7^^ ^, £^^ IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl d Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation • http://www.archive.org/details/fisharithmeticOfishrich .ah'tnson'B ^\iaxitx Course. THE COMPLETE AEITHMETIC. ORAL AND WRITTEl^. SECOND PART. By DANIEL W. FISH, A.M., ▲UTHOB OP BOBINSON'S 8BEIES OP PBOGRBSSIVE ABITHlfETICB IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., - NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 1881. EOBINSON'S Shorter Course. FIJ^ST BOOK IN- ARITHMETIC, Primary, COMPLETE ARITHMETIC. In One volume,^ COMPLETE ALGEBRA. ARITHMETICAL PROBLEMS, Oral and Written. ALGEBRAIC PROBLEMS. KE YS to Complete Arithmetic and Problems, and to Complete Algebra and Problems, in separate volumes, for Teachers, Arithmetic, ouaz and wkitten, usually taught in THREE hooks, is now offered, complete and thorough, in ONE booh, " the complete arithmetic:' * This Complete Arithmetic is also published in two volumes. PAMT Xm and TA:RT II, are each bound separately^ and in cloth. Copyright, 1874, by DANIEL W. FISH. JDlectrotyped by Smith & McDougal, 82 Beekmau St., N. Y. PREFACE rpHE design of the author, in the preparation of the Completb -^ Arithmetic, has been to furnish a text-book on the subject of arithmetic, complete not only as a treatise, but as a comprehensive manual for the class-room, and, therefore, embodying every necessary form of illustration and exercise, both oral and written. Usually, this subject has been treated in such a way as to form the contents of three or more graded text-books, the oral exercises being placed in a separate volume. In the present treatise, however, the whole subject is presented in all its different grades ; and the oral, or men- tal, arithmetic, so called, has been inserted, where it logically and properly belongs, either as introductory to the enunciation of prin- ciples or to the statement of practical rules — the treatment of every topic from the beginning to the end of the book being thoroughly inductive. In this way, and by carefully constructed analyses, applied to all the various processes of mental arithmetic, the pupiFs mind cannot fail to become thoroughly imbued with clear and accurate ideas in respect to each particular topic before he is required to learn, or apply to written examples, any set rule whatever. The intellect of the pupil is thus addressed at every step ; and every part of the instruction is made the means of effecting that mental development which constitutes the highest aim, as well as the most important result, of every branch of education. This mode of treatment has not only the advantage of logically training the pupil's mind, and cultivating his powers of calculation, but must also prove a source of economy, both of time and money, inasmuch" as it is the means of substituting a single wlume for an entire aeries of text-hooks. IV PREFACE. As the time of many pupils will not permit them to pursue this study through all of its departments, the work is issued in two parts, as well as in a single 'colume. This will, it is thought, be also con- venient for graded schools^ in supplying a separate book for classes of the higher and lower grades respectively^ without requiring any unnecessary repetition or review. In this, the Second Part, all the higher departments of arith- metic including Mensuration are presented, commencing with Per- centage, the study of which can be taken up by the pupil imme- diately on completing the First Part. This part of the subject has been treated in a comprehensive manner, and is, in all respects, adapted to the wants of the present time, recognizing and explain- ing all the recent changes in Custom-house Business, Exchange, etc. An Appendix of forty- eight pages of valuable Tables and Problems has been added to this pa/rt of the work, containing much useful and practical information, fresh and important^ obtained by much labor of research and inquiry, which, with many other improve- ments, particularly adapt this work to the wants of the student qualifying for business, and of graduating classes in High Schools and Academies, as well as of Mercantile and Commercial colleges. The Beviews interspersed throughout the book will be found to be just what is needed by the student to make his progress sure at each step, and to give him comprehensive ideas of the subject as he advances. Carefully constructed Synopses have also been inserted, with the view to afford to both teacher and pupil a ready means of drill and examination, as well as to present, in a clear, concise, and logical manner, the relations of all the different depart- ments of the subject, with their respective sub4opics, definitions, principles, and rules. It is confidently believed that, on examination, the work as a whole, as well as in its separate parts, will commend itself to teach- ers and others, by the careful grading of its topics ; the clearness and conciseness of its definitions and rides ; its improved methods of analysis and operation; the great number and variety of its examples, both oral and written, embodying and elucidating all the ordinary business transactions ; and in the omission of all obsolete PREFACE. V teTfns and discarded usages, as well as in the introduction of many novel features favorable both to clearness and brevity. Great oains have also been taken to make this work superior to all others in its typographical arrangement and finish, and in the general tastef ulness of its mechanical execution. The author takes pleasure in acknowledging his indebtedness for many valuable suggestions received from teachers of experience and others interested in the work of education ; especially to Joseph Ficklin, Ph. D., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Missouri, by whom chiefly the sections upon Involution, Evolution, Progressions, and Annuities have been prepared ; as well as to Henry Kiddle, A. M. , Superintendent of Schools in the city of New York, for valuable assistance, especially in the higher departments of Percentage, and for important suggestions in relation to other parts of the work. D. W. F. Bbookltn, January^ 187S. "TN order to teach any subject with the best success, the instruc- -^ tor should not only fully understand it, in all its principles and details, but should also clearly perceive what particular faculties of the mind are concerned in its acquisition and use. Arithmetic is pre-eminently a subject of practical value ; that is, it is one to be constantly applied to the practical affairs of life. But this is true only in a limited sense. Very few ever need to apply to any of the purposes of business more than a small part of the principles and rules of calculation taught in the text-books. Every branch of business has its own requirements in this respect, and these are all confined within very narrow limits. The teaching of arithmetic must, therefore, to a great extent, be considered as disciplinary, — as training and developing certain faculties of the mind, and thus enabling it to perform its functions with accuracy and dispatch. The following svggestions, having reference to this twofold object of arithmetical instruction are pre- sented to the teacher, as a partial guide, not only in the use of this text-book, but in the treatment of the subject as a branch of education. Seek to cultivate in the pupil the habit of self-reliance. Avoid doing for him anything which, either with or without assistance, he should be able to do for himself. Encourage and stimulate his exertions, but do not supersede them. Never permit him to accept any statement as true which he does not understand. Let him learn not by authority but by demonstra- tion addressed to his own intelligence. Encourage him to ask questions and to interpose objections. Thus he will acquire that most important of all mental habits, that of thinking for himself. SUGGESTIOJS^S TO TEACHERS, VU Carefully discriminate, in the instruction and exercises, as to wliich faculty is addressed, — whether that of analysu or reasoning, or that of calculation. Each of these requires peculiar culture, and each has its appropriate period of development. In the first stage of arithmetical instruction, calculation should be chiefly addressed, and analysis or reasoning employed only after some progress has been made, and then very slowly and progressively. A young child will perform many operations in calculation which are far beyond its powers of analysis to explain thoroughly. In the exercise of the calculating faculty, the examples should be rapidly performed, without pause for explanation or analysis ; and they should have very great variety, and be carefully arranged so as to advance from the simple and rudimental to the complicated and diflBlcult. In the exercise of the analytic faculty, great care should be taken that the processes do not degenerate into the mere repetition of formulcB, These forms of expression should be as simple and con* cise as possible, and should be, as far as practicable, expressed in the pupil's own language. Certain necessary points being attended to, the precise form of expression is of no more consequence than any particular letters or diagrams in the demonstiation of geomet- rical theorems. Of course, the teacher should carefully criticise the logic or reasoning, not so as to discourage, but still insisting upon perfect accuracy/ from the first. The oral or mental arithmetic should go hand in hand with the written. The pupil should be made to perceive that, except for the difficulty in retaining long processes in the mind, all arithmetic ought to be oral, and that the slate is only to be called into requi- sition to aid the mind in retaining intermediate processes and results. The arrangement of this text book is particularly favora- ble for this purpose. BeflnitioTis and principles should be carefully committed to memory. No slovenliness in this respect should be permitted. A definition is a basis for thought and reasoning, and every word which it contains is necessary to its integrity. A child should not be expected to frame a good definition. Of course, the pupil should Tlli SUGGESTIOIJ^S TO TEACHERS. be required to examine and criticise the definitions given, since this will conduce to a better understanding of their full meaning. In conducting recitations, the teacher should use every means that will tend to awaken thought. Hence, there should be great variety in the examples, both as to their construction and phrase- ology, so as to prevent all mechanical ciphering according to fixed methods and rules. The Rules and FormulcB given in this book are to be regarded as summaries to enable the pupil to retain processes previously ana- lyzed and demonstrated. They need not be committed to memory, since the pupil will have acquired a sufficient knowledge of the principles involved to be able, at any time, to construct rules, if he has properly learned what precedes them. In the higher department of arithmetic, the chief difficulty con- Bists in giving the pupil a clear idea of the nature of the business transactions involved. The teacher should, therefore, strive by careful elucidation, to impart clear ideas of these transactions before requiring any arithmetical examples involving them to be per- formed. When the exact nature of the transaction is understood, the pupil's knowledge of abstract arithmetic will often be sufficient to enable hiTn to solve the problem without any special rule. The teacher should be careful not to advance too rapidly. The mind needs time to grasp and hold firmly every new case, and then additional time to bring its new acquisition into relation with those preceding it. Hence the need of frequent reviews, in order to give the pupil a comprehensive as well as an accurate and permanent knowledge of this subject. The Synopses for Beview interspersed through this work, are de- signed to afford assistance to the teacher in accomplishing this object. Each of these Synopses exhibits a brief, but definite, summary of all that is treated under the particular topic referred to, systematically and logically arranged, showing not only the different sub-topics, and their relations to each other and the general subject, but also the necessary preliminary definitions. Thus the teacher wiU be able readily to ask an exhaustive series of questions, without having recourse to every paragraph and page preceding. SUGGESTIOKS TO TEACHERS. IX Various useful exercises may be based upon these synopses. After the pupil has become familiar with their mode of construc- tion, he may be required to write out, from memory, an outline synopsis of each section that he has studied, so as to show whether or not he has comprehended the relations of the various parts of the subject which he has passed over. Or the whole or a part of a Synopsis, embracing one or more topics, may be placed upon the blackboard, and the pupil required to give briefly but accurately the sub-divisions, definitions, principles, etc., involved in each. By this means, if further tested by questions, a thorough and well- classified knowledge of the whole subject will be permanently impressed upon his mind- Editions of this book are bound with and witJiout answers. Those with answers will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. artfiV'^abk'iitraB PAGB Percentage. 1 Profit and Loss 13 Commission 20 Synopsis 28 Interest 29 Problems in Interest. .... 40 Compound Interest 45 Annual Interest 48 Partial Payments 50 Discount 54 Bank Discount 57 Savings Bank Accounts . . 62 Synopsis 65 Stocks 66 Insurance 76 Life Insurance 80 Taxes 84 Synopsis 88 Exchange 89 Foreign Exchange 93 Arbitration of Exchange. . 98 Custom-house Business. . . 102 Equation of Payments 105 Averaging Accounts 110 Synopsis 118 Ratio 119 Proportion 123 Simple Proportion 126 Compound Proportion. ... 131 PAG 1 Partnership 137 Alligation 143 Synopsis 149 Test Problems. 150 Involution 155 EVOLLT^ION, 161 Cube Root 168 Roots of Higher Degree. . 174 Arithmetical Pr(^ression. 175 Geometrical Progression.. 180 Annuities 185 Synopsis 189 Mensuration. 190 Triangles. 191 Quadrilaterals 195 Circles. 197 Similar Plane Figures 199 Solids 203 Prisms. 203 Pyramids and Cones 205 Spheres 208 Similar Solids 209 Gauging 210 Synopsis 212 Metric System. 213 Vermont Partial Pay- ments 227 Vermont Taxes. . . , 231 Measures and Tables 233 •^¥, ®P^1^g^^^^5"^^5^c75- O B AT^ EXERCISES, 495. 1. What is ^0 of $100 ? ^f^? t¥o? tVo? 2. What is yf « of $500 ? Of $700 ? Of $1000 ? 3. What is ^lo of $600? ^^? ^? ^? 4. How many hundredths of $100 are $5 ? $7 ? $18 ? 5. How many hundredths of $500 are $25 ? $35 ? $50 ? 496. Percentage is a term applied to computations in which 100 is employed as afxed measure, or standard. 497. Per Cent, is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase per centum, which signifies by the hundred. Thus, 5 per cent, means 5 of every 100, or yf ^, the 5 standing for the numerator, and the words ''per cent.'' for the denominator 100. Thus, 25 per cent. = ^^^ or .25. 498. The Sign of Per Cent, is %. It is read per cent. Thus Q% is read 6 per cent. 2 PERCENTAGE. What per cent, of a number is -^ of it ? -^ ? .08 ? .12X? ^? ^? .025? .OOi? .04|? .375? .0325? 499. What per cent, of a number is ^ of it ? Ai^ALYSis. — Since the whole of any number is ^§, J of the 33- same is \ of ^g, or :^, equal to 33J%. Hence, etc. What ^ of a number is i of it ? }? \'i |? f? f? I? f? ^? if? V A? f*? 500. ^hdii fractional part of a number is 12^^ of it? Analysis.— 12^% is — ^, or ^%^^, equal to ^. Hence, etc. What part of a number is 8^^ of it? 16|^? 15^? 20^? 37i^? 7i^? 6i^? 25^? 66f? 75^? 501. What part of a number is -J-^ of it ? 1 Analysis. — \% is -^, equal to ^. Hence, etc. 100 What is i^ of a number? \%1 i%? ^%? i%? 503. Any per cent, may be expressed either as a deci' mal or as a fraction, as shown in the following Table. *er cent. Decimal. Fraction. Per cent. Decimal Fraction. 1^ .01 Tftr- Wo .75 1 2% .02 ^ 100^ 1.00 ^% .04 ^ 125^ 1.25 li Q% .06 ^ i% .005 ¥^17 Wo .10, or .1 r^ i% .0075 zis Wo .20, or .2 i Wo .08i ^ 25% .25 J m% .125 i 50% .50 J m% .1625 M PERCENTAGE. 3 WJtITTEN EXEnCISES, 603. Change to expressions having the per cent. sign. 1. .15; .085; .33^; .375; .00| ; H; H; .75f. ^. ^i; A; .oof; h; I; iV; .00125; |; 2|. Change to the form of decimals, 3. 5i^; 9i^; 20^^; 3^^; i^; 3^^; If^; 112^^. Change to the form of fractions, 4. 24^; 1^; 6^^ ; 37^^; |^ ; 3^^; 120^; 75^. 504. In the applications of percentage, at least three elements are considered, viz. : the Rate, the Base, and the Percentage, Any two being given, the other can be found. 505. The Rate is the number per cent, or the num- ber of hundredths. Thus, in b%, .05 is the rate. Hence, Bate per cent, is the decimal which denotes how many hundredths of a number are to be taken or expressed. 506. The Rase is the number of which the per cent, is taken. Thus, in the expression, 5^ of $15, the 'base is $15. 507. The Percentage is the result obtained by taking a certain per cent, of the base. Thus, in the statement, 6 % of $50 is $3, the rate is .06, the base $50, and the 'percentage is $3. 508. The Amount is 'the sum of the base and the percentage. Thus, if the base is $80, and the percentage $5, the amount is $80 + $5 = $85. 509. The Differ ence is the remainder found by subtracting the percentage from the base. Thus, if the base is $80, and the percentage $5, the difference is $80 - $5 = $75. 4 PERCENTAGE. 510. The base and rate being given to find the percentage. OMAL EXEItCISES. 1. What is 10% of 140 ? Analysis.— 10^ is y^^ = ^, and f^ of 140 is 14 Hence 10% of 140 is 14. What is 2. 5^ of $80? 3. 7^ of 200 lb. ? 4. 6^ of 150 men ? 5. 25^ of 120 mi. ? Find the amount 10. Of 100 A. +27^. 11. Of $75 + 5^. 12. Of 32doz. + 12J^. How much is 6. 12^^ of 72 gal. ? 7. 40^ of 60 sheep ? 8. S% of 50 bu. ? 9. 50^ of $240 ? Find the difference 13. Of 90 hhd. — 10^. 14. Of 63 Cd. - 33^^. 15. Of $200 — 2i^. 16. A farmer had 150 sheep, and sold 20^ of thera. How many had he left ? 17. A mechanic who received $20 a week had his sal- ary increased %%. What were his daily wages then ? 18. From a hhd. of molasses containing 63 gal. 33^^ was drawn. How many gallons remained ? 19. A grocer bought 150 dozen eggs, and found 16f^ of them bad or broken. How many were salable ? 20. A train of cars running 25 miles an hour increases its speed 12^^. How far does it then run in an hour ? 511. Prikciple. — The percentage of any number is the same part of that iiumher as the given rate is of 100^. PERCENTAGE. WRITTEN JEXBRCIS ES. 513. 1. What is 17^ of $4957 ? OPERATION. $4957 $842.69 Analysis. — Since 17% is .17, the required percentage is .17 of $4957, or $4957 x .17, which ill is $842.69. What is 2. 35^ of 695 lb. ? 3. 75^ of $8428 ? 4. 12^^ of £2105 ? Rule. — Multiply the iase iy the rate, ^art of the base as the rate is of 100^. This rule may be briefly expressed by the following Formula. — Percentage = Base x Bate. Eind 5. 33^% of 8736 bu. 6. ^% of $35000. 7. 120^ of $171.24. Or, take such a What Find 8. Is4|^of 312.8rd.? 13. 84^ of 354 bu. 9. Is 105^ of $5728? 14. 85^ of -J of a ton. 10. Is $3140.75 + 11^? 15. ifc of 16400 men. 11. Is2|mi. + 7i^? 16. f ^ of 1 of a year. 13. Is 400 ft. -3i^? 17. f ^ of if of a hhd. 18. The bread made from a barrel of flour weighs 35^ more than the flour. What is the weight of the bread? 19. A man having a yearly income of $4550 spends 20;^ of it the first year, 25^ of it the second year, and dll^% of it the third year. How much does he save in 3 years ? 20. A man receives a salary of $1600 a year. He pays 18^ of it for board, S^% for clothing, and 16^ for inci- dentals. What are his yearly expenses, and what does he save ? 6 PEECEKTAGE. 21. A man owning |^ of a cotton-mill, sold d6% of his share for $24640. What part of the whole mill did he still own, and what was its value ? 22. Smith had $5420 in bank. He drew out 16% of it, then 20^ of the remainder, and afterward deposited 12|-^ of what he had drawn. How much had he then in bank ? 513. The base and percentage being given to find the rate. omatj exercises. 1. What per cent, of 25 is 3 ? Analysis— Since 3 is ^^ of 25, it is /^ of 100% , or 12^ . Hence, Sis 12% of 25. What per cent. 2. Of 24 is 18 ? 3. Of $16 are $4 ? 4. Of200 figs are 20 figs? 5. Of 40 lb. are 15 lb. ? 6. Of 12i bu. are 2|^ bu. ? 7. Of 2 A. are 80 sq. rd. ? 8. Of 1 da. are 16 hr.? 16. f of an acre is what per cent, of it ? 17. f of a cargo is what per cent, of it ? 18. 2^ times a number is what per cent, of it ? 19. If $6 are paid for the use of $30 for a year, what is the rate per cent. ? ^ ' 20. If a milkman adds 1 pint of water to every gallon of milk he sells, what per cent, does he add ? 514. Principle. — The rate is the number of hundredths which the percentage is of the base. What per cent. ' 9. Are 6^ mi. of 12imi.? 10. Are 18 qt. of 30 qt. ? 11. Are 16f cents of $1 ? ^12. Is $i of $25 ? '"l3. Isf of f? 14. Isf of2i? 15. Is I of 3|? PERCENTAGE. WBITTEH^ EXEltCISES. 515. 1. What per cent, of 72 is 48 ? OPERATION. 72=:.66f = 66f^ 48 Analysis.— Since the per- centage is the product of the base and rate, the rate Or, f I = f ; 100^ X f = ^^% is the quotient found by di- viding the percentage by the base ; and 48 divided by 72 is f f = | = .66| ; hence the rate is ' 66|%. Or, Since 48, the percentage, is f of the base, the rate is f of 100 fo, or66|%. What per cent. 2. Of 300 is 75? 3. Of 66 is 16i ? 4. Of $20 are 121.60 ? What per cent. 5. Of $18 are 90 cents ? 6. Of 560 lb. are 80 lb. ? 7. Of 980 mi. are 49 mi. ? EuLE. — Divide the percentage hy the base. Or, take such a part of 100^ as the percentage is of the base. Formula. — Bate — Percentage -^ Base. * What per cent. 8. Of $480 are $26.40 ? 9. Of 192 A. are 120 A. ? 10. Of 15 mi. are 10.99 mi. ? 11. Of 46 gal. are 5 gal. 3 qt.? 12. Of $4 are 30 cents ? 13. Of 6 bu. 1 pk. are 4 bu. 2pk. 6qt. ? What per cent, 14. Are 448 da. of 5600 da.? 15. Are 5 lb. 10 oz. of 15 lb. Avoir. ? 16. Is 13.5 of 225 ? 17. Isfiof^^? 18. Is 3f of 181 ? 19. Is 22| of 182.4 ? 20. A grocer sold from a hogshead containing 600 lb. of sugar, \ of it at one time, and \ of the remainder at another time. What per cent, of the whole remained ? 21. A merchant owes $15120, and his assets are $9828. What per cent, of his debts can he pay ? 5 PERCENTAGE. 516. Tlie rate and percentage being given to find the base. OMJLIj jexjemcisjes. 1. 18 is 3^ of what number ? Analysis. — Since 3%, or y^^, of a certain number is 18, jj^ is J of 18, or 6, and -JgJ is 600. Hence 18 is 3% of 600. Of what number 2. Is 15 26% ? 3. Is 24 75^ ? 4. Is 48 8^? 6. Is 1.2 e%? Of what are 6. 30 1b. 20^? 25^? 7. $84 12^ ? 21^ ? 8. 15bu. 30^? 50^? 9. 16Aoz.l2i%? S^%? 10. 12^^ of 96 is 33|^ of what number ? 517. Principle. — The base is as many times the per- eentage as 100^ is times the rate. WBJTTJEN XJXEMCISilS* 518* 1. 144 is 75^ of what number ? OPERATION. Analysis. — Since the percent- 244 -=- »7»5 =: 192 *^S^ *^ i^e product of the base by the rate, the base is equal to the Or, 100 -7- 75 =: 4=1^ =: -| percentage divided by the rate ; 144 X I = 192 and 144 ^ .75 is 192. Or, Since the rate is .75, the per- eentage is j^^^^, or f of the base ; hence the base is | of the percent- age, and I of 144 is 192. 2. $54 are 15^ of what ? r4. 4.56 A. are 6% of what ? 3. $18.75 are 2^% of what ? h's. 39.6 lb. are 1^% of what ? EuLE. — Divide the percentage ly tJie rate. Or, take a& many times the percentage as 100^ is times the rate. Formula. — Base = Percentage -^ Rate. PERCENTAGE. 9 Of what number Of what 6. Is 828 120^ ? 10. Are $281.25 37^^? 7. Is 6119 105^^? 11. Are $4578 84^? - 8. Is .43- 71f i ? 12. Are 37^ bu. 6i^? 9. Is3H ^H%? 13. Are 1260 bbl. IH%? - 14. 25% of 800 bu. is 2^% of how many bushels ? 15. A farmer sold 3150 bushels of grain and had 30% of his entire crop left. What was his entire crop ? 16. A man drew 25% of his bank deposits, and expended 33^% of the money thus drawn in the purchase of a horse worth 1250. How much money had he in bank at first ? 17. If a man owning 4:6% of a steamboat sells 16|^ of his share for $5860, what is the value of the whole boat ? 18. If $295,12 are 13^^ of A's money, and 4|^ of A's money is 8% of B's, how much more money has A than B ? 519. The amount, or the difference, and the rate being given to find the base. OHjLZ jexjemcis bs. 1. What number increased by 25^ of itself amounts to 60 ? Analysis. — Since 60 is the number increased by 25 % of itself, it is Iff, or f of the number ; and if f of the number is 60, the number itself is 4 times J of 60, or 48. 2. What number increased by 8J^ of itself is 130 ? 3. $70 are 40^ more than what sum ? 4. A man sold a saddle for $18, which was 12|-^ more than it cost him. What did it cost him ? 5. A grocer sold flour for $8.40 a barrel, which was 16f ^ more than he paid for it. What did he pay for it ? 10 PERCENTAGE. 6. What number diminished by 20^ of itself is 40 ? Analysis. — Since 40 is tlie number diminished by 20% of itself, it is -f-^Qy or f of the number ; and if f of the number is 40, the number itself is 5 times i of 40, or 50. 7. What number diminished by 6% of itself is 38 ? 8. What sum diminished by 50% of itself Is 120.50 ? 9. 68 yd. are 15% less than what number ? 10. A tailor, after using 75% of a piece of cloth, had 9| yards left. How many yards in the whole piece ? 11. A sells tea at $.90 a pound, which is 10% less than he paid for it. What did he pay for it ? WBITTEN EXERCISES, 520. 1. What sum increased by 37% of itself is $2055? OPERATION. Analysis.— Since 1 + .37 = 1.37 the number is in- $2055-^1.37z3$1500 ^^^^^^^ ^'^^^^ ^^ ^^ .37 of itself, $2055 ^^^ is 137%, or 1.37 the Iff of $2055 = $2055-r-137xl00=:$1500 number. Hence $2055 divided by 1.37, is the base or required number. Or, Since $2055, the amount, is UJ of the base, 100 times j^y of $2055, or $1500, is the base. 2. What number increased by 18% of itself equals 2950 ? 3. What sum increased by 15% of itself is $6900? 4. What number diminished by 12% of itself is 2640 ? OPEKATiON. Analysis.— Since the number 1 —.12 =3 .88 is diminished 12%, or by .12 of 2640 — 88 = 3000 ^*^^^^' ^^^^ ^^ ^^^* ^^ '^^ ^^ *^® * number. Hence 2640 divided by Or, 2640-^22 X 25 = 3000 .88 is the base or required num- ber. Or, Since 2640, the difference, is j^o or || of the base, 25 times -^ of 2640, or 3000, is the base. PERCENTAGE. 11 5. If the difference is $1000 and the rate 20^, what is the base ? 6. What sum diminished by 36% of itself equals $4810 ? EuLE. — Divide the amount ly 1 plus the rate; or, divide the difference iy 1 r)iinus the rate, ^ D . _ i ^ynount -~ (1 + Rate). ~~ ( Difference — (1 — Rate). What number increased 7. Byl2^ofitself is3800: 8. By 10^ is 39600 ? 9. By 15^ is $2616.25? 10. By 22^ is 1098 bu. ? What number diminished 11. By7i% of itself is 740? 12. By 4.% is 312 acres ? 13. By 8^ is $2281.60? 14. By 37i^ is $234,625? 15. A man sold 160 acres of land for $4563.20, which was 8^ less than it cost. What did it cost an acre ? 16. A speculator bought 48 bales of cotton, and after- ward sold the whole for $2008.80, losing 7^. What was the cost of each bale ? 17. A dealer bought a quantity of grain by measure and sold it by weight, thereby gaining 1^% in the number of bushels. He sold at 10^ above the purchase price, and received $4910.976 for the grain. Eequired the cost. 18^ A merchant, after paying 60;^ of his debts, found that $3500 would discharge the remainder. What was his whole indebtedness ? 19. The net profits of a mill in two years were $6970, and the profits the second year were b% greater than the profits the first year. What were the profits each year? 20. A man sold two houses at $2500 each ; for one he' received 20^ more than its value and for the other 20^ less. Eequired his loss. 13 P E R C E K T A G E . ^ APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE. 521. The applications of percentage are those which are independent of time, as, Profit and Loss, Commission, Stocks, etc. ; and those in which time is considered, as. Interest, Discount, Exchange, etc. Since some one of the four formulas of percentage already considered will apply to any of these applications, the following will serve as a general EuLE. — Note ivTiat elements of Percentage are given in the problem, a7id what element is required, and then apply the special rule or formula for the corresponding case. PEOFIT AI^D LOSS. 522. Profit and Loss are terms used to express the gain or loss in business transactions. 523. Gains and losses are usually estimated at a 7*ate per cent, on the cost, or the money or capital invested. 524. The operations involve the same principles as those of Percentage. 525. The corresponding terms are the following : 1. The Base is the Cost, or capital invested. 2. The Mate is the per cent, of profit or loss. 3. The Percentage is prQfit or loss. 4. The Amount is the cost p)lus the profit, or the Selling Price. 5. The Difference is the cost minus the loss, or the Selling Price, PRO FITAKD LOSS. 13 OnAL BXERCISES. 536. 1. A horse that cost $200 was sold at a gain of 12^. What was the gain, and the selling price ? Analysis. — Since the gain was 12 ^ , it was -^^^ of $200, which is $24 ; and the selling price was $200 + $24 = $224. Hence, etc. (510.) 2. A saddle that cost $25 sold at a loss of 10^. What was the loss, and the selling price ? 3. A tailor bought cloth at $6 a yard, and wished to sell it at a gain of 25^. At what price must he sell it ? 4. For how much must a grocer sell tea that cost $.60 a pound, to gain 30^ ? 5. A merchant buys gloves at $.75 a pair, and sells them at a profit of 33 J^;^. For how much does he sell them ? 6. Bought a carriage for $160, and, after paying 10^ for repairs, sold it at 12^^ profit. What was the gain, and the selling price ? 7. If butter bought at 36 cents a pound is sold at a loss of 16f^, what is the selling price? 8. What must be the selling price of coffee that cost 25 cents a pound, in order to gain 20^? 9. At what price must an article that cost $5 be sold, to gain 100^? 120^? 150^? 200^? 537. 1. A merchant bought cloth at $5 a yard, and sold it at $6 a yard. What was the gain per cent. ? Analysis. — The whole gain is the difference between $6 and $5, which is $1. Since $5 gain $1, or | of itself, the gain per cent, is J of 100% or 20%. Hence, etc. (513.) 2. What is gained per cent, by selling coal at $7 a tott, that cost $6 a ton ? 3. Sold a piano for $300. which was f of what it cost. What was the loss per cent ? 14: PERCENTAGE. 4. Sold melons for $.75 that cost $.50. What was the gain per cent. ? 5. What is gained per cent, by selling pine-apples at 30 cents each, that cost $15 a hundred ? 6. Sold a sewing machine at a loss of -J of what it cost. What was the loss per cent. ? 7. What % is gained on goods sold at double the cost ? 8. What % is lost on goods sold. at one-Jialf i\\Q cost? 9. What per cent, profit does a grocer make who buys sugar at 10 cents and sells it at 12 cents ? 10. What per cent, is gained on an article bought at $3 and sold at $5 ? ■* 538. 1. A dealer sold flour at a profit of $2 a barrel, and gained 25^. What was the cost ? Analysis.— Since the gain was 25% = ^^^, or J, $2 is J of the cost ; $2 is i of 4 times $2, or $8. Hence, etc. (516.) 3. Sold hats for $1 less than cost, and lost 16f ;^. What did they cost ? 3. A merchant sells silk at a profit of $1 1^ a yard, which is 40^ gain. What did it cost, and what is the selling price ? 4. If com selling for 21 cents a bushel more than cost gives a profit of 30^, what did it cost ? 5. Sold sheep at $2^ more than cost, which was a profit of 50^. What did they cost, and what is the selling price ? 6. Shoes sold at $.50 above cost giye a profit of 12|^^. What did they cost ? 7. A farmer, by selling a cow for $12 less than she cost, lost 33^^. ' What did she cost ? 8. A grocer sells a certain kind of tea for 6 cents a pound more than cost and gains 6%, What did it cost ? PEOFITAi^DLOSS. 15 539. 1. A watch was sold for $120, at a gain of 20^. What was the cost ? Analysis.— Since the gain was 20%, or i, of the cost, $120, the selling price, is | of the cost. J of $120, or $20, is J of the cost, and I, or the cost itself, is 5 times $20, or $100. Hence, etc. (518.) 2. Sold tea at $. 90 a pound, and gained 26%. What did it cost ? 3. A newsboy, by selling his papers at 4 cents each, gains 33^%, What do they cost him ? 4. A man sold a horse and harness for $330, which was 10^ more than they cost. What was their cost ? 5. If 20^ is lost by selling wheat at $1.60 a bushel, what would be gained if sold at 20^ above cost ? 6. John Eice lost 40^ on a reaper, by selling it for $60. For what should he have sold it to gain 40^ ? 7. If, by selling books at $2 a volume, there is a gain of 25%, at what price must they be sold to lose 15^? 8. Two pictures were sold for $99 each ; on one there was a gain of 10^, on the other a loss of 10^. Was there a gain or loss on the sale of both, and how much ? ^ WRITTEN EXJEHCISJES. 530. 1. A hogshead of sugar bought for $108.80 was sold at a profit of 12^^. What was the gain ? OPERA.TION.— $108.80 X .12i = $13.60. (512.) Formula. — Profit or Loss = Cost x Bate %. Find the Profit or Loss, 2. On land that cost $1745, and was sold at a gain of 20^. 3. On goods that cost $3120, and were sold at 27'<^ gain. 4. On a boat bought for $2545|^, and sold at 25^ loss. 16 PERCENTAGE. 5. On goods bought for $2560.75, and sold at S% loss. 6. On 25 tons of iron rails bought at %bS a ton, and sold at an advance of 11 \%. 7. A merchant pays $6840 for a stock of spring goods, and sells them at an advance of 26^^ on the purchase price. After deducting $3 75 for expenses, what is his gain ? - 8. A miller bought 1000 bushels of wheat at $1.84 a bushel, and sold the flour at 16f^ advance on the cost of the wheat. What was his profit ? 9. Bought 128 tons of coal at %b,l^ a ton, and sold it at a gain of 22^. What was the entire profit ? 10. A ship, loaded with 3840 bbl. of flour, being over- taken by a storm, found it necessary to throw 37^^ of her cargo overboard. What was the loss at $7.65 a bbl. ? 11. A man bought a pair of horses for $450, which was 25^ less than their real value, and sold them for 25^ more than their real value ; what was his gain ? 531. 1. Bought a house for $4380. For what must it be sold to gain 14|^? Operation.— $4380 x (1 + .14^) or 1.145 = $5015.10. (512.) 2. At what price must pork, bought at $18.40 a barrel, be sold, to lose 15^? Operation.— $18.40 x (1 - .15), or .85 = $15.64. (512.) ^ CI IT -n • ( Cost X (1 + Rate % of Gain). FoKMULA.—Sellmg Prices ] ^ ^ /-,-r»x^i.-r ^ ^ ^^ ( Cost X (1— Eate % of Loss). Find the Selling Price, 3. Of goods bought at $187.50, and sold at 11^^ gain. 4. Of beef bought at $12| a barrel, and sold at 9^^ loss. 5. Of cotton bought at $.14, and sold at a gain of 21|^. o. Of cloth that cost $5^ a yard, and was sold at a profit of 18^^ ? PROFIT AND LOSS. 17 7. At what price must goods that cost $3^ a yard be marked, to gain 26% ? To lose 20^ ? 8. Sold a lot of damaged goods at a loss of 16%. What was the selling price of those that cost $.62^ ? $1.25 ? 9. Bought a hogshead of sugar containing 9 cwt. 56 lb. for $86.04, and paid $4.78 freight and cartage. At what price per pound must it be sold to gain 20^ ? ^ 533. 1. Bought wool at $.48 a pound, and sold it at $. 60 a pound. What per c§nt. was gained ? Operation.— $.60 - $.48 = $. 12 ; and $.12 -f- $.48 =r .25 = 25% . (515.) 2. Sold for $10.02 an article that cost $12. What was the loss per cent. ? Operation.— $12-$10.02=:$1.98; and$l 98^$12=.16|=16i%. Formula.— i^^^fe % =. Profit or Loss -r- Cost. ^ Find the rate per cent, of profit or loss, 3. On sugar bought at 8 cents and sold at 9^ cents. 4. On tea bought at $1, and sold at $.87|-. 5. On goods that cost $275, and were sold for $330. 6. On grain bought for $1.25 a bushel, and sold for $1.60 a bushel. 7. On a sewing-machine sold for $72.96, at again of $9.12. 8. On goods sold for $425.98, at a loss of $134.52. 9. Bought paper at $3 a ream, and sold it at 25 cents a quire. What was the gain per cent.? 10. A dealer bought 108 bbl. of apples at $4.62^, and sold them so as to gain $114. 88|. What was his gain ^? 11. If 1^ of an acre of land is sold for f the cost of an acre, what is the gain per cent. ? 18 PERCEKTAGE. 12. If f of an acre of land is sold for the cost of ^ of an acre, what is the loss per cent. ? 13. If I of a chest of tea is sold for what the whole chest cost, what is the gain per cent, on the part sold ? 533. 1. A speculator sold grain at a profit of 33^%, by which he made 25 cents on a bushel. What did it cost ? Operation.— $.25-5-.33i=$.75. Or, $.25-4-1= $.75. (518.) 2. Lost $45. 75 on the sale of a horse, which was 20% of the cost. What was the cost ? Operation.— $45.75h-.20=$228. 75. Or $45.75 -5- J =$228. 75. Formula. — Cost = Profit or Loss -f- Bate %. Find the Cost, 3. Of goods sold at $1500 profit, or a gain of 16^. 4 Of fiour sold at a loss of $.88, or 10^, on a barrel. 5. Of wheat sold at a loss of 6 cents, or 4^, on a bu. ? 6. Of lumber sold at an advance of $4.95 per M., or 35^ gain. 7. If a grocer sells his stock at a profit of 15^, what amount must he sell to clear $2500 ? 8. A and B engage in speculation. A gains $2000, which is 12|^^ of his capital, and B loses $500, which is 6% of his capital. What sum did each invest? 534. .1. A furniture dealer sold two parlor sets for $450 each ; on one he made 15^, on the other he lost 15^. What did each cost him ? Operation ($450^(1 + .15)=$391. 30 + , cost of one. UPERATION. j $45o^^i_.i5)::,|529.41 + , costof theother. (520.) T? ^^ 4 cr77-"'T>- . {{^ + R(^ie% of gain.) ■FouMVLA.-Cost=Selhng Price-^ | ^i_^,,^^f fo,,.) PROFIT AKD LOSS. 19 Find the Cost^ 2. Of coal sold at $6, being at a loss of 12J^. 3. Of grain sold at 1.96 a bushel, at a gain of 28%. L Of silk sold for $5.40 a yard, at a profit of 10^. 5. Of hops sold at 16 cents a pound, at a loss of 20^. 6. Of fruit sold for $207.48, at a loss of lb%. ,^ 7. Having used a carriage 1 year, I sold it for $125, which was 25^ below cost. What should I have received had I sold it for 10^ above cost ? 8. B sold a span of horses to C and gained 12|^^ ; sold them to D for $550, and lost 16f ^. What did the horses cost B ? 9. If a piece of property increases in value each year at the rate of 25^ on the value of the previous year, for 4 years, and then is worth $16000, what did it cost ? 535. 1. Bought cloth at $3.60 a yard. At what price must it be marked that 12|^ may be abated from the asking price, and still a profit made of 16f ^ ?\. Operation ~ \ ^^^^""^ ^^^'^^ =^^-^^ ^ (1 + •l6|)-$4.20. (if«r^^/^5rPnce=$4.30-^(l-.12l)=:$4.80. (519.) 2. At what price must shovels that cost $1.12 each be marked in order to abate h%, and yet make 25^^ profit ? 3. How must a watch be marked, that cost $120, so that 4^ may be deducted and a profit of 20^ be made ? 4. A merchant, on opening a case of goods that cost $.80 a yard, finds them slightly damaged. How must he mark them, to fall 25^ in his asking price, and sell at cost? 5. Bought land at $60 an acre ; how much must I ask an acre, that I may deduct 25^ from my asking price, and still make 20^ on the purchase price ? 20 PEBCEKTAGE. COMMISSIOK 536. An Agent or Commission Mer'chant is a person who buys or sells merchandise^ or transacts other business for another, called the Pmicipal 537. Commission is the fee, or compensation, allowed an agent or commission merchant for transacting business, and is usually computed at a certain rate per cent, of the money involved in the transaction. 538. A Consignment is a quantity of goods sent to a commission merchant to be sold. 539. The Consignor is the person who sends the goods for sale. A consignor is sometimes called a Shipper. 540. The Consignee is the person to whom the goods are sent. He is sometimes called a Correspondent. 541. The Net Proceeds of a sale or other transac- tion is the sum of money that remains after all expenses of commission, etc., are paid. 543. A Guaranty is security given by a commis- sion merchant to his principal for the payment of goods sold by him on credit. 543. An Account Sales is a written statement made by a commission merchant to his principal, contain- ing an account of goods sold, their price, the expenses^ and the net proceeds. 544. A JBroker is a person who buys or sell stocks, bills of exchange, real estate, etc., for a commission, which is called BroJcerage. COMMISSION. 21 545* The principles and operations of Percentage in- volved in Commission and Brokerage are the same as those already treated. 54:6. The following are the corresponding terms : 1. The Base is the amount of sales, money invested, or collected. 2. The Rate is the per cent, allowed for services. 3. The JPercentage is the Commission or Broker- age. 4. The Amount or Difference is the amount of sales, plus or minus the commission. WRITTEN EXERCISES. 