HANDBOOK OF GERMAN IDIOMS M. B. LAMBERT Richmond Hill High School, New York City NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1910 IN MEMORIAM Copyright, 1910, HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PREFACE This collection of German idioms is presented in the hope that it will prove helpful to teachers and students of the language, and that it may contribute in a modest way toward making the sentence rather than the word the unit of treatment in the study and acquisition of the language. The German language is full of idioms, the meaning of which is poorly grasped by the student, because he never becomes liberated from the individual word. The idioms have been compiled in large part from the Muret- Sanders Encyklopädisches Wörterbuch^ from the Flügel-Schmidt- Tanger Wörterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache, and from Hetzel's Wie der Deutsche spricht. Various considerations prohibit even an approach to completeness. The same con- siderations forbid the use in most instances of more than one English meaning, although many of the idioms, especially those of everyday conversation, have a variety of finely shaded mean- ings depending upon the connotation and intonation. Only occasional use has been made of the vast treasury of proverbs and popular quotations in the language. The alphabetical arrangement according to key-words, while open to objections, presents itself on the whole as the most practicable. 926692 GERMAN IDIOMS 91 3Ser 31 fagt, mug and) 58 fagen. 515 (==3el)t ah, gel)en ab), ^om 1. 3anuar ah wirb bie 3)hete erl)ö^t. ^r fommt ab unb ^u. (Cf. Sr fd^retbt bann unb lüann. (Sr iam f)in unb trieber). (5r ift ba^ SlBMlb (öon) feiner abutter. dv ift aügebli^t (Sr brad) furj ttb. (Sie fi^en nod) auf ber 51^6;= bant (5^ briicft mir ba^ gerg ab* e^ ift nod) nid)t alter ^age 5lbenb. (56 ift ein Hbcr babei. (go laffe \6) mic^ nid)t abfcrti^^ gen, Qdj gebe mic^ nid)t mit fofdien Lenten ah. ^er ^rief ift mir ab^nbcn ge* fommen. ^ev ahf}Qhi, gibt nic^t. In for a penny, in for a pound. Exit (exeunt). From the ist of January the rent will be raised. He comes now and then.-— '— He is the very image of his mother. He was rebuffed. He stopped short."--. ^ They are still beginners. It breaks my heart.' — -^ Don't crow too soon. He laughs best who laughs last. There is a but in the matter. I will not be put off like this. I have nothing to do with such , people. I have mislaid (lost) the letter. The person who cuts does not deal. 2 GERMAN IDIOMS (5^ tft eine aBgcfartctc Sad)e* It is a put-up job. Qd) tann I)eute nidjt abfommen. I can't get away (off) to-day. T)ie U^r ift aBntcIaufcm The clock has lun down. ■^? ;' ?öie toirb tia^; rrMiiufctt ? How will this turn out ? ' ''Jicgeit (^ie gefälUgft- ah ! Take off your things. '. ' . ;5lj^gfemai^t;!, , '{(^i, Zvpp !)* Done. Agreed. '^er äJlonb nimmt ab. The moon is on the wane. !DaÖ ift gegen Ut 5l6rcbc. That is contrary to our agree- ment. Diefe 3Baren finben einen guten These goods meet with a brisk 5l(ifa^. demand. !Da^ (Snbe ift nid)t abjufc^cn. There is no telling where it will end. (Sie fie^t i^m atteö an hen %n^ She anticipates his every wish. gen ab. (2ie fc^en e§ auf Komplimente You are fishing for compli- ah. ments. (Sr !ommt in ber 5lbfid)t, um ^U He comes with the intention of lernen. learning. Wlan fpcifte i^n mit leeren 2Bor^ He was put off with fine ten ab, speeches. Wlan tann il)m Xaknt nicf)t ab- Nobody can deny his talent. \pndjtn. 2Bir tnerben 3^l)nen einen lur^en We shall pay you a brief visit.- :^efui^ abftattcn. 3öir machen einen Keinen 5lb= We are making a little side- fter^cr nac^ . . . (Cf. SSir ma= trip to . . . cf)en einen 5luaf(urj auf ha ge^t mid) nid)tö an* (Cf. 5öa^ belümmcrt bid) ba^?). 9D^ir tüirb angft urn il)n. I Sarum ^Itft bn an? * dr ^It nm ha^ SD^äbdien am ^aö (Bind \)at njenig Slnflang gefnnben. (Sr fam mit bem ö^U^r-^ug an. (gr tommt gnt an. '^a tft er fd)(erf)t angcfommcn. (g^ fommt baranf an. (Cf. ge nac^ ben Umftänben). @ö fommt nur auf (Sie an. (So foil mir auf eine ^(einigfeit nic^t anfommcn. SBolIen Sie eö barauf ankommen raffen? (gr gab 5lnlaft jum 3:abeL (5r ^at fein ®elb gut angelegt. (S^ n)ar barauf angelegt, micb 3U reiben. ($r ma^t fid) ^u t»iet an. eingenommen, e« fei maljr. (gö mirb it)m aU ein geiler an^ gerechnet. T)a ^aben Sie n)a6 Schöne« an* geratet! He claims to be a physician. That is none of my business. I begin to tremble for him. Why are you stopping? He is proposing to the girl. The play proved a failure. He arrived on the 5 o'clock train. He is succeeding well. He has met with a fine recep- tion (iron.). That depends."" / It all depends upon your"^' I shall not stand on a trifle. - Will you risk it? He laid himself open to criti- cism. He has invested his money well. It was intended to anger me. He presumes too much. Supposing it to be true. It is charged against him as a mistake. A pretty mess you have made of it 1 6 GERMAN IDIOMS 3d) ^atte mir fd)on a((e§ angc= frfiafft ^er §unb frf|%t att, (gie frf|lrtgctt ba? ^u ^oc^ an. T)a^ ^at attgcfcfjlagcn» (vr ift bet feinen 33orgefe^ten gut angcft^riekn. ^d) fann eö i^m anfc^cn* @r fte^t eg al^ feine ^f(id)t an. @r ift fe^r ttitgcfe^cn. Gr gibt fic^ ein ^Infe^en. ^ei ©Ott gilt lein 5lnfc^eu ber ^erfon, 2öie ^od) fc^en (Sie bag ®runb^ ftitcf an? T)ag aj^effer fc^t D^oft an. Qd) bin nid)t 3t)rer 5lnftd)t. T)arüber fann man nerfd)iebener 5lnf{(^t fein, t'affen Sie anf^annen ! (Sr mad)t gro^e 5lnf^rürf|c. (Sr ma^t 5lnf^rnc^ auf alle§. 8ie \)at feinen 5lnftanb. 'Dag ftc^t mir nid)t on. liefer ^od ftcfjt ^^^inen gut on. 3d) ftc^e on, e§ ^u tun. (gr ift in einem ^anf^aufe ongc= fiettt. SKag ^aft bu trieber ongcftcttt ? Stctt^ bic^ nic^t fo bumm on ! (5r fttmntt immer trieber bie atte ?eier on. (Cf. (5§ ift immer lüieber bie aitt Sctcr)* I had already provided myself with everything. The dog begins to bark. You rate this too high. That proved effectual. He is well spoken of by his su- periors. I can tell (it) from his looks. He considers it his duty. He is highly respected. He puts on airs. God is no respecter of persons. At what figure do you hold this lot? The knife is getting rusty. I am not of your opinion.- That is a matter of opinion. Have the carriage ready. He makes great pretensions. He claims everything. She has no breeding. I do not like this. This coat fits you well. I hesitate to do it. He is employed in a bank. What have you been up to again ? [so stupid. Don't act the fool. Don't be He is always harping on the same old string. GERMAN IDIOMS (vr ^Qt 5lttfto§ genommen. Stolen ^ie an ! ^en Tag ftrctt^c id) rot tm ^a^ (enber an» T)er fleine ^rucf ftrengt bie 5lu^ gen an. (5r gibt fic^ einen geleljrten Hit« ftrtc^, 3:(i) mug mir ©emalt antun» Xnn0it mir ^a^ nid)t an! 3Ötr finb auf ein 31«^^^^ ««9^= micfcn. 3tc^cn «Sie fic^ fd)nell an ! !l;er 3l^fcl fällt nid)t meit oom (Stamm. (5r fd)i(fte mid) in ben 3l)iri(. ©e^en Sie an bie 9lr6cit ! 5lrbcit mac^t ba§ !^eben füB- :Da§ ift benn bod) 3U arg. :^ae Sirgftc fommt nod). (Sr ^t fic^ barüber geärgert. Sir njotlen i^m unter bie 5lrme greifen. 3lrmut fc^änbet nid)t. (5r ift au^ ber 3lrt gefd)Iagen. Sie fingt, ha^ e§ eine 5lrt I)at. T)a^ ift fo feine 5lrt. 5Sögel oon berfelben 5lrt fatten 3ufammen. (5r ift auger 3ltcm. .?)o(en Sie tief 5ltcm ! (5r ift ein 1)eutfc^er ; id) auc^'. ^r gel)t nid)t ; id) auc^' nid)t. He was offended. Clink glasses. I will make this a red-letter day. Small print is trying to the eyes. He assumes a learned air. It costs me a hard struggle. Spare me this humiliation. We are limited to one room» Dress quickly. He is a chip of the old block, ly' He sent me on a fool's errand. Go to work. No sweet without sweat. That is going too far. The worst is yet to come. He was put out about it. Let us lend him a hand. It is no disgrace to be poor. He is an unworthy scion. She sings wonderfully well. That's his way. Birds of a feather flock to- gether. He is out of breath. Draw a deep breath. He is a German ; so am I. He is not going; neither am I. 8 GERMAN IDIOMS (Stnb (Sie anä}' ^ier? 3ft e§ an^ fo? §aft bu ben iörief anä) ah^tc^t^ ben? Senn er anä^ nod) fo gro^ tft, tc^ ftrafe t^n bod). Sie bem anä} fein mag. £)l)ne an^ nnr gn fragen. „Sie I)aben ein fd)öne^ §an« ^ier." „a^ \)at and} genng gebftet." ly- 30^eine (Sd)n)efter lüar auf bem ^aüe. harten (Sie auf mid)! 5luf meiner U^r ift e^ nenn U^r. -3d) l^abt ba^ 3^^^^^ <^"f ^i^^' Sod)en gemietet. dv gel)t auf D^^eifen. Qd) tarn um ein 3Sierte( auf ^e^n an. a^ gel)t auf nenn, ^r !am auf bie SJZinnte. 3c^ ging auf feine ^itte. Sie l)eifn ha^ auf ^Dentfd)? Qii) lüerbe auf {eben gall mor^ gen abreifen. ^ae l^at nichts auf fi^. 3(i^len Sie öon nnten auf ! 53on !lein auf irar er fränflid). 'Die Zixv ift auf. m^ä) auf! ^r ge^t im (garten auf nnb ab. Are you here too? Is it really so? Are you sure you delivered the letter ? No matter how big he is, I will punish him anyhow However that may be. Be that as it may. Without so much as asking. "You have a beautiful house here." " It ought to be, it cost enough." My sister was at the ball. Wait for me. It is nine o'clock by my watch. I have rented the room for four weeks. He is going on a trip. I arrived at quarter after nine. It is going on nine. He came on the minute. I went at his request. What is this called in German? I will leave to-morrow at all events. That is of no consequence. Count from the bottom up. He was sickly from childhood. The door is open. Come on! Courage! He is walking back and forth in the garden. GERMAN IDIOMS 9 (Jr ging bergauf, bergab, (vr tt.)ä()Ite auf^ @erateH)o()L Sir I)aben ein ß^ercitium auf» bdommcu» Gr bietet alle feine Gräfte auf. Qv Iäj3t fid) nüe^ aufbiubeu. X)a^ biube einem anbern auf! (Cf. ^a^ mac^ctt (Sie anbern Juci§ !) Söie foK man ba^3 ®elb basu aufbriugcu ? (Jr ift reid)t aufzubringen. Ser I)at biefe 2}^obe aufgebracht? 3el)n 9J2innten 5(ufcnt^|a(t. T)a^ ift mir aufgefaßen. (Sie faffen meine Sßorte falfd) auf. 1)av\ \6) Sie aufforbcru, mein gräulein? (5r fü^rt fic^ f^tec^t auf. §an§ mac^t feine 5(ufgabcu. §aben Sie bie :Q3riefe aufgegc« Un? (5ö gc^t mir ein Sic^t auf. Saö ^abctt lüir I)eute auf? Qd) f)aUt mic^ im greien auf. §ör auf! T)a f\M alles auf! Qd) bin nid^t baju aufgelegt, ^ad^ett Sie bie ^ür auf ! S^ h)il( Sie baranf aufmcrffam mad)en, bag . . . He went up hill and down dale. He chose at random. The teacher has given us an exercise. He is doing his utmost. Anything will go down with him. Tell that to the marines. How are we to raise the money for this purpose ? He is easily angered. Who introduced this fashion ? Ten minutes for refreshments. That attracted my attention. You put a wrong construction on my words. May I have the pleasure of the next dance with you, Miss X? He behaves badly. John is doing his home-work. Did you mail the letters ? Now I understand. I see. What is the lesson for to-day ? I keep in the open air. Stop. That's the limit. I am not in the humor for it. Open the door. I wish to call your attention to the fact, that ... 