NEW SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION AND SCHEME FOR NUMBERING BOOKS APPLIED TO THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA. BY JOHN EDMANDS. [reprinted from THE' bulletin OF TM 'LIBRARY.] PHILADELPHIA: GRANT, FAIRES & RODGERS, PRINTERS, 52 AND 54 N. SIXTH STREET. 1883. ^1 I c^'^ SCHOOL EXPLANATION OF CLASSIFICATION. The general idea of this system is, First, the division and arrangement of the books, in such principal and subordinate classes, as will make it most easy to determine what works the Library contains, on any topic, and in what part of the collection books on any given subject are to be found ; and, Second, the numbering and arranging them on the shelves in such a way that they can be most readily found without consulting a catalogue, or stopping, to ascertain the shelf number. In working out this idea it was found that all the books in any library of a general character, could be gathered into about twenty primary groups or classes, each of which would have a certain completeness, and would embrace a kind of book that was not included in any other class ; and also, that the works in each of these several groups or classes, while having certain characteristics in common, yet had peculiarities which furnish ground for the formation of sub- ordinate classes. Some of these primary classes could readily be divided into fifteen or more secondary classes, while others required only six or eight ; and it seemed altogether best, to make such an arrangement of classes, and sub-classes, as would be at once recognized as natural and convenient in practical operation. In making this distribution into classes, it was found that about one half of the old divisions in the Library, could be retained as primary classes in the new arrangement, with more or less of transferring of individual books ; among these classes are those of History, Biography, Theology, Fine Arts and Medicine. In other cases, two or more of the old classes were found to embrace works that had close affinities with each other, and so they'were ccmsolidated to form new primary classes ; thus, the old divisions of Poetry and Drama, have been united to form one primary class, under the compound name ; and the three former classes. Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and Mathematics, have been united into one, under the name of Mathematics and Physics. The old classes of Commerce and Agriculture has been consolidated with that of Useful Arts ; and that of Political Economy has been combined with Sociology and Law. The primary classes as they now stand are these, viz. : Theology, Designated as Class A. Sociology and Law " " B. General History " " C. History of Asia and Africa " " D- History of Europe, c " " E. History of America, " " F. Voyages and Travels (general), " " G. Travels in Asia and Africa, " " H. Travels in Europe, " " J- Travels in America, " " K. Biography " " L. Philosophy and Education, " " M. ^ Mathematics and Physics, ■ " " N. Natural Science, " " O. Medical Science, " " P. Useful Arts, " " R. Fine Arts, " " S. Language and Literature, " " T. Poetry and Drama, .' " " V. Bibliography, " " W. General and Miscellaneous Works, " " X. Foreign Literature, " " Y. Prose Fiction, 254074 ^^'^ ; :■' : NEW CLASSIFICATION. The order of these classes is different from that formerly in use, but is a more natural one, and will be found more useful for the purposes of study, and as an aid in the finding of books. As will be seen, the old method of designating the classes by numerals has been given up, and letters are used in place of figures ; capitals being used for the primary classes, and small letters for the subordijiate classes. The object of this is to make two characters serve to designate a large number of classes, and especially to show the relation of subordinate classes to each other. All the books in the library having the same class designation are at once seen to belong to our primary class. Formerly, the books were placed on the shelves at random, and without any attempt at alphabetical arrangement. Under the new system, the books in each sub-class are placed on the shelves in strict alphabetical order, by the names of the authors, excepting in Biography ; or if the author is unknown they are arranged according to the titles. A scheme for numbering the books has been adopted, which admits of an indefinite enlarge- ment of each of the divisions by the insertion of other works in their alphabetical place, without disturbing the numerical order. This scheme consists in the assignment of ten thousand numbers (o to 9999) to each of the subordinate classes, and the distribution of all the names of authors over this whole range of numbers. This is done by reference to a table constructed for the purpose which includes all possible combinations of letters, and is based on a comparison of the names occurring in several of the largest catalogues. A reference to this table determines the number that should be given to any new book that is added to any of the classes. It follows, of course, that works by any given author, have the same number in whatever part of the Library they may be found. This will be found to be an important guide to the ready finding of books. It was found necessary to treat the department of Biography in a special manner, because, here no subjective arrangement was practicable, and some subdivision was necessary on account of the extent and importance of this class. It was therefore decided to put into one group, all Biographical Dictionaries and other collections of lives, and into another group, or series of groups, all individual biographies. In the first group the books are arranged in alphabetical order by the name of author or editor, or by titles if anonymous ; and are designated by the single letter L. The books forming the collection of individual biographies are arranged in twenty-six groups, according to the names of the subjects of the biographies, or the persons whose lives are written. These are designated by the capital letter L and a small letter, which is the initial of the person whose life is written. Thus, the books in the first of these groups are marked La, in the second, Lb, in the third, Lc, and so on through the alphabet. In each of these groups the books are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order, not by name of author, as in other parts of the Library, but by the subject of the biography ; thus, bringing all the lives of any one person together on the same shelf. Each of the groups in this department is numbered independently, and on the scheme employed in other parts of the Library. The department of Prose Fiction, in our Library, is a large one and some subdivision of it, as an aid to the ready finding of particular books, is quite essential. As no division by original language, or by subject, could be of much practical advantage a treatment of it was adopted, somewhat similar to that employed in the department of Biography. All the Novels have been arranged m twenty-six groups ; those whose writers' names begin with A., forming one group, those beginning with B. another, and those with C. a third, and so on through the alphabet. These initial letters are placed on the books in connection with the numbers, and serve also to distinguish the several groups. The authors in each of these groups are arranged in close alpha- betical order, and the individual books of each author, are placed in alphabetical order by their titles. In this department no letter or other character is used as a general designation of the class ; the method of numbering, and the form of the label being sufficient to distinguish the books from those of any other class. The plan adopted for numbering the books in this department differs from that employed in other parts of the Library, in using tiuo sets of figures. The first, or upper number in connec- tion with the initial letter, designates the author, or a group of authors whose names are very NEW CLASSIFICATION. nearly alike ; and the second, or lower number designates the individual books of each author. It follows that all the Novels of any author, — and of some others standing in close proximity with these,— bear the same author-number in connection with the common initial, while the second or lower number is different for each work under this author-number. Thus, all the books written by Barker, Barkley, Barlee, and by other persons whose names may fall between these have B. ii8, as the first or author-number; while the second or lower numbers of all the books written by these persons will range from i to 999. Each of these twenty-six groups of Novels is numbered independently, and the numbers in no case consist of more than three figures in each set. Wide spaces are left, as in the other classes, so as to allow the insertion of other books in their proper places, and the perpetuation indefinitely of the alphabetical and numerical order on the shelves. The following synopsis of the New Classification will serve as an aid in the better under- standing and use of the system. SYNOPSIS OF THE NEW CLASSIFICATION. EXHIBITING THE VARIOUS CLASSES AND jSUB-CLASSES AND THEIR RELATION TO EACH OTHER. THEOLOGY.— A. A , — Periodicals ; Collected and Miscellaneous Works. A_n.f — Antiquities, History, Geography, Chronology of the Bible; History of the Jews; Kabbala. A l>p — Bibles, original texts and versions arranged in alphabetical order of the languages. J^Q- — Commentaries on the Bible, arranged by names of the Commentator; Harmonies; Life of Christ. ^^, — Dictionaries ; Concordances ; Cyclopaedias ; Indexes. J^C — Evidences of revealed religion; Miracles. J^{, — Philosophical Theology ; Natural Theology ; Existence of God ; Faith and Reason ; Science and Revelation ; Creation ; Science of Religion ; Theism ; Atheism ; Pantheism. £^0^, — Systematic Theology; Doctrinal Theology; Creeds; Catechisms; History of Doc- trine. ATi ^ — Homiletics ; Pastoral Duties ; Sacred Rhet- oric; Composition and Delivery of Sermons. J^\, — Introduction to the Scriptures; Authenticity and Genuineness of the Sacred Writings ; Principles of Interpretation; Criticism; Inspiration ; Works on the Canon. ^]_^ — Liturgies, Collections of prayers, and works on prayer; Treatises on Worship; Col- lections of Hymns and Psalms for Wor- ship ; Works on Hymnology; Rites and Ceremonies; Feasts and Fasts ; Missals. ^JU^ — Missions, foreign, home and local ; Sunday- schools; Ragged Schools; Revivals; Evangelistic Work. ^I^jj — Non-Christian Religions ; Buddhism ; Brah- manism ; Pai^seeism ; Islamism ; Mor- monism; Mythology; Magic; Witchcraft; Modern Spiritualism. Ao.- Ap. Ar. As.- At.- -Church History ; Works of the Fathers ; Apocryphal Books. -Practical and Devotional Theology; Prayer Meetings ; Religious Fiction. -Roman Catholicism ; Protestantism and Catholicism ; Papal Infallibility ; Inqui- sition. ■Sermons ; Charges ; Pastoral letters; excepting such as have a definite subject. -Church Polity ; Peculiarities of Sects. SOCIOLOGY AND LAW— B. T^ , — Theory of Society and Government; Sphere of Woman; Woman's Rights. 'Rt> — Political Economy, general. Bc» — Labor ; Production ; Capital ; Co-operation ; Strikes ; Wages ; Communism ; Socialism. Bel. — Protection ; Free Trade ; Tariff. "Rf^ — Finance; Banking; Currency; Revenue; Tax- ation ; National debt ; Credit. Bg, — General treatises; Periodicals. Bh. — Law of Nature and of Nations ; Civil and Canon law ; Maritime law. "Ri, — Constitutional and Statute Law; Equity; Commercial Law; Law of Real Property; Patent and Copyright Law ; Law of In- surance; Medical Jurisprudence; Rules of Order. 31, — Trials; Reports and Proceedings; Courts; Evidence; Oaths; Practice. "BlTI. — Slavery and the Slave-trade ; Colonization ; Emigration. Bo. — Crime; Punishment; Prisons and Prison Discipline. Bp, — Pauperism and Poor Relief; Charity Organi- zation. Bs« — Associations ; Free Masonry ; Odd Fellow- ship; Friendly Societies,' NEW CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL HISTORY.— C. Q*^ — Study and use of History ; Philosophy of His- tory ; Method of writing History. Qll^ — Chronology and Chronologies; Dales; Numis- matics; Medals; Inscriptions. ^^^ — Ethnography ; Races of Men ; Antiquity of Man ; The Stone Age. Qf^ — History of Civilization; Customs and Man- ners; Folk-Lore; Dress and Dwellings ; Funeral and Marriage Ceremonies. QJj^^ — Ancient History, Cl« — Modern History. Q^\^ — Universal History. Qjj^ — History of Oceanica, ^■p^ — Statistics of general and miscellaneous char- acter ; Statistical Almanacs. HISTORY of ASIA & AFRICA.— D. ]Q^ — Turkish Empire ; Palestine ; Arabia ; Persia ; Western Asia. ^]J)^ — History of India and Indian Empire, JJ^^ — History of China, Japan and Eastern Asia. JJIj^ — History of Egypt and North-Eastern Africa, JJi — History of Africa, other and general. HISTORY OF EUROPE.— E. "B . — History of Great Britain ; Constitutional and Political History ; State Papers ; Parlia- mentary Debates and Papers; British Politics. JJ2. — Junius; Juniusana, TR'h. — History of England and Wales, JJ^^ — Histories of Counties and Towns in England. "Pf. — History of Scotland. JJJj^ — History of Ireland. JJ4 — History of France and Belgium. T!l. — History of Spain and Portugal, JJjU^ — History of Italy, Switzerland, Naples, Sicily. JJq^ — History of Germany, Austria, Holland, Neth- erlands. T!p- — History of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ice- land, Lapland. JJj., — History of Russia, Poland, Roumania, Bul- garia, Crimea and Crimean War, T!g- — History of Greece. J^X^, — History of Europe, other and general. "Exff, — Heraldi-y; Peerage. AMERICAN HISTORY.— F. J*^ — History of South America, and of Separate States. IPIj^ — History of North America, and of Separate States except the United States. Yq, — History of the Indians and of Indian Wars J^jJ — History of the Eastern States, rf,— History of the Middle States. IPg^ — History of the Southern and Southwestern ^ States. Fj.- Fl.- Fm Fo. Fp. Ft. Fu. —History of the Western and Pacific States. History of the War of the Revolution. -History of the War of the Rebellion ; History of the Confederate States ; History of Reconstruction; Adjutant General's Re- ports. — History of War of i8i2; History of Mexican and other Wars. -General History of the United States. -Legislative and Constitutional History of the United States; State Papers; Debates and Journals of Congress; Reports of Departments; Blue Books; Congressional Directories ; Army Lists ; Navy Lists. -Industrial and Statistical History of the United States ; Census Reports. — Congressional Documents — the series known as " Public Documents," arranged in chronological order. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.— G. Q.^ — Travels in various parts of the World. fjfl(} — Voyages around and in various parts of the World, Q.|J, — Collections of Voyages. Q.f^ — Travels in and Description of Islands in various parts of the World. Q.|j, — Travels and Expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Qr\, — Geography of the Earth ; Gazetteers and Directories of a general character. Q.J^ — Atlases and Collections of Maps. TRAVELS IN ASIA AND AFRICA.— H. JJ^ — Travels in Palestine, Syria, Arabia. JJ]J)^ — Travels in Turkey and Western Asia. JJjJ^ — Travels in Central and Northern Asia. JJf ^ — Travels in India. JJi — Travels in China, Japan and Eastern Asia, JJj£^ — Travels in Egypt and Northeastern Africa. fJlU^ — Travels in Northwestern Africa. JJq^ — Travels in Central and Southern Africa Madagascar, TRAVELS IN EUROPE.— J. J^ — Travels in England. JIj^ — Travels in Ireland, J^^ — Travels in Scotland and Great Britain, Jf ^ — Travels in France and Belgium. J|2^ — Travels in Spain and Portugal, J4 — Travels in Italy, Switzerland, Sicily, Jl^ — Travels in Germany, Austria, and Central Europe, J m . — Travels in Russia, Norway, Sweden, Lap- land, Iceland. Jq^ — Travels in Greece, Turkey and Southeastern Europe. Jp^ — Travels in various parts of Europe. SYNOPSIS. TRAVELS IN AMERICA.— K. K, — Travels in North and South America, and the West Indies. Kl), — Travels in South America. Kd, — Travels in Mexico and Central America. Kf« — Travels in North America and various parts of it. Kh., — Travels in the United States. Kj, — Travels in the Eastern States. Kl,— Travels in the Middle States. Km. — Travels in the Southern and Southwestern States. Kp, — Travels in the Western States. Kr.— Travels in the Pacific States, Ml, — Education; Theory, Principles and Methods of Teaching; Kindergarten. Mn, — Universities, Colleges and Schools ; His- tories of Schools ; Reports and Statistics of Schools; Catalogues. L. lia. Lb. Lc. Ld. Le. Lf. I-g. Lh. Li. Lk. LI. Lm. Ln. Lo. Lp. Lq. Lr. Ls. Lt. Ln. Lv. Lw. Lx. y« Lz. BIOGRAPHY.— L. Biographical Dictionaries; Collections of Biographies ; Lives of classes of per- sons, as Artists, Lawyers, Sovereigns, and lives of several persons included in one volume or series of volumes. All these are marked with the single letter L. Lives of single individuals are arranged in alphabetical order under the name of the person whose life is written, thus placing all the lives of each person side by side on the same shelf. These individual lives are marked with the class designation L, and also with another letter which is the initial letter of the surname of the person whose life is written. Thus all lives of Adams, Ames, Arthur, Austin, are marked La. Lives of Bacon, Ballard, Brown, Burke, are marked Lb. PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCA- TION.— M. J^^ — General and collected works on Philosophy; History of Philosophy ; Philosophical Dictionaries. Mb.— Logic. J^d. — Mental Philosophy ; Psychology ; Intellect ; Understanding. SIf • — Moral Philosophy ; Ethics ; Passions. J^Jj^ — Morals ; Manners ; Character ; Etiquette ; Amusements ; Temperance. JIJI — Anthropology; Phrenology; Mental Hy- giene ; Physiognomy ; Dreams ; Body and Mind. MATHEMATICS & PHYSICS.— N. U", — General and collected works on Physical Science ; Transactions of Scientific So- cieties ; Scientific Journals ; Treatises on several of the undermentioned topics. Ua, — Mathematics ; general works. ^ .7 NT[), — Arithmetic; Decimal system. /) «!- C7 Nc.— Algebra. JTd. — Geometry; Trigonometry; Surveying; Navi- gation ; Conic Sections ; Mensuration ; Logarithms, Ne. — Analytical Geometry; Calculus; Quaternions; Probabilities ; Annuities. U f. — Natural Philosophy ; general works. Ug, — Mechanics; Hydrostatics; Hydraulics; Pneu- matics ; Ballooning. Ull. — Acoustics ; Optics ; Vision ; Stereoscope ; Kaleidoscope. Nj,— Heat ; Magnetism ; Electricity ; Galvanism, Ut. — Astronomy, general and theoretical ; Theory of Tides; Plurality of worlds. Um. — Practical and descriptive works on As- tronomy; Observations; Almanacs; Ephe- merides; Calendars; Astrology. NATURAL SCIENCE.— O. Oa. — General and Collected Works; Periodicals; Dictionaries. Ob.— Botany. Oc. — Ornithology, Qd. — Entomology. Oc — Conchology. Of. — General Zoology; Taxidetmy. Ot, — Ethnology; Comparative Anatomy; Biology; Evolution ; Origin of Species ; Embry- ology ; History of Creation. 01, — General and Theoretical Geology; Glaciers; Volcanoes ; Earthquakes. Om. — Local Geology ; Surveys ; Mineral Springs. On, — Mineralogy ; Palaeontology ; Fossils. Op. — Physical Geography; Meteorology; Winds; Storms ; Thunder and Lightning, Or. — Chemistry; Chemical Technology; Spectrum Analysis; Alchemy, MEDICAL SCIENCE.— P. I>, — General and Collected Works; Dictionaries; Periodicals. PI), — Anatomy and Physiology. Pd. — Theory and Practice of Medicine; Pathology, I*e, — Special Systems of Practice ; Homoeopathy ; Hydropathy; Electropathy. NEW CLASSIFICATION. Pf.- Pg. Ph. Pj.- Pk. Pl.- Pn. Po. Pp. Pr.- Pt.- -Diseases of the Digestive System. -Diseases of the Respiratory System. —Diseases of the Nervous System; Insanity. Febrile Diseases. -Diseases of the Eye and Ear. -Diseases of Women and Children ; Obstetrics; Gynaecology. —Diseases of the Skin. -Treatises on Various Diseases. -Materia Medica ; Pharmacy ; Poisons. -Surgery ; Dentistry. ■Hygiene; Public Health; Regimen; Physical Training ; Diet ; Bathing. USEFUL ARTS.— R. U,, — General and Collected Works: Dictionaries; Periodicals ; Patents ; Inventions. JJ,|), — General Treatises on Agriculture; Agricul- tural Periodicals; Agricultural Associa- tions; Agricultural Chemistry. IJ,C. — Treatises on Cattle, Horses and other Do- mestic Animals; Dairy Products; Care of Bees and Silk-worms ; Poultry ; Pigeons ; Diseases of Cattle and other Animals. 5,£l, — Treatises on Productions of the Soil : Trees; Grasses; Forestry. Re, — Treatises on Fruits and Fruit Trees, and on the Vegetable Garden and its Products ; Cul- tivation of Flowers ; Window Gardening. U.g. — Treatises on Building : Building Materials and Furniture; House Painting; Cabinet Making. JJ,Jl, — Engineering : Rail Roads ; Bridges ; Canals ; Harbors; Water Works; Tunnels; Roads. "Ri, — Machinery and Mill Work. JJ,j£, — Steam and the Steam Engine. JSLlt — Treatises on Various Manufactures and Trades : Carriage Building ; Shoe and Harness Making ; Stone Cutting. R. Tn . — Reports of Industrial Exhibitions. Rn, — Manufactures in Iron, Steel and other Metals. IJ,Q, — Treatises on Textile Fabrics and Materials ; Dyeing ; Bleaching, R,p, — Mining and Metallurgy of Iron, Silver, Gold, Copper; Coal. Rr. — Military and Naval Arts; §eamanship. Rs, — Domestic Arts ; Cookery ; Confectionery ; Food and Dining ; Clothing and Toilet ; Brewing ; Sugar ; Vinegar ; Fuel and Lights ; Electric Lighting. Rt. — Treatises on Commerce and Trade ; Weights and Measures. Ru, — Treatises and Reports on Railroads, Canals and Telegraphs ; Mails. R,\i;", — Book-keeping ; Business Manuals ; Interest Tables ; Letter Writing ; Short-hand. R,3{;, — Indoor Games and Amusements; Chess; Draughts; Cards; Billiards; Backgammon. R,y, — Field Sports and Games; Cricket; Base Ball; Angling; Hunting; Boating; Boxing. FINE ARTS.— S. S, — General and collected works on the Fine Arts ; /Esthetics ; Beauty. S"b. — Drawing; Design; Perspective. ScL, — Landscape and Ornamental Gardening ; Arbors ; Parks ; Walks and Drives ; Lakes ; Rural Cemeteries. JSf, — Painting ; Harmony of Color. Sll. — Sculpture ; Carving ; Pottery and the Plastic Arts ; Monuments ; Tablets. Sj, — Engraving; Etching; Lithography; Photo- graphy. SI,— Architecture. Sn, — Treatises on Music ; Musical Composition ; Harmony ; Thorough-Base. So. — Treatises on Construction and use of Musical Instruments ; Instruction Books. Sp, — Oratorios and Collections of Sacred Music. Sr, — Operas and Collections of Operatic Music ; Works on the Opera. Ss, — General and Secular Music. LANGUAGE AND LITERA- TURE.— T. T. — Treatises on general and comparative Philo- logy ; Phonology ; Alphabets ; Names and Surnames. Xb. — English Language; Grammar; Orthography; Orthoepy ; Punctuation ; Dictionaries. Td. — Dictionaries, Grammars and other works on the French and German Languages. Tf • — Dictionaries, Grammars and other works on the Greek and Latin Languages. Th.. — Dictionaries and other works on the other Languages of Europe, Tj, — Dictionaries and other works on the Lan- guages of other Nations. Tl. — Works on the History of English Literature. Tn. — History of the Literature of other Nations. Xp. — Treatises on Rhetoric and Criticism; Critical, Literary and Miscellaneous Essays ; Art of Conversation ; Errors of Speech. Xl*. — Treatises on Elocution and Oratory, Gesture, and Reading; Readers and Speakers; Orations and Speeches. Xt. — Literary Selections ; Anecdotes ; Ana ; Table Talk ; Quotations ; Proverbs ; Maxims ; Anagrams; Beauties. POETRY AND DRAMA.— V. v. — Treatises on Poetry and on the Stage ; History of the Stage ; Versification ; Rhythm and Aletre. Vb. — Works of Shakespeare and Works upon Shakespeare. VcL — Dramatic Works by English Authors. Vf, — Amateur and Parlor Dramas ; Private Theatri- cals. Vll. — Poetry by English Authors. Vj. — Poetical and Dramatic Works by American Authors. SYNOPSIS. ^71,, — Poetical and Dramatic Works by Greek and Latin Authors, including Translations. IJ^U, — Poetical and Dramatic Works by other Euro- pean Authors, including Translations ; French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc. -Poetical and Dramatic Works by Authors of other Countries; Collections. Vp. BIBLIOGRAPHY.— W. IJ^, — Treatises on Printing and Bookbinding : His- tory of Printing ; Philately ; Lists of Postage and other Stamps. \^7Tb. — General Bibliography. ^^^, — Bibliography of Special Subjects and Plac s; Americana ; Pseudonyms and Autonyms ; Incunabula ; Bibles. \||^f, — Treatises on Management and History of Libraries ; Library Economy ; Reports ; Construction of Catalogues ; Library Classification. ■\^^ll, — Catalogues of Public Libraries. ^^^i, — Catalogues of Private Libraries. \JJ^1, — Lists and Catalogues of recent and current Publications ; Trade Lists. "Vy^Tn^ — Sale Catalogues, auction and second- hand. MISCELLANEOUS AND GEN- ERAL WORKS.— X. 3^^ — Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries of a General Character, and Encyclopaedic Works ; Indexes, general. X,!},— Periodicals of a General and Miscellaneous Character. Xd. — Collected Works of Individual Authors. Xg, — Polygraphy ; Miscellaneous Works of Several Authors, and Pamphlets. of Individual Authors ; FOREIGN LITERATURE.— Y. "Y, — Greek Literature. Yb, — Latin Literature. Y"cl, — French Literature. "Yf, — German Literature. ■Yll, — Italian Literature. Y"i, — Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Y"!, — Scandinavian Literature. Ym, — Literature of other Nations and Polyglottic. PROSE FICTION. The Novels are arranged in alphabetical order by names of authors and titles as explained on page 4. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION. Look for any subject or topic in this alphabetical IXDEX, and the letters at the right will direct to the place in the previous synopsis or on the shelves where the books on that subject Trill be found. Abolition, Bm. Advertising, Rt. Agricultural reports. Rb Aborigines of America, Fc, Aerolites, Op. Agriculture, general, Rb. Abortion, PI. Aeronautics, Ng. animal. Re. Absolutism, B, Esthetics, S. vegetable. Rd. Abyssinia, history, Dj. Ethiopia, history, Dh, Air, Ng., Op. language, Tj. travels. Hk. Alabama, history, Fg. travels, Hk. Affections, Mf. travels. Km. Academies, Mn. Afghanistan, history. D. Alabama claims, Fl. Academies of science. N. travels. Hd. Alaska, Kf. Acadia, Fb. Africa, botany, Ob. Albania, Er., Jo Accounts, Ru. costume, customs, Cf. Albertypes, Sj. Acoustics, Nh. ecclesiastical history, Ao. Albigenses, Ao. Acrostics, Tt. geology. Om. Alchemy, Or. Acting, Actors, V. Africa, Eastern, history, Dh. Alcoholic liquors, Rs. Actors, lives of. L. travels, Hk. use of. Mh. Acts, legislative, Bj. Africa, North & West, history, Dj. Ales, Rs. Acts of the Apostles. Ac. travels. Hm. Algae, Ob. Addresses. Tr. Africa, South & Central, history, Dj. Algebra, No. Adjutant-General's reports, Fl. travels. Ho. Algeria, Algiers, Hm. Administration, B. E., Fp. African colonization, Bm. Aliens, Bj. Admiralty law. Bj. Afiican languages, Tj. Allegories, Ap Adulteration of food, Rs. African slavery. Bm. Alloys, Rp. Adultery, Bo. Agricultural chemistry, Rb. Almanacs, Nm. Advent, second, Ag. implements, Rb. statistical, Cp. lO NEW CLASSIFICATION. Almshouses, Bp. Alphabets, T. ornamental, Sb. Alps, Jj. Amateur theatricals, Vf. Ambassadors, Bh. Ambrntypes, Sj. America, North, botany, Ob. customs and costumes, Cf. description, Kf. ecclesiastical history, Ao. geography, Kf. geology, Om. history, Fb. statisiics, Ft., Cp. travels, Kf. America, South, botany, Ob. customs and costumes, Cf. description, Kb, ecclesiastical history, Ao. geography, Kb. geology, Om. history. F. statistics, Cp. travels. Kb. American languages, Tb. American painting, Sf- American revolution. Fj. Americanisms, Tb. Amputation, Pr. Amusements, Rx., Ry. morals of, Mh. Ana, anagrams, Tt. Anaesthetics, Pp., Pr. Analysis, chemical. Or. Analytical geometry. Ne, Anatomy, art, S. comparative. Ok. human. Pb. Ancient architecture, SI. Ancient customs, costumes, Cf. Ancient geography, Gj. Ancient history. Ch. Ancient philosophies. M. Ancient sculpture, Sh. Anecdotes, Tt. religious, Ap. Aneurism, Pd. Angels, Ag. Anglican church. Ao. Angling, Ry. Anglo-Saxon history, Eb. Anglo-Saxon language, Tb. Anglo-Saxon literature, Tl. Animal kingdom, Of. magnetism. Mj. Animalculse, Of. Animals, Bible, Aa. domestic, Re. Annuities, Ne. Anonyms, Wd. Antarctic explorations, Gh. Anthropology, Cd. Antilles, K. Anti-masonry, - Bs, Antinomianism, Ag. Antiquities, see subject or country. Cd. Antiquity of man. T. Aphorisms, Tt. \pocalypse, Ac. Apocrypha, Ao. Apologetics, Ae. Apophthems, Tt, Apoplexy, Po. Apostles, Aa., Ac. Apostolic church, Ao. Apostolic succession, Ag. Apothegms, Tt. Apparatus, Nf. Apparitions, An. Apples, Rd. Aquariums, Of. Aquatint, Sf. Aqueducts, Rh. Arabia, ancient history, Ch. modern history, D. travels, H. Arabian language, Tj. Arabian philosophy, M. Arabs in Spain, El. Arboriculture, Rd. Arbors, Sd. Archaeology, Cd. Archery, Ry. Arches, SI. Architects, lives of, L. Architectural drawing, Sb. Architecture, SI. naval, Rr. Arctic explorations, Gh. Argentine Republic, history, F, travels, Kb. Arianism, Ag. Aristocracy, B. Aristotelian philosophy, M. Arithmetic, Nb Arizona, history, Fg. travels. Km. Arkansas, history, Fg. travels. Km. Armenia, history, D. travels, Hb. Armenian church, Armenian language, Armies, Arminianism, Armor, Art anatomy, Art biography. Art education, Art schools, Artesian wells. Articulates, palaeontology, zoology. Artillery, Artists, lives of, Arts, fine, useful, Arts and trades, Ashantee, Asia, botany, customs and costumes, ecclesiastical history, geology, history, travels, Asia Minor, history, travels. Assassination, Assault and battery, Assaying, Assent, Associations, musical. H. Ne Assurance, Assyria, Assyrian language, Asthma, Asylums, Astrology, Astronomical instruments. Astronomical maps, Astronomical observations Astronomical tables, Astronomy, theoretical, practical, Atheism, Athletic sports, Atlases, Atlases of the heavens. Atmosphere, Atonement, Attributes of God, Auctions, Auction catalogues of books, Wm. Aurora, Nk. Australasia, Cn, Australia, history, Cn. travels, Gf. Ao. Tj. Rr. Ag. Rr. S. L. S. S. Rh. On. Of. Rr. L. S. R. Rl. Ho. Ob. Cf. Ao. Om. Df. Hd. D. Hb. Bo. Bo. Rp. Mf. Bs. Sn. Bj. Ch. Tj. Pg. Bp. Nm. Nm. Nm. Nm. Nm. Nk. Nm. Af. Ry. Gl. Nm. Op. Ag. Af. Rt. INDEX. II Austria, history. Eo. Bible societies. Am. Bridge-building, Rh. travels, Jl- Bibliographies, general. Wb. Brigandage, Bo. Authors, lives of, L. special. Wd. British America, history. Fb. Autobiography, see biography Bibliography, w. travels, K. Autonyms, Wd. Bicycle, Ry. British Columbia, history. Fb. Ava, Hj. Billiards, Rx. travels. K. Avesta, An. Bimetalism, Bf. British Empire, E. Azores, Gf. Biography, L. British India, history, Db. Aztecs, Fb. Biology, Ok. travels. Hf. Babylon, Ch. Birds, cage, domestic. Re. British museum. Wh. Backgammon, Rx. natural history. Oc. British topography, Jd. Baconian philosophy, M. palaeontology. On. Britons, Eb. Bahamas, K. Birth, PI. Bronchitis, Pg- Ball playing, Ry. Blacksmithing, Rl. Bronzes, Sh. Ballads, English, Vh. Blasphemy, Bo. Buccaneers, Fb., Bo. American, vj. Blasting, . Rh. Buddhism, An. Ballooning, Ng. Bleaching, Ro. Buenos Ayres, history. F. Banditti, Bo. Blindness, Pk. (ravels. Kb. Bank note engraving. Sj. Block books, Wd. Building, Rg- Bankrupt laws. Bj. Blowpipe, Or. Building associations. Be. Banks, banking. Bf. Blue book, English, E. Burial, Cf. Baptism, Ag. U.S., Fp. Burmah, history. Df. Baptists, Ag. Blue laws, Fd. travels. Hj. Barbadoes, K. Board of health, Pt. Business, correspondence, Rw. Barbary States, history, travels. Barometer, Dj. Hm. Op. Eb. Board of trade. Rt. ethics, Mh. Boating, Ry. manuals, Rw. Barrows, British, Boats, Rr. theory and practice. Rt. Bas-reliefs, Sh. Body and mind, Mj. Butter, Re. Bohemia, Jl- Butterflies, Od. Base ball. Ry. Th. Basque language, Bokhara, Bolivia, Hd. Kb. Byzantine Empire, Cabbala, D. Aa. Basque provinces. Baths, bathing. Pt. Bonds and stocks, Bf. Cabinet making, Rg- Bones, Pb. Cage-birds, Calabria, Re. Bavaria, history, travels. Eo. Jl. Book of common prayer. Al. Jj- Beauties (selections). Tt. Book-binding, W. Calculators, Nb., Rw. Beauty, Beer, S. Book collecting, Wb. Calculus, Ne. Rs. Book-keeping, Rw. Caledonia, Ef. Bees, Re. Book rarities. Wb. Calendar, Nm. Beetles, Od. Books, w. California, history, Fh. Beets, Rd. Booksellers' catalogues, Wm. travels. Kr. Beet sugar. Rs. Bookselling, Rt. Calisthenics, Pt. Belgium, history, E. Boot making, Rl. Caloric, Nj. travels. Jf- Borneo, Hj, Calvinism, Ag. Belles-lettres, T. Botany, systematic, Ob. Cambists, Bf. Bells, Rn. fossil, On. Cambodia, Hj. Beloochistan, Hd. medical, Pp. Cambria, Eb. Benevolent societies. Am ,Bp. Boxing, Ry. Cameos, Sh. Bermudas, K. Brahmanism, An. Canada, history, Fb. Bible, text and versions. Ab. Brain, Pb., Mj. travels. Kf. antiquities. Aa. Brandy, Rs. Canal engineering. Rh. commentaries, Ac. Brazil, history. F. Canal transit, Ru. concordances. Ad. travels. Kb. Canary birds. Re. dictionaries. Ad. Breviaries, Al. Canary Isles, Gf. geography. Aa. Brewing, Rs. Cancer, Po. introduction, Aj. Bric-a-brac, Sh. Cane sugar, Rs. inspiration, Aj. Bricks, Rl. Cannon, Rr. 12 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Canon law, Bh . Chaldee language. Canon of Scripture, Aj . Chancery law, Caoutchouc, Rd., Rl . Chances, calclation of, Cape colony, history, Dj Character, travels, Ho Charades, Capital and labor, Be Charitable association. Capital punishment. Bo Charities religious. Car-building, Rl. Charts, geographical. Card-playing, Rx. historical. Caribee Islands, K. Chasing, Caricatures, Sb. Checkers, Carpentry, Rg. Cheese, Carpet-making, Ro. Chemical agriculture. Carriage-making, Rl. Chemical analysis, Carving, Sh. Chemical technology, Cashmere, Hf. Chemistry, agricultural, Castille, history, El. applied. travels. Jh. theoretical. Casting, Rn. Chess, Casts, Sh. Childbirth, Casuistry, Mf. Children, diseases of. Catacombs, Em Chili, history, Catalogues of libraries,. wh; travels. private libraries, Wj.' Chimneys, Cataloguing, Wf China, history. Catarrh, Pg.' travels. Catechisms, Ag. Chinese language. Cathedrals, SI. Chinese literature. Catholic church. Ar. Chinese religion, Cattle, Re. Chivalry, Caucasus, Hb. Chloroform, Caucus, Fr. Cholera, Cavalry, Rr. Christ, Cave-dwellers, Cd. Christian antiquities. Caves, Ol. Christian doctrines, Celibacy, Ar. Christian fathers. Celtic language. Tb. Christian institutions. Celtic literature. Tl. Christian sects. Celtic poetry, Vh. Christianity, evidences. Celts, Eh. history. Cements, Rl. Christmas customs. Cemeteries, Sd., Cf. Christology, Census, U. S., Ft. Chromolithography, see names of countries Chronology, Central Africa, history. Dj. Church, travels. Ho. Church architecture, Central America, history. Kb. Church of England, travels. Kb. Church fathers. Central Asia, Hd. Church history, Ceramic ait, Sh. Church music. Ceremonies, Cf. Church polity. religious. Al. Church of Rome, Cetacea, Of. Church and state. Ceylon, history. Db. Circassia, travels. Hf. Circumnavigations, Chaldea, Ch. < Citizenship, Civil engineering. Civil law, service reform, Civilization, history, Clairvoyance, Classical antiquities. Classical education, Classification of books. Classification of knowledge. Clergy, lives of. Climate, hygiene. Climatology, Clinics, Clock-making, Clothes-making, Clothing, Coal, geology of, mining of, Coal oil. Coal trade, Coast survey, Coats of arms, Cochin China, Co-education, Coffee, Coinage, Coins, Coleoptera, Colleges, Collieries, Colombia, S. A., history, travels. Colonization, Color, (optically), (painting), Colorado, history, travels. Columns, Combubtion, Comedy, see drama. Comets, Commentaries, Bible, law. Commerce, Commercial law, Common law. Common prayer. Common schools. Communication, (trade), Communion, (eucharist). Communism, Comparative anatomy. Comparative mythology, Comparative philology. Compass, Rh. Bh. B. Cf. Mj. Ch. MI. Wf. M. L. Pt. Op. Pd. Rl. Rs. Rs. AI. Rp. Ol. Rt. Rh. Ew. Hj. Ml. Rd. Bf. Cf. Od. Mn. Rp. F. Kb. Bm. Nh. Sf. Fh. Kp. SI. Nj. Nk. Ac. Bj. Rt. Bj. Bj. AI. MI. Rt. AI. Be. Ok. An. T. Nd. INDEX. 13 Conipends, fine arts, S. Correspondence, Rw. Danish language, Th. history, CI. Corsica, Jj. Danish literature, Tn. natural science, Oa. Cosmetics, Rs. Darwinism, Ok. philology, T. Cosmogony, Af. Dates in hi-tory. Cb. philosophy, M. Cosmology, Af., Nf. Deaf and dumb institutes, Mn. science, N. Cossacks, Er. Deafness, Pk sociology, B. Costa Rica, Kd. Death (physiology). Pb. theology, Ag. Costume, historically, Cf. Death and resurrection, Ag. useful arts, R. toilet, Rs. Death penalty. Bo. Composition, Tp. Cottages, Rg- Debate and debating, Tr. musical, Sn. Cotton culture. Rd. Debates in congress. Fp. Comte's philosophy. M. Cotton manufacture, Ro. Debt, public. Bf. Conchology, Oe. Cotton trade, Rt. Decimal system, Nb. Concordances, of Bible, Ad. Councils, church, At. Decimal weights and measures , Rt. (See names of authors) Courtesy, Mh. Declamation, Tr. Confectionery, Rs. Courts, BL Decorative art, Sb. Confederate states. Fl. Courts martial, Bl. Deductive logic. Mb. Confessional, Ar. Cousin's philosophy, M. Deism, Af. Confucianism, An. Covenanters, Ao. Delaware, history. Ff. Congregationalism, At. Cows, Re. travels, Kl. Congressional debates. Fp. Cranberries, Rd. Delusions, Mj. Congressional documents. Fu. Craniology, Ok. Democracy, B. Conic sections. Nd. Crayon drawing, Sb. Demonology, An. Connecticut, history, Fd. Creation, Af. Denmark, history, Ep. travels, Kj. Credit, Bf. travels, Jm. Conscience, Mf. Creeds, Ag. Denominations, Christian, At. Conservatories (garden). Re. Cremation, Cf. Dentistry, Pr. Conservatories of music. Sn. Crete, Jo. Depravity, Ag. Constitution, English, E. Cricket, Ry. Derangement, mental. Ph. U. S., Bj. Crimea, Er. Descartes's philosophy, M. Constitutional law, Bj. Crimes and punishment, Bo. Descriptive astronomy, Nk. Construction, (building), Rg. Criminal law. Bj. Descriptive geometry. Nd. Consuls, Bh. Criminal trials, Bl. Design and drawing. Sb. Consumption, Pg- Critical psychology. Md. Despotism, B. Contagion, Po. Criticism, literary. Tp. Detectives, Bo. Contracts, law^ of- Bj. Crocheting, Rs. Deuteronomy, Ac. Conundrums, Tt. Croquet, Ry. Development theory. Ok. Convents, Ar. Croup, Pg. Devil, Ag. Conversation, Tp. Cruelty to animals. Mh. Devotional theology. Ap. Conversion, Ag. Am. Crusades, Cj. Dew, Op. Conveyancing, Bl. Crustacea, Oe. Dialectics, Mb. Cookery, Rs. Crypt ogamia. Ob. Dialects, see names of languages. Co-operation, Be. Crystallography, On. Dialogues, Tr. Copper, Rp. Cuba, history. Fb. Diamonds, On .,Sh. engraving. Sj. travels, K. Dictionaries, see names of lan- Coptic language, Tj. Currency, Bf. guages and subjects. Copyright, Bj. Currents, Op. Didactic theology. Ag. Corals, 01. Customs and duties, Bd. Die-making, Rn. Corea, Hj. Customs and manners, Cf. Diet, Pt. Corn laws, Bd. Cutaneous diseases. Pn. Differential calculus. Ne. Cornices, Rg. Cyclopaedias, X. Digestion, Pb. Coroners, Bj. Daguerreotype, Sj. Digests, Bj. Corporal punishment. Bo. Dahomey, Ho. Dining, Rs. Corporations, law of. Bj. Dairy, Re. Diphtheria, Pg. Correction, houses of. Bo. Dalmatia, Jo. Diplomacy, Bh, Correlation of forces, N. Dancing, Rx. Diplomatics, Wd. H NEW CLASSIFICATION. Directories, general, Gj. See subdivisions under travels. Discipline, education, MI. Diseases, Pd. Disinfection, Pt. Dispensaries, Bp. Dispensatories, Pp. Dissection, Pb. Dissenters, Ao., At. Distillation, _ Rs. District of Columbia, history, Fg. travels. Km. Divination, An. Divorce, Bj. Doctrinal theology, Ag. Dogs, Re. Domestic animals. Re. Domestic architecture, Si. Domestic economy, Rs. Domestic and foreign relations, Fp. Domestic medicine, Pd. Domestic trade, Rt. Domestic worship, Al. Dominos, Rx. Drainage of cities, Pt. Drainage of soils, Rb. Drama, general treatises, V, English, Vd. French, Vn. German, Vn. Greek, VI. Italian, Vn. Latin, VI. Spanish, Vn. parlor, Vf. Dramatic amasementis^ Vf. Dramatic music, Sr. Draughts, Rx Drawing, Sb. Drawing books, Sb. Dreams, Mj. Dress, costBrne, Cf. Dress- making,. Rs. Drives, Sd. Driving, Ry. Drags, Pp. Druids, An., Eb. Drunkenness, Mh. Druses, An. Duelling, Cf. Dutch language, Th. Dutch literature, Tn. Dutch painting, Sf. Dutch poetry, Vn. Dutch Reformed church. At. Dutch Republic, Eo. Duties, morals, Mh. Duties and customs, Bd. Dwarfs, Ok. Dyeing, Ro. Dynamical electricity. Nj. Dynamical geology. 01. Dynamics, Ng. Dysentery, Pf. Dyspepsia, Pf. Ear, diseases. Pk. functions. Pb. Early English text society. Tb. Earth, Ol. figure of. Nk. Earthquakes, Ol. East, history, travels. Dd. H. East Indies, travels. Hj. Easter, Al. Eastern church. Ao. Eastern states, history, travels. Fd. Kj. Ecclesiastical history. Ao. Ecclesiastical law. Bh. Ecclesiastical polity. At. Echinoderms, Of. Eclectic medicine. Pe. Eclectic psychology. Md. Electropathy, Pe. Eclipses, Nm. Economy, domestic, political, Rs. Bb. Ecuador, history. F. travels. Kb. Education, Ml. Educational institutions. Mn. Educational reports. Mn. Egypt, ancient, Ch. modern, Dh. travels. Hk. Egyptian language. Tj. Egyptian literature. Tn. Election sermons. As. Elections, Fr. Elective franchise, B. Electric lighting. Rs. Electricity, Nj. Electro-magnetism, Nj. Eleemosynary institutions. Bp. Elementary education. Ml. Eleusinian mysteries. An. Elgin marbles. Sh. Elocution, eloquence, Tr. Emancipation, Bm. Embalming, Cf. Embargo, Bh. Emblems, Tt. Embroidery, Rs. Embryology, Ok. Emigration, Bm. Emotions, Mf. Empirical psychology, Md. Enamel painting, Sf. Encaustic painting. Sf. Encyclopaedias, general. X. See names of subjects. Engineering, Rh. England, history. Eb. constitutional history, E. England, travels, J- English church, Ao. English composition. Tp. English dialects, Tb. English dictionaries, Tb. English drama. Vd. English etymology. Tb. English government. E. English grammar. Tb. English language. Tb. English literature, Tl. English orthography. Tb. English philology. Tb. English philosophy, M. English poetry. Vh. English prosody. Tb. English synonyms. Tb. English text society. Tb. Engraving, Sj. Enigmas, Tt, Entertainments, see drama, amuse- ments. Entomology, Od. Entozoa, Of. Ephemerides, Nm. Epics, see poetry. Epicureanism, Mf. Epidemics, Po. Epigrams, Tt. Episcopal church. At. Epistles, Bible, Ac. Epistolography, Rw. Epitaphs, Tt. Equador, history, travels. F. Kb. Equestrian exercise. Ry. Equipments of armies. Rr. navies. Rr. Equity, Bj. Errors of speech. Tp. Erse language, Tb. Erse literature, TI. Eschatology, Ag. Esquimaux, history. Fb. Essays, literary. See names of subjects. Tp. INDEX. 15 Etching, Sj. Fathers of the church. A. Form books (law), BI. Eternal punishment, Ag. Fauna, Formation of character, Mh. Etherization, Pr. Feasts, Al., Rs. Fortification, Rr. Ethics, Mf. Federalism, Fr. Fortune telling. An. Ethiopia, Dh. Feet, Pb. Fossil man. Ok. Ethnography, Cd. Female education. Ml. Fossils, On. Ethnology, Ok. Female employments. B., Be. Foundries, Rn. Etiquette, Mh. Female seminaries. Mn. Foundling hospitals, Bp. Etruria, history. Em. Female suffrage. B. Fountains, Sd. travels, Ji- Fencing (exercise). Ry. Fourierism, Be. Etymologies, comparative. T. Fermentation, Or., Rs. Fowling, Ry. See names of languages. Ferns, Ob. Fowls, Re. Eucharist, Ag. Festivals, church. Al. Fractures, Pr. Eulogies, L. Fetichism, An. France, history. Ej. Europe, botany. Ob. Feudalism, B. travels. Jf- customs and costumes. Cf. Fevers, Pj- Franchise, B. ecclesiastical history, Ao. Field-sports, Ry. Franciscans, Ao. geography, JP. Fiji, Gf. Franco-Prussian war. Ej. geology. Om. Figure of the earth. Nk. Free-hand drawing. Sb. history. Ev. Final causes. M. Freedmen (Am,), Fl. statistics, Cp. Finance, Bf. Freemasonry, Bs. travels. Jp. Fine arts. S. Free trade, Bd. See names of countries. Finland, history, Ep. Free will. Md. Evidence (law). Bl. travels. Jm. French dictionaries. Td. Evidences of Christianity, Ae. Fire arms, Rr. French drama. Vn. Evil, Ag. Fire engines, Rk. French language. Td. Evolution, Ok. Fire insurance. Bj., Ne. French literature, Tn. Exchange, Bf. Fire works, Rr., Ry. French poetry, Vn. Excise, Bf. Fire worshipers. An. French revolution. Ej. Exegesis, biblical, Ac. Fish culture. Re. French spoliations, Fp. Exhibitions, art, S. Fisheries, Re. Fresco painting, Sf. industrial, Rm. Fishes, Of. Friction, Rj. Exodus, Ac. palaeontology. On. Friendly societies. Bs. Experimental chemistry, Or. Fishing, Ry. Friends, society of. Ao. Explorations, G. Flanders, history, Ej. Friendship, Mh. Express companies, Ru. travels, Jf- Fruit culture. Rd, Eye, diseases. Pk. Flax, Rd., Ro. Fuel, t Rs. functions, Pb. Flemish painting, Sf. Funds and funding. Bf. Fables, see class of prose fiction. Flies, Od. Funeral sermons. As. Facetice, " " '' Flora, Ob. Funeral rites. Cf. Fairy tales, " " " Florence, history. Em. Furniture, Rg. Fairs, agricultural. Rb. travels. Tj. Future state, Ag. industrial. Rm. Florida, history. Fg. Gaelic language. Tb. Faith, Ag. travels, Km. Galleries of art, S. Faith and reason. Af. Flower gardening. Re. Galvanism, Nj. Family, B. Flowers, Ob. Gambling, Rx. Family histories, L. Fluxions, Ne. Game laws. Bj. Family medicines, Pd. Folk lore. Cf. Games, indoor. Rx. Family worship, Al. Food (cookery). Rs. outdoor. Ry. Fanaticism, Ao. (medical), Pt. Gardening, Re. Farces, see drama. Force, Ng. landscape. Sd. Farming, Rb. Foreign missions, Am. Gas-fitting, Rl. Farriery, Rl. Foreign relations. Fp. Gas -lighting. Gas-making, Rs. Fashion, Cf. Foreign trade, Tt. Gases, Or. Fasts, Al. Forestry, Rd. Gastronomy, Rs. Fatalism, Af., M. Forgery, Bo. Gauging, Rt. i6 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Gazetteers, general, Gj. Granada, El. Hats, Rl. See subdivisions under travels. Granges, Be. Hayti, history. Fb. Gem engraving, Sj. Grape culture, Rd. travels, K. Gems, On., Sj. Grasses, Rd. Health, Pt. Genealogy, L. ornamental. Sd. public. R. Generation, spontaneous. Ok. Grave stones. Sd.,Sh. Heart diseases. Pf. Genesis, Ac. Grave yards. Sd., Cf. Heat, Nj. Genoa, Em. Gravel (disease), Po. Heathen religions, An. Geodesy, Nd. Gravitation, Nf Heating, Rg- Geography, Gj. Great Britain, history, E. Heaven, Ag. See names of countries. travels, Jd. Hebrew history, Aa. GeologicalVeports, Om. Greece, ancient. Ch. Hebrew language, Tj. Geology, 01. modern, history, Es. Hedges, Sd. local and surveys, Om. travels, Jo. Hegelian philosophy. M. Geology and religion. Af. poetry of. VI. Heliotypes, Sj. Geometry, Nd. Greek architecture. SI. Hell, Ag. analytical. Ne. Greek church. Ao. Heraclitic philosophy, M. Georgia, history, Fg. Greek drama. VI. Heraldry, Ew. travels. Km. Greek language, Tf. Herbaiiunis, Ob. German dictionaries, Td. Greek literature. Tn. Heresies, Ag. German drama. Vn. Greek mythology. An. Hermaphrodites, Pb. German language, Td. Greek poetry, VI. Hermeneutics, Aj. German literature. Tn. Greek philosophy, M. Herpetology, Oi Genrnn philosophy. M. Greenhouses, Re. Hieroglyphics, Tj. German reformation. Ao. Greenland, history. Fb. Higher education, Ml. German poetry. Vn. travels, Kf. Highwaymen, Bo. Germany, history, Eo. Grounds, private, Sd. Himalayas, Hd. travels, Jl. Groves, Rd., Sd. Hindostan, history, Db. Ghosts, An. Guatemala, history. Fb. travels, Hf. Gipsies, Ev. travels. Kd. Histology, Ok. Girondists, Ej. Guiana, history, F. Historical books of the Bible, Ac. Glaciers, Ol. travels. Kf. Historical charts and tables. CI. Glass, Rl. Guide books, see names of coun- History, ancient, Ch. painting. Sf. tries. ecclesiastical. Ao. Glazing, Rl. Guilds, Bc. modern, Cj. pottery, Sh. Guillotine, Ej. philosophy of, c. Glees, Ss. Guinea, Ho. universal. CI. Globes, use of. Nm. Gun cotton. Rr. Histrionics, V. Glossaries, see names of languages. Gun-making, Rr. Holland, history. Eo. Gloves, Cf., Rl. , Ro. Gunnery, Rr. travels, Jl. Gnostics, Ao. Gunpowder, Rr. Holy Land, history. D. God, Af. ,Ag. Guns, sporting. Ry. travels, H. Gold, Bf. Gutta percha. Rl. Holy Roman Empire, Eo. Gold mining, Rp. Gymnastics, Pt. Holy Spirit, Ag. Goniometry, On. Gynaecology, Pi. Home education. Ml. Good Friday, Al. , Ao. Gypsies, Ev. Home missions, Am. Gospels, Ac. Habeas Corpus, Bl. Homicide, Bo. Gothic architecture, SI. Hair, Pb. Homiletics, Aj. Goths, Eo. Hallucination, Mj. Homoeopathy, Pe. Gout, Po. Hand, Pb. Homologies, Ok. Government, B. Harbors, Rh. Honey, Re. Grace, doctrines of, Ag. Harmony, music. Sn. Horology, Rl. Grafting, Rd. Harmony of gospels. Ac. Horse, Re. Grains, Rd. Harness-making, Rl. Horse riding. Ry. Grammars, comparative. T. Harpsichord, So. Horse shoeing. Rl. See names of languages. Hasheesh, Mh., Pp. Horsemanship, Ry. INDEX. 17 Horticulture, Re. Hospitals, P. Hot-houses, Re. House building, Rg. House furnishing, Rg. House keeping, Rs. House of correction, Bo. House of refuge. Bo. House painting, Rl. Housewifery, Rs. Huguenots, Ej. Human anatomy, Pb- Human body and mind, Mj. Human physiology, Pb. Humane societies, Bp. Hungary, history, Eo. travels, Jl. Hunting, Ry. Hurricanes, Op. Husbandry, Rb. Hybridism, Ok. Hydraulic engineering, Rh. Hydraulics, Ng. Hydrodynamics, Ng. Hydrography, Rh,, Op. Hydromechanics, Ng. Hydropathy, Pe. Hydrophobia, Po. Hydrostatics, Ng. Hygiene, Pt. mental, Mj. Hymnology, A). Hypochondria, Po. Icebergs, 01. Iceland, history, Ep. travels, Jm. Icelandic language, Th. Icelandic literature, Tn. Icelandic poetry, Vn. Ichnology, On. Ichthyology, Of. Iconography, Sh. Idaho, history, ■ Fh. travel, Kp. Idealistic psychology, Md. Idiocy, Ph. Idolatry, An. Illinois, history, Fh. travels, Kp. Illumination, lighting, Rl. Imagination, Md. Immersion, Ag. Immigration, Bm. Immortality, Ag. Imprisonment for debt. Bo. Incarnation, Ag. Income, Bf. Incunabula, Wd. Independents, Ao., At. Indexes, X. See names of subjects. India, history, Db. travels, Hf. India rubber, Rd., Rl. Indiana, history, Fh. travel, Kp. Indians, American, Fc. Indigestion, Pf. Indoor amusements, Rx. Induction, Mb. (electrical), Nj. Inductive logic, Mb. Industrial drawing, Sb. Industrial exhibitions, Rm. Industrial schools, Mn. Inebriate institutes, Mh. Infallibility, papal Ar. Infanticide, Bo. Infantry, Rr. Infidelity, Af. Ink, W. Inoculation, Po. Inorganic chemistry, Or. Inquisition, Ar. Insane hospitals. Ph. Insanity, Ph. Inscriptions, Cb. Insects, Od. Inspiration of the Bible, Aj. Instinct, Md. Institutions, educational, Mn. feudal, B. monarchic, B. musical, Sn. religious. Am., Ao. patriarchal, Aa. republican, B. Instruction, Ml. Instrumental music, So. Instruments, Nd. Insurance, Bj., Ne. Insurance companies, Bj. Integral calculus, Ne. Intellect, Md. Intellectual philosophy, Md. Intemperance, Mh. Intercommunication, Rt. Interest, Bf. Interest tables, Rw. Interior department, Fp. Intermarriage, Cf., PI. Intermediate state, Ag. Interments, Cf., Pt. International exhibitions, Rm. International law, Bh. Intolerance, Ao. Intuitive psychology, Md. Inventions, R. Invertebrates, Of, palaeontology, On. Investments, Bf. Ionian Islands, history, Es. travels, Jo. Iowa, history, Fh, travels, Kp, Iranian languages, Tj, Ireland, history. Eh. travels, Jb. Irish church, Ao. Irish language, Tb. Irish literature, Tl. Iriih poetry, Vh. Iron, bridges, Rh. manufacture, Rn. metallurgy, Rp. mining, Rp. Ironclad ships, Rr. Irrigation, Rb. Islam, An. Israelites, Aa. Italian drama, Vn. Italian language, Th. Italian literature, Tn. Italian painting, Sf. Italian poetry, Vn. Italian Republics, Em. Italian sculpture, Sh. Italy, history, Em. travels, Jj. Jacobins, Ej, Jainism, An. Jamaica, history, Fb. travels, K. Jansenism, Ao. Japan, history, Dd. travels, Hj. Japanese language, Tj. Japanese literature, Tn. Japanese poetry, Vn. Japanning, Rl. Java, history, Dd. travels, Hj. Jests, Tt. Jesuit missions, Ar. Jesuits, Am. Jesus Christ, Ac. Jewelry, Rn., Rs. Jews, Aa NEW CLASSIFICATION. John, (Apostle), Ac. Law of nations. Bh. Lotteries, Mh. Joinery, Rg- Lawns, Sd. Louisiana, history. Fg. Journalism, Tl. Lawyers, lives of, L. travels. Km. Judaism, Aa. Lead, Rp. Low countries, history, Eo. Judgment and future state. Ag. Leather, Rl. travels. Jl. Jugglery, Rx. Legerdemain, Rx. Loyalists, American, Fj. Junius letters, E?. Legislation, Bj. Luke, gospel of, Ac. Jurisprudence, Bg. Legislative annals, E., Fp. Lunacy, Ph. medical. Bj. Legitimacy, Bj. Lunatic asylums, Ph. Jut, Bj. Lent, Al. Lung diseases. Pg. Justification, Ag. Lepidoptera, Od. Lutherans, At. Kabbala, Aa. Letter writing, Rw. Mabinogeon, Tl. Kafirs, Ho. Letters, L., Tp. Macaronics, Tt. Kaleidoscope, Nh. Levant, Jo. Machine engraving, Sj. Kamschatka, Hd. Levelling, Nd. Machinery, Rj. Kansas, history, Fh. Leviticus, Ac. Madagascar, history. Dj. travels, Kp. Lexicons, see names of Ian- travels. Ho. Kant's philosophy, M. guages. Madeira, Gf. Keltic, see Celtic. Libel, Bj. Madness, Ph. Kentucky, history, Fg. Liberia, Ho. Magazines, Xb. travels. Km. Liberty, B. Magic, An. Kindergarten, Ml. Liberty of press. Bj. Magnetical observations. Nj. Kinematics, Ng. Libraries, catalogues. Wh. Magnetism, Nj. Kitchen, Rs. economy. Wf. animal. Mj. Knighthood, Cj. history and reports. Wf. Magyars, Eo. Koran, An. Lichens, Ob. Mahometanism, .An. Labor, Be. Life insurance, Bj., Ne. Mails, Rt. Laboring classes. Be. Life-saving service. Fp. Maine, history. Fd. Labrador, Kf. Light, Nh. travels. Kj. Lace-making, Ro. Light houses. Rh. Malaria, Po. Laconics, Tt. Lightning rods. Rl. Malayan language. Tj. Lake dwellings, Cd. Lights and fuel. Rs. Malaysia, Df. Lakes, artificial, Sd. Lime, Rg- Malt, Rs. Land surveying. Nd. Line engraving. Sj. Malta, Em. Landlord and tenant, Bj. Linguistics, T. Mamelukes, D. Landscape gardening, Sd. Liquors, Rs. Mammalia, Of. Language, universal, T. Litanies, Al. palaeontology, On. Lapland, history, Ep. Literary criticism, Tp. Man, anatomy. Pb. travels, Jm. Literary essays. Tp. antiquity, Cd. Latin drama. VI. Lilerary miscellany. Tt. doctrine. Ag. Latin language, Tf. Literary property, Bj. ethnography. Cd. Latin literature, Tn. Literature, history of. Tl., Tn. natural history, Ok. Latin poetry, VI. Lithography, Si physiology. Pb. Laundry, Rs. Lithology, On. Maniacs, Ph. Lawf, Bg. Liturgies, Al. Manitoba, Kf. canon, Bh. Locke's philosophy. M. Manners and customs, Cf. civil, Bh. Locks and keys. Rn. Manufactures, Rl. commercial. Bj. Locomotives, Rk. Manures, Rb. constitutional, Bj. Logarithms, Nd. Maps, Gl. international, Bh. Logic, Mb. astronomical. Nm. maritime, Bh. Lollards, Ao. Marble manufacture, Rn. mercantile, Bj. Longevity, Pt. Marbles, Rp., Sh. natural. Eh. Lord's day. Ag. Marine architecture. Rr. patent, Bj. Lord's supper, Ag. Marine insurance, Bj. Roman, Bh. Lorraine, history, Ej. Marine law. Bh. statute, Bj. travels, Jf- Maritime law, Bh. INDEX. 10 Mark, gospel of, Ac. Messiah, Ag. Market, Rs., Rt. Metal manufactures. Rn. Marriage customs, Cf. Metallurgy, Rp. Marriage ethics, Mh. Metaphysics, M Maitial law, Bj. Meteorology, Op. Martyrs, Ao. Meteors, Nk. Maryland, history. Fg. Methodism, At. travels, Kl. Methodology, M. Masonry, Rg. Methods of education. Ml. free, Bs. Metric system, Nb., Rt. Massachusetts, histery, Fd. Metrology, Na. Massachusetts, travels. Kj. Mexican war. Fm. Materia medica, Pp. Mexico, history, Fb. Materialism, M. travels. Rd. Materials, building. Rg. Mezzotint, Sj. Maternity, PI. Michigan, history, Fh. Mathematical drawing. Sb. travels, Kp. Mathematical instruments, Nd. Microscopy, Ok. Mathematical tables. Nd. Middle Ages, histoiy, Cj. Mathematics, Na. Middle States, history, Ff. Matthew, gospel of. Ac. travels, Kl. Mauritius, Ho. Midwifery, PI. Mausoleums, Sh. Military engineering, Rh. Maxims, Tt. Military law, Bj. Measles, Po. Military science. Rr. Measures and weights, Rt. Military surgery, Pr. Mechanical drawing. Sb. Military and naval arts. Rr. Mechanical engineering, Rh. Militia, Rr. Mechanical trades, Rl. Milk, Re. Mechanics, Ng. Millenium, Ag. Mechanic's associations, Be. Millinery, Rs. Medals, Cb. Mill-work, Rj. Mediseval architecture, SI. Mind, science of. Md. Mediaeval customs and costumes, Cf. Mind and body, Mj. Mediaeval history, Cj. Mineral waters. Om., Pp. Medical botany, Pp. Mineralogy, On. Medical jurisprudence. Bj. Mines, mining. Rp. Medicine, P. Miniatures, Sf. veterinary. Re. Ministers, duties of. Al. Meditations, theology, Ap. lives of, L. Melodeons, So. Minnesota, history, Fh. Melody, Sn. travels. Kp. Memoirs, L. Ministrelsy, Vh. Memory, Ml. Mints, Bf. Mensuration, Nd. Miracles, Ae. Mental derangement. Ph. Missals, Al. Mental faculties. Md. Missions, Am. Mental hygiene. Mj. Mississippi, history, Fg. Mental philosophy, Md. travels. Km. Mental physiology. Mj. Missouri, history. Fh. Mental science, Md. travels, Kp. Mercantile law, Bj. Mnemonics, Ml. Merchants, lives of. L. Modeling, Sh. Mesmerism, Mj. Modern architecture. SI Mesopotania, history, Ch. Modern history, Cj. travels, Hb. Mohammedanism, An. Molecular physics. Nf. Mollusca, Oe. palaeontology, On. Monaco, Em. Monarchic institutions, B. Monasteries, Ao. Monastic orders, Ao. Money, Bf. Mongolian language, Tj. Monitors, ironclads, Rr. Monks, Ao. Monograms, Sb. Monopolies, Be. Montana, history, Fh. travels. Kp. Montenegro, history, travels. Er. Jl. Monuments, Cf., Sh. Moon, Nk. Moral philosophy. Mf. Morals, Mf., Mh. Moravians, Ac, At. Morea, history, travels. Es. Jo. Mormonism, An. Morocco, Hm. Morphology, Ob. Mortality, Ft. statistics. Cp. Mortar, Rg. Mortgages, Bj. Mosaic, Sf. Moslems, An. Mosquito shore. Kd. Mosses, Ob. Mothers, Mh., PI. Moths, Od. Mottoes, Tt. Mouldings, Rg., SI. Mound builders. Cd. Mountains, 01., Op. Municipal government. B. Murder, Bo. Music, criticism. Sn. operatic. Sr. sacred. Sp. secular and general. Ss. Musical composition. Sn. Musical instruments, So. Musicians, lives of. L. Mutual aid societies. Bs. Mysteries, An. Mysticism, Ao. Mythology, An. Names, T. Naples, history, travels. Em. Jj. 20 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Narcotics, Mh., Pp. Non- Christian religions. An. Optics, Nh. National costumes, Cf. Normal schools, Mn. Oracles, An. National customs, Cf. Norman conquest. Eb. Oratorios, Sp. National debt, Bf. Normandy, history. Ej. Oratory, orations. Tr. Natural history, Oa. travels. Jf- pulpit. Ah. Natural philosophy, Nf. Norse language, Th. Orchards, Rd. Natural religion, Af. Norse literature. Tn. Orders of architecture, 81. Natural science. O. Norse poetry, Vn. Ordnance, Rr. Natural selection, Ok. Norsemen, Ep. Oregon, history. Fh. Natural theology, Af. North Africa, history. Dj. travels, Kr. Naturalization, Bj., Bm. travels. Hm. Ores, Rp. Nature, 0. North America, Fb. Organ, So. Naval architecture. Rr, botany. Ob. Organic chemistry. Or. Naval science. Rr. customs and costumes Cf. Organic remains, On. Navies, Rr. ecclesiastical history. Ao. Oriental architecture. SI. Navigation, Nd. geography. K. Oriental churches, Ao. Navigation laws. Bj. geology. Om. Oriental languages. Tj. Nebraska, history. Fh. history. Fb. Oriental literature. Tn. travels. Kp. statistics, Fb. Oriental philosophy. M. Necromancers, Mj. travels. K. Oriental poetry. Vp. Needle work. Rs. North Carolina, history. Fg. Origin of belief, Af. Negroes, Cd. travels. Km. Origin of language, T. Nervous system. Pb. Northmen, Ep. Origin of species. Ok. diseases. Ph. Norway, history, Ep. Orkneys, Jd. Nestorians, Ao. travels. Jm. Ornamental design, Sb. Netherlands, history. Eo. Nosology, Pd. Ornamental gardening, Sd. travels. Jl- Nova Scotia, history. Fb. Ornamental work, Sb. , Sh. Neuroptera, Od. travels. Kf. Ornithology, Oc. Neutrals, law of, Bh. Novels, see class of Prose P. Orphans, Bp. Nevada, history. Fh. Fiction, F. Orthoepy, T- travels. Kp. Nubia, history. Dh. See names of languages. New Brunswick, history, Fb. travels. Hk. Orthography, T. travels. Kf. Numbers, book of. Ac. See names of languages. New England, history, Fd. Numismatics, Cb. Osteology, Pb. travels. Kj. Nunneries, Ao., Ar. Ottoman empire. See Turkey. New Granada, history. F. Nursery, Rs. Out-door sports. Ry. travels, Kb. Nursing, Pd. Oysters, Of., Re. , Rs. New Guinea, history. Cn. Oaths, Bl. Pacific Islands, Gf. travels, Gf. Object teaching. Ml. Pacific states, history. Fh. New Hampshire, history. Fd. Observations, astronomy. Nm. travels, Kr. travels. Fd. Obstetrics, Pi. Paganism, An. New Jersey, history, Ff. Ocean currents. Op. Painters, lives of. L. travels. Kl. Ocean transportation, Rt. Painting, artistic, Sf. New Mexico, history, Fg. Oceanica, history. Cn. house. Rl. travels, Km. travels. Gf. Palaeography, Wb. New Platonists, M. Odd Fellows, Bs. Palaeontology, On. New Testament, Ab., Ac. Odontology, Pb., Pr. Palestine, history, D. New York, history, Ff. Ohio, history. Fh. travels, H. travels, Kl. travels, Kp. Palmistry, An. New Zealand, history. Cn. Oil, coal. Ol. Pamphlets, Xg. travels. Gf. Oil manufacture. Rl. Panama, Kd. Newfoundland, history, Fb. Oil painting. Sf. Pantheism, Af. , An. travels. Kf. Old Testament, Ab., Ac. Papacy, Ao. , Ar. Nicaragua, hislory. Fb. Ontology, M. Paper hanging. Rl. travels. Kd. Operas, Sr. Paper manufacture, Ro. Nobility, Ew. Opium, Mh., Pp. Paper money, Bf. INDEX. 21 Papua, Gf. Persian poetry, Vp. Planets, Nk. Paraguay, history, F. Personal liberty, B., Bj. Plans for building. SI. travels, Kb. Personal property. Bj. Plants, Re , Ob. Parchment, Rl., W. Personal rights, B., Bj. landscape gardening, Sd. Parent and child, Bj., Mh. Perspective, Sb. palaeontology. On. Parish law, Bj. Peru, history. F. Plate, Sh. Parks, public. Sd. travels. Kb. Platonic philosophy, M. Parliament, E. Pests, agricultural. Re. Platonists, new. M. Parliamentary blue book. E Petrifaction, On. Playing cards. Rx. Parliamentary debates, E. Petroleum, Ol. Plays, see drama. Parliamentary law. Bj. Pharmacopoeias, Pp. Pleading, Bl. Parlor dramas, Vf. Pharmacy, Pp. Plumbing, Rl. Parlor pastimes, Rx Philately, w. Plurality of worlds, Nk. Parrots, Oc, Re! Philipine Islands, Gf. Pneumatics, Ng. Parseeism, An. Philology, T. Poetical books of Bible, Ac. Parthia, Ch. Philosophy, M. Poetry, V. Partnership, Bj. ancient. M. American, Vj. Parturition, PL mental, Md. Arabic, Vp. Passions, Mf- moral, Mf. collections, Vp. Pastoral theology, Ah* natural. Nf. English, Vh. Patagonia, Kb. Philosophy of art. S. French, Vn. Patent law. Bj. Philosophy of history. C. German, Vn. Patent office reports. R. Philosophy of language, T. Greek, VI. Patents, R. Philosophy of literature, Tl., Tn. Italian, Vn. Pathology, Pd. Philosophy of religion. Af. Latin, VI. Patriarchal institutions, Aa., B. Philosophy of science. N. oriental. Vp. Patriotism, B., Mh. Philosophy of sociology. B. Portuguese, Vn. Patristic philosophy. M. Phoenicia, Ch. Persian, Vp. Pauperism, Bp. Phoenician language. Tj. Spanish, Vn. Pawnbroking, Bf. Phonetic short-hand. Rw. Poets, lives of. L. Peace, reform. Mf. Phonography, Rw. Poisons, Pp. Pears, Rd. Phonology, T. Poland, history. Eg. Peat, 01., Rs. Photographic chemistry. Sj. travels. Jl- Pedobaptism, Ag. Photography, Sj. Polar regions, Gh. Peerage, Ew. Photo-lithography, Sj. Polemic theology. Ag. Peloponnesus, Jo. Phrenology, Mj. Police, Bo. Penal law Bj. Phthisis, Pg- Polish language. Th. Penance, Al. Physical education. Pt. Polish literature, Tn. Peninsular war. Eh. Physical geography. Op. Polish poetry. Vn. Penitentiaries, Bo. Physical science, Nf. Politeness, Mh. Penmanship, Rw. Physics, Nf. Political associations, Bs. Pennsylvania, history. Ff. Physiognomy, Mj. Political economy, Bb. travels, Kl. Physiography, Op. Political institutions. B. Pentateuch, Ac, Aj. Physiology, Pb. Political science, B. Perception, Md. comparative. Of. Political speeches. Fr. Perfectionists, Ao. mental, Mj. Politics, American, Fr. Perfumery, Rs. vegetable, Ob. British, E. Periodicals, general, Xb. Piano-forte, So. Polity, ecclesiastical, At. see special subjec's. Picture galleries. Sf. Polygamy, Bj. Perpetual motion. Ng. Piedmont, history. Em. Polygraph y, Xg. Persecutions, Ao. travels. JJ- Polynesia, history. Cn. Persia, ancient history. Ch. Pig, Re. languages, T. modern history, D Pigeons, Oc, Re stiitistics. Cp. travels. Hb. Piracy, Bo. travels. Gf. Persian language. Tj. Pisciculture, Re. Polyps, Of. Persian literature, Tn. Plague, Po. Polytheism, An 22 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Pomology, Rd, Progress of population, Cp. Punjaub, Hf. Ponds, artificial, Sd. Prohibiiion, Mh. Puritans, Ao., Fd. Poor, Bp. Projectiles, Rr. Puseyism, Ao., At. Poor laws, Bj. Projection, Sb. Puzzles, Rx. Popery, Ar. Promissory notes, Bj. Pyramids, Dh. Popes, lives of, L. Pronunciation, Tb. Pyrites, On. Population, Be , Ft. ,Cp. Property, Be. Pyrotechnics, Rr. See names of countries. Property law. Bj. Pyrrhonism, M. Porcelain, Sh. Property tax, Bf. Pythagoreanism, M. Portrait painting. Sf. Prophec)', Ac, ,Ag. Quadrumana, Of. Port Royal, Ao. Prophetical books of Bible, Ac. Quadrupeds, Of. Portugal, history, El. Prose composition, English, Tp. Quakers, At. travels, Jh. Greek, Latin, Tf Qualitative analysis, Or. Portuguese language. Th. Prosody, T. Quantitative analysis. Or. Portuguese literature, Tn. See names of languages. Quarantine, Pt. Portuguese poetry, Vn. Prostitution, Bo ., PI. Quarrying, Rl. Positivism, M. Protection, Bd. Quaternions, Ne, Postage stamps, T. Protestant episcopal church, At. Quietists, Ao. Post Office, Fp ,Rt. Protestant reformation, Ao. Quotations, Tt. Potato, Rd. Protestantism, At. Rabbinical literature. Tn. Pottery, Sh. . and Romanism, Ar. Race-horse, Re. Poultry, Re. Protoplasm, Ok. Races, history. Cd. Powder, Rr. Protozoa, Of. Racing, Ry. Practical astronomy. Nm. palseontology. On. Radiates, Of, Practical theology, Ap. Provengal language. Th. palaeontology, On. Practice of medicine. Pd. Provencal literature, Tn. Ragged schools. Am, Prayer, Af. Ag. Provengal poetry. Vn. Railroads, engineering, Rh, Prayer books. Al. Proverbs, Tt. law of, Bj. Prayer meetings, Am. book of. Ac. locomotives. Rk. Preaching and preachers. Ah. Providence, Af. transportation, Ru. Precedents, Bl. Provincialisms, English, Tb. Rain, Op. Precious metals, Bf. Rp. Pruning, Rd. Rank, Ew. Precious stones. On. ,Sh. Prussia, history. Eo. Rationalism, Af. Predestination, Ag. travels, Jl- Readers, Tr. Pregnancy, PI. Psalms, Ac. Reading, art of, Tr. Pre-historical archaeology. Cd. Pseudonyms, Wd. courses, Tp., Wd. Presbyterians, Ao. , At. Psychology, Md. Reading for self-education, Ml. Prescriptions, Pp. Public accounts, Bi ., Ft. Real estate law, Bj. President's message, Fu. ,Fp. Public buildings, SI. Reason, Md. Press, liberty of. Bj. Public charities. Bp. Reasoning, Mb. Prices, history of, Rt. Public documents, U. S., Fu. Rebellion, Southern, Fl. Primeval man, Cd. ,0k. Public education, Ml. Receipt books, Rs. Primitive Christianity, Ao. Public funds, Bf ,Ft. Reconstruction, FL, Fp. Primogeniture, Bj. Public gardens, Sd. Recreation, Pt. Printing, W. Public health. Pt. Recreative arts, Ry. Prints, Sj. Public houses, Mh. Redemption, Ag. Prison associations, Bo. Public lands, U. S., Fp. Reform schools, Bo. Prisons, Bo. Public libraries, Wf., Wh. Reformation, Ao. Private grounds, Sd. Public meetings, Bs ,Fr. Reformatory institutions. Bo, Private libraries, Wj. Public schools, Mn. Reformed church, At. Private theatricals. Vf. Public speaking. Tr. Regeneration, Ag. Private worship. Al. Public worship, Al. Regimen, Pt. Privateers, Bh. Pulpit oratory, Ah. Religion, A. Probabilities, Production, Ne. Be. Pumps, Punctuation, English, Rl. Tb. history of, philosophy of, practical, Ao. Af. Ap, Progress of civilization. Cf. Punishment, Bo. sermons, As. INDEX. 23 Religion and science, Af. Romance, see class of F rose Saxons, Eo. Religions, non-christian, An. Fiction. Saxony, Eo. Religious anecdotes, Ad. Romance languages, Th. Scandinavia, history, Ep. Religious associations, Am. Romanism, Ar. language. Th. Religious biography, L. Rome, antiquities, Em. literature. Tn. Religious encyclopaedias, Ad. church of, Ao., Ar. poetry. Vn. Religious fiction, Ap. history of. Em. travels, Jm. Religious institutions, Am. service-books. Al. Scepticism, Af. Religious orders. Ao. travels, Jj. Schleswig Holstein, Eo. Religious periodicals, A. Romish church, Ar. Scholastic philosophy, M. Remains, Cd., On. Rope making. Rl. Schools, Mn. Rent, Bf. Rosicrucians, Or. architecture, SI. Repentance, Ag. Roumania, history, Er. art. S. Reports, law, Bl. travels, Jo. kindergarten. Ml. Reptiles, Of. Rowing, Ky. ragged. Am. palteontology. On. Rubber manufacture. Rl. painting, Sf. Republicanism, B. Rules of order. Bj. Sunday, Am. Resistance of materials, Rh. Ruminants, Of. Science, mental, Md. Resurrection, Ag. Rural architecture, SI. moral, Mf. Retribution, Ag. Rural sports. Ry. natural, 0. Revealed religion, Ae. Russia, history, Er. Science and revelation, Af. Revelation, book of. Ac. language, Th. Scientific societies, N. Revenue, Bf. literature. Tn. Scotland, history. Ef. Reviews, Xb. poetry. Vn. travels, Jd. Revivals, Am. travels. Jm. Scotch language. Tb. Revolution, American, Fj. Russian America, Kf. Scotch literature, ■Tl. English, Eb. SabbatariaDS, Ao. Scotch philosophy, M. French, Ej. Sabbath, Ag. Scotch poetry, Vh. Rhetoric, Tp. Sabbath reform, Am. Screw propulsion, Rk. sacred, Ah. Sabbath schools, Am. Scripture chronology, Aa. Rhode Island, history, Fd. Sacraments, Ag., Al. Scripture commentaries, Ac. travels, Kj. Sacred biography. Aa. Scripture concordances, Ad. Riddles, Rx. Sacred books, Af., An. Scripture dictionaries, Ad. Riding, Ry. Sacred history. Aa. Scripture history. Aa. Rifle, Rr., Rx. Sncred music. Sp. Scriptures, Ab. Right of search, Bb. Sacred rhetoric. Ah. Scrofulous diseases, PI. Rights and liberties, B., Bj. Sacrifices, Aa., Ag. Sculptors, lives of, L. Riots, Bj., Bo. Saddlery, Rl. Sculpture, Sh. Rites and ceremonies, Al. Sagas, An. Seal engraving. Sj. Ritualism, Ao., Al. Sailors, Rr. Seamanship, Rr. River transportation. Rt. St. Domingo, history, Fb. Secession, Fl. Rivers, Rh., Op. travels, K. Second advent. Ag. Roads, Rh. Sale catalogues of books. Wm. Second sight, Mj. Rocky mountains. Kp. Salt manufacture, Rl. Sects, Christian, At. Rodentia, Of. Salvation, Ag. Secular education. Ml. Rolls of honor, Fl. Sandwich Islands, history Cn. Self-culture, Mh. Roman antiquities, Em. travels, Of. Self-education, Ml. Roman architecture, SI. Sanitary commissions, Pt. Semitic languages, Tj. Roman Catholicism, Ar. Sanitary measures, Ft. Semitic literature, Tn. Roman history. Em. Sanskrit language, Tj. Sensation, Md. Roman inquisition, Ar. Sanskrit literature. Tn. Sensational psychology, Md. Roman literature, Tn. Sardinia, history, Em Senses, Md. Roman law. Bh. travels, Jj. Sepulchres, Cf. Roman mythology. An. Satan, Ag- Sepulture, Pt. Roman poetry. VI. Savings banks. Bf. Sermons, As. Roman sculpture. Sh. Saxon language, Tb. Serpents, Of. 24 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Servants, Rs. Slavery, Bm. Spectrum analysis. Or. Servia, history, Er. Slavic language, Tb. Speeches, Tr. travels. Jo. Slavic literature, Tn. Spencer's philosophy. M. Service books, Al. Slavic poetry. Vn. Spherical astronomy. Nk. Sewerage, Pt. Sleep, Mj. Spherical geometry. Nd. Sewing, Rs. Sleep walking, Mj. Spherical trigonometry, Nd. Sex in education. Ml. Sleight of hand,' Rx. Spiders, Od. Sexes, PI. Small pox, Po. Spinoza's philosophy. M. Sexual ethics. Mh. Soap-making, Rs. Spiritualism, modern, An. Sexual science, PI. Social ethics, Mh. Spontaneous generation, Ok. Shades and shadows, Sb. Social organization. B. Sports and games, Rx., Ry. Shakers, At. Social science. B. Stables, Re. Shakespeariana, Vb. Social worship, Al. Stage, V. Sheep, Re. Socialism, Be. Stained glass. Sb., Sf. Shells, Oe. Societies, S. Stammering, Tr. fossil, On. See names of subjects. Stamps, W. Shemitic, see Semitic. Society, B. Starch manufacture. Rl. Shetland islands. Jd. Socinians, Ag. Stars, Nk. Ship building. Rr. Sociology, B. State, B. Ship canals. Rh. Socratic philosophy. M. State papers, American, Fp., Fu. Shipping and freighting. Rt. Soils, Rd. English, E. laws, Bh. Solar system. Nk. State rights, Fp. Ships, Rr. Soldiers, Rr. State trials. Bl. Shoemaking, Rl. Somnambulism, Mj. Statesmen, lives of. L. Shooting, Ry. Songs, see poetry. Statics, Ng. Shorthand, Rw. Songs with music. Ss. Stationery, W. Shrubbery, Sd. Sonnets, see poetry. Statistics, Cp. Siam, history. Dd. Sophist philosophy. M. Statuary, Sh. travels, Hj. Sorcery, An. Statute law. Bj. Siberia, history. Df. Soul, Ag , Md. Steam engine, Rk. travels. Hd. Sound, Nh. Steam fitting. Rl. Sicily, history. Em. South Africa, history. Dj. Steam navigation, Rk. travels, Jj. travels. Ho. Steam ships, Rr. Sick room, Pd. South America, botany, Ob. Steam transportation, Rt. Sieges, Rh., Rr. geology. Om. Steel, Rn. Sight (optics), ! Nh. history, F. Steel engraving. Sj. (diseases). Pk. statistics. Cp. Stenography, Rw. Signal service. Op. travels. Kb. Stereotyping, W. Signals, Ru. South Carolina, history, Fg. Stereoscopes, Nh. '^ign painting. Rl. travels, Km. Stethoscope, Pg. Silk culture, Re. South seas. Gf. Stills, Rs. Silk manufacture. Ro. Southern states, history. Fg. Stimulants, Mh., Pp. Silk worm. Re. travels. Km. Stipple engraving. Sj. Silver metallurgy. Rp. Spain, history. El. Stock, live. Re. Silver mines. Rp. travels. Jh. Stocks, Bf. Silver money, Bf. Spanish language. Th. Sloic philosophy, M. Sin, Ag. Spanish literature, Tn. Stone age. Cd. Singing, Sn. Spanish philosophy. M. Stone-cutting, Rl. Sintooism, An. Spanish poetry. Vn. Stoneware, Rl. Sisters of mercy, Ar. Speakers, Tr. Storms, Op. Skating, Ry. Specie payment, Bf. Strategy, Rr. Skepticism, Af. Species, origin of, Ok Strawberries, Re. Skin diseases, Pn. Specifications for buildings, SI. Strength of materiafs. Rh. Slander, Bo. Spectacles, Pk. Strikes, Be. Slang, Tb. Spectres, An. Stringed instruments. So. Slating, Rg- Spectroscope, Nh. Study, methods of, Ml. INDEX. 25 Stuttering, Tr. Taste and criticism. Tp. Timber, Rg- Sublime and beautiful, S. Taxation, Bf. Time, standard, Nk. Submarine telegraph, Rh. Taxidermy, Of, Tin, manufacture. Rl. Suffrage, B. Tea cultivation, Rd. mineralogy. Rp. Sugar cane, Rd. Teachers and teaching, Ml. Tithes, Aa ., Bf. Sugar manufacture, Rs. Technology, chemical, Or. Tobacco, Mh. ,Pp. Sugar planting. Rd. Teeth, Pr. Toilet, Rs. Suicide, Bo. Tehuantepec, Kd. Tolls, Rt. Sumatra, Hj. Telegraph, Nj. Rh. Tombs, Sd , Sh. Summer houses. SI. Telephone, Nj. Rh. Topographical engineering, Rh. Sun, Nk. Telescope, Nm. Torpedoes, Rr. Sun da. Hj. Temperaments, Mj. Total abstinence, Mh. Sunday schools. Am. Temperance, Mh. Toxicology, Pp. Supernaturalism, Af. Temperature, Op. Tract societies. Am. Superstition, An. Templars, Cj. Tractarianism, Ag. Surgery, Pr. Tennessee, history, , Fg. Trade,' Rt. Surnames, T. travels. Km, Trade lists of books. Wl. Surveying, Nd. Terra cotta. Sh. Trade marks, Bj. Susceptibility, Md. Testacea, Oe. Trades, mechanic, Rl. Sv/eden, history. Ep. Testament, new. Ac, Trades unions, Be. language, Th. old. Ac, Tragedies, See drama. literature, Tn. Testamentary law, Bj. Training, physical. Pt. poetry, Vn. Testimony, Bl. Transactions of societies, N. travels, Jm. Texas, history, .Fg. See names of subjects. Swfedenborgians, Ao. travels, Km. Transcendentalism, M. Swimming, Ry. Textile fabrics. Ro, Transportation, Rt. Bo. Swine, Re. Theatre, V, Transubstantiation, Ag , Ar. Switzerland, history. Em. ethics. Mh. Transylvania, history, Eo. reformation in. Ao. See drama. travels. Jl. travels, Jj. Theatricals, private. Vf. Trapping, Ry. Syllogism, Mb. Theft, Bo. Travels, collections of. Gd. Symbolism, Ag. Theism, Af. See names of countries. Synonyms, English, Tb. Theodicy, Af. Treason, Bo. See names of languages. Theological doctrine, Ag. Treasury, Bf. ,Fp. Syphilis, Po. Theological essays, A. Treaties, Bh. Syria, history, D. Theology, A Trees, Rd. travels. H. devotional, Ap. ornamental, Sd. Syriac language, Tj. doctrinal, Ag. Trespass, Bj. , Bo. Systematic botany, Ob. natural, Af. Trials, Bl. theology. Ag. pastoral. Ah, Trigonometry, Nd. Table talk, Tt. practical. Ap. Trilobites, Of. Tableaux, Vf. systematic, Ag. Trinity, Ag. Tables, interest. Rw. Theoretical astronomy, Nk. Troubadours, language, Td. mathematical, Nd. Theoretical chemistry, Or. literature. Tn. mercantile. Rw. Theoretical ethics. Mf. Trunk making, Rl. Tachygraphy, Rw. Therapeutics, Pd. Trusts and trustees, Bj. Tactics, Rr. Thibet, Hd. Tunis, Km. Tailoring, Rl. Thirty-nine articles, Ag. Tunnels, Rh. Tales, see class of Prose Fiction. Thirty years war. Eo. Turkey, history. D. Talmud, Aa. Thomsonianism, Pe. travels, Hb Jo. Tanning, Rl. Thorough base. Sn. Turkish baths, Pt. Taouism, An. Thought, Md. Turkish language, Tj. Tapestry, Ro. Throat diseases, Pg. Turkish literature, Tn. Tariff, Bd. Thunder, Op. Turkish poetry, Vp. Tattary, Hd. Tides, Nk. Turkistan, Hd. Tasmania, Gf. Tiling, Rg. Turning, Rl. 26 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Tuscany, history, Em. Vices, Mh. West Indies, history. travels, Jj. Villas, SI. travels. Type founding, w. Vine culture, Rd. West Virginia, history. Typography, W. Vinegar, Rs. travels, Tyrol, history, Em. Vineyards, Rd. Western states, history. travels, Jj. Violin, So. travels, Understanding, Md. Virginia, history, Fg. Whale, Uniforms, Rr. travels. Km. Whale fisheries. Unitarians, Ag. Virtue, Mf. WTieat, United States, botany. Ob. Vision, Nh., Pb , Pk. Whigs, customs and costumes. Cf. Visions and dreams, Mj. English, ecclesiastical history, Ao. Vital principle. Ok. Whist, geography. Kh. Vivisection, Mh. Will, geology. Om. Vocal culture. Sn ,Tr. Wills, government, Fp. Vocal music. Sn. Wind instruments. history. Fo. Voice, elocution, Tr. Window gardening. literature, TI. physiology, Pb. Winds, poetry. Vj. singing. Sn. Wine, public documents, Fu. Volcanoes, Ol. Wisconsin, history, statistics, Ft. Voyages, collections. Gd. Wisconsin, travels. travels. Kh. general. Gb. Wit, witicisms. Unity of human race, Cd. polar. Gh. Witchcraft, Universal history. CI. Wages question, Be. Woman, diseases. Universal language, T. Wakefulness, Po. education. Universalism, Ag. Waldenses, Ao., Em. property. Universities, Mn. Wales, history, Eb. rights, University education, Ml. language. Tb. social condition. Upholstering, Rg- literature, Tl. suffrage, Uraguay, history. F. poetry. Vh. Wood engraving. travels. Kb. Walks, Sd. Wood manufactures. Useful arts, R. Wallachia, history. Er. Wool manufacture. Usury, Bf travels, Jo. Wool raising. Utah, history. Fg! Wallachian language, Th. Working classes. travels. Km. War department. Fp. Works, collected, Vaccination, Po. War, science of. Rr. Worship, '^'^an Diemen's Land, Gf. War of i8i2, Fm. Wrestling, Varnishing, Rl. Warehouses, Rt. Writing, vases, Sh. Warming, Rg. short-hand, Vaudois, Ao. Em. Washing, Rs. Xylography, Vegetable physiology. Ob. Washington territory, history. Fh. Vegetable practice. Pe. travels, Kr. Yachting, Vegetables, Re. Watch making. Rl. Year books, scientific, Vegetarianism, Pt. Water colors. Sf. statistical, Venereal diseases. Po. Water cure. Pe. Yellow fever. Venezuela, history. F. Water wheels, Rj. Young men's associations. travels, Kd. Water works. Rh. Yucatan, history. Venice, Em. Waters, mineral, Am ,Pp. travels. Ventilation, Rg. Wax flowers. s. Zend Avesta, Ventriloquism, Rx , Tr. Wealth, Bb. Zodiac. Vermont, history, Fd. Weather, Op. Zoology, travels. Kj. Weaving, Ro. Zoophytes, Versification, V. Wedding customs, Cf. Zoroastrianism, Vertebrates, Of. Wtights and measures. Rt. Zulus, palaeontology, On. Welsh language. Tb. Vetermary medicine, Re. Welsh literature, Tl. Fb. K. Fg. Km. Fh. Kp. Of. Re. Rd. Fr. E. Rx. Md. Bj. So. Re. Op. Rs. Fh. Kp. Tt. An. PI. Ml. Bj. B. B. B. Sj. Rl. Ro. Ec. Be. Xd. AI. • Ry. Rw. Rw, •Sj. Ry. N. Cp. Pj. Am. Fb. Kd. An. Nk. Of. Of. An. Ho. NUMBERING SCHEME. Table of Numbers Used in Locating the Books under the Ne^A^ Ar- rangement of the Mercantile Library. See Page 4. Aa I 20 Abe Boul 1061- —1080 Bourk Daa 210 [ — 2120 Dama Abf 21 — 40 Aez Bourl 1081- —1 100 Boy Damb 212 [ — 2140 Danz Ada 41 — 60 Aer Boz IIOI- — 1120 Brand Dao 214 I — 2160 Dave Aes 61 — 80 Aim Brane 1121- —1 140 Brer Davf 216 I— 2180 Dech Ain 81 — 100 Albe Bres 1141- —1 160 Bril Deei 218 I — 2200 Dela Albf lOI — 120 Alew Brim 1161- -1 180 Brook Delb 220 I — 2220 Demn Alex 121 — 140 Alk. Brool 1181- — 1200 Bruc Demo 222 r — 2240 Desa All 141 — 160 Als Brud 1201- —1220 Bruns Desb 224 [ — 2260 Desr Alt 161 — 180 Ami Brunt 1221- —1240 Bud Dess 226 [—2280 Dh Amm 181 — 200 Andra Bue 1241- —1260 Bure Dia 228 I — 2300 Dig Andre 201 — 220 Anna Burf 1261- -1280 Burz Dih 230 I — 2320 Diz Annb 221 — 240 Ao Bus 1281- -1300 Bz Dj 232 t— 2340 Dome Ap 241 — 260 Arce Domf 234 I — 2360 Dori Arch 261 — 280 Arir Caa 1301- —1320 Cae Dork 236 [—2380 Dov Aris 281 — 300 Arnol Caf 1321- -1340 Cald Dow 238 [ — 2400 Drum Arnom 301 — 320 Asd Cale 1341- —1360 Calz Drun 240 I — 2420 Duch Asa 321 — 340 Athen Cam 1361- -1380 Campa Duei 242 1—2440 Dulb Atheo 341 — 360 Auf Campl] 1381- —1400 Cand Dule 244 [ — 2460 Dupi Aug 361 - 380 Avel Cane 1401- —1420 Cao Dupk 246 [ — 2480 Durh Avem 381 — 400 Az Cap Car 1421- 1441- -1440 —1460 Caq Care Duri 248 I — 2500 Dz Baa 401 — 420 Baen Carf 1461- —1480 Caro Ea 250 [—2520 Ebo Baco 421 — 440 Bagn Carp 1481- —1500 Cart Ebr 252 1—2540 Edt Bago 441 — 460 Balb Caru 1501- —1520 Cassi Edu 254 I — 2560 Egm Bale 461 — 480 Ball Cassj 1521- -1540 Cata Egn 256 I — 2580 Elc Balm 481 — 500 Bap Catb 1541- — 1560 Cava Eld 258 — 2600 Eli Baq 501 — 520 Barb Cavb 1561- -1580 Ceo Elk -260 — 2620 Els Bare 521 — 540 Barm Cep 1581- —1600 Chae Elt 262 — 2640 Enc Barn 541 — 560 Barro Chad 1601- — 1620 Chamo End 2641 — 2660 Eph Barrp 561 — 580 Barz Champ 1621- —1640 Chark Eva 266 —2680 Eri Basa 581 — 600 Basz Charl 1641- -1660 Chass Erk 268 — 2700 Erz Bat 601 — 620 Baud Chast i66i- -1680 Chem Esa 2701 — 2720 Espl Baue 621 — 640 Baz Chen 1681- —1700 Chim Espm 2721 —2740 Esz Bea 641 — 660 Beaup Chin 1701- —1720 Chro Eta 274 I — 2760 Eud Beauq 661 — 680 Bee Chru 1721- -1740 Cit Eue 2761 —2780 Eva Bed 681 — 700 Belg Ciu 1741- —1760 Clau Eve 278 — 2800 Ez Belh 701 — 720 Bell Clav 1761- -1780 Cler Belm 721 — 740 Benh Cles 1781- -1800 Cob Fa 280 —2820 Fad Beni 741 — 760 Berb Coe 1801- -1820 Cok Fae 2821 — 2840 Fann Bere 761 — 780 Berk Col 1821- -1840 Coll Fano 2841 —2860 Faul Berl 781 — 800 Bernh Colm 1841- -i860 Comn Faum 2861 —2880 Fek Berni 801 — 820 Berti Como 1861- -1880 Conr Fel 2881 — 2900 Ferd Bertk 821 — 840 Bete Cons 1881- -1900 Coon Fere 2901 — 2920 Ferra Betf 841 — 860 Bia Coop 1901- -1920 Cork Ferrb 2921 —2940 Fev Bib 861 — 880 Bill Corl 1921- -1940 Cort Few 2941 — 2960 Fil Bilm 881 — 900 Blab Coru 1941- -i960 Cosz Fim 2961 — 2980 Fitt Blae 901 — 920 Ble Cot 1961- -1980 Courb Fitu 2981 —3000 Flam Bli 921 — 940 Boe Courc 1981- -2000 Cov Flan 3001 —3020 Flor Bod 941 — 960 Boir Cow 2001- -2020 Crat Flos 3021 —3040 Fontd Bois 961 — 980 Bom Crau 2021- -2040 Cril Fonte 3041 — 3060 Fors Bon 981 — 1000 Bonl Crim 2041- -2060 Croz Fort 306] — 3080 Fouq Bonm lOOI — 1020 Borf Cru 2061- -2080 Curk Four 308) — 3100 Franch Borg I02I — 1040 Bos Curl 2081- -2100 Cz Franci 310 — 3120 Franz Bot IO4I — 1060 Bouk Frao 3121 —3140 Frel 27 28 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Frem Frit Ful Gaa Gala Galm Gari Gau Gee Genu Gerb Gf Gig Gios Giv Goc Gog Gonw Gos Gouv Gramn Grau Greg Grig Groq Guat Gui Guit Haa Haf Halep Halm Hamk Hano Hare Harr Haru Hau Haw Hea Hee Hek Hemm Henp Hens Here Hermf Hers Hest Hia Hill Hipq Hof Hoi Hols Hoo Horb Hot How Hue Hugu Hunm Hut 3141 — 3160 Fris 3161 — 3180 Fuk 3181 — 3200 Fy 3201- 3221- 3241- 3261- 3281- 3301- 3321- 3341- 3361- 3381- 3401- 3421- 3441- 3461- 3481- 3501- 3521- 3541- 3561- 3581- 3601- 3621- 3641- 3661- 3681- 3701- 3721- 3741- 3761- 3781- 3801- 3821- 3841- 3861- 3881- 3901- 3921- 3941- 3961- 3981- 4001- 4021- 4041- 4061- 4081- 4101- 4121- 4141- 4161- 4181- 4201- 4221- 4241- 4261- 4281- 4301- 4321- 4341- 4361- 4381- -3220 -3240 -3260 -3280 -3300 -3320 -3340 -3360 -3380 -3400 -3420 -3440 -3460 -3480 -3500 -3520 -3540 -3560 -3580 -360x3 -3620 -3640 -3660 -3680 -3700 -3720 -3740 -3760 -3780 -3800 -3820 -3840 -3860 -3880 -3900 -3920 -3940 3960 -4000 -4020 -4040 -4060 -4080 -4100 -4120 -4140 -4160 -4180 -4200 -4220 -4240 -4260 -4280 -4300 -4320 -4340 -4360 -4380 -4400 Gak Gall Garh Gat Gad Gent Gera Gez Gif Gior Giu Gob Gof Gonv Gor Gout Gramm Grat Gref Grif Grop Guas Guh Guis Gyz Hae Halen Hall Hami Hann Hard Harp Hart Hat Hav Haz Hed Hei Heml Heno Henr Herb Herme Herr Hess Hez Hilk Hipp Hoe Hoh Holr Honz Hora Hos Hov Hub Hugt Hunl Hus Hy I le Ingl Irf Isi 440 442 444 Ja 4501 —4520 Jac Jad 4521 —4540 Jan Jap 4541 —4560 Jea Jeb 4561 —4580 Jez Ji 4581 — 4600 John Johns 4601 — 4620 Jond Jone 4621 —4640 Jos Jot 4641 —4660 Jub Juc 4661 —4680 Jul Jum 4681 —4700 Jy Ka 470 Kat 472 Kemr 474 Ket 476 Kilm Kird Kn Koe Kos Kru Lusi Macl Mae Mago Maio Male 478 480 La 490 Lacm 492 Lafm 494 Laj 496 Lamf 498 Lanf 500 Lap 502 Lasc 504 Laue 506 Law 508 Lebr 510 Lee 512 Legp 514 Lemb 516 Leom 518 Lerp 520 Levb 522 Lie 524 Lindm 526 Livi 528 Lorn 530 Lopf 532 Loum 534 Luce 536 538 Maa 540 Macd 542 544 546 548 550 55 Manb 554 Mano 556 Marc Marf Marih 562 Marn 564 558 560 -4420 -4440 -4460 -4480 -4500 Id Ingk Ire Ish Iz -4720 -4740 -4760 -4780 -4800 -4820 -4840 -4860 -4880 -4900 -4920 -4940 -4960 -4980 -5000 -5020 -5040 -5060 -5080 -5100 -5120 -5140 -5160 -5180 -5200 -5220 -5240 -5260 -5280 -5300 -5320 -5340 -5360 -5380 -5400 -5420 -5440 -5460 -5480 -5500 -5520 -5540 -5560 -5580 -5600 -5620 -5640 -5660 Kas Kemp Kes Kill Kirc Km Kod Kor Kro Ky Lacl Lafl Lai Lame Lane Lao Lasb Laud Lav Lebp Led Lego Lema Leol Lero Leva Lib Lindl Live Lol Lope Loul Lucd Lush Ly Mace Mack Mad Magn Main Maid Mana Mann Marb Mare Marig Marm Mars Mart 5661 — 5680 Maru 5681 — 5700 Mast 5701 — 5720 Mattf 5721 — 5740 Maus 5741 — 5760 5761—5780 5781 — 5800 5801 — 5820 Mend 5821 — 5840 Merce 5841—5860 Meru 5861—5880 5881 — 5900 5901 — 5920 5921—5940 5941—5960 5961 — 5980 5981 — 6000 6001 — 6020 M olm 602 1 — 6040 Monh 6041 — 6060 M o n tam 606 1 — 6080 Montes 6081 — 6100 Montj 6101 — 6120 Monts 6121 — 6140 More 6141 — 6160 Morh 6161— 6180 Morr 61 8 1 — 6200 Mosd 6201 — 6220 Moum 6221 — 6240 Mug 6241 — 6260 Mun 6261 — 6280 Mus 6281 — 6300 Mazb Mee Melf Metp Mich Mia Milm Mir Moa Moi Naa Nare Naw Nem Nev Nicd Nicp Nob Norn Nov Oa Odf Oh Oil Oq Orr Ot Pa Pah Pain Paq Pari Pasi Pau Pea Pell Per Perm Pet Peu Phi 6301 — 6320 6321—6340 6341—6360 6361 — 6380 6381 — 6400 6401 — 6420 6421 — 6440 6441 — 6460 6461 — 6480 6481 — 6500 6501 — 6520 6521 — 6540 6541 — 6560 6561 — 6580 6581 — 6600 6601 — 6620 6621 — 6640 6641 — 6660 6661—6680 6681 — 6700 6701 — 6720 6721 — 6740 6741 — 6760 6761 — 6780 6781—6800 6801—6820 6821—6840 6841—6860 6861—6880 6881 — 6900 6901 — 6920 Mart Mass Matte Maur Maza Med Mela Menc Mercd Mert Meto Micg Mid Mill Miq Mn Moh Moll Mong Montal Monter Monti Montr Mord Morg Morp Mosc Moul Muf Mum Mur My Nard Nav Nel Nau Nice Nico Noa Norm Nou Ny Ode Og 01k Op Orp Os Oz Pag Palm Pap Park Pash Pat Paz Pelk Peq Perl Pes Pet Phe Philm NUMBERING SCHEME. 29 Philn Picl Pil Fir Plad Pod Poll Pone Pord Poti Pra Pret Proc Pug Qua Ques Raa Rah Ramq Rat Rax Red Rei Rej Rep Reyn Ricd Richj Rif Riv Robi Rod Rogf Rome Rosem Roth Row Rufk Russi Sa Sae St. H. Ste. A. Salm SamI Sands Sanu Sau Saw Scare Scharo Sches 6921 — 6940 6941 — 6960 6961 — 6980 6981 — 7000 7001 — 7020 7021 — 7040 7041 — 7060 7061 — 7080 7081 — 7100 7101 — 7120 7121 — 7140 7141 — 7160 7161 — 7180 7181 — 7200 7201 — 7220 7221 — 7240 7241 — 7260 7261 — 7280 7281 — 7300 7300 — 7320 7321—7340 7341—7360 7361—7380 7381—7400 7401 — 7420 7421—7440 7441—7460 7461 — 7480 7481—7500 7501 — 7520 7521—7540 7541—7560 7561—7580 7581 — 7600 7601—7620 7621 — 7640 7641 — 7660 7661 — 7680 7681 — 7700 7701- 7721- 7741- 7761- 7781- 7801- 7821- 7841- 7861- 7881- 7901- 7921- 7941- -7720 -7740 -7760 -7780 -7800 -7820 -7840 -7860 -7880 -7900 -7920 -7940 -7960 Pick Pik Piq Plac Poc Polk Pond Pore Poth Poz Pres Prob Puf Py Quer Quy Rag Ramp Ras Raw Rec Reh Reiz Reo Reym Rice Richi Rie Riu Robe Roe Roge Romb Rosel Rotg Rov Rufi Russh Rz Sad St. G. St. Z. Sail Samk Sandr Sant Sat Sav Seard Scharn Scher Schla Schle Schmo Schom Schou Schw Scott See Seig Senf Serw Seym Sheg Shu Sig Simm Sine Sle Smith, Smith, Sni Solp Sos Spa Spem Spo Stad Stanl Stef Stel Stes Stil Stol Stra Stro Stub Sum Swe 7961- 7981- 8001- 8021- 8041- 8061- 8081- 8101- 8121- 8141- 8161- 8181- 8201- 8221- 8241- 8261- 8281- F.8301- S. 8321- 8341- 8361- 8381- 8401- 8421- 8441- 8461- 8481- 8501- 8521- 8541- 8561- 8581- 8601- 8621- 8641- 8661- -7980 Schmi -8000 Schol -8020 -8040 -8060 -8080 -8100 -8120 -8140 -8160 -8180 -8200 -8220 -8240 -8260 -8280 Schot Schv Scot Seb Seif Sene Serv Seyl Shef Shr Sif Siml Sind Sla -8300 Smith, E. -8320 Smith, R. -8340 Sne -8360 -8380 -8400 -8420 -8440 -8460 -8480 -8500 -8520 -8540 -8560 -8580 -8600 -8620 -8640 -8660 -8680 -8700 Ta 8701- -8720 Talm , 8721- -8740 Tas 8741- -8760 Tea 8761- —8780 Teo 8781- —8800 Tha 8801 —8820 Theoe 8821 —8840 Thie 8841- —8860 Thomb 8861 —8880 Thra 8881 — 8900 Tig 8901 —8920 Tisd 8920 — 8940 Tom 8941 —8960 Torrf 8961 —8980 Tous 8981 — 9000 Tre 9001 —9020 Solo Sor Soz Spel Spi Stac Stank Stee Stek Ster Stik Stok Stoz Stri Stua Sul Swa Sz Tall Tar Taz Ten Tez Theod Thid Thoma Thoz Tif Tisc Tol Torre Tour Tra Trie Trid Troo Tud Turo Ua Uh Um Ur Us Va Vain Var Veh Verb Vet Vig Villi Visd Voih Wa Wah Wale Walli Walti Waro Watl Webj Weio Wellf Werh Westn Whi Whitn Wig Will Willib Wilt Wins Wit Wol Wom Woof Wre Wurt X Y Yoo Za Zf 9021 — 9040 9041 — 9060 9061 — 9080 9081 — 9100 9101 — 9120 9121 — 9140 9141 — 9160 9160 — 9180 9181 — 9200 9201 — 9220 9221 — 9240 9241 — 9260 9261 — 9280 9281 — 9300 9301—9320 9321—9340 9341—9360 9361—9380 9381—9400 9401 — 9420 9421 — 9440 9441 — 9460 9461 — 9480 9481 — 9500 9501 — 9520 9521—9540 9541—9560 9561 — 9580 9581 — 9600 9601 — 9620 9621 — 9640 9641 — 9660 9661 — 9680 9681 — 9700 9701—9720 9721—9740 9741—9760 9761 — 9780 9781 — 9800 9801 — 9820 9821 — 9840 9841 — 9860 9861—9880 9881 — 9900 9901 — 9920 9921 — 9940 9941 — 9960 9961 — 9980 qqSi-ioooo Tron Tuc Turn Tz Ug Ul Uq Ur Uz Vallh Vap Veg Verg Ves Vif Villh Vise Voig Vz Wag Wald Wallh Walth Warn Watk Webi Wein Welle Werg Westm Whe Whitm Wif Wilk WiUia Wils Winr Wis Wok Wolz Wood Wra Wurs Wz Yon Yz Ze zy Ze^Of^c^yii EXPLANATION OF THE NEW SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION, DEVISED FOR THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA, By JOHN EDMANDS, Librarian. The general idea of this system is, First, the division and arrangement of the books, in such principal and subordinate classes, as will make it most easy to determine what works the Library contains, on any topic, and in what part of the collection books on any given subject are to be found ; and, Second, the numbering and arranging of them on the shelves in such a way that they can be most readily found without consulting a catalogue, or stopping to ascertain the shelf number. In working out this idea it was found that all the books in any library of a general character, could be gathered into about twenty primary groups or classes, each of which would have a certain completeness, and would embrace a kind of book that was not included in any other class ; and also, that the works in each of these several groups or classes, while having certain characteristics in common, yet had peculiarities which furnish ground for the formation of subordinate classes. Some of these primary classes could readily be divided into fifteen or more secondary classes, while others required only six or eight ; and it seemed altogether best to make such an arrangement of classes, and sub-classes, as would be at once recognized as natural and convenient in practical operation. In making this distribution into classes, it was found that about one half of the old divisions in the Library, could be retained as primary classes in the new arrangement, with more or less of transferring of individual books ; among these classes are those of History, Biography, Religion, Fine Arts and Medicine. In other cases, two or more of the old classes were found to embrace works that had close affinities with each other, and so they were consolidated to form new primary classes ; thus, the old divisions of Poetry and Drama have been united to form one primary class, under the compound name; and the three former classes, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and Mathematics, have been united into one, under the name of Mathematics and Physics. The old classes of Commerce and Agriculture have been consolidated with that of Useful Arts; and that of Political Economy has been combined with Sociology and L^w. The primary classes as they now stand are these, viz. : Religion, Designated as Class A. Sociology and Law, " " B. General History, " "' C. History of Asia and Africa, " " D. History of Europe, " " E. History of America, " " F. Voyages and Travels (general), " " Ci. Travels in Asia and Africa, ** " H. NEW CLASSIFICATION. Travels in Europe, Designated as Class J. Travels in America, " " K. Biography, " " L. Philosophy and Education, " '< M. Mathematics and Physics, " " N. Natural Science, " " Q. Medical Science, " " P. Useful Arts, " " R. Fine Arts, . .- " " S. Language and Literature, '• ' " T. Poetry and Drama, " " V. Bibliography, " " W. General and Miscellaneous Works, " " X. Foreign Literature, " " Y. Prose Fiction, " " " The order of these classes is different from that formerly in use, but is a more natural one, and will be found more useful for the purposes of study, and as an aid in the finding of books. As will be seen, the old method of designating the classes by numerals has been given up, and letters are used in place of figures; capitals being used for the primary classes, and lower case letters for the subordinate classes. The object of this is to make two characters serve to designate a large number of classes, and especially to show the relation of subordi- nate classes to each other. Letters for the sub-classes are not taken in order of the alphabet ; some letters are omitted to be used when any class should become so large as to require division. As orders for books are transmitted orally, it is important that the shelf designation should be so simple that any runner or page can readily take it in. Formerly, the books were placed on the shelves at random, and without any attempt at alphabetical arrangement, as they are now in some systems of classification. Under this system, the books in each sub-class are placed on the shelves in strict alphabetical order, by the names of the authors, excepting in Biography; or if the author is unknown they are arranged according to the titles. The library thus is made largely its own catalogue. A scheme for numbering the books has been adopted, which admits of an indefinite enlargement of each of the divisions by the insertion of other works in their alphabetical place, without disturbing the numerical order. This scheme consists in the assignment of ten thousand numbers (o to 9999) to each of the subordinate classes, and the distribution of all the names of authors over this whole range of numbers. This has been done by reference to a table constructed for the purpose which includes all possible combinations of letters, and is based on a comparison of the names occurring in several of the largest catalogues. A reference to this table determines the number that should be given to any new book that is added to any of the classes. It follows, of course, that works by any given author have the same number in whatever part of the Library they may be found. This will be found to be an important guide to the ready finding of books. Ordinarily, only four figures are required for the shelf mark of any book. The numbers are treated as decimals ; and whenever it may become necessary, additional figures can be used without disturbing the alphabetical arrangement. It was found necessary to treat the department of Biography in a special manner, NEW CLASSIFICATION. because here no subjective arrangement was practicable, and some subdivision was desirable on account of the extent and importance of the class. It was therefore decided to put into one group, all Biographical Dictionaries and other collections of lives, and into another group, or series of groups, all individual biographies. In the first group the books are arranged in alphabetical order by the name of author or editor, or by titles if anonymous ; and are designated by the single letter L, and numbered on the scheme used in other parts of the Library. The books forming the collection of individual biographies are arranged in twenty-six groups, by the names of the subjects of the biographies, or the persons whose lives are written. These are designated by the capital letter L and a small letter, which is the initial of the person whose life is written. Thus, the books in the first of these groups are marked La, in the second, Lb, in the third, Lc, and so on through the alphabet. In each of these groups the books are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical order, not by name of autJior, as in other parts of the Library, but by the subject of the biography ; thus, all the lives of any one person are brought together on the same shelf. Each of the groups in this department is numbered independently, and on a scheme analogous to that employed in other parts of the Library. In the department of Prose Fiction, on account of its extent, some division is essential in order that books may be readily found. As no division by subject or original language could be of much practical advantage, a treatment of it was adopted somewhat 'similar to that employed in the department of Biography. All the Novels have been arranged in twenty-six groups by the names of the authors; those whose writers' names begin with A, forming one group, those beginning with B, another, and those with C, a third, and so on through the alphabet. These initial letters are placed on the books in connection with the numbers, and form a part of the shelf mark. The authors in each of these groups are arranged in close alphabetical order, and the individual books of each author, are placed in alphabetical order by their titles. In this department no letter or other character is used as a general designation of the class ; the method of numbering, and the form of the label being sufficient to distinguish the books from those of any other class. The plan adopted for numbering the books in this department differs from that employed in other parts of the Library, in using two sets of figures. The first, or upper number in connection with the initial letter, designates the author, or a group of authors whose names are very nearly alike; and the second, or lower number designates the individual books of each author. It follows that all the Novels of any author, — and of some others standing in close proximity with these, — bear the same author-number in con- nection with the common initial, while the second or lower number is different for each work under this author-number. Thus, all the books written by Barker, Barkley, Barlee, and by other persons whose names may fall between these have B. ii8, as the first or author- number ; while the second or lower numbers of all the books written by these persons will range from i to 999. Each of these twenty-six groups of Novels is numbered independently, and the numbers in no case consist of more than three figures in each set. Wide spaces are left, as in the other classes, so as to allow tlie insertion of other books in their proper places, and the perpetuation indefinitely of the alphabetical and numerical order on the shelves. All the numbers are treated as decimals. The following synopsis of the New Classification will serve as an aid in the better understanding and use of the system. NEW CLASSIFICATION. SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION. RELIGION.— A. ^, — Periodicals ; Collected and Miscellaneous Works. j^a. — Antiquities, History, Geography, Chronology of the Bible ; History of the Jews ; Kabbala. _/^'||, — Bibles, original texts and versions arranged in alphabetical order of the languages. An. — Commentaries on the Bible, arranged by names of the Commentator; Harmonies; Life of Christ. ^(l, — Dictionaries ; Concordances ; Cyclopaedias ; Indexes. Ji^e, — Evidences of revealed religion ; Miracles. A -F.— Philosophical Theology ; Natural Theology ; Existence of God; Faith and Reason; Science and Revelation ; Creation ; Science of Religion ; Theism ; Atheism ; Pantheism. ^o», — Systematic Theology; Doctrinal Theology; Creeds; Catechisms; History of Doc- trine. _^ll, — Homiletics ; Pastoral Duties ; Sacred Rhet- oric ; Composition and Delivery of Sermons. J^\t — Introduction to the Scriptures; Authenticity and Genuineness of the Sacred Writings ; Principles of Interpretation ; Criticism ; Inspiration ; Canon. _^1, — Liturgies, Collections of prayers, and works on prayer ; Treatises on Worship ; Col- lections of Hymns and Psalms for Wor- ship; Works on Hymnology ; Rites and Ceremonies ; Feasts and Fasts ; Missals. AiTi . — Missions, foreign, home and local ; Sunday schools ; Ragged vSchools ; Revivals ; Evangelistic Work. ^U, — Non-Christian Religions ; Buddhism ; Brah- manism; Parseeism; Islamism ; Mor- monism; Mythology; Magic; Witchcraft; Modern Spiritualism. Ji,0» — Church History ; Works of the Fathers ; Apocryphal Books. Journals and Minutes of religious assemblies and convocations. Ap^ — Practical and Devotional Religion ; Prayer Meetings; Religious Fiction. ^r. — Roman Catholicism ; Protestantism and Catholicism ; Papal Infallibility ; Inqui- sition. AjS, — Sermons; Charges; Pastoral letters; excepting .such as have a definite subject. ^"t. — Church Polity; Peculiarities of Sects. Bb. Be. Bd. Bf.- Bg. Bh. Bj.- Bl. Bm Bo. Bp. Bs.- — Political Economy. -Labor ; Production ; Capital ; Co-operation ; Strikes; Wages; Communism; Socialism. —Protection ; Free Trade ; Tariff. -Finance;' Banking; Currency; Revenue; Tax- ation; National debt; Credit. —General treatises on Law ; Periodicals. —Law of Nature and of Nations; Civil and Canon law ; Maritime law. -Constitutional and Statute Law; Equity; Commercial Law ; Law of Real Property; Patent and Copyright Law ; Law of In- surance ; Medical Jurisprudence ; Rules of Order. -Practice ; Trials ; Proceedings and Reports ; Courts; Evidence; Oaths. , — Slavery and the Slave-trade ; Colonization ; Emigration. —Crime ; Punishment ; Prisons and ° Prison Discipline. —Pauperism and Poor Relief; Charity Organi- zation. -Associations; Free Masonry; Odd Fellow- .ship; Friendly Societies. c. Cb Cd Cf. Ch Cj. CI. Cn Cp. GENERAL HISTORY.— C. -Study and use of History; Philosophy of His- tory; Method of writing History. — Chronology and Chronologies ; Dates ; Numis- matics ; Medals ; Inscriptions. — Ethnography ; Races of Men ; Antiquity of Man ; The Stone Age. — History of Civilization; Customs and Man- ners; Folk-Lore; Dress and Dwellings; Funeral and Marriage Ceremonies. -Ancient History, Modern History. Universal History. -History of Oceanica. -Statistics of general and miscellaneous char- acter. SOCIOLOGY AND LAW — B. B. — Theory of Society and Government ; Sphere of Woman ; Woman's Rights. HISTORY of ASIA & AFRICA— D. J}^ — Turkish Empire ; Palestine ; Arabia ; Persia Western Asia. J)|). — History of India and Indian Empire. Dd, — History of China, Japan and Eastern Asia. Db., — History of Egypt and North-Eastern Africa. Dj, — History of Africa, other and general. NUMBERING SCHEME. E. Ec. £d. Ef. Eh. Ej.- El.- Em Eo. Ep. Er- £s. Ev. Ew. HISTORY OF EUROPE.— E. History of Great Britain ; Constitutional and Political History; State Papers; Parlia- mentary Debates and Papers ; British Politics. — History of England and Wales. •Juniusana. ■Histories of Counties and Towns in England. History of Scotland. — History of Ireland. History of France and Belgium ■History of Spain and Portugal. — History of Italy, Switzerland, Naples, Sicily. -History of Germany, Austria, Holland, Neth- erlands. -History of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ice- land, Lapland. History of Russia, Poland, Roumania, Bul- garia, Crimea and Crimean War. History of Greece. ■History of Europe, other and general. — Heraldry; Peerage. Journal of the House. AMERICAN HISTORY.— F. E. — History of South America, and of Separate States. rb. — History of North America, and of Separate States except the United States. Ec« — History of the Indians and of Indian Wars. I'd. — History of the Eastern States. Ef, — History of the Middle States. Eg, — History of the Southern and Southwestern States. Eh.. — History of the Western and Pacific States. Ej, — History of the War of the Revolution. 3P1, — History of the War of the Rebellion ; History of the Confederate States; History of Reconstruction ; Adjutant General's Re- ports. Em. — History of War of 1812; History of Mexican and other Wars. Eo. — General History of the United States. Ep. — Legislative and Constitutional History of the United States; State Papers; Debates and Journals of Congress ; Reports of Departments; Blue Books; Congressional Directories; Army Lists; Navy Lists. Er. — Political history ; Party and Parties; Election Statistics. Et. — Industrial and Statistical History of the United States ; Census Reports. Eu. — Congressional Documents — the series known as " Public Documents," arranged in chronological order. The documents of each session are placed and marked thus : Executive Documents of the House, JJ, ]Q Miscellaneous Documents " " Reports of Committees " " Special " " Executive Documents of the Senate^ Journal " " Miscellaneous Documents " " Reports of Committees " " Special " <• H.J. H.M. H.R. H.S. S.D. S.J. S.M. S.R. s.s. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. -G. G. — Travels in various parts of the World. Gb. — Voyages around and in various parts of the World. Gd. — Collections of Voyages. Gf. — Travels in and Description of Islands in various parts of the World. Gh. — Travels and Expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Gj. — Geography of the Earth ; General Gazetteers. Gl. — Atlases and Collections of Maps. TRAVELS IN ASIA AND AFRICA.— H. H. — Travels in Palestine, Syria, Arabia. Hb — Travels in Turkey and Western Asia. Hd. — Travels in Central and Northern Asia. Hf, — Travels in India. Hi. — Travels in China, Japan and Eastern Asia. Hk. — Travels in Egypt and Northeastern Africa. Hm, — Travels in Northwestern Africa. Ho. — Travels in Central and Southern Africa Madagascar. TRAVELS IN EUROPE.--J. J^ — Travels in England. Jl), — Travels in Ireland. Jd, — Travels in Scotland and Great Britain. Jjf_ — Travels in France and Belgium. Jh — Travels in Spain and Portugal. Jj, — Travels in Italy, Switzerland, Sicily. Jj , — Travels in Germany, Austria, and Central Europe. Jm. — Travels in Russia, Norway, Sweden, Lap- land, Iceland. Jo. — Travels in Greece, Turkey and Southea>tern Europe. Jp, — Travels in various parts of Europe. TRAVELS IN AMERICA.— K. K . — Travels in North and South America, and the West Indies. 6 NEW CLASSIFICATION. Jf |>, — Travels in South America. U^, — Travels in Mexico and Central America. Jjfit. — Travels in North America and various parts of it except United States. ^^Jj, — Travels in the United States. JBiim — Travels in the Eastern States. Kl, — Travels in the Middle States. [States. "K-lXt* — Travels in the Southern and Southwestern J^-p. — Travels in the Western States. JJ^j», — Travels in the Pacific States. jyjjl^, — Schools, Colleges and Universities ; Histories of Schools; Reports and Statistics of .Schools; Catalogues. I«a. Lb. liC. Ld. lie. Lb. Lh. Li. Lk. LI. Lm. Ln. Lo. Lp. J:?: Ls. Lt. Ln. Lv. Liv. Lx. Ly. Lz. BIOGRAPHY.— L. Biographical Dictionaries; Collections of Biographies ; Lives of classes of per- sons, as Artists, Lavi^yers, Sovereigns, and lives of several persons included in one volume or series of volumes. All these are marked with the single letter L. Lives of single individuals are arranged in alphabetical order under the name of the person whose life is written ; thus all the lives of each person are placed side by side on the same shelf. These individual lives are marked with the class designation L, and also with another letter which is the initia' of the surname of the person whose life is written. Thus all lives of Adams, Ames, Arthur, Austin, are marked La. Lives of Bacon, Ballard, Brown, Burke, are marked Lb. PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCA- TION.~M J^, — General and collected works on Philosophy ; History of Philosophy ; Philosophical Dictionaries. ]Wb.— I-og'C- JUjJ, — Mental Philosophy ; Psychology; Intellect; Understanding. !Mf. — Moral Philosophy ; Ethics; Passions. JUjq, — Morals; Manners; Character; Etiquette; Amusements ; Temperance. JU|, — Anthropology; Phrenology; Mental Hygiene; Physiognomy ; Dreams ; Body and Mind- JUJ, — Education ; Theory, Principles and Methods of Teaching ; Kindergarten. MATHEMATICS & PHYSICS.— N. Jf — General and collected works on Phjsical Science; Transactions of Scientific So- cieties ; Scientific Journals ; Works on several of the undermentioned topics. Jf jl^ — Mathematics ; general works. JJI)^ — Arithmetic; Decimal system. Nc.— Algebra. JJ"^^ — Geometry; Trigonometry; Surveying; Navi- gation ; Conic Sections ; Mensuration ; Logarithms. Jfg^ — Analytical Geometry; Calculus; Quaternions; Probabilities; Annuities. Jjf'f, — Natural Philosophy; general works. Jlfp*^ — Mechanics; Hydrostatics; Hydraulics; Pneu- matics ; Ballooning. JJ"h — .Acoustics; Optics; Vision; Stereoscope; Kaleidoscope. Jfl — Heat; Magnetism; Electricity; Galvanism. Jfjj^ — Astronomy, general and theoretical ; Theory of Tides ; Plurality of worlds. "Pf m — Practical and descriptive works on As- tronomy; Observations; Almanacs; Ephe- . merides ; Calendars ; Astrology. NATURAL SCIENCE.— O. Qg^,. — General and Collected Works; Periodicals; Dictionaries. Ob.— Botany- Oc.~ C)rnithology. Q^l^ — Entomology. Oe.~Conchology. Qf^ — General Zoology; Taxidermy. Q]£ — Ethnology ; Comparative Anatomy ; Biology ; Evolution ; Origin of Species ; Embry- ology ; History of Creation. Ql_ — General and Theoretical Geology; Glaciers; Volcanoes ; Earthquakes. Om, — Local Geology; Surveys; Mineral Springs. Oil. — Mineralogy ; Palaeontology ; Fossils. Qp^ — Physical Geography; Meteorology; Winds; Storms ; Thunder and Lightning. Qj»^ — Chemistry; Chemical Technology; Spectrum Analysis ; Alchemy. MEDICAL SCIENCE.— P. J>^ — General and Collected Works; Dictionaries; Periodicals. J>|j^ — -Anatomy and Physiology. J>£[^ — Theory and Practice of Medicine ; Pathology. J>g^ — Special Systems of Practice; Homoeopathy; Hydropathy. NUMBERING SCHEME. Pf. Pg. Ph. Pj.- Pk. PI. Pn. Po. Pp. Pr. Pt. -Diseases of the Digestive System. —Diseases of the Respiratory System. — Diseases of the Nervous System; Insanity. -Febrile Diseases. —Diseases of the Eye and Ear. -Diseases of Women and Cliildren; Obstetrics; Gynaecology. —Diseases of the Skin. —Treatises on Various Diseases. —Materia Medica; Pharmacy; Poisons. -Surgery ; Dentistry. -Hygiene; Public Health; Regimen; Physica Trainmg; Gymnastics; Diet ; Bathing. JJ^Y, — Out-door Games ; Field Sports ; Cricket ; Base Ball; Angling; Hunting; Boating; Boxing. USEFUL ARTS.— R. JJ,, — General and Collected Works : Dictionaries ; Periodicals ; Patents ; Inventions. JJ,|), — General Treatise on Agriculture; Agricul- tural Periodicals ; Agricultural Associa- tions; Agricultural Chemistry. JJiQ, — ^Treatises on Cattle, Horses and other Do- mestic Animals; Dairy Products; Care of Bees and Silk-worms ; Poultry; Pigeons; Diseases of Cattle and other Animals. J{,jJ, — Treatises on Productions of the Soil : Trees , F'orestry; Grasses. 35_g^ — Treatises on Fruits and Fruit Trees, and on the Vegetable Garden and its Products; Cul- tivation of Flowers ; Window Gardening. JJ^g», — Treatises on Building : Building Materials and Furniture ; House Painting ; Cabinet Making. R,ll. — Engineering: Rail Roads; Bridges; Canals; Tunnels; Roads; Harbors ; Water Works. Iti, — Machinery and Mill Work. J5 ]£, — Steam and the Steam Engine. J{,J. — Treatises on Various Manufactures and Trades : Carriage Building ; Shoe and Harness Making ; Stone Cutting. JJ,jU, — Reports of Industrial Exhibitions. JJ,U, — Manufactures in Iron, Steel and other Metals. J{,Q, — Treatises on Textile Fabrics and Materials ; Dyeing; Bleaching. J{,-p, — Mining and Metallurgy of Iron, Silver, Gold, Copper; Coal. J{,j»_ — Military and Naval Arts; Seamanship: Yachts and Yachting. ]^g, — Domestic Arts ; Cookery ; Confectionery , Fuel and Lights ; Food and Dining ; Clothing and Toilet; Brewing; Sugar; Vinegar. JJ^'^. — Treatises on Commerce and Trade ; Weights and Measures. JJilj, — Treatises and Reports on Railroads, Canals and Telegraphs ; Telephone; Mails. JJ^pj;^^ — Book-keeping; Business Manuals; Interest Tables; Letter Writting ; Shorthand. I^.Tf — Indoor Games and Amusements; Chess; Draughts; Cards; Billiards; Backgammon. FINE ARTS.— S. J§^ — General and collected works on the Fine Arts ; Esthetics ; Beauty. g^lj^ — Drawing; Design; Perspective. §^^ — Landscape and Ornamental Gardening ; Arbors ; Parks ; Walks and Drives ; Lakes ; Rural Cemeteries. gf^ — Painting ; Harmony of Color. gjj^ — Sculpture ; Carving ; Pottery and the Plastic Arts ; Monuments ; Tablets gi — Engraving;' Etching; Lithography; Photo- graphy. gj^ — Architecture. gj^^ — Treatise on Music ; Musical Composition ; Harmony; Thorough- Bass. gQ^ — Treatise on Construction and Use of Musical Instruments ; Instruction Books. g-n^ — Oratorios and Collections of Sacred Music ; Hymn books with Music. gj.^ — Operas and Collections of Operatic Music ; Works on the Opera. gg^ — General and Secular Music. LANGUAGE AND LITERA- TURE.— T. nr — Treatises on general and comparative Philo- logy ; Phonology ; Alphabets ; Names and Surnames. •J"!)^ — English Language ; Grammar; Dictionaries; Orthography; Orthoepy; Punctuation. ^A — Dictionaries, Grammars and other works on the French and German Languages. ^£ — Dictionaries, Grammars and other works on the Greek and Latin Languages. •JK^ — Dictionaries and other works on the other Languages of Europe. n^i — Dictionaries and other works on the Languages of other Nations. ^J^— Works on the History of English Literature. 'J'jl^ — History of the Literature of other Nations. ^P^ — Treatises on Rhetoric and Criticism ; Critical. Literary and Miscellaneous Essays ; Art of Conversation ; Errors of Speech. "Ji*, — Treatises on Elocution and Oratory, Gesture, and Reading ; Readers and Speakers ; Orations and Speeches. "JIIj^ — Literary Selections; Anecdotes; Ana; Table Talk ; Quotations ; Proverbs ; Maxims ; Anagrams ; Beauties. POETRY AND DRAMA.— V. "^^ — Treatises on Poetry, Drama and the Stage ; History of the Stage; Versitication ; Rhythm and Metre. NEW CLASSIFICATION. Vb. Vd. Vf.- Vh. Vj.- VI.- Vn. Vp. —Works of Shakespeare and Works upon Shakespeare. —Dramatic Works by English Authors. -Amateur and Parlor Dramas ; Private Theatri- cals. —Poetry by English Authors. -Poetical and Dramatic Works by American Authors. -Poetical and Dramatic Works by Greek and Latin Authors. —Poetical and Dramatic Works by other European Authors ; French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc. -Poetical and Dramatic Works by Authors of other and various Countries. "^Vm, — Sale Catalogues, Auction and Second- hand. BIBLIOGRAPHY. -^A/ \^, — Treatises on Printing and Bookbinding ; His- tory of Printing ; Philately ; Lists of Postage and other Stamps. ^^"1)^ — General Bibliography. ■^^^^^ — Bibliography of Special Subjects and Places; Americana ; Pseudonyms and Auton)ms; Incunabula ; Bibles. "^J^f — Treatises on Management and History of Libraries ; Library Economy ; Reports ; Construction of Catalogues ; Library Classification. \^7^1j, — Catalogues of Public Libraries. ■^^T*!, — -Catalogues of Private Libraries. "^yi, — Catalogues of recent and current Publica- tions ; Trade Lists. MISCELLANEOUS AND GEN- ERAL WORKS.— X. X. — Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries of a General Character, and Encyclopaedic Works. Xb» — Periodicals of a General and Miscellaneous Character. 3C —7460 Richi Stef 8501 —8520 Stek Wall 9521 —9540 Webi Richj 7461 —7480 Rie Stel 8521 —8540 Ster Webj 9541 —9560 Wein Rif 7481 —7500 Riu Stes 8541 —8560 Stik Weio 9561 —9580 Welle Riv 7501 —7520 Robe Stil 8561 — 85S0 Stok Wellf 9581 — 9600 Werg Robf 7521 — 7S40 Roc Stol 858 — 8600 Stoz Werh 9601 — 9620 Westm Rod 7541 —7560 Roge Stra 8601 —8620 Stri Westn 9621 — 9660 Whe Rogf 7561 —7580 Romb Stro 8621 —8640 Stua Whi 9641 — 9640 Whitm Rome 7581 —7600 Rosel Stub 8641 —8660 Sul Whitn 9661 — 9680 Wif Rosem 7601 — 7620 Rotg Sum 8661 —8680 Swa Wig 9681 —9700 Wilk Roth 7621 —7640 Rov Swe 8681 — 8700 Sz Will 9701 -9720 Willia Row 7641 — 7660 Rufi Willib 9721 —9740 Wils Rufk 7661 —7680 Russh Ta 8701 —8720 Tall Wilt 9741 —9700 Winr Russi 7681 —7700 Rz Talm 8721 —8 740 Tar Wins 9761 —9780 Wis • Tas 8741 —8760 Taz Wit 9781 — 9800 Wok Tea 8761 —8780 Ten Wol 9801 — 9820 Wolz Sa 7701 —7720 Sad Teo 8781 —8800 Tez Worn 9821 — 9840 Wooe Sae 7721 —7740 St. G. Tha 8801 —8820 Theod Woof 9841 —9860 Wra St. H. 7741 —7760 St. Z. Theoe 8821 —8840 Thid Wre 9861 —9880 Wurs Ste. A. 7761 -7780 Sail Thie 8841 —8860 Thoma Wurt 9881 — 9900 Wz Salm 7781 — 7800 Samk Thomb 8861 —8880 Thoz Saml 7801 —7820 Sandr Thra 8881 — S900 Tif X Sands 7821 —7840 Sant Tig 8901 —8920 Tisc 9901 — 9920 Sanu 7841 —7860 Sat Tisd 8920 — 8940 Tol Sau 7S61 —7880 Sav Tom 8941 —8960 Torre Y 9921 —9940 Yon Saw 7881 — 7900 Scard Torrf 8961 —8980 Tour Yoo 9941 — 9960 Yz Scare 7901 —7920 Scharn Tous 8981 — 9000 Tra Scharo 7921 —7940 Scher Tre 9001 — 9020 Trie Za 9961 — 9980 Ze Sches 7941 —7960 Schla Trid 9021 — 9040 Tron Zf 9981 — I 0000 Zy I FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. NOV 4: 1H5^ LD 21-100w-2,'55 ,, .General Library (B139s22)476 '-'"'^"^B^^^kile "'^