y"9 v> <* :* ' **'2? .'1. .ibris OGDEN O<5KAx: fSV J TO THE - DIVINE AND SPIRITUAL WRITINGS OF JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. BY PHILIP PULLEN, Autlwr of " The Spiritual Song*, or Hymns ou the Millennium/ 1 (Composed from her Writings,) " Triumphal Ode, and Sougs of Praise and Tliauksgivinj, on Shiloh," &c.'&c. ' Let aH the nation* be gathered together, and let the people U * asieiubled : who among them can declare this, and shew as'forraer " things? let them bring forth their witnessts, that they may be justified: " or let them hear, and say, It is truth. Ye are my witnesses, saitli the " LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen : that ye may know aa-1 " believe me, and understand that 1 am he: before me there was no God *' formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and " betide me thereia no saviour." ISAIAH, xliii. 9, 10, 11. LONDON: Printed Uy T. WOOD, 22, Russell Court, Corent Garden: AND SOLD BY W. TO^ER, Chpe| Place, Duke Street. Soiithwark ; the Mis-. F.VELEfOBS, St. Sidwi-li's, Exeter; S. HIHST, Leeds i'v.'.'WADMAN, Yolk t JAMES LrQHT, Coventry Street, St.air-.ri^e; -ZDM. BAKER, Ilmiruter; C. BRADLEY. Digbo.h, Birmingham; J. N'ESBIT, Cravesend, uid T. TURPIN, Greenwich. 1815. Icntm* at Stationer*' $aU, "Stack Annex 5" EXPLANATORY INTRODUCTION. * 130 In order to make the following pages perfectly com- prehensible, it may be necessary for me to state, that all the references to the respective books are numbered as in the following catalogue. In the Index reference, the figures shewing the number of the book and the page will follow the article; as for ex ample: " The great A line he cannot read," 8, 10311, 4. The first numbers represent the first book and page, and the following numbers after fhe dash ( ) the other thus the 8, 103, signifies the 8th book, 103d rage, an the 11, 4, the llth book and 4th page, and so on where any numbers follow the first. When several pages in one book are referred to, as under the article Adam " Christ compared to the second Adam," 6, 2778, 7411, 10614, 65 16,50 21; 20,3065; 5, 10, 20 shews that the quotation is taken from the 6th book,, 277th page, and that it is repeated in the 8th book, 74th page llth book, 106th page 14th book, 65th page 16'th book, 50th page 6 2Jst book, 20th and 30th pages the 65th book, 5th, 10th, and 20th pages, and in a similar manner the numbers will be given when the article is repeated in one and more books and pages. The scripture quotations have the number of the bok from whence taken for the first number, the chapter for the second number, then the verse or verses, ai,d the last num- ber is the page of the book in which it is printed. When the same chapter and verse occurs in more than one I-cok, as for example, after the first chapter of Genesis given in the first line, the following line shews that it is likewise to be found in 43, 23 67, 33 o'2, 10 that is, in the 43d book 23d page 57tli book, 33d page, and 62d book, 10th page; for in all references of Ihis kind the first number refers to the book, and the second to the page, and in like manner f jr any others, where a repetition in the subsequent line ii. given. 10 IV When it may be necessary to abbreviate a word, the title of the article will be printed in an italic letter ; as for ex- mple, c. for communications; w. for writings, c. and after the article due. for elucidation exp. for explained, and ans. for answered, will occasionally be printed. For the sake of comprising a great quantity of matter in a small compass, I have omitted all the references to the scripture elucidations; the Reader will therefore be pleased to attend to the scripture Index for the portions he may be desirous to examine, and refer to the respective books for an explanation, as it would have taken several extra numbers to contain the articles that are there most Divinely elucidated by the Spirit of Truth: and if they were to mark the num- ber of the book and page opposite the texts in their Bibles, it would afford them great assistance in having an immediate reference and connection with the books. I would also recommend those who have complete sets, to mark them in the margin with the numbers referred to in the Index, immediately opposite the respective parts that ere similar, explanatory, or connected ; and thereby form a complete marginal reference, .like those in the Bible ;- by Xvhich means they will be enabled to compare and examine them with the scriptures, weigh the whole together, dravr the link, lengthen the chain, see if one link will join with. another,compare the whole together, see if it adds link to link, chain to chain, like the dawning morning, higher and higher, brighter and brighter, to the perfect day : or like a flower in the bud, opening more and more, until the full blown tlower appears. In this manner we must weigh the works of GOD ; like the husbandman's seed, first thrown into the earth, find buried down without any appearance of seed till you see the blade appear; then cometh the stalk, next the ear, then the blossom, and then the grain is fit for harvest. Just so we must mark the rising of all things that come from GOD, , 1815, V CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Published by and for JOANNA SOUTHCOTT, Aud referred to ia the following Index. J\' 1 to 6. The Strange Effects of Faith, with Remarkable Prophecies (:nade in I792\&c. of Things which are tor Come; also some Account of her Life. 7. A Continuation of Prophecies, from 1793 to the present Time. (1802.) V^' 8. The Strange Effects of Faith; being a Continuation of Prophecies of Things which are to Come. 0 darling attribute. 61. The Third Book of Wonders, announcing the Coming of SHILOH, and a Call to tho Hebrews. 62. The Fourth Book of Wonders, being the Answer of the LOUD to the Hebrews. 63. The Pif'li Book of Wonders, with an Answer to the Rev. James Heart), and other mockers. C>4. A Communication sent to the Rev. Mr. P. in 1797, with an explanation thereon. fJ5. Prophecies Announcing the Birth of the PRINCE of Pi. ACS, with a few Remarks thereon. tii THE CATALOGUE ATTEMPTED IN VERSE. The Strange E/ectaof Faith are six, Seven eight Continuation* be ; Nine, ten, unto the Letters fix, la which we find a mystery. See twenty-two the Tlock o/Sheaf, And Joseph Soutkcotfi t\venty-tbr*e, Then twenty four examine deep, What these Com'itunicatins be .' .' Eleven shews the Qrent Dispute In twenty five The Trial ra7, 74 GOD'S covenant or blessing with Abraham renewed with Joanna 1, 27 , 9214, 8815, 49- -38, 36 look deep to A. and behold the call 00, 33 men's faith must be tried like Abraham's 2, 59 obtained the promise by faith 12, 11233; 483, 488 ... 65, 28 relied upon the word of GOD 52, 1.0 saw my day, saith the Lord, and was glad 52, 47 As. faith in offering up his 1 40, 3, 25 sent for insertion to Bell's Weekly Messenger, refused 63, 3 twenty pounds has been paid for advertisements 14, 2 ADVICE, do dothing wittiout advice 25, 117 AFFLI CT, satan would not afflict Joanna in her head because she should not say she was afflicted like Wilson 12, 57 Joanna was afflicted for the wickedness of the clergy 23, 57 why believers are afflicted, explained. . , . , 43, 59 AFF 12 AIR AFFLICTIONS; Joanna's afflictions will be severely felt by England in the end, 34, 2 29, 102 42, 201 51, 4 satau hath brought -sore boils of affliction upon all the human race 12, 3 AGE, in every age the people were incensed against the prophets 52, 2 GOD hath worked by instruments in all ages .... 52, 42 men have forged lies in all ages 52, 32 the first age of the world, elucidated 52, 1 the present age as blind as the first 52, 5 the past age compared to the present 8 102 the register of Joanna's age 61, 62 . the Rock of Ages, elucidated 20, 8620, 8433; 443, 485 57, 66 AGENT, man a free agent, explained, 4, 149 27, 22 28, 30 43, 23 AGONIES Christ hath suffered for ijan, elucidated 23, 50 3; 103, 1076,26824, 6634,740, 9944, 15 AGUEE, what we must agree with the Lord in, exp. 32, 428 two cannot walk together unless they are agreed, ex- plained 32, 427 AGRICULTURAL report for July 44, 24 AHAB; all the prophets that advised the King to go on with the war, compared to A's prophets 3, 126 8, 70 36, 114 and Jezebel, types o satan and hell 28,2120, 78 compared to Pharoah 46, 31 the difference between Ahab and Jehoshaphat. . 56, 31 the Lord's trial of Ahab, explained 56, 30 the parable concerning Ahab, elucidated 56, 28 the prophets of Ahab compared to the clergy . . 21, 42 3, 1268, 70 was seduced, and fell by false prophets. .21, 41 12, 36 AHASUKUUS; Esther gained his favour and spared the people 15, 34 like him Chiist will appear, and make satan feel the gallows 15,35 listened to the words of listher 25, 30 the fifth spot was brought by the disobedience of his ,queen 14, 34 was not king of the Jews 28, 38 Aiu ; divnm of a black horse in the air 11, 84 being carried through the air, 9, 42 1, 29 . . 4, 16614, 21 15, 3320, 2823, 8436, 23 r- boards taken up into the air 2, 79 horses in the air, &c 31, 312 . men in the air with horses on the earth 2, 86-IS, 1324, 85 AIR 13 A N G dream of men standing in the air with crowns of gold, drawn swords, &c 52, 44 ALARMING; parable ot'ttie alarming drum, 22, 75 34, 1 i 43, 65 ALMIGHTY; Brothers blames the Almighty 13, 14 none can direct the hand of the Almighty 1 35 4, 190 8, 8339, 6540, 103 the Almighty guides Joanna 34, IQ the Almighty will pass through London 7, 20 treading the 'wine-press of Almighty GOD, exp.. . 52, 45 ALTAR; Christ was seen at the altar first 9, 15 Joanna comforted at the altar by the Spirit .... 44, 5 directed to carry her petition to the altar 6, 287 the altar of GOD must be cleansed by the clergy, 14, 53 " 24, 1 26 the moon in a magnifying glass at the a. a dream 7, 35 the shepherds have turned Joanna from the attar, 36, 126 the type of the two candles at the altar, eluc 3, 120 AMBASSADOR of the Lord is gone forth 20, 60 AMBUSH, satan is a thief in ambush 12, 51 America, a fever in, foretold. . 14, i24 17, 33 44, 25 a hurricane in America 44, 26 the war began in America 44, 20 AMMON,the type of the children of Ammon being destroyed for ingratitude, explained 3f, 314 AMUSEMENT, sorrow frequently follows, exp .... 29, 12<3 the miz-maze, a deep type, exp 28, 39 28, 42 ANCIENT, the kingdom of the Ancient of Days, eluci- dated 32, 39232, 39832, 406 ANCHOR, believers must have their anchor fixed and their faith sure, or they can never meet Joanna's awful trial, 41, 161 faith 'must be your anchor, and see what rock you build upon to judge your GOD is near 16, 23 faith will find an anchor . 33, 514 60, 37 are now come down to protect the faithful 15, 37 army of angels in the clouds, a dream, 1, 29 12, 49 17, 2552, 44 as the angel warned the shepherds of the birth of Christ, so -have they now warned you by visions that his king- dom is nigh at hand 16, 25 as Sodom and Gomorrha persecuted the angels which were sent to Lot, so will men persecute Joanna till GOD destroys them 17, 49 dreams, and visitations of angels, elucidated .... 43, 39 fallen angels provoke the Spirits of GOD 19, 1O have warned England by the command of GOD 21, 21 how angels appear to work with men, explained 60, 38 how men and saints must judge the angels, tluc. 33, 514 3, 1444, J47 6, 2419, 2814, 733, 506 60, 37 Joanna compared to the angels sent to Lot .... 12, 36 guarded by angels . 4, 1 61 men must be rose to the perfection of angels. . . . 50, 47 join with angels 9, 516, 2060, 37 men to be brought to the similitude of angels . . 14, 95 must come to the simplicity of men 2, 75 of GOD shall be seen ascending and descending upon the sons of men 30, 2 1 1 protect Joanna from sa tan's power 12, 37 satan's arts with men and angels 5 1 , 35 Batan's angels now shall be destroyed 12, 26 atan informs the fallen . that he'created them 12, CO satan's pleading with his angels after he was cast out of heaven 12, 20 satan was the deceiver of the fallen angels 12, 19 seven angels are the seven spirits 16, 20 the angels bring glad tidings of our King, 1, 32 65, 3 the a. of the Lord are come to warn all men, 2, 64 44, 15 walk to and fro, and see all that is done upon the earth, and all is laid before the throne of GOD, 32, 455 the angels rejoiced at Joanna's birth .... 1, 30 17, 20 19, 1052, 39 the formation of angels described 4, 149 the souls of the righteous are conducted by angels to realms of bliss 15, 14 the triumphant shouts ot angels 4, 155 ANG 15 ARA vision of angels, crowns, &c 16, 37 seven angels 16, 1O when good angels leave a man, bad oaes take possession of him 60,38 ANGER, a type of divine love and anger 3O, 343 the anger of GOD is kindled against the shepherds, &c. 21, 351, 2314, 9420; 424; 45, 60 29, 174 ANIMALS, their natural sense, elucidated ........ 56, 19 ANONYMOUS, an ignorant, impudent anonymous letter, 22, SO 8, 9310, 8811, 97 letters answered, 11, 66 8, 98 iO, 8911; 96, 101 22, 32 letter writers reproved 11, 100 2, 33 ANTIL, England compared to the auvil that is hardened to the stroke 23, 66 44, 59 APOLLYON and satan both answered .... 12, 3} 11, 82 and the devil both are cast 12, 54 a voice said to Joanna, write Apollyon 11, 82 informed of satan's deceit 12, 55 says a part of Joanna's writings came from the devil, 11, 47 says there is no dependance on GOD 11, 47 the devil's friend disputes with Joanna 11, 44 APOSTACY of mankind, elucidated 7, 19 APOSTLES brought forward as the jury 50, 3 1 with the prophets as the grand jury 50, 11 5O, 59 knew not what they wrote, explained ........ 35, 25 opposed by the Jews 30, 217 the Unitarian society are endeavouring to put away the prophets and the apostles 51, 5 the witness which the a. bore of Christ, exp 53, 584 APOTHECARIES sent for to attend Joanna . . 12, 57 12, 58 APPARITIONS shew that death is near, so heavenly visions shew that Christ's kingdom is near 16, 24 APPETITE, Joanna's appetite is gone, due. 24, 127 31, 365 APPLE, an answer to those who said " the fall of man came only by eating of an apple." 14, 37 disobedience conserning the apple, exp. 14, 37 46, 54 the apple tree was shewn to thee 29, ' 60 trees in blossom, &c. a dream 36, 98 APRIL, England shall know their dangers in March and April 20, 520, 1527, 14 the forty years were upin April, 1S14 59, 38 ARABIANS, Jews or Gentiles, Greeks or Arabians, if they have /4.'s faith, will be made one in Christ .... 62, 51 ARCHDEACON and a Chancellor will blame their conduct, 59,37 ARC 15 A R I it is not out of love to the Lord that a man aspireth to be a bishop, a chancellor, an archdeacon, or a shepherd of the flock, it is their love to themselves, for they all preach for hire 12, 92 ARCHES, the four arches represent the four quarters of the world 14, 113 ARGUMENTS concerning the peace, answered .... 14, 57 second Eve, explained. . 3(5, 81 for visible judgments 33, 531 learned men to bring forward their arguments . . 3, 100 of Joanna's friends concerning her prophecies, ans. 36, 80 ARI ANS end Atheists warned of the end 33, 532 and Calvinists proved to be wrong by the Spirit ofTruth 32, 46744, 48 and make the Arians heart to shake. .. . 11, 85 61, 19 are parting the Bible 57, 31 Atheistis and Deists have departed from the gospel 52, 41 will know there is a GOD. ... 51, 4 Atheists, puritanical Calnnis-ts, Deists and philosophers reproved 43, 22 Calvinists and Romans, all wrong 33, 513 placed and compared with Brothers 47, 20 Carpenter compared with the Arians 42, 210 Christ is denied by the Arians 47, 43 deny the perfect union of the Trinity 15, 39 Deists, Atheists, Arians and Jews, will be convinced from Joanna's prophecies that Christ isanall-sufticient Saviour (52, 23 disgrace the character and blaspheme the name of Christ, 46, 84 GOD'S sword is drawn, and the Arians will be put to con- fusion 40, 1 26" GOD will punish the Arians for denying the Holy Ghost ". 28, 88 having no knowledge of the truth, will not believe the truth 33, 508 Jews, Deists, Atheists, Arians and Catholics, will have the truth proved the ensuing year 60, 47 Joanna's remarks on the belief of the Arians, fully proves their inconsistency . 32, 465 observations concerning the A. 47, 48 32, 464 33, 508 proved to be wrong in their ideas of the gospel, by Car- penter's fall, explained 40, 125 preach against the Gospel 30, 221 the Arians in your land do stand 36, 124 the blnsphf my of the Arians shewn 36, 107 the belief of the Arians, elucidated 40, 12G A R I 17 A R R the mockery of the Avians and Calvinists . . . . ; . 44, 4S the Spirit of Truth declares that the doctrine of the A. and Calvinists came from the influence of the devil, ................................. . ____ 32, 470 the wrong judgment of the Anans shewn by the Spirit of Truth ......... ......................... 34, 48 thousands are become Arians ................ 55, 8 will feel the displeasure of GOD .............. 11, 85 ARK made to shew GOD'S judgment . ........... 7, 43 mankind enjoyed life m the ark ... i ... i ...... 7, 43 Noah was laughed at for building the a. 15, 44 32, 434 Noah's ark doth now appear . . 22, 61 9, 43 14, 47 of the covenant to preserve man, elucidated, 2. 62 23, 5O ........... . . . . . ................ 30, 20236, 63 restored or brought back ........ . ..... ..... 7, 44 the sealing is a much greater preservation for man than Noah's ark was . . ..... . ..... . ............ 2, 63 Ark, all must come back to Noah's ark ........ 9, 43 all that will be saved must come to the ark of the New- Covenant ....... . .................. . ..... 2, 62 as Noah was preserved in the Ark wherein the Spirit of the Lord rested, so will he preserve those who long for his Spirit to be within them ............ 30, 202 k type of the seal given by Joanna ............ 7, 43 David bringing back the ark, was a type of the ark of the New Covenant ....... ............... ____ 34, 37 Joanna hath been informed every particular how to make the Ark of the New Covenant that is between GOD and man ..... ........ -. ...... , ......... 30, 202 ARM of Goc near those who wish for help ........ 36, 44> round Joanna's neck, &c. a dream , ARMOUR of GOD is the shield of faith, elucidated, .31, 3.52 ---- . ....... ....... ____ * . t 2, 53 4, 190 23, 90 Taylor is called the armour bearer ..... i ...... 14, 5S the shepherd must his armour wear .......... 4, 167 we must put on the armour of GOD , . . .9, 27 23, 90 the sky with men in armour, c. a dream, 1, 29 1 a, 49 .......... , ........... ...... ---- 17, 2552, 44 A RM Y, an army strong you may command ...... 9, 27 an immense army coming out of the clouds, &c. a vision, ............ ". ............ .... ........... 4, 169 of men pursuing the beast, a vision ............ 4, 170 of the Lord are the seated by faith .... 12, 53, 4 17'- of the Lord rode fast. . . . .................. 2, 56 the Lord's army must not join with those who are against him ......... * ...... ..... ............... 2, 56 ARROW, or dart and bow, explained ............ 9, 4 the a t -row of death fast will fly . .20, .5 6', 26'8 8, 105 ART 18 AT H' ARTICLES, men must sign the articles for Christ's second coming before he comes 12, PI of the Church of England 50, 59 ARTS and lies of satan, explained 3, 105 of the devil never last long 22, 47 ASHAMED, when the Lord cometh in all his Father's glory he will be ashamed of those who are ashamed to sign for His Kingdom, and satan' s power to be destroyed, 50, 28 who Christ will be ashamed of, explained 20, 19 whoever is ashamed of GOD, GOD will be ashamed of them, explained 36, 41 20, IS ASHES, as the Bible hath been burnt, where will the ashes sink?. 57, 6 1 tread down the wicked as ashes under your feet, eluci- dated 12, 101 Ass, Christ's riling to Jerusalem on the colt of an ass,> ex- plained 53, 57961, 42 learned men judge Joanna's wisdom as simple ns an ass, elucidated 3,13961, 43 the ass knoweth his master's crib, exp. . . 8, 80 48, 23 the ass's colt must bind them to the choice vine, 20, 67 ASSIZE, a trial before a judge of assize, elucidated, 3^ 141 on the judge of assize passing sentence 24, 23 the great assize for all draws near 23, 83 ATHANASIUS, the creed of St. Athanasius paraphrased by the Lord 2, 88 see elucidations of various lines, 1, 36 3; 107, 109, 113, 1204 ; 146, 1796, 2628, 10012, 3814, 101 15, 2743,75 ATHEISTS, all the world were A. before the flood, 33, 531 and Arians are come against the gospel 33, 532 f warned of the end 33, 532 and Deists warned 56, 23 43, 19 a parable on the death of an Atheist 5, 209 Arians and Deists have departed from the gospel 52, 41 will know there is a GOD .... 51, 4 puritanical Calvinists, Deists, and philosophers, reproved 43, 29 Deists, Arians, Atheists and .lews will be convinced from Joanna's prophecies that Christ is an all-sufficient s\viour 62, 23 Hann compared to an Atheist 54, 20 Jews, Deists, Atheists, Arians, and Catholics will have the truth proved the ensuing year 60, 47 Joanna's first printer was an Atheist 9 9 Mayer compared to an Atheist 34, 57, 34, 59 of professed Atheists, or naturalists .,,.,. 43^ 21, 34 A T H 19 BAB satan said he would make Joanna an Atheist, if the Lor 1 would permit him to try her faith 36, 70 the answer of the Spirit to Atheists who say " there isna GOD to govern," and to others who judged " the Lord would never reveal any secrets to the poor" . .36, 129 the Atheist will be brought to the ground .... 63, 15 the Deists and A. moc % kery of the gospel, ansrc. 63, 16 ATONEMENT, there will be no more atonement, the debt is already paid 36, 42 62, SO ATTORNEY, a parable for the attorney-general . . 49, 4O general's opinion of the 3d part of Paine's Age of Rea- son 56, 38 pleadings of the attorney-general noticed 49, 40 particularly directed how to examine the witnesses at Joanna's trial 25, 11 the attorney-general solicited to put a stop to swindling, ,.. 49, 40 AUNT, Eastlake compared to Joanna's Aunt .... 23, 103 AUTHOR, GOD is the author of Joanna's writings 3, 108 1,0 9; 43,4611,9421,4636,8 AWAKE, and from the dead of sin arise, 7, 11, 15, 15 17, 1057, 66 many that sleep in the earth shall awake, exp. . . 20, 49 nothing will awaken the Ministers till P is awakened to awaken them 59, 17 AWFUL, all will see an awful day 4, 152 21, 44 particulars concerning Joanna's awful trial .... 6.1, 24 we also, 4; 165, 174^6, 2689, 47 14,5123,92 24, 525; 37, 91, 11227 ; 6, 1529; 184, 186, 189 37, 6241 ; 161, 167, 17844, 5658 ; 10, 12 Judgments will come on, if the bishops do not awake and prove Joanna's calling from on high , . . 39*4 AXE, Joanna hath laid the axe to the root, by her prayers, 17, 18 placed by Garrett over his head, elucidated .... 26, 8 the axe is laid unto the root, which is the devil, 17, 17 2, 635, 22311 ; 9b, 12624, 12526, II BAAL, the Lord declares that he hath more than 700 that will not bow a knee to Baal 17, 51 BABEL, like Babel's builders all must fall, 14, 105 62, 33 . /. 63, 15 BABES, all must become like new born babes, 14, 66 8, 72 14, 122 and sucklings shall sing praises 3, 139 appear like babes, and be made men 36, 106 blessed promises revealed ro babes 14, 94 mankind reproved by a babe 14, 122. will they now the babe despise 3, 11962, 5465 4. BAB 20 BAR BABYLOX, on Babylon being destroyed, and the blood of the martyrs aven^vd upon the Romans 30', 6 BACK*, with backs of brass appear 11, 4824, 87 BAD and good fruit, explained .... 51, IS 2, 74 4, 149 and good spirit, elucidated 14, 99 the bad and good must meet at last 4, 153 the Bishops set a bad pattern to mankind 21, 33 wives must be put away 6, 270 J3ALAAM and the heathen nations, an important commu- nication . . . 43, 81 condemned by Mayer as a false prophet 46, 40 had a true vision concerning Moab and the children of Israel , 39, 61 prophecied of the end, explained 43, S3 BALANCE, Foley's drenra of the balance, explained, 9, 41 satan hath been weighed in the balance and found want- ing 12, 37 the mountain in the balance conies 2, 52 When nun's love for satan is weighed in the balance their love to him will be found wanting 50, 57 BALL of iron rolls from stair to stair 20, 3 BALLOON, the fire bal'oon s >ews how men will sport with fire 11,8411,88 BANDITTI, dream of a banditti, &c. in a cavern . . 23, 25 BANK, dream of viewing the planets on a bank .... 12, 56 of the gourd thrown over the bank, &c. 12, 56 the bunk and the river explained 20, 5O BANNLK, all must light manfully of Christ's banner 14, 84 the banner doth to all appear 29, 160 BANNS, 'tis time to publish the banns, or get the licence, . , 14,. 6 61, 58 BAPTISM and confirmation, elucidated, 35, 8 35; 18, 19 no man hath received the Holy Ghost by b 35, 21 BAPTISMAL vow explained 3, 130 1, 1612, 11514, 84 BARBARIANS, the true Israel of GOD, whether Jews or Gentiles, Greeks or Barbarians, or whatsoever religion they protV-ss, they must all come to the standard men- tioned in lioly Writ. 17 5 BARLEY, men drink with barley or with satan's power, ;36, 6(5 the miracle of the live barley loaves 33, 546 the serpent in the barley field, explained 36, 59 types of he wheat and barley, explained 36, 63 unbelievers compared to barley 36, 65 BAHK, dumb dogs that will not bark, 8, 101 3, 124 12 ; o, 8214, 6159, 461, 46 BAEN, dream of sweeping tne barn floor 1, 31 BAR 21 B E A BARREN, blessed is the barren womb .... 36, 81 3, 121 5, 214 S, 73 mountains to become fruitful 7, 16 the barren womb alludes to the Gentiles 31, 33<) woman to be made ajoyful mother of children 14, 5465, 13 ! . to keep house 29, 137 the children of the barren woman to be taught of the Lord , 17, 17 13, 31 31, 341 BARS of the grave shall burst open 7, 32 BASE, a base born child is a reproach to a woman . . 63, 39 BASKET, dream of the basket of birds, explained . . 3, 142 BASIN broken by Joanna, a deep type for man, explained, 23, 3123, 34 BASTARD, a bastard cannot be an heir 12, 47 answer to Kenrick, who said, " the Virgin Mary was a whore, and our Saviour a bastard," 36, 106 57, 62 62, 28 the bastard race will be cut off 6, 26.97, 17 the sixth spot was cast by saying " He (Christ) from her a bastard came" 15, 35 20, 83 will the b stard nations hear the call 15, 43 Bastard, William, money put into his hands for a bet, explained 39; 92, 94, 95 BATEMAN, Mary, her profligate character and conduct, 52; 7, 8,. 9, 10 she and her husband received seals, snd came in like thieves and robbers. 51, 17 BATHSHEBA, then say a Bathsheba is come 24, 87 BEACRAFT, Mary, gloves sent to Mr.&Mrs.Beacraft, 10, 81 her testimony respecting the mission of Joanna. . 25, 78 BEAM, hypocrites can see the mote, but wont discern the beam 20, 39 35,, 40 53, 606 BEAR, parable of the boy and the bear, eluc 36, 132 the bear will destroy those who turn back 9, 41 the furious bear shall meet him 13, 4 they'll roar like bears or mourn like doves, 4, 172 14, 31 BEAST, a boy turned himself into a beast, a dream, 2, 83 all who join with satan, the beast, will be cutotf, 37, 33 an ill-formed beast on the continent, a vision. ... 4, 168 army of men pursuing the beast 4, 170 a type of the bt asls at the dedication of Solomon's temple, elucidated 28, 35 blood of bulls and goats being offered up, is a type and shadow of the beast,'satan, being destroyed in the end, 52, 1729/17543, 7859, 48 Buonaparte the beast mentioned in the Revelations, 15, 54 46; 16, 17, 38, 8747, 0049, 6360, 35 compared with the false prophets , 23, 83 B E A 22 BEE Christ will conquer the boast, af.d free man .... 4, 171 Daniel's vision of beasts, elucidated 32, 401 every beast shall humbly yield to man, 12, 40 7, 16 9, 4314, ] 1744, 35 first a power to the beast is given 15, 47 he that refuse th to sign for satan's destruction is a wor- shipper of the beast 35, 23 meo are worshipping Buonaparte the beast, instead of Christ . . , 60, 35 nations that worship the beast will fall 52, 44 satan is the beast to be offered up for sin 1<2, 116 shewn Peter in vision, explained 30, 23y iii and sorrow will remain till the power of the first beast is destroyed 46, J> the beast deceived them all 26, 11 . must surely die 29, 181 on the continent denotes the devil 9, 4 will be slain, explained, 29, 176 9, 4 19, 63 ' 28, 3532 ; 392, 39 the curse against those who worship the beast, explained, 62, 72 the fury of man compared to beasts 55, 23 the horn of salvation will come to man when Christ cometU to slay the beast 32, SJhS the power of the beast must fall before the man child, 62, 71 BEAUTY, the beauty of Christ's kingdom, elucidated, 1, 37 16 ; 7, 2244, 35 6i , 37 the stuff of beauty was cut off, elucidated .... 32, 45O BED, a bed is too short for a man to stretch himself on, explained ." 23, 63 a figure put into Joanna's bed . 12, 60 dream, of l-eing in bed near a stable, &c 12, 110 -r of being in an open field, &c 4, 161 Joanna invisibly forced out of bed twice 12, 57 ordered to take up her bed and waik y elucidated 24,10722,78 ordered to set her house in order as her sick bed was sure 12, 5tJ sufferings in bed, explained 23, 3.'i the shadow of Joanna being ill on her bed, due. 25, 86 with white curtains drawn back 16, 38 BEDFORD, John, one of the twenty-four elders. . . .25, 12S BEDLAM, satan's influence over mad people 01, 46 BKELZEB-UB, let your beelzebub appear 6, 261 the Lord saith " it was not so great a sin to say he work- ed miracles through beelzebub the prince of devils, as it IK to say Joanna's prophecies come from the devil, 14, 103- BEE -2.; BEL the Jews ordered to bring their beelzebub 10, 50 BEE?, gather honey from every flower and hitter herb, explained . . . 34, 24- BEGGARS, a description of blind beggars 91, 8 now as a beggar I'll appear 30, 131 BEGINNING, the beginning a shadow of the end, < xpi mied .' , ', ';il the word that was in the beginning, explained, 3 ', 547 2, 50 BELIA.L, GOD with Belial cann't agree 8, 105 BELIEFS, different beliefs under the gospel, cap. 33, 509 BELIEVE, all who believe will b j healed 3'3, 558 clothing will conic for all the believers in Christ, 9, 39 fearful people are afraid of being 1 deceived and the'efore will not believe 30, 264 happy are those who believe before Joanna dies, because they'll feel a peace of conscience, a rejoicing and hope to see her again 25, I 1 2 hardened sinners will not believe 54, 25 it is much better for those who never believed at all, than it is for those who have believed, and now fall back out of pride and vain glory 39, 64 men must believe in the gospel before they will bt lieve any visitation of the spirit of GOD 52, 41 not every spirit, but try the spirit, explained. . . . 57, 1 1 14, 6633, 485 BELIEV-ERS, a crown of glory for b 7 34 admonished not to be struck with the blindness of others, 47, 56 after the child is born and Joanna is recovered, directions will be given how b. are to see her and the child 63, 70 an admonition or warning to b. 44, 59 2, 65 20, 15 30, 5240, 133 13, 7044, 6256, 53 a commandment for b. and ail the Gentiles .... 3, 124 list of sealed b. to appear before the throne of GOD, 16, 26 all will he cut off that are not true b 15, 23 an address to be given by believers to mockers. . 27, 13 an answer to be gi\en by all the believers concerning the fulfilment of the prophecies 27, 13 an important communication for believers who judge tht-ir deliverance will come at Joanna's death, 37, 23 41, 176 an instructive p'u-nble for believers . . . .36, 134 44, 62 are ail brothers and brides, 9, 45 8, 68 9; 41, 42, 46 '...;" 21, 82 are brothers ot Christ, and he will u.ake them Kings and Prin-ces unto GOD 8, 68 are called the friends of GOD . . 35. 32 BEL 24 BEL are children of the King of Heaven . . 9, 17 are disciples of Christ, 21, 30 6, 246 14, 95 18, 19 ........................ 19, 3535, 3462, 3l are filled with raptures of joy, to hear the glad tidings that the Prince of Peace will now be born. . . . 62, 41 are Jacob's sons .......................... 30, 204 are persecuted, unbelievers are not, explained . . 46, 84 are the branches, Christ the vine .............. 12, 29 are the children of Abraham by faith .......... 20, 66 are the chosen men .............. 23, 108 30, 203 are the ground that, will receive the good seed . . 35, 56 are the servants or reapers, to go forth and cut down the lies of mockers and unbelievers ............ 36, 75 are the sons of the living GOD .............. 32, 407 are the true Israel of GOD ............ 17, 5 32, 408 are to see the Spirit ........................ 25, 107 a type concerning believers .................. 43, 94 bear the. mock of fools out of love to GOD, 60, 22 1 9, 34 ......... . .............. 37, 4054, 33 6'2, 77 blessed promises for believers, 9; 41, 44 11,61 >I2, 29 12,7313,2014, 2915; 28, 5516, 5421, 30 23; 89, 95 24, 4425, 12229, 12130, 265 ................ 44 ; 15, 355 1 ; 24, 3962, 52 called back to what is sealed up in the writings. . 58, 18 can bring forward more solid truths from Joanna's writ- ings in 20 years, than Hearn can prove from the gospel hath been fulfilled in 1814 years ............ 63, 26 cannot agree together in all things, till nature lias its perfect change ---- . .............. ....... 32, 432 casting off the Jews must enlighten believers . . 33, 490 cautioned by the Spirit ...................... 47, 56 Christ is the true city of refuge for believers to fly to, ...................................... 29, 180 . -- root, believers are the branches .... 24, 39 --- will be the mighty Counsellor to b ....... 2, 46 ---- crown believers ................ 25, 83 -- make himself known among his disciples or believers before he takes Joanna out of the world, ........................................ 43, 6( circled in GOD'S throne ...................... 1 1, 86 clothing is the word of GOD ............ .... 24, 104 compared to doves .......................... 16, 6 --- - - corn .................... 44, 36 35, 55 -- feathered fowls .................. 3, 14,1 --- good fruit ....... . .............. 25, 147 - - water pots ............ : . 58, 1 8 '>7, 48 considered as mad men and fools ............ 32, 40tJ danger of believers falling back .............. 39, O.i BEL 25 BEL BELIEVERS, deliverance will come to believers at Joanna's death, provided she lives to see the end of the 15 years 37, 23 when Buonaparte is destroyed 2, 54 desired to read the "Warning to the World" again, 49, 72 different conduct of believers shewn 54, 14 equal to Joanna 9, 25 faith shewn and strengthened, 2, 08 6, 249 31, 346 ." 33, 569 first believers will be wondered at 32, 454 Foley's address to believers 37, 92 folly of those -who draw wrong judgments 34, 34 GOD will defend true believers 12, 17 will feed b. if the famine comes 23, 1 10 GOD'S protection to b. elucidated 6, 245 GOD'S reward for believers, due 44 ; 35, 41 GOD'S Spirit will fall on true believers, 37, 23 4, 166 41, 17942, 21344, 52 have nothing to fear SO, 205 have signed the bond for Christ's vineyard 12, 29 Hearn's saying that " the believers deny that salvation came only through the merits of Jesus Christ," ans. 63, 26 Joanna's awful trial will be like a harvest to believers elucidated 41 , 167 life prolonged for the sake of true b.. . 37, 33 set, as a sign for believers 36, 125 visitation will be felt by believers .... 34, 2 many believers are longing for Joanna's death, that they might see wonders 37, 3(> must bear the fiery trial of persecution which satan works in the hearts of men 63, 12 must be caieful to stand to the faith they profess, 39, 89 rejoicing when great judgments are near, 30, 26? call reason to their assistance 37, 40 must have their anchor fixed, and their faith sure, or they can never meet Joanna's awful trial 41, 161 must hunger and thirst after righteousness . .. .33, 545 never complain 30, 20{> not fear the storm 20, 93 now walk by faith and not by sight 33, 570 put on the shield of faith 31, 352 sign with all their- 'hearts, or not at all .... 15, 2-2 stand and fight like princes 9, 1 7 by these women, J. T. and U. . . 21, 31 in true obedience to fufil the scriptures, 40, 107 like soldiers 58 } 12 D JB E L 26 BEL BELIEVERS must suffer a Joseph's persecution, before they receive a Joseph's blessing 20, 66 for the Lord's sake 21, 27 mystery of the sealing great to believers, exp. . . 48, 6 none but believers can enter the kingdom 33,495 no room for discord among believers 37, 25 not to fear the storm 2, 99 not to go to Joanna at present, exp 63, 69 not to grieve for having drawn a wrong judgment con- cerning the words spoke to Joanna in 1702 . . 48, 20 not to receive the sacrament from Carpenter . . 38, 83 not to want bread, in case of famine ... .9, 31 23,110 not to wax cold when afflictions come 44, 61 now may boldly stand 25, 38 obedient believers shall be Christ's disciples . . 9, 47 -will be kept from harm 9, 41 offspring are sealed 13, 2O only have a part in Christ's death 36, 82 only to be sealed 27, 3 tmly will live and see satan or the powers of darkness chained down 15, 23 on the jealousy there would be among b. if all of them were to prophecy 37, 21 opinions concerning Pomeroy's death 57, 20 ordered to wait with patience the will of GOD, 30,206 63, 71 ought to be careful to stand to the faith they profess, and not be led away by the errors of others . . 39, 89 pardon of sin to true believers, elucidated .... 23, 95 placed like Isaac 5,213 planted in Christ 9, 43 pondering of Joanna's heart concerning 6. cms. 37, 23 reproved for drawing wrong judgments .. 49; 55, 71 robes of white shall appear for believers 16, 41 satan will pursue believers 23, 112 saving grace offered to all true believers 17, 12 sealed by .the Holy Spirit of promise. ... 35, 7 32,406 see the rapture and joy of believers when by faith the Prince of Peace is born in them 62 ; 62, 72 shall be called the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, 12,1 11 shall enjoy the love of GOD 20, 1 1 shall rejoice in tribulation 9, 31 shall see the end of sin and rejoice 32, 457 should consider what Joanna went through for ten yeara without any one to relieve her burthen 44, 63 should not disagree one with another 38, 7 si,;-n for " the coining of the Lord Jesus Christ, to estab- lish his kingdom in righteousness and peace". . 63, 2H BEL 27 BEL BELIEVER?, signs for believers only 44, 33 set for believers and unbelievers 42, 231 20, 9 some believers must die, to shame the devil, exp.QO 7ei the faith required of believers, due 16, 54 62, 50 the destroying angel to p;iss by the door of believers, *.. 3, 13312,116" the folly of believers in judging that ail pain will J>e ta- ken from Joanna in child bearing, explained. . 62, 39 some believers shewn 37, 38 the gates of hell cannot prevail against a true believer in Christ 11, 99 the mockery believers are to go through is rising high, 52, 35 the mother^of believers is Joanna, who hath claimed the promise S, 91 the names of the true believers aje to stand upon the hand of the Lord 15, 22 the offspring of believers are sealed 13, 2O the power of Christ will be strong in believers . . 14, 87 there is a joy in believers that blunts the storm, 44, 63 the second Adam is come to redeem believers . . 14, 65 the sons of Jacob are the sons of believers .... 20, Go the sting of death will be taken away from b. 14 ; 45, 109 the sword that shall cut the serpent down, hath been put into the hands of believers 8, 102. the tokens of love which came from believers are accep- table to the Lord 63, 5(5 to enjoy a happy nation in peace 9, 44 to hear the small still voice. 44, 5324, 52 to pray in their closets alone 30, 71 trials of every kind will come to believers before the end 44, 61 true believers compared to reapers to go forth and cut down the temptations of the devil, by the weapons of the word of GOD 36, 73 in Joanna's visitations compared to the seed of Joseph . ... 41,176 only will stand in the end 48, 7 will be filled with power to overcome their foes 15, 20 warned and cautioned , . . 39, 52 43, 70 what teachers and pastors can believers apply to for in- struction ? 63, 20 when satan tempts believers to sin, they do the things they wish not to do, for they wish COD "to be all in all, .. . 50, 27 where is the man that can contend with believers, 25, 10 who can condemn believers for relying on the word of GOD 53,674. BEL 8 B E R BELIEVERS who die will reign with Christ, 25, 38 44, 41 52, 47 who pray to be sealed are happy 3, 117 will he crowned with glory, elucidated, 15, 12 44, 54 fed with royal dainties 20, 6'8 will be kept by the Lord from troubles when they come upon the land "29,165 from their enemies by the angels of GOD, 80,271 pardoned 44, 15 persecuted 17, 45 protected, mockers will be punished. .. . 52, 45 to see the fulfilment of all that has been declared by the prophets 31,383 rewarded for their sufferings 21, 27 seen breathless and faint like hunted harts, 58, 12 sent to distant lands 20, 91 stumbled when GOD begins to set the mark of their high calling J 9, 65 surrounded here. 23,' 07 warned of dangers and kept from harm .9, 41 will dwell in GOD, and GOD in them 30,237 enjoy their GOD 15, 27 hear the message of death with joy 14, 46 increase 29,142 prevent the fatal judgment of the famine. . 27, 12 rule the nations in the end 30,270 , see their names enrolled in glory to reign with their Lord . 22, 33 will stand secure, who speak often one to another of GOD'S promises and fulfilments 32,448 wrong judgment of believers, explained 34, 34 BF.LIEVETH, he that believeth not in the promise made in the fall, cannot believe in his own salvation .... 19, 48 shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned, exp 19, 47 BELINDA, the parable of Belinda, &c. exp 22, 26 BKLK, Wm. one of the jury at Joanna's trial .... 25,127 BELL, drums beating and bell ringing 24,114 the first /;. to sound for England 14, 74 the ringing of the bells in different parishes, a type of the 7th and 8th days, explained 3, 127 ECLHIAZZAR a type for days to come 1 2, 38 ftatan answered from Beishazzar 1 2, 35 the hand-writing that carne against B. is a type of the hand-writing of men for the destruction of satan's kingdom 12, S5 17, 1932, 38650, 27 BEBEANS, men should examine whether they are like the B. or the Jews 52, 3 B E S 29 BIB BESLEY, his false- accusations against Joanna fully ans. 63 ; 6, 10, 21 BESOM, the b of destruction shall sweep them off, 12, 86 BEST, the best wine is reserved for the last, 37, 28 55, 1O BETHLEHEM, as in B. CHRIST will appear again . . 36,131 no more in B. doth the infant lay 15, 13 44, 5(5 BETHESDA, people must be waiting for the moving of the spirit of COD and the coming of their Lord to be healed, as they waited at the pool of B. to be healed of their infirmities, exp 35, 36 B. H. remaiks on a book published by B. H 31, 290 on texts quoted by him 31,291 what he said concerning the sealing 3i,30O BIBLE, all ordered to come to the bible 14,101 all the bible is clear, and will be fulfilled, 7, 1814, 95 15, 4921, 2922,5529, 134 stands on condition, exp 25, 37 and parables mocked by thousands 37, 70 a pen put into the bible 3, 121 14, 53 36, 95 a true looking-glass for man, 28, 2830, 218 32, 442 52, 3 as P did by Joanna's writings, so are men doing by the bible 57, 31 as the bible hath been burnt here, where will the ashes sink ? 57, 6114 ; 2, 101 by the Revelations all the bible will be explained, 14, S9 , 30, 265 compared to a sun-dial 37, 29 compare your bible with the times 36, 10 Christ now will prove the bible true (. 15, 17 deeply weigh your bible through 19, 59 denied and despised 14, 77 23, 35 24,125 every man's likeness may be seen in the bible . . 28, 28 that denies the bible is a liar 14, 95 mystery of the bible laid open 32,448 foundation of the Lord laid in the bible, exp.. ... 28, 14 fulfilled by CHRIST'S kingdom, exp 32,457 full of types and shadows 36, 45 human laws compared to the bible 32,4 it Jews ordered to read their bible and see who was cru- cified 6, 267 Joanna objected to, because her name is not mentioned in the bible, explained 50, 15 . proves the truth of the b. from the fall of Adam. 17, 13 's mission proved from the bible 12, 1 17 ' writings and the b. were made by the same spirit 11, IIS 12, 10927; 5, 9, 13 BIB 30 BIB BIBLE is near the end 16, 1 knowledge of the b. sealed from man 31 ,336 Iai4 plaii> before man 31,346 learned men must begin to throw open the b. . . l ], 109 living words in the bible, elucidated 22, 22 made clear to every eye 30,243 false by the shepherds 31,350 men have made the bible, like a rope of sand that cannot join together 21, 47 men judge the bible false 14,105 men must discern their bible, if they will learn wisdom, 52, 40 men ordered to study and see the fulfilment of the bible prophecies concerning our Saviour 3, 123 m?n*s observations brought to the bible 27, 1 3 men will find their error when the bible breaks, 9, 43 mocked and turned to ridicule, 28, 28 2O, 82 29, 174 mysteries of the bible, will be brought to light . . 22, 2 no man who has written against Joanna believes in the bible 33,504 not believed nor understood by men . . 33, 504, 54, 2(5 no smuggling words in the bible 22, 22 parable of the bible, elucidated 34, 18 prophecies spoken by Joanna, more plain to be under- stood than the bible 27, 6 lead and examine your bible 17, 20 satan says Joanna's writings are like the bible . . 11,11 fcarce one part out of twenty in the bible is taken notice of by man 42,222 teal not up the sayings of the bible 5, 231 e make the bible a broken book 12, Q6 aks of the redemption in the spirit 17, 7 bible compared to a bond that is not cancelled, 17, 39 * does not err 8, 7(> i : hath been a .stone of stumbling to some, ' 1, 5() the bible is. as great a mystery to man as Joanna's writ- ings are 36 ; 15, 27 * a warning to mankind 29,1.56 < denied by the devil 62, 77 forgotten by all the sons of men .... 62, 77 like Joanna's writings, one part fulfilled, the otber hastening on 17, 39 nonsense to human wisdom, due 31,350 must be fully proved 30,244 now is hastening on 12,102 stands a looking glass for all 52, 21 . . thrown open and explained, which stands in figures for the end t!2, 17 '2, (& 37, 1 1 BIB 31 B I R BIBLE was first penned by prophecies 14, 77 will enable us to contend with all men. . 20, 92 . with t'.ie future destinies of nations have been revealed to Joanna 1, 16 the clergy know no more of the bible than they do of Joanna's writings 24,124 the manner in which different sects wrest the bible, eluci- dated 33,511 the meaning of the bible will be thrown open . . 3, 104 the prophecies of the bible placed backward .... 8, 58 the prophets throughout the bible were inspired by the same spirit as Joanna 2, 755, 234 the records of the bible are now fulfilling 1, 43 the sealing to bring all men to the bible 27, 3 the shepherds make the bible a song 12, 82 the spirit of the Lord is come to throw open the bible to all men 20, 96 the treasures of the bible shewn 16, 7 the true bread for man is the bible 36, 73 the truth of the bible proved, 14, 90 17, 42 25, 100 the will of a dead man compared to the bible . . 32,448 those who cannot understand Joanna's prophecies refer- red to those of the bible 3, 114 when GOD calls forth the bible what answer will unbe- lievers give 1, 17 when satan ts chained down, then every mystery o'f the bible will be revealed 3, 114= \vho can claim the promise, that will not see the bible, 29, 184 why the sins of David, of Jacob's sons of Solomon of Kings of Lot's daughters, &c. were ordered to be penned in the bible, explained. . . ; 23, 103 BILL, here's the bill that now must be applied .... 12, 20 satan saith "he'll bring in a bill against GOD, and shame him to his face" 11, 29 some particulars concerning bills of exchange .. 49, 10 , 49; 12, 17, 56, 57 the bill is found against satan 14, 27 the Lord saith the bill is put in by his friends to have the truth fairly proved 1, 45 BINDING of the strong man, elucidated 50, IS the binding of satan, elucidated 19, 23 BIRD between the shutters and the glass compared to Carpenter ..41, 163 dream of the bird with large brass and gilded feathers, 1, 34 Joanna compared to the little bird, that plucked the fea- thers of the great ones .,,,.,..., , . 1, 2 B I R 32 BIS Peter is flown like the bird 5, 218 the great and little bird, elucidated 1, 3 the wings of a bird, elucidated 31, 4 BIRD, Mary, her deposition respecting Joanna's mission, v-V-VV. 25, 70 BIRDS, as birds are confined by a cage, so the Lord may be confined by prayer, elucidated . .. 15, 27 dream of a basket of birds, that became like little chil- dren 3, 1439, 21 '20, 25 of stars like a flock of birds, &e 5, 130 the singing of the birds shall come, 12, 107 9, 6 29, 156 BIRMINGHAM, an answer to the Jews of B (j ( 2, 4 letter to Foiey in the R. paper 52, 38 IITTH, 'all are ordered to judge their birth, clue. 16, 41 Angels rejoiced at Joanna's birth, 17, 20 1, 39 19, 10 he that sells his birth-right will losv his reward, 7, 33 none must despise the infant's birth 61, 57 satan sold his birth-right in heaven 7, 33 signs and wonders seen at Chest's birth, explained, 47, 14 the first and second birth, elucidated, 61, 8-^14, t>4 33, v 552 the Saviour embraced Joanna at her birth 1, 30 the second birth must take place on earth .... 61, 35 BISHOP, Noah, Joanna's first lover, 21; 27, 32, 40, 6:> 30; 61, <>;! BISHOP, a letter to the bishop of Exeter (1799) .... 6,239 death of bishop Buller foretold, 3d June, 179(3 . . 20, 4 20, 2721, 1754, 11 false accusations concerning the death of bishop Buller, 39, 92 Hann nor the bishop cant explain the bible. . 54, 20 it is not in love to the I^ord that a man aspireth to be a bishop " 12 92 Sharp's letter to the B. of London, June, 1804, 22, 20 the bishop's answer 22, 30 2i, .;;] BISHOPS, a lesson for bishops 18, 29 a letter of prophecy and warning for the bishops, Morn- ing Herald, Monday, Nov. 29, 1813 59, 41 all the bishops have been written to, to investigate Joanna's writings 28, 49 . in England, nor all the learned men ' .upon earth cannot be competent judges of the scrip- tures before the power of Christ is sivn in the Bride- groom 61 , 30 an appeal to the bishops and clergy 28 3 arid clergy entreated to examine and prove the truth of Joanna's writings 23, 3.', 7'j ordered to. mark the lesson, Isa. xxxviii 21; 2, 18 tft a bad pattern to mankind 21, 33 M'jus set for the bishop* 59, (j 63, 52 the bishops, and clergy in general, have been particularly invited to search into Joanna's writings. . . . '25, 3 the bishops and P-r-^ invited to come forward. .. . 59, 4 are applied to, to judge between the R-ev. Mr. P and Joanna 59, 7 : are called upon to judge between the shep- herd and sheep . . . . ^ 59, 7 sit BIS 34 B L A BISHOPS, the bishop's death, Joannas fits,&c 36,118 ' have refused to come forward, or to send to Mr. P y 59, 45 having refused to come forward, are now for- bid, till Joanna hath received P 's answer . . 59, 48 the centurion will be found among the bishops . .58, 115 (see Ez. viii. 16, 17, 18,) the conduct of the bishops answered by the Lord, 59, 45 the Lord caused his servants to err, for ends they do not know, exp. . . . .>.>.... 03, 51 the marriage being granted by the bishops. .-,-. 63, 46 the silence of the bishops prove GOD hath spoken* 2S, 5 the threatenings are severe to the bishops, if they refuse to search into the truth 61, 49 of the Lord are severe to the bishops, if they do not call the ctergy together, and let the cause be fairly tried who is the "true prophet 21, 41 the whole nation stands in danger of utter ruin, ior the neglect of the bishops 21, 35 when the visitation is allowed by the bishops, they will know that her name is spiritual, but the marriage is temporal . ... 58, 7 wish for nothing but grandeur. 28, written to and warned by Joanna , 21, 18 see CLERGY, MINISTERS, PRIESTS, and SHEPHERDS. BITTER, believers must taste of the bitters ...... 36, 50 mankind will have bitters to drink 24, 60 BLACK, a black cloud seen over London ........ 36, 22 a black standing by a flag, &c. a vision ...,.-.-. 15, 36 Cain was the first black 15,41 cap worn by the judge, to pass sentence of death, elu- cidated 11,87 compared to satan 1.3, 42 horses compared to judges , 1 1 , 87 the black prince not to reign,. . . 22, 6 BLASPHEMY, all sin and b. the Lord will clear 14, 98 boasters of religion Call the word of GOD b 62, 24 Christ was condemned for blasphemy. 6, 281 England is full of blasphemy 21, 3y infidelity and b. is increasing to bring men like the ante- el iluvfan world 61,31 Joanna ordered to attend the mayor of Exeter, to answer for blasphemy, which they said she had published in handbills 10, 74 pen satan's blasphemy 34, 60 to. be tried for the blasphemies contained in the Disputes 15, 34 of men who said Joanna's writings came from the devil, answered .....,,..... 14,102 B L A 35 B L I BLASPHEMY of satan against GOD and CHRIST, 1, S3 11 ; 5, 19, 25, 26, 29, 31, 45, 47, 48, 50, 56, 67, 81 of the nations provoke GOD ] . 35 of the llth book men must judge. 14,126 thebrasen serpent was a type of Christ being condemned for blasphemy, elucidated 52, 27 there is no blasphemy in Joanna's writings, except against the accuser of mankind 34, 60 the world at large are speaking blasphemy and lies in the name of the LORD 52, 33 those who commit blasphemy through ignorance may now fly to CHRIST for refuge 29, 180 thousands are guilty of blasphemy 31,373 what 6. must be in Joanna the Jews will answer, 24, 7S BLASPHEMERS warned and cautioned, 57; 62, 64 62, 53, ..... 63, 21 BLEED, t is for the woman all must bleed. 14,108 BLESSED are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, explained 25, 81 changes will take place 60, 47 promises revealed to babes ... .14, 94 13, 20 16, 54 BLESSING, a blessing promised to England 36, 62 all the blessings of GOD are conditional, 39, 60 63, 62 enjoyed by those who believe the scriptures, eluc. 56, 44 of Jacob, and curse of Esau, eluc 7, 32 32, 436 or judgments are fixed for this nation 59, 6 promised to the seed of Abraham 50, 15 " prove me, now, saith the Lord, and try if I will not shower down blessings upon you," ... .1, 18 28, 19 satan cannot command one blessing ....;..... 11, 38 that will come ui " the jine years" 55, 24 the. b. given to Isaac shall rest upon mank-ind . . 7, 33 the promised blessing . 7, 44 what blessings have been withheld from England, 27, 14 BLIND, all men are totally blind 2, 87 5, 224 a type of the man born blind . 3, 114 beggars have no wish to have their eyes opened. . 21, 8 England is a blind nation 5, 225 21, 32 fallen man is blind to the honour of GOD 30, 285 guides commanded to read their bibles 32, 407 men are blind to the second advent 31, 351 knowledge of GOD 33, 569 open your eyes ye blind, unstop your ears ye deaf, '. . . .8, 9817, 1632, 44935, 29 shepherds do appear 24, 106 31, 373 state of man bom under the fall, explained. . . . 30, 229 the blind must find the light, 30, 2293, 987 ; 14, 16, 15, 5116, 4325; 20, 2232, 39955, 29 BLI 36 BOA BLIND, the clergy are compared to the blind leading the blind, ... 8, (5912, 623; 58, 6624, I 22 63, 2<2 the parable of the man born blind,, elucidated .. 21, 7 the present age as blind as the first. 52, 5 Men's blindness concerning the scriptures, exp. 55, 29 30, 27133, 562 30, 2747, 56 the blindness of the clergy, explained. . . .21, 8 30, 271 the blindness of the Jews and others, explained, ,'35, 45, 35 ; 0, 5250, 7361, 45 the type of the blindness of man, elucidated. . . . 33, 565 PLI^S, satan hath robbed man of every bliss 11, 99 the woman, Joanna, must complete man's bliss, 9; 43, 47 . ... 12, 69 BLOOD, as the blood of Abel crieth for vengeance, so the blood of Christ crieth for reconciliation, 59, 49 J 7, 21 GOD'S .sword is drawn and dipped in blood, 3, 109 14, 57 hounds hunting a lady and gentleman 49, 27 like rain will run. 3, 1109, 3757, 66 of bulls and goats being offered up is a type and shadow of the beast, satan, being destroyed in the end, 52, 17 on the door posts, a type of the seals, 12; 13, 11619, 1720; 78 the blcod of Christ was shed as an earnest to purchase the kingdom 50, 69 the nation would be on Joanna's head if she were to keep silence. . , 14, 32 . : is on the head 01 the sliepherdi, , . . , 20; 0'4, 100 the cleansing blood must come from the woman, 5, 223 the error of the French fighting in blood, due. . . 44, 38 t}ie moon shall be turned into blood .... 13, 614, 83 types. of the hyssop and blood, explained 29,177 water and blood must set us free .... 23, 93 24, 118 whosoever sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, elucidated 11, 62 BLOOM, in the bloom of youth all will appear .... 4, 153 BLOSSOM, every bud in blossom soon shall be .... 15, 26 if the thorn blossoms at Christmas, at Christinas the Lord's blossom shall appear 12, 4 BLOT, a blot ordered to be marked in the writing, 8, 106 BLOWN, the horn of salvation is blown to all them that are waiting the coming of the Lord. . 22, 60 37, 47 BLUE is an emblem of truth I J, I 11 15, 7 robes of white, with blue are seen 16, 40 ^LUSH, some will blush to see their uamt -s II, <>'<> BOAST not against the branches 33, i- l'j, 2-22 strong men must* not boast of their strength .... 5'_>, ;;o BOASTEKS in religion warned and admonished, 4, 185 ,.,..,. 10, 9029, 11058, 7662, 24 BOA 37 BON BOASTING fools admonished and cautioned, 4, 187 S, 101 of England, in September, 1808 51, 6 pharisees admonished 25, 25 the wisdom of boasting men will be trodden down, 61, 45 BODY, the body the Lord will raise up is the Spirit of Truth, explained 62, 34 what becomes of the soul niter it leaves the body, elucidated 11,109 BOG, chaos compared to a bog 12, 8 BOILED, parable of the boiled eggs 14, 15 BOLTED, the bolted doors are open here, explained 17, 54 BOLUS, letter to the printer of the Bolus ........ 26, 20 BONAPARTE, a type of his boasting power, exp, . . 49, 67 chapters placed by t'tie Jews as alluding to iJ, . . 51, 43 com. respecting II. and the wars, " refused". , , , 58,113 compared to Sennacherib, 15, 54 46; 16, 87 47, 60 49, 5462, 73 declared Emperor of France, May 1806 44, 23 to be the beast mentioned in the Revelations, 4, 170 15, 54 46; 17, 38, 87 49, 53 deliverance will come to believers when Bonaparte is destroyed . 2 54 enumerates his victories in June 1807 49, 69 hath the power of the beast or devil given to him, 15, 5447, 60 his boasting power destroyed, like Sennacherib's, 62, 73 his conquering power, explained , . . 60, 34 his eighty-second bulletin 49, 67 his power was not weakened by man, but by the weather, in Russia , 60, 36 his preparations to come to England 42, 205 if Buonaparte comes to England he 'will be destroyed by the sealed people, 1 5, 5520, 1 222 ; 26, 7036, 133 if Bonaparte is not slain by the sword of war; he will be destroyed by the French people, if he remains long in France ' 20, 48 Joanna hath by mockersbeen called " #.'s brother," 20, 74 having noticed the tyranny of Bonaparte, which she said if true, the French nation must be in the most deplorable state, and may merit iieavy judg- ments : therefore the lifting up of the hands for the will of the LOUD to be done, was a sign that the three years' famine was f averted from England, ami to pass over to France .' , 25, 96 Joanna's writing will be seen after the death of /;. 16, 60 Mayer's repo it concerning Bonaparte 46,96 must full like John the Baptist did, when the .Lord's appointed time is come 16, 60 60, 35 or the beast on the continent, denotes the devil, 7, ^ BON 3S BON BONAPARTE prevented by the Almighty from coming to England 42, 20o prophecies concerning Bonaparte and the French nation* 62, 8063, 53 gaid no power was superior to his own 62, 73 Satan's power given to Bonaparte 15, 54- see the truths concerning Bonaparte, explained, 62, 70 the beast B. had his power given him for a time, exp. 62, 68. the destruction of Bonaparte will bring in the kingdom of Christ . 34,53 France, or peace with Bonaparte, will not bring the nations to rest 34, 61 the fall of jB. will shew howsatan is to be destroyed, 16,61 the manner Bonaparte would go on to conquer, was- published by Joanna 50 y 3 the niethodist preacher who said he would pray Bona- parte dead, answered 6O, 34 the power Bonaparte would have to conquer the. nations, hath been foretold 52, 30. the pride of B. is swelled to the highest pitch . . 17, 49 the sealed must pray for B's or satan's death, 15-, 54 the spirit hath said to Joanna, if thou art the WOMAN mentioned in the Revelations to bring the MAN-CHILD into the world, then Bonaparte is the BEAST in the Revelations, whom the Jews have worshipped, 6,1, 32 the type and shadow of Bonaparte ollering to make peace, explained , . 49* 68 were Bonaparte and his iollowers destroyed to-morrow, sin and sorrow would remain the same, if the power of the first beast be not destroyed -Kj, 9 Avhat Bonaparte's end will be hath been revealed, 60, 35 when conquered, renounced the throne of France and Italy, 6th of April, 1814, answered ../. 43, 8137, 71 .sealed by Daniel is now begun to be sealed, 20, 4y the horror and misery felt by Joanna on account of her book being placed wrong, explained '2 1, 12 the meaning of the book of life, elucidated .... 10, 6'4 the mystery concerning Joanna's books V, 47 of two books sealed together- 10, 57 the 6000, or 6th book to end the strife 9, 47 the word of GOD is the book of life . . 17, 9 when thy book is gone abroad 1 1 , 88 with seven seals put into P 's hand 14, 13 written by them on Jonathan Bulkeley, visited by the devil, must appear against unbelievers 45, 19 BOOTH, William, one of the 24 elders 25, 128 BORN, all as new born babes become 14, 6ft 11, 122 14, 64 33, 550 53, he that was b. after the flesh has always persecuted him that was born after 'the spirit 52, 1 of the spirit, ejaculated 18, 1830, 21369, 61 BOTTLE,. breaking .of. the bottle, explained parable of the empty bottle 22, 69 43, 68 new and old bottles, elucidated . . . * 8, 103 12, 106 the clergy compared to empty bottles explained 22, 69 the old bottles all will burst 44, 4.". BOTTOM LESS, satan's gone to heatthe Bottomless Pit, 11, 41 the key of the bottomless pit 7, 3210, 82 BouND/satan shall be bound by his own words . . 12, 48 what's bound on earth is bound in heaven, 7, 54 12, 1 1:> 19, 44 Bow and arrow or dart, .explained 9, 4 beware how you draw your bf>w at a. venture . . 28, 21 Chirst will bow to those who bow to him 15, 25 fixt d in the clouds 9, 4 30, 203 men's hearts shall bow or break 2, 87 BOWL, vison of the candle, ring,. hand, bowl, &c.. . .61, 5 Box compared to sealed writings 16, 8 Joanna's wiitings nailed up in a box .... 1, 21 9, 9 not permitted .to be opened, before the .child was .brought in, explained 61, 23 of oinUuenL now is. come 9, 26 9, 40 n o x 41 BRA Box of sealed Writings opened 25, 55 of seals when, broken all .will wonder 9, 47 BOY, fable of the boy and the bear, exp 36, 132 the spiritual eyes of n boy opened 16, 24 BRADLEY, C. from his letter," the Jews consider Christ, is still on the cross as a guilty malefactor," ans. . . 62, 28 his letter concerning the Jew who said " if the Messiah was good news for them, it would be bad news for the Christians," answered 62, 12 BRAMBLE, no bramble shall be found 9, 43 satan as king compared to the bramble. . 12, 3012, 23 BRAN, nothing but bran is here, they have all refused the good 24, 119 the pigs may eat the bran 12, 84 BRANCH, Christ is the vine, Joanna the branch. . . . 23, 78 how can the branch grow out of the roots, without the spirit and the bride 61 ; 16, 30 the branch grafted in the Tine, elucidated 33,518 r-r, must spring from the root, due. .... 61, 39 the Lord will plant a different branch in man . . 9, 43 the natural branch, how cast 14, 66 22, 68 the olive branch shall appear 7> 44 the second branch can never fall 15, 25 65, 15 BRANCHES, all the branches will be planted in Christ, 9, 43 12, 2924, 29-^29, 15633, 51961, 4O s^ll the withered branches will be cut off .23 22 boast not against the branches, e/wc.. . 33, 490 4-2, 222 the growth of the branches, explained 38, 518 the Jews are the branches that stopd out through unbe- lief, elucidated 33, 491 the natural branch did fail 3,101 the Romans are branches that will be pruned . . 33,518 the root of evil caunot be destroyed while the branches appear 32,447 why the branches must be pruned or cut down, eluci- dated 33, 52524,119 BRANDON*. William, a corn, concerning him 41, 145 hath lied unto the Holy Ghost 41,153 his letter to Joanna 41 ; 140, 150 Joanna's letter to him 41, 147 one of the 24 elders 25, 128 refuseth the invitation of the Lord 41, 146 BRASS, bird With feathers of brass 1, 2 BRAZEN, all must See the brazen serpent . . 7 ; 44, 52, 27 mystery of the brazen serpent. . 7, 43-^23, 4932, 413 the various types of the brazen serpent explained, 2, 9O 3, 127 -6 ;* 260, 2S1 9 ; 47, 50 21 ; 10, 3832, 414 ,, 52; 27, SS B R E 42 B R I BREAD and wine .to be. kept in remembrance of Christ, elucidated 24, 121 believers are not to want bread 0, 31 '23, 119 GOD'S word.isthe bread of life for all, exp. 24; 118,1 17, 126 99, 10530, 0831, 36533 ; 54, 544 Joanna's appetite is gone from bread.. 31,305 43, <;. writings are the true bread * . . . 9, 4 >' men will rise and complain for want of bread . . 14, 81 see 20, 35-^23,. 10736; 50, 51, 114, 13044, 16 the bread of life is come down to man 20, G8 the bread is on the waters cast, explained, 29, 165 5, 199 the high price of bread mentioned .. 17, 33 they shall find Me in the breaking bread 14, 83 BREAK, itwill.be more fatal for those who break their seals than it was for Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, IP, 8, , 19*50 BIIEAST, ten. thousand daggers planted in Joanna's breast, 23, 43 BRETHREN against brethren will arise . . 17, 33 41, 20 every kindness that is done to My brethren where My visitation is, is done to Me . . ; 35, 39 Joanna, as a sister, warns her brethren that Christ is near at hand 5, 199 BRICE, his mockery of the gospel, &c 63 ; 6, 8, IP BUICKS, the red bricks appear 12, 110 BJJIDE adorned with jewels 2,50 and bridegroom 3, 10013, 2132, 46133, 55(> and by the bride I'll join them all . . 1, 45 3, 1C1 and church 47, 6231, 3.4433 ; 500, 558 and evening star.. 2, 59 58, 26 - and husband a type of the spirit and bride, 14, 42 and mother, beautifully elucidated, 14; 95, 107 28, 88 58, 865 ; 1 5, 24 he that hath the b. is bridegroom, 32, 461 61, 10 63, 38 invitation from the spirit and the bride 44, 51 mystery of the bride, elucidated, 9, 40 11, 91 14, IChi satan .wants to rob Christ of the b. 6,251 11,5111,61 the spirit and the bride are come, 3 131 9, 47 12, 105 . . 16, 69 30, 261 57, 4262, 3665; 9, 1.1, 26 one 5, 33320, 87 . must invite us to take of the waters of life freely, explained 53,594 - testify of the end. . 31,344 the spirit is iu the Bride 44, 5 1 to be the bride is to claim the promise, 28, 87 30,*2.>7 true obedience is a shadow of the spiritual b. 26, 8 9, 2(> who is the bride, explained. ... 3, 99 14, 42 36, 39 , 58,761,59 B R I 4S B R U BRIDEGROOM, as a I. Christ will come at last .... 6), 5 Christ's second corning' is compared to the bridegroom and Che root of David 61, 40 he that hath- the bride is the 6. 32, 461 33, 55661, 7 none but those who sign can enter in with the b. 16, 28 now give your names tor the bridegroom . . -. . . . 14, 67 prepare your oil, for the bridegroom is coming, 14, 69, , 1, 45 3, 131 9, Q7 13, 2123, 51 thy judge may enquire, "If thou art the bride, who is the bridegroom ?" 58, 7 BRIGHTON, a storm, at Brighton mentioned 44, 23 BRISTOL, a com. on Joanna's going to Bristol .... 59, 35 ans. to the ponderings of Joanna's heart why she was permitted, to he tempted by satan at Bristol . . 37, 55 a. warning sent from Bristol concerning the harvest, 7, 9 Joanna ordered to go to#. 10, 5320, 3 136, 55 59, 19 ._ leave Bristol, 22d Nov. 1804. . 31,376* 's visitation at Bristol, explained. ... 34; 5, 34, 3(i t 1<22 37, 7143, J) the prophecies given to Joanna at Bristol, in 1804, are now hastening on to be .fulfilled 51, 5 BROAD, the broad way that leadeth to destruction, ex- plained ., , 35, 41 BROMSWELL, a phenomena at Bromswell camp . . 44, 21 BHOTHER, a brother is bound to protect the character of his sister 9.3, 2 a singular occurrence to Joanna's mother's brother^ 6,1 87 he that hateth not brother, sister, yea, and his own life also, cannot.be a disciple of the Lord's, exp.* . 53,6-1 5 Joanna's brother arrested and thrown into prison, 10, .>4 particulars concerning her brother denying her being a prophetess .... . 10, 53 shipwreck, &c. of Joanna's father's brother, 5, 194 BROTHERS, Richard, particulars concerning him, 2, *30 8; 66,689; 4,4211; 85, Ul, 112, 120, 121 13; 1, 4, 5, 8, ,15, 1646-; 4, 8, 9, 884-7 ; 2, 3, 11-, 3G, . .... 18, 19, 20, 47 BROWN, Joanna makes known her prophecies to Brown, of Bristol , . 40, 53 the healing salve of Brown's 2S, 48 BRUCE, Basil, ad vised -not to go to Exeter 7, 31 and his father are chosen of the -Lord. . -8, 98 9-; C'4, ., 4246, 68 a. priest and prophet, explained. 7, 32 a ty pe of Christ, eluc. 7; 31, 5010, 95 12, 111 doubts concerning Joanna's writings. ... 7, 31 46, 69 iiave the judgment to his father , &) gone to Christ's kingdom in heaven , 7, 3 1 2 8, 97 B R U 4-1 B U L BRUCE, his death compared to the death of C. and Joanna's father's death to the second coming of Christ 10, 81 his faith drew back through a letter which satan worked on P y to send him 12, $4 his letters to Joanna, 22d Aug. 1801. . 7, 4 3 1st Aug. 1301, ... 7, 6 20th Oct. 1801 T, 21 Joanna clothed with Bruce's clothing 7, 50 is now in heaven 7, 36 10 ; 72, 83 letters from Joanna to him 9 ; 19, 20, 4Q mysteries concerning, him explained 7, 32 mystery of his being chosen a judge, and dying before the time, elucidated 10, 82 sickness and death of B. B. Dec. 26, 1S01. 7,3110, 67 , 46, 69 six days in going to heaven, explained 7, 37 the key of the bottomless pit given to him 10, 82 the lion is gone with ttie lamb in heaven. . 7, 35 46, 42 the man-child caught up to God and to his throne, 7, 32 the seven seals (Rev. v.) could not be broken .in. heaven till B. B. arrived there, due 7, *6 was a shadow of Christ 11, 89 BRUCE Elizabeth Esther, her testimony respecting the mission ..,...., 25, 77 BRUCE Maria, her falling from the faith foretold . . 11, 9'2 Joanna's letter to her, 9 ; 24, 3 BUSH, the flaming bush will fast appear 8, 78 C. doth with the star appear 8, 10162; 55, 57 mark the C. and let the seal appear, 12, 67 9 ; 40, 47 18, 2065, }> CADBURY, his opinion of Joanna 9, 47 CAGE, an elucidation of caj4S as soon as. the C..feel a check of conscience, being- con- vinced of the error of their ways, they go on boasting of their calling and election 47, 20 Atheists, Arians, puritanical Calvinists, Deists and philo- sophers reproved 43, 22 errors of the C. and Unitarians 32, 45933, 513 47, IS , 51; 1 46 C A L 4*J C A V CALVINISTS rfuike C. a.n insufficient Saviour, e.r/j. 6',', 2,* parable for the Culvinists. . ^ , 32,4fii) C. proved to be wrong in their ideas of election, 3*2, 417 :-. 33; 509, 51140, 125^-47, 24 56, 37 the doctrine of the C. came from the devil. 32,470 50', 26 CAMPION, a parable concerning his execution <2, 87 his funeral resembled Christ's. .,.>.,.,. 4 .... 12, 42 CAN A, a type of the marriage of Can a, exp 33,54}) CANDLE, lire candle of Christ is here >..... 11> 61 the candle of the Lord to burn bright among the 12 men who prove Joanna^s writings 1, 17 the lighted candle explained 17, 48 the spirit of the Lord is a candle to man. ..... 29,16i) CANDLES burning together in one likeness compared to 3 chapters < -....,.*...,... 35, 24 burn in .the sockets 9 ; 9, 46" 25, 130 the two .Candles on the Altar, elucidated-, 3, 120 C AND LEST ;CK:S compared to the head of the Church, 57, 66 the seven golden cuwdlestrcks appear. . . 7, 44 30, 271 CANKER anil rust in the grain, explained w .7, 14 27, 12 .>... 30'; 66,73 CAPTAIN, type ot the captain of the ship, exp.. . 5, 195 your Captain here shall, quickly come. . 1, 16'5 7, 49 ^... 63, 5466, >l CAUELESS readej's cautioned v . . , . . '2,<)5 3^1)8^ 42, 212 tbe carelessness of mankind before ihe flood, explained, .,.....,, v *....,.. 32, 433 CARNATIONS, Joanna's cutting the carnation buds to exa- mine the $ov*ers, explained .62, 68 CA IIPENTER, Elias, one of Joanna's judges, (for a particular account of his couduct, read the books of the contro- versy which Joanna was directed by the Spirit to pub- lish). 38,4 CASTI NG oti'. the Jews must enlighten believers . . 33,490 out Moods against the woman, explained, 3(>, 24 4, 18? , 16.;. 27, 6717,33 out the-Jews proves .the truth of the gospel. . 52, 32 CAT, prophecies of the cat and dog. allude. to France and Knglaud.. - 27, 7 the Jews compared to cats, elucidated 22, 6.i theyawniagof cats compared, to the yawnings of hell when sata4i is bound-..* .,,.* 19, 20 CATHOLICS, see Roman Catholics CAUTION, to Gartett, unbelievers, and mockers, 2, 65 3, 98 0,274 -14, 71 31, SI 1 C.\VK, a skeleton. found iu xligging' .bishop B 's cave, as foretold .' 20, 4 and C A V 47 C H A CAVILLERS, questions for c. to answer, 11, 96 14 , 54, 73 CEDARS, the lofty cedars will be cut down 9, 43 CENTURIAN, Joanna compared to the centurian . . 08, 27 CENTURY, as the C. has been altered io style and shortened, so shall the days of the coming of Christ be. , 3, 141 the change of the century, elucidated 6, 274 CHAFF, let the chat)' take care 11,113 CHAIN across the field, explained ,,.,.., 9 ; 29, "0 broken from the land 10; 69, 72 here's the chain must join the whole , 28, 93 of the law and gospel' due 3, 12116, 1931, 34ti satan's chain will he freed for the time he is chained be- fore the 6000 years are up ..,,..........,, 4, 1 52 the outward and inward chain 17; 4,11 CUAINED, satan must be chained for the woman, J6; 39, 47, 7029, 10330, 265 CHALLENGE, a challenge to all the world, 4, 17(56; 249, 3.53, 258, 27 a 19, 0537, 1 i a challenge respectiag Joanna's character ...... 23, '24 a challenge send, for GOD doth challenge here, 14,43 40, 124 CHANCE, an elucidation on chance, 14; 120, 126 L5, 18 CHANCELLOR, a chancellor will blame their conduct 59.," 57 it is not out of love to the Lord that man uspireth to be a chancellor ,. 12,99 CHANGE, some thousands nosy living will see the glorious change ,....,..,,.. 19,41 CHANTER, John, twenty four .elders ...,., , 25, 128 CHAPELS, several of Joanna's chapels mentioned. , 63., 7 CHAPTERS placed hv the Jews as alluding to Bonaparte, \ .,.,,., 51,43 the contents of chapters placed by the judgment of me-* explained . , , . . , 32, 459 CHARACTER, a brother protects his sister's character, 2 i, 3 Joanna's character injured by lies. . , 23, % - ordered to get her bread in various plac es, 9114 work for different families, that her character might be publicly known , ,.,,,,,,,,, 55,, J J. of Joanna 12; 66, 7452 ; 8, 12, 13 CHARGES, against an unbelieving nation, ... 27; 2, 19, 20 CHARIOT, Christ in his chariot now is coming down, 2-^$7 8, 10114 ; 70, 15,4316, 2544, 57 2, 63 the chariot wheels are close behind , 4, 83 CHARITY, above all other gifts, elucidated, 2, S9 3; ill, 132-^-11,9815,1716; 15, 2333, 501 58, 1U faith, hope, and chanty, must join together, explained, 62,4^ it is by chanty \ve gain perfection. 15, 17 Irt, 2$ C H A 48 CHI CHARMER, the charmer's voice to call is come 16, 2 CHESHIRE, an account of a storm in that county . . 44, 22 CHILD, all to be led by a child, 2, 513, 11257, 5658 . 3061, 1 765, 3 a child left to himself will soon be ruined 36, 129 a father might love and be ashamed of his child, the pa- rable explained 20, IP and father, a type of the Spirit and bride 14, 42 a second child must be born in likeness of the Spirit, 61 ; 13, 16, IS bring the child, or kill them all 36, fJ chosen as a judge, elucidated 17, 57 65, 18 convulsions,' death, and burial of the child, 21, P 65, 20 evidence of Joanna being pregnant of a living child 63, 3 see my Refutation to Dr. Recce's pamphlet, in which an important fetter is given from Mrs. Southcott, on the opinions of the medical gentlemen that examined her', and the SPIRITUAL BIRTH is pfoved. found and brought up by a fisherman, -&c 22, 82 happy are those that are longing for Christ's coming and to see the child born that he will set upon his holy hill of Zion 65, 3f if thou art the woman mentioned in the Revelations to bring the man-child into the world, then Buonaparte is the beast in the Revelations whom the Jews have worshipped. 61, 32 in the woman's form the child is concealed from all mankind 62, 5S Joanna is a child born to do the work of GOD . . 15, 80 it is the child brings on the strife ......... 62, 41 left in the house and forbid to open the door. ... 14, 4 power will be given from on high, soon after the birth, before the child is old enough to be a conqueror, 63, 56 so here's the father and the child, and the spirit and the bride 14,42 6l,.59 the anguish of Joanna'* labour may be great before the child is born *.., 62,39 the bride is come to claim the child. 36, 105 the child allowed to be an heir both from GOD and man, 63,40 the child shall gain the victory 14, 4 65, 13 that is to lead the Jews will be born before this year hath an end 61, 10 will not be born for those that do not gladly receive him 62, 62 the father of the child is the shepherd of the flock, 61^25 the first and second type of the child standing alone, the third will be at Joanna's awful trial ..,..,. 61, 24 CHI 49 CHI CHILD, the Gospel cannot be made clear before the second child is bora 62, 74 the heir and the c. exp 14, 7361 ; 55, 5665, 14 the life of the. child was felt in May 62, 56 the Lord will shew his power in the creation of the child in Joanna's. womb, explained 63, 13 the meaning of woman being saved through child bearing, eluc 35, 2337, .'5562, 40 the meanness of the c.'sbirth must not be despised, 61, 9 the power of the beast must fall before the man-c. 62, 71 the rest of the second child shall be glorious .... 61, 19 the second child foils the .learned 61, 47 the type is come to thee as one with child 30, 280 they know not the master nor the servant, the father nor the child, , 59, 8 this child is to restore the Jews to their own land, to be as a prince of peace, and a king over them, when they agree to kiss the child and receive him as such . . 61, 25 this year the man-child must be born to establish the kingdom Christ died to redeem 62, 68 thy public trial will not appear for thee to be called for- ward in a solemn assembly to testify the truth of the child before thou canst go with the child in thy arms, while the milk is in thy breast, that they may know thou hast not deceived 61, 25 (See 8, 7236, 81, 65, 7.) th ose who said Joanna was with c. by the devil, cms. 62, 7 7 what man hath ever borne a child 12, 102 when the child is born men and devils will temble 5, 225 7, 3212, 111 43, 57161 ; 8 3265, 5 who is the man-child that is to rule the nations with a rod of iron? 5, 28412, 11165 ; 6,11 why the child smiled upon the friends, exp. 24, 39 65 23 will they say that Christ was the man child ..... 61, 10 CHILDREN, all Christ's c. must be born again .... 11, 122 all must become as little children 19, 44 all the children of the barren woman to be taught of the .Lord .. 8, 5912, 11313, 2015, 1517, 17 18, 3125, 11 131, 34137, 35 .. devil will be destroyed . . 12, 26 as the woman hath borne the pains of hell to bring in her natural children, so shall she bear the joys of heaven to bring in her spiritual children 14, 63 parable of the father and children, eluc., 32, 469 38, 7 two c. left to be their own masters 49, 45 prophecies of the barren children 31,341 some have said Joanna had children brought up by the parish 90, 74? (See my Refutation to Dr. Reece's pamphlet, page 37) G CHI 50 C H R CHILDREN, what children as yet have been taught of the Lord 61, 14 woman in sorrow hath brought -forth children .. 19, l.Q CHILDS the letter sent wil'l try his heart. ....... 41, 168 CHOSEN, com. concerning the chosen men. . 14, 23 37, 42 many are called, but few chosen 41, 179 satan must not tempt GOD'S chosen here 12, 37 shepherds chosen by the Lord-. ....... ... 3, 124 17, 46 those who said, the first chosen were not religious enough for so great a calling, if it was of GOD, an,*. . . . 14, 79 CHRIST, a beautiful elucidation concerning Christ the se- cond David ..-... 23, 49 all fulfilled and gathered in in C. 9, 4331,34955, 27 all should look to the humility of Christ, exp., 3, 139 k , 14, 9524, 8259, 54 and GOD are one 17, 6 32, 450 34, 2643, 74 and GOD'S kingdom is coming 3, 13Q and his flock now together must stand 4,160 17; 28, 3134 ; 46, 584 1 , 199 appeareth in the woman's form, 13, 20 4, 146 8, 101 9, 4611 ; 34, 91, 99, 106, 120, 12212, 313 ; 18, 21 22 ; 78, 7958, 1705 ; 9, 12 . as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be rnado alire, elucidated, 5,2236, 27724, 12125, 107 .... ... , 36, 4340, 10751, 22 bore the government on his shoulders upon the cross, , , 6, 28212, 120 bread and wine to be kept in remembrance of Christ, explained 24, 121 20, 6733, 54148, 18 came in disguise to suffer and bear the mockery of men, 34, 725, 10932, 422 coming to destroy satan's power, exp.. . 29, 134 57, 38 condescends to reason with man, 3, 103 3, 124 6, 242 , 19, 2020, 1152, 20 crucified a second time, 13, 3 21, 522, 42 24, 122 ,...., 25, 4340, 9952, 43 died a ransom for all, 4, 159 8, 7313,314; 38,67, 109 lo; 10, 1116, 4417, 1019; <>2, 6324, 117 , 52 ; 27, 4053, 688 for what end Christ came into the world 52, 41 grace and truth came by Jesus Christ . . 33, 584 55> 9 ' how can Christ appear a second time without sin unto salvation, before he hath fulfilled his words?. . 6i, 3s the world be saved through Christ, if he doth not destroy the works of the devil . . . . 30,20? in mercy is come in spirit to redeem man, 3, 107 5,220 7, 338; 101, 107 9; 4, 5 11,0.9 12,2615, 50 17, 1818, 1920, 2330, 28233, 573^53, 6XH C H R 51 C II K CHRIST offered up as the Paschal Lamb . ' 24, 120 only hath ascended to heaven, elucidated 33, 550 sai'l " It is finished." due.. . 17, 4027 ; 3, 450, 24 53, 60754, 2361, 2063, 27 scriptures on the office of Christ, explained .... 30, 259 signs given by Christ to his disciples 44, 31 the corner stone that all must build upon 30, 273 the debt of man was paid by Christ 3,' 125 the unity of GOD and Clirist, elucidated, 34, 26 2,- 88 14; 100,102 the voice of Christ is love, peace, &c ,. . . . 1 1, 39 waiting for the coming of Christ, elucidated . . 33, 496 what Christ is coming to fulfil 55, 27 when evil is done away, then Christ will wash men and make them whole 53, s80 will be the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, 1, 46 2, 50 9, 419,4232,456 will come as a lamb newly slain . .9, 54 10, 81 61, 26 will come into the garden and eat pleasant fruit with those who wait his coming 12, 107 will descend from the cross, and build up the temple which the Jews destroyed, explained 62, 7 will shorten the two hundred years 16, 28 works by instruments, explained 58, 112 CHRIST'S agonies pathetically described . . 23, 50 3, 107 . .' 30, 24234, 744, 1554,3960; 6, 42 all must sign for Christ's Kingdom to come .... 12, 91 coat without a seam, elucidated 12, 68 followers will be forced to flee ; if the type of Jacob and Esau stood for man . . . f 33, 512 kingdom as mentioned in the Revelations, 1, 37 12, 91 14,216; 7> 29, 2730; 265, 28432; 400,460 44, 35 will come first to England 14, 75 3, 98 9,5 ., 18, 1657,44 mark Christ's life from the manger to the cross, 25, 110 second coming elucidated, 1; 16, 29 3,100 11; 79, . , 10514, 6520, 4331, 36047, 59 the use of Christ's death fully proved, 3; 102, 107 26, 1427, 630, 208 type of the seal put upon Christ's tomb exp.. . . .. 55, 11 CHRISTENING caps and christening robes put on . . 58, 18 CHRISTIAN, an untried Christian is no Christian. . 40, 110 professors are blinder than the heathens 32, 398 Wills compared to the Christian world 23, 89 CHRISTIANS, deceived and misled by satan exp. . . 44, 45 great will be the difference of departed c 20, 18 4iow will the c. and gentiles be cut off exp* .... 62, 13 C H R 5-2 C L E CHRISTIANS, let the pretended Christians appear and answer for themselves 29, 119 righteous christians compared to the Jews 36, 36 the self-confidence of lukewarm christinns shewn, 2, 8-2 CHURCH, all must flee to the standard of the church, 1, 9, 14; 49, 9916, 14 7, 518 ; 16, 24,2725; 138, 13929, 15157, '2065, 2 all the glory of the Lord shall in thec. appear . . 18, 16 and bride elucidated, 3, 13129, 15531, 34433; 500, 55644, 5146, 3547, 62 angels and men must join to bring the church triumphant, 10,8211, 3814, 11820, 1725, 11135,500 46 ; 36, 38, 66', 9460, 37 Christ's church must be brought in by a woman, 14, 95 GOD will deal with the c. according to their prayers, 18, It) hath sent his angel to Joanna to warn the church, 21,20 how will the c. be edified by prophecies, if prophecies are not given to edify thereby ? 1 7, 9 31, 362 33, 505 on what rock is the church to be built?. ... 8; 100, 102 prayers cannot be explained by ministers 18, 22 the church must stand by the woman in the end, 29, 161 the error of those shewn who call the c. the bride, 47, 62 the obstinacy and blindness of the chinch, exp. . 53,594 why the church is considered a wonder. . 19, 66 50, 15 CIRCLE and a crown reversed 14, 5 CIRCUMCISED, Christ was truly circumcised .... 14, 85 CIRCUMCISION, a type of man's redemption 13, 7 compared to fore-knowledge, elucidated 13, 6 CITY, the city of Jerusalem, explained . . 12, 112 51, 26 - pure gold, &c. explained 51. 26 refuge for all to fly to is Christ 29, ISO shall be called " The Lord is there," 31, 379 CLARKE, Hewson, attacks Joanna in the " Scourge" 56, 51 CLASS, Joanna ordered to attend the c. meeting, 8 ; 85, 90 CLAY, a house of clay GOD laid in man 28, 38 as clay in the hands of the potter, explained .... 24, 45 25, 8233, 48334, 16 the clay will become like the lump 10, 69 ttje house of clay can't conquer all, explained. . 29, 149 the iron and clay cannot mix together, explained, 20, 48 the potter hath power over the clay 11, 73 turned as clay to the seal, explained 29, 104 CLEANSING, the day of cleansing is at hand 30, 240 CLEEVE, his quarrel with Parnell 9; 37,40,41 the tree that Cleeve and Parnell quarrelled about, 5,237 CI.EUGY, and other unbelievers, reproved 14, 90 blame the supporting of Joanna 36, 47 character of the clergy fully stated S3, 37 C L E 53 C L I CLERGY, Cobhett's address to the clergy on Paine's 3d part of the age of reason 56, 38 commanded to awake. . . .' 3, 110 compared to empty bottles, explained 22, 69 denunciations against the clergy, &c 18, 29 duty of the clergy explained 43, 6 GOD is sick of the conduct of the clergy 28, 53 will break the clergy in pieces. 23, 31 have no regard for the honour of GOD 21, 20 invited to judge for themselves and others. . 14, 215, 4 Joanna's trance is set as a sign for the clergy. ... 25, 129 know no more of the bible than they do of Joanna's writings 23, 35 "24 ; 124, 125 letter sent to the clergy set as a sign 51, 6 nobility and laity invited to Joanna's trial 37, 5 of the church of England compared to the fallen fruit, with a black veil round them 25, 1SS ordered to leave off' their lies in prayer 18, 23 pray that a tenth may be saved 44, 44 parable of the healing salve alludes to the clergy, 43, 67 preach against Joanna without reading her books, 24,122 30,99 prophecies concerning letters sent to the clergy. . 11, 66' reproved by the spirit 10, 91 25, 19 seek their own honour more than the honour of GOD, " 12, 0221; 20,28 the blindness of the clergy elucidated . . 21, 8 30, 271 the clergy of England are deluding the people like the antediluvian world of old 27, 20 the Lord declares what the clergy and learned will say at Joanna's awful trial 25, 99 the mockery and unbelief of the clergy brought on the bad harvests 20, 32 the prophets of Abab compared with the clergy, 21, 42 the wickedness of the clergy shewn 23 ; 57, 67 warned what ty thes are required 44, 44 what those clergy will feel who have returned or mislaid their letters, explained .... 22, 56 24, 20 40, 14O CLERGYMAN, observations on the remarks of a clergy- man 19, 6825, 9 proved to be a false prophet 21, 40 CLERGYMEN, all the unbelieving clergymen rebuked, 8, 8014, 90 answer to the remarks of three clergymen 25,112 called upon to answer for their neglect of duty . . 25 149 lukewarm clergymen rebuked .. 8, 80 21, 18 25, 12 (See Bishops, Ministers, Priests, and Shepherds.) CLIENT, the lawyer and the client 3, 47 E, see CLEEVE.) C L O ( 4 COM CLOCK, the mystery of the clock striking irregular, 8, 69 CLOMEN, the Lord will break the nations as Joanna broke the clomen ware 20, 31--43, 94 CLOTHING, a woman in red clothing exp. lo', 46 Christ's clothing must be new for all, 8, 76, 103 9, 39 12 ; S3, 102 garments of vengeance for clothing, explained .. 61, 35 Joanna ordered to have new clothing for wedding gar- ments 58, 4 CLOUDS, a bow fixed in the clouds 9, 430, 203 dark clouds seen over London, compared by a dark day to the darkness of men's minds, elucidated . . 36, 22 gathering clouds are hastening on 51,6 the working of lightning in the clouds. 11, 93 COACH, a coach upset with Joanna and others, owing to the improper conduct of the coachman, exp.. . 44, 19 the coachman and guard, a type of the nation exp. 39, 95 driving home Joanna furiousty, exp* S6, 94 COAT, Christ's coat without a seam explained, 12, 68 - ^. .14, 6915, 2921, 3122, 4328, 31 Christ says, let my coat appear all stained with red, and diptin'blood 23, <)0 parableof the poisoned coat exp. 12,50 25, 116 -26., 18 COBBETT, William, libel against Lord Hardwick . .21, 43 remarks on Eat.on's standing in the pillory 56, 41 remarks on Paine's book 56, 38 COCKS, the crowing cocks forewarn you all 11, 88 COFFEEHOUSE, Joanna's letter to the gentlemen at Molls coffee-house, Exeter 10, 79 1* t - , y plagued, as he terms it, at Molls c 23, 10 P y' s coffee-house friends called upon to answer for themselves . . . . . . . 58, 80 COFFIN forbidden when Joanna Jlrst falls into her trance, ' 25,130 COMBINED, not to trust in combined armies. .2,54 49, 09 COMET, like a sword, seen over Jerusalem before its de- struction . 47, 51 COMFORTER, another c. to abide for ever, exp 01, 21 glad tidings brought by the Comforter, explained, 53, 579 if a second son is denied, who is the Comforter?. . 62, 4 Joanna visited like the Virgin Mary to bring the Com- forter, explained. 02, 38 | the c. is the spirit of truth, explained 63, 55 * must be born of woman as Christ was .... '02, 39 -...- come to prove the truth 30, 23.9 the fulfilment of the Comforter to mankind, exp. 53,587 the Holy Ghost the Comforter is come, 5; 221, 2332,86 30; 210, 234 36,42 48, 21 53, 582 61, 21 02, 42 .,,, ,,,,,' ,, ,,,>,, 65, # COM 55 CON COMFORTER, when the Comforter is come he will reprove the world of sin, explained 35, 3462, 33. COMMAND, and this is GOD'S command to man. ,. . 24, 20 earth nor hell cannot make Joanna disobey the comman'4 of GOD .,.,,, '-24, $ COMMANDMENT for believers and all the gentiles, 3, 124 for the priests to hear and answer 52, 449 the first commandment was broke by the devil. . . , 52,' 4 COMMENTATORS, the errors of c. shewn , , 31, 340 61,31 COMMUNICATIONS, a c. for the wise and learned . . 55, 47 a c. on the different seals upon the writings , 59, 33 a communication on Joanna's going to Bristol. . . , 59, 35 a c. on the Rev. J. P y preaching . . . , 57, 8 59, 35 an important com. for all mankind . . , , 22, 7960, 4fj COMMUNION, the sacrament or communion service, eluci* dated 33, 541 part of the communion service quoted. . 21, 3463, 29 COMPULSION is not from the Lord, explained , ,. , 27, 23 CONDESCENSION of the Lord, elucidated, ,,, 9, 5 50, 47 CONDITIONS, all the bible stands on conditions, explained, . .,.. .., 25, 3728, 2639,34 all the blessings of GOD stand on c 36, 6239, 60 scripture promises to be fulfilled without c. exp. 57, 3/ ~ spoken without any c. explained 57, 34 : without conditions to be fulfilled, exp. 57, 41 why all was placed on conditions, exp . , 4, 14# CONFIDENCE, self-confidence is offensive to GOD. , 10, 91 . . . , 20 ; 38, 4224, 6125, 2136, 63 CONFINED, if Joanna is c. one year through the neglect of the bishops, then in one year the Lord will cut them ony , . , , 59, 6 Joanna was confined from seeing her friends llth Oct, 1813, until the 1st of Aug. 1814 61, (J CONFIRMATION and baptism fully explained 35, 8 CONQUEROR, Christ came to be conquered by the madness of men and devils, but now he will come as a con* queror. 63, 35 Christ is come to conquer satan 12, 26 -r \vill conquer in the woman's form, 2, 87 11, 60 , , 34, 10 36, 105 CONSCIENCE, an appeal to men's conscience, 1, 43 3, 1 15. the sting of conscience and the sting of sin 5, 227 CONTROVERSY, an answer to the controversy of men, 1C', 6.5 .Goo hath a controversy with man in the spirit, 32; 411, ,....",.., 42035, ,v3 Joanna's controversy began with the devil, and will end with man 8, 83 'the c. of men concerning the scaling, an- Itf, 6,3 COX 56 C R E CONTROVERSY, the controversy of the Lord with the people 3, 1246, 241 -32, 42461, 3 ' CONVULSIONS of the child and of Christ, exp 21, & the c. will be seen in England 21, SI COOPER, a Calvinist preacher, answered .... 47*; 24, 29 CORD, the threefold cord, elucidated .... 21, 48 30,281 the wisdom of GOD is like a threefold c 21, 47 57, 87 When the rope of sand is broken, then the threefold cord of the Lord will unite the rest 57, 87 CORN, had ear of corn plucked by Joanna 36, 109 grew dear in 1794, a shadow of the commencement of Joanna's writings 1, 7 high price of corn, &c 24 ; 19, 20, 24 type of cutting green corn with rust, exp. 36; 66, 72, 76 your corn is designed for straw 23, 107 CORNER, Christ, fell on the corner stone of promise, and when the fulfilment of the promise comes, it must fall on satan, explained 29, 105106; 65, 24 Christ is the corner stone that all must build upon, 3, 110 8, 77 11, 11130,27331,317 COSINS, James, an account of his will 6!, 61 COUNSELLOR, Christ will be the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, 1, 462, 508, 10716, 1917, 5719, 42 36, 10561, 19 no man nor c. could answer a word .... 51; 32, 34, 37 the mighty c. appears in Joanna's writings 16, 18 COURT, the inward and outward court, due. 16, 31 31,381 COURTENAY, a letter to bishop Courtenay 6,287 COVENANT, ark of the new covenant between GOD and man, explained 30, 2022, 6214, 6916, 46 21, 4 23, 5024; 19, 43, 45, 12329, 12836; 63, 9340, 139 fulfilment of the r . or testament, exp 30, 274 GOD'S covenant with Joanna 1, 27 S, 9214, 88 15, 4938, 36 COVERI NG, fig leaves will not do for a c.now, 8, 103 12, 33 CREATE, the Lord willnowc. all thingsanew 61, 10 answer to a person who enquired "why GOD created^the devil?" 19, 55 CREATED, why GOD created man to be miserable, an- swered 29, 202 GOD declares for what purpose man was created. . 4, 147 , 16, 1455, 27 all things to be created anew S3, 53951, 24 why the earth was created, explained 12, IS CREATION and preservation, clue.. . 2, 74 4,147 6, 247 11; 106, 109 12; 8, 18, 4016, 4319,5628, 7 , ., 30, 201 J5, 53334, 1856, 1665, 16 C R E 57. C R IT CREATION, a picture of mankind from the creation, 60, IS shepherds who deny the redemption, called upon to an- swer what the creation means 11,109 the infamy of the devil in heaven was the cause of the creation 13; 18, SI the Lord will shew his power in the creation his power in the gospel, and his power to bring in the redemption of man, explained . . . 63, 13 the old c. shall die, and all things become new . . 23, 68 the six days work of the creation, elucidated . . 33, 535 CRIMES, fatal crimes are done in pretended zeal . . 53, 605 shocking crimes are committed by men 58, 107 CRIMINAL, satan compared to a criminal explained, 12, 09 CROCODILE, a type of the devil .... 4; 169, 171 6,259 CROOIC, John, one of the twenty-four elders 25, 128 CROOKED and straight paths, elucidated . . 16, 12 28, 39 the crooked path made straight, explained, 5,19617, 17 CROSS, all the arts, all the malice, and all the power men and devild had over Christ, were finished on the cross 27, 4 Christ bore the cross to conquer death and hell. . 12, 52 'Will descend from the cross, and build up the tem- ple which the Jews destroyed, explained 62, 27 every cross will now be turned from man. ;...*.. 15,9 signed with the sign of the cross in baptism, explained, 3, 130 the folly of those who say sa tan's power was destroyed bv Christ when he suffered on the cross 16, 18 the'crosses fully exp., 12; 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 64 ->5, 25 CHOSSLEY, John, his remarks on Cockin's sermon. . . 45, 6 CROUCH, Abraham, one of the twenty-four elders. . 25, 128 CROWN, all must come as brothers to crown the Prince of glory 9 ; 42, 4(514 ; 27, 58^16, 42 Joanna shall receive a crown of glory, 25,1137, 47 v . 1 4, 96 satan must be cast with his c. downwards, 11, 12 14, 5 the crown of thorns held out to all 15, 11 wisdom, elucidated 14, 113 15, 10 CROWNS, it is by the seed's seed the crowns are established, 14, 96-^61, So Kings must resign their crowns, exp 61, 56 CRUCIFY, as Christ was crucified, so would they crucify Joanna if they could 29 ; 139, 152 Christ will be exalted where he was crucified . . 62, 51 know ye not they must crucify the Lord afres'h, and put him again to open shame. ... 13, 320, 70 21, 5 , , , 29, 4224, 12240, 99 52, 42f CUC 33 DAR CUCKOO, the methodist who said '* That the GOD whom , Joanna served was like a cuckoo," aris 34, 63 those who say all was finished when Christ suffered upon the cross, compared to cuckoos 34, .64 CUP, Joanna fearful of 'breaking' ttie' cup, ~exp. 29; 189,190 parable of the philosopher throwing away his cup, 3,1 11 the fatal cup is now held out to all ....." 15, 51 the cup of GOD'S fury is "kindled against man. ... 24, 60 '-^ trembling must appear 15, 52 vinegar and gal I, ex plained 15, 50 CURSE, no curse was laid upon the woman 1 1, 6'5 . satan now shall' feel that curse from Christ which Noali cast on his son 15 ; 31, 35 25, 84 the curse pronounced on Esau, explained 32, 437 man, e.iy. '25,1086,26328, 9 satan, explained 35, 30 . the double curse must fall double on satan 11, 65 . 16, 4427, 828, Cl CURSED is he that puttetli his hand to the plough and clraweth back 22, 36 CURTAINS, draw back the c. and see the light .... 16, 39 the spirit must assist us to draw the curtains back. .1,8 ...'..... .., 2,8617,3225, fc'S CUTS, the eight cuts, explained 16, 47 CYKUS, the shadow of C. was never accomplished, 59, 57 D DAGGERS, ten thousand daggers planted in Joanna's breast 23, 43 DAG WORTHY, a parable on his death 5, 1 the dangers now are hastening on . . 2, 55 36; 47, 132 the mockers are warned of d. 20,9 26, 243,92 44, 52 the news of danger will come to England in, a day they do not think of, and in an hour unawares .... 20, 14- 23, 10734, 23 DANIEL,' as Daniel 'was preserved in the lions den, and his enemies destroyed; so will the scaled be preserved, and their enemies destroyed 32, 387 the visions and dreams of Daniel, flue'., 20, 48 31,336 32 ; 385, 386, 391, 399, 401, 423 DARIUS, was not a king of the Jews 2S, ;\s Ins just decrees will b'c established 12, 38 DARK, a dark day compared to the darkness of men's minds 36, 22 the mark put in the dark, explained 20, 63 DARK Miss, all men are in darkness yet. 33, 576 and sin will cover many eyes $ HI 84 D A R 59 D E A DARK? ^s, a type of the darkness of men's minds, 36, 23 59, <2 covers the hearts of the people, 2; 49, 87 3, 123 14,101 light shining in darkness, explained 54, 24 men's minds will be in darkiu-ss three years .... 12, 34 the powers of darkness will be overthrown, 2, 62 1 1, 13 32,43453,578 DAVID, a David here Christ will appear, and bring his crown to man 23 ; 13, 2312, 12314, 116 23 v , 49 . 24, 7929, 13531, 329 65, 27 as David placed Uriah, .so shall the serpent be placed, 15, 3 > brings back the ark, a type of the new covenant . .34, 37 prophecieth of Christ and Joanna, 29 ; 135, 13852, 4') the reign of David, exp 23, 49 28 ; 10, 22, 33. 34 the second coming of Christ is compared to the bride- groom and the root of David 61, 40 the throne of David shall be established for ever, 24, 79 . . 52, 4662, 51 DAY, a glorious day is promised to man, 3, 120 9 ; 19,-3'2 14 ; 29, 7016; 27, 3024 ; 50, 12033, 5437, 63 a type of the last days. . 20; 58, 70 30, 203 33, 570' Christ is come, invisible, to warn of the latter 6 s'aved, 3, 1194 ; 152, 1736; 27444, 3 1 50, 34 the day of judgment, elucidated, 1, 163, H2 4, UB 6 ; 241, 26820, S- '.'. J, ; S the day of vengeance GOD will clear, 1, 385, 239 8, 10310,9111, 9912, 3314; 101, llo ._, > 23, 9525., "J 26 the. day light will come when the seals are broken, 4, 10 1 the eleven days are still in store 25, 7 9* 48 the ten days temptation of Joanna , . . . 1; 34 ^.j 7 2, C'9 ." 10, 9,:- ' twenty four days explained, 20, 2 1*, '^ twenty-three days set as a sign, explained Cc, 1 'j DEAD, a life from the dead, due 32, 407 :. all sects proved to be d. to knowledge. . 14, 65 33, 516 those who disgrace the Lord will be as d.. . 9,2711,94 two men struck dead near Leeds 22 ; 32, 7 t) what happens to the dead, elucidated. ......... 11, 10p DEAF, unstop your ears ye deaf 3, 98 8, 98 17, t> " 32, 44935, 2936, 53 DEALINGS of GOD with man, due . 12, 9.Q DEATH*, a particular explanation of death, 11, 11033,561 * See Mrs. Underwood's letter, {riving an account of Joanna's death, in-iny " Refutation to Dr Reece" p. 5-1, with the uneihcal gentlemen's opinion wluii the was dissected, j>. 3(j. D E A 60 D k PEATH ajid hell must give up their dead o, 21f> as d. leaves us, so judgment finds us, exp J 1 , loy life and d. offered, choose which you will 29, 181 shall be swallowed up in victory So, 31 the last enemy to be destroyed is d. efuc. 8, 100 35, 30 DEBORAH rose up to be a mother in Israel 46, 24 DET, the debt for man, was paid by Christ, 3, 125 ] 4, 12 . 36, 103 the seven debts of trust explained 67,2(5 DEBTORS, who the Lord's debtors are, elucidated . . 9, 44 PECEIT, a warning to those who continue in d.. . . . 40, og it is put out of Joanna's power to act with deceit, 39, 140, 61, 5562, 40 mankind are full of deceit 31, 333 of some in procuring a seal, elucidated 51, 17 DEEM--the drawing salve of Deem 22, 48 23, 22 PEER, the wounded deer is forsook by his companions, in the same manner as Eastlake, Leach, and th.e shep- herds forsake their sheep . , 36, 19 DEFILING the temple of the Lord, elucidated .... 50,52 DEISTS and Atheists are numerous 43, IP and Atheists mocking the gospel, answered 63, 1(3 Atheists, Arians, and Jews will be convinced, from Joanna's prophecies, that Christ is " an-all sufficient Saviour" 02, 23 Atheists, puritanical Calvinists and philosophers repro- ved 43, 22. Jews, Deists, Atheists, Arians, and Roman Catholics, will have the truth proved the ensuing year. . 60, 47 the Arians, Atheists, ^nd Deists, have departed from the gospel 51, 4-r-52, 4W56, 23 DELIVERANCE of the children of Israel exp. 12, 1547, 12 the Jews must look to him whom they have pierced be- fore their deliverance can come 52, 10 DELIVERED, Joanna complaining: to be delivered. . 4, 189 DELIVERER, the great deliverer will come, 31, 329 62, 55 PELAWAY, Richard, his questions " whether the woman deceived the serpent and did not eat the forbidden fruit"-r-and " whether a foreign enemy will land in England," answered 3,141 DELUDED, believers called deluded followers 8, p.J the deluded followers shall appear in triumph with Christ 1J.98 DELUGE, a deluge of blood will run 48, 24 an account of the deluge 4, 1 70 32, 434 and fast the deluge down shall fall 2, 623, 10915, 5O ... 16,26 at Manchester, , , . 44, 30 in Italy 44, 2Q DEL fil D I S PR LUGE, the deluge compared to the war, ex)), . . 25, 40 the state of man at the deluge shewn GO, 19 DELVALLE endeavours to evade the laws 49, 60 his negociating hills, &c -49: 20, 21, 22 PEN, GOD will bind the tempter to his den . . 12; 73, 82 14; 39, 7416; 41, 4723, 112 24; 16, 18, 70 34 ; 6, 8 DENNIS, Rev. , Joanna'* letter to him 1, 24 DESCRIPTION of Garrett's wonderful print 26, 4 of the Ancient of Days, or Christ's Kingdom. . , . 32,392 of the heavenly plough 2, 84 9, 14 58 1 , 1 1 DESI RE, the desire of all nations to come, elite.. . . . 32, 454 DESPISE not prophecy, clue 31,347 33,505 they that d. Joanna's writings d. GOD, 20, 1729,154 DESTROYED, the beast will be destroyed 32,392 many have destroyed their seals through unbelief, 27, H the powers of darkness will be rf. ...... 32, 434 53, 578 the temple destroyed in three days, due 27, 5 DESTRUCTION, man shall sing the d. of satau to all eternity, 15, 42 men are bringing on their own destruction 31, 325 must come upon satan, the root of evil 37, 55 ... . those who refuse to join with the woman and cast the blame on satan 7, 43 will come fast to punish ingratitude, unbelief, and wrong judgment 31, 315 see 12, So 20, 6521, 32 47,5753,601 DEVIL, see satan DIAL, the bible compared to a sun dial. . . . S, 70 37, 29 DIE, Adam did not die temporally 9, 3 happy are those who believe before Joanna dies, because they'll feel a peace of conscience, a rejoicing and hope to see her again, 25, 112 see 3, 117 14; 45, 109 < . . 15, 2116, 3120 ; 49, 76, 37 the disciples died for Christ 7, 17 27, 4 60, 6 DIFFERENT beliefs under the Gospel elucidated. . 33,509 spiritual gifts elucidated, 3,13116, 1435,49944,50 DINAH'S brethren all shall see 6, 271 DINGELS, his words admired by Joanna 59, 35 DISEASE will come on mockers here 9, 43 23, 109 DISCIPLES and martyrs persecuted , .. . 31, 34,} as my disciples were of old, so sfre my chosen now, 18*19 a warning to the d. Joanna's brethren . . 22, 79 24, 50 believers are Christ's d 6, 246 9, 4721, 30 Christ will make himself known among the d. , . . 43, tit> Christ's washing the d. feet explained , 53, 580 in what manner did the disciples see Christ?. . . . 62, 2'J given by Christ to his disriplus 41, 31 m s 62 DOC DISCIPLES, the disciples are foiled now, as they were at the resurrection, explained 25, 83 they that otfend the least of my d. otferid me, saith the Lord 19, 35 see 14, 9525, 13<2 35, 3453, 583 62, So DISCQUD, no room for e/. among- believers 37, 25 DISGUISE, Christ is come in disguise 9, 5 34, 7 DisouED.iENCE concerning the apple, evp. 14, 37 46, 54 i'rom d. came the fall, and by true obedience cometh the promise of our redemption 41 , 1 79 GOD will severely punish d. 40, 101 49, 63 ot' breaking the seals at first. 5, 230 of Isaiah and the prophets, explained 32, 442 of the young prophet punished by death, 28, 16 46, 58 punishment fort/, in all ages, exp. ... 9, 23 46; 54, 57 twill he fatal for those who disobey 1, 41 DISORDERS will appear in England 9, 43 DISPATCH, the dispatch is gone for all the midnight hour to meet 22,59 DISPUTE between Joanna and her sister. . . . J, 5 23, 104 36, 102 of devils about Joanna's writings, explained .... J9, 21 the dispute between Joanna and satan .... 1, 34 1 1, 5 concerning the wheat answered .... 36, 68 DISPUTERS, ho^v can the disputers of this world boast of their wisdom, their knowledge, or their learning? 33 ; 486, 496, 560 questions for disputers to ans 14; 54, 75 34, 50 DISSENTERS are too weak in judgment to see their error, 1,9 the conduct and opinion ot dissenters. . . . 1,10 19, 66 DISTRESS of the poor in 1797 mentioned . . 20, 35 36, 51 wounds the Almighty's breast, 23, 109 will soon appear in every land 16, 61 DISTURBANCES will surely come 14, 81 36, li:j DIVINE, a remarkable instance of oven full of meat ou the sea, stopper broke, &c.. . 1, 31 D R E 5 two roads, loaded waggons broke down, &c. 2, 6'0 0, <1 * ' , t 13 ; 8, J) castle building bay windows, boards in the air, &c. 2, 79 large room, train of gunpowder, strange ctouds, c. 2, S3 boys, one turned into a rabbit, &c '2, 83 3,1-10 men in the air, with horses, fighting, &c. 2, 86' 15, 1.'! 24, 8 ." London bridge broke down, repairing, &c 3, 128' basket of birds become like children, &c 3, 14 .; 9, 121 20, 3(> sky full of sheep, one very large, &c. ... 4, lb'0 34, lJ in bed, two moons, turk's.head, &c 4, 1 61 pump, h-igh handle, water frothed, deep pond, &c. 4,1()2 heavenly music very loud, pig led by a halter, &c. 4, 1(J.> dying witl) pain, carried through . the. air, wondrous ' buildings, galleries with soldiers, large oak, gilt leaves, ribbons', &c 4, Itf.i temple of God, new Jerusalem, sword of Gideon, 4j 17^ going a journey, stars like a flock of birds, &c.. . 5, 4 J^-:) an extraordinary dream of Mr. B. Bruce's 40', O'S moon at the altar, lamb and lion in the moon, &c. 7, 3.3 ( icrgyman carried into his pulpit, " Jesus wept," &c. 8, 7P writings read, Isaiah vii. 7 and 1 1 , &c 8, 84 s tting down in Sr.Peter's church the chair gare way 8 , PO cart running up hill, backward, dragging the horse, &c. 9, 24 waggons heavy laden, weight broke them down, &c. 9, <24 her father's death in a length of chain, through a field, &c. 9, 30 garden with two ladies, new clothes on the earth, &c. 9,3;; fell HUG a river, taken out, carried through the air, <;. : 9, so lent her father's horse, hung iu a sling, head beat oh\ &c: 9, 3o ihe l>alance, Rev. Mr. Foley's dream explnuuui. ... 9, 41 tarried through the air, the hedges cut bare, fieUU ploughed and rolled, and marked in squares, and th-- s(juan-s full of prints, &c 9?4 > sick father, opened the window to go on the leads, .' . 11, K, black horse in the air, with a man on jt, &c 11, b-i D R E 65 D R E DREAMS, horses, coaches, carts, waggons, a hearse, black plumes, &c. 11, 84 [This was a type of the funeral procession of the late Right fion. Charles James Fox.] circle in the heavens, containing herself and friends, 11, 84 devil in the shape of a man, disputing about the writings, ...11,117 a whirlwind, fighting with the devil, &c- 11, 11712, 58 laid on a bank viewing the planets, &c 12, 56 laid on a hank, followed reapers to another bank, threw a gourd over the bank, which returned to her again three times following, &c 12, 56 in a passage out of bed, then in bed fighting the devil, '. 12, 58 corn field, three sheets of paper fell from heaven, a quan- tity of birds, pigeons and partridges flew on her arms, her friends also caught some, &c 12, 58 15, 38 a beautiful dove, changed to a beautiful girl, &c. 12, 83 shelving bank, board with fine flour, bran, dust, &,c. 12,83 in bed close to a stable, a toad, red bricks, &c. . 12, 110 ill-looking men, creaking shoes, Sec 12,110 large empty ink jar, candle burning in it 12, 110 in a shop buying- gowns, with a lady, no money, c. 14, 12 stars, like a "horse and rider, fire in the element, &c. 14,20 strange city, sun like descending stars, women com- plaining of the fatal times, strange looking moon, 7 stars come to 14, &c 14, 22 bit off satan's fingers, fought, and overcame him. . 14, 41 dying clothes, pig tak.cn out of the furnace, &,c. 14, 44 * 15, 519, 20 orchard, withered fruit fallen into the mud, some high on the trees which could not be shook down, 14,47 40, 12651, 17 corn ripe unto harvest, some green, which the sun ripe- ned at once; some carried into another field, &c. 14, 7042, 21 1 large tree, people on it like birds, the upper branch lengthened out like the water of an engine, horses talking, beautiful bank, &c 14, 71 engaged satan, and threw him into a pit 14, 86 organ loft, grinding stone turning round, boat without a bottom hung out of the window, &c 14, 108 clergyman threatened to cut her hand off, 14, 109 42, 214 bed of strawberries turned into cherries, &c. . . 14, 111 two grey horses ran with swiftness, &c. 15, 54 42, 204 two furnaces, a man seated in a furnace of water, they were drawn awav with horses .,,...,, l(>, &\2 I D R R 6(5 D R E DHEA.MS, Rsv., Mr. Foley iti prayer, stuped suddenly, &c. ' * 18, SI castle in a garden, a female skeleton, people washing, ladies and .gentlemen falling down steps, &c. 20, . ..; 24, 10. '> taken out of bed, carried over various towns, large house full of lumber, chimney, jug thrown down and broken, under ground room, wood piled, Sec 20, 2S straw taking fire, and the shop in flames, &c 22, 34 to kill the child, women railing against her, women like witches, bad half guineas, &c 29, 44 cut scratched a woman, she bled to death, &c. . . 2'2, 63 walking over a hill, serpent stung a woman to death, &c- 22, 64 .14, 14 43., 66 right breast full of skewers, like a grave, &c. .'. . 23, 23 an extraordinary dream, Joseph Southcott's 23, 2j beautiful street, hail storm, fell in the dirt in a man's lap with regimentals on, &c. 23, S4 slipped off a hedge, water floods, &c 2.'?, J)7 two men entreated her to marry, refused both. . . . 23, P7 ( rock or pot of gold, French nut tree, &c. 24, 26 -34, >'2 , devil came to her bed-side, broke his linger, &c. 24, 38 n man said he 'had outwitted the devil 24, :-:S lost the child (R. Foley), after some time he was brought to her again by a woman, &c 2-1, 38 a gentleman warned to preserve his servant's life, 24, 71 22, til 34, 13 pa rri age by proxy, presents of gold and blue ribbons four crowns, bad silver, ill looking women carried over their heads, &c 24, 72 bright circles, fainting, taken out of bed, carried round the room, white hands round her, gown with flowers, serpent's dress, green leaves of victory; therefore sav not " Tke,hdrne$t is over, the day and the summer /> ended, but we are not sored". . 24, 1 \ 1 hand round her, breathings over her, devils like flies, men like grass, cut down to nourish the bullocks that \viil trive milk to bring fortli the cream of the Lord's words, 7 24,112 a heavenly figure rose from the bed, flaxen hair, face coveretf with perspiration, robe like a surplice, spats on his legs, &c 23, 2.3 24,1 13 29, 15830,243 arm round her neck, a youth in blue clothes conducted her to a room where she saw six blind men, one said, " when your writings are proved we shall receive our sight," &c <:.), 'j:; lying on a floor, mouth cleaved together 2!>, 12 > disputing with people about her writings, &c., . '21), 12 j D R E 67 E A G DREAMS, house tumbling down like a chest of drawer?, raised up again without injury, &c. . . ^ 29, 144 large c-Dth full of eggs put into a cart, fell out. rolled about and dashed to pieces 29, 184 throat cut, carried to a butcher's, put into a bed, recovered very fast. 31, 312 two men throwing her down a precipice 31,312 horses in the air, seen by her and others 3 i , 3 12 plum tree, fruit red and green, poppy leaves. . . . 36, 1 1 swimming on clear water, taken out of the river, carru d over many houses and curious buildings, &e. . 36, 2:3 that the Archdeacon and Chancellor blamed Taylor for encouraging Joanna to write, &c. 36, -17 slide of com running fast by itself without horses, lurge room, dinner tables, &e 36, 56 in her brother's ground, High-street, New Park, and Warp, soldiers pass the road, &c. . . 30* ; 0*0, 63 '~orn field, crinkled corn, snow on the hay, &c.. . 36, 91 bolted door, famine. chfld, apple 'trees' with blossom, Mr. Gidley and Mr. Wills 36, 08 hatting of wheat, stole some cyder, &c 36, 127 team of white oxen, pot of gold, 24, 26 34, 1237, 45 of receiving the sacrament, c. in London ..... 40, 115 kicked a coal of fire, its appearance, &c 41, 169 Brown's house, furniture piled up and burned to. prevent his being ruined; 41,181 two pumps, one much higher than the other. . . . 44, 10 DHINK, Joanna jxavs'to drink deep into the spirit. . 1, 28 " 60, 25 DROWNED, Joanna preserved from being drowned three times, .'..'.... 12, 80 DRUDGERY of devils done in Christ's living, 10, 91 -26, 22 31,322 DRUM, parable of the alarming drum, 22, 75 43, 65 34, 1 1 the drums beating and bells ringing 24, 114 DKY bones, Ezek. xxxvii. elucidated. .... . 3, 117 44, 54 the dry bones must begin to live 15, 14 the dry tree (satan) will not be spared. . .. ... 14, 10 type of the" dry and green tree elucidated. 14, 4 DUST, man first made of the dust, elucidated^ ..,,.. 4, 147 raau is the head of all the dust 12, 40 4, 189 the dust is supetior togold^ elucidated '12, 39 E EAGLE, the eagles claws appear . . . 31, 31.C the lion is come to kill the eagle, explained .... 31, 369 where the body |, there will the eagles be gathered, to- gether, explained .,..,,.. o*l, 28 EAR 68 ELD EARNEST, the blood of Christ was. shed as au earnest to purchase the kingdom, explained 50; 68, 69 EARS, he that hath ears to hear, let him hear 7, 32 nought but itching ears appear in man 15, 15 unstop your ears ye deaf, 8, 98 17,6 32, 449 35, 29 30, 53 EARTH, all the families of the earth shall be blessed that will join in true obedience with Joanna 30, 203 a new heaven and anew earth, elucidated, 16,56 44, 55 51, 2460, 37 a wonder in heaven and earth 6, 27o floods swallowed up by the earth, explained, 4,189 12,11126, 19 men who said they were gods of the earth ans.. ... 8, 72 much like a heaven will earth be found, 12; 70, 112 16, 4917, 1130, 28536, 4244, 3650, 66 the second birth must take place on earth 61, 35 what's bound on earth is bound in heaven, explained, 7, 5412, 11519, 41 what's loosed on earth is loosed in heaven 19, 44 what's sealed on earth is sealed in heaven, 7 ; 38, 54 10,8212, 11514, 46, 6844, 46 why the earth was created, eluc 12 ; 8, 18, 52 EARTHQUAKE, famine pestilence, &c. in Malaga, 44, 24 Madrid, 44, 26 Malta, 44, 23 Scotland, 44, 22 and East Indies 44, 23 EASTLAKE, , his self-confidence, eluc 23, 103 reproved by the Lord 22, 3336, 16 EATON, D. J. published the third part of Tom Paire's Age of Reason, for which he was sentenced to stand in the pillory 56 ; 25, 41 EPOAR, , Joseph Southcott assured him that his sister was not a prophetess 10 ; 54, 55 EFFIGY, mockers who carried Joanna in efligy, shot 17 shots at it, and then burnt it with the head downwards, also the effigies of two children, answered by the Spirit, 63, 16 EGGS, a parable of boiled eggs 14, 15 harvest spoiled like Woolland's eggs 20, 64 Ministers compared to boiled eggs 14, 60 the egg of faith alone can stand 29, 185 EGYPTIAN, all under the E.yoke, 12, 24-19, 2630, WS 50, 9 EIGHT, the eight cuts, explained 16, 47 the eight years' journal 2, 76; ELDERS, a communication for the elders, judge, and jury, 25, 92 the falling down of the 24 elders, explained , , , , 25, Ke>" JS b. 49 to 51 u, K K M 70 E N G I-'NEMY, the h;ime of an enemy forged to a letter, .32, Jl Eis c:\riLS, Joanna's enemies compared to Jext'bels, 25, 10" See 17, 172.0; 141, 14:554, 51 36 28 52, 38 there must be no e. in the camp of Israel when Christ comes to claim the protmse . . . , , 42; 21;} NGLAND, a blessed prophecy for England if the com- mands of the Lord are perfectly obeyed .... 61, 49 ft blessing promised to England . ". 3t>, d2 a dark benighted land ordered to awake and see the Gospel. ... 15, 1516', 4117 ; 42, 43 21 ; 22, 32 a deep type tor England 20, 13 23, 7730,280 * ..,. 3d 113 06, 2(5 all nations will say that" GOD is the father and friend of England." , 9, $3 ll shall have one heft,rt and one soul in England, . 9, 32 all the afflictions Joanna hath experienced will be se- verely felt by England in the end 34, 237, 20 ci misled nation is England* . < . . , 8, 103 ^Jiti enlightened land ordered to awake 44, 5tj end England's die is cast 48, 24 un unbelieving nation will be smitten with sickm-ss, 9, 32 . .. ; 24, lid 31,sd5 un ungrateful nation must be punished 24, 117 a perfect likeness of E. and .Joanna's friends .... 49, 67 warning and invitation to England , ., . 42; 202, 20,5 a warning of dangers $c. to E 3, 143 5 ; 235, 237 6,049.^ 3110; 65, 6'9 11,88 14, 41 20; .5, 8 21; 11,3122; 32,3423'; do, 87 24; 9,1027, 7 29, 12734; 444 f 445 3d, 12337, 3d 42, 200* . . 44, 30 --18, 2449, 58 o2, C2 called upon to fear the Lord 5 ; 195, 212 32,44d can know no peace until the inhabitants wish for the de- struction of satan's kingdom. . . 17, M cannot bear the woman , 21, 21 charges against the unbelief of England , . . . 27 ; 19, 21 Christ is the Prince England must crown 9, 42 will in this land appear 12, 53 Clceve's death, a type for England. 9, 37 commanded to bring Joanna to trial by the laws of the gospel, or the laws of the land 25, 13 hear what the Lord says 5, 195 to turn unto the Lord 14, 101 compared to blind tools, 5,101 to Nineveh, 32,440 to the hardened anvil, 23, bt> 44,59 to Wolland's wheat 3(>', 75 convulsions will be seen in England 21 ; 2, 31 dangers will come quick on England . . 30, 280 43, 92- defended 'from a foreign enemy. ..,..,,,,,, 2, i>-2 i), 4 E N G 71 K N G ENGLAND desired to awake . . 14; 41, 4fi, 74 3G; 03, 10 { disorders will appear in England .0, 4 $ every perplexity of mind that hath been in Joanna wi-U happen in England ",.,., 24, 117 37, 3<> last as England's foes and friends , increase, so fast-will Christ's kingdom come 17, 3 I fatal are the judgments pronounced against England if 12 righteous men could not be found to search out the mystery 10, o ( 3 fire \vill break on England as it did on Sodom . . 24 8 > foreign nations will wish to sign with England . . 10\ 28 full of blasphemy are the people of E, 21; 5, 20, 3(>, :>) glorious davs will appear in England, 1, 53 2; 8.3, 87 3, 98-^; 5, 3214, 75 15 ; 12, 54 IS; Ui, 17 23, 11032, 44! SO'; 02, 95, 10437, 2342 ; 201, 20344; 40, 56 55, 10 57 ; 44,51,59, 60 f)l, 18 . .,. , ... G2, /') Germany suffers for England. ... 42; 197, 200, 2O2, 231 Gou declares that he'll save England for fifty's' sakr. . . . . ] &' 3 7 , _ the ruin of England will be preven ted for the sake of Bruce, Foley,and Webster . . 9, 37 Goo's judgments more severe to other nations than to England ...... 47, 2 1 will come and be severely felt in Eng- land, (5,249 14,10j> 21; 44,4543; 90,9314, 14 GOD'S kingdom is near to England 3, 109 19, 51 GOD will awaken England to love him.'.', . , .... . 1, .73 will be the fall of England 2O, 45 half of England sealed with the King 15, 55 lias not England cause to tremble, when their teachers are blind guides, and their Priests polluters of the san$> tary . , 23, 40 hath been favoured above other nations. ....... 4 1 .', 1 23 ; J iiath been wounded . 51,4 hath despised the warning, despised the invitation, despi- sed the redemption of Christ. . . , 24; 49, 1 17 .,., 44,40 K N G 73 E N G E\c LA NI> rebuked by the Lord 21 ; 1, IS repentance will come too late to England 22, 25 requested 1o hear the call of the spirit 5, 21-J take >vnrnng 44, 18 57, 6'0 ruin will come to England, unless they repent . . 21 , 21 severe and awful threntenings against Englan I . . 36, 8 shall he punished for ingratitude 20, 10 fear the Lord's just decree 2, 79 > , know their dangers in March or Api'ii '20, o receive the threatened stroke 36, 105 see the famine, if they do not turn unto the Lord their GOD 20, 12 signs, why given to England, explained 21 ; <2, IS sorrows vvdl increase for England's i rimes 51,5 stands in danger of utter ruin for the neglect of the Bi- shops 21, 35 still may hope for the sake of Bruce, Foley, and Webster, ....." .9, S7 storms are hastening on for England 23, 4,5 sudden and unexpected will the visitation of the Lord come ta England 47, 2 1 the adultery of Wills's wife a type for England. . 23, 77 the angels have warned England 21, 1 the blood of the nation is on the head of the shepherds, 20 ; 04, 100 . _ , would be on Joanna's head if she was to keep silence . 14, S2 the boasting of /;. in September 1808 51, fi the clergy may remove every calamity 3, 120 the coachman- and guard a type of England .... 39, 95 the danger which England stands in shewn .... 29, 127 the doom of Englamf foretold 5, lf/fj~-9, 31 dreadful sound of war will be heard in England . . 2, 55 the ensuing year will be such as- England hath never seen, . 59, 40 60, 46 strong abound in the learned of England" .... 51, 55 the Lord will fill England with dread 36, 9S the manner in which England must fall .... 9; 37, 41 the more GOD hath warned thee, O England, the more thou art hardened 32, 440 the parable of Lady Burnett will appear in the end a standard of condemnation to England ; 37, 48 the prayers of E. will be answered, if they will hear the voice* of GOD 18, 17 the pride and boasting of England shewn 86, 99 the promise, protection, stands no longer 49, ()1 the sealed number here shall stand 12, 53 the shadow of judgments begun in England when the JCing was first seized with illness 21, 23 the shadow to Joanna is the substance to E 29, 1SC> the ships of England will founder 5, 1P5 the sins of England are gone up before GOD. . 32, 455 the shepherds must search into all Joanna's writings to know and prove from whence they came, to prevent this land from ruin 21, 37 the sorrows of E. shewn from Joanna's father . . 54, 11 will not cease before men begin to turn unto the Lord, and own the prophets and gospel true, 51, 6 the spirit of GOD is refused by England 53, 5[).G the sword of the deluge to go through England. . 2, 6-2 the teachers of the people of England are bringing down the judgments of GOD .,. 51,4 the time is at hand when England will tremble. . CO, 165 the turtle's voice is come to bring peace 15, 28 the type of Joanna's sufferings for England. . . . 36, 12 the vengeance of GOD will be brought on England by the shepherds . 3(), 126 the war of Old and New England explained. . . . 44, the wickedness of England shewn 51,7 threatened with afflictions 42, '201 57, 60 three years famine averted from England 25, 3' thunder will make men tremble in England. ... 29, 112 'tis. time for England to awake 14, 75 to be saved one year from destruction, after the seals are broken *... . 12, 114 to be tried by afflictions 37, 37 E N G 75 E V E ENGLAND, to England the Lord will turn. 14, 79 tu look to Luke xiii. 2d verse 10, 60 troubles will come unaware to England 37, 21 unbelief will break Joanna's heart, if England doth not sutler 36, 69 warned not to lay violent hands on one another. . 5>235 wars will be in England. . . 17, 4Q was allowed to be in danger, in March arid April 27, 14 will be awakened by judgments 34, 6l spared if Abraham (i.e. P y) will come forward now 57, 74 wonders will in England burst 57, 44 would be destroyed by fire, were Joanna to be killed by man 24, So [See NATION.] ENMITY between satan's seed and the woman's seed, eluc. 13, 717, 2119, 1929, 11831, 35137, 60 38, 4343, 76 44, 55 ENROLLED, every name will be enrolled in heaven, 3, 139 10, 7312, 11515, 1316; 25, 70 ENSIGN, the c. of the people, explained . . 55, 24 65, 32 EPHRAIM, the language of E.'s heart shewn 59, 56 the letter of Ephraim answered 59, 39 the true Ephnum answered . 59, 43 EaA, a description of the expected happy e. t 37, 6 5(>, 12 EKROUS, the various errors of men shewn. . 11, 85 13, 1 20, 4231; 333, 340 32, 46933, 560 38, 5 47,1851; 1,7,2255,3656,5760,41 E?AU, a double type of Christ and satan 32,415 all the Esaus will be destroyed 59, 64 and Jacob struggling in the womb. 7, 34 a type of the fall of Jacob and Esau 32, 412 election stood by typeg in Jacob and Esau 32,479 the mystery of Jacob and E. eluc. 7 ; 32, 33 32 ; 413, 422, 436, 437 ESTHER, an Esther now is come 20, 78 Ahasuerus listened to the words of E.. . 25, 30 44, 60 found favour with Ahasuerus, and saved her people, 15, 34 19, 2728; 37, 3946, 24 like E. here the Lord will free his own, 23, 19 29, 183 the second heir a type of Christ 5, 213 SO, 78 EVANGELICAL, a letter published in the E. magazine, Jan. 1805, against Joanna , 42,215 an account of the distress of nation*, published in the Evangelical magazine, Dec. 1805 42, 216 the doctrine of of the Unitarians set fcrth in the Evan- gelical magazine, Sept. 1808 . . . f c , ..-.> 'I* 1 EVJL, a comparison between Eve and ft lima, , , < < c f k $ EVE 70 EYE EVE,- arguments relative to the second Eve 36, 81 as Eve. begun, Joanna must end with satan .... 11, 107 beguiled by the serpent 7, 45 J7, 60 63, 3;> did not know satan's arts, Joanna does 11, 45 Joanna's 1'ail would be wo.se than Eve's 40, 138 the i'ail of Eve elucidated 3, 1418, 7816, 45 the second Eve must come 6, 77 i8, 22 the GOD of this world cannot tall till Chrit-t hath found. an Eve obed.it nt to his will, explained 24, 7V the sister, bride, and mother, elucidated 21, Q9 the sorrows of Eve described ...... 37 ; 36, 63 65, 30 the temptations of Eve and Joanna, elucidated. . 26, 18 EVENING, tUe morning and the evening star, clue.. . 9, 7 the star and bride appears 2, 59 3, 1279 ; 7, 13 the wise men will come to see the evening star. . . . 9, 22 EVERLASTING salvation promised to all 3, 124 the standard oi' everlasting happiness, elucidate d, 67, 67 EVIDENCE, he that turneth king's evidence .is free, 3,. 142 P y might turn king's evidence '24, 109 EVIL, adissenting minister informed Joanna that bethought the communication " on the origin of evil" came from the devil.. . . . 19, OS all that is evil is from the devil 6, 254 1 1 , 55 axe to cut oft the root of evil (satatO. ... 2, 03 12, 101 good and evil fruit, explained . . 2, 74 17, 18 42, 213 < boose which you will 5, 213 man hath received the knowledge of live evil, and ret'u- . seth to receive the knowledge of the good. . . . 52, 15 satan is tin origin of evil 2, 993, 105-^30, 201 .the evii spirits will be choaked like swine 12, '2.5 . will not come in Joanna's days '20, ICi the knowledge of good and evil explained, 4, 149 7, 13 19, 60 the origin of evil elucidated 19, 55 43, 19 the root of evil to be destroyed, <22, 5028, 1134, 18 EWE satan is come to the Ewe lamb 12, 43 EXAMINATION of witnesses at Joanna's trial, November 1804. 25 ; 43 to 78 EXETER, Joanna attended at the Guildhall Exeter, respect- ing her handbills, fcc 10,74 ordered to go from Bristol to Exeter 10, 32 reasons for Joanna leaving Exeter 57, 30 EXPULSS, letters ordered to be sent express, 22, bl 24,10! 43, 90 the express of dangers will arrive 43, 92 tlie Lord's express must go, the horn must blow, 20, 6s 22 ; 53, .07, 61, 77, 7 S fc, darkness and sin cover many eyfs , J 4, 8-i K YE 77 FAT EVES, he that hath eyes to see let him sen 7, 32 nothing seen as yet but by an eye of faith 58, 114 open your .eyes ve Wind, "s, 9317, 39, 449 3<>, 2& .*. .. \ 3 .), 53 seeing <;y^ to eye, explained '. 55, 30 the eyes of men's undVrsfcatttting will be opened when the Prince of Peace is come 01, 32 tears. to he wiped from every eye 4, 181 EYRE, Robert, one of the L 24 elders 25,123 EYRE, Rev. Samuel, une.of the seven wise men . . 25, 33 24 elders 25, 1SS EZEICI EL, his diggiag the wall, eluc "31 ; 328, 32i> his visions, &c. eluc.. . 3, 117 31; 3(54, 30'8, 37134, 3 EzeUiel, , of Exeter, answered. . , 30, 9- F. FAELR, do nothing without considering the end. . 03, 117 of Tollard's shepherd .. 23, 43 of the alarming drum 2'2, 75 34, 11 43, 6 ) of the .boy and the bear 36, 1 3-2 of the. empty bottle 22, fjy of the gentleman who murdered ladies 22, 7O of the King's poisoned coat and lance, 12, 5025; 116, 11720, 18 FACE, the face of GOD unveiled in Joanna's writings, 9, (> 17, 4, 14 u.an questioned -concerning the fall 17, 14 men act now like Adam in the fall 30, 250 mystery of the fall of man, eluc. ... 2, 49 4, 146 24, 9 " 25, 3430, 2-76 the fall of Adam not so dangerous to the human race as is now supposed -by man 57, 23 the foundation laid in the fall, cxp 29, 105 t be spring and fall, exp.. . 37, 30 the taint of the fall, eluc 12, 10(> -28, J9 woman must appear to free the fall of man, 16, 45 17, 57 ,. 18, 18, 19 '31,351,355 62, 61 1 '-'A iLEN angels and men tried 6, 247 , provoked the spirit of GOD daily. . 19, 10 the fallen fruit elucidated ; . . . 1, 30 1 I, 1 1925, 147 29, 1 60. 40, 120' 42, C07 FALLING away of the sealed people, explained . . 29, 185 the scriptures through unbelief falling to the ground, like leaves falling in autumn, explained. ...*....,. 57, 32 FALMOUTH, a hurricane, &c..at Falmouth 44, 21 FA LSE, a description of false prophets. . . . 2, .f-1 bad effects of trusting to false prophets . . . ..... .31, 32O Christs and false prophets will arise .... 7, 54 12, KK> 21,. 2- 3:>, 1 1 30*, 5-: 47 ; 1 1, 4852, CtS F A M 19 F E A FAMILIAR, the familiar ways of the Lord shewn . . V, 75 3, 1039, 530, 194 50,. 47 FAMILY, an account of Joanna's family 6S, 88 Joanna'.-* family a warning to the nation 5, 105 all the families of tUe earth warned 0, 2-13 FAMINE and pestilence threatened 1, 97 and sword have warned all 8, 10J a total famine must come 14, 101 averted from this land S, 13 C 2 if they'll prevent the famine, let them b'.vn the truth is here .14,101 rot to appear if the flock is large 23, 109 30, 9S three years famine set as a sign to all nations. ... 3, 135 . ,., 1,3123,110 FAST, ordered to fast through Lent 3, 121 27 125 Joanna's prayers on the fast day 14, 24 lessons for the fast day explained 91, 18 of February 1796 . . 36, 97 one of the prayers for the fast answered. ....... .21, 2x> FATAL, a fatal war shall now appear 15, 53 the fulal cup is now held out to nil 15, 50 the fatal die is cast for mockers 9, 31 2(>, 10 years. are yet to come 2, 79 52, 4^ FATHER, account of her father's death, 8,97 9, 35 -10,C8 22, 2454, 5 GOD will appear as a father, and make all his children heirs ,, 8, 107 history of Joanna's/.'s family compared to the fall, 58, 101 Joanna's father compared to the nation in his life ami death P, J Joanna forsaken by her father's house 9, 19 ordered to arise and go to her father 9, 33 let them receive the son that comes in the name of his father Gl, 8 mystery of the mourning. sent for Joanna's father, 9, 23 prepare thy great lather's funeral pomp 9, .2a eo here's the father and the child, the spirit and the bride, 14,44J 61, 59 5, 13 satan was permitted to take advantage of Joanna con- cerning her father's death, explained 54, 8 the father of the child is the shepherd of the flock, Cl, ?3 the Lord deceived Joanna with regard to her fatuei's death 9, S5 the son is in the father, and the father in the son. . 01, 9 FEAST, all invited to the Lord's feast , . . . . 14, (A> FEATHERED fowls compared to believers. .. . 3,1439, ~ 1 the feathered fowl is here 9, 47 , . , ^ nuist it explain 14, lid 'JO, ->G f E A 80 F I $ FEATHERS, the feathers of the eagle, or satan> will \-fr plucked out 31; 3 10, 31 J. FEELINGS, Joanna's feelings given in verse .37, 7 4 the feelings of Christ for man's persecution of iho spirit, elucidated 30, 242- FEET, the sound of thy Master's feet is behind tin e, 41,105 f . , , 59, 40 1 , <\\) their feet will be wet with blood 3, 110 59, Oo T- and U wash Joanna's feet 24, 51 tread down the wicked as ashes under your feet explained, ". '12,101 FELLOWSHIP, the right hand of fellowship, cxp. .. 17, 20 FEMALE, parable of the persecuted female, 22, 81 43, 01 FEVER, fast thy fever. would come on. . . . , 30, 60 FIELD, a chain across the field 9, 2P Joanna's awful trial will be in a field 29, 180 .??.2.5; 119., 120, 121. let my sealed come,.and. in the/, vyith thce appear, 22, no enetny can bear to come into the field at Joanna's . awful trial . , , 29, 189 Fi ELD, E. J. one of tlie jury 25, 112 Fi ERY, satan makes the devil a fiery serpent 1 1, 4p serpent made by Moses, explained 6, 281 FIFTEEN years added to. Joanna's life. ... 25, 9C 37, 2-2 of lingering judgments . ., 37, 25 FIFTH n onarchy, explained 20, -48 the fifth mystery,, expla.ned 2, 57 FIFTY, 5Sth page, and 58 persons, exp 14, 59 58 persons joined, with Joanna to claim the promise, 14, 3 5S persons signed for satan' s destruction 15, 5 if 50. righteous men appear. 19, 64 righteous men shall prevail over the powers of hell, 17, 51 P. : . will save the nation,, .and destroy satan, . 12, 117 16;" 30, 70 FIG leaves will not do for a covering now, 8 ; 70, 103 9, 39 man shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree, 32,458 the fig tree spared but one single year 14, 69 when the fig trees shoot their leaves, you know the sum- 1 mer is. coming on 14, 80 FIGHT, those will/, that know Christ's name 55, 43 .rrrjURE. put into Joanna's bed 12, 00 FINAL, the final cud you'll see is.coule. 7, 35 FrxOE, professors of religion will not put forward their little finger to know whether the Lord hath spoken or rot....'. 60, 28 FINISHED, oar Saviour's words" It is finished," exp. 17, 40 07. 3^ 4_~o, 24 5J^ 60751, 23 01, 2003, 27 PIN SI L FINISHED, satan's power over Christ, is/, explained, 7, 4 FIRE, a light like tire seen in the heavens 11, 93 at the turpentine distillery, Bristol, a de type for En- gland * ,.*.. *.. 23, 32 breaking out in a shop 20,26 2 C 2 3444, S every man's works shall be tried by fire ........ 59, 51 GOD is a consuming fire, elucidated. 4 11$ 49 letter thrown into the fire hy Joanna 20, \3 lightning Seen by Joanna in the east like/, works, 11, 93 liquid fire shall appear on Satan's head 7* 52 one spark of fire will go Out by itself. 36, 4 the fire of the Lord will be "seen by those who mock Joanna ...............I...... li, 94 FIRMAMENT, the scriptures compared to the/, elttc. 56, 1$ -Fi-RST age of the world, elucidated 52* 1 and last prophecy, elucidated . * 31,344 commandment broke by the subtlety of the devil, 52, 4 fruits must become kings and priests unto GOD, 13, 12 I am the first, I am the last, explained .... 2, 74--S, 58 t 11,6528,23 30; 261,274 the first earth, explained .... * . 51, 24 the/, is last and the last/ 1, 372, ?4 24, 10328, 95 the last error will appear worse than the first, elucidated^ * *. 11,100 -20, 42 the promises to the first redeemed 7, 16 the seals proved to be the first good fruit 16, 51 FISH, the fish is satan 11, 18 the great f. Leviathan, compared to the devil, e^p. 29, 107* those who f. for men compared to the Lord's jewels, I6 t \5 FIVE, blessings that will Come in the five years. * . . 55, 4 perfect peace within five years. .....*.,....... 55, 16 the end will be when the Lord begins to make an end in five years, but that time is not known toman. . 5\5, 4S the five talents, exp. . , , , t .. 19, 36 the five years, exp 55, 18 the five years is a glorious type for them that wish Christ's kingdom near 55^ 23 FLAG, the black flag hung out, exp * 14, 7 FLAMING or burning bush, exp,. 8, 78 the flamingsword is the word of GOD. ... 1, 1614, 17 FLESH, he that was born after the flesh, hath always perse- cuted him that was born after the spirit *.... 52, 1 the world, the/, and the devil, compared to gates, 52, 47 FLOCK, a child to feed ttie flock ,. 2, 513,11257, 56* 58, SO 61, 1765, 3 bless the Lord for his little flock 4 . . 22 j 3, 8 GOD will secure his little flock, 4, 164 16, 55 17, 31 4 ,,,..,,, , ,,,,.. 23, ] 10 L FLO S'3 F O L FLOCK, parable of the little/, of sheep, v>2, 1 34, 6 4S, :io FLOOD, .all .the. world were atheists before the/. . . 33, 53 i parable of the sheep saved from the flood at Tliorvertor.. (in the book it says Tiverton) 36 % , 134 people, for their sins, destroyed by the Hood, exp. 26", IS ... ........... 30, 02 those who wijl not obey GOD must perish in the/. GO, 83 FOES, all/, will be confounded at Joanna's trial, 23 ; 23, fly a warning to Joanna's foes ..>... 29, 15 I Christ's/shall feel the spear, 9, 2715; 11, 13 30,20?? * six foes .must be met ,....', 25, 22 the foes of England will be destroyed for the sake of the sealed 20, 12 3, 9730, 20S GOD will be destroyed 30 ; 1204, 20f> FOLEY, Rev. Thomas Philip, faith compared to Abraham, 37,9 38,2S GOT> declares that he will prevent the fatal ruin of En- . gland for the sake of Bruce, Webster, and Fo ley, 9, 37 his account of Mrs. Hughes , 22, 52 his address to the public 37, 3 his declaration concerning the writings . -. 19, 6Y> his dream concerning the dove, c. explained. . 12, 8S ^ / ' of the balance, elucidated 9, 41 '. his illness explained , 24, 1 7 ; his letter to Pomeroy 28 ; 8 1 , 84 58, o'S -to J. Linter 52, 3tf : his readiness to come forward in Joanna's cause shewn, . 39, (*2 His remarks on Joanna's life 37, ?:* his testimony respecting the mission. . . . 25, 53 37, S.'J Joanna's letter to him, U)th July, 1801, 9 ; 11, 15, 29, 1-7 10; 5(5, <32, 68, 88 12; 103,115 19, t> letter to him sent by an express from Bristol, between 3 and. 4 o'clock Saturday 23d Jan. 1804, 22,5 i letter to him in the Birmingham paper 52, 3* Linter's letter to the Rev. Mr. Foley 52, 3d one of Joanna's judges 25, 12(> parable of the child when the writings were proved, exp. 61, 23 part of his letter quoted by Smith 50, 12 . hatan dares Bruce or Foley to rob him of the time al- lowed him 11 "0 informed Joanna that the faith of Bruce, Foley and Webster came from hell J 1, IS satan's friend said " damn that knock, it is F." . . 11,81 the child (Richard Foley) placed with W. T. Ilanvoot!, one of Joanna's judges 25, K ; 7 the death of the Ilev. Mr. Foley's child 22, 40' F O L SS F O U FOLEY, Townley and Underwood's letter to him .. 12-4, 1-1 Town ley's letter, -with letters from Joanna to her, sent to the Rev. Mr. F. 24; 29, 43, 59, 75, 88, 109, 115, 112 FOLLA-HD, the fable of his shepherd, exp 23, 4J FOLLART, satan informed Joanna that his spirit attended her 11, 10 FOJLLY, the folly of expecting every prophecy to be fulfilled as soon as given 36, 85 the folly of imagination, eluc 15, 45 Joanna's friends, a/is 36, SO , mankind, cms 33,546 35, 46' , those believers who draw wrong judgments, 34, 3437, 38 ^ of those who wish to prophecy 37, 41 the foolish will not give their folly 8, 102 FOOLS and mockers, tins. 2, 774 ; 177, 18712; 62, 105 how the fool's bolt was shot, elucidated 7, 1.3 FOOLISH, a description of the/. .19, 6S 44, 5 the difference between/, and servant exp. cJ5, 35 F R I SO F U L FRIENDS and acquaintance will kno\r each other at the r of judgment 4,153 14, li a type of Joanna's present friends 36, 87 professing friends appear 30, 245 ruin will come on those who put GOD'S friends to shame, 31, 31? satan ordered to call home his friends after the Lord hath had one year to seal his own 12, 54 the devil must fall, and all his friends 8, 79 the Lord will protect his/ 8; 102, 10(59, 3225, 12* FRUIT, bad fi uit with a black veil 1, 30 59, L> believers compared to good fruit 25, 147 Christ will come into the garden and eat pleasant fruit with those wlio wait for hisjcommg 12, 107 fallen fruit, explained, 1,3011, 11925, 147 29, 160 40, 1*26 42, 207 good and evil fruit will now be tried 6, 27 1 elucidated 2, 744, 14951, Itt good fruit must come from the woman's hand .... 8, 77 12, 102 16, 5 25, 40 65, 11 on the tree 11, OG 10 all shall come 14, 66 will stand against the siorm 6, 27* on the earth, and on the tree, explained 14, 11*2 the evil fruit will be destroyed . 6, 273 the seals compared to good truil 16, 51 the sun and the rain, the fruits of the earth, and the fruits of the spirit, are in the hands of God alone. . 14, 103 FULFILLED, all /. and gathered in Christ ezp 31,341* answer to people's saying Joanna's prophecies were not all fulfilled 3f5, ,5 i as one hour brings on another, one day another, and one year another, so shall one truth bring on another, ti!i every trutlvis fulfilled 17, 57 some turn back because all is not fulfilled in one year, explained 30, 20;> the days are coming " When all shall be/.". ... 37* 63 the errors of preachers who say all the scriptures are ful- filled 56, 42 FULFILMENT of many of Joanna's prophecies, explained. 44,2156, 47 of the bible is at hand 32,457 Comforter to mankind do, 5S7 gospel, elucidated 30, 274 33,. 54.:; prophecies in part, explained 27, 14 vision of the temple , 31 , 383 ?, '22 the furnace is already on the sons of men 14, 4-1 the furnace will be heated for those who despise the heavenly call 0,274 FURY, GOD'S anger doth like fury burn. ... 2 ; 60, 82, 83 fury will bum like an oven 13,3 fall on mockers 4, 173 butan will be^in on the earth with great fury .... 14, 45 fhe cup of GOD'S fury is kindled against man. .. . 24, 60 the fury of man compared to beasts 55, 23 the sword of the Lord will smoke like fury ..;... 2, 87 G GALLOWS, a new gallows shall come for satan .... II, 60 ; 12,5122, 7924,101 like Ahasuerus, Christ will appear and make satan feel the gallows. 15, 35 G.i p, Joanna ordered to stand in the gap ........ . . 2, 85 -go into the gap and make up the breach, explained 57, 53 p__ y, desired to be a Moses in the gap 59, 11 GARDEN, disputes with satan in the garden, &e 1, 34 G ARDEKER, the interference of Providence prevents murder, 24, 71 you like the gardener will be seen . 22, 67 GARMENTS, filthy garments, explained. 7, 18 mended garments will not do 44, 43 ragged garments cover all 36, 37 57, 71 60, 27 the garment without a seam, elucidated 12, 68 G .\KRETT, J. L. his errors shewn 86, b. 27* 18 31 ; 306 to 33736; 26, 75 GARRICK, like Garrick they shall die 23, 99 GAR ROW, Counsellor, his remarks on Joanna's prophecies, . 49, 48 interrogates J.King as to his profession of religion 49, .'30 GARTER, across the fan 22, 80 GATE, of the outward sanctuary shutj elucidated. . 31, 377 GATHERING clouds are hastening on . .".. 51, (> in of the people must be-by sealing. . . . 20, 58 GE.NTILES, a commandment" for believers and all the Gen- tiles. .............. 3, 124 " a light to lighten the gentiles," explained .... 3, 120 and Jews, called and invited . . 3, 1 8 5 ; 201, 223, 233 6,5637, 4910,4711, 8312, 121 14; 5 1, 88 . . 20, 4330, 23536, 10454, 2461, 3363, 53 are departed from the gospel, explained 41, 48 GEN 87 G L A GENTILES as bad as the Jews 2, 95 12, 114 15, -45 20, 0061, o-J called and Jews cast oil', elucidated 17, 822, 'jy 31, 34032, 40cJ Christ .is come .to try the gentiles 12, 114 compared to deaf adders, explained 22, 67 fulness of the gentiles, elucidated 1 ; 40, 423, 120 4 ; 149, 1518, 59 11, 10713, 20 14, 69 10, 67 18, .1920 ; 8, 4433, 4933.5 ; 3, 9, 12, 14, 19 likeness of the Jews and gentiles 31, 327 TJO better than the Jews 32, 43533, 566 Gl, 60 so both together they must hang, the gentiles and tlm Jews . . ., * . . 30, 11457, 6963, 59 the blessed promises revealed to the g. 14, 88 Si, 341 the g. are advised not to mock the spirit, 24, 122 28, S3 .. 44, 47 the heir must come from the gentiles o, 21 4 the Je.ws .must see the fulfilment of the gospel by the gentiles before they will be convinced 20, 44 the new seed is sown in the gentiles 24, 121 the sons of the living GOD are the gentiles .... 32, 407 the wild olive alludes to the gentiles 33, 4-H the will of GOP revealed to the gentiles 3, 124 their end shewn, if . they remain in unbelief 5, 201 their jfol'y, Kindness, and wickedness, shewn. . .. 15, 47 their trust in a Saviour, elucidated 6, SOU will be shutout by their wisdom SI, 373 m>rse than the Jews. . 8, 8120; 9, S3 21, 2022, 6*8 23, -3624, 12i GENTLEMAN and Ladv guided by Providence .... 49, 20 . hunted by bloodhounds . . 49, 7 GERMANS, the suffering of the Germans 42, 200 the Germans are one nation to be sealed , . 20, G2 the Germans suffer for England 42 ; 197, 200, 231 GETHSEMANE, Christ's suffering in Gethsemane elucidate*.!, , 25, 109 5S, 106 uO, o* pride of the Jews at Gethsemane explained .... '), } 1 GIBRALTAR, fever at Gibraltar 43, 92 4J, -JT GIDEON, the sword. of Gideon is the sword of faith, 34, -47 shall end the war . . 17, 32 GIFTS of gold, myrrh, .and frankincense, explained, 15, l^ spiritual gifts to be desired 3, 5-H GILES said Christ's kingdom was approaching, and th.it his congregation were the " elect" that were to be savoU 36, / GIPSIES, satan works by gipsies 2<> } h'l GLASS, the bible a true KK)kingrgi^S9 for man, ,.., 28, '; -o'; 3 G L A 13 GO D ,a lady who dkl not consider herself "one of the elect," said to a gentleman, " I am as sure to be damned ta> this glass is to be broken," she then threw a wine glass, with great violence on the floor, which to their aston- ishment did not break .................... 47, 3y what glazier now can mend the glass . . 3(3, 115 57, 70 GLASSES, Joanna broke two glasses, erp ...... 23; 30, 34 ORY, every land shall he filled with glory ...... 28, 34 the crown of glory, explained ................ 14, 116 the difference of the stars in glory, elucidated. ... 60, 3 the king of glory is the Lord, elucidated ........ 52, 4 ---- was seized by man ............ 2, 54 the seven crowns of glory, elucidated ......... . 14, 1 IS GLOVES, white gloves sent by Joanna to Mrs. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Beacraft, the Rev. S. Bruce, Rev. T. P. Fo ley, Rev. T. Webster, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Wilson, and to Mrs. Bruce' s son and daughter ........ 9 ; 68, 80, 81 GOATS and sheep to be parted .................. 4, 159 are the tares, worshippers of the bast ...... . . 35, 60 blood of bulls and goats being offered up is a type and ihadow of the beast (satanj being destroyed in the end, ........ k .. ................ ............. 52, 17 offerings of bulls and goats, explained ........ 12,116" the Lord will free the goats .......... 25, 1 1736, 43 the goats must depart from the sheep. k ..... ... 35, 16 GOD acts with man agreeable to the laws of man. . 6, 242 ...... ..... . ...... 14, 7520, 7324, 4352, 4 all the blessings of GOD lie upon conditions .... 36, 6 ................... -..,..., .............. 39, 60 - world invited to turn unto GOD and live . . 1, 4$ ............. . .................. 14,6925, 107 see. 2, P5 3, 103 6,260 8 ; 77, 1079 ; 5. 4311, 93 12 ; 38, 97, 9914 ; 73, 82 15, 4116 ; 25, 2617, 5 J9, 3823, 1 1024, 1728 ; 13, 24, 2829, 124 SO ; 193, 194, 230, 237, 26931 ; 324, 359, 37635 ; 22, 43 .................. 36, 4452; 39,41,4(561, 31 til the transactions of men are laid before the throne of Goo .................................. 32, 45: and Christ are one .... 17, 6 3, 45034, 2643, 74 and Christ's kingdom is coming * ............. 3, 130 tnd mammon never can agree ................ 60, 29 answer to a person who enquired " why GOD created the devil ?" ........... . .................. 19, 5.0 ark made to shew GOD'S judgments ............ 7, 43 of GOD'S new covenant with man. .... ..... 30, 202 * 1 1, 60 15, 30 -24, 1725, 121 decrees of GOD will be shewn -to Joauna during the time of her trance . . . . . 25, 140 every list of sealed believers must appear before the throne of GOD 16, 26 examine what the will of G. was at the creation, 59, 49 hath never sent any empty away 12, 24 worked by instruments in all ages 52, 42 is a consuming fire, elucidated 11, 49 mankind ordered to trust -to the word of GOD. . 12, 38 must reveal the truth to supersede . the many false doc- trines established by man 47, 47 never left himself without a witness 3, 122 unveiled his face, so clear as he hath in Joanna's writings 9,6 17, 42 self-confidence is offensive to GOD, 20; 38, 42 25, 21 36, 68 sense and reason was given to man to contemplate the divine works of GOD, explained 56, 20 sent forth his son, made of the woman, exp 62, 27 the anger of GOD shall burn " till all that hath breath praise the Lord" 20, 4 the blame of the fall is cast upon GOD to this day, 32, 421 the blasphemy of the nations provoke GOD . .-. !". . 1, 35 the fury of GOD is kindled 11, 9713, 321, 35 ....' 24; 4o, 60 29, 174 the unity of GOD and Christ, due. 14 ; 100, 102 34, 26 the will of UOD, elucidated 33, 475 the wisdom of GOD is like a threefold cord that cannot be broken 21, 47 the word and works of GOD, due. 17, 9 24; 118, 126 29, 16531,365 56; 16, 19 troubles to begin at the house of GOD 39, 96* where there is no belief in a GOD, satan hath power to harden men in cruelty , 33, 531 whoever is ashamed of GOD, GOD will be ashamed of them, explained 20, 23 36, 41 will destroy the man of sin, which is the devil. ... 2, 62 ,... . , 30,20332, 422 GOD in) G R A GOD will put all men to the trial 17, 19 will redeem all who stand in perfect obedience by faith, ... 30,269 severely punish disobedience 33,513 37, 97 , . 40, 10146, 5749, 63 GOB'S love made manifest to man, 8,66 12,94 20, 1 1 21,4422,4034,2537, 64 promises, due 1, 392, 524, 1876, 28712, 27 .... 15, 4216, 6027, 933, 54443 ; 7, 851, 8 reward for believers, elucidated, 6, 245 37, 23 41, 179 .-.- ., 44; 35, 41 GODHEAD, bodily is come , . 16; 9, 16, 18 Christ did not appear in the perfect G., elucidated 4, 178 divided by the Jews and Gentiles ............ 32, 450 the Godhead appears in perfect manhood 4, 182 the union of the Godhead beautifully elucidated, 34, 26 when the son is revealed, men will see the perfect Godhead in the trinity in unity and the unity in trinity, 61, 29 GOLD and mines of treasures . . 1, 2 3, 1207, 15 16, 8 33, 53044, 35 51, 26 dust, proved to be superior to gold 12, 39 grandeur and gold is too much coveted . 4, 178 12; 30,7022, 8729, 18233, 52936; 114, K3O satan's gods of gold 2, 5312, 36 44, 39 the golden orbs, &c. explained. 11, 56 12 ; 39, 70 the seven golden candlesticks 7, 44 30, 271 GOLDSMITH, R. one of the 24 elders . . . 25, 123 GOMORRAH, mockers should mark Gomorrah, 2,63 15, 45 GOSPEL, all men dead to knowledge under the g. elucidated, 11, 8512; 26, 3219, 320, 4125 ; 30, 3130 ; 208, 238 31 ,.343 33; 509, 516, 549, 57034; 9, 56 44, 48 47 ; 47, 5652, 4159, 3760, 1062; 47, 49 and the law exp. together . . 2, 95 12, 93 14 ; 89, 98 . . 16; 8, 2720, 4530, 27632, 45043, 7244 ; 55, 57 chain of the law and gospel, exp. 3, 12116, 1931, 346 fulfilment of the gospel, explained. ... 7 ; 17, 54 1 0, 'Jo , 14, 9933 ; 543, 547 the madness and folly of gospel preachers shewn, 62, 27 , . . . see 19, 3221, 231, 383 42 ; 207, 22048,6 52; 5,1862, 79 the mystery of the gospel, exp. 25, 8150, 1859, 47 ,., 62; 73, 70 the tribe that was lost is turned to the gospel . . 20, 5 81 H . HAILSTONES, will break upon the land .' 23,, 87 HAIR, the flaxen hair, &c 23, 5024, 11329, 1.38 HALIFAX, answer to the book published there .... 35, 5 the multitude of Halifax, explained 29, ISO HAND and heart must join, eluc,. . 17 ; 18, 20, 44 48 ; 9, 1550 ; 20, 27, 28 GOD directs Joanna's h. \ , 24, 16024 ; 66, 1 1329, 190 the first and second hand, explained, 61, 57 see 12; 35 11717, 1918, 3120, 6929, 15932, 386 they have hands and handle not, explained 50, 27 HANDMAIDS shall prophesy .... 16, 1 see 17, 7 22, 35 28, 4036 ; 83, 8857, 30 HANX, R. an answer and reproof to him. . 53 ; 614 to 620 54 ; 2 to 5255 ; 40, to 51 HAPPINESS, great happiness promised to the sealed and their offspring 11, 6113, 20 -16, 54 of departed saints, eluc 15, 13 woman made to complete the h. of man. .4, 146 12, 43 when satan is chained down GOD will place man in that state of perfect happiness in which the fallen angels were placed 3, 114 see 11, 4715,2519, 9 28, 32 HARDING, his wrong judgment, exp 40 ; 97, 104 HARDNESS of men's hearts will bring the judgments of GOD on this land : 2, 52 16, 56 HARLOT, a parable of the Jt. 25,26 see 10,91 14,6 60,28 HARTEST of the Lord hastening on, 1, 152, 95 8, 107 19, 4132, 43535, 5636, 941, 16850, 38 t ..,, *. ,.,, M ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,, 53, 5SO 54, 8 5, 1 1 H A R 92 H E I HARVEST, remarks concerning the h. 1, IS 7, 9 12, 11 14; 34,70,104 20; 3 1,34, 6423; 20, 104 27; 10,12 36; 01,68,6941,167 tbe had h. a type of more to come .... 36, 55 see 1, 31 the truths ot'".the harvest, ordered to be marked . . 9, 30 see lj 18,3911,11317,4223, 10927, 11 HARWOOD, W. F. one of the Judges 25, 127 HAY, wood, stubble, &c. elucidated 59, 50 HAZARDS which. Joanna hath run, exp 20, 9 29, 140 HEAD of satan to be bruised . . 9, 4117, 4336; 59, 10.5 pain of Joanna's head, explained 36, 68 ?, 66 the heads of nations will fall 15, 47 HEARN, Rev. James, answered 63 ; 22, 25 HEART of stone to be taken away, 17, 9 see 7, 32 9, 32 15, 2216, 5852, 34 the feelings of Joanna's heart, answered. .19, 16 20, 20 24,62 28; 29, 32 54, 17 tbe heart compared to a valley 57, 72 - the heart is known to the Lord 50, 28 see 8, 105 22, 4025, 8654, 25 the prayer of Joanna for anew heart, 5, 205 see 8, 106 '. 24, 6228, 29 unbelief blinds men's hearts 3, 12327, 1136, 23 HEATHEN nations will be brought low, 32, 398 see 2, 82 5, 2107,168; 94, 10120, 9232, 39843, 81 HEAVEN, a new heaven and a new earth, elucidated, 12, 52 16, 1651,24 a wonder in heaven and earth 6, 278 15, 18 every name will be enrolled in heaven, 10, 73 12, 115 16-; 25, 70 see 7; 38, 53, 5410, 8214; 46, 68 15; 13,2119; 4444, 46 now judge the heaven from the earth, exp. 62, 1732,410 saints making intercession in heaven 46, 67 satan cast out of heaven. ..... 4, 148 11,26 =12; 11, 40 the heavens shall vanish away like smoke 51, 43 the kingdom of heaven compared to men on earth, 20, 20 the war began in heaven and will end in hell. . . . 36, 43 those who destroy their seals cannot go to heaven, 16, 29 HEAVENLY plough described 2, 84 9, 14 promises revealed . . 11, 61 see 5, 226 12, 33 15, 14 16, 2423, 95 HEDGES, all the edges will be pruned 9, 43 highways and hedges, explained .... 25 ; 10, 11, 38, 127 HEBREWS, see JEWS. HEEL, Christ will avenge his heel on satan's head. . 30, 231 see 9, 4111, 9924, 1736, 59 HETR, a bastard cannot be an heir .... 12, 47 63; 39, 49 Christ, himself must be .the heir, 24; 105, 107^-see 5, 213 . . 7, 179, 1736, 3858 ; 103, 10861 ; 5, 55, 57 II El 93 H K Z HEIR, the heir must come from the gentiles 5, 214 HEIRS, a trial for the heirs of the kingdom 23, 47 of GOD and Chrisr, explained, 14, 64 see 7, 17 8, 107 13, QQl {>, 43-^19, S. 23,59 59, 63 61, 35 65, 13 the heirs will he proved by the leaves 12, 104 who brings the heirs flue". 12, 104 14; 96107 62, 37 . . ... . .' 65, 15 set 7, 1516, 50 HEIRESS, the true heiress now is come 5,214 HEIRSHIP, explained . . 5, 213 see 7, 17 9, 16 12, 104 14, 9536, 3265, 8 HELL, .. description of the origin of h.. . 12, 18 see 4, 162 11; 5, 27,35,9712, 7114; 9,8522,6325,40 ... .34,554,34 55,42 as bounds were set for the waves of the sea, so shall hell be bound 12, 9 earth nor hell cannot frustrate the designs of the Most High.. 17 r 46 seel, 34 14, 99- 17; 10,5124,8 GOD cannot screen those who join with hell .... 23, 34 the stoneshallnow.be rolled on hell 12, 68 the yawning of cats compared to the yawning of hell when satan is bound 19, 20 HELP offered to sinking Peters 36, 45 the helpers shall be crowned in glory 16, 68 HELPMATE, all will find their h.. . 9; 28, 43, 47 65; 7, 8 appear, vain man, and answer why GOD created the woman to .he man's partner and helpmate .... 18, 4() Christ the true h. exp 8; 73, 7613, 21 24, 2() 29, 12430, 261 GOD laid the plan to be a h. for man's good 24, 9 Joanna is the believer's helpmate here. ... 7, 38 21, SO see 2, 519, 33 19, 5724, 79 the A. is arrived. . 5,22114; 97,11817, 1330,264 the woman must your helpmate be, your wedded brides become 22,8723, 1925,114 HERTFORDSHIRE, possessions of Joanna's family in Hert- fordshire 9, 2158 ; 89, 10, 3 the Holy Ghost must be judged here 3, 10858, 5 the Holy Ghost the comforter is come . . 5, 221 18, 26 . 30, 24036, 52 the Holy Ghost was never seen, explained 4, 183 the Holy One of Israel, exp 62 ; 20, 43 63, 26 the nature of the Holy Ghost, elucidated 3, 113 the sin against the Holy Ghost, due 3, 106 5, 223 Jl, 6114, 9822, 5824; 6, 736, 4239, 64 62, 54 HONOUR, before honour cometh humility . . 3, 140 14, 95 man is bliiKl to the hohour of GOD, 30, 285 see 8, 81 21 ; 16, 20, 28, 3330; 214, 287 HOPIJ, faith, hope, and charity, explained 62, 49 the anchor of hope is near 9, 47 Iloitx, the rirst and second horn, 24, 108 see 22 ; 57, 60, 6824 ; 94, 106, 10732, 39237, 47 tloRsi: compared to man, explained 15, 20 nor rider will be spared. . 8, S2 20, 5 sec 10; 69, 70 36, 6440, 129 the white horse, explained 51, 31 HOUSES, black hoises compared to judges 11, 87 grey horses denote death, explained 15, 53 the horses must begin to fight : 15, 13 Houu, a shadow of the midnight hour. . 24, 49 see 4, 173 11,88 29L; 51, 59 the eleventh hour doth appear 15, 21 llousu, a house of clay GOD laid in man 28, 38 see 29; 101, 149 all to be published on the house top 9, 41 24, 1.8 a mark to be set on every .house 3, 133 jt is better to go to the house of mourning thaji the house of feasting, explained. .' 25, 81 H O U 95 J E W HOUSES, the new houses described 7, 15 12, 11*2 will be desolate 5, '23723, 4518, 3 Hows, John, one of the jurv, 25, 127 see 25, 115 39, 50' ;1 ". 59, 53 63, 47 64, 0" HUMILITY of Christ, due. 3, 13914,9524, 8254, 54 HUNTINGDON, , letter to him 47,32 HUSBAND and bride, a type of the spirit and bride, 14, 42 bound to protect his wife 6', 269 20, 70> Christ is the husband no\v applied .... 3, 121 4, 181 <) ; 270, 272, 27617, 1618, 3120, 7623, y*l 24, 673 1 , 35837, 6959, 59 every husband and wife cautioned, 23; 20, 24 -see 15, 18 22, 4, 740, 12-i satan never was a husband ........ i 12, 47 the husband must do away the reproach. . . . 63 ; 40, 42 HUSBANDMAN, Goo is the true husbandman, 12, 101 see 2, 847 ; 12, 139, 4314, 82 41, I0l> HYMNS to be made from the writings 11; 86, 121 Joanna's farewell hymn 60, 24 J, you'll find the J P, 47 the J. is meant for Jesus and Joanna 12, 123 JACOB and his sons, eluc. . 20, 58 41, 175 sec 7 ; 32, 33 20, 6632 ; 419, 423, 4 18, 457 particulars concerning Jacob and Esau, 7 ; 32, 33, 34, 52 32; 412, 413, 416, 479 see 20; 67, 7032 ; 420, 43 tf 33, 51 2 64, 40 the sons of Jacob a type and shadow. . . . 20,61 32, 422 JA'H, Jehovah is a mystery .... So, 97 see 3, 10S 5, 117 9; 30,4311,6015, 3021; 117, 12425, 121 32, 43 1 36, 48 JAILORS, trembling-jailors Christ will free, 36, 11757, 72 JEALOUSY, type of Joanna's jealousy . . So, 112 see 8, 91 " 24, 6136, 12537, 24 JEHOSHAPIIAT, the valley or' /.. . 36, 117 see 1 , 43 7, 18 10,93 21,21 56,31 57, 72 JEREMIAH, his mockery shewn 47, 9 52, 'JO JERUSALEM shall be new built, explained, 7, 15 12, ll'J . . 16, 844 ; 35, 4451 , 2655, 3161, 1 662, 5 I the destruction of J. 56, 14 see 14, 109 44, 31 47, 51 the entry of Christ on an ass, explained 61, -32 the old men and women to dwell there 32, 4,VJ JESTER, parable of the King's jester 59,41 (il, -J4 JEWELS of the Lord 14; 2, 11 sec 1,40 2, 50 ".' 15; 9,11,15 16,3;; J EWS, casting off the Jews, eluc. 33, 490 see 3, 103, 1 18 5, 2146, 26510, 5016, 2722, 5829 ; 180, I S3 32; 427, 45133; 489,51336, S2 44, 47 17; , , .8, 58, Ul 51, :JO---o2 ; 21, 3<) JEW 96 ING JEWS and gentiles admonished and called, !0, 49 see 2, 53 3 ; 104, 118, 119, 1*214, 1715 ; 210, 214, '2236; 256, 257 7, 49 8,8 i 9; 21, 40 11,8512; 114, 12114; 51,88, 89, 90, 107- -15; 31, 38, 4517; 8, 31. 18, 4019, 7020; 9, 44, 45, -9, impostors will arise 61, 61 see 22, 52 25, 24 INTANT, behold an infant cry, cxp. 6, 28062, 41 65, 6 ". , .see 44, 5762, 6165, 31 I> t TDELITY is fast increasing, 54; 2l, 51 56, 26 61, 31 INGALF,, John, one of the 24 elders 25, 128 will be punished. , 2l, 3020, 6531, 314 INK 9? JO A INK, pale ink, elucidated 36, 12844, 52 INNOCENCE of Joanna proved. . 10, 51 see 22; 9, 23/86 ..;;.;. 26, 15 INSTRUMENTS, the Lord works by instruments. . k . 52, 42 - ..-. 58, 112 see 10, 95 INVENTIONS, false inventions of man, answered. . . . 63^ 4 see 11 ; 88, 9415 ; 40, 44 If), 2 29, 16*5 JOANNA, a beautiful explanation of her trial, 25 ; 91, 1 12 a blessing promised to Joanna 1, 27 23, 69 A braham's faith strong in Joanna 30, 204 accused of drunkenness '. ' .52, 1 1 Adam the first and Joanna the last star 2,' 58 address to friends and enemies 3, 1 13 the public concerning Pomeroy 10, 76* a drop-of ink fell from her pen, elucidated 44, 52 affirms to the world, that she hath the full consent of the bishops to publish " that her calling is of GOD," 28, 3 afflicted by the devil 12, 57 with sickness, 23, 3124, 11631, 365 G2, 53 a figure put into her bed 12, 60 after her trial the first half sheet of the prayers for the fast are to be published 21, 3 a general account of her writings 25, '55 agitation of her heart on account of the -disputes con- cerning the harvest 36, "68 a likeness -of her youthful days will be returned, 58, 16 all foes will be confounded at her trial 23, 92 all her lovers were broken off by the Lord 34, 15 all may see the eye of Christ in Joanna . 8, 102 all .men informed |jy what spirit Joanna is led . . 16, 24 all must come to and through J. with regard to direc- tions 25, 13238, 4440, 113-- 41; 176 all must hear and see the ponderings of her heart, 28, 17 all mysteries revealed to J. by the Holy Ghost. . 58, 18 all that believe in her writings will be saved. . 11, 127 all that dispute with Joanna must fall 29, 160 all that her enemies have said against her is false, 52, 35 . Joanna hath done, and all the letters she hath sent, have proceeded from the command of the King of Kings the Lord of Lords the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace the mighty Counsellor and the desire of every nation .... 1 ; 20, 443, 108 5, 220 9; 43, 46 all that is deferred in her writing shall be perfectly ful- filled 36, 5 nil the evils will not come in her days 20, Jftt all the sorrows that have come upon Joanna will surely .. v 37,20 J 6 A 98 J O A JOANNA, all will be cleared at her trial 44, .56 a loud rap on the table, which she considered as a token of her death 19, 12 an account of the manner of her visitation 54, 4 an audience of 700 persons addressed by Joanna, 25, 9(> a new heart promised Joanna 24, 62 and all the believers have been stumbled concerning Pomeroy , . .. . .. . 57, 28 and her sister a type of the nation 20, 22 and her sister's dispute answered . . . 36, 102 and Pomeroy's trial . 57, 17 and Satan are to stand the trial for the disputes, 14, 196 angels have been sent to Joanna to warn all men, 44, 1.3 rejoiced at her birth 1, 30 17, 2019, 10 .answered by the devil 8, 91 answers for her brother. , 11, 73 self. 12, 7426, 15 answer to her judgment on the exp. of the cornfield, 36, 72 trial of obedience 36, 71 men's saying "Joanna was a good mistaken woman" . . , . 36, 89 those who said " Joanna prints for gain," 4, 187 "Mr. P y and Joanna were agreed" ...... 60, 1C -say "Joanna cannot have a son at her age" 63, 57 anxious to get P y to bring on her trial, , . , 36, 45 apollyoo, satan's friend, disputes with Joanna . . 11, 44 a powerful visitation to Joanna 1, 27 58, 3 appears to warn you all 5, 19C 14, 107 arguments of her friends concerning the prophecies, ans. 36, SO as Adam and Eve were placed together temporally, so in a spiritual sense the Lord placed Pomeroy and Joanna together 57, 24 as Eve began with satan, so Joanna must end the strong dispute with hell 11, 107 as GOD kept'nothing from Abraham, he will keep nothing from Joanna 1, 27 a short account of her life . . , 1, 5- 5, 193 a sign for believers 36, 1 25 asks to be brought to trial 14, 126 as Miriam, testifies of Christ. 12, 13 as much as Herod fulfilled his oath to Herodias, so will the Lord fulfil his with Joanna 1-2, 26 ap my guardian angels, saith the Lord to J., have guarded and kept thee from all the arts awl powers of hell, now let my friends, brothers, mother, and sister, keep thee from all the arts and power of men 21, 14 J O A PO J O A JOANNA assaulted by the devil for ten days 8, 88 as Sodom and Gomorrah persecuted the angels which were sent to Lot, so will men persecute Joanna till Gon in his anger destroys them 17, 49 as the spirit of Elijah fell upon Elisha, so shall the spirit of the Lord that visits Joanna fall ,on them that are joined with her at her trial. 41, 179 at first every man's hand was against Joanna. . . . 26, 15 a type of Joanna in man, elucidated 31, 36<3 a weak foolish instrument for the Lord to work by, 34,9 a wonder to men and angels 6, 2*78 a wall to the sealed 12, 13 a warning to her foes 29, 1.54 believed her friends were ill 20, 13 believers are equal with Joanna 9, 25 Besley's false accusations concerning Joanna refuted, 63, 6 bishops' and religious societies admit of her visitation, 44, 58 blames the devil throughout the disputes 12, 20 blasphemy of satah to Joanna for ten days . . . . < . 1, 33 bread loathed by Joanna explained, a type of the nation, 43,93 breaks two basins with great fury 23, 31 glasses with great fury 23, 30 breathings heard by Joanna over her head in a very pow- erful manner 24, 1 12 bringing forth children by a spiritual birth .... 12,109 . . . '. 25, 111 brings forward her writings against Smith, as plaintiff, 50, 4 brought up like Samuel 12, 80 burning a letter, a type of the nation 20, 13 by thy stripes they must be healed .... 36, 119 54, 14 called a deluded impostor 25, 24 fortune teller 36, 113 v- by the voice from heaven 1, 24 * Hannah 5, 213 calls T. and U. to write hastily 22, 61 cannot get rid of her pain till her children are born, 37, 35 challenges all the world with regard to her character, 23, 24 see 52; 2, 8, 12, 13 changes her place of abode 5, 208 chooses heaven in preference to earth 8, 7 a chosen men prove her writings 37, 42 Christ appears in Joanna, elucidated 22, 78 Christ embraced Joanna at her birth 1, 3O Christ's, funeral will be placed in Joanna 5, 202 J O A 100 J O A JOANNA, Christ is her friend o, 40 Christ is her spiritual husband, 23, 99 31, 358 37, 6Y; Christ will make himself known among his disciples or believers, before he takes J. out of the world. . 43, 66 clergy, nobility, and laity, invited to her trial 37, 5 clothed with Bruce's clothing 7, 50 clothed with the son 7, 50 19, 59 coach upset with Joanna and others 44, 19 communications, how given to Joanna 55, 36 comforted by the spirit, at the altar 44, 5 commanded to leave the methodists 3, 87 prophecy 1, 27 r publish her writings 1, 19 write satan's words 11, 3 compared by Lane to Jezebel 56, 27 - - to a mad woman. . . < t 44, 1(3 r ;ui owl in the desert 29, 138 ' a pelican in the wilderness. ....... 29, 138 a she^p with worms in her brain .... 36, 3 Miriam . .,.','. Y 12, 13 the angels sent to Lot . 12, 36 the Centurian 58, 27 little bird that plucked the feathers from thi great ones ......;...... 1, 2 comparison between Joanna and Eve 37, 59 complaining to be delivered 4, 189 conceal* d from the world 22, 3,6 condemned for adultery, in prophaning the truth vvitli Pomeroy- 23, 3 confined from seeing her friends. ; (51, G to ner bed 24, 98 confu David's prophecies concerning her, explained . . 29, 138 ' dealeth .aitbt'uiiy with GOD and man 31,324 declares hei heart and soul to man '.'' 23, 21 defended iii every truth '. 24, 118 deliverance will come to believers after her death, proti- ded stct /tves to sec tile end of 15 years* 37, 23 Herd it may U? worthy of remark, forllir information of those believers who have not had au opportunity to examine all the writings, and conipaic them with the private loinmii- nicatioBS cm thin linid, that bc wan buried exactly at the end of the eleventh y?ar, COHM-- queiitly tbcic wt four ycais to come hoju tjie day ol Uer iutcriutut, to copplttt Uic 16 ycam. J O A 101 J O A JOANNA, Drlvalle has an interview .with Joanna .. 49, 21 despairs about her father's death 9, SO determines to live in perfect obedience 8, Sy devils threaten to take her life 19, 21 voice heard in the street by her 19, 21 dines at a gentleman's house, &c 8, 104 .directed by the spirit to publish Carpenter's conduct, 38, 4 how to dispute with the learned 24, 23 to the shepherd's care 25, 148 directions from the spirit concerning the sealing of her writings 25, 104 '.'/'' S5* 'I disputants concerning her writings commanded to answer GOD 11, 96 16, 24 disputes between J- and the powers of darkness, 11, 5 with salan in the field, &c 1, 3442, 209 drove furiously by the coachman 36, 04 dying' looks of Joanna will soon be known 25, 1)4 earth nor hell cannot make Joanna disobey the commands of GOD J 24, 8 Eastlake acknowledges the truth of her writings. . 8, S9 entreats Mr. P to take care of the letters put into hi* hands 59, 24 Ephraitn adviseth Joanna to make a friend of his satanic majesty 59, 39 every charge brought against Joanna will turn back ou their own heads 27 ; 14, 19 every man that disputes with Joanna shall fall. . 29, l(Jt) every sorrow J. has felt, every dagger they have placed in her breast, shall be returned double on this ungrate- ful nation 24, 11737, 36 every tongue that is against Joanna shall be ashamed and confounded 35, 24 every vision is brought to prove her writings came from GOD 15, 42 evidence of Joanna being pregnant of a living child, 6'3, 3 [See her important letter on this subject in my "Refutation to Dr. Keece."] extracts concerning her mission 25 ; 35, 38 faithful believers in her works are the chosen of GOD, 30, 20(S false accusations against J. in the Exeter paper, 52, 11 false assertions against Joanna refuted. . 25, 3 52, 1O felt the hand of the Lord upon her 24, 1 13 felt the horrors of hell 24, 1(> fond of dress in her youth ,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,.. 58, 100 J O A 102 JO A JOANNA, fifteen years added to her life . . 25, 92 27, 17 floods cast out against Joanna 17 ; 21 , 33 20', 1 8- forsaken by her father's house through unbelief . . 9, 19 Garrett's picture drawn to frighten Joanna 26, 1 1 gloves sent by Joanna to her friends. ... 10 ; 68, 80, 81 goes to Exeter. 22, 18 goes to her sister's, ill 8, 88 GOD declares he is for, not against Joanna .... 52, 32 - will never take his loving kindness from Joanna 8, 88 prove himself her friend . . 52, 34 . provoke Joanna to anger, and make her full of the fury of the Lord ; that his anger shall be kindled in her, and his spirit shall be upon her, 14, 93 take her part. . . . 29, 141 57, 27 that Joanna does not lie 12, SO the greatest sin under the sun is, that of \vouiidin-g the hearts of Joanna, T. and U 23, 5'2 GOD liath given the spirit of prophecy to J 17, 21 GOD hath made her spirit like his own 8, 105 GOD'S anger is kindled against Pomeroy, for saying her writings were *' a farrago of nonsense from the devil," 28,7229, 173 GOD'S covenant with Joanna, 1,278,92 15,49 38,36 decrees will be shewn to Joanna during the time of her trance 25, 140 GOD'S laws written on her heart 29, 150 promise to Joanna fulfilled at the communion. table 1, 286, 287 spirit speaks through Joanna 23, 58 visits Joanna 33, 5(JO GOD will punish those who cursed Joanna 8, 84 reward her obedience 1 27 good fruit brought by Joanna 37* 34 great will be the peace of her children 8, 59 guarded by angels and kept from harm 4, 164 guided by the Almighty * 34, 16 had Joanna been left to herself,she would have stumbled, like the rest 58, 15 happy are those who believe her mission, before her death 25, 112 Jins drawn the sword to slay satan, as Judith did IIolo- fernes 17,51 has felt no prison 8, 71 lias learned some to read her writings 31, 292 has suffered much from Pomeroy's anger ....... 10, 61 hath fully obeyed the command of GOD, 1,41 19, 20 Lath given her all to know GOD'S name 44, 36 JO A 103 JO A JOANNA hatli no power 44, .73 hath received great blessings 58, 27 hath sealed the people as the Lord commanded her, 7, 52 hath stood in faith and fear 11, 95 hath submitted to Pomeroy's judgment as Christ did to Pilate's . .. 10,78 hath wearied heaven with prayer to know the truth, 2, 58 heavenly music will sound at her trial, (/. e. when the sealed writings are examined) 4, 164 her afflictions compared to Job's 29, 102 will be severely felt by England in the end, 34, 2 her answers to various people, 2, 65 4; 178, 183, 188 25, 383(5, SO lier appetite taken from bread, due. . . 24, 11731, 30'.? her application to church Ministers to prove her writings, 25, "22 her awful trial will be in a field, exp. 29, 186 see 23, 98 25 ; 37, 9027, 1541, 107 her belief fully explained 3,105 her believers are brides and brothers 9, 42 her books will be given away 6, 267 her brother arrested and thrown into prison .... 10, 54 her call hath been from heaven, 3, 133 le, 102 16, 2,> 19, 25 26, 13 her cause like Job's cause, elucidated 29, 11O her challenge to all men 4, 176 37, 11 her character given by herself 12, 74 the spirit 12, 6tf her children must be taught of the Lord, 8, 59 12, 113 her death will be soon after the trance 25, 101 convince more than her life .... 25, 112 her divine looks will soon be known ^ 25, 94 her doubts about the sealing, answered 19, 1O her dreams explained 32, 394 her enemies compared to Jezebel. . . .25, 16 see 5, 2-2> 11, 10729, 11134, 5136, 2852, 38 her enquiry concerning the various opinions of men, ana, 14, 90 her faith elucidated . . 2, 5911, 91 12, 4331, 2f)S 58, 28 6O, 3 her faith concerning the child, explained 61, 6O tried, and as the Lord found her obedient, he assured her " he .would work a different way.", . 58, 4 her fainting fits, the bishop's death, &c 36, 118 her fall would be more fatal than Eve's 4, 133 her family a warning to the nation 5, IP-j her farewell hymn , >t , 60, 24 J O A 104 J O A JOANNA, her fast in lent, elucidated, 5, 121 36; 120, 135 her father compared to the nation, 9, 29 see S, 97 9 ; 24, 2f>,29, 30, 35, 37 10,08 22,24 3f>, 11557, <>9 fearful he had signed awav his Son's right, - ". 9,21 her father's passion, explained 22, 11 her fears shall vanish, and the land shall fear. . . . 27, 19 v see 20 ; 13, 1437, 3438, 44 her feelings beautifully answered in verse, 57, 74 6l, 50 see 19, 1(525, 8036, 7857, 6 6O, 39 her finger inflamed, explained 8, 104 her first hook printed by an Atheist 9, 9 present came from the Rev. S. Bruce .... #, 7 her foes have gained the victory over her for the present, , 60, 14 her folly concerning Pomeroy's death, shewn. . . . 57, -17 her fore-fathers walked before GOD with a perfect and upright heart 1,6 her friends like Job's friends .... 8, 9112, 3 43, 76 -her fright at the pound-house 22, 13 tier helpers shall he rewarded 9, 25 16, 68 her history placed in different parts, 34, 20 see 22, 10 ...;...... 23, 10224 ; 26, 32, 6334, 1443, 59 her ill treatment by the clergy, elucidated. . . t < 23, 37 her infusion comes from GOD 20, 6'9 her innocence satan cannot betray 43, 57 her judges will be the first redeemed 4, 165 her judgment of Adam, answered 35, 26 Christ and the gospel 32,461 the hook of Job 29, 99 her learning comes from GOD 9, 16 her life placed for man to see, 29, 101 see 5,20(j 19,21 .......... . 25,92 37; 22, 38 .'59, (>4 58, 16 her love for her friends shewn, 29, 140 58, 1360, 13 Noah Bishop, elucidated 37, 64 her mission proved from the bible. . . . . 12, 117 25, 38 47, 22 her obedience hath been tried and proved, 1, 27 3, 109 ... 8,9236,7158; 4,6,11 her observations on the book of Daniel 32, 388 her petition answered. .......... 2, 54 12, 27 25, 16 her prayeracceptable to GOD, 17, 18 see 3, 139 5, 205 8, 8911, 4112, 2714, 2419, 22 3(>, 10 48, 2250, 12 her present friends set as a type 36, 85 her prophecies are cast on the serpent 17, 13 . came from GOD 12, 1631, 324 _^ will be fulfilled .,,... 17, W I O A 105 J O A JOANNA, her remarks on the Arians and Calvinists, 32, 463 her sacrament ticket demanded by Pomeroy. . . . 28, 47 her solemn vow to the Most High. ........ 1, 28 her soul will rest in realms of bliss 22, 40 her spirit united with GOD'S spirit 48, 9 her suffering for all, answered . . 23 ; 30, 34 24 ; 12, 15 ...29, 10231, 36636,119 her sister said the Southcotts were too proud to be visited by the Lord ....... ../. 58,108 her temptations, eluc. 23, 74 37, 55 placed years for days . . 1, 37 4, 145 ". 10, 95 her trance, beautifully eluc.. 25 ; 89, 100, 129 her travailing in birth, elucidated . . 12, 1 1 L her trials 4, 1 12, 422, 2023, 7225 ; 7, 41 . 34, 1637, 6 58, 84 her vision of the beautiful lights 23, 32 her vision of the candle, ring, 8cc 61 ; 55, 58 her visitation eluc 31, 324 32,475 34; 2, 5/34 36, 122 37; S3, 47, 7143, 8944, 58 46, .36 :...'. 52, 16 her weakness without the spirit 25, 82 her will particularised and answered 63, 5 her writings and the bible come from one fountain, and must end in one stream. . . . 27, 13 see 1, 21 4; 176 188,1929; 7,9, 13, 18, 4611; 94, 9612; 93, 10916, 6021, 1425; 91, 10327, 929; 110, 13931 ; 333, 33636, 5543, 454, 1056, 59 her writings could not have been fulfilled if Pomeroy had not fallen from the faith, explained. .. 57, 39 her writings only can save England from ruin . . 14, 102 her wrong judgment shewn 3, 128 9, SO how will men appear when they see the truth of her pro- phecies ..........;.... 52, 32 jealousies that alarmed her breast, exp. . . .19, 1 24, 67 if Joanna had drawn back, the Lord saith ten million worlds would have been but misery to her, as her life would have been miserable, and her end with- out honour ; 36, S4 if men deny the oath GOD swore unto Abraham, then let them deny the oath he swore unto Joanna, 14, 88 informed that her kinsman would die . . 20, 30 in satan's form men will come to Joanna 58, 115 is a child that's born fo do the work of GOD .... 12, 8O is hated by all without a cause. 29, 139 is no impostor, neither is the spirit that directs her a de- ceiver. . . . . ; 52, 1 454, 19 is not above the rest ',..., 9, 25 O J O A 106 J O A JOANNA is not under the influence of the devil, exp. 6 1, 45 is ordered to give up the whole to Pomeroy's judgment, 59, 4(> is ready and willing to stand every trial to prevent the judgments that hang over our heads 21 y 40* is the faithful bride 2, 593, 9911, 9110% (58 t ( . . . 24, Wo 44, 4558, 28 is the harmless dove to bring the olive branch of peace, 12, 8015; 50,51 is the perfect heir, explained, , 30, 32 judgments of men concerning her visitation .... 52, 31 learned men judge her wisdom as simple as an ass, exp. .. . 3, 139 leaves her father's house and goes to service. . . t . . 5, 206 Jed by the spirit of truth 20, 15 r37, 35 living unknown to the world, explained 59, 9 made ill in Wilson's room 12, 70 man called upon to answerconcerning her writings, 11,90' many believers are longing for Jpanna's death that thfy might see wonders* 37, 30 Mary agrees with Joanna 14 ; 14, 107 58, 8 men are forging the name of the Lord against J. . 52, S2 must join'with Joanna 28, S3 judge, und nien must free Joanna 9 r 6 shall tremble before Joanna, and own with confu- sion they have done wrong 1 4, 93 who dispute with Joanna must fall 29> 100 r will come in great fury against Joanna. ... 30, 133 mob break into the field on the seventh day of her trial, 25,119 must appear the mother of all the living race. . . . 13, 2O must bear the burthen for all 37, 4i must be the judge of the earth 4, 17.5 . must be the Lamb's wife 24 , 01 must be tried by men, and freed by men, before the Lord casts the dev il f r 9,. must bring the good fruit 25, 4O must draw back the curtains 2, 80 must neither add nor diminish 9, 2 must not be robbed of her virtue 0, 270 must stand her trial before the serpent stands his trial, 9, 623, 9858, 12 must stand or fall by her own Master 1, 4O must suffer like her Master, for the stubborn sons of men, 30,11954, 13 names of church ministers applied to by her friends to prove her writings 25, 1 2 never tube freed till the shepherds are wounded, 23, 30 J O A 107 JO A JOANNA,- new clothing for wedding garments 58, 4 new things revealed to Joanna 58, 4 no clergyman has attempted to prove that her calling is wrong 16, 6 no man can dispute with Joanna, because GOD is her friend 36, 32 no man must come to J. unless it be him whom she hath chosen for her judge, or any of the bishops, 58,115 no man who writes against Joanna believes in the bible, ' 33,504 none can judge her written hand 7, 13 no one knows the time of her trance 95, 36 no prayers or petitions of men have altered the decrees of the Lord to her 60, 34 nothing shall be concealed from Joanna 25, 91 not only to have the knowledge from the spirit, but also the power .,,...,..,.,..,... 1, 2 npt to appear till the third day. 25, 84 not to fear the judgments of men 1, 47 not to live to see her prophecies fulfilled, ex plained, 2, 54 3, 13352, 47 no weapon that is formed against her shall prosper. 17, 18 no woman hath ever appeared like Joanna, 12, 65 60, 47 of opinion that no invasion can take place before her awful trial ................. ,,...,... 27, 6 one year and one day in London, explained .... 15, 48 ordered all her books and papers to be delivered to her brother . . . 24, -29 ordered not to confine the unerring wisdom of Jehovah to her weak understanding 9, 30 ordered to arise and go to her father. 9, 38 attend and speak at the class meeting. . 8 ; S3 ' 9O, '92 the mayor of Exeter at the Guildhall respecting some hand bills published by her, which they said were blasphemy 10, 74 ordered to get her bread in various places, and work for different families, that her character might be publicly known 52, 1 1 ordered to go into the gap and make up the breach, exp. 57, 53 , to Bristol 36 55 Exeter 8, 89 London May 1802 la; 3 mark the night 20, 1 1 . pen salan's words 11, 1 publish that an earthly union would soon take place ,.,...,, ,.,,,,,,,,. 58 83 J O A 108 J O A JOANNA ordered to put on three rings 24, 1 1J ordered to receive no letters, &c 58, 1 1 o seek another place. 26, 42 send to the bishops 57, 58 -set her house in order, as her sick bed was sure, . , ,, 12, 50 take up her bed and walk, due. 22,7824, 107 rwait two years 36, 1 1 1 warn the disciples 22, 7.9 sheep and shepherds .0, 3-1 . weep no more for Pomeroy 33, 352 . write in the name of the Holy Ghost. . 3, 113 nothing but her name 36, 83 _ to Pomeroy 36, 97 the church ministers 1, ]0 ordered what room to sleep in 9, 40 orders the knives, &c. to be removed 24, 14 our bride, is dear to Christ 9, 42 parable of her mother's death 5, 212 * the wound in her shoulder 22, 48 particularly mentioned Joel ii. Rev. xii. xix. xxii. Isaiah, liv 12, 1 17 particulars concerning her brother's denying that she was a prophetess 10, 53 persecutions against Joanna 52, 30 56, 50 said to be Buonaparte's brother 20, 73 satan attacks Joanna furiously 24, 52 satan breaks on Joanna with g r reat violence, Ii3, IS 58, 11 satan calls her an idle, lazy bitch 24, 9S ,__: Lucifer, son of the morning 11, 42 satan complains against her for sealing the people, 15, 3 . of her disrespect to him 11, 26 satan had greater power over Joanna than he had over Job 12, 4 satan informed Joanna that she had a spirit like the fallen angels 11, 8 Satan is said to be gone to heat* the bottomles pit for J. seven times hotter than usual 1 1, 44 satan must enter the field and answer for himself per- sonally, after Joanna returns from her trance t . 23, 22 satan must not appear to Joanna ..,..., 11,2 satan offers to supply Joanna with money 9, 11 satan permitted to afilict Joanna seven days .... 12, 55 * take advantage concerning her father's death, explained . , 54, 8 gatan pursues J. as close as Pharoah pursued Moses, 19, 10 satan's anger kindled against Joanna for sealing his de- man's redemption , , , . , , , 11,9 J O A 109 J O A JOANVA, satan said Joanna would curse GOD if she were, afflicted with pain 12, 55 54, 7 satau says he is come to ask pardon of GOD and Joanna, .* , 11, 50 Potneroy began to cause her fall 50', 46 hath always treated Joanna with scorn and con- tempt > 60, 10 said 'twas a disgrace to see his name stand with Jonnna's . . GO, 9 's words against Joanna, elucidated . . 31, 348 pondering of Joanna's heart shewn 24,4 54, 17 powerful working of the spirit in Joanna, exp. . . 54, 37 power given to the devil to tempt Joanna 12, 5i prays ior death sooner than be led by a wrong spirit, 9,3419, 11 36, 112 preserved three times from being drowned 12, SO promised friends 5,212 9, 21 prophecies spoken by Joanna more plain to be under- stood than the bible 26, 6 proves the divinity of Christ 32, 4C2 public opinion concerning her writings proved to be erroneous 25, 3 raised up to shew the power of (JOD 33, 483 reasons assigned for her being visited by the devil, 54, 5 for love and anger in Joanna 30, 241 recapitulation of prophecies, &c. 17, 21 49, 49 52, 29 resolutions on the truth of her mission 25 ; 79, 133 returns to Exeter 8, 89 righteousness revealed to Joanna, elucidated. . . . 44/40 reproved for her folly , . .. . 4, 102 9, 34 reproves Pomeroy 28, 44 satan says he will make Joanna an atheist if the Lord would permit him to try her faith , 36, 70 Joanna's writings are like the bible . . 11, 11 threatens to tear Joanna to pieces .. 11; 11, 14, 21 2.2, 2T wants Joanna tjp burn her writings 11,9 would not afflict Joanna in her head, because she should not say she was afflicted like Wilson . . 12, 57 set as a sign for believers 36, 125 shall unfold the truth 14, 39 should Joanna be killed by man, England would be de- stroyed by fire 24, 85 sliding on the ice,, it broke, she fell, &c t 12",, 79 speaks with the spirit of prophecy 52, 14 stands boldly for her Master 1 , 3(> such a wonderous woman as Joanna was never on earth before , ,, , 15, 17 T O A 110 JO A JOANNA taught of ihr Lord from her youth 5, 203 the bible, with the future destinies of nations, have been. revealed to Joanna 1, l(j 17, 39 the Bishops never tried to stop her writings 28, 5 V 1ho blood of the nation would be on Joanna's head if she were to keep silence 14, 33 the clrarges brought by man against Joanna, to turn back on themselves 27, 19 the clergy blame the supporting of Joanna 30, 47 know no more of the bible than they do of Joanna's writings 24, 124 the clergy preach against Joanna .... 24, 12236, 99 the devil breaks furiously on and threatens to destroy Joanna : 24, 3(i , or moon to be under her feet 10, 92 the GOD of truth is Joanna's Master 31, 315 ihe greatest prophet that has ever been on earth, 6', 275 the guilt cast by Pomeroy on Joanna ; . . 30, 2b'3 the heavenly joys J. will i'eel during her trance, due. 25,1 0(> the helpmate for man 12, 44 23, 19 25, 114 the horror and misery of Joanna described, on account of the letters being placed .wrong . . . . 24, 12 the J is meant for Jesus and Joanna 12, 123 the ill treatment of the clergy towards her 23, 37 the infa-mous conduct of ht-r enemies shewn .... 52, 37 , 9 said that the gates of hell shall never pre- vail against her ,* 24, 2(i spoken in Joanna 24, 70 the Lord informed Joanna that the time of her departure drew nigh, for her sands, were nearly run, ..... 58, 4 the Lord saith, it was not so great a sin to say he worked . miracles through Beelzebub the prince of devils, as it is to say her prophecies come from the devil . . 14, 103 4he Lord will not leave Joan mi to man, as Adarn left Eve to tlie serpent, for the hnih trusted in his protection, and hif protection she shall have. ,,.;....... 21, 13 J O A 111 J O A JOANNA, the manner in which J. was led in 1702 . . 8, 84 . of her life written in the Psalm?. . 29, 138 the meaning of Christ being in Joanna's form is in spi- rit, explained 58, 14 tke mighty Counsellor appears in her writings. . 16', 18 the mos.t taithful person on earth L , 2, 5<) wonderous woman that hath ever appeared since the foundation of the earth was laid. . . . 15, 17 the mystery of her writings ;ire deep 1, 40 the name of the Lord and of Joanna must spread far and wide 9, 21 the. only true prophet of the Lord 31, 3^2 the parables and fables in her writings the more simple the more true 37, 47 the ponderings of Joanna's heart concerning believers, answered 37 ; 23, .55 the preparation of Joanna's heart, and the answer givr j n to her by the longue, are both from the Lord, 19, 7(1 the promise made to the woman, Joanna, 9,41 11, ll. r > the same spirit that inspired men to write the bible Uatli inspired Joanna 5. 234 the seals of Joanna's writings could not be broken till Basil Bruce was dead ' 7,37 the secrets of the Lord are revealed to Joanna. ... 2, 52 the simplicity and weakness of Joanna, explained, 23, (24 the sins of the nation have increased since the time of -Jo- anna's birth, elucidated 52, 3S the spirit comes from GOD and Christ to Joanna, 15, 2< of Christ is in Joanna here 1 ! , $( GOD waiting to direct her 4, 160 Christ, Moses, and Paul, attend her, 1C>, 24 Jesus hath visited J, by prophecy . . 5'J, 43 the spirit of the Lord breaks in upon Joanna with power, 11, 6022 ; 78, 8024 ; 10, 30, 107 - truth visits Joanna 49, 5(> the spiritual mother of all men, as Mary was the tempo- ral mother of Christ 28, f)'t the standard for all 37, 4O 38, D the stars to rise on Joanna's head 9, 4'2 the temptations of Joanna and Eve, elucidated. . 26\ 18 the throne and the kingdom Joanna hath prayed for shall be established in peace and righteousness .... 52, 47 the truth of her writings proved at Taylor's .... 37, 42 the twelve judges Will stand as stars upon her head, 17,54 the voice of the good shepherd heard by J 30, 23;i the water flood com i fig on Joanna, explained. . . . 23, 9ri the way Joanna has been led on, fully explained, So', 85 the wise and learned are ignorant of her writings, 1 - 1 ^ 2j> J O A 112 J O A JOANNA, the witnesses at her trial ordered to be examined by an attorney 25, 11 " therefore I tell thee," saith the Lord to Joanna, " I am thy Judge, that have called thee with an everlasting calling, and 1 will save thee with an everlasting salva- tion" 50, 65 there is no forgery in Joanna's writings 57, 18 they that honour Joanna's writings honour the Lord that gave them 31, 16 those who cannot understand Joanna's prophecies, are referred to the prophecies in the bible 52, 29 will not honour Joanna, to own her prophecies just, dodishonour to GOD 28, 96 u-, write against the visitation to Joanna, answered 55, 38 to be kept from all harm 31,810 to go to prison, if her prophecies are not true . . 44, 16* to have a rod put into her hand to destroy all that come against her . .. 38, 5.Q to hold a controversy with man 32, 426 to meet her sister at her father's funeral 9, IS to receive a crown of glory 25, 113 to return from her trance 25, 39 to tread the devil under her feet 10, 84 tries the shepherds 12, 22 unbelievers have nothing to do with writing her seals, 52, 31 upbraided by satan 50, 63 usurious principles practised by a person who lent Joanna rnonsy towards publishing her books 9, 11 visited by night and by day 1, 5 24, 98 44, 13 visited like the Virgin Mary, to bring the Comforter, 62, 39 walks up and down the room in great fury .... 24, 110 warned of her sickness, and ordered what to do. . 12, 56 the dangers of drawing back . . 36, 8 49, 62 war, the first thing shewn to Joanna 52, 44 was commanded to contend with Pomeroy by letters, to prove what his wisdom was 58, 75 ' what J. has done shall endure to all ages, 9, 25. .17, 20 . said on the divine interference, she is ready to prove to the world 49, 16 when J. dies the seal must be given to a friend, 12, 104 visitation is granted by the Bishops, they will know that her name is spiritual 58, 7 whoever is against Joanna is the serpent's seed. . 38, 4.S why Joanna could not stay at Exeter 57, 30 Avassuff'ered to endure temptations. . 23, 70 why the augels rejoiced at her birth, explained. . 52, 39 JOA us jos JOANNA, why the spirit of the Lord hnth visited her, 9, 1 will l>e resigned to. one in likeness of Noah 58, 7 will be shewn the sealed book in heaven. . 25 ; 100, 140 - will be thrown into n trance 25, 39 tried for blasphemy 15, 35 -warned of dangers when near 15, 55 will have three trials 21, 40 will hear bitter words 9, 43 will never wed any man but him whom the Lord hath designed for her 58, 105 will see some redeemed 36, 35 shew herself to be the bride 2, 92 soon forget her travail pains { .- ., . .58, 19 wisdom placed in Joanna by the Lord to claim the pro- mise ,+ f ., 29, 152 wishes for death. . . , 36, i 12 - to conceal the frailties of Carpenter , . 38, 1 wonders must appear at her trial , 23, 20 words spoken by her in the spirit 27, 5 would be moclved were she to appear in public. , . .37, 41 - ; liaye been destroyed had she forged the name of the Lord 12, 65 - ; sooner die a martyr then let her foes triumph over her friends , 58, 13 w,rites by the command of the spirit 10, 52 to w.aru the B.ishops 21, 18 JOB put to his trial, to shame satan, 17, 18 20, 7 see 8,01 12; 3, 414, 12029; 97, to 11036; 70, 78 .43, 7650, 2G 54, 40 JOEL'S prophesies hastening on. . 14, 84^ see 2, 80 19, 37 JOHN the BAPTIST, satan will foil like him, ^15, 42 see 1, 392, 524, 1876, 28712, 27 Ifi, 60 the preaching of John the Baptist,.explained .... 62, 42 JOINTURE, the marriage jointure, and bond, elucidated, 18, 40 JONAH and Nineveh compared to .Brothers and this nation, 32, 440 see. I, 267, 5511 ; 86, 12013, 5 32, 438 to- 444 47 ; 20, 22 three days in the whale's belly, explained 1Q, 94 JONES, J. gave up his tryst to Pomeroy 9, IS his bet concerning the bishop's death . 39, 93 bis testimony respecting the mission. 25, 50 ordered to .go to Pomeroy 23, 4.5 28, 49 JONES, \V. one of the'24 elders 25, 128 JORDA.N, drijik of Jordan's stream 14, 72 25, 122 JOSEPH, we must sutler a Joseph's persecution before, we can receive a Joseph's blessing .... 20, 66 see 56, 70 . ,.,,,,,,.,, ,, ,,.,,, 41, 176 5?, 64 JOU 114 JITD JOURNAL, the shadow of the Journal, explained . . C4, tV> see 2, 70 <29, If) I JOWETT, Win. one of the Judges , 25, 1137 JOY, the midnight hour of joy will come, 22, 61 see 9, 4(y 30, 9363.5, 3452, 4058, 8 L IRELAND, answer to the people of Ireland. ... 34 ; 40, 48 rebellion in Ireland foretold 14, 123 17, 33 IRON, the rod of iron, elucidated, 52, 44 62, 70 see 7, 3'2 19,11114, 8920; 3, 48 ISAAC, a type of Christ, eluc 24, 11621, 1030, 206 the promise was fixed in Isaac, 36, 37 see 9, 89 5, 213 7, 3216, 1131,35932,43636; 39, 6958, 7 60, 34 the spiritual Isaac, in whom all'the families of the earth shall be blessed, exp 33, 489 C2 ; 18, 51 ISLES, the isles must wait for the law 17, 6 ISRAEL, by faith we become the true Israel of GOD, 17, 11 51, 05 see 7, 4412; 93, 11214, 10117; 5, 12 20,6630, 20732; 408, 43533, 52851; 8, 26 deliverance of the children of Israel 47, 12 numbered, ;i type of the sealed number ........ 12, 93 the Holy One of Israel, explained 61 ; 20, 43 JUDAH, the type of Judah explained 32,425 JUDAS, a Judas must he found, 14, 98 ste 4, 159 11 ; 32, 9914, 2716, 41 20, 8023, 4624, 10225, 1 17 30 222 JUDGE, as a judge the Lord will come, 7, 51 see 3; 108, 1404, 1755, 5338, 10718, 1920,9636, 93 50 ; 3, 18, 63 men are to judge for themselves, 3,l2S see 3,144 4, 147 8, 10314,9225, 9226, 240,10460; 29, 37- the Judge passing sentence, explained, 24, 23 see 3, 141 11, 8746, 21 the righteot s .1 udge stands at the door 41, 126 JUDGMENT dav for man, explained. ... 6, 241 see 3, 142 " 4 ; 152, 1756, 26820 ; 8, 72 day prolonged, explained 53,591 men must sit in judgment 4, 159 6, 244 JUDGMEM-TS, a warning to those who wait to sic the judg- ments fa* t t 44, 62 see 2, 527, 5516 ; 5, 6021 ; ......... 44,45-31,32143,9344, 28 fatal judgments will come on, 52, 43 see. 1, 23 2, 56 14; 6, 10916,5120,3530,20131, 31133, 441 .... 34, 61 36; 9, 55 37,25 44,14 47, 451,4 57, 43 must begin at the house of GOD 1, 26 fee 8, SO ........ 19, 3239, 96 42, 20759, (5 the manner of judgments, explained, ... 36, 7 42, 21Q JUD 115 KIK JUDGMENTS, threatened judgments will come on, 61,28 see 20, 6544, 1759 ; 4, 6, 2861, 49 when judgments come believers must rejoice, 30, 267 fee 14,10421,2325,8631,36932,44136, 1 37, A3 44, 17 JUNE, let Mau be over and let June appear, 3, 144 4, 145 8, 100 the eleventh day of June 15, 49 J CRY, as Jurymen appear, 7,51 see 1,20 2,108 4, 182 ........ 8, 10714; 51, 12122; 4,725; 92, 105 the Apostles and prophets brought forward as the grand jury 50, 11 JCST, tlie Just man is the Son of GOD, 99, 152 see 3, 108 ,* -; f. 16, 4119, 6233 ; 561, 567 JUSTICE compels the Lord to bruise safan'shead, 0, 42 see 6,2449, 34 11; 63, 127 12; 18, 21 14; 70, 98 --' ','&. 0, 825, 1428, .5029, 20149, 70 53, 592 K KEEPER, the LORD will be the keeper of the faithful, 36, 85 KENRICK, a dissenting preacher, answerd, 36, 106 57, 6 , the poisoned coat, and poisoned lance, 12, 50 25; 116, 11726, 18 the wifdotn of a king is to examine into the truth, and save tha land, 29, 169 sec 1, 47 61, 8 62, 4363, 56 KINGS compared to the King of kings explained . . 62, 17 did not the kings shut their mouths at Christ. ... 61, 11 have order in theif war 24, 47 must resign their crowns to the Lord, explained . . 61, 56 satan's reign shewn to kings 12, 25 the king's business must be done in haste, 21, 1659, 38~ , ..,,...,. , 01, 47 IvlN lid LAB KINGS, the king's heart will be made tender, if the priests and bishops now awake 14, .')'- the perverseness of kings 28 ; 25, 3:) the ruin of kings foretold 12, '2,') why the sins of kings were ordered to be published, ex- plained 23, 102 KINGDOM, all must sign for Christ's kingdom to come, 1'2, 9117, 20 n trial for the heirship of the kingdom, elucidated, 23, 47 . if men never receive the kingdom, how are they to know what paradise they lost by Adam's fall 15,10 of Christ., elucidated 1, 373, 1307, 32 9; 4, 28 11,8712; 28, 3814; 2, 75, 10916; 7,22, 7 3O; 2(35, 28-132; 392, 400, 447, 457, 46033, 495 . . 35, 6044, 3557, 65 G 1 , 37 of Christ not so near as some imagine 9, 36 of heaven compared to men upon "earth, due. . > . 20, 20 signing to be made heirs of ttie kingdom 19, 8 the blood of Chris? was shed as an earnest to purchase the kingdom, 8,83 12; 53, 9114,9715; 16, 2,2 20, 17 21; 2, 1932, 380' 44, 36 5,0, 0951, 25 ......... 52, 46' 53, 579 61, 2() the /r. of heaven must be in. the womb, to be born as Christ was, and as a LITTLE CHI LD HE must be first received, if they will obtain the A-., of glory 61, 2763, 1 4 the kingdom must come by the desire of man. . 31, 3G2 those who slight the warning will loose the k., 11, 8p what must happen previous to Christ's kingdom being established, elucidated 44, 36 Kiss the son lest he be angry, explained. . 23, 57 35, 22 KNIGHT, parable of the knight and persecuted female, 22, 8143, 6 1 ]' :. i v ES ordered to be taken away '24, 14 KNOWLEDGE, all men dead to the knowledge of GOD, . . 30, 231 see 1, 39 2,- 913, 1149, 4312, 42 1 i, 65 J5, 4416, 4519; 56, 6025, 3231, 345 33 ; 487, 490, 500, 5K>, 569 circumcision compared to fore-knowledge 13, 6 of good and evil, elucidated. ... 4, 149 -1 4, 5419, 60 the tree of knowledge eluculntcd, 4, 1477, 12 12, 103 14,72 37, 11 42,813 see 4, 176 17, 30 U), 5(i 52, 15 L LABOUR, the anguish of Joanna's labour may be great, . ' 61 ; ;',;), 7S the labour of all mankind, explained 25, 109 the truth of " tleir labour is gone" v/ill be seen. .62, 78 those who labour for the Lord must come free. . 25, 38 ,,, 27,2332,476 LAD 117 LAS LADIES of fashion ruin their fortunes, explained . . 22, (JO parable of the murdered ladies, 22,70 34; 10,30 43,62 LADY and Gentleman guided by providence 49, '2G _ Imnted by biood-hounds. . . . 49, 27 murdered at the inn . 41), 19 parable of the lady and gentleman at the inn. .. . 49, 18 LAITY, clergy, nobilitv, and laity, invited to Joanna's trial, ". 37, 5 LAMB, a cow brought forth a lamb 47, .51 Christ wil.1 come as a /. newly slain, 2, 54 1 0, SI O'l , 96 sacrifice and burntofferings were but types and shadows of Christ being offered up for the sins of mankind, as the paschal lamb, explained 24, 120 -52, 17 slain frooi the foundation of the world, clue 50, y the Lanib invites all to become brides 1 4, (> the lion ;is gone with the lamb in heaven, 7, 3 46, 42 the marriage of the Lamb^ eluc*. . 1, 40- P, 1711, 7*:) 1<2, 4614, 6 -20, 74 25, 10523, 7 'H, 230 44, 5" 47, 2.} the scriptures cannot be fulfilled till the Lamb of Goo has taken away the sins of the world 52, L<> the wolf to lie down with the lamb, explained . . 5.3, 2.3 women who mock the marriage of the Lamb will trem- - :, vbte- -. v ; ,-, ' .; :< f, ,<. i 26, 9 LAMP, the true lamp, explained 12, 53 LANE, S. his conduct shewn 56, 27 to O'O LAND, distress will come to every land, 1'J, (51 see 1, 31 2, 62-.- 10, 1920, 527, 7-- 2p, IS*-- 31 ; 322, 380 3 3, 1 1 5 57, 6'f) every land is patched up with rags and paper . . 36, 6't) shall be filled with glory, 28, 34 we 20; 53, <)0 29, 20537, 2358, 10360, 47 the land stands by heirship . . 27, 32 see 3, 120 7, lu U.it P,21 18, 41 LANGUAGE, a pure language all will have. . 32; 427, 4;>() '"see 11 ; 87, 90, 912.3, 3043, 17 the language of mankind . . 27, 80 see 19, 6S 23, 40 the language of hell, 11 ; 5, 29, S2, 39, 40, 43, 51, 7 1 J, 7 4 LAP, those that lap the WHter now appear 4, 1M L A SKY, E. one of the 24 elders 25,128 LAST, particulars concerning the last pJagues .... 30, 2tJ6 promise was made to, the woman 2, 70 raised up at the hist day, elucidated 33,544 the first and last, elucidated, 1, 37 2, H 8, 5811, tin '. 2S, 7430; 261, 274 the last days, er/> 20, 5832, 45733,. 576 the last error will appear worse than the first. ... 11, 100 the last hour is con;* for man '. 8, 6'5 LAU us LET LAUGH, too many laugh at the name of GOD 8, lotf LAW, a law for all to keep 16, 72 and gospel, elucidated, 2, 953, 12119, 9314; 98, 10516; 18,2790, 4530, 27031, 34fi 32, 450 43, 7244, 57 love is the fulfilment of the law 12, ,5 man pronounced dead under the law 33, 566 now the gospel must -wait for the law 14, 89 the law of GOD, explained ..17,55 19, 7- --24; 23,24 25 29 the law of this land, hath kept it from the foreign enemy 61 , 34 0*3, 2O LAWS, human laws compared with the Bihle ..... .32, 41.1. if the laws of the French are brought into this country, then like the French must be your fall 2.5, 15 LAWYERS must do justice 23,47 49, 59 LAZARUS^ a type of new life 30, ( 23l 33, 514 LEACH, , hi* self-confidence and conduct shewn, 23, 38 see 1 ; 6 top Q, 214, 4820, 24 36'; 10, 50 LEARNED and great men will be confounded. . 3, 134 4 ; 179, 163, 181 11; 6.5, 109 12; 44, 10514, 61,72 94, 9615 ; 18, 3317, 4020, 7021 ; 2, 1122 ; 9, 872,5; 33, 10727, 7028; 39, 9629, 149 . . 36, 12744, 5151, 3552, 4355, 4757, 58 questions for the learned 14, 54 90, 100 21, 13 SO,' 232 ee 3, 1397; 1, 189, 41 11, 1 1 114, 72 15, 43 --20, 67 25; 99, 10428, 2030, 27631;, 364, 36932, 45936, 7061, 38 the learned are those -who see the bible 27,, 38 LEARNING, questions for men of learning, 9, 4 fee 3, 106 4, 161 5, 1979, 1614, 66 LEAVEN, the little lump of leaven. . 2, 5825; >06, 134 LEAVES, Christ's coming compared to the budding of leaves in spring 57, 32 , explained 36, 1 sent to the clergy, set as a siyn , 51, 6 to the Rev. Mr. Foley, in the Birmingham paper, 52, 38 to the printer of the Bolus" 26, 20 LETTERS, answer to anonymous letters, 8; 93, 97 10, 88 , 11; 66, 96, 10 1 copy of letters of Joanna's, from Miss Townley to the Rev. T. P. Foley, 24; 36, 43, 59, 75, 88, 109, 115, 125, 3(i DO letters to he sent to Joanna 58, 1 16 one thousand letters to warn all. . 8, 101 ordered to be printed in haste 21, 1 sent express 43, 90 prophecies on the letters sent to the clergy .... 11, 00 put in the newspapers, explained 01, 44 returned by Jews and Gentiles with scorn, aits.. . 02, 02- ministers with . such infamous and blasphe- mous language as though the devil hud either guided tlKMr hands or hearts 23, 40 returned by the clergy will appear against them, 22, 56 such clergymen as have returned, or destroyed their let- ters, muk not be permitted to be at the mill , .-24, CO, LET 121 L Y D LETTERS, the shepherds must see their letters .... 16, 5 LEVIATHAN, or devil, explained 99, 10,3 LEWIS, , mark his death 12, 46 14, .57 LIAR, every 1. will be destroyed, 29, 128 see 11, SO 14,95 15, 4222, 7852, 10 LIFK and death offered, choose which you will . . 29, ISl see 3, 1305, 2329, 4710, 6420, 8931, 345 3.5; 30, 39, 4153, 593 Christ the resurrection and the life 33, 573 it is the life brings on the strife 6, 280 62, 41 the hook of life, exp. 10, 64 see 23,6830,20852,29 what is life from the dead, elucidated,. . 32, 407^33, 489 LIGHT, Christ is the true light, 30, 211 -see J, 423, 120 12, 1416, 3910, 5099, 16062, 42 shining in darkness, explained 54, 24 the light of the world, elucidated 44 / , 50 LIGHTNING and thunder storm 44, 37 11, 93 LIXTER, J. his letter to Mr. Foley 52, 36 LION joined with the lamb . . . 7, 35 46, 62 men compared to lions 32, 393 the lion roaring for prey 27,. 31 32, 430 the lion will kill the eagle 31, 369 LIST of the sealed, exp. 19,24 see 16; 26,72 20,79 oO,12 LIVING waters, e/oc. 30,212 see 14, 109 27, 31 35, 35 LOAVES, beware the loaves and fishes 37, 37 LONG, Rev. George, his false assertions concerning the Bi- shop's death 39; 91, 95 LORD, aJl that turn to the Lord will be happy . . 9; 12, 21 27,44 14; 57, 69 21, 45 22; 53, 57, 7723, 22 24 ; 50, 12027, 13129, 12930, 28731 ; 340, 345 32, 42836; 84, 12952; 34, 40, 45.4755, 3 59 ; 45, 59 GO, 5.9 men resist the wil 1 of the Lord ... 33, 483 see 8, 104 , 21, 3834, 5037, 5240, 12652; 2, 32 the spirit testifieth of the Lord 35, 33 see 9, 4.5 33, 51444, 1552, 45 LORD'S, the Lord's prayer, explained .... 11,98 13, 17 15, 1216, 5<) LOT, you must flee like Lot .... 22, 61 see 2, 63 7, 52 ." 12, 5615, 1023, 102 LOVE, divine love and anger 30, 243 every heart filled with love 9, 32 GOD" is love, clue. 8.1069,5 12,9421,44 22,40 34, 25 61,57 See 14, 12023,8824, 8327, 03 LVKRWARM Christians warned 2, 828 ; SO, 10.5 LuciFEit, his pride shewn. ... 8; 65, 67 see 11 ; 42, 61 12 ; 32, 40 20, 81 LY in A, fear not Lydia 22, 79 Q 122 M A N M, for moon, explained 10, 93 now look back and see the moon 25, 1 Itf MAC KAY, John, one of the 24 elders. ........... 25, 128 MAD fools blame the < hosen men .... 11, 99 we 13, 14 14, 5217, 432, 40844, 1461, 4(> MAG JOANS, Pharaoh's m. compared to men of the present day 12, 15 sec 33, 50741, 19146, IS MAKEK-, how can man contend with his Maker .... 2, 79 6,o 4 Q_g. .72,10311, 9714, 9715,3019; 55 7120; 46, 9622; 33, 5524, 4525; 45,124, 14927, 828, 20, 2630, 23031, 31536, 29 41, 190 your m. now is come. . 16, 5 see 8, 7610, 91 11, 52 24 ; 5, 6739, 55 MAN, a day of rest shall he for man, 33, 5401,433, 130 4, 1576; 255, 2787; 16, 33, 38, 459; 16, 42 1 1, 8812; 40, 69, 99, 10514; 2, 29, 69, 106, 1 10 15, 25 16; 30, 65 17; 4, 11, 4918, 1824,9 os, 1029, 19330; 202, 207, 21131, 37632; 453, 45833; 541, 550, 56234,2335, 1444, 35 51,2452,4258,9 addressed by the Almighty. . , 8, 88 a free agent. ... 4, 149 27, 22 28, 30 43, 23 see 3 ; 108, 12.5 6; 244,2498; 73, 76, 8811 ; 96,98, 10(> 14; 62,67,75,9516,1117, 14 18, 40 25 ; 19, 87 27, 8632 ; 411, 454 44, 3953, 549 cannot stand alone.. 39,58 see 1, 36 5,226 6,277 9 : 6, 2712, 43 14; 28, 6? 16; 45, 71 17 ; 13, 55 05, 2930, 96235. 27 39, 5840, 13244, 56 challenged to answer for himself 6, 24!) created to fill the vacant seats in heaven. ... 12; 21. -10 fallen man is blind to the honour of GOD 30, 285 freed by Christ in the woman Joanna 9, 16 good crops stand a type for man 27, 1 1 had the image and form of GOD 7, 4'2 had there been no woman satan would have tempted man, 37, 65 hath felt the curse pronounced on him. .... 19, 18 hath no conception of the glorious change that will take place at -he redemption ..... 33, 562 how the high calling of man was fixed, explained, 30, 283 is superior to satan 12, 4O it is not good for man to be alone, explained. . . . 39, 58 knows not!. ing of future events 16,61 33, 497 listened to the woman at first, but refuseth to listen to her at last, explained 25, 29 must hold GOD to his promise at last, as satan did at first, 58, ^ I M A N W3 M A R MAN must not trust to himself 27, Sfi must finish what the woman, Joanna, hath begun, 15, 51 . 3G; 64,. 101 no- man knoweth the things of GOD, explained, 33, J97 now?, shall be saved that doth not sign for satan's death, W, 117 not to direct the hand of the Almighty. ... 1, 35 tf, 88 ordered to look to Judas . ., 1 1 , 99 places the bible to please himself 26, 15 perfection never was in man'. ... 8, 72 11, 90 14, 79 sense and reason given to man to contemplate the divine works of God, explained 50',. 20 shewn how he might turn out of the serpent's way, 52, 19 the bond is made to loose man, and bind satan, 19 ; 7, 45 the confident man reproved . . . 10, 91 the creation of man elucidated, 4, 147 30, 201 34, 18 the cup of GOD'S fury is kindled against man. . . . 24, GO the devil is now come in man instead of the serpent, to betray the woman, and condemn his Maker. . 23, 08 '24 ; 8, 12330, 2551, 1 1 54, 34 the faith of man compared to a ship, exp 20, 89 the rage and fury of man, ans. . 4, 162 8, 108 05, 34 the will of a dead man compared to the bible . . 32,448 twice dead, twice plucked up by the roots, exp. . 25, 111. type of the blindness of man, explained. , . 33,565 vain m. ordered to answer for himself . . 8, 101 14, 1O6 15; 38, 43^-33,505 why man was created 55, 27 why satan was permitted to tempt man, elucidated, 55, 4 MANASSEH, the shadow of M. explained 20, 59 28 ; 28, 29, 3034, 40 MANGER, few go to the m. to learn the Lord's will, 1, W 3; 101, 1199, 1522; 75, 7824; 09, 82 25, lit) 36, 13144, 5705, 54 MANKIND, an appeal to all mankind ........ 40, 85 a picture of mankind from the creation 60, 18 are foiled by satan's arts 22, 50 a warning to all mankind 31, 372 44, 36 blame GOD and their bible. ......... 13, 9 blindness and ignorance of m. proved. ... 2, 55 33, 54$ 35 ; 20, 43, 46 cal led u pon to answer the Lord . . . < t , 1 1 , 96 under the government of the moon 43, 13 will feel the bridegroom's power 4, 172 MANLY, his folly shewn, 36, 19 see 36 ; 16, 20,39, 40, 43, 47 MANSIONS, in my Father's house are many mansions, exp. 20, 1753, 58 1 00, 32 MARCH, dangers will be known in March and April, , ,,,. 20; 5,1527,1449, 9 MAR -104 MEN MARRED, his visage was marred, explained .55, 31 MARRIAGE, adultery does away marriage, explained, 90, 70 ., 23, 74 of the Lamb, elucidated, 1 ; 40, 468, 599, 7 11, 79 12,4013, 214,920, 7425, 105 <20, 731, 340 47, 2350, 7505, 13 no marriage to take place, till granted by the bishops, 58, 7 -^ 58; 4, 0, 10, 13, 15, 20, 25, 10501,58 02,7303; 41,43,40,48,0704; 11,18 the marriages explained 11; 75, 79 12, 40 women must not mock the marriage of the Lamb, 20, 9 MARSHALL, , his conduct, explained. . . . . . 23; 73, 87 MARTYR, Joanna offer's to die a martyr, 24, 1 00, 27 see 10, 4531, 30232, 41030, 6 MARVELLOUS things do now appear 17, 13 51, 35 MARY compared to Joanna. . 14; 14, 107 10, 40 28, 95 58, 8 MASTER, our Master is here, 3, 139 see 1 ; 30 t 40 2, 59 3 ; 101, 104 5 ; 2179, 2410, 901 1 ; 4, 52, 53', 94 12, 84 24, 1J 7 25; 39, 113 28; 14, 4329; 135 ' 190 30; 208, 228, 25231, 315 30; 34, 100, 120 12141 ; 105, 18842, 230 they know not the Master nor the servant . 59, 8 the servant must fight for the Master GO, 7 thou must suffer like thy Master, 30, 11954, 1302, 40 MAY, a fatal'May will come, . 2, 7815, 49 see 3, 144 4 f 1848, 1009, 4215; 3, 5521; 13, 38, 32 . . 23, 3902, 50 03, 59 MAYER, L. his wrong judgment, answered. . 34 ; 51, to 01 40; 15,17,28,29,32 MEDIATOR, Christ is come to be the in. 30, 2/402; 8, 9 MEDINA fell as predicted 15, 7, 10 50, 40 MEN and devils must bend to GOD'S sceptre 29, 101 answered after the manner of men 0, -24 r > arc ashamed to sign for Christ's kingdom 17, 20 are blind to the second advent 31, 353 are crucifying Christ in the spirit 5'J, 43 arc pulling down the day of vengeance 10, 91 are required to put on the armour of GOD, 9, 27 23,90 are trying to quench the spirit .. . 52, a warning to all men 31 , 314 34, 50 different spirits in men, elucidated 32, 434 discern the signs of the weather, but cannot discern the si^ns of the times 2/", 13 have been rebellious iu every age 51, 13 how men are to be healed, explained . 54, 13 it is time for men and devils to fear 28, 32 like satan, tempt their Goo. S, lu^ MEN .v?;> MIX mock Con in their prayers .............. 17, 13 must be waiting for the Lord .................. 65, o must be louring for the Lord before he comes . . 61, 41 observations of im-n brought to the bible ...... 27, 13 of wisdom must act like Sheba .................. 9, 6 ordered to search the scriptures, 3, 123 14, 87 30, 387 resist the will of the Lord, explained .......... 30, 463 shall fall by sea and land ...................... 20, 5 shnil trembh before Joanna, and own with confusion they have done wrong .................... 14, 93 six blind men named ........................ 2";, 2S the minds of men will be in darkness three years, 12, 34 the reasoning' of men, elucidated ..... .' ........ 59, 20 the transactions of men, are laid before the throne of GOD, ................ .. ...................... 32,455 the wonder upon earth is come to men .......... 9, 15 three parables, deep for men .................. 20, 23 will he punished for their unbelief ............ 32, 42 1 will never be perfect till their bone is rejoined . . 8, 73 will wait too late to see the wonders that will come on, ........................................ 23, 20 MERCIES, it'm. are slighted, judgments will follow, 36'; 9, ............................... ..... 15 49, 62 MEUCY hejd out to all .. ..... 4d, 15 53, V 592 see 0, 247 ____ , . . , . .11, 9912, 715, 5251, 8 00 ; 29, 32 MESSENG.E.H, i\. one of the 24 elders ............ 25, 128 METHODISTS. and self-righteous people reproved, S; 55, 8u 87, 90, 92 14; .50', 7118; 32, 3820, 54 2 1 3; 78, 10225; 138, 14034, 63 30; 10, 30, 37, 40, 41 ____ ____ 44, 1 150, 39 59, 43 GO ; 22, 3402, 23 MIC A i AH, the prophecies of Micaiah, elucidated.. 3,120 .,<. ................ .. . ......... see 21, 4252, 2 MroDLETpN, J. one of the 24 elders ............ 25, 128 MIDNIGHT, the midnight hour approacheth fast .. 4, 172 5; 210, 2377, 229, 4111, 88- 22; 57, 59, 01 ........................................ 49, 52 MIGHTY, the mighty Counsellor. ... 1, 40 2, 5010, IS ................................ 17, 5 130, 105 MILK, no milk in the shepherds, explained ...... 21, 10 they'll find in her there's milk, 30, 81 see 8,' 7 2 05, 7 MILLSTONE broke, and shook the earth ...... . . . , 2, 87 MINIFIE, - , particulars concerning Minilie. . 44, 4 see .............................. 30 ; 32, 0100, 26 MINISTERS, a call to the ministers. . 14; 30, 02 see 1, 22 ............. . / ......... , ....... 18, 2932, 448 allowed ? days to judge the writings , , .......... 1, 20 all the uubelievingministers rebuked ...... 1, 288, 81 9, 9 U>, 65 U;GO, PO/92 17, 2519; 31, 33 , , 20, 923, 4025, 1931, 32132, 4-1942, 207 IVt I N 12(5 M O C MINISTERS compared to a rope of sand 57, SG must produce their letters 21, 4 24; 2(> nothing' will awake the ministers, till Pomeroy is awaken- ed to awake them . . 59, 17 see 1 ; 10/20 9 ; 1, c 39, 3223,4025, 1240, 11158, 11:. the duty of ministers explained 28, 60 57, 1 1 the Lord will send a curse upon the land, if the minis- ters do not examine Joanna's writings, 59,27 see 1,14 3, 9814; 61, 9718, 1319, 3194, 1-2331, *?97 34, 3930 ; 11, 9957, 1058, 79 warned from the dream of the plum tree 3d, 11 what do ministers know ? what do they understand from the church prayers? or, Avhatdo they pray for? 18, 13 MIRACLES and types, elucidated *12, 1 16 see I, 30 6, 259 12, 14 24, 11132; 393, 39433 ; 546, 547 47, 13 55, 9 58, 25 MIRIAM appears in Joanna 12 ; 13, 14 MISSION, the truth of Joanna's mission proved .... 5,228 14, 10425 ; 38, 79, 112, 13331, 367 61, 31 MIZ-MAZB, an awful sign for mockers. ... 31, 328- see 28 ; 39, 4231, 32736, 2S MOCK, it is too late to mock. . 8, 101 11, 94 20; 19, 64 23, 3452, 1862 ; 52, 77 MOCKERS, a lesson for mockers 20, 82 an answer to be given to mockers 27, 13 an awful sign of what will fall on mockers .... 31, 3'JS and jesting fools warned and reproved .... 2, 94 9, 8 12, 6254, .19 and scoffers will be cut oft' 1 ; 37, 384 ; 172, 17-. 8, 799; 32, 43 U, 9412, 9615, 4516, 32 23, 10924, 116-26, 929, 16531, 31436, 74 44, 1552, 455.., 16' a sign set for mockers and unbelievers 3, 133 bring on their own destruction 37, 48 broke into the field at the trial t 25, 1 19 called upon to answer 14; 2, 54 cautioned, warned, and admonished. ..... 1, 38 5, 237 (j t 27410, 9017, 2520, 9, 7026, 231,369 44, 5257, 6160, 4563, 14 Christ will be ashamed of mockers, explained. . 20, 18 compared to chaff, c 36, 74 44, 36 tall of false-prophets and mockers, explained. . 31, .'.i.vj have much to fear 14, 57 judgments will fall too soon on mockers ^5, 86 must be careful how they act 15, 52 go with satau till the final day of judgment, 20,. 5O satan's fury will fall on mockers, elucidated. . . . 16,. 17 the Lord's anger is kindled against mockers. , , , 29 ? 174 M O C 127 M U R MOCKERS, riie fatal die is cast for mockers .... 9; 31, 41 'tis time for mockers to fear and tremble, 31, 366 see 5, 25}) 10, 69 23; 20, 11030; 229, 26844, 14 01,27 ()2, 77 03, 16 will be punished worse in London than in any other place, 23,110 will be put to flight 9, 41 will cleave to satan their master 23, 10S will find the anger of the Lord to burn like an oven, 19, 24 MONARCHY, the fifth monarchy, explained 20, 4S MONEY, a reproof to those who lend money on usurv, 49 ; 2, 12 no money taken for seals 16, 6319, 50 MONTH, one month you'll know your destiny, 9,30 59, 6 MOON, vision of the moon, &c.. v ... 4, 160 see 2, 55 4 ; 10 1, 1875, 9226, 2847; 35, 479, 4310; 84, 9211, 5613, 614; 26, 43, 8315, 22 29,16043, 12 MOORE, Ann, her account of living without food, 53, 608 MOORE, Archdeacon, his preaching. ... 1, 15 57 ; 51, 54 inters sent him . . 1, 2214, 3059, 19 see 1 ; 11, 13 2, 8510, 8614, 3619, 30 20; 8, 3236; 47 9557; 53,57 MORNING star, a type for man . . 9, 7 see 5, 22214, 90 MORTAR, uri tempered mortar, eluc 31, 322 36, 37 MORTGAGE, how to redeem it, elite 11 ; 70, 108 MORRIS, J. one of the jury 25, 127 MORRISON, P. his journey to Exeter 5, 216 his vision, explained 5,219 one of Joanna's judges 25, 126 MOSES, a type of Christ 2, 81 6, 26030, 20662, 9 GOD'S appearance to Moses, 47, 12 see 4, 178 20, 91 37, 73, 75 particulars concerning Moses, 6; 256, 260, 281 8, 78 ]0, 96 12, 13 16, 2019, 2620, 77-' 28, 12 30, 198 34, 19 37, 7143, 8147, 11- -50, 9 52, 2055, 756, 63- -62, 4<) MOSSCP, Rev. , draws back from the belief, 10, '>] see '. ... . 8, 7912,8418,2850,47 MOTHER and bride, eluc. 28, 8836, 3958, 7 *ee 13, 2O .28,9559, 64 death of Joanna's mother .... 5, 204 58, 98 see 9, 13 ....'. 44, 1 his mother's innocence he'll clear. . . .14, 106, see 17, 54 18, 43 MOURNING sent to Joanna 8,99 9; 24, 29, 3<) MURDER of the groom 2, 6 M U fl 12,4 A T , revenge and murder must I;T> with sulan, 31, IP ** 4,1,33 12; 21, 33, 71 ---,,.. ..', -17,5.0 ; '2,8,57 .......... 04, 21 08,1 1 '.if), ISO 00, 3561, 44 Music at, Joanna's trial rviH-be -heard t-Vom heaven, 15, 14 . . . . . .sec I, 314; H>3, lC'515, 4219, 0020, 44 MUTINY -at the Nore foretoM- . . -.-.-. -.-. -..-. 20, 2(5 8, 104 MYSTERY; a-w: wril come in the-eiid, that shall for ever last.-.- .............................. 1, 14 (i5, c the mystery of death, explained ....... ....... 35, ; (57, 719; 9, 22-,-07, '28, 37, 40, 40, 43, 4710 ; o(>, (51, G~, 70, 8-2, !H -1 1 ; (>5, 91 12, 10214, fiO-'-'lo-, 17 0;-6'9,-78 22 ;,- -524, 1S---25, 31---S9-;- 100; -103 31, 3(51 32; 3<)0\ 4-18 33, 5(5939; 57 47, 0* 51, 3107, 4758; 18, 25 ...... .......... ................ 59, 54 ()2, 7> NABOTH, his vineyard craved by sataii . / ..... '. . : 28, 21 Jezebel forgedlies to destroy him ..... . 11, 31 20, 78 XAKEDNESS, the nakedness of man-, eluckltt-ted; .;- o. c >, 35 NAME, a new name .................. . . ........ II. 7 "> every name signed for satan's destruction is a spear in his heart ......... '.... .......... ;. ......... 17. 43 every name must be enrolled in heaven ........ 10,73 ....................... . 12 ; ;>, 1-1 6 U> ; Q(>, 70 GOD declares his powerfrd name. .. . 3, 10S 5, 217 P ; 30,43 11, 6O--15, 30 24; 117,1^125; 12132, 431 ............. ....................... 3(); 48,97 had Joanna forged the- Lord's name she \vould have been destroyed ...... .......................... 1 i .?, (B none to give their name- before they have read " Sound an Alarm" ........... . . . ................ 19, 49 upon her head was written a name " mystery," beauti- fully elucidated ....... ............ 1... .". . 10, 91 written oivtiie thrgii " King of kingva-ml Lofd-ef lords," explained .............................. ">2, 4.5 NAMES, all are invited to sign their naim> Tor Christ's king- dom to be established ...................... 14, (>'7 answer to those who said " thr desire- of the heart was like signing their names" .............. l(i ; OS, 5S enrolled in a book of gold, 4 ;-l72,- 183 i 5-; -39,- 28 1(5 j .................... 20,28 17, 3 122, 34 (JO, 40 given to thebehevers in ;|oanna'-s mission-. . 8, 9/3- 2, !) of the sealed shall rhill 1 he-foe ................ lo\ 5j> that, are not given free; are not -acceptable . . . .-. . -H), 29 to be sealed a second time .................. 14, 4"> TAT i ox, a deep sigiv to the nation ................ 9. ',' a deep warning to the nation.-. 40, 015 50, 20 <> an adciltbTOus nation aud -woman, &fji. C'J, -iy :)'.'. NAT 129 NAT NATION, every nation is perplexed 14, 57 nation now shall know their call, 15 ; 41, 46 will in madness mourn -14, 19 great blessings will attend this nation it % the commands of the Lord aiv perfectly obeyed til, 49 healing of the nation, due 12, 105 31, 379 in every n. you have heard a dearth 14, SI many mysteries concerning the n. are concealed, 9, 29 one n. will be destroyed for the sake of th Jews, 61, 22 promises to the n. IF the warning be a tended to . . 59, 5 prophecies which allude to the n. taken from other books, 7, 59 the blood of the nation is on the head of the shepherds, 20 ; 55, 100 the chain that bound the nation is broke 10, 69 the end of every nation drawing near 30,204 the Jews and the nntionmust look to the promise, 61, 50 the sins of the n. increased since Joanna's birth, eluc. . 52, 38 this n. hath lost the protection of the Lord 49, 61 is calling down judgments 51, 53 warned by the sufferings of others 42, 202 will not enter into the promised rest, IF they wait till the 40 years are up 69, 38 types and shadows must appear in this n. before the other nations will begin to fear to fall before you, 60,35 NATIONS, all nations shall bow or bend <), 32 fall down and worship GOD, 3, 109 : w ill be brought low, cxp. . . . 29, 129 51, 3454, 24 gathered to battle by the Spirit 14,92 an enlightened nation warn other n 53, 597 a prophecy for all nations 9, 32 of the downfall of many nations .... 20, 2Qf a remnant of all nations shall be saved 33, 484 are the nations healed yet ? 53, 595 Balaam and the heathen n. an important com. ... 43, 81 bastard n. now might hear their call 15, 43 believers will rule the n. in the end 30, 270 Christ must be the desire of n. before the desire of n. will come 46, 4 foeads of?z. to fall 15, 4749, 54 hold fast my words till I come, then will I give you power over the n 22, 4553, 597 if the Jews and Gentiles are above other n. so their wo- men must be above all other nations 17, 3 i a NAT 130 N O N NATIONS, prophets must arise and warn the nations, 43, 84 the blasphemy of the n. provoke GOD I, 3.> the curse is upon the n. and all n. feel the bting, 53, 5.06 the desire of n. to come, eluc 32, 454 the distress of nations published 42, 216 the heads of these n. will fall 15, 4749, 54 the healing of the n. now is come 12, 104 31, 37 the n. will be broken in pieces like a potter's vessel, be- fore they will regard the warning, or accept the invi- tation 53, 597 the peace will not be so soon established in all nations as ye vainly imagine 62, 70 this call will sound over all nations 15, 4( three years famine set as a sign to all n 3, 133 trouble coming over all nations CO, 48 NATURAL, ho\v far natural dispositions lead men, 32, 433 sins explained < CO, 30 NATURALISTS, or professed atheists 43 ; 21, 34 NEBUCHADN EZZER driven from men 32, 386 NECESSITY of signing shewn , 20. 7 NEGLKCT of the shepherds proved 25, 14936, 49 NELSON, Lord, thunder storm at his funeral 44, 29 NEW, a description of the n. earth, 7, 1612, 4116', 56 36, 42 44, 3.551, 24 and old bottles, explained 8, 10312, 106 covenant, eluc 24 ; 20, 45, 123 see 14,6916, 46 ; 23, 5030, 20236, 63 no new thing under the sun, eluc 20, 52 seed sown in the Gentiles 24, 121 something new appears 1% 17 15, 17 the new song shall be sung 29, 129 wine doth to all appear 8 ; 72, 103 NEWSPAPERS ordered to be kept, 15, 49 59, 38 see 15, 4 20, 9621, 23 61 , 44 NIGHT of Oct. 14th, 1813, ordered to be kept in everlasting remembrance, .. 6l, 58 see 5, 2-22 9, 1211,118 , 20, 11 NINEVEH, the repentance of N. 15, 27 see 11, 86 27, 2-2 32 ; 440, 44356, 26 NISBET, J. one of the 24 elders 25, 128 NOAH believed the Lord and built the ark, 52, 19 see 15. 4432, 43460, 19 particulars concerning N. 37,63 see 2; 61,63 9; 43, 6215, 31 22,61 24, 40 36,67 52, 23 56; 14, 18 58; 7, 1659, 40 the curse he pronounced on his son, 6,263 15; 31, 35 36, 63 NONSENSE doth in man appear . . 4, 177 see 28, 7 29 ; , , . . . , 126, 17331, 350 NOR 131 PAG NORRIS, , his thoughts on the sixth book. 7,45 see 10; 72, 76, 96 NOVEMBER, a sure and certain sign, 2, 81 see 21, 1127, 1559,661, 47 NUMBER of the sealed 19, 24 .vee 12, 9316 ; 60, 70 27, 5 NUTCOMB, Chancellor, letter to him. ... 1, 13 see 10, 65 14; 32,3636,4759, 21 O O, and oo, exp. concerning the moon 10, 93 OATH made to Joanna. . 1 ; 27, 392, 52 4, 1876, 287 e . 12 ; 26, 2714; 88, 9715, 4216, 60 swear not at all, elucidated 7,5 13, 16 OBEDIENCE, and disobedience, eluc 10. 56 9,23 is better than sacrifice, 29, 183 37, 2738, 640, 101 man's obedience, eluc ... . . 29, 182 will be rewarded 46, 58- ^ee 1, 273, 109 4, 176 7, IS 8, 929, 4114, 9123, 6826, 830 ; 2p3, 273 35,2136,7137,59 40, 10746, 5458 ; 11, 17 60,. 34 OFFERINGS and sacrifice, eluc. 12, 116 24, 120 29, 176 OINTMENT, prepared for the funeral. ... 8, 99 9; 25, 40 20, 53 OLIVE branch of peace for man, 7, 43 see 4, 167 12; 28, 8014, 5822, 68 let the wild olive fear, 32, 409 see 3, 10114, 6619, 69 33,491 OPINIONS respecting the marriage , t , . . 63, 47 , the wheat ,. 36, 68 ORCHARD, Joanna born in an orchard, cxp 29, 160 OWEN, W. one of the J ury 25, 127 OWL, Joanna compared to an owl 29; 135,138 Joanna frightened by owls 22,13- -24, 52 43, 14 Ox, the ox knoweth his owner , . 8, 8048, 23 P PADDINGTON, previous to Joanna's writings being proved at P. the bishops and clergy were invited by private letters and in the public newspapers, to come forward and judge for themselves 23, 30 the writings put into a vault, like a sepulchre, at Pad- diiiifion 20, 1321, 9 Iwenry- three men and a child assembled at High-house, Pa'ldington, to examine the writings, January 12th, 1803 "<;M. 16 PAGE, , wanted to marry Joanna by proxy, &c. dr< ;im, .' ' .". -4, 72 PAGES, .is liki-tru- pagxsthat I sa;d should rorne. . 17, 34 twelve different pages I did say were near 17, 32 P A I 132 PAR PAIN, all pain will be done away 16, 23 soon the pain will seize their head 57, 66 the folly of believers who judge Joanna will have no la- bour pains in child bearing 62, 3d PAINE, T. and Lane appear in one likeness 56, 60 Cobbett's remarks on his book 56, 38 his folly on Isaiah liii. proved 56, 3 his inquiry whether GOD would use visions, &. answered, oo, 64 his judgment concerning the new testament, which he holds to be fabulous, &c. answered 56', $ his remarks on Deut. xiii. 15. answered 56, 61 Middleton's belief, answered.... 5(5, 15 his saying, " had the news of salvation by Jesus Christ been inscribed on the face of the sun and moon, ans. 56, 11 " if Jesus Christ was the pc rson the church re- presents him to be," &c. answered 5j, 5 " none but GOD can inspire foreknowledge," &c. answered 56, 13 " revelation is given from Goo," ans.. . . .56, 19 his saying " there is no history written at the time Jesus Christ is said to have lived that speaks of such a person" answered 56, 10 reproves the Calvinists 56, 37 saith there is no devil 56; 3,22 the folly of his book " the age of reason" shewn, 56, 2 of the wise men quoted by P. who like himself despised every revelation from the Lord 56, 22 the ignorance of his remarks on the creation, &c. shewn 56, 12 PAINTING, the original painting, elucidated 50, 65 PALACES will be brought to view . 7, 15 PALE, the shadow of the pale ink, elucidated .... 36, 128 PAPER, and let your paper go between 36, 66 Joanna's sister, who said she was spoiling of the paper, answered <22, 104 slips of paper to put between the leaves, explained, 36, 75 three sheets of paper with beautiful language on them,&c. , 12, 5915, 33 PARABLES, a beautiful communication on parables, 43, 56 all the warnings are given from parables 31, 363 and dreams compared . , 34, 12 arid fables in Joanna's writings, the more simple the more true 37. 47 and warnings 20, 9 an instructive parable for believers .... 36, 134 44, 62 a parable placed in tl)e bible to shew the end . . 34, 18 PA 11 133 PAR PARABLES, answer of the spirit concerning parables, 34, 2 a type of the end 20, 7-3 32, 4 beautiiully elucidated 34, 28 37, 07 between Parnell and Cleeve ">, 238 compare the/), and the elect mentioned in the gospel, 06, 37 concerning A.hab, elucidated. 56, 23 concerning Joanna's mother's brother 5, 199 deep for mankind 20; 21, 23 34, 22 explaining election and predestination 50, 74 for believers concerning travellers 44, 62 for Gentiles and Jews 47, 55 for men's consideration 34, 24 for the attorney general 49, 40 from the epistles for the fast-day 21, 20 given at the time of Campion's execution 2, ST of a robbery near Exeter 49, 41 of Pollard's shepherd 23, 43 of Joanna and her sister .' 20, 21 ef Joanna's family to be examined by England, 58, 108 of lord and lady Buinett 24, 89 37, 52 43, 70 f Moore and his servant 10, 86 of the adulterous woman 49, 45 alarming dream 22, 75 34, 11 43, 65 of the bear and boy 36, 132 of the bible to shew the end t c ? 34, 18 f the black 24, 75 37, 49 of the blin i man 21, 7 of the boiled egys 14, 15 of the bramble and olive tree 12, 28 cf the child left by himself and ordered not to open the door 14, 3 of the drawing and healing salve 22, 48 43, 67 of the empty bottle 2 1 2, 69 43, 6S ef the enemy sowing the tares among the wheat, 51, lg ef the father and his child .... 20, 20 32, 469 38, 7 of the flock of sheep 22, 1 34 ; 5, 6 43, 5g of the foundation laid in the fall compared to the foun- dation laid in t,he bible 28, 14 f the gentleman and his dog caesar 49, 20 of the gentleman and lady at the inn 49, 13 of the gentleman who murdered the ladies, 22, 70 34 ; 10, 3043, 62 f the good shepherd 33, 571 of the grain of mustard seed 9 > 03 of the graves 43, gg of the green and dry tree 14, A pf the hermit in disguise , 22, 2(j 34, 7 43, 66 PAR 73* PAR PARABLE of the husbandman destroying the servants, 4(>, 60 ' of the King's jester 59, 41 of toe King's messenger 46, 6O of the knight and child. . 22, 8134; 11, 2943, 61 of the labourers 8, 65 of the lady murdered by satan's arts. . 24, 88 34, 11 of the lawyer and client 23, 47 of the leaven, and the child when the writings were pro- ved {]], 23 of the likeness of the kingdom of heaven 9, 28 of the Lord's vineyard 49, 44 50, 74 of the. lost piece of silver. 58, 81 of the lost sheep 58, 81 of the man who stole salt 21 , 37 of the master and his servants 38, 6 of the net cast into the sea 19, 5O of. the nobleman going abroad, and a harlot assumes his title 25, 26 of .the philosopher's cup 3,111 of the poisoned coat 12, 50 wine 13, 2 of the sewer 5(>, 38 of the sheep saved from the flood 36, 134 of the strayed sheep 36, 30 of the talents 19 35 of, the trees sent to get a king K, '28 of the two coachmen 44, \Q of the two children left to be their own master. . 49, 45 of the two women 24, 88 34, 1 1 of the vineyard 34, 3149, 65 of the unjust Judge, Luke xviii. 6 . ., 50, 35 of t ie unjust lawyer 23, 47 of the wheat compared to man 7, 12 of, -the woman crying to be avenged of her adversary, 56, 36 of the woman who married in a mask J.I, 9 of the wound in Joanna's shoulder 22, 48 of the wreck of the ship. 5, 195 on the death of an Atheist 5, 200 on the death of Dagworthy 5, 199 on the death of Joanna's mother 5, 212 on the death of Uriah 23, 47 Borne particulars concerning parables. . 43, 10 44, 18 scripture parables, elucidated 43, 60 4.Q, 64 the reality of pnrables, elucidated 34, 32 PARADISE, a description of the new paradise, 7, 16 12, 1)2 , SO, 265 PAR 135 PEA PARA DISK, a promise of the new p. 14, 2944, 35 51, 24 back to paradise thou now must come 58, HKJ liow lost, and how to be gained, elite.. . 11, 106 14, 91 if men are never to receive the kingdom how can they know what they lost by Adam's fall? 15, ItJ, if men obey the woman then paradise they may com- mand,^ 17612, 4415, 5324,830', 5365, 1O like paradise the whole will burst when GOD doth end his plan , 29, 157 made for all at first 8, 38 must be regained by the sealed 7, 38 33, 520 the saints shall dwell in paradise , . 4, 157 PARDON can only be obtained through the blood of Christ, 9, 44 see 3, 11914, 9123, 2344, 39 PARISH bells ringing, a type of the seven days. ... 3, 127 letter, concerning the parish meeting 0, 283 PARKER, , black flag at his trial. . . . , 14, 7 PARLIAMENT refused the warning, and the sword of war followed, 21, 16 see 8, 10011, 3Q 13, 1532, 47 62, 55 PARNELL, , his quarrel with Cleeve, 5,237 9; 37,40, 41 PASCHAL, Christ the paschal lamb 24, 12y PASTORS, Besley's recommending an early communica- tion with pastors, c. answered 63, 19 PATH, the straight and crooked path, elucidated, 16, 13 sec 5, 19617, 1628, 3935, 4136, 69 PAUL, his vision, elucidated, 15, 13 see 23, 102 57, 72 62,48 PAYMENT, the payment of the earnest for the promised possession, explained 50, 68 PEACE and plenty, if the priests awake 14, 53 shall flow throughout the land.. J, 37 9, 3214, 82 arguments concerning the peace, answered.... 14, -57 Christ will come the Prince of Peace 1, 50 9, 4 19, 4232, 465 Christ was born to bring peace and good will to man, explained 55, 17 Christ will gain the victory and bring a lasting peace, 29, 123 man cannot have peace while satuu reigns.... 31,310 f Joanna's children shall be great 8, 59 12, 112 31, 340 rejoin ings for peace t 20, SO the (TOD of hope will 1 give you peace 14, 85 the o iv h'im'-h of peace our GOD will bring . . 4, 167 5, 235 9, 38 the Prince of Peace is near 16, 19 PEA 13(5 PHI PEACH, the turtle's voice is come to bring peace to every land 15 ; 28, 50, 51 the wise men's wrong judgment concerning peace shewn, , 20, 31 there will be no peace in your land, in your hearts nor in your houses, till all join for satan's destruction, 17, 50 will not be so soon established in aU nations as you vainly suppose 62, 16 you'll find what peace is sealed up 9, 49 65, 9 PEARL of great price, clue. I, 408, 7715, 11 19 ; 44, . *. .59 31,328 3-1, 13 36; 53,9044,4263, 3 PELICAN, Joanna compared to a pelican. ... 29 ; 135, 13S PENS, put into the bible, 3, 12114, 5336 ; 05, 96 see 9,4714,8231, 315 PERFECTION never was in man, 14, 79 see 1, 368 ; 72, 77 1 1, 9045, 1717, 936, 11839, 58 the Perfect One, explained 62, 44 PERISH, all must claim the woman's promise or perish here, 15, 49 all who neglect GOD will perish 12, 97 PERSECUTED, blessed are those that are persecuted for the Lord's sake 20 ; 66, 71 PERSECUTIONS haveb^en in all ages and will continue to the end 52, 16 seed, 814, 8417, 4920; 66, 70 23, 2452; 2, 17, 4260, 661 ; 28, 33 PERSECUTORS and mockers warned ....... 9, 8 20/70 PESTILENCE and famine threatened 1, 27 see 8, 79 24, J09 44,24 PETER, all must have Peter's faith 20 ; 88, 92 help offered to sinking Peters, \6, 4536, 44 see 5, 217 14 ; 76, 11930, 23936, 8060, Iff PETITIONS, by man's petitions satan will be destroyed, 34,-49 see 16 ; 33, 3417, 5 1 ; 48, I Joanna's p. for satan's destruction, ans. ... 2, 52 15, 4 35, 16 see 19, 6820, 79 Joanna's p. or prayer at the head of the list . . 48; 5, 22 50, 12 Joanna's p. to the Lord not understood by man or her- self explained 61, 61 sec 57, 74 PHARISEES, proud boasting/?, named, 25, 25 26, 8 see 5, 22444, 43 PHAROAH and his host destroyed 20, 77 see particulars concerning P. 2,95 12; 15, 22 14, 7 18, 3919, 2623, 10430 ; 198, 200, 20441, 191 50,951,956, 31 PHILOSOPHER, the wise philosopher, 36 ; 89, 90 see 3, Jl I 9, 4322; 7736, 11843, 1957; ?'? P H Y 13? P O M PHYSICIAN, the sick want a/j. 14, 79 see 9, 4733, 489 36, 1 190*3, *i**M**f. 58 80 POM 1S9 O M cannot appear and cast the blame on Joanna's head ............................ 28, 4730, 262 crmnot clear his honour unless he comes forward with the trutli ..... ...... ................ ..... 28 52 cannot shun the truth nor prevail on man to keep silence, ........................................ 57/9 chosen to be a disciple, but when he saw the dangers he fled, explained .......................... 36, 5-i cleared, by the manner he explained the marriage of the Lamb .................................. 44, 53 compared to an unjust lawyer* ....... ......... 23, 47 -- Judas, fully explained ............ S3, 45 - . - Pilate .............. 23 ; 42, 45 8, 47 - . -- the Jews in concealing the truth. ... 25, (5 condemns the folly of the methodists .......... 36, 18 copy of the Rev. Archdeacon Moore's letter sent to him, .' ...... ................................ . 59, 24 declares his belief that Joanna is the wondrous woman mentioned in the bible ...................... 23, 5 ---- that Joanna is no imposter ............ 23, 5 - ----- 's works cannot come from the devil, .................................. 20, 3123, 4 deeper mysteries will be explained concerning him, 57, 47 demands Joanna's sacrament ticket ............ 28, 47 desired to be a Moses in the gap .............. 59, 11 destroys Joanna's writings .................... t 28, 48 dissatisfied with the sign of Bishop Buller's death, asks for one concerning the war ................ 20, 28 England will be spared if Abraham now comes forward, ................... . ............... ..... 57, 74 entreats Joanna to blot his name out of the book, 10, 72 Foley, Bruce, Webster and Joanna wait on him t . 23, 9 GOD declares his anger is kindled against Pomeroy, ............ 28 ; 58, 69, 7229, 17331 ; 348, 353 had not fortitude to bear persecution ............ 57, 5 has burnt a true prophecy of himself, 23; 13, 15 28, 58 .................................. 30 ; 245, 269 hath always treated J. with scorn and contempt, 60, 10 hath disregarded his GOD .......... . . 28, 8329, 174 hath no charity for the Lord ........... : ...... 3, 111 hath not acted like Judas to betray Joanna in the letter, of 1797 ........... .............. . ........ 64,23 he refuseth to answer any inquiries ............ 63, 60 his art to procure Joanna's signature shewn, 23, 1 1 60, 9 his bad conduct to Joanna, elucidated .......... 23, 15 his body not full of light .................... 58, 82 his character is gone .................. , ..... 30, 251 his coffee-house friends called upon to answer for them-* selves ...... , . , , ..... M 1 1 1 1 ..... Y* i 5S, 80 POM 140 POM PeiviEROY, his conduct and unbelief shewn SO, 268 his conduct to Joanna investigated, 25,42 3d, 54 57, 4 his conscience hath been bribed like the keepers, explained ati o ~O, O his drawing back described 57, 10 his end will be wretched if he does not repent. . 30, 281 his error was caused by the Lord 63, 52 his fall permitted by the Lord 57 ; 23, ,30 his first judgment of Joanna's writings, explained, 25, 139 his good and evil deeds, explained 23, 67 his honour here is lost SO, 254 his letter full of falsehood and lies 8, 60 his letter of 1796 is now to be fulfilled 59, 7 to Mr. Bruce 28, 5458 ; 41, 76 his letter to Mr. Sharp 28, 6958, 57 his objections, answered. 59, 13 his preaching from John xii. 35. answered 1, 7 his repentance and seeing his error in the end is a pro- phecy put in the hands of the Bishops, which will be fulfilled before this year hath an end. . 63, 3864, 16 his saying " GOD will certainly bring Joanna to judg- ment," answered 58, 82 " leave me out of the question," ans. . . 57, 40 his silence and conduct, answered 63, 67 his thoughts on the communication of 97> compared to the thoughts of the Jews concerning the gospel, 64, 12 his wrong judgment 58, 50 Hows, i , waits on him at Bodmin 64, 6 if P. comes forward wonders will come on 57 74 if P. will turn King's evidence, and tell who persuaded him to deny his Lord and Master, the Lord will now at the last forgjve him, and cast the others; but if he will not, they shall die together, and fatal will be their end, 24,109 informed Joanna that a Bishop had wrote of the Revolu- tion and death of the King of France 100 years before it happened 20, SI informed Mrs. Taylor, Joanna was trifling with the Holy Ghost 57, 84 that the Lord would take the stumbling-block out of his way , . 64, 5 invited by the Spirit to return unto the Lord" and be for- given 23, 17 Joanna and Pomeroy's trial 57, 1 7 cautioned of his disguise 1, 1 i -condemned for adultery in prophaning the truth with him 23, 3 entreats him to take care of his letters . . 59, 24 POM 141 POM POMEROY, Joanna has suffered much from his anger, 10, Cl Joanna hath submitted to his judgment as Christ did to Pilate's '. 10, 73 Joanna ordered to go down stairs to him 1, JO ordered to have her writings copied out and sent to him. 1, 19 have witnesses when she went to him, explained 63, 68 write to him 30, 97 Joanna's address to the public concerning him . . 10, 70' feelings concerning the death of the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy of Bodmin, answered , 60, 39 of love and pity for him, answered, 57, 6 , Y, 60, 49 . folly respecting the death of the Rev. Mr. P., shewn, , 57, 71 . first judge, elucidated 24, 11025, 14(? inquiry concerning him, answered 5.8 rf .75 letter on the death of the Rev. Mr. P. of Bodmjn, , ,, 57, 4 . letters to him, 10, 7725,728; 44,55,70 58 ; 31, 4259 ; 10, 12, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 2.9 - . opinion concerning the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy's death of Bodmin, answered 57 14 Joanna's reflexions on his conduct 29, 179 Joanna's trial deferred 7 days for his sake 25, J Joanna was commanded to contend with him by letters to prove what his wisdom was 5S, 75 Joanna's writings could not have been fulfilled if he had not fallen from his faith, explained , 57, 39 . , , went out by his judgment, . . , . . 7, $ , were offered to be given up to the judg- ment of him 25 ? 4 Jones, =-, ordered to go and deliver up his trust to him, 9, 1823, 45 is a type of men 31,353 is given up till the awful trial in the end 64, 18 it hath cost J. pounds to put writings in his hands, 28,4(> let him bring his 50 men 36, 108 57, 63 let him now appear as judge 58, 26 let him remember the eleven days , . . . 59, 46 letters sent to him must be discerned , . . 57, 9 returned , 63, 60 shewing his conduct 63, 61 letters to him from Ivlr. Foley, 28; 81, 84 58 ; 68, 71 Mr. J. Southcott, 23; 28, 63 Mr. Sharp, $8; 6 1, 7i 53 } 51 the twenty-four, 28, 75 58,63 MissTo\v:i.- te ,",... , 28 ; 61 , 7058, <}$, 5J POM 14 POM POMEROV, like him men refuse to sec the truth. . 30, 245 must appear and answer for himself 2S, 7;> the whole to clear 30, 26(> must draw the sword, or give it upi he must bear the cross if he will wear the crown 60, 8 must perish with satan if he stands mute 30, 250 must repent that e'er he betrayed Joanna's innocence, ,. * 30, 2o(> must see the book of the trial, and how thy trance is placed before he can tell what anchor to fix to, 36, 56 nothing will awaken the ministers till he is awakened to awaken them 59, 17 no honour found in him. 23, 14 oilers to assist in proving the writings, 1, 12 9, 45 23, 4 on the conduct of Pomeroy 30, 240 ordered by the Lord to choose 24 to meet the 24 chosen by the Lord 28, 72 to answer which way the truth is to be tried, 25, 6 appear and answer for the sons of men, 36, 127 ordered to be called forward to answer between GOD and his own conscience. 59, 45 . stand like Moses and hear his call. ... 1, 14 the trial 30, 252 placed two ways, explained 57, 2S plagued, as he terms it, by the clergy at Exeter, 23; 10, 67 , ". 28, 47 prevails on Joanna to sign her name, explained. . 23, 3 28, 4S prophecies concerning him for men to judge .... 57, 6 . muBt be compared the differ- ent ways they were spoken 57, 40 prophecies put in his hand fulfilled. 59, 16 prophecies shewing where he stands on conditions, and where he stands without conditions, explained, 57, 20 questioned concerning the Jews 28, 50 reasons for love and anger in Joanna on account of him, 30, 241 refused assistance when called upon, explained. . 57, 45 refused to give Joanna the sacrament 23, 8 refuseth the truth. 34, 33 refuseth to do justice to GOD 34, 39 remarks on the death of the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, of Bod- min 57, 4 reproved and advised to throw off his gown and quit the pulpit t 28, 50 reproved by the Lord of Hosts 28, 72 reproved for his conduct 28 ; 50, 5l requested by Joanna to bring on her trial 36, 15 POM 143 POM POMEROV returned Joanna's sacrament ticket .... 93, 8 returns a letter unanswered 24, 70 said, J. should warn of the rod before it tell, 36'; 52, 54 was a liar, deranged, and us mad as a Marrli hare 2:J, 31 said there were fifty righteous men in the land, 59, 23 said to Joanna, " the Lord knows what you say as well as what you have written, and to these signs you and [ must trust/' 9, 20 said to Joanna " why dout you have your writings pro- ved, you will wait till you bring the sword, the plague, and the famine upon us" 1, 13 said to Joanna, " you may write for everlasting, you may talk for everlasting, you may preach for everlasting, but nothing will move the clergy till fatal judgments come upon them" 23, 6 said " 'twas a disgrace to see his name stand Avith Joan- na's." CO, 9 satan came in P. to make him condemn his Lord, 30,253 satan cai.sed his fall 3O, 281 satan worked on him to send B. Bruce a letter to break oft' his faith 12, 24 seeks the praise of men more than the praise of GOD, 28, 48 shall find that Joanna's writings are the wisdom of GOD, , 23, 17 shall know and tremble too before that GOD whom he called a devil 23, 67 shewn the misery of his fallen state 23, 66 signs put in his hand, explained 55, 47 stands a judge for all men, explained 63, 7O stands a type for all 30; 251, 25581, 35434, 39 stands two ways, and will acknowledge his belief in thy visitation to be from GOD before the year ends, 60, 8 suffering loss for burning the writings .59, 51 tempted by ministers to draw back 23, 36 Joanna to fall 30, 25O the blame cast on him 30, 264 the bishops and Pomeroy invited to come forward, 59, 4 . refuse to come forward . . 59, 45 are applied to, to judge between him and Jo- anna 59, 7 the bishops having refused to come forward, are not to do it now till his answer is given 59, 46 to bring f6rward no minister but him, 58, 116 the communication of 97 stumbled him, and therefore the Lord pitied him, explained. 64, 16 the days of Joanna's father prolonged for P. to shine P, 35 IOM Ml POM POMEROY, the deceitful dealings of P\ ana. by the spirit, 28, 8:J the end is come to try and prove the man 64, 17 the fall of P. cxp. by the horse throwing his load, 36, 64 the faith of believers tried concerning the death of the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, of Bodmin 57 ; 19, SO the first star that was lighted for man 36, 101 the foolish and wicked conduct of Pomeroy fully stated, 23, 38 the folly of those who said Joanna would bribe him to come forward 60, 10 the friends not to trouble him any more 64, 11 the great danger in which he stands, explained, 30, '253 the hornet's nest that stung Pomeroy, explained . .23, 17 the letter put into his hand, a debt of trust, cxp. 57, 26 the likeness of Pomeroy 34, 38 the Lord hath dealt with him as he did with Thomas, 59, IS the Lord will be avenged of those shepherds that mocked him 23, 60 the ministers that mocked him called upon to answer for themselves , 58, 79 the mystery concerning him will be known in the end, 57, 40 the preaching of Pomeroy, answered. ........... 1, 7 the shadow began in him 30, 55 the shepherds have done like him 30 ; 269, 281 the sign for him, explained 60, 5 ^-of Pomeroy put in the bishops hand. . , . 63, 52 the unbelief of Pomeroy 37, 46 there are thousands in the land like him 30, 242 threatened with judgments if he doth not stand. . l, 14 three sheets of paper of Joanna's writing put into his hand 23, 428, 84 those who seek Joanna's overthrow, will feel a Pomerov's doom SO, 280 thought the communication of 97 alluded to a marriage union with him 64, 4 *tis time for him and unbelievers to fear and tremble, 30, 263 to judge Joanna's writings alone 36, 55 told Joanna if her writings were not of the Lord he would stop her hand 9, 18 walked in the footsteps of his Master till he was thrown down by men 36, 55 was a true diciple till he became a denying Peter, 36, 55 warned of Bishop Buller's death 3d June . . 1796, 20; 4 . 3751 11 P O M 145 P O W POMEROY warned not to be a Judas and deny Christ, 10, 64 \vliat is given on conditions, and what is without condi- tions concerning him, must be discerned .... 57, 14 what tb.2 language of his heart will be 60, 48 Lord said of Pomeroy, " I would never give up the man," is all fulfilled 57, 13 will be compelled to acknowledge the truth of what was put in his hands (JO, 19 will be convinced of his error in the end 64, 4 will be freed if he confesseth his guilt 30, 254 will be tried and proved by the Lord 60, 45 will blame his own conduct in what he hath done, and be convinced that the visitation is from the Lord 63, 60 will complete the work he hath begun, if he does not re- ject the Lord's offer of love 60, 41 will fall in death 57, 27 will fear and tremble 30, 268 will never regain his honour 25, 6 will P. resign, and let thee look for another who can bear to draw the spiritual sword for Christ, and maintain the spiritual fight ? 60, 7 will the rulers, &c. act like him? 63, 64 with Pomeroy thou must end 36, 34 useth every art to conceal the truth 25, 5 ye can draw no judgment of what is to come concerning the sign that is placed for his repentance 64, 17 POMP and vanity of the great perish at the grave . . 60, 41 POND BRINGS of Joanna's heart 1, 14 see 20, 36 24, 5- -28, 1737, 2357, 7460; 14, lg Pocu and humble shall receive the spirit of the Lord, 36,103 book printed for the poor 17, I the distress of the poor wounds the Almighty's breast, 23, 109 see8 t 10220, 3523, 10729, 14236; 50, 51, 9), 103, 129, 13044, 16 POPES are disagreeable to GOD 9, 44 14 ; 57, 101 33, 50936, 2 POPE'S Messiah, recited 64, 20 POPULAR preachers admonished 18, 32 POSSIBLE, men are ready to believe things that are impos- sible, but will not believe things that are possible, 56, 8 POTTER, the p. hath power over the clay, 11, 73 33, 483 POUND-HOUSE, Joanna frighted at the p 12, 13 POWER, a powerful vis. to Joanna described 58, 3 believers stand only by the/j. of the Lord 14, 87 36, 85 given to the devil to tempt Joanna 12, 55 men's ruling with arbitrary power, explained . . 57, 31 P O W li<) P R A POWER, satan declares what power he wanted in heaven, 11, <>(> satan says, he would sooner be in hell flames for ever, than stoop to a power superior to his own. ... 11, 35 satan's power, elucidated 11, 69 the coming of the Lord in power to redeem man, eluci- dated 24, 17 the great whore is the Roman power 52, 43 the/?, of evil will be swept away, 11,1 '27 32,434 34, 18 satan is only to tempt men to sin, 14, 87 15, 2O darkness compared to the moon 10, 92 PRAY for those who are tried and tempted 14, 92 in your closets alone 39 ; 69, 7 1 what man was taught to pray for, explained. . . . 54, 16 GRAYER, Basil Wood's prayer mentioned 20, 33 begin in prayer if you wish to be kept by the Lord, 11, 118 Carpenter's prayer alluded to 26, 2O clergymen ordered to leave off their lies in prayer, 18, 23 every man must sign Joanna's prayer 14, 27 for the King 21, 2"> GOD may be confined by prayer as birds are confined by a cage 15, 27 if men will pray for the Kingdom of the Lord to come, as he commanded them to do, he will hear and answer their prayers 60, 36 Joanna hath wearied heaven with her prayers to know the truth 2, 58 Joanna's prayer 19, 51 48, 2254, 7 for a new heart, answered .... 5, 205 - - for mercy on a sinful nation. ... 36, 10 Joanna's prayer for satan's destruction, 3, 139 12, 27 19, 2228, 28 imploring the Lord to look down with pity on man 14, 27 in claiming the promise 25, 34 in trouble with the answer. . . . 36, 79 on the fast day 1795 14, 24 head of the list 50, 12 that the Lord would undertake her cause, .' 36, 26 to avert the judgments 36, 8 to know if her writings were true, 19, 4 Joanna's prayer to know the Lord, and to be directed by his voice 1, 28 Joanna's prayer to the Lord to have pity on man and de- stroy satan, answered 44, 14 Joanna's prayer when the method ists had persuaded Manley out of every belief .- , . 36, 36 PR A 147 PRI PRAYER, private prayer recommended 40, 122 public prayer, or private meetings, cxp. 39, 71 41, 159 the Lord's "prayer, elite. 11, 9813, 1715, 121(3, 59 PRAYERS, as men search out the will of a man, so let them search out the will of the Lord as revealed to Joanna, then their prayers will excel the weapons of war, and change the scenes of sorrow in this nation. . . . 60, 36 GOD cannot be honoured by the prayers of those who deny him 29, 112 long prayers and much speaking. is not required, 39, 69 40, 121 men mock GOD in their prayers 17, 16 no prayers or petitions of men have altered the decrees of the Lord to J oanna 60, 34 offered up for the harvests in 1799 7, 10 of Joanna acceptable to Go D 17, IS of the church are well pleasing to GOD 18, 22 of the church beautifully elucidated 18, 11 of the church contradict one another IS, 22 of the church no minister can explain 18, 22 of the clergy and people shall rest on believers . . 21, 27 on the fast, answered 21, 26 the prayers of the saints, explained 40', 63 to lower the pride of the French, answered. . . . 36, 46 PREACHERS, a warning to preachers . . 19, 1 see 14, 105 IS, 3219, 320; 42, 6230, 22131; 294, 295, 322, 343 36; 99, 12642, 20746, 9151, 14 -. 56, 4262, 27 called upon to explain the Gospel 63, 36 PREDESTINATION, elucidated 32, 477 50 ; 54, 74 PRESENTS sent to Joanna. . . ., .9 ; 7, 32 10, 59 28, 104 ,! 29, 142 PRESCOTT, Henry, commonly called Joseph, see an account of the visions, 8cc. seen by him .... 14; 113, 114, 115 15 ; 6, 19, 23, 35, 4816 ; 7, 9, 10, 35, 36. 3720, 85 38 ; 2, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 2339, 6540 ; 102, 103 41,187 42,209 PRESERVATION, creation and />. elucidated 6, 24'> PRESUMPTION, wickedness and apostacy of man. ... 7, 19 PRIDE brought on the fall of angels, 36, 32 see 7, 58 3 ; 65, 76 9, 2514, 7716, 6929, 10730, 256 36 ; 32, 37, 99, 10338, 1439,.. 6458 ; 107, 108 59, 54 PRIESTS and bishops ordered to awake. ... 1, 28 11, 126 14, 52 and popes GOD will confound 9, 44 a lesson for priests .... 18, 29 see 9; 17, 44 11, 126 13, 1214; 53, 9217, 2523; 37, 4031, 316 ... 32; 448,449 36, 126. P R I us P K I PRIESTLEY, , his letter to convert a Jew, ans, . 40', 8) PRINCE, believers are filled with raptures of joy to hear that the Prince of Peace will now be born. .. . 02, 41 believers must stand and fight like princes 9, 17 33esley's saying, the time is past that Shiloh the Prince of darkness was to be born, ans (53, '21 Christ is the Prince of Peace 2, 5019, 4224, 79 our nation will crown. . . . 9; 42, 4ft how came satan a prince below ? 12, 21 it is a blessing to be the reputed father of the Prince of Peace, for the child will be born to be that character,. 03, 41 making war for their fathers, explained 02, 17 prophecies which have not been fulfilled of the Prince oi' Peace 01, 20 the black prince will not reign 22, G the Comforter, the Prince of Peace, which is coming as a child, must have his title entrusted to the adopted father 04, 23 the Comforter will be preferred as the Prince of Peace, 02, 42 the eyes of men's understanding will be opened when the Prince of Peace is come . . '. 61, 32 the heirs to be made princes 8, 107 the meaning of the Prince of Peace, explained. . Gl, 21 the pride of Brothers in calling himself the Prince of Peace 11, 121 the Prince of Peace is born IN believers who have a strong faith i 62, 02 the Prince of Peace is born to possess the throne of David G2, 63 the Prince of Peace is bohi to regain the promised land, which the Jews lost by' their rebellion, G2, 03 03, 40 the Prince of Peace will not be bom for them that reject ,him ; G-2, 02 the prince you'll find is near 10, 1905, 16 the sealed shall be priests and princes 9, 17 what the Prince of Peace is to be born for, exp. 55, 2 when a prince is born do men say " a new king is born," explained 03, 50 PRINT, a description of Garrctt's wonderful, p. cxp. 20 ; 2, 4 Dowland's book ordered to be put in print 39, 59 names of ministers ordered to be put in print. . 0, 54 no person to print Joanna's writings without her leave, 4; 188, 192 those who said Joanna prints for gain, answered, 4, 187 PI: i SON, sinners to remain in prison till the day of judgment, 5, 211 the Lord will break the prison doors, . , , , , . 9, 23 r n i 1 49 PRO FKITCHAHT), ,T. B. one of the 24 elders, 25, 128 see 41 ; r ..' 145, 14<), 147, 153 Pj:)/,r;, press toward* the mark for the prize of the high calling of GOD in Christ Jrsus, elucidated.. 30,283 they'll bring the prize to thce 36, 10(5 PRODK;.M.S invited to return 12, 32 57, (57 PROFESSIONS of the methodtsts 30, 61 PROFESSORS, Christian professors are blinder than the heathens '32, 398 47, off errors of p. of religion shewn 55, 1 indignation appears strong in great professors . . 20, 53 of reJigion warned, reproved, and cautioned 2, 82 32, 40934, 5052, 5 62 ; 33, 49 of the gospel particularly qu-stioned, 19; 1,15 52, 18 ". . 57, 4362 ; 3, 67, 7563, I '2. the p. -of religion don't read the scriptures, 34, 29 36, K> . 62, 48 who and what the professors are, explained .... 60, 29 PROMISE, all must claim the woman's p. or perish here, 1,162,707,158, 1029, 4114,6915; 17, 49, 5316; 28, 4517 ; 2,- 1625, 3427, 828 ; 44, 90, 9129; 118, 152, 15430; 236, 257, 278 31 ; 351, 355, 359 35 ; 7, 25 a type of the promise kept back 28, 33 30, 245 charity will gain the promise 16, 23 Christ fell on the corner stone of promise 29, 106 every promise stands on conditions .... 28, 24 30, 235 GOD'S promise, elucidated, 1 ; 27, 28 2, 50 S ; 65, 92 14, 6215, 4916, 3027, 928, 930, 229 32, 45736, 4337, 2643 ; 7, 852 ; 39, 44 62, 10 made in the fall, compared and explained with the wo- man's jointure in marriage 18, 42 made to the faithful to light and overcome, 7 ; 16, 32 8, 659, 2719, 5120, 4731, 34532; 412, 423 33 ; 4S4, 52036, 5951, 44 made to the mother and bride, elucidated 28, 89 man was ready to fulfil the first promise, but now he denies the last promise, and will not have the serpent's head bruised . 52, 45 men have taken away the first promise that was made them 21, 3 the Jews and the nation must look to the promise, 61, 50 to whom was the promise made ? 56, 56 PROMISED blessings wjll be given to those who seek them, 4, 1737, 449, 1611, 6112; 23, 29, 7315; 2S, 5516, 5420, 9121, 3023, 8924, 44 25, 12229, 12130, 26551, 3957 ; 53, 59 PROPERTY, reports concerning Joanna's property, ans. 63, 4 PRO 150 R A I PROVIDENCE, struggling in the womb of p. clue.. . 7, 33 PKOPHECICS addressed to all nations, 9, 32 17, 9 57, 59 are despised 52, (> a warning to all men concerning Joanna's prophecies, 5,234 se*3, 97 5 ,'231 12,16 14,54 16, 6617; <>,29, 3918, 1119, 5820, 7-027, 631, 347 34, 4142, 21251, 452, 3357; 6,4059, 16 many prophecies that have been fulfilled, 14, 123 44, 21 49,4952,2956, 47 see 34, 4154, 1155, 35 60, 33 were given for edifying the church. . . . 31, 362 33, 5t>5 PROPHETS, Joanna the only prophet of the Lord. . 31, 322 priests make themselves false prophets ........ 31, 316 the bad effect of trusting to false prophets, 31,321 see 7,5412,1513; 14, 18 21 ; 40, 4223; 81,83, 101 28; 15, 17, 19 31; 295, 319, SS2 *, 57534, 45 47, 11 52,2653; 606, 607 the main design of the prophets, elucidated .... 32, 447 PKOTECTION in times of danger, 36, 44 see 6, 245 17,30 21, 13 49; 15, 54, 61 FROTESTANT profession approved by the Lord, 2, 53 44, 40 PROVERB, every proverb will be made plain, 30,236 see 6, 26516, 2725, 14632, 40552, 24 PRUNED, the branches must be pruned .... 33 ; 518, 525 PUBLICANS and harlots will enter the kingdom of heaven, before the scribes and phariseee, explained. . 60, 28 PUNISHMENT, every soul will be freed from p 4, 156 PURSE, the Lord demands no man's purse, all must be done free 38, 17 Q QUARREL between Cteeve and Parnell,5, 2379; 37, 40, of Carpenter's workmen 38, 6 the quarrels now are broken out 36, 115 57, 69 QUARTERS, the four quarters, explained. . 14, 113 37, 31 QUEEN, satan offers to make Joanna queen of hell, 11, 59 QUESTIONS, foolish questions should be avoided. . 30, 275 for cavillers to ans. 7, 1 see 3, 115 14; 1, 54, 61, 75, . .9017, 430, 23234, 2755, 4057, 5062, 3 important question answered 3, 141 select scriptural questions 3, 122 7, 123, 102 R RACE, the bastard race, explained 6, 269 to be cut off 7, 17 RABSHAKEH, J. King and his friends compared to Rabsha- keh and Sennacherih 49, 66 RAGS, every land patched up with rags, explained, 57, 69 put into the windows, explained 3 37 RAl 151 RED RAIN, prayers to stop the raiu in 1799, 7, 10 see 11., 11.; 14; 40,103, 10421, 13 RAIN now, beautifully elucidated la, 29 RAM, ottered up by Abraham 2, 903, 127 the ram (satan) will now be caught . . 16, llsee 2, 90 ' SO, 7724, 1 2057, 85 RANSOM, Christ out ransom paid. . . . 6, 268 9,6 1 A, 7i 14, 3720, 4730, 27735, 22 RAP, a loud rap on the table, explained. ... U>; 4, 12, 2(> RAZOR, Joanna ordered satan to come no more with a razor dipped in oil to cut her throat with 11, 45 REA, Wm. one of the 24 elders. 25; 12S* READ and examine your bibles. . 17, 20 see 9, 28 19, 49 20, 227, 10 hasty readers cautioned 2, Go 3, 98 42, 212 REAPERS, the reapers do appear, 8,108 23, 20 36; 73,7(5 REASON, believers must call reason to their assistance, 37, 40 Christ condescends to reason with man .... 3 ; 103, 124 6, 242 14, 9 119, 202O, ] I REBECCA, a type of the last days 7, 33 REBELLION is as the sin of witchcraft. . 28, 72 sec 4, 148 12 ; 11, 1720, 6528, 837, 2739, 67 the r. in Ireland foretold 14, 12321, 26 REBUKE, as many as I love I rebuke, saith the Lord, and this nation I have rebuked, as there are many in it whom I love 21 ; 1, 18 to the unbelieving clergy 8, 81 RECOMPENSE, our recompense is near 20, 1\ 32, 42O RECONCILED, the time when GOD will be r. to man, 3, 108 25, 113 3 J, 353 REDEEM, Christ will r. his sheep, 33, 573 see 1,15 3,107 9,411, 991 4, 6515, 10 20, 7521,2124, 17 REDEEMED, England will be the first redeemed, 3, 98 9 t 3 . 14, 7518, 1655, 1657, 44 no man redeemed as yet, elucidated. 31, 35J the faithful will be redeemed, 33, 569 see 4, 16510, 07 11, 10816, 7123, 9525,3930,45240,132 treasures for the redeemed, elucidated 7, 15 when the earth will be redeemed, 9, 4 sec 19, 67 22, 43 52, 24 REDEMPTION, a beautiful explanation of the redemption, 10, 8211 ; 70, 10725, 1931, 35$ 43, 946, 85 cannot come till Chpist hath freed the woman .... 9, 18 23, 17 see S, 7313, 817,2135; 23,2738, 44 5O, 29 man hath no conception of the glorious change that will take place at the redemption ....... 33, 5<>2 BED 152 RES REDUMPTION, man sealed for the day of r. 7,34 16,69" see 3, 1306, 27811, 9614; 2, 1 1617, 419, 35 21; 2, 1990, 1428, 8736, 4337, 3043, 62 47, 2753, 60060, 7 salvation is sure to them where redemption is promised, ; 33, 485 the creation and redemption, elucidated. . . . 34, '20 see 6, 2768, 7616, 4424, 80 we cannot enter into the door of redemption, but through faith in the true shepherd 33, 5/2 what have those -who boast of election to do with re- demption -. 33, 486 when the redemption is to commence, 9, 4 16, 34 see 7, 5411 ; 70, 10919, 70 13, 716 ; 16, 57 17, 7 20, 4228, 730, 20731, 34433; 481, 557 3.5, 2753, 60156, 3363, 13 REIGN of Christ, elucidated 14, 11830, 287 of David, explained 23, 4928 ; 10, 33 satan's first reign, explained 28, 30 REFRESHING, times of refreshing, exjt.. . 32, 237 62, 26 RELIGION, a type of great professors of religion . . 36, 17 errors of the professors of religion 55, 1 GOD hath been merciful to England on account of the Protestant religion 44, 40 is not fashionable, nor applauded by the world. . 30, 209 many build their religion on the " teaching of others," elucidated. . 20, 37 see 19; 1, 1534, 5053, 605 57, 4362, 24 true religion now is gone 14 ; 84, 103 types of great professors of religion 36, 16 you must gain true religion, and prepare for the Lord, 20, 42 RELIGIOUS society for the suppression of vice, reproved, 21 ; 28, 43 sce-ZS, 4949, 1553, 606 REMEMBER me in thy Father's Kingdom, exp 22, 85 REMNANT, a remnant of all will be saved 33,484 REPENT, GOD will forgive those who repent .... 32, 472 joyful consolation for repining sinners. 60, 29 ruin will come on England unless they r 21, 21 swiftly r. or you must fly with speed . . 15, 41 25, 117 REPENTANCE will come too late to thousands . ... 5, 211 . 22, 25 see 15, 2732, 445 REPORTS, false reports answered 16, 63 25, 3 REPROBATION and election, clue.. . 11, 126 33; 482,571 36, S6 47 ; 18, 36, 3751, 856, 33 in begun by man . . . ,* 1C,- 18 14; 56, 75 the reprobate is the devil 47, 31 62, 29 RESOLUTIONS on the truth of the 'mission 25; 48, 79 R E S 153 R I N REST, the thousand years rest, clue. 14, 118: 30, 213 see 16, 3033, 54 159, 38 RESTITUTION of all things, beautifully due 30, 238 RESURRECTION, Christ the r. of the life, due 33, 573 22, 25 25, 85 Rr.v BALED, who is the son of man that is to be revealed? explained 61, 51 62; 24, 6763, -1264, 13 REVELATIONS, all the bible will be exp. by the r.. . 14, 89 no man can explain the revelations 6, 283 7, 36 the marriage in the revelations is earthly 58, 15 the mystery of the r. sealed up from man, exp.. . 51, 31 the revelations are placed for tvpes and shadows of the end " 60, 35 the vials in the revelations, explained 14, 80 the visions in the revelations, explained 62, 69 to be given in the end, explained 63, 12 when the revelations break the end is at hand. . 57, 73 REVENGE and murder must, go with satan 11, 99 REWARD and recompense, elucidated.. 30,273 32,420 44 ; 41, 45 RIBBONS shew the victory 4, 166 14, 51 RICH, the poor are as full of unbelief as the rich. . 20, 35 the pride of the rich and great, who never honoured the Loril, must come down 36, 32 through unbelief the rich will starve and die. .. . 12, 54 RJCIIES have wings and fly away >5y, 55 the great enemy of Christ's kingdom 33, 530 RIUER, GOD will not spare- horse nor rider. . 8, 82 20, 5 RFGHT hand cut off, or right eye plucked out ( 20, 7 RIGHTEOUS, Christ will be ashamed of the self-righteous, 20, 18 fifty righteous men shall prevail over the powers of hell, 12,11716, 7017, 51 men ordered to appear 16 ; 9, 21 saints and self r. reproved. ... 12, 33 14, 80 30, 236 souls conducted by angels to the realms of bliss, 15, 14 the righteous judge stands at the door 14, 126 will be ten thousand times more enlight- ened at the day of judgment than they were at their death 11, 109 RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Lord revealed 44, 40>' the sun of righteousness is come 14, 'IS 17, 50 those who say they are saved by their own righteousness, answered . 62, 23 RIGSBY, , his conduct shewn. ... 22; 16, 21 24, 55 RING cast into the sea, and found in the belly of the fish, &c. _ 22; 82, 83, 86, 89 given to Joanna, set with blue stones 22, 43 R I N 154 U O M RING, Joanna ordered to put on three rings 24, 115 the marriage ring appears 7 ; 48, 53 the ring and new clothing is come 12, 33 the rings of faith are murdered by satan, exp.. . 22, 73 the ring tnken from Belinda 22, 26 the seal compared to the marriage ring 20, 75 the stone that is fallen out of the ring 2" 2 ; 45, 46 vision of the candle, bowl, ring, c.. 61 ; 55, 58 RINGING of the parish bells, a type 3, 127 RIOT, parable of the riot at Campion's execution. . 2, S7 RIVER, all may drink of Jordan's river 14, 72 the river and the bank, elucidated 20, 50 ROBBERS, those tiiat wish for seals -without true faith are thieves and robbers 27, 6 51, 10 ROBERTS, , like his words in men shall be, 23, S3 58, 84 ROBES and christening caps all must put on 58, IS of white for believers 9, 25 10, 40 prepared for the child 62, 62 ROBSON, Rev. his conduct shewn 25, 18 ROCK, all must build upon the rock of ages, 5, 196 14, 77 20; 84, 8630, 27333; 443, 48557, 66 59 ; 39, 48 Christ saith, " rny flesh must be your food, your rock to build upon" 24, 120 of defence to them that believe, exp.. . 33, 48536, 49 on which the church' is to be built 8 ; 100, 102 see the rock where all is spilt 14, 76 stumbling stone and rock of oilence, elucidated, 3S, 484 ROD, Christ is the rod that shall the seas divide . . 12, 15 fear the r. and him that hath appointed it, 32, 457 57, 61 of Moses to swallow up the false prophets 12, 17 the Man-Child shall rule the nations with a rod of iron, 7, 3'2 12, 11130, 270 the rod hangs hovering over your land 36, 53 the rod of iron, beautifully elucidated 52, 44 the rod of strength, explained 63, 45 ROLLING stone set as a* sign. . . . 29, 1<>8 37, 24 42, 231 44,29 ROMAN-CATHOLICS, all their gods will be pulled down, 9, 44 Arians and Calvmistsall wrong 33; 509,513 Arians and Calvinists placed and compared with Brothers, < 47, 20 a warning to the Roman Catholics 9, 44 44, 38 error of the lloman Catholics, trusting in man for pardon, . explained. ,, 33 ; 481,509, 524 47,4462, 3() Jews, Deists, Atheists, Arians, and Catholics will have the truth proved the ensuing year t 60, 47 ROM 155 S A I ROMAN-CATHOLICS prevent people from believing th<* bible 33, 511 priests or unjust stewards, called to a strict account, 9, 44 religion disagreeable to GOD .. 9, 44 scriptures placed by the Roman Catholics to themselves, ..; 47,44 the faith of the Ronitai Catholics, who believe they shall be saved by the pardon of the Pope, is equally good with the'Calvinists, who believe they are to he* saved by election 33,481 their pride compared to that of the pharisees. . 33, 524 the Roman bands England cannot support, 3 ; 125, 126 ROME, GOD will conquer all the bloody whores of Rome, 2, 533, 143 must shake in the end 4, 180--49, 52 55, 14 the great whore is the Roman power 52, 43 ROPE of sand, explained 21 ; 42, 47, 48 ministers compared to a rope of sand 57 ; SO, 87 ROOT, axe laid to the root, which is the devil, 2, 63 11, 126 lo > .10110, 5717, 1790, 11 2S, 11-^33, 481 Christ is the root, believers are the branches, 15,50 24,39 how can the branch grow out of the root, without the spirit and the bride 01 ; 16, 39 the Lord will leave neither root nor branch. . . . 32, 447 the root must be cut off and die away, like a grain of wheat, explained . . 0), 42 ROSE, the three shepherds compared to three roses, 15, 23 26,27 RUBBISH in Joanna's writings, elucidated 12, 85 RUIN, nothing can save England from ruin but Joanna's writings. , 14,1 02 25, 102 RULERS, who are the rulers of the kingdom, exp. 12, 38 RUST and canker in the grain .... 7, 14 27, 12 36, 66 RUSTLING winds, elucidated 10, 69 S S, thou blot test the S and so it must be 14, 96 SABBATH, blind man healed on the sabbath day . . 33,563 of one thousand years rest and peace, exp 30, 213 or seventh day, will soon appear 7, 37 SACRAMENT, an elucidation of the sacrament. , . . , . 3 % .9S 20, 6724, 12125, 13231, 31333, 541-^40, 115 48, 13 50,41 51,. I 8 refused to Joanna'tmd believers, 19, 30- 23, 51- 28, 47 , 50, 79 SACRIFICE, no s. equal to obedience .... 29, 183 37 27 38, 6 see 24, 12029, 175 SAINTS and men must judge angels. . 3, 142 6; 241, 44 ,. 9, 28 14, 7 23,78 33; 506,514,521 SAI 156 SAT SAINTS and sinners can't agree . '. ' 12, 82 happiness of departed saints, explained, 13, 15 32, 45'2 many saints. will doubt 12, 33 thousands of saints in heaven, like saints below, wish to strike the serpent dead. . 32, 390 we 4, loo 11, 9.0 12, 33 14, 8416, 4532, 41046, 67 SALT, Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt ........ 7, 52 parable of the man who stole salt.' 21, 37 SALTATION, Christ came from the woman to bring s. to man, 3, 12414; 69, 85, 10615; 46, 5031,344 . . 44, 40 50, 24 56, 37 is sure to them where redemption, is promised. . 33, 485 on the s.un and moon, 8tc. answered ... . 56, 11 61, 35 sealed in Joanna's books 36, 104 the horn of salvation ; 22, 60- 32, 392 this is the day of s. if they will hear 59, J8 those who believe in s. without redemption compared to Eli's sons 30, 207 SALVE, Brown's salve, exp 22 ; 48, 50 43, 67 SANCTUARY, gate of the s. eluc 31; 377, 378 judgments will begin at the sanctuary 59, 6 SAND, the rope of s. cxp. 21 ; 42, 47, 4823, 7657 ; 86, 87 SANDS, Joanna informed that her*, was neaiSy run, 58, 4 SANDERSON, , his conduct shewn, 23; 79, 80, 81, 84, 101, K'8 SATAN, a catalogue of his pleasures 11, 37 accuseth the sons of men daily 12, 22 acknowledges Joanna's writings to be like the bible, 11,11 afflicts Joanna with sickness 12, 57 a friend to s. turned out of the room at Leeds . . 20, IS agrees to stand or fall by election 11, 3619, 22 all that join with s. shall fall. ... 8, 7912, 2628, 23 37, 33 all that is evil is from the devil 11, 55 always did this kingdom claim 8, 102 works by instruments 10, 9o and apollyon, both answered 12, 35 are cast 12, 54 a new gallows shall come for s. 12, 51 22, 79 2-J, 101 answered by the spirit of truth 12, 7Q answer to the person who enquired, why GOD created the devil? 19,5543,26 a parable and type for satan's end . 22, 73 appeared a coward at first. 6, 253 in Judas to bruise the heel of Christ ..11, 99 to Eve as an angel of light 6,252 appears in man to tempt Joanna 21, 5 arguments of the woman against satau . , , 6, 251 SAT 1.57 SAT SATAN, as Isaiah was sawed in two, so will GOD saw in sunder salan's power from man 15, So as king, compared to the bramble 12, 30 asks for power to try Joanna's obedience, and declares he will make her an atheist 36, 70 as s. disputed against Job, so he hath against all men, and brought, on sjre broils of affliction upon all man- kind 12, 3 assaults Joanna for ten days 8, 88 as the blood of Abel cried for vengeance against Cain, so does the fall of the woman cry for vengeance against the devil, her betrayer '. 17, 21 as worms breed in wood, so sin breeds in the devil, 19, 5543, 19 a type of men and devils . 6, 284 28, 37 a vision of the binding ot'satan 4, 164 50, 18 axe laid to the root to cut off the devil. . . . 2,63 17, 17 begs the people to crown him king 12, 28 believers only will live to see s. or . the powers of dark- ness chainecf down 15, 23 blame cast by the woman on satan 6, 251 1 2, 20 blasphemy of s. to Joanna for ten days 1 ; 33, 34 .V.T... , 4, 16311, 5 bond of marriage, how broken with regard to s.. ..11, 76 breaks in upon Joanna with violence. . . . 23, 18 24, 36 broke the peace of the woman 7, 43 by art made the Jews to err 14, 102 by some was pronounced king in heaven 4, 148 calls Joanna " a. whining devil" 11, 3 ' " Lucifer, son of the morning" .... 11, 43 came first in the serpent, now in the man 26, 1O candle of the devil is gone out 11, 61 cannot betray Joanna's innocence 43, 57 cannot command one blessing 11, 38 cannot deny the justice of GOD, either in Creation or Preservation II, 59 casting out of floods, elucidated 12, 111 cast out of heaven 4, 148 cast the blame on GOD : . 7, 43 chained, Prescott's vision 16, 36 challenged by the woman 6, 253 Christ came to die that $. might feel the blow . . 29, 134 hath suffered, and s. must suffer 34, 48 is come in the \\oman to reprove s. .12, 3 22, 79 to conquer satan 12, 26 says '* I am the Abel, satan is the Cain" . . 15, 35 's coming to destroy s. power, exp. . 24, 17 57, 38 Christians deceived and misled by s. eluc 44, 45 SAT 158 SAT SATAN compared to a criminal, elucidated 4 12, 9.9 compared to a king who thought he was GOD and be- came lice |, 12, 4O the French nation 14, 6 complains against Joanna 11,26 15, 3 condemned through the woman , 30, 278 dares Bruce or Foley to rob him of the time allowed him, , 11, 30 days of vengeance designed for the devil 12, 33 death of sin and satan, explained. 5, 210 deceives men by lies 36, 34 the fallen angels . . .. 12, 19 declares he hath millions of money for those who vote for him .......... 11, 40 declares his bounds are unlimited, and that none can destroy his power > . . , '11, 15 declares his hatred to woman 11, 72 what powes be wanted in heaven ...... 1 1, 26 denies being ever formed by GOD 12, 20 destroys the happiness of the husband and wife . . 22, 7 destruction must come upon s 37, 55 digs a pjt for himself 29, 168 discovers his cloven foot 11, 40 does not know how the Lord means to visit the nations, or what he means to do upon the earth 31, 324 doth not approve of the parables that are brought against him 23, 19 dwells in the moon 10, 94 enmity between his seed and the woman's, 13, 7 17, 21 19, 1929, 1 18 37, 6038, 4343, 7644, 55 nvied man for the woman's sake 2, 51 every name that is entered for his destruction, is a spear in his heart. 17, 43 fall before' man was created 32, 41 V fully proved 4, 1485,22223, 2228, 22 first commandment broke by satan 52. 4 gained his power by woman at first 3, 104 GOD declares who are the witnesses against s. .. 22,79 offers pardon to s. on conditions 12, 37 's fury will fall on s. and his friends. . 2. 6211, 97 12, 7317, 1230, 203 judgment passed on satan 7, 45 love, and satan's hatred shewn 11, 78 goes from his word . 11, 62 grace taken from man by satan 3, 105 had greater power over Joanna than he had over Job, 12, 4 had satan known the -mysteries he would soon destroy the Iand. t , 11, 91 SAT 1.59 SAT SATAN had permission to appear personally, and answer for himself 11,312, 5 has power as a god of this world 4, 150 to tempt Joanna 12, 55 has reigned on the earth triumphant 7, 45 hath carried his jesting too far 12, 5 hath done a thing which will never be forgiven, 12, 73 hath fell his blow, explained 25, 10(J hath had his time and will, 6, 251 10, 11 24,0 28,9 hath killed both GOD and man. 12, 34 hath no power to create life, explained 62, 53 hath not long to reign 16, ](> hearts and hands must join for his destruction. . 17, 44 he that refuseth to sign for his destruction is a worshipper of the beast , r '. 35, 22 hell from beneath is moved for satan. . . . 11, 41 12 71 his account of an" evil spirit that loved Joanna. ... 11,8 his accusation against Job, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, answered 54, 4O his angels now shall be destroyed. 12, 2ti his anger is kindled against Joanna for sealing his de- struction and man's redemption 11, 19 his appearance in Herod, elucidated 12, 2(> his artful working with Joanna 58, 11 hie arts and lies are as many as his po.wer is great, 3, 105 54, 959, 5f> his arts in the fall made to cast him 30, 252 his arts with men and angels, explained 51, Si his band must be cut asunder 32, 451 his character given by the Lord 12, 31 his crown turned upside down 14, 5 his description of Christ and himself 11,6 his destruction is near 12, 35 19, 17 31, 368 his dispute with the woman, elucidated 11, 33 his drudgery done in Christ's livery . . 10, 91 26, 29 ." 31,322 his end must come from man 10, oO his fetters will be broke, and sinners freed .... 60, 29 his friends compared to the subjects of the King of France 11, 37 &s friends' folly shewn 11 ; 5, 11, 75 12, 4O his fury will fall on mockers 16, 17 34, <2 his gods of gold are now made known . . 11, 36-S-12, 3^ his head will be bruised by having the names of tho*e who sign for his destruction bound on it. .17, 43 stt 8, 8216', 825, 1833, 54836, 59 his host must fall like Pharoah's , . , .7 ; 17, IS his kingdom and the moon must pass away .... 1, 37 ........... Y. 5,222 14; 2, 10 will never repent 0, 81 will not have so great a friend at Joanna's trial, as Pilate was to Christ. 25, S-J will perform miracles 12, 14 will pursue believers 23, 112 will reign with fury upon the earth < 1 1 14, 45 working with men shewn, 10, 95 29 ; 99, 19140, lot> f 54, 47 SAUL compared to a tree, which cast the shadow two ways, 37, 28 his disobedience, explained 14, 116 34, 37 stands now in satan, explained 24, 79 SAVED, all who call upon GOD in faith, will be saved, 12, 97 if the days are not shortened, no flesh can be s.. . 4, 152 through child bearing, elucidated, 35,23 62, 40 6i, 29 SAVING, a woman and child, poisoned with savine, 24, 55 SAVIOUR, a second son some say makes Jesus Christ an in- sufficient saviour, answered 62, 3 Christ died to take away the sting of the serpent, and to be the Saviour of the world , 52, 27 man shall not worsrnp man as a saviour 11, 112 men ordered to study and see the fulfilment of the bible prophecies concerning our Saviour . . . 3, 123 one part of our Saviour's words are believed, and another part rejected. . , . , , , , , . , oO, 9 \ S A V U)(j SCR SAVIOUR, our Saviour informs us what men will soy when he comes as the bridegroom, to welcome the wise virgins 52, 23 our Saviour's sepulchre, elucidated 1 4, 68 the Saviour embraced Joanna at her birth 1, 30 the Saviour of mankind is near 17, IS the woman who said " we wanted no Saviour," ans. 11, 70 they'll find a Moses and a Saviour here 12, 15 those who presumptuously said " it is another Saviour" answered 63 ; 2S, 54 woman never was a Saviour here 8, 58 SCOFFERS and mockers will be cut off 8, 79 are very numerous now in the last days 30, 272 will come in the last days 53, 584 SCORNFUL rulers warned !, 36 58, 25 SCOTLAND, an earthquake in Scotland 44, 22 SCOTT, John, tlve solicitor, examined the witnesses at Jo- anna's trial, and signed their depositions, 25; 41 to 79 SCOURGE, the overflowing scourge is near, 26, 9 31, 323 SCRIBES and pharisees, why condemned, exp. 5, 224 35,58 SCRIPTURAL and temporal sealing, explained .... 55, 13 blindness, explained 30, 271 33, 562 Christ is Joanna's scriptural husband 37, 69 gifts, elucidated 33 ; 499, 504 see 32, 4<23 37, 7338, 840, 98 SCRIPTURES, all men ordered to search the s 14, 87 altered by man, elucidated. 35, 27 believers must stand in true obedience to fulfil the scrip- tures 40, 107 blessings enjoyed by those who believe the scriptures, elucidated ". 56, 44 brought forward against Garrett 31, 309 by Lane to make the Lord an unjust judge , 56, 29 to shew that the prophets and apostles are Joanna's grand Jury 50 ; '23, 39 to try the heads of the learned . . 1 , 25 cannot be fulfilled, till the Lamb of GOD has taken away the sins of the world 5'2, 1<> compared to the firmament, elucidated 56, 18 drsputers of the scriptures, shewn their errors . . 33, 560 hid from men and devils, elucidated 3, 114 many parts of the scriptures stand as a will to be fulfilled, 50, 9 men must look to the scriptures, to see what promises stand on record 52, 18 r\o man hath a right faith, that doth not believe the ful- iilment of the scriptures ,...,,..., 55, 38 S C PC 1G7 SEA SCRIPTURES on the office of Christ, explained . . 30, 259 passages elucidated, 3, 122 11 ; 123, 125 16, 5417 ; 4, 3219,4320, 4523, 5(524,4337, 1744, 43 48, 256, 5558; P, 1259, 59 professors of religion do not read tlie scriptures. . 34, 22 promises without conditions to be fulfilled, exp. 57, 37, 4 1 prophecies placed backward 8, 59 quotations for the learned to answer, 7, 1 23, 102 30; 232, 27758, 2461, 38 second coming of Christ proved from the s 44, 31 ?poken without any conditions, explained 57, 3^ stand as a looking-glass for man 52, 4 that are to be fulfilled 12, 87 the blindness of men fulfils the scriptures 36', 27 the conditions on which the scriptures stand, exp. 56, 30' the folly of men, saying the scriptures are fulfilled, 55, 50 56, 42 the truth of the scriptures, elucidated . . 54, 22 56, 42 the wickedness of unjust dealings, proved from the scrip- tures 49, 4 through unbelief the scriptures are falling to the ground, like leaves in Autumn, explained. . 57, 32 we are to contend for the scriptures 55, 2 which the Romans place to themselves 47, 45 SEA, an army crossed the sea, vision 4, 169 England warned to take care of thes3a, 32; 444,445 36,44 man shall foil by sea and land 20, 5 quelling the rage of the sea, compared to the binding of hell 12, 9 satan's power compared to the sea 12, lt> the earth nor the sea to be hurt, till the people are oealed, 11, 12612,10416, 0s! the sea to give up her treasure 7, 15. SEAL, a copy of the words wrote on each s. 39, 50 48, 2 an explanation of the seal 12, 116 16, 8 as men have acted by the seal, so the Lord will act by them ." 8, 102 Christ hath a right to seal and save what was lost, 1 1, 73 Christ will begin to seal up man 8, S3 Christ will reveal every seal 9 6 deep is the mystery of the tye of Joanna's seal. ... 9, 28 England may seal more than their number 20, 62 every man must set to his s. " that GOD is true," 12, 1(X> every seal must be broken the first month of the twelfth year 12, 114 every seal to be revealed 9, <> found by Joanna in sweeping the house 18, 2O given by Joanna, is a type of the ark 7, !> SEA 168 S E A SEAL given by the woman to the man. , . , 7, .'38 GOD will set a seal on satan 12, 73 he that wisheth for a seal without having a true faith that Joanna's visitation is from the Lord, is a thief and a robber ' , 27, (5 if you wish for life receive the seal 16, 51 let them know thy name is in the seal 12, 67 mark the C. and let the seal appear 12, 07 none to receive a seal before they have read the word of GOD to Joanna, 19, 4920, 96 ordered to he put into the book 12, 67 satan has orders to leave all those who have received the seal 7, 5211, 71 the deceit of some men in procuring a seal . . 51 ; 9, 17 the devil will go on deceiving the world with lies until his power is destroyed, and the seal is set upon him, . , * 52, 15 the King of king's and Lord of lords commanded Joanna to seal the people 19, 11 the Lord will have one year to seal his own .... 12, 54 the seal cannot protect men from dangers 31, 302 the sea! compared to the marriage ring . . 7, 53 20, 75 is a wall against the devil 24, 50 is given lo Joanna. . . t 14, 67 " without money and without price," 16, 64 the seal must go through every land 12, 104 the wax and printed seal, explained 1'?, 123 the woman, Joanna, shall seal you sons and heirs, 16, 50 's hand shall now seal satan'sdoom. exp. 19, 19 the second star is on the seal S, 101 18, 20 thou must seal their names a second time 14, 45 turned as clay to the seal, explained 29, 101 type of the seal put upon Christ's tomb, exp. ... 55, II when Joanna dies the seal must be given to her friend, s 12, 10427, 2 without the s. some will admittance find ,5, 22<> SEALED, a caution, address, and directions to the sealed, 14, 12719, 820, 6229, 18531, 30139, 89 . v 48; 6, 1250, 1751, 18 a full explanation of the sealed .... 36; 16, 46 46, 24 a. list of the s. to appear before the throne of GOD, 16, 26 after the first year unbelievers are not to be s 27, 3 all names that are given- freely will be s. above . . 15, 22 all the sealed are brides 16 ; 63, 69 all the sealed number may come to Joanna's trial, 29 ; 184, 187 a petition in which all the sealed must join, 48, 22 50, 1.. SEA 169 s A SCALED, as Daniel was preserver! in the lion's den and bis enemies destroyed, so will the sealed people be pre- served and their enemies destroyed ........ 32, 387 as man sealed Christ's tomb, so they have now sealed satan's doom 19; 20 believers called back to what is sealed up in Joanna's writings . . . 4 ; 58, 18 blessed promises made to those who are sealed in faith, 8,8312; 7, 13,53 13; 19, 20 14, 67 15; 21,54, 5516; 21, 28, 29, 31, 54, 58, 6020, 12 books sealed for man's redemption 5, 230 1, 54 David's throne will be given to the sealed 12, 123 every man that possesses the kingdom must be sealed, 14, 67 every soul will wish they had been sealed, 3,117 14; . . 45, 10915, 21 16, 3120 ; 76, 8724, 69 every thing that will happen is sealed up in Joanna's writings . . . . ; 60, 33 examine the bible, and see how you are to be sealed in heaven and earth 15j 21 extracts from the sealed writings ..<*<.. 25, 140 falling away of the sealed people, explained. . . . 29, 185 false judgment of some of the sealed shewn .... 30, 207 five men have right obeyed, and are s. together . . 8, 83 GOD hath fixed satan's bounds by the sealed; .. . 44, 40 if Bonaparte comes to England he will be destroyed by the sealed , . . . < . . . < 15, 55 Joanna, a pillar to the sealed 7, 52 Joanna hath sealed the people as the Lord commanded her / 7,5211,73 Joanna will be shewn the s. book in heaven, 25 ; 100, 140 let my s. come, and in the field with thee appear, 22, 6 let the sealed stand steadfastly, and they shall reap if they faint not 19, 9 man is s. for his redemption 7, 34 16, 69 many of the sealed will die, and come with the Lord in triumph . . 46, 25 my sealed now I'll free, but I must know them by their names 15, 55 16, 58 names shall chill the foe 16,59 new revelations sealed up in a box 58, 4 none but the s. to remain upon the earth, 14, 67 29, 186 none to be s. but such as can draw their judgments clear from Joanna's writings and the scriptures, 48, 10 see < 12, 53 36, 12 39^ 3 on the temptations of the sealed 18, 3^) people appear like Israel 30, 207 people compared to eggs '*), IS.) ,S E A l/u SEA SEALED, satau cannot bear to leave the s. 14, 45 see 7,53 11, 11512; 13, 5419, 4534, 56 satan's friend saith Joanna hath sealed the devil's ser- vants 11,72 satan will have no power aver the sealed at the end of one thousand years 16, 31 seven thousand sealed who stand faithful will save the land from a foreign enemy 48, 22 some of Joanna's writings are to be sealed up till after her death 25, 102 the army of the Lord are the sealed by faith .... 12, 53 the book sealed by Daniel t'uat was to be sealed up, is now begun to be sealed 20, 49 the book shall stand sealed 22, 41 the earth nor sea to be hurt till the people are sealed, 11, 12612, 1041(5, 62 the jury must still be sealed 2,50 the King sealed with half the nation, 14 ; 43, 45 15, 55 the mystery of the Revelations being s. up, exp. . 51, 3i the names of the sealed people will appear to an aston- ished and affrighted world 16 ; ,58, 59 the name that is s. in the forehead is the name that is signed in the forehead by baptism 20, 75 ' the number of the sealed Jan. 1804, were 8134. . 19, 24 N.B. The number ad Sept. 1803, were 5971 and since that period upwards of 6400 have given their names. the offspring of believers are sealed , . . . 13, 20 the s. have relied upon the word of GOD 16, 59 the s. must observe what they sign to 48, 10 pray for Bonaparte's death 15, 54 the sealed number judge their call 16, 51 people compared to the angels that surround GOD 15, 21 shall be warned when dangers are near, 15, 55 who die shall come with Christ 16, 22 will not regard death 14 ; 45, 109 the tribes of the s. are those sealed by faith 27, 5 thousands are sealed who know not for what they are sealed 48 ; 11, 18 'tis sealed from us what shortly will appear .... 58, 19 to be heirs of glory, and inherit the tree of life. . . . 19, 8 .to the day of redemption, '7 ; 32, 34, 36, 37, 53 16, 64 twelve nations will be sealed 20, 62 what is sealed on earth is s. in heaven, exp. . . 7 ; 38, 54 . 10, S2 12, 1 1 514 ; 46, 6844, 46 who draw back cannot stand in the end 48, 9 with the holy spirit of promise, 32, 40635 ; 7, 41, 43 SEA 171 SEA SEALING, a beautiful description of the s. 12 ; 53, 104, 1 1G 14, 66 16, 65 19, 620; 9, 5831,30135; 18, 46 36, 12 46, 24 48 ; 1,2,6, 1850, 1952, 27 a greater preservation for man than Noah's ark was, 2, 63 12,11(3 und signing with heart and hand completes your happi- ness 17, 47 compared to a net cast into the sea, gathering in good and bad, explained 48, 7 the election of men 19, 8 55, 13 false reports concerning- the sealing, answered . . 16, 63 for one year, elucidated 27, 4 in the s. justice is done to men and devils ; justice to sa- tan to cut him off for his rebellion, as man was cut off from the land of Egypt for pursuing the children of Is- rael, and as man was pronounced dead to knowledge for disobedience, so shall satan be dead to the know- ledge of man 19, 8 is made to try what is in man 19, 62 it is not thy prophecies will complete men's happiness, but sealing their names that they have signed for sa- tan's destruction, and their desire for my kingdom that must complete their happiness in the end .... 17, 47 must take place before the end can come 19, 6 no man can understand the perfect mystery of sealing be- fore the mysteries are clearly revealed 48, 12 no one should mock the s. as they do not understand for what end the sealing is * .... 52, 18 ordered to go on for believers and unbelievers, exp. 27, 3 stopped 2d Sept. 1 808 52, 37 the first sealing, explained, 17, 58 27, 3 51, 17 35, 17 the sealing is a type of the end 52, 27 55, 12 will not stop till the number be up . . 19, 50 the shadow and mystery of the s. exp. . . 20, 6p 36, 12 SEALS, a communication on the different seals the writings were sealed up with 59, 33 alike to all were given 7, 38 a book with seven seals put into Pomeroy's hands, 14, 13 59, 17 a watch laid on the seals . l, 17 believers numbered by their seals, as the children of Israel were by their tribes, elucidated. . 12, 9327, 5 compared to lamps, and leaves for the healing of the na- tions 12; 53, 104 16, 5i 0, 78 cut open 1 ; 19, 21 9, 9 25, 91 have not been sold . . . . 4 . 52, 3 it is the seals the wise must clear, 5, 229 17,47 19, 63 kept on the tomb and bribing the keepers, exp. t , 57, 24 SEA 172 SEC SEALS, it will be more fatal for those who break their seals, than it was for Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, 19; 8, 50 , 27, 5 many have received seals like thieves and robbers, 20, 63 , 5 , 19 "mystery of the seven seals broken in heaven .... 8, 36 none must destroy their seals 19, 8 objections to the seals, answered 12, 115 some of the seals will not be broken while Joanna is alive 25, 91 some will destroy their seals, and become opposers, * . 16, 2955, 37 the blood sprinkled on the door posts, a type of the seals, -12, 1319, 7 the disobedience of breaking- the seals. ... 5, 230 19, 8 the great importance of the seals 1C, 53 the heirship must be gained by the seals 12, 104 the seals are broken and turned back by men .... 8, 100 the seals must now appear 25, 84 surely burst 14, 121 the seven seals loosed in heaven 7, 35 three seals together are in every stamp 14, 69 we. little know how strong our* seals stand against satan, 15, 10 we must set to our seals " that we wish to renounce the devil, and fight for our Lord's kingdom,". ... 12, 115 when the seals are broken, the day-light will come, 4,1619, 4712,6.736,51 why Joanna seals the people, answered 55, .37 your name must stand on the seals . 14, 67 SEAM, coat and covenant without a seam 14, 69 SEAKLE, W. his name forged to a letter 52, 35 {SEASONS, times and seasons now must be observed, 14, 45 SECOND Adam for man is found .. 6, 2778, 7411, 106 14, 6.7 a second child must be born of the spirit 61, 13 birth, elucidated . ....... 14, 64 3J, 55261 ; 13, 35 coming of Christ, elucidated, 1, 165, 220 8, 989, 46 H, 7914, 6515 ; 15, 5030, 22631, 360 32, 45433, 49744, 3147, 5962, 2? coming of Christ is rejected , 30, 227 curse brought on the 'earth by Noah 17, 14 first and second coming, elucidated.. 33,492 53,581 is there no second in the pit? . . . 14, 42 40, 124 men are blind to the second Advent 31, 353 the first and second star, 7, 449, 4712, 12323, 52 the second branch can never fail 15, 25 __* Eve ,,,,,,,,,,,, 6,27736, SI SEC 173 SER SECOND, the second mystery explained 2, 5(S star doth now appear, 8,100 14,67 18,20 20, 7762, 56 SECRKTAKY, Underwood is Joanna's secretary. .. . 21, 15 SECRETS of the Lord revealed, 2, .58 29; 128, 172 to conceal the secrets of a King is honourable, but to conceal the secrets of the Lord is sinful, 1, 47 SECTS, all sects proved dead to knowledge 33, 506 the absurdity of different sects shewn, 14, 10531, 294 33, 511 SEED, all the good seed of the woman destroyed by satan, 22 72 of Israel is the seed of GOD 32, 435 of the faithful, explained, 35, 55 36,3737,941, 177 . . 51, 33 of the woman must conquer all, 12,122 13; 6, 7, 13 17, 2119, 1929, 11831, 35137, 6038, 43 43,7644,5565; 11, 12 the new seed sown in the Gentiles 24, 121 the seed of Abraham promised a blessing 50, 15 must appear by the spirit 61, 12 sown in Joanna, explained 41, 166 = that's in the virgin's womb, will come to per- fection 2, 8865, 4 the seed's seed, beautifully elucidated 61, 35 the sowing of seed and its growth, explained. ... 32, 425 35, 56-T-50, 38 the sou will be the woman's conquering seed. . . . 62, 59 the word of GOD compared to seed 2, 95 7, IS SELF-COU idence is offensive to GOD, 20; 38, 42 23, 103 25 ; 21, 2236 ; 68, 9337, 59 righteous reproved .... 2, 82 16, 21 20, IS 25, 138 42,20760, 32 SENIOR, Thos. one of the 24 elders 25, 12S turned out of the meeting at Leeds 36, 21 SENSE, all kinds of sense but common sense 63, 7 SERPENTS, fiery s. will be seen in the sky 12, 4p in the barley-field, the type elucidated 36 ; 59, 63 losing his skin, a type of satan' s fall 13; 6, 7 man shewn how he might turn out of the way of the ser- pent ; 52, 27 mystery of the brazen s. 2, 903, 127 6 ; 260, 281 ^7 ; 43,449,4710,5012, 11621; 10, 3823, 4? '.... 32 ; 413, 41452 ; 27, 28 the bone shall crush the serpent's head 36, 10!> the double curse on the serpent, exp 11, 65 27, S the dragon or s. cast 3, 135 -4, 1676; 279, 284 , 7, 439, 4328, 3337, 5 S E R 174 S E V SI;UPENT, the fiery serpent is the devil . . 5, 219 11, II the serpent beguiled Eve 7, 45 23, 49 in foreign nations compared to ihe devil, 52, 19 the sword of Christ shall cut the s. down 8, 102 vision of the fiery serpent, explained 5, 219 SERVANT, he that is chief shall he a servant . . 1 ; 44, 47 Joanna no man's servant 36, 87 's character when a servant 52, S mark what is said of" MY Servant" .... 51, 40 t)5, 32 MY servant shall be healed 58, 27 not compelled to abide with his master, clue II, 72 reproof to the servant 35, 32 the difference between servant and friend, due.. . 35, 32 the servant cannot be greater than the master .... 2, 59 3, 101 3i>, 95 the s. must be like the master to bear the mock of fools, 34, 60 the s. must fight with the sword of the spirit for his mas- ter 60, 7 they know not the master nor the servant 59, 8 SERVANTS called upon to give an account of their talents, elucidated 19, 37 GOD will awaken and heal his servants. 2 ; 53, 58 good and faithful servants will enter into the joy of their Lord 52, 40 the conduct of Smith T s s. concealed by Joanna. ... 38, 3 the disagreement of servants, explained 38, 6 the men of GOD are called servants and soldiers, 4, 1(56 the servants of GOD have been tried and tempted, 54, 42 SEVEN, a book with seven seals .14, 13 angels seen in vision 16, 10 a single star is joined to the seven 2, 58 crowns of glory, explained .... 14, 11515,9 16, 19 flays allowed to Ministers to judge the writings . . 1, 20 days disputes II, 1 days respite 8, 64 debts, explained 57, 27 GOD hath begun with seven men 12, 7 Dowland, a type of the seven 38, 43 hundred that will not bow the knee to Baal 17, 51 men, seventh month, seventh year 36, 123 men go to lixeter to prove the writings 7, 54 men's thought? on Joanna's sixth book .... 7, 38, to 42 new things revealed to Joanna read to seven persons, 58, 4 spirits, seven stars or seven mysteries of GOD, 2 ; 56, 6*0 7; 44, 548; 67, 10010, 6714, 2210, 20 18, 3723, 62- 25, 3330, 27 1 S E V 175 S H A SEVEN spots, elucidated 15, 30 the seven o'clock bell, clue 3, 127 spirits in the Revelations, explained . . 18; 33 the two sevens, explained 14, 2S the unity of the seven chosen by the Lord proved and explained 40, 105 thousand sealed in true faith will save the land . . 48, 22 twice the seven feels the dart* 56, 120 SHA. ow and substance, due 8, 98 15, 30 17, 51 19, 2723, 8724, 11632, 393 and type of Bruce and son 8, 98 appears ten years before the substance 7, 50 a shadow to be kept in remembrance by all .... 20, 13 of Cnrist's coat without a seam 28, 31 of judgments began when the King was taken ill, 21, 23 of the beginning, a shadow of the end 30, 261 of the fall, eluc 28,3830,262 of the fallen fruits 42, 213 of the journal, exp 24, 1 1.5 ' of the midnight hour 24, 49 of the sealing, elucidated 36, 12 of the scriptural bride" 7* true obedience" 26', 8 of the tree which goes two ways, explained . . . . 37, 2S the shadow is began 36, 50 passed 2, 70 of the bible fulfilled 2l, 29 substance to come in all. ... 24, Ki three shepherds 14, 61 . tree of lUe, elucidated 52, 29 SHADOWS, all have begun, and all will end in types and shadows 52, 17 always come before the substance . . 9; 32, 47 37, 18 44, 17 and substances, Isaiah liv 31, 342 and types, elucidated 3, 12714, 2743; 11, 8!> 44,3854, 38 and types on the sacrifice of beast, exp. 29, 176 59, 48 for ten years to be marked 17, 3J * Tins communication waa given in 1797. Here we have the type of Joan- na's sickiit-ss, page 122 add 7 to 1797 and we have 1304, when she expr . rienced ilie shado.v, boll) at Bristol, see hook 24 Remove the 9 that doth them part, and add the two f\ together, and we have 1 814, when she felt the sub- stance and died, as was declared she should in that communication, where it says, pag 47 : " Health to thee I'll not restore " Till fve opened every door; " But if open they'll not come, " I shall lay thee in the Tomb." Notwithstanding the Advertisements in tlie News-papers no one came for- ward therefore there never was a prophecy more minutely fulfilled than the buve. Mark the dream IQ book 14, page 109. S H A 17(5 SHE SHADOWS must come first from Hezekiah 28, 31 no man knows why types and s. were placed. . . . 29, 10(5 of the children of Israel, elucidated 33, 528 to be kept in remembrance 20, 13 to Joanna are substances to the Clergy and nation, exp., 1 , 4323, 63 27, 24 SHARP, VVm. a pair of gloves sent him by Joanna. . 10, 81 Carpenter's harsh judgment concerning him 41, 185 drawn in by J. King's subtleties 49, 12 has the greater part of Joanna's writings 38, 28 his address to the public 12, 127 18, 343, 3 his faith compared to Abraham's 37, 9 38, L 28 his faith proved . . 12 ; 58, 59, 60 his great desire for peace, shewn 38, 20 his letter to the Bishop of London 22, 29 his letter to Carpenter 41, 183 his letter to Pomeroy 28 ; 64, 74 his opinion of John King 49, 63 his opinion of the marriage, &c 63, 47 his testimony of Joanna's mission 25, 55 his thoughts on the sixth book 7, 41 Joanna's letters to him 9 ; 22, 33 10 ; 59, 92 Joanna's likeness taken and engraved by him. . . . 61, 63 King came forward as a false witness against him 49, 24 King's opinion of him 49> 19 one of Joanna's J udges 25, 126 ordered not to cast himself down 49, 60 Pomeroy's letter to him 28, Gf) the Bishop of London returns his prints 21, 33 ' s note to him 81, 3322, 30 the care of Joanna's printing committed to him, 33, 28 the delicacy of Sharp, answered 18, 39 the remarks of a clergyman to him, answered . . 25, 29 Townley's letters to him, 22 ; 52, 59, 78 23 ; 18, 22, 29 28, 82 will not tell an impostor that he d^ew her likeness, if any one should come forward to represent Joanna, 61, 55*, SHARP, A. P. one of the 24 elders 25, 128 SHEBA, men of learning must act like Sheba 9, 6 SHEEP, a man tried for sheep-stealing 22, 1 and shepherds called upon 9, 34 11, 10y Christ will preserve his sheep. .. . 1,38 4,180 14, 39 33,573 .compared to the servants of the Lord 1, 32 let the sheep skins lower your pride 44, 43 lost sheep called 12, 34 24, 83 none but the sheep can judge of the sound, 4, 14644, 43 63, 38 SHE 17T SHE SHEEP, parable of the little flock of sheep, explained, 22, 1 34, 643, 56 lost sheep, explained 58, 81 sheep saved from the flood 36, 134 the frighted sheep may be saved 7, 43 the good shepherd will redeem hit sheep. . 1, 15 3, 124 17, 4(5 65; 4, 17 the Lord's sheep are men 23, 6 1 the sheep must know their shepherd 9 ; 22, 34 the sheep must sit on the right hand. .. . 35,60 30, 43 will perish for want of shepherds .... 20, 13 the shepherds now must clear the sheep 4; 183 the wolf carries off the sheep 14, 79 AVoolland's sheep, elucidated 21, 17 SHEPHERD, Christ is the good shepherd .... 1, 15 3, 124 19, 220, 6625, 3130, 2333 1 , 322 SHEPHERDS acknowledge the truth of Joanna's writings by their silence 25, 14928, 3 a dream or vision for the shepherds 4, 160 a lesson for the shepherds 18, 29 all grace taken from the shepherds ;. .. . 12, 24 all must be revealed to the shepherds 4, 161 all the shepherds will be disgraced 23, 3321, 118 and lawyers act alike 49, 59" and priests commanded to hear and obey the Lord, 3, 448 condemned for their carelessness. ... 36, 126 and sheep called upon to answer the Lord .... 11, 109 forsake their GOD 12, 24 must be warned 9, 34 an enquiry concerning the shepherds 30, 22O a parable for the shepherds . ' 21 , 37 are anxious only for what they can get 23, 61 are blind guides 12; 6, 8223; 46, 58, 6631, 373 are careless of their flocks 12, 2214, 7923, 60 are dumb dogs, and hirelings, betrayed by the devil, 3,1248, 10112; 25, 8214, 6123, 5859, 4 are like Pomeroy 30, 281 are under the Egyptian load 12, 24 a warning to the shepherds, 3,110 12; 23, 84 1 1, 126 20, 2821; 16, 22 25; 19, 14931, 37332,448 39, 95 a type for the shepherds 23, 7# blind shepherds do appear. . 23, 6824, 10631, 373 Buller's death put as a' shadow for the shepherds, 21, 17 called upon to answer the spirit 23, 58 judge for themselves 32, 448 careless and faithless shepherds will see the judgments, and tremble 34, 39 Z SHE ITS SHE SHEPHERDS, careless shepherds warned . . 8, 80 59, 21 charges brought against the s. by the Lord. . . . 27, 20 cheat their country and their King 22, 22 Christ's shepherds must the armour wear 4, 167 Commanded to answer the Lord t . . 12, 82 examine and know the truth, 31,374 9,4(> leave the ninety-nine, and find the lost sheep 36, 4<> preach the gospel 11, 123 compared to butchers, 31, 310 Pollard's shepherd 23, 60 to thieves and robbers, 33, 572 to Wills, . . 23, 77 conduct of shepherds particularly shewn 14, 62 crave nothing but money . 12, 92 21, 39 denounce punishment on their flocks, instead of the devil, 12, 25 denunciations against the shepherds 24, 12:5 deny GOD'S word 12, 22 destroy GOD'S fame 30, 269 every mystery of the bible laid open to the s. .. . 32, 448 give their flock stubble, and deny them straw. ... 12, 22 GOD declares how the shepherds may remove every cala- mity, 3, 126 that the shepherds shall tremble at his word, 23, 52 GOD has but three shepherds 11; 89, 125, 126 12; 5, 23, 2514, 6115, 2617, 4623, 61 GOD hath never refused to hear those who appeal to him, 12, 24 GOD'S anger is kindled against the shepherds .... 20, 5 21, 3523, 43 command to tbe shepherds 30, 100 GOD will condemn the shepherds, who deny his judg- ments 21, 22 see 14, 9316, 519, 3723, S3 have lost their sheep, and know not where they aie strayed, 36, 30 have no regard for the honour of GOD 21, 20 how will the shepherds plead, when GOD demands his flock from them 12, 2219, 3"> if there had not been found three shepherds to be as a Moses in the gap as a Joseph in Egypt, and a Noah to build the ark of the new Covenant for man, your land must be destroyed by fire, as the world of old was by water 14, 62 if the shepherds obey the Lord great blessings are pro- mised, if they disobey threatened judgments will appear, 20, 2821, 1657, 68 if the shepherds w.ill not see, the war shall > be turned back on their heads, 25, 1.50 SHE 179 S H E SHEPHERDS, judgments will begin with the shepherds of the flock 8, 80 letters sent tc try the shepherds 16, 523, 59 like Pharaoh's host, proudly boast of their goodness, 12, 23 make the bible a song 12, 82 3 1 , 350 ministers and priests ordered to awake. . 14, 92 57, 67 must answer for their flocks 8, 82 11 ; 126, 127 must bear GOD'S armour 4, 167 must come to the lost sheep to discover the enemy, 36, S3 must confess their guilt 23 ; 42, 51, 59 must fall as grass before the Lord l, 38 must not sleep carelessly 4, 167 must Joanna's writings clear 9* 46 must search out the dream of the flock of sheep, 4, 161 must see their letters. 16, 5 must tremble at Joanna's feet 25, 149 no milk found in the shepherds . . t , , . . 21, 16 ordered to awake, and watch their sheep, 3, 110 11 , 127 12; 23, 8257, 6659, 16 ordered to find their sheep 36, 49 judge their call 31 , 374 warn their sheep 20, 64 prophecies against the shepherds. f 25, 17 reproved for neglecting their sheep 12, 24 25, 19 see what the woman has published to the world against the shepherds, and let the cause be fairly tried, 23, 59 smugglers of the bible 22, 22 speaking of the shepherds, the Lord saith " ten thousand daggers you have planted here in a heart that is mine, ten thousand daggers you shall feel in my appointed time," . 23, 43 why have you turned back your letters? why have you refused my spirit to redeem you from the fall? for I now tell you all, till the fall of the woman be freed by her perfect obedience unto GOD and Christ, man's redemption can never take place 23, 69 the blood of the nation is on the heads of the shepherds, 20 ; 64, 100 the death warrant hastening here to the shepherds, v 1 , 11 the duty of shepherds shewn 21, 34 the end of the s. who mock will be fatal, 20, 6431, 373 the honour of GOD is not regarded by the s 21, 28 the Lord hath tried many shepherds in vain .... 12, 22 the Lord will be avenged of those shepherds that mocked Pomeroy 23, 66 the neglect of the shepherds proved. 36, 48 the parable of the good shepherd elucidated . . 33, 571 the preaching of the shepherds is hypocrisy. ... 36, 126 SHE 180 SHO SHEPHERDS, the second warning is come from the woman's hand, to the shepherds 21, Ifj the sheep must be witness for the shepherds .... 9, 22 will perish for want of shepherds .... 20, 13 the shepherds are deluding the people, like the anti-delu- vian world of old 27, 20 the shepherds now must clear the sheep 4, 182 . silence gives consent, 16', 5 15, 149 28, 3 were ordered to be warned by the death of the child 21, 13 the type of Woolland was a type of the shepherds, 20, 67 the vengeance of Go;, will be brought on this land by the shepherds -. 36, 12(5 the whole nation stands in danger of utter ruin, for the neglect of the shepherds 21, 35 their ill treatment of Joanna, explained 23, 37 their wickedness, explained 12, 22 though they profess, do but disgrace their master, 23, 60 'tis time for the shepherds to be clear 14, 58 to drink tlie cup of GOD'S fury 20, 5 unto the shepherds first the Lord will come 12, 23 who deny the redemption called upon to explain the creation 11, 109 will be compelled to make Joanna appear 27, 23 will be cutoff . 8,8220, 2844, 43 will hear heavenly music, when they judge Joanna's writings 4, 164 will hold no contention, as they cannot see the light, 24, 24 will the shepherds dare to say " Joanna's writings are not of GOD?" 25, 149 SHIELD, the armour of GOD is the shield of faith, 31, 352 SHILOH, believers shall know Shiloh 20, 63 65, 20 if the Jews refuse Shiloh, the sceptre will depart from them 62, 65 mockers say, " the coming of Shiloh makes Jesus Christ an insufficient Saviour" 62, 3 the promise comes to them that are now looking for Shiloh ? 6<3, 6fi the sceptre shall not depart till Shiloh come, exp. (v2, 6,3 the third book of wonders, announcing the coming of Shiloh 01, 1 SHIP, man's faith compared to a ship 20, 89 many must come to the ship, to spread the truth, 20, 88 they that discern ^tbe light, will repair to the ship, 20, 91 type of the captain of Joanna's Uncle's ship, exp. 5, 195 SHIPS will be destroyed .. 1,315,19536,9944, 1!) SHOES ordered to be put off, .,,,,,., 8, 7836, 92 SHO 1SJ SIG SHOOTERS, the shooters load cannot come nigh Joanna, 1, 14 SHO KG, the foe* will be brought to the shore 30, 206' SHORTENED, the the sins of the world will be taken away 52, 36 SINCERE milk of the word must come by the woman, 8,72 SINEWS, are your sinews iron?. .. 24, 87 SING, babes and sucklings shall sing praises 3, 13<) for joy, O thou enlightened land 14, 86 now sing the song of Moses and the Lamb 14, 83 the destruction of satan 15, 42 the new and joyful song 18, 26* SINGED, as Joanna singed the paper, so will the Lord singe the sons of men 12,111 SINGING heard at the funeral of Joanna's father . . 22, 24 the singing of the birds shall come 12, 107 SINGLE, the s. womafn is to the Lord . . . . , 15, 18 SINKING, help offered to sinking Peters. 36, 43 SISEKA was destroyed by a woman 20, SIS 484 S E A SISTER, Eve the sister, bride and mother, explained, 21, 29 Joanna's feelings &c. about her sister, 1 ; 5, 6 8, 88 .0 ; 18,3020; 19, 2223, 1043(5; 102, 10343, 08 58, 108 Joanna as a sister, warns her brethren that Christ is near, 4, 1995, 23.'; Joanna's sister writes to Pomeroy 9, 19 like sisters here for to appear 29, 157 the fourth si?ter must plead the heirship 5, 214 Six days in going to heaven 7, 37 days men will sit in judgment 9, 28 day's work of the creation, elucidated . . 9, 28 33, 535 foes must be met 25, 22 GOD will complete his work in six days 5, 227 in part are laid 8, 83 * men to examine the writings . 1, 10 9; 22, 27 philosophers digging for treasure 3(5, 8.0 the six did come by Christ's command 8, S3 the six spots, elucidated 15,30 the six that were invited, refused to come 9, 33 the six thousand ends the strife 9, 47 the six thousand years to be shortened, 52, 25 53 ; 605, thousand years fixed for satan's reign 4, 152 thousand years, mystery of the promise, eluc 15, 17 with the six thousand falling down, with the six thousand rising up 16', 11 SIXTH, the sixth day, eluc 14, 616, 29 the sixth day, how and why shortened . .6, 274 12, 34 the sixth day is drawing to an end . . 33, 539 the sixth to the ninth hour a mystery 6, 274 the sixth mystery, elucidated 2, 57 thoughts on Joanna's sixth book 7, 3S SKELETON, a warning to the shepherds. ... 20 ; 3, 4, 28 53, 610 SKEWERS, the skewers do appear 23, 23 25, 104 SKIN, the serpent losing his skin, explained 13, 6 SLAUGHTER, there will be a dreadful slaughter. ... 14, 84 SLEEPY, Joanna faint and sleepy 36, 33 SLIDK of corn running without horses 36, 56 SLING, the s. and stone shall destroy the foe 29, 183 SLIPS of paper between the leaves, elucidated .... 36, 75 SLUGGARDS ordered to awake and see their helpmate, S, 76 SMALL Still voice 36, 48 41, 158 44, 53 SMITH, W. M. a few questions proposed for him to answer, 51, 48 and Ins friends are ignorant of the scriptures. ... 50, 31 answered concerning the sealing, &c 50; 25, 26, (>;"> boasts of being tl>e Lord's Elect 50, 4 SMI 185 SOD SMITH, \V. M. charges GOD wrongfully, and denies the scriptures 51, 12 compared to a wild Indian, or Pagan 50, 40 declared to be a false Christ 50, 78 his book written from the influence of the devil. . 50, (> his conduct compared to Satan's 50, 32 his diabolical address answered 50, 69 his language to Joanna compared to the language of the Jews to Christ 50, 70 his remarks on Tozer's preaching 50, 61 his say ings contradicted by the Apostles 50, 24 lays al* j blame on his Creator 50, 25 offers to stand in the place of twelve Ministers . . 50, 4O saith, " GOD hath finished the work for the Elect, and them only" 50, 24 saith, " he is sent to Joanna with heavy tidings," 50, 4 saith, " Joanna shall be the plaintiff Truth the defen- dant the Apostles and Prophets the grand Jury GOD shall be the Judge, and he will be the Solicitor/' 50, 1 saith, " that every sinner is ordained of GOD, and pre- destinated to be so, before the foundation of the world," 50, 44 saith, " the desire and workings of Joanna's heart springs from the devil," 50, 44 saith, "the power of evil is destroyed" 51, 14 speaking in the language of the devil, calls Joanna the mother of witchcraft 50, 32 the errors of Smith further answered 51 ; 7, 22 the Lord saith " 'tis time for Smith to become a Solici- tor for himself, least while he is preaching to others, he himself should be cast away," 50, 82 SMOKE ascending from the pig, furnace, &c. 4, 163 8, 108 . . 14, 44 Joanna's writing enveloped with smoke 6, 275 *tlie heavens shall vanish away like smoke, due.. . 51, 43 SMUGGLING, the shepherds are smuggling the bible, 22, 22 SNAKE, can'st thou call such snake a king 11, 70 SNARE, like a s. shall it come upon England, 20,2- -49, 55 satan has got mankind into a snare 22, 50 why come as a snare, elucidated ...., 16, 55 62, 25 SOAP, all your soap will be in vain 6, 249 SOCIETY for the Suppression of Vice reproved, 21 ; 28, 43 28, 49 SOCKETS, candles burn- in the sockets . . 9; 9, 46 25, 130 SODOM, Abraham's pleading for Sodom 57, 63 England more blind than Sodom and Gomorrah, 27, 2O like Sodom satan shall feel the flame 7, 53 mockers should mark what happened to Sodom. . 15, 45 A a SOD 1S6 SON ODOM, the days of Sodom and Gomorrah are come, 22, 60 the man possessed of the devil was a sodomite, and left the city 9, 33 the warning of Sodom and Gomorrah mocked .. 52, 23 the wickedness of Sodom, elucidated .... 2, 63 6, 242 what children come from -Sodomites 14, 64 why the Lord went down to S. and Gomorrah, exp. 69, 17 SODOMY lias been committed in every age 2, 63 SOFA, vision seen on the sofa 61, 55 SOLD, the seals have not been sold 52, 32 SOLDIERS, Christ's soldiers must fight manfully . . 4, 167 '.'..'.'... 8, 10814, 8423, 258, 1260, 42 faithful soldiers of Christ will be forgiven, 2, 8723, 95 of Christ ordered to appear, explained .... 22; 77, 78 will share the kingdom . 16, 33 who suffer by the war are not suffering for the Lord, due. ... 21,27 your s. will go and how with fear 36, 60 SOLOMON, a greater than Solomon is here . . 9, 5 28, 23 'all will come like Solomon's builders 25, 82 pride and the love of women made Solomon fall, 28, 36 promises made to Solomon, explained . . 25, SI 28, 22 prophesied of Christ 29,149 the judgment of S. concerning the child, exp. . . . 36, 105 the life of Solomon, explained 29, 149 the songs of Solomon, beautifully elucidated. . . . 29, 155 . the temple of S. built through pride 28 ; 35, 37 the wisdom spoke of by S. is in Joanna 29, 149 why his sins were ordered to be published 23, 102 why wisdom was given to him, 14, 1020, 45 29 ; 148, 153,165,168 SON, another Son 'must be revealed like the first, before the glory of Christ's kingdom is brought in, 61 ; 4, 29, 51 boasters of religion called upon to answer who is the Son of Man that is to be revealed ? 62, 24 . Christ laid down his life for the sheep, but how can he take it again, without coming in spirit as a Father, to take It as a Son? 61, 5 1 examine and see who the King's Son is 61, 53 fatal'for those' who treat the Son with scorn . . . . 61, 7 .Goo shall send forth his Son made of a woman, explained, 62, 27 GOD will manifest himself in the mission of Christ the Son, explained 61, 31 he that honoureth the Son honoureth the Father, exp. 61, 7 how is the Lord to come if he doth not create a Son ? , 61, 6 SON 187 SON SON, if a second Son is denied, who is the Comforter? 62, 4 if 1 am the Son of GOD, this year will I come down from the cross, by producing a body like my own ; by pro- ducing life as I laid down, by placing a child in the midst of them 6'>, 27 if I fulfil the sign this year, to prove to the Jews that my Gospel is true- yet if they now reject the Son as they rejected the Father, their last error will be worse than the first ...... 61, 22 if men saw the gospel clear, they would see that a visita- tion of the spirit must come to a woman at last to bring in the Son that was to be revealed, as it was to a woman at first. . . !.... ^ .. 61, 28 if the visitation of the Lord to Joanna doth not produce a Son this year, then Jesus Christ was not the Son' 'of GOD, born in the manner spoken of by the Virgin Mary but if she hath a Son this year, then in like manner our Saviour was born. ; 6l, 6 if the woman bore the Son, the woman must bear the tidings of his coming again in glory < . . .'.' 17, 30 in the Son the love was placed to pity man 62, 10 Joanna must be visited to have a Son, explained, 61,' 51 I've said already, thou shalt have a Son. . . . . . . . 61, 18 let not thv love for the Son make thee forget the Father, ...... 63,' 56 now is the time she that travaileth shall bring forth the Son that shall be revealed 5, 2257, 3212, 111 . . 43, 7861, 8 now is the time that the Son of Man -is revealed to be born of the spirit that is now within thee .... 61, 28 power will be given to the Son to destroy the heathen, .,...,. 7,32 61, 6 satan's pride against the Son of GOD, explained. . 4, 148 the decree of the Lord is ' that a Son shall- be. born from the power of the Fa.ther, who was despised and rejected of men". ...... .. .7 ............ 61, 5 the father and the son are parted ....... ... ... . ; ,- 8, 98 the Jews rejected Christ from being king when hi came as a Son, then now let them receive the Son that cometh in the name of the Father 61, 8 the Jews will be established in peace if they will receive the Son that shall be born this year to be their . King, .... ,. , 61, 9 the prophecy concerning the Son that should be exalted high amongst mankind was given in 1794 .... 61, 51 the SECOND Son will be like the FI&ST, and mockers and despisers will desire to see the day that the Son of Man appeareth to shine under tlie heuvens 61, 27 SON 183 SON Sew, the Son called a servant, explained 51, ss the Son is in the Father, and the Father in the Son, 61, p the Son is in thf woman's form 11, 91 65, P the son of the bondswoman shall not be heir with the son of the free, explained. ... 26, 15 44, 47 46, 43 the Son that shall be born of thee this 3 ear, shall be the King that the Lord will enable with ten thousand to destroy those that rise up against him with twenty thousand 62, 44 the Son will be born to be the woman's conquering seed, 62, 59 the Son will be created by the power of the Father, which proceedeth from the Holy Ghost, to establish Christ's kingdom in the end 63, 55 this year (the 65th of thy age,) thou wilt have a Son by the power of the Most High; and thy public trial will not appear for thee to be called forward in a so- lemn assembly to testify the truth of the child before thou can'st go with the child in thy arms, while the milk is. in thy breasts, that men may know thou hast not deceived 61 ; 4, 25, 5465, 33 thou hast felt the life in May, and before the harvest is ended the Son will be born to the joy of all thy friends, 63, 21 'tis the fruits of the spirit that shall be born again at Christ's coming to bring in the end to man, and this is the Son that must reign upon the earth, 7, 32 62, 76 were this Son put to death as Christ was, then fatal de- struction must come upon all 63, 55 what Christ said concerning the Son was, " that he should be revealed at his second coming" 61 , 26 what Son of Man can there be established upon an earth- ly throne to be for ever, before the Lord cometh to bring in everlasting happiness to man 63, 45 where Christ died for man, his Son shall reign. . 62, 51 Wills refused to bring forward his son so hath the Lord for the present 58, 86 61, 54 without the Son thou hast no father, and without the fa- ther the Son is not made a perfect heir 63, 50 with torture they crucified the Son 29, 152 SONG, a new song for man, 18, 26 29; 129, 141 30, 265 44, 49 48 ; 17, 19, 20 books sell better than religious books 11,9 . no one can learn the song but the 144,000, explained, 62, 71 now sing the song of Moses and the Lamb 14, 83 the sealed have not learned the song of their redemption as yet ,.,,,,, r ,,,,,,,,,,, f ,,,.,, 48, 18 S O R 189 S P I SORROW and confusion will fall heavy on the land, 30, 266 see 1, 158, 910, 6325; 108, 109, 12529, 120* 30, 24231, 380 32, 410 37 ; '20,6351, 752, 43 SOUL, the spirit and the*, have one meaning, cxp. 61, 12 what becomes of the s. after it leaves the body, explained 11, 109 SOULS of the righteous are conducted to realms of bliss, 15, 14 SOUTHCOTT, Joseph, directed to protect his sister's cha- racter, 23, 2 see 10; 54, 5523; 17, 18, 25, 28, 63 25, 44 60, 39 William, Joanna's great grand-father 58, 88 John, Joanna's grand-father 58, 88 Sarah, William Southcott's daughter 58, 89 Sow, they shall sow but shall not reap 1, 31 SPAIN, a famine, &c. in Spain 44; 20, 23, 25 , a particular warning and prophecy concerning Spain, 3, 1435, 23720, 2951, 7 dearth and distress in Spain 41, 20O France and Spain will be visited 61, 42 SPANISH gold not so near as some imagine 36, 129 SPARROW, Joanna compared to a s. on the house, 29, 138 SPEAK, the Lord speaks to Joanna as one man speaking to another 24, 53 28, 7 1 SPEAR, Christ's foes shall feel the spear. 15, 11 every name entered for satan's destruction, is a spear in his heart 17, 43 the spear and sword will be broken asunder. .. . 29, 129 SPEARS to be converted into pruning hooks 1, 37 SPECTACLES, Joanna ordered to put her s. in the bible, 31,306 SPIRA, a type of Wills 23; 72, 94 SPIRIT, all men informed by what spirit Joanna is led, 2,643; 131, 1404,1605, 2346,2799; 16, 47 10, 50 11 ; 60, 8614; 22, 12215, 2916 ; 24, 43 17, 2120, 2322, 7823, 5824, 115 27, 529 ; 131, 138, 15930; 261, 26533, 56038; 29,42 44, 5149, 252 ; 6, 14, 4354 ; 4, 3759, 28 and bride, and church 3, 1315, 2339, 4710, 69 20,8731,34444,5157, 42 as the spirit of GOD communes with Joanna, so the spirit of satan communes with unbelievers 36, 94 a loving spirit shall come to those who join with Christ, 29, 15325, 1(57 believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, cxp.. . 57, 1 1 believers cautioned by the spirit 47, 56 born of the s. explained, 8, 78 18, 18 30, 212 62, 61 drink deep into the spirit , , , . . 1, 2825, 123 s p i 190 s p r SPIRIT, GOD will appear in spirit, 9, 4G 17,49 29, 124 men are trying to quench the spirit. . 52, 6 see 16, 43 20 7025, 3030, 24231, 34733, 50538, 13 52,43 men's joy will abound when they are filled with the spi- rit, and all evil is taken away . . . . 52, 41 of Christ is come . . 8, 1019; 11, 4611, 12518, 19 25, 8328, 9453, 601 of GOD daily provoked by fallen angels and men, 19, 10 see 21, 1631, 32535, 3436, 54 sealed with the holy spirit of promise, 32, 406 52, 27 thebodyoftheLordwill.be raised up in the spirit of truth 62, 34 the enemy shall break in upon and destroy those who treat the spirit of GOD with contempt 21, 36 the Lord will pour out his spirit upon the chosen, 37, 23 -. 59, 26 the meaning of Christ's being in Joanna's form in spirit, explained 58, 14 63, 41 SPIRIT, the servants must fight for their master with the sword of the spirit 15, 13 60, 67 the spirit and the soul have one meaning, cxp. ... 61, 12 the spirit of Christ is persecuted here. . . 30, 242 the spirit of prophecy exp 3, 102 30, 198 36, 39 37, 39 the spirit must assist us to draw the curtains back. . J, 8 tke spirit must be born again 18, 19 6'5, 19 the spirit of the Lord is a candle to man 29, 169 the spirit of truth and error, how known 55, 36 the spirit of truth cometh to whom it is sent . . 53, 566 the spirit of truth is denied 52, 6 the sun and the rain, the fruits of the earth, and the fruits of the spirit, are in the hands of GOD alone . . 14, 103 the time for worshipping in the spirit, elucidated, 33,557 the visitation of the spirit, elucidated, 30, 2 10 37 ; 73, 74 44, 33 what the spirit of truth means, explained 56, 46 SPIRITS, angels, or ministering spirits, 33; 505,515 60,36 different spirits are come unknown to man, 8, 108 60,37 evil spirits shall be choked like swine 12, 25 invisible spirits, good and bad. ... 14, 99 16, 23 19, 6 , 32, 432 the happiness of departed spirits shewn 15, 13 the seven spirits or stars 18 ; 33, 37 three spirits seen by Jos. Webster 16; 21, 24 SPIRITUAL children to be brought by Joanna .... 14, 63 ckath spiritually explained 33, 56 1 gifts, beautifully ejucidatcd .... 33 ; 449, 50444, 50 SPI 101 STA SPIRITUAL songs were taught by Christ 14, 121 SPOKESMAN, a spokesman now the Lord hath found in man, 12, 14 SPOLETTO, earthquakes at Spoletto 44, 25 SPOUSE, the spouse you'll see 29,157 SPOTS, all the spots shall be turned to jewels, 15; 30, 51, 34, 46 SPRING and fall, elucidated 37, 30 budding of leaves in spring explained 57, 32 from spring the Lord will now begin 23, 61 SPRING, James, one of the twenty-four elders. . . . 25, 128 STABLE, Christ made manifest in the stable, 3,1 19 12,1 1O ....., 44, 56 STAFF, the staff of beauty, elucidated 32, 451 the swords are drawn, the staff appears 16, 34 STAIR, ball rolls from stair to stair 20, 3 STANDARD, all must come back to the standard of the church, 1,9 14; 49, 50, 9916, 1417, 518, 10 24, 2720, 7625, 13928, 2929, 151 from the standard of the Jews, let men discern what is the standard made in the end 52, 24 of everlasting happiness, elucidated 57, 67 STAR, Adam the first, Joanna the last star 2, 08 a single star is joined to the seven 2, 58 one star can never give the light 16, 68 one star lighted for the mark . , . . 36, 101 the C. doth with the star appear S, 101 the evening star is here, 2, 59 5, 222 9 ; 7, 22 58, 28 the first and second star elucidated, 7, 44 9, 47 12, 123 23, 52 the morning*, a type of man, 5,2229, 714, 9065, 5 the second star was seen when Christ was born. . 15, 12 . . see 8; 100, 10114, 6718, 2020, 7743, 83 62, 55 the star in the new century, elucidated 3, 127 to appear in the end 43, S3 STARS, and let the stars appear 5, 218 9, G difference of the stars in glory, elucidated. ..... 60, 32 every star is sealed up 14, 45 from heaven will fall 14, 83 15, 22 four stars round the moon, &c 14 ; 26, 5 1 , CO here the seven stars appear, 2; 56, 60 7 ; 44, 54 18, 33 let the stars begin to shine. . 1, 414, 1675; 222, 22<) 9, 43 men compared to stars in the firmament 9, 7 representing the trinity, " iii in i, and i in iii." . . 15, 24 seen by Joanna about the size of a man's head. . 11, 93 Peter Morrison , , . 5, 21M S T A 192 S T O STARS, the morning and evening stars, elucidated . . 9, 7 the seven s. are come to fourteen, 10, 67 14, 21 25, S3 with golden candlesticks 30, 271 the twelve Judges are twelve s. 4, 150 11, 86 17, 58 will set in mourning 9, 29 STARTING typrse, or doubting Thomas . . 10, 69 40, 129 41,170 STARVE, through unbelief the rich will s. and die. . 12, 54 STATE, every department of the .?. has been tried, to bring , this cause publicly before the world 36, 12 STEPHEN stoned to death 14, 84 STEPHENS, Thomas, one of the jury 25, 127 STEWARDS called upon to give an account of their stew- ardship r 9, 4436, 131 STING of death taken from believers 14, 45 the s. of conscience and the $. of sin. ... 5, 227 14, 46 STOCKPORT, answer to the persecution Joanna met with there 20, 7025, 1O STOCKS, George, one of the jury 25, 127 STOICS, unless like stoics they become 36, 130 STONE* and sling shall destroy the foe 29, 183 false prophets fall by the tried stone 31, 319 Christ fell on the corner s. of promise exp. 29,106 see 3, 1108, 77H, 11129,10530, 27331, 317 gold ring set with stones given to Joanna 22, 46 stumbling stone and rock of offence elucidated. . 34, 484 the precious stone, explained 59, 48 the rolling stone shall turn on satan 12 ; SO, 68 29,168 the shepherd and the stone of Israel 20, 66 the stone fell out of the ring 22 ; 45, 46 the white stone must now appear 14, 113 woman was the corner s. to bring man's happiness, 12, 43 STORM, a dreadful storm is threatened 57, 62 at different places 44 ; 22, 23, 29, 37 * A plain stone lists been placed over the grave of Joanna Southcott, in the new Mary-le-bone burying-p-ound, near the Prince Regent's Park, op- posite the third Z. with the following inscription : In Memory of JOANNA SOUTHCOTT, who. departed this life Dec. 2? th, 1814, Aged 6s years. \Vhile through all thy wond'rous days, Heaven .mil Earth enraptured ^azM, While vain Sages think they know Secrets "THOU ALONE" caii'iit shew, Time alone will tell what hour Thou'lt appear in CHEATER" power. STO 192 SUF STORM, believers will be sheltered from the storm, 20; 3,92 25, 123 the storm is hasten ing on 1,39 14, 75 STRACEY, , his false oath mentioned 49, 38 STRAIGHT and crooked paths, eluc. 5, 196 16', 11 17, 17 28; 39, 42 STRENGTH, strong men not to boast of their s 52, 30 STRIFE, it is the life brings on the strife . . 6, 280 62, 41 STRIPES, by thy s. they must be healed . . 36, 11954, 14 heavy stripes will come 17, 30 STRONG, bind the strong man, explained 50, 18 satan came the strong man armed , 1, 45 to deliver GOD will appear, explained. . . . 24, 50 STUBBLE, wood, hay and stubble, elucidated 59, 50 STUBBORN, the stubborn Jews will return 31,360 men will be punished for * 28, 7229 ; 173, 183 SruMBLiNG-block to be removed 8, 79, 6i, 5 stone and rock of offence, elucidated 33, 485 STYLE, all to go by the old style 60, 3 alteration of the style, explained 3, 14 1 STYX, heathens swear by the Styx 8 ; 94, 101 SUBSTANCE and shadows, exp. ... 17,51 23,87 24, 11 31,342 as the type is, so the substance shall be 5, 209 like the shadow does the substance fall. . 8, 104 15, 30 suddenly and unaware the s. of all things will come, 35, 43 signs and shadows come before the s. . . . 24, 16 37, 18 the substance will come after Joanna's death . . 31, 367 see 2, 70 8, 989; 32, 4736, 5044, 1760, 27 the shadows appear ten years before the substance, 7, 50 to the nation are shadows to Joanna .... 1, 43 23, 63 29, 126 SUCKLINGS, babes and sucklings shall sing praises. . 3, 139 SUDDEN deaths are not noticed by the world .... 20, 95 surprise will come 30, 280 34 ; 22, 35 61, 27 SUFFER, Christ hath suffered and satan must suffer, 34, 48 Christ hath suffered for the transgression of man, so must Joanna suffer for the transgression of the woman in childbearing 62, 40 Joanna must suffer like her Master. ... 31, 36636, 119 unbelievers will suffer 31, 367 SUFFERING, a type of*, for the unbelief of England, exp. 36,121 half of Christ's sufferings were never penned, 3, 103 see 3, 107 S, 26824, 6634, 740, 9P 44, 15 of the disciples and followers of Christ to be attended to, 55, 48 of the people proved 35, 51 13 b SUF 193 SWO SUFFERING, the long suffering of GOD for man, clue. 33,483 who are suffering for the Lord's sake, explained, 21, 26 SULL ajul heavenly plough described 2, 84 SUN, clear as the sun her light is come . . 15, 56 29, 100 dial for man, elucidated 37 ; 29, 30 36, 31 goes backward ten degrees 8, 58 no new thing under the sun, elucidated 20, 52 the rising sun to man, explained 53,581 the sun is an emblem of Christ ........ 4, 161 43, 13 risen in the woman's form 4, 181 tl e sun of righteousness is come, 14, 28 17, 56 65, 17 the woman clothed with the sun shall make all nations bend 1, 419, 4611, 1 19 16, 2765, 1O SWADLINGS, no more in swadlingsdoth the infant lay, 2, 87 SWEAR not at all, eluc 13, 16 see 24, 1849, 32 the Chosen Men must tell the bishops or ministers that they will not meet any man to dispute with but those who can swear, by Him that Liveth, the letters were sent to them, and they have kept them ....... 24, 20 SWEDENBORG, his wrong idea of spirits, ans. . 14, 99 SWINDLING particularly noticed 49, 17 SwiNE/evil spirits shall be choked like swine 12, 25 SWOHD, a comet like a sword seen over Jerusalem, 47, 51 and famine have warned all 8, 102 20, 5 Gideon's sword is the word of GOD .... 4, ISO 1.7, 32 '., ,. 34, 47 it will be fatal for ministers if the swoid of the spirit does not begin as soon as the s. of war ends. 10, 65 of GOD is dipped in blood 3, 109 14, 57 the word of life 1, 1614, 1715, 51 16, 30 31, 352 of heaven drawn against satan 14, 97 17, 51 man must not draw the sword against the word of GOD, 16, 32 the obedience of Joanna hath put a two-edged sword in the hands of her friends 61 , 55 the servants must fight for their master with the sword of the spirit 60, 7 the sword of the Lord shall smkoe like fury 2, 87 the s. of the spirit must open men's understanding, 2, 91 the sword of vengeance is drawn against unbelievers, 44, 14 seeS, 10240,126 the s. of war and the .9. of the spirit, explained. ... 8, 79 the s. shall go from shore to shore, 2, 6C 3, 109 16, 2(5 the s. shall not cease until the cries of the nations are one to the other " Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory" 53, 602 the sword went through my mother's soul .,..,, 17, 55 S \V O U)4 TEE SWORD, the tree of life was preserved with a flaming sword as a type and shadow to cut down our adversary in the end . { 52 29 those who have no sword must go and buy .... 14, 84 two-edged sword described . .. . . . 44, 34 SWORDS, clashing swords begin to appear 40, 130 must tali for the sake of believers- 17, 31 plough-shares must be turned into swords. ..... 14, 84 shall be turned into plough-shares 1, 37 the swords are drawn 10, 7816; 34, 40 52, 44 they shall be puzzled, and their swords let fall. . . . 14, 85 SYMONS, J. T. particulars concerning him, 9; 14,3623,3 , ^OijJ I. fl 25, 42 Mary, her testimony of the writings . . 25, 74 T TABLE, rap on th elucidated 12, 10628, 29 TAINTED bloody and tainted brains. 59, 20 man that is t> by the fall, cannot be free from sin, 14, 79> TALENTS, an account of our use of them required, 19, 37 an increase of talents promised . . . 1, 8-^17, 22 hid in a napkin, explained. 19, 38 let your talents shine 36, 10 parable of the talents, explained ... ... 19, 35 to 40 TANNER, , falsehoods asserted by his children, 50, 6 his answer concerning Joanna's writings . ....... 50, 7 his children com pared to Calvinist preachers. .. . 51, 47 TARES among the wheat, beautifully explained . . 51, 19 parable of the enemy sowing the tares 51, 18 the tares, or wicked ones will be destroyed 35, 5(3 TAJISHISH, London compared to Tarshish 32, 440 TAYLOK, , called the armour bearer of the Lord, 14, 58. his care of Joanna when she went to Bristol .... 59, 35 ordered to judge the pasture and the ground. ... 36, 49 the truth of the writings proved at his house. . . . 37, 42 the two dreams of Taylor . . 3, 12836, 47 Charles, one of Joanna's judges 25, 126 Frances, her testimony of the mission 25, 72 letter from Joanna to her 23, 102 Lucy, her account of Mnnley's unbelief 36, 36' her account of the visitation 25, 57 54, 5 her wisdom shewn 58, 19 TEACHERS, at present we require teachers 51, 27 call themselves prophets . . . 32, 446 the world is filled with i'alse teachers .... 47, 48 51 v , 4 TEARS will be wiped from every eye 4, 181 r i'ETii, two liilse teeth fell out of Miss Townley's mouth, T li M 195 T II O TEMPLE, building of the t. of the Lord . , 28, 3532, 453 Christ will descend from the cross, and build up the t. which the Jews destroyed, exp 62, 27 destroyed in three days and built up again, ex^i.. . 27, 5 fulfilment of the vision of the temple, cxp. 31 ; 3*4, 381 the temple of GOD dwelling in man, explained, 32, 453 47, 6159, 5262, 3-2 C'5, 28 TEMPORAL and scriptural sealing, elucidated 5^, 13 TEMPTATIONS, lead us not into temptations, explained, 13, 17 see 10, 95 IS, 3923, 7426, 18 TEMPTED, satan .tempted Eve like a serpent 2, 50 Cain like a lion 2, 52 the Lord will prove, that those who are tempted to evil by satan, wish to be free from that temptation, 60, 27 TEN days to be as ten years 1, 37 58, So" signs of the ten years 54, 23 the shadow appears ten years before the substance, 7, 50 there will not be one out of ten left 44, 44 years, explained. 9 ; 28, 29, 23 54, 23 TENT, Christ will pitch his tent with men, ... 16' ; 39, 40 TENTH, clergy ordered to pray, that at. may be saved,. 44, 44 the tenth year, the letters must be blazed abroad, 21, 11 the types to be strong in the tenth year . . 31, 366 TESTAMENT, fulfilment of the new testament, elite. 30,274 the new testament altered by man . 51, 2 the old testament stands on conditions 28, 26 TESTIMONY, the testimony is come to warn you all, 30,265 THIEF, satan is a thief in ambush 12,51 J5, 10 the day of the Lord cometh as a thief 30, 281 the thief compared to the thief on the cross .... 22, 85 the thief was found, that saved her life . .... ... . . 22, 87 THIEVES, many have received seals like thieves. ... 51, 19 the thieves on the cross, elucidated 13, 14 THIRD, and the third they have to fear 20, 5 David was the third heir 5, 213 deep is the type of the third day 25, 98 Joanna will not appear till the third day 25, 84 the sealing to continue till the end of the t. year, 11, 126 the third and last woe is for the devil 3, 129 the third letter all will find come true . . 59, 3.7 61, 48 the third marriage, explained 11, 79 the third mystery, ex plained 2, 57 the third wonder appears in woman 17, 53 who the third person is, explained 12, 38 THIRST and hunger spiritually to end. 33,544 THIRTY, more than thirty thousand they will save. . 9, 37 THOMAS, a doubting '\\ will be found, 4, 1675,2349,5 the doubting 7\ still may come, 36, 117 57 ; l'lr-59, 18 T H O 196 T H R THOMAS, John, pays his addresses to Joanna, 22, 15 24, 62 THORNS, if the thorn blossoms at Christinas, at Christmas Christ's blossoms shall appear 12, 4 many like Manassah will be caught in the thorns. . 20; 59, 6034, 40 must be planted on the serpent's head , 10 6O the crown of thorns held out to all .... 16, 11 25, 113 THORVF,RTON, sheep preserved from the floods at Thor- verton, explained, (in the book erroneously printed " Tiverton") 3.6, 134 THOUGHTS of Joanna's heart, answered . . 3, 135 60,40- on Joanna's sixth book f . . 7; 38 to 45 worked in Joanna's heart, to be answered by the Lord, 37, 56 THOUSAND, a little one shall chase a thousand, exp. 61, 38 man will be freed from satan a thousand years. . 12, 73 53, 501 one day a thousand years shal.l be ..,, 14, 59 16, 31 one man shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight 9,2662, 44 one thousand letters sent to Parliament, 8,100 62, 55 satan will be let loose, after a thousand years . . 23, 113 the Sabbath of one thousand years. . . ' 30, 21 J the thousand years .rest, elucidated .... 12, 99 14, 118 the two thousand will be shortened 10, 94 THOUSANDS after the redemption will live to the last ages, 32, 402 and tens of thousands go to church, for form and fashion, S3, 500 _. ! will perish through. unbelief* 1, 3d 12,11417,3125, lit are become Arians 55, 8 now living will see the glorious change 12, 41 will be brought in by lingering judgments, 32, 441 see 9,3754, 22 will become Joanna's friends, when her life-is gone, 25,112 will fall on the right, &c 24, 10922, 68 will flee like Parnell 9, 3720, 42 THREATENS, GOD threatens long before he strikes, 8. 101 see 14, 1336 ; 8, 1557, 5361, 45 THREE, after three years plenty, the harvest will be bad, 11, 11314, 104 days and three nights in the heart of the earth, exp. 10, 94 like a three-fold cord they must combine 21, 48 '. 30, 28157, 87 men to be in darkness for three years . . . <. 12, 34 seals, a type of the trinity 14, 6{> shepherds bear witness of Christ 10, 6511 ; 8ft 125, 12612, 2314, 6117, 4625, 31 T H R 197 T O P THREE shepherds compared to three roses 15, 2tf the three murders, explained 6 1 , 44 wonders in woman, elucidated 17, 53 years famine to be in Franoe. . 20, 00 see 1, 313, 133 9,3125, 9653, 610 years to this nation, from 1804 43, 91 THRESHING the corn, clearing the weeds, &c "23, 21 ...36; 67, 7(5 the new sharp threshing instrument, explained. . 51, 32 THROAT, they'll try to cut thy throat 31; 309, 311 THRONE, believers circled in GOD'S throne, 11, 86 1(5, 26 David's t. given to the sealed. . 12, 123 24, 79 52, 4(5 GOD is removed from his throne 44, 3 the transactions of men are laid before the throne of GOD, . 32, 455 THUNDER, communication on a thunder storm. ... 44, 37 GOD hath broke silence in thunder. ... 1 ; 18, 368, 88 14, 5744, 38 satan will fall by thunder 14, 74 will roll from pole to pole 11, 12714,4029. 112 50; 50, 52 TIDE, turn back the tide again 16*, 71 17, 56 TIDINGS, Smith saith he is sent to Joanna with heavy tid- ings 50, 4 TIME and chance happeneth to all men 14,126 and half a time. 9, 23 Christ is not come before his time 19,25 59, 45 it is time that must fulfil the prophecies, exp.. . 17, 36 the fulness of time, eluc. 4 ; 146, 151 31, 35332, 406 the shortness of time and length of eternity to be con- sidered 53,590 times and half a time, a mystery 10, 95 TIMES and seasons now must be observed, 14, 45 44, a true picture of the times 56, 24 of refreshing are at hand 38, 42 signs of the times, elucidated 44, 33 the nation warned by a letter in the 'rimes newspaper, Oct. 28th, 1813 59, 3 TOM, Joanna awakened on being called" Tom,"er/>. '22,53 TOMB, as man sealed Christ's tomb, so now they've sealed satan's doom 19, 20 52, 17 see 12, 6816, 10 TONGUES and languages 45, 17 false tongues appear 29, 139 satan said Joanna's tongue ran too fast 1 1 , 25 tliose tongues that are" against Joanna shall fall, 17, 17 23, 68 TORIN, John, one of the jury .* 25, 127 TOPSHAM, parable of the man of T. who stole salt, 21, iJ7 T O U 108 T O Z TOUCHSTONE, tried by the touchstone of truth. ... 40, 110 TOWN LEY, Jane, called mother, c. . . 21 ; 14, 10, 19, 29 22, 3524, 51 called Lydia 17, 5209, 79 chosen to warn the shepherds 21, 15 convinced that there was no deceit in Joanna . . 36, 84 has nothing to fear 21, 25 her address to the public 25, 151 her bounty shewn 21,5 her copy of Joanna's letters to the Reverend Mr. Foley, 24 ; 11, 29, 36, 43, 59, 109, 115, 125 . Mr. Sharp, 22; 52, 59, 7823; 18,92,28,29, 82 her judgment on the corn field, answered 30, 72 her letter to the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy 28, 61 her letter to Hewson Clarke 56, 52 her opinion of the miz-maze 28, 42 her testimony respecting the mission 25, 76 letters from Joanna to her, 21 ; 1, 3, 11, 17, 25, 29, 33, 40, 4322 ; 30, 31, 36,40-^-24; 3, 12, 19, 22 must stand boldly and support Joanna 21 ; 25, 30 23, 19 not to let any one know where Joanna was .... 21, 14 placed in Joanna's stead 21, 9 22, 35 will not agree to any imposture 61, 55 -63, 4 wretched will be the fate of those who cause her to act faithless 29, 36 TOWNS, new towns, described 12, 112 TOZER, William, all must allow he hath stood as a steady character 39, 74 all the words written on his paper are true 38, 45 appointed to judge between Carpenter and Joanna, 38; 35, 45 succeed Carpenter 39 ; 75, 84 a very important communication for him 38, 35 chosen by the Lord 39, 7545, 233 desired not to go to Carpenter's house again. ... 39, 6(5 had no hand in Carpenter's breach .... 39, 74 40, 109 his enemies reproved , 42, 234 his opinion of the marriage, &c 63, 47 honoured the Lord by obeying his command .... 38, 45 S9 ; 55, 6740, 104 letters to and from Carpenter sent through him, 39 ; 67 ,, '. 70, 73, 76 not to fear the mockery of men , 40, 103 ordered to establish a 'meeting 39, 75 40, 108 keep Joanna's letter by him 39, 4JJ T O Z 19-9 T R E TOZER, William, ordered to see how the promise stands, 38, 37 ordered to send an answer from Carpenter. ..... 30, 49 presents a letter from his sister to Joanna 38, '34 seen as a star by his sister 38, 46 the call of Tozer mentioned 38, 35 the character of Tozer 42, 234 the likeness of satan se^n in the man that condemns the faults of Tozer 42, 233 ?to have a list to seal the people 40, 108 vindicates Carpenter's conduct 38, 34 Wilson, Tozer and others' opinions concerning Carpe- ter, 39, 56 Bulkely 45, 17 TRAITOR, a traitor to GOD is a traitor to his country, 25, J 4 the traitor satan must not reign 11, 61 TRANCE, Joanna must return from her trance .... 25, 39 Joanna's trance will bring her death, 25 ; 89, 104 27, 23 opinion of unbelievers-respecting the trance .... 25, 36 opposei* only wish the trance 25, 90 particulars concerning the trance, 25 ; 39, 89, 90, 91, 101 112, 129 36, 59 plan of the awful trial and trance .... 25, 114 58, 10 satan must enter the field and answer for himself, after Joanna returns from her trance 23, 22 the decrees of the Lord will be shewn to Joanna during her trance., 25; 100, 140 > the trance mentioned in the writings, explained, 62, 41 ) wonders will happen when Joanna returns from her \ trance, explained 23, 22 TRANSGRESSION, Adam was not the first in the .. . 35, 27 a Christ suffered for the transgression of man, so must Joanna suffer for the transgression of the woman, 62, 40, man's transgression promised to be pardoned. . . . 14, 12 TRAVAIL, Eve travailed in pain in child birth, to bring on man's destruction ; so the pain of child birth must bring on man's restitution 37, 36 65, 30 Joanna travailing in birth 6, 28412, 111 65, Ci Joanna -will soon forget her travail pains 58, 1.9 like a travailing woman the whole will end .... 37, 29 TRAP, satan will be caught in his own trap, 11, 63 28, 29 TREASURE, mines of treasure for the redeemed. ... 7, 15 six philosophers digging for treasure 36, 89 the treasure of the bible, shewn 16, 7 TREE, as the tree fall* so it lies, explained 11, 109 Christ bought our ransom on the cursed tree. ... 6, 268 Christ is the tree of life to man 30, 211 good fru it must come on the tree 11, 9f> green and dry tree, elucidated . . , . , 14, 4 TRE 200 TRI TREE of knowledge of good and evil, elucidated . . 3, 113 4 ; 147, 19414, 7217, 1842, 2J3 of life and knowledge, exp 12, 10316, 2036, 10 of life is near, due ' 11, 107 l- r >, 51 65, 19 those who sign for satan's destruction are the true sword that guards the tree of life 17, 51 type of the tree between two men 5; 236, 237 TKEES sent out to get a king, elucidated 12, 28 the trees of Lebanon are fair 16, 40 things have been seen by man as trees. . . . 24, 51 TREMBLING, the cup of trembling must appear . . 15, 52 TRIAL, a great trial is coming on 14, 51 an attorney to examine the witnesses at Joanna's trial, 25, 11 angels put to the trial as well as men 17, 19 and great reward of faith and obedience 30, 273 before a judge of assize, elucidated 3, 141 believers must have their anchor fixed and their faith sure, or they can never meet Joanna's awful trial, ." 41, 1.61 bring the trial, and see if she hath forged the name of the Lord 21, 45 Christ took his trial first from man 4, 167 will plead the trial 8, 107 directions concerning Joanna's trials, 4 ; 156, 174 6, 268 9; 6, 4610, 7121,. 4623; 20, 23, 83, 92, 98 24, 525 ; 4, 13, 33, 37, 39, 90, 91, 92, 94, 99, 107, 11227 ; 6, 1529; 184, 18630, 22936, 1037, . . 541 ; 161, 167, 17944, 5658 ; 10, 1261, 24 for a libel mentioned 21, 43 for one week *.... 21, 44 for murder, elucidated 24, 23 """ for the heirship of the kingdom, explained 23, 47 important communications given during the trial, 25; 81, 85,89,92, 97,. 103, 107, 121 men havE-no.idea of Joanna's trial 23, 22 men will be put to the trial 25, 1929, 123 wa it too late to see the wonders that will come on at Joanna's trial 23, 20 mob broke in at the trial 25, 1 19 no one must break the prison doors where Joanna is kept by the Lord, before they have brought her to a fair trial , 21 . 14 no enemy can heap to come into the field at Joanna's trial, 29,189 of learned men 4, 179 on bills of exchange, a type of the nation 49, 58 on the sealed,, beinf at Joanna's awful trial. . . , 29, 184 C c T R I 201 T R U TRIAL, satan must be tried by man, 4, 16711, 3637, 6$ *atan will not find so great a friend at Joanna's trial as Pilate was at Christ's 25 ; 82, 115 the jury will the trial stand 22, 4 the time of trial is hastening on for all 65, 37 thy public trial will not appear for thee to, be called for- ward in a solemn assembly, to testify the truth of the child, before thou canst go with the child in thy arms, while the milk is in thy breast, that men may know thou hast not been deceived 61, 25 TRIBULATION, believers to rejoice in tribulation . . 9, 31 TRIBES, the t. of the sealed are the sealed by faith, 27, 5 the tribe that is lost shall judge the pebple, exp. 20, 57 TRIED corner stone, explained 31, 317 false prophets fall by the tried stone . 31, 319 the bill is put in to have the truth fairly tried . . 21, 45 TRIFLING, from trifling things the Lord began. ... 14, 37 there is no time for trifling now 21, 16* TRINITY, Arians deny the union of the trinity. ... 15, 39 GOD and man must join perfect in the t. 16, 18 55, 18 none can see the mystery of the trinity 43, 75 the glorious trinity, elucidated 2, 89 15, 40 is the spirit that directs Joanna, 6, 279 will agree with man in unity, 15, 27 the likenss of the trinity is come 8, 100 the trinity will join as one . S 10, 83 the unity of the trinity not to be divided 34, 26 proved , 28, 88 why do you condemn the Trinity ? 5, 233 TRIUMPHANT exclamation, saying, " The will of the Lord be done" 25; 01, 92 satan hath reigned on earth triumphant 7, 45 shout of saints triumphant . ., 4, 155 the church militant to join the church triumphant, 10, S2 , . 11 , 3820, 1733, 500 TROUBLES are coming fast on all nations 20, 48 gathering fast on this land 20, 10 to begin at the House of GOD 39, 96 will come sudden and unaware 37, 21 TRUE, all will be cut oft' that are not true believers, 15, 23 believers compared to reapers, &rc 36, 73 placed as the seed of Joseph 41, 176 religion looked upon as madness, 9, 12 see 14,84 20, 42 TRUMPET, blow the t. and say the Jubilee is come, 22, 70 Jet the silver trumpets sound aloud'. .. . 15, 41 18, 38 20, 92 see 16, 42 the trumpet of the Lord hath blown to warn the nations, , 32, 430 TRU 202 TUM TRUTH, all the truth must be brought to light and pub- lished concerning Pomeroy 57, 12 all to be tried by the touchstone of truth 40, 11O blue is an emblem of truth 14, 114 15, 7 cannot be made known by an enemy 25, 5 casting out of the Jews proves the truth of the gospel, 52, 32 confounds the wise and learned ., . 16, 15 every truth shall be cleared up, before Joanna goes hence and be no more seen 25, 10 every truth will be proved 60, 47 good hearts will be convinced of the truth 54, 25 grace and truth came by Jesus Christ . . 33, 548 55, 8 how will men appear when they see the truth of Joanna's prophecies? 52, 33 if they'll prevent the famine, let them own the truth is here 14, 121 lies from satan are believed, t. from GOD is not. . 5, 225 man must have been lost for ever, if the Lord had no friends to see the truth , 6, 251 men will demand the truth, to know what woman now is here 11, 88 not appear to see the truth 31, 370 the clergy were invited to examine the truth .... 15, 4 none but those who have searched into Joanna's writings, can be judges of the truth *they contain 21, 47 of the scriptures, shewn 14; 90, 9956, 42 one truth will bring on another, until every truth is ful- filled...., 17, 37 the lip of truth must stand * 31, 354 the Lord will stop the judgments, if he finds five righteous men to search out the truth 14, 104 the man who called himself " a lover of*." ans.. . 35, 5 the spirit of truth and error, how known 55, 36 the spirit of truth is denied 52^ 6 62, 36 to fulfil the words spoken in the fall, to bruise satan's head. 34, 19 the spirit of truth shall guide us into all truth, exp. 43, 63 , testifieth of the Lord 35, S3 therf. of the sign will be seen in the ensuing year, 60, 4 the truth must spread in foreign lands, 20, 90 will appear when the seals are broken, 36, 51 worldly nonsense, &c. preferred to truth 29, 126 TUCKER, Rev. - t letters to him 1, 20 14, 35 said, Joanna's letter to him was written by a methodist parson 14, 34 TUMULTS and war shall arise in every land, 1, 31 9, 43 ..,,. , ,,, 29,12832,402 TUM 203 TWO TUMULTS, many hanged for tumults and rebellion, 17, 33 TURKISH, Christ is not coming like a Turkish Emperor, 15, 3942, 210 TURKS, a vision seen by the Turks at Medina. . 15; 7, 16 like the Jews the Turks may fear, when the new Jerusa- lem comes t( > man 47, 57 ruin will come fast on the Turks, explained, 4, 172 9, 4 12; 7,9815, 16 war with them will bring a change 1, 39 wickedness of the 7'. shewn . . 30, 20033, 53034, 47 TURNER, George, his letter came too late to be printed, 9, 48 his thoughts on the sixth book 7, 42 Joanna acknowledges the receipt of his letter. ... 9, 20 s let Hirst and Turner call thy fears to mind 27, 23 one of Joanna's judges 25, 12(5 ordered to write Joanna's prayer and petition . . 19, 15 TURPENTINE, lire at the turpentine distillery, Bristol, a deep type for England 23, 32 TURTLE, the turtle's voice must sound through every land, 1,3715,2829, 156 TwENTY-four days, explained 20, 2 44, 32 four elders must see clear 4, 159 6, 28525, 92 four will surely fall 5, 229 pounds expended to invite the clergy 14, 2 pounds refused by Joanna 9, 34 they are the-twenty-four . 25, 105 three days before rain, set as a sign 26, l(i three men and a child ^ . . 26, 16 TWELVE different pages 17, 32 four out of twelve cast to the earth 12, 111 heavenly visions thou hast seen 17, 32 manner of fruits on the tree, elucidated 12, 103 men chosen to convince the Jews ; . 14, 80 men did not come at their first call 14, 91 men to prove the w ? ritings 26, 1 6 men will join other twelve 6, 285 nations will be sealed 20, 62 the child of twelve years old 14, 74 65, 14 the Lord hath bore with Pomeroy twelve years . . 60, 9 the twelve judges will stand as stars 17, 58 the twelve tribes of Israel 7,54 the twelve will be the first redeemed 10, 67 TWICE, once a man, and twice a child 36, 47 the seven feels the dart 36, 120 Two books ordered to be sealed together 7, 54 cannot walk together unless they are agreed, elucidated, ,,,,.. 32, 427 TWO 204 T Y P Two, Christ will shorten the two hundred years . . 10,9 ". . . 16 ; 28, 34 two-edged sword, elucidated 12, 4 44, 34 forged letters, elucidated 52 ; 31, 35 great monarchs start out 15, 54 hours must appear. 23, 61 hundred and two thousand, a mystery 3, 119 in heaven and two on earth, explained 62, 10 in power support Joanna . , . . 11, 89 invisible spirits, good and bad, elucidated 14, 99 Joanna ordered to wait two years, explained. ... 36, 1 11 mark the two woes where the verse begins to change, 3, 144 men shall put 10,000 to flight 9 ; 26, 2712, 107 men were destroyed near Leeds, for saying Joanna was the devil 22, 32 sevens in the date, elucidated 14, 28 stars risen to shine 9, 7 talents, explained 19, 39 the two swords, explained 10, 7852, 44 the two trumpets do appear. 16, 42 thieves on the cross, elucidated 13, 14 waggons compared to the wisdom of the world. . 13, 11 weights compared to the law and gospel 14, 105 TYPE, Abimelech a type of satan 12, 28 a child, the type of the nation 17, 59 a deep type for England, 20, 13 see 9, 3120, 2223 ; 32,77, 9424,116 a deep type of Pomeroy and Joanna ...,,.... 30, 252 a deep type to shew men what they are doing . . 52, 34 all must become babes, a type 14, 122 Ahab and Jezebel, types of satan and hell, 20,78 28, 21 and parable for satan's end 22, 73 and shadow of the end, exp 34, 237, 5655, 7 placed before Joanna concerning Carpenter, 41, 162 a perfect type for man 12, 41 of hell 22, 63 as the type is, so the substance shall be 5, 209 as the type of Woolland was a type of the shepherds, so the words of Jacob was a type of the last days, and of Christ 20, 67 Belshazzer a type for days to come . 12, 38 blood sprinkled on .the door-posts, a t. of the seals, 19, 17 bread loathed by Joanna, explained as a type of the na- tion 43, 93 bride and husband, a type of the spirit and the bride, ,..,,,,..,,,,,,,,, , 14, 42 T y p 905 T Y P TYPE, Bruce a type of Christ, 7; 31 5010,9512, 111 Cain the first type 36; 45 Child, a type of man 14,122 circumcision a type of man's redemption. ... ^ ... 13, 7 coachman and guard, a type of the nation 39, 95 concerning believers 43, 94 , Daniel set as a type of Christ 32 ; 393, 397 David's bringing back the ark a type of the new coven- ant '. 34, 37 deep is the mystery of the type of Joanna's seal . . 9, 28 Dowlaud, a type of the seven 38, 43 Esau a double type of satan and Christ, 32; 412,415, 417 Esther was a type of Christ 20, 78 for the Jews 22, 8 for the shepherds 23, 78 Garrett's mistake, a type of the world 31, 333 picture is a type for man 26, 9 Gentiles ordered to see the types of the war. . . . 31, 331 good crops stand a deep type for man 27, 11 Haman, a type of the devil 41, 172 Jacob, a type of the Lord 32, 419 Jezeb'el, a type of Lady Burnett 37, 67 the devil 14, 11620, 78 Joanna breaking the basins, a deep type for man, 23, 34 Joanna's dispute with her sister, a type for man, 36, 103 Isaac a type of Christ 10, 95 20, 78 30, 206 Lazarus, u type of new life in man 30, 231 Lord Burnett and his lady set as a type 24, 40 Lot's wife, a type of the last days 7, 52 Mordecai, a type of man 41, 173 Moses, a type of Christ 2, 816, 26030, 206 of Achan, applied 33, 529 of Adam's blaming the Lord, explained 30,26*3 of Bonaparte's boasting power 49, 67 of Christ coming unawares 30 ; 280, 281 of cutting green corn with rust 36, 76 of divine love and anger 30, 243 of election in Jacob and Esau 32, 479 of England's sorrow 30, 280 of Enoch, elucidated 35, 30 of Esau, elucidated 32, 436 of Hosea's wife of whoredom . , 32, 403 of Jacob's voice and Esau's fury 32, 423 of Joanna in man, elucidated 31, 366 's jealousies, explained! ., 36, 112 of Job's friends, applied to Joanna 36, 78 of Jonah and repenting Nineveh 32,443 of Isaac, elucidated ,,,,, ,,.,.,..., 2.4,116; TYP 206 TYP TYPE of man in the creation 28, 8 of men and devils . . 28, 37 of men coming to search the truth 36, S3 of Noah Bishop, elucidated 24, 40 of Pomeroy tempting Joanna to fall .'30, 250 of Solomon's judgment "... 30, 105 of spiritual blindness in man 33, 564 of stars lighting the travellers 30, 101 of sufferings for unhelief 36, 12.1 of the beasts offered up by Solomon 28, 35 of the bells ringing in different parishes. ....... 3, 127 of the boy and the bear 30, 133 of the burial of Joanna's father. 9, 26 of the candlesticks at the altar 3, 120 of tbe Captain of Joanna's Uncle's ship 5, 195 of the children of Israel being numbered 12, 93 whoredom 32, 404 of the corn with rust and canker , 36, 73 of the darkness of man's minds . 36, 23 of tbe devil may be seen in the moon 6, 284 of the fall I , 28, 732, 412 of the green and dry tree. 14, 4 of the harvest, corn, &c 36, 67 of the house of Joanna's father 36, 115 of the king and poisoned coat 25, 116 of the last days 12, 15 30,' 203 of the man born blind . . . , .,.. 3, 114 of the marriage of Cana 33, 549 of the miz-maze, explained 28 ; 39, 42 of the promise, explained 28, 33 made to Isaac 32, 43(> s kept back SO, 245 of the redemption 28, 7 ' of the seal put upon Christ's tomb, exp. 52, 17 55,. J I of the serpent in the barley-field 36, 65 of the seventh day of the creation 33, 541 of the six days of the creation. , ,33, 535 of the soft ear of wheat ... 36, 109 of the staff of beauty 32, 451 of the third day of Joanna's seeing the people . . 25, PS of the trials on bills of exchange 49, 58 of the unbelief at the last 30, 2C/ of the wheat and barley 37, 63 of what is now fulfilling 36, 5 pig brought to Joanna, a type of the devil 19, 23 Pharaoh was a type of the devil . . 2, 9512, 1514, T 20, 7S T Y F 207 T Y P TYPE, Pilate a type of Pomeroy 24, 110 placed in Ezekiel, continued 31, 367 Pomeroy a deep type of the clergy 34, 59 stands a deep type for all, 30; 255, 281 31, 354 type of the nation 29, 179 Rebecca a type of the last days 7, 33 Saul, a two-fold type 37, 28 set in the prophets, for the people 31, 365 the blood of bulls, a type of satan's being destroyed in the end 52, 17 the brazen serpent, a type of Christ, 2, 90 S, 127 52 ; 27, 28 the brazen serpent, a type of the devil 10, 50 the children of Ammon who were destroyed for ingrati- tude, set as a type 31, 314 the crocodile is a type of the devil 4, 171 the evening star, a type of woman 9, 7 the first and second type of the child the third will be at the awful trial 61, 24 the five years, a glorious type for them that wish Christ's kingdom near. 55, 23 the moon's a type 14, S3 the morning star, a type for man 9, 7 the mourning sent J oanna a type of satan's being cast, 9, 39 the old prophet, a type of satan 28, 19 the pig cast into the furnace, a type of the devil. . 15, 5 the ram offered up by Abraham, a type of the devil, 2, 903,127 the rams, a type of satan and of Christ 16, 12 the seal given to Joanna, a type of the ark 7, 43 the sealing is a type of the end 52, 27 the serpent losing his skin, a type of the devil . . 13, 7 the skeleton, a type for the shepherds 20, 28 the tree of life preserved with a flaming sword, as a type and shadow to cut down the adversary in the end, eluc. 52, 29 the two pumps, a type of the nation 44, 1.0 the type of Esther stands deep for all 28, 37 the type of Job stands deep 29, 103 the type of Joseph stood in Christ 20, (56 the type of Judah applied 32, 424 the type of Lazarus 33, 574 the type of the kingdom began in 1801 9, 35 the type of the twelve men is a mystery 14, 93 the wall dug by Ezekiel is a deep type for man, 31, 330 the woman is a L of Christ and a t. of the devil, 11, 127 three types or parables deep for man 20, 23 T Y P 208 U N B TYPES, a com. on types, shadows, and parables . . 44, 18 all have begun from, and will end with types and shadows, 52, 17 and miracles, explained 12, 116 and shadows are passed, the substance lies behind 34, 23 concerning the sealing explained.. 55, 11 and shadows explained. . 3, 127 8, 98 9, 24 26', 16 27, 1129, 10637,2041, 1843; 11,89, 94 . , ... 51, 1754, 3860, 35 > of the sacrifice of beasts, 29, 176- -59, 48 62, 16 David's sons, types of the creation and redemption, 28, 7 mockery of the types set in the prophets 31, 326 no judgments prophecied of without types .... 31, 369 of great professors of religion 36, 17 of Joanna's friends 16, 87 of Pharaoh and the Israelites fc . 30, 203 of the fall, explained . v |. SO, 255 of wheat and barley 36, 63 set in Joanna, compared to those set in the prophets, exp. ' 43, 90 that stand deep for the end 33, 53037, 7143, 81 to be strong in the tenth year 31, 366 TYTHES, a warning to the clergy, of what t. are required, 44, 44 U UNAWARES, the Lord coming unawares, explained, 30, 281 UNBELIEF and ingratitude will be punished .... 31, 314 32, 42134, 12 appears in man, 8, 989, 1927 ; 11, 1930 ; 223, 264, 26931, 39733, 52846, 8451, 3555, 24 56, 3963, 16 it is marvellous, the Lord saith, that unbelief should so strong abound in the learned of England . . 51, 35 of the prophecy of the fall of Medina 56, 40 the sorrows of Christ for the unbelief of man . . 30, 243 thousands will perish through u., 1, 3912, 11417, 31 25, 111 through u. the rich will starve and die 12, 54 why all are concluded in unbelief 33, 495 will bring on the judgments . . 16, 51 20,43 23, 110 UNBELIEVERS, a caution, lesson, and warning for u. 6, 268 8, 7911, 97 12, 114 16, 1720, 725, 125 26, 1030; 236, 26831; 311,315, 36,734, 35 36 ; 53, 74 42, 231 6^, 73 and cavillers answered generally 2,65 36, 52 compared to barley, 36, 65 to Eli's sons, 30, 207 to the Jews, 47, 17 to weeds. ...... .2, 95 D d U N B 209 V E I UNBELIEVERS, confusion will fall heavy on v 30, 266 denunciations against the clergy and u.. . 14, 90 18, 99 have nothing to do with writing the seals 52, 31 questions proposed to unbelievers 14, 54 the hook written by the man visited by the devil must -appear against unbelievers 45, 19 the destroying angel to enter the house of u 3, 133 what rock- have unbelievers to build on 11, 95 why permitted to be sealed, explained 27 ; 3, 5 UNDERSTANDING, the sword of war will not open men's u. 2,91 the u. of the prudent shall be hid 4, 45 UNDERWOOD, Ann, hath been taught to read Joanna's wri- tings . . . . 44, 64 her account of the man visited by the devil .... 45, 17 her opinion of the miz-maze 28, 42 her testimonial to Hewson Clarke 50', 53 Joanna, Townley, and U. a shadow of the gospel, 21, 30 three helpmates, '21, 30 23, 19 Joanna's secretary 21, 15 ordered to take away the knives, &c 24, 14 roads in a voice like an angel 24, 37 Taylor and Underwood are two witnesses 23, 20 Townley and U. called handmaid and friend . . 23, 20 mother and sister, 22 ; 14, 16, 2923, 19 sisters,-<24,51 UNITARIANS, an account of the New Testament, as muti- lated and published by them 51, 2 are endeavouring to put away the chapters that make the Gospel plain to men . . . 51, 3 , prophecies. . 51 ; 4, 5 their errors shewn 51 ; J , 2, 3 UNITY of GOD and Christ, exp 14 ; 100, 102 -28, 88 . ., 34, 26 UNIVERSAL redemption promised. 36, 43 UNJUST judge, 50, 35 steward 9, 44 UNPROFITABLE servant reproved ". 35, 38 UNTEMPERED mortar, elucidated 31, 323 URIAH, his death, &c. 15 ; 31, 3523, 4728, 958, 87 USURERS and money-lenders reproved 49 ; 2, 17,31 VAIN man commanded to answer, 8, 101 13, 40 26, 14 -.'-. v 33, 505 VALIANT, stand v. and plead the promise. . 9, 27 29, 157 VALLEY, the valley must be in the he^rt,7, 18 10; 93, 94 .36; 117, 11857, 72 \ve must be brought low in the vallies 24, 50 VEIL, black was the t. and shrivelled all within . . 25, 147 the curtain's drawn, the veil's unseen , , , . 25, 88 VEN 10 VIR VENGEANCE fast will come 1 ; 38, 413, 1024, 173 5; 238,2398, 10310,9111; 97,9914; 101, 11015, 1516, 27 23, 31 J.j, 12644, 14 of GOD will fall on satan, not on sinners, 3, 103 1 1, 62 16, 1717 ; J2, 21-^22, 657, 38 VERSE, as Abraham contended in words with the Lord's t lire a ten ings, so were Joanna's petitions and answers in ver.se 57 ; 74, 85 61, 50 reasons for Joanna's writing being in verse 2, 49 4, 1816, 241 see 3 ; 100, 10414, 9023, 83 VESSELS of wrath and mercy 33, 483 VIALS, how the vials are to be poured out, 14 ; 80, 81, 82 VICE, justice will overtake and punish vice 49, 70 men called upon to answer why they pursue vice, 11, 97 reproof to the society for the suppression of vice, 21, 28 VICTORY, let them give thy pen the lie, and gain the vic- tory in the war 36, 50 the great victory, due. 4, 1667, 1824, 11229, 157 VIENNA, a malignant fever at Vienna 44, 27 VILLAINY providentially detected 49, 28 VINCENT, , his account of Mary Bate man noticed, 52, 1O VINE, all shall come to the Lord's vine 9, 43 Christ is the v. believers are the branches, 16, 22 23 ; 51, 7824, 11830, 27436, 3553, 58261, 40 every man shall sit under his vine 32, 458 here you see a noble vine 6 ; 251, 262 now is coming the gathering in of the people to the vine, and to the choice vine 20, 67 33, 518 the gentiles were planted a noble vine 6, 249 the root and vine, elucidated 8, 72 the vine promised the protection of GOD 12, 29 VINEGAR, let vinegar appear 15, 52 the cup of?;, and gall, explained,- 15, 50 VINEYAUD, believers have signed the bond to bring the vineyard 12, 29 Christ will stand and shine in his vineyard 12, 29 GOD will clear the vineyard 11, 21 labourers in the vineyard 32, 476 parable of the Lord's vineyard, eluc. .34, 31 49 ; 44, 65 the harvest of the vineyard, eluc 41, 168 the Lord of the v. must come and claim his vineyard, elucidated 19, 69 the servant of the vineyard killed 7, 17 VIOLENT passions 'will be in those who deem themselves wise, when they see their wisdom is betrayed, 15, 26 VIOLET, the violet gives a fragrant smell 15, 2(i VIUGJN, Joanna visited like the Virgin Mary to bring the Comforter 62, 38 V I R tfn VIS VIRGIN, remarks concerning the Virgin Mary .... 35, 23 scarce a virgin could be found 1, 45 the virgin is come to warn you that in the spirit Christ is come again 15, 15 VIRGINS, many foolish virgins will appear 19, 63 mark what becomes of the foolish virgins 35, 28 the wise and foolish virgins,?, 71 4, 173 7, 54 20,41 35, 3655, 21 thousands will act like the foolish virgins 20, 41 what men will say when Christ cornea as the bridegroom, to welcome the wise virgins, shewn 52, 23 VISAGE, his visage was marred 55, 31 VISIBLE judgments in Egypt 30,199 VISION, Belshazzar's vision elucidated 12, 37 Daniel's vision of the beasts 32; 385, 399, 401 every vision is brought to prove Joanna's writings came from GOD 15,42 EzekitTs vision of dry bones 3, 117 44, 54 the wheels 34, 3 Joanna's vision of beautiful lights, &c 23, 32 the candle, ring, bowl, hand, c. 61; 55, 58 lighted candles, &c. 1,179 ; 9,46 of measuring the temple 31, 374 of the bullocks, &c 11, 84 of the car and sealed letters 16, 25 of the coal of fire, c 41,169 of the fulfilment of the temple 31, 381 of the heavenly music 4, 163 of the moon 4, 1GO of the seven crowns 14, 115 15, 9 of the weeks shewn to Daniel, no man understands, 31,336 or dream for the shepherds 4, 160 of Basil Bruce 7, 19 Paul's vision, Acts ix. 50, eluc 15, 13 Peter Morrison's u. of the fiery serpent 5, 219 Prescott's c. of the Lord 42, 209 Rev. T. Webster's open vision 4, 168 9 ; 47 seen at Jerusalem before its destruction. 47, 52 Medina in Arabia 1.5,7 seen by Peter, exp. Acts x. 10 14, 1 1930, 239 Prescott, ordered to be drawn 16, 37 the eye of the Lord seen in vision 15, 9 the visions seen by John must be fulfilled 30, 27 VISIONS 'and dreams' to warn ministers 8, 79 are given to shew the kingdom is nigh, 15; 11, 26 16, 25 concerning Brothers elucidated. ...,.., 9, 46 VIS 212 VIS VISIONS deep for man , . 32, 395 for learned men to answer 31, 307 have been seen 17, 7 in one likeness the visions all agree 15, 43 Joanna could not see the visions before she left her native home 15, IS of Daniel shewn for the end. 20, 48 32, 386 of Ezekiel, chap. i. 8, and iv. 4, exp 3, 364 seen by John in heaven 1, 48 30, 208 62, 69 VISIONS seen by Prescott, a box, pieces of gold, &c. 16, 7 angel, box, crown of diamonds, &c 14, 113 celestial beings, satan chained, &c 16, 35 crown of diamonds, &c * 16, 9 marquee, angels, crown, &c 16, 37 of crowns and crosses, &c 15, 23 of flags, trumpets, &c % lf>, 35 of the grey horse, &c 15, 19 of the grove, &c 15, 48 of the Lord, elucidated 42, 209 of the seven angels, &c 16, 10 of the seven crowns, &c 15, 6 of the ships, &c 20, S5 of the stars falling from heaven 40, 103 shewn people for their own destruction, exp. . . . 42, 211 the Jews must see the visions that were seen by John, .'36, 124 the visions could not appear till men had signed to free the woman 15, IS these heavenly visions are signs that Christ's kingdom is at'iand 16, 24 these visions will by some be considered as curious in- ventions of the Lord 15, 4O those who say the visions with their explanation did not come from heaven, appear like satan, and give their GOD the lie 15, 44 to be compared together 3, 102 to prove the truth of Joanna's writings 15, 11 twelve heavenly visions have been seen 17, 32 which John saw in heaven must take place on earth. 46, 19 why shewn to a child, explained 15, S3 young men shall see visions 16, I VISITATION, Joanna's/ntf powerful v. at Exeter . . 1, 21 Joanna's second ditto at Bristol 24, 3 third ditto at London 58, 3 visitations, eluc.. . . . 30, 21031, 32432, 475 37; 33,71, 7343; 89,9252, 16 53, 5S(i 61, 35 - visitation will be felt by believers , S4, 3 VIS 21.3 VVAL VISITATION, Lane saith the visitation is from the devil, and blames the Lord for it 5(), 2S men must believe in the gospel, before they will believe in any visitation from GOD 52, 41 men's judgment concerning the visitation 52, 31 none but an eye of faith can see the visitation . . 16, 41 persecution foretold against the visitation 52, 30 the Bishops, and religious societies, admit of Joanna's visitation 44, 58 the New Jcfusalem coming down out of heaven, meaneth where the visitation is made known 61, 10 the intention of GOD'S visitation to Joanna was to bring men to the knowledge" of the good" as satan brought them to the knowledge " of the evil" 20, 16 the visitation must be to have a son, explained. . 61, 51 those who write against the visitation, answered, 55, 38 whoever takes the woman as their helpmate in this visi- tation, will find their anchor sure 39, 75 whosoever is against Joanna and her visitation is against GOD, as Jacob's sons were against Joseph . . 4J, 176 VISITATIONS, divine visitations to man, explained, 30, 202 43, 39 VIRTUE, beautifully elucidated, 58, 104 see 6, "7021, 44 VOICE, a small still voice, speaking within, 36, 4841, 158 believers to hear the small still voice. . . . 24, 52 44, 53 difference between the voice of GOD and satan, elucidated, 11, 394 1 , 1 58 Joanna listens to the small still v. of the Lord, 24 ; 15, 52 of devils heard in the street 19, 21 of the good shepherd, heard by Joanna 30, 233 the charmer's voice to all is come, 16, 2 sec 1, 37 7, 33 , ^ 8, 10215, 28 the sheep must know their shepherds' voice 9, 34 those who obey the woman's voice, shall see the spirit of GOD 25, 10729, 154 VOTES, satan agrees to stand by votes 11 ; 30, 63, 64 12, 1028, &! Vow, baptismal vow explained. . 3,130 12, 115 14, 84 the misery of breaking the marriage vow 23, 74 WAGER, a wager concerning the King of France . . 10, 54 WAGES, Joanna. not to take wages 30, 8(* WAGGONS, the loaded waggons explained . . 9; 23, 24 13 ; 8, It WAITING for the coming of Christ, clue. 33,49652, 23 WALK, two cannot walk together unless they are agreed, explained , 32, 437 WALKER, K. his letter to Joanna, with the answer, 53,624 W A L 214 WAT WALL dug through by Ezekiel, cxp. 31 ; 327 to 330, 368 Joanna a wall to the sealed 12, 13 the gentiles do not see the type of the wall .... 31, 331 the Lord hath made the seal a w. against the devil, 24, 50 WAR, a fatal war shall now appear 15 ; 51, 52 a holy -war will come 8, 79 an pastern war must come .... 7, 16 see 1, 39 4, 171 and tumult shall arise 1, 3114, 4529, 128 began in heaven, and must end on earth 8, 66 broke out in May 15, 55 GOD will be a man of war -. . . 8, 106 14, 82 Ministers compared to Ahah's prophets. . 3, 126 8, 70 WARS airl tumults will notecase, till the kingddm of Christ is established 24, 5132, 402 are increasing every where 17 ; 33, 49 WARM ING-PAN, answer to those who said, Joanna would have a^hild brought in in a warming-pan .... 63, 4 WARN, GOD hath sent his angels invisible to warn man, 3, 14014, 7415, 512), 2030; 198,211 GOD will not strike before he warns 21, J6 Joanna appears to warn you all, 5, 199 14, 107 15, 56 22, 79 WARNED, all the sealed shall be warned, when dangers are near 15, 55 deceitful persons warned 40, 98 scornful rulers warned 1, 36 58, 23 WARN r N G, a warning to all men, and all nations. . 3 ; 97, 107, 143 4, 173 5; 201, 220, 224, 234, 235, 237 6; 248, 2498; 79, 101,1039; 6, 7, 31,4010; 65, 69 1 1, 8914 ; 9, 40, 41, 74, 8716 ; 25, 4020 ; 9, 2821 ; 1, 16, 3122, 3423 ; 66, 8724 ;50, 105, 11725; 23, 100, 12326, 14 27 ; 7, 19,2329; 108,127, 15431; 314, 372,37333; 444, 44536; 64, 113, 12337 ; 36, 4742 ;,202, 206 44 ; 9, 17, 30 48, 2449, 5851, 6 52, 2257; 61, 62, 66 59 ; 3, 6, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45 from the days of Noah, there is a longer warning, 59, 40 GOD'S mercy shewn in warning the people .... 31, 325 GOD'S warnings of old, elucidated 31,363 if the shepherds refuse t.ie warning, floods of sorrow shall come upon them 21, IS Joanna's warning not fultilled for some years 9, 4 it will be dreadful for those who reject the w. . . 32, 446 men could not be Waiting without a warning. .. . 52, 23 WASH, Christ will wash men clean, when evil isdone away, 53,580 WATER, all are invited to take of the water of life, . 3, 130 and blood must set us free 23, 93 24/118 W A T 215 WEE WATER, baptismal water compared to the water of life, , < , 3, 130 bread cast in the water, elucidated .... 5, 199 29, 165 floods, elucidated 23, 9826, 18 gospel, and men, compared to water pots, 14,29 33, 549 57, 4858, 18 living waters, near to all our windows 14, 109 the water shall be stronger than wine 14, 29 those that lap the water, now appear 4, 181 WATERS, moving of the spirit upon the face of the w. 4, 183 the healing of the waters, elucidated 31, 379 the living waters, elucidated 30, 212 WATCH, a watch put upon the seals 1, 10 the watch removed from the seals 1, 17" that ye may escape the evils 16, 55 WATCHMAN anointed over the Gentiles 3, 124 the watchman sprang his rattle 23 ; 32, 36 WAVERING, be not wavering in faith 23, 29 WAVES, as the powerful waves are stayed, so will hell be bound 1 2 ; 3,' 926, 1828, 103 WEAK and foolish to confound the wise 42, 208 this nation will be made wise 31, 365 WEAPON, no weapon can prosper against Joanna, 17 ; 17, 1823, 6835, 53 WEATHER, let the worldly wise answer the difteience of the weather 60, 4 men see the weather but not the times 44, 20 mild weather, elucidated 9, 16 observations on the weather 60, 1 signs of the weather to be marked . . 20; 2, 9541, 28 see 14, 4161 , 4 the darkness of men's minds compared to the w.. . 60, 2 types explained from the weather 26, 16 WEBSTER, Rev. Thos. a pair of gloves sent him. . . . 10, 81 administers the sacrament to his friends 40, 118 England's ruin prevented for the sake of him, Bruce, and Foley 9, 37 his open vision, elucidated 4, 168 9, 4 his thoughts on the sixth book 7, 4O Joanna's letters to him 9; 3, 9, 2610 ; 53, 88 one of Joanna's judges 25, 126 satan saith, his faith came from hell 11,18 waits on three clergymen, concerning the trial. . 25, 11 WEDDED, your wedded bride become 22, 87 WEDDING, new clothing for wedding garments .... 58, 4 WEEDS, no weeds after three years 9, 32 unbelievers compared to weeds 2, 95 36, 65 weeding the wheat, eltic. . , 36, 63 see 36, 59 41, 168 WEE 210 WIC WEEK, an awful week will come for man 21, 44 WEIGHT, every weight shall now turn round .... 14, 105 WEST, Peter, pays his addresses to Joanna, 22, 17 24, 62 WESLEY, /Joanna ordered to join Wesley's people, 8 ; 85, 90 the followers of Westley cautioned 1 4, 71 WETHERELL, Wm. R. one of Joanna's judges .... 25, 126 WHALE, Joanna is here in the belly of the whale. . 11, 120 WHEAT, all GOD'S people are compared to wheat . . 7, 12 27, 1235, 5536 ; 59, 63 compared to GOD'S word 7, 12 disputes concerning the wheat, ans 36, 68 harvest, preserving the wheat, Sec., i 54, 9 is a type of man 3(i, 63 loaded by Joanna, thrown by the horse, and loaded by man ;>;;-, 36, 64 the enemy sewing tares among the wheat 51, 18 the handful of wheac will increase, elucidated . . 29, 142 the rust,&c. in Woolland's wheat field explained, 36, 66 the soft ear of wheat explained 3(>, 109 the wlv-at and the tares were separated among the Jews when Christ came in the flesh 47, 62 the wheat and the tares will'grow together till the end, 51; 18, 19 when the wheat is gathered let the chaff' take care, 11,113 WHEELS filled with fire 32 ; 399, 423 that brought the rings 34, 3 the chariot wheels are near 15, 43 16, 25 the wheels of the Lord will never cease till the Revela- tions are all fulfilled '. 11, 117 with four faces 31 , 368 within wheels 34, 3 Woolland's wheel 36, 99 WHIRLWIND frighted the horse, and will fall on mockers, 10, 69 WHITE, Christ's flock shall appear in white 9, 25 16 ; 40, 6817, 3 1 robes of white with blue are seen Iflt 40 the white horse, explained 51, 31 the white stone must appear 14, 113 20, 90 women all in white 14, 28 worn by Joanna for three days 24, 29 WHORE, Kenrick, a disssenting preacher of Exeter, said the Virgin Mary was a whore 36, 106 the great whore is the Roman power . . . , t 52, 43 WHOREDOM, the children of whoredom, exp. 32; 403, 404 WHORING, all have gone a whoring from GOD .... 12, 47 WJCKBD deeds brought to light ....,,,, 49, 14 E e Wit '217 WIN WICKED, the bands of the wicked must be cut off, 8, 79 . 39, 415 the revealing of the Wicked one, explained .... 30,/2?7 the wicked will foam with fury 4,' 160 no t go to heaven 20, 18 tread down the wicked, as ashes under your feet, 12, lOJi WICKEDNESS, a postacy, and presumption of man. . 7, 1$ 23 ; 57, 67 98, S 29, 12251 ; 7, 17 of the world before the flood 53, 531 WICKERS, Fanny, her love forN. Bishop shewn. 24; 64, 66 WIFE, a bad wife musi be put away, elucidated . . 6, 270 a good wife must be protected, elucidated 6, 270 believing and unbelieving wife and husband warned, 23; '20, 24- every man to have a wife 44, 35 Joanna is the Lamb's wife, 4, 1SI 8, 59 20,78 22, 9 23 ; 24, 5124, 6133, 500 n(), 75 WILD, the wild olive cast 22, 68 WILDERNESS, forty years in the wilderness, exp.. . 36, 3j WILL, examine what the will of (JOD was at the creation, 59, 4y if men search out to know the will of a man, so let them search out the Lord's will revealed to Joanna, 60, 36 many parts of the scriptures stand as a will to be fulfilled, 50, 9 the will of a de-ad man compared to the bible. . 32, 448 the will of GOD compared to the w. of a man, exp. 33, 497 when a will is made it cannot be accomplished before the death of him that made it, explained 53, 598 WILLS, particulars concerning him and his wife 22; IS, 19, 2023; 69 to 9934, 1736,9858; 84, 86 WILMOT, , answered concerning Prescott. . . . 38, 15 WILSON, John a pair of gloves sent him 10, SI drawn in by the subtleties of King 49, 12 goes with others to J. Bulkeley's 45, 17 his judgment with others concerning Carpenter, 39, 56 informed bj Joanna, that if he comes as one of the seven, one of the others would fall 46, 6y Joanna has suffered pain for him 12; 55, 61, 7O his great desire for peace, shewn 38, 20 his thoughts on the sixth book 7, 41 King's opinion of him 49, 19 letter from Joanna to him 10, 67 note from the Rev. H. Foster to him -. . 25, 24 obeys tire command to meet Carpenter's people 40, 10f satan said, Joanna was not ill in his room 11, 54 12, 57 WINDOWS are stuffed up with rags 36, 115 57, 6b come like doves to the windows 19, 43 W I N 21S W I T WIM>S, a communication on the winds and rain . . 21, 15 like the wind it now > i come 21,22 like tmnd-.-r with heavy rains 14, 40 W.I'JSK, ail must see the new wine 8; 72, 103 bread and wine to be kept in remembrance of Christ, 24, 12133,541 Joanna not to leave the world, before the bestir, appears, 37, 49 men's wisdom must be as strong as wine, exp. . . 57, 48 tb'e best wine reserved for the last, 3.6, 3537, 28. 55, 10 treading the wine press of GOD, explained 52, 45 water shall become stronger than wine . . 14, 29 '22, 9 24, 127 WINGS, the wings of a bird, explained 34, 4 . compared to the word of GOD, , 15, 27 " with wings of love I'll visit here" 14, 120 WINTER, W. L. his disobedience shewn, 40, 128 41, 145 one of Joanna's jury 25, 127 WISE, a communication for the wise and learned. . 57, 47 and foolish virgins 2, 714, 1737, 4520, 41 35,3655,21 a warning to wise men. . f 8, 103 57, 58 jt is the seals the wise must clear 19, 63 men are become blind 8,699,4314,9428, 31 33,48652, 30 the wise men must be known 18, 19 the wise men will be confounded 17, 4 42, 208 WISDOM, a lesson for men of wisdom 62, 78 ' all men's wisdom must drop he-re. . 1, 45 9, 43 14, 66 .... 24, 4525 ; 30, 10129, 14931, 36952, 30 all must ask wisdom of the Lord, 3; 125, 1328; 78, 107 19, 4320, 46 <29, 165 35, 4757, 67 GOD will try the wisdom and conduct of men, . , . 11, '~4 1.2, 4536, 109 of men compared to green corn, 1!, 71 to the pit or grave, 35, 40 to a rope of sand 21, 47 to two waggons 13, 1 1 men of wisdom should act like Sheba 9, Q placed in Joanna by the Lord ,, 29 ; 152, 154 the crown of wisdom, elucidated 14 113 15, 10 the Lord concealed the u?. of the prudent man . . 63, 51 WISDOM, the pride and folly of human w. shewn. . 59, 54 the sunshine of wisdpm will now appear 62, 79 the iv. of man hath taken in question the wisdom of his Maker 19, 55 WITCH, answer to those who called Joanna a witch, 2, 77 Prescott compared to the witch of Endor lp> 103 W I T 219 W O M WITCHES, the witches all did come to shame .... 22, 47 . 24; 71, 78 Smith said Joanna was the mother of witchcraft. . ^o, 70 WITNESSES at Joanna's trial were examined by an atto r ney, , 25, 11 Joanna must have friends that can be depended upon for witnesses 63, 71 Taylor and Underwood are two witnesses 23, 20 the two witnesses, Rev. xi. elucidated ..." 5o, 48 the whole will be made clear and established by honour- able witnesses 6<2, Go the witnesses of the Lord are shewn 22, 79 WITTY, what some call witty inventions, ans lo, 2 WOE, the first woe was for man, the next for the devi), , 47, 21 the second woe is past, the third w. comes quickly, 3, 129 the woe for satan is nigh 7, 51 three woes, explained 3, 129 14, 5 47, 21 to the land because of offences 19, 35 WOLF, satan is the wolf that will destroy many. . . . 20, 69 somejud^ed the ic. was come to Joanna at Exeter, 36, 22 the wolf carries off the sheep ,14, 79 the wolf will lie down with the lamb 55, 23 WOMAN, all must claim the promise made to the woman, 5, 2337; 14,33, 34,38,438; 77 79, 10-29, 43 11, 10712, 69 14 ; 95, 961.5 ; 17, 4916, 4517; 6, 4619, 5720, 4923, 9730, 27931 ; 351, 355 . . 32, 42335 ; 22, 27, 6138, 4040, 13254, 40 all the good seed of the tr. destroyed by satan . . 22, 72 all will end like a travailing woman t . 37, 29 a proud, ignorant woman, answered. ... 4, 173 11, 70 arguments of the woman against satan 6, 251 brought on the fall of man, elucidated .... 25 ; 143, 144 35, 25 cast her blame on satan, 6, 251 7, 33 16, 71 17, 20 30, 278 Christ hath revealed himself to the woman, 2, .51 7, 33 8; 67, 73, 1019; 12, 16, 4610, 5011 ; 62, 99, 105 106, 119 12; 3, 105-14, 12216, 43 22 ; 78, 79 23, 5834, 1061, 4065, 8 Christ was born of the woman, for the redemption of < man 14, 10617, 2150, 296^2, 27 clothed with the sun shall make all nations bend,. 1 ; 15, 404,1817, 508; 74, 1019; 15, 4611; 91, 99, 106, 119, 12016, 2719, 61 u5, 10 created for man's good, happiness, and pleasure. . 2; 50, 61 4, 146 6,277 S, 769; 47, 4911, 6512; , , . , 5, 6919, 6022, 8723, 1 928, 9033, 5-1 1 \V O M 220 W O M WOMAN, dragon pursuing the woman explained, 46, U) earth helped the woman and swallowed the floods, 4, 1S9 ...;.. 12, 11110' ; 27, 6717, 332(5, 19 SO, 24 gave way to the devil at first, and must condemn him at last 3; 104, 120, 135 8, 10210, 5011, 88 14, 1 1024, 2428, 3830, 25335, 2O how can man this woman blame 30, 238 if the woman bore the son, the w. must bear the tidings of his coming again in glory 17, 30 in the woman's form the child is concealed from all man- kind 62,58 let men discern how strong the visitation is to a woman, an I not to a man 51, 39 life of tin- woman taken from man 16, 42 madr under the law, explained 4, 146 man rjuinot be born without the woman 14, 63 man is as easily deceived by the devil as the woman was, 9, 27 man was ready to copy after the woman in disobedience, but will not do it in true obedience 59, 20 mark what hath been done by the woman 20, 52 men and devils are trying to tempt the woman to disobey, 23, 6837, 52 must be made free, before man can be redeemed. . 7, 15 9; 16, 1712,10618, 1925, 11026; 11,1735, 23 38, 39 never was a saviour here 8, 58 no curse was laid on the woman . . . 11, 65 peau to come to the woman's children. ... 31; 340, 343 poured the ointment on the head of Christ, eluc.. . 20, 53 preserving the tree of life was to bring the woman to perfect obedience 58, 17 receive the seal the woman gives 16, 51 saved in child-bearing, explained < . . . 35, 23 shall man that is dust and ashes disobey the commands, of GOD, like Adam at first ; or shall a woman that obeyed the serpent at first, disobey the command of GOD when he comes to visit her? 32, 441 the bond and free \voman,exp-.. . 26, 15 44, 47 4t>, 43 the figures on the sun-dial compared to the woman four- ways, explained 37, 31 the first woman a wonder. . , 2, 73 12, 45 the church of Christ must be brought in by a w.. . 14, 95 the marriage published by the woman explained, 61, i9 the seed of the woman to bruise the serpent's head, 13, 7 '. 19, 1929, 118 the similitude of the barren woman 31, 339 the single woman is to the Lord 15, 1 w DM 23i \v o sr WOMAN, the trial, temptations, and courage of the woman elucidated 11, 6O the woman came from man 16, 42 19, 57 hath borne the pains of hell to bring in her natural children ; so now she shall bear the joys of heaven to bring in her spiritual children. . . . 14,63" see 1, 15 6,28419, 19 those who deny the w. hand must deny GOD, 15; 18, 40 'tis for the woman all must bleed 14, 108 turned king's evidence 3, 141 "was and must be the wonder born to man, exp. . . 12, 45 17,5619, 64 what the woman hath begun must be ended by man, 15, 51 ."...' 20,5436; 64,101 Fill you free or condemn the woman .... 1, 175 65, 5 your Maker must the woman free 14, 28 WOMEN, a blessing promised to believing women . . 12, 7 & admonished not to be led by satan 26 ; 13, 15 are condemned every where . 18, 40 26, 15 bond women shall be cast out 12, 69 must prophecy . -. 3, 130 4, 170 particularly answered 12, 105 25, 143 fcingle and "married women . . .> 11, 7535, 23 some after marriage forsake their husbands 11, 75 who mock must tremble at the marriage of the Lamb, ... 26, 9 see 25, 14526, 15 with wedding garments on 14, 61 WOM B, return to the womb and be born of the spirit, 8, 78 the barren womb doth now appear 5,214 31,339 WONDER, a great IT. is to appear before the end. ... 57, 16 see 1, 15 2, 73 4, 1766, 2787, 519; 15, 4(i 12, 4517,5319, 4550, 6762, 73 all will wonder when the sealed box is opened. ... 9, 47 seen in heaven at first 1, 41 the first believers will be the men wondered at. . 32, 454 the heavenly wonder, explained. 5, 220 why the church is a wonder ....." 19, 66 50, 75 WONDKRFUL, a M/. deliverance will happen to this land, 37, 23 WONDKKS, all the w. John saw in heaven must take place upon earth. 6,2849,1515, 18 all wonders to be done by the woman 2, 51 believers must wait with patience till the 6th and 7th books of Wonders appear, and then all this wonder may cease A 63, 71 compare the Second Book of Wonders with the Ffth, 63, 45 fresh wonders break in upon Joanna: 58, 83 W O N fi2 W O R WONDERS from heaven will be heard 4, 166 GOD will enjoy those who do not place his wonders to the devil 1 j. 38 many are longing for Joanna's death, that they might see wonders ". . 37, 36 some will wait too late to see the wonders that will come on at Joanna's trial . 23, 20 signs and wonders have been wrought by enchantment, 6->, 7 the wonders shall come on 30, 136 59 ; 7, 64 what wonders now are seen, explained 62, 73 when further wonders come, you'll find the heir, 58, 10? will come on if Pomeroy comes forward , . 57, 74 will in England burst 57, 44 without signs and wonders they will not believe, 61, 46 wonder and wonders, explained 1,15 .WONDROUS mystery concerning the promise, eluc. 15, 17 sights will appear, elucidated 14, 119 works of GOD, explained 11, 79 woman, such as Joanna, never appeared before . . 15, 17 , 23, 5 WOOD, hay, stubble, &c. elucidated .59, .50 WOOD, Basil, a boasting pharisee 25 ; 24, 2520, 33 WOODFORDHOUSE, Joanna's troubles at W. 5,207 23, 73 WOOLLAND, a sign set for the harvest put in his hands, 20; 32, 64, 67 drops brought bv Woolland, to recover Joanna from fainting I 36, 32 his field of wheat having the rust and canker, explained, 36; 60,75, 109 his troublesome servants 14, 48 like Woo! land's wheel . ' 36,99 Minifie and Woolland, Joanna's first friends. ... 60, 2(j no milk in Woolland's sheep 21 ; 16, 17 the circle of stars seen by Woolland .... 26, 26 36, 8 walks in the garden till midnight 36, 111 WORKS, man will be rewarded according to his tc. 32, 420 of GOD beautifully elucidated 56, 16 satan works in the heart of men to destroy the works of the Lord 1, 3 WORLD, all the world invited to turn unto GOD .... 1, 4f> 14; 69. 25, 1O7 all the world were Atheists before the flood .... 33, 531 description of thenew world 12, 41 picture of the world in all ages 52 ; 1, 6, 31 satan has power, as a god of this world 4, 150 baking away the sins of the world, explained. .. . 33,5*3 the end of the world, elucidated 19, 43 W O R 223 VV R I Wo EL \ the world to be reconciled to GOB .... 31, 359 see 52 ; 1(> 27, 41 WORLDLY amusements preferred .to. t :urh 29, 129 WORMS HS worms bree2. ...11.. 8,9/26,27. . 50 28. ...11.. 9 , 24 36. ...)<>.. 1 .. 97 37 ... .. 1 , 67 8. . ..18. . 21, 22.. .. . 94 39 88 g . . 20 <)5 46 10, 11 57 (it. . ..26. . 16, 17.. . . . 14 61 ...12.. 4 , 52 .01. . ..28. . 15 to end. . 8 28 ...13 15 66 1 05, 2546, 58 69. 15 . 14 39. ...14 88 62 50 50 6 4 20. ...30. . 15 .179 28. ...18 25 46. 19 . 59 28. ...19. . 2 22 51 17 to end. . 14 28, 2537, 67 43. ...31.. 16, 21.... . 85 21 ...22 40 37. . ..32. . 22,39,40. . 71 II. KINGS. 43. ... .. all . 86 28. ... 9.. 33 oo 43. ...33.. all . 87 62. ...16. . 1 to 4 7> JOSHUA. 62. ...17.. 16, 17 7 30 ... i. . i 197 I. CHRONICLES. 29. ... 7.. 13 .178 34. ...13.. 3 36 33. ..'; .. 24 .529 II. CHRONICLES. 30. ...10.. 12 .197 2fr . .. 7. . 12 to end. . 24 29, ...20. . 1,2, 3.... .178 21. . . .20. . 20 19 JUDGES. 3. ...24. . 19 121 46. ... 5.. all . 24 14. ...29.. 1 53 12. ...9.. 8 ,. 28 34. ...33. . 11 37 30. ...13.. all .193 11. ...34.. 30 124 43 . 1... . 45 52, oo EZRA. 228 PSALMS. Book ch. r. P 'age. Book ch. v. I S . . 1 35 Of) ... 8. . 5,6...' 117 s . 4 35 90 . . . 9. . 5,6 117 S .. 6 11 .. . 35 3fi ...17. . 1 10O R ..10 36 90 . ..19. . 14 113 NEHEMIAH. 10. ...21. . 14 12. . .. 7.. 36 93 62 1,2 19 OQ 9 . . 36 90 .. .23. . 4 113 41 11 i 43 50 .. .24. . 45 ...13 36 69 7,8 1Q ESTHER. 29. ...25.. 14 113 28. ... 6. . 13 63 2<). ...27.. 8 113 03 . . . 9 ,36 20. 14 114 S ...10 36 90 . ..30. . 4,5 114 JOB. 21. ...37.. 9 to 16 19 1 * . . . 1 7 to 1 2 1 90 4, 5, 11, 28 29, 9745, 8 29 114 29. ... 1.. 21 98 20. . ..40. . 6,7,8 117 1O . .. 2. . 3 to 7 2 90 2 105 9,0. 9, 10 97 44 43 Of) . .. 3 98 6 6, 7 8 15 Of) . . . 8. . 13 109 20 ...46. . 9, 10 117 Of) . ..11. . 2,3 109 91 . . .49. . 4 10 90 ...15. . 4,5 100 29. ...66. . 4 117 29. . ..20. . 5 109 29. ...67.. 7 117 90 19 00 29. ...68.. 18 117 29. . ..21. . 27 109 61, 18 3 29. .. .22. . 5,6,7 109 12. . . .69. . 0,7,8 118 29. ...29 99 29. 6,7,8 137 29. 12, 13 109 29. 21 115 29. .. .30 99 37. ...71.. 14 18 20. .. .31 ao 8. ...72.. IS, 19 .01 Of) .. .32 99 20. 15, 16 137 TO . ..38 2 61 1,2,3,13,14 52 9,0. 99 29. ...73.. 25, 114 29. 11,13,14,15 103 37. 11 IS 38, o 36 29. . . .74. . 10, 22 114 12. ...40. . 2 2 29. ...75. . 10 117 20, 4043, 40 49 8 , ,917 29. ...41 105 29. ...76.. 9, 10 117 29. 34 107 29. 6,7 ,137 20. .. .42. . 3 44 29. ...78. . 2,6 , ,116 20. 7 99 40. 64 PSALMS. oo ...SO.. 4 3 ... 2.. 11 j.. 109 63. ...81.. 11, 12 . 3 I 1 ' 09 9,4 ...82. . 5 , jot 13 7 to 12 55 90 8 ,116 29, 11732, 46543, 59 29. ...85.. 9,10,11... ,116 44, 5750, 44 61 ; 29. ...SS, , 11, 12 .137 PSALMS. PSALMS. Book ch. r. Page. Book cli. v. Fajr. 11. . . . 80. . 9 126 29... .147. . 14,15 131 fid; . .. 88. . 15 137 29... .149. . 1,2 131 29. . . . 89. . 15,19,27, PROVE R us. 28 .116 29 1 23 to 26, 35. . .. 89.. 48 29 29 164 36 96 58. . . . 1. . 24 lo 30. .115 29. ... 91.. 11,12,13. .136 59. . . 26 to 28 .. 4 29. . .. 92.. 11 136 29... . 2. . 5, 6, 22....161 29. ... 93.. 4,5,6,9. .136 29... . 3. . 6,19,32.. ..164 29. . .. 94 8,9, 12.. ..136 36 8,7. .114 29. ...96.. 12, 13 136 29. . . . 8. . 12,22 29- ...116. . 6, 7 137 29... .29. . 27 16'-' 29. ...117.. 130 19... .30. . 31 17 29. ...US. . 16,17,18. .130 50... . . 21,22,23. . 42 29 7 137 61. ,. 18, 19 6 7. ...119.. 71 24 39... .31 30, 31 90 CO 18 ....... 86 ECCLESIASTES. 2Q. 119,103,105, 20 1, 9 50 *c/ .. 171 130 23 9 IOC 29- ...119,'. 160, 166, 29.., . 3. . 14 ...162 ., 174 135 29. . . . 7,. 8, 29 162 SO. ...119. . 9 58 29 9 29. ...132.. 15 to end 134 29. . . . 8. . 11 162 29. .. .138. . 4 134 29 .11 1 Q 1 fiO 00. .. .139. . 5,6,7,11, THE SONG OF SOLOMON. 12.. . . 12 29 o. 1 1 to 16.. ..155 7. ...140.. 12 25 29... . . 2,12,14,15 156 1. 2 118 29. . . 3, 4 160 29. 9,10,11. .132 29... .' 3*.'. 7,8,11 157 CO. .!!l42!' 4 133 29... . 4. . 8,15,16.. ..154 C9, , .,145. . 1,11,12,21 131 29... , 5.. 2,3... 151 SONG OF SOLOMON. 30 ISAIAII. Book. ch. r. Pose. Book. cli. v. Page. 2<) 5.. 2 158 58 33.. 10,22 110 2!) 6.. 10,11 154 58 34.. 16 110 29 4 160 .55 35. . 1, 2, 4 20 29 S. . 3,5,0' 154 58 110 ISAIAH. 21.... 38 2 7 1.. 18 21 21 18 53 ..27 6X)0 58 7,8 110 61 . . 8, ii, 50 63 7, 8 46' 6*2 11,12 15 12 40. .5,13 88 12 2. . 2 119 46 5,6 81 4.J,.58 47, <* 50,3 53,601 52 15 49 5 44 57 5 31 62 24,25 10 58 1,2, 4, 5. .111 12 6.. 3 119 51 41.. 14 32 53 602 51 1 37 8 7.. 7, 11 84 55 1,4, 10,16, (j 8.. 16 282 18 26 35 20 19 62 41.. 13, 14, 16, 49 64 20 to 28 .. 1 1 6 9.. 4,6,7,15. .282 12 42.. 4,9,10,13, 42, 29343, 5944, 57 14, IS 88 47, 549, 3553, 603 17 42.. 1, to 4 2 55,22 61,19 44, 4947, 151; 32, 33 12 11.. 9 119 62, 1555, 2856, 35 44 > 58_45 ) 750,3055,23 58, 11059, 561, 31 58; 11, 113 61; 1,13,18 12 43. . 6,8 89 12 12. .5 119 17 19 3 34 14. . 24,25,26. . 53 60 9,10 47 43 20 89 12 44. . 21 to 25.. .. 89 49 64 17 3 3 42 25. .8 221 17 25 4 43,7244,5845,746,32 31 5.... SOI 46, 7947, 552, 15 35 5 17 53, 62355, 2557, 36 43 6, S 72 62,13 59 25 ..56 42 26. . 8, 9 217 60 47 4'2 9 218 12 45. . 22, 23,25. . 88 43 19,20,21. .96 12 8,17,22,23, 53 27 599 25 90 31 28. . 7, 14, 16. .316 17 45. . 11,12,22,23 3 31 2<2 317 51 48 31 99. . 9 318 52 15 59 13 to 16. .55 59 57 50 30. . 8,9, 10. .'.. S 29 46. . 10 188 f>S 30. .26 110 50 8,9,10,13 39 58 31. .4 110 59 5 24..., 33 46 61 50- ISAIAH. 33 1 ISAIAH. Book. ch. v. Page. Boolt. oh. v. Page. 04 48 7 '47 32 58 471 43. ...49. . 6 59 61 59, . 16, 17, 19, 58. ... . . 1 to 5 Ill 21 34 01 1, 3, 6 33 12 60. . 2,18,20,21, 62 . . . 7 20 22 QO 20 50. .7 86 23 1,2 55 59 1 58 61 1,2,3 34 12 51.. 11,22,23.. 90 23 61. . 1,2 55 51 6, 7 43 62 8 to 11 . 12 59 17,18 58 61 62. . 1, to 8, 11. . 14 59 1,2 63 3 63. . 4 189 12 52.. 1,10,14,15,88 5,2368, 81 16,53 20 12 86 59 63. . 5,6 4 24 6 37 61 5 45 51,4852,15 12 65. . 17,18, 22. . Ql 55. ...52. . 7, to 10, 14. .30 16, 5332,47756, 35 58 8 Ill 32 65.. 2 471 61 14,15 10 52,1561,50 20 53 99 59 65 5 42, 23 49, 32 50, 72 12 66.. 12, 22 91 56,3 16 23 53 31 53.. 11 339 22, 4544, 5861, 50 45 11 9 43 66.. 15 17 51 8 48 50 22 31 55 5, 6. 27 59 5 61 53.. 8,10,11,12 11 61 6, 7, 8 10 62 16 I JEREMIAH. 12 54 117 31 1. . 4, 5, 8, 9. .307 14, 53 17, 16 36, 95 47 1 9 31,342 6 2. . 21,22 248 16 54.. 5 6.5 49 3 45 29 9 40 13 13. . 4 22 31 l,13toend 337 43 89 31 9 341 31 14.. 14, 15 303 43 13 59 14 17.. 1 82 58 1, 6 to 9. . 23 43 18. . 2, 6 15 59 5, 6 57 34 IP. . 13 32 61 5, 6 13 47 20. , M 9 7 55.. 7 22 32 22.. 5 468 ID 12 13 88 38 . 5 36 32 6 468 31 23.. 16 303 57 12 36 31 1,28 307 62 5,6 19 38 33 to 39 . . 33 12. ...56. . 1,8,10,11.. 90 61 :; 5, 6 39 44 1, 40 43 25. . 3 96 58 1,2 Ill 52. . ..26 20 32. ...57.. 14 471 16, ...30.. 22,23,24.. 53 JEREMIAH. SS2 EZEKIEL. Book. ch. v. Pa?e. Brtok. ch. v. Page. 37. . ..31. . 33 . 88 31 47. . 7, S 379 50 . 31 to 34. . 31 DANIEL. 28. ...35. . 23, 28 . 57 20 2.... 44 44 50. 38. . 4 . 82 20, 4732, 385 35, 54 EZEKIEL. 46, 7649, 3062, 80 31. . .. 1. . 8 .364 32 2.... 9. 387 34, 344, 1159, 5 32 3.... 17, 25, 29. .385 34. ... 2. . 2 .. 4 49 30 44 .. 11 32 4.... 3, 11, 31.. 385 34 ... 3. . 3 15 5 37 44. . 7 .. 11 32 26 385 54 . 37 32 6.... 26 385 31. ... 4. . 4 364 32 7.... 9, 11, 22. .385 37, 68 43; 90,91 34 27 53 . 5. . . . 1 367 43 13 45 S7, 6843,91 45 14, 27 6 31. .. . S. . 8 ..36S 46, 7947, 649,3550,21 45, .. . 9. 15 52, 1653, 62555, 3 46 93 57,37 .SI. .. .10. . 13 ,368 32 8.... 17, 19 385 31. .. .12. . 28 .324 31 9.... 24 331 31. . 22 .325 31,33953,623 31. ... . . 5,6,11,15. .326 32 10.... 14 385 31. . S to 16. . 327 31 11.... 23, 24 331 S. .. .13. . 3, 6,7,9. . 95 20 12 44 31. . 18 .304 HOSEA. ai. .. . . . 3,7,8,22. .320 32. ... 1.... 2 402 3i. ... . 2 , , -369 32 2.... 2, 20, 21.. 402 12. .. .14. . 16.. .118 32 2.. 403 37. .. .16. . 45 . 68 32 IS 410 41, ...17. .371 32 3 411 49. .. .18. . 12, 13.... . 17 32 4.... 1, 6, 9 402 31. ...19. . 2 .371 32 6.... 9 402 49. .. .22. . 12,13, 14. . 17 23 7-.. S, 11 17 31. ...23. . 2 .372 23 IS.... 1 17 34. ...28. . 18 . 32 32 3 411 12. ...34. . 28 . 87 32 14. . 9 402 8] 2 517 51 32 5 426 12. ...36. . 24, 25, 35, JOEL. . 36 . 87 2 1 80 12. . . .36. . 25, 27.... . 89 32 2 426 44 .. .37. , 54 2 2 80 12. ...39. . 29 .' 87 12, 11714, 8251,48 SI . . .41. .374 4 2. .28 170 SI . . .43. . 7 .374 15, 132, 42643, 59 31. ...44. Q .376 51 2.. 28 1 39. . 10 . 90 56 17 2(5 II h JOEL. Z ETHAN I AH. Book. cli. v. rage. Book. cli. v. P^c. 2.... S. . SO 6 3.. 15 218 32 20, 21 426 7 18 25 AMCS. 12 9. 94 2 3.. 7 8\ 3?; 447,45651,48 32 2.. 2.. 427 HAGGAJ. 32 3.. 7,8 432 24 2 115 49.... 32 32 17. 446 50 7 2 32 7 417 32 4. . 9 446 3*2, 45452, i6 23. ... 5. . 20 to 24.. .. 53 ZECHAUIA'H. 32 10 427 11 1.. 20 124 32 6.. 12... 427 32 10 455 32 9.. 9, 14,' 15.. ..127 32 2.. 3 447 OBADIAH. 61.... .. 10,12,13.. 39 82 1 . . 10, 21 436 52 3. . 8, 9 4 17 JONAH. 32 9,17 456 32 }.". 7...' 436 61 8,10 59 32.... 3.. 10 436 32..., 6.. 13... 453 39 4.. 2 436 61.... ..12, 13 40 MIC AH/ 32 8.. 5,22.. 447 S 1. . 2 121 45 3, 4, K.. . 14 32 3. . 6 ..446 12 9. . 10 87 32.... 4.. 3,4,5 87 32 9 ......1-17 32 1 .....447 32; 449, 459 61, 42 45 1,3,4 7 14 11.. 49 50 1,3 29 32 12 447 32 459 14...; 12. . 4f) 47, 651, 4852, 16 32 10 447 32.... 5.. 2 447 45,1455,357,4062,1 32 ... 459 32... .13. .9 447 43 2, 12'..... .. 46 45.... .. 9 14 581... ..3,4 112 32 14.. 5, 9 447 61 1 to 4 '7 32.... 459 23. . .. 6. . 11,12, 13. . 53 45 3, 5, 8, 9. .. 14 32 2,9 447 55.... ..5...,. C, NAHU^I. 57 5, 9 37 32..., 1.. 9 466 MALACHI. HABAKKUK. 38 1. . 6 7 12 1.. 12 94 32.... 2.. 1 447 32 5.. 447 12 3. .16, 17 6 12 2.. 14 94 12,9456,26 23 11,14 54 32 3. . 1, 6, 16, 17 32 14 .447 ;.. 447 32 3.. 6 456 12.... 4.. 2 .. 94 ZEPHANIAH. 32 1..... 447 :V2 1.. 5,6,12 447 45.... ..2,3... 14 1C..,. 2,. 11 94 52 16 JI. ESDHAS. rli. v. 334 Sr. MATTHEW. >2() 7. . 20, 27 80 :J'2 8. . 02 425 31 11. . 41, toeml. .J07 20. . v .15. . 1 to 0,21. . 8.0 20 10. . 73 80 WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 29 1. . <2, 7 140 29 2. . 8 152 43 . . 23,24 24 45. ... . . 23, 24 15 29. ... 3. . 7,8,9, 13. .140 45 8,9,17,19. . 15 29 4. . 13, 14, 15, 16,19 140 29 5. . 4, 5, 17, 18, 19. . 145 GO. ... 0. . 4 100 29 17 to 20.. ..145 29 7. . 23,20,27. .140 29 8. . 8, 14 145 ECCLESIASTCCOS. 24 1-3. . 12, 13.. ... 37 13 A RUG II. 3D 0. . 44 90 I. MACCABEES. 31 0. . 8.. 313 II. MACCAUEES. 31 7. . 19. 300 ST. MATTHEW. 32 I. . 19, 20 401 43 21 38 43 40 43 19 . 48 32 2 402 43 40 50. ... . . 11 43 32 3. . 10 402 43. ... . . 10 54 47. . 48 62. . . 1.. .. 42 23 5. . 17, 18 102 29, 18832, 43240, 79 50, 2 43. . . 5. . 2 40 44, -47 Book. cli. v. Paje. 50 0. . 24 18 51. ... . . 48 1 7. . 25, 20. . .,. 47 20 38 20, 7235; 4, 3950, SO 53, 000 20 7. . 20 44 /tO 72 58 8. . 7 to 13 20 50. . ..1O. . 20, 27 17 50 11. . 18 43 50 12. . 25, 20, 28, 29, 30 17 9. . . .13. . 31 to 34. . 28 9. ... . . 31 to 31. . 33 19 40,41,43. . 43, 43 11 43 3 00 01 31 22 47 17 48 12 IS. . 20 50 18, 19 17 43 22. . 2.. 00 20 23. . 15 21 52 13, 14 3 12 24 14 56 25 53.. .." . , 50 014 03 27, 44, to 51 34 4 25. . 41 159 9 0, 34. . 27 9 . . 0, 34 33 12 '. 124 35 40 30 43 01 52 23 20. . 04,05,00. .280 12 5o 93 27 01 5 38. 75 35 27. . 37. 282 32 21 46:) 43 10 51 02 4() to 44. . 3 62. ... . . 39 to 4o. . 7 25. ...28.. 12, 13,14.. 5 3-2. . , .404 ST. MATIUEW. 333 Sr. LUKE. Book ch. v. Pap?. 44. ST. MARK. 47,5950; 7,21,46 5.1. . . 7 407 55 21. . 27 , ,. 3 50. . , . 4. . 26 to 29. . 37 57 27,2-; . 37 3D. . . . 7.. 13.. 69 62 24, 27,28. ... 21 20... , 8. . 21 44 62 35, 36 .. 24 50... . 9.. 79 20. . . .22. . ,- 39 61. .. .10.. 15 26 43 .31 43. .. ,11, , 65 43 3,21. . . 33 43. . . .13.. 20 22 32 23. . 44,45,46. . 464 58. . . .14. . 3 to 9 21 58 28 to 30.. .. 22 ST, , LUKE. 8,... 24. . 25. . 85 32. . . 1 28 to 35. . 461 43...... .. 66 43. . . 35 48 47 ,;. 59 3... . 2. . 32 120 ST. JOHN. 19... . . 14. 45 30 1 . . 9,10,12,1' r, 44... . . . 1 1> 14 57 ......... . 29,51... .211 55. . . 10 to 13, 34 14 33 1.. 1 ..547 57... . . . 10, 11 S3 43 29 . 5P 43. . . . 4. . ... 31 55 17 7 37... . 5. . 10 18 57 1, 2, 14.. .. 34 35. .. .11.. 44 4 62 17 ] -, 35. .. 9 to 13 11 37 2.. 10 . 17 35. .. . . 9 to 13 43 62 19,21.. .. .. 15 43... . 28 64 30 3. . 14 to 17-. ..207 43. . . . . 44 68 30 6, 15, 21. .211 43. . . 34 70 32 29 .460 55... .12. . 35, 36. . .. 3 33 CO .550 58... 40 to 44. . 22 34 24, 25, 26. . 51 58... . 1 to 6 78 37 SS 14. .. .13. . 2 85 43 8 . 5;: 62. . . .14.. 31 43 50 8, 12 .. 3 58. . . .15.. 3 to 10 80 51 4S 45... .16.. 13 5 58 3. . 3 , .. .9 61... .17. . 20, 21 26 61 3 to 7. .. . 13 16... .18.. 8 52 62 14 to 17. . 15 50. . . 9,11 to 14.. 36 64 29 7 61. .. 17 26 30 4. . 14 91 q 43... .19.. 52 23 5. . 39, 40.. .. . 54 44, 4347, 5852, 26 30 44 .. .25. . 97 64 . . . . 5 . 1 57. G to 12 87 54.. . . 6. . 13,19,20. . 37 SO. . .28. . 22. . . .218 17. , . . 9. . 5 . H ROMANS. 17. . ..10. . 4 . -8 fi9 .. . 1. . 1 to 4. ... 44 3. . ..12. . 17, 18 .131 G2. o 14,15,16. . 44 31. . MV co . .. 4. . 14 47 33. . . . . . 14 . 499 62. 19 to 25. . 45 50. , . S.'I 31. 21 337 33. . ..13 .501 35. 12 20 50. , . . . . 9, 10, 12. . 3 &$ 18 34 62.. .. . . 9, 10, 11. . 47 32. ... 8. . 29, 30 474 31. . ..14. . 1, 4 ,369 48 17 2 17 , 833, 50447, 22 50. 18,19,23,24 22 7. . ..15. . 10 . 27 m 33, 34 33 26.. .. . . 22, 45 . 13 5,s 17 9 30 .. . ; 25 958 62. 17, 18, 19, 31. . .. . . 22,24,25. .350 32,33,34,39 45 35. . . . . . 51,52,53. . 31 20. ... 9.. 28 47 58.. . . . . 22,45, 47. . 9 30. 28 258 58. . . . . . 43 to 46. . 20 39. 9 479 62. . . . . . 22 to 29. . 74 33. 33 484 II. C RINTH1ANS. 56. . ..10. . 12, 13 37 35.. .. 1. . 21, 22 . 46 16. ...11.. 25,26,27. . 53 56. . .. 3.. 17 . 44 20. ; 47 31, , .. 5. . 19 .359 30. 15, 32 258 3. . .. 8. . 9 ,. ..110 83, 1 486 94 . ..11.. 3 . 6 42. ... . . 20, 21 222 40. . .. . . 3 ,1H6 61. 1,2,15,16,25 60 GALATIANS. 62. 25, 26 46 31. . .. 1.. 8, 12. 354 11. ...13.. 11 124 62.. .. .. 8, 9 .. 47 30. 11 258 24.. .. 4. . 4 , 6 31. ...14. . 11, 17-. .. .337 31. . .. . . 4, 5, 6... .354 30. ...10. . 20 258 31 ,35858, 959, 58 31. 20.. ..359 62.. .. 4. . 4 to 7. .. . 46 I. CORINTHIANS. EPHESJANS. 33. ... 1. . 7 495 30. . .. 1. . 10, 22. ... .258 59. 19. 45 31.. .. . . 10, 17-... .-.349 ft 4 to 9 47 32.. .. . . 10 . 406 fi4. ,., 2.. 10.,, 1 35.. ,. .. 14 . 41 Fl'HESJANS. IH>ok I'll. v. 1'iigc. 50 1. . 10, 13,14. . 32 ']() ~ ,R SI . . . 6 13 to 17 352 30 o . 14 .258 50 12 44 35 14, 15 . 28 PHJLIPPIANS. 43 . 14 . 50 31. . .. 2. . K), 11 348 51 . 14 . 15 6 10 11, 16 47 2 3 7 . 85 30. . .. 3. . 14, 15,20. .283 30 ...4. . 8 .258 62. 20, 21 46 30. ... 9. . 15 to 18. .27-1 SO 4 5 . . c; 83 o$ . 4 COLOSSI ANS. 02. . 28 35 SO . . . 1. . 10, 23 257 31. . ..11. ,OS 27 44 31. . ..12. . 25,26,28. 337 30. . .. 2. . 2, 3 282 I. PETEK. 63. 10 22 30. . .. 1. . 13 .273 I. THESSALONIANS. 40 2 3 Si 4. 10 31 40 . 5 to 17. . . . 5. . 19,20,21. . 8 50 . 5, 13 9 30 2, 3 280 53 . 5, 13 584 35. 2, 3, 4, 18, 63. . 5,6,7,13. . 11 19, 20 7 48. o 6 2 42. ... 5.. 18 224 30. ...4. . 12, 13 .2o9 47 3 18 03. . . . . 12, 13 .. 11 }O 18 2 SO . 4 ,950 53. 18, 19 585 31 . 4 .343 09,. 23 47 50. . 7 . 44 II. THESSALONIAMS. 11 . PETER. 55. . .. 1. . 7,8, 10 4 30. . .. 1. . 16 53 30. ... 2. . 0, 9 277 50, o . 1, 2 .. 2 53, 7, 8 585 03 . 1 . 18 I. TIMOTHY. 63. . . . . 3, 4, 5. . . . 24 00 .. . 2. . 6 46 40 83 30 4, 7 258 52. . 3 10 30 ... .. 5, 6 277 5 . 8 25 35 4 55 , o . C 35. 11, to 14. . 22 55. ... . 12 . 4 50 4 to 7 33 03 . 3, 4 18 58. 5,0,13, 14, 43. . . . 4. . 1, 2 2 15......... 21 I . JOHiN. 62. ... 2. . 3 to 7 46 30. . .. 2. . 28 .250 II. TIMOTHY. 'J ...3. . 1, 2 . 54 14. ... 3. . 14 86 53. o ..58"> I. JOHN. 239 REVELATIONS. Book. ch. T. Pa -re. Book. ch. T. Pagrr. 01 3. . 2 M() 56 3 48 23 4. . 14 , 54 62 .14, to 17. . 69 SO 14 .e.").o 1 12.. 1 1-5 56 18 . 44 1,4216,6646, 18 23. ... 5. . 9 to 14. .. . 54 3 12 113 24 11 i$a 4 170, 4, 188 12, e 117 JUDE- 31, og7_34, 6'2 43, 12 31 18 .306 43, 5546 ; 12, 5650, 12 55 3 o 53, 12 03 12 9<> 1?. 10 to 13. . 2 63 16,19.... .. 30 12 4 128 REVELATIONS. 26 15 18 9 1, 5, 6 . 45 26 16 19 30 .. . 18 .259 45 9, 10, 11. . 5 30 12 .271 46 10 32 31 11 306 46 10 35 31 13. ... t .. .308 61 1, 2 11 46 65 62 1,5,10 69 62 8, 18,19-. .. 68 65 4 36 22. ... 2. . 20 .. 45 62 14. . 1,3, 6 71 30 26 .259 30 15. . 4 259 32, 46745, 13 30, 26761, 29 43 2.. 11 . 59 30 16. . 15 260 50 20 to '23... . 42 52 18. . 8 43 32 3.. 21., . 467 1 19 42 45 12,13,20. . 13 ], 4612, 11736, 2 40.... 4 . 6'2 46, 56 62.... ...8,11 . 69 6 19. . 10. .282 6 5, .286 17 8 6 7 46 38 50, 2 7 .3 . 34 52, 43 10 9 . 86 1. . . .19. . 7 128 30 9 . 259 16,6643, 861, 11 43 .. 55 23 19. . 20 81 40 5 61 o(> . . . . 20 > 6 6 .286 30 9 260 40 9 .. 65 52 2 42 51 . 31 50 tf . . 11, 14 44 52 10 . 43 12 20. . 1, 2, 3. .. .1CS 3. ... 7 .117 0] . . 10 4O 34,5440; 23, 16 30 1 26C* 07. ..7 9 . 2 3i 293 48 3 ct 34 (J2 46 ; 25, 27, 79, 94 12 8. . 3, 4 . 6 50; 10,2152, 25 3 11.. 14 .129 35 20. . 1 to 5 51 30 17, 18.... .259 46 1, 3 32 53.. .596 51.. . 1., 23 REVELATIONS. 240 REVELATIONS. Book. ch. v^ Page. 1 91. . .> 47 20,51-r46, 21 30 91. . 3* 6 260 31 3, 4 290 , 40 C'S 5 read will he fed, &c. 15 read will be rewarded, &c. 20, for 23, 07 read 23, 107 21 read will he warned, &c- 42, for 7th and 8th days read 7 and 8 days SO 21, for 33, 504, 54, 26 read S3, 50454, 26 23, for parable read parables 36, for 1, 50 read 2, 50 40 read the bible is denied, and a devil is denied 31 23, for 3, 1 14 read 52, 29 32, for 23, 103 read 23, 102 32 9, for 20, 26 read 2O, 36 10. for 5, 130 read 5, 230 16, for 1, 39 read 1, 30 27, for 6, 289 read 6, 287 3445, for 34, Go read 11,1 3523, for 63, 62 read 36, 62 41, for 31, 351 read 31,353 44, for 17, 16 read 17, 36 9, for 61, 45 read 61, 41 22, for 19, 17 read 50, 17 S7 46, for 46, 96 read 46, 16 49, for 7, 4 read 9, 4 38 7, for 62, 70 read 62, 76 38 14, for 16, 61 read 16, Go S9 21, for bones read bone 27, for 49, 9 lead 4'8, 9 40 20, for written by them on read written by the man 23, for 14,66, 11, 122 read 14, 66- 11, 122 Page. Lino. 40- -24, for 53, 9 read 58, 9 27, for So, 213 read 30,212 4125, for 24, 29 read 24, S9 31, for fail read fall 44, for 7, 44, 52, 27 read 7, 4452, 27 42 5, for 54 read 541 29. for 5,08 read 55(1 30, for 58, 26 read 58, 28 37, for 25| read 269 438, for 121 read 131 4428, for 58, 4 read 58, 41 42, for 59, 49 read 59, 47 46 3, for 41 7 read 471 23, for 1, 165 7 read 1, 1657 4635, for 187 read 189 47 16, for 16 47, 70 read 16; 47,70 28, for after John read one of the 42, for 14 -, 70, 15, 43 read 14, 70 15, 43 4930, for 43, 571 read 43, 78 51 2, for 550 read 554 37, for 3, 100 read 8, 100 52 6, for 7, 5 read 17,5 1 2, for 35, 500 rend 33, 500 5344, for 25, 112 read 25, 12 54 3, for 20, 31 read 23, 31 5537, for 63, 35 read 61, S3 5627, for 16, 31 read 16, 13 43, for 16, 14 read 16, 4j Last, for 35, 535 read S3, 5S5 59 9, for 13, 23 read 13, 33 21, for 33, 54 lead 33, 541 32, for 25, 7 read 25, 6, and for 59, 48 read 59, 46 Go 12, for 39 read 29 6130, for 9, 3 read 9, 31 6213, for Isaiah lead Jonah, and for 442 read 410 G8---5, for 8, <>8 read 3, 98 11, for 2T6 read 278 6920, for 25, 7 read 25, 6 59, 46 7029, for 34, 444 read 32, 444 71 13, for 1, 53 read 2, 53 71 29 lead great will be, &c- 7 19, for 31, 332 read 31, 32? 7340, for o, 12 read 14, 74 74 17, for piomise read promised 7609, for t, 99 lead 3, 90 41, for JO, 32read 20, 32 77 3, fcir SO, 2g read 35, 29 E UK AT A. I'Ajje. Line. 77 4, for 3/i, :ti lead 36, 53 17, for Tollard's read Pollard's 7310, for 37, 55 read 57, 55 38, for provoked read provoke 80 8, for 59 6G read 57, 0(3 81 11, for feed read lead 82 SS, for the child read his child 83 15, forgive tlicir read give up their 8129, for 40; 6, 89 read 4(3, 89 34, for 9, 36r-read 9, SI r;-, 47,' for 32, 40 read 3-2, 406 86 2, for 205 read 20'2 46, for 10, 47 read 10, 49 o,- 2, for 20, 66 read 20, 60 7, for 3, 120 reads, 102 s. for 14, 69 read 14,61 o, for. 20; 8, 4* read 20 ; - ' 44, 87 25, for 15,. 47 read 15, 45 R8 17, for 9 read 10 8910, for 24, 17 read 24, 117. 9022, for 178 read 187 91 27,. for '-24, 66 read 24, 60 -. 9343, for 22, 86 read 22, 26 96 --lajit, for 21, 3p-read 21, 33 9938, for 2 1 3- -J cad 2 15 . 101-12, for 104-rcad 1<>3 102- 1 1. for 52, 34--read 52, 32 . ,1 "3-17, for 25, '22- rca, for 61, (5l--read 6l, 51 141-16, for 57^71 -read 57, 17 1 4.5- 3(3, for -13, 36- react 23, 66 115-41, for 12, 13-re;id 22, 1.'} 147--21, for2l, 27--read 20, 27 152-20, for 32, 237- read 30, '237 25, for 209 -read 219 152-last, for 85 ; 43, 79-read S5 ; 79, 133 159 22, for ll, i9--read 11, 9 161--16, for begi.ns -read begin 161-40, for.^,76-'v29, 121-read 46, 6154, 12 167--4 1, for tye--read type 17 2 --5, for .)," 19- read 51, 19 173-41, fwr 5'2, 27--read 52, 19 175--43, for 47-read 119 178--S1, for 30, 100-read 20, 100 179--1 I, for 21, 38-,-rcad 24, 124 182-43, for 584--read 548 186 40,'for 61, 7---read 61, 57 192--27, for 31, 484- read S3, 48 1 There are two pages numbered 192. The following is the second. I9i-- 17, f'" 65, 5 -read 64, 5 26, for 35, 43-read 55, 43 Last, for 35, 5 1-read 36, 51 196 --27, for 402- read 452 198-25, for imposture-read impostor 200-25, tor 4; ISO-read 4 ; 1 05 201-.-13, for 20, 57- read 20, 59 209-25, for 22-) cad 21 211-3!), fojc 9 ; 47-read9; 4,7 45, for 30, 27-read 36, 271'. <_>12 - 2, for 267 -read 269 S, foi 3, 364-read31,S64 31, for as curious inventions of the Lord-read as in- ventions of some curious head 217-last, for 19, 43--read 19, 40, 221-15, for 1, 175 read 4, 175 222 - 1, for 4, l66-read 4, 165 22-2 --SO, for 36 ; 60- read 36; 66 41, for 1, 45--readl, 43 last, for 13, 43-read 10, 43 223 - 3, for 129-read 126 ?,'!-- '21, for 14, I2--rcad 14, 10.' J7, for 35,555- -read 3, 55 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. APR 4 1988 r- i. 3 1158 01235 5506