10 GERMAN IDIOMS .Qd) ne^mc e^ für C£rnft auf. 3d) nc^mc e^ mit il)m ouf. 5lufgc^a§t! Söarutn regen (Sie fic^ fo auf? 9}^an mu§ nie aufft^iefieu, toa^ man ^eute tun fann. 8rf|Iogcu (Sie baö ^ud) auf ! Srfireibcu (Sie ba^ auf! !Daö mirb 3luffe^eu machen. Senn man cttoa^ üor fid) brin= cjen tüiü, mu§ man frü() auf» ftc^cn. (5in @ett)itter fteigt auf. Sßarum inn Sie ben 3}tob nid)t auf? T)a^ ($ffen njirb aufgetragen. (5r tritt a(^ gauft auf. Sßomit !ann id) 3^^^^ aufmar» ten? dv meubct alle feine Gräfte an. !Die Sd)uMabe UJift nic^t auf. Sie jic^en ha<^ ^inb auf. (Sr jic^t bie U^r auf. (ix mad)te grofee Singen. ®e^ mir au^ ben 5lngcn. Sie überlegten bie Sad)e unter üier Singen. (5r ift an§ ber Sd)n)ei3. Sa^ ift an^ iljm gen)orben? @^ ift an^ mit i^m. dv ift ^eute on^. I take it seriously. I am his match. Attention 1 Why do you (let yourself) get so excited ? Never put off till to-morrow what can be done to-day. Open the book. Make a note of that. That will make a sensation. The early bird catches the worm. There is a storm brewing. Why don't you open your mouth ? Dinner is being served. He appears as Faust. What can I do for you ? He strains every nerve. I can't get the drawer open. They are bringing up the child. He is winding up the clock. He opened his eyes in aston- ishment. Get out of my sight. They considered the matter in private. He comes from Switzerland. What has become of him ? It is all up with him. He has gone out to-day. GERMAN IDIOMS 11 !Die @c^u(e ift an^, ■Da fi^t er ia^rau^, jahrein. (£r Jlci^t lange au§» 3(^ »erbe fitter ntd)t au§6lctbctt. T)CL^ geuer Brad) in ber ^d)enne ©ie Brad^ in Xrdnen an§. (Sie ift ein 5lu§öunb ber ©c^ön- ^eit. @r brörft fic^ geläufig au§, g^ fiel gut ttu§. 2öie fönnen mir ba^ au§ftnbig machen? 3Bir maci^en einen 3ltt§flttg auf \>a^ Öanb. (Cf. Sir machen einen Keinen 5lbfte(^cr nac^ ^r gibt fic^ für einen 1)i(i)ter au§. (Cf. (5r gibt fic^ für einen Slrjt an), !Da« geuer ge^t an§. !l)ie (S^ebutb gc^t mir an^. 'Die §aare gc^en au^, D)iefe garbe ge^t an^. (Cf. Diefe garbe ^ält nic^t). X)a^ farm unmög(icf) gut an^- ge^en, -3c^ ton e^ nirf)t me^r au§= galten, ^amit ton ic^ md)t au^fommem The light is out. School is over. There he sits from one year's end to the other. He is long in coming. I will come without fail. The fire originated in the barn. She burst into tears. She is a paragon of beauty He has a ready flow of lan- guage. It turned out well. How can we find this out ? We are making a trip into the country. He styles himself a poet. The fire is going out. I lose all patience. The hair is falling out. This color fades. It will come to no good. I can stand it no longer. I can not get along with so little. 12 GERMAN IDIOMS ^t'm ^ltn\6) fann mit t^m au^» fommctt» (8te muffen mtc^ nid)t au§Iarf|cn! «Sie legen tia^ übet an^. (5r ^at ®e(b für mic^ aufgelegt. 3d) ^abe bag Sirfjt au§gcmad)t '^■a^ mögen (Sie miteinanbev (5§ ift auSgeniad^t» !iDaö ift eine Sln^na^mc t»on ber 9?egeL (gr nimmt fic^ fd)(ec^t an^, ^d) nc^mc bic^ unb mic^ an§, yjieine ©ebulb rci^t au§, Sr l^at nid)t^ au^gcrtr^tct. !Da^ ^ferb ft^Iägt \)xntm an§, üDie :Q3äume frf|Iagen an^. dv fic^t gnt au§. (gr fie^t mir ntc^t banacf) au§. ^te fte^t^g bet ^f^nen an§ ? (go fie^t nac§ fdjönem Setter ans» dt ift cttffcr ®efa^r. (Sr ift anfter fic^. Zm @ie Qljv anfterfteli ! (Cf. ^6) merbe mein mogltc^ftc^ tun), ÜDaran ift nid^tö anöjnfc^cn. There is no getting along with him. Do not make fun of me. You put a bad construction upon that. He has paid out money for me. I put out the light. That makes no difference. You may settle that among yourselves. It is settled. That is an exception to the rule. He makes a poor appearance. I except you and myself. I am out of patience. He accomplished nothing. The horse kicks. The trees are budding. He looks well. He doesn't look like it. He is not likely to. I don't expect him to. How are matters with you? It looks like good weather. He is out of danger. He is beside himself. Do your utmost. There is nothing to be said against that. GERMAN IDIOMS 13 dv ift md)t au^juftc^en, Qd) jic^e bie §anbfd)u{)e au§» He is intolerable. I know that by heart. I (will) move. I am taking off my gloves. SB @te ift ber pbf(f)efte 23acfftft^ im ganzen !l)orfe. Q6) \}ah' i^m'ö ^ab gefepet. (Cf. 1Vi7/ie/m Tell, 1. 97 : Unb mit ber 5I^t \)^\^' ic^ it)m'^ ^ab gefegnet). (5r brt(f)t fic^ S3a^n, Sie 6alb ge^en (Sie ? Satb lüäre ic^ gefallen. ^iDaö ift balb getan. S3alb biefe^, balb jene^. 5(uf balbtgcg 2öieberfe()en ! 3c^ bitte um balbigftc ^ntn)ort» W\x ift bange baöor. !^a^ muffen (Sie ni(J)t auf bie lange S^anf fc^ieben. (gr ^at mit 40 ^rojent S3onfc= rott gemad)t. 3:c^ beja^Ie ftet§ bar, «Sie muffen ba^ nid)t für bare Wmyt nel)men. 2öa^ brummft bu in ben Sart ? (Sie ftreiten firf) um be^ ^aijerfg S5art, Unb bamit \s(a\iai ! She is the prettiest miss in the whole village. I gave it to him good. He is making his way. How soon are you going? I came near falling. That is easily done. First one thing, then another. I hope we may soon meet again. The favor of an early answer is requested. I dread it. You must not keep putting it off. He went bankrupt and paid forty cents on the dollar. I always pay cash. You must not take that for gospel truth. What are you muttering about? They are disputing about trifles. Enough I And that's an end of it. u GERMAN IDIOMS T)u fantift auf i^n Bauen» (Bo fragt man bie S3attern au^. (5^ ift bafiir geforgt, bag bie Zäunte ntrf)t in ben §imme( tüacftfen. ^n ^auftft unb ^ogen. (^r Maä)it fid) eine^ ^efferen. 2Baö foil ba^ bebcutcn ? Sa« foil baö ^cifecii ?). X^a« l)at ntd)t^ ju bcbcutcn. (Cf. Serben (Sie frf)on Bcbicut ? ^itte, bebicnctt @ie fid) ! 3u S5cfc^I (©eri^ Lieutenant) ! 9Ba§ befehlen Sie ? ®ie ()aben mir ni^t^ p Befehlen. Sie fte^t eg mit 3^rem S5c= ftnben? (Cf. Sie ftel)t e^ mit^^rer ©efunb^ett?), 3n)if^en ben genftern Bcfinbet fic^ eine Stür. Sie kfinben (Sie fidi? (Cf. Siegelte«?). (5r ift fet)r begabt, dv begibt fid) au^ ber (Stabt. Sir tt)aren im begriffe ab3U^ reifen. You can rely on him. Don't be so inquisitive. Every one has his limitations. All in all. On the whole. He changed his mind. He thought better of it. What do you mean by that? It is of no consequence. No matter. Is any one waiting on you? Please help yourself. {A military form used in an- swering the summons or re- ceiving the orders of an officer. In our service a simple salute usually takes the place of it). What can I do for you? I am not your servant. I'll take no orders from you. How is your health? There is a door between the windows. How are you? How do you do? He is very gifted. He leaves town. We were about to leave (town). GERMAN IDIOMS 15 (®ott) beptc ! ^d) l}abe fein @e(b Bei mir. (5r tpo^nt bei mir, (gr ift fcf)on jiemttc^ bei 3^a^ren. ^ti gutem Setter gel)en lüir au^. bleibe bei ber (Sad)e! (Cf. Sarum bleiben (Sie nid)t bei ber Stange ?). ($r ift nic^t bei (Sinnen. S3ci fo(d)en beuten ift alle^ öer* gebend. 9fJein, bei Öeibe nicf)t ! 3^ tt)ill feing öon bcibcm, -3t)m ift nic^t hti^nfommtn. (5r ift gut auf ben SBcincw, (Cf . (Sie ift ni^t gut p gufte). Sir ^aben i^m ttjieber ouf hit S3einc geholfen, (gr ^at mir ein S5eitt geftellt. 5luf einem Steine ift nid)t gut fte^en. 3. ^, (pm S3cif^ieO» ^öfe S5eif^icle öerberben gute (Sitten. ^Madjtn (Sie mid) mit il)m be» fannt. !Da^ n)irb i^m ido^I belommcn. 2Biebiel befommt ein ?5Ü^rer ben 2:ag? Sa^bcf«mmertbirf)ba§? (Cf. T)a^ gc^t mi(J) nirf)t^ an). @r bekümmert fic^ gar nidjt um mid). God forbid. Never. No, no. I have no money about me. He lives at my house. He is pretty well along in years. In fine weather we go out. Stick to the point. He is not in his right senses. All efforts are lost on such people. Don't you dare to. I do not wish either. You can't get at him. He is a good walker. c--^ We gave him a fresh start. He tripped me up. Have another {a seco7id drinii). For example. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Introduce me to him. That will agree with him. How much does a guide charge a day? What business is that of yours? He does not care a rap about me. ^'^ 16 GERMAN IDIOMS bringen (Sie mir ein Belegtet mtttxbvot ! T)k\t (Si^e finb htU^t (Cf. !Diefe (gi^e finb bcfe^t). 2Ba6 BcIieBctt «Sie ? Sie htlkU ? SJemü^ctt (Sie fi(^ gefätUgft ^ier* ^er! Waäjtn (Sie e^ fid) Ijcqucm ! (Sr ift über alle Serge. Q6) lüeig \}kv nirf)t S3efc^ctb- !^a^ ift eine fd)öne S3cfc^erung ! (Cf. !5)a^ ift eine fd^öne ©e* ft^ir^tc!). 3:)iefe Si^e finb iefcfet. (Cf. ^iefe Si^e finb Belegt). Qd} neunte ben erften Beftcn. Sie Ijalten i^n pm heften. (5ntpf et)Ien Sie mid) i()m Bcftcnö. Sßaffer Beftc^t anö gmei ®afen. SBae un^ Betrifft, n)ir bleiben ^ier. !l)iefe ^emerfnng bejic^t fic^ nidjt anf i^^n. bleiben Sie ^ier bi§ morgen. S5t§ morgen abenb bin id) fertig. SBir ge^en big ^ot^bam. (5^ folgten neun big je^n ^Reiter. Bring me a sandwich. These seats are taken (engaged, spoken for). What is your pleasure ? What d id you say ? I beg your pardon ? Please step this way. Make yourself at home. He has fled. I am a stranger here. This is a pretty mess. Now we are in for it. These seats are taken (occu- pied). I will take the first one that comes along. They are making sport of him. Give him my best regards. Water is composed of two gases. So far as we are concerned, we will remain here. This remark does not refer to him. Stay here until to-morrow. I shall finish by to-morrow evening. We are going as far as Pots- dam. Nine or ten horsemen followed. GERMAN IDIOMS 17 8te finb alle l)ter hl§ auf einen. (Sr ftecft hi§ über bte O^ren in ®(^u(ben. (Sie finb ein fitftt^cn frü^. mttt ! S3ittc fe()r! (^ö ift gem Qt-- fdje^en). Senn ii^ Bitten barf. @r ^at firf) Blamiert» (5r ^at feine Blaffe 5l^nung ba^ t)on. ;i)er nimmt fein fdtaü öor ben gj^unb. (Cf. ($r rebet üon ber ßcBcr met;. @r rnid gteid) mit ber ^ür in^ §au^ fallen). (5r mac^t ben beuten einen Blauen !Dunft öor. SIctBcn (Sie ^u Zi\(i) ! 7 öon 9 BIctBt 2. 2ßo BleiBt mein ®elb ? (5r BleiBt hahtl m BleiBt babei. Waffen Sie ba§ BIctBen ! ©ie Ul)r ift fielen geBHeBcn. 23(ojj id)' Ijabe beinen S5ater ge* fel)en. Qd) ^abe Blog beinen 33ater ge- fet)en. Sie ift ein }ungeö S5Iut» Sßir muffen un§ nic^t in6 SBorf^^ ^rn jagen laffen. T)a0 finb mir Bö^mtfd^c Dörfer. (Cf. :Da§ ift f^aiiifcj^ fürmic^)- They are all here but one. He is over head and ears in debt. You are rather early. Please. Don't mention it. (You are welcome). If you please. He has made a fool of himself. He hasn't the faintest concep- tion of it. He calls a spade a spade. He is humbugging the people. Stay to dinner. ^^ 7 from 9 leaves 2. Where does the money go ? He sticks to it. It is agreed. The agreement stands. [it. Let that alone. Don't you do The watch has stopped. I only saw your father. I saw only your father. She is an innocent young thing. We must not let ourselves be scared off. That is all Greek to me. 18 GERMAN IDIOMS !Da6 ift feine SBofjne tüert. (Er Ijdt eine gefpicfte S3örfc» ^ift bu Böfc auf mid) ? (5r meint eö nid)! Böfe. Ser l)at ha^ §au^ in S5rattb ge^ fe^t? 3i^ ptte ba§ gleifd) gern f)alb gcbrntctt, ©a« ift hxat) öon 3^nen. !Die 5lugen Bretten i^m. jDer 9?i(^ter hvaä^ ben @tab über i^n, @r lebt in (Sau^ unb 23ratt§» (Cf. (5r lebt tüie unfer §ctr= gott in granfrei^). (5r ge^t um bie (Sad)e, wit bie ^a^e um ben ^ei^en 23rct. SO^arf)' bid) nid^t ju Breit ! (Er ift meit unb Brett befannt. 300 brcttttt^ö ? ^0 brcttttt^g benn ? . ßr l)at ein ©rett öor bem ^opfe. (Cf. (Er ift tjcrnagclt). S3rittgcu (Sie i^m \>a^ ^nd) ! 3Saö bringen (Sie 9^eueg ? (Cf . Saggibt^g^f^eueg?), X)a« bringe i(^ 3^nen! (Cf. 2luf 3f)re ©efunb^ctt !). !Diefer @e(e{)rte !ann fein ^ßif- fen nid)t an ben 3J?ann brin« gen. (Cf. (Er fann e§ nicf)t an ben 9Rann bringen)» I wouldn't give a fig for it. He has a well-filled purse. Are you angry with me ? His intentions are all right. Who set the house on fire ? I would like (to have) the meat rare. It is very good of you. His eyes grow dim. He is dying. The judge sentenced him to death. He lives' a merry life. He goes about it gingerly. None of your airs. He is known far and wide. Where's the fire ? What's your hurry ? He is stupid. Take the book to him. What's the news ? Your health. This scholar can not utilize his learning. GERMAN IDIOMS 19 !5)iefer juttge aj?ann bringt eg ntrf)t tüett. Sr bringt mid) urn alle«. (Cf. ©r ift urn fetn ganje^ 5Ber* mögen gcfommcn). (5r Brachte fein ^eben big auf 80 dx fjat fid) umg V'eben gcBrcdjt. (Cf. (Ir gab firf) ben iob. @r tat ftrf) ein 2eib§ an). T)ag ift unter 23rübern 20 Tlaxi ttjert. '^a^ ift bod) au Bunt. This young man will not get along. He is causing me to lose everything. He lived to be 8o years old. He committed suicide. This is a bargain at 20 marks. That is going too far. ^• 3ft 4)err m. t^a ? (Cf. 3ft §err 9^. ^u fvrerfjctt ?). m6)t^ u ! 2öer ba fuc^et, ber finbet. Sollen 8ie auc^ babet fein ? Sa0 ift benn babct ? Qd) I}atte i^n bafür, a^ fäWi mir gar nid)t vn. SBa^fäÄtbirein? darauf ge^e ic^ nid)t ein» 3d) lüar mit mir felbft nic^t cinig^ njaö ic^ tun foKte. dt ift einige 80 ^a^re alt. ^r ift nod) tin'mal fo alt tpie fie. @agen @ie baö noc^ ein'mal ! 5luf ein'mal fprang er auf. (Sagen (Sie mir eininari (5r ift nid)t einmol' franf ge^ njefen. a^ ift nun ctnmar fo. (Cf. T)a eg nnn einmal' fo ift). a^ ift nun einmal' gefc^e^en. können Sie baö ©inmalcinö ? I ought really not to have done it. To tell (you) the truth, I have not read the book. I am in a hurry. The matter is urgent. More haste, less speed. I do not know what to do. I tell you this once for all. Such as I dare not do this. It is all the same to me. It all amounts to the same. He works unceasingly. It is all the same to me. I never thought of such a thing. The (very) idea (of such a thing) ! I cannot agree to that. I was uncertain as to what I should do. He is some 8o years old. He is twice as old as she. Say that again. All at once he jumped up. Just tell me. He was not even sick. It is so and it cannot be helped , What is done can't be undone. Do you know the multiplica- tion table ? 26 GERMAN IDIOMS ßr mug fic^ barnac^ einritzten» ©r^cttfctt (Sie mir ein ! Sr^lagen (Sie ein ! (Cf. 9J?eine §anb baranf !). Söir fc^lugen einen anberen Seg ein, 3(f) tt)i({ ben -53rlef einfd^rciicn (äffen. 3d) ftc^c nur für ntic^ felbft cim ^inftcigen nacf) ^re^ben ! (Cf. OJ^üffen lüir l)ter naä) %ad}tn nmftcigcn ?). Sir tüerben ^eute ahtn'i) in ©am^' bürg eintreffen, tein dintritt ! 3cZ bin bamit einöerftanben. Sa§ ijahtn Sie bagegen cinsn^ hjenben ? 9^ot brirf)t @ifen. ^ä) em^fe^Ie micf) (3J)nen). ©m^fe^kn Sie mic^ ^i)xtv grau 3J^utter. @nbe gut, al(e^ gut. (5^ gel^t mit il)m gu ©nbe. 5lm @nt)c bin \dß gen)efen, ber !4)iefer 9^0(f ift mir su eng. Sein ^ame ift mir entfalten. SÖir toollen i!)m entgegengehen. (5d foH 3Znen babei nic^t^J cnt« ge^en* He must make his arrange ments accordingly. Pour out a glass (of wine) for me. Shake hands on it. ( Urging^ We took a different road. We tried other means. I am going to have the letter registered. I answer only for my own acts. All aboard for Dresden. We shall arrive at Hamburg this evening. No admission. I agree to that. What objections have you against it ? Necessity knows no law. Good-bye. Remember me to your mother. All's well that ends well. He is on his last legs. You'll end up by saying that it was I who . . . This coat fits me too tight. His name has slipped my memory. Let us go to meet him. You shall lose nothing by it. GERMAN IDIOMS 27 (Sr fo(( e6 mir entgelteiu 3c() fonnte mid) torn be^ l^a= djen^ enthalten, ©ntfc^ulbtgcn (^ie ! !DaB (Bott erbarme ! ^urcf) ©rfa^rung tüirb man Hug. Scf) öerbteibe Q\}v ergebenfter T)ieTier. ®ut, ba§ «Sie mid) baran erin» tterit» Qd) Ijahe mtc^ erfriltct ©rlauBen «Sie ! 3ft ba^ 3^r ©rnft ? -3d) bin anf^ 9?eiten er^jtc^t (So ift erft l)a(b ^iüct. 3c^ l)abe t^n erft geftern gefe^en, f! (5r fommt erft morgen. Säre id) nur erft ^u §aufe ! ^d) n)i(( erft fragen. 9^un erft fiel e§ mir ein. "^a^ mad)t bie ©ac^e erft rec^t fd)(imm. 9^un tue ic^ e^ erft red)t uic^t. (Sr ift ein ©r^bummfopf. 3^1^ bin e§. @§ lebe ber tönig ! @^ fingt iemanb. m !(opft. !Du ^aft e§ gut. I'll make him suffer for it. I could scarcely keep from laughing. I beg your pardon. God preserve us 1 A burnt child dreads the fire. I am respectfully yours. I am glad that you remind me of it. I have caught cold. Permit me. I beg your par- don. Do you mean it ? I am passionately fond of horseback riding. It is only half-past one. I saw him only yesterday. He will not come before to- morrow. If I were only at home. I will ask first. Not till then did it occur to me. That makes it all the worse. Now I won't do it at all. He is a regular blockhead. It is I. Long live the king I Somebody is singing. Some one is knocking. You are well off. You have an easy time of it. 28 GERMAN IDIOMS (5r meint c^ cjut mit bir, ÜV ift arm, ic^ bin e§ and), ^d) hin c^3 miibe. m gibt (ift, finb) . , . „Sinb @ie Öe^rer?" ,,3^ bin eg," äöir iDoKen ju 2J^ittag cffcn, T)er a}^enfd) ift, \m^ er t^t. (7%> much less beautiful. He looks disappointed. The youngsters are making faces. Their relations are strained. GERMAN Idioms 89 3öie fte^t e6 mit ^^rer ^efutib* i)tit ? (Cf . ^ie ftel)t e^ mit 3f)rem Söcftnben ?). 5luf 3t)re (SJcfmib^ctt ! (Cf. ^a3 bringe ic^ 3l)nen!). T)a§ gemährt einen fc^önen ln= blii. 2a6 i^n nur gcttJä^rcn ! (Sr lüoüte mit aller bemalt mit^ ge()en. (So ift i^m 3ur ©ertio^n^cit ge- lüorben* T)arauf fannft bu (^tft net)men» X)a^ fie^t i^m g(ci(^, (5r bleibt fid^ immer (^Uiä). (gr fam glcit^ nad)l)er. Qd) bin gleit^i n)ieber ba. @(ü(f auf ! 3um @(ü(f ujar niemanb p ©aufe. 3d) ttjage e^ auf pt ©lürf. a^ ift it)m gcglürft. ©lürflirflcriDcifc (^um @lü(f) lüar niemanb ju §aufe. (E^ ift nic^t alle^ (^M, m^ glänzt. (5r gönnt niemanb ttwa^. @e{)en (gie in ^^otte§ 9^amen ! @o lieg er fiel) in ©otte§ ^^Zamen nieber. How is your health ? Your health ! That affords a beautiful view. Just let him alone. He was determined to go along. It has become a habit with him. You can be absolutely sure of that. That is like him. He is always the same. He came right after. I'll be back in no time. Good luck! Fortunately there was no one at home. I will chance it. He has been successful. As luck would have it (or luckily) there was no one at home. All is not gold that glitters. He wishes no one well. Go in God's name. So he sat down, awaiting with resignation whatever might befall. / 40 GERMAN IDIOMS ^r l)ört ha^ @ro0 it>aii)jen. (5r mugte in§ @ra§ beij3ett. 3c§ gratuliere sum neuen ^a^re. (Cf. mndixdjc^ ^leuja^r I profit ^eujafjrl). !Darüber (äffe id) mir feine grauen §aare n)acf)fen. jDaö greift fic^ mit ben §änben. @ie griffe« x\}m unter bie 5Irme. (5^ greift ade« ^übfc^ ineinanber. !l)ie ^ranf^eit greift um fic^. u. (5r ^at e« im öJriff* (gr fängt ©ritten. dv tut gro^* (5r fommt auf feinen grünen 3meig. dv ging ber @ac^e auf benörunb» Qm (^ruttbc ift er ein guter mann. (5r ift non ©runbe au6 fdilec^t. (5r ging gu ©runbe* Sr l^at mirf) ^u ©runbe gerichtet. 5Iu« biefem ©runbe folgt, bringen (Sie 3*^rem SSater ^er^^ lic^e ©rüfje öon mir. ©rügen (Sie Q^ttn 3Sater üon mir! @r lägt Sie grüben» @ie ift i^m gut. X)u f)aft gnt reben. He can see through a brick wall. He had to bite the dust. I wish you a happy New Year. That won't worry me. That is as clear as noonday. They lent him a helping hand. Everything fits (in) beautifully. The disease is spreading. He has the knack of it. He is low-spirited. He puts on airs. He will never succeed. He examined the matter thor- oughly. At heart he is a good man. He is thoroughly bad. He perished (was ruined). He ruined me. Hence it follows. Give my kind regards to your father. Remember me to your father. He wishes to be remembered to you. She is in love with him. It is all very well for you to talk. GERMAN IDIOMS 41 (5§ ge^t i^m gut> (Bo ip gut! i^affen (Sie eö gut fein ! §eute ift gut ge^etu ^a§ ()alte id) Sitten gu gute, T)a6 !ommt 3^i^^tt p gute, T)a§ fc^reibe id) ^^nen gu gute. (5ö fann ganj gut fein'. He is getting along well. That will do. Let that pass. Don't mind. The walking is good to-day. I excuse that in you. That goes to your benefit. I will credit you with that. It is very likely so. # (56 ift fein gute^ ^aav an i^m. (Cf. a^ ift feine gnte Slbcr an it)m. (S6 ift fein gnter gaben an i^m). (Sie liegen einanber in ben ^carcu. 1)a fte^en einem bie §carc ju ^erge. (5r ift nic^t nnt ein §oar beffer al6 fie. (gg ^at nidjt^ auf fic^. ) (E^ f}ai nid)t6 p fagen. | Sie §oben rec^t, Q^ f)aht e§ int 2)kgen. Sie ift noc^ 3U ^bcn, 2öa6 ^oft bu benn? (Cf. Sa« fe^It 3{)nen?). 3(^ i^aht e6 t)on i^m, (S§ frä^t fein §a^n banad^, Söa§ ein ^äfdjcn irerben tüiU, frümmt fid) beizeiten. !Die Sac^e ^at einen §afcn» He is a good-for-nothing. They are quarreling. That makes one's hair stand on end. He is not a bit better than she. It is of no consequence. You are right. My stomach is out of order. She is still single. What is the matter with you ? I heard it from him. Nobody cares a straw about it. As the twig is bent, the tree is inclined. It is not as easy as it looks. 42 GERMAN IDIOMS ($r liegt mir immer auf bem §alfc, dx ftürgte über ^aU unb ^opf. ^(eib mir bamit öom §alf c ! (Sr lachte auö üoüem §a(fc. ^^alf5^ 9}^aun (Sr ^äli eine 9f?ebe. äßofitr galten ®ie mi(^? 3c^ ^altc eö für au^gemadjt. Sdj ^altc 8ie frei. ^d) italic Die( lum il^m. (Sie Ijält t)ie( auf (djöne 5lleiber. T^er iföeitt ^ält nirfjt. T)it\t R-arbe ^It uid)t, (Cf. !Diefe garbe gc^t au§). 3(i) ^(te mic^ im gaufe. @^ ^ä(t ein Sagen iior ber 3^ür. §änbe bat)on! (Cf. Ringer ba* t)on!). (Sie (eben auö ber ^aub in ben (Sie I)at ade §änbc üoH gu tun. ^a^ liegt auf ber §aiib. (5r trägt fie auf ben ^änben. ^6) tue baö auf eigene |)anb, (Set)en (Sie it)m auf bie |)änbc! SSor ber §anb bleiben U)ir l^ier. Qci^ faufte bie 9}löbe( au§ 3n)eiter He sticks to me like a burr. He fell head over heels. Don't bother me with it. He roared with laughter. Shut up. He is making a speech. What do you take me for ? I consider it settled. I will treat. I think a great deal of him. She is very partial to fine clothes. The wine does not keep well. This color fades. I keep in the house. There is a carriage stopping before the door. Hands off ! They live from hand to mouth. She has her hands full. That is evident. He makes a great deal of her. He treats her with great tenderness. I do this on my own responsi- bility. Keep an eye on him. For the present we stay here. I bought the furniture second hand. GERMAN IDIOMS 4S (Ex tft bei ber ^an's^. '^cv fäTti]t immer ^änbcl an. Um toa^ ijan^dt e^ fid)? !Der l)anbclt immer narf) feinem Öügen, !Der JjäiiQt an ®e(b. 5lUe^, rva^ brum unb bran fjängt SSa^ §än§rf)Ctt nidjt lernt, lernt ^an^ nimmermel)r. (£-d ^^ert mit ber (^adje. (5r geriet in ^ttrntfrf). !t)a liegt ber §afc im Pfeffer. (Cf. !Da liegt ber ^uitb be* graben). ÜDu bift ein §afcnfu^. @ie ift unter bie ^aube ge!om= men. (5r n)arf il)n über ben Raufen. 353ann gel)en on §aufc. 2Ö0 finb (Sie in §auf e ? ^ei un^ p §aufe ift ba« anber^. Sr ift t)on §aufc au^ reic^. «Sie ^aben i^m §ou§ unb gof genommen, ^r ift ein fibele^ ^cug. (5r ift mit I)ei(er §attt baüon ge= fommen. Qä) möchte aue ber ^ani fahren. He is at hand. He is always picking a quarrel. What is it all about ? He always takes his own way. The boy is inclined to lie. He is very fond of money. Everything connected with it. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. There's a hitch in the matter. He flew into a passion. There's the rub. You are a coward. She has gotten married. He cast him aside. When are you going home ? There is no one at home. My father is away from home. Wehere do you come from ? In our country that is different. He was born rich. They took all he had. He is a jolly good fellow. He escaped unharmed. This is enough to drive one wild. 44 GERMAN IDIOMS Sie ^ci^ctt Sie? mit f^dit baö auf ^Deutfc^ ? Sa§ fott \>a^ Reiften? (Cf. Sa« foK ba« ^ebcutctt?). !Da« lüill nirf)t« Reiften, a^ §ci^t, er [ei gefä^rlirf) franf. (S« fotl ni(J)t Reißen, baß . , . §ier Ijci^t e« aufgepaßt ! dv ^Icfj mirf) fommeu. !Da§ ^et^t öefal)reu! 3:c^ !omme l)eute ahcn'S), ba« ^eigt, treuu id} fann (ba§ ^eißt frequently b. ^♦). e« ^eifit in ber ^ibel. !5)a§ ^lei^t foüiel mie lügen. mtä fjil]t nid)t. 3^m ift nic^t ju l^clfen, T)k f)tUtn ATränen fielen i{)r im luge. 5l(Ieö ift bis auf ben leisten ^th kr be5al)(t. dv ift feinen roten fetter tütxt §oI bic^ ber Üleufel! 23o finb (Sie ^er? (5« ift mit i^m nid)t njeit ^cr, (5§ ift fc^on t)iele 3at)re ^cr, §cratt^ mit ber ©prad)e! können (Sie mir auf 10 ^avl herausgeben? ©§ fommt auf einö ^erauS» ©§ iommt nid)t« babei ^crouS. What is your name ? What is this called in German ? What do you mean by that ? That does not matter. It is reported that he is dan- gerously ill. It shall not be said that . . . You will have to pay attention He bade me come. [here. That's what I call driving. I will come this evening, that is, if I can. The Bible says. That is the same as lying. All is in vain. He is past recovery. Her eyes are filled with tears. Everything is paid to the last cent. He isn't worth a red cent. The deuce take you 1 Where are you from ? He is no great shakes. It is many years ago. Out with it. Can you give me change for ten marks ? It amounts to the same thing. There is nothing to be gained by it. GERMAN IDIOMS 45 (5r nimmt ftc^ t)te( ^crauö* g^ ftctttc fic^ i)cxan^, ha^ . , , § ereilt! SÖO ^Beti (Sie baö ]^er? (So gel^t e^ in ber 2öe(t ^er* ' Sr lebt tüie unfer ^crrgott in granfreid). (Cf. gr lebt in (Sau^ nnb JBrau^). Sollen bie §errf(i^aftett nnn fpeifen? S^ ge^t alle§ mit mir ^er«m, (Sr treibt fic^ in ber Seit ^erum dv ift gang Ijcruntcr. !^orau^ gcf)t ^ertior^ bag , . , ^6) tue e^ oon ^cr^cn gem, Qd) !ann eö nic^t libera ^crg bringen. T)a^ liegt mir am ^erjciu TOr ift fo n)ot)l umö ^crj. (5r ^at ®elb loie §e«, (Cf. (gr ^at ®elb bie 9Kcttöc). 33^it ben Sßölfen mu§ man ^cu* len» §ettte morgen !am i(^ an. §eute abenb reife ic^ ah. ^cutc oor aä)t klagen ftarb er- beute über o^t S^age fängt bie Scl)nle an. ipctttjtttage mac^t man e^ nic^t mel)r fo. (5r fommt nur ^tc unb ba. liDer ^icli fit^t. He is very presumptuous. It proved (turned out) that . . Come in. Where did you get it ? That's the way of the world. He is having a high old time. Will the ladies and gentlemen dine now ? I am dizzy. He roves all over the world. He is in reduced circum- stances. Hence it follows that . . . I do it with all my heart. I can not bring myself to do it. I can not find it in my heart. It is very dear to me. I feel so well (happy). He has money to burn. When in Rome, do as the Ro- mans do. I arrived this morning. I leave this evening. He died this day week. This day week school begins. Nowadays we do not do so. He only comes now and then. That is a home-thrust. 46 GERMAN IDIOMS ^er ^ttttmcl pngt t^m öoüer :^a6getgen. (§^ ift no(^ lange ^in, DJiein ®elb ift (jtm (5r !am l)itt utib irieber. (Cf. (gr fommt ah unb ju. (gr fommt nur f)it unb ba. dx fd)reibt bann unb lüann). So fott ba^ rjinau^? äöie bringen Sie bie i^dt ijin? So bcttfctt (gie l^itt? !iDa bin ic^ fc^ön (jincingcfatten! So ift mein ^od ^ingcfommen? ^6) weig nid)t, njo ic^ it)n ^intutt fori. So itfoUtn (Bit f^'in? ^uv ni^t fo ^t^tg ! ©ie (See ge^t ^d^. Sir njo^nen brei Zvtpptn f)oä). Sie ift Ijöc^fteng 17 ^aljve alt. (5r mac^t if)r ben §of. !Der :53atIon ging in bie $öf)c, (5r !ommt in bie §ö^e» Sie finb auf bem ^olsmege, !Da6 lägt fid) ^örcit. Waffen Sie balb t»on fic^ ^örcn, §Dre nic^t auf i^n. dv ^örte nid)t auf meine Sorte. ^d) \)aht fagen prcn. Sei ^ü6f(^ artig ! (Cf . Sei fein artig!). dv \)at aüe^ in §üöe unb gülle. He sees the bright side of everything. It will be a long time. My money is gone. He came now and then. Where is this to end ? How do you spend the time ? What are you thinking of ? I am sold. What has become of my coat ? I can't place him. Where are you going ? Just keep cool. The sea runs high. We live on the fourth floor. She is only seventeen at most. He pays court to her. The balloon went up. He is rising in the world. You are on the wrong track. . That sounds well. Write soon. Do not listen to him. He did not heed my words. I have heard it said. Be sure to be good. He has everything in abun- dance. GERMAN IDIOMS 4t J)a liegt ber ^uitb begraben. (Cf. !Da liegt ber §ofc im Pfeffer). (Seien @ie auf Ql}vcx ^nt §utc bic^ Dor i^m. There's the rub. Be on your guard. Beware of him. Sie tarnen Sie auf biefe Sbee ? (Sr I)at eine fi^^e Sbcc. SBie gro§ er aud) immer fei. ^r ift hod) immer bein SSater. Qd) bin noc^ immer berfelben 3)^einung. iSr tommt immer noc^ nid)t. ga^re nur immer ^u ! 3d) fcigte e^ if)m immer lieber. T)it Sonne fd)ien immer geller. 3nbcm er bie» fagte, öffnete er ba^ genfter. 33ier^erfonen I)aben biefe^^au^ innc. dv f)idt piöi^üd) innc. 5Öa^ nur irgcnb mögüd) ift. dv ift irgenbmo im §aufe. Qd) Ujerbe an i^m irre. dx rebet irre. i^affen Sie fid) md)t irre mad)en l 1)a irren Sie fi^. (5r !ann fi^ irren. !^a finb Sie in ^J^rtum. What put that in your head ? He has a set notion. He's got the idea in his head. However tall he may be. He is your father after all. I am still of the same opinion. He i§ not coming yet. Drive on. I told him again and again. The sun shone more and more brightly. While saying this he opened the window. Four persons occupy this house. He stopped suddenly. Whatever is possible. He is somewhere in the house. I don't know what to make of He talks nonsense. [him. Don't be disconcerted. You are wrong there. He may be mistaken. In that you are mistaken. 48 GERMAN IDIOMS s !Da finb ciety. Here is to his health. Good-bye I His life is at stake. I never saw the like in all my bom days. GERMAN IDIOMS 56 (5r rebet t)on ber Scbcr meg. (Cf. ®er nimmt fein ^lait öor ben Wlnnh. (gr n)tl( gletc^ mit ber ^ür in« §auö faden)» (gr ging leer aus. 3(f) lege fein @ett)i^t barauf. gat er 3^^nen etmaS in ben SSeg gelegt? '^ex legt firf) auf« betteln. (5r legte firf) in« ü)?ittel. (gr ift bei einem 8d)neiber in ber T)ie 3^it tt)irb e« lehren. (5r ^at (S^re im fieibe, 3^un (Sie e« bei Scibe nid)t ! bleiben @ie mir bamit öom ßetbc* dx ^at Ict(^te§ @piet mit i^m. @r er!ä(tet fid) leicht* (g« tut mir leib» ^« tut mir leib um i^n. (5r tat firf) ein £etb§ an. (Cf. (gr gab firf) ben Xot^. dx t)at firf) um« ^eben gebro^t). $ßa« ()aben (Sie i^m juleibe ge* tan? S^ fann il)n nirf)t leiben* (ir leibet i^n nic^t im 3ttnmer. (Sr leibet an ben ^f^erüen. ßeibcr !ann i^ e« nirf)t änbem. He speaks bluntly. He came off empty-handed. I attach no importance to it. Has he put any obstacle in your way ? He relies on begging. He interposed. He is apprenticed to a tailor. Time will show. He is a man of honor. Do not do it as you value your life. Do not bother me about that. He can manage him easily. He catches cold easily. I am sorry. I feel sorry for him. He committed suicide. What have you done to offend him ? I can't bear the sight of him. He will not tolerate him in the room. He has a nervous complaint. Unfortunately (I am sorry to say) I cannot change it. 56 GERMAN IDIOMS (B^ tft immer bie alte Scter, (Cf. (5r ftimmt immer luieber bie alte l^eier an)* Der mtn\^ benft, ®ott lenft, Da§ lernt fic^. Der §err "iprofeffor Heft @e* f(i)i(i^te. §eute irirb tiii^t gclefcn» Qx lieft i^m bie Ü^eöiten. ^u guter Se^t trurbe er einge* ftecft. (5e Icnt^tct. Da§ Icnt^tct in bie 5lugen. dv fennt feine Scnte. (Cf. ^d) !enne meine ^a^^cn^etmcr). (Sie !am in ber Sentc 3J?unb. Die @ac^e mirb anö ßit^t ge^ hxad)t (5r fül)rte mic^ ^interg Sid^t. Du Heöcr §immel ! Dae ift mir HeB. SBenn Q^ntn 3l)r Seben licB ift, fo f(i)n)eigen (Sie ! Sie ^at i^n Hc5» (5e tvcLVt mir Heb, trenn . . , 3d) arbeite ben Heben langen ^ag. 3run Sie mir bie Siebe ! ^un Sie e§ mir suHcBe. 3:d) trinfe lieber 9Bein ale ^ier. 3c^- möchte Heber fterben. Sie fommen Heber nii^t. Der Gärtner Hcfcrt un§ ®emüfe. It is the same old story. Man proposes, God disposes. You get used to it. The professor lectures on his- tory. There are no lectures to-day. He is giving him a lecture. To wind up with he was put in jail. It lightens. That is evident. He knows with whom he has to deal. She became common talk. The matter will be brought to light. He deceived me. Good heavens ! I am glad of it. Keep silent as you value your life. She is fond of (loves) him. I should like it if . . . I work the livelong day. Do me the favor. Do it to please me. I prefer wine to beer. I should rather die. You'd better not come. The gardener supplies us with vegetables. GERMAN IDIOMS 67 (gr ift geliefert, ^iv lk(\t nid)t^ baran. Sa^ liegt 3^nen baran? Soran liegt e^, baB . . . ? (So liegt an mir. 1)aran liegt e^ eben. ^ie (Stabt liegt nörbüc^ öon iöerltn. ®o trie bte «Sa^en liegen, !l)ieö ®e)e^ foK in erfter Sinie ben ^Iderban förbern. Qd) lobe mir ben grteben. 2öir ftecf en bi^ in^ 2oä^. (Sr ^at mic^ über ben Söffel bar^ biert. (Cf. @ie I)aben il)n über^ Oi}v genauen). (E^ lo^nt fid) ber Wil^t nxd)t (Cf. a^ ift verlorene 9Jlü^e), Saöiftlo^? ^er 2:eufel ift lo^. 3c^ ton i^n nict)t lo§ hjerben. (Sr ging auf mic^ lo§. 3c^ fttge mi(^ bon i^m lo§, gaben @ie 3^^re ga^rfarte ge« löft? -3c^ ^abe l)eute nid)t^ gelöft, (Sr machte feinem §ergen ßnft. X)a0 ift au§ ber ßnft gegriffen. (Sr ^at i^n an bie ßnft gefegt. (5r ftrafte mid) ßügen, gaben (Sie Suft f^jajieren ju get)en? He is lost. I don't care a rap about it. What does it matter to you ? What is the cause that . . . ? It is my fault. That is just it. The city is situated north of Berlin. As matters stand. This law is intended primarily to promote agriculture. There is nothing like peace. We will put you in jail. He fleeced me. It is hardly worth while. What's the matter ? There's the devil to pay. I can't get rid of him> He came straight for me. I renounce him. Have you bought your ticket ? I have taken in no money to-day. He unbosomed himself. That is pure fiction. He put him out. He gave me the lie. Do you feel like taking a walk ? 58 GERMAN IDlöiMS ^d) mil ttir bte Suft ^um ttat^ fd)en vertreiben. I'll make her sick of gossiping. m Qd) maä}tt it)r meine 5lufn)ar== tung. T)aö lüerbe iä) fc^on mod)ciu T)a^ maä}t nid)t^, Sa^ machen ^ie? Sa^ ift ba p matten? 