REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ELECTRICITY flND MflGNETISM LESSONS NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ELECTRICITY PREPARED UNDER THE IMMEDIATE DIRECTION OF THE FACULTY QENERAL COURSE SECOND EDITION, REUISED FIFTH THOUSAND PUBLISHED BY CHICAGO SCHOOL OF ELECTRICITY, 335 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. 1896. Copyright, 1895 DONOHUE & HENNEBEKRY, PRINTERS, BINDERS AND ENGRAVERS. CHICAGO. INTRODUCTION. YOUNG men and women, and older ones too, who have time and money at their disposal, who have been blessed with a sufficient preparatory education, and who desire to learn, some- thing about electricity either for pleasure or profit, may do so by entering and taking the very comprehensive courses at the colleges and technical schools. But there are many of our brightest mechan- ics, artisans and business men who have not had the benefits of a sufficient primary education, especially in mathematics, to enable them to pass the more or less exacting entrance examinations required by the technical schools and colleges, and these and many others also may not be able to part with the time or money necessary to secure these benefits. It is to these classes of people that the National School of Electricity especially appeals, and to meet their require- ments, several conditions must be met. ist. The course of instruction must be of an eminently practical character so that the knowledge acquired may be immediately utilized. 2d. The course must be furnished at times and places con- venient to participants during their leisure hours ; as they cannot go to school it is necessary that the school be brought to them. 3d. As it is not always expedient to have graded courses, it is lecessary to bring the course of study within reach of those of even >ry limited education, yet have it include all that may be essential lor the interest of advanced students. 4th. In order that the theories and practice of electricity may be taught together, it is necessary to employ actual working apparatus for the purposes of demonstration at all stages of the work. The lessons of the school were prepared to meet these conditions, by Prof. Dugald C. Jackson, with the assistance and suggestions of other workers of the faculty of the school. The course of lessons has now been thoroughly revised and many additions have been made where the advances of the science of electricity and its application have made it desirable, and some alterations suggested by the experi- ence of the instructors of the school, have been incorporated. As a large new edition of the lessons is now being issued, and a consider- able demand for complete sets of the lessons bound in permanent form has arisen among the members of the classes of the school, this volume is issued in response to this demand. The volume contains the lessons of the general course of the school as they are used in the instruction of the classes. NOVEMBER, 1895. CONTENTS. LESSON I. PAGE. The Nature and Properties of Electricity 1 LESSON II. Machines for Generating Electricity by Friction and by Electric Induction 9 LESSON' III. Electric Batteries, or Appliances for Generating Electricity by Chemical Action. 15 LESSON IV. Electric Batteries, or Appliances for Generating Electricity by Chemical Action (Concluded} 21 \ LESSON V. The Nature and Properties of Magnetism. Magnetic Fields 27 LESSON VI. The Magnetic Effects of Electric Currents, and Magnetic Circuits 35 LESSON VII. Ohm's Law of the Flow of Electricity 42 LESSON VIII. Heating Effects of Electric Current. Miscellaneous Effects of Electric Currents. 51 LESSON IX. Galvanometers and Voltameters 58 LESSON X. Measurement of Electrical Resistance 66 LESSON XI. Every-day Measurements of Electric Currents and Pressures 74 LESSON XII. Every-day Measurements of Electric Power. Condensers and the Measurement of their Capacity 84 LESSON XIII. Electrolytic Deposition of Metals 91 LESSON XIV. The Electric Telegraph.... 102 LESSON XV. Multiple Telegraphy 110 LESSON XVI. The Telephone 118 LESSON XVII. The Construction of Telegraph and Telephone Lines and Instruments 125 LESSON XVIII. Testing Lines for Insulation and Conductivity and the Location of Leaks and Breaks 138 LESSON XIX. Principles of Continuous Current Dynamos and Motors 140 LESSON XX. Principles of Continuous Current Dynamos and Motors: Their Construction, Care and Attendance 155 LESSON XXI. Arc Lighting and Arc Light Machinery 167 LESSON XXII. Incandescent Lighting and Power Transmission: Two, Three and Five Wire Systems of Distribution for Electric Lights and Motors 177 LESSON XXIII. Construction of Electric Light and Power Circuits and Their Testing 191 LESSON XXIV. Testing Electric Light Circuits, and the Distribution and Measurement of Light. 205 LESSON XXV. Electromagnetic Induction 213 LESSON XXVI. Alternating Currents ., 220 LESSON XXVII. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery. (Concluded} 228 LESSON XXVIII. Miscellaneous Applications of Electric Motors 241 LESSON XXIX. Electric Railways 256 LESSON XXX. Methods of Handling and Controlling Railway Motors and Generators , 266 LESSON XXXI. Model Electric Plants 279 LESSON XXXII. Underwriters' Rules, Etc 297 LESSON XXXIII. Electric Welding, Forging, Etc. Electricity Applied to the Kitchen 304 LESSON XXXIV. Electro Therapeutics 316 The National School of Electricity, LESSON I. THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF ELECTRICITY. The exact nature of the electricity which makes itself evident in so many ways has never been determined. Many surmises or theories have been advanced, but none have yet been able to fully stand the test of close examination. By experimental evidence, which has been gathered for decades, we have been able to deter- mine the laws which govern the action of electricity, though we do not know its constitution, very much as we know the results of the laws of gravitation, though we do not know what "gravity" really is. The derivation and use of the word "electricity" has itself had a development parallel with that of the experimental development of the science which bears its name. Springing from the Latin name for amber, electricus or electrum, the adjective "ELECTRICAL" was first used by Dr. Gilbert in a book published in 1600 to desig- nate the attraction for light bodies like chaff and bits of .paper which amber and similar substances exhibited when briskly rubbed. The original discovery of this electrical property is often attributed to a Greek philosopher named Thales, who lived about 600 years before the Christian era, and whose writings contain the earliest records of its observation which have come down to us. It is prob- able, however, that a knowledge of this peculiar property of amber, and possibly of other bodies, was one of the well-guarded secrets of the priesthood of that day. From the word electrical came the word "ELECTRICITY." Since the day Dr. Gilbert first applied the word electrical to a particular phenomenon, our knowledge of all the sciences has widened, and with the widening has come an equal advance in the knowledge which was represented to the ancients by that one peculiar property of amber and similar bodies. The term electricity is, therefore, applied not only to one little branch of a great science, but covers a vast field of facts which are supposed to be based on the same under- lying cause. The action of electricity led many experimenters after Gilbert to the belief that it was a fluid not perceptible to the senses. Our own great philosopher and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, assumed it to be a fluid, and bodies which exhibited electrical manifestations were thought by him to contain either more or less than a natural amount of the fluid. A Frenchman named DuFay and an English- man named Symmer considered electricity to be composed of two fluids, which were contained in neutral bodies in equal amounts. When by any means this equality was disturbed in a body electrical manifestations occurred. We will not at this time further discuss the nature of electricity, but will pass on to a consideration of its properties. The study of these properties will be divided into two classes the first, in which STATICAL ELECTRICITY, or electricity at rest, is considered, and the second, in which CURRENT ELECTRICITY, or electricity in motion, is considered. There is no well-defined division between these, and the laws governing the two classes are practically the same. In general, however, the first class, or static electricity, includes the phenomena known by the ancients where electricity is produced by rubbing or by the influence of one ELECTRIFIED body on another. The second class includes electricity produced by the electric batteries and dynamos which are so well known today. The first class is of comparatively small importance and will receive only such attention in the earlier lessons as is necessary on account of its bearing on the second class. If a rod of sealing wax, amber, or other resinous substance be rubbed with dry wool or fur, it immediately gains the property of attracting to itself light bodies, such as pith. After these bits of pith have been in contact with the rubbed body for a short time, they usually fly off as though repelled, and they also seem to repel each other. The rubbed body when in this condition may be found by proper examination to be covered with an apparent layer of electricity, which is called a CHARGE, and the pith balls which have touched it are also said to be charged. If now a glass rod be rubbed with silk it will show the same properties as the resinous substance. If the glass rod be brought close to the pith balls which have been in con- tact with, and repelled by, the resin rod, it will strongly attract them, and in the same way the resinous rod attracts the pith balls which have been charged by contact with the glass. We are there- fore shown the existence of two kinds of electricity, which are called vitreous or POSITIVE electricity, and resinous or NEGATIVE electricity, depending on whether they are produced by rubbing glass with silk, or resinous materials with wool. The action of the pith balls also shews that bodies charged with 0ne kind of electricity repel those charged with the same kind, but attract those charged with the opposite kind. Charged bodies are also said to be EXCITED or ELECTRIFIED. Other similar manifestations of electricity may be easily produced. For instance, if a well dried sheet of paper be laid on a table and briskly rubbed with a rubber eraser or a coat sleeve, it will adhere to the table and when it is slowly raised by one corner, small sparks may be seen to pass between it and the table. On dry days it is sometimes possible for a person to gather a charge on his body by shuffling across the carpet; this charge may be sufficient to produce a spark if the finger be presented to a gas-fixture or to another person. Again, if a charged body be held near to the face a peculiar cob- webby sensation may be felt on account of the attraction of the small hairs of the cheeks by the charge. If the wool used to develop a charge on the sealing wax by rubbing be now tested by bringing near it a charged pith ball, it will also be found to be charged the charge being positive. In the same way the silk which was used in rubbing the glass may be found to be negatively charged. This is in accordance with a fact which has been experimentally proved, that whenever a charge of one kind is developed, an equal charge of opposite kind is also developed. When two dry bodies of different materials, which do not have the power of conducting electricity, are rubbed together, they always become charged with opposite kinds of electricity. If one of these bodies be rubbed with a third material its charge may be changed. The kind of charge which appears on a body of one material when rubbed with another material depends altogether on the nature of the two materials. For instance, as we have seen, when glass is rubbed with silk, the glass becomes positively charged and the silk negatively charged. If a stick of sulphur be rubbed with silk the order is reversed and the silk becomes positively charged, while the sulphur is negatively charged. It is possible to arrange a table of materials placed in such an order that when any two materials named in the table are rubbed together the one that stands earliest in the table will ordinarily become positively charged and the other negatively charged. The following table is so arranged. Its correctness may be easily tested by experiments: i. Fur. 7. Wood. 2. Wool. ' & Metals. 3. Some resinous substances. 9. Sulphur. 4. Glass. 10. Some resinous substances. 5. Cotton. 1 1 . India rubber. 6. Silk. 12. Gutta-percha. The reason for this difference in materials is not known, and in fact slight differences in the constitution or the surface of the mate- rials may cause them to change their relative positions, so that sim- ilar tables given in various books do not all agree. If a piece of metal be held in the hand and rubbed, no apparent charge can be discovered on it. This is because the metal has the power of readily conducting electricity, exactly as it has the powei of conducting heat, and the electricity therefore all flows away into the body of the operator, or through his body into the earth. The same thing is true of any of the substances named in the table if they are dampened with water, because water has the power to a limited degree of conducting electricity. Consequently experiments in statical electricity cannot be readily made on a damp day or when the materials are damp. If the metal be fastened in a handle of dry wood or hard rubber and again rubbed, it will become charged. This is because the wood or hard rubber does not have the power of conducting the electricity to an extent which is here appreciable and it therefore cannot escape. Materials which readily conduct electricity are called conductors, and thoss which either do not conduct it at all or only conduct it in a very small degree, are called non-conductors or insulators. An inter- mediate class which have the conducting power to a considerable degree are often called partial conductors. The following table gives a list of materials placed approxi- mately in the order of their conducting powers: 1. Metals. 7. Various oils. 13. Vulcanite. 2. Charcoal and graphite. 8. Dry wood. 14. Paraffine. 3. Acids. 9. Silk. 15. Porcelain. 4. Salty solutions. 10. India rubber. 16. Glass. 5. Plants and animals. n. Mica. 17. Dry air. 6. Pure water. 12. Shellac. We ordinarily restrict the term conductor to the metals. The materials in the table numbered from two to six may be called par- tial conductors, and the last eleven materials may be called insula- tors. Of all the materials named dry air may be said to be the only one which has absolutely no conducting power under ordinary con- ditions, though that of glass, porcelain, etc., is exceedingly small. The cause of the difference in the conducting power of the various materials is not known and will probably not be known until the exact constitution of electricity is determined. By means of the great conducting power or conductivity of metals electricity may be conveyed from place to place. If, for instance, two blocks of metal connected by a wire be mounted on insulators, then, if a charge be given to one, part of the electricity will flow along the wire to the second block, electrifying it. A conductor which is sup- ported on insulators in such a way that electricity cannot escape from it is said to be insulated. A body may be charged or electrified by the influence upon it of a charged body. Thus suppose a brass ball be insulated and charged, and then be brought near an uncharged insulated brass ball. The second ball will be found to be charged, if it is tested by bring- ing a charged pith ball near to it. A charge which is thus devel- oped by the influence of a charged body on a NEUTRAL or uncharged one, is said to be developed by INDUCTION. If the brass ball on which a charge is thus INDUCED, be carefully examined, its two sides will be found to hold opposite kinds of electricity (Fig. i). The side of the second ball which is away from the first ball will hold the same kind of electricity as the latter, and the side which is near the first ball will hold the opposite kind. This is in accordance with the law of attraction and repulsion between the different kinds of electricity, given in this lesson. For example, if the first ball (A in Fig. i) be positively charged, the side of the second (B in Fig. i) which is away from the first will be positively charged and the near side will be negatively charged. This is the condition shown in the figure, where the plus or positive sign, +, represents a posi- tive charge, and the minus or negative sign, , represents a nega- tive charge. Now if the second ball be touched for an instant when it is very close to the first, the positive charge will immediately flow away into the operator's body on account of the repulsion of the posi- tive charge which is on the first ball. The negative charge on the second ball will remain on account of the attraction of the charge on the first ball. If the second ball now be removed from the influence of the first ball it will remain negatively charged, the charge spread- ing all over it. If the two balls be now brought into contact the two charges will combine and the two balls will become neutral. The latter shows that an induced charge is equal in quantity to the charge which induces it. This fact is strictly true, but in many cases the induced charge is divided among several bodies which are near a charged body. The induced charge is to be found wholly on one body only when it completely surrounds the charged one, or is very much nearer it than any other bodies. The object of using brass balls in such experiments is simply to obtain convenient and inexpensive conductors. Any other materials will give similar results, but in the case of poorly conducting bodies it is more difficult to perceive the results on account of the difficulty presented to the distribution of the electricity under the influence of induction. The means of detecting a charge thus far mentioned has been through the attraction or repulsion of charged pith balls or other light objects. Various other means may be used, all of which are dependent upon electric attractions arid repulsions for their indi- cations. Devices or instruments for determining the presence of an elec- tric charge are called ELECTROSCOPES. The simplest electroscope is a charged pith ball. A very sensitive one is made by attaching two narrow strips of ordinary gold leaf to the end of a brass rod and hanging the leaves in a glass bottle to insulate them and protect them from injury (Fig. 2). If a charged body be brought near the top of the rod which is connected to the gold leaves, the rod and leaves are electrified by induction. If the charged body be a rubbed glass rod which is positively charged, as in Fig. 3, a negative charge will appear at the top of the conductor and a positive one in the leaves (compare the case of the brass balls given above). In this case, since the two leaves have charges of the same kind, they will repel each other and separate (Fig. 3). The gold leaves are so sen- sitive that they are likely to be torn by the force of their repulsion if a heavily charged body is brought too close. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. If while the glass rod is still held near the electroscope the brass rod of the electroscope be touched by the hand, the positive charge in the leaves will at once flow off into the operator's body on account of the repulsion of the charge on the glass, and the leaves will drop together. The negative charge will remain in the electroscope rod on account of the attraction of the charge on the glass (compare brass balls above). Now if the glass rod be taken away the nega- tive charge will spread all over the electroscope rod and gold leaves c and the leaves will again separate. It can be easily proved that the charge on the gold leaves is now negative by bringing a charged glass rod near the top of the electroscope, when the charge will be attracted out of the leaves and they will fall together. Or, if a negatively charged rod of sealing wax be brought near the top of the electroscope, the charge in the instrument will all be repelled into the leaves and they will separate farther. With this simple device it is possible to detect very small charges of electricity. The electroscope may of course be directly charged by contact with a charged body, but the leaves are likely to be torn by the violence of the action, unless the charge is quite small. We are now in a position to see the reason for the attraction which rubbed amber, rubbed glass, and other charged bodies, have for light objects. Since electric induction acts between any charged body and any other body which is reasonably near, the effect of the charged body on a light object is first to charge it by induction. The positive and negative charges induced on the light object are equal in quantity. One of them is attracted and the other is repelled by o B FIG. 1. FIG. 4. the original charge. That which is attracted is nearest the original charge, so that the force of attraction is greater than the force of repulsion. The condition is illustrated in Fig. i, where a positive charge is seen at a on the large ball. This induces the negative and positive charges b and c on the small ball. Since b is considerably nearer a than is c, the attraction between a and b is materially greater than the repulsion between a and c. The small ball is therefore attracted towards the large ball. If the balls come in contact the small ball receives a part of the positive charge belonging to the large one, and they at once separate on account of tha repulsion of the two positive charges. The attraction between a charged body and an uncharged one, or between two charged ones, always exists, though the pull or push exerted by the charges is usually sufficient to move the bodies only when they are very light. The actual force of attraction or repulsion exerted between any two bodies depends upon the product of the quantities of electricity in their charges, their distance apart, and the material which is between them. If they are surrounded by air the push or pull which two charged bodies exert on each other increases directlv with the product of the quantities of electricity which they hold, and decreases directly with the square af the distance between the bodies, provided the bodies are small compared with the distance between them. The unit quantity of electricity is called a COULOMB, after a French experimenter who lived about the beginning of this century. As a rough analogy with the measurement of water or gas, we may say that a coulomb of electricity is the equivalent of a gallon of water or a cubic foot of gas. The reason that the force exerted between two charged bodies depends on the product of the two quantities of electricity, is that each coulomb of electricity on one body attracts or repels every coulomb on the other body with a fixed force, and therefore the total force of attraction or repulsion depends on the number of coulombs on one body multiplied by the number on the other body. Instruments for determining the quantity of electricity which is held in a charge on a body by measuring its attraction for another charged body, are called ELECTROMETERS. These instruments are valuable for many purposes and will receive more attention in later lessons. If the two charged bodies be immersed in a liquid such as water or oil, or be separated by solids, the force exerted between them is decreased. The amount of the decrease depends upon the nature of the separating material, and is apparently due to a difficulty in the attractive force making its way through the material. The last of the peculiar properties of electricity which we need consider before taking up the various generating machines, is the location on a body which a charge always takes. We often hear the statement that electricity flows only on the surface of a wire. This is entirely untrue. When electricity flows or moves it passes through the substance of the conductor.. In the case of electricity at rest, however, the case is different. When electricity is at rest it never enters the substance of a body, but stays strictly on the surface. It is important that this difference in the action of electricity in motion, or current electricity, and electricity at rest, or statical electricity, be remembered. Again, statical -electricity not only stays on the surface of a body, but it tends to stay on the outside surface. Fig. 4 shows this by the position of the pith balls which are suspended on the inside and outside of a hollow brass cylinder. The cylinder being charged, the outside pith balls which are in contact with it, at once diverge on account of a charge which they receive from the cylinder. This shows that the outer surface of the cylinder is charged. The inner pith balls, which are also in contact with the cylinder, remain entirely inert, showing that there is no charge on the inner surface. This is true whether the charge is given to the cylinder from the inside or outside, and is to be expected on account of the known repulsion of like charges or parts of a charge. The different parts of a charge try to get as far away from each other as possible, and therefore go to the outer surface of a body if its conduc- tivity is sufficient to permit it. A brass cylinder is here used so that the electricity may readily follow its tendency to move to the outer surface if it be applied at the inner surface. By virtue of the fact that a charge tends to stay on the outer surface of a body, it is possible to entirely screen an object from all electric force by completely surrounding it with a conducting cage. This is done in making electrometers, when it is desirable to screen the working parts of the instruments from outside electric forces. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON I. Points for Review. \. How much is known about the real constitution of jiectricity ? 2. What is the origin of the word electricity ? 3. What are the two kinds of electricity called, and how is their existence shown ? 4. What is the law of attraction and repulsion of he two kinds of electricity ? 5. Can a charge of one kind of electricity exist alone ? 6. If a body becomes positively charged upon rubbing it with some material, will it always become positively charged when rubbed, regardless of the material used in rub- bing it ? 7. What precautions must be taken in handling metals in order that they may be charged by rubbing ? 8. What are the meanings of the terms electric conductors, insulators, and electric conductivity ? 9. What materials are the best conductors, and what the best insulators ? 10. How may electricity be conveyed from one place to another ? 11. What effect does a charged body have on an uncharged conductor which is brought near to it? 12. Why are light bodies attracted by charged bodies? 13. What is the purpose of the electroscope? 14. How can the kind of electricity in a charge be determined by using an electro- scope? 15. Upon what does the force exerted between two charged bodies depend? 16. What is the force equal to when the charged bodies are surrounded by air? 17. If the bodies are surrounded by liquids or solids how is the force affected? 18. What is the unit of measurement of a quantity of electricity called? 19. What is the purpose of the instruments called electrometers? 20. Upon what part of a conductor does an electric charge always remain? Why? II. MACHINES FOR GENERATING ELECTRICITY BY FRIC- TION AND BY ELECTRIC INDUCTION. We will now take up the various machines for the generation of electricity. From what has preceded, it is evident that a simple machine may be made for the generation of electricity by an arrangement for continously rubbing glass with silk or other simi- lar material, with some device added for collecting the electricity which is developed. A German, named Von Guericke, first built such a machine. In this a large ball of sulphur was revolved. When any person pressed his dry hands upon the sulphur ball the friction generated electricity and his body became charged. Later, a glass cylinder or plate and a rubber of silk or leather came into use. In such machines the charge upon the glass is usually col- lected by induction. A row of points, called a comb, attached to an insulated brass block is presented to the charged surface of the glass (Fig. 5). The positive charge on the glass causes the far side of the brass conductor to become positively charged and the row of points to become negatively charged. The particles of air surround- ing the points become negatively charged and are repelled off to the positively charged glass. This leaves the brass conductor with a posi- tive charge, and the negative charge of the air particles neutralizes the positive charge of the glass, which is therefore ready to be again excited as it again moves around to the rubber. The action is con tinuous while the glass is revolved. By sprinkling the rubber with a conducting powder or 511 amalgam, made with mercury, the negative charge of the rubber may also be drawn away. If the positively charged brass conductor is then connected by a wire to the rubber, a continuous flow of elec- tricity will pass from the brass conductor to the rubber. If there is a* small break in the wire the electricity will jump across it in the form of a spark. The friction of a jet of wet steam passing through a wooden nozzle, and many other plans, may be used to generate electricity in a similar way by friction. By the frictional methods the quantity of electricity generated in a reasonable time is comparatively small, and machines operating by induction may be used. The simplest device of this kind is called an electrophorus. This consists of a plate of sulphur, vulcanized rubber, or similar material, and a metal plate or cover with an insulating handle (Fig. 6). Rubbing the sulphur or rubber with flannel electrifies it negatively. When the cover is set down it touches the base at only a few points on account of its roughness, and it becomes electrified by induction (Fig. 7). The negative induced charge maybe allowed to escape into the operator's body by touching the cover with a finger, as explained in the first lesson. The cover remains with a positive charge which may be used to charge other bodies. The process of charging the cover maybe repeated again and again without affecting the charge on the base, but the latter will be slowly dissipated through dampness in the air. What is known as a Holtz electric machine may be roughly described as an automatic electrophorus. This consists of two parallel plates of glass, one of which is mounted to rotate, with certain induc- ing and collecting devices (Fig. 8). The following is a brief expla- nation of the action of this machine: at opposite points on the sta- tionary plate holes or windows are cut and over these are pasted pieces of paper called sectors. These are given opposite charges by means of rubbed rods of glass and sealing-wax or by other means. In front of the revolving plate opposite each sector, is a comb. The charges on the sectors act indirectly on the combs and the conductors attached to them, so that the knobs that terminate the conductors 10 . 6 are charged with opposite kinds of electricity. The electricity which is attracted into the combs, flows off onto the revolving plate exactly as was explained in the case of the cylinder friction machine, and charges it as shown in Fig. 9. The charges on the revolving glass are carried around under the opposite combs and act inductively on them, and are then neutralized by the charges on the streams of air particles passing off the combs. If the two knobs be placed in connection a flow of electricity passes through the conductors out of the combs onto the revolving plate, which is thus kept charged as in Fig. 9, and the current of electricity continues as long as the plate is revolved. If the plate is revolved with sufficient rapidity a spark will jump from knob to knob, thus completing the circuit even when the knobs are a considerable distance apart. Fid. 7 ii In starting the machine it is really sufficient to charge only one of the sectors, as the other will then become charged through the action of the machine. It is not necessary to go fully into the action of these machines or into that of various devices to increase their effectiveness and make them self-exciting. The action of these machines may be compared, as a rough but handy analogy, to pumps for circulating water or gas through a sys- tem of pipes. The machines act as though they were machines foi pumping electricity. Suppose a water tank to be placed in the basement and another in the garret of a house, and a pump be connected in the pipe lead- ing from one to the other. If the tanks are full of water and the pump be started, water will be drawn from the lower tank and sent into the upper one, which will overflow, and unless the water is caught it will run down to the ground. If an overflow pipe be car- ried from the upper tank to the lower one, the overflow will run back into the lower tank, and the water will be singly circulated by the pump through the system of pipes between the two tanks. This is similar to the conditions of an electrical machine when the positive and negative terminals are connected together or sparks are passing between them. Now, if the overflow pipe is stopped up and drip pans be arranged so that water from the upper tank cannot run down into the lower one, the pump will soon empty the lower tank, after which it may continue to run, but it cannot pump any water and no stream will flow through the pipes. In the same way if the two conductors of an electric machine are not connected, and are too far apart for a spark to pass between them, the conductors will be strongly charged with opposite kinds of electricity, but then the action of the machine in circulating electricity will cease until a path is provided for the current to flow. The quantity of water circulated by the pump depends upon the pressure which it produces, and upon the size of the pipes, and a sim- ilar rule holds for the circulation of electricity by an electrical machine. The volume of the stream of water may be designated as a certain number of gallons or cubic feet per second. In the same way the volume of a current of electricity may be designated as one which conveys a certain number of coulombs per second. An electric current carrying one coulomb per second is called a current of one ampere, and the volume of electric currents is always given in amperes. This name was given in honor of a great French scientist whose name was Ampere. To pass a stream of a certain number of gallons per minute through a certain pipe, demands the application of a certain pressure to overcome the frictional resistance. In the same way it requires a certain electrical pressure to pass a given electrical current through any conducting wire, on account of the resistance which the wire offers to the flow of the electricity. The resistance to the passage of electricity, or the electrical resistance, of any material, is the recipro- cal or opposite of its conducting power. The greater its conducting power, the less is its electrical resistance. We usually speak of water pressure, or the pressure of gas, in pounds per square inch, or in feet difference of level, or head. The corresponding unit of electrical pressure is a volt, which was named after Volta, a great Italian scientist. Return again to the pump and tanks. When the pump is set in motion it sets up a difference of pressure which may be measured by a gauge, and this starts the water to flowing if it has an outlet. In the same way we may look upon electrical machines as setting up a difference of electrical pressure (which may be measured by a proper electrical instrument), and this starts the electricity to flowing if it has an outlet. This leads us to the necessity of considering a positive charge of electricity as electricity at high electrical pressure or high potential, and a negative charge as electricity at low electrical pressure or low potential. When a point of high electrical pressure is connected by a con- ducting wire to a point of low pressure, electricity will flow from the point of high electrical pressure to the point of low electrical pres- sure until the pressure is equalized, unless the pressure is continually kept up by a machine; exactly as when two tanks standing side by side are filled with water to different heights, if they be connected by a pipe water will flow from one to the other until its level is the same in both. In using these comparisons it must be remembered that we do not touch upon the true nature of electricity, which is unknown, but only upon the laws of its action which have been experimentally determined. Also, that while water and gas may be directly perceived by our senses, electricity is absolutely impalpable that is, it cannot be perceived by the senses, and the only way in which we may recognize it is by its various effects. Before leaving the question of electrical machines working by friction and induction, it is well to call attention to the great pres- sure of the electricity generated by them. This is shown by the sparks which may be caused by them to pass through the air, or even to pierce wood, glass, or other solid insulators. These effects may be called miniature lightning effects, for lightning is simply caused by the passage through the air of a current of electricity under enormous pressure. Thunder is like the crackle of the spark from an electrical machine greatly magnified. While the electrical pressure generated by these machines is very great, the quantity of electricity generated is quite small, and for commercial purposes in which a considerable volume of electricity is needed, other methods of generating the current are used. An 'ex- planation of these will come in the following lessons. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON II. Points for Review. 1. How can a machine be made to continuously generate electricity by friction? 2. How does an electrophorus work? 3. How can a machine be made to generate electricity by induction? 4. What are the units of measurements of electric current and pressure called? 5. How much electricity is conveyed by a unit current in each second? 6. If a conductor charged positively be connected to one without a charge, what happens? 7. If a conductor charged negatively be connected to one without a charge, what happens? 8. v If a conductor charged positively be connected to one charged negatively, what happens? 9. Why are friction and induction machines not generally used in general commer- cial service? 10 What is the relation of lightning to the sparks given by an electrical machine? LESSON III. ELECTRIC BATTERIES, OR APPLIANCES FOR GENER- ATING ELECTRICITY BY CHEMICAL ACTION. One of the effects of chemical action is to give out heat. When wood or coal is burned the carbon of the burning material combines with oxygen of the air, and heat is given out as the result of the chemical combination, which we call combustion. In the same way if zinc be dissolved in sulphuric acid, the acid combines with the- zinc and heat is given off as the result of the chemical combination. This heat represents a certain energy or capacity for doing work. It has been found that under certain conditions the energy thus repre- sented by chemical action may be converted iuto an electric current, and taking advantage of this we get electric batteries. Electric currents produced by chemical action were first observed and studied about the end of the last century by Galvani and Volta, both of whom were Italian scientists. Volta will be recognized as the man from whose name comes the word volt, the name of the unit of electrical pressure. When two plates of different metals are placed so that they do not touch each other in a liquid (Fig. 10) which is inclined to attack them chemically, one of them becomes positively charged and the other negativaly charged with electricity. The charges are so minute that they cannot be distinguished by the electroscopes previously explained, but a delicate electrometer will distinguish and measure the charges. If the metals be connected by a wire a current flows " through it from one plate to the other, and 'this may be readily dis- tinguished by its effects, which will be explained later. The positive or high pressure plate is the one which is attacked least readily by the liquid. A cup containing two plates thus immersed in a liquid is called an electric battery cell, and the plates are called the poles or electrodes of the cell. It is usual to speak of the pole which is at the higher pressure, and from which the current flows through the wire, as the positive pole; the other pole is then called the negative pole. The difference of electrical pressure between the poles is called the electromotive force of the cell. The phrase electromotive force means that which tends to move electricity, that is, a difference of electrical pressure. This phrase is often abbreviated into E. M. F. We will generally speak of it, however, as the electrical pressure of the cell. An electric battery is often called a galvanic or voltaic battery, and the electricity produced by a battery is often called galvanic or voltaic electricity, although the electricity is exactly the same as that produced in any other way. These terms are applied in the same way as the terms spring water and well water, for instance, are applied to pure water which is drawn from a spring or a well, though the water does not differ from pure water drawn from other sources. When the poles of a cell are connected by a wire it is found that an electric current not only flows from the positive to the negative pole through the wire, but it continues through the liquid from the negative to the positive pole. If the current is followed from any point in its flow, it will be found to return through a complete path to the same point, exactly as water is circulated by a pump through a system of pipes. A continuous current of electricity is therefore said to flow in a complete path or circuit. A complete circuit is often called a closed circuit. The current inside the cell then is driven, by the effect of chemical action against a difference of pressure, just as water is raised against a difference of pressure by a pump. Out- side of the cell where there is no restraining action besides that o^. the electric resistance of the connecting wire, the current follows its own tendency to flow from the point of high pressure to that of low pressure. We have seen that electricity is conveyed in a similar manner through a complete circuit by the action of friction and induction machines. When two insulated conductors at different electrical pressures are connected by a wire a brief current flows, just as a current of water flows through the pipe connecting two tanks in which the water stands at different levels, but the current ceases as soon as the pressure is equalized. In order that a continuous current may be produced a difference of electrical pressure must be continuously supplied in a closed circuit. The magnitude and direction of the difference of electrical pres- sure between the poles of a battery cell depend upon the materials 16 IINC PlfiTt FIG 1O. CARBON WtiTC. CARBON PJ.XTE' ^ />0AO(/3 C(V> Z/NC W.AT& - ZINC 2&. 17 in the plates and the nature of the liquid. For instance, if zinc and copper be the plates of a cell containing sulphuric acid, the electrical pressure of the cell is about nine-tenths of a volt and the copper plate is the positive pole. If two cells containing sulphuric acid as the liquid be made using zinc and lead for the plates of one and lead and copper for the plates of the other, the lead is the positive plate in the former and the negative plate in the latter. The electric pressure developed in each of these would also be less than in the case of the zinc-copper cell. In cells which are to be obtained from dealers the negative pole is nearly always of zinc, but the metal composing the positive plate and the composition of the liquid vary greatly. The positive plate is generally made of copper, carbon, or platinum, and the liquids consist of various acids, sal-ammoniac, caustic potash, etc. If a number of cells, such as the zinc-copper cells described above, are connected in a series with the zinc pole of one connected to the copper pole of the next, the zinc pole of this connected to the copper pole of the next, and so on (Fig. u), then the total difference of electrical pressure between the free copper and zinc poles is equal to the sum of the pressures developed by all the individual cells. When a battery is thus connected up so that the pressures developed in the individual cells are all added together the cells are said to be connected in series. The electrical pressure of a cell depends only upon the nature of the plates and the liquid, and is entirely independent of the size of the plates. This can be easily proved by making two cells out of tumblers containing dilute sulphuric acid, in one of which are placed narrow strips of copper and zinc, and in the other are placed broad strips of the metals. If these are connected in series with the free poles joined by a wire, a current will flow as shown by the vigorous chemical action which causes bubbles to gather on the copper plates. If one of the cells be now reversed, so that the copper pole is con- nected to the copper pole of the other, no such action will occur, showing that the electrical pressures which tend to send currents in opposite directions are equal and neutralize each other. If the two poles of a zinc-copper cell, such as we have been considering, be connected by a wire, a vigorous chemical action goes on at first, but it gradually decreases in intensity and finally appears to stop altogether. This effect may be plainly shown by connecting an electric bell in the circuit of the cell. When the circuit is first completed the bell will ring loudly, but it will soon weaken and after a time cease to ring altogether. If the cell be then examined a layer of bubbles will be found upon the copper plate. These bubbles are composed of hydrogen gas which is liberated from the sulphuric acid by the chemical action in the cell. The effect of these hydro- gen bubbles is two-fold. First, they tend to set up a counter electric 18 pressure in the cell, or a pressure which is opposite in direction to that due to the regular action of the cell, and thus the effective pres- sure of the cell is reduced, and second, the layer of bubbles presents a hijgh resistance to the flow of the current. A cell which is made inactive by a layer of hydrogen bubbles is said to be polarised, and the effect is called polarisation. In order that a cell may be capable of working continuously some plan must be adopted to keep it from polarizing, or, as it is often called, to keep it depolarised. This may be effected in three different ways: ist, by mechanical action; ^ by direct chemical action, which absorbs the hydrogen; 3d, by electro-chemical action, by which the hydrogen is exchanged "for a metal which is deposited upon the positive plate. The first method of depolarizing requires that the hydrogen bubbles be cleared off the positive plate as fast as they are deposited upon it. This may be done by continuously stirring the liquid or blowing air into it. If the positive plate be well roughened the hydrogen bubbles will not stick to it so closely, but many will float off to the surface of the liquid and escape. This plan was used in a cell commonly called Smee's cell, which was used commercially many years ago, but it was not very successful. If some substance be added to the liquid of the cell, which will combine with the hydrogen as quickly as it is formed the polarization will evidently be avoided. This is the foundation of the second method of depolarizing. Various substances may be used for this purpose, but dioxide of manganese, bichromate of potash, chloride of lime bleaching powder, ancT nitric acid are used most commonly. The well-known bichromate battery, which is often used to run small motors, ignite the gas in gas engines, and for similar purposes, is a zinc-carbon battery, with a liquid composed of sulphuric acid, in which bichromate of potash is dissolved. When this cell is in operation polarization is prevented by the immediate combination of the hydrogenjwhich is liberated from the sulphuric acid with the bichromate offpotash. Carbon is used for the positive plate in this cell because tiae bichromate of potash will attack and destroy copper. In the bichromate battery the zincs are generally arranged so that they may be lifted out of the fluid when the cells are not in use, because the fluid eats up zinc when the circuit of the cell is open. / From this comes the name///^^? battery. When nitric acid is used as a depolarizer it cannot be allowed to come in contact with the zinc, which it attacks vigorously, conse- quently it is confined in a porous earthenware cup within which is the positive pole of carbon or platinum. Fig. 12 shows such a cell complete, and Fig. 1 3 shows the same, thing in cross-section. The earth enware/wtf^ cup is sufficient to prevent the liquids from mixing, but after it has become well soaked it does not present much resistance to the passage of a current. The cells, which are made tip with nitric acid for the depolarizer, are only useful for furnishing current for experimental purposes and for that purpose they are are much more expensive than dynamos. They have, therefore, practically gone out of use. The commonest forms of cells of this type are those known as Bunsen's and Grove's cells. The action of nitric acid as a depolarizer is quite similar to that of bichromate of potash, though it is more powerful. When dioxide of manganese is used as a depolarizer it is gener- ally broken up into small lumps and put into a porous cup surround- ing a positive plate of carbon. When sal-ammoniac dissolved in water is used as the liquid in this form of cell, it makes the familiar Leclanche battery (Fig. 14), which is used so frequently for ringing door bells and in similar service. Sometimes the dioxide of man- ganese is pulverized and mixed with shellac, after which it is pressed into small bricks, which are placed upon either side of the carbon positive plate (Fig. 15), as in the "prism" Leclanche battery. /The depolarizing effect of dioxide of manganese is not sufficiently , powerful to prevent a cell from becoming polarized if used con- ' stantly. Consequently Leclanche cells are only satisfactory in service which is intermittent like ringing door bells, where the circuit is open a considerable part of the time and the battery rests without chemical action. Leclanche cells are called open circuit cells on account of the small chemical action which goes on in them when the circuit is open and because they are not satisfactory in continuous service. Copyright 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON III. Points for Review. 1. Upon what action do electric batteries depend for their operation? 2. What is electric pressure often called? 3. Why fs electricity which is generated by electric batteries called galvanic or voltaic electricity? 4. Does it differ from electricity generated by other means? 5. In what direction does the electric current flow through a battery cell? What is its direction in the circuit outside of the cell? 6. What is the path through which electricity flows called? 7. How may a continuous current of electricity be produced? 8. If a number of battery cells be connected in series, what is the total pressure generated? 9. Upon what does the pressure produced by any cell depend? 10. What is polarization? 11. How may polarization be avoided? 12. How is a Leclanche cell made up? 13. Why are Leclanche cells called open circuit cells? IV. ELECTRIC BATTERIES, OR APPLIANCES FOR GENER- ATING ELECTRICITY BY CHEMICAL ACTION. (CONCLUDED.) The third method of depolarizing introduces more complicated chemical reactions, but which we need not go into in much detail. Through the use of this method cells are constructed which give excellent results in continuous service, and which are, therefore, called clo$&d 'circuit cells. One of these is probably the most com- monly used battery of any form. This is the ordinary gravity battery, or copper sulphate battery which is used so much in telegraphy. The original form of cell from which the gravity cell came is one in which the active liquid is sulphuric acid, in which is immersed the zinc or negative plate. The copper plate is immersed in a solution of ordinary copper sulphate, or blue vitriol (sometimes called blue stone). The two solutions are separated by a porous cup. In general terms the chemical action which occurs when the battery is in action is as follows: The sulphuric acid attacks the zinc, and sulphate of zinc is formed. At the same time hydrogen is liberated from the sulphuric acid and goes towards the copper plate, where it would be deposited if it were not for the copper sulphate which sur- rounds the copper plate. When the hydrogen gets into the copper sulphate solution, it goes into combination and copper is separated from the solution and deposited upon the copper plate, which is therefore kept bright and in good working condition. 21 During the operation of the cell the chemical action which has been briefly explained causes a change in the character of the solu- tions. The sulphuric acid changes to a solution of sulphate of zinc, and the copper sulphate changes to sulphuric acid. If the sulphuric acid is replaced by a dilute or weak solution of zinc sulphate, a cur- rent is set up, as before, and the chemical action is similar, but the copper sulphate is converted into zinc sulphate. In order that the depolarizing action may continue during the life of the cell the strength of the copper sulphate solution must be kept up. This is done by putting crystals of copper sulphate or blue vitriol in the cell so that they may be dissolved. Fig. 16 shows a cell of this battery in its original form, in which it is called DanielPs battery. In the figure the zinc plate is shown within the porous cup at the right hand of the battery jar, and the copper plate is at the left hand of the jar. Alongside of the copper plate is a perforated copper cage in- which may be put the copper sulphate for renewing the solution. The suphuric acid or zinc sulphate solution of this cell is ordi- narily much diluted or weakened by water, while the copper sul- phate solution is kept quite strong or saturated. When in this con- dition the solution of zinc sulphatej&lighter than the other and will float upon it, just as oil floats on water. Consequently if the copper surrounded by the solution of copper sulphate be placed in the bottom of a battery jar, a weak solution of zinc sulphate or sulphuric acid may be carefully poured on top, and the solutions will only mix very slowly. The zinc may be hung from the top of the jar in the upper solution (Fig. 1 7). This constitutes the gravity battery, so- called because the solutions are separated by gravity through the difference in their densities, instead of by a porous cup. In setting up such a cell it is usual to put the copper in the bottom of the jar surrounded by crystals of copper sulphate. The jar is then filled with water to near its top and the zinc is immersed in the upper part of the liquid. The cell may be placed on short circuit for a time and it will work itself into good operating condition, or a little sulphuric acid or zinc sulphate solution may be carefully poured into the water and the cell will at once be in condition. If a gravity cell be allowed to stand upon open circuit the two solutions will slowly mix by diffusion. When any of the copper sulphate solution reaches the zinc a black deposit of oxide of copper is made on it. This puts the cell in such condition that it will not work satisfactorily until the zinc has been cleaned. When the cell is in operation the copper sulphate is changed into zinc sulphate so rapidly that it gets no chance to mix with the latter. A gravity battery, therefore, is only satisfactory in a service which keeps it con- stantly working. There are various other types of batteries in which the third method of depolarizing is used, but which are not in sufficiently gen- eral use to make their description desirable here. 22 FIG. 16. FIG. 17. FIG. 18. FIG. 19. 23 In nearly all battery cells some chemical action by which the zinc is wasted goes on when the circuit is open. This may also pro- ceed while the circuit is closed without adding to the useful current of the cell. Such wasteful chemical action is called local action. It is usually caused by metallic impurities in the zinc, which form with the zinc little electric batteries by the action of which the zinc is worn away in spots. A similar action is also caused in some cells by differences in the density of the liquid at various parts of the cell. In this case the zinc near the top of the liquid is ordinarily wasted away, and may be entirely eaten off. To avoid local action the zinc may be amalgamated, that is, its surface may be alloyed with mercury. For this purpose the zinc is cleaned by dipping into a dilute acid solution and it is then rubbed with mercury, which makes a pasty alloy on the surface. The Aunties in the zinc do not readily form an amalgam with mercury arid are therefore covered up, while pure zinc is brought to the sur- face. Zinc for battery plates is also sometimes cast with a small percentage of mercury in its composition. The amount of metal usefully consumed in a cell depends directly upon the number of coulombs of electricity which are per- mitted to pass through it. The amount of hydrogen gas, copper, or other metals liberated from the liquids also depends upon the number of coulombs of electricity which are passed through the cell. This may be stated as a general law of electro- chemical action, that the amount of chemical action in a cell depends directly upon the amount of electricity which passes through it, and therefore the chemi- cal action is the same in all cells of a number connected in series since the same amount of current will flow through them all. The weight of a metal in grammes (metric measure) which is dissolved or deposited when one coulomb of electricity passes through a cell, is called the electrochemical equivalent of the metal. Electric batteries in which a metal is directly consumed by chemical action for the generation of an electric current, are called primary batteries. In nearly all primary batteries the metal which is consumed is zinc. The law of electrochemical action already stated shows that no current can be produced without an equivalent consumption of metal, just as an appreciable amount of heat cannot be given out from a fire without an appreciable consumption of coal or Tfrood. The consumption of zinc in a battery to furnish electrical energy in the form of an electric current is similar to the burning of coal under a boiler to furnish steam power. It can be readily seen that zinc makes an expensive iuel, though the consumption of a pound of zinc in a battery produces several times as much energy as is produced by the combustion of a pound of coal in the furnace of a boiler, so that batteries in which zinc is consumed cannot be used commercially to furnish electricity where currents of great magni- tude are required, as in electric lighting. For such purposes the battery can never compete with the dynamo driven by a steam engine, unless a cell be invented in which coal may be economically consumed in the place of zinc, and the heat due to its combustion be thus directly transferred into electrical energy. If this is ever done the electric battery will displace the steam engine, but batteries in which zinc is consumed can never economically furnish current for light and power. In many domestic operations, such as ringing electric bells, regulating dampers, etc., primary batteries hold an important place. In telegraphy and telephony, and other commercial applications on a large scale in which a comparatively weak current is required, they are used in great numbers. They are also used in electro-thera- peutics and similar applications. For many domestic purposes the work required of a battery is intermittent and so small that a constant electromotive-force cell is not required. Consequently many batteries are made of simple zinc-carbon cells in which the liquid is a solution of sal-ammoniac. These cells are just like L,eclanche cells without the dioxide of manganese depolarizer. The carbon plate is generally made with a large surface so that the polarization is not very rapid. If a gravity cell be worked until its zinc is nearly used up and a current be then passed through it from the copper plate to the zinc- plate, metallic zinc will be deposited on the zinc plate by the chemi- cal action due to the current. The current which separates the zinc from the liquid is passed through the cell against the electric pres- sure naturally developed by the cell, and energy must be expended in order that the current may flow. This energy is stored up during the process in the deposited zinc, and may be returned when the zinc is again dissolved through the operation of the battery in the ordinary manner. Alternate discharging of the battery by taking current, and consequently energy, from it through the consumption of zinc, and then again charging it by expending energy in the cell by sending current into it and depositing zinc, may be kept up indefinitely. Each time the cell will give out nearly as much energy due to the consumption of its zinc as was given to it in depositing the same amount of zinc. A battery in which energy may be stored through the forced chemical action called charging and from which this energy may be then withdrawn through the natural action of the cell, is called a storage battery. Storage batteries are also called accumulators or secondary batteries. Commercial storage cells are usually made with lead plates im- mersed in dilute sulphuric acid. The chemical action which goes on in these during charging and discharging roughly consists in transferring oxygen which exists in oxide of lead on the plates from one plate to the other. It is desirable that the plates be capable of holding a large amount of oxide of lead in order that the cells may be of large capacity, and they are therefore made with corrugations or perforations in which the oxide may be fixed. The perforated plates are called grids. Sometimes the plates are made up for use by filling the perfora- tions in the plates with a paste consisting of lead oxide moistened with sulphuric acid. This process is called pasting, and plates made up thus are often called pasted plates, or Faure plates after the name of the inventor of the method. Sometimes the oxide is formed by frequent charging and discharging of the cell. This process is called forming, and plates of this kind are called PI ante plates, after the original inventor of the lead plate storage battery, who used this method. Figure 1 8 shows a lead plate storage cell in a glass jar, and fig- ure 19 shows one in a wooden box lined with rubber. In order that the cell may have a capacity for a large current, a number of positive and negative plates are put alternately in one jar and are connected in parallel that is, the plates are connected so that the current capacity of the cell is equal to the sum of the capacities of the various plates, but the pressure of the cell is the same as that of a cell made up of a single pair of plates. The positive plates of a lead plate storage battery usually have a brownish color and the negative plates a greyish color. The electri- cal pressure produced by a lead plate cell generally varies between 1.8 and 2.3 volts at different conditions of the charge. Commercial storage batteries are made with other liquids than sulphuric acid and other than lead plates, but they cannot be given consideration here as they have not come into common use. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON IV. Points for Review. 1. For what kind of service are closed circuit cells adapted? 2. What is local action? 3. How may local action be avoided? 4. What is the law of electrochemical action? 5. What is the electrochemical equivalent of a metal? 6. Why are primary batteries of the ordinary commercial forms unable to compete with dynamos driven by steam engines in furnishing electric currents for electric light and power? 7. For what purposes are primary batteries particularly adapted? 8. What is the difference between a primary battery and a storage battery? 9. Of what are the common commercial storage batteries made? 10. Why are a large number of plates connected together in parallel in the usual storage cells? LESSON V. THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF MAGNETISM. MAGNETIC FIELDS. The true nature of magnetism seems to be very closely con- nected with that of electricity and it will probably not be exactly known till the exact nature of electricity is determined. The word magnet probably comes from the Greek word for the country of Mag- nesia, which is a small division of Ancient Greece, where a deposit of magnetic iron ore or lodestones (also called loadstones) was known to the Greeks. Some of the properties of magnets were known many centuries before the Christian era. It is said that the Chinese used a device similar to the compass to guide their way across the plains of Tartary as early as 1,000 B. C., and some say much earlier, but in Europe the use of the compass did not become general until the thirteenth century of the Christian era. The attractive power which magnets have for iron is mentioned by many early writers Plato, Euripides, and Thales, the Greek philosopher mentioned in Lesson i (page i), all speak of the lodestone or magnet. Dr. Gilbert, who coined the word electrical (Lesson i, page i), made a great many" experiments with magnets and magnetic materials. Dr. Gilbert seems to have been the first to notice that the attractive power of magnets is greatest near certain points, or poles as he named them. Pieces of iron ore composed of oxide of iron, which is called magnetite or magnetic iron ore, when in a pure form, sometimes have the peculiar property of attracting pieces of iron and they are theri called lodestones. The property held by the lodestone is called magnetism, and the body having the property of magnetism is called a magnet. The action of magnets led some of the earlier experi- menters to look upon magnetism as due to a magnetic fluid, but this Idea has been proved to be wrong. It is found that pieces of steel 27 FIG. 20. FIG. 21. FIG. 23. which touch a lodestone or other magnet, become magnets. Magnets thus made are sometimes called artificial magnets, and lodestones are called natural magnets. When pieces of soft iron touch a magnet they also become magnets, or are magnetized while in contact with the magnet, but when separated from the magnet the magnetism of the soft iron disappears. This is called temporary magnetism, while the magnetism of hard steel which remains permanently is called permanent magnetism. If a magnet be suspended on a pivot or a thread it w r ill be found to point nearly north and south, and if it is pivoted at the center the north end will dip down as though it were heavier than the south end. A small, elongated magnet thus suspended is called a magnetic needle (Fig. 20). If a magnetic needle be turned from the direction which it naturally takes when free to swing horizontally on its pivot, it will at once return, swinging to and fro until it settles down in its original position. The pole of a suspended needle which points to the north is called the north pole and the other pole is called the south pole. This tendency of a magnetic needle to set itself north and south is the foundation of the compass, which essentially con- sists of a magnetic needle mounted over a dial. It is usual in com- passes to counter-balance the needle, or pivot it so that it will hang horizontally, but dip needles are sometimes constructed of magnetic \ieedles mounted on horizontal -pivots (Fig. 21). When a dip needle is turned north and south its north pole turns down towards the earth as already explained. If a pole of a magnet be brought near a magnetic needle it will be fcnmd to attract one pole of the needle and repel the other pole. The north pole of the magnet may be determined by noting the way it stands when suspended by a thread, and it will be found that its north pole always repels the north pole of the needle and attracts the south pole of the needle. The south pole of the magnet acts in exactly an opposite manner. This action shows that there are tivo kinds of magnetic poles and that poles of the same kind repel each other and poles of opposite kinds attract each other. This is quite similar to the FIG. 22. FIG. 24. FIG. 25. law of the attractions and repulsions of electric charges given on page 3 of Lesson i . Magnets made from straight bars of steel are called bar magnets (Fig. 22), and those made from bars of steel bent into horseshoe form are called horseshoe magnets (Fig. 23). The north pole of a magnet is often called the positive or plus (-J-) pole, and the south pole is often called the negative or minus ( ) pole. Since the positive pole turns towards the north it is sometimes called the north seeking pole, and the negative pole is in the same way sometimes called the south seeking pole. If the experiment with a magnetic needle, described in the para- graph above, be repeated, but a bar of soft iron be used in the place of the magnet, it is found that either end of the iron bar attracts either pole of the needle. If the iron bar be laid with one end near the pole of a magnet it may be shown to be magnetized by mov- ing a magnetic needle around it. The needle will show by its action that the end of the iron bar which is near the magnet pole has be- come a pole of sign opposite to that of the magnet, and the farther end of the bar has become a pole of the same sign as that of the mag- net. The bar is said to be magnetized by induction. The magnet- ism in the iron bar becomes stronger as it is brought closer to the magnet pole, and is greatest when the iron is in contact with the magnet pole. We are now in a position to see why a magnet attracts a piece of iron, and the cause' for the effect of the iron bar on the magnetic needle. When a steel magnet pole is brought near to a piece of iron, the iron is magnetized by induction. The positive and negative poles induced in the iron are of equal magnitude. One of the induced poles is attracted and the other is repelled by the steel magnet pole, but that which is attracted is nearest the original magnet pole and the force of attraction is therefore greater than the force of repulsion. The effect of a bar of iron on a magnetic needle is caused in the same way by the magnetism induced in the bar by the poles of the needle. The magnetism induced in a bar of iron may induce magnetism in another piece, and this in another piece, and so on, but the mag- 29 netism in each successive piece is weaker than in the preceding piece. Thus a magnet may be made to support a string of several nails end to end (Fig. 24). For every pole induced in a piece of iron or steel another pole of equal strength is produced. For instance, if the north pole of a mag- net be touched to one end of a bar of iron a south pole is induced in that end, and an equal north pole in the other end. If the two ends of the iron bar be touched by the north poles of two equal magnets, south poles are induced in both ends of the bar. In this case an examination of the bar with a magnetic needle shows that a north pole, which is equivalent to two poles, is produced near the center of the bar. Again, if a magnet be broken, it will be found that each piece has two equal and opposite poles. We are, therefore, justified in saying that for every magnet pole that exists, there exists in the same magnetic body an equal and opposite pole. This is quite similar to the existence along with every electric charge of an equal and opposite charge (Lesson i, page 3). Magnetic force will act through a vacuum and through all materials except those in which magnetism may be induced. The actual force exerted between two magnets depends upon the strength of their poles and their distance apart. If it were pos- sible to have two separate magnet poles of small size as compared with their distance apart, the force exerted between them would be equal to the product of the strength of the poles divided by the square of their distance apart. This is similar to the law of the force exerted between two small isolated bodies holding electric charges. The condition required for this law of force to be fulfilled can only be gained by using poles of two very long, thin magnets. The force between two magnets, which may usually be measured, does not follow this law directly, because the poles are of considerable magnitude as compared with their distance apart. Every small por- tion of the pole of one magnet exerts a force on every small portion of the pole of the other magnet according to the law, and when all these small forces are added together the law is apparently changed v though it is based on the fundamental one. Material in which magnetism may be induced, and which is therefore attracted by a magnet, is called magnetic material. Iron in its various forms is the , most strongly magnetic material known. There are only a few other materials that are known to be magnetic. Of these the metals nickel and cobalt are the commonest. All mate- rials which are not quite strongly magnetic are usually spoken of as nonmagnetic^ since they are nearly neutral as regards magnetism. Magnetic materials are sometimes za\\& paramagnetic, and nonma- gnetic materials are sometimes called diamagnetic. As was stated earlier in this lesson, if a magnet be broken each piece will be a complete magnet, however small the pieces may be. This points to the fact, which is now generally believed to be true, 30 that the final particles, or molecules, of magnetic material are little magnets, each having its own north and south poles. When mag- netic material is unmagnetized it is supposed that the molecules are arranged in a hap-hazard manner, or in groups, so that they neutralize each other's magnetic effects. When the material is subjected to the influence of magnetic force the molecular magnets are all attracted around, so that their poles point more or less in the same direction. In Fig. 25 the small blocks may be taken to roughly represent magnetic molecules which are very greatly magnified. The dark ends represent their south poles and the light ends their north poles. When they are arranged with their like poles all pointing in the same direction as in the figure, it is readily seen that the poles in the interior of the material neutralize each other's effect and mag- netism shows at the ends. It is found that some materials are more readily magnetized than others. Thus, soft iron is very readily magnetized, but loses almost all of its magnetism if it is slightly jarred when the external magnet- izing force is withdrawn. Hard steel is usually quite hard to mag- netize, but it retains its magnetism quite strongly. Generally speaking, the harder the steel, the more difficult it is to magnetize, and the more strongly it retains its magnetism. We are forced, then, to the belief that there is some force that prevents the molecular magnets from being turned away from any position which they hap- pen to be in. This hindering force is called coercive force. The coercive force of soft iron is quite small and of hard steel very great. The effect of the coercive force is counteracted to some extent by anything which is likely to make the molecules vibrate, such as rough handling, heating, etc. A magnet which is dropped on the floor a few times is likely to lose much of its magnetism. Heating to a red heat will completely demagnetise a magnet. If a magnet is magnetized as strongly as possible it is said to be saturated. When a magnet is saturated it will generally grow weaker for a certain time after magnetization, till it finally becomes constant in strength. The magnet may be artificially aged, as it is called, and thus brought to a fairly constant strength, by immersing i* in steam for a considerable time. There are certain similarities which may readily be seen between the action of magnets and of charged bodies, but there are also many marked differences, so that a close relationship is not evident. There is a remarkably close relationship between magnetism and current electricity, which will be taken up in the next lesson. Before leaving this lesson it is necessary to examine the question of what causes a magnetic needle to set itself north and south. The mutual action of magnets which has been explained, leads at once to the conclusion that the earth is a great magnet. The reason for the earth's magnetism is not known, but its magnetic strength and the 31 location of its poles have been carefully determined. One magnetic pole is near the true north pole of the earth. This is the one towards which the north pole of a magnetic needle points. The loca- tion of the pole varies slightly from time to time, but the actual variation of the magnetic needle from the true north, or its declina- tion, and the rate at which the declination changes at any part of the earth, may be determined and marked on a map. Such maps may be used for correcting the indications of a compass. Any space in which there is magnetism and consequently magnetic force is called a magnetic field, or afield of magnetic force. The magnitude or intensity of the magnetic force at any point is called the strength of the field at that point. The theoretical method of measuring the strength of a field is by determining the force which a magnet pole experiences when placed in the field. A magnet pole which exerts a push equal in magnitude to the force called a dyne upon an exactly equal pole, when the two are one centimeter (metric measure) apart, is called a magnet pole of unit strength, or a unit pole. The strength of a magnetic field is given by the number of dynes of force which it exerts upon a magnet pole of unit strength. If an independent north pole could be placed in front of the north pole of a magnet it would be repelled by the latter pole and attracted by the south pole of the magnet. This would cause the independent pole to move away from the magnet's north pole and towards its south pole, but as it moved it would continually change its relative distance from the two poles, and the relative magnitude c c FIG. 26. FIG. 28. of the force exerted upon it by the two poles would vary. The direction of the motion of the independent pole would depend upon the relative direction and magnitude of the forces which the two poles of the magnet exerted on it at every point. The actual path would be a curved line very much like the line AB in Fig. 26, An independent south pole would move in an opposite direction, of course, but over a similar path. As already explained (Lesson 5, page 30) it is impossible to have an independent magnet pole, but for this experiment the companion pole may be sufficiently far removed to satisfactorily show the action. A shallow glass dish containing a little water may be placed over a magnet. By properly sticking a magnetized sewing needle in a cork 32 FIG. 27. it may be floated upon the water in a vertical position with one of its poles close to the bottom of the dish. Then the upper pole will be so much farther away from the magnet than the lower one that the latter will be affected by the force due to the magnet almost like an independent pole. If the lower pole of the needle is a north pole it will tend to move through the water, when placed in front of the north pole of the magnet, in a curved line away from the north pole and towards the south pole. If the lower pole of the needle is a south pole it will tend to move from the south pole towards the north pole. This is exactly as already explained for an independent mag- net pole. The experiment here outlined and which may be so readily tried, is more striking when the magnet is a strong electro- magnet such as will be explained later, because the force acting on the floating needle to make it move is then greater. The direction of the force at different points of the magnetic field which is around a magnet may be shown by another simple experiment. A sheet of paper may be laid over the magnet and iron filings sifted over it. Now if the paper be slightly tapped the filings will arrange themselves in curved lines like those shown in Fig. 27, all of which converge towards the two poles. If the figure were sufficiently large it would be approximately shown that every line which starts out from one pole finds its way round to the other pole. The lines of iron filings may be easily fixed in position if the paper is paraffined before using it, by simply passing the flame of a Bunsen gas burner over it. This softens the paraffine and the bits of iron stick fast. The magnetic field exists all around a magnet exactly as shown by these experiments in one plane. This may be shown by hanging a short magnetized sewing needle on a light thread and bringing it near a magnet. It will take a position at every point so that its direc- tion is tangent to the direction which a line of iron filings would take at the same point. The reason for the needle taking this posi- tion is because its north pole tends to go one way and its south pole 33 the other, so that the needle turns around until the pull on the two poles is in a direct line through the length of the needle. The iron filings used in the experiment described above are nothing more than little magnets caused by induction, and they take up their position for the same reason that the needle does. It must be remembered that in all cases of attraction or repulsion between two bodies the force exerted is mutual, and either body will be moved if not too firmly fixed. This is true whatever be the cause of the force, as for instance, electrification, magnetism, gravity, muscular force, or any other cause. The fact that the . action is mutual may be proved by placing a bit of iron on a cork floating in water and presenting a small magnet to it. The iron will be attracted by the magnet and the cork will be moved through the water by the force of the attraction. Now if the magnet be placed upon the cork and the iron be brought near it, the attraction between the magnet and the iron will again move the cork. Finally, if the iron and the magnet be placed on separate corks, the corks will move towards each other. This shows that \.\\z force is mutual, and it is also possible to show that the pull is always equal on the iron and the magnet. A convenient way of looking upon a magnetic field is to con- sider it a space which is more or less filled with magnetic lines of force. The strength of field may be represented by the number of lines of force to the square centimeter (metric measure). Then if the strength of field be such, for instance, that a unit pole when placed in it experiences a force of ten dynes, we may consider the field as having ten lines of force per square centimeter. These lines of force no more actually exist than do definite stream lines, or lines of flow, exist ;^i water which is flowing around in a tub, but the idea based on this assumed existence is a very useful and practical one. It is useful to define the positive direction, or down stream direction as it were, along lines of force. As a matter of convenience the direction along the line of force outside of a magnet from the north pole to the south pole, or the direction in which an independent north pole would tend to move, is called the positive direction. It is also useful to consider the lines of force as continuing through the material of a magnet from the south pole to the north pole, so that they make complete curves, as shown in Fig. 28. From what we have learned of the mutual action of magnets we can now see that when a magnet is placed in a magnetic field it apparently tends to set itself in such a direction that its own lines of force where they are within its body are parallel with the lines of force of the external field. The eifect is exactly as though lines of forceMend to turn themselves so as to be parallel with each other and in the same direction. Copyright 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON V. Points for Review. 1. What is the magnetism called which remains in a piece of steel after it has been subjected to the influence of a magnet? 2. What is the magnetism called which appears in a piece of iron when it is placed under the influence of a magnet, but which disappears when the influence is withdrawn? 3. What is the law of attraction and repulsion of magnet poles? 4. What are the two poles of a magnet called, and why? 5. Why does a magnet always attract a piece of iron? 6. Upon what does the magnitude of the force exerted between two magnets depend? 7. What is the force called which causes the magnetism of steel to become permanent? 8. How may a magnet be "aged"? 9. Why does the earth cause a magnetic needle to set itself north and south? 10. Is the magnetism of the earth constant in direction? 11. What is a magnetic field ? 12. What is the strength of a magnetic field ? 13. What will a magnet do if it is placed in a magnetic field ? 14. If a piece of iron is brought near a magnet, and is therefore attracted by the magnet, how is the magnet affected ? 15. What is the positive, or down stream, direction along the lines of force ? 16. How do lines of force act toward one another ? LESSON VI. THE MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS, AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS. The real connection which exists between magnetism and currents of electricity was not made generally known until Oersted, a Danish scientist, published the fact in 1819 that a magnetic needle is dis- turbed by the presence of an electric current in its neighborhood. This fact had really been discovered earlier, but it did not become generally known. It had also been known that under some conditions lightning discharges had magnetized steel needles, but the conditions had not been successfully reproduced by experimenters. The publi- cation of a series of experiments by Oersted therefore led a number of eminent scientists to turn their attention during the early part of this century to a determination, as complete as possible, of the exact relation existing between electricity and magnetism. If a magnetic needle be placed above or below a wire which carries an electric current, the needle will turn on its pivot so as to set itself as nearly as possible at right angles to the wire. This may be readily tried by connecting a short piece of copper wire to one or two cells of gravity battery and holding the wire above the needle 35 FIG. 29. (Fig. 29) while the current flows through it. The effect on the needle may be made most evident by making and breaking the electric circuit, which will cause the needle to swing back and forth. The current in the wire has the greatest effect in causing the needle to deflect from the north and south position when the wire also lies in a north and south direction that is, when the wire is parallel with the needle. When not disturbed by other magnetic effects the needle stands north and south on account of the force due to the earth's magnetism. When the electric current is placed so as to flow near the magnetic needle, the needle is affected by the force of a magnetic field ivhich is set up by the current, which tends to make the needle set itself at right angles to the wire carrying the current. The needle takes an intermediate position where the effect of the two magnetic forces balance. Its position therefore depends upon the magnitude of the force due to the earth's magnetism and the direction and magnitude of the force due to the magnetism set up by the current. Magnetism set up by an electric current is called electromagnet- ism. The direction of the magnetic force due to electromagnetism is always at right angles to the direction of the current which pro- duces the magnetism, and the lines offeree in the magnetic field due to the current must therefore be circles surrounding the wire which carries the current. The reason why a magnetic field is set up by an electric current is entirely unknown; merely the experimental fact and its applications are known, The strength of the magnetic field at any point due to an electric current near by, depends directly upon the strength of the current and upon the average distance of the current from the point The magnetic field which surrounds a wire when a current flows in it may be shown in a way similar to that used to show the field around a magnet. A stout copper wire may be passed vertically through a hole in a horizontal sheet of stiff paper. If iron filings be sprinkled upon the paper they will arrange themselves in circles around tlje wire when a current is passed through it. If a small magnetic needle or compass be placed on the paper with its center over a line of filings, the needle will tend to stand at a tan- FIG. 30. to the line (Fig. 30). An independent pole would tend to move continuously around the wire along one of the lines. The direction in which the magnetic needle points in this case depends upon which side of the wire it stands, and upon the direction in which the current flows in the wire. In Fig. 30 it is evident from the position of the magnetic needles, the black ends of which represent north poles, that the positive direction along the lines of force is there left-handed or against the direction in which the hands of a clock move. If the direction of the current were reversed, the magnetic needles would also reverse their direction, showing that the positive direction of the lines of force has a fixed relation to the direction of the current. There are various ways of remembering this relation. One is to consider an ordinary right-handed screw which is being screwed into or out of a nut (Fig. 31). If an electric current be considered as flowing through the screw in the direction which the screw moves through the nut, then the positive direction of the lines of force is shown by the direction in which the screw turns. Another way of remembering this relation is according to a rule proposed by Ampere, after whom the unit of electric current was named. Suppose a man lying in the wire with his head down the electric stream (swimming with the electric current); then if he faces a magnetic needle placed near the wire, the north pole of the needle will tend to turn towards his left hand. This relation between the direction of the current flow and the deflection of a magnetic needle gives a ready method for determin- ing the direction of the current in a wire, the only instrument which is required being a small compass. The compass may be placed 37 FIG. 32. FIG. 34. under the wire and the direction towards which its north pole turns noted. Then an application of " Ampere's rule" gives the direction of the current. Since we have seen that a force acting between two bodies always affects them both, we may expect that a wire which carries a current will tend to move when brought near a fixed magnet. This may be readilv shown by suspending a very flexible conducting wire near a fixed magnet (Fig. 32). When a current is passed through the wire it will wind itself around the magnet. If the current be reversed the wire will unwind and then wind around the magnet again, but in the opposite direction. The motions of the wire and the magnet are due to the appar- ent tendency of magnetic lines of force to move out of a position where they are not parallel and into a position where they are parallel and in the same direction (Lesson 5, page 34) By applying Ampere's rule we see that if a wire carrying a current be passed above a magnetic needle and then turned back and passed below the needle, both the top and bottom branches tend to 38 deflect the needle in the same direction, so that the effect of the cur- rent on the needle is increased. By coiling the .wire about the posi- tion of the needle each additional turn will cause an additional force to deflect the needle. In this way the magnetic effect of a current may be greatly multiplied. It has already been said that the mag- netic force at a point due to a current near it depends upon the strength of the current (Lesson 6, page 36). We now see that when a current is coiled around a point the force depends upon the strength of the current multiplied by the number of turns in the coil. The product of the current by the turns is usually called current- turns or ampere-turns. When a wire carrying a current is coiled into a ring or helix, the lines of force which surround each turn seem to join together so that they belong to the coil or winding as a whole (Fig. 33). Such coils are often called solenoids. Such coils, when a current is passed through them, exhibit all the magnetic effects which are shown by steel magnets. They attract and repel magnets and other solenoids, and attract pieces of iron. If suspended so that they are free to swing, they turn into a north and south position exactly like magnets. This magnetic effect of coils or solenoids, led Ampere to suppose that all magnetism is caused by electric currents. He therefore sug- gested that the molecules of magnetic materials, and possibly of all materials, have little electric currents flowing around them which make them into magnets. This is called "Ampere's theory" of magnetism. If it is correct it gives a ready explanation of why magnetism is found in various materials, but it still leaves unex- plained the reason for the electric current causing magnetism. Ampere's theory, and other theories of magnetism advanced by var- ious other scientists, have been before the scientific world for many years, but their correctness has not yet been either proved or dis- proved. We are therefore forced to content ourselves with the knowledge that the molecules of magnetic materials, at least, are magnetic (Lesson 5, page 31). If a bar of hard steel be placed in a solenoid through which a current is passing, it becomes strongly magnetized, and remains per- manently magnetized when the current is stopped or the steel is with- drawn from the solenoid. This effect is exactly the same as would be obtained by touching the steel with a permanent magnet, but the magnetic effect of a solenoid with many turns of wire may be made much greater than any permanent magnet and the steel may there- fore be more readily saturated by the solenoid. If a bar of soft iron be placed in the solenoid it becomes even more strongly magnetized than the steel, when the current is turned on. When the current is turned off, the iron loses nearly all of* its magnetism. If the bar is very soft Swedish iron its coercive force is 39 so small that the least tap shakes practically all the magnetism out of it. Harder and less pure iron retains a little of the magnetism, the amount depending upon the quality of the iron. The magnetism which is retained by iron after it has been magnetized is called resid- ual magnetism. The property of soft iron by which it becomes strongly magnet- ized when placed within a solenoid carrying an electric current, and then loses its magnetism upon breaking the current, was discovered by William Sturgeon in 1825. An arrangement consisting of a soft iron core which is surrounded by a solenoid or winding is called an electromagnet. Electromagnets are of the greatest value in the electrical industries because they can be built of practically any desired size and form, and of enormous strength. The magnets of com- mercial dynamos and electric motors are always electromagnets. Figure 34 shows two forms of horseshoe electromagnets. At the time of the discovery of the electromagnet nothing was known of its great commercial future; but it was welcomed with the highest scientific interest. At that day the laws of electric circuits were unknown, the common insulated wire of today was not made, and the manufacture of an electromagnet was a matter of much labor. Moreover, the only sources of current were, at first, plain zinc-copper cells, and later, Grove, Daniell, or similar types of galvanic cells. Many electromagnets were soon made, however, and their effects were carefully studied by enthusiastic scientists, in spite of the difficulties to be overcome. By the year 1845, n ly 5 years ago, the investigators had succeeded in overcoming their lack of experimental facilities and had mapped out the laws of magnetic circuits very much as we know them at the present time. Thus was laid the foundation of the profession of electrical engineering. From what has preceded we may see that a solenoid in which a current flows and which contains a soft iron core is a stronger magnet than a similar solenoid containing a hard steel core, and it is a very much stronger magnet than a similar solenoid containing no core. Remembering that according to our ideas of lines offeree, the strength of the magnetism of the solenoid and core depends on the number of lines of force which pass through the solenoid ; then since so many more lines of force pass through a solenoid when a steel bar is placed in it than passed through it when the space within the solenoid was simply occupied by air, we may conclude that lines of force are more readily set up in steel than in air. Since a soft iron core causes more lines of force to pass through a solenoid than does a steel core, we may also conclude that lines of force are even more readily set up in soft iron. The relative ease with which magnetic lines of force may be set up in a body is called its permeability. As a matter of convenience it is usual to say that the permeability of air is unity (i). As com- 4,0 pared with this, the permeability of soft iron may be enormously great. In some cases it becomes many thousand times as great as that of air. The permeability of all materials, except a few highly magnetic ones, is very nearly unity. The proper division between materials that are called paramagnetic and those that are called diamagnetic (Lesson 5, page 30) depends upon whether their permeability is greater than unity or is slightly less. We may divide materials into good conductors of magnetic lines of force or good magnetic conductors, and poor magnetic conductors. There are no materials which we may look upon as being really magnetic insulators, as we may look upon some materials as being practical insulators of electricity. The permeability of a material may be called its specific magnetic conductivity, or the magnetic con- ducting power of a block of the material which is one centimeter long and has an area of one square centimeter. The actual magnetic conducting power or conductivity of a piece of material decreases with the length and increases with the, cross-section of the piece. This may be likened to electrical conducting power or conductivity (Lesson 2, page 13). The opposite or reciprocal of magnetic conduct- ing power may be called magnetic -resistance or reluctance, and any path through which lines of force pass may be called a magnetic cir- cuit. These terms will be seen to be entirely similar to the terms applied in the case of electric currents. By similarity with electric circuits we may say that it takes some force to set up lines of force in a magnetic field or magnetic circuit. We may call this magnetomotive force or magnetic pressure, terms which are similar to electromotive force and electrical pressure. The number of lines of force in any magnetic circuit is equal to the magnetic pressure divided by the reluctance of the circuit. It can be shown mathematically that the magnetic pressure in a com- plete magnetic circuit is equal to the number of ampere-turns mul- tiplied by a constant which is practically equal to i%. In order that the .strongest possible magnetism shall be produced in any magnetic circuit it is necessary to have the circuit made up as far as possible of material having the highest permeability that is, soft iron and to arrange as many ampere-turns as possible to set up the magnetism. The apparent similarities of electric and magnetic circuits, and their really fundamental differences, will be taken up in some of the later lessons. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON VI. Points for Review \. How is a magnetic needle affected when brought near an electric current? Why? 2. What is the magnetism called which is set up by an electric current? 3. How may the relation between the direction of lines of force which surround a current, and the direction in which the current itself flows, be remembered? 4. How may the direction in which a current flows be determined through the indications of a compass needle? 5. How is a current affected by the presence of a magnet? 6. How does coiling a wire around a magnetic needle affect the magnetic force which the current in the wire exerts on the needle? 7. What dees the phrase "ampere-turns" mean? 8. In what respects are solenoids carrying a current similar to steel magnets? 9. What is Ampere's theory of magnetism? 10. What affect does a solenoid carrying a current have on a bar of steel which is placed inside of it? What effect does it have on a bar of iron? 11. What is residual magnetism? 12. What is an electromagnet? 13. What is meant by the magnetic permeability of a material? What is its prac- tical value for most materials taken to be? How does its value for most materials com- pare with its value for a few magnetic materials? 14. What is meant by the magnetic reluctance of a magnetic circuit? What is meant by magnetomotive force or magnetic pressure? 15. What arrangements must be made in order that the strongest possible magnet- ism may be set up in a magnetic circuit? LESSON VII. OHM'S LAW OF THE FLOW OF ELECTRICITY. When water is forced through a pipe under pressure from a pump or other source of pressure, the stream of water which flows is proportional to the pressure divided by the frictional resistance which the pipe presents to the flow of the water. In the same way, when a current of electricity flows through a wire under the pressure from a battery or other source of electricity, the current which flows in the circuit is equal to the pressure divided by the resistance of the circuit. This relation between electric current, pressure, and resis- tance is called Ohm's Law, after the name of the German scientist who first formally announced it. The relation representing Ohm's Law is often written C = |, where C, E and R stand for current, pressure and resistance. This is a very good form in which to com- mit the relation to memory. The expression as written may be read C equals E divided by R. From the relation as written above it is evident, also, that E equals C times R, and R equals E divided by 42 C. Consequently if any two out of the three fundamental electrical quantities which exist in a circuit are given, the third can at once be calculated. Thus, if a 16 candle-power incandescent lamp is known to take y 2 an ampere when connected to a circuit which fur- nishes current at a pressure of no volts, the resistance of the lamp when in operation may be calculated at once to be no divided by ^, which gives the resistance as 220 ohms. In this example we have assumed that the source of electricity has sufficient capacity to keep up the full pressure at the lamp termi- nals when current is flowing through the lamp. Sometimes this is not the case on account of the resistance to be found in the source itself, or the internal resistance of the source. A similar condition is frequently met when a pump is attached to a large hose. When the hose nozzle is closed the pump will give a large pressure, but when the nozzle is opened the pressure falls because the pump does not have sufficient capacity to keep up the supply. When it is desired to determine the current that will flow through a circuit due to a pressure from a source of current that has an appreciable internal resistance, it is necessary to add up the re- sistances of all parts of the circuit before making the calculation. For instance, if two cells of battery each giving a pressure of i.i volts, and each having an internal resistance of 3 ohms, be con- nected to an external circuit of 2.8 ohms resistance, then the total resistance in the circuit is 8.8 ohms and the pressure which acts to pass current through the circuit is 2. 2 volts. The current flowing under these circumstances is ^ ampere (C ER or ^2.2/8.8). The resistance to the flow of water through a pipe is a surface or "skin" effect, and depends upon the velocity with which the water flows, the number and form of the bends in the pipe, the form of its cross section, and its length. The true electrical resistance of a conductor is quite different from this, since it simply depends upon the nature of the metal from which the conductor is made, the area of its cross section, its length, and its temperature. The greater the cross section of a conductor the greater is its electrical conducting power, and therefore the less its resistance; and the longer the wire the less is its conducting power, and there- fore the greater is its resistance. The cross sections of the ordinary cylindrical wires are proportional to the squares of their diameters, and consequently the conducting powers of similar wires are directly proportional to the squares of their diameters. This makes the resistances of similar wires to be inversely as the squares of their diameters. For instance, if a certain copper wire has a resistance of one ohm, the resistance of a copper wire of the same length but of twice the diameter is only one-fourth of an ohm, since the square of two is four. The adopted definition of the value of the ohm is based upon this property of electrical resistance depending simply upon the 43 nature of the metal composing the conductor, its temperature, its length and the inverse of its cross section. The approved definitions of all the electrical units were adopted at the Electrical Congress held in Chicago in August, 1893. The definition of the unit of resistance makes one ohm equal to the resistance of a column of pure mercury which is 106.3 centimeters long and has a uniform cross section which contains 14.4521 grammes of mercury, the temperature being that of melting ice. This gives the column the uniform cross section of one square millimeter (metric system). The ohm as thus defined is called the International Ohm to distinguish it from units based on definitions adopted at previous electrical con- gresses, and which differ slightly from the International Ohm and from one another, exactly as different kinds of quart measures differ from one another, as is told in books on arithmetic. It is generally believed that the definitions given by the Chicago Electrical Congress will be universally accepted and will never be changed. The units by which electricity is measured will then be the same in all coun- tries. This is true of no other units which are used in common measurements. Before the Chicago Electrical Congress was held, the funda- mental definition of the ampere had usually been based upon the electromagnetic effect of currents, but at that Congress a definition was adopted which is based on the electrochemical effect of currents. The International Ampere as thus defined is the steady current which deposits silver at the rate of .001118 grammes per second from a solution of silver nitrate in water, the solution being of a fixed strength to make sure of the action being regular. In order that the fixed relation represented by Ohm's L,aw(C |) shall hold with these definitions, the definition of the International Volt by the Chicago Congress is the pressure which causes a current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. Since a column of mercury is an inconvenient device to handle, standard resistances made of mercury are not used in ordinary meas- urements' of electrical resistance, but coils of German silver wire, or other wires of high resistance, are used. These coils are carefully adjusted in resistance to a desirable number of ohms and they can then be used in the measurement of the resistance of any conductor according to methods which will be explained in later lessons. Mer- cury resistances are used only in well-equipped scientific laboratories to determine the^real resistances of the common wire resistance coils. The measurement of electrical currents is also more frequently carried out in practical tests by means of instruments depending upon the magnetic effect of the currents, than according to the means indicated in the definition of the ampere. Methods of measurement based on the electrochemical effect of currents are very valuable for determining whether the indications of electromagnetic instruments are correct. FIG. 35. On page 4 of Lesson i is given a table which shows the compara- tive order of the conducting powers of various materials. It is seen that metals stand at the head of the list, and their conducting power is so much better than that of other materials that we ordinarily speak of them alone as the conductors of electricity. Amongst the pure metals themselves there is considerable difference in conducting power, while mixing impurities in metals or mixing metals to- gether generally decreases their conducting power. The following table gives a number of the better known metals and common alloys in the approximate order of their conducting powers. The figures at the right hand of the names of the metals show the average con- ducting power of pure metals and of alloys of fixed composition, in percentages of the conducting power of pure silver. Pure silver is the best conductor known, but the table shows that it is very closely approached by pure copper. Silver . . . 100. Aluminum . . 54. Wrought Iron . . 16. Lead .... 8. Copper... 97. Zinc. 28. Nickel 12. Mercury. 1.6 Gold 75. Platinum ... 17. Tin 12. Cast Iron 3. Platinum Silver made of 2 parts platinum and i part silver 6.4 German Silver made of 5^ parts copper, 2 parts zinc, 2j4 parts nickel 3.5 German Silver made of 6 parts copper, 2^ parts zinc, i^ parts nickel , 5. German Silver made of 5 parts copper, 3 ^ parts zinc, i ^ parts nickel 7.5 The quality of a metal and the way in which it has been handled in the course of manufacture affects the conducting power to a considerable degree. Pure copper that comes from the ore of the Lake Superior copper mines has a little higher conductivity than that coming from the Arizona mines. Annealed metals (that is, metals which have been softened and toughened by slow cooling from a high temperature) generally have a slightly greater conductivity than hardened metals, and wrought metals than cast metals. If two wires be connected in parallel (that is, so that a current divides between them as shown in Fig. 35) the current flowing in each is equal to the pressure between their common terminals divided by their individual resistances. For instance, if the two wires have resistances of 4 and 6 ohms respectively and the pressure between their terminals (the points A and B, Fig. 35) is 12 volts, the cur- rent flowing through the first wire is 12/4=3 amperes and that through the second is 12/6=2 amperes. We have already seen that the current due to a fixed pressure which flows through any resistance is inversely proportional to the resistance. Accordingly the currents flowing through the two wires of the example should be in the proportion of j{ and ^. This is true, since 3 is ^- of 12 and 2 is ^ of 12. The total current flowing through the circuit containing the two wires in parallel is evidently 2 plus 3, or 5 amperes. Since the pres- sure causing these 5 amperes to flow through the wires is 12 volts, the resistance of the circuit between A and B, or the joint resistance of the two wires in parallel, must be 12/5 or 2.4 ohms. This may be conveniently calculated directly from the conductivities, which, it will be remembered, are reciprocal or inverse to the resistances (lyes- son 2, page 13). The conductivity of the first wire is therefore % and that of the second wire is %. The joint capacity of two or more pipes which deliver water between two tanks is equal to the capaci- ties of all the separate pipes added together. In the same way the joint conducting power of electric circuits which are connected in parallel, or divided circuits, as they are often called, is equal to the conducting powers of the parts added together. The joint-conduct- ing power or conductivity in the example is therefore *^ P^ us Yt> or 512. The resistance of the divided circuit is the inverse of this, which is equal to 12/5 or 2.4, as previously calculated. This shows that simply adding together the resistances of the individual parts of a circuit will not always give the total resistance of the circuit. In fact, such an addition gives the total resistance only when all the individual resistances belong to parts of the circuit which are connected in series (Lesson 7, page 43). When part of the total circuit is made up of conductors in parallel it is necessary to first calculate the joint resistance of that part and then add that to the resistance of the remainder of the circuit. It is easily seen that the joint resistance of conductors in parallel is equal to the resistance of a single conductor with which they might be replaced without chang- ing the total resistance of the circuit. The total resistance of a circuit made up of parts connected in series is equal to the sum of the individual resistances of all ihe parts. The total resistance of a circuit made up of parts connected in par- allel is equal to the reciprocal of the total conductivity of the circuit, and the total conductivity is equal to the sum of the individual conduc- tivities of the parts. FIG. 36. . Circuits are sometimes spoken of as simple circuits when the parts are all in series, and compound or derived circuits, when the parts are in parallel. Parallel connection is sometimes called connec- tion in multiple or multiple arc. In Fig. 36 is shown a circuit which contains a part composed of two conductors in parallel. Suppose that the resistances in ohms of the different parts are as marked, then the total resistance of the cir- cuit is 12 ohms. If the pressure developed by each of the twc cells, which are represented by the usual sign =, is 1.2 volts, the current flowing through the circuit is 2.4/12 = .2 amperes. A little consideration of what precedes will show that when two wires of equal resistance are connected in parallel, their joint resist- ance is just half as great as the resistance of either wire. If three wires of equal resistance are connected in parallel, their joint resist- ance is one-third as great as the resistance of one of the conductors, and so on. If the wires of equal resistance were connected in series instead of in parallel, the total resistances would be two, three, and so on, times as great as a single wire. A simple rule for calculating the joint resistance of two wires which are connected in parallel is to multiply together the indi- vidual resistances of the wires and divide this product by the sum of the individual resistances. This conies directly from the laws of the electric current and the resistances of divided circuits, but it is gen- erally simpler, as already said, to consider the conductivities when calculating joint resistances of parallel circuits. When a wire is connected in parallel with another it is often called a shunt, because it switches off or shimts a part of the current from the other wire. The wire to which a shunt is attached is said to be shunted. Special shunts put up in boxes are frequently used to protect electrical instruments which are required for electrical 47 measurements, by shunting a known part of the current around the instruments when they might be injured if the total current passed through them. Since Ohm's Law shows that the electrical pressure between two points in a circuit is equal to the current flowing in the circuit multiplied by the resistance of the part of the circuit between the points (Lesson 7, page 42), we may say that the pressure along a wire falls in proportion to the resistance passed over. Thus, suppose the terminals of a copper wire of uniform cross section and 10 feet long, be connected to the poles of an electric battery furnishing a pressure of two volts. Now since equal lengths of the uniform wire may be considered as having equal resistances and all parts of the wire carry the same current, the electrical pressure measured between the mid- dle of the wire and one end must be equal to the pressure measured between the middle and the other end, and this must also be equal to one volt or one-half the total pressure measured between the ends of the wire. In the same way the pressure measured across any por- tion of the wire bears the same proportion to the two volts' total pres- sure, as the length of the portion bears to the whole length of the wire. If one end of the wire while still connected to the battery is connected to earth (by connecting to a water or gas pipe) it may be considered as being at zero pressure; then the other end is at an actual pressure of two volts. (The difference of pressure between the two ends of the wire was considered before without taking into account their actual pressures. The same thing is often done in con- sidering the flow of water or gas through a pipe.) The middle of the wire is at a pressure of one volt, while 2^/2 feet or one-quarter the length of the wire from the upper end the pressure is i ^ volts, and 7 ^ feet or three-quarters of the length of the wire from the upper end the pressure is y 2 volt. If the wire were not of a uniform cross section, or were com- posed in different parts of different metals, then the resistance of equal lengths would no longer be the same. The pressures meas- ured across the portions of the wire would no longer be proportional to the length of the portions, but would be proportional to their resistances, as before. The general rule may therefore be written as a result of Ohm's Law; the electrical pressure along a conductor through which a given current flows, falls directly as the resistance passed over. The same rule holds in the case of gas or water flowing through a pipe. Suppose it requires ten pounds pressure to cause 500 gallons of water to flow per minute through a certain straight pipe 200 feet long. If the pipe be cut in half, 5 pounds pressure is sufficient to pass the same amount of water through either half. If pressure gauges are attached with proper precautions to the pipe at intervals of 20 feet, each gauge will show 48 a pressure of one pound less than the preceding one, when taken in the direction of the current. This shows that the pressure falls directly as the resistance passed over, as in the case of the electric current. Reference has already been made to the effect of temperature on the resistance of metals. THe resistance of most metals increases as the temperature rises, but in the case of a few metals, the most im- portant of which are some alloys and carbon, the resistance falls as the temperature increases. The fall of the resistance of carbon as the temperature rises, is sufficiently great to reduce the working resistance, or hot resistance, of an incandescent lamp filament to only about one-half the resistance which it has when at the usual atmos- pheric temperature. The resistance of liquids and of most insulating materials, as far as they are measurable, decreases as the temperature rises. The resistance of most pure metals seems to change at nearly the same rate, namely: about .4 of i per cent per degree of the centi- grade thermometer scale or .22 of i per cent per degree of the Fahrenheit thermometer scale. (One centigrade degree is equal to | of a degree of the Fahrenheit scale.) This is a fairly accurate value of the temperature coefficient of ordinary copper. A change of .4 of one per cent per centigrade degree means a change of one per cent in resistance up or down for every 2^ degrees centigrade when the temperature varies up or down. This is also nearly equivalent to one per cent for every five degrees of the Fahrenheit or common ther- mometer scale. The temperature coefficient of alloys depends very much upon the composition of the mixture. In general, German silver may be taken to have a temperature coefficient about one- tenth as great as that of copper. The temperature coefficients of the alloys, whose comparative conductivities are given in the first part of this lesson, are compared below with that of copper: CENT. FAHR. Copper .40 .22 Platinum Silver .030 .017 German Silver .033 .018 German Silver .036 .020 German Silver .040 .022 The two columns of figures in this table show the approximate temperature coefficient of the metals expressed as the percentage change of resistance per degree centigrade and Fahrenheit. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON VII. Points for Review. 1. What is Ohm's law? 2. Suppose a pressure of ten volts is maintained between the terminals of a wire the resistance of which is four ohms, how much current flows? 3. If a current of five amperes flows through a wire which has a resistance of 12 ohms, what is the pressure between the terminals of the wire? 4. If a battery of five gravity cells, each of which gives a pressure of 1.08 volts and has an internal resistance of four ohms, be connected in series with an external resist- ance of seven ohms, what current flows through the circuit? 5. If two cells which respectively give pressures of 1.8 volts and 1.08 volts are con- nected to a circuit in opposition (that is, with their poles connected so that they tend to send currents in opposite directions), and a current of .4 amperes flows, how much cur- rent will flow if the cells are connected to the same circuit properly in series? 6. If two copper wires of equal length have resistances of four and nine ohms respectively, and the diameter of the first is one-eighth inch, what is the diameter of the other? 7. If the resistance of -a coil of wire is found to be 105 ohms, and a piece of the same wire which is ten feet long has a resistance of 1.5 ohms, how many feet of wire are contained in the coil? 8. Why is the volt defined as the pressure which is required to pass a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm? 9. Why are mercury resistances not used in every day measurement of resistances? 10. How does the conductivity of copper compare with that of other metals? 11. Why is wire made from Lake Superior copper preferred for electrical purposes by users of copper wire? 12. Suppose an electric battery is connected to two external circuits in parallel, one of them having a resistance of 20 ohms and the other a resistance of 40 ohms, what pro- portion of the total current will flow through each circuit? 13. Suppose the battery of the third example gives a pressure of 20 volts and has an internal resistance of 6% ohms, how much current flows through the battery, and how much through each of the external circuits? 14. What is the total resistance of a series circuit made up of parts having the fol- lowing resistances: 1st part, 4 ohms; 2nd part, 2 ohms; 3rd part, 2/4 ohms? 15. What is the resistance of a circuit made up of the same parts in parallel? 16. Suppose three wires, each having a resistance of 4 ohms, are first connected in series and then connected in parallel, what is their joint resistance in each case? 17. If a uniform wire 20 feet long measures 1 ohm, what is the fall of pressure per foot when one ampere flows through it? What is the fall of pressure per foot when two amperes flow through it, the resistance being assumed to remain constant? 18. V/hat effect does temperature have on the resistance of most metals? What effect does it have on the resistance of carbon, liquids, and most insulators? 19. What is the approximate temperature co-efficient of copper? 20. How many Fahrenheit degrees change of temperature is required to change the resistance of a copper wire one per cent? 50 LESSON VIII. HEATING EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through a wire under the pressure of one volt, a certain amount of work is done, exactly as a certain amount of work is done when a gallon of water is pumped through a pipe under a pressure of one pound. In the case of the water the work done is measured \n foot-pounds^ which means that a force equivalent to one pound has been moved through a distance of one foot. In order to determine the foot-pounds of work done in pumping water, the pressure under which the water is pumped must be converted into its equivalent feet of head and the quantity of water must be given in pounds. A pressure of one pound is equiva- lent to the head of a column of water 2 ^ feet high, and the weight of a gallon of water is about 8^ pounds. Consequently if one gallon of water be passed through a pipe under a pressure of one pound, about 19^2 foot-pounds of work is done. (2^3x8^ = about 19^2.) In the same way when one coulomb of electricity is passed through a wire under a pressure of one volt, the amount of work done is called one joule, after the name of Joule, a great English scientist and engineer. As a general thing we do not care to pump a single gallon of water through a pipe, but we wish to pump a given number of gal- lons per minute. In this case for each gallon passed per minute through the pipe under a pressure of one pound, about 19^ foot- pounds of work must be done every minute. Suppose it is desired to pump 120 gallons (1,000 pounds) of water per minute through a pipe under a head of 33 feet, the work required to do this is 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. The rate at which work is done, that is, the amount done in a given time, is called poiver. In dealing with mechanical power it is divided into units called horse-power. A horse-power is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds of ivork done per minute, so that in the last example exactly one horse-power is required to move the water. The horse-power of a water fall is calculated in a way which is similar to the preceding examples. Suppose a stream discharges 480 gallons or 4,000 pounds of water per minute over a fall 25 feet high, the power of the water is 100,000 foot-pounds per minute or a little over three horse-power. The horse-power of a steam engine is also calculated in a similar manner. For instance, in an engine which is supplied with steam which exerts an average pressure on the piston of 40 pounds per square inch along the whole stroke and the piston of which has a surface of TOO square inches, the total pres- sure exerted by the steam on the piston is 4,000 pounds. If the 51 stroke of the engine is one foot, the piston moves two feet per revolu- tion, and consequently the steam exerts 8,000 foot-pounds of work in each revolution. If the engine runs at 250 revolutions per minute the work done by the steam is 2,000,000 foot-pounds per minute or just a little more than 60 horse-power. This is called the indicated horse- power of the engine. Most of it is available for driving machinery, but a portion is used in overcoming the friction ot the engine itself. We have seen that when a coulomb of electricity is sent through a wire under a pressure af one volt, an amount of work is done which is called a joule; also that a current of one ampere is a current which conveys one coulomb per second. (Lesson 2, page 12.) Consequently when a current of one ampere is passed through a wire under a pressure of one volt, the amount of work done is equal to one joule per second. This represents a certain amount of power which is called a watt, after James Watt, a great English engineer and the inventor of the modern steam engine. The power repre- sented by one watt is equal to one seven hundred and forty-sixth part of a horse-power, or there are 74.6 watts in a horse-power. In speaking of the power of electrical machinery, it has become usual to use the electrical term ivatt, and for a larger and frequently more convenient unit the kilowatt is used. This is equal to 1,000 watts, or about i % horse-power. When an electric current flows through a circuit, the power used in the circuit is equal to the current multiplied by the total pressure causing the current to flow. That is, the power in watts is equal to the current in amperes multiplied by the pressure in volts, or P=C E. Part of this power may be used in causing electro- chemical action, by charging a storage battery for instance, or it may be used in driving machinery through the medium of an electric motor, but some of the power is always used in overcoming the resistance of the wires which convey the current. This is some- what similar to the use of some of the indicated power of an engine in overcoming the friction of the engine itself. When mechanical power is used in overcoming friction or other forms of resistance, it is not lost but is converted into an equivalent amount of heat. A general law may be stated that energy (that is, the capability of doing work) is never destroyed, but it may be trans- formed from one form to another. This is called the Law of the Con- servation of Energy. When power is transformed from one form to another, there is always some loss of the amount of useful power. The apparently lost power has not been destroyed, but has been converted into heat. For instance, when the mechanical power conveyed by a running belt is changed by means of a dynamo of sat- isfactory size into electrical power, about ten per cent of the availa- ble power is lost. That is, the electrical power delivered by the dynamo is about ten per cent less than the mechanical power which is given to the dynamo. This difference has not been destroyed, but has been converted into heat in overcoming the friction of the dynamo bearings, the resistance of the wire windings of the dynamo, and in other ways. A dynamo which is in operation is always found to be warmer than the surrounding air, which shows that some of the power delivered to it is changed into heat that goes to warm the machine. The usefulness of this amount of power is therefore lost, but the energy is not destroyed. The power which is used in overcoming the electrical resistance of a wire when a current is passed through it is converted into heat which warms the wire. The heat produced is proportional to the number of watts required to overcome the resistance of the wire, and this is equal to the difference of pressure at the terminals of the wire multiplied by the current flowing in it (P = C E), provided all the power expended in that part of the circuit is used in heating the wire. According to Ohm's Law, pressure is equal to current times resistance, or E = C R. Consequently C times E is equal to C times OR, or C squared times R. Hence the power required to over- come the resistance of a wire is equal to the square of the current multiplied by the resistance, or P = C E = C 2 R. By again substi- tuting according to Ohm's Law, it may also be shown that the power lost in a wire is equal to the pressure squared divided by the resistance, or P = C E = C 2 R = E 2 /R. Since the portion of the available electrical power of a circuit which is lost in heating the conductors is equal to the current squared times the resistance of the conductors, it is often spoken of as the C squared R loss. According to the Law of the Conservation of Energy, which was experimentally proved by Joule, for every unit of work trans- formed into heat there is an equivalent amount of heat produced. Consequently if we have two wires, the first of which has double the resistance of the second, and equal currents are passed through them, the power lost and the heat produced in the first will be twice as great as in the second. It is possible to measure an electric current by the heat pro- duced when it is passed through a known resistance. This is usually done in an instrument called a calorimeter (Fig. 37), which is a vessel containing water or some other liquid in which the resistance is immersed. The vessel is usually double walled or arranged in some other way so that it will not lose heat rapidly by radiation into the air, A thermometer is immersed in the liquid to determine its rise of temperature due to the heat given it from the wire. The amount of heat which is required to raise the tempera- ture of a gramme of water one degree of the centigrade scale is called a calorie. The number of calories given to the water in the calori- meter by the wire, is determined from the amount of water and its 53 rise in temperature, proper corrections being made for the effect of the vessel. The experiments of Joule and of Rowland, an American scientist, have shown that the work represented by one joule is equivalent to the heat represented by practically .24 of a calorie. Consequently, the total number of calories of heat produced in one second by the current passing through the wire in the calorimeter is equal to .24 C 2 R. The total heat produced in any time is also equal to .24 C 2 R multiplied by the number of seconds in the time. This may be written in the form H =.24 C 2 R T. By determining the total heat produced in the calorimeter in a fixed time, when the current is passed through a known resistance, the value of the cur- rent may be determined. The square of the current is equal to the calories divided by .24 times the resistance, multiplied by the time in seconds. FIG. 37. It may be seen from what precedes that one ampere flowing through a resistance of one ohm expends continuously a power of one watt and produces . 24 calories of heat every second. The expansion or lengthening of a wire when it is heated by a current passing through it may also be used to measure the current, as will be fully explained later. The actual rise of temperature on the part of a wire when a cur- rent passes through it, depends upon several things in addition to the amount of heat produced in it. A long, thick wire and a short, thin wire of the same material, and having the same resistance, will come to very different temperatures when equal currents are passed through them. If there is sufficient difference in their diameters, the thin wire may become red hot on account of the passage of a current which is only sufficient to make the thick wire appreciably warm. When a current passes through a wire a certain amount of heat is produced during every second which the current flows. For a short time after the current is started the wire rises in temperature, and finally reaches a certain fixed temperature. When the temperature becomes fixed it is evident upon a little thought that as much heat must leave the wire by radiation to surrounding objects, convection by air currents, or conduction to objects touching the wire, as is pro- duced by the flow of the current. If more heat is given to the wire than is carried off by these means, its temperature must rise, and if on account of a decrease in the current the amount of heat given to the wire is less for a time than the amount given off, the temperature must fall until the two are equal again. The capability of a wire to get rid of heat by radiation and convection depends upon the color and condition of its surface, and also roughly upon the extent of the surface. The amount of heat which leaves any surface in a second also depends upon the number of degrees by which its temperature is higher than that of the air and surrounding objects. The amount of heat which is required to bring a wire to a given temperature also depends upon the capacity of the material for holding heat, or its specific heat as it is called. Consequently the actual temperature to which any wire will rise when carrying a certain current, can be exactly determined only by trying the experiment. The fact that the ability of a wire to emit heat is directly depend- ent upon the extent of 'its surface, causes a wire with an insulating covering to remain cooler in the open air than a similar wire without the covering, but carrying an equal current. This seems at first sight exactly opposed to the facts as seen in covered boiler pipes. There is no contradiction, however, because the thickness of the insulation is entirely comparable with the diameter of the wire, and the outside surface of the insulation is therefore so much greater than that of the wire, that the additional surface more than makes up for the difficulty which the heat experiences in getting through the .insulation, and the heat finds it easier to leave the insulated wire. This effect is most decidedly shown when the outer surface of the insulator is black. When steam pipes are covered for the purpose of retaining their heat, the thickness of the covering is thin com- pared with the diameter of the pipes, so that the outside surface of the covered pipes is not much greater than the surface of the pipes when bare. Consequently the effect of the thickness of the cover- ing which is placed in the path of the heat as it leaves the pipe is 55 greater than the effect of the increased surface, and the heat finds it more difficult to leave a covered pipe. When wires are closed up in mouldings or under plaster, as is often the case with the electric light wires in buildings, they become very much hotter than when exposed in such a way that they may be cooled by air currents. Electric currents cause various effects besides those of electro- chemistry, electromagnetism and electric heating. These effects are of various kinds, but of small commercial importance, and in most cases seem to be due to some action of the current upon the mole- cules of the material through which it flows. Some of the effects are undoubtedly due to electrochemical action, though they have often been attributed to some unknown action of the current. The only one of these effects which is of sufficient importance outside of the field of purely speculative science to require attention, is the physio- logical action of the current. Galvani accidentally discovered this action through some experiments performed upon frogs. His dis- covery has been followed up by many scientists down to the present day, and a vast array of facts has been determined relating to the effects of currents on living organisms. The researches of these scientists have shown that protoplasm, which is the fundamental basis of all living bodies, has the power of contracting when an elec- tric current passes through it. Moreover, a living animal nerve is always excited to action by the passage through it of an electric current from an external source. If the terminals of a battery cell be touched to the tongue, a peculiar taste may be noticed. This taste may also be caused by laying a copper and a silver coin upon the tongue with their edges touching. In this case a current is set up through the metals, the saliva of the mouth serving as the fluid. If the terminals of a battery cell be touched to the temples, or so that the current flows from the forehead to the hand, flashes of light are frequently noticeable, due to the excitation of the nerves of the eye by the current. In the same way the nerves of smell and hearing may be excited. When a sufficiently powerful electric current is passed through the ordinary nerves, a feeling of tickling, pricking, or pain may be observed. If the current is sufficiently strong, it may cause a very painful muscular contraction, and if excessive, the current may cause death. The muscular effect due to a strong current is ordinarily called a shock. The severity of shock depends upon the electrical pressure which causes the current to flow through the body, but it also depends largely upon the physiological condition of the person who receives the shock. It has been found that electric currents naturally exist in the living muscles and nerves of animals, and that muscular exertion seems to cause them. These currents disappear with the death of the animal, which probably shows that the electric currents have some function in the action of the nervous system. The physiological action of electric currents gives a good basis for their use in the treatment of some diseases, and they have been used with marked success in some cases. This question will be fully treated in special lessons, and it is sufficient to add here that electric treatment should never be applied except under the immediate direc- tion of a competently trained physician. The indiscriminate use of electrical treatments of any kind is likely to do more harm than good. Copyrighted, 1895, ITT JRNIA- The National School of Electricity. .REVIEW OF LESSON VIII. Points for Review. 1. What is a foot-pound? What is a joule? 2. What is a horse-power? What is a watt? What is a kilowatt? 3. How many watts are in a horse-power? 4. What is the reason that the bearings of machinery become warm? 5. When a current of 10 amperes flows through a resistance of 2 ohms, how much power is used? How much heat is produced per second? 6. If a current of 10 amperes is caused to flow through a circuit under a pressure of 100 volts, how much power is used? If part of the power is used in electrochemical operations but the total resistance of the circuit is 5 ohms, what proportion of the power is used in the C 2 R loss? 7. Why does a black covered insulated wire remain cooler when carrying a certain current than a bare wire of equal size carrying the same current and exposed to the same conditions? 8. What is the effect of a current of electricity when passed through the nerves of animals? What is the muscular effect ot a strong current? 9. Is it safe to use patent electro-medical devices, or receive electrical treatment from untrained hands? IX. GALVANOMETERS AND VOLTAMETERS. Instruments for detecting and measuring electric currents, the indications of which are dependent upon the deflection of a magnetic needle caused by the magnetic effect of the current flowing in a coil which surrounds the needle, are called galvanometers. These instru- ments are made in a great variety of forms and are widely used for measurements in laboratories and shops. In most forms of galvanometers the magnetic needle is placed at the center of a coil of wire. This coil may have a great number of turns of fine wire, in which case the galvanometer is sensitive, that is, the needle is appreciably deflected by a very small current; or the coil may have but few turns of thick wire, in which case the gal- vanometer is intended for use with comparatively large currents. In many cases the coil of the galvanometer is placed so that it stands in an exact north and south position (that is, in the magnetic meridian) like the needle. The magnetic force due to the coil, which is at right angles to its wire (Lesson 6, page 36), is then at right angles to the magnetic force of the earth and also to the length of the needle. When the coil is in this position a current in the coil exerts its greatest force to deflect the needle. When a galvanometer is connected in a circuit the presence of a current is shown by the deflection of the needle. The direction of the current is shown by the side towards which the north pole of the needle moves (Lesson 6, page 37). The strength of the current is indicated by the amount of the needle's deflection, since the position which the needle takes depends upon the relative magnitude of the magnetic forces due to the current and the earth (Lesson 6, page 35). The earth's magnetism can be considered to be approximately con- stant at any fixed point. When the diameter of the galvanometer coil is much greater thau the length of the needle, the tangents of the angles through which the needle is deflected by various currents are proportional to the currents. Such a galvanometer is called a tangent galvanometer. (Fig. 38.) Other galvanometers in which the coil is moved so as to bring the needle back to zero (Fig. 39), are called sine galvanometers, because the sine of the angle through which the coil is moved is proper- * tional to the current causing the deflection. In some rough galvan- ometers a pointer is attached to the needle, and the deflection is read off on a divided circle over which the pointer moves. The circle is usually divided uniformly in degrees. For exact measurements such a method of reading deflections is not sufficiently accurate and re- flecting galvanometers are used. (Fig. 40.) A small mirror is attached to the magnet in these, and the deflections are read off by means of a small telescope which shows the reflection in the mirror of a stationary scale. When the needle, with its mirror, moves, the reflection of the scale as seen in the telescope appears also to move and the deflection of the needle is thus determined. Instead of using a telescope and scale as is usually done in America, a lamp and scale (Fig. 41) may be used, as is usually done in England. In this case abeam of light from a lamp which is placed behind a slit in front of the gal- vanometer is reflected by the mirror upon a scale, where it shows as a spot of light. When the needle with its mirror is deflected, the spot of light moves along the, scale, thus showing the magnitude ot the deflection. This is a very convenient arrangement to use when testing must be done in dark rooms or vaults, but it cannot be used in a light place. The support of the needle is sometimes in the form of a finely wrought pivot, and the needle is sometimes set with an agate or ruby center so that it may move easily. The friction of the finest pivot, however, is so great that it destroys the sensitiveness of a fine 59 FIG. 39. FIG. 42. FIG. 43. galvanometer, so that in all fine galvanometers the needles are sus- pended by means of & fibre which is usually made of unspun cocoon silk. The fineness of this fibre depends upon the weight of the needle with its mirror, and it is sometimes so fine that it can scarcely be seen. The length of the suspension varies from a small fraction of an inch to many inches. It is often convenient to make the needle of a galvanometer independent of the direction of the earth's magnetism, or to vary the strength of the directive force, that is, the force which holds the needle in the magnetic meridian. For this purpose galvanometers are generally arranged with one or more directive magnets or controlling magnets. One is shown as a curved bar placed on a stem above the galvanometers of Fig. 40. By varying the position 60 FIG. 41. of the magnet with respect to the needle, the needle may be controlled as desired, and the galvanometer may be set in any desired position. In order that a galvanometer may be made very sensitive, it is desirable to make the controlling force very weak in some cases much weaker than that due to the earth's magnetism. Conse- quently the effect of the earth's magnetism must be overcome. For this purpose what are known as astatic needles are used. These con- sist of a pair of needles of practically equal size and magnetic strength which are fastened to a light thin wire, one above the other so that their north poles point in exactly opposite directions. It is usual to arrange a coil of wire for each needle, so that the galvanometers have two coils. In some very sensitive galvanometers there are eight needles arranged astatically, and eight coils. The forms in which galvanometer needles are made are quite various. Some needles are in the form of a partially split bell, one side being the north pole and the other being the south pole. Other needles are made of flat discs or rings, which are so magnetized that a portion of the edge serves as the north pole and an opposite por- tion as the south pole. The commonest form of needle is one made up of several little magnets, made from a watch spring, laid side by side with their poles all the same way. These are usually fastened to the back of the galvanometer mirror or to a little disc of aluminum. There is a very convenient form of galvanometer in which the coil is suspended so as to move in the magnetic field of a strong Ahorse shoe magnet. (Fig- 42). In this instrument the relations of /c coil and magnet are practically the reverse of those in the common galvanometers. This is called a d' 1 Arsonval galvanometer, after a French scientist who put it in useful form. The suspension of the coil of a d'Arsonval galvanometer must be arranged so that the current may get into and out of the coil. The coil is therefore often supported between stretched phosphor-bronze wires which are con- nected to it at the top and bottom and which serve as leads for the current. Sometimes the coil is suspended on a silver wire by means of which the current can enter the coil, and a wire at the bottom of the coil dips into a bottle of mercury so that the current can get out. One reason that a d'Arsonval galvanometer is convenient tor general use is because it v&dttid beat, that is, when the coil is deflected it goes at once to its position without a tedious period of swinging back and forth. Ordinary galvanometers may be made more or less dead beat by surrounding the needle with a ball of copper, or by attaching to the suspensions wings of mica or aluminum which are enclosed in a small chamber. In order that a galvanometer may be used to actually measure currents in amperes, the constant of the galvanometer must be known, or the galvanometer must be calibrated or standardized. When the deflections of a galvanometer bear some fixed relation to the currents causing the deflections, it is said to have a constant For instance, in the case of a tangent galvanometer the current .which causes a certain deflection of the needle is given in amperes by multiplying the tangent of the angle of deflection by the constant of the galvanometer. The constant of a tangent galvanometer may be directly calculated when the coil is circular, and its diameter and number of turns and the strength or the earth's magnetism are known. The constant may also be determined by passing a current of known strength through the galvanometer and observing the deflection. When the deflections of the galvanometer are not known to bear a fixed relation to the currents causing them, the galvanometer must be experimentally calibrated. That is, currents of various known strengths must be passed through the galvanometer and the deflections observed. These observations may be set down in a table so as to be used in future work with the galvanometer, or the obser- vations may be plotted in a curve on cross ruled paper. Such a calibration curve is often convenient since the value of a current corresponding to any deflection may be at once determined from it. When galvanometers are used simply for the detection . of currents or for comparing the relative magnitude of currents as is frequently the case, a calibration is unnecessary. An instrument for measuring currents by means of their electro- chemical action, which is often used in calibrating galvanometers, is called a voltameter. We have alreadv seen that chemical action goes on in a battery cell when a current is passed in either direction through the cell, and that the amount of the action is proportional to the number of coulombs of electricity passed through the cell (Lesson 4, page 24). The chemical action in a voltameter is similar to that which takes place in a voltaic cell, but both plates are of the same material and there is therefore no tendency to set up a current due to the direct action of the cell. An electric current seems to flow through some liquids in a different way from that in which it flows through solid conductors. In fact, liquids may be divided into three classes on the ground of their action when subjected to the effect of an electric pressure: i. Those that appear as insulators of a high grade, such as paraffine oil, turpentine, etc. 2. Those which conduct like solids, without appar- ent chemical action, such as mercury, metals in a melted condition, etc. 3. Those in which chemical decomposition occurs when a current flows through them, such as solutions of acids, or metallic compounds, and some melted solid compounds. Liquids of the latter class are called electrolytes, and the process of their decomposition by electrochemical action is called electrolysis. A cell in which electrolysis is carried on is generally called an electrolytic cell, or when the electrochemical action is used to de- termine the strength of the current flowing through the cell, it is called a voltameter as already stated. The plates of an electrolytic cell are called electrodes. The positive electrode (the one at which the current enters) is often called the anode, and the negative elec- trode, the cathode. The products of the electrolysis are often called ions. The earliest form of voltameter is one in which sulphuric acid greatly diluted by water, is electrolyzed. This is called a water voltameter. A form of water voltameter is shown in Fig. 43. When this is to be used, diluted acid is poured into the funnel at the back, and rises to the top of the two arms in front, if the stop cocks at their tops are open. After the tubes are filled the cocks are closed, and the current is passed between the platinum electrodes, EK. The electrochemical action set up by the current causes oxygen to go to the positive pole or anode, and hydrogen to go to the negative pole or cathode. The gases rise in the tubes above their respective elec- trodes, and displace the water. While the direct action of the current is to cause a decomposition of sulphuric acid, additional chemical ac- tion occurs which makes the total action equivalent to the decompo- sition of water. Water is composed of two parts by bulk of hydrogen to one part of oxygen, and consequently the tube over the cathode collects twice as much gas as that over the anode. If a steady current is passed through such a voltameter for a given number of seconds the strength of the current can be determined from the amount of the gases col- lected per second. For, the number of coulombs of electricity passed 63 through the voltameter is determined from the amount of the gases collected and their electrochemical equivalent (Lesson 4, page 24). The number of coulombs passed through the circuit per second is equal to the current in amperes. A water voltameter is not a very convenient or satisfactory in- strument, and voltameters in which the electrolytes are solutions of the salts of metals are preferred for real measurements. When such a solution is electrolysed between plates of the metal contained in the solution, the solution is decomposed; the metal from the solution goes ivith the current to the cathode where it is deposited and the acid part of the compound goes to the anode, which it attacks and forms a new portion of the compound. The cathode should therefore be ex- pected to gain exactly as much metal from the deposit as the anode loses by the attack of the acid. This would be true if no chemical action occurred except that directly caused by the current. It is a fact that the character of a deposited metal often varies with the cur- rent strength by means of which it is deposited, or the strength of the solution used as the electrolyte. Copper is sometimes deposited in the form of a black powder instead of a smooth, bright layer of metal. Silver is often deposited in crystals which build across the electrolyte between the electrodes. Tin forms a "tree" of tin crys- tals when deposited from a tin chloride solution, the branches of which spread out from the electrode through the solution. The greatest care must be used to get satisfactory measurements by means of a voltameter. The loss of the anode is seldom as reliable a meas- ure of the current as the gain of the cathode, because bits of metal are liable to be loosened up on the former and fall off, and the anode also often suffers from oxidation. When a silver voltameter is used for the measurement of a cur- rent, as is assumed in the definition of the ampere (Lesson 7, page 44), the electrolyte is a solution of the nitrate of silver of fixed strength. The cathode is usually a platinum bowl upon which the silver is deposited, and the anode is a wire or plate of pure silver which is wrapped in filter paper to keep bits of silver from dropping onto the cathode. Before a measurement of current is to be made, the cathode is very accurately weighed, the solution is then poured in and the anode put in place. The current is turned on and continued for a desirable number of seconds. It is then stopped, the cathode is care- fully washed and dried, and finally again weighed with great care. From its gain in weight the value of the current is determined. On account of the expense of the silver consumed and the care required in using a silver voltameter, it is not satisfactory for meas- uring currents exceeding about one ampere. For larger currents, a voltameter having copper plates and a solution of copper sulphate for electrolyte is generally used. The meter used by Edison companies to determine the Quantity of electricity delivered per month to cus- tomers, usually consists of a voltameter with amalgamated zinc plates and an electrolyte of zinc sulphate. The weight in grammes of different metals deposited by one ampere in one second (that is, their electrochemical equivalent, Les- son 4, page 24,) is given below. ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENT. Hydrogen oooo 1 04 Silver , 001118 Copper 000328 Zinc 337 Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON IX. Points for review. 1. What is a galvanometer? 2. What is the fundamental difference in the construction of galvanometers for use With very small currents and with large currents? 3. How is the presence and direction of a current in a circuit shown by a galvan- ometer? 4. How is the strength of a current indicated by a galvanometer? 5. What is a tangent galvanometer? What is a reflecting galvanometer? 6. How are the needles of fine galvanometers suspended? 7. What is a d'Arsonval galvanometer? 8. What is meant by the term "dead beat?" What is meant by the term "calibrate?" 9. What is a voltameter? 10. What is meant by the terms electrolyte, electrolysis, electrode? 11. What occurs when a solution of a metallic salt is electrolyzed? 12. What kinds of voltameters are most commonly used for the calibration of instruments? X. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. All useful methods of measuring electrical resistance depend directly upon the indications of Ohm's Law. The simplest method of measuring a resistance is by what is called substitution. The resistance to be measured is connected in series with a galvanometer and a constant battery and the deflection of the galvanometer is noted. Then the unknown resistance is removed from the circuit and a variable resistance box or rheostat (Fig. 44) is substituted for it. The resistance of the resistance box is then adjusted until the galvan- ometer deflection is the same as before. Then the resistance in- serted in the circuit by means of the box is equal to the unknown resistance, because in the two cases the same current, as shown by the galvanometer, flows through the circuit, and the total electrical pressure acting in the circuit is the same in each case; consequently, according to Ohm's Law, the resistance of the total circuit must be the same in the two cases. It is necessary that no changes be made in the circuit besides the substitution of the variable known resist- ance for the unknown one. Resistance boxes are generally boxes containing spools of silk- covered wire, each of known resistance, which may be used in elec- trical measurements. German silver or some similar alloy having a comparatively low conductivity and a small temperature co-efficient (Lesson 7, page 44, and Lesson 7, page 49,) is generally used in making the spools or coils for resistance boxes. In making the coils, FIG. 44. FIG. 45. the proper length of wire for each is taken and doubled at the middle, and is then wound double upon a spool. The object of doubling the wire is to avoid the effects due to self-inductance, which will be explained later. After the spools are wound, they are dipped in paraffine and then placed inside the box and fastened to the under side of the top of the box by brass bolts (Fig. 45), which also fasten brass blocks to the upper side of the top. (Fig. 44.) The individ- ual ends of each coil are connected to adjoining brass blocks so that all the coils are in series when the blocks are not connected. This is shown in Fig. 46, where the ends a and b of one of the resistance coils are fastened to the brass blocks E and H, while the ends c and d of the next coil are fastened to the blocks H and M. The brass blocks are so arranged that they may be connected together by plugs which fit in tapering holes as shown in the figure. If such a resistance box be connected in a circuit when all the plugs are removed, the current flows through all the resistance coils in series. If one of the plugs be inserted in a hole, the correspond- ing resistance coil is short-circuited that is, a negligibly small resistance (that of the plug) is connected in parallel with it, and no appreciable current flows through the coil. Since the resistance of the plug is practically negligible the resistance of the circuit is reduced by the amount of the resistance of the corresponding coil when a plug is inserted. The resistance of a box may therefore be varied at will by simply inserting or removing plugs. Resistance boxes generally have a series of coils of different resistances, usually given in tenths, units, tens, hundreds, etc., of ohms. The final adjustment of the resistance of the coils of a fine resistance box is a matter requiring rreat care, and is effected by soldering more or less of the doubled ends of the wire together after the spool is mounted in its box. In order that the adjustment may be made in this way it is necessary that the resistance of the coil when wound 67 on the spool be a little greater than the desired final value. When adjusting coils great care must be taken to avoid errors due to the temperature of the coils changing, since the wires are likely to be- come heated by the soldering. The measurements for determining the exact value of the coils are made by what is called a Wheatstone bridge, after Wheatstone, an English scientist and inventor. This consists of an arrangement of resistance coils which are used with a battery and galvanometer as shown diagramatically in Fig. 47. In the figure, A, B and C represent resistance boxes with coils of known resistance ; D is the resistance to be measured; L and G are a battery and a galvanometer; K! and K 2 are keys placed in the circuits with the battery and galvan- ometer, by means of which the circuits may be made and broken; M, N, P, and Q are points where the various bridge circuits are con- nected together. From an application of the law of the fall of potential along a resistance as deduced from Ohm's Law (Lesson 7, page 49), it is easy to see how the resistance of the coil D is determined by this device. Suppose the battery key, Kj, be depressed, then current will flow from the battery through the key to the point P. Here it divides, and part goes to Q by way of M and the other part by way of N. From Q the current returns to the battery. The points P and Q are at a certain difference of electrical pressure which depends upon the battery, and which we will call B, and the fall of pressure from P to Q by way of either M or N is equal to E. The fall of pressure between P and M is (according to the law that the fall of pressure is proportional to the resistance passed over) B^ where d and c repre- sent the resistances of the branches of the bridge D and C respect- ively. In the same way the fall of pressure between P and N is equal to B^. If the fall of pressure between P and M is greater than that between P and N, the point M is at a lower pressure than N, and if FIG. 48. the galvanometer key be depressed a current will flow from N to M through, the galvanometer, deflecting the needle. Now if the resist- ance b be increased until the fall of pressure between P and N is the greater, a current will flow from M to N when the galvanometer key is depressed and the needle will be deflected in the opposite direction. Finally if the resistance of b be so adjusted, by arranging the plugs, that the fall of pressure between P and M and between P and N is the same, the pressures at the points M and N are equal and no cur- rent will flow through the galvanometer when the key is depressed, and the needle will not be deflected. The bridge is then said to be balanced. In this case E^ = B^, or, what is the same thing, \ = ~- From this proportion we get d=b^; that is, the unknown resistance of D is equal to the resistance of B, multiplied by the resistance of C divided by that of A. Put in the form of a proportion this may be written, a is to b as c is to d\ or, a is to c as b is to d. The solution of either of these proportions gives the results given above. If a and c are equal, and the bridge is balanced, b must be equal to d, so that the resistance of the unknown branch or arm of the bridge is given at once by the resistance of the coils in circuit at B. In the figure, the resistance of C is ten times as great as that of A and therefore the resistance of D is ten times that of B and is 150 ohms. The arms A and C are generally called the ratio arms of the bridge and B the rheostat. The Wheatstone bridges that are commonly used are not made up from three separate resistance boxes as indicated in Fig. 47. FIG. 49. The common forms of Wheatstone bridge contain all the resistance coils in one box, and the coils are connected up in such a way that they form a bridge. Binding posts, generally marked B, G, and R or X, are arranged for the connection to the bridge at the proper points of the battery, galvanometer and the unknown resistance which is to be measured. Fig. 48 shows such a bridge made up in a box so as to be portable. At the front are seen the battery and galvanometer keys. This form of bridge is often called the postoffice pattern, be- cause its arrangement is similar to the bridge used by the British de- partment of postal telegraphs. Fig. 49 shows another way in which the resistance coils are often arranged to make a very accu- rate and convenient bridge for use in laboratories where it may be permanently fixed. Measurements of resistance may be made with a fine bridge to a remarkable degree of accuracy. In fact, the ease and accuracy to be attained in bridge measurements are only rivalled in weighing with fine balances. It is not unusual to have the resistance coils of a fine bridge adjusted to an error of less than 1-50 of one per cent of their desired value as represented by a standard coil, or within two parts out of ten thousand at a fixed temperature. In adjusting the coils of a resistance box so closely, or in accurately measuring a resistance by a bridge, careful account must be taken of the temperature. If the re- sistance coils of a bridge are exactly correct at one temperature they are not correct at any other temperature. (Lesson 7, page 49!) It is frequently convenient to have a portable bridge which is entirely self contained that is, the box of which contains the gal- vanometer and battery as well as the resistance coils. In this case all that is necessary to make a measurement of resistance is to connect the unknown resistance to the proper binding posts, press the keys, and adjust the plugs till the galvanometer gives no deflection. Such bridges are generally called testing sets. One is shown in Fig. 50. In making resistance measurements with a bridge the battery key should be depressed before the galvanometer key, or irregular and incorrect indications will often be given on account of the self- inductance of the unknown resistance. This is particularly true when the unknown resistance is the windings of an electromagnet 70 FIG. 50. FIG. 51. or any of the windings of a dynamo. Great care should always be exercised not to injure the galvanometer or the fine wire coils by passing too great a current through them. For very accurate comparisons of two resistances, as when the value of a standard resistance coil is to be determined in terms of a mercury column or another coil, the Wheatstone bridge is made up in another form. (Fig. 51.) Here we have two arms of the bridge, A and B, made up of a uniform wire of high resistance and small temperature co-efficient. The other two arms contain the two coils. The galvanometer terminal corresponding to M (Fig. 47) is made up by means of a binding post, bat the other terminal is 71 arranged so that contact may be made at any point along the bridge ivire. When the galvanometer contact is placed at the point on the bridge wire which gives a balance, the resistances of the parts of the bridge wire on each side of the galvanometer contact are to each other as the two resistance coils, according to the bridge formula already developed. When the bridge wire is calibrated, that is, when the resistance per centimeter of length at every point of the wire is determined, the ratio of the resistance of the two coils is given by the ratio of the resistances of the two parts of the wire. When the bridge wire is very uniform and the measurement is not required to be very exact, the resistances of the two parts of the wire may be taken to be proportional to their lengths. Bridge wires are usually made of an alloy containing platinum and silver, or platinum and iridium. Bridges of this form are usually called divided wire or meter bridges. Measurements of very great resistances, such as the insulation reistance of a well-insulated wire between its conductor and ground, often require a higher power than may be conveniently reached by a bridge. In this case a fine reflecting galvanometer and a large test- ing battery are used. The testing battery usually consists of silver chloride cells put up in sets of 50 or 100 in boxes so as to be porta- ble. The galvanometer and battery are connected in series with some known large resistance, and the deflection of the galvanometer is read. Then the known resistance is removed from the circuit and that which it is desired to measure is inserted in its place. The deflection of the galvanometer is again read and from the two deflec- tions the unknown resistance may be calculated. The known or standard resistance'^ usually from 25,000 to 1,000,000 ohms in resist- ance, i, 000,000 ohms is called a megohm, the prefix "meg" coming from a Greek word meaning great. The insulation resistances of wires and cables that are measured thus are frequently as great as thousands of megohms, so that it is necessary to use a very fine gal- vanometer to get a readable deflection through them, and the gal- vanometer must be shunted (Lesson 7, page 48) when the deflec- tion is taken with the standard resistance in circuit. Galvanometers usually have corresponding shunt boxes come with them which have three coils marked respectively i, gV, -99-9- When the shunt box is connected in parallel with the galvanometer, either of these shunts may be placed in the circuit by means of a plug, or the shunt circuit may be broken. When the shunts are plugged into circurt, T V, TOD> or TW^ P ar t of the whole current flows respectively through the gal- vanometer. Fig. 52 shows a common form of shunt box. As an example, suppose it is desired to measure the insulation of an electric light cable one-half mile long, a fine galvanometer, a test- ing battery of 200 cells, and a standard resistance of one-half megohm being available. When connected up and shunted by the -g-J-g- shunt, the galvanometer gives a deflection of one hundred. Then its con- stant, or the resistance of the circuit in megohms which would be indicated by a deflection of i when the galvanometer is not shunted, is loox 1000 x^ = 5OOOO, 1000 being the multiplying power of the shunt and y 2 the value of the standard-resistance in megohms. Now when the standard resistance is removed from the circuit, and in its place one end of the connecting wire is attached to the conductor ot the cable and the other end to the ground, suppose the reading of the galvanometer without a shunt is 50. The insulation resistance of the cable is - 5 -A A = 1000 megohms. Then the insulation resistance of a similar cable for a length of one mile is 500 megohms, since the paths for the current to leak out of the two half miles are in parallel. Other methods of measuring high resistances and special methods of measuring very low resistances are sometimes used but they need not receive attention here. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON X. Points for Review: 1. How is resistance measured by substitution? 2. How are resistance boxes generally made? 3. Why is German silver usually used in resistance boxes? 4. How are the coils of resistance boxes adjusted? 5. What is a Wheatstone bridge? 6.. What is the process of measuring a resistance by a Wheatstone bridge? 7. Suppose a resistance is to be measured by bridge, and after the bridge is balanced the rheostat resistance reads 15.6 ohms, while the ratio arms are 100 (A) to 10 (C), what is the value of the unknown resistance? 8. In another case suppose the rheostat reads 2,600 ohms and the ratio arms are 10 (A) to 1,000 (C), what is the value of the unknown resistance? 9. Why should the battery key be depressed before the galvanometer key when making bridge measurements? 10. How may very high resistances be measured? 11. Suppose a reflecting galvanometer shunted with the ^9 shunt gives a deflec- tion of 80 when using a certain battery, the standard resistance being 25,000 ohms; what is the galvanometer constant? 12. Suppose the deflection is 120 with the \ shunt when a certain resistance is substituted for the standard as above, other things being unchanged, what is the value of the resistance? XI. EVERY DAY MEASUREMENTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS AND PRESSURES. We have already seen that electric currents may be measured by taking advantage of three different and independent effects of the current. These are: i, the electrochemical effect; 2, the magnetic effect; 3, the heating effect. By taking advantage of the first effect we measure currents by voltameters (Lesson 9, page 62); as a result of the second effect we measure currents by means of galvanometers (Lesson 9, page 58); from the third effect we may measure currents by means of the expansion of a wire which is heated by the passage of the current through it (Lesson 8, page 54). Voltameters, as already said, are principally used for calibrating galvanometers or for similar purposes, as they are not sufficiently convenient for general use. The liquid must be kept fairly pure and of the proper density. Conveniences must be available for cleaning, drying, and accurately weighing the cathodes. In order that a satis- factory measurement of the current may be made, the period during which it flows through a voltameter must be considerable. 74 For one purpose only have they been found particularly useful in everyday measurements; that is, as a meter such as many of the Edison Illuminating Companies use (Lesson 9, page 64) . Volta- meters were used for this purpose in the early days of electric light- ing with incandescent lamps and have continued in use until now. Even for that purpose their everyday use is not being extended, as good mechanical meters that are more reliable are now to be had. Nearly all our common instruments for measuring currents de- pend upon the magnetic effect of the current for their indications, and are really modified galvanometers with pointers to show the deflection. Galvanometers or other instruments intended especially for con- venient use in every day measurements of currents, are generally called amperemeters or ammeters, because they measure amperes. Amperemeters are made in various forms, all more or less portable. Almost every manufacturer of dynamos, or other electrical machinery, manufactures amperemeters which may be used in service with their machines. Amperemeters are used universally where electric- ity is used, and they are made to measure currents consisting of only a few thousandths of an ampere, or milliamperes (milli comes from a Latin word meaning thousand), up to the enormous currents gener- ated by some of the larger electric lighting plants consisting of thousands of amperes. In large electric lighting plants or works many amperemeters may be seen mounted on the wall or on a board among switches for controlling the current. These are used to show the dynamo attendants how much current is being generated by the plant at any moment, and what proportion is furnished by each dynamo. Amperemeters are used in laboratories to determine the current used in experiments, and to determine the amount of current used in the operation of electric lamps, electric motors, or other electric devices. Physicians use amperemeters to measure the cur- rents used in the electrical treatment of their patients. For the latter purpose the currents are usually measured in milliamperes. The currents used in telegraphy are also usually measured in milliamperes, and the currents used in operating telephones are usually measured in microamperes, or millionths of amperes (micro coming from a Greek word meaning small). Amperemeters that are specially made to measure thousandths of amperes, or milliamperes, are called milliamperemeters. Externally, milliamperemeters look like ordi- nary amperemeters, to which they bear the same relation that a very sensitive galvanometer bears to a similar but less sensitive instru- ment. The mechanical details entering into the construction of mag- netic amperemeters differ very widely. They may be roughly divided into three classes: (i) those having permanently magnetized parts which are moved by magnetic force set up by a current in the 1i EDISON SYSTEM, AMPERE METER FIG. 53 FIG. 56. _ _ ^ FIG. 57. FIG. 54. coils of the instrument; (2) those having soft iron parts which are moved by the magnetic attraction set up by a current in the coils of the instrument; (3) those having no iron in their construction, but having two coils, one of which is moved by magnetic force exerted between them when a current flows in both. The moving parts of amperemeters are -usually mounted on pivots made so that the friction is small. If the magnetic force caused by a current in the coils had nothing except the friction to overcome, every current would pull the pointer clear across the scale to the stop. It is desir- able to construct the instrument so that the movement of the pointer is proportional to the current in the coil, so a proper force must be arranged to hold the pointer back. This may be done by properly counter weighting the moving parts so that the magnetic force must raise them against the force of gravity, or by arranging a proper spring to oppose the magnetic force. Fig. 53 shows an instrument in which a curved iron wire is drawn into a coil of wire where the 76 FIG 55. current flows through the coil. The weight of the moving parts of the instrument serves to keep the pointer at zero when no current flows. When a current flows it exerts an attraction on the iron wire core, which overcomes the effect of the weight of the moving parts, the iron core is attracted into the coil a certain distance, and the pointer moves proportionally. This instrument evidently belongs to the sec- ond class. Instruments of the second class may be cheaply made. They are therefore commonly made by dynamo builders for use with their dynamos in electric light plants'. Fig. 54 shows another form of amperemeter of the same class. Instruments having soft iron in their moving parts cannot be made extremely accurate because the iron does not always respond equally to the same magnetic changes on account of its coercive force (L,esson 5, page 31); consequently instruments of the second class can only be used where great accuracy is not required. It is sufficient for the amperemeters used in electric plants to be correct within five per cent, and instruments of the second class serve jvery well. For testing which requires greater accuracy instruments belonging to the first and third classes must be used. These can be made so that their readings do not vary more than one-half of one per cent from true values when they are used with proper care. Fig. 55 shows a Weston amperemeter, which is practically a d'Arsonval galvanometer with the moving coil mounted on pivots and arranged with a pointer to play over a scale, and the whole ar- ranged in a very convenient portable form. This instrument may be looked upon as the most satisfactory representative of the first class, to which it bears the same relation that a d'Arsonval galvano- meter bears to a galvanometer with a movable magnetic needle. Weston amperemeters are used a great deal where accurate portable current measuring instruments are required, because they are accu- rate, convenient, and well made. Magnetic instruments belonging to the third class are really not galvanometers, but are called electrodynamometers, because their in- dications are caused by the magnetic pull of the current in the fixed and movable coils upon itself. Fig. 56 shows the ordinary form of electrodynamometer when arranged for use as an amperemeter. This is often called the Siemens electrodynamometer. In it, one coil is fast- ened to the frame of the instrument, and the other, which stands at right angles to the first, is suspended by a heavy silk fibre so that it is free to move. The end, of the wire composing the movable coil dips into little cups containing mercury which are connected with a circuit so that the current can enter and leave the coil. The mov- able coil is attached to a spring, the other end of which is connected to a thumbscrew by means of which the spring may be twisted. When a current flows in the coil, the magnetic force tends to turn the movable coil around so as to place it parallel with the fixed coil. (Lesson 6, page 38.) This force is balanced by twisting the spring by means of the thumbscrew. The amount of twist as shown by a pointer attached to the screw is proportional to the force exerted by the coils on each other. This force is proportional to the square of the current flowing in the coil, since the magnetism set up by each coil is proportional to the current and they act on each other mutually. Other instruments for measuring currents by their direct mag- netic action, as in the Siemens electrodynamometer, have been designed, but they have not been made sufficiently portable to bring them into much use. The most important of these are the current balances of Sir William Thomson, now Lord Kelvin. In these the fixed and movable coils are parallel and horizontal. The force with which the coils tend to move toward each other when a current flows in them is directly balanced and weighed by means of a slider mov- ing on a scale beam. In order to avoid any effect from the earth's magnetism, coils are placed at both ends of the balance arm and are electrically connected so that the magnetic force of the two sets of coils tends to tip the beam in the same direction. Instruments utilizing the heating effect of the current may be called hot wire instruments. If the wire be carefully enclosed so that its temperature is not affected by air currents, it will rise to a definite number of degrees in temperature for every current that is passed through it, and the rise is proportional to the square of the current. (Lesson 8, page 53.) The length of the wire increases practically in direct proportion to its rise in temperature when it is heated, and the length again decreases when the wire is cooled. Consequently, when currents of different strength flow through a wire it will take up a corresponding length with each current, and measuring its length therefore measures the square of the current. A simple form of amperemeter depending on this action is shown in Fig. 57. A long thin wire is clasped at one end in a stationary binding post and the other end is wrapped around and fastened to a small wheel of metal. This wheel is supported in steel pivots, one of which is connected to another binding post. Tlie wire is kept under a constant strain by means of a spring the end of which is also fastened to the periphery of the wheel, so that when the wire is heated and lengthens, the wheel is turned by the contraction of the spring, and when the wire is again cooled and contracts it pulls the wheel back to its old posi- tion. The wheel carries a pointer the position of which may be read on the graduated scale when any current flows in the wire. Many amperemeters have scales that are uniformly graduated and the readings of which can only be converted into amperes by consulting a calibration curve or a table giving the values of differ- ent readings in amperes. In other instruments multiplying the read- ings by a fixed constant which has been experimentally determined, converts them into amperes. In still other instruments, which are said to be direct reading, the scales are so divided and marked that the divisions read directly in amperes. It is needless to say that direct reading instruments are the most convenient for use. Currents which rapidly alternate in direction, as do the currents of many electric light plants, cannot be measured by magnetic instruments having permanent magnets, since the tendency of such currents is to first deflect the moving parts in one direction and then in the other, and the pointer stands still or nearly so. Such currents can be measured by magnetic instruments of the second class because the soft iron core is a/ways attracted by a coil in which a current flows without regard to the direction of the current. The iron cores in instruments designed to measure alternating currents must be made up from fine iron wires so that currents shall not be set up in them by the reversals of the magnetism, as will be explained later. Klectrodynamometers and other instruments depending for their indications upon the mutual attractions of two coils, may be used to measure alternating currents because the current reverses in the two coils at the same instant, and the magnetic attraction between the coils is therefore always in the same direction. The heating effect of currents is always independent of their direction, so that hot wire instruments may be used to measure alternating currents. When very large currents are to be measured, it is often incon- venient and expensive to build an amperemeter of sufficient capacity for the purpose. In this case an amperemeter of small capacity may be shunted by a copper or german silver wire or rod, and the shunted instrument may then be calibrated and used to measure the large current. This arrangement is becoming quite common in the largest electric light works where very great currents are to be measured. Nearly all Weston amperemeters consist of a milliam- peremeter arranged with a proper shunt inside the case so that the desired range is obtained. 79 FIG. 58. The commonest method of measuring- an electric pressure is to measure the current which it causes to pass through a known high resistance. The resistance may be connected permanently in the circuit of a sensitive amperemeter, such as a milliamperemeter, and the instrument may be calibrated so that its indications may be readily converted into volts. Instruments that are used for every-day measurements of electric pressures are called voltmeters, because they measure volts. By properly dividing the scale upon which the indications are made, voltmeters may be made direct reading. Fig. 58 shows a Weston direct reading voltmeter, in which the working parts are similar to those of the amperemeter shown in Fig. 55; but in the voltmeter, a high resistance spool of fine wire is placed in series with the d'Arsonval galvanometer coils, instead of a low resistance s^*"it being placed in parallel with it, as is done in the amperemeter. A voltmeter is shown in Fig. 59 which is made upon the same principle as the amperemeter shown in Fig. 53, but the coil is wound with many turns of fine wire, making a high resistance, instead of being made with a few turns of coarse wire. This form of voltmeter has the same fault as the amperemeter of the same class, that of being not very accurate, and it therefore is not as satisfactory for use in many places as more accurate instruments made with very little or no iron in their working parts. In electric light plants where current is produced for use in incandescent lamps, it is very important that the pressure be kept as closely as possible to the exact pressure with which the lamps were designed to be used. Consequently, in such places the most accurate and reliable volt- meters or pressure indicators, as they are sometimes called, are needed. Voltmeters of this kind are usually made with a very high resistance so that only a small current flows through them and they 80 I /O, O0O &MW3 TO /yyyVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * > /OO O-J FIG. 63. FIG. 61. SI XJNIVE may therefore be used without an appreciable change of the current in a circuit. Fig. 60 shows a hot wire voltmeter which is called after its inventor, Cardew. This was at one time largely used to measure alternating electric pressures, and is still used quite generally for the same purpose in England. The indications of this instrument are dependent upon the expansion of a very fine platinum-silver wire (YO^-O inch in diameter) through which the current passes. This wire is from 8 to 12 feet long and of such high resistance per foot that its resistdnce alone is sufficient for use up to a pressure of 1 20 volts, but another resistance coil is put in series with the instrument when it is used to measure higher pressures. Another entirely distinct method of measuring electric pres- sures is by means of electrometers. On page 8 of L,esson i, it was said that electrometers are instruments for determining the amount of electricity on a charged body by measuring its attraction for an- other charged body. It w^also explained on page 13 of Lesson 2 that electricity at rest at a high pressure constitutes a positive charge, and electricity at rest at a low,pressure constitutes a negative charge. It is a fact that the terms positive and negative charge must be taken as relative terms exactly as are the terms high and low pressure. An electrometer is an instrument by means of which the attraction between two charges may be measured. One form of electrometer is shown in Fig. 61. In this there is a needle made of aluminum and a sort of pillbox cut into qiiadrants (quarters). If the opposite quar- ters be connected together as shown and one pair of quarters be con- nected to the needle, and a charge of one sign be communicated to the needle and its connected pair of quadrants, and a charge of the opposite sign to the other pair of quadrants, the needle will tend to be deflected by the attraction and repulsion of the charges. The force with which the needle tends to turn may be measured by a torsion head as in an electrodynamometer, or by suspending the needle so that a certain portion of its weight must be lifted as it turns. If the two poles of a battery, for instance, be connected to the two terminals of the electrometer, one terminal is brought to a high pressure and the other to a low pressure on account of the action of the battery, and they therefore hold corresponding positive and negative charges. The deflection of the needle indicates the pressure developed by the battery. This pressure may be directly read off in volts if the instrument has been properly calibrated. In the same way if the two ends of a resistance through which a current is flow- ing, such as an electric lamp, be connected to the electrometer, one terminal is brought to a high and the other to a low pressure and the deflection of the needle shows the difference of pressure between the ends of the resistance. Electrometers made for use in everyday measurements of electric pressure are usually called electrostatic 82 voltmeters and are used to some extent, particularly for measuring alternating electric pressures. They can be used for the latter pur- pose, since the polarity of the two pairs of quadrants and oi the needle change at the same instant and consequently the needle is deflected continously in the same direction. Fig. 62 shows an elec- trostatic voltmeter made for measuring pressures of several thousand volts. Still another method of measuring an electric pressure is to compare it with a standard pressure. If between the points whose difference of pressure it is desired to measure, a known large resist- ance be connected, a small current will flow through the resistance, and the pressure will fall along the path of the current in proportion to the resistance passed over. Now suppose the terminals of a bat- tery cell be connected in series with a galvanometer to certain points on the resistance (Fig. 63) in such a way that the pressure of the cell is in opposition to the difference of pressure between the poLits. If the latter pressure be greater than that of the cell, a current will flow through the cell and galvanometer, and the galvanometer needle will be deflected. The same thing will occur if the pressure of the cell is the greater, but the current will be reversed. Finally, if the portion of the resistance which is between the terminal connections of the cell be so adjusted that no current flows through the galvano meter, the fall of pressure through that part of the resistance exactly equals x the pressure produced by the cell. The total pressure to be measured is then equal to the pressure developed by the cell multi- plied by the ratio of the total resistance to the balancing resistance. In the figure the pressure of the cell is marked 1.2 volts, the total re- sistance is 10,000 ohms and the balancing resistance is 100 ohms. Assuming a balance, the total pressure must be 1.2x10,000 100=120 volts. A special arrangement for measuring pressures by comparison is often called a potentiometer, and the cells used for the comparison are called standard cells. It is evident that standard cells must develop a very uniform pressure under all conditions of their use. The best standard cell is that called Clark* s cell, after its inventor. This was recommended by the Chicago Electrical Congress to be used as a comparative standard of pressures, and its pressure was given in accordance with experimental tests to be 1.434 volts at 15 Cen- tigrade when set up according to fixed instructions. Professor Car- hart has endeavored to make a standard cell with exactly one volt pressure. Voltmeters have been made upon the principle of a poten- tiometer. Electric currents may be indirectly measured by means of a volt- meter, and a known resistance placed in the circuit through which the current flows. In this case the voltmeter is used to measure the difference of pressure between the ends of the resistance, and the current may be at once calculated from Ohm's law. Copyrighted. 1894 83 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XL, Points for Review. 1. What are the three effects by which electric currents may directly measured? 2. What are amperemeters? 3. What is a milliampere? What is a microampere? 4. What are the three classes'of magnetic amperemeters? 5. What is the general arrangement of Weston amperemeters? 6. What are electrodynamometers? 7. What are hot wire instruments? 8. How are the scales of amperemeters divided? 9. By what instruments can alternating currents be measured? Why? 10. How may very large currents be conveniently measured? 11. What is the commonest method of measuring electric pressures? 12. What are voltmeters? 13. What is the principle of the Cardew voltmeter? 14. How may electrometers be used to measure electric pressures? 15. What are electrostatic voltmeters? 16. How may standard cells be used in measuring electric pressures? 17. How may a current be measured by using a voltmeter and a standard resistance? XII. EVERY-DAY MEASUREMENTS OF ELECTRIC POWER. CONDENSERS AND THE MEASUREMENT OF THEIR CAPACITY. The electric power which is used in any part of a circuit, may be determined by measuring by an amperemeter the curient flowing, and by a voltmeter the pressure, or voltage as it is often called, at the terminals of the portion of the circuit. These being multiplied together, give the power in watts (Lesson 8, page 52). Instruments are made in which the double measurement and multiplication is all made together, so that their indications are directly proportional to power. Such instruments are called wattmeters because they meas- ure watts. The simplest form of wattmeter is an electrodynamo- meter in which one coil is wound with many turns of fine wire exactly as though it were to be used as a voltmeter coil, and the other coil is wound as though it were to used in an amperemeter. For convenience we will call them \h^ pressure coi/and the current coil. The action of such a wattmeter is best explained by an illustration. Suppose it is desired to measure the power used by an electric motor, then the current coil of the wattmeter is connected in series with the motor, and the pressure coil is connected across the termi- 84- nals of the motor. The magnetic ef- fect of the current coil is therefore pro- portional to the current which flows through the motor, and that of the pressure coil is proportional to the pressure at which the current is sup- plied to the motor. The indications of an electrodynamometer are propor- tional to the product of the magnetic effects of the two coils (Lesson n, page 76). Consequently, in this case the in- dications are proportional to current times pressure or watts, instead of cur- rent times current, as in the Siemens electrodynamometer (Lesson u, page FIG. t>4. Wattmeters may be calibrated by comparing their readings, when connected to a circuit, with the indications of standard volt- meters and amperemeters. By proper construction and adjustment of their scales they may be made direct reading. It is also possible to make electrostatic wattmeters, and watt- meters based upon other principles. Recording wattmeters may be used to show the amount of power used each month by the customers of electric plants. The com- monest form of wattmeter used for this purpose is that shown in Fig. 64, known as the Thomson wattmeter, after its inventor. This consists of a little electric motor without any iron in its workin'g parts, which is arranged with its revolving part or armature as a pressure coil, and its magnetizing coil as a current coil. The mag- netic pull which tends to make the armature rotate is proportional to the product of the two magnetizing effects, and this is proportional to the watts in the circuit, exactly as in an electrodynamometer. If the speed of such an armature is made to be proportional to the magnetic pull it is easily seen that every revolution of the armature means a cer- tain number of watts used for a fixed length of time. Such instruments usually have attached to the spindle of the armature a set of dials like those of a gas meter which record the revolutions and are so marked that the consumption of electric power may be recorded in watt- hours. Watt-hours are the product of the number of watts by the number of hours during which the power is used. If no txter- nal retarding force were applied to the armature of such an instru- ment it would run away as soon as placed in service, and in order that its speed may be proportional to the watts the retarding force must be proportional to the speed. This Is very ingeniously arranged in the Thomson recording wattmeter by placing at the bottom of the spindle a flat disc of copper on either side of which are placed the poles of magnets. The rotation of the disc between the magnet 86 poles generates electric currents in it which are attracted by the magnets and retard the motion of the disc. Other meters for use in determining the amount of power con- sumed by customers, which are externally similar to the Thomson, only read ampere-hours. An ampere hour is equal to 3,600 ampere- seconds, but one ampere-second, or one ampere flowing for one second, means the transfer of one coulomb of electricity through the circuit. Consequently the readings of meters which record in ampere- hours are directly comparable with the indications of the Edison elec- trolytic meter which has been mentioned before (L,esson 9, page 64). Meters which read in ampere-hours are sometimes called coulomb- meters. The reading of ampere hours has no relation to the power con- sumed in a circuit unless the pressure in a circuit is known, but in the cases, where such meters are used the pressure is intended to be kept at a constant known value so that the watt-hours used by each customer may be easily determined, when desired, by multiplying the ampere- hour reading of his meter by the pressure in the circuit. If the bottom of a cylindrical can, filled with water, be connected by means of a tube to the bottom of a similar can of different diame- ter standing on the same level, the water will flow into the second can until it stands at the same height in both. The quantity of water in each vessel when the flow has ceased is proportional to the capacity of the vessel* During the flow the water falls in one can and rises in the other. In the same way if a conductor, such as a brass ball carrying an electric charge be touched by an uncharged con- ductor, part of the charge flows to the second conductor. During the flow the electric pressure of one conductor falls and the pressure of the other rises. After the flow has ceased the electrical pressure of the two conductors is equal (compare Lesson 2, page 13). The quantity of electricity on the two conductors is not equal unless the conductors are exactly similar, but the quantity on each will depend upon its capacity to hold electricity, or its electrical capacity. The electrical capacity of a conductor depends upon its size, shape, and surround- ings. It is measured by the number of coulombs of electricity required to raise the electrical pressure of the conductor one volt, exactly as the capacity of a cylindrical can is measured by the number of gallons of water required to fill it to the depth, or head, of one foot. When the pressure of a conductor is raised one volt by the charge of one coulomb, the conductor is said to have a capacity of one farad, after Faraday, the distinguished English scientist. The electrical pressure of a conductor carrying a charge of elec- tricity is ordinarily reckoned as the difference between it and the average electrical pressure of the earth's surface, which is called zero. This is similar to the reference of levels or heights to the sea level as a zero point from which to start. The electrical pressure of a charged conductor cannot be measured by an ordinary voltmeter since the charge would be at once dissipated by the current which would flow through the voltmeter when connected between the conductor and the earth. The pressure may, however, be measured by a sufficiently sen- sitive electrometer or electrostatic voltmeter. For instance, in the case of a quadrant electrometer which was briefly described in the preceding lesson (Lesson n, page 82), the needle and its pair of quadrants may be connected to earth and the other pair of quadrants to the charged body. Then if the instrument is sufficiently sensitive the needle will be deflected an amount which is proportional to the difference between the earth's electrical pressure and that of the charged body. The presence of charges of an opposite sign near a charged con- ductor has a remarkable influence on the conductor's capacity. For instance, if pieces of tin-foil are pasted upon the two sides of a sheet of mica and the two tin-foil coatings are given opposite charges, the charges act inductively on each other and consequently increase their capacities. Such an arrangement is called a condenser. The tin-foil sheets are called the coatings or plates of the condenser and the insu- lating material is called the dielectric. The coatings of a condenser may be made of any conducting material, and the dielectric of any insulating material. The combined capacity of the coatings is the capacity of the con- denser. A condenser has a capacity of one farad when a charge of one coulomb of electricity raises the difference of electrical pressure, or potential, of the plates by one volt. To charge a condenser with a certain quantity of electricity means that a positive charge of the given quantity is placed upon one plate and an equal negative charge on the other. A condenser may be charged in either of two ways: ist, by con- necting one plate to earth and placing the charge on the other plate, when the required opposite charge will collect on the grounded plate by induction; and, by connecting the two plates of the condenser to the two terminals of an electric battery, or other source of electricity, when the charge is communicated by the action of the battery. Every electrical conductor, as we have seen, has capacity, and when an insulated wire is laid in the earth or is strung over- head it becomes one plate of a condenser. The other plate of the condenser is the earth, and the dielectric is the insulating covering of the wire, or the air which is between it and the earth. The capa- city of a wire has a great deal of effect on its usefulness in telephone service. Every hundredth of a microfarad per mile of conductor reduces very considerably the distance through which the telephone will work satisfactorily. The capacity of ocean cables is also a matter of much importance, and capacity effects are of importance in teleg- raphy and in the transmission of power by alternating currents of electricity. The capacity of a condenser depends directly upon the area of 87 its plates, their closeness together, and the specific inductive capacity of the dielectric. Different insulating materials have very different values as dielectrics. The inductive action seems to be stronger through some materials than through others, and it is less active through air than through any solids or liquids. Consequently a condenser which has air for a dielectric has less capacity than one of exactly equal size with a solid dielectric. The ratio of the capacities of two such condensers is called the specific inductive capacity of the solid dielectric. The annexed table gives the approximate specific induc- tive capacities of various materials. That of air is taken as unity as a matter of reference, because the inductive effect is less through it than through any common substance. SPECIFIC INDUCTIVE SPECIFIC INDUCTIVE MATERIAL,. CAPACITY. MATERIAL. CAPACITY. Air i. Gutta-percha 2.5 Petroleum 2.1 Shellac 2.9 Turpentine 2.2 Sulphur ... 3.7 Rubber 2.3 Mica -,. 6.6 Paraffine 2.3 Glass 5.0 to 10.0 The table shows the importance of carefully selecting the insu- lation for telephone cables in order that their capacities may be the least possible. In fact, the insulation directly surrounding the indi- vidual wires of such cables is often made from crinkled paper so that air makes up a considerable part of the material between the wires. While glass is one of the best of insulators, it is one of the poorest materials to use for the continuous insulation of the wires in telephone cables on account of its great specific inductive capacity. Insulated wires and cables placed underground always have a much greater capacity than wires of the same size and length placed overhead. This is largely because the dielectric of the underground wires is so much thinner than that of the overhead wires, and par- tially because the inductive capacity of solid dielectrics is greater than that of air. The capacity of an overhead wire strung at a height of thirty feet above the ground is only about one twentieth of that of a similar wire well insulated with a rubber compound and placed underground, and only about one tenth of that of a similar wire insulated with cotton and paraffine and placed in a cable under- ground. It is very important to make measurements of the capacity of conductors to be used in telephony and telegraphy. This may be done in various ways, but the method that is generally used is to directly compare the capacity of the wire with that of a standard condenser by means of a ballistic galvanometer. Standard condens- ers are made of various capacities and put up in boxes so that they may be readily used for various purposes. Since a capacity as large as a farad is very seldom met in the electrical industries, standard 88 FIG. 65. condensers are usually made equal to microfarads (one millionth of a farad) or fraction of microfarads, and the microfarad has become the common unit in which capacities are measured. Fig. 65 shows an ad- justable condenser which is made with five divisions of . i microfarad each. The five divisions may be put in parallel so that the total capacity is y 2 microfarad. Since the capacity of a condenser is directly proportional to the area of the plates, connecting condensers in parallel gives a total or combined capacity which is equal to the sum of the in- dividual capacities. Again, since the capacity depends inversely upon the thickness of the dielectric, connecting condensers of equal capacity in series, gives a combined capacity equal to the capacity oj one condenser divided by the number in series, because connecting condensers in series has the effect of adding together the thickness of the dielectrics in the different condensers. Where condensers of different capacities are connected together in series, the combined capacity is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacities. ( * , K = J ; k x -j- x / k 2 + 1 , k 3 . ) (Compare combi ned resistances, Lesson 7, page 46). Condensers connected in series are sometimes said to be connected in cascade. The plates of standard condensers are usually made of .tinfoil, and the dielectric of mica, paraffined paper, or oiled paper. A ballistic galvanometer is simply a sensitive galvanometer which is not dead beat. In this case, if a certain quantity of elec- tricity be passed through the coils of the instrument in a very short interval of time, its magnetic effect on the needle is very much like that of a blow, while the magnetic effect of a steady current on the needle is like that of a steady push. The needle of a galvanometer where such a transient current or discharge passes through it, swings off through an angle which is proportional to the quantity of elec- tricity in the! discharge, provided the angle of swing or throw is not too great. To measure the capacity of a cable, a standard condenser is selected of a capacity nearly equal to that of the cable. The con- denser is charged by a few cells of battery, and by means of a key its connections are then changed so that it discharges through a galvanometer. The throw of the galvanometer needle is observed. The same battery is now connected with one terminal to the cable conductor and its other terminal to the cable sheathing or to the earth. In this way the cable is charged. The cable and earth con- nections are then transferred to the galvanometer by means of the key, and the cable is discharged through the galvanometer. The throw of the needle is again observed. The two throws are propor- tional to the quantities of electricity in the charges of the condenser and the cable. Since these were charged by the same battery and therefore to the same pressure, the quantities of electricities are pro- portional to the respective capacities. Therefore the capacities are proportional to the throws. The object of taking a condenser of a capacity nearly equal to that of the cable is to make the throws nearly alike and thus avoid instrumental errors. When a proper condenser cannot be obtained, a shunt may be used, but this is also likely to introduce errors when used with discharges. The insulation of the instruments and their connections must be as perfect as possible in capacity tests, as is also necessary in insulation tests (Lesson 10, page 72). As an example, suppose the discharge of a y 2 microfarad con- denser when charged by five cells gives a galvanometer throw of 200 divisions; and when a cable two miles long is charged by the same cellsj arM discharged through the galvanometer, the throw is 180. Then the capacity of the cable is iff X^=-45 microfarads, and the capacity of the cable per mile is .45 / 2=. 225 microfarads. A Ley den jar (Fig. 66) is a condenser made out. of a glass jar which is coated with tin foil both outside and inside. Copyrighted, 1894, 90 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XII. Points for Review. 1. What are wattmeters? 2. How may an electrodynamometer be used as a wattmeter? 3. For what purpose are recording wattmeters and coulomb-meters used? 4. What is a watt-hour? An ampere-hour? 5. What is electrical capacity? 6. What is a farad? Why is a microfarad commonly used as the unit for measur- ing capacity? 7. What is a condenser? What is the capacity of a condenser? 8. How may a condenser be charged? 9. Upon what does the capacity of a condenser depend? 10. What is the specific inductive capacity of a substance? 11. Why must the insulating material for telephone cables be carefully selected to avoid excessive capacity? 12. Why is glass a poor material to use for continuously insulating telephone cables? 13. Why do underground wires have a greater capacity than similar wires strung overhead? 14. If three condensers of ^ microfarad be connected in parallel, what is their com- bined capacity? 15. How may capacities be compared by using a ballistic galvanometer? 16. Suppose that a l /$ microfarad condenser causes a throw of 80 divisions when charged with three cells and discharged through a galvanometer, while the throw caused by a five-mile wire, when charged by the same battery, is 120 divisions; what is the capacity of the wire per mile? 17. What is a leyden jar? LESSON XIII. ELECTROLYTIC DEPOSITION OF METALS. The electrochemical operations which result in depositing metals from a solution of their metallic salts are very wide-spread in the industries and are of great usefulness. The magnitude of the works involved in most of the operations does not approach that of works built for the purpose of furnishing electricity for light and power; nor do the ordinary electrolytic operations appeal to the ordi- nary observer as do the applications of electricity to transmitting messages, driving street cars, or furnishing light or power. Never- theless we owe to electrochemical operations many of the common, est necessities and comforts of life. The commercial applications of electrolysis cover a wide and useful range from nickel and silver Elating to electrotyping for the use of the printer; and from methods of bronzing and gilding to methods of smelting certain ores and 91 refining metals. Lesson 13 will be given to the consideration of the commonest and most useful of these applications. Nearly all of the processes depend upon the laws of chemical action which have already been described in the lessons on electric batteries and voltameters (Lessons 3, 4 and 12), but frequently the solutions used are quite complex, so that the chemical action which occurs is complicated and not always fully understood. A working knowledge of the processes of electrodeposition of metals has been possessed only since 1800, and, indeed, many of the more important processes of plating, electrotyping, etc., have been discovered since 1840 or 1845, while some of the important opera- tions of electrometallurgy, such as the electrolytic recovery of aluminum 'and the commercial refining of copper by electrolysis, have not been employed until within a very few years. The next few years seem destined to see electrolysis and electrometallurgical processes (processes of treating metals in which electricity is used) put into extended use in the recovery of various metals from their ores, and in some hitherto little explored fields, such as the purifying of drinking water and sterilising of sewage. Electroplating is the process of covering articles of metal with a thin layer of another metal by means of electrolysis. The covering usually consists of nickel, silver, or gold, and the base or covered metal is ordinarily of some composition such as white metal, Britan- nia metal, german silver, or brass. The details of the process are quite different for the different metals used in plating. We will first take up silver plating, as silver is the most important metal in plat- ing processes. The commonest salts of silver are chloride of silver, nitrate of silver, cyanide of silver, acetate of silver, sulphide of silver, and oxide of silver. A salt of a metal is a chemical combination formed by the action of an acid on the metal. Thus, sulphide of silver is a combination of sulphur and silver, and nitrate of silver is formed by the chemical action of nitric acid upon silver. Nitric acid is a chemical combination of hydrogen with oxygen and nitrogen, the oxygen and nitrogen in this case forming what is called an acid radical. The radical of nitric acid has a greater chemical attraction or affinity for silver than for hydrogen. Consequently when silver is immersed in nitric acid the silver is attacked and dissolved, during which process it combines with the acid radical and forms nitrate of silver, while the hydrogen of the acid is given off. The salts of silver which are used in electroplating are usually made from the nitrate. The nitrate of silver is produced by adding pure silver in small quan- tities at a time, to a warm mixture of one measure of distilled water to four measures of the strongest pure nitric acid. The action of the acid upon the silver is very intense and causes much heat to be given off (compare the action of sulphuric acid upon zinc, Lesson 3, page 15) and if the mixture be too hot or too much silver be added, the liquid 92 may boil over. In this case the mixture may be cooled by adding a little cold distilled water. When the mixture will dissolve no more silver the solution may be put in a covered jar and set in a dark place until it is required for use. For use with a silver voltameter a properly diluted solution of nitrate of silver is used (Lesson 9, page 64), but the deposit from a nitrate solution does not make a satisfactory plating. The best silver plating solution is one containing cyanide of silver. Cyanide of silver is the salt formed by the combination of silver with prussic acid. A solution of cyanide of silver is formed by slowly adding to the silver nitrate solution made substantially as already described a weak solution of cyanide of potash or white prussiate of potash. The cyanide of potash used should be dissolved in about ten times its own weight of distilled water. The addition of the potash solution to the nitrate of silver solution should be continued as long as a white precipitate forms, but no longer, or some of the silver is lost. The precipitate which forms is cyanide of silver. This should be allowed to settle, after which the clear liquid may be carefully poured or drawn off. The precipitate is then washed a number of times by pouring distilled water over it and stirring, allowing the precipitate to settle and pouring off the liquid. Cyanide of silver does not dissolve in water but readily dissolves in a solution of cyanide of potash in water, aud silver plating solutions are usually made by so dissolving the silver cyanide. Cyanide solutions are extremely poisonous and therefore must be handled carefully, and on account of the value of the silver which they contain must be handled without waste. The vats in which silver plating operations are carried out are usually made of wood, though they are sometimes made of sheet-iron lined with wood. They are of various dimensions, but generally are from two to three feet wide, five to six feet long, and about thirty inches deep. When the solution is made up and put in the vat for service it usually does not require changing for a number of years. It sometimes requires filtering, and the addition of water to supply that lost by evaporation, or the addition of cyanide salts to supply losses which have come about by electrolysis. The exact proportions of the solutions used for silver plating in different factories vary con- siderably, but they are nearly always substantially as already described. The general arrangement of a plating vat is shown in Fig. 67, where the flat plates inside the vat are sheets of silver which are con- nected to the positive pole of the source of current, and form the anodes of the electrolytic cell (Lesson 9, page 64), whilethe spoons, forks, and the other articles to be plated form the cathode. The supports for the anodes and cathodes are usually made of brass or copper tubes laid across the top of the vat. The articles to be plated are ordinarily supported on looped pieces of insulated copper wire 93 FIG. 67. FIG. 68. (Fig. 68). The insulation of these supports where they are immersed in the liquid is important in order to avoid an unnecessary and ex- pensive deposit of silver upon them. The silver deposit made on the cathodes occurs as a result of electrolysis, and an equal amount of silver goes into the liquid from the anode when all is working well (compare Lesson 9, page 64). The quality of the deposit which is made in electroplating is of the first importance. The three points to be looked after most care- fully are the strength of the current as compared with the magni- tude of the surface to be plated, the composition, density, and tem- perature of the plating solution, and the condition of the articles to be plated when put into the solution. The current for plating was formerly furnished by batteries but it is now ordinarily furnished from small dynamos which produce a low pressure properly adapted for its purpose. The pressure may also be adjusted to a con- siderable extent by means of a resistance box connected in circuit with the magnetizing coils oi the dynamo. The current and pres- sure supplied by the dynamo may be measured by means of an amperemeter and a voltmeter. One dynamo of sufficient size maybe used to supply current to several plating vats. The vats may be connected either in series or in parallel, depending upon the pressure developed by the dynamo. When the current is of the proper amount the covering which is deposited upon the plated articles is hard, white, adheres closely, and is deposited with reasonable rapidity. When the current is too small the deposit usually is of good quality but the plating progresses too slowly. When the current is too great the plating is likely to become gray or black and rough, while gas is sometimes given off at the cathode. A discoloration of the silver deposit may also occur from impurities in the liquid. Such discolor- ation may often be removed by proper after treatment of the plated articles, but to this attention cannot be given here. The form of the articles to be plated often has much to do with quality of the plating. Thus bulky articles with a given sur- face often do not plate as rapidly as thinner articles with exactly the same amount of surface to be covered. Edges and points often gather a granular or rough deposit while the flat parts of the same articles take a satisfactory, hard deposit. Such difficulties can be overcome only by making a proper mutual adjustment of the dis- tances between anodes and cathodes, the quality of the liquid, and the current per unit surface of the articles. When articles which have great irregularities of surface are to be plated, the distance between anodes and cathodes must be greater than that which is satisfactory when the articles have a uniform surface, otherwise the more promi- nent points of the articles will receive a heavy deposit while the hollows may receive little or no deposit. It is important that all plated articles be given a uniform deposit of proper thickness upon the surfaces which it is desired to cover. The thickness of silver plat- ing ordinarily varies from the thinnest possible coating to the thickness of thin writing paper, depending upon the quality of the product. There is a method of plating by simply dipping the articles in a proper silver solution which is used to silver small articles, such as hooks and eyes, on which the coating is too thin to be really measured. In this case the plating is not due to electro- lytic action, but simply to chemical action between the silver solu- tion and the metal composing the articles to be covered. This is called plating by simple immersion. In preparing articles for silver plating, the greatest care must be taken to make them absolutely clean and bright, or the plating will not take a permanent hold, but will peel off. It is first necessary to prepare the articles for the kind of coating they are intended to receive; if the plating is intended to be polished, the articles must be polished, all deep scratches must be removed, etc. This may be ^475- Wire number i then measures the difference between the resistance of all, and that of numbers 2 and 3 together, 141 FIG. 143. or the differences between 6,475 an ^ 4>7 oa Number i therefore measures 1,775 ohms. In the same way wires numbers 2 and 3 are each found to measure 2,725 and 1,975 ohms. When resistance measurements are made with the earth as part of the circuit, currents flowing in the earth may interfere with the results by entering the wire and flowing along it. Such currents are called earth currents. At exceptional times, as, for instance, during the continuance of the so-called magnetic storms, earth currents flow- ing on the wires may be so strong that telegraphing may be carried on without any battery attached to the wires. When earth currents interfere with the measurements made on a grounded circuit, the tests must be postponed until a more favorable opportunity, if ad- ditional wires cannot be used in making the measurements by the last method given above. Insulation measurements are made with the line disconnected from its ground plates (the line open, Fig. 143). As a general rule, the insulation resistance is higher than an ordinary Wheatstone bridge will measure, and the method explained in Lesson X, page 72 is used. The condition of the insulation of a line from day to day may also be roughly determined by means of a milliamperemeter (Lesson XI, page 75), which is placed in the circuit at one end of the line, and then a battery of a fixed number of cells is connected in the circuit at the other end of the line. If the resistance of the circuit and the pressure of the battery be known, a certain standard cur- rent which may be calculated according to Ohm's Law (Lesson VIII, page 5 2), should flow through the line when the insulation is perfect. The difference between the standard current and that indicated by the amperemeter is a measure of the leakage from the line. A comparison of the periodical measurements of conductivity and insulation shows whether or not the line is in good order, or whether or not any poor connections are developing or its insulation is deteriorating. The location of the position of a ground or a cross on a line may be determined in various ways. If the fault is a dead ground, a measurement of the resistance of th? line is made by bridge from one end of the line, the other end of the line being open, (Fig. 144), and the distance to the ground is calculated at once from the resistance of the line per mile. Thus, suppose a line 500 miles long ordinarily measures 4,500 ohms or 9 ohms per mile, and the resistance meas- ured through a dead ground is 1,800 ohms, then the ground is 200 miles from the station where the measurement is made, since 9 times 142 FIG. 144. 200 is equal to 1,800. When the ground is only partial its location is not so simple, since the resistance of the leakage path comes into the measurements. Several methods may be used in making the measurements, but the two following are the simplest. The resis- tance of the line through the fault may be measured from each end, the other end being open at the time. To find the resistance of the line between one end, A, and the fault, the resistance of the line in good order is added to that measured through the fault from A. From this is subtracted the resistance measured through the fault from B and the result is divided by two. For instance, suppose the resistance measured through the fault from A, as shown in Fig. 144, is 3,500 ohms, and a similar measurement made from B shows 5,000 ohms, the line itself from A to B measuring 4,500 ohms, then, the resistance of the line from A to the fault is 3>50Q+4 'f ) ~ 5 ' 000 ^ 1,500. If the line measures 9 ohms to the mile, the distance from A to the fault is 167 miles. The reason for this is readily seen, since the total resistance of the line is equal to that from A to the fault, added to that from B to the fault, F. The measurement from A through the fault gives the resistance from A to F added to the resistance of the leak. The measurement from B through the leak gives the resistance from B to F added to the resistance of the leak. Adding together the resistance of the line in good order and the resistance from A through the fault, gives a sum which is equal to the resistance of the leak plus the resistance of the line from F to B, plus twice the resistance of the line from A to F. Subtracting the resistance from B through the leak leaves a remainder equal to twice the resistance of the line from A to F. The second method of locating a fault is by what is called the loop method. This can be used only when the leaky wire can be looped with a good wire so that both ends may be connected to a "bridge for testing. In this case the connection is made up as shown in diagram in Fig. 145, where EP is the leaky wire and CP is the good one. Af makes one bridge arm and Cf another, while A B and B C are the other two arms. When AE or A B and A C are adjusted until the bridge is balanced, the resistance from C to f and from A to f are to each other as B C is to A B, while the total resistance of Cf 143 FIG. 145. FIG. 146. "YVo* FIG. 147- plus Ef plus A E are known from the records of the wire conductiv- ities and the reading of the rheostat, A E. The way in which the connections are made to a postoffice pattern bridge is shown in Fig. 146. When two wires are crossed, the location of the point where they make contact with each other is carried out in very much the same manner as the location of grounds, except that the measure- ments are made over a circuit made up of the two crossed wires (Fig. 147) instead of over a circuit made up of the ground and the grounded wire. The distance from the measuring station to the cross is calculated from the measured resistance and the resistance per mile of the two wires together. Thus, suppose the resistance measured through the cross at X, as shown in Fig. 147, is 4,400 ohms, and the resistances of the two wires are 9 and 13 ohms per mile. Then the cross is 200 miles from the measuring station, since the resistance per mile of the two wires together is 9 plus 13, or 22 ohms. In this measurement it is assumed that the resistance at the cross itself is too small to be taken into account. When this is not the case, special measurements have to be made as in the case of a partial ground. In making test measurements it is usual to disconnect all telegraph or telephone instruments from the circuit, though they may be per- mitted to remain in circuit and a correction made on account of theil resistance or insulation. FIG. 148. In testing underground wires and submarine cables, practically the same methods are used as in the testing of overhead wires. Systematic, periodical tests are quite essential for the preservation of the life of cables, since their usefulness may be quickly destroyed after a leak starts. Fig. 148 shows the permanent testing arrangements as they are set up in the testing-room at the end of an ocean cable. Copyrighted, 1894, 145 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XVIII. Points for Review. 1. What are the classes of trouble which occur on telegraph and telephone lines? 2. What is a ground? What is a cross? 3. How can the position of trouble be located on a local telegraph line? 4. What are earth currents? 5. How is the conductivity of a line measured? 6. How is the insulation of a line measured? 7. How can the position of a ground be located by electrical measurements? 8. How can the position of a cross be located by electrical measurements? I^KSSON XIX. PRINCIPLES OF CONTINUOUS CURRENT DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. The experiments of Oersted (Lesson VI, page 35), Sturgeon (Lesson VI, page 40), and others, showed the intimate relation existing between electricity and magnetism, and also showed that the flow of an electric current always produces magnetism (Lessons VI. and VII). It remained for the brilliant experimental studies of Prof. Joseph Henry, of Princeton College, New Jersey, and Michael Faraday, of the Royal Institution, London, to make the most important additions to our knowledge of the mutual action between electric currents and magnetism. Within two years after the publication by Oersted that a magnetic needle may be deflected by bringing near it a wire carrying an electric current, Faraday had succeeded in producing a continuous motion by means of the effect of an electric current upon a permanent magnet, and it was soon after learned that a wire hung over the pole of a magnet and with its ends in mercury troughs, as shown in Fig. 149, would continuously revolve around the pole on account of the mutual attraction of the lines of force belonging to the magnet and to a current in the wire (Lesson VI, page 38).^ In the motion thus pro- duced, by means similar to those utilized in many of the electrical instruments which have already been described, lies the principle of the operation of the electric motors which prove so useful at the present day. At the time of Faraday, the best method of generating n\an electric current was by means of an electric battery, but the use- res'fllness of the electric motor could be but small as long as it depended its power upon the consumption of zinc in a battery (Lesson IV, 24). 146 FIG. 149. FIG. 150. To the vigorous minds of Faraday and Henry, the production of motion when an electric current was brought into the influence of a magnet, seemed to suggest a reverse action through which an electric current might be produced by the motion of a wire in a magnetic field. This thought led, shortly after 1830, to the magnificent dis- covery by Faraday that a tendency for electric currents to flow is pro- duced in a conductor which is moved in a magnetic field so as to cut through the lines of force of the field. That is, an electric pressure is set up in the conductor when it cuts the lines of force. The two great experimenters also independently discovered the fact that any change in the magnetic field around a wire tends to set up an electric current in the wire, exactly as any change in an electric current which flows in a wire causes a corresponding change in the magnetic field about it. In this great discovery lies the principle of the oper- ation of dynamo electric generators or dynamos, as they are usually called. Faraday himself made in 1831 what may be called the first model of a dynamo. This consisted of a disc of copper rotated between the poles of a strong magnet (Fig. 150). From this disc a current was collected by copper brushes which rubbed on the edge of the disc and on its shaft. Faraday's discovery was quickly turned into commercial service and many small machines were made for generating electric currents by rotating coils of wire between the poles of permanent magnets. These machines with permanent magnets are ordinarily spoken of as magneto electric generators or magnetos, to distinguish them from the ordinary dynamo electric generators or dynamos which have electro- magnets. The magnetos which are used for ringing telephone call bells (Lesson XVI, page 122), belong to the same class as the early machines. When a wire is moved in a magnetic field so that it cuts lines of force, the action which occurs causes a difference of electric pressure between the two ends of the wires. The magnitude and direction of the pressure which is thus induced depends upon certain fixed relations. The magnitude of the pressure depends upon the rate at which the 147 FIG. 151. FIG. 152. wire cuts lines of force, that is, upon the total number of lines of force cut by the wire in a second of time. When the wire cuts one hundred million (100,000,000) lines of force in every second during its motion, an electric pressure of one volt is set up, and if the wire (like C in Fig. 151) be laid across conducting rails which are electrically connected through a galvanometer (shown at G in the figure) the galvanometer will indicate, while the wire moves, the flow of a current, having a strength which is equal to the induced pressure divided by the resist- ance of the electric circuit made up of the galvanometer, rails, and moving wire. If the wire cuts through the lines of force at the rate of two hundred millions (200,000,000) to the second, the induced pressure is equal to two volts, and if the wire cuts only 75 million lines each second, a pressure of only ^ volts is set up, which is ac- cording to the rule given above. The number of lines of force which are cut in a second by a wire moving in a magnetic field depends upon four items: i, upon the strength of the field, or the number of lines of force which it con- tains in each square centimeter; 2, upon the length of the wire which is in the field; 3, upon the speed with which the wire moves; 4, upon the angle with which the wire moves across the lines of force. If the wire moves diagonally across the lines of force it does not cut through as many lines in a given time as when it moves equally fast at right angles to the lines. The direction of the induced electric pressure depends upon the direction of the lines of force in the magnetic field and the direction in which the wire cuts through them. In Fig. 152, if the vertical arrows show the direction of the lines of force and the horizontal arrow between the rails shows the direction in which the wire A B moves, then the end B of the moving wire is positive and the other end negative in pressure. That is, a current will flow around the circuit, composed of the wire and the rails, from B through C and D to A and from A through the wire to B. The current flows in the external circuit, B C D A, from the positive or high pressure end to the negative or low pressure end of the wire, and within the moving wire the current flows from the low pressure end to the high pressure end. The motion of the wire across the lines of force causes it to act like a pump, which lifts the electric current from its low pressure or suction end to its high pressure or discharge end. In this respect the moving wire acts exactly like a friction machine or a 148 FIG. 154. FIG. 153. primary battery (Lesson II, page 10, and Lesson III, page 16). If the direction of the wire's motion be reversed, the direction of the current will also be reversed. Reversing the direction of the lines of force also reverses the current. There are various ways of remembering the relation between the direction of the electric current, the direction of the wire's motion, and the direction of the lines of force. One of them is to hold up the right hand, with the thumb sticking straight up, the first finger sticking straight out, and the middle finger turned off to the left (Fig. 153). Now, if the hand be turned in such a direction that the thumb points in the direction of motion of the wire and the first finger points in the direction of the lines of force, then the mid- dle or central finger will point in the direction of the current which is set up in the wire by the induced pressure. Another way of remembering this relation is by a modification of Ampere's rule (Lesson VI, page 37). If a man lies in the mov- ing conductor so that he looks down along the lines of force (his face is towards the south pole), and the motion is towards his right hand, he will be floating head first down the current which is set up in the wire. It has already been explained (Lesson V, page 31) that the earth is a great magnet, and that its lines of force, therefore, reach out through all the space within which we live. The induction of elec- tric pressure by a wire cutting lines of force may, therefore, be illus- trated by swinging a long wire in the earth's magnetic field. If a wire be suspended across a room and its ends be attached to a sensi* 149 tive galvanometer, the needle 01 the galvanometer will be deflected from side to side when the wire is set to swinging. When the^wire moves in one direction, the needle will move to one side of its zero point; and when the wire moves in the other direction, the needle will move to the other side of the zero. This shows that the direc- tion of the pressure induced by the cutting of the earth's lines offeree depends upon the direction in which the wire moves across the lines. If the wire be caused by some means to swing more slowly, the deflections of the galvanometer needle will be smaller, showing that the magnitude of the induced pressure depends upon the velocity of motion of the wire. If half the wire be now replaced by a piece of string, and the ends of the remaining half be connected to the galvanometer with- out practically altering the resistance of the circuit, and the wire be set swinging at about the same speed as before, the galvanometer deflections are reduced to about one half their former value, showing that the induced pressure depends upon the length of the wire. These experiments can only be successfully carried out in some such favorably equipped place as a college laboratory, but their description serves to illustrate the effect of moving a conductor across magnetic lines of force. An experiment illustrating the same thing may be made by a permanent magnet, a coil of wire, and any galvanometer with a light needle which is obtainable. If the coil made up of a few turns of wire be slipped along one end of the magnet at a fixed speed, the galvanometer needle will show a certain deflec- tion. Now if more turns be added to the coil, which is then moved exactly as before, the galvanometer deflection will be proportionally greater, showing that a greater electric pressure has been induced. In the case of the coil we have the following condition; each turn cuts the lines of force at a certain rate as the coil is slipped along the magnet, and a corresponding electric pressure is set up in it. Since the turns of the coil are all connected in series and the elec- tric pressures set up in them are all in the same direction, the elec- tric pressure induced in the whole coil is equal to the sum of the pressures developed in all of its turns. This is exactly similar to the case of an electric battery with its cells connected in series, where the battery pressure is equal to the sum of the pressures of all the cells. Adding additional cells to the battery increases the battery pressure, and adding additional turns to the moving coil increases the total pressure induced in it. If the connections of some of the cells in the battery are reversed, the pressure at the battery terminals is reduced and becomes equal to the difference of the pressures which are developed by the cells connected in one way and those which are connected in the reverse way. In the same way,* if part of the turns of the moving coil be wound in one direction and part in the other direction, the pressures 150 FIG. 155. FIG. 156. developed in the two parts are opposite, and the effective pressure developed by the coil is equal to the difference of the pressures which are developed in the parts. If half the turns are right handed and half left handed, no current will flow in the coil when it moves in the magnetic field, because the pressure developed in one half of the turns tends to cause the current to flow one way, and the equal pres- sure developed in the other half of the turns tends to cause the cur- rent to flow in the opposite direction. These two tendencies neu- tralize each other, and no current flows. For the same reason, if a coil of wire be moved straight across the lines of force of a uniform field (Fig. 154) no current will flow in the coil, since the pressures developed in the two halves of each turn are in opposition, as shown by the arrows, and are of equal value. The truth of this may be easily proved by applying one of the rules given earlier (page 150). If the coil be mounted on an axis or shaft, so that it may be revolved in the field (Fig. 155), a different condition exists. Now, the two halves of the coil cut the lines of force in such a way that the pressures are in the same direction as shown by the arrows, and a current therefore flows in the coil. Fig. 156 shows the coil after it has turned through a half revolution from its first position. From this figure it is seen that the two sides of the coil are now both cutting the lines of foioe in a direction which is opposite to that in which they cut the lines before. The direction of the current in the coil is therefore reversed. As the coil continues revolving the current in it is reversed in every half revolution. Such a current, which flows first in one direction and then in another, is called an alternating current. 151 FIG. 157. FIG. 158. If, instead of being short circuited on itself, the coil be connected to an external circuit by means of such sliding contacts as are shown in Fig. 157, the alternating current may be led off to be used for any desired purpose. The rings A A, to which the ends of the coil are attached, in this case are called collecting rings or collectors, and the parts B B, which bear on the collectors, are cabled brushes. In an actual machine made up for the purpose of generating electricity by a coil revolving in a magnetic field, the revolving part is called an armature. Telephone magnetos, which have already been referred to, consist of a coil of wire wound on an iron core, which is revolved in the magnetic field between the poles of a horse shoe magnet (Fig. 158). Such machines produce an alternating current. FIG. 159. FIG. 160. It is possible to arrange the collector which is attached to a coil that is revolved in a magnetic field in the manner shown in Fig. 159. With this arrangement, the collector segments connect each brush first with one end of the coil and then with the other end as the coil revolves. If the brushes are properly set, that is, if they bear on the collector at proper points, this arrangement causes the current to flow continuously in one direction in the external circuit, though in the coil itself, its direction of flow reverses with each half revo- lution as before. Such an arrangement of the collector is called a commutator, and the current in the outside circuit is said to be commutated or rectified. Fig. 160 shows one of the early dynamos 152 FIG. 161. FIG. 162. with a single coil armature and commutatpr of two segments. This machine looks quite like the magneto shown in Fig. 158, but the collector is different and the magnetic field is set up by an electro- magnet instead of a permanent magnet. An armature with one coil furnishes a current consisting of a series of waves or pulsations, which may be represented by Fig. 161. This is easily understood after a little consideration. When the coil stands up and down between the pole pieces like the full lines in Figs. 155 and 156, it is in such a position that when it is revolved a small amount, the conductors move practically parallel to the lines of force and no lines are cut. When the coil is in continuous revolution, no pressure is induced at the instant that it is in the positions shown by the full lines in Figs. 155 and 156 (A., C. and E., Fig. 161). When the coil stands as shown by the dotted lines in Figs. 155 and 156, it is in such a position, that when it is moved a little, the conductors cut squarely across the lines of force and the largest pos- sible number of lines of force are cut for a given amount of motion. The dotted positions of the coil correspond with the points B and D in fig. 161. Direct current dynamos having armatures with one coil are not satisfactory for general use for two reasons: ist, the wavy character of the current is a disadvantage for some purposes; ad, the commuta- tion of large currents at the full pressure which is required for most commercial uses is not practical. To overcome these difficulties the armature coils must be uniformly distributed over the surface of the armature, and the windings must be connected at equal intervals to commutator segments. The first armature of this kind that was put into commercial service was invented by a Frenchman named Gramme. The core of Gramme's armature consisted of a ring made of iron wire. This ring had a winding of insulated copper wire wound uniformly over its surface and at equal intervals the windings were electrically connected to commutator segments. The arrange- ment is shown in Fig. 162. When this armature is placed in a mag- 153 FIG. 163. N FIG. 164. netic field the lines of force pass through the iron core from one pole to another (Fig. 163) so that the revolution of the ring causes the outer conductors to cut lines of force but the inner conductors are entirely shielded. When the armature is revolved the wires of the armature winding which are under one pole piece cut lines of force in one direction, and those under the other pole piece cut lines in the opposite direction. The effect of the opposing electric pressures which are thus set up in the windings of the armatures, is to cause a point at one side of the armature to come to a high electrical pres- sure and a point on the opposite side to come to a low electrical pressure. If brushes bear on the commutator at these points (A and B in Fig. 164) a current will flow in the external circuit from the high to the low pressure side of the armature, that is, from A to B. The path of the current through the armature itself is from B to A, through the two halves of the armature in parallel. This is plainly shown by the figure. Since the number of conductors under the pole pieces is practically the same for every position of the armature during the revolution, the armature produces a practically continuous current when it is continuously revolved at a uniform rate, as when it is driven by a steam engine. Copyrighted, 1894, 154 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XIX. Points for review. 1. Who was Joseph Henry? Who was Michael Faraday? 2. What is the result of moving an electric conductor in a magnetic field? 3. What is the effect of changing the strength of the magnetic field which is around a. conductor? 4. Upon what depends the magnitude of the electric pressure which is induced when a conductor is moved in a magnetic field? 5. Upon what does the direction of the induced pressure depend? 6. How may the direction of the current set up by the induced pressure be remembered? 7. How may the effect of moving a conductor in a magnetie field be illustrated? 8. What is the result of moving a coil of wire straight across a uniform magnetic field? 9. What is the result of revolving the coil in the field? 10. What is an alternating current? 11. How may the current induced in a revolving coil be taken off for use in an external circuit? < 12. What is the difference between dynamos and magnetos? 13. What is the purpose of a commutator? LESSON xx. PRINCIPLES OF CONTINUOUS CURRENT DYNAMOS AND MOTORS: THEIR CONSTRUCTION, CARE AND ATTENDANCE. As a rule, commercial Gramme or ring armatures are not wound with a continuous wire but the divisions of the armature windings, the ends of which are connected to adjacent commutator segments or bars, are wound as separate coils. This makes it possible to insu- late the different parts of the winding more effectively from each other, and thus prevent the current from jumping by a short path, or short circuiting, directly from one coil to another instead of follow- ing all the way around the coils. The separate coils are connected to the commutator segments, and to each other, so that the wind- ing is in effect the same as though made with a continuous wire connected at intervals to the commutator segments. The armature core may be an iron cylinder or drum, made out of discs of sheet iron laid together (Fig. 165), instead of an iron ring. In this case the winding seems more complicated, but its general plan is similar to that of the ring armature. The winding consists of a number of coils wound uniformly over the surface of the drum, which are connected together in such a way that the zvinding is elec- trically the same as though it had been made zvith a single long wire. 155 FIG. 165 FIG. 166. The coils are connected to the commutator bars exactly as in the ring armature, and their effect in producing electrical pressure when the armature is revolved is just the same as has already been explained in the case of the ring armature. Armatures with drum shaped cores are called Siemens or drum armatures. A Siemens armature with four coils is shown in Fig. 166, from which may be seen the way in which the wires are wound on the core and connected to the commu- tator. The same figure shows one coil wound upon an armature core which is intended for sixteen coils. Commercial armatures usually have from thirty to one hundred coils. It has already been said that the early Gramme armature cores were made out of iron wire coiled up to form a ring. In modern machines the cores for both Gramme and Siemens armatures are built up of discs, which are punched out of sheet iron (Fig. 165). These discs are usually insulated from each other by thin tissue paper. The object of dividing the cores into discs or laminating them, and of insulating the discs from each other, is to prevent currents from being set up in the core itself when it is revolved in the . mag- netic field. The rule that electric pressures are set up when a con- ductor cuts lines of force, applies equally as much to the core of the armature as to the windings. Currents tend to flow in armature cores from one end to the other at the surface, and back again near the. center of the core. By properly laminating the cores these currents are nearly all prevented, while the passage of lines of force all the way through iron from one side of the core to the other, is not interfered with. The great objection to permitting currents to circulate in armature cores is the fact that it takes power to keep them circulat- ing, and all this power is converted into heat in the armature core, and is wasted. Compare Lesson VIII, The heating of the core has 156 FIG. 167. another disadvantage since a high temperature is likely to injure the cotton and shellac insulation which is used between the coils them- selves, and between the coils and core. Even with the best of lamina- tion a certain amount of power is lost, and heating is caused, by cur- rents circulating in the core discs. These currents are ordinarily called eddy currents because they eddy uselessly through the core, mfoucault currents after the name of a scientist who made some investigations many years ago relating to the generation of currents in masses of metal. There is an additional cause -of lost power and heating in the cores of armatures which cannot be reduced by lamination. This seems to be due to a sort of friction between the molecules as they are caused to turn over by the attraction of the magnetic field while the armature revolves. Every time the molecules are caused to turn around under the influence of a magnetic field, a certain amount of power is used, which is converted into heat; conse- quently, for every revolution of the armature a certain amount of power is used and converted into heat. This effect is called hys- teresis. The amount of power wasted and heat produced in a core on account of hysteresis depends upon the amount of iron in tne core, the number of revolutions made by it in a minute, the density of magnetism in the iron, and the quality of the iron. It may be said that, in general, the softer the iron the less is the loss due to hysteresis; consequently, the iron used in armature cores is very soft wrought-iron or steel which has been carefully annealed. The magnetic field in which the armature revolves is ordinarily produced by a great electromagnet, as has been said in the preceding lesson. The frame of the electromagnet is so arranged that it can hold the windings required to set up the lines of force, and in order that the lines may be caused to pass through the armature the poles are arranged to embrace the armature. These expanded poles are called polepieces (P P in Fig. 167), and the whole of the magnet frame is called the field of the machine. The parts of the field upon which the windings are placed are often called the field-cores (m. m. in Fig. 167.) It is always necessary to allow a certain amount of space 157 between the pole-pieces and the surface of the armature, and in addition a certain amount of space is occupied by the armature wind- ings, so that a considerable depth of non-magnetic material exists between the iron of the pole-pieces and the iron of" the armature core. This space is usually called the air space or gap (G, Fig. 167). The number of ampere turns (L,esson VI, page 39) which are required to give the magneto-motive force which is needed to set up the lines of force necessary to induce a given electrical pressure in the armature windings depends upon the reluctance of the armature core, of the air gap and of the magnet frame. Since there is no insulator ot magnetism, some of the lines of force which are set up in the field will leak around the armature instead of passing through it, and the cross-section of iron in the path of the lines of force through the field must be sufficiently large to hold these leakage lines as well as the useful ones which pass through the armature. It is the leakage or stray lines of force which magnetize watches when they are carried near a dynamo. In order that the proportion of the total number of lines of force that leak around the armature shall be as small as possible, the reluctance of the air gap, which is always a considerable part of the total reluctance in the magnetic circuit, must be made as small as possible. It is also of advantage to make the air space reluctance, and therefore the total reluctance of the magnetic circuit as small as pos- sible because the number of ampere turns which are required to set up the field magnetism, are thereby reduced, and the expense of building the machine is consequently decreased. For this purpose, the armature core is often made toothed and the windings are placed in the slots or grooves between the teeth. It is sometimes thought that placing the armature conductors in grooves between teeth in the core permits some of the lines of force to pass through the core In such a way that they are are not cut by the conductors as the arma- ture revolves. This is a mistake, however, and armatures with the conductors wound in slots give exactly the same electrical pressure when revolved in a magnetic field as is given by an armature with the same number of conductors wound on the surface of its core when it is revolved at the same speed in a field of the same strength^ We have seen that the operation of dynamos is a direct applica- tion of Faraday's discovery that an electrical pressure is generated in a conductor when it is moved in a magnetic field. Electric motors work on the principle that a conductor carrying a current tends to move when placed in a magnetic field, on account of the mutual action of the lines of force of the field and of the ciirrent. The reasons for these actions we do not know, but we know their existence as the result of experiment and are able to apply their results to practical use. These two principles are practically the reverse of each other, and the action of dynamos and motors is therefore a reversible one. 158 That is, a machine which is designed to be used as a dynamo to gen- erate electric currents when driven by mechanical power, may usually be used equally well to generate mechanical power when driven as a motor by an electrical current. It is a fact that the best dynamos usually make the best motors, and manufacturers sell their standard machines to be used either as generators or motors. We shall there- fore treat them as entirely similar in construction. It is only when the machines are built to be used for some special purpose that they cannot be conveniently interchanged in their action. The points required in a good dynamo or motor for general use are a powerful magnetic field, which requires a small magnetic reluc- tance in the magnetic circuit; as little waste as possible of power by heating, which requires that the windings shall be well designed and that a good quality of iron which is well laminated shall be used in the armature core; and good insulation of the windings from elec- trical contact with the iron cores and of the various turns of the windings from each other. L" a machine is striped with gold paint, it does not necessarily follow that it is a well built machine. A good, plain finish is of advantage in an electrical machine, because it gen- erally shows the good quality of the' workmanship which is always nec- essary in a satisfactory machine. A good finish is also desirable because it quickly shows dirt and bad treatment and thus makes evident any neglect on the part of the dynamo attendant. Dirt and dampness are two great enemies of the insulation of dynamos and motors, and the machines must therefore be kept perfectly clean and dry in order that they may operate well and last indefinitely without unnecessary repairs. When a dynamo armature is revolved in a magnetic field so as to produce a current, the lines of force belonging to the current are attract- ed by the lines of force of the field. This attraction tends to stop the motion so that power has to be exerted to keep the armature moving, and the total electrical power produced is eaus 1 to the power exerted on the armature less that which is lost by mechanical and magnetic friction (Lesson VIII, page 52). The useful electrical power which is delivered by the dynamo to its external circuit is less than the total electrical power generated, by the amount which is lost in heating the armature core by eddy currents and in heating the armature and magnet windings by the useful currents. When a machine is operated as a motor by furnishing current to it from an external source, the same losses exist, so that the amount of electrical power which must be furnished to it is greater than the mechanical power which is taken from its pulley. When the motor armature is caused to revolve by the magnetic attractions, its conductors cut the lines of force of the field, and an electric pressure is therefore set up in them. The direction of this is opposite to that of the external source which sends the current through the armature. 159 FIG. 168. FIG. 169. FIG. 170. The electric pressure which is thus set up in the armature conductors of the motor is called a counter electric pressure or counter electro- motive force. The wor^k which is done by the motor is dependent upon it, and a useful electric motor which does not produce a counter electric pressure is as impossible of existence as is a perpetual motion machine. Seekers after either are looking for the impossible. Dynamos may be divided into three classes depending upon the way in which their field magnets are wound. These are: i. Series wound (Fig. 168), in which the field winding is connected in series with the external circuit, and all the current generated by the dynamo passes through a thick wire which is wound a comparatively few times around the field cores; 2. Shunt wound (Fig. 169), in which a field winding of high resistance is connected in parallel, or as a shunt, to the external circuit, and only a portion of the current generated by the dynamo passes around the field cores through a great many turns of fine wire; 3. Compound wound (Fig. 170), which is a combination of the first two, so that the fields are magne- tized in the same direction by both a shunt and a series winding. If three dynamos of the same size and shape have fields wound in the three different ways, the number of ampere turns in the magnet- izing coils must be the same in each. Since the series winding carries a large current, the number of times the current must pass around the magnet core to make a given number of ampere turns is comparatively small, and the winding has comparatively few turns. The shunt winding carries a comparatively small current and this current must therefore pass many times around the core in order that it may have the same magnetizing effect as the large current passing a few times around the core. In the compound winding, the number of series turns and of shunt turns must be so proportioned that the number of ampere turns made up by both together shall be the same as in the other cases. The purpose for which a dynamo is to be used, almost always fixes the style of its field windings. Series wound dynamos are ordinarily used for furnishing a current of constant strength to arc lamps which are connected in series (Fig. 179). Series windings are FIG. 180. & FIG. 179. also used on the fields of street railway motors. Shunt or compound wound dynamos are used for furnishing the current to incandescent lamps or electric motors which are all connected in parallel (Fig. 1 80) between wires which are kept at a constant difference of press- ure, and shunt wound motors are commonly used to furnish power for stationary purposes. Compound dynamos have quite an advan- tage for furnishing current to be used by electric motors, that is, for power distribution, because they automatically keep the pressure con- stant through the combined action of the shunt and series field wind- ings. The pressure supplied by shunt dynamos decreases to a cer- tain degree, as the current furnished by the armature increases, on -<. ccount of the resistance of the armature, and because the magnetism stt up by the current in the armature coils interferes with the field magnetism. The magnetizing power of a series winding, of course increases with the current which is furnished by the machine, and the natural fall of pressure in a shunt dynamo may be entirely over- come, or even reversed, by the addition of series turns. When shunt dynamos are used, it is necessary to regulate the strength of the field magnetism by means of a variable resistance which is connected into the field circuit (Fig. 180). This resistance is often called afield rheostat or hand regulator. In order that the number of ampere turns required to set up the magnetism in a dynamo shall not be excessive, it is important to make the magnetic reluctance (Lesson VI, page 41) in the path of the lines of force as small as possible. On account of this, the magnet frame composing the magnetic circuit of the field is substantially made of iron. In many machines good wrought iron is used because its permeability is greater than that of cast iron, but cast iron costs less per pound than wrought iron, so that some manufacturers use cast iron in the fields of their machines. In this case a greater 161 MCTNIVF ^^C 162 FIG. 176. 163 FIG. 177. FIG. 178. 13-J.. weight of cast iron is used to make up for its lower permeability, but on account of the smaller cost of cast iron the heavier machine may not be any more expensive than the lighter one in which wrought iron is used. Fig. 171 shows a very common form of machine in which the fields are made of wrought iron, except the pole pieces which are of cast iron. In Fig. 172 is shown a machine in which the fields are made wholly of wrought iron. The form of these machines makes it necessary to support the magnet frame and armature bearings by a cast iron bed plate. The one horse-power " Letter Type n generator of the Westinghouse Company is a machine in which the fields are wholly of cast iron. In some machines the magnet frames are made of very soft steel castings. This metal has fine magnetic qualities and therefore is specially excellent for use where light weight is important. The field of the great 2,000 horse-power dynamo which was used to fur- nish current to the electric motors of the Intramural Railway at the World's Fair and which is now furnishing current to electric street car motors, is made of steel. Fig. 173 shows a street railway motor with a steel magnet frame. Not only does the material of which the frame of a dynamo is made depend to some extent upon the use for which the machine is intended, but the form of the machine is also a matter of choice which depends to a considerable extent upon the object of the ma- chine. For instance, the motor shown in Fig. 173 is iron clad, that is, the steel frame surrounds the field windings and armature. This arrangement protects the windings from danger of mechanical injury and from the danger of being splashed by water thrown by the car wheels from puddles in the street. Water will quickly ruin the insulating qualities of the cotton thread and canvas which are largely used to insulate the wires on dynamos and motors. The commonest forms of dynamos and motors which are in general use are shown in Figs. 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177 and 178. In Figs. 177 and 178, the fields have four and eight poles. These are called multipolar to distinguish them from the more com- mon two pole or bipolar machines. Multipolar machines may have any number of pairs of poles which their dimensions will admit. The armatures which are used in multipolar machines are wound upon the same principle as those used in bipolar machines, which have been explained. The number of sets of brushes required to take the current from the commutator of a multipolar machine is commonly equal to the number of poles, but sometimes certain special connections are made in the armature, which make it possible to use only two sets of brushes as shown in Fig. 178. Machines having the form shown in Figs. 174 and 175, are often spoken of as consequent pole machines because the lines of force appear to enter the armature from the center of the frame. Nearly all dynamos and FIG. 181. FIG. 182. motors have forms which are simply variations of those shown here. When a dynamo is started for the first time, it is necessary to magnetize its fields from some other machine. The iron usually holds sufficient residual magnetism to afterwards start the machine into operation, Jand whenever started it will quickly build up its magnet- ism to full strength. In order that a dynamo may properly magnet- ize itself, it is necessary that the field windings be connected to the brushes so that the current generated by the residual magnetism will pass around the fields in the proper direction. If the connections be made properly, but the direction of rotation of the armature be then reversed, the connections must also be reversed. This is illustrated in Fig. 181, which shows the difference in the connections of a shunt dynamo when the direction of the armature rotation is re- versed. The most important detail to look after when a dynamo is in operation is the condition and position of the brushes. Dynamo and motor brushes are sometimes made of copper, in which case a bunch of copper wires carefully laid up together and soldered at one end, or a number of thin copper sheets laid together and soldered at one end, is commonly used. Copper brushes usually touch the commutator on a bevel (Fig. 182). Sometimes carbon brushes are used. These are usually blocks of copper-plated carbon which touch the com- mutator either on a bevel or radially. The brushes are held against the commutator by means of spring brush holders. When in proper position they are exactly opposite each other on a certain diameter of the commutator of a two pole machine. With the brushes in the proper position, a good machine will usually deliver its current with little or no sparking, while the machine may spark badly if the brushes are in any other position. The position of no sparking may change with the load on the machine, in which case the brushes on a dynamo must be moved forward as the load increases, and the brushes on a motor must be moved backward under the same conditions. Further questions relating to the handling of dynamos and motors naturally enter into the following lessons. Copyrighted, 1894, 166 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XX . Points for Review. 1. How is a Gramme armature wound? 2. How is a Siemens armature wound? 3. In what way does the current which is produced by the operation of a Gramme or Siemens armature flow through the armature itself? 4. What is the object of laminating armature cores? 5. What are foucault or eddy currents? 6. What is hysteresis? 7. Why is a watch likely to become magnetized when brought near a dynamo? 8. Why are some dynamos more likely than others to magnetize watches which are brought near them? 9. What is the fundamental principle of the operation of dynamos? 10. What is the fundamental principle of the operation of electric motors' 11. What is the relation between generators and motors? 12. What points are necessary in a good dynamo? 13. Why is it necessary to keep dynamos clean and dry? *" 14. What is the relation between the mechanical work done by an electric motor and its counter electric pressure? 15. Why would an electric motor which did not develop a counter electric pressure be useless? 16. What are the three types of windings which are placed on dynamo field magnets? 17. For what purposes are series wound machines ordinarily used? 18. For what purposes are shunt wound machines ordinarily used? 19. For what purposes are compound wound machines ordinarily used? 20. What are multipolar machines? 21. How are compound and shunt machines regulated? 22. What must be done to the field connections of a dynamo when the direction of rotation of its armature is reversed? 23. Why must the brushes of a dynamo which is in operation be carefully looked after? WESSON XXI. ARC LIGHTING AND ARC LIGHT MACHINERY. The arc lights which are so much a necessity today for illum- inating the streets of cities and all large spaces which require a high degree of illumination, whether in-doors or out, are the direct com- mercial outgrowth of another magnificent discovery which was announced shortly after 1800. This discovery was, indeed, nothing less than the possibility of producing the common electric arc. The discoverer of the electric arc, Sir Humphrey Davy, an English scien- tist, exhibited it on a grand scale in 1808 in a lecture before the Royal Institution in London, when he connected the electric circuit of two thousand or more cells through two pieces of charcoal and then gradually separated them. The result was an arch or " arc" of 167 dazzling light between the charcoal tips such as had never before been artificially produced. Sir Humphrey Davy's experiments cre- ated a great deal of interest but the real usefulness of the electric arc was not seen until Faraday's later discoveries had laid the founda- tion for the development of the dynamo and the economical produc- tion of electricity. The means for producing this arc of light are comparatively sim- ple. When two pointed pieces of carbon (made from charcoal, coke, etc.) are joined to opposite poles of the circuit from a powerful gen- erator of electricity and are touched together, a current flows between triem. Where their points are in contact a considerable resistance exists, and the points are heated by the current unless they are pressed very tightly together! If the contact is quite loose the points become so hot as to cause the carbon to pass off as vapor. Now if the carbon points be separated the current will continue to flow across the space between the points which is filled with carbon vapor, forming the electric arc. Carbon vapor is a much better conductor of electricity than air, and the current can therefore be caused to flow across a space filled with it, though it could not readily be caused to flow continuously through the same space filled with air. It seems strange to speak of the vapor of carbon, but the temperature of the electric arc is so great that it boils and vaporizes the most refractory materials. The vaporizing of any material is merely a question of temperature and the vaporization of carbon, platinum, gold, iron, copper, etc., in the electric arc is just as simple as the conversion of water into steam (the vaporization of water) over a common coal fire. The vaporization of "refractory" materials like carbon, platinum, etc., simply requires a much higher temperature than that which is reached by the coal fire which is amply sufficient to boil water. After the electric arc has existed for a little time between the carbon points, the points look very much as shown in Fig. 183. Both points become quite hot and give off light, but the positive point becomes much hotter than the negative, and from it comes the greater part of the light of the arc. In an arc which is set up with a continuous current, carbon is carried off by the current from the positive point and deposited on the negative point. The posi- tive point therefore becomes a little hollowed out on the end as shown in the figure. This hollow is called the crater of the arc. As the greater part of the light of the arc comes from this positive end or crater, the positive carbon in arc lamps is almost always put at the top, in order that the light may be thrown downward. When an arc is set up with an alternating current, both points become some- what crater-like and light is given off about equally from the two points. 168 FIG. 185. FIG 186. FIG. 194. 1G9 FIG. 188. FIG. 189. FIG. 191. 170 Since the arc is surrounded by air the carbon of which the points are composed is gradually burned up, and it the carbons are fixed in position the arc gra^s longer and longer until its resistance becomes so great that the Current can not pass through it; the current then stops and the arc goes out. Since carbon is carried away from the positive point and deposited on the negative point, the former wastes away at a rate which is just about double that of the latter. In order that the electric arc may be used for commercial light- ing an automatic device must be used to keep the carbons fed towards each other as they waste away, so that the arc shall always have the proper length. This is included in the mechanism of what are known as arc lamps. These consist of a case which contains the feeding mechanism, below which is a frame to support the lower or negative carbon and a glass shade. The feeding mechanism has two duties to perform: i. To separate the carbons, or strike the arc, when the lamp is thrown into circuit; 2. To regulate the movement of the upper or positive carbon downwards towards the negative one as the carbons wear away. The lower carbon is usually clamped solidly at the bottom of the lamp frame, and the upper one is clamped at the end of a polished brass carbon rod the motion of which is controlled by the mechanism. Fig. 184 shows the familiar form of an arc lamp. Figs. 185 to 1 88 show the mechanism of different lamps. The mechanism of the lamp is. usually caused to operate by the opposing action of two electromagnets. The windings of one of these are composed of few turns of comparatively coarse wire which are connected directly into the circuit in series with the arc. The windings of the other magnet are made of many turns of compara- tively fine wire which are connected as a shunt to the arc. The two electromagnets may be plainly seen in Figs. 185 and 186. In some lamps, both windings are put on the same magnet as is shown in Fig. 187. The purpose of the windings is the same in the two arrangements and may be explained by reference to Figs. 185 and 1 86. A brass lever which runs across the lamp, carries an iron armature or plunger at each end. The armatures are in such posi- tions that they are attracted by the two electro-magnets, and the lever is attached to the mechanism which controls the carbon rod. The lamp is trimmed or carboned with the tips of the two carbons resting against each other. When the lamp is thrown into circuit the full current of the circuit flows through the series winding and the lever is lifted by the attraction of the series magnet. This causes the mechanism to grip and raise the carbon rod sufficiently to strike the arc. As the carbons burn away the electrical pressure between their points becomes greater so that the current in the shunt coil increases. The armature of the shunt coil is attracted more and more strongly and the lever is slowly tipped until the clutch releases 171 the carbon rod sufficiently for it to slide slowly downward and thus feed the positive carbon towards the negative. In order that the lamp may burn smoothly and quietly v ?it is necessary for the feeding mechanism to keep the carbons at a uniform distance apart while the lamp is burning. This can only be accomplished when the magnetizing coils are properly balanced against each other and the strength of the spring, which acts on the lever, is properly adjusted. Even when all the adjustments are exactly right arc lamps will not burn well unless the carbons are of uniform quality. In some arc lamps, the carbon fod is controlled by a clock work, which in turn is controlled by the differential magnets (Fig. 185 and 1 86,) while in others, a simple clutch is caused to act on the carbon rod by the magnets (Fig. 187). In another style of lamp the differential action of the magnets is not utilized, but the pull of the shunt magnet is arranged to act against the force of a spring. The winding of the magnets is quite similar to those already referred to, as shown in Figs. 188 and 189, in which both the lamp as a whole and a diagram of the windings are exhibited. This style of lamp is trimmed so that a little space remains between the carbon points. Its action is as follows: When the lamp is thrown into circuit the current flows through the series winding P and thence through the contact at N to the other side of the lamp. This causes the magnet to attract the arma- ture A and the hold of the clutch on the carbon rod is released. The upper carbon at once drops against the lower one, thus throwing the starting coil J into circuit in shunt with the coil P. The starting coil attracts the armature just above it and opens the contact at N. This throws the shunt coil K and the series coil P into series with each other, and they form a shunt across the poles of the lamp. The large magnet is thus sufficiently weakened to allow the spring S to raise the armature A which actuates the clutch mechanism and strikes the arc. Then as the arc* increases in length the electrical pressure between the carbons increases, the current flowing through the combined coils K and P increases and the armature A is suffi- ciently attracted to slightly release the carbon rod and thus cause the lamp to feed. As a general rule, arc lamps are connected in series (Lesson XX, Fig. 179), so that the same current passes through all. This current is usually furnished by a series dynamo which automatically keeps the magnitude of the current constant. The constancy of the current is a very important element in the proper regulation of the lamps. Nearly all arc lamps are now adjusted so that the pressure required to pass the current through the arc is from 45 to 50 volts. If the pressure is made smaller the arc becomes shorter and gives less light, and it produces a continuous hissing or frying sound. If the pressure is greater, the arcjflames and flickers, which makes it unsat- FIG. 195. FIG. 196. FIG, 190. FIG. 197. UNIVERSITY -173 FIG. 199. FIG. 184. FIG. 193. 174 isfactory. The current used usually approximates 9.6, 6.5, or 4 amperes. Arc lamps which are intended to be used with 9.6 amperes are usually spoken of as 2,000 candle-power or 450 watt lamps, while those intended to be used with 6. 5 and 4 amperes are usually called 1, 200 candle-power and 600 candle-power lamps. A candle power is equal to the light given off by a sperm candle of fixed size and form. The actual candle power given off by the lamps is much less than these figures, and in fact the light given off in different directions varies from a hundred candle-power or thereabouts to nearly the rated value of the lamp. Fig. 190 shows by the curve the amount of light given off by arc lights in different directions when using various currents. The greatest amount of light is given off at an angle of about 45 from the direction of the carbons. For this reason the best effect may be gained from arc lights used in illuminating streets by hanging them from 25 to 35 feet from the ground over the center of the streets, or mounting them at street corners on tall poles such as that shown in Fig. 191. Inside of buildings they are usually hung from small boards fastened to the ceiling-. A switch similar to that shown in Fig. 192 is usually placed in arc lighting wires where they enter a building. As the carbons which are ordinarily used in arc lamps are of such a length that they will only burn for seven or eight hours, double lamps (Fig. 193) are used for all night lighting. These con- sist of a modified mechanism which controls two carbon rods, one of which does not come into service until the car- bon held in the first has burned out. The carbons that are ordinarily used vary from ^ to ^ inches in diameter and are usually coated with copper to reduce their resistance. The positive carbon is about twelve inches long and the negative is about six inches long. The carbons are made from finely ground coke or lampblack which is mixed with syrupy compounds and then baked in moulds. The copper coat is put on by electroplating. Some- times oval carbons about one inch broad and a half inch thick are used in single lamps for all night burning. The number of successful manufacturers of arc light machinery is comparatively small. The earliest to enter the business in this country with commercial success was the Brush Electric Co. To this company is probably due the introduction of lamps with differ- ential magnets, which are still so much used. The Brush arc dynamo is shown in Fig. 194. 'Figs. 195, 196, 197 and 198 show- respectively the Thomson-Houston, Wood, Standard, and Western Electric arc dynamos. The regulation of each of these is performed by moving the brushes around the commutator, so that as lamps are cut into and out of circuit the pressure is varied so that the current is always kept of constant value. In order that the dynamos in an arc light generating station 175 may be properly managed, it is necessary to have some arrangement by which any dynamo in the station may be connected to any one of the circuits which run out to the lamps. The number of dynamos and circuits may be quite large in a plant which is located in a large city. The arrangement that is usually used for the purpose is a switch-board (Fig. 199) fitted with a heavy spring jack for each wire leading to the dynamos and another similar spring jack for each wire leading to the lamp circuits. The spring jacks may be connected as desired by plugs and cords, very much as a telephone operator con- nects two subscribers (Lesson XVII, page 135). The figure shows a switchboard arranged for three lamp circuits marked i, 2, 3, and for three dynamo circuits marked A, B, C. Each dynamo is shown to be connected to a lamp circuit by means of plugs and cords. The amperemeters at the top of the switchboard are connected in the dynamo circuits and serve to show the dynamo attendant whether or not the machines regulate properly. Copyrighted, 1894, 176 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXI. Points for Review: 1. What is the electric arc? 2. Why was the arc not put into service for commercial illumination immediately after its first production? 3. What are arc lamps? 4. What is the principle of operation of arc lamps? 5. How are arc lamps usually connected in circuit and what kind of a dynamo is used to produce the current supplied to them? 6. How much current is used in the ordinary arc lamps, and what pressure as required for each arc? 7. Why are arc lamps which are used for street illumination placed at a consider- able height from the ground? 8. How are arc light carbons made? 9. What is the object of the regulator on arc light dynamos? 10. How are arc light switchboards generally arranged? XXII. INCANDESCENT LIGHTING AND POWER TRANSMIS- SION: TWO, THREE AND FIVE WIRE SYSTEMS OF DISTRIBUTION FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND MOTORS. Illumination by arc lights is very satisfactory in streets or open spaces out of doors or in large rooms such as shops or halls, but its intense brilliancy causes it to cast dense shadows which totally unfit it for satisfactory use in general indoor lighting. Its unavoidable flickering and occasional hissing also make it unsatisfactory for general use in small rooms. If the faults of the arc when used for general indoor lighting were not so evident, the use of small arcs in office and house lighting might have been attempted as early as 1880, by which time the arc lamp had begun to prove its value for outdoor lighting. By 1880 the disadvantages of the arc for general illumination had become known and inventors were using every effort to find some substitute. Many years earlier, inventors had made electric lamps which consisted of a loop of wire made of platinum or iridium, two metals which melt only at exceedingly high temperatures, and in which the light was produced by heating the wire white hot, or to incandescence, by means of a current. The light was therefore 177 produced by means of the great heat caused in the wire when a cur- rent flowed through the high resistance of the wire (L,esson VIII, page 53). This is a case where the C 2 R loss was turned to a useful account but the lamps were not successful, though the same principle is used in the incandescent lamps of today. Just previous to 1880 many prominent inventors, including Edison, Maxim, Farmer, and Sawyer and Man in this country, and Swan in England, were mak- ing every effort to construct a satisfactory lamp to operate by the incandescence of some material. It was found that loops of platinum and iridium were unsatisfactory because they soon melted or gave out when continuously subjected to the high temperature which is necessary to produce a satisfactory light. The only conducting material which would stand the high temperature of incandescence was found to be carbon. Unfortunately carbon burns away when heated to a high temperature in the air, and therefore could not be used in a lamp in the same way that the metallic wires had been. As early as 1845 a lamp had been made in which a thin stick of carbon was enclosed in a glass globe from which the air had been exhausted. This lamp produced an excellent light, as the carbon could not burn away in a vacuum, however hot it became, but no satisfactory arrangements then existed for making proper carbon sticks or for exhausting the air from the glass globes. Shortly before 1880 the inventors turned from their efforts to [make a satis- factory loop from a metal wire, to make another attempt to use carbon. By 1880 Edison, Sawyer and Man and Swan had made lamps which produced light through the incandescence of a thin strip or filament of carbon. The lamp made by Edison looked very much like the incandescent electric lamps of the present day, and it is no doubt to his industry and ingenuity that we owe the cheap and economical form of incandescent lamp which we now use. One of Edison's early lamps is shown in Fig. 200. The globe or bulb of the lamp contained a filament of carbonized paper in an arched or horse-shoe form. The ends of the carbon horse-shoe were connected to short pieces of platinum wire which passed through the glass of the bulb. By means of these wires current could be led to the filament. The bulb was exhausted (that is, the air was removed) by means of a form of mercury air-pump, which is used in a modified form for the same purpose at the present day, and which is capable of producing a very perfect vacuum. Figs. 201 and 202 show the two forms of air-pumps which have been commonly used in exhausting lamps. These are often called vacuum pumps because they are used to produce a vacuum. The first is called the Geissler pump after its inventor, who was also the maker of the vacuum tubes known as Geissler tubes, which display such pretty color effects when an electric spark is passed through them. The pump shown in the second figure is called a Sptengel 178 FIG. 200. FIG. 201. pump, also after the name of its inventor. The Geissler pump may be briefly described as an air pump made of glass in which mercury is used as a plunger in order that leakage of air may be entirely avoided. In Fig. 201, B 1 and B 2 are two glass bulbs which are connected by a long U of glass. From the tube just below B 2 , a tap leads off to the lamps which are to be exhausted. In this tap is a valve, C, which closes by being pushed upwards, and a bulb, D, containing some material which absorbs all the moisture from the air which passes through it. This is used because it is necessary to keep the pump perfectly dry and the air in the lamps before they are exhausted always contains some moisture. Now, if by means of suction at P, the mercury is caused to rise up in B 2 , it pushes all the air out of B 2 through the valve V. The mercury is prevented from reaching the lamps by the valve C. When the mercury is caused by suction at I to drop down again to its old level, the valve V, as the mercury leaves it falls back into its seat, so that no air can get in and the bulb B 2 is left entirely free from air. It is therefore ready to receive a new supply of air from the lamps when the mercury level falls below the level of the lamp tap. The operation of alternately exhausting the bulb B 2 and putting it into connection with the lamps from which it receives a new portion of air, is continued until the lamps are properly exhausted. The glass tube to which the lamps are connected is then melted or sealed off at T, and the lamps are finished. It is this sealing off from the pump that causes the sharp tip at the top of commercial incandescent lamps. 179 FIG. 206. FIG. 202. The operation of the Sprengel pump (Fig. 202), is quite similar in principle to the operation of some injectors. The mercury is allowed to flow in a jet through the nozzle J, and air is drawn from the lamps by the suction of the drops of mercury rushing past the end of the lamp tap. The carbon filaments of incandescent lamps are now usually made from bamboo strips or from silk or cotton threads. These are con- verted into carbon by baking, in very much the same way that wood is converted into charcoal in a kiln. The material is first made into exactly the proper size to produce a filament. After proper treatment it is then bent around blocks of carbon and is packed in a crucible filled with powdered carbon. After baking for many hours the material is converted into black carbon hairpins, the hairpin form coming from the form of the blocks around which the material was wrapped. To bring the filaments to the proper resistance and at the sanie time put them into condition to stand the strain of the high temperature of "burning," they are commonly "treated" by a process which deposits very hard grey carbon upon their surfaces. The filaments are then each mounted upon two short pieces of platinum wire which are sealed into a bit of glass. The connection between the carbon and the platinum is usually made satisfactory from an electrical point of view by means of a cement. The filament thus mounted is sealed into the bulb by a glass blower. The bulbs are usually purchased ready-made from a glass factory. One of these 180 FIG. 208. FIG. 209. bulbs is selected and a piece of glass tube is connected to the top of the bulb. This serves as a handle for the workmen and also for con- necting the lamp to the pump. The carbon is then inserted into the neck of the bulb and the glass at the base of the carbon is so care- fully welded into the glass base of the bulb that the union becomes absolutely perfect. After exhausting, as already explained, the lamp is complete. For convenience in use, incandescent lamps are mounted on bases to which they are fastened with plaster. These bases contain two contacts which correspond to two contacts in a socket which may be connected to an electric circuit. In Fig. 203, b is the lamp bulb, c is the carbon filament, w w are the platimum leading in wires, j is the cement connecting the carbon and platinum, f is the brass base which is attached to the lamp by the plaster p, d and r are the two contacts by which the carbon is brought into connection with the electric circuit when the lamp is inserted in a socket, and t is the point where the lamp was * 'sealed oft' ' the pump. The bases used on lamps have various external forms depending upon the manufacturer. Certain forms, known as the Edison, Thomson-Houston, and Sawyer-Man, which have come into very general use, are shown in Figs. 204, 205 and 206. The Westing- house lamp, which is shown in Fig. 207, has a glass stopper in which the leading-in wires are fixed, which is not welded or sealed fast to the bulb, but the long joint between the stopper and the neck of the bulb is ground until it fits so closely that it is air tight. As an addi- tional precaution the outside of the joint is covered with cement. In order that incandescent lamps may be as conveniently turned on and off as gas lights, the sockets often contain switches as shown in Fig. 208, which represents a socket with its brass shell removed. 181 FIG. 207. Where lamps are arranged to be controlled by wall switches, plain or keyless sockets are generally used (Fig. 209). Incandescent electric lamps and electric motors are sometimes operated upon series circuits, but they are much more satisfactory when connected in parallel (L,esson XX, Fig. 180) as is usually done. The difference between the connection of lamps in parallel and lamps in series may be illustrated by comparing the methods of utilizing water power. Suppose a series of dams is placed in a stream and a mill is placed at each dam. The water which passes through the waterwheels of the first mill flows down to the second mill and passes through its wheels and thus continues to flow through the wheels of one mill after another. The wheels of each mill are therefore turned by the same water that turns the wheels of every other mill. In order that this may be the condition, each mill must be located on a lower level than the one up stream from it. Then the total fall of the stream is so divided that each mill gets advantage of a proper portion. In series arc lighting the same current flows through all the lamps one after the other, and the total pressure at the dynamo is divided amongst the lamps. If an arc dynamo is capable of producing 1,000 volts it will operate twenty lamps in series since it takes about 50 volts to send the current through each arc. If a portion of the lamps are cut out of circuit, the pressure at the dynamo must be reduced or the current will increase above its proper value. If a large dam is built on the stream, and the mills are located so that they all take water from the same canal and discharge water 182 FIG. 210. into the same tailrace, the water of the stream is divided between the mills in proportion to their needs, and their wheels are in par- allel. The amount of water flowing through the wheels of each mill in this case is directly proportional to the work being done in the mill. If one mill is shut down the gate through which water Is admitted to the wheel is closed, and no water flows through. The water used by each mill is entirely independent of the amount used by the others. In the same way, when electric lamps are connected in parallel the current flowing through each lamp is entirely inde- pendent of that flowing through the others, and simply depends upon the resistance of the lamp and the pressure at its terminals. When it is desired to cut out of circuit a lamp which is {connected in par- allel with others, its connection with the circuit is Broken by a switch (Fig. 208) so that no current can flow through it. This is equivalent to closing the gate through which water enters a mill, as already explained. When it is desired to shut down one of a number of mills in series, it evidently will not do to simply close the gates which admit water to the wheels, as that would prevent the water from flowing to the other mills, but it is necessary to arrange a short path for the water to flow around the mill which is shut down. In the same way when it is desired to turn off an electric lamp which' is operated in series circuit, the lamp must be short circuited (Fig. 210). Some special switches used on arc lighting circuits (Lesson XXI, Fig. 192) short circuit the lamp which is to be turned off, so that the main line is properly completed, and then disconnect the lamp terminals from the line. Since the current which flows through incandescent lamps con- nected in parallel depends upon the pressure at the lamp terminals, and the light given by each filament depends upon the current flow- ing through it, the pressure at the terminals of the lamps must be kept perfectly constant or they will not give a steady light. If the electrical pressure at the terminals of an incandescent lamp is changed, 183 the light given off by the filament changes at a much faster rate. If a lamp, for instance, which is intended for a pressure of no volts and to give 1 6 candle-power, be connected to a 105 volt circuit, the light which it gives is no more than about 12 candle-power and is of a poor red color. If the same lamp be connected to a 115 volt circuit, the light which it gives becomes about 20 candle-power and is of a brilliant whitish color. The great candle-power and whiteness of the light in the latter case shows that the filament is so excessively hot that even refractory carbon cannot last long under the strain, and the filament will soon give out. The length of time during which the filament of an incandescent lamp will last that is, the life of the lamp decreases very rapidly as the temperature at which the filament burns is increased above its proper value. On the other hand, the power required to produce light increases as the working temperature of the filament decreases. It should, therefore, always be the aim- to work incandescent lamps at the exact pressure for which they were designed. We have already seen that there is always a loss of pressure when an electric current flows through a wire, this loss being equal to the product of the amperes of current and the resistance of the wire (LJ 0- -0- o -0- -0 o- -0 FIG. 218. FIG. 214. FIG. 215. tern with more lights connected to the positive than to the negative side of the system. The arrows show the direction in which the current flows in the wires. The positive wire carries enough current to supply the lamps on the positive side of the system, and the dif- ference between the current required to supply the two sides returns through the neutral wire. The positive dynamo therefore carries more load than the negative dynamo. In Fig. 215 the dynamos of Fig. 214 are replaced by pumps and the lamps by water motors. Again the arrows show the direction of the streams in the system of piping. 18S FIG. 216. The plan for increasing the dynamo pressure used to supply in- candescent lamps, by connecting the lamps practically in series and yet making them really independent of each other by means of a neutral wire, may be extended. Fig. ' 2 16 is a diagram of the arrange- ment with four lamps in series and five wires. This is known as the five wire system. The weight of wire required in a three wire system amounts to a little more than one-fourth of the weight required for a two wire system because of the introduction of the neutral wire. The actual weight required is about three-eighths of that in a two wire system. This saving in the weight of copper is a very important factor to large electric lighting companies, as their copper feeders and mains cost a great deal of money. The saving by the five wire system is proportionally greater than that effected by the three wire system, but it causes greater difficulty in keeping the pressure perfectly con- stant at the lamps. The three wire system is used in a great many plants in this and foreign countries which have been constructed by the Edison Co. All the large Bdison illuminating plants in large American cities use the three wire system. The five wire system is constructed by the Siemens & Halske Co. It is used in a large plant in Berlin and elsewhere. Electric motors are usually operated on two wires except when they are connected to electric lighting circuits, because, as already explained, they may be wound for any desired pressure and it is not necessary to use low pressure motors connected in series in order to get an economical pressure for distribution. Since the armatures of electric motors are usually of low resist- ance, it is necessary to connect a resistance box in series with the armature when starting a motor on a constant pressure circuit. This resistance box contains sufficient resistance so that a little more than the ordinary full load current is allowed to pass through the armature when it is standing still. The machine consequently starts O.P. CUfrOUT BOX .COMMUTATOR. FIG. 217. easily. As the armature speeds up, its counter electric pressure grows, and the resistance in series with the armature may then be slowly reduced and finally be cut out altogether. Fig. 217 shows the connections to constant pressure mains of a shunt motor with its starting box. Copyrighted, 1894, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXII. Points for Review: 1. What is the principle of the incandescent lamp? 2. Why do not the carbons of incandescent lamps quickly burn away? 3. How is the vacuum of incandescent lamps produced? 4. Of what materials are incandescent lamp filaments ordinarily made? 5. How is the original material of the filament converted into carbon? 6. Why are incandescent lamps better than arc lamps for general indoor lighting? 7. Upon what kind of circuits are incandescent lamps and motors usually operated? 8. Why is a constant pressure necessary for the operation of incandescent lamps connected in parallel? 9. What is the effect on an incandescent lamp of "over-running" it that is, of running it at too high a pressure? 10. Why is there always a loss of pressure in the wires which convey current from dynamo to lamps? 11. What is meant by circular mils? 12. Suppose it is desired to convey 150 amperes from a dynamo to lamps which are 800 feet away, and the drop is not to exceed 25 volts; what must the cross-section of the wires be? To what number in the B. & S. gauge does this most nearly correspond? 13. If the pressure at the dynamos is 130 volts, and the loss is 20 per cent, what is the pressure at the lamps? What is the pressure at the lamps if the loss is 10 per cent? 14. If the pressure desired at the lamps is 104 volts and the drop on the line is 20 per cent of the dynamo pressure, what must the pressure be at the dynamos? 15. How does the weight of copper required in transmitting a given amount of power over a given distance, at a fixed percentage loss, vary with the pressure at the dynamos? 16. What is meant by the 3-wire system? 17. Why is the 3-wire system used in electric light plants? 18. Why are starting resistances used with electric motors which are operated on constant pressure circuits? LBSSON XXIII. CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT , AND POWER CIRCUITS AND THEIR TESTING. The wires of nearly all electric light and power plants which are not located in large cities are carried on wooden poles. The con- struction of the pole lines is quite similar to that of telegraph and telephone lines explained in L,essqn XVII, but as a general rule electric light and power lines carry fewer but much heavier wires. The sizes of the wires depend upon the current transmitted over them, their length, and the drop of pressure which is permitted to occur in them, and are determined by the method explained in the previous lesson. The wires are always of copper of the highest ob- tainable conductivity, and they ordinarily vary in size from No. 10 to No. oooo B. ,& S. gauge, or from about T V of an inch in diameter to nearly y 2 of an inch in diameter. The former is the smallest wire of soft copper which can b^ depended upon not to break from mechanical strains caused by the wire swaying in the wind, other 191 wires falling upon it, etc.; while the latter is the largest solid wire which can be conveniently handled. Where a number of large wires are run on the same pole line, extra heavy poles and cross arms are used. The glass insulators which are used for electric light and power lines are rather heavier than those illustrated in Lesson XV II, which are used for telegraph and telephone lines, and have a deeper groove (Fig. 219). The groove in these insulators is so large com- pared with that in other insulators that they are commonly called deep groove insulators. The wires used upon overhead telegraph and telephone lines are not covered with insulation and the same is true of low pressure electric light lines. For instance, the overhead wires used to dis- tribute current for incandescent lighting by the ordinary 3-wire system are almost always bare, and the glass bells at the point of support are depended on to give a satisfactory insulation. This is perfectly safe when the pressure is as low as in the ordinary 3-wire system, where the pressure between the positive and negative wires is seldom higher than 260 volts. When the pressure used on overhead lines is higher than 300 volts, it is usual to use insulated wires. The insulation consists of a continuous braided cotton covering of two or three thicknesses, which is thoroughly soaked in some insulating com- pound. As the insulation is supposed to be partially waterproof, such wire is often called weather-proof 'wire. The insulating compound which is used is almost always black. Black weather-proof wire is used for the overhead lines of power plants which distribute current to moto;s at a pressure of 500 volts, for the overhead lines of alternating current electric light plants which use a pressure of 1,000 volts, for the feeders of electric railway plants, arc light wires, etc. It has become an almost universal custom in this country to use No. 6 B. & S. gauge weather-proof wires for arc light lines. As the arc current seldom exceeds 10 amperes, the loss of pressure in a No. 6 wire several miles in length is not very great,- and it is a convenient and economical size to use. The circuits for electric lighting and power are always complete wire circuits, as the use of the ground for returning large currents is likely to cause difficulties from the uncertain resistance of ground plates, and &g>ounded electric light circuit always introduces a risk of fire in each house that it enters. For the latter reason fire insur- ance men or Underwriters refuse to approve the use of a ground return for the distribution of electric light and power where the wires enter buildings insured by them. In the large cities, electric light wires are put underground. In this case, two entirely different systems may be used. The first is like that described in Lesson XVII, and is often called the drawing in system, because the lead covered cables are pulled or drawn into con- duits from manhole to manhole. Electric light cables differ very much 192 from telephone and telegraph cables, as they usually contain only one wire, and seldom contain more than two wires. Fig. 220 shows a single conductor electric light cable and a two conductor or duplex cable. The electrostatic capacity of electric light cables is not a matter of great importance, and the choice of insulating material for such cables may therefore depend almost wholly on mechanical and insulating qualities. In some cables, rubber compounds are used foi the insulating material. In this case, the copper conductor is covered with a layer of rubber compound, and over this is pressed the lead sheathing. The thickness of the rubber insulation depends, to some extent, upon the electrical pressure at which current is trans- mitted through the conductors, but it is usually between y& and J^ of an inch, while the thickness of the lead covering is sufficient to give a satisfactory protection to the insulation against mechanical injury and to protect the insulation from contact with moisture or harmful gases. The insulation of some cables is made by closely wrapping the conductor with strips of paper which have been soaked in an insulat- ing compound so as to make it quite soft and flexible. The thick- ness of this paper wrapping is made about the same as that of rubber, and a lead sheathing is put on in exactly the same manner as on the rubber insulated cables. A third style of insulation consists of a thick braiding or wrapping made up of several layers of cotton or jute which is soaked in an insulating compound quite similar to that used for weather-proof wires. This is also covered with a lead sheathing. The latter cables are often said to have fibrous insulations on account of the character of the materials used. As fibrous material will rapidly absorb moisture and its insulating qualities thus become ruined, it is absolutely necessary that the lead sheathing shall con- tain no holes, however small, and the ends of the cables must be protected from moisture with extreme care. The protection of rubber insulation from moisture is not so important, but moisture may even here have a serious effect, so that the most careful inspection and handling of the cables is advisable. The second method of laying underground conductors for the distribution of electric current is often called the solid or built in sys- tem, because the insulated conductors with their protecting conduit are laid in the ground together. In this case, if any harm comes to either the conductor or its insulation, the street must be dug up at the place of "trouble" before repairs can be made. With the "draw- ing in" system, repairs maybe made by simply pulling out that sec- tion of cable between two manholes which contains the injury, and replacing it with a piece of good cable. The "built in" system is commonly used for low pressure dis- tribution of electric current, and for this purpose gives excellent sat- isfaction. Nearly all the great electric illuminating companies in 193 our large cities which use the 3-wire system have their conductors laid in this manner. For high pressure distribution, the "built in" system of underground conductors is not as satisfactory as the "draw- ing in" system. The most commonly used arrangement of the "built in" system is that known as "Edison tubing." This was introduced about a dozen years ago, and was used in its original form in the laying of the conductors connected with the old Pearl street central station in New York city, the first great central station for the general distri- bution of the electric current. Edison tubing was the earliest, and for many years, the only scheme, in which the details of a general underground system for distributing electric current were satisfac- torily worked out. On account of the experience gained in laying the conductors for the various large Edison electric illuminating companies, the system of tubing has been considerably changed since its first intro- duction. As the tubes are now made, they usually contain three copper rods the positive, negative and neutral conductors of the 3-wire system. These rods, which are somewhat over 20 feet long, are each wound with a spiral of manilla rope, and are then laid side by side but separated from each other by the ropes. Another spiral of rope is wound around the bunch to hold the conductors firmly together. The bunch of three conductors is placed in an iron pipe twenty feet long, in such a way that the copper rods stick out a few inches at each end. One end of the pipe or tube is then connected to a pump by means of which a vacuum is created in the tube, and, finally, hot black insulating compound is pumped into the tube until all the open space inside of it is filled. The insulating compound is of a bituminous nature and hardens when it is permitted to cool. Fig. 221 shows a cross-section of a "tube" in which AAA are the copper conductors, C is the iron pipe, and B is the insulating compound. Fig. 222 is a complete length of the completed tubing, showing the form in which it is delivered from the factory to be laid in the ground. For the purpose of laying the tubes a trench is dug, and the 20 feet lengths are laid down end to end. The conductors in successive tubes are joined by means of flexible copper connectors (Fig. 223) having solid copper heads with holes which slip over the ends of the rods where they are soldered fast. Ball-like caps are bolted fast to the tube ends and over these is bolted a split coupling box which covers the joint (Fig. 224). Only one-half of the coup- ling box is shown in the figure. In the top of this coupling box is a hole through which hot insulating compound may be poured when the joint is completed, and the hole is then covered with an iron cap. The arrangement here described is very satisfactory since it offers an electric company the same ease as a gas company or a water company in making connections to houses. A branch to a house, or U ) FIG. 219. FIG. 224. 195 service connection, as it is called, may be connected to the main con- ductors at any coupling box by simply changing the plain box to a T box (Fig. 225). Several different arrangements of "built in" conductors have been used in England, France and Germany. One of these consists of a simple brick, concrete or cast-iron trench, or culvert, in which the copper rods or bars used for conductors are placed on porcelain insula- tors. Fig. 226 shows an end view and a side view of such a culvert at a point where a set of insulators is located. One of the most remarkable arrangements of the u built in" system is that used in London to distribute electric current by the two wire system from the noted Deptford central station. The conductors in this case are enclosed in an iron pipe, as are the conductors in the Edison system, but the conductors themselves are copper tubes placed one inside of the other instead of being rods placed side by side. The space between the conductors is filled with insulation which consists of brown paper soaked in an insulating compound (Fig. 227). The same kind of insulation is also placed between the outer conductor and the iron protecting pipe. This conducting system was designed and laid down to transmit current at the enormous and unusual pressure of 10,000 volts, and it has served its purpose very well. As the tubes could not be made in lengths much greater than 20 feet, joint- ing the lengths together was a matter of much difficulty on account of the concentric arrangement of the conductors. In order that the electrical pressure may be kept the same at all points on a system of conductors which cover a large district, the conductors must be divided into feeders and mains. The mains consist of the conductors to which lamps or motors are directly connected. These are carried all through the streets of the district to which current is to be supplied and are often joined into a network by means of fuses located in manholes or junction boxes at street corners. The current is supplied to the mains at certain central points called feeding points by means of feeders which run directly to the feeding points from the central station where the current is generated. Fig. 228 is a diagram representing the arrangement of feeders and mains. The points marked i, 2, 3, 4, are the feeding points, and A, B, C, D, are houses to which current is supplied through service connections. The figure shows three wires in each main and feeder, as is required in a 3-wire system. By carefully calculating the resistance of each feeder and main before the system is constructed it is possible to get a very uniform pressure over the whole distributing system. In order that the dynamo-men may regulate the pressure of the dyna- mos in the central station so as to keep the pressure uniform at the feeding points, it is necessary to have voltmeters, or pressure indi- cators, in the dynamo room, which show the pressure at the feeding points. For this purpose wires called pressure wires are run from 190 FIG. 225. $&?&tt&X&ttSm FIG. 226. FIG. 228. 197 S^Z* OF THE (-0NIVERS: \^c> the feeding points to the voltmeters in the dynamo room. A some- what similar network of pipes is sometimes used in the distribu- tion of gas and water in large cities. The importance of that part of electric lighting circuits which is inside of buildings cannot be overestimated. A central station may be built upon the best plan to supply current through a perfect dis- tributing system, but a safe and satisfactory light will not be given if the inside wiring is poorly planned and put in place. Fires which occur on account of the electric light wires in houses are always caused either by the use of poor material, careless planning, or bad work- manship when the inside wiring was put in, and if the wiring is done properly it is almost impossible for Jires to be caused by an electric lighting system. On the other hand, poorly constructed wiring is a constant danger aud should not be permitted anywhere. On account of the danger which may be caused by unscrupulous .or untrustworthy wiremen, it is usual in large cities to have official inspectors to exam- ine and test all electric light work placed within buildings. It is the duty of these inspectors to see| that the work is safely and properly done in accordance with rules fixed by the city authorities and approved by the fire underwriters. Even with such inspection the work is not always done in the best manner, yet comparatively few important fires have been caused by electric wires and a great majority of the accidents laid to the door of electricity are due to some other cause. For ordinary wiring inside of a building only the very best rubber covered wire should be used. A great many factories produce rubber covered wire for use in inside wiring and much of it is very poor, so that great care is necessary in selecting material. The wires may be run in buildings according to three entirely different methods. In the first, the wires are run upon the surface of ceilings or walls in plain sight and are held in place by means of cleats made of wood or porcelain (Fig. 229). This is the commonest arrangement of wiring in stores and other buildings where the position of the wires in plain sight is not objectionable. As the wires are in plain sight and therefore can be easily inspected at all times, open work or cleat work, as this arrangement is called, is a safe and satis- factory arrangement of the wiring, provided the wires and appliances are all out of reach so that they cannot be tampered with. In damp places or in places where .there are fumes which attack the insulation, the wires are often supported on porcelain knobs (Fig. 125, Lesson XVII), instead of being held against the walls by cleats, as an addi- tional safeguard. There are many places where the appearance of open work is objected to, but where the wires may be placed in wooden casings or mouldings which are fastened to ceilings or walls in plain sight. This is an exceedingly safe and satisfactory arrangement, since the wires 198 r 7 nJ! FIG. 229. FIG. 231. FIG. 238. o O O FIG. 232. FIG. 230. FIG. 233. 199 are well protected from mechanical injury or from being tampered with, and yet the condition of the wiring may be easily seen at any time by a simple inspection. Common forms of mouldings are shown in Fig. 230. These may be made of any desired wood, though pine is most commonly used. In the third method of running wires, they are placed entirely out of sight, or concealed. This may be done in various ways; the commonest and at the same time the least safe and satisfactory way is to fasten the wires to the ceilings and walls of the building before the plastering is put on. The wires are then entirely covered by the plaster, so that it is impossible to examine or repair them without injury to. the walls, and, indeed, the position of the wires in the walls is often forgotten in a few months after the building is finished, so that repairs are doubly difficult to make. This arrangement of the wires is made more unsafe because the plaster upon the walls often spoils the insulating qualities of the rubber coverings and the wires become grounded as a consequence. In buildings with wooden floors and partitions the wires are often fastened to the floor joists or partition studding by means of cleats or porcelain knobs. When this is properly done, the wires are not likely to be injured by plaster or dampness, but the disadvantage that they cannot be examined is still present. They are also liable to injury by plumbers, carpenters or other workmen who are engaged in making repairs or alterations to the building. When it is necessary to conceal electric light wires it is much better to arrange a hidden moulding or conduit to contain them. This may be hidden behind decorations or other objects on the walls or may be laid neatly under the floors or the plaster (Fig. 231.) Special tubes are made to be used as conduits for inside wiring. These are called "interior conduit," "vulca duct," etc. (Fig. 232), and are used to a considerable extent. When properly used they are excellent, but are no better than any strong, watertight insulating tube, such as an iron or brass pipe with an insulating lining. Interior tubing made of insulating material was originally intended to take the place of the rubber insulation on the wires so that they could be used with a cheap cotton covering, but it has been found to be necessary to use the best rubber insulation on wires in the tubes in order that the wiring may give satisfaction. The advantages of tubes are that the wires are protected from mechanical injury and from contact with plaster, moisture, etc. The plan of the wiring in a building depends a great deal on the size and construction of the building, but in its details it should always fulfill, not only in the letter but in the spirit, the require- ments of the Underwriters which are laid down in special printed rules. In small buildings supplied with current from a central sta- tion, the simplest plan for concealed wiring is what may be called 300 FIG. 234. the "distributing system." Heavy service wires are led from the street mains of the electric light company through a fuse block or cut-out (Fig. 233) to a convenient central point in the building. At this point the service wires terminate in a number of fuse blocks from each of which a circuit of smaller wire runs out to supply a limited number of lamps, usually between 5 and 15. Fig. 234 shows such a plan of wiring so plainly that no additional description is necessary. In the figure, s, s, s are switches for turning the lights on and off, and c is a fuse block used to protect a small branch circuit which for convenience is connected to one of the taps instead of being run back to the distributing center. By this arrangement of the distribution any serious trouble which occurs on one branch or tap causes the fuses at the distributing center which belong to the branch, to melt. This disconnects the defective branch from the service wires without interfering with the other branches. The location of all the fuse blocks at a central point makes it convenient to replace fuses, and the fuse blocks can be so protected that a fire cannot possibly be caused by the arc which sometimes occurs when a fuse melts or blows. 201 FIG. 235. Another plan for wiring a building is shown in Fig. 235. In this figure, a heavy trunk circuit runs from the main cut-out in the cellar to the top of the house, and the lamp taps branch off from the trunk at each floor; s, s, s are switches for controlling the lights and c, c, c are fuse blocks. This plan makes it necessary to scatter the fuse blocks through different parts of the house, which is a dis- advantage. In large buildings, a combination of the two plans just ex- plained is used, and feeding trunks, or feeders, are run from the main fuse block to several distributing centers at convenient points in the building. One feeder with its mains is shown in Fig. 236, where XA is the feeder running from the main cut-out, or from the dynamo room if a special lighting plant is located in the building, and B, B, D, D is a main which runs down and up so as to supply current to the different floors of the building. Fuse blocks are placed at each rectangle to protect the parts of the circuit beyond it. The horizontal lines are mains which run along each floor to carry current to the distributing centers which are shown by the rectangles at Y, Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 . The lamp taps which are run from the centers to the lamps are represented by the short spiral lines. Only one line is used in this figure to represent the circuit, which may be either 2- wire or vwire. KG" ^ Qy7 FIG. 236. For very large buildings, the plan shown in Fig. 236 may be extended by running feeders to various points in the building, from which points mains run to the distributing centers. The feeding points are then usually joined together by a heavy connecting circuit often called a crib. This is shown in Fig. 237 where E 1 , E 2 , E 3 , E 4 are feeders running to four feeding points in a building which are marked K, K, K, K. These points are joined together by the crib from which the mains run off to the various centers of distri- bution. The wiring plan in a large building is seen to be quite similar to the plan of the feeders and mains used in distributing electric current from a central station. The object to be aimed at in arrang- ing the wires in either case is to keep all the lamps which are burn- ing at one time as nearly as possible at the same pressure, and also to make it possible to keep the pressure constant regardless of the number of lamps burning. The size of wires used at any place must be calculated from the amount of current which the wires carry and the volts drop in pressure which is allowed. The calcu- lation sometimes indicates a wire which is too small for safety, and a wire smaller than No. 16 B. & S. gauge should never be used in inside electric light wiring ; neither should the current passed through a wire exceed the "safe carrying capacity'' given in Lesson XXXII. "Wiring tables," which give the sizes of inside 203 Jp* ' E* WE* FIG. 237. wires required to supply current to lamps at various distances from the main cut-outs, are to be found in many trade catalogues. A great many details relating to inside wiring can only be learned by observing wiring which has been completed in a proper manner, but a great deal of useful information relating to the inci- dental material can be obtained from the catalogues of the com- panies who supply electrical material. The most important in- cidental material is fuse blocks, fuses, switches and sockets. Fuse blocks now invariably consist of porcelain bases of various forms upon which are carried terminal screws for the con- nection of the fuses and the circuit wires. Electric light fuses are strips or wires of a metal alloy which melts at a temperature that is so low that the melted metal cannot possibly cause harm. The alloy is usually made largely of lead and tin, but varies a great deal. The object of the fuse is to protect the wires beyond it from becoming overheated through some accident. The size of the fuse at any point is such that if anything occurs to cause an unsafe current to flow through the wires protected by it, the fuse will melt and cut the wires out of the circuit. Fuses of large carrying capacity usually have ter- minals made of copper (Fig. 238) so that a more substantial contact may be made with the fuse block terminals. Switches and sockets have already been illustrated. A most important factor in locating the position of centers of distribution in a building is the location of the lights. The next lesson will enter into this. Copyrighted, 1894, 2O4, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXIII. Points for review. 1. Why are overhead electric light wires seldom smaller than. No. 10 or larger than No. 0000 B. & S. guage? 2. What is "weather proof " wire? 3. Why is No. 6 B. & S. guage wire ordinarily used for overhead arc light circuits? 4. Why is the ground never used as a part of electric lighting circuits? 5. What is the difference between a "drawing in" and a "built in" system of under- ground conductors? 6. What materials are used for insulating electric light cables which are intended for use in underground conduits? 7. What is "Edison tubing"? 8. What are "feeders"? What are "mains"? 9. Why are the conductors of a constant pressure electric light system divided into feeders and mains? 10. What is meant by inside wiring? 11. What is meant by cleat work? by moulding work? by concealed work? 12. Does properly arranged electric light wiring introduce danger from fire into a building? 13. Does improperly arranged electric light wiring introduce danger from fire into a building? 14. What class of insulation should always be used on wires for inside wiring? 15. Why does moulding work, when properly put in, make the best kind of wiring? 16. Why does concealed work, where the wires are laid directly under plaster, make the poorest kind of wiring? 17. Why is it advantageous to wire buildings on the distribution plan? 18. Why do the Underwriters' rules usually prohibit the use of wires smaller in size than No. 16 B. & S. gauge? XXIV. TESTING ELECTRIC LIGHT CIRCUITS, AND THE DIS- TRIBUTION AND MEASUREMENT OF LIGHT. The faults which occur on electric light lines are of the same kind as those which occur on telegraph and telephone lines (Lesson XVIII). The methods of testing for and locating the faults are very different, however. The general condition of an electric light line may be determined from the manner in which the lights burn. Breaks in the line are made evident by the fact that lamps on the circuit beyond the break will not burn; while crosses and short cir- cuits soon make themselves evident by causing the fuses which pro- tect the defective part of the circuit to melt or blow. Poor connec- tions may be shown by dimness of the lamps, when the connections have a sufficiently high resistance to cause a great drop in pressure. It is needless to say that connections or joints of such poor conduct- 205 ivity are very dangerous and should not be permitted to exist in a circuit for an hour. All joints in electric light wires are soldered in order that there may be no "bad joints" which may cause poor con- nections. Poor connection at such points as sockets or fuse blocks belonging to incandescent circuits may cause considerable heating. If such heating is noticed it should be at once corrected or it may cause damage. Sometimes poor connections at fuse blocks may cause the fuses to blow when there is really no trouble elsewhere on the circuit. This may occur when the fuse blocks have too little contact surface at the connection points to properly carry the current. Such fuse blocks should always be replaced by larger and better ones, as they are not only an annoyance but they are dangerous. No one would think for a moment of allowing poorly jointed and leaky gas pipes and fixtures in a house, and defective electric wires should be treated in exactly the same manner as defective gas fittings. Series circuits, like arc light circuits, which are not in use all through the twenty-four hours, are often tested for breaks, grounds, and crosses by means of a magneto bell which is very much like a telephone call bell (Fig. 239). The little magneto machine and call bell are put in a box together and connected in series with two ter- minals on the outside of the box, which are shown at the top of the figure. If it is desired to test the continuity of a line that is, the absence of breaks the two ends of the line are connected to the test bell terminals. If the bell rings when the crank is turned the cir- cuit is shown to be all right, while if the bell does not ring the cir- cuit is shown to be broken, provided the test bell itself is in good condition. It is easy to test the latter by short circuiting the ter- minals, when the bell will ring upon turning the crank if the mag- neto is all right. If it is desired to test for grounds by means of a magneto bell, one terminal of the bell is connected to earth by connecting it to a gas or water pipe, jand the other wire is connected to the line to be tested. If the bell rings when the crank is turned it ordinarily means that the line is grounded, and if the bell does not ring, the line is shown to be clear of grounds. Sometimes the bell will ring a little when the line has a very high insulation, because the electro- static capacity of the line is high and the current which flows into and out of the line, as it is charged and discharged by the alternating pressure set up by the magneto, is sufficient to ring the bell. Most arc light lines are out of use during daylight, only those which convey current to arc lamps in the buildings of large cities are used during the day, and many lines are not used after midnight. It is quite convenient, therefore, to use the magneto bell for testing such lines. The tests can be made each day an hour or two before the lines conie into service, and if anything is found to be wrong, a line- man can go along the line to find the trouble and fix it. 206 FiG. 239. FIG. 240. A voltmeter is sometimes used for testing and locating grounds on arc light lines while they are in use. Suppose figure 240 to represent an arc light line which supplies current to five lamps and is grounded at F. If the lamps are so adjusted that each requires 45 volts press- ure, the difference of pressure between the fault and one terminal of the dynamo is 135 volts, and between the fault and the other terminal of the dynamo the difference of pressure is 90 volts. A volt- meter connected to ground, as shown, indicates the difference in pressure between the fault and one dynamo terminal, and so shows between which lamps the fault is located. Instead of using a volt- meter, 45 volt incandescent lamps may be used for testing by this method. As many 45 volt incandescent lamps are connected in series as there are arc lamps on the circuit to be tested. One end of the series is connected to ground and the other to one dynamo terminal. Then one incandescent lamp after another is short cir- cuited until the lamps which remain in the circuit burn to their full candle power. The number of incandescent lamps then in circuit is equal to the number of arc lamps between the dynamo terminal and the fault. The reason for this is evident upon examining the figure. Since there are three arc lamps between the A terminal of the dynamo and the fault, there is a difference of pressure of 135 volts between the two points, as shown by the voltmeter, V. 135 volts is the pressure required to bring a series of three 45 volt incandescent lamps to full candle power, so that the number of arc lamps between the fault and the A dynamo terminal is equal to the number of 45 volt incandescent lamps which will burn with full candle power when connected in series between the dynamo terminal and the ground. This test is made upon the supposition that the fault has little resistance of itself. In testing incandescent circuits for grounds, incandescent lamps or voltmeters are almost always used. If one wire of a two-wire cir- cuit is grounded the presence of the ground may be shown by con- 207 FIG. 241. FIG. 242. FIG. 243. f necting an incandescent lamp between the other wire and the earth (water pipes, etc. , Fig. 241), when the lamp will burn on account of the current which flows from one wire to the other through the lamp and the fault. If the lamp be intended for the same pressure as that of the circuit, it will burn at full candle-power if the circuit is "dead grounded" and will be dimmer in proportion to the resistance of the fault. Figure 242 shows a permanent arrangement of the ground detector which is fixed so that the detector lamp may be connected at pleasure with either of the wires. Another arrangement of lamps for a ground detector is shown in figure 243. A and B are two lamps connected in series between the two wires of the electric light- ing system. A wire goes to ground through a fuse block and a switch from a point between the two lamps. When the switch is open the lamps A and B will burn very dimly but of equal bright- ness, and no change will occur when the switch is closed if no grounds are present on the circuit. If the wire to which the A lamp is connected be grounded, current will flow from the grounded wire 208 FIG. 244. FIG. 245. through the B lamp to the other wire when the switch is closed, and the B lamp will become brighter than the A lamp. In the same way the A l^mp will brighten when the switch is closed if the B wire is grounded. Sometimes both wires are grounded and the faults have about equal resistance. In this case the lamps will not show the grounds in the ordinary way, but the test can be made by turning off one lamp when the switch is closed and the other lamp will go out if the circuit is not grounded. For three- wire circuits a pair of lamps may be used as a ground detector for each side of the system. When a voltmeter is used to test for grounds on an incandescent circuit it is handled in very much the same way as the incandescent lamD which is used for the same purpose. The voltmeter is con- nected between one of the circuit wires and the earth. If the other wire of the circuit is grounded, current will flow from it through the voltmeter to the wire to which the instrument is connected. If the grounded wire is "dead to ground," the voltmeter will give the same reading as when it is connected directly between the wires. The reading of the voltmeter is less as the resistance of the ground con- tact is greater, and it is zero when the insulation is good. The methods which are used for testing for grounds on incan- descent circuits show when a ground is present and upon which wire it exists, but they do not give any clue to the particular portion of the circuit upon which the ground is located. The ordinary method of * locating" a ground which cannot be found by inspection, is to 209 cut one branch after another off from the system until the ground disappears. The ground is then on the last branch cut off and may be found by careful inspection. The testing of, and locating faults in, lead covered cables which aie sometimes used in underground systems is done in the same way as the insulation testing of telegraph and telephone cables, which has already been explained (Lesson X, page 72; Lesson XVIII, page 145). The candle-power and the best arrangement of the lamps which are required to give a*satisfactory illumination in any particu- lar space can be determined only by experience. The candle-power of lamps is measured by an instrument called a photometer, in which the illuminating power of the lamp to be measured is directly com- pared with the power of standard candles (Lesson XXI, page 175), or with a gas jet or lamp of known candle-power. The commonest form of a photometer is that called Bunsen's photometer, which is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 244. A is the standard candle, B is the lamp whose illumination is to be measured, and D is a movable disc of thin paper with a grease spot at its center. The photometer, for practical use, is all enclosed in a perfectly dark closet, and the light from A and B is carefully screened on every side except directly in line with the disc. An observer measures the unknown candle-power of the lamp B by moving the disc D until it shows an equal illumination on both sides. The disc is generally looked at by means of mirrors, so that both sides may be seen at once. When the illumination of the two sides of the disc is equal, the candle-powers of the lights are proportional to each other in the ratio of the squares of the distances measured from the respective lights to the disc. , The reason that the squares of the distances come into the com- parisons of candle-powers is illustrated in Fig. 245. If we suppose a screen, A B, to be placed at a distance of one foot from the lamp, L, we may consider that the screen is illuminated by a certain number of rays of light falling upon it. Now, if the screen be moved to a distance of two feet from the lamp the same rays of light will illumin- ate an area, C D, which is four times as large as A B, and, conse- quently, the intensity of the illumination on the screen is only one-fourth as great as when the screen was at a distance of one foot from the lamp. If the screen be moved to a point three feet from the lamp, the same rays will cover the area E F, which is nine times as large as A B, and the intensity of the illumination is only one- ninth as great as when the screen was within a foot of the lamp. Since 4 and 9 are respectively equal to the squares of 2 and 3, we see that the intensity of the illumination given to a surface by a fixed light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the light to the surface. In the Bunsen photometer, the screen is placed at such a point directly between two lights that they illuminate it equally. In this case, the lights must have candle-powers which are proportional to the squares of their distances from the screen, as already said. The actual illuminating effect of a given number of lamps in any space depends upon a great many things. For instance, a room with dark walls, which absorb a great deal of light, requires much more light to give a satisfactory illumination than does a room with light-colored or white walls. In a comparatively small space a num- ber of lamps of small candle-power, properly distributed about the space, give a much more satisfactory light than do a few large lamps giving the same total candle-power. This is because the illumina- tion near the large lamps is very great and at other points in the space the illumination is small, while it is much more uniformly distributed by the small lamps. In ordinary rooms and stores, it is common to put from one to three 16 candle-power lights for each 100 square feet of floor, while in larger rooms 450 watt arc lamps may be used so that each arc illuminates from 500 to 1,000 square feet of floor. Where arcs are placed indoors, it is usual to surround the arc with an opal glass globe which distributes the light more satisfactorily than would otherwise be the case. Such globes have the disadvantage of ab- sorbing nearly one-half of the light of the arc, but their effect in dis- tributing the light is sufficiently important in indoor lighting to counterbalance the loss of light. For outdoor lighting, arc lights with clear glass globes are used almost altogether. The lamps are then placed from 50 to 600 feet apart, depending upon the amount of illumination desired. It is an important fact which is not very well known by electric light companies, that dirty globes of clear glass may absorb even more light than do opal globes, so that it is impor- tant that arc light globes be kept clean. The true measure of illumination, it may be seen from what precedes, is not the candle-power but the amount of light or illumin- ation obtained on a surface, and the unit for measuring illumination is the amount of illumination on a perpendicular screen at the dis- tance of one foot from a lamp giving one candle-power. Four candle- power at a distance of two feet from the screen and 9 candle-power at a distance of three feet from the screen give the same illumination as i candle-power at a distance of one foot from the scren, which is called a candle-foot. The illumination given by any lamp upon a perpendicular surface is equal to the candle-power of the lamp divided by the square of the distance between the lamp and the sur- face. For instance, if we have a 32 candle-power lamp at a distance of 6 feet from a wall, the illumination on the wall is 32 divided by 6 squared or 36, which is equal to about .9 of a candle-foot. An illum- ination of i candle-foot is quite satisfactory for ordinary reading. Ordinary bright moonlight gives an illumination on the ground which is equal to about r f & t of a candle-foot. The illumination upon theatre stages is ordinarily from 3 to 4 candle-feet, and the illumin- ation given by diffused daylight is equal to from 10 to 40 candle- feet. On account of the expense of producing artificial light by the common methods of the present day, it is commercially impracticable to artificially produce as great an illumination as is given by day- light. Coprighted, 1895, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXIV. Points for Review. 1. What faults occur on electric light circuits? 2. Why is it necessary to solder the joints in electric light wires? 3. How is a magneto bell used in testing electric circuits? 4. How may a voltmeter be used to " locate" grounds on arc light circuits? 5. How may incandescent lamps be used for the same purpose? 6. What is a " ground detector?" V. How are incandescent lamps used for ground detectors on incandescent circuits? 8. How may a voltmeter be used to test for grounds on incandescent circuits? 9. How are grounds ordinarily " located" on incandescent circuits? 10. How are faults located on underground cables? 11. What is a photometer? What are standard candles? 12. Upon what does the illuminating effect of the lamps in a room depend? 13. W'hat effect does an opal globe have on the light given from a lamp? What effect does a dirty globe of clear glass have? XXV. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. It has been experimentally proved that any change in the mag- nectic field around an electric conductor which causes the lines of force to cut the conductor tends to cause an electric current to flow in the conductor (Lesson XIX, page 147). We are now sufficiently acquainted with the mutual effects of electric currents and magnetism (Lessons V, VI, XIX and XX) so that it is not surprising that there are various conditions under which the effects of magnetism may result in an electric current. One of these conditions is seen in dynamos where the motion of the armature cbnductors across mag- netic lines of force causes a current to flow in the electric circuit of which the armature is a part (Lessons XIX and XX). It is not necessary that the conductors move, but the magnetic field may move so that its lines offeree cut across stationary conductors. In fact, an electric pressure is set up in a conductor when it cuts lines of force, whether the cutting be caused by the motion of the conductor or by the motion of the lines of force. 213 The magnetic lines of force which are cut by a conductor and so cause an electric pressure in the conductor may not come from a magnet, but may belong to an electric current in a neighboring wire. When a conductor is moved towards or away from a wire carrying a current, the lines of force belonging to the current are cut by the moving conductor and an electric pressure is induced in it. If the wire carrying the current be moved towards or away from the other conductor, the lines of force belonging to the current are cut by the conductor which is now stationary, and an electric pressure is set up as before. The wire carrying the current may be in the form of a coil, like P in Fig. 246. An electric pressure may be set up in the conduc- tors of another coil, S, by simply thrusting the first coil which carries a current into the second. ' After the primary coil, P, is pushed into the secondary coil, S, and its movement is stopped, the electric current in the secondary also stops because the conductors no longer cut lines of force and the electrical pressure is no longer produced. Now if the primary coil be drawn out from the secondary coil, an electrical pressiire is again set up in the latter. This pressure and its resulting current is opposite to that set up when the primary coil was pushed into the secondary, because the lines of force are cut in the oppo- site direction by the secondary coil. The same effects may be pro- duced by moving a secondary coil in and out of a larger primary coil or by moving one coil around near the other. The battery, C, shown in Fig. 246, furnishes current to the primary coil. The same effects may be produced by permanently fixing the coil P inside of the coil S, and then varying the current which flows through the coil P. When the current increases in the primary^coil, the lines of force belonging to the magnetic field of the current cut the conductors of the secondary coil as they are produced, and thus set up an electric pressure in the secondary coil during the time the magnetic field is increasing. If the primay current be reduced or shut off entirely, an electric pressure is set up in the secondary coils in the opposite direction during the time that the magnetic field is decreasing. Electric currents which are set up in circuits by means of cutting lines of force are said to be caused by electromagnetic induction, and the currents are sometimes spoken of as induction currents or induced currents. The currents produced by dynamos are examples of cur- rents induced by electromagnetic action. An appliance consisting of a primary coil and a secondary coil, which is used for the purpose of inducing currents in the circuit of the secondary coil by varying the current in the primary coil, is called an induction coil (see Lesson XVI, page 123). The two windings of an induction coil are usually placed on an iron core which greatly increases their effectiveness. The core 214 J FIG. 246. FIG. 247. FIG. 248. 215 must be made of iron wires, or eddy currents will be induced in the core and thus heating and loss of power will result, since currents are induced in all closed circuits or masses of metal which are in a changing magnetic field. ' The division of the iron core of an induction coil is thus seen to be necessary for the same reason that it is necessary to laminate the iron cores of dynamo armatures (L,esson XX, page 156). Each turn of the secondary windings of a well built induction coil cuts practically all of the lines of force which are set up by the current in the primary coil, so that the total electrical pressure induced in the secondary windings may be controlled by winding the secondary coil with a greater or less number of turns of wire. The induction coil used with a telephone transmitter is arranged to give a fairly high pressure in the secondary coils and thus intensify the effect of a single cell of battery. In the induction coils made for scientific experiments, which are often called RuhmkorfF coils (Fig. 247), the secondary has so very many turns of extremely fine wire that the pressure produced in the secondary, when the current from a few battery cells is made and broken in the primary coil, may be so great as to cause an electric spark to jump a number of inches through air. In the induction coils commonly called transformers or converters (Fig. 248), which are common objects on the poles of electric light companies which use alternating currents, the secondary coils usually have fewer turns than have the primary coils, and the electrical pressure induced in the secondary coils is therefore less than the pressure applied to the primary. Transformers are used to reduce a high pressure which is used on the distributing circuits to a lower pressure which may be safely and conveniently used in buildings to operate electric lights. Transformers, as applied to electric lighting, will receive attention in later lessons. By means of them we are able to perform the remarkable feat of commercially transferring electrical power from one circuit to another, although the circuits have abso- lutely no electrical connection with each other. If we remember the direction of the lines of force around a wire which carries a current (Lesson VI, page 36), and the rule for de- termining the direction of an induced current (Lesson XIX, page 151), it is easy to determine the direction of the current induced in any secondary circuit. By applying the rules referred to, the following rules relating to induced currents may be arrived at: 1 . When a primary coil is PUSHED INTO a secondary coil, the secondary induced current is OPPOSITE IN DIRECTION to the primary current. 2. When a primary coil is DRAWN OUT of a secondary coil, the induced secondary current is in the SAME DIRECTION as the primary current. When the primary and secondary coil are fastened together and current is induced in the secondary by making and breaking the primary current we have the following rules: 3. When the current is MADE (started} in the primary coil, a momentary OPPOSITE or INVERSE current is induced in the secondary coil. 4. When a current is BROKEN (stopped) in the primary coil, a momentary current of the SAME DIRECTION is induced in the secondary coil. These rules relate to the flow of current when the secondary circuit is closed. If the secondary circuit be open, the electrical pressure which is set up, is in such a direction that the current would flow in the direction indicated were the circuit closed. A careful examination of these rules shows a very important fact which may be stated in this way: The direction of an induced cur- rent is always such that the magnetic field set up by it tends to oppose the change in the strength of the magnetic field belonging to the pri- mary current. For instance, when the primary current of an induc- tion coil is "made," an inverse current is induced in the secondary coil whose magnetic field opposes the growth -of the magnetic field of the primary current. When the primary circuit is broken, the magnetic field of the induced current opposes the decay of the magnetic field belonging to the primary current. Another illustration may be taken from the primary coil which is pushed into a secondary coil. When the primary coil carrying a current is pushed into the secondary, an inverse current is induced which sets up a mag- netic field which tends to repel the primary coil and therefore opposes its motion. When the primary coil is drawn out of the secondary the direct induced current sets up a magnetic field which tends to attract the primary coil and therefore again opposes its motion. In the case of a dynamo the current which is induced in the armature conductors has such a direction that its magnetic effect tends to stop the motion of the armature (Lesson XIX, page 147); and to keep it rotating, mechanical power must be applied to the armature in proportion to the amount of power represented by the currents taken from the armature (Lesson VIII, page 52). The above facts may be briefly stated in one sentence. When electric currents are induced by a changing magnetic field, the mag- netic field belonging to the induced currents tends to stop the change in ike original field. We have also the following statement which re- sults directly from the former: When electric currents are induced by the motion of a conductor, the induced currents have such a direction that their magnetic effect tends to stop the motion. This is called Lenz's law, after a German scientist who first formally stated the principle. The principles stated in the preceding paragraph are a direct re- sult of the general law of the Conservation of Energy (Lesson VIII, page 52). We can transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, or vice versa, or, we can transform the energy of electrical currents flowing under one pressure into the energy of electrical currents flow- ing under another pressure, but in every case as much energy must be put into the transforming apparatus whether it be dynamo, mo- tor, Ruhmkorff coil or transformer as is taken out. We have already seen that the useful "output" of electrical apparatus is usually smaller than the ( 'input' ' by a certain percentage of the total energy which has been changed into useless heat (Lesson VIII, page 52). A varying current may have an inductive effect upon the coil in which it flows itself, in addition to its inductive effect upon adjacent conductors. When a current is started in a coil it sets up a magnetic field which quickly grows from zero to its full value. As the field grows, its lines of force cut the turns of the coil and induce in them an electric pressure which opposes the growth of the current. On stopping the original current its magnetic field quickly dies away and the lines of force again cut the turns of the coil, but this time in such a direction that the self-induced electric pressure upholds the original current. If the coil has a great many turns wound on an iron core, its self-induction may be of sufficient magnitude to make a brilliant spark or give a severe shock when the circuit is broken. The spark at breaking a circuit is often spoken of as caused by the extra current of self-induction. The effect of self-induction is made use of in so-called spark coils which are used with devices for light- ing gas by electricity, and which consist simply of a coil containing many turns of insulated wire wound on a core of iron wire. The effect of self-induction makes itself evident if the circuit of a single battery cell be broken between the hands when the circuit contains a spark coil, telegraph instrument, or other electromagnetic coil. The fact that a conductor carrying an electric current is always surrounded by a magnetic field (Lesson VI, page 38), would lead us to expect conductors carrying electric currents to attract and repel each other. This is indeed the fact. We have already seen that solenoids act towards each other exactly as though they were mag- nets (Lesson VI, page 38). In every case, we have learned that when magnets or solenoids are brought into each other's influence, they tend to move so that their lines of force shall be placed parallel and in the same direction (Lesson VI, page 38). Exactly the same is true of straight or curved wires which are brought into each other's influence. Remembering this, we can see that two wires lying side by side must at- tract each other if they carry currents flowing in the same direction. This is because the lines of force can only become parallel and of the same direction when the two conductors are very close together. FIG. 249. FIG. 250. When the currents flow in opposite directions the wires repel each other. In the same way, if the wires are inclined to each other they tend to turn around into such a position that the wires are parallel and the currents flow in the same direction (Fig. 249). It is upon this principle that the electrodynamometer acts (Lesson XI, page 78). The operation of Kelvin balances (Fig. 250) which have been explained in Lesson XI, is based upon the attraction and repulsion of parallel currents. These instruments, as stated in Lesson XIV, are not sufficiently portable to bring them into common use, but they are excellent for use as standards by which to calibrate commercial instruments. Copyrighted, 1895, 210 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXV. Points for Review. 1. What is the effect of cutting magnetic lines of force by an electric conductor? 2. What is the difference in the result when the conductor is part of a closed elec- tric circuit, and when it is a part of an open circuit? 3. Is it necessary for the conductor to move in order that it may cut lines of force? 4. If a magnet or a primary coil is pushed into a secondary coil, does the inductive effect last after the motion has ceased? 5. What are "induced currents"? What are induction coils? 6. Why cannot a solid iron bar be used for the core of an induction coil? 7. How is it possible to alter the electrical pressure induced in the secondary wind- ings of an induction coil? 8. What are transformers or converters? 9. What is the general rule for the direction of an induced current? 10. Is it possible to take a greater amount of power out of the secondary of an induc- tion coil or transformer than is put into the primary? 11. What is self-induction? 12. Why does self-induction cause a spark upon breaking an electric circuit? 13. Why do parallel wires carrying currents which flow in the same direction attract each other? 14. Why do parallel wires carrying currents which flow in opposite directions repel each other? XXVI. ALTERNATING CURRENTS. We have already learned (Lesson XIX, page 151) what an alter- nating current is, and how it may be produced in an armature hav- ing a single coil of wire which is revolved between two pole pieces. The ordinary alternating current dynamo or alternator is made up on this principle, but is usually constructed with a number of coils on the armature and with an equal number of poles in the field magnets. In general construction an alternator is similar to a continuous cur- rent dynamo, but before we enter into a discussion of the detailed differences it is well to consider certain facts in regard to the alternat- ing current. If a pulsating current which varies in value like that represented in Fig. 161 (see Lesson XIX, page 153) be passed through a volta- meter (Lesson IX, page 62), the amount of metal, copper, for instance, which is carried by the current from the anode to the cathode is pro- portional to the average value of the current. In other words, the electrolytic effect of a pulsating current is dependent upon the average 220 or mean value of the current. The electrolytic effect of the pulsating current represented by Fig. 161, is the same as that of the uniform current, the magnitude of which is, represented in Fig. 251 by the height of the line FG above the line AB. If the pulsating current of Fig. 161 had not been commutated, but had been led into the external circuit by means of collecting rings (Fig. 157, L,esson XIX) as is done in telephone magnetos, the second loop of the curve rep- resenting the current would fall below the line AE, because the cur- rent flows alternately in one direction and then in the other. This is shown in Fig. 252, where the perpendicular distances from the line OX to the wavy line are proportional to the strength of the current in the circuit at each instant. During the times represented by the distances AC etc., in which the loops are above the line OX, the current is supposed to flow in one direction, and during the intervening times, CE, etc., in which the loops are below the line OX, the current is supposed to flow in the other direction. Such an alternating current can have no electrolytic effect, except under exceptional circumstances, since the electric current which flows in one direction for one instant flows in the opposite direction for the next instant and consequently the voltameter plates are alternately anode and cathode. A different condition exists in regard to the heating effect of a pulsating or alternating current. It is to be remembered that the heating produced by a continuous current when it flows through a circuit, is equal to the current squared multiplied by the resistance of the circuit (Lesson VIII, page 53). The heating produced by a pulsat- ing current is equal at every instant to the value of the currrent at that instant squared and multiplied by the resistance of the circuit. A curve may be drawn, as is shown in Fig. 253, the height of which at each point is equal to the square of the corresponding height of the curve representing the current. The height of this curve of squares at each point is proportional to the power expended in heating the circuit at the corresponding instant. The same total power would be expended in the circuit by a continuous current whose square is equal to the average height of the curve of squares. In Fig. 254 the line AbCdE represents the curve of squares as already shown in Fig. 253, and the height of the line FG above OX represents the square of the continuous current which causes the same heating in the circuit as the pulsating current. The height of the line FG is greater than the square of the average value of the pulsating current, and consequently the heating effeU of a pulsating current is greater than that of a continuous current equal to its average value. The reason for this fact may be easily seen. The squares of num- bers increase in magnitude much more rapidly than do the numbers themselves. For instance, 6 is twice 3, but the square of 6, or ./v /*\ , 7 V \ C FIG, 251. FIG. 252. FIG. 254. FIG. 253. FIG. 255. FiG. 256. FIG. 257. 36, is four times the square of 3, or 9. On account of this, the aver- age of the squares of different positive numbers is always greater than the square of the average of the numbers. For instance, the average of 2, 5 and 8 is 15 divided by 3, or 5, and its square is 25. The squares of these numbers are respectively 4, 25 and 64, which give an average of 93 divided by 3, or 31. Now if we square the values of the pulsating current at each instant we have the squares of a large number of values which range from zero to a maximum, and the average of these squares is greater than the square of the average of the original values. Since the heating effect of a current is entirely independent of its direction, an alternating current such as that represented by Fig. 251 expends exactly the same power in heating a circuit or given resistance as it would if commutated into a pulsating ctirrent. When there is no self-induction or outside disturbing factor in a circuit, the power expended in the circtiit is always equal to CB (current times electric pressure). Here, again, when the pressure and resulting current are pulsating or alternating, we have a series of products of values, the average of which is greater than the product of the respective averages of the current and pressure. The line ABCDB, in Fig. 255, represents the electric pressure applied in a circuit, and AbCdE the resulting current. At each instant the power expended in sending the current through the circuit is equal to the product of the corresponding heights of these two curves. The height of the curve APCQE at each point is equal to the product of the corresponding heights of the current and pressure curves. Curve APCQE may therefore be called a power curve. Both its loops are placed above the line OX because they both represent power ex- pended in the circuit. The average power expended in the circuit is represented by the height of the line FG, which cuts off the tops of the loops so that they will exactly fill up the intervening valleys. The height of the line HJ represents the product of the average current by the average pressure, which is seen to be less than the average power represented by the height of the line FG. When we measure the value of an alternating current we desire to find the value which, when squared and multiplied into the resist- ance of a circuit, will give the heating effect of the current. This is called the effective value of the current or the effective current, and it is greater than the average value of the current, as we have already seen. In measuring an alternating electric pressure or electromotive force we likewise desire to find the value which, when multiplied into the effect- ive current which it causes to flow through a circuit without self- induction, will give the power expended in the circuit. This is called the effective pressure or effective electromotive force, and is larger than the average pressure. From the explanation given above 223 it is seen that the effective value of an alternating current or an alter- nating electric pressure is equal to the square root of the average of all the squares of the instantaneous values of the current or pressure during the time represented by one loop in the figures. The effective value is, therefore, often spoken of as the u square root of the mean (average) square. ' ' Since the indications of an electro-dynamometer or of a hot wire electrical measuring instrument are proportional to the square of the current flowing through the instrument (Lesson XI, page 78) they are excellently adapted to measuring alternating currents. The number of alternations of direction made in each minute by the alternating currents which are ordinarily used is so great that the movable coil of an electro-dynamometer acts exactly as though it were pulled around by a continuous force proportional to the averageof the squares of the instantaneous values of the current. The square root of the indications of the instrument is therefore proportional to the effective value of the alternating current flowing through its coils. One form of electro-dynamometer which is commonly used for measuring alter- nating currents is shown in Fig. 56 (Lesson XI). Another form is shown in Fig. 256. Alternating current voltmeters made upon the same principle are shown in Figs. 256 and 257. Since hot wire instruments also average up the squares of the instantaneous values of the current, they have been used to some ex- tent as instruments for measuring alternating currents. The Cardew voltmeter shown in Fig. 60 (Lesson XI), which is made upon this prin- ciple, has been much used as an alternating current instrument. Elec- trostatic voltmeters (Lesson XI, page 82) also give indications, the square roots of which are proportional to effective alternating pressures when the needle is electrically connected to one pair of quadrants as is usually done, and the scales of such instruments may be so gradu- ated as to be direct reading. An alternating current is said to make as many alternations per minute as it makes changes in direction in each minute. Instead of speaking of the number of alternations per minute of an alternating current it is quite common and more scientific to speak of its fre- quency, that is, the number of double alternations made per seayid. The alternating current dynamos which have been generally used in this country furnish currents making from 15,000 to 16,500 alternations per minute or having frequencies of from 125 to i3-5> though frequencies only half as great, and even less, have come into 'use during the past two or three years. The number of alternations per minute is equal to 2X60 or 120 times the frequency, since 60 is the number of seconds in a minute. The fraction of a second during which an alternating current makes two loops is called \\. period. 224 There is one very important point in which alternating currents differ radically from continuous currents. The point is so important that the balance of this lesson will be taken to illustrate it. When a continuous current is passed through an incandescent lamp, the amount of power expended by the passage of the electric current through the lamp filament, which is converted into heat and light, is equal to C X E. In the same way, when an alternating cur- rent is passed through an incandescent lamp the amount of power which is expended in the lamp filament and converted into light and heat is also equal to C X E, where C and E are the effective values of the current and pressure measured by the proper alternating current instruments which were explained in the preceding lesson. We therefore see that an incandescent lamp which is intended to give sixteen candle-power at a pressure of, say, no volts, will be equally efficient when it is connected to a constant pressure circuit which furnishes it continuous current at a uniform pressure of no volts, or when it is connected to a circuit which furnishes it alternating current at an effective pressure of no volts. If the current flow- ing through the lamp when it is connected to the continuous current circuit be measured by an accurate amperemeter of any kind, and a measurement also be made when the lamp is connected to the alter- nating current circuit by an accurate electrodynamometer, exactly the same amount of current will be found to flow through the lamp in the two cases. Now, suppose we take 200 feet of No. 7 B. & S. gauge insulated copper wire. Its resistance is almost exactly one-tenth of an ohm at ordinary temperatures, and it therefore requires only one-tenth of a volt to send one ampere of continuous current through it. This is true whether the wire be stretched out straight, wound in a simple coil or wound around an iron core, since the resistance of the wire depends only upon its length, cross section, and material (Lesson VII, page 48), and none of these are altered by coiling or winding up the wire. To send one ampere of alternating current of, say, a frequency of 125 (15,000 alternations per minute) through this wire when it is stretched straight out requires a tenth of a volt effective pressure, or the same as in the case of a continuous current. The straight wire therefore acts in the same way towards continuous and alternating currents, exactly as does the incandescent lamp filament, which indeed, is nothing more than a bent wire made of carbon. Now, if the wire be coiled tip, a greater pressure than one-tenth of a volt is required to send one ampere through the wire, while if it. be wound on a big laminated iron core there may be as much as 100 volts, or even more, required to send an ampere through the wire. We know that the resistance of the wire is not changed by coiling it up or by wind- ing it around an iron core, so that the actual resistance is one-tenth of p" ^hm all the time. This is proved by the fact that coiling the wire 225 and winding it around an iron core does not change the amount of pressure required to send one ampere of continuous current through it. It also may readily be proved by measuring the resistance of the wire by a Wheatstone's bridge when the wire is stretched straight out and when it is wound on an iron core. The action of the alternating current as thus seen might lead us to suppose that the flow of alternating currents did not follow Ohm's law (Lesson VII, page 42). The flow of alternating currents does fol- low Ohm's law, however, and the peculiar action described above is easily explained as follows: In Lesson XXV, page 217, it was stated that on account of self-induction, either an increase or decrease of current in a coil is retarded by the magnetic effect of the different turns of the coil tend- ing to stop any change in the current. This effect is magnified to a large degree when the coil is wound on an iron core, since the iron largely increases the magnetic effect of the turns and therefore the self-induction of the coil ; while a wire stretched out straight or bent in a hairpin, like an incandescent lamp filament, has very little self- induction. When a battery is connected so as to send a current through a straight wire the current rises to its full value, according to Ohm's law, almost instantly. When the same wire is coiled up and con- nected to the battery, the current does not rise to its full value instantly on account of the retarding effect of self-induction, but the delay is only a very small fraction of a second. Now, when the wire is wound on an iron core and then connected to the battery, the effect of self-induction is so great that it takes quite an appreciable portion of a second for the current to rise to its full steady value. The final steady value reached by the current is not changed by the self-induction^ but is iust the same in each case, IF THE PRESSURE BE UNIFORM, because the self-induction can have an effect only while the current is changing in value. An alternating current changes all the time so that it never has a steady value, and the effect of self-induction is therefore felt by it all the time. While the current is rising, self-induction tends to hold it back or keep it from rising, and when the current is falling, self-induc- tion still tends to keep it from changing. The result is that in a cir- cuit having self-induction an alternating cnrrent is always retarded a certain amount behind the alternating pressure which sets it up. This same retardation causes the maximum value of the current to be smaller than it would be were there no effect of self -induction* We therefore see that when an alternating current flows through a circuit which has such a form that its self-induction is appreciable, the alternations made by the current corne a small fraction of time later than those made by the electric pressure, and the value of the current is smaller than if no self-induction were present. The effect 226 is exactly as though the current loops of Fig. 255 were not placed directly under the pressure loops, but were pushed a certain small amount back of the position of the pressure loops. The effect of self- induction in decreasing the amount of alternating current which flows in a circuit depends upon the magnetic effect which the differ- ent parts of the circuit have on each other, and also upon the "fre- quency " of the current. The same result is brought about as would be given by increasing the resistance of the circuit a certain amount. It is therefore usual to speak of the apparent resistance of a circuit through which an alternating current flows. The effective current in a?i alternating current circuit is then equal to the effective electrical pressure applied to the circuit divided by the apparent resistance of the circuit. This may be called the Ohm's law of the alternating current circuit. The apparent resistance is equal to the true resistance of the wire compos- ing the circuit plus the effect due to self-induction. The true resistance of the wire only depends upon its length, cross section and material, while the effect of self-induction depends upon the magnetic effect which the different parts of the circuit exert on each other and upon the fre- qttency of the current. When a continuous current flows through a circuit, the true resistance of a circuit, as measured by a Wheatstone's bridge, only need be considered, but when an alternating current flows through the same circuit, the apparent resistance comes into the account. The remarkable results which are brought about in alternating current circuits on account of the current hanging back or lagging behind the electrical pressure will be taken up in the next lesson. Before entering upon the next lesson, each member of the classes should study this lesson until he gets a true idea of the lagging of the loops of an alternating current behind the pressure which sets up the current, and the cause of this lagging. Copyrighted, 1895, 327 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXVI. Points for Review. 1. What is an alternator? 2. Why is the electrolytic effect of a pulsating current the same as that of a contin- uous current equal to its mean value? 3. Why does an alternating current produce no electrolytic effect? 4. Why is the heating effect of a pulsating, or of an alternating current, greater than that of a continuous current equal to its mean value? 5. What is the effective value of an alternating current? 6. Why is it desirable to make alternating current measurements in effective values? 7. Why are instruments based on the principle of the electrodynamometer, or on the hot wire principle, always used in measuring alternating currents?' 8. Why are instruments based upon the same principles, or on the electrostatic principle, always used in measuring alternating voltages? 9. What is the " frequency" of an alternating current? What is its "period " ? 10. If an alternating current has a frequency of 100, how many alternations does it make per minute? 11. What frequencies are commonly used in this country? 12. Why is the apparent resistance which a coil of wire offers to the passage of an alternating current greater than the resistance which it offers to the passage of a continuous current? 13. Why is the resistance which a straight wire offers to the passage of an alter- nating current equal to that which it offers to the passage of a continuous current? 14. Why is the apparent resistance of a coil, in which an alternating current flows, increased by putting an iron core in it? 15. Why does the apparent resistance of a coil change when the frequency of the alternating current which flows through it changes? LESSON XXVII. ALTERNATING CURRENTS AND ALTERNATING CUR- RENT MACHINERY. (Concluded^ There is an additional difference between the effects of alter- nating currents and of continuous currents, when the alternating cur- rent in a circuit with self-induction lags behind the alternating pres- sure which causes it to flow. When an alternating current flows through a circuit which does not have self-induction, the current loops and pressure loops come together as shown in Fig. 255. Then we can measure the power which is used in the circuit by an alter- nating current voltmeter and an electrodynamometer, because these instruments measure the effective pressure and the effective current, and the two readings multiplied together give the power used in the circuit (Lesson XXVI, page 223). We can therefore measure the power used 228 in an incandescent lamp ivhich is operated on an alternating current circuit by means of an alternating current amperemeter and nn alter- nating current voltmeter, exactly in the same way that we would measure the power used by it when operated on a continuous current circuit (Lesson XI, page 83). If a coil of wire, having an iron core, be substituted for the in- candescent lamp, the current loops are caused by the effect of self- induction to lag behind the pressure loops (Lesson XXVI, page 226). When this is the case we are not able to measure the power used in the coil by an amperemeter and a voltmeter, as we did in the case of an incandescent lamp, because in this case the product of the effective current and the effective pressure is not equal to the power. The actual power used in the circuit is less than the value given by the product of the effective current and pressure. At EACH INSTANT the power consumed in the circuit is equal to the product of the current and the pressure at that instant, exactly as is the case when the cur- rent and pressure loops are together (Lesson XXVI, page 223), but when the current lags behind the pressure, the total power consumed is less than would have been used in sending the same current under the same pressure through a circuit without self-induction. The moral of this is not to try to measure the power used in any alternating current circuit having self-induction, by an amperemeter and a voltmeter. For instance, if the alternating current flowing in the primary coil of a transformer be measured and its value be multiplied by the alter- nating pressure which causes the current to flow", the product does not represent the power used by the transformer. The power used when an alternating current is caused to flow through a circuit which has self-induction may be measured by a proper wattmeter; such, for instance, as that made out of an electro- dynamometer, explained on page 85 of Lesson XII. The indications of such a wattmeter when connected to the circuit as directed in Les- son XII are directly proportional to the power used in the circuit, because they are the AVERAGE of the values of the power given to the circuit at every instant. If it is desired to find out how much power is wasted in the iron core of an alternating current transformer, for instance, it can be quickly done by connecting up a wattmeter as shown in Fig. 258, for then, if the wattmeter has been calibrated, its readings will at once give the power. Alternating currents are widely used for the distribution of electric currents for the purpose of electric lighting, because it is possible to use a high pressure on the distributing lines and thus make a saving in the expense of wires (Lesson XX II, page 135), and the high pressure may be reduced with little loss of power by means of induction coils or transformers to a pressure which it is safe to use in houses (Lesson XXV, page 216). These transformers consist of two coils, the primary and secondary coils, which have well laminated iron cores made of strips or ' 'stampings' ' of thin wrought iron laid together in such a manner that they make a core for the coils and also enclose them so as to make a complete magnetic circuit for the magnetism set up by a current in the coils. The primary coil usually consists of many turns of small wire, while the secondary coil consists of fewer turns of larger wire. The coils are wound on a " former" and are carefully insulated with mica, rubber insulating tape, or other insulating materials, and the core is then built up by slip- ping the stampings into position. The right-hand cut of Fig. 248 shows the two coils of a transformer with the stampings which form the core. The left-hand cut of the same figure shows the transformer after it has been placed in a water tight iron case, as is usually done to protect it from injury when hung against the wall of a house or on the pole of an electric light company. In the particular type of transformer shown in this figure, it is usual to fill up the case with a heavy paraffine oil which improves the insulation of the coils from each other. In Fig. 259 is shown the coils of a transformer made by another maker and also the complete transformer out of its case, while Fig. 260 shows the same transformer in its case. Figs. 261 and 262 show other transformers. In the latter cut, the transformer is shown as it hangs on the side of a house in winter and the need of the protecting case is made evident. Each of the transformers thus shown is made by different manufacturers, but their similarity in construction is evident at a glance. There are some differences in the number and shape of the iron plates used in the cores, the sizes of wire and number of turns composing the coils, etc., but the greatest differences apparent to the sight are differences in the shapes of the iron cases. In fact, the real differences between the transformers are very small, but even these small differences affect their usefulness very much. The iron core of a transformer is magnetized first in one direction and then in the other, by the alternating currents in the coils, and as the magnetic molecules are reversed, there is a loss of power caused by hysteresis (Lesson XX, page 157). There is also a loss of power caused by eddy or foucault currents which are set up in the iron core. These losses are quite small compared with the full load of the transformer (from 3 to 6 per cent), but when a great many lightly loaded trans- formers are operated all day long, as is done in many electric light plants, the total power lost may cause a great expense. The losses in the cores of transformers should therefore always be tested by elec- tric light companies before putting the transformers into service, and if, the losses are larger than they ought to be, the transformers should be sent back to the makers. The tests can be made by connecting up a wattmeter to a transformer as shown in Fig. 258. If the second- ary circuit is left open, the reading of the wattmeter shows the loss 230 100 'VOLT CURRENT SUPPI.V T METER PRE.S! URE COIL CURRENT COIL- TRANSFORMGR - VOLTS^- CIRCUIT OPEN FIG. 258. FIG. 259. FIG, 263. FIG. 264. 231 FIG. 262. FIG. 265. FIG. 268. FIG. 266. 232 FIG. 267. FIG. 271. 234 of power caused by hysteresis and foucault currents. The following table shows approximately the amount of power which is lost in transformers of the best makes. CAPACITY OF TRANSFORMERS. LOSS IN CORE. 500 watts = 10 lights. 25 watts 1000 " = 20 " 40 u 1500 " = 30 " 50 2500 4 ' = 50 " 60 u 4500 " = 90 u 80 " In nearly all electric lighting plants where alternating currents are used in this country, the pressure generated by the alternator is between 1000 and 1200 volts, while the pressure desired at the lamps is between 100 and no volts, or 50 and 55 volts. The transformer coils must be wound so that the number of primary turns has the same relation to the number of secondary turns as the primary pressure has to the desired secondary pressure. If the pressure is reduced from 1000 volts to 100 volts there must be one tenth as many turns in the secondary as in the primary, and if the pressure is reduced to 50 volts the secondary must have one twentieth as many turns as the primary. Since the power given out by a transformer is nearly as great as that given to it, the current in the secondary coil is nearly as much greater than the primary current as the secondary pressure is smaller than the primary pressure. We have in transformers a most striking and wonderful example of the transfer of power from one electrical circuit (the primary cir- cuit) to another circuit (the secondary) without the circuits being in any way electrically connected with each other. The inductive action goes on just as well if the two coils of the transformer are separated by glass or mica as if they are wound close together. It is only necessary for the magnetic circuit to be properly arranged so that the magnetism which is set up by the primary coil shall all pass through the secondary coil. The action of transformers is really no more wonderful than the action of dynamos, but it has the striking peculiarity that no mechanical motion is concerned in the transformations. As already said, alternating current dynamos, or alternators, are built upon the same principles as continuous current dynamos, but the armature is wound in coils which are connected in series, and the two ends are brought to separate collecting rings. The field magnet usually has as many poles as there are coils on the armature, and the number of alternations of the current per minute is equal to the number of poles in the field magnet multiplied by the number of revolutions made by the armature per minute. Fig. 263 shows a diagram of the connec- tions of an alternator armature. The coils marked AAA are armature coils and the rings marked CC are the collecting rings on which the 235 brushes BB rub. The arrows show the way the current flows through the armature. Fig. 264 sL.cws the way the magnet poles are arranged for an alternator having an armature of the form shown in the above diagram. This arrangement of the armature and fields, which is quite common in foreign alternators, is illustrated in Fig. 265 which shows the form of alternator built by an English maker. In this country the coils are usually laid on the surface of a laminated drum core, or in grooves cut in such a core. Fig. 266 shows a finished alternator armature the coils of which are laid on the surface of the core. A layer of insulation is put on over the coils, and over this wire bands are placed to hold the coils in place. This figure also shows on the same shaft, the armature of a small continuous current dynamo which is used to magnetize the field magnets of the alternator. Fig. 267 shows the way in which coils are sometimes fixed in grooves cut in the armature core. Since no commutator is required with an alternator, it is not necessary for the armature to revolve, and the field may be revolved instead. In this case, the magnetizing current is carried to the field windings through collector rings, and the armature terminals are connected directly to the circuit. It is also possible to build alter- nators in which neither the field nor armature revolves, but in which keepers of iron are moved so as to make and break the magnetic circuit of the field magnets and thus cause currents to be induced in the stationary armature. The field magnets of alternators must always be excited by a continuous current, which is usually generated by a separate small continuous current dynamo called an exciter. An exciter is shown alongside of the alternators in Figs. 265, 268, 269 and 270. The general forms of alternators constructed by the different American companies are quite similar to each other, as shown in Figs. 268, 269 and 270. Fig. 271 shows one of the great 1,000 horse-power alternators which were used in 1893 to light the buildings at the World's Fair. These machines, which are the largest alternators ever built, are now used in various electric light stations. Alternators cannot be worked in parallel with each other with the ease which is possible with continuous current dynamos. If two similar continuous current dynamos are to be connected in parallel they are simply brought to their usual speeds, and their field mag- netization is adjusted until the two machines produce the same pressure. They may then be connected in parallel and will work together very well. When two alternators are to be connected in parallel, it is necessary not only to make their pressures equal, but to bring them to exactly equal frequencies or to synchronism, and also to arrange them so that the current loops given by the two machines are ?S6 in exact ttnison or step. On account of the difficulty in the way of properly synchronising and stepping alternators they are not usually operated in parallel in this country, though it is quite commonly done in foreign, countries. If an ordinary alternator is brought to synchronism with another machine it may be run by the latter as a motor, but it will not start itself as would a continuous current motor, nor is it possible to excite the field magnets of the motor from the alternating current circuits. It is therefore not convenient to use such machines, called synchronous motors for common purposes (though they are sometimes used for special purposes), and other methods of operating alternating current motors are being sought after. The most promising of these methods is coming into considerable use. It consists of combining the effects of two or three separate alternating currents in what are known as two-phase or three-phase systems. A second set of windings may be placed on an alternator arma- ture with the centers of its coils half-way between the first set (as, for instance if another winding were put on the armature shown in diagram in Fig. 263, with its coils between those shown in the Fig.), then the currents generated in the second set of coils will have their maximum points just one quarter of a period after the current in the first winding. That is, the two currents will have a difference of phase equal to quarter of a period or 90. The relation of the A FIG. A. two currents to each other is shown in Fig. A where the curves A and B represent the two currents. These two currents may be used separately or they may be used together as a two-phase system, the two currents being carried in separate circuits composed of three wires very much as the three wires compose the circuits of the three wire system for continuous current distribution. Instead of two windings three separate windings may be placed on the armature in such a way that the three currents produced in them differ from each other in phase by one third of a period or 1 20. The relations of these currents are illustrated in Fig. B. These currents may be used separately or they may be used together as a three-phase system, the three currents being carried in separate circuits composed of 237 three wires, the circuits being made up of the three wires taken in *iairs. Thus, if the three dots in Fig. C represent the cross section of the three wires, then current A is carried in the circuit composed of the wires a and b. Current B is carried in the circuit com- posed of the wires b and c, and current C is carried in the circuit composed of the wires c and a. Either a two-phase or three-phase alternator which is arranged to furnish cur- rents to three wires requires only three collect- ing rings, though if the currents were to be used separately four and six rings would be respectively required. Two-phase and three- phase systems are frequently called polyphase or multiphase (many current) systems, and the motors which are ordinarily operated on polyphase systems are called induction motors. The action of induction motors may be explained by reference to Fig. D which is an illustrative diagram of a three-phase motor. The field magnet of the motor is a ring which is wound with three separate coils, P, Q and R, each of which is supplied with one of the currents of the three-phase system through the wires a, b and c. Since the maximum values oi the three currents which thus flow through the coils P, Q and R follow one another with a phase difference of a third of a period their maximum points appear to chase each other around the ring. The magnetic effect of each coil at every instant is proportional to the current flowing in it, and the combined effect of the three currents sets up a magnetic field which rotates around the ring with the maximum value of the cur- rents. The space inside of the field ring is occupied by an armature 238 consisting of a grooved drum built up out of iron discs. Insulated copper rods are laid in the grooves, and the rods are either all connected together by end rings as in Fig. E or they are connected in sets as indicated in Fig. D. The rotating magnetic field set up by the currents in the windings P, Q and R, induces currents in the armature conductors and these in turn, on account of the reactions between currents and a magnetic field explained in Lesson VI. , cause the armature to revolve as nearly as possible in synchronism with the rotating field. The armature with the bars all connected together as shown on Fig. E is called a squirrel cage armature. FIG. F. FIG. H. MAIN WINDING PRIMARY IMMJ rr FIG. I. SECONDARY FIG J. The coils of polyphase machinery may be connected in three dii ferent combinations, two of which are called respectively the mesh and star connections and are represented in diagram by the Figs. F and G. The third method of connecting the coils is a combination of the mesh and star methods. The coils on the fields of Fig. D are connected in the mesh method and Fig. H shows in diagram a two- phase motor which may be operated with its field coils mesh con- nected to a three-wire two-phase system or with the coils connected separately to two separate circuits which carry alternating currents with 90 difference of phase. Two-phase machinery is constructed in this country by the Westinghouse Co. and the Stanley Electric Co., while three-phase machinery is constructed by the General Electric Co. A special type of three-phase alternator (called a monocyclic alternator) is constructed by the General Electric Co. for use where electric lighting is the principal object but it is desired to operate some motors from the lighting circuit. The armature of a mono- cyclic alternator carries a main coil, the two ends of which go to collector rings and an auxiliary (or teaser) coil, one end of which goes to a third collector ring and the other end of which is connected to the middle of the main coil, Fig. i. Transformers to be used for electric lightning are connected in the usual way between the wires running from the brushes on the main collector rings, but a three- phase current may be obtained by connecting two transformers between the main and teaser wires as shown in Fig. J. The three circuits of the three-phase currents are between the wires A B, B C & A C. If the three terminals of a three-phase induction motor are connected to these wires it will run exactly as though connected to a regular three-phase circuit. Polyphase alternators may be used as synchronous polyphase motors under conditions similar to those already explained for single pliase machine. Copyrighted, 1895, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXVII. Points for review. 1. How is the power which is used in any alternating circuit measured? 2. Why are alternating currents used for electric lighting? 3. What are transformers and how are they made? 4. Why are transformers put in an iron case? 5. Why should transformers be tested by electric light companies before they are put into use? 6. How can this testing be done? 7. How are alternators built? 8. How can the number of alternations per minute made by the current produced by an alternator be calculated? 9. If an alternator has ten poles and the armature makes 1,500 revolutions per minute, how many alternations per minute are made by the current which is produced? 10. What is the frequency of the current? 11. What is an exciter? 12. What must be done to make alternators run in parallel? 13. What are synchronous motors? 14. Why can they not be commonly used? 15. What is meant by the words polyphase and multiphase? 16. What are two-phase and three-phase alternating current systems? 17. How many wires are necessary in two-phase and three-phase systems? 18. What are induction motors, and how do they work? 19. What is a squirrel cage armature? 20. What is meant by mesh connection? By star connection? LESSON XXVIII. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC MOTORS. During five or six years past electric motors have come to be al- most a necessity to people living in small cities who use small amounts of power. The wonderful way in which electric motors have come into general use is very striking. The number of electric motors used in Chicago in the year 1889 was very small, while in 1894 motors to more than four thousand horse power capacity were supplied with current from the distribution system of the Edison Illuminating Company of that city. In addition to these motors many more are supplied with current from other central or isolated plants. Chicago is not at all exceptional in the number of electric motors which its inhabitants use, for large numbers are also used in 241 New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other large cities. In fact electric motors are as necessary to the small users of power who live in American cities as gas engines are to the citizens of Paris, and they have also become household necessities in many places. The use of electric motors in small shops and for household purposes is by no means limited to the large cities, but in all places where a continuous current supply is at hand throughout the day, electric motors are found in many kinds of service. They are also connected with many isolated plants. One of their commonest uses is to drive small fans for stirring up the air in a room in the hot summer days. Such /2m motors are very common in offices, theaters and public places. An interesting use of fan motors is made on the electrically-lighted trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the -Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, the dining cars of which are made very comfortable on hot summer evenings by several fan motors, which take current from the electric light circuits. An example of motors used with an isolated plant is to be seen in the great plant of the Auditorium Hotel and Theater in Chicago, where motors having a combined capacity of several hundred horse power are in daily use. These motors are used to drive ventilating fans and small blowers as shown in Figs. 272 and 273, to run coal and ash hoisters, meat choppers and coffee grinders in the kitchen, machinists' tools for the repair shop, bel- lows for the great organ (Fig. 274), to drive a small dynamo which furnishes current for the hotel bells and for other purposes. Some of the dynamos of this plant are required to run all day and all night, so that a supply of current is always on hand by means of which the motors may be operated. The uses to which electric motors may be put are almost end- less, but a few of the common applications are illustrated in the figures of this lesson. In Figs. 275 and 276 are shown a sewing- machine and a dentist's lathe, each with a motor connected to it. Figs. 277 to 281 show various purposes for which pumps driven by electric motors are used. Electric motors driving con tractors' hoists, which -are used in the construction of large buildings, are shown in Figs. 282 and 283, and an electric mining hoist is shown in Fig. 284. Fig. 285 shows a 115 horse power Edison motor driving line shafting in Machinery Hall at the World's Columbian Exposition. In Fig. 286 is shown a flour mill, which is driven by the electric motor which appears in the figure. This list of illustrations might be extended to an indefinite extent without exhausting the various purposes for which electric motors may be used, and for which, indeed, they are used in great numbers. A place in which electric motors are coming to be very much appreciated and widely used is in great manufactories. The ordinary method of carrying power through shops by means of great belts and FIG. 274. 243 FIG. 276. FIG. 275. FIG. 277. FIG. 283. FIG. 279. FIG. 281. FIG. 280. FIG. 282. FIG. 284. FIG. 285. 247 FIG. 286. FLEXIBLE DRILL LATHE FIG. 290. 248 FIG. 287. 249 FIG. 288. 250 FIG 289. 251 OF THE VNIVERSIT FIG. 291. jr. ar "'": IK- * I Fi ii ii m ai ill FIG. 292. 252 heavy shafts is very wasteful of power. Prof. Flather says in his book on power measurements that wherever measurements have been made in even the best arranged shops, the losses of power on account of shafting and belting are shown to be enormous. The attached table shows the amount of power lost in belting and shafting and the amount actually delivered where it is required for use, for every hundred horse power developed by the engine. The table shows that from one- third to three-fourths of the power of the engine is actually wasted in simply making shafting revolve and causing the belts and gears to run: POWER LOST, POWER USED, NAME OF WORKS. pER ^^ pER Union Iron Works ................... 23 77 Frontier Iron & Brass Works .......... 32 68 Baldwin Locomotive Works ........... 80 20 Wm. Sellers & Co ................... 40 60 Pond Machine Tool Co ............... 41 59 Yale & Towne Co ................... 49 51 Ferracute Machine Co ................ 31 69 Bridgeport Forge Co ................. 50 50 Shafts and belts are a great nuisance in shops, and any conven- ient arrangement which can take their place would be very useful, even if it did not save power. A convenient arrangement which takes their place and at the same time saves much power is of the greatest, service. It is in this place that the electric motor shows one of its finest characteristics. In Fig. 287 is shown a large machine shop in which the power is distributed by shafts and belts, which give the shop somewhat the appearance of a forest, while in Fig. 288 is shown a .similar shop after the lathes, planers and other ma- chines are arranged to be driven by electric motors. The motors are close to the machines and the electric wires leading to them are put out of the way so that the shop presents an appearance which is much improved. The improvement is as great in fact as in appearance, because the removal of shafting and belts removes a great source of danger and inconvenience, and electrical distribution of the power is much less wasteful than its distribution by shafts and belts. With a properly arranged electrical distribution, as much as one-half or three- fourths of the powei developed by the engine may be delivered at the point where it will be of use. Only from one-fourth to one-half of the power of the engine is wasted instead of a waste of from one-third to three-fourths of the engine's power as is the case when the power is distributed by shafts and belts. The reduction in the proportion of the power which is wasted and lost, which may be made by using electricity instead of belts and shafts is worth a great many dollars to the owner of the shops, and many shops have therefore been arranged for electrical transmission, while many more are being so arranged. 353 Ilj Fig. 289 is shown the power house where electricity is generated to operate the motors of one great manufacturing establishment. Fig. 290 shows the way in which motors are applied to drive lathes, drills and other machines, while Fig. 291 shows a motor which drives an elevator gear and drum without the intervention of belts 01 pumps. The arrangement of electric motors which will give the btst results in any shop depends upon a great many things, and can only be arrived at by good judgment. The ideal method would be to have one or more motors built as a part of every machine in the establishment, but this would make the machinery cost too much money and consequently cannot be carried out, though it would prob- ably be the most efficient arrangement which it is possible to make. The next best arrangement, and the one which is usually adopted, is to have all large machines which require considerable power fur- nished with separate motors. These may be built into the machines, thus doing away with all unnecessary belting or gearing, or they may be directly belted to the usual driving pulleys of the machines. All smaller machinery may be arranged in groups of two to six ma- chines with a motor to supply power to the machine of each group through a light shaft. The amount of power required to drive different classes of ma- chinery is, as a general rule, quite uncertain. The width of the belt which is commonly used on a machine is some indication of the power required, as it may be assumed that a single leather belt when running at the ordinary speed used in shops will satisfactorily drive from one to two horse power per inch of width. A double belt will generally drive about twice as much as a single one. An exact estimate of the power used by any machine cannot be made from the size of its belt, however, since the driving power of a belt depends, amongst other conditions, directly upon its speed, and even at ordinary speeds it may transmit very much more power than the rule given above would indicate, though its operation would be unsatisfactory. The ordinary manufacturers of machinery seldom have accurate information in regara to the power which is required to drive the machines which they build, but the following rules, when taken in connection with the information presented by the widths of the driv- ing pulleys, are useful : 1. Fast running machinery takes more power in proportion than slow running machinery. 2. Machines which are intended to perform easy operations very rapidly may require much more power than machines which are required to perform much more severe operations at a slower rate. Thus, wood- working machinery usually requires, on account of its rapid speed, considerably more power in proportion than iron-working machinery, though the latter works a much tougher material. 3. In ordinary machine shops the power required at the ma- 254. chines is about one horse-power per thousand square feet of floor, motors put in on that basis will generally do the work satisfactorily, provided the machines are properly grouped and the motors are so arranged that losses in belts and shafting are inappreciable. 4. Engine lathes and similar tools for iron work, of sizes not exceeding a swing of 20 inches, require from ^ to i horse-power. Larger lathes may require as much as three horse-power, but seldom more. 5. Planers and similar tools for iron work require from 2 to 5 horse-power, depending upon their size and the work they do. 6. Shapers, milling machines, drills, and other smaller tools for iron work, ordinarily require less than one horse-power. 7. Planers for wood working require from 5 to 25 horse-power, depending upon their size and work. 8. Circular saws require from i to 10 horse-power, depending upon their work. 9. Smaller wood-working tools seldom require as much as one horse-power. 10. Large printing presses, such as are used for book printing, require from 2 to 5 horse-power. 11. Small job printing presses require from V% to y 2 horse- power. 12. Sewing machines requirt irom 2 V to l /% horse-power. 13. Passenger elevators require from 10 to 40 horse-power. 14. Freight elevators ordinarily require from 2 to 10 horse- power. 15. By placing several small machines which are operated inter- mittingly in one group, the power of the motor required to drive the group may be much less than would be required to drive all the ma- chines constantly. Before leaving this subject, the use of electricity on boats must be touched upon. Fig. 292 shows one of the "electric launches" which proved such a success on the lagoons at the World's Fair, and which are now used in Milwaukee and other cities. These boats are very much like small steam launches or naptha launches, but instead of a hot steam boiler and engine, or a disagreeable naptha engine, an electric motor is attached to the shaft of the screw propeller. This motor, which may be put out of sight under the floor, is operated by electric current from a storage battery, the cells of which are placed under the seats and under the floor so as to act as ballast. The boat is not as independent as a steam or naptha launch, because the stor- age battery must be charged every day to keep it in good order for operating, but wherever current can be obtained for charging the batteries, electric launches are very convenient and popular. Copyrighted, 1895, 255 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXVIII. Points for Review. 1. For what purposes may electric motors be advantageously used? 2. Why are electric motors particularly advantageous for use in machine shops? 3. What causes the great waste of power in manufactories as they are ordinarily arranged? 4. What advantages result from removing shafts and belts from a shop? 5. What is the ideal arrangement of motors in a shop? 6. What is the commonly adopted arrangement? 7. How may the power required to operate a shop be estimated? 8. Why does wood-working machinery require more power to drive it than iron- working machinery? 9. How much power will a belt drive satisfactorily when running at the speeds common in manufactories? 10. Why does the width of the belt attached to a machine give uncertain evidence of the amount of power which is required to drive the machine? 1 1. Why do passenger elevators ordinarily require more power in proportion than freight elevators? 12. What are electric launches? LKSSON XXIX ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. The application of electric motors which probably is most gen- erally known and appreciated is in propelling the electric street cars which are now to be found in nearly every city of fair size in this country. When the first great electric railway enterprise was under- taken in the year 1888 in Richmond, Va., prophecies of failure were numerous and the discouragements met by the promoters of the enterprise were at times sufficient to dishearten almost any one. Before the equipment of that electric railway was undertaken, various experimental electric railways had been laid and operated, and several had been actually constructed for the regular carrying of passengers, but none of them were of such magnitude as^ the railway at Rich- mond and none served to prove the adaptability of electric motors to the purpose of driving cars as did the equipment which was operated there. The first electric railway which was really on a commercial scale was a small line built in Berlin, Germany, in 1879 by the great firm of Siemens and Halske. In 1883, the first electric railway opened to the public in the United States, was operated in the gallery of the Chicago Railway Exposition on a track about -1,500 feet long and of three feet gauge. This electric line caused a great stir in the country and carried many passengers who visited the Exposition. The motor car which ran on the line weighed three tons and was capable of running at a speed of nine miles an hour. It was therefore quite small compared even with the smallest of electric street cars of today, which often weigh eight or ten tons and run at a speed of eighteen or twenty miles an hour. Even the striking though modest attempts at electric railroading made in Berlin and Chicago did little to bring electric cars into general use though they did serve to stir up the interest of the people. The construction of the early machines, as viewed today, was unmechanical and inefficient so that great improvements were required before the electric cars could replace horse cars or cable cars. Since 1883 the electric car has passed through a period of marked development both in this country and Europe. From the beginning of 1883 until 1888 many small electric railways were put into operation in this country under the direction of Daft, Van Depoele, Sprague and others, but until the latter date, the electric car cannot be said to have proved itself a com- mercial success. From 1888 to the present day, electric stret-t rail- ways have grown in number and in favor with remarkable rapidity. So much is this true that the street car horse has been banished from the streets of many cities, and electric cars have replaced cable cars even in such cities as Omaha, Neb. , Kansas City, Mo. , Grand Rapids, Mich., Baltimore, Md. , San Francisco, Cal., and elsewhere. The principle of the electric railway is very well illustrated by Fig. 293. In this figure, A is a dynamo, one pole of which is con- nected through a switch and fuse blocks to the street railway track, and the other pole to a wire called the trolley wire which is supported over the track. The motor which drives the car is placed under- neath the floor, as is shown at M in the figure, and is so geared to the axles that by the revolution of its armature the car is moved along. In order that current may be supplied to the motor, a mov- able arm extends above the car and presses a small wheel against the trolley wire. This arm is called the trolley, and the current is con- veyed along it and thence down to the motor. After the current has passed through the motor, it completes its circuit by returning to the dynamo through the rails. The motors which are used on electric cars are series wound (Lesson XX, page 160) and their speed is controlled either by means of a resistance which is placed in circuit with the motor, or by some equivalent device. The motors are of various forms but those which are now commonly iised are completely ironclad, so that the armature is protected from mechanical injury or from being splashed by water from the track (Lesson XX, page 165). Nearly all of the street railway motors that are now used are arranged so that the top and bottom halves of the ironclad fields may be easily separated to enable repairs to be made to the armature or to the field coils. This is a very important point to the electric railway owner, because railway 257 service is very hard on electric motors. The machines are exposed to dust and dirt and are often forced to do more work than that for which they were designed. On account of the cramped space which is to be found under a street car, the motors must be as compact and at the same time, as light as possible. These conditions combine to make repairs frequent and very expensive, unless the various parts are arranged so that they may be easily accessible. In Fig. 173 the top part of the motor frame is shown thrown back so that the arma- ture is exposed. The same thing is seen in Figs. 294 and 295 which show street railway motors of other types. The axle bearings of horse-cars are usually attached directly to the framework of the car floor, and the same thing is done in cars that are intended to be drawn after electric motor cars as trailers or tow cars. Such a construction is not sufficiently substantial in electric motor cars and the axle bearings are mounted on a strong iron framework which is called a truck (Fig. 296). Upon the top frame of this truck is set the car -body, while the motors are usually supported from the axles and the truck framework, as shown in Fig. 296. It is common practice to place two motors on each ordinary motor car, one being slung on each axle. This is done so as to use as fully as possible all the weight of the car, in order to give the driving wheels a grip on the rails. When one motor is used which is geared to but one axle, the wheels are likely to slip in bad weather or when the car is on grades, and the speed of the car is retarded or its progress may even be stopped altogether. Some inventors have arranged gearing so that one motor may drive both axles (Fig. 297) but such arrangements have never proved successful when put into the very hard service to which the electric car is subjected. In the operation of electric railway motors, we have for the out- going electric conductor the overhead trolley wire, and for the returning current the rails furnish a path. An electric railway motor is therefore in an electrical position which is entirely similar to that of an ordinary motor which is moved about, and the lead wires of which are slid along the electric mains. Railway motors are almost always connected in parallel across a constant pressure circuit. The pressure used is about 500 volts. Electric railways often reach out so far from the power station at which the electric current is gener- ated that a lower pressure is not practical on account of the great amount of copper which would be required to carry the current with a reasonable loss of power. On the other hand, a pressure higher than 500 or 600 volts would be unsafe to use on circuits which include bare wires suspended over the streets. The pressure of 500 volts is sufficient to give a severe shock but it is not dangerous to human life, as has been proved by long experience, though horses and some other animals which are more sensitive to electric shocks than are 258 FIG. 294. FIG. 295. 260 FIG. 297. FIG. 299. 261 FIG. 298A. FIG. 298s i Ti _J^_ \ \ r~\_ n 411 X j PIG. 300. \/ \/ \ / /\ / \ / \ FIG. 301. FIG. 302. 263 ^' XTNIVERS human beings have been killed by shocks from electric railway wires. The trolley wire which is commonly used consists of a conductor of hard drawn copper No. o, B. & S. gauge in size, which is sus- pended from span wires or brackets supported on poles (Figs. 298A and 2986). When the distances over which current must be carried are so great that a No. o wire is of insufficient conducting capacity, feeders may be run from the power station to various feeding points where they are connected to the trolley wire. The trolley wire then serves the same purpose in the distribution for the electric railway that mains do in electric light distributing systems. The conducting capacity of the track must also be carefully looked after even in the shortest lines. The rails of which the track is composed are about thirty feet long and their ends are mechanically connected by means of joint plates or fish plates and bolts (Fig. 299). On account of the scale which is found on the rails and fish plates, the joints do not conduct electricity satisfactorily and it is necessary to join the rails electrically as well as mechanically. For this purpose, what is, called a bond is used. A bond is a short piece of copper wire, the ends of which are riveted into the adjoining ends of two rails, and it thus serves to make a good electrical connection between them (Fig. 300). Sometimes a copper or an iron wire is placed in the ground between the rails and each rail is connected to it by means of a bond (Fig. 301), and the electrical connection between the rails is made by means of this continuous wire. The electric motor has also found a place in . railway service which is much heavier than that of the ordinary surface street rail- ways. After working its way into favor on street railways, it came rapidly into use upon light suburban railways and is now looked upon as an essential feature of any new system of city rapid transit. Possibly one of the most striking examples of the use of electric motors upon rapid transit systems is on one of the underground rail- roads in the city of L,ondon, where electric locomotives are used to draw the trains, to the great improvement of the atmosphere and cleanliness of the tunnels. The equipment of this railway was fol- lowed by the operation of the Intramural Railway at the World's Fair in 1893, and that, by an elevated railway in Liverpool, England. In this country, there is now in operation the great system of the Metropolitan Elevated Railroad in Chicago, and several other elevated and city rapid transit railways are planned in which electric motors are expected to play a prominent part. The list includes the great underground railroad system which is to be built to give the inhabitants of New York city a satisfactory means of transportation from their business places down town to homes located a number of miles away to the North. 264- Even this does not set the limit to the field of the electric motor when applied to railway purposes. It has been arranged that the heavy trains of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad shall be drawn by means of electric locomotives through the great tunnel just com- pleted under the city of Baltimore, and the locomotives for the pur- poses have already been built. One is shown in Fig. 302. It is now generally believed that the electric car will invade many parts of the field which has heretofore been exclusively occupied by the steam locomotive, and that, in many kinds of service, the electric motor will as completely displace steam locomotives as it has already dis- placed horse-cars and cable cars in the smaller cities. Experiments have even been made with a view of placing electric locomotives in service upon main trunk railway lines, and the superintendent of an important English railway, it is said, believes he could quickly change his whole system from one using steam locomotives to one using electric locomotives if the officers of the road so directed. Be this as it may, the fact is plain that the electric motor has made a wonderful record for itself when used upon electric railways in the past and that its record will be much more remarkable in the future. Copyrighted, 1895, 265 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXIX. Points for Review. 1. When was the Richmond electric railroad constructed? 2. When and where was the first electric railroad built on a commercial scale? 3. When and where was the first public electric railroad built in the United States? 4. What is a trolley wire? What is a trolley? 5. What is a truck? Why are trucks used under electric cars? 6. Why are two motors usually used on electric cars? 7. Is the electric railway current dangerous? 8. Why is it necessary to " bond" the rails of electric railways? 9. To what purposes have heavy electric locomotives been put? LKSSON XXX. METHODS OF HANDLING AND CONTROLLING RAIL- WAY MOTORS AND GENERATORS. The question of getting the greatest possible amount of work out of his machinery and at the same time of expending the smallest practicable amount of money for its safe operation, is one which weighs continually on the mind of the manager of every great electric plant. It is this which leads him to watch all expenditures and keep an accurate account of all the supplies used in his station. The accounts show him the cost of fuel, oil. water, labor, and other items for every 1,000 watts generated for an hour by the dynamos. By comparison of these records month by month, and with the records of other plants of similar size, it is possible to tell whether every possible economy is practiced which will not cause oppression to the employees or injury to the plant. The record of the output of a station is usually made by the switchboard attendant, who, every quar- ter or half hour, enters the reading of the feeder amperemeters and of the voltmeters in a large book which is properly ruled. Sometimes the record is made by automatic instruments. Fig. 323, for instance, is a reproduction of the card taken from a recording voltmeter which is used in a large central sta- tion, for electric lighting. The card shows the continuous 266 record of the pressure which was maintained at the centers of distri- bution during twenty-four hours. The distance between two suc- cessive radial lines represents fifteen minutes, and the distance along the radial lines included between any two circles represents two volts. Recording amperemeters are not as commonly used as are recording voltmeters, as the voltmeter record is a check upon the care with which the pressure is kept constant, while there is no particular need of keeping an extremely exact record of the current. Fig. 324 shows the current sent out from a certain electric light station during twenty-four hours. The hours of the day and night are laid off on the horizontal line and the current at any hour is equal to the length of the corresponding vertical line which is included between the horizontal line and the irregular line. This shows very plainly the effect of the dark hours of the afternoon, in causing a great in- crease in the demand for light. The total amount of current which is required by the customers of an electric light plant changes from hour to hour with compara- tive slowness, as is shown by Fig. 324, and such an amount of machinery can be kept running at all times as will supply the load most economically. A very different condition exists in the power house which supplies current to electric street cars. Fig 325 shows the amount of current sent out during one hour from an electric railway power house, the record being laid out in the same way as that of Fig. 324. This figure shows the wonderful range and rapidity of the changes in the current supplied by the station. Since compound wound dynamos which keep the pressure fairly constant are used in such stations, the variations of the current cause similar variations of the load on the dynamos and engines. Every effort has been made to reduce the range of these changes which cause shocks to the machinery and so are likely to finally result in injury or break- down, and which also make it impossible to keep the machinery sufficiently well loaded, so that it may be operated with the greatest economy. One method which has been put on trial with a view to decreasing the great changes in the load on railway stations calls tor the use of a storage battery. This battery has its positive terminal connected directly to the positive 'bus bar and its negative terminal to the negative 'bus bar; then, when a great demand for current is made by the cars, part of it is supplied by the battery, and the dynamos and engines are thus relieved to some extent. When the current required by the cars is small, the battery takes current from the dynamos, by which means it is kept charged, and thus the varia- tions of the load are made much smaller than they would be without the battery. This plan has not proved very successful because the storage battery is too frail to stand hard service, but when a satis- factory battery is developed it will fill an excellent place. Batteries 267 are also used in one or two large American and several foreign electric light stations to aid in supplying the current during the period of greatest load, and the batteries are then re-charged during the period of light load. Batteries are more likely to last a reason- able length of time when used in such service, but even here they have not been sufficiently successful to come into much use. The improvements which have the greatest effect upon the loads of electric railway power stations are in the street-car motors and especially in the way in which they are controlled. The earlier motors which were put upon street cars were wired up so that the two machines were put permanently in parallel, and they were then controlled by means of resistances put in series with them. A great many cars are still con trolled, in this manner. When the car is to be started, a controller lever is moved so that it connects the two motors to the circuit in series with a resistance. To make the cars run faster, the resistance is gradually cut out of the circuit, and finally a certain portion of the series field coils of the motors may be cut out also, if a particularly high speed is desired. The commonest form of rheostat is that known as the Thomson-Houston street car con- troller, which is shown in Fig. 326. It is shown connected to the motors in Fig. 327. Another way of controlling the speed of street cars is by what is called the "commutated field" method. In this case, the fields of the motors are wound in separate divisions, usually three in number, and the speed of the motor is controlled by connecting the field coils of each motor in different combinations. This is indicated in the diagram of Fig. 328, where +A and A represent the armature terminals of a motor, and +c, c, -fa, a, +b, b represent the terminals of the field divisions. The connections of the field are changed or u commutated " by means of a controller or switch which consists of a wooden cylinder or barrel on which are placed brass plates of various shapes. This is shown developed (rolled out flat) in Fig. 329, and the forms of the plates are well shown. These plates bear against spring contact buttons set in a row at the back of the switch box, each one of which is connected by a wire to one of the terminals at the motor. Fig. 330 shows the buttons with the wire connections which run in a cable from the switch on the car platform to the motors under the car. When a car is to be started, the switch handle is moved and the motors are connected with their individ- ual field coils in series as indicated in Fig. 331. To run the car faster, the lever is moved from point to point, commutating the fields into various arrangements, until on the seventh and last notch the individual field coils are in parallel. The various arrangements of the field coils when the switch stands at the various points are shown in Fig. 332. 368 u C, C, Switches in motor circuit. D, Switch in lamp circuit. E, reversing switch. P, fuse blocks in lamp circuit. G, fuse block in motor circuit. . H, H, H, incandes- cent lamps. K, K, controllers. O, lightning arresters. M, rheostat. N, trolley. IG. 327. OF THE 3 v FIG. 330. l\v\\\ FIG. 329. Trolly Field Armaturfe Ground. FIG. 331. FIG. 332. I / \ SHOWING VARIATION OF CURRENT WITM _L SERIES-PARALLEL &RHE08TATIC j I 1 | |_ 1 1 1~ CONTROL. WEIBHT Or CAR. TOTAL 1*000 1 bi J , u i.d wit^ TWO B-C.,aOD M.t^ 1 - +-H----I-TH- ffragt ArppoVos for I8alc iRhdoe|2/t . ; - ~i~ r- \~T T-f"T~ " rT~rT" -n+t-f; 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18 19 21 22 232429 SECONDS Fie. 334. 373 FIG. 312. FIG. 313. 274. FIG. 333. 275 SE LIBRA f UNIVERSITY Both of the earlier forms of controllers serve very well as far as handling the cars is concerned, but the use of resistances causes a great waste of power, and consequently the cars require a great deal of current in starting. This in turn has an effect in increasing the suddenness and magnitude of the changes of load at the power station. The need for a more efficient controller which would waste less power and allow the cars to start with less current became so pressing that various devices were designed to meet the want. All of these were reduced to some form of " series parallel " controller which is now used on a great majority of electric cars. With this form of controller, the motors are connected in series with each other when the car is started, and are then, connected in parallel when it is desired to run the car rapidly. From this use of the motors both in series and in parallel, came the name "series-parallel" controller. The pull or torque with which a series wound motor tends to start, depends only upon the current flowing through it. If two motors be connected in parallel and enough current be passed through them to start a street- car, the tot?l amount of current may be as much as 80 amperes. The starting effort in this case is caused by forty amperes flowing through each motor. Now, if the same two motors be connected in series with each other and a current of forty amperes is permitted to flow through them, each will exert the same starting effort as before, and the car will start with the expenditure of only half the current. Having started the car, the motors must be connected in parallel in order that it may run at a reasonably high speed, because when the motors are in series the total pressure of 500 volts is divided between them and each there- fore gets only about 250 volts. The speed of a motor depends directly upon the pressure at its armature terminals and therefore when connected in series, the motors will run at only half speed. The actual process of controlling a car by the series parallel method consists of starting the car with a resistance and the motors in series, cutting the resistance out of circuit, and then by a series of commutations indicated in Fig. 333 putting the motors in parallel with each other and in series with the resistance. This resistance is finally cut out of the circuit, and sometimes a portion of the field windings are cut out of the circuit to make the car run at a high speed. The comparative efficiency of operating cars with motors equipped with rheostat and with series-parallel controllers is illus- trated in Fig. 334. The time after current is admitted to the motors is laid off on the horizontal line, and the distance from the horizontal to the wavy lines at any point shows the amount of current flowing through the motors at that instant. The upper wavy line shows the current consumed when a certain pair of motors were controlled by a rheostat, and the lower wavy line shows the current consumed when the same motors were controlled in the series- parallel fashion. During the first ten seconds, the rheostat control required twice as much current on the average as did the series- parallel control, and during the first eighteen seconds the rheostat required one half more current. A similar figure might also be drawn to illustrate the difference between the amounts of current used by a careful motor man in starting his car and by a careless man. The former always moves his controller lever from point to point with care, and permits the motors to gather speed before passing from one point to a higher one. By neglecting this precaution, a considerably larger current may be used than is necessary. Some steam railroads pay a bonus to the engineer who succeeds in making his runs each month with the least coal, and it would be a paying investment for many electric railroads to pay a bonus to their motor men who succeed in making the runs with the least current. The handling of railway station generators is all carried out by proper switches and controlling arrangement which are placed on a switchboard to which connections are run from the dynamos, and from which the overhead or underground feeders run. In Figs. 312 and 313 are shown the dynamo and engine rooms of a large railroad power station. The switchboard for this station is shown in the distance in Fig. 312, and on the left in Fig. 313. A diagram of the connections on this switchboard is shown in Fig. 314. The total length of the switchboard is 96 feet, and it is of suf- ficient size to carry the connections and controlling devices for two hundred and fifty feeders and the generators which furnish current to the feeders. On the lower panels of the switchboard are the amperemeters, automatic circuit breakers, switches, voltmeters and rheostats for the dynamos, while on the upper panels are the feeder switches, am- peremeters, circuit breakers and lightning arresters. Below the platform, between the two panels, may be seen the positive and neg- ative bus bars and the equalizer bar. The point of contact between the compound coil of the series field and the dynamo brush in each machine is connected with this equalizer bar in order to prevent any of the compound wound dynamos taking more than their share of the load. The three (positive, negative and equalizer) terminals from each generator run to a 3-pole switch on one of the lower panels of the switchboard, so that when the generator is discon- nected from the bus bars all three of the wires may be opened at the same time by one switch. The main positive bus bars which are shown just below the platform are connected through eight 4,000 ampere switches and amperemeters to the feeder bus bars which are shown back of the upper part of the upper panels. From these feeder bus bars, taps are made through switches, amperemeters and circuit breakers to the individual feeders. The bus bars are nearly all of them 3-inch round copper, 21 feet long, supported on suitable insulation, and taps are connected to them by means of split collars which are clamped on. The present boiler capacity of this plant is 3,750 horse power, and the engines and generators have a capacity of 6,000 horse power. Two hundred and seventy cars are now operated from this station. About 60 tons of anthracite pea coal are consumed every day, and three firemen and two cleaners are kept at work continuously. As will be seen in Figs. 312 and 313, the armatures of the dynamos are each built up on the main shaft of a double Corliss engine, which is the most economical arrangement for driving large dynamos which is possible. The dynamos run at a speed of about 80 revolutions a minute, and each one has 10 pole pieces placed radially on its circu- lar yoke which has an outside diameter of 12 feet 6 inches. Bach armature is 90 inches and its commutator is 60 inches in diameter. Copyrighted, 1895, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXX. Points for Review. 1. How are output records kept in large electric stations? 2. Why are recording voltmeters particularly useful? 3. In what special respect does the load of an electric railway power plant differ from that of an electric light plant? 4. How may a storage battery be used to smooth the ' ' load curve " of an electric station? 5. What methods are used for controlling street-car motors? 6. Why is the series-parallel method more economical than the rheostat or corn- mutated fields method? 7. What is the essential point in the series-parallel method of control for street-car motors? 8. In what way can a motor-man economize in the current used by his car? 9. What instruments are placed on a station switchboard? 10. What is the object of the third bus bar, or "equalizer," when compound dyna- mos are connected in parallel? XXXI. MODEL ELECTRIC PLANTS. When Mr. J. E. H. Gordon wrote a Practical Treatise on Electric Lighting in 1884, he filled the rather large book with descriptions of dynamos and electric lamps made in forms which are now nearly all discarded, but at that time there was little else to write about in respect to the question of electric lighting. There were at that time no great electric lighting plants such as we have today, nor were there any even to be compared with those in existence only five years later than the date of the book. With the same courage and optimism which led him to say in 1881, "the day will come when gas-light will be as obsolete as wooden torches, and when in every house the incandescent lamp will have replaced the gas jet," Mr. Gordon left space in his book for a chapter called Central Station Lighting. Under the heading was only the single paragraph, U I had intended to write a long chapter with the above heading, but, for various rersons, I am not yet prepared to do so. I have, how- ever, left in the heading for the convenience of inserting such a chapter in a future edition of this book, should one ever be required." At the present time, or ten years later than the time when Mr. Gordon wrote, we have numbers of books upon the subjects of elec- tric lighting and electric plants, and the progress of the decade has been so enormous that many of the descriptions in Gordon's books seem to belong to another age. We may say, indeed, that they do belong to another age, for ten years constitutes an epoch in the history of the modern development of electricity. 279 It is instructive and interesting to see the way in which electric plants have developed since 1884. The development is best shown by figures representing plants which were built at different periods. Fig. 303 shows one of the earliest electric light plants of the world, the first Edison central station for the public supply of electric cur- rent, which was located at Appleton, Wis., in 1881. At the left hand of the figure is shown the exterior of a small frame shanty in which this plant was located, while at the right hand of the figure the shanty is shown with one side removed so that the plant with its dynamo, pulleys and belts is exposed to view. This plant was operated by water power and the gears on the water wheel shaft used to drive the counter shafts to which the dynamo was belted, are shown in the center of the figure. This plant was put in operation before the day of the three-wire system, and it therefore has only one dynamo. Behind the dynamo in the figure, the regulating and indicating apparatus are vaguely seen. A peculiar and interesting point in the figure is the dynamo which, it will be noticed, looks quite different from those illustrated in preceding lessons. This dynamo has a spindling, lean appearance which forms a decided contrast to the chunky, substantial appearance of the modern dynamos. The field magnets of the dynamo, which is bipolar, are divided into several legs as though there were several separate horse-shoe electromagnets attached to the poles. At the time these machines were built, this was supposed to be the best way of constructing dynamos, but the modern construction with a single short horse-shoe has been proved to be the best form for bipolar dynamos with salient poles. One of these old so-called u spindle shank" dynamos which was used by Mr. Edison in his first public exhibition of incandescent electric lights at Menlo Park in 1880, is now in the dynamo collection of the University of Wisconsin, where it makes a striking contrast to the appearance of the substantial later dynamos of equal capacity which stand by its side. Notwithstanding its peculiar appearance, the old dynamo is still good for any reasonable service, and, indeed, it had been doing almost daily work from 1880 up to the time of the World's Fair, where it was exhibited, and from whence it was for- warded to its present place. One of the old spindle shanks with a modern dynamo of the same capacity beside, it, is shown in Fig. 304. The plant which is now located at Appleton, Wis. , is as great a contrast to the original one as the old dynamo is to modern machines. It now contains several fine dynamos with excellent regulating devices, housed in a substantial building, which are used to furnish current to incandescent and arc lights, stationary electric motors, and to electric cars. The great landmark in electric central stations, the Pearl Street station of New York city, was operated continuously from the fall oi 380 FIG. 303. FIG. 304. OT FIG. 305. FIG. 306. (U: FIG. 307. 283 FIG. 308. FIG 309. 284, FIG. 310. FIG. 311. 285 t OF THE UNIVERSITY^ FIG. 315. FIG. 316. 286 1 882 until a short time ago, when it was destroyed by fire. It has now been replaced by a magnificent station to which reference will be made later. Fig. 305 shows one of the great "Jumbo" dynamos which were used in this station, each directly coiipled to its own engine. Each one of these dynamos had a capacity of i,5OOsixteen- candle power incandescent lamps and occupied not less than 175 square feet of floor space. It is interesting to compare the Jumbo machine with one of the latest triumphs of electrical engineering, the great "steam dynamo" shown in Fig 306, which has a capacity of 3,600 sixteen- candle power incandescent lamps and occupies but little more floor space than the Jumbo. The Jumbo dynamos were wonderful machines in their day and a few are still running in European elec- tric light stations, but most of them were soon superseded by faster running central station dynamos driven by belts instead of being directly coupled to engines. This move in the line of construction changed the arrangements of city central stations so that several great plants built in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston were constructed after the general plan shown in Fig. 307. This figure shows a cross section of one of the central stations of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York city. Here we see high speed steam engines located in the basement so that they may be on a solid foundation, and from their fly wheels belts run to dynamos located upon the floor above. The two floors above the dynamos are occupied by boilers which furnish steam to the engines located in the basement, and by arrange- ments for handling the ashes which come from the boiler furnaces. Above the boilers is a floor wholly given over to bins for holding coal for the boilers, which is hoisted from the street by an elevator. The top floor is given to repair shops, store rooms, etc. Fig. 308 shows the front of the Central Station building. This Central Station fairly represents the type which has been used for a number of years in great cities where, on account of the expense of land, it is desira- ble to occupy as little ground space as possible. In the great stations which have been built in Chicago, Boston and New York within three or four years, the arrangement is made still more economical. This will be referred to later. In the smaller cities and towns where land is not so valuable, it is usual to place the boilers on the ground floor with the engines, and the dynamos are then placed either upon the same floor or on the floor above. One arrangement of a central station, with the boilers, engines and dynamos all on the same floor, is well shown in Fig. 309. Two engines are shown in this with a dynamo driven by a' belt from each fly wheel, and between the engines a shaft is coupled so that additional dynamos may be belted from its pulleys. A station with boilers and engines on one floor and the dynamos on the floor above 287 is very well shown in Fig. 310 ^hich is a cross section of a large plant. Fig. 311 shows the boiler room of another great plant simi- larly arranged. These figures are taken from actual plants which are in successful operation and their countei parts may be seen in a great many cities and towns in this country. Each plant illustrated is a model of its kind and from that stand point will bear the closest comparison which the classes may make between it and plants which they may have the opportunity of examining. After several years, during which small dynamos were used in electric plants belted to counter shafts or directly to the fly wheels of engines, the manufacturers of dynamos began again to make dyna- mos, which, like the "Jumbo ? ' machines, should be directly connected to engines, and the largest central stations are now built with such machines (Fig. 306). The greatest machines of the kind ever built, and indeed the largest dynamos of any kind, are the great dynamos which are now being erected in the power house of the Niagara Falls Power Company at Niagara Falls. The works of this company constitute the greatest industrial power plant ever constructed. A general view of the plant is shown in Fig. 317. Taking water from, the Niagara river above the falls, a canal built for the power company by the Cataract Con- struction Company conducts the water about 1,500 feet, to where the water wheels are located. These wheels are located at the bottom of an enormous wheel pit 179 feet deep, 21 feet wide, and of sufficient length to permit the location of many very powerful turbine water wheels. The water is conveyed from the canal on the surface of the ground down to the wheels at the bottom of the pit, through great steel tubes or " penstocks " seven and a half feet in diameter. After the water has passed through the wheels, delivering up to them its power, it is carried away through a tunnel a mile and a quarter long, to be discharged into the river below the falls. The canals and tunnels of the Niagara Falls Power Company have been con- structed on such a scale that the amount of water which will pass through them is capable of delivering 125,000 horse-power to the water wheels, and the charter of the company permits it to take as much water as will give 200,000 horse-power. The amount of power represented by this is as much as one-tenth of the power which can be developed by all the water wheels in the United States, and is greater than the water power of the following great power and manufacturing centres, all added together: Lawrence, Lowell and Holyoke, Mass.; Manchester, N. H.; Lewiston, Me.; Bellows Falls, Vt; Rochester, Cohoes, Oswego and Lockport, N. Y. ; Paterson, N. J. ; Augusta, Ga. ; and Minneapolis. Even this enormous amount of power which the Niagara Falls Power Company proposes to supply to its customers is very small compared with the power which is contained by all the water in the falls. If all the power represented 388 by the water as it flows from the upper rapids over the falls BO the lower rapids were utilized, it would make about eight and a quarter million horse power, or more than four times as much as the of all the water wheels in the United States, and considerably moi than the combined power of all the steam engines and water wheels N which are used in this country. The Niagara Falls Power Company were not able to take advantage of the total height down which the water flows, but if the power of all the water in the falls were as fully utilized as the power company propose to utilize that of {he water which they pass through their wheels, it would still yield four million horse-power, or much more than half of all the power now used in the country. It is seen from this that the great plans of the Niagara Falls Power Company, when fully carried out, will divert only about one- twentieth of all the water from the falls, and plenty will remain for the purposes of other power companies, if the organization of others becomes desirable, and yet leave sufficient water so that the grandeur and beauty of the falls shall not be injured. In Figs. 318 and 319 are shown two views of the wheel pit and power house of the Niagara Falls Company. The first figure shows a vertical section taken crosswise through the wheel pit and house and the second shows a vertical section taken lengthwise through the pit and shows the positions of two of the water wheels and dynamos which are now being erected. In the lower left hand corner of the latter figure is seen the tail race tunnel by which the water is discharged into the river. In the figures, W W are the water wheels, which are twin wheels having the enormous capacity of 5,000 horse-power, and P P are the penstocks. S S are great hollow steel shafts no less than thirty-eight inches in diameter, except at the bearings where they are solid and eleven inches in dia- meter. Each shaft conveys the 5,000 thousand horse-power developed by the wheel, to which it is attached, to a great dynamo fastened to its upper end. At C in the figure, the canal which brings water to the penstocks is shown, and at T is shown the electric traveling crane, capable of lifting fifty tons, which is placed in the power house to be used in placing the machinery in position and in case the machinery must be taken to pieces at any time for the purpose of repairs. Three of these ( ' generating units ' ' will soon be ready to deliver power to such mills as are located within a short distance of the great power-house. The 5,000 horse-power water wheels which are over five feet in diameter and revolve at a speed of 250 revolu- tions per minute are marvels of engineering and constructive skill, but we cannot stop to consider their details or the remarkable bear- ings upon which are supported the enormous weights of the dynamo and shaft which are connected to each wheel and which amount to a total of some 80 tons. The revolving parts of each dynamo 289 alone weigh 40 tons and are of the most massive character. These dynamos, which were designed and built by the Westinghouse Elec- tric Company, generate a two-phase alternating current at 2,000 volts pressure, having the quite low frequency of 25 periods per second, and it is expected to use the currents for operating either motors or lights. As the plant is primarily designed for the transmission of power to factories and mills, it is expected that the greater part of the current will be used in operating motors. Thus far, only three generating units of 5,000 horse-power each have been ordered for the electric power-house, although some additional water power is now being furnished directly to paper mills. The present unfinished condition of the electric power-house is plainly shown by Fig. 320, which is from a photograph lately taken at Niagara. The figure shows plainly where the great dynamos are being erected. The frame of the dynamo field magnets, which compose the revolving part, is a ring of forged steel made by the Bethlehem Steel Company, by the same process which is used by them in making armor plate for the Government men-of-war. The constructive details of the pole pieces and the armature have not yet been made public by the man- ufacturers and therefore cannot be described. Fig. 321 shows the way in which the dynamos will appear when entirely completed. The first customer to which electric power will be delivered when the great dynamos have been put into service will be the Pittsburg Reduction Co., whose works for the production of aluminum by electro-metallurgy are to be moved from Pittsburg, Pa. to Niagara, in order to take advantage of cheap electric power. It is expected that other manufactories will follow and that quite a colony of large mills and factories will in time be gathered about the Niagara electric power house. To these mills it is proposed to distribute the current at 2,000 volts pressure. It is also proposed to distribute power at an early date to factories at considerable distances, and even to power users in the city of Buffalo, thirteen miles away. After a time it is even possible that power will be furnished, as has been proposed, from the Niagara plant for the purpose of propelling canal boats on the Erie canal, and for manufacturing purposes in cities as far from Niagara as Rochester, Syracuse and Albany. For the transmission of power over these long distances, the pressure at which the current is supplied to the lines will be raised by means of transformers from 2,ooo volts to 10,000 or 20,000 volts or even higher, and will be reduced to a safe value by transformers before entering the consum- ers' premises. Many of the proposals that have been made in the newspapers in regard to the transmission of power from Niagara are manifestly impractical, but many of its possibilities may yet be unap- preciated, and it is impossible to tell what developments may occur. Before leaving the question of central stations, it is well to examine the common methods of handling dynamos in a plant 290 FIG. 317. 291 FIG. 319. FIG. 320. 292 FIG. 321. VJUL2JLJLJUL FIG. 322. 293 designed to furnish electricity for lights and power. As has already been explained, the current from the dynamos is led to the switch- board by conducting cables of the proper size, which are connected to the bus bars through proper indicating instruments and switches. In continuous current low pressure stations, where shunt-wound dynamos are used, one dynamo terminal is usually connected directly to the proper bus bar without the intervention of a switch, while the other dynamo terminal is connected to its bus bar through a single pole switch. In alternating current' stations, where the dynamos furnish a pressure of 1,000 volts or more, a double pole switch to which both cables from the dynamo are connected is deemed essen- tial. It is usual to operate continuous current dynamos in parallel on one set of bus bars, but alternators are almost always operated on separate circuits in this country, on account of the difficulty of keep- ing them in step (L,esson XXVII, page 237). This makes quite a difference in the arrangement of the switchboards in the two kinds of stations. In continuous current stations all feeders are connected directly to the main bus bars, but in alternating current stations the feeder switches are usually arranged so that any feeder may be indi- vidually connected to any dynamo as desired. Fig. 315 shows the switch board of a 3 -wire Edison incandescent lighting station. The dynamo regulators are shown on the lower part of the board and are numbered i, 2, 3 and 4 to correspond with the numbers of the four dynamos used. Directly above these are the positive, neutral and negative bus . bars. Still higher on the board are seen four ammeters which are connected to the four dynamos and which, at all times, tell exactly the amount of current being supplied by each machine to the bus bars. On each side of these ammeters may be seen two sets of feeders, each set having three wires which are connected through switches and cutouts with the three bus bars. Between the feeder switches on the left and the am- meters there are three incandescent lamps arranged in the form of a triangle. These constitute the ground indicator which has already been described in Lesson XXIV, page 207. At the extreme left and also at the extreme right are pressure indicators and multiple arcing galvanometers. The latter are used when it is desired to cut a fresh dynamo into the circuit and by means of them it is determined when the pressure of the dynamo is the same as the pressure of the bus bars. If a dynamo were cut into the circuit at a time when its pressure was not equal to the pressure of the circuit there would be a flicker or jump in the lamps at the moment of closing the switch and the dynamo would take either a large load or else would have current forced into it so that it would tend to run as a motor, depending upon whether its pressure were higher or lower than that of the bus bars. One of the pressure indicators is connected to one side of the three-wire system and the other to the other side by means ot a series of switches located beside the pressure indicators. The switches are so arranged that the indicators may be connected with any of the centers of distribution on the line or with the bus bars. The switches for cutting the dynamos in or out of the circuit are not shown in the figure but are located upon the head boards of the dynamos as shown in Fig. 304. We will suppose, for an example, a large continuous current station in which one or two engines with their dynamos have been running all day to supply the demand for current in the daytime, and, as evening approaches, additional engines and dynamos must be put into service to provide for the greater demand for current dur- ing the hours of dusk. A short time before additional machines are likely to be needed one or more engines with their dynamos are made ready for running, and are then started at a slow speed to warm them up. After a time one of the sets is brought to full speed and the dynamo attendant at the switchboard changes the resistance in the field circuit by means of the dynamo regulator, which is placed on the board, until the lamps mounted on top of the dynamo burn with approximately normal candle-power. The dynamo is then ready to be put into circuit whenever it is needed. When this time comes, the switchboard attendant connects the free terminal of the dynamo to the dynamo galvanometer (Fig. 322) and moves the dynamo regulator until the galvanometer needle comes to zero. The pressure developed by the fresh dynamo is then exactly equal to the bus bar pressure. The attendant now closes the dynamo switch, thus putting the machine into circuit, and then moves the regulator until the amperemeter shows that the dynamo is taking its proper proportion of the load. While this is being done, another generating set is brought to speed and made ready to go into circuit whenever it is required. The operation is repeated until all the dynamo capacity that is required during the period of heavy load is in service. Some cities are subject to sudden periods of darkness caused by clouds or smoke, and at such times it often requires very prompt action on the part of station attendants to get the dynamos into circuit as quickly as they are needed. After a period of heavy load is over, the dynamos are withdrawn from the circuit and the engines shut down. When a dynamo is to be withdrawn from the circuit, its regulator is moved until the amperemeter shows that it carries very little load and the switch is then opened. The process of getting extra dynamos into service in an alter- nating current station is quite similar to the preceding, but after the dynamo is made ready to receive its load, it is not put in parallel with another machine but one or more feeders are transferred to it from another alternator by means of the feeder switches. 29o The arrangement of the connections in an electric railway power station, where compound dynamos are used, has been indicated in the preceding lesson. The method of getting compound machines into and out of circuit is much the same as when shunt-wound machines are used. Fig. 316 shows the electric light station at Tokio, Japan. We see by the appearance of this that that peculiar nation, the Japanese, have adopted the comforts of civilized life as well as the methods of war developed by civilized nations. Copyrighted, 1895, The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXXI. Points for Review. \. How long has it been since electric lighting plants became common ? 2. When was the first central station put in operation, and where ? 3. What changes have been made in the general mechanical construction of dynamos in the past ten years ? 4. Where was the first large central station of the world located ? How long ago was it started ? 5. How do the great steam dynamos of the Pearl street station compare with those built now ? 6. What kind of electric stations were built after the ' ' Jumbo " type of dynamos were abandoned by dynamo manufacturers ? 7. What instruments are placed on a station switchboard ? 8. What is the object of the third bus bar, or "equalizer," when compound dyna- mos are connected in parallel ? 9. What is the object of " multiple arcing galvanometers " or "dynamo galvano- meters," as they are sometimes called ? 10. Why are double pole switches always used on the switchboards of alternating current power stations where 1,000 volts are used, while single pole switches are used in stations where current is supplied at low pressure? 11. Why is it of advantage to operate dynamos in parallel? 12. Why are alternators not usually operated in parallel? 13. How are the feeders usually connected in a continuous current station? How in an alternating station? 14. What is the object in an electric station of starting a spare engine before it is actually needed for service? 15. What is the process of putting a dynamo into circuit in a constant pressure electric power station? 16. Why is it necessary to have the pressure of the incoming dynamo exactly equaJ to that of the bus bars before the new dynamo is connected to the circuit? 17. What is the process of cutting a dynamo out of circuit? XXXII. UNDERWRITERS' RULES, ETC. The importance of using the utmost care in laying out and putting in place the electric light wires which go into houses has already been explained in Lesson XXIII. It now comes to an explanation of the more important rules for this work which have been issued by various associations of underwriters or fire insurance companies. These associations issue rules for carrying on electrical wiring, and in the large cities supervise or inspect the work in order that danger from fire may not be introduced into buildings insured by them. Many of the chances for danger which exist in electric plants are caused through carelessness or lack of knowledge and 297 experience on the part of wiremen who may be employed on account of the false economy of the owner of the plant. In electrical work, as in much else, the cheapest is by no means always the be'st, but it is often difficult to make this fact seen, so that a carefully enforced set of rules for wiring is the best safeguard which the owners of buildings and the underwriters have against dangers caused by care- less workmen and poor workmanship. The following points require to be specially looked after: 1. That the general workmanship be good, and especially that joints be well made and well insulated. 2. That the conductors have ample cross-section, and contain the fewest possible joints. 3. That the insulating material on the conductors be of the very best, and that the insulation resistance of the completed wiring be sufficiently high. 4. That the insulation resistance of the wiring be tested from year to year to ascertain whether or not it is deteriorating. 5. That all constant pressure circuits be properly protected bv safety fuses. By insulation resistance, is meant the resistance as measured from either conductor of the plant to the ground, or from one con- ductor to the other. Practical methods for making insulation tests have already been explained in L,esson XXIV. The actual resist- ance of the insulation of the wiring in any particular building, will always depend upon the length of wire, number of lamps, and char- acter of the fixtures used in the installation. Thus, for instance, if wire is used which has an insulation resistance of 1,500 megohms per mile and ten miles are used the total insulation of the wire cannot be expected to be more than 150 megohms, while if only two or three miles of wire were used, the total insulation resistance might be ex- pected to be much greater. As a general rule, leakage at joints, lamp sockets, fuse blocks, and fixtures of all kinds, has a much more marked effect on the insulation resistance of new wiring than does the leakage through the covering of the wire itself, so that the under- writers require these points to be specially well looked after. It is usual to expect a much higher insulation in wiring, before the sock- ets and fixtures are connected up than afterward, and in some places the insulation resistance which is required in any plant is allowed to depend upon the number of lamps which are connected to the wires. Unless the best of materials and workmanship are used for the wiring put in a building, the insulation resistance will begin to fall within a few months, even though it was very high when the wiring was first put it. This fall in the quality of the insulation is due to several causes, chief among which are poorly insulated joints and inferior rubber in the covering of the wires. Portions of wiring which had been in service from a few months to a few years have often 298 been removed, and which in the meantime had so deteriorated, that in certain spots the rubber covering on the wire had practically all rotted away. It is sufficient to say that good rubber-covered wire does not act in this way. On account of the deterioration of poor material, an inspection is made of wiring from time to time in some cities, and, if any u tap " falls below 100,000 ohms in insula- tion measured between the wires and the ground, or between the wires themselves, it is required to be repaired. It is necessary to use safety fuses on all constant pressure cir- cuits. Safety fuses must be of such a capacity that they will blow or melt just above the rated carrying capacity of the smallest wire which they protect. It is customary to place fuses at every point where a change is made in the size of wire, excepting where small fixtures or drop cords are attached to tap lines. L,esson XXIII. The rule governing the minimum number of lamps ultimately dependent upon one cut-out varies in different cities. The New York rules at one time required that each fixture, even if it were only a single lamp drop cord, must be connected to the tap line by safety fuses. The Chicago rules now allow groups of lamps requir- ing five amperes to be operated through one set of fuses. All motors must be protected by double-pole cut-outs and controlled by double- pole switches. All cut-outs must be so placed that they can be readily seen and reached. In general the size of a fuse depends upon the size of the smallest conductor it protects, and not upon the amount of current to be used in the circuit. Below is a table showing the safe carrying capacity of copper conductors of different sizes in Brown & Sharpe gauge as given in the rules of the Chicago Fire Department: TABLE A. TABLE B. Concealed Work. Open Work. B. & S. G. Amperes. Amperes. 0000 ... 218 312 000 181 262 00 150 220 125 185 I . 105 156 2 88 I3 1 3 75 no 4 63 92 5 53 . ... 77 6 45 65 8 33 - 46 10 25 32 12 17 23 14........ 12 16 16 6 ... 8 18 3 ......... 5 299 The safe capacities given here are greater than those given in some rules, but experience has shown that they are amply small for real safety, provided the wiring is well done and proper sized fuses are used. Diagram shotting circuit for twio Push Buttons for & single Bell. X Diagram anotuiog circuit tor ringing twuo Bella from one Push Button, FIG. 334. FIG. 336. FIG. 335. 300 By ' * open work ' ' is meant construction which admits of all parts of the surface of the insulating covering of the wire being sur- rounded by free air. The carrying capacity of 16 and 18 wire is given, but no wire smaller than 14 is to be used, except for fixture work. Until comparatively lately, no uniformity existed in the rules which were in force in different parts of the country, but the associa- tions of the underwriters located in each city or district made their own rules. This resulted in much annoyance, and did not tend to produce the best workmanship; and it was found to be of advantage to formulate a satisfactory set of rules for general adoption, which was done. These rules were not only approved and adopted by the various associations of underwriters, but were also approved by the two large associations composed of the officers of electric light com- panies the National Electric L,ight Association and the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. The set of rules thus approved are now generally printed by the local Boards of Underwriters of the various cities, and can be ob- tained from their inspectors. In some cities, the city authorities con- trol this matter and either furnish their inspectors with the generally adopted rules or with some equivalent. The approved rules divide electric light and power circuits into six classes, i. The circuits inside of central stations and the dynamo rooms of isolated plants. 2. L,ines constructed for the purpose of operating arc lamps in series. 3. High pressure alternating current lines. 4. L,ow pressure continuous current lines, and low pressure inside wiring (low pressure circuits being taken to include all circuits on which the pressure does not exceed 300 volts). 5. Electric railway circuits. 6. Primary and storage battery circuits. For each of these classes of circuits, special rules are directed towards the perfect safety of the systems, which especially emphasize the very essential points ex- plained above. Every rule has a good reason for its existence, and experience has shown its propriety. An excellent statement of the reasons why each rule should be carefully carried out is given by Mr. C. C. Haskins, the electrical inspector of the city of Chicago, in a series of articles published during 1895 ^ n tne Electrical Journal. The only classes of wiring with which the underwriter's rules do not deal directly are connected with telephone, district messenger call, burglar alarm, electric bell, and similar systems which are oper- ated by electric batteries. Even in regard to these wires the rules enjoin proper precautions to prevent electric light and power wires from becoming crossed with the poorly insulated battery circuit wires. The wires used for these battery circuits have a very different 301 insulation from that of the electric light wires. The wire com- monly used inside of buildings for such circuits is called " annuncia- tor wire," which is a copper wire with an insulation consisting of two heavy cotton wrappings wound in opposite directions, which are thoroughly waxed and paraffined. These wires are made of various colors and are frequently striped in different colors. Sometimes what is known as "office wire" is used for telephone and messenger call connections. The insulation of office wire ordinarily consists of two braidings of cotton well soaked in paraffine. While no danger can arise from the use of these poorly insulated wires for such circuits, provided they are not in a position to become crossed with electric light wires, yet a great deal of inconvenience may be caused by them. For instance, in Fig. 334 are diagrams which show the arrangement of electric bell circuits. The battery consists of one or two open circuit cells, which are connected in series with the bell and "push button" by wires, which may run through the walls of a house. When the button is pushed it closes the circuit and the bell rings. When the button is not being pushed the circuit should be open and the battery be at rest. If a leak occurs from wire to wire the battery remains in action all the time, and the depolarizer (if the battery has one) soon becomes exhausted and the battery becomes polarized or " run down. " The bell then refuses to ring when the button is pushed. If the battery has no depolarizer (L,esson IV, page 24), the process of running down occurs in exactly the same way, but more rapidly. This is the condition of numberless elec- tric bell circuits in houses all over the country where the front door bell fails to ring when its button is pushed. The trouble is caused by the current leaking from poorly insulated wires where they come in contact with dampness or at some point where they are both placed under one metal staple, and the difficulty in a great majority of the cases would never have appeared had wire with good rubber insulation been used. As No. 18 B. & S. wire is commonly used for bell circuits, the extra cost caused by using rubber covered or weather proof wire is not very great, while the inconvenience avoided by its use may be considerable. It must not be assumed that all the trouble to which bell circuits, and similar circuits are heir, comes from poor insulation. Battery zincs become used up or the water evaporates and the battery may not work on that account. The mechanism of bells and push buttons is very simple and not likely to get out of order, but trouble may occur even in them. The contacts in push buttons gradually become corroded and when the button is pushed it does not complete the circuit. This is easily remedied by taking the cover off the button and scraping the contact points. When a bell gets out of order a little testing will quickly locate the trouble. The mechan- ism of a bell consists of a stationary electromagnet (Fig. 335) with a vibrating armature A which is fastened at one end to a spring hinge S and carries at the other end the bell clapper H. When an electric current is passed through the electromagnet of a bell, the armature is attracted and moves forward so that the clapper strikes the gong. At the same time the electric circuit is broken by a spring contact C at the back of the armature, the magnet loses its mag- nesism, and the armature flies back to its original position. When the armature flies back, the circuit is again completed at the spring contact, the armature flies forward, the clapper strikes the gong, and the whole process is rapidly repeated over and over again as long as the electric circuit is complete at the push button. The back and forth motion of the armature causes the clapper to strike a succes- sion of blows on the gong and thus causes the ringing of the bell. Wheti a bell gets out of order, the trouble is usually to be found in the spring contact, which may be dirty or out of adjustment, or the electromagnets may be short circuited. Fig. 336 is a diagram of a push button, the simplicity of which may be seen at a glance. It is an interesting fact that the use of electric bells was the first application of electricity to household purposes, and that the principle of the electric bell was first made use of by Prof. Joseph Henry about 1830. Copyrighted, 1895, 303 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXXII. Points for Review: 1. Why are " Underwriters' Rules" necessary? 2. What points must be specially looked after in electric wiring? 3. Why are sockets, fuses and fixtures more likely to allow electricity to leak than is insulated wire? 4. What rules are now generally used to govern electric wiring? 5. Why do the rules separate wiring into different classes? 6. What classes of wiring do hot fall directly under the protection of the Under- writers' Rules? 7. What is annunciator wire? What is office wire? 8. Why do leaky wires cause an open circuit battery to run down? 9. Where can copies of and the reasons for the different rules adopted by the Underwriters be found? LESSON XXXIII. ELECTRIC WELDING, FORGING, ETC. ELECTRICITY APPLIED TO THE KITCHEN. The use of the electric current for heating and working metals is not new. As early as 1865 patents were issued relating to the subject, but on account of the great expense of the current generated by batteries, these early endeavors came to naught, and not until within a very few years has electric metal working been made an actual success. It was as late as 1888 before electric welding was applied to commercial uses, but immediately upon its introduction it came rapidly into favor and even created much excitement among some manufacturers. Electrical methods are now used for welding, brazing, heating, shaping and tempering metals. For most of these purposes the method in common use is to pass an electrical current of very great volume through the metal to be worked. This great current gener- ates sufficient heat as it passes through the resistance of the metal to quickly raise the temperature to a welding or bending heat or even to melt the metal. This method of heating has an advantage over the ordinary method of heating in the forge fire which heats a piece of metal from the outside, while the electrical method heats all parts of the metal equally and at the same time the heated metal remains perfectly clean. The apparatus which is used for heating usually consists of an alternating current transformer which reduces the pressure of an alternating current from 300 volts to less than two volts, and increases its volume proportionally (Lesson XXVII, page 235). A welder transformer is shown in Fig. 337. ^ The grooved copper casting shown in the figure is the secondary coil of the trans- former which has only one turn. The primary winding made up of numerous turns of wire is intended to lie in the groove of the sec- ondary, while the core which is seen enclosing one side of the second- ary casting embraces both coils. At the top of the secondary casting are sliding clamps in which the metal to be heated is fastened. Electric welding, as ordinarily carried on, consists of heating, by the process above described, nthe pieces of metal to be welded while they are firmly butted against each other. When the metals have been heated till they are soft at the points in contact they are squeezed together a certain amount, the current is shut off, and the weld is complete. This is the process developed so usefully by Prof. Elihu Thomson. The apparatus which is generally used in the Thomson welding process is: i. An alternator usually giving a frequency of from 4x3 to 60; 2. A welding transformer with clamps and arrangements for automatically making the welds; 3. Apparatus for controlling the amount of current supplied to the transformer. Fig. 338 shows a complete Thomson welder. The transformer is seen in the center of the case and the clamps on top. The weights at the left are for squeezing together the heated rods held in the clamps, and the relay shown at the right hand side is for cutting off the current when the weld is completed. In welding heavy work, hydraulic pressure is used to squeeze the weld, as shown in Fig. 339, which is a welder intended for electrically welding carriage axles. In Fig. 340 is shown an arrangement to be used for heating pipe which it is desired to bend. The transformer is seen at the bottom of the figure, and the clamps, which are stationary in this case, are shown holding a piece of pipe. Many metals may be welded by the electrical method which cannot be coaxed into a weld by the ordinary methods. The metals which have been welded by the Thomson process are shown in the accompanying table: Wrought Iron Wrought Copper Tin Cobalt Aluminum Gold (Pure) Cast Iron Cast Copper Zinc Nickel Silver Manganese Malleable Iron Lead Antimony Bismuth Platinum Magnesium Various Grades of Tool Steel Musshet Steel Wrought Brass Fuse Metal Aluminum Al- loyed with Iron Silicon Bronze Various Grade? of Mild Steel Stub Steel Cast Brass Type Metal Solder Metal Aluminum Brass Coin Silver Steel Castings. Crescent Steel Gun Metal Aluminum Bronze Various Grades Gold Chrome Steel Bessemer Steel Brass Composition German Silver Phos. Bronze Again, many of these metals may be welded to each other in combination. The combinations which have been made are shown in the table below. In each of the cases where a weld can be made at all it becomes practically as strong as the metal itself. COMBINATIONS. Copper to Brass Brass to Wrought Iron Brass to Tin Wrought Iron to Tool Steel Wrought Iron to Musshet Steel Wrought Iron to Nickel Copper to Wrought Iron Brass to Cast Iron Brass to Mild Steel Gold to German Silver Wrought Iron to Stub Steel Tin to Lead Copper to German Silver Tin to Zinc Wrought Iron to Cast Iron Gold to Silver Wrought Iron to Crescent Steel Copper to Gold Tin to Brass Wrought Iron to Cast Steel x Gold to Platinum Wrought Iron to Cast Brass Copper to Silver Brass to German Silver Wrought Iron to Mild Steel Silver to Platinum Wrought Iron to German Silver A very striking application of electric welding has been adopted by at least one manufacturer for welding together the parts of street railway track material, such as switches, frogs, etc., which are ordin- arily made up by bolting together pieces of rails cut to proper shape. By the welding process bolts may be replaced, and the work, there- fore, is made much more substantial. A process has even been developed for welding the rails of a street railway track together, thus doing away with the usual bolted joints which cause so much roughness in the track and require such a large expense for repairs. Fig. 341 shows a track-welding outfit. The forward car is equipped with a great welder shown in operation in Fig. 342. This welder is arranged to work on track which is in place in the street. The cur- rent is supplied to it by a rotary transformer which transforms the 500-volt continuous current taken from the trolley wire into an alter- nating current at a pressure of about 350 volts. Fig. 343 shows a complete weld at a rail joint. As much as 250 horse-power is required for a few seconds in making such a large weld. One of the striking things about Thomson electric welders, is their ability to weld up rings, so that they may be used in welding wagon tires, chain links, etc. In this case the question occurs, why does the current not flow around through the solid metal from clamp to clamp, instead of through the path where the ends of the ring butt against each other. This is simply a question of electrical re- sistance. In the case of a wagon tire, the electric current would have to flow through a path several feet long in going from clamp to clamp through the solid metal, while the path through the point to be welded is only a few inches in length, so that the latter path is of much the least resistance, and nearly all of the current follows it. In very small rings, enough current may pass between the clamps FIG. 337. FIG. 340. 307 OF THE XTNIVERSIT FIG. 338. FIG. 339. 3O8 FIG. 341. FIG. 342. 309 FIG. 343. Sheet iron shield to prelect workrnans hands FIG. 344. 310 FIG. 345. FIG. 346 A. OF THE XTNIVERSI 311 FIG. 347. 312 through the solid part of the ring to heat it red hot, but that does not: interfere with the* welding. An interesting application of the Thomson process has been lately made to softening, at points where bolt holes must be drilled, the very hard nickel steel armor plates which are made for United States men of war. These plates are so hard that it is almost impossible to drill them as they come from the steel works, but by means of an electric heating arrangement, they are softened at the spots where the bolt holes must be made without injuring the temper of the othea parts of the plates. Another method of utilizing the heating effect of electricity ior the purpose of welding and working metals, is that known as the arc process. This was first used by De Meritens, a Frenchman, and was later more fully developed by a Russian named Bernardos. In this process, a continuous current is used at a pressure of about 150 volts, one terminal of the electric generator being connected to the metal which it is desired to heat, and the other terminal being attached by a flexible conductor to a portable carbon rod (Fig. 344). When the carbon rod is brought against the work, an electric arc is set up and the metal is heated. This device has been used in the process of filling with metal blow holes which occur in valuable castings. It has also been used for welding the seams in small iron boilers, receivers for compressed air, etc. It is of special advantage for the latter work since the arc can be slowly drawn along the edges of the plate to be welded, thus bringing them to a welding heat, and the weld is then completed by pressing or hammering the plates together. In each of the methods of electric welding, it is to be noticed that the electric current is used only for the purpose of heating the product previous to welding, and that the pressure required to com- plete the weld is applied by mechanical means of some kind. There is another striking and even startling method of electrically heating metals for purposes of working them. If a pail of water in which is dissolved common washing sdda, have immersed in it a lead plate which is connected to the positive terminal of a 150 or 200 volt electric circuit, it gives all the apparatus necessary for quickly heat- ing iron. The metal to be heated is grasped in tongs which are electrically connected to the negative terminal of the electric cir- cuit, the handles of the tongs being insulated. When the metal is plunged into the pail of water, it is quickly brought to a white heat and may then be withdrawn and worked on the anvil or welded to another piece of heated iron^by the ordinary blacksmith's method. Any metal may be heated by this process, but welding can be per- formed only on those metals which, like iron, may be welded by the blacksmith. The heating of the metal when it is plunged into the water, is apparently caused by an electric arc which is set up around 313 die submerged metal on account of its becoming surrounded by a coating of hydrogen gas. The amount of current used varies from a few amperes to many hundreds, depending upon the size of the metal to be heated. It gives one a remarkable sensation to see a piece of metal which is dipped into a pail of water come quickly to a blinding white heat, and, when held in another pair of tongs (not connected to the electric circuit), to see it again dipped in the same water for the purpose of cooling it. The direct heating effect of an electric current as it passes through resistance coils, is now applied to the ordinary purposes of warming and also to cooking. Fig. 345 shows one of the various forms of electric heaters, all of which simply consist of resistance wires embedded in an insulating material. These heaters have been used considerably for warming electric street cars, and are coming into more or less use in other situations. Electric teakettles, which are kettles with an electric heater in their base, are not uncommon. Electric flat-irons, curling irons, soldering irons and similar devices, are slowly making their way into common use in towns where incan- descent electric light circuits are at hand to supply the necessary current. In Figs. 346, A and B are shown an electric saucepan and an electric curling-iron. Whole electric kitchen outfits may be obtained, including an electric range, and they are sure to come into quite common use when their cost has been reduced to about that of coal ranges. The arrangement of a complete electric kitchen outfit is shown in Fig. 347- While electric cooking can be said to be commercially satisfac- tory on account of its convenience, cleanliness, and adaptability, electric heating for general purposes can never replace the direct use of coal or the use of steam heating, until electricity is directly gen- erated from the fuel without the intervention of steam engines in which enormous losses of heat are absolutely unpreventable. The nature of steam engines makes it impossible, even with the best of them, to convert into useful power more than ten or fifteen per cent of the heat energy contained in coal which is shoveled into the boiler furnace. When the steam generated by the boiler is directly used for heating, a very much greater proportion of the heat in the coal is converted to a useful purpose. The electric heater can never entirely replace direct heating by stoves, or by steam pipes, as long as the generation of electric currents is dependent upon steam engines. Another electrical device jvhich is in quite common use is the electrically heated flat-iron. This is a flat-iron with insulated resist- ance wire imbedded in its interior, very much in the same manner as the resistance coil is imbedded in electric heaters. These irons are much used in laundries because they can be kept in continuous 214 use and no time is lost by the ironers in changing irons. The elec- trical irons are connected to the electrical circuit by means of a double flexible conductor, so that the current can reach them in whatever position they stand. Electrical irons are also used a great deal in private houses, because they can be so conveniently heated up, and they can be kept heated without requiring the presence of a hot stove. The irons must be carefully used, and when ironing is not being done with them the current must be turned off or the resistance wire is likely to be burrled out. Copyrighted. 1895, 315 The National School of Electricity. REVIEW OF LESSON XXXIII. Points for Review. 1. For what kinds of metal working are electrical methods nsed? 2. What is the most commonly used method and what are its advantages? 3^ Of what does the Thomson apparatus for heating metals by electricity con- sist? 4. What is ordinarily meant by electric welding? 5. What metals may be welded by the Thomson method? 6. How is it that metal rings may be welded on a Thomson welder? 7. What is the Bernardos process of working metals, and for what purposes has it been used? 8. How may a piece of metal be brought to a high temperature by dipping it into a pail of water? 9. How is the heating effect of the electric current used for warming and for cook- ing? 10. Why is it not possible at present for electric heating to replace the use of stoves for heating? LESSON XXXIV. ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS. One of the first practical uses ever made of electricity was in the treatment of disease. Its application at the beginning, however, was entirely experimental and the cures achieved through its agency were largely matters of accident, as it was used indiscriminately and for all pathological conditions. Static electricity or Franklinization was almost exclusively employed, not especially because it was be- lieved to be better than any other variety of the current but for the reason that there was no other form of controllable electricity in existence at that time. Electricity in this field followed the course pursued by nearly all other therapeutic agents upon their introduc- tion. It was used for every disease under any circumstance by the most ignorant people; indeed nothing was known of its physiological action and long years ago its use would have been prohibited by popular opinion but for the fact that since the ancient Phoenicians generated electricity by rubbing a piece of amber, calling the pro- duct a reanimated soul, the mysteries of electricity have been some- thing to conjure with. The result of the first few years' use of elec- tricity in medicine demonstrated its popular approval and the result was that large numbers of ignorant and incompetent people set themselves up as electrical doctors and a most natural consequence was that in the legitimate profession of medicine electricity came into disrepute. A further sequence was that these medical quacks were given free and undisturbed occupation of the field to the exclusion of scientific men who would have got out of electricity all that there was good in it, and this unhappy condition obtained until a very few years ago when a few members of the profession became brave enough to risk the condemnation of their fellows by making exploratory incursions into the so-called mysteries of electricity. Such investi- gators are becoming more numerous day by day and it is safe to say definitely that electricity is rehabiliated in the profession of medicine and that it has taken its place with other powerful agents when applied in the hands of scientific men. One of the principal reasons why electricity has not been better understood in the profession of medicine, is that medical men as a rule are not physicists and they have not mastered the physical laws of electricity and hence are not able to investigate as to its physiological action under circum- stances likely to be met with in medical and surgical practice. The few brave men mentioned above have recognized this weak position and they have gone to work earnestly to master electro-physics and their work brings us down to the present day and to a clear judg- ment as to what electricity will do in medicine and surgery. According to the circumstances of its application, its physiolog- ical action or its purpose in the treatment of disease, electricity is divided into the direct or continuous or galvanic current, the alter- nating, or to and fro, orfaradic current, and static electricity or elec- tricity at rest. The Direct Current in Therapeutics. The action of the direct current in its application in therapeutics may be arranged in four principal divisions according to the use to which it is put; first, elec- trolysis; second, cataphoresis ; third, the electro-cautery, and fourth, the incandescent lamp for purposes of diagnosis in the exploration of cavities. Electrolysis, as applied in therapeutics, does not differ from the ordinary chemical electrolysis of which we have learned far back in the course, but there are physiological changes that must be under- stood in order to appreciate the conditions under which electrolysis can be applied in the healing of disease. We have learned that in the electrolytic decomposition of water, hydrogen collects at the negative or cathodal electrode, and oxygen at the positive or anodal electrode. This is also true when electrolysis is applied upon the human tissues, but further than this, the acids of the tissues are attracted to the anode or positive electrode, and alkalies to the oppo- site pole. The simple statement of these facts carries with it appre- ciation of the conditions calling for the use of these two forms of electrolysis. In anodal electrolysis the first effect is exactly the effect of acid applications, that is, first astringent, second styptic, third caustic. The cathodal or negative effects, on the contrary are similar to those occurring upon the presence of alkalies in the tissues, that is, there is a softening of all the tissues, or a disposition on the part of the tissues affected to become pulpy and consequently yielding. T f we take a piece of raw meat, for instance, large enough for clear demonstration, and insert a positive needle electrode at one point and the negative at an opposite point, and apply a few milliam- peres of current, and if this action be allowed to operate for a few minutes, we will find upon investigation that the meat at and about the anode has become hardened and dry and contracted, due to acid influence, while the tissues at and about the cathode have become soft and more pulpy than they were before. The anodal effect is produced by a coagulation of the albuminoids in the tissues, due to acid reaction. In therapeutics these two forms of electrolysis are clearly defined and will be applied under opposite conditions; cathodal or negative electrolysis will be indicated for the softening of connec- tive tissue or scars, for instance. More specifically, it may be used for example, to soften scar tissue resulting from an attempt on the part of a person to swallow some active caustic such as lye, where the throat and oesophagus have been badly burned and where scar tissue has subsequently formed. During the application of the cur- rent, in which the cathode will be applied as nearly as possible to the part affected and the anode remotely, the scar tissue will become softened in a marked degree, and at the end of a few minutes' appli- cation, a bougie or dilator may be pasred that it was impossible to pass before the application, and if this course of treatment is con- tinued at intervals of once a week it will be found that on each application the calibre of the canal will be materially increased in size, and a larger sound can be passed at the end of each electrical application ; so that a course of treatment, extending over some weeks, will result in the restoration of the oesophagus to nearly its normal size. The' principle involved in this treatment can be applied indefi- nitely under a variety of circumstances where the pathological condi- tions are like those in the case cited. Naturally anodal or positive electrolysis would be applicable in the contrary conditions such as the naevi or birth marks that so dis- figure the face and that occur frequently in other parts of the body, or other forms of abnormal growth possessing much vascularity. In the destruction of these growths the thermo-cautery used to be applied and invariably left scars sometimes more unsightly than the original growths. The knife has also been employed with equally disfiguring effect. In employing anodal electrolysis the desire is, of 313 course, to cut off the circulation that supplies the growth or that reddens the naevus mark, and by using fine needle electrodes either one at a time or a number together, with the anode or positive elec- trode at the point of attack, and the negative remotely, the albumin- oids in the blood are coagulated and the blood supply practically cut off, but it is done so gracefully and with so little destruction of tissue that no scars result and the naevus part becomes the color of the surrounding skin, and in the case pf the polypi and fungous growths the circulation is cut off and they disappear, leaving no scar or at most a small point. Cataphoresis or Transfusion or Electric Osmosis. If two fluids are separated by a membrane or consistent partition, 'and the direct current of a few milliamperes is passed from one fluid to the other, the fluid in that compartment connected with the positive electrode or anode, will be found to decrease in quantity, and that connected with the cathode or negative electrode, to increase. In other words, the current has the effect of carrying one fluid through the partition to the other, the direction of conveyance being from positive to negative. Reverse the current and the bulk of the fluids is changed again. This is simply the principle of osmosis as applied in physics. We have a collection of fluid in the synovial sac of the knee joint and- we desire to be rid of it. Pressure and other means have failed but we will find after experiment that the dissipation of the fluid will be materially hastened if not actually brought about by this form of current intelligently applied; or we have an accumulation in the pleural sac, or a pericardial effusion, that may be dissipated in the same way. It may not be said positively that the application of this princi- ple will invariably remove these fluids, but conditions will be very favorable to their removal, and nature and other agents may be greatly aided. This principle is reversible and may be applied from without internally. We wish to administer medicines that it is not expedient to give by the mouth or by means of the hypodermic needle. Solu- tions of the proper agent on a sponge electrode, the particular elec- trode being intelligently chosen according to the reaction of the agent, and applied at a point on the skin nearest that desired to be reached, with the opposite electrode remotely attached, is a thoroughly practicable and serviceable method of administration. L,ocal anaes- thesia may be brought about in the same way and this method of administration will be found an extremely desirable one where it is required to operate within confined localities or in very small com- pass, such as medicinal applications for intra-uterine inflammations or inflammatory conditions of the nasal fossae, or the throat. In electrolysis and cataphoresis we have been considering the applications of electricity in the treatment of disease where the cir- cuit; was partly made up of human tissue, and where the effect de- 319 sired to be obtained was brought about by changes effected in the tissues. We come now to the application of electricity where the tissues of the body are not involved in so far as the circuit is con- cerned. These applications are the electro-cautery and the electric light, the latter used mostly for the illumination of cavities desired to be explored for purposes of diagnosis. In neither of these forms of the application of the electrical current are we confined to the use of the direct or continuous current, for the alternating current may be used instead wherever it is convenient or obtainable, but as the alternating current has so recently come into use for these pur- poses, and as physicists and manufacturers have hardly perfected the necessary apparatus for its use in these connections, it may be well to consider this work only in relation to the direct current. Electro Cautery. We have seen that when a direct current is flowing through a circuit, the amount of current at every point in the circuit is the same, and the heating effect of a current at any point in its circuit is dependent upon the resistance at that point. If the circuit, the main part of which offers but little or no resistance, is partly composed of a substance having a comparatively high resis- tance, the amount of heat that will be generated in this part, will be in direct proportion to the square of the quantity of current that passes through it in a given unit of time. This quantity may be so great as to generate sufficient heat to render the resistant part of the circuit incan- descent, and when this is the case we have the essential necessary to the heating of a knife or burner for cautery work. The sources from which current may be derived for cautery work are the primary bat- tery, the secondary battery and the dynamo; but it will hardly be profitable for us to recapitulate the details incident to the use of these forms of current as we have already been over that ground suf- ficiently to be familiar with it. It may be said that the electric cautery has marked an evolution 'or distinct epoch in surgical procedure. The thermo-cautery formerly in use, had the disadvantage of ex- treme irregularity of temperature, and it was almost impossibe to regulate the temperature of a thermo-cautery knife, so that one could always be sure of obtaining the grade of cautery action desired. If we require a cutting effect, and do not fear bleeding, we may, with the electro-cautery, have the knife at a white heat. If we prefer to create an eschar as we progress, so that bleeding will not take place, we may have the cautery at a dull red heat, and if we do not require a cutting action at all, but simply a styptic action, the heat may be still more moderate; moreover the electro-cautery has the added advantage over the ordinary thermo-cautery, in that the wire electrode or knife or burner may be introduced while cold into a cavity arid directly down upon the point of attack, and be heated to the required intensity while in position. It will not be necessary to 320 detail cases where the electro-cautery is indicated. These will be apparent to the medical man without discussion. The Electric Light. The extreme daintiness of manufacture and gracefulness of the mechanism now turned out by manufacturers makes it possible to achieve some beautiful results with sounds in combination with mirrors placed at proper angles, and little lamps to light the cavity at the end of the sound. These instruments are made for optical inspection of the cavities of the body such as the stomach, bladder, throat, rectum. As a rule the cavity intended to be explored is partially or wholly filled with distilled water in order to protect the membranes from the heat of the lamp. By the careful and scientific use of such mechanism as this we are able to discover and locate stone in the bladder or ulcerations or disease of any character upon the internal mucous membrane of the cavities or canals. Indiiced Currents and Static Electricity . These forms of electric action are now also extensively used in therapeutic applications and produce effects differing according to the nature of the mechanism used to produce them. Induction coils can be so wound as to vary the E.M.F. over very wide ranges, and the interruptions of the pri- mary current may likewise be varied, and, according as these are fast or slow, the physiological and therapeutic effects differ. The medical induction coil is a very convenient and serviceable instrument for arousing torpid physiological action and bringing into play latent energy. But, as its currents are small in quantity, as compared with direct currents, and are either intermittent or alternating, the elec- trolytic and cataphoric effects are very inconsiderable in comparison. The high E.M.F. of these currents render them very stimulating, but the secondary current may, by great frequency 6f interruptions, be made to act as a sedative to irritated sensory nerves. Static electricity possesses still higher E.M.F. and much less current than that derived from induction coils, but it has been found to exercise a marked influence upon molecular action in the tissues of the body and is a powerful modifier of nutrition. It is used to the best advantage in cases of malnutrition and functional disorders, especially those affecting the nervous system. The instruments and apparatus for the application of electricity in its varieties of form, and for the various therapeutic uses, are so great in number and of such variety that it would not be expedient to enter upon their discussion, and it need be said only that the mechanism involved in this sort of apparatus does not differ in any degree in principle from the instruments and apparatus used in the ordinary commercial applications of electricity, and the only differ- ence will be found in the direction of mechanical construction. Copyrighted, 1895, 321 INDEX. PAGE. Acid radical 92 Air gap 158 Alternating currents 151, -220 Ammeters 75 Ampere 12, 44 Ampere hour 86 Ampere's rule 37 Ampere turn 39 Anode 63 Apparent resistance 227 Arc lights 167 Arc switchboards 176 Armatures 152 B Batteries 15 Primary 15 Storage 25 Bipolar machines 165 Brushes 152 Brush holders 166 Built-in system of wiring 193 Bunsen's photometer 210 Candle power 210 Candle foot 211 Carrying capacity of wires 299 Cathode 63 Calorimeter 53 Circular mils 184 Coercive force 31 Collecting rings 152 Commutators 152 Compound winding 160 Condensers 87 Conduits... ,. 132 PAGE. Conductivity 4 Conductivity tests 138 Conductors 4 Counter electromotive force 160 Controllers 276 Coulomb 7 Coulombmeters 86 Coupling box 194 Crosstalk 140 D Dieletric 87 Differential magnets 172 Divided circuits 46 Divided wire bridge 71 Drop, method of finding 185 Earth currents 142 Edison tubing., 194 Eddy currents 157 Effective current 223 Effective pressure 223 Electricity 1 Statical 2 Current 2 Electric arc 167 Cooking 314 Launches 292 Locomotives 265 Plants 279 Railways , 256 Smelting 101 Welding 305 Electrical capacity 86 Potential 13 Electro-chemical equivalent 24, 65 Electro-dynamometers 78 PAGE. Electrolytic copper 99 Electrolysis 63, 100 Electrolytes 63 Electromagnet 40 Electrometers 8 Electromagnetic induction 122, 213 Electromagnetism 36 Electrophorus 10 Electroplating 91 Electroscope 5 Electro therapeutics 316 Electrotyping 98 Fan motors, etc 242 Farad 86 Feeders 196 Fish plates 264 Five-wire system 189 Frequency 224 G Galvanometers 58 Ballistic 88 Tangent 59 Reflecting 59 Sine 59 Astatic 61 D'Arsonval 62 Constant of 62 Geissler pump 178 Ground detector 208 H Heat loss 53 Holtz machine 10 Hot wire instruments 78 Hysteresis 157 PAGE. Joule 51 Junction boxes 196 K Kelvin balance 219 sockets 181 Leaks and Breaks 138 Lenz's law , 217 Leyden jar 90 Lines of force 34 M Magnetic field 32 Magnetic pole 32 Magnetic conductivity 41 Magnetic induction 29 147 Magnetic storms 142 Magnetism 27 Magnetos 147 Magneto motive force 41 Magnets 28 Mclntyre joint 128 Measurement of light 205 Megohm 72 Microamperes. 75 Microphone 121 Milliamperes 75 Morse alphabet , 106 Multiple arcing galvanometers 294 Multipolar machines 165 N Neutral wire 187 Nickel solutions 97 Incandescent lamps 178 Induced currents 214 Induction 4 Induction coil 214 Induction motors 238 Inductive capacity 88 Inside wiring 198 Insulators 4 Insulation tests 138 Ions 63 Ironclad motors..., .... 165 Oersted's experiment 35 Ohm 44 Ohm's Law... , 42 Paramagnetic 30 Permeability 40 Polarization 19 Polyphase machines 238 Poor connections. ... ,. 138 PAGE. Potentiometer 83 Power loss in transmission 253 Pressure indicators 80 Pressure wires 196 Primary coil 214 Rail bonds 264 Recording voltmeter 266 Regulators 161 Rheostats 66 Reluctance 41 Residual Magnetism "... 40 Secondary coil 214 Self induction 218-226 Series winding 160 Shunt winding 160 Silver solutions 93 Sludge 100 Solenoids 39 Span wires 264 Sparking 166 Spark coils 218 Specific heat 55 Sprengle pump 180 Spring jack 134 Squirrel cage armature 239 vStarting boxes 190 Statical electrictity 2 Law of attraction 3 Synchronism 236 Telegraph Relays 108 Duplex 108 PAGE. Diplex 108 Multiple HO Automatic 117 Autographic 117 Sounder 103 Line 103 Telephone 118 Receiver 118 Transmitter 118 Line 125 Switchboard 134 Temperature coefficient 49 Testing power circuits 191 Testings sets 70 Testing submarine cables :.. 145 Three-phase machines.... 237 Three- wire system. 187 Trailers 258 Transformers 216-231 Capacity of 235 Trolley wire 257 Two-phase machines 237 U Underwriters' rules. 297 V Volt 13 Voltameters 62 Voltmeters 80 Electrostatic 82 W Wattmeters . 84 Watt hour 85 Weather-proof wire 192 Wheatstone bridge 68 KCIUKIN UKL.ULAIIUIN Utf AKI IVltIN 1 TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 19 CIRCULATION 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 3/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ,!i,, ; .gERKELEY