A KINETIC THEORY OF GASES AND LIQUIDS BY RICHARD D. KLEEMAN, D.Sc. (Adelaide), B.A. (Cantab.) Associate Professor of Physics, Union College; Consulting Physicist and Physical Chemist; formerly 1851 Exhibition Scholar of the University of Adelaide, Research Student of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Mackinnon Student, of the Royal Society of London, and Clerk Maxwell Student of the University of Cambridge FIRST EDITION NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC, LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1920 K :: Copyright, 1920 BY RICHARD D. KLEEMAN BRAUNrtOHTH & CO. BOOK MANUFACTURERS BROOKLYN. N. Y. DEDICATED TO MY PARENTS PREFACE THE object of writing this book is to formulate a Kinetic Theory of certain properties of matter, which shall apply equally well to matter in any state. The desirability of such a development need not be emphasized. The difficulty hitherto experienced in applying the results obtained in the case of the Kinetic Theory of Gases in the well-known form to liquids and intermediary states of matter has been pri- marily due to the difficulty of properly interpretating molec- ular interaction. In the case of gases this difficulty is in most part overcome by the introduction of the assumption that a molecule consists of a perfectly elastic sphere not surrounded by any field of force. But since such a state of affairs does not exist, the results obtained in the case of gases hold only in a general way, and the numerical constants involved are therefore of an indefinite nature, while in the case of dense gases and liquids this procedure does not lead to anything that is of use in explaining the facts. Instead of an atom, or molecule, consisting of a per- fectly elastic sphere, it is more likely that each may be regarded simply as a center of forces of attraction and 'repulsion. If the exact nature of the field of force sur- rounding atoms and molecules were known, it would be a definite mathematical problem to determine the resulting properties of matter. But our knowledge in this connection is at present not sufficiently extensive to permit a develop- ment of the subject along these lines. But in whatever viii PREFACE With the foregoing results as a basis, and the modified definitions of the free paths of a molecule mentioned, the foundation of a general Kinetic Theory can be laid which applies to matter in any state, and which furnishes a num- ber of important formulae. These formulas may be given important extended forms containing quantities which are arbitrary in so far as they satisfy the formulae as a whole. Formulae may also be deduced along the same lines involving instead of the molecular free path the projection of the mo- tion of a molecule along a line. This projection and its period are also arbitrary in so far as they satisfy the formulae as a whole. Some of them find an interesting application in connection with colloidal solutions. The foundation of the subject may be said to be fairly complete, since it fur- nishes the structure about which further advances may be made so that the subject can be rendered more or less complete. These advances will consist largely in expressing the constants involved in the fundamental formulae in terms of the constants of the molecular forces and the molecular volume. If the formulae obtained in connection with vis- cosity, conduction of heat, and diffusion, be applied to a perfect gas, they assume the well-known forms, but the sym- bols have somewhat different meanings. The development presented is perfectly sound without involving difficult mathematics. This has, in fact, been one of the main objects kept in view. As a physicist I have often failed to see the usefulness from a physical standpoint of the extremely intricate mathematical investigations pur- porting to work out to the utmost limit the results of certain assumptions (usually in connection with molecular collision) , and which have usually led to results whose usefulness seems incommensurate with the labor involved, seeing that the assumptions are usually not likely to be true. It is desirable that there should be a simple and clearcut connection between PREFACE IX theory and experiment, and the physical side of the sub- ject has therefore been kept in prominence. The development of a general Kinetic Theory of matter will be of service in the study of chemical action, principally in connection with the constant of mass-action and the reac- tion velocity constants. On the whole the kinetic aspect of the chemical interaction of molecules apart from the thermodynamical aspect, which does not take into account the individual nature of the different effects producing a resultant whole, can only proceed along lines having such a Kinetic Theory as a basis. Thus it will readily be seen that the rapidity of a chemical reaction in a gaseous or liquid mixture must be intimately connected with the num- ber of molecules crossing a square centimeter per second in the case of each constituent. The constant of mass-action must evidently be intimately connected with the free dif- fusion path of a molecule, etc. The study of viscosity, conduction of heat, diffusion, etc., has usually been confined to pure substances and to mixtures whose constituents do not interact chemically. It would evidently be of great interest to study these effects in the case of substances partly dissociated, since the inter- acting between molecules is then influenced by chemical affinity. Further light may be thrown on the nature of this property by the application of the formulae obtained. I have previously published some investigations in various scientific journals along the lines pointed out. Since the development of a subject can only be gradual, it was necessary to modify some of these results before incorporat- ing them into this book. The other investigations in the book which more or less complete the Kinetic Theory along the lines mentioned I have not published previously. It seemed that it would be better to present the subject as a whole to the scientific public, since the various results are X PREFACE intimately connected and could therefore not be presented in detached parts without a good deal of reference to, and recapitulation of, preceding parts being necessary, to the inconvenience of the reader. The book has also been brought up to date in matters not connected with molecular collision, and has been treated in a way so that the results are connected as directly as pos- sible with the results of experiment. The properties of matter treated in this book may be said to depend mainly on the dynamical properties of mole- cules modified in most cases by the molecular forces of attrac- tion and repulsion. There is evidently, therefore, another side to the subject of the properties of matter, namely that which deals with those properties which depend in the main on the molecular forces modified in some cases by the dynam- ical properties of the molecules. Thus, for example, the internal heat of evaporation and the intrinsic pressure probably do not depend directly on molecular motion. This part of the physico-chemical properties of matter will be dealt with in a separate book under the title " Molecular Forces. " The present book may serve together with the fore- going as an introduction to the study of the purely ther- modynamical aspect of material properties. R. D. KLEEMAN. UNION COLLEGE, SCHENECTADY. March, 1919. CONTENTS CHAPTER I THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS, AND THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF A MOLECULE IN THE GASEOUS STATE SEC. PAGE 1. A Brief Historical Summary of the Development of the Kinetic Theory of Explaining the External Pressure and other Properties of Gases 1 2. A Direct Experimental Proof that Matter consists of a large number of Entities or Atoms 3 3. The Absolute Mass of an Atom determined from a Knowledge of the Electric Charge e carried by an Electron 5 4. Indirect Experimental Evidence that the Molecules of Gases and Liquids are in Rapid Motion 8 5. The Absolute Temperature; and the Equation of a Perfect Gas, and of a Mixture of Gases 11 6. The Velocity of Translation of a Molecule in a Gas from Dynamics 15 . 7. Maxwell's Law of Distribution of the Velocities of the Mole- cules of a Gas 19 8. The Average Kinetic Energy Velocity of a Molecule, and the Relation between the Kinetic Energy of a Molecule and its Absolute Temperature 27 9. The Equipartition of Kinetic Energy between the Different Molecules in a Mixture of Gases 31 10. The Number of Molecules per Cubic Cm. in a Gas 33 11. The Number of Molecules Crossing a Square Cm. in all Direc- tions from one Side to the Other in a Gas 34 12. The First Law of Thermodynamics 37 y 13. The Specific Heats of Gases and Liquids 39 14. Evidence that Molecules and Atoms are surrounded by Fields of Force 45 Molecular Interaction 48 xi 4 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER II THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES ON THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF A MOLECULE IN A DENSE GAS OR LIQUID SEC. PAGE 16. The Velocity of Translation of a Molecule in a Liquid or Dense Gas when passing through a Point at which the Forces of the Surrounding Molecules neutralize each other 51 17. The Total Average Velocity of Translation of a Molecule in a Substance 54 18. The Number of Molecules crossing a Square Cm. in a Sub- stance of any Density from one Side to the Other per Second . . 56 19. The Effect of Molecular Volume on p and n in the Case of an Imperfect Gas 57 20. The Expansion Pressure exerted by the Molecules of a Sub- stance of any Density 62 21. The Intrinsic Pressure; and the Equation of Equilibrium of a Substance 69 22. Superior and Inferior Limits of n of a Substance 74 23. Superior and Inferior Limits of V t of a Substance 75 24. The Real and Apparent Volumes of a Molecule, and their Superior Limits 77 25. Inferior Limits of n and Vt 80 26. The Equation of State of a Substance 81 27. The Conditions that the Equation of State has to satisfy 86 28. The Relation of Corresponding States 91 29. The Determination of the Quantities n, Vt, and 6, of a Sub- stance 95 30. An Equation Connecting the Intrinsic Pressure, Specific Heat, and other Quantities 103 31. The Mean Free Path of a Molecule under Given Conditions. . 106 CHAPTER III QUANTITIES WHICH DEPEND DIRECTLY ON THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION 32. The Coefficient of Viscosity of a Substance 110 33. The Viscosity Mean Momentum Transfer Distance of a Mole- cule in a Substance 113 34. Formulae for the Viscosity in Terms of Other Quantities 116 35. Formulae for the Viscosity of Mixtures 142 CONTENTS xiii BEC. PAGE 36. The Coefficient of Conduction of Heat 147 37. The Mean Heat Transfer Distance of a Molecule in a Sub- stance 148 38. Formulae for the Coefficient of Conduction of Heat in Terms of Other Quantities 150 39. Formulae for the Coefficient of Conduction of Heat of a Mixture of Substances 183 40. The Coefficient of Diffusion of a Substance 168 41. The Mean Diffusion Path of a Molecule in a Mixture . . 169 42. Formulae Expressing the Coefficient of Diffusion in Terms of Other Quantities 170 43. Maxwell's Expression for the Coefficient of Diffusion of Gases 187 CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS, AND EXTENSIONS OF THE RESULTS OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS 44. The Direct Observation of some of the Quantities depending on the Nature of the Motion of a Molecule in a Substance, and their Use 189 45. The Coefficient of Diffusion in Connection with Osmotic Pressure and the Coefficient of Mobility 196 46. Partial Intrinsic Pressures 202 47. Conditions of the Equilibrium of a Heterogeneous Mixture such as Two Phases in Contact 206 48. Osmotic Pressure expressed in Terms of the Kinetic Properties of Molecules 208 49. The Velocity of Translation of Particles undergoing Brownian Motion 210 50. The Osmotic Pressure of a Dilute Solution of Molecules and their Velocity of Translation 213 51. A Direct Determination of N, the Number of Molecules in a Gram Molecule 217 52. Formulae involving Stokes' Law 220 53. Extended Forms of the Diffusion Equations 222 54. Extended Forms of the Viscosity Equations 230 55. Extended Forms of the Heat Conduction Equations 238 56. The Constant Period Displacement Diffusion Equation and its Applications 242 57. The Constant Displacement Diffusion Equation 252 xiv CONTENTS SEC. PAGE 58. The Constant Period and Constant Displacement Viscosity Equations 255 59. The Constant Period and Constant Displacement Heat Con- duction Equations 259 60. Another Method of Determining the Total Average Velocity of Translation of a Colloidal Particle 262 61. The Distribution of the Molecular Velocities in a Substance not Obeying the Gas Laws 265 NOTE IT will be useful to give a list of the most important symbols used in a general way in this book, the kind of molecule and phase to which a symbol refers in any given case being indicated by the addition of suffixes and dashes when necessary. p = external pressure P n = intrinsic pressure P s = Osmotic pressure v = volume of a gram molecule of a substance d = external molecular volume connected with the con- centration changes of a mixture 6 = apparent internal molecular volume connected with molecular motion p = density T= absolute temperature S = specific heat n = number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second m = relative molecular weight m a = absolute molecular weight N = number of molecules in a gram molecule N with suffixes = molecular concentration V = average kinetic energy velocity of a molecule in the gaseous state V a = average velocity of a molecule in the gaseous state V t total average velocity of a molecule in any state 77 = coefficient of viscosity xv xvi NOTE C = coefficient of conduction of heat D = coefficient of diffusion 6 = rate of diffusion Z n = mean momentum transfer distance Z c = mean heat transfer distance / 5 = mean diffusion path $ = interference function K = path factor d = projection of the motion of a molecule, or its displace- ment t= period of displacement. A KINETIC THEORY OF GASES AND LIQUIDS CHAPTER I THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS, AND THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF A MOLECULE IN THE GASEOUS STATE 1. A Brief Historical Summary of the Develop- ment of the Kinetic Theory of Explaining the External Pressure and other Properties of Gases. In order to explain the external pressure, or elasticity of a gas, vapor, or liquid, it is necessary to introduce a theory, since the mechanism giving rise to this property is not evident to the eye. A purely mechanical explanation based on the observed elasticity of solid materials, or of a mass of fibrous matter, no doubt presented itself to the minds of the early physicists. But since from the earliest times some philosophers regarded matter as consisting of a number of hard, indivisible, and similar parts, it was natural that it should occur to some to explain the elasticity of a gas by the motion and consequent change of momentum of these parts. Thus Gassendi in the 17th century elaborated an atomic theory of the properties of matter based upon the assump- 2 . MOLECULAR CONSTANTS tion that all the material phenomena can be referred to the indestructible motion of atoms. He supposed that all atoms are the same in substance, but different in size and form, and that they move in all directions through space. A number of processes, in particular the transition of matter from one state to the other, were explained on this basis. Later these ideas occurred independently to other investigators, who elaborated them to a greater extent. Thus Daniel Bernoulli in his Hydrodynamica, published in 1738, pointed out that the elasticity of a gas may be explained by the impact of the particles of which it was supposed to consist on the walls of the containing vessel, and accordingly he deduced Boyle's law for the relation between pressure and volume. Later the subject was taken up by Herapath, Watertson, Joule, Kronig, and with great success by Clausius. Some time later Maxwell added some important contributions to the Kinetic Theory. In the hands of Clausius and Maxwell it developed with great rapidity and success. The subject now attracted numbers of theoretical and experimental in- vestigators who helped to perfect it theoretically, and by testing the results experimentally demonstrated the sound- ness of the underlying assumptions. Of the theoretical investigators Boltzmann should be specially mentioned. The endeavor by scientists in recent years to extend the well-known mathematical investigations of the Kinetic Theory of Gases to liquids and dense gases, supposing that molecular interaction may be represented by the collision of elastic spheres, has been almost barren of results. The object of this book, as has already been pointed out in the Preface, is to give the Theory such a form that these diffi- culties are removed, and that it accordingly applies as con- veniently to liquids as to gases. Van der Waals has already rendered important service by means of his theory of con- tinuity of state, in indicating the general nature of the relation between the pressure, volume, and temperature of a sub- THE ATOMISTIC NATURE OF a RAYS 3 stance in any state, and of two states in equilibrium with each other. In this development a knowledge of the nature of the relative distribution of matter in space is of foremost impor- tance, and therefore claims first attention. 2. A Direct Experimental Proof that Matter consists of a large Number of Entities or Atoms. This was first furnished definitely by an experiment devised by Rutherford and Geiger.* It was arranged that a particles of radium were fired through a gas at low pressure, exposed to an electric field. This gave rise to iomzation in the gas which was measured in the usual way. The amount of ionization obtained was considerably increased by in- creasing the field to near sparking value. The velocity given to the initial ions was then so large that they pro- duced further ions by collision with neutral molecules. In this way the small ionization produced by one a particle in passing through the gas could be magnified several thousand times. The sudden current through the gas, due to the entrance of a single a particle in the detecting vessel, was by this method increased sufficiently to give an easily measur- able deflection to the needle of an ordinary electrometer. Thus by limiting the number of a particles shot into the vessel by means of a stop, a succession of throws of the gal- * Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 81, p. 141 (1908); Phys. Zeit. 10, p. 1 (1909). NOTE. There existed previously a good deal of indirect evidence that matter consists of entities. Thus the law of constant proportion, and others, in chemistry could very simply be explained if this were the case. Also the formulae obtained for the viscosity, conduction of heat, of a gas, deduced from the assumption that it consists of particles of matter in motion, gave a general agreement with the facts. But each of these results might also hold on mathematical grounds without matter necessarily consisting of atoms or molecules. A definite proof of the atomistic nature of matter was therefore desirable and of impor- tance, and this was first furnished by the experiments quoted. 4 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS vanometer needle was obtained. This proved the atomistic nature of the a radiation given off by radium. Ramsay and Soddy* had previously shown that helium was produced from radium emanation, and that it is there- fore one of the products of the disintegration of radium. It was suspected that helium might consist of a particles which have lost their electric charge. This was proved by Rutherford and Roydsf who showed that accumulated a particles, quite independently of the matter from which they were expelled, consist of helium. The radioactive material was enclosed in a glass tube whose walls were so thin that they were penetrated by the expelled a particles, which were retained by a vessel containing the glass tube. The matter collected in this way was tested spectroscopically and otherwise, and found to consist of the gas helium. The atomistic nature of one of the gases was thus proved; and since different gases possess similar physical properties this result is likely to hold for all of them. Some interesting experiments by DunoyerJ may be men- tioned which can only be. reasonably explained if matter consists of entities which possess motion of translation. A cylindrical tube was divided into three compartments by means of two partitions perpendicular to the axis of the tube, each partition being pierced centrally by a small hole so as to form a diaphragm. The tube was fixed with the axis vertical and a piece of some substance such as sodium, which is solid at ordinary temperatures, placed at the bottom of the lowest compartment. The tube was now exhausted and the substance heated to a sufficient temperature to vaporize it. The vaporized particles were projected in all * Nature, 68, p. 246 (1903); Proc. Roy. Soc., A. 72, p. 204 (1903); 73, p. 346 (1904). t Phil. Mag., 17, p. 281 (1909). tComptes Rendus, 152 (1911), p. 592; Le Radium,Vlll (1911), p. 142. THE CHARGE ON THE ELECTRON 5 directions, some of which passed through the hole of the first diaphragm at various angles. Of these some passed through the hole in the second diaphragm forming a deposit on the top of the tube. This deposit was found to coincide exactly with the projection of the hole in the second diaphragm formed by radii drawn from the hole in the first diaphragm. A small obstacle placed in the path of the particles was found to form a shadow on the upper surface of the tube. The vaporized matter thus moved along straight lines, and there- fore could conceivably consist -only of particles, i.e., atoms. 3. The Absolute Mass of an Atom is Most Ac- curately Determined from a Knowledge of the Electric Charge e Carried by an Electron. For this reason, and that the accurate determination of the value of e is important in itself, a number of different principles and methods have been employed in recent years to determine this quantity with the greatest possible ac- curacy. A determination of e from radioactive data was made by Rutherford and Geiger.* The number of a particles passing into a vessel of the kind mentioned in the previous Section were directly counted, and also the total electrical charge carried by the particles determined. It was thus found that each particle carried a charge 9.3 X 10~ 10 units, and from various evidence it was concluded that this was twice the unit charge. Similar observations were carried out by Regener,f who counted the particles by noting the scintilla- tions that they produced on impinging on a diamond. The value found by him was / where i is a definite function of Fi 2 . On differentiating this equation, keeping Vi constant, and dividing the result- ant equation by /(a) /(&) -/(c), we obtain The differentiation of equation (12) under the same condi- tion gives THE COMPONENT VELOCITY PROBABILITY 25 On multiplying this equation by the undetermined multi- plier X, the foregoing two equations may be combined into the equation Since the changes da, db, and dc, are independent their factors may be separately equated to zero, giving and two similar equations involving b and c. The integra- tion of these equations gives /(a) = C\e ^ , /(&) = C\e 2 , -A c2 and/(c)=Ci6 2 , where Ci denotes an arbitrary constant whose value is infinitely small, since the probability of a certain case in an infinitely large number of possible cases is infinitely small. We may therefore write Ci = C2-da, and if besides we write ?> \fT/ we nave -( Y f(a) = C 2 e \v p l -da. Since the sum of the probability of an event happening and the probability of it failing is equal to unity, we have for all possible cases ( */-oo C 2 I e W -da=l, the integral expressing the sum of all the probabilities. Similarly we have ( J-co C 2 e <#>=!, 26 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS which on multiplying by the preceding equation becomes /* r* _oH-6_2 C 2 2 e v p * -da-db=l, J -&J- or C 2 2 V P 2 ( ( e- (x * + ^dx-dy=l, J &J-V) if we write a/V p = x and b/V p = y. If x and y are now regarded as coordinates in a system of rectangular coordinates they may be transformed into polar coordinates by writing x 2 +y 2 = r 2 and dx'dy = r'dr-d(}>, which transforms the foregoing integral into C 2 2 V 2 2 C C" e- r2 Jo Jo and hence C 2 = - Accordingly 1 ( b Y -da, /(6) = -*e-^-J . d b, V p Vir 1 -(-^-Y and the probability that the three components a, b, and c, occur simultaneously is therefore 1 To obtain the probability of the occurrence of a certain velocity Vi let us as before take a, 6, and c, as coordinates, in which case THE DISTRIBUTION OF MOLECULAR VELOCITIES 27 and da-db'dc=Vi 2 -dVi' smO-dft-dcf), where denotes the angle between V\ and the c axis, and the angle between the a axis and the projection of V\ on the (a, 6) plane. The probability of a velocity V\ having a definite direction is therefore 1 -(^lY >/ FI -dVi- sin Q-d8'd. 7T The probability independent of any direction is obtained on integrating with respect to 6 from to TT, and with respect to $ from to 27r, which is taking into account all possible directions. This can easily be shown to give which expresses the probability that a molecule has a veloc- ity lying between Vi and V \-\-dV\. The fraction of N molecules possessing this velocity is then immediately given by equation (9), which completes the proof. It will easily be seen that the average velocity of trans- lation of a molecule depends on the nature of the distribu- tion of the velocities amongst the molecules. But the aver- age kinetic energy of a molecule is independent of this distribution, as will appear from the next Section. 8. The Average Kinetic Energy Velocity of a Molecule, and the Relation between the Kinetic Energy of a Molecule and its Absolute Temperature. If Ni molecules in a cubic cm. of a gas have a velocity Vi t and N2 molecules a velocity V2, etc., where Ni+N 2 + . . N n =N c , 28 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS the total number of molecules in the cubic cm., the average kinetic energy of a molecule is given by , (NiV 1 *+N 2 V2 2 + . . . N n V n *\ *(- Nl +N 2 +...N n - J' where m a denotes the absolute mass of a molecule. This expression for the kinetic energy may also be written where V will be called the average kinetic energy velocity of a molecule, and is given by AW-f \ tfi +N 2 V 2 *+ . . . N n V n 2 . . .N n This velocity is evidently not equal to the average velocity V a , which is given by _N 1 V 1 +N 2 V 2 + . . .N n V r N l +N 2 + . . . N n It can be shown that the velocity V is independent of the distribution of the molecular velocities. Thus if pi denote the partial pressure of the N\ molecules having a velocity Vi, and p 2 the partial pressure of the N 2 molecules having a velocity V 2 , etc., the total pressure p of the gas is given by But according to equation (6) MOLECULAR ENERGY, TEMPERATURE, AND MASS 29 and pn =^-X 2 , and hence This equation, which is same as equation (6), expresses V in terms of p and m aj and it is therefore independent of the distribution of molecular velocities. The kinetic energy of a gram molecule of molecules in the gaseous state therefore becomes = T = yT= 1.247 Xl&T ergs, . . (13) by the help of equation (8). The average kinetic energy of a single molecule, which is 1/N, or 1/6.2X10 23 , the fore- going value, is therefore equal to (14) The values of R and N used are given in Sections 5 and 3. Thus the average kinetic energy of a molecule, whatever the distribution of molecular velocities, is simply proportional to the absolute temperature, and thus independent of molec- ular mass. It will be of interest to obtain the connection between the average kinetic energy velocity V of a molecule and its most probable velocity V p according to Maxwell's law. The number of molecules of N c molecules in a cubic cm. whose velocities lie between FI and V\+dV\ at any instant is equal to INcVi 2 (IiV , v e-( Vp )-dV, 30 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS according to the preceding Section. The pressure these molecules exert is obtained by multiplying this expression by -~^li 2 , according to equation (6). Therefore on inte- o grating the foregoing product from Vi = Q to FI = QO we obtain the total pressure p exerted by the molecules, that is IWaNcV* C^ 4 - I x 4 e~ x 3V 7T JQ ~ x -dx 3V7 since e x -dx=- , where p denotes the density. On Jo * comparing the foregoing value of p with that given by equa- tion (6) we obtain /Q\ = (l) or the average kinetic energy velocity is about 23% greater than the most probable velocity. The relation between V and V a is obtained from a comparison of the foregoing equation and equation (11), which gives 8,, Thus the average velocity is about 92% of the average kinetic energy velocity. In the case of a mixture of gases of molecules r and e the total pressure p is given by e 2 . 1 THE EQUATION OF A GASEOUS MIXTURE 31 on applying equation (6)*, where p e and p r denote the par- tial pressures, N e and N r the partial concentrations, m ae and m a r the absolute molecular weights, and V e and V r the average kinetic energy velocities of the molecules e and r respectively. If the temperature of each set of molecules is the same an application of equation (8) to the foregoing equation gives where N er denotes the total concentration of the molecules per cubic en., and m e /m a e=nir/mar=N the number of mole- cules in a gram molecule of a pure substance. , This equation, which is the same as equation (5), agrees with the facts, showing that when two gases are mixed they rapidly assume the same temperature. This would arise in part through both gases being in contact with the vessel whose tempera- ture they would gradually assume, in other words, the vessel usually being a conductor of heat would act as an intermediary in adjusting the gases to the same temperature. The question then arises, would an equalization of tempera- ture take place through the interaction of the molecules alone, and what is the distribution of velocities when the two sets of molecules in some way or other have acquired the same temperature? This will be discussed in the next Section. 9. The Equipartition of Energy between the Different Molecules in a Mixture of Gases. When two sets of molecules of different kinds at different temperatures are mixed, the average kinetic energy of each molecule of each set, according to the Law of Equipartition of Energy, eventually becomes the same through molec- * We may do this since each set of molecules acts independently. 32 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS ular interaction, and the corresponding distribution of the molecular velocities at any instant is the same as if the gases were isolated. This law is usually proved, or attempts are made to prove it, from purely dynamical considerations in treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. The analysis is very intricate, and the suppositions introduced are not unobjectionable. The subject has always attracted a good deal of attention from mathematicians with the object of putting the proof on a sounder basis. In the earlier develop- ment of the subject the investigations of Maxwell and Baltzmann are pre-eminent. The dynamical proof of the law usually depends on the assumption that the molecules consist of perfectly elastic spheres not surrounded by fields of force, and that the equipartition of energy is solely caused by molecular collision. As a matter of fact in practice the equipartition would be caused in other ways if not caused by molecular collision. Thus we know from experience that a mass of a hot gas located in a colder gas radiates heat to the latter till the temperature is equalized. A well-known example of this is the radiation manifested by the hot air rising from a fire, or from a furnace. This shows that each individual mole- cule in a gas is continually radiating heat energy whose amount per second depends on its kinetic energy. There- fore if two sets of molecules at different temperatures are mixed heat will be radiated from one set of molecules to the other till the average kinetic energy of each molecule is the same, or the two sets of molecules have the same tempera- ture, as would be the case if the two sets of molecules were separate but adjacent to each other. It will follow then from Section 7 that after temperature equilibrium has been obtained the distribution of velocities in each set of mole- cules is the same as if it were isolated. It seems unnecessary and futile, therefore, to endeavor to establish the Law of Equipartition of Energy on assumptions EQUIPARTITION OF ENERGY 33 relating to the interaction of molecules, when the law fol- lows directly from the fact that a molecule is continually radiating heat energy. Although equipartition of energy would be brought about as indicated, it is very likely that it would also be brought about by the collision of elastic spheres, since it follows from mechanics that on the average two colliding bodies of different kinetic energies have their energies more evenly distributed after collision. In fact, every kind of interaction between two molecules, whether by " collision," or through the molecular forces of attrac- tion and repulsion, has on the average the effect of redis- tributing the kinetic energy in favor of the body possessing the lesser energy. A definite mathematical proof that equipartition of energy may take place along these lines is difficult on account of having to deal with a large number of molecules possessing different velocities, each of which interacts some time with one or more molecules, and it is therefore necessary to show that equilibrium in energy partition exists after an infinite time beginning from an in- definite state of affairs. 10. The Number of Molecules per Cubic Cm. in a Gas. According to equation (5) the number N c of mole- cules per cubic cm. of a gas is given by where N and R are given in Sections 3 and 5. Hence if two different gases possess the same temperature and pressure each contains the same number of molecules per cubic cm. This result is known as Avogadro's Law. It follows also that two gases at different temperatures con- tain the same number of molecules per cubic cm. if the ratio p/T has the same value for both. It will appear 34 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS from Section 5 that these results also hold for mixtures of gases, in which case p denotes the sum of the partial pressures. The foregoing equation may also be written , (16) m m according to equation (5), from which it follows that two gases not necessarily at the same temperature contain the same number of molecules per cubic cm. if they have the same values for the ratio p/m. Since the molecules possess motion of translation this leads us to the consideration of another quantity. ^ 11. The Number of Molecules Crossing a Square Cm. in all Directions from one Side to the Other in a Gas. This number is of importance, since it is one of the funda- mental quantities occurring in the different formulae relating to a gas. It can be expressed in terms of quantities which can be measured directly, and hence its numerical value obtained when desired. We will see in Section 29 that its value can also be found in the case of a liquid. It will be convenient first to obtain the number corresponding to the supposition that the molecules move parallel to three axes at right angles to each other. We have seen that this suppo- sition may be made when dealing with the connection between the velocity of translation of the molecules and the pres- sure which they exert. Let no denote the number of mole- cules crossing a plane one square cm. in area per second in one direction situated at right angles to one of the foregoing axes. It follows then that THE PRESSURE FACTORS OF A MOLECULE 35 where V a denotes the average velocity of a molecule, N c the molecular concentration, and p the density of the gas. To prove this we may suppose that we are dealing with a single cubic cm. of gas whose faces are parallel to the axes mentioned, in which case a molecule having a velocity V x will cross it V x /2 times in one direction per second. There- fore if there are Ni, N2, Ns . . . , molecules having respec- tively the velocities Vi, 2, V$ . . . , we have N e (N l Vi+NjV 2 +. .} N c V 61 N c j 6 Another expression for no whic,h is very useful may be obtained. The pressure p in dynes exerted by a gas may be written (18) where A represents an appropriate factor, which has other important applications which will be found in Section 20. The value of the quantity A may be determined by substi- tuting in the foregoing equation successively for the quan- tities p, no and V a , assuming that V a = V, from the equations (17), (8), and (4), giving (19) where w a /m=1.6lXlO~ 24 , the absolute value of the mass of a hydrogen atoin. Let us now consider the case when the molecules are moving in all directions. Let a point 6 be taken on a plane abc in the gas, Fig. 2, arid a sphere of radius r described round it. The molecules passing through the point 6 strike the surface of the sphere at right angles, and let us therefore 36 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS suppose that their number corresponds to S molecules entering the sphere per second per cm. 2 of its surface. The number of molecules impinging on a circular belt of the sphere of breadth r-dd, and radius r cos. 6 is therefore 2irr 2 S cos dO. The force exerted by a molecule impinging on the plane abc at an angle 6 is proportional to its component velocity at right angles to the plane according to equations (17) and (18), and thus according to equation (18) equal to ^ A, or sin 0-A. Hence the molecules entering the abc FIG. 2. upper hemisphere, which lie in the solid angle TT, on impinging on the point b exert the force ( 2 2Trr 2 SA sin 0- cos 6~de=Trr 2 SA. Jo If u denotes this number of molecules we have u = 2irr 2 S, and the pressure exerted may therefore be written u-A/2. Hence if n denotes the number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other in all directions, the pressure p of the gas is given by . . ,'(20) CORRECTION FACTORS FROM MAXWELL'S LAW 37 This equation may be used to find n. The equation may also be written in the form (21) by means of equations (19) and (4), where v denotes the volume of a gram molecule of molecules. In the foregoing investigation we have assumed that V a =V, or the average velocity of translation of a molecule is equal to the average kinetic energy velocity. But this is not the case according to Section 8. According to Max- /~8~ well's law V a =+V=.922V. If this is accepted and taken \O7T into account the value of A is 5.521 XlQ~ 20 VTm, or 1.085 times that given by equation (19). In subsequent investi- gations we shall, however, use the value of A given by equation (19). The necessary change if desired can always be readily made. The value of n given by equation (21) is corrected accord- ing to Maxwell's law by multiplying the right-hand side /~8~ of the equation by */*-i or by .922. Since a molecule in motion represents a certain amount of kinetic energy, general energy considerations will be of interest and importance. 12. The First Law of Thermodynamics. According to this law energy is indestructible. Since the expenditure of energy on a substance is accompanied by a change in temperature heat represents a form of energy. The amount of change in temperature depends on the heat capacity, or the specific heat, of the substance. By defini- tion the heat capacity of water between the temperatures 38 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS 14.5 C. and 15.5 C. is unity, and the amount of heat ab- sorbed corresponding to this change in temperature is called a calorie. Other definitions of the calorie have been pro- posed, but the foregoing is mostly used. The units of heat capacity and mechanical work are quite arbitrary, and there- fore a factor according to the above law should exist which would enable heat units to be converted into mechanical units, and vice versa, that is, if W denotes the amount of work in ergs expended to produce an amount of heat Q in calories, the relation between the two quantities is expressed by the equation W = JQ, where J denotes the factor in question. The first law of thermodynamics was first enunciated by Mayer in 1842, who obtained a value for J from the dif- ference between the specific heats of air at constant pres- sure and at constant volume, which is equal to R/J accord- ing to the next Section. The value obtained is not very accurate on account of the existence of the Joule-Thomson effect according to which a certain amount of work is done in overcoming molecular attraction during the expansion of a gas. But it would have been possible to obtain a much better value by this method by using the gas at a tempera- ture and pressure for which the Joule-Thomson effect is zero; the method has, however, now been superseded by others. In 1843 Joule began a series of classical experi- ments to test the law from different aspects, the best values of J being obtained from the experiments on the agitation of liquids. More recently J has been determined from the heating produced by an electric current. In the Recuiel de Constants Physiques (Gauthier-Villars, 1913) published under the auspices of the Societe Frangaise de Physique, its most probable value is taken to be J=4.184X10 7 . THE TMOLECULAR KINETIC AND INTERNAL ENERGY 39 We may now consider more closely the nature of heat capacity of substances. 13. The Specific Heats of Gases and Liquids. The specific heat of a perfect gas at constant volume consists of the sum of the changes in kinetic energy of motion of translation and internal molecular energy per degree change in temperature. If the specific heat is ex- pressed in calories, the first term is equal to 3R/2J for a gram molecule according to the preceding Section, and equation (13); the second term may be written ( ^), \ ol / v where u a denotes the internal molecular energy per gram molecule expressed in terms of calories. Hence if S' v and S v denote the specific heats per gram molecule and per gram respectively we have .. ..... (22) and i (23) If the pressure of the gas is kept constant during the change of temperature additional heat is absorbed in doing the external work ^(-^) expressed in calories, which is J \51 IP equal to R/J according to equation (4). Therefore if S' P and S p denote the specific heats at constant pressure per gram molecule and per gram respectively we have *--+(!), ...... and S' P , ...... . . (25) 40 where that and THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS a perfect gas. It follows then \~8TJ VS7V R :,= 7 , S' C 3R dUg (26) (27) In the special case that becomes =1.666. =0 the foregoing equation It will be instructive to consider the ratio of the specific heats for a number of gases at C. given in Table II. It TABLE II Substance. Formula. S 'P SV Mercury Hg 1 666 Argon A 1.667 Carbon monoxide CO 1 403 Carbon dioxide CO 2 1311 Ethelene C 2 H 4 1.245 Propane C 3 H 8 1.153 Methyl ether C 2 H 6 O 1 107 Ethyl ether C 4 Hi O 1 097 will be seen that for the mon-atomic gases argon and mercury the ratio is practically the same as that given by the fore- going equation, and that therefore for these gases ( ~ ) = 0, i.e., the kinetic energy of motion of translation only changes with change of temperature. This does not, however, hold INTERNAL ENERGY AND MOLECULAR COMPLEXITY 41 when the molecules of the gas consist of two or more atoms, in a general way the deviation of this ratio from the value 1.666 increases with the complexity of the molecule. This is what we would expect since a change in temperature increases the violence of molecular collision through the increase of velocity of translation, which would give rise to an increase in the velocity of rotation of each molecule, changes of the atomic configuration through collision and increased velocity of rotation, etc. It will be instructive to calculate the value of ( ^) \l/9 in the case of one of the complex gases say ether. We have 5R (duA 2/+U7V, and therefore . QR 2J ' fSua\ 17. \8Tj v 2 and thus the heat absorbed in changing the molecular internal energy is very much greater than the heat 3R/2J absorbed in changing the kinetic energy of motion of trans- lation, or in doing the external work R/J on carrying out the heating at constant pressure. The values of ( -^ j thus vary very much with the complexity of the molecule. The ratio of the two specific heats of a gas, it may be pointed out, can be determined with a much greater accuracy than either of these quantities separately from measure- ments of the velocity of sound V s which is given by the equation 42 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS where p and p denote the pressure and density of the gas. The value of V s for any given gas may be determined in the laboratory by measuring the wave length X in a Kundt's tube corresponding to a musical note of known frequency n, these quantities being connected by the equation V s = n\. It may be noted that since sound consists of the propagation of waves of compression and rarefraction, the velocity with which they travel is closely connected with the velocity of translation of the molecules. The specific heat S'a at constant volume per gram mole- cule of a liquid, or gas not obeying Boyle's law, is expressed by the equation where U e denotes the heat absorbed in internal energy changes on allowing the substances to expand at constant temperature till its volume is infinite. This equation may be proved by passing the substance through a cycle and equating to zero the internal work done. Thus on expand- ing the substance at constant temperature till its volume is infinite, and then raising the temperature of the resultant gas by 5T at constant volume, the internal work U e +S' v - 5T is done. On compressing the substance to its original vol- ume at constant temperature, and lowering its temperature by dT at constant volume, the internal energy changes by U e dUeS'vr8T. On equating the sum of the internal energies to zero equation (28) is obtained. If the equation of state (Section 26) of the substance under consideration is known the value of I ^j can at once be calculated. According to thermodynamics A (6p\ SV)T \STJ,- P ' SPECIFIC HEATS UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS 43 where U denotes the total internal energy of a substance of volume v, temperature T, and pressure p. On multiplying this equation by dv and integrating it between the limits v and infinity we obtain -u.