547. Find the Commission or BroTcerage^ 1. On a sale of flour for $2575, at %\%. Operation.— $2575 x .025 = $64.37i (512.) Formula. — Amount of Sales x Rate % = Commission. 2. On the purchase of a farm for $13750, at 2|^. 3. On the sale of a mill for $9384, at |^. 4. On the sale of $21680 worth of wool, at 1^%. 5. On the sale of 250 bales of cotton, averaging 520 lb., at 14| cents a pound ; commission 1^%. 6. On the sale of 175 shares of stock, at $92| a share ; brokerage, ^%. 7. On the sale at auction of a house and the furniture for $9346.80, at 6}^. 8. A commission merchant sells 225 bbl. of potatoes at $3.25 per bbl., and 316 bbl. of apples at $4^ per bbl. What is his commission at 4^^ ? 22 PERCE2!^TAGE. 548. Find the rate of commission or brokeiBge, 1. When $89 commission is paid for selling goods for $3560. Operation.— 89 -^ 3560 =: m\ = 2J-^. (515.) Formula. — Com7nission -^ A^nount of Sales = Rate %. 2. When $165 com. is paid for selling goods for $4950. 3. When $63 is paid for collecting a debt of $1260. 4. When $117.75 is paid for selling a house for $7850. 5. When 1235.40 is paid for buying 26750 lb. of wool at 32 cents a pound. 6. When $125 is paid for the guaranty and sale of goods for $2500. 7. Paid my N. 0. agent $74.25 for buying 26400 lb. of rice, at 4|^ ct. a lb. What was the rate of his commission ? 549. Find the Amount of Sales, 1. Wlien a commission of $147 is charged at Z^%. Operation.— $147 -^ .035 = $4200. (517.) Formula. — Commission -r- Rate % = Amount of Sales. 2. When $92.80 commission is paid at 3^%. 3. When $210 commission is charged at 6%. 4. When $24 brokerage is paid at i%. 5. When $135 commission is charged at 1^%. 6. Paid an attorney $72.03 for collecting a note, which was a commission of '7^%. What was the face of the note ? "^ 550. Find the Amount of Sales, 1. When the net proceeds are $4875, commission 2^%. Operation.— $4875 ^ .975 = $5000. (519.) Formula. — Net proceeds -^-{1—- Rate %)=zAmt. of Sales. 2, When the net proceeds are $3281.25, commission 12^^. COMMISSION. 23 3. When the net proceeds are $560, and the com. 4^. 4. After deducting 6^% commission and $132 for storage, my correspondent sends me $23654.25 as the net proceeds of a consignment of pork and flour. What was the gross amount of the sale ? 551. Find the amount to be invested , 1. If $9500 is remitted to a correspondent to be invest- ed in woolen goods, after deducting 6% commission. Operation.- $9500 -f- 1.05 == $9047.62. (519.) ¥oRM.VLA,— Amount Remitted-^ (1 + Rate %) ■= Sum Invested. 2. If $4908 be remitted, deducting ^\% commission. 3. If $3246.20 be remitted, deducting %% commission. 4. If $1511.25 be remitted, deducting ^% commission. 5. If $10701.24 be remitted, deducting ^% brokerage. 6. A dealer sends his agent in Havana $6720.80, with which to purchase oranges and other fruits, after deduct- ing his commission of b%. What sum did the agent invest, and what was the amount of his commission ? ^ 7. What amount of sugar can be bought at 8 cents a pound, for $2523.40, ?ifter deducting a commission of 1^%, 8. Eemitted to a stockbroker $10650, to be invested in stocks, after deducting \% brokerage. What amount of . stock did he purchase ? 9. A broker received $45337.50 to invest in bond and mortgage, after deducting a commission of ^\%, What amount did he invest, and what was his commission ? ^ 10. Sent $250.92 to my agent in Boston, to be invested in prints at 15 cents a yard, after taking out his commis- sion of ^%, How many yards ought I to receive ? 24 PERCEII^TAGE. REVIEW. OMAZ EXEHCISES. 553. 1. If stoves bought at $36 each are sold at a profit of ^\%, what is the gain? 2. What will be the expense of collecting a tax of $1000, allowing b% ? 3. What will a broker receive for selling $600 worth of stock, at ^% brokerage ? 4. A man having $250 spent $80. What per cent, of nis money had he left ? 5. If a man sells a building lot that cost $300, at an advance of 166f^, what is his gain ? 6. I of 30^ is what per cent, of 72^ ? Of 144^? Ofv 180^? 240^? 7. Bought a horse for 20^ less than $200, and sold him for 10^ more than $200. What per cent, was gained ? 8. How many bushels of wheat at $2 a bushel can an agent buy for $2040, and retain 2% on what he expends as his commission ? 9. If by selling land at $150 an acre I lose 25^, how must I sell it to gain 40^ ? 10. A boy bought bananas for $3 a hundred, and sold them for 5 cents each. What per cent, did he gain ? 11. Bought cannel coal at $19 a ton, which was ^% less than the market price. What was the market price ? 12. Paid an agent $150, or a commission of 1\%, for selling my house. For what sum was the house sold ? 13. If an article is sold so as to gain f as much as it cost, what per cent, is gained ? REVIEW. 25 14. A merchant tailor sold some linen coats at $1.80 each, which was 33^% below the marked price. What was the marked price ? 15. A grocer bought 40 gal. of maple syrup at the rate of 4 gal. for $6, and sold it at the rate of 5 gal. for $8. What was his whole gain, and his gain per cent. ? 16. How much wheat must a farmer take to mill that he may bring away the flour of 4| bushels, after the miller takes his toll of 10^? WRITTEN EXERCISES. 553. 1. After taking out 15^ of the grain in a bin, there remained 40 bu. 3| pk. How many bushels were tl^e at first ? /^2. The net profits of a farm in 2 years were $3485, and ,, the profits the second year were b% greater than the profits the first year. What were the profits each year ? 3. A has 32^ more money than B ; what per cent, less is B's money than A's ? 4. Bought 450 bushels of wheat at $1.25 per bushel, and sold it at $1.40 per bushel. What was the whole gain, and the gain per cent. ? 5. A man drew out of the bank | of his money, and ex< pended 30^^ of 50^ of this for 728 bu. of wheat, at $1.12^ a bushel. What sum had he left in bank ? 6. Sold goods to the amount of $47649, at a profit of 16f^. Eequired the cost and the total gain. 7. A broker received $37.50 for selling some uncurrent money, charging \% brokerage. How much did he sell ? 8. If f of a farm is sold for what | of it cost, what is the gain per cent. ? 26 PERCEKTAGE. 9. An architect charged ^% for plans and specifications, and If ^ for superintending a building that cost $25000. What was the amount of his fee ? 10. If a stationer marks his goods 50^ above cost, and then deducts 50^, what per cent, does he make or lose? 11. Sold a farm for $14700, and lost 12^. What per cent, should I have gained by selling it for $21000 ? 12. If an article bought at 20^ below the asking price is sold at 16% below that price, what is the rate of gain ? 13. A commission merchant sold a consignment of goods for $5250, and charged 3^% commission, and 2j^% for a guaranty. Find the net proceeds. 14. Smith & Jones bought a stock of groceries for $13680.^ They sold ^ of the entire stock at 15^ profit, ^ at 18|-^, ^ at 20^, and the remainder at 33^^ profit. What was the whole gain, and the average gain per cent. ? 15. Give the marking prices at 25^ advance, of the following bill of goods, and the amount when sold at a reduction of 10^ from those prices : 1 Case of Prints, 450 yd., @ $.12 3 Pieces Cassimeres, 65 '' % 3.25 1 Bale Ticking, 244 '' ® .20 25 Dress Shawls, @ 7.36 1 Gr. gross Clark's Thread, 144 doz., @ .70 50 Gross Buttons, @ 1 . 00 16. How much would the above bill of goods amoun; to if sold at 5|^^ below a marking price of 15^ above cost ? 17. What would be the net proceeds of a sale of 18 cwt. 75 lb. of sugar, at $9f per cwt., allowing 2^;^ commission, and $1,6| for other charges? COMMISSION. 27 18. A broker receives $7125 to invest in cotton, at 11 J cents a pound. If his commission is 2^%, how many pounds of cotton can he buy? 19. If the sale of potatoes at $.75 a barrel above cost gives a profit of 18|^, how much must be added to this price to realize a profit of 31^% ? 20. An agent in Chicago purchases 1000 bbl. of flour at $6. 80, and pays 5 cents a barrel storage for 30 days ; also, 3000 bu. of wheat at $1.20. He charges a commis- sion of 1^% on the flour, and 1 cent a bushel on the wheat. What sum of money will balance the account, and what is the amount of his commission ? 21. An agent in Boston received 28000 lb. of Texas cotton, which he sold at $.12|^ a pound. He paid $45.86 freight and cartage, and after retaining his commission, he remits his principal $3252.89 as the net proceeds of the gale. What was the rate of his commission? 22. The following bill of goods was sold at auction : IJ bbl. A Sugar, 312 lb., @ $.12|^ that cost $.11^ I '' Pulv. '' 96 '' % .\\\ " " .14 1 Chest Y. H. Tea, 84^^ @ 1.10 " '' 1.12^ 1 Box Soap, 60 " % .13 " " .10| 1^ Sacks Java Coffee, 110 ^^ % .22^ " " .24| 184 lb. Codfish, @ .07i " " .08| Allowing a commission of 4^^ for selling, find the entire profit or loss, and the gain or loss per cent, on the whole. 23. A merchant in New York imported 2400 yd. of English cloth, for which he paid in London 10s. sterling a yard, and the total expenses were $255. He sold the cloth for $3.81 a yard, U. S. money. What was his whole gain, and his gain per cent. ? 28 PERCENTAGE. 554. SYNOPbiS FOR EEVIEW. 1. Definitions. 2. Elements. '' 1. Percentage. 2. Per Cent. 3. Sign of Per Cent. 4. Rate, or Rate ^ . 5. Base. 6. Percentage. 7. Amount. 8. Difference. ( 1. How many considered. ( 2. How many must be given. 3. 510. 1. Principle. 2. Rule. 3. Formula. 4. 513. 1. Principle. 2. Rule. 3. Formula. 5. 516. 1. Principle. 2. Rule. 3. Formula. 6. 519. 1. Principle. 2. Rule. 3. Formula. Afplications of Percentage. 8. Profit and Loss. 9. Commission. ( 1. Diff't kinds. -1 ^- "^^'^^'^^^ '^'^' \ I 2. With Time. ( 2. General Rule. C 1. Definition. J 2. To estimate gains and losses. 1. Base. 3 Correspond- ing terms. 1. Definitions. < 2. Rate. 3. Percentage. 4. Am't and Biff. 1. Agent, or Com- mission Merchant, 2. Commission. 3. Consignment. 4. Consignor. 5. Consignee. 6. Net Proceeds. 7. Guaranty. 8. Account Sales. 9. Broker. 2. Prin. and Operations Involved. 1. Base. 2. Rate. 3. Percentage. 4. Am't and Biff, 3. Correspond- ing terms. OUAZ, EXERCISES, 555. 1. When h% is charged for the use of money, how many dollars should be paid for the use of $100 ? For the use of $200 ? Of 1500 ? Of $50 ? 2. At 1% a year, what should be paid for the use of $100 for 2 years ? Of $200 for 3 years ? 3. If $500 is loaned for 3 years, what should be paid for its use, at b% a year ? At 6^ a year ? 4. If I borrow $250, and agree to pay ^% a year for its use, how much will be due the lender in 5 years ? 5. If $7 is paid for the use of $100 for 1 year, what is the per cent, ? 6. If $50 is paid for the use of $100 for 5 years, what is the per cent. ? 7. If $14 is paid for the use of $200 for 1 year, what is the per cent. ? 8. At 6^, what decimal part of the money borrowed is equal to the money paid for its use ? At 7^ ? 8^ ? 9^ ? DEFINITIONS. 556. Interest is a sum paid for the use of money. 557. The JPrincipal is the sum for the use of which interest is paid. 558. The Rate of Interest is the per cent., or number of hundredths, of the principal, paid for its use for one year. 30 PEECEKTAGE. 559. The Amount is the sum of the principal and the interest. 560. Legal Interest is the interest according to the rate per cent, fixed iy law. 561. Usury is a higher rate of interest than is al- lowed by law. 563. The legal rates of interest in the different States are as follows : Name of State. Alabama Arkansas''^ Arizona California* Canada and Ireland Connecticut ... Colorado* Dakota Delaware Dist. Columbia. . England and France Florida* Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine* Maryland Massachusetts*. . Michigan Kate. 8% 6% 10% 10% 6% 7% 10% 7% 0% 0% 5% B% 7% 10% 6% 6% 6% 7% 6% 5% 6% 6% 6% 7% Any. Any. I Any. Any. Any. 10% Any. 10% 10% 10% 12% 10% 8% Any. Any. 10% Name of State. Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri Montana New Hampshire, New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Nebraska Nevada* Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . . Rhode Island*. . South Carolina*. Tennessee Texas Utah* Vermont Virginia West Virginia. . Washington T.* Wisconsin Wyoming Rate. 7% .6% 6% 10% 6% 6% 6% 6% 10% 10% 6% 10% 6% 6% 7% 6% 8% 10% 6% 6% 6% 10% 7% 12% 12% 10% 10% 8% 15% Any. 8% 12% Any. Any. 10% 12% Any. 12% Any. 10% 1. When the rate per cent, is not specified in accounts, notes, mortgages, contracts, etc., the legal rate is always understood. 2. Where two rates are specified, any rate above the lower, and not exceeding the higher, is allowed, if stipulated in writing. 3. In the States marked thus (*) the rate per cent, is unlimited if agreed upon by the parties in writing. IKTEKEST. 31 563. In the operations of interest there avefive parts, or elements, namely : The Princijjal ; the Rate per Cent, per Annum (for one year) ; the Interest j the Time for which the principal is lent ; and the Amount, or sum of the Prin. and Int. 564. These terms correspond respectively to Base, Rate, Percentage, and Amount in Percentage, excluding Time, which is an additional element in Interest. OBAL EXEItCISES, 565. 1. At %%, for 1 yr., what decimal part of the prin- cipal equals the interest ? At 5^ ? At 8% ? At 12 1^ ? 2. What is the interest of 120 for 1 year at b% ? Analysis. — Since the interest of any sum at 5% for 1 yr. is .05 of the principal, the interest of $20 for 1 yr. at 5^ is .05 of $20, or $1. 3. What is the interest of $50 for 1 yr. at 5^ ? 6^ ? 7^ ? 4. What is the interest of $80 for 1 yr. at 7^ ? 8%? 10^ ? 5. At 7^ for 5 yr., what decimal part of the principal equals the interest ? Analysis.— Since the interest at 7% for 1 yr. is .07 of the prin- cipal, the interest for 5 yr. is 5 times .07, or .35 of the principal. Or, it is 5 times the interest for 1 year. 6. At 6^ for 3 yr., what decimal or fractional part of the principal equals the interest ? At 1% for 6 yr. ? At h% for 5 yr.? At ^% for 2 yr. ? At 10^ for 4 yr.? 7. Find the interest of $30 for 3 yr. at b%. Analysis.— Since the interest of any sum at 5% for 1 yr. is .05 of the principal, for 3 yr. it is .15, and .15 of $30 is $4.50. Or, the interest for 1 yr. is .05 of $30, or $1.50, and for 3 yr. it is 3 times as much, or $4.50. 8. Find the int. at 6^ of $20 for 2 yr. Of $40 for 3 yr. 9. Find the int. at 8^ of $5 for 5 yr. Of $10 for 1 yr. 32 PERCENTAGE. 10. At S% for 2 yr. 6 mo., what decimal part of the principal equals the interest ? Analysis. — Since the interest of any sum for 1 yr. at 8% is .08 of the principal, the interest on the same for 2 yr. 6 mo. is 2i times .08, or .20 of the principal. Or, it is 2^ times the interest for 1 year. 11. At 6% for 3 yr. 3 mo., what decimal part of the principal equals the interest? At 9% for 3 yr. 3 mo. ? 12. Find the int. of $9 for 2 yr. 4 mo. at 7%. At 8%. 13. What is the int. of $1000 for 2 yr. 3 mo. at 10^? For 4 yr. 6 mo. ? For 5 yr. 3 mo. ? For 8 mo. ? 566. PRiisrciPLE. — The interest is the product of three factors ; namely, the principal, rate per annum, and time {expressed in years or parts of a year). WRITTEN EXERCISES. 56*7. To find the interest or amount of any sum, at any rate per cent., for years and months. 1. Find the amount of $97.50, at 7^, for 2 yr. 6 mo. OPERATION. Analysis.— Since the interest of $97.50 any sum at 7% for 1 yr. is .07 of Q,v the principal, the interest of $97.50 '- — at 7% for 1 yr. is .07 of $97.50, or $6.8250 Intforlyr. $6,825; and the interest for 2 yr. 2|- 6 mo. is 2 1 times the interest for 1 i7n^ T . , o a y^'^ '''' $17,061, and $17.06H $97.50 17.06^5 Int. for 2 yr. 6 mo. '' L^^/^^i ,; . 4 ^ = $114,561, *he Amount. 97.50 Principal. $1145625 Amount. Find the interest and the amount, 2. Of $450 for 3 yr. 9 mo. at 6%. For 8 mo. at 7%. 3. Of $247 for 5 yr. 3 mo. at 6^%- For 10 mo. at 8^ 4. Of $500 for 4 yr. 2 mo. at 10^. For llmo. at 5^. INTEREST. 33 EuLE. — I. Multiply the principal hy the rate, and the product is the interest for 1 year. II. Multiply the interest for 1 year by the time in years, and the fraction of a year j the product is the required interest. III. Add the pri7icipal to the interest for the amount. Formula. — Interest = Principal x Rate x Time. Find the interest, 5. Of $36.40 for 1 yr. 7 mo. at 6^. At 7^. At ^%. 6. Of $750.50 for 3 yr. 1 mo. at b%. At 8^. At 9^. 7. Of $1346.84 for 2 yr. 4 mo. at 6J^. At 1^%. 8. Of $138.75 for 4 yr. 3 mo. at 10^. At n\%. 9. Find the amount of $640 for 5 yr. 6 mo. at 1%. 10. Find the amount of $56.64 at S% for 3 yr. 3 mo. 11. Made a loan of $1040 for 1 yr. 9 mo. at ^%. How much is due at the end of the time ? 12. If a note for $375, on interest at %%, dated June 10, 1874, be paid Sept. 10, 1876, what amount will be due ? 568. To find the interest on any sum of money, for any time, at any rate per cent. Obvious EELATioiiirs betweek Time akd Iktekest. I. The interest on any sum for 1 year at 1% is .01 of the principal. It is therefore equal to the principal with the decimal point re- moved tiDO places to the left. II. The interest for 1 mo. is -^ of the interest for 1 yr. III. The interest for 3 days is -jV, or ^, of the interest for 1 month ; hence any number of days may readily be reduced to tenths of a month by dividing by 3. 34 PERCENTAGE. IV. The interest on any sum for 1 month, multiplied by the number of months and tenths of a month in the given time, and the product by the number expressing the rate, will be the required interest. 569. 1. Find the int. of $361.20 for 1 yr. 3 mo.24 da. at 7^. OPERATION. $3,612 (01 of the Prin.) Int. for 1 yr. at 1 % (568, I). .301 Int. for 1 mo. at 1% (568, II). 15.8 Number of months and tenths (568, III). $4.7558 Int. for 1 yr. 3 mo. 24 da. at IJ 7 $33.2906 Int. for 1 yr. 3 mo. 24 da. at 1% (568, IV). What is the interest, 2. Of $137.25 for 1 yr. 6 mo. 10 da. at 6^ ? At 4^ ? 3. Of $510.50 for 3 yr. 7 mo. 15 da. at b% ? At 8^? 4. Of $1297. 60 for 2 yr. 11 mo. 18 da. at t% ? At 7^^? EuLE. — I. To find the interest for 1 yr. at \%, Remove the decimal point in the given principal two places to the left. II. To find the interest for 1 mo. at 1%. Divide the interest for 1 year ly 12. III. To find the interest for any time at 1%. Multiply the interest for 1 month hy the number of months and tenths of a month in the given time, IV. To find the interest at any rate %, Multiply the interest at l%for the given time ly the num- ler expressi^ig the given rate, 5. Find the int. of $781.90 for 1 yr. 1 mo. 12 da, at 7%. 6. Find the int. of $3000 for 11 mo. 21 da. at 10^. IlfTEKEST. 35 7. What is the ami of $1049 for 2 yr. 3 mo. 9 da. at (j^% ? 8. What is the amt. of $216.75 for 3 yr. 5 mo. 11 da. at S% ? 9. Eequired the int. of $250 from Jan. 1, 1873, to May 10, 1875, at 7^? 10. Eequired the amount of $408.60 from Aug. 20 to Dec. 18, 1876, at 10^? 11. What is the interest on a note for $515.62, dated March 1, 1873, and payable July 16, 1875, at 7%? 12. A man sold his house and lot for $12500 ; the terms were, $4000 in cash on delivery, $3500 in 9 mo., $2600 in 1 yr. 6 mo., and the balance in 2 yr. 4 mo., with 6% interest. What was the whole amount paid ? 570 • SIX PER CENT METHOD. At 6% per annum, the interest of $1 For 12 mo is 6 cents, or .06 of the principal. '' 2 '^ or ^ of 12 mo., 'a cent, ^^.01 '' '' " 1 " "i^"Vl " "\ " " .005 " '' 6da.'^^'' 1 " "^^ " ^^.001 " " '' \ " " \" 6 da. " .000^'^ 571. Principles. — 1. Tlie interest of any sum at 6% is ONE-HALF as many hundredths of the principal as there are months in the given time, 2. The interest of any sum at 6% is one-sixth as many thousandths of the principal as there are days in the given time. Thus, the interest on any sum at 6% for 1 yr. 3 mo., or 15 mo., is J of .15, or .075, of the principal ; and for 18 da. it is -J of .018, or .003, of the principal. Hence, for 1 yr. 3 mo. 18 da., it is .075 + .003 = .078 of the principal. It is evident that an odd month is ^ of .01, or .005; and that any number of days less than 6 is such a fractional part of .001 as the days are of 6 days. 36 PERCENTAGE. oraij exercises. 573. What is the interest, 1. Of $1 at Q% for i year ? 2 years ? 3 years ? 5 years ? 8 years ? 12 years ? 2. Of $1 at 6^ for 1 month ? 2 mo. ? 3 mo. ? 4 mo. ? 5mo. ? 7mo. ? 9 mo. ? 10 mo.? 15mo.?18mo. ? At 6^, what is the interest, 3. Of $1 for 1 yr. 4 mo. ? 1 yr. 7 mo. ? 2 yr. 2 mo. ? 4. Of $1 for 1 day ? 6 da. ? 12 da. ? 19 da. ? 24 da. ? 33 da.? 36 da.? 45 da.? 63 da.? 5. Of $1 for 1 mo. 12 da. ? For 3 mo. 15 da. ? For 6 mo. 25 da. ? For 7 mo. 11 da. ? For 11 mo. ]8 da. ? Find the interest, 6. Of $1, at Q%, for 1 yr. 3 mo. 6 da. For 1 yr. 9 mo. 18 da. For 1 yr. 5 mo. 19 da. 7. Of $1 at %% for 2 yr. 1 mo. 9 da. For 3 yr. 24 da. 8. Of $1 at 6^ for 5 yr. 5 mo. 5 da. For 4 yr. 7 mo. 10 da. At 6^, find the interest, 9. Of $1 for 2 yr. 6 mo. Of $2. Of $3. Of $5. 10. Of $1 for 4 yr. 2 mo. Of $10. Of $20. Of $30. 11. Of $5 for 1 yr. 4 mo. For 2 yr. For 2 yr. 8 mo. 12. Of $1 for 33 da. For 63 da. For 93 da. For 123 da. 13. Of $6 for 33 da. Of $4 for 63 da. Of $2 for 93 da. 14. If the interest of a certain principal at 6^ is $18, what would the interest be at b% ? 7;^ ? 8^ ? 9^ ?. 5% is I less than 6% ; 7% is J more than 6% ; 8% is J more, etc. 15. If the interest of a certain principal is $16, what tvould the int. be at Z% ? ^%? 6%? U% ? 8^ ? 12^ ? 16. If the interest of a certain principal is $30, what would the int. be at 2^? 4=%? 7^? 8^? 10^? 14^? IKTEKEST. 37 WRITTEN EXEItCISES. 573. 1. What is the int. of $427.20 at 6^ for 2 yr. 5 mo. 27 da. OPERATION. Analysis.— Since the in- 2 yr. 5 mo. =. 29 mo. $427.20 *^^^»* «^ ^^ ^^^ ^ y^- ^ ^^• / _ ^ ^'^ ^^- ^^ $149|, or of any ^ of .29 = .145 AA:^ g^j^ jg 1491 ^f ^^^ princi- 1^ of .027 = .004^ 163.8664 pal (571), $427.20 x .149J- Int. =.149i0fthePrin. =163.866+ is the required interest. Find the interest at 6^ of 2. $597.25 for 7 mo. 18 da. 3. $418.75 for 1 mo. 25 da. 4. $309.18 for 2 yr. 24 da. 5. $1298 for 3 yr. 1 mo. 13 da. 6. $2000 for 2 yr. 7 mo. 24 da. 7. $4010 for 1 yr. 1 mo. 13 da. EuLE. — MuUijjly the given principal by the decimal ex- pressing the i?iterest of $1 ; or by the decimal expressing one-half as many hundredths as there are months, and one- sixth as many thousandths as there are days, in the given time, and the product will be the required interest. To find the interest at any other per cent, by this method, increase or diminish the interest at 6 % by such part of itself as the given rate is greater or less than 6%. 574. To compute Accurate Interest^ that is, reckoning 365 da. to the year, use the following EuLE. — Find the interest for years and aliquot parts of a year by the common method, and for days take such part ofl yearns interest as the number of days is o/'365. Or, When the time is in days and less than 1 yea.r,find the interest by the common method and then subtract -^ part of itself for the common year, or -^^ if it be a leap year* 38 PEKCENTAGE. 1. Find the accurate interest of $1560 for 45 da. at 1%. The exact int. of $1560 for 45 da. at 7 fc = $109^x_45 ^ ^^^ ^ ^ Or, It is $13.65 - ^'-^'t^ "" ^ = $13.46 +. 2.^ Find the exact int. of $1600 for 1 yr. 3 mo. at 6%, 3. What is the difference between the exact interest of $648.40 at S% for 1 yr. 3 mo. 20 da. and the interest reckoned by the 6^ method? 4. Find the exact interest of $875.60 at 7% for 63 da. 5. Eequired the exact interest on three U. S. Bonds of $1000 each, at 6%, from May 1 to Oct. 15. 6. What is the exact interest on a $500 U. S. Bond, at 5%, from Nov. 1 to April 10 following ? 575. Find the interest, by any of the ordinary methods, 1. Of $721.56 for 1 yr. 4 mo. 10 da. at 6^. 2. Of $54.75 for 3 yr. 24 da. at 5%. 3. Of $1000 for 11 mo. 18 da. at 7^. 4. Of $3046 for 7 mo. 26 da. at S%. 5. Of $1821.50 from April 1 to Nov. 12 at 6%. 6. Of $700 from Jan. 15 to Aug. 1 at 10^. 7. Of $316.84 from Oct. 20 to March 10 at 11%. What is the amount 8. Of $3146 for 2 yr. 3 mo. 10 da. at 1%? 9. Of $96.85 for 3 yr. 1 mo. 27 da. at 6% ? 10. Of $1008.S0 for 10 mo. 16 da. at Qi% ? 11. Of $2000 for 15 da. at 12^^ ? 12. Of $137.60 for 127 da. at 10^? ^13. If $1671.64 be placed at interest June 1, 1874, what amount will be due April 1, 1876, at 11% ? INTEREST. 33 14. How much is the interest on a note for $600, dated Feb. 1, 1872, and payable Sept. 25, 1875, at 6^ ? 15. If a man borrow $9700 in New York, and loan it in Colorado, what will it gain at legal int. in a year r 16. Eequired the interest of $127.36 from Dec. 12^ 1873, to July 3, 1875, at 4^^. 17. A note of $250, dated June 5, 1874, was paid Feb. 14, 1875, with interest at S%. What was the amount ^^ 18. A note for $710.50, with interest after 3 mo., at 7^, was given Jan. 1, 1874, and paid Aug. 12, 1876. What was the amount due ? 19. A man engaged in business was making 12^% an- nually on his capital of $16840. He quit his business and loaned his money at 7^%. What did he lose in 2 yr. 3 mo. 18 da. by the change ? 20. A man borrows $2876.75, which belongs to a minor who is 16 yr. 5 mo. 10 da. old, and he is to retain it until the owner is 21 years old. What will then be due at 8% simple interest ? 21. A speculator borrowed $9675, at 6%, April 15, 1874, with which he purchased flour at $6.35. May 10, 1875, he sold the flour at $7f a barrel, cash. What did he gain by the transaction ? ■^ 22. A man borrows $10000 in Boston at 6^, reckoning 360 da. to the year, and lends it in Ohio at 8^, reckoning 365 da. to the year. What will be his gain in 146 days? 23. A tract of land containing 450 acres was bought at $36 an acre, the money paid for it being loaned at 6^%. At the end of 3 jr. 8 mo. 24 da., f of the land was sold at $40 an acre, and the remainder at $38|^ an acre. What was gained or lost by the transaction ? 4D PERCENTAGE. ^^ PKOBLEMS IN INTEEEST. 576« Interest, time, and rate given, to find the principal. OBAZ EXJERCISES, 1. What sum of money will gain $10 in 1 yr. at b% ? Analysis. — The interest of $1 for 1 yr. at 5% is .05 of the prin- dpal, and therefore $10 -r- .05, or $200, is the required sum. Or, Since $.05 is the interest of $1, $10 is the interest of as many- dollars as $.05 is contained times in $10, or 200 times. Hence, etc. What sum of money will gain. 2. $20 int. in 2 yr. at b% ? 3. $25 int. in 5 yr. at b% ? 4. $60 int. in 2 yr. at 6%? 5. $84 int. in 2 yr. at 1% ? 6. $50 int. in 6 mo. at 10^? 7. $30int. inSmo. at 8;^? WRITTEN EXERCISES, 577. 1. What sum of money, put at interest 3| yr. at &%, will gain $346.50? OPERATION. Int. of $1 for 3| yr. at 6% = $.21. Analysis.— Same as in $346.50 -^ $.21 = 1650 times ; ^^^^ exercises. (576.) $1 X 1650 =: $1650. What principal 2. Will gain $49.50 in 1 yr. 3 mo. at 6% ? At 5^ ? 3. Will gain $153.75 in 3 mo. 24 da. at 7^ ? At 8^? EuLE. — Divide the given interest ly the interest of $1 for the given time, at the given rate. Formula. — Principal = Interest -r- {Bate x Time). What sum of money ^ 4. Will gain $213 in 5 yr. 10 mo. 20 da. at 7% ? 5. Willgain$173.97in4yr.4mo. at6^? At 12^? ^ IKTEREST. 41 6.* A man receives semi-annually $350 int. on a mort- gage at 1%, What is the amount of the mortgage ? 578. Amount, rate, and time given, to find the principal. OltATj EXEHCIS ES. 1. What sum of money will amount to $107 in 1 yr. at 7^? Analysis. — Since the interest is .07 of the principal, the amount is 1.07, or igj, of it. If $107 is igj of the principal, yi^ of the prin- cipal is y^7 of $107, or $1 ; and ^gg, or the principal itself, is $100. Or, Since $1.07 is the amount of $1, $107 is the amount of as many dollars as $1.07 is contained times in $107, or $100. What sum of money will amount to 2. $130 in 5 yr. at 6^? 3. $228 in 2 yr. at 1% ? 4. $412 in 6 mo. at 6^? 5. $250 in 10 yr. at 10^? 6. $350 in 15 yr. at 5^? 7. $260 in 3 yr. 9 mo. at 8^? WJtITTEN EXEBCISES , 579. 1. What sum will amount to $337.50 in 5 yr. at 7^? OPERATION. Am't of $1 for 5 yr. at 7% = $1.35. Analysis. — Same as $337.50 -^ $1.35 :r3 250 times ; in oral exercises. (578.) $1 X 250 = $250. What principal 2. Will amount to $1028 in 4 mo. 24 da. at 7%? 3. Will amount to $1596 in 2 yr. 6 mo. at 6^% ? ^4. Will amount to $1531.50 in 3 mo. 18 da. at 7%? Rule. — Divide the given amount hy the amou7it of $1 for the given time, at the given rate. Formula. — Prin. = Amt. -r- (1 + Bate x Time). 43 PERCENTAGE. 5. What is the principal which in 217 days, at 6^%, amounts to $918.73 ? 6. What principal in 3 yr. 4 mo. 24 da. will amount to $761.44 at 5^? 580. Principal, interest, and time given, to find the rate. ORAL bxehcises, 1. At what rate will $100 gain $14 in 2 years? Analysis. — Since the interest of $100 is $14 for 2 yr., it is $7 for 1 yr., and $7 is .07 of $100, the principal. Hence the rate is 7 % . Or, Since the interest of $100 for 2 yr. at 1 % is $2, $14 is as many per cent, as $2 is contained times in $14, or 1%. At what rate will .2. $300 gain $60 in 4 yr. ? 3. $500 gain $100 in 5 yr. r 4. $400 gain $84 in 3 yr. ? 5. $5 gain $1 in 3 yr. ? 6. $120 gain $60 in 10 yr.? 7. $150 double itself in 10 yr.? WRITTEN EXERCISES, 581. 1. At what rate per cent, will $1600 gain $280 interest in '^ years ? . OPERATION. Int. of $1600 at 1% for ^ yr. = $40. ANALYsis.-Same as $280 - $40 =. 7 tiihes^; 1% x 7=7^. '(^^oT '^'''''''' At what rate per cent 2. Will $2085 gain $68.11 in 5 mo. 18 da. ? 3. Will $1500 gain $252 in 2 yr. 4 mo. 24 da. ? EuLE. — Divide the given interest hy the interest of the ^iven principal, for the given time, at 1%. Formula. — Rate — Int, -r- {Prin. x 1% x Time). INTEREST. 43 4. A house that cost 114500 rents for $1189. What per cent, does it pay on the investment ? ^^ 5. At what rate will $1500 amount to $1684.50 in 2 yr. 18 da. ? 6. At what rate per fnonth will $2000 gain $120 in 90 da. ? 7. A man invests $15600, which gives him an annual income of $1620. What rate of interest does he receive ? 8. At what rate per annum will any sum double itself in 4, 6, 8, and 10 years, respectively ? At 1 % , any sum will double itself in 100 yr. ; hence, to double itself in 4 yr., the rate will be as many times 1^ as 4 yr. are con- tained times in 100 yr , or 25%, etc. 9. At what rate per annum will any sum triple itself in 2, 5, 7, 12, and 20 years, respectively ? 10. I invest $49500 in a business that pays me $297 a month. What annual rate of interest do I receive ? 11. Which is tiie better investment, and how much, one of $4200, yielding $168 semi-annually, or one of $7500, producing $712^ annually ? ■■' ^ 583. Principal, interest, and rate g^iven, to find the time. OJRAIj JEXER CIS es, 1. In what time will $200 gain $56 at 7^ ? Analysis.— The given interest, $56, is -f^^, or .28, of the princi- pal, $200; therefore, the time is as many years as .07, the given rate, is contained times in .28, or 4 times. Hence, etc. Or, the interest of $200 at 7% for 1 yr. is $14; therefore, the time is as many years as $14 are contained times in the given inter- est, $50, or 4 years. Hence, etc. 44 PERCENTAGE. In what time will 2. $40 gain $10 at 6% ? 3. $500 gain $100 at 4^? 4. $25 gain $20 at 6^? 5. $1000 gain $250 at 6% ? 6. $5 gain 90 cents at 6% ? 7. $50 gain $12| at 10^ ? WRITTEN EXEnc IS i:s, 583. L In what time will $840 gain $78.12 at 6^? OPERATION. $840 X .06 z= $50.40 Int. for 1 yr. Analysis.— Same as in tb^ $78.12-T-$50.40i=1.55. oral exercises. (582.) 1 yr. X 1.55 = 1 yr. 6 mo. 18 da. In what time 2. Will $175.12 gain $6.43 at 6^? 3. Will $1000 amount to $1500 at 7|-^? KuLE. — Divide the given interest hy the interest of th$ given principal, at the given rate for 1 year. Formula. — Time =z Literest — {Prin. x Rate), 4 In what time will $8750 gain $1260 at 2% a month? V 5. How long must $1301,64 be on interest to amount to $1522.92 at 5^? 6. How long will it take any sum of money to double itself at ^%, 6fc, 6%, 1^%, and 10^, respectively? At 100 % , any sum of money will double itself in 1 year ; hence to double itself at 10%, it will require as many years as 10% is contained times in 100%, or 10 yr. 7. How long will it take any sunju to triple itself at ^%, ^%y 7^, ^%, and l^%, respectively ? 8. In what time will the interest of $120, at %%, equal the priacipal ? Equal half the principal ? Equal twice the principal ? I2!^^TEREST. 45 /; COMPOUND INTEREST. 584. Cofnpound Interest is interest not only on the principal, but on the interest added to the principal when it becomes due ? ORAL EXERCISES, 585. 1. What is the comp. int. of $500 in 2 yr. at 6^ ? Analysis. — The simple interest of $500 for 2 yr. is $60 ; the in- terest of the first year's interest, $30, for the second year is $1.80, which, added to $60, gives $61.80, the compound interest. Or, The interest of $500 for 1 yr. at 6% is $30, and the amount is $530, which is the principal for the second year ; the interest of $530 for 1 yr. at 6% is $31.80, which added to $530 gives $561.80, the final amount ; and deducting $500, the original principal, gives $61.80, the compound interest. What is the compotmd interest 2. Of $600 for 2 yr. at b% ? 4. Of $300 for 2 yr. at 10^? 3. Of $100 for 2 yr. at 1% ? 5. Of $1000 for 2 yr. at 5^? What is the amount at compound interest. 6. Of $800 for 2 yr. at h% ? 8. Of $400 for 2 yr. at 4^? 7. Of $2000 for 2 yr. at 10^? 9. Of $500 for 2 yr. at 8^ ? WRITTEN EXAMPLES, 586. 1. What is the comp. int. of $750 for 2 yr. at 6^? OPERATION. Analysis.— Since the amount is 1.06 $750 Prin. for let yr. of the principal, the amount at the end 1.06 ®^ *^^ fi^s* y^^^ ^s $795, which is the 'ZZZZ , principal for the 2d year, and the amount $795 Prm.for 2dyr. ^^ ^j^^ ^^^ ^^ j,^^ 2^ ^^^^ .^ ^^3 ^(, ll_l^ Hence, by subtracting the given princi- $842.70 Total amount. V^\ $750, the result is the compound .j^^Q t- interest, $92.70. $92.70 Compound int. 46 PEKCEKTAGE. 2. What will $350 amt. to in 3 yr. at 7^, comp. int. ? 3. What is the compound int. of $1200 for 3 yr. at 6% ? KuLE. — I. Find the amount of the given principal for the first period of time at the end of ivhich interest is due, and make it the principal for the second period, II. Find the amount of this principal for the next period; and so continue till the end of the given time. III. SuMract the given principal from the last amounty and the remainder will be the compound interest. When the time contains months and days, less than a single period, find the amount up to the end of the last period, and com- pute the simple interest upon that amount for the remaining months and days, which add to find the total amount. 4. What will $864.50 amount to in 4 yr. at 8%^ com- pound interest ? 5. What is the compound interest of $680 for 2 yr. at 7^, interest being payable semi-annually ? 6. What is the compound interest of $460 for 1 yr. 5 mo. 18 da. at 6%, interest payable quarterly ? 7. What will be the amount of $1250 in 3 yr. 7 mo. 18 da. at 5%, interest being semi-annual? 8. Find the compound interest of $790 for 9 mo. 27 da. at S%, payable quarterly. The computation of compound interest may be abridged by 1 sing the following table. To use the table, multiply the given principal by the number in the table corresponding to the given number of years and the given rate. If the interest is not annual, reduce the time to periods, and the rate proportionally. Thus, 2 yr. 6 mo. , by semi-annual payments, at 7%, is the same as 5 yr. at 3.^% ; and 1 yr. 9 mo., quarterly payments, at 8^, the same as 7 yr. at 25^. INTEREST. 47 587. Table showing the arnt. of $1, at 2^, 3, 3^, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12%, compound int,,fro7n 1 to 20 years. Yrs. 2i percent. 3 per cent. 3i per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 6 per cent. 1 1.025000 1.030000 1.035000 1.040000 1.050000 1.060000 2 1.050625 1.060900 1.071225 1.081600 1.102500 1.123600 3 1.076891 1.092727 1.108718 1.124864 1.157625 1.191016 4 1.103813 1.125509 1.147523 1.169859 1.215506 1.262477 5 1.131408 1.159274 1.187686 1.216653 1.276282 1.338226 6 1.159693 1.194052 1.229255 1.265319 1.340096 1.418519 7 1.188686 1.229874 1.272279 1.315932 1.407100 1.503630 8 1.218403 1.266770 1.316809 1.368569 1.477455 1.59S848 9 1.248863 1.304773 1.362897 1.423312 1.551328 1.689479 10 1.280085 1.343916 J.410599 1.480244 1.628895 1.790848 11 1.312087 1.384234 1.459970 1.539454 1.710339 1.898299 12 1344889 1.425761 1.511069 l.n01032. 1.795856 2.012197 13 1.378511 1.468534 1.563956 1.66^074 1.885649 2.132928 14 1.412974 1.512590 1.618695 1.731676 1.9';9932 2200904 15 1.448298 1.557967 1.675349 1.800944 2.078^.28 2.396558 16 1.484506 1.604703 1.733986 1.872981 2.182875 2.540852 17 1.521618 1.652848 1 794676 1.947901 2.292018 2.692773 18 1 559659 1.702433 1.857489 2.025817 2.4C6619 2.854339 19 1.598650 1.753506 1922501 2.106849 2.526950 3.025600 20 1.638616 1.806111 1.989789 2.191123 2.653298 3.207136 Yrs. 7 per cent. 8 per cent. 9 per cent. 10 per cent. 11 per cent. 12 per cent. 1 1.070000 1.080000 1. Of. 0000 I.IOCOOO I.IICOCO 1.120000 2 1.144900 1.166400 1.188100 1.210000 1.232100 1.254400 3 1.225043 1.259712 1.295029 1.3310C0 1.867631 1.404908 4 1 310796 1.360489 1.411582 1.464100 1.516070 1.573519 5 1.402552 1.469328 1.538624 1.610510 1.685058 1.762342 6 1.500730 1.586874 1 677100 1.771561 1.870414 1.973822 7 1.605781 1.713824 1.828039 1.948717 2.076160 2.210681 8 1.718186 1.850930 1.992563 2.143589 2.804537 2.47^963 9 1.838459 1.999005 2.171893 2.357948 2.558036 2.773078 10 1.967151 2.158925 2.367364 2.593742 2.839420 3.105848 11 2.104852 2.331639 2.580426 2.853117 3.151757 3 478549 12 2.252192 2.518170 2.812665 3.138428 3.498450 3 895975 13 2.409845 2.719624 3065805 3.452271 3.888279 4.363492 14 2.578534 2.937194 3.341727 3.797498 4.310440 4.887111 15 2.759031 3.172169 3.642482 4.177248 4.784588 5.473565 16 2.952164 3.425943 3.970300 4.594973 5.310893 6.130392 17 3.158815 3.700018 4.327633 5.054470 5.895091 6.666040 18 3.379932 3.996019 4.717120 5.559917 6.54;551 7.689964 19 3.616527 4.315701 5.141661 6.115909 7.263342 8.612760 20 3.869684 4.660957 5.604411 6.727500 8.062309 9.646291 48 PERCENTAGE. 9. Find by the table the compound interest of $950 for 1 yr. 5 mo. 24 da., at 10^, interest payable quarterly. OPERATION. 1 yr. 5 mo. 24 da. = 5 quarters of a year + 2 mo. 24 da. 10% per annum = 2| % per quarter. Amount for 5 yr. at 2^% = 1.131408 of principal. $950 X 1.131408 = $1074.837, amount for 1 yr. 3 mo. Interest of $1074.837 for 2 mo. 24 da. at 10 fo = $25,079. $1074.837 + $25,079 = $1099.916, total amount. $1099.916 — $950 = $149,916, compound interest. 10. Find the amount, at compound interest, of $749.25 for 10 yr. 4 mo., at 7%, interest payable semi-annually. 11. What sum placed at simple interest for 3 yr. lOmo. 18 da., at 11%, will amount to the same as $1500 placed at compound interest for the same time, and at the same rate, payable semi-annually ? rl2. At S%, interest compounded quarterly, how much will $850 amount to in 1 yr. 10 mo. 20 da. ?. 13. What will $500 amount to in 20 yr. at 7^, comp. int.? 14. A father at his death left $12500 for the benefit of his only son, 14 yr. 8 mo. 12 da. old, the money to be paid him when he should be 21 years of age, with 6% interest compounded semi-annually. What did he receive ? ANI^UAL INTEREST. 588. Annual Interest is interest on the principal and on each year's interest remaining unpaid, but so computed as not to increase the original principal. It is allowed in the case of promissory notes and other contracts which contain the words, " with interest payable annually," or with " compound interest. " In such cases, the interest is not compounded beyond the second year. INTEREST. 49 WMITTEN EXERCISES, 589. 1. Find the annual interest and amount of $8000 for 5 yr., at 6^ per annum. OPERATION. Analysis.— The in- Int. of $8000 for 5 yr. at 6^=:$2400. t^rest on $8000 for i - - $480 for 10 yr. at %% = $288. f ' f ^^^. ^^Jf^^> ^^^ •^ ^ for 5 yr. is $2400. $2400 + $288==$2688, Annual int. The interest for the $8000 + $2688=1 $10688, Amount. first year, remaining unpaid, draws interest for 4 yr. ; that for the second year, for 3 yr. ; that for the third year, for 2 yr. ; and that for the fourth year, for 1 yr., the sum of which is equal to the interest of $480 for 4 yr. + 3 yr. + 2 yr. + 1 yr. = 10 yr. ; and the interest of $480 at 6% for 10 yr. is $288. Hence the total amount of interest is $2400 + $288, or $2688, and the amt. is $10688. 2. What is the annual interest of $1500 for 4 yr. at 7^? EuLE. — Compute the interest on the princij)dl for the given time and rate, to which add the interest on each yearns interest for the time it has remained unpaid. To obtain the latter, when the interest has remained impaid for a number of years, multiply the interest for one year by the product of the number of years and half that number diminished by one. Thus, if the time is 9 yr., the interest for 1 yr. should be multi- plied by 9 X (9 — 1) -^ 2, or 9 x 4 = 86. Since the interest for the first year draws 8 years' interest, that for the second year 7 years' interest, etc., and the sum of the series 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + lis86. 