. D. Carr, whose removal from Lincoln we all deplore as a real loss to our Society we reach the Oolite capping at the top, and stand on ground made famous by many a stirring event in history. Here Caesar's Roman legions came and colonized. Here Norman William reared his fortress against the vain force of Hereward, who lies with his true forsaken wife somewhere in Crowland's precincls amid the fens he kept so well. We from the same site look down, 38 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. immeasurably further back, over " the great dragon land," and picture again in thought the teeming life of the old Liassic sea. AND now, having completed the building of the land between Gainsborough and Lincoln, I will, as briefly as possible, try to show how it attained its present shape. To understand this we must first glance a little further to the east, where, after passing over the limestones and clays of the higher Jurassic seas, we reach the chalk wolds. In these cretaceous strata we have the remains of beds which must have been laid down in great ocean depths, for there only are similar deposits being formed in our own day. The Atlantic ooze, the modern equivalent of the chalk, is not deposited at a less depth than about 1,000 feet, and usually much deeper; and as this ooze is laid down, according to the Challenger calculations, at the rate of a foot in a century at the most, the chalk, which is now some 1,300 feet thick, and had at one time another 1,000 feet at the top of it, which has since been swept away, the time occupied in the formation of these chalk beds must have been enormous. At the above rate of a foot of sediment in a century, the lost 1,000 feet alone would have taken 100,000 years to form. Now, that the neighbourhood of such an ocean as this, which reached from Ireland over Europe to the Crimea, should have greatly affected the area we are considering, is not to be wondered at. For a long period, during the existence of the Oolite and higher Jurassic seas when the land to the east of Lincoln, between it and the chalk wolds, was being formed the Triassic, Rhoetic, and Lias beds on the west had become dry land ; but as the chalk sea grew, the weight of its deposits caused the land all round to sink, and as this sea at last covered nearly the whole of England and Wales, the district between Gainsborough and Lincoln, with all the western land, was buried far beneath its waves. Now the action of a sea is always that of a leveller, and as, in course of ages, the cretaceous ocean itself passed away, the land beneath it, as it rose again to the surface, presented a smooth plane of erosion, gradually sloping up to the higher lands around, which had, during this epoch, remained dry ground. At this time a period when the Pyrenees were thrown up England, Scotland, and Ireland were probably, as Mr. Jukes Browne tells us, bound together in one mass. Land lay far Natural History. 39 out into the Atlantic on the west, and land connected Scotland with Greenland through the Faroes and Iceland on the north, and with Scandinavia on the east. How far, and to what extent, the area between Gainsborough and Lincoln was denuded during this great erosion, we shall never know ; but as it rose higher and higher above the waves the carving tools of nature were brought into play, and rain, frost, and other forces of the atmosphere began their ceaseless work. Now rain may seem but a weak agent for forming hills and scooping out valleys, but, with the help of frost and the corroding forces of the atmosphere, without doubt it effects the task. Both hill and valley have one common origin ; they are the remains of surfaces once planed and levelled by the sea, (I am not here speaking of volcanic force), which, when raised above the waves, were carved and cut into shape by the rain ; the harder parts, the most capable of resisting erosion, forming the hills, and the softer portions, the most easily denuded, forming the valleys. Rising as vapour, mist, and cloud, and falling again on the earth, rain is the source of all our lakes, springs, and rivers ; and, through rivers, the source of continents also, by the deposition of sediment on the floors of oceans and seas, and by the silting up of shallow bays and estuaries. Its work never ceases, and, aided by frost and the chemical components of the air, it penetrates and dissolves the hardest rocks, and nothing is free from its action. Rivers can cut only narrow channels, and it is left to rain to widen them into valleys. No drop of rain runs an inch on the surface without setting some soil in motion towards a lower level. The amount of erosion depends, of course, greatly on the soil on which the rain falls. On clays, like those of the Lias, it works far greater havoc than on sandy or gravelly soils ; though, without due thought, the reverse might appear to be the case. Mr. W. Whitaker of the Geological survey, in discussing the age of man at the recent British Association Meeting, well observed this when he said, "When rain falls on gravel and sand, which are open and porous, they say ' Oh ! come in, there's plenty of room,' and in it goes and comes out again as a clear spring of water at the base ; whereas, when it falls on clays and stiff soils, they say c We don't want you and w e won't have you,' and the rain, in response, washes hundreds 40 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. of tons away from the surface," showing that resistance is not always the best policy. A good illustration of this may be seen in the district I am speaking of, for Hardwick Hill, which stands out as a landmark at the far end of Scotton Common, is mainly composed of gravel and sand, while the unyielding clays of the Lias are worn away to their present depth below the Lincoln Cliff. For actions such as I have described unlimited time is, I need not say, required j but, that given, from the planed down surface of land emerging from the sea, we get the earth in its present form, with its infinite variety of mountain and valley, hill and dale. Of course there are volcanic and other forces that aid in the construction of the earth's surface, but they lack the universality and ceaseless operation of rain, and there is no time to speak of them now. It is to the eroding action of rain that we owe, in the main, the present features of " the great dragon land." ONE more phase in the life history of the area we are considering I have still to record. After the chalk sea had disappeared, and the Tertiary age which may be called the latter days of geology had set in, the land underwent, for a great length of time, varying periods of elevation, subsidence, and rest, during which the North Sea appeared, and the principal physical features of our islands were developed ; but in the later Pleistocene epoch a period approaching our own days in a geological sense a great change took place. The Glacial conditions, which now prevail in the arctic regions, gradually invaded our land. The whole country sank to a considerable depth below its present level, and a great portion of Lincolnshire was covered with floating ice, which scored the rocks, and poured on its surface volumes of mud arid clay, mixed with stones and boulders, which now pave the streets and market places of Gainsborough and Lincoln. And when, at last, all this had passed away, and the land had risen again to the surface, a period of subsidence once more set in. The North Sea, which had come into existence prior to the invasion of the ice, but had, during this period, been filled up with its debris, again resumed its sway. Our land, in course of time, became separated from the Continent, and Great Britain, as it now is, appeared. I should like to have spoken of a great river system, which cut through the Oolite and Lias on the south and west, and Natural History. 41 poured its waters into the Wash, a system, the only remains of which are seen in the Lincoln Gap, through which the Trent once flowed, and where the Witham still finds its way, but time will not permit of it. I have drawn attention to the vast period of time that must have been consumed during the events I have attempted to describe; and this is a point that I cannot too strongly impress on your memory. I have dwelt on the structure and configuration of the land, as it appeared during the several ages my paper deals with ; for this is the goal that all geological investigation should aim at. The special study of strata, and their embedded relics, valuable as it is, is nothing, if, out of it, we do not try to build up the framework of the world, as it appeared at the time these strata were deposited. I do not mean in any sense to under- estimate the value of such special studies. Those who labour at them are the patient seekers after fa&s, without whose labours it would be impossible to read the story the rocks are meant to teach. And here I must bring my paper to a close. Elevations and subsidences are still going on, though we cannot see them. Attrition and denudation of the strata are still proceeding, though, in our short existence, we cannot trace them. Rains, frost, and rivers are still at work. The " dragon land " is slowly altering year by year ; and the carving and modelling of the surface will last, as long as raindrops fall, and a vestige of land remains above the waves. LINCOLNSHIRE NATURALISTS AT LOUTH. By R. W. GOULDING, Mercer Row, Louth. [Reprinted from the Louth Advertiser, 1894.] THE Louth Antiquarian and Naturalists' Society joined the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union at their fifth meeting on Monday last. Arrangements had been made for a fungus foray in Muckton, Burwell, and Haugham Woods, permission to visit which had been courteously granted by Porter Wilson, Esq., and Wm. Hornsby, Esq., notwithstanding the facl: that the day chosen for the excursion was the ist of October, when pheasant shooting begins. 42 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. It was hoped that some of the visitors would form a party for the investigation of the geology of Donington and district, and this section was represented by Mr. F. M. Burton, F.L.S., F.G.S., President of the Union, Mr. Jos. Mawer, Mr. O. Burdett and Miss Burdett, who, under the leadership of Mr. S. Cresswell, proceeded to Donington, thence in a westerly direction towards South Willingham and back by Benniworth Haven to the east end of Benniworth Tunnel, examining the railway cuttings on the way. At Stenigot they diverged and made for Goulceby Top, and then crossing the Heath Road reached the east end of Withcall Tunnel, afterwards turning towards Louth, and passing Raithby Brackens and Hubbard's Valley. The party observed the marine equivalents of the Weald and southern beds, and found good sections of the red chalk, (a member of the Gault), the carstone, the pink chalk, (near Louth), and other strata. The fungus section was strongly represented, among the party being some of the most eminent mycologists in the country, the principal being Mr. George Massee, of the Royal Herbarium, Kew, author of the British Fungus-Flora^ and Mr. Carleton Rea, M.A., B.C.L., Worcester. Other able men were Mr. H. T. Soppitt and Mr. Charles Crossland of Halifax. The local members metaphorically sat at the feet of these Gamaliels, whose excellent services they highly appreciated. Others who joined the section were Mr. J. W. Sutcliffe of Halifax, Mr. Sneath and Mr. Fieldsend of Lincoln, Mr. B. Brow, Mr. T. Gelsthorp, Mr. G. Vere, Mr. V. T, Crow, and Mr. R. W. Goulding of Louth, and Mr. Walter F. Baker, F.E.S., the indefatigable secretary of the Union. Some of the excursionists reached Louth on Saturday and worked Hubbard's Valley, Welton Vale, and the neighbourhood of Elkington before the official proceedings commenced. They found the lawn in front of Elkington Hall a very produ (Stive spot, their best record being the very rare Psilocybe ptlulteforme. Other species of interest were Hygropkorus foeten s H. glutinifer, Truholoma saponaceum (which emits a soapy odour) and T. personatum^ an edible species, well known by its popular name "Blewitts." On the leaves of some poppies they noticed a disease, Peronospora^ which is allied to the potato disease. On Monday morning the party left Louth station at 10.12, booking for Authorpe, whence they proceeded through Muckton, Burwell and Haugham Woods, returning by drag from Cawthorpe Lane. Early in the day a specimen of grass Natural History. 43 affected by the blight Ergot was found. This ergot results from the growth of a fungus (Cla^lceps purpurea\ known for its medicinal and other properties. It converts the ovary of the grain (particularly rye) into an elongated cylindrical excrescence resembling a horn or spur, which is first red, then lead-coloured and finally black with a white interior. A writer on fungi states that where rye is extensively cultivated, grains diseased in this way often compose a considerable part of the bread produced, and thus not infrequently give rise to ergotism, one of the most distressing diseases to which the human frame is liable, and "on the Continent," says Johnston, "rye gangrene of the limbs, induced by eating bread made from the ergotised grain, has proved fatal." It is highly important that farmers should carefully pick out any ergoted grains he may per- ceive, for, if neglected, they may result in very serious mischief. The records of the day were numerous, about 120 species in all, many of them being known by polysyllabic Latin names, which to the uninitiated did not appear to fulfil the conditions of Mr. Weller's definition of " a wery good name and a easy one to spell." Very few species have English names. We were, however, introduced to the " Liberty Cap," though we were told that in all probability we should not survive to tell the tale if we were rash enough to eat the little conical Agaricus which popularly goes by that name. We were of opinion, moreover, that we could more easily remember " Candle-snufT fungus " than Xylaria hypoxylon^ which we were informed is the proper designation of the little fungus which closely resembles the burnt wick of a candle. " Come eat us " sounds an excellently appropriate name for a delicious fungus whose acquaintance we rejoiced to make, and we congratulate the people of Huddersfield who have substituted this name for Coprinus comatus. One other English name we heard, and that was the "Vegetable Beefsteak," a term which exactly describes the appearance of Fistulina hepatlca. This fine fungus grows in England only on oak trees. Canon du Port (of Denver), who joined the party at tea, said that it was very good eating, and he gave some directions for cooking it properly. Of edible species some 30 were found, some of them being of great interest. For instance, Coprinus atramentarius^ described by the experts as a delicacy, and as the mushroom par excellence for ketchup making, is of a dark, inky colour, and a durable ink was formerly made from it. Hygrophorus psittacinus is noted for its beautiful green and yellow hue. 44 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. ClcTvaria fusiformis and C.fragilis bear a cluster of yellow fruit shaped like long clubs, and the snowy Hygrophorus nfpeus is as delicate as it is said to be dainty. Turning to inedible fungi, the best find was considered to be 'Psilocybe pllulteforme (which had also been obtained at Elkington). Another good record was the local Chlorosplenlum teruginosum. This small fungus is a rich green in point of colour, and its mycelium (or spawn), which is of the same hue, gives a green stain to wood, and wood so stained was formerly used for Tunbridge ware. The large yellow Phollota speclabilis was conspicuous. CRtpcybe fragrans has a pleasant spicy odour, and Russula nigricam turns black when mature. Xylaria polymorpha is dead black in colour and is surprisingly heavy. The genus LaRarlus (which emits when squeezed a milky- looking fluid) was represented by various species, many of them being extremely plentiful, e.g., L. quietus (the liquid of which has an oily smell), L. vellenus (which assumes a cup- shape when mature), L. pyrogalus (the milk of which is very acrid), and L. pubescens. One of the most abundant kinds was nArmillaria mellea^ so called because it is honey-coloured. On the whole the district is fairly good and appears to be particularly productive of microscopic forms. The botanists in search of flowering plants had but a small record. The early part of October is not a favourable time for collectors of phanerogams, and hence very few specimens were discovered. We may, however, mention the hedge Stone-wort (Sison amomum\ the Dwarf-spurge {Euphorbia exlgua\ the Musk Mallow (Malva moschata)^ the Hoary Ragwort (Senecio erucifolia\ and the Skull-cap (Scutellaria galericulata\ which was in abundance in Haugham Wood. A meat tea was provided at the "King's Head" at 5.15, and the party then received several additions, among them being Mr. C. M. Nesbitt (President of the Louth Society), Mr. Joseph Larder and Mr. J. B, Robinson. After tea sectional and business meetings were held. The accounts were passed ; the thanks of the Union were voted to Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hornsby ; Mr. Fieldsend was elected assistant secretary in the place of Mr. Coe ; it was decided that the annual meeting of the Union should be held at Grimsby on the 22nd of November ; a sum of ^3 35. was voted to the Rev. E. Adrian Woodruffe-Peacock in aid of the purchase of cases for the plants which he has collected for the county herbarium j and it was announced by the President that it was Natural History. 45 probable that rooms in the Old Prison in the Castle Grounds at Lincoln would be set apart for a county museum. It was also resolved that the transactions of the Union should be published. After the meeting the fungi were named and were exhibited at the Committee Room of the Mechanics' Institution, and at 9.15 Mr. Massee delivered a lecture, taking Fungi as his subject, and drawing particular attention to many of the specimens on the table. He treated his theme from the evolutionary standpoint, indicating broadly the relative devel- opment of different types. His first illustration was the flat stereum which lies along the soil or rotten log, and is simply a fruit mass. He pointed out that what is popularly understood to be the fungus is in reality its fruit, which fruit bears a similar relation to the mycelium that an apple bears to the tree on which it grows. Mycelium is the technical word for the spawn or vegetative and productive part of the fungus which creeps underground or under bark and creates the material of which the fruit is the visible sign. He then described nftzri<7, Craterellus and other well-defined and more highly specialised forms. Referring to edible species, he said he did not believe in any of the old rule of thumb methods of discrimination. Edible fungi had distinct characteristics and these characteristics had to be learned. He suggested that anyone who was desirous of pursuing the study should obtain Dr. M. C. Cooke's excellent book on Edible Fungi. He proceeded to state that there were two groups of poisonous forms, the alkaloids and toxalbumins. When the albumen is coagulated, then these latter forms are innoxious and may be eaten with safety. Many of the so-called poisoning cases were in his opinion not due to the actual poison of the fungus, but might very probably be attributed to the fact that the fungus had been eaten to excess. In some cases it was dangerous to drink spirituous liquors after a meal of fungi, for it happens that some of the poisons are not soluble in water, whereas they are in spirit. Thus one man may eat certain kinds of fungi and not take the slightest harm, whereas another man may eat out of the same dish and then may have a couple of glasses of whisky, the result being that the poison would be liberated by the action of the spirit and would perhaps prove fatal. Cases of this sort are well known. Mr. Massee was cordially thanked for his lecture on the motion of Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr. B. Crow. In acknowledging the vote, the lecturer said he hoped that one of 46 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. the results of his talk would be that those present would at least refrain from injuring toadstools when they saw them. He ventured to make that suggestion because he knew that many Englishmen appeared to consider it their duty to go out of their way to kick over toadstools, and felt an inward satisfaction when they had done so. On Tuesday, Canon Du Port, Mr. Massee, Mr. Rea, Mr. Jos. Larder, Mr. J. B. Robinson and Mr. T. H. Burditt explored Acthorpe and adjoining woods and were well satisfied with their discoveries. The first wood examined was the larch plantation at Fotherby, and this proved the best of those visited, the fungus flora being totally distinct from that seen on Monday. The specimens, however, were of too critical a character to enable a decision to be given on the spot. Among those found were Spathularia flcfyida, Hygrophorus psittacinus^ Stropharla teruginosa, which has a very pretty bluish colour, Laftarius blennius and Tricholoma rutllans. Among ferns were noticed Nephrodium dilatatum and N. Fillx-mas^ specimens of the latter being very generally sterile. A LINCOLNSHIRE COLEOPTERA RECORD WANTED. By REV. A. THORNLEY, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S., South Leverton, Lincoln. MY objecl: in this short paper is to induce Lincolnshire people to assist us in making complete the Natural History record for the county. 1 believe a great many would help if they only knew how. They think that a great deal of time and a great deal of knowledge is necessary before they can do anything useful towards this objecl:. This is indeed not so. All that we would ask for is the collection of material. There are many friends, specialists in particular departments, always ready to work it out. In this paper I plead especially on behalf of the Coleoptera or Beetles, not that I consider these as surpassing in interest any of the other productions of nature, but I hope by means of them to illustrate how much interesting and useful work may be done. It will be necessary to point out at once that for our purpose Natural History. 47 the record is more important than the specimen, as the object of this inquiry is not to accumulate a handsome collection of inse6ts so much as to study the distribution, variation and life habits of each species. Beginning with locality we work to the county, from this to the country and so on until the gathered results give us full information as to the distribution and variation of the species in the world. I will venture to say that no more absorbing problems come within the view of the naturalist than those connected with the range and variation of species. When many records are possible it is not an uncommon thing to discover that species usually considered common are much more local than was expected, and that so-called rarieties are much more generally distributed than was known. Then again the study of habit and life history is a great deal more profitable than the mere amassing of specimens for show. So much then for the general objects which the true naturalist will keep in view. I might spend a much longer time dwelling on the pure delight of such an investigation, its interest and exhilaration the best tonic and stimulant to health and spirits possible. Think of the profusion of living things around us. The other afternoon one dip of the water net brought up an amazing number of bugs, amongst which were no less than five species of Corixa ; and out of this same little village pond, a very ordinary one, I have taken fifteen species of water-beetle. As I am not writing for experts, a few words as to ways and means may be useful to some. Natural ingenuity will suggest a great many more than are mentioned here. Let our friends then provide them- selves with a small bottle the rounder the better well corked. Through the cork insert a large quill, with a little plug to close the outside end of it. Through the quill he drops in tiny insects from the palm of the hand. He should put inside a little blotting paper or crushed laurel leaf. An old umbrella, a good strong water net, a large white canvas sweeping net and a few small strong glass tubes to go in his waistcoat pocket these will rig out our friend with almost all he wants. His operations may be briefly summed up under six heads all quite obvious : (i) turn over all decent sized stones ; (ii) beat into umbrella trees and shrubs ; (iii) sweep herbage with the bag net ; (iv) fish streams and ponds (particularly close to the banks) with the water net j (v) shake out moss and litter of every kind over paper ; (vi) cut up old bark and rotten tree stumps with an old knife. A few words as to killing insects 48 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. may be useful. Laurel leaf will kill many, but a nice cyanide bottle may be made by filling a large-mouthed bottle for a quarter of its depth with plaister of Paris, moist, and before it sets insert a few pieces of cyanide. When it is hard and dry, a piece of blotting paper may be cut to the required shape and put on the top of the plaister. Keep well corked and you will have no more useful instrument in your collection. Beetles and all hard insects may be well killed by putting them for a few seconds into absolutely boiling water, which kills instantaneously. But above all do not forget to make a proper record of date and place of capture this is imperative ; any other data you like to add, e.g., meteorological conditions, food plant, peculiar habits, will be very valuable. It only remains to say that Lincolnshire with its varied conditions of soil and level, with its sea board and varied climate, should be a very good county indeed for entomology. The few localities in which I have worked have invariably yielded good results. I need hardly say that I shall be glad at any time to name and report upon beetles, and possibly other inseds ; and I am quite sure that I can add that any of the various sectional secretaries of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union will be glad to do the same. The insects can be sent in quills or glass tubes in small boxes easily through post, the return postage being sent with them if they are to be returned. A report upon them will then be sent to the sender at the first opportunity. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF A COUNTRY PARISH ; With some notes relative to the effefts of game preserving on its Natural History. By MRS. C. E. JARVIS. PART I. THE parish of Hatton contains 1831 acres, of which about 270 are woods. It belongs entirely to one owner, who rears from 1000 to 2000 pheasants annually. In the adjoining parishes game is also preserved, so that the effect on animal life is about equal for some miles round. The soil is mostly stiff* clay but part is sand. Natural History. 