Engineering library AUTOMOTIVE WIRING MANUAL FORMERLY "OFFICIAL AU^O WIRING GUIDE' Containing Guaranteed Correct Circuit Diagrams Covering all Motor Cars from 1912 to 1919 inclusive; Internal \Virmg Connections of Generators, Starting Motors, Controllers, Switches, etc., of all Electric Starting and Lighting Systems; also Practical Instructions on Construction, Testing, Repairing and Maintenance of Storage Batteries, Generators, Starting Motors, Coils, Controllers, Magnetos, etc. By HARRY L. WELLS in collaboration with Allan J. Pierson and D a t u s M . Pierson, Electrical Engineers Price $12.50 in the United States 1919 SECOND EDITION PUBLISHED BY AUTOMOTIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY 440 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET - ... CHICAGO. U. S. A. Engineering Library O R W O R D O those in the trade the Automotive Wiring Manual will prove of very great value. Its purpose is to simplify electrical service on Motor Cars. This Manual plainly describes in full detail, the wiring circuits, internal and external, of every make of starter, generator, coil, cut-out, etc., and furnishes all necessary information for quickly finding and rectifying trouble in a manner easily understood by those having only a minor knowledge of electrical equipment. Technical engineer- ing data is not given because such data is not necessary. We guarantee the contents of this Manual to be absolutely correct. The internal wiring circuits and standard diagrams have all been most carefully prepared, and the information covering coils, batteries, motors, etc., is complete and accurate. By studying the general instructions, you will readily see how easily electrical circuits may be traced, and appreciate the simplicity of trouble finding, making tests and adjustments and rendering prompt and efficient service to the car owner. We have observed the splendid and rapid strides made, practically unaided, by automobile mechanics in their efforts to render service on electrical apparatus, and we know that with the aid of this Manual, or Guide, the problem of efficient electrical service is solved. THE PUBLISHERS CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Abbott-Detroit 1916-17 . . . Allen 1914-15... Allen 1914-15... Allen 1916 Allen 1916 Allen 1917 Allen 1918-19. . . Alter 1915 American 1914 American 1917-18 . . . Anderson 1916 Apperson 1913 Apperson 1913 Apperson 1913 Apperson 1914 Apperson 1915 Apperson 1915 Apperson 1916 Apperson 1916-17 . . . Apperson 1918-19 . . . Auburn 1913-14-15 Auburn 1914 Auburn 1915 Auburn 1916 Auburn 1916 Auburn 1917-18-19 Auburn 1918 Austin 1917-18. . . Bell 1916 Bethlehem Trucks. . . 1918 Briscoe 1915 Briscoe 1916 Briscoe 1916 Briscoe 1917-18-19 Brown 1916 Buick 1914 Buick.. 1914.. 6-44 33 and 34. 35.. 37 Dimmer Bulbs. . . 37 Dimming Resist. Classic Model 41. . Underslung A 100-A-B.. 4-45 and 4-55 45 and 55 4-45, 6-45, 6-58. . . . 4-40 and 6-45 . . 6-48 and 8-58 6-48, 8-58, 8-17, 6-17 8-18-A . . 4-40, 4-41, 6-45, 6-46 6-40 4-38, 6-38, 6-40 6-40-A 6-39 6-44 Highway King "12" 16 Dl, El, Fl B-15 4-38 8-38 4-24 . . DUIOK B-24 and B-25 . B-36 and 37 . . Remy 1 Westinghouse 2 Autolite 3 Westinghouse 4 Westinghouse 5 Westinghouse 6 Autolite 7 Remy 8 Disco 9 Westinghouse 10 Westinghouse 11 Ward-Leonard 12 Esterline 13 Gray & Davis X 14 Bijur 15 Bijur 16 Westinghouse 17 Westinghouse 18 Bijur 19 Bijur 20 Remy 21 Remy 22 Delco 23 Remy 24 Delco 25 Remy 26 Delco 27 Delco 28 Ward-Leonard 29 Gray & Davis 541 Splitdorf-Apelco 30 Splitdorf-Apelco 31 Splitdorf-Apelco 32 Splitdorf-Apelco 33 Allis-Chalmers 34 Delco 35 Delco . . 36 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM Buick Buick . Buick. Buick. Buick. Buick . Buick. Buick Truck. Buick Truck. Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac Cartercar. . . . Cartercar Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Chalmers. . . . Chalmers .... Chalmers. Chalmers. Chalmers Chalmers Chalmers Chalmers Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler. . 1916 54-55 1915 C-24andC-25 1915 C-36, 37, 54, 55 . . . . 1916 D-44, 45, 54, 55... \ 1917 D-6,44,45, 46, 47. / 1917-18 . . . D-34, 35, E-34, 35 . . 1918-19 . . . E-Six, 44, 45, 46, \ 47,49,50 / 1915 C-4 1916 D-4 1912 1913 1914 1915 "8" Type 51 1916 "8" Type 53 1917-18-19 55 and 57 1914 7 , 1915 9 1914-15 ... O 1914-15... R 1914-15... S 1915 R 1916 T 1917 T 1918-19... U 1913-14... 17,18,19 1914 24 1915 26 1915 29 1915-16... 32 and 6-40 1916 35 1917-18... Six-30, 35A, 35B... 1918-19 . . . 35-C & Early 1919. . 1913 1914 1914-15 1916.. Delco . Delco . Delco. Delco . Delco. Delco . Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Westinghouse. Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westingbouse . Autolite Westinghouse . Gray & Davis. Entz Entz Entz Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Gray & Davis. Westinghouse. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Contimwd CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Chandler 1916 Chandler 1917-18-19 Chevrolet... 1915.. 17. Chevrolet 1915. Chevrolet 1915. Chevrolet: 1915-16... Chevrolet 1916-17... Chevrolet 1916-17... Chevrolet 1917-18... Chevrolet 1918 Cole 1912 Cole 1913 Cole 1914 Cole 1914 Cole 1915-16 . . . Cole 1915 Cole 1916 Cole 1917-18-19 Commerce Truck Crawford 1915 Crawford 1916 Crow-Elkhart 1916 Crow-Elkhart 1916-17 . . . Crow-Elkhart 1917-18-19 Cunningham 1913-14 . . . Cunningham 1916 Cunningham 1916-17 . . . Cunningham 1918-19... Daniels 1916-17-18 Dart 1916 Davis 1915 Davis 1916 Davis 1917-18... Deering Magnetic . . . 1918 Light Weight Six... H-2, H-3, H-4 (Early Models) H-2, H-3, H-4 (Mid- Season) H-2, H-3, H-4 (Late Models) H-2M, H-3, H-4.... 490 (One Cable).... 490 (Two Cables)... F-2andF-5 D-4 and D-5 30 and 40 4-40,4-50,6-60 4.. 6. 4-40 and 6-66 . 6-50 8-50 8-60 E .-.. 6.. 25-30 CE-30-33 33-35 & K34-K36. M 4 V V-3 A-8 B andC 38-A-B-C... v .... C-38, 6-E, 6-G... 6-H, 6-1, 6-K Gray & Davis 72 Gray & Davis 73 Autolite 74 Autolite 75 Autolite 76 Autolite 77 Autolite 78 Autolite 79 Autolite 80 Autolite 81 Ward-Leonard 82 Delco 83 Delco 84 Delco 85 Delco 86 Delco 87 Delco 88 Delco 89 Remy 90 Westinghouse 91 Westinghouse 92 Disco 93 Dyneto 94 Dyneto 95 North East 96 Westinghouse 97 Westinghouse 98 Westinghouse 99 Westinghouse 100 Westinghouse 101 Westinghouse 102 Delco 103 Delco 104 Owen . . .105 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Detroit Electric . Detroiter Detroiter Detroiter Dixie Flyer Dixie Flyer Dodge Dodge . Dodge . Dodge . Dodge . Dodge . Dodge. Dorris. Dorris. Dorris. Dorris. Dorris. Dorris. Dorris. Dort. . Dort. . Dort.. North East 112 North East.. . 113 Dort..., Dort Elcar . . . Elcar . . Elgin . . Empire. Empire. Empire. Empire. Empire . 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 ... . . . . 1915 D Remy... 1916 6-45 Autolite. 1917 6-45 Autolite. 1916-17... L-3 Dyneto.. 1918 L Series 35 Dyneto. . Single Wire Starter Mag. Ign Single Wire Starter Delco Ign Two Wire Starter Delco Ign North East 1915 North East 1916 North East - 1916 Internal Diagram. . . North East 1917-18-19 30 North East 1913 H Westinghouse... 1913-14 ... H Westinghbuse. . . 1914 I Westinghouse. . . 1915 I-A-4 Westinghouse. . . 1916 I-A-6 Westinghouse... 1917 I-B-6 Westinghouse. . . 1918-19 . . . I-C-6 & Early 1919 Westinghouse. . . 1916 4 and 5 Splitdorf-Apelco. 1916 5 Westinghouse... 1916 With and Without Ammeter Westinghouse. . . 1917 9 Westinghouse . . . 1918-19 ... 11 Westinghouse. . . 1916 Splitdorf-Apelco. 1917-18-19 D, E, F, and G Dyneto 1917-18-19 6&1919"H" Wagner 1915 31 and 40 (Sep. Lgt. and Ign.) Remy 1915-16... 33 Remy 1916 40 and 45 Autolite 1916 60 Autolite 1916-17-18 45&51.. Autolite.. 106 107 108 109 110 111 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 VI CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Empire Enger Enger Essex Excelsior Motorcycle. Fiat Fiat Fiat i Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Firestone Columbus. . Fischer Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford.. 1917-18-19 1914 1916-17... 1919.. 50,70,70-A,Early'19 Twin Unit Twelve. . C.. 1914 1914 1914-15.. 1915 1916-17. . 1917 1917 1917 1913 1916.. Single Wire. . E-17 Chassis. C-3 Chassis. Standard Wiring . Two Unit. B Revised . Ford Ford 1919 Coupe and Sedan ... Ford TypeGSL-101-103. Ford Type GSL-102 Ford Single Unit Ford Two Unit Ford 33 Ford 33 Internal Wiring. Ford Ford 1913 Ford D Type 1210 Ford D Type 1252 Ford Ford Four- Wheel Drive Truck Franklin.. 1913-14.. Series 2-D-H-M . . , Autolite 139 North East 140 Westinghouse 141 Delco 644 Splitdorf 142 Westinghouse 143 Gray & Davis 144 Westinghouse 145 Rushmore 146 Westinghouse 147 Bosch-Rushmore 148 Westinghouse 149 Bosch 150 North East 151 Remy 152 A. B. C 248 153 Disco 154 Disco 155 Dyneto 156 Everready 157 Fischer 249 Ford 645 Genemotor 599 Genemotor 598 Gray & Davis 158 Gray & Davis 159 Heinze-Springfield 160 Heinze-Springfield 161 Leece-Neville 162 North East 163 North East 164 North East 165 Simms-Huff 166 Westinghouse 167 North Bast 168 Entz.. . 169 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Vll Franklin. Franklin. Franklin. Franklin. Franklin. Franklin. Franklin. Franklin Gait S. G. Gay & Co. G. M. C. Truck . Glide Glide Glide Glide Glide Grant Grant , Grant Grant Grant H. A. L Halladay Halladay Halladay Harley -Davidson Motorcycle Harley -Davidson Motorcycle Harroun Havers Haynes Haynes Haynes 1913-14... Serifs 3-M 1914-15-16 Series 6-M Coupe & Berline 1914-15-16 Series 6--M Runabout & Tour 1914-15-16 Series 6-M Sedan... 1915 Sedan Type 1916 Berliner Type 1916 8-M, Runabout, Touring, Sedan. .. 1917-18-19 Series, 9, All Models 1913 1915 1917 15,25,26,30,31,40, 41, 70, 71, 100, 101 1913-14... 36-42 1914 30 1915 30 1916-17 . . . Six-40 1918 Light Six-40 1915-16... 4 1915-16... 6 1916 1916-17-18 K 1918 G 1916-17-18 12 1913-14... G&32 1915 6-40 1916.. R.. Entz. Entz. 170 171 Entz 172 Entz 173 Dyneto 174 Dyneto 175 Dyneto 176 Dyneto 177 North East 178 Allis-Chalmers 179 Delco 180 Westinghouse 181 Westinghouse 182 Westinghouse 183 Westinghouse 184 Westinghouse 185 Allis-Chalmers 186 Allis-Chalmers 187 Allis-Chalmers 188 Wagner 189 Wagner 190 Westinghouse 191 Electro 192 Westinghouse 193 Westinghouse 194 1915. Remy. 195 1916-17 Remy 1% 1917-18. . . AA1 Remy 197 1914 North East 198 1913 24 Leece-Neville 199 1914 26, 27, 28 Leece-Neville 200 1914.. 26, 27, 28 (Vulcan Elec. Gear Shift) . Leece-Neville 201 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynes Henderson Herff-Brooks Herff-Brooks Hollier Hollier Hollier Holmes Howard Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Imperial Imperial Imperial Indian Motorcycle. . . International Harves- ter Truck International Harves- ter Truck International Harves- ter Truck International Harves- ter Truck Inter-State Inter-State Inter-State 1915 30 1916 34&35....! 1916-17... 36, 36-R, 37 1917-18-19 40, 40-R, 41 1918-19... 38, 39, 39-S 1913-14 1915 1916 1916 8 1917 166 1918 188-206 1918-19... 1 1917 1913 37A54 1914-15... 6-40 1914-15... 6-54 1916 6-40 1916-17-18-19 Super-Six 1914-15... HA 1915 K 1916 N 1916-17... N 1918-19... R& Early 1919 1919 1913 34 1914....... 32,34,44,54,56,39 1914.. 34.. 1916-17... F&H 1918.. F. G. H. K. 1918 All Models... 1909-10-11 25 to 34, incl. 1912 40,41,42.... 