LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS THE RAY SOCIETY INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. This volume is issued to the Subscribers to the RAY SOCIETY for the Year 1881. LONDON: MDCCCLXXXII. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS A MONOGRAPH BRITISH PHYTOPHAGOUS HYMENOPTERA, (TENTHREDO, SIREX AND CYNIPS, Linne.) VOL. I. BY PETER CAMERON. LONDON: PRINTED TOR THE RAY SOCIETY. MDCCCLXXXII. ! IBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS PRINTED BY J. E. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. PEEFACE. THE present work gives a systematic and biological description of the species of the Hymenopterous Families Tenth red hi id ce y Siricidce, and Cynipidce, known at present to inhabit Britain. So far as the two first families are concerned, this is not the first work on the British species; for in 1835, in the seventh volume of his * Illustrations of British Entomology," James Francis Stephens described the species known by him to inhabit these isles. Stephens' work is now obsolete, while since its publication until within the last decade the plant-feeding Hymenoptera have been altogether neglected. This is a somewhat curious circumstance, considering that they are the easiest of all Hymenoptera to name, that many of them possess elegant and beau- tiful forms, and many interesting peculiarities of structure, while their life histories can be worked out with comparative ease, and afford biological and physiological problems of the greatest interest for investigation. The Ciinipidce or gall-flies have been even more neglected, and only a few fragmentary papers have been published on the British species. VI PREFACE. The published works or papers on the British species and the workers at the groups being so few, I cannot hope that the present Monograph is very com- plete as regards the actual number of British species ; while, as will be seen, the life-histories of very many of our commonest species are quite unknown. I cannot hope either that I have escaped the errors of omission and commission incidental to a work of this kind, dealing as it does with little studied and little known animals ; but such as it is, I hope, that at any rate it will increase the number of students of these neglected, but most interesting insects, and thus lead to an extension of our knowledge of the British species and their habits. The literature being thus so scanty, my indebted- ness is the greater to those gentlemen who have rendered me assistance by lending me specimens or giving me information. In this respect my thanks are especially due to Professor Westwood, F.L.S., Pro- fessor J. W. H. Trail, F.L.S., Professor Gustav L. Mayr, of Vienna, the late Professor Zaddach, of Konigsberg, the late Dr. S. 0. Snellen van Vollen- hoven, of the Hague, Dr. David Sharp, of Thornhill, Dr. Buchanan White, F.L.S., of Perth, Messrs. R. McLachlan, F.R.S., J. E. Fletcher, John B. Bridg- man, Joseph Chappell, Edward Saunders, F.L.S., E. A. Fitch, F.L.S., 0. W. Dale, James Hardy, J. J. King, Thomas Wilson, T. E. Billups, J. G. Marsh, C. G. Bignall, Richard McKay, the Rev. T. A. Marshall, PREFACE. Vll E. A. Butler, Herr Brischke, of Dantzig, and the late Fredk. Smith, of the British Museum. To Mr. J. E. Fletcher, of Worcester, I am much obliged for the great trouble he has taken in procuring me Iarva3 for figuring ; Mr. W. F. Kirby, of the British Museum, has given me bibliographical information which I could not obtain here from the absence of libraries ; while I have to thank the Secretary of the Kay Society, the Rev. Professor Thomas Wiltshire, F.L.S., Professor Rupert Jones, F.R.S., and Mr. J. J. Weir, F.L.S., for revising the proofs. GLASGOW; July, 1882. A MONOGBAPH OF THE BRITISH PHYTOPHAGOUS HYMENOPTEEA. VOL. I. INTRODUCTION. THE term " Phytophagous " is applied to the Insects described in the present work to signify that most of them are plant-feeders, and not that they form a homo- geneous section of the Order Hymenoptera to which they belong. Nor, indeed, is the term strictly correct, for many of the species in one group the Cynipidce are animal parasites ; while this family differs structurally from the other families described, in having the abdomen attached to the thorax by a narrow pedicle only having it appendiculated or petiolate the abdomen in the other section, that containing the Tenthredinidce and Siricidce, being joined to the thorax by its entire width, or sessile. The latter groups, furthermore, differ from all other Hymenoptera (includ- ing the Cynipidce) in the peculiar structure of the ovipositor, and in the larvae having legs on the thorax. The four families of Tenthredinidce, Siricidce, Ce- phidce, and Oryssidce (Holonota, Foerster*) form thus * Ueb. d. syst, Wertli d. Fliigelgeaders b. d. Hymen., p. 19. VOL. I. 1 2 THE IMAGO THE HEAD. a well-marked section, and together have been variously called Phytiphaga in allusion to their habits, Sessiliventris, in allusion to the form of the abdomen, and Securifera or Serrifera, after the form of the ovi- positor. We may distinguish the groups as follows : Abdomen joined to the thorax by its entire width. Trochanters with two joints. Anterior wings with a lanceolate cellule. Larvae with legs on thorax only, or on thorax and abdomen. Sessiliventris* I. Fourth body-segment (metathorax) fissured in the middle at its apex, antennas placed above the clypeus, and above the lower part of the eyes. Anterior wings with at least three cubital cellules. A. Anterior tibiae with two spines at the apex. Prothorax email. Tenthredinidce. B. Anterior tibiae with one spine. Prothorax large. 1. Antennae subclavate, abdomen compressed. Middle lobe of mesonotum not reaching to scutellum. Tibiae spined. Ovi- positor short. Cephidce. 2. Antennae of uniform thickness. Middle lobe of mesonotum reaching to scutellum, and separated from it by a transverse line. Ovipositor long. Siricidce. II. Fourth body-segment not fissured. Antenna? inserted below the clypeus and the eyes. Ovipositor semi-spiral. Anterior wings with two cubital cellules. Oryssidce. 1st. Family. 1. THE IMAGO. The Head. The head is always broader than long, but never broader than the thorax ; it has never a globular form, and usually is more or less concave behind. The eyes are large, sometimes projecting, and situated on the sides, rarely occupying much of the inner portion of the head. They may (Sciopteryx) or may not reach to near the base of the mandibles. The vertex is flat with Lyda, depressed with some Tenthredina, and thick and somewhat rounded with Dolerus, &c. ; the three ocelli are placed in a triangle on it. The vertex has sometimes well-marked sutures, as has also the front ; while immediately below the ocelli there is sometimes * The other division of the Hymenoptera is called Petioliventris. THE AXTKNN/R. 3 a raised five-angled field the pentagonal or frontal urea which is especially well defined with the latina. There are three of these furrows on the vertex, one on either side of the ocelli, and one between, running in the direction of the central ocellus, but this middle furrow is not always present. Other furrows proceed from below the ocelli, round the base of the antennae the frontal furrows. With Hylotoma, Nematus, &c., there is a projecting ridge (sometimes with afovea the antennal ' fovea in its centre) between the antennas the antennal tubercle. The clypeus is large, and is either deeply incised or truncated at the apex. The labrum is transverse, rounded, and often hairy at the apex. In rare cases the apex of the clypeus is slightly indented as in Gladius viminalis (PI. XV, fig. 3 b). The antennce. The antennae are placed immediately over the clypeus. They are seldom (save in the case of some male insects) much longer than the abdomen, and may be, as in Perga, not much longer than the head. With most species they taper slightly in thick- ness towards the apex, while the joints decrease in length, with those species which have them nine- jointed ; the third joint being as a rule the largest. The Gimbicides have them clavate or subclavate, the apical joints forming a more or less distinct club. Some species of Attantus and Tenthredo have them also to a certain extent thickened at the apex, while others have them more or less fusiform. The two basal joints (forming the scape) are more globular than the others, besides being the shortest. The remaining joints may be of equal thickness throughout (as is more often the case) or may be produced beneath into blunt teeth (Lophyrus), or projecting processes (Tarpa). In Pinicola (Xyela) the third joint is greatly developed, much thickened, and fusiform in shape. Some species of Lyda have the third joint enlarged and thickened, and there may be, between it and the second, a small 4 THE TROPHI MANDIBLES. intermediate joint. A few genera of Hylotomina have the large apical joint deeply grooved. The number of joints varies : Cimbicides have from five to seven ; Hylotoma has only three, namely, two small ones at the base, and a very long terminal one. Mne must be regarded as the normal number, that being the number with Tenthredina (with a few exceptions) and Nematina. The exceptions are the Phyllotomides which have fewer joints (Goenoneura with seven or eight) or more (Phyllotoma ten to sixteen joints). Pinicola again has twelve- jointed antenna ; LopTiyrus seventeen to twenty-three; and Lyda twenty- two and upwards.* Male insects have the antennas often differently shaped from those of the female ; being often hairy, pectinated, &c., as explained further on. The mandibles. These are as a rule short and thick, broad at the base, and tapering (sometimes bulging out first) to a blunt point at the apex. In Hylotoma and some Nematina there is only the apical tooth (PI. X, fig. 10), but other genera have them toothed or in- dented along the edge as well, and in some cases the basal part has a jagged edge. This is more especially the case with carnivorous species (Tenthredo, &c. 9 PL XII, figs. 13, 16), while again certain males (Trichiosoma) have long, sharply-toothed mandibles, which they use in fighting among themselves. The form of the maxilla (PL X, fig. 3) does not offer any striking features, nor does it afford good cha- racters which can be used in classification. The outer lobe (PL X, fig. 3, 2) is more or less rounded at the apex, and contracted in the middle, or quadrate at the apex as in Allantus. The inner lobe (1. c.,) is very short with Hylotoma, with which it scarcely projects beyond the base of the outer ; in Lyda it is slightly longer ; with Nematus it ends in a sharp point, which reaches * When the number of joints exceeds the normal number (9) they tend to vary in the same species, so that the number of joints cannot always by itself be regarded as a specific character. THE MAXILLA PALPI. <5 to near the top of the outer lobe ; this being the case, too, with Tenthredo, only it is longer. Generally the parts are more or less membranous, especially at the apex. The maxillary palpi vary only in the relative size and length of the different joints, and in number (at least, so far as European species are concerned) they are uniform, namely, six. In Fenusa there is indeed a short intermediate joint at the apex of the third, according to Hartig, but it is doubtful if it can be regarded as a distinct joint, nor does it exist in all the species. Curtis,* too, mentions a species having only five in the maxillary and three in the labial palpi ; but I have not been able to verify this observation, as he does not mention the species, further than saying that it is allied to Selandria. The basal joints are horny; the apical are more membranous and lighter coloured, while they may be provided with short hairs. The basal joint is the smallest, the second somewhat larger, and the third is one of the longest. The fourth, again, is often very small Cimbex, Cladius and not unfrequently the joints, from the second, may be pretty much of the same length Dolerus, Athalia, Tenthredo. The labium (PL X, fig. 2) is deeply cleft into three nearly equal lobes, which are rounded at the apex and generally of the same size and form. The middle lobe, however, may be larger than the others and truncated at the top. Tenthredo scalaris has a little conical point on the centre of the middle lobe. Some forms have the parts widely separated and well marked, but with Hylotoma, Tenthredina, &c., they are closely pressed together. The labial palpi have usually four joints. With Cimbex the third joint is thickened and bulged out, and the fourth knob-like at its outer edge. With other species (Emphytus, &c.) the third is smallest, while with Hylotoma they increase in size from the base. * B. R, 764. 6 THE THORAX. With Nematus, again, there is no great difference in size. Pinicola appears to have three-jointed palpi. Save with Tar pa the labium and maxilla are incon- spicuous. In Tarpa they are long and projecting. The Thorax. The thorax forms a compact mass, and is usually slightly broader than the head, and of the same width as the abdomen. The prothorax (PI. X, fig. 1, 17) is small, the only portion visible from above being that part often denominated the " collar," a part which , from its being separated from the lower or leg-bearing portion, has by some been regarded as a distinct piece. The " collar " (pronotum) is firmly united to the mesothorax, from which it is not readily detached. Looked at from the side it is somewhat triangular as it issues from the base of the mesothorax, where the wings are inserted, towards the head, and from that curves down towards the legs ; the same being the case on the inner side, so that it becomes quite narrow at its lower part (PI. XY, fig. 11 a). The episternum (1. c. I) is shorter and stouter than the " collar," and slightly broader at the bottom than at the top. It is much freer in its attachment than the pronotum, and comes away easily, carrying the legs and head with it when pulled from its attachment. The prosternum is a small piece situated between the episternum and the two coxae (PI. XY, fig. 7, prosternum of Dolerus). The mesothorax is very large compared with the two other portions. The scutum and scutellum form one piece, the latter being generally flat and but slightly raised above the scutum, but is usually sharply cut off from the metanotum by the ridge which separates the latter from the mesothorax. The mesonotum is divided by depressions into three parts, a triangular one in front and one on either side, the first being called the "front" or "middle" (PI. X, fig. 1, 18), and the others the " lateral " lobes of the mesonotum (PI. X, THE METATHORAX. 7 fig. 1, 19, :20). The middle lobe never reaches to the scutellum, from which it is sometimes separated by a deep depression. Close to the prothorax, and where the wings are inserted, are two overlapping horny points, often differently coloured from the sur- rounding parts, called tegulce. The epistcrnuiii is a small three-angled piece situated below the front of the wings. The mesosternum and i era are well developed, and their usual form may be seen by a reference to the figures (PL XV, fig. 11, i/, //). The mesojphragma is made visible by remov- ing the metanotum which lies over it. At its base it stretches from one side of the thorax to the other, but it narrows towards its apex, which curves down into a sort of hook form, the apical part being split in two (PI. XV, fig. 6, j from above, d from the side). The metathorax forms a narrow ring, and is never larger than the basal segment of the abdomen. It is separated from the mesothorax above by a deep depression. On its front edge, and close to the scu- tellum, are two white bead-like horny points, called ccnchri (PI. X, fig. 1, 22), which are usually un- protected, but with Li/da are covered with overlapping hoods. Immediately behind this ring (which has a distinct metasternum) there is, separated from it by a groove, another arc which has no ventral continuation (PI. XV, figs. 6, 12 a, 13 c) and bears a stigma (fig. 126). The precise signification of this segment has been much discussed, some considering it to form part of the abdomen, while others look upon it as belonging to the metathorax. There can be little doubt that it is a distinct segment, and if we regard the thorax as being made up of three segments, then it would have to be regarded as part of the abdomen ; but, on the other hand, it seems clear that functionally it forms part of the thorax, it having the muscular system, &c., identical with the three preceding segments, besides being much more intimately bound with the thorax than with the abdomen. In other words, the thorax 8 THE LEGS. is to be regarded as composed of four segments,* a \>iew which holds good likewise with the larvae, whose fourth segment (which is never provided with legs like the succeeding segments) ministers to the thorax rather than to the abdomen, or the part of the body subserving to nutrition. Latreille called it the " seg- ment mediale," a term which is appropriate enough, but probably it is best to call it the fourth thoracic or body segment. The legs have two-jointed trochanters (PI. X, fig. 8, 1), and have on the apex of the tibiae (including the front pair, a character which distinguishes them from all other ffymenoptera) two spurs (calcaria) (PL X, fig. 1, 24). The calcaria are absent in the exotic genus Pacliylota. In length the legs are vari- able, but they are never of excessive length or thick- ness, nor is one part ever much developed in propor- tion to the others. The spurs are sharp-pointed and minutely-toothed with Dolerus, Cladius, &c. ; tubercle- like with Cimbex and Lophyrus; while with many genera (Emphytus, &c.) the point of the outer spine is dilated at the end into a fleshy prong. The posterior calcaria, are always simple and sharp-pointed, and one is longer than the other. Hylotoma, Lyda, and Tarpa (among European genera) bear one or more spines (PL X, fig. 1, 25) on the two hind tibia?, or one on all the legs, as with Lyda pratensis, &c. Hylotoma has one on each of the two posterior tibiae, Tarpa two on the same parts ; some forms of Lyda have one on the anterior and three on the two posterior. Pinicola, again, has three on each of the two posterior tibiae. The tarsi are five-jointed. The joints are unarmed with Phyllotoma, but, with most of the other genera, they are provided with leaf-like expansions on the underside, called patella (PL X, fig. 6, 1). The claws on the apex of the tibiae are either equally cleft * See Audouin, Ann. d. Sc. Nat., i, 1824 ; Latreille, Regne An. v; Westwood, Int. ii, 92; Reinhard, B. E. Z., 1865; Palmen, Zur Morphologic des Tracaeensystenas, 98. THE WINGS. 9 (bifid) (PI. XY, fig. 10), simple (1. c. fig. 8), or with a minute tooth not far from the apex (PL XV, fig 9). Croesus has the basal joint of the tarsus flattened into a plate-like expansion, the posterior tibiae being also thickened towards the apex. Some species of Nematus have the apex of the hinder tibise thickened, and often grooved on the inner side. The icings are (with one exception*) always present, and four in number, the two anterior being much the larger pair. They are broadest at the apex, which is rounded (PI. X, fig. la). In texture they are mem- branous. The front border (the costa) is thickened, and towards the apical third of the wing is a thickened spot called the stigma (PI. X, fig. 1 st), which is often a conspicuous object, especially when it projects above the costa, as it does with Pachylostica. Generally the wings are hyaline and often iridescent, but with some species they are coloured, either in patches or throughout, the usual colour in either case being black, although with many exotic forms it is bluish; and, in the latter case, it has occasionally a metallic lustre, the wings themselves being of a thicker texture than usual. Proceeding from the base of the wing towards the apex, but seldom reaching much beyond the stigma, are four nervures, while from the neighbourhood of the base of the stigma, other two nervures run to the apex in a slightly curved fashion. Intersecting these transverse nervures, are shorter longitudinal ones, so that, in this way, enclosed spaces are formed, to which the term cell or cellule has been applied. As the form and position of these nervures are remarkably constant, and, as the presence of a particular arrangement of the nervures carries along with it peculiarities in other parts of the animal's structure, great attention has l3een paid to them, especially as to their use in the definition of genera. In this relationship the cells formed by the transverse nervures which run from the * Pompholyx, Freymouth, which has the 9 apterous. 10 NERVURES. base of the stigma to tlie apex called the radial and cubital respectively, and a cell at the bottom of wing the lanceolate cellule, are the most important. The following are the designations of the various nervures and cellules adopted in this work, with the various names applied to them by different writers on Tenthredinidce,* and a reference to the plate will make their position clear to the student. Nervures. 1. COSTAL or COSTA (PL X, fig. 1 a) = Radius, Hartig ; Vena marginalis, Foerster ; Randader and Randnerve, Zaddach. 2. SUBCOSTAL (PI. X, fig. 1 b) Gubitus, Hartig; Vcnu- submarginalis, Foerster; Post-costa or Nervus post- costalis, Thomson ; Unterrandrierve, Zaddach. 3. MEDIAN (PI. X, fig. 1 c),= Vena media, Hartig, Foerster ; Gubilus or Nervus cubitalis, Thomson. 4. ANAL (PI. X, fig. ld) = Vena postica, Hartig, Foerster ; Nervus branchialis, Thomson. 5. ACCESSOEY (PI. X, fig. 1 e) = N. humeralis, Thomson. 6. INFEEIOE (PL X, fig. 1 /). 7. RADIAL (PL X, fig. lo) = N.marginaUs, Thomson. 8. CUBITAL (PL X, fig. l^>) = jV~. submarginalis, Thomson. 10. BASAL (PL X, fig. II) (behind the figure 8 in left wing letter omitted in right side, see PL XV, fig. 1 b) Margino-discoidalis, Andre. 11. 1st TEANSVEESE MEDIAN (PL X, fig. 1 q, behind figure 12 on left wing, see PL XV, fig. lc)=N. transversus ordinarius, Thomson; Vena transverso-hume- ralis, Foerster ; N. medio-discoidalis, Andre. 12. 2nd TEANSVEESE MEDIAN (PL X, fig 1 li) =N. Trans- * For fuller details on the wing-characters in the Hymenoptera generally see Foerster, Ueber den systematischen Werth des Fliigel- geaders bei den Hymenopteren, 1877, and Andre, Species, i, Ixii, et seq. CELLULES. 11 verso-discoidalis, Andre ; Vena media, Foerster; = 1st and 2nd inner apical or submarginal nervures of Norton. 13. RECURRENT (PL X, fig. 1 w, n)= Vena transverso- discoidales, Foerster; Ruwlaufendadern, Hartig. 14. TRANSVERSE RADIAL (PI. X, fig. 1 g dotted line > absent in Hylotoma) =marginal nervures. 15. TRANSVERSE CUBITAL (PL X, fig. 1 i, j, fc)= sub- marginal nervures ; cvlitnl scheidnerve, Zaddach. Cellules. 1. RADIAL (PL X, fig. 1)= marginal, cellula rnargi- nalis, Thomson. 2. APPENDICULAR (PL X, fig. 2). 3. CUBITAL (PL X, fig. 3, 4, 5, 6) = subniarginal, Thomson. 4. COSTAL (PL X, fig. 16)= Area submarginalis, T?oersteT=branchial i Andre. 5. HUMERAL (PL X, fig. 7) = Area humeralis antica, Foerster ; costal, Andre. 6. DISCOIDAL. 1st (PL X, fig. 8) =C.furcata, Thomson; Areola discoidalis prima, Foerster ; 2nd (PL X, fig. 9) =CeUula disconlah's, Thomson ; 3rd (PL X, fig. 12) = Areola humeralis media, Foerster ; C. secunda branchi- Thomson. 7. POSTERIOR. 1st (PL X, fig. 10) = Areola discoidalis Foerster; Erste Hinterzelle, Zaddach. 2nd (PL X, fig. 13)= Aussere Hinterzelle, Zaddach =apical cells of English authors. 8. MEDIAN (PL X, fig. 11) = Area humeralis media, interna, Foerster. 9. LANCEOLATE (PL X, figs. 14 and 15). 14. ANAL. The anal cellule, Areola humeralis postica, Htg., is situated between the lower edge of the wing and the lanceolate cellule. The number of radial cells is never more than two, 12 CELLULES. and of the cubital four ; but sometimes at the apex of the outer radial cellule there may be a small cellule called the appendicular (Hi/lotoma), but it has never any nervures. When two cells are present, their relative length depends upon the place in which the dividing nervure is received according as it is received nearer the apex or the base of the cellule. The cubital cells are never less than three with the TenihredinidcB, but may be two only with Oryssus. When there are three cubitals, either the first or second may be the longest. The first is small with Dolerus and Cryptocampus, large with Emphytus, Cladius. If small, it never receives a recurrent ner- vure, but in the other case it may receive one only or two. If the first is small the second always receives two nervures. When there are four the first is small and never receives a nervure, but the second and third receive one each, or the second may receive both, e.g. Nematus. On the lower side of the wing, between the median and anal cellules, and bounded by the anal nervure above and the accessory beneath, there is an elongated cellule called the lanceolate cellule, which is of great value in classification ; and it is moreover peculiar to the Tenthredinidce. According to the position of the accessory in relation to the anal nervure, the cellule assumes four different forms. I. The accessory nervure issues from the middle of the cellule, where it curves down from it, to unite with it again at the end, thus forming an elongated, sharply- pointed cellule at the end. This is called a petiolated lanceolate cellule, and it occurs with the following genera : Nematus, Dineura, Schizocera, Fenusa, Blen- nocampa (PL X, fig. 12 d). II. The accessory nervure unites with the anal not far from its origin, then breaks off, but issues again from the anal nervure towards the middle, when it curves down to become united with it at the end. There are thus two unequal cellules formed, a small ! POSTERIOR WIXGS. 13 one at the base and a larger one at the apex. This is a contracted lanceolate cellule, and is possessed by Zarcea, Abia, Amasis, Hylotoma, Monoctenus, Cladi*, Camponiscus, Hemichroa, Hoplocampa, Macrophya (in part), Syncerema (PI. X, fig. 12 e). III. The accessory nervure touches slightly the anal in the middle, thus forming two cellules of nearly equal length. To this form the term subcon- tracted has been applied, and we meet with it in Pachyprotasis, Macrophya in part (PL X, fig. 12 b). IV. The nervure does not touch the anal nervure at all ; this form may be either open or closed. It may be closed by (a) An oblique cross nervure placed beyond the middle of the cellule as in Dolerus, Emphytus, Phyllo- toma, Eriocampa, Athalia, Taxonus, Poecilosoma, Tarpa, Lyda, and Pinicola (PL X, fig. 12 a), or by (b) A straight cross nervure in the centre of the cellule as in Tenthredo, Tenthredopsis, Allantus, Cimbex, Trichiosoma, Clavellaria, Lophyrus (PI. X, fig. 12 c). (c) Without any cross nervure, as in Selandria, Strongylog aster in part, and Aneugmenus (PI. X, fig. 12). The posterior wings have never a stigma, but may have an appendicular cellule (Hylotoma). They are divided into cellules like the anterior, but they are fewer in number and in importance. The most important feature in classification is the presence or absence of the transverse cubital (PI. X, fig. 1 g, lower wing) and recurrent nervures (fig./). If absent the inner cubital cellule (fig. 5) becomes con- fluent with the outer (fig. 6), and the discoidal (fig. 8) with the posterior (fig. 9). Generally both nervures are present, but with Monophadnus, Harpiphorus, Poecilosoma, the transverse cubital is absent, and the recurrent present ; while with Emphytus, Fenusa, Phyl- lotoma, Blennocampa, Taxonus, neither is present. According as these nervures are absent or present, the species are said to have no middle (or discoidal) 14 THE ABDOMEN. cellule (as in JEhnphytus), one as in Poecilosoma, or two as with Tenthredo, &c. Specific characters, too, are sometimes afforded by the position of the nervures. In this respect the form of the accessory nervure is often useful. Sometimes it is received at a greater or less distance in front of the transverse median nervure (called then appendiculated) (PI. X, fig. 13), or it may be joined to the transverse median (PL X, fig. 13 a), when it is said to be inter- stitial. The posterior wing has, on the costa, a number of hooks, which fit into the thickened brim of the lower edge of the front wing, so that in this way the two remain united in flight. It only remains to add that with individual speci- mens of most species, one or other of the cross ner- vures may be absent, while, less frequently, greater aberrations are met with. The species of Dineura (and the Nematina generally) are especially liable to vary in this respect ; with D. stilata, for instance, the trans- verse radial nervure is as often absent as present. In the radial, cubital, and transverse and recurrent nervures, are usually found small, white, blistered spaces, which have been called by Walsh "bullae." These exist in other groups of Hymenoptera ; and in the Ichneumonidce have been shown by Walsh* to have, from their constancy in position, some value from a systematic point of view. They do not, however, appear to have an equal value in the Tenthredinidce, although in some cases they would seem to differ in position in closely allied species or genera, and conse- quently their presence or absence is worth mentioning in specific descriptions, or even in generic ones. The Abdomen. The abdomen is joined to the thorax by its entire width. It is, as a rule, longer than the head and * Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., v, p. 209, and vi, p. 242. . THE ABDOMEN. 15 thorax, but may be shorter. It is never quite cylin- drical, being usually somewhat flattened above and beneath. With Selandria it is ovoid, is longer and more rounded with the Tenthredina, and much flat- tended with Lyda. With the Tenthredinaitbvlgea out in the middle : Cimbey has the dorsal surface some- what arched, curved down towards the apex, and the belly flattened with the sides sharp. A few forms have the apical segments much contracted. On the apex of the eighth (or ninth, counting the fourth segment as abdominal) segment (which has sometimes no dorsal arc) are two unjointed projecting organs, called cf'Tcl. They are seldom very conspicuous, but with Cryptocampus, &c., they are very prominent. What may be their use is still an unsettled ques- tion, but probably they act" in some way as tactile organs. The separation of the abdomen from the above-men- tioned fourth thoracic segment is usually marked by a transverse incision, covered with a white membrane, which with Cimbex and many other genera is very conspicuous, and is called the blotch (nuditas}. The abdomen thus, according to the above view, consists of eight segments. Of course, if the fourth is to be regarded as abdominal, the number would be nine, and certainly the fourth has every appearance of forming part of the abdomen, if we neglect other considerations.* While, as has been said, the last segment is not at all, or but slightly, developed above, below it forms two oval or oblong plates, cleft in the middle (PI. X, fig. 5 1, 3, PI. X, fig. 4, 8), which are called the hypopygial wlces. They are seldom of great size, rarely occupying one fourth of the length of the abdomen, except with those species, e.g. Nematus luteus, which oviposit in twigs, and consequently require a long and strongly- * As a matter of convenience, and to facilitate comparison with Continental works, in the descriptions I have counted the number of segments as nine. 16 THE OVIPOSITOR. built ovipositor. In that case it occupies the apical half of the abdomen. The ovipositor proper consists of a pair of flattened, broad, lancet-like organs, generally somewhat curved towards the apex, and of a firm horny consistency. Bach pair is composed of two distinct parts, viz. a back piece or support (PI. X, fig. 5 a), and the cutting instrument proper. The support is, as a rule, very much stouter in texture than the "saw' : itself. It is slightly hollow on one side, while on the lower edge there is a thickened rim, by means of which the " saw " is attached to it. At the base it is much thicker than at the apex, while the colour there is darker. On the surface of the support, as it may be called, are not unfrequently a number of transverse bars, readily noticeable by their deeper colour. With most species these transverse bars are simple, but occasionally they are armed with minute teeth, e.g. Hylotoma, Nematus luteus. The support may be (and this is more often the case) of the same shape as the saw, but may be different, as in, e.g. Gintbex. The lower edge of the saw bears projecting teeth, which may be simple projections somewhat like the teeth of a hand saw, or these projections may them- selves be armed with minute teeth-like indentations. In Cimbex the edge is provided with little bead-like projections, arising at the base from a pedicle, and covered all over with minute teeth. Like the support, the saw bears a number of transverse bars, distin- guishable by their darker colour, and either un- armed or minutely toothed (Cladius). Thus, the saw (to quote Newport's illustration) is, in its most advanced state, a lance, a saw, and file all in one, for there is no doubt that the teeth on the bars serve as a file. The structure of the saw and its support has a direct relation to the work they have to do. Thus, those species which deposit their eggs in twigs or young branches have the ovipositor very stout, broad, and well armed with teeth, e.g. Hemichroa rufa, THE OVIPOSITOR. 