49 And first as to the inhabitants 157 in number according to the last census. The houses number 36, of which five may be described as farm houses. The largest farm contains between 300 and 400 acres, the others less than 200 each. There are two other small holdings and the blacksmith and carpenter each farm a few acres. A wheelwright and a shoe- maker represent other trades. There is a small general shop and a brickyard, and everyone has a garden ; there is also one public house. The Lincolnshire custom of hiring garthmen, shepherds, waggoners and labourers by the year, "confined men " as they are called, causes a constant change among them, so that though the farms seldom change hands, only half the inhabitants can be considered as constant residents. The good old Lincolnshire dialect, with many words of Danish origin, is still spoken, and though it may become extinct: in course of time through the compulsory Education Act, it will not be so soon as some people think. As long as children can contrive to pass the 4th Standard and go to work at 12 years old they soon forget most of what they learn at school and revert to the expressive language of their parents. A farmer who was asked his opinion of technical education said, the most useful thing a boy could learn was to hold a gate open for a flock of sheep to go through whilst they were being counted. The following are some of the words still in use : Bottle, a bundle of hay or straw ; fell, ferocious ; fierce, lively ; flea, fly ; gam, near " Gain of a road " j odd, solitary " An odd house " j low, short " A low woman " ; thacf^ thatch ; fyear, this year ; wankle, weakly. There is no actual village, most of the houses being scattered in pairs about the farms, but that part of the parish nearest the church is called the "Town": there is the "Town-end close " ; and, till lately, the " Town-end gate " lead into some unenclosed fields, now fenced off. Twenty-five years ago, the Rectory and most, if not all, of the cottages were of " stud and mud," with a large open chimney. One only remains as it was, the rest have been replaced by commodious but ugly brick and slated tenements, or altogether altered and roofed with tiles. The old Re6tory was demolished in 1870, and the architect judged by the chamfered oak beams that it was 500 years old. Until 1874 the nearest station was seven miles distant, and many people had never been in a train, much less seen the sea ; a visit to the market town on foot or by carrier Vol. 5, No. 36, Lines. N. &f #. Nat. Hist. &ff. 50 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries* was all the outing they aspired to : now there is a -station at half the distance, and they travel more, occasionally going by an excursion train to the seaside. Bank Holidays pass almost unnoticed, but May I4th, or Pag-rag day, is a great event, when the single firm servants, male and female, leave their places, or at least take a week's holiday, and spend the time in visiting their friends and going round to the different markets. The married men decide whether they will remain with their masters at Candlemas ; they have the privilege of attending what is called the labourers' market soon after that date, when they hire them- selves again and leave their old places April 6th. The life of an agricultural labourer has the advantage of being healthy ; they are seldom ill and often live to a great age ; their work, if on a day farm, is heavy, but it is slow they need not hurry except in harvest time ; their food consists of bacon, bread, potatoes and other vegetables, butcher's meat once a week if they can afford it, with tea and sometimes beer ; milk is not always obtainable, and they use butter sparingly. The lads who board with the foreman have plenty of bread and milk and bacon every day, tea or coffee on Sundays. On the other hand their hours are long : in summer from three or four o'clock till nearly dark, and the married men have no holiday except at their own expense ; no wonder all the sharpest boys want to be clerks or go on the railway, where they have some time to themselves, at least on Sundays. If farmers would give each man a week's holiday, and a day off occasionally to work in his garden or go to a neighbouring fair or flower show, he would be much more content. Some arrangement should also be made to give the garthmen and shepherds assistance on Sunday ; they like to have the chance of putting on their best clothes, which they seldom do except to attend a funeral. The Reading-room at Hatton is self-supporting, and, for so small and scattered a parish, much appreciated in winter, besides being useful for meetings, teas, etc., at other times. The married labourers do not patronize it, because they naturally prefer their own firesides when once they get home ; but it is a pity the lads are not encouraged to make more use of it, instead of spending their evenings in stables and out- houses. ANIMALS. About 20 years ago the old keeper was pensioned, and his nephew, an intelligent young man, took his place. Till then Natural History. 51 scarcely any game was reared and foxes were plentiful. Several foxhound puppies were " walked " by the farmers, whose wives complained, not only of the quantity of bread and milk they consumed but of the devastations caused by the foxes amongst their poultry even in broad daylight, whilst those people living near the coverts could hear them barking at night and see the cubs playing about in the early morning. In winter, the hounds in full cry afforded frequent excitement for the labourers and school children. All this is changed : the foxhound puppies have long since vanished, as have the foxes, with the exception of a few outsiders attracted by the game ; they are not encouraged to stay and breed. The present keeper has given me some interesting informa- tion about some of the quadrupeds and birds, which I will transcribe in his own words. He says : u I have never seen or heard of a badger at Hatton. I trapped a marten in Hatton Wood about 15 years ago ; I have never heard of another one at Hatton since that time. We had a polecat here some four or five years ago ; it was caught in the rabbit traps at Panton shortly after we had seen it. I know of four kinds of mice the two kinds that live in the fields, the indoor mouse, and the dormouse. One of the field mice is reddish, with a long tail and a dark bright eye (Mus syivatica). The other one is a dark mouse, what we call the grass mouse ; you may see plenty of them in the summer in the hay field ; I do not remember seeing one of them at any other time of the year j they have a short face and rather large head, with a short tail ; colour very much the same as the house mouse ; it is much bigger and heavier looking than any of the others (^rvlcola pratansis}. The dormouse I have seen twice ; once in Chamber's Wood when shooting, two of them were picked up together in a sleeping condition ; if I remember right they were found in a nest of dead leaves ; the other I saw in Hatton Wood. We have had a lot of stoats this summer (1891)." In February, 1890, I saw a white stoat with a black tail run from under some large trees across a field to a sunk fence in the middle of the day. There was always a pair of bats about the ivy-covered Rectory, probably Vesperugo pipistullus ; they were to be seen at dark from March to November, and occasionally in winter in very mild weather. The hedgehog is not yet quite extinct, though the keepers trap and otherwise slay a few every year. I once had the 52 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. pleasure of letting one out of a trap ; it was caught by the hind leg, and ran off not much the worse. The hedgehog's little grunt as it runs along a dry ditch in an evening is one of the pleasantest summer sounds. The shrew is common, and dead ones are frequently seen, perhaps, as suggested by Mr. J. E. Taylor in Underground^ carried off by an epidemic caused by want of food. The mole is plentiful in the lighter land, it does not work so much in clay ; formerly a mole-catcher (as well as a rat-catcher) was appointed every year by the Vestry, but both offices are now abolished. The squirrel is another victim to game preserving ; it is shot at whenever seen, its chief crime being that it nibbles off the lead of the spruces. An odd one or two found an asylum about the Rectory grounds, where stood the only beech tree of any size in the parish, which no doubt attracted the squirrels in the autumn. I once, to my surprise, watched a squirrel eating a fungus, which it held in its paw and nibbled as if it were a biscuit. The fact was new to me, but on making enquiry in the Naturalist and elsewhere, I found it was not unknown. Rats are among the animals which profit by the preservation of game. An M.F.H. once told me a fox enjoys nothing more than a fine fat rat, which shows that Reynard is of some use besides affording sport. The extermination of hawks, owls, magpies, and jays is also accountable for the great increase in the number of rats. In autumn and winter when the becks and ditches are full of water, they betake themselves to farmyards and stick heaps, and though the farmers may kill hundreds when threshing, it does not seem to diminish their numbers. The water vole is a harmless animal and allowed to live in peace by the side of the beck. I have watched a pair of them from a bridge, sitting on the water plants and nibbling away at their evening meal, either unaware or oblivious of my presence. We now come to those highly-favoured races, hares and rabbits, which next to pheasants and partridges are most thought of. Their numbers vary according as the season is wet or dry. As many as sixty hares are sometimes shot in a day, and very fine ones they are, weighing 10 or 12 pounds. Twenty hares have been counted in one large field of white clover in winter ; but though farmers complain of having to feed so many, they do not cause so much havoc as rabbits, Natural History. 53 because they are spread more evenly over the country, whilst rabbits keep to one side of a wood or hedge, and eat the corn crops till they look as if they had been mown for a certain distance, besides which they waste so much, never picking up again what they have once let fall. According to the keepers, rabbits are quite scarce at Hatton, and it is true they do not multiply so quickly on clay as on sandy land, but they are carefully preserved as food for any stray fox, and to be mixed with pheasant food when boiled. Now and then a day is given to rabbit shooting, when between 300 and 400 are shot, so they can hardly be considered scarce. A few black ones exist and are generally spared. List of mammals : Bat (Pesperugo plpistrellus\ hedgehog, (Erinaceus Europ&us\ shrew (Tor ex tetragonarus\ mole (Talpa Europ. Brownlow^ in ejectment of a marsh the Plaintiff" claimed as parcel of the manor of Cressy Hall, the Defendant as parcel of the Manor of Newburgh in Surfleet ; but it appeared to be a marsh in common to two vills, between them and their tenants by prescription for sheep, being salt. The Plaintiff" also claimed as derelict ; but> being overflowed by the sea at springtides^ he was non-suited." Although in the reign of Charles the 2nd the locus in quo was, as appears above, overflowed by the sea, it is now about 12 miles from the sea. Natural History. 105 A little farther north is " Bicker Haven," which is now not only dry land, but is many miles from the sea. If we take the evidence afforded by the names of places, and by the changes of modern times, we have sufficient to show that much less than 2000 years ago the "bar " in question was not in existence, and that at that time the Wash extended from the North Sea to Ely and Cambridge on the south, and on the west over the low-lying country now called the Fens, up to the valley of the Witham, and so up to Lincoln. This conclusion is fortified by history. The Romans who stayed with us from about 55 B.C. to 420 A.D. seem to have found the Wash, to which they gave the name of " Metaris Estuarium," in a transition state. It was evidently rapidly silting up, and the islands which I have previously mentioned were probably being formed. They made the first great effort to convert part of it into dry land by making the " Roman bank," which still exists on the east coast of Lincolnshire, and the deep drain now called the " Cardyke," I.e. the dyke in the Fens, parts of which still exist. As I have previously pointed out, the islands in question were then formed or being formed, and some at least were soon after inhabited, e.g. Friskney, the island of the Frisians, Oxnea the Island of Oxen, Eye on which stood the Danish fortress Eyeborough. At the time of the Conquest the marshes and fens were some of them covered by the sea, though if it is true as told by Kingsley in the Camp of Refuge that the waters about Ely teemed with fresh-water fish, the sea at that time had ceased to go so far inland as Ely and Cambridge. This is, however, probably a mistake of the author, for in the 43rd year of Elizabeth an Act was passed to " drain the marshes and other lands commonly subject to surrounding by the sea within the Isle of Ely and the counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Northampton, Lincoln, and other counties." This Act was not carried into effect ; but in the reign of Charles the 2nd and afterwards the great Bedford Level was drained, which extended into several of the counties above mentioned. About 60 years ago Whittlesea Mere, a remain of the Wash, was drained. About the same time Cowbit Wash was drained. Neither time nor space suffice to detail the various Acts of 106 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Parliament which were passed in the reigns of the Georges and up to the present time providing for the institution of Drainage Commissioners, the draining of the fens and marshes, and the training of the various rivers to the sea j but, I may add that if in the reign of Elizabeth the Isle of Ely was "commonly subject to surrounding by the sea," it is manifest that the sea must even at that time have flowed over most of the fen and marshland, extending from Lincoln past Bardney, Friskney to Spilsby on the north, and past Peterborough to Ely on the South. Two very interesting questions arise here. The first is What caused the Wash? This question is best answered by geology. Although the Wash has been in existence, certainly, some thousands of years, and has been gradually reclaimed from the sea, underneath its bed are large forests of well-grown timber trees, for the most part consisting of oak, larch, and fir, though near Crowland there is a large district called "The Alderlands," which receives its name from the fact that wherever digging takes place, alder trees are found beneath the surface. When it is remembered that oak, larch, and fir will only flourish in fairly dry places, it follows that before the convulsion of nature which sent them beneath the sea they must have existed on high and dry land, and there seems no reason to doubt that the forests in question were situated on land as high as the neighbouring land : while, as the alder will only flourish in damp low places, it follows that the land about Crowland was always low. What caused the convulsion of nature ? When it is borne in mind that all these submarine forests consist of full-grown trees of about the same age, it seems to follow that they were overwhelmed at the same time, and seeing that the land, on which they were, was suddenly lowered so much that the sea flowed over it, nothing but an earthquake could have been the cause. Geologists tell us that France and England were once joined together, and that the Isle of Wight was once joined to the mainland of Hampshire. Is it too much to suppose that the earthquake which caused that severance was also responsible for the making of the Wash ? The second question to which I have alluded is this What effect would the formation of the Wash have upon the low lying land between Lincoln and Nottingham, Lincoln and Natural History. 107 Leicester, Lincoln and Derby, and what effect would it have upon Lincoln itself? The earthquake in question made the Wash as a whole within the limits which I have above pointed out ; and the "bars" which I have above mentioned and the various islands were made by natural causes in succeeding ages. At the time of the making of the Wash, the sea would naturally find its own level, and would not only flow to Lincoln but up the valley of the Fosdyke and the Trent to Nottingham, up the valley of the Soar to Leicester, and up the valley of the Derwent to Derby. Even in such comparatively modern times as the incursion of the Danes, this was still so; for history tells us that they used to sail from the North Sea to Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, and Stamford, and that they made those five places their principal "burghs,' I.e. fortresses. The names of the places of the valleys in question all disclose the same state of facts. Thus in the valley of the Witham we have the islands "Bardn^y" and Souther-e#, or as it is now spelt Southrey; and in Lincoln itself we have the Holmes, i.e. the Islands and Carholme, I.e. the Island in the Fen. Danish names that were given some time between the years A.D. 790 and A.D. 1013. Between Lincoln and Nottingham there are the following names of islands, Torks^y, Drinsra Holme near Markham, Thorw^y, Broadholm, while only four miles from Nottingham is another " Holme" now called "Home Pierpoint." It may well be asked, "If the Wash formerly flowed past Lincoln and up the Fosdyke valley, how is it that part of Lincoln now stands upon what must have been the bed of the Wash ? The question is easily answered. The rivers Brant and Witham flowed into the Wash somewhere about Bassingham or Boultham. According to the well-known law of nature, a bar was being formed probably at Lincoln itself, and this would be further increased by the waters of the Trent and Derwent which at that time must have flowed up the Fosdyke valley. The Romans found it necessary to carry their Ermine-street across the valley of the Witham ; and for that purpose they embanked and dug out a drain up the valley of the Fosdyke, and gave it the Latin name "Fossa," I.e. "dug out," "a drain," to which modern times have added the word dyke. They also trained the Witham and the Brant from Bassingham up to Brayford, i.e. the "braw" or great ford. They also io8 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. made a deep cutting from Boultham along the east side of what is now the High-street called the Sincil Dyke, and two deep cross drains from the Witham to the Sincil Dyke. These works still exist, though of necessity somewhat curtailed in size. By this means they were able to make the present High- street from Canwick common as far as the Wickenford, i.e. the ford at the Vicus or village, and the Brayford. The position of the church of St. Mary-le-Wigford or Wickenford, and the fact that New-land was taken out of the Brayford, is abundant