UC-NRLF MMHMMMMMMMHMHMI GASOLINE ENGINE ILLIAMS GIFT OF : H.. GASOLINE ENGINE IGNITION BY E. J. WILLIAMS CINCINNATI The Gas Engine Publishing Co. BLYMYER BUILDING 1906 Copyright, 1906 by The Gas Engine Publishing Co Cincinnati, Ohio uw PREFACE. From observations made in the marine gasoline engine field, the purchaser of an outfit is usually his own operator, and with him alone rests the responsibility of un- derstanding the different phases attendant with its successful operation. Very few books have been written which render as- sistance to the marine gasoline engine op- erator, and those few do not deal point- edly with the ignition system. Numerous little difficulties are mastered in the general equipment, but occasionally information is wanted regarding the elec- trical outfit, its installation or principle of operation. With this end in view, the au- thor 'has endeavored to treat this work in a simple and non-technical manner, basing its contents on the assumption that the reader is a novice in every sense to which the word implies, and trusts its perusal will meet with a favorable reception. E. J. WILLIAMS. 4G4557 CONTENTS. I. Magnetism 1 II. Make-and-Break Ignition 4 III. Jump Spark Ignition 16 IV. Batteries 36 V. Generators . . 47 VI. Testing for Trouble 56 VII. Kinks in Power Installation . . 68 VIII. Horsepower . . 74 IX. Wiring Diagrams 81 CHAPTER I. MAGNETISM. The average person naturally understands nothing regarding electricity, and the oni) accessory about a gasoline engine in which he has no confidence is this particular part. A wire, when charged with an electrical current, contains a property adverse to the natural state of the wire when not electri- fied. When a wire has an electrical current flowing through it, magnetic lines of force surround it to a distance consistent to the strength of the current. If the wire is wound in a circular form, in layers, forming a coil, the magnetic lines of force are in- creased in strength, and if wound around a bar of soft iron an additional increase is gained. If a bar of soft iron is wound with several turns of insulated (covered) copper wire, and a current of electricity passed through the wire, either from a dynamo or batter j, A?:4>IO"IL.i.- the bar becomes saturated with a property called magnetism, and is capable of attract- ing particles of steel as long as the electricity flows through the wire, and ceases immedi- ately, when the wires are disengaged and the current flow stopped. When the bar of iron is magnetized, one end will attract steel while the other end, will repel it. Induction or jump spark coils and any electrically operated mechanism such as dy- namos, magnetos, etc., are based on the principles or phenomena of electro magnet- ism as above stated. A permanent magnet is a piece of spe- cial steel, stored or saturated with mag- netism for an indefinite time. It will per- from the duties of an electro magnet in many instances. Permanent magnets are utilized for the construction of magnetos, and the magnetism contained in the metal lasts gen- erally from 5 to 10 years, according to the grade and work the magneto performs. In order to first saturate the steel with magnetism, it is necessary to lay it on a di- rect current dynamo of motor, or rub it on what was originally called a load stone (another permanent magnet). When the magnetism becomes weak the same method of charging is again repeated. Electric current requires' some standard of measurement, therefore it is expressed in volts and amperes. A volt is the unit of pressure or strain, and is similar to the pressure of steam in a boiler, or air in a tank expressed in pounds. An ampere is the unit rate of flow or amount backing up the volt, and compares with the amount drained from the above referred to boiler or air tank. If a tank or boiler had 100 pounds pressure and dis- charged the whole contents at once, the rate of flow would correspond to the flow from a battery on short circuit, and to dis- charge at a low rate for a length of time, would correspond to the drain from a bat- tery through a coil or otherwise. The drop in pressure during this opera- tion corresponds to the drop in volts when using a battery. CHAPTER II. MAKE-AND-BREAK IGNITION. Electrical ignition for gasoline engines is of two kinds, make-and-break and jump spark. In mechanical make-and-break ignition a coil is utilized, through which a current of electricity is passed, the coil intensifying the current to such an extent that a very hot spark follows the terminals of the wires if they are separated or the two ends touched together and drawn apart. This action or spark is caused for a short period by the self-inductance or reaction of the current remaining in the circuit after it is broken ; that is, when the terminals are sep- arated. This spark occurs only as the wires are separated, after the current or circuit is completed through the coil, and does not occur at the time connection is made or completed. In making use of this system of ignition in gasoline engines, a means for sepa- rating these two ends or break in ths circuit is necessary, to throw the spark in the combustion chamber. To this end one electrode is made stationary, the other mov- able, to touch and complete the circuit and move away from/ the stationary electrode or terminal. The stationary member is there- fore constructed in the form of a plug, in- sulated from the engine by a mica, or porce- lain, bushing, or any non-conducting ma- terial. A sectional miake-and-break plug or spark pin is shown in Figure i. To the point within the cylinder or ex- plosive chamber, A, is affixed a small piece of platinum, iridium or other non-oxidizing composition. Very often steel points are used, but carbonation and oxidation are so rapid that brightening the contact points has to be resorted to very often. B shows the insulation of mica, C the casing or sleeve to screw into the firing chamber, and D the wire terminal or binding post. It will thus be readily seen that when the plug is screwed into the 'cylinder, A has no communication metallically, other than with the wire and when the mlovable elec- trode comes into action. The other end or D Fig wire from the battery leads to the ground, as shown in Figure 2. This movable part is mechanically actuated by eccentric, cam, gear, crank, by the movement of the piston within the cylinder or any other means pos- sible. In a two-cycle engine the mechanical ap- paratus is arranged to spark every revolu- tion of the fly wheel, and in a four-cycle every other revolution, considering a single- cylinder engine in both instances. The action of the system as represented in Figure 2 is as follows : The electric cur- rent from the batteries, A, is flowing through the intensity or spark coil, B, to the plug, C, in the cylinder head, through the movable electrode, E, if it touches the insu- lated plug, C, and returning through the ground, D, to the batteries, A, again. As the lever, F, is actuated upward by the rod, the circuit is closed by the movable electrode, E, touching the stationary electrode, C. Sep- arating them again as the rod drops causes a spark to follow the points for a fraction of a second, which ignites the gas in the cylinder, forcing the piston on its downward stroke. The spark coil used for this system con- sists of a single winding of wire, in sev- eral layers ; in reality, an electro magnet. A bunch of soft iron wires is tightly bound together, and a piece of wood placed over each end, thereby making a sort of spool. On this spool, around the core of soft iron wires, several layers of No. 14 or 16 wire are wound. After finishing the winding process each end of the wire is made fast to a binding post, and the whole mast dipped in molten paraffine wax and left to dry, when it is ready for use. Different length coils are used and man- ufactured, varying in size from 10 inches long and 1^2 inch in diameter to 4 inches long and 5 inches in diameter. It has often been claimed that the short coil and core gives the better result, because the core be- comes magnetized and reacts quicker, giv- ing a quick response to the opening and closing of the circuit, and that the long core coil lags somewhat for high speed. Whether this is ever noticeable is only a matter of conjecture and theory, as no dif- ference can be discovered in the speed of the engine if the short coil is used, and suddenly switched over to a long coil, and when hav- ing a tachometer or revolution counter at- tached. Figure 3 gives a sectional view of a make-and-break spark or intensity coil. A Fie 3 is the core, B the winding and C the bind- ing posts for attaching wires. This form of coil was Originally made use of, and is even utilized at the present time for elec- tric gas lighting. 10 Magnetic primary igniters are now nid.i- ufactured to screw into the combustion chamber, requiring no mechanical move- ment or attachment to operate. This form is a compact combination of both electrodes and a spark coil, although by the addition of a make-and-break spark coil into the cir- cuit a larger and hotter spark is realized. The principle of this type is more readily understood by referring to Figure 4. When the timer, C, such as is utilized for jump spark ignition, closes the circuit from the batteries, B, current flows through the electro magnets, A, insulated plug, G, points^, E, and to the ground in the engine frame. As soon as the current magnetizes the electro magnets, A, the lever, F, is at- tracted by the core, D, separating the elec- trodes or spark points, E, causing a spark to follow their separation. Their separa- tion breaks the circuit, causing the lever, F, to return to G, by the action of the spring, closing the circuit again at the elec- trodes, E. As soon as connection is made again at E, the same operation is repeated, if the timer is still closing the circuit. This operation is so rapid that a series of rapid 11 proof against movement by being split lon- - T Fig- 13 gitudinally, to be drawn together by the set screw S, binding the threads of the screw head. Figure 13 shows a mica insulated reversi- ble plug, both ends of which are alike, and 29 either end can be screwed into the cylin- der. The end not used in* the cylinder is fitted with a metal-threaded cap, M,. The spark may be made to jump across both ends at once, the outside end acting as a spark gap. A wire terminal, T, is furnished with Fig. M each plug, and makes the connection by screwing the cap against the terminals. Figure 14 is a two-terminal plug, and does not utilize a ground. It has a flange set up on the cylinder with bolts, and does not screw into the cylinder in the same man- 30 ner as an ordinary spark plug. With the two-terminal plug both wires from the -sec- ondary of the coil are connected to the plug. With the ordinary plug one wire is grounded on the engine frame. AUXILIARY SPARK GAPS. A spark gap, as before mentioned, is the space between the ends or terminals of the secondary circuit. The space between the points of a spark plug is a spark gap. An auxiliary spark gap is another break or gap in the circuit leading to the plug. The aux- iliary gap, unless integral with the plug, is arranged with terminals or binding posts for the wire connections. At the present time the utility of the auxiliary spark gap appears to be a matter of question. The reason of its use- is the claim/ of its tendency to break down or prevent a soot bridge be- tween the plug terminals, and also to per- mit an outside observation of each spark on a secondary wire. For use in a cabin power boat, the open type would not be altogether exactly safe, should a gasoline leak occur while the en- gine was running. 31 Figure 15 shows a spark gap enclosed in a glass tube, which is utilized to a great extent on automobiles. At each end the Fig. 15 holes in the case are for screwing to the woodwork at any point, and the thumb screws are for fastening the secon-dar> wires. TIMERS. A timer is an apparatus generally used in connection with a jump spark coil, and is connected in the primary circuit to close the latter at the proper point in the cycle to discharge the secondary in the form of a spark across the spark plug terminals in the cylinder. Timers are also called com- mutators and distributers. Figure 16 shows a timer used for clos- ing the primary circuit of a four-cylinder jump spark coil. If the engine is a two- cycle, the timer is set on the crank shaft 32 o Fig. 16 33 or a smaller lay shaft, revolving at the same speed as the crank shaft. If the en- gine is of the four-cycle type, the arm of the timer is keyed on the cam shaft, which is rotated by a 2-to-i gear; that is, the timer rotates once to the crank shaft's two revolutions. The arm being fastened to the cam shatt, it revolves with same, touching each con- tact block during its course. Un-der each contact block a spring is arranged to al- low the block to be forced down in the square socket in the center of the circle or disk, giving a friction contact between the block and rotating arm. The back of each block is metallically connected to a binding post for the primary wire connection to its respective coil. When the arm touches any contact block, a circuit is established to the ground through the arm to the en- gine frame, to the battery and through the primary winding and vibrator, returning to the contact block. The arm extending upward from the back of the timer case is attached to the latter and is for attachment to a spark ad- 34 vancing lever, to advance or retard the spark while the engine is in operation. Several commutators or distributers are now on the market to distribute the second- ary current to more than one cylinder at the proper time, by the use of but one coil. With this style the "buzzer" or vibrator is. kept in operation all the time. The strain in the coil is greater and the insulation must be perfect for this system. Another form distributes the secondary and makes a primary contact at the same time, both forms involved in one casing. 35 CHAPTER IV. BATTERIES. There are two sources of electricity for ignition of gas en-gines, viz., battery and generator. Batteries are divided into two classes, primary, which generates current by its own chemical action, and secondary, which requires a current of electricity to be turned into it for a given time, and dis- charges a current for a slightly less time than was occupied in charging. PRIMARY BATTERIES. Primary batteries are used to a greater extent than secondary batteries for ignition purposes. The dry battery, sal ammoniac and soda types are all primary, while stor- age or secondary are mostly made up of lead plates and diluted acid. Dry batteries are used extensively, be- cause of their convenience, and are prac- tically the sal ammoniac wet battery in paste 36 iK. 17 37 form. The outside shell is the zinc element and the center connection the carbon. Chemicals are introduced in a paste or by saturating some absorbing material such as blotting paper, etc., and sealed at the top with pitch. The average size, 2^/2 inches by 7 inches, gives 1.30 to 1.50 volts and from 12 to 15 amperes, and larger sizes give the same voltage, but greater am- perage. When a dry battery becomes ex- hausted it is more economical to discard it than to try some miethod of reviving o r recharging. SAL AMMONIAC BATTERY. Sal ammoniac (wet) batteries, consist- ing of zinc, carbon and a solution of sal ammoniac can be recharged by renewing the liquid, and if zincs are extremely thin or badly eaten away, new ones can be put in. The carbon element should last in- definitely, but should a battery of this type fail to give a satisfactory current after re- charging, and connections have been looked over and found to be all right, the carbon element has in all probability become clogged in- the pores and requires cleaning. To do this it should be removed from the 38 Fig. 18 Sal Ammoniac Battery. 39 jar, and, if it is a hollow cylinder with a small plug in the top, the contents of granu- lated carbon should be thrown away. The carbon cylinders should then be placed in a pot or pan, filled with water to cover them, and placed over a fire, keeping the water boiling for an hour or two. After this boiling-out process new granulated carbon should be placed in the cylinder. This will in all probability remedy the trouble, but in case it fails new carbons will have to be purchased. When purchasing zincs for this type, have the local druggist amalgamate them, and they will be found to last a great deal longer. If salts from the liquid creep over the tops of jars, immerse the tops for about an inch in tnblten paraffins wax until a de- posit is left. Dry batteries and sal ammoniac wet bat- teries are called "open circuit" batteries be- cause the work which they are called upon to do is of an intermittent nature, and the voltage is not constant until exhausted. After using for a short period it gradually loses its power, but if left to rest a short time it recuperates again. After running 40 down a number of times it begins to lose its life, and the full power is not derived after recuperation. Soda batteries are now also 'extensively used, and appear to give universal satisfac- tion for marine engine ignition, generally requiring but one charge in a season. The mlake-up of this type consists of a porcelain or enamel steel jar, a zinc element, a cop- per oxide element, a solution of soda and a heavy oil. The oil, although playing no part in the chemical action of the elements, is a very essential part. It prevents creep- ing of salts to the outside of the jar, and prevents evaporation. This type of battery gives between .07 and .095 volts for ignition purposes. One valuable point of superiority is that it has no local action ; that is, the elements are not consumed while not in use. The am- perage of this type varies according to size from 50 to 300. In mixing the soda solution care should be exercised not to get any of the liquid on the skin or clothes, as it is a form of acid and will burn. Very little attention is necessary after setting up, and when run down or exhausted the state of the elements can be easily determined as to whether they are in condition for another charge. Usually they will permit charging a second time, buit if the zincs are thin they should be dis- FiB 19 carded, as it is poor economy to use an in- efficient article. To determine the condition of the cop- per oxide, pick into the plate with a knife or sharp instrument, and if there is a layer 42 of black in the interior of at least half the thickness of the plate, it will give good service for another charge. If the plate is red throughout, it is entirely exhausted and is useless. Oxide plates should never be allowed to dry outside of the solution, as the result expected after replacing will not be realized on account of artificial oxida- tion in the air. When connecting up a set of primary bat- teries, the zinc of one battery is connected to the carbon of the next until the desired number is in circuit. If batteries are to be used the n-umjber of batteries multiplied by the voltage of one battery, or cell, should equal the voltage the coil is intended to work on, or a fraction of a volt more, gen- erally 4 volts for jump spark coils and from 6 to 8 volts for a make-and-break primary coil. Either 7 or 8 soda batteries are al- ways enough for the latter system, More dry batteries are generally used than figuring the same, voltage of the coil, on account of the batteries getting weaker during use; 5 or 6 are generally used for jump spark coils and 8 for make-and- break system. 43 Two sets are often used, connected to a two-point switch, so that either set can be used. In case one set gets weak the other set can be switched on, and permit the used set to recuperate. Although the two sets as above de- scribed may be used, if the batteries were Fig. 21 connected as shown in Fig. 20, more service could be derived than if each set is used separately, as shown in- Fig. 21. As pe- 44 culiar as it may seem, by actual test 12 batteries of 15 amperes, connected as shown in Figure 20, will give longer service than a set of 6 batteries of 30 amperes', or than the 12 connected in two sets as shown in Figure 21. This result is slightly adverse to electrical mathematics, but can be proved with the proper apparatus. SECONDARY BATTERIES. Secondary batteries are commonly called storage batteries, or accumulators. The make-up of this 1 type consists of a hard rubber or non-breakable jar, lead plates and a solution of diluted sulphuric acid. The plates of the positive side are connected to one binding post or lug, and the negative plates to another lug, the plates being sepa- rated in the solution by a very thin piece of corrugated hard rubber. After charging, the positive plates are of a brown color, and the negative plates of a gray color. The reason of this is. because in their construction the positive plate only is covered with peroxide of lead, and dur- ing discharge causes the pure lead (nega- tive) plate to partially oxidize through the 45 chemical action from the positive plate. In connecting up two or more accumu- lators one lug of each battery will be found to be marked with a + for positive and a for negative. The positive of one bat- tery is therefore connected to the negative of the next, until the number required is in circuit. From 2 to 4 are generally re- quired for ignition purposes^ dependent upon the system used. A storage battery of course has to be charged from some source of electricity, consequently a dyna- mo is utilized for this purpose, which gives a voltage in excess of the voltage of the set when charged. Each storage battery gives from 2 to 2.y 2 volts and amperage consist- ent with size and weight of plates. Storage batteries should be kept clean, and to reach this end the portable enclosed type is mostly in use. If any acid acci- dentally spills or evaporates, a solution of very weak sulphuric acid should be added to bring the liquid to a proper level and test. 46 CHAPTER V. DYNAMOS GENERATORS. A dynamo is a generator of electric cur- rent, and requires a power to rotate its armature. The essentials of a dynamo are a rotating member called an armature, elec- tro magnets called fields, an armature wind- ing of insulated copper wire, a field winding of the same material, a commutator and brushes. The principle involved in produc- ing an electric current from a generator is the rapid revolving of a number of turns of copper wire, called an armature, between the magnetic fields or poles of a magnet. The poles of a magnet, as before referred to, are the ends of a magnet, either electro or permanent. A dynamo has a positive and negative wire ; that is, the current from this type has a direction of flow the same as an electric battery. By having a direction of flow it is called direct current, and this current can be used to store accumulators, furnish cur- 47 rent for jump spark coils, either vibrating or non-vibrating, or make-and-break spark coils. Figure 22 gives an outline of the Fiff. 22 pie of the type of generator used for gas engine purposes. A A, field cores, constructed of iron, over which field wire is wound ; B B, brushes resting on commutator; C, the armature; D D, the line wires. 48 As shown in Figure 23, the commutator is made up of a number of segments of brass or copper, forming a circle, each seg- ment separated from its neighbor by either mica or hard rubber insulation, and is set on the end of the armature shaft. Each end of each winding of wire on the arma- Fig. 23 ture is soldered to its respective segment on the commutator, and the current gen- erated is taken from the commutator through the brushes as the armature re- volves. A, commutator; B, armature winding; C, armature shaft. By both wires leading from the fields be- ing connected to each brush, part of the current generated by the armature goes 49 Improved Speed Regulating: Dynamo. 50 through the fields to magnetize the field cores and make magnetic poles for the arm- ature to revolve upon. MAGNETOS. A magneto is also a generator of elec- tricity, but instead of having wire wound on the field cores, utilizes what is known as permanent magnets of the horseshoe type. This gives a permanent magnetic field for the armature to revolve in. There are several different types of this machine, and they vary in construction to produce practically the same result, al- though the principle is the same. For ig- nition purposes one type produces alter- nating current of from 8 to 10 volts, an- other direct current of the same voltage and another furnishes a high voltage in connec- tion, with a coil made and placed within the magneto case. The direct current magneto, although having an output of about 10 volts, has a very low capacity of less than one ampere. Its principle of operation is similar to that of the ignition dynamo. It can be utilized 51 to furnish current to a make-and-break spark coil or the magnetic primary plug, but is not adapted for furnishing current to a jump spark coil direct, owing to its low output of amperage. The only means of utilizing it for this kind of ignition is through the medium of a storage battery set, for the following reason : While a stor- age battery or accumulator set furnishes the proper amount of amperes to operate a jump spark coil, the drain therefrom is only intermittent; that is, there is more actual space or time between connection through the timer on the engine than there is in contact. As the direct current mag- neto furnishes a smaller amount of amperes than is used from the accumulators, the supply is constant, and enables the batteries to be kept fully stored. By using the accumulators in connection with a direct current magneto, either vi- brating or non-vibrating coils can be used. The alternating current magneto is very much like the direct current magneto in appearance, and is used more extensively for mechanical make-and-break ignition spark coils. The difference between the 52 two types of magneto, is only in the man- ner in which the armature winding is ar- ranged. In the alternating current mag- neto there is no direction of flow of the current produced. It alternates from one binding post or brush to the other many thousand times in a minute. 53 Alternating current is therefore unlike a direct or battery current, because it has no positive or negative wire. It will not ring an ordinary electric bell or magnetize an electro magnet. For make-and-break ig- nition, magnetism is not utilized for the operation of this system, other than for the type of magnetic primary igniters before mentioned. When used in conjunction with a make-and-break spark coil, very good re- sults have been given. This form of magneto has also been util- ized to some extent with jump spark coils without a vibrator, the alternations pro- ducing a series of sparks as the circuit is closed by the engine timer, corresponding to the action of a jump spark coil with vibrator, when used with battery or dy- namo. An alternating current magneto will not operate a vibrating jump spark coil be- cause the core requires to be magnetized on the same principle as an electro magnet, to attract the vibrator of the coil. Mag- netic primary igniters will not operate with alternating current for the same reason. High tension or voltage magnetos, are now manufactured which require no out- 54 side coil, and are operated through the ordi- nary jump spark plug. The magn-eto is so well known in appear- ance that a further description is not neces- sary. Magnetos are now made without what appear to be brushes. One side of the cur- rent from the armature coil is grounded in the armature, and the magneto frame me- tallically connected to the engine frame. The other wire is connected to a sleeve around the shaft or to the shaft itself, which is insulated from the armature, the shaft or sleeve pressing against a spring, the end of which is made fast to a binding post insu- lated from the magneto frame. This meth- od gives the appearance of no brushes to the magneto, but one is theoretically there. The one wire leading from the insulated binding post is connected to the spark coil binding post, and another wire from the coil to a switch, thence to the insulated plug of the engin-e, where, upon contact, the cur- rent flows through the engine frame, re- turning to the magneto and armature wind- ing. 55 CHAPTER VI. TESTING FOR TROUBLE. One of the principal causes of trouble in the electrical equipment of a marine gaso- line engine, especially when, used on salt water, is the corrosion of copper wires, caused by being in close proximity to met- als of opposite polarity, both of which -may be situated in a damp place, either in the bilge of the boat or where continual spray is thrown when under way. A broken wire is a very perplexing prob- lem to locate to the novice. If a broken wire is suspected between one battery and another, it can be easily proved or located by connecting a piece of wire to the zinc binding post at the end of the set and rub- bing the other end of the wire on the car- bon plate on the battery at the other end of the set, but not on the binding post. If the connections between each battery are all right, a small arc or flame will occur be- tween the wire and the carbon each time 56 they come in contact, but if an open circuit prevails, or the batteries have become ex- hausted, no spark will appear. Before placing the wire on the zinc bind- ing post, remove the permanent wire there- from and open the switch, so that there can be no ground at any point in the outside wires, and through the battery box in any unforseen manner. By going over each binding post very often a loose connection with the wires and binding posts will be found as the cause. If the binding posts are making a good connection, with the piece of wire still fastened at the zinc binding post, making a perfect metallic connection, touch the carbon of the battery next near- est the end where the zinc and wire are connected and continue thus with each bat- tery toward the zinc connection until a spark is seen on the carbon. As soon a'b it sparks, the trouble is between that bat- tery and the one next to it which would not spark. Should the batteries appear to be in per- fect condition, and in case the engine should fail to start, if the equipment is make-and- break system of ignition, remove the wire 57 from the insulated electrode or plug and wipe it across any bright or polished part of the engine, after closing the switch. If a spark occurs, following the wire each time, turn over the fly wheel until contact is iniade by the movable and station- ary electrode inside of the cylinder. This point occurs just before the device on the outside of the cylinder trips or snaps, which separates the electrodes. Now, wipe the wire across the insulated plug electrode, and if a spark occurs, turn the fly wheel still further until the device snaps to sepa- rate the electrodes, and try the same thing again. If no flame is perceptible, the spark is occurring inside of the cylinder. The trip separating the electrodes should occur barely before the piston reaches its top cen- ter, generally marked by a cut in the fly- wheel rim to alleviate matters. A puzzling stage to many is when, after all these tests, no spark has shown itself, and the batteries are all right. The trouble may be a broken wire, bad connection at switch connections or contacts, switch bind- ing posts, coil binding posts or ground bind- ing posts on the engine frame. Referring 58 to Figure 26, a make-and-break system of connection is shown. Proceed to locate the trouble by turning the engine fly wheel so as to make connec- tion between the electrodes. See that the Fig. 26 switch is closed, and with a piece of wire, place one end at G on the batteries and wipe the other end across the top of the insulated electrode or plug, A. If a spark shows, the trouble is either in the ground wire, where it is connected to the battery, 59 or the engine frame, or between the two electrodes possibly by a bad connection, of sparking points. If no spark appears, with one end still at G, repeat the same operation at the coil binding post, E. If a spark appears, the trouble is either at binding post E, or in the wire, or at A, on the insulated electrode. If no spark shows itself, trouble is either at D of coil, C or B of the switch or battery connection, F, or 'poor connection in the knife switch or contact. The next mode of procedure will be to fasten the temporary wire at battery con- nection F, and touch other end of wire to binding post B, on the switch, first of all trying switch points by sand-papering and noting if spark follows points when open- ing switch. With the supposition that an open circuit still prevails', by no spark show- ing when touching temporary wire to B, touch next to C of switch, and then to D. When a spark is noticed the trouble lies between where spark occurred and the last point it failed to show. There may be such a thing that after a period unused the whole installation may be defective. If no spark can be deter- mined at all, this can be ascertained by fastening temporary wire at F and D, and with another piece of wire, fastened to G, touch the binding post E, of the coil. A spark should now show itself, as this cuts out the engine and switch and all the wir- ing, and should be convincing enough to show the necessity for new wires. Although appearing to be a rather in- tricate mtethod, any person can soon learn the why and wherefore. For jump spark ignition remove the plug from the cylinder and lay it on a bright metallic part of the engine, with the wire attached to it, being sure that only the por- tion of the side metal containing the screw threads make the connection, the sarnie as if screwed into the cylinder. Turn over the engine until contact is made at the timer or commutator. If the trembler or vibrator of the coil does not operate, adjust by turn- ing the thumb screw in either direction until it does. If it fails, pass a fine piece of sand paper between the point on the trembler and the thumb screw adjuster. If it op- erates now, observe the size of spark at the spark plug. 61 Jump spark coils are invariably situated near the engine and batteries, and are very convenient for locating trouble. If a good- sized wire is used when installing, a failure of the vibrator to work can be located by seeing that" good contact is made at timer, switch points are clean, binding posts tight ; in the event of which all are in good con- dition, the same test for trouble in the bat- teries as before mentioned can be used. When batteries are suspected of causing the trouble, new batteries are not always at hand to put in their place to save testing out. With jumip spark ignition, very often after putting in new batteries, a very hot spark occurs at the vibrator and a weak spark at the plug. This is caused by a poor connection between the condenser and the wires leading to the vibrator inside of the coil case. The best thing to do in this case is to send the coil to the manufac- turer or discard it, unless the operator has the ingenuity to repair it and understands its principle and theory. 62 INSTALLATION OF IGNITION SYSTEM. Do not use small gauge wires, as they are too readily subjected to injury. No. 14, and, better yet, No. 12, safety wire will carry the current better and stand harder usage. Always wind several turns on a pencil before fastening an end to a binding post, so that, should a break occur at the fastening, enough will be left for another connection. If imperative to run wires along the bilge in a damp place, use lead-covered wire. Run all wires in the lockers if possible, or under the edge of the 'coaming. Never fasten two wires under one staple, or a short circuit may be caused by cutting through the insulation of the wires and each point touching the metal. Do not drive sta- ples home, as they are liable to cut the in- sulation and break the wire. Single or double pole, double throw, knife switches for two sets of batteries or mag- neto and battery, or single-throw knife switches, or electric light snap switches, give better results than the ordinary elec- tric bell or automobile switch, for the rea- 63 son that the former have a rub pressure contact attendant with closing. When installing a double-throw knife switch, set it up horizontally, so that it will not close by its own gravity. Single-throw switches should be set up vertically, so that in opening, the lever is pulled, down, for the same reason. Place all dry batteries in a dry place. If the whole set is not sealed up in pitch, and if inconvenient to 'procure any, connect the set together, soldering all connections, and place them in a box to just nicely contain them. Put binding posts on the end of the box or extend the wires: through the holes in the box, and fill the case with pitch or as- phalt. This will keep the set water-proof under all circumstarces. Those who desire to keep dry batteries from absorbing mois- ture, and do not care to use pitch, can place the set in a box, filling same to the top with sawdust. When this absorbing material be- comes damp, renew. All dry batteries should be set right side up, unless water-proofed with pitch, else the pitch in the top of the cans will run on warm days and permit the contents to evap- orate. When, putting screws or nails in a battery box to hold it in position, be sure to see that a nail or screw has not misdirected and touches one of the batteries and a wire. Brighten all contacts and ends of wires when fastening to binding posts, screws, etc., and solder and tape over any splice made in the wire. When the novice installs his own jump- spark electrical equipment, it is a common occurrence to find ordinary electric light wire leading from the coil to the spark plug on the engine. Very few explosions are gotten from the engine before trouble oc- curs. Notwithstanding the use of ordinary wire when there is more than one cylinder to the engine, these wires are bunched to- gether and taped. Rerr;ember that it is most imperative that wire with a heavy insulation of rubber is necessary for this secondary current to carry to the plug, on account of the high voltage and liability to jump through the insulation of ordinary wire. If unable to procure the heavy insulated wire, use the 65 66 ordinary wire, but procure a piece of pure rubber tube or circular loom, such as elec- tric light wires are run through, and slide this over the wires. Wire terminals are now manufactured which facilitate a good metallic connection, and also prevent the wire from breaking at the point of connection. Figure 27 shows two forms of spark plug wire connectors, A and B, and a form of battery terminals, C. Water-proof plug protectors are being utilized to great advantage in protecting the plug and wire terminal from corrosion and short circuits caused by spray. These are a boon to the open power boat. 67 CHAPTER VII. KINKS IN THE POWER INSTALLATION. Difficulties are encountered other than in the ignition system of a marine engine. Poor water circulation or chronic trouble in starting the water flow through a gear or rotary pump, foreign substances in the gasoline, affecting carburation, trim or mo- tion of the boat acting on the gasoline level in the fuel tank, leaks in the gasoline pipe or connections, sticking of the check valves in the water supply, etc., are troubles very often traced directly to the manner in which installation was put in. Unless a rotary or gear pump is placed at a point below the water line in a boat, there is no suction to start the water to flow, and priming with water has to be re- sorted to, and, even though they work sat- isfactorily when new, they soon require the primting process, as all the water escapes from the cylinder jacket through the pump when not in operation. The best remedy for this is to place a check valve between pump and entrance of pipe through the hull. This will insure the pump remaining rilled with water, by the check closing when the pump stops and remaining wide open while running. SUPPLY PIPE TO VAPORIZER FASTEN PET COCK Fie 28 Any foreign matter in- the fuel can be readily drained from the pipe by the use of a T connection with a sight glass fitted with a pet cock at its lowest point, as shown in Figure 28. Water is the most annoying substance in the fuel, but with this form of filter or sepa- rator, its presence can be detected, as well as any sediment, etc., as it will settle to the bottom of the gasoline by its own grav- ity. The gasoline enters the tip, going out the side of the T to the vaporizer. Sedi- ment in the gasoline pipe is often traced to the use of a galvanized iron tank. An- nealed copper tanks, tinned inside, are the most satisfactory and only safe tank to in- stall in a boat. No matter what the tank is constructed of, it should rest in a pan, fitted with outboard scuppers and separated from the boat proper by a bulk-head, mate- ing an air-tight comtpartment. In case of leaks developing in the tank, the contents will run into the pan and be directed outboard, and not enter the hull, to cause fire. Leaks in the gasoline tank are very dan- gerous, and should be repaired at once. The pipe should be in one piece, either lead 01 annealed copper, and all connections made fast with soft solder. When setting up threaded ends of gasoline pipe, they should be sweated in or set up with brown shellac, 70 and nothing else. Gasoline often escapes from the vaporizer or carbureter and lodges in the bilge of the boat, endangering a fire. The only safe method in such in- stances is to arrange a pan, or length ot pipe like a U, under the vaporizer. The motion or roll of the boat may cause the mouth of the gasoline pipe in the tank to occasionally be uncovered. Cylindrical and V-shaped tanks overcome this difficul- ty. When equipped with a square tank, and trouble of this sort prevails, arrange the piping as shown in Figure 29, with an outlet from both sides. Check valves in the water inlet pipe often placed near the cylinder jacket, cause an- noyance by rust backing up to the check, forming a deposit on the valve seat, affect- ing the water circulation. Checks should always be kept clean, and occasionally smeared with vaseline or oil on the seat. When a new engine has been installed by a novice, very often the engine will stop after a few minutes' run>, with apparently no reason for doing so, and after a thorough examination of every part shows nothing amiss. The cause of this is often due to 71 the absence of a vent in the gasoline tank, which can be remedied in a small equip- ment by drilling or punching a very small hole in the rilling cap of the tank. In larger equipments it is better to solder a ^-inch copper pipe to the top of the tank, leading same to a point well toward or at the stern, over deck. One of the safest methods of installing a gasoline tank in a power boat is to insert a brass pipe in 'the top of the tank, of suffi cient size to be convenient for filling, set up on the inside and outside of the tank 72 with lock nuts, soldered fast. The top of the brass pipe should be long enough to ex- tend through the deck far enough for a col- lar to screw on and fasten to the deck, and a cap to cover the open end and set up against the collar. In the event of any gasoline spilling during the fitting of the tank, it can not enter the boat, and must go overboard. Never place any rubber gaskets, hose, etc., in connection with any pipe, part of the tank, carbureter, etc., where either gasoline or its vapor is liable to come in contact with same. Rubber is soluble in gasoline, and may cause a disastrous leak at any time if used. Never place a stop cock in the water overflow pipe leading from engine outboard or into exhaust pipe. It will sooner or later be found closed, after the pump has broken or the water jacket cracked. 73 CHAPTER VIII. HORSEPOWER. One of the most peculiar phases con- fronting the intending purchaser of a ma- rine engine is how to estimate the horse- power of any engine under consideration. The suspicion of overrating invariably pre- sents itself, especially when two styles of different speed, weight and size claim the same power. Irrespective of manufacturer's rating, the feeling exists to know the exact rating and what a horsepower constitutes. An American or English horsepower represents the equivalent of 33,000 pounds raised to a height of I foot during a period of i minute, or 1,000 pounds 33 feet in i minute, or 550 pounds per second, or any proportional combination of these figures. This represents the value of an American or English horsepower, and not a French horsepower. The French people utilize two kinds of horsepower, cheval vapeur and poncelet. The former is the value of 32,550 pounds raised I foot in I minute, or 542.5 pounds per second, which is .9863 that of the Eng- lish horsepower. Poncelet equals the value of 43,400 pounds raised I foot in I minute, or 1-3 more than cheval vapeur. Poncelet is used for laboratory tests, while internal combustion engines are rated by the cheval vapeur. In French measurements the English horsepower represents 76.04 kilogram meters per second; cheval vapeur, 75 kilo- gram meters per second, and poncelet, 100 kilogram meters per second. It will thus be seen that there is a difference of about 2 per cent between the horsepower of a French engine and one of Amrican manu- facture. An American engine would, there- fore, figure less power, dimensions for di- mensions, than one of French manufac- ture. It must be taken, into consideration that different compression space dimensions, de- sign, workmanship and material, may be the cause of different power ratings for the same dimensions and speed. There are sev- eral rules for approximately figuring the 75 horsepower of an internal combustion en- gine. AMERICAN POWER BOAT ASSOCIATION RULE. Area of piston, multiplied by the num- ber of cylinders, times the revolutions per minute, divided by 1,000 for a 4-cycle and 750 for a 2-cycle engine. Designated by : D 2 X .7854 X N X R - =H P. 4-cycle. IOOO D 2 x .7854 x N x R ---- . = H. P. 2-ccle. D equals diameter, N equals number of cylinder, R equals revolutions per minute. A rule used by several manufacturers is to square the diameter of the cylinder, mul- tiply by the stroke, then by the revolutions per minute, and number of cylinders, divid- ing this result by 17,000 for a 4-cycle and by 13,000 for a 2-cycle engine. 76 D 2 x LX R XN' - =H P. 4-cycle. 17,000 = H. P. 2-cycle. 13,000 D equals diameter piston, L equals length stroke, R equals revolutions per minute, N equals number of cylinders. Another rule is to figure 10 cubic inches piston displacement per horsepower for high-speed 4-cycle engines, and 8 cubic inches for a high-speed 2-cycle. Which is : D 2 X .7854 X L X N = H. P. 4-cycle. 10 D 2 x .7854 XL = H. P. 2-cycle. 8 The rule for high-speed engines refers to those rated at from 950 to 1,500 revolu- tions per minute. 77. This high speed is not utilized to any ad- vantage over 1,000 revolutions per minute in a power boat, and if a speed of 800 to 900 is realized it can be more practically utilized. If the engine is rated at 1, 600 revolu- tions, the power development will be about one-half at 800, and if rated at 1,200 revo- lutions, two-thirds the power derivation will be realized at 800. By noting the American Power Boat As- sociation's rating of various engines in comparison, to the manufacturers' rating, and especially those of foreign rating, a dif- ference will be noticeable. On account of the demand created by the high speed development of the a'utomobile, high-speed marine engines are in demand, notwithstanding their short length of life. Unless the craft is strictly a speed boat, a lightly constructed engine is wholly out of place. The following tables of dimensions are the engine ratings of prominent manufac- turers. Various sizes of engines are pro- duced by multi-cylinder of 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 78 combinations. The horsepower is for a single cylinder engine in the following : 2-cycle, 2-ported type. H.P. R.P.M. Bore. Stroke. 1/2 500 3/2 . 3/2 2 500 3tt 4 3/2 550 4/2 5 7/2 425 5/2 6y 2 10 350 7 7/2 2-cycle, 3-ported type. H.P. R.P.M. Bore. Stoke. Weight. I 700 3 2/2 38 2 950 3 3 75 3 500 4 4 150 4 900 3/ 3 5 A 125 5 600 4/2 5 180 79 4-cycle. H.P. R.P.M. 1 Bore. Stoke. i 750 2/2 4 2^ 600 3/2 5 3 950 3/4 3/2 3/2 600 4 l /2 5 4 900 4 4/4 5 500 5 6 7 800 4tt 5 7/ 450 &A 7 7/2 450 6/4 7 8 800 5 5 10 750 5/2 6 15 800 6/ 6^2 80 CHAPTER IX. WIRING DIAGRAMS. In making use of the various wiring diagrams on the following pages, it will be well to remember that the order of firing the cylinders in a multi-cylinder engine has not been set forth. This order of firing, for jump spark ignition, in a four-cycle engine can be located by the positions of the cams on the cam shaft for the exhaust valve lifts. Before wiring to the com- mutator or timer, the fly wheel can be turned over until the exhaust valve cam of the cylinder nearest the front of the engine starts to open the valve. This indi- cates that this same cylinder was the last to ignite, consequently the last to close the primary circuit at the timer. By locating the binding post on the timer which is then the one just passed contract, with the timer retarded for a late spark, in other words, the timter cover or case carrying the binding posts or connec- 81 tions, moved as far as practical in -the same direction as that which the timer shaft rotates. When this binding post is located, the primary wire of coil number one is fastened to same, and the secondary wire of coil number one made fast to the plug on cylinder number one. The flywheel can then be turned over until the next cam comes into action for locating the next con- nection, or can be found by looking along the cam shaft until the next cam to come into action is located or figured out. Although a four-cylinder engine may fire, i, 2, 4, 3, the secondary wires should be led to the plug direct without crossing, as, coil i to cylinder, i, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, 4 to 4, and the changes for order of firing arranged at the timer by the primary connections thereto. Each primary wire from the coil to the timer, is for the secondary or plug wire directly over the formler on the coil. Multi-cylinder coils are made up of single cylinder coils. When wiring a two-cycle multi-cylinder engine, the order of firing can be located by noting which crank revolves next in order from number one cvlinder. S2 For make-and-break ignition, the spark- ing mechanism on the outside of each cylinder generally takes care of the firing of each cylinder correctly. Each of the following diagrams is ar- ranged for two sets of batteries, to use each set at will, through the medium of a two-point or double-throw switch. If a generator is to be used, with one set of batteries for starting, the arrangement is made in the same manner in the circuit as if one set of the two represented in the diagrams was removed, and the generator inserted in its place. The diagram key is : P. plug, S. switch, T. timer, == ground. 83 Single Cylinder. 2 Sets Batteries. Make-and Break. 84 n Two-Cylinder. Make-and-Break. 2 Sets Batteries. 85 Single-Cylinder. 3 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Bat- teries. Jump Spark. Single Cylinder, 4 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Bat- teries. Jump Spark. 87 Single Cylinder. 6 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Bat- teries. Jump Spark. 88 Two-Cylinder. 5 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Batteries. Jump Spark. Three-Cylinder. 7 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Batteries. Jump Spark. ,90 Four-Cylinder. 9 Terminal Coil. 2 Sets Batteries, Jump Spark. 91 INDEX. Page. Accumulators 45 Advancing S'park 13 Alternating Current 54 Ampere 3 Auxiliary Spark Gap 3 Batteries 86 Batteries, Primary 36 " Storage 45 Broken Wire Trouble 56 Coil, Jump SparK 17 Coil, Jump S'park. Action of 25 Coil, Jump S'park, Construction of 22 Coil, Make-and-Break 9 Coil, Vibrating 25 Commutators 32 Condenser, Electrical 19, 23 ( :onnecting Primary Batteries 43 Connecting Storage Batteries 40 Construction of Jump Spark Coil 22 Diagrams for Wiring 81 Distributers 32 Dry Batteries 36 Dry Battery Installation .- 64 Dynamos . . . 47 Gap, S'park 31 Generators 47 High Tension Magnetos 54 Horsepower 74 Horsepower Ratings 75 Ignition, Jump Spark 16 Ignition. Make-and-Break 4 Ignition System, Installation 63 Installation of Ignition System '. . 63 Jump S'park Coil. . . , 17 Jump Spark Coil Action 25 Jump Spark Coil Construction 22 Page. Jump Spark Ignition 16 Magnetism 1 Magnetos 51 Magnetic Primary Igniters. 11 Make-and-Break Igniters 4 Open Circuit Batteries 40 Permanent Magnets 2 Plugs, Spark 27 Primary Batteries 36 Retarding S'park 13 Ilhumkorf Coil -. 17 Sal Ammoniac Batteries . . .36, 38 Secondary Batteries 45 Soda Batteries 36, 41 S'park Advance 13 Spark Coil Action 25 Spark Coil Construction 22 Spark Coil, Tump 17 Spark Coil, Make-and-Break , *> Spark Gap 31 Spark Plugs 27 Storage Batteries 45 Switches 63 Timers 32 Troubles, other than Ignition 68 Troubles, Testing for 56 Vibrating Coil 5 Vibrator 18 Volt 3 Voltage, Battery 43 Voltage, Magneto 51 Voltage of Secondary Current 21 Water in Fuel 70 Wet Batteries 38 Wiring Diagrams SI Wiring Installation 03, 65 SUCTION GAS By OSWALD H. HAENSSGEN Gas Producers have begun to in- fluence largely the question of the economic production of power. In Europe this has been the case for several years; while their introduc- tion in America has been compari- tively recent. Suction Gas Producers and Pro- ducer Gas Engines are subjects requiring special knowledge of the conditions, and in this work, by an eminent German gas engine expert, these subjects are fully considered. The work is for the manufacturer, designer or user of Suction Gas Pro- ducers and Producer Gas Engines CLOTH. 9O PAGES. Price. Postpaid. $1.00 The Gas Engine Pub. Co. Btymyer Building. CINCINNATI. O. The Automobile Pocketbook By E. W. ROBERTS, M. E. Member American Society Mechanical Engineers: Author '-The Gas Engine Handbook,'' "On Marine Motors and Motor Launches," "'Gas Engines and The.r Troubles," Etc. This is a new book on automobile operation and construction by the author of the "Gas Engine Handbook," a work now widely known to all those interested in gas enginery; and of which over 6,000 copies have been sold since iis initial appearance in 1900. It is replete with just such necessary informa- tion as is sought by every operator or designer of an automobile. The book gives clear and concise infor- mation on the operation and care of an automobile, tells what to do in case of an emergency, and it con- tains much educational information concerning design. In the book will be found no padding, no reference to any particular make and no matter in the nature of advertising. There is not a cut among the 52 pages of illustrations that has not been drawn expressly for the book and under the author's special direction. Eacii chapter is, so far as is practicable, complete in itself, and the text has been prepared to meet the understanding of the average reader, with freedom from technical terms and higher mathema- tics. The book contains 325 pages, 3'-u by 5*4 inches, and is bound in limp leather. It just fits the pocket, and will be found as necessary a part of the equip- ment of an automobile as a wrench or screw driver. Price, $1.5O Postpaid The Gas Engine Pub. Co. Blymyer Building, CINCINNATI, OHIO THE GAS-ENGINE HANDBOOK A Manual of \7seful Inform- ation for the 'De-signer and the Engineer, By E. W. ROBERTS, M. E. Author of i:C. : S. Text Books on G:is, Gasoline and Oil Engines; on Marine Motors and Motor Launches; How to Buiid a Th ee-llorsepOwer Ijiiunch Engine; The Automobile Pocketbook. Sixth .Thousand, Eighth Editipn. "^[O work on gas enginery has received higher L^ encomiums from the press and public than this book. It contains the most complete set of formulas on gas engine design that have ever appeared in any work on th subject. In fact, the greater number of the formulas were developed by the author from standard practice in United States gas-engine fac- tories. . , . .... ,; -. r t- f? Over 6,000 Gas-Engine Handbooks have been sold and the demand is now as great as ever. It is bound in limp leather, and is of P handy size to fit the pocket. PRICE, $1.50 The Gas Engine Pub. Co. 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