na ? .VS> AMEBICA, A NATIONAL ODE AND ANTHEM, BY ARTHUR H. VIVIAN. SACRAMENTO : Printed and Published for the Author by H. S. CROCKER Co. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1898, BY ARTHUR H. VIVIAN, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All rights reserved. AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Signed: $M...^..,.. 7 THE UNKNOWN WOMAN SUGGESTED BY A BUST OF 'THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, SUPPOSED TO BE THE WORK ; OF DONATELLO; NOW EXHIBITED IN THE LOUVRE AT PARIS. She lived in Florence centuries ago, That lady smiling there, What was her name or rank I do not know, I know that she was fair. For some great man, his name, like hers, forgot And faded from men's sight, Loved her, he must have loved her, and has wrought This bust for our delight. Whether he gained her love or had her scorn Full happy was his fate; He saw her, heard her speak, he was not born Four hundred years too late. Kenyon Cox. A reproduction in miniature of the origi- nal bust has been modeled and copyrighted by F. Vivian. f 4 AMERICA, BUOYED A ME RICA, thy Mother -Land Claims that where'er doth come, The Day -Star in his fiery course Men hear her Morning -Drum. Thine own proud boast, like hers shall be, The whole wide world around, That all men, in thy very Name, Hear Freedom's- Trumpet sound. 11 CHORUS. r^ELOVED Land, while Earth shall stand, No power it wields shall sever Our Hearts from thee and Liberty, America Forever! \A/ HEN on the shore of Salvador, With Victor flag unfurled, The eyes of Europe first beheld A still unfettered world, The scene at which they, wond'ring gazed, Revealed that Ruler s mind Who gives to Thee, in Liberty, A trust for all Mankind. Beloved Land, etc. T HOU Noblest Daughter of the Race That ne'er has known defeat; Whose helping hand on ev'ry strand Earth's Ransomed Nations greet. Be worthy of the Mission high Thy God to thee has given And still by thy proud Race's hand Shall Mankind's chains be riven. Beloved Land, etc. T HE Mighty Moulders of thy Past, Who sleep beneath thy sod; Thy Sons whose blood has hallowed it To Freedom and to God, Made thee a Name at whose fair fame All noble pulses thrill. And Age by Age, shall Hist'ry's page Record thy valor still. Beloved Land, etc. T HREE times hath Europe on thee gazed, And marvel'd at thy power, When fierce the fires of battle blaz'd. In War's tremendous hour; And each time hath she seen thee rise A vision of delight! More brilliant and more beautiful When God has crowned the Right. Beloved Land, etc. T HE flag that brav'd, a thousand years, The Battle and the Breeze, Dear Daughter Land, to thine was bow'd Upon its own high seas. And proudly, for unconquered still, Thy Meteor Flag has shown Its Stripes are for thine enemies, Its Stars are all thine own. Beloved Land, etc. w HERE Caste or Creed is bar to none, Where Prowess thrones o'er Pride, Where Glory waits, in Freedom's Name, True Manhood's steps to guide, Thy Genius, like some Central Sun, Lights all, and all controls; And Westward still while Ages run, The tide of Empire rolls. Beloved Land, etc. IFT high thy head, America, The envy of the world. Reign on, in peerless majesty, Tho' thrones from earth be hurled. Reign on, forever blessing all, By all forever blest, In Peace and War invincible, Earth's fairest land, and best. Beloved Land, etc. D EAR Home of Peace, Time's self shall cease E'er thou again shalt know The bitter cry of men who die. Struck by a Brother's blow. Around thy feet thy sons shall meet, But love and concord bring, And o'er and o'er, from shore to shore, Thy hills and valleys sing: Beloved Land, etc. Y ET, should thine Honor so demand, As Lightning from, on high, Shall flash the brand, in ev'ry hand, For thee to do, or die! And foremost still, where Glory leads, In Victory, or Death, Thy sons ring out the battle-shout, Still' d only with their breath: Beloved Land, etc. HNTHEM. N * * * OW rise, Americans, and stand In all the Glorious Might That springs from love of Fatherland, Of G-od, and of the Right. With feelings worthy of your Sires And worthy of your Sod, Call down upon your Country The blessings of its God. (INTERLUDE.) G OD bless thee, Dear America! G-od grace thee, Home of all! The richest gifts His hand bestows Forever on thee fall. Peace, Wealth, and Power be ever thine. Stand ever in the van, And teach all mankind still to know The Dignity of Man. B GRAND CHORUS. * * * E LOVED Land, at God's right hand, No Power exists to sever Our hearts from Thee and Liberty, America FOREVER!