evidence that the river at those points was a large stream, and not the puny river that it now is. The fact that there were two fords, one of which divided the Ermine-street, is evidence that the river was too wide for a bridge, and was crossed either by the ford or by boats. The Fossa or Fossdyke was evidently afterwards continued at least as far as Boston. All this is not mere conjecture, but is fortified by history. For more than 1000 years after the Romans had gone, the Witham ended at the Brayford in Lincoln. The historian, Leland, who wrote about A.D. 1550, thus deals with the subject: "The river of Lindis fleateth a little above Lincoln towne and maketh certain pools whereof one is called " Swanne Pool." And again : "There be four ferys upon the water of Lindis betwixt Lincoln and Boston. To Shut Fery 5 m. Tatershaul Fery 8 m. To Dogdich Fery I m. To Langreth Fery 5 m." I have lately come across a pleasing ballad by Jean Ingelow called "The High Tide on the coast of Lincolnshire, 1571." In that ballad the river at Boston is called the Lindis, and not the Witham. Thus the authoress speaks of " Reedy Lindis," "the Lindis Flow," "the Lindis raging sped," "Sunny Lindis floweth." The ballad is evidently taken from an older ballad, or from tradition, in either of which events it is important as corroborating Leland. In Dugdale's History of the Embanking of the Fens there is the following account of this locality : " In the 4Qth year of Edward the 3rd (the term being then kept at Lincoln) the Jurors of divers Wapentakes in that county did exhibit a Presentment in the Court of King's Bench importing that the channel called the Fosdyke extending itself from the river of Trent at Torksey to the city of Lincoln having been anciently open and full of water so that ships and boats loaded with victual and other vendible commodities did Natural History. 109 use to pass to and from Nottingham, York, Kingston-upon- Hull, and sundry other places and counties by the said river of Trent, and so by this channel to Lincoln, and from Lincoln to Boston to the great benefit of the city of Lincoln, and advantage of all tradesmen passing that way, as also of the whole county adjacent was then choked up for want of cleans- ing and repair." It will be noticed that the Presentment mentions not only boats but ships, which used to sail from the North Sea to Kingston-upon-Hull, from there to Torksey, and from Torksey to Lincoln and Boston : also, that the Court of King's Bench sat at Lincoln, as indeed it frequently did in the times of the Norman and Plantagenet kings, in whose reigns so many statutes were passed there that they are called " The Statutes of Lincoln" to this day. The Presentment mentions the Fosdyke as extending from Torksey to Lincoln. If that is correct, it would seem to show that the channel from Lincoln to Boston was first made at some time subsequent to the making of the Fosdyke. The history of the Wash dates back from times long before written history; and even educated persons may draw different conclusions from archaeology, the names of places, and the levels of land, which is all we have to go upon in addition to the comparatively modern history that we have to guide us. It may be useful therefore for me to sum up my argument, which I do thus : The existence of forests below the bed of the Wash shows that it was once dry land. The forests consisting of oak, fir, and larch, the land must have been a considerable height above the level of the sea. The trees comprising the submarine forest being full grown and of about the same size, the convul- sion of nature which hurled the land below the level of the sea must have taken place at one time, and must have been what we call an earthquake. This earthquake probably took place at the same time as the one that divided England from France. At any rate, it took place long before the date of history, for Lynn, a Celtic word for deep water, shows that the Wash was in existence in Celtic times. When first made, the Wash was, at least, six times as large as it is now, and must have flowed quite up to Lincoln, and the tide must have flowed up to Nottingham, Leicester, Derby, and Stamford. Indeed the name of the place Washingborough, i.e. "the Danish tribal fortress on the Wash," is a strong argument that in the time no Lincolnshire Notes & Queries . of the Danes the Wash still flowed up to Lincoln. For many thousands of years the Wash has gradually silted up from natural causes, until it has reached its present dimensions. So much for the past. As to the future, it is said to be prudent not to prophesy unless you know. Seeing that, early in the reign of Her Majesty, an Act of Parliament was passed to enable a company of adventurers to enclose the Wash by a bank extending from Lincolnshire to Norfolk, and that they were only stopped from carrying the work into effect by want of funds, and seeing that Nature is taking the matter into its own hands by rapidly silting up the Wash, I think that I may safely prophesy that many of those who do me the honour to read this article will live to see the Wash once more dry land, and the coast of Lincolnshire once more joined to that of Norfolk. THE STORY OF THE LINCOLN GAP. THE Presidential Address on this subject, delivered at Lincoln in 1895, and re-published in the Natural History section of Notes and Queries^ in the October number of last year, is of great and wide-spreading interest. The author's (Mr. J. M. Burton) object is to prove that the Trent once flowed through the gap on which Lincoln is built. Quoting from Mr. Jukes Brown, he gives several proofs of his assertion, and we cannot but admire the practised manner in which the quarry is scented step by step by means of the ancient gravel deposits found between the great gap in the oolitic escarpment at Lincoln and the river Trent. Mr. Burton is of opinion that the course of the Trent was changed in pre-glacial times, whilst Mr. Jukes Brown, he tells us, suggests that the change took place in a post-glacial period. There are reasons to suppose that the view taken by the latter is the more likely one. Some of these I will briefly mention. I. The village of Holme now consolidated with Langford (both being on the east of the river) formerly went with Natural History. 1 1 1 N. Muskham which is on the west, and there is evidence that the water or the greater portion of it once flowed between Langford and Holme, and not as it does now between Holme and N. Muskham. Hence the name of Langford may reasonably be supposed to be derived from the " Long ford " which in days of yore had to be crossed in getting from the one to the other of these places. II. There is still extant what may be called the original or principal bed of the Trent, now known by the name of the " Fleet," being in some parts twenty or thirty yards wide in Langford Lordship, and connected by a narrow neck with the Trent some three miles north of Newark. The Fleet passing through Langford runs hard by the villages of South and North Collingham through Besthorpe where it widens into a fine sheet of water at least 150 yards wide and nearly a mile long, on to Girton, where no doubt in comparatively recent times a narrow channel has been cut almost at right angles to take this water again to the Trent. Before this channel was cut, in all probability, the Fleet, or rather the ancient river, or the greater portion of it, would continue its course through the low lands of Girton to Spalford, whence it would go, as described by Mr. Burton, to "join the Witham a short distance west of Lincoln." III. This Fleet is about a mile, more or less, from the present bed of the stream, and between them there is a series of pools, apparently beginning at S. Collingham and extending through N. Collingham, Besthorpe, and Girton, like links of a sunken chain floating to the surface one by one at irregular intervals, tracing the course of a central stream. These pools have distinctive names, e.g. Cowarth, Mons pool, Black pool, Leech pool, some still possessing considerable depth of water, and some being rapidly silted up, stock now grazing on places which can be remembered as formerly the haunts of the voracious pike. IV. There is yet another stream to be considered and this is known as the " Old Trent " and runs almost from west to east from that river to Spalford, dividing that hamlet from the parish of S. Clifton. This still contains a good deal of water till it comes within a short distance of the " High Flood Bank," extending from the Spalford sandhills to South Clifton, from ten to fifteen feet high, which was erected no doubt with the object of changing the course of the Trent. Near this spot all these streams met. And here crosses the road from 112 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. Newark to Gainsborough, travellers on it being warned by guide-posts " not to pass this way in flood-time." The affix to the name of this hamlet may not unlikely have been derived from the " ford " which had here to be waded. This Flood Bank broke during an unusually high flood nearly a century ago, and then it was clearly seen that the Trent waters if left to themselves would again mingle with those of the Witham, although the old bed of the river was entirely obliterated by the blow-away sand so abundantly provided by that district. In addition to the above-mentioned High Flood Bank there is the ordinary bank along the side of the Trent, but this river being constantly subject to great floods, this ordinary bank is totally inadequate to prevent nearly the whole of the land lying between the Trent and the Fleet from being submerged sometimes to such an extent that the writer of these pages has rowed over the highest hedges, and more than once has had to be rowed to Girton Church on Sunday to take his duty there, the churchyard, with the exception of a few feet opposite the usual entrance, being entirely surrounded by the deluge. In conclusion, it may be added that it is highly probable that when the great bulk of the waters thus flowed to the Witham, the present course of the Trent was also in use. In proof of this it is but necessary to call attention to 1. The fact that as the water at Girton rises some 6 inches at every high tide, there could have been no prima facie difficulty in some of the superfluous waters of the Trent taking that course. 2. The escarpment of the cliffs at Clifton. 3. The fact that there is also an " Old Trent " at Dunham, some few miles lower down, this Old Trent being on the west side of the river. 4. That several miles still lower down there is a place called Burton Stathers, so called most likely from the " stathers " or piles driven by the side of the bank, either to prevent further corrosion of the river bank a favourite and well-known pastime of this river or, which is still more probable, to provide convenient landing for the passengers or freight of boats drawn up alongside. S. BATEMAN. Tar burgh Rectory. Natural History. 113 PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS TO THE LINCOLNSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION, 1896.* By Rev. CANON W. W. FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S. IT is usual to estimate the success of any society or union of members, and it must be allowed that, although often misleading, the growth or decrease of the number of members affords a rough method, at all events, for judging of its prosperity and popularity. On December 3ist, 1895, the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union consisted of 76 members. During the present year 31 new members have joined, one has died, one has left the county, one has resigned, and the membership of three has lapsed, owing to non-payment of subscriptions ; this leaves the present number at 107 (including twelve life members), so that we show a net increase of nineteen. This, though of course satisfactory, cannot as yet be said to be an adequate representation of the people in this large county who are interested in natural history, and there is no doubt but that the membership might be very largely increased if each of the present members would endeavour to induce his friends to join the Union. Our obituary is limited to one notice, but by the death of Lord Lilford we have lost an ornithologist of world-wide reputation, whose literary work is of the utmost value to science, and whose ability was only equalled by his kindness and generosity. It is usually the custom in the addresses of the scientific societies to allude to any important works published during the year which relate to their especial subject, and it seems only right that in our Union we should make allusion to scientific works of any kind in which our members have taken part. We ought, therefore to congratulate Miss Florence Woolward, of Belton, on the conclusion of her great work on the orchids Re-published by special permission from The Naturalist, 1897, pp. 149-156. Vol. 5, No. 40, Lines. N. & 9. H Not. Hist. Sect, 1 1 4 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries . of the genus Masdevallia^ a group found only in Central and South America, chiefly in mountainous regions and often at a great elevation. The book is especially valuable for the large number of hand-coloured plates (eighty-seven) of the natural size of the plants, lithographed by Miss Woolward, and all drawn by her from nature, with the exception of seven species, of which drawings were sent to her by botanists residing in the country which is the habitat of the plants. From the various reports which you have heard read you will have gathered a fair idea of the work taken in hand by the Union, and also of the work which it may be expected to accomplish in the future. The excursions to Grantham and neighbourhood, to Bourn, and to Great Cotes were well attended, and the best thanks of all the members are due to Mr. and Mrs. Cordeaux for their kind hospitality on the last occasion. These excursions, however, though most enjoyable, are rather pleasant meetings than opportunities for obtaining great results. This, I take it, is as it should be. The object of a Union like ours is to interest as large a number of people as possible in natural history, geology, and kindred studies, and such an interest is far better promoted by friendly gatherings such as these, with a semi-scientific flavour about them, if we may use the term, than by insisting upon the Union being placed entirely upon a scientific basis. It is from the efforts of small bodies of specialists, or even of individuals, within the Union that real scientific results may be expected, and we certainly have excellent examples of these efforts in the geological excursions conducted by Mr. J. H. Cooke, which ought, however, to have been more largely attended ; and in the formation of a Boulder Committee, with the Rev. W. Tuckwell as secretary j and, above all, in the formation of the nucleus of a County Museum. The mention of the Museum brings me to what is, I feel sure, the most important part of my address. The great object which the Union ought to set before itself is the establishment of a Museum worthy of the traditions of the county. The present rooms, although hitherto they have excellently served their purpose, are fast becoming quite inadequate. There can be no doubt that there is a strong feeling in the county that such a Museum ought to be established, and we feel confident that its establishment is only a matter of time. Should not the Union, then, do all that it can to hasten it ? It is a building that is chiefly required ; as Natural History. 115 regards the endowment, it is very probable that considerable help might be given by the Technical Education Committee of the County Council ; and it surely ought not to be difficult to raise ^2,000 or ^3,000 from the whole county, when we consider the large sum that was raised in Lincoln alone for the School of Science and Art. Over and over again we hear of the irreplaceable treasures that leave the county, simply because there is no place to store them in for the public benefit, and if the Union does nothing more than help towards the providing of the much needed Museum, it will not have existed in vain. In this connection I should very much like to thank Mr. Fieldsend, in the name of the Union, for all he has done for our present collections. On an occasion like the present it is usual for the President of a Union like ours not only to set forth the position and aims of the Union, and anything of interest in its history during the course of the past year, but also to say a few words on the par- ticular subject in which he may himself have taken an interest. Now, in considering the subject of this part of my address, I have felt very much at a loss, for it is, of course, right that it should, if possible, have some bearing upon the natural history, geology or archaeology of Lincolnshire. I should hardly, however, venture to do more than merely touch upon the geology, botany, or ornithology of the county, in the presence of several leading authorities on these subjects ; and with regard to the conchology and, more particularly, the entom- ology, I have made comparatively few observations, as the chief part of the time which I have felt I could legitimately devote to natural history has been spent on the general subjects of the British Coleoptera, and lately of the Central American Homoptera ; such observations, moreover, as I have been able to make, have been mostly limited to the immediate neighbourhood of Lincoln. I feel convinced, however, that, in spite of the fact that many of the fen species have been doubt- less effaced by drainage, the county will be found to be exceed- ingly rich in every branch of natural history, and it is to be hoped that, in the field of entomology, workers may be found who will emulate such ardent geologists as Mr. F. M. Burton and Mr. Cooke, such indefatigable botanists as Mr. Peacock and the Rev. W. Fowler, and such world-renowned ornith- ologists as Mr. Cordeaux. If we consider the physical features of Lincolnshire we shall see that it ought certainly to contain a large and varied 1 1 6 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries. insect fauna, for it may roughly be divided into three districts, which are quite distinct in general character ; to begin with, there is the large coast line, bounded by great sand-dunes, on which the low thickets of the buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) and coarse reeds and grasses give shelter to numerous good insects of various orders ; in passing, we may notice that these dunes in summer are the haunt of the rare Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita\ which has been found by members of the Union on summer excursions to Mablethorpe and the surround- ing district ; in the second place there are large expanses of what was formerly fen country but now is mostly drained ; there are, however, many occasional ponds and marshy corners, which, we may be sure, afford a last shelter to many of the fen species, especially the water insects ; and, thirdly, there are the higher districts, often well wooded, which present every indication of an abundance of invertebrate life ; the woods towards the west are apparently outlying remnants of the ancient Forest of Sherwood, which besides containing many good lepidoptera, is the sole, or almost the sole, habitat of several of our rarest beetles ; we might, perhaps, almost regard the banks of the Trent as a fourth district, for it has an insect fauna of its own ; quite recently one of the least common species of British Carabidae or ground-beetles, Bembidium stomoldes, has been found in large numbers near Torksey Abbey by the Rev. A. Thornley, who has done a great deal of good work at the beetles of both Lincolnshire and Nottingham- shire. If we look at a geological map of the county we shall find that the whole south-eastern portion, comprising nearly one- fourth of the county, is made up of drift or alluvial deposit ; north of this, and running somewhat in a direction from N.W. to S.E. are two broad strips of Upper Oolite and chalk, separated by a narrow and irregular band of Lower Greensand ; the western portion of the county is almost entirely taken up by three fairly regular strips consisting of Lias on the extreme west, then Lower Oolite and next Middle Oolite \ it would be an interesting point to work out the distribution of the insect fauna of these divisions ; in great measure, of course, it depends upon the flora, which undoubtedly varies with the geological formation, although Mr. Woodruffe-Peacock, who has made this subject peculiarly his own, says that the presence of humidity or dryness and the permeability or impermeability of the soil has more to do with the matter than chemistry. Natural History. 1 1 7 At present the very local butterfly Hesperia paniscus (the Chequered Skipper) appears to be confined to the Middle Oolite district, its range extending from Bourn on the south to the woods around Wickenby and Market Rasen and, perhaps, further north. Most probably this is accidental, but I have no record of its occurence outside this narrow strip. The mention of the butterfly raises memories of many pleasant afternoons, when I have seen it flying up and down with its peculiarly glancing rapid flight in the glades of Newball Wood, near Wragby. I remember that when I first came to Lincoln I was introduced to its locality by Mr. Barber, of Lincoln (an excellent taxidermist and keen naturalist, who died quite young), and that there seemed to be a considerable probability of the butterfly being exterminated by dealers from Hull, who with the retail price fixed at 8d. or gd., were able to make a very fair profit out of a good day's collecting. We were, therefore, very pleased when Mr. Wordsworth, the courteous agent of Earl Manvers, closed the woods entirely to all except a limited number of legitimate naturalists, to whom cards of admission are issued each year on application ; it is a great pity that the privilege cannot be extended in many other cases, but, as a rule, where woods and parks are entirely closed, we shall find that too often the closure has been caused by abuse of privilege ; either plants have been ruthlessly destroyed, or fences damaged, or gates left open, or game disturbed. A gamekeeper in Sherwood Forest once told me that a man had been going about with a butterfly-net and taking pheasant eggs all the time ; what wonder then if the innocent suffer with the guilty. Were we the owners of property we should act in the same way in the face of wanton provocation. Even genuine collectors and observers are too often utterly careless. One of the best localities for beetles in the whole of the Midlands is entirely shut up now because someone who ought to have known better threw away a match after lighting his pipe and fired the whole place. This, of course, is a digression, and in any case it is well that there are a large number of localities which are practically inaccessible. If all the habitats of our birds, insects, and flowers were open to everyone, the rarer species would soon become extinct, for nothing apparently can exceed the greed of the collector for gain, a person who brings especial discredit upon the study of the lepidoptera, which are perhaps the most marketable of all natural history commodities. Of course, certain insects have become or are 1 1 8 Lincolnshire Notes & Queries* becoming extinct for reasons over which there is no control notably the drainage of the Fen district. The great instance, perhaps, is the Large Copper Butterfly, which has not been seen for about fifty years, although there are several now living who can remember the insect as quite common in Yaxley and neighbouring Fens. A friend of mine, now far advanced in years, once bought a boxful for a half-penny apiece, and now ^7 is not an uncommon price for a good specimen. Noctua subrosea is another less known fen insect which has been extinguished by drainage, and Orgyia c&nosa (the Reed Tussort) has comparatively recently disappeared ; Cleora riduaria (the Speckled Beauty) has, I believe, not occurred for many years in the New Forest ; Lyceena ads (the Mazarine Blue) is already gone j and the two conspicuous butterflies, Aporia crattegi (the Black-veined White) and Lyctenaarion (the Large Blue) appear to be in imminent danger of complete extinction ; in one or two of these cases the destruction of the food plant by the burning of pasture or grazing of sheep may be the cause of the disappearance, but in others the numbers have certainly been much diminished by collectors, and a Committee has recently been appointed by the Council of the Entomological Society to enquire into the matter generally, and, if possible, to devise a plan by which some of the rapidly disappearing species may be yet preserved. This, perhaps, may seem to have but little bearing upon the natural history of the county, but I have not much doubt that some of those now extinct insects were once common in the Lincolnshire fens ; in fact, through Mr. Barber, whom I have before mentioned, I thought I had secured some evidence of the occurrence of the Large Copper in the county within the last twenty-five or thirty years, but on examining into it, it did not appear sufficiently trustworthy to found a record on. The Swallow-tail Butterfly (Papilw machaon\ the most conspicuous of all our British insects, ought certainly to occur in Lincolnshire, and I believe that it has been found, but I cannot come across any authentic record. This beautiful species will soon be exterminated from its chief haunt, Wicken Fen, but it will still linger in many inaccessible localities in the Norfolk Broads and smaller Cambridgeshire Fens, such as Chippenham, where the larvae have been found feeding on Angelica syhestrls. With regard to Butterflies undoubtedly occurring in the county, we have already alluded to Hesperia paniscus^ and Thecla betults (the Brown Hair-streak) and Apatura iris (the Purple Natural History. 1 1 9 Emperor) are well worthy of record. A stray specimen of Venessa antlopa (the Camberwell Beauty) has occurred this summer at Bracebridge, Lincoln. Melit&a artemis (the Greasy Fritilliary) and Melanagria galathea (the Marbled White) are local but not uncommon. Of butterflies which occur abundantly in many other counties, Gonepteryx rhamni (the Brimstone) may be noticed as very rare, and of Satyrus tithonus (the Large Heath) only three specimens have, apparently, been taken. These were captured by the Rev. G. H. Raynor (from whom I received some most valuable notes) at Panton, near Wragby, very occasionally. The Clouded Yellow (Collas edusa] is abundant, as it is in other parts of England. Of Moths we cannot here give any detailed list ; but the common occurrence of the Death's Head Moth caterpillar during 1895 and 1896 may be noticed. Unfortunately a considerable number have been spoilt by the country people, who regard them as venomous serpents, and will only pick them up, more or less roughly, with tongs or other implements, the injury caused being sufficient to produce a crippled imago. The Convolvulus Hawk Moth (Sphinx convolvull}^ the Large and Small Elephant Hawk Moth (Cbarocampa elpenor and C. porcellus\ and the Broad and Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk Macroglossa fuciformis and M. bombyliformis) have been taken at Panton, and Newball and Legsby Woods ; and among other things may be mentioned the Alder Moth {Acronycta alni\ which used to be one of the rarest British moths, but is apparently not uncommon around Lincoln, and the Swallow Prominents ( Ttilodonta dicttea and P. dht