17 Cladius viminalis, Hylotoma rosce, and Nematus luteus ; while, contrariwise, wlien the eggs are laid in the leaves they are slimly built, with the teeth and bars not well developed, e.g. Nematus miliaris, or may be scarcely represented, as with Nematus ribesii, which simply glues the eggs to the leaf without making any cutting. Outside the saw and its support, and serving as a protecting case to them, is a two-jointed organ, which projects to a certain extent out of the last abdominal segment. The outer joint of this case is, as a rule, differently coloured from the basal portion, is much thinner than it, and hairy at the apex. At the base the inner side is lengthened out, so as to follow the curve of the basal joint, while at the apex it is rounded, but not very sharply (PI. X, fig. 5). At first sight the basal joint looks as if it were composed of one piece, but on dissection it is seen to be composed of two. The main piece is longer than broad, and curved to a point at each end, the lower end being the sharpest. At the outer end of the upper part is, firmly attached, a triangular plate, which joins the whole to the base of the eighth abdo- minal segment (PI. X, fig. 5, 1), the basal part being thus composed of two pieces. The saw and the back piece are joined to the above- described plates in the following way : The support is attached, on the one hand, by its curved base to the middle of the oblong plate on the inner side (fig. 4), while from its thickened rim there proceeds, not far from the base, a thin wire-like structure, which goes round the top of the " oblong " plate, to which it is firmly attached close to the above-mentioned smaller piece (fig. 5, 3). In a similar way a wire-like projection proceeds from the base of the saw, above that of the support, and fixes the saw to the triangular plate, but it is not attached otherwise, save, of course, to the support. The basal half of the sheath thus not only serves as VOL. i. 2 18 THE ANAL APPENDAGES. a point of attachment to the saw, but it may be also said to support its outer valve, which is only loosely attached to it, and consequently is capable of being moved about by the insect with some freedom. It undoubtedly serves as a sheath to protect the apical part of the saw, but I believe it acts also, in some way, as a tactile organ. The ovipositor, then, is composed of three pairs of organs, or six pieces in all, the two-jointed outer sheath, the support, and the saw itself. The saws are joined near the top, and on the lower side, by a muscular band, but the connection between them is often not very close. They are thus capable of being separated, and form a passage for the eggs to go down. Above the saw may be seen a pair of chitinous processes, between which the tube of the poison gland enters. The Male Anal Appendages. The last abdominal segment projects on the lower side and forms a kind of hollow, in which the male genital armature lies. Like the female organs, they are easily extracted, and are of a tough, horny, or leathery texture. At the base is a thin ring (PI. XV, fig. 14, 3), by means of which the parts are brought into con- nection with the inner sexual organs. The parts next to this ring are two double- jointed valves, united by membrane at the base. They are curved round on the inner side so as to form a hollow tube, in which the double-valved penis lies (PI. XV, fig. 14, 2, and fig. 14 a), forming, in fact, a sheath for it. The basal part is hard, horny, glabrous, and deep brown in colour. The apical portion is much smaller, more membranous, lighter coloured, and hairy externally (fig. 14, 1) ; it is usually somewhat triangular or oval in shape, and possesses some flexibility. The shape of the organs may be seen by reference to the figures (PL XV, fig. 14). THE AXAL APPENDAGES. SPIRACLES. 19 The male anal appendages undoubtedly might be made to furnish specific characters, but they are very minute, and difficult either to describe or figure, so I have not mentioned them in the descriptions of the species. The spiracles are nine in number. The first is placed on the prothorax, close to its union with the mesothorax, and a little way down from the tegulas. The second is on the metathorax, close to the meso- thorax ; the rest are on the first to seventh abdominal segments. They are always placed on the front of the segment, and on the abdomen are situated on the upper edge immediately below the back. With the larvae the first segment bears a spiracle ; the next is on the footless fourth segment, the rest on segments five to eleven. The outer covering of the imago is generally smooth and somewhat shining, rarely is it punctured to any extent. A few forms have hairy bodies, e.g. Trichiosoma. Many (especially exotic species of the Hylotomina) have their bodies of a decided metallic lustre. As for colour, it is generally black or some shade of it. Some are coppery-green or blue ; a few green without any metallic reflection, e.g. Tenthredo punc- tulata ; yellow or some shade of it is not uncommon with Nematina and Hylotomina. The legs are often differently coloured from the rest of the body ; red is a not uncommon colour for them, and, as a rule, the tarsi are black, or darker coloured than the other parts. The antennse may be either uniformly coloured or paler on the under side, more rarely they are orna- mented with white rings. There is one curious point about the coloration pattern in these insects which deserves notice, namely, that many species belonging to widely separated genera are coloured alike. Especially is this the case in 20 COLORATION. the neotropical region, where two forms of coloration, rare in Europe, are very common, there being scarcely a genus without an example of the two patterns. In one case the body and wings are black, or bluish-black, and the prothorax and, it may be, part of the meso- notum, red ; in the other the ground colour is yellow with black on part of the thorax, and the wings yellow, with two or more broad black bands. Of the first class we have two or three British examples, of which Blennocampa eppiphium is the best known. As the insects having this form are broad compared to their length, and as they have the habit of folding the wings and of pressing the antennge and legs close to the body, and dropping to the ground, where they remain motion- less as if dead, it is possible that the red on thorax may aid in concealing them. The other type of coloration is a common one with terebrant Hymenoptera in South and Central America, and I suspect it has some refer- ence to the flower-frequenting habits of the insects. Secondary Sexual Characters. Apart from the internal or primary sexual characters, there are more or less well-marked secondary distinc- tions between the males and females. These differ- ences may be grouped under six heads, it being premised that in all cases the males are smaller, and of a slighter build than the females, while the abdomen is flat, seldom or never cylindrical. 1. Coloration. The general rule is that the males are darker and more obscurely coloured than the opposite sex, while their specific characters are much less well marked. In many luteous species of Nematus, for example, the males have the upper surface of the body black ; in others, e.g. Macrophya, they want the white, yellow, or reddish markings, which the females have on the legs, thorax and abdomen. Many species show no distinction in colour between the 1 sexes, while in others it is extreme. Thus with SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS, 21 Hemichroa alni the ? has the head and thorax for the greater part red and the legs black, while the cj has the head and thorax black and the legs testaceous. On the other hand, there are species which have the males lighter coloured than the females. This is the case with Nematus rumicis, Heptamelus ochroleucus, Tenth-redo zonata, T. velox, 8fc. 2. The eyes. The most noteworthy difference in the eyes is with the and last of all Nematus, which are very seldom found on flowers. Selandria serva is often seen on Umbel- liferce; Tarpa on Compositce; Abia on UmbeUiferw and Compositce ; Tenthredo Hvida I have noticed to have a partiality for Rubus idceus ; various species of Dolerus (which are the earliest in the season to appear) are not uncommonly observed on willow catkins. I have a specimen of Atlialia hcematopus (a South- African species) with pollinia of an orchid attached to the fore tarsi. Many of the smaller species especially those of Blennocampa, Fenusa, and some of the smaller species of Nematus, have a habit, when alarmed in any way, of tucking the antennas, legs, and wings, close to the body, and falling to the ground as if dead ; and often they remain some minutes in this position before making an attempt to escape. This seems to be the only peculiar method they have of escaping from their enemies, except the usual ones of flight, &c., and, in the case of Trichiosoma and other larger forms, of using the mandibles on whatever attacks them. Beyond depositing the eggs in the proper nidus, the females, in the great majority of species, take no further care of their progeny, and generally die imme- diately after oviposition. An interesting exception to this is found in the case of a Tasmanian species of Perga (P. Leioisii, W.), which deposits its eggs in a longitudinal incision between the two surfaces of the leaves of an Eucalyptus, close to the midrib, arranged across in a double row, there being about eighty eggs in all. The mother sits over them with outstretched legs, and when the larvse make their appearance she follows them, defending them with great assiduity from the attacks of Ichneumons and other enemies. I am not aware of any internal parasites attacking 24 HABITS OF IMAGOS. them in the perfect state except fungi. Nor do they seem to have any special external enemies. Birds I have never seen feeding on them, but have often witnessed combats between them and ants, carnivorous beetles, and centipedes. The males appear five or six days in advance of the females. The union of the sexes generally takes place in the sunshine. It lasts only for a few minutes, after which the female gets restive and kicks off the male, who dies in a few hours after, while the female imme- diately proceeds to deposit her eggs. From the struc- ture of the copulatory organs, the <$ has to insert them backwards ; and sometimes one may be seen dragged about by the ? , attached only by the anal appendages. So far as my observations go no selection is shown by either sex in choosing partners. With Trichiosoma I have noticed that the males, after emerging, and apparently before the females have appeared, assemble together on the tops of birches (with T. lucorum), round which they fly in circles in the hot sunshine, making as they do so a loud buzzing noise, not unlike the humming of a Bombus. They do not fly far, and gene- rally return after a short flight to the tree top from which they started. I was once the witness of a battle between two males of T. lucorum, which lasted for nearly ten minutes, or perhaps longer, for they flew away, and may have continued the fight after I lost sight of them. Their mode of fighting was simply to fly at each other in the air, a concussion of the two bodies being the result ; and they must have come together with some force for the noise made thereby could be distinctly heard. I did not observe whether they tried to use their mandibles or not, but Westwood mentions (Intr. ii, 109) having caught two males with their mandibles interlocked. And every collector knows that these insects can use their mandibles to some purpose. PARTHENOGENESIS. 25 Parthenogenesis. With regard to the relative number of the two sexes, it is only with a few species that the males and females can be said to be in anything like equal numbers. As a rule the males are far fewer than the females, and this remark holds good not only with captured specimens, but also with those bred. Not only are the males fewer, but with some species they are absolutely unknown, while with several species which have males in tolerable numbers parthenogenesis plays a normal or occasional role. Of common species provided with males, but in extremely limited numbers compared with the females, may be mentioned Strongylogaster cingulatus, Selandria stramineipes, Hemichroa aim, Croesus varus, Blenno- campa ephippium, Eriocampa adumbrata, Nematus qucrcus, N. gallicola, N. acuminatus. Of Stron. cingu- latus, Mr. Frederick Smith wrote me that he had only taken in all five or six males, and these not on the ferns, but on UmbellifercB in company of the females ; while often he had had forty or fifty females in his net at one time without a single male. My own experience with this species is exactly the same. The only male I have taken of 8. cingidatus was bred, and curiously enough it appeared a fortnight after the females. I have often reared N. gallicola, but have never been able to pro- cure a male ; Mr. Smith has been more fortunate, although even with him there only occurred " a single male out of several hundreds of the flies " (Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., pt. iii, 1876, p. 22). Croesus varus is only known to have a male from the very doubtful account of its original describer Villaret, and that of Blenno- camp a ephippium from a single specimen taken by Brischke (Beitr. zur Parth. d. Arth., p. 228). The male of Eriocampa adumbrata is very scarce, and I have only seen one myself. As an example of a species where the males may be said to be tolerably common 26 PARTHENOGENESIS. may be mentioned Nematus fallax, yet on counting the specimens which I have caught and bred, I find a pro- portion of about one male to twenty females. The number of species in which no males are known is pretty considerable, yet as many of these are rare and local, it cannot be said with certainty that they do not exist. Yet with some common species there is evidence tending to show that this is actually the case, or if they do appear it is at rare intervals. For instance, Mr. Smith bred one year about four hundred females of Eriocampa ovata, while not one of the other sex made its appearance. This is also my own experience ; nor has any Continental author described it. Again, I have frequently bred such abundant species as Hemichroa rufa, Phyllotoma nemorata, Poecilosoma pulveratum, Fenusa betulce, without males coming forth, and this has been the case with many other observers. Dineura verna is a widely known and common species, of which no males have been discovered ; the same may be said of Poecilosoma luteolum,* Hoplocampa brevis, Blennocampa brevis, B. luteiventris (?), I?, albipes, Ne- matus Erichsoni, and N. pallidiventris. The lack, or at least extreme scarcity, of males in these insects may be accepted with tolerable certainty, since, if they existed at all they would, ere this, have been bred. And, as every breeder of insects knows, males are easier to rear than females, from their smaller size and from their appearing earlier. But the evidence of the occurrence of partheno- genesis with the Tenthredinidce is not altogether of this negative nature. From the admirable and thorough observations and experiments of Kessler (Die Lebens- geschichte von Ceuthorhynchus sulcicollis und ISTematus ventricosus, Cassel, 1866), and more especially of von Siebold (Beitr. zur. Parth. d. Arth., pp. 107130), there cannot be the slightest doubt that Nematus ribesii * Andre has recently signalised a male of this species from Syria, the only record I have of its existence (Ann. Soc. Ent. Tr., 1881, 353). I'AKTHENOGEXESIS. 27 possesses the faculty of laying unfertilised eggs which invariably yield only males. There is reason to believe that they do this regularly should they be prevented, from any cause whatever, from having access to the males ; and the eggs are laid immediately after the females have left the cocoons. And when these unfertilised females are examined after oviposition, no traces of spermatozoa can be discovered in the ovaries, while they are easily observed in those which have been fertilised. It is worthy of remark that this peculiarity of rtbesii was noticed by Robert Thorn as early as the year 1820 (in the ' Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society/ iv, pt. 2). He seems to have had an idea " that there is a connection between $ and ? caterpillars ; for I have frequently observed them twisted together for some time after they had ceased eating, and a little before they cast their skins to go into the pupa state." My own experiments with Jf. ribesii are completely in accord with those of the writers just mentioned; while with N. miliaris,* N. glutinosce, N. curtispina, and N. palliatus, I have likewise been successful in getting unimpregnated females to oviposit, the result being (when the larvae did not perish young or in the cocoons) that only males were produced. Mr. J. E. Fletcher has likewise successfully experimented with the species just named, with the same result, save that in one experiment with N. curtispinaheTeKteA 21 3 $ and 1 ?. The rearing of a ? from an unimpregnated ? is certainly very rare, and contrary to the results obtained with other species and by myself with the same species, yet from the care with which Mr. Fletcher conducted his investigation there can be no doubt of the correctness of his statement. t The same gentleman got an unimpregnated ? of Nematus gallicola\ to lay eggs, but owing to the weakness of the plant (a potted one) did not rear the * Scot. Nat., iv, 157; Trans. Ent. Soc., 1880, 77. t Ent, M. M., 1880, p. 269. J Trans. Ent. Soc., 1880, 77. 28 PARTHENOGENESIS. larvse ; a virgin Phyllotoma vagans to deposit between sixty and seventy eggs, but failed to rear anything from them ; one of Eriocampa ovata about thirty ova ; and also got Hemicliroa rufa to lay, rearing males only from the former, and males and females from the latter.* Mr. Fletcher also bred two females from virgin ova laid by two Croesus vanish Mr. Bridgman has also got eggs from a virgin ? of E. ovata.% I have myself obtained larvae from virgin Strongylo- gaster cingulatus, Phyllotoma nemorata, Hemicliroa rufa, Poecilosoma pulveratum, and reared females from the two last species. From these observations it is perfectly clear that complete parthenogenesis occurs in such species as Eriocampa ovata, Poecilosoma pulveratum, and Croesus varus, while the mixed parthenogenesis of Nematus ribesii and N. miliaris is beyond dispute. From the readiness with which so many species deposit ova with- out having had any connection with the males, and from the general scarcity of the latter, it seems evident that further investigation will show that the phenomenon is of very common occurrence. Von Siebold in his book has analysed Hartig's Blattivespen with reference to this question, and shows that the German author was unacquainted with the males of 76 species out of a total of 381. A similar analysis of the British species shows that the males of 53 species are yet unknown. No doubt many of these are rare and little known forms, so that no great reliance can be placed on them alone as showing the scarcity or absence of males, yet the same result is brought out in another way. Tabulating the species in my collection I find, that in addition to the maleless species noted above, 54 species are represented by females only, so that I have never seen the males of something like a third of the British species. As to the precise significance which the phenomenon * E. M. M., xviii, 126. t E. M. M.,xvii, 180. J Ent., 1878, 191. PARTHENOGENESIS. 2^> may play in the economy of the creatures, it is idle to speculate with the scanty knowledge at our command. It is obvious, for one thing, that a greater number of larvas will be produced with complete parthenogenesis than with the mixed, or even with sexual generation ; for every individual that comes to maturity is capable of producing offspring, while with the sexual brood, possibly half of the brood might be males. A con- siderable number of the males born from the par- thenogenetic larvse again may never (and I believe this to be the case) come near the females, and thus are useless, so far as the perpetuation of the species is concerned. Thus it looks as if complete partheno- genesis was more favorable to the continuation of the species than mixed ; and it is clear, from the graduated series of cases we have, from the sexual state through mixed to complete parthenogenesis, as well as from other considerations, that the faculty of dispensing wholly or in part with the males has been acquired. That it is not injurious to the species may be con- cluded ; but I am inclined to believe that, compared with sexual broods, fewer imagos are produced from parthenogenetic larvae ; and if that conclusion is correct (and it is founded on many observations made on Poe- rilosoma pulveratum and Nematus gallicola) it follows that the species are enabled to flourish only through the great number of eggs which are deposited, that is to say, they have less vitality for resisting climatal agencies, or insect or fungoid enemies. My observa- tions, however, are not sufficiently complete to enable me to say definitely that such is the case, but the subject is one well worthy of the attention of entomologists. Our present knowledge of parthenogenesis with the saw-flies may be tabulated as follows : 1. Eggs laid by virgin females yielded males with Nematus ribesii, N. pavidus, N. curtispina, N. miliaris, N. glutinosce, N. palliatus, N. salicis. 2. Eggs laid by virgin females yielded males and females with Nematus curtispina, Hemichroa rufa. 30 THE TRANSFORMATIONS. 3. Eggs laid by virgin females yielded females only with Hemicliroa rufa, Eriocampa ovaia, Poecilosoma pulveratum, and Croesus varus. 4. Eggs were laid by virgin females of Phyllotoma nemorata, Ph. vagans, Taxonus glabratus, Strongylo- gaster cingulatus, Nematus salicivorus, but no insects were bred from them. 2. THE TRANSFORMATIONS. The Egg. The egg is ovoid and longer than broad, with some- times a curve on one side. The colour is white, occa- sionally with a bluish tinge or slightly greenish. The usual nidus for the egg is the leaf, but the manner in which the eggs are deposited on it is very varied. Very often they are scattered irregularly over the epidermis (Nematus miliaris), or they may be placed along the edge, the projecting part of the leaf being used for this end by Hemicliroa alni ; and again, they may be arranged along one or other of the veins as with Nematus rilesii. Some species sink the eggs in a hole in the epidermis, while others merely glue them to it. A few species place them in a clump (N. pavidus), but mostly they are separated from each other when several are laid on the same leaf. One or two of the leaf miners deposit only one egg on a leaf. Many widely divergent species place their eggs in the petiole, in which they may be either arranged in a single or double row. And in connection with this, it is worthy of being noted that the species having this habit have the ovipositor very strong and broad, e.g. Hylotoma pagana, Hemicliroa rufa, Nematus luteus: Most of the gall-making species lay their eggs in the leaf-buds before they have expanded, and in some instances the growth of the gall and of the leaf goes on at the same time. THE EGG. 31 After the egg lias been in the plant a few hours, it swells up to more than double the size it was when laid, while at the same time the receptacle in which it- was deposited has widened, and, it may be, blackened. Thus, instead of being beneath the epidermis (or twig as the case may be), it now projects out of it. The cause of this swelling is obscure. It is certain that when the egg was laid, a drop ("Westwood* calls it a " drop of frothy matter") of liquid was laid in the incision along with it, but I do not think that this has anything to do with the swelling of the egg. Its purpose seems rather to be to widen and keep open the incision made for the reception of the ovum, so that its sides may not crush it ; and probably, too, it in sonic way causes moisture to flow to the incision from the surrounding portions. According to Newport,! on the second day after the egg was laid the incision expanded so much that " a free space remained around the egg equal to its own width on each side." West- wood { further remarks that the eggs imbibe "nutriment in some unknown manner through their membranous skins from the vegetable juices which surround them." The swelling takes place before the form of the larva can be seen in the egg, which can usually be done on the third day. Whether the development of the larva is ever retarded for a much longer period is a point about which I have no definite information. I think, however, it is very probable that with Enipliijtus serotinus (which appears in the perfect state at the end of September and October) the eggs remain unaltered during the winter. We must either assume that, or that the larvse appear when the leaves are about gone, that they hibernate in a very young state while the winter lasts, and then come out with the young leaves in the spring. * Intr., ii, 95. f Prize Essay, p. 23. J L. c., p. 96. 32 HABITS OF Habits of the Larvce. The larvae feed on almost all classes of phsenero- gamic plants, but having a decided preference (so far at least as our present knowledge goes) for trees such as Betula, Salix, Populus, Alnus, and Pinus. To these plants they not unfrequently do great damage. Osiers suffer severely from the attacks of species of Nematus on the leaves ; Salix pentandra I have seen killed by the Cnjptocampus pentandrce ; Nematus pavidus is injurious to some of the small willows ; and N. miliaris too often strips the leaves of 8. pentandra. Various species of Lophyrus have, on different occasions, devastated the pine forests along with the pine-feeding LydoB. Our cultivated plants have not escaped from their ravages, as the attacks of Athalia spinarum on the turnip, Nematus ribesii on the gooseberry, and Eriocampa adumbrata on pear and plum trees, too often bear testimony. I have drawn up a list of the food-plants so far as they are known to me. I have thought it as well to include species not yet known to inhabit Britain, so as to serve as a guide to the student by showing him what he may expect to find on the various plants. The great majority of the species, it may be added, confine them- selves to the same food-plant ; some, however, feed indifferently on plants belonging to the same natural order, while one or two species attack plants of diverse orders. LIST of FOOD-PLANTS. Celmatis Vitalba. Blennocampa croceiventris, Kl. Clematis erecta. ? Athalia abdominalis, F. (see postea). Ranunculus bulbosus. Amasis laeta, F. Ranunculus Ficaria. ? Blen. albipes, Schr. Ranunculus acris. Nematus Fahrei, Dim. LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. 33 Ranunculus repens. Dineura despecta, Kl. Blennocampa albipes, Schr. Aquilegia valgaris. Nematus aquilegise, Voll. Berberis vulgaris. Hylotoma berberidis, Schr. Sinapis arvensis. Athalia spinarum, F. A.ancilla, Lep. S. nigra and 8. alba. Allan tus flavipes, Fourc. Brassica cauipestris, var. Napus and Rapa. Athalia spinarum, F. A. ancilla, Lep. Sisymbrium officinale. A. ancilla, Lep. Raplianus sativus. A. spinarum, F. Cardamine pratensls. Tenthredo sp.* Hypericum perforatum. Tenthredo sp. Viola palustris. Tenthredo sp. (probably Blenno- campa) . Tilia par v-if olia and Europcea. Eriocampa annulipes, Kl. Blennocampa Tillia3, Kalt. (mining the leaves). Geranium robertianum. Emphytus carpini, H. Impatiens Noli-me-tangere. Macrophya sturmi, Kl. Acer pseudo-platanus and campestre. Phyllotoma aceris, Kalt. Sarothamnus scoparius. Tenthredo sp. (a species very like a Taxonus larva). Trifolium pratense and repens. Nematus myositidis, F. Tenthredo sp. (a true Tenthredo apparently). Lotus corniculatus. Tenthredo sp. Robinia Pseudo-acacia. Nematus tibialis, Newm. Primus communis, dom-estica, &c. Eriocampa adumbrata, KL Cladius padi, L. Nematus moestus, Zad. Lyda nemoralis, F. L. pyri, Schr. Phylloecus compressus, Fab. * In tliis list, when no particular species is mentioned, the name " Tenthredo " is used in a wide sense to include any unknown larva belonging to the Tenthredinides which could not be referred to its proper genus. VOL. I. 8 34 LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. Cratcegus Oxyacantha. Cladius padi, L. Dineura stilata, Kl. Nematus xanthopus, Zad. E. adumbrata, KL Tenthredo sp. Cimbex humeralis, Fourc. Trichiosoma betuleti, Kl. Lyda punctata, F. Pyrus communis, Aucuparia, fyc. Eriocampa adumbrata, Kl. Hoplocampa testudinea, Kl. Nematus abbreviatus, H. N. posticus, Foer. Croesus septentrionalis, L. Dineura testaceipes, KL D. stylata, KL Lyda pyri, Schr. Lyda nemoralis, L. Trichiosoma sorbi, H. Rubus IdceuSjfruticosus, fyc. Hylotoma enodis, L. H. cyanella, KL Cladius brullasi, Dbm. C. padi, L. Tenthredo sp. Emphytus perla, KL Fenusa punctilio, KL Blennocampa geniculata, If. Phylloecus fumipennis, Evers. Cotoneaster vulgaris. Lyda pyri, Schr. Comarum palustre. Tenthredo, sp. Rosa canina, eglanteria, fyc. Eriocampa adumbrata, Kl. E. caninse, Gam. Hoplocampa brevis, KL Blennocampa pusilla, Kl. Emphytus cinctus, L. E. rufocinctus, Retz. E. melanarius, KL E. togatus, F. E. didymus, KL E. viennensis, Schr. Poecilosoma candidatum, Fall. Cladius difformis, L. C. padi, L. Hylotoma rosarum, F. H. pagana, Pz. H. enodis, L. H. cyanella, KL, and Amethistina, KL j LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. 35 Rosa c mi in a, eglanteria, $v. (continued). Lyda inanita, Vill. Phylloecus phtisicus, Fab. Agrimonia Eupatona. Fenella nigrita, West, (leaf miner). Potentilla reptans. Fenella nigrita, West. Frag aria vesca. Tenthredo sp. Geum urbarum. Blennocampa geniculata, H. Fenella nigrita, W. Fenusa pumilio, Kl. Spircea Ulmaria. Emphytus calceatus, Kl. Poecilosoma excisum, Th. (?). Blennocampa geniculata, H. Cephus zanthostoma, Evers. Alchemilla vulgaris. Blennocampa alchemillae, Gam. Tentbredo sp. Eibes grossularia and rnbrum. Hylotoma-rosas ?. Nematus ribesii, Scop. N. consobrinus, Voll. N. appendiculatus, H. Emphytus grossularias, Kl. Selandria morio, F. (?) (see postea). odium Podagaria. Tenthredo flavicornis, F. Bupleurum falcatum. ? Allantus flavipes, Fourc. Laserpitium latifolium, Lin. Tarpa spissicornis, Kl. Heracleum SphondyUum. Tenthredo mesomela, L. Allantus heraclei, Endow. At/fJtn'scus sylvestris. ? Cladius eradiatus, H. Pastinaca sativa. Athalia Graeslii, Dours. Sambucus nigra and racemosa. Macrophya albicincta, Sch. ? M. ribis, Schr. Viburnum Opulus. Allantus 3-cinctus, F. Lonicera Xylosteum, L. Caprifolium. Hoplocampa xylostei, Gir. (galls on twigs). Tenthredo livida, L. 36 LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. Lonicera Xylosteum, L. Caprifolium (continued). Allantus 3-cinctus. Cimbex lutea, L. Abia genea, Kl. A. fasciata, L. (also on Lonicera tatarica). Symphoricarpus racemosus. Allantus 3-cinctus. Tenthredo livida, L. Abia asnea, Kl. Valeriana officinalis. Tenthredo sp. Scabiosa succisa. Abia sericea, L. Tenthredo dispar, KL Petasites vulgaris. Tenthredo sp. Solidago Virgaurea. Tenthredo sp. Achillea millefolium. Allantus sp. Senecio nemorensis. Tenthredo sp. Cirsium lanceolatum. Emphytus tener, Fall. Vaccinium Vitis-idcea. Nematus vaccmiellus, C. Vaccinium Myrtillus. Nematus quercus, H. N"e- matus sp. (a green larva). Lysimachia vulgaris. Poecilosoma luteolum, Kl. Fraxinus excelsior. Allantus 3-cinctus, F. Pachyprotasis simulans, KL Tenthredo punctulata, KL Macrophya punctum album, L. Blennocanipa nigrita, F. B. sericans, H. B. melanopygia, Costa. Ligustrum vulgare. Macrophya punctum, L. Syringa vulgaris. Allantus 3-cinctus, F. Jasminum. Allantus 3-cinctus, F. 8. aquatica. Pachyprotasis rapae, L. Veronica Beccabunga, officinalis t Chamcedrys. Tenthredo mesomela, L. (?) Taxonus equiseti, Fall. Athalia annulata, F. Nepeta Glechoma. Taxonus sp. LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. 37 Stachys erecta. Nematus fuscus, Lep. Plantago major 9 media, fyc. Taxonus sp. Polygonum Bistorta, aviculare, fyc. Tenthredo sp. Taxonus glabratus, Fall. Rumex Acetosella, acutus. Tenthredo sp. Nematus rumicis, Fall. Taxonus equiseti, Fall. Euphorbia palustris. Tenthredo sp. Urtica dioica. Tenthredo sp. Ulmus campestris and montana. Cladius rufipes, Lep. Nematus melanocephalus, H. Fenusa ulmi, Sund. Populus nigra, dilatata, tremula. Cladius viminalis, Fall. Croesus septentrionalis, L. Nematus melanocephalus, H. N. albipennis, Eg. N. croceus, Fall. N. conjugatus, Dbm. N. Zetterstedti, Dbm. N. pavidus, L. N. com- pressicornis, F. N. coeruleocarpus, H. N. aurantiacus, Htg., Voll. N. umbripennis, Evers. N. pallicercus, Voll. (Validicornis, Foer.). N. sulphureus, Zad. N. curtispina, Th. Cryptocainpus inquilinus, C. populi (pentandrae), Htg. Phyllotoma ochropoda, Kl. Fenusa hortulana, Kl. Cimbex AmerinaB. L. Lyda sylvatica, L. Xiphydria dromedarius, F. Sirex fuscicornis, F. Salix caprea, fragilis, vitellina, fyc. Tenthredo punctulata, KL Emphytus succinctus, KL (?). Phyllotoma microcephala, KL Nematus pavidus, Lep. N. f ulvus, H. N. salicis, L. N. melanocephalus, H. N. coeruleocarpus, 38 LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. Salix, caprea, fragilis, vitellina, fyc. (continued). H. N. histrio, Lep. 1ST. fallax, Lep. N". Glenel- gensis, Cam. N. validicornis, Foer. N. cad- derensis, Cam. N. glottianus Cam. N. conjugatus, D&m. N. melanoleucus, ffi#. 1SJ. pallescens, IL N. miliaris, P^. N. palliatus, jT/i. N. lacteus, T/^. H". xanthogaster, Foer. N. sulphurous, -Z'. N. jugicola, TJioms. N. leu- costictus, IZ". (N. crassulus, Thorns.) 1ST. galli- cola, S^e. N. ischnocerus, Tli. N. herbacese, 0. N. viminalis, L. N. vesicator, Br. N. baccarum, Cam. N". bellus, Zad. N. fulvipes, 2^a/L N. fraxini, H. N. salicivorus. Cam. N. curtispina. Thorns. N. bergmanni, I)&m. Croesus septentrionalis, L. Cryptocampus angustus, H. C. pentandrse, L. G. saliceti, Fall. Cladius seneus, Zad. Cimbex vitellinse, L. C. femorata, L. 0. ame- rinaD, L. Zarsea fasciata, L. (?) Hylotoma enodis, L. 9 nee Kl. H. ustulata, -L. H. fuscipes, Fall. H. melanochroa, Gmel. H. atrata, ^ors. H. ciliaris, L. Lyda sylvatica, L. Xiphydria dromedarius, L. Betula alba. Emphytus succinctus, KL (?). E. cingullum, Kl. Dineura degeeri, Kl. D. rufa, Pz. Fenusa betula3, Z. F. pumila, Kl. Croesus septentrionalis, Z. C. latipes, Vill. Nematus betulae, H. N. betularius, H. N. dor- satus, Cam. N. acuminatus, Th. N. fraxini, E. N. poecilonotus, Zad. N. dispar, Zad. Cryptocampus quadrum, Costa. Cladius padi, L. Blennocampa betulas, Kl. Cimbex femorata, L. Trichiosoma lucorum, L. Hylotoma ustulata, L. H. pullata, Z. LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. 39 Betula alba (continued). Lyda betulse, L. Xiphydria annulata, Jar. X. camelus, L. Pinicola pusilla, Dal. Alnus. Tenthredo viridis, L. T. picta, Kl. Allantus arcuatus, Forster. Poecilosoma pulveratum, Retz. Eriocampa ovata, L. Phyllotoma melanopyga, Kl. Fenusa melanopoda, 0. Dineura alni, L. Camponiscus luridiventris, Fall. Croesus varus, Fill. C. septentrionalis, L. Nematus luteus, L. N. bilineatus, Kl. N. abdo- minalis, F. N. glutinosae, Cam. Cimbex connata, Schr. C. axillaris, L. Lyda depressa, Schr. Fagus sylvatica. Nematus fagi, Zad. Cimbex femorata, L. Corylus Avellana. Croesus septentrionalis, L. Nematus togatus, Zad. Quercus Robur, cerris. Empliytus cerris, KL E. serotinus, Kl. E. suc- cinctus, Kl. E. tibialis, Pz. Phylloecus cynos bati, L. Blennocampa pubescens, Zad. B. lineolata, Kl. B. melanocepliala, Fab. Eriocarnpa annulipes, Kl. Fenusa pygmsea, Kl. Juniperus communis* Nematus, sp. Monoctenus juniperi, Lin. M. obscuratus, H. Finns, Larix, Abies, $*c. Lophyrus variegatus, Htg. L. politus, Kl. L. elongatulus, Kl. L. rufus, Kl. L. socius, Kl. L. pallidus, Kl. L. virens, Kl. L. hercynisD, H. 40 LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. Pinus, Larix, Abies (continued). L. polytoma, H. L. similis, H. L. nemorum, Fab. L. pini, L. Monoctenus juniperi, L. (?) JSTematus Erichsoni, H. 1ST. insignis, Sax. N. carinatus, H. N. laricis, H. N. ambiguus, Fall. N. scutellatus, IT. N. Saxesenii, H. N. nigriceps, #. N. compressus, H. N. abie- tum, H. Lyda erythrocephala, I/. L. stellata, Christ. L. campestris, L. L. reticulata, L. L. hypo- trophica, Htg. Iris. Monophadnus iridis, Kali. Convallaria multiflora. Phymatocera aterrima, KL Festuca pratensis. Dolerus gonagra, F. Dolerus fissus, Htg. Nematus conductus, Buthe. Poa aquatica. Selandria sixii, Voll. Scirpus palustris. Selandria sixii, Voll. Iriticum vulgare. Cephus pygmaea, L. Juncus effusus, &c. Dolerus eglanterise, Kl. D. haematodes, Schr. Selandria sixii, Voll. Arundo Phragmites. Cephus arundinis, Girand. Gar ex acuta, fyc. Nematus capreas, Pz. Selandria sixii, Voll. Pteris aquilina. Tenthredo balteata, KL Strongylogaster cingulatus, Fab. Polystichum Filix-mas. Strongylogaster delicatulus, Fall. Str. cingulatus, F. S. femoralis, Cam. S. mixtus, Kl. S. Sharpi, Cam. S. maculatus, Kl. S. filices, Kl. Selandria analis, Thorns. LIST OF FOOD PLANTS. 41 Abstract. 1 &Q j S fc Cimbicides. i I Lophyrides. Pinicolina. ! 4 I ^ e 1 Ranunculaceae 3 3 2 8 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 48 1 4 5 9 1 2 5 3 7 5 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 35 61 14 30*(36) 2 1 4 2 5 6 1 C TUG if 61*38 2 6 1 Violaceae Tiliaceae fl 1 A-COraCeaG 1 1 BalsaminesB 1 Leruniinos8B 2 4 1 1 18 o Rosaceae ... 11 3 7 ... 2 3 GrossulariacesB 1 3 Umbel] iferse 4 1 5 1 3 1 Dipsacaceae 1 1 ConipositsB 4 1 3 Oleacese 4 3 ScrophulariaceaB 3 1 2 1 Labiat83 1 Primulaceae 1 Plantaginaceae 1 Polygonaceao . 9, 1 Enphorbiaceae 1 Urticaceae 1 Ulinacese 1 9 Betulaceas 2 1 7 4 9 19 46 3 11 3 3 1 2 6 ... 1 1 1 "i SalicacesB Cupuliferae Conifers 14* ... 5 Iridaceae 1 ] 1 Liliacese Juncaeeae 1 1 3 Cyperaceae 1 . I- Gramineae 1 fi 2 2 Filices * There are 20 European species, but the larvae of only 14 have been described. 42 HABITS OF LARV/E. Unlike the perfect insects the larvae exhibit great diversity in habits. Many live solitary, others again are gregarious. Not a few feed exposed in the sun- shine, while others eat only in the cool of the evening, or at night. The great majority feed exposed, but some are internal feeders. Thus, several species of Nematus and one of Hoplocampa inhabit galls raised by the parent; a Cryptocampus and Poecilosoma candi- tatum live boring in the pith of plants ; the Pliyllo- tomides are leaf miners, and Hoplocampa testudina and H. brevis live in fruits. Different species of Lyda roll down leaves, and keep them together with silken threads; Nematus leucostictus, &c., reside in leaves folded down by the imago ; Lyda inanita in a case formed of bits of leaves fastened together, and which it carries along with it. Their bodies are mostly cylindrical, but those which feed on the surface of the leaf are flat ; those which mine leaves have them very flat, the head triangular and the legs little developed. Some of them have a habit of rolling up the body in a spiral, the tail being in the centre and often upturned. They rest in this position on the leaves, while others, if they be alarmed, drop to the ground, and rest there motionless, rolled up in a ball, until all danger is gone. The head of the larva is roundish, seldom depressed in the middle. Sometimes it can be partly retracted into the over-arching folds of the second segment. There is a single ocellus on either side. Between them and the mandibles are short, often microscopic, antenna, which have three to seven joints, the last being the number with Lyda, which has them compara- tively long ; and, unlike their position with the other genera, they are placed pretty close to the eyes. The labrum is incised in the middle, the mandibles are short, thick, horny, and variously toothed. The maxilla are bilobed, the two lobes being in most cases closely united, and the inner one is provided with blunt teeth varying from ten to twenty and upwards in STKUCTUEE OF LARV.i:. 43 number (PL VI, fig. 3, 3). They are of a fleshy con- sistency, save with Lophyrus, with which they are harder and more horny. They are provided with jointed, thickish palpi, having from three to five joints (1. c., fig. 3, 1). The labium is thick and fleshy, and bears short three-jointed palpi, as well as a spinneret, which may be placed either close to the apex, or not far from the bottom. On the thorax are three pairs of jointed legs which terminate in curved horny claws. There are also, on the ventral segments, pro- or false legs, which are in fact mere muscular protuberances. Of these there are six to eight pairs. In the latter case there will be a leg for every segment of the body, save the fourth, which in no case bears appendages. They have never the clasps found in the pro -legs of Lepidoptera. In bearing ventral legs, and generally in their mode of life, Saw-fly larvae have a considerable resemblance to the caterpillars of Lepidoptera, for which they are often mistaken. They differ, however, from them in two important points in having only one ocellus on either side of the head, while lepidopterous larvae have several ; and in having a greater number of ventral legs, ten (or sixteen in all) being the greatest number with Lepidoptera, while, as stated above, Saw-fly larvae have from eighteen to twenty-two legs. They differ too in the position of the legs, the caterpillars never having a pair on the fifth segment, which always bears one with the TenthredinidcB, if the abdomen has legs at all. Lyda has no ventral legs, thereby agreeing with the Sir ic idee. With most genera, the abdomen carries on the las-t segment two cerci, which are espe- cially long with Lyda, while with other species they are differently coloured from the surrounding parts. Mostly bare, or at least with the skin wrinkled ; in other cases, the larvae are covered with tubercles, each of which ends in a soft or bristly hair, which becomes in Iloplocampa and Blennocampa converted into a large branching spine. 44 MEANS OF DEFENCE OF LARVJ1. It has been shown by recent researches that the coloration of caterpillars is protective, and that the coloration is of two kinds. On the one hand it has been shown that larvae which are readily eaten by insectivorous animals are always coloured to resemble their surroundings, and that they conceal themselves as much as possible; while on the other, it has been proved that larvae which are inedible through possess- ing bad secretions, &c., are brightly coloured, and are often more or less hairy. The same law of coloration applies to the larvae of the Tenthredinidce ; and the simi- larity in coloration between them and the caterpillars (especially with the edible larvae) is not unfrequently very close. This is more particularly the case with those which feed on narrow-leaved plants like pines and grasses. The larvae possess various means of escaping from their numerous enemies. A large number escape by the colour of their bodies harmonising with the sur- roundings ; thus they are not readily seen, especially as they are inactive and solitary in habits. Those with flat bodies feed on the underside of the leaves (Nematus luteus, Camponiscus, &c.), in which they eat holes, and many feed only at night. They are all green, save that the head may bear blackish, or brownish markings, and, as a rule, the tinge of green agrees with that of the leaf e. g. Nematus pallescens. Many of the larvae with cylindrical bodies are attached to narrow-leaved plants such as grasses, pines, &c. They also are green like the flat larvae, but they bear, either on the back or down the sides, white or, more rarely, pink stripes. The green larvae, which feed on broad-leaved plants (willows, &c.), eat along the edge of the leaf, eating in it semicircular indentations, the form of which they follow with the body, which is kept closely pressed to the edge. Those larvae are never hairy, but some of the green flat larvae bear over the legs, or over the whole body, soft pale hairs, the object of which seems to be to prevent the body throwing a MEANS OF DEFENCE OF LARV.1-. 45 shadow on the leaf, and thus leading to the detection of the larvae. Obviously larvae which live on trees cannot so readily escape by dropping to the ground as those attached to low plants. In fact they seldom or never drop down ; many of them too feed only at night, but the species of Nematus can defend themselves by whipping about the abdomen. This is a habit pos- sessed by all those which feed on the edge of the leaf, but it is more noticeable with gregarious species like Croesus septentrionalis. Grass and herbage-feeding species again feed on the underside of the leaf on broad- leaved plants, or along the edge of grasses, and they drop to the ground at once, remaining there motion- less rolled up in a ball until they think danger is over. Species of Taxonus and Tenthredo afford examples of this habit. The active means of defence consist in ejecting liquids from lateral pores, or from the mouth, or in giving off odours from glands (generally abdo- minal). The Cimbicina possess the first mentioned peculiarity. The liquid is of an acid nature, and it can be ejected to a considerable distance and in some quantity, although after three or four discharges the supply becomes exhausted for a time. Its principal use is no doubt against ichneumons, and this, in at least one case, is the purpose of the liquid ejected from the mouth. The larva of Perga Lewisii, for instance, can throw out to some distance a quantity of gummy matter, the use of which is clearly shown by an ichneumon having been found with its wings and legs gummed together by it. Larvae which give out secretions or fetid odours are gregarious, several feeding on the same leaf, often ranged in a row with the bodies stuck out in the air. They have nearly always bright colours ; the ground colour, as a rule, is some tinge of green, or even blue, and the first and last segments are yellow or orange, while the rest of the body is ornamented with yellow and black spots which often end in stiff hairs. The 46 COLORATION OF LARV-E. belly, too, may bear black marks, but only in such cases where there are glands, which the larva can exsert at will, and when it has the habit of throwing the abdomen over the head (as does Croesus) for the double purpose of exposing the glands, and whipping away ichneumons. That the larvae can drive away these insects by means of the abdomen, I have noticed more than once with Croesus septentrionalis. Many greenish-coloured larvae give out odours and secretions, but they differ in habits from those just described. They are small larvae with flat bodies ; they feed on the upper side of the leaf, eating only the cuticle, so that in this way it becomes white. Now, as these larvae are gregarious, and are not only covered with secretions, but can also give out bad smells, they are enabled to surround themselves with a fetid atmos- phere, which makes their presence as effectually known as if they had bodies of bright contrasting colours. A priori we might expect that species which are very closely related and similarly marked as imagines would also resemble each other in larvae. But no conclusion could be more astray from the actual state of the facts. There are, indeed, some genera and groups in particular genera in which the larvae and imagines are coloured and marked alike in the embryonic and developed states, such as, for instance, with Dineura (so far as we know), but others which closely resemble each other in the imago form are utterly dissimilar in the early one. A striking example of this is found in Croesus. The larvae of the three British species have the same forms and the same habits, but as regards coloration they are utterly distinct. This difference in coloration is, I think, readily explainable by the larvae of C. septentrionalis and C. latipes being more active and more offensive, as is shown by the bad odours they give out. C. varus, on the contrary, is not quite so active, and does not use the ventral glands so effec- tively, but to make up for this it is of the same green as the alder with only a few slight black lines along the SYNOPSIS OF LAKV.r.. 47 sides. Now, as is well known, the three images are very similar, and were considered varieties of one species before the larvae were known. Again, with the luteus group of Nematus four of the larvae are flat and green, while a fifth is cylindrical and reddish. We find the same diversity with the dermal covering. In Eriocampa we have slimy larvae, slimeless larvae, and one covered with a white flaky substance. Hoplocampa has spiny larvae, smooth colourless larvae living in fruits, and gall -living larvae. The same diversity exists in Blennocampa. Some very distinct larvae, indeed, produce images which can scarcely be distinguished from each other, e.g. Lophyrus pini and L. similis, Nematus cadderensis, N.fagi, and N.fulvus, and others. Contrariwise there are similarly-marked larvae which give issue to very different flies. It thus becomes clear that the forms and habits of larvae are entirely of an adaptive nature, and bear no relationship with the habits, forms, and affinities of the perfect insects. Each lives in a different sphere and has a different food, has to contend against dif- ferent enemies, and lives in entirely different sur- roundings from the other. The lives of the flies, too, are very uniform. Their chief business is to provide for the continuance of the species ; when that has been done they either die at once, or live a useless, lazy existence for a few days, basking in the sunshine. In his Clams, Dahlbom has given a classification of the Saw-fly larvae, which Westwood has reproduced with additions in his Intr.* and Ent. Ann.f for 1862. The following synopsis is carried out on the same lines, but in much greater detail. Synopsis of Larvce. I. Larva with twenty- two legs. A. Ejecting from lateral pores a greenish acid liquid, spinning a double cocoon. * ii, p. 97. f P. 129. 48 SYNOPSIS OF LAEV.E. 1. Greenish larvce, without markings, covered more or less (especially when young) with a whitish exuda- tion. TricMosoma, Clavellaria, Gimbex. 2. Not greenish, with orange and other markings. Abia, Zarcea. B. Not ejecting a liquid from lateral pores. Spin- ning a simple close cocoon, not ejecting a liquid from the mouth, often giving out a resinous exudation, often social, never rolling themselves up into a ball, and always attached to Coniferce or juniper. Lopliyrus, Monoctenus. 1. Greenish (rarely blackish or brownish) larvse without definitely arranged spots or markings, some- times with lines proceeding from the centre of the back to the sides in the direction of the tail ; generally lighter on the sides than on the back, resting with the body rolled up into a ball, often changing colour before pupating. a. Pupating in stems, never with lines down the back ; generally dark green on the back and dirty white on the sides. Empliytus, Taxonus, Poecilosoma luteolum. b. Pupating in the earth, with or without spinning a cocoon, sometimes with lines arranged down the back; often ejecting from the mouth a brownish liquid when alarmed. Tenthredo, Macropkya, Allantux. c. Larvae for the greater part white and covered with a whitish exudation. 1. Head reddish-yellow, feeding on oak. Emphytus serotinus. ii. Head not reddish, feeding on alder. The exudation in flakes, covering all the body spinning a cocoon becoming pale green at last moult. Eriocampa ovata. The exudation powdery, not spinning a cocoon, losing the exudation and becoming pale green before pupating. Poecilosoma pulveratum. 2. Greenish larvae without regularly arranged stripes or spots, not resting rolled up into a ball, usually SYNOPSIS OF LARVJ!. 49 spinning a cocoon mixed with grains of earth, usually stout, thick- set, sluggish, and generally feeding on the flat surface of the leaf. a. Feeding on ferns, i. Body bare. Head ochreous, spinning a cocoon. Selandria anal is. Head greenish with two blackish spots, not spinning a cocoon. Strong ylog aster cingulatus. ii. Body covered with short hairs, head green, without markings. Strong ylog aster delicatulus. I. Living in the rolled down leaves of the rose. ]>l nnocampa pusilla. c. Covered with a slimy secretion, eating only the upper epidermis. i. The secretion well developed and of a greenish or blackish colour, feeding on fruit trees, limes, birch, or hawthorn. Eriocampa adumbrata, E. annu- Upes. ii. The secretion not well developed, and of a yel- lowish colour, feeding on rose. Eriocampa canince (fethiops, West.). d. Feeding on herbaceous plants or grasses, eating along the edge of the leaf. Small and stumpy in shape. I lh' nnocampa albipes. Selandria sixii. e. Feeding in the stems of plants. Poecilosoma eandidatum, f. Feeding in the berries of gooseberries, in apples, and plums. Hoplocampa fulvicornvs, H. testudinea. 3. Greenish larvae covered with branched spines. , by the larvae wanting abdominal legs. The first section I would arrange in two series. On the one hand, Tenihredina and Nematina a homogeneous section, on the other Ciiiilx'- ciiidy Hylotomina, and Lophyrina, three sharply cut off groups, but having more connecting links between themselves than with either T>'nf//rr.Jntn or Nemati,/". This arrangement may be tabulated as follows : I. Larvae with ventral legs. Prothorax emarginate behind. Middle lobe of mesonotum much longer than broad, not separated from scutellum by a deep fovea. Basal nervure not received in first cubital cellule. A. Fore lobes of metanotum well developed, so that the cenchri are separated from the scutellum by a comparatively wide space. 1. Larvae with twenty-two legs. Fore wings with two radial cellules. Second and third cubital cellules receiving each a recurrent nervure. Lanceolate cellule rarely petiolate. Antennae usually 9-jointed, rarely 7 15. Tenihredina. 2. Larvae with twenty legs. Fore wings with one, rarely with two radial cellules. Second (or first when there are only three) receiving both recurrent nervures. Lanceolate cellule petiolate, rarely constricted. An- tennae 9-jointed. Nematina. B. Fore lobes of metathorax not well developed, cenchri almost touching scutellum. 1. Antennae clavate. Sides of abdomen acute. Larvae with twenty-two legs, ejecting an acid liquid from lateral pores. Cimbicina. 2. Antennae 3-jointed. Fore wings with one radial cellule, usually appendiculate. Tibiae spined. Larvae with eighteen to twenty legs. Hylotomina. 3. Antennae multiarticnlate, serrate in ? , flabellate in d" . Larvae with twenty- two legs. Lopliyrina* II. Larvae without ventral legs. Basal nervure received in the first cubital cellule. Middle lobe of mesonotum not much longer than broad, and separated from the scutellum by a deep fovea. Pronotum subtruncate at its hind margin. Tibiae spined. Antennae setaceous, multiarticulate. Abdomen depressed. Tere- bra not exserted. Lydina. Antennae 12-jointed, the third very much larger than any of the others. Terebra exserted. Pinicolina. * Blasticotoma, Kl. (not a British insect), will form another division of this section, distinguished by its exserted ovipositor, 4-jointed antennae, of which the third is the largest, and by the basal nerve being received in the first cubital cellule. VOL. I. 5 66 SYNOPSIS OF GENERA. Analytical table of the Genera. 1 (19) Wings with one radial cellule. 2 (7) Antennae with only three joints. 3 (4) Fore wings with an appendicular cellule, hinder tibiae with a spine. while some of the East-Indian forms are splendidly metallic, green, or blue. With most species the wings are hyaline, but these organs are sometimes yellowish, more rarely blackish or bluish. OBNU8 TKNTHREDO. 71 The males, as a rule, do not differ much in colora- tion from the females. With some species, however, it is considerably lighter (T. zonata) ; parts whicli are quite black in the female being yellowish or red in the male. Some males have the legs lined with black (T. fit, &c.), others have the abdomen black, while it is banded with red in the other sex. The geographical distribution of this genus is very wide. The species are very numerous in the Palae- arctic, Oriental, and Nearctic regions, occurring in all their subregions. They are absent from the Neo- tropical, Australian, and Ethiopian regions. The green species are temperate or northern forms, yellowish temperate or tropical, while the blue or green metallic species inhabits warm or tropical regions. There are some sixty European species, and sixty- seven (including, probably, some pertaining to Tenihre- dopsis) are recorded from the United States and Canada by Cresson in his " Catalogue of the Tenthredinida3 and Urocerida3 of North America." (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., viii, 1880.) Obs. It must be confessed that the differences between Tenthredo, as here defined, and the next genus, are not very great. The most certain distinctions consist in the deeply emarginated clypeus, the short, thick antennas, having the third joint always consider- ably longer than the fourth, the mesonotum usually punctured, and the hinder wings having always two distinct middle cellules. In Tenthredopsis, as here restricted, the species have the antennas long, thin, filiform, with the third joint about the same length as the fourth ; the cheeks are well developed, the eyes do not reach to the base of the mandibles ; clypeus truncated, or if incised, only to a very slight extent, while we have the difference, although not a constant one, in the posterior wing of the c?. "We have, furthermore, a uniformity in the body form and coloration. The entire body is smooth, -72 TENTHKEDO AND TENTHREDOPSIS. shining, the head and thorax bear white markings, while the blotch is invisible, a character which easily separates it from the other species placed in the genus by Thomson. Thomson defines the three genera thus : d, Gense distinctse; oculi nempe mandibularum basin hand attin- e. Alse superiores cellula lanceolata breviter constricta. Synaerema. ee. Alse superiores cellula lanceolata nervo transverso brevi perpendicular! instructse ; inferiores cellula humerali breviter appendiculati. Perineura. dd. Gense nullse; oculi nempe convergentes mandibularum basin attingentes. Also inferiores cellula humerali haud appendiculata. Mesonotum punctulatum. Tenthredo. Besides " instabilis," Thomson includes in Tenth/re* dopsis T. viridis, punctulata, scalaris, gibbosa, and late- ralis. I cannot accede to this arrangement. It seems to me that as thus constituted Tenthredopsis is a very artificial arrangement, and that the characters derived from the form of the cheeks and of the slightly appen- diculated posterior wings can scarcely be regarded as of primary importance ; indeed, the latter is a very inconstant character, occurring in very widely sepa- rated species. With T. scalaris, for example, the cellule is, with most of my specimens, scarcely appen- diculated, and in two or three specimens it is com- pletely interstitial. Similarly, the difference between " gense nullge" and gense distinctae" is merely com- parative, and intermediate forms exist. Undoubtedly the gibbosa section forms a connecting link between the "instabilis " group and Tenthredo proper, but with the slight exceptions mentioned above, the species agree very well with Tenthredo. The green species placed in TentJiredopsis by Thomson have so many affinities with olivacea, mesomela, &c., that I do not see how they can be placed apart without violating many affinities. Besides, as thus constituted by Thom- son, Tenthredopsis is a very heterogeneous genus, the two groups composing it instabilis on the one hand, SYNOPSIS OF SPECIES OF TENTHREDO. 73 and nY/V/x, &c., on the other differ in the form of the mouth, antennae, and in the posterior wings in the c?, while one section has the blotch, the other being without it. But, in point of fact, there does not appear to be any absolute distinction between the two groups, and they can only be retained apart as a matter of convenience. Analytical table of Species. 1 (2) Antennso entirely yellow. Flava. 2 (14) Antennae with the apical joints white. 3 (10) The fifth joint black, a double white mark over hinder coxae. 4 (5) Scutellum white. Solitaria. 5 (4) Scutellum black. 6 (7) Stigma distinctly white at the base. Livida. 7 (6) Stigma not white at the base. 8 (9) Apex of abdomen black ; tegulae black. Coryli. 9 (8) Apex of abdomen red; tegulse red. Colon. 10 (11) Third joint of antennas white, a single spot over hinder coxae. Velox. 1 1 (10) Fifth joint white, no white spot over coxae. 12 (13) Tegulae white, pleurae more or less rufous. Rufiventris. 13 (12) Tegulae and pleurae black. Balteata. 14 (31) Antennae entirely black. 15 (18) Abdomen banded with red. 16 (17) Inner orbits of the eyes white ; two spots over posterior coxae. Lachlaniana. 17 (16) Inner orbits of the eyes black ; one spot over hinder coxae. Moniliata. 18 (15) Abdomen entirely black, legs red. 19 (24) Clypeus white, hinder legs for the greater part red. 20 (23) One or two marks over hinder coxae ; pronotum white. 21 (22) A single spot over hinder coxse, legs red. Dispar. 22 (21) A double spot over hinder coxse, legs yellowish. Scotica. 23 (20) No white mark over coxae, pronotum black. Atra. 24 (19) Clypeus black, posterior legs entirely black. Mandibularis. 25 (28) Abdomen and legs yellowish. 26 (27) Scutellum, tegulse, and hinder tarsi for the greater part yellow. Maculata. 27 (26) Scutellum, tegulse, and hinder tarsi for the greater part black. Bicincta. 28 (25) Abdomen and legs green. 29 (30) Pleurae and breast green. Mesomela. 30 (29) Pleurae and breast black. Obsoleta. 31 (38) Antennae green beneath, body and legs green. 32 (33) Cheeks indistinct, accessory nervure in posterior wings inter- stitial ; hinder tarsi with the black continuous. Olivacea. 33 (32) Cheeks distinct, accessory nervure appendiculated, tarsi annu- lated with black. 31 (37) Pleurae without a black stripe, tarsi annulated with black. 74 TENTHREDO FLAVA. 35 (36) Vertex slightly, sutures of mesonotum, and a row of small black dots along the upper sides of abdomen black. Punctulata. 36 (35) Vertex, mesonotum, and back of abdomen broadly black. Viridis* 37 (34) Mesopleura with a black splash, transverse radial nervure interstitial, posterior tarsi entirely black. Picta. 38 (31) Antennae testaceous beneath, abdomen with a reddish band. 39 (40) Sides of abdomen yellow ; third cubital cellule short ; legs entirely red. $ with the pleurse white. Lateralis. 40 (39) Sides of abdomen not yellow ; legs lined with black ; third cubital cellule long. $ with the pleurse black. Gibbosa. SECTION 1. Mesonotum punctured. Humeral cellule in hind wing not appendiculated. Cheeks indistinct. Antennae entirely and legs and body for the greater part yellow. Scutellum sharply peaked ; pleurse finely tuberculate. A white spot over posterior coxse (Species 1). 1. TENTHREDO FLAVA. Tenthredo flava, Scop., Ent. Car., 731; Andre, Species, i, 444, pi. xxi,fig.2; Cat., 58,* 42. poecilocJiroa, Schr., En., 324, 654 ; Vill., Lin. Ent., 50. Havicornis, Fab., E. S., ii, 113, 31 ; S. P., 31, 9 ; Fall, Acta, 1808, 61, 22 ; Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 189, 132; Pz., F. G., Hi, fig. 2; Rossi, F. E., 711 ; Vill., Lin. Ent., 73; Lep., Mon., 75, 224; Htg., Blattw., 311, 48 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 54, 31 ; Thorns., Opus., 303; Hym. Scand., i, 271. luteicornis, Fab., E. S., ii, 113, 32; S. P., 31, 10; Pz., F. G., Ixiv, fig. 1 (var.) ; Evers., BulL Mosc., xx, 54, 32. Allantus flavicornis, Ste., 111., vii, 64, 21. Pale yellow ; clypeus, labruni, mandibles, and a spot over the poste- rior coxse, white ; head, pleura3, sternum, legs at the base and the four apical segments of the abdomen, black. The $ similarly coloured, but with a black line over the posterior femora. Wings yellowish, infuscated at the apex. Length 6 7 lines. Ab. a. Thorax black above. b. Posterior only, or the whole of the femora black (luteicornis). According to Kaltenbach (Pfl., 269), the larva feeds TENTHREDO LIVIDA. 75 in shady places during July and the beginning of August on Aegopodium Podagraria. It is bare, lemon- yellow to cinnamon-brown in colour, with numerous oblique lateral stripes proceeding down the sides from a central darker stripe on the back, there being one stripe on each segment ; while before the last moult each segment bears two oblique rows of minute white tubercles. On the vertex is a dark brown longitu- dinal mark ; an arched line goes also from the eyes in front, ending on the top in a trident, and behind each eye is an elliptical brownish ring. A variable species in so far as the relative propor- tion of the yellow and black colour is concerned. The only British specimens that I have seen recorded are those mentioned by Stephen's in his { Illustrations. 5 They are stated to have been taken near Plymouth. The species on the Continent is tolerably common, and occurs in Scandinavia, Germany, Hungary,. France, Switzerland, Italy, and Russia. Antennae long, compressed, a very little thickened at the apex the apex of 6th, the 7th and 8th white two white marks over posterior coxce. Pronotum black. Abdomen black or red at apex or middle. Mesonotum and pleura opaque, punctured (Species 25). 2. TENTHEEDO LIVIDA. Tenthredo livida, Lin., F. ST., 1557 ; S. N. ii, 925, 33 ; Fab., E. S., ii, 116, 46; Fab., S. P., 33, 21; Panz., F.G.,52,fig.6; Schr.,En.,326,657; Klug Berl. Mag., viii, 183, 122 ; Lep., Mon., 83, 243; Htg., Blattw., 312, 55 ; firm., Bull. Mosc., xx, 55, 37 ; Kalt., Pfl., 304 (lav.) ; Thorns., Hym. Scand., i, 275,10; Cam., Fauna, 11, 1; Andre, Species, i, 448; Cat., 56,* 25. carpini, Panz., F. G., 71, fig. 19. albicornis, Fourc., E. P., 22 ; Geof ., H. J., ii, 282, 22. maura, Fab., E. S., ii, 116, 44; S. P., 19 ; Lep., F. Fr., pi. 3, fig. 7 ; Mon., 79, 235 ; Fall., Acta Holm., 1808, 55, 11. 76 TJGNTHREDO L1V1DA. Tenthredo annularis, Sclir., En., 325, 655 ; Vill., Lin. Ent., 51. V Upundata, Kl., Berl. Mag., viii, 124; Htg., Blattw., 312 53 Allantus lividus, Ste., 111., vii, 66, 28. ' aterrimus, Ste., 1. c., 66, 27. Upunctatus, Ste, 1. c., 67, 31. Black ; apex of sixth joint of antennae, the seventh, eighth, and base of ninth, clypeus, labrum, mandibles, two spots over posterior coxa3, white ; apex of mandibles piceous ; palpi white, pilose ; mesonotum opaque, punctured. Legs : coxae, trochanters, and femora more or less, apex of tibiae and posterior tarsi more or less black; part of femora, tibiae almost wholly, and apex of tarsi, livid red ; anterior knees, tibia?, and tarsi livid white in front. Pleurae finely punctured. Abdomen black, the middle and apex frequently red. Wings hyaline, costa and stigma fuscous, the latter livid white at the base (having a greenish tinge when fresh) ; tegulae black. Sheath of saw largely projecting, reddish in the middle. The $ has the abdomen entirely reddish-testaceous beneath, and for the greater part above ; the anterior legs are livid white in front, the rest red, more or less lined with black above. Length 5 6 lines. From the succeeding species livida is distinguished by the colour of the stigma, longer antennae, more pubescent mesonotum and pleurae, and more pilose head ; the legs are more marked with black, and of a livid, not clear red ; the red on the abdomen is paler, less distinctly and more irregularly spread over the .segments. In coloration it varies exceedingly ; the white on the antennae is irregularly distributed over the apical joints; the legs and abdomen are very often quite black (this ab. being I believe the bipunctata of Klug), fuscous black, or pitchy. Generally the apex (the three apical segments) is red ; but sometimes it is black, pitchy, or testaceous. The legs have usually the coxae, trochanters, the whole of posterior femora, the two anterior femora at the base, the apex of posterior tibiae .and tarsi black, but occasionally they show red, and in rarer cases are quite black. The wings have some- times a fuscous tinge. The larva, according to Kaltenbach, feeds during September and October on Lonicera racemosa and xylosteum. It is one inch long, bare, pale yellow, TEXTHREDO C011YIJ. 77 mottled with black, and with an orange-coloured head. Tt pupates in the earth. The flies are very common in June and early in July, appearing often on the flowers of the rasp. It is found everywhere in abundance in Scotland, but does not seem to be equally common in England, although generally distributed there. On the Continent it occurs in Scandinavia, Ger- many, Hungary, Holland, France, Italy and Russia to- the Ural Mountains. 3. TENTHREDO CORYLI. Tenthredo coryli, Panz., F. G., Ixxi, fig. 8 ; Fab., S. P., 34, 22 ; Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 182, 120; Lep., Mon., 78,230; Htg.. Blattw., 313, 57; Von Siebold, S. E. Z., 1845,325; Andre, Species, i, 446 ; Cat. 57,* 30. ? biguttata, Htg., Blattw., 313, 58. Black ; four apical segments of the antennae more or less, two large spots above posterior coxa3, clypeus, labmm, base of mandibles and palpi, clear white; the three middle segments of abdomen testaceous- red. Legs pale red, coxa3, trochanters, posterior femora, the anterior more or leas, at the base and the joints of posterior tarsi annulated with black ; anterior femora at the apex, tibiae and tarsi livid white. Mesonotum and pleura? punctured, opaque. Wings hyaline, costa and stigma pale fuscous. The Klug, but he gives the same size to viridis as scalaris, while the latter is a couple of lines larger. In the Linnean Collection viridis is represented by two specimens^ a ? picta and a $ scalaris. TENTHREDO PICTA. 99 22. TENTHREDO PIOTA. PI. VIII, fig. 7, j . Tenthredo picta, Klug,Berl. Mag., viii, 195, 140; Htg., Blattw., 309, 39 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 51, 24. Perineura picta, Andre, Species, i, 435 ; Cat., 52,* 4. Allantus pictus, Ste., 111., vii, 39, 70, Tenthredo viridis, Cam., Fauna, 14, 17. seesana, Rudow, S. E. Z., 1871, 388. Pale green ; antennas a little sliorter than the abdomen, black, pale green beneath, except with the second joint which is entirely black. Head black, face from above the antennas, inner orbits of the eyes to near the ocelli, where it (the green mark) terminates in a club-shaped mark on each side ; two spots above the antennae, connected with the face, and the outer orbits of the eyes to near the top, light green ; covered with a longish, whitish pile except on the vertex ; mandibles brownish - red ; palpi pale green. Mesonotum black ; two pairs of spots, one behind the other, green. Pronotum, pleura and sternum (except a brown-black mark on its centre) light green. Scutellum, post-scutellum and cenchri of the same colour. Legs green, a black line over the femora, tibiae and tarsi, and the apex of the tibia all round, black. Sometimes the tarsi are entirely black. Wings hyaline, iridescent, stigma green, generally fuscous at the apex ; transverse radial nervure interstitial, or received in the fourth cubital cellule. Abdomen black above except at the edges , apex, and junction of the segments, which as well as the belly, are green. The ventral segments are irregularly spotted with black. ? and . Length 3| 3 lines. The larva according to Andre is greenish-yellow, with black legs (claws?), and the skin covered with brown, hair bearing tubercles. It feeds on the alder, on the leaves of which the ? lays her eggs on the nervures. Easily known by its small size (for the group), black head, and broad black band on breast. Not very common, appearing in marshy places in June. I have seen specimens from Sutherlandshire, Brae- mar, Glasgow, Worcester, Glanvilles' Wootton, and the London districts. Stephens gives Darenth Wood and Dover as localities. It is found in Sweden, Germany and Eussia. Ols.It may be noted that the green colour in the costa and stigma is very fleeting, and hence the stigma is frequently quite white, white 100 TENTHEEDO LATEEAL1S. often the dissolved green colour spreads over the neighbouring parts of the wing. Antennae short, pale on the underside, stigma pale at the base, clypeus truncated at the apex. Abdomen banded with red. Legs reddish. Hinder tarsi shorter than tibiae ; cubital and recurrent nervures in hind wings straight. Body small. (Species 23 and 24.) 23. TENTHEEDO LATEEALIS. Tenthredo lateralis, Fab., S.E., ii, 118, 71 ; S. P., 35, 29; Pz., F. G., Ixxxviii, fig. 16 ; Lep., Mon., 79, 233 ; Fall., Acta, 1808, 100, 31 ; Kl., Berl. Mag., viii, 212, 167; Htg., Blattw., 304,17 ; Evers,, Bull. Mosc., xx, 46, 10 ; Cam., Fauna, 14, 19. Allantus Ste., 111., vii, 71, 41. Perineum Thorns., Opus., 302, 6 ; Hym. Scand., i, 268, 7; Andre, Species, i, 417, Cat., 53,* 17. Body short, black, shining, inner orbits of the eyes, tegulae, pronotum and abdomen at the sides, yellowish-white ; the third, fifth, and part of sixth abdominal segments above, and legs reddish. Antennae as long as the abdomen, above black, underneath pale testaceous. Head pilose in front. Trochanters yellowish-white; extreme apex of posterior tibiae and tarsi black ; anterior tarsi fuscous. Wings hyaline, costa testaceous ; stigma fuscous; the third cubital cellule not much longer than the second. The $ has the face from below the antennae, the belly, and thorax beneath, yellow, with a black mark on the pleurae, and the legs are lined above with black. Sometimes, too, the orbits of the eyes are pale behind. The third cubital cellule seems to be shorter than in the ? . I have one specimen from Braemar with the costa and stigma yellowish -white, and the dorsum of abdomen of the same colour, with a pale brown mark on each segment. The line on the legs too is very narrow. Length 3| lines. A common species in May and early in June, gene- rally among herbage. I have often seen it on Veronica. I have examined specimens from Clydesdale, Man- chester, Gloucester, Worcester, Glanvilles' Wootton, Devonshire, London district, and Norwich. Stephens records it from Bristol. It abounds in Scandinavia, Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, and Russia. TENTHBEDO GIBBOSA. 101 24. TENTHREDO GIBBOSA. PL VIII, fig. 8, ? . Tenthredo gibbosa, Fall., Acta, 1808, 64, 26. aucuparia, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 202, 168; Htg., Blattw.,304,16. juvenilis, Lep., F. Fr., pi. 6, fig. 5 ; Mon., 99, 279. gibbosa, Cam., Fauna, 14, 18. Allantus aucuparite, Ste., 111., vii, 71, 42. Perineum gibbosa, Thorns., Opus., 302, 5. solitaria, Thorns., Hym. Scand., i, 268, 8; Andre, Species, i, 418 ; Cat., 53,* 18. Black, shining; pronotum and tegula3 yellowish-white, the three or four middle segments of the abdomen and legs reddish, coxae, tro- chanters, apex of posterior femora, tibiae and tarsi black. Antennae testaceous on the underside ; labrum and palpi white. Wings hyaline, costa and stigma fuscous, pale at the base; the tr. radial neryure is received near the middle of the cellule, or a very little beyond it ; the third cubital cellule is longer than the second. The 6 has the femora lined above with black. Length 3| lines. Distinguished from lateralis by the absence of the white lateral band on the abdomen, by the legs being black at the base, the eyes not surrounded with white ; the third cubital cellule distinctly longer than the second, and by the tr. radial nervure being received near the middle of the cellule. With the v///// fhapsus and Pedicularis in the autumn. It pupates in the earth. An extremely abundant species, found everywhere in June and the early part of July. Its Continent distribution extends from Lapland to the Mediterranean, and eastward to the Ural Moun- tains and India (cf. Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1877, 88). Apparently, too, P. omega, Norton, a widely distributed form in North America, is the same species. 2. PACHYPHOTASIS SIMULANS. Tenthrcdo simnlans, King, Berl. Mag., viii, 128, 97; Htg., Blattw., 296, 20 ; Ste., 111., vii, 73, 2 (nee type). Pacliyprotasis la-vicollis, Thorns., Hyru. Scand., i, 249, 2. simulans, Andre, Species, i, 340; Cat., 43,* 6. Black, smooth, shining ; the face from the antennal fovea, inner and outer orbits of the eyes to a little above the insertion of the antenna?, tegulee, suture of middle lobe of mesonotum, a small square spot in front of seutellum, scutcllum, two spots behind it, breast, a broad band along the middle of mesopleura, hinder edge of metapleura going down from the wings, sides of abdomen, belly, a broad band at the junction of the segments on the back (the anterior spreading out so as to divide the black portion in the middle, so that the middle of the abdomen is yellow with longish black marks along the sides), yellowish-white. Legs yellowish-white, a mark on upper and lower side of coxse, a broad line over the trochanters and femora, and four anterior tibia? and tarsi, the greater part of the posterior tibia? and tarsi, black. Hinder tibia? variegated with white in the middle ; base of metatarsus and spurs white. Antenna? longer than the body, yellowish-white on underside. Wings hyaline, nervures, costa, and stigma black. $ . Length 4 lines. Differs from rapce in the smooth, impunctate, almost glabrous front and mesonotum, and by the greater extension of the white on the abdomen. The -cinctus. 8 (5) Fore wings without a distinct blotch in fore wings, tegulae black, scutellum marked with yellow ; the fourth and fifth segments black beneath; parapsides distinct, head scarcely dilated behind the eyes. Marginellus. 9 (4) Pleurae marked with yellow marks. 10 (11) Wings yellowish ; only the hind femora marked with black ; hind tibiae and tarsi luteous. Flavipes. 11 (10) Wings hyaline. 12 (13) Abdomen with two complete yellow bands; hind tarsi and apex of tibiae reddish. Tegulse black. 2 (3) Legs black ; the anterior knees and base of tibia) dirty white. Palmatus. 3 (2) Legs for the greater part red. Vestigialis, 160 GENUS DOLERUS. 4 (1) Eyes oval, the inner orbits not margined. Abdomen without membranous spots. Parapsides dilated behind. 5 (14) Abdomen red from the second segment ; in DOLERUS VAEISPINUS. 179 more pilose pleuraD, body longer compared to the breadth, mesonotum less punctured, base of abdomen impunctate, metatarsus shorter, that of oblongus being longer than the two succeeding joints, besides not being so distinctly dilated at the apex. From inter- medius it is readily known by the more glabrous, less punctured mesonotum, shorter and thicker spurs and metatarsus. From varispinus the closer puncturation on the head and mesonotum, thicker tarsal joints, broader head and black spurs separate it. Rare. Fossil Marsh, near Glasgow. 24. DOLERUS VARISPINUS. PI. XX, fig. 3, Saw. Dolerus varispinus, Htg., Blattw., 239, 30; Thorns., Hymen. Scand., i. 292, 27; Andre, Species, i, 278, 61 ; Cat., 35,* 45. brevitarsis, Htg., 1. c., 243, 38 (. is the common form in Scotland. Continental distribution : Sweden, Germany, Tyrol, France, Russia. 5. SELANDEIA ANALIS. Selandria analis, Thorns., Hym. Sc., i, 239, 6 ; Andre, Species, i, 295 ; Cat., 36,* 6. cereipes, Voll., Tidj. Ent., viii (2), 1315, pi. 3, fig. 6 (lar., &c.). Black, shining ; head and thorax covered with a fuscous pubescence ; labrum, palpi, tegulae, a thin line at base of pvonotum, legs (save the base of coxae) and the anal segment above, white. Wings scarcely hyaline ; accessory nervure in hind wings interstitial. Costa and stigma black, the former testaceous at base. Pentagonal area distinct ; eyes large, oval, not reaching to base of mandibles ; cheeks margined ; head not projecting behind the eyes. ? . Length 2 lines. The antenna are longer and thinner than in either 198 SELANDEIA TEMPOEALIS. of the two succeeding species, the legs not so stout, calcaria shorter and the hinder tarsi longer compared to the tibise ; while the head does not project behind the eyes, but is rather narrowed. The legs, too, want the yellowish tinge so noticeable in Stramineipes. The larva is stated by van Vollenhoven to feed on Polystichum felix-mas during August, resting with the body stretched out on the upper side of the leaflets. It is 22"' long, head smaller than second segment, brown, with black eye spots ; the upper part of the body to near the spiracles is leaf-green like the colour of the leaf ; below that it is paler ; the spiracles brownish. Legs glassy white with brown claws. A cocoon is spun in the earth of the usual form. Rare, seemingly, in this country Glanville's Wootton. Continental distribution : Sweden, Holland. 6. SELANDEIA TEMPOEALIS. Selandria temporalis, Thorns., Op., 292, 6 ; Hym. Sc., i, 240, 9 ; Andre, Species, i, 296; Cat., 37,* 7. Black, smooth, shining, covered 'on head and thorax with a fuscous pubescence ; labrum, tegulee, legs (save coxae which are black, and apex of tarsi which is fuscous), yellowish-white. Wings subhyaline ; costa and stigma black, the former testaceous at the base. Pentagonal area indistinct. Temples not margined. $ Length 2 lines. A smaller species than Stramineipes, with the antennap shorter, the palpi and apex of tarsi fuscous, and easily known otherwise by the form of the temples and the indistinct pentagonal area. A rare species. Taken by myself near Dumfries in June. Continental distribution : Sweden. SELANDRIA APERTA. 199 7. SELANDRIA MORIO. PI. XIII, fig. 3, ? . Tenthredo mono, Fab., S. E., ii, 119, 55 ; S. P., 36, 31 ; Pz., F. G., Ixix, fig. 17 ; Fall., Acta Holm., 1807, 208, 19; Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 60; Htg., Blattw., 282, 57. Selandria morio, Stc., [111., vii, 50, 23 ; Thorns., Op., 291, 4 ; Hym. Sc., i, 239, 7 ; Tasch., Ent. f. Gart., 155; Kalt., Pfl., 261; Cam., E. M. M., xvii, 198 ; Fauna, 24, 5 ; Andre, Species, i, 296 ; Cat., 37* 9. Black, shining, slightly pilose on the head and thorax. Antennae covered with a microscopic pile. Legs yellow, black at the base, posterior tarsi fuscous. Wings smoky ; costa and tegula) black. The first transverse cubital nervure very faint ; accessory nervure in hind wings received in front of the transverse median. The pentagonal area indistinct. ? and <$. Length 2 lines. . Common and generally distributed. Continental distribution : Sweden, Germany, Hol- land, France. Obs. I have always taken this species on birch and generally where no Ribes was near. Nevertheless it has been stated by Bechstein to feed on Ribes rubrnm, the larva being further stated to be twenty- footed, to have a green body covered with black tubercles and a black head, and they are said to feed in companies in May and at the com- mencement of June, appearing in the perfect state at the end of July (cf. Kalt., I.e.). Kaltenbach, who quotes these observations, says that he himself always captures the insect on low-growing willows. 8. SELANDRIA APERTA. PL XIII, fig. 9 ? . Selandria aperta, Htg., Blattw., 282, 58 ; Thorns., Op., 291, 5 ; Hym. Sc., i, 240, 8; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 33, 20 ; Cam., E. M. M., xiii, 198; Andre, Species, i, 297; Cat., 37,* 10. Black, shining, covered with a fuscous-black pubescence. Knees and tibia? white ; the apical half of posterior tibia? black ; the four antmor tibiae at the apex and tarsi fuscous. Wings slightly infuscated ; the third cubital cellule is short, much wider at apex than base; the accessory nervure in hind wing is received in front of the transverse median. Length nearly 3| lines. 200 GENUS TAXONUS. Seemingly not a common species. The only speci- mens I have seen were taken by Mr. R. McLachlan in the London district, and by Mr. Fletcher at Worcester. It has a wide distribution over the Continent, being found in Sweden, Germany, Holland, France and Russia. The imago appears, according to Hartig, on Sorbus aucuparia. Genus TAXONUS. Taxonus, Htg., Blattw., 297. Ermelia, Costa, Fauna di Napoli, 1860. Wings with two radial and four sucubital cellules, the two former equal in length, or the second longer than the first ; the third cubital usually shorter than second, and dilated at apex. Transverse radial nervure received near the third transverse cubital or united with it. The second and third cubital receive each a recurrent nervure ; the second is parallel with the basal. Lanceolate cellule with an oblique cross nervure. Transverse median nervure usually received not far from the middle of the median cellule. Posterior wings with the trans- verse cubital and recurrent nervures absent, but present in one species (agrorum) in the $ , while in the they (with the transverse median) form a border round the edge of the wing. The accessory nervure is scarcely appendiculate with some species and not at all with others. Antennae short ; the third joint a little longer than fourth. Abdomen depressed. Head subcubital, margined on top. Clypeus excised. Legs longish ; tarsi as long as tibiae ; claws armed with a minute tooth ; patellae small. Generally the body is smooth and shining, rarely punctured on vertex and scutellum. The body is either entirely black or black with the abdomen banded with red; the legs are usually red, but are black with one species. The genus perhaps has the greatest resemblance to Emphytus, which it is not unlike in the form of the head, antennse and abdomen, but differs in having four cubital cellules. T. agrorum has the neuration of the first section of Strong ylog aster, but the form of the head and abdomen is different, the cross nervure in lanceolate cellule is much more oblique, and the acces- sory nervure in hind wing is not appendiculated. TAXONUS AGRORUM. 201 The species are generally distributed over the Euro- pean continent, but are rare outside of it, although one species is found in Brazil. They appear in the spring and early summer, and with the second brood in Autumn. As for the larvse they are cylindrical, usually green, paler at the sides. They feed on herba- ceous plants (PolygOmim, Eumex) and pass the pupa state in stems. Nine European species are known, six from North America and one from Brazil. Synopsis of Species. 1 (2) Posterior wing with two middle cellules ; in the < the cubital and transverse nervures are at the edge of the wing ; third cubital cellule as long as the second ; clypeus broadly excised, with the edge sharp ; labrum large, narrowed at the point. Poste- rior tibiae slightly curved ; scutellum and pleurae coarsely punc- tured. Agrorum. 2 (1 ) Posterior wings with no middle cellules in both sexes ; third cubital cellule shorter than the second, dilated at the apex ; clypeus roundly margined, the edge not sharply pointed ; labrum small ; posterior tibiae straight ; scutellum and pleurae smooth. 3 (8) Legs reddish. 4 (5) Abdomen with a red band ; tegulae white. Equiseti. 5 (4) Abdomen without a red band. 6 (7) Tegulae and pronotum black, body with a bronzy tinge. Glajbraius. 7 (6) Tegulae and edge of pronotum] white ; body without a bronzy tinge. Fletcheri. 8 (3) Legs black. Glottianus. 1. TAXONQS AGRORUM. Plate XI, fig. 6, $ , Gfl, Posterior wing. Tenthredo agrorum, Fall., Acta, 1808, 59, 18. nitida, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 218, 179 ; Htg., Blattw ; 298, 1. anomala, Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 43, 1. Allantus nitida, Ste., 111., vii, 71, 44. Taxonus Tasch., Hym. Deut., 17. agrorum, Thorns., Opus., 290, 1 ; Hym., Sc., i, 234, 1 ; Cam., Fauna, 19, 1 ; Andre, Species, i, 336; Cat., 42,* 3. Black, smooth, shining, covered with a close grey pubescence ; scutel- liuu and pleura; coarsely punctured; breast smooth, shining; three middle segments of the abdomen and legs reddish ; anterior coxae, base of femora, four anterior tibiai and tarsi behind, the apical knees, apex 202 TAXONUS EQUISETI. of tibiae and tarsi (except the extreme base of tlie joints) black ; four anterior tibiae and tarsi pale in front, posterior trochanters white. Wings hyaline, stigma and nervures black ; tegulse black. Length 4| lines. This species differs from all the other forms in the hind wings having two middle cellules, while in the c? the nervures are at the edge of the wings. They also diverge from them in the punctured scutellum and pleurae, the lower part of the pronotum, too, being ridged and projecting. It is also the largest species in the genus. The c? has the abdomen bluntly ridged, and the red band is smaller (as a rule) and more irregular at the edges. In both sexes the black on the legs varies in extent. Agrorum does not appear to be a common species. Stephens (if his specimens were correctly identified) records it from Birch Wood and Devonshire. I have myself taken it on the Carron, not far from the Dornoch Frith. It appears to be not uncommon on the Continent, being found in Sweden, Germany, Holland, France and Russia. 2. TAXONUS EQUISETC. Plate XI, fig. 7, Scotch variety of $ . Tenthredo equiseti, Fall., Acta, 1808, 60, 20. bicolor, King, Berl. Mag., 219, 181 ; Htg., Blattw. 298, 3 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 43, 2. coxalis (Klug), Htg., Blattw., 298, 4 ; Evers., 1. c., 44,3. sticticus, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 218, 180; Htg., Blattw., 298, 2. bizonata, Zett., Ins. Lapp., 344, 24. Allantus Ucolor, Ste., 111., vii, 71, 43. Taxonus bicolor, Tasch., Hym. Deut., 17. pratorum, Thorns., Opus., 290, 2. equiseti, Thorns., Hym. Sc., i, 234, 2 ; Cam., E. M. M., xi, 129, var., E. M. M., xiii, 196 (lar.), Fauna, 19, 2 ; Andre, Species i, 337, pi. xx, fig. 3 (im.) ; Cat., 42,* 6. sticticus, Andre, 1. c., 337 ; Cat., 42,* 5. TAXONUS EQUISETI. 203 Black, sliiuing, covered with a fuscous pubescence; labrum, tegulae and palpi white. Legs and two or three of the abdominal segments red ; coxa), trochanters, extreme base of femora, black ; apex of anterior tarsi and the whole of the posterior black. Wings hyaline, costa and stigma black. ? and Costa). Luteolum. 2 (1) Abdomen black. 3 (8) Legs for the greater part white or luteous, the abdominal seg- ments broadly bordered with white. 4 (5) Hind wings with the recurrent nervure absent. Antennas not much longer than double the length of the head, third joint not much longer than fourth. Face and orbits of eyes white. Clypeus broadly, but not deeply emarginated, Claws with a minute subapical tooth. Candidatum. 5 (4) Hind wings with the recurrent nervure present. Antennae dis- tinctly longer than head and thorax. 6 (7) Legs entirely luteous, first transverse cubital nervure present. Antennae short, the third joint much longer than fourth ; third cubital cellule long and narrow. Pulveratum. 7 (6) Femora lined with black, first transverse cubital nervure absent. Antennas longish, attenuated at the apex ; third (second) cubital cellule short and broad. Fletcheri. 8 (3) Abdomen and legs black ; pronotum with a white line ; abdomen often bearing white lateral spots. Recurrent nervure in hind wings present ; first cubital nervure often absent (=guttatum, Fall, and impressum, Kl.). 9 (16) Pronotum lined with white. 10 (11) Hinder calcaria a third of the length of metatarsus, antenna; thickish, wings infuscated, claws bifid. Guttatum. 11 (10) Hinder calcaria not a third of the length of metatarsus ; antenna? attenuated at the apex ; wings subhyaline. 12 (15) Posterior tibiae and tarsi not broadly white at base ; costa and stigma black, clypeus truncated at apex. 208 POSOILOSOMA LUTEOLUM. 13 (14) Claws almost bifid, antennae longish, in $ longer than the body. Longicorne. 14 (13) Claws with a subapical tooth. Antennae short ; in $ not much longer than abdomen. Submuticum. 15 (12) Tibiae and tarsi broadly white, costa and stigma dull testaceous ; clypeus deeply incised. Excisum. 16 (9) Pronotum entirely black, antennae short, thick. Nigricolle. 1. PCECILOSOMA LUTEOLUM. PL IV, fig. 12, Larva, Tenthredo luteola, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 9; Htg., Blattw., 28], 52 (Eriocampa). Menostegia luteola, Costa, F. N., 1861. Selandria luteola, Kalt., Pfl., 423, 426. Pcecilosoma luteola, Thorns., Op., 288, 2; Hym. Sc., i, 228. Eriocampa luteola, Andre, Species, i, 319 ; Cat., 10,* 2. Antennae shorter than the head and thorax, thickish, a little dilated at the apex ; first joint a fourth longer and thicker than the second ; third a quarter longer than the fourth ; remaining joints becoming gradually shorter ; black, pale luteous beneath, and covered with a short pile. Head black, half shining, densely covered with a short pile ; frontal sutures invisible ; apex of clypeus and labrum luteous. Thorax black, pilose; breast and pleurae very smooth and shining, slightly pilose. Tegulae and pronotum luteous ; cenchri large, pale white. Sutures of mesonotum moderately deep. Abdomen luteous, a very little narrower than the thorax, of nearly uniform breadth, blunt at the apex; blotch large, pale white; sheath black, projecting. Legs luteous, the apices of the tarsi fuscous. Wings longish, with a smoky tinge, yellowish at the base, more hyaline at the apex ; costa luteous at the base, the apex with the stigma fuscous ; nervures yellowish at the base, blackish at the apex ; the first radial cellule smaller than the second, tr. radial nervure curved, received a little beyond the middle of the third cubital cellule ; first cubital cellule a little shorter than the second, a half wider at the base than at the apex ; second narrow, of nearly equal width throughout, except where the recurrent nervure is received ; third a fourth longer, more than double the width of its base at the apex ; fourth a little longer than the first two ; the second recurrent nervure is curved, and is received a little in front of the middle of the cellule. Length 3^ lines. The c? is unknown to me, and appears to be very rare. Lutecium differs from all the other species of Pcecilo- soma in the colour of the abdomen. It resembles very much the yellow species of Seiandria in many respects, but is best, I think (unless it be placed in a genus by PCECILOSOMA LUTEOLUM. 209 itself as lias been done by Costa), regarded as a Pcccilo- soma, although it differs considerably from the other species of that genus, not only in coloration, but also in form. From Selandria it differs in the structure of the antenna3, of the lanceolate cellule, and in the neuration of the hind wings. The larva feeds on LysimacJda vulgar is, and, accord- ing to Kaltenbach, on Anagallis arvensis, during August and September. It is cylindrical, glabrous, save a very short white down on the head. The head is pale yellow, with a large black mark on the vertex, narrow before and behind, and extending from the back of the head till it reaches the level of the eyes, which are black. Mouth piceous ; mandibles darker. Body dark green to the spiracles ; below these the colour is white. Legs white ; on the femur is a pale fuscous line ; and there is also a fuscous line over the ventral legs. The skin is in folds, the folds being darker at the junction of the segments. At the last moult the head loses the black mark ; the colour of the body becomes paler, and assumes a yellowish tinge, besides becoming more shining. The larva when not eating remains curled up in a ring on the lower side of the leaf. It does not spin a cocoon. Kaltenbach says that he found the larva also at the beginning of July, and hence suspects that there are two generations in the year. I believe luteolum will prove to be a common species in the south. There are specimens in Stephens' s collection, and it has been taken by Mr. Dale at Glanvilles' Wootton, by Mr. Bridgman at Norwich, and by Mr. Fletcher at Worcester. It has a 'tolerably wide European distribution, being found in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Italy and Syria. VOL. i. 14 210 PCECILOSOMA CANDIDATUM. 2. PGECILOSOMA OANDIDATUM. Tenthredo candidate*, Fall., Acta Holm., 1807, 105, 40. repanda, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 77, 64 ; Htg., Blattw., 279, 45. Selandria bipunctata, Tasch., Ins. f. Gart., 160 (lar.). Pcecilosoma candidata, Thorns., Opus., 288, 3 ; Hym. Scand., i, 230, 3 ; Toll., Tidj. Ent., xix, 258, pi. x (lar. im., &c.). Eriocampa repanda, Andre, Species, i, 319 ; Cat., 40,* 3. Black ; covered with a short pubescence ; labrum, clypeus, mandibles, orbits of the eyes, save a small bit above the antenna, and legs pale testaceous ; tegulse, the edge of pronotum, a spot on hinder edge of tnesopleura, and the edges of all the abdominal segments, white. The greater part of coxai and femora black. "Wings hyaline; costa and stigma dull testaceous. Antennae not much longer than thorax, the third joint not much longer than fourth, the rest about equal. The second cubital cellule is not much longer than third, and receives the recurrent nervure not far from the middle; the second recurrent is received in the basal third of cellule; transverse median nervure is received a little before middle of cellule. The accessory nervure in hind wing is shortly appendiculated. ? . Length 3| lines. The larva is dull yellowish- white, yellowish on the head, except the mouth and eye spots which are darker. It lives boring in the pith of rose branches during the second half of May, June, and sometimes on to the first half of July. Towards the middle of April or com- mencement of May the fly appears, and lays her eggs singly in the point of the young branches. The larva soon bores into the pith, whereby the leaves become withered, and then damage is done to the plant. It eats about an inch and a half into the branch, and when it reaches maturity, bores a round hole in the side of its habitation and drops to the ground, where it spins a cocoon. Apparently a rare species. The only British locality I know is Oxford where it has been taken by Prof. Westwood. Cf. Van Vollenhoven, I.e. PCECILOSOMA PULVERATUM. 211 3. P(ECILOSOMA PULVERATUM. Plate II, figs. 2 and 2a, larva ; Plate XX, fig. 8, Saw. Tcnthredo pulveratum, Rctz., Degeer, 304; De Geer, Mem., ii, 291, t. 34, figs. 2025 (lar.) ; Fall., Acta, 1808, 105, 38 ; Dbm., Claris, 34, 53. olesa, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 164; Htg., Blattw., 302, 13 (Poecilosoma), Brischke, Beschr., 5, t. i, fig. 1 (lar.). leucozonias, Htg., Blattw., 290, 15. AUantus leucozonias, Rudow, S. E. Z., 1871, 137. Poecilosoma pulveratum, Thorns., Op., 288, 1 ; Hym. Sc., i, 229, 2; Cam., E. M. M., xv, 12; Fauna, 19, 1; Voll., Tidj. Ent., xxiii, 7, pi. 2 (lar., &c.) ; Andre, Species, i, 332, pi. xx, figs. 4, 6, 8 (lar.); Cat., 42,* 3; cf. also Bergman, Wet. Acad. Handl., 1763, 161. Black, sinning, smooth, covered with a close greyish pubescence ; tegulee, edge of pronotum and the abdominal segments at their junc- ture, white. Legs and apex of abdomen reddish-ochreous. Wings hyaline; costa and stigma sordid testaceous; nervures black at the apex, pale at the base ; saw projecting, the sheath black ; cerci small ; posterior tarsi fuscous ; palpi fuscous. Ab. a. Abdominal segments without white bands. b. Labrurn white. ., c. Anal segment black. c?. Apex of posterior femora and tibia? and tarsi fuscous. Length 3 4 lines. The <$ of this insect has never been discovered, and there is good reason for believing that parthenogenesis plays a normal role with it. This is shown by the fol- lowing observation. Early in May I found in one of my breeding bottles two ? specimens, one dead, the other apparently but newly emerged, and there was no trace of a male. The living specimen was taken out of the bottle and placed under a bell glass along with a fresh sprig of alder. In a short time it layed a number of eggs, most of which produced Iarva3, thus showing conclusively that the insect can propagate without having connection with the male. The manner of oviposition was as follows : Until 212 PCECILOSOMA PULVEBATUM. placed in the sunshine the insect was very sluggish,, but at once on feeling the sunshine became very lively, and flew up and down the enclosure. After a time it discovered the food plant, examined it all over, and ultimately fixed upon a young, half -grown leaf, in which to lay the eggs. At first it rested motionless in the middle of the leaf, then came close to the border, fixed the outer legs along the edge, then raised the body so that it was a little more than the height of the tibise above the surface of the leaf. In this position it remained for about a couple of seconds, then the abdo- men was bent down, the saw inserted into the leaf and apparently moved up and down, but without being entirely withdrawn out of the leaf. The saw was not inserted straight down, but was a little bent forward, the two sheaths remaining at right angles and not fol- lowing the position of the saw. After being in the leaf for a few seconds the saw was withdrawn, the insect remained motionless for a second or two, and then the abdomen was again bent down, the saw inserted (but not I think deeply), and the egg de- posited. During the egg-laying the antennae were a little raised above the height of the head with a slight curve, and remained almost rigid. The whole opera- tion lasted about eighty or ninety seconds. Several minutes elapsed before the next ovipositioii took place. All the eggs were deposited on thick half -grown leaves, sometimes singly, sometimes as many as three on the same leaf. They were placed close to, but not touch- ing any of the nerves, and on the underside of the leaf. Immediately after being laid they were quite invi- sible, but by twenty-four hours they had swollen up very much, and were easily noticed as greenish oblong elevations. As the larva came to maturity a small open space separated the egg from the leaf, forming a trench, as it were, round it. With two other experi- ments I was more successful and managed to rear females from eggs laid by virgin females. PGECILOSOMA FLETCHER!. 213 The larva lias a long, cylindrical body, narrowed towards the end ; the head small, ground colour pale green, bearing a few scattered hairs, and covered with a very fine granular white powder. Body of the same colour as the head, but with a deeper greenish tint ; a white line (of the same tint as the head) goes down the sides, and there is another on the back. The skin is in folds and much wrinkled, and like the head is covered with a fine powder. The eyes are black, mouth brown, legs pale green. At the last moult it loses the green colour, and becomes of a dirty drab colour. Two or three of them feed on the same leaf, resting flat on the underside, and eating roundish holes in the leaf . According to Van Vollenhoven they spin a cocoon, but they never did this with me ; even when earth was supplied, they pre- ferred to bore into the cork of the bottle which held them, where they pupated without spinning a cocoon, rather than burying themselves in the earth. Commonly distributed over Scotland, the imago appearing at the end of May and beginning of June. Norwich (Bridgman). Continental distribution : Scandinavia, Denmark, Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, Tyrol. 4. PODCILOSOMA FLETCHERI. Plate XI, fig. 4, ? . Pcecilosoma obtusa, Thorns., Opus., 289, 5 ; Hym. Sc., i, 231, 4 (nec,KL). Fletcheri, Cam., Fauna, 20, 2 ; Andre, Species, i, 332, Cat. 42,* 1. Antennae a little longer than the abdomen, almost filiform, attenuate at the apex, slightly pilose, the third joint a very little longer than the fourth, the rest of the joints shorter. Head black, covered with a dense greyish pubescence, the front broadly projecting ; antennal fovea3 small ; labrum and palpi sordid white. Thorax and abdomen shining, covered with a greyish pubescence ; tegulae and edge of pronotum broadly white ; cenchri very large, clear white ; blotch large. Abdo- men short, thick, dilated and obtuse at the apex, and a little projecting above. Saw black, projecting a little. The edges of the segments are broadly white, the anal segment of a dirty luteous colour ; the sides are 214 PCEOILOSOMA FLETOHBEI. marked with dirty-white splashes between the white segmental marks. Legs covered with a grey pile ; coxae and trochanters black ; femora obscure luteous, lined with black above and beneath ; tibiae white at the base, the apex sordid luteous, splashed with black ; tarsi fuscous, paler at the base; claws bifid. Wings hyaline ; costa at the base pale testa- ceous; apex and stigma sordid luteous. The tr. radial nervure is received a fourth of the length of the cellule from the apex ; the first tr. cubital nervure is absent ; the second (first)^ cellule is 'a little longer than the third (second), narrow, and having a horny point at its apex ; the third (second) is much broader, double the breadth of the base at the apex ; the apical cellule is shorter than the preceding. The $ has the femora and tibiae obscure luteoue, according to Thomson. Length nearly 3? lines. Of similar form to pulveratum, but smaller ; there are only three cubital cellules ; the second (the third in pulvemtum) is shorter and much broader; the coxae and trochanters are quite black ; the body is more densely pilose, the white marks on the abdomen, too, are broader than those on the sides, being very con- spicuous, while they are not found in pulveratum. From Oandidatum it is known by its more pilose body, the eyes not having a white border, and otherwise is easily known by the structure of the posterior wings. Seemingly a rare species. I have only seen two British specimens, one taken by Dr. Sharp at Brae- mar, the other by myself at Rannoch. Thomson has doubtfully adopted the name of obtu- sum for this insect, but it seems to me to be very dif- ferent from the obtusum of Klug. Thus, it has the antennas as long, if not longer than the abdomen ; in obtusum they are only as long as the thorax ; the cly- peus is black, in the other species white ; there is a distinct white line on the pronotum ; the legs differ in coloration and also the abdomen ; and, lastly, Klug's insect is larger than pulveratum, while Fletcheri is smaller. I can find no record of obtusum beyond the original locality given by Klug, namely, Hungary. It is possible that obtusum may have been founded on an extreme variety of pulveratum, with which, indeed, the description agrees except in one point, namely, the description given of the colour of the legs, which are PGECILOSOMA GUTTATUM. 215 stated to be "pech brun," which scarcely applies to any specimens of pulveratum I have seen ; and, as already stated, oltusum is said to be a quarter of a line longer in the body, and two thirds in the wings than pulveratum. Continental distribution : Sweden. 5. PCECILOSOMA GUTTATUM. Plate XI, fig. 5, ? . Tmtliredo guttatum, Fall., Acta, Holm., 1807, 105, 39 (ex parte). Poecilosoma guttatum, Thorns., Opus. Ent., 289, 4 ; Hym. Scand., i, 231, 5; Andre, Species, i, 333; Cat., 42,* 4. Black, ovate, broad, shining, covered (especially the legs) with a slight grevish down ; the apex of anterior femora, all the knees, and the tibiae in front sordid white ; the edge of the pronotum has a thin white line ; the tegulae are black. Antennae a little longer than the abdomen ; the third joint is a little longer than the fourth, the fifth, sixth, and seventh are a very little thicker, the eighth and ninth thinner. The abdominal segments are very faintly white at the junction, with faint indications of white between the segments in the middle. The front is smooth, shining, the sutures are invisible, antennal fovea large, ovate, and shallow. Wings faintly black, lighter at the apex ; the first tr. cubital nervure is present, the tr. radial is received in the apical fourth of the third cubital cellule ; the costa and stigma black, the latter faintly fus- cous round the edge. The cenchri are very large, oval, white ; blotch rather small ; the sheath projecting ; hinder calcaria as long as a third of the basal joint of the tarsus. Claws bifid. Length 3 3 lines. This insect is distinguished from submuticum by its broadly ovate, short body, blackish wings, thicker and longer antenna?, distinctly bifid claws and longer spurs, shorter and broader third cubital cellule, and smaller and much shallower antennal fovea. P. longicorne is longer, less shining, the antennas thinner and longer, the frontal sutures distinct, and antennal fovea deeper, and the calcaria are shorter. It appears to be a rare species. I have only seen one British specimen (a ? ). This was taken by Mr. Fletcher at Worcester. On the Continent it has only been recorded from Sweden, but possibly it is overlooked. 216 POECILOSOMA SUBMUTICUM. 6. PGBCILOSOMA LONGICORNE. Pcecilosoma longicorne, Thorns., Hym. Scand., i, 232, 6 ; Andre, Species,!, 333; Cat., 42 * 5. Black, shining, pilose on head and thorax, all the knees and anterior tibise dirty white, a line on the pronotum clear white, and the abdominal segments as often as not are marked with longish lateral spots of a less clear white ; all the segments lined with white at the apices. Wings hyaline, tinged with fuscous on the apical half; costa and stigma black. (For Saw, see Plate XXI, Bg. 3.) 5 similar but the antenna) are as long as the body and the legs in front bear more white. Length 3 3 lines. Similar to submuticum but with the body longer and narrower, the antennae slightly longer and noticeably thinner with the ? , and distinctly so with the J , these organs with submuticum not being much longer than the abdomen, the head is more pilose, the antennal fovea if anything shorter, and the claws almost bifid. Thomson describes the claws as "bifid" in longi- corne, but all my specimens have one tooth shorter than the other, but still longer than in submuticum. I am inclined to believe that the relative length of one of the teeth varies with different specimens. The first cubital nervure is almost always absent, while in submuticum it is generally present. The accessory nervure in hind wing is much appendiculated. Apparently a common species on Spircea ulmaria. I bred it along with the larvas of Empliytus calceatus, but did not have an opportunity of describing the larva. But see p. 217. The imago appears during May and June. Clydesdale, Norwich. Continental distribution : Sweden. 7. PCECILOSOMA SUBMUTICUM. Pcecilosoma submuticum, Thorns., Hym. Sc., i, 232, 7 ; Cam., Fauna, 20, 3; Andre, Species, i, 333; Cat., 42,* 6. Black, half shining, longish ; antennas as long as the abdomen, edge PCKCILOSOMA EXCISUM. 217 of pronotum, knees, and anterior tibiae white. Abdominal segments broadly marked with longish white marks, spurs very short, claws with a minute subapical tooth. The tr. radial nervure is as in guttatum, but the third cellule is as long as the second, while in guttatum it is shorter. Cenchri small, antennal fovea large ; sheath short. $ and <. Length 2 3 lines. This species may be known by the first tr. cubital nervure being almost always present, the hinder tibige and tarsi quite black, or with only a very small white band on the extreme base, the deep frontal foveaB, short spurs, and claws with a small subapical tooth. The antennal joints are more distinctly separated than in yntf'tti'.iii. (For Saw, see Plate XXI, fig. 4. Ab. a. First tr. cubital nervure absent. 1. First tr. cubital nervure absent and no middle cellule in the hind wings. c. Abdomen entirely black. ,, (1. Pronotum black. Nothing very definite is known regarding the larva of this common insect. It is frequently bred from bramble stems, but the larvae in all probability merely retired there to pass the pupal state. I once bred it along with the Emphytus calceatus, and hence suspect that it is attached to Spiraa, upon which I have found a larva similar to that of calceatus but with black marks along the sides. (See Plate VII, fig. 1.) Submuticum is one of the commonest species in the genus, and is found almost everywhere in June and late in May. It is apparently the commonest of the black species on the Continent, but as they are mixed in most collections it is impossible to give the distribution with any exactness. 8. PCECILOSOMA EXCISUM. Poeciloscma excisum, Thorns., Hym. Sc., i, 233, 8 ; Cam., Fauna, 20; Andre, Species, i, 334, pi. xx, fig. 2 ; Cat., 42,* 7. vernalis, Diet., M T. Schw., Ent. Ges., 1868, p. 354? Black, half shining ; antennae shorter than abdomen, the edge of 218 PCEOILOSOMA NIGEICOLLE. pronotum, knees, anterior tibiae and tarsi, the basal half of posterior and the tarsi at the base (broadly) white. Wings greyish hyaline ; the first tr. cubital nervure is generally absent ; the costa is sordid testaceous ; stigma fuscous to testaceous ; the tr. radial nervure is received very near the apex of the third cubital cellule. The sheath scarcely projects. Clypeus deeply emarginated ; labrum and palpi pale. The abdominal segments are white at their juncture, rarely have they any other white marks. Tegulse pale ; cenchri small, blotch large. Length 3 3 lines. Differs from all the other species of this group by the incised clypeus, whitish tibiae and tarsi, sordid testaceous costa, half white tegulaa, deeply pilose head and pale palpi and labrum. Ab. a. Tr. radial nervure interstitial, first tr. cubital nervure present. I have a specimen intermediate as regards colour between this insect and submuticum, having the iegs with much less white than in the ordinary form. It has no first transverse cubital nervure. This is a common Scotch insect, but seems to be rare in England. It is found in June. The $ I have never seen, although the female is abundant. Sweden is the only Continental locality recorded. 9. PGECILOSOMA NIGRICOLLE, sp. n. Black, pilose ; four anterior knees, anterior tibiae and basal half of tarsi, middle tibiae in front, and base of four posterior metatarsi testa- ceous-white. Antennse very little longer than abdomen, thickish, scarcely tapering towards the apex ; clypeus very slightly incised ; wings almost hyaline ; costa and stigma black, the latter large, broad compared to its length ; the transverse radial nervure issues from the lower side, is straight and received in the middle of the cubital cellule ; the first transverse cubital nervure is absent, the second (or third) cellule is wide compared to the length, and wider at the apex than base, its basal nervure is almost straight; that at the apex curved, the cubital nervure is scarcely angled where the second recurrent nervure is received. The claws have a blunt tooth not far from the base. <$. Length 2 lines. This little species might be placed in the genus Harpiphorus, with which it agrees in the form of the alar neuration, especially in the transverse radial nervure issuing from the stigma at a distance from the GENUS EEIOCAMPA. 219 costa. It agrees, however, so closely in coloration with the black species of Poecilosoma that it is best included in that genus. From P. sulmuticum, with which it has perhaps the greatest resemblance, it is easily known by its more pilose thorax and head, much shorter and thicker antennas, more perpendicular transverse radial nervure, slightly shorter metatarsi, as well as by the black pronotum and much thicker stigma. Kare. Kier Hill, Dumfries -shire, 25th May. Genus EKIOCAMPA. Eriocampa, Htg., Blattw., 279. Wings with two radial and four cubital cellules ; the second and third of the latter receiving each a recurrent nervure. Lanceolate cellule with an oblique cross nervure. Accessory nervure largely appendicu- lated. Hind wings with both the recurrent and transverse cuoital ner- vures present, or the former only. Eyes not reaching to the base of the mandibles. Clypeus incised or truncated. Antenna short, the third joint much longer than the fourth ; the apical joints attenuated at the apex ; the middle ones thickened. Claws bifid at apex. Patellae developed only on the apical joints of tarsi. Body ovate, short. The species are small, with short, thick bodies, with black, shining bodies and legs, the latter having the tibiae and tarsi annulated with white at the base, or more or less testaceous, or dull white. In only one species is there any red. The posterior wings have either two middle cellules, in which case the clypeus is incised at the apex, or they have one only when the clypeus is truncated. Eriocampa has the small, thick-set body form of Blennocampa> from which, however, it differs in the form of the lanceolate cellule and of the antennas. In the form of the lanceolate cellule and partly in the neuration of the hinder wings it agrees with Poecilo- soma, but that genus has the body longer and more cylindrical, the antennas not thickened in the middle. 220 GENUS ERIOCAMPA. nor so sharply pointed at the apex, while the eyes do not reach the base of the mandibles. Selandria again, is easily recognised from Eriocampa by the lanceolate cellule wanting an oblique cross nervure, the colora- tion pattern, too, being different in the two genera. The larvae are covered with a white flaky powder, or more usually by a black or olive- coloured resinous exudation. In the latter case they are slug-like in shape, very sluggish and more or less gregarious in habit and feed on the upper surface of the leaf. Ten species of the genus as here restricted have been described from the European fauna, one from Northern China, and six from North America, besides the European rosce and limacina. Synopsis of Species. 1 (2) Thorax red in front. Vertex and cheeks margined. Vertex, scutellum and pleurae punctured. Blotch absent. Antennae almost elbowed in the middle and fusiform at the apex. Ovata. 2 (1) Thorax black. Vertex and thorax nnpunctured ; vertex with- out a border ; blotch distinct. 3 (8) Clypeus incised at apex; hind wings with the transverse cubital and recurrent nervures present. 4 (7) Legs annulated with white. 5 (6) Hinder tarsi broadly annulated with white at the base ; wings hyaline only at the apex. Annulipes. 6 (5) Hinder tarsi not annulated with white ; wings hyaline at base and apex. Varipes. 7 (4) Legs not annulated with white, the fore legs testaceous in front ; wings with a cloud in the middle. Limacina. 8 (3) Clypeus truncated at the apex; hind wings with only the recurrent nervure present. 9 (10) Tibiae white at the base ; wings hyaline at base and apex ; tr. median nervure received before middle of cellule. Cinxia. 10 (9) Fore tibiae and tarsi testaceous ; wings almost hyaline ; tr. median nervure received almost in middle of cellule. 11 (12) Posterior tibiae and tarsi entirely black. Rosa. 12 (11) Posterior tibiae and tarsi for the greater .part testaceous. Testaceipes. ERIOCAMPA OVATA. 221 1. ERIOCAMPA OVATA. PL XII, fig. 2 ? ; PL XXI, fig. 6, Saw. Tenthredo ovata, Lin., F. S., 1553 ; S. N. f Ed., xii, 921, 28 ; Fab., S. E., 320, 17; Reaum., Mem., iii^ 318; De Geer, Mem., ii, 237, 5; t. xxxv, figs. 111 ; Fall., Acta, 1807, 206, 14; Hon., 31, 10; King, BerL Mag., viii, 62, 54 ; Lep., Mon., 109, 316 ; Htg., Blattw., 280, 51 ; Ratzb., Forstin., iii, 132, t. 3, fig. 8 ; Evers., Bull., Mosc., xx, 32, 15. Gossypina, Retz., De Geer, 303. hcematodes, Panz., F. G., Iii, t. 3. leucozona, Schr., Z. B., ii, 251. Hylotoma ovata, Fab., S. P., 27, 25. Selandt-ia ovata, Ste., 111., vii, 54, 40 ; Voll., Tidj. Ent., vi, 81 86, pi. 7 (lar., &c.). Eriocampa ovata, Thorns., Op., 286, 1 ; Hym. Sc., i, 225, 3 ; Cam., Fauna, 24, 1 ; Bridgman, Ent. r 1878, 191 ; Andre, Species, i, 318, pi. xviii, fig. 3; Cat., 40,* 1. Black, anterior tibiae in front, and a thin band on the base of the hinder pair, obscure testaceous. Thorax above from the scutellum sanguineous. Abdomen smooth, shining, almost bare, head and thorax covered with a sparse grey pile. Wings hyaline, a faint fascia below the stigma ; nervures, costa and stigma black. ? . Length 3^ 4 lines. The ground colour of the larva is light green, the eye spots black, mouth brownish-black, and there is a black spot over the vertex. A short time after its exclusion from the egg the larva becomes dusted all over with a whitish exudation, which on the head does not extend below the eyes. The legs are white with brown claws. As it gets older the white powder develops into a white flaky material, which can be rubbed off ; but this is cast at the last moult, when the larva becomes of a shining green colour. They feed on alder from July to October, eating large holes in the leaves ; when not feeding they lie stretched on the lower side of the leaf. A very common and widely distributed species. The is quite unknown, and it is very doubtful if it 222 EEIOCAMPA ANNULIPES. exists. The observations referred to already (antea, p. 26) show clearly that complete parthenogenesis occurs with it. Its nearest ally is E. umbratica, KL, which agrees with it in the form of the antennse, head and neuration ; but it has the vertex and thorax unpunctured, and wants the red on the thorax. European distribution : Sweden, Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, Tyrol, Hungary, Russia. 2. ERIOOAMPA ANNULIPES. PL II, fig. 4, 4 a, Larva, Tenthredo annulipes, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 70, 49; Htg., Blattw., 279, 46 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc.,xx,32,14; Ratz.,Forstin,, iii, 130, 39, pi. iii, fig. 7. Selandria annulipes, Ste., 111., vii, 51, 27 ; Voll., Tidj. Ent., ii (2), 178182, pi. 9 (lar., &c.) ; Ent., vii, 167. Eriocampa annulipes, Thorns., Opus., 286, 3 ; Hym. Sc., i, 225, 3 ; Cam., Fauna, 24, 3 ; Andre, Species, i, 321 ; Cat., 41,* 9. Black, shining ; head covered with a microscopic down; the anterior tibis8 in front, the posterior with a broad basal band, calcaria and the half of the metatarsus of the posterior tarsi, white. Wings smoky, hyaline at the apex. The has the antennse longer and more thickened towards the apex, the third joint is thickened at the apex. Length 2 3 lines. Easily known from all the species by the smoky wings, hyaline at the apex. Very common, appearing in June and August. The larva is found in July and again in August and Sep- tember on the lower surface of the leaves of the birch, oak, willow and lime. The eggs are laid on the under side of the leaf embedded in the epidermis, a hole being left when the larva has left the egg. When young the larva is pale, very shining, and covered with a glistening varnish. The body is very transparent, so that the workings of the internal organs can be seen through EBIOCAMPA VAK1PJ3S. 223 the skin, while the intestinal canal appears as a black line when it is filled with food. As the animal grows the head becomes light brown, with darker mouth parts, the eye spots likewise being visible as black spots ; the entire head is very shining. The body is dirty yellow (sometimes dirty white), the legs have a yellowish hue, while the slimy substance is more abundant than it was when the larva was young. In its manner of feeding, pupating, &c., it agrees with the other species. I have not noticed it in any great abundance in Scotland, nor observed it do any appreciable damage to trees ; but, according to Ratz- burg, damage is done to the lime trees by a number of the larvas feeding on a leaf, whereby it becomes brown, curled up, and ultimately dies. It is a species common all over Britain. Continental distribution : Sweden, Germany, France, Russia. 3. ERIOCAMPA VAKIPES. Tenthredo varipes, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 69, 49 ; Htg., Blattw., 279, 46. Selandria varipes, Ste., 111., vii, 51, 28. Eriocampa crassicomis, Tishbein, S. E. Z., 1846. varipes, Thorns., Op., 287, 4 ; Hym. Sc., i, 225, 4 ; Andre, Species, i, 323; Cat., 41,* 12. Black ; tibiae white at the base ; anterior testaceous at the apex. Wings hyaline, a narrow infuscated cloud below the stigma ; the stigma is almost testaceous beneath. The $ is similar, but the posterior wings have the tr. cubital and recurrent nervures at edge of wing, and therefore without a middle cellule. Length 2| 2 lines. Similar to the preceding, but wings clearer, only smoky in the middle, and the tarsi are black. The structure of the posterior neuration in the 3 distin- guishes it readily. The larva (which is similar to that of annulipes) has been found by Mr. J. E. Fletcher on oak. 224 ERIOCAMPA LIMACINA. Apparently not a common species, and confined principally to the southern counties. It has been found in the London' district, at Norwich, Worcester, Dorsetshire. Continental distribution : Sweden, Germany, Hol- land, France, Italy. 4. EEIOCAMPA LIMACINA. PI. II, fig. 10 and 10 a, Larva. Tenthredo limacina, Retz., De Geer, 313. De Geer, Mem, ii. 269, pi. 38, figs. 1625; Beau., 'Mem., v, 97, t. 12, figs. 1 6. adumbrate, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 64, 56; Htg., Blattw., 280, 48; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx ; Tasch., Ent. f. Gart., 153, figs. 38 and 39; Gorseki, Analecta, i, 186, t. Ill, figs. 2 and 2 a. cerasi, Bouche, Naturg., 137 ; Newman, Ent., viii, 258. Selandria adumbrate, Ste., 111., vii, 48, 14; Kalt, Pfl., 174, 207 ; Toll., Tidj. Ent., xxi, lar. im., pi. i. atra, West., Ent. Ann., 1862, p. 132; Gard. Chron., 1848, p. 524. Eriocampa adumbrate, Thorns., Opus., 287, 5 ; Hym. Sc., i, 226, 5 ; Cam., Fauna, 24, 2. limacina, Andre, Species, i, 322, pi. xviii, figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7 ; Cat., 41,* 13. Monostegia antipoda, Kirby, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1881, 50. Black, shining, pilose; anterior tibiae testaceous, middle almost fuscous. Wings hyaline, with a broad, smoky band in the middle. $ and ?. Length 2^ lines. Distinguished from the foregoing species by the darker colour of the legs, and by the transverse radial nervure being received nearer the third transverse cubital; from rosce by the less deeply ernarginated clypeus, and differently coloured wings ; and from Cinxia by the black tibiae. Occasionally specimens of both males and females are bred having only one middle cellule in hind wings. The eggs are laid on the underside of the leaf. When very young the larva is white ; then it becomes EBIOOAMPA LIMACINA. 225 of a greenish-yellow colour, but this is obscured by a thick, black, olive-coloured resinous secretion, which covers the body all over. It is much broader before tban behind ; the thorax and base of abdomen, too, being higher than the rest of the abdomen ; the thorax arching over the head to a certain extent. Its shape is in fact not unlike a pear, and in its general appear- ance closely resembles a slug ; hence the name given to it of the " slug worm." The head is black, and bears a few hairs ; the mouth yellowish ; the legs are short and stumpy, and brownish in colour. The ventral legs are coloured like the body. At the last moult the slimy secretion is lost and the head becomes of the same colour as the body ; the eye spots being black. The larvse feed on the upper side of the leaf usually to the number of three or four. They eat only the upper epidermis ; at first the leaf gets eaten in patches, but ultimately every particle of green is devoured so that it has the appearance of having been scorched ; and ultimately it falls to the ground. When they appear in great numbers (as they unfortunately too often do) in hot weather, the noise they make in feeding is said to resemble the falling of drops of rain on the leaves. They are very sluggish, and their sluggishness is only surpassed by their voracity. The usual time for the appearance of the larvse is about the middle of June, and from that time they are found in more or less abundance to the end of September or even October. The small black cocoon is spun in the ground : when the larva? are very numerous, the cocoons are spun close to each other. The damage done by these ugly brutes to fruit trees is very often immense; especially is this the case during very dry seasons. They are found on most species of Pyrus, Prunus, Cerasus, Rubus and Amyg- dalus, as well as Cratcegus, Quercns, and Betula. Various remedies have been tried for their extermi- nation, such as sprinkling sand, ashes, lime and powdered hellebore, but with no great success. Good VOL. i. 15 226 EEIOCAMPA OINXIA. results, however, liave been obtained in America by showering a solution of hellebore in water over the infected leaves from the rose of a watering pot. For this purpose a small platform was erected on a cart, which gave the necessary elevation ; but obviously only the smaller trees could be reached in this way. The solution consisted of a pound of hellebore to a barrel of water. As parasites there have been recorded : Erromenus fumatus, Brischke ; Tryphon Gorslci, Ratz. ; T. Ratze- burgi, Gorski; T. excavatus, Ratz.; and T. translucens, Ratz. The distribution is general throughout Britain, Europe, and America; while it has made its way into New Zealand. 06s. Owing to Linne quoting (but erroneously) Reaumur's observa- tions on E. limacina, that species has been very often called cerasi, but the true cerasi, L. is very different, having the legs and scutellum yellow. What the latter may be I cannot say for certain; but in Linne's collection it is represented by Lyda sylvatica, which fits the description well, save only that Linne did not place his cerasi among the species with multi-articulate antenna). 5. ERIOCAMPA CINXIA. Tenthredo cinxia, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 69, 48; Htg., Blattw., 280, 49. Selandria cinxia, Ste., 111., vii, 52, 33. Eriocampa cinxia, Thorns., Opus., 287, 6 ; Hym. Sc., i, 226, 6 Andre, Species, i, 322; Cat., 41,* 11. Black, tibiae white at the base. Wings almost smoky, paler at the base and apex ; the tr. radial nervure received shortly before the third tr. cubital. Length 2 lines. Easily known from the preceding species by the trun- cated clypeus, the first cubital nervure more distinct, the second cellule narrower at the base ; from the suc- ceeding it may be known by the tibiae being white at the base. It is like varipes in the coloration of the legs ; but the front tibia3 are not so testaceous ; it is larger ; the radial nervure is received near the cubital ; ERIOCAHPA ROSJ;. 227 the third cellule is longer, and the second cubital has a horny point. Seemingly not a common species. Mr. Fletcher takes it at Worcester, and Mr. Bridgman at Norwich. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Hol- land, France. G. EEIOCAMPA PL II, fig. 5, Larva ; PI. XII, fig 3, ? . Sclamlria rosa, Harris, Cat., 1835; Injur. Ins., 416; Norton, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., i, 257 ; Cat., 118, 22. aethiops, West., Gard. Chron., 1848, 524; Ent. Ann., 1862, 132. Selandria soror, Voll., Tidj. Ent., iv, 123. Eriocampa limonensis, Gimmerthal, S. E. Z., 1844, 38. iiitida, Tischbein, S. E. Z., 1846, 75 ; Andre, Species, i, 320 ; Cat., 40 * 5. aethiops, Cam., E. M. M., xii, 192. Eriocampa canince, Cam., E. M. M., xiv, 267. ocampa soror, Andre, Species, i, 322 ; Cat., 41,* 14. atratula, Thorns., Opus., 287, 7 ; Hym. Sc., i, 226, 7. Athalia roste, Tasch., Naturg., 151, 64 (cf. Cam., E. M. M., xvi, Black, shining ; the knees, the four anterior tibia? and tarsi white ; wings almost smoky, slightly darker at base, having a slight violet tinge. Transverse radial nervure oblique, straight, received close to middle of third cubital cellule. Length If 2 lines. This species may be known from E. cinxia by having the whole of the anterior tibiae and tarsi white, instead of only the base of the tibia3. E. testaceipes, again, has no white on the legs, and the posterior are tes- taceous. The wings in roscv are darker at the base, and do not differ essentially from those of testaceipes ; in <-iri. i ia they are different, being darker in the middle. The larvae feed on the upper surface of the leaves of the common rose, to which they often do great damage in gardens, by eating the upper skin of the leaves and thus destroying their vitality. The larva is pale yellowish-green with the food canal appearing as a darker stripe down the back. The head is orange. 228 ERIOOAMPA TESTACEIPES. The eggs are laid in the midrib in May, the larvse appearing in early summer. The small oval cocoons are spun in the earth. A second brood appears in France during September and October, there being also two broods in America, where it is very destructive to garden roses. Common in gardens in England and Scotland. I suspect it has been introduced into America from Europe, like the gooseberry grub Nematus ribesii. Continental distribution : Sweden, Holland, France, Germany. 0& s< This common species agrees tolerably well with the description of Tenthredo aethiops, Fab., E. S., ii, 121, 65; S. P., 39, 49, which was described from an insect in the Banksian Collection; but the typical specimen (from England) has been either lost or destroyed. In Europe it was first described by Westwood, who referred it to the aethiops, Fab., but long before that it had been described in America by Harris under the appropriate name of rosce ; I certainly think the Harrisian name should be adopted, because there is no dispute about it, while the Fabrician description is by no means clear, and the name has been applied to other species. The late Prof. Zaddach informed me that aethiops in the Fabrician Collection in Kiel is represented by a Blennocampa. The aethiops of King and Hartig may possibly be the aethiops mentioned by Zaddach. It is regarded by Thomson (Hym. Sc., i, 213) as a variety of Blennocampa eppiphium, Pz., with the thorax entirely black, but on the other hand, Gorski says that King's type of aethiops in the Berlin Museum is identical with E. 'limacina, save that it has only one middle cellule in hind wings, and limacina certainly has sometimes only one cellule. I have received a " Blennocampa aetliiops " from several Continental entomologists, but it proved always to be B. i, Schr. 7. EBIOCAMPA TESTACEIPES. Eriocampa testaceipes, Cam., E. M. M., xi. 129; Fauna, 24, 4; Andre, Species, i, 322 ; Cat., 41,* 10. Black, shining; coxse, trochanters and basal three- fourths of femora black, the apical fourth, tibia? and tarsi yellowish-testaceous; apex of hinder tarsi fuscous. Wings slightly longer and narrower than usual, smoky; costa and stigma black; transverse radial nervure received nearly in the middle of the cellule, straight, scarcely oblique. J". Length 2 lines ; alar exp. 5 lines. Differs from roscv in having the wings somewhat longer and narrower, the third cubital cellule is longer, being distinctly longer than the second, which is GENUS BLENNOCAMPA. 229 scarcely the case with rosce on the upper side, by the hinder tibiae being longer compared to the tibiae,, and by the different coloration of the posterior legs. I am not sure but Eriocampa dolosa, Evers. (Bull. Mosc., xx, 33, 16), is the same species. His descrip- tion is : Nigra, nitida, geniculis, tibiis, tarsisque sordide lutescentibus ; alis limpidis, stigmate-radioque fuscis ?. The term, "limpidis" can scarcely be applied to the wings of testaceipes, while Eversmann makes no mention of the neuration of the wings (save that there is but one middle cellule in hind wings) nor of the form of the clypeus, so that in the meantime I prefer to retain my own name. Taken on 6th 'June on alder at Kilmorack, near Beauly. Genus BLENNOCAMPA. Blennocampa, Htg., Blattw., 266. Monophadnus, Htg., 1. c., 271. Phymatocera, Dbm., Clavis, 4. Pectinia (Lep.), Brulle, Hymen., iv, p. 664. Wings with two radial and four cubital cellules; the second and third of the latter each receiving a recurrent nervure. Lanceolate cellule petiolate. Posterior wings with the transverse cubital nervure always absent, but the recurrent in one section (== Monopliadnus, Htg.) is present. Antenna} short and thick, or longish and filiform ; the third joint longer than fourth, or densely pilose with the third shorter than fourth. Body short, thick, and rather ovoid in form, the abdomen being rarely much longer than the head and thorax. The neuration is varied as regards the position of the nervures in the different species. The basal nervure is straight and runs parallel with the transverse cubital, or it is curved and not parallel. The trans- verse median nervure is generally received before the middle of the cellule, but sometimes is received beyond it, i.e. nearer the base of the cellule. In B. betuleti and B. nana the first transverse cubital nervure is absent, or at least is very faint, so that these two species have pretty much the neuration of Fenusa, with which they agree in some other respects. The clypeus is, as a rule, truncated or but slightly emarginated at the apex. The pentagonal area is rarely indicated, but the frontal sutures are distinct. The mandibles are short and broad, and have a tooth not far from the blunt apex ; behind the subapical tooth the edge may be indented (see PI. XII, fig. 12). The only noteworthy peculiarity as regards the 230 GENUS BLENNOCAMPA. secondary sexual characters is tliat in one group (lineolata) the transverse median and recurrent nervures are situated along the edge. The larvae are short and thick compared to their length ; in shape they are either cylindrical or flat ; in the latter case the body is much broader before than behind, and is covered with a slimy secretion. The cylindrical larvae have either bare bodies, or bodies covered with long or short, branched, or simple spines. A cocoon is spun in the earth. By some authors Blennocampa is split up into three genera. Blennocampa distinguished by having no middle cellule in hind wing ; Monopliadnus by having one middle cellule ; and Pliymatocera (= Pectinia) by its long pilose antennas, which have the third joint shorter than the fourth, the reverse being the case with the other species. I have not, however, adopted Monopliadnus and Phymatocera. From Selandria the structure of the lanceolate cellule and the neuration in the hind wings readily separate it ; from Hoplocampa the same characters distinguish it. Its affinities are undoubtedly strongly with Fenusa, from which, apart from its having four cubital cellules, it is very difficult to point to any other absolute marks of distinction, and the difficulty of doing so is further increased by the first transverse cubital nervure in B. nana and B. betuleti being almost obsolete at least in the middle. The species of Blennocampa have a very wide range, being abundant in the Palsearctic and Nearctic regions, rarer in the Oriental and Australian, and not uncom- mon in the Neotropical. There are more than fifty European species, while thirty-two have been described from North America, the greater number belonging to the subgenus Monopliadnus. The neotropical genus Waldhcemia is very closely related to the latter, with which it agrees in the neuration, but differs in having the coxae very large and the antennae densely pilose, thickened in the middle, and with the four last joints abruptly shorter. SYNOPSIS OP BLENNOOAMPA. 231 Synopsis of Species. 1 (8) Abdomen reddish. 2 (7) The recurrent nervure in hind wings present. 3 (4) Thorax (and legs) reddish. Melanocephalus. 4 (3) Thorax black. 5 (6) Legs reddish. Fuscypennis. 6 (5) Legs black. Nigripes. 7 (2) Recurrent nervure in hind wings absent. Assimilis. 8 (1) Abdomen black. 9 (10) Mesonotum red, legs black. Eppiphium. 10 (9) Mesonotum black. 11 (12) Legs testaceous. Beiuleti. 12 (11) Legs not testaceous. 13 (30) Femora black, tibia} and tarsi white. 14 (26) Tegulte and pronotum white. 15 (20) Recurrent nervure in hind wings absent. 16 (17) Wings with a fuscous fascia in middle. Nanct. 17 (16) Wings hyaline throughout ; tr. radial nervure interstitial. 18 (18) Third and fourth joints of antennae about equal ; edge of pro- notum broadly white; base of legs white; antennae as long as body in $ , in <$ longer than body. Alchemill'ue. 19 (19) Third joint of antennae distinctly longer than fourth ; edge of pronotum scarcely white; legs black at base; antenna) almost shorter than abdomen. Subserrata. 20 (15) Recurrent nervure in hind wing present. 21 (22) Transverse radial nervure interstitial; antennae longer than abdomen. Ruficruris. 22 (21) Transverse radial nervure not interstitial ; antennae shorter than abdomen. 23 (24) Third cubital celulle shorter than second, a suture behind the eyes ; with recurrent nervure in middle of cellule. Bipunciata. 24 (23) Third cubital cellule longer than second ; with the recurrent nervure in hind wings at edge of wing. Jjineolata. 25 (14) Tegulae and edge of pronotum black. 26 (29) Recurrent nervure in hind wings absent. 27 (28) Transverse radial nervure interstitial. Subcana. 28 (27) Transverse radial nervure not interstitial. Pusilla. 29 (26) Recurrent nervure in hind wings present. Albipes. 30 (13) Legs almost entirely black. 31 (32) Antennae longish, pilose, in both sexes, but especially with <$ ; third joint shorter than fourth. Aterrima. 32 (31) Antennas bare, third joint longer than fourth. 33 (36) Knees on all the legs white. 34 (35) Recurrent nervure in hind wings present; transverse radial nervure interstitial. Geniculata. 35 (34) Recurrent nervure in hind wings absent ; transverse radial nervure not interstitial. Cinereipes. 36 (33) Four hind legs entirely black. 37 (38) Recurrent nervure in hind wings absent ; a distinct horny point in second cubital cellule. Fuliginosa; 8 (37) Recurrent nervure in hind wings present. 39 (42) Third cubital cellule shorter than second on upper side. 232 BLENNOCAMPA ATERRIMA. 40 (41) No suture behind the eyes ; abdomen a half longer than head and thorax. Sericans. 41 (40) A distinct suture behind the eyes ; abdomen not a half longer than head and thorax. Sulcata. 42 (39) Third cubital cellule longer than second. 43 (44) Wings clearer at apex than at base ; a horny point in second cubital cellule. m Nigrita. 44 (43) Wings not clearer at base than at apex ; no horny point in second cellule. Micans, SECTION 1. Posterior ivings, with one middle cellule. Body, legs and wings entirely black. Antenna) longish, filiform, the joints produced at the apices, pilose, in <^ densely covered with stiff longish hair ; third joint shorter than fourth. Wings with the third cubital cellule much longer than second, dilated at the apex; second transverse cubital nervure oblique, sloping in the opposite direction from the third ; first transverse cubital received a little past the middle of the cellule ; trans- verse median nervure received a little in front of middle of cellule; tr. radial received not very far from the third tr. cubital. Accessory nervure in hind wings appendiculated a little beyond the middle. Cljpeus truncated at apex. The eyes reach close to mandibles, and they have a longish fovea at the middle behind. Claws bifid (Species 1) (Phymatocera). 1. BLENNOCAMPA ATERRIMA. PI. XIV, figs. 3, 3a, (f . Tenthredo aterrima, King, Berl. Mag., viii, 81, 79 ; Htg., Blattw., 276, 36 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 31, 11. fuliginosa, Fall., Acta Holm., 1808, 109, 45 ; Bouche, Naturg., 136. Phymatocera aterrima, Dbm., Consp., 8; Voll., Tidj. Ent., v, 5559, pi. 2 ; Zool., S. S., 9471 ; Tasch., Ent. f. Gart., 161; Kalt. PfL, 723. Selandria Bobinsoni, Curtis, Trans. Linn. Soc., xxi, 39 41. Jllennocampa aterrima, Thorns., Opus., 280, 7 ; Hym. Sc., i, 205, 1 ; Cam., E. M. M., xiv, 58, 20 ; Andre, Species, i, 298, pi. xviii, fig. 13 ; Cat., 37,* 1. Black, shining, covered with a close fuscous pubescence; apex of fore femora and tibiae in front testaceous ; wings smoky, iridescent. ? and . Length 3^ 4 lines. The larva is cylindrical, thicker before than behind. BLENNOCAMPA SERICANS. 233 Head black, slightly pilose, and with a horse-shoe shaped impression on the vertex. The ground colour of the body is greyish- white, but it is covered with a bluish powder. Skin much wrinkled and covered on the upper part with black tubercles, each ending in short black spines, which form a sort of crown ; the middle spine is the longest. There are three rows of the tubercles on the abdomen on each side of the central furrow; on the fore region they are more numerous and more irregularly arranged. The skin- folds over the abdominal legs are also beset with black spines. Thoracic legs black; those on the abdomen are short, conical, and coloured like the body. They feed on Convallaria multiflora, C. polygonata, &c., usually feeding along the edge of the leaf, or more rarely in the centre. When full fed they become entirely bluish-grey, and enter the earth, where a cocoon is spun. They appear in June and July ; the imago in the following May. Found near Putney by Curtis. Continental range : Sweden, Holland, France, Ger- many, Italy and Russia. Body and legs black ; knees and four anterior tibiae testaceous in front. Antenna? shorter than thorax, thick, the third joint about one half longer than fourth. Transverse radial nervure received a little beyond middle of cellule, third cubital cellule almost shorter and much wider than second ; tr. median nervure received in front of middle of cellule. Head scarcely dilated behind the eyes ; frontal sutures distinct ; frontal fovea large, oval ; pentagonal area not indicated ; clypeus slightly in- cised. Abdomen longish, sharply pointed at apex (Species 2). 2. BLENNOCAMPA SERICANS. Tenthredo sericans, Htg., Blattw., 275, 33. Slennocampa sericans, Andre, Species, i, 308 ; Cat., 37,* 7. Black ; sides of abdomen and legs covered with a grey pubescence knees and tibia? in front whitish-testaceous. Antenna) as long as the head and thorax, thick, bare, the third joint a quarter longer than the fourth ; the joints not closely separated. Front smooth, with scarcely any pubescence; the antennal fovea large; frontal sutures clearly defined. Clypeus slightly incised ; tips of mandibles piceous. Abdomen 234 ELENKOOAMPA SB.RICANS. longer than the head and thorax, broad in the middle, sharply pointed at the apex; the edges of the segments are white. The breast and pleurae are smooth and shining; the cenchri are large, white; the blotch is distinct. The legs are covered with a long white pile ; the anterior tarsi pale. Wings slightly fuscous throughout ; the tr. radial nervure is received a little past the middle of the third cubital cellule ; the second cubital cellule has a distinct horny point ; the first cubital nervure is received near the middle of the second cubital cellule ; the second in the basal fourth ; the third cubital cellule is nearly as long as the fourth. $ and <^. Length 3f lines. The long, pointed abdomen, short antennas, uniformly coloured wings, as well as the coloration of the legs, will serve to distinguish this species. Hartig says that the posterior tibige in the ? are pale, but this is not the case with the specimens I have seen. Blennocampa monticola, Htg., = feriata, Zaddach (Beschr., p. 35), differs from sericans in having the third joint of the antennae double the length of the fourth, while in sericans it is not more than a quarter ; in monticola the antennae are scarcely longer than the thorax ; the legs are shining, black ; the apex of femora and the tibiae externally white, the tarsi are black, the anterior, however, being paler than the posterior. I have seen several English specimens of sericans, but I do not know the precise locality where they were taken. Continental distribution : Germany, Holland, France* Black, anterior knees testaceous ; wings blackish at base. An- tennse shorter than thorax, thick, third joint double the length of fourth. Third cubital cellule a little longer than second, slightly dilated at apex ; second and third transverse cubital nervure s with distinct bullse ; tr. median nervure received in middle of cellule. Head dilated behind the eyes ; frontal sutures and fovea distinct; pentagonal area confused; clypeus trun- cated at apex. Eyes reaching close to mandibles (Species 3). BLBNNOOAMP4 XHiRTTA. 235 >. BLENNOOAMPA NTGRTTA. Tenthrcdo nigrita, Fab., S. P., 39, 47; Lcp., Mon., 81, 241; Fall., Acta Holm., 1807, 281, 8. uiiji-n-iiun, Kl., Bcrl. Mag., viii, 65, 83; Htg., Blattw., 276, 35 ; Ratz., Forstins., iii, 132 (lav.) ; Kalt., 431. RcJninlria brevicornis, Ste., 111., vii, 49, 18. />'!> nocampa nigrita, Thorns., Opus., 281, 8; Hym. Sc., i, 209, 6; Andre, Species, i, 307; Cat., 37,* 2. Deep black, densely pilose; anterior knees and b;nal half of tibiae whitish-testaceous. Antennae shorter than head and thorax, the joints short and thick, closely united towards the apex ; the third joint a little less than double the length of the fourth. Wings fuscous at base, hyaline at apex ; nervures black ; basal half of stigina fuscous. The $ has the antennae as long as the abdomen ; the third and fourth joints are about e/tiarum, which is found almost everywhere in Europe, in Japan and India, and A. rosce, which extends south to the west coast of Africa. It is a most distinct and natural genus, not readily confounded with any other, and having, it may be, however, only superficial resemblances to widely different groups. The antennae, for instance, resem- ble those of Allantus, except that they have more than nine joints. In coloration it mimics some of the Hylotomce, e.g. H. rosce. In the position of the basal nervure, in the shortness of the spurs, and in the form and habits of the larvae it agrees with the Selan- (li'utdes, while the number of joints in the antennae would seem to ally it to the Phyllotomides, and the angled cubital cellules and general arrangement of the nervures agree best with Heptamelus. From the paucity of species and their wide distribution, as well as from their want of very nearly related forms, it would seem as if the genus was a very old one. Synopsis of Species. 1 (2) Mesonotum smooth, shining, glabrous, breast, pleura and underside of the antennae luteous. Ancilla. (1) Mesonotum densely pubescent. 3 (10) Abdomen entirely luteous, clypeus small, mouth white. 4 (9) Tarsi annulated with black. 5 (6) Middle lobe of mesonotum and underside of thorax luteous. Spinarum. 6 (5) Middle lobe of mesonotum black. 7 (8) Scutellum luteous in ? ; sternum luteous, tarsal joints luteous at the base ; third joint of antenna3 more than double the length of fourth. Scutellarice. 8 (7) Scutellum black in ?; sternum black, base of tarsal joints white; third joint of antennas not more than double the length of fourth. Rosce. 9 (4) Tibiaa partly and tarsi entirely black. Lugens. 10 (2) Abdomen with the basal segment black, clypeus broad, luteous. Annulata. Vt)L. I. 20 306 ATHALIA ANCILLA. 1. ATHALIA ANCILLA. Atkalia ancilla, Lep., Mon., 22, 63 ; Ste., 111., vii, 43, 5. glabricollis, Thorns., Opus., 268, 5 (1870); Hym. Scand., i, 171, 1; Cam., Proc. N. H. S. Glas., iii, 129; Fauna, 16, 1; Andre, Species, i, 285 ; Cat, 36,* 6. rosa, Cam., Sc. Nat., ii, 197199 (lar.). Phyllotoma annulata, Fall., Mon., 28, 3. Tenthredo liberta, Klug, Germar's Beise nach Dalmatien, 257, 333. Smooth, shining, glabrous, reddish -luteous. Head, antennae, meso- and metanotum, the apex of posterior tibiae and the tarsal joints at the apex (the four anterior slightly), with the apex of sheath, black. Mouth and palpi white ; the antennae from the second joint are pale testaceous on the underside. Wings hyaline, yellowish at the base ; the nervures and costa at the base are yellowish, for the rest black ; stigma black ; tegulse luteous; blotch large, clear white. ? and <^. Length 3| 4 lines. Larva. Head small, partly retracted into the second segment, deep shining black and covered with a short pile. Legs black ; the abdominal ones with the tips white and the anal (which are small) entirely so. The upper part of the body is lead coloured ; below the spiracles it is pale white. The skin is much wrinkled and folded, and beset with small tubercles. At the last moult the mouth is whitish, and the body becomes of a pale slate colour. Length 6 to 7 lines. The pupa is pale white. The larva is of the same habits as its better known congener Spinarum, and affects like it cruciferous plants, Erysimum, Sisymbrium, &c., and, as will be seen from the description, does not differ materially from it. I have met with full-fed larvae at the end of July, and from some collected then have reared the perfect insects at the beginning of September, but others belonging to the same batch did not change till the following spring. Having only once found the larvse I cannot say whether they are double brooded or not, nor if they are injurious to turnips. Glabricollis is not an uncommon insect (commoner, I should say, than spinarum) in June. I have taken it ATHALIA SPINARUM. 307 in Clydesdale, Dumfriesshire, Rannoch and Sutherland- shire ; have seen specimens from Berwickshire, Aber- deen, and in England it has occurred in the London district, Glanvilles' Wootton, Norwich, Gloucester, Worcester and Manchester. On the Continent it has been recorded from Sweden, Lapland, France and Dalmatia, and no doubt it is very generally distributed over the north and north- west. I have seen a good many German specimens. 2. ATHALIA SPINARUM. Plate XIV, fig. 2, ? ; Plate III, fig. 11, Lar. Tenthredo spinarum, Fab., S. E., ii, 110, 20 ; Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 127, 1 ; Zett., I. L., 339, 3. centifolia, Pz., F. G., 49, 18. colibri, Cbr. B., 434, pi. 50, fig. 1. Hylotoma spinarum, Fab., S. P., 26, 21. Phyllototna spinarum, Fall., Mon. Tenth., 27, 1. Athalia spinarum, Leach, Z. M., Ill, 126 ; Dbm., Prod., 62, 9 ; Claris, 16 (lar.) ; Yarrell, Proc. Z. S., ii, 67; Ste., 111., vii, 42,1; Curtis, B. E., 617 (details); Farm., Ins., 37, pi. B (lar., &c.) ; West, Int., ii, 102 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 34, 1 ; Voll., Tidj.Ent., 109, 111, pi. 9 (im., lar., &c.) ; Zool. S. S., 9067 ; Tasch., Ent. Gart, 150, 63, figs. 36 and 37 (im. and lar.); Newport Prize Essay ; Fraunf. Verb. z. b. Ges., 1866, 839; Thorns., Hym. Scand., i, 173, 2 ; Kalt., Pfl., 32, 36, 41 ; Andre, Species, i, 287, pi. xvii, figs. 2, 4 and 5 ; Cat., 36,* 5. spinarum, var. Orientalis, Cam., Tr. Ent. Soc., 1877, 90. c&ntifolia}, Lep., Mon., 24, 71 ; Ste., 111., vii, 42, 2. Luteous, covered above with a dense whitish pubescence. Antennas, head (except the mouth, which is white and covered with a whitish pubescence), the mesonotum at the sides, metanotum, apex of tibiaB and the joints of the tarsi at the apex, black. In front of the mesonotum the black colour forms a triangle, the base being in front, and there is a faint luteous spot in the centre of the metanotum. The scutellum is luteous. Sheath of saw black at the apex and very hairy. Wings hya- line, with a fuscous tinge at the apex and yellowish at the base ; ner- vures (except at the base, where they are yellowish), costa and stigma deep black, the latter is luteous at the extreme base; tegulae luteous ; palpi pale testaceous ; the upper edge of the pleurae below the wings is black ; the mandibles piceous ; the blotch is large, pale yellow. 308 ATHALIA SPINARUM. The $ lias the two basal joints of the antennae entirely, and the other joints beneath, pale luteous ; the face below and surrounding the antennas and the inner edge of the eyes white. In the ? the antennee are often pale luteous or brownish on the underside. Length 3 4 lines. Beadily known from the other species of the group by the yellow markings on the mesonotum. The eggs are oval, whitish and semitransparent. They are laid along the leaf margin on the underside embedded in the epidermis. About 250 to 300 are deposited by a single ? . According to Newport sometimes only one egg may be laid on a leaf, but not unfrequently as many as eight, ten, fifteen, or even twenty, according to Curtis; when a number is de- posited on the same leaf they are arranged along the margin at irregular intervals. The same excellent observer says that when only a few eggs are laid on the leaf they are generally placed on the leaflet at the base of the leaf and seldom at the apex. The fly does not deposit her eggs indifferently on all the leaves of the plant, but usually on the second set, " or four leaves after the cotyledonous leaves," and never on the coty- ledonous leaves themselves. Neither are they laid on the inner or youngest leaves, which have their surfaces rougher than the outer ones. According to most observers the eggs are invariably laid in the hottest part of the day and when the sun is shining. When first laid the egg is scarcely visible, there being no trace of it apparent beyond a slight elevation of the cuticle, and this is often so slight that it is only by extracting the egg itself that its presence becomes apparent. Within twenty-four hours the elevation has increased while the egg has become more opaque. By the second day it has still further increased, and the depression in which the egg is situated widens so that a free space equal to its own width surrounds it on both sides. This continues to expand and the egg bec'omes still more opaque, and the future larva is seen ATHALIA SPINARUM. 309 curled up in a semicircular form inside. On the fifth day it escapes. This is about its normal rate of progress if the weather be warm, but if, on the other hand, it be wet and cold, the development is retarded considerably, taking six, seven, or even twelve days, according to the temperature. If the weather be very unfavorable many of them are destroyed. When developed, the larva eats its way through the shell, and then through the part of the leaf which encircles the eggs. It eats at first the upper epidermis, the portions eaten out being noticeable as little brown patches, which are " partial perforation of the leaf covered with the round cuticle of the upper surface." When it quits the egg it is about half a line long, and of a whitish colour with a black head. According to Newport it does not eat the egg shell which remains in the cavity. In three days it is double its original length. At this period, according to the same author, if it has to descend to the ground to search for a more suitable leaf or for any other reason, it aids its descent by means of a silken thread which it attaches to the leaf and drops down by its aid. When older it does not possess this faculty. It moults for the first time on the fifth day after leaving the egg. In all it moults three times, each at an interval of from five to seven days before it becomes fully fed and is ready to form its cocoon. After leaving the egg the larva is white with two black dots on the head; but soon the body becomes darker and the head quite black. When the larva is about fully grown the head is narrower than the second segment, shining black, and covered with a few short hairs. Each of the body segments is divided into several folds, and smooth and shining, without any hairs. The upper part to the spiracles is black, on each side is a longitudinal slate-coloured spot ; then a row of black, mostly double oblong spots. The legs are slate-coloured ; the abdominal legs are black 310 ATHALIA SPINARUM. splashed with grey ; they are almost hid by the over- hanging folds of the body. The pupa is greyish-white. The cocoon is oval and is formed of grains of earth closely agglutinated together. Externally it is rough ; internally smooth and shining. The larva eats night and day, and seems to delight in the hottest sunshine, in which it basks curled up on the upper surface of the leaf. It lives as a larva about nineteen days. There are usually three broods in the year ; the first appears in early summer, the second at the end of July and beginning of August ; these become developed at the middle of September, and give issue to another brood which feed on sometimes to the end of October. Although the larva is principally known from the ravages it commits on the turnip, yet it also feeds on other cruciferous plants such as Sinapis arvensis, Barbarea and Sisymbrium. Indeed, Sinapis is pro- bably the natural food plant, and according to Newport it prefers it even to the white turnip. The last- mentioned author has found them on Sinapis in great abundance, feeding upon the leaves and flowers. Newport says also, that if there be any charlock in the same field with the turnip, the larva will attack the former plant first ; and if there be plenty of the weed they will stick to it and leave the turnips alone. The flies make their appearance in May, then in July, August and September with the second and third broods. According to Curtis they live from twelve to fourteen days. They fly in the sunshine and fre- quent flowers, showing a preference for roses, accord- ing to some authorities. Hence the species was named Gentifolice by Panzer. When touched or alarmed they tuck the antennae and legs close to the body and drop to the earth, where they remain motionless until the danger has passed away. During cloudy weather they remain seated on the underside of the leaves, ATHALIA SPINARUM. 311 frequently four or five being seen on the same leaf. Curtis says that they are preyed upon by swallows. Newport remarks that the flies proceed in flights across the fields or district in which they may be located. Thus, he once noticed them very busily ovipositing in a field. On the second day there were scarcely any left on that part of the field where they were first observed ; they were then at work in the middle. By the third day they had proceeded still further, and on the fourth they had reached the opposite end of the field from which they started. It is suggested by Newport that the whole of the eggs are not laid in one day, but may take three or four a very likely supposition considering that each female lays about two hundred and fifty. The larva of this Athalia is known to farmers by the name of the " black palmer," " black canker," " black slug," or " nigger." The first published account of its ravages in Britain is contained in a paper by W. Marshall in the ' Transactions of the Royal Society ' for 1783. According to this writer the larva had committed very great ravages in the year before that, and he mentions also that it had been equally injurious in 1760. Yarrell says that it was abundant again in 1818, while from 1833 and onwards it did very great damage. There seems to be some reason for believing that the insect may have originally come over from the Continent, for Marshall says that they first made their appearance -on the eastern coast; they were observed to alight in clouds and were found afterwards heaped up on the shore in some places to a depth of two inches. They abound during warm and dry sum- mers ; cold and wet ones checking their spread very effectively. Various remedies have been recommended for checking the ravages of the larvae. Spreading quick- lime and the refuse of gas works has been used, and in 312 ATHALIA SPINAEUM. some cases, with benefit, especially if before they are applied the turnips be dragged over by a rope so that the larvae may fall to the earth. It has also been found very beneficial to turn a flock of ducks into the fields; these birds eat the larvae readily and have in some cases saved the crops ; but, on the other hand, feeding on the larvae tends to injure the ducks, as they suffer much from diarrhoea and become very emaciated. It has been suggested by Newport that if when the flies have appeared and are about to lay their eggs, the turnips be well watered daily or twice daily with sea water, or with water mixed with salt, this will tend to destroy the eggs. The larvae are preyed upon by a thread-worm, Mermis albicans, a Dipteron, Meigenia bisignata, and by the Hymenoptera, Bassus atkaliaeperda, Curtis, Try- phon succinctus, Grr. ; Tryphon marginellus, GT. ; Peri- lissus lutescens, Holmg. (teste Brischke) ; Mesoleius armillatorius, Gr. ; M. ciliatus, Holmg. ; Tryphon brachy acanthus, Gr. (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1878) ; Perilampus splendidus, P. violaceus. The species appears to be generally distributed over England, being, however, apparently rare in the north. It does not seem to have been very injurious of late years, a fact no doubt owing to the system of rotation of crops. In Scotland it has not, so far as I can learn, been ever very injurious. Mr. James Hardy tells us that a black Athalia larva was once rather destructive in Berwickshire, but it was got rid of by an application of quick lime. It is more than possible that damage attributed to Spinarum may in reality have been caused by the very similar larva of A. glabricollis. Spinarum is found all over the Palaearctic region, extending eastward into Japan. The Japanese speci- mens have the black on the thorax broadly divided in the middle. In India a form occurs differing from the European variety in having the costa at the base, the basal joints of the antennae and the epistoma luteous ; the thorax is black only behind the scutellum ; there is ATHALIA SCUTELLARLffi. 313 also a yellowish mark on the metanotura and the wings are not yellowish = var. Orientalis, Cam. 3. ATHALIA SCUTELLAEI^I. Plate III, fig. 9, Larva. Athalia scutellarice, Cam., B. M. M., xvii, 66 (1880) ; Andre, Species, i, 581 (Suppl.). Luteous, pilose ; the head (except the apex of clypeus and the labrum, which are white), meso- and metanotum (except the apex of middle lobe of mesonotum and the greater part of the scutellum, which are luteous) and the upper half (in some cases only the third) of pleura, black. Legs luteous, the apices of the four posterior tibiaB and the joints of all the tarsi broadly annulated with black. Antennae black, eleven -join ted, testaceous on the under side. Wings hyaline, nervures, costa (save at extreme base, where they are testaceous) and stigma black. $ similar, but with the mesonotum entirely black. Length 2 2 lines. Allied to A. rosce, but distinguished by its smaller size, more pilose body, luteous sternum and scutellum in the ? , by the third cubital cellule being shorter in proportion to the second and at the same time wider at the base, by the third joint of the antenna3 being more than double the length of the fourth, which is not the case with rosce, while the tar sal joints at the base are of the same colour as the rest of the legs, and not whitish as in the commoner species. The larva is of a deep velvety black colour. On the sides at the top are twelve white tubercles which are longer than broad; over the legs there is a row of larger and more oval tubercles of the same colour, while above these on the abdomen there is a row of smaller white tubercles situated above the space sepa- rating the larger ones below them, this middle row of tubercles being of the same shape as those on the top. The head is deep black and covered with a moderately long pile ; the legs are fuscous-black, the abdominal ones white or dirty-white. The skin is rough and of a velvety texture. The larvae feed on Scutellarice galericulata in the 314 ATHALIA KOS^E. autumn, and spin in the earth cocoons of silk mixed with grains of sand. The images appear at the end of June. The only locality I know of is Gloucester, where the Iarva3 were found by Mr. Allan Harker, who obligingly sent them to me. 4. ATHALIA Tenthredo rosa* Lin., F. Sc. Ed., ii, 1555 (1776) ; S. N. (xii), 925, 30 ; Klug, BerL Mag., viii, 128, 2 ; Htg., Blattw., 284, 2 ; Zett., Ins. Lap., 338, 2. Phyllotoma rosce, Fall., Mon., 28, 2. Hylotoma annulata, Fall., Aeta, 1807, 205, 13. Athalia bicolor, Lep., Mon., 23, 69. rosce, Ste., 111., vii, 43, 7 ; Dbm., Prod., 64, 10, pi. 1, figs. 3643 ; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 34, 2 ; Thorns., Opus., 267, 2; Hym. Sc., i, 173, 3; Cam., P. N. H. S. Glas., iii, 130, 207 ; Fauna, 16, 3 ; Andre, Species, i, 289; Cat., 36,* 8. cordata, Lep., Mon., 22, 64 (?) ; Ste., 42, 3. lineolata, Lep., 22, 65 (?) ; Ste., 43, 4. Blanchardi, Brulle, Hym., iv, 663, pi. 46, fig. 6. Antennae, head and thorax black; mouth white; tegulse, pro thorax and abdomen reddish-yellow. Legs pale reddish- testaceous, paler at the base ; the apex of the tibiae and the joints of the tarsi annulated with black; apex of sheath black. Wings yellowish-hyaline, costa luteous at base, the rest of it with the stigma black. $ and $. Length 2| 3 lines. The pleurse and sternum are frequently marked to a greater or less extent with yellow patches. There may be only a small yellow spot on either the one or the other of these parts, or both may be almost entirely yellow, the black being visible only in obscure splashes. With this light-coloured form the under surface of the antennae is generally yellowish, so that it has a general resemblance to A. glabricollis. With the dark form the anterior legs have the black annulations very distinct, but all gradiations are found * In the Linnean Collection Rosce is represented by ancilla and spinarum, Rosce auct. not being in the collection at all. As a whole, the Linnean description agrees best with ancilla. ATHALIA LUGENS. 315 until in the light variety the black has disappeared entirely. A. rosce is an exceedingly common species, and is found everywhere in Britain in June and July. It is very fond of frequenting flowers, and appears to have a special fancy for those of Ajuga reptans. This latter circumstance was first pointed out to me by Mr. James Hardy, and I have since verified it myself. According to J. Scheffler (quoted by Taschenberg, Ent. Gart., p. 152), the larva feeds on Sedum album, but no details are given. The species has a very wide Palasarctic range, and it is found also on the west coast of Africa. The spe- cimen from the latter locality (in the British Museum) has the breast and pleuras quite black, and the wings yellower than is usual with northern specimens, but otherwise does not differ. 5. ATHALIA LUGENS. Tenthredo lugens, Klug, Berl. Mag., viii, 128, 3 ; Htg., Blattw., 285, 3. Athalia abdominalis, Lep., F. Fr., pi. 13, fig. 2 ; Mon., 23, 68 ; Ste., 111., vii, 44, 10 (?) ; Bouche, S. E. Z., xii, 290; Kalt., Pfl., 3. lugens, Ste., 111., vii, 44, 9 ; Dbm., Prod., 66, 11 ; Thorns., Op., 267, 3; Hym. Scand., i, 174, 4; Cam., P. N. H. S. Glas , 111, 131 ; Fauna, 16, 4 ; Andre, Species, i, 286 ; Cat., 35,* 1. Antennae, head, pronotum in front, meso- and metanotum and base of abdomen, black ; tibia? and tarsi fuscous-black ; the edge of pronotum, pleurae, sternum, tegulas, abdomen and coxae, femora and anterior tibia3 behind, luteous. Wings blackish ; nervures, costa and stigma deep black ; the costa paler at the extreme base. Apex of sheath black. The (^ has the mouth white ; the two basal joints of antennae beneath are pale testaceous ; the tibiae are broadly luteous at the base, and the tarsal joints more or less pale at the base, especially with the anterior pair. Length 2 3 lines. The only information we have of the early stages of this insect is that given by Bouche (1. c.). He states that the ? bores into the young branches and leaf- 316 ATHALIA ANNUL ATA. buds of Clematis erecta, and deposits her eggs therein. In course of time the larvae cause a bladder-like swell- ing, wherein the brown-headed creatures live until they are about half fed, a period extending from four- teen to twenty days ; after this they become external feeders, become of a brownish-green colour, and devour the leaves for fourteen to twenty days more, when, reaching maturity, they drop to the earth, where they pass the winter. If these observations refer to lug ens, it is certain that it must have some other food plant besides Cle- matis, since the saw-fly is found in districts where the plant is not native, nor occurs at all. The matter stands in need of re-investigation. Lug ens is a not uncommon species in Britain. It has been found in Clydesdale, the midland counties, Worcester, Gloucester, Glanvilles* Wootton, Devon- shire and the London districts. Continental distribution : Sweden, Germany, Hol- land, France. 6. ATHALIA ANNULATA. Tenthredo annulata, Fab., S. E., ii, 110, 22; King, Berl. Mag., viii, 89, 4 ; Htg., Blattw., 285, 4. Athalia annulata, Ste., 111., vii, 44, 8 ; Dbm., Prod., 66, 12, pi. 2, fig. 44 (lar.); Lep., Hon., 24, 70; Thorns., Opus., 267, 4; Hym., Scand., i, 174, 4; Cam., P. N. H. S. Glas., Ill, 131; Evers., Bull. Mosc., xx, 34, 3; Kalt., Pfl., 471 ; Andre, Species, i, 286 ; Cat., 36,* 7. Hylotoma annulata, Fab., S. P., 23, 26. Reddish-luteous. Thorax covered with a dense silky pubescence ; scutellum almost glabrous; the antennae, meso- and metathorax, the upper part of the first abdominal segment, sheath, the base of coxae, apex of posterior tibias and tarsi, more or less black ; mouth pale red. Wings hyaline, the basal half yellowish ; costa luteous at the base, the rest with the stigma and the nervures at the apex black. $ and <^. Length 3 3| lines. This species differs from all the others in the reddish colour of the mouth. Some of the forms of rosce ATHALIA ANNULATA. 317 resemble it, but the above peculiarity, the black first abdominal segment, the coxaB black at the base, with the almost black posterior tarsi, readily separate the two. Most of the English specimens that I have seen have the base of the posterior tarsal joints luteous, the middle joints are blackish at the tips from the second joint, and the anterior faintly fuscous at the apex. According to some of the describers the posterior tarsi are entirely black, but I have never seen a specimen with them entirely of one colour. I have seen some Continental specimens with scarcely any black, the apical joints being only faintly fuscous. Kaltenbach relates (1. c.) that he found the larva of annulata in July, and again in September and October on Veronica beccabunga, the leaves of which it eats on the underside. He describes the larva as being dull black, whitish at the sides, and as spinning a cocoon in the earth. A larva answering to this description I have found myself on Veronica in Clydesdale, but unfortunately did not succeed in rearing it. Dahlbom, on the other hand, says that he received from Drewsen its larva, which according to him fed on the turnip. It is stated to have been of a glaucous colour and beset with distinct tubercles, which are well shown in Dahlbom' s figure which was taken from a specimen preserved in spirit. Annulata is the rarest of the British species of Athalia. I have seen a specimen from "Worcester and a few from Grlanvilles' Wootton. The perfect insect is stated by Kaltenbach to frequent in summer the flowers of Heradeum. It has a wide European distribution, being found in Sweden, Germany, Holland, France, Hungary and Russia. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. ABBBEVIATIONS USED IN THE REFERENCES TO SERIALS AND TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES. Am. Nat. The American Naturalist (Salem). Ann. Ent. Belg. Anuales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique (Brussels). Ann. Mus. H. N. Annales du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle (20 vols., Paris, 1802-13). Ann. N. H. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (London). Ann. Sci. Nat. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Paris). Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (Paris, 1832, et seq). Arch.f. Nat. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte (Berlin). Arch. Ver. Mecklerib. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Berl. Mag. Magazin der Gesselschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (Berlin, 1807, et seq). B. E. Z Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift (Berlin, 1857, et seq). Bull. Ent. Ital. Bullettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana (Florence). Bull. Nose. Bulletin dela Societe Imperialedes Naturalistes de Moscow, 1847, et seq. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Bulletin des Stances de la Societe Entomolo- gique de France (Paria). G. R. Ent. Belg. Comptes rendus des Seances de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique (Brussels). G. B. Ver. Regensb. Correspondenz-Blatt des Zoologisch- mineralogischen Vereins in Regensburg (Ratisbon). C. B. Ver. Rheinl. Correspondenz-Blatt des Naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheiulande und Westphalens (Bonn). Canad. Ent. The Canadian Entomologist (Montreal). E. M. M. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (London, 1864, etseq). Enc. Mefh Encyclopedic Methodique (10 vols., Paris, 1789 1825). Ent. The Entomologist (London). 320 EXPLANATION OP ABBREVIATIONS. Ent. Ann. The Entomologist's Annual (London, 1856 1874). Ent. Mag The Entomological Magazine (5 vols., London, 183338). Ent. Nachr. Entomologische Nachrichten (Katter ; Putbus, 1876, et seq). Ent. Tidskr. Entomologisk Tidskrift po foran Staltande af Entomologiska Foreningen i Stockholm (Stockholm). Deutsche E. Z. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (Berlin), Feuill. Nat. Feuilles des jeunes Naturalistes (Miilhausen) . Germ. Zeit. Q-ermar's Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie (5 vols., Leipzig, 183944). Guer. Mag. Zool. Guerin-Meneville's Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, d'Anatomie comparee et de Palaeontologie (Paris, 1831, et seq) . J. B. Ver. ZwicTcan. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Naturkunde zu Zwickan. J. J3. Zool. Sect. Westf. Ver. Jahresbericht der Zoologischen Section fur das Etatjahr 1877 78 des westfalischen Provinzial- vereins fur Wissenschaft und Kunst. Lin. Ent. Linnsea Entomologica ; published by the Entomolo- gical Society of Stettin (16 vols., Berlin and Leipsic, 1846-66). Loud. Mag. London's Magazine of Natural History (9 vols., London, 182936). M T Munch. Ent. Ver. Mittheilungen des Miinchener Entomo- logischen Vereins (Munich). M T Schw. Ent. Ges. Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft (S chaff hausen). Nat. Hist. Rev. The Natural History Review ; a Quarterly Journal of Science (Dublin and London). Ofv. Ofversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar (Stockholm, 1845, et seq.). Proc. Amer. Ent. $00. The Proceedings of the American Ento- mological Society (Philadelphia). Proc. Lin. Soc. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1857, et seq.). Proc. jy. If. S. Glas. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow (1868, et seq.). Rep. E. Soc. Ont. Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. R. Z. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquee (Paris). S. . z. b. Wien. Sitzungsberichte der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (Vienna). 8. E. Z. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung (Stettin, 1840, et seq.). ScJir. ges. Danz. Neueste Schriften der Naturforscher ider Gesellschaft zu Danzig. Schr. ges. Konig. Schriften der K. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Preussen (Konigsberg). Scot. Nat. The Scottish Naturalist (Perth and Edinburgh). Sv. A jfiT. Handl. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar (Stockholm, 1780, et seq.). EXPLANATION OP ABBREVIATIONS. 321 Term, fuzetek. Termeszetrajzi fiizetek : az allat-noveny-azvany- es toldtan Korebol (Peste). Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. Transactions of the American Entomo- logical Society (Philadelphia). Tr. Ent. Soc. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (1834, et seq). Tr. Lin. Soc. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (1791, et seq.). Verh. pr. Rheinl. Verhandlungen des iiaturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens (Bonn, 1844, et seq.). Verli. Wien z.-b. Ver., and Verh. z.-b. Qes. Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischen Vereins in Wien; afterwards Kaiserlich- Konigliche zoologische-botanische Gesellschaft (Vienna, 1852, et seq.). Wiener Ent. Zeit. The "Wiener Entomologische Zeitung (Vienna) . Z. ges Naturw. Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissen- schaf'ten (Berlin). Zool. The Zoologist (London, 1843, et seq.). Zool. Am. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Leipzig). Z. wiss. Zool. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie (Leipzig). ABBREVIATIONS OF AUTHORS' NAMES, SEPARATE WORKS, Ac. Andre , Species. Andre (Ed.). Species des Hymenopteres d'Europe et d'Alge'rie (Beaune, 1879, et seq.). Bouche, Naturg. Bouche (P. F.). Naturgeschichte der Insecten, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer ersten Zustaude als Larven und Puppen (Berlin, 1834). rischke* s Abbild.Rr\schke (C. GL A.). Abbildungen und Be- schreibun^en der Blattvvespen Larven (Berlin, 1855). Br. and Zad. Brischke (C. G. A.) and Zaddach (Or.). See Serials, ante. BrulU, Exp. Mor. Brull^ (A.) (the Entomological portion of). Expedition scientifique de Moree (Paris, 1832). Brulle, St. Farg. Hym. Brulle (A.). St. Fargeau's Histoire Naturelle des Insectes ; Hymenopteres (vol. iv, by Brulle, Paris, 1846). Cam. Cameron (Peter). See Serials, ante. Cam., Fauna. Cameron (Peter). The Fauna of Scotland, with special reference to Clydesdale and the Western District. Hymen- optera (Glasgow, 1876). Cam., Cat. Cameron (Peter). A Catalogue of the British Ten- thredinidae (Glasgow, 1876). VOL. r. 21 322 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. Christ, Hym. Christ (J. L.). Naturgeschichte, Klassification und Nomenclatur der Insecten von Bienen, Wespen, und Ameisen- geschlecht (Frankfort-on-Maiue, 1971). Costa, Fauna. Costa (A.). Fauna di regno di Napoli (Naples, 1861). Cur., B. E. Curtis (John). British Entomology (16 vols., London, 1823-40). Cur., Farm. Ins. Curtis (John). Farm Insects; being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland (London, 1860). Dalm., An. Ent. Dalman (J. W.). Analecta Entomologica (Stockholm, 1823). Dim., Clavis. Dahlbom (A. G-.). Clavis Novi Hymenopterorum Systematis adjecta Synopsi Larvarum ejusdem ordinis Scandina- vicarum Eruciformiutn (Lund, 1835). Dbm., Consp. Conspectus Tenthrediuidum, Siricidum et Orys- sinorum Scandinavia (Lund, 1835). Dim., Onych. Dahlbom (A. G-.). Onychia och Callaspidia, Tvenne for Skandinaviens Fauna Nya Insekt-Slagten, Norande till Gallaple- Steklarnes naturliga grupp (Lund, 1842). Dbm., Prod. Prodromus HymenopterologiaB Scandinavicse (Lund, 1836). Dbm., Skand. Rym. F. Skandinavisk Hymenopter-Fauna (Lund, 1846). De Geer, Mem. Degeer (C.). Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des Insectes (Holm, 1752 78). Don., B. Z Donovan (E). The Natural History of British Insects (16 vols., London, 17921813). Dours, Cat. Dours (A.). Catalogue Synonymique des Hymeno- petres de France (Amiens, 1873). EC. Economy. Evers. Eversmann (Ed.). See Serials, ante. Fab., E. 8. Fabricius (I. C.). Entomologica Systematica (4 vols., Copenhagen 179294; Supplement, 1798). Fab., M. I. Fabricius. Mantissa Insectorum (2 vols., Copen- hagen, 1787). Fab., 8. E. Fabricius. Systema Entomologia3 (Flensburg and Leipsic, 1775). Fab., 8. I. Fabricius. Species Insectorum (2 vols., Hamburg and Kiel, 1781). Fab., S. P. Fabricius. Systema Piezatorum (Brunswick, 1804). Fall., Mon. Fallen (C. F.). Monographica Tenthredinetarum Suecise; (Lund, 1829). Fallen, 8pecim. Hym. Fallen (C. F.). Specimen novum Hymeno- ptera disponendi methodum exhibens (Lund, 1813). Fonsc. Fonscolombe (E. L. J. H. B. de, Baron). See Serials, ante. Forst., Nov. Spp. Ins. Forster (J. E.). Nova3 species Insec- torum, Centuria l a (London, 1781). Forst. Forster (Arnold). See Serials, ante. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. 323 Fourc., E. P. Fourcroy (A. F.). Entomologia Parisiensia (2 vols., Paris, 1785). Frisch, Bexclir. Frisch (J. L.). Beschreibung von allerlei Insecten in Deutschland (Berlin, 172038). Geqf., H. J. Geoffrey (E. L.). Histoire abregee des Insectea qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris (2 vols., Paris, 1762). Gim. Gimmerthal (B. A.). See Serials, ante. Oir. Giraud (J.). See Serials, ante. GmeL, S. N Gmelin (I. F.). Caroli a Linne Systema Naturaj, ed. xiii (10 vols., Leipsic, 178893). Hal. Haliday (A. H.). See Serials, ante. Harris, Inj. Ins. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Htg Hartig (T.). See -Serials, ante. Htg., Blattw. Hartig (T.). Die Familie der Blattwespen und Holzwespen nebst einer allgemeinen Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Hymenopteren (Berlin, 1837). Illig., Rossi, F. E. Illiger (I. C. W.). Fauna Etrusca, siatens Insecta qua3 in provinciis Florentia et Pisana prfflsertim collegit P. Rossius, Iterum edita, et annotatis perpetuis aucta (2 vols Helmstedt, 1807). Im. Imago. Jurine, Hym. Jurine (L.). Nouvelle Methode de classer les Hymenopteres et les Dipteres (Geneva and Paris, 1807). Kalt., Pfl Kaltenbach (J. H.). Die Pflanzeufeinde aus der Klasse der Insecten (Stuttgart, 1874). Karsch (F.) See Serials, ante. Kirby, Fauna. Kirby (Wm.). Fauna Boreali Americana. Kirby, Int. Kirby (W.) and Spence (W.). An Introduction to Entomology (4 vols., London, ed. v, 1828). Kirchner, Cat. Kirchner (Herp.). Catalogus Hymenopterorum Europe (Vienna, 1867). Al. Klug (J. C. F.). See Serials, ante. Kl.,Jahrb. Jahrbiicher der Insecten Kunde (Berlin, 1834). L, Ent. Mon. Entomologische Monographien (Berlin, 1824). A7., Sir. MoDographia Siricum Germaniae atque generum illis adnumeratorum (Berlin, 1803). Lar. Larva. Latr., Gen. Crust, et Ins. Latreille (P. A.). Genera Crustace- orum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita (4 vols., Paris and Strasburg, 1806 9). Latr., N. H. Latreille (P. A.). Histoire Katurelle generale et particuliere des Crustaces et des Insectes (14 vols., Paris, 1802 -5). Lep., F. Fr. Id. Faune fran9aise ou histoire naturelle des animaux, qui se trouvent en France (Paris, 1823). An incomplete work. Lep., Mon. St. Fargeau (A. L. M. Le Peletier, Comte de). Monographia Tenth redinidaru in, Synonimia extricata (Paris, 1823). Lich.,Cyn. Lichtenstein (Jules). Les Cynipides, la generation 324 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. alternante chez les Cynipides, par Dr. H. Adler de Schleswig, traduifc et annote par J. Lichtenstein, suivi de la classification des Cynipides d'apres le Dr. G. Mayr de Yienne (Montpellier). Lin., F. S. Linne (C. von). Fauna Suecica, ed. ii (Stockholm, 1761). Lin. S. N. Linne (C. von). Systema Natures, ed, xii (Stockholm, 176668). Malpighi, Opera. Malpighi (M.) Opera omnia, Ace. Opera posthuma. 2 vols. (Lugd. B. 16871700). Mayr, Cynipiden-g alien. Mayr (Gr. L.). Die europaischen cynipiden-gallen mit Ausschluss der auf Eichen vorkommenden Arten (Wien, 1876). Mayr, Eichengallen. Mayr. (GustavL.). Die mitteleuropaischen Eichengallen in Wort und Bild (Wien, 1871). Mayr, Genera. Die Genera der gallenbewohnenden Cynipiden (Wien, 1881). Newport Prize Essay. Newport (G.). Observations on the Anatomy, Habits, and Economy of Athalia centifolice, the Sawfly of the Turnip, and on the means which have been adopted for the pre- vention of its Ravages. The Prize Essay of the Entomological Society and Agricultural Association of Saffron Walden for the year 1837. Nort., Cat. Norton (E.), Catalogue of the described Tenthre- dinidse and Urocerida3 of North America (separate pagination). Panz., F. G. Panze (Gr. W. F.). Faunas Insectorum Germanicae initia (109 pts., Nuremberg, 17921810). Newm. Newman (Ed.). See Serials, ante. Newm., Ent. Newman's Entomologist (London, 1840 42). Ratzburg, Forst. Ins. Ratzburg (J. T. C.). Die Forstinsecten, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in den Waldern Preusseiiis und den Nachbarstaaten als schadlich oder niitzlich bekannt gewor- denen Insecten. Dritter Theil. Die Ader. Zwei. Halbnetz. und Geradfliigler. (Berlin, 1844). Reau., Mem. Reaumur (R. A. F. de). Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire des Insectes (7 vols., Paris, 1734 43). Reinh. Reinhard (H.). See Serials, ante. Rets., de Geer. Retzius (A. J.). Carol! de Geer genera et species Insectorum (Lipsise, 1783). Roesul, Ins. Belust. Roesul (A. J. von Rosenhof). Monatlich herausgegebene Insectenbelustigungeu (Nuremberg, 1746). Rossi, F. E. Rossi (P.)- Fauna Etrusca, sistens Insecta quseiu provinciis Florentina et Piscina prsesertim collegit (Leghorn, 1790). Rossi, Mant. Ro^si (P). Mantissa Insectorum, exhibens specie* nuper in Etruria collectas, adjectis FaunaB Etruscae illubtrationibus et emendationibus (Pisa, 1792 94). Rudow (F.) See Serials, ante. Rudow Pfl. Die Pflanzengallen Norddeutschlands und ihre Erzeuger (Neubrandenburg, 1875). Siebold, Beitr Siebold (C. Th. E. von). Beitrage zur Partheno- genesis der Arthropoden (Leipzig, 1871). EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. 325 Shuck., Burm. Man. Shuckard (W. E.). Burmeister's Manual of Entomology, translated from the last German edition (London, 1830). Schaeff.,F. G. Herrich-Schaeffer (G. A. W.). Fortsetzung von Panzer, Fauna3 Insectorum Germanise initia (Regensburg, 1S29 14). Schenclc (A) Beitrage. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Nassauischen Cynipiden (Gallwespen) und ihrer Gallen, nebst einer Naturge- ^chichte der Gallen und Cynipiden im Allgemeinen (Wiesbaden, 1865). Schlecht. Insecten. D. H. R. von Schlechtendal und O. Wiinsch. Die Insecten (Leipzig, 1879). Schlechtendal (D. H. It.). See Serials, ante. Schr., En. Schrank (F. von P.). Enumeratio insectorum Austriae indigenarum (Ausberg, 1781). Scop., Ent. Car. Scopoli (J. A.). Entomologia Carniolica (Vienna, 1763). Spin., Ins. Lig. Spinola (Marquis M.). Insectorum Liguria? ppecies nova3 aut rariores (2 vols., Genoa, 1806 8). Ste., 111. Stephens (James Francis). Illustrations of British Entomology ; Mandibulata (vol. vii, 1835, and Supplement, 1841). S. v. Voll. Vollenhoven (S. C. Snellen, van). See Serials, ante. Tasch., Ent. Gdrt. Taschenberg Eutomologie i'iir Gartner und Gartenfreunde (Leipzig, 1871). Tasch., Hym. Taschenberg (E. H.). Die Hymenopteren Deutsch- lands Each ihreu Gattungen und theilweise nach ihren Arten (Leipzig, 1866). Tasch., Naturg. wirb. Th iere. Taschenberg (E. H.). Katurge- schichte der in Deutschland, Preussen und Posen den Culturpflanzen scbadlichen wirbellosen Thiere (Leipzig, 1869). Thorns., Hym. Sc. Thomson (C. G.). Hymenoptera Scandinavia3 (Lund, 1871, et seq.). Thorns. Thomson (C. G.). See Serials, ante. Thorns., Opusc. Ent. Thomson (C. G.). OpusculaEntomologica (Lund, I869,etseq.). Tr. Transverse. Tschek. Tschek (C.). See Serials, ante. Walk. Walker (F.). See Serials, ante. Wachtl. See Serials, ante. West. Westwood (John Obadiah). See Serials, ante. West., Int. Westwood (J. O.). An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects (2 vols, London, 1839 40). Zad., Beschr. Zaddach (Gustav.). Beschreibung neuer oder wenig bekanuter Blattwespen aus dem Gebiete der Preussischen Fauna (Konigsberg, 1859). Zett., J. H. Zetterstedt (J. W.). Insecta Lapponica descripta (Leipsic, 1810). INDEX TO VOL. I. Synonyms are printed in italics. Generic names, in large type. A. Abdomen, 14 ABIA, larva of, 48 senea, 36 fasciata, 36 Accessory nervure, 12 ALLANTUS, 139 agilis, 204 albicinctus, 129 arcuatus, 141, 149, pi. ix, figs. 4 a and 4 b, and fig. 5 ater, 88 aten'imus, 76 aucuparice, 101 balteatus, 83 bicolor, 202 bifasciatus, 153 bipunctatus, 76 bZandiw, 127 cinctus, 91 cingulura, 141, 152 coZoti, 78 conspicuus, 82 costalis, 156 decipiens, 145 dispar, 86, 147 duodecempunctatus, 128 /erits, 128 flamcornis, 75 flavipes, 141, 147, pi. i, fig. 8 hcematopus, 136 Koehleri, 153 lateralis, 100 laticinctus, 82 lividus, 76 mandibularis, 89 marginellus, 14], 145 ALLANTUS marginellus, 145, pt. 147 melanotus, 149 neglectus, 128 mftda, 201 woi/iws, 149 pictus, 99 pwnc^wm, 138 punctulatus, 96 quadricinctus, 141, 144 ri6i, 133 rufipes, 204 rufiventris, 82 rufocingulatus, 147 rusticus, 135 scalaris, 97 Schaeflferi, 141, 151 scrophularias, 140, 141, pi. i, figs. 2 and 2 a solitarius, 79 strigosa, 136 tenulus, 141, 153 tricinctus, 140, 143, pi. i, fig. 3 ; pi. ix, fig. 4 vespiformis, 143 viduus, 141, 154 viennensis, 145 viridis, 93 zonatus, 90 Anal appendages (male), 18 ANEUGMENUS, 264 coronatus, 264 Antennae, 3 Aphadnurus tantellus, 294 , 265 328 INDEX TO VOL. I. ATHALIA, 304 abdominalis, 315 ancilla, 305, 306 annulata, 305, 316 bicolor, 314 Blanchardi, 314 centifolice, 307 cordata, 314 glabricollis, 306 Grseslii, 35 haematopus, 23 lineolata, 314 lugens, 305, 315 scutellariae, 305, 313, pi. iii, fig. 9 spinarum, 305, 307, pi. xiv, fig. 2 ; pi. iii, fig. 11 var. orientalis, 313 rosse, 305, 314 rosce, Boisd., 227 rosce, Cam., 306 Blasticotoma, 65 B. BLENNOCAMPA, 229 aethiops, 248 albipennis, 243 albipes, 231, 240, pi. ii, figs. 7 and 7 a alchemillse, 231, 251, pi. xii, fig. 7 assimilis, 231, 256 betuleti, 231, 255 bipunctata, 231, 242 cinereipes, 231, 249 croceiventris, 32, 247 eppiphium, 231, 248, pi. xii, fig. 6 feriata, 234 fuliginosa, 231, 249 fuscipennis, 231, 247 geniculata, 231, 238, pi. vii, figs. 3, 3 a, 3 6 inquilina, 245 lineolata, 231, 241, pi. xii, fig. 5 melanocephalus, 231, 245, pi. vii, fig. 4 ; pi. xii, figs. 8, 9 melanopygia, larva of, 36 micans, 232, 237 monticola, 234, 236 nana, 231, 254 nigripes, 231, 246 BLENNOCAMPA nigrita, 232, 235 pubescens, 243 pusilla, 231, 253, pi. iii, fig. 1 ruficruris, 231, 244 sericans, 232, 233 spinolae, 247 subcana, 231, 252 subserrata, 231, 250 sulcata, 232, 236 tilise, 256 uncta, 251 Blotch, 15 Bullse, 14 0. CAMPONISCUS luridiventris, 39, Saw., pi. xvii, fig. 10 larva of, 50, pi. iv, fig. 2 Cellules, 11 CEPHID^E, 2 CEPHUS arundinis, 40 pygmaea, 40 xanthostoma, 35 Cerci, 15 ClMBICINA, 65 ClMBEX amerinae, 37, 38 axillaris, 39 connata, 39 femorata, 38 humeralis, 34 Cenchri, 7 CLADIUS aeneus, 38 brullaei, 34 larva of, 50, pi. v, fig. 1 difformis, 34, pi. xv, fig. 1 , 314 spinarum, 307 tenella, 284 tormentilltf, 289 vagans, 284, 286, pi. vi, fig. 5 Phymatocera, 229 aterrima, 232 PCECILOSOMA, 206 candidatum, 207, 210 excisum, 208, 217 Fletcher!, 207, 213, pi. xi, fig. 4 guttatum, 207, 215 impressum, 207 longicorne, 208, 216 lutecium, 207, 208, pi. iv, fig. 12, lar. nigricolle, 208, 218 obtusa, 213 pulveratum, 207, 211, pi. ii, fig. 2; pi. xx, fig. 8 repanda, 210 submuticum, 208, 216, pi. vii, fig. 1 POMPHOLYX, 9 Preserving, 59 Pupa, 55 S. SCIOPTERYX, 155 costalis, 156, pi. ix, fig. 6 consobrinus, 156 arctica, 156 Secondary sexual characters, 20 SELANDRIA, 193 aethiops, 227 adumbrata, 224 albipes, 240 analis, 194, 197 annulipes, 222 aperta, 194, 199, pi. xiii, fig. 9 atra, 224 betuleti, 255 bipunctata, 210 brevicornis, 235 cereipes, 197 cinereipes, 249 cinxia, 226 dor salis, 194 ferruginea, 259 flavens, 194, 196 flavescens, 196 grandis, 195 hyalina, 256 inter stitialis, 195 lineolata, 241 luteiventris, 247 luteola, 208 melanocephalus, 245 Morio, 194, 198, pi. xiii, fig. 3 ovata, 221 pallida, 262 phthisica, 192 pusilla, 253 RoUnsoni, 232 rosa, 227 ruficruris, 244 serva, 193, 194, pi. xxi, fig. 1 Sixii, 194, 195, pi. xxi, fig. 2 ; pi. ii, fig. 9; pi. xii, fig 1 soda, 194 soror, 227 stramineipes, 194, 197 temporalis, 194, 198 testudinea, 258 varipes, 223 SELANDRJADES, 183 Sessiliventris, 2 Siebold on parthenogenesis, 26 Sirex fuscicornis, 37 SIRICID^E, 2 Specific distinctions, 56 INDEX TO VOL. I. 335 Spiracles, 19 STRONGYLOGASTER, 185 cingulatus, 186, 188, pi. xiv, fig. 7 ; pi. i, fig. 4 delicatulus, 187, 192, pi. xi, fig. 3; pi. i, fig. 7 fernoralis, 187, 191, pi. xi, fig. 2 filicis, 186, 187 maculus, 186, 190 mixtus, 186, 190, pi. i, figs. 6, 6a multicinctus, Norton, 189 Sharpi, 186, 187 viridis, 192 SYN^REMA, 119 delicatula, 120 rubi, 120, pi. viii, fig. 10 T. Tarpa spissicornis, 35 TAXONUS, 200 agilis, 204 agrorum, 201, pi. xi, fig. 6, 6 a bicolor, 202 coxalis, 203 equiseti, 201, 202, pi. xi, fig. 7 Fletcher!, 201, 205 glabratus, 201, 204, pi. ii, fig. 3 parthenogenesis in, 30 glottianus, 201, 206 nitida, 201 pratorum, 202 sticticus, 202 TENTHREDINA, 65, 68 TENTHREDO, 70 abietinus, 165 adumbrata, 224 aethiops, 228 agilis, 204 agrorum, 201 albicincta, 129 albicornis, 75 albida, 245 albipes, 197, 240 albipuncta, 132 alpina, 261 ambigua, 108 analis, 104 annularis, 76 annulata, 317 anomala, 201 antennata, 124 TENTHREDO arctica, 95 arcuatus, 150 assimilis, 256 aterrima, 232 atra, 73, 88, pi. xvi, fig. 3 atra, 86 atricornis, 188 aucuparia, 101 balteata, 73, 83 betuleti, 255 bicincta, 73, 91 bicolor, 202 bifasciata, 153 biguttata, 77 bipunctata, 76, 242 bizonata, 202 blanda, Fab., 127 Schaef., 128 caligator, 89 caliginosa, 106 carbonaria, 135 carinata, 187 carpini, 75 centifolice, 307 cerasi, 224 chrysorrhcea, 263 ctncto, 90, 269 - Pz., 91 cinereipes, 249 cingalata, 188 cirwjia, 226 citreipes, 136 coZiftri, 307 collaris, 172 colon, 78, pi. i, flg. 9 conspicua, 81 coquebertii, 104 corallipes, 136 cordata, 104 coryli, 77 costalis, 156 coxalis, 202 crassa, 170 crat&gi, 261 cylindrica, 127 delicatula, Kl., 120 delicatulus, 192 dimidiata, 104 dispar, 73, 87, pi. xvi, fig. 1 dispar, 147 diversipes, 135 dwneforuw, 136 duodecempunctata, 128 , 124 336 INDEX TO VOL. I. TENTHREDO eborina, 192 eglanteriee, 164 elegantula, 120 eppiphium, 248 equestris, 90 equiseti, 202 erythrogona, 170 erythropus, 138 /afltf, 79 femoralis, 105 /em, 128, 120 ferruginea, 258 /Mew, 187 flava, 74 flavens, 196 flaveola, 149 flavicornis, 35 flavicornis, 75 flavipes, 147 fuliginosa, 232 Schr.,248 fulvenia, 156 fulviceps, 112 fulviventris, 164 fuscipennis, 247 fuscipes, 88 geniculata, 170, 238 germanica, 164 gibbosa, 74, 101 glabratus, 204 gonagra, 170 gossypina, 221 hebraica, 93 heematodis, 172 htematopus, 135 hyalina, 256 ignobilis, 107 instabilis, 104 var. f , 108 var. nassata, 117 interrupta, 93 juvenilis, 101 Lachlaniana, 73, 84, pi. viii, fig. 1 lacrymosa, 127 lateralis, 74, 100 latizona, 90 leucopus, 133 leucozona, 221 liberta, 306 ligustrina, 127 linearis, 188 lineolata, 241 Zmdo, 73, 75 TENTHREDO lividiventris, 120 longicornis, 238 luctuosa, 129 lugens, 315 luridiventris, 246 luteicornis, 75 luteiventris, 247 teoZa, 208 macula, 190 . maculata, 73, 90, pi. viii, fig. 2 mandibularis, 73, 89 marginata, 93 marginella, 145, 149 maura, 75 melanocephalus. 245 melanorrhcea, 117 mesomela, 73, 93 micans, 237 microcephala, 104 mixtus, 190 moniliata, 73, 85 morio, 198 wema, 254 nassata, 117 neglecta, 128 nemorata, 284 nigerrima, 235 nigra, 181 nigripes, 246 nigrita, 235 notata, 135 wo^a, 149 obsoleta, 73, 94 ocreata, 135 olivacea, 73, 95 opaca, 172 orbitalis, 104 ornata, 111 pavida, 108 pedestris, 164 pellucida, 79 picta, 74, 99, pi. viii, fig. 7 plebeja, 85 pcecila, 85 poscilochroa, 74 pratensis, 164 procera, 89 propinqua, 142 _WteZZa, 196 punctata, 97 punctulata, 74, 96 |)Mnc8ericans, 233 serva, 194 simulam, 123 socta, 194 solitaria, 73, 79 Fall., 101 sordida. 118 soror, 83 spinarum, 307 preto, 111 sticticus, 202 s%ma ?, 107 stramineipes, 197 strigosa, 136 succincta, 90 succinctus, 145 sulphurata, 135 Genera, 280 tenula, 153 testudinea, 258 fi&iaZis, 275 /&?, 117 . <-N_ PLATE III. Fig. 1. Larva of Blennocampa pusilla ; \ a t rolled down leaf of rose. Fig. 2. Larva of Nematus caprea. Fig. 3. Larva of Hemichroa rufa. Fig. 4. Larva of Dineura virididorsata (Deyeeri, Kl.). Fig. 5 (1 a and 1 b). Larva of Eriocampa ovata ; 1 b, last moult. Fig. 7. Larva of Dineura stilata. Fig. 8. Gall of Nematus gallicola. Fig. 9. Larva of Athalia scutellaria. Figs. 10 and 10 a. Larva of Phyllotoma microcephala. Fig. 11. Larva of Athalia spinarum. Fig. 12. Larva of Emphytus serotinus (after Van Vollenhoven) . >^^ I f) - y ' If 5 / S r I 7 ; i ni,. PLATE IV. Fig. 1 . Larva of Dineura testaceipes. Fig. 2. Larva of Camponiscus luridiventris. Fig. 3. Mine of Phyllotoma nemorata. Fig. 4. Larva of Croesus varus. Fig. 5. Larva of Croesus septentrionalis. Fig. 6. Larva of Nematus, sp. (on birch). 6 a, en- larged segment. Fig. 7. Larva of ? Fig. 8. Larva of Nematus conductus. Fig. 9. Larva of Nematus fattax. Fig. 10. Larva of Nematus cadderensis ; 10 a, segment of abdomen. Fig. 11. Larva of Nematus dorsatus. Fig. 12. Larva of Poecilosoma luteolum. Fig. 13. Larva of Nematus palliatus. Pliyto. Hymeii . i . PI a. te f> t 73 10 a. *J. J ' . Kl^LfJ aL^L. OLcL fWut' . TOstJfe- PLATE V. Fig. 1. Larva of Cladius brullai ; 1 a, head ; 1 b t seg- ment of abdomen. Fig. 2. Larva of Cladius viminalis. Fig. 3. Larva of Nematus leucostictus ; 3 a, head ; 3 b, last segments. Fig. 4. Larva of Cladius padi ; 4 a, head. Fig. 5. Gall of Nematus ischnocerus, upper side ; 5 a, lower side. Fig. 6. Larva of Cladius padi variety. Fig. 7. Gall of Nematus viminalis. Fig. 8. Gall of Nematus vesicator. Fig. 9. Gall of Nematus viminalis on Saline aurita ; 9 0, section of gall. Fig. 10. Gall of Nematus ischnocerus. s. Hymei. w 31. l/f.Jfett&Co. PLATE VI. Fig. 1 . Larva of Pachyprotasis rapa ; 1 a, last moult ; 1 6, head. Fig. 2. Larva of Dolerus niger ? (see p. 181). Fig. 3. Larva of Dolerus jissus ; 3 a, maxilla of ditto. ; 1, palpus ; 2, outer lobe ; 3, inner lobe. Fig. 4. Larva of Emphytm cinctus. Fig. 5. Larva of Phyllotoma vagans. Fig. 6. Larva of Nematus palliatus. Fig. 7. Larva of Nematus curtispina. Fig. 8. Larva of Nematus lacteus. Fig. 9. Larva of Nematus abdominalis. Fig. 10. Head of larva Nematus miliaris ; 10#, last segment of ditto. Fig. 11. Leg of larva of Tenthredo, sp. Fig. 12. Mandible of larva of Dineura virididorsata. Phy to. Hymen..!. Plate 6 tit 70* PIATE VII. Fig. 1. Larva of Pcecilosoma submuticum (see p. 217). Fig. 2. Larva of Emphytus togatus ; 2 a, last moult ; 2 b and 2 c, head. Fig. 3. Larva of Blennocampa geniculata ; 3 #, spine ; 3 b, head. Fig. 4. Segment of larva of Blennocampa melano- cephalus. Fig. 5. Larva of Nematus consobrinus ; 5 a, apical segments (after Van Vollenhoven). Fig. 6. Larva of Nematus coeruleocarpus on poplar leaf ; 6 a, segment of abdomen. Fig. 7. Larva of Nematus ribesii ; 7 a t pupa; 7 b, eggs. Fig. 8. Segment of abdomen of larva of Nematus salicivorus ; 8 a, head ; 8 b, anal segment. Fig. 9. Larva of Nematus solids (after Brischke). Pig. 10. Segment of larva of Nematus g lutinosce ; 100, anal segment ; 10 d, head. Pig. 11. Anal segment of larva of Nematus nigro- lineatus; 11 a, head. Phyto. Hymen, i. Plate 7. I J 3. 3* Y PLATE VIII. Kg. 1. Tenthredo Lachlaniana ? ; 1 a, id., antennae ; 1 d, head from the front. Fig. 2. Tenthredo maculata $ ; 2 a, id., claws ; 2 b, head in front. Fig. 3. Tenthredo zonata ; outer spur of tibiae. Fig. 4. Saw of Tenthredo viridis. Fig. 5. Saw of Tenthredo atra. Fig. 6. Tenthredo velox $ . Fig. 7. Tenthredo picta $ . Fig. 8. Tenthredo gilbosa ? . Fig. 9. Tenthredopsis cordata. Fig. 10. Syncerema rubi $ \ 10 a, id., antennae. Fig. 11. Macrophya punctum album. Fig. 12. Macrophya albipuncta ; 12 a, id., antennae. : wm. i. Plate 8, A Smith deLetlith Mintern Bro* imp PLATE IX. Fig. 1. P achy protasis antennata ? ; 1 a, antenna 1 b, leg ; 1 c, maxilla ; 1 d, labium ; 1 e, Saw. Fig. 2. Pachyprotasis rapes, Saw. Fig. 3. Allantus viduus ? . Fig. 4. Allantus -cinctus ; 4 d, antenna. 4 a, labiui of, and 4 b y maxilla of A. arcuatus. Fig. 5. Saw of Allantus arcuatus. Fig. 6. Sciopteryx costalis ? ; 6 a, antenna ; 6 b, head from the side ; 6 c, head from front. Fig. 7. Dolerus fulviventris ? ; 7 a, head from front. Fig. 8. Dolerus Chappelli. Fig. 9. Dolerus fulviventris. Fig. 10. Dolerus gonagra ; 11 a, maxilla; 11 b t labium. Fig. 11. Dolerus hamatodis ; 11 c, $ genital organs of D. gonagra. Phyt o.Hymen. i. Plate 9 ! | ^ 'Ihflrf^' Mir. tern. Bro? imp. PLATE X. Fig. 1. Hylotoma; 17, pronotum ; 18, middle lobe of mesonotum ; 19, 20, lateral lobes of mesonotum ; 21, scutellum ; 22, cenchri ; 23, spines on tibiae ; 24, spurs on tibiae (calcaria). Anterior wings. Cellules (left side): 1, radial; 2, appendicular ; 3, 4, 5, 6, cubital ; 7, humeral ; 8, 1st discoidal ; 9, 2nd discoidal ; 12, 3rd discoidal; 10, 1st posterior; 13, 2nd posterior; 11, median ; 14, 15, lanceolate ; 16, costal. Posterior wings. 4, appendicular ; 3, radial ; 5, 6, cubital ; 1 costal ; 7, 8 discoidal ; 9, 11, posterior. Nervures Anterior wing. a, costal; b, subcostal; c, median; d, anal; e, accessory; /, inferior; o, radial; p, cubital; mn, recurrent; g (dotted line), position of transverse radial when present (it is absent in Hylotoma) ; ijlt, transverse cubital nervures. Posterior wing. a, costal; b, subcostal; c, cubital; d, anaU e, tr. median (= tr. discoidal) ; /, recurrent ; g, transverse cubital ; e (bis), accessory. Fig. 2. Labium of Zaraea. Fig. 3. Maxilla of Zaraa ; 1, inner lobe ; 2, outer ; 3, stipes ; 4, cardo ; 6, palpus. Fig. 4. Abdomen of Cimbex from under side. Fig. 5. Ovipositor of Trichiosoma (the pieces separated) ; 1, " tri- angular " plate ; 5, " oblong " plate ; 4, basal attachment of support ; 3, apical attachment; 2, attachment of saw to " triangular" plate. Fig. 5 a. Ovipositor of Trichiosoma from lower side in natural posi- tion; 1, sheath of saw; 2, cerci; 3, hypopygial valves= quadrangular plates of Kreepelin ; 4, triangular plate ; 6, oblong plate. Fig. 6. Tarsus of Cimbex ; 1, patella. Fig, 7. Head of Clavellaria ; 1, clypeus ; 2, labrum ; 4, eyes ; 3, ocelli; 5, mandibles. Fig. 8. Coxa and trochanter (1) of Trichiosoma. Fig. 9. Mandible of Zaraa. Fig. 10. Mandible of Hylotoma. Fig. 11. Mandible of Cladius. Fig. 12. Open lanceolate cellule ; 12 a, lanceolate cellule with oblique cross nervure ; 12 b, subcontracted cellule ; 12 c, with perpendicular cross nervure ; 1 2 d, petiolated ; 12 e, contracted. Fig. 13. Appendiculated accessory nervure in hind wing ; 13 a, interstitial accessory nervure in hind wing. Fig. 14. Larva of Trichiosoma vitellina ; 14 a, head. Fig. 15. Young larva of T. mtellina. Phy to. Hymen, i. Plate 10. /4 1 ?- PLATE XL Fig. 1. Atkalia scutellaricz ; 1 c, antenna ; 1 , maxilla ; 1 d, labium of Athalia rosce. Fig. 2 . Strongylogaster femoralis. Fig. 3. Sir ongylog aster delicatulus ; a, anal cellule. Fig. 4. Pcecilosoma Fletcheri. Fig. 5. Poecilosoma guttatum. Fig. 6. Taxonus agrorum $ ; 6 a, posterior wing of c?. Fig. 7. Taxonus equiseti, Scotch var. Fig. 8. Emphytm togatus ; 8 a, maxilla ; 8 b t labium ; 8 c 9 claws ; 8 d, saw ; 8 e> antenna ; 8/, head in front. Fig. 9. Emphytus perla. PKyto. Hymen, i. Pier 8 -A_ Smith del tern Bro* imp . PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Selandria Siosii ; 1 a, antenna. Fig. 2. Eriocampa ovata ; 2 a, head. Fig. 3. Eriocampa rosa ; 3 a, antenna. Fig. 4. Dineura fuscula ; 4 a, antenna. Fig. 5. Blennocampa lineolata. Fig. 6. Blennocampa eppiphium. Fig. 7. Blennocampa alchemilla . Fig. 8. Blennocampa melanocephalus. Fig. 9. Hoplocampa pectoralis. Fig. 10. Clypeus and labium of Selandria serva. Fig. 11. Mandible of Selandria serva. Fig. 12. Mandible of Blennocampa fuscipennis. Fig. 13. Mandible of Allantus arcuatus. Fig. 14. Mandible of Dolerus. Fig. 15. Labrum of Tenthredo livida. Fig. 16. Mandible of Tenthredo livida. Fig. 17. Mandible of Tenthrcdopsis mgricollis. Phyt o.Hymen. i. Plate 1?,. -n. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Emphytus calceatus. Fig. 2. Emphytus tibialis. Fig. 3. Selandria morio ; 3 &, antenna. Fig. 4. Harpiphorus lepidus ; 4 a, antenna. Fig. 5.- Pliyllotoma ochropoda <$ . Fig. 6. Pkyllotoma nemorata; 6 a, antenna ; 6 b t head. Fig. 7. Fenusa albipes ; la, antenna. Fig. 8. Heptamelus ochroleucus ; 8 a, antenna ; 8 b, head ; 8 c, claw. Fig. 9. /Selandria aperta ; 9 a, mandible ; 9 $, labium ; 9 c, maxilla of S. serva. Fig. 10. Antenna of Fenella nigrita. Phyto. Hymen, i. Plate 13. PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Hoplocampa chrysorrhcea. Fig. 2. Athalia spinarum. Fig. 3. Blennocampa aterrima ; 3 a, antenna. Fig. 4. Dineura opaca; 4 a, mandible. Fig. 5. Dineura stilata ; 5 a, cerci. Fig. 6. Croesus septentrionalis ; 6 a, antenna; 6 , saw; 6 c, mandible; 6 d, maxilla; 6 e, labium ; 6/, head ; 6 ^, claw ; 6 h> tarsus. Fig. 7. Sir ongylog aster cingulatm $ ; 7 a, mandible. Fig. 8. Hemichroa alni. Fig. 9. Nematus imperfects. Phyto. Hymen, i. Plate 14. la. PLATE XV. Fig. 1. Cladius difformis $ ; b, transverse basal ner- vure ; meso- sternum ; n, epimera ; d 9 mesophragma (lateral view) ; j, from above ; /, metanotum ; i, metasternum ; 1 a, inter- mediate segment. Fig. 12. Metathorax of Tenthredopsis ; d, posterior wings ; u, intermediate segment j d, stigma ; c, coxa. Fig. 13. Ditto from above ; a t cenchri ; ^intermediate segment. Fig. 14. c genital organs of Trichiosoma ; 2, penis; , from the side ; 1, double-jointed valve. Phyto. Hymen, i. Plate 15 n Kt"h. PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Saw of Tenthredo dispar. Fig. 2. Saw of Tenthredo scotica. Fig. 3. Saw of Tenthredo atra. Fig. 4. Saw of Tenthredopsis cor data. Fig. 5. Saw of Tenthredopsis microcephala. Fig. 6. Saw of Tenthredopsis femoralis. Fig. 7. Saw of Tenthredopsis caliginosa. Fig. 8. Saw of Tenthredopsis cordata. Aberration. (Figs. 4 and 8 are the two parts of the same saw). Except when otherwise noted the saws are magnified X 200. PKyto Hyrnen.i.PlsLte 16 PLATE XVII. Fig. 1. Saw of Tenthredopsis ignobilis. Fig. 2.- Saw of Tenthredopsis nigricotlis. Fig. 3. Saw of Tenthredopsis scutettaris. Fig. 4. Saw of Tenthredopsis flavomaculata. Fig. 5. Saw of Tenthredopsis picticeps. Fig. 6. Saw of Tenthredopsis tristis. Fig. 7. Saw of Tenthredopsis lividiventris. Fig. 8. Saw of Tenthredopsis albomaculata. Fig. 9. Saw of Tenthredopsis nigronotata. Fig. 10. Saw of Camponiscus luridiventris. PKyto.Hym.eri. i. Plat< . PLATE XVIII. 1. Saw of Tenthredopsis mgriceps. Fig. 2. Saw of Tenthredopsis Saundersi. Fig. 3. Saw of Tenthredopsis dorsivittata. Fig. 4. Saw of Tenthredopsis inornata. Fig. 5. Saw of Tenthredopsis nassata. Fig. 6. Saw of Tenthredopsis sordida. Fig. 7. Saw of Dolerusjissus. Fig. 8. Saw of Dolerusjissus at base. 9. Saw of Heptamelus ochroleucus. Phy to Hy rue n . i . PI a te 8 Wt Newman fc C? i*> PLATE XIX. Fig. 1 . Saw of Dolerus scoticus. Fig. 2. Saw of Dolerus tinctipennis. X 80. Fig. 3. Saw of Dolerus Gessneri ; 3 a, transverse pro- cess. Fig. 4. Saw of Dolerus coracims. Fig. 5. Saw of Dolerus anthr acinus. Fig. 6. Saw of Dolerus oUongus. Fig. 7. Saw of Dolerus megapterus. Fig. 8. Saw of Dolerus possilensis. -'i en. i. Plate 19 PLATE XX. i. Saw of Dolerus intermedius. 2. Saw of Dolerus intermedius, var. ? Fig. 3. Saw of Dolerus varispinus. Fig. 4 Saw of Dolerus niger. 5, Saw of Dolerus aneus. 6. Saw of Taxonus glabratm. 7. Saw of Dolerus elongatus. 8. Saw of Poecilosoma pulveratum. o Hymen. i.P, PLATE XXL Fig. 1. Saw of Selandria serva. Fig. 2. Saw of Selandria Siosii. Fig. 3. Saw of Pcecilosoma longicorne. Fig. 4. Saw of Pcecilosoma submuticum. Fig. 5. Saw of Blennocampa albipes. Fig. 6. Saw of Eriocampa ovata. X 100. Fig. 7. Saw of Dineura virididorsata. X 100. Fig. 8. Saw of Hemichroa aini. X 80. Fig. 9. Saw of Cladius padi. X 100. i. Plate 21 r. i BAY SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1844. FOR THE PUBLICATION OF WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION ONE GUINEA. LIST OP COUNCIL, OFFICERS, LOCAL SECRETARIES, AND SUBSCRIBERS, TOGETHEB WITH THB TITLES OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOCIETY, CORRECTED TO JULY, 1882. Counril gift Officers of t[je Jlag Elected 23rd June, 1882. $)resibntt. SIB JOHN LUBBOCK, BABT., M.P., F.B.S. (Touucil. Prof. R. BENTLEY, F.L.S. Dr. BEAITHWAITE, F.L.S. G. B. BUCKTON, Esq., F.R.S. Dr. A. CABPENTEB. J. FLOWEE, Esq., M.A., F.Z.S. C. H. GATTY, Esq., F.L.S. F. D. GODMAN, Esq., F.L.S. F. GEUT, Esq., F.L.S. Dr. J. B. Hiczs, F.B.S. B. HUDSON, Esq., F.B.S. W. B. HUGHES, Esq., F.L.S. H. LEE, Esq., F.L.S. B. M'LACHLAN, Esq., F.B.S. Dr. J. MILLAE, F.L.S. Prof. ST. G. MITABT, F.B.S. F. P. PASCOE, Esq., F.L.S. H. T. STAINTON, Esq., F.B.S. C. STEWAET, Esq., F.L.S. Capt. C. TYLEE, F.L.S. Dr. E. HAET VINEN, F.L.S. J. J. WEIE, Esq., F.L.S. ftrtasorcr. Dr. S. J. A. SALTEB, F.B.S., F.L.S., Basingfield, Basingstoke, Hants. Swrciarg. Bev. Prof. THOMAS WILTSHIRE, M.A., F.L.S., 25, Granville Park, Lewisham, S.E. LIST OF LOCAL SECRETARIES. Aberdeen ... ... ... Professor Trail. Bath ... ... ... ... R. H. Moore, Esq. Belfast ... ... ... Professor Cunningham. Birmingham ... ... ... W. R. Hughes, Esq. Dublin ... ... ... Dr. W. E. Steele. Edinburgh ... ... ... Professor Balfour. Leeds... ... ... ... L, C. Miall, Esq. Liverpool ... ... ... Isaac Byerley, Esq. Norwich ... ... ... F. W. Harmer, Esq. Oxford ... ... ... Professor Lawson. Warrington ... ... ... T. G. Rylands, Esq. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS.* Aberdeen, University of, Aberdeen. Adlard, J. E., Esq., Bartholomew close, E.G. Allman, Professor, F.R.S., &c., Sunny hill, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset. American Institute, New York. Andrews, Arthur, Esq., Newtown House, Blackrock, Dublin. Angelin, Professor, Stockholm. Argyll, Duke of, F.R.S., Argyll Lodge, Kensington, W. Armstrong, Sir \V. G., F.R.S., The Minories, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Army and Navy Club, 36, Pall Mall, S.W. Asher, Messrs., 13, Bedford street, W.C. Ashmolean Society, Oxford. Asiatic Society of Bombay, 57, Park street, Calcutta. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Aubrey, Kev. H. GL W., Rectory, Hale, Salisbury. Babington, Professor Charles C., M.A., F.R.S., Cambridge. Babington, the Eev. Professor Churchill, F.L.S., Cockfield Rectory, near Sudbury, Suffolk. Baer, Herr J., Frankfort. Bailliere, Messrs., 20, King William street, W.C. Baker, Alfred, Esq., 59, Hagley road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Balfour, Professor, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., L.S., Local Secretary, Inver- leith House, Edinburgh. Balfour, F. M., Esq., Trinity College, Cambridge. Balfour, Prof. I. Bayley, D.Sc., 11, Billhead Gardens, Glasgow. Baltimore, Peabody Institute. * The Subscribers are requested to inform the Secretary of any errors or omissions in this List, and of any delay in the transmission of the Yearly Volume. 6 Bastian, Dr. H. C., F.R.S., F.L.S., 20, Queen Anne street, W. Bath Microscopical Society, care of R. H. Moore, Esq., 4, Abbey street, Bath. Beaufoy, Mark, Esq., South Lambeth, S. Belfast Linen Hall Library, Belfast. Belfast Queen's College, Belfast. Bell, Dr. W. R., 8, Rutland park villas, Perry hill, Catford bridge, S.E. Bentley, Professor, R., F.L.S., King's College, Strand, W.C. Bergen, Museum of, Bergen. Berlin Royal Library, Berlin. Binks, J., Esq., Wakefield. Birmingham Free Library, Birmingham. Birmingham Old Library, Birmingham. Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, Birmingham. Blatch, W. G., Esq., Small Heath, Birmingham. Blomefield, Rev. L., F.Z.S., 19, Belmont, Bath. Bloomfield, Rev. E. N., M.A., Guestling, near Hastings. Boston Public Library, U.S., Boston. Boswell, Dr. J. T., Balmuto, Kirkcaldy, N.B. Brady, H. B., Esq., F.L.S., Hillfield, Gateshead. Braikenridge, Miss, Claremont, Clevedon, Bristol. Braithwaite, Dr. R., F.L.S., The Ferns, Clapham rise, S.W. Brevoort, Dr. J. Carson, New York. Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society, Brighton. Bristol Microscopical Society, Bristol. Brockholes, Mrs. J. Fitzherbert, Clifton hill, Garstang, Lancashire. Brodrick, W., Esq., Little hill, Chudleigh, South Devon. Brook-Ter., Geo., Esq., Fernbrook, Huddersfield. Broome, C. E., Esq., M.A., F.L.S., Elmshurst, Batheaston, Bath. Browell, E. M., Esq., Buckingham Palace, S.W. Browne, Dr. Henry, Woodheys, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Browne, Rev. T. H., F.G.S., The Cedars, High Wycombe, Bucks. Buckton, G. B., Esq., F.R.S., Weycombe, Haslemere, Surrey. Burn, Dr. W. B., Ecclesbourne, Bedford hill road, Balham, S.W. Burton, John, Esq., Lee terrace, Blackheath, S.E. Bury District Co-operative Provision Society (Limited), Marke street, Bury, Lancashire. Busk, Professor George, F.R.S., F.L.S., 32, Harley street, Cavendish square, W. Byerley, I., Esq., F.L.S., Local Secretary, Seacombe, Cheshire. Cambridge University Library. Cambridge University Museum of Zoology. Cambridge, Downing College. Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College. Cambridge, St. Catharine's College. Cambridge, Sidney-Sussex College. Cambridge, Trinity College. Campbell, F. M., Esq., Rose hill, Hoddesdon. Carpenter, Dr. A., High street, Croydon, S. Carpenter, Dr. W. B., F.R.S., 56, Regent's park road, N.W Cartwright, Rev. A. R., Havyatt Lodge, Langford, Bristol. Carus, Dr. Victor, Leipsic. Cash, W., Esq., Eimfield terrace, Savile park, Halifax. Chapman, E., Esq., Frewen Hall, Oxford. Cheltenham Permanent Library, Cheltenham. Chicago Library, Chicago. Christiania, University of. Church, Dr. W. S., 130, Harley Street, W. Clark, J. A., Esq., 1 1, Duncan place, London fields, Hackney, E. Cleland, Professor, 2, The College, Glasgow. Clermout, Lord, Ravensdale park, Newry, Ireland. Cluncksuch, M. K., Esq., Paris. Ceilings, Rev. W. T., M.A., F.L.S., Hirzel House, Guernsey. Colman, Jeremiah J., Esq., M.P., Carrow House, Norwich. Cooke, Benjamin, Esq., 103, Windsor Road, Southport. Cooper, Colonel E. H., 42, Portman square, W. Cooper, Sir Daniel, Bart., 6, De Vere gardens, Kensington Palace, W. Coppin, John, Esq., Kingfield House, by Corbridge-on-Tyne, R.S.O. Cork, Queen's College, Cork. Cornwall, Royal Institution of, Truro. Craven, Alfred E., Esq., 65, St. George's road, S.W. Cresswell, Rev. R., Teignmouth, Devon. Croft, R. Benyon, Esq., R.N., F.L.S.,, Farnham Hall, Ware, Herts. Crowley, Philip, Esq., Wadden House, Croydon, S. Cruickshank, Alexander, Esq., 12, Rose street, Aberdeen. Cunningham, Professor R. 0., Local Secretary, Queen's College, Belfast. Darwin, F., Esq., Down, Kent. Dawson, Professor J. W., F.R.S., F.G.S., M'Gill College, Montreal. 8 Deane, Jas., Esq., F.L.S., 17, The Pavement, Clapham, S.W. Devon and Exeter Institution, Exeter. Devonshire, Duke of, F.R.S., 78, Piccadilly, W. Dickinson, Wm., Esq., 3, Whitehall place, S.W. Dickson, Professor Alexander, 11, Royal circus, Edinburgh. Dohrn, Dr. Anton, Naples. Douglas, J. W., Esq., Long Room, Custom House, E.G. Douglas, Rev. R. C., Manaton Rectory, Moreton Hampstead, Exeter. Douglas, W. D. R., Esq., Orchardton, Castle Douglas, N.B. Drewitt, D. 0., Esq., Jarrow Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Drosier, Dr. W. H., Cambridge. Dublin, National Library. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons. Dublin, Trinity College. Dublin, Hon. Society of King's Inn. Ducie, Earl of, F.R.S., F.G.S., 16, Portman square, W. Dunning, J. W., Esq., M.A., F.L.S., 12, Old square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. East Kent Natural History Society, Canterbury. Edgeworth, M. P., Esq., F.L.S., 6, Notham gardens, Oxford. Edinburgh College of Physicians. Edinburgh, Library of University of. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Edinburgh, Royal Society of. Edinburgh Royal Physical Society, 40, Castle street, Edinburgh. Elliot, Sir W., F.L.S., Hawick, Roxburgshire. Elphinstone, H. W., Esq., F.L.S., 2, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. England, Royal College of Surgeons of, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. England, Bank of, Library, London, E.G. Enniskillen, the Earl of, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.G.S., 65, Eaton place, S.W. Ethering, Dr. von, Leipzig. Ferguson, W., Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., Kinmundy House, near Mintlaw, Aberdeen shire. Ffarington, Miss M. H., Worden Hall, near Preston. 9 Fitch, Fred., Esq., F.R.G.S., Hadleigh House, Highbury New Park, N. Flower, J., Esq., M.A., F.Z.S., Fairfield road, Croydon, S. Flower, \V. H., Esq., F.R.S., Royal College of Surgeons, W.C. Foran, J. C., Esq., Marshfield House, Terminus road, Eastbourne. Ford, J., Esq., The Uplands, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. Foster, C., Esq., Thorpe, Norwich. Fowler, Rev. W. W., Repton. Friedlander & Son, Messrs., Berlin. Fuller, Rev. A., Pallant, near Chichester. Galton, Capt. Douglas, F.R.S., F.L.S., 12, Chester street, Grosvenor place, S.W. Gatty, C. H., Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., Felbridge Park, East Grinstead, Sussex. Geological Society, London, W. Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. George, Frederick, Esq., 10, Finchley road, St. John's wood, N.W. Gerold and Sons, Messrs., Vienna. Gibson, G. S., Esq., F.L.S., Saffron Walden, Essex. Glasgow Philosophical Society, Glasgow. Glasgow University, Glasgow. Godman, F. D., Esq., F.L.S., 10, Chandos street, Cavendish square, W. Goode, J. F., Esq., 3, Regent place, Birmingham. Gordon, Rev. George, LL.D., Manse of Birnie, by Elgin, N.B. Gottingen, University of, Gottingen. Graham, W., Esq., F.R.M.S., Ludgate hill, Birmingham. Green, R. Y., Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Grieve, Dr. J., care of W. L. Buchanan Esq., St. Vincent street, Glasgow. Grut, Ferdinand, Esq., 9, King street, Southwark, S.E. Giinther, Dr., F.R.S., British Museum, W.C. Hackney Microscopical and Natural History Society, per A. J. Clark, Esq., Treasurer, 48, Broadway, London fields, Hackney, E. Haeckel, Professor, Jena, Prussia. Hailstone, Edward, Esq., F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. 10 Haines, J. P. Wilton, Esq., King street, Gloucester. Hamilton, Dr. E., F.L.S., F.G.S., 9, Portugal street, Grosvenor square, W. Hancock, John, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Harford, F., Esq., Ocean Marine Insurance Company, 2, Old Broad street, E.G. Harmer, Sidney F., Esq., B.Sc., King's College, Cambridge. Harper, P. H., Esq., 30, Cambridge street, Hyde Park, W. Harris, Edw., Esq., F.G.S., Rydal Villa, Longton Grove, Upper Sydenham. Harris, Dr. F., F.L.S., 24, Cavendish square, W. Harvey, Dr. J. R., 7, Upper Merrion street, Dublin. Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S. Hawkins, Dr. B. L., Woburn, Beds. Hayek, Herr Gustav Edler von, Vienna. Hepburn, Sir T. B., Bart., Smeaton, Preston Kirk, N.B. Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Watford. Hicks, Dr. John B., F.R.S., 24, George street, Hanover square, W. Hicks, Dr. J. Sibley, 2, Erskine Street, Liverpool. Hillier, J. T., Esq., 4, Chapel place, Eamsgate. Hilton, James, Esq., 60, Montagu square, W. Hoest, Dr., Copenhagen. Holdsworth, E. W. H., Esq., F.L.S., 84, Clifton hill, Abbey road, N.W. Hooker, Sir J., C.B., M.D., F.R.S., Kew, W. Hope, A. J. B., Esq., M.P., 1, Connaught place, W. Hopkinson, John, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., Wansford House, Watford. Houghton, Rev. W., F.L.S., Preston Rectory, Wellington, Salop. Hovenden, F., Esq., Glenlea, Thurlow Park, Dulwich, S.E. Howden, Dr. J. C., Sunnyside, Montrose. Huddersfield Literary and Scientific Society. Huddersfield Naturalists' Society. Hudson, R., Esq., E.R.S., F.G.S., Clapham common, S.W. Hughes, W. R., Esq., F.L.S., Local Secretary, Wood House, Hands- wood, Birmingham. Hull Subscription Library. Humphry, Professor, F.R.S., Cambridge. Hunt, John, Esq., Milton of Campsie, Glasgow. Hutchinson, R., Esq., 29, Chester street, Edinburgh. Huxley, Professor T. H., F.E.S., Museum Practical Geology, Jermyn street, S.W. 11 Indian Museum, Calcutta. Jenner, Charles, Esq., Easter Duddingsten Lodge, Portobello, Edin- burgh. Jordon, Dr. R. C. R., 35, Harborne road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Kenderdine, F., Esq., Morningside, Old Trafford, Manchester. Kilmarnock Library, Kilmarnock. Kitson, J., Esq., Eltnete Hall, Leeds. Lancaster Amicable Book Society, Lancaster. Lawson, Professor, F.L.S., Local Secretary^ The Botanic Gardens, Oxford. Lee, Henry, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., 43, Holland street, Blackfriars road, S.E. ; and Ethelbert House, Margate. Leeds Philosopical and Literary Society, Leeds. Leicester, Alfred, Esq., 13, Adelaide terrace, Waterloo, near Liverpool. Leicester Free Library, Town Hall, Leicester. Leipzig, University of, Leipzig. Lendy, Major A. F., F.L.S., F.G.S., Sunbury House, Sunbury. Lindsay, Charles, Esq., Ridge Park, Lanark, N.B. Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W. Lister, Arthur, Esq., F.L.S., Leytonstone. Liverpool Athenaeum, Liverpool. Liverpool Royal Institution, Liverpool. Liverpool Library, Lyceum, Liverpool. Liverpool Medical Institution, Liverpool. Liverpool Microscopical Society. Liverpool Free Library, Liverpool. Lobley, J. Logan, Esq., F.G.S., New Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, S.W. London Institution, Finsbury circus, B.C. London Library, 12, St. James's square, S.W. Loven, Professor, Stockholm. Lubbock, Sir J., Bart., M.P., F.L.S., R.S., 15, Lombard street, B.C. 12 McGill, H. J., Esq., Aldenham Grammar School, Elstree, Herts. Mclntosh, W. C., M.D., F.L.S., Perth County Asylum, Murthly, N.B. M'Lachlan, R., Esq., F.R.S., 39, Limes grove, Lewisham, S.E. Maclagan, Professor Douglas, M.D., F.R.S.E., 28, Heriot row, Edin- burgh. Madras Government Museum, Madras. Major, Charles, Esq., Red Lion Wharf, 69, Upper Thames street, E.G. Manchester Free Public Library, Manchester. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester. Manners, Geo., Esq., F.L.S., F.S.A., Dingwall road, Croydon. Mansell-Pleydall, J., Esq., Whatcombe, Blandford. Martin, G. M., Esq., Southbank, Compton, Wolverhampton. Mason, P. B., Esq., Burton-on-Trent. Mathews, W., Esq., M.A., F.G.S., 15, Waterloo street, Birmingham. Medlycott, W. C., Esq., Yen House, Sherborne, Dorsetshire. Meiklejohn, Dr. J. W, S., Royal Victoria yard, Deptford, S.E. Mennell, H. T., Esq., F.L.S., 10, St. Dunstan's buildings, Idol lane, E.G. Microscopical Society, Royal, King's College, Strand, London. Millar, Dr. John, F.L.S., F.G.S., Bethnall House, Cambridge road, N.E. Millett, F. W., Esq., 13, Milner square, Islington. Mitchell Library, the, Glasgow. Mivart, Prof. St. George J., F.R.S., 71, Seymour street, Hyde park, W. Morris, J. W., Esq., F.L.S., Belmont, Bath. Moseley, Sir T., RoUeston Hall, Burton-on-Trent. Munich Royal Library, Munich. Murray, J., Esq., 3, Clarendon crescent, Edinburgh. Museum of Economic Geology, London, S.W. Natal Microscopical Society. Naylor, John, Esq., Bank, King street, Liverpool. Naylor, M. E., Esq., Wakefield. Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle. Newman, J. P., Esq., 54, Hatton garden, E.G. Noble, Capt. Jesmond, Dene House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Noble, Wilson, Esq., Queensbury place, S.W. Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, Norwich. Norman, Rev. A. Merle, M.A., F.L.S , Burnmoor Rectory, Fencehouses, Durham. 13 Nottingham Free Library. Nottingham High School. Nottingham Literary and Philosophical Society, Nottingham, Owens College, Manchester. Oxford Magdalen College. Paisley Philosophical Society, Paisley. Parke, Geo. H., Esq., Infield Lodge, Barrow-in-Furness. Parker, W. K., Esq., F.R.S., 36, Claverton street, S.W. Pascoe, F. P., Esq., F.L.S., 1, Burlington road, Westbourne Park, W. Peck, R. Holman, Esq., B.A., F.L.S., Elmfield, Penge lane, S.E. Peckover, Algernon, Esq., F.L.S., Wisbeach. Peel Park Library, Salford, Lancashire. Penny, Rev. C. W., Wellington College, Wokingham. Penzance Public Library, Penzance. Perthshire Society of Natural Science, per J. Coates, Esq., Pitcullen House, Perth. Phen^, J. S., Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., 5, Carlton terrace, Oakley street, S.W. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Plymouth Institution, Athenaeum, Plymouth. Power, H., Esq., 3?A, Great Cumberland place, Hyde Park, W. Preston Free Public Library. Pumphrey, C., Esq., Southfield, King's Norton, near Birmingham. Pye-Smith, Dr. P. H., 54, Harley street, Cavendish square. Quekett Club, University College. Radcliffe Library, Oxford, Ramsay, Sir Andrew C., F.R.S., Museum of Economic Geology, S.W. Rashleigh, J., Esq., 3, Cumberland terrace, Regent's park, N.W. Reader, Thomas, Esq., 39, Paternoster row, E.G. Reading Microscopical Society, 110, Oxford street, Reading. Rigby, Samuel, Esq., Bruche Hall, near Warrington. Ripon, Marquis of, F.R.S., F.L.S., 1, Carlton gardens, S.W. Robinson, Isaac, Esq., The Wash, Hertford. 14 Roper, F. C. S., Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., Palgrave House, Eastbourne. Rothery, H. C., Esq., M.A., F.L.S,, 94, Gloucester terrace, Hyde Park, W. Royal Institution, Albemarle street, W. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 53, Berners street, W. Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W. Rowe, J. B., Esq., Mulgrove, Plymouth. Rylands, T. G., Esq., F.L.S., Local Secretary, High Fields, Thelwall, near Warrington. Salter, Dr. S. J. A., F.R.S., Treasurer, Basingfield, near Basingstoke, Hants. Salvin, Osbert, Esq., F.L.S. , 10, Chandos street, Cavendish square. Samson and Wallin, Messrs., London. Sanders, Alfred, Esq., F.L.S., Milton, Sittingbourne, Kent. Sanford, W. A., Esq., F.G.S., Nynehead Court, near Wellington, Somersetshire. Scientific Club, 7, Savile row, W. Sclater, P. L., Esq., M.A., Ph.D., F.L.S., R.S., 11, Hanover square, \V. Scott, Dr. Wm., Lissenderry, Aughuacloy, Ireland. Sharp, I., Esq., F.G.S., Culverden hill, Tunbridge Wells. Sharpus, F. W., Esq., 30, Compton road, Islington, N. Sheffield Literary and Philosophical Society, Sheffield. Sion College Library, London Wall, E.G. Slack, H. I., Esq., F.G.S., Ashdown Cottage, Forest row, Sussex. Sladen, Rev. E. H. M., The Gore, Bournemouth. Slatter, Rev. John, The Vicarage, Streatley, Reading. Slatter, T. J., Esq., F.G.S., Evesham. Sloper, G. E., Esq., Devizes. Smart, Robert B., Esq., 176, Waterloo place, Oxford road, Manchester. Smith, Basil Woodd, Esq., F.R.A.S., Branch hill, Hampstead, N.W. Smith, Capt. R., Frankfort Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Taunton. Sotheran, Messrs., 136, Strand, W.C. South London Microscopical Club. South port Free Library. Spicer, Messrs., Brothers, 19, New Bridge street, Blackfriars, E.G. St. Andrew's University Library, St. Andrew's. Stainton, H. T., Esq., F.R.S., L.S., Mountsfield, Lewisham, S.E. Stebbing, Rev. T. R. R., Warberry House, Bishopsdown Park, Tun- bridge Wells. 15 Steele, Dr. W. E., Local Secretary, 15, Hatch street, Dublin. Stephenson, J. W., Esq., Equitable Assurance Office, Mansion-house street, E.G. Stewart, C., Esq., F.L.S., St. Thomas's Hospital, Newington, S.W. Stockholm Royal Academy, Stockholm. Stowell, Rev. H. A., Breadsall Rectory, near Derby. Strasbourgh University Library. Stroud Natural History and Philosophical Society, Stroud. Stubbins, J. Esq., Chester College, Old lane, Halifax. Sunderland Subscription Library, Sunderland. Swain, E., Esq., 34, Elsham road, Addisoii road, Kensington, N. Swanston, W., Esq., F.G.S., 50, King street, Belfast. Toronto, University of, Canada. Torquay Natural History Society, Torquay. Townsend, F., Esq., M.A., Honington Hall, Shipston-on-Stour. Trail, Prof. W. H., M.B., Local Secretary, King's College, Old Aber- deen. Tristram, Rev. Canon H. B., LL.D.,F.R.S., The College, Durham. Trubner & Co., Messrs., London. Turner, Professor \V., F.R.S.E., Anatomical Museum, University of Edinburgh. Tyler, Captain Charles, F.L.S., F.G.S., 317, Holloway road, Hollo- way, N. University College, London. Upsala, University of, Sweden. Vass, M., Leipzig. Vicars, John, Esq., sen., Seel street, Liverpool. Vicary, William, Esq., The Priory, Colleton crescent, Exeter. Vinen, Dr. E. Hart, F.L.S., 17, Chepstow villas West, Bayswater, W. Wakefield Mechanics' Institution, Wakefield. Walker, Alfred 0., Esq., Chester. Warden, Dr. Charles, 272, Hagley road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 16 Warrington Museum and Library, Warrington. Warwickshire Natural History Society, Warwick. Washington Library of Congress, U.S. Watkinson Library, Harford, Con., U.S.A. Webster, Rev. W. H., Westfield, Battle, Sussex. Weir, J. J., Esq., 6, Haddo villas, Blackheath, S.B. Wells, J. R., Esq., 20, Pitzroy street, Fitzroy square, W.C. West Kent Natural History Society, Lewisham, S.E. White, A., Esq., F.L.S., West Drayton. White, Dr. F. B., F.L.S., 2, Athol place, Perth. Wills, A. W., Esq., F.C.S., Wylde Green, Erdington, Birmingham. Wilson, Dr. E., Westal, Cheltenham. Wiltshire, Rev. Professor T., M.A., F.L.S., G.S., Secretary, 25, Granville park, Lewisham, London, S.E. Wollaston, G. H., Esq., 4, College road, Clifton, near Bristol. Woodd, B. T., Esq., Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Wright, Professor E. P., F.L.S., Trinity College, Dublin. Yale College, New Haven, U.S. Yeoman, T. P., Esq., 4, St. Hildas terrace, Whitby. York Philosophical Society, York. Zoological Society, 11, Hanover square, W. LIST OF THE ANNUAL VOLUMES OF THE RAY SOCIETY. FEOM THEIE COMMENCEMENT, IN 1844, TO AUQUST, 1882. LIST OF THE ANNUAL VOLUMES ISSUED BY THE RAY SOCIETY. FOR THE FIRST YEAR, 1844. I. Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany. Trans- lated by H. E. Strickland, Jun., M.A., F.R.S., E. Lan- kester, M.D., F.R.S., and W. B. Macdonald, B.A. 8vo. IT. Memorials of John Ray: consisting of the Life of John Ray, by Derhara ; the Biographical Notice of Ray, by Baron Cuvier and M. Dupetit Thouars, in the ' Biographic Universelle ; ' Life of Ray, by Sir J. E. Smith : the Itine- raries of Ray, with Notes, by Messrs. Babington and Yarrell. Edited by E. Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. 8ro. III. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part I. Ten Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE SECOND YEAR, 1845. I. Steenstrup on the Alternation of Generations. Translated from the German, by George Busk, F.R.S. Three Plates. 8vo. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part II. Thirteen Plates. Imp. 4to. 20 LIST OF ANNUAL VOLUMES III. Reports and Papers on Botany, consisting of Translations from the German. Translated by W. B. Macdonald, B.A. ; G. Busk, F.R.S.; A. Henfrey, F.R.S.; and J. Hudson, B.M. Seven Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRD YEAR, 1846. I. Meyen's Geography of Plants. Translated from the German by Miss Margaret Johnston. 8vo. II. Burmeister on the Organization of Trilobites. Translated from the German, and edited by Professors T. Bell and E. Forbes. Six Plates. Imp. 4to. III. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part III. Eleven Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE FOURTH YEAR, 1847. I. Oken's Elements of Physio-philosophy. Translated from the German by Alfred Tulk. 8vo. II. Reports on the Progress of Zoology. Translated from the German by Messrs. Geo. Busk, A. H. Haliday, and A. Tulk. 8vo. III. A Synopsis of the British Naked-eyed Pulmograde Medusae. By Professor E. Forbes, F.R.S. Thirteen Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE FIFTH YEAR, 1848. I. Bibliographia Zoologize et Geologiae. By Professor Agassiz. Vol. I. 8vo. ISSUED BY THE RAY SOCIETY. 21 II. Letters of John Ray. Edited by E. Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. Two Plates. 8vo. III. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part IV. Twelve Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE SIXTH YEAR, 1849. I. Reports and Papers on Vegetable Physiology and Botanical Geography. Edited by A. Henfrey, F.R.S. Three Plates. 8vo. II. A Monograph of the British Entomostracous Crustacea. By W. Baird, M.D., F.R.S. Thirty-six Plates. 8vo. FOR THE SEVENTH YEAR, 1850. I. Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise. By Professor Agassiz. Vol. II. 8vo. II. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part V. Fifteen Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE EIGHTH YEAR, 1851. I. A Monograph of the British Angiocarpous Lichens. By the Rev. W. A Leighton, M.A. Thirty Plates. 8vo. II. A Monograph of the Family Cirripedia. By C. Darwin, M.A., F.R.S. Vol. I. Ten Plates. 8vo. 22 LIST OF ANNUAL VOLUMES FOR THE NINTH YEAR, 1852. I. Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise. By Professor Agassiz. Vol. III. 8vo. II. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part VI. Twelve Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE TENTH YEAR, 1853. I. A Monograph of the Family Cirripedia. By C. Darwin, M.A., F.KS. Vol. II. Thirty Plates. 8vo. II. A Volume of Botanical and Physiological Memoirs, in- cluding Braun on Rejuvenescence in Nature. Six Plates. 8vo. FOR THE ELEVENTH YEAR, 1854. Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologise. By Professor Agassiz. Vol. IV. 8vo. (Completing the work.) FOR THE TWELFTH YEAR, 1855. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By Messrs. Alder and Hancock. Part VII. Nine Plates. Imp. 4to. (Completing the work.) FOR THE THIRTEENTH YEAR, 1856. A Monograph of the British Fresh-water Polyzoa. By Pro- fessor Allman, F.R.S. Eleven Plates. Imp. 4to. ISSUED BY THE RAY SOCIETY. 23 FOR THE FOURTEENTH YEAR, 1857. A Monograph of the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. By Professor Williamson, F.R.S. Seven Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE FIFTEENTH YEAR, 1858. The Oceanic Hydrozoa. By Professor Huxley, F.R.S. Twelve Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE SIXTEENTH YEAR, 1859. A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. By John Blackwall, F.L.S. Part I. Twelve Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE SEVENTEENTH YEAR, 1860. An Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera. By W. B. Carpenter, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., assisted by W. K. Parker, F.R.S., and T. Rupert Jones, F.G.S. Twenty- two Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE EIGHTEENTH YEAH, 1861. On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia, and on the Fructification of the Coniferse. By Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister. Translated by Frederick Currey, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. L.S. Sixty-five Plates. 8vo. 24 LIST OF ANNUAL VOLUMES FOR THE NINETEENTH YEAR, 1862. A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. By John Blackwall, F.L.S. Part II. Seventeen Plates. Imp. 4to. (Completing the work.) FOR THE TWENTIETH YEAR, 1863. The Reptiles of British India. By Albert C. L. G. Giinther, M.D., F.R.S. Twenty-six Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST YEAR, 1864. A Monograph of the British Spongiadse. By J. S. Bowerbank, LL.D., F.R.S. Vol. I. Thirty-seven Plates. 8vo. FOR THE TWENTY-SECOND YEAR, 1865. I. The British Hemiptera Heteroptera. By Messrs. J. W. Douglas and John Scott. Twenty-one Plates. 8vo. II. A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. By J. S. Bower- bank, LL.D., F.R.S. Vol. II. 8vo. FOR THE TWENTY-THIRD YEAR, 1866. I. The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown, D.C.L., F.R.S. Vol. I, containing Geographico-botanical, and Structural, and Physiological Memoirs. Edited by J. J. Bennett, F.R.S. 8vo. ISSUED BY THE RAY SOCIETY. 25 II. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. By Professors Eschricht, Reinhardt, and Lilljeborg. Edited by W. H. Flower, F.R.S. Six Plates. Imp. 4to. III. Nitzch's Pterylography, translated from the German. Edited by P. L. Sclater, F.R.S. Ten Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR, 1867. I. A Monograph on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-girdle. By W. K. Parker, F.R.S. Thirty Plates. Imp. 4to. II. The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown, D.C.L., F.R.S. Vol.11. 8vo. FOR THE TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR, 1868. I. Vegetable Teratology. By M. T. Masters, M.D., F.L.S. 8vo. II. The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown, D.C.L., F.R.S. Vol. III. Thirty-eight Plates. Imp. 4to. (Completing the work.) FOR THE TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR, 1869. Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. By J. Allman, M.D., F.R.S. Part I. Twelve Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR, 1870. Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. By J. Allman, M.D., F.R.S. Part II. Eleven Plates. Imp. 4to. (Completing the work.) c 26 LIST OP ANNUAL VOLUMES FOR THE TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR, 1871. A Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. By Sir J. Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. Seventy-eight Plates. 8vo. FOR THE TWENTY-NINTH YEAR, 1872. A Monograph of the British Annelids. By W. C. M'clntosh, M.D., F.R.S.E. Part I. Ten Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE THIRTIETH YEAR, 1873. A Monograph of the British Annelids. By W. C. Macintosh, M.D., F.R.S.E. Part I. continued. Thirteen Plates. Imp. 4to. FOR THE THIRTY-FIRST YEAR, 1874. A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. By J. S. Bowerbank, LL.D., F.R.S. Vol. III. Ninety-two Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRTY-SECOND YEAR, 1875. A Monograph of the British Aphides. By G. B. Buckton, F.R.S. Vol. I. Forty-two Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRTY-THIRD YEAR, 1876. A Monograph of the British Copepoda. By G. S. Brady, M.D., F.L.S. Vol. I. Thirty-six Plates. 8vo. ISSUED BY THE EAT SOCIETY. 27 FOR THE THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR, 1877. A Monograph of the British Aphides. By G. B. Buckton, F.R.S. Vol. II. Fifty Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR, 1878. A Monograph of the British Copepoda. By G. S. Brady, M.D., F.L.S. Vol. II. Forty- nine Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, 1879. I. A Monograph of the British Copepoda. By G. S. Brady, M.D., F.L.S. Vol. III. Eleven Plates. 8vo. (Com- pleting the work.) II. A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. By the late J. S. Bowerbank, LL.D., F.R.S. Edited, with additions, by Rev. A. M. Norman, M.A., F.L.S. Vol. IV. Seven- teen Plates. 8vo. (Completing the work.) FOR THE THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR, 1880. A Monograph of the British Aphides. By G. B. Bucktonj F.R.S. Vol. III. Twenty-eight Plates. 8vo. FOR THE THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR, 1881. A Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. By P. Cameron. Vol. I. Twenty-one Plates. 8vo. FEINTED BY J. E. ADLAED, BABTHOLOMEW CLOSE. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-70m-9,'65(F7151s4)458 86220 Cameron, P. A monograph of the v.l British phytophagous Hymenoptera . LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS