so C12 1915 A HANDBOOK FOREST PROTECTION CALIFORNIA G.M.HOMANS STATE FORESTER CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. HIRAM W. JOHNSON, GOVERNOR FRANK C. JORDAN, SECRETARY of STATE U. S. WEBB, ATTORNEY GENERAL G. M. ROMANS, STATE FORESTER CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY A HANDBOOK OF Forest Protection Forest Laws; Protection of Ornamental and Shade Trees; Angeles Forest SYNOPSIS OF GAME LAWS LIST OF FIREWARDENS, 1913 AUGUST ISSUE INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE FIGHTERS FRIEND WM. RICHARDSON, SUPT. OF STATE PRINTING SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 1913 FOREWORD. The forest laws of the State are given in full. The following summary is intended to show briefly what provisions are of particular interest to different classes of citizens: County Officers. Forest fires can not be suppressed by individual effort. The work must be organized. Organize in your county. The laws give you thi right to appropriate money from the county treasury for the purpose. Have paid firewardens appointed and provide an emergency fund for fire fighting. Many counties do so. They find it pays. Have your firewardens clear up dangerous places along roads and trails. Timber Owners. Have your employees appointed firewardens, with authority to hire assistance when necessary. If your holdings are too small to warrant the expense, join with your neighbors and share the cost. Take care of your slashings. See that you have adequate spark arresters on wood or coal-burning engines. Caution your employees not to set fires. If the State or county has to fight them, you are liable for the full amount of all expenses incurred. Firewardens. Study the forest laws. All Citizens. Be careful with fires in timber, grass, or brush. Fight fires when called upon. Read rules for prevention of forest fires. Read instructions to fire fighters. POREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. ^ ORGANIZATION OF STATE FOREST WORK.^ ! yk Chapter 264, Laws of 1905 (p. 235). 15 I " \ An act to provide for the regulation of fires on, and the ^ protection and management of, public and private for- C3 est lands within the State of California, creating a ~~3 State Board of Forestry and certain officers subordi- nate to said board, prescribing the duties of such officers, creating a forestry fund, and appropriating oo the moneys in said fund, and defining and providing ^ for the punishment of certain offenses for violations v, of the provisions of this act, and making an appro- e-i priation therefor. ^ SECTION 1. State Board of Forestry. There shall < be a State Board of Forestry, consisting of the Gov- ernor, Secretary of State, Attorney General and State Forester, which shall supervise all matters of State forest policy and management, and convene upon the U] call of the Governor or of its secretary. Oj SEC. 2. State Forester and his duties. There shall l_ be a State Forester, who shall be a civil executive J officer, and who shall be a technically trained forester, 3 appointed by the Governor to hold office at the pleasure J of the appointing power; and whether any candidate K for the position is a technically trained forester shall be ~ determined by certificate from the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, or from the Department of Forestry of the State University after such department is established. He shall receive a salary of twenty-four hundred dollars per annum, and shall be authorized and empowered to appoint two assistant foresters, whose salaries shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars each per annum. He shall main- tain headquarters at the State Capitol in an office pro- vided by the Secretary of State, and shall be allowed necessary office and contingent expenses. He and his assistants shall be paid reasonable traveling and field 253086 4 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. expenses which may be incurred in the necessary per- formance of their official duties. He shall act as secre- tary of the State Board of Forestry. He shall, under the supervision of the State Board of Forestry, execute all matters pertaining to forestry within the jurisdiction of the State; have charge of all firewardens in the State, and direct and aid them in their duties ; direct the protection and improvement of state parks and forests ; collect data relative to forest destruction and conditions ; take such action as is authorized by law to prevent and extinguish forest, brush, and grass fires; enforce all laws pertaining to forest and brush-covered land, and prosecute for any violation of such laws ; co-operate with landowners, as described in section four in this act ; and publish from time to time such information of forestry as he may deem wise. He shall prepare annually a report to the Governor on the progress and condition of state forest work, and recom- mend therein plans for improving the state system of forest protection, management and replacement.* SEC. 3. Supervision and care of state parks. The California Redwood Park and the Mount Hamilton tract, together with all moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated for the purchase of land for or care of said parks, tracts and stations, shall be in charge of the State Board of Forestry, said board to take the place of and forthwith shall have all the powers and duties now possessed in accordance with law by persons or commissions with regard to the state parks, tracts of land, and forest stations mentioned in this act, and also any forest or brush land which may hereafter become state property, or be placed definitely in the care of the State; and it is hereby further enacted that, if the government of the United States or any individual or corporation shall, at any time, donate or intrust to the State of California, for state park or state forest reserve purposes, any tract or tracts of wholly or partially Salary of State Forester increased in 1909 to $3,000. P vision regarding two assistant foresters amended at same tim to one deputy forester at $1,800, and one assistant forester a $1,600. 'ro- STATE FOREST WORK. 5 wooded land, such tract or tracts of land shall be administered at the expense of the State, as provided by law.*t SEC. 4. Co-operative work. The State Forester shall, upon request and whenever he deems it essential to the best interests of the people and the State, co-operate with counties, towns, corporations, and indi- viduals in preparing plans for the protection, manage- ment and replacement of trees, woodlots and timber tracts, on consideration and under an agreement that the parties obtaining such assistance pay at least the field expenses of the men employed in preparing said plans. SEC. 5. Publication of laws and notices. The State Forester shall prepare and print for public distribution an abstract of all the forest laws of California, together with such rules and regulations in accord therewith, as he may deem necessary, and shall annually print and distribute a list of all firewardens with their addresses, all such matter to be published with the approval of the State Board of Forestry. He shall also furnish notices, printed in large letters on cloth, calling attention to the danger from forest fires, and to forest fire and trespass laws and their penalties. Such notices shall be posted by the firewardens in conspicuous places along every highway in brush and forest-covered country, at frequent intervals along streams and lakes frequented by tourists, hunters or fishermen, at established camping sites, and in every post office in the forested region. SEC. 6. Fire districts. The State Forester shall divide the State into such number of fire districts as shall be deemed by him most necessary to the efficiency of his work; and, furthermore, any county, or combina- tion of less than four counties, shall be made a separate fire district, upon request of the county board or boards of supervisors, in which case such special fire district *One such tract was donated in 1909 by Mrs. Annie Bidwell of Chico. tThe California Redwood Park is now in charge of a com- missioner appointed by the Governor. Chapter 12, Laws of 1911. [Approved February 6, 1911.] 2 BF 6 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. shall pay the cost of maintaining its district fire- wardens.* SEC. 7. Duties of assistant foresters. The duties of the assistant foresters shall be to devote their entire time to State forest interests according to rules and directions to be determined by the State Forester, with the approval of the State Board of Forestry. They shall take prompt measures to prevent and extinguish forest fires; keep a record of the cause, extent and damage of all forest fires in their respective districts, and perform such other duties as the State Forester may direct. SEC. 8. Voluntary firewardens and their duties. The State Forester shall appoint, in such number and localities as he deems wise, public-spirited citizens to act as voluntary firewardens, who may receive payment for their services from the counties or from private sources. They shall promptly report all fires and take immediate and active steps toward their extinguishment, report any violation of the forest laws, assist in appre- hending and convicting offenders, and perform such other duties as the State Forester may direct. The supervisors and rangers on the Federal forest reserves within the State, whenever they formally accept the duties and responsibilities of firewardens, may be appointed as voluntary firewardens, and shall have all the powers given to firewardens by this act. SEC. 9. Powers and requirements of firewardens. The State Forester and all firewardens shall have the powers of peace officers to make arrests without war- rant, for violations of any State or Federal forest laws, and no firewarden shall be liable to civil action for trespass committed in the discharge of his duties. Any firewarden who has information which would show with reasonable certainty, that any person had violated any provision of such forest laws, shall immediately take action against the offender, either by using his own *The original bill as presented to the legislature provided for ten district firewardens to be paid by the State. This provision was not enacted into law and in consequence section 6 has no meaning. STATE FOREST WORK. 7 powers as a peace officer or by making complaint before the proper magistrate, or by information to the proper district attorney, and shall obtain all possible evidence pertaining thereto. Failure on the part of any paid fire- warden to comply with the duties prescribed in this act shall be a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than three months, or both such fine and imprisonment, and the State Forester is hereby author- ized to investigate and prosecute such violations. SEC. 10. Assistance of citizens in fighting fire. (Penal Code, sec. 384, subsec. 5. See page 14.) SEC. 11. Fire patrol. In times and localities of particular fire danger the State Forester may maintain a fire patrol through the firewardens, at such places in brush or forest land, as the public interest may require, the expense of such patrol to be paid by the county in which such patrol is maintained; and, furthermore, he may, upon written request by counties, corporations or individuals, maintain a fire patrol on their forest lands; provided, that the expense of said patrol be paid by the party or parties requesting same. SEC. 12. District attorneys to prosecute vigor- ously. Whenever an arrest shall have been made for violation of any provision of this act, or whenever any information of such violation shall have been lodged with him, the district attorney of the county in which the criminal act was committed must prosecute the offender or offenders with all diligence and energy. If any district attorney shall fail to comply with the pro- visions of this section he shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, in the discretion of the court. Action against the dis- trict attorney shall be brought by the Attorney General in the name of the people of the State on the relation of the State Forester. The penalties of this section shall apply to any magistrate, with proper authority, who refuses or neglects to cause the arrest and prosecution of any person or persons when complaint, under oath, 8 FOREST I.AWS OF CALIFORNIA. of violation of any terms of this act has been lodged with him. SEC. 13. Destruction of warning notices. Any per- son who shall destroy, deface, remove or disfigure any sign, poster or warning notice posted under the provi- sions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not less than fifteen dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than three months, or both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 14. Wilfully, maliciously, and negligently setting forest fires. (Penal Code, sec. 384, subsec. 1. See page 12.) SEC. 15. Extinguishment of camp fires. (Penal Code, sec. 384, subsec. 6. See page 14.) SEC. 16. Restrictions of use of fire during a dry season. (Penal Code, sec. 384, subsec. 3. See page 13.) SEC. 17. Engines in forest land. (Penal Code, sec. 384, subsec. 4. See page 14.) SEC. 18. Civil liability for forest fires. In addition to the penalties provided in this act, the United States, State, county, or private owners, whose prop- erty is injured or destroyed by such fires, may recover in a civil action, double* the amount of damages suffered if the fires occurred through wilfulness, malice or negli- gence; but if such fires were- caused or escaped acci- dentally or unavoidably, civil action shall lie only for the actual damage sustained as determined by the value of the property injured or destroyed, and the detriment to the land and vegetation thereof. The presumption of wilfulness, malice or neglect shall be overcome; pro- vided, that the precautions set forth are observed; or, provided, fires are set 'during a "dry season" with Section 3344 of the Political Code states that "Every person negligently setting fire to his own woods, or negligently suffer- ing any fire to extend beyond his own land, is liable in treble damages to the party injured." Treble damages are changed to double damages by the above section. STATE FOREST WORK. 9 written permission of and under the direction of the district firewarden. Persons or corporations causing fires by violations of this act shall be liable to the state or county in action for debt, to the full amount of all expenses incurred by the State or county in fighting such fires. Section 19 of the above entitled act, approved March 18, 1905, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SEC. 19. Inspection of forest area. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Forestry, whenever it shall be deemed necessary, to notify the owner of any forest area within the State by a written notice to be served upon the person or persons or corporation, or either of them, owning or having charge of such area, or upon the agents, attorney or representative of either, by any firewarden, deputy firewarden or special firewarden or any employee of the State Board of Forestry, in the same manner as a summons in a civil action, or if such area belongs to any non-resident person or corporation and there is no person in control or possession thereof, and such non-resident person or corporation has no tenant, attorney, representative or agent upon whom such service can be had, or if the owner or owners of such area or their tenants, attorneys, representatives, or agents, can not after due diligence be found, then by posting the said notice in some conspicuous place upon such area and by mailing a copy thereof to the owner thereof at his last known place of residence if the same is known or can be ascertained, that the said State Board of Forestry intends to cause an inspection to be made of the said forest area for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the same constitutes a nuisance as hereinafter provided. The said notice shall describe the forest area to be inspected by general description and shall designate the time of such inspec- tion. At the time so designated in said notice the said State Board of Forestry shall cause an inspection to be made of the said forest area and the said owner or his agent shall be permitted to be present during such inspection and shall be given a full opportunity of showing that such forest area is not a nuisance as 10 FOREST I.AWS OF CALIFORNIA. contemplated by this act. If the said State Board of Forestry after such inspection finds any forest area inadequately protected adjoining, lying near, or inter- mingled with other forest and covered wholly or in part with inflammable debris, which by reason of such location or condition or lack of protection endangers life or property, the State Board of Forestry shall in writing notify the owner or owners of such areas that the condition of said areas endangers life or property and shall require such person or corporation to clean up such areas by the use of fire or otherwise at a time and in a manner to be therein specified. Said notice may be served upon the person or persons or corpora- tion, or either of them, owning or having charge of such areas or upon the agents of either, by any fire- warden, deputy firewarden or special firewarden or any employee of the State Board of Forestry, in the same manner as a summons in a civil action; provided, how- ever, that if any such area belong to any non-resident person or corporation and there is no person in control or possession thereof and such non-resident person or corporation has no tenant, bailee, depository or agent upon whom such service can be had ; or if the owner or owners of such areas can not after due diligence be found, then such notice may be served by posting the same in some conspicuous place upon such area, and by mailing a copy thereof to the owner thereof at his last known place of residence, if the same is known or can be ascertained. Any and all such inadequately protected forest areas adjoining, lying near, or inter- mingled with other forest and covered wholly or in part with inflammable debris, which by reason of such location or condition or lack of protection endangers life or property, are hereby declared to be a public nuisance; and whenever any such nuisance shall exist within the State, and the proper notice shall have been served, as herein provided, and the time specified in said notice shall have elapsed without the nuisance having been abated, it shall be the duty of the State Board of Forestry to cause said nuisance to be at once abated, by burning or otherwise disposing of the inflam- mable debris. The expense thereof shall be paid by STATE FOREST WORK. 11 the State in like manner as bills for fire fighting are paid. Any and all such sum or sums so paid shall be and become a lien on the property from which said nuisance has been removed or abated in pursuance of this section, and said lien shall continue as long as the said sum or sums above referred to shall remain unpaid. The claim for any lien shall be filed by the State Forester, or under his direction, by any of his assistants or firewardens, in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property on which said nuisance existed is situated. Proceedings for the enforcement of such lien shall be instituted by the district attorney of the county where the nuisance existed, at the request of the State Board of Forestry and in the name of the State of California as claimant ; and the costs shall be recovered in the usual manner. The State Board of Forestry is hereby vested with the power to cause any and all such nuisances to be abated in a summary manner.* SEC. 20. Disposal of moneys received as penalties. All moneys received as penalties for violations of the provisions of this act, less the cost of collection, and not otherwise provided for, shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the forestry fund, which fund is hereby created, and the moneys therein are hereby appropriated for purposes of forest protection, manage- ment and replacement under direction of the State Board of Forestry.* SEC. 21. Moneys for forest purposes. County boards of supervisory may appropriate money for pur- poses of forest protection, improvement and manage- ment. SEC. 22. Payment of expenses under this act. There is hereby appropriated for the fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth fiscal years, the sum of seventeen thousand six hundred dollars ($17,600)* for carrying out the provisions of this act, and for the payment of all salaries and expenses herein provided for. SEC. 23. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. *A11 fines collected to go to the county. 12 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY CO-OPERATION. The provisions made by the above sections 4, 6, 8, 11, 19, and 21 for the co-operation of counties with the State is supplanted by the following act (Stats. 1905, 394): SECTION 1. A new section is hereby added to the act to establish a uniform system of county and township governments, to be numbered 33^4, and to read as follows : Section 33^. To appropriate from the general fund of the county, unless otherwise provided, not exceeding in counties of the first and second class the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and in all other counties not exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars in any one year, to aid and carry on the work of the preservation of forests upon public lands, the reforestation of forests upon public lands, and the protection of forests upon public lands from fire. FIRE LAWS AND PENALTIES. CHAPTER 699. An act to amend section 384 of the Penal Code, relating to forest fires. [Approved May 1, 1911.] The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, 'do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 384 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Setting fire wilfully or negligently. 384. Any person who shall wilfully or negligently commit any of the acts hereinafter enumerated in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof be punishable by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprison- *The appropriation for the two years from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1915, is $43,800. FIRE LAWS AND PENALTIES. 13 ment in the county jail not less than fifteen days nor more than six months, or both such fine and imprison- ment, except that in the case of an offense against sub- section five of this section, the fine imposed may be not less than ten dollars. 1. Back firing. Setting fire, or causing or procuring fire to be set to any forest, brush or other inflammable vegetation grow- ing on lands not his own, without the permission of the owner of such land; provided, that no person shall be convicted under this section who shall have set, in good faith and with reasonable care, a back fire for the purpose of stopping the progress of a fire then actually burning. 2. Allowing fire to escape. Allowing fires to escape from the control of the persons having charge thereof, or to spread to the lands of any person other than the builder of such fire with- out using every reasonable and proper precaution to prevent such fire from escaping. 3. Carelessness with fire. Burning brush, stumps, logs, rubbish, fallen timber, fallows or grass on his own land, or blasting with dynamite, powder or other explosives, or setting off fireworks in forest or brush-covered land, either his own or the property of another, without taking every proper and reasonable precaution both before the light- ing of said fire and at all times thereafter to prevent the escape thereof; provided, that any firewarden may, in his discretion, give a written permit to any person desiring to burn or blast as aforesaid ; such permit shall contain such rules and regulations for the building and management of such fires as the State Board of For- estry may from time to time prescribe; and in any prosecution under this subsection it shall be prima facie evidence that the defendant has taken proper and reasonable precautions to prevent the escape of such fire, when he shall show that he has received such a permit and has complied with all the rules and regula- tions therein prescribed. 3 BF 14 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. 4. Locomotives, engines and boilers. Using any logging locomotive, donkey or threshing engine, or any other engine or boiler, in or near any forest, brush or grass land, unless he shall prove upon the trial, affirmatively, that such engines or boilers used by him were provided with adequate devices to prevent the escape of fire or sparks from smokestacks, ashpans, fireboxes, or other parts, and that he has used every reasonable precaution to prevent the causing of fire thereby. 5. Obliged to fight fire when called upon. Refusing or failing to render assistance in combatting fires at the summons of any firewarden unless prevented by good and sufficient reasons. 6. Allowing fires to escape. Leaving fire burning or unextinguished on departing from a camp or camping place, or allowing such fire to spread after being built. 7. Municipal corporation. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the setting of fire on lands within any municipal corporation of the State. SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. MALICIOUSLY SETTING FIRE. PENAL CODE, SEC. 600. Every person who wilfully and maliciously burns any bridge exceeding in value fifty dollars, or any structure, snowshed, vessel or boat, not the subject of arson, or any tent, or any stack of hay or grain or straw of any kind, or any pile of baled hay or straw, or any pile of potatoes, or beans, or vege- NOTE. The Political Code, section 3345, states that "Whenever the woods are on fire any justice of the peace, constable, or road overseer of the township or district where the fire exists, may order as many of the inhabitants liable to poll tax, residing in the vicinity, as may be deemed necessary, to repair to the place of the fire and assist in stopping or extinguishing it." It may sometimes be necessary for fire fighters to take advantage of this privilege where no firewarden is available. FEDERAL FIRE LAWS. 15 tables, or produce, or fruit of any kind, whether sacked, boxed, or crated, or not, or any growing or standing grain, grass, or tree, or any fence, or any railroad car, lumber, cord wood, railroad ties, telegraph or telephone poles, or shakes, or any tule land or peat ground of the value of twenty-five dollars or over, not the prop- erty of such person, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than one year nor more than ten years. FEDERAL FIRE LAWS. Act of May 5, 1900 (31 Stats. 169). SECTION 1. Any person who shall wilfully or mali- ciously set on fire any timber, underbrush, or grass upon the public domain, or shall leave or suffer fire to burn unattended near any timber or other inflammable material, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the same, shall be fined in the sum of not more than five thousand dollars or be imprisoned for a term of not more than two years, or both. SEC. 2. Any person who shall build a fire in or near any forest, timber, or other inflammable material upon the public domain shall, before leaving said fire, totally extinguish the same. Any person failing to do so shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the same, shall be fined in a sum not more than one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not more than one year, or both. SEC. 3. That in all cases arising under this act the fines collected shall be paid into the public school fund of the county in which the lands where the offense was committed are situated. 16 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. UNLAWFUL CUTTING AND INJURY. Timber trespass a misdemeanor. PENAL CODE, SEC. 602. Every person who wilfully commits trespass by either 1. Cutting down, destroying, or injuring any kind of wood or timber standing or growing upon the lands of another; or, 2. Carrying away any kind of wood or timber lying on such lands is guilty of a misdemeanor. Civil liability for timber trespass. CIVIL CODE, SEC. 3346. For wrongful injuries to tim- ber, trees or underwood upon the lands of another, or removal thereof, the measure of damages is three times such a sum as would compensate for the actual detri- ment, except where the trespass was casual and invol- untary, or committed under the belief that the land belonging to the trespasser, or .where the wood was taken by the authority of highway officers for the pur- poses of a highway; in which cases the damages are a sum equal to the actual detriment. CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, SEC. 733. Any person who cuts down or carries off any wood or underwood, tree or timber, or girdles or otherwise injures any tree or timber on land of another person, * ; * without lawful authority, is liable to the owner of such land * * * for treble the amount of damages which may be assessed therefor, in a civil action, in any court having jurisdiction. CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, SEC. 734. Nothing in the last section authorizes the recovery of more than the just value of the timber taken from uncultivated wood- land, for the repair of a public highway or being upon the land or adjoining it. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD PARK. 17 CALIFORNIA REDWOOD PARK. CHAPTER 12. An act providing for the management of the California Redwood Park and creating a board of five commis- sioners with power to manage said California Red- wood Park. [Approved February 6, 1911.] The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Governor of the State of California shall appoint four commissioners, who with himself, shall constitute the California Redwood Park Commis- sion. The term of office of the members of said com- mission shall be four years from and after the date of their appointment. The commission shall select from its members a president and secretary. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation. They shall be allowed and paid out of the funds avail- able therefor, all reasonable traveling expenses which may be incurred by the members of said commission in the performance of their various duties. SEC. 2. The said California Redwood Park Commis- sion shall have full power and control over the said park and over any and all funds provided for the care, preservation, maintenance, and improvement of the same and shall make and enforce all necessary rules and reg- ulations for the care, preservation, maintenance and improvement of the same, and shall have power to employ a warden and necessary assistants for the preservation of said park and for any and all purposes herein specified. The compensation of such warden and his assistants shall be fixed by the said commission. The compensation of the warden, however, shall not exceed the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. SEC. 3. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. 18 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER 51. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of shade and orna- mental trees growing and to be grozvn upon the roads, highways, grounds and property within the State of California; and for the planting, care, protection and preservation of shade and ornamental trees, hedges, lawns, shrubs and florvcrs growing and to be grown in and upon such roads, highways, grounds and prop- erty; and to create county boards of forestry for such purposes; and to prescribe the duties and powers of such boards; and to authorise such boards to appoint county foresters; and to prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of county foresters; and to empoiver such boards to enforce all laws and adopt and enforce any and all lawful and reasonable rules for the pro- tection, planting, regulation, preservation, care and control of such shade and ornamental trees, hedges, lawns, shrubs and flowers," approved April 28, /pop. [Approved April 23, 1913.] The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The board of supervisors in each and every county or city and county of the State of Cali- fornia may, in its discretion, appoint a county board of forestry, consisting of five persons, one from each supervisorial district, who shall serve without compensa- tion, and who shall have exclusive charge and control of all shade and ornamental trees, hedges, lawns, shrubs and flowers growing or to be grown upon the public roads, highways, grounds and property within its respective county. SEC. 2. Whenever the board of supervisors of any county or city and county in this state shall, by resolu- tion or ordinance, elect to avail itself of the provisions of this act, such board shall, within two months there- after, appoint five suitable and competent persons, one from each supervisorial district of such county or city and county, as a county board of forestry in and for such county, who shall serve as such without compensa- PROTECTION OF TREES AND FLOWERS. 19 tion; and may also fix the compensation of a county forester, to be appointed as hereinafter provided at a sum not to exceed $150.00 per month. SEC. 3. The term of office of such county board of forestry shall be four years ; provided, however, that the persons first appointed shall so classify themselves by lot that two of their number shall retire from office at the end of two years, two at the end of three years and one at the end of four years. If any vacancy occurs in the office, such vacancy shall be filled, for the unexpired term, by the board of supervisors. SEC. 4. Within ten days after notice of their appoint- ment, the members of said county board of forestry shall organize by the election of one of their members as chairman and adopt suitable rules for their govern- ment. SEC. 5. When organized, said county board of for- estry, may employ a suitable and competent person as county forester to serve as such during the pleasure of the board and to prescribe the duties of such employee. SEC. 6. Such forester, when appointed shall execute a bond to said board, in the sum of $1,000.00, for the faithful performance of his duties. He shall be the secretary of said board and shall perform such other duties as said board shall prescribe. Said forester shall have power and it shall be his duty to enforce the pro- visions of this act and all lawful orders of said board. SEC. 7. Every county board of forestry appointed under the provisions of this act shall, within its respec- tive county, have power over and jurisdiction to decide upon the variety, kind and character of trees, hedges, shrubs, lawns and flowers that shall be planted upon said roads, highways, grounds and property; and to deter- mine all questions respecting the pruning, cutting and removal of any trees or hedges now growing and to grow thereon and the necessity therefor and the extent of and the manner in which said work shall be done; and, under the authority of the board of supervisors of its respective county, to plant and properly care for such trees, hedges, shrubs, lawns and flowers; and to enforce, carry out and effectuate the provisions of this act; provided, however, that said board, in the exercise 20 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. of its powers and the performance of its duties here- under, shall not interfere with the jurisdiction of the board of supervisors over the roads, highways, grounds and property in the improvement, care and general con- trol thereof. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person or corpo- ration (except said board of forestry or its employees) in any county or city and county where a county board of forestry has been created and appointed under the provisions of this act, to trim, prune, cut, deface, destroy or remove any shade or ornamental tree or hedge grow- ing or to grow upon any such road, highway, ground or property or to paint, place, attach to or put upon any such trees, hedges, shrubs, lawns or flowers, any sign, notice, advertisement or advertising device without the consent in writing of said board first obtained, or to plant any tree or hedge, on any such road, highway, ground or property without such written consent; pro- vided, however, that nothing in this act shall give such county board of forestry any jurisdiction over any fruit or nut trees now growing along said roads, highways, grounds or property, except that such trees may not be removed without the consent of the said board of forestry. SEC. 9. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of section 8 of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 10. All moneys received as penalties for the vio- lation of the provisions of this act, shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the county board of forestry fund; which fund is hereby created, and the moneys thereof hereby appropriated for the expenses of said board in the carrying out of the provisions of this act and the policy and purposes herein provided. SEC. 11. County boards of supervisors, whenever the provisions of this act are availed of, shall appropriate money for the use. of said county board of forestry sufficient to pay the compensation of said county for- ester and for the necessary expenses of said county board of forestry. SEC. 12. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. REFORESTATION AND FIRE TRAILS. 21 CHAPTER 219. An act to provide for the reforestation, the cutting of fire lanes and fire trails on the Angeles national forest, and to make an appropriation therefor. [Approved June 3, 1913.] The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appro- priated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, which money shall be used and expended for the purpose of cutting fire lanes and fire trails to protect the timber now standing or that may be planted upon the San Bernardino mountains, in the State of California. SEC. 2. The state board of control is hereby empow- ered to enter into a contract or contracts with the forest service of the United States government for the purpose of cutting fire lanes and fire trails for the protection of the forest and brush specified in section one of this act ; provided, however, that these expenditures for such pur- poses shall not be in excess of the amount or amounts to be expended by the forestry department of the federal government in collaboration with the specific work named above; and provided, further, that in case the forestry department of the federal government above mentioned does not contribute the fund for said co-op- eration, that the state board of control shall not have power to enter into such contract or contracts with the said department for the expenditure of the said money. 22 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. FISH AND GAME DISTRICTS. J9J3-W TIDEWATER LIMITS. EEL R/VEI?- COUNTY CONCRETE KLAMATH ffiYEr? - fl POINT on mt Rive* NOKTH or TH CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION Balboa Building Corner Market and Second Streets, San Francisco. Resident citizens of California $1 00 per year Citizens, non-resident of California 10 00 per year Aliens 25 00 per year OBTAIN COMMERCIAL FISHING LICENSES (Apr. 1st to Mar. 31st) of the Fish and Game Commission or Deputies. Citizens and aliens with first papers 1 $5 00 per year Aliens , 10 00 per year from Fish an Citizens and Aliens .. lens with first papers. _ IT IS ALWAYS UNLAWFUL To hunt birds and animals without first having procured a hunting license. To take tuna, yellow-tail, iewflsh, black sea bass, albicore, barracuda, bonito, rock bass, California whiting, corbina, surf-fish, yellow-fin, or spot-fin croaker, salmon, steelhead, or other trout, charr, white-fish, striped and black bass for sport without first having procured a sporting angling license. (To be in effect January 1st, 1914.) To refuse to show any game fish in possession upon the demand of any duly authorized officer. To make a false statement on the application blank for an angling license. To fish for profit for any fish without first having procured a special market fishing license. To sell fish, wild ducks, wild geese or rabbits by wholesale without first having procured a license. To ship, buy, sell, offer for sale, barter or trade any game or parts thereof, except rabbits and wild geese. (Wild ducks may be sold during the month of November only. Domesticated game may be sold under restrictions.) To fail to show any hunting, fishing or wholesale dealers' license upon demand of any duly authorized officer. To take game or fish from one district Into another when the season is not open in both districts. To ship or carry striped bass or trout or game other than rabbits and geese out of the State. To shoot between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. To ship rabbits or geese or trout in concealed packages or without a tag bearing the name and address, exact contents of the package and name and address of shipper. To take or kill or have in possession does, fawns, antelope and mountain sheep, beaver or sea-otter. To kill an elk is a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment; killing a sea-otter punishable by $1,000.00 fine. To have in possession doe or fawn skins, or any deer skins from which the evidence of sex has been removed. To use more than one dog to the person in hurting deer. To use any animal other than a dog as a blind to approach any wild duck or water fowl, except geese. To shoot at any duck from a power boat in motion. To take or kill any wild pheasant, swan, bobwhite quail, imported quail, partridge or wild turkey. To net, trap or hold any protected game or birds of any kind or their nests or eggs without having first procured written authority from the Fish and Game Commission. To take or kill non-game birds, except blue jay, butcher bird, English sparrow, sharp-shinned hawk, cooper's hawk, duck hawk, great horned owl, or California linnet. To hunt any wild game upon the Pinnacles and Cleveland Game reserva- tions, except predatory animals, and then only with a written permit from the Fish and Game Commission. To take fish in any way within 50 feet of a flshway or by any means except with hook and line within 300 feet of one. To fish for trout between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. To take any black bass or trout other than with hook and line and in the manner commonly known as angling. Tft> buy, sell or offer for sale wild trout under 12 Inches in length, or to import into the State domestically reared trout under one pound in weight, or to sell steelhead trout less than 12 inches in length or one pound in weight. To sell Quinnat salmon of less than 5 pounds in weight. To fish for salmon, shad, or striped bass with nets on Saturday and Sunday. IT IS ALWAYS UNLAWfUL To take salmon, except with hook and line, within two miles of a spawn- taking station or a State or U. S. Hatchery. To take salmon, shad or striped bass with any net, the cork line of which is below the surface of the water. To take salmon, shad or striped bass in nets less than 65-inch or more than 9 J -inch mesh. To take, buy, sell or have in possession at any time, striped bass less than 3 pounds in weight. (It will be lawful to use a Si-inch mesh net for taking striped bass and shad above the Vallejo Light until July 1st, 1914, after which date nets must be 6J-inch mesh. Striped bass may be lawfully taken with a 5-inch mesh net in San Fran- cisco and San Pablo bays.) To take salmon in Mad, Eel and Klamath rivers with any other than a gill net. To take any fish in Eel River with a net above East's Ferry. To take any fish in Mad River with a net above Carson's Bridge. To use nets in Cache Slough, Napa and Mokelumne rivers, Bollnas Bay, False Bay, Lake Tahoe, Lake Merritt, Monterey and Santa Cruz reser- vations (with exceptions) and within 3 miles of Santa Catalina Island. To use any paranzella or trawl net in Monterey Bay or in District No. 6. To use 2- or 3-mesh trammel nets, except in Monterey Bay and in the Pacific Ocean, outside of the one-mile limits. To use any 2- or 3-mesh trammel net in the bay of Monterey of less than 7*-inch mesh, or in the ocean of less than 9-inch mesh. To allow any 2- or 3-mesh net to remain In a fixed or set condi- tion for a period of more than six hours from the time of casting. To bring to shore any crabs or crawfish in such condition that the size can not be taken, or to sell any crab, or crawfish meat not in the shell. To pickle, can or preserve in any way crab or crawfish taken in the waters of California. To export dried or fresh abalone or abalone in cans of more than one pint. Articles made from shells excepted. To take abalones in any district by means of spears. To take abalones for other than food purposes or to bring any abalones ashore unless they are alive and in the shell. To use diving apparatus, or to take any black abalones, or to take more than 10 abalones of other species in one day in District No. 6. To take or have in possession pismo clams less than 13 Inches in the longest circumference or to take more than 200 in one day. To use explosives in taking fish or to cause the pollution of any stream. To use any set net, Chinese sturgeon lines, set lines or any fixed contri- vance, except fyke nets without wings (used solely for the purpose of taking cat-fish and only in the San Joaquin River between its mouth and the south boundary of San Joaquin County) for catching any flsh or shell flsh. To flsh through the ice for any flsh. To take yellow-fln or spot-fln croaker or any California whiting, also known as surf-fish, -except with hook and line. To have in possession any dried California shrimp or shrimp shells. To take by means other than by hook and line or to sell Sacramento perch. crappie, blue-gill or green sun-fish in District No. 3 at any time. To kill or have in possession any sturgeon under 25 pounds in weight. To buy, sell, or offer for sale, or ship any salt water perch between the 1st day of May and the 15th day of July. To catch the young of any flsh without at once returning them alive to the water, or to catch flsh, except with hook and line, in any stream upon which a flsh hatchery is maintained. INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE FIGHTERS. 23 INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE FIGHTERS. If you discover a fire too large to be put out at once, get help immediately. If necessary, notify the nearest firewarden. If no firewarden is available, call upon a justice of the peace, constable, road overseer, or exper- ienced fire fighter. Citizens are required by law to fight forest fires, without compensation, when summoned by a state firewarden. Do not allow yourself and your neighbors to stay at home watching your fences and buildings when organ- ized effort would put the fire out and save not only your property but that of others. Here, more than anywhere else, "In unity there is strength." Organize, and select the best man as leader. Where a firewarden is present, he should take charge. If you believe that a fire will take a considerable time to put out, divide your force into crews, one to relieve the other. Keep some one on the job all the time. Form a plan of action and stick to it. Consider the rights of property owners, but don't let them back fire to protect their own property unless this will be for the general good. Threaten arrest if they persist in back firing against your judgment. Back fires should be authorized only by the man in charge. Many a forest fire becomes uncontrollable because the owner of a fence or a few cords of wood attempted to save it in a situation where it is clearly impossible to do so. Or a rancher protects his ranch by back firing all around it and pays no attention to what becomes of his back fire. The law says that "No person shall be con- victed * * * who shall have set, in good faitli and with reasonable care, a back fire for the purpose of stopping the progress of a fire then actually burning." This does not legalize such examples of back firing as are cited above. Every effort will be made to protect all interests, but selfish interference with a plan of action drawn up for the good of all, will not be tolerated. 24 FOREST LAWS of CALIFORNIA. The best tools for fighting fire are the shovel, mat- tock, ax, and wet sacks. Rakes, hoes and brush hooks are also useful. Other requisites are canteens or water bottles, and lanterns or candles for night work. If possible, stop the fire by means of a trail or trench. Where the fire burns slowly in open timber pinch it out by knocking the burning material back on to the burned area. Put out logs and stumps by throwing dirt on them. See that the fire burns over the smallest area possible. Never leave burning trees or snags near the fire line. Chop, saw, or blast them down. Many fires well under control have broken out again when a little additional work would have made them quite safe. Work at night or in early morning instead of by day, when this is possible. At night a six-inch trail will often hold a fire that would leap a quarter mile during the heat of the day. And at night less time is wasted packing water to the fire fighters. Fires occurring in dense brush or thickets, or dur- ing high winds may require back firing. Start your back fire far enough in front so that you will have time to complete your work before the main fire reaches you. Start it from a road, trail or stream if possible. If not, cut a trail, scrape it clean, light your fire, and guard your trail. Back fire along the top or bottom of a ridge, rather than midway up the slope. In narrow canyons back fire from a trail built a few feet from the bottom on the opposite slope from the fire, to prevent rolling snags and cones from jumping the line. Place burning logs up down the slope to prevent their rolling down and start- ing additional fires. Sand or earth thrown on a fire is as effective as water. See to it that the ends of your back fire are safe. Run them together, if possible, so that the fire is sur- rounded, or else run them into portions of the main fire that have burnt out, or to a stream or road. A back fire is as bad as a forest fire unless it is perfectly safe throughout its whole length. Watch the fire line after the fire is under control. Sparks blown from burning snags, chunks thrown INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE FIGHTERS. 25 from falling trees, red-hot pine cones rolling down hill any of these may cross the fire line. Keep some one on guard. This is most important. If you find you can not control a fire with all the help available, telegraph the State Forester, Sacra- mento, collect. No aid from this office can be promised since the legislature has not authorized the payment of fire fighters from state funds. But in a serious emergency, the State Forester may be able to get help from other sources. No fire fighting bills should be presented to this office for payment, because no funds are available. The county or owner of the land should pay the bills. Report all fires that come to your knowledge. Blank forms for this purpose will be supplied on application to this office. Report promptly. Forest fires never behave twice alike, and it is not easy to prepare general instructions that will fit all cases. Use your best judgment if you are in charge of a fire. And if you are fighting under the direction of some one else, obey his instructions. 26 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA STATE FIREWARDENS. * Forest Service Officials. Fish and Game Officials. f Paid County Officials. ALAMEDA COUNTY. Allen, A. I, Livermore Bernard, R. B 3261 East Fourteenth St., Oakland Beauchamp, W. P.* P. O. Box 758, Livermore Blake, Robert W 2313 Ninth st, Berkeley Bonzy, P 4835 Shatter ave., Oakland Brannan, Julius* 3174 Cuthbert ave., Oakland Callaghan, J. J Livermore Callaghan, Jas. E-t Livermore Connolly, Patrick Livermore Corneal, T. D Livermore Dinsmore, P. A 1218 Broadway, Oakland Dirion, F. S Livermore Downing, Earle Pleasanton de Golia, Geo. Jr 905 Union Savings Bank Bldg., Oakland Francisco, M. Fruitvale Furtado, J. A Care Realty Syndicate, Oakland Gandill, C ___1761 Ninth ave., Oakland Green, Thomas II Livermore Havens, Seyd 1010 Union Savings Bank Bldg., Oakland Holley, II. T Livermore Jenvey, A. C Union Savings Bank Bldg., Oakland Jones, W. A Union Savings Bank Bldg., Oakland Kiely, John Livermore La Veira, A. C 1761 Ninth ave., Oakland, care C. Gandill La Veira, John 1761 Ninth ave., Oakland, care C. Gandill McGlinchy, Johnt Box 808, Livermore Moy, Jas. L-t Livermore Moy, John J Livermore Mulqueeny, M. C Midway Richardson, Harry 2033 Market St., Oakland Sedley, Joseph I 1319 St. Charles St., Alameda Schloss, Lynn A ___2925 Hillegrass ave., Berkeley Schluter, Wm 826 Thirty-sixth St., Oakland Scott, Chas.f Livermore Scotty, If P. O. Box 348, Oakland Smith, J. M. C R. F. D. No. 458, Fruitvale Snell, M. J ___Berkeley ALPINE COUNTY. Bander, Charles S.* __.Markleeville AMADOR COUNTY. McFadden, J. M Volcano STATE FIREWARDENS. 27 BUTTE COUNTY. Berdan, M. G Berdan Ely, Leon Chico Hordwell, E. M Yankee Hill Cameron, J. W Stirling City Conway, C. L Cohasset Conwa.y, W. T Box 195, Chico Dorrett, W. C Forest Ranch Douglas, John F Brush Creek leaves, Cyrus G Butte Meadows Gable, John N Stanwood Gianello, Thos. A Honcut Gillette, H. I Stirling City Hodapp, Geo. A Yankee Hill Tohns, E)lmer Inskip Kenyon, Andrew A R. F. D. No. 1, Orloff Lawton, Maurice Lumpkin Mansfield, Dr. I. L Wyandotte Meiss, Herbert J i Butte Meadows Porcher, F. P.* Butte Meadows Sibley, J. E Berry Creek Slye, John F Chico Stanley, Allen J Magalia Thatcher, F. M Stirling City Varney, E. L Brush Creek Williams, Wm. S Yankee Hill Wooley, V. S Chico CALAVERAS COUNTY. Ames, Lester O.* Railroad Flat Cooper, Frank Douglas Flat Elliott, Jos. E.* Railroad Flat Getchell, Clarence W. San Andreas Lewis, P. Y.* Avery McKay, M. C Vallecito, care Stanislaus Power House Read, Arthur R Copperopolis Sears, W. L-* Avery Thompson, Alex G 1 Altaville Zimmerman, Henry* Railroad Flat COLUSA COUNTY. Carpenter, S. J. Maxwell Cooper, T. R Biggs Criswell, Benj. C.* Fouts Springs Evans, Elmer J.* Fouts Springs Lake, Martin D.* Fouts Springs McGahan, Leland S.* Fouts Springs Morris, Clarence A.* 1 Stoneyford Phelps, Ernest C.* ; Stoneyford Squires, Geo. E-* Stoneyford Stites, Rufus G.* Fouts Springs Walkup, R. L.* Stoneyford 28 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. DEL NORTE COUNTY. Jones, Walter J.* Smith River Lewis, A. W.* Crescent City EL DORADO COUNTY. Albright, Wm. H Placerville Benney, Eugene T.* Placerville Berriman, R. C. M Pacific Blair, Albert W.* Placerville Butts, Walter Lee* Pacific Comstock, H. O Tallac Hogan, Harvey A Pacific Hughes, J. M.* Placerville Jerrett, C. E Georgetown Jones, E. E.* Placerville Kelley, E. W.* Placerville Kelly, W. F. E-* '. Georgetown McMillan, J. P.* Placerville Phelps, Harry A Fyffe Randall, Albert B.___ Pacific Randall, E. S Pacific Sackett, Warren N Pacific Scott, Elmer L.* Pacific Sutton, Earle P.* Placerville Warr, Harry Myers, via Tallac Williamson, Geo., Jr Rescue FRESNO COUNTY. Barker, Claude K.* Trimmer Boothe, Roy* Trimmer Cavin, Geo. W.* Trimmer Davis, Eugene G Friant Ellis, L. L 159 Park ave. Fresno Estill, F. S.t Clovis Eversoll, M. H.f Burrough Foster, Ross Dunlap Gardner, Sydney* Fresno Heiser, C. F Friant Houghton, John Dunlap Jordan, Chester E-* Shaver Jones, Wm. F Hume Kerner, S. B Hume Parkinson, W. H. Shaver Patton, Robert H.* Auberry Pinnell, Frank C Auberry Price, Frank* Burrough Record, J. W R. R. No. 1, Bowles Reinoso, F. F.* Coalinga Riegel, W. H Dunlap Smith, F. H Dunlap Thrower, W. H. Auberry Weldon, Robert W Burrough Wright, Alfred W.* Dunlap Wright, W. L ! Dunlap STATE FIREWARDENS. 29 GLENN COUNTY. Bartlett, A. W.* Willows Cimpher, E. D.* Willows Drew, N. B.* Willows Duncan, Geo. P.* Willows Godwin, D. P.* Willows Lucas, Roy* Elk Creek Strothman, S. W.* Willows HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Beebe, Chas. W China Flat Bowden, J. W Briceland Bussell, Alfred W.* China Flat Bussell, John W.* China Flat Cowan, Harry Briceland Garrett, Wm. X.* laqua Gent, Fred W Orleans Graham, Frank A.* China Flat Graham, John C Korbel Hansell, A., Jr Dyerville McNeil, W. I China Flat Martin, J. H.* China Flat Noble, Reuben Harris Saltstrom, Wm. B Orleans Smith, Alonzo A Miranda Toms, John J.* China Flat Vile, Bruce Blue Lake Ward, E. L.* 923 Fifth St., Eureka Westerberg, Oxil I China Flat IMPERIAL COUNTY. Bannister, L. O.* Brawley INYO COUNTY. Burkhardt, Fred W Lone Pine Burkhardt, Oscar Lone Pine Crow, Glenn H.* Bishop Eaton, H. O Bishop Fiske, John J.* Olancha Hogue, A. H.* Bishop Johnson, O. C Lone Pine Lilly, Arod R Bishop Logan, R. H.* Big Pine Lubkin, Albert Lone Pine Ober, E. H Big Pine Overhulser, E. C Lone Pine Parkinson, Roscoe* Lone Pine Williams, Benj. Independence 30 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. KERN COUNTY. Abbott, Dick* Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Allen, Andrew A Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Allen, Lloyd P.* Havilah Allison, Alvin* Bakersfield Binninger, J. VV.f Caliente Bower, R. P.f East Bakersfield Brite, L. V Caliente Burns, E. T Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Brown, Jerome Caliente Chappell, Edw. Tehachapi Childs, N. T.* Bakersfield Coit, Chas. B Kernville Cooper, Harry Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Coughran, Edw. Kernville Crandall, J. B Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Crow, L. B Delano Cunningham, F. P Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Douglas, J. S.f Bakersfield Fickert, F. A Tehachapi Foley, Dan F.* Lebec Fowler, H. H Wasco Frazier, C. J Glenville Hansen, H. L Bakersfield Harper, Rufus I.* Bakersfield, care Pioneer Gun Store Hennessy, R. C Lebec Hight, Bert Kernville Hill, Roland G.f Tehachapi Hogan, Floyd S Camp No. 4, Edison Hudson, J. B Pattiway Kerr, Chas. Tehachapi Klipstein, H. W., Jr Maricopa Maddux, Marven Glennville Martin, A. D.* Glennville Martin, Roscoe* Glennville Morrow, Jas. O.* Glennville O'Donnell, Anthony E-* Paris Oldfield, Roy Glennville Packwood, W. T Dudley Parker, Wm. M.* Bakersfield, 1717 Chester ave. Pascoe, Clarence Kernville Quinn, Thomas Delano Reyes, G. V Pattiway Rushing, W. J.* Bakersfield Said, Harry 719 K St., Bakersfield Sanders, E. P Box 653, Bakersfield Schlitz, Frankf Delano Shipsey, Ed Bakersfield, care Forest Service Shook, Chas. T.* Isabella Shure, Gus Kernville Taylor, Chas. C Kernville Tibbet, A. C. R. F. D. No. 3, Bakersfield Tibbets, Chas. Kernville STATE FIREWARDENS. 31 KERN COUNTY Continued. Thompson, R. H Bakersfield, care of Forest Service Welch, J. L Glenville Wiggins, J. C Tehachapi Wiggins, W. F Tehachapi Wilkes, A. R - Glenville Wilkes, C. M Glennville Williams, N. J Caliente Wilson, D. M Kernville Wofford, Irven L.* Paris KINGS COUNTY. Smalley, E. W. Hanford LAKE COUNTY. Bates, C. W.* Upper Lake Bonham, Andrew J.* Upper Lake Bucknell, Roy* -Upper Lake Champney, E. F Lakeport Dodge, Will K.* Upper Lake Edmands, W. O Upper Lake Elliott, M. B.* 'Upper Lake Grisby, Jess B.* Upper Lake Hopkins, Wm. F Lakeport Kelting, Estell L.* Upper Lake Kemp, H. W Midlake Ogden, Amos Upper Lake Porter, Carl E.* Upper Lake Riffe, Winchester* Upper Lake Sleeper, Van B Upper Lake Smith, E. A Upper Lake Smith, Stonewall J Upper Lake Smith, W. T Upper Lake Sylor, John Lakeport Woodruff, W. W Upper Lake York, C. R.* Upper Lake LASSEN COUNTY. Cady, Frank P Susanville Clayburg, Thos. Doyle Elledge, R. W Janesville Hamilton, Edwin R Copp'erville Patten, A. E Milford Spaulding, Chas. P Susanville LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Adams, Alfred, Jr Sunland Ahlstrom, Arthur F R. F. D. No. 2, Box 107, Pasadena Allen, Walter I Lamanda Park Allyn, C. E.f 316 N. Avenue 64, Los Angeles Anderson, Czerney 424 N. Soto St., Los Angeles Arbuthnot, D. G ' Lordsburg Arnett, T. R 813 W. Second st., Pomona Awl, Elmer M Box 134, R. F. D., Pasadena 32 FOREST LAWS Of CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES COUNTY Continued. Backus, R. A 715 S. Hope St., Los Angeles Bacon, W. W.* Duarte Baetz, John Henry 1438 Naud St., Los Angeles Ballauer, J. F San Fernando Bancroft, G. D '. Monrovia Barker, Chas. C 1507 Oregon ave., Sawtelle Barnes, F. R 435 N. Los Robles ave., Pasadena Barkley, W. Barney Box 103, Glendale Bartlett, Arthur E 3026 Guirado st., Los Angeles Bayley, Wm. V.* Neenach Basse, F. D North Pomona Baughman, Wm 150 Avenue 30, Los Angeles Beard, J. M Sierra Madre Beckwith, H. H Glendora Begue, Frank R. F. D. 13, Box 393, Los Angeles Bennett, Samuel C 219 W. Palm ave., Monrovia Biddison, Jas. A Palmdale Biendara, August R. F. D. 1, Box 97, Los Angeles Bohrman, Howard Roberts via Burbank Bordner, I. A. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 353, Long Beach Bovee, Paul ^Monrovia Bowen, C. Winthrop Pasadena Boyd, Howard L 445 E. Twenty-ninth St., Los Angeles Boynton, Ralph H 747 Heliotrope drive, Los Angeles Briggs, H. D Camp Rincon, Azusa Brouse, O. D Covina Brown, Harry R. F. D. No. 1, Pomona Brown, John, Jr 938 Albany St., Los Angeles Cabot, Wendell P "La Vina," R. F. D. No. 1, Pasadena Caldwell, H. C San Fernando Campanari, C. M 2054 Cambride St., Los Angeles Carter, Arthur N.* Sierra Madre Case, F. H Care Crags Country Club, Calabasas Casey, C. B Covina Catlin, C. W Burbank Catron, Temple N Glendora Chantry, C. E Sierra Madre Charlton, R. H.* Los Angeles Cheesman, H. R.* Sunland Chisholm, Henry G Rose Hill, Station T, Los Angeles Clifton, S. B.* Lordsburg Coffeen, John 715 Winona St., Pasadena Conlee, Monroe H 907 International Bldg., Los Angeles Cornell, Geo. N - Avalon, Catalina Island Cresmer, C. J Auditorium Bldg., Los Angele Cross, B. J 310 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angele Cross, R. G 144 N. Beaudry ave., Los Angele Cunningham, F 1941 Lincoln ave., Pasaden Dalton, J. R. II Azus Davey, L. J 1105 E. Twenty-fourth St., Los Angeles Davidson, Z. T. Acton Dodge, Alex W Pasadena STATE FIREWARDENS. 33 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Continued. Dorr, Louis H.* Valyermo Dougherty, P. B 1117 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles Douglass, S. H.* Surrey Dunn, Walter Monrovia Dunstan, Gale J Pasadena Emerick, W. F.* Surrey Evans, Evan L Palmdale Evans, R. B P. O. Box N, Pasadena Fay, O. D Glendora Fish, E. J 204 E. First St., Glendale Flintham, S. J Court House, Los Angeles Foley, John Neenach Forster, E. Puente Franklin, H. C Glendora Fritz, Carlton H.* Pomona Fuller, W. C Station A, Pasadena Galgani, Chester Santa Monica Garlick, G. L R. F. D. 1, Box 146, Burbank Garlinger, E- C 371 N. Palomares ave., Pomona Gibson, Herbert 149 W. Olive ave., Monrovia Glover, Geo. E Azusa Gordon, Chas. F Glendora Graham, J. E.* Sunland Gray, Geo. A Chatsworth Greely, Geo. A Avalon, Catalina Island Greve, A. F Santa Monica Gross, F. W Acton Gunther, E. B.* Sierra Madre Haas, John Calabasas Hall, A. F 806 Commonwealth ave., Alhambra Hallowell, Guy Santa Monica Hargis, George F Mount Washington, Los Angeles Harvey, Wm. T 2432 Hunter St., Los Angeles Havermale, Faust Box 229, Altadena Havermale, Albert Box 229, Altadena Hayward, F. H Pasadena Haywood, Al. C 120 W. Ninth St., Los Angeles Hefner, Edward R Elizabeth Lake Hill, Byron G San Pedro Hinton, Fred Sierra Madre Hoag, Chas. Azusa Hunt, H. H.* : Roosevelt Horning, Ben Lordsburg Huston, F. W Sierra Madre Ireland, Harry C 1019 E. Forty-first St., Los Angeles Johnson, C. L 1321 Bellevue ave., Los Angeles Keim, Clinton L Glendora Kelley, G. L . 811 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles Kiggens, Harold 610 Delta Bldg., Los Angeles Kindig, W. H ^ Pasadena Kinney, T. Lamanda Park Knapp, John R. F. D. 2, care of Dunston, Pasadena 34 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES COUNTY Continued. Kqch, Jacob 316 S. Chapel st, Alhambra Krowl, Wm. 2426 Folsom st., Los Angeles La Fetra, E. E Azusa La Plant, Jos. C.* Los Angeles Lang, Leo L R. F. D. 13, Los Angeles Larson, Fred 510 North Soto St., Los Angeles Leach, N. P 473 S. Los Robles, Pasadena Lewis, Frank E Glendora Lewis, W. Scott 3493 Eagle st, Los Angeles Liengone, Hector M 1535 Spring Vale drive, Garvanza Livermore, E- A Azusa Livingston, Wm. T 430 Jackson St., Glendale Lockridge, Grover C 201 W. Avenue 56, Highland Park Station, Los Angeles Long, E. B.* 216 W. Linwood ave., Monrovia Lowman, Dr. C. L 900 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles Maas, John* San Fernando Malone, A. W Azusa Marsh, Chas. V La Canada Marshall, C. P Sierra Madre Martin, F. A 248 S. Pasadena ave., Pasadena Marx, W. D R. F. D. 2, Box 63A, Pasadena Maynard, R 836 Eagle Rock ave., Garvanza Maxwell, Cyrus* Roosevelt McClelland, Wm 402 Oakland ave., Pasadena McDill, Geo. W 212 Coulter Bldg., Los Angeles McDonald, W. B 122 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles McFerrin, Glen Mt. Wilson McNally, J. B 73 N. Raymond ave., Pasadena Mendenhall, Will San Fernando Miller, H. F 221 Colorado ave., Santa Monica Miller, Harry M 315 Howard st, Glendale Miller, Stephen L* R. F. D. No. 1, Box 212, Pasadena Montague, James S 2672 W. Pico st, Los Angeles Morton, Andrew J 2369 E. Seventh St., Los Angeles Moya, M. F.* Azusa Opid, John T 611 Cypress ave., Pasadena Otis, Geo. A San Jacinto Overturn", Ben 237 E. Walnut st, Monrovia Owen, Evan P 6107 Spring Vale drive,' Garvanza Palmer, G. H 665 Amethyst st, Los Angeles Pierce, Morgan J Cold Brook, via Azusa, Azusa Pesqueira, Joaquin San Fernando Peterson, Carl B Casa Verdugo, Glendale Peterson, H. W Casa Verdugo Phillips, Harry Box 427, San Pedro Phillips, Roswell P. O. Box 450, Pasadena Pierce, W. J ^ Glendale Powell, Geo. S Box 244, Pasadena Powell, J. W 138 N. Bunkerhill, Los Angeles Powers, Ben N.f - Court House, Los Angeles Price, F. M R. F. D. Box 10, Los Angeles Priest, Alfred Casa Verdugo STATE FIREWARDENS. 35 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Continued. Quiggle, J. L Monrovia Rawson, Oliver L Monrovia Redman, A. R Care Polytechnic School, Los Angeles Rees, Bert San Gabriel Reiich, Ward V Glendora Reynolds, W. D Santa Monica Richardson, B. K 643 W. Forty-third place, Los Angeles Riggins, Leslie B Downey Roberts, O. L 1945 Michigan ave., Los Angeles Ross, Norman IJ 312 Wild Rose ave., Monrovia Ross, Fred B Mt. Wilson Ryerson, Harold 317 Hartford ave., Hollywood Sanborn, John H 114 W. Pasadena St., Pomona Schirm, C. A Montawney way, Garvanza Schleppy, W. J R. F. D. 2, Box 11, Pasadena Schoeller, J. Diehl 2632 Kenwood ave., Los Angeles Schumacher, P. F R. F. D. No. 1, Box 34, Los Angeles Schwartz, Chas. Sierra Madre Scofield, A. B Azusa Seaman, Arthur Monrovia Seaman, James V.* Azusa Sellers, Darrow Glendora Sevier, Jesse M.* Monrovia Shepherd, Roy Monrovia Siemens, Hal M Monrovia Sloan, Thomas W.* Glendora Smith, Frank C 235 N. Catalina ave., Pasadena Smith, Leigh R 636 N. Avenue 64, Los Angeles Sparks, J. L Chatsworth Spaulding, L. W Glendora Spink, Winfred H Casa Verdugo Stegall, J. D Santa Monica Steinberger, Laurel Sierra Madre Stevens, Gordon F Azusa Stunden, Flint C San Fernando Swinnerton, James Coldbrook Camp Taylor, L. B. Burbank Thompson, Frank H.-1252 W. Thirty-seventh drive, Los Angeles Tomlinson, J. L Claremont Tufts, Wm. 428 S. Spring st., Los Angeles Udell, A. M Sierra Madre Vercler, R. D Laurel Canyon, Hollywood Yon Weber, George 1404 New Hampshire St., Los Angeles Walters, Wm. Elizabeth Lake Walton, H. H 1 Azusa Way, A. C Care of First National Bank, Los Angeles Weston, Jos. F 607 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles Williams, Geo. W Box 324, Pasadena Whittlesey, Orville H., Jr.* Altadena Woods, John L Topango Wright, Wm. B Sierra Madre Wyman, Francis G San Dimas Zachan, Walter J.* Monrovia 36 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. MADERA COUNTY. Beard, R. J. Fresno Flats Benedict, M. A.* Norfolk Boothe, Delbert W.* Fresno Flats Brown, Wm. M.* Fresno Flats Koontz, E. Raymond Mainwaring, E. S.* Northfork McLeod, Malcolm* Fresno Flats Redington, Paul G.* Northfork Roberts, Jesse E.*~ Northfork Shaler, Edgar C.* Northfork Super, Henry* Northfork Taylor, W. B.* Fresno Flats Williams, Reuben O'Neals Wofford, A. K.* Northfork MARIN COUNTY. Chase, James V Mill Valley Pease, C. J Olema Thomas, Vernon D. San Rafael MARIPOSA COUNTY. Clark, Hosea L-* Bootjack Locke, Wm. Miami Mace, B. H.* Bootjack Smither, J. H.* Bootjack Standart, Lowell Wawona Werly, Jesse C.* Bootjack MENDOCINO COUNTY. Bauer, Philip C.* Covelo Bickford, Wm. E.* Covelo Bolden, T. R Fort Bragg Brayton, B. C Gualala Brereton, Charles* Covelo Gary, T. E Northwestern Chase, Wm. S.* Covelo Conrad, Geo. Covelo Dashiells, Albert Westport Doolittle, O. M.* Covelo Dunn, Frank Comptche Emerson, C. L Northwestern Finney, Elisha* Covelo Foster, R. O Ukiah Foster, Wm. Anderson Scott Northwestern Haydon, H. B.* Covelo Jamison, Clay W.* Covelo Jones, David E Laytonville Lierly, Harry Potter Valley Lowell, J. W. Westport McCormick, Wm. Melburne MacDonald, John Albion McClure, Elmer H.* Covelo Miller, B. H. Ukiah STATE FIREWARDENS. 37 MENDOCINO COUNTY Continued. Morrison, Jas. M Covelo Morrison, Matthew G.* Covelo Perkins, Ruel S Casper Schneider, C. Hopland Smedley, Joseph Iversons Landing Smith, E. H Ukiah Stickney, F. W Casper Swales, R. D Fort Bragg Thompson, Arthur H Northwestern Wilson, Ray B Elk MERCED COUNTY. Hulen, John W Los Banos MODOC COUNTY. Bettandorff, George* Adin Bonner, V. L.* Alturas Davis, James F.* Canby Gooch, Roy* Cedarville Grohs, Frank P Alturas Hess, Thomas Canby Kresge, John A.* Adin Kresge, George A.* Adin Layton, A. F.* Alturas Leonard, Chas. O.* Willow Ranch Lunsford, Win. J.* Alturas Nicholson, Ira L - Adin Oilar, F. D Day Payne, E. D.* Alturas Perkins, Geo. W.* Willow Ranch Poore, J. F.* Alturas Rachford, C. E-* Alturas Smith, Lawrence L.* Willow Ranch Snelling, Roy L.* Cedarville Van Horn, Frank B. Ivy MONO COUNTY. Atcheson, Henry W Bridgeport Clark, Fred B.* Mono Lake Fulton, Chas. W.* Bridgeport MONTEREY COUNTY. Abbott, A. H.* Soledad Abbott, Carl L.* Jamesburg Adams, Birney W.* Arbolado Brown, Edw. E.* Jolon Buttle, Wm. F Bradley Castro, R. J.* Arbolado Cornish, Warren D Pacific Grove Dani, Alvin* Sur Dani, Isaiah* Lucia Dunn, H. J Jolon Earl, W. L., Jr Jolon .253086 38 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. MONTEREY COUNTY Continued. Everts, W. S.* Arbolado Folks, Walter C.* Priest Valley Girard, Peter* Jamesburg Graves, W. B.* Jolon Gregg, Chas. A.* Sur King, W. N King City Lindt, John J.* Soledad Little, John A Arbolado Mansfield, J. A.* Gorda Maxey, Wm. A.* Arbolado Moore, Jed E.* Salinas Moore, Wm. E Jolon Rico, Frank Andrew Arbolado Sans, Edw. R.* Jolon Shook, Frank Salinas Sloane, Norman H.* Arbolado Thompson, George F King City Trotter, S. M Sur Tyler, Raymond Salinas Watson, Henry B Bradley NAPA COUNTY. Adams, Wm. Calistoga Benkiser, Augustf ' Box 120, Napa Connor, H. L.f Pope Valley Foote, Calvin E Calistoga Garnett, J. K.f Calistoga Grassman, Ottof Hagan road, R. F. D. No. 1, Napa Harley, Georget Monticello Henry, Arthur S.f Napa McDowell, H. Sanitarium Moore, W. J. Napa Overacker, H., Jr.t St. Helena Power, D. E Calistoga Rowley, John L.f : Capell Sanford, John St. Helena Shook, A. L (for Arcadia) Calistoga Stearns, W. J Napa Switzer, Chas. Delbert Monticello Tucker, C. Iv-t Calistoga Varozza, Josepht St. Helena Varozza, M. F St. Helena NEVADA COUNTY. Bigelow, R. L. P.* Nevada City Gallaher, Wm. H.* Nevada City German, Edw. North San Juan Helbig, W. H. Nevada City Huckins, Henry W.* North San- Juan Ivey, Albert R.* Nevada City Johnson, L. B Grass Valley Larsen, Carl T North Bloomfield Mandeville, S. J Floriston STATE FIREWARDENS. 39 NEVADA COUNTY Continued. Marsh, Sherman W Nevada City McGinnis, W. F Floriston McHenry, Hugh Dutch Flat Melarkey, Ed Truckee Merrill, W. A Nevada City Miller, W. J (via Nevada City) Montezuma Hill Mills, Knower* Nevada City Muldoon, Frank Truckee Noddin, V. C.* Nevada City O'Connor, Raymond Grass Valley Peaslee, W. E Wolf Pratt, M. B.* Nevada City Scarfe, Geo. O Nevada City Schwabacher, F. Floriston Stephenson, Geo. A Truckee Taylor, R. W.* Nevada City ORANGE COUNTY. Compton, F. L, Fullerton Field, C. O R. F. D. 1, Orange Flinn, VVm. Capistrano Forester, Frank A. Capistrano Gaines, E. F R. F. D. No. 2, Fullerton Hickey, John W.* San Juan Capistrano Mcjohnston, E. E El Toro Morales, E. S San Juan Capistrano Morrow, S. W R. F. D. No. 1, Box 109, Orange Rios, Antonio El Toro Roderquez, Sam Capistrano Robinson, Walter K. El Toro Stephenson, J. B.* El Toro Weaver, U. S Buena Park PLACER COUNTY. Bonta, Chas. W.' Tahoe Campbell, Geo. W.* Michigan Bluff Campbell, Wm. D.* Michigan Bluff Dodds, James G Westville Edmonds, Marc W.* Tahoe Graves, James A Weimer Gregory, John H Rocklin Hanson, H. P Auburn Havens, Geo. Emigrant Gap Hough, LeRoy . Michigan Bluff Magnusen, Evan Emigrant Gap Mclntosh, J. A.* Emigrant Gap McKim, I. H Alta Merrithew, L,. G Gold Run Noyes, George M.* Tahoe Rose, J. E Iowa Hill Stineman, J. B Roseville Sutcliffe, C. W.* Michigan Bluff Thomas, Y. J Gold Run Wilson, Frank A.* Forest Hill 40 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. PLUMAS COUNTY. Belden, Robt. Belden Browning, H. A.* Quincy Burke, Edward Mohawk Cayot, F. B.* Beckwith Chamberlain, G. W.* Quincy Church, J. L Taylorsville Clark, Eugene E-* Longville Cooke, J. E Taylorsville Cory, Jas. C.* Belden Darby, A. E Buck Durbin, W. G.* Quincy Hogan, F. W Keddie Hutchinson, Richard* Quincy Jackson, Gilbert J Clio Kelley, Walter L.* Quincy Kloppenburg, Harry A.* Quincy McCord, Michael* Greenville McElroy, Philip Spanish Ranch Nail, James E.* Cromberg Orr, Geo. Raymond* Quincy Peter, Russell Beckwith Porter, H. G Twain Remick, J. E Taylorsville Robinson, W. C.* Meadow Valley Rogers, D. N.* Quincy Thayer, Paul C.* La Porte Vere, Frank Quincy Warren, Leon J.* Taylorsville RIVERSIDE COUNTY. Adler, Otto R Palm Springs' Akers, Thos.* Keen Camp Andrews, T. O. Corona Baatz, A. J.f Hemet Balschweid, J. C Box 229, Banning Ballou, W. A Keen Camp Black, Samuel Box 145, Hemet Brum, George Perris Brady, Chas. C Keen Camp Clark, F. N.* Cahuilla Crawford, J. C Cabazon Decker, Isaac* Banning Dietterich, C. M Hemet Dunham, J. E San Jacinto Fancher, Henry* Hemet Fick, C. H.* Beaumont Garner, Newton* Banning Godfrey, David E Aguanga Green, E. F San Jacinto Hamilton, Jos. Cahuilla Holt, H. B.* R. F. D. 2, Box 107, Riverside Jensen, Theodore* Idyllwild Johnson, Ben L,.* Aguanga STATE FIREWARDENS. 41 RIVERSIDE COUNTY Continued. Johnson, G. H Hemet Keegan, M. J.* Elsinore Laborde, Peter Moreno Lawrence, M. Banning Lloyd, Thos.* San Jacinto Ivovren, John . Beaumont Mann, W. H Hemet Mattjetscheck. W. G Banning Maxfield, John D.* Hemet Milan, D. C. Jr., Riverside Munoa, Juan Temecula Murken, G. M.* Corona O'Dell, E. B Hemet Pine, Myron* R. P. D. No. 1, Corona Rawson, W. F Hemet Rogers, P. L, Loring Bldg., Riverside Ruthford, Clyde Banning Seymour, Joseph Banning Spence, G. J.* Keen Camp, via Hemet Spencer, J. H Hemet Silvas, J. M.* San Jacinto Tarwater, U. K Murietta Van Deventer, Chas.* Keen Camp Votal, B. H Cabazon Waggener, Robt. G Hemet Webster, D. G San Jacinto White, S. I Hemet Wilson, C. S Riverside Wingrove, E. L Hemet Young, Charles Ethanic SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Green, W. J. Sacramento Greer, B. C Sacramento Romans, G. Morris Sacramento Johnson, L. Geo Sacramento McConnell, T. C Elk Grove Neale, Geo 2100 t, St., Sacramento Plank, Walter E Sacramento Powell, J. A R. F. D. No. 2, Box S3, Gait Sloss, Ralph W Sacramento Telfer, Robt. L, Sacramento Williams, L,. P Sacramento SAN BENITO COUNTY. Berg, George Panoche Call, J. H Paicines Hill, J. H. Hollister Macomber, H. J Paicines McGuire, Wm. F.* Hernandez Mills, Elmer Paicines Palmtag, Chas. F Tres Pinos Vinagre, Manuel Hollister 42 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. Alen, George H.* loamosa Allen, J. H. B.* Mentone Anderson, Lewis H.* Care of Seven Oaks, Redlands Brown, Albert C-t Keen Brook Burton, W. H.* Cajon Butterfield, A. E East Highlands Chandler, O.* Fredalba Cherbok, Victor A loamosa Codd, Wm. H Yucaipe, via Redlands Console, D. A Colton Dallas, A. P Brynmawr Dewey, Wm. B Upland Dexter, Geo. H.| San Bernardino Doughty, Ralph C.* Arrowhead Duncan, Arthur Cajon Driskell, J. A Fredalba Greenleaf, Lea Upland Hancock, Foster 1106 Ninth St., San Bernardino Halstead, Sam'l T East Highland Hanf, Phillip* ___: Cajon Hardy, Chas P.* Ontario Hattery, L. O East Highlands Hayden, Jos 543 H St., San Bernardino Higley, F. M Upland Rowland, Winthrop Redlands Jacobs, W. H Seven Oaks, via Redlands Jeken, F. J.* San Bernardino Johnson, James P.* Cajon Knox, Donald G 225 W. E St., Ontario Lamb, H. Rialto Lang, Wm. R Hesperia Ledig, H. G.t loamosa MacDonald, G. M Box 704, San Bernardino McElfresh, O. H.* Devore Manker, F. H Upland Manley, Richard Ontario Meyer, Arthur R Care Wixon Bldg., San Bernardino Meyer, Wm San Bernardino Miller, A. B Rialto Moore, E. A 28 W. State St., Redlands Munns, Edw. N." San Bernardino Price, O. H Etiwanda Rupp, Geo. B. San Bernardino Scealey, John Craftonville Shay, Marion Victorville Showalter, John M Rialto Stanchfield, J.* Upland Starke, Wm San Bernardino Switzer, B. W.* Fredalba Thompson, Chas. O Box 113, Victorville Thrall, H. A.* Hesperia Waters, Byron, Jr San Bernardino Waters, Emmett J Devore Williams, Thos Otis Station, Yermo Wixon, A. H. Highland STATE FIREWARDENS. 43 SAN DIEGO COUNTY. Allen, M. C El Cajon Bailey, Howard F Warner Hot Springs Bargar, J. C Care of General Delivery, Ramona Barry, James H-t Spring Valley Berg, Alfred J.* Descanso Bergren, C. A Potrero Bish, Edward* Escondido Bludworth, J. M.f Del Mar Borden, R. B.f San Marcos Boulden, S. A. Nash* Mesa Grande Brenner, Carl O.* Descanso Brown, James A.* Julian Bryan, J. C Bonsall Bunton, John H Julian Byron, G. A-t Fallbrook Christiansen, Andy f Poway Daley, Howard Escondido Darling, W. R.* Lakeside Davis, Edward H Mesa Grande Dennison, W. E Barrett Dam, Dulzura Dixon, Eugene* Ramona Dodson, J. H El Cajon Duffield, W. C Box 177, Escondido Ellis, Henry t Fallbrook Estoppey, Eugene P. O. Box 511, San Diego Exon, Guy S Campo Flint, A. A Poway Golsh, Ami V Pala Hanson, Fred* San Diego Harris, Geo.* La Mesa Hayes, J. E 3460 L St., San Diego Hoffman, G. B Chollar Heights, East San Diego Holcomb, James Warner Springs Huchtig, Arnold F R. F. D., San Marcos Hufton, A. B Care Clover Leaf Ranch, Escondido Hugo, Mathais* Nellie James, C. M Valley Center Judson, Fred R. F. D. No. 1, Escondido Kusba, Chas. A San Diego, care Dept. of Water Lauterbach, H. J Dulzura Leonard, M. V.f R. F. D. No. 2, Escondido Lieurance, Wm. H Nellie Lockridge, L. C El Cajon Logan, A. M Care Harvey Ranch, Otay Lux, Peter Encinitas Magee, Victor Fallbrook Marks, H. Herbert Lakeside Martin, Wm. T.* Alpine Martinson, Martin P Dehesa Mathews, J. B Escondido McCan, J. A.f Nestor McKee, Chas. D Pala McKinnon, W. N Lakeside, care Diverting Dam 44 FOREST LAWS of CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEGO COUNTY Continued. Merriam, Edwin A Lilac Merriam, Harry R. F. D., San Marcos Miller, Henry S.* Acampo O'Neill, Jerome t Oceanside Ormsby, J. W Bonsall Park, Geo.* Escondido Peet, Everett Escondido Ruis, J. N Lakeside Searcy, E. W.* Ramona Sears, George M.f El Cajon Sheckler, C. W Dulzura Shepard, J. H Encinitas Shook, Chas. W Otay Simmons, J. B.* Dulzura Stanley, C. J Escondido Swenson, Seth Campo, care Morena Dam Taylor, Sam Warner Springs Tolen, H. L-* Rainbow Toms, Webb 2223 I St., San Diego Vaneida, Jas. Bonita Watson, Max San Diego Wheeler, H. N.* San Diego White, Edgar A Fallbrook Wilson, Henry G Warner Springs Wueste, R Dulzura, Barrett Dam SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY. Barrett, L. A.* Care Forest Service, San Francisco Brickwedel, John 554 Mills Bldg., San Francisco Fromm, Alex G 12 Baden St., San Francisco Hafley, F. H.* San Francisco Hopping, Ralph Care Forest Service, San Francisco Kohnenberger, Henry J 1213 San Bruno ave., San Francisco Robbins, Fred S Care Bulletin, San Francisco Thompson, J. T 502 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco Turney, W. W 262 Russ Bldg., San Francisco SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. Burns, Jas.t Tracy Moy, James P 940 N. Hunter St., Stockton SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. Ballard, Ed B Creston Dalessi, Joseph Nipomo Estrada, Belsario Templeton Fowler, A. H Oceano Pierce, Ewdard Pleyto Pond, H. F Paso Robles Rhyne, Stephen J." Arroyo Grande STATE FIREWARDENS. 45 SAN MATED COUNTY. Cahill, Lawrence Byrnes Store, via Laguna Hunter, J. S. San Mateo Mero, Hedley Redwood City Sears, L. M La Honda Smith, F. H. Half Moon Bay SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. Akers, Weston G R. P. D. No. 1, Santa Barbara Backus, Albert J Santa Ynez Blackburn, Wm. F Santa Maria Brett, Henry C Santa Ynez Crabb, Alonzo t P- O. Box 64, Santa Ynez Davison, E. B.* Ballard Dinsmore, Thomas Y Montecito Forsyth, R. G H.* 1415 Laguna St., Santa Barbara Graham, Fred W.* Box 147, Santa Barbara Lambert, Frank f Summerland Libbey, Guy Naples Libeu, John B.* Los Olivos Merrill, H. G.* Santa Barbara Moore, Walter M.* Santa Barbara Muzzall, A. H Santa Barbara Muzzall, H. W.* Santa Barbara Slosson, W. M.* Santa Barbara Smith, W. A.* Santa Maria Stark, H. I Care of Patrico Algeria, Naples Starr, E. B : Lompoc Stoddard, Carl* R. F. D. No. 1, Santa Barbara Vanclief, V. B Lompoc Van Winkle, H. F Santa Barbara. Watkins, A. B.* Santa Barbara Watts, Chas. M 624 Sultan ave., Santa Barbara SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Aby, C. W Los Gatos Beans, Ellard H.* 1200 The Alameda, San Jose Davey, H. C Los Gatos Herring, F. D. Los Gatos Matthiessen, G. M Los Gatos Rispaud, Jules Saratoga Smead, Almon E R. F. D. No. 29, Box 60, Los Gatos Smead, H. P R. F. D. No. 29, Box 60, Los Gatos Van Harlinger, Chas R. F. D., Wrights SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. Burns, F. E R. F. D., Santa Cruz, care Gulch Colby, Geo. Felton Creed, J. H Swanton Dool, W. H Boulder Creek Downing, Wm i Ben Lomond Hughes, Myron A Aptos Kober, Jacob, Jr Ben Lomond 46 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Continued. Ladd, O. T Boulder Creek Mallott, Al t 441 Mission St., Santa Cruz Martin, H. J 51 Water St., Santa Cruz Pilkinton, H 66 Berkeley way, Santa Cruz Pinkham, W. R Davenport Reed, C. A Swanton Rider, Frank 1, 341 Lincoln St., Watsonville Rodoni, Thos. Swanton Ryder, D. K Santa Cruz Severence, F. E 102 Hanover St., Santa Cruz Steudeman, Thos. B Bonny Boon Van Lone, W. F, R. F. D. No. 29, Los Gates Wasgatt, C. E Santa Cruz Welch, Walter R.f Capitola Winterholder, Joseph 143 Lincoln St., Santa Cruz SHASTA COUNTY. Baker, Geo. H Round Mountain Brown, Walter Castle Crag Brunner, Sherman La Moine Chivington, H. H.* Castella Conant, W. F Castella English, S. C Wengler Everest, Harry* Knob Foss, Fred* Knob Hufford, Edmund M.* Burney Lee, C. W.* Viola Lofton, P. D.* Henderson Lorenzen, L. N.* Winthrop Melone, W. C . Cayton Moore, Harry T.* Knob Nevins, Jas. A.* Knob Osborn, Marcus Oakrun Pooler, H. H Redding Powers, H. R.* Henderson Renfrew, A. C Sims Rhoades, Cyrus N. Round Mountain Rice, Geo. W.* Delta Schuler, E. A Balls Ferry Seaborn, Fred* Hat Creek Simpson, Herschel* Winthrop Toler, John Y.* Burney Ward, Jasper* Knob Ward, Shelby* Knob Watson, John R.* Knob White, J. S Castella Williams, Walter L Sims STATE FIREWARDENS. 47 SIERRA COUNTY. Armstrong, J. W.* Alleghany Babbitt, Woodford H.* Sierraville Barton, W. S.* Goodyear's Bar Brown, J. C Table Rock Casserly, W. W Goodyear's Bar Chastian, Samuel Table Rock Copren, C. A.* Sierraville Hayes, George M.* Table Rock Hayes, Wm. C.* Table Rock Hopkins, O. G Loyalton Hunt, C. S Sierraville Joy, Evan A.* Sierraville SIERRA COUNTY Continued. Kelley, Tracey R Sierraville King, Geo. E.* Goodyear's Bar Lavezolla, Jos. Downieville Marvin, Ernest T Scales Mason, John T Lock Box 1, Downieville Mower, L. B Loyalton Schofield, Jno. H Downieville Shaughnessy, Wm. P Downieville Thompson, B. J Loyalton Turner, James M Sattley Walton, A. H.* Sierra City Wood, Louis W Pike SISKIYOU COUNTY. Branson, Thos. Fort Jones Brown, Basil M Etna Mills Brownell, Earl E.* Bray Bussey, Joseph D McCloud Campbell, Don Hilts Cannon, TVt. T.* Little Shasta Chamberlin, C. C Callaghan Coleman; Noah* Hilts Conover, Chas. J Oak Bar Curtis, Frank* Walker Courtwright, Geo. W. Bray Doney, Harry L.* Sisson Evans, C. E Weed Evans, O. M.* Yreka Finley, Robert* Sawyer's Bar Fisher, Fred B Care of Mono Mine, Yreka Fruit, Wm. C.* Hutton Fowler, T. B McCloud Garvey, John J Bogus Glendinning, K. R Fort" Jones Glendinning, W. E Fort Jones Gott, William* Gottville Gregg, J. W Callahan Hall, Jessee R.* Yreka Hammatt, R. F.* Sisson 48 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. SISKIYOU COUNTY Continued. Harbougli, Craig T Fort Jones Harley, F. W.* 1 Somers Bar Harris, John Garland* Etna Mills Hathaway, Lyman B McCloud Helfrich, Frank* Sisson Herzog, Walter Bogus Hill, Perry J.* Hawkinsville Hinz, John Cecilville Hobart, Harvey Fort Jones Hotelling, W. H Somers Bar Hubbard, J. W Oak Bar Hubbard, Chas.* Oak Bar Jensen, Joseph E.* Sawyer's Bar Johnson, D. S McCloud Johnson, John B.* Scott Bar Jones, W. D Fort Jones Kasshofer, F. M Edgewood Kelly, Samuel D McCloud La Point, Leroy A.* Cecilville Lane, Thos. A.* Walker McCarthy, Francis P.* Scott Bar McCarthy, W. H.* Yreka McCully, Edw. A Weed Mclnroy, R. A.* Sisson Messner, Rufus Callahans Miller, Arthur F Fort Jones Mitchel, Chas. A.* Sawyer's Bar Morgan, Marvin M.* Happy Camp Murphy, C. W Weed Partin, John W.* Cecilville Felucca, A. Cecilville Peterson, Victor Snowden Phillips, Horace B.* Seiad Valley Quigley, Willis Walker Ream, David Yreka Reid, John Allan* Sisson Richardson, J. F. Yreka Rider, E. T Walker Rider, W. B.* Yreka Sanderson, A. 'E Edgewood Schandal, M. C Dunsmuir Schuster, Benj. B , Black Bear Show, S. B.* Sisson Singley, N. S McCloitd Sissel, John A Gazelle Smith, John A. -__*___Mt. Hebron Spiering, E- H.* Hawkinsville Thackara, John E.* Brownell Thomas, Arthur Tecnor Thompson, Geo. Sisson Tillotson, M. R.* Sisson Walker, R. W Greenview White, M. E.* Sisson Woodfill, Jay Sawer's Bar STATE FIREWARDENS.. 49 SOLANO COUNTY. Armstrong, W. H. Vallejo SONOMA COUNTY. Ballantine, R. Fulton Boyd, John D Anapolis Bruce, J. J Occidental Chapman, Grason Cazadero Charles, O. N Cazadero Dougherty, J. M Montrio Downs, Vernon, Jr R. F. D. No. 6, Santa Rosa Fraser, Wm Duncan's Mills Guerne, George E Guerneville Harlan, J. W Geyserville Hutchinson, T. J 858 Fourth St., Santa Rosa Johnson, J. C Rionido Johnson. Thomas Glen Ellen Joy, T. B Bodega Kirch, Frank R. F. D. No. 3, Santa Rosa Lea, A. F. Cloverdale Lencioni, Henry 216 Fifth st, Santa Rosa Leslie, Charles W R. F. D. No. 3, Healdsburg Love, Chas. M Monte Rio McCray, W. L Cloverdale McGrath, B. W Cloverdale Noble, W. L. J R. F. D. 5, Santa Rosa Ogburn, Chas. E Hilton Parmeter, John C Duncan's Mills Patten, H. E. L Cloverdale Mine Solomon, Charles Sebastopol Strong, W. G R. F. D. No. 6, Santa Rosa Sturgeon, Wade Occidental Talbot, Parker Santa Rosa Walker, A. Preston STANISLAUS COUNTY. Shields, Harvey__Care of Sierra and S. F. Power Co., Stanislaus Tryon, Ed P Westley Williams, H. L Knight's Ferry SUTTER COUNTY. Ricketts, E. D. Live Oak Srite, Luther Pleasant Grove TEHAMA COUNTY. Abbey, Harvey* Mineral Allen, S. W.* Red Bluff Barnhart, Fred S Red Bluff Bauer, John R.* Paskent Boerker, Richard H Minera Botkins, Jos. G.* Paskent Bucklew, Franklyn Hunter Bundy, Obert O.* Paskent Cooper, Grant M -. Paskent 50 FOREST LAWS OP CALIFORNIA. TEHAMA COUNTY Continued. Durham, Marion W , Paskenta Durham, Walter M.* Paskenta Freeman, Geo. E.* Lyonsville Hall, Walter D.* Manton Head, A. E Manton Kling, L. A. H. Mineral McArthur, Wm. R.* Begum Miller, Sam L Red Bluff Ruff, Clarence* Paskenta Russell, C. L.* Paskenta Rutherford, W. T.* Red Bluff Tracy, Alva Hunters Underbill, Elbert* Paskenta TRINITY COUNTY. Adams, Wm. J.* Helena Albiez, Geo. E.* Hayfork Babcock, Daniel W.* Big Bar Box, Reuben* Minersville Brannan, H. W.* Big Bar Brewer, Chas. E.* Ruth Burger, Jno. A., Jr.* Junction City Carter, Clement A.* Hayfork Chamberlain, C. A.* Minersville Coffman, John D.* Weaverville Cook, Wm. Irl.* Minersville Crews, Chas H.* Hayfork Cuff, Ivan A.* Peanut Cummings, J. H.* Weaverville Dahlstrom, Robt. C.* Big Bar Dean, Samuel T.* I/ewiston De Forest, Howard* Weaverville Doney, Raymond* Trinity Center Dougherty, Jefferson M.* Hayfork Duncan, Ernest E.* Hayfork Duncan, Wm. C - Peanut Elmgren, Edw Junction City Fonts, Albert R.* Quimby Frank, Antone* Hyampam Gray, Albert F.* Ruth Gray, John T.* Ruth Griffiths, Howard H.* Hyampom Gundlach, Fred W.* Ruth Haas, David W.* Weaverville Hampton, Jasper O.* I,ewiston Hays, Oscar O.* Ruth Hayward, O. H Big Bar Hitchcock, Joshua* Hyampom Huestis, W. A.* Weaverville Iliff, Benj. B.* : Ruth Irving, Harris L,.* Burnt Ranch Irving, Jarret W Burnt Ranch Jackson, Samuel T.* Hyampom STATE FIREWARDENS. 51 TRINITY COUNTY Continued. Jotter, Ernest V Weaverville Laws, G. 0. Weaverville Leventon, Edw. W.* - Hayfork Molin, John A.* Lewiston Patton, James W.* Peanut Quast, Jos. C.* Weaverville Rackerby, Archie C.* Trinity Center Rackerby, John J.* Trinity Center Randolph, Benj. H.* Ruth Reid, Geo. B.* Weaverville Roberts, Wm. T.* Stella Rourke, Chas.* Hayfork Schroter, F. C Carrville Shields, S. A.* Zenia Smith, Edw. E.* Peanut Smith, Ritner R Weaverville Sorenson, John R.* Dedrick Stanway, Joseph* Hyampom Testy, Wm. B Weaverville Thompsen, Wm. A.* Minersville Thorne, Geo. Weaverville Trimble, Frank D.* Big Bar Vaugh, Chas. R.* Hayfork Vaugh, Edw.* Hayfork Waldorff, Ernest A.* Big Bar Wigton, Wm. A.* Hyampom Williams, Frederick* Coffee Woodhams, Wm. H., Jr.* Weavelville TULARE COUNTY. Alles, Conrad* Three Rivers Atkin, Wm Hot Springs Becker, J. F Daunt Braddock, Walter Kaweah Britton, E.* Three Rivers Broder, Robert t Visalia Brown, Orris I Three Rivers Brown, Rennie C.* Hammond Brown, Wm. J.* Hot Springs Buckman, C. R Woodlake Burton, W. C.* Porterville Capell, D. F Porterville Carter, W. A Exeter Clingan, Wm. M Hammond Crook, F. A Milo Derby, W. F.* Daunt Free, Geo. A Hot Springs Frost, W. E - Springville Gallagher, Byron Badger Gill, Fred f Exeter Gill, Louis Porterville Goodale, Chas.f Lemon Cove Guthrie, C. L White River 52 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. TULARE COUNTY Continued. Guthrie, John F Ducor Hammond, W. H., Jr Visalia Hengst, A. A Kaweah Hill, Frank H Badger Hopping, Guyl Three Rivers Keeley, J. H.f Lindsay Kerner, H. R.* Badger Klein, Karl B White River Kilbreath, George Porterville Lee, Joe F.f Milo Lowrey, Lee t Orosi Macy, Maurice S R. F. D. 3, Box 125, Tulare McDarment, W. W Porterville Mclntyre, Thomas Porterville McPhail, Leon Care of 619 W. Acequia St., Visalia Mellette, Rennie J Kaweah Northrop, C. E Springville Patterson, A. B.* Hot Springs Phillips, Arthur W.* Hammond Purdy, Geo. W.* Hammond Redstone, A. E.* Badger Rice, Frank E Dinuba Robinson, P. J.* Porterville Sivertson, John S.* Three Rivers Smith, Geo. W R. F. D. No. 2, Box 26 A, Porterville Snider, D. N Hot Springs Swank, J. F.* Visalia St. Clair, Frank L.* Badger Tyler, Clyde f Porterville Van Emmon, John Porterville Vollmer, Chas. Badger Von Gruningen, Armin* Hammond Wheat, Irving J Lemon Cove Wilkinson, Harry Springville Wingrove, L. S Hot Springs Wynne, Sedman W.* Hot Springs Zimmerman, H. N Ducor TUOLUMNE COUNTY. Ayres, R. W.* Sonora Birmingham, George Sonora Brownlow, O. P.* Columbia Fowler, O. E.* Tuolumne Grigsby, J. F.* Jupiter Gurney, Edw Care S. & S. F. Power Co., Stanislaus Higgins, H. R.* Sonora Lancey, Frank t Groveland Legro, Leland S Jupiter Longdon, John M.* Confidence Maier, A. C.f Tuolumne Miller, George* Groveland Robinson, Frank A.* Sonora STATE FIREWARDENS. 53 TUOLUMNE COUNTY Continued. Russell, W. Y Sonora Scott, W. G. Soulsbyville Shell, Frank f Jamestown Sims, Henry f ' Chinese Camp Stephens, J. Ray* Sonora Thraves, Earl H.* Sonora Tinney, Edward H.f Chinese Camp Tyler, Benj. F.* Groveland VENTURA COUNTY. Bald, G. A. Nordhoff Bower, Joe Newberry Park Clark, R. E.* Nordhoff de la Riva, A. G.* Sespe Farnam, Lorin* Ozena Glasscock, R. K Santa Paula Gray, Wm. W Stauffer Hollister, George* Piru Kenny, Harry Sespe Mueller, C. S Newberry Park Reyes, J. D.* Ozena Snyder, F. A Somis YUBA COUNTY. Coupe, Walter H.* Challenge Falck, Chas. I, Woodleaf Gleason, Elmer P.* Challenge Godfrey, Frank P Camptonville Horwege, Henry Camptonville King, Chas. W Camptonville McCarn, Frank* Strawberry Valley Turner, Martin B.* Camptonville Whittum, C. E.* Camptonville STATE OF NEVADA. Jones, Thomas J.* Sweetwater Maule, Wm. M. Gardnerville West, Thomas C.* Gardnerville 54 FOREST LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. With deep regret announcement is made of the following deaths : Allen, A. A Lakeport Deal, G. D Sacramento Hughes, C. B _ Banning Lewis, Horace E IvOyalton TO FIREWARDENS. See to it that fire warnings and handbooks are posted in the local post offices. Ask your local news- papers to print the names and addresses of fire- wardens in your vicinity. Report all fires promptly, no matter how smalL Try to find out the cause of every fire. If the forest laws are broken in your presence, you may arrest without a warrant. Otherwise, get one from a magistrate. Get all the evidence you can, and if you are in doubt as to how to act on it, consult the dis- trict attorney, or this office. Always report the result of prosecutions. Keep supplied with report blanks, fire warnings and handbooks. They will be sent to you on request. Report any change in your address. Write freely for advice or information to STATE FORESTER, SACRAMENTO, CAL. "Ms book is " . _ , 1TU University of California 4o!^V. H R A N REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. SEP o 5 1998 .NGELES