1912 50,51,52.... Leece-Neville 202 Leece-Neville 203 Leece-Neville 204 Leece-Neville 205 Leece-Neville 206 Ward-Leonard 207 Splitdorf-Apelco 208 Splitdorf-Apelco 209 Splitdorf-Apelco 210 Allis-Chalmers 211 Splitdorf 212 Dyneto 213 Delco 214 Delco 215 Delco 216 Delco 217 Delco 218 Delco 219 Westinghouse 220 Westinghouse 221 Bijur 222 Westinghouse 223 Bijur 224 Westinghouse 646 North East.. 225 North East 226 North East 227 Splitdorf 228 North East 229 Bosch 230 North East 231 North East 232 Ignition Only 233 Apelco 234 Apelco 235 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Inter-State 1913-14... Inter-State 1915-16-17-18 Inter-State 1915-16-17-18 Jackson 1913 Jackson 1914-15 . . . Jackson... 1915 Jackson 1915 Jackson 1915-16 . . . Jackson 1916 Jackson 1916 Jackson 1916 Jackson 1917-18 . . . Jeffery 1915 Jeffery 1915 Jeffery 1916 Jeffery 1917...'.. Jeffery Rapid Service Truck 1016.. Jordan 1916-17 ... 60 & B Jordan 1918-19... 60.... King 1915 C-4... King 1915 8 King 1916 E 45 TF T & TR 43 46 46 48 & 6-40 44 34 68 348 349 All 1918 Models Four Chesterfield 6 462 671.. King 1917-18-19 Kissel Kar 1913-14... Kissel Kar 1914 Kissel Kar 1915 Kissel Kar 1915-16-17 Kissel Kar *..., 1916 Kissel Kar 1917-18... Kissel Kar 1918-19... Kline Kar.. 1913-14.. Kline Kar 1916-17-18 Knox Truck 35 & 36 Krit 1915 L. P. C. 1915-16.. EE 1919 "G" 4-40, 6-48, 6-60 4-40 4-36 6-42 4-32 & 4-36 Double Six Hundred Point Six. . B4-40, 6-50, 6-60, C4-30 6-36. . . Apelco 236 Remy 237 Remy 238 Autolite 239 North East 240 Autolite 241 Delco 242 North East 243 Autolite 244 Autolite 245 Autolite 246 Autolite 247 U. S. L 250 Bijur f . 251 Bijur '. 252 Bijur 253 Bijur 254 Bijur 255 Bijur 256 Ward-Leonard 257 Ward-Leonard 258 Ward-Leonard 259 Ward-Leonard 260 Esterline 261 Esterline 262 Westinghouse 263 Westinghouse 264 Westinghouse 265 Westinghouse 266 Remy 267 Rushmore 268 Westinghouse 269 Bijur 270 North East 271 Remy 272 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Lexington Lexington Lexington Lexington Liberty Liberty Lippard-Stewart Truck Lippard-Stewart Truck Locomobile Locomobile Locomobile Locomobile Locomobile Locomobile Lozier Lozier Lyons-Knight McFarlan McFarlan McFarlan Madison , . . . . Maibohm Maibohm Marion-Handley Marrnon Marmon Marmon Marmon Marmon Marmon Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell 1-Ton Truck Mercer. . . 1915 4-K&6-L 1916 6-N 1916-17... O 1918-19... R 1917-18... 10-A-B 1919.. 10-B.. 1916. M. 1917 M-2 1911-12-13 30 \ 1911-12... 38,48 / 1913 1915-16 1915-16... 38&4S 1917-18-19 38 & 48 & 1919 "4-48" 1913-14... 77 1915-16-17 82&S4 1914 1915 1916 1917-18-19 1916-17-18 1917 A 1918 B 1916-17... K-A-B 1913 32-4 1913 48 \ 1914 41&48 / 1915 41 1916-17... 34 1916-17-18-19 34 1914-15 1915 1917 25 1918-19... 25.. 1914. 35. Westinghouse 273 Westinghouse 274 Westinghouse 275 Delco 276 Wagner 647 Dyneto 277 Remy 278 Rushmore 279 Adlake 280 Westinghouse 281 Westinghouse 282 Westinghouse 283 Gray & Davis 284 Gray & Davis 285 North East 286 Westinghouse 287 Westinghouse 288 Westinghouse 289 Remy 290 Disco 291 Wagner 292 Westinghouse 293 North East 294 North East 295 Bosch 296 Bosch 297 Bijur 298 Simms-Huff 299 Gray & Davis 300 Simms-Huff ^ 301 Simms-Huff 302 Autolite 303 Rushmore . 304 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Mercer Mercer Mercer Mercer Meteor Metz Metz Metz Michigan Michigan Hearse .... Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell-Lewis Mitchell-Lewis Mitchell-Lewis Mitchell-Lewis Moline-Knight Moline-Knight Moline-Knight Moline-Knight Monitor Monroe Monroe Monroe Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moore Moreland Truck Moreland Truck Nash Nash Nash Two-Ton Truck Nash Two-Ton Truck 1915 22-70 1916 22-70 1917-18... 22-73 1918-19 . . 22-74 1917 75-80.... 1914 22 1915-16-17 22-25 1917-18... G 1913 1917 .- 1913 1916 8 1917-18... C-42 1917-18-19 D-40 1914 1914 A40-50-70 1915 4 1916 1912-13-14 MK-40... 1914-15. . . 1916-17-18 1917-18-19 1919 1915 M-2 1917 3 1917-18... 4-5 & 6 1914 42,6-50 1915 4-38,6-40 1916 6-30,6-40 1917-18... 6-43 1917-18-19 6-66 1917-18... 30 1J^,2H, 3-Ton.... 2X & 5X 1917 671 1917-18 . . . 681-2-3-4 & Early 1919 MK-50.... MK-40-50. C&G.. 4017-A. U. S. L 305 U. S. L 306 U. S. L 307 Westinghouse 308 Delco 309 North East 310 Gray & Davis 311 Westinghouse 312 North East 313 Delco 314 Esterline 315 Westinghouse 316 Westinghouse 317 Splitdorf 318 Remy \ 319 Remy ' 320 Splitdorf-Apelco 321 Splitdorf-Apelco 322 Ward-Leonard 323 Wagner 324 Wagner 325 Wagner 326 Dyneto 648 Autolite 327 Autolite 328 Autolite 329 Delco 330 Delco 331 Delco 332 Delco 333 Delco 334 Dyneto 335 Westinghouse 336 Westinghouse 337 Bijur 338 Delco 339 Bijur 542 Bijur Internal 543 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE 1914 Six 1915 1916 Highway Six (Series AC) 1916 Highway Twelve . . . 1917-18 . . . Highway Six 1917-18-19 Highway Twelve. .. Nash 4-Cy Under Truck National National National National National National Nelson Le Moon Truck New Era Oakland Oakland.. . .". Oakland Oakland. . v Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Old Hickory Truck . . Oldsmobile Oldsraobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile 1916 1913 35 1913 35 1913 35 Special. 1913 35&42... 1913...... 42 1913 42&60... 1914 36 1914 43 1914 4S&62... 1915 37 1915 49 1916 32-B 1916 38 1916 32-B 1917 34 1916-17... 50 1917 34 1918-19... 34-B 1916-17-18 1914 54 1915 42 1916 43 1916 44 1916-17... 45 1917 37 1918.. 37.. . Autolite 544 . Remy 340 . Westinghouse 341 j Westinghouse 342 . Westinghouse 343 . Westinghouse 344 Bijur 345 Westinghouse 346 Allis-Chalmers 347 Deaco 348 Westinghouse 349 Deaco 350 Deaco 351 Deaco 352 Delco 353 Delco ! . . . . 354 Delco 355 Delco 356 Delco 357 Delco 358 Remy 359 Delco.. . 360 Delco 361 Delco 362 Delco 363 Delco 364 Dyneto 365 Delco 366 Delco 367 Delco 368 Delco 360 Delco 370 Delco 371 Remy 372 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Oldsmobile. Olympian. . Overland . . . Overland . . . Overland . . , Overland. . Overland. . Overland . . Overland. . Overland . . Overland. . Overland. . Overland. . Overland Overland Overland Overland Overland Overland Owen Magnetic . Owen Magnetic . Packard Packard Packard Packard Packard Packard Packard Packard Truck.. Paige Paige Paige Pan-American. . . Panhard Trucks. Partin-Palmer. . . 1918-19... 45-A 1917 35 1913 69&71 1913 69&71 1914 79-B 1915 80-C & 80-T & R. . . 1915 81-LD&T-R 1915 82 \ 1916 86 / 1916 75T&75LD 1916 83-B-DE 1916 83-LD-EX-T-R 1916 83-T-EX-LD-B-D- E&R 1916 86 Ai. 1917 85-4-T-R-C & SN. . . 1917 85-6-C-SN-T-R 1917 86-B 1917 90-T&90-CL-R.... 1918 90-SN-PLD-R-O-ex. 1917 O-36 1018 42 1913 48 1914 1-38 & 3-48 1914 2-38 & 4-48 1915 3-38 & 5-48 1916 125 & 135 1917-18... 2-25 & 2-35 1918-19... 3-25 & 3-35 1918 E 1916 G-6&H-6 1916-17... 6-46, 6-38, H-6 1918-19... 6-39 & 6-55 1918 G4&G5 1918 A&B 1915.. 38.. Delco Autolite Autolite U. S. L Gray & Davis. Autolite Autolite. . 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 Autolite 380 Autolite. Autolite. Autolite. Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Owen Owen Bijur Delco Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Gray & Davis. Gray & Davis. . Gray & Davis. Gray & Davis. . Autolite Allis-Chalmers . 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Partin-Palmer Partin-Palmer Paterson Paterson Paterson Patereon Pathfinder Pathfinder Pathfinder Pathfinder Peerless Peerless Peerless Peerless Pierce- Arrow Fierce-Arrow Fierce-Arrow Fierce-Arrow Fierce-Arrow Pierce- Arrow Fierce-Arrow Two- Ton Truck Pilot Premier Premier Premier Premier Pullman Pullman Pullman Pullman Pullman Regal Regal Regal Regal ll.. 1917 32 1 1918 Ultra 4-Forty J 1914 32A33 1915 4-32 & 6-48 1916 6-42 1917-18-19 6-45.6-45R, 1919 "6-46" 1915 1916 1916 One-B 1917 12 1915 55 1916 56-57FF 1917-18-19 56-2FF 1918-19... 56 1914 38-C-2 1914-15... 48-B 1915 38-C 1915 48-B-3 1916 Tour. & Encl. Cars . 1917-18.. 38-48-66... Disco 407 Delco 408 Delco 409 Delco 410 Delco 411 Westinghouse 412 Westinghouse 413 Delco 414 Delco 415 Gray & Davis 416 Gray & Davis 417 Autolite 418 Autolite 419 Westinghouse 420 Westinghouse 421 Westinghouse 422 Westinghouse 423 Westinghouse 424 Westinghouse 425 Westinghouse 545 1916-17-18 6-45 Delco 426 1914 M Remy 427 1915 M Remy 428 1915 MJ Remy 429 1917-18-19 6-B&6-C Delco 430 1913 North East 431 1915 Splitdorf-Apelco 432 1916 Splitdorf-Apelco 433 1916 Splitdorf-Apelco 434 1917 434 Splitdorf 435 1913-14 ... N Rushmore 436 1914 C Rushmore 437 1915-16 ... E Dyneto 438 1915-16-17 4 & 8 Dyneto-Connecticut 439 1917.. J. . Heinze.. . 440 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE and Regal Reo Reo Reo Reo Reo Reo Reo Reo Truck Republic Truck . Republic Truck . Republic Truck . Riker Truck Riddle Coach Hearse Roamer Roamer Roamer Ross Russell Saxon Saxon Saxon Saxon Saxon Saxon Sayers & Scovill Sayers & Scovill Scripps-Booth. . ... . . . Scripps-Booth Seagrave Service Trucks Service Trucks Simplex Speedwell Sphinx Standard 1917-18 ... J Autolite 441 1914 R Remy 442 1915 R&M Remy 443 1916 M & U Remy 444 1916 R & S Remy 445 1917 M-N-R&S Remy 446 1917 R-4 Remy 447 1918-19 ... T & U & Early 1919 Remy 448 1917 Remy 449 Remy 450 Westinghouse 451 10-11 Westinghouse 452 1918 Westinghouse 453 1917 1916 1917 R-A 1918-19 ... D-4-75 & C-6-54. . . . 1916-17... 8 32 & 48 1915 Four 1915-16... Six...- 1916 S-2 1917 B-5-R 1917 S-4 1 1918-19... Y-18 J 1916 4 1916 6 1916 Six-39&40 1916-17-18 C4, D8, H 1916 6 (WithGenerator450) (WithGenerator760) 1917 5 1914-15 1915-16 1915.. 4.. Delco 454 Bijur 455 Bijur 456 Bijur 457 Robbins & Meyer 458 Bijur 459 Ward-Leonard 460 Gray & Davis 461 Ward-Leonard 462 Wagner 463 Wagner 464 Delco 465 Delco 466 Remy 467 Wagner 468 Westinghouse 469 Westinghouse 470 Westinghouse 471 Bosch 472 Westinghouse 473 Splitdorf-Apelco 474 Westinghouse 475 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS OF CARS Continued CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Standard 1916 8 Standard 1916-17... E Standard 1917 F Standard 1918-19... G Standardized Military Truck Class B. Stearns.. 1913.. 4&6.., .. 1914 4 .. 1915 Light Four. 1915-16-17-18-19 Series 32... .. 1916 8 .. 1916-17... SKL-4 . . 1916-17-18-19 S-K-8 65 60-65.. Steams-Knight Steams-Knight . Steams-Knight . Steams-Knight Stearns-Knight . Stearns-Knight . Stephens 1917 . . Stephens 1917.. Stephens 1918 70-74-75-78 . Stephens 1919 74 & 76 . . . . Stevens-Duryea 1915 D-6. Studebaker 1914 Four Studebaker 1915 EC-SD-5 Studebaker 1915 35-EG Studebaker 1916-17... Series 17 & 18 Studebaker , 1918-19 ... SH, EG, EH Stutz 1914-15 Stutz 1916-17 Stutz 1918-19 Sun 1917 Light Six Sweeny Tractor 1916-17 Templar 1918-19... 445 & Early 1919. .. Union Motor Truck.. 1916-17 Universal Tractor Governor Generator Van Blerck Marine Engine ( . . . Velie 1915-18... 15 Velie - 1916 22 Velie.. 1917.. 27.. Westinghouse 476 Westinghouse 477 Apelco 478 Westinghouse 479 Delco 546 Gray & Davis 480 Westinghouse 481 Gray & Davis 482 Westinghouse 483 Westinghouse 484 Westinghouse 485 Westinghouse 486 Autolite 487 Delco , 488 Delco 489 Wagner 490 Wagner 491 Wagner 492 Wagner 493 Wagner 494 Remy 495 Remy 496 Remy 497 Remy 498 Remy 499 Remy , 500 Autolite 501 Remy 547 North East 502 Gray & Davis 503 Remy 504 Remy 505 CAR YEAR MODEL SYSTEM PAGE Velie Velie Warren Wayne Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott White White White White White Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Winton Winton Winton Winton Winton Woods Dual-Power. Woods Dual-Power . Yale.. 1917 28 1918 3S&39 1913-14 1915 1914 O-30 1915 U-6&O-35 1916 41&51 1916 U-50&O-35 1917-18-19 Series 17, 18, Early '19 1913 1914 GAG 1914 GAGR 1916-17 1917-18-19 GM & Early 1919 . . 1916...... 84-C 1916 84-R 1916 84&84-T 1916 84T, 84BT, 83R.... 1917-18. 1917-18. 1917-18 . 1917-18. 1917-18. 1917-18 . 1917-18. 1917-18. 1918.... 1915.... 1915 1915 1916.. 88-4-C 88-4-LIM 88-4-SN 88-4T, 88-4-LIM, 88-4-SN 88-8-C&R 88-8-SN 88-8-T 88-8-TC 89-CLR-SN&T.... 21 21 21-A 22.. Remy Remy North East Splitdorf-Apelco . Jesco ! . . . . Delco Delco Delco Delco Entz White-Entz White-Entz White Leece-Neville. . . Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite. . 1917-18... 22... 1917 1600. 1918 1700. 1917.. K-8.. Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Bijur Gray & Davis . Bijur Bijur Bijur Woods Woods Disco . . 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 STANDARD AND INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAMS SYSTEM DIAGRAMS OF PAGE Adlake Standard wiring with Internal of Regulator 548 Allis-Chalmers Standard wiring, Single Unit, with B. & S. Instr. Panel 549 Allis-Chalmere Single Unit Internal wiring 550 Allis-Chalmers Motor-Generator with Regulator (Late Model) 551 Atwater-Kent Ignition System 552 Autolite Internal Circuits. Mod. G. H. Genr.; Mod. M. Motor 553 Autolite Standard wiring, Series Dimmer, Grounded System Connec- ticut Ignition, Type H & N-D Switch 554 Autolite G B Generator. Field Winding Internals 555 Autolite GC, GD Generators. Field Winding Internals 556 Autolite GG Generator. Internal Connections 557 Autolite MD, MC, MF Motors. Internal Circuits 558 Autolite G H Generator. Internal Connections Clockwise Rotation. . 559 Autolite G H Generator. Internal Connections. Counter Clockwise Rotation 560 Bijur Internal Circuits 561 Bijur Generator with Regulator. Internal Circuits. Standard Connections 562 Bijur Two Terminal Type L 61 Generator. Internal Circuits 563 Bijur Single Terminal Type L 61 Generator. Internal Circuit. Grounded System 564 Bijur Front Head Type L 61 Generator. Internal Circuit. Grounded System 565 Bijur 1918 Demountable Type Voltage Regulator. Internal Circuits ! 566 ch Starting and Lighting System 567 SYSTEM DIAGRAMS OF PAGE Bosch-Rushmore .... Internal Circuits 568 Connecticut Igniter System 569 Connecticut Internal Circuits 570 Connecticut Automatic Ignition System 571 Connecticut Ignition. Internal Circuit. Type O Switch, GA Coil and No. 16 Igniter 572 Deaco Voltage Regulator and Generator ,. . . . 573 Delco Motor-Generators, All Models 574 to 579 Delco 1912-13 6-24 Volt System. Internal Motor and Generator Control 580 Delco Control Panel 6-24 Volt System 581 Delco Voltage Regulator. Internal Circuit 582 Detroit R-S Motor-Generator. Installation for cars not originally equipped 583 Disco Standard wiring, Generator Model 100, Motor Model 200. . . . 584 Disco Single Unit Standard Wiring 585 Disco Standard, Two Unit, Diagram Models 30 to 39 '. . 586 Disco Standard, Two Unit, Diagram Models 40 to 49 587 Disco 12-Volt Motor-Generator with Regulator 588 Dyneto Standard wiring, for Entz Starting and Lighting System .... 589 Dyneto Standard wiring, Single Unit, 4-Terminal Unit, Models A & B 590 Dyneto Standard wiring, Two Unit, DA Motor, GA Generator 591 i Dyneto Internal 592 Dyneto Motor Generator. Internal Connections 593 Dyneto-Entz Chalmers and White Installation 594 Eisemann Internal G-4 Magneto 595 STANDARD AND INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAMS Continued SYSTEM DIAGRAMS OF PAGE Eisemann External E M Magneto. Dual Ignition 595 Esterline Generator with Automatic Cut-Out 596 Fischer Double Deck Model for Fords 597 Ford For Coupe and Sedan Models 645 Genemotor '. Type G S L 102. Standard wiring and Internal Circuit 598 Genemotor Type G S L 101. Standard wiring 599 Genemotor Type G S L 103. Standard wiring 599 Gray & Davis Standard Grounded System, 1913-14 600 Gray & Davis Standard, Two-Wire System, 1913-14 601 Gray & Davis Standard Grounded System, 1915 602 Gray & Davis Standard Grounded System, 1915, Internal wiring 603 Gray & Davis Two Unit, Internal 604 Heinze-Springfield . . . Two Unit Intenal Circuits 605 Heinze Magneto Circuits L-T-4 639 Jesco Internal 606 Leece-Neville Cut-Out and Generator. Motor and Generator 607 National Standard wiring 608 North East Models A. & B 609 North East Models D & G 610 Philbrin Duplex Ignition System. Internal and External wiring 611 Remy Internal Circuits 640-1-2-3 Rushmore Standard wiring 612 Simms-Huff Internal Circuits . . . 613 Splitdorf-Apelco 12- Volt Motor-Generator with Cut-Oui 588 U. S. L 12-24-Volt External Regulator 614 Wagner Motor-Generator with Regulator 551 Wagner 12- Volt Single Unit, Motor-Generator, Early Models 615 SYSTEM DIAGRAMS OF PAGE Wagner Wagner- Ward-Leonard Ward-Leonard Ward-Leonard Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse. Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Westinghouse . Motor 36-T, Generator 45-T 616 Two Unit 6-12 Volt System 617 Voltage Regulators 618 Generator with Regulator Cut-Out 619 Standard wiring, Separately Mounted Regulator 620 Standard wiring, Single Reduction Motor, Vertical Ign 621 Double Reduction Motors: Switch for Auto. Screw Pinion Shift 622 Horizontal and Vertical Ignition Systems 623 3rd Brush Generators. Separate and Self-Cent. Cut-Out and Starting Motor 624 Generator Frame 150-750 625 Motors, Generators, Switches, Relay Regulators, Cut-Outs, etc 626 to 631 Round Generator with separate Regulator-Vertical Ignition (S.G.L. Reduction Motor) Ammeter, Fuse Block, Start- ing Switch, Rev. Lighting and Ignition Switch 632 Standard Motor, Lighting and Ignition Generator, 2-Gang Lighting and Ignition Switch, Ammeter and Fuse Block . 633 Third Brush Generator, Separate Cut-out, Starting Motor, Starting Switch 634 Third Brush Generator and Self-Contained Cut-out, Starting Motor, Starting Switch 635 Lighting and Ignition Frame No. 760, Right Hand Rotation 636 Starting Motor Connections 637 Separately Mounted Regulator 638 xiv ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Electricity and magnetism are now used so extensively and vitally in connection with the ignition, starting and lighting of gas cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc., that an explanation of a few of the fundamentals may remove some of the fear that many mechanics have toward such electrical equipment. The oper- ation, care and repair of the electrical systems are identical from a basic idea on all makes of cars. This being the case, if one understands the why of any unit of any system, one can readily locate and correct faults or troubles, thus keep- ing the system in proper operation. Electricity as it is used in conjunction with the automo- bile, or motor truck, is called dynamic, or moving, to differ- entiate it from static electricity, which is generated by the rubbing together of two different materials. An example of static electricity is the crackling that is heard very often when rubbing a cat's back or combing one's hair with a rubber or vulcanite comb. In order to generate dynamic electricity or make use of it to do mechanical work, one must employ magnetism. Since the lines of force always emanate from the north pole of a magnet and enter the south pole, it can readily be seen that like poles of two magnets repel one another and unlike poles attract. Similarly, if any magnet, free to move, be acted upon by the field of another magnet, it will take such position as will have all of the lines of force both flowing in the same direction. A magnet may be of two forms, one in which the magnet- ism remains as a permanent characteristic and the other in which the magnetic influence must be supplied from without. Inasmuch as any wire carrying an electrical current is sur- rounded by a magnetic field, and because this field is multi- plied over and over by winding the wire into the form of a coil, all turns being in the same direction, the method of util- izing this "magnetic influence is by winding the coil around an iron core. Examples of the two forms of magnets are, first, the large permanent horse shoe magnets of the magneto, and second, the field coils and field pole pieces of the electric starting motor or generator. Magnetism, in the permanent form, is most evident in steel or iron and may be defined as that property of a body which enables it to attract or repel iron or steel. This char- acteristic is due to an invisible force radiating from the mag- net in lines, called magnetic lines of force, coming out from one "pole" of the magnet and entering the other. The pole from which these lines leave the magnet is called the north pole, and if the magnet were free to move with no outside influence this pole would always point toward the north pole of the earth. Electricity is the name given to a conveyor of energy, but an accepted definition has never been formulated. A great many of its uses are known and its action is well understood, together with its limitations, but what it really is still remains to be discovered. To begin with, there must be a difference of pressure (volt- age) between the two sides or lines of an electric circuit in order that a current will flow. This condition is analogous to that of water flowing in a pipe in 'that there must be a differ- ence in pressure between any two points before any water can flow. Also, any conductor of electricity opposes the flow of current thru it ; this characteristic is called resistance. From experiments it has been determined that the resistance of any conductor varies inversely with the area and directly with the length of the conductor. An equation has been constructed which will give either the voltage, current, or resistance of the whole, or any part of a circuit when the other two are known, that is, the current flowing thru any circuit is equal to the voltage impressed upon the circuit divided by its resist- ance. The distributing system for electrical equipment on motor cars is designed with the same care as any other important element thereof. In the design, the engineer takes into account the current to be carried, as well as the permissible voltage drop thru the conductors and connections. This voltage drop thru any part or the whole of an electrical circuit can be measured with a voltmeter of suitable calibration. For example : take a three-foot length of wire and send a current thru it, having one terminal of a voltmeter connected to one end of the wire and the other terminal of the meter to the other end of the wire; a voltage^will be registered which is proportional to the size of the wire and to the amount of current flowing. If the size of the wire is increased, or the current is reduced, a smaller voltage drop will be recorded and vice versa. From this it will be seen that the wires of any circuit must be of sufficient size to carry the current for that circuit without a prohibitive voltage drop, which means a loss of power thru the conductor. This loss of power makes itself evident in the form of heat, for the conductor becomes hot if too much current is forced thru it. The same explanation holds for the condition of poor or good contact at the various connections in the circuit. The poor contact would correspond to the small wire with heavy current in that there would be an excessive loss of voltage at that point. A terminal may be tight mechanically to the binding post, but rust or corrosion will cause it to make a very poor contact. In case the lamps burn dim or the starter fails to operate with everything else in apparent good order, try all contacts with the voltmeter, measuring the drop in the same way as in measuring that thru a wire. The test points explained below may show a continuous circuit, but a poor connection could introduce a high resistance that would vir- tually open the circuit when its normal current tends to flow. STARTING MOTORS The starting motor, as used in connection with motor vehicles, is a device for converting electrical energy into mechanical work. When the starting switch is closed, allow- ing the current to flow from the battery thru the starter, two electro magnets are brought into play, one being that of the field coils or stationary part of the machine, and the other the armature, both being coils of wire conveying an electric current. As the armature is free to move within certain lim- its, and is a magnet operated upon by an external magnetic influence, it will turn to allow its own lines of force to run coincident with those of the field coils. Due to the construc- tion of the armature having coils over its entire circumfer- ence, new coils are being magnetized continuously, thus keep- ing the armature in rotation. The available power from any electric motor depends, as seen from the above, upon the rela- tive magnetic strength of the two magnetic fields. Therefore, if either or both are effected by short circuit, open circuit, poor contact, or ground, the strength of the machine will be reduced proportionately. GENERATORS AND IGNITION COILS One of the fundamental principles of electricity is that if the number of magnetic lines of force passing thru any closed coil or closed electrical circuit be changed, a voltage will be induced in this coil which will cause a current to flow, the magnetic effect of which is to oppose the change in the orig- inal number of lines of force. The voltage, as induced, depends upon the length of time required to change the magnetic influ- ence, the more rapid the change, the higher the voltage. The operation of all direct current generators, as well as gasoline motor ignition systems, depends upon this principle. In the case of the generator, the number of magnetic lines of force threading any coil of the armature is a maximum when the plane of the coil is at right angles to the path of the field force from the field coils. This can be readily seen if we take, as an example, a two-pole generator with a single coil on the armature. If we imagine the poles to be in the hori- zontal position and the plane of the coil in the vertical position we have a condition of maximum number of lines of force threading the coil. Now, if we turn the coil thru any appreci- able angle, the field coils and pole pieces remaining stationary, the number of lines of force is decreased and a voltage is gener- ated (the amount depends upon the speed of rotation) in the coils of the armature. By increasing the number of coils in the armature the voltage is increased and kept more nearly ^nstant. The commutator on the end of the armature shaft is for reversing the current as it leaves the armature, since it is a fluctuating or alternating current that is generated in the coils. This can be readily seeij because the number of lines of force is increased during one-l\alf of the revolution and de- creased during the other half. ' In the case of ignition systems, we have a similar con- dition, namely, the change in the number of lines of force threading the coil. Ignition coils, primary and secondary, are wound about the same iron core so that any change in magnetic influence of one is transmitted directly to the other with a minimum of loss. When current is flowing thru the primary or low voltage coil of the system, from a battery, in the case of battery ignition, and self-generated by the mag- nets, in magneto ignition, it builds up a heavy magnetic field, the lines of force of which thread the secondary. When this current is cut off by the opening of the breaker points, this magnetic influence ceases. The change in the number of lines of force thru the primary causes a countervoltage to be induced in the primary, the current from which must be absorbed or a bad arc develops at the breaker points. The condenser, a vital part of all ignition systems, is employed for this work, as further described herein. Inasmuch as both the primary and secondary coils are wound on the same core, the effect of the change in the magnet- ism of the primary has the same result in the secondary in that a voltage is induced. The coil relationship is such that this secondary voltage is very high and forces itself across the gap of the spark plug, causing the ignition spark. xvii IGNITION The internal combustion motor derives its power from the expansive force developed by the charge of gas which is compressed in the explosion chamber being suddenly raised from a low to a high temperature. To raise the temperature of this gas one must supply heat. This heat is generated by the burning of a part of the gas (gasoline) which is com- pressed. As in the case of any burning material, a definite length of time is required, depending upon the quantity, before the material is entirely consumed. This last statement must be borne in mind at all times when considering ignition problems. To start the burning of any combustible substance an ignit- ing flame or its equivalent, the heat value of which is measured by the inflammability of the substance, must first be applied; This igniting flame, in the case of the gas in an automobile engine, is supplied by the spark which occurs between the elec- trodes of the spark plug. It is very essential that this spark occur at the- proper time relative to the position of the piston in the cylinder as well as that the valves be in the proper position. The gas must be compressed to its highest point when the combustion is completed. Were there no time ele- ment to be considered in the burning of the gas, ignition could take place when the piston is at its highest point. However, in order to have the motor operate at its proper efficiency, the spark is so set that the charge is ignited before the piston reaches the top dead center. Since the amount of this advance of the spark before center depends on the speed of the motor as well as its load, considering all forms of ignition the same, provision both manual and automatic is made for varying the sparking position. If the ignition takes place too early, the motor will have a knock that is very characteristic, whereas if it be too late, loss of power and excessive heating will be noted. In the majority of battery ignition systems the breaker cam is held to the drive shaft with some form of friction device. This cam can be easily moved and thus change the sparking position beyond the limits of the control lever. In the high tension magneto the breaker mechanism is perma- nently located on the armature shaft, usually with some form of key. For this reason the only method of altering the spark- ing position beyond the range of the control lever is thru the driving yoke or timing gears of the motor. Alteration of the relationship between the distributor gear and armature gear does not affect the sparking position of the magneto, but does move the high tension conductor relative to the segments in the distributor when the magneto spark occurs. There are at present two distinctive types of ignition in use on automobile engines, namely, battery ignition and mag- neto. The principle of operation of each is the same and it is identical with that of the generators, i. e., the inducing of a voltage in a coil of wire by changing the number of magnetic lines of force threading the coil. The ignition system is made up of a primary and a secondary coil, a primary circuit breaker, a condenser and a distributing system for both the primary and secondary current. The primary coil is one of a comparative few number of turns of rather heavy wire wrapped around a core of soft iron. This coil, as its name implies, is the "first one to function in the operation of the xvin ignition system. The secondary coil is composed of a greater number of turns of very small wire. Since the secondary coil depends upon the changes in the magnetic influence of the primary coil, and in order to eliminate as much as possible the loss of this magnetic influence thru leakage, both the pri- mary and secondary coils are wound upon the same core. The primary circuit breaker is a mechanism used for opening the primary circuit at regular predetermined intervals. The condenser functions in the ignition system in the same way as an air chamber on a water pump, that is, it absorbs the surge in the pressure at one interval and discharges the accumulated pressure at another interval. An electrical condenser is made up of a number of sheets of electrical conducting material, usually tin or aluminum foil, separated by sheets of insulating material, such as paper or mica. Its complete operation is outlined below. The primary distribution system, in the case of battery ignition, is that set of wires which feed the primary current from the battery to the coil and breaker points, and in the magneto that wire or system of wires which are used to short circuit the magneto primary circuit breaker and thus make it inoperative. The secondary distribution system is that which distributes the secondary or high voltage current from the secondary coil to the spark plugs. In the case of multi- cylinder motors this secondary distribution system usu- ally takes the form of a distributor head moulded from a high tension insulation with inserts moulded in place. The high tension current is fed to the center of the distributor head and thru some form of rotor distributed to these inserts and from them thru the spark plug wires to the plugs. In both the single spark battery ignition and high tension magneto ignition the primary coil is first energized, its mag- netic field encircling and threading the secondary coil. Upon opening the circuit of the primary coil this magnetic influence ceases, which induces a high voltage in the secondary coil. In the design of the ignition unit the relationship between the primary and secondary coils is such that this induced voltage is sufficient to jump the gap at the plug. At the time of opening the primary circuit there is a considerable voltage induced in the primary coil itself and this voltage tends to force current thru the gap at the breaker points even after they have been slightly opened. Were this condition allowed to exist the breaker points would very soon burn away. It is at this point that the condenser functions. Instead of the arc forming at the breaker points the condenser, thru what we may term its elastic characteristic, absorbs the current from this self-induced voltage and almost immediately dis- charges it back thru the primary coil. Since a reversal of the direction of flow of the current reverses the direction of flow of the magnetic lines of force, the discharge of the con- denser reduces the length of time required for the number of lines of force threading the secondary coil to change from maximum to zero. This reduction of the time element for the change increases the secondary voltage because the induced voltage in any coil depends upon the time rate of change of the magnetic influence threading the coil. v The action of the high tension magneto is identical with that of the battery ignition, altho the resultant operating characteristics differ. The high tension magneto, being a self-contained unit, develops its own primary energy thru the rotation of the armature between the poles of the strong horse shoe magnets. The generation of this primary current is explained by again referring to the topic of generators in that the number of magnetic lines of force is changed by the rotation of the armature in the magnetic field. The primary six circuit breaker of the high tension magneto is so located that the contact points open when the primary current is at its greatest value. The magneto armature, under this condition, is usually from one-eighth to five-thirtyseconds of an inch of leaving the pole shoe, when the spark control lever is in the fully retarded position. Since the primary voltage, together with the primary current, increases with an increased speed of rotation of the armature, it is possible to break the primary circuit earlier in the relative position of armature and pole pieces. There is one characteristic in high tension magneto ignition that is not found in battery ignition, due to the rotation of the secondary coil in the magnetic field. This causes what is called the "after burning" of the spark. Also, since the cur- rent as generated in the primary coil of the magneto is alter- nating, the direction of flow thru the breaker points is reversed every time that they separate. This fact reduces the tendency of burning of the points and eliminates the formation of a cone and crater condition which is so often found on battery ignition systems which have no current reversing feature incorporated in the ignition switch. A cutout consists of an iron core having two windings thereon, namely, a shunt and a series winding. The shunt winding is connected across the generator so as to receive the full voltage of the generator across the terminals, and when the machine attains a speed at which it develops a voltage over that of the battery, the shunt winding is sufficiently energized to close the cutout. When the cutout is closed a small current is caused to flow in the series winding connected in the main circuit from the generator to the battery, and this coil is ener- gized. The pull due to the series winding, which is much greater than that of the shunt, reinforces the pull due to the shunt winding and firmly holds the contacts of the cutout in their closed position. When the speed of the generator is decreased to a- value at which its voltage is lower than that of the battery, or when the generator is at rest, a momentary discharge of the battery thru the series winding takes place and demagnetizes the coil. The instant the coil is demagnetized, the tension spring attached to the cutout pulls its contact arm away from the core and opens the circuit. CUTOUTS OR REVERSE CURRENT RELAYS The cutout or reverse current relay automatically connects and disconnects the generator to the battery. When the gen- erator is at rest, the contacts are held open by a tension spring on one of the cutout contacts. When the generator attains a speed sufficient to develop a voltage of 6.5 volts, in the case of 6- volt systems, the cutout is automatically closed and the generator is connected to the battery. VOLTAGE REGULATORS Most voltage regulating units consist of a core having a single winding, this winding being connected across the gener- ator. The current in the winding and the resulting magnetic pull of the core will depend upon the pressure developed by the generator. Opposite one end of the core is a vibrating reed or contact arm, which is spring retracted away from the core. When this reed is spring retracted away from the core it makes contact so that there is a by-pass around a resistance coil, which is in series with the field winding of the generator. With the vibrating reed in this position, the shunt field winding receives the full pressure developed by the gen- erator. With increasing generator speed the voltage increases until the armature develops 7.75 volts, in case of a 6-volt system, and at this electrical pressure the regulator begins to function and will maintain 7.75 volts across the generator brushes at all higher speeds. With increasing generator speed the voltage will tend to rise above 7.75. If, however, this value is exceeded by a very small amount, the increased pull on the vibrating reed of the regulating unit will overcome the spring pull and it will be drawn towards the core, thus opening the contacts and insert- ing the resistance in the generator field circuit. The added resistance in the field circuit decreases the exciting current in the field winding and the voltage developed by the armature tends to drop below the normal value of the 7.75 volts. If the voltage drops slightly below the normal, the pull of the spring on the regulator reed predominates and it again moves away from the core and closes the contacts which short cir- cuits the resistance and permits the exciting field current to increase. This cycle of operations is repeated at rapid inter- vals and maintains the generator voltage constant at all speeds above the critical value at which it develops 7.75 volts with the resistance cut out of the field circuit. The rapidity of vibration depends, to a large extent, upon speed, the regulator reed vibrating one hundred to one hun- dred and fifty times per second. The actual voltage developed by the generator is made up of a series of very fine ripples above and below a straight line, the mean value of these rip- ples being 7.75 volts, the constant value for which the regulator is adjusted. CONSTANT CURRENT GENERATORS. (Third brush regulation) The voltage regulation of all third brush generators is effected by means of the reactive magnetic flux set up by the current flowing thru the armature. The amount of current generated depends primarily upon the speed at which machine is driven and the position of the regulating brush with respect to the two main brushes. Beginning at zero speed, the voltage is, of course, zero, and with increasing speed the voltage increases until the armature develops 6.5 volts, at which value the shunt coil of the cutout is sufficiently energized to cause the cutout switch to close. After the cutout is closed, the generator begins to deliver current to the battery. The constant current generator has a single shunt winding distributed over its poles and the regulation is effected by having this winding connected between one of the main gener- ator brushes and an auxiliary or regulating brush. The maximum current generated depends upon the location of the third brush with respect to the main brush to which one side of the shunt field is connected. Moving the third, or regulating brush, in the direction of rotation of the armature, increases the generator output, and in direction opposite to the rotation of armature decreases the output. LOCATION AND CORRECTION OF FAULTS With the foregoing information and the following blue- prints one can readily repair or adjust any part of the elec- trical equipment of any car. However, just as the repair and adjustment of the mechanical elements of the car require special tools and gauges, satisfactory work on the electrical equipment necessitates the use of electrical tools and measur- ing instruments. Probably the most universal and convenient tool for check- ing various points about the electrical equipment, both assembled or removed from the car, is a pair of test points. A very satisfactory set of test points can be made from an electric light extension cord by cutting one of the conductors and soldering a brass point made from one-quarter inch brass rod six inches long, to each end, or extension of the cut wire. With the plug in the light socket and the current turned on, the lamp will light if the points are in contact, either directly or thru some electrical conductor, and will not light if the points are not in contact. With these test points it is pos- sible to determine the presence as well as the location of open or short circuit, cross connections and grounds. As an illus- tration of the use of the test points: it is desired to locate trouble in a two-unit starting and lighting system of which one pole of both the motor and generator is normally grounded. The difficulty is that the battery does not stay charged. The generator is found to be of the third brush controlled type and mechanical corrections, such as cleaning the commutator, sanding in the brushes and tightening all of the connections does not correct the fault. First remove the inherent ground connection and insulate all of the brushes from the commutator. This can be done very easily by placing a piece of paper between each brush and the commutator. Also remove the connection to the battery or cutout relay. The generator circuits are now isolated, and by referring to the blueprint showing the internal connections of the unit one can determine the correct connections and circuits. For instance, the shunt field is connected across the third brush and the positive post of the machine. If we place one of the test points on the third brush and the other on the positive post of the generator, the lamp will light if the circuit be con- tinuous, but not if the circuit be open. If this shunt field be open there is no magnetic field thru which the armature must rotate to generate any current. One usually finds an open circuit of this nature in the leads connecting the different coils of the field or that leading to the brush or brush pigtail. Correction can be made by soldering intact and winding tape over the connection. Supposing that the circuits are all com- plete, then test for short circuit or grounds. The blueprints show what these circuits should be and one can very readily, with the test points, determine whether or not they be properly connected to or insulated from each other. One of the more common troubles encountered is that of grounds or failure of the insulation between the conductors of the machine and the machine frame. This condition, if present, can be determined by testing for circuit between the conductors of the various circuits and the machine frame. For instance, as in the case just cited, of the generator with brushes insulated from the commutator, place one of the test points on one of the brushes and the other point on any part of the machine frame. In case of ground, the lamp will light. The armature can be tested for ground by placing one of the test points on the commutator and the other on the arma- ture shaft. If ground is found in the armature coils, as well as short or open circuit, it is advisable to return the complete armature to the factory for repair since very extensive equip- ment is necessary to properly dip in insulating varnish and bake after the coils have once been disturbed. This same XXII practice should prevail when one encounters difficulty within any coil of wire used in connection with electrical work when the coil has been treated with varnish. Supposing a ground were found between a field coil and the pole piece ; correction can be made by inserting suitable insulation between the coil and pole piece at that point where the insulation is broken. Failure of the insulating bushings or washers that are used with the binding post studs which act as the conductors through the machine frame or housings can be corrected only l>y replacement of the bushings or washers. The wear of the brushes leaves a carbon dust deposit on all of the parts in the commutator end of the machine, and if this accumulation becomes sufficient, short circuit or ground will ensue which makes the machine inoperative. It is very essential that the commutator end of the machine be kept clean and free from this dust at all times as it tends to work into the bearing points of the brush holder, causing the latter to become so sluggish in its action that the brush cannot follow the variations of the commutator. With this condition pres- ent excessive arcing at the brushes results, and the brushes and commutator will both burn away in a very short time, ne- cessitating new brushes, turning off the commutator and pos- sibly new brush springs. Another condition that will cause excessive arcing at the brushes is that of high mica in the com- mutator. The copper may wear away faster than the insula- tion, the latter projecting above the surface somewhat. In all generator commutators the mica should be undercut about 1-32 inch with a hack saw blade, which will eliminate this difficulty. No garage can be considered complete unless an ammeter and a voltmeter of suitable calibration be listed in their equipment. The electrical equipment of an automobile may be satisfactory in every way, apparently, and still give the owner of the car. a great deal of trouble. For example, the generator may be charging the storage battery when the motor is running but still the battery does not hold its charge. One may suppose that the charging rate of the generator is not sufficient to keep the system in condition but without some means of measuring the actual current flowing he remains in the dark. Further it is very inconvenient, at times, to test for short or open circuit or ground with the test points. For example, it is desirable to determine whether an open circuit exists on a lighting circuit on a car. By placing the ammeter in that particular circuit with the switch in the "on" posi- tion one can determine whether current be flowing or not. If there is current flowing, which is in excess of that drawn by the lamp, a short circuit exists which permits the current to flow thru the circuit, but not thru the lamp which is of rather high resistance. Again, the test points may show continuity of circuit but still no current will flow when in its normal operation. This condition would be caused by a loose or dirty connection in the circuit which introduces a high resistance and causes an excessive voltage drop at that point which, tho allowing cur- rent to flow when the higher voltage of the test lamp circuit is employed, virtually opens the circuit on the lower voltage. This condition is usually found more in the starting system than the lighting or generating, and its location can some- times be determined by the heating of the connection. How- ever, the more satisfactory method is to measure the voltage drop, with the current turned on, across all of the connections in the circuit, with a voltmeter of suitable scale and calibra- tion. That which shows the greatest drop is, of course,, the one that is giving the trouble. For example, a starting system fails to operate even tho the battery be fully charged and all connections tight. The commutator of the starting motor is inspected, sanded smooth if necessary and still the starter will not crank the motor. By measuring with a voltmeter the drop across the various connections, we find that the voltage thru the starting switch is very much lower than that of the bat- tery. This condition would absolutely prohibit sufficient cur- rent reaching the starter to develop any appreciable power. Upon dissembling the switch a very unsatisfactory contact surface would be found, either burned or dirty or, due to loss of tension of the springs, the contact surfaces are not held together tight enough. A further use of the ammeter and voltmeter together is to test for open or short circuits in armature coils. To test for an open circuited coil, disconnect the field coils from the machine, but leave the brushes in contact. Now connect a dry cell in the circuit so that about eight amperes will flow thru the armature. With a pair of soft points as leads from the voltmeter, measure the voltage drop between adjacent bars of the commutator. A sudden increase in this voltage drop indicates an open circuited coil, whereas a drop indi- cates a short circuited coil. The same instruments may be used to determine the pres- ence of a short or open circuit in the field coils of a machine. If one wishes to test the series field of a motor or generator it is advisable to use either a dry cell or place a resistance in the circuit so that the flow of current will not be excessive, but the shunt field may be connected directly across the stor- age battery which is used on the car. With this current flow- ing the voltage drop across each coil of the field winding should be the same. If the current does not flow there is an open circuit present, but if the circuit is continuous and there is a material decrease in the voltage drop across one coil of the field, this particular coil is short circuited. Another characteristic of a voltmeter is that the voltage reading across any potential is decreased in direct proportion to the amount of any external resistance that be connected in series with the voltmeter. For example, if one takes the voltage reading across a storage battery and finds it to be six volts, direct reading, and then connects the positive terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the volt- meter, using one lead from the negative terminal of the bat- tery and one from the negative terminal of the voltmeter as test points across, say, the secondary coil of a magneto or bat- tery ignition system, a very much lower voltage will be read. In this way, by comparing with a good coil, detection of short or open circuit can be made. This method of test is very sat- isfactory when working with resistances that are too high to allow current to flow thru the test lamp points or when test points from the lighting circuit are not available. The following tabulations will give one a key to the loca- tion of faults that are the more probable and those which are the most prevalent. Certain of the difficulties are very char- acteristic and easily corrected, but others, while very apparent in effect, are at times very confusing in their cause. However, after a little experience, the operation of a defective piece of apparatus will show its cause as readily as one can deter- mine faulty operation of any of the mechanical equipment. For example, a short circuited generator armature fails to charge the battery, the generator has a growling noise which disappears when the shunt field is opened, by either raising the brush from the commutator or removing the shunt field fuse, providing the machine is so protected. The short cir- cuited coil will show itself by charred insulation, since all of the current generated by the machine is absorbed in the short circuited coil. A short circuited or grounded motor armature coil, in case of grounded machines, makes itself apparent by slow cranking and by drawing excessive current from the battery when cranking. An open in the charging circuit causes serious arcing at the generator brushes and the lamps burn very brightly when the generator is being driven above its cut-in speed, providing the open be between the cut-in relay and the battery. If it be between the relay and the generator or in the relay itself, the arcing at the brushes will be noticed. If the machine be protected by a shunt field fuse, the fuse will operate if the machine is run on open circuit at a speed considerably above that at which the generator cuts in. A short circuited condenser in the ignition system manifests itself by failure of the unit even though current be flowing as shown by an ammeter. In a magneto, there will be no spark at the plug and if the instrument be removed from the car, it will be noted that the resisting torque of the armature is the same with or without the breaker mechanism in place. An open circuited condenser causes a very weak spark from the secondary coil and excessive arcing at the contact ppints. In testing a condenser with test points, it is necessary to use direct current in order to obtain positive results. The method of test is to put one test point on each terminal of the condenser for a short time and then, with the test points still in contact with the condenser, short cir- cuit the condenser. If it be in proper condition, a very char- acteristic snap will be heard. A short circuited condenser will, of course, show continuous circuit and were an ammeter placed in the primary circuit, it would be noted that there is no interruption of the current flow on opening the breaker points. A very disagreeable condition that is at times encountered is that of short circuit in the distributor head of the ignition system. This can be located by determining whether current is fed to the distributor head. If so and none reaches the plug or reaches the same plug all of the time, short circuit is .present. This difficulty cannot be determined by the test lamp due to its comparatively low voltage, that of the ignition system being capable of 10,000 volts. IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER. In all electrical circuits there must be a path for the return of the current, either through the frame of the car or machine or through an insulated conductor. Do not forget to disconnect the battery before making any tests with the test points. Be sure that the circuit to be tested is isolated and the test lamp will not indicate continuity through some other path. Always remove the ground connection from inherently grounded machines before testing for ground. Study the circuit diagram before disconnecting any wires. In reassembling electrical equipment, be careful not to damage the insulation. Do not allow any insulated conductor to be clamped be- tween two metal surfaces in a way to destroy the insulation. Solder all connections well so that vibration will not break them open. Never grease nor oil the commutator on a motor or gen- erator. Oxidized or dirty contact points in an ignition system keep the circuit open and allow no current to flow. The vibration of the car causes conductors to move more or less, so do not crowd terminals. Always use the highest scale on any meter first. If this be too high, then try one a little lower. Never use an ammeter in any way but in series with the load. Don't short circuit any load to determine whether current is flowing. Keep the bearings on electrical equipment well lubricated. C E i O o S g ? 5 THE STORAGE BATTERY As an explanation of the action of a so-called storage bat- tery will be of material help to the mechanic in locating and correcting faults in this element of the electrical system, a few fundamental comparisons will be made. The storage battery is improperly named, in that the elec- trical energy is not actually stored in the battery, although the action is very similar to that of storage and discharge of electricity. The storage, or secondary cell, is an electro-chem- ical unit, and derives its ability and usefulness as a conveni- ent conveyor of electrical energy entirely through the medium of chemical action and reaction, just as gasoline is a conveni- ent carrier of mechanical energy. The energy from gasoline is released and converted into work through chemical action - (explosion) in the cylinder of the engine. Now, were it possible that the waste gases from the cylinder (the exhaust) could, with the same cost in energy that is given up at the time of explosion, be converted back into gasoline, it would be a chemical reaction. In the case of the storage battery we have a very similar condition, with this exception, that the "exhaust" or waste material is not dispelled into the air but remains in the battery. Starting with a fully charged battery, having all of its potential energy in the form of the positive and negative plates, peroxide of lead and soft spongy metallic lead respec- tively, and the electrolyte, we have the condition analogous to that of the compressed gasoline and air mixture in the cylinder just prior to the explosion. If any current is with- drawn from the battery, chemical action immediately starts, and its degree is in direct proportion to the current with- drawn. In other words, the amount of chemical action in- creases with the amount of current withdrawn ; slight action when merely burning lamps and heavy action when cranking the motor with the starter. Each constituent of the mixture, as in all complete chem- ical changes, has a definite function to perform. In the stor- age battery, a part of the peroxide of lead of the positive (brown) plate, and the spongy lead of the negative (gray) plate, are converted, by taking some of the acid of the electro- lyte, into sulphate of lead, which are small white crystals and when formed are difficult to dissolve in water or electrolyte. The combination of removing acid from the electrolyte, as well as the addition of water (both taking place while the current is being withdrawn from the battery) , tend to weaken or make less dense the electrolyte, hence the drop in gravity with discharge. From this it is apparent that the resulting materials from the discharge of the battery remain in the battery and, inas- much as the chemical action of a storage battery is reversible, if the conditions are reversed the materials will be converted back into their respective initial forms by so-called charge. This completes the cycle of the storage battery when in proper condition and not abused. One of the characteristic and chronic abuses that a storage battery must withstand is that of excessive sulphation, or the battery being "sulphated." This condition may arise from operating a starting battery which is being charged when- ever the motor is running above the "cut-in" speed of the generator, in a partially charged condition for a considerable time. Also, if a battery, either lighting or starting or a com- bination of the two, be left idle for an extended period in a discharged state, the same condition results. This is due to the minute crystals of lead sulphate, which are formed on both plates of all lead batteries during discharge, slightly dis- solving in the electrolyte, and recrystalling out, one upon the other, until there are appreciable crystals formed, making a white and shiny layer over the whole plate. A battery in this condition acts very similarly to one which is worn out, in that its capacity in ampere hours has fallen far below -the manufacturer's rating, leading one to believe that a great deal of the active material has fallen out of the plates. The rem- edy for a sulphated battery is a long, slow over-charge, at about one quarter the normal charging rate. This continued over-charge is necessary because of the difficulty of breaking the sulphate down by means of an electric current. In fact, the fault is corrected in part only after the treatment pre- scribed. Great care should be exercised in this charge, as well as for any other correction or in the operation of a stor- age battery, that the temperature of the electrolyte never exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures above this point are accompanied by a hardening of the plates, resulting in lower terminal voltage on discharge, and carbonizing of the separators which reduce their insulating value and cause pre- mature failure. Failure of insulation in a storage battery, as well as any internal short circuit due to foreign material or high sedi- ment, is shown by partial or total loss of voltage of that cell, or if only a very slight internal short circuit, by rapid loss of charge. Breakage of a pillar post or strap connector is noticeable either by the wabble, or excessive heat generated at the faulty connection when the battery is being discharged at a high rate. One condition that may onfront the battery repair man which is very easily explained, but at times difficult to detect, is the failure of separator insulation due to excessively strong electrolyte. The strong acid very rapidly attacks the wood fiber of the separator and makes it appear as mussy wet chocolate. The specific gravity of the electrolyte in this case is usually at least 1320 and the voltage on charge is normal but falls off rapidly on discharge. Remedy for this fault, in case the plates have not been too heavily suiphated, is replace- ment of separators and very low electrolyte, bringing the gravity back with a slow charge. REPAIRING BATTERIES LEAD CONNECTOR-SEALED TYPE Before starting to dismantle a battery, a sketch should be made showing the inter-cell connections and position of termi- nals for guidance in re-assembling. To remove terminals and cell connectors center-punch the tops of each over the terminal posts and drill to a depth of ^4 inch, using % inch drill for 12 volt batteries and % inch for 6 volt batteries. Do not drill deeper than necessary as it involves extra labor in building up the post again when re- assembling. Evidence of a broken jar is very apparent through leakage To remove top connections after being drilled, place a flat of the electrolyte. piece of steel along edge of case to prevent marring or crush- XXVlll ing of edges; then use lever underneath connector and pry off. Brush off the accumulation of lead and dirt from top of battery. Care should be exercised to keep foreign substances from the inside of the battery, especially metal which may become lodged between the plates and cause short circuiting. Remove vent plugs and blow in the holes in the covers. This should always be done before bringing an open flame near the battery, as an explosive gas, (hydrogen) , is generated in the battery during both charge and discharge. Explosion of this gas in the confined space of the battery cell usually results in a broken jar. The moulded rubber vent plugs being very brittle and easily broken, the use of pliers for their re- moval is not advisable. Soften the sealing by playing a soft flame over the com- pound. Care must be taken so that the flame does not burn the covers. It is best to play the flame back and forth, not steadily in one place as this will cause the compound to melt and run. A small flame used for several minutes brings better results than a strong flame which melts only the surface com- pound and leaves that below hard. Use a heated screw driver (to prevent adhering) and dig out the compound. After all the compound has thus been removed apply the flame to the inside of the jar (through vent tube) for an instant, then run a hot putty knife around the edges between jar and cover. Place the battery on the floor and, holding firmly between the feet, grasp the terminal posts with two pairs of pliers and lift the element and cover out together. Let the elements rest at an angle on top of jars to drain. While the elements are draining, apply flame around the terminal posts and lift off covers. If separators are in good condition, and a jar replacement only is necessary, set the element in electrolyte or water until ready to replace. If separators are to be changed, separate the positive' and negative groups by grasping the elements firmly by the posts and working slowly back and forth. The smallest opening in a separator may cause a short cir- cuit which may not be discovered until the battery has been in use again for some time. When separators have turned black, they are carbonized and their life is virtually gone. To re- move separators, take a long bladed knife and run it between the plate and the separator. It is always best to renew the separators. Separators should never be allowed to become dry, but should be kept immersed in a very weak solution of electrolyte. i Inspect plates to determine whether or not they require replacement. If battery has been overheated through over- charging or short circuiting, this will be indicated by brittle and buckled plates, with active material granular and falling away from the grid. Plates in this condition will have to be replaced. j . ^ The condition of the positive plates can be ascertained by using the blade of a knife. If they are fairly hard and have neither lost too much of their surface nor become extremely buckled they can be used again. XXIX The condition of the negative plates is very often such that they may be used again with new positives. In this case the negative group should be immersed in water to prevent the plates from drying out through heating by exposure to the air. Occasionally it happens that one or two plates in a group require replacement while the balance of the plates are in good condition. In this case new plates may be used in replacement. A group of buckled plates which, when re-assembled, will not go into the jar readily, should be replaced with a new group. Invert the case over a sink and thoroughly cleanse the jars by inserting a hose and injecting a stream of water into each. Be sure that all sediment and foreign matter is removed be- fore replacing the elements. Inspect the jars carefully for cracks or holes. Jars ex- hibiting such, regardless of the size of the imperfections, should be replaced with new ones. To remove a jar fill it with boiling water and allow it to stand for a few minutes. This will loosen the sealing com- pound surrounding the jar. Grasp the edges of the jar with two pairs of pliers and pull it straight up. Care should be used so as not to damage adjacent jars. The new jar should be heated before being placed in the case. When the jar has been heated either with boiling water or flame, it should be pushed into place, taking care that the top of the jar is leyel with the others. If not lined up, the top connectors will be uneven, and as a result present a very amateurish-looking job. To assemble an element, place the positive and negative groups on a clean, flat surface. Always make sure that it is free from lead scrapings or foreign substances of any kind, as these substances will adhere to wet separators, which will cause short circuiting of the plates. Intermesh the positive and negative group. As the negative group contains one more plate than does the positive, both outside plates will be negative. Lay the element on its edge and insert the separators be- tween each pair of plates, the grooved side of the separator next to the positive plate. Carefully check up separators after assembling, as omitting a separator would cause con- siderable trouble. Take the element by the pillar posts and lower gently into the jar. This should be done very carefully to avoid breaking the jar. If the cover does not fit close to the terminal posts, or the wall of the jar, the openings should be calked to prevent the melted sealing compound from flowing into the jar. Pour the compound so that it will fill all spaces and reach to a height level with the top of the case. Also see that it flows evenly over the whole surface. Before applying connectors, see that the terminal posts are free of all compound and dirt. XXX Using an ordinary pocket knife, clean the inside of the connectors. Then clean the tops of the connectors with a file, to remove dirt and oxide, so that they can be properly united. Before applying the terminal connectors, test all cells with a voltmeter to see if they are set up properly. The connectors should be applied so that the positive of one cell is connected to the negative of the next cell. In welding connectors and terminals to the posts, fuse the top of the post with the edges of the hole in the connector. Melt strips of lead and allow the molten metal to run into the hole in the connector. Care must be taken to see that the top of post and the inside edges of the connectors are properly melted together before adding additional lead. If this is not done, poor contact will result. Care should be taken not to melt the outer edges of the connectors. After burning the connectors and terminals, mark the posi- tive terminal (+) and the negative ( ). CHARGING Fill battery with electrolyte and start to charge at one half the normal charging rate and continue until gravity stops ris- ing. During the development charge take occasional temper- ature readings and if the temperature of any cell exceeds 100 F., lower the charging rate, or discontinue charge until the cell cools. The strength of the electrolyte used for filling the battery largely depends upon the condition of the plates. If all new plates are used, gravity should be 1.300 ; if positive renewal, 1.285 ; if old and sulphated plates, 1.100, and if old and not sulphated plates, 1.250. If the battery has new plates, twice its rated capacity will be required for the development charge. If the plates are old and badly sulphated, more time may be required. Any cells which have not been repaired should be left out of the circuit during the first half of the developing charge. They may then be connected into the circuit and the whole battery brought to full charge. When the charge is complete, adjust the gravity of the electrolyte to 1.280 to 1.300. To do this remove some elec- trolyte from the cell and replace, with pure water until de- sired gravity is reached; or remove electrolyte from the cell and replace with 1.400 acid, according to whether the cell reading is high or low. Clean off the top and sides of battery, cover terminals and connectors with vaseline and the battery is then ready for service. xxxi ABBOTT- DETROIT MODEL 6-4+ /3/6-/S/7 OftSfi /SA' T//VO SIM/ rest -o r-J FUSE. \STff RT/Nti 6* -VOLT Illl CUT-OUT PLUG 5 tfllftl m imu *KK. F'LC^f? 5 J-UNCT1OW3L.OCK. VOL.T AUBURN FROM flCMY SW/Te/* I BATTEftY H g.mS &UBURM SWITCH COWL ftMP O.OSSO i_ ---- 1 &LOCK CC/L- &ysj rvwv <-jc cow*. iSlil 6-39 /S/7 - /S/S - /9/9 G/?ot//v> 'I 5 HITCH ~ 6 VOL T I IF COHO.HSf AUSTIN H/GHWAY KING IZ 1SI7-/9/8 OfUCO fftcn MFfts. o.f. rf/a ura/i AOU/VO 6 VOLT BELL 1316 76 WAHO-LCONAfto SYSTBrq TAIL LAMP MFRG. HORN I .COWL LAMP MOTOR GENERATOR BRISCQE "B/5" 13/5 GHOU/V& M or oft ~ '? VOLT ft TAR i/ffm/ +'38 BRISCOE: a/* '/a wooet-s Sftrtirifi //y !, C5 f. - - - to oV- - - . . / GftOU.vO >SV X>/7 > ^f / J > iV II i . ri u/4/v Gfatsw 7 J/V/7V.V evrro* 5 7V9 f r//V -f-03B/ L/ffH, -NOTE - /"7V/VO C,', ^ ^, . Ci OSO THKOUGH " BRUSH. ffAP0i/M0 " ', LffWP SW/TCrt 3 *? / IB I S ii Ot,co "SS" MOTOR" SW/TCH f 1 1 CffSE /$/ 0=Q 0*4 c*^ r#o/*i /*rr/?s af>. w-J-/08/ /0-ISOt-T 3/X30 MODEL 35 A & /S/7-/3/Q Lf-SfTD 0/V C/9/?5 IV/TVr Sfft/ QZoai To 8^000 S^a o a I To /// oo O /-. QROUND \SIDE \LIG,HT I GHGNDLE& 13 1G HOUSE rase a tf VOL.T CHANDLER 1317-2928 LIGHT WEIGHT SIX tetriDfivis SYSTEM ,,<> APPLIES TO CHRS NUMBERED FKQW 3SQO1 i. GROUND \J-UNCTIONBQX HQKN JUNCTION BOX YQL.T srvf/erv/vc? SWITCH BATTERY C.YLINCEKS noroft. BOLTSD -= CONNECTION GROUND OfTOfff / ilia* COl ,/G/ilT/OH .=. GffOVHD 0&y cfttS^ II STJfiff7O& &/?rr&/?r O . t~ Co CO) (O) /*?o raft-af/vc#Arf* I I SPOT i CO/ L. i CRCW-ELKHART/916 H.BUTTOH f>t_ UCS ' fS/VIT/O/V LI QHT SK ITCH CROVJ-ELKHART 19/6-7 CE <3O s w/ rc/y QASt-1 LAMP t~lORN WITCH AMMCTER LIGHT 3 WITCH 6 VOLT CUNNINGHAM /&J-/+ MODEL INOH.FITOR ~ w/v/rex CUNNINGHAM 1318 V-3 J91S DEL CO SYSTEM (IGNITION) r/ZO !1 .SBil OAN/EL3 /S/8-/3/7-/9/8 f-'ti&f 8 OK I.IOMT t st.aurr. too STOK*3i. \S^TTfZ 101 38 -#-&- C I 102 LIGHT/ NO <$ /vo/p/v 00 7-7-0 /v 103 DftVIS IB 17-18 6-H 6-I&6-K \hOfZN PUSH 104 DEEfSING MAGNETIC B]F*GC- wvGl J3LV-S- XV9V/V7- G/ravMO 1s9s+s**r. "=?G#Ot/SVO 114 DODGE OJ /^ V02.7- ZX^/VT-X/V*? S*vyreW 115 116 DODGrF t\V. ,1 J\ c < SX I/OL7- 117 DODGE MODEL 3O /9/7-/S/& - j iv/ re/* tSFtOVND VOt-T I I 118 1913 "H J ? SYSTEM 4-6 vo i. T- SWITCH \31DE \LtGHT 119 GffOUHO m ffrtoatro /=vz o 7- HORN 120 DOEE/S 1S1+ U I JJ WES TING MO USE SrS TEK wssr PL GTS CjKOUND >\\ \SjfNtKtT6K FUSE BQK HOK.N PUSH BUTTON Cf ROUND ,!> \ff/ZK PLUGS STO/Z/9G& 133 /* rot. r 135 /*/ "+O-45 r/?0/*7 fft/rDL/TE 0. /? Gtowo 136 DffSff O l/OJLT 137 /s/e-/7-/<3 VOLT CCM//1'. 138 1317-18 SO-IO-JOA E-M co/v/v. ,/G/V rrz 19/9 .COIL. LIGHT mm Hin m 139 EKCEL SI OR. MOTORCYCLE f-l O fZ A/ S LfT T O A* I 142 A^J-V avrras* 146 6 V01.7' X/CP/-P- r\if tr*s/ 147 148 149 -/'/9-r /S/7 C-3C///7SS/S &0-SCH -SKSV^A? 150 151 FISHED 19 1G ' GROUND HORN ISUTTOtV GjfZQUND \5TAKTI,. \5WITCH vG VOLT STOKflGE 152 HOffn Burro ft Ill III GREEN CO/4 &OX. coftracr SH/TCM BLHCK tfSSEMBLy S Wff? Cff0L& 1S3 154 /A V0J.T 156 157 158 FOKD SYSTEM -TWO BULLETIN r-r d "fSOt/ND L/5 162 163 NOKTH-ErtST SYSTEM MODEL ' *& M TYfE IZ/O FKOM NQRTH-EfiSr F>Li<1TE + 3O LIGHT LiquTlMCj S\VI TCH SIPS ' LIGHT 164 NORTH-E0ST SYSTEM MODE^fr'TYFE. IZ52 TtflL. ie VOLT \SIDE LIGHT 165 FORD SIMMS- HUFF SYSTE.FI FUSE J*O* Si LIGHT, SWITCH FORO CO/L.~ 166 SW/TC/f , -f- /2-l/0^T 167 168 169 state Jill Illl I jcn>rron a /^oroft &At*fH9TO*\ 170 i 171 172 173 OA/ 174 ' It. fx I \* >h-- J '' 175 ^yP/VtfrZ/xy X^/S* S&T/fS Q-/*7 oy/v^ro srsrr/y t/~5:o o/t ffVM/?eour NOTE: nae-tjeve t/9/wr^ I I 176 177 178 181 GL/DE o/v c##s rxoM #7000 -70-7300) -f- 6-VOL T 15, ^. _T J 182 (l/S0OM CffGS F#0M#'73&9- 183 GL/OE sysrs/vj J-UMCT/ OK SLOCK. mss GfOOHO .1=1 a, ffftf/r HOK.N BUTTON 184 OK 7V?/V/< 185 Sra &&ra/E LlfHT 207 COT- our MOT0/5. -OY/VffMO ffS/S 7V9/V CV& 208 MOTOR- 0yETR. COVEIS. 215 fili Si i 216 HUDSON 131+-15 DELCO SYSTEM PUSH BUTTON F-fiZOW HUDSON //Vr INSPEC. UGH F f (JSe BOX ..ever cEL-i HQKN I 217 HUDSON 1916 6-40 &ELCO SYSTEM e VOLT H- POSH BUT ',. 218 HUDSON SUFE1K- SIX IS 16-1 7-2 S-19 - e?ftf.KK 219 221 -403 ff/ - i --------- /f ca/? nas /-f(Jf?fy BUTTON L. . MOTOff STORHGC I 222 Ht/PMOB/LE /3/ WST/A/GHOUS SYSTEM Z./G//77/YG ~ GftOUHO 223 19/9 Illllllllil P ii O/fOUffO F j, O l/OL rs- GHOUMD 224 S/> I 225 32-34~3d-W-* < 6 L/GHT QffSH I /> 226 ff.L LfJMPS f]KE 9-YOLT 227 6-VOL T 228 INTERNATIONAL HrtKVESTEFZ TI^UCK INDICATOR LIGHTING 3 HITCH VOLT SWITCH 229 BOSCH H&FZVESTEI2 Tf^UCK 13K5-11 "F&h" FROM riFKS. B]R7+ZO-H TtftL. /o/v/r/o/y SW /TCH CO/vputr I SCOfi/XHHT 230 231 INTFfS STATE 1909-10-11 .Z5TC3+ INCL. FtKINtf OKOEK -Z- *sfy/q&t<: fn/^s 233 NTE/e STtfTE 191Z STftlSTINf $ Ll tff/Vf*. /vora/% 239 *

r&s? -rrno 251 1316 46 ^ B 'i f.f\^. I F\ LQ1QM01Q00] 267 6-5O 6-GO C 4- COtv/. L SIM f /r/*jp ruse 6 1 VOi.7- 268 MODEL 6-36 i/i//vc r BOX 269 SfA/OX TRUCK MOOFl- ^3<5"~o 3G SfSiftft f*LUG 4- <3 X. / O'ST-ft /BtJTOff ff UOLT 270 SWITCH L*TE i \ST/S~r/MGt-1OU*SE yyvS7-^A7 Ff?OM MFB& 6. f? TV. 20 70 TX ;po-z^t " t/ot. r 317 MOD"L -<4O COW. /&A/, /vtf/e/v avrro/v MOTOR. 318 A7/ TCHL L- /-/0//7V/V<5 319 M I TCHL -LEW/S Bl/TTOAt */*//* r/o/v 320 co/vy. 321 CONN. /GM. 1/dLT /0/v/r/a/v m sw/rctf 322 MOLINE-KMIGHT 19f4-1S MH'SO SYSTEM ill ff*> 1 ^H ^*< in I 324 G-UOL T I 326 Co MM /c/v, K SPfJffM f*L UGS 527 COA/M iiii /y<7/tw 329 /&*. co /e/v/r/0/v 0LCCK 338 Eft PLY 1919 FFZOn A7/="/?5-. HJ N IT/ON *S\ \COIL. i 339 1314 "SIX ^T VOL.T S~rQK*(je 340 //f<3/v ffcroxr&oo+f 344 OGKLtfND 2 51 3 LKfHT B#TTSfSKZ. 348 OAKLAND 349 OAKLAND 1313 "3S" 3SO OrtKL *ND 351 \a/MTfK 352 ~S WITCH CSL.LS OOIL. & YVI TOH 353 OAKLAND 131 >EL CO & VS TEM 36 "8 L.I(fH-r \Bl-OCK. 354 OrtKLrfND Bjf? 355 DEL. O J9JF 3 SOI 2 7Q 2O1S8. 356 OrtKLtfND IBIS III m LororoToio] flOTOI? (?E/V 358 I 359 OftKLflND /S 1 6 "38 DELCO S^S-TEW 'f-^M JD4SH H& T. [ O.'M. 360 I 361 DCLCO sr^rtr/v MODEL 3+ 363 364 OLD HICKOKY TRUCK 19JG-I3J7~1S1S a K/V 7/r -f 37B QVEfiLAND. / 6J9A Y *.V0 0*1/13 SYS 7VT/V 7S-B 377 1315 80-C SIDE 378 6 POL T Moroj? 379 "O x- 82"8( 1916 "86 380 7ST < 7S c/?/r* 33 ego re&sus 381 O)-- fe VOLT I ;*g| St 5 Hi * 382 83-LD-EX-Tr/Z F/VOn t*1Ff?6. <8-f>- /4rZ77-/7 JT/////A vii//in C ON-TS EZZZZZZ223 mm M/JG/VETO 391 B/f=> CJC- 392 394 L/CfHSE HORM Bi/TTO/V f sr#Fr 395 7,9/5" 3~3& pr//v<5 /^faraf ^7VP*>7~//V* HUSH- f(J*S~ fflMEl. 428 fff+r Y 70T-(J*? 437 REGffL /9/5-16 !! Ill 438 \BUTTOJV I 444 445 446 M 8V7~ TO /V I 447 i /Cf7~/n <; /^frfr/Of etocr O l/OLTS 448 Rf=>VBJL/C TRUCK -MODELS 8 5 fa '/re * 450 /7//fV? TFtUCH 453 /o/Y/r/os* i GfOl. T STORAGE 455 /,9/7 fOff CfJf?& 456 I9I6-/&/7' //. au TT OH 458 DOT r co t.//\/:-s SHOW c/f?cu/r*s A / -c:> ' i 459 S-2 ro /GNITIQM 6 t/at-T" 462 saxo/v /a/ 7 463 Y-/G - /9/9 CUT-OUT Q/vfs?arofi \S ffift X ft, UGS -SWITCH MOTOff 464 L16HT//Y6 <.- , 'C7/Y/7V0/V SWt TCH o/s r/e/ su 7-0*2. MOTOR. I 465 m - NOTE, - f)CTIOM 466 I 467 469 470 ai 471 i VOt-TMfrt. vS raft T 472 TO 'GOOY 6 1/Ol.r 478 D/XJL Cl/r-Ot/T .1111! i 479 PUSH LIGHT v<7 SWITCH in a t^l/ TOO T WOi/nt TO a tv rtcnfiK- Oenf. 492 JGA/, Jg / QC * w >-^> K J7//>7 - o^ / \/\/y\^ /^ S x H* ^ -5Z -3" 503 / f, 504 505 l/L/ MODEL A9/7 .s^/rc// &ft#/r fi.t/&s /* at/ rro/v II WOTOR. 506 SOS 3: ^ -NOTE- 511 LIGHT/KG 7 515 m 516 WH/TE 517 KNIGHT 1316 & U TO LITE /&KVV %^ 3<,-r7&v/*~- ^ f i r ~~~~ 1*5 GOO I C/f?CUI TO 11,000 520 WILL Y5-KNIGHT 231 6 S 4-- 521 WILLYS-KNIGHT 1916 84-*84-T 522 FfOM MHFffS. S>x I 523 524 13178,18 88-4--L/W 525 WILLYS-KNIGHT 13178(18 88~ \LlCfHT ruse: II! ^HSTS.t&t/ro CKfft*Z Jti 526 13278,18 88-4T 88-4--LIM. % 88-4--SN. /=-^>0/^7 n^RS. J9/R 1 OO S8+ -JJ9J 2 4- % IOO5O9 ,TS -fh - 3- a- 3. ' i ! /<7 7V 527 \MLLYS-KNlGHT191T~ia SK/TOLITE S^TJSTEf^ 528 WILL r^- 529 WILLYS- KNIQHT 1317 88-8T 1313 53O WILLYS -KNIGHT 2327$ 28 88-S-TC tf(S TOL / TE SYS 7->7 /=V^O A7 MP^^. J9. 7? JO3&4 531 WILLYS-KNIGHT 1318 8B~CL/?-SN& T rtu TOL i TC s YS ~rcn VOL. ~r 532 W//V7"O/V 533 w/nro/v fSfS OOME. .5 /=/?/?/< / . 6 S 535 IA///VTO/V 11 sj I I .* I ' ' Ik 1 I A, 9 ^ m mmmmtm w^^ m %* 536 IV /M TOM III II 19! 537 DUtfL-PO\A/EF2 - MODEL /COO COIL. 538 WOODS DUtfL - woo DS S rs rzw 1B18 "1700" FFZOt* MF&S. B-fP BZ930 539 Y/JLE MODEL KB /3/7 n.gtsr~T-o/v -JA'/TZr/y a*rr*jcref*.' 540 HffSH TWO-TOA/ TATt/CX. Tff/L L'GHT ss&er t-i&rtT 542 NffSH CO/VA/ c rrcu r -s. tv/ . , . , I 544 TWO -TOM S/a/i/./GHT. S4S OELCO - Ttfl/CX - Ct ffSS B HONOBOOK. I ~Sf=>f1K2^ /=*LC/6S VOL T I 546 HOLM* stow co. \QLT 547 -P D+ FT- 548 Gl/OLT I /{.&. PV/Y f 549 ffL US- CHfiL ME 5 /AfT#M0L C/FCL//TS 551 /G/v/T/o/y USD W/7~v 552 * * VOt-T 554 CO/i. f. Oft.. ~ /vc. 3: 562 B/JV/Z B/P SG3 J3/3U&H 564 BOSCH ST/7/V0ff/?D L/G//r//VG & s /e 1*4 -SW>e/~ S v*t rc.H. I I 567 TYf>c" G >< I 1 569 co/wzcr/ct/r GZOU/VD 571 DffCO 573 574 VOLT- 581 OL0 VOL TAO &Gt/LA TOg. *r 834- 596 |-f- /St. VOLT 598 SYSTEM GHeun/a I i K 60O >V<7/P/V B^rrey ffMMErr&K M07~a^ $ * a si I S/f^- 610 00 612 SHi,'.^ ' ^'fi-O ^> '7 i \ ' caxr&ct. ' i ' i i ' 1 ' SIH/71CH i I 615 SYSTEM TWO O/V 617 /NTERM0L C/RCU/TS VOLTffGE REGULBTO&S INTERNAL C/ZCV/Tf or 7V/Y CO CONTf?OLL& SfffiJC # 618 619 STft/YD#ftD W/&J/Y6 TO < a HIT/ on 620 A A A/,! 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HORrt SWITCH 6 VOLT STORAGE AMMETER CUTOUT 645 YE 03880 Lib UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY