FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON FRICTION, LUBRICATION, FATS AND OILS, INCLUDING THE MANUFACTURE OF LUBRICATING OILS, LEATHER OILS, PAINT OILS, SOLID LUBRICANTS AND GREASES, TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS FORMULAS; MODES OF TESTING OILS, AND THE APPLICATION OF LUBRICANTS. BY EMIL F. DIETERICHS, MEMBER OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATIONARY ENGINEERS, AND INVENTOR OF THE DIETERICHS "VALVE-OLEUM" LUBRICATING OILS. SECOND EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED AND ENLARGED. PHILADELPHIA : HENEY CAREY BAIRD & CO., INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS, 810 WAI NUT STREET. 1916. COPYRIGHT, BY EMIL F. D1ETERICHS, 1916 V V PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE exhaustion within a comparatively short time of the first edition of " A Practical Treatise on Friction, Lubrication, Fats and Oils" and the constant demand for it, are the best evidence that it has given satisfaction, and no apology is there- fore necessary for presenting the second edition. While but few alterations have been made in the text of the book and no essential portions have been omitted, it has been thoroughly re- revised and considerable new matter, particularly a number of useful formulas for lubricants from abroad, has been introduced, as well as a review of the efforts and progress made during the last decade in the petroleum industry. I wish to state that I cordially agree with the timely criticism the editor of "The Petroleum News ", published in Cleveland, Ohio, has made about the lamentable lack of proper facilities in the laboratories of colleges and schools of science for more practical instruction for young students of chemistry to make researches on a scientific basis of the petroleum industry so valuable to the prosperity of the country. Congressional action is (v) 340276 VI PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. too slow and too indifferent, but moneyed phil- anthropists could ingratiate and distinguish themselves by the foundation and endowment of a practical laboratory conducted by able chemists in conjunction with intelligent practical oil men, where investigations of progressive conceptions could be tested and developed on a practical scale. Many rich men have obtained their wealth not by improvements conceived by them, but by speculations on the commercial value of the petroleum industry. E. F. DIETERICHS. CLEVELAND, OHIO. December, 1915. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. FROM observation during a period of nearly fifty years as a practical Chemist and Manufac- turer of Chemical Products and all kinds of Oils, and my close connection with Engineers and Manufacturers, and experience with the endless varieties of Engines and Machinery in use, I have long felt the need of some work that would collec- tively treat in a condensed and comprehensive form the subjects of Friction, Lubrication, the origin and characteristics of Fats and Oils, their Uses, their Adulterations and their Practical Testing, all of such vital importance in the mechanical world. In the effort to produce a book to fill these wants and make it useful as well as easily under- stood by Mechanics and Manufacturers not very familiar with these subjects, I have throughout avoided as much as possible all scientific technol- ogy, as well as technical terms and theories familiar only to the experienced chemist, and have endeavored to write in such language and manner as can be readily comprehended by any- body with an ordinary school education, (vii) Vlll PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. I would here take occasion to acknowledge the endorsement given to my former writings and to my lectures on these subjects, and to the generous patronage extended to my " valve-oleum " lubri- cating oils. My theories on lubrication, which led to the production of the " valve-oleum " oils, at first met with much derision. But notwithstanding the fact that I have made many efforts to arouse, by my publications and lectures, more attention to, and to elicit information upon, the subject, thus far no sound argument has been advanced to refute these theories or to uphold those other ones, older and long persistently held. Should I have been successful in producing such a treatise as will meet the demands of the time and with this faith, I hereby dedicate this volume to manufacturers, and mechanics, and to my brother engineers of the National Association of Stationery Engineers of America I shall feel myself amply repaid for my labor. As is the practice of the publishers, the book has been supplied with a full table of contents and a thorough index, rendering reference to any subject in it prompt and accurate. E. F. DIETERICHS. CLEVELAND, OHIO, September 15, 1906. CONTENTS. i. FRICTION. PAGE Definition of friction ; Various kinds of friction ; Explana- tion of the law of friction ...... 1 Co-efficient of friction, and rule for finding it ; Friction of quiescence ; Friction of motion ; Rolling friction . . 2 Friction of a cart on a macadamized road ; Friction on a railway; Value and usefulness of friction ; Frictional heat 3 II. LUBRICATION. Necessity of lubricating; What is lubricating; Laws of lubrication as taught by nature 4 Lubrication of the joints of the bones in the body by the joint water ......... 5 Absorption of frictional heat by metal ; Effect of over- heating the bearings ; Creation of frictional heat as shown by Count Rumford's experiments . . . .6 Accumulation and disposal of frictional heat; Capacity of inert matter for absorbing and carrying away frictional heat . . ^^ . A 7 Necessity of renewing the lubricant ..... 8 Lubrication a chemical process ; The chemical process which takes place when oil is used for lubricating . . 9 Why oil and fatty matter are used for lubricating ; Absorp- tion of frictional heat by water and ice . . . . 10 Use of molasses for lubricating machinery; Conclusion . 11 (ix) X CONTENTS. PAGE III. OILS AND FATS. Definition of oils ; Classes of oils ; Fixed oils ; Volatile or essential oils . . . . . .. . .12 Drying oils ; Non-drying or fatty oils ; Fatty oils in general use for lubricating and in the manufacture of lubricants. 13 Mineral oils and petroleum oils, and their constitution . 14 Manner of obtaining mineral oils; Nature of petroleum oils. 15 IV. OILS AND FATS OF MINERAL AND VEGETABLE ORIGINS, THEIR PREPARATION, AND How THEY ARE OBTAINED. Lard and lard oil ; Preparation and properties of lard ; Separation of olein from lard . . . . . .16 Lard oil and its properties ; Commercial grades of lard oil ; Tallow and tallow oil ; Mode of obtaining tallow . . 17 Tallow oil and its properties ; Neatsfoot oil and horse tal- low oil ; Neatsfoot oil and its properties . . . .18 Bone fat, bone grease, and marrow tallow ; Horse tallow and its properties; Elain or red oil and its properties . 19 Spermaceti and fish oils ; Spermaceti, its constitution and properties ......... 20 Sperm oil and its properties 21 Seal oil; Whale and train oils ; Commercial fish oils . 22 Wool fat, degras ; Modes of obtaining wool fat . . . 23 Mode of obtaining degras ; Factitious degras ; Castor oil and its properties ........ 24 Olive oil and its properties ...... 25 Sunflower oil ......... 26 Sesame or gingelly oil ; Cottonseed oil and its properties. . 27 Rapeseed or colza oil ; Hempseed oil . . . . .28 Palm oil and cocoanut oil ; Copra ; Palm oil or palm butter ; Almond oil . . . . . . .29 Poppyseed oil ; Corn oil . . . . ,. . .30 Peanut oil and its properties . . .31 CONTENTS. xi PAGE Mustardseed oil ; Nigerseed oil : Linseed oil . . 32 Linolein; Driers; Uses of linseed oil . . . .33 Receipts for the manufacture of German soft soap; Green German soap; Preparation of liquor of potassa; Green soap from hempseed oil . . . . . . .34 Transparent linseed oil soap . . . . . .35 Transparent soft soap in the semi-cold way . . .36 Soft linseed oil soap with a yield of 450 per cent. . . 37 Rosin, rosin oil and turpentine; Mode of obtaining rosin, and its properties ........ 38 Distillation of rosin oil; Oil of turpentine; Rosin or pine oil, and its properties; Glycerin, and its properties . 39 V. CLARIFYING, REFINING AND BLEACHING OILS AND FATS. Various processes of bleaching vegetable oils; Clarifying oils. 41 Refining oils by treatment with sulphuric acid; Refining oils and fats with caustic soda . . . . .42 Bleaching with chlorine; Deodorizing oil . . . .43 Bleaching and deodorizing degras ..... 44 Cleaning and bleaching tallow and other fat; Cleaning and bleaching and deodorizing train oil . . . .45 Bleaching grease; Action of fats and oils on metals . . 46 VI. MINERAL OILS. Mode of obtaining mineral oils; Distillation of mineral oil. 48 Green oil, and its treatment; Paraffine oil; Treatment of shale oil; Grades of illuminating oils . . . .49 Tar oils; Distillation of wood and products obtained thereby 50 Products obtained by the distillation of tar from gas works; Difference between benzol and benzine; Conversion of nitro-benzol into aniline oil; Uses of coal tar . . .51 Xii CONTENTS. PAGE VI. PETROLEUM OILS. Deposits of petroleum; Petroleum oils of Pennsylvania . 52 Ohio crude oils and manner of desulphurizing them; Use of aluminium chloride as a desulphurizing agent . .58 Distillation of petroleum ....... 54 Classification of the proceeds of distillation . . .55 Neutral distillates and their division . . . . .56 Purifying and bleaching the neutral oils; Extraction of par- affine wax from crude paraffine oils. . . . * 57 Uses of paraffine wax: Golden machine oil; Steam refined cylinder oil; Production of a good cylinder oil from crude oil ......... 58 Black lubricating or West Virginia oil; Filtered cylinder stock; Vaseline, cosmoline, petrolatum; Petroleum oils for various lubricating purposes . . . . .59 Uses of petroleum 60 Deblooming petroleum oils ...... 61 Deodorizing petrol oil 62 VIII. MANUFACTURE or LUBRICATING OILS. Lubricants for heavy pressure and low-speed machinery. . 63 Compounding petroleum oils to give them a viscous con- sistency; Compounding cylinder oil; Use of degras in compounding cylinder oil . . . . . .64 Compounding engine and machinery oil; Various fats and oils used in the compounding of cylinder and other oils. 65 Use of rosin oils in compounding lubricating oils . . 66 Receipts of lubricants used in Germany; Cohesion oils . . 67 Lubricants for threshing machines; Automobile oil; Min- eral oil lubricants ........ 68 Sewing machine oil; Lubricants for ice machines; Lubri- cating oils with rosin oils ...... 69 Thickened oils . 70 CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE IX. " VALVE- OLEUM" OILS. Materials which form the foundation of "Valve-Oleum" oils . . 71 Preparation of oleate of alumina 72 Table of proportions of caustic soda to grease or oils for oleate of soda in the manufacture of the Valve-Oleum lubricating oils . . . . .73 Preparation of a heavy and stringy mineral castor . . 75 Preparation of ''Valve-Oleum" engine and cylinder oils . 76 Preparation of white ''Valve-Oleum" castor oil, "Valve- Oleum" castoroleum, or commercial castor oil, and " Valve-Oleum" linoleum . . . . . 7i Origin of ; 'Valve-Oleum" oils . . . . . .78 X. LEATHER OILS. Necessity of lubricating leather belts, harness, boot and shoe leather 80 Oil for tanners' use; Cheap harness oil; Black harness oil; Good belt oil 81 Belt grease; Fluid adhesion fat 82 Factitious paint oil; Cheap paint oil 83 XI. ADULTERATIONS OF FATTY OILS. Materials used in the adulteration of lard oil, olive oil, sperm oil, linseed oil . . .84 Adulteration of castor oil . -"-,- 85 XII. TESTING OILS. Alkali tests for detecting the presence of hydrocarbon oil in fatty oils . . . ... -86 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE To ascertain the amount of mineral oil in fatty oils; Color test 87 Test for cottonseed oil in lard oil; Preliminary test for neutral oil in lard oil; Detection of small quantities of fatty oils in mineral oil; Detection of soap dissolved in mineral oil . . . . . . . . .88 Detection of acidity or alkali in mineral oil; Simple and practical methods for testing oils and oil mixtures . . 89 Detection of the admixture of petroleum in large propor- tions to a fatty oil; Mode of ascertaining with what pro- portion of petroleum a fatty oil has been adulterated . 91 Mode of telling the presence of petroleum in fatty oils, even in very small proportions; Means employed to prevent the detection of adulterations of fatty oils by the hydro- meter test 92 Testing the comparative efficiency of oils for lubricating; Viscosity, and mode of ascertaining it . . . .93 Cold test; Fire test 94 Test frequently used for cylinder oil; Simple way of testing lubricating oils ........ 95 Practical tests of lubricating oils 96 Necessity of cleaning cylinders and bearings before testing and using a new oil . . . . . . .97 Advantage of the stringy character of "Valve-Oleum" oils; Detection of oleate of alumina in mineral oil . . . 98 XIII. SOLID LUBRICANTS. GREASES. Constitution of solid lubricants and their application; Con- stitution of grease 100 Character of machinery for which solid lubricating grease is used; Wear and abrasion of the metal with grease lub- ricants; Addition of inert matter to grease . . . 101 Manufacture of greases; Preparation of lime paste for rosin grease f f ........ 102 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Preparation of rosin grease in the cold way; Formulas after wliich nearly all grease lubricants are manufactured . 103 Piv pa ration of cup grease, dark axle grease, linseed oil grease . ;........ 104 Palm oil grease; Yellow axle grease; Axle grease prepared in the cold way ........ 106 XIV. SOME PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. Cause of injuries to a cylinder; Lubrication not effected by inert matters ......... 108 Decomposition of all fatty oils and fats by the absorption of steam and frictional heat; Injurious action from the use of tallow in cylinders 109 Small marble-like balls formed by the motion of the piston; Consequences of the softening and dissolving of hardened deposits; Other causes of injury in cylinders . . .110 Injury to cylinders by poor packing; Causes of cutting and scarring the metal; Cutting of metal by acid in oil . .111 Necessity of keeping clean and carefully examining the parts of machinery where oil is used for lubricating . 112 XV. LUBRICATORS AND CUPS. Troubles to engineers caused by lubricators; Pumps for ap- plying cylinder oil . . . . . .113 Automatic pumps; The Moses pump; Feeding cylinder oil through the sight-feed cup; Principle on which sight- feed cups are devised; Cleaning sight-feed cups . .114 Consequence of cleaning the cup by blowing live steam through it ......... 115 Regulating the flow of oil in the cups; Cups which feed with a wick; Cups separated with a metallic stem . .116 Cups for feeding grease . . . . . . .117 Only reliable lubricating with grease , 118 XVI CONTENTS. PAGE XVI. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Definition of specific gravity; Standard for solid and liquid bodies; Mode of ascertaining the specific gravity by the Baume" hydrometer ....... 120 Table of Baum^ degrees, the specific gravity they repre- sent, and the corresponding weight of the liquids per gallon 121 XVII. REVIEW or THE PETROLEUM OIL INDUSTRY TO 1915. The best information on the petroleum oil industry pub- lished thus far; Early impressions as to where petroleum oil could be found 124 Transformation of prehistoric vegetation and animal life; Separation of the component parts of petroleum by dis- tillation 125 Products for commercial purposes obtained by distillation; Application of petroleum oils and gasoline as motive power 126 Formation of new crude oil compounds by destructive dis- tillation of distillates of petroleum oils; The cracking process .......... 127 How the full amount of gasoline can be procured from a given amount of petroleum oil; Little improvement in the production of lubricating oils during the last decade. 128 Introduction of the ''Valve-Oleum Oils; Improvement in the production of paraffine; Lack of encouragement to inventors . . . . . . . . 129 Fallacy of the claim to be able to change the characteristics of petroleum oils so as to produce from them aniline oils. 130 Index . 131 I. FRICTION. THE force which is felt to resist the motion when one body rubs against another while in motion is called friction. Of all mechanical power used, a large amount is spent or lost to overcome the obstructive force of friction, and means are looked for to reduce this as much as possible. Friction is either sliding or rolling. The laws regarding friction are explained as follows : When placing a block of wood or iron on a smooth surface of wood or metal, it requires a force of some two-fifths of the weight of the block to make it move along the surface, thereby indi- cating the friction between the surface, as has been established by carefully conducted experi- ments. It has been established that two such blocks placed on the plate side by side, so as to form one of double size, require double the force to move them, and when the blocks are placed on top of each other, there is no difference in the amount of force necessary to move them. The friction between any two surfaces increases in "S"*' FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. proportion to the force with which they are pressed together, regardless of the extent of the surface in contact. A difference, however, exists when wood on iron, iron on iron or, iron on brass press on each other. For oakwood on iron, the moving force required is about two-fifths, or ex- actly thirty-eight per cent ; for iron on iron forty- four per cent, and for cast-iron upon brass about twenty-two per cent, in a dry state and without lubrication. The proportion expressed between the pressure of two surfaces and their friction is called their co-efficient, and is found by dividing the power by the weight moved. The friction of quiescence, or the resistance to the commence- ment of motion, is greater than the resistance to its continuance, and more so if the surfaces have for a considerable time rested in contact with each other. The friction of motion is entirely inde- pendent of the velocity of the motion. The re- sistance of friction to a shaft turning in its bear- ings, or of an axle in its box, has evidently a greater leverage the thicker the journal or the axle is, and axles of wheels are accordingly made as small as is consistent with their required strength. The resistance that takes place be- twe'en the circumference of the wheel on the road is called " rolling friction." In front of the wheel there is always an eminence or obstacle which it is at every instant surmounting and FRICTION. 3 crushing ; so also on iron rails, but to a much lesser extent than on other roads. On the princi- ple of the lever, it shows that a larger wheel has the advantage over a smaller one, and it has been fully established that on a horizontal road the traction varies directly as to the load, and in- versely as to the radius of the wheel. On a per- fectly good and level macadamized road, the traction of a cart is found to be one-thirtieth of the load, so that a horse to draw a ton must pull with a force equal to seventy-five pounds. On a railway the traction is reduced to one two-hun- dred-and-eightieth of the load, or to eight pounds per ton. Friction is akin to and as important as is gravitation in every motion in the universe. While friction on railways is diminished, further dimunition would stop motion entirely, as the driving wheels of the locomotive would slide around on the rails without advancing. Friction is most valuable when machinery with great momentum has to be checked or sud- denly arrested in its motion, as by a brake against the wheels on railways. It is useful in communi- cating motion by means of belts, ropes or chains ; it is the force that holds the knot in the rope, and it is the power that stops the momentum of cars in rapid motion. Friction is the constant oppo- nent of motion, which creates heat, which is known as " Frictional Heat." II. LUBRICATION To overcome friction and put its resisting power to as low a point as possible, we use lubri- cants that can absorb the frictional heat and, becoming vaporized by it, will carry the heat into space. Lubricating is a necessity, and is the most important factor in the mechanical world. With- out lubrication all the power we can obtain from Steam, Electricity, Gas, Water, Air and Horse Power, Spring and Wind Power could be of no use to us, and travel on railroads and steamboats, the running of factories, the riding in automo- biles, in carriages and wagons, the use of sewing machines, the riding on bicycles, the keeping record of time by our watches ; in short, the using of anything that is dependent on mechan- ical motion would be utterly impossible. We have then to investigate, " What is Lubri- cating?" Nature teaches us the laws of lubrication by its wonderful workings in the human body and in the bodies of all animals. All the joints of (4) LUBRICATION. 5 the bones in the body would be useless and stiff were it not for their being constantly lubricated by the so-called " Joint Water," an unctuous fluid which surrounds all the joints of the skele- ton part of the body. This u Joint Water" is constantly produced and supplied by nature, and is constantly consumed by the frictional heat created by our exertions and movements, and is likewise constantly disposed of and frees the body from the otherwise accumulating frictional heat by transferring it, with the perspiration and ex- halations from the body, into space. When the recuperating powers of the body fail to operate properly, from one cause or another, the inflam- matory condition of the joints gives evidence of the absence of proper lubrication, and the final failing and drying-up of this lubricating " Joint Water " under diminished generating power in advanced age cause the joints to move with diffi- culty and pain, and in the end make them lose their usefulness altogether. So it is with machinery. W 7 henever the surface of one part of machinery in motion is bearing on the surface of another, friction is created and friction creates heat. This heat is involved and increases with the velocity and continued motion, and if not taken up and carried away by lubrication, will finally increase and accumulate to such an extent that 6 FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. the machinery will have to be stopped to allow the metal to cool off. Metal is able to absorb a large amount of fric- tional heat, but it is unable to free itself of it as fast as it is generated by continued and rapid motion, and the heat finally accumulates to such an extent as to overheat the bearings, and if further continued will so increase and expand the metal as to cause the parts to weld them- selves tightly together. This has frequently been the case with the old style flour-mill spindles, which, after becoming overheated, were found to be so tightly welded in their steps, that they had to be chiseled out. To avoid this we have to keep the revolving parts well lubricated in their bearings, and we have to continue doing this as long as the machinery is kept in motion, and in exact proportion to the frictional heat evolved and the amount of work we expect to have done. That frictional heat is created by motion and that it vaporizes the lubricant, is shown by the following convincing experiments made many years ago by the celebrated scientist, Count Rum ford : He had a metal vessel constructed, with hollow bottom, had a perpendicular shaft fitted to it, and had it rapidly moved by mechanical power. He then filled the vessel with water, and in the LUBRICATION. 7 course of four hours ascertained that the water, by the absorption of the frictional heat gen- erated, had attained a temperature of 140 F., and in eight hours had reached the boiling- point. After this he found the water to evap- orate and gradually diminish in bulk as long as he kept the shaft in rapid motion. If we now substitute oil for the water, we will find the oil also gradually attain the temperature of its evaporating point, commonly known as " flash or fire test," and will find it also to vapor- ize and gradually reduce its bulk until the shaft be stopped moving. This shows conclusively that frictional heat accumulates, and that it is disposed of by evapor- ating into space ; this evaporation, though con- tinuous, is invisible. Lubricating, therefore, cannot be simply an interposition of some sub- stance, as a sort of cushion, between the metallic surfaces of machinery in motion. Soft metallic compounds, such as plumbago and some of the finer grades and inert matter, asbestos, mica, sul- phur, lime and soapstone, have been recom- mended and have been tried for that purpose ; but it has been found that while all such sub- stances serve well, in small quantities, to fill the interstices which exist in all metallic surfaces of bearings however highly polished, and thereby presenting a smoother bedding for the revolving 8 FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. shaft, they can only absorb so small a portion of the heat created by the friction as the metal itself of which the machinery is constructed. The capacity of plumbago and other inert matter for absorbing aud carrying away the fric- tional heat is very low, as they cannot vaporize, while the capacity of oil and fatty matter is very great, and we are, therefore, compelled to use oil and fatty matter for lubricating. If lubricating would be simply a mechanical action, and if a cushion of soft metal or other inert matter, or of oil or fat, would be sufficient to pre- vent the gradual increase and accumulation of frictional heat, then a very limited amount of oil, fat or other inert matter, once applied, should be sufficient. We find, however, that we are obliged to renew the lubricant with regularity and in exact proportion to the frictional heat created by the motion, and in exact proportion to the amount of work we expect to do with the machinery and we have to do this as long as the latter is kept in motion. We have then to ask : What has become of the large quantities of oil which we were compelled to constantly apply to the bearings of the ma- chinery ? As coal and water are constantly consumed to keep the supply of steam up to move the ma- chinery; so is oil constantly consumed to draw LUBRICATION. the frictional heat away from the bearings. We can see how the coal and water are consumed, but we are unable to see how the oil is con- sumed. We can, however, find silent proof that it is so, and that lubricating is a strictly chemical process and not a mechanical one. We know that metal cannot absorb oil, and if we allow most liberally for all possible wasting and for transformation of much of it into gummy accumulations around the bearings and in cylin- ders, we must admit that a very limited number of gallons from every barrel of oil used could thus be accounted for, and it remains to be seen what has become of the balance. We well know at what temperature water is evaporated and converted into steam, and after serving its purpose to move the machinery is lost into space. Precisely the same chemical process, the transformation from a fluid into a gaseous state, takes place when oil is used for lubricating. When the oil becomes heated by the frictional heat until its evaporating temperature is reached, it becomes, like steam, a gas, and is lost into space with the frictional heat it has absorbed in exactly the same manner as oil when distilled from a still is transformed from its fluid state into a gaseous one to be rendered to a liquid state by passing through a condenser. This transformation takes place on every bear- 10 FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. ing, although on so small a scale as to be almost entirely imperceptible to our senses. Where the revolving shaft rests heaviest in the hollow of the bearing, there is the line to be drawn where this invisible transformation of the oil from the liquid into the gaseous state takes place. This line is exceedingly small perhaps no more than the thickness of the finest sheet of paper but on this small line the frictional heat starts to be generated, and being taken up by a few atoms of the oil at a time, is carried with their vapors into space. When from neglect or insufficient lubrication bearings become overheated, and under the rapidly increasing temperature the few particles of oil vaporize too fast and become decomposed under the increased heat, the arising vapors, with a penetrating burning smell, prove to us the slow and mysterious process by which the oil disappears. Lubricating is, therefore, a chemical process, and requires the interposing of such substances between the moving parts of machinery as are capable to absorb the frictional heat, and vapor- ized by it, carry it into space. Such qualifications are best possessed by oil and fatty matter, and we, therefore, use them for lubricating our machinery. A continuous stream of water or the applica- tion of ice will likewise absorb and vaporize with the frictional heat, but not possessing sufficient LUBRICATION. 11 adhesive body, cannot prevent gradual abrasion of the metal. It has lately been claimed that molasses could be used, like oil, to lubricate machinery, but while molasses possesses adhesive quality (viscos- ity) its lubricating power consists in the water contained in its body which is not efficient enough to prevent abrasion of the metal. CONCLUSION. For over forty years I have contended in my writings and lectures that lubrication of ma- chinery is not a mechanical process, a mere in- terposition of some substance as a cushion between the surfaces, but is a strictly chemical process, the transformation of a substance by heat from a liquid into gaseous state. I have .theretofore elaborately explained my observations on the subject of the theory of lubrication and have asked for refutation or endorsement of my con- tention by scientists and those acquainted with the oil industry, but I have met in publications and printed compilations only with endless chat- terings about viscosity in connection with the old cushion theories, but not a word about of " what is lubrication," while it is so distinctly explained by the immense amounts of fats and oils constantly consumed and lost in the process and the constant necessity for replacement with new supplies. III. OILS AND FATS. THE next question arises : What are oils and what is fatty matter? What are the character- istics, and from what sources of nature do they come, and how are they obtained? Oils are liquid and semi-solid substances, de- rived from the animal and the vegetable king- doms. They are unctuous to the touch, are insoluble in water, and possess the power of supporting combustion with flame. They are obtained from the roots, seeds, fruits and flowers of plants and trees, and from the fat of animals, by extraction, by pressure, by rendering, by boil- ing with water, or by distillation. They are also obtained from the mineral kingdom, from shale, and out of receptacles in the bowels of the earth. Oils are divided into two classes : They are either oxyhydro-carbons, that is, compounds of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, and are known as " fixed oils," or they are hydro-carbons, composed of hydrogen and carbon only, and are known as volatile or essential oils. The "fixed oils" do (12) OILS AND FATS. 13 not sensibly evaporate at ordinary temperature. They stain paper permanently and render it translucent. They do not distil or evaporate at the temperature of boiling water, and they have only a faint odor, like that of the substance from which they have been extracted. The volatile or essential oils evaporate freely. They have a caustic, acrid taste and an aromatic odor, and when distilled with water they pass over 'at 212 F. All of the u fixed oils " have an attraction more or less powerful for oxygen. Exposed to the atmosphere, some of them become hard and resinous, and they are called " drying oils ;" others thicken only slightly and become sour and rancid, and they are known as non-drying or " fatty oils." The fatty oils in general use for lubricating and in the manufacture of Lubricating Oils are : Vegetable Oils : Olive Oil, Rapeseed Oil or Colza Oil, Cocoanut Oil, Palm Oil and Almond Oil, and many others seldom used for lubricating. Animal Oils : Lard Oil, Tallow Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Wool Fat, Sperm Oil and the many varieties of Fish Oils. For lubricating purposes these oils, vegetable as well as animal, are largely compounded with mineral oils of all grades and colors and in end- less proportions. 14 FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. Drying Oils, more or less, are : Linseed Oil, Nut Oil, Poppy Oil, Hempseed Oil, Castor Oil, Cottonseed Oil and Rosin Oil. Some of them are used in the manufacture of greases for lubri- cating purposes, but all of them are unfit for lubricating machinery on account of their resinous nature. The volatile or essential oils are : The Oils of Amber, Bergamot, Cloves, Lemon, Rose, Orange Flower and many others, all derived from the vegetable kingdom. They are usually more lim- pid and less unctuous than the fatty oils, with which they mix in all proportions. They are more or less soluble in alcohol and ether, and are sparingly soluble in water, to which, however, they impart their peculiar flavor. Nearly all the volatile oils resist saponification, and do not com- bine with the alkaline bases to form soapy com- pounds. They are not used for lubricating pur- poses. The mineral Oils and the Petroleum Oils are Hydro-carbons, and belong to the class of volatile and essential oils. They have little affinity for oxygen or moisture. They will not saponify, and they do not ferment or become rancid. The Mineral Oils are derived from bituminous coal and shale by distillation, and have been almost entirely superseded by the Petroleum Oils since the utilization of the latter. OILS AND FATS. 15 The Mineral Oils obtained by distillation of coal tar, which is the product of the dry destruc- tive distillation of coal at gas works, are chiefly used for dissolving rubber, in the manufacture of the beautiful aniline colors, and in making print- ing inks, varnishes and paints. The Petroleum Oils have been placed by nature within easy reach of mankind, and have been of great use for lighting, heating and lubricating purposes. In their natural state they are found in all forms of consistency, from a solid to a thin oily liquid, and from the darkest to the lightest shades of color. This peculiar product of nature is composed of an endless series of Hydro-carbon compounds, from a light, incondensible gas, to a solid body. They are similar in characteristics to the Mineral Oils obtained from coal tar and from shale, but differ materially in their chemical composition. IV. OILS AND FATS OF ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE ORIGIN, THEIR CHARACTERISTICS AND HOW THEY ARE OBTAINED. Lard and Lard Oil. Lard is the prepared fat of the hog. The fat freed from membranous matter is cut up into small pieces and boiled with water. It is then carefully separated from the water and melted over a slow fire. Lard is a soft, white, unctuous fat, with a faint odor, is free from rancidity and has a bland taste and a neu- tral reaction. Its specific gravity is about 0.938, or about 20 to 21 by Baume's hydrometer. Lard is entirely soluble in ether, in benzine, and in disulphide of carbon. It melts at or near 95 F., and when melted it readily unites with oils, wax or resins. Like most animal fats, it consists of stearin, palmitin and olein. Olein, the liquid principle of lard, can be readily separated from the stearin it contains by subjecting it, at a cold temperature, to strong pressure, when the liquid olein is pressed out, leaving the solid stearin, which is principally used in the manufacture of stearin candles. Exposed long to the air, lard (16) ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS. 17 and lard oil will absorb oxygen and become ran- cid. Lard oil as obtained from lard is a colorless or pale yellowish oily liquid ; it becomes opaque at or below the temperature of 32 F. It has a slightly fatty odor and a bland taste. Its specific gravity is from 0.900 to 0.920, or from 22 to 24 by Baume's hydrometer. It contains varying proportions of stearin, and is much adulterated with cottonseed oil and refined petroleum neutral oils. Lard oil is sold in the market as " Extra Winter Strained " lard oil when obtained by pressure at a cold temperature ; as " No. 1 " when pressed at a warmer temperature ; and as " No.2 " when obtained from impurer lard, and by the rendering process. The better qualities are often used to adulterate olive oil. Tallow and Tallow Oil. Tallow is obtained from the fat of sheep and oxen. It is prepared by cutting the fat into pieces, melting it at mod- erate heat and straining through coarse cloth. It is sometimes previously purified by boiling with a little water. Mutton fat is of a firmer consistency, and fuses at a higher temperature than fat from other animals. Tallow is very white, sometimes brittle ; it is inodorous, has a bland taste, and is insoluble in water. It con- sists of about seventy per cent of stearin and pal- mitin and thirty per cent of olein. It gradually dissolves in two parts of benzine, from which it 2 18 FRICTION, LUBRICATION, OILS AND FATS. slowly separates in a crystalline form on standing. It melts between 113 and 122 F. and congeals between 98 and 104 F. Its specific gravity lies between 0.937 and 0.952 or 18 to 20 by Baume's hydrometer. Tallow oil, i. e. the percentage of liquid olein in tallow, is obtained by melting the tallow and keeping it in a warm room at a temperature of about 80 to 90 F. for some hours; the stearin which the tallow contains crystallizes in a granu- lar form, and in this state it is placed in canvas or hair-cloth bags and subjected to hydraulic pressure. The olein is thus separated from the stearin. It still contains stearin in various pro- portions, and the oil is of more or less fluidity, and for that reason its specific gravity varies from 0.911 to 0.915, or from 23 to 24 by Baume's hydrometer. Tallow oil is of an almost white color when cold, or, at the most, of a faint yellow tint. It has a slight odor of animal fat. Varying with its quality, it has a flash point of from 475 to 500 F. Neatsfoot Oil and Horse Tallow Oil Neatsfoot oil is obtained from the feet of cows, sheep and horses. The hoofs are trimmed and boiled in water, when the oil collects on the surface and is skimmed off, and is further purified by repeated boiling with water. Neatsfoot oil appears either ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS. 19 as a turbid or a limpid liquid of a yellow-brownish color, has a pleasant odor and a sweet taste, and has little tendency to become rancid ; it becomes solid in cold weather from deposition of stearin, has a specific gravity of about 0.912 or 23 Baume at 60 F., and solidifies at. about 32 to 33 F. Bone fat, bone grease or marrow tallow comes from the shank bones of cows, bullocks and horses. They are either boiled in water, and the rising oil is skimmed off, or they are subjected to steam heat of from 50 to 60 pounds pressure in digesters for from half an hour to an hour. At the end of the operation the fat is drawn off. Horse tallow, or fat obtained from the render- ing of dead horses, is much like the tallow ob- tained from cows and sheep, and under pressure furnishes an oil which is known in the market as horse tallow oil, and is often sold under the name of " Neatsfoot Oil." It has at 60 F. a specific gravity of 0.915 to 0.980, or 22 Baume. Elain or Red Oil. The oil known as elain or red oil gets its name from the dark reddish color it derives from its contact with the hot iron press plates and the high temperature to which it is subjected in its production by the saponification process with lime or sulphuric acid, or by high steam pressure or by distillation, whereby the fat is decomposed into oleic axjid, stearip acid an gravity they represent and the corresponding weight of the liquids per gallon, table of, 121-123 hydrometer, 121, 122 Belt grease, 82 oil, 81, 82 Belts, fluid adhesion oil for, 82, 83 Benzine, crude, redistillation of, 55 deodorizing and bleaching, 62 Benzol, 51 Black lubricating oil, 59 Bleaching powder, bleaching oils with, 43 train oil, 45, 46 Blotter test, 95, 96 Bone grease, 19 Bones, lubrication of the joints of, 4, 5 CASTOR oil, 24, 25 adulteration of, 85 mineral, 75, 76 white valve-oleum, 77 Castoroleum, valve oleum, 77 Caustic soda, proportions of, to grease and oils for oleate of - 73 Chloride of lime, bleaching oils with, 43 Clarifying, refining and bleach- ing oils and fats, 41-47 Cleaning train oil, 45, 46 Coal-tar oil, 51 uses of, 51 Cocoanut oil, 29 Coefficient of friction, 2 Cohesion oils, 67, 68 Coke, utilization of, 61 Cold test, 94 Color test, 87, 88 (131) 132 INDEX. Colza oil, 28 Compressors, lubricants for, 69 Copper, action of fats and oils on, 47 Copra, 29 Corn oil, 30, 31 Cosmoline, 59 Cotton mills, lubricant for spin- dles in, 60 seed oil, 27, 28 action of, on metal, 46 adulteration of, 90, 91 blown, 70 in lard oil, test for, 88 refining of, 42 Cracking process, 127, 128 Creosote, 50, 51 Cup grease, 100, 104 Cups and lubricators, 113-119 feeding with a wick, 116, 117 for grease, 117, 118 Cutting compound, 38 Cylinder oil from crude oil, 58, 59 steam refined, 58 valve oleum, 76, 77 oils, compounding of, 64, 65 pumps for applying, 113, 114 stock, filtered, 59 wear of, 108 Cylinders, injurious action of tallow in, 109 sources of injury to, 110, 111 DEBLOCKING petroleum oils, 61, 62 Degras, 23, 24 bleaching of, 44, 45 factitious, 24 use of, in compounding cylinder oils, 64, 65 Deodorizing oil, 43, 44 petrol oil, 62 train oil, 45, 46 Desulphurizing Ohio crude oils, 53, 54 Dieterich's Kafir-oil liniment, 61 Distillates, 55-57 Distillation of petroleum, 54-59 Drying oils, 13, 14 ELAIN, 19, 20 Engine oil, valve-oleum, 76 Essential oils, 12 Export oil, 56 FATS, action of metals on, 46,47 and oils, 12-15 of animal and veg- etable origin, 16-40 clarifying, refining and bleaching of, 41-47 composition of, 71 decomposition of, 109 Fatty acids, free, treatment of oils containing, 43 oil, compounding petro- leum with, 65 oils, 13 adulteration of, 84, 85, 90-92 composition of, 71 decomposition of, 109 determination of min- eral oils in, 87 in mineral oil, test for, 88 Filtered cylinder stock, 59 Fire test, 94, 95 Fish oils and spermaceti, 20-23 Fixed oils, 12, 13 Fluid adhesion oil for belts, 82, 83 INDEX. 133 Free fatty acids, treatment of oils containing, 43 Friction. 1-3 coefficient of, 2 laws of, 1-3 motion of, 2 quiescence, 2 rolling, 1, 2 sliding, 1 value of, 3 Frictional heat, 3 absorption of, by metal, 6 accumulation and disposal of, 7 creation of, 6, 7 Fuel oil, 50 /GASOLINE engines, lubri- U cant for, 60 from natural gas, 127 full amount of, obtainable by distillation, 128 increase in the production of, 126-128 Germany, receipts for lubri- cants used in, t>7-70 Gingelly oil, 27 Glycerin, 39, 40 Golden machine oil, 58 Gravity, specific, 120-123 Grease lubricants, formulas for, 103-107 inert matter in, 101, 102 manufacture of, 102-107 Greases, 100-107 Green German soap, 34 Green oil, 49 HARNESS oil, 81 Headlight oil, 56 Heat, experiments on, by Rum- ford, 6, 7 frictional, 3 Hempseed oil, 28 Honey-drop engine oils, 71, 72, 75, 76 Horse tallow oil, 18, 19 ICE machines, lubricants for, 69 Illuminating oils, grades of, 49, 50 Iron, action of fats and oils on, 47 OINT water, 5 KAFER ointment, carbol- ated, 61 Kerosene oil, deodorizing and bleaching, 62 LARD, 16, 17 oil, 17 adulteration of, 84, 90 test for cottonseed oil in. ^8 for neutral oil in, 88 Laws of friction, 1-3 Lead, action of fats and oils on, 47 Leather oils, 80-83 preserving and water-proof- ing oils for, 81 Lighthouse oil, 50 Lime paste for rosin grease, 102, 103 Linolein, 33 Linoleum, valve-oleum, 77, 78 Linseed oil, 32, 33 adulteration of, 84 grease, 104-106 soap, soft, transpar- ent, 35, 36 with a yield of 450 per cent., 37, 38 Lubricant, aluminium lanolate, 79 134 INDEX. Lubricant, mineral, action of, on metal, 46 Lubricants for ice machine, 69 compressors, 69 threshing ma chines, 68 mineral oil, 68, 69 used in Germany, receipts for, 67-70 Lubricating as a chemical pro- cess, 5 grease, 100 oil, black, 59 oils, improvement in the production of, 128, 129 manufacture of, 63-70 practical tests of, 9C, 97 simple way of testing, 95,96 with rosin oils, 69, 70 petroleum oils for, 59-61 Lubrication, 3-11 inert matter for, 7, 8 Lubricators and cups, 113-119 MACHINERY, lubrication of, 5, 6 ordinary, lubricant for, 60 Manufacture of lubricating oils, 63-70 Marine sperm oil, 50 Marrow tallow, 19 Metal, absorption of frictional heat by, 6 Metals, action of fats and oils on, 46, 47 Mineral castor oils, 61, 75, 76 gelatines, 61 oil, detection of oleate of alumina in, 98, 99 determination of fatty oils in, 87 in fatty oils, test for, 88 lubricants, 68, 69 Mineral oil, test for acidity in, 89 alkali in, 89 soap in, 88, 89 oils, 14, 15, 48-50 Molasses for lubricating, 1 1 Moses pump, 114 Motion of friction, 2 Mustard seed oil, 32 Mutton fat, 18 Myrbane oil, 51 of. NATURAL gas, from, 127 Neat's foot oil, 18, 19 adulteration 90,91 Neutral distillates, 56, 57 oil in lard oil, test for, 88 oils, purification and bleaching of, 57 Nigerseed oil, 32 Nitro-benzol, 51 -glycerin, 40 OHIO crude oils, 53, 54 Oil, acid in, 111, 112 mixtures, methods of testing, 89-99 Oils, action of metals on, 46, 47 and fats, 12-15 of animal and vegetable ori- gin, 16-40 characteristics of, 12 clarifying, refining and bleaching of, 41-47 classes of, 12, 13 cohesion, 67, 68 cold test for, 94 color test for, 87, 88 deodorizing of, 43, 44 fire test for, 94, 95 illuminating, grades of, 49, 50 mineral, 48-50 INDEX. 135 Oils, simple and practical meth- ods of testing, 89-99 test for viscosity of, 93, 94 testing of, 86-99 thickened, 70 Oleate of alumina in mineral oil, detection of, 98, 99 preparation of, 72-75 soda, 73, 74 proportions of caus- tic soda to grease or oils for, 73 Olive oil, 25, 26 action of. on metal, 46 adulteration of, 84 PAINT oil, cheap, 83 factitious, 83 Palm butter, 29 oil, 29 grease, 106 Paraffiue oil, 49 treatment of, 57, 58 wax, 58 improvement in the production of, 129 uses of, 61 Peanut oil, 31, 32 Pennsylvania petroleum oils, 52. 53 Petrol oil, deodorizing of, 62 Petrolatum, 59 Petroleum, compounding of, with fatty oils, 65 distillation of, 54-59, 125, 126 occurrence of, 52 oil, origin of, 125 industry, review of, to 1915. 124-130 oils, 14, 15, 52-62 adulteration of fatty oils with, 90-92 deblooming of, 61 , 62 for lubricating, 59-61 Petroleum oils, formation of new crude oil com- pounds from, 127, 128 motive power. of, 126 production of aniline oils from, 130 to give a vis- cous consis- tency to, 64 proceeds of distillation of, 55, 56, 126 uses of, 60, 61 Picric acid, 50 Pine tar, 39 Plumbago, use of, for lubrica- tion, 7, 8 Poppyseed oil, 30 Practical suggestions, 108-112 Prime white oil, 56 Pumps for applying cvlinder oils, 113, 114 QUIESCENCE of friction, 2 RAILWAY, traction on, 3 Kapeseed oil, 28 action of, on metal, 46 blown, 70 Keceipts for lubricants used in Germany. 67-70 Red oil, 19, 20, 57 Eesiduum oils, uses of, 61 Review of the petroleum oil industry to 1915, 124-130 Rolling friction, 1. 2 Rosin, 38, 39 grease, 102, 103 lime paste for. 102, 103 oil, 38, 39 oils, lubricating oils with, 69, 70 136 INDEX. Rosin oils, use of, in compound- ing lubricating oils, 66 Rumford, experiments by, 6, 7 SEAL oil, 22 Sesame oil, 27 Sewing machine oil, 69 Shale oil, 49 Sight-feed cup, 114, 115 Signal oil for lanterns, 60 Sliding friction, 1 Soap, green German, 34 in mineral oil, test for, 88, 89 soft linseed oil, with a yield of 450 per cent, 37. 38 receipts for, 34-38 transparent linseed oil, 35,36 transparent soft, in the semi- warm way, 36, 37 Soda, oleate of, 73, 74 proportions of caustic soda to grease or oils for, 73 Soft linseed oil soap with a yield of 450 per cent. , 37,38 soap, receipts for, 34-38 transparent, in the semi-warm way. 36, 37 linseed oil, 35, 36 Solid lubricants, 100-107 Specific gravity, 120-123 Sperm oil, 21, 22 adulteration of, 84, 85 Spermaceti, 20 21 and fish oils, 20-23 Spindle oil, 57 Spindles in cotton mills, lubri- cant for, 60 Standard white oil, 56 Steam-refined cylinder oil, 58 Straight run distillate, 56 Suggestions, practical, 108-112 Sunflower oil, 26, 27 TABLE of Baume' degrees, the specific gravity they represent and the corresponding weight of the liquids per gallon, 121-123 of proportions of caustic soda to grease or oils for oleate of soda in the man- ufacture of valve-oleum lubricating oils, 73 Tallow, 17, 18 cleaning and bleaching of, 45 injurious action of, in cyl- inders, 109 oil, 18 action of, on metal, 46 Tanners, oil for use by, 81 Tar oils. 50, 51 Test, cold, 94 fire, 94, 95 Testing lubricating oils, 95-97 oils, 86-99 Tests, practical, of lubricating oils, 96, 97 Thickened oils, 70 Threshing machines, lubricants for, 68 Tin, action of fats and oils on, 47 Traction, 3 Train and whale oils, 22, 23 oil, cleaning, bleaching and deodorizing of, 45, 46 Transparent linseed oil soft soap, 35, 36 soft soap in the semi-cold way, 36, 37 Turpentine, 38, 39 V^LVE-OLEUM castor oil, white, 77 castoroleum, 77 INDEX. 137 Valve-oleum cylinder oil, 76, 77 engine oil, 76 gelatine, 71, 72 leather preserving and water- proofing oils, linoleum, 77, 78 oils, 71-78 origin of, 78, 79 Zola axle grease, 103 Vaseline, 59 Vegetable oils, 13 Viscosity, 93, 94 Volatile oils, 12, 14 WATER-WHITE oil, 56 West Virginia oil, 59 Whale and train oils, 22, 23 oil, action of, on metal, 46 Wood, distillation of, 50, 51 tar oil, 50 Wool fat, 23, 24 use of, in compounding cylinder oils, 64, 65 ZINC, action of fats and oils on, 47 CATALOGUE OF Practical and Scientific Books PUBLISHED BY Henry Carey Baird & Co. 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Cutting and Assembling Pieces by Means of Ratchet Dial Plates at One Operation. XVI. The Header. XVII. Tools for Fox Lathe. XVIII. Suggestions for a set of Tools for Machining the Various Parts of a Bicycle. XIX. The Plater's Dynamo. XX. Conclusion With a few Random Ideas. Appendix. Index. WORSSAM. On Mechanical Saws: From the Transaction of the Society of Engineers, 1869. By S. W. WORSSAM, JR. Illustrated by Eighteen large Plates. 8vo... ...$1.50 BRANNTS "SOAP MAKER'S HAND BOOK.' The most helpful and up-to-date book on the Art of Soap Making in the English language. In one volume, 8vo 9 535 pages 9 illustrated by 54: engravings* Price $6.OO net 9 Free of Postage to any Address in the World, or by Express C. O. J>. freight paid to any Address in the United States or Canada. PUBLISHED APRIL, 1912. 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D. f freight paid to any Address in the United States or Canada. PUBLISHED AUGUST, 1910. THE CUPOLA FURNACE A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOUNDRY CUPOLAS: COMPRISING IMPROVEMENTS IN CUPOLAS AND METHODS OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGE* MENT; TUYERES; MODERN CUPOLAS; CUPOLA FUELS; FLUXING OF IRON; GETTING UP CUPOLA STOCK; RUNNING A CONTINUOUS STREAM; SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED CUPOLAS; SPARK-CATCHING DEVICES; BLAST-PIPES AND BLAST; BLOWERS; FOUNDRY TRAM RAIL, ETC., ETC. BY EDWARD KIRK, PRACTICAL MOULDER AND MELTER, CONSULTING EXPERT IN MELTING. Author of " The Founding of Metals" and of Numerous Papers on Cupola Practice, ILLUSTRATED BY ONE HUNDRED AND SIX ENGRAVINGS. THIRD THOROUGHLY REVISED AND PARTLY RE-WR.TTEN EDITION. KIRK'S FOUNDRY IRONS. A Practical, Up~to-Date Book, by the well known Expert. In one volume, 8vo, 294 pages, illustrated. Price $3.OO net. free of Postage to any Address in the World, or by Express C. O. JO., freight paid to any Address in the United States or Canada. PUBLISHED JUNE, 1911. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON FOUNDRY IRONS COMPRISING PIG IRON, AND FRACTURE GRADING OF PIG AND SCRAP IRONS ; SCRAP IRONS ; MIXING IRONS ; ELEMENTS AND METALLOIDS ; GRADING IRON BY ANALYSIS J CHEMICAL STANDARDS FOR IRON CASTINGS ; TESTING CAST IRON ; SEMI- STEEL ; MALLEABLE IRON ; ETC., ETC. BY EDWARD KIRK, PRACTICAL MOULDER AND MELTER; CONSULTING EXPERT IN MELTING. AUTHOR OF "THK CUPOLA FURNACE," AND OF NUMEROUS PAPERS ON CUPOLA PRACTICE. ILLUSTRATED BRANNT'S DRY CLEANER. The only book including Hat Cleaning and Reno- vating in any language, in one volume, 12mo, 371 pages, illustrated. Price $2. 5O net. JFree of postage to any address in the world, or by express freight paid to any address in the United States or Canada. PUBLISHED OCTOBER, 1911. THE PRACTICAL DRY CLEANER, SCOURER, AND GARMENT DYER: COMPRISING DRY, CHEMICAL, OR FRENCH CLEANING; PURIFICATION OF BENZINE; REMOVAL OF STAINS, OR SPOTTING; WET CLEANING; FINISHING CLEANED FABRICS; CLEANING AND DYEING FURS, SKIN RUGS AND MATS; CLEANING AND DYEING FEATHERS; CLEANING AND RENOVATING FELT, STRAW AND PANAMA HATS; BLEACHING AND DYEING STRAW AND STRAW HATS; CLEANING AND DYEING GLOVES; GARMENT DYEING; STRIPPING; ANALYSIS OF TEXTILE FABRICS. EDITED BY WILLIAM T. BRANNT, EDITOR OF "THE TECHNO-CHEMICAL RECEIPT BOOK." FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. ILLUSTRATED BY FORTY-ONE ENGRAVINGS. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY CAREY BAIRD & CO, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS, 810 WALNUT STREET. 1911. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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