3ßiet)iel mat^t breimal öier? 3öaö foil ic^ bamit marfien? Um e^ !ur3 p mattem Qd) (äffe mir einen D^ocf machen» *ä)Za(^ett (Sie fic^ an bie 5lrbeit ! (So mirb fic^ fc^on machen, '^lad), baB bn f ortfommft ! mai^ bod)l ,,Sie mad^t ber §unb?" „3öan- Jüan." (5r ift ein gemachter Tlaun, (®efegnete) SJlnilsclt! (Se^en @ie mal! 9)Mtt fagt. Wlan flopft. ^on fann e« tun. (5g mangelt mir an ®e(b. (5r lägt eg fic^ an nic^tg mangeln. (5r !ann eg nic^t an ben Wlam bringen. (Cf. tiefer ®e= lehrte fann fein Stiffen nic^t an ben OJ^ann bringen). I paid my respects to her. Just leave that to me. Never mind that. What are you doing ? How do you do ? What is to be done ? How much is three times four ? What shall I do with it ? To cut it short. In short. I am having a coat made. Get to work. It will come right in the end. Get along with you. Hurry up, won't you ? <'What does the dog say?" " Bow wow." He is a made man. [dinner. I hope you have made a good Look here, will you ? It is said. Somebody is knocking. Xt can be done. I am short of money. He does not deny himself any- thing. He can not find the opportu- nity to show what he knows (or can do). GERMAK IDIOMS 5d (Ir tft mdjt ^Jitttina genug, ha^ 3u tun. (Sr ftel)t feinen SJknn. @elbft ift ber 9JJann» (Sin' Sßort ein' SKanti. -3^r SJiann tvav ni(i)t gu §aufe. !Daö §eer 3ä^(te jtüan^igtaufenb (St I)än9t ben ^Zantcl nac^ bem SBinbe. galten (Sie ftet^ 9)iag. Sie ift über alle SJlagen ftot^. (So ift mit il)m SKatt^äi am leg- ten. I tein Sort me^r! (go ift nic^t^ mc^r t>a, (Sr ift lein ^inb me^r« T)a§ Witt id) meinen ! Sie ift ba^ gemeint? 3d) meine e^ gut mit i^m. !Dem n)iö id) meine SÄcinung fagen. Übung mad)t ben S^Jcifter. SOlelben @ie mid) bei ^^^'^i' @errfd)aft. (Sr ):}at fid) !ran! gcmclbet. (gr i)at ®elb bie 9Kenge. (Cf. dv l)at (^elb n)ie §cu). a^ ift fein SiJlenfd^ gu ©aufe. !Dag 8anb ift feit 9Jlcnf(^|cn (^e- benfen frei gen)efen. He has not the courage (strength) to do this. He holds his (own) ground. If you want anything done, do it yourself. An honest man is as good as his word. Her husband was not at home. The army numbered 20,000 men. He is a time-server. Always keep within bounds. She is proud beyond measure. It is all up with him. Not another word. There is nothing left. He is no longer a child. I should say so. What do you mean by that ? I mean well by him. I will give him a piece of my mind. Practice makes perfect. Announce me to your mistress. He reported sick. He has lots of money. There is not a soul at home. The country has been free from time immemorial. 60 GERMAN miOMS (Sollte mir toa^ SKenfc^Hc^c^ be= gegnen. 9Jlcr!ctt(Sie fid) baö! (Sr Ue§ fic^ ha^ nid)t merfcn» 3c^ fc^tcfte bie ^ürfjer mit ber ^oft. SöolIetifSie mithalten? kommen Sie mit? ©fielen (Sie mit? SBo mog er ha^ gel^ört ^oben ? 3^d) mag nirf)t ge^en. 3rf) möchte gern au^gef)en. ga^ren (Sie mögü^ft fc^nelf ! 3d) werbe mein möglic^ftcö tun. (Cf. ^un (Sie Qi^v aufecr« ftc§!). !iDie Sac^e ift ber Wnf^t totxt m ift üerlorene Wnfjt. (Cf. @S Ui^ni fic^ ber 9«ü()e nicf)t). (5r n)ei§ reinen SKunb gu l^alten. Sie reben il)m nad) bem SKunbc, Of what good is it ? 64 GERMAN IDIOMS Sßertüo^nt o6ctt ? (gr fe^rt alleö ^u unterft unb ju oBcrft (5§ tft ntrf)t gan^ o^nc. (5r l^at e§ Winter ben O^reiu (Sie l)aben t^ti überö D^v ge^ ^auen, (Cf. (Sr ^at mid^ über ben Söffet barbiert). SBir tüerben balb an Ort unb (Stelle fein. Who lives upstairs? He turns everything upside down. There is some truth in it. He is a sly one. They have cheated him. We shall soon reach our desti- nation. * üDte geinbe njurben ju paaren getrieben, ©eben (Sie mir ein ^aar 9J?ar! ! (Sie ^at i^n unter bem Pantoffel. (Cf. dt Ijat fie unter bem Daumen), (5r ift ein ^antoffcl^clb.. Qä) fenne meine ^a^^cn^cimcr. (Cf. Wallensteins Tod, 1. 1 8 7 1 : !l)aran erfenn' t^ meine Pappenheimer, ^r fennt feine T)a« tüirb um einen ^appcitfttel üerfauft. ^a^i mir nic^t. The enemy were routed. Give me a few marks. She has him under her thumb. He is a henpecked husband. I know my man (men). {Often iron.). It will be sold for a mere trifle. Will you join us in the trip ? Shall we have a game of whist ? He is making a good match. The hat does not fit me. GERMAN IDIOMS 65 ©r pa^t ntrf)t für bte ^tefluncj. :Da« pa^t Utt§ nid)t '^a^ pa^t fid) nid)t. @r ift ein luftiger ^atrun. @r I)at ^er^. (5r ()at t^m ben ^clj getrafdiem , Waffen (Sie fid& nic^t ^retten ! 5Bir ftetten tl)n auf bie ^toBc, (Sr l)at hit Sßvoht beftanben. Qd) nel)me (Sie auf ^roBc* He is not adapted to the posi- / tion. That does not suit us. That is not proper. He is a jolly fellow. He is in hard luck. He gave him a good scolding. Send my letters in care of Mr. N. God is no respecter of persons. V We took counsel together. My father used to say. As the saying is. Be seated. That is out of place here. All is not lost yet. The letter came by to-day's mail. I am going to the postoffice now. Please write by return mail. I am sending the package by mail. This is the general delivery- window. I will not do that for all the world. Don't let yourself be " done." We put him to the test. / He stood the test. y I will take you on trial. y 66 GERMAN IDIOMS (Sr marfitefuqen ^rojcgmttt^m. He made short work of him. / (gr fing einen ^ro^c^ mit mir an. He instituted legal proceedings against me. dxtjat ba6 ^ulDcrnic^terfunben. He will never set the world on fire. ^d) ftanb auf bem fünfte, (Sie I was on the point of asking aufragen. you. ^er Sßnnit tft ein 3?nterpun^ The period is a punctuation x tion§3eic!)en. mark. (5r tarn '^unU 3 U^r. He came precisely at three o'clock. Unb bamit ^^Suttltum ! And there's an end of it. SQJetn iBater tDo()nt quer gegen* My father lives diagonally über. across the street. dv ftreif te freu^ Unb qucr um^er. He wandered around in all directions. @ö tft i^m tttüCL^ in bie duerc Something has gone wrong gefommen. with him. T)Ci^ madjt un^ quiti That squares things between ^^ us. 91 (5r tft i>a^ fünfte 9lab om He is superfluous. 5S^agen. (5r ift auger 9lanb unb ^anb. He is out of all bounds, ^r reitet @(^ufterg Üla^^cn» He goes on Shank's mare. (5g vapptU bet it)m. He is not quite right in his head. Sir moden ben 3Irjt p 'Siait Let us call in the doctor. Jtel)en. GERMAN IDIOMS 6t (gr treig immer ^at X)a^vi tann dtat tüerben. 3:e^tfc^affen@te9lat! $ier ift guter "^at teuer. (5r treig ftc^ nidjt 3U raten. T)a^ voax gut geraten. 9}?an !ann ntc^t auf i^n rcrfjnen. (^ixi 3'a^r m6 aubere gerechnet. !l)em marfje tcf) einen 9tric^ burd) bie 9ied^nnng. ^enn mir rec^t ift. OJ^ir foil e^ gang red^t fein. Senn e§ 3^nen fo rec^t ift. T)a finb @ie n)a§ ^Jet^tcig ! @ie !ommen eben rcrfjt» ^in id) f)ter rcrf)t ? (ä^ ift rct^t fd)abe. 3c^ tue e§ rec^t gem. 9^Utt tue id^ eö erft red^t nid)t. !^a bift bu an ben 91cd)tctt ge- fommen. (gie ^aben rec^t. Qd:} gebe if)m rcd|t. ^on ^tä)t^ n)egen ^ätte id) e^ ni(^t tun foHen. (5r fiel mir in bie 9iebe. I^ie 9flebe fie( auf unferen Öel^rer. !Dat)on ift feine ^t't>t. Soöon ift bie 9lcbe? He always knows what to do. That may be easily managed. Now tell us what to do. We are in a dilemma. He does not know what to do. That was a good guess. He is not to be depended upon. Taking one year with another. I will upset his plans. If I am not mistaken. I am quite agreeable to it. If you are agreeable. You think you are something great. You come just in tim». Is this the right place ? It is a great pity. I will do it with the greatest pleasure. Now I will do it less than ever. You found your match there. You are right. I agree with him. By right I should not have done it. He interrupted me. The conversation turned upon our teacher. That is not the question. What is it all about ? 68 GERMAN IDIOMS ßö ift nidjt ber 9lcbe wtxt 3(f) [teilte tf)n gur 9iebc. (Sie muffen mir 9lcbe fte^en. 3Ba§ ift ber (angen 8tebe turner @iun? (Z>/^ Ficcolomini^ 1. 241). (5r lägt mit fic^ rcben. 9lebctt it)ir nic^t me^r banon ! OJlai^en «Sie nid)t fo üiel Üiebcn§ baüoti ! T)aö mai^te il)re (Siferfud)t rege. 3^n ber 9ficgc( ift ba^ 3ßetter im mox fc^ön. (5r ftet)t im fd)it)arjen 9?egiftcr* Ülctr^en (Sie mir gefälügft ba^ (Salij! 9f{c^tba^? !iDie 9Jct^e ift an mir. (Cf. 3e^t bin i^ bran. 3e^t fommt e§ an bid)). 3^e^t fommen (Sie an bie 9tei^e. !Da^ ift rein anö ber Önft gegrif* fen. ^qA ift rein nnmögtic^. 3c^ Tiiu§ :nit i{)m in^ kleine fommen. (^lücflic^e meifc! $ßir reifen über Bremen, ©r ^at 9^ei^ttn§ genommen. (Cf. (5r ift bnrdfigcbrannt. (5r mad)te fid) an^ bem Staube). It is not worth mentioning. I took him to task. You will have to give an ac- count of yourself. You will have to answer my questions. What is the meaning of the rigmarole ? He is open to conviction. Let us drop the subject. Do not make such a fuss about it. That roused her jealousy. As a rule the weather in May is beautiful. He is a marked man. Please pass the salt. Is that enough ? It is my turn. Now it is your turn. That is pure invention. That is absolutely impossible. I must come to an understand- ing with him. Pleasant journey ! We go by way of Bremen. He fled. GERMAN IDIOMS 69 Tk -grauen reiben [iä) um tl)n. T)a« Qah il)m ten Slcft (Sie muffen fic^ nad) tl)m tickten» T)amit ^at eö feine ^iit^tigfeit ^>a^ ^inb fjöngt ber a)?utter am (5r nimmt feine 9lücfftc^t auf baö falte ^Better, ©r fte^t in gutem Üiufc» t^affen ®ie mid) in 9iu§e. 33er (2cf)(ag ^at i^n gerührt The ladies are wild after him. That gave the finishing stroke to him. You must accommodate your- self to his wishes. That is quite correct. The child clings to its mother's skirt. He makes no allowance for the cold weather. He has a good reputation. Leave me alone. He has had an apoplectic stroke. ^ T)a^ tut nic^t« ^ur Sa^c» Sa^ ift an ber (Baä}t ? bleiben (Sie bei ber 8a(^c! ^a§ ift meine Sac^e. !Die 8acl)c ge^t mic^ nid)t§ an. 9^e()men (Sie Q^vt fieben ©a^en ! dv ging mit ©aif unb ^ad, Sßa^ (Sie md)t fagen ! Sa^ xfij fagcu tüoltte. 3Ba^ raoüen (Sie bamit fagen? (5r fagt nur fo. aj^an fagt. @ie l}aben mir nid)t6 3U fageit* !r)a^ {jat nic^t^ gu fagen. 3c^ ^abe mir fagen laffen. dx ift, offen gefagt, ein (Spi^* bube. That's immaterial. What is the truth of the matter ? Stick to the point. That is my business. That's no concern of mine. Take your traps. He went with bag and baggage. You don't say so 1 As I was about to say. What do you mean by that ? He simply says so. It is said. I am not under your orders. That doesn't matter. I have been told. To tell the plain truth, he is a scoundrel. TO GERMAN IDIOMS Unter un6 gefagt, er ift ein Öüg* ner. T)tx !ann öoti @Iü(f fagcn, ba§ er nicf|t mit bem ^^ge reifte, 3^ mug mic^ tüieber fcmmeln, ®a^ !Dienftmäbc^ett mug eö fid) oft fauer irerben (affen. ee ift ft^abc. T)a^ fci^abct nirf)t. (5r {)at fein St^äfj^cn im Xrod* nen. Q6) miß mit it)m nicf)tö p fc^af= fen ^aben. (5r mac^t mir Diel gu fc^affen, y ®ie fr^afftcn i()n au§ bem SBege. 8a§ if)n ft^alten unb tratten. Wldnt § Öffnungen finb gu Sc^anbctt gemorben. (Sr ^at feine g*^re in bie Sc^anje gefdjlagem 3Bie a(t fc^ä^cn Sie^^n? Sl^rau, ft^au, toem! ^er Sj^etn trügt ®ie geben fic^ btn St^cin, aU Ob,,. (Sie toar fj^eintot. §ier ift mein ©eburt^fi^ein unb t)ier mein ^^Pff^jctn, Qä) ^abe baö gcft^enlt befom* men. Between you and me, he is a liar. He may consider himself lucky that he did not travel by that train. I must collect my thoughts. The servant girl is often com- pelled to do drudgery. It is a pity. That doesn't matter. He has feathered his nest. I will have nothing to do with him. He gives me a great deal of trouble. They put him out of the way. Let him do as he likes. My hopes have come to noth- ing. He has staked his honor. How old do you take him to be? If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die. Appearances are deceptive. They make believe to . . . She was in a trance. Here is my certificate of birth and here is my certificate of vaccination. I got that as a present. GERMAN IDIOMS 71 Ba^ ft^crt e^ bid)? (Sie treiben Sc^erj mit i^m. (5r (ägt itid)t mit fid) f^crjcn* T)o5 fi^irft fic^ niiijt (B^iät hid) in hk 2öe(t. 3(^ fr^icbe gem ^t^d. Qd) bin in einer ft^tefcn Sage. (5r mac^t ein 8(^Iäf(^ett» 3d) n)ünfd)e 3^nen njo^t p fc^Iafciu T^er -3^nge befam Schläge, ©erlagen (Sie fic^ ba^ anö bem Sinn. !Die Sc^tadjt hti Seban tüurbe im 3a^ve 1870 gef erlogen. Sie lebten ft^Icc^t unb rec^t. (S« ge^t i^nen red)t fd^Icc^t 2Ba« ft^licften Sie barauö? Schlug folgt. Sr^merft 3f)nen bie Suppe nid)t? (5r i'd^t fid)'0 gut fr^merfett* (gr fpric^t, lüie il)m ber Sr^nabcl geirac^fen ift. (gr l)aut über bie Sr^nur* Sie lange finb Sie fc^on :^ier? Qd) toaxtt nun fr^on brei ^age. (§r ^at fo f(^0tt genug. ©(^ott fein ®ang ^eigt feinen Stor^. What's that to you ? They are making sport of him. He will not be trifled with. That's not proper. Adapt yourself to the world. I like to bowl. I am in an awkward predica- ment. He is taking a nap. I wish you good-night. The boy got a whipping. Think no more of it. The battle of Sedan was fought u- in 1870. They lived simply and hon- estly. They are very badly oJfif. What do you infer from that ? Concluded in our next. Enjoying your meal? Don't you like the soup ? He eats with a relish. He is a plain-spoken man. He kicks over the traces. He overshoots the mark. How long have you been here? I have been waiting for three days now. He has enough as it is. >^ His very gait shows his pride. X 72 GERMAN IDIOMS 3rf) merbe btcf) ft^oit rufen. Sctttt ee f(^ott tt)al)r ift, fo . . ♦ iSt^on QVLtl :Dan!e fc^ön ! 3d) bitte fr^ött» „^et^en «Sie mir gefädigft Q^xt güüfeber." „:Q3itte ^ä)MJ' (As the pen is handed). „©eben (Sie mir eine (güe oon bie[em:33anb!" ,,©(^öit.'' Die fc^öttc Sßelt ift in SBie«« baben ^u fel)en. !l)u bift fc^ulb baran. (Sr ^at fic^ eine ©rob^eit ^u ©c^ulben !ommen (äffen. Sc^toamm brüber ! §einrid) fri^tuänst bie (Schule. WXt^ ft^luärmt fllr iljn. (gr fc^ttJärmt für äJhifü. -3d) iüerbe e^ 3^nen fr^tuarj auf njeig geben. (Sr l^at ba^ Sdjrtjarje getroffen. @ö fallt mir frf)tt»cr. 5)aö ©aue l)at mit^ fd^mcre^ (5^etb geloftet. Sir l)aben ba§ @rf)ttierftc ()inter un^. (5r mac^t mir Sc^iotcrigfeiten. (5r ift ein Scf^^iger. T)a0 geljt mir an bie «Seele. I will call you ; you can depend > on that. Although this is quite true, ; yet . . . Very well. All right. Thank you. Would you kindly. "Will you kindly lend me your fountain pen ? " " Certainly." " Giveme a yard of thisribbon." "All right." The fashionable world can be seen at Wiesbaden. It is your fault. He has been guilty of an act \ of rudeness. No more of that. Henry is playing truant. Everybody is raving over him. He is enthusiastically fond of music. I will give it to you in writing. He has made a bull's eye. I find it difficult. This house has cost me a great deal of money. The worst is over. He is causing me trouble. He is past sixty (in the sixties). That goes to the bottom of my heart. GERMAN IDIOMS IB (Sie fprec^en mir au§ ber Sccle» !5)aö gel)t mir burrf) tie ®cc(c. !Da fc^e einer! ^uf ®ef)a(t irtrb nidjt gcfc^en, 8ic§ ju beinen SÖorten! Qd) tonnte i^n nid)! ju fcfjen befommen. (Sie (äffen fid) ja nirf)t mel)r fc^ctt, (Scl^ft feine grennbe glauben i^m nid)t @ott I)abe i()n fcHg ! SJ^ein 33ater fcHg fagte immer. @r l^at feinen ^opf barauf ge- fegt Sd) fc^e ben gall (Sie ift eine böfe (Sieben. "^a^ toiü mir nic^t au§ bem Sinn. (Sinb (Sie nid)t bei Sinnen? (Sr ift öon Sinnen. bleibt nur filjen! dv ift fi^cn geblieben. (gr lieg ha^ 3}2äbd)en fi^cn. T)iefer ^od fi^t ^^^en fe^r gut. 9^ec^t fo! 5^ii^tfo! !Daö fann nic^t fo bleiben. So etn)a§ fommt alle ^age öor. 3ft eö fo iDeit gefommen? ajJac^en (Sie eö fo n)ie id)! ©0 öiet eö au{^ fofte. ®*»r i^l^t ift'«^ Ö^ttWQ • Those are just my sentiments. That cuts me to the quick. I declare I Salary no object. Mind your words. I could not get to see him. You never come to see us now. Even his friends do not believe him. God rest his soul ! My late father always said. He has set his heart on it. I assume. She is a termagant. I cannot get it out of my mind. Are you out of your mind ? He is out of his senses. Just keep your seats. He was not promoted. He jilted the girl. This coat fits you very well. That's right. That's it. Oh, no. Things can not go on like this. Such things happen every day. Has it come to this ? Do as I do. Whatever it may cost. There, that will do. 74 GERMAxN IDIOMS (vr tut nur fo, a^ tft fo' frf)on fpat genug. „9öie 9el)t t^ 3t)neu?" ^,80, ^enn bu fannft, fo fomme. ^r fommt fo alle fec^^ 2öoc^en. 2öte er nun fo baftanb. 1)a^ hvaud)cn \m fo tüte fo'» !^u fottft betnen 35ater unb beine SJZutter e^ren. ^u follft e§ fel)en, (Sie \)ätttn eö tun foflcn. Sollte ba^ Sßetter fic^ änbern. 3d) fottte t>a^ tun? @ie follctt rerf)t !)aben. SJ^etn trüber foötc ^Irgt werben. Sa^ fott ba« ^a(^en? So^ufottbaö? (5r fott franf fein. Sollte ha^ unfer 2Bin)e(m geU)e= fen fein? (gr foß fort. 'Der ^U(f)fü^rer trägt Sott unb §aben ein. !Da^ ift f^attifc^ für mid). (Cf. ^Da^ finb mir bö^mifd^c Dör* fer). (gr t)er)'tef)t feinen S^ag. (ir fefete fein Öeben auf^ S^ieL Indeed ? He is only pretending. It is late enough as it is. " How do you do ? " '• Pretty well." If you can, (then) come. He comes every six weeks or so. As he was standing there. We will need that anyhow. Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother. You will see. You should have done it. If the weather should change. I do that ? Never ! I will allow that you are right. My brother was to be a physi- cian. What is the meaning of your laughter ? What's the use of that ? He is said to be ill. Could it have been our Wil- liam ? He must be off. The bookkeeper enters the debits and credits. That is Greek to me. He can not take a joke. He risked his life. GERMAN IDIOMS 75 Waffen Sie mirf) aite betn S^icl ! ^r treibt e^ auf bie ©^t^c, 3ft§err^. ^uf^rcc^ien? (Cf. SftiJeiTSJ^ ba?), 3cf) mödjte .gierrn 9^^. f^rec^cm 3(J| bin auBer ftanbe baö au tun. S^ bin nirf)t im ftanbe ba^ gu tun. Sd) !ann nid)t bamit 3U ftanbe fommen. Sarmn bleiben @ie nid)t bei ber Stange? (Cf. bleibe bei ber @ac^e!). (5^ regnet ftart 3Bie ftart ift bk neue 5luflage ? dv madjte fic^ au^ bem Staube. (Cf. (gr l)at 9Jei^au§ genom^^ men. (5r ift burrfjgebrannt). üDa^ fttr^t il)m in bie ^ugen. $ßo !)aben @ie geftcrft. dx blieb fterfen. (5^ mu§ eö i^m einer gefterft ^a^ ben. @ie ^ahtn it)n unter bie @o(ba^ ten geftecft. (Sr rebet auö bem Stegreif. mit fte^t^^ mit 3I)rer ©efunb- t)eit? 9öie fte^t eg in §aufe? !iDie U^r fte^t fc^on ivieber. liDiefer gut fte^t Q\)ntn gut. Don't mix me up in the affair. He carries it to extremes. Is Mr. N. in ? I should like to see Mr. N. I am unable to do this. I am unable to do this. I can not manage it. Why don't you stick to the point ? It is raining hard. How many copies have been printed of the new edition ? He ran away (skipped). That strikes his eye. Where have you been keeping yourself? He stuck fast. Somebody must have given him a hint of it. They made a soldier of him. He speaks off-hand. How are you ? How are the folks ? The clock has stopped again This hat becomes you well. 1/ t6 GERMAN IDIOMS 3ötr ftcf)cu un§ gatij gut. .'pier ftc^t eö. 3(^ fte^c 3U 3^)^^^ 1)tenften. Der 5lcferbau fte^t an erfter (Stcttc. (gr ftcttt firf) franf. T)tv 3unge ftcttt fid) nur fo. dv \)at feine grau im Stid^ ge* (äffen. (Sd)meige ftltt! Daö fttmmt ! 3fcft bin ^eute nirfit gut gcfttmmt. (Sr fticjf ben §unb mit bem guge. ÜDer (Sd)afbo(f ftöftt mit bem Äopfe. !iDie ^u^ ftößt mit ben §örnern. dv \)at tDieber bumme ©treirfjc gemalt. (Sr liegt im (Streite mit feinem trüber. Söie ^iele beutf(l)e ©tunben ^a* ben v25ie bie Sßod^e? We are on excellent terms. Here it is (written). I am at your service. Agriculture takes first rank. He pretends to be ill. The boy is simply shamming. He has abandoned his wife. Be quiet. Correct. That's (all) right. I am not in good humor to-day. He gave the dog a kick. The ram butts. The cow hooks. He has been at his old tricks again. He is at loggerheads with his brother. How many German lessons have you a week ? 90a« ift ^eute für ein ^ag ? a^ ift no(^ fet)r frii^ am 2;agc. 5lm iüngften 2;ag njerben alle gerichtet. dv lebt in ben Xa^ l^inetn. Qii) tr»erbe nä^fter Xa^c an i^n fc^reiben. What day. of the week is it? It is still very early in the day. On the Day of Judgment all will be judged. He lives recklessly. I shall write to him one of these days. GERMAN IDIOMS -^rmcjen tvxv bie (Sac^e auf^ Xa^ (Sr tft bei ber Xai txtappt tpor- btn. ^ dv l)ie(t ba^ tinb über bie ^^aufc. P (Sr taugt 3U nirf)tö. ©arin tauft^cn ®ie fid). (5i ber 2;aufcnb ! SBie bu gemac^^ fen btft ! ,,, T)a0 mtrb mir ^u tctL p ÜDer 2;eufe( tft (0^. !I)aö ift ein gro^e^ ^^icr» ^ei X^d)t fprarf)en mir baoon. kommen (Sie nad) 2;ifr§c ! dv bat mid) gu 2;tfd^c gu bleiben. 3:)n bift be^ 2:obe§ ! (gr gab fid) ben ^ob, (Cf. (Sr tat fid) ein Scib§ an. (Sr i)at fid) nm^ Öeben gebrat^t). ^ort ^at er fid) ben ^ob geholt. a^ gel)t auf ^ob ober Öeben. dx ift mir in ben Xot) tierl)a|t. (Sr l)at fid) gu Xobe gearbeitet. IJDaö ift 3um 2:oötticrben ! (gr gibt feinen S^oti t»on fid). (Cf. (5r gab feinen Scut non fic^). ( boots. T)tv ^tan tft JU Staffer geraor- The scheme came to nought. ben. ^^^ !Da§ Staffer läuft mir im äJiuitbe My mouth waters. x ^ufammen. Sie Ujerfjfeltett Sorte. They conversed. They quar- reled, ^önttett Sie mir biefe ^autnote Can you change this bill for tueti^fcltt? me? @e^' mir au^ bem SSeg ! Get out of my way. ^--^ ®el)' bettlet Söcgeö ! Go your way. ^r !am beö Söege^* He came along. dv fc^affte ben ijunb aug bem He got rid of the do| (Sr bra(i)te eg juüjcgc» He accomplished it. ÜDag ^at gute SBegc. That's a long way off. 82 GERMAN IDIOMS . 2Bcg bamit! dx ift ganj tticg« 3rf) t)abe mir tuc() getan. !Der ^opf tut mir itje^, gröf)lic^e SÖci^nac^itctt! Sßer nirf)t liebt Söeiit, Seib uub ©efang, !Der bleibt ein 9carr fein ?eben lang. !Da§ marken (Sie einem anbern toctg ! (Cf. ^Qö Binbc einem anbern auf!). ii^affen 8ie ficf) nicf)tö njct^ma« (^en! ^ie mit ift e^ üon l)ier bi« töln? ßr ift bei ttjcitcm ber befte. Senn'^ tucitcr nirf)t« ift. T)a^ ift Itjcitcr nic^tö ai^ ^o^= ^eit. ©ein SSetjctt blitzt, „ßaben ®ie 'ipapier?" „Qa, idj I)abe mclrfie^." 2öa§ in aller Söclt fo« baö ^ei= 2Bir muffen un^ burd) bie Söclt fc^lagen. T)a^ ^tatt t)at fic^ gcttienbct. $ßegen heiterer (Srfunbigungen beliebe man fic^ an §errn 3^. 3U njcttbctt, (So fe{)tte toenig, fo l}ätten fie il)n gefangen. @r ift nichts ttietttgcr al« bumm. Get away with it. He is quite beside himself. I have hurt myself. My head aches. A merry Christmas. Who loves not woman, wine and song, will be a fool bis whole life long. Tell that to the marines 1 Don't be taken in. How far is it from here to Co- logne ? He is by far the best. If that's all. That is pure malice. He is flourishing. *' Have you paper ?" •* Yes, I have some." What in the world can this mean? We must make our way in the world. Things have taken a new turn. For further particulars apply to Mr. N. They had very nearly caught him. He is anything but stupid. ><' GERMAN IDIOMS 83 a^ tnu§ anber^ njcrben. !5)er (Schnee mirb ^u 2Baf]er. 2Bie tnirb e^? T)ag Sßer! ift im SSerbcii» gr ttiarf i^n mit steinen. (ir iuarf um fic^ mit ed)impf* inortent. ©^ ift etwa^ im SBerfc» Sir ^aben 3^)^ ttjcrte§ ©(firei^ ben t)om 11. b. 9}?t§. emp* fangen, ^r treibt fein SScfen für fid) allein. (5r madjte ein grogeS 3®efen. ®o l)aben tDir nidjt gctucttct. 51(k Better! Um ttiieöicl UI)r fäf)rt ber ^m^ ab? !^en mtetJteltcn (ttjicotclften) I)a^ ben lüir ^eute? ^er ttjietiteUe ift er in ber ^laf* fe? 5Iuf SBieberfe^cn ! Xun (Sie i^m feinen Söittcit ! Senn e§ nacft meinem SSiücu ginge, (vr juittlte mir mit ber §anb. @ie toirft aU ße^rerin an einer (Stementarfc^ute. T)a^ ift eine fc^öne Söirtfrfjaft ! (5r n)i(l öon un^ nic^t^ tuiffcm There must be a change. The snow is turning to water. How are things going ? The work is in progress. He threw stones at him. He called people (bad) names. There is something under way. Your favor of the nth inst. was duly received. He keeps to himself. He made a great fuss. That's not our agreement. Confound it ! Great Scott 1 At what time does the train leave ? What day of the month is it ? How high up is he in the class? Till we meet again. Do as he wishes. If I had my way. He beckoned to me. She teaches in an elementary school. That's a nice condition of af- fairs ! He does not want to have any- thing to do with us. ^ w 84 GERMAN IDIOMS 3Stffctt Sie toa^? ,Ma^ gibt'« ^Jltm^?" Mä)t^, ba^ id) w^tc," ^d) fomme, \m mögüd). 5n btefen 3^^^^^/ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^i^^^ tft. 2Ö0 ift er ^er? Q\}m tft tü0^I in Tlntt. (5r fommt too^I ^eute nod), „^ommt er ^eute?" „§eute m6)t, nio^I aber morgen." (5r tft ttjo^l arm, aber . . . Sa§ ttJtö er? Ta^ §0(5 tottt ntc^t brennen. (5r tutii nad) (Sngtanb. dv ttittt i^m iüot)I. Saö ttJoöte ic^ marfjen? 3c^ wtü e§ ntc^t geprt ^aben. (Sr ujitt eg felbft gefe^en I)aben. T)a^ itJttt trf) gem gtanben. ^a§ ttJitt mir nirf)t rec^t ein^ Ieu(^ ten. 3n iDem tooöen Sie ? 5luf etn^ort! ßr führte H^ Söort Sie njerben 3^^ blaueö SSunber erleben. (5ö nimmt mi(^ munbcr, ba^ id) fo gefunb bleibe. üDc ^aben Sie einen guten SBurf getan. I'll tell you what. " What is there new ? " "Noth- ing that I know of. ' I shall come if possible. ^" In these times, when every- thing is dear. Where is he from ? He is in good spirits. I suppose he will come to-day. ''Will he come to-day.?" "Not ^ to-day, but probably to-mor- row." It is true he is poor, but ... ^ What does he want ? The wood won't burn. He wishes to go to England. He is well disposed toward him. What could I do ? I will pretend I didn't hear it. He claims to have seen it him- self. I readily believe that. I can't quite see that (your ar- gument). For v/hom are you looking ? Just a word 1 He was the spokesman. You will see something that will amaze you. I am surprised that I keep so well. You made a good haul there. GERMAN IDIOMS 85 (go murmt mtc^. 3:)a« ift mir Söurft (Cf. (gg ift mir aöc^ ein«. (S« ift mir einerlei). It annoys (worries) me. That's all the same to me. as (gr tooiitc mir ein dl für ein U mad)en. He tried to humbug me. 3 «Sie finb öier^ig on ber S^¥* Kellner, ja^kn! dt füllte mir auf ben B^J^«- ^r f)at mir bie ^cit geboten, kommen @ie beizeiten ! dx i)at ha?> 3eitHc^e gefegnet. ^r \}at nirf)t ha^ S^H ^^3^^- (Sr ging in« B^Mg* X)a« ift bumme« ä^wg* Sir jogen nacf) T)re«ben. Sßir jogen fie in« ©e^eimni«. (5« jte^t in biefem ^ttnmer. Sy^eine ^lante 50g ba« ^inb grog. !Da« ^flafter ^ki^t gut. 9?a)3o(eon 50g nad^ 9?ug(anb. !iDiefer ®runb jic^t bet mir nirf)t. dx ift fo jicmltc^ öon meinem 5irter. 3tcrctt (gte fic^ nic^t ! Qä) get)e ju meinem trüber. (Cf. 3f(^ ge^e ttcd^ aJKinc^en), y They are forty in number. Waiter, the bill, please. He sounded me. He passed me the time of day. Come in good season (time). He has departed this life. He is not the man for it. He set to work with a will. That is stuff and nonsense. We moved to Dresden. We let her into the secret. There is a draught in this room. My aunt brought up the child. The plaster draws well. Napoleon set out for Russia. That argument doesn't go down with me. He is pretty much the same age as I am. Don't make so much ceremony. I am going to my brother. 86 GERMAN IDIOMS dv ftecEte e^ 511 ftc^. 2Bir finb ju t)iert. dx reift ptx Gr^olnng. T)a^ ©auö ift 5u nerfaufen. So f)aben Sie bie 3^^^ hH^' hxa^t? ^r jurft mit ben 5lcf)feln. (Bit muffen fidi bamit 5ufricbcu geben. '5)er Dfen ^at feinen 3«g- !t)er Äranfe lag in ben letzten 3ügem (Sr tran! in langen 3w9Ctt. !Da^ ©efic^t f)at fc^arfe 3«öe. Tlit xa\d)tn SH^^ f!i', gierte er ha^ aj^äbc^en. Qd) l)abe ben S^^ öerpaBt. 3d) bin im 3ugc, (Greifen (Sie §u ! Wla^c bie 3:itr ju ! !Da« Sinb ^at eine f(i)tt)ere 3un= Sein 9lame frfinjebt mir anf ber 3uttgc. 3(i) !ann mit i^m nic^t ^uret^t» fommem (Sr na^m fi(^ jufammeu. ©(^reiben Sie t>a^ fid) felbft ju ! Dag ^dtte id) it)m nid^t gugc» traut (5^ ift mir in ber Seete juttitbcr, Sie l)aben brei ^Hnber unb jtoar einen So{)n unb itüti ^öd)ter. He put it in his pocket. There are four of us. '\/ He is traveling for relaxation. The house is for sale. Where did you spend the time? He shrugs his shoulders. You must put up with it. The stove has no draught. The patient was dying. A He drank deep draughts. The face has strongly marked features. He sketched the girl with rapid strokes. I missed the train. ^ I am in the humor. Help yourself. Shut the door. The child has an impediment in its speech. His name is on the tip of my tongue. I can't get along with him. He pulled himself together. Blame yourself for that. I should not have thought him capable of that. I abominate it. ^ They have three children, name- • lyone son and two daughters, GERMAN IDIOMS 87 dx l)at gefrf)rieben, unb ^\mt He has written, and, what is y Xtä^t au^fü^rlid). more, very explicitly. ^r !am ^toaXf bod) Xoaf^ ^u fpät. He did come, but it was too ■;>( late. (5^ unterliegt feittetn 3^cifclr There is no doubt that he will ha^ er tommt» come. I EXERCISES Note. — The numbers In the notes after each exercise refer to the corresponding sentences of tiie exercise. The words after the numbers are the heavy-face key-words under which the required German idioms will be found. I I. The favor of an early answer is requested. 2. I am sorry to say he is a marked man. 3. By my watch, which however is slow, it is only eight o'clock. 4. The father says his son will never succeed because he blurts things out. 5. The old man became a charge upon the town. 6. Why did you not heed my words? 7. We all have our hands full. 8. You can not put me off like this. 9. I can't quite see that. 10. He did come, but it was too late. ir. Will you be one of us ? 12. They came a short time ago. 1. balbig. 2. leibcr, Sf^egifter. 3. auf, nad^get)cu. 4. grün, Züt, 5. fal» ten. 6. ^ötcu. 7. §anb. 8. abfertigen, 9. n^oHen. 10. ^tvav, 11. babei. 12. furs. II I. What day of the month is it ? 2. There must be a change. 3. One must help his neighbor in distress. 4. Do not always be harping on the same old string. 5. We can't make head or tail of it. 6. How many persons are occupying this house? 7. He will not set the world on fire. 8. That caps the climax. 9. They have cheated him. 10. They want to deceive me. II. It seems I always get the worst of it. 12. This cloth is cheap, but the quality is in keeping with the price. 1. njieoielt. 2. merbcn. 3. nädjfi. 4. anftimmen. 5. barau«. 6. innc. 7. ^ulöer. 8. Äronc. 9. O^r. 10. l^ic^t. 11. furj. 12. banac^. 89 00 EXERCISES III I. To tell you the truth, I have not read the book. 2. Every- body says we made a lucky find. 3. It is hardly worth while. 4. As matters stand, they will not come to-day, but probably to- morrow. 5. Why don't you do it on your own hook ? 6. He lost his whole fortune. 7. The prettiest miss in the whole vil- lage gave him the mitten. 8. The cigars you gave me are not so bad. 9. When you get home, remember me to your mother. 10. I should like it if you did not mix me up in the affair. 11. If he does not run away, he will be put in jail. 12. I should rather die. 1. cigcntlid^. 2. gunb. 3. Tl\if)t. 4. liegen, tt)ol)l 5. %an% 6. fom» men. 7. 53acfftjcf), Äorb. 8. laffen. 9. §au8, empfehlen. 10. lieb, <2>pkl 11. ®taub, ^oif. 12. aeber. IV I. Why do you not get to work? 2. Get out of my way. 3. Excuse me. 4. Why do you pretend to be asleep ? 5. Fortu- nately there was no one at home. 6. All's well that ends well. 7. The Bible says, " Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother." 8. I saw him only yesterday, and to-day it is reported that he committed suicide. 9. I do not like you to put on airs. 10. Come, the sooner the better. 11. You must not be offended. 12. He is anything but stupid. 1. madden, 2. 2öeg. 3. entfc^utbigen. 4. tun. 5. ©liicf. 6. Snbc. 7. Reißen, jotlen. 8. erft, ^ei^en, bringen. 9. gefallen, breit. 10. je. 11. übel» netimen. 12. ttjcniger. V I. Will you do this to please me? That all depends. 2. The window looking on the yard affords a beautiful view. 3. We are in a dilemma. 4. You can depend upon it that he will accomplish it. 4. May I rely on him ? 6. You can be abso- EXERCISES 91 lutely sure of that. 7. He is the very man I am looking for. 8. He failed to pass the examination and was not promoted. 9. I will do my utmost. 10. He is thoroughly bad. 11. Boys will be boys. 12. What in the world can this mean ? 1. ©efaHen, je. 2. naiii, getoä^ren. 3. 'Stat 4. ocrtoffeu, 2öeg. 5. bür- fcn. 6. @ift. 7. eben. 8. bur(i)fatten, fi^en. 9. möglidi. 10. @runb. 11. 3ugcnb. 12. SSelt. VI I. There is a draught in this room. I caught cold here yes- terday. 2. He comes only now and then, but he is always wel- come. 3. He is not exactly my friend, but I like him. 4. We must not let ourselves be scared off. 5. I can say nothing but good of him. 6. He is at loggerheads with his brother. 7. Henry, were you playing truant again? 8. Don't crow too soon. 9. You will have to get along the best you can. 10. I will give him a piece of my mind. 11. That is pure fiction. 12. There is some truth in it. 1. sicken, erfälten. 2. bann, gern. 3. gcrabc, gem. 4. 3Bo(Jö^oni. 5. nadf: tagen. 6. @treit. 7. fc^iuängcn. 8. ^benb. 9. fertig. 10. 3Jieinung. 11. euft. 12. o^ne. VII I. May I have the pleasure of the next dance with you, Miss North ? 2. He makes no allowance for the cold weather. 3. Stick to the point. 4. If it did not rain so hard, we would pay our friend a visit. 5. If that's all, it will come out all right. 6. It will be a long time before that happens. 7. He is over head and ears in debt. 8. You are on the wrong track. 9. God is no respecter of persons. 10. He has feathered his nest. II. I can't quite see your argument. 12. I should not have thought him capable of that. 1. aufforbern. 2. ?)?iidtft(i)t. 3. @arf)e. 4. ftarf, abflatten. 5. treiter, madien. 6. ??erne. 7. big. 8. ^olsmeg. 9. ^crfon. 10, @(^äfd)en. 11. mU ten. 12. jutraucn. 92 EXERCISES VIII I. This remark does not refer to you. 2. He kills two birds with one stone. 3. You are in bad humor to-day. 4. Why do you go about it so gingerly ? 5. They put me off with fine speeches. 6. At heart he is a good man. 7. I wish to call your attention to the fact that agriculture takes first rank. 8. They made a great fuss. 9. Why can't you get along with him? 10. It is a put-up job. 11. Is it absolutely necessary for me to come ? 12. She can't bear the sight of him. 1. bc3iel)cn. 2. gtiegc. 3. ?aunc. 4. S3rei. 5. abfpeifen. 6. (Sninb. 7. aufmerffom, «Stelle. 8. SBefcn. 9. 3ured)tfommen. 10. abgetartet. 11. burd)au8. 12. tcibcn. IX I. I am sorry that their relations are strained. 2. I was un- certain as to what I should do. 3. He did not mean to do it. 4. According to my opinion you ought to let that pass. 5. I shall write at the first opportunity. 6. I gave it to him good. 7. If you did not mail the letters, you will have to go to the postoffice with them. 8. I shall not stand on a trifle. 9. The matter is urgent. 10. Something has gone wrong with him. 11. I never thought of such a thing. 12. Do you attach much importance to it ? 1. leib, gefpannt. 2. einig. 3. ^^lei^. 4. naaug. 5. fclbft, au8la(f)cn. 6. au«nia(i)cn, junia(f)en. 7. tt)i[[cn. 8. bren= nen. 9. treibcu. 10. 2üh. 11. SBeg. 12. ci. XVI I. Mind you don't appropriate the work of others. 2. Never put off till to-morrow what can be done to-day. 3. He coolly skipped. 4. I came near falling. 5. Do your home- work, or you will have to stay in to-morrow. 6. Then he thought better of it. 7. Will you give me another cup ? 8. How is your health to-day ? My stomach is out of order. 9. That is out of place, as matters stand. 10. What do you mean by that ? II. I know that by heart. 12. Just go on. 1. bafj, eigen. 2. auijdiiebcn. 3. nid)t«, burdibreunen. 4. balb. 5. Sliif^ Qahe, narfjft^en. 6. bebenfen. 7. iioc^. 8. ®efunbf)eit, ^aben. 9. ^|J(al?, liegen. 10. bebeutcn. 11. augwenbig. 12. nur. XVII I. My father used to say» *' More haste, less speed." 2. The patient has taken no food in five days and is dying. 3. It is all very well for you to talk. 4. What is the matter with you ? 5. It is too funny for anything. 6. Here is the general deliv- ery window. 7. Please send my letters in care of Mr. N. 8. Answer my letter by return mail. 9. I shall write you before the end of the week. 10. He is by far the best. 11. He is pretty much the same age as I am. 12. Charity begins at home. 1. Pflegen, (Sile. 2. nehmen, 3ug. 3. gnt. 4. I)oben. 5. 2:otlQd)en. 6. poftlagcrnb. 7. bitten, per. 8. umgeljen. 9. nod). 10. welt, 11. jtem- lid). 12. nä^% 96 EXERCISES XVIII I. Why don't you broach the matter ? 2. I am at your ser- vice. 3. If the weather should change, perhaps you will feel like taking a walk? 4. It is a long time since 1 saw you. 5. He was about to leave town, but we upset his plans. 6. To tell the plain truth, he is a henpecked husband. 7. He is super- fluous. 8. He is not like the same fellow. 9. This day week I was staying with my friend. 10. This day week we shall go to the country. 11. It is hard to get along with him. 12. What can I do for you ? 1. laptt 2. ftc^en. 3. \oUt\\, ?u[t. 4. nicf)t. .5. 33e(?rtff, 9?e(f)nung. 6. fagen, ^antoffell^clb. 7. 9lab. 8. ol^nUc^. 9. ^eute, ®aft. 10. ^cutc, ?aub. 11. m\\ä)t. 12. gcfämg. XIX I. All aboard for Aachen. 2. Where do we change cars for Dresden? 3. Have you bought your ticket ? 4. Shall we travel second or third class ? 5. Do we go by way of Cologne ? 6. We are going to make a little side-trip to Mannheim, but for the present we shall stay here. 7. We shall arrive at Frankfort this evening. 8. We may consider ourselves lucky that we did not travel by that train. 9. That's the way of the world. 10. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 11. Will the ladies and gentle- men dine now? 12. Waiter, the bill, please. 1. cinfteigcn. 2. umfteigen. 3. löfcn. 4. fa'^rcn. 5. über. 6. %h' ftecf)er, ^anb. 7. eintreffen. 8. fagen. 9. l^erge'^en. 10. Reuten. 11. ^txv' fd^aft. 12. jagten. XX I. How old do you take him to be ? 2. He is some eighty years old. 3. W^hat is the state of his health ? 4, He is ill, or even dead by this time. 5. We do not wish to be a burden on you. 6. There is not a soul at home. 7, What do you infer EXERCISES '97 from that? 8. It is all Greek to me. 9. I have often given him a lecture, but he always takes his own way. 10. His scheme came to nought. 11. All is not lost yet. 12. He would be here unless he is ill. 1. fcJ^Qljcn. 2. einig. 3. SBeftnbcn. 4. gar. 5. ?Qft. 6. 2Renjc^. I. jrf)Iic§cn. 8. bö^mijc^. 9. lefen, l^onbeln. 10. SSoffcr. 11. ^olcn. 12. muffen. XXI I. I am doing this of my own free will. 2. Now is the time to show your colors. 3. I can not bring myself to put the old dog out of the way. 4. Let us think no more of it. 5. Well, what strange things can happen in this world ! 6. We all had a narrow escape. 7. That comes in just right. 8. I am quite agreeable that you should try other means. 9. What has become of my hat? 10. I have lost track of him. 11. A good begin- ning is half the battle. 12. He sticks to me like a burr. 1. frei. 2. gelten, garbe. 3. ^erj, fdjoffcn. 4. fc^Iagen. 5. nein. 6. tnapp. 7. treffen. 8. rec^t, etnfc^Iogen. 9. I^infommen. 10. fommen. II. frtfd). 12. XXII I. Can you give me change for five dollars? 2. Every one has his limitations. 3. We shall not do that in any event. 4. There is no remedy for death. 5. He is low-spirited and mutters. 6. They are hand and glove together. 7. Not till then did it occur to me that I had no money about me. 8. We could scarcely keep from laughing. 9. Time will show whether he is adapted to the position. 10. It is all up with him. II. Th^t proved effectual with him. 12. You must not make sport of him. 1. herausgeben. 2. SBaunt. 3. ^alt. 4. Äraut. 5. ©rifle, S3art. 6. S)e(fe- 7. erft, bet. 8. entl)alten. 9. teuren, paffen. 10. SJiatt^äu«. 11. anfc^Iagen. 12. befl. 98 EXERCISES XXIII I. If one has a well-filled purse, he can make his way through the world. 2. Do not mispronounce the word. 3. There is no use crying over spilt mUk. 4. He has big ideas and puts on airs. 5. I do not trouble my head about it. 6. He makes great pretensions, but is highly respected. 7. In short, from this day forth things must go differently. 8. He is flourish- ing. 9. That beats everything. 10. He has his own troubles. II. You'd better not come. 12. In the abstract it is true. 1. 58örjc, SScIt. 2. folfc^. 3. änbent. 4. ^opl brcit. 5. fiimmcnt. 6. 5lujpruci), angcje^cn. 7. machen, an. 8. SBcijcn. 9. über. 10. dlot 11. lieber. 12. für. XXIV I. It makes no difference whether he flares up or not. 2. I lose all patience with those who are always picking a quarrel. 3. Do you attach much importance to it? 4. They are on good terms with each other. 5. It amounts to the same thing. 6. I do not agree with him. 7. If this seat is not engaged, you may bring me a sandwich. 8. Will you do an errand for me ? 9. Do not stand on ceremony. 10. Do not be too hard on him. II. It is not as easy as it looks. 12. His life is at stake. 1. QU«mo(f)en, ^euer. 2. auSgctien, §anbel. 3. legen. 4. gu^. 5. fjer- augfommen. 6. übereinftimmen. 7. belegt. 8. @ang. 9. Umftanb. 10. ®eri(^t. 11. ^aten. 12. ?eben. XXV I. Now tell us what to do. 2. You must accommodate your- self to his wishes if you wish to accomplish anything. 3. Is he angry with you ? 4. Somebody must have given him a hint of it. 5. I gave him a good scolding. 6. The physician has set him on his feet again. 7. I shall give him a lecture. 8. Don't you do it. 9. I can not get it out of my head, 10, We come * EXERCISES 99 with the intention of learning, ii. Where is he employed? 12. Open the book. 1. Sftat. 2. rid)ten, ausrichten. 3. böfe. 4. ftecfen. 5. ^elg. 6. 2)amm. 7. lefcn. 8. bleiben. 9. @inn. 10. 5lbft(f)t. 11. anftetten. 12. aufschlagen. XXVI I. We must find that out. 2. Do you look forward to it with pleasure ? 3. I will allow that you are right. 4. Shall we con- sider the matter in private ? 5. We will need that anyhow. 6. Do not act as if you were not in your right senses. 7. Make yourself at home. 8. Tell me what it is all about. 9. He spares no pains in anything. 10. Necessity knows no law. II. The worst is over. 12. Time will show. 1. au«finbig. 2. barauf. 3. joUen. 4. 5Iuge. 5. fo. 6. anfteUen, bei. 7. bequem. 8. t)anbeln. 9. öerbrte^en. 10. (Sifen. 11. fd^wer. 12. lehren. XXVII I. What is the use of crying ? You escaped unharmed. 2. If he had not abandoned me, I should have given him a fresh start. 3. It was intended to anger me. 4. If I could get at him, I would give him a whipping. 5. There is no doubt that he was rebuffed. 6. It is to be had for nothing. 7. Things have taken a new turn. 8. He is in reduced circumstances. 9. He always paid in advance. 10. I'll take no orders from you. II. I can not agree to that. 12. He makes a poor appearance. 1. follen, ^aut. 2. @tid^, S3ttn. 3. anlegen. 4. beifommen, @ci)Iag. 5. 3rt)eifel, abbilden. 6. umfonft. 7. tt)enben. 8. herunter. 9. öorauS. 10. befehlen. 11. eingetjen. 12. ausnehmen. XXVIII I. I am in the humor to give you a blowing up. 2. He tried to humbug me. 3. How is he behaving ? 4. So far as I am 100 ' EXERCISES concerned, I shall make short work of it. 5. Please step this way. 6. They can manage him easily. 7. How high up in his class is he ? 8. That was a good guess. 9. Let him do as he likes. 10. The enemy was put to the sword. 11. Why reject the good with the bad ? 12. Now we will stop work for the day. 1. 3iig, Äopf. 2. 36. 3. aupt)ren. 4. betreffen, ^eberlcfen. .5. be^ mii^en. 6. Ieid)t. 7. trieüielt. 8, roten. 9. fd^alten. 10. .^Unge. 11. Äinb. 12. geierabenb. XXIX I. He is not the man for it. 2. Will he become a physician ? He is not likely to. 3. His name has slipped my memory. 4. You are bored because you do not know how to take a joke. 5. A burnt child dreads the fire. 6. I'll make him suffer for it. 7. My plan miscarried. 8. His work has been successful be- cause he thought it worth while. 9. He departed this life in his best years. 10. Mark what I tell you. 11, Everything is topsy-turvy here. 12. I am in a hurry. 1. 3fW9- 2. au6fef)en. 3. entfalten. 4. ^angetneile, @pa^. 5. (grfa!^= rung. 6. entgelten. 7. fe^If(^Iagen. 8. geraten, Mü\)t, 9. jeitlic^, Sllter. 10. ac^t. 11. brübcr. 12. (Sue. XXX I. They pulled themselves together and stood the test. 2. Were you among the number, too ? 3. They were all young people. 4. It is his way to presume too much, 5. Will you join us in the trip? 6. Don't be so inquisitive. 7» Some time we will meet again. 8. We should consider it our duty to do it. 9. Beware of this man. 10. I shall not put an obstacle in his way. II. He has a good reputation. 12. And there's an end of it. 1. gufommenne^men, ^robe. 2. barnnter. 3. louter. 4. 5(rt, anmaßen. 5. Partie. 6. 53aner. 7. 3a^r. 8. anfe^en. 9. f)üten. 10. legen. 11. $Ruf. 12. ^unftuui. 4' HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY 1 mi'ni'h"!"' '' ""' ".'' *"* '^5* "««« ««aniped below Renewals and rechaj-es „3,,,, 3,,,, ,^^p^.^^ *^^ ^"«^ÄM^AU 7 DArs LD21— A-40m-8,'75 (S7737L) . General Library University of California Berkeley GENEB/>U,BB/,„y.ü.c. BERKELEY