-u.-r. = The right hand side of this equation may be evaluated by writing the equation of state in the form p = term has then to be replaced by the term 3R _ 2j'd (\ -^) has to be replaced by the term 51 /v HN S \ 44 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS where H denotes the heat of formation of a gram molecule of molecules. Equations (22) and (24) are accordingly re- placed by the equation 8u a \ _Ns(8H\ _H(8N S \ dTj, W\*TJ. N\WJ,' and the equation obtained by substituting S' p , ( ^) , \ ol I v for S f c , (-TT) in the foregoing equation, and adding the In the case of a mixture of substances it is useful to define the quantity partial specific heat. Thus if S er denotes the internal heat capacity at constant pressure of a mixture of molecules e and r, it may be written (32) where S e denotes the internal specific heat associated with the molecules e, and S r that associated with the molecules r. This equation may also be written S er = N'rS r +N' e S e , ..... (33) where N' T and N' e denote respectively the numbers of mole- cules r and e in the mixture, and s r and s e the specific heats of a molecule r and of a molecule e respectively. The change in heat capacity that the mixture undergoes on adding a small number of molecules say of r, is expressed by differentiat- ing the foregoing equation with respect to N' r , giving THE PARTIAL SPECIFIC HEATS OF MIXTURES 45 Now the value of s r of a molecule r depends on the nature and relative positions of the surrounding molecules, and the same holds for s e . These conditions will evidently be altered to a vanishing extent by the addition of a small number of molecules r to the mixture, and therefore very (\ / \ -r^r) and (-TT^-) are equal to zero. .ON r/P \ON r/P The foregoing equation then gives t), w and thus s r can be determined by measuring (-^Trr) The value of s e may now be determined from equation (33), or in the same way as s r . In the latter case the values of s r and s e obtained should make equation (33) vanish, and in this way therefore the accuracy of the determinations may be tested. It may be mentioned here that the matter in Sections 30 and 39, has a bearing on specific heats. The quantity U e in the foregoing equations has in prac- tice a finite value depending on the temperature, unless the substance behaves as a perfect gas, in which case the quantity is zero. It appears, therefore, that on changing the temperature of a substance not obeying the gas laws, a part only of the heat energy absorbed is converted into kinetic energy of translation of the molecules. The remaining part is expended in other ways, most probably in overcoming the attraction between the molecules, evidence of the existence of which will now be considered. 14- Evidence that Molecules and Atoms are sur- rounded by Fields of Force. There is a good deal of evidence that molecules and atoms are surrounded by strong fields of force which decrease 46 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS rapidly in intensity from the center outwards. The internal heat of evaporation L of a liquid, for example, represents almost entirely work done against these forces during the separation of the molecules. We may write accordingly where IJ\ U% denotes the change in potential energy of the liquid during evaporation due to the molecular attrac- tion, and HI u u the change in internal energy of the mole- cules. The free kinetic energy of the molecules is not altered during the process of separation according to Section 21, and hence u\ u a represents the change in molecular energy due to changes in atomic configuration and velocity of molec- ular rotation. It is likely to be small in comparison with U\ Us, the work done against molecular attraction. When the volume of a dense gas not obeying Boyle's law is increased at constant temperature, a larger amount of heat is absorbed than corresponds to the external work done. The explanation is the same as in the case of the evaporation of a liquid. The forces in question are appreciable over much greater distances of separation of the attracting molecules than of the order of the distance of separation in the liquid state, i.e., 10 ~ 8 cm. This is shown by the Joule-Thomson effect. On passing a stream of gas at a volume v per gram and pressure p through a porous plug on the other side of which the gas has a volume v f and pressure p f the temperature of the stream emerging from the plug is not the same as that entering it. If the gas does not obey Boyle's law p'v' is not equal to p v, and a part of the temperature change is accounted for by the external work done in the process, which is equal to p'v' p v. This can evidently at once be calculated. The other part of the temperature change is accounted for by the work necessary to separate the molc- < -i ilcs against their molecular forces during their passage THE JOULE-THOMSON EFFECT 47 I I through the porous plug, which is done at the expense of their kinetic or heat energy. The temperature change is usually negative, but it may also be positive, depending on the values of p, p', v, and v'. In the first case energy is required to separate the molecules, and hence attraction is the paramount force, while hi the second case work is done on the molecules, and the paramount force is therefore > repulsion. The change in internal molecular energy during the process, represented by u\ u a , is probably negligible. Thus we see that forces of attraction and repulsion exist i between molecules whose relative magnitudes depend upon | the distances of separation; and the resultant force may therefore be represented by the sum of at least two terms, one representing attraction and the other repulsion, the value of the attraction term decreasing according to the nature of the internal heat of evaporation of a liquid and the foregoing experiments more rapidly with the distance of separation of the molecules than the repulsion term. At the absolute zero of temperature the molecules of a substance have no kinetic energy of translation. It is fairly certain that the volume of the substance under those condi- tions is not zero. There exists therefore very probably another repulsion term in the law of force counteracting the attraction term for very small distances of separation of the molecules, in which case the apparent volume of the substance would not vanish at the absolute zero. The considerations in the foregoing paragraph discard the notion of molecular volume. It is important in this connection to note that the volume associated with matter manifests itself to us only by resistance to force; and mole- cules may therefore be, and probably ought to be, simply regarded as centers of force. The fact that the apparent volume of a molecule depends on external conditions such as the temperature. -etc., appears to show that this view ought to be taken. (See Sections 19, and 24.) 48 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS It follows from the foregoing considerations that as a first approximation the force of attraction between two molecules may be represented by an expression consisting of the sum of three terms, one of which has a positive and the remaining two negative signs. The numerical value of one of the negative terms decreases more rapidly with the distance of separation of the molecules than the value of the positive term, while the value of the other negative term decreases less rapidly. The value of the last-mentioned term will thus be predominant for large distances of separa- tion of the molecules, giving rise to a repulsion between them which shows itself as a heating effect in Joule-Thomson experiments. The value of the other negative term will be predominant for close distances of approach of the molecules, giving rise to a repulsion between them which shows itself as an apparent volume of the molecules. For intermediate distances of separation of the molecules the positive term will be predominant and the force one of attraction. It is obvious that the effect of the molecular forces on the properties of a substance as a whole arises through their effect on the relative motion of the molecules. This leads us to consider the influence of one molecule upon the motion of another in a substance. 15. Molecular Interaction. In treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases molecules are usually supposed to consist of perfectly elastic spheres having no fields of force surrounding them. The interaction of the molecules would then consist simply of collisions. This is no doubt far from being the case in practice, accord- ing to the previous Section. If molecules and atoms consist simply of centers of force it would be hard, if not impossible, to define what is meant by a collision. The mathematical THE COMPLEXITY OF MOLECULAR INTERACTION 49 investigations based on molecular collision may therefore lead to results having little to do with the actual facts. It appears therefore that the proper development of the subject should be along lines which do not involve molec- ular collision. This will be emphasized by a consideration of the gen- eral nature of the interaction of two molecules when the law of force of interaction is of the nature described in the previous Section. This is graphically shown in Fig. 3, which in a gen- eral way shows the paths described by a molecule having a high velocity in approaching a molecule at rest, correspond- FIG. 3. ing to different distances of the molecule at rest from the line of prolongation of the initial direction of the moving mole- cule. For small values of these distances the path of the molecule will be mainly affected by the repulsion existing on close approach; for greater distances the path is mainly affected by forces of attraction, which deflects the moving particle towards the one at rest; for still greater distances a slight repulsion between the molecules tends to deflect the moving molecule in the opposite direction. When both molecules are moving their paths are similar to the foregoing, the molecules then simultaneously approach or recede from each other, or move in the same direction. The nature of the path of a molecule, it will be seen, 50 THE MOLECULAR CONSTANTS depends considerably on the initial direction of motion of the molecule, and in each case is complex. In practice each path would probably be much more complex than indi- cated by Fig. 3, which does not pretend to exhibit the actual state of affairs that exists in practice, but has been drawn to give the reader merely some idea of the complexity of the motion of a molecule under the influence of another molecule. It is evident, therefore, that the effect of the molecular forces, in whatever connection, could scarcely be represented by the effect of the collision of elastic spheres. In the case of a liquid the paths of two molecules under each other's influence would be affected by the vicinity of other molecules, and would therefore be very much more complicated than those indicated by Fig. 3. CHAPTER II THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES ON THE DYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF A MOLECULE IN A DENSE GAS OR LIQUID 16. The Velocity of Translation of a Molecule in a Liquid or Dense Gas when passing through a Point at which the Forces of the Surrounding Mole- cules neutralize each other. It is often assumed, without any apparent reason, that the average velocity of a molecule in a liquid or dense gas is the same as that it would have in the gaseous state at the same temperature. But this is not likely to hold on account of the interaction of the molecules due to the existence of molecular forces. Information in this matter is obtained from considering what is meant by a thermometer indicating the temperature of a gas in which it is placed.* From the Kinetic Theory it follows that a thermometer placed in a gas assumes its temperature through being bombarded by the gas molecules. The temperature indicated does not depend on the number of molecules falling per square cm. per second on the surface of the thermometer bulb, but only on the average kinetic energy of a molecule in the gas according to Section 8. The velocity with which a mole- cule actually strikes the bulk depends, however, on the attraction exerted by its material. Therefore, if the bulb is covered with a layer of material of much greater density * R. D. Kleeman, Phil. Mag., July 1912, pp. 100-102. 51 52 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES than the bulb itself the velocity of impact may be very much increased. But the temperature indicated by the ther- mometer is not altered thereby, as we know from experiment. Thus the temperature indicated corresponds to the kinetic energy of a molecule when not, under the attraction of the thermometer bulb, or the additional velocity given to the molecule by the attraction of the bulb has no effect on the temperature indicated. Again, if a very dense solid were placed somewhere in the gas, the molecules in its zone of attraction would pos- sess a 'greater velocity of translation than outside the zone. The temperature indicated by the thermometer would, how- ever, not be altered thereby, but would correspond to the kinetic energy of the motion of translation of the gas molecules outside this zone, and the zone of attraction of the thermometer bulb, i.e., to the kinetic energy when the molecules are not under the action of any forces. The same result will also hold in the case of a liquid, or dense gas, in which case the temperature indicated by the thermometer corresponds to the velocity each molecule has when not under the action of a force, which occurs when passing through a point where the forces of the surrounding molecules neutralize each other. There are evidently num- bers of such points in a liquid which change their positions with the motion of the molecules. The velocity which a molecule has when passing through such a point is not necessarily always the same, but an average velocity may be associated with it. When the molecule is not passing through such a point hi a dense gas or liquid it is under the action of forces, and its velocity on the average is then greater (Section 17) than the foregoing average velocity. Therefore the average velocity of a molecule when not under the action of forces may be called its average minimum velocity. It is evident then that if we consider two masses of the THE AVERAGE MINIMUM MOLECULAR VELOCITY 53 same substance, one in the perfectly gaseous state and the other in the liquid state, and they possess the same tem- perature, the average kinetic energy of a gas molecule is the same as the average minimum kinetic energy of a mole- cule in the liquid state, in other words, the average kinetic energy of a molecule when not under the action of a force in a liquid or dense gas is the same as the average kinetic energy it would have in the perfect gaseous state at the same tem- perature. We may also reason in a reverse manner. A thermometer placed in a liquid indicates its temperature through being bombarded by the liquid molecules. The velocity of impact and the general nature of the bombardment may be changed without changing the temperature indicated by changing the nature of the thermometer bulb, or compressing the liquid at constant temperature. The question then arises: what is the connection between the temperature indicated and the velocity of translation of a molecule under stated conditions in the liquid? Now the velocity of a molecule that means anything definite in a liquid corresponds to its independent velocity, or the velocity when not under the action of an external force, and we must therefore endeavor to connect this velocity with the temperature indicated. Now in the case of a gas a thermometer indicates the tem- perature corresponding to the kinetic energy of a molecule when not under the action of a force. There is no reason whatever why this should not hold in the case of a liquid. We conclude, therefore, that the average kinetic energy of a molecule in a liquid under these conditions is the same as in the gaseous state at the same temperature. This result may be established in a somewhat different way. Consider two chambers having a wall in common filled with gases at the same temperature. Suppose that one-half of the common wall adjacent to one of the gases is replaced by a much denser material so that the molecules strike the 54 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES wall on that side with a greater velocity than on the other side. This change in the nature of one side of the wall will not give rise to a flow of heat from one side to the other, since this would be contrary to the laws of thermodynamics. The heat effect produced by the molecules on impinging on the wall therefore does not depend on the velocity of impact, but on the velocity when not under the action of the attraction of the wall. The foregoing result follows then in a similar way as before. We will now turn our attention to the velocity of a mole- cule at other points in a liquid than those considered. 17. The Total Average Velocity of Translation of a Molecule in a Substance. When a molecule is not passing through a point in a dense substance at which the forces of the surrounding molecules neutralize each other, its velocity is likely to differ, on account of the effect of molecular attraction and repulsion, from its velocity at such a point, which we have seen in the previous Section is the same as that it would have in the perfectly gaseous state at the same temperature. The total average velocity of the molecule, corresponding to the complete path described during an infinitely long time, is therefore likely to differ from the velocity defined as the average minimum velocity. When a substance is in the perfectly gaseous state these two velocities are evidently very approximately equal to one another, or denote approxi- mately the same thing. But evidently this cannot be the case when the density of the substance is such that the motion of the molecule is constantly influenced by the attraction and repulsion of the surrounding molecules. In fact, it can be shown* that in the case of a liquid the total average * R. D. Kleeman, Phil. Mag., July, 1912, pp. 101-103. THE TOTAL AVERAGE MOLECULAR VELOCITY 55 velocity is several times that of the average minimum velocity. Suppose that the volume of a gram of liquid is changed by a small amount at a low temperature in contact with its saturated vapor by changing the temperature. The energy spent per molecule in overcoming the molecular attraction is equal to m a -dL, where L denotes the internal heat of evaporation in ergs per gram and m a the absolute molecular weight of a molecule. The average force acting on a mole- cule during the expansion is therefore -i-w a , where x denotes dx the distance of separation of the molecules. Now x = ( j , where p denotes the density of the liquid, and the force may therefore be written 3ra a 2/3 p 4/3 -r~- We may assume without dp any serious error that on the average the expenditure of energy on a molecule during its motion of translation is proportional to the distance traversed, and the force acting equal to the foregoing value. Therefore, when a molecule traverses a distance equal to half the distance of separation of the molecules it may on the average gain or lose the amount of energy -ra a p , which corresponds to a change Z dp in velocity in cms. equal to A/3p-r-. For example, in the casfe of ether at C, P = .7362, aid g. 2.72*118X10* dp .UU14 corresponding to a change of 10 C., which gives a change in velocity equal to 1.69 X10 5 cms. /sec. of the molecule. The average minimum velocity of a molecule, which corresponds to that of a molecule in the gaseous state at the same tem- perature, is equal to 3.03 XlO 4 cms. /sec. We see therefore that the total average velocity of a molecule in a liquid may be several times that corresponding to its temperature. 56 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES It will be convenient now to connect this velocity by a general equation with a quantity which has already been discussed in connection with gases. 18. The Number of Molecules crossing a Square Cm. in a Substance of any Density from one Side to the Other per Second. If the molecules consisted in three equal streams moving at right angles to each other, and a plane one square cm. in area were taken at right angles to one of the streams, N c V t (2 X 3) molecules would cross it in one direction per sec- ond, and the same number in the opposite direction, where N c denotes the number of molecules per cubic cm., and V t the total average velocity. This expression may be obtained and along the same lines as the similar expression in equa- tion (17). If, however, the molecules move in all directions, as is actually the case, the number of molecules n crossing a square cm. from one side to the other in all directions is double the above number, that is N c V t rc = ^-. ...... (35) This may be proved by means of the geometrical considera- tions used in Section 11. The result may, however, be at once deduced from the results obtained in that Section. Thus it was shown that the pressure of a gas may be written A where n denotes, if the molecules consist of three equal streams at right angles, the number crossing a square cm. taken at right angles to one of the streams, and n denotes the number of molecules when they move in all directions, as is the case in practice. Hence it follows that n = THE INTERNAL MOLECULAR VOLUME OF A GAS 57 the result just used, which obviously does not hold only for a gas, but in general. A molecule probably does not consist of a point in space, but possesses a real or apparent molecular volume, which influences its motion and consequently the properties of the substance of which it forms part. This effect will be first considered in connection with a gas. 19. The Effect of Molecular Volume on p and n in the Case of an Imperfect Gas. We have seen in Section 6 that the effect of the volume of the molecules of a substance is to increase its external pressure from that it would have if the molecules possessed no volume. The effect of a molecular volume is evidently to decrease the space available for molecular motion of translation. It is therefore equivalent to supposing that the molecules are devoid of volume, and that the volume of the substance (as a whole) is decreased by an amount b, as is shown by means of a diagram in Fig. 4. This quan- tity is the apparent volume of the molecules connected with molecular motion. The external pressure p in this case might thus be written in conformity with the equation p = RT/v of a perfect gas, where v refers to a gram molecule of molecules. It will not be difficult to see that this result will also hold if the apparent volume of the molecules is caused by molecular forces of repulsion, which do not permit an ap- proach of two molecules beyond a certain distance. If the molecules of a gas consist of a number of hard elastic spheres not surrounded by fields of force, their vol- ume would not interfere with their velocity of translation, 53 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES which would simply correspond to the temperature of the gas. This will be made clear by an inspection of Fig. 4 according to which a set of molecules possessing molecular volume of the foregoing kind move in the space v with the same velocity as if they were devoid of volume and moved in the space v b. Equality of velocities is necessary in the two cases since the external pressures are the same. Since the molecular forces may give rise to an apparent volume of the molecules as well as affect their velocity of FIG. 4. translation, the foregoing considerations suggest a defini- tion of molecular volume which is quite definite and applies to all states of matter. Thus the apparent molecular volume of a substance may be defined as the quantity associated with the molecules whose magnitude affects the external pressure of the substance at constant -temperature and vol- ume, but does not affect the average velocity of translation of the molecules. The latter property is expressed by the equation THE MOLECULAR VOLUME AND VELOCITY 59 where V t denotes the average velocity of translation, and b the apparent volume of the molecules. The velocity V t is a function of the temperature and therefore 5VA /SVA / 56 \ /SFA _ /SVA P/i \8b/T, v (dT/^ \5T)6.,~\8T)* t ,' by the preceding equation. It is also a function of the volume and therefore /5VA /5FA /6\ /SFA = /*FA V to /r \dbJ T ,v \dv/ T \5v J T ,b \dv J T t i>' These equations express the relations between V t and 6 according to the above definition of b. It should be carefully noted that 6 is a perfectly definite mathematical quantity, though there might be some diffi- culties in defining the exact nature and geometrical con- figuration of the real, or apparent, volume of a single mole- cule. The apparent volume of a molecule, whatever its cause, is likely to change little if at all with the density of the substance. The value of 6 may therefore without the risk of introducing any serious error be taken constant over small changes in density. This is very useful in the determina- tion of the values of 6 from simultaneous equations, as is carried out in Section 29. The value of 6 would vary with the temperature if caused by forces of repulsion between the molecules. Thus two molecules moving towards each other in a substance along the same straight line continue approaching each other until their kinetic energy of translation is completely trans- formed into potential energy of repulsion, after which they retrace their path. Hence a nearer approach must take place with an increase of temperature, which corresponds to an increase in kinetic energy, and a corresponding decrease in the value of b would result. 60 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES It will be evident on reflection that the forces of attrac- tion and repulsion between two molecules might be changed at constant temperature and volume so that V t remains the same, in which case a change in b may result, or so changed that 6 remains the same, in which case a change in V t may result. This shows that the definition of b given is admissible. A change in temperature or density of a substance may evidently result in a change of both b and V t . The fore- going equations then express that whether or no b changes, the changes in V t are the same as if b remained constant. It can be shown that n, the number of molecules passing through a square cm. in one direction per second, is inde- pendent of the apparent volume of the molecules, since the velocity of translation is also independent of this quantity. Let us suppose that we are initially dealing with molecules devoid of volume, and to which is then given an apparent volume b. We may then suppose that the resultant mole- cules possess no volume and occupy the volume v b of the volume v for motion of translation. If N c denote the number of molecules per cubic cm. when the gas occupies the volume v, the number when it occupies the volume vb is N c v/(vb). The number of molecules crossing a square cm. per second is accordingly changed from n to nv/(v b), since the velocity of translation remains unaltered, where n corresponds to the molecules having no volume and occupying as a whole the volume v. But in practice the molecules with their apparent volumes would be distributed throughout the volume v, instead of being separated from their volumes as shown in Fig. 4, and the number of mole- cules crossing a square cm. per second is therefore equal to the foregoing expression reduced in the ratio of v b to v, which makes it equal to n, the value when the molecules have no volume. This result can be very simply deduced from equation (35). If the apparent volume b of the molecules is changed THE MOLECULAR VOLUME AND GAS PRESSURE 61 without changing V t , by definition n remains constant according to this equation, and it is thus independent of the volume of the molecules. This method of obtaining the result is perhaps not so instructive as the preceding one. The result is mathematically expressed by the equation () =- \db/ T,V By means of this equation and the Differential Calculus it can be shown, similarly as in connection with the quan- tity V t) that 5n\ /5n\ /dn\ S5n and These equations express the relations between n and 6 according to its definition. If the molecules of a gas were devoid of volume and molec- ular forces the laws of a perfect gas apply, and the external pressure p of the gas may then be written according to equation (20) in Section 11. The acquisition of an apparent volume b by the mole- cules does not change n, we have seen, but it changes the external pressure in the ratio of v to v b. Hence the external pressure of a gas under these conditions may be written Since n is defined and used in connection with the pres- sure produced by the molecules of a substance, the crossing of a plane by a molecule, if the molecules are devoid of volume, is obviously associated with the crossing of its 62 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES center of mass. This also holds when the molecules possess volume, according to the method the subject has been developed. The external pressure of a gas is equal to the expansion pressure due to the motion of translation of the molecules tending to expand the gas. But in the case of a liquid or dense gas this does not hold, due to the effect of the forces of attraction and repulsion between the molecules, and the expansion pressure of a dense substance is therefore a quan- tity requiring special consideration. 0. The Expansion Pressure exerted by the Mole- cules of a Substance of any Density. The pressure exerted by a gas in a closed vessel upon its walls is, according to the Kinetic Theory of Gases, due to the change in momentum the molecules undergo through col- lision with the vessel's walls. The velocity of translation of the molecules, the density and external pressure of the gas, are then connected by equation (7) in Section 6. This equation holds, however, strictly only if the walls of the vessel do not exert any attraction upon the molecules. It holds very approximately in the cases usually occurring in practice, in which the size of the vessel is so large that the greater mass of the gas is only slightly under the influence of the attraction of the walls. But under certain conditions this influence may be so large that the equation cited does not hold. It will be of importance to investigate this effect of molecular forces more closely, as it has a bearing on the kinetic properties of liquids. Thus let AB and CD, in Fig. 5, represent two opposite walls of a vessel, and let the planes A'B' and C'D' denote the boundaries of the zones in which the attraction of the walls is of appreciable magnitude. A molecule on entering one of the zones has its velocity increased through the attraction of the material of tt$ THE EXPANSION PRESSURE EQUATION 63 adjacent wall. Thus the molecule would exert a pull upon the wall during the whole time it is in the zone. Now it follows from the dynamical equation Ft = m a V that the aver- age pull per unit time exerted by the molecule during the time it is in the zone, is balanced by the average thrust acting in the opposite direction upon the wall during that period, due to the reversal of the direction of the additional momentum acquired by the molecule in the zone. The force exerted by the molecule upon the wall during one rebound is thus not affected by molecular attraction. The B FIG. 5. total pressure exerted by the molecules of the vessel on the wall would therefore depend only on the number impinging per square cm. per second on the wall. This number is equal to the number of molecules entering a zone per square cm. per second. It evidently depends upon the velocity of translation of the molecules outside the zones, and the number of molecules per cubic cm. in that region. If the thickness of each zone is small in comparison with the diameter of the vessel, the average velocity of translation of the molecules may be taken equal to their velocity out- side their zones. If, however, the thickness of the zone is comparable with the diameter of the vessel this no longer holds. Thus 64 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES suppose that the walls AB and CD are so close to one another that the zones of attraction of the walls overlap as is shown in Fig. 6. The attraction exerted by one of the walls would be neutralized by that of the other wall in a plane EF which lies midway between the walls. The velocity of a molecule in that plane would therefore be the same as that it would have between the planes A'B' and C'D' in Fig. 5. For according to Section 16 the velocity of translation of a mole- cule at a point where the various forces neutralize each other, is, at constant tempera- ture, the same as its velocity when under the action of no force. The velocity for all points outside of the plane EF, would, however, be considerably greater than that in the plane. The latter velocity would therefore be considerably smaller than the total average velocity. As before the attraction of the walls would not affect the force exerted by a molecule corresponding to a single rebound. But it would evidently affect the number of times a molecule crosses from one wall to the other per second. Therefore the pressure the molecules would exert upon the walls AB and CD under the conditions shown in Fig. 6 would indirectly be increased by the molecular attraction of the walls. The pressure per square cm. on each wall would accordingly be equal to nA/2, where n denotes the number of molecules crossing a square cm. per second of the plane EF from one side to the other this quantity being affected by the attraction of the walls on the mole- cules, and A/2 denotes the force exerted by a single mole- cule on rebounding from one of the walls, this quantity having the same value as when the walls possess no attrac- i i i F FIG. 6. THE EXPANSION PRESSURE EQUATION 65 tion, its value having been determined in Section 11. A similar state of affairs exists in a liquid, or in a substance which does not behave as a perfect gas, the attraction be- tween the molecules taking the place of the attraction of the foregoing walls. These deductions will now be used to find an expression for the expansion pressure P e of a substance tending to expand it, due to the motion. of translation of the mole- cules. The number of molecules n crossing a plane one square cm. in area in all directions from one side to the other, is equal to the number crossing in the opposite direc- tion. We may therefore suppose, if the molecules possess no volume, that each stream of molecules is reflected from the foregoing plane and thus exerts a pressure upon it. Hence the expansion pressure P e would be equal to the number of molecules crossing the plane in one direction multiplied by the factor A/2, which expresses the force exerted by a single molecule, which factor is the same as applies in the case of a perfect gas according to the pre- ceding investigation, that is, under these conditions, But if each molecule has an apparent volume it may exert a pressure across the plane without crossing it, and the fore- going formula has to be modified accordingly. We have seen in Section 19 that the molecular volume does not affect the value of n, but increases the expansion pressure in the ratio of v to v b. Hence in general the expansion pressure is given by 4 = n -^2.543 X W- 20 \/Tm, (38) v-b 2 where v denotes the volume of a gram molecule, and b 66 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES the molecular volume, the value of A being given by equation (19). This equation may be written (39) by means of equation (35), where V t denotes the total average velocity of a molecule, and N c the molecular con- centration. Since V= J , and ^ = m a j (Sec- \ m 2 \ m tions 6 and 11), the foregoing equation may be written by the help of the equation vN c m a = m, where V denotes the average kinetic energy velocity of a molecule, and b is taken to refer to a gram molecule 01 molecules. The foregoing equations are not corrected for the dis- tribution of molecular velocities in the gaseous state, since the function A in equation (38) , from which the other equa- tions are derived, has not been thus corrected. If this cor- rection is carried out according to Maxwell's law the right hand side of each equation has to be multiplied by ( + 1 j, or 1.085, according to Section 11. It may be noted that if the kinetic energy velocity V of a molecule in the gaseous state is eliminated from equation (40) by means of the equation F a =.9227 given in Section 8, and the equation is corrected for Maxwell's law, an equation is obtained in which V is replaced by V a the total average velocity of a molecule in the gaseous state. The equation in this form is independent of the distribution of molecular velocities when applied to the gaseous state, since then V t = V a . If a substance behaved as a perfect gas at all densities THE EXPANSION PRESSURE OF MIXTURES 67 we would have V t =V a and 6 = 0. The expansion pressure is then equal to the external pressure, according to equa- tion (40) in the corrected form where V a takes the place of V, and the gas equation. But since this is not the case in practice, for Vt>V a according to Section 17, and b is not zero according to Section 29, the expansion pressure is greater than the pressure p = RT/v. Hence there must exist a negative pressure acting in the opposite direction to the external pressure to ensure equilibrium of the sub- stance, since in practice the external pressure is usually less than RT/v. This negative pressure is called the intrin- sic pressure and is discussed in the next Section. The foregoing results may be extended to a mixture of molecules. Let us consider a mixture of two different mole- cules e and r. Since the expansion pressure of a substance is caused by the motion of translation of the molecules, and each molecule produces pressure independently, the total expansion pressure is equal to the sum of the expan- sion pressures exerted by the molecules e and r. The expan- sion pressure exerted by the molecules e is evidently equal to V e where n e denotes similarly as before the number of molecules e crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second, m e denotes the relative molecular weight of a molecule, v e may be taken to refer to the volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of molecules e, and b' e denotes the apparent volume in the volume v c which the molecules e and r appear to possess in obstructing the motion of a molecule e. Similarly the expansion pressure exerted by the molecules r is equal to n r jT-2.543 X 10- 20 VTm r , 68 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES where the symbols, v r , n r , m r , and b' r , have meanings similar to the symbols, v e , n e , m e , and b' e . The total expansion pres- sure is therefore given by (41) and its value in the case of a mixture of any number of different kinds of molecules is therefore given by . . (42) Similarly corresponding to equations (39) and (40) we have . . . (43) and " ...... <> for any number of constituents in the mixture. The fore- going equations may be corrected for Maxwell's distri- bution law similarly as before. Approximate values of b' e and b' T in equation (41) may be obtained from the values of b e and b r referring to the constituents in the pure state. The value of b' e arises from the interaction of molecules e with each other and with the molecules r, while the value of b' r arises from the inter- action of the molecules r with each other and with the mole- cules e. It is evident, therefore, that if N r denotes the concentration of the molecules r, and v e the volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of molecules e, we have approximately where N denotes the number of molecules in a gram mole- cule of a pure substance. The first term on the right-hand THE MOLECULAR VOLUME OF MIXTURES 69 side of the equation expresses the apparent molecular volume of the molecules e when a molecule e interacts with them, while the second term expresses the apparent volume of the molecules r when a molecule e interacts with them. Similarly for b' r we have approximately "N I where N e denotes the number of molecules e in a volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of molecules r. The expansion pressure P e may now be connected with other quantities. 21. The Intrinsic Pressure; and the Equation of Equilibrium of a Substance. On account of the attraction between the molecules of a liquid, or dense gas, a negative pressure is associated with it usually called the intrinsic pressure, which acts in B FIG. 7. the opposite direction to the external pressure regarded from an external point. The existence of this pressure follows from the following consideration. Suppose a sub- stance is cut into two parts A and B by an imaginary plane ab as shown in Fig. 7. If attraction between the molecules exists the parts A and B exert an attraction 70 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES upon each other which gives rise to a pressure between them. This pressure per square cm. in the plane ab is numerically equal to the intrinsic pressure, or negative pressure which the parts A and B exert upon each other. The expansion pressure P e exerted by the molecules in crossing a square cm. in the plane ab is evidently balanced by the intrinsic pressure, which will be denoted by P, and the external pressure p, that is, Pn+P = Pe ....... (45) or according to equation (38). The foregoing equation* is the equation of equilibrium of a substance. The quan- tity P n may be expressed very approximately in terms of quantities which may be measured directly, as will now be shown. The average position of a molecule in a substance cor- responds to a point about which the surrounding mole- cules are symmetrically situated. The molecular forces therefore neutralize each other at such a point. The aver- age kinetic energy of a molecule at its average position is therefore the same as that it has in the perfectly gaseous state according to Section 16. Now we may suppose that each molecule occupies its average position in a substance at the same time for purposes of calculation, for the prop- erties of a molecule in connection with its forming part of a substance are average properties. It appears then that if the volume of a substance is changed by 8v at constant temperature, the average minimum or temperature kinetic energy is not changed. Hence the heat 5U absorbed repre- * Reconstructed form of an equation given by the writer in the Phil. Mag., July, 1912, pp. 101-108. THE INTRINSIC PRESSURE EQUATION 71 sents, if np dissociation occurs as we will suppose, the work dU a done against molecular attraction in separating the molecules, and in changing their internal molecular energy by 8u m . The change in energy du m may be caused by a change in the atomic configuration of the molecules, and a change in their velocities of rotation, etc. The latter energy is very likely small in comparison with the former, in which case we have P n -5v=dU a =dU, since work is done against the intrinsic pressure during expansion. Now according to thermodynamics we have where p and T denote the pressure and absolute tempera- ture of the substance, and hence '-T-* ; {48) since by the help of the Differential Calculus /dp\ fdv\ //dv\ l/5v\ l/dv\ (ay.- - (*f),/ y r' a - w;, ^ = "fe)- where a denotes the coefficient of expansion at constant pressure, and the coefficient of compression at constant temperature of the substance. These coefficients can be measured directly and hence numerical values of P n be ob- tained. The values obtained in this way are likely to be very approximately correct, since the dissociation of the molecules with the expansion of a substance is usually negligible, and the change in internal molecular energy we would expect to be small in comparison with the work 72 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES done against molecular attraction, i.e., against the intrinsic pressure. Table III gives the values of the intrinsic pressure at different temperatures for a few liquids calculated* by TABLE III ETHER, (C 4 H 10 O). TCL tc 010 or P r n =-Q- p'atmos. atmos. 13.5 169 .001574 .7214 2669 232.3 25.4 190 .001632 .7077 2467 237.3 63 300 .001809 .6620 2026 250.0 78.5 367 .001892 .6421 1812 253.6 99 539 .001992 .6105 1375 255.2 BENZENE, (C 6 H 6 ). 15.4 87 .001215 .8840 4083 271.8 50.1 111 .001305 .8466 3796 291.6 78.8 126 .001379 .8145 3850 305.5 CHLOROFORM, (CHC1 3 ). 101 .001107 1.5264 2991 289.8 20 128 .001294 1.4885 2970 303.7 40 162 .001484 1.4503 2869 315.8 60 204 .001670 1.4108 2726 326.9 PENTANE, (C 5 Hi 2 ). 229 .001465 .6454 1747 203.5 20 318 .001589 .6262 1337 211.9 40 416 .001721 .6062 1294 219.2 60 486 .001830 .5850 1260 225.0 * R. D. Kleeman, Proc. Camb. Phil Soc., Vol. XVI, Pt. 6 (1912), p. 545. THE INTRINSIC PRESSURE EQUATION 73 means of the foregoing formula, and for comparison the r>/77 values of the external pressures p' given by p' ' which Tfl the substances would have if they behaved as perfect gases. The values of the coefficient /3 in the Table refer to the compression per atmosphere, and hence the values of P n are expressed in terms of the same quantity. The values of p' have therefore also been expressed in terms of this quantity by dividing the value of R in the gas equation (Section 5) by 10 6 . The values of a, /3, and p, were taken from Landolt and Bernstein's Tables, the values of p being unnecessary, since they are so small in comparison with those of T- p that they may be neglected. The values of P n are striking on account of their magnitude, being much greater than p', and illustrate the powerful attraction that exists between molecules for close distances of approach. Since the attrac- tion of a molecule probably increases with its mass, the magnitude of the intrinsic pressure for constant volume probably varies in a similar way. It would evidently de- crease with the density p of the substance since the attrac- tion between two molecules decreases with their distance of separation. The intrinsic pressure is evidently greater than the external pressure, and this holds therefore also for the expansion pressure P e according to equation (45), or P n >p and P e >p. Also according to this equation P e >P n , and since P n >p' according to the Table, we also have P e >p'. The result that the expansion pressure P e of a liquid is greater than the external pressure p' it would have if it behaved as a perfect gas is caused according to Section 20 by the molecules possessing an apparent volume, and that the total average velocity of a molecule is greater than the velocity it would have in the perfectly gaseous state, or that 6 >0 and V t >V a . 74 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES If the equation of state (Section 26) of a substance be known the values of a and )8 may be calculated for different temperatures and densities of a substance by means of the equations defining these quantities, or better, the value of ( -=, ) may be directly calculated and hence the correspond- \0l/t ing intrinsic pressure be obtained. It is possible now to obtain superior and inferior limits of the values of n and V t of a substance. 22. Superior and Inferior Limits of n of a Substance. It will appear from an inspection of equation (46) that a superior limit of n, the number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second, which will be written n", is obtained by supposing that the appar- ent volume of the molecules is zero, or 6 = 0, in which case the equation becomes = 2.543X10-^ The quantity P n on the right hand side of this equation, we have seen, can be calculated from quantities determined by experiment. If P n is zero, V t has the same value as if the substance were in the perfectly gaseous state, since it is independent of the apparent molecular volume (Section 19). Hence according to equations (35) and (8), the value of n under these conditions, which will be written n', is given by (50, This is an inferior limit of n since V t cannot have a smaller value than corresponding to the perfectly gaseous state, THE INTRINSIC PRESSURE EQUATION 75 Table IV contains as an illustration the superior and inferior limits of n for a few substances in the liquid state*. The values of P n used in the calculations are given in the Table III. TABLE IV ETHER PENTANE *C. Sup. Lim. of n ID- 2 *. Inf. Lim. of n 10- 2 5. t C. Sup. Lim. of n ID- 2 *. Inf. Lim. of n 10-25. 13.5 78.5 71 44 6.24 6.16 60 49 32 5.23 5.68 CHLOROFORM BENZENE 60 65 54 6.30 6.50 15.4 78.8 108 94 7.0 7.12 It will be seen that in the case of each substance one of the limits is many times that of the other, the actual value of n of course lying between the two. Since the values of P n are large in comparison with the values of p' (the external pressure a substance would have in the perfectly gaseous state (Section 21)), and the former are the outcome of molec- ular attraction which in proportion effects the velocities of translation of the molecules, and therefore the values of n, we would expect the actual values of n to lie nearer to the superior than to the inferior limits obtained. 23. Superior and Inferior Limits of V t of a Substance. These limits are obtained by substituting in equation (35) the superior and inferior limits of n obtained by the * If the values of n are corrected according to Maxwell's law they have to be divided by 1.085 according to Section 20. 76 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES method given in the previous Section. Table V gives the values obtained in this way for a few substances. For reasons stated in the previous Section we would expect that the actual total average velocity of a molecule in a substance sliould lie nearer '/o the superior than to the inferior limit. The inferior limit is the velocity when the substance is in the perfectly gaseous state. TABLE V ETHER PENTANE tC. Sup. Lim. w^: Inf. Lim. - v > w ': tc. Sup. Lim. of F, 10* 5' 1 sec. Inf. Lim. of F 104^ 1 sec. 13.5 35.7 3.10 26.4 2.83 CHLOROFORM . BENZENE 24.6 2.38 15.4 46.0 2.98 The quantities V t and n do not depend on the quantity b by definition according to Section 19. Therefore if P n and p were also independent of 6, equation (49) would give the actual value of n instead of a superior limit, while equa- tion (35) would give the actual value of V t . But p obviously depends on b (Section 19) ; it is, however, small in comparison with P n in the cases considered. Therefore if b did not depend on the molecular forces P n would be independent of 6, and the superior limits of n and V t obtained would very approximately represent the actual values of these quan- tities. There is some indirect evidence, however, with which we will get acquainted as we proceed, that b is the outcome of molecular forces, as we would expect. The mathematical definition of b was given in Section 19, but so far no information about its value and properties THE CAUSE OF INTERNAL MOLECULAR VOLUME 77 has been discussed. It will be convenient now to discuss the quantity from a certain aspect. 24. The Real and Apparent Volumes of a Molecule, and their Superior Limits. The property of volume of a substance is known to us only 'through the resistance to force: thus if two portions of matter are pressed together there is a resistance to the operation which need not be accounted for by actual con- tact taking place whatever that may mean, but by an approach of the molecules of the substances to such dis- tances that the resultant of their forces of repulsion equals the force with which the substances are pressed together. It seems unsafe therefore, and little warranted by the facts, to associate with an atom an impenetrable perfectly elastic volume of constant magnitude. There is no doubt, though, that it may be said that a volume is associated with each molecule through which the center of another molecule cannot pass, but whose magnitude depends upon external conditions. If this volume is due to the existence of forces of repulsion, as is highly probable, its magnitude will depend upon the force exerted in approaching another molecule. Thus it is evident that in the case of a gas this volume will decrease with increase of temperature, for this is attended by an increase in the kinetic energy of the mole- cules, and therefore by a decrease in the minimum distance of approach, the molecules approaching each other to a distance at which their kinetic energy is completely or partly converted into potential energy of repulsion. It seems futile, therefore, to expect to obtain a constant value for the quantity in question since it varies with the external conditions, which often are not altogether known. The best we can hope to obtain is the order of magnitude of the quantity, which is likely to be always the same. 78 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES The apparent volume of a molecule, or of a gram mole- cule of molecules, which was investigated in Section 19, is, however, a perfectly definite mathematical quantity. But its connection with the "real volume," whatever that may mean, cannot be ascertained with certainty, if at all, since the apparent volume would depend on the geometrical configuration of the "real volume." Thus for example, Van der Waals has shown that if the "real volume" of a molecule consists of an impenetrable sphere, the apparent volume is four times that of the "real volume." Now if the apparent volume is caused by forces of repulsion between the molecules, it is difficult, if not impossible, to define exactly what is meant by the "real volume," and therefore to deter- mine its magnitude. It will be evident on reflection that the "real volume" of a molecule is not exactly the volume through which another molecule will never pass. The volume occupied by a molecule, or associated with a molecule, at absolute zero, is of special interest in this connection. Since at that temperature the molecules have no motion of translation each will take up a position so that the forces of attraction and repulsion acting upon it balance each other, in other words, since P e and p are zero P n is zero according to equation (45). The apparent and "real volume" are evidently equal to each other under these conditions. The apparent volume of a molecule at the absolute zero is likely to be greater than at a higher temperature, since the velocity of the molecules due to their temperature is likely to make the molecules approach closer to each other in opposition to their repulsion (Sec- tion 15) than they would otherwise. This volume is thus a superior limit of the apparent molecular volume for higher temperatures than the absolute zero. An approximate value of this volume at the absolute zero may be obtained from considerations involving the coefficient of expansion, or by means of Cailletet and Mathias' linear diameter THE MOLECULAR VOLUME AT THE ABS. ZERO 79 law. According to this law the densities pi and p2 of a liquid and its saturated vapor respectively are given by the equa- tion where T denotes the absolute temperature, and a and c denote constants depending only on the nature of the liquid. These constants may be determined from values of pi and P2 corresponding to two different temperatures of the liquid. At the absolute zero, or T = 0, we accordingly have pi = a, since p2 = and 7 7 = 0. As an illustration the values of v of a gram molecule for a number of substances at the absolute zero, or the values of ra/pi, and the cor- responding values of V'Q and (Vo)^ for a single molecule, are given in Table VI. It will be seen that the values of TABLE VI Substance. V c.c. V c.c. i v o V io. c.c. cv>x 108. cm. Oxygen 20.8 49.2 2.37 33.5 3.22 Nitrogen 25.0 70 2.80 40.2 3.42 Carbon dioxide Ether .... 25.5 71.7 96 280 3.77 3.91 41.1 115 3.44 4.87 Benzene Carbon tetrachloride . . Propyl acetate .... 70.6 72.2 86.2 256 276 345 3.63 3.82 4.00 114 116 139 4.84 4.88 5.18 V'Q increase with increase of molecular weight, as we would expect. The values of (i/o)** probably give the order of mag- nitude of the apparent diameter of a molecule under various conditions. The Table also gives the values of the critical volume v e , and the values of the ratio V C /VQ, which, it will be seen, lie in the neighborhood of 4. The values of VQ and v c were taken from a Table given in Nernst's Theo- retische Chemie, 7th ed., p. 234. A superior limit of b is thus v c /4. 80 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES An important application of the foregoing results may immediately be made. 25. Inferior Limits of n and V t . The results of the preceding Section enable us to obtain another inferior limit for n of a substance by means of equation (46), on writing b = v c /4i, which is a superior limit of 6. On substituting the inferior limit of n thus obtained in equation (35) it gives an inferior limit of V t . Table VII TABLE VII cms. CO 2 AT 40 C. F a = 4.165Xl0 4 - Sec. p in atmos. Inf. Lim. of n 1Q26. Inf. Lim. of v t io< ?5- 1 sec. V in atmos. Inf. Lim. of n 10. Inf. Lim. of V t 10 C *L sec. 70 3.88 4.60 94 14.4 5.94 80 5.76 4.79 100 16.4 6.24 85 8.01 5.06 112 18.7 6.63 contains the inferior limits for C02 at 40 C. calculated from the values of P n +p obtained in Section 34 and given in Table XIV. It will be seen that at constant temperature the inferior limit of Vt, the total average molecular velocity, gradually increases with increase of pressure or density of the substance, and that its value corresponding to an external pressure of 112 atmos. is about 50 per cent greater than the values of V a , the total average velocity of a molecule of the substance in the perfectly gaseous state at the same tempera- ture*. This definitely shows that the total average molec- * The values obtained for V t and V a have not been corrected for an uneven distribution of molecular velocities. According to Maxwell's Law of Distribution each value has to be divided by 1.085 according to Sections 8, 11, and 20. DENSITY AND MOLECULAR VELOCITY 81 ular velocity at constant temperature in a substance not obeying the laws of a perfect gas increases with the density, and that it may be considerably larger than the velocity when the substance is in the perfectly gaseous state. The results thus fall into line with those of Sections 16 and 17, and we will see later with those of Section 29. From this it follows that n according to equation (35) increases more rapidly with the density of a substance than proportionally to it. In the previous Sections we have mainly considered individual properties of molecules. It will be of interest and importance now to consider some properties of a sub- stance as a whole which depend on the dynamical and attractional properties of the molecules. 26. The Equation of State of a Substance. The state of a given mass of a substance according to experiment is completely defined by two variables. There- fore each of the variables of a substance may be expressed in terms of any two by means of an equation. Such a rela- tion is called an equation of state of the substance, and contains two independent variables. The most useful equation is that connecting the variables pressure, volume, and temperature. One of the equations of state is P e , ...... (51) obtained in Section 21, where p, P n , and P e denote the external, intrinsic, and expansion pressures respectfully of the substance. This equation may also be written = 2.534 X10- 20 \7X . . . (52) according to equation (38), where n denotes the number of molecules crossing a square cm. per second, and 6 the appar- 82 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES ent volume of the molecules. According to equation (40) and subsequent remarks the preceding equation may also be written (53) where V t denotes the total average velocity of a molecule of a substance for any state, V a the average velocity in the gaseous state, v the volume of a gram molecule, 6 the appar- ent molecular volume, and R the gas constant. The fore- going equations are fundamental in character, since they do not depend upon any hypothesis. If equation (52), (like (53)), is corrected according to Maxwell's law of distribution of molecular velocities in the gaseous state, the right-hand side of the equation has to be multiplied by *-, or 1.085, according to Section 20. The problem that remains to be solved in connection with the foregoing equations is to find an expression for the quantities, P e , n, V t , and 6, in terms of other quantities, particularly in terms of the quantities p, v, and T, which can be measured directly. This cannot be done without the introduction of assumptions, and therefore yields results which are likely to hold only approximately. Van der Waals has proposed the equation of state t & RT /*. *\ p+- 2 = ...... (54) where a and b are constants. On comparing this equation with equation (53) we see that P n = a/v 2 , and V t =V a . According to the latter equation the velocity of translation of the molecules is not influenced by molecular attraction. But this is inadmissible according to Sections 17, 20, and 25, nor does it hold approximately, for we will see in Section VAN DER WAALS' EQUATION OF STATE 83 29 that when a substance is in the liquid state the value of V t may be more than four times the value of V a . Thus the values of b calculated from Van der Waals' equation would be too large. Van der Waals deduced his equation from the supposi- tions that the total average velocity of a molecule is not affected by molecular attraction, or is the same as the velocity in the gaseous state, and b represents the apparent volume of a gram molecule of molecules as a whole due to a true impenetrable spherical volume being associated with each molecule. The value of b is then four times the true volume occupied by the molecules. The equation from Van der Waals as a whole, however, fairly well represents the facts, that is, the values of each of the quantities p, v, and T, may be obtained by means of it given the corresponding values of the remaining two quantities. The equation is particularly useful for such determinations on account of its simplicity. It can easily be shown that the intrinsic pressure term a/v 2 in Van der Waals' equation corresponds to attraction between two molecules varying inversely as the fourth power of their distance of separation. Thus the molecules of a substance may be divided into a number of parallel rows separated from each other by a distance xi, the distance of separation of the molecules. Therefore if A\/x s repre- sents the law of molecular attraction, the attraction of one- half of a row on the other half may evidently be written A2/x s , where A 2 represents an appropriate constant. Since l/x 2 rows pass through a square cm. situated at right angles to the rows, the attraction of the molecules in one-half of a cylinder of unit cross-section and infinite length on the molecules in the other half is given by A 2 x s+2> 84 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES and this is the intrinsic pressure. Now x\ ( ) = ( - ) , \ P/ \ wi / where p denotes the density, and v the volume of a gram molecule of the substance, and thus the intrinsic pressure may be written 4 A 3 p 3 , or - s-f-2 where A 3 and A 4 are constants. Therefore when - = 2, o s = 4. The effect of molecular attraction is, however, not so simple that it may be expressed by a single term. According to Section 14 it should contain at least two additional terms having negative signs which express repulsion between the molecules. The attraction terms are probably approxi- mately represented by the foregoing single term involving the inverse fourth power. The subject of molecular attrac- tion and its bearing on the form of the intrinsic pressure term is not of primary importance in connection with the object of this book, and will therefore not be discussed here any further but reserved for another place. For pur- poses of calculating the values of one of the variables p, v, and T, from given values of the other two variables most of the empirical equations of state answer equally well. An account of a number of them will be found in Winckel- mann's Handbuch der Physik, IT. Edition, pp. 1135-1143. Equation (53) may be given a form by means of which the values of V t and P n of a substance may approximately be calculated. The quantity V t may be taken equal to the sum of two terms, one equal to V a , and the other equal to Vi, which represents the effect of molecular attraction on the value of V t . Now a molecule will pass over a distance propprtjonal to x\ in passing out of the influence of one mole- A USEFUL FORM OF THE EQUATION OF STATE 85 cule and under the influence of another. Therefore if A\/x s represents the law of molecular attraction the change of kinetic energy of the molecule over that distance may be written ~^ 1 -, and the velocity V\ is therefore approximately given by D 2 A? where D$ is a constant. Equation (53) may accordingly be written A* Z) 3 RT . ' ' ' ' (55) o where V a = \l7r\ according to Sections 6 and 8. \OTT\ m On applying this equation to three states of a substance not differing much from one another at constant temperature the quantities A*, Ds, and b, may be taken as constant and determined from these equations. The values of V t and P n corresponding to these three states may then at once be calculated. Similarly the equation may be applied to another set of three states and the corresponding values of V t , P n and b, obtained, and so on. The values of V t and b obtained in this way by means of equation (55) will obviously not be so accurate as those obtained by means of equation (67) in Section 29. The former equation can, however, be more readily applied to the facts. The values of 6 obtained by this equation should more accurately represent the facts according to the definition of b in Section 19 than those obtained by Van der Waals' equation, since Vt is not taken equal to V a . If s is not known it may be determined by applying equation (55) to four different states of the sub- stance. 86 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES The quantities P e and P n in the equation of state must very approximately satisfy the relation obtained on eliminat- ing p from equations (51) and (48), which gives It follows from this equation that if P n is a function of v only P e is of the form T-4>(y), where (j>(v) is a function of v. Van der Waals' equation of state satisfies the above condi- tion, but of course it does not follow that therefore its form is correct. It is fairly certain that P n is a function of T as well as of v. For the intrinsic pressure of a substance, since it depends upon molecular attraction, will depend upon the change in atomic configuration of a molecule with change in temperature. Since such a change undoubtedly occurs, as is shown by the deviation of the ratio of the specific heats considered in Section 13 from the value 1.66, the form of the function for P e is not as simple as a linear function of T. 27. The Conditions that the Equation of State has to satisfy. If the pressure of a substance is plotted against its volume at different temperatures, curves of the form shown in Fig. 8 are obtained. For certain temperatures each curve con- sists of two parts, each of which has one of the terminal points lying on a line (dotted in the figure) parallel to the volume axis. Thus corresponding to the pressure indicated by the dotted line the substance can only have either of the two volumes corresponding to the abscissae of the points at the extremities of the line. As the temperature of the substance is increased the length of the dotted line is decreased, and for a certain temperature, called the critical temperature, it entirely disappears. THE CONTINUITY OF STATE 87 Van der Waals has proposed a theory to explain this behavior of substances. According to it the two curves corresponding to a given temperature are theoretically parts of a single curve as shown in Fig. 9, the form of the absent part being such as to render the curve continuous. The fact that the intermediate part of the curve is not realized in practice is explained by supposing that a sub- FIG. 8. stance in each of the states represented by it is in unstable equilibrium, accordingly a disturbance from the outside would make the substance change to one or both the stable forms represented by the points a and 6 at the extremities of this part of the curve. Thus according to this theory there is no discontinuity of state; and therefore the equation connecting p and v 88 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES for the two stable portions of a curve will also represent the unstable condition. It will appear from an inspection of the curves in Fig. 9 that the point e, which corresponds to the critical point, FIG. 9. is a point of inflexion. The geometrical properties of the point are expressed by the equations and ft] =0- \ oV / T to 2 (57) (58) which the equation of state has to satisfy at the critical point. These equations express relations between the con- stants of the equations of state and the critical constants. CONDITIONS INVOLVING THE ABSOLUTE ZERO 89 The foregoing equations, it may be mentioned, can also be deduced from the Laws of Thermodynamics. The equation of state must also possess the property that it vanish if the substitutions p = 0, T = 0, and # = <, are made, which correspond to the absolute zero of tem- perature. This may indicate that a relation exists between the coefficients of the equation, or that it has a certain form. If the temperature and volume at constant pressure of a substance are plotted against each other instead of the pressure and volume at constant temperature, a set of curves similar to those shown in Fig. 8 is obtained. A portion of each curve cannot be realized in practice. The theoretical curve representing this portion must for reasons of continuity cut a volume ordinate in three points, similarly as shown in Fig. 9. But this cannot hold at the absolute zero, since the absolute temperature cannot have negative values, and therefore no part of the curve can lie on the negative side of the volume axis. The part of the curve lying between the volumes VQ and infinity inclusive in that case coincides with the volume axis. This condition is expressed by the equation which holds for v = infinity, v v , and inclusive values, corresponding to p = 0, and T = Q. This probably indicates that the equation of state must have a certain general form which satisfies this condition. Experiment shows that the variables pressure, volume, and temperature, of a liquid in contact with its saturated vapor, may each be expressed by an equation in terms of one of the variables, and this holds also for the saturated vapor. It can be shown that this is a consequence of Van der Waals' theory of the continuity of state, and the Laws of Thermodynamics. Thus it follows from thermodynamics 90 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES that the work done during an isothermal process between given limits is independent of the path of the process. Hence the work done in passing from the point a to the point b in Fig. 9 is the same for the two paths indicated, one of which corresponds to that obtained in practice with a substance, while the other to that given by the equation of state. This condition is expressed by the equation -t>i) = I p-dv, .... (60) where the suffixes 1 and 2 refer to the liquid and vaporous states respectively. On eliminating two of the variables pi, vi, V2, and T from the foregoing equation and the two equations obtained by applying the equation of state to the liquid and the vaporous state of the substance, a number of equations are obtained each of which contains two variables only. Another set of equations each of which contains two varia- bles only may be obtained as follows.* According to Clapey- ron's equation the internal heat of evaporation L of a gram molecule of a substance is given by L=\T-j^-p\(v 2 -vi) (61) Now according to equation (47) and therefore Clapeyron's equation by the help of equa- tion (60) may be written dv = -j 7 j 1 (v2 vi) (62) * R. D. Kleeman, Phil Mag., Sept., 1912, pp. 391-402. CONDITIONS INVOLVING THERMODYNAMICS 91 From this equation and the equation of state, a number of equations may be obtained similarly, as before, each of which contains two variables only. Now if one of the variables is eliminated from two equations taken from the foregoing two sets of equations which contain the same two variables, an equation is ob- tained containing one variable only. This equation must evidently identically vanish with respect to this variable. This requires that some of the constants in the equation be equated to zero. Since these constants are functions of the constants of the equation of state, the equations thus obtained express relations between the latter constants. The number of these equations evidently depends on the form assumed for the equation of state. It appears, therefore, that the equation of state has to satisfy a number of conditions which govern its form and the relation between its constants. Other equations of condition besides those pointed out may of course exist, which have not yet been discovered. The equation of state possesses besides an important property which indicates certain properties of its constants. This property, which is discussed in the next Section, is based upon the facts, but a theoretical reason may also be found for it. 28. The Relation of Corresponding States. The quantities p, v, and T, of a substance may be expressed as fractions or as multiples n, r^ and rs, of their critical values thus: p = rip c , v = r2V c , and T = r%T c . According to the relation of corresponding states if the value of each of two of the quantities n, r is a factor obeying the relation of corresponding states, and P nc denotes the intrinsic pressure at the critical point. Equation (63) can immediately be tested by the facts. The intrinsic pressures of ether and benzene in the liquid states at temperatures corresponding to 27 7 c /3 can be calculated by the method of Section 21 and are found to be 2756, and 3893 atmos. respectively. The ratio of these pressures is .708, while the corresponding ratio of the critical pressures is .733, which is practically equal to the preceding ratio, as should be the case. It can be shown in a similar way that the quantities n" and V"t, which are superior limits of the quantities n and V t , Sections (22) and (23), should also obey the rela- tion of corresponding states. If the quantity b in the equation (52) may be expressed as a fraction obeying the relation of corresponding states of the critical volume v c , or of the volume at the absolute zero, which is highly probable, it can be deduced in a similar way from this equation and equations (63) and (35) that n and V t obey the relation of corresponding states. But even if b did not possess this property, V t would obey the foregoing relation approximately since b is usually small in comparison with v. It will be of importance now to discuss a method of ob- taining the actual values of the foregoing quantities in any given case. AN EXPRESSION FOR THE QUANTITY n 95 29. The Determination of the Quantities n, V t , and b, of a Substance. These quantities may most conveniently be determined by means of the equation 20v ' (65) obtained from equations (46) and (48) in Section 21. We have seen that the quantity 6 is likely to vary little with the density of a substance. Therefore over small regions of densities it may be taken as constant. The quantity n of a substance we would expect to increase more rapidly than proportional to the density. If the substance behaved as a perfect gas n would be proportional to the density, or inversely proportional to the volume according to Section 11. For densities at which the substance does not obey the law of a perfect gas the molecular attraction according to Section 25, has the effect of increasing n above the value corresponding to the density. We may therefore suppose n to consist of the sum of a number of terms, the first expres- sing the effect of the average minimum velocity (Section 16) on the value of n, and the other terms the effect of the increase in velocity produced by molecular attraction. The first term corresponds to supposing that the substance behaves as a perfect gas, and it therefore varies inversely as v and may thus be written C\/v, where Ci is a constant which may be determined from the substance in the gaseous state. Of the remaining terms the first depends on the chance of each molecule coming under the influence of another molecule, which varies inversely as v 2 , and the second term depends upon the chance of each molecule coming under the influence of two molecules, which varies 96 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES inversely as v 3 , and so on. Thus the sum of these terms may be written and hence + . . .C z /v*. . . (66) The quantities 2, Cs, . . . C z are evidently functions of v, for the chance of two molecules coming close together will be influenced by the forces of attraction and repulsion of the surrounding molecules, and hence 2 will depend on the molecular concentration, or on v, similarly in general the chance of any number of molecules coming close together will be influenced by the molecular forces of the surrounding molecules, and hence 2, C%, . . . C z will be functions of v. But it will be evident on reflection that the variation of n with v in the foregoing equation will in the main be ex- pressed by the inverse powers of v, in other words, the quantities 2, 3, . . . C z are functions of v which are not sensitive to variations of v. They are obviously functions of T since the chance of a number of molecules coming close together will depend on their velocity of translation. It follows from probability considerations that the terms C2/v 2 , Cz/v 3 , . . . Cz/v z , decrease rapidly in magnitude in the order they stand. For the chance of each molecule com- ing close to another molecule and influencing its velocity of translation is equal to a fraction pi, and the chance of each pair of molecules coming close to a third molecule and influencing its velocity of translation is evidently therefore equal to pip2, where p2 is a fraction which is prob- ably smaller than p\, etc., and accordingly If the quantities C 2 , Cs, . . . C 2 be expanded in inverse powers of v, an expression for n is obtained which may be written AN EXPRESSION FOR THE QUANTITY n 97 .where 20, Cs a , - - - C za , are functions of T only. It will be evident on reflection that since the first term of each expansion will be large in comparison with the remaining terms, the terms C^a/v 2 , Cz a /v 3 , . . . C 2a /v z decrease in magnitude in the order they stand, and probably rapidly. In using equation (66) we may as a first approximation, from what has gone before, omit all the terms on the right- hand side except the first two. Equation (65) then assumes the form* (67) since Ci = A / = according to equation (21), where m a \ o A = 5.087 X 10 ~ 20 \/Tm according to equation (19), a denotes the coefficient of expansion and /3 the coefficient of com- pression per dyne at the absolute temperature T, v denotes the volume of a gram molecule of the substance and b the apparent volume occupied by the molecules, m a denotes the absolute and m the relative molecular weight of a mole- cule, and R the gas constant whose value is given in Section 5. If the distribution of molecular velocities is taken into account the right-hand side of the foregoing equation accord- ing to Maxwell's law has to be multiplied by 1.085 (Section 20). The quantity 2 we have seen is a function which varies little with v and therefore over a small region of densities it may be taken as constant. Therefore on applying equa- tion (67) at constant temperature to a substance at two densities not differing much from each other, two equa- tions are obtained from which 2 and 6 may be determined. The values of n corresponding to these two densities may then be obtained by equation (66) retaining two terms only of the right-hand side. Similarly the equation may be * Not previously published and used. 98 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES applied to another pair of densities not differing much from each other and from the othei pair of densities, and the corresponding values of n calculated. The values of 2 and b obtained in the two cases are not necessarily the same, though they will obviously differ very little from each other. Thus by a repeated application of equations (67) and (66) the values of n and b may be obtained for different densities of a substance. The accuracy of the results will evidently increase with the number of density values into which a given region of densities is divided. On the whole the method should give very good results. On having obtained values of n of a substance, the cor- responding values of V t , the total average velocity of a molecule, may be obtained by means of the equation 3rc Vt ~N c ' given in Section 18. As an example of the foregoing investigation the values of n and V t have been calculated for C02 at C. correspond- ing to the pressures 100 and 200 atmospheres, which reduce the substance to the liquid state, the results being given in Table VIII. TABLE VIII CO 2 AT C. p in atmos. in atmos. r in c.c. per grm. mol. n. v cms. 1 100 200 1 2730 4586 45.03 42.90 3.68 X10 23 7.17X10 26 7.80 X10 26 3.96 X10 4 1.56X10 5 1.62X10 5 The values of P n which were used to obtain the values of Ta/0 by equation (48), were deduced by the method of Section 21 from Amagat's experimental results on the THE INCREASE OF V t WITH THE DENSITY 99 relation between v and p. Th0 Table contains the values of n and V t corresponding to, a pressure of one atmosphere, in which case the substance is in the gaseous state, the values of the foregoing quantities in that case being given by equations (21) and (35). It will be seen that the value of V t is increased to about four times its original value as the pressure of the substance is increased from 1 to 100 or 200 atmospheres. This falls into line with the results of Sections/17, 21, and 25, according to which the effect of molecular attraction on the molecular velocity in a substance in the liquid state should be quite large. If the moleculajf- forces had no effect on the magnitude of the motion of i translation of the molecules, as is usually supposed, the v^alue obtained for 2 should have been zero, or at least veryi small. The result conclusively shows that the factor V t /V a in equation (53) cannot be put equal to unity, and that the right hand side of Van der Waals' equa- tion of state must be modified accordingly. The values of n and V t obtained may be corrected according to Max- well's law by dividing them by 1.085. The value of b, the apparent molecular volume of a gram molecule of molecules at the pressure 100 and 200 atmospheres is equal to 12.2 in cc., and thus is about J of the total volume of a gram molecule of the substance. It is smaller than the volume at absolute zero, which according to Section 24 is approximately J the volume v c at the critical point, or equal to 25.5 cc. This difference is due, as was explained in Sections 19 and 24, to the molecules getting nearer to each other at higher temperatures than the absolute zero through possessing kinetic energy of motion of translation. If the value of the right hand side of the equation (67) is calculated for C02 at a temperature 0C. and pressure of 50 atmos., using the foregoing values of the constant b and C 2 , the value of 2562 atmos. is obtained. This agrees 100 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES well with the value of 2542 atmos. obtained directly for the left-hand side of the equation. This investigation may be extended to a mixture of substances. In the case of a mixture of say molecules e and r, we would have r _ .. .. .. i (68) according to equations (41), (45), and (48), where n e denotes the number of molecules e crossing a square cm. from one side to the other in the mixture, and n r has a similar meaning with respect to the molecules r. Now we may write 2r /n\ > (69) and similarly as before, where C\ r and C\ e may be obtained from the substances r and e isolated and in the gaseous state. The resultant equation will then contain the four variables C f 2r, C f 2e, V e and b' r , which may be determined by applying the equation to the mixture at constant temperature cor- responding to four densities not differing much from each other. Similarly a mixture of any number of constituents may be treated. Another method may be used depending on variations of the relative concentration of the constituents of the mixture instead of variations of its density at constant relative concentration. Thus for n e and n r we may in this case write nr=a r 'Nr+ar"N 2 r+a/"NrN e } and , . "... (71) CALCULATION OF MOL^CULAVrME! .\ 101 where a/, a/', a/", a/, a/', and a/", are constants of which a/ and a/ may be determined according to Section 11 from the constituents isolated and in the gaseous state, and N e and N r denote the concentrations of the molecules e and r respectively. Similarly for be and &/ we may write and ,.... (72) where k e , k r , and k er are constants. It will be recognized that k e denotes the apparent volume due to the interaction of a molecule e with the remaining molecules e, and k r has a similar meaning, while N r v e kcr denotes the apparent volume due to the interaction of a molecule e with the mole- cules r, or vice versa, etc. On substituting from these equa- tions in equation (68) an equation is obtained containing seven variables, which may be determined by applying at constant temperature the equation to seven different rela- tive concentrations of the mixture differing little from each other. In the case of a dilute solution we may evidently write n r =a r Nr } and , (73) where a r anu a e are constants. The foregoing process is thus much simplified in this case. The foregoing method may be simplified by using the values of b e r and 6/ calculated from the values of b e and b r of the constituents in the pure state; or we might make the assumption that b r ' = b e ', which would probably intro- duce no serious error. In Section 20 a method was given for finding approxi- mate values of be and b/ from the values of b e and b r of the constituents in the pure state. Approximate values of 102 : \f*I]S $FfitrrPF : T^E MOLECULAR FORCES C f 2r and C f 2e may similarly be obtained, and hence approxi- mate values of n r and n e be obtained from equations (69) and (70). Let CZ T stand for 2 in equation (67) when the substance consists of molecules r, and similarly let Cz e stand for 2 when the substance consists of molecules e. The quantity C2r/v r 2 then depends on the chance of each mole- cule in a pure substance of volume V T per gram molecule coming close to another molecule and changing its velocity of translation. This dependence may be exhibited in a certain way which is useful in dealing with mixtures. The chance of each molecule to get close to another molecule is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the molecules, or proportional to N r N r . Since N T m a TVr=mr, where m ar denotes the absolute and m r the relative molec- ular weight of a molecule, we have N r =, where K denotes V T a constant. Thus the foregoing chance is proportional tc l/v r 2 , and the resultant change in n r expressed by. C2r/v r 2 . But if the gram molecule of molecules r contains mole- cules e besides, a molecule r may have its velocity changed through coming close to a molecule e. The chance of that happening to each molecule r is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the molecules r and e, or proportional to NgNr* This chance according to the foregoing results is proportional to l/v r v e , where v e denotes the volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of molecules e. The resultant change in the value of n r through the addition of molecules e is therefore approximately given by \/C 2r C where Cz e and Ci r refer to the molecules e and r in the pure state. The term C f 2r/v r 2 in equation (69) consists of the sum of the foregoing two changes in n r brought about by molecular interaction, or C f 2r _ C2r , V Cir o o "T" o o V r 2 V r 2 V T V e THE INTERNAL ENERGY OF A SUBSTANCE 103 Similarly it can be shown that nT V e 2 V e V r V e The values of n r and n e obtained from equations (69) and (70) by the help of equations (74) and (75) are likely to be fairly accurate. The accuracy may be increased by using the third and higher power terms in the series for n r and n e in the equations. The deduction of equation (65) used in this Section involves the use of the quantity intrinsic pressure. This quantity is therefore one of importance, and it will there- fore be of interest to obtain further relations between it and other quantities. 30. An Equation Connecting the Intrinsic Pres- sure, Specific Heat, and other Quantities. If U denote the internal energy of a gram molecule of a substance, we have according to the Differential Calculus that (*U\ = (8U\ (8v\ (5U \8TJ P \~~ The term on the left-hand side of the equation is the specific heat per gram molecule at constant pressure and was written Sipi in Section 13. For U we may write (76) fts in Section 13, where U a denotes the potential energy of molecular attraction per gram molecule, u m the internal molecular energy, and - the kinetic energy of the mole- cules when situated at points at which the forces of the surrounding molecules neutralize one another, this energy 104 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES being equal to the kinetic energy in the gaseous state accord- ing to Section 16. According to Section 21, - ? = P B the ov intrinsic pressure, where v denotes the volume of a gram molecule, and since -(-r^) =a the coefficient of expansion, v\ol / P the equation may be written /p ,(8u m \ \ .{&U a \ ./du m \ 3R . S iPl = P+- +- + + - (77) The quantity l-r ) is verv probably negligible in \ ov IT comparison with P n , and may therefore be omitted from the equation. The quantity (-r^) expresses the change in potential energy of molecular attraction of a substance with change in temperature at constant volume. It is very likely not zero in the case of a substance consisting of com- plex molecules, since according to Section 13 the relative distribution of the atoms in a molecule is changed with change in temperature, which would give rise to a change in the forces of attraction of the molecules upon each other. For the same reason the quantity ( ~] is not likely to be zero in the case of a complex substance. But if the molecules consist of atoms it is highly probable that these quantities and the quantity (-r^) are zero. \ dv )T The equation then becomes* (78) and may thus be used to calculate P n in such a case. * Not previously published. THE POLYMERIZATION OF SUBSTANCES 105 If the value of P n for a substance in the liquid state, which is mon-atomic in the gaseous state, is calculated by the foregoing equation, and it does not agree with that given by equation (48), it shows that the substance is polymerized in the liquid state. Thus, for example, equa- tion (78) gives the value of 8.8 X10 4 atmos. for P n for Hg at C., while equation (48) gives 1.25 X10 4 atmos. It appears therefore that Hg is polymerized when in the liquid state. There is a good deal of other evidence pointing to the same conclusion. Equation (78) may also give approximate values of P n in the case of substances consisting of complex molecules, since in most cases the differential quantities in equation (77) are relatively so small that they may be neglected. The difficulty of applying the equation to a substance arises principally through being dependent on a knowledge of o r> the nature of the molecules, since the quantities and v depend upon it. In the case of a partly polymerized sub- stance a considerable error may therefore be introduced. In the previous Sections we have considered various properties of substances which do not depend directly on the nature of the motion of a molecule and on its rapidity. There are, however, some properties that do, and which will be considered in the next Chapter. These properties are directly connected with the recurring nature of the path of a molecule, which exists according to the laws of probability. This introduces the idea of a recurring path of average length associated with a molecule, which will be discussed in the next Section, the results being introductory to the matter contained in the next Chapter. 106 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES 31. The Mean Free Path of a Molecule under Given Conditions. A molecule in a substance has its velocity continually changed in direction and magnitude through the influence of the surrounding molecules. At certain points along its path it may therefore satisfy certain conditions in respect to the surrounding medium. The straight lines joining these points will be called the molecular free paths correspond- X ing to the given conditions .i These paths will obviously not have the same length, from probability considerations, but evidently the mean free path, the mean length of a large number of paths, should have a definite magnitude. It is of importance and interest in this connection to calculate the probability that a molecule will pass over a distance x without satisfying the conditions of the free path. This was first done by Clausius in connection with the mean free path of molecular collision. The investigation will be given a form here which applies to any kind of a free path. The probability P x that a molecule will pass over the distance x without satisfying the path conditions may be written and the probability that it will pass over the path x+ dx is therefore But this is also according to the rules of probability equal to the product of 'the probability P x and the probability Pai that the molecule will pass over the distance dx without satisfying the path conditions, that is PROBABILITY OF PATH OF GIVEN LENGTH 107 Now if I denotes the mean free path of the molecule, the probability of it satisfying the path conditions in passing over the distance dx is dx/l, and the probability of it not satisfying the path conditions is therefore 1-^=1* ; I Hence the preceding equation may be written -f )-' which on integrating gives - -'+* where C denotes an arbitrary constant. Since the probability that the molecule will not satisfy the path conditions in passing over the distance x = is unity, it follows that C= 1, and hence Px=e~T, ...... (79) which expresses the probability P x that the molecule will pass over the distance x without satisfying the free path condition, in terms of the quantities x and the mean free path I. The number n x of 100 molecules passing over the distance x without satisfying the mean free path conditions is given as an illustration for a number of different values of x in Table IX, where x is expressed in terms of the mean free path I. It will be seen that a molecule rarely passes over <* distance greater than its mean free path. The probability that a molecule has a free path lying between the lengths x and x+dx is evidently P p _g ~~ ~[ . ^/ (80) according to equation (79). 108 THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES TABLE IX n x . X. n x . X. n x . X. 99 O.Oll 78 0.251 14 21 98 0.02Z 72 0.3331 5 31 90 0.1Z 61 0.51 2 41 82 0.21 37 1. 01 1 4.51 In Section 21 the number of molecules n crossing a plane one square cm. in area in a substance was investigated. In connection with the investigation of this Section it is of interest to determine the probability that the path of a molecule crossing the plane has a length lying between x and x-\-dx. It is evident that on moving the plane from one position to another parallel to itself its chance of cutting a free path of length x will be proportional to the value of x. Therefore, since a molecule in its migrations has different consecutive paths the probability of the plane cutting one of length x is equal to the ratio of x to the sum of all of the different paths of the molecule divided by their number. The latter quantity is equal to the mean free path I, and hence the ratio is equal to x/L This probability must be multi- plied by the probability that the molecule has a path lying between x and x+dx which is given by equation (80). Therefore the probability P c that the free path of a molecule which lies between the lengths x and x+dx cuts the plane is (81) It should be noted that the foregoing investigation is inde- pendent of the nature of the conditions defining the free path of a molecule and that therefore these conditions may be given any form we please. It will be of interest to compare the square of the aver- THE MEAN OF SQUARES OF MOLECULAR PATHS 109 age path I, or I 2 , with the mean of the squares of the differ- ent paths. The latter quantity is given by j^v U/J(/ LJ\, , I by the help of equation (80). Thus the latter quantity is double the former. We are in a position now to develop formulae for the quantities viscosity, conduction of heat, and diffusion, which depend directly on the nature of the motion of a molecule, in terms of quantities referring to the nature of this motion, and other quantities. In order that the formulae may be given forms applying to different states of matter I have introduced new definitions in connection with the path of a molecule under different conditions, which make no reference to molecular collision, and apply to all states of matter. They lead to formulae involving quantities usually not considered in treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. These give interesting information as to how the various molecular properties give rise to, or modify, the viscosity, conduction of heat, and diffusion, of a substance. I have previously made an attempt to obtain formulae for the foregoing properties of matter independent of the idea of molecular collision*, and finally developed the results given in this book, which, however, differ considerably from the previous results, and are therefore more or less new. * Phil. Mag., July, 1912, pp. 101-118. CHAPTER III QUANTITIES WHICH DEPEND DIRECTLY ON THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION 32. The Coefficient of Viscosity of a Substance. A solid in contact with a liquid or gas at rest experiences a resistance when displaced depending on the nature of the gas or liquid, the resistance remaining constant when the motion is uniform. This arises through matter being carried along by the surface of the solid. This property of liquids and gases is known as viscosity. It can be shown that it primarily arises from the fact that the molecules of a substance undergo a rapid motion of translation. Thus suppose that n molecules per square cm. per second strike the lower surface of the solid A shown in Fig. 10, which is moving with a velocity V\ parallel to its surface. If the average momentum parallel tg/ the surface of the solid of the molecules which per second are about to collide with the solid, is nV^rria, the momentum after collision is that corresponding to the velocity of motion of the solid, or equal to nVim a , if the colliding molecules assume the velocity of the solid, and thus the solid imparts a momentum equal to nm a (Vi 2) to the substance per second. According to the equation Ft = m a V, this momentum is equal to the force F that has to be applied to the solid per square cm. of the surface in order to maintain uniform motion, or F = nm a (Vi 2)- The layer of liquid in the immediate vicinity of the surface is accordingly set in motion, and this 110 VISCOUS RESISTANCE AND VELOCITY GRADIENT 111 motion is communicated to the next layer, and so on. The whole liquid is thus set in motion along planes parallel to the surface of the solid, the velocity of motion decreasing with the distance from the surface. It follows from the above equation that the force neces- sary to maintain a velocity Vi of the solid depends upon the value of FI Fg, which is proportional to the velocity ^ FIG. 10. gradient of the liquid in the immediate vicinity of the surface, and thus the foregoing equation may be written = nm a K dV 5x (82) where the distance x is measured at right angles to the surface of the solid, and K denotes a constant. If the velocity gradient is unity the corresponding force F is called the coefficient of viscosity, and will be denoted by 77. Hence if a plane moving with a velocity V\ is at a distance d from a fixed plane, the force F that has to be applied per square cm. of the moving plane may be written which accordingly becomes equal to 77, when the velocity gradient is unity. The magnitude of the viscosity may be 112 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION smaller than indicated by the foregoing investigation through the molecules on striking the moving solid not acquiring exactly its velocity. This effect is known as slipping of the fluid over the surface of contact of the solid. Experiment has shown that there is no appreciable slipping in the case of liquids, and this also holds in the case of gases, except at very low pressures. This point will be further discussed in Section 34. It will not be difficult to see that if the moving solid exerted a repulsion upon the molecules of the surrounding fluid this would have the effect of tend- ing to turn back the molecules approaching it without giving to them a motion parallel to that of the surface of the solid. In that case slipping would occur. It is not improbable that the double layer of electricity which exists at the interface of a fluid and solid may give rise to some slipping in this way. The coefficient of viscosity of a substance is usually obtained in practice by measuring the volume v\ of the sub- stance which passes per second through a narrow tube of radius r and length LI under the action of a pressure p. If the substance escapes from the tube with a velocity which is negligible in comparison with the velocity that would be obtained with a tube of large radius, the value of T\ according to Poiseuille is given by If, however, the escaping liquid possesses an amount of kinetic energy which cannot be neglected the term /-=r- has to be subtracted from the right-hand side of the foregoing equation where V denotes the velocity of the escaping fluid and p its density. The viscosity of a substance depends not only on the velocity of translation of a molecule, but on the nature of THE TRANSFER OF MOMENTUM BY A MOLECULE 113 the motion, and it will therefore be necessary to define a quantity connected with the path described by a molecule. 33. The Viscosity Mean Momentum Transfer Distance of a Molecule in a Substance. Consider a viscous medium in motion parallel to the plane AB which is kept at rest, as shown in Fig. 11. Let abc A B FIG. 11. denote the path of a molecule moving towards the plane A B, and which therefore passes progressively into slower moving portions of the substance. The molecule during its course loses momentum, continually but in varying amounts to the medium parallel to the direction it is moving, through the interaction of the molecules due to their molec- ular forces of attraction and repulsion and their molecular volume. Similarly a molecule passing in the opposite direction continually acquires momentum from the medium. The medium evidently does not acquire or lose momentum only at isolated points. We may suppose, however, that 114 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION the effect is equivalent to a row of points being associated with the molecular path, not necessarily lying on it, at which only the medium acquires or loses momentum. Fur- ther let us suppose that the momentum lost by the medium at a point is equal to V^m a} where 2 denotes the velocity of the medium at the point, and m a the molecular weight of a molecule, this momentum being absorbed by the migra- ting molecule, while the momentum gained by the medium at the same point is equal to V\m a , where Vi denotes the velocity of the medium at the preceding point, this momen- tum being abstracted from the migrating molecule. The distance between two consecutive points will be called the momentum transfer distance corresponding to the path of the migrating molecule. The molecule thus appears to abstract the momentum V\m a from a point in the medium and to transfer it to a consecutive point, while at the latter point it abstracts the momentum V2m a from the medium and transfers it to a point consecutive to the latter, and so on. The positions of these points, and their number per unit length of path, are to a certain extent arbitrary, as will easily be recognized, and it is therefore necessary to introduce conditions which will render the lines joining them quite definite. One condi- tion that the points obviously have to satisfy is that the flow of momentum in the substance should be uniform everywhere. But this condition alone is not sufficient. Let us therefore impose the two additional conditions that the number n of molecular paths crossing a square cm. from one side to the other shall be equal to the number of transfer distances passing through the square cm., and that all directions of a transfer distance in space are equally probable. We will see in the next Section that these con- ditions completely determine the distribution of the points in question. According to Section 31 the various transfer distances corresponding to these points would not be of RESULTANT FORCE ON A MOVING MOLECULE 115 the same magnitude, but grouped about a mean transfer distance l n according to a general law whose form was ob- tained. It should be noted that according to the definition of a transfer distance the length of path of a molecule between two points is equal to the sum of the corresponding momen- tum transfer distances. The transfer distances will there- fore be associated with the molecular path in the way shown in Fig. 11. A migrating molecule is evidently continually undei the action of the resultant force arising from the forces of the Molecular path FIG. 12. surrounding molecules. This resultant force is continually changing in direction and magnitude. It will therefore pass through a series of maxima and minima of different mag- nitudes, which may graphically be illustrated by the curve in Fig. 12. The largest maxima correspond to the closest possible approach of two molecules, while the other maxima correspond to various distances of approach, whose effect is modified by the situation of the surrounding molecules. Thus some of the maxima and minima will have very small though finite values. This holds for a gas as well as for a liquid. The theoretical points at which a molecule is sup- posed to absorb momentum from the medium or transfer 116 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION momentum to it evidently therefore do not necessarily correspond to maxima or minima values of the resultant force acting on the molecule, and besides on account of the small values of some of the maxima and minima several of these are likely to be situated between two such consecu- tive points. These considerations show that if molecular forces exist between molecules the momentum free path cannot be defined with respect to molecular collision, but must be defined along such lines as developed in this Section. It will not be difficult to see that even if the molecules consisted of hard elastic spheres not surrounded by fields of force the average distance between two consecutive col- lisions in a gas need not be equal to the length of the aver- age momentum transfer distance as just defined. In fact it can be shown that these distances are not equal to one another. But the opposite is usually tacitly implied when the mean free path of a molecule in a gas is defined according to molecular collision and then used to obtain a formula for the viscosity of a gas in the usual way. Of course, some mathematicians have begun to realize this and endeavored to determine the appropriate factor that has to be asso- ciated with the mean free path in the formula. But this cannot lead to anything definite because the interaction between molecules is largely, if not altogether, due to the existence of the molecular forces. A general formula for the viscosity of a substance in the gaseous, liquid, and intermediary states of matter, in terms of the momentum transfer distance will now be developed and applied to the facts. 34. Formulae for the Viscosity in Terms of Other Quantities. Let us consider as before a substance moving in planes parallel to a plane AB which is at rest, as is shown in Fig. THE TRANSFER OF MOMENTUM ACROSS A PLANE 117 13. Suppose that n molecules per square cm. cross the plane EF from one side to the other. The migration of these molecules gives rise to a transference of momentum across the plane from top to bottom which per square cm. is numerically equal to the coefficient of viscosity if the velocity gradient is equal to unity. The expression for this momentum we will now proceed to find. Consider the momentum transfer distances which cut the plane EF and are inclined at the angle 6 with a perpendicular to the plane. If we suppose for purposes of calculation that these distances start from the same point which we will suppose lies in the plane EF, it follows from the figure, which shows the sec- Vl >^ *- FIG. 13. tion of a hemisphere of radius z made by a plane at right angles to the plane EF, that the number of these distances is equal to where z denotes the length of one of these distances, r = z sin 6, and this number is therefore equal to nsme-dd. If n z denote the number of the foregoing distances whose lengths lie between z and z+dz, we have n z z n sin 6 - dO --^e *, dz t 118 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION by the help of equation (81), where Z, denotes the mean momentum transfer distance. The molecules corresponding to these distances abstract the momentum n 2 m a Vi from the plane EF, which moves with the velocity Vi, and trans- fers it to the plane CD which moves with the velocity V 2 . From considerations of equilibrium it follows that an equal number of molecules migrate in the opposite direction. These abstract the momentum n z m a V2 from the plane CD and transfer it to the plane EF. Thus a transference of momentum across the plane takes place which is equal to n,m a (V l -V 2 ). On taking the velocity gradient equal to unity we have Vi-V 2 = 2COS0 and the foregoing expression accordingly becomes n z m a z cos 0. To obtain the total momentum transferred per square cm. across the plane EF, or the coefficient of viscosity 77, the foregoing expression on substituting for n z , must be integrated from to o with respect to the transfer distance z, and from to 7T/2 with respect to the angle 0, giving rf r 2 2 _L i) = nm a I I cos sin j-^e l r, - d6 - dz. Jo Jo l n Since ri cos 0' and JT< rv -?- __/j I- . fly O7 j o e U"* **J JO lr, 2 A FORM OF THE VISCOSITY EQUATION 119 the foregoing equation becomes r i =nm a l r ,, ....... (83) where n denotes the number of molecules of absolute molec- ular weight m a crossing a plane of one square cm. from one side to the other per second, and l n denotes the mean momen- tum transfer distance. The foregoing equation in the form it stands is mainly of use in determining the value of Z,, since 77 may be measured directly, and n determined by the method described in Section 29. The quantity l n may be expressed in terms of other quantities. Let us suppose that the substance is represented by another substance possessing the same viscosity and expansion pressure, but whose molecules possess no volume of the kind represented by the symbol 6 (Section 19). This is possible since the law of molecular attraction of the representative substance is initially left arbitrary, and may therefore be given a form that the foregoing conditions are satisfied. The law may evidently involve as many arbitrary constants as we please. The viscosity of the representative substance is given by and l\ have meanings corresponding to n and l^ in equation (83). Since the representative substance has the same expansion pressure as the original substance, and the molecules of the former substance have no volume, we have from equations (38) and (45) that vb where the quantities n, v, b, P n , p, and A, refer to the original 120 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION substance, and the preceding equation may therefore be written ,. (84) Each quantity in this equation, except l' n , may be determined directly or indirectly by experiment, and the latter quantity is therefore determined by the equation. Tfye fact that the equation contains a variable which does not refer directly to the original substance shows that it may be represented by another substance under the conditions stated. On comparing the foregoing equation with equation (83) we see that and thus /',,, the mean transfer distance in the representative substance, is evidently an inferior limit of l r We will see later that /, does not differ appreciably from l\ except when the density of the substance corresponds to that of the liquid state. It is often of interest to compare the distance of separa- tion d of the molecules in a substance with the quantity Wi Z',. We have immediately d = , where w\ is a constant. For l r n we may write l\ = W2V, where W2 is a function of v which becomes a constant when the substance is in the gaseous state. The ratio of l\ to d is then given by (86) where ws is a function of v which becomes a constant when the substance is in the gaseous state. The quantity I' in equation (84) may be expressed in THE INTERFERENCE FUNCTION OF VISCOSITY 121 terms of quantities which may be taken to refer to the original substance. If the molecules in the representative substance were devoid of forces of attraction and repulsion which extend beyond a small distance from each molecule, Z',, would be inversely proportional to the chance of one molecule encountering another, and thus inversely propor- tional to the concentration of the molecules, or proportional to the volume v, and thus we may write under these conditions, where K^ is a constant at constant temperature. The existing forces of attraction and repulsion have the effect of modifying the interaction of two mole- cules, in which case l' n would not vary according to the fore- going equation. The effect of the molecular forces may be expressed by introducing a factor into the right-hand side of the foregoing equation, which is determined from the following considerations. The chance of a migrating mole- cule coming under the influence of another molecule, and the pair of interacting molecules coming under the influence of a third molecule, is proportional to the square of the molecular concentration, or inversely proportional to y 2 ; the chance of a migrating molecule coming under the influ- ence of another molecule, and the pair of interacting mole- cules coming under the influence of two molecules, is inversely proportional to v 3 ; and so on. Thus the factor in question consists of the series (87) where 0',/v 2 expresses the average effect of a single mole- cule on a pair of interacting molecules, (fr'^/v 3 the effect of a pair of molecules, and so on, while 3% denotes the sum of the series involving v. The quantities <' n , <",,, . . . , are 122 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION functions of v and T, which, however, probably vary little with v. For I,, and l' n we have therefore the expressions , - (88) and The interpretation of equation (88) is interesting. When two molecules interact the process is modified by the surrounding molecules, which effect may be called molec- ular interference. The value of b depends on molec- ular interference, but probably only to a small extent. But the quantity <, depends entirely on it, and this quan- tity may therefore be called the interference function in viscosity. The effect of molecular interference on the value of Z,, according to equation (88), is expressed by the quantities b and <,,, but mainly by $,, in other words, the effect of molecular interference on the value of l n which is not included in the value of b is represented by the interference function <,,, which may now be used without referring to the representative substance. Equation (83) referring to the original substance may now be written in the forms v 2 , ..... (90) , . .. . (91) and ..... (92) by means of equations (35), (38), (45), and ^88), remember- ing that N c m a v = m, the molecular weight in terms of that of the hydrogen atom. THE QUANTITIES IN THE VISCOSITY EQUATION 123 The values of n, b, and V t , the number of molecules crossing a square cm., the apparent molecular volume, and the total average velocity, respectively, may be deter- mined by the method described in Section 29, and the value of the intrinsic pressure P n by the method described in Section 21. The calculated values of n. b, and V t depend on the assumed distribution of molecular velocities, * and may be corrected according to Maxwell's law, if desired, in the way described. The value of A in equation (92) not cor- rected for the distribution of molecular velocities is given by A = 5.087 X W~ 20 V^m according to Section 11. If corrected according to Maxwell's law the value has to be multiplied by */--, or 1.085. It will appear, however, from Sub-section a that the calcu- lated value of K^ similarly corrected involves the factor 1.085, and that therefore the uncorrected values of /c, and A may be used in equation (92). It follows then that in equations (90) and (91) the uncorrected values of K n , n, b, and V t may be used, since p is independent of molecular motion (Section 8), P n is obviously so by nature, and therefore the factor K n /A in equation (92) is represented in the pre- ceding equations by factors involving * n, 6, and V t . The value of K, for a given substance is immediately determined by applying equation (92) to the substance in the perfectly gaseous state, which corresponds to v = oo , and therefore to P n = and <>,, = 0. It may be noted that according to equations (85), (88), and (89) we have 1^ = // = , when the original and representative substances are in the perfectly gaseous state, and the value of K n is therefore the same for both substances. It evidently de- *This distribution refers to molecules in the perfectly gaseous state. 124 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION pends on the molecular forces and the molecular volume of the molecules of the original substance. It will be evident on reflection that the quantities n, V t , 6, P n , and p are affected to a certain extent by the influence of the molecules of the substance on two molecules while they interact, or are affected by molecular interfer- ence. The quantity <,,, or the interference function, there- fore, represents the effect of molecular interference on the viscosity of the substance which is not represented by the foregoing quantities in equations (90), (91), and (92). Thus we may now use these equations without referring to the representative substance. The series for the interference function <, which occurs in the foregoing equations may be given a simpler form which holds approximately. The probability of a migrat- ing molecule coming under the influence of another mole- cule, and the pair of interacting molecules coming under the influence of y molecules, is much greater than the prob- ability of their coming under the influence of y+1 molecules, and thus the terms in this series stand in the order of mag- ,' i // nitude j>^-> - , and are likely to decrease in mag- nitude very rapidly. As a first approximation we may , / therefore retain only the term -^-, or replace the series by $' the term . , where x would differ little from 2. It is instructive to apply equation (91) to a hypothetical substance whose molecules consist of perfectly elastic spheres not surrounded by fields of force. The value of V t then corresponds to that when the substance is in the gaseous state at the same temperature according to Section 19, and <,, represents the interference by actual contact of one or more molecules with two molecules about to collide or undergoing collision. Since in all cases $,, in the representa- THE VISCOSITY OF A GAS AND ITS DENSITY 125 live substance represents an effect due to molecular attrac- tion, the quantity will have the same sign in this particular case as found in practice, namely positive according to Sub- section (d) . The effect of the true molecular volume accord- ing to equation (91) would thus be to increase the viscosity by means of the positive apparent volume b, and the molecular interference represented by <>,,, to both of which it would give rise. The number N t of times the mean transfer distance associated with the path of a molecule is passed over per second is a quantity of interest. Since the length of molec- ular path between two points is equal to the sum of the momentum transfer distances, we have immediately by the help of equations (83) and (35), where V t denotes the total average velocity of a molecule, and N c m a = p the density of the substance. The value of V t may be deter- mined by the method of Section 29 in the case of a> liquid, or gas not obeying Boyle's law. Applications of the foregoing equations will now be given. (a) On applying equation (90) to the perfectly gaseous state, which corresponds to v = co , it becomes , . (94 by the help of equation (21). It follows from this equation that, since K, is constant at constant temperature, 77 is independent of the density of the gas. This remarkable result was first deduced by Maxwell,* and has been amply confirmed by experiment. The deviations that have been obtained are due in part to the conditions of the experi- * This deduction depends on the method of molecular collision. 126 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION ment not conforming to the conditions underlying the deduction of the above equation. Thus for example, the result is found to break down completely at extremely low pressures. Now it will be evident from an examination of the deduction of the foregoing equation that it will hold only so long as Z, is small in comparison with the thickness of the moving layer of gas. The equation would therefore begin to break down when the value of l^ becomes com- parable with the linear dimensions of the apparatus used for measuring the viscosity. There is, however, another cause operating giving rise to a deviation of equation (94) from the facts at low pres- sures. The effect of the slipping of the gas along the mov- ing plane on the value of the viscosity increases as the pressure decreases. Thus let V a denote the velocity of the moving plane, V b the component velocity of a molecule parallel to the plane before striking it, and V c the component velocity of rebound parallel to the plane. Then if the mole- cule undergoes slipping along the plane during rebound V a >V c >Vb. The viscosities t\ and v\\ when there is no slipping and slipping respectively are proportional to the velocity gradients in the gas, and hence proportional to V a and V c the corresponding velocities of the molecules on rebound, which gives ij/rji = V a /V c . Now the difference between V a and V b increases with increase of the mean momentum transfer distance, or distance of the layer of gas from which the molecule comes, and thus increases with decrease of pressure. The difference between V a and V c therefore also increases with decrease of pressure, which increases the value of the ratio rj/rji according to the fore- going equation. This corresponds to a decrease of 771, and thus the effect of slipping becomes the greater the lower the pressure. The dynamical mechanism underlying the result that the viscosity of a gas is independent of its density may be. GASEOUS VISCOSITY AND THE TEMPERATURE 127 illustrated by the following considerations. A molecule transfers a certain amount of momentum to the gas at the end of each transfer distance on migrating at right angles to the motion of the gas in the direction of the decrease of motion. If the concentration of the gas is halved the length of each transfer distance is doubled, while the momen- tum transferred at the end of each transfer distance is also doubled since the velocity gradient of the gas remains the same. Since a change in molecular concentration of a gas does not alter the molecular velocities, the momentum transferred per second by a molecule moving between two parallel plates of material one of which is at rest while the other moves parallel to itself is in the latter case double that in the former. But since the number of molecules per cubic cm. available for momentum transference in the former case is half the number in the latter, the total momen- tum transferred is in each case the same, or the viscosity of the gas has not been altered by altering its density. The quantity K^ is a function of the temperature. This is shown by the calculated values of K, contained in Table X for a number of gases at different temperatures. These values are not corrected for Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities since n given by equation (21) and substi- tuted in equation (90) was not thus corrected. If this correction is carried out the values in the Table have to be multiplied by -J-, or 1.085. It will be seen that the values of /c, increase with increase of temperature in the case of each gas mentioned in the Table, and this was found to hold for every other gas that was examined. This indicates, since the mean momentum transfer distance /,, is equal to KqV, that the distance over which a migrating molecule trans- fers momentum in a gaseous medium is increased by an increase of temperature. The reason probably is that the greater the velocity of two molecules approaching and 128 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION receding from each other the shorter is the time they are under the influence of each other's attraction, and there- fore the smaller is the change in momentum imparted to each other. Large changes in momentum will therefore take place only for close distances of approach, and these will therefore take place less frequently along the path of a molecule with increase of temperature. TABLE X MERCURY. m = 200.4 KRYPTON, m = 81.8 tC. ,10'. K, 10 . tC. r) 10'. if, lO'o 300 380 5320 6560 2.98 3.94 100 2334 3063 2.97 3.33 ARGON. m = 39.9 HYDROGEN. m = 2 -183.2 183.3 735.6 2104 3243 2.62 3.83 4.57 -194.9 302 374.2 822 1392 5.69 6.69 7.81 ETHER, m = 74 ETHYL CHLORIDE, m = 64.5 100 212.5 689 967 1234 .92 1.11 1.24 157.3 240.6 935 1440 1714 1.34 1.64 1.79 CARBON DIOXIDE. m=44 ETH YLENE . m = 28 -21.5 100 302 1278 1972 2682 2.31 2.92 3.21 -21.5 99.25 302 891 1278 1826 2.02 2.38 2.73 M. ISOBUTYRATE. HI = 102 METHANE, m = 16 24 100 754 1122 .823 1.19 20 1040 1201 2.99 3.33 THE CHARACTERISTIC CONSTANT IN VISCOSITY 129 The quantity K n may be interpreted in other ways. 17 represents the rate at which a plane at right angles to a unit velocity gradient loses momentum per square cm. per second. Since n molecules cross the plane per square cm. per second in each direction, rj/n represents the momen- tum conveyed by a molecule across the plane on crossing it and recrossing it (sometime) in the opposite direction. According to equation (90) this momentum is equal to K^niaV in the case of a gas. Thus K, represents the momen- tum conveyed per unit mass of the molecule at unit volume of a gram molecule of the gas. Hence for substances of equal K^ and the same molecular concentration the momen- tum conveyed by a molecule is proportional to its mass. A molecule crossing the plane gets a distance away from it which on the average is proportional to the volume v, * and the molecule therefore tal:e& a time proportional to v/V a in crossing and recrossing the plane, where V a denotes its average velocity. The amount of momentum conveyed across the plane per second by the same molecule is there- fore proportional to K,,m a y a , and thus independent of the volume of the gas. The quantity K^ according to equation (91) applied to the gaseous state, is a measure of the total momentum parallel to the motion of the gas conveyed per square cm. per second across the plane per unit momentum of the momentum of translation motion of a molecule. A number of formulae of an empirical nature expressing the variation of I,,, or K^V, with T at constant v, have been given, but which need not concern us here.f It is useful * This distance is evidently proportional to the chance of the path of the molecule not undergoing a deflection per unit length, which is proportional to I,,, and hence proportional to v, since I^^K^V. t In these investigations the quantity l n is supposed to represent molecular free path according to the method of collisions, which is connected with the viscosity by the equation given at the end of this Sub-section . 130 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION to note, however, that l n and K n are roughly proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature. The viscosity coefficient of a gas appears to obey approxi- mately the relation of corresponding states, and this holds therefore also for the quantity K^ according to equation (94). This is shown by Table XI, which gives the ratio TABLE XI Substance. T c . 27V nc 10 7 . 772C 10 7 . roe T ,c Kr,c 10 10 . C0 2 304.9 609.8 1625 2811 1.73 2.66 C 2 H t 282 564 1022 1802 1.76 2.19 A 152 304 1216 2298 1.89 2.97 N 2 O 318.4 637.8 1539 2885 1.88 2.41 H 2 32 64 272 645 2.36 6.46 of the viscosities corresponding to the temperatures T c and 2T C for a few substances, where T c denotes the critical temperature, which were interpolated from the viscosity data given in Landolt and Bornstein's Tables, 4th edition. The ratios, it will be seen, are approximately equal to each other. The somewhat large deviation in the case of H2 is probably due to the greater uncertainty attached to the data in that case, and to a lack of sufficiently extensive data for reliable interpolation. The deviation is, however, small in comparison with the difference between the viscosity of H2 and that of each of the other substances. The varia- tion of K n with the temperature is therefore approximately expressed by a function of the form c .^(- ) where K_ C \TcJ denotes the value of K,, at the critical temperature, and which is thus a fundamental and characteristic quantity of a gas. Its values for a few substances are given in Table XI, ob- tained in the same way as the values given in Table X. THE FREE PATH AND MOLECULAR SEPARATION 131 The value of /,, for a substance in the gaseous state at standard temperature and pressure is obtained by multi- plying the corresponding value of *,, by the volume of a gram molecule of the substance under standard conditions, which according to Avogadro's law has the same value for all substances and is equal to 22,700 cc. It is often of interest to compare the value of ^ with the average distance of separation d of the molecules, which is Im v\ l/i I v \ A given by d = ( - ) = U- 23 1 , and the ratio of these quantities is therefore given by (95) It will be found that on substituting for K n and v at standard temperature and pressure that l n is considerably larger than d, showing that except for distances of approach of two molecules much less than d the effect of their interaction is small. If equation (91) is applied to the gaseous state, and l n is written for K n v according to equation (88) applied to the gaseous state, the equation assumes the form IV .ml, 1 where = p the density of the gas. This equation is usually obtained in treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases on the supposition that each molecule has the same velocity V t , where Z, is supposed to denote the mean free path between consecutive collisions of a molecule. Since / cannot repre- sent exactly this quantity the equation has sometimes been modified by the introduction of an appropriate numer- ical factor as pointed out in Section 33. Another factor is introduced on taking into account the distribution of molec- 132 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION ular velocities since this affects the chance of collision. This represents the most that has been achieved in the way of a Kinetic Theory of substances in connection with vis- .cosity according to the idea of molecular collision. (6) It will be of interest to consider the values of l\ of some substances in the liquid state, since they are inferior limits of \, from which they differ but little, and they can usually be more easily obtained than the values of l n . Table XII gives the values of Z', calculated by means of equa- TABLE XII ETHER tc. r 108 cm. d 108 cm. d ' 13.5 .001779 2.06 5.49 .376 25.4 .001649 2.08 5.52 .377 63 .001338 2.21 5.65 .392 78.5 .001241 2.35 5.70 .412 99 .001133 2.91 5.80 .502 BENZENE 15.4 .004387 3.25 5.22 .623 50.1 .003641 3.07 5.29 .581 78.8 .003000 3.60 5.36 .486 CHLOROFORM .003827 3.05 5.01 .607 20 .003419 2.84 5.06 .562 40 .003073 2.73 5.10 .535 60 .002791 2.68 5.15 .520 tion (84) for a number of substances in the liquid state at different temperatures, and for comparison the corresponding values of d the average distance of separation of the mole- INFERIOR LIMITS OF THE FREE PATH 133 cules. The value of A used in the equation was not cor- rected for the distribution of molecular velocities. If cor- rected according to Maxwell's law the values of l\ in the Table have to be multiplied by , or 1.085. Both the quantities I \ and d have values of the order of magnitude 10 ~ 8 cm. The latter values are greater than the former, as is indicated by the values of the ratio I'^/d. The values of P n (which must be reduced to dynes) used in the cal- culations are contained in Table III, while the values of f\ were calculated by means of the empirical formula of Thorpe and Rodgers.* Table XIII gives the values of Z', for CO 2 at 40 C. under high pressures in the gaseous state, and the correspond- ing values of d. According to equation (85), taking the TABLE XIII CO 2 AT 40 C. p in atmos. 1'^ 108 cm . d 108 cm. p in atmos. l' n 108 cm. d 108 cm. 70 6.52 7.34 94 2.84 5.16 80 4.55 6.52 100 2.83 5.03 85 3.82 5.95 112 2.81 4.90 value of b for CO2 obtained in Section 29, the value of I',, is smaller than the value of I,, for the greatest density by about 16 per cent. Thus ^ and I' \ do not differ much from each other. The values of P n +p and 17 used in these calcu- lations are given by Table XIV. (c) The number of times N t that the mean momentum transfer distance of a molecule in a substance is passed over per second, given by equation (93), is a quantity of inter- est. This number for C02 in the liquid state at C. under * Phil. Trans., A., 1894, p. 1. 134 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION a pressure of 100 atmos. is 6X10 12 , where the value of V t was obtained from Table VIII, ?? = . 000925, and p=.87. The number obtained is mainly of interest on account of its great magnitude. It is interesting to note that this number is smaller than the number of times per second the resultant force acting on a molecule due to the surrounding molecules passes through a maximum or minimum. (d) Let us next apply equation (92) to some of the facts to obtain values of <,,. Table XIV contains values of TABLE XIV CO 2 AT 40 C. * = 2.578 X 10- 10 P in P n +P v per r, 10 *n 4.03X103 atmos. in atmos. grm. mol. V 2-12 70 128.7 245.7 200 80 200.9 172.2 218 .027 . .073 85 295.9 130.7 269 .132 .132 94 611.2 85.35 414 .292 .325 100 719.3 78.96 483 .385 .385 112 854.3 73.24 571 .486 .448 <,, for C02 at different pressures at a temperature of 40 C., at which the gas does not assume the liquid state however great the pressure. The values of P n +p used where cal- culated by means of Van der Waals' equation of state (Sec- tion 26) writing for b the value 42.8 cc. per gram molecule, which results from the conditions expressed by equations (57) and (58). The value corresponding to a pressure of 70 atmos. thus obtained is very nearly equal to that given in Table XVI, which was obtained by a different method. The values obtained for P n +p are therefore likely to be at least approximately correct. The values of 77 used are those obtained by Phillips*. Equation (94) gives the value of * Proc. Roy. Soc., A., Vol. LXXXVII, pp. 56-57. INFERIOR LIMITS OF THE FREE PATH 133 cules. The value of A used in the equation was not cor- rected for the distribution of molecular velocities. If cor- rected according to Maxwell's law the values of I',, in the Table have to be multiplied by , or 1.085. Both the quantities l\ and d have values of the order of magnitude 10 ~ 8 cm. The latter values are greater than the former, as is indicated by the values of the ratio I'Jd. The values of P n (which must be reduced to dynes) used in the cal- culations are contained in Table III, while the values of 77 were calculated by means of the empirical formula of Thorpe and Rodgers.* Table XIII gives the values of ' for C0 2 at 40 C. under high pressures in the gaseous state, and the correspond- ing values of d. According to equation (85), taking the TABLE XIII CO 2 AT 40 C. p in atmos. l'^ 108 cm . d 108 cm. p in atmos. Vq 10 8 cm. d 108 cm. 70 6.52 7.34 94 2.84 5.16 80 4.55 6.52 100 2.83 5.03 85 3.82 5.95 112 2.81 4.90 value of 6 for C02 obtained in Section 29, the value of l\ is smaller than the value of l^ for the greatest density by about 16 per cent. Thus ^ and V ^ do not differ much from each other. The values of P n +p and 17 used in these calcu- lations are given by Table XIV. (c) The number of times Nt that the mean momentum transfer distance of a molecule in a substance is passed over per second, given by equation (93), is a quantity of inter- est. This number for CO 2 in the liquid state at C. under * Phil. Trans., A., 1894, p. 1. 136 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION stant. The foregoing considerations indicate the fundamental reasons for the magnitude of the value of the viscosity of a substance, and the reason why its value increases rapidly with the density when the substance does not behave as a perfect gas. Interesting information may now also be obtained on the effect of molecular interference on the motion of a molecule. The positive nature of ,, indicates, according to equa- tion (89), that the effect of molecular interference is to increase l' n from the value it would have if it varied pro- portionally to v, which corresponds to the absence of molec- ular interference. The same remark applies to /,, which is given by equation (88), since an increase of b would be attended by an increase of molecular interference. This signifies that the chance of momentum being transferred by a migrating molecule to another molecule when moving along the velocity gradient of the substance is reduced by the vicinity of other molecules through the interaction of their forces of attraction and repulsion. But since the excess of momentum of the migrating molecule must eventually be transferred to the medium the act of transference when molecular forces exist is less frequent, but when it occurs more momentum is transferred, than would be the case in the absence of molecular forces. In the former case when a molecule transfers momentum to the medium the differ- ence between its velocity and that of the medium in the direction the medium is moving is greater than in the latter case, and hence we would expect that the amount of momen- tum transferred would be greater. Assuming that the series <, may approximately be rep- resented by the term 0,/w* the values of , and x cor- responding to the data in Table XIV were calculated from the values of $,, corresponding to the pressures 85 and 100 atmos., giving the values 4.03 X 10 3 and 2.12 respectively. VALUES OF THE INTERFERENCE FUNCTION 137 The value of x does not differ much from 2 as was pre- dicted. The last column of the Table contains the values of r,/v x for different pressures, calculated by means of the foregoing values of 0, and x. They agree fairly well with the values of $>,, in the preceding column. A better agree- ment would evidently have been obtained if <, had been taken a function of v which decreases with increase of v. Table XV gives the values of $, at different temperatures for a few liquids (whose density depends of course on the TABLE XV ETHER tC. Gas r, 10'. KTI lo 1 ". *,. 0, io 4 . 13.5 723 .9612 1.09 1.148 99 942 1.074 1.235 1.857 CHLOROFORM o 959 1.028 2.783 1.707 60 1 1163 1.129 1.802 2.011 BENZENE 15.4 755 .974 2.772 2.158 78.8 1079 1.263 1.154 1.058 temperature), calculated by means of equation (89), using the values of /' contained in Table XII. The values of KT, were calculated by means of equation (94) using the values of 77 corresponding to the gaseous state given in the second column of the Table. It will be seen that the values of $,, in some cases increase with increase of temperature, 138 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION which, it should be noted, is attended by an increase of the volume, while in the other cases the values decrease. Thus the effect of an increase of the temperature on the value of $ appears to be in the opposite direction to the effect of an increase of the volume. If the quantity ^ behaves similarly for all substances, as we might expect, the foregoing results would indicate that at constant tem- perature it would decrease with increase of volume, as the preceding results have already shown, and increase with increase of temperature at constant volume. This indicates that the chance of transfer of momentum by a migrating molecule to a molecule of the surrounding medium through the existence of molecular forces is decreased by an increase of temperature. Table XV also contains the values of ,, in the approxi- mate expression of ^/v x for $, putting x = 2. The values of 77 for different volumes at constant temperature of the substances mentioned in the Table might now be approxi- mately calculated by means of equation (92) on calcula- ting the values of P n +p by means of an empirical equation of state according to Section 21. Further investigation in connection with the experi- mental values of 77 of liquids must proceed mainly along the line of comparing the values of the characteristic quantity $ of different substances at various temperatures and vol- umes. This might furnish some information as to how this quantity depends on the molecular weight besides on the volume and temperature, and incidentally furnish further information in connection with the molecular forces. (e) It is interesting to apply equation (91) to a substance not in the perfectly gaseous state at volumes for which 6 is small in comparison with i>, and ,, small in comparison with unity, in which case the equation becomes (96) EFFECT OF DENSITY ON MOLECULAR VELOCITY 139 Corresponding to the smallest value of v for which these conditions hold rj usually differs considerably from that applying to the substance in the perfectly gaseous state, and this therefore also holds for V t and n. The value of V t may therefore be calculated with fair accuracy by means of the foregoing equation over a region at the beginning of which a substance begins to deviate from the gas laws. The corresponding values of P n +p, and hence of P n , may be obtained from equation (92). Table XVI contains a TABLE XVI CO 2 AT 40 C. Kr, = 2.578 X 1.085 X 10~ 10 p in atmos. 77x106. per grm. mol. P n +P in atmos. P n atmos. V t / V a- 1 157 25,550 1 1.000 40 176 589.8 48.59 8.6 1.121 60 187 328.7 92.70 32.7 1.191 70 200 245.7 132.5 62.5 1.274 set of calculations carried out for CCb at 40 C. over a range of volumes for which the foregoing conditions hold, since 4 03 X 10 3 approximately 6=12, Section 29, and $,,= - ' .12 accord- ing to Table XIV. The value of K^ in equation (96) was determined by applying equation (94) to C02 in the gaseous state at a pressure of one atmos. and temperature 40 C., and correcting the value obtained according to Maxwell's law. It will be seen that P n and the ratio V t /V a , where V a denotes the average velocity of translation of a molecule of CO2 in the gaseous state, which is given by equation (8) and the equation F a =.922F, gradually increase with increase of pressure. Thus the more the molecules come under each other's influence the greater the total average 140 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION velocity above that in the gaseous state, which falls into line with what has been obtained before. It is of impor- tance to notice, however, that the foregoing deduction of the result does not depend on the results of Sections 16 and 17. (/) On using the term ^/v 2 for the series $,, in equation (90), which holds approximately according to Sub-section d, and substituting for n the expression given by equation (66) retaining only the first two terms, we obtain the equa- tion This equation contains the three unknowns b, 2, and r They may be determined by applying the equation at con- stant temperature to a substance at three densities not differing much from each other. The values of n and V t may then at once be obtained similarly as in Section 29. It may be noted, however, that it is preferable to deter- mine the quantities 6, 2, and < if possible, without using simultaneous equations, or using as few as possible, as this gives more reliable results. For the variables of a set of simultaneous equations may usually be varied over a considerable range and yet approximately satisfy the equa- tions, and hence slight errors in the constants of the equa- tions (furnished by experiment) may considerably affect the values obtained for the variables. (g) In Sub-section (a) of this Section it was shown that the values of T? for substances in the gaseous state obey the relation of corresponding states. This is also found to hold when the substances are not in the gaseous state,* as is shown by the approximate constancy of the ratio of 171 to 772 corresponding to the temperatures T c /2 and 47V7, shown by Table XVII for a number of liquids. Since the quantities P^+p, v, T, and K, in equation (92) obey this * R. D. Kleeman, Proc. Camb. Phil Soc., Vol. XVI, Ft. 7, p. 633. PROPERTIES OF THE INTERFERENCE FUNCTION 141 TABLE XVII ETHELENE-BROMIDE (C 4 H 4 Br 2 ) ETHELENE CHLORIDE (C 4 H4C1 2 ) *c. ni and 1)2. /*. ,, also approximately obeys the relation of corresponding states. We may therefore write l+^ ^[~^j ), where T c denotes \ * PI the critical temperature, and p c the critical density of the substance. 142 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION 35. Formula for the Viscosity of Mixtures. It will be evident from an examination of the investiga- tion in the previous Section that the effect of each molecule of a substance on its viscosity is additive in character. Therefore in the case of a mixture the effect of the different sets of molecules is additive. It will easily be seen there- fore that in the case of a mixture of molecules e and r the viscosity is given by ..... (98) where l^ r denotes the mean momentum transfer distance of a molecule r of absolute mass m ar , n r the number of mole- cules r crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second, and the remaining symbols have similar meanings with respect to the molecules e. For l nT and l,, e we may write ), .... (99) Vr (/ r-LVer and ' similarly as in the previous Section, where v r denotes the volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of mole- cules r, b' T the apparent volume of the molecules r and e in the volume v r with respect to the motion of a molecule r (Section 20), K\ T a characteristic constant of the molecules r when the mixture is in the gaseous state, N er the total concentration of the molecules e and r, N the number of molecules in a gram molecule of a pure substance, ^>, r the effect of the molecules of the mixture on a molecule r inter- acting with a molecule r or e, or the interference function of the mixture with respect to the molecules r, and the remaining quantities have similar meanings with respect to VISCOSITY EQUATION FOR GASEOUS MIXTURES 143 the molecules e. It will be recognized that in deducing the foregoing two equations along similar lines as equation (88), we have written N N l 'v =K 'v inrCl+S,,, and Z' ne =*' !+<*>,), -iV er IV e r or replaced volume by concentration, which in the case of mixtures is more convenient. It should be noted that in N the case of a pure substance say e, we have v= . It is also more convenient to regard ', and <$',,,. as a series of powers of the concentration instead of the volume. As a first approximation we may write and similarly as in the previous Section. It will be easy to see that the various quantities involved are functions of the ratio of the number of molecules r to e, as well as of their nature. On applying equation (98) to the gaseous state after substituting from equations (99) and (100), it becomes Vv-M., (101) by the help of equation (21), and since v e N .N AT = -, and + = Ncr, V r V e V r where N denotes the number of molecules in a gram molecule, and m r and m e the molecular weights of a 144 THE NATURE OF THE MOLECULAR MOTION molecule r and e respectively in terms of that of the hydro- gen atom. This equation expresses a relation between the quantities K.\ T and K'^, which is of use in determining them. Approximate values of K'^ and K\ C may be obtained from the values of K^ and K^ corresponding to the con- stituents separated from each other and in the gaseous state. In the case of a pure substance r in the gaseous state N I,,, = a,,,. v r = K, f . Thus l^ varies inversely as the probability of a molecule r coming under the influence of another mole- cule r under given conditions, which is proportional to N r , and hence l/K, r is the probability factor of N r . In the case of a mixture of molecules r and e in the gaseous state the transfer distance l^ r varies inversely as the proba- bility of a molecule r coming under the influence of a mole- cule r or e. This probability consists of the sum of the probabilities of a molecule r coming under the influence of another molecule r, and of coming under the influence of a molecule e, since these processes are independent. N 1 Now the first probability is equal to , where K, r refers J\ Kyr to the molecules r in the pure state, since the two proba- bilities are independent and we may therefore suppose the molecules e absent. The second probability is equal to AT 1 1 -^ , where is the probability factor in this case. Hence N K X K X we have Ner : AT or _1_ fA^ ATeM , ( 102 ) CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION APPROXIMATION 145 The factor I/K X may be expressed as a mean of the factors I/K^ and I/K^ referring to the substances r and e in the pure state. Thus we may write or we may write 1=1)1+11 K X 2\Kr, r Kr,e\' which would hold approximately. Thus an approximate value of K'^ could be obtained from equation (102) in terms of quantities referring to the constituents of the gaseous mixture in the pure state. Similarly an approximate expres- sion for K'^ may be obtained. The accuracy of the values obtained may be checked by means of equation (101). Approximate values of $' v and 0',^ may be calculated from the values of nr and ,,<, referring to the isolated constituents of the mixture. In the case of a pure sub- stance r the term Q^N^/N 2 is a measure of the probability of a molecule r coming under the influence of another mole- cule r and the pair coming under the influence of a third molecule r. In the case of a mixture of molecules r and e the term 4>' w N 2 er /N 21 is correspondingly a measure of the probability of a molecule r coming under the influence of another molecule r and the pair coming under the influence of a molecule r or e, or a molecule r coming under the influ- ence of a molecule e and the pair coming under the influence of a molecule r or e. These four probabilities may be taken as approximately independent of each other, and the total probability therefore equal to their sum. We may there- fore write , . . . ^ X ~ " ~ ~* ' 146 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION where nr refers to molecules r in the pure state, and $ x , v , and 2 , are appropriate probability factors. These factors may approximately be expressed in terms of quan- tities referring to the molecules r and e in the pure state. Thus we may write approximately; or we may write approximately. Similarly an approximate expression for d, \ e may be obtained. The quantities just considered may be determined di- rectly by the following method. In conformity with equation (102) we may write v and On substituting for K'^ and ^ e from these equations in equation (101) and applying it to a gaseous mixture at three different relative concentrations at constant tem- perature three simultaneous equations are obtained from which the constants a r , a re , and a e may be determined. INTERFERENCE FUNCTION APPROXIMATION 147 Similarly in conformity with equation (103) we may write and On substituting for 4)\ r and tf^ in equation (98) transformed by means of subsequent equations as indicated, and apply- ing it to four different relative concentrations of the mixture at constant temperature four simultaneous equations will be obtained from which the constants b r , b rr e, b ree , and b e , may be determined. The values of b' T and b' e involved, it may be pointed out, may be obtained by the help of Section 29. Knowing the values of the foregoing seven constants and the values of b' e and b' r , the viscosity may be calcu- lated for any density and relative concentration of the constituents. Similarly a mixture of more constituents than two may be treated. 36. The Coefficient of Conduction of Heat. When heat flows from one part of a substance to another at a different temperature without a bodily transference of matter taking place the heat is said to be propagated by conduction. The heat energy is then transferred from one molecule to another in the direction of the flow of heat through their interaction by means of their forces of attrac- tion and repulsion. The coefficient of conduction of heat is usually denned in connection with the flow of heat across a slab of material of thickness d and infinite extent whose surfaces are kept at the different temperatures ti and fa, 148 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION where ti>t 2 say. The quantity of heat Q transferred per second per square cm. of each surface is defined by (104) where C is a constant which is called the coefficient of con- duction of heat, and -W-^ is called the temperature gradient d of the flow of heat. When the gradient is equal to unity it follows from the equation that the coefficient C is equal to the quantity of heat transferred from one side of the slab to the othe.r per second per square crn. of surface. The lines of flow of heat in the foregoing arrangement would obviously be everywhere perpendicular to each sur- face of the slab. In practice with a slab of finite dimensions this is realized only near the central portion, and the amount of heat transferred is therefore measured for this portion only, the rest of the slab acting as a guard ring arrangement. As in the case of viscosity, the flow of heat in a substance is directly connected with the nature of the motion of a molecule, and it will therefore be necessary to define a quantity connected with the path described by a molecule in migrating from one portion of the substance to another. 37. The Mean Heat Transfer Distance of a Molecule in a Substance. Consider a substance which is at a higher temperature in the plane AB, Fig. 14, than in the parallel plane CD, and which has a uniform temperature gradient between the planes. Let abc denote the path of a molecule migrat- ing progressively into layers at lower temperatures. The molecule loses heat energy in continually varying amounts to the medium at the expense of its kinetic energy (Section 16), and the change in its potential energy of attraction THE TRANSFERENCE OF HEAT BY A MOLECULE 149 brought about by passing progressively into denser layers of the substance. We may suppose that the medium acquires and loses energy at certain points only near the path of the migrating molecule, which energy is abstracted from, or transferred to, the migrating molecule as the case may be. The amount of energy lost at a point will be taken equal to 7 7 2>Sm, where T^ denotes the absolute temperature at the point, and S m the internal specific heat at constant pressure of the molecule, while the energy acquired at the point will be taken equal to T\S m , where T\ denotes the absolute temperature at the preceding point. The internal specific heat S m of a molecule is equal to the internal specific heat FIG. 14. at constant pressure of a gram of molecules (Section 13) divided by the number of molecules it contains. The line joining two consecutive points will be called a heat transfer distance in the substance, since the molecule abstracts the quantity of heat TiS m at one extremity of the distance and transfers it to the other extremity, while at the latter point it abstracts the quantity of heat T 2 S m and transfers it to the other extremity of the adjacent distance, etc. Let us suppose, similarly as in the case of viscosity, that the posi- tions of the points associated with the path of a migrating molecule are so selected that the number of heat transfer 150 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION distances, and the number of molecular paths, cutting a plane of one square cm., are equal to one another, and that all directions of a transfer distance in space are equally probable. These two conditions determine the positions and lengths of the transfer distances. These distances are not equal to each other, but are grouped about a mean distance l c according to the distribution law of Clausius given in Section 31. The mean heat transfer distance of a molecule is evi- dently not equal to the mean momentum transfer distance in viscosity, for one refers to the transfer of momentum and the other to energy under different conditions. Experi- mental evidence will be considered later showing that that is so. In treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases both dis- tances are usually assumed to be equal to the average dis- tance between two consecutive collisions of a molecule. We will now deduce formulae involving the mean heat transfer distance as defined in this Section. 38. Formulae for the Coefficient of Conduction of Heat in Terms of Other Quantities. Let us suppose that the temperature of a substance is higher in the plane AB, Fig. 15, than in the parallel plane CD. Suppose that n molecules cross the plane EF from one side to the other. This migration of molecules gives rise to a transference of heat across the plane from top to bottom which per square cm. is numerically equal to the coefficient of conduction of heat if the temperature gradient is unity. This amount of heat may be expressed in terms of other quantities as follows. Consider the heat transfer distances which cut the plane EF and are inclined at an angle 6 to a perpendicular to the plane. For purposes of calculation we may suppose that the upper extremities of these distances are located at the same point which may be THE TRANSFERENCE OF HEAT ACROSS A PLANE 151 taken to lie in the plane EF. It follows then from the figure, which shows a section of a hemisphere of radius z having the point mentioned as center, that the number of these dis- tances is equal to l ~~" where z denotes the length of one of these distances, r z sin 6, and the number is thus equal to n sin 6 dB. FIG. 15. If n^ denote the number of the f oregoinj distances whose lengths lie between z and z+dz, we have n z = n sin 6 - d0 j-^ z -L dz, by the help of equation (81). Each of the molecules cor- responding to the foregoing distances abstract the energy T\Sm from the plane EF which is at the temperature TI, and transfers it to the plane GH which is at the temperature TV An equal number of molecules inclined at the angle 6 to a line at right angles to the plane EF move in the oppo- site direction. Each of these molecules abstracts the energy T2S m from the plane GH and transfers it to the plane EF. Thus on the whole these two sets of molecules transfer the 152 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION energy n z (TiS m T2S m ) across the plane EF. On taking the temperature gradient equal to unity we have - ' z cos e and the preceding expression for the energy transfer becomes n z S m z cos 6. The total energy transferred per square cm. across the plane EF is obtained on substituting for n z in the foregoing expression and integrating it from to oo with respect to the transfer distance z, and from to 7r/2 with respect to the angle 6, which gives fir- = nS m JQ Jo Z 2 l c cos 0sin 0,-^e -dd-dz, where C denotes the coefficient of conduction of heat. The integral in this equation can be shown to be equal to l c (Section 34), which reduces the equation to (105) where n denotes the number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other, l c the mean heat transfer distance, and S m the internal specific heat at constant pres- sure per molecule. If S ff denote the internal specific heat per gram at constant pressure of the substance we have S m =S g m a , ...... (106) where m a denotes the absolute molecular weight of a mole- cule, and the preceding equation may be written C = nm a S a l c ....... (107) By means of this equation the value of l c for any state of AN INFERIOR LIMIT OF THE FREE PATH 153 matter may be calculated, since C and S g may be measured directly and n determined indirectly according to Section 29. The quantity l c may be expressed in terms of other quantities similarly as the quantity Z, in Section 34, by representing the substance by another substance possessing the same coefficient of conduction of heat, internal specific heat at constant pressure, and expansion pressure, but whose molecules possess no apparent volume 6. The coeffi- cient of conduction of the representative substance is evi- dently given by C = n'maS ff l'c, where n'and l' c referring to the representative substance have meanings similar to n and l c in equation (107). Since the representative substance has the same expansion pres- sure as the original substance, and the molecules of the former substance have no volume, we have according to equations (38) and (45) that v-b A/2' where the quantities n, 6, P n , p, v, and A refer to the original substance. The preceding equation may therefore be writ- ten C= -jnmaSil'c = "m a / c . . '. (108) v o A. This equation determines l' c since each of the other quan- tities it contains may be determined from the original substance. The relation between l c and l' c according to equations (107) and (108) is given by (109) and thus V c is an inferior limit of l c . 154 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION Equation (108) may be given another form along the same lines as equation (84) in Section 34. If the mole- cules in the representative substance were devoid of molec- ular forces which extend beyond a small distance from each molecule, the quantity l c would vary inversely as the chance of one molecule meeting another, or be proportional to the volume v, and we may write l'c=KcV, where K C is a constant at constant temperature. The exist- ence of molecular forces extending some distance from each molecule gives rise to the interaction of two molecules not being independent of the surrounding molecules, and hence l' c not being proportional to v. This effect may be expressed by a factor introduced into the right-hand side of the fore- going equation, which is obtained in the same way as a similar factor in Section 34. Since the chance of a mole- cule interacting with another molecule and the pair coming under the influence of r molecules, is proportional to 1/V +1 , the factor in question may be written The quantities <' c , 4>" c , . . . , which are functions of T and v, insensitive to v, are not identical, it should be noted, with the quantities <',,, " . . . , in Section 34, because the quantities /, and l c have somewhat different meanings, but they will probably not differ much from each other. The quantities l c and V c are therefore given by the equations and l' c = Kc v(l+3> c ) ........ (112) VARIOUS FORMULA FOR HEAT CONDUCTION 155 Equation (111) may be interpreted similarly as equa- tion (88). The interaction of two molecules is modified by the surrounding molecules, an effect which was called molecular interference. The value of the apparent molec- ular volume b in the equation depends to some extent (which is probably small) on molecular interference, while $ c depends wholly on it. The latter quantity may therefore be called the interference function in heat conduction. In value it probably differs not much from that of the interference function $,, in viscosity. Therefore according to equation (111) the effect of molecular interference on l c which is not represented by b (a quantity which also occurs in equation (88)), is represented by the function 3> c , which may now be used without referring to the representative substance. Equation (107) may therefore be written in the forms (113) I, .... (114) o\v uj I and '<), (115) by the help of equations (35) and (46), and remembering that N c m a v = m. The values of n, b, and V t , the number of molecules crossing a square cm., the apparent molecular volume in cubic cms. per gram molecule, and the total average velocity in cms. respectively, may be determined by the method described in Section 29. The value of the intrinsic pressure P, which must be expressed in dynes similarly as the pressure p, may be determined by the method described in Section 21. The internal specific heat S g per gram at constant pressure, and the conduction 156 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION of heat C per second across a square cm. at right angles to unit heat gradient, must be expressed in terms of the same heat units, which for convenience may be taken the calorie, or the mechanical heat unit the erg. The calculated values of n, 6, and V t depend on the distribution of velocities as- sumed for the molecules; they may be corrected according to Maxwell's law, if desired, in the way described. The value of A in equation (115) not corrected for the distri- bution of molecular velocities is given by A =5.087X10 ~ 20 VTm t according to Section 11. If corrected according to Maxwell's /o~ law the value has to be multiplied by \--, or 1.085. It will appear, however, from Sub-section a that the calculated value of K C similarly corrected involves the factor 1.085 and that therefore the uncorrected values of A and K C may be used in equation (115). Since p is independent of the molecular distribution of velocities (Section 8), and P n is obviously so by nature, the dependence of the factor K C /A in equation (115) on this distribution is represented in equations (114) and (113) by factors involving the quan- tities n, K c , b, and V t . The uncorrected values of these quantities may therefore be used in these equations. It may be noted here that the quantity, S g is probably very approximately, if not altogether, independent of the dis- tribution of molecular velocities. This follows according to Section 13 from the fact that it depends mainly on the change in kinetic energy and change in potential energy of attraction of a gram of substance during a degree change of temperature, both changes being independent of the dis- tribution of molecular velocities. The value of K C in these equations for a given substance is determined by applying equation (113) to the substance THE HEAT CONDUCTION EQUATION FOR A GAS 157 in the perfectly gaseous state, which corresponds to v= oo , in which case the equation becomes (116) by means of equation (21), where S a is now equal to the specific heat at constant volume. The quantity K C , it should be noted, is not identical with the quantity K n . It is a char- acteristic constant depending on the molecular forces and volume of the substance. The values of the quantities n, V t , 6, P n , p, and S e are affected to a certain extent by the influence of the mole- cules of the substance on two molecules while interacting, or influenced by molecular interference. The quantity 3> c therefore represents the portion of a similar effect on the heat conductivity of a substance which is not represented by the foregoing quantities in equations (113), (114), and (115). These equations may now be used without referring to the representative substance. It follows similarly as in Section 34 in connection with the quantity <$,,, that the terms of the series for 3> c decrease rapidly in magnitude. As a first approximation we may therefore retain only the term ' c /v 2 , or replace the series by the term c /v x , where x would differ little from 2. It will readily be recognized that the quantities ' c , " e , . . . , in the series for < c are functions of T and v, which are not very sensitive to v. From equations (107) and (83) we have which gives the ratio of the mean heat transfer distance associated with a molecule of a substance to the mean momentum transfer distance. This would furnish some 158 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION information about the difference in the effect of molecular interference on the chances of a migrating molecule losing momentum or kinetic energy to a medium under the con- ditions of viscosity and heat conduction respectively, since these chances are respectively proportional to I//, and l/lc. On substituting for l c and l v in the foregoing equation from equations (111) and (88), it becomes after rearranging = ^4 (118) The quantities K n and K C in this equation may be determined from the viscosity and heat conduction of the substance in the gaseous state, while the quantities C, S g , and 77 (which refer to any state) may be determined directly. The equa- tion may thus be used to compare the quantities 3> c and r Since K C and K^ do not depend on molecular interference according to their definitions, and S g also does not from its nature, while both 3> c and <, depend entirely on it, it follows from equation (118) that an increase of C rela- tive to ,, is attended by an increase of C relative to 77. ' Thus this equation gives some information on the relative effects of molecular interference on the heat conductivity and viscosity of a substance. A few applications of the foregoing investigation will now be given. (a) Equation (116) gives the coefficient of heat conduc- tion of a gas. Since K C is independent of the density of the gas, it follows from the equation that this also holds for the quantity C. Experiment has demonstrated the truth of this result. It would of course cease to hold when the dimen- sions of the vessel in which conduction takes place are comparable with the length of the mean heat transfer dis- tance, according to the conditions on which the deduction of the equation is based. THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON CONDUCTION 159 The dynamical mechanism underlying this result may be illustrated by the following considerations. A molecule in a gas moving in the direction of the flow of heat transfers a certain amount of heat to the medium at the end of each transfer distance. If the concentration of the gas is halved the length of each transfer distance is doubled, while the heat transferred at the end of each transfer distance is also doubled since the temperature gradient remains the same. Since a change in molecular concentration of a gas does not alter the molecular velocities, the heat transferred per second by a molecule moving between two walls at different tem- peratures in the latter case is double that in the former. But since the number of molecules per cubic cm. available for heat transference in the latter case is half the number available in the former case, the total heat transferred is the same in each case. The value of K C is found to increase with increase of tem- perature, as is the case with the similar quantity K,, con- nected with the viscosity of the substance. This is shown for a few gases by Table XVIII. The reason is undoubtedly the same as that holding in the case of viscosity, namely that the greater the velocity of a molecule the shorter the time it is under the influence of another molecule, and the smaller its chance of transferring heat energy, this chance being measured by l/l c , or I/K C . The values of K C in the Table are not corrected for the distribution of molecular velocities since equation (116) was derived from equation (113) on substituting for n the expression given by equation (21). If they are cor- rected according to Maxwell's law each value has to be /Q multiplied by -\-jj-, or 1.085, according to Section 11. The same remarks apply to the values of the quantity K, in the Table. 160 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION TABLE XVIII C 2 H 4 . TO = 44 iC. S g cal. per gm. C10 3 cal./cm.2 sec. KC 10' ic, lO'o * c =0, under these conditions. The cal- culation of the ratio K C /K V for different gases shows that it PROPERTIES OF THE CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION 161 is not equal to unity, or the quantities K C and K,, are not equal to each other, and that the value of the ratio depends on the nature of the gas and its temperature, as is shown by Table XVIII. We would expect that these quantities should not be equal to each other since they do not mean exactly the same thing. For 1/7 C , or l//c c , is a measure of the chance of heat energy being transferred by a migrating molecule to its medium under the conditions of heat conduc- tion, while 1/Z,,, or I/*,, is a measure of the chance of mo- mentum being transferred to the medium under the con- ditions of viscosity. The former chance is smaller than the latter in gases, since according to the Table KC/K,, or Y is greater than unity. tr, It will be of interest to give a more definite and direct physical significance of K C , and compare it with that obtained for K n in Sub-section (a) of Section 34. The quantity C represents the amount of energy which flows per second across each square cm. of a plane in a substance situated at right angles to a unit temperature gradient. Since n molecules cross the plane per square cm. per second in each direction, C/n represents the energy conveyed by a mole- cule across the plane on crossing it and recrossing it (some- time) in the opposite direction. According to equations (105) and (111) this energy is equal to K c S m v in the case of a gas, where the value of S m is independent of the pressure of the gas. Thus K C represents the energy conveyed by a molecule per unit of its specific heat at unit volume of a gram molecule of the gas. The quantity K,,, we have seen, represents the momentum conveyed by a molecule across a plane at right angles to unit velocity gradient per unit mass of the molecule at unit volume of a gram molecule of the gas. It can be shown similarly as in Section 34 that a mole- cule takes a time proportional to v/V in crossing and re- crossing a plane. The amount of energy conveyed by a 162 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION molecule per second across a plane under the foregoing con- ditions is therefore proportional to K C 8 m V, and thus inde- pendent of the volume of the gas. (6) Equation (117) may immediately be applied to liquids to obtain the values of the ratio ljli\. Table XIX TABLE XIX Substance. t C. S g cal. per gm. r> C cal./cm. 2 sec. yi, E. bromide .... 15 .2135 .004212 .0 3 247 .275 E. iodide 15 .1641 .006231 .0 3 222 .217 Chloroform .... 15 .237 .006019 .0 3 288 .202 M. alcohol. . . . 15 .5868 .006429 .0 3 495 .131 C. tetrachloride .2010 .01351 .0 3 2664 .0981 C. disulphide . . 15 .242 .003905 .0 3 343 .363 Benzene 10 .4066 .007631 .0 3 333 .107 contains the values for a number of substances. It will be seen that they depend on the nature of the substances, and that they are smaller than unity. We have just seen that when the substances are in the gaseous state this ratio is greater than unity. This difference is due to the effect of the attraction of the molecules of a substance on a migrat- ing molecule increasing with the density of the substance. It indicates that an increase of molecular interference in- creases to a greater extent the chance of a molecule trans- ferring heat energy than of transferring momentum under the conditions of heat conduction and viscosity respectively, since these chances are measured by l// c and 1/Z,,. According to the foregoing result, and the result that KC/K, is greater than unity, it follows from equation (118) and (117) that is less than unity, and that therefore <$,, ><<;, or the interference function of viscosity is greater than the interference function of heat conduction. Since each of these quantities is zero for matter in the gaseous DETERMINATION OF INTERFERENCE FUNCTION 163 state, an increase in the molecular interference as brought about by an increase of the density of the matter already in a dense state would therefore increase <,, to a greater extent than 3> c . Therefore according to equation (118) and the considerations following it the value of 17 is increased to a greater extent by the increase of molecular interference brought about by an increase 01 density of the matter than the value of C. (c) Equation (115) may be used to obtain the value of < c for a liquid, and hence the corresponding value of ' c may be deduced. The value of P n +p required for the cal- culations may be obtained from the coefficients of expansion and compression of the liquid according to Section 21. It may also be obtained by the method of Section 46. The value of K C may be determined by means of equation (116), which applies to the substance in the gaseous state. At present the data are not sufficient to permit such a calcula- tion being carried out for a substance. (d) If the values of C and S g be known for three differ- ent densities of a substance not differing much from each other, and the value of K C be calculated by means of equa- tion (116), the values of b and ' c may be determined by means of a modified form of equation (113) obtained on substituting for 3> c the approximate expression ' and 0' cc are functions of T and Ner but which are insensitive to variations in Ner- On substituting from equations (122) and (121) for la and l ce in equation (120) and applying it to the gaseous state, it becomes c= '^ +MS '' (123) by the help of equation (21), and since V e N N ,, S mr , S me = -, -- h = N er , bar = - , and Sft = - , V r V e V r m a r Wlae where Sgr and S ge denote the partial specific heats per gram of the molecules r and e respectively, the ratio of the number of molecules r to the number of molecules e whose relative molecular weights referred to the hydrogen atom are m r and m e , and N denotes the number of molecules in a gram molecule of a pure substance. When the mixture is in the perfectly gaseous state the values of Sgr and S ge are the same as for the pure substances in the gaseous state at constant volume. Equation (123) gives a relation between the quantities *' and *'> which is of use in their determina- tion. The various quantities contained in the foregoing equa- tions are evidently functions of , the ratio of the constitu- ents. With the exception of the quantities v r , v e , b' e , and 6' r , they are not identical with the quantities contained in the equations of Section 35. The values of K' ' and /. may be approximately calcu- lated from the values of K CT and K ce referring to the sub- stances isolated and in the perfectly gaseous state, by means of a formula similar to equation (102) in Section 35. The values thus obtained may be checked by means of equa- 166 "THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION .tion (123). Similarly the values of ' cr and 4>' C e may approxi- mately be calculated by a formula similar to equation (103). The foregoing quantities may also be determined directly by the method given in the Section mentioned. (a) It is instructive to apply equation (120) to the con- duction of heat in metals. Since the molecules of a metal are more or less in relatively rigid positions the heat energy must in the main be transferred by carriers which are able to move about more freely than the molecules. It has been supposed that these carriers consist of electrons in the free state which arise through a spontaneous dissociation of the molecules into electrons and positively charged mole- cules. Equilibrium exists when the number of electrons produced in this way per second is equal to the number neutralized through combination with oppositely charged parent molecules. The state of equilibrium may therefore be expressed by the equation of mass-action. where N n denotes the number of neutral molecules per cubic cm., N e the number of electrons or positively charged molecules per cubic cm., and K denotes the constant of mass- action. This constant is a function of the temperature, density, and nature, of the metal. If the molecules of the metal are designated by r and the electrons by e in equation (120), we have n r =0, since the molecules are more or less in relatively fixed positions, and the equation becomes C = n e S me lce ...... (124) The value of l ce is probably governed by the spacing of the molecules of the metal, since the size of an electron is very small in comparison with that of an atom. As a first approxi- mation we may therefore take l ce equal to the distance of THE MIGRATION OF ELECTRONS IN A METAL 167 separation of the atoms in a metal, which is usually of the order 10 ~ 8 cm. The partial specific heat S me of an electron probably differs little from \ m a F 2 = 2.012X10- 16 7 7 ergs, its specific heat at constant volume in the gaseous state. Whatever its value, it cannot be greater than the specific heat per atom of the metal, which is equal to twice the specific heat it would have in the gaseous state. We may therefore with a fair degree of certainty calculate by means of equation (124) the order of magnitude of n ey the num- ber of electrons crossing a square cm. per second from one side to the other in a metal. Thus for example in the case of copper we have C = .7198 cal. S me = 4.808X10- 24 caL, and \ 3 = 2.25XlO- 8 cm., which gives n e = 9.15X!0 30 . It is of interest to compare this number with the number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second in a liquid or dense gas. Thus in the case of CO2 at 40 C. under a pressure of 200 atmos. this number is equal to 7.8X10 26 according to Table VIII. The density of the C02 under these conditions is about equal to unity. The value of l ce according to the foregoing considerations would increase with increase of temperature in the case of the pure metals, since they expand with increase of tem- perature, and the increase may probably be taken approxi- mately equal to the increase in the distance of separation of the atoms. S me is very likely practically independent of the temperature. Therefore for the cases that C decreases with increase of temperature this very likely also holds for n e according to equation (124). Some of the metals falling 168 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION into this category are: lead, cadmium, iron, silver, bis- muth, zinc, and tin. Other investigations having a bearing on the electrons in a metal will be found in Section 42. 40. The Coefficient of Diffusion of a Substance. If the constituents of a mixture of substances are not evenly distributed, diffusion from one part to another will take place till equilibrium is obtained. The primary Distance FIG. 16. : cause of diffusion is the motion of translation of the mole- cules. This will at once appear from the consideration of a mixture whose constituents r and e are distributed accord- ing to the curves shown in Fig. 16, the concentration being supposed uniform in planes parallel to the concentration axes. Molecules are projected from each element of volume of the mixture. The portion of the mixture between the planes ab and cd will therefore receive more molecules r from the portion of the mixture between the planes cd and ef, on account of the concentration gradient of the mole- cules r, than vice versa. Thus on the whole a migration of molecules r in the direction of decrease of concentration would take place. Similarly it follows that the molecules THE COEFFICIENT OF DIFFUSION 169 e on the whole migrate in the direction of decrease of con- centration of the molecules e, or in the opposite direction to the molecules r. If d r denote the number of molecules r which on the whole are transported across a square cm., and c denotes the concentration gradient, we have 8x 8 r = D r ., ...... (125) where D T denotes the coefficient of diffusion of the molecules r. When the concentration gradient is unity D r = 8 r . It is evident that the coefficient of diffusion should depend on the density of the mixture, the ratio of the masses of the constituents, and the concentration gradient, at the point the coefficient is measured. It is found, however, to be approximately independent of the concentration gradient over a considerable range of gradients. 41. The Mean Diffusion Path of a Molecule in a Mixture. The path of a molecule in a mixture in migrating from one place to another is undulatory in character on account of the interaction between the molecules due to the existence of molecular forces and molecular volume. It differs the more from a number of straight lines of various lengths joined consecutively together at various angles, the greater the density of the substance. The effect of this path on the rapidity of the diffusion of a molecule from one place to another may be represented by another path along which the molecule is supposed to move, consisting of straight lines joined together and lying near the path, and inci- dentally intersecting it, as shown by Fig. 14. In supposing that a molecule passes along its representative path it is obvious of course that in general the molecule at any in- stant does not occupy its actual position. But this does 170 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION not matter when we are dealing with the behavior of a large number of molecules as a whole. The straight lines consti- tuting the representative path will be called the diffusion free paths of the molecule. The average length of these paths is left arbitrary to a certain extent by their defini- tion, and we will therefore impose the conditions that the sum of the representative free paths between any two points a considerable distance apart is equal in length to the cor- responding actual path, and that each direction of a free path of given length is equally probable. These conditions completely determine the magnitude of the mean free path, as will appear from the next Section. These paths are not equal in magnitude but are grouped about the mean free path l d according to the law given in Section 31. 42. Formulae Expressing the Coefficient of Dif- fusion in Terms of Other Quantities. Let us consider a heterogeneous mixture of molecules r and e in which the molecules are uniformly distributed in planes parallel to the plane AB in Fig. 15, but non-uni- formly distributed at right angles to the plane so that a diffusion of molecules r towards the parallel plane CD takes place, while a diffusion of molecules e takes place in the opposite direction. We may suppose, to simplify the rea- soning, that the molecular paths which cut the plane EF in migrating towards the plane CD, begin their journey in the former plane at the same point. If n r denote the total number of molecules r crossing the plane EF per square cm. from one side to the other, which is equal to the num- ber of times the plane is cut by the corresponding free paths, the number whose paths make an angle 8 with a perpendic- ular to the plane is similarly, as in Section 34, given by n r sin 6 - d6. MOLECULAR MIGRATION ACROSS A PLANE 171 The number of the foregoing molecules whose paths lie between z and z-\-dz is equal to Z _L n r sin e-dd-^-e I 8r -dz, * 6r according to Section 31, where l sr denotes the mean dif- fusion path of the molecules r. This number of molecules, and the corresponding number of molecules moving in the opposite direction, which we may suppose begin their journey in the plane GH in Fig. 15, are respectively proportional to the molecular concentrations of the molecules r in the planes EF and GH. If N r denotes the concentration in the plane EF, the concentration in the plane GH is evidently . dNr , dN r ,, N r z cos 0- , where : is the concentration gradient dx dx measured in the direction of increase of concentration. Therefore the loss in molecules r in the plane EF is equal to the difference in the foregoing concentrations divided by NT, and multiplied by the preceding number of molecules, which gives for the loss 1 dN r Z 2 ~Tfo TT? r~ r w r sin 8 cos B^e r -dz- dd. N r dx Pi, The total loss of molecules r in the plane is obtained by integrating the foregoing expression from to oo with respect to the free path z, and from to 7r/2 with respect to the angle 6. On referring to similar integrals in Sections 34 and 38 it will be evident that the integral in question is equal to rirhr dN r Nr dx' Similarly it can be shown that the gain of molecules e in the plane EF is equal to Tvfife' 1 172 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION where the concentration gradient of the molecules e is meas- ured in the direction of their increase of concentration, and thus in the opposite direction of the gradient of the molecules r. The total loss of molecules r and e in the plane EF is therefore equal to ~W r ~~dx' ~N7~dx' which may be written M T M e . When the molecular paths are in their original positions the foregoing number repre- sents, on the whole, the gain in molecules on the lower side of the plane EF. But the space occupied by these molecules is not zero. A portion of the mixture must there- fore be transported bodily across the plane in the oppo- site direction to make room for the foregoing molecules. Let P v denote the volume of this portion of the mixture. The total number of molecules r transported on the whole across the plane per square cm. in the direction of decrease of concentrtaion gradient, which is equal to the diffusion 6 r , is accordingly given by Hrhr dNr P,N r Nr dx Ne+Nr Let # r and & e denote the external molecular volumes of a molecule r and of a molecule e respectively in the mixture, i.e., the decrease in the volume of the mixture when a mole- cule r or e at constant pressure is removed. These quanti- ties are evidently connected by the equation The quantity P v is therefore given by the equation THE GENERAL DIFFUSION EQUATION 173 or '+ On substituting this expression for P v in the preceding dif- fusion equation, and then substituting the expressions for M e and M r , the equation becomes . _ e rhrNe dN T n e l &e N T dN e ~N r &r + Ne# t \ N r dx :""* N e dx which is a fundamental form of the diffusion equation. The rate of diffusion of the molecules e, which takes place in the opposite direction to the molecules r, is obtained on interchanging the suffixes r and e in the foregoing equation. It will readily be seen that the rates of diffusion for the two different kinds of molecules may be written 5 r = K& e , and d e = K& r , and hence the ratio of the rates of diffusion is given by H ........ (127) In the case of a liquid mixture the quantities &, and # c are not equal to each other. They may easily be measured in practice since 8v dv where v denotes the volume of the mixture. In the case of a gaseous mixture d e = $ r , and N e +N r =* C er a constant since the pressure is everywhere the same. Equation (126) in that case becomes r sre , e r T n OQ >. -~ ~~ If the concentration of one of the constituents of the mixture is small in comparison with that of the other, say 174 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION of the molecules r in comparison with the molecules e, equation (126) becomes The rate of diffusion is then independent of $ r and $ e > The forms of the foregoing equations may be modified by considering similarly as in the four previous Sections a representative mixture which has the same rate of diffusion, expansion pressure, and molecular volumes $ r and $ e , but whose molecules do not possess an apparent molecular volume 6 whose defining property according to Section 19 is that a change in its value produces a change in the external pressure without changing the total average velocity. It should be carefully noted that the quantities b and d do not mean the same thing, one may be zero when the other is not. The former quantity represents the obstruction the molecules present to each other's motion, while the latter quantity represents the change in the external volume of a mixture on adding a molecule. It will be convenient now to replace the volume v by the concentration N er similarly as in Sections 35 and 39. The molecular free paths of the molecules r and e may then be expressed similarly as before by the equations v r NK' and V r \ ) . . . . (130) where v r denotes the volume of the mixture containing a gram molecule of molecules r, Ner the total concentration of the molecules r and e, b' r the apparent molecular volume of the mixture which appears to obstruct the motion of the molecules r, K.' & the characteristic factor of the diffusion THE DIFFUSION EQUATION FOR A GAS 175 free path of a molecule r when the mixture is in the gaseous state, and <' 5r the diffusion interference function with respect to a migrating molecule r, while the other symbols have similar meanings. As a first approximation we may write similarly as before where N denotes the number of molecules in a gram mole- cule of a pure substance, and ' 8r and ' Se are functions of T and Ner, but which are insensitive to variations in N er . On applying equations (130) to the gaseous state they become I =K' and N Substituting for l dr and I 8e from these equations in equation (128) and obtaining expressions for n r and n e by means of equation (21) the equation becomes N RT{N e K' 8 r NrK' 8e \dN r r ~ *f2~\lo~\ 7=~i -- T^r^T"' N 2 er \ 3 \\/m r Vm e \ dx since N e -}~Nr = Ner, v r m a rNr = m r , and v e maeNe = m e , where mar and m ae denote the absolute and m r and m e the relative molecular 'weights of the molecules r and e respectively. This equation applies to the gaseous state and gives the relation between the characteristic quantities K r dr and K' Se which are functions of the temperature and the nature of the molecules. 176 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION Since l Sr =K' Sr N/N r when the mixture is in the gaseous state, it will be evident from an inspection of Fig. 14, which shows the relation between the free paths of a molecule and its actual path, that l/l Sn or !/*'&. is a measure of the chance of the resultant force on a migrating molecule passing through a maximum or minimum and changing its direction. When the mixture is in the gaseous state and the con- centration of one set of molecules is relatively small, another interesting significance may be attached to the quantity K' 8r . Equation (129) then applies, and it indicates that for the same concentration gradient per molecule, or f = constant, the foregoing quantity is proportional to d r /n r . Therefore, since n r denotes the number of molecules crossing per second per square cm. a plane situated at right angles to the direction of diffusion, and d r denotes the rate the molecules diffuse across the plane, the quantity K' Sr is a measure of the chance of a molecule which has crossed the plane from one side to the other, to remain on the latter side. The quantities & Sr and $' Se in the foregoing equations express the effect of the molecular interference of the mixture on two interacting molecules in changing the value of 5 r , which is not expressed by the other quantities which, are similarly affected. The values of n r , n e , b' r , and b' e in the foregoing equations may be found by the methods of Section 29, or by those given in Section 46. The values thus obtained may be cor- rected according to Maxwell's distribution of molecular velocities in the way described. The values of the other quantities which cannot be measured directly may be determined by methods which will now be described. In the case of a dilute solution of molecules r in e the value of l dr is immediately given by equation (129) since 8 r may be measured directly. If the coefficient of diffusion CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION APPROXIMATION 177 for the same kind of mixture in the gaseous state were measured, or otherwise were known, the value of K' ST would be given by equation (133) to which equation (129) can be reduced. The value of <' Sr could then be obtained from equations (130). In the case of a mixture in which one of the constituents is not small in comparison with the other the quantities K! Sr and K' 8e may be determined by means of equation (131). Thus we may write 1 ai .l K'ST N er and similarly as in Section 35, and substitute from these equa- tions for the foregoing quantities in equation (131). The three constants a r , a e , and a re , at constant temperature may be determined by applying the resultant equation to three diffusing gaseous mixtures of different relative concentrations, which furnishes three simultaneous equa- tions. The values of K' Sr and K' de may then be calculated for any relative concentration of the molecules by means of the foregoing two equations. An interesting special case of such calculations corresponds to NeQ. The resultant value of K' Sr may be used to calcu- late the coefficient of diffusion of a molecule r in a gas of the same kind (a quantity which cannot be measured directly) by means of equation (131) putting JV e =0. The values of K.' Sr and K' Se obtained by the foregoing method would not be corrected for the distribution of molecular velocities. If this correction is carried out accord- ing to Maxwell's law each value has to be multiplied by 1.085. 178 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION The quantities ' 5r and ' 8e may now be determined by means of equation (126) on substituting for ' 5r , ' ar , I 5n and I 8e in the equation from the equations defining these quantities, and for 0' Sr and cf> f Se from the equations /V and deduced similarly as similar equations in Section 35. An equation is obtained containing the four constants b e , b r , bree, and brre at constant temperature. Therefore on apply- ing the equation to four dense diffusing mixtures of dif- ferent relative concentrations of the molecules r and e four simultaneous equations will be obtained from which these constants can be determined. The values of 0' 5r and ' 8e may then be calculated for any relative concentration of the molecules r and e in the mixture by means of the fore- going equations. An interesting special case of such a calculation is that corresponding to N e = 0. The number of times N s a molecule passes over its mean free diffusion path l s , which is inversely proportional to the number of times the force on a molecule passes through a maximum and changes its direction of motion, is given by tf,-f', ...... (132) ^5 where V t denotes the total average velocity of a molecule. This equation follows from the fact that the representative path of a molecule is equal in length to the actual path. (a) As an application of the foregoing investigation let us consider the diffusion of molecules r and e in the gaseous state into each other. If the concentration of the mole- DIFFUSION IN DILUTE MIXTURE OF GASES 179 cules r is small in comparison with that of the molecules e the coefficient of diffusion D r of the molecules r is accord- ing to equations (125), (129), and (130), given by Now according to equations (35) and (8) ~3 3"\"^7' and the foregoing equation may therefore be written (134) The coefficient of diffusion is therefore inversely propor- tional to the total molecular concentration, since K.' Sr is independent of the volume of the mixture. This result is borne out by experiment. The foregoing equation may also be written . . . (135) m r since ]V er = 7.46Xl0 15 p/T r according to equation (15), N = 6.2X10 23 , and R = 8.315 X10 7 , where p denotes the external pressure. This equation was used to calculate the values of K S given in Table XX for the inter-diffusion of a number of different gases, where for convenience and simplicity K S is now written for K f dn the values of D used cor- responding to p = 760 cm. of mercury. The directions of the diffusion to which the coefficients in the Table refer are indicated by arrow heads. It will be seen on inspecting the table that K S increases with increase of temperature for the same two diffusing gases. The chance of the resultant force on a migrating 180 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION molecule per unit length of path passing through a maximum and changing in direction is thus decreased by an increase of temperature. Actually this means that some of the smaller maxima or bends of the molecular path are more or less smoothed out by an increase of temperature. This would happen because the time any pair of interacting mole- cules are under each other's influence is decreased by an increase of temperature, since this increases the molecular velocities, and hence the amount of deflection each mole- cule undergoes is decreased. TABLE XX t C. D * 5 10' D Kg 1010 H 2 0-+C0 2 H 2 0->H 2 92.4 .132 .2384 2.84 3.31 .687 1.179 14.8 16.3 CH 4 O-CO 2 CH 4 O H 2 49.6 .0880 .1234 2.52 2.75 .5001 .6738 14.3 15.0 C 6 H 6 ^C0 2 C 6 H 6 -H 2 45 .0527 .0715 2.36 2.54 .294 .3993 13.1 14.2 C 9 H 18 O 2 -CO 2 C 9 H 18 2 -H 2 97.8 .0305 .0568 1.94 2.29 .1724 .3177 11.0 12.8 PROPERTIES OF THE CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION 181 It appears also that for the same medium the value of KS decreases with an increase of molecular weight of the diffusing molecule. This indicates that the chance of the resultant force on a migrating molecule per unit length of its path passing through a maximum and changing in direction is increased by an increase in the molecular weight of the molecule. The relative change in K S , it will be noticed, is considerably smaller than the relative change in the molecular weight. Thus an increase in molecular weight acts in the opposite direction to an increase in tem- perature on the value of K,,, as we might expect. It is evident that an increase in molecular weight increases the time the interacting molecules are under each other's influ- ence, since this is attended by a decrease in their velocities, and the force that they exert upon each other is also in- creased. The values in the Table are not corrected for Maxwell's law of distribution of molecular velocities the correction corresponding to the introduction of the factor 1.085. If the quantities n e and n r in equation (128), which applies to the gaseous state, are expressed in terms of the correspond- ing molecular velocities, the equation assumes the form usually given in treatises on the Kinetic Theory of Gases. The quantities l sr and l se are supposed to refer, however, to the free paths of molecular collision of the molecules r and e respectively, and therefore have not the same funda- mental meaning given to them in this book. (6) An interesting application of equation (129) may be made in connection with the electrons in a metal. We may write N e = K e n e , where N e denotes the number of free electrons per cubic cm. in a metal, and n e the number crossing a square cm. from one side to the other in all direc- tions per second. A change in N e evidently produces a change in n e through the increase in concentration of the electrons and the change in their interaction upon each other. 182 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION It will not be difficult to see that the change in n e from the former .cause is large in comparison with that due to the latter when the change in concentration is small. We may therefore consider K e a constant for small changes of N e . Equation (129) applied to the diffusion of electrons in a metal may therefore be written . dn e Since n e is equal to the partial expansion pressure P e of the electrons according to Section 20 the foregoing eauation may be written where 7-^ is evidently the force acting on a cubic cm. of diffusing electrons. We may therefore suppose that the electrons are uniformly distributed and this force produced by an electric field X, so that dPe -r-, ax where e denotes the electric charge on an electron, and the equation therefore given the form 2l 8e XeN e 8 e = - I . The current / produced by the electric field is given by where k denotes the electric conductivity of the material; and the foregoing two equations therefore give 2. THE CONCENTRATION OF ELECTRONS IN METALS 183 where m e denotes the mass of an electron relative to the hydrogen atom, and A = 5.Q87XlQ~ 20 V~Tm e . This equa- tion may be used to calculate the number of electrons per cubic cm. of a metal. The value of the free diffusion path l Se of an electron in a metal is probably in the main governed by the presence of the atoms, and as a first approximation may therefore be taken equal to the distance of separation of the atoms. Approximate values of N e may thus be obtained. Thus for example in the case of copper at C. & = 7.7X10~ 4 E.M.U., and since m=.001, e=1.6X10~ 20 E.M.U., T = 273, and l de = 2.25XlO~ 8 approximately, we obtain N e = 2 X 10 24 approximately. Equation (136) gives definite information about the variation of N e with the temperature. Since k for the pure metals varies approximately inversely as the absolute temperature, it follows from the equation that Therefore, since l Se can only increase with increase of tem- perature, the value of N e decreases with increase of tem- perature in the case of the pure metals. This result may of course not hold in the case of alloys whose conductivity usually increases with increase of temperature. Experiment shows that the conductivity of a metal is greatly affected by small amounts of impurities. These should not alter the value of l se to an appreciable extent. The change in conductivity must therefore be due according to equation (136) to a change in N e induced by the impuri- ties. This is probably brought about by the impurities affecting the rate of dissociation of the atoms of the metal, and therefore the corresponding constant of mass-action. 184 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION From equations (136) and (124) we obtain C 2.543 X W- 20 n e lceS m eVTme k ~ N e l 8e e 2 This equation gives the value of the ratio (137) * the quantities C and k can be measured directly, and the remaining quantities are known constants. The ratio C/k has approximately the same value for all pure metals at the same temperature, and is approximately proportional to the absolute temperature T. This is shown by Table XXI, which was taken from Richardson's Electron Theory TABLE XXI Material. Values of C/k at 18 C. Temp. Coef. of Ratio. Copper (pure) 6.65 X10 10 3.9X10" 3 Silver (pure) 6.86 X10 10 3.7X10" 3 Gold (pure) Nickel (pure) ... 7.27 X10 10 6.99 X10 10 3.6X1Q- 3 3.9X10" 3 Zinc (pure) 7.05 X10 10 38X10" 3 Cadmium (pure) 7.06 X10 10 3 7X10~ 3 Lead (pure) 7.15X10 10 4.0X10" 3 Tin (pure) . ... 7.35 X10 10 3.4X10" 3 Aluminium 636X10 10 43X10" 3 Platinum (pure) 7.53X10 lft 4.6X10" 3 Palladium 7.54 X10 10 4.6X10" 3 Iron 8.02 X10 10 4.3X10" 3 Bismuth 9.46 X10 10 1.5X10" 3 of Matter. Since // is very probably independent of the temperature, and this is also likely to hold approxi- mately for S me , the partial specific heat of the electrons, it follows that approximately APPROXIMATE CONDUCTIVITY EXPRESSION 185 Another expression for the electric conductivity of a metal, which is well known, may be obtained as follows: Consider a metal in which the electrons are under the action of an electric field of intensity X. Let I denote the length of the actual path of an electron at the end of which it possesses the same amount of kinetic energy as at the beginning, being the path over which all the energy imparted to the electron by the electric field is imparted to the sur- rounding electrons and molecules of the metal. It will be noticed that again we define molecular path without the introduction of molecular collision, as this is more satisfac- tory. If V t as usual denotes the total average velocity (Section 17) of an electron, the time t it takes to traverse the distance I is given by t = l/V t . The effect of the electric field is to give an acceleration equal to Xe/m ae to the electron, whose absolute mass is m a e. If we suppose that this is unimpeded along the path of the electron, it will have Xet a component velocity equal to - - at the end of the path. m a e This causes a drift of the electrons which is approximately Xet 2 equal to - during the time t. The average velocity of the drift is therefore "- , or - . The electric current 2m ae 2m a eV t in the metal is therefore given by and accordingly the electric conductivity k by NJl _N? .... V 100 ^ by the help of equation (35). ... 186 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION If the supposition is made that I = l c , and that the electrons behave as if they were in the perfectly gaseous state,* the ratio C/k formed from equations (138) and (105) is pro- portional to the absolute temperature T, and its value agrees approximately with that found by experiment. It is hardly likely, however, that the suppositions made are true, since the theoretical ratio shows great deviations from the experimental when the metals contain small amounts of impurities, which should not affect the supposi- tions made. Moreover, it is obvious that in general I can- not be equal to l c . What we can say with certainty only is that the theoretical ratio of C/k has a factor of T which for pure metals has a value corresponding to the electrons behaving as if they were in the perfectly gaseous state, according to the results of experiment. From equations (138) and (136) on eliminating k we have I 2.545X10- 20 \/rm^ l ~ This equation identically vanishes if we assume that I = 2l 5e , and that V t is given by equation (8), which corresponds to the electrons behaving as if they were in the perfectly gaseous state. Thus the latter assumption, and the assump- tion that l = lce = 2lse, satisfy equations (124), (136), and (138). Accordingly the assumption that l ce = 2l Se) and that the electrons bthave as if they were in the gaseous state, give a value for the theoretical ratio of C/k expressed by equation (137) which agrees with the facts. But the assumptions are not likely to hold for the same reasons as stated previously. * Which corresponds to n being given by equation (21), S me being equal to 4.808 XlO~ 24 cal., and taking into account that vN e mae = m e = .001. INVERSE FIFTH POWER LAW OF ATTRACTION 187 The expression for the ratio C/k obtained from equa- tions (124) and (138) applied to the gaseous state is the one usually given in connection with electric conductivity, but the meanings usually attached to I and l ce are not exactly the same as those given in this book. The ex- pression for the ratio given by equation (137) is mathe- matically more fundamental, as will easily be recognized. The diffusion of gases may also be treated from another aspect, which involves the attraction of the molecules upon each other. 43. Maxwell's Expression for the Coefficient of Diffusion of Gases. If a molecule may be regarded simply as a center of forces of attraction and repulsion the coefficient of diffusion of a gas into another gas is a function of the law of force between the molecules. The mathematics involved in finding the function for any given law of force is, however, of a very complicated character, and does not yield expres- sions of any practical use except in one case. Maxwell* has shown that if the attraction between two molecules separated by a distance x may be represented by the expres- sion B/x 5 , where B denotes a constant depending on the nature of the molecules, the coefficient of diffusion D T of a gas r into a gas e is given by Pe )r A f B Pc^lc (139) where p r , p r , p e , and p e denote the partial densities and pressures respectively of the molecules r and e whose molec- ular weights are m f and m e , P = pr+Pe } and A c denotes a * " Dynamical Theory of Gases " Collected Papers, Vol. II, p. 36. .188 THE NATURE OF MOLECULAR MOTION numerical constant. The attraction between two molecules may probably over a certain region be approximately represented by a single term of the above form according to Section 26. Actually the force between two molecules according to Section 14 is expressed by a number of terms which is probably greater than three. The equation has been applied to gases by the writer * to calculate their relative coefficients of diffusion, in connection with investi- gations of the nature of the forces of molecular interaction. The discussion of the results is therefore reserved for another place. In the previous Sections the diffusion, viscosity, conduc- tion of heat, was investigated without any reference to the exact nature of the law of force of molecular interaction. The free paths introduced have not the direct physical significance associated with the paths defined by the old method of molecular collision. But we have seen that some other important physical significance can be attached to each path, and to the more important component factor K about which really the interest of each kind of path cen- ters. This procedure, there can be no doubt, is more funda- mental than that involving molecular collision, and more- over it is mathematically quite sound, besides being very much simpler. The constants involved in the various expressions obtained in this way are obviously functions of the law of molecular attraction and repulsion. The results obtained will be used in the next chapter to interpret various aspects of Brownian motion, and the diffusion and mobility of particles. The molecular free paths will also be given extended forms along the lines worked out in the previous Sections, by the aid of which useful and interesting information may be obtained about molecular motion under various conditions, *Phil Mag., May, pp. 783-809, 1910. CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS, AND EXTENSIONS OF THE RESULTS OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS 44- The Direct Observation of some of the Quan- tities depending on the Nature of the Motion of a Molecule in a Substance, and their Use. In Section 4 we have seen that the motion of transla- tion of a colloidal particle in a liquid may be of such a magnitude, depending on the size of the particle, that it can conveniently be observed directly by means of the ultra microscope. The motion is oscillatory in nature, and takes place in haphazard directions, giving rise to a migration of the particle which is also oscillatory and hap- hazard in character. If the solution is given a motion at right angles to the microscope by passing a stream of the solution through the containing vessel, the motion of each particle as it appears to the eye is the resultant of the motion of the particle and that of the liquid, and thus the particle appears to traverse an undulatory or wavy curve. This method of observation was introduced by Svedberg*, who accordingly speaks of the average amplitude A\ and wave-length X of the apparent path of the particle. Fig. 17 shows as an illustration some curves that he obtained in this way. The left-hand side of the figure shows cases *Zs. f. Eledroch., 12, 1906, pp. 853-909; Zs. f. Phys, Chem., 71, 1910 ; p. 571. 189 190 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS of motion of particles as they would appear to the eye if the fluid were at rest, while the right-hand side shows the curves they would trace out in the plane of observation on giving a parallel motion to the fluid. If the actual motion of a particle in a liquid at rest were along a number of straight lines joined together consecutively at different angles into a continuous line, and this motion were compounded with a uniform motion in a given direction, the motion of the particle projected on to a plane would appear as a curve of a- similar character, namely consisting of straight lines joined together at various angles. This is not observed in practice, however, and it follows therefore that the motion of a particle is not suddenly changed in direction at cer- tain points only along < its path, but continually so more or less, showing that it is continually under the influence of the surrounding molecules. THE PROJECTION OF A PATH ON TO AN AXIS 191 If a point is chosen in the vicinity of each bend of the actual path of the particle, and each consecutive pair of points joined by a straight line subject to the conditions that the sum of the lengths of the lines between two points a considerable distance apart is equal in length to the cor- responding path, and each direction of a line in space is equally probable, each line corresponds to a diffusion free path of the particle according to Section 41. The projection of a diffusion path on to a plane can be shown to reduce it on the average in the ratio 7r/4, since it may point in any direction. Thus if l s denotes the length of the mean diffusion path of the particles making an angle with a line at right angles to the plane of observation, and no particles pass through each point per second, the length of the projection of these paths on to the plane is equal to /""T /*V I 2?r/gsin 6-ls'dd- . 19 'l$smd = ^ sin 2 0-dd Jo 47iV 2 Jo 'S^O I n l TT^Oy '5^0 I O n ls\ = -jr- sin cos + =r Is s - sin 2 dB * L Jo ^ I Jo "T^;.:2jl Sin2 ^' and thus is equal to ^pZ*, or J 5 for a single path. The average projection p of a diffusion path on to an axis in the plane of observation can now be shown to be given by 4 or 192 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS CONNECTIONS where denotes the angle the projection -l s makes with a line at right angles to the foregoing axis. The projection p is evidently somewhat greater than twice the average amplitude A\ of the curve traced out in the plane of observation by the projected motion of a particle when the solution is given a motion at right angles to the axis of projection of p. It is evident that the closer the actual path of the particle resembles a number of straight lines joined together at various angles the smaller is this difference. Its magnitude is impossible to determine theo- retically, but it is probably safe to say that it is not likely to be greater than 10 per cent, probably it is often much less. Thus as a first approximation we may take l s equal to 4A \. It is possible, however, to determine the exact average value of the mean diffusion path l d from curves of the nature shown in Fig. 17. The average wave length X of *the curve is evidently equal to the average length of the projection of the diffusion path on to an axis in the plane of observation parallel to the direction of the motion given to the solution. The magnitude of this projection, it should be noticed, depends on the magnitude of the motion of the solution. If n m denote the number of maxima in the curve passed over by the particle in one second, and V 8 the velocity given to the solution, we have the relation Each of the quantities in the foregoing equation may be measured directly. The length of path l p traced out in the plane of observation in one second may also be obtained by direct measurement from the curve. This length l p is equal to the length of the curve that would be traced out in the plane of observation if the particle passed over DIRECT DETERMINATION OF DIFFUSION PATH 193 its diffusion path according to its definition instead of over its actual path. The value of l p /n m is thus equal to the length of the average projection of the diffusion path on to the plane of observation under the conditions of the experiment. Therefore, since the projection of the dif- fusion path on to an axis parallel to the motion of the fluid in the plane of observation is X, it follows from geometrical considerations that the projection of the path on to an axis in the plane of observation at right angles to the motion of the solution is or since n m = T,/X. This projection is independent of the motion given to the solution, and is therefore equal to p the pro- jection corresponding to the solution at rest. Therefore, since we have previously obtained that p = l s /2, we have (140) Thus we see that it is possible to determine directly the average diffusion path of a colloidal particle as defined in Section 41. It is possible therefore to calculate the coefficient of diffusion and the total average velocity of such a particle. According to equation (129) the coefficient of diffusion D r of particles r in a substance consisting of particles e is given by '' N r ' where n r denotes the number of particles r crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second, and N r the con- 194 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS centration of the particles. Now according to equation (35). _VtrNr Mr o > while directly where t r denotes the average period of the diffusion path l sr of a particle r, and V tr its total average velocity. The diffusion equation may therefore be written D,=g. ...... (141) The period t r is also given by and may thus be determined from curves of the nature shown in Fig. 17. Equation (141) may therefore be used to determine the coefficient of diffusion of colloidal particles. Since I have not previously published the definition of the free diffusion path used, and the method of deter- mining it directly in the case of a colloidal particle, no values of it have yet been determined. But the average values of the amplitudes A i (Fig. 17) of the curve described by a particle in the plane of observation are, however,' available, which, we have seen, are approximately equal to l 6 /4. Svedberg has measured the average amplitude AI, and average period t, of platinum particles in various solvents. Using these values I have calculated the co- efficients of diffusion of the particles, which will be found in Table XXII. These values are probably nearer 'to the truth than could be obtained by direct measurement. The last column in the Table gives the product Drj, where EQUATION FOR TOTAL AVERAGE VELOCITY 195 ?7 denotes the viscosity of the solvent. It will be seen that it is very approximately constant, and the coefficient of diffusion of a particle thus varies inversely as the viscosity of the medium. This is what we would expect to hold in the case of particles considerably larger than a molecule. TABLE XXII Solvent. Radius in cms. X 105. Temp. Cent. Time t in seconds. Viscos- ity ij. 4 A, in cms. X 105. DX10' cm. 2 sec. Di) 10" Acetone E Acetate 0.25 0.25 18 19 0.032 0.028 .0023 .0046 14.2 9.4 2.10 1.05 4.83 483 Amyl acetate . . Water Propyl alcohol . 0.25 0.25 0.25 18 20 20 0.026 0.013 0.009 .0059 .0102 .0226 8.0 4.3 2.4 .82 .47 .21 4.84 4.80 4.75 An expression for the total average velocity of a colloidal particle is obtained from the two preceding equations giv- ing the period of the diffusion path, and equation (140), which gives V tr = l -^ s = 2\/l p 2 -V s 2 . (142) A Since values of l p are not available this equation cannot yet be used to calculate values -of V tr . We may, how- ever, use the approximate average value of 4Ai for 1 ST , which gives to the equation the form This equation would hold exactly if the actual path of a particle were along a number of straight lines joined to- gether at various angles. It has been obtained by Sved- berg on this supposition, and used to calculate the veloci- ties of particles. For the platinum particles in various 196 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS solvents to which Table XXII refers he obtained the veloci- ties given in Table XXVI. It will be seen that the velocities do not differ much from one another, and therefore do not seem to depend much on the nature of the solvent since the particles have the same diameter. The values obtained are, however, not exact, as explained before. We have seen in Section 42 and this Section that the coefficient of diffusion depends directly on the total average velocity of a molecule and the nature of its motion. Since this also holds for other quantities, the coefficients may also be expressed in terms of them. This applies to the quan- tities osmotic pressure and coefficient of mobility, and their relation to the coefficient of diffusion will therefore now be investigated. 45. The Coefficient of Diffusion in Connection with Osmotic Pressure and the Coefficient of Molec- ular Mobility. Consider a heterogeneous solution of molecules e and r, in which case diffusion of molecules from one place to another takes place until the molecules are uniformly dis- tributed. If a semipermeable membrane impervious to say molecules r, were placed at right angles to a stream of diffusing molecules r, they would exert a pressure in the direction of their migration upon the membrane. . Since the concentration of the molecules r is different on the two sides of the membrane, this pressure is the difference between the osmotic pressures of the molecules acting on the two sides of the membrane. This pressure is therefore the force acting upon the molecules tending to move them to places of lower concentration, which manifests itself as a pressure by reaction on the membrane placed in the path of the molecules to prevent their migration. In the absence of the membrane this force is spent in overcoming CONNECTION OF DIFFUSION AND MOBILITY 197 the viscous friction exerted by the mixture on the migrat- ing molecules. We may therefore look upon each cubic cm. of molecules r as being under a force equal to the difference in the osmotic pressures of the opposite faces of the cubic cm., which force is spent in giving motion to the molecules , against the viscous friction of the medium. This idea of looking upon diffusion is mainly due to Nernst. In general if 5 r denotes the number of molecules diffusing across a square cm. per second we have 8r = NrV' r , where N r denotes the concentration of the molecules r, and V'r the velocity with which each molecule r on the aver- age is moving in the direction of decrease of concentration gradient. Now according to the foregoing considerations we may write _M r dP sr T N r dx ' where M r denotes the coefficient of mobility of a molecule, or its velocity under the action of unit force, and dP sr /dx denotes the osmotic pressure gradient. Hence the preceding equation may be written (143) Similarly in the case of the molecules e diffusing in the opposite direction we have (144) From the preceding equations and equation (127) we have, f-.Uf,, .... (145) 198 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS an equation which expresses the relation between the osmotic pressure gradients of the molecules r and c, their coefficients of mobility, and their molecular volumes. In the case of a dilute solution say of molecules r in e, the osmotic pressure obeys the gas laws, that is we may write m ar where m r and m ar denote the relative and absolute molecular weights of a molecule r, and the ratio m r /m a r is therefore equal to the number N of molecules in a gram molecule which according to Section 3 is equal to 6.2X10 23 . Hence dx ~~N~"dx' and equation (143) becomes This gives for the coefficient of diffusion ...... (147) Thus if the value of either of the two quantities D r and M r be known that of the other quantity may be immediately calculated. Table XXIII gives the values of M, or the mobility under unit force, of a number of different mole- cules in different liquid and gaseous media, calculated from the known values of D. Table XXIV gives the cal- culated values of D for some electrically charged mole- cules whose mobilities per unit force are known. They agree fairly well with the values obtained by experiment. COEFFICIENTS OF MOBILITY AND DIFFUSION 199 TABLE XXIII Gaseous Gaseous medium medium Molecules of CO 2 at 760 cm. of H 2 at 760 cm. Liquid medium of water. for which D is given in Table pressure and O C. pressure and O C. XX. I M 10 - 12 M 10-12 Molecules. Temp. C. , -, 2 M 10-9. H 2 O * 3.6 18.8 Hydrogen. 10 3.75 1.14 CH 4 2.4 13.7 f Nitrous I oxide. }l4 .63 .19 C 6 H 6 C 9 H 18 2 1.99 .83 8.02 4.70 f Cane I Sugar. }l2 .284 .087 TABLE XXIV Nature of gas in which the ions are ' Values of M for + and ions calculated from experimental results obtained by Wellisch.* Values of D for + and ions calculated by means of equa- tion (147). Values of D obtained di- rectly by ex- periment by Townsend.f produced. M- 10 12 M+ lO 12 D-. D + . D- D + . H 2 5.13 4.32 .200 .169 .19C .123 O 2 1.16 .88 .0453 .0343 .0396 .025 C0 2 .55 .52 .0214 .0201 .026 .023 *Phil. Trans.; A, Vol. CXCIII, p. 129 (1900) t Ibid., A, Vol. CCIX, p. 269 (1909). On equating the coefficient of diffusion given by equa- tion (146) with that given by equation (129), we have Since n r = V tr Nr (Section 18), and V tr t r = l Sr , where t r denotes 200 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS the time the molecule passes over the path I 8r with the velocity V tr (Section 17), the foregoing equation may be written 7 2 I'dr T RT r N' (148) This equation may be used to calculate the mobility under unit force of particles of a size that undergo Brownian motion. The values of I 8r and t r , we have seen in the pre- vious Section, can be determined by direct observation. Table XXV gives the mobility under unit force of particles TABLE XXV PLATINUM PARTICLES OF AVERAGE RADIUS .25X10~ 5 CM. Medium. Viscosity M r w-*^ sec. Acetone . .0023 5.36 E acetate .0046 2.68 Amyl acetate .0059 2.10 Water Propyl alcohol .0102 .0226 1.20 .54 suspended in different kinds of solutions calculated from data contained in Table XXII, using for l Sr the approximate value 4Ai. An expression may be found for the force F on a colloidal particle moving with the observed velocity V c under unit electric field. This force cannot be calculated from elec- trical data without the introduction of assumptions. A colloidal particle as a whole is not electrically charged, but is supposed to be surrounded by two parallel layers of electricity of equal magnitude but of opposite sign. These layers get distorted when an electric field is applied to the solution, and the tendency of the particle to move so as to FORCE ON PARTICLE IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD 201 readjust this tends to give it a continual motion. The force F acting on the particle is immediately given by V c =FM r , which may be written (149) by means of equation (148). Each quantity on the right- hand side of this equation may be determined directly and hence F calculated. Experiment shows that the observed velocity V c of a colloidal particle varies inversely as the viscosity of the solution, or as 1/r/, but is independent of the mass of the particle. Hence for different solvents the force F is inversely proportional to 77, and proportional to t r /l 2 dT) or inversely proportional to the mobility, according to equation (148). Since the mobility is proportional to the coefficient of diffusion D according to equation (147), and Drj is constant according to Table XXII, it follows that the force acting on a colloidal particle in a solution under unit electric field is approximately independent of all conditions at constant temperature. It will be of interest to determine the absolute value of F in a special case. Thus Bredig found that V c in the case of platinum particles suspended in water had a value of about .00025 cm. per second for an electric field of one volt per cm. According to Table XXII for platinum particles of radius .25X10" 5 cm. suspended in water, t r = .013 sec., 4Ai = .000043 cm. corresponding to T = 293, while # = 8.315X10 7 , and N = 6.2X10 23 . Assuming that = Z 5r , which holds approximately, we obtain that F = 2XlO- 10 dyne . 202 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS for a platinum particle under the foregoing conditions. This is the force that would act on the particle if it possessed an electric charge equal approximately to lOOe. The formulae for the diffusion and viscosity given in Sec- tions 42 and 35 involve the quantities n r and n e , the number of molecules r and e crossing respectively a square cm. from one side to the other per second. These quan- tities may be expressed in terms of quantities which have not been denned previously. 46. Partial Intrinsic Pressures.* In connection with the intrinsic pressures of a mixture it will be convenient to introduce the quantity partial in- trinsic pressure, whereby expressions for various quantities are furnished which are of theoretical interest and often of practical use. Let us consider a mixture of molecules r and e cut into two parts by an imaginary plane ab as shown in Fig. 7. Let P n n denote the attraction which the molecules r in the portion B exert on the molecules r in a cylinder of unit cross-section and infinite length standing in the portion A with one of its bases on the plane ab, and let P ng 2 have a similar meaning in reference to the molecules e. Let P n re denote the attraction of the mole- cules r in the portion B on the molecules e in the cylinder, which is also equal to the attraction of the molecules e in this portion on the molecules r in the cylinder. The intrinsic pressure of the mixture in the plane ab, which is the sum of the foregoing forces of attraction, is therefore given by , .... (150) where the quantities on the right-hand side of the equation may be called the partial intrinsic pressures of the mixture. * Matter published for the first time. PARTIAL EXPANSION PRESSURES 203 The molecules r in one of the portions of the mixture are thus attracted by the other portion as a whole by a force which gives rise to the pressure P n n+P n re per cm. 2 in the plane ab. This force acting on the molecules r can be sustained only by their expansion pressure, in other words, no part of the force can be sustained by the expan- sion pressure of the molecules e in the plane ab. For suppose the part I T of the intrinsic pressure P n n+P nr e is sustained by the part X e of the expansion pressure of the molecules e. The molecules r may then be said to be under a component force IT, and the molecules e under a component force X e , acting in the opposite directions, which react upon each other through the medium of the interaction of the mole- cules r and e of the mixture. But if two forces act upon two different sets of molecules in this way they would tend to be set in motion in opposite directions, and would react upon each other only through the viscous resistance they would exert upon each other. The two sets of molecules would therefore gradually get separated through diffusing through each other. But this does not take place since the mixture is in equilibrium. The forces in question are therefore equal to zero, or the intrinsic pressure P n n+Pnre associated with the molecules r is sustained by a part of their expansion pressure. A quantity similar to the partial intrinsic pressure may be denned in connection with the external pressure of a mixture. This pressure is exerted in part by each set of molecules, and in the case of a mixture of molecules e and r the total external pressure p may therefore be written (151) where p r and p e denote respectively the partial external pressures of the molecules r and c. It is obvious that the partial external pressure p T represents a part of the expan- 204 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS sion pressure of the molecules r, and a similar remark applies to the partial external pressure of the molecules e. It follows then from Section 20 that if n r denote the number of molecules r crossing a square cm. in the mixture from one side to the other, and n e has a similar meaning with respect to the molecules e, we have Pr ~ nr* nre = n T = 2.1 V r and V e A e e Vg ~"~ j = 2.543 X lO- 20 ^ V VT^ e . (153) The partial intrinsic pressures cannot yet be expressed similarly as the quantity P n in terms of other quantities which can be directly measured. Approximate numerical values may, however, be obtained from the simultaneous equations (150), (152), and (153), by neglecting the partial external pressures in comparison with the partial intrinsic pressures, which may usually be done, and calculating the quantities n r , n e , b' r , b' e , and P n , by the method of Sections 21 and 29. Approximate values may also be obtained by the fol- lowing method. In the case of a pure substance the intrinsic pressure according to Section 26 may as a first approxima- tion be taken proportional to the square of the density p of the substance. Applying this result to the kind of mixture under consideration the quantities P nr * and P ne2 may evi- dently be written P nf , = JBVr, . . o . . . (154) and ..... (155) THE INTRINSIC PRESSURE AND LATENT HEAT 203 where p r and p e denote the partial densities of the molecules r and e in the mixture, and B T and B e denote approximate constants. As a first approximation the quantity P nT e is then given by ..... (156) The values of the quantities B r and B e may be obtained from the internal heats of evaporation L r and L e of gram molecules of the substances in the pure state. Thus accord- ing to Section 21 we have L r = where pi and p2 denote the densities of the pure substance r in the liquid and vaporous states, and a similar equation may be obtained for L e . These equations express B r and B e in terms of L r and L e . The values for the partial intrinsic pressures obtained by this or the preceding method may be tested by sub- stituting them in equation (150), and determining P n (the intrinsic pressure of the mixture as a whole) by the method described in Section 21. If an agreement is obtained we may be fairly sure that the values of the partial intrinsic pressures obtained are very approximately correct. If the latter method is used to determine the partial intrinsic pressures, we may use equations (152) and (153) to determine n e and n r . We are thus furnished with another method of determining the latter quantities, which is com- paratively simpler to use than that described in Section 29. The latter method of obtaining the partial intrinsic pressures may evidently also be used to find the intrinsic pressure of a pure substance. In the case of a mixture of more substances than two the corresponding partial intrinsic pressures will not be 206 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS difficult to define, and may be obtained in a similar way as described. The partial intrinsic pressures of a heterogeneous mixture may also be connected with its osmotic pressures. Before discussing the connection it will be necessary to consider some general conditions of equilibrium. 47. Conditions of the Equilibrium of a Hetero- geneous Mixture such as Two Phases in Contact. The relative concentration of the constituents of two phases of a mixture is usually different and gradually changes from one to the other in the transition layer which exists at the boundary of the phases. In the case of a mixture of molecules r and e, for example, equations (152) and (153) must hold for both phases and the transition layer, and are therefore two of the equations of equilibrium. The partial external pressures p r and p e in these equa- tions must have the same values everywhere, otherwise diffusion from one portion to the other would take place, and the system would not be in equilibrium. This follows at once from considering two layers of liquid in which the partial external pressures have the values p r , p e , and p' r , p' e , respectively. Since the total pressure is the same everywhere Pe + Pr = p'e + P'r, and hence From the latter equation it follows that there is an excess of pressure of the molecules r in one direction which is balanced by an excess of pressure of the molecules e in the opposite direction. But this would give rise to a diffusion of the two sets of molecules through each other, reasoning EFFECT OF INTRINSIC PRESSURE GRADIENT 207 along the same lines as in the previous Section, and thus disturb the equilibrium. Hence we must have Pr = p'r and p e =p'e ..... (157) If n r denotes the number of molecules r crossing a square cm. from one side to the other, n' r the number crossing in the opposite direction, and n e and n' e have similar meanings with respect to the molecules e, we must also have n' e = n e } and L ...... (158) otherwise diffusion from one place to the other would take place. The foregoing equations are of special interest in con- nection with the transition layer, since this has molecular concentration gradients the tendency of which is to give to n r , the molecules crossing a square cm. in one direction, a value different from n' r , the number crossing in the opposite direction, and to give also different values to n e and n' e . But there evidently exists a force in the layer at right angles to it acting in the direction of increase of density, due to the existence of molecular forces of attraction. This force is equal to the intrinsic pressure gradient. It has the effect of decreasing the velocity of the molecules moving in the direction of decrease of density and increasing the velocity of the molecules moving in the opposite direction. The magnitude of this modification of the velocity of a molecule depends on its nature, since the various molecules do not possess the same forces of attraction. Thus the effect of the intrinsic pressure gradient on the number of molecules crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second is opposite to that of the concentration gradient, and there- fore n r and n' r , and n e and n' e , may be rendered equal, as is .- 208 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS the case in practice. Besides, since the effect of the intrinsic pressure gradient on a set of molecules depends on their nature, the concentration gradient would not necessarily be the same for each set of molecules corresponding to the equilibrium conditions (152) and (153). Thus we see why the relative concentration of the ingredients of a mixture differs in the vaporous phase from that in the liquid phase. It will also be evident that, since the attraction of a molecule increases with its mass, the relative concentration of the heavier molecule is likely to be smaller in the vaporous phase than in the liquid phase. This is exemplified in prac- tice, though it need not, and does not, hold in every case. Similar conditions apply to a mixture of more than two constituents. 48. Osmotic Pressure expressed in Terms of the Kinetic Properties of Molecules.* If the different portions of a mixture of substances are not in equilibrium with each other, which would manifest itself by a redistribution of the ingredients by diffusion, the equations of equilibrium given in the foregoing Section will not hold. Evidently equations (157) will not hold since the vapor pressure of the molecules r depends on their concentrations. A force equal to , where x is measured ox along a line of decrease of concentration, will therefore act on each cubic cm. of molecules r. Equation (152) may hold at certain parts of the mixture, though in general this would not be the case. There is therefore an additional force equal to Matter published for the first time. THE NATURE OF OSMOTIC PRESSURE 209 acting on the molecules r per cubic cm. The total force F r acting on the molecules r per cubic cm. is therefore given by p _i_ \-^L VT $Hi-L-^L HrVr dfr'r t l 2 *-*V .ifeT.2 (Vr-b'r) 2 ^ and - -^ is not zero since molecular forces exist. Thus dN r 216 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS in general the velocity of translation of the molecules r would not .be equal to that in the gaseous state. We may also note the following considerations in this connection. If we suppose that the velocity of the solute molecules in a dilute solution is the same as that which they would have in the perfectly gaseous state their external r>/7T pressure is given by - n-> Now the apparent volume V r r b' r of the molecules of the mixture, or the apparent volume which the molecules e and r appear to possess in obstructing the motion of the molecules r, is not small in comparison with v r . Its value is approximately equal to v r b e /v e , where b e refers to the solvent e in the pure state. According to the above supposition Van der Waals' equation holds, and if applied to the solvent e in the pure state we have RT (Section 26) where P n , the intrinsic pressure, is large in com- parison with the external pressure p, and large (Section 21) in comparison with the pressure p' the substance would have if it behaved as a perfect gas. It follows therefore from the equation that b e /v e is not small in comparison with r>/77 unity. Hence on substituting v r b e /v e for b' r in - j^ it V r r r>/T7 becomes r- , , ., and thus the pressure exerted by the solute molecules is many times that which they would have in the perfectly gaseous state. This pressure is in part balanced by the intrinsic pressure of the mixture. We cannot, therefore, with any show of reason, say that because the osmotic pressure of the solute molecules obeys the gas laws their velocity of translation is the same as in the gaseous state. THE CONSTANTS OF A DILUTE SOLUTION 217 The values of w, and P nre of a dilute solution are evidently proportional to N T , while b' r is proportional to v r , and we may therefore write n r = aiNr, b'r = a 2 v r , and P nTe = where ai, a 2 , and a 3 are constants. Equation (163) may therefore be written 2RT(l-a 2 ) 2(1-02)03 - ---, . (164) on taking into account that which gives a relation between the foregoing constants. A method of determining directly the number of mole- cules in a gram molecule which is based on equation (162) will now be described. 51 . A Direct Determination of N, the Number of Molecules in a Gram Molecule. Perrin* has determined directly the value of N by a method of counting the number of particles in a dilute colloidal solution. The gravitational attraction of the particles tends to deposit them on to the bottom of the vessel containing the solution. The concentration gradient caused thereby gives rise to an osmotic pressure acting in the opposite direction to the gravitational attraction. Equilibrium exists when these forces balance one another, which corresponds to an increase in the concentration of the solution with increase of distance from the surface. * C. R., 147 (1908), p. 530; 147 (1908), p. 594; Ann. Chim. Phys., 8, 18 (1909), pp. 5-174; Bull Soc. Fr. Phys., 3 (1909), p. 155; Zs. /. Electroch., 15 (1909), p. 269. ( 218 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS Since the osmotic pressure obeys the gas laws the distribu- tion of the particles is similar to that of the molecules of a gas under the action of gravity. The differential equation of equilibrium is F-dh=5P s , where P s denotes the osmotic pressure at a distance h from the surface of the solution, and F the force due to gravity acting on the particles in a cubic cm. of the solution. If v a denote the volume of a particle, p a its density, p the density of the liquid, we have F = v a (p a -p)gNc, where N c denotes the concentration of the particles. For P s we have P= RT N N c> according to equation (162), and hence the equation of equilibrium becomes V a (pa p)gN c ' 8k = -JT^- 5N C , which on integration gives \os, . . (165) where N' c and N" c denote the concentrations corresponding to the distances h\ and Ji2 from the surface of the solution. The values of N' c and N" c corresponding to given values of h\ and hz were found by counting the particles in different planes in a solution placed under the ultra-microscope. Solutions of gamboge and mastic were used. The densities of the particles in the solutions were determined by two methods. In one method it was taken the same as that of the substance in the undivided state, THE CONSTANT N FROM VAN'T HOFF'S LAW 219 while in the other a known volume of the solution was evaporated and the residue weighed. The two methods gave concordant results. The volume of a particle was obtained, in one of the three methods used, by counting the number of particles in a given volume of emulsion and, knowing their weight and density, the volume was immediately obtained. In the second method the emulsion was slightly acidu- lated, which has the effect of making the particles stick together in little strings which adhere to the vessel's walls. On measuring the length of a string and counting the num- ber of particles in it, their radii could be determined. The third method depended on an application of Stokes' law to the rate of fall of the particles under the action of gravity. These methods gave concordant results. Thus in one case the three methods gave for the same particle the diam- eters .46/x, .455ju, and .45ju. Particles of mastic and gamboge in a solution thus appear to be spherical in shape, and their motion obeys Stokes' law. These measurements determine the various quan- tities in equation (165) except N, which is therefore expressed in terms of these quantities. In this way Perrin obtained N = 7.05X10 23 , which agrees as well as can be expected with the value given in Section 3. It is very important to notice that this investigation does not depend upon the velocity of translation of the particles being the same as if they were in the perfectly gaseous state. It depends merely upon the osmotic pressure obeying the gas equation, which according to Section 50 may be the case independent of the velocity of translation of the particles. This point is of importance because these 220 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS experiments are occasionally cited as proving, on account nfTI of the occurrence of the factor -^- in equation (165), that the colloidal particles in a solution have the same velocity as they would have in the gaseous state. 52. A Free Path Formula involving Stokes' Law. According to Stokes' law if a spherical particle of radius r is under the action of a force F in a medium of viscosity rj and density p, and there is no slipping (Section 34), the velocity V c with which the particle moves is given by F.- Since V c = MF, where M denotes the coefficient of mobility, the equation may be written M = ^-. . . . (166) 671T77 On substituting this expression for M in equation (148) it becomes* h 2 RT 1 (167) Since the value of l s differs little from four times the aver- age amplitude A\ of a particle observed in practice (Sec- tion 44) the equation should agree approximately with the facts provided Stokes' law holds. If for example the values of 4A i and t (Section 44) observed by Svedberg for platinum particles are substituted in the left-hand side of the equation for l s and t it does not agree even approximately with the values of the right-hand side, as is shown in Table XXVII. This may be caused by the values of kA\ differing more * Not previously published. AN EQUATION OF MOTION OF PARTICLES 221 from the values of l s than is apparent. The values of 4Ai are probably otherwise unobjectionable since the coefficients of diffusion of platinum particles in different solvents cal- culated from them (Section 44) give very approximately Dry = constant. It is more likely that the motion of plati- num particles in a solution obtained by the sparking of platinum electrodes in a solvent does not obey Stokes' law. This is perhaps not surprising since these particles are not likely to be spherical in shape as required by this law, but more likely consist of flakes, since they are produced by portions of the electrodes being torn off through the electrical discharge. The particles of gamboge used by Perrin in the investi- gation described in the previous Section are more likely to be spherical in shape since they were prepared by rub- bing gamboge in distilled water giving a yellow solution containing particles of various sizes whose corners would more or less be dissolved off. Thus the motion of such particles might obey Stokes' law, as Perrin has directly observed. Values of l s and t for such particles are, however, not available to test equation (167). But whatever the geometrical configuration of the particle the velocity V c is likely to vary inversely as r/, or (168) where K c is a constant depending on the nature of the particle; and accordingly equation (148), since V C = MF, may be written 1 8 2 _3RT Kc nfiq x T nr rj- This equation appears to agree in a general way with the facts. It might be used to calculate K c , which has been carried out for platinum particles in Table XXVII, using 222 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS . the data contained in Table XXII. The values obtained are practically constant, as we would expect that they should be if the mass of the particles is kept the same. TABLE XXVII PLATINUM PARTICLES OF RADIUS .25X10 CMS. Solvent.' 107 's 2 /< 107 RT l D ~N~2^, K c 10- Acetone 6.45 2.51 2.46 1.42 .640 10.9 5.43 4.24 2.45 1.11 3.688 2.934 3.696 3.693 3.681 E. acetate Amyl acetate Water Propyl alcohol Some interesting and important extensions of the vis- cosity, conduction of heat, and diffusion formula? will now be given which involve an extended meaning of the molecular paths under various conditions. Following these a number of important formulae related to the fore- going will be developed involving the projection of the motion of a molecule along an axis, instead of. the molecular path. By means of these formulae further information about the motion of a molecule and other of its properties may be obtained. The foregoing developments are new, and have not been published previously. 53. Extended Forms of the Diffusion Equations., The most important property of the mean diffusion path of a molecule defined in Section 41 which is contained in its definition is, that the sum of the diffusion paths be- tween two points is equal to the corresponding length of the actual path of the molecule. This property enables us to express the number of diffusion paths n crossing a plane AN EXTENDED TREATMENT OF DIFFUSION 223 one square cm. in area, a quantity which occurs in the diffusion equations, in terms of quantities which can be determined directly or indirectly. We may, however, give other definitions to the diffusion path, which, however, do not enable us to express in a simple way the corresponding value of n in terms of other quantities. Thus we may take a number of points on the path of a molecule subject to any condition we please, join consecutive points by straight lines, and suppose that the molecule in its migration passes along these straight lines instead of along its actual path. The points, it should be noted, need not even lie on the actual path of the molecule. The straight lines thus obtained constitute, as usual, the representative diffusion paths of a molecule under the stated conditions. Suppose for example that the points are taken on the path of a molecule, and are so selected that the diffusion paths are grouped about a mean path l' dr of any chosen length according to Clausius 7 distribution law given in Section 31, and that any direction of a path in space is equally probable. It follows then from the investigation in Section 42 that the expression for the coefficient of dif- fusion of a dilute solution of molecules r in e is the same in form as the coefficient given by equation (129), or D, = ~jf, (170) where I' Sr has replaced I 8r , and n' T the number of representa- tive paths cutting a square cm. in one direction has replaced n r . We may give I' Sr any value we please above a limit determined later, and determine the corresponding value of n'r from the equation. Since ri r is a measure of the chance of a molecule crossing a plane one square cm. in area in moving along its representative path, it follows from the foregoing equation that this chance is inversely proportional to l' 8r . .224 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS The quantity n' T in equation (170) may be expressed in terms of other quantities which are of interest. Thus if V' Sr denote the average velocity a molecule would have if it passed over its representative path, instead of over its actual path, it can be shown that _ along the same lines as equation (35) was obtained. We also have directly that 7> TTt v fir where t 1 ' ir denotes the average time it would take the mole- cule to pass over the average diffusion path l' &r , if it passed over its representative paths. It should be noted that V' 8r is not equal to the total average velocity V tr of the molecule unless I'sr is equal to l Sr . By means of the foregoing two equations equation (170) may be written in the forms ^-^V* < m > and In these equations we may give l' dr any value we please above a limit which will be obtained presently and determine from them the corresponding values of V f Sr and t' Sr . Since the path of a particle is undulatory, and the points locating the diffusion paths lie upon the actual path of the particle, it is evident that the smaller l' Sr is taken the nearer is th - representative path equal to the actual path, and the nearer V' Sr approaches V tr the total average velocity of the molecule. Therefore V' dr cannot be smaller than V tr , and l' Sr therefore according to equation (171) not smaller than A MOLECULAR PATH RELATION 225 Wr/Vtr- This limiting value of l' Sr corresponds to the value of the diffusion path l Sr defined in Section 41, since the representative and actual molecular paths are the same in length. But the points locating the path l Sr cannot, and do not, lie on the actual path. It follows therefore that under the foregoing conditions l' Sr can have values only which are somewhat larger than the value of l Sr . The paths are evi- dently of interest only under these conditions, namely in that their points of location lie on the actual path of the molecule. If a molecule in a substance moved along a straight line with a constant velocity, the period t' Sr would be proportional to l' Sr , instead of proportional to (l' Sr ) 2 as indicated by equation (172). It follows therefore that a molecule pur- sues a zigzag course in a substance. It is interesting to illustrate equation (172) by means of a diagram in this connection. Thus let abed in Fig. 18 denote the actual path of a molecule and ac and ad two selected mean diffusion paths of which ad has double the length of ac. Now it follows from equation (172) that if the molecule traveled over its representative paths, the time taken in passing over the path ad is 2 2 or 4 times the time taken in passing over the path ac. And since the molecule takes the same time in passing over its actual path as over its representa- tive path it follows from the figure that the molecule on the average takes times in the ratio of 1 to 4 in passing over the actual paths abc and abed, where ad = 2ac. It is obvious that we may substitute n' r , n' e , l f Sr , and l' 6e for n r , n e , l Se , and l de in the general diffusion equation (126), where the former symbols have meanings of the nature just considered. The equation may be given forms involving V' Sr , V' Se , t' Sr , and t' Se similarly as just shown. The points on the actual path of a molecule which indi- cate the location of the diffusion paths may be selected in a different way than the foregoing, which is simpler and physically more definite. Thus we may select the points 226 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS so that each line joining two consecutive points is equal to the same length instead of being grouped about a mean path according to Clausius' law, and that any direction of a line in space is equally probable. The deduction of the diffusion equation is then simplified since Clausius' prob- ability factor need not be introduced, and therefore no integration with respect to z is necessary. The integral with respect to 6 (Section 42) is the same as before, and FIG. 18. introduces the factor J into the right-hand side of the diffusion equation, which otherwise would be cancelled by the foregoing integral. The coefficient of diffusion in this case for a dilute solution is therefore given by _ 1 n" r l" S r N r where l"^ denotes the selected diffusion path, and n" r the number of diffusion paths passing through an area of A GENERAL EXTENDED DIFFUSION EQUATION 227 one square cm. in one direction per second. The foregoing equation may be written in the forms V" 1" D r = *p* (174) and DT= l~t^ (175) similarly as before, where V" Sr denotes the average velocity the molecule would have if it passed along its diffusion paths, and t" 8r the average time it would take to pass over a single diffusion path. It can be shown similarly as before that l" 8r can have values only somewhat greater than the average diffusion path I 8r . The general diffusion equation (corresponding to equa- tion (126)) may be written in this case (l"&r) 2 N e dN r (l" Se ) 2 N r dNe c*n j~ G*rr j where the meaning of the different symbols is evident from what has gone before. The points on the path of a molecule locating the dif- fusion paths may be selected in a third way which is of interest. Thus the period the molecule takes to pass from one point to the next may be taken the same. Let us suppose in this connection that of N r molecules r per cubic cm. n ri have a diffusion path l\ and n r2 a diffusion path /2, and so on, corresponding to the period t'" sr . We may consider each of these sets of molecules separately and apply the preceding result to obtain expressions for the diffusion. On taking into account that the concentration gradient corresponding to the molecules n fl is ~ -^, and that J\ f ax n dN corresponding to the molecules n r% is -- - r ^, and so on, it 228 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS follows at once that the coefficient of diffusion of a dilute solution is given by - - ._, '~6T'7,r ~1VT ~\-~T^' ' where (l" f Sr ) 2 denotes the mean of the squares of the dif- fusion paths. The corresponding general form of the dif- fusion equation may now be written down without any difficulty. It will readily be recognized now that the points locating the diffusion paths may be selected in other ways, in fact according to any law we please. The foregoing three ways are, however, the only ones of special interest and importance. An interesting and important feature of the foregoing equations is the fact that either the period or the diffusion path may be given any value we please. We may therefore immediately calculate the diffusion path corresponding to a given period, or vice versa. These values furnish interesting information about molecular motion. A set of such cal- culations has been carried out in the next Section in con- nection with similar equations involving viscosity. The dependence of the diffusion path, or the period, in equation (175) on more fundamental quantities may be obtained by equating the coefficient of diffusion given by the equation and that given by equation (129), and substi- tuting for I 5r from equations (130), which gives This equation may also be written by means of equation (35). Thus for a selected constant value of l"sr the period varies inversely as the total average velocity V tr of a molecule r, as we might expect.. The RELATIONS OF THE PATH PERIOD 229 existence of the apparent volume b' r of the molecules r and e has the effect of decreasing the period from what it otherwise would be. This could not be recognized directly. The existence of molecular interference has the same effect since & Sr is positive. Also an increase in K' ST , which is proportional to the diffusion path in the gaseous state at standard pressure, tends to decrease the period. The period may be expressed in terms of the partial intrinsic pressures and other quantities on eliminating n r from equation (178) by means of equation (152). The variation of l" Sr for a given selected constant period t" Sr is obtained by solving the foregoing equations with respect to I" &. Equations similar to the foregoing may be obtained corresponding to a mixture which is not dilute. Thus on equating the expressions for 5 r given by equations (126) and (176), eliminating l dr and I 8e by means of equations (130), and equating the factors of -^ and =-? separately clx dx to zero, which holds since the equation is an identity, we obtain in the case of the molecules r an equation which is the same as equation (178) having the factor introduced into the right-hand side. Thus we see that in the case of a solution of molecules r in e which is not dilute, an increase in the number of molecules r relative to the mole- cules e increases the period t" 8r . The existence of the external molecular volume ft e of the molecules e decreases the period from what it otherwise would be, while the external molecular volume &T of the molecules r increases it. The periods corresponding to the selected paths, or vice versa, may approximately be calculated from equations (178) and (179) on determining the approximate values ,230 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS of the quantities on their right-hand sides by means of the method described in Section 42. 54- Extended Forms of the Viscosity Equations. The equations for the viscosity given in Sections 34 and 35 may be given extended forms similarly as the diffusion equations in the previous Section. Points may be selected on the actual path of each molecule and these joined, and the supposition made that momentum is given to the sub- stance parallel to its motion, or abstracted from the sub- stance, at these points only by the molecule. The line joining two consecutive points may be called a momentum transfer distance under the stated conditions. The points of location of the transfer distances may be selected according to any given law; there are three ways only, however, which are of interest, and which were used in con- nection with diffusion. Thus we may suppose that the transfer distances are grouped about their mean according to Clausius' law; or are equal to each other; or correspond to the same period for the molecule to pass from one point to the consecutive point, the points in each case being so selected that any direction of a line of given length is equally probable. In the first case the form of the viscosity equation re- mains the same as that of equation (83), and for a pure substance r may be written (180) where /' \ r denotes the mean momentum transfer distance in this case, and n' r the number of representative paths crossing a square cm. from one side to the other per second. The latter quantity is given by 3 ' EXTENDED GENERAL VISCOSITY EQUATION 231 where V nr denotes the velocity the molecule would have if it moved along its representative path, this quantity being directly given by V v --JE *ir. f > f r,r where t'^ denotes the period of the average transfer distance. Equation (180) may therefore be written in the more impor- tant form (181) The equation for the viscosity of a mixture of molecules r and e is accordingly given by N r m ar (I'^.a. , e --- ~~ ' (182) If the transfer distances are taken equal to each other, it can be shown similarly as in the previous Section that the corresponding viscosity equations are the same in form as equations (181) and (182) having the factor \ introduced into each right-hand side, that is, we may write r, = ^y, (183) and _N r m ar (l"r, r } 2 , r J~ a =Fr r TV ' TV where l'\ r denotes the selected constant momentum transfer distance of a molecule r, t"^ r the mean of its periods, while the other symbols referring to the molecules e have similar meanings. If the average period for a pure substance in equation (183) is taken equal to the period in the case of equation (175) applied to the diffusion of a molecule in molecules of 332 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS the same kind, and this period eliminated from the two equations, we obtain the equation If the nature of the motion of a molecule were not altered by a shearing motion given to the substance, l" v would be equal to l" Sr , which corresponds to the normal motion of a molecule. The foregoing equation, however, indicates that this does not hold, as we might expect, and expresses the effect of shearing motion on the value of l" v for unit velocity gradient in the substance. Since the viscosity of a gas is independent of its pressure, or the molecular concentration, it follows from equation (183) that the value of the average period t"^ for a constant value of I" ^ is proportional to the molecular concentration N T . This shows that the molecules in their encounters deflect each other from their paths, and therefore the actual path of a molecule between two points is greater than the straight line joining them. We may therefore say that the period a molecule takes to traverse its curved and zigzag path between two points a constant distance apart in a gas whose pressure is varied, is proportional to its chance of encountering another molecule. The viscosity of a liquid is greater than that correspond- ing to the gaseous state, and hence according to equation (183) the average period t rr v f r a constant value of V' v in the case of a liquid, is smaller than proportional to N r , or smaller than the chance of the molecule encountering an- other molecule along its path. This would be the case if the average velocity of a molecule in the liquid state is greater than in the gaseous, which would decrease the time it takes the molecule to pass over its path. This fits in with results obtained previously. . . VALUES OF PERIODS FOR A GIVEN PATH 233 It is of interest to obtain by means of equation (183) for different substances the average periods t" nT that a mole- cule takes to pass from one point to another one mm. apart, or corresponding to /",= .! cm. Table XXVIII gives the values of the periods in the case of C02 at different pres- TABLE XXVIII VALUES OF t" T CORRESPONDING TO l" 1)T = .l CM. C02 AT 40 C P in atmos. Volume of a gram molecule. r, 10>. N r lQ2i. l "r,r in seconds. 70 245.7 200 2.52 1.49 80 172.2 218 3.61 1.95 85 130.7 269 4.74 2.08 94 85.35 414 7.26 2.08 100 78.96 483 7.86 1.92 112 73.24 571 8.48 1.75 ETHER t C. p- ,,ia>. Ar r io *'V in seconds. 13.5 .7214 1779 6.05 .67 99 .6421 1133 5.39 .94 CHLOROFORM 1.5264 3827 7.93 .66 60 1.4108 2791 7.33 .84 BENZENE 15.4 .8840 4387 7.38 .36 78.8 .8145 3000 6.65 .45 234 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS sures at the temperature 40 C., and of three liquids at different temperatures. The period of a molecule of CC>2 when it does not obey the gas laws evidently does not depend much on the molecular concentration, the effect of the increase of concentration being probably more or less balanced by the increase in molecular velocity. The order of the period is two seconds. In the case of liquids the period is increased with an increase of temperature, as we would expect, since the concentration is thereby decreased which decreases the molecular velocity. Its value appears to decrease with an increase in the molecular weight of the liquid, and is of the order of one second. In the case of a gas r at standard temperature and pres- sure the period is under the foregoing conditions given by the equation -77- 4.5X10- 7 m r t r,r=~ , .... (186) where m T denotes the relative molecular weight, and r? the viscosity which in this case is independent of the pressure. An idea of the dependence of the period on the nature of the gas may be obtained from an inspection of Table X which contains values of TJ and m for a number of different gases. If the period is kept constant it can be shown similarly as in the previous Section that the viscosity in the case of a pure substance r is given by N r m ar (I gr) 6 t' where (Z"V) 2 denotes the mean of the squares of the transfer distances corresponding to the constant period '", and an equation consisting of similar terms may be obtained for a mixture of substances. THE PATH PERIOD AND OTHER QUANTITIES 235 1 It can be shown in the same way as in the previous Sec- tion that the smallest admissible values of l\ n l'\ n and I"V are somewhat larger than the value of l^ defined in Section 33. The dependence of the extended transfer distances and periods on the nature rf molecular interaction is obtained on equating the expression for the viscosity obtained in this Section with those obtained in Section 34. Thus in the case that the transfer distance is kept a constant length we obtain from equation (183) and equations (90), (91), and (92), the equations ,, ' . C\Q(\\ ' on adding the suffix r to the symbols of the latter equations in order to bring the notation into line with the former equation, and taking into account that VrN r m a r = mr, where A T = 5.087X10 It will be seen from these equations that the apparent molecular volume 6 r , and the interference function $^ r (which is positive), decreases the period from what it other- wise would be. Thus the existence of molecular forces of repulsion, which prevents the molecules approaching each other within any degree of closeness, and the existence of interference of the molecules of the substance with two interacting molecules, have the effect of decreasing the period. An increase in the total average velocity V tr has the effect of decreasing the period, as is also directly evident. 236 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS In the case of a substance not obeying the gas laws an in- crease in velocity at constant temperature, it may be noted, may be brought about by an increase in the density of the substance (Sections 17 and 29). An increase in K^, which de- creases with an increase of the molecular mass, has the effect of decreasing the period, and this also holds for the volume V T of a gram molecule. An increase in the molecular forces of attraction would give rise to an increase in the intrinsic pressure P nr , and in the number n r of molecules crossing a square cm. per second, and thus give rise to a decrease of the period. Equation (189) of the three equations (188), (189), and (190), indicates best the dependence of the period on the temperature at constant volume. It decreases with an increase of temperature, since V tr , , r , and ^ increase with an increase of temperature at constant volume (Sections 16, 17, and 34), while b r is probably approximately independent of the temperature. The dependence of l'\ T on the fundamental properties of a substance for a constant period is obtained on solving the foregoing equations with respect to l n v . It is evident that the effect of the changes in the quantities considered on the quantity l'\ r is opposite in direction, and less (through the extraction of square roots on solving the equations as indicated) than in the case of the period. In order to obtain the dependence of the periods on other quantities in the case of a mixture of molecules r and e, each of the terms on the right-hand side of equation (184) is equated with one of the two terms to which it cor- responds on the right-hand side of equation (98), and the resulting equation transformed by means of equations (99) and (100). Equations similar in form to equations (188), (189), and (190) will be obtained in this way. Approximate values of the periods corresponding to given transfer distances, or vice versa, in the case of a mixture, may be obtained from these equations on obtain- THE PARTITION OF MOMENTUM TRANSFERENCE 237 ing approximate values of the other quantities they contain in the way described in Section 35. In connection with the foregoing investigation the fol- lowing remarks may help to clear up any difficulties encoun- tered. If we take a plane parallel to the motion of the substance corresponding to the velocity Vi, it follows from considerations of equilibrium that the algebraical momentum per molecule parallel to the plane on the average is equal to Vim a . Therefore on considering two planes corresponding to the velocities V\ and 2 of the substance, it follows that the molecules crossing each plane in the same direction will each have on the average its momentum parallel to the planes changed from V\m a to Vznia on passing from one plane to the other. This will, of course, not hold for each molecule considered independently. These considerations show that we may suppose that momentum is given by a molecule to the medium and abstracted from it in these planes only, which may be taken any distance apart. This may be illustrated by considering a number of similar par- allel planes corresponding to the velocities FI, Vi, . . . V e of the substance. The momentum transferred from the first to the last plane by a molecule is equal to ( (Vi F 2 ) + (2 Fa) + . . . (V e -iVe)}m a , or equal to (Fi F e )m a , and thus the in- termediate planes have no effect on the amount of momentum transferred from the first of the planes to the other. It follows, therefore, that a molecule crossing one of the fore- going planes may, or may not, be taken to change its vis- cosity momentum in crossing it, just as we please. Also a molecule may recross a number of times each of two consec- utive planes between the two points lying on the planes at which only it is supposed to change its viscosity momentum. The foregoing planes may therefore be taken to indicate the location of the various points defining the molecular paths used in the previous investigation ; and hence it follows that these paths are permissible to use. 238 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS It should be pointed out, however, that the representa- tive molecular path probably cannot assume all numerically possible values between two given limits, or that it is prob- ably a recurring discontinuous function. It can easily be shown, for example, that the values of the path I for a part which is a straight line do not fit in with the relation l 2 /t = constant. But the total region of discontinuity, if not zero, is probably small in comparison with the remaining region. 55. Extended Forms of the Heat Conduction Equations. Extended heat conduction equations may be obtained along the same lines as the extended viscosity and diffusion equations in the preceding two Sections. We may suppose as before that the heat transfer distances are defined by points distributed according to any given law on the paths of the molecules. The transfer distances are of interest only, however, when the points are distributed according to one of the three ways already used. If the transfer distances are grouped about a mean according to Clausius' law the heat conductivity equation for a pure substance r may immediately be written (191) according to Section 38, where V CT denotes the average heat transfer distance which may have any value above a certain limit to be determined presently, n' T denotes the number of transfer distances crossing a square cm. in one direction per second, S or denotes the specific heat at con- stant pressure per gram and m ar the absolute molecular weight. If V cr denotes the average velocity a molecule would have if it passed along its successive transfer distances, and t er the time it would take to pass over the average transfer THE CONSTANT PATH CONDUCTION EQUATIONS 239 distance (which is the same as the time taken to pass over the actual path), we have Hence equation (191) may be written in the form 3 t' cr > which is more important. The heat conduction equation for a mixture of molecules r and e may now immediately be written down. If the distance between each pair of consecutive points is taken the same and equal to l" C r, and t" cr is the average period of the transfer distance, it can be shown along the same lines of reasoning as contained in the preceding two Sections that for a pure substance, and _ N r m ar S or (l" cr ) 2 . N e m ae S oe (I"*}* . ~ and the gain in molecules r having a period t T2 is equal to and so on. The total gain in molecules r is therefore (i ~ + ~ + ' * ' W'S"* 2 r ~S? > where ~~\ r / T" [TF; Ti ^rj I -iVf A DISPLACEMENT DIFFUSION EQUATION 253 the mean of the reciprocals of the periods. Similarly it can be shown that the gain in molecules e below the plane of reference is 2 dx' where d e is a selected displacement and t e ~ 1 the mean of the reciprocals of the corresponding periods. The gain in molecules r and e due to their displacements is therefore ~ l d 2 r dN r t e ~ 2 dx 2 dx' But the volume of these molecules is not zero, and if this is taken into account similarly as in the previous Section we obtain that the diffusion d r of the molecules r is given by * _ 8r ~ 2 NN re dx e er dx where & e and # r denote the external molecular volumes of gram molecules of molecules e and r respectively in the mixture. In the case of a dilute solution of molecules r in mole- cules e the foregoing equation becomes fr T and hence the coefficient of diffusion is given by D r = '^f (209) It can be shown along the same lines as in the previous Section that the smallest admissible value of d r in equation (209) corresponds to its value in the equation 4d r =l 5r , (210) 254 MICSELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS where I 8r denotes the average diffusion path according to Section 41. If d' T denotes the smallest admissible value of d r and t' T the average of the corresponding periods, the total average velocity V tr of a molecule r is given by F, r =^= 4 | r , ..... (211) t r t T by means of the foregoing equation, since the average dif- fusion path is equal to the corresponding actual path. The number of times n r a square cm. is crossed per second by molecules r in one direction is given by according to equations (211) and (35). The foregoing remarks and equations also hold when the mixture is not a dilute solution of molecules r in e. On equating the expressions for D r given by equations (209) and (147) we obtain the equation (213) which may be used to determine the coefficient of mobility M r of a colloidal particle. This equation and equation (166) give the equation RT 1 ..... (214) which depends on Stokes' law, and may be used in the same way as equation (206). It will now be recognized that an expression for the diffusion may be obtained along the same lines corresponding to any law of selection of the displacements, or of the periods. DISPLACEMENT OF MOMENTUM 255 58. The Constant Period and Constant Displace- ment Viscosity Equations. The viscosity of a substance also may be expressed in terms of molecular displacements at right angles to a plane. Let us first obtain a formula for the viscosity in terms of displacements corresponding to a constant period. (a) Let the plane of reference be taken parallel to the motion of the substance, and let us suppose that the velocity gradient is unity, and for convenience of reference from top to bottom. We will adopt the same notation as in Section 56, and suppose that we are dealing with a pure substance of molecules r instead of with a solution of molecules r in molecules e. Let us suppose that a molecule at the begin- ning of a displacement (which takes place at right angles to the motion of the medium) abstracts the momentum V\m a from the medium, where V\ denotes the velocity of the medium in a plane parallel to its motion passing through the molecule whose absolute mass is m ar . This momentum, we will suppose, is transferred to the medium at the end of the displacement. Now it follows from considerations of equilibrium that the displacement of a molecule in one direction from one plane to another, both of which are parallel to the motion of the medium, is accompanied by the displacement of another molecule from one plane to the other in the opposite direction. Therefore if V\ and 2 denote the velocities of the medium at two planes taken a distance d from each other, the momentum transferred from one plane to the other by a molecule and its associate molecule is (V\ V2)m a , or dm a , since the velocity gradient of the medium is unity, or (V\ Vz)/d=\. Since n ri mole- cules of displacement d ri cross the plane of reference per square cm. in each direction during the period t r , or n' Tl d ri molecules, where n' Tl denotes the number of molecules in a cubic cm. undergoing a displacement d rt in one direction, 256 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS it follows that these molecules transfer the momentum n f ri d 2 ri niar across the plane. Similarly it follows that the molecules undergoing a displacement d ri transfer the mo- mentum n'rf- r ^n ar during the period t r across the plane per square cm. and so on. The total momentum trans- ferred per second per square cm. of the plane, which is the coefficient of viscosity r?, is therefore given by _ N r m ar 1 2n' n d 2 n + 2ri r 4 2 r*+ . . . " or '-^r* (215) where d 2 r denotes the mean of the squares of the displace- ments of the molecules of a cubic cm. during the period t r . It will not be difficult to see that in the case of a mixture of molecules r and e the coefficient of viscosity is given by the equation _ rar , N e d 2 e m ae /0 ! >. ~ ~~~~ where d 2 e denotes the mean of the squares of the displace- ments of the molecules e in a cubic cm. during the period t e . It can be shown in a similar way as in Section 56 in con- nection with diffusion that the smallest admissible value of d 2 r in equations (215) and (216) corresponds to the value of the mean of the displacements d r which satisfies the equation. 43", = ^, ....... (217) where l^ denotes the mean momentum transfer distance of a molecule r as defined in Section 33. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT DISPLACEMENTS 257 If d' T denotes the smallest admissible mean of the dis- placements and t' r the corresponding period, the total aver- age velocity is given by (218) while the number of molecules n r crossing a square cm. in one direction is given by obtained along the same lines as similar equations in Sec- tion 56. If equation (201) is supposed to apply to the diffusion of a molecule in a substance of the same kind and the period is taken the same as the period in equation (215) and eliminated from the equations we obtain the equation = =T^v7- (220) d 2 Sr D T N r m ar ' where the suffixes 8 and 77 have been added to the displace- ments to indicate what each refers to. According to this equation the ratio on the left-hand side is not in general equal to unity. Thus the displacement of a molecule along an axis is affected by a shearing motion of the substance at right angles to the axis. In the case of a dilute solution of molecules e in r the value of d? r will very approximately be the same as for the solvent in the pure state, and may accordingly be obtained for any selected period t r from equation (215). The value of d?~ e may then be obtained for any selected period t e from equation (216). It would furnish interesting information to. compare this value of d 2 e with that of a pure substance 258 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS of molecules e, or if the solute consists of colloidal particles, to compare the value with that observed. If rj is eliminated from equation (215) by means of one of the equations (90), (91), and (92), an equation is obtained which expresses the ratio d 2 7 /t r in terms of more fundamental quantities, the equation being similar to one of the equa- tions (188), (189), and (190). If we write t e = t r and d 2 e d 2 T in equation (216) it gives for any selected value of t r a value of d 2 r which in a sense is a mean value of d 2 e and d 2 T . It would be interesting to com- pare this value with that of the substance r in the pure state. The values of d 2 r and d 2 e in equation (216) may be determined for any selected values of t r and t e by equating each of the two terms on the right-hand side of the equa- tion with the corresponding term on the right-hand side of equation (98), and calculating the other quantities in- volved in the way described in Section 35. It can easily be proved along the same lines as the preceding investigation that if the periods of the molecules in a cubic cm. for a selected displacement d r are observed, the coefficient of viscosity is given by 77 = V r d 2 r t^m arj (221) where t r ~ l denotes the mean of the reciprocals of the periods corresponding to the displacement d r and is given by n 2nf_ n ' ' (2ri n +2n' n + . . . ) In the case of a mixture of molecules r and e we have The smallest admissible value of d r in equation (221) satisfies the equation U T = l v , . . , . , , (223) DISPLACEMENT OF HEAT ENERGY 259 which follows similarly as before. The formulae for the total average velocity and the number of molecules r crossing per second a square cm. from one side to the other in terms of the smallest admissible displacement d' r and the cor- responding mean of the periods t' r are the same in form as equations (218) and (219). Similar relations apply in the case of the molecules in a mixture of molecules r and e. 59. The Constant Period and Constant Dis- placement Heat Conduction Equations. We will now find an expression for the coefficient of conduction of heat in terms of molecular displacements, using the same notation as before, and taking the plane of reference at right angles to the flow of heat, which we will suppose takes place from top to bottom. A formula involv- ing the displacements for a selected constant period will be first obtained. Let us suppose that a molecule r at the beginning of a displacement, (which takes place parallel to the flow of heat at right angles to the plane of reference) abstracts the energy TiS mr from the medium and transfers it to the medium at the end of the displacement, where TI denotes the absolute temperature of the medium at the beginning of the displacement, and S mr the corresponding internal specific heat at constant pressure per molecule. Since no matter is transferred from one plane to another, each of which is at right angles to the flow of heat, it fol- lows that the displacement of the foregoing molecule is accompanied by the displacement of another molecule in the opposite direction, both displacements lying between the same two parallel planes. Therefore if TI and TI are the absolute temperatures in descending order of magni- tude of the medium in these planes the energy T\S mr T2S mr is transferred to the lower plane by a pair of correspond- ing molecules during the period t r . If the distance between -260 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS the planes is d and the heat gradient is equal to unity Ti T2/d=l, and the amount of heat transferred may be written dS mr . Since n ri molecules of displacement d ri cross the plane of reference in both directions during the period t r , which number (Section 56) is equal to n' ri d ri , it follows that these molecules transfer the energy n f ri d 2 Tl S^ T per square cm. across the plane. Similarly it follows that the molecules of displacement d zr transfer the energy n' rt d 2 rj$mr per square cm. across the plane, and so on. The total energy transferred per square cm. per second across the plane, or the heat conductivity C, is therefore given by ri _N r S m l2n f n d? n +2n' r J? n + . . " 2t r ( N T or where d 2 r denotes the mean of the squares of the displace- ments of the molecules in a cubic cm. If S or denote the in- ternal specific heat at constant pressure per gram we have Smr= Syr^ar, where m ar denotes the absolute molecular weight of a molecule r, and the foregoing equation may therefore be written d 2 r . ...... ( } In the case of a mixture of molecules r and e we have r _ N r m ar S gr d 2 r , N e m af S oe d 2 e ~~" ~"~" It can similarly be shown that if the displacement d r is kept constant we have C = Nrm 2 rSar d 2 T t^, (227) THE ADMISSIBLE VALUES OF DISPLACEMENTS 261 and where t. 1 denotes the mean of the reciprocals of the periods of the molecules in a cubic cm. corresponding to the dis- placement d Tl and t e ~ l has a similar meaning. The least admissible value of the average displacement d T in the foregoing equations can be shown, similarly as in the preceding Sections, to be the value which satisfies the equation 4d r = l cr , where l cr denotes the heat transfer distance as defined in Section 37. The magnitude that may be given to the value of d r is limited somewhat by the fact that in the deduction of the equations we have assumed that the specific heat along the heat gradient at two points is independent of their distance apart. But this cannot hold unless the heat gradient is taken infinitely small. The formulae for the heat conductivity may be given forms taking the variation of S mr and N r along the heat gradient into account, but on account of their complexity they possess no particular interest or importance. If the periods are taken the same in equations (225) and (215) and eliminated we obtain the equation (229) where the suffixes c and r? have been added to the dis- placements to indicate to what they refer. The right-hand side of the equation is evidently in general not equal to unity, and hence the nature of the motion of a molecule is influenced in different ways by a heat gradient and a shear- ing motion in a substance. It should be noted that cP^ 262 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS refers to unit heat gradient, and d 2 ^ to unit velocity gradient of the substance. According to Section 38 the right-hand side of the foregoing equation is greater than unity when the substance is in the gaseous state, and smaller than unity when in the liquid state. Thus the displacement of a molecule for a given period in a heat gradient is rela- tively greater than in a velocity gradient of a substance when it is gaseous, while the opposite holds when it is in the liquid state. This appears to indicate that the path of a particle in a gas is rendered relatively more undulatory in character by a velocity gradient than by a heat gradient, while the opposite holds in the case of a liquid. The displacements and periods may be expressed in terms of more fundamental quantities similarly as in the previous Section. The results may be used to find approx- imate values of the former quantities in the case of a mixture by the help of Section 38. 60. Another Method of Determining the Total Average Velocity of Translation of a Colloidal Particle. We have seen in Section 56 that equation (201) holds only when the period t T is equal to, or larger, than that corresponding to the average displacement which satisfies equation (202). The smallest value of t r admissible may be determined by using successively values of t r in decreas- ing order of magnitude and observing the corresponding values of the displacements, till values are obtained which do not satisfy equation (201), or equation (206) if Stokes' law holds. The value of t T corresponding to the transition point is the smallest admissible value. On substituting this value and the value of the corresponding average dis- placement in equation (203) the value obtained for V tr is the total average velocity of the particle. TEST OF ADMISSIBILITY OF DISPLACEMENTS 263 Since d r on the average is proportional to t r when its value is inadmissible according to the Section cited, it fol- lows from equations (201) and (206) that in that case (A) and & r< RT 37T7Y Thus as the value of the period is decreased a point is ulti- mately reached when the ratio d 2 r /t r ceases to be constant, and decreases proportionally to t r for further decreases in l r . Therefore on plotting d 2 T /t r against t rj and drawing a mean straight line through the points which indicate that the ratio is constant, and a mean straight line through the other points, the intersection of the two lines gives the period t' r and displacement d' r which on being substituted in equation (203) give the total average velocity of the colloidal particle. No experiments have of course yet been carried out with the ob'ect of determining the total average velocity of a coll; i lal ^article in this way. It seems probable, however, that Nordlund in testing the constancy of d 2 r /t r in the experiments described in Section 56 advanced into a region in which the values of d 2 r and t, are inadmissible in equation (206). Thus an inspection of Table XXIX shows that the ratio in one set of experiments, though constant for periods of 3 and 101 inclusive where t= 1.481 sec., decreases con- siderably for smaller periods. If this deviation is genuine, as it seems to be, it will be possible to determine from Nordlund's experiments whether the velocity of a colloidal particle is the same as if it were in the perfectly gaseous state. The radius of the mercury particle corresponding to the values in the Table cited was 2.66 X10~ 5 cm. The 264 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS velocity that it would have if it behaved as if it were in the perfectly gaseous state is 3.33X10" 1 cm. /sec. The average value of d 2 r obtained by experiment corresponding to periods which were multiples of 1.481 sec. was 1.813X10" 8 cm., and t r is therefore equal to 1.481 sec. The average displacement is probably very approximately given by the square root of d? r , and hence the apparent velocity of the particle according to equation (203) is 3.64XlO- 4 cm./sec. If this represents approximately the total average velocity of the particle, as is rendered probable on account of the deviations mentioned, it follows that this velocity is about 1/1000 of that the particle would have in the perfectly gaseous state. This result fits in with those of Section 49. Some experiments by Henri* should be mentioned in this connection. He obtained cinematograph photographs of the Brownian motion of colloidal particles of rubber of IM radius in water. The displacements observed, which corresponded to a period of ^V of a second, were four times smaller than those calculated from Einstein's equation. This deviation might have been caused by the period being smaller than the least admissible value of the period, since the deviations are in the right direction. It is true that Henri tested whether W T /t T is constant, though this point was not specially investigated, and found the ratio approxi- mately constant. But the deviation of this ratio from a constant when it occurs is probably very gradual, and may therefore be approximately constant in the inadmissible region for values lying between limits of considerable mag- nitude. It is difficult to see how in Henri's experiments an error could have come in to produce a deviation of the magnitude mentioned. * Compt. Rend., 146, 1024-1026, (1908). MOLECULAR VELOCITY AND ITS PROJECTION 265 It is highly desirable that experiments be carried out with the object of evaluating the ratio d 2 r /t r of colloidal particles for as small periods as possible in order to obtain in one or more cases with certainty the smallest period that will satisfy equation (206), and to calculate from that the total average velocity of the particle concerned. It is probably not accidental that in all cases that have come under my notice the above ratio when not fitting in with equation (206) fitted in with the inequality (A) which corresponds to periods not admissible in equation (206). 61. The Distribution of the Molecular Velocities in a Substance not Obeying the Gas Laws. It does not seem possible as yet to obtain any definite theoretical information about this distribution. The proof of Maxwell's law given in Section 7 applies only to gases, and the law need not therefore hold for a substance not obeying the gas laws. It is very probable, however, that the distribution of molecular velocities obeys Maxwell's law in all cases. This may be tested directly for colloidal particles in solution. Thus according to Section 7 the probability that the velocity of a molecule has values lying between Vi and V \-\-dV \ and is This expression may be converted into one involving dis- placements (Section 56) as follows: The projection of the path of a particle between two points on to an axis is the same as if the points were joined by a straight line. Now if the path of each particle were divided into parts corre- sponding to the same period t r , these joined by straight lines, and the particle supposed to move along them, the law 266 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS, CONNECTIONS of distribution of velocities would probably not be altered if t r is below a certain limit, where FI and V p would now refer to the new conditions. Instead of directly transform- ing the foregoing expression into one involving displace- ments, it will be more convenient to derive the required expression from one used in the deduction of the foregoing probability expression. Thus we have seen in Section 7 that the probability that a molecule has a component velocity lying between a and a + da is The quantity V p in the expression may be expressed in terms of the average d r of the displacements corresponding to the period t r . According to Section 7 we have V 17 _ o v P v t 4^-, Vir where V t , the total average velocity of a molecule in any state, now takes the place of F a , the average velocity in the gaseous state. On applying equation 2p = l s in Section 44 to this case by considering the different molecular velocities individually and adding up the results, we obtain The foregoing two equations give the equation V p = 2 VV d r /t r , which expresses V p in terms of d r . Therefore on substi- tuting this expression for V p , and writing d r /t r for a, in the foregoing probability expression, and considering a numb^ of displacements N d , we obtain VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION AND DENSITY 267 for the number of the displacements N d which have values lying between d r and d-\-d(d r ) corresponding to the period t r . The values of the observed displacements appear to agree with the foregoing law of distribution, and Maxwell's law for the distribution of molecular velocities holds therefore, at least approximately for colloidal particles. The most probable displacement, which is obtained by dividing the foregoing expression by Nd, differentiating it with respect to d r , and equating the result to zero, is equal to zero. The reason for this is not difficult to see. Consider the molecular paths of the same length per period t r passing in all directions through any given point. It is evident then that the number of molecules associated with a given pro- jection increases with a decrease in its value. It is of impor- tance to point out that the average displacement obtained by direct observation will therefore tend to be rather too large than too small. The total average velocity of a col- loidal deduced according to Section 56 will therefore tend to be too large rather than too small, a point which is of importance in determining whether this velocity is the same as that corresponding to the gaseous state. The value of the most probable velocity V p in Maxwell's distribution law will depend, according to what has gone before, on the solvent in which the particles are suspended besides on their mass, and in the case of a molecule the value of V p will increase with increase of density of the substance at constant temperature, since we have seen that its total average velocity increases with the density. SUBJECT INDEX Absolute temperature: Deduction of, 12; correction of scale of, 14; zero of, 14. Amplitude: Of motion of colloidal particle, 9, 189, 190. Atom: Absolute mass of hydrogen, 7. Attraction: Forces of, surrounding molecules and atoms, 46, 47. Brownian motion: Of particles in liquids, 9, 189, 190, 217-219, 250, 251; of particles in gases, 10, 251. Calorie: Definition of, 38. Colloidal particles: Preparation of, 10. Conduction of heat: Coefficient of, 148; characteristic function of, 154, 159, 161; displacement formulae for, 259-262; extended forms of formulae for, 238-241; formula for, of pure gas, 157; formula for, of gaseous mixture, 165; general formulae for, of pure sub- stance, 155; general formulae for, of mixtures, 164; interference function of, 154, 158, 162, 163; mean transfer distance in, 148- 150; nature of 147; of gaseous mixtures, 165; of liquids, 162, 163; of pure gases, 158, 159; of solids, 166, 167, 184-186. Crookes' radiometer: Action of, 10. Diffusion: Cause of, 168; characteristic function of, 174, 177, 179- 181; coefficient of, 169; connection of coefficient of, with mobility, 198; displacement formulae for, 242-249, 252-254; formula for, of gases, 179; general formula for, 173; interference function of , 174, 175, 178; Maxwell's expression for, of gases, 187; mean path of colloidal particle, 192, 193; tables of various coefficients of, 180, 199. Displacement and its period: Constancy of ratio of square of first to second, 251; table of values of, 251. Effect: Joule-Thomson, 46, 47. Electric conductivity: Formulae for, 182-186; ratio of, to heat con- ductivity, 184-186. 269 270 SUBJECT INDEX Electrons: Charge carried by 7; concentration of, in metals, 182, 183; dissociation of atoms into, 166; number of, crossing a square cm. of a' substance per second, 167; variation of concentration of, with change of temperature, 1&3. Energy: Equipartition of molecular kinetic, in gaseous mixture, 31; internal molecular, 41, 103; kinetic, per molecule of a gas, 29; potential, of attraction, 103; total internal, of a substance, 103. Factor: For converting calories into ergs, 38. Gases: Equation of pure, 12; equation of mixture of, 13; equation of, from dynamical considerations, 29, 30; value of R in equation of, 14. Heat: Latent of evaporation, 46, 205. Heat gradient: Effect of, on molecular path, 240, 241. Interaction : Of molecules and atoms, 48-50. Intrinsic pressure : Cause of 69; comparison with other quantities, 73; formulae for, 70, 71, 104; from equation of state, 84; partial intrinsic, 202-206; tables of values of, 72, 139. Linear diameter law, 79. Matter: Atomic nature of, 3-5. Maxwell's law of distribution of molecular velocities: Consideration of, 20-27. Molecules: Formulae for number of, per c.c. in a gas, 33, 34; nature of motion of, 225, 226; number of, per gram molecule, from charge on the electron and electrolysis, 7; from observed displacements and Stokes' law, 250; from counting and Van't Hoff's law, 217-219. Mobility: Connection of coefficient of, with osmotic pressure, 197; coefficient of, expressed in terms of molecular displacements, 249- 254; of a colloidal particle in an electric field, 200, 201; of a colloidal particle in terms of its path and period, 199, 200; table of coefficients of, 199. Number of molecules n crossing a square cm. in one direction: De- termination of, by an equation of equilibrium, 95-105; formula for, corresponding to any state, 56; in a gas, 34-37; inferior and superior limits of, 74, 75; inferior limit, of 80; probability series for, 96. SUBJECT INDEX 271 Osmotic pressure: Cause of, in heterogeneous mixtures, 208, 209; connection of, with molecular motion in a dilute solution, 213-217; constants of, in heterogeneous dilute solution, 217; in connection with diffusion, 197; permanent nature of, 21. Path satisfying given conditions: Mean and mean of squares of, 109; probability of, lying between given limits, 107; probability of, cutting a plane, 108. Polymerization: Of mercury, 105. Pressure: External, given by equation of state, 81-86. Pressure of expansion: Average, per single molecule in any state, 35-37; nature of, in a substance in any state, 62-64; of mixtures, 67, 68; total, in terms of other quantities, 65, 66. Repulsion: Forces of, surrounding atoms and molecules, 47. Shearing motion: In viscosity, 110, 111; effect of, on path of particle, 232. Sound: Formula for velocity of, 41. Specific heats: Of gases, 39, 40; of liquids and dense gases, 42-44, 103, 104; ratio of the two, of gases, 40, 41. State, corresponding: Nature of, 91-94. State, equations of: Conditions that they have to satisfy, at critical point, 88; at absolute zero, 89; thermodynamical, 90, 91; various forms, 81-86. Stokes' law: Formulae involving, 220, 250; nature of, 220. Thermodynamics: First law of, 37, 38. Volume, external molecular: Definition of, 172, 173. Volume, internal molecular, or b: Cause of, 78, 79; determination of, 95-105; mathematical definition of, 58; properties of, 58, 59, 61; superior limit of, 78, 79. Volume, real and apparent : Discussion of, 77, 78. Velocity of a molecule: Average kinetic energy, in a gas, 28; average, in a gas, 20; determination of total average, 95-103, 139; inferior limit of total average, 80; most probable, in a gas, 20; variation of, with time in a gas, 20; variation of, with time in a substance in any state, 265-267; when not under the action of a force in a gas or liquid, 52, 53. Velocity of colloidal particle: Determination of, 195, 210, 262-265. 272 SUBJECT INDEX . Viscosity: Cause of, 110, 111; characteristic function of, 121, 128, 129, 130, 144, 145; definition of coefficient of, 111; definition of momentum transfer distance of, 113-116; displacement formula) for, 255-258; extended formulae for, 230-238; formula for, of a gas, 125, 126, 131; general formulae for, 122, 142, 143; interfer- ence function of, 121, 134, 138, 140, 141, 145-147; measurement of coefficient of, 112; various factors influencing it, 135-136. r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. . llAug'55)T REC'D LD OCT 23 1956 REC'D LD OGT27 1357 14JuP58MRg KEC'D U3 R; t uo <25 iS5^ F LD 6 1962 !6Mar'62RH 'CKS MAR 2 1962MAY2fa'64- LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY