Ordnance Pamphlet No. 293 "V^-Crvv AL , o\ EXPLANATORY NOTES. This table is calculated for a temperature of the atmosphere of 59° F., and a barometric pressure of 29.53 inches, the air being assumed to be half saturated. The powder is assumed to give normal velocity when at 90° F. Ingalls's ballistic tables have been used for computing columns 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, as well as for computing the altitude factor in the ballistic coefficient. Alger's formulas were used for computing columns 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Davis's formula (formula given in Fullam and Hart) was used for computing column 9. Computations were made for every 500 yards and the columns completed by interpolation. Columns 1-5, 7, 8 need no explanation. Column gives the total drift in yards, computed by Mayevski's formula, multiplied by 1.5. Column 9 gives penetration of Harveyized armor. To get penetration of Krupp armor, multiply figures given by T V To get change of range for variation of ± 10 F. S. I. V., multiply figures given by i. To get change of range for variation of 1 per cent in density of air, multiply figures given by ,V The density of the air is assumed to be unity at 59° F. and 29.53 inches barometric height. The density of the air for any temperature and barometric height is given in Table II, Alger's exterior ballistics. This column also represents the effect on the range of a variation of ±10 per cent in the ballistic coefficient, I.V. remaining the same. Column 11 gives the change of range for a variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile, the, charge remaining the same. For a variation of 1 pound, multiply figures in column 11 by i' ff - In columns 13-18, a wind of 24 knots makes twice the effect tabulated. Column 19 shows how much the point of impact is raised or lowered on a vertical screen by raising or lowering the sight bar 100 yards, the actual range remaining fixed. The change in range due to a variation 6t±¥ in the angle of departure may be deduced directly from the table. For a variation of ±10° F. in temperature of powder, there is caused a corresponding change in the initial velocity of 35 feet per second approximately. 10391—09 1 RANGE^ABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2 ,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. ! Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of 1 range for j variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. / . Seconds. Foot-seconds. 2,700 2,690 Yards. Yards. 100 Feet. Inches. 24.3 24.1 Yards. 7 100 2.3 2 .11 200 4.7 5 .22 ' 2,681 200 24.0 13 300 7.0 7 .33 2,671 300 23.9 18 400 9.4 10 .44 2,662 400 23.8 22 500 11.7 12 .56 2,652 500 23.7 25 600 14.0 14 .67 2, 643 600 1 23.6 28 700 16.4 17 .79 2,633 700 2 23.5 31 800 IS. 7 19 .90 2,624 800 3 23.4 33 ; 900 21.1 22 1.02 2,615 900 4 23.3 36 1,000 23.4 24 1.13 2,606 0.5 1,000 5 23.2 39 ; 1,100 25.8 27 1.25 2,596 .6 1,100 6 23. 1 42 1,200 28.2 29 1.36 2,587 .6 1,200 7 23.0 45 1,300 30.6 32 1.48 2,578 .7 1,300 8 22.9 47 1,400 33.0 * 34 1.59 2,569 .7 1,400 9 22.8 50 1,500 35.4 37 1.71 2,560 .8 1,500 11 22.7 53 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. ijt/> Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of lire of 12 knots. Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Feet. 1 2 3 i 1 2 1 1 2 l 2 1 1 2 4 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 6 6 7 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 1 7 6 6 6 6 1 8 2 7 7 7 7 2 9 3 8 8 8 8 2 9 4 9 9 9 9 2 10 5 9 9 9 9 2 10 6 10 10 10 10 2 11 7 11 11 11 11 3 o a rr t\c%i\ RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of 'projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61. Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striving velocity. Drift. Danger space for a tarcet 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. * „ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. . Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 1,500 35.4 37 1.71 2,560 .8 1,500 n 22.7 53 1,600 37.8 40 1.83 2,550 .9 1,600 13 22.6 56 1,700 40.3 42 1.95 , 2, 541 .9 1,700 15 22.5 59 1,800 42.8 45 2.07 2,532 1.0 1,800 17 22.4 61 1,900 45.3 47 2.19 2,523 1.0 1,900 19 22.3 64 2, 000 47.8 50 2.31 2,514 1.1 564 21 22. 2 67 2, 100 50.3 52 2.43 2,505 1.1 527 23 22. 1 70 2, 200 52.9 55 2.55 2,496 1.2 493 25 22.0 73: 2,300 55.4 58 2.67 2,487 1.3 462 27 21.9 76 2,400 58.0 1 01 2.79 2,478 1.4 434 30 21.8 79 2,500 1 00.5 1 04 2.91 2,469 1.5 409 33 21.7 82 2,600 1 03.1 1 07 3.03 2,460 1.6 387 36 21.6 85 2,700 1 05.6 1 10 3.15 2,451 1.7 367 39 21.5 88 2,800 1 08.2 1 13 3.27 2,442 1.8 349 42 21.4 91 2, 900 1 10.8 1 16 3.39 2,433 1.9 333 45 21.3 94 3, 000 1 13.4 1 19 3.52 2,424 2.0 318 48 21.2 97 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. ' Waight of projectile for which this table is cilculzted, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2 ,700 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61. Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. Yards. 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. Yards. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. 13 Yards. Change of range for motion of gnn in plane of Are of 12 knots. 14 Change of range for motion of Deviation for lateral wind com- planToVfirelP-l^^ of 12 knots. knots. 15 Fords. 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 Yards. 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 .20 21 21 22 23 16 Yards. Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pen lieular to line of fire, \ to line of fire. speed of 12 ' speed of 12 knots. knots. 18 Yards. 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 Yards. 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 19 Feet. 10391—09- RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle oi depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. rime of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for ; a target 20 ! feet high. \ Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- < jectiles. Change of ranee for variation of ± 50 foot- econds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. • ' • ' Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 3,000 1 13.4 1 19 3.52 i 2,424 2.0 318 48 21.2 97 3,100 1 16.0 1 22 3.64 2,415 2.1 304 ; 52 21.1 100 3,200 1 18.6 1 25 3.77 2,406 2.3 291 56 21.0 103 3,300 i 1 21.2 1 28 3.89 2,397 2.4 279 ; 60 20.9 106 3, 400 1 23.9 1 31 4.02 2,388 2.6 269 64 20.8 109 3,500 1 26.6 1 34 4.14 2,380 2.7 260 68 20.7 112 3,600 1 29.3 1 37 4.27 2,371 2.9 251 72 20.6 115 3,700 1 32.0 1 40 4.39 2,363 3.0 242 76 20.5 118 3,800 1 34.7 1 43 4.52 2,354 3.2 234 81 20.4 121 3, 900 1 37.4 1 46 4.64 2,346 3.4 226 86 20.3 124 4,000 1 40.2 1 50 4.77 2,337 3.6 219 91 20.2 127 4,100 1 43.0 1 53 4.90 2,329 3.8 212 96 20.1 130 4,200 1 45.8 1 57 5.03 2,320 4.0 206 101 20.0 133 4,300 1 48.6 2 00 5.16 2,312 4.2 200 106 19.9 136 4,400 1 51.4 2 04 5.29 2,303 4.5 194 112 19.8 139 4,500 1 54.2 2 07 5.42 2,295 4.7 188 118 19.8 142 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 '00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of ranee for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. 11 Yards. 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. Yards. 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 37 39 40 42 44 Yards. Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 Yards. 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Yards. 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 '34 35 36 Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. 16 Yards. Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 17 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 Yards. 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. Feet. 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture =angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall, i Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. » ' • ' Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 4, 500 1 54.2 2 07 5.42 2,295 4.7 188 118 19.8 142 1 4,600 1 57.0 2 10 5.55 2,286 5.0 182 124 19.7 145 4,700 1 59.9 2 14 5.68 2,278 5.2 177 130 19.6 148 4,800 2 02.8 2 18 5.81 2,270 5.5 • 172 136 19.5 151 4,900 2 05.7 2 21 5.95 2,262 5.7 167 142 19.4 154 5,000 2 08.6 2 25 6.08 2,254 6.0 162 149 19.4 157 5,100 2 11.5 2 28 6.22 2,245 6.2 158 156 19.3 160 5,200 2 14.4 2 32 6.35 2,237 6.5 154 ;63 19.2 163 5,300 2 17.4 2 36 6.49 2,229 6.8 150 170 19.1 166 5,400 2 20.4 2 40 6.62 2,221 7.1 147 177 19.0 169 5,500 2 23.4 2 44 6.76 2,213 7.4 143 184 18.9 172 5,600 2 26.4 2 48 6.89 2,205 7.7 140 191 18.8 175 5,700 2 29.4 2 52 7.03 2,197 8.1 137 199 18.7 178 5,800 2 32.4 2 56 7.17 2,189 8.4 133 207 18.6 180 5,900 2 35.4 3 00 7.31 2,181 8.8 130 215 18.5 183 6,000 2 38.5 3 04 7.45 2,173 9.1 127 223 18.5 186 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Wright of projectile for which this table is calculate!, 870 pounis. Initial velocity, 2 ,700 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61. Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. 11 Yards. 27 27 28 28 29 29 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. Yards. 44 46 48 51 53 55 Yards. 6 6 6 6 6 7 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- Deviation for lateral wind com- Yards. 30 31 31 32 32 33 knots. 16 Yards. 36 37 38 39 40 41 Ford*. speed of 12 knots. 17 Yards. 33 34 35 35 36 37 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Change in I height of Impact for i variation of ±100 yards in sight bar. 19 Yards. 36 37 38 39 40 41 Feet. 11 11 11 12 12 12 20 29 30 30 31 31 57 60 62 65 67 34 34 35 35 36 42 43 43 44 45 38 39 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 12 13 13 14 14 31 32 32 33 33 70 72 75 77 80 8 9 9 10 10 37 37 38 38 39 46 47 48 49 50 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 14 15 15 16 16 10391—09- 10 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ' ture= angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration of harveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 * i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. • ' ° ' Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 6,000 2 38.5 3 04 7.45 2,173 9.1 127 223 18.5 186 ! 6,100 2 41.6 3 08 7.59 2,165 9.5 124 231 18.4 189 6, 200 2 44.7 3 12 7.73 2,157 9.8 122 240 18.3 192 6,300 2 47.8 3 16 7.87 2,149 10.2 119 249 18.2 194 6, 400 2 50.9 3 20 8.01 2,141 10.6 117 258 18.1 197 6,500 2 54.0 3 24 8.15 2,133 11.0 114 267 18.1 200 6,600 2 57.1 3 28 8.29 2,125 11.4 112 276 18.0 203 i 6,700 3 00.3 3 32 8.43 2,117 11.9 110 286 17.9 206 6,800 3 03. 5 3 36 8.57 2,109 12.3 107 296 17.8 208 6, 900 3 06.7 3 40 8.72 2,101 12.8 105 306 17.7 211 7,000 3 09.9 3 45 8.86 2,094 13.2 103 316 17.7 214 7,100 3 13.1 3 49 9.01 2,086 13.7 101 326 17.6 217 7,200 3 16.3 3 54 9.15 2,079 14.1 99 337 17.5 220 7,300 3 19.6 3 58 9.30 2,071 14.6 98 348 17.4 222 7,400 3 22.9 4 03 9.44 2,064 15.1 96 359 17.3 225 7,500 3 26.2 4 07 9.59 2,056 15.6 94 370 17.3 228 11 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of t 10 pounds in weight of projectile. Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Yards. 33 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. 13 Yards. 80 33 83 10 34 86 11 34 88 11 36 91 12 35 94 12 97 100 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 Yards. Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 10 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 Yards. 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Deviation for lateral wind corn- Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- ponento 12 Pedicular i-Vwvfo i to line of f re 16 re, speed of 12 knots. 17 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Yards. Yards. 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 1» Yards. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Feet. 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 12 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 8 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 10 Yards. • ' • » Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 7,500 3 26.2 4 07 9.59 2,056 15.6 94 370 17.3 228 7, 600 3 29.5 4 12 9.73 2,048 16.1 92 381 17.2 231 7,700 3 32.8 4 16 9.88 2, 041 16.7 90 393 17.1 233 7,800 3 36.2 4 21 10.03 2,033 17.2 89 405 17.0 236 7,900 3 39.6 4 25 10.18 2,026 17.8 87 417 16.9 238 8,000 3 43.0 4 30 10.33 2,018 18.3 85 429 16.9 241 8,100 3 46.4 4 35 10.48 2,011 18.9 84 442 16.8 244 i 8,200 3 49.8 4 40 10.63 2,003 19.4 82 455 16.7 246 8,300 3 53.2 4 45 10.78 1,996 20.0 81 468 16.6 249 8,400 3 56.7 4 50 10.93 1,988 20.6 79 481 16.5 251 8,500 4 00.2 4 55 11.09 1,981 21.2 78 494 16.5 254 8,600 4 03.7 5 00 11.24 1,973 21.8 77 508 16.4 256 8,700 4 07.2 . 5 05 11.40 1,966 22.5 76 522 16.3 259 8,800 4 10.7 5 10 11.55 1,959 23.1 74 536 16.2 261 8,900 4 14.2 5 15 11.71 1,952 23.8 73 550 16.1 264 9,000 4 17.8 5 21 11.86 1,945 24.4 72 565 16.1 266 13 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of , Change of j Change of I Change of ' Change of Deviation range for ! range for range for i range for I range for w Hieril variation of variation of wind com- I motion of motion of ' ± 10 pounds density of ponent in ' gun in plane ' target in wind com- in weight of air of ± 10 | plane of fire ; of fire of 12 \ plane of fire i p T.„„ t ° projectile. 11 Yards. 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 ; 39 39 ; 39 39 39 per cent. I of 12 knots. knots. J of 12 knots. 12 Yatds. 123 i 126 ! 129 133 136 ! 139 142 146 149 \ 153 156 [ 160 164 | 167 171 175 13 Yards. 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 14 Yards. 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 15 Yards. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 knots. 16 Yards. Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 17 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 Yards. 56 57 58 58 59 60 61 61 62 62 63 64 65 65 66 67 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 19 Feet. 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 10391—09- 14 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2, 7 CO f cot-secerns. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- j tnre= angle of : A , . f „ elevation plus I Angle 0I mu jump. Yards. 9,000 j 4 17.8 5 21 Time of flight. Striking velocity. Seconds. Foot-seconds. 11.86 ! 1,945 Drift. 6 Danger space for a target 20 feet high. 7 Yards. 24.4 Yards. 72 Maximum ordinate. 8 Feet. 565 Penetration of harveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. !• Ivelif*. 16.1 Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 10 Yards. 266 9,100 j 4 21.4 I 5 26 9,200 | 4 25.0 5 31 9,300 | 4 28.6 5 36 9,400 | 4 32.2 j 5 42 9,500 j 4 35.9 j 5 47 12.02 1,938 25.1 71 580 16.0 12.17 1,931 | 25.7 70 595 ' 15.9 12.33 1,924 ! 26.4 68 610 j 15.8 12.48 1,917 27.1 ; 67 626 15.7 12.64 1,910 27.8 66 642 15.7 268 271 273 276 278 9,600 4 39.6 5 53 12. 79 1,903 28.6 65 658 15.6 280 9,700 4 43.3 5 58 12.95 1,896 29.3 64 674 15.6 282 9,800 4 47.0 6 04 13.11 1,889 30.1 63 691 15.5 285 9, 900 4 50. 7 6 09 13.27 1,882 30.8 62 708 15.5 287 10, 000 4 54.4 6 15 13.43 1,876 31.6 61 725 15.4 289 10, 100 4 58.2 6 20 13.59 1,869 32.4 60 743 15.3 291 10, 200 5 02.0 6 26 13. 75 1,862 33.2 59 761 15.2 293 10, 300 5 05.8 6 32 13.91 1,855 34.0 59 779 15.1 296 10, 400 5 09.6 6 38 14.07 1, 848 34.8 58 797 15.0 298 10, 500 5 13.4 6 44 14.24 1,842 35.6 57 815 15.0 300 15 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form — .61 . Change of Change of range for range for variation of variation of ± 10 pounds j density of in weight of air of ±10 projectile. yards. 39 39 39 40 40 40 per cent. 12 Yards. 175 179 183 187 191 195 Change of range for win J com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. IS Fords. 24 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 24 25 25 26 26 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Yards. 56 57 57 58 58 59 Deviation for lateral win :1 com- ponent of 12 knots. 16 Yards. 80 81 82 83 84 85 Yards. 12 12 12 12 12 13 Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of tire, speed of 12 knots. 17 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of hre, speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 67 68 69 69 70 71 Yards. 80 81 82 83 84 85 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight nar. 19 Feet. 28 28 29 29 30 30 20 40 199 40 203 40 208 40 212 40 216 40 220 40 225 40 229 40 234 40 238 27 59 27 60 28 60 28 61 29 61 30 30 31 31 32 61 62 62 63 63 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 72 73 73 74 75 76 77 77 78 79 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 16 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 founds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with cappel pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 •2 3 i 5 6 7 Yards. 8 » 10 Yards. • ' " ' Secoiids. Foot-seconds. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 10, 500 5 13.4 6 44 14. 24 1,842 35.6 57 815 15.0 300 10, 600 5 17.3 6 50 14.40 1,835 36.4 56 834 14.9 302 10, 700 5 21.2 6 56 14.57 1,829 37.3 55 853 14.9 304 10, 800 5 25.1 7 02 14.73 1,822 38.2 55 873 14.8 307 10, 900 5 29.0 7 08 14.90 1,816 39.1 54 893 14.8 309 11,000 5 32.9 7 15 15.06 1,809 40.0 53 913 14.7 311 11, 100 5 36.9 7 21 15.23 1,803 40.9 52 934 14.6 313 11,200 5 40.9 7 27 15.39 1,796 41.8 51 955 14.6 315 11,300 5 44.9 7 33 15.56 1,790 42.8 51 976 14.5 317 11,400 5 48.9 7 40 15.73 1,783 43.8 50 997 14.5 319 11,500 5 52.9 7 46 15.90 1,777 44.8 49 1,019 14.4 321 11,600 5 57.0 7 53 16.07 1,770 45.8 48 1,041 14.3 323 11,700 6 01.1 7 59 16.24 1,764 46.8 48 1,064 14.3 325 11,800 6 05.2 8 06 16.41 1,758 47.8 47 1, 087 14.2 327 i 11, 900 6 09.3 8 12 16.58 1,752 48.8 47 1,110 14.2 329 12, 000 6 13.5 8 19 16.76 1,746 49.9 46 1,133 14.1 331 17 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. 11 Yards. 40 40 40 40 40 41) 40 40 40 39 39 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Yards. 238 Change of j Change of | Change of range for : range for ; range for , wind com- motion of motion of i witlf i Pom ponent in gun in plane target in j non „n t of ," 2 plane of fire of fire of 12 i plane of fire l p v " t « of 12 knots. knots. ' of 12 knots. KD0K> ' Deviation Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular Change in height of impact for variation of to line of tire, [ to line of fire, \ ± 100 yards 13 242 247 251 256 260 265 269 274 278 283 39 288 39 292 39 297 39 301 39 306 Yards. 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 ' 37 37 38 ! 39 40 40 41 42 14 Yards. 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 70 15 Yards. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 113 16 Fords. 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 speed of 12 knots. 17 speed of 12 i in sight bar. knots. 80 80 81 81 82 83 84 84 85 86 87 88 88 89 90 18 Yards. Yards. 79 96 97 98 99 100 1.01 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 113 19 Feet. 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 20 18 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, £ ,700 foot-seconds Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger sp;ice for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± HO foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. • ' • Seconds. Fool-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 12, 000 6 13.5 8 19 16.76 1,746 49.9 46 1,133 14.1 331 12, 100 6 17.7 8 25 16.94 1,740 51.0 45 1, 157 14.0 333 12, 200 6 21.9 8 32 17. 11 ' 1, 734 52. 1 45 1, 181 14.0 335 , 12, 300 6 26.1 8 39 17.29 1,728 53.2 44 1,205 13.9 337 ! 12, 400 6 30.3 8 46 17.46 1,723 54.3 44 1,230 13.9 339 12, 500 6 34.6 8 53 17.64 1,717 55.4 43 1,255 13.8 341 12, 600 6 38.9 9 00 17.81 1,711 56.6 42 1,281 13.7 343 12, 700 6 43.2 9 07 17.99 1,706 57.8 42 1, 307 13.7 345 12, 800 6 47.5 9 14 18. 17 1,700 59.0 41 1, 333 13.6 347 12, 900 6 51.8 9 21 18.35 1,695 60.2 41 1,359 13.6 349 13, 000 6 56.2 9 29 18. 53 1,689 61.4 40 1,386 13.5 351 13, 100 7 00.6 9 36 18.71 1,683 62.6 39 1,413 13.4 353 1.3, 200 7 05.0 9 44 18.89 1,678 63.9 39 1,441 13.4 355 13, 300 7 09.4 9 51 19.07 1,672 65.2 38 1,469 13.3 357 13, 400 7 13.9 9 59 19.25 1,667 66.5 38 1,497 13.3 359 13, 500 7 18.4 10 06 19.44 1,661 67.8 38 1,526 13.2 361 19 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 CO foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of ± 10 pomi'ls in weight of projectile. Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 )''irds. Yards. yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Yards. Feet. 39 306 42 70 113 22 90 113 43 39 311 43 71 114 22 91 114 44 39 315 44 71 115 23 92 115 44 38 320 44 72 116 23 92 116 45 38 324 45 72 117 24 93 117 45 38 329 46 73 119 24 94 119 46 38 334 47 73 120 24 95 120 47 38 339 48 74 121 25 96 121 48 38 343 48 74 122 25 96 122 48 38 348 49 75 123 26 97 123 49 38 353 50 75 125 26 98 125 50 38 358 51 75 126 27 99 126 51 38 363 51 76 127 27 100 127 51 37 "368 52 76 128 28 100 128 52 37 373 52 77 129 28 101 129 52 37 378 53 77 131 29 102 131 53 20 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 'pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Yards. 13, 500 13, 600 13, 700 13, 800 13, 900 14, 000 14, 100 14, 200 14, 300 14, 400 Anele of depar- &«S$Su°J An,leoffall.|Ti ra eof flig ht.| SWHgS jump. 7 18.4 ! 10 ' Seconds. 06 I 19.44 7 22.9 I 10 14 I 19.62 7 27.4 I 10 21 ! 7 31.9 j 10 29 7 36.5 | 10 36 7 41. 1 10 44 7 45.7 7 50.3 7 55.0 7 59.7 14,500 i 8 04.4 10 51 10 59 11 07 11 15 11 23 14,700 j 8 13.9 11 39 14,800 | 8 18.7 11 47 14,900 ; 8 23.5 11 56 15,000 ; 8 28.3 12 04 19.81 19.99 20.18 20.36 20.92 21. 11 21.30 14,600 8 09. 1 j 11 31 I 21.49 21.68 21.87 22.06 22.26 Foot-seconds. 1,661 20.55 1 20. 73 1 639 634 Drift. 6 Yards. 67.8 656 69.1 650 70. 5 645 71.9 73.3 74.7 629 j 76.1 624 ' 77.6 619 79. 1 614 | 80.6 609 82. 1 604 83. 6 600 85. 1 595 86.7 591 88.3 586 i 89.9 1 Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. 7 8 Yards. Feet. 38 1,526 ! 37 1,555 37 1,585 36. 1,615 36 1,645 35 1,676 34 1,707 34 1,739 33 1,771 33 1,803 33 1,836 32 1,869 32 1,903 31 1,937 31 1,971 31 2,006 Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. B Inches. 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.8 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 10 Yards. 361 363 365 367 369 371 373 375 377 379 381 383 385 387 389 391 21 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. Change of ranee for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Fords. Yards. 37 378 37 383 37 388 37 393 37 398 37 403 Change of Change of range for range for wind com- motion of ponent in gnn in plane plane of fire of fire of 12 of 12 knots. knots. 13 Yards. 53 54 55 55 56 57 Change of range for motion of •fSSffl' of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral wind corn- knots. 14 Yards. 77 78 78 79 79 80 15 Yards. 131 ! 132 133 | 134 135 137 16 Yards. 29 29 30 30 31 31 Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 17 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 102 103 104 104 105 106 Yards. 131 132 133 134 135 137 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 19 Feet. 53 54 54 55 55 56 37 37 36 36 36 408 413 419 424 429 58 59 59 60 61 80 81 81 82 82 138 139 141 142 143 31 ! 32 32 33 33 107 107 108 108 109 138 139 141 142 143 57 58 58 59 60 36 36 35 35 35 434 439 445 450 455 62 63 63 64 65 82 83 83 84 84 144 146 147 149 150 34 34 35 35 ! 36 110 111 111 112 113 144 146 147 149 150 61 62 62 63 64 22 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2, ? '00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. i Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 i 4 5 6 7 8 » 10 Yards. ' • ' Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 15, 000 8 28.3 12 04 22.26 1,586 89.9 31 2,006 12.5 391 15, 100 8 33.2 12 13 22.45 1,581 91.5 30 2,041 12.4 393 15, 200 8 38.1 12 21 22.65 1,577 93.1 30 2,077 12.4 395 15, 300 8 43.0 12 30 22.84 1,572 94.8 29 2,113 12.3 397 15, 400 8 47.9 12 38 23.04 1,568 96.5 29 2,149 12.3 399 15, 500 8 52.8 12 47 23.23 1,563 98.2 29 2,186 12.3 401 15, 600 8 57.8 12 55 23.43 1,559 100.0 28 2,223 12.2 403 15, 700 9 02.8 13 04 23.62 1,554 101.8 28 2,261 12.1 405 15, 800 9 07.8 13 13 23.82 1,550 103.6 27 2,299 12.1 407 15, 900 9 12.8 13 22 24.02 1,545 105.4 27 2,337 12.0 409 16, 000 9 17.9 13 31 24.22 1,541 107. 2 27 2,376 12.0 411 16, 100 9 23.0 13 40 24.42 1,537 109.1 26 2,415 11.9 413 16, 200 9 28.1 13 49 24.62 1,532 111.0 26 2,455 11.9 415 16, 300 9 33.2 13 58 24.82 1,528 112.9 26 2,495 11.8 417 16, 400 9 38.3 14 07 25.02 1,523 114.8 26 2,535 11.8 419 16, 500 9 43.5 14 16 25.23 1,519 116.7 26 2,576 11.8 421 23 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for Change of range for variation of variation of ± 10 pounds density of in weight of air of ±10 projectile. per cent. 11 Yards. 35 35 35 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 12 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of hre of 12 knots. 18 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 Change of range for motion of target in plane of tire of 12 knots. Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. Yards. 455 460 465 471 476 481 486 492 497 503 508 514 519 525 530 536 Yards. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Yards. 84 84 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 90 90 Deviation Deviation for lateral i for lateral Change in motion of - motion of height of gun per- , target per- i impact for pendicular j pendicular I variation of to line of nre, ' to line of nre, j ± 100 yards speed of 12 j speed of 12 ' in sight bar. knots. knots. 15 Yards. 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 159 160 162 163 164 166 167 169 170 16 Fords. 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 17 Yards. 113 114 115 115 116 117 118 119 119 120 121 122 123 123 124 125 18 19 Yards. 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 159 160 162 163 164 166 167 169 170 Feet. 64 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 74 75 76 24 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. . Initial velocity, 2, 700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61. Kange. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger space for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. ' • Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 16, 500 9 43.5 14 16 25.23 1,519 116.7 26 2,576 11.8 421 16, 600 9 48.7 14 25 25.43 1,515 118.7 25 2,617 11.7 423 16, 700 9 53.9 14 34 25.64 1,511 120.7 25 2,659 11.7 425 16,800 9 59.1 14 43 25.84 1,507 122.7 25 2,701 11.6 426 i 16, 900 10 04.4 14 53 26.05 1,503 124.7 25 2,744 11.6 428 17, 000 10 09.7 15 02 26.25 1,499 126.8 25 2,787 11.6 430 17, 100 10 15.0 15 12 26.46 1,495 128.9 24 2,831 11.5 432 17, 200 10 20.3 15 21 26.66 1,491 131.0 24 2,875 11.5 434 17,300 10 25.6 15 31 26.87 1,487 133.1 24 2,920 11.4 435 17, 400 10 31.0 15 40 27.07 1,483 135.3 24 2,965 11.4 437 17, 500 10 36.4 15 50 27.28 1,479 137.5 24 3,010 11.4 439 17,600 10 41.8 16 00 27.48 1,475 139.7 23 3,056 11.3 441 17, 700 10 47.2 16 09 27.69 1,471 142.0 23 3,103 11.3 442 , 17, 800 10 52.6 16 19 27.90 1,467 144. 3 23 3,150 11.3 444 17, 900 10 58.0 16 28 28.11 1,464 146.6 23 3,198 11.2 445 18, 000 11 03.5 16 38 28.32 1,460 149.0 23 3,246 11.2 447 \ 25 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of ran ye for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. 13 Yards. 32 32 32 31 31 31 Yards. 536 542 547 553 558 564 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 Yards. 80 81 82 82 83 84 31 570 85 31 575 86 30 581 87 30 586 88 30 592 89 30 598 90 29 603 91 29 609 92 28 614 93 28 620 94 Change of range for motion of target In plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Yards. 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. 16 Yards. 170 171 173 174 176 177 178 180 181 183 184 185 187 188 190 191 Yards. 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 52 52 53 Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 17 Yards. 125 126 127 127 128 129 130 131 131 132 133 134 135 135 136 137 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards In sight bar. 19 Yards. 170 171 173 174 176 177 178 180 181 183 184 185 187 188 190 191 Feet. 76 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 j 87 87 88 89 20 26 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of -projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. ' Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. Time of flight. Striking velocity. Drift. Danger spa~e for a target 20 feet high. Maximum ordinate. Penetration ofharveyized armor with capped pro- jectiles. Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 Yards. o / • / Seconds. Foot-seconds. Yards. Yards. Feet. Inches. Yards. 18, 000 11 03.5 16 38 28.32 1,460 149.0 23 3,246 11.2 447 18, 100 11 09.0 16 48 28.53 1,457 151.4 22 3,295 11.2 449 18, 200 11 14.5 16 58 28.74 1,453 153.8 22 3,345 11.1 450 18, 300 11 20.0 17 08 28.95 1,450 156.2 22 3,395 11.1 452 18, 400 11 25.5 17 18 29.17 1,446 158.7 22 3,445 11.1 453 18, 500 11 31.1 17 28 29.38 1,443 161.2 22 3,496 11.1 455 18, 600 11 36.7 17 38 29.60 1,439 163.7 21 3,547 11.0 457 i 18, 700 11 42.3 17 48 29.81 1,436 166.3 21 3,599 11.0 458 18, 800 11 48.0 17 58 30.03 1,433 168.9 21 3,652 10.9 460 18, 900 11 53.7 18 08 30.24 1,430 171.5 21 3,706 10.9 461 19, 000 11 59.4 18 18 30. 46 1,427 174.1 21 3,760 10.9 463 19, 100 12 05.1 18 28 30.67 1,424 176.8 20 3,815 10.8 465 19,200 12 10.8 18 39 30.89 1,421 179.5 20 3,870 10.8 466 19, 300 12 16.6 18 49 31.11 1,418 182.2 20 3,926 10.8 468 j 19, 400 12 22.4 19 00 31.33 1,416 185.0 20 3,982 10.8 469 19, 500 12 28.2 19 10 31.55 1,413 187.8 20 4,038 10.8 471 27 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 700 foot-seconds Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of range for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. 11 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Yards. Ford*. 28 620 28 626 28 631 27 637 27 642 27 648 27 26 26 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 654 659 665 670 676 682 688 693 699 705 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. 13 Yards. 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 Yards. 97 97 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 101 101 101 102 102 103 103 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Yards. 191 Deviation for lateral wind corn- Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular Change in height of impact for variation of Vnnts t0 line of lire > ! t0 line of fire > ! ± 10 ° >' arls 192 194 195 197 198 199 201 202 204 205 207 i 208 ! 210 | 211 213 knots 16 speed of 12 knots. 17 speed of 12 in sight bar. knots. 18 19 Yards. 53 54 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 Yards. 137 138 139 139 140 141 142 143 143 144 145 146 147 147 148 149 Yards. 191 192 194 195 197 198 199 201 202 204 205 207 208 210 211 213 Feet. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 28 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. • Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds , Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. Yards. 19, 500 19, 600 19, 700 19, 800 19, 900 20, 000 20, 100 20, 200 20, 300 20, 400 20, 500 20, 600 20, 700 20, 800 20, 900 21, 000 Angle of depar- ture = angle of elevation plus jump. 12 28.2 13 33.3 Angle of fall. JTime of flight .j JtgJJg* Danger Penetration Change of ran K 'e for 12 34.0 19 20 12 39.8 19 31 12 45.7 19 41 12 51.6 19 52 12 57.5 20 02 13 03.4 20 12 13 09.3 20 23 13 15.3 20 34 13 21.3 20 45 13 27.3 20 56 19 10 21 06 13 39.4 | 21 17 13 45.5 i 21 28 13 51.6 21 39 13 57.7 21 50 Seconds. 31.55 31.77 31.99 32.21 32.43 32.66 32.88 33.11 33.33 33.56 33.78 34.01 34.23 34.46 34.68 34.91 Foot-seconds. 1,413 1,410 1,408 1,405 1,403 1,400 1,398 1,395 1,393 1,390 1,388 1,385 1,383 1,381 1,379 1,377 Drift. 6 Yards. 187.8 ranger of harvevi?.-.] ranw lor spaeefor j Maximum i aFrnw witlT variation of a target 20 ordinate feet high •s 227.5 230.8 | 234.2 i Yards. 20 190.7 19 193.6 19 196.5 19 199.4 19 202.4 19 205.4 18 208.5 18 211.6 18 214.7 18 217.8 18 221.0 17 224.2 17 17 17 17 Ca PP?n P r °" .se^ndstltial Feet. 4,038 4,095 4,153 4,211 4,270 4,330 4,390 4,451 4,512 4,574 4,636 4,699 4,763 4,827 4,991 4,956 jectiles. 9 Inches. 10.8 velocity. 10 Yards. 471 10.7 473 10.7 474 10.7 476 10.7 477 10.7 479 10.6 481 10.6 482 10.6 484 10.6 485 10.6 487 10.5 489 10.5 490 10.5 492 10.5 493 ! 10.5 495 _jy RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of ranee for variation of ± 10 pounds in weight of projectile. 11 Yards. 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 Change of range for variation of density of air of ± 10 per cent. 12 Change of range for wind com- ponent in plane of fire of 12 knots. 13 Yards. 705 711 717 722 728 734 740 746 751 757 763 22 769 21 775 21 780 20 786 20 792 Yards. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 125 127 Change of range for motion of gun in plane of fire of 12 knots. 14 yard*. 103 103 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 Yards. 213 Deviation for lateral wind com- ponent of 12 knots. 16 Yards. 63 Deviation for lateral motion of gun per- pendicular to line of lire, speed of 12 knots. • i 17 Yards. 149 214 216 217 219 220 222 223 225 226 228 229 231 232 234 235 64 64 65 65 66 67 67 68 68 69 70 71 71 72 73 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 156 157 158 159 160 160 161 162 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire speed of 12 knots. 18 Yards. 213 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 19 Feel. 104 214 ! 216 j 217 219 220 222 223 225 226 ! 228 229 j 231 ] 232 234 I 235 i 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 30 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of 'projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2,700 foot-seconds. Coefficient of form = .61 . Range. I Angle of depar- ture = angle of I elevation plus jump. Angle of fall. jTime of flight., striking Drift. Yards. 21.000 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 13 57.7 I 21 50 100 200 300 400 500 Seconds. 34.91 14 03.8 I 22 00 | 35.14 14 10.0 22 11 ! 35.37 14 16.2 22 22 j 35.60 14 22.4 j 22 33 35.83 14 28.6 j 22 44 i 36.06 600 14 34.8 j 22 55 j 36.29 700 14 41.1 ! 23 06 36.52 800 I 14 47.4 23 17 36.75 900 j 14 53.7 j 23 28 ! 36.98 000 i 15 00.0 ! 23 39 i 37.21 Daneer Penetration spacefor Maximum °l^^ a target 20, ordinate. £S w ' th feet high. Ca f e P ctUel Foot-seconds. Yards. 1,377 i 234.2 1,375 1,373 237.6 241.0 1,371 244.5 , 1,369 248.0 ! 1,367 I 251.5 €:■ M 1,365 1,363 1,361 1,360 1,359 255.1 258.7 262.4 266.1 269.8 8 it Yards. Feet. 17 4,956 pTUr Inches. 10.5 Change of range for variation of ± 50 foot- seconds initial velocity. 10 16 I 5,022 | 10.4 16 I 5,088 ! 10.4 16 | 5,155 i 10.4 16 5,222 | 10.4 16 | 5,290 j 10.4 15 j 5,359 i 10.3 15 | 5,428 ! 10.3 15 5,498 i 10.3 15 | 5,568 ' 10.3 15 5,638 10.3 Yards. 495 497 498 500 501 503 505 506 508 509 511 i> 31 RANGE TABLE FOR 12-INCH GUN. Weight of 'projectile for which this table is calculated, 870 pounds. Initial velocity, 2, 7 00 foot-seconds . Coefficient of form = .61 . Change of 1 Change of range for range for variation of variation of ± 10 pounds density of in weight of '• air of ± 10 projectile, j percent. 11 12 Change of 1 Change of range for range for wind com- motion of ponent in gun in plane plane of fire of fire of 12 of 12 knots. ! ' knots. 13 j 14 I Change of range for motion of target in plane of fire of 12 knots. 15 ' Deviation Deviation 1 for lateral foflaS 1 motion of wind com- i ^ n P er - wnent o?12 Pendieular knots < to line of fire, Kuols - ; speed of 12 knots. 16 17 Deviation for lateral motion of target per- pendicular to line of fire, speed of 12 knots. 18 Change in height of impact for variation of ± 100 yards in sight bar. 19 20 Yards. 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 16 16 Yards. Yards. 792 127 798 , 128 804 129 809 130 815 131 821 133 827 134 833 135 838 ' 136 844 137 850 139 Fords. 109 109 110 110 111 111 111 112 112 113 113 Yards. 235 237 238 240 241 243 245 246 248 249 251 Yards. Yards. 73 162 74 163 74 164 75 164 75 165 76 166 77 167 78 168 78 168 79 169 80 170 Yards. 235 237 238 240 241 243 245 246 248 249 251 Feet. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 131 - o HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. ifc) P ORG DPT MAR ia 74 $% LD21-A30m-7,'73 General Library (R2275sl0)476 — A-32 University of California Berkeley r