3. What will $3500 amt. to in 10 yr., annual int., at 8^? 4. What is the difference between the annual interest and the compound interest of $2500 for 6 yr. at 6^? 5. Find the amt. of $575, at %% annual int., for 9|- yr. 50 PERCEIbf TAGE. 6. $800. Macon, June 15, ia72. Four years after date, for value received, I promise to pay Robert E. Park, or order, eight hundred dollars, with in- terest at seven per cent,, payable annually. J. W. Burke. What amount is due on this note at maturity, no in- terest haying been paid ? PARTIAL PAYMEl!TTS. 590. Partial Faj/iuents are payments in part of the amount of a note, bond, or other obligation. 591. Indorsenients are the acknowledgment of such payments, written on the back of the note, bond, etc., stating the time and amount of the same. 593. A JProniissof^y Note is a written promise to pay a certain sum of money, on demand or at a specified time. 593. The Maker or Drawer of the note is the person who signs it. 594. The Payee is the person to whom, or to whose order, the money is paid. 595. An Indorser is a person who, by signing his name on the back of the note, makes himself respon- sible for its payment. 596. The Face of a note is the sum of money made payable by the note. 597. A Negotiable Note is one made payal^le to bearer, or to any person's order. When so made, it can be sold or transferred. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 51 WRITTEN EXERCISES. 1. $800. New York, Jan. 1st, 1874. One year after date, I proynise to pay Caleb Barlow, or order, eight hundred dollars, for value received, with in- terest. James Dunlap. Indorsed as follows : April 1, 1874, $10 ; July 1, 1874, $35 ; Not. 1, 1874, $100. What was there due Jan. 1, 1875 ? Analysis— The interest of $800 for 3 mo., from Jan. 1 to April 1, at 7%, is $14; am% $814. Since the payment is less than the in- terest, it cannot be deducted for a new principal without com- pounding the int., which is illegal ; hence, find the int. of $800 to the time of the next payment, 3 mo , which is $14, and the amt. to that time, $828, from which deduct the sum of the two payments, or $45, leaving $783, a new principal. The int. of $783 for 4 mo., to Nov. 1, is $18.27; amt., $801.27; from which deduct the third payment, $100, leaving $701.27, the next principal, the amt. of which for 2 mo., to Jan. 1, 1874, is $709.45, sum due at that time. Peinciple. — The principal must not he increased hy the addition of interest due at the time of any payment, so as to compound the interest. Upon this principle is based the rule prescribed by the Supreme Court of the United States : U. S. EuLE. — I. Find the amount of the given princi- pal to the time of the first payment, and if this payment equals or exceeds the interest then due, subtract it from the amt. obtained, and treat the remainder as a new principal. II. If the interest exceed the payment, find the amou7it of the same principal to a time lohen the sum of the pay- ments equals or exceeds the interest then due, and subtract the sum of the payments from that amount. III. Proceed in the same manner loith the remai7iing payments. 52 PERCEK"TAGE, $500. Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1875. 2. Three months after date, I promise to pay to J. B Lippincott & Co., or order, five hundred dollars, with interest, without defalcation. Value received, James Mo^^roe. Indorsed as follows : May 1, 1875, $40 ; Nov. 14, 1875, $8; April 1, 1876, $18; May 1, 1876, 130. What was due Sept. 16, 1876 ? OPERATION. Face of note, or principal $500.00 Interest to May 1, 1875, 3 mo., at 6% 7.50 Amount 507.50 Payment, to be subtracted 40.00 2cl principal 467.50 Int. of $467.50 to Nov. 14, 1875, 6 mo. 13 da. . . $15.04 Int. of $467.50 to April 1, 1876, 4 mo. 17 da. . . 10.67 25.71 Amount 493.21 Sum of payments, to be subtracted 26.00 3d principal . 467.21 Int. to May 1, 1876, 1 mo 2.34 Amount 469.55 Payment, to be subtracted 30.00 4tli principal 439.55 Int. to Sept. 16, 1876, 4 mo. 15 da., . T 9.89 Amount due $449.44 3. What was the amount due October 25, 1873, upon a note for $1500, dated New Orleans, April 1, 1872, and on which the following payments were endorsed : June 5, 1872, $300 ; Oct. 15, 1872, $37.75 ; May 1, 1873, $97.25 ; Aug. 6, 1873, $495? PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 53 $700. Detroit, Nov. 1, 1873. 4. On demandy 1 promise to pay Charles Smith, or order, seven hundred dollars, with interest. Value re- ceived, Abraham Isaacs. Indorsed as follows : Dec. 5, 1873, $75 ; Jan. 10, 1874, $350; April 11, 1874, $11.25; May 15,^874, $250. What was due Sept. 1, 1874? $4 97^A' Chicago, March 15, 1874. 5. Three months after date, tve promise to pay James Kelly, or order, four hundred and ninety-seven ^^^ dollars, with interest at 6%, Value received. Brown, Nichols & Co. Indorsed as follows : Nov. 3, 1874, $57.50 ; June 15, 1875, $22.25 ; Aug. 1, 1875, $125 ; Sept. 15, 1875, $175. What was due Jan. 1, 1876? 598. The following method of computation is often used by merchants in the settlement of notes and of in^ terest accounts running a year or less ; hence called the Mercantile Eule: I. Find the amount of the note or deU from its date to the time of settlement. II. Find the amount of each payment frmn its date to the time of settlement. III. Subtract the sum of the amounts of payments from the amount of the note or debt. An accurate application of this rule requires that the time should be reduced to days, and that the interest should be computed by the rule for days (574). For the Vermont State method of computation, and also of assessing taxes, see pages 227-231. 54 PERCENTAGE, 1. On a note for $600 at 1%, dated Feb. 15, 1874, were the following indorsements : March 25, 1874, $150 ; June 1, 1874, $75 ; Oct. 10, 1874, $100. What was due Dec. 31, 1874 ? OPERATION. Am't of $600 from Feb. 15 to Dec. 31, 319 da., $636.71 '' '' $150 '' Mar. 25 '' " 281 da., $158.08 " '' $75 " June 1 '* *' 213 da., 78.06 ** *' $100 " Oct. 10 *' '* 82 da,, 101.57 837.71 Balance due Dec. 31, 1874, $299.00 2. A note for $950, dated Jan. 25, 1876, payable in 9 mo., at 7^ interest, had the following indorsements : March 2, 1876, $225 ; May 5, 1876, $174.19 ; June 29, 1876, $187.50; Aug. 1, 1876, $79.15. What was the balance due at the time of its maturity ? 3. Payments were made on a debt of $1750, due April 5, 1875, as follows : May 10, 1875, $190 ; July 1, 1875, $230 ; Aug. 5, 1875, $645 ; Oct. 1, 1875, $372. What was due Dec. 31, 1875, interest at 6^ ? DISOOUJ^fT. 599. Discount is a certain percent deducted from the price-list of goods, or an allowance made for the pay- ment of a debt or other obligation before it is due. 600. The Present Worth of a debt payable at a future time without interest, is such a sum as, being put at legal interest, will amount to the debt when it becomes due. 601. The True Discount is the difference between the whole debt and the present worth. DISCOUKT. 55 OJB^X EXERCISES, 603. 1. What is the present worth of a debt of $224, to be pdid in 2 yr., at 6^ ? Analysis. — Since in 2 yr., at 6^, the int, is .12 of the principal, the amt. is 1.12 of it ; therefore, $234, the debt, is 1.12, or ^^f of the present worth, and jgg, or the present worth itself, is $200. Or, since $1.12 is the amt, of $1, $224 is the amt. of as many dol- lars as $1.12 is contained times in $224, or $200. (578.) What is the present worth 2. Of $315, due in 10 mo., at 6^? 3. Of $570, due in 2 yr., at 7^? 4. Of $408, due in 3 mo., at 8^ ? * 5. Of $51, due in 4 mo., at H ? 6. Of $440, due in 2 yr., at b% ? Find the true discount at 6^, 7. Of $1019, due in 3 mo. 24 da. 8. Of $102.20, due in 4 mo. 12 da. 9. Of $5035, due in 1 mo. 12 da. WRITTEN EXERCISES, 603. 1. What are the present worth and the true dis* count, of $362.95, payable in 7 mo. 12 da., at 6^ ? OPERATION. Amt. of $1, for 7 mo. 12^da., at 6^ = $1,037 $362.95 -T- $1,037 = 350*times. $1 X 350 = $350, Present Worth. $362.95 — $350 = $12.95, True Discount. Analysts.— Since the amount of $1 for 7 mo. 12 da. at 6% is $1,037 (579), $362.95 is the amount of as many dollars as $1,037 is contained times in $362.95, or 350 times. Hence the present worth is $350 ; and the true discount is $362.95 — $350, or $12,95. 56 PERCENTAGE. ^' 2. What is the present worth of a debt of $287.'}'5 to be id in 3 mo. 18 da. at 11% ? 3. What is the true discount on a debt of $2202.90 due in 8 mo. 12 da. at 7% ? KuLE. — I. Divide the debt iy the amount of $1 for the given rate and time, and the quotie7it is the present worth. 11. Subtract the j^f'esent worth from the debt, and the remainder is the true discount. Formula. — Present Worth = Debt -r- Amt. of $1. Hence the present worth is the principal of which the true dis- count is the interest, anij the whole debt the amount. 4. Bought a house and lot for $19500 cash, and sold them for $22000, payable one-fourth in cash and the re- mainder in 1 yr. 6 mo. How much ready money did I gain, computing discount at 6%? 5. A merchant buys goods for $4200 on 4 mo. credit, but is offered a discount of 3% for cash. If money is worth ^% a month, what is the difference ? 6. Bought a bill of lumber amounting to $3500, on 6 mo. credit ; 2 months afterward paid on account $1500, and 1 month later, $1000. Find the present worth of the balance, at the time of the second payment, int. at 7%. 7. A merchant holds two notes, one for $356.25 due Dec. 1, 1875, and the otheii' for $497.50, due Feb. 1, 1876. What would be due him in cash on both notes Sept. 15^ 1875, at 6% ? 8. A bookseller bought $300 worth of books at a dis- count of 33^^ from list prices, and sold them at the reg- ular retail price, on 6 mo. time. Money being worth 6^, what per cent, profit did he make ? DISCOUKT. 57 9. A speculator bought 230 bales of cotton, each bale eontainiug 470 lb., at llf cents a pounds on a credit of 9 mo. He at once sold the cotton for $13000 cash, and paid the pres. worth of the debt at 1%. What was his gain ? 10. Which is the more profitable, to buy flour at $8.75 a barrel on 6 mo. credit, or at $8.60 on 2 mo., money being worth 7^? 11. A person sold goods to the amount of $3750, 15^ payable in cash, 25^ in 3 mo., 20^ in 4 mo., and the re- mainder in 6 mo. What ready money would discharge the whole debt, money being worth Q% ? r BANK DISCOUNT. ^ 604. A Bank is a corporation chartered by law for the safe-keeping and loaning of money, or the issuing of bills for circulation as money. 605. Bank Bills or Notes are promissory notes issued by banks, and payable on demand. A bank which, issues notes to circulate as money is called a Bank of Issue ; one which lends money by discounting notes, a Bank of Discount ; and one which takes charge of money belonging to other parties, called depositors, a Savings Bank, or Bank of Deposit, Some banks perform two and others all of these duties. 606. Bank Discount is a deduction made for interest in advancing money upon a note not due, or pay- ment by a borrower, in advance, of interest upon money loaned to him. It is equal to the interest at the given rate for the given time (including the days »of grace) on the whole sum specified to be paid. 607. Bays of Grace are the three days allowed by law for the payment of a note after the expiration of the time specified in the note. They are counted in by bankers in discounting notes. 58 ^ PERCENTAGE. 608. The Maturity of a note is the expiration of the whole time, including the days of grace. 609. The Term of Discount is the time from the discount of a note to its maturity. 610. A JBank Chech is a written order for money by a depositor, upon a bank. 611. The Proceeds or Avails of a note is the sum received for it when discounted, that is, the face of the note less the discount. 613. A Protest is a formal declaration in writing, made by a Notary-Public, at the request of the holder of a note, to give legal notice to the maker and the indorsers of its non-payment. 1. The failure to protest a note on the third day of grace releases the indorsers from all obligation to pay it. 2. If the third day of grace or the maturity of a note occurs on Sunday or a legal holiday, it must be paid on the day previous. 3. The transaction of borrowing money at a bank is conducted as follows : The borrower presents a note, either made or indorsed by himself, payable at a specified time, and receives for it a sum equal to the face less the interest for the time it has to run, in- cluding the days of grace. A note for discount at a bank must be made payable to the order of some person, by whom it must be indorsed. When the note bears interest, the discount is computed on its face plus the interest for the time it has to run. 613. Bank discount being simple interest, the follow- ing are corresponding terms : The Face of the Note is the principal. The Term of Discount is the time. The Bank Discount is the interest. The Proceeds is the principal less the interest. DISCOUiTT. 59 614. To find the bank discount and proceeds of a note. OJtA.L MXEJiClSBS, 1. What is the bank discount on a note for $2000 due in 2 mo. 15 da. at Q%, and the proceeds ? Analysis. — After adding 3 da., tlie time is 2 mo. 18 da. ; the in- terest for which at 6% is .013 of the principal ; .013 of $2000 is $26, the hank disco ant, and $2000 — $26 equals $1974, or the proceeds. What are the l)a7iJc discount and the proceeds of a note 2. Of $80 for 5 mo. 27 da., at 7^? 3. Of $100 for 2 mo. 21 da., at 6^ ? 4. Of $200 for 8 mo. 9 da., at 1% ? 5. Of $150 for 4 mo. 21 da., at b% ? 6. Of $100 for 30 da., at Q>% ? WniTTBN JEX EB CISES. 615. 1. Eequired the bank discount and proceeds of a note for $1250 due in 90 days, at 7^. OPERATION. $1250 X. 07 ^ gg ^ ^^^ g^^ g^^^ Discount. (565 $1250 — $22.32 = $1227.68, Proceeds. Analysis. — The interest of $1^50 for 93 da., at 7%, reckoning 865 da. to the year, is $33.32, which is the bank discount. If 360 da. are reckoned to the year, the bank disc't is $33,604. Deducting the bank disc't from the face of the note, the remainder is the proceeds. Rule. — I. Compute the interest on the face of the note (or if it hears interest, on its amount at maturity), for three days more than the specified time, and the result ns the hank discount. II. Suhtract the discount from the face of the note, or ' its amount at maturity, and the remainder is tJ^e proceeds. 60 PERCEISTTAGE. 2. Wkat is the bank discount, and what is the pro- ceeds of a note for $597.50, due in 60 da., at (j% ? 3. What will be the proceeds of a note for $1G15, due in 90 da. with interest at 1%, discounted at the Nassau Bank in New York ? 4. Sold a farm, containing 173 A. 95 P., for %Q^ an acre, and received payment as follows : $2000 cash, and the balance in a note payable in 5 mo. 18 da. at 1% inter- est, which was discounted at a bank. How much ready money did the farm bring ? Find the date of maturity, the term of discount , and the proceeds of the following : $957^. Chicago, July 27, 1875. 5. Three months after date, I promise to pay to the order of D. L. Moody, nine hundred fifty-seven and -^^ dollars, for value received. * Discounted Aug. 10, at S%. William Thomson". $916^. San Francisco, Feb. 5, 1874. 6. Two months after date, we jointly and severally agree to pay 0. H. Thomas^, or order, nine hundred six- teen and y^ dollars luith interest at 8^, value received. Discounted at Marine Bank, James Barnes. Feb. 21, at 10^. George Childs. $1315y^. New York, May 1, 1875. J. Ninety days after date, I promise to pay to the order of Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., one thousand three hundred fifteen and ^^ dollars, for value received. Discounted May 15, at 7^. William Hewson". * Banks usually count the actual number of days in the given time, and "ijS days to the year. DISCOUNl, 61 $1250. Boston, June 12, 1876. 8. Six months after date, I promise to pay Knight, Adams & Co., or order, twelve hundred fifty dollars, with interest at 6 per cent., value received. Discounted at a broker's, Geo. B. Damok. Nov. 15, at 6%. 616. The proceeds and time of a note given, to find the face. OMAJj EXEB,C IS ES . 1. For what sum must a note be drawn, at 2 mo. 15 da., • at 6^, so that the proceeds when discounted may be $987 ? Analysis. — The bank discount for 3 mo. 18 da. at 6% is .013 of the face of the note, and the proceeds must therefore be 1 — .013, or .987 of the face ; and if .987 of the face is $987, the whole face of the note is $1000. Required the face of a note, so that the proceeds maybe 2. $972, for 4 mo. 21 da. at 7^. 3. $194, for 5 mo. 27 da. at 6^. 4. $97.60, for 3 mo. 15 da. at %%. 5. $980, for 4 mo. 21 da. at b%. 6. $184, for 9 mo. 15 da. at 10^. wit ITT EN EXEHCISES. 617. 1. What must be the face of a note at 9 mo. 27 da., interest S%, so that the proceeds may be $448 ? OPERATION. The bank discount of $1 for 10 mo. at 8% is $.066|. The proceeds of $1 = $1 - $.066f or $.933^. Hence $448 -7- .933^ = $480, the face of the note. 2. What is the face of a note at 30 da., the proceeds of which, when discounted at bank, at 7^, are $1425 ? 62 PEECENTAGE. KuLE. — Divide the given proceeds dy the j)TOceeds of |1 for the time and rate given ; the quotient is the face of the note. Formula, — Face = Proceeds — (1 — Bate x Time). 3. Find the face of a 3 mo. note the proceeds of which, discounted at 2% a month, is $675. 4. The proceeds of a note are $1915.75, the time 3 mo., and the rate of interest 7% ; what is the face of the note ? " 5. Bought merchandise for $2250, cash ; for what sum .must I draw my note at 3 mo., so as to obtain that sum at the bank, interest at 7^ ? 6. The avails of a 3 months note, when discounted at tl^%, were $315.23 ; what was the face of the note ? 7. For what sum must a note dated April 5, for 90 da., be drawn, so that when discounted at 7^, on Ajjril 21, the proceeds may be $650 ? 8. For how much must I draw my note at 90 da., in order that when discounted at a bank, at 7^, its avails will pay for 137i J^- <>* cloth at $2| a yard? SAVINGS-BANK ACCOUNTS. 618. A Savings-Bcmk is designed chiefly to ac- commodate depositors of small sums of money. Interest is allowed semi-annually on all sums that have been on deposit for a certain time, if not drawn out before the regular daj of paying interest — generally on the 1st of January and of July. Savings-banks generally allow interest only from the commence- ment of each quarter ; but in some banks money deposited pre- vious to the 1st day of any month draws interest from that date to the day of declaring interest dividends, provided it has not been previously withdrawn. DISCOUNT. 63 WniTTEN JEXEB CIS ES. 619. 1. A person had on deposit Jan. 1, 1874, $150. His subsequent deposits were, Feb. 3, $35 ; March 29, $20 ; April 10, $43 ; May 15, $26. His drafts during the same time were, Jan. 15, $50 ; Feb. 27, $15 ; April 19, $45. What interest was due July 1st, at Q% ? OPERATION. Date of Balance SmaUestBal. Interest SmaUestBal. Interest for Int. paym'ts. 1st of month. during mo. for 1 month. dur'g Q'rter. 1 Quarter. Jan. 1 $150 Feb. 1 100 $100 $.50 Mar. 1 120 100 .50 Apr. 1 140 120 .60 $100 $1.50 May 1 138 138 .69 June 1 164 138 .69 July 1 164 164 .82 138 2.07 $3.80 $3.57 Balance due, with int. by monthly periods, $167.80. ** ** " quarterly *' $167.57. Analysis. — At the end of January, tbe balance due is $100, which having been on deposit for the month, draws interest for 1 mo. ; at the end of February, the balance is $120 ; but the smallest balance during the month is $100 ; hence interest is allowed only on that sum. The same principle applies to the other balances. If only quarterly periods of interest are allowed, the interest is calculated at the end of each quarter on the smallest balance during the quar- ter, or, in this case, on $100, April 1, and $138, July 1. 2. Find the balance, due July 1, on the following account : Deposits, Jan. 15, $175 ; April 10, $60 ; May 31, $110. Drafts, March 5, $75; May 1, $35 ; June 10, $50. Interest at 6^, from the 1st day of each months 64 PERCENTAGE. 3. A person deposits in a savings-bank the following sums : Jan. 1, $350 ; Feb. 5, $150 ; March 15, $75 ; May 10, $30 ; June 15, $100. During the same time he draws, Jan. 15, $150 ; Feb. 10, $200 ; March 31, $50 ; June 1, $75. What interest at 6%, payable from the 1st of each month, must be added to the account July 1 ? 4. Balance the following, Jan. 1, 1875 : Balance due to Margaret Brown, July 1, 1874, $275. Deposits received as follows : Aug. 1, $125 ; Sept. 15, $57 ; Oct. 10, $350. Drafts paid : July 15, $100 ; Sept. 1, $150 ; Nov. 15, $6S ; Dec. 15, $125. Interest at 6%, from the 1st of each quarter, July 1 and Oct. 1. KuLE. — At the end of each term complete the interest for the term on the smallest balance on deposit at any time during the quarter ; and at the end of each period of six months add to the balance of principal the whole amount of interest due, and the sum will he the principal at the com- mencement of the next six inonths. 5. How much was due Jan. 1, 1876, on the following account, allowing interest, computed from the 1st of each quarter, Jan. 1 to July 1, at 6% per annum ? Br. Greenwich Savings Bank, in acct. with Mary Williams. Or. 1874. 1874. Jan. 1 To Cash . $136 00 Sept. 15 By Check $75 00 Mar. 17 (( u 25 00 1875. Aug. 1 ii St 87 50 Jan. 20 t( (t 37 50 1875. Mar. 3 it (I 50 00 June 11 (t a 150 00 Nov. 17 c( a 72 00 REVIEW, 65 630. SYNOPSIS FOR KEVIEW. 10. Interest. 1. Defs, j 1. Interest. 2. Principal. 3. Rate. • ( 4. A 6% Method ■U: 11. COMPOUN Interest, 12. Annual Interest. ) 2, S'D j 1, iT. ( 2, r. ( 2, 13. Partial Payments. 14. Discount. i:: 15. Bank Dis- count. 16. Savings-Bank Amt. 5. Legal Int. 6. Usury ^ Corresponding Elements. 1. Principle. 2. Rule, I, II, III. Relations between Time ) j jj jjj j^ and Interest. ) ' ' ' 569. Rule, I, II, III, IV. Principles, 1, 2. Rule. Accurate Interest. Rule. r 576. 1. Bule. 2. Formula. Problems J ^78. 1. i?i/^^. 2. Formula. 1 580. 1. Rule. 2. Formula. t 582. 1. i??/^6. 2. Formula. Definitions — Compound Interest. Rule, I, II, III. Definitions. Rule, I, II. 1. Part. Pay'ts. 2. Indorsem'ts. 3. Promissory Note. 4. Maker or Drawer. 5. Payee. 6. In- dorser. 7. Face of a Note. 8. Negotiable Note. U. S. Rule, I. TI. Merc. Rule. Discount. 2. Present Worth. True Discount. Rule, I, II. 1. Bank. 2. Bank Bills or Notes. 3. Bank Discount. 4. Days of Grace. 5. Maturity of Note. 6. Term of Discount. 7. Bank Check. S. Proceeds or J vails i 9. Protest. Corresponding Terms. 614. Rule, I, II. 616. Rule , Accounts— Rule. 1. Defs. 2. Principle. Defs. j o* Defs. < /y 631. A Corporation is an association of indi- viduals authorized by law to transact business as a single person. 633. A Charter is the legal act of incorporation defining the powers and obligations of the body incor- porated. 633. The Capital Stock of a corporation is the capital or money contributed, or subscribed to carry on the business of the company. 634. Certificates of Stock or Scrip are the papers or documents issued by a corporation, specifying the number of shares of the joint capital which the holders own. 635. A Share is one of the equal parts into which capital stock is diyided. The value of a share in the original contribution of capital varies in different companies. In bank, insurance, and railroad comj)^- nies, it is usually $100. 636. Stocks is a general term applied to shares of stock of various kinds, Government and State bonds, etc. Stockholders are the owners of stock, either by original title or by subsequent purchase. The stockholders constitute the company. 637. The Far Value of stock is the sum for which the scrip or certificate was issued. 638. The Market Value of stock is the sum for which it can be sold. « STOCKS. 67 Stock is at par when it can be sold for its original or face value, or 100^ ; it is above par, or at a premium, when it will bring more than its face value ; and it is below par, or at a discount, when it sells for less than its face value. Thus, when stock is at par, it is quoted at 100 ; when it is 5% above par, at 105 ; and when His 5% below par, at 95. 639. JPremium^ Discount^ and JBrokerage are each 2i percentage computed upon the par value of the stock as the base. 630. A Stock Broker is a person who buys and sells stocks, either for himself, or as the agent of another. 631. Stock-jobbing is the buying and selling of stocks with the view to realize gain from their rise and fall in the market. 633. An Installment is a portion of the capital stock required of the stockholders as a payment on their subscription. 633. An Assessment is a sum required of stock- holders, to meet the losses, or to pay the business expenses of the company. 634. A Dividend is a sum paid to the stockholders from the profits of the business. Dividends and assessments are a percentage computed upon the par value of the stock as the base. 635. Net Earnings are the moneys left from the profits of a business after paying expenses, losses, and the interest upon the bonds. 636. A JBond is a written instrument securing the payment of a sum of money at or before a specified time. The principal bonds dealt in by brokers are Government, State, City, and Railroad bonds. ffS PERCEKTAGE. 637. Z7. S. Sands are of two kinds ; viz., these which are payable at a fixed date, and those which, while payable at a fixed date, may be paid at an earlier specified time, as the Government may elect. 1. The former are quoted in commercial transactions by the rate of interest which they bear ; thus, United States bonds bearing 6% interest are quoted U, S. 6's. The latter are quoted in commercial transactions by a combination of the two dates ; thus, U. 8. 5-^0's, or U. 8. 6*8 5-20 y means bonds of U. S. bearing 6 % interest, and pay- able at any time from 5 to 20 years, as the Government may choose. 2. When it is necessary to distinguish different issues bearing the game rate of interest, the year at which they become due is also mentioned ; thus, U. 8. S's of '71; JJ. 8. S's of '74; U. 8. 6'8, 5-20, of '84; U. 8. 6' 8, 5-20, of '85, 3. The 5-20's were issued in 1862, 'G4, '65, '67, and 70. They bear interest at 6 % , paid semi-annually in gold, except the issue of 1870, called 5's of '81-, which bear int. at 5%, paid quarterly in gold. 4. Bonds issued by States, cities, etc., are quoted in a similar manner. Thus, 8. G. 6'8 are bonds bearing 6% interest, issued by the State of South Carolina. 638. A Coupon is a certificate of interest attached to a bond, to be cut off and presented for payment when the interest is due. 639. Currency is a term used to denote the circu- lating medium employed as a substitute for gold and silver. It consists, at present, in the United States, of U. S. Legal-tender Notes, or ^^ Greenbacks," and the Bills issued by the Nat. Banks, and secured by U. S. Bonds. If from any cause the paper medium depreciates in value, gold becomes an object of investment, the same as stocks. Gold being of fixed standard value, its fluctuations in price indicate changes in the value of the currency. Hence, when gold is said to be at a premium, currency is virtually below par, or at a discount. STOCKS. d9 ORAZ JSXJUBCISJSS. 640. 1. Find the cost of 100 shares of Chicago and Kock Island Eaih'oad stock at 90 ; brokerage ^%. Analysis. — Since the cost of one share is 90% of $100, or $90, the cost of 100 shares is 100 times $90, or $9000, to which add the brokerage, i% of $10000, or $12|, and the sum $9012^, is the entire cost of the stock. 2. What cost 50 shares of N. Y. Central R. R. Stock, at par ; brokerage, ^% ? , 3. Find the cost of 10 shares of Bank Stock at 104 ; brokerage ^%\ 4. What is the cost of $2000 U. S. 6's 5-20, at 112 ; brokerage ^% ? 641, 1. A broker has $5010 to invest in bank stock at 25^ premium ; how many shares can he buy, charging ^% for brokerage ? Analysis. — Since the stock sells at 25% premium, each share with brokerage will cost $125| ; hence he can buy as many shares as $125J are contained times in $5010, or 40 shares. 2. A speculator invested $52000 in Ohio and Missis- sippi E. R. stock at 25|, allowing ^% brokerage ; how many shares did he buy ? 3. If I invest $2350 in U. S. 6's, '81, at n7|, broker- age ^%, how many $1000 bonds do I receive ? 643. 1. A man bought a number of shares of mining stock at 60, and sold the same at 68, and gained $800 by the transaction. How many shares did he buy ? Analysis. — Since he bought at 60% and sold at 68%, he gained 8% of the pa'r value ; hence $800 is 8% of $10000, the par value, and the number of shares at $100 each is 100. 70 PERCENTAGE. 2. Bought K. R. stock at 90, and sold at par, gaining $1000. Required the number of shares. 3. I purchased stock at 110 and sold at 98, losing $1200. How many shares did I buy ? 4. A broker bought some stock at par, and sold it at 95, losing $2000. How many shares did he buy ? 643. 1. What sum must be inyested in California 7's,^ at 110, to obtain therefrom an annual income of $1400 ? Analysis. — Since the annual income is |7 on each share, the number of shares must be equal to $1400 -i- $7, or 200 shares ; and 200 shares at $110 amount to $22000, the required investment. 2. What sum must I invest in stock at 115, paying 10^ yearly dividends, to realize an income of $2000 ? 3. What sum must be invested in N. Y. 7's at 103|-, in order to receive therefrom an annual income of $2100 ? 644. 1. What per cent, does money yield which is invested in S% stock at 120 ? Analysis. — Since each share costs $120, and pays $8 income, the per cent, will be yf^, or ^^ of 100%, equal to 6f %. 2. What per cent, does stock yield when bought at 90, paying 6% dividends ? When bought at 75 ? At 120 ? 3. What per cent, of interest does stock yield, which pays 6% semi-annual dividends, if bought at 150 ? At . 140 ? At 120 ? 645. 1. What should be paid for stock yielding C)% dividends, in order to realize an annual interest on the investment of 8% ? Analysis. — Since the annual dividend on each share is $6, this must be 8% of the sum required ; and if 8% is $6, 1% is $f, and 100 % is $75. Hence the stock must be bought for 75. STOCKS. 71 2. For what must stock that pays 7^ dividends be bought to realize 10^ interest ? 9^ ? S%? 3. For what should Missouri 6's be bought to pay 6% interest? 6^%? 6^%? S%? 646. 1. How much currency can be bought for $500 in gold, when the latter is at a premium of 10^ ? Analysis.— Since $1 in gold is worth |1,10 in currency, $500 in gold is worth 500 times $1.10, or $550. Hence, etc. 2. How much currency can be bought for $200 in gold, when the latter is at a premium of d% ? 3. What is $1000 in gold worth in currency, when the former is at a premium of 12^ ? Of 9^% ? Of 10^^ ? 64*7. 1. How much gold can be bought for $440 in currency, when the former is at a premium of 10%'? Analysis.— Since $1 in gold is worth $1.10 in currency, $440 will buy as many dollars in gold as $1.10 is contained times la $440, or $400 in gold. Hence, etc 2. How much gold selling at 9% premium will $1090 in currency buy ? $218 ? $654 ? 3. How much gold at 11^ premium will $444 buy ? ' WRITTEN EX EKCISJES. 648. Find the cost 1. Of 220 shares of bank stock, the market value of which is 103J, brokerage J^ Operation.— (103f% + J%)of $100 = $104, cost of 1 share. $104 X 220 = $22880, cost of 220 shares. (640.) Formula. — Entire Cost = {Marhet Value of 1 Share + Brokerage) x No. of Shares. 2. Find the cost of 350 shares of Western Union Tele- graph stock, market value 97f , brokerage i%. 72 PEECENTAGE. 3. A broker bought for me 15 one-thousand-doUar TJ. S. 5-20 bonds at 112J, brokerage ^%. What was their cost ? 4. My broker sells for me 125 shares of stock at 127^. What should I receive, the brokerage being J^ ? 649. Find the nuniber of shares 1. Of bank stock at 105, that can be bought for $25260, including brokerage at \% ? Operation.— (105% +\%)oi $100 = $105|^, cost of 1 share. $25260 -^ $1051 == 240, No. of shares. (641.) Formula. — No. of Shares = Investment -r- Cost of 1 Share. 2. How many shares of N. J. Central R. E. stock at 107|, brokerage ^%, can be bought for $27000? 3. How many shares of Mo. 6's at 97|, brokerage J^, will $21560 purchase? 4. Bought Pacific Mail at 29|^, and sold at 31J, paying \% brokerage each way. How many shares will gain $330 ? Opekation.— (31J% -29lfc)-i% =H%, gain. -^ $1.50 = 220, No. of shares. (642.) Formula. — No. of Shares = Wliole Gain or Loss -j- Gain or Loss per Share. 5. How many shares of stock bought at 97|^ and sold at 102}, brokerage \% each way, will gain $990 ? 6. Lost $1680 by selling N. Y. Central at 101 that cost 104. Brokerage being \% each way, how many shares did I sell? 7. How many shares of the Bank of Commerce bought at 110| and sold at 116J, brokerage \% on the purchase and the sale, will gain $1200 ? ^ STOCKS. 73 650. Find the amount of investment 1. In U. S. 5's, of '81, at 111, so as to realize therefrom an annual income of $2500 ? Operation. — $2500 -^^ $5, income on 1 share = 500, No. of shares. $111, price of 1 share x 500 = $55500, investment. (643.) FoEMULA. — Investment = Price of 1 Share x iVb. of Shares, 2. What sum must be invested in Tennessee 6's at 85, to yield an annual income of $1800 ? 3. How much money must be invested in any stock at 105|^, which pays 6% semi-annual dividends, to realize an annual income of $2000 ? 4. What sum invested in stock at $63 per share, will yield an income of $550, the par value of each share being $50, and the stock paying 10^ annual dividends? 651. Find the rate per cejit, of income, realized 1. From bonds paying 8^ interest, bought at 110. Operation. — $8, interest per share -^ $110, cost per share = .073?3:, or7i\%. (644.) Formula. — Rate % of Income = Interest per Share -r- Cost per Share. 2. If stock paying 10^ dividends is at a premium of 12^^, what per cent, of income will be realized on an in- vestment in it ? 3. Which will yield the better income, S% bonds at 110, or 5's at 75 ? 4. Which is the more profitable, and how much, to buy New York 7's at 105, or 6 per cent, bonds at 84? 74 PERCEKTAGE. 5. What per cent, of income does stock paying ].0^ dividends yield, if bought at 106 ? 6. What per cent, will stock which pays 6% dividends yield, if bought at a discount of 16% ? 7. What rate per cent, of income shall I receive, if I buy U. S. 5's at a premium of 10^, and receive payment at par in 15 years ? '653. Find at what price stock must he bought 1. That pays 6% dividends, so as to realize an income of 7^% on the investment. Operation.— .06 -f- .075 = .80 or 80%, price of stock. (045.) Formula. — Pince of Stock = Dividend -^ Rate of hi- come, 2. What must be paid for h% bonds, that the invest- ment may yield 8^? • 3. How much premium maybe paid on stock that pays 10% dividends, so as to realize 7\% on the investment ? , 4. What must I pay for Government 5's of '81, that my investment may yield 1% ? * 5. At what price must stock, of the par value of $50 a share, and that pays 6% dividends, be bought, to yield an income of 7^% ? * 6. At what price must 6% stock be bought, to pay as ' good an income as 8% stock bought at par ? As 9% stock ? 653. Find the value in currency, 1. Of $3750 in gold, quoted at llOf Opekation.— $1.10| X 3750= $4143. 75, value in currency. (646.) Formula. — Total Value in Currency = Value of $1 in Currency x No. of Dollars in Gold, STOCKS. 75 2. Find the value of $4975 in gold, at a premium of " 3. What is the semi-annual interest of 18000 6% gold- bearing bonds worth in currency, when gold is at lllf ? • 4. A merchant bought a bill of goods, for which he was to pay l>7000 in currency, or $6625 in gold. Gold being at 109|, which is the better proposition, and how much in currency ? 654. Find the value in gold, 1. Of 12150 in currency, when gold is at a premium of Operation.— $2150 h- 1.105 = $1945.70, value in gold. (G47.) Formula. — Total VaUie in Gold = AmL of Currency -r- (1 + Premium), 2. What is $4500 in currency worth in gold, when the latter is at a premium of 12|;^ ? At \\\% ? At 9^^ ? 3. How much money must be invested in U. S. 6's at 111, when gold is quoted at llOf, in order to obtain a semi-annual income of $2210 in currency? 4. The Mechanics Bank of New York having $109737.50 to distribute to the stockholders, declares a dividend of ^\% ; what is the amount of its capital ? 5. A man owns a house which rents for $1450, and the tax on which is 2|^ on a valuation of $8500. He sella for $15300, and invests in stock at 90, that pays 7;^ divi- dends. Is his yearly income increased or diminished, and how much ? 6. If I have $36500 to invest, and can buy N. Y. Cen- tral 6's at 85, or K Y. Central 7's at 95, how much more profitable will the latter be than the former ? y 7fi PEKCENTAGE. 7. Which is the better investment, a mortgage for 3 yr. of $5000, paying 1% interest, and purchased at a discount of b%, or 50 shares of stock at 95, paying S% dividends, and sold at the expiration of 3 years at 98 ? 8. Henry Ivison, through his broker, invested a certain sum of money in New York State 6's at 107|^, and twice as much in U. S. 5's, of ^81, at 98J, brokerage in each case ^%. The annual income from both investments was $3348. How much did he invest in each kind of stock ? 9. A gentleman invested $12480 current funds in U. S. 5-20's of ^85, at 104. What will be his annual income in currency when gold is 1 10 ? I]:^SUBAI^CE. 655. Insurance is a contract of indemnity against loss or damage. It is of two kinds : insurance on prop- erty, and insurance on life. 656. The Insurer or Underwriter is the party who takes the risk or makes the contract. 657. The Policy is the written contract between the parties. 658. The Premium is the sum paid for insurance, and is a certain per cent, of the sum insured. 659. Insurance business is generally conducted by Companies, wliich are either Joint-stock Companies, or Mutual Companies, A StocJc Insurance Company is one in which the capi- tal is owned by individuals called stockholders. They alone share the profits, and are liable for the losses. A 3£utnal Insurance Cornj)anif is one in which the profits and losses are divided among those who are insured. Some companies are conducted upon the Stock and Mutual plans combined and are called Mixed Companies. Insurance on property is principally of two kinds: Fire Insurance, and Marine and Inland Insurance. 660. Fire Insurance is indemnity for loss of property by fire. 661. Marine and Inland Insurance is in- demnity for loss of vessel or cargo, by casualties of navi- gation on the ocean, or on inland waters. Transit Insurance refers to risks of transportation by land only, or partly by land and partly by water. The same policy may cover both Marine and Transit Insurance. Stock Insurance is indemnity for the loss of cattle, horses, etc. Most insurance companies will not take risks to exceed two-thirds or three-fourths the appraised value of the property insured. When only a part of the property insured is destroyed or dam- aged, the insurers are required to pay only the estimated loss ; and sometimes the claim is adjusted by repairing or replacing the property, instead of paying the amount claimed. 662. The operations are based on the principles of Percentage, the corresponding terms being as follows : 1. The Base is the amount of insurance. 2. The Mate is the per cent, of premium. 3. The Percentage is the premium. ORAL EXEMC IS ES. 663. 1. How much must be paid for insuring a house and furniture for $4000, at 1\% premium ? Analysis. — Since the premium is 1}%, or ^^, equal to /^ of the sum insured, the premium on $4000 will be ^^^f ^^ $4000, or $50. Hence, etc. (510.) 2. What will be the annual premium of insurance, at i%, on a building valued at $8000 ? 78 PERCENTAGE. 3. What will be the cost of insuring a quantity of flour, valued at $1500, at ^% ? 4. What must be paid for insuring a case of merchan- dise, worth $640, at 2^% ? X 5. A man owns f of a boat-load of corn valued at $1800, and insures his interest at ' If ^. What premium does he pay ? 6. Paid $6 for insuring $300 ; what was the rate ? Analysis. — Since the premium on $300 is $6, the premium on $1 is ^ of $6, or $.02, equal to 2% . Hence, etc. (513.) 7. Paid $12 for an insurance of $800 ; find the rate. ^**v8. Paid $24 for an insurance of $1000 ; find the rate. 9. At 2%, what amount of insurance can be obtained for $30 premium ? Analysis. — Since 2% is yf ^ or ^^ of the amount insured, $30, the given premium, is ^^ of the amount insured ; and $30 is -^j^ of 50 times $30, or $1500. Hence, etc. (516.) What amount of insurance can be obtained, 10. On a house, for $75, at 3% premium ? 11. On a boat load of flour, for $150, at l%r 12. On a car load of horses, for $90, at ^% ? 13. On a store and its contents, for $105, at 1^% ? W MITTBN EXJEJiCISJES, 664. Find the Premium 1. For insuring a building for $14500, at 1^%. Operation.— $14500 x .015 = $217,50. (512.) ^ ,,^ Formula. — Premium = Amount Insured x Rate. Find the premium for insuring 2. A house valued at $5700, at f^. 3. Merchandise for $2750, at 1%. INSUBAKCE. 79 4. A fishing craft, for $15000, at 1^%. 5. If I take a risk of $25000, at If ^, and re-insure ^ of it at 21%, what is my balance of the premium ? 665. Find the Rate of Insurance, 1. If $36 is paid for an insurance of $2400. Operation.— $36 -h $2400 = .015, or 1^% . (5 15.) Formula. — Rate of Insurance = Premium -r- Sum hisured. What is the rate of insurance, 2. If $280 is paid for an insurance of $16000 ? 3. If $4.30 is paid for an insurance of $860 ? 4. A tea merchant gets his vessel insured for $20000 in the Eoyal Company, at f^, and for $30000 in the Globe Company, at ^%, What rate of premium does he pay on the whole insurance ? " 666. To find the Amount of Insurance. 1. A speculator paid $262.50 for the insurance of a cargo of corn, at 1^%. For what amount was the com insured ? Operation.— $262.50 ^ .015 := $17500, the sum insured. (518.) Formula. — Su7n Insured = Premium -V Rate. ^^. If it cost $93.50 to insure a store for one-half of its value, at \\%, what is the store worth ? ^ 3. Paid $245 insurance at 4f ^ on a shipment of pork, to cover | of its value. What was its total value ? 4. A merchant shipped a cargo of flour worth $3597, from New York to Liverpool. For what must he insure it at 3 J^, to cover the value of the flour and premium ? Operation.— $3597 h- (1 - .03J) or ,9675 = $3717.829. (520.) 80 PEBCEl^TAGE. 5. An underwriter agrees to insure some property for enough more than its value to cover the premium, at the rate of 26 cents per $100. If the property is worth $22163, what should be the amount of the policy ? 6. For what sum must a policy be issued to insure a dwelling-house, valued at $35000, at ^%, a carriage-house worth $9500, at |^, and furniture worth $4500, at |^, 10^ being deducted from the premium, which is to be covered by the policy ? 7. A person insured his house for f of its value at 40 cents per $100, paying a premium of $73.50. What was the value of the house ? 8. A dealer shipped a cargo of lumber from Portland to New York ; the amount of insurance, including the value of the lumber and the premium paid, at If ^, was $25200. What was the value of the lumber.?* 9. A merchant had 500 bbl. of flour insured for 80^ of their cost, at 3^%, paying $107.25 premium. At what price per barrel must he sell the flour to gain LIFE INSUKANCE.* 667. Life Insurance is a contract by which a company agrees to pay a certain sum, in case of the death of the insured during the continuance of the policy. 668. A Term Life Policy is an assurance for one or more years specified. 669t A Wlpole Life Policy continues during the life of the insured. * See note at bottom of page 82. INSURANCE. 81 • Premmms may be paid annually for life, or in 5, 10, or more installments (called 5-payment, 10-payment policies, etc.), or the entire premium may be paid in one sum in advance. The premium is computed at a certain sum or rate per $1000 insured, the rate varying with the age of the insured at the time the policy is issued. A policy of endowment is not in all respects an insurance policy, but is rather a covenant to pay a stipulated sum at the end of a certain period to the person named if living. Most companies issue a form of policy that combines the princi- ples of Term Life Assurance and Simple Endowment, called for brevity Endowment Policy. Hence, 670. An Undow^nent Policy is one in which the assurance is payable to the person insured at the end of a certain number of years named, or to his heirs if he die sooner. An endowment policy is really two policies in one, and the assured pays the premiums of both. 671. A Dividend is a share of the premiums or profits returned to a policy-holder in a mutual life in- surance company. 673. A Table of Mortality shows how many per- sons per 1000 at each age are expected to die per annum. 673. A Table of Hates shows the premium to be charged for $1000 assurance at the different ages. Such a table is based upon the table of mortality, and the proba- ble rates of interest for money invested, with a margin or loading for expenses. 674. The following condensed table gives data from the American Experience Table of mortality, and the annual premium on the kinds of policies most in use. 82 PERCENTAGE. American Experience Table— Mortality and Premiums. 3 ^ ANNUAL PREMIUM PER $1000. Life Table. Endow- AGE. 1 One Whole Life, ment (AND Year Term Term 1 Payments Payment Payment Single Payment. Life). 10 years. ^ {Net). during life. for 10 yr. only. for 5 yr. only. 25 8.1 7.75 $19.89 $42.56 $73.87 $326.58 $103.91 26 8.1 7.82 20.40 43.37 75.25 332.58 104.03 27 8.2 7.83 29.93 44.22 76.69 338.83 104.16 28 8.3 7 95 21.48 45.10 78.18 345.31 104.29 29 8.3 8.02 22 07 46.02 79.74 352.05 104.43 30 8.4 8.10 22.70 46.97 81.36 359.05 104.58 31 8.5 8.18 23.35 47.98 83.05 366.33 104 75 32 8.6 8.28 24.05 49.02 84.80 373.89 104.92 as 8.7 8.33 24.78 50.10 86.62 381.73 105.11 34 8.8 8.49 25.56 51.22 88.52 389.88 105.31 35 8.9 860 26.38 52.40 90.49 398.34 105.53 40 9.8 9.42 31.30 59.09 101.58 445.55 106.90 45 11.2 10.73 37.97 67.37 115.02 501.69 109.07 50 13.8 13.25 47.18 77.77 131.21 567.13 112.68 The actual net cost of insurance for a single year at each age given in the table, on the mortality assumed, is as many dollars and tenths of a dollar as there are deaths, but discounted for 1 year. Thus, at age 25, deaths 8.1 per 1000, net cost, which is $8.10, dis- counted at 4|-% by the insurance law, $7.75. If this sum, $7.75, is loaded for expenses at, say 25%, the total premium for 1 year is $9.69, if at 40%, then it would be $10,85. In a Term Life Policy the premium may vary, increasing slightly each year of the term, according to the assumed increasing liability to decease, or it may be averaged for the term so as to be the same each year. Note. — As there is no uniformity in the Tables and Methods used by different Life Insurance Companies, the pupil may very properly omit this subject I2S"SURANCE. 83 WRITTEN EXERCISES. 675. To find the amount of premium 1. For a life policy of $5000 issued to a person 30 years old. Operation.— $22.70 x 5 = $113.50. 2. For a life policy of $7500, age being 45. 'RvL^,— Multiply the premium for $1000 assurance by the number of thousands. Formula. — Premium — Bate jper $1000 x iVb. of thou- sands, 3. Find the annual premium for an endowment policy of $10000, payable in 10 years, age 35. 4. What premium must a man aged 30 pay annually for life, for a life policy of $5000 ? What premium annually for 10 years ? What premium annually for 5 years ? What premium in a single payment ? OPERATION. Analysis.— Multiply the rate $22.70x5000= $113.50 P^^ thousand dollars, found in »«.9rx6«oo= .m85 L7.S';ieZ£li:S $81.36 X 5000 = $406.80 pressing the hundreds, tens, and $359. 05 X 5000 = $1795. 25 units decimally. 5. What annual premium will a man aged 35 years pay to secure an endowment policy for $5000, payable to him- self in 10 years, or to his heirs, if death occurs before ? 6. If he dies at the beginning of the ninth year, how much will the assurance cost, reckoning simple interest at 6^ ? 7. How much less would he have paid in the whole life (annual payment) plan, interest included ? 84 PERCEKTAGE. 8. A man aged 45 insures his life for $7500 on the sin- gle-payment plan, and dies 3 yr. 5 mo. afterward. How much less would his insurance have cost him had he in- sured on the annual payment plan, reckoning int. at 6^ ? 9. A person aged 27 takes out a 10-year endowment policy for $5000 ; the dividends reduce his annual pre- miums 15^ on the average. Computing annual interest at 1% on his premiums, does he gain or lose, and how much ? 10. A man aged 35 years took out a life policy for $12000, on the 5-payment plan, and died 3 yr. 6 mo. afterward. What was gained to his estate by insuring, computing compound interest on his payments at 7^, also adding two dividends of $95 each ? P TAXES. 676. A Tax is a sum of money assessed on the per- son, property, or income of an individual, for any public purpose. 677. A Poll Tax or Capitation Tax is a cer- tain sum assessed on every male citizen liable to taxation. Each person so taxed is called a poll, 678. A JProperty Tax is a tax assessed on prop- erty, according to its estimated, or assessed, value. Property is of two kinds : Real Property, or Real Es- tate, and Personal Property. 679. Real Estate is fixed property ; such as houses and lands. 680. Personal Property is of a movable nature ; such as furniture, merchandise, ships, cash, notes, mort- gages, stock, etc. TAXES. 85 681* An Assessor is an officer appointed to deter- mine the taxable value of property, prepare the assess- ment roUs, and apportion the taxes. 683. A Collector is an officer appointed to receive the taxes. 683. An Assessment Moll is a schedule, or list, containing the names of all the persons liable to taxation in the district or company to be assessed, and the valua- tion of each person's taxable property. 684. The Hate of JP^'Ojjerty Tax is the rate per cent, on the valuation of the property of a city, town, or district, required to raise a specific tax. WRITTEN EXEMCISES. 685. 1. What sum must be assessed to raise $836000 net, after deducting the cost of collection at 5% ? Operation.— $836000 ^ .95 = $880000. (519.) FoKMULA. — Sum to be raised -— (1 — Bate of Collection) = Sum to be Assessed. 2. What sum must be assessed to raise a net amount of $11123, and pay the cost of collecting at 2% ? 3. In a certain district, a school-house is to be built at a cost of $1 8500. What amount must be assessed to cover this and the collector's fees at 3% ? 4. The expense of building a public bridge was $1260.52, which was defrayed by a tax upon the property of the town. The rate of taxation was 3^ mills on a dollar, and the collector's commission was 3^%. What was the valuation of the property ? 86 PERCEITTAGE. 5. In a certain town a tax of $5000 is to be assessed. There are 500 polls, each assessed 75 cents, and the valuation of the taxable property is $370000. What will be the rate of property tax, and how much will be A's tax, whose property is valued at $7500, and who pays for 2 polls ? Operation.— $.75 x 500 = $375, amt. on polls. $5000 - $375 = '* '* property. $4635 -r- $370000 = .0125, rate of taxation. $7500 X .0125 = $93.75, A's property tax. $93.75 + $1.50 = $95.25, A's whole tax. EuLE. — I. Find the amount of poll tax, if any, and subtract it from the whole amount to be assessed ; the remainder is the property tax. II. Divide the property tax by the whole amount of taxable property ; the quotient is the rate of taxation. III. Multiply each marCs taxable property by the rate of taxation, and to the product add his poll tax, if any ; the result is the lohole amount of his tax. A table such as the following is a great aid in calculating the amount of each person's tax, according to the ascertained rate. Assessor's Table. {Rate . 0087.) Prop. Tax. Prop. Tax. Prop. Tax. Prop. Tax. $1 $.0087 $9 $.0783 $ 80 $ .696 ' $ 700 $ 6.09 2 .0174 10 .087 90 .783 800 6.96 3 .0261 20 .174 100 .87 900 7.83 4 .0348 30 .261 200 1.74 1000 8.70 5 .0435 40 .348 300 2.61 i 2000 17.40 6 .0522 50 .435 400 3.48 j 8000 26.10 7 .0609 60 .522 500 4.35 ! 4000 34.80 8 .0696 70 .609 600 5.22 1 5000 43.50 T A X E 8 . 87 6. Find by the table the tax of a person whose property is valued at $3475, the rate being .0087, Opebation.— Tax on $3000 = $26.10 *' " 400 = 3.48 *' " 70 = .609 *' " 5 = . 0435 " " $3475 = $30.2325, or $30.2a Find by the table the tax of a person whose property ^ 7. Is $2596, and who ;^ays for 5 polls at $.50. --8. Is $9785, polls 3 at $.75. ,- 9. Is $12356, polls 4 at $1.25. \L 10. Is $25489, polls 5 at $.95. ^ 11. A tax of $11384, besides cost of collection at S^%, is to be raised in a certain town. There are 760 polls assessed at $1.25 each, and the personal property is valued at $124000, and the real estate at $350000. Find the tax rate,^make an assessor's table for that rate,' and find a person's tax, whose real estate is valued at $6750, personal property at $2500, and who pays for 3 polls. 12. In the above town, how much is B's tax on $15000 real estate, $2750 personal property, and 5 polls ? 13. What is C's tax on $9786 and 1 poll ? 14. How much tax will a person pay whose property is ^^assessed at $7500, if he pays If ^ village tax, ^% State tax, and 1 J mills on a dollar school tax ? "^-.^ 15. The expense of constructing a bridge was $916.65, which was defrayed by a tax upon the property of the town. The rate of taxation was 2J mills on a dollar, and the commission for collecting 3% ; what was the assessed valuation of the property of the town ? Note. — Amt. to be raised -5- by rate = valuation. 88 PERCEKTAGE. 686. o SYNOPSIS FOE KEVIEW. " 1. Corporation. 2. Charter. 3. Capital Stock, 4. Certificate of Stock, or Scrip. 5. Share. 6. Stocks, 11. Stockholders. 8. P«r Value, 9. Market Value. 10. Premium, Discount, 1. Defs. -^ Brokerage. 11. >8^^A; Broker. 12. ^ocA:- jobbing. 13. Installment. 14. Assessment. 15. Dividend. 16. J^ef Earnings. 17. Bond. 18. Dif. ^m^Z* 8^. J?(wc?«. 19. Cbw- ^n. 20. Currency. 2. CM8. 1 r C6?«^. 3. 64:9. iV^ To find K i?af^ % Income. 6. 652. Pwe fo j?ay Income. 7. 653. FaZ2/e 0/ G^o^ iri (7?/r. 8. 654. J I Fa^M6 o/Owr. iw (?oZd mula. H fe !1. Insurance. 2. Insurer or Underwriter, 3. Policy. 4. Premium. 5. i^*>6 Insurance. 6. Marine or Inland Insurance. J 2. Corresponding Terms in Percentage. 3. 664r. i ( Premium. ^ 4. 665. f To find ^ -Ba^6 . /. r^- ( 1 — Rate of Discount. 2. Of a sight draft on Troy for 11590, at 1^% discount ? 3. Of a draft on Boston for $1650, payable in 60 days after sight, exchange being at a premium of If ^ ? Operation. — $1.0175 = Course of Exchange. $.0105 = Bank Dig. on $1, for 63 da. $1,007 = Cost of Exchange, for $1. $1,007 X 1650 = $1661.55, value of Draft. w- 4. Of a draft on New York at 30 da. for $4720, at l^% premium ? 5. Of a draft on New Orleans, at 90 da., for $5275, int. being 1%, and exchange Y/c discount ? \v 6. Find the cost in Philadelphia of a draft on Denver, at 90 da., for $6400, the course of exchange being lOlf? \^ 7. What must be paid in New York for a draft on San Francisco, at 90 da., for $5600, the course of ex- change being 102^^ ? 701. Find the Face 1. Of a draft on St. Louis, at 90 da., purchased for $4500, exchange being at 101^^. Operation. — $1,015 = Course of Exchange. $.0155 = Bank Dis. of $1, for 93 da., at 6%. $.9995 = Cost of Exchange of $1. $4500 -r- .9995 = $4502.25. (520.) EXCHANGE. 93 _^2. Of a draft on Richmond at 60 da. sight, purchased for $797.50, interest 7^, premium 2j^%. -—3. Of a sight draft bought for $711.90, discount 1^%, 4. A commission merchant sold 2780 lb. of cotton at /11|^ cents a pound. If his commission is 2^%, and the course of exchange 9S^%, how large a draft can he buy to remit to his consignor ? 5. The Broadway Bank of New York having declared a dividend of 5^, a stockholder in Chicago drew on the bank for the sum due him, and sold the draft at a pre- mium of H%y thus realizing |2283.18f from his dividend- How many shares did he own ? tJ3. A man in Rochester purchased a draft on Louisville, y., for $5320, drawn at 60 days, paying $5151.09. What was the course of exchange ? \i 7. Received from Savannah 250 bales of cotton, each weighing 520 pounds, and invoiced at 12| cents a pound. Sold it at an advance of 25^, commission 1^%, and remitted the proceeds by draft. What was the fece of the draft, exchange being ^% discount ? ^ FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 703. Money of Account consists of the denomi- nations or divisions of money of any particular country, in which accounts are kept. The Act of March 3, 1873, provides that *' the -ralue of foreign coin, as expressed in th« moniBj of account of the United States, shall be that of the pure metal of su«h coin of standard value ; and the values of the standard coins in circulation, of the various na- tions of the world, shaU be estimated annually/ hj the Director of the Mint, and be proclaimed on the first daj of Januaiy hj the Secretary of the Treasury." u PERCEIifTAGE. M B Si: p. o « Org Ti P lo icT^iO io t4" I a a> -2 .3 c^ P ogoS • »- l| i : 'CO : ; §i : : U ' i o*C p^2^o\2o6^i2 fl p Ru^^ • S-'^-l ^^o £'5^ « ^ p^S S S 555^5= QD^S * 00 o^ =s 5 =: tfi *j^ p ag— g 5s s^ PS S c § S-2 ©^So--Oa)Oa>©fc;ooSo^^Oa?s.i:o.2SoS::soo«2S.2« PHPE4fePSftPi4Pa,fX,oQPHpqpL(Q^QI>tp^^^Clp^OQaig«Qp^Ofe(l.(l< .2 P3 ^.-a EXCHANGE. 95 704. Sterling Bills or Sterling Exchange are bills on England, Ireland, or Scotland. Such bills are negotiated at a rate fixed without reference to the par of exchange. Formerly such bills were quoted at a certain rate fc above the old par value of a pound sterling, which was $4.44f . As this was entirely a fictitious value, and always about 9% below the real value, the course of exchange always appeared to be heavily against this country, and thus tended to impair its credit. By the Act of March, 1873, ** all contracts made after the first day of January, 1874, based on an assumed par of exchange with Great Britain of fifty-four pence to the dollar, or $4.44f to the sovereign or pound sterling," are declared nuU and void. The par of exchange between Great Britain and the United States is fixed at $4.8665. 705. Exchanges with Europe are effected chiefly through the following prominent financial circles: London, Paris, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Frank- fort, Bremen, and Berlin. In exchange on Paris, Antwerp, and Switzerland, the unit is the franc, and the quotation shows the number of francs and centimes to the dollar. Federal Money. In exchange on Amster- dam, the unit is the guilder, quoted at its value in cents ; on Ham- burg, Frankfort, Bremen, and Berlin, the quotation shows the value of fottr reichsmarks (marks) in cents, WJRITTEN EXAMJPJ^ES. '706. Find the «>5/ 1. Of a bill of exchange on London at 3 days' sight, for £393 15s, 6d, exchange being quoted at 4.89^, and gold at 1.10^. OPERATION. £393 15s. ^di, = £393.775. $4,895 X 393 775 = $1927.529, gold value of bOL $1927.529 X 1.10| = $2122.69, value in mirrene^. rBKCCI^T ACB. S.Ofaia EXCHANaB, 97 13, What will it cost to remit directly from Boston to Amsterdam, 12560 guilders, at 41 J? 14. What will be the cost of remitting 13550 marks from New York to Frankfort, exchange selling at 94^, and gold at lOOJ ; brokerage, ^% ? 707. What will be the /ace 1. Of a bill of exchange on London that can be bought for $5500, in currency, exchange selling at 4.86, and gold at 1.10? Operation.— $5500 currency -*- 1.10 = $5000, gold. (519.) $5000 -J- $-^.80 = 1028.806 -h . £1028.806 = £1028 168, li^fc)re it is due, and /lAAv. o Q(\f\ $400, 2 mo. before it is , due, are equivalent to the 800 ' )2000 use of $1 for 2000 months, 21 or the use of $800 (the ,^ , . ^^ ,^ balance) for 2^ mo. bevond (6 mo. -4 mo.) + 2* mo.=4i mo. ^he original time. H;nce. the note was drawn for 4i mo. after the second payment. 108 PERCENTAGE. 7. On a debt of $2500 due in 8 mo. from Feb. 1, the following payments were made : May 1, $250, July 1, $300, and Sept. 1, $500. When is the balance due ? 8. Find the average term of credit, and the equated time of payment from Dec. 15, of $225 due in 35 da., $350 due in 60 da., and $750 due in 90 da. 9. Dec. 1, 1874, purchased goods to the amount of $1200, on the following terms : 25^ payable in cash, 30^ in 3 mo., 20^ in 4 mo., and the balance in 6 mo. Find the equated time of payment, and the cash value of the goods, computing discount at 1%. 734. To find the equated time when the terms of credit begin at different dates. 1. J. Prince bought goods of W. Sloan as follows : June 1, 1874, amounting to $350 on 2 mo. credit ; July 15, 1874, $400, on 3 mo. credit ; Aug. 10, $450, on 4 mo. credit; Sept. 12, $600, on 6 mo. credit. What is the equated time of payment? OPERATION. $350 due Aug. 1, 350 X = 400 «* Oct. 15, 400 X 75 = 30000 450 <( Dec. 10, 450 X 181 = 58950 600 (( Mar. 12, 600 X 223 = 138800 1800 1800)222750 128f Hence the equated time is 124 da. from Aug 1, or- Dec. 3. Analysis. — Computing the terms of credit from Aug. 1, the earliest date at which any of the debts become due, we find the terms of credit to be from Aug. 1 to Oct. 15, 75 da. ; to Dec. 10, 181 da., and to March 12, 228 da. The average term of credit is therefore 124 da. from Aug. 1, and the equated time Dec. 3. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 109 Proof. — Assume as the standard time the latest date, March 13, The operation will then be as follows : 350 X 223 = 78050 400 X 148 = 69200 450 X 92 = 41400 600 X = 1800 )178650 99i Hence, the equated time is 99 da. previous to March 12, or Dec. S. 2. Peake & Co. sell to Wm. Jones the following bills of goods : March 1, 1875, on 60 da., $800 ; April 15, on 30 da., $350 ; May 20, on 4 mo., $3800. What is the equated time for settlement ? Rule,— I. Find tJie date at which each deit becomes due. II. From the earliest of these dates as a standard com^ pute the time to each of the others, III. Then find the average term of credit and equated time as in (733). Proof. — Compute the terms of credit backward from the latest datCy and subtract the average time from that date for the equated time. If the earliest date is not the first of the month, it is more con- venient to assume the first of the month as the standard date. 3. Bought mdse. as follows : Jan. 15, 1876, on 4 mo., $375 ; Feb. 3, on 60 da., $550 ; March 25, on 4 mo., $1100 ; April 2, on 30 da., $250. Find the equated time. 4. Ira Blunt, of Gadsden, Ala., bought of Opdyke & Co. the following bills of goods on 4 months' credit : Jan. 1, 1874, $650 ; Feb. 10, $380 ; March 12, $900 ; March 18, $350 ; April 3, $600. April 5, he discounted his bills at 2^ per month. Find the equated time of payment, and the discount. 110 PERi DENTAGE. 5. James Smith to Thomas Browk, Dr. March 10, 1874. To mdse. $835. " 18, '' a (( 330. " 26, '' a a 475. April 5, '' (C 66 600. " 12, '' cc 66 350. Allowing 30 days' credit on each of the bills, what i& the equated time of payment ? 6. Purchased goods as follows : Sept. 15, 1875, a bill of $275, on 3 mos. Oct. 10, '' " 351.50, '' 60 da. " 28, '' '' 415.75, " 30 da. NoY. 3, " " 500, " 4 mos. Dec. 15, " " 710, '' 3 mos. What was due on this account Aug. 10, 1876, com- puting interest at 7^ ? 7. I have four notes, as follows : the first for $425, due April 1, 1875 ; the second for 1615, due May 10, 1875 ; the third for $1500, due May 28, 1875 ; and the fourth for $750, due June 10, 1875. At what date should a single note be made payable, to be given in exchange for the four notes ? ayeragi:ng accounts. 735. An Account is a written statement of debit and credit transactions, with their respective dates. B^it means wliat is owed by the person with whom the account is kept ; credit, what is due to him from the person keeping the account. 736. To Average an Account is to lind, either AVERAGIlJfG ACCOUNTS. Ill the equated time of paying the balance, or the cash balance at any given time. Each item of a book account should draw interest from the time it becomes due. WRITTEN EX EMCISES . 737. 1. Find the equated time of paying the balance of the following account. Dr. William Sampson. Cr. 1875. 1875. Jan. 11 To mdse. , . . $750 Feb. 10 By draft at 60 da. $500 Feb. 1 ** " at 3 mo. 600 Mar. 3 *' cash . . . 700 Mar. 15 ** ** at 6 mo. 1500 Apr. 15 it ii 300 May 3 ** *' at 4 mo. 900 Operation I. {Method hy Products) Due. Jan. 11. May 1. Sept. 15. ** 3. Amt. Days. Product. Paid. 750 X 10 = 7500 600 X 120 = 72000 1500 X 257 = 3^5500 900 X 245 = 220500 3750 685500 1500 125400 Apr. 14. Mar. 3. Apr. 15. Amt. 500 : 700 : 300 : 1500 103 = 51500 61 = 42700 104 = 31200 125400 2250 ) 560100 248ff , or 249 da. Balance due 249 da. from Jan. 1, or Sept, 7. Analysis.— Assuming for convenience Jan. 1 as the standard date, we find as in 734 the term of credit of each debit amount ; and, reckoning from the same date, the time to each credit amount. Multiplying each amount by its time in days, and adding the debit and credit products, we find the number of days' interest of $1 due to the debtor, and the number of days' interest of $1 he has already received. The difference, 560100, shows the number of days' inter- est of $1 still due, and as the balance is $2250, the time must be ^^ of 560100 da., or 249 da. Hence, the equated time is 249 da. from Jan. 1, or. Sept, 7. il2 PERCENTAGE. Operation II. {^Method by Interest.) Dt. $750 to Jan, 11 (from Jan. 1)= 600 '' Feb. 1 + 3 mo. , = 4 mo. 1500 '' Mar. 15 + 6 mo. =8 mo. 14 da., 900 '' May 3 + 4 mo. = 8 mo. 2 da., $3750 Gr, $500 to Feb. 10 + 63 da. = 3 mo. 13 da., int. at 1% per mo. $17.17 10 da., int. at 1% per mo. $2.50 24.00 127.00 " 72.60 $226.10 700 '' Mar. 3 300 *' Apr.15 = 2 mo. 2 da., = 3 mo. 14 da.. 14.47 10.40 $42.04 $1500 $226.10 - $42.04 = $184.06, int. at 1% per mo. due. Int. of balance, $2250, for 1 mo., at 1^ = $22.50. Hence, $184.06 -i- $22.50 = 8.18+ mo., or 8 mo. 6 da. 8 mo. 6 da. from Jan. 1, or ISept. 7, Equated Time. In this operation, 12 % per annum or 1 % per mo. is assumed for convenience ; since the int. at 1 ^/o per mo. is as many hundredths as there are months, and one-third as many thousandths as there are days. Thus, the int. of $249 for 2 mo. 9 da. is $498 + $.747 = $5,727(571). 2. Find the equated time of the following ; Dr, William Simpsok. (7n 1874. 1874. Aug. 5 To mdse. at 3 mo. $720 Oct. 10 By cash . . . $500 Sept. 10 ,. - - 2 ** 850 Dec. 15 " draft at 60 da. 450 Nov. 3 <( f( 1200 '' 25 '' cash . . . 900 1875. 1875. Jan. 20 '' sundr's at 5 mo. 620 Jan. 3 (t <( 250 EuLE 1. — I. Find the date at which each debit item is due, and each credit item is paid or due. II. Tahe the first day of the month in the earliest date on either side of the account as a standard date, and 7nul' AVEBAGIKG ACCOUKTS. 113 tiply each sum due or paid hy the number of days between its time and the standard date. III. Add the products, and their difference divided by the balance due will give the number of days between the standard date and the equated time. Or, Rule 2. — Find the time of each item from the standard date as before^ and compute the interest on each at 1% a month. The differ e7ice between the amount of interest on each side divided by the interest of the balance at l%for one month will be the equated time. When the terms of credit are long, Rule 2. gives the shorter method. 3. Find the equated time of the following, allowing ^60 da. credit on each debit item : Dr. John Deiscoll. Cr. 1877. 1877. June 1 To mdse. . . $950 Aug. 1 By cash . . $700 July 6 (( i( 300 Sept.20 (( K 1000 Sept. 8 it t( 1900 Nov. 1 it it 1200 Oct. 20 *' '* . . 2600 H 4. What is the equated time for the payment of the balance of the following account, allowing 4 months' credit on all the debit items ? Dr. DoDD, Brown & Co. Cr. 1878. 1878. Jan. 20 To mdse. . . $570 Feb. 14 By mdse. . . $490 '* 28 300 Mar. 1 *' cash . . 1000 Feb. 11 720 Apr. 2 (( tt 1800 '' 26 835 Mar. 10 1150 '' 28 930 Apr. 15 475 114 PERCEKTAGE. 738. 1. Find the cash halance of the following account on the 22d of August, allowing interest at 6^ : Dr. George Hammond. Cr, 1875. 1875. Mar. 15 Tomdse.,at3mo. $600 May 10 By cash . . $300 Apr. 3 VL^ 2.— Find the interest on each debit and credit item, from the time it is due or paid to the date of settle- me7it, placing on the same side of the account the interest on each item due prior to the date of settlement, and on the opposite side the interest on each item due after the date of settlement. If the balance of interest is on the same side as the balance of the account, add it, if on the other side subtract it ; and the result ivill be the cash balance at the date of settlement, 2. I owe $1500 duo May 1, and $750 due Aug. 15. If I give my note at 30 da. for $450, June 1, and pay $370 in cash July 15, what is the equated time for paying the balance ; and what would be due in cash Dec. 10, allow- ing interest at 7^? 3. When is the balance of the following account due per average ? Dr. 0. B. TiMPSOiT. Cr. 1875. 1875. Aug. 10 To mdse. @ 60 da. . $751.35 Oct. 3 By cash $300.00 Sept. 5 " " @30da. . 425.00 Nov. 15 " note @ 90 da. . 450.00 Nov. 1 " '' @90da. . 927.83 Dec. 20 '* cash .... 500.00 Dec. 5 " " @30da. . 1200.00 116 PERCENTAGE. 4. What IS the cash balance of the aboye account Jan. 1, 1876, allowing interest at 10^? 5. Find the equated time, and cash balance July 1, of the following, allowing 7^ interest : Dr. Thomas Smith. Cr. Jan. 4 To mdse. @ 4 mo. $1600 Feb. 1 By mdse. @ 4 mo. $500 " 6 " " @3mo. 1500 Mar. 2 " cash . . . 2000 Apr. 10 " " @60da. 3000 " 25 (( (I 3150 " 28 " " @30da. 2500 Apr. 16 ti. (( 800 6. Average the following account, and find for what amount a note at 60 days should be given Aug. 1, to pay the balance, interest at 6^. Dr. Orson Hinman. Or. 1875. 1875. «♦ Apr. 2 To charges $87.25 Feb. 25 By mdse. @ 8 mo. $600 May 15 (( (i 35.75 Mar. 3 *' « @6 '' 300 Apr. 1 '' " @6 '' 500 739. 1. Average the following Account Sales, and find when the net proceeds are due. (543.) Account Sales of 1200 iils. of flour received from SmitJi, Tyler & Co., Cincinnati. Date. Buyer. Quantity. Price. Amount. 1876. May 1 June 5 '* 15 July 1 J. Brooke W. Long A, Bruce W. Case 300 bbl. 450 '' 250 '' 200 " % $5.50, 3 mo. % 6.20, 4 mo. % 6.50, 6 mo. @ 5.75, 2 mo. $1650.00 2790.00 1625.00 1150.00 $721500 AVERAGIKG ACCOUKTS. 117 Charges. Apr. 28. Freight . $674.50 *' " Cartage 37.50 May 1. Storage 191.00 Commission on $7215, @ 2} fc . . . 162.34 Total charges $1065.3 4 Net proceeds due per average $6149.66 OPERATION. ' -Average of sales, found by the method of Equation of Payments, Oct. ly which is the date at which the commission is due. Average of charges, including commission (Oct. 1), May 22. Equated time of $7215 due Oct. 1, and $1065.34 due May 22, 0cL2Ji,, date when the net proceeds are due. EuLE. — I. Average the sales alone^ and the result will ie the date to be given to the commission and guaranty. II. Make the sales the credits and the charges the debits, and find the equated time for paying the balance. 2. Make an account sales, and find the net proceeds and the time the balance is due : Wm. Brown, of N. York, sold on acct. of J. Berry, of Chi- cago, June 1, 350 bu. Winter Wheat, @ $1.35, at 60 da. ; June 15, 275 bu. Spring Wheat, @ $1. 75, at 90 da. ; July 3, 1260 bu. Indian Corn, @ $.79, at 6 mo.; and July 10, 375 bu. Eye, @ $1.02, at 3 mo. Paid freight, May 28, $567.50; cartage. May 30, $22.50; insurance, June 5, $56.25 ; and charged com. at 3^%, and 1^% for guaranty. 3. Sold on account of Brown, Sampson & Co., at 6 mo. : Oct. 1, 1874, 13 hhd. sugar, averaging 1520 lb., (^ $.12^ ; Oct. 5, 15 chests Hyson Tea, each 95 lb., @ $1j05. Paid charges : Oct. 3, Insurance, $85 ; Oct. 10, Cooper- age, etc., $24.50 ; Oct. 20, Cartage, $125. Charged com- mission and guaranty, 4:^%. Make an account sales, and find the equated time for paying the net proceeds. 118 PERCENTAGE. 740. SYNOPSIS FOR REVIEW. Exchange, 3. Domestic Exchange, 3. i^(?r- ej^^ Exchange. 4. ^2^^ ra/if x^- $72 Analysis. — Since 4 tons and 12 tons have the same unit value, they can be compared, and will form one couplet of the proportion. For the same reason $24 the cost of 4 tons, and %x the cost of 12 tons, will form the other couplet. Then by Prin. 3, $a;= 24 x 12 -5-4 z=$72. PROPORTION. 127 Proof. — 4 x 72=12 x 24. (763, Prin. 1.) In practice, that number which is of the same unit value as the required term, is generally made the antecedent of the second couplet or third term of the pro- portion, and the required term, ic,the fourth term. The terms of the first couplet are so arranged as to have the same ratio to each other, as the terms of the second couplet, have to each other, which is easily determined by inspection. The product of the means 12 and 24, divided by the given extreme 4, gives the other extreme, or required term, $72. (763, Prin. 3.) Drill exercises like the following, will soon make the pupil familiar with the principles and operations of proportion. 2. If 4 horses eat 12 bushels of oats in a given time, how many bushels will 20 horses eat in the same time ? In this example, what two numbers have the same unit value ? What do they form ? What is the denomination of the third term ? Of the required term ? What is the antecedent of the second « couplet ? From the conditions of the question, is the consequent of the second couplet or required term, greater or less than the antecedent ? If greater, how must the antecedent and consequent of the first couplet compare with each other ? If less, how com- pare ? What is the ratio of the first couplet ? Why not 20 to 4 ? Make the statement. How is the required term found ? 3. If 96 cords of wood cost 1240, what will 40 cords cost ? 4. If 20 lb. of sugar cost $1.80, find the cost of 45 lb. 5. If 18 bu. of wheat make 4 barrels of flour, how many barrels will 200 bu. make ? EuLE. — I. Mahe the statement so that two of the given numbers which are of the same unit value, shall form the first couplet of the proportion, and have a ratio equal to the ratio of the third given term to the required term. II. Divide the product of the means iy the given extreme^ and the quotient will he the number required. 128 PROPORTION. CAUSE AND EFFECT. 768. The terms of a proportion have not only the relations of magnitude^ but also the relations of cause and effect Every problem in proportion may be considered as a comparison of two causes and two effects. Thus, if 4 tons as a cause will bring when sold, $24 as an effect, 12 tons as a cause will bring $72 as an effe^^t. Or, if 6 horses as a cause draw 10 tons as an effect, 9 horses as a cause will draw 15 tons as an effect, 769. Since like causes produce like effects, the ratio of two like causes equals the ratio of two like effects pro- duced by these causes. Hence, 1st cause : 2d cause : : 1st effect : 2d effect. WRITTEN BXEUCISES. 770. 1. If 8 men earn $32 in one week, how much will 15 men earn at the same rate, in the same time ? STATEMENT. ANALYSIS. — In this ex- ist cause. 2d cause. 1st effect 2d effect ample an eJf(3C^ is required. 8 men : 15 men :: $32 : ^x The first cause is 8 men, the second cause 15 men, OPERATION. , . ^, T., and since they are like %X z=:15 Xt3/^-r-o^^=^bO causes they can be com- pared. The effect of the first cause is $32 earned, the effect of the second cause is %x earned, or the required term. Since like effects have the same ratio as their causes (769), the causes may form the first couplet, and the effects the second couplet of the proportion. The required term is readily obtained by (7C>3, 3). 2. If 20 bushels of wheat produce 6 barrels of flour, how many bushels will be required to produce 24 barrels ? PROPORTION. 129 STATEMENT. ANALY8IS.~In this ex- ist cause. 2d cause. 1st effect. 2d effect. ample a cause is required. 20 bu. : iiJ bu : : 6 bbl. : 24 bbl. The first cause is 20 bu., the second cause is x bu. OPERATION. ,, . , or the required term. a; bu. = 20 X 24 -r- 6 = 80 bu. The effect of the first cause is bbl. of flour, the effect of the second cause is 24 bbl. of flour. Since like causes have the same ratio as their effects (709), the statement is made as in Ex. 1, and the required term found by (703, 2). 3. If 5 horses consume 10 tons of hay in 8 mo., how many horses will consume 18 tons in the same time ? Drill Exercise. — In this example, what is the first cause ? The second cause ? The first effect ? The second effect ? Is the re- quired term a cause or an effect ? A mean or an extreme ? What is the first couplet ? What, the second ? Make the statement. How is the required term found ? 4. If 8 yards of cloth cost $6, how many yards can be bought for $75 ? 5. How many men will be required to build 32 rods of wall in the same time that 5 men can build 10 rods ? Rule. — I. Arrange the terms in the statement so that the ratio of the causes which form the first couplet, shall equal the ratio of the effects which form the second couplet y putting X in the place of the required term. II. If the required term^ te an extreme, divide the pro- duct of the means by the given extreme ; if the required term he a mean, divide the product of the extremes hy the given mean. To shorten the operation, equal factors in the first and second, or in the first and third terms may be canceled. Solve the following by either of the foregoing methods : 6. If 5 sheep can be bought for $20.75, how manj sheep can be bought for $398.40 ? 130 PEOPORTION. 7. When 10 barrels of flour cost $112.50, what will be the cost of 476 barrels of flour Z 8. If a railroad train run 30 miles in 50 min., in what time will it run 260 miles ? 9. How many bushels of peaches can be purchased for $454.40, if 8 bushels cost $10.24 ? 10. If a horse travel 12 miles in 1 hr. 36 min., how far, at the same rate, will he travel in 15 hours ? 11. How many days will 12 men require to do a piece of work, that 95 men can do in 7^ days ? 12. If f of an acre of land cost $60, what will 45|- acres cost? 13. At the rate of 72 yards for £44 16s., how many yards of cloth can be bought for £5 12s. ? 14. If ^ of a^barrel of cider cost $1^, what is the cost of I of a barrel? 15. If the annual rent of 35 A. 90 P. is $284.50, how much land can be rented for $374.70 ? 16. What will 87.5 yd. of cloth cost, if If yd. cost $1.26 ? 17. If by selling $5000 worth of dry goods, a merchant gains $456.25, what amount must he sell to gain $1000 ? 18. Bought coal at $4.48 per long ton, and sold it at $7.25 per short ton. What was the gain per. ton ? 19. What will be the cost of a pile of wood 80 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, if a pile 18 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, 6 ft. high cost $30.24? 20. If 36 bu. of wheat are bought for $44.50, and sold for $53.50, what is gained on 480 bu. at the same rate ? 21. If a business yield $700 net profits in 1 yr. 8 mo., in what time will the same business yield $1050 profits ? PROPORTION. 131 COMPOUND PROPOETION. 771. A Compound Proportion is an expression of equality between two ratios, one or both of which are compound. AH the terms of every problem in compound proportion appear in couplets, except one, and this is always of the same unit value as the required term. The order of the ratios, and of the terms composing the ratios, is the same as in simple proportion. WRITTEN EXERCISES, 773. 1. If 18 men build 126 rd. of wall in 60 da., working 10 hr. a day, how many rods will 6 men build in 110 da., working 12 hr. a day? STATEMENT. r. 18 men : Omen ^ ^o'ds. rods. X 60 days : 110 days V : : 126 : x ^U 11011 10 hours : 12 hours ) 5 00 U nPT?,!? ATTON" i0 m^^ 11 42 5 463 r<^B:_0xM0Xl^xW_,«,_9,„ , 93|=a;rd. ^ rA^tiiAs^xA - i y-iiva. $ 5 Analysis. — All the terms in this example appear in couplets, ex- cept 126 rods, which is of the same unit value as the required term, and is made the third term of the proportion, and x rods, the fourth. The required number of rods depends upon ^^7*66 conditions : 1st, the number of men employed ; 2d, the number of days they work ; and 3d, the number of hours they work each day. Consider each condition separately, and arrange the terms of the same unit value in couplets, and make the statement as in simple proportion (767). Then find the required term by (763, 3), 132 PROPORTION. 2. If 20 horses consume 36 tons of hay in 9 mo., how many tons will 12 horses consume in 18 months ? Drill Exercise. — In this example, what is the denomination of the required term ? What given number has the same unit value ? What will be the third term of the proportion? The fourth? How many couplets are there ? Give them. What kind of a ratio do they form ? How is the antecedent and consequent of each couplet determined ? How is a compound ratio reduced to a simple one ? Make the statement. Is the required term a mean or an extreme? How is it found? (763, 3.) 3. If $320 will pay the board of 4 persons for 8 weeks, for how many weeks will $800 pay the board of 15 persons ? 4. If a man walk 192 miles in 6 days, walking 8 hr. a day, how far can he walk in 18 days, walking 6 hr. a day ? 5. If 6 laborers can dig a ditch 34 yards long in 10 days, how many days wiB 20 laborers require to dig a ditch 170 yards long? KuLE. — I. Form each couplet of the compound ratio from the numbers given^ iy comparing those lohich are of the same unit value, arranging the terms of each in respect to the third term of the proportion, as if it were the first couplet of a simple proportion. (767.) II. Divide the product of the second and third terms hy the product of the first terms, the quotient will he the num- ber required. The same preparation of the terms by reduction is to be observed as in simple proportion. When possible, shorten the operation by cancellation. When the vertical line is used, write the factors of the dividend on the right, and the factors of the divisor with x on the left. PBOPORTION. 133 CAUSE AND EFFECT. 773. If we regard the conditions of each problem as the comparison of two causes and two effects, the com- pound proportion will consist of two ratios, one or both of which may be compound, and the required term will be either a simple cause, or effect, or a single element of a compound cause, or effect. WRITTEN EXEBC IS ES. 774. 1. If 8 men earn $320 in 8 days, how much will 12 men earn in 4 days ? 1st cause. 8 men : 8 days STATEMENT. 2d. cause. : 12 men [ ^ ^ • 4 days \ OPERATION. 12x4x^ ^0^ ^x^ Or, $320 : fe ^ = $240 12 4 $240 Analysis. — In this example the first cause is 8 men at work 8 days, the second cause is 13 men at work 4 days ; the two form a compound ratio. The effect of the first cause is $320 earned, the effect of the sec- ond cause is $x earned, and is the required term ; the two effects form a simple ratio. The value of the required term depends upon two conditions : 1st, the number of men at work ; 2d, the number of days they work. Consider each condition separately, and arrange the terms of the same unit value in couplets, and make a statement in the same man- ner as in simple proportion. The required term being an extreme, is found by (763, 3). 2. If it cost $41.25 to pave a sidewalk 5 ft. wide and 75 ft. long, what will it cost to pave a similar walk 8 ft. wide and 566 ft. long ? 134 PROPORTION. 3. How many days will 21 men require to dig a ditch 80 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, and 8 ft. deep, if 7 men can dig a ditch 60 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 6 ft. deep, in 12 days ? Or, 80 X 3 u n 8 ^m ^(^8 8 OPERATION. 8 ;?xlgx^0x$x^ _8 "^^ ^1x00x^x0 -3-^t^a- 3 X— 2| da. Analysis. — In this example the causes and the effects each form a compound ratio. The required term is an element of the second cause and a mean. Hence divide the product of the extremes by the product of the given means, and the quotient is the required factor or term, 3| da. (763, 2). 4. If 4 horses consume 48 bushels of oats in 12 days, how many bushels will 20 horses consume in 8 weeks ? EuLE. — I. Of the given numbers, select those which con- stitute the causes, and those which constitute the effects, and arrange them in couplets as in simple cause and effect, putting X in the place of the required term. II. If the required term, x, he an extreme, divide the product of the means by the product of the given extremes ; if X be a mean, divide the product of the extremes by the product of the given means ; the quotient will be the re- quired term. Solve the following by either of the foregoing methods : 5. What sum of money will produce $300 in 8 mo., if $800 produce $70 in 15 months ? PROPOETION. 135 6. If 20 reams of paper are required to print 800 copies of a book containing 230 pages each, 40 lines on a page, how many reams are required to print 3000 copies of 400 pages each, 35 lines on a page ? 7. If 10 men can cut 46 cords of wood in 18 da., work- ing 10 hr. a day, how many cords can 40 men cut in 24 da., working 9 hr. a day ? 8. What is the cost 36^ yards of cloth 1| yi wide, if 2i yards If yd. wide, cost $3-37^ ? 9. A contractor employs 45 men to complete a work in 3 months ; what additional number of men must he employ, to complete the work in 2^ months? 10. If a vat 16 ft. long, 7 ft wide, and 15 ft. deep holds 384 barrels, how many barrels will a vat 17J ft. long, lOJ^ ft. wide, and 13 ft. deep hold ? 11. What is the weight of a block of granite 8 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and 10 in. thick, if a similar block 10 ft. long, 5 ft. wide, and 16 in. thick, weigh 5200 pounds ? 12. If it cost $15 to carry 20 tons 1^ miles, what will it cost to carry 400 tons ^ of a mile ? 13. If it take 13500 bricks to build a wall 200 ft. long, 20 ft. high, and 16 in. thick, each brick being 8 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 2 in. thick, how many bricks 10 in. long, 5 in. wide, S^ in. thick, will be required to build a wall 600 ft, long, 24 ft. high, and 20 ft. thick ? 14. What will 15 hogsheads of molasses cost, if 28^ gallons cost $7^ ? 15. At 6^d. for If yards of cotton cloth, how many yards can be bought for £10 6s. 8d. ? 16. If $750 gain $202.50 in 4 yr. 6 mo.^ what sum will gain $155.52 in 1 yr. 6 mo. ? 136 PROPORTIOIf. 17. In what time can 60 men do a piece of work that 15 men can do in 20 days ? 18. If 2^ yd. of cloth 6 quarters wide can be made from 1 lb. 12 oz. of wool, how many yards of cloth 4 quarters wide can be made from 70 lb. of wool ? 19. If the use of $300 for 1 yr. 8 mo. is worth $30, how long, at the same rate, may $210.25 be retained to be worth $42,891 ? 20. A farmer has hay worth $18 a ton, and a merchant has flour worth $10 a barrel. If the farmer ask $21 for his hay, what should the merchant ask for his flour ? 21. How many men will be required to dig a cellar 45 ft. long, 34.6 ft. wide, and 12.3 ft. deep, in 12 da. of 8.2 hr. each, if 6 men can dig a similar one 22.5 ft. long, 17.3 ft. wide, and 10.25 ft. deep, in 3 da. of 10.25 hr. each? 22. If a bin 8 ft. long, 4^ ft. wide, and 2^ ft. deep, hold 67|^ bu., how deep must another bin be made, that is 18 ft. long and 3|- ft. wide, to hold 450 bu. ? 23. What wiU 120 lb. of coffee cost, if 10 lb. of sugar cost $1.25, and 16 lb. of sugar are worth 5 lb. of coffee ? 24. Two men haye each a farm. A's farm is worth $48.75, and B's $43| ; but in trading A values his at $60 an acre. What value should B put upon his ? 25. If 6 men in 4 mo., working 26 da. for a month, and 12 hr. a day, can set the type for 24 books of 300 pp. each, 60 lines to the page, 12 words to the line, and an average of 6 letters to the word, in how many months of 24 da. each, and 10 hr. a day, can 8 men and 4 boys set tlie type for 10 books of 240 pp. each, 52 lines to the page, 16 words to the line, and 8 letters to the word, 2 boys doing as much as 1 man ? ORAL EXEMCISES. 775. 1. If John has 10 marbles, William 15 marbles, and Charles 25 marbles, what part of the whole has each ? 2. Two men bought a barrel of flour for $9, the first paying $4 and the second $5. What part of the flour belongs to each ? 3. Three men bought 108 sheep, and as often as the first paid $3, the second paid $4, and the third $5. How many sheep should each receive ? 4. If $45 be divided between two persons, so that of every $5, one receives $2, and the other $3, how many dollars does each receive ? 5. Two men hired a pasture for $36 ; one put in 2 horses for 3 weeks, the other 3 horses for 4 weeks. What should each pay ? DEFINITIONS. 776. Partner ship is the association of two or more persons under a certain name, for the transaction of busi- ness with an agreement to share the gains and losses. 777. A Firnif Company or Mouse is any par- ticular partnership association. 778. The Capital i& the money or property invested by the partners, called also Investment, or Joint- Stoch. 138 PARTNERSHIP. imQ. The Resources of a firm are the amounts due it, together with the property of all kinds belonging to it ; called also Assets, or Effects, HSO. The lAahilities of a firm are its debts, 781. The Net Capital is the excess of resources over liabilities. WJtXTTMN EXERCISES, 783. To apportion grains or losses according to capital invested. 1. A and B engage in trade ; A furnishes $400 capital, B 1600. They gain $250 ; what is the profit of each ? 1st operation. {By Fractions.) $400, A/s investmeoit = y^^TT = i of ^^^ whole capital. 600, B.'s - = A'A = f " $1000, whole " $250 X f rz: $100, A/s share of the gain. $250 X f = $150, B.'s '* 2d operation. {By Proportion.) $1000 (whole cap.) : $400 (A/s in v.) : : $250 (whole gain) : A/s share. $1000 (whole cap.) : $600 (B.'s lav.) : : $250 (whole gain) : B/s share. 3d operation. {By Percentage.) $250 gain is y%V^ :=: 25% of the whole capital. $400 X .25 = $100, A/s gain ; $600 x .25 = $150, B.'s gain. Analysis. — {1st Method.) Since $400, A.'s investment, is -^-^y or f , of the whole capital, he is entitled to f of the gain, or $lt)0 ; and B is entitled to f of the gain, or $150. M Method. The ratio of $1000, the whole capital, to $400, A.'s investment, is equal to the ratio of $250, the whole gain, to A.'s share of the gain. Hence the proportions, etc. Sd Method. Since the gain is 25 % of the whole capital, each partner is entitled to 25 % of his investment as his share of the gain. The third method (hy dividend) is that generally adopted by joints stock companies having numerous shareholders. PARTNERSHIP. 139 2. At the end of the year, Norton, Smith & Co. take an account of stock, and find the amount of merchandise, as per inventory, to be $8400 ; cash on hand, $4850 ; due from sundry persons, $5273. Their debts are found to amount to $4223. S. Norton's investment in the busi- ness is $5000 ; E. Smith's, $4000 ; and C. Woodward's, $2000. Make a statement showing the resources, lia- bihties, net capital, and net gain ; and find each part- ner's share of the gain. OPERATION. Mesources. Mdse. as per inventory, $8400 Cash on hand, 4850 Debts due the firm, • 5273 $18523 lA abilities. Debts due to sundry persons, 4223 Net capital, .... $14300 Investments, S. Norton, . $5000 R. Smith, 4000 C. Woodward, 2000 Total investments ..... $11000 Net gain, $3300 S. Norton's fractional part, ^\^^% = A o^ $3^^^ = $1^^0- R. Smith's '' '' Am = XT of $3300 = $1300. C. Woodward's ** '' A^ = A of $3300 = $ 600. Proof.— $1500 + $1200 + $600 = $3300, total gain. 140 PAKTKERSHIP. Eul:e 1. Find what fractional part each partner^ s in- vestment is of tJie whole capital^ and take such part of the tvhole gain or loss for his share of the gain or loss. Or, 2. State hy proportion, as the whole capital is to each partner's investment t, respectively, so is the whole gain or loss to each partner's share of the gain or loss. Or, 3. Find what per cent, the gain or loss is of the whole capital, and taTce that per cent, of each partner's invest- ment for his share of the gain or loss, respectively, 3. A furnishes $4000, B, $2700, and C, $2300, to pur- chase a house, which they rent for $720. What is each one's share of the rent ? 4. Four persons rent a farm of 230 A. 64 P. at $7|^ an acre. A puts in 288 sheep, B, 320 sheep, C, 384 sheep, and D, 648 sheep ; what rent ought each to pay ? 5. Prime & Co. fail in business ; their liabilities amount to $22000 ; their available resources to $8800. They owe A $4275, and B $2175.50 : what will each of these creditors receive ? 6. Four persons engage in manufacturing, and invest jointly $22500. At the expiration of a certain time, A's share of the gain is $2000, B's $2800.75, C's $1685.25, and D's $1014. How much capital did each put in ? 7. An estate worth $10927.60 is divided between two heirs so that one receives ^ more than the other. What does each receive ? 8. Three persons engage in the lumber trade with a joint capital of $37680. A puts in $6 as often as B puts in $10, and as often as puts in $14. Their annual gain is equal to O's stock. What is each partner's gain ? PARTKEESHIP. 141 9. Ames, Lyon & Co. close business in the following condition : notes due the firm to the amount of $24843.75, cash in hand, $42375.80, due on account, $26500, mer- chandise per inventory, $175840. Notes against the firm, $14058.75, due from the firm on account, $12375.80. Ames invested $60000, Lyon, $40000, and Clark $25000. Make a statement showing the total amount of resources, liabilities, investments, net capital, net gain, and each partner's share of the gain. 783. To apportion ^ains or losses according to amount of capital invested, and time it is employed. 1. Three partners. A, B, and C, furnish capital as fol- lows : A, $500 for 2 mo.; B, $400 for 3 mo.; C, $200 for 4 mo. They gain $600 ; what is each partner's share ? OPERATION. 500 X 2 rr 1000 = UU = i X ) ( $200, A's share. 400 X 3 r= 1200 = iUi = f X >- $600 = J $240, B's " 200 X 4 =_800 = ^%% =^\x ) I $160, C's " 3000 Analysis.— The use of $500 for 2 mo. is the same as the use of $1000 for 1 mo. ; the use of $400 for 3 mo. is the same as that of $1200 for 1 mo. ; and the use of $200 for 4 mo. is the same as that of $800 for 1 mo. Therefore the whole capital is the use of $3000 for 1 mo. ; and as A*s investment is $1000 for 1 mo., it is J of the capital, and hence he should receive J of the gain, or $200. For the same reason, B should receive f, and C y% of the gain, or $240 and $160, respectively. The other methods of operation may be applied by considering the products of investment and time as shares of the capital. Thus, $600 is 20% of $3000; and 20% of $1000, $1200, and $800 will give $200, $240, and $160, respectively, the shares of gain required. 142 PABTIS^EESHIP. 2. Barr, Banks & Co. gain in trade $8000. Barr fur- nished $12000 for 6 mo.. Banks, $10000 for 8 mo., and Butts 18000 for 11 mo. Apportion the gain ? EuLE 1. — Multiply each partners capital iy the time it is invested, and divide the whole gain or loss among the partners in the ratio of these products. Or, 2. State hy projjortion: The sum of the products is to each product, as the whole gain or loss is to each partner's gain or loss. 3. Jan. ], 1876, three persons began business with $1300 capital furnished by A ; March 1, B put in $1000 ; Aug. 1, C put in $900. The profits at the end of the year were $750. Apportion it. 4. In a partnership for 2 years, A furnished at first $2000, and 10 mo. after withdi^ew $400 for 4 mo., and then returned it ; B at first put in $3000, and at the end of 4 mo. 1500 more, but drew out $1500 at the end of 16 mo. The whole gain was $3372. Find the share of each. 5. The joint capital of a company was $5400, which was doubled at the end of the year. A put in ^ for 9 mo., B f for 6 mo., and C the remainder for ] year. What is each one's share of the stock at the end of the year ? 6. Crane, Child & Coe, forming a partnership Jan. 1, 1875, invested and drew out as follows: Crane invested $2000, 4 mo. after $1000 more, and at the end of 9 mo. drew out $600. Child invested $5000, 6 mo. after $1200 more, and at the end of 11 mo. put in $2000 more. Coe put in $6000, 4 mo. after drew out $4000, and at the end of 8 mo. drew out $1000 more. The net profits for the year were $7570. Find the share of each. 784. Alligation treats of mixing or compounding two or more ingredients of different values or qualities. 785. Alligation Medial is the process of finding the mean or average yalue or quality of several ingredients. 786. Alligation Alternate is the process of find- ing the proportional quantities to be used in any required mixture. WRITTEN EX A MPZJES, 787. 1. If a grocer mix 8 lb. of tea worth $.60 a pound with 6 lb. at $.70, 2 lb. at $1.10, and 4 lb. at $1.20, what is 1 lb. of the mixture worth ? Analysis. —Since 8 lb. of tea at $.60 is worth $4.80, and 6 lb. at $.70 is worth $4.20, and 2 lb. at $1.10 is worth $2.20, and 4 lb. at $1.20 is worth $4.80, the mix- ture of 20 lb. is worth $16. Hence 1 lb. is worth ^\ of $16, or $16 -5- 20 = $.80. 2. If 20 lb. of sugar at 8 cents be mixed with 24 lb. at 9 cents, and 32 lb. at 11 cents, and the mixture is sold at 10 cents a pound, what is the gain or loss on the whole ? 'RvL^.—Find the entire cost or value of the ingredients^ and divide it iy the sum of the simples. OPERATION. $.60 X8 = $4.80 .70 X6 = 4.20 1.10 X3 = 2.20 1.20 x4 = 4.80 20 ) $16.00 144 , ALLIGATION. 3. A miller mixes 18 bu. of wheat at $1.44 with 6 bu. at $1.32, 6 bu. at $1.08, and 12 bu. at $.84. What will be his gain per bushel if he sell the mixture at $1.50 ? 4. Bought 24 cheeses, each weighing 25 lb., at If a pound ; 10, weighing 40 lb. each, at IW ; and 4, weigh- ing 50 lb. each, at 13^ ; sold the whole at an average price of ^^f a pound. What was the whole gain ? 5. A drover bought 84 sheep at $5 a head ; 96 at $4.75 ; and 130 at $5^. At what average price per head must he sell them to gain 20^ ? 188. To find the proportional parts to be used, when the mean price of a mixture and the prices of the simples are given. 1. What relative quantities of timothy seed worth $2 a bushel, and clover seed worth $7 a bushel, must be used to form a mixture worth $5 a bushel ? i OPERATION. ANAiiYSis. — Since on evAry ingredient usea 2 ) whose price or quality is less than the mean • Ans. rate there will be a gain, and on every ingre- dient whose price or quality is greater than the mean rate there will be a loss^ and sincp the gains and losses must be exactly equal, the relative quantities used of each should be such as represent the unit of value. By selling one bushel of timothy seed worth $2, for $5, there is a gain of $3 ; and to gain $1 would require i of a bushel, which is placed opposite the 2. By selling one bushel of clover seed worth $7, for $5, there is a loss of $2 ; and to lose $1 would require J of a bushel, which is placed opposite the 7. In every case, to find the unit of value, divide $1 by the gain or loss per bushel or pound, etc. Hence, if every time J of a bushel of timothy seed is taken, J of a bushel of clover seed is taken, the gain and loss will be exactly equal, and i and J will be the propor- tional quantities required. ALLIGATION. 145 OPERATION. 6 f 1 % 3 4 5 3 i 4 4 4 \ 1 1 7 1 % 2 .10 i 3 3 To express the proportional numbers in integers, reduce these fractions to a common denominator, and use their numerators, since fractions having a common denominator are to each other as their numerators (241) ; thus, \ and \ are equal to f and |, and the pro- portional quantities are 2 bu. of timothy seed to 3 bu. of clover seed. 2. What proportions of teas worth respectively 3, 4, 7, and 10 shillings a pound, must be taken to form a mix- ture worth 6 shillings a pound ? Analysis. — To preserve the equality of gains and losses, always compare two prices or simples, one greater and one less than the mean rate, and treat each pair or couplet as a separate ex- ample. In the given example form two couplets, and compare either 3 and 10, 4 and 7, or 3 and 7, 4 and 10. We find that J of a lb. at 3s. must be taken to qain 1 shilling, and \ of a lb. at 10s. to lose 1 shilling ; also ^ of a lb. at 4s. to gain 1 shilling, and 1 lb. at 7s. to lose 1 shilling. These proportional numbers, obtained by comparing the two couplets, are placed in columns 1 and 2. If, now, the numbers in columns 1 and 2 are reduced to a common de- nominator, and their numerators used, the integral numbers in columns 3 and 4 are obtained, which, being arranged in column 5, give the proportional quantities to be taken of each. It will be seen that in comparing the simples of any couplet, one of which is greater, and the other less than the mean rate, the pro- portional number finally obtained for either term is the difference between the mean rate and the other term. Thus, in comparing 3 and 10, the proportional number of the former is 4, which is the difference between 10 and the mean rate 6 ; and the proportional number of the latter is 3, which is the difference between 3 and the mean rate. The same is true of every other couplet. Hence, when the simples and the mean rate are integers, the intermediate steps taken to obtain the final proportional numbers as in columns 1 , 2, 3, and 4, may be omitted, and the same results readily found by taking the difference between each simple and the mean rate, and placing it opposite the one with which it is compared. 146 ALLIGATIOK. 3. In what proportions must sugars worth 10 cents, 11 cents, and 14 cents a pound be used, to form a mix- ture worth 12 cents a pound ? 4. A farmer has sheep worth $4, $5, $6, and $8 per head. What number may he sell of each and realize an average price of $5^ per head ? EuLE. — I. Write the several prices or qualities in a column^ and the mean price or qicality of the mixture at the left. II. Forra couplets hy comparing any price or quality less, with one that is greater than the mean rate, placing the part luhich must be used to gain 1 of the mean rate opposite the less simple, and the part that must be used to lose 1 opposite the greater simple, and do the same for each simple in every couplet. III. If the proportional numbers are fractional, they may be rediiced to integers, and if two or more stand in the same horizontal line, they must be added ; the final re- sults will be the proportional quantities required. 1. If the numbers in any couplet or column liave a common fac- tor, it may be rejected. 2. We may also multiply the numbers in any couplet or column by any multiplier we choose, without affecting the equality of the gains and losses, and thus obtain an indefinite number of results, any one of which being taken will give a correct final result. 5. What amount of flour worth $5^, $6, and $?| per barrel, must be sold to realize an average price of $6^ per barrel ? 6. In what proportions can wine worth $1.20, $1.80, and $2.30 per gallon be mixed with water so as to form a mixture worth $1.50 per gallon ? ALLIGATION. 147 789. When the quantity of one of the simples is limited. 1. A farmer has oats worth $.30, com worth $.45, and barley worth $. 84 a bushel. To make a mixture worth $.60 a bushel, and which shall contain 48 bu. of corn, how many bushels of oats and barley must he use ? OPERATION. Analysis. — By tlie ^30 JL 4 4 24^ same process as in ^^ .^ . ^ ,^ .r.\ J (788), the proportional 60^5 ^ 8 S ^slAns. quantities of each are .84: ^ ^ 5 5 10 60 J found to be 4 bu. of oats, 8 of corn, and 10 of barley. But since 48 bu. of corn is 6 times the proportional num- ber 8, to preserve the equality of gain and loss take 6 times the proportional quantity of each of the other simples, or 6 x 4 = 24 bu. of oats, and 6 x 10 =: 60 bu. of barley. Hence, etc. 2. A dairyman bought 10 cows at $40 a head. How many must he buy at $32, $36, and $48 a head, so that the whole may average $44 a head ? EuLE. — Find the proportional quajitities as in (788). Divide the given quantity hy the proportional qua7itity of the same ingredient, and multiply each of the other propor- tional quantities iy the quotient thus ohtained, 3. A grocer having teas worth $.80, $1.20, $1.50, and $1.80 per pound, wishes to form a mixture worth $1.60 a pound, and use 20 lb. of that worth $1.50 a pound. 4. Bought 12 yd. of cloth for $30. How many yards must I buy at $3^ and $1| a yard, that the average price of the whole may be $2| a yard ? 5. How many acres of land worth $70 an acre must be added to a farm of 75 A., worth $100 an acre, that the average value may be $80 an acre.'^ 148 ALLIGATION. OPEBATION r 6 i 3 3 37 10 < 7 13 i 3 3 3 3 18 37 .13 i 4 4 36 13 108 790. When the quantity of the whole compound is limited. 1. A grocer has sugars worth 6 cents, 7 cents, 12 cents, and 13 cents per pound. He wishes to make a mixture of 108 pounds, worth 10 cents a pound ; how many pounds of each kind must be use ? Analysis. — The proportion- al quantities of each simple found by (788) are 3 lb. at 6 cts., 2 lb. at 7 cts., 3 lb. at 12 cts., and 4 lb. at 13 cts. Add- ing the proportional quantities, the mixture is but 12 lb , while the required mixture is 108, or 9 times 12. If the whole mixture is to be 9 times as much as the sum of the propor- tional quantities, then the quantity of each simple used must be 9 times as much as its respective proportional, or 27 lb. at 6 cts., 18 lb. at 7 cts., 27 lb. at 12 cts.. and 36 lb. at 13 cts. 2. A man paid $330 per week to 55 laborers, consisting of men, women, and boys; to the men he paid $10 a week, to the women $2 a week, and to the boys $1 a week ; how many were there of each ? EuLE. — Find the proportional numbers as in (788). Divide the given quantity ly the sum of the proportional quantities^ and multiply each of the proportional quanti- ties ly the quotient thus obtained. 3. How much water must be mixed with wine worth $.90 a gallon, to make 100 gal. worth $.60 a gallon ? 4. One man and 3 boys received $84 for 56 days' labor ; the man received $3 per day, and the boys %\, $|, and $lf respectively ; how many days did each labor ? REVIEW. 149 791. RATIO. PROPOR- TION. SYNOPSIS FOR EEVIEW. 1. Ratio. 2. Sign of Ratio. 3. Terms. 4. Antecedent. 5. Consequent. 6. 1. Defs. ^ Value of a Ratio. 7. Simple Ratio. 8. Compound Ratio. 9. Reciprocal of a Ratio. 2. Formulas, 1, 2, 3. 3. General Principles, 1, 2, 3. 4. General Law. 1. Defs. < '' 1. Proportion. 2. Sign. 3. Couplet. 4 Proportional. 5. Antecedents. C. Consequents. 7. Extremes. 8. Means, 9. Mean Proportional. 2. Principles, 1, 2, 3, 4. 3. Simple Pro- portion. 4. Compound Proportion, i .■U: ... Simple Proportion, ' " Statement, 2. Rule, I, II. 3. Cause and Effect, t 4. Rule, I, II. " 1. Def. Compound Proportion. 2. Rule, I, II. 3. Cause and Effect. 4. Rule, I, II. PARTNER. SHIP. ALLIGA- TION. ^ {1. Partnership. 2. Firm, Company, or House. 3. Capital. 4. Resources. 5. Liabilities. 6. Net Capital. 2. 782. Rule, 1, 2, 3. 3. 783. Rule, 1, 2. 1. Defs. ■]'■ Alligation. 2. Alligation MediaL 3. Alligation Alternate. 2. 787. Rule. 3. 788. Rule, I, II, III. 4. 789. Rule. 5. 790. Rule. 150 GENERAL REVIEW. TEST PROBLEMS. 792. 1. The sum of two numbers is 120, and their dif- ference is equal to ^ of the greater. Find the numbers. 2. E's age is H times the age of D, and F's age is 2^ times the age of both, and the sum of their ages is 124. What is the age of each ? 3. If 7 bu. of wheat are worth 10 bu. of rye, and 5 bu. of rye are worth 14 bu. of oats, and 6 bu. of oats are worth $6, how many bushels of wheat will $60 buy? 4. A mechanic was engaged to labor 20 days, on the conditions that he was to receive 15 a day for every day he worked, and to forfeit $2 a day for every day he was idle ; at the end of the time he received $86. How many days did he labor? 5. One man can build a fence in 18 da., working 10 lir. a day ; another can build it in 9 da., working 8 hr. a day. In how many days can both together build it, if they work 6 hours a day ? 6. If 6 boxes of starch and 7 boxes of soap cost $33, and 12 boxes of starch and 10 boxes of soap cost $54, what is the price of 1 box of each? 7. Three men agree to build a bam for $540. The first and second can do the work in 16 da., the second and third in 13 J^ da., and the first and third in llf da. In how many days can all do it working together ? In how many days can each do it alone ? What part of the pay should each receive ? 8. A dealer paid $182 for 20 barrels of flour, giving $10 for first quality, and $7 for second quality. How many barrels were there of each ? GENERAL REVIEW. 151 9. The hour and minute hands of a clock are together at 12 M. When will they be exactly together the third time after this ? 10. Bought 15 bu. of wheat and 30 bu. of oats for $35, and 9 bu. of wheat and 6 bu. of oats for $15. What was the price per bushel of each ? 11. If Ames can do as much work in 3 days as Jones can do in 4^ days, and Jones can do as much in 9 days as Smith can do in 12 days, and Smith as much in 10 days as Eay in 8 days, how many days' work done by Kay are equal to 5 days done by Ames ? 12. A merchant bought 40 pieces of cloth, each piece containing 25 yd. , at $4f per yard, on 9 mo. credit, and sold the same at $4f per yard, on 4 mo. credit. Find his net cash gain, money being worth 6%. 13. There are 70 bu. of grain in 2 bins, and in 1 bin are 10 bu. less than f as much as there is in the other. How many bushels in the larger bin ? , 14. Three men can perform a piece of work in 12 hr. ; A and B can do it in 16 hr., A and C in 18 hr. What part of the work can B and C do in 9\ hours ? 15. What per cent, in advance of the cost must a mer- chant mark his goods, so that after allowing 6% of his sales for bad debts, an average credit of 6 mo., and 4:% of the cost of the goods for his expenses, he may make a clear gain of 12|^^ on the first cost of the goods, money being worth 7% ? 16. An elder brother's fortune is 1^ times his younger brother's ; the interest of J of the elder brother's fortune and -J- of the younger's for 5 years, at 6^, is $2400. What is the fortune of each ? 152 GENERAL REVIEW. 17. The top of Trinity Church steeple in New York is 368 ft. from the ground; f the height of the steeple above the church plus 12 ft. is equal to the height of the church. Find the height of the steeple above the church ? 18. Two persons have the same income : A saves J of his, but B by spending $300 a year more than A, at the end of 2 years is $200 in debt. What is their income ? 19. Divide $2520 among 3 persons, so that the second shall have f as much as the first, and the third ^ as much as the other two. What is the share of each ? 20. A man owes a debt to be paid in 4 equal install- ments of 4, 9, 12, and 20 months respectively ; a discount of 6% being allowed, he finds that $1500 ready money will pay the debt. What is the amount of the debt ? 21. A quantity of flour is to be distributed among some poor families ; if 50 lb. are given to each family, there will be 6 lb. left ; if 51 lb. are given to each, there will be wanting 4 lb. What is the quantity of flour ? 22. 1 have three notes payable as follows : one for $400, due Jan. 1, 1875 ; another for $700, due Sept. 1, 1875 ; and another for $1000, due April 1, 1876. What is the average of maturity ? 23. An estate worth $123251.82 is left to four sons, whose ages are 19, 17, 13, and 11 years, respectively, and is to be so divided that each part being put out at 7% simple interest, the amounts shall be equal when they become 21 years of age. What are the parts ? 24. If a piece of silk cost $1 .20 a yard, at what price must it be marked that it may be sold at 10^ less than the marked price, and still make a profit of 20^ ? 25. A farmer sold 100 geese and turkeys ; lor the geese GENERAL EEVIEW. 153 he received $.75 apiece, and for the turkeys $1.25 apiece, and for the whole $104. What was the number of each ? 26. A man left his property to three sons ; to A ^ want- ing $180, to B i, and to C the rest, which was $590 less than A and B received. What was the whole estate ? 27. What is the simple interest and the amount ; the compound interest and amount ; the present worth and the true discount ; the bank discount and the proceeds of $1920, for 2 yr. 5 mo. 12 da., at 6% ? Also the face of the note, which when discounted at a bank for the same time, and at the same rate, will produce the same sum ? 28. Divide $1500 among 3 persons, so that the share of the second may be ^ greater than that of the first, and the share of the third ^ greater than that of the second. 29. A merchant owes for three bills of goods as follows : $500 due March 1, $800 due June 1, and $600 due Aug. 1. He wishes to give two notes for the amount, one for $1000, payable April 1 ; what must be the face, and when the maturity, of the other ? 30. A man in New York purchased a draft on Chicago for $10640, drawn at 60 da., $10302.18. What was the course of exchange ? 31. B. B. Northrop, through his broker, invested a certain sum in U. S. 6's, 5-20, at 107|^, and twice as much in U. S. 5's of '81, at 98|, brokerage on each, ^%. His income from both investments is $1674. How much did he invest in each kind of stock ? 32. A, B, and C are under a joint contract to furnish 6000 bu. of corn, at $.48 a bushel ; A's corn is worth $.45, B's $.51, and C's $.54 ; how many bushels must each put into the mixture that the contract mav be fulfilled ? 154 GEKERAL REVIEW. 33. A cask contains 42J U. S. gallons of wine, worth $4|- per gallon. How much less will it cost in U. S. money, at the rate of £1 2s. per the Imperial gallon ? 34. A garden 400 ft. long and 300 ft. wide has a walk 20 ft. wide laid off from each of its two sides. What is the ratio between the area of the walk and the area of what remains ? 35. A commission merchant in Charleston received into his store on May 1, 1875, 1000 bbl. of flour, paying as charges on the same day, freight $175.48, cartage $56.25, and cooperage $8.37. He sold out the shipment as fol- lows: June 3, 200 bbl. @ $6.25 ; June 30, 350 bbl. @ $6.50 : July 29, 400 bbl. @ $6.12|^ ; Aug. 6, 50 bbl. @ $6. Eequired, the net proceeds, and the date when they shall be accredited to the owner, allowing commission at 3^%, and storage at 2 cents per week per bbl. "^ 36. Three men engage in manufacturing. L puts in $3840 for 6 mo. ; M, a sum not specified for 12 mo. ; and N, $2560 for a time not specified. L received $4800 for his capital and profits ; M, $9600 for his ; and N, $4160 for his. Eequired, M's capital and N's time. 37. My expenditures in building a house, in the year 1874, were as follows : Jan. 16, $536.78 ; Feb. 20, $425.36 ; March 4, $259.25 ; April 24, $786.36. At the last date I sold the house for exactly what it cost, interest at 6 per cent, on the money expended added, and took the purchaser's note for the amount. What was the face of the note ? 38. A man bought a farm for $6000, and agreed to pay principal and interest in 3 equal annual installments. What was the annual payment, interest being 6% ? ORAL BXEMCISES . 793. 1. What is the product of 3 used twice as a factor ? 2. What is the product of 3 used 3 times as factor . 3. What is the product of 4 used 3 times as a factor ? 4. What is the result of using 5 twice as a factor ? 5. What is the product of -^ used twice as a factor ? 6. What is the result of using f twice as a factor? f , three times as a factor ? 7. What number will be produced by using .3 twice as a factor? .7, twice ? A, three times ? .05, twice ? 8. A room is 9 ft. on each side ; how many square feet in the floor ? 9. A cubical block of stone is 4 ft. on each edge ; how many cubic feet does it contain ? DEFINITIONS. 794. A Power of a number is the product of factors, each of which is equal to that number. Thus, 27 is the third power of 3, since 27 = 3x3x3. 795. Involution is the process of finding any power of a number. 156 INVOLUTION. 796. The JBase or Root of a power is one of the equal factors of the power. Thus, 27 is the third power of 3, and 3 is the base, or root, of that power. 797. The ExiJOiient of a power is a number placed at the right of the base and a little above it, to show how many times it is used as a factor to produce the power. It also denotes the degree of the power. Thus, 3^ or 3 = 3, the^r^^ power of 3. 32 z= 3 X 3 =9, the second power of 3. 33 zzz 3 X 3 X 3 = 27, the third power of 3. 34 1= 3 X 3 X 3 x3 = 81, the/o^^r^Apowerof3. 3-^ = 3x3 = 9 ^ ^^I \ -^ -^^5^ ^ iii; ,:',.;r|!'ll III 'itll'iiiSi ililHili^illMili ii!|iV"'.; " miiiiyiiiumimi 8» = 3x8x3 = 27 798. The Square of a num- ber is its second power, so called because the number of superficial units in a square is equal to the second power of the number of linear units in one of its sides. 799. The O^ft^ of a num- ber is its third power, so called because the number of units of Yolume in a cube is equal to the third power of the number of linear units in one of its edges. 800. A Perfect Power is a number which can be resolved into equal factors. Thus, 25 is a perfect power of the second degree, and 27 is a perfect power of the third degree. IN^VOLUTION. 157 801, Pkin^ciple. — The sum of the exponents of two powers of the same number is equal to the exponent of the product of those powers. Thus, 2^ x 2^=25 ; for 22=:2 x 2, and 2^=2 x 2 x 2 ; hence 2^ x 23=2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2=25. WRITTEN JEXEHCISES. 803. To find any power of a number. 1. Find the third power of 35. OPERATION. Anai^tsis. — Since using 35 = 351 ; 35 X 35 = 35^ =z 1225 any number three times 1225 X 35 = 353 = 42875 Z \ ^^^"^^ ^jl^T' *^^ third power of that num- ber (797), 35 X 35 X 35 :rr 353 = 42875. 2. Find the square of 37. Of 42.' Of 56. Of 75. 3. Find the cube of 15. Of 18. Of 42. Of 54. 4. What is the value of 63^ ? of 48^ ? of 32^ ? of 12^ ? EuLE. — Find the product of as many factors^ each equal to the given number y as there are units in the expo- nent of the required power. 5. What is the third power of f ? r^ /^x2 . ^ d 4x4x4 43 64 Operation.— (If = f x f x | = ^—^—z = -^ = :r~, ^^ ^ * * 5x5x5 5^ 125 EuLE. — A fraction may be raised to any power by in* volving each of its terms separately to the required power. 6. What is the square of ^^^ ? The cube of |f ? 7. Eaise ^ to the 4th power. 2|^ to the 5th power. Find the required power of the following : 8. 35.42. 13. .03438. 16. (182i)2. 9. 1063. 13. .5«. 17. (4.07i)2, 10. (44i)2. 14. 36.03». 18. (1t^)=- 11. (H)*. 15. .403163 19. .00638. 158. INVOLUTION. Find the value of each of the following expressions ; 20. 4.63 X 253. 21. 6.754 -(7^)2. 22. -Jof(i)3x(3|)2. 26. (43x56x123)-^ 23. 8« -f- .4096. 24. 2.53x(12|)2. 25. (7.5)3 _^ (1^)3. (42x104x32). FORMATION OF SQUARES AND CUBES BY THE ANALTT ICAL METHOD. 803. To find the square of a number in terms of its tens and units. 1. Find the square of 27 in terms of its tens and units. OPERATION. 27 = 27 = 20 + 7 20 + 7 189= (20x7)+ 72 540= 202 +(20x7) 729 = 202+(2x20x7)+72 Analysis. — The product of 20 + 7 by 7 is 20 X 7 + 7\ and the product of 20 + 7 by 20 is 20^ + (20 x7); hence 202 + (2x20x7) + 72, which is the sum of these partial products, is the square of 20 + 7 or 27. Principle. — The square of a number consisting of tens and units is equal to the sum of the squares of the tens and units increased iy twice their product. Geometrical Illustration. Let ABCD be a square, each side of which is 27 feet, and let lines be drawn as represented in the figure. It is evident that the square ABCD (27^) is equal to the sum of two squares, one of which is the square of tens (20^), the other the square of the units (7^), to- gether with two rectangles each of whose areas is 20 x 7. INVOLUTION. 159 2. What is the square of 37 ? 2 X 30 X 7 = 420 7'=r 49 372 = 1369 (803, Prin.) 3. Find the square of 42 in terms of its tens and units. In like manner find the square 4. Of 48. 5. Of 56. 6. Of 98. 7. Of 125. 8. Of 105. 9. Of 225. 10. Of 197. 11. Of 342. 804. To find the cube of a number in terms of its tens and units. 1. Find the cube of 25 in terms of its tens and units. OPERATION. 252= 202+ (2x20x5) + 58 25 = 20 + 5 252x 5 = (202x5) + (2x20x52) + 53 25^x20 zir203 + (2x20^x5)+ (20x5^) 253 = 203+{3 X 202 x5) + (3x 20x52) + 53 Analysis. —The square of 35 is 20^ 4- (2 x 20 x 5) + 5^. (803, Prin.) Multiplying this by 20 -»- 5 gives the cvbe of 25. 2. Find the cube of 34 in terms of its tens and units. Principle. — The cube of a number consisting of tens and units is equal to the cube of the tens, plus three times the product of the square of the tens by the units, plus three times the product of the tens by the square of the units, plus the cube of the units. 160 INVOLUTIOIT. Geometrical Illustration. Fig. 1. The volume of the cube marked A, Fig. 1 , is 20^ ; the volume of each of the rectangu- lar solids marked B is 20 X 20 X 5, or 20-^ x 5 ; the volume of each of the rectangular solids marked C, in Fig. 2, is B 20 X 5 X 5, or 20 x 5^ ; |B and the volume of the small cube marked D is 5^. It is evident, that if all these solids are put together ais represented in Fig. 3, a cube will be formed, each edge of which is 25. 3. Find the cube of 46? OPERATION. 403= 64000 402x6x3 = 28800 40x62x3= 4320 63= 216 463=97336 In like manner find the cube 4. Of 48. 5. Of 64. 6. Of 95. 7. Of 125. 805. 1. What are the two equal factors of 25 ? 36 ? 2. What are the three equal factors of 27 ? 64 ? 125 ? 3. What are the four equal factors of 16 ? 81 ? 256 ? 4. Of what is 81 the 2d power ? The 4th power ? DBFUnTITIONS. 806. The Square Hoot of a number is one of the two equal factors of that number ; the Cube Root is one of the three equal factors of that number, etc. Thus, 3 is the square root of 9, 2 is the cube root of 8, etc. 807. Evolution is the process of finding the root of any power of a number. 808. The Madical Sign is V. When prefixed to a number, it indicates that some root of it is to be found. 809. The Index of the root is a small figure placed aboye the radical sign to denote what root is to be found. When no index is written, the index 2 is understood. Thus, /\/T00 denotes the square root of 100 ; \/\2^ denotes the cube root of 125 ; v^256 denotes the fourtJi root of 256 ; and so on, Evolution, or both involution and evolution, may be indicated in the same expression by a fractional exponent, the numerator de- noting the required power of the given number, and the denomina- tor the root of that power of the number. Thus, Oi is equivalent to y^O ; 643 , to /^64 ; and 8f , to the cube root of the second power of 8, equivalent to >y/8^, etc. 163 EVOLUTION". EVOLUTION BY FACTORING. WJRITTJSN EXERCISES, 810. To find any root of a number by factoring. 1. Find the cube root of 1728. OPERATION. 3)1728 Q \ K 7 « -^ Analysis. — A number that is a perfect cube, is 3)192 composed of three equal factors, and one of them TTTT is the cube root of that number. ^y^ The prime factors of 1728 are 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2)3 2 2, 2, 2 ; hence 1728 = (3 x 2 x 2) x (3 x 2 x 2) x aTTfi (3x2x2); therefore the cube root of 1728 is <-— (3 X 2 X 2), or 12. 2)8 2)4 2 EuLE. — Resolve the given number into its prime factors ; then, to produce the square root, take one of every two equal factors ; to produce the cube root take one of every three equal factors ; and so on, 2. Find the square root of 64. Of 256. Of 576. Of 6561. 3. Find the cube root of 729. Of 2744. Of 9261. Of 3375. GENERAL METHOD OF SQUARE ROOT. 811. A Perfect Square is a number which has an exact square root. 813. Pkinciples. — 1. The square of a number ex- pressed by a single figure contains no figure of a higher order than tens, 2. The square of tens contains no significant figure of a lower order than hundreds, nor of a higher order than thousands. SQUARE ROOT. 163 3. The square of a number contains twice as many figures as the number, or twice as many less one. Thus, 12 = 1, 102 =: 100, 92 = 81, 1002 = 10000, 992 = 9801, 10002 z= 1000000. Hence, 4. If any perfect square be separated into periods of two figiores each, beginning with units^ place, the number of periods will be equal to the number of figures in the square root of that number. If the number of figures in the number is odd^ the left-hand period will contain only one figure. WniTTEN X:XEItCISE8. 813. To find the square root of a number. 1. Find the square root of 4356. OPERATION. Analysis.— Since 4356 con- 43,56(60 + 6 = 66 si^ts of two periods, its gQ2 3600 square root will consist of two figures (812, Prin. 4). 130 + 6 = 126 ) 756 Since 56 cannot be a part of 756 tlie square of the tens (812, Prin. 2), the tens of the root must be found from the first period 43. The greatest number of tens whose square is contained in 4300 is 6. Subtracting 3600, which is the square of 6 tens, from the given number, the remainder is 756. This remainder is composed of twice the product of the tens by the units, and the square of the units (803, Prin.). But the product of tens by units cannot be of a lower order than tens ; hence the last figure 6 cannot be a part of twice the product of the tens by the units ; this double product must therefore be found in the part 750. Now, if we double the tens of the root and divide 750 by the result, the quotient 6 will be the units' figure of the root, or a 164 EVOLUTION. figure greater thaD the units' figure. This quotient cannot be too small, for the part 750 is at least equal to twice the product of the tens by the units ; but it may be too large, for the part 750, be- sides the double product of the tens by the units, may contain tens arising from the square of the units. (812, Prin. 1.) Subtracting 6 X 120 + 6* or 6 x 120 + 6 from 756, nothing remains. Hence 66 is the required root. 1. In this example, 120 is a partial or trial divisor, and 126 is a complete divisor. 2. If the root contains more than two figures, it may be found by a similar process, as in the following example, where it will be seen that the partial divisor at each step is obtained by doubling that part of the root already found. 2. Find the square root of 186634. OPERATION. 18,66,24(400 + 30 + 2=432 16 00 00 nru ' X. *!, . W The ciphers on the right 400 X 2 + 30 = 830 ) 2 Q^ 24 are usually omitted for the 2 49 00 sake of brevity. Thus, 400x2 + 30x2 + 2=862)1724 18,66,24(432 1724 16 83)266, etc. 3. Find the square root of 7225. 4. What is the square root of 58564. Rule. — I. Separate the given number into periods of two figures each, beginning at the units' place. II. Find the greatest number whose square is contained in the period on the left ; this will be the first figure in the root. Subtract the square of this figure from the period on the left, and to the remainder annex the next period to form a dividend. SQUARE ROOT. 165 III. Divide this dividend, omitting the figure on the right, iy double the part of the root already found, and annex the quotient to that part, and also to the divisor ; then multiply the divisor thus completed ly the figure of the root last obtained, and subtract the product from the dividend. IV. // there are more periods to be brought down, con- tinue the operation in the same manner as before. 1. If a cipher occur in the root, annex a cipher to the trial divi- sor, and another period to the dividend, and proceed as before. 2. If there is a remainder after the root of the last period is found, annex periods of ciphers and continue the root to as many decimal places as are required. Find the square root 5. Of 9G04. 7. Of 11881. 9. Of 2050624. 6. Of 13225. 8. Of 994009. 10. Of 29855296. 11. Find the square root of IfJ. Operation. — \/Hi -_vioo_,„ V121 EuLE. — Tlie square root of a fraction may be found by extracting the square root of the numerator and denomina- tor separately. Mixed numbers may be reduced to the decimal form before ex- tracting the root ; or, if the denominator of the fraction is a perfect square, to an improper fraction. In extracting the square root of a number containing a decimal^ begin at the units' place, and proceed both toward the left and the right to separate into periods, then proceed as in the extraction of the square root of integers. Extract the square root 12. Of iff. 15. Of .001225. 18. Of 58.1406|» 13. Ofi^T- 16. Of 196.1369. 19. Of 17f. 14. OfyHir- 17. Of 2.251521. 20. Of 10795.21. L66 EVOLUTIOK. 21. What is the square root of 3486784401 ? 22. What is the square root of 9.0000994009 ? 23. Find the value of 32^ to 6 decimal places. 24. Find the square root of 2f to 4 decimal places. 25. Find the square root of f to 5 decimal places. 26. Find the value of .1254 to 5 decimal places. Find the second member of the following equations : 27. a/3369 + Vi296= ? | 28. (36^)^ x a/."25^= ? 29. 2.83 -^ a/. 11 7649 zz:? 30. vnu-^m^-^^=? 31. 9 ,i 1= X \/32 a/92 32. 'v/^:6896 + .3729 x| of a/.256=: ? 33. (7.2 - A/277or)' -r- (|f = ? 34. (a/8T— 16*) X (a/T69 + 25*) = ? 35. a/2642 X 4.41 -t- (5.3361)* - (2.3^ x Geometrical Explanation of Square Eoot. 814. What is the length of one side of a square whose area is 729 square feet ? Fia. 1. Let Fig. 1 represent a square whose area is 729 square feet. It is required to find the length of one side of this square. Since the area of a square is equal to the square of one of its sides, a side may be found by extracting the square root of the area. Since 729 consists of two periods, its square root will consist of two figures. The great- est number of tens whose square is con- tained in 700 is 2. Hence the length of the side of the square ia 20 feet plus the units' figure of the root. Fig. 2. ^^^^^^1 B jiiiii §H SQUARE ROOT. 167 Removing the square whose side is 20 feet and whose area is 400 square feet, there remains a surface whose area is 329 square feet (Fig. 2). ^i'his re- mainder consists of two equal rectangles, each of which is 20 feet long, and a square whose side is equal to the width of each rectangle.. The units' figure of the root is equal to the width of one of these rectangles. The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its length and width (462) ; hence, if the area be divided by the length, the quotient will be the width. Now, since the two rectangles contain the greater portion of the 329 square feet, 2 x 20 or 40, the length of the two rectangles, may be used as a trial divisor to find the width. Dividing 329 by 40, the quotient is 8. But this quotient is too large for the width of the rectangles, for if 8 feet is the width, the area of Fig. 2 will be 40 x 8 + 8^ or 384 square feet. Taking 7 feet for the width of the rectangles, the area of Fig. 2 is 40 X 7 + 72 or 329 square feet. Hence 20 + 7 or 27 feet is the length of a side of the square whose area is 729 square feet. PROBIjEMS, 815. 1. A square field contains 1016064 square feet. What is the length of each side ? 2. A square farm contains 361 A. Find the length of one side. 3. A field is 208 rd. long and 13 rd. wide. What is the length of the side of a square containing an equal area ? 4. If 251 A. 65 P. of land are laid out in the form of a square, what will be the length of each of its sides ? 5. A circular island contains 21170.25 P. of land. What is the length of the side of a square field of equal area ? 6. If it cost $312 to enclose a field 216 rd. long and 24 rd. wide, what will it cost to enclose a square field of equal area with the same kind of fence ? 168 EVOLUTION. CUBE ROOT. 816. A Perfect Cube is a number which has an exact cube root. 817. The Cube Hoot of a numbei* is one of the three equal factors of that number. Thus^ the cube root of 125 is 5, since 5x5x5 = 125. 818. Pkii^ciples. — 1. The cuie of a mimier expressed by a single figure contains no figure of a higher order than hundreds. 2. The cube of tens contains no significant figure of a tower order than thousands, nor of a higher order than hundred thousands. 3. Tlie cube of a number contains three time» as many figures as the number, or three times as many, less one or two. Thus, Pzzi 1 103= 1^000 3» = 27 lOQS = 1,000,000 93 = 729 10003 = 1,000,000,000 99s = 907,299 100003 = 1,000,000,000,000 4. If any perfect cube be separated into periods of three figures each, beginning with units' place, the number of periods will be equal to the number of figures in the cube root cf that number. WRITTEN EXJEHC I S^S, 819. To find the cube root of a number. 1. Find the cube root of 405224. OFERATIOKT. 405,224 ( 70 + 4 ^ 74, cube root. 70^ = 343 000 702 X 3 = 14700 ) 62 224 743= 405 224 CUBE ROOT. 169 Analysis. — Since 405224 consists of two periods, its cube root will consist of two figures (818, Prin. 4), Since 224 cannot be a part of the cube of the tens of the root (818, Prin. 2), the first figure of the root must be found from the first period, 405. The greatest number of tens whose cube is contained in 405000 is 7. Subtracting the cube of 7 tens from the given number, the remain- der is 62224. This remainder is equal to the product of three timea the square of the tens of the root by the units, plus three times the product of the tens by the square of the units, plus the cube of the units (804, Prin.) But the product of the square of tens by units cannot be of a lower order than hundreds (818, Prin. 2) ; hence the number represented by the last t\vo figures, 24, cannot be a part of three times the product of the square of the tens of the root by the units ; the triple product must therefore be found in the part 62200. Hence, if 62200 be divided by 3 x 70^ the quotient, which is 4, will be the units' figure of the root or a figure greater than the units' figure. Subtracting 74^ from the given number, the result is ; hence 74 is the required root. Instead of cubing 74, the parts which make up the remainder 62224 may be formed and added thus : 3 X 702 X 4 = 58goO 3 X 70 X 42 = 3360 48 = 64 62224/ Or, since 4 is a common factor in the three parts which make up the remainder, these parts may be combined thus : 3 X 702 = 14700 3 X 70 X 4 = 840 42= 16 15556x4=62224. 1 In this example, 14700 is a partial or trial divisor, and 15556 is a complete divisor, 2. If the cube root contains more than two figures, it may be found by a similar process, as in the following example, where it will be seen that the partial divisor at each step is equal to thre© times the square of that part of the root already found. 170 EVOLUTION. 2. Find the cube root of 12812904. OPERATION. 2003== 1st par. divisor 3 x 200' == 120000 3x200x30^ 18000 30^ =r 900 1st complete divisor 138900 3d par. divisor 3 x 280^ = 1 58700 3 X 230 X 4.= 2760 42= 16 Cube Root 12,812,904 ( 200 + 30 + 4==234 8 000 000 4 812 904 4167000 645904 645904 2d comilete divisor 161476 The operation may be abridged as follows : 12,812,904(234 2^= 8 1st partial divisor 3 X 20^ =1200 3x20x3= 180 3'^= 9 1st complete divisor 1389 2d par. divisor 3x230* =158700 3x230x4= 2760 42= 16 2d complete divisor 161476 4812 4167 645904 645904 EuLE. — I. Separate the given number into periods of three figures each, beginning at the units'^ place. II. Find the greatest number whose cube is contained in the period on the left ; this will be the first figure in the root. Subtract the cube of this figure from the period on the left, and to the remainder annex the next period to form a dividend, III. Divide this dividend by the partial divisor, ivhich is 3 times the square of the root already found, considered as tens ; the quotient is the second figure of the root. CUBE ROOT. 171 IV. To the partial divisor add 3 times the product of the second figure of the root by the first considered as tens, also the square of the second figure, the result will be the com- plete divisor. V. Multiply the complete divisor by the second figure of the root and subtract the product from the dividend, VI. // there are more periods to be brought down, pro* ceed as before, using the part of the root already found, the same as the first figure in the previous process. 1. If a cipher occur in the root, annex two ciphers to the trial divisor, and another period to the dividend ; then proceed as before, annexing both cipher and trial figure to the root. 2. If there is a remainder after the root of the last period is found, annex periods of ciphers and proceed as before. The figures of the root thus obtained will be decimals. What is the cube root 3. Of 15625 ? 4. Of 166375 ? 5. Of 1030301 ? 6. Of 4492125 ? 7. Of 1045678375 ? 8. Of 4080659192 ? 9. Find the cube root of ^. Operation.— ^A = J^-A = |. EuLE. — The cube root of a fraction may be found by extracting the cube root of the numerator and denominator. In extracting the cube root of decimal numbers, begin at the units' place and proceed both toward the left and the right, to separate into periods of three figures each. Extract the cube root 14. Of .091125. 15. Of 12.812904. 10. Of if^f 12. Of ^. 11. Of flfff. 13. Of 39304. 16. What is the cube root of 98867482624 ? 17. What is the cube root of .000529475129 ? 18. Find the cube root of ^ correct to 4 decimal places, 172 EVOLUTION. Find the second member of the following equations 19. 1.443+2.53==? 21. 22. ^0. ^iifix^ifi==? V.4096 — .2368 = ? ^^'54:872 — (21.952)*=? 23. 24.8 + v^l03.823 x (.125)i = ? U. V^166 -r- \/6i - (4 X ^^."512) = ? Geometrical Explanation of Cube Root. 830. What is the length of the edge of a cube whose volume is 15625 cubic feet ? ^i^- 1- Let Fig. 1 represent a cube whose volume is 15625 cubic feet. It is required to find the length of the edge of this cube. Since the volume of a cube is equal to the cube of one of its edges, an edge may be found by extracting the cube root of the volume. Since 15625 consists of two periods, its cube root will consist of two figures. The greatest number of tens whose cube is contained in 15000 is 2. Hence, the length of the edge of the cube is 20 feet plus the units' figure of the root. Removing the cube whose edge is 20 feet and whose volume is 8000 cubic feet, there remains a solid whose volume is 7625 cubic feet (Fig. 2). This remainder consists of solids similar to those marked B, C, and D, in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of Art. 804. 15,625(25 2^= 8 8 X 202 = 1200 3 X 20 X 5 r= 300 52= 25 7625 1525 7625 CUBE ROOT. 173 The volume of a rectan- FiG. 2. gular solid is equal to the product of the area of its base by its height or thick- ness (472) ; hence, if the volume be divided by the area of the base the quo- tient will be the thickness. Now, since the three equal rectangular solids, each of which is 20 feet square and whose thickness is the units' figure of the root, contain the greater por- tion of the 7625 cubic feet, 3 x 20^ or 300 x 2^ may be used as a trial divisor to find the thickness. Dividing 7625 by 1200 the quotient is 6. But this quotient is too large, for if 6 feet is the thickness, the volume of Fig. 2 will be 3x202x6 + 3x20x62 + 63, or 9576 cubic feet. Taking 5 feet for the thickness, the volume of Fig. 2 is 7625 cubic feet, for 3 x202 x 5 + 3 x 20 x52 + 5'=:(300x 2^ + 30x2 X 5 + 52) 5 = 1525 X 5=7625. Hence, 25 feet is the length of the edge of a cube whose volume is 15625 cubic feet. PJtOBTjEMS, 831. 1. What is the length of the edge of a cubical box that contains 46656 cu. inches ? 2. What must be the length of the edge of a cubical bin that shall contain the same volume as one that is 16 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 4 ft. deep ? 3. What are the dimensions of a cube that has the same volume as a box 2 ft. 8 in. long, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, and 1 ft. 4 in. deep ? 4. How many square feet in the surface of a cube whose volume is 91125 cubic feet ? 5. What is the length of the inner edge of a cubical bin that contains 150 bushels ? 174 EVOLUTION. 6. What is the depth of a cubical cistern that holds 200 barrels of water ? 7. Find the length of a cubical vessel that will hold 4000 gallons of water. ROOTS OF HIGHER DEGREE. 833. Any root whose index contains no other factors than 2, or 3, may be extracted by means of the square and cube roots. If any power of a given number is raised to any required power, the result is that power of the given number denoted by the pro- duct of the two exponents. (801.) Conversely, if two or more roots of a given number are extracted, successively, the result is that root of the given number denoted by the product of the indices. 1. What is the 6th root of 2176782336 ? OPERATION. Analysis. — The index of the re- V^2176782336 = 46656 ^^^^^^ ^^^* is 6 = 2 x 3 ; hence ex- 3 tract the square root of the given V 46656 = 36 number, and the cube root of this Or, result, which gives 36 as the 6th or -^2176783336 = 1396 '^^li^ed "^t-^ O^, first find the cube root of the given number, and V 1296 = 36 then the square root of the result. KuLE. — Separate the index of the required root into its prime factors, and extract successively the roots indicated hy the several factors obtained; the final result will ie the required root. 2. What is the 4th root of 5636405776 ? 3. What is the 8th root of 1099511627776 ? 4. What is the 6th root of 25632972850442049? 5. What is the 9th root of 1.577635 ? For further practical applications of Involution and Evolution, Bee ** Mensuration." 833. An Arithmetical Progression is a suc- cession of numbers, each of which is greater or less than the preceding one by a constant difference. Thus, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, is an arithmetical progression. 834. The Terms of an arithmetical progression are the numbers of which it consists. The first and last terms are called the Extremes^ and the other terms the Means. 835. The Common Difference is the difference between any two consecutive terms of the progression. 836. An Increasing Arithmetical Frogres- sion is one in which each term is greater than the pre- ceding one. Thus, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, is an increasing progression. 837. A Decreasing Arithfuetical Progres- sion is one in which each term is less than the preced- ing one. Thus, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, is a decreasing progression. 838. The following are the quantities considered in arithmetical progression and the abbreviations used for them: 1. The first term, (a). 2. The last term, (I). 3. The common diflFerence, (d). 4. The number of terms, (n). 5. The sum of all the terms, («). 176 PROGRESSIONS. WMITTE N EXEJRCISES, 839. To find one of the extremes, when the other extreme, the common difference, and the number of terms are given. 1. The first term of an increasing progression is 8^ the common difference 5, and the number of terms 20 ; what is the last term ? • u» OPERATION. Analysis. — The 2d term is 8 + 5; 20 1 = 19 the 3d term is 8 + (5 x 2) the 4th term r-Q r^ ^ ^ ^o J is 8 + (5 X 3) ; and so on. Hence 8 + ly X D + b — iOd _ ^. ^^g ^ g^ ^j. ^^3 .g ^^^ 2Q^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ 2. The last term of an increasing progression is 103, the common difference 5, and the number of terms 20 ; what is the first term ? OPERATION. Analysis.— The 1st term must be - a number to which, if 19 x 5 be added, "^ the sum shall be 103 ; hence, if 19 x 5 103 — 19x5=:8=:6]^ is subtracted from 103, the remainder is the first term. 3. The first term of a decreasing progression is 203, the common difference 5, and the number of terms 40 ; what is the last term ? 4. The last term of a decreasing progression is 1, the common difference 2, and the number of terms 9 ; what is the first term ? EuLE.— I. If the given extreme is the less, add to it the product of the common difference by the number of terms less one. II. If the given extreme is the greater, subtract from it the product of the common difference by the number of terms less one, ^ il z=za + (n — 1) X d. Formula.— i , ; ^i j * a=.l — {n — 1) X d. PROGRESSIONS. 177 5. The first term of an increasing progression is 5, the common difference 4, and the number of terms 8 ; what is the last term ? 6. The first term of an increasing progression is 2, and the common difference 3 ; what is the 50th term ? 7. The first term of a decreasing progression is 100, and the common difference 7 ; what is the 13th term ? 8. The first term of an increasing progression is f , the common difference |, and the number of terms 20 ; what is the last term ? 830. To find the common difference, when the extremes and number of terms are given. 1. The extremes of a progression are 8 and 103, and the number of terms 20 ; what is the common difference ? OPERATION. Analysis.— The difference between I QQ Q _^ i Q __ K __ ^ the extremes is equal to the product of the common difference by the number of terms less one (829) ; hence the common difference is ff,or5. 2. The extremes of a progression are 1 and 17, and the number of terms 9 ; what is the common difference ? EuLE. — Divide the difference between the extremes by the number of terms less one. Formula. — d = -^^? . n — 1 3. The extremes are 3 and 15, and the number of terras 7 ; what is the common difference ? 4. The extremes are 1 and 51, and the number of terms 76 ; what is the common difference ? 178 PROGRESSIONS. 5. The youngest of ten children is 8^ and the eldest 44 years old ; their ages are in arithmetical progression. What is the common difference of their ages ? 6. The amount of $800 for 60 years, at simple interest, is $4160. What is the rate per cent. ? 7. The extremes are and 2^, and the number of terms 18 ; what is the common difference ? 831. To find the humber of terms, when the ex- tremes and common difference are given. 1. The extremes of a progression are 8 and 103, and the common difference 5 ; what is the number of terms ? OPERATION. Analysis. — The difference between the -1 no Q _i_ K ___ 1 Q extremes is equal to the product of the 1 * OA common difference by the number of ■^^ + ^^^^~^ terms less one (830) ; hence the number of terms less one is equal to -^/ or 19 ; therefore 19 + 1 or 20 is the number of terms. 2. The extremes of a progression are 1 and 17, and the common difference 2 ; what is the number of terms ? EuLE. — Divide the difference between the ecctremes by the common difference, and add one to the quotient. FOEMULA. — 71 = ~ — h 1. 3. The extremes are 5 and 75, and the common differ- ence is 5 ; what is the number of terms ? 4. The extremes are \ and 20, and the common differ- ence is 6|- ; what is the number of terms ? 5. A laborer received 50 cents the first day, 54 cents the second, 58 cents the third, and so on, until his wages were $1.54 a day ; how many days did he work ? 6. In what time will $500, at 7 per cent, simple inter- est, amount to $885 ? PEOGRESSIONS. 179 832. To find the sum of all the terms, when the extremes and the number of terms are given. 1. The extremes of an arithmetical progression are 2 and 14, and the number of terms is 5 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? Analysis. — The common dif- OPEKATION. erence is found to be 3 (830) ; 2_L. 5_L «_l11j_14 hence the required sum is ""i^TuT o T K .. ^q^^l *o 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14, or ,^ 14 + 11+ 8+ 5+ 2 i4^^i^s^5^3^ Addingthe 2 S =16 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 16 corresponding terms of these 2 5 = 16 X 5 z= (2 + 14) X 5 ^^o progressions, we have 2 o I 1 4^ times the sum — 16 x 5 = (2 + S =■ X 5 = 40. 14) X 5 ; hence the sum is 2 ^ + 14 K Al^ X 5 = 40. 2 2. The extremes of an arithmetical progression are 5 and 75, and the number of terms is 15 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? KuLE. — Multiply the sum of the extremes by half the number of terms. Formula. — s = - x {a + I). 3. The extremes are 4 and 40, and the number of terms is 7 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? 4. The extremes are and 250, and the number of terms is 1000 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? 5. How many strokes, beginning at 1 o'clock, does the hammer of a common clock strike in 12 hours ? 6. A body will fall 16^ ft. in the first second of its fall, 48|^ ft, in the second second, 80^^^ ft. in the third second, and so on ; how far will it fall in one minute ? 180 PROGRESSIONS. 833. A Geometrleal Progression is a succes- sion of numbers, each of which is greater or less than the preceding one in a constant rafio. Thus, 1, 3, 9,27, 81, etc., is a geometrical progression. 834. The Terms of a geometrical progression are the numbers of which the progression consists. The first and last terms are called the Extremes^ and the other terms the Means. 835. The Ratio of a geometrical progression is the quotient obtained by dividing any term by the preceding one. 836. An Increasing Geometrical Frogres' sion is one in which the ratio is greater than 1. Thus, 1, 3, 4, 8, 16, etc., is an increasing progression. 837. A Decreasing Geometrical JProgres-^ sioni& one in which the ratio is less than 1. Thus, 1, J, J, J, Y^^, etc., is a decreasing progression. 838. An Infinite Decreasing Geometrical Progression is one in which the ratio is less than 1, and the number of terms infi7iite. Thus, 1, i, J, J, ^^, 7^, ^, and so on is an infinite decreasing progression. 839. The following are the quantities considered in geometrical progression : 1. The first term {a), 2. The last term (Z). 3. The ratio (r). 4. The number of terms (w). 5. The sum of all the terms {s). PROGRESSIONS. 181 WRITTJEN EXEJRC IS 1SS. 840. To find one of the extremes, when the other extreme, the ratio, and the number of terms are given. 1. The first term of a progression is 2, the ratio 3, and the number of terms 10 ; what is the last term ? Analysis.— The 2d term is 3 x 3 ; the third 3'*^ =19683 term is 2x3x3 or 2x3'^; the 4tli term is 2 2x3^; and so on. Hence the 10th or last oaoaa 7 ^^^'^ is 2 x 3® or 39366. 2. The last term of a progression is 39366, the ratio 3, and the number of terms 10 ; what is the first term ? OPERATION. Analysis. — The first term must be a num- 39355 ber, by which if 3^ be multiplied the product —39— = 2 = a • siiall be 39366 ; hence, if 39366 be divided by 3®, the quotient will be the first term. 3. The first term of a progression is 1, the ratio |, and the number of terms 9 ; what is the last term ? EuLE. — I. If the given extreme is the first term, rmdti- ply it hy that power of the ratio whose exponent is one less than the number of terms. II. If the given extreme is the last term, divide it hy that power of the ratio whose exponent is one less than the number of terms. FoRMULiE. — I =: ar"^'^ ; a = — — : . 4. The first term of a geometrical progression is 6, the ratio 4, the number of terms 6 ; what is the last term ? 5. The last term is 192, the ratio 2, and the number of terms 7 ; what is the first term ? 182 PROGRESSIOl^S. 6. A drover bought 20 cows, agreeing to pay $1 for the first, $2 for the second, $4 for the third, and so on ; how much did he pay for the last cow ? 7. Find the amount of $250 for 4 years at 6 per cent, compound interest. The first term is 350, the ratio 1,06, and the number of terms 5. 8. If 1 cent had been put at interest in 1634, what would it have amounted to in the year 1874, if it had doubled its value every 12 years ? 841. To find the ratio, when the extremes and the number of terms are given, 1. The first term is 2, the last term 512, and the num- ber of terms 5 ; what is the ratio ? OPEKATiON. ANAiiYBTS. — ^If the 4th power of the .gig =256 ratio be multiplied by 2, the product will 4/^— _ . _ be 512 (840); henc6, if 512 be divided Vx55b — 4 — r ^^ ^ ^^^ quotient, 256, will be the 4th power of the ratio. Hence the ratio is the 4th root of 256, or 4. 2. The first term is 1, the last term ^-J-g-, and the num- ber of terms 9 ; what is the ratio ? EuLE. — Divide the last term by the first, and extract that root of the quotient whose index is one less than the number of terms. Formula* — r= V -- ^ a 3. The first term is 8, the last term 5000, and the num- ber of terms 5 ; what is the ratio ? 4. The first term is .0112, the last term 7, and the number of terms 5 ; what is the ratio ? 5. The first term is ^, the last term 15^, and the number of terms 7 ; what is the ratio ? PROGBESSIOKS. 183 84:3« To find the number of terms, when the extremes and the ratio are ^ven, 1. The extremes are 2 and 512> and the ratio is 4 ; what is the number of terms ? OPERATION. Analysis. — If 512 be divided by 2, the quotient, 2 ) 512 256, will be that power of the ratio whose exponent ~Tr^ is one less than the number of terms (841). But 256 is the 4th power of the ratio 4 : hence the nuTn- 4 = 2o6 her of terms S^^. 2. The extremes are 1 and ^^, and the ratio is ^ ; what is the number of terms ? Rule. — Divide the last term iy the first ; then the expo- nent of the power to which the ratio must ie raised to pro- duce the quotient is one less than the number of terms. . I Formula. — r"^'^ = - . a 3. The extremes are 2 and 1458, and the ratio is 3 ; what is the number of terms ? 4. The extremes are -^ and -^, and the ratio 2 ; what is the number of terms ? 843. To find the sum of all the terms, when the extremes and the ratio are given. 1, The extremes are 2 and 128, and the ratio is 4 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? OPERATION. (128x4)^2 510 4-1 ~ -3- - 17U ^ 5 4: 8 = 8 + 32 + 128 + 512 Analysis.— Subtract the sum from 4 8 = 2 + 8 + 32 + 128 times the sum, and 510 remains, which 3 « = 512 — 2 = 510 is 3 times the sum ; hence, ^^yOT 170, 510 _ 170 _ g. is the sum. 184 PROGBESSIONS. 2. The extremes are 1 and -^, and the ratio is | : what IS the sum of all the terms ? is= i + i + i + iV + A B,VL^,— Multiply the last term by the ratio^ and divide the difference between the product and the first term by the difference between 1 and the ratio. Formula. — s = ;-. r — 1 3. The extremes are 3 and 384, and the ratio is 2 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? 4. The extremes are 4f and ;^, and the ratio is | ; what is the sum of all the terms ? 5. What is the sum of all the terms of the infinite pro- gression 8, 4, 2, 1, 1^, i, .... ? The last term of this progression may be conceived as 0. 6. What is the sum of all the terms of the infinite pro- gression 1, I, :^, ^, -gL., . . . . ? 7. What is the sum otl+^ + ^ + ^, etc., to infinity? 8. The first is 7, the ratio 3, and the number of terms 4 ; what is the sum of all the terms ? First find tlie last term by Art. 840. 9. A drover bought 10 cows, agreeing to pay $1 for the first, $2 for the second, S4 for the third, and so on ; what did he pay for the 10 cows ? 10. If a man were to buy 3 2 horses, paying 2 cents for the first horse, 6 cents for the second, and so on, what would they cost him ? 844. An Annuity is a sum of money payable an- nually. The term is also applied to a sum of money payable at any equal intervals of time. 845. A Certain Annuity is one wbich continues for a definite period of time. 846. A Perpetual Annuity or Fe7^j)etuity is one which continues forever. 847. A Contingent Annuity is one which begins or ends, or both begins and ends, on the occurrence of some specified future event or events. 848. An Annuity Forborne or in A7*rears is one the payments of which were not made when due. 849. The Amount or Final Value of an an- nuity is the sum of all the payments increased by the interest of each payment^ from the time it becomes due until the annuity ceases. 850. The Present Worth of an annuity is such a sum of money as will, in the given time, and at the given rate per cent., amount to the final value. 851i An annuity is said to be deferred when it does not begin until after a certain period of time ; it is said to be reversionary when it does not begin until after the occurrence of some specified future event, as the death of a certain person ; and it is said to be in possession when it has begun, or begins immediately. 186 AKKUITIES. ANNUITIES AT SIMPLE INTEREST. 853. All problems in annuities at simple interest may be solved by combining the rules in Arithmetical Pro- gression with those in Simple Interest. WMITTJEN EXJSRC ISBS, 853. 1. What is the amount of an annuity of $300 for 5 years, at 6 per cent, simple interest ? OPERATION. 300 + 372 Analysis.— At the end of the 5th H X 5 = 1680 year the following sums were due : The 5th year's payment = $300, The 4tli year's payment == $300 + $18 = The 3d year's payment = $300 + $36 = The 2d.year's payment = $300 + $54 = $354, The 1st year's payment = $300 + $72 =: $373. These sums form an arithmetical progression, in which the first term is the annuity, $300, the common difference is the interest of the annuity for 1 year, and the number of terms is the number of years. The sum of all the terms of this progression is $1680 (882), which is the amount of the annuity. 2. A father deposits annually^for the benefit of his son, beginning with his tenth birthday, such a sum that on his 21st birthday the first deposit, at simple int., amounts to $210, and the sum due his son is $1860. Find the annual deposit, and at what rate per cent, it is deposited. OPERATION. 6 X (1st term + 210) = 1860. (833.) Hence, 1st term = 310 — 210 = 100 — a. (210 - 100) ^ {1^ -1) =:i^ = 10 ^ d. (830.) Analysis. — Here $210, the first deposit, is the last term ; 12, the number of deposits, is the number of terms ; AIS^NUITIES. 187 and, $1860, the final value of the annuity, is the sum of all thsy terms. Using the principle of 832, we find the first term to bv. $100, which is the annual deposit. By 880, the common dif ference is found to be $10 ; hence 10 per cent, is the required rate. 3. What is the amount of an annuity of $150 for b\ years, payable quarterly, at 1-| per cent, per quarter ? 4. What is the present worth of an annuity of $300 for 5 years, at 6 per cent. ? 5. What is the present worth of an annuity of $500 for 10 years, at 10 per cent. ? 6. In what time will an annual pension of $500 amount to $3450, at 6 per cent, simple interest ? 7. Find the rate per cent, at which an annuity of $6000 will amount to $59760 in 8 years, at simple interest. 8. A man works for a farmer 1 yr. 6 mo., at $20 per month, payable monthly ; and these wages remain unpaid until the expiration of the whole term of service. What is due the workman, allowing simple interest at 6 per cent, per annum ? ANNUITIES AT COMPOUND INTEREST. 854. All problems in annuities at compound interest may be solved by combining the rules in Geometrical Progression with those in Compound Interest. WBITTEN EXBItCIS ES, 1. What is the amount of an annuity of $300 for 5 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest ^ OPERATION. Analysis.— At the end of the 300x1.065—300 -,^0110 5th year the following sums ' ttt: "^^^ ioyi.it) J .06 8^6 <1^G : 188 AKKUITIES. The 5tli year's payment = |300, The 4th year's payment + interest for 1 year = $300 x 1.06, The 3d year's payment + compound int. for 2 years ~ $300 x 1.06^, The 2d year's payment + compound int. for 3 years = $oOO x 1.06^ The 1st year's payment + compound int. for 4 years = $300 x 1.06*. These sums form a geometrical progression, in which the first term is the annuity, $300, the ratio is the amount of $1 for 1 year, and the number of terms is the number of years. The sum of all the terms of this progression is $1691.13 (843), which is the amount of the annuity. 2. What is the present worth of an annuity of $300 for 5 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest ? OPERATION.. Analysis. — The amount of this an- 1691.13 nuity is $1691.13. The amount of $1 for = 1363.71 5 years, at 6 percent, compound interest, is $1.338226 (587). Hence the present 1.338226 worth of the annuity is -f^^' or $1263.71. 3. Find the annuity whose amount for 25 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest, is $16459.35. 4. What is the present worth of an annuity of $700 for 7 years, at 6 per cent, compound interest ? 5. An annuity of $200 for 12 years is in reversion 6 years. What is its present worth, compound interest at 6^? 6. A man bought a tract of land for $4800, which was to be paid in installments of $600 a year ; how much money, at 6 per cent, compound interest, would discharge the debt at the time of the purchase ? 7. What is the present value of a reversionary lease of $100, commencing 14 years hence, and to continue 20 years, compound interest at 5 per cent. ? REVIEW. 189 855. SYNOPSIS FOE EEVIEW. [ Defs i ^' ^Pow^^- 2- Involution. 3. Base, or Root. 4. Ex- I pouent. 5. Square. 6. Cube. 7. Perfect Power. 2. Principle. 3. 802. Rule. 1. For Integers. 2. For Fractions. 4. 803, 1- Principle. 2. Geometrical Illustration. 5. 804. 1 . Principle. 2. Geometrical Illustration. 1 Defs i ^' ^^^^^^ Root. 2. Cube Root, etc. 3. Evolution. ( 4. Radical Sign. 5. Index. 2. 810. Rule. 3. 812. Principles, 1, 2, 3, 4 4. 813. Rule, I, II, III. For Fractions. 5. 814:. Geometrical Illustration. 6. 818. Principles, 1, 2, 3, -4. 7. 819. Rule, I, II, III, IV, V, VI. For Fractions. 8. 820. Geometiical Illustration. 9. 822. Roots of a Higher Degree. Bide. { 1. Arithmetical Progression. 2. Terms. 3. Common ^ 1. Defs. -j Difference, 4. Increasing Arithmetical Progression. i 5. Decreasing Arithmetical Progression, 2. Quantities considered. 3. 829. Rule, I, II. Formulm. 4. 830. Rule. Formula. 5. 831. Rule. Formvla. 6. 832. Rule. Formula. ( 1. Geometii;Cal Progression. 2. Terms. 3. Batio. 1. Defs. ■< 4. Increasing Geom. Prog. 5. DecreoMng Oeom, \ Prog. 6. Infinite Decreasing Geom. Prog. 2. Quantities considered. 3. 840. Rule, I, II. Formulm, 4. 841. Rule. Formula. 5. 842. Rule. Formula. 6. 843. Rule. Formula. 1. Annuity. 2. Certain Annuity. 3. Perpetuity. 4. Contingent Annuity. 5. Annuity in Arrears. 6. Amount. 7. Present Wortli of an Annuity. 8. Deferred Annuity. 9. Reversionary Annuity. 10. Annuity in Possession. 3. Annuities at Simple Interest. ) „ , , , , . ^ 2. Annuities at Comf. Interest. | ^^^1^°^' how solved. 1. Defs. < 85G. Mensuration is the process of finding the number of units in extension. LINES. 857. A Straight Line is a line that does not change its direction. It is the short- est distance between two points. 858. A* Curved lAne changes its direc- tion at every point. 859. JFarallel Lines have the same direction ; and being in the same plane and equally distant from each other, they can never meet. 860. A HoHzonfal Line is a line par' allel either to the horizon or water level. 801. A JPerpendirtilar Line is a straight line drawn to meet another straight line, so as to incline no more to the one side than to the other. A perpendicular to a horizontal line is called a vertir ca^ lina ANGLES. 862. An Angle is the difference in the direction of two lines proceeding from a com- mon point, called the vertex. An^es are measured by degrees. (301.) 863. A Might Angle is an angle formed by two lines perpendicular to each other. 864:. An Obtuse Angle is greater than a right angle. 865. An Acute Angle is less than a right angle, except rigbt angles are caQed obHgtte (mgke. Horizontal. TKIAKGLES. 191 PLANE FIGURES. 866. A Platte Figure is a portion of a plane surface bounded by straight or curved lines. 867. A Polygon is a plane figure bounded by straight lines. 868. The Perhneter of a polygon is the sum of its sides. 869. The Area of a plane figure is the surface included within the lines which bound it. (460.) A regular polygon has all its sides and all its angles equal. The altitude of a polygon is the perpendicular distance between its hose and ^ side or angle opposite. A polygon of three sides is called a trigon, or triangle ; of four sides» a tetror gon^ or quadrilateral; of five sides, & pentagon^ etc. Pentagon. Hexagon. Heptagon. Octagon. Nonagon. Decagon. TRIANGLES. 870. A Triangle is a plane figure bounded by three sides, and having three angles. 871. A night- Angled Triangle is a triangle having one right angle. 872. The Hypothenuse oi2iTLg\ii' angled triangle is the side opposite the right angle. 873. The Base of a triangle, or of any plane figure, is the side on which it may be supposed to stand. 874. The Perpendicular of a right-angled triangle is the side which forms a right angle with the base. 875. The Altitude of a triangle is a line drawn from the angle opposite perpendicular to the base. 1. The dotted lines in the following figures represent the altitude. 2. Triangles are named from the relation both of their sides and angles. 192 MENSURATION. 876. An Equilateral Triangle has its three sides equal. 877. An Isosceles Tri'angr^ 6.928 sq. ft. x 20 = 138.56 cu. ft., mlume. 2. Find the volume of a cylinder whose altitude is 8 ft. 6 in., an< the diameter of its base 3 feet. Operation.— 32 x .7854 = 7.0686 square feet, area of base (905). 7.0686 sq. ft. x 8.5 = 60.083 cubic feet, wlume. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by the altitude, 3. Find the solid contents of a cube whose edges are 6 ft. 6 in. 4. Find the cost of a piece of timber 18 in. square and 40 ft. long, at $.30 a cubic foot, 5. Required the solid contents of a cylinder whose altitude is 15 ft. and its radius 1 ft. 3 in. 6. What is the value of a log 24 ft. long, of the average circum- ference of 7.9 ft., at $.45 a cubic foot ? PYRAMIDS AND CONES. . 920. A JPyramid is a body having for its base a polygon, and for its other faces three or more triangles, which terminate in a common point called the mrtex. Pyramids, like prisms, take their names from their baees, and are called tri' angular^ square^ or quadrangular^ pentagonal^ etc. Frustum. Cone. Frustum. Pyramid. 921. A Cone is a body having a circular base, and whose con- vex surface tapers uniformly to the tertex. It is a body conceived to be formed by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides containing the right angle, as an immovable axis. 922. The Altitude of a pyramid or of a cone is the perpendic- ular distance from its vertex to the plane of its base. 306 MENSURATION. 923. The Slant Height of 2i pyramid is the perpendicular dis. tance from its vertex to one of the sides of the base ; of a cone, is a straight line from the vertex to the circumference of the base. 924. The Frustum of a pyramid or cone is that part which remains after cutting off the top by a plane parallel to the base. l^JiOBljJEMS. 925. To find the convex surface of a pyramid or cone. 1. Find the convex surface of a triangular pyramid, the slant height being 16 ft., and each side of the base 5 feet. Operation.— (5 ft. + 5 ft. + 5 ft.) x 16^2 = 120 sq. ft., com. surf. 2. Find the convex/Surface of a cone whose diameter is 17 ft. 6 in., and the slant height 30 feet. Rule. — Multiply the perimeter or circumference of the base hy one- half the slant height. To find the entire surface, add to this product the area of the base. 3. Find the entire surface of a square pyramid whose base is 8 ft. 6 in. square, and its slant height 21 feet. 4. Find the entire surface of a cone the diameter of whose base is 6 ft. 9 in. and the slant height 45 ft. 5. Find the cost of painting a church spire, at $.25 a sq. yd., whose base is a hexagon 5 ft. on each side, and the slant height 60 feet. 926. To find the volume of a pyramid or of a cone. 1. What is the volume, or solid contents, of a square pyramid whose base is 6 feet on each side, and its altitude 12 feet. Opekation.— 6 X 6 X 12 -r- 3 — 144 cu. ft., wlume. 2. Find the volume of a cone, the diameter of whose base is 5 ft. and its altitude lOJ feet. Operation.— (52 ft. x .7854) x lOJ-f-3 = 68.721^ cu. ft., 'oolume. Rule. — Multiply the area of the lose hy one-third the altitude. 3. Find the solid contents of a cone whose altitude is 24 ft., and the diameter of its base 30 inches. 4. What is the cost of a triangular pyramid of marble, whose altitude is 9 ft., each side of the base being 3 ft., at $2^ per cu. foot ? 5. Find the volume and the entire surface of a pyramid whose base is a rectangle 80 feet by 60 feet, and the edges which meet at the vertex are 130 feet. PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 207 927. To find the convex surface of a frustum of a pyramid or of a cone. 1. What is the convex surface of a frustum of a square pyramid, whose slant height is 7 feet, each side of the greater base 4 feet, and of the less base 18 inches? Operation. — The perimeter of the greater base is 16 ft., of the less 6 feet. 16 ft. + 6 ft. X 7-5-2 = 77 sq. ft., co7ivex surface. 3. Find the convex surface of a frustum of a cone whose slant height is 15 feet, the circumference of the lower base BO feet, and of the upper base 16 feet. Rule. — Multiply the sum of the perimeters, or of the circumfer- ences, by one-half the slant height. To find the entire surface, add to this prodnct the area of both ends, or bases. 8. How many square yards in the convex surface of a frustum of a pyramid, whose bases are heptagons, each side of the lower base being 8 feet, and of the upper base 4 feet, and the slant height 55 feet? 928. To find the volume of a frustum of a pyramid or cone. 1. Find the volume of the frustum of a square pyramid whose altitude is 10 feet, each side of the lower base 12 feet, and of the upper base 9 feet. Operation.— 12' + 9' = 225 ; (225+ ^144x81) x 10-^3=1110 cu. feet, volume. 2. How many cubic feet in the frustum of a cone whose altitude is 6 ft. and the diameters of its bases 4 ft. and 3 feet ? Rule. — To the sum of the areas of loth bases add the square root of the product, and multiply this sum by one-third of the altitude, 3. How many cubic feet in a piece of timber 30 ft. long, the greater end being 15 inches square, and that of the less 12 inches ? 4. How many cubic feet in the mast of a ship, its height being 50 ft., the circumference at one end 5 feet and at the other 8 feet If 208 MElf SURATION. THE SPHERE. 929. A Sphere is a body bounded by a uniformly curved sur- face, all the points of which are equally distant from a point within called the center. 930. The Diameter of a sphere is a straight line passing through the center of the sphere, and terminated at both ends by its surface. 931. The Radius of a sphere is a straight line drawn from the center to any point in the surface. 932. To find the surface of a sphere. 1. Find the surface of a sphere whose diameter is 9 in. Operation.— 9 in. x 3.1416 = 28.2744 in., circumference, 28.2744 in. X 9 = 254.4696 sq. in., surface. Rule. — Multiply the diameter hy the circumference of a great circle of the sphere. 2. What is the surface of a globe 3 feet in diameter ? 3. Find the surface of a globe whose riadiua is 1 foot. 933. To find the volume of a sphere. 1. Find the volume of a sphere whose diameter is 18 inches. Operation. — 18 in. x 3.1416 = 56.5488 in., circumference. 56.5488 in. x 18 = 1017.8784 sq. in., mrface, 1017.8784 sq. in. x 18-^6=3053.6352 cu. in., mlume, 'Rule.— Multiply the surface by \ of the diameter, or \ of the radius. 2. Find the volume of a globe whose diameter is 30 in. 3. Find the solid contents of a globe whose radius is 5 yards. 934. To find the three dimensions of a rectangu- lar solid, the volume and the ratio of the dimensions being given. 1. What are the dimensions of a rectangular solid,, whose volume is 4480 cu. ft., and its dimensions are to each other as 2, 5, and 7 ? Operation.— Rule. Trapezium. ) To find area of 1. Defs. 1. Circle. 8. Diameter, 3. Radius. 2. Prob- lems. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. ■To find Diam. or Circum. Rule, 1, 2. ^/•ea. Rule, 1, 2. Diam. or Circ. Rule, 1, 2, 3. Side of Ins. Square. Rule, 1, 2. J.rea q/" Circular Ring. Rule. ^ JlfeaTi Proportional. Rule. Similar Plane Figures. 1. Defs. 2. Prin. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 9. SOUDS. - 1. Defs. . Prob- lems. ( 1. Solid or Body. 2. Prism. 3. Altitude. 4. Par- alldopipedon. 5. Cwde. 6. Cylinder. 7. Pyra- mid. 8. Cone. 9. Altitude of Pyramid or Cone. 10. Slant Height. 11. Frustum. 12. 13. Diameter. 14. Radius. 918. 919. 925. 926. 927. }^ To find 928. 932. 933. 934. J 3. Similar Solids. 10. GA.UGING. 1. Definitions. Conv.Surf. of Prism or Cyl. Rule. Volume " " Rule.^ Com.Surf.ofPyr. or Cone. Rule. Volume " " Rule. Cbzzv. Surf, of Frustum. Rule. Fo^^^me " " Rule. Surface of Sphere. Rule. Fo/Mm6 " " Rule. ^ Dim. of Rectang. Solid. Rule. 1 Defs. 2. Principles^ 1, 2. 2. Rules. < The edges of this cube are each 1 Me^ter^ or 10 Dec/i-me^ters, or 100 Cen^ti- me'ters^ m length. ScAiiE, ^ of the Exact Size* 94:1. The MetTic System of weights and measures is based upon the decimal notation, and is so called because its primary unit is the Metier. 942. The Me'ter (m.) is the base of the system, and is the one ten -millionth part of the distance on the earth's surface from the equator to either pole, or 39.37079 inches. Me^ter means measure ; and the three principal units are units of lengthy capacity or wlume^ and weight. 21'i METRIC SYSTEM. 943. The Multiple UnifSf or higher denominations, are named by prefixing to the name of the primary units the Greek numerals, Dek'a (10), Hek'to (100), KU'o (1000), and Myr'ia (10000). Thus, 1 dek'a-me'ter (Dm.) denotes 10 me'ters (m.) ; 1 hek'to-me'ter (Hm.)^ 100 me'ters ; 1 kil'o-me'ter (Km.), 1000 me'ters ; and 1 myr'ia-me'ter (Jfm.), 10000 meters. 944:. The Snb-fnultiple Units^ or lower denominations, are named by prefixing to the names of the primary units the Latin ordinals, Dec'i (y^), Cen'ti (j^J^), Mil'li (ywff)- Thus, 1 dec'i-me'ter (dm.) denotes ^, or .1 of a me'ter ; 1 cen'ti-me'ter (cm.), tJs, or .01 of a me'ter; 1 milli-me'ter {mm\ t^i or .001 of a me^ter. Hence, it is apparent from the ruwie of a unit whether it is greater ot less than the standard unit, and also how m^my Um£S. 945. The Metric System being based upon the decimal scale y the denominations correspond to the orders of the Arabic Notation ; and hence are written like United States Money, the lowest denomina- tion at the right. Thus, g Ob ^ s 0) o 1-i OQ 3 '2 CD J E-< H » ^ 6 7 1 1 «« i i ^ ^ ft fii 5 '2 P f^ Eh w h *« § I The number is read, 67015.638 me'ters. It may be expressed in other denominations by placing the decimal point at the right of the required denomination, and writing the name or abbreviation after the figures. Thus, the above may be read, 670.15638Hm. ; or 67.015638 Km. ; or 670156.38 dm. ; or 6701563.8 cm. ; or it may be read, 6 Mm. 7 Km. Hm. 1 Dm. 5 m. 6 dm. 3 cm. 8 mm. Write 3672.045 me'ters^ and read it in the several orders ; read it in kil'o-me'ters ; in hek'to-me'ters ; in dek'a-me'ters ; in dec'i- me'ters ; in cen'ti-me'ters. The names miU, cent^ dim£, used in United States Money, correspond to mil^li, cent% de&U in the Metric Systeim Hence the eagle might be called the dek'a-doUar^ since it is 10 dollars ; the dime, a decfirdoUar, eince it is xV of a dollar, etc. METRIC SYSTEM. 215 MEASURES OP LENGTH. 946. The Mefter is the unit of length, and is equal to 89.37 in. or, 1.0936 yd. +. Metric Denominations. U. S. Value. 1 Mil'li-me'ter = .08937 in. 10 Mil'li-me'ters, mm. = 1 Cen'ti-me'ter — .8937 in. 10 Cen'ti-me'ters, cm. = 1 Dec'i-me'ter = 3.937 in. 10 Dec'i-me'ters, dm. = 1 Meter = 39.37 in. 10 Me'ters, m, =1 Dek'a-me'ter = 32.809 ft. 10 Dek'a-me'ters, Dm. = 1 Hek'to-me'ter=:19.8842 rd. 10 Hek'to-me'ters,J3m. = 1 Kiro-me'ter = .6213 mi. 10 Kil'o-me'ters, Km. = 1 Myr'ia-me'ter=: 6.2138 mi. Units of long measure form a scale of tens; hence, in writing numbers expressing length, one decimal place must be allowed for each denomina- tion. Thus, 9652 mm. may be written 965.2 cm., or 96.52 dm., or 9.652 m , or .9652 Dm. 1. The Metier is used in measuring cloths and short dis- tances. 2. The KU'o-me'ier is commonly used for measuring long distances, and is about | of a common mile. 3. The Cent'i-me'ter and MU'li-ine'ter are used by mechanics and others for minute lengths. 4. In business, Dgc'i-me'^ers are usually expressed in CenVi- me'ters. 5. The BeWa-me'ter, Bek'to-rm'ter. and Myr'ia-me'ter are seldom used, but their values are expressed as EM'o-me'ters. EXERCISES. Read the following : 8.9 m. . 36 dm. 428 cm. 6.57 dm. 346 Dm. 57.9 Hm. 479.6 m. 36.75 mm. 451 Hm. 593.7 Km. 105.6 Dm. 6000 Km. 4 in, 1 ffm ii: II cokl . ? 13.043 Km. 500.032 m. 31045.7 cm. 216 METRIC SYSTEM. Change the following to metiers : 327 Dm. 947 cm. 0.72 Km. 30674 mm. 28 Hm. 236 dm. 1.73 Hm. 83.062 cm. 16.8 Km. 43.5 cm. 35.4 Dm. 4000.5 dm. 1. Write 6 kilometers 6 dekameters 6 meters 6 decimeters 6 centi- meters. Ans. 6.06666 Km., or m.^m^ Hm., or 606.666 Dm., etc. Write the following, expressing each in three denominations]: 2. 24379 dm.; 15032036 cm.: 2475064 mm.; 30471 Dm. 3. 6704 Hm. ; 85 Km. ; 120000 m. ; 780109 cm. ; 75 m. Similar examples should be given, until the pupil is familiar with the reduc- tion of higher to lower, and of lower to higher denominations, by changing the place of the decimal point and using the proper abbreviations. 947. To add, subtract, multiply, and divide Metric Denoniiuations. 1. What is the sum of 314.217 m., 53.062 Hm., and 225 cm. ? Operation. 314.217 m. + 5306.2 m. + 2.25 m. = 5622 667 m., Ans. 2. Find the difference between 4.37 Km. and 1246 m. Opbration. 4.37 Km. — 1.242 Km. = 3.128 Km., Ans. 3. How much cloth in 8 J pieces, each containing 43.65 m. ? Operation. 43.65 m. x 8.25 = 384.8625 m., Am. 4. How many garments, each containing 3.5 m., can be made from a piece of cloth containing 43.75 Dm. ? Operation. 437.5 m. -s- 3.5 m. = 125 times; hence, 125 garments, Ans. Rule. — Reduce the given numbers to the same denominations, when necessary ; then ^proceed as in the corresponding operations with whole numbers and decimals. EXEItCISES, 1. Add 7.6 m., 36.07 m., 125.8 m., and 9.127 m. 2. Express as meters and add 475 dm., 3241 cm., and 725 mm. 3. Add 56.07 m., 1058.2 dm., 430765 cm., 6034.58 m., and express the result in kilometers. 4. From 8.125 Km. take 3276.4 m. Ans. 4.8486 Km. METRIC SYSa:EM. 217 5. The distance around a certain square is 3.15 Krn. How many meters will a man travel who walks around it 4 times? 6. How many meters of ribbon will be required to make 32 badges, each containing 40 centimeters ? Ana. 12.8 m. 7. What will be its cost, at 15 cents a meter? 8. Find the difference between 25.3 Km. and 425.25 m. 9. If an engine runs 36.8 Km. in an hour, how far does it run between 8 o'clock and 12 o'clock ? 10. In what time will a train fun from Boston to Albany, at the rate of 46.55 Km, per hour, the distance being about 325.85 Km. ? 11. From a piece of cloth containing 45.75 m., a tailor cut 5 suits, each containing 7.5 m. How much remained ? 12. A wheel is 3.6 m. around. How many times will it revolve in rolling a distance of 1.08 Km.? Arts, 300. MEASURES OF SURFACE. 948. The units of square measure are squares, the sides of which are equal to a unit of long measure. 1 sq. cm., Exact Size, lOOSq.Decl-me'ters ^W^''^'' ^ i =\f^ ( 1 Centar {ca.) ) (1.1 lOOSq.Me'ters = -} ! 1' ^f"*. Ui' 100 Sq. Mirii-me'ters(«g.?wm.) = 1 sq. cm, = 0.155 sq. in. 100 Sq. Cen'ti-me'ters = 1 sq. dm. = 15.5 sq. in. [10.764 sq.ft. .196sq.yd. \ 3.954 sq. rd. .0247 acre. 100 Sq. Dek^a-me'ters = \] l^' f/^' . „ x !■ = 2.471 acres. ( 1 Hektar (Ea.) ) 100 Sq. Hek'to-me'ters = 1 sq. Km. = .3861 sq. mi. Units of square measure form a scale of hundreds; hence, in writing numbers expressing surface, two decimal places must be allowed for each denomination. Thus, 36 sq. m. 4 sq. dm. 27 sq. cm. are written 36.0427 sq. m. ; and 6 Ha. 5 a. ^ ca. are written 6.0503 Ha., or 605.03 a., etc. 1. The Square Me'teris the unit for measuring ordinary surfaces of small extent, as floors, ceilings, etc. 2. The Ar, or Square Bek'a-me'ter, is the unit of land measure, and is equal to 119.6 sq. yd., or 3 954 sq. rd., or .0247 acre. 218 METRIC SYSTEM. EXEMCTS ES. 1. Read 36145 sq. m., naming each denomination. Ans. 3 sq. Hm. 61 sq. Dm. 45 sq. m. 2. Write in one number 4 of each denomination from sq. Hm. to sq. mm., expressed in sq. Hm. Ans. 4.0404040404 sq. Hm. 3. Express the following, each in three denominations ; 6 sq. Km. 6 sq. Hm. 24 sq. Dm. 5 sq. m. ; 16 sq. Dm. 8 sq. m. 4 sq. dm. 15 sq. cm. 4. In 15 sq. Hm. how many square meters? 5. What is the surface of a floor 12 m. long and 7 m. wide ? 6. Add 8 times 4 Ha., 7 times 9 a., and 12 times 14 ca. 7. What is the area of a piece of land 42 Dm. long and 36 Dm. wide? Ans. 1512 sq. Dm., or 15.12 Ha. 8. Divide 125000 ca. into 8 equal parts. 9. How many times is 2.50 sq. m. contained in 5 Ha. ? 10. How many meters of carpeting 0.6 m. wide will cover a floor 8 m. long and 5.7 m. wide? Ans. 76 m. 11. At 15 cents a sq. m., what is the cost of painting a surface 20.5 m. long and 6.8 m. wide? Ans. $20.91. 12. A man having 5 Ha 8 a. 7 ca. of land, sold .3 of it, at $25 an ar. What did he receive for what he sold ? MEASURES OP VOLUME. 949. The units of cubic measure are cubes, the edfices of which are equal to a unit of long ^ _ ^ ^ ° leu. cm., Exact Size. measure. 1000 Cu. MiVli-meHers {cu. mm.) = 1 cu. cm. = .061 cu. in. .^^^ ^ r. ,.. ,. \1 cu. dm. ) S .0353 < 1000 Cu. Cen'ti-me'ters = -j ^ ^.,^^^^^^^ f ^^-j ^^^.^^ .... ^ T. ,. ,. \\eu.7n. 35.316 1000 Cu. Dec'i-me'ters == -j ^ g^^^ ^^^ J --j ^^^ L.0567 li. qt. ;.3165cu.ft. 759 cord. Units of cubic measure form a scale of thousands; hence, in writing numbers expressing volume, three decimal places must be allowed for each denomination. Thus, 42 cu. m. 31 cu. dm. 5 cu. cm. are written 42.031005 cu. m. The cubic dec^lmeUer, wheu used as a unit of liquid or dry measure, is called a Wter. METRIC SYSTEM. 219 WOOD MEASURE.. 1000 Cu. Dec'i-me^ters {cu, dm.) ) _ \1 cu. m. | _ j .2759 cord. 10 Dec^-sters {ds.) ) ~" \\Ster,8. \ " (85.3165 cu. ft. 10 Sters = 1 Dek'a-ster, Da, = 2.759 cord. Units of wood measure form a scale of tens ; hence, but one deci- mal is required for each denomination. Thus, 9 Ds. 4 s. 7 ds. are written 94.7 s. ; or 9.47 Ds. 1. The Cubic Metier is the unit for measuring ordinary solids ; as excavations, embankments, etc. 2. Cubic Cen'ti-me'ters and MiVli-me'ters are used for measuring minute bodies. 3. The CvMc Me'ter when used as a unit of measure for wood or stone is called a 8ter. 4. The common Cord is about the same as 3.6 sters ^ or 36 de&i-sters. EXERCISES, 1. Write 30 Ds. 6 s. 8 ds. Ans. 30.68 Ds. 2. Express in cu. m., 3 cu. m. 3 cu. dm. 3 cu. cm. 3 cu. mm. Ans. 3.003003008 cu. m. 3. Write and read the following, each in cu. dm., in cu. cm., and in cu. mm. : 16 cu. m. 275 cu. dm. ; 204 cu. m. .016 cu. dm. .024 cu. cm. ; 10 cu. m. 324 cu. dm. .016 cu. cm. 3244 cu. cm. 4. Express in cu. meters and add : 7 cu.m., 55 cu. dm., 12 cu. m., 6 cu. dm., 15 cu. cm., 10532 cu. cm. Ans. 19.071547 m. 5. From 36 cu. m. subtract 8 times 42 cu. dm. Ans. 35.664 m. 6. How many cubic meters of brick in a wall 16 m. long, 3 m. high, and 8 dm. thick? Ans. 38.4 cu. m. 7. How many cu. meters of earth niust be removed in digging a cellar 16.5 m. long, 8.2 m. wide, and 3.2 m. deep? 8. In a pile of wood 9.3 m. long, 2.8 m. high, and 1.5 m. wide, how many sters ? Ans. 39.06 s. 9. At $2.25 a ster, what would be the cost of a pile of wood 5.6 m. long, 3.4 m. wide, and 2.5 m. high ? 10. If a cu. centimeter of silver is worth $.75, what is the value of a brick of silver 12.4 cm. long, 3.6 cm. wide, and 2.5 cm. thick? 220 METRIC SYSTEM. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 950. The Li'ter is the unit of ca- pacity, both of Liquid and of Dry Measures, and is equal in volume to one cu. dtci-me'ter, equal to 1.0567 qt.Liquid Measure, or .908 qt. Dry Measure. lOMirii-li^ters, m?.=l Cen'ti-li'ter - 10 Cen^ti-U'ters, c?. =1 Dec'i-li'ter - 10 Dec'i-li'ters, dl. -1 Ijiter IOLi'terb, /. =1 Dek'a-li^ter - 10 Dek'a-li'ters, J)l = \ Hek'to-li^ter 10 HekHo-li'ters,5?.=l Kil'o-li'teror Stem 10 Ril'o-li'ters, Kl.=\ Myr'ia-li'ter (Ml.)^ Dry M, .61 cu. in. : 6.10 " " .908 qt. r 9.081 *' : : 2.837 bu. : (28.37bu. ) 'jl.BOScu.ydJ :283.73bu. : Liquid M. =.338fl'doz. = .845 gi. =1.0567 qt. =2.64175 gal. =26.4175 " =264.175 " =2641.75 " 1. The Li'ter is used in measuring liquids in moderate quantities. 2. The Hek'to-Wter is used for measuring grain, fruit, roots, etc., in large quantities, also wine in casks. 3. Instead of the KiVo-Wter and MiVli-me'ter^ the Cubic Me'ter and Cuby: Cen'ti-me'tery which are their equals, may be used. ext:ti c isljs, 1. Write 5 kiloliters 5 liters 5 deciliters 5 centiliters. Ans. 5.00555 Kl., or 5005.551. 2. Read, naming each denomination, the following : 45624 cl. ; 306721 ml. ; 76031 dl. ; 89764 i. 3. In 3846 1. how many cl. ? How many Dl. ? Kl. ? dl. ? ml. ? ' 4. Find the sum of 175 1., 25 HI., 42 cl., and 16 dl. 5. From 6 times 25 HI. take 15 times 36 I. 6. Divide 5 HI. of corn equally among 25 persons. Ans. 20 1. 7. From a cask of wine containing 2 HI. of wine, 125 1. were drawn out. How much remained ? 8. How many HI. of wheat can be put into a bin 3 m. long, 2 m. wide, and 1.5 m. deep? Ans. 90 HI. 9. What must be the length of a bin 1.5 m. wide, 1 m. deep, to contain 7500 liters of grain ? Ans. 5 m. METRIC SYSTEM. 221 MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 951. The Gram is the unit of weighty and is equal to the weight of a cu, ceii^ti-me' ter of distilled water. A Gram is equal to 15.432 gr. Troy, or .03527 oz. Avoir. 10 Mirii-grams, mg, = 1 Cen'ti-gram = .1543 + gr. Tr. 10 Cen'ti-grams, eg, = 1 Dec' i -gram = 1.5432+ ** " 10 Dec'i-grams, dg, = 1 Gram ^-l^^fflJ"" 1 \ .03527+ oz.Av. IOGkams, g. = 1 Dek'a-gram - .3527+" " 10 Dek'a-grams, Dg, = 1 Hek'to-gram = 3.5274+ " '* -I A XT 1 /+ Tj -, ( Kiro-gram, ) ( 2.6792 lb. Tr. 10 Hek'to-grams, Hg. = 1< ^?.„ >•= i ^ ^^.^ „ . ^ ^ j or KWo ) i 2.2046+ lb. Av. 10 Kiro-grams, Kg. = 1 Myr'ia-gram ■= 22.046 + 10 Myr'ia-grams, IJg., or \ 100 Kil'os, lOQuin'tals, Q., or 1000 Kilos, K f ~ "] or Ton {~ I 1.1023 + tons. •1 = 1 Quin'tal = 220.46 + [ _ . j Tonneau, | __ j 22 ) ( orTouf~U.: 1. The Gram is used for weighing letters, gold, silver, medicines, and all small, or costly articles. 2. The KWo-gram or KiVo is the weight of a cu. dm. of water, and is the unit of common weight in trade, being a trifle less than 2| lb. Avoir. 3. The Ton is the weight of a cu. m. of water, and is used for weighing very- heavy articles, being about 294^ lb. more than a common ton. 4. The Avoir, oz. is about 28 g. ; the pound is a little less than ^ a kilo. BXEBCISBS. 1. Read 340642 eg. in grams ; in hectograms; in kilograms. 2. Change 16.5 T. to kilos ; to grams ; to decigrams. 3. If coffee is $.80 a kilo, what will 5 quintals cost ? 4. How many boxes containing 1 gram each, will be required to liold 1 kilo of quinine ? Ans. 1000. 5. If a letter weighs 3.5 g., how many such letters will weigli 1.015 Kg.? - Ans. 2^0. 6. A car weighing 6.577 T. contains 125 barrels of salt, each weighing 102.15 K. What is the weight of the car and contents ? 7. Find the difference in the weight of the car and its contents ? 222 METKIC SYSTEM. 952» To change the Metric to the Common Sys- tem, 1. In 3.6 Km., how many feet? OPERATION. Analysis.— The meter is 3.6 Km. X 1000 = 3600 m. the principal unit ofthe table; ,^^^^ , hence, reduce the kilometers 39.37 in. x 3600 = 1417^2 in. ^^ ^^^^^8. Since there are 141732 in. -f- 12 = 11811 ft., An^, 39.37 inches in 1 meter, in 3600 m. there are 3600 times 39.37 in., or 141732 in. = 11811 ft. Therefore, 8.6 Km. are equal to 11811 ft. Rule. — Beduce the metric nnmber to the denomination of the principal unit of the table ; then multiply by the equivalent , and reduce the product to the required denomination. jjxERC is:es. 2- How many feet in 472 centimeters? Ans. 15.485 ft 3. How many cubic feet in 2000 sters ? 4. How many gallons, liquid measure, in 325 deciliters ? 5. How many gallons in 108.24 liters? Ans. 28 gal. 2.77 qt. 6. How many bushels in 3262 kiloliters ? 7. How many acres in 436 ats? Avs. 10.774 A. 8. In 942325 centiliters, bow many bushels? 9. In 456 kilograms, how many pounds ? Ans, 1005.024 lb. 10. In 42 ars, bow many square rods ? 11. Change 75.5 hektars to acres. Ans, 186.56 A. 12. How many gallons in 24J liters of wine ? 13. How many pounds of butter in 124 kilos? 14. In 28 sters, how many cords? An^. 7.725 C. 15. In 72 kilometers, how many miles ? 16. Change 148 grams to ounces Avoirdupois. Ans, 5.22 oz. 17. Change 150.75 kilos to pounds. 18. How many sq. rods in 5 a. 85 ea. ? Ans 23.13 sq, rd. 19. What is the weight of 24 cu. dm. 148 cu. cm. of silver, if a cu. centimeter weighs 11.4 g.? Ans. 737.553 lb. Tr. METRIC SYSTEM. 223 953. To change the Common to the Metric Sys- tem. I. In 10 lb. 4 oz. Troy, how many kilograms? OPERATION. Analysis.— The gram, 10 lb. 4 oz. — 10.25 lb. the principal unit of the 10.25 lb. X 5760 = 59040 gr. *^*^1^' ^^ expressed in erains : hence, reduce the 59040 gr.-15.432gr. = 3825.75 g. %^,^ ,,^ '^^,,es to 3825.75 g. -^ 1000 == 3.82575 Kg., Ans, grains. Since 15.433 gr. make 1 gram, there are as many grams in 59040 gr. as 15.432 gr. is contained times in 59040 gr., or 3825.75 g. And since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram, dividing 3885.75 g. hy 1000 g., the quotient is 3.82575. Therefore, there are 3.82575 Kg. in 10 lb. 4 oz. Rule. — Reduce the given quaTvtity to the denomination in which the equivalent of the principal unit of the metric table is expressed ; divide by this equivalent, and reduce the quotient to the required denomination. EXEItCISES. 2. In 6172.9 lb av., how many kilograms ? Ans. 2800.009 Kg. 3. How many ars in a square mile ? 4. How many cu. decimeters in 1892 cu. feet ? 5. In 892 gr., how many grams? Ans. 57.8 g. 6. In 2 mi. 272 rd. 5 yd., how many kilometers? Ans. 4.59 Km. 7. How many sters in 264.4 cu. feet ? 8. How many liters in 3 bu. 1 pk. ? Ans. 114.5 1. 9. How many grams in 6 lb. Troy ? In 6 lb. Avoir. ? 10. How many meters in 3 mi. 272 rd. ? II. In 1828 cu. yd. how many cu. meters? Ans. 1397.52 cu. m. 12. In 3588 sq. yards, how many sq. meters? 13. Bought 454 bu. of wheat, at $3 a bushel, and sold the same at 18.75 per hektoliter ; how many hektoliters did I sell ? Did I gain or lose, and how much ? Ans. 160 HI. ; gain, $38. 14. In 13 gal. 3 qt. 2 pt. 3 gi., how many liters? Ans. 53.351.+. 15. Sow many sq. meters of plastering in a room" 18 ft. 6 in. long, 14 ft. wide, and 9 ft. 6 in. high? Ans. 55.367 sq. in. +. 224 METRIC SYSTEM. TEST PEOBLEMS. 954. 1. Find the weight of a barrel of flour (196 lb.) in Kg. ? 2. What is the cost of a carpet for a room 10.5 m. long, and 8.4 m. wide, if the carpet is 84 cm. wide and costs $2.75 a meter? Ans. $288.75. 3. A farmer sold 540 HI. of wheat, at $2 a bushel, and invested the proceeds in coal at $7 per ton. How many tons did he buy ? Ans. 437.785 T. + . 4 What is the cost of a building lot 75 m. long and 63 m. wide, at $40 an ar ? Ans, $1860. 5. A bushel of wheat weighs 60 lb. What is the weight of 5 HI. of wheat, in kilograms ? Ans. 386.05 Kg. 6. What will be the cost of a pile of wood 15. 7 m. long, 3 m. high, and 7.53 m. wide, at $1.50 a ster? 7. The new silver dollar weighs 412 J gr. Troy. How many grams does it weigh ? A7is. 26.73 g. 8. How many acres of land in 24.6 Km. of a highway, which is 20 m. wide ? Ans. 121.573 A. 9. A bin is 4.2 m. long, 2.8 m. wide, and 1.5 m. deep. What will be the cost of filling it with charcoal, at 25 cts. a hektoliter ? 10. A merchant bought 300 m. of silk in Lyons, at 12.5 francs a meter ; he paid 75 cents a yard for duty and freight, and sold it in New York at $5 a yard. What was his gain ? Ans. $670.61. 11. What price per pound is equivalent to $2.50 per Hg. ? 13. If a man buys 5000 g. of jewels, at 35 francs a gram, and sells them at $15 a pennyweight, what was his gain or loss ? 13. If a field produces 40 HI. of oats to the hektar, how many bushels is that to the acre? Ans. 45.93 bu. 14. What price per peck is equivalent to 80 cts. a dekaliter ? 15. What will be the cost of excavating a cellar 18.3 m. long, 10.73 m. wide, and 3.4 m. deep, at 20 cents per ster ? 16. How many pounds Avoir, are there in 96.4 kilos of salt ? 17. How many liters will a cistern hold that measures on the inside 5.5 ft. long, 4 ft. 6 in wide, and 4 ft. djep ? Ans. 3803.383 I. METRIC SYSTEM. 225 18. How many meters of lining that is 60 cm. wide will line 15 m. of silk that is 75 cm. wide ? Ans. 18,75 cm. 19. A lady bought 40.5 m. of silk in Paris. What would be its value in Boston, at $4 75 per yard ? 20. A bin is 4 m. long, 2.3 m. wide. How deep must it be to contain 40 HI. of grain? Ans. 4.347 + dm. 21. How many sters of wood can be piled in a shed 8.5 m. loag, 5.8 m. wide, and 4.2 m. high ? What would be its value at $3.25 a cord? ^;is. 207.03 8.; $185,665. 22. A dray is loaded with 60 bags of grain, each bag holding 8 Dl. ; allowing 75 K. of grain to the hectoliter, what is the weight of the load in metric tons ? Ans. 3.6 T. 23. How many meters of shirting, at $.18 per meter, must be given in exchange for 250 HI. of oats, at $1.20 per hectoliter? 24. A merchant shipped to France 50 barrels of sugar, each con- taining 250 lb., paying $2 per cwt. for transportation. He sold the sugar at $.34 per kilogram, and invested the proceeds in broadcloth, at $4 per meter. How many yards did he purchase ? 25. A cu. decimeter of copper weighs 8.8 Kg. What is the value of a bar of the same metal 15 dm. long, 9.6 cm. broad, and 6.4 cm. thick, at $1.30 a kilogram? Ans. $105.43. 26. How many bricks, each 20 cm. lon^ and 10 cm. wide, will pave a walk 95.4 m. long and 2.1 m. wide; and what will they cost, at $1.75 per hundred ? Ans. 10017 bricks ; $175,297. 27. What is the value of a pile of wood 40 ft. 6 in. long, 4 ft. broad, and 6 ft. 6 in. high, at $6.50 per dekastere ? 28. What will be the cost of building a wall 96 Dm. 6 m. 8 dm. long, 1 m. 6 dm. thick, and 2 m. 4 cm. high, at $6.75 a cu. metiV? 29. A wine merchant imported to Boston 1000 dekaliters of wine, at a cost of $.75 a liter, delivered. At what price per gallon must he sell the same to clear $2000 on the shipment ? Ans. $3,596. 30. How many gallons of water will a cistern contain that is 3 m. deep, 2 m. long, and 1.5 m. wide; and what will be its weight in metric tons ? Ans. 2377.575 gals. ; 9 T. 226 METRIC SYSTEM. TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS. 955. The equivalents here given agree with those that have been established by Act of Congress for use in legal proceedings and in the interpretation of contracts. 1 inch = 2.540 centimeters. 1 foot = 3.048 decimeters. 1 yard =: 0.9144 meter. 1 rod — 0.5029 dekameter. 1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers. 1 sq. in. = 6.452 sq. centimeters. 1 sq. ft. =: 9.2903 sq. decimeters. 1 sq. yard = 0.8361 sq. meter. 1 sq. rd. = 25.293 sq. meters. 1 acre = 0.4047 hektar. 1 sq. mile =: 2.590 sq. kilometers. 1 cu. in. = 16.387 cu. centimeters. 1 cu. ft. r= 28.317 cu. decimeters. 1 cu. yard = 0.7645 cu. meter. 1 cord = 3.624 sters. 1 liquid quart = 0.9463 liter. 1 gallon = 0.3785 dekaliter. 1 4ry quart = 1.101 liters. 1 peck = 0.881 dekaliter. 1 bushel = 3.524 dekaliters. 1 ounce av. = 28.35 grams. 1 pound av. = 0.4536 kilogram. 1 T. (2000 lbs.) = 0.9072 met. ton. 1 grain Troy = 0.0648 gram. 1 ounce Troy = 31.1035 grams 1 pound Troy = 0.3732 kilogram. 1 centimeter = 0.3937 inch. 1 decimeter = 0.328 foot. 1 meter = 1.0936 yds. - 39.37 in. 1 dekameter = 1.9884 rods. 1 kilometer = 0.62137 mile. 1 sq. centimeter = 0.1550 sq. in. 1 sq. decimeter = 0. 1076 sq. ft. 1 sq. meter — 1.196 sq. yards. 1 ar =r 3.954 sq. rods. 1 hektar = 2.471 acres. 1 sq. kilometer = 0.3861 sq. mi. 1 cu. centimeter — 0.0610 cu. in. 1 cu. decimeter = 0.0353 cu. ft. 1 cu. meter = 1.308 cu. yards. 1 ster = 0.2759 cord. 1 liter = 1.0567 liquid quarts. 1 dekaliter = 2.6417 gallons. 1 liter = 0.908 dry quart. 1 dekaliter = 1.135 pecks. 1 hectoliter = 2.8375 bushels. 1 gram = 0,03527 ounce Av. 1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds Av. 1 metric ton =: 1 .1023 tons. 1 gram = 15.432 grains Troy. 1 gram = 0.03215 ounce Troy. 1 kilogram = 2.679 pounds Troy. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 227 VERMONT RULE EOE PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 956. The General Statutes of Vermont provide the following HuLE for computing interest on notes, when partial payments have been made : *' On all notes y hills, or other similar obligations, whether made payable on demand or at a specified time, with interest, when payments are made, such payments shall be applied : first, to liqui- date the interest that has accrued at the time of such payments ; and, secondly, to the extinguishment of the principal. *' On all notes, bills, or other similar obligations, whether made payable on demand or at a specified time, with interest annu- ally, the annual interests that remain unpaid shall be subject to simple interest, from the time they become due to the time of final settlement ; but if in any year, reckoning from the time such annual interest began to accrue, payments have been made, the amount of such payments at the end of such year, with interest thereon from the date of payment, shall be applied : first, to liquidate the simple inter- est that has accrued upon the unpaid annual interests ; secondly, to liquidate the annual interests that have become due; and thirdly, to the extinguishment of the principal.'* EXERCISES. $3458. Bradford, Vt., Sept. 13, 1869. 1. For value received, I promise to pay E. W. Colby or order three thousand four hundred and fifty-eight dollars, on or before the first day of January, 1878, with interest. Samuel S. Green. Indorsed as follows: Dec. 16, 1870, $100; May 1, 1871, $1000; Jan. 13, 1874, $85 ; April 13, 1876, $450.75. What was due Jan. 1, 1878? Ans. $3239.90. %^'^^' St. Johnsbury, Vt., Nov. 22, 1868. ^ 2. For value received, I promise to pay James Ferguson or order eight hundred and seventy two dollars, on demand, with interest annually. Sylyanus E. Boyle. Indorsed as follows : April 4, 1869, $28 ; July 10, 1872, $94.40 • Dec. 10, 1874, $6.72 ; Jan. 14, 1877, What was due Dec. 28, 1878 ? 228 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. OPERATION. Int. oil Yearly Int. Int. Prin, int. of prin. to Nov. 22, 1869 . , . . . $52.32 Am't of 1st payment 29.06 Bal. of unpaid yearly int. ...... 23.26 Int. of prin. to Nov. 22, 1872 156.96 Int. on 1 year's int. 3. years $9.42 int. on bal. of unpaid yearly int. 3 years . 4.1J^ 13.61 193^83 Am't of 2d payment 96.48 Bal. of unpaid yearly int 97.35 Int. of prin. to Nov. 22, 1875 156.96 Int. on 1 year's int. 3 years 9.42 Int. on bal. of unpaid yearly int. 3 years .17.52 26.94 25431 Am't of 3d payment 7.10 Bal. of int. on int 19.84 Int of prin. to Nov. 22, 1877 104.64 Int. on 1 year's int 1 year 3.14 Int. on bal. of unpaid yearly int. 2 years . 30.52 53.50 412.45 1284.45 Am't of 4tli payment 416.33 New principal 868.12 Int. of new prin. to Dec. 28, 1878 57.30 Int. on 1 year's int. 1 mo. 6 d .31 Due, Dec. 28, 1878 $925.73 ExPL\NATiON.— We compute the interest for one year from the date of the note, as a payment is made within that year, and deduct the amount of the pay- ment at the end of the year from the interest due. The balance of interest hears interest till Nov. 22, 1872. The amount of the payment at the end of this year exceeds the interest on interest due. We therefore deduct the amount of the payment from the total interest due, and have a balance of unpaid yearly inter- est, $97.35, which bears simple interest till Nov. 22, 1875. At this date the amount of the payment is less than the interest on interest due. We there- fore deduct the amount of the payment from the amount of interest on interest, and have a remainder of $19.84, which is without interest. The amount of un- paid yearly interest at this date bears simple interest till the next balance. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 220 The amount of the fourth payment, Nov. 22, 1877, exceeds the total interest due. We therefore deduct it from the sum of the interest and principal. The remainder forms a new principal, which bears simple interest to the settlement of the note, Dec. 28, 1878, and one year's interest on the same bears interest from Nov. 22, 1878, to Dec. 28, 1878, which interest, added to the new principal, gives the amount due Dec. 28, 1818— $925.73. In cases of annual interest with partial payments, like the above example, obssrve the following notes ; 1. To avoid compounding interest, keep the principal, unpaid yearly inter- ests, and interest on yearly interet^t, in separate columns. 2. Deduct the amount of the payment or payments at the end of the year from the interest on the unpaid yearly interest, when it does not exceed this interest. The remainder never draws interest, but is liquidated by the first pay- ment that equals or exceeds it. 3. Deduct the amount of the payment or payments at the end of the year from the sum of the unpaid yearly interests and the interest on the unpaid yearly interests, when this amount exceeds the interest on the interest, but is less than such sum. The remainder is a balance of unpaid yearly interest which draws simple interest imtil canceled by a payment. 4. Deduct the amount of the payment or payments at the end of the year from the sum of the total interest due and the principal, when it exceeds the total interest due. The remainder forms a new principal, with which proceed as with the original principal. $5000. Newport, Vt., Oct. 19, 1862. 3. For "oalue received, we jointly and severally promise to pay John Smith or hearer five thousand dollars, sixteen years after date, with interest annually, Geo. S. Leazer. E. D. Crawford. Indorsed as follows : Jan. 13, 1866, |393 ; Sept. 24, 1866, $48 ; July 10, 1869, $493.47; Oct. 14, 1873, $100; Dec. 12, 1877, $3200; April 15, 1878, $65. What was due Oct. 19, 1878? Ans, $7056.17. Burlington, Yt., March 23, 1872. ^. For value received, I promise to pay Jas. B. Vinton or order four hundred and tweiity dollars, six years from date, with interest annually. Geo. A. Bancroft. Indorsed as follows ; Oct. 3, 1873, $40.23 ; March 1, 1874, $8 : Sept. 13, 1875, $33.38. What was due March 23, 1878 ? Ans. $494.62. 230 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. Barton, Vt. Aug. 20, 1873. 5. For value receivedy I promise to pay E. J. Baxter or order six hundred and thirty-nine dolla/rSj on demand, with interest annually, Samuel Macomber. Indorsed as follows : Oct. 14, 1877, $10 ; Dae. 24, 1878, $20. What was due March 30, 1879 ? Ans, $904.58. " TABLE. Showing amount of $1.00 from 1 to 20 years, at ^ 5, 6, 7 and 8 per cent.y Annual Interests Years. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 6 per cent, 7 per cent. 8 per cent. Years. 1 . $1 0400 $1.0500 $1.0600 $1.0700 $1.0800 . 1 2 . 1.0816 1.1025 1.1236 1.1449 1.1664 . 2 3 . 1.1248 1.1575 1.1908 1.2247 1.2592 . 3 4 . 1.1696 1.2150 1.2816 1.3094 1,3584 . 4 5 . 1.2160 1.2750 1.3360 1.3990 1.4640 . 5 6 . 1.2640 1.3375 14140 1.4935 1.5760 . 6 7 . 1.3136 1.4025 1.4956 1.5929 1.6944 . 7 8 . 1.3648 1.4700 1.5808 1.6972 1.8192 . 8 9 . 1.4176 1.5400 1.6696 1.8064 1.9504 . 9 10 . 1.4720 1.6125 1.7620 1.9205 2.0880 . 10 11 . 1.5?80 1.6875 1.8580 2.0395 2.2320 . 11 12 . 1.5856 1.7650 1.9576 2.1634 2.3824 . 12 13 . 1.6448 1.8450 2.0608 2.2922 2 5392 . 13 14 . 1.7056 1.9275 2.1676 2.4259 2.7024 . 14 15 . 1.7680 1.0125 2.2780 2.5645 2.8720 . 15 16 . 1.8320 2.1000 2.3920 2.7080 3.0480 . 16 17 . 1.8976 2.1900 2.5096 2.8564 3.2304 . 17 18 . 1.9648 2.2825 2.630S 3.0097 3.4192 . 18 19 . 2.0336 2.3775 2.7556 3.1679 3.6144 . 19 20 . 2.1040 2.4750 2.8840 3.3100 3.8160 20 ASSESSMEiq^T OF TAXES. 231 VEEMONT METHOD OP ASSESSING TAXES. 957. The Grand List is the base on which all taxes are assessed ; it is Ifo of the appraised value of the real estate and personal property, together with the poll list. The Poll List is $2.00 for every male inhabitant, from 21 to 70 years of age, except such as are specially exempt by law. The General Statutes of Vermont provide that the listers in each town shall make a list of all the real estate and personal property, and the number of taxable polls in such town, and that the said list shall contain the following particulars : *' First. The name of each taxable person. *' Second, The number of polls and the amount at which the same are set in the list. *' TMrd, The quantity of real estate owned or occupied by such person. " Fourth, The value of such real estate. " Fifth. In the fifth column the full value of all taxable personal estate owned by such person. " Sixth. In the sixth column shall be set the one per centum on the value of all personal and real estate, tojjether with the amount of the polls, which sum shall be the amount on which all taxes shall be made or assessed. The State and County Taxes are assessed by the Legislature. The minimum of the State School and Highway Taxes is fixed by law, and a higher rate left optional with the town. A Town Tax is assessed by vote of the town, a Village Tax by vote of the village, and a School District Tax by vote of the district, EXERCISES. 1. The town of Montpelier voted a town tax of $2.60 on each dollar of the grand list. The appraised value of the real estate was $702727, and of the personal property $309987, and there were 740 taxable polls. What was the grand list of the town? How much money wfis raised by this vote ? Wh^t was John Hammond's town tax, who was 30 years of age, and whose property was ap- praised at $8927.75? 232 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES. OPERATION. $702727 + $309987= $1012714, assessed value of the property. $1012714 X .01 =$10127.14, 1 % of the assessed value. $2.00 X 740= $1480, the poll list. $10127.14-4- $1480=111607.14, the grand list. $2.60 X 11607.14=$30178.56, amount of money raised. $8927. 75 X. 01 = $89.28,1% of the assessed value of John Ham- mond's property. $89.28 + $2.00, his poll list = $91.28, John Hammond's grand list. $2.60 X 91 .28 =$237. 33, John Hammond's town tax. 2. The appraised value of property, both real and personal, in the town of Rutland, for the year 1878, was $3415264. The num- ber of taxable polls was 2066. The town voted to raise a tax of $28713.48. What was the tax on a dollar of the grand list ? Ans, $0.75. 3. The appraised value of the real estate in the city of Burling^ ton was $2542373; of the personal property, $399937. There were 2040 taxable polls. The city voted to raise $60305.58 city tax. What was the amount of Henry Cook's tax, a resident, who was 73 years of age, and whose real estate was appraised at $750, and his personal property at $475.50 ? Ans. $22.06. 4. The grand list in the town of Chelsea was $4403.74. The ap- praised valug of all the property was $368774. How many taxable polls were there in that town ? Ans. 358. 5. The estimated cost of schools in school district No. 8, in the town of Cabot, for one year, was $765. The amount of public money received from the town was $71.50. The appraised value of the real estate in the district was $48545 ; of the personal estate $15428.75 ; the number of taxable polls in the district 103. How much tax on a dollar of the grand list must the district vote, to pay its expenses ? Ans. $0.82. 6. James Bell resides in Hardwick ; he is 44 years of ag-e ; his property, both real estate and personal, is appraised at $8975.50. Hardwick voted a town tax of $1.60 on a dollar of the grand list. The highTvay tax is $0.40 : the state tax is $0.45 ; the state school tax is $0.09 ; the school tax is $0.86 ; and the county tax $0.01, on the dollar. What is the amount of his taxes ? Ans. $315.64. .^x^IZg^^ag^Cv-. g-^^^ MEASTJUE S E^ 1. A Measure is a standard unity established by law or custom, by which quantity, as extent, dimension, capacity, amount, or value is measured or estimated. Thus, the standard unit of Measures of Extension is the yard ; of Liquid Measure, the wine gallon ; of Dry Measure, the Winches- ter hushel; of Weight, the Troy 'pound , etc. Hence the length of a piece of cloth is ascertained by applying the yard measure ; the capacity of a cask, by the use of the gallon measure ; of a bin, by the use of the hushel measure ; the weight of a body, by the pound weight, etc. 3* Measures may be classified into six hinds : 4. Time. 1. Extension. 2. Capacity. 3. Weight. 5. Angles or Arcs. 6. Money or Value. MEASUEES OF EXTEITSIOK 3. Extension has length, Ireadth, and thichness. 4t A Line has length only. 5. A Surface or Area has length and breadth. 6. A Solid has length, Ireadth, and thichness. ^34 EXTEiq^SIOiq'. LINEAR MEASURE. '7. Linear Measure^ also called Long MeaS' ure IS used in measuring lines and distances. Table. 13 Inches (in.) = 1 Foot .... /if. 3 Feet = 1 Yard . . , . pd. 5i Yards, or) ^ ^ ^^^ . . . , rd. \U Feet ) 320 Rods - 1 Mile .... mi. 1 ML = 63360 in, 5280 /If. 1760 yd. 320 rd. 8. Cloth Measure is practically out of use. In measuring goods sold by the yard, the yard is divided into halves, fourths, eighths, and sixteenths, 2i Inches = 1 Sixteenth, -jV yd. 2 Sixteenths, (4^ in.) = 1 Eighth. ^ yd. 2 Eighths, (9 in.) = 1 Quarter, \ yd. 4 Quarters = 1 Yard, 1 yd. At U. S. Custom-Houses, in estimating duties, the yard is divided into tenths and hundredtJis. 9. Mariners use the following denominations : 9 Inches = 1 Span, Sp. 8 Spans or 6 Ft. = 1 Fathom, fath. 120 Fathoms = 1 Cable's Length, c. I. 74 C. Length = 1 Nautical Mile (or Knot), mi. 3 Miles = 1 League, lea. 10. In geographical and astronomical calculations : 1 Geographic Mile = 1.152| Statute Miles. 3 " *' = 1 League. 60 " " or ) _ ^ j^ j of Latitude on a Meridian, 69.16 Statute " ) (or of Long, on the Equator 360 Degrees = the Circumference of the Earth. MEASURES OF EXTENSION. 235 11. The following are sometimes used : 3 Barley-corns, or Sizes = 1 Inch. Used by slioemakers. 4 Inches = 1 Hand. , J j to measure the height of ( horses at the shoulder. 8-1% Feet 3 Inches 21.888 Inches 6 Points 12 Lines = 1 Pace. = 1 Palm. =z 1 Sacred Cubit. = 1 Line. ) = 1 Inch. ) Used in clock-making. 1. The nautical mile (or knot) is the same as the geographical mile, and is used in measuring the speed of vessels. 2. The geographical mile is (3V of 3^77 or j-rhoo of the distance round the center of the earth. It is a small fraction more than 1.15 statute miles. 3. The length of a degree of latitude varies, being 68.72 miles at the equator, 68.9 to 69.05 miles in middle latitudes, and 69.30 to 69.34 miles in the polar regions. The mean or average length, 69.16, is the standard recently adopted by the U. S. Coast Survey. A degree of longitude is greatest at the equator, where it is 69.16 miles, and it gradually decreases toward the poles, where it is 0. 12. Surveyors^ Linear Measure is used by land suryeyors in measuring roads and boundaries of land. Table. 7.92 Inches r== 1 Link . . 25 Links = 1 Rod . . 4 Rods = 1 Chain . . 80 Chains = 1 Mile . . 1. A Gtmter^s Chain is the unit of measure, and is 4 rods, or 66 feet long, and consists of 100 links. 2. Engineers commonly use a chain or measuring tape, 100 feet long, each foot divided into tenths. 3. Measurements are recorded in chains and hundredths. I ' 63330 in. rd. ch. 1 Mi. = ^ 8000 I. 320 rd. mi. '&ry Measure is used in measuring articles not liquid ; as grain, fruit, salt, roots, etc. Table. 2 Pints (pt) = 1 Quart . . . qt { 64: pi. 8 Quarts = 1 Peck . . . pk. IBu. = • S2qt. 4 Pecks = 1 Bushel . . bu. i ^Pk. 242 MEASUKES OF CAPACITY. The 8tanda/rd Bushel of the United States contains 2150.42 cubic inches, and is a cylindrical measure 18^ inches in diameter and 8 . inches deep. The half-peck, or dry gallon, contains 268.8 cubic inches. Six quarts dry measure are equal, to nearly 7 quarts, liquid meas- ure. The Imperial Bushel of Great Britain contains 2218.192 cu. in. The English Quarter contains 8 Imperial bushels, or 8^ U. S, bushels. Grain is shipped from New York by the Quarter of 480 lb. (8 U. S. bu.), or by the Ton of 33i U. S. bushels. The bushel, heap measure, is the Winchester bushel, heaped in the form of a cone, not less than 6 inches high and 19^ inches in diameter, equal to the outside diameter of the standard bushel measure, and equal to 2747.715 cu. in. Grain, seeds, and small fruits are sold by stricken measure, or the measure must be even full. Corn in the ear, potatoes, coal, large fruits, coarse vegetables and other bulky articles, are sold by heap measure. It is suflBiciently accurate in practice to call 5 stricken measures equal to 4 heaped measures. The value of many kinds of grain, seeds, fruit, and other articles, are often determined by weight instead of by bulk. American coal is bought and sold, in large quantities, by the ton; in small quantities, by the bushel. The liquid and dry measures of the same denomination are of different capacities. The exact and the relative size of each may be readily seen by the following 38. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF MEASURES OF CAPACITY. Cubic in. in Cubic in. in Cubic in. in Cubic in. in. one gallon. one quart. one pint. one gill. Liquid measure . . v . . 231 mi- 385 rh Dry measure (J pk.) . . 2681 67J 331 81 A cubic foot of pure water weighs 1000 oz , 62 V lb. Avoir. MEASUEES OF CAPACITY. 243 39. COMPARISON OF GRAIN MEASURES Country. Measure. U. S. bush. Country. Measure. U. S. bush. England, 1 Bushel = 1.031 Germany, 1 Schef. = 1.5 to 3 France, 1 Hectoliter = 2.84 Persia, 1 Artaba = 1.85 Prussia, 1 Scheffel = 1.56 Turkey, IKilo = 1.03 Austria, 1 Metze .= 1.75 Brazil, IFan. = 1.5 Russia, 1 Chetverik = .74 Mexico, 1 Alque. = 1.13 Greece, 1 Kailon = 2.837 Madras, 1 Parah = 1.743 ENGLISH MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 30. Wine Measure is used to measure wines and all liquids, except malt liquors and water. Table. 4 Gills = 1 Pint .... pU 2 Pints = 1 Quart .... gt. 4 Quarts = 1 Gallon . , . gal. 10 Gallons = 1 Anker . . . ank. 18 Gallons = 1 Runlet . . . run. 43 Gallons = 1 Tierce .... tier. 2 Tierces = 1 Puncheon . . pun. 63 Gallons = 1 Hogshead . . Mid. 2 Hogsheads = 1 Pipe .... pipe. 2 Pipes = 1 Tun ... . tun. 31. Ale and Seer Measure is used to measure all malt liquors and water. Table. 2 Pints = 1 Quart . . . . qt. 4 Quarts = 1 Gallon . . . gal. 9 Gallons = 1 Firkin. . . . fir. 18 Gallons = 1 Kilderkin . kU. 86 Gallons = 1 Barrel . . . bar. li Bar. or 54 gal . = 1 Hogshead . hhd. 2 Hogsheads = 1 Butt . . . butt. 2 Butts = 1 Tun tun. 244 MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 33. Corn or Dry Measure is used to measure all dry commodities not usually heaped r^ Table. 2 Quarts = 1 Pottle . . . pot. 2 Pottles = 1 Gallon . . . . gal. 2 Gallons = 1 Peck . . . ph. 4 Pecks = 1 Bushel . . lus. 2 Bushels = 1 Strike . . . str. 4 Bushels r= 1 Coomb . . . . coornb. 2 Coombs or 8 bu.= 1 Quarter . . . qr. 5 Quarters = 1 Load . . . . load. 2 Loads or 10Qr.= lLast . . . last. 14 Pounds = 1 Stone. 21i Stones — 1 Pig of iron or lead. 8 Pigs =: 1 Pother. The stone varies. Legally it is 14 lb. A stone of butcher's meat or fish is reckoned at 8 lb. ; of cheese, at 16 lb. ; of hemp, at 32 lb. Kpig of iron or lead is 250 lb., and 8 pigs make 2i father. MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 33. Weight is the measure of the quantity of matter a body contains, determined by the force of gravity. 34. The Standard Unit of weight is the Tro^ Pound of the Mint, and contains 5760 grains. TROY ^VEIGHT, 35. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver, jewels, and in philosophical experiments. Table. 24 Grains {gr) = 1 Pennyweight . pwt. ( 5760 gr. 20 Pennyweights = 1 Ounce . . . . oz. 1 ^. = -< 240 pwt 12 Ounces = 1 Pound .... ^6. 1 { 12 oz. measures of weight. 245 36. Table. DIAMOND WEIGHT. 16 Parts — 1 Grain. 4 Grains = 1 Carat. 1 Carat = 3i Troy gr., nearly. ASSAYERS* WEIGHT. 1 Carat =10 pwts. 1 Carat gr. = 2 pwts. 12 gr. or 60 Troy gr. 24 Carats = 1 Troy lb. The term carat is also used to express the fineness of gold, each carat meaning a twenty-fourth part. APOTHECARIES* ^VEIGHT. 37. Apothecaries^ Weight is used by apotheca- ries and physicians in compounding dry medicines. Table. 20 Grains {gr, xx) = 1 Scrapie . . . . sc, or 3. 3 Scruples (3 iij) = 1 Dram dr., or 3. 8 Drams ( 3 viij) = 1 Ounce . . . . <>g., or g . 12 Ounces (.§ xij) = 1 Pound . . . . lb., or a. rt,l = ll2 = zm=^2SS=gr. 5760. 1. Medicines are bought and sold in quantities by Avoirdupois weight. 2. The pound, ounce and grain are the same as those of Troy weight, the ounce being differently divided. AVOIRDUPOIS W^EIGHT. 38. Avoirdupois Weight is used for all the ordi- nary purposes of weighing. Table. 16 Ounces (oz.) = 1 Pound . . . lb. 100 Pounds , =1 Hundredweight cwt. 20 cwt., or 2000 lb. = 1 Ton . . . . T. i 32000 oz. 2000 lb. 20 ewe. The oun£e is often divided into halves, quarters, etc. 246 MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 39. The Long or Gross ton, hundred-weight, and quarter were formerly in common use ; but they are now seldom used except in estimating duties at the United States Custom-Houses, in freighting and wholesaling coal from the Pennsylvania mines. 38 Pounds 4Qr., or 112 lb. 20 cwt. or 3240 lb. LONO TON TABLE. — 1 Quarter . . . qr. = 1 Hundredweight cwt. = 1 Ton T. 1 T. 2240 lb. SOqr. 2t)ci^. 40. The following denominations are also used : 100 Pounds of Grain or Flour make 1 Cental. 100 Pounds of Dry Fish 100 Pounds of Nails 196 Pounds of Flour 200 Pounds of Pork or Beef 280 Pounds 41. TABLE OF 1 QuintaL IKeg. 1 Barrel. 1 Barrel. 1 Barrel of Salt at the N. Y. Salt Works. WEIGHTS. COMPARATIVE Troy. Apothixjaries. Avoirdupois. 1 Pound = 5760 Grains = 5760 Grains =7000 Grains. 1 Ounce = 480 '* = 480 '' = 437.5 " 175 Pounds = 175 Pounds = 144 Pounds. 42. COMPARISON Weight. U. S. 1 KHogram r OF COMMERCIAL ^A^EIGHTS. Country, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Egypt, Persia, Madras, 1 Pfund 1 Pfund 1 Funt IPund IPund 1 Oka 1 Rottoli, 1 Battel, IVis lbs. avdp. = 2.20 = 1.10 = 1.23 = .90 = .93 = 1.10 = 2.82 = 1.008 = 2.116 = 3.125 Weight. Country. Prussia, 1 Zolpf'd Netherlands,! Pond East Indies, 1 Seer U. S. lbs. avdp. l.IO China, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Sicily, Arabia, 1 Catty IKin 1 Libra 1 Arratel 1 Libra 1 Libra 1 Maund = 2.20 = 2.06 = 1.33 = .63 = 1.02 = 1.02 =1.016 = .7 = .8 MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 247 43. The weight of the bushel of certain grains, seeds and vegetables has been fixed by statute in many of the States ; and these statute weights must govern in buying and selling, unless specific agreements to the contrary be made. TABLE OF AVOIRDUPOIS POUNDS IN A BUSHEL, As prescribed hy statute in the several States named. COMMODITIES. Barley Beans Blue Grass Seed... Buckwheat Castor Beans Clover Seed Dried Apples Dried Peaches. ... Flax Seed Hemp Seed Indian Corn . . Indian Com in ear. Indian Corn Meal. . Oats Onions Potatoes Rye Rye Meal Salt Timothy Seed Wheat Wheat Bran 50 40 45 32 54 60 56 56 t^ ^^ 48 48 60 60 14! 14 52 52 46 32 14 50 46 60 2524 60 56 44 56 68 50 |32 57 48 60 60 54 56 56 44 56 50 33>^ 57 60 60 56156 50 50 50 45 45'45;45 60 60 60|60 20| |20,2a 56 60 )48 46 42 48 42 28 56 .1 50 30 32 32 52 60 50 56 56 50 60 60 48 60 14 52 4() CO 24 3b ;56 J44 56 52 56 50 45 60,60 48'48 60 f 55 55 56 ' I 56 58 56 30 32 32 I I 60 60: 56 56 56 u '44! 0606 I I 47 56 32 56 46 46 50 50 56 60 45 42 28 56 46 60 60 In Pennsylvania 80 lbs. coarse, 70 lbs. ground, or 62 lbs. fine salt make 1 bushel ; and in Illinois, 50 lbs. common or 55 lbs. fine salt make 1 bushel. In Maine 64 lbs. of ruta baga turnips or beets make 1 bushel. A cask of lime is 240 lbs. Lime in slaking absorbs 2i times its volume, and 2i times its weight in water. 248 MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 44, The following table will assist farmers in making an accurate estimate of the amount of land in different fields under cultivation. Table. A. 10 rods X 16 rods = 1 A. 220 feet X 198 feet = 1 8 " X 20 « = 1 " 110 " X 369 " = 1 5 " X 32 ** r= 1 " 60 a X 726 " = 1 4 " X 40 " , 1 ti 120 t( X 363 " = 1 5 yds. X 96S yds. 1 '' 200 <( X 108.9 " = i 10 " X 484 it 1 " 100 *< X U5.2 '' = 4 20 " X 242 <( = 1 " 100 " X 108.9 " = i 40 '' X 121 " = 1 " ' 45. The following table will often be found convenient, taking inside dimensions : A box 24 in. x 24 in. x 147 will contain a barrel of 31 i gallons. A box 15 in. x 14 in. x 11 in. will contain 10 gallons. A box 8} in. x 7 in. x 4 in. will contain a gallon, A box 4 in. x 4 in. x 3.6 in. will contain a quart. A box 24 in. x 28 in. x 16 in. will contain 5 bushels. A box 16 in. x 12 in. x 11.2 in. will contain a bushel, A box 12 in. x 11.2 in. x 8 in, will contain a haZf-bu^hel, A box 7 in. x 0.4 in. x 12 in. will contain a peck. A box 8. 4 in. x 8 in. x 4 in. will contain a half -peck or 4 dry quarts. A box 6 ill. by 5 J in., and 4 in. deep, will contain a half-gallon. A box 4 in. by 4 in. and 2,\ in. deep, will contain a pint. 46. Nails are put up 100 pounds to the keg. .a r£ «jQ ■2 aJ Oi ,£5 ^ 00 a& jD Size. fl 3 °3 Size. il ?'S Size. §.s 3.9 ^.S 5.9 ^.9 T6 3.9 ^.3 3cZfineblaed. U 725 30c? com. blued. 4i M casing 2 210 3c? com. " u 403 40c? " 5 14 8c? '' 2i 134 Ad " " li 300 50c? " 5i- 11 10c? *' • 3 78 M '' " 2 150 60c? " 6 8 6c? finishing 2 317 M " '* 2.^ 85 6c? fence. 2 80 8c? " 2^ 208 10^ " *' 3 60 8c? " 2J- 50 10c? '* 3 126 12d " " Sj 50 10c? " 3 30 6c? clinching 2 118 16c? " " 3i 40 12c? " 31 27 8c? '' 2i 80 20cZ '' 4 20 16c? « 3i 20 10c? '' 3 45 5 lbs. of 4c? or 3J lbs. of 3c? will put on 1,000 shingles. 5f lbs. of 3c? fine will put on 1,000 lath. MEASURES OF TIME AND ANGLES. 249 MEASURES OF TIME. 47. Time is the measure of duration. 48. The Unit is the mean solar day . Table. CO Seconds {sec.) 60 Minutes 24 Hours 7 Days 365 Days, or ) 12 Calendar Mo. ) = 1 Minute . . min. = 1 Hour , . . hr. = 1 Day . , . da. = 1 Week . . wk. = 1 Common Year yr. Common Year. r 525600 min. I Yr.= \ 8760 ;^r. 1 12 Tno. 366 Days 100 Years = 1 Leap Year . yr. = 1 Century . . Cen. VW lA/lA/. 1. Every year that is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year, the centennial years excepted ; the other years are common years. 2. Every centennial year that is divisible by 400 is a leap year. 3. In most business transactions 30 days are called 1 month, and 12 months 1 year. 4. The civU day begins and ends at 12 o'clock, midnight. A. M. denotes the time before noon ; M., at noon ; and P. M., afternoon. 5. The astronomical day, used by astronomers in dating events, begins and ends at 12 o'clock, noon. MEASURE OF ANGLES. 49. Circular or An- gular Measure is used in measuring angles and arcs of circles, in determining lat- itude and longitude, the loca- tion of places, the motion of the heavenly bodies, etc. / ^ 1296000". o 1(7. = ^ 21600' 360^ a 12 8. 250 MEASUEES OF TIME AND ANGLES. 50. The Unit is the degree, which is -^ part of the circumference of any circle. Table, 60 Seconds (") =1 Minute . 60 Minutes = 1 Degree . 30 Degrees = 1 Sign . . 12 Signs, or 360° = 1 Circle . A Seini-Circumf^ce is one-half of a circumference, or 180°. A Quadrant is one-fourth of a circumference, or 90°. A Sextant is one-sixth of a circumference, or 60°. A Sign is one-twelfth of a circumference, or 30''. A Degree (1°) is one-ninetieth of a right angle. The length of a degree varies with the size of the circle ; thus, a degree of longitude at the Equator is 69.16 statute miles, at 30° of latitude it is 59.81 miles, at 60° of latitude it is 34.53 miles, and at 90°, or the poles, it is nothing. A mm-z^^g of, the earth's circumference is called a geographic mile. LONGITUDE AND TIME. 51. Since the earth performs one complete revolution on its axis in a day or 24 hours, the sun appears to pass from east to west round the earth, or through 360° of iongitude, once in every 24 hours of time. Hence the re- lation of time to the real motion of the earth or the apparent motion of the sun, is as follows : Table. For a difference of There is a difference of 15° in Long. 1 hr. in Time. 15' " ** iTTiin." " 15" " (1 1 sec. " « 1° " (1 4min."^ " 1' " n 4 sec. " '* 1' •* it A sec. - •* MISCELLANEOUS. 251 COUNTING. 53. This measure is used in counting certain classes of articles for market purposes. Table. 12 Units = 1 Dozen . . doz. C 1728 vnits. 12 Dozen = 1 Gross . . . gro. 1 G. gro. = I lUdoz. 12 Gross = 1 Great Gross 0. gro. i 12 gro. 20 Units = 1 Score . . . sc. Two things of a kind are often called a pair, and six things a set; as Sipair of horses, a set of chairs, etc, PAPER. 53. The denominations of this table are used in the paper trade Table. 24 Sheets = 1 Quire . . qr. ' 4800 Sheets. 20 Quires 2 Reams = 1 Ream . = 1 Bundle . . rm. . hurt. 1B.= ^ 200 Quires. 10 Reams. 5 Bundles - 1 Bale . . B. 5 Bundles. Paper is bought at wholesale by the bale, bundle, and ream ; and at retail by the ream, quire, and sheet. Paper may be made to order of any size, but the greater part made up for sale is only of regular sizes. The names generally define the sizes. Writing and Draw- ing Papers differ in size from Printing Papers of the same name, English sizes differ from American. How- eyer, when English or French printing papers are made for this country they are of American sizes. 252 MISCELLAKEOUS. 54. SIZE OF WRITING PAPERS, FOLDED PAPERS. Inches. Xnches, Billet Note .... .6x8 Letter 10 xl6 Octavo Note . . . .7x9 Commercial Letter 11 xl7 Commercial Note . . 8 xlO Packet Post. . . lUxl8 Packet Note . . . . 9 xll Extra Packet Post llixlSi Bath Note .... . 8ixl4 Foolscap .... m X 16 The dimensions given above are those in most general use. Some kinds occasionally vary a trifle. 55. FLAT PAPERS. Law Blank .... Inches. 13x16 Flat Cap .... 14x17 Crown 15x19 Demy 16x21 Folio Post .... 17x22 Check Folio . . . 17x24 Double Cap . . . 17x28 Extra Size Folio . . 19x28 Inches. Medium 18 x 23 Royal 19 x24 Super Royal . . Imperial .... Elephant . . . Columbia . . . Atlas Double Elephant . 20 x28 22 x30 22\ X 27} 23 x33J- 26 X 33 26 X 40 Extra Size Folio is sometimes 18 x 23 inches, and 19 X 24 inches. Imperial is sometimes 93 x 31 inches. SIZE OF PRINTINQ PAPERS. 56. Inches. Medium 19 x 24 Royal 20 X 25 Super Royal .... 22x28 Imperial 22 x 32 Medium-and-half . . 24x30 Small Double Medium . 24 x 36 Double Medium . . Double Royal . . . Double Super Royal <( <( (( Broad Twelves . . Double Imperial . . Inches. 24x38 26x40 28x43 29x43 23x41 32x46 Larger sizes and odd sizes are sometimes made, but are not common. MISCELLANEOUS. 253 BOOKS. 57. The terms folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., indicate the number of leaves into which a sheet of paper is folded. When a sheet is foldea into 2 leaves 4 " 8 '* The book is called a Folio, a Quarto or 4to, an Octavo or 8vo. • And 1 sheet of paper makes 4 pp. (pages). 8 '' 16 '' 12 " a Duodecimo or 12mo, 24 - 16 " a 16m,o, 82 *' 18 " 24 " . 32 *' an 18mo, a 24mo, a 32mo, 36 '' 48 " 64 '^ COPYING. 58. Clerks and copyists are often paid by i\\Q folio for making copies of legal papers, records, and documents. 72 words make 1 folio, or sheet of common law. 90 " 1 '* chancery. A folio varies in different States and countries, but usually con- tains from 75 to 100 words. 59. ROMAN LONG MEASURES. Digit . . . Uncia (inch) Pes (foot; Inches. ^ .72575 = .967 =r 11.604 Feet. Inches. Cubit 1 5.408 Passus ..... 4 10.02 Mile (millarium) 4842 6^0. JEWISH LONG MEASURES. Feet. Cubit = 1.824 Sabbath day's journey = 3648 MUe (4000 cubits) . Day's journey - Feet. . = 7296 33.164 mi. 61. MISCELLANEOUS. Feet. Arabian foot . . . = 1.095 Babylonian foot . . = 1.140 FiO-vTitian finp-er . . = .06145 Feet. Hebrew foot . . . = 1.213 cubit ... = 1.817 sacred cubit . = 2.002 254 MISCELLANEOUS. RAILROAD FREIGHT. Q2m When convenient to weigh them, all goods are billed at actual loeight; but ordinarily, the articles named below are billed, at the rates giyen in the following ^ Table. Ale or Beer, 820 lbs per bbl. Highwines, 350 lbs. per bbL Apples, green. 150 ft « Lime, 200 f( u Beef, 820 tt ff : Nails, 108 " per keg. Barley, 48 it per bu. Oil, 400 " per bbL Beans, 60 (f tt Oats, 32 ** per bu. Cider, 350 it per bbl. Pork, 320 " per bbL Com Meal, 220 ti (f Potatoes, com'n, 150 (( ti Corn, shelled 56 t( per bu. Salt, fine, 300 tt tf Corn in ear. 70 ft tt •* coarse. 350 ft tt Clover Seed, 60 ft " " in sacks. 200 *' per sack. Eggs, 200 ft per bbl. Wheat, 60 '* per bu. Fish, 800 tc t( Whiskey, 350 " per bbL Flour, 200 ft u 2000 pounds are reckoned 1 tan^ Generally from 18000 to 20000 pounds is considered a car load. 63. Lumber and some other articles are estimated aa follows : Amount for Weight. car load. Pine, Hemlock, and Poflab, thoroughly seasoned, per thousand feet . . . * . SOOO 6500 Black Walnut, Ash, Maple, and Cherry, per thousand feet 4000 5000 Pine, Hemlock, and Poplab, green, per M. 4000 6000 Black Walnut, Ash, Maple, and Cherry, green, per M 4500 4000 Oak, Hickory, and Elm, dry, per M. . . . 4000 5000 Oak, Hickory, and Elm, green, per M. . . 5000 4000 Shingles, green, per thousand 375 55 M. Lath, per thousand 500 40 M Brick, common, per car load 4 lbs. each. 5000 Coal, per car load 250 bu. MISCELLANEOUS. 255 64. SCRIPTURE LONG MEASURES. Eng.mi. Paces. Feet, Inches. A Palm equals 3.648 A Span « 10.944 A Fathom 7 3.552 EzekieFs reed 10 11.328 An Arabian pole 14 7.104 A Furlong 145 4.6 .00 An Eastern mile 1 403 1.0 .00 A Day's Journey 33 172 4.0 .00 65. SCRIPTURE MEASURES OF CAPACITY. LIQUID. DKY. gal. pints. ACaph = .625 A Gachal A Log = .83% AKab AKab = 8.333 An Omer AHin = 1 2 A Seah A Seah =: 2 4 An Epah A Bath or Ephah = 7 4 ALetek A Homer = 75 5 A Homer ecks . pints. .1416 2.8333 5.1 1 1 3 3 6 32 66. MONEY MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE. £ s. d. $ ct8. A Talent (gold) equal 5464 5 8 ==26592.809 A Talent (silver) ...... « 341 10 4 = 1662.0249 A Manch or Mina " 5 13 10 = 27.6990 A Pound (Mina) « 3 4 7 _ 15.7151 A Shekel (gold) ^* 1 16 5 = 8.8612 A Shekel (silver) " q 2 3 — 0.5474 A Golden Daric or Dram . , . " 1 1 10 =: 5.3127 A Piece of Silver (Stater) . . " 2 7= 0.6285 Tribute Money (Didrachm) . . " 1 3J =: 0.3142 ^^B^^ah " 1 1 =r 0.2636 A Piece of Silver (Drachm) . . " 7J = 0.1571 A Penny (Denarius) " 7i = 0.1520 A^erah « 1= 0.0202 A Farthing (Assarium) .... " 0| = 0.0076 A Mite « 0A= 0.0019 256 MONEY. MEASURES OF VALUE. 67. Money is the measure of the value of things or of services, and the medium of exchange in trade. UNITED STATES MONEY. 68. United States Money is the legal currency of the United States. 69. The Unit of United States Money is the Gold Dollar. Table. 10 Mills (m.) — 1 Cent . . ct. 10 Cents = 1 Dime . . d, 10 Dimes = 1 Dollar . $. 10 DoUajs = 1 Eagle . E. \E, = 10000 m. 1000 ct. 100 d. 10 $. 70. The legal Coin of the United States consists of gold, silver, nickel, and bronze, and is as follows: 71. Gold. The double-eagle, eagle, half-eagle, quar- ter eagle, three-dollar, and one-dollar pieces. 73. Silver. The dollar, half-dollar, quarter-dollar, the twenty-cent, and the ten-cent pieces. 73. Nickel. The five-cent, and three-cent pieces. 74. Bronze. The one-cent piece. 1. The half -dime and three-cent pieces, the bronze two-cent, and Hie nickel one-cent pieces are no longer coined. MONEY. 257 2. The Trade-dollar weighs 420 grains, and is designed soleiy for purposes of commerce and not for currency. The legal-tender dollar weighs 412| grains. 3. The Standard Purity of the gold and silver coins is .9 pure metal, and .1 alloy. The alloy of gold coins is silver and copper ; the silver, by law, not to exceed -^^ of the whole alloy. The alloy of siUer coins is pure copper. 4. The five-cent and three-cent pieces are composed of f copper and \ nickel. The cent is composed of 95 parts of copper and 5 parts of tin and zinc. CANADA MONEY. 75. Canada Money is the legal currency of the Dominion of Canada. The denominations are dollars^ cents, and mills, and have tlie same nomi7ial value as the corresponding denominations of U. S. Money. The Currency of the Dominion of Canada was made uniform July 1st, 1871. Previous to 1858 sterling money was in use. 76« The Coin of the Dominion of Canada is silver and bronze. 77. The Silver Coins are the fifty-cent, twenty- five-cent, ten-cent, and five-cent pieces. 78. The JBronze Coin is the one-cent piece. The standard silver coins consist of 925 parts (.925) pure silver and 75 parts (.075) copper. That is, they are .925 fine. 1. The gold coin used in Canada is the British Sovereign, worth $4.86|, and .the Half- Sovereign. 2. The intrinsic value of the 50-cent piece in United States money is about 46 1 cents, of the 25-cent piece 23^ cents. In ordi- tiary business transactions, they pass the same as U. States coin. 258, MONEY. ENGLISH MONEY. 79. English or Sterling Money is the legal currency of Great Britain. 80. The Vnit of English Money is the Sovereign, or Pound Sterling. The value of a Sovereign in United States Money is $4.8665. Table. 4 Farthings (far) = 1 Penny . . . . d 13 Pence = 1 ShiUing . . . s. 1 Sovereign, or . sov. Pound ....£. 20 Shillings w U. S. Value. r .02+. £1 = ^ .293 + . [ $48665. Other Denominations. 2 Shillings («.) = 1 Florin . , . fl. 5 Shillings = 1 Crown . . . cr. U. 8. Value. $.48665. $1.2166 + . 81. The Coin of Great Britain in general use con- fiists of gold^ silvery and copper , as follows : 82. Gold* The sovereign, and half-sovereign. 83. Silver. The crown, half-crown, florin, shilling, six-penny, and three-penny piece. 84. Copper. The penny, half-penny, and farthing. The standard gold coin contains 11 parts pure gold and 1 part alloy ; silver coin 37 parts pure silver and 3 parts alloy. MOKEY. FRENCH MONEY, 259 85, French Money is the legal currency of Prance, and is decimal The Franc of the Eepublic. 86. The Unit of French Money is the Silver Franc. The Franc of the Empire. The value of a Franc in United States Money is $.193. Table. 10 Millimes (m.) = 1 Centime . , , ct. 10 Centimes = 1 Decime , , . dc, 10 Decimes = 1 Franc . , , . fr. 20 Francs = 1 Napoleon . . Wap. 87. The Coin of France consists of gold, silver, and bronze, as follows : 88. Gold. The 100, 40, 20, 10, and 5 franc pieces. 89. Silver. The 5, 2, and 1 franc, the 50 and the 25 centime pieces. 90. Bronze. The 10, 5, 2 and 1 centime pieces. The standard gold and silver coins contain 9 parts of pure metal and 1 part of alloy. The U. S. Congress, by the Act of 1873, fixed the weight of the silver half-dollar at 12 1 metrical grammes, so that 2 half-dollars are precisely equivalent in value to the 5 franc silver coin of Europe. 1 N'ap. = ^ r 20000 m. 2000 ct. 200 dc. 20fr, 260 MONEY. GERMAN MONEY. 91. The New Empire of Germany has adopted a new and uniform system of coinage. 93. The Unit of this new German System of Coinage is the Reichsmark. The value of a Reichsmark ('* Mark'') in U. S. Money is $.2385 A pound of gold .900 fine is divided into 139| pieces, and the ^ part of this gold coin is called a "Mark," and this is subdivided into 100 pennies (Pfennige). The Coin of the New Empire consists of gold, sUv&t^ and nickeL Gold* The 20, 10, and 5 mark pieces. Silver. The 2, and 1 mark, and the 20-penny pieces. Nickel. The 10, and the 5-penny, and pieces of less valuation. The 10-mark piece {gold) is equal to 3J P. Thalers (old). The l-mark {diver) is equal to 10 S. Groschen, or 1000 pennies. The 20-penny {silver) is equal to 2 S. Groschen, or ^ of a mark. The 10-penny {nickel) is equal to 1 S. Groschen, or ^jj of a mark. JAPAN MONEY. 93. Japan has a new and decimal system of coinage. 94. The Unit of Japan money is the gold Yen, valued at $.997 U. S. money. The Coin of Japan embraces five gold coins, valued at $20, $10, $5, $2, and $1. Also five silver coins, valued at 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 cents, respectively. The weight of the new trade dollar is 420 gr., and .9 pure silver. MONEY. 261 96, The following shows the manner in of foreign exchange are made in as quoted Jan, 2, 1875 : which quotations this country, and Sixty 4.85^4 ' 4.85 ( 4.84 ( London Prime Bankers' Sterl, Bills Do Good do. do. Do Prime Commercial do. Paris Francs 5.17^ © Antwerp Francs 5.17v^ @ Switzerland Francs. ..^ 5.17^ @ Amsterdam Guilders. 41^^ @, Hamburg* Reichsmarks 947^ @, Fi-ankfort Reichsmarks 94% @ Bremen Reichsmarks 9i% @ Berlin Reichsmarks 94% @. 4.86 4.85X 4.85 5.I614 5.I614 5.I614 41X 951/8 95>^ 951/i 95>^ TTiree Days. 4.90 © 4.90>^ 4.8914 © 4.90 4.88K2 5.13X 5.13^ 5.139£ 41X 96 96 96 96 © 4.893/ 5.12y, 5.12;^ 5.121/2 41% 96X 96X 96X 963^ In the above, " Prime Bankers' Bills" are those on the most reliable banking houses; "Good" is applied to those of somewhat inferior credit; and "Prime Commercial" are merchants' drafts, which usually command a less price in the market. The quotations in the Jirst column are those of 60-day bills, and in the second column those of 3 days. 97. Rates of Exchange at London, and on London. EXCHANGE AT LONDON, JAN. 2, 1875. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. ON TIME. BATE. DATE. TIME. EATE. Amsterdam Antwero short. 11.13/2@11-16)^ 25.47>^@25 5214 20.78 @20.82 25.15 @25.25 25.47)^@-25.52i/2 11.37/2@11.42 20.78 @20.82 20.78 ©20.82 32i/2@ 32% 483^(1^ 48% 52%@ 525^ 28.173^(??^28.22i/2 28.17Xfr?^'28.22X 28.17/2@'28.22^ Jan. 2. short. 3 mo. short. 11.82 2517 Hamburg 20.25 Paris short. 3 months. 25.19 Paris Vienna Jan. 2. 3 mo. short. 11050 Berlin 6.24X Frankfort St. Petersburg. . my, Cadiz Lisbon 90 days. 3 months. Mil m .... Genoa Naples • New Yorl?:. . Dec. 31. Dec. 17 60 days. 90 days. 1^4 80 Rio de Janeiro. 26% @ 2614 Buenos Ayres.. Valparaiso Bombay Dec. 31 Dec. 29. Dec. 24. Dec 25 6 mo. Is. iokd. Calcutta Is. I0|;.d. Honir Kong^ . r. . Shanghai.. 4s. 2i^d. 5s.83i£d. @,5s.9d. 96% Alexandria. Dec. 30. 3 mo. 262 MONEY. 98. Weight, Fineness, and Value of Foreign Gold Coins, as determined hy United States Mint Assays, Country. Austria Do Do Belgium Brazil Centr'l America Do. do. Chili Colombia and S. A. generally. Denmark Egypt England Do France Germany Greece India (British). Italy Japan Do Mexico Do Do Netherlands ... New Granada.. Peru Portugal Russia Spain Do Do Sweden Do Tunis Turkey Denomination. Fourfold ducat , Souverain (no longer coined) 4 florins 25 francs 20 milreis 2e8cudos 4 reals 10 pesos (dollars) . . Old doubloon Old 10 thaler Bedidlik (100 piasters) Pound or Sovereign (new) . . Pound average (worn) 20 franc (no new issues) Old 10 thaler (Prussian) . . . 20 drachms Mohur, or 15 rupees 20 lire (francs) Cobang (obsolete) New 20 ven Old doubloon (average) 20 pesos (empire) 20 pesos (republic), new 10 guilders 10 pesos (dollars) 20 soles Coroa (crown) 5 roubles 100 reales 80 reales 10 escudos Ducat Carolin (10 francs) 25 piasters 100 piasters Weight. 0.448 0.363 ♦ 0.104 0.254 0.575 0.209 0.027 0.492 0.867 0.427 0.275 0,256,8 0,S50,3 0,307 0.427 0.185 0.375 0.207 0.289 1.072 0.867 1.0P6 1.081 0.215 0.525 1.055 0.308 0.210 0.268 0.215 0.270,8 0.111 0.104 0.161 0.231 Fineness. TJwus'dths. 986 900 9C0 899 916,5 853,5 875 870 895 875 916,5 916,5 899 903 900 910,5 899 572 900 870 875 873 809 891,5 898 912 916 896 869,5 896 975 900 900 915 Value in U.S. gold coin. $ cts.m. 9 13 75 93 72 4 5 4 8 48. 8 13 6 15 50 3 19 21 80 96 7 10 3 84 3 57 19 94 15 59 3 19 64 3 19 51 5 3 99 7 67 5 97 6 5 3 4 3 5 2 1 93 2 99 4 37 1. Foreign gold coins, if converted into United States coins, are subject to a charge of one-fifth of one per cent. 2. For sU^er coins there is no fixed legal valuation, as compared with gold. The value of the silver coins January 1, 1874, wa« com- puted at the rate of 120 cents per ounce, 900 fine, payable in sub- sidiary silver coin, or 113 cents in gold. TABLE FOR INVESTORS. 99. The following liable shows the rate per cent, of Annual Income from Bonds hearing 5, 6, 7, or 8 per cent, interest, and costing from 40 to 125. Purchase Price. 5%. 6%. 7/.. 8%. Purchase Price. 5f^. 6.02 6%. 7%. 8%. 40 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 83 7.22 8.43 9.63 41 12.20 14:64 17.08 19.52 84 5.95 7.14 8.33 9.52 42 11.90 14.28 16.66 19.04 8.^ 5.88 7.05 8.23 9.41 43 11.63 13.95 16.28 18 61 86 5.81 6.97 8.13 9.30 44 11.36 13.63 15.90 18.18 87 5.74 6.89 8.04 9.19 45 11.11 13.32 15.56 17.78 88 5.68 6.81 7.94 9.09 46 10.86 13.04 1521 17 39 89 5.61 674 7.86 8.98 47 10.63 12.77 14.90 17.02 90 5.55 6.66 7.77 8.S8 48 10.41 12.50 1453 16.66 91 5.49 6.59 7.69 8.79 49 10.20 12.25 14.29 16.33 92 5.43 6.52 7.60 8.69 50 10.00 12.00 14.00 i6.o:) 93 5.37 6.45 7.52 8.60 51 9.80 11.73 13.73 15.68 94 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.51 52 9.61 11.53 13.46 15.38 i 95 5.26 6.31 7.36 8.42 53 9.43 11.32 13.20 15.09 ! 96 5.20 6.25 7.29 8.33 54 9.25 11.11 12.96 14.81 ; 97 5.15 6.18 7.21 8.24 55 9.03 10.90 12.72 14.54 ! 98 5.10 6.12 7.14 8.16 56 8.92 10?70 12.50 14.28 1 99 505 6.06 7.07 8.08 57 8.77 10.52 12.27 14.03 1 100 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 58 8.62 10.34 12.06 13.79 101 4.95 5.94 6.93 792 59 8.47 10.16 11.86 13.55 102 4.90 5.88 6.86 7.84 60 8.33 1000 11.66 1-3.33 103 485 5.82 6.79 7.76 61 8.19 9.83 11.47 13.11 104 4.80 5.76 6.72 7.69 62 8.06 9.67 11.20 12.90 105 4.76 5.71 6.66 7.61 63 7.93 9.52 nil 12.69 106 4.71 5.66 6.60 7.54 64 7.81 9.37 10.93 12.50 107 4.67 5.60 6.54 7.47 65 7.69 9.23 10.76 12.30 108 4.62 5.55 6.48 7.40 m 7.57 9.09 10.60 12,12 109 4.58 5.50 0.42 7.33 67 7.46 8.95 10.44 11.94 no 4.54 5.45 6.36 7.27 68 7.35 8.82 10.29 11.76 111 4.50 5.40 6.30 7 20 69 7.24 8.69 10.14. 11.53 112 4.46 5.35 6.25 7.14 70 7.14 8.57 10.00 11.43 113 4.42 5.30 6.19 707 71 7.04 8.45 9.85 11.26 114 4.38 5.26 6.14 7.01 72 6.94 8.33 9.72 11.11 115 4.35 5.21 6.08 6.95 73 6.84 8.21 9.58 10.95 116 4.31 5.17 6.03 689 74 6.75 8.10 9.45 10.80 117 4.27 5.12 5.98 6 83 75 6.66 8.00 9.33 10.66 118 4.23 5.08 5.93 6.77 76 6.57 7.89 9.21 1052 119 4.20 5.04 5.88 6.'; 2 77 6.49 7.79 9.00 10.38 120 4.16 5.00 5.83 6.66 78 6.41 7.69 8.97 10.25 121 4.13 4.95 5.78 6.61 79 6.32 7.59 8.8o 10.12 122 4.09 4.91 5.73 6.55 80 6 25, 7.50 8.75 10.00 123 4.03 4.87 5.69 6 50 81 6.17 7.40 8.64 9.87 124 4.03 4.83 5.65 6.45 82 6.09 7.31 8.53 9.75 125 4.00 ' 4.80 5.60 6.40 .-A 264 31 ]sr E Y . STATUTE LIMITATIONS. 100. A forced collection of debts cannot be made after a certain number of years specified in tlie statute of limita- tions of the different States named in the following Table : Name of States. Alabama Arkansas California.. Connecticut Colorado Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan *i aj §3 S a ^ ^ Ha Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. 3 6 20 3 7 10 2 4 10 6 6 17 2 4 5 3 6 20 3 3 12 5 5 3 3 12 5 6 16 6 20 20 5 10 20 2 7 14 3 5 10 3 5 10 6 6 20 8 3 12 6 6 20 6 6 20 Name of States. Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina.. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island South Carolina.. Tennessee Texas , Utah VennoDt Virginia West Virginia... Wisconsin ^* « B 15. 16. 6%. 17. 112i%. 18. 20%. 19. 121%. 20. 50%. 21. 65%. Art. 518. 3. $750. i. 91.2 A. 5. 528 11). G. 690. <9. .6. 7. 5800. 9. 100. i^*. $750. 11. $5450. X?. 6r.0bu. i^. A. $303.45. B. $337.17. C. $404.61. D. $682.77. 5. A. $1710. B. $870.20. 6. A. $6000. B. $8402.25. C. $:05575. D. $3042. 7. $5785 20, the first; $5142.40, the second. 8. $3516.80 A's gain; $5861.33^ B's '' $8205.861 C's '' 9. $269559.55 Re- sources ; $26434.55 Lia- bilities ; $243125 Stock ; $125000 Origi- nal capital ; $118125 net gain; $56700 Ames' share * $37800 Lyon's Q |"| Ck It* fit • $23625 Clark's share. Art. 783. 2. $2400 Barr ; $2666.661 Banks ; $2933.33J Butts. 3. $388,704+ A.; $249,169+ B.; $112,122 C. 4. $1344.164 A.; $2027.836 B. 5. $5700 A.; $3760 B. ; $1340 C. 6. $1688.434 Crane ; $3868 862 Childs ; $2012.708 Coe. 276 ANSWERS. Art. 787. ^. $.32. 5. $.30 per bushel. 4. $6 gain. 6, $6.16. Art. 788. 5. 2 lb. of first ; 2 lb. of second ; 3 lb. of third. 4. 1 at $4 ; 5 at $5 3 at $6 1 at $8, 5. 3bb 3 bbl. at $(}"; 2 bbl. at $7|. 6. 3 gal. at $1.20 ; 3 gal. at $1.83 ; 15 gal. at $2.30 ; 8 gal. water. Art. 789. e. 10 cows at $32 ; 10 cows at $30 ; 60 cows at $48. S. 10 lb. at $.80 ; 10 lb. at $1.20 ; 70 lb. at $1.80. 4. 12 yd. at $3^ ; 16 yd. at $li. 5. 150 acres. Art. 790. j^. 30 men, 5 w^omen, 20 boys. S. 33 g^ gal. water. 4. 16, 24, 4, and 12 da. respectively. Art. 792. 1. 72 and 48. ^. D^s age 16 ; E's age 24 ; F's age 84. 5. 15 bu. 4, 18 da. 6. 8| da. Starch $2 a box ; Soap $3. 8Ha.; First in 26| da. ; Second in 40 da. ; Third in 20 da. ; $180 share of 1st ; $120 share of 2d ; $240 share of 3d. 14 bbl. at $10 ; 6 bbl. at $7. 16 min. 21f'Y sec. past 3 o'clock. Wheat $1.33 J per bu.; Oats $.50 per. bu. 8 da. $347.71. 50 bu. 27% nearly. $7384j^3 younger ; $11076i-f elder. 1461 ft. $960 first ; $ ?20 second ; $840 third. $1570.31. 506 lb. Oct. 26, 1875. ^7. $33345; $27359.999; $25106.82. $1.60. 42 geese ; 58 turkeys. $5700. $282.24 Sim. Int. ; $2202.24 Amt. ; $295.56 Com. Int. ; $2215.56 '' Amt.; $1673.93-}- Pres- ent Worth ; $246.07 True Dis. ; $283.20 Bk. Dis. ; $1636.80 Proc'ds; $2252.199 Face. 28. $315.79. $473 69. $710.52. 29. $900, July 28. SO. $.97|. 31. $10665.80 in U. S. 6's, 5-20. $21331.60 in U.S. 5's of '81. 32. A. 3600 bu.; B. 1200 bu. ; C. 1200 bu. • 33. $1.72. 34. fn- 35. $5614.27 Net Proceeds. July 10, Eq. time. 36. $6100 M.'s Cap.; 15 mo. N.'s time. 37. $2023.22 ; Apr. 24. 38. $2244.66. Art. 802. 2. 1369; 1764; 3136; 5625. 3. 3375 ; 5832 ; 74088 ; 157464. 4. 3969 ; 110592 ; 1048576 ; 248832. /? 49 . 1728 ^- ¥5 6" > "sgy^T* 7 _a5iLl_ • 318S ' • 384 16 > 3 2' • 8. 645.16. 9. 1191016. 10. 1958jV. / 7 1 4 G 4 1 ■^■^' 50625- 12. .00116964. 13. .015625. 14. 46733.803208. 15. .065528814274496. 16. 33169 If. 17. 16.6056I-. 18. 24.76099. 19. .000000250047. 20. 1520875. 21. 2023//^. 22. 5.887. 23. 640000. 24. 2540.0390625. 25. 125. 26. 1200 ANSWERS. 277 Art. 803. 3. 1764. 4. 2304. 5. 3136. 6'. 9604. 7. 15625. <^. 11025. 9, 50625. i^. 38809. lU 116964. Art. 804. ;^. 39304. 4. 110592. 5. 262144. 6. 857375. 7. 1953125. Art. 810. ^. 8 ; 16 ; 24 ; 81. ^. 9 ; 14 ; 21 ; 15. Art. 813. S. 85. 4. 242. 5. 98. ^. 115. 7.109. 8, 997. P. 1432. 10, 5464. i^. «. i5. If 15, .035. m 14.0048 + . 17. 1.5005 + . 18. 7.625. 19. 4.213 + . ^^ 103.9. ;^i. 59049. ^^. 3.00001 654-. ^S. 5.656854 + . ^^. 1.5411. ^5. .91287+; ee. .04419. ,V. 36.37. 1"^. 1.50748 + . ^9. 64. ^^. tV- ^i. 1. S2. 1.78 + . ^«f. 72. S4, 90. ^5. 480.8827. Art. 815. i. 1008 ft. ^. 240.33 rd. S, 52 rd. 4. 200.56 rd. 5. 145ird. 6. $187.20. Art. 819. «^. 25. 4. 55. 5. 101. 6. 165. 7. 1015. ^. 1598. 10. a. 11' f *• 12. 1.42 + . i<^. 34. i.^. .45. 15. 2.34. i^. 4624. 17. .0809. i^. .7936. i5>. 5.73 + . ^i. .5569. 22, 1 ^