L STORY MAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF G.C.DeGarmo THE STRANGE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN IMI \|v| l)N IN nil I.ISKKT. THE STRANGE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN BY A. F. S. CHICAGO R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1906 BY ANITA S1LVANI Entered at Stationers' Hall Copyrighted in the United States and Great Britain THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN TOLD BY HIMSELF INTRODUCTION J~ The philosophy of Ahrinziman, the Persian what life hath taught I him of the Soul; life lived on Earth and life of ages in the Abyss and in the _ Heavens of the Beyond. ^ To each one comes life's lessons in different form. Let him that would ( learn the meaning of this tale attend to these words that he may the better ^ understand, and let him that is but the idle hearer of a story pass them by. He who would write truly the history of any Soul must take into account the prenatal conditions, that is, those which have preceded its conception into mortal form. A Soul germ is but an incomplete unit until it touches the Plane of Earth Life, because until then it is still wanting in one, at least, of the elements which go to form the Perfect Whole. Lnd although at the death of the earthly body the Soul would appear to cast off entirely its purely earthly attributes with the earthly shell, which, like the husk of the wheat, has concealed \j the grain within, yet it does not do so. From every one of the \\ lower faculties it has retained the Spiritual germ, and these germs of the grosser propensities may be called, for lack of a better ^*J term (there being no word in the English language which exactly expresses this element, and this element only, in the Soul), the al Soul," since they are typified in Man's lower, or animal, propensities and are the "Soul" elements of these propensities, fore, the idea which has prevailed among many religious faiths, that at death there is a complete severance between the Animal Soul and the higher Spiritual faculties, is an error as absurd as it is pernicious, because men are thereby led to give undue prominence to the purely intellectual and moral faculties to cramp and neglect the due, proper, and judicious develop- 2 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN merit and regulation of the faculties of this Animal Soul, which i> truly not only an immortal part of the Soul itself, but quite as needful as any other to its complete evolution. The Animal Soul contains all those elements which give force to the character. Strength to will and to act with decision. 1'mver to command and to contend. Perseverance to struggle and battle with the trials of the Earth life here and with the con tending forces of the Spiritual World hereafter. All the elements which go to make Man great in a physical as well as moral sense are born of the passions of this Animal Soul, and no one ever emerged from the condition of the Dreamer and Visionary into the active agent for the fulfillment of his dreams unless he cul tivated the powers of his Animal Soul as fully as those of his moral and intellectual ones. The love of conquest, the thirst for power from purely selfish and greedy motives, becomes in the properly developed Spirit of the higher spheres the strength by which he protects his weaker brethren, and by which he contends with the Powers of Evil to overthrow them a strength and force of will which are developed first in the rapacious conflicts of the Animal Soul during the life of Earth and of the lower spheres. From the equal development of all three of man's Moral, Intellectual, and Physical attributes are born those seeds which spring up into the beautiful flowers of a truly Spiritual character. All the lower propensities of Man's Soul have each their spiritual seed, and although when unduly developed and un equally balanced by the development of Man's higher nature and uncontrolled by his moral and intellectual powers these lower propensities bring suffering and destruction on all sidt-s, yet their very excess of development creates a force of character which (when the higher attributes become equally developed and in their turn the controlling powers of Man's Soul) will send the Soul upwards with a velocity and a strength of flight equal to that with which the evil propensities dragged it down, and these natures will possess a grandeur of character, a power and breadth of thought, which, when combined with the per fections of the higher Soul enable their possessors to become rulers in the Spiritual World. Our teachings are that the Soul, in its passage downwards from the central source of life, travels through all the intermediate THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 3 spheres by a series of what may be termed "Births," since it clothes itself in each sphere with something appertaining to that sphere which is requisite to the completion of its individu ality, and when it touches the Earth sphere, and comes in con tact with the material organisms of its mortal parents, it obtains the last elements necessary to form the Perfect Whole. At this stage it has completed the first half of its pilgrimage and assumed all those materials from which it is to evolve an in dividual consciousness for itself, and becomes at the moment of its final birth into Earth life a responsible being, to reap the reward or suffer the penalties of its own actions. From this stage (the Earth life) it proceeds upwards through a series of Deaths; i. e., castings off of the grosser husks from which it has extracted the Spiritual germs (which husks are no longer needful or useful to the Soul). There are some who object to the word "Death" as signifying to the ordinary mind a condition of decay. Very good; let them, by all means, if they prefer it, say that the Soul returns through the second half of the cycle of its progress through a succession of re-births; only, let them also remember that the process of Death, or dis integration of the form which the Soul has left (a process not experienced until the Soul has entered the Earth life), is no less essential to its progression. This is because so long as a shell once inhabited by a Soul (be it a mortal, an astral, or an envelop of any of the higher spheres) retains any cohesion in its particles, so long will it act as a weight, retarding the Soul's progress to a higher sphere; the ties between a Soul and its envelop remain ing in a greater or less degree as long as the envelop retains any impression of the Soul's individuality. The sooner, then, that the Soul's envelop is disintegrated and dispersed into the elements of the sphere in which it was formed, the sooner will the Soul be free from all ties to it, and able to rise into the higher sphere for which it has become fit. Hence the reason that Fire, the most powerful and purifying disperser of atoms, was used by the Ancients of my country and of others to hasten the process of Death, which is disin tegration. Hence the reason *hat the earlier Fire-worshipers, as they have erroneously been called, paid homage to the Divine Fire, or Source of Life, which the Sun and earthly fire were thought to symbolize. Heat is life; cold is death; and it is 4 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN the antagonism between them which makes fire so valuable an agent in dispersing the dead elements of a body which the Soul has ceased to animate. The Soul then at birth passes into matter and the full measure of its descent being thus accomplished, it arises from it as a glorious resurrection, ascending stage by stage until the full cycle of its progression being completed, it assumes a God-like state, subordinate only to that of the Supreme. But so great, so vast, so far-extending, is the limit of the orbit of the Soul's progress, that it is impossible, even in thought, to follow it from the first departure from the sphere of the Divine till its return to it again. Neither can we know or even guess at the possible future of the Soul which has attained to the God-like condition, and the first cycle of whose development has thus been accomplished. So far we can see, and no farther, but what we do see gives us an earnest of our hope that as we climb to each mountain-top of knowledge a fresh Land of Promise shall lie open before our eyes. Upon the threshold of life stand two Angels the Angels of the Light and of the Dark Spheres and it is their task to observe into which sphere the Star of the Soul that has just been born ascends. These two Angels are represented as weaving eternally the light and dark threads to produce the golden or the somber texture that is to prevail in the web of the Soul's existence, the happy or sorrowful days of its life. And as a man leads a moral or an immoral life, so will he draw down to him from the light or the dark spheres good or evil, light or dark qualities with which to endow the Soul which shall be trans mitted into life through him, and thus will his children be in affinity with the light or dark spheres, and so will the stars of those spheres rule or control their destinies and be the dominating influence in shaping their lives. These two spheres of light and dark qualities exist eternally because they are the antithesis of one another, the poising scales which keep the balance of progress even and hold up each other by the equality of their power, causing between them that fric tion which prevents stagnation, the true death of progress, and ;ibling (the light and the dark, the good and the evil) two great millstones which, grinding on eternally, free the Soul from the rough rocks of ignorance and the coarse dross of purely material desires. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 5 To the student of the Spiritual firmament these two spheres appear to revolve round two mighty stars the star of each typifying by its color the distinction between the qualities be stowed by each while another, a third star with its spheres, seems to hover ever between them, reflecting in its rays a blend ing of color drawn from the higher qualities evolved from the influence of both. In the spheres of the Star of pure unsullied light are found the dwelling places of those Souls who have been uncontaminated by any earthly sin. They have but touched upon the borders of Earth life, and so have attained conscious existence only to pass onward. They have not known Earth life save for a brief period during which mortality has clothed their Souls, but in which their consciousness has been too slight to enable them to learn any of Earth's lessons. They are free from sin because they have never felt temptation. Their garments are unsullied by the mire of life because they have never felt the cravings of their animal Soul for those things through which it derives its nourishment. In them the Animal Soul entirely slumbers; the strength and power with which its development endows the Soul who has conquered its temptations and made it subject to the higher self is not theirs, for they have never shared in life's conflicts, and the fierce fires of passion have never been kindled in their hearts. In the pure white and silver rays of the Star which dominates this sphere there are found no traces of any color, no shadow of a darker, deeper tint, no warmth, no glow of passion: all is pure and perfect in its purity as the driven snow, and as cold, for those whom no earthly passion has ever sullied live in a land of dazzling silver light where there is no sun; no fire has ever warmed them, no shadow darkened their lives, no regrets from their own lives or from the lives of others have saddened or touched them; no green moss of hallowed memories hides their sorrowful or sinful past, as moss and ivy cling to and cover up the broken stones of an earthly ruin, veiling its ragged fis sures with a tender touch, and hiding its marred and broken walls and its disfigured beauties. No flowers but the snow white flowers of purity and the pale blue and silver blossoms of truth bloom in the lands of the snow white spheres: all is pale and colorless like the lives of its Angels and its Saints. Those who live here cannot enter into man's joys and sorrows, his sins or his triumphs over sins, his hopes and ambitions, his disappoint ments, his anguish and despair, for they have felt none of tin-si- things. For them the gates of Paradise are open continually and they can behold the fair things within, but they cannot behold at all the dark gates of Hell. All that is beautiful, all that is pure in Art, in Music, in Literature, in Science, yea, in all Life, lies open before their eyes, and they can read of the beautiful in everything: but of the dark books of sorrow and suffering and sin they cannot read one line, and their sight cannot behold material things save very dimly, for material life has been a sealed book to them. Thus even in the beauty of their lives there is a want. Per fect as they would seem, their lives are yet incomplete, since one half of their Souls still slumbers, and it is for such as these that reincarnation has been thought an aid, and for such Souls as these the process of assuming the earthly body which has been prepared for them will be different from that of a Soul which has not yet attained a conscious life. There are others who are sent to learn Earth's lessons by so closely and completely identifying themselves with some Soul of the same sex already incarnate in the flesh, and which is, in all its tastes and aspirations, in closest affinity with their own, that through all its earthly life and trials they may share the same emotions and the same experiences. To make the ex perience valuable to the disincarnate Soul they must become in all essential respects as one, and share as twins the material development given to them by Mother Earth. Even then the disincarnate Soul will but imperfectly learn its lesson, and the full meaning of sorrow and suffering and trial. It will feel but the reflected emotion of its twin Soul, never its fullest and deepest anguish, its warmth of passion, its depths of despair; and there fore it is that many celestial teachers would bid the Soul return to Earth and in its own proper person live the life of Earth. The sphere of darkness is dominated by a deep Red Star, which glows like the heart of a furnace, surrounded by black and blo, is lost upon the world at large. The minute lives of ordinary men and women are no less useful and beneficial than those of exceptional characters, but they do not serve the same purpose in the lessons afforded by them. It is the lives of those who are great, either in their virtues or in their vices, which mark the progress \\hich the world has made, and serve either as beacons to warn others of the shoals and rocks and quicksands upon which their own lives were wrecked, or as guiding stars to light the Soul upon its Heavenward way. In this "Story of Ahrinziman " will be found the record of such an exceptional life. In it will be shown, not alone the evils wrought by himself, but those for which others were responsible, the threads of whose lives were interwoven with his own; and also the blossoming into baleful flowers of those seeds of ambi tion and pride, of passion and intrigue, of revenge and murder, which were sown ere he was born, and which bore such terrible fruits, not alone for him himself to feed upon, but for all those whose hands had sown the seeds and whose actions had nour ished them. In the story of his Earth life will be told how these seeds were sown, and in his experiences in the Spirit \Yorld will be shown what fruit was reaped from each seed, and what share of the harvest each Soul whose hands had sown them had to garner into the storehouse of his memory and his life. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN PART I PROLOGUE When El Jazid, King of Persia, returned from a successful campaign against the Greeks, he brought with him a captive maiden of the most surpassing beauty and the most exquisite grace and charm, a captive destined to reign over the heart of the mighty monarch as its sole queen, and to cause the powerful king to bow before the potent sway of love as her most abject slave. And yet this maiden was gentle and timid as a wild fawn, and ignorant of all artifice as a little child. In the devastating march of the Persian conqueror a splendid Temple of the Greeks had been plundered, its priests slain, and its vestals carried off to become the prey of their conquerors. Among the captives brought before El Jazid to see if per chance there were any who would find favor in his eyes, there were none so beautiful as Cynthia, the daughter of Archelaus, a maiden of barely fifteen years of age, who had from her in fancy been dedicated to the service of the Gods. Like a child she had lived within the temple walls, ignorant of all things beyond them; ignorant alike of the passions which stir the hearts of men, of the joys unspeakable, the woes unfathomable, that spring from their loves and their hates, their ambitions and their pride; ignorant of all the tender joys of relationship, and of the varied hopes and fears which fill the hearts of those who dwell amidst the whirlpool of life, and learn in the struggle for existence the force of the latent powers within the soul. Cynthia was terrified like a child at being brought before the monster who had slain or taken captive all those among whom her brief life had been spent, and yet she was without that fear of death which inspired the terror of her companions, io THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN for she had lived all her life with the Dead, she had held com munion with them as with iH-ar and dear friends, and thus the word "Death" had no meaning of fear for her. But she felt bewildered and full of dread of this unknown and powerful being who inspired grief and fear in all around her. And when the eyes of the king beheld how fair she was, and when he felt the strange thrill of love and admiration which the sight of her beauty inspired, he bade all others to depart that he might speak alone with this beauteous maid. And as Cynthia raised her soft dark eyes to the King's face to read therein her fate, she felt neither fear nor terror, but only a sense of wonder, and a dim consciousness that her heart was stirred by an emotion unknown before. \Yhen all had left the king's presence but the lovely Greek, he arose from his throne of state, and, approaching his captive, took her hand and gazed into her calm, childlike eyes; and as he did so he felt abased at the thought of the fate he had at first destined for her, and ashamed at the baseness of his own de sires. Involuntarily the haughty conqueror knelt at the feet of this young maiden and kissed, like a humble slave, the hem of her robe and the soft white fingers of her fair hand. At the touch of his lips the soul of the woman awoke in Cynthia, and the days of her childhood were forever past. She tasted of the first fruits of the tree of knowledge, and felt for the first time a shadowy sense of the power which love can exercise over the hearts of women and of men, for in her heart there was the first throb of that awakening love which was to make for her and for the king the reality and the tragedy of their lives. The days of her dreaming were over. From henceforth she was to live the real life of Earth, and to descend from those mystic mountains of the Soul whereon she had communed tmly with the Past; she was to live henceforth on the lower plane of life, the true existence of the Present. And for El Jazid also, a new era had begun: he, too, was to learn how all-powerful can be the sway of love as distinguished from mere passion; how even ambition and the love of con quest could sink into secondary things and be as feather-weights in the balance. He who had treated all women as playthings with which to amuse the idle hours, learned to hang upon every word, every look, of his lovely captive, and to obey her every wish. When he was exiled from her presence he was restless THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN n and unhappy until he could return to her again. He assigned to her the most gorgeous tent, the most luxurious litter to travel in, slaves and attendants innumerable, who were bidden to study her every wish as though she had been the Queen herself. And for it all he exacted no favors save such as she willingly gave. And Cynthia herself, when the first wonder at the strange ness had passed, gave back to the king a love as deep and tender as his own; yea, even more tender, for to the innocent affection of a child she joined the infinite tenderness of a woman. In her pure soul ignorant of all passions, the king's love awakened a mingled feeling of gratitude and love, which showed itself in an anxious desire to please him in all things; and, with the un erring instinct of affection, she learned a thousand ways in which to touch his heart, so that ere long, had she but chosen, she could have become the most powerful person at his court. El Jazid's first idea had been to marry Cynthia and raise her to the position of his second queen, but reflection caused him to abandon that idea as endangering, it might be, her very existence. For the king had a queen already: a beautiful, haughty princess, the daughter of one of his most powerful neighbors and richest ally, and a woman whom he knew would brook no rival in his affections or sharer of his throne, and he felt that Cynthia's life would be a brief one did Queen Artemisia know of his infatuation for her. Had Cynthia herself desired to become the acknowledged wife of the king, her influence over him was so great that there is little doubt he would have braved even the anger of his proud queen and the enemity of her haughty family to make her so, but she was innocent and ignorant as a child of the world's standards of rank and honor: ambition and power had no meaning for her, and she had no sense of the in ferior position she held as simply an acknowledged favorite of the king. Within the temple walls Cynthia had seen none save those few attendants who waited upon her and the aged priests under whose instructions she had grown up. She regarded the king as a wise and powerful being, whose ability to make all around him bow to his will gave him a position akin to that which she had associated with the idea of a God. Her ignorance of the true relations of men on Earth towards each other was as great as was her power of seeing and describing the beauties of the far-off spirit spheres, and she never thought of resisting or ques- 12 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN tioning any wish of the man whose devotion had won her heart and whose power had subjugated her mind. Of herself she never thought, because all self had been so steadily repressed and so thoroughly neutralized that she had become but the pliant echo of the thoughts of others that were transmitted through her. Her own individuality had been so early and so long re pressed that she had lost the power of thinking, either for or of herself. Placed in the temple in her infancy, she had remained almost an infant in heart and mind. To El Jazid, accustomed to the intrigues and self-seeking ambitions which tainted the atmosphere of a court, the strange, dreamy innocence of the young Greek came as a rest and a relief. Her arms were a refuge to which he could escape when the cares of state and the incessant intriguing among those who sought to raise themselves in his favor became a burden and a weariness. From Cynthia he heard of none of these things, but she would tell him wondrous stories of her Dream- World, and the beautiful visions she had seen, the bright and glorious beings with whom she had held converse, and would paint with playful childish pleasure the future she imagined for them both when the ties of Earth should no longer chain their souls. In yielding to the king's love she had in a measure descended to his level and taken upon her the conditions of his life, so that she no longer beheld the glories of the higher spheres. Their gates were closed to her, but she still possessed the power of fore seeing things which lay near the Earth, and although her ab sorption in the happiness which filled her life made her in a measure blind even to these things, she was yet able to relate to the king much concerning himself, and to warn him of more than one threatened disaster. Thus between a dream life and a life of active reality did the king and Cynthia spend the first few months of their strange union. El Jazid lingered afar from his kingdom, although the necessities of conquest no longer constrained him to do so, and was loath to return to his palace at Agbatana and to the queen, whose jealous eyes he feared might discover his secret attachment. He was, however, soon aroused from his dreaming. A mes senger arrived one day, travel stained and exhausted with his riding, bearing to the king the announcement that the Queen had borne him a son, an heir to the throne, and that she bade him leave all else and hasten to her side. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 13 With mingled feelings of joy and apprehension the king read the letter. This event, which had been hoped for in vain for several years, and which would once have filled him with the greatest joy and pride, quickening anew all his love for the mother of his child, was no longer the greatest desire of his am bition, and awakened no feelings towards the Queen but one of regret that her son must ever come in succession before any which his beloved Cynthia, the true queen of his heart, might bear him. The letter also, couched in terms of the fondest affection, read like a reproach from one whose love he had well nigh forgotten. Return to the Queen he must, but ere doing so it was necessary that he should provide for the safety of Cynthia, and for her rejoining him as soon as possible. In this emergency he bethought him of his chief commander, Ben al Zulid, a man of noble and intrepid character, upon whose fidelity he knew he could rely even in so difficult and delicate a matter. After a short conference between them it was agreed that the safest thing was for the king to appear to bestow the beautiful Cynthia upon his favorite general, together with a small palace which closely adjoined the king's own apartments in his palace at Parsagherd, and which might almost have been considered to form part of its outer buildings. Between the king's apartments and this small palace it was resolved to con struct a secret passage underground, with two hidden doors, one at either end, and the method of opening which was to be known to the king alone. Al Zulid was commissioned to bring a cunning artificer from Hindustan, at that time much celebrated for such kinds of workmanship, to construct the passage and the spring by which the doors should be made to open and close. Meanwhile, Cynthia was to be taken care of by Al Zulid, and treated by him with as much respect as though she was in reality the queen: neither he nor any of his household were to see her, the attendants given to her by the king, upon whose fidelity he could rely, being alone allowed to wait upon her. In return for these services the King bestowed upon Al Zulid much treasure, and raised him to a still higher position of honor than he already occupied. This agreement Ben Al Zulid kept with the most scrupulous exactness, and a delicate regard, not alone for the position and welfare of the beautiful Cynthia herself, but also for the best interests of the King, 14 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN Having thus confided the care of his Beloved to his friend the King made all haste to return to the Palace at Agbatana, where his impatient and proud Queen awaited him. Had beauty been sufficient to win and hold the King's heart, then surely had he remained captive to the charms of the fair Artemisia, for she was one of the most beautiful of women. Na ture had lavished upon her intellect and beauty, its fairest gifts. Of commanding stature yet slender form, her supple, perfectly rounded limbs might have formed the model for a sculptor, while the finely cut features, the lustrous dark eyes, the perfectly arched eyebrows, the clear pallor of the skin, the full exquisitely moulded red lips, were rendered yet more beautiful, and more alluring to the eyes of most men by the air of haughty pride and queenly dignity which pervaded their expression. The sensuous droop of the full lidded eyes, the gleam of anger which at slight pro vocation shot from them, the full strong chin and jaw, with the quick tightening of the shapely mouth when roused to anger, would all have been signs of temper unheeded by most men, or else would only have served as incentives to them, to try whether they could not conquer the heart of this proud beauty, and make those haughty lips whisper fond words for their ears alone, and those dark eyes brighten at their approach. Thus had it once been with El Jazid. Artemisia had roused his passions and charmed his senses and allured his lower Soul, but her beauty had been powerless to awaken the love of his higher self, the purer and truer love she had been unable to win; Cynthia, and Cynthia alone, could do that, and at her touch the lower, coarser love of the King for Artemisia had melted like a castle of cloud and mist before the glowing beams of the noon-day sun. Thus when El Jazid reached Agbatana, and beheld again the wondrous sensual beauty of his haughty Queen, the mother now of his child, it awoke but a faint echo of the old passion, a feeble return of the old warmth. And though his words were as tender, and full of affection as of old, his phrases as complimentary, his attentions as carefully studied, the heart of the proud, passionate woman, hungering for love and thirsting for devotion, detected at once, the hoDownen of his set phrases, the emptiness of his honeyed words, his formal caresses, the artificiality of his endear ments, and in vehement anger and disappointment refused to be satisfied with the pretence of a love which her woman's in stinct told her she had somehow lost. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 15 To El Jazid, she said nothing to show that she perceived any difference in his manner, but she sought to win back from the returned husband, the devotion of the lover who had left her less than a year before. She used every art of which she was mistress, and used them in vain, and she felt it was no longer possible for her to keep his love, since between their hearts some barrier had risen which no attentions on the King's part could hide. And still, while he remained with her she made no sign, dis sembling with oriental caution the anger that she felt; but when, after a brief stay, and with a slender, ill-acted show of regret, for El Jazid was but a poor dissembler, he had left her again, declaring that he must return to his army, the anger of the slighted woman broke forth in a violent storm of rage, and she felt a fierce thirst for vengeance upon the woman who had stolen from her the King's heart, and usurped that first place in his thoughts which belonged by right to his Queen alone. She felt certain that there was some woman; nothing else could have so changed the King's manner to her, and she was seized with a wild determination to learn who this unknown beauty could be, and to behold one whose charms had proved more potent than her own, strong enough to draw El Jazid from the side of the Princess, who had distinguished him above her many suitors and conferred upon him the honor of becoming the husband of the proud Artemisia. Wounded love struggled in her heart with wounded pride, and from the conflict was born a hatred as deep and all-absorbing as the love had been. ^When the first burst of passion was over Artemisia, with the craft of her oriental nature, resolved to conceal her suspicions from El Jazid, and to act towards him as before, in order that she might better accomplish her revenge upon him and his new favorite. She set spies to follow the King, and report to her his every movement, and it was not long ere she learned of the exist ence of Cynthia, and of the devotion El Jazid had shown to her, although so quietly had she been taken away by Al Zulid, and so effectually had he hidden her, that no trace of her whereabouts could be found. None knew what had become of her, nor by whom she had been taken away. The King's own visits to Cynthia being now made with the utmost secrecy and caution, the spies of Queen Artemisia were for a time completely baffled. Meanwhile, the making of the secret passage between the 16 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN two Palaces at Parsagherd was being rapidly hurried forward. The Hindoo artificer, whom the King's large bribe had tempted from his own country, was assisted in his work by a clever, black slave only. The care taken in making the passage was so great that all the workmen were brought from a great distance and carefully prevented from holding any communication with per sons employed in the Palace itself. When the work was at length completed, these foreign workmen and the Hindoo artisan were carefully escorted back to their own country, the poor black slave, alone, being left behind. This unfortunate man, belonging to the city of Agbatana, and being employed about the Palace, it occurred to the King that the safest thing to do was to put him to death, lest at any time he should be tempted to betray the secret of the passage, and orders vere therefore sent for his execution, the life of one poor slave being but a feather's weight in the balance compared to the preservation of an Emperor's secret. \Yhen all was at last completed, Al Zulid installed himself and his household in the house assigned to him, and then brought Cynthia safely to the part of it which had been prepared for her, and which was surrounded by high walls, and everything which it was thought could serve for her protection. Shortly after this, the court was moved to Parsagherd, and the King was once more able to visit his beloved freely, and, as he believed, unsuspected. To the Queen, he maintained always the same scrupulously careful show of devotion, and so well did Artemisia act her part, so carefully did she dissemble her wrath, that El Jazid imagined his secret was in no immediate danger of discovery, and gave him self up to the unrestrained enjoyment of Cynthia's society, scarce observing as he otherwise might have done, the smouldering fire which gleamed in the eyes of Artemisia, when he pleaded the cares of state as a reason why he could not devote more of his time to her. Yet not so easily was the death of even a poor slave to pass ovec unavenged. It was but a seed, and a small one, in that harvest field of sorrow which was to surround poor Cynthia. Yet that seed became a Upas tree whose branches were to blight at their source the well-spring of hope and love and maternal tenderness which had sprung up amidst the cramped and blighted affections of a heart which had been denied all the natural ties of earthly kindred, all interests which might have abstracted her thoughts from the contemplation of Heavenly things. The tender joys, the THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 17 soft sweet holy thoughts of expectant motherhood, were awaken ing in Cynthia's Soul, and with a trembling, half fear half hope, she looked forward to the unfolding of a tiny life within her own, the blossoming into life of a little emblem of their love; hopes which gave a new soft light to her eyes and imparted a new mean ing to her love for El Jazid. One evening as the sun was setting and the twilight shadows were gathering over the valley that lay below, Cynthia and El Jazid were seated together upon a low divan; and her head rested upon his shoulder in the sweet abandonment of happy love; her long dark hair hung loose upon her shoulders and as the King caressed it with loving touch he spoke 1 3 her of those new hopes which filled with happiness both their Souls. Suddenly Cynthia whose dreamy eyes had been gazing into El Jazid's turned her head towards the hangings in the corner of the room where was the secret door, and with a fixed stony look of fear, such as one sees in a bird which is fascinated by a snake, she seemed to be following the passage of something or someone along the wall. Then clutching the King's arm, with a low cry and an almost frenzied expression of terror, she exclaimed, "Oh look! look! It is that black shadow of a man again! He is creeping, creeping, towards us, with the most awful look of hatred in his eyes! He fixes them upon me, and I feel as though I could not move, could not escape from him! Oh! save me from him! Save me from him! " and with a cry she fell insensible into El Jazid's arms. In vain did the King, thoroughly alarmed lest it should be some spy who had found the secret of the passage, search the hang ings, the walls, everything. He could see nothing to account for her alarm, no means by which anyone could have entered, and though he had followed the direction of Cynthia's eyes and seen where she had pointed he could see nothing to explain the fright. The secret spring was intact, the door fast closed, yet Cynthia had seemed to see the figure come from there. Where it had gone was a mystery, yet El Jazid had too great a belief in her powers of beholding unseen things to doubt that she had truly seen some thing, and its invisibility to his own eyes greatly added to his superstitious apprehensions. To revive and to soothe Cynthia was his first care. He dare not call any of her attendants as he did not wish his presence there suspected, and it was some time before she was sufficiently restored to calmness to allow him to leave her. When he did so i8 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN it was nearly dark, and in order to see his way through the pas sage he lighted a small lamp. He had almost reached the door leading into his own apart ments when by the feeble light of his lamp he saw a black shadow in front of him, resembling the crouching figure of a man. To draw his dagger and to stab at it was the work of a moment, for only some meditated treachery could cause anyone to havefollowed him into this passage. To his surprise the weapon, and also his hand and arm, went through the figure, and at the same moment his lamp seemed to be extinguished by a blast of cold air; as it went out he saw the figure roll over and then rise and, as it seemed, envelope him like a cloak, and it required all his efforts of strong will and undaunted courage to free himself from the nameless, shapeless thing which he now knew to be nothing earthly, and as he thrust it from him with all his force it seemed to vanish with a wild unearthly cry of rage. Convinced that the being he had encountered was some evil genie, El Jazid consulted the court astrologers and wise men, and also the Priests at to what could be done to protect himself and, what was still more important, his beloved Cynthia from the ap proaches of this horrible thing. The advice he got was to the effect that this being evidently a Spirit of darkness, one of the devils of Ahriman, it would be desirable that El Jazid should at once set forth upon a pilgrimage to the Temple of Baku, and bring back from there a vessel lighted by the sacred fire which arises from the earth and burns there continually. This would combat the evil power of Ahriman, and draw down to his aid the good Angels of ORMUZD, and thus would the sacred fire possess a double efficacy for keeping at bay all the ghouls and genii of the dark kingdom. From Cynthia the King parted with the utmost reluctance. Only the assurance of the Priests that it was needful that he him self should go, and in his own person pay homage at the sacred altar, would have induced him to leave her at such a time and under such circumstances. To Ben Al Zulid he confided her, with the oft repeated warnings to guard the secret door and above every thing to keep a special lamp containing the sacred fire ever burn ing in the room, and station fresh guards round her apartments. Cynthia herself was most unwilling to allow the King to leave her. She was filled with the most anxious fears, the most terrible apprehensions, and dreaded to lose sight of him even for a few THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 19 hours. Still her belief in the advice of the Priests at last overcame her fears, and with much emotion Cynthia and the King parted. For some days nothing occurred to justify Cynthia's fears, and Al Zulid watched over her safety with a care and devotion only second to that of the King himself, so that she grew gradually ashamed of her fears and more confident, and began to amuse her self picturing El Jazid's return. Thus the time passed, and it was calculated that the King must already be well advanced upon his homeward way, when one evening as Cynthia lay upon her cushions, wearied out with anxious watching for him, she fell asleep. She had slept but a short time, and was alone for a few moment the attendant having but just left the room, when the hangings before the secret door wen drawn aside by a hand, a real living hand, a woman's firm white shapely hand bejewelled with many rings, and the Queen herself stepped into the room. Drawing near to the couch of the sleeping girl she stood looking upon the rival who had stolen from her the King's love. Cruel hatred gleamed in her eyes, and her white hands were clenched in a fierce desire to clutch the fair white throat of the beautiful girl and strangle her. Yes! this girl was beautiful. Perfect in all re spects as was she herself, and with a subtle charm in her beauty which the powerful Queen could never hope to rival. Instinctive ly she felt the source of Cynthia's power over El Jazid, and she ground her teeth in silent rage as she drew a step nearer to the couch, at the same time making a sign with her hand to a slave who was behind her. Perhaps it was the proximity of her foe that awakened her, or it might be that her Guardian Angel sought to save her even then; be it as it may, Cynthia woke with a scream of terror and sprang from the cushions, uttering sharp cries for help as the slave sprung upon her and plunged his cruel dagger into her shoulder and white throat ere the affrighted attendant could rush to her aid; the slave himself being almost cut to pieces by those who hurried into the room. The Queen, leaving her minion to his fate, had retired into the secret passage and closed the door, and there was therefore nothing to show how or by what means the murderer had entered. In truth Artemisia had been for many days and weeks trying to discover by what secret means the King visited her rival, for that she was somewhere near and that he saw her dailv Artemisia was 20 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN convinced. She learned that Al Zulid possessed a very beautiful and mysterious inmate of his seraglio, and guessed that his house might well be chosen as the asylum for El Jazid's favorite. With a woman's capacity for receiving and profiting by impressions and ill-defined and apparently groundless suspicions, she had become convinced that there must be some secret passage somewhere, and aided by the vengeful Spirit of the murdered slave she had spent the time of El Jazid's absence in searching for it, and, still guided by the Spirit of the man whose knowledge of its secret had cost his him life, had at last, that very day, found it. It was this Spirit whom Cynthia had seen, and whom El Jazid had encountered hovering around the cause of his untimely end, and who had led the Queen to seek her rival's room at a moment when she was alone and unprotected. Thus did the first seeds bear their fruits, and send forth shoots to poison yet other lives. ***** Cynthia was not dead, although fatally wounded, and Al Zulid sent in all haste to hurry the King, hoping that haply he might still be in time to receive her last breath. She lay almost unconscious ! ut it seemed as though she could not die till her beloved came. As day dawned the attendants saw the end was drawing near. The grey shadows of death were gathering fast upon her fair face; her eyes were glazing, and all seemed almost over, when the King, covered with the foam from his horse and the mire from the roads, haggard and distracted with grief, arrived at last. At his touch Cynthia's eyes opened once again; her white lips tried to utter his name, and her dying hand to clasp his, but even as they did so the silver cord was loosed, and the Soul of the gentle, murdered Cynthia sank to rest. ***** And in the hour my mother died, I, Ahrinziman, was born. The moment of her death was also the moment of my entrance into life. Not amidst joyous congratulations and happy hopes fulfilled was I ushered into life, but amidst bitter tears and wailings of grief; amidst anger, revenge, and strife. War and murder and jealousy had shadowed me before before my birth, and the Star of my des tiny arose upon the horizon of Earth tinged with the blood red rays of the Fiery Star. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN PART I SOWING THE SEED CHAPTER I THE DAYS OF BOYHOOD My earliest recollections are of a lonely herdsman's hut among the Caucasian mountains, where, under the care of my foster parent and amidst the peaceful obscurity of my humble surround ings, my childhood's days were passed. None knew who my father was, nor whence I came. I had been brought to the valley as an infant of scarcely a month old by a Persian, whom the shepherd and his wife had nursed when badly wounded two years before, and who had passed through their valley with a few of his soldier companions. Little was known even of this man, but from his dress and costly armour it was judged that he must belong to the higher ranks of the King's army. He had brought me himself, unaccompanied by any one, and had left a large bag of money to pay for the cost of my maintenance, saying that so long as I was well cared for and kindly treated my foster parents should never want for flocks and herds of their own to tend, nor gold with which to dower their children, but that no attempt must be made to learn whose son I was, nor why I was thus given into the care of strangers. Twice after that this man came to enquire after me, and to see that I was thriving well in that wild mountain valley, and then for several years he came no more. However, as far more than sufficient money had been left with me to provide for all my wants, no great surprise was felt at this. Indeed the gold given had been so considerable a sum that from a humble tender of other men's flocks my foster father was able to purchase a fine flock of his own. 21 22 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN and to remove from the tent where he hid dwelt to the little stone building which I remember, and which, though it seems but a poor humble place to my thoughts now, was yet the summit of h^ ambi tion. Thus he and his wife had every reason to tend me well. They had a numerous progeny of their own, some older and some younger than myself, but by them, even in our childish games, I was always treated with a certain degree of deference, as being of a superior rank to themselves. And thus I learnt early to rule, even in my small world, and to exact from others a submission to my wishes which did much to develope in me that love of command which I had inherited from my royal ancestors. Apart from these considerations, I had certain peculiarities of taste and temper which served to widen the barrier between myself and those whose care supplied to me that love of kindred that I have never known. I was a strange wayward boy, subject to violent bursts of pas sion, and full of vague longings for I knew not what; striving al ways for some state of happiness that was for me unattainable; thirsting ever for more knowledge, and fretting against the narrow limits of my little world. When I grew wearied of the rough games of my companions, and tired of watching the habits of the many animals my foster parents reared, I would wander away by myself into the mountain passes of that half cultivated land, and throwing myself down upon some grassy mountain top would watch the clouds and sky and glorious sun, until the lonely and desolate region around would appear to grow instinct with life, and myriad forms of every kind of aerial beings would people the solitude, moving around me and floating between me and the rising or setting sun, for it was at early dawn or sunset that I beheld these shapes most often and most clearly. Again at noonday, as I watched the clouds sail over the sky, their shapes would change for me into castles and palaces and wondrous oceans with white winged ships and huge galleys sailing across; into huntsmen and horses, into warriors engaged in battle, into horses and hounds and swift antelopes. Whole panorama- would unroll themselves before my eyes, until it was no longer cloud shapes I was watching but the wonders of a celestial world. Then when darkness fell, and I lay in my little room, I would behold a glorious Star, like unto one of the Stars of Heaven, that would seem to approach nearer and nearer to me, and expand and THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 23 expand, till my whole room was bathed in its silver light, and I myself enveloped in its dazzling brightness. In the heart of the Star I would see the most radiant Angels, their white and glistening robes shining as though powdered with silver dust, and in their hands they would bear wreaths of silver palm, with blue and white flowers. Troops of bright Peris or spirit children would assemble and dance around me in the light of the Star. Lovely maidens with long floating tresses of hair and snow-white arms would glide in and out before me in all the mazes of the most graceful dances I have ever beheld. Soft strains of music would float to me, borne by some passing Zephyr from the Spirit Land, and lovely glimpses of scenery like unto the white and glistening regions of some fairy land of the Blessed would appear to my eyes for a few moments, and then fade away to give place to another scene of delight. Then on a sudden my Star would grow pale and dim, and vanish, leav ing me alone in the darkness once more. When I was between ten and twelve years old my visions took a new shape; intsead of seeing such troops of Spirit forms I began to see only one a woman a very lovely woman, almost like a girl, whose presence seemed to move my heart with a strange feeling of emotion, between the most intense sorrow and the greatest joy. While she was visible I felt happy; when she faded away I felt as though the light of my life had gone with her, and I would be seized with an intense longing to break free from my earthly body and follow her. At first she would appear to lie floating in the heart of the silver Star, as though she were asleep; her eyes were closed and her head drooped upon her shoulder, while her arms hung limp and powerless at her side. Her face was the most lovely one imaginable, and a a great wealth of dark hair hung loosely on her shoulders. On her head she wore a single Silver Star, and in the heart of this Star there was a drop of crimson dew, like a ruby, while her white robes were bordered by silver stars, and below them there came a border of crimson, that seemed to me at first to flow from two red spots, one on her neck and the other on her shoulder. She neither smiled nor spoke to me for a long time, but her presence always woke in me the same strange emotion, and her coming must have stopped that of the other Spirit forms, for I saw them no more; the scenery would be there at times, the troops of dancing children, never. Again and again I saw her, and at last one day her eyes opened 24 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN and she appeared to be awake, for she gazed at me with wondering dark eyes, strangely like my own. By degrees she grew more and more awake, and would smile sweetly at me, and then one night she drew near and touched me. But Oh! with what painful emotion her touch filled my Soul. I wept in bitterest anguish, and my tears caused the Star to fade and she vanished away, and not for long did I behold her again. For long I kept these visions to myself. I shrank instinctively from sharing my secret with anyone; but at last I told my foster mother, and she was much disturbed by my recital, fearing that my beholding these things must portend the death of someone, or trouble of some sort. She also feared there must be something unearthly and strange about me, and in her anxiety she first gos siped about the matter with all her neighbors, and then decided to consult the Priests of a little Hill Temple five miles away, built upon one of the highest mountains where it could catch the first and last rays of the rising and setting sun. By the Priests she was somewhat reassured as to my probable origin, which she had begun to fear must be due to the influence of some of the genii, and that possible I was not mortal after all. She was advised to bring me with her, that they might judge for themselves whether my visions were of the delusions of Ahriman and his fallen Angels, or whether they were truly sent from the Angelic spheres and betokened the possession of prophetic powers. In this way I was first brought under the notice of these Priests, and amongst them I soon found a congenial friend in the person of one of the brothers of the humbler order of Priesthood. He was a man of about forty years of age, an enthusiast and a vis ionary, and one well calculated to develope in me a!! these strange powers of divination I had inherited from my mother. By this Priest I was taught to read and write in the Zend characters, and to decipher the hieroglyphics upon the rolls of illuminated sheep-skin whereon were recorded the histories of other Faiths than our own. He taught me also to read the meanings of many of the symbolical pictures carved and painted upon the various vessels in use in the service of the Temple. From him I learned also of the teachings of the great Zerdusht (or Zoroaster, as some call him), and of the pure doctrines and reformed sect founded by him. He also taught me that it was possible to acquire the art of leaving the earthly body, and wandering at will through the Spirit THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 25 spheres, even as had been done by the great Zerdusht himself in order that he might bring back from thence the teachings of the higher Spirits. To do this required a long and severe ap prenticeship to spiritual things, and could only be safely practised by those within the precincts of a Temple or other holy spot. (* See note B.) Besides these things he spoke to me of many other mysteries, into which he said it would not be lawful to initiate me unless I had first become one of the neophytes of the Temple. He told me that such powers as mine were clearly intended to be dedicated to the service of God, and so worked upon my imagination and en thusiasm for occult things that I was all eagerness to be taken into the Temple as he and the other Priests advised. This was, however, impossible without the consent of the man who appeared to be my guardian, and matters had to be left in abeyance till he should come again to inquire about my welfare. Two years passed ere this event, and meanwhile my constant visits to the Temple, and the unusual and rare knowledge I was thereby acquiring (and of which I was so proud that I did not keep it to myself, but boasted of it to my companions) had excited the jealousy and anger of our little community. Although my foster parents and their children, from motives of interest and affection, might defer to me and be proud of my learning, it was otherwise with those who had nothing to gain or lose from the favor of my unknown protector, and the neighbors and their sons naturally resented my pecularities and airs of superiority. I was growing a tall strong lad, and my quick temper and overbearing ways towards those I deemed my inferiors made me more enemies than friends. First it was said that I was clearly the off-spring of some intrigue, since my parents were ashamed to acknowledge me: truly a pretty fellow to give himself airs over them ! Then when my visions were known and talked about by my foster mother it was said I must be the child of some of the genii, and not mortal at all; that the simple Aboukir and his wife had been imposed upon by this stranger, who, they averred, had doubtless foisted some r h angeling upon then! Vague stories of all kinds began to cir- rulate. It was said I had been seen wandering about the hills after dark (which was in part true) , and that it was true I belonged to the class of ghouls and vampires. The hour and the day on which I had been brought to the village were found to be unlucky, 26 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN and marked with a black stone, and all the misfortunes of the tribe were attributed to my influence, since it was thought I possessed the evil eye. Ere long I began to be avoided by one and all, and though the good Priest, on hearing of these stories, called upon the headman of the tribe and told him I was destined to the service of the Temple, his visit only served to make the stories against me to be whispered instead of spoken aloud to all the world. At first I felt most bitterly hurt by these things, and all the philosophic consolations bestowed upon me by my friend the Priest Abubatha failed to comfort me. Then my pride awoke, my imperious temper asserted itself, and I repaid their dislike with tenfold contempt and scorn. Thus I became more solitary in my ways than ever, for ill- natured gossip once started is not easily laid to rest, and the gulf between myself and my fellows became only wider as time passed on. CHAPTER II THE TWO STRANGERS I was thirteen years old when the man who had brought me to this valley came again, and my foster father Aboukir told him of my visions and my visits to the Priests in the Temple, but of the whispered stories against me he said no word, fearing lest he should be deprived in consequence of the care of me. The stranger pondered the matter over for a short time, and then sent for me to speak with him. But I could not be found, as I had gone away upon one of my long rambles over the moun tains, and the stranger left, promising to return shortly. A few weeks after this, when I was alone in the house, my foster father having gone to attend some distant flocks, and my foster mother to gossip with her neighbors, I was aroused from my studies by hearing the trampling of horses' feet, and looking out I beheld two horsemen dismounting at our door. Their rich THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 27 dresses and richly caparisoned steeds proclaimed them to be of high rank. One was a rather short but very broad shouldered and powerful looking man, whom I had no trouble in recognizing from my foster parent's description as the mysterious stranger who had brought me there. The other was much taller and more slender, though also a powerful looking man. His face was partly covered by a thick black beard, and his expression was, even to my childish eyes, very sad and grave. The beauty of the horses greatly attracted me, for I was very fond of all animals, but especially of horses, and I had early learned to ride and to excel in all the simple feats of horseman ship practised by the hill tribes, who are largely engaged in rearing horses as well as sheep and goats. But I had never seen such beautiful horses as these, such graceful, pretty creatures, that stood arching their glossy necks and tossing their long manes and pawing the ground in their impatience, and I drew near the tall stranger's horse to stroke and caress it, staring at the two men with wondering eyes as I did so. "Where are the herdsman Aboukir and his wife?" asked the short stranger. I told htm, and said I would go and fetch them, but he stopped me, and said it did not matter, for that it was the boy Ahrinziman they had come to see. All this time I was stroking the horse and patting it, and it seemed to like my touch, for it grew quiet under it. The short stranger noticed this, and added "Thou art a bold boy surely, to be so ready to touch another man's horse. " "I am not afraid of anything" said I, frowning at him, for I liked not his tone of banter. "See there, O Sire! whom did the boy resemble then?" said the short man, "We need no herdsman's wife to tell us whose son this is. " "You are right," answered the other, and then he added with a sigh, "He is like her also, he hath her eyes, surely he will be like her in other ways." Then turning to me he said: "Wouldst thou like to be a soldier, since thou dost fear no man? "I had rather be a Priest, for then I should live in the Temple, and no one would dare to jeer at me; all men would pay me respect; I would be a Priest and a Prophet like unto the great Zerdusht, 28 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN and all men would do homage to my powers. I would not be a soldier, for a soldier has always to obey orders; there is ever one above him; even the Commander must obey the King, and I would not bow to any man; rather would I have all men harken unto me. " The short man laughed. "Behold!" said he, "how loudly he crows already ! " But the other answered me gravely. '"How dost thou know, Ahrinziman, that thou couldst be come a great Prophet ? Are there not many within the Tem ples whose lives are ever humble? There hath been but one Zerdusht: how can thine ambition make thee think to become as great as he ? " "Because the Priest Abubatha says that since the days of Zerdusht there have been few who beheld the things of the Spirit world with the clear eyes with which I see them. He thinks that were I to devote myself now to the sen-ice of the Temple I might become almost as great a seer as Zerdusht. Who knows but that I would surely become as great at he, when I am as old as he was when he began to prophesy ? " "Thou art not wanting in ambition, truly Oh Ahrinziman! "Yet tell me of the visions of which thou dost speak, that we may judge from whence they come. " Then I told him of all those things which I had seen; of the lovely Spirits and the bright Star and the glowing pictures and last I told him of the White Angel as I called her. He questioned me much concerning her, and seemed much agitated when I told him how she had looked at first; and when I spoke of the two red spots that gave the red bordering to her robes his face darkened with anger as well as sorrow, and he clenched his hands and ap peared moved to much passion. Then I told him that of late the red spots were gone, although the red border remained, and that she was awake now and smiled on me, and had touched me once, but that her touch gave me suffering and pain, although I longed always for her to come to me again. And when I told him this he put his hand upon my shoulder, and bade me look up at him and tell it all to him once more. And as I did so he kept his hand upon me, as though to assure himself who it was that was speaking to him. As I finished my recital for the second time a sudden impulse caused me to clasp his hand in mine, and raising it to my lips I kissed it passionately. Tt was as though for that instant the most THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 29 intense love for him took possession of my Soul, and I could have embraced him and wept over him in mingled joy and sorrow. But he was a stranger to me, and I was afraid, and the impulse passed away. As I kissed his hand he cried out in agitation, "God of my Fathers! that was her action exactly! that was her way with me!" and he took his hand from me and covered his face with his mantle as he turned away. Yet I could tell that he was weeping, for he spoke not, but strode back and forth as though wrestling with his sorrow, while the other man walked away from us into the house, as though in respect to his emotions. After a little while the tall stranger came back to me, and tak ing a thick richly wrought gold chain from his neck he flung it over my head, saying, "Show that to your White Angel when she comes again, and ask her if she has no word, no sign, to give me?" Then he kissed me many times, embracing me with much tenderness, while I clung to him and prayed that he would take me with him, though I knew not who he was. But he put me away at last and turned to summon his friend, saying to me, "Not yet, Oh beloved child of my lost Cynthia; not yet; but soon shalt thou come unto me and be the comfort of my sad days." Then they went forth and mounted their horses and rode away, while I stood looking after them, and especially after the tall stranger who turned to look at me many times, till a bend in the mountain pass hid them from my sight. Then I went into the house, and on the table I found a bag of gold and a message written, which I could now read, to say that nothing was to be done till the strangers came again; and I guessed it had been left by the short man while we were speaking, 30 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER III I ENTER THE TEMPLE DURING many weeks we looked for the return of the strangers, but they came not. But I saw my White Angel again. She came one night and stood smiling and looking upon me from the heart of the Silver Star; then she drew near to me, and though she did not touch me she raised the chain, which I had always worn since the tall stranger gave it to me, to her lips and kissed it, and I thought she said "Tell him that. " And she faded away again, and was lost in the light of the Silver Star. Soon after the strangers' visit the monotony of our life was broken by the arrival in our village of one of the tribesmen who had gone to fight in the Sultan's army, and who now returned too crippled to serve any longer. He brought with him much treasure, plundered no doubt during the time of service, and he soon estab lished himself in a fine tent with a wife, whose dress and ornaments became the envy of all her neighbors. And he also bought a fine flock of sheep and goats. Chance brought me across this man, although as a rule I avoided the village, and very soon a kind of friendship sprang up between us, for the man had many strange tales to tell of his ad venturous wanderings, and the exciting scenes of war, and I was greedy for all stories of that world which lay beyond our mountains, and of which I thought much oftener since the visit of the two strangers. I had begun to waver in my desire to be a Prophet, and as I listened to the tales told by the soldier my imagination became fired at the thought of the stirring life a soldier led, and the strange countries and people that he saw, and but for the influence of my friend Abubatha over me I should have thought seriously of chan- gini; my ambition, and adopting a more exciting life than that of a Prophet. In truth I was but little fitted to form a right judgment upon the merits of either mode of life. Nearly six months passed, and then one evening a hurried messenger arrived upon a weary horse, bringing a ring which they THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 31 remembered the short stranger to have worn, and a message that "The ring was sent in token of the authority of the messenger, and was to be kept until the owner came himself to claim it, and they were to lose no time in placing me within the precincts of the Temple. " Then the man rode away again, and thus was my fate decided. The next day I was taken to the Temple, and formally re ceived by my friend and the other Priests. And after all, instead of hailing this event with joy, as I should have done some months before, I felt instead a feeling of disappointment and foreboding of some sorrow. I did not enjoy the happiness of my beloved friend's society long. Within a year from my admission to the Temple he died quite suddenly, leaving me once more without one congenial friend. I had thought he would at least come back to me from the shadow land, as my White Angel came, but I never saw him, and not till I myself passed over to the world of Spirits did I learn why. The other Priests were kind to me, but not the sympathetic friends that Abubatha had been, and I lost my spirits and grew very sad after his death. Then there came another change, and for me a harder one still. I was sent, why, I was not told, from the little mountain Temple to the far larger and far more important one of Amurath. And then began for me a long and weary and monotonous period which, were I to describe it in detail would but weary those who read my story. This Temple of Amurath was a very different place to the little lonely one amongst the mountains of the Caucasus, and its Priests were far more wealthy and auto cratic than the humble kindly men I had known, and once fairly dedicated to the service of God I found life to be a very different thing from what it had been during the pleasant friendly inter course I had held with my beloved friend. A severe regimen of lonely vigils and prolonged fasts was im posed upon me, the great object of my training being to subdue the desires of the flesh and turn my mind from all earthly thoughts to the contemplation of Heavenly things. For this purpose all intercourse with the world outside the Temple walls was prohibited to me. Had my friend Abubatha been alive I should not have felt this to be so great a privation, but I had no sympathy with any of these Priests, and I yearned so intensely to see my friend again, that this, and the severe strain of the training imposed upon a 32 THE STORY OF AHRINRIMAN growing lad, caused my health to give way, and I became so seri ously and even dangerously ill that my instructors were obliged to relax their rules and suspend my development for a considerable time, and allow me to wander freely about within the precincts of the Temple. To go outside the walls was impossible, the great gates being only opened to admit egress or ingress of the proces sions of the Priests, and those who, like myself, were reserved as the mediums through whom the oracles were to be given, were never allowed to join in them, and seldom even to mix with each other, lest we might thereby impair the purity of our gift by absorb ing the ideas of someone on Earth. We were only allowed to see the Priests; men, who not possessing the power of divination them selves were yet the instructors and regulators of the lives and visions of those hapless sensitives who possessed these gifts. During the period of my illness my visions departed or became so confused as to be valueless, and when I returned to health I found that they had assumed a new form. My White Angel and the troops of dancers I never more beheld, but instead I would see grave majestic men in priestly robes, bearing long scrolls in their hands, who showed me the answers to questions asked of them by the earthly Priests by means of pictures and by messages con veyed in symbolical language, scarcely understood by myself, but whose meanings were interpreted by the Priests, and, I am very certain, often wrongly interpreted and distorted to suit their own peculiar idiosyncrasies, and to dovetail into their own the ories. That my powers were very great was fully recognized, and I was therefore more completely isolated from my companions than ever in order that no influence from them might blend with the oracles given through me a wise precaution theoretically, but one whose usefulness was greatly nullified by the constant presence and influence around the clairvoyants of these strong-minded posi- tive-ideaed Priests, with their fixed theories concerning most things, and their desire to make all revelations coincide with them. They forgot that their ideas were even more likely than those of my fellow neophytes to color my visions and interpose a barrier between my clear sight and the Spirit communications. Another mistake they made was taking these clairvoyants into the Temples before they had acquired any knowledge of the true relations of material life, and imagining that ignorance was necessarily purity of thought. Innocence and ignorance are THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 33 often synonymous, but the innocence which springs only from ignorance is but a poor shield against the influence of evil powers. These ignorant beings might be like children in innocence, but they were also like them in mental development, and had all the failings and weakness of children as well as their virtues, all the illogical imperfect standards of judging things, and all the undis ciplined unregulated passions. And like children, or half de veloped Souls, they could only come into direct communication with the Spirits of the Silver Star, whose own ignorance of mun dane affairs did not fit them to become very wise counsellors. The influence of the mortal Priests might and did give a more practical bias to these imperfect revelations, but their influence did not come from the Spirit side of life, and only served to con fuse what did. Hence arose that condition of error and confusion which as time went on became so marked as to discredit the Oracles alto gether, and led to the final overthrow of those systems of religion of which they formed so important a part. The prophets who led a more natural life and mingled with their fellow men might, and often did, color their prophecies with the thought emanations of those around them, but their visions, being drawn from the practical experiences of life, were of a certain practical value, though owing to the fact that prophets who could thus mingle freely with other men were not of the highest order their source of inspiration was limited to the first and second spheres, and their visions were therefore far from being as beautiful and elevated as those of the mystics secluded within the Temples. The spiritual laws which govern the various forms of divina tion, and which explain the causes of the different degrees of power, I shall enter into more fully at a later stage of my history, when I had come to understand them more fully myself. To return now to the experiences of my life in this Temple. I may point out that a Sensitive or Medium is of necessity one who feels readily all the influences which prevail around him or her. The Material, being the strongest influence, will be felt first and in the most dominant degree, hence the Priests in the Temple were themselves responsible for many of the things I saw or heard, and their constant influence about me shut out as with a thick veil of materiality the more spiritual visions which I had beheld as a child when quite alone. The long exhausting fasts, the lonely vigils, intended to sub- 34 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN jugate the flesh, served only to weaken the tie between it and the Spirit to such a degree that it was no longer possible for the Spirit to impress upon the body a clear picture of what it beheld. If it did so at all it was as a broken and imperfect communication, which resembled in its grotesqueness the jumbled pieces of some puzzle picture shaken together in any fashion. To obtain a true communication from the Spirit to the body, when the Spirit has so far detached itself as to be able to wander away into the Spirit World on its own account and penetrate the mysteries of Spirit life, it requires that body and Spirit shall be in perfect working order and in possession of the best of its powers; otherwise the earthly body becomes like a hard lump of clay, instead of a pliable wax-like mould, capable of receiving the im press of the spiritual brain at the moment of its return to the earthly envelope. If the impression is not at once conveyed a more recent sensation will take its place, and the first idea, if stamped upon the brain at all, will become confused with the second one, and thus become imperfect and misleading. A body in perfect health and in perfect touch with the Soul inhabiting it is soft, warm, and pliable, as all can feel for them selves. A body which is dead is rigid and cold, and no longer capable of expressing the Soul's emotions or experiences, because it is no longer capable of having the stamp of these feelings en graved like a picture upon the tablets of the earthly brain. And a body weakened by starvation is a body partially dead, in a greater or less degree, and therefore not able to receive a clearly stamped impression of purely spiritual things. It should be remembered that while it is attached in any way to the earthly envelope the Soul has to draw its nourishment through the organism of the earthly body, and from mortal things it must extract the spiritual essence wherewith to renew the spiritual substance of its spiritual body, even as the earthly body is renewed and sustained by earthly food; so that if the earthly envelope is >iarved the Soul suffers with it, and is thereby weakened. With out doubt it is a fatal error to over-indulge the earthly body, but it is a no less fatal error to neglect or starve it; for it is the true adjustment of an equal balance between the animal and spiritual halves of the Soul which is needful to afford the best conditions under which to study spiritual things, and to receive spiritual revelations. Thus it will be seen how great is the error of supposing that it THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 35 is necessary to starve the earthly body in order to subdue it and prevent it from hampering the immortal Soul. Oh! great is the folly of man in imagining that he can improve upon God's handiwork! or that if the cravings of the material body serve only as a clog upon the higher aspirations of man's Soul the Supreme Wisdom would have endowed him with such a body at all! CHAPTER IV MY FLIGHT FROM THE TEMPLE To a youth such as I was, full of life and exuberant spirits, with a vigorous constitution and an impetuous and vehement temper, the life of the Temple soon became insupportable. I was at an age when the blood is warm, and courses swiftly through the veins, and the passions are strong, requiring to be educated and regulated, not simply suppressed. I required a life of action, and I thirsted for love and friendship, and they condemned me to a loveless, joyless, stagnation, which might have suited some valetudinarian whose days of action were over, and whose blood was cold and sluggish, and who only sought a peaceful resting place wherein to await the great change. I hungered for knowledge, and they gave me crumbs of mystic lore, that left me starving and ignorant as before. I was full of the wildest ambitions, the keenest desire for power, and they sought to make my mind and body alike subject to the will and caprices of petty tyrants, whose narrow lives and cramped dogmatic minds unfitted them to control the destiny of the mean est slave! They starved my Soul. They cramped my thoughts. They well nigh extinguished life itself in pursuit of their pet theories, and in their attempt to train me down to think and see as they did. As well might they have taken a young eaglet from its lofty moun tain nest and sought to make it lead the life of a barn-door fowl 1 What wonder then that my Soul revolted, and that being strong 36 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN in mind as well as body I could not submit, like many of the un happy neophytes around me, to sink into a mere tool, a poor shadow of other men's thoughts! At first I wrestled with myself, and strove to be content. I thought it was the temptations of devils which assailed me with this giant " Discontent." But my clear intellect could not thus be satisfied with a sophism, a formula, doled out to all those whose minds revolted from a state of existence for which they were unsuited, and I grew at last to be so desperate in my desire for freedom that right or wrong I vowed I would be free! no man, be he Priest or layman, should shackle me! When the timber is dry it wants but a spark to start a great conflagration, and a mere spark, a chance word spoken in the grave, pompous, monotonous tones of the High Priest was enough to fan my smouldering revolt into flame. He thought fit to reprove me for some trifling lapse of duty, and I answered him, to his astonishment and anger. He quickly imposed a penance of so many days of fasting and solitude, whereon I told him that I would not obey him, that I hated the Temple and its rules, and I hated him! I would go forth to be free! free! In great wrath he told me such a thing was impossible: " None who enter the Temple's walls ever leave them again to return to the life of ordinary men, Oh! vain and presumptuous youth. A temper like unto thine needs much discipline to subdue it, and here there are means strong enough to do so, and those who have the power to use them. Great is the penance such discontent as thine doth merit. Such blindness to the blessings and privileges thou hast enjoyed deserves severe punishment, and shall receive it. Terrible is the fate which thou hast incurred by thine impious discontent and desire to quit the sen-ice of the Temple; yea, even death itself hath been awarded for such words as thou hast spoken." He delivered himself of these words in a hard, rasping, monoto nous voice, and his manner and cruel want of sympathy with my feelings so maddened me that, excited as I already was, I turned upon him, and trembling in every limb with passion, sought to push past him and leave the little cell. But he barred the way, and tried to thrust me back. Whereon, reckless now in my revolt, I struck him to the earth, and stepping over his prostrate body fled for dear life, well knowing what penalty must await one whose sacrilegious hand had struck down a Priest. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 37 I met no one on my way to the gates, for it was the hour at which most of the inmates of the Temple were at private medita tion or reposing. The gates were shut fast, and for a moment I thought that I was lost. Then I beheld a tree whose branches hung over the wall low enough for me to reach them with an active spring, and soon I had swung myself by their aid on to the wall and dropped down on the other side. I then ran for dear life, on and on, stopping neither to look back nor where I was going, only thankful that there were no signs of pursuit behind me. For some hours I ran on, and at last, overcome by exhaustion, I stopped and gazed around me. I was among great mountains, whose dark passes and many precipices might easily afford me a hiding place. How far from the Temple I was I could not guess, but from the efforts I had made and the number of hours I had struggled on I thought it must be far behind me. Whether I had killed the Priest, or only stunned him, I did not much care; I was still too angry to think much of it. And as I gazed up at the clear star-lit sky above me, and watched the glittering canopy studded with its myriad sparkling gems of light, a wild feeling of exulta tion filled my Soul, for I was free at lastl CHAPTER V THE TRIBESMEN OF THE HILLS I was so much exhausted by my exertions that, feeling myself in comparative safety, I lay down upon the ground and was soon fast asleep. The sun was already high in the heavens ere I awoke, and with my return to consciousness my naturally healthy appetite asserted its claims with so much persistence that I was fain to risk the danger of discovery and seek for some one from whom I could buy food. I had lain down upon a mountain side to sleep, and below me there lay a wide valley wherein a herd of sheep and goats were browsing, while the herdsman's tent could be distinguished almost directly beneath the spot on which I stood. 387834 38 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN I had no money, and nothing of value to offer in exchange for such things as I desired save the gold chain I wore round my neck. From this, by the aid of a sharp stone, I broke off two of the massive links, and then made my way into the valley. The herdsman was absent, but his wife, after a brisk barter between us, agreed to give me a suit of her husband's clothes and some goat's milk and cakes in exchange for my gold links. I felt sure the woman was cheating me and giving me very little for what I gave her, but her many questions embarrassed and alarmed me, and I was anxious to hurry on once more. As soon as I had got fairly out of sight of the valley I sat down and ate ravenously; then, putting on the shepherd's clothes, I made my neophyte's dress (which I knew would betray me and make it easy to trace my flight) into a bundle, and looked about for the most effectual means of disposing of it. I was near the edge of a precipitous mountain gorge, at the bottom of which I could dimly discern a small streamlet rushing over its rocky bed. As it appeared practically inaccessible, I resolved to throw my clothes down there, and in order to make them fall the more securely I filled the bundle with lumps of rock, tying them up as well as I could, and then threw them over. In my haste I had not tied. them very securely, and as they fell some of the stones tumbleu out, lightening the bundle so much that instead of falling straight down, as I had hoped, they were caught by the wind and blown on to a ledge of rock about half-way down, where they lay half-spread out, and look ing, to my chagrin, remarkably like a figure which had fallen over the precipice. I was so much disturbed by this mishap that I thought of climbing down to dislodge them, but I soon found this was impossible, owing to the steepness of the over-hanging rocks, and I was obliged to go on and leave them where they lay. Lit tle did I guess that to this incident I was to owe at once my immunity from pursuit and the loss of a valuable protector. As I had left the shepherd's valley in a westerly direction I now resolved to double back, and passing behind it again to make my way towards the South, hoping that if the shep herd's wife had watched me she would thus be thrown off the trail. For two days I journeyed on, resting for a few hours in the heat of the day and at night, and then hurrying on again, On THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 39 the evening of the second day I found myself among a low range of foothills, beyond which lay a sandy desert. Here I resolved to lie down and rest before attempting to cross it. I had not slept long before I was rudely awakened by the glare of torches held before my eyes, and the loud whisperings of about a dozen rough-looking men who had just discovered me. I tried to spring up and escape, but was at once seized, and a couple of long knives were brandished within an inch of my face, while a torrent of abuse, in the barbarous dialect of one of the Hill Tribes, was poured upon me. Seeing that resistance was worse than useless, I resigned myself to my fate, relieved in part to find that these men were at least not emissaries of the Priests sent to capture me. They were very angry at finding nothing of value upon me, for I had taken the precaution of hiding my gold chain in the high-peaked sheep-skin cap I had got from the herdsman's wife. After feeling me all over several times without any result, I heard them begin to discuss the advisability of cutting my throat and throwing me over the rocks, or else taking me as a captive to the Chief, and I thought it high time to put in a word upon my own behalf. So I said: "Be not so angry, O Friends! that I have nothing of value upon me wherewith to reward you for capturing me; rather give me your pity, since I am a poor fugitive who has fled from one danger only to encounter another still greater. Behold! I am as a field of stubble that hath been well reaped already, and which has nothing left to reward the labors of the after- gleaners." "By the Powers of Evil, thou art right," said one; "yet even stubble is useful to burn, and thou shalt be set to work for us if there is no other use we can put thee to. Who art thou, and whence hast thou fled?" I thought within myself that half a truth is better than a whole lie, so I replied: "I am a youth who has struck his master, and thus was I obliged to fly." At this they laughed, and one stnick me upon the back play fully, yet somewhat too hard to be pleasant, saying: "Hast thou done that? Then it was well done, and who knows but that there may be good and useful stuff in thee, after all! We will take thee to our Chief, and he shall decide thy 40 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN fate." Saying which they proceeded to bind me hand and foot, and having mounted me upon a horse they turned away from the desert and rode through the Hills for some time. At last, just as the sun arose, we paused at the entrance to a high rocky gorge, and as I looked up to greet the rising orb of day I breathed an earnest prayer for deliverance from this new danger. Here they bandaged my eyes and lifted me from the horse, leading me, as I could feel, up a steep pathway which wound up and down for some distance, and at last, after much stumbling and slipping, owing to my being unable to see where I was step ping, I found myself upon level ground once more. The band age was now taken from my eyes, and I found myself on the edge of a very wide plateau high up among the Hills. A great many handsome tents were dotted about the grassy plain, and many sheep, goats, and camels were quietly feeding there, while a number of handsome horses were tethered before their owners' tents, making altogether quite a gay and prosperous scene. As we approached the largest and most richly decorated tent, a young girl came out, carrying a smoking dish of lamb's meat and freshly cooked rice. She stopped to look at us, and especially favored me with a glance from her black eyes, which made my heart, unused as I was to the society of women, beat with great rapidity. I bowed low to the girl as I returned her look, and did my best to make my eyes express what my lips did not dare to utter. Whether by accident or design, I do not know, but at this juncture her veil became disarranged, and ere she had replaced it I had obtained a very fair glimpse of her face, with its full red lips, plump chin, and pink-tinted cheeks, and as she hastily gathered the veil together I was ushered into the presence of the Chief, a large, powerful, and decidedly fat and coarse looking man in gaudy raiment, plundered no doubt from some luckless caravan. To his interrogations as to who I was, I told the same tale as before, only suppressing the fact that my master had been a Priest, for I feared that the superstitious dread which even tlu->c wild lawless men felt for the Priesthood would render them unwilling to shelter me if they knew that I had fled from a Temple. I had resolved to throw myself upon the generosity of the robbers, and to ask permission to remain for a time with them, should I see that there was any fair prospect of my request being granted. I argued that since I was myself an outlaw and THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 41 a fugitive I was more likely to find a safe asylum among men who were also outside the pale of the law than anywhere else. How matters might have gone with me I do not know, but as I was telling my story the Chief's daughter, who proved to be the girl I had seen outside, came in, and having listened to my recital was so much prepossessed in my favor as to interpose with her father on my behalf, and to such good effect that I was offered the choice of being set at liberty or of joining the band and becoming one of these marauders myself. I need hardly say that I at once chose the latter alternative, as I could see I was fully expected to do. The idea of the bold free life led by these men so fired my imagination, even as the tender glances from the dark eyes of the Chief's daughter had inflamed my heart, that I expressed my desire to be admitted into the band in such happy language as to cause all the robbers to applaud my address, and welcome me as a worthy comrade. From this time the star of my destiny seemed rapidly in the ascendant. I was presented with a handsome young horse and a set of arms, and invited to test my prowess with those around me. In the mountain life of my childhood I had learned to ride and to excel in all those arts of horsemanship practised by the Hill tribes, and from the wandering soldier who had returned to our valley I had learned to use my weapons as a soldier should: thus I acquitted myself so well that I won yet further distinction. In very truth my exhilaration at finding myself once more free, and mounted upon a swift horse able to fly like the wind across the plains, would well have helped me to surmount far greater difficulties than any I encountered; while all my natural instincts in favor of war and its arts awoke >when I found myself no longer surrounded by peaceful shepherds or pious Priests, but by those who made warfare their trade, and robbery and murder their profession. After this I was able not only to hold my position with these robbers, but even to become so popular a favorite that I was finally chosen as the husband of the Chief's daughter and succes sor to the Chief, who, being rather old and somewhat lazy, and moreover having no son to succeed him, desired some one to relieve him of the more laborious part of his duties. Before my advent the most likely candidate for this honor was a man named Hadji, and it may readily be supposed that my rapid 42 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN rise into favor was as gall and wormwood to him, and that all my attempts to conciliate him were in vain. This wife who was thus bestowed unexpectedly upon me and whose name was Dilferib was comely, but scarcely as beau tiful as I had thought from the stray glimpses permitted to me when she had partly unveiled her face, and her beauty, such as, it was, was but the beauty whose charm is of youth. Her bold black eyes, her slim and cypress waist, her pink cheeks and long black hair, were distinctly charms of Earth and not of Heaven. She was a forward girl, and soon developed into a coarse woman. Her mind was dull; her intellect limited; her instincts petty and selfish; while her temper was decidedly waspish. Her strongest characteristics were a love of dress and gossip. Her sentiment for me had been a passing fancy for a handsome youth different from those around her, and she soon wearied of me, as I did of her. She was utterly incapable of entering into any of my flights of fancy, or understanding the poetic glamour I sought to throw around my ideal of true love. She cared for me only so long as I fed her vanity with words of flattery, and her love of finery with handsome clothes. Very soon I wearied of her vulgar blandishments, while her want of refinement jarred upon me at every turn, and her charms palled upon my fastidious taste. Then, too, I grew tired of the paltry distinction of being a leader of a petty mountain tribe of ignoble marauders, thievers of other men's goods. The constant intriguing of Hadji filled me with anger and contempt, and when my wife proceeded to say that she questioned whether, after all, Hadji were not the better man of the two, and that she feared she had made a mis take in selecting me, I resolved to give her an early opportunity of trying him as my successor. The Hills around me seemed to shut me in and stifle me, and I longed to go forth into the wide world once more and measure myself with other men, even with the great ones of the Earth, that I might find where my true position was amidst the bustle of an active life, larger and broader in its interests than any I had yet known. I question whether at this time the sovereignty of the whole Earth would have satisfied the cravings of that boundless ambi tion which was awake within me, and I know the limits of the known Universe would not have been wide enough to limit my 43 incessant thirst for greater knowledge of every kind, especially for a knowledge of that unseen world of which I had beheld such wondrous glimpses, and whose mysteries I longed the more intensely each day to explore. For two years I lived amongst these mountain robbers, and during that time no signs of pursuit had reached me, so that from the Priests of Amurath I now felt comparatively safe. My beard had grown full and thick, and with my change of dress so altered my appearance that I scarcely feared recognition. I therefore resolved to take the first chance of leaving my present life, feeling very certain that my wife would soon con sole herself for my disappearance by wedding the artful Hadji, whom I wished all joy of his acquisition! My opportunity soon came. We were sent to intercept a rich convoy of merchandise, sent from Bokhara to Teheran, to the King. We did not, however, win the easy victory we expected, for the King had armed his servants well, and sent, moreover, some soldiers to protect his goods, so that after a sharp fight some of our band were killed and the rest took refuge in rapid flight, myself being one of the first to quit the field as soon as the melee' had fairly begun. Once free from the hilly ground I gave my horse free rein, and was soon galloping swiftly across the wide sandy plain. CHAPTER VI THE TWO WAYS Soon after midnight a silvery crescent moon rose in the sky, and by its light and that of the silver stars I rode on, till moon and stars began to pale and the grey dawn of another day appeared. All around me as far as the eye could reach there lay nothing but this wild wilderness of sand, rolling in undulating billows like waves upon the sea, while in the dim distance the Hills which I had left far behind lay like faint blue specks on the horizon. 44 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN I rode onward for some time, till as the scorching rays of the rapidly rising sun rendered further progress almost impossible, I drew near to a small clump of date trees, beneath whose scanty shade my horse and I lay down together to rest. When I awoke the sun had already set, and the grey shadows of approaching night were gathering fast over the desert, for so far South was I there was but little twilight. To me the evening hour has always been a time when a sense of mystery and awe steals over the Soul, and fills it with the subtle suggestion of strange and unknown things, whose shapeless forms, hovering in the air, unseen yet not unfelt, are akin and yet different to ourselves. As I led my horse from beneath the trees I beheld before me two paths, stretching across the desert, where path there was none: the one bright and shining as though paved with snow- white stones led to the Westward, as though to follow the track of the setting sun. The other path stretched towards the South, and its outline was dim, misty, and dark. At the parting of the ways stood two figures, like unto Angels with wings: the Spirits of the Light and Dark Spheres. The one who stood upon the shining path was like a fair young man, his robes white and sparkling as with silver stars. All was fair and open to behold. The way seemed easy, and it led to lands of glorious silver light on the far horizon. The other Spirit was dim, indistinct, and shrouded with a sombre veil. His face was half averted, and with one hand he drew his mantle over it, while with the other he beckoned to me. This figure seemed to express to me, Power, Majesty, the successful pursuit of forbidden knowledge, the satisfaction of ambition, the glowing passion of gratified desires. His shadowy half averted face drew me to him with an intense longing to rush forward and uncover that shrouded countenance, that I might gaze upon the mysteries, be they beautiful or horrible, blessed or accursed, which he thus hid from me. And as I involuntarily took a step forward towards him my choice seemed made the figures vanished, and to the South I resolved that I would go. It was as though the good and evil influences of my life had contended with each other for dominion over my Soul, and for the time the Evil had won. Many times as I rode Southward was I tempted to turn back, but as often did I put the thought THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 45 away from me and ride on. For good or for ill I was fated to taste of that knowledge whose mysteries the Angel of Darkness had half revealed and half hidden from my sight. CHAPTER VII JELAL-UD-DfN THE SORCERER For four nights I rode on, resting always during the heat of the day, and on the morning of the fifth day I beheld the towers and walls of a large city rising in the far distance. I was so overjoyed at this that I spread out my arms and bowed low upon my horse's neck in a salutation of welcome to it, and hurrying on my wearied steed I was able to reach it ere mid-day. I had never been in a city before; I had seen nothing larger than a mountain village; for although in my journey to the Temple of Amurath from the Caucasian mountains I had passed near the royal city of Teheran, the Priests in whose charge I travelled had not permitted me to enter the walls. As soon, therefore, as I had enjoyed a short rest and attended to the welfare of my horse I sallied forth to explore the wonders of the place, and after wandering for some hours through the narrow streets I found myself at sunset on the outskirts of the city, and in front of the Temple, which stood upon a slight eminence and was approached by a long flight of handsome steps. I ascended these that I might gain a last glimpse of the sinking sun, but I did not venture to enter the doors, fearing lest I might be recognised, and also because I had an uneasy half belief that were I, an apostate who had laid violent hands upon an annointed servant of the Gods, to venture within the sacred precincts, some terrible vengeance of the offended Deity would be visited upon me. I therefore hurried down the steps again without delaying to take more than one look at the sun, and was crossing the open ground with head bent down when the shadow of a man fell across the path before me, and a voice saluted me in very good Pehlvi but with the accent of a stran ger. 46 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN Somewhat startled, I looked up, and beheld a man of about forty who was utterly unknown to me, and whose countenance ri-pi-lled even while it attracted me. He was dressed in a robe of very dark silk, bordered with red and yellow stripes. On his head he wore a close fitting white cap, with long lappets hanging to the shoulders stripped with narrow bands of black; a narrow band of black passed round the head, and on the top there was a crescent shaped ornament of gold, with a spike rising from the middle, and having a curious resemblance to three horns. In his hand he carried a long black wand, tipped with gold. His complexion was almost black, and his large brilliant black eyes seemed to glow with a sombre fire that had no softness in their depths. His lips were full, his features high and of the Assyrian type, while a long straight black beard covered and concealed his cheeks and chin. As I regarded him with some surprise and uneasiness he spoke again, saying: "Nay, start not, nor question whether I mean harm to thee. I come rather to befriend , and to offer thee a home in this strange city, if thou dost care to listen to a proposal I would make for thy benefit and mine own. Marvel not that I sought thee out, for, behold! I can read thy future, even as I have read in part thy past. The Book of Destiny is an open page before mine eyes, and in it I perceive that thou shalt some day sit upon an Emperor's throne, even as thou wearest now an Emperor's chain around thy neck yea, do I also see that two of its links are missing, skillfully as thou hast joined them again. The broken chain is, methinks, an ill omen of thy success, but I cannot behold thine end as yet." Involuntarily I put my hand to my bosom to feel for the chain, which I wore most carefully concealed there, but no part of it was visible, and I was but the more startled by the man's knowledge of it, and I said : "What Is it to thee, O Stranger, whose gold I wear? Why art thou concerned with the business of another?" He gave a low sardonic laugh that had no mirth in it, as he replied : "Because the Star of thy Destiny hath crossed the path of mine, and I know that we are fated to learn much more of each other. Because, also, I see that thou dost possess the gift of Divination, and powers which are of inestimable value to those who know how to use them. I would enroll thee in my service, THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 47 and train thy gifts that they may be of use to thee and me. Thou hast a thirst for knowlege: Behold! I can give thee knowledge beyond aught that thou canst dream of now. I can reveal to thine eyes mysteries that have been hid from all but the most favored few, and I can guide thy steps upon the dark pathways of the nether world, whereon only such bold spirits as thou and I would dare to tread. All these things can I show to thee and in return I ask that for a season thou shalt serve me, to learn a secret which concerns me much." "And w r ho art thou who makest such boundless promises? How shall I know that thou hast these powers which thou dost claim?" "I am Jelalud-din," said he, haughtily. "Some men call me the Sorcerer, others the Good Doctor, others again the Caster of Magic Spells. There are none within this city who would dare to doubt my power. I have long sought for one with gifts like unto thine, and lo! when I beheld thee upon the Temple steps I came out to meet thee." *'Nay," answered I, impressed in spite of myself by his words; "Nay, but I see no visions now." For in truth I had seen none since my flight from the Temple. "Hadst thou no vision when thou wert under the date trees?" said Jelalud-din, slowly fixing his dark eyes upon my face. "If thou sawest no vision why, then, didst thou choose the South ward path?" "Now I know that thou art in very truth a Sorcerer," cried I, "for I was alone upon the desert; no eyes beheld that vision but mine own; where then wert thou?" "In mine own chamber, gazing upon thy Star, and upon mine own For thy strange Star drew near unto mine and then receded, and I put forth my will to draw thee unto me, for I knew that the hour of our meeting was at hand." Jelalud-din paused, and turning from me began to trace a figure on the ground with the point of his wand, while I, startled, bewildered, uncertain what to do, stood silently watch ing him. His words had awakened in me a most keen desire to know more of so extraordinary a man. The danger which I instinctively felt lurked in such knowledge as he possessed only made me the more eager to penetrate the mysteries of these unhallowed powers. I had heard of men who practised for bidden arts, and possessed powers transcending in many respects 48 THE STORY OF AHRNIZIMAN those of even the most favored Prophets of the Oracles them selves, and my bold thoughts had many a time strayed longingly upon the forbidden path, for I desired with all my Soul to raise even a corner of the dark veil which hid the knowledge of these dangerous things. And Jelalud-din looked up at me and said: "It is because thou thinkest such knowledge as mine is of the powers of evil that thou dost hesitate to answer me. Yet are not all things which are mysterious called by the unlearned 'evil'? Is it not ignorance which is the true evil, and cannot those who know how to do so pluck even from the poison flowers their sting, leaving behind only the harmless blossoms? Join me if thou art willing for a time, but I seek in no way to tie thee. I am no Priest, to fear lest thou shouldst steal the secrets of a Temple, or tell to the World how full of frailty are these vaunted teachers of other men!" He spoke in mingled accents of scorn and passion, and his eyes glowed with a fierce fire of hatred when he mentioned the Temple. After a brief pause he added: "Thou hast shown thyself bold in the things which are of Earth, be then as bold to search out the secrets which are not of Earth. Yet I will urge thee no more, for I have fulfilled my part in seeking speech with thee, and if thou art to join me then must thou seek me for thyself. " "Where shall I find thee," said I, "if I desire to join thee when I have thought over all that thou hast said?" "Thou shall find me in mine own house: all men know which is the house of Jelalud-dln. But if thou seekest me it must be when the stars have climbed the sky, and night's dark mantle doth enshroud the Earth." I assented to this, and bowing low to each other we parted, but ere Jelalud-d!n turned away I saw that with his sandalled foot he rubbed out carefully the signs he had been tracing on the ground. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 49 CHAPTER VIII SHADOWS OF THE FUTURE It was shortly before midnight when I sought the house of Jelalud-din. It had readily been pointed out to me in the evening, but I found that no one was anxious to tell me much about its owner. All men seemed to fear if not to dislike him, and while they told me he was wealthy and learned they forebore, with the caution of Orientals, to express any opinion as to his moral character, and I could perceive that my inquiries for him had caused me to be regarded with suspicion. Jelalud din's dwelling was a large low stone building, with one lofty tower rising from the middle, and affording a mag nificent view of the stars by night and of the flat, slightly undu lating country by day. It was situated in a retired part of the city, close to one of the outer walls, and was surrounded by a large uncultivated garden enclosed by very high walls, all these circumstances tending to add to its seclusion and to the mystery enveloping the character of its owner. My summons at the gate was answered by a Nubian slave, who was indeed the Sorcerer's sole attendant, and I was con ducted through the wilderness of a garden to a small door in a side wall near the tower. Here I was left while the slave announced me to his master. In a little he returned, and I was shown through a narrow passage to an ante-room, and then into a large oblong apartment where Jelalud-din awaited me. The room betokened the character of its inmate, for instead of the rich hangings and luxurious cushions and soft carpets of a Persian house of that class, its walls were covered by strange objects of all kinds. The skulls and bones of animals and men; the dried bodies and skins of reptiles; huge vampire bats, and strange beasts. Bundles of dried herbs and gigantic trop ical plants and grasses hung on the walls, intermixed with long rows of shelves holding every variety of earthen jars, crucibles, and retorts, and huge vessels of rough metal containing various 5 o THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN chemical and strangely perfumed mixtures, with lumps of rock, and specimens of various earths and stones, and crystals in the rough state, and the plumage of rare birds, all grouped together in strange confusion. Another wall was covered by little shelves holding rolls of parchment, carefully tied; and near these hung a curious looking dress of filmy black gauze, spangled with small stars and queer hieroglyphics in gold thread, worked upon it by the deft hands of some embroideress. Beside this dress were two wands crossed, one tipped with gold and having a golden star on the top, and the other tipped with silver, and having a crescent intertwined with a triangle surmounting it. A couple of tiger skins were spread upon the floor before a large tripod, upon which some sweet-scented powder was burning. Dark curtains of heavy silk hung before the doors and window, and in one corner of the room a low archway seemed to lead to a narrow stair giving access to the tower. In one corner a small lamp was suspended, throwing a feeble glimmer of light across the room, and beside the lamp, seated upon a pile of cushions, was Jelal-ud-din himself. As the slave retired the Sorcerer arose and saluted me, saying to me in the Assyrian language, which my friend Abubatha taught me to understand, "I bid you welcome," and signing me to seat myself upon another pile of cushions beside his own he produced a jar of rare wine and some costly sweetmeats and invited me to partake of his hospitality, adding that "when we had broken bread together I would no longer, he felt sure, distrust him." He also suggested that for the future we should converse in the Assyrian tongue, since I understood it, in order that no chance eavesdropper should be able to overhear our remarks. "For," said he, "even in the house of Jelal-ud-din the walls have ears, and I perceive through yonder wall that my slave Taki is even now striving to learn the purpose with which thou hast sought me, and it were well to use a language he doth not understand, since in this world one half of mankind is ever more intent upon attending to the affairs of their neigh bors than looking well after their own, and he who would differ in his habits from those around him must expect to be surrounded by spies, and they who will speak evil of him are many. Were I to go forth now I should find Taki far from the door, and yet do I see that he is even now upon his knees before it, straining every nerve to hear us. Taki is but a wretched slave, a dog THE STORY OF AHR1NZIMAN 51 whom I might slay to-morrow; yet hath not even the infinitesimal sandfly power to poison with its sting, although thou mayest kill it the next instant? and such as Taki spread abroad through out the streets the things done in secret within the chamber. Let us then converse in the Assyrian tongue, since it is mine own language and thou also dost understand it." He then took the jar of wine and filled a cup which was carved in a most beautiful manner from the pure rock crystal, and set round with gems whose priceless value my experience with the robbers enabled me to know. Having first put this to his own lips he handed it to me, doing the same in like manner with the cakes and sweetmeats, to show in how high esteem and honor he held me. Having finished this repast Jelal-ud-din arose, and taking the lamp he searched carefully the outer room, and fastened the door, doing the same with the one in the inner chamber where we sat. He then placed the lamp behind a screen where its light was scarcely visible, and returned to me, carrying in his hand a small round disc of polished black marble, whose surface reflected like a mirror. Across this he passed his hands several times, and placing it within a curiously wrought frame of gold, whereon were engraved numerous cabalistic signs, he gave it into my hands, saying: "Look now into this mirror, and say whether Jelal-ud-din hath restored thy powers of vision unto thee." I took the black disc and held it between my hands, fixing my eyes upon it as I had been wont to do in the Temple with the crystals given me by the Priests, and as I did so a grey mist, like smoke, passed over the dark polished surface; a violent trembling seized my limbs, and a wind as of ice blew over me and seemed to freeze my blood, and stop for a moment the beat ing of my heart. As these feelings passed the face of the black mirror became clear, and I beheld a face a man's face. Oh! Powers of evil! can any mere words describe that face, or paint at once its ma jestic beauty and its awful fiend like expression? The eyes were fixed upon mine own, and as I gazed steadily upon them they looked back an answer to my questioning thoughts. The face varied in its expression, and the lips moved, though no no sound came from them, and I seemed to sense, rather than hear, each word as it was spoken. It appeared to say: 52 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN "You ask who am I? Behold! I am the Angel of Dark ness whom thou didst see upon the desert plain. No veil hides now my face, and since thou canst thus steadily return my gaze I know that thou hast courage to behold the wonders of my sphere: wonders which my servant Jelal-ud-din shall reveal unto thee." The lips ceased to move, the eyes closed, the dark filmy veil covered again the face which faded slowly away, leaving the black surface of the mirror clear again. I could not move a limb. I could make no motion even with my eyes, which were fixed in a stony stare upon the mirror, even as I myself was fixed like a rigid statue to the spot whereon I stood. Again the mist passed over the dark mirror, and this time it showed to me a woman's face, beautiful as the dawn! lovely as some fallen Peri of Paradise! I say 'as of some fallen Peri,' for she bore upon her brow that Blood Red Star which is the symbol of the fallen Angels, and amidst her dark hair the Star of Darkness gleamed as a jewel in a diadem. Her glorious eyes were veiled by long dark lashes, yet their gleam of passion ate love transfixed my own as the magnetic glance of a snake doth fascinate a bird. Her coral lips were wreathed in smiles, yet were they as the smiles of one who can entrance but never charm, and her expression was that of a refined and subtle sensu ality, as evil as ever marked the looks of the most ensnaring syren of the lowest Hell. Her features were perfect in all their proportions, delicately chiselled as a statue of purest alabaster, and lovely as the spirit of a dream. But over all there hung the same stamp of subtly suggested evil, lurking one knew not where, yet marring to the eyes of the Spirit the beauty which charmed the senses. As I continued to gaze her face seemed to cease to smile; it leered at me, and her fairness was like a mask that hid the treacherous nature of the Soul. But in spite of this my heart was stirred with the most violent passion, the most intense desire to possess her, which was as far as the wide poles are asunder from that pure and beautiful ideal of love which I had hitherto cherished and which Dilferib had so utterly failed to satisfy. And while I looked upon this woman I knew that she was no mere vision, nor even a disembodied spirit that I beheld, but a living, breathing inhabitant of Earth, whose life would yet be linked unto my own, for that in the Book of our Destinies so it was even written. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 53 My intense desire to touch this woman caused me to lift my hand, when lo! the spell which held me was broken and all van ished from my sight. The low mocking laugh of Jelal-ud-din broke upon my ear and as I turned almost fiercely upon him in my disappointment, he said in a tone of great bitterness, and with the slow measured speech as of one in a dream : "Yea, even so it is with thee. The charm of love is still the potent spell; thou hast not tasted yet of its hollowness. Thou hast not learned how the fires of passion can sear and wither up the heart, till naught but its empty shell is left. Take up the mirror once again, and I will show thee other things more worthy man's ambition." Mechanically I turned to look at the black disc again, and once more the smoke-like mist passed across its surface and the cold breeze chilled my blood and stopped the beating of my heart. But the feelings were fainter, and the pictures more dim and indis tinct, not clear as before, for I had broken the threads of com munication between myself and the Other World, and the visions were marred by the hasty joining of the links. As pictures traced in smoke I first saw a man seated upon a winged horse, with a winged helmet upon his head and a spear held out before him, as though he charged upon a foe. I saw him fall from his horse and lie trampled in the dust, while a whole legion of warriors appeared to ride over his prostrate body. Then I saw the man and horse arise and spread their wings, and soar away beyond the power of my sight to follow. I saw a woman draped all in sombre black lie writhing upon the ground in mortal agony, yet not able to die. I saw her drag herself along the ground of what seemed a narrow passage like a tomb, and tear with her finger nails at the hard walls, and dig like a wild beast at the hard ground, in frantic efforts to get out, till I could bear the sight no longer; and then she vanished. I saw a man lie dying on a bed, surrounded by many courtiers, and many slaves, yet calling always for some one who came not unto him. I saw this picture give place unto another, wherein there was a throne, and three figures contended for it. First one sat thereon then seemed to fall from it and lie writhing on the ground in the fearful agony of violent death. Then the second figure ascended the steps of the throne, but ere he could seat himself I saw him 54 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN stagger and cast his arms up as though fighting many foes, ere he fell dead beside the throne. Then I saw the third man cast him self in the Royal Chair, and a curtain fell between him and myself. Next I saw a procession of veiled figures pass me, all turning away their heads as they drew near, till one woman came, anil raised her veil, and I beheld the face of a woman of exceeding beauty; the beauty of the late summer of life, the mature charms of one past youth yet handsome still. But the face, though hand some, was cruel, and her glance seemed to wither my heart anil turn my blood to ice. She gave me a mocking triumphant smile of vindictive hate ere she let fall her veil and passed on. And last of all I saw a black figure crawl like a snake along the ground toward me, and as I gazed it seemed to spit out its venom at me, and show me the face of a black slave, quite unknown to me, as were all the figures in my visions. This last picture vanished. I raised my eyes from the mirror, and Behold! the room was full of misty forms, human and yet inhuman in their shapes; dim as smoke wreaths, yet none the lea distinct and palpable to my sight. They floated round Jelal-u 1- din and myself, yet they touched us not, nor came within the circle around us. In Jelal-ud-dln's hand he held the mystic wand, tipped with the triangle and the crescent, which he extended at arm's length to keep them back, uttering some words in a tone of command in a strange unknown tongue. And as he waved them away they receded from us, and vanished like a cloud of dark mist, till jelal-ud-din and I stood there alone. CHAPTER IX MY EVIL GENIUS The day was breaking as I left the house of Jelal-ud-din and the contrast between the clear light shed around by the rapidly rising sun, and the dark mysterious room which I had left, was like that between Good and Evil. Yet even as I saluted the orb of day, true symbol of Purity and Life, I did not waver in my deter- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 55 mination to accept the offer which the Sorcerer had made me. I had opened the Book of Forbidden Mysteries and looked within, and it was impossible for me to close it again till I had learned the knowledge contained within its pages. The very dangers in volved in its pursuit gave to it only an added zest to my adventurous spirit. For what bold explorer of unknown paths was ever yet deterred from following them out by a knowledge of the treacher ous nature of the ground he sought to traverse? Everyone be lieves that in some fashion Luck will especially befriend him, and that where others have met destruction he will yet be safe. It is of the very nature of such studies as Jelal-ud-din was engaged upon that their fascinations once felt cannot again be shaken off. I accepted the Sorcerer's proposals the more readily because he, reading aright my haughty, impetuous temper ever impatient of control, sought to impose no open restrictions upon my perfect freedom of life. He invited me to join him as an equal, a friend and a pupil, and allowed me to cheat myself with the belief that therefore neither my mind nor my body would be subject to him in any way. And yet, had I not been already blinded by the strong magnetic attraction exercised by this man, and dominated by his masterful intelligence, I should have real ized how powerful was the spell he had cast over me, and how completely his will had subordinated mine, so that, to all appear ance free, I was in truth his slave already. I brought my horse with me to Jelal-ud-din's house, and suf fered no one but myself to attend to the faithful animal, no other hand but my own to touch it. And many were the long rides I enjoyed, as we sped like the wind across the wide plain. Had I been asked to resign my horse and live shut up, as in the days I spent in the Temple of Amurath, I should soon have wearied of the confinement, but Jelal-ud-din, in his wisdom, sought not to trammel the freedom of my movements, and I came and went as I listed, rode or studied as I felt inclined. All he exacted from me was an oath that under no circumstances, while my life on Earth should last, would I impart to another the mysteries I had learned from him an oath which I faithfully kept during my mortal life, and which I only break now because Jelal-ud-din himself no longer desires that I should keep it. My Master devoted himself first to instructing me in the various methods of using my psychic powers, and showed me how to make them subordinate to my will. In the Temple I had 5 6 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN been the blind, often the unconscious, instrument whose powers were used by others. Jelal-ud-din taught me how to use them myself, and initiated me into the mystery of leaving my body at will and roaming through the Spirit Spheres, and holding com munion with their inhabitants. He warned me, however, never to attempt this unless he was with me, as I had not yet attained to the degree of knowledge and power which would render me safe in doing so. I pressed him very earnestly to give me this knowledge, but he would not do so, although he promised that later on he would in all respects satisfy my desires. He declared that as yet the time had not fully come when it could be imparted to me, and I felt when he said this what I had felt more than once before, that he showed me enough to make me of use to himself, and to whet my appetite for more, yet always held in his own hands a certain reserve of knowledge which kept me dependent upon him. He would send my disembodied Spirit to visit certain places and people of whom he desired to obtain secret information, and was able to obtain from me perfectly clear descriptions of what I beheld or heard, although I myself, on waking from my semi- trance, only retained a confused consciousnes of where I had been. Not till long afterwards did I learn to what use he put the knowl edge he gained. When I first saw Jelal-ud-din I thought, as I have said, that he was about forty years of age, but when I came to know him I changed this estimate, for ten times forty years would not have sufficed for. the accumulation of all the knowledge and experience which he had acquired, and I was not surprised to learn that he was one of those strangely gifted beings who, having discovered the secret of how to defy the assaults of time and arrest the decay of the earthly body, are able to prolong their earthly lives for an indefinite period. What this secret was he did not impart to me, nor did he show any desire to speak of his past history, but from many little circumstances I gathered that there had been incidents in that past which filled his Soul with intense bitterness towards all in a position above him, and gave him an antagonistic feeling to most of his kind. And while he thirsted always for more and more power to control the forces of the Unseen Universe around him, it was chiefly in order that through their aid he might humili ate the powerful Rulers of men who sought his help, or whom he was able indirectly to influence. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 57 Jelal-ud-din's occupations were many and secret, and his wonderful reputation for skill, both as a magician and as a practi tioner of medicine, was due to no mere charlatanism, but to a real and profound knowledge, not only of the anatomy of the human body, but of chemistry, and the action of the various drugs which he prescribed. He carried on a perfectly legitimate and even beneficial business in curing many people of wounds and diseases which would have appeared to be fatal, and while he exacted a handsome reward for these services from the rich he gave time and skill for nothing to those who were poor, and was ever gen erous in assisting the truly unfortunate, so that he had fairly earned the title given him by many of the ' ' Good Doctor." Well would it have been for him and his immortal welfare if he had confined the use of his power to such ends, but with the para doxical contradictions of this man's strange character, he was as ready, or even more so, to use his skill in furthering an evil as a good purpose, and were the payment made to him sufficient to tempt a strange avaricious love of hoarding which he showed, he would kill even more readily than cure. He had a large number of clients who sought his aid either to remove troublesome rivals or to blight the prospects of those against whom some spite was cherished. He also sold certain love potions, which really did cause those who drank them to exhibit, at all events for a time, the most intense passion for one towards whom they had previously shown indifference or dislike. He cast spells over some, and sold charms and amulets to others, which certainly appeared to possess the virtues he claimed for them. To my inquiry whether there was indeed power in the drugs he sold, and the charms and spells he cast, he replied with his sardonic smile: "In the little phial I gave to yonder love sick maid who hath but just left us there was naught but a little water and some drops of a powerful drug, which soothes the nerves and calms the brain, and produces that pleasing sensation of repose which is the first essential to the thorough enjoyment of amorous thoughts. But that phial and its contents have been subjected to my magnetic influence, and have absorbed so much of my personality that they now form a focus to which my thoughts can travel, as on a slender thread of magnetic communication. I can thus project my will unto the person who has drunk of my drug, and I can cause him or her to feel the sensations I desire they should feel, in a greater or 5 8 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN less degree, according as I am able to enter into their sphere, and then in very truth they will exhibit those emotions which I have desired that they should show; they will feel sorry or glad, ill or well, at my bidding." And with his amulets and charms it was the same. In them there would be certain chemical properties calculated to assist the effects he desired, but it was the intellect and powerful will of the Sorcerer himself which gave them their strongest virtue. The powerful magnetism of a man like Jelal-ud-din once imparted to a wand or ring or other article will remain so long as the object lasts in an entire state, or until a more potent influence is brought to bear upon it. It is this magnetic influence which constitutes the peculiar virtue of these charms, because it makes of the object so magnetised a powerful focus of attraction for a number of Astral creatures of every kind. These, being once attracted to the object, cling to it, much as iron does to loadstone, and the possessor of one of the magic (or magnetic) charms can, if he but possess the requisite knowledge, use the Astral beings who have been brought under the dominion of the original possessor's influ ence to carry out any desire which he, the actual holder of the charm, may wish. Many a time have I beheld these phantasmal beings hovering around Jelal-ud-din and myself as we sat poring over ancient parchments which he had obtained from the archives of Magi cians who had long since passed from their earthly bodies, bi}t whose magnetic influence still clung around these embodiments of their thoughts and studies. But as I only beheld these Astral beings dimly, and as the explanations of their nature and powers which Jelal-ud-din gave me were mixed with a good deal of error as well as much truth, I shall reserve my account of them till the second half of my story, when I myself beheld them with the clear unveiled eyes of the spirit, and learned how difficult was the attempt to study them from the mortal side of life, where the earthly envelope imposes so many restrictions on the sight and hearing of the Soul.* It is not given to many mortals to behold these Astral forms of life at all. The faculty which would enable man to do so is seldom found in more than the germ state during the life of the Soul in the spheres of that planet upon which it has found incar nate life. Many Spirits who have passed the first stage of earthly *See note I as to obsessions. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 59 existence cannot even perceive them. They assure those mortals with whom they communicate that such forms of life do not exist, their limited knowledge (and ignorance that it is limited) prevent ing them from realizing that a still more etherealized form of sight than they, even as Spirits, possess, may be needful to show these things which are invisible to them even as the things of the Spirit World are invisible to mortal eyes. To behold clearly, and to judge truly, the nature of these aerial phantoms of the astral plane requires a peculiar and very irksome process of development, which few mortals would care to undergo, while fewer still possess the needful qualities of super-refined Soul-sight. That which has been denominated "Astral matter" exists not alone in the spheres around the planets but extends through all the Universe, constituting in fact a hitherto unrecognized element of that Universe. The term "Astral matter" (so called for lack of a better word to express the difference between Spiritual and Material matter), is used to describe that coarsest and most gross form of Astral Life found in the Earth Plane and in close prox imity to material life, whose elements mix largely in the formation of those Astral bodies which form a second shell, as one may say, to the Soul, during its life on Earth and on the Earth Plane. This gross form of Astral Life being mixed largely with physical atoms may be, and often is, perceived by clairvoyants of a low degree of power, and being thus seen is often mistaken for the true Soul- envelopes of those who have passed from Earth life, and who may even have passed to the second sphere, leaving this Astral shell to disintegrate alone. Jelal-ud-din and those great teachers of the occult under whom he had spent many years in patient study, were only able to search into the mysteries of this intermediate race of beings with the imperfect powers of their earth-encumbered Spirits, and although they learned much concerning those beings, who ap proach most closely in their constitution to man himself, they were yet ignorant of the more subtle, more refined, and more intellectually created Astrals who constitute the REAL danger attending the intercourse of man and these semi-human powers. He who would seek to make them his slaves, and to use them as tools for the furtherance of his own selfish purposes, should under stand all the laws, many and complex as they are, which regulate the existence of such beings; and who so tries to control them without such perfect knowledge is like a man who sleeps sur- 60 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN rounded by deadly explosives, that a single chance spark may ignite and cause his utter destruction. A perfect understanding of these Spiritual laws, wherein lies man's safety from the assaults of these Astral powers, can only be gained in the spheres of Spirit life, and it is therefore never safe for Mortals to attempt in any way to control these Beings. Those who have done so in the past have, sooner or later, in Earth or Spirit life, paid to the full the dread penalty of their temerity. CHAPTER X DRIFTING DOWNWARDS As soon as darkness approached Jelal-ud-din and I began our studies. He would draw around us with his magic wand certain figures of triangles, circles, and other devices, till we were walled in by an invisible barrier against our invisible foes. As my clair voyant powers developed I perceived that from the point of his black wand a faint blue flame of spiritual ether flowed as he traced out each figure. The degree of materiality possessed by this flame being in exact proportion to that of the Astral beings around us, served to keep them beyond its barrier, for Jelal-ud-din traced upon the ceiling, as upon the floor, his mystic circles, so that these two walls of flame, spreading downwards and floating upwards, formed a cage of spiritual fire within which we sat secure, while outside prowled, like wild beasts of prey, those strange and hor rible creatures which the powerful magnetism generated during our experiments attracted, as moths are attracted to the flame of a candle. The faint blue flames would glimmer around us till day dawned, when the glorious purifying rays of the sun would illuminate the Earth and put to flight those creatures of darkness and night. While surrounded by our circles of mystic fire I would behold many visions, and more than once did I see the face of the woman \\h>se charms had so entranced my senses. But although I strove with all my powers to discover who she was and where she lived, no sign was ever given to guide me to her, although every- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 61 thing I saw tended to prove the reality of her existence. To my inquiries Jelal-ud-din would reply that when he consulted the stars on my behalf the result was ever the same, and showed that the hour of my meeting with her was not yet come, that it was indeed some distance away. "As yet" said he, "she doth appear to me as a maid of tender years; thou hast beheld her as she will be when thou dost meet. But rest tranquil, oh, most impatient youth ! Possess thy Soul in patience, for thou canst no more hurry on the hands upon the dial of events than thou canst delay them, and at the appointed time shall thy destiny and hers be fulfilled." Neither was he able to explain those other visions which he had caused me to see. It was one thing to will that the future should be shadowed out before me, and another to rightly inter pret the meaning of the things I saw. Thus in following out first one branch and then another of mystic lore did time glide on for us so swiftly that four years passed ere I had well marked its flight. Each day I sank more com pletely under the dominion of Jelal-ud-din's will; each day did I hesitate less and less at following his example and his counsels, even when in my heart I knew them to be evil. From the first some instinct had whispered to me to beware of this man, but I put aside the warning voice and allowed myself to deteriorate more and more under his influence. I had never learned the lessons of self-control and self-restraint, and if I desired a thing I did not hesitate to possess myself of it. In the Temple my nature had been repressed and crushed : in no respect taught and trained. That knowledge of myself and of the consequences which result from our own actions, which might have served as a certain restraint upon the too exuberant passions of my youth, had never been given to me. My life with the robbers of the Hills had not tended to elevate my moral perceptions, and the teachings of Jelalud-din were still less calculated to do so. He, for certain rea sons of his own, desired above all thing to degrade me to his own level, and I had no shield with which to resist the temptations with which he assailed me. As I sank downwards so did he unmask yet more and more his real character, and show me first one dark plague spot and then another. The vices of gluttony and drunk enness did not tempt either of us; but are there not other vices even more degrading? The secret habits we indulged in at this time were such as to lower us below the level of the irresponsible brutes, even while the cultivation of our intellectual powers enabled us 62 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN to control the services of those Earth-bound Spirits, and those denizens of the Astral Plane, whose moral condition placed them on as low a level as ourselves. Thus did my evil genius drag me down with him, till we had well nigh sunk into the pit of corruption together. I had become almost like a machine in the hands of this man; he had but to command and I obeyed. He would bid me behold certain things, or visit certain places, and if it was within the limits of that sphere to which I had sunk, I would at once pass into the trance state and give him the desired information. My mind and my body at last became alike enfeebled by the constant strain put upon them, and I made ever a fainter resist ance to the influence of Jelal-ud-dln. Let no one ever resign the sovereignty of himself, his mind or body, into the hands of another, be he Priest or layman. For a man's freedom is his Divine Prerogative, and he who yields it to another is more abject than the lowest slave. CHAPTER XI THE SECRET OF JELAL-CD-DIN It was in the beginning of the fifth year of my residence with Jelal-ud-din that I learned at last the real reason why he had sought me out, and had directed all his ingenuity to bringing me down to a spiritual level with himself. I had soon learned that he had lived for a number of years far beyond the bounds of the ordinary space alloted to man, but I did not guess that he no longer found the means he had previ ously used for this end capable of producing the desired effo t. and that each day he was growing more feverishly anxious to learn the secret of their failure. I had observed from the first a very curious change which passed over Jelal-ud-dln at times, and which of late had thrown much more marked. In the early morning he would appear fresh and young looking, but as evening drew on he would graduually change, growing years older in appearance in a few hours; his THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 63 hands in particular greatly showed the appearance of age, grow ing withered, shrunken, and yellow as old parchment, such as one sees in the hands of very old people; for it is a strange fact that the hands will show age even when the face remains com paratively young. In the fourth year of my residence with the Sorcerer this change instead of only coming on occasionally, began to appear almost every day, and his face would even grow haggard and old while I was looking at him. On such occasions he would at once dismiss me, and shut himself up alone for some hours, reappear ing with his youth again restored. Yet I could see that he was daily consumed with a growing anxiety on the subject. At last one day as we were sitting together his head fell forward suddenly, his body shrank and shrivelled up into the semblance of a mummy rather than a man, while the change which passed over his face was so ghastly and horrible that I shrank back in horror and alarm. He could not speak, but he signed to me with his old imperiousness of manner to leave the room, while the foam of passion gathered upon his lips, and his hands were clinched together in an agony of helpless wrath as he sank upon the floor. So great was my subjection to him that I did not venture to remain and offer to help him, but I hovered about outside, till I heard a scratching, scraping noise, followed by my master's voice speaking in faint and feeble tones to some invisible Beings; then, as the voice grew stronger, I strode away to my room. I did not venture down for some hours, and when I did so I found Jelal-ud-din seated on his cushions and looking once more like his former self, save for a certain haggard drawn look on his face, and a nervous twitching of his hands. "Ahrinziman," said he, "I regret that thou shouldst have seen me under the influence of that strange mishap, but it may be that after all it will help thee the better to understand what I desire to tell thee. Thou hast been for four years my companion and pupil. To thee have I confided secrets I have shown to no other mortal, and therefore I would confide to thee yet another secret more precious than any thou hast yet learned. "Thou knowest that I have already lived far beyond the limits of the life lived by ordinary men, but thou dost not know that five centuries have passed since first mine eyes opened to the light of Earth. In those years I have renewed again, and ever yet again, the vital fluid which holds together the atoms of the mortal body; 64 THE STORY OF AHRINZINAN thus have I kept at bay the cold clutch of Death, whose icy hand doth separate the Spirit from its covering and send it forth to I know not what dark depths of Hell. For those who have dared, as I and thou also to lift aside the veil which hides the darkest secrets of Ahriman and his Angels, there awaits upon the black shores of Death's stream many a vengeful fiend whose power we have defied, and whom I at least have subjected to my will and made my slave, but to whom I myself may become sub ject when I enter those realms where they, and not I, shall reign supreme. Judge then^ if such as I am dare to die? Think, whether unto me all means are not lawful whereby I may retain my hold upon this earthly body that serves as my shield against these evil powers with which I have tampered, and whom I have defied? Wonder not that I seek from thee, Oh! my worthy pupil, the help which thou alone canst give. I have trained thee for four years; thou dost behold now that sphere wherein lies the knowl edge I desire, and to-night thou and I must seek it together. I cannot longer delay the time. I can no further prepare thee, for each day I lose more rapidly the vitality I have acquired, and each time that I consult the stars I perceive that the span of my life has shortened by many days. The means I have used successfully for many years of the past have begun to fail me now. I lose my life forces more rapidly than I can renew them. Something is required that was not required at first, and thou must find out for me what that element is. To night, as I have said, we shall seek for it. Meanwhile do thou gaze into yonder black mirror again, and let the invisible ones around us show thee what shall be the outcome of our experiment; shall success or failure be my fate?" His eyes glittered as he said this, with the glare of a hungry wolf that would fain tear in pieces anything whose destruction might give him the desired food, and I thought within myself he would have slain a hundred men if he could but extract one pre cious drop of Life from each. I recoiled from him, and took up the mirror as he commanded, and waited while the mist passed over its face. "What dost thou behold?" cried my Master impatiently. "I see," said I, "naught but a black cloth or curtain. I see every fold of its drapery, but it rises not to show me anything behind." "Oh! Powers of Ahriman!" cried Jelal-ud-d!n in a voice of entreaty, "Oh! Ye Angels of the Dark Spheres whom I have THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 65 served ! Raise, I pray thee, but one corner of this veil, that we may know the secret thou dost hide, and learn whether life or death is hid behind that veil for me. Ahrinziman, look yet again, dost thou behold yet nothing?" I looked steadily at the mirror, yet the vision changed not. No corner of the black curtain was raised, and I told Jelal-ud-din so. And even as I did so the curtain itself faded out, leaving no picture there. In vain I waited; nothing more appeared. Jelal-ud-din wrung his hands in bitter disappointment. Then rousing himself he said: "Be it even so, since the Oracles are dumb to me. I must be patient till to-night. I shall send Taki a two days' journey from the city, that he may not spy upon us, and then thou and I together will wrest from the Powers of Darkness this secret that they so jealously guard from mine eyes. Go thou and seek repose, that thou mayest gather up all thy powers, for, methinks, that curtain which they have shown is the symbol of silence, and they will answer no questions that we ask now." I bowed low to my Master and left the room. But although I said nothing to him, I had my own thoughts as to the meaning of the vision. For to me the curtain had not seemed like unto the curtain of silence, but rather it resembled to my eyes a Funeral Pall. CHAPTER XII THE ANGEL OF DARKNESS As soon as the black slave Taki had fairly started on his jour ney, and it grew dark, Jelal-ud-din took me into the garden, and leading me to the fountain showed me where he kept his treasure and some of his most valuable manuscripts concealed. For he had always the fear that some day his house might be attacked, and he himself glad of a hiding place for his wealth as well as his person. Those who engage in such practices as Jelal-ud-din make of necessity many enemies, who would be only too glad of an excuse to attack and plunder them. 66 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN My Master first drained all the water out of the marble basin, and then showed me how to raise one of the large squares that paved the bottom. We saw before us a narrow flight of steps, and on descending them I found myself in a small oblong chamber like a vault. Here were a number of iron bound chests of very massive construction, which evidently held the wealth which the Sorcerer had accumulated during his extraordinary life. In other chests of lighter make there were a number of parchment rolls. Jelal-ud-dm took out three of these rolls, and then with my assist ance carried up one of the massive chests into the house, taking the precaution, however, to close the stone before we left the fountain. The weight of the chest rather surprised me as we brought it in, and the contents surprised me still more, for it appeared to be full of large lumps of heavy metal, like a mixture of lead and silver. These my Master put into a large smelting pot over a small furnace in his room, and as soon as the mass became molten he poured it into a large mould. All the time it was melting he continued to chant, in a low, monotonous voice, an incantation, as I imagined, to those Powers of Evil whose aid he sought. Having made all arrangements for cooling the metal which he had poured into the mould, he led me up the narrow stairs to the tower, saying that those whom he had summoned to his aid him must be left to do their task alone. Having reached the tiny chamber at the top of the tower he drew the heavy hangings across the openings of the windows, and having thus shrouded us in darkness he bade me look at his hands and tell him what colors were visible to my clairvoyant sight as emanating from them. "Each color which thou wilt see doth show the presence of certain essences which go to form the complete life fluid, by whose agency the particles of the body are held together. If they are all equally balanced then is the life force strong and vigorous, but if any are faint and pale then will the body exhibit signs of disease, and if any of them fail altogether, so that the spectrum becomes incomplete, then must death follow within a brief period, for each element is needful to hold the whole in combination. I am con scious that one or more of these elements is wanting in a great degree to myself; which ones I cannot myself discover. Do thou look then and tell me." For some moments I could behold nothing. The extreme THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 67 darkness made it impossible to see with my physical eyes, and for a short time my clairvoyant sight seemed gone from me. After about half an hour of anxious watching I began to see a faint cloud of mist hovering around the place where Jelal-ud-din stood. This grew into two long tongues of parti-colored flames, which seemed to pour out of his extended hands. The complete rainbow- band was visible, on the top the blue-white light was a mere thread, while the crimson at the foot was as a wide torrent of flame. The blue was small, and the gold mixed with dark streaks, like a stream that has become muddy.* Jelal-du-din's delight was great when he found that I could see this. It seemed to revive his drooping hopes and renew his courage. "Behold," said he, "thy gifts are of a great and priceless value, Ahrinziman. Many seers have I tried, but none could behold this vital rainbow with such clearness as thou hast done. Many see it in part, but few indeed can subdivide those parts into dis tinct threads of color. Some behold only the prevailing color of each individual person whose spectrum they can discern; few can recognize that all colors must be present in the aura of every man, or else he would die. They see the prevailing colors and think that is all there is to see, and that therefore the full rainbow is not present in all animated nature. Do thou rest passive now, while I ask a yet further test from thy powers." *The life of Man is sustained by a fine etheric fluid composed of three elements the animistic or mental life essence the astral fluid or magnetism of the intermediate magnetic plane between soul and body and the aura or aroma of the physical plane the material essence of physical organic life. The blending of these three constitute the perfect psychic or mediumistic nature! an unequal proportion of any of the three causes a certain disturbance in the equilibrium which renders the mortal either too sensitive or too irresponsive to spiritual influences. The whole process of materialisation and de-materialisation depends on the balancing of the three elements and their action on one another. Thus one who has a superflow of the magnetic fluid may cause objects to move around him without contact and yet cannot help spirits to appear in material form; again one with a strong mental essence but a deficiency of the other may see and hear the visitants of the other plane or project themselves into other planes yet cannot cause the materialisation of any psychic body. Yet put the two extremes together and add the soul essence and aromal essence to them and you can create life in the physical form instantly. But the permanence of such a material apparition will depend entirely on the amount of soul essence with which you can endow your creation. F. W. THURSTAN, M. A. 68 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN He now approached me and drew some figure upon the floor in front of where I stood, and I saw the blue flame as it flowed from his wand tracing it in lines of light. Then he made some passes over me, and the flames of crimson fire which flowed from his fingers seemed to scorch my brain, and cause a stupor to pass over me, and numb my limbs, till I grew fixed rigidly to the spot whereon I stood. And as in a dream, yet a dream with all my faculties in fullest consciousness, I heard Jelal-ud-din call upon the Angel of Darkness to appear. The tower seemed to rock with an earthquake. A rolling, rushing noise as of an approaching army of the Unseen was heard and I saw a brilliant Star of Crimson Fire pass through the roof and rest upon the floor. From its heart there arose the figure of a man: a tall majestic man, clothed from head to foot in a long black mantle. He seemed to rise and rise before me, till he stood a dark, distinct figure surrounded by rays of fire. He drew aside the covering from his head and face, and I beheld once more the fearful countenance of that Angel of Darkness I had seen on my first visit to Jelal-ud-din. I was so completely entranced that I could not move even an eyelid, but I could see and hear all that passed, and I knew that the Ik-ing who stood before me now was no mere vision reflected to me from the face of a magic mirror, but the actual Spirit him self, clothed with a materiality that would have made him visible to any mortal sight, surrounded as he was by that dull glow of crimson li.^ht. As Jelal-ud-din prostrated himself before him, the Dark Angel said in a low, deep tone: "Thou hast summoned me, and lo! I am here. What dost thou desire of me?" "Oh, Great Spirit! Powerful Angel! I ask from Thee the boon of a yet longer life on Earth, and I conjure Thee, by the many years in which I have served Thee, that thou shouldst reveal to me what are the means whereby I can attain the boon." "Art thou certain that the life of Earth is so sweet a thing that thou hast no other desire than to prolong it?" said the Angel, fixing his sombre eyes on Jelal-ud-din's fa "Yea," answered the Sorcerer humbly, "Yea, above all things do I desire it, for I know what the life of mortality is, but who can paint to me the life of that unknown World beyond the Tomb." "It is enough," answered the Angel. " In so far as lies in my THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 69 power I grant thee thy petition. But know, oh man of Earth, that Life and Death are not within my power to give. Neither Angel nor Mortal can bestow that, since they are the gifts of the one Supreme Being alone, before whose almighty will the angels of the Light and Dark Spheres alike must bow. What I can give to thee is the knowledge of the means whereby life may be sus tained, and thou thyself must use them to the appointed end, be it for good or evil unto thee." He struck the floor thrice with his foot as he spoke, and where his foot had rested I perceived a small thick roll of parchment rise, as though it rose through the floor. To this he pointed, saying: "Read thou that scroll and follow the directions it gives thee, and thou shalt hold within thy grasp the secret which means Life or Death for thee. I bid thee not 'farewell,' oh, Jelal-ud-din, my worthy servant ! for I foresee that we shall meet again ere long." He drew his mantle once more over his face, then extending his arms like wings above his head, the Dark Angel seemed to rise and soar from the tower, till the black clouds of night shrouded him from sight. I awoke from my trance, to behold Jelal-ud-din thrusting the precious roll within his robe, jealously guarding it even from my eyes. "Oh, Ahrinziman!" he cried in a tone of great exultation, "thou art indeed of priceless value to me. Little did I ever hope that such success as this would crown my researches. Dost thou know that this scroll I have received is in the veritable writing of the greatest Master of our magic art that ever lived? It hath been said that when at last, weary of the life of Earth, he laid himself down to die, he made those around him vow to place this papyrus roll between his dead hands and bury it with him in the tomb, that none might learn the secret he had discovered. It was also said that this man had discovered the grave of Adam, the forefather of all mankind, and that in the same grave where rest fhe bones of Adam this great Magician was laid to rest. Vainly have I and others sought for this tomb, that we might possess our selves of the secret of life which the dead Master held within his dead hands. Yet ever in vain have we sought it, for who knoweth where is the grave of Adam, and how should one discover what so powerful a Magician desired to keep secret? And now, behold in mine own hands I hold this mystic scroll, and thou and I to gether shall test its virtues to-night. Thou art worthy of great 7 o THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN recompense, Ahrinziman, for by thy power was the Angel able to manifest himself to me. For years have I held communion with him, yet was it ever imperfectly. His words came to me as thoughts, whose meanings I could but guess. To-night for the first time he hath spoken in the direct voice unto me, and for the first time I have beheld him clearly. And, Oh ! most precious gift of all, he hath given unto me this wondrous scroll. Verily, Ahrin ziman, thou shall choose from my treasure chests such riches as thou dost desire, and I will show thee the secrets of many won drous things. But come, let us descend, for the work of the Dark Spirits will now be finished in the chamber below, and we have yet much to do ere day shall dawn." We accordingly returned to the Sorcerer's room, where we found the large smelting cauldron, which he had cast from the rough lumps of metal in the box, ready now for use. The exhila ration of my Master was so great, and his excitement so keen, I scarcely knew him, and I thought unto myself that it was no good omen of success; for when our hopes are highest is oft the time when misfortune is nearest to our hand, and an exaggeration of expectancy, like unto Jelal-ud-din's is most oft the fore-runner of a great disaster. Jelal-ud-din trimmed carefully his lamp, and placed it on the table beside him. Then, having first thrown certain herbs into the cauldron, and added some chemicals from hermetically sealed jars which he had brought from the vault beneath the fountain, he placed the whole mixture over the fire in the brazier, and bade me watch for one hour that it did not stop simmering, while he himself sat down to read the precious papyrus scroll. For about an hour he read on, and as I watched him from time to time I saw his face change its expression from one of expecta tion to doubt and even fear, while he glanced over at me uneasily, lowering his eyes the moment they met mine, as though he dared not meet my questioning gaze. Yet as often as I looked up I would find him regarding me again with the same curious uneasy expression. At last he rose, and thrusting the scroll within his bosom, approached the fire, and having tested the contents of the cauldron declared that it had reached the first complete stage of preparation. He therefore transferred it to another vessel suitable for distilling the liquid, and as it rose in steam let it fall drop by drop into a golden bowl beside the fire. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 71 Jelal-ud-din now proceeded to trace anew upon the floor his protecting wall of Spiritual fire, and threw a handful of sweet scented powder into the brazier. As the smoke arose from it I saw a grey misty shape recoil from the precious cauldron, and with a gesture of menace disappear. As I told Jelal-ud -din this he gave a sigh of intense relief, saying: "I did not behold yonder shape, yet I sensed his presence, and I knew that were he to touch the golden bowl all our labor would be wasted. I was too long absorbed in the reading of that scroll, and had well nigh suffered one of the evil Spirits to break in upon us. See, now, as this mixture distills I will tell thee why it was that I left the metal pot to be manipulated by the Dark Spirits who wait upon me. As I left it, it was but made by mortal hands, and would have held only the material part of these ingredients I put in it. The Spiritual essence that I desire above all things to preserve would have escaped. The Elixir of Life would have evaporated. Thus did I leave the Spirits of Darkness to work upon the pot, and make it suitable for our work of darkness. Each time that cauldron is made use of it must be destroyed and cast afresh. Thrice already have I thus used it who knoweth how many more times I shall do so? "Ahrinziman, do thou withdraw a little from me for a time; sit yonder, near the window, for I have that to do which I must do alone, and at the right moment I shall again summon thee to draw near and lift the vessel down with me." He spoke in a voice of constraint, and again avoided meeting my eyes, while his hands trembled as with an ague as he signed to me to withdraw. His manner also had changed. The state of exhilaration had passed, and he looked haggard and anxious and ill at ease. I withdrew to near the heavily curtained window and seated myself upon some cushions, to watch the 'progress of events, sus pecting strongly that my Master did not desire that I should behold all he did, although he required my presence in the room. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER XIII MY ANGEL OF LIGHT Nearly an hour passed. Jelal-ud-din hung all the time over the precious pot and its contents, scarce turning to look at me, but muttering strange incantations from time to time, and making with his wand mystic figures in the air, or throwing fresh scented powder into the brazier. He seemed to be absorbed in his experi ment, and almost oblivious of my presence. My clairvoyant sight seemed unusually clear, for I beheld around us more dis tinctly than ever, the cloudy phantoms of the Astral Plane, who seemed to float around the room and pass through the walls and ceiling and rise up through the floor as though the solid masonry had been a barrier of water or of air. Only the ring of magic fire kept them away from us, and as the precious liquid simmered in the vessel they appeared to gather in ever thickening clouds, pressing forward upon one another until those next the flaming ring were almost forced through it by the pressure from behind. How shall I describe the multiform variety of strange, grotesque and horrible creatures that I saw? Some large, and towering like giant phantoms over all the rest; others, winged like unto a mixture of men and dragons; creatures that resembled wild beasts in their bodies, yet had the faces of men; imps and dwarfs; some all huge heads with scarce any bodies; others, all large bloated bodies and no heads. Phantoms that were in all respects like unto men and women, yet of bodies so unsubstantial that they seemed to dissolve like smoke wreaths, and then form into shape again. Beings that were like all the fantastic creations of man's wandering thoughts, and yet possessing each its own individuality, its curious resemblance to the human type. WiM and horrible looking human Spirits, Earth-bound and miserable, mingled with this phantom throng, and fought with them in a fierce desire to approach and grasp this precious essence of Life. Huge misty shapes drew near, like and yet unlike to men, and hovered like brooding Spirits of Evil around the fiery ring. Here THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 73 and there a head or arm, a foot or face, would suddenly receive materiality from the powerful atmosphere of material magnetism which we had generated around us, and vivified with the emana tions from the precious Life-giving Elixir; and with the material ity this head or foot or face would become distinct and visible to Jelal-ud -din's sight as well as to mine, causing him to re-double his precautions and replenish his wavering circle of fire, through which the wild Phantom horde threatened at every moment to burst in a great torrent of destroying fiends of Darkness. Distant rumbling as of thunder resounded above us and approached us, as fresh and yet ever fresh hordes of black Spirits gathered round. The house appeared to rock and sway with the assaults of this mighty multitude of unknown foes, and as time passed on, and drop by drop of the precious mixture fell into the golden bowl, the excitement around us seemed to approach a climax, and each moment, methought, would be our last. And now a change passed over the vital fluid distilling into the golden bowl. A crimson cloud arose above it, then changed into rose color, and faded into a delicate pink; then changed again to violet and lilac, then into blue, green and yellow, and lastly into silver and white, till a glow as of a rainbow cloud hung above the mystic jar containing it. At this moment I became conscious that in the darkness of the curtains where I sat there gleamed a Star a faint Star, yet there it shone ! And as I turned to gaze at it I saw again my Angel of Light, unseen through all the long years since my childhood, but visible again at last. She looked not however as I had seen her before, radiant and bright, her robes glittering with Silver Stars. She was dim and misty, as though I beheld her through a cloud of mist. Her face, too, was sad. Her eyes looked as though she wept. Her long garments seemed to cling to her, as though drenched with her own tears. She held out her arms to me im ploringly, and beckoned to me to come. And I arose to follow her, for I could not resist the pleading of her looks, and my heart was stirred at the sight of her by the old passionate feeling of love and longing to clasp her to my heart. I forgot the experiments. I had well nigh forgotten Jelal-ud-din, as I rose to follow my White Angel from that dread room of mys tery and fear. As I raised a corner of the curtain to pass out, I looked back. There stood Jelal-ud-din, bending like an old, old man as he 74 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN stooped over the precious golden bowl, almost filled now with the drops of life-giving fluid. His hands were out-stretched like the claws of a bird of prey that waits to clutch its expected food. His eyes were fixed with greedy expectancy upon the last few drops as they slowly fell one by one into the bowl. He seemed lost to all thoughts but the one great thought of self-preservation. Above his head floated the rainbow cloud, around him glimmered the ring of pale blue flame, and outside the fierce Phantoms fought like maniacs in their frantic efforts to break through. I dropped the curtain and passed out, impelled by a power stronger than my sense of fidelity to Jelal-ud-clin, stronger than any influence I had yet felt, and followed the figure of my White Angel as she led me on, floating before me, her head half turned to see that I still followed, until we reached the place where my horse was stabled. There she paused, and pointing to the door, vanished from my sight. CHAPTER XIV THE MAGIC SCROLL As my White Angel disappeared I remembered my Master, and full of remorse at having thus abandoned him I hurried back to the house. As I entered the room I saw that the mystic circles of flame had died out, although the fire still burnt in the brazier, and by its light I saw that the vessel for distilling the Elixir lay on the floor; near it lay the golden bowl, overturned and empty, save for a single drop of the Golden Fluid. Beside it lay the Sorcerer him self dead. It did not need that I should look at his distorted limbs, twisted and contorted in all the agonies of a violent death; at his eyes, starting from their sockets and staring in wide open fear of some unknown thing of terror; at his half open mouth from which the swollen tongue protruded, and from which some drops of black blood oozed, to tell me that he was past all human aid. His robe had fallen back from one arm, which was bent above his head as if though to ward off an attack. On the bare wrist were THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 75 the marks of giant fingers, scorched and burnt into the flesh like the marks from a hot iron; and on his throat were marks of a similar hand, which had evidently strangled him. I drew back from the fearful sight in horror and remorse, and my first thought was to fly from the accursed place. Then I bethought me of the Sorcerer's many valuable manuscripts, con taining in some of them knowledge that was of priceless value, and not all evil, embodying as it did the patient researches of many years of labor in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, and I knew that so soon as Jelal-ud-din's death should be discovered his house would be pillaged and his papers destroyed or carried away. I resolved, therefore, to place them for safety in the vault beneath the fountain, until opportunity was afforded to me to take them away. I accordingly put as many of them as I could there, taking with me three, which I knew referred only to the practice of the medical art. I also took with me the black wand and the magic mirror. Having gathered up my own possessions, which were in my room, together with some gems of value which Jelal-ud-din had at various times given to me, I returned to the room where the dead man lay, and was about to leave the house when my eyes fell upon the rapidly stiffening figure of the unfortunate Sorcerer, and I thought that I would throw a cover over the ghastly face. I could not bring myself to touch him, to close those staring eyes or straighten those twisted limbs, but as I took up one of the tiger skins to place over him I saw the papyrus scroll within the bosom of his robe, and filled with curiosity to read its secret, I drew it out and thrust it into my girdle. As I did so I could not but notice that the same extraordinary change which had once at least, to my knowledge, passed over the living body of the Magi cian had come over it now. Since I had first beheld it the dead body had begun to shrink and shrivel up. The yellow skin hung in a thousand creases on the shrunken frame. The look of age was beyond anything one could imagine, and in that shrivelled withered form it was difficult to recognize Jelal-ud-din. It was as though he was turning into dust before my eyes, and I wondered as I looked down upon him whether there would be more than a heap of bones, a little dust and a pile of clothing, by the time the black slave Taki returned and his master's death was discovered. It was as though the Earth was claiming all at once the decaying body of which it had been so long defrauded. 76 THE STORY OF AHRNIZIMAN As I turned away and left the dead Magician amidst the para phernalia of his mystic art, which had proved so powerless to save him from the grim hand of Death, I felt as if the spell which had hung over me for four years was broken at last, and I had awak ened as from a dream, restored to my freedom of will once more. It appeared as though a sudden access of life and vigor filled my veins. The strange lassitude that had of late oppressed me with a feeling of having all my limbs weighed down by invisible weights, and which deprived me of the energy to think or plan for myself, was gone. I felt once more that I could do or dare, not as the tool of another, but as one who fights and labors for himself. As I passed into the grey light of morning I thought of that other morning four years before, when I had come from my first visit to Jelal-ud-din in that house of darkness, and passed into the clear light of the dawning day; and I questioned within myself whether the knowledge I had gained had indeed been worth the price I had paid for it, resolving, as I thought over all these things, that I would turn to a good use on behalf of my fellow men the wisdom I had learned amidst so much evil. Having saddled my horse I lost no time in quitting the city, for I knew that under the circumstances of Jelal-ud-din's death, at a time when he and I had been alone together, it would be im possible to convince any one that I was innocent of his murder, and I resolved to put a wide space between myself and the dead man before the death should be discovered. I rode onward, avoiding all villages and towns, till night fell, when I encamped upon a rocky eminence, and lighted a fire with brushwood to keep away the beasts of prey which prowled around. I did not venture to sleep, although I was growing terribly fatigued by the excitement and the exertions of the past day and night, but I lay down beside my horse, and drawing the papyrus roll from my girdle resolved to keep myself awake by reading it, which, thanks to my studies with Jelal-ud-din, I was able to do. It began by setting forth the various means by which the vital fluid could be renewed, and in what substances it could be found in the purest state. Then it gave some directions for extracting it, and went on to explain, that for those who had already renewed their span of life to thrice the period alloted unto man it required a stronger and yet ever stronger degree of power in the vital Eilxir to enable the atoms of the body to hold together. It then went on to say that, as with each renewal of life the crumbling body THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 77 required yet more and more of the vitality to be incessantly poured into it as food, the writer advised that either the fast decaying body should be abandoned and a fresh body from which the lawful Spirit owner had been ejected, should be taken possession of, or else that some young and vigorous person, in whose veins the blood yet coursed warm and red and full of vitality, should be kept in close proximity to the seeker after perpetual life, in order that the young fresh life should feed with its magnetism the one whose body was old, and thus save it from the too rapid waste of the precious fluid it had absorbed. "Or," said the manuscript, "if thou dost prefer it, thou seeker after endless life, thou canst suck as a vampire-spirit the life from many a slumbering mortal, returning to thine own mortal cover ing ere dawn to renew its life with the life thou hast thus gained. Yet beware that you dost not try this means of sustaining life after thou hast for the fifth time drunk of the great Elixir, for by the time thou hast tasted of it for the fifth time thou canst no more with safety leave thy crumbling shell, else will it turn into swift decay and leave thy Spirit without mortal covering. There be some that claim that they can construct anew a body for them selves. Yea, and it is even so. Yet this body will hold together for so brief a space of time it were not possible to cling to Earth by such means. From time to time the Spirit may manifest itself through such a body, but it can enjoy none of the pleasures of the Earth life while in it, since all its efforts must be directed to preserving it from disintegration. If, then, thou dost desire to live the life of mortal men, then thou must steal a body from an other, or else steal from many the mortal life-essence which shall sustain thine own. "There is yet a third and darker way by which those who find they cannot possess themselves of the body of another may yet steal from him his young, fresh life. Let there be an Elixir made, the strongest and most powerful that can be distilled, and when the rainbow cloud shall form, and the last golden drops fall within the bowl, let the man with strong young life throbbing in all his veins draw near and touch the vessel wherein is contained this strong Elixir, for as the stronger body doth attract the weaker, as the larger draws to it the smaller, as the loadstone draws to it the iron, so will the powerful life within the bowl draw to it the life contained within the mortal body of the youth, and as the mortal body, deprived thus suddenly of its young life, shall sink upon the 78 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN ground, he who can drink at once of the grand Elixir shall absorb both the life that was contained within the body of the youth and that contained in the magic liquid so shall he renew his life for yet another hundred years, or it may be even more. Yet let him beware! The Powers of Darkness are not mocked, for behold *********** I had read so far, and was about to turn the page, when from the darkness of the night there came forth a hand ! A gigantic hand, that terminated at the wrist, which grasped the papyrus scroll and snatched it from my hold, vanishing with it as suddenly as it had appeared. Thus did the secrets it contained remain in greater part a a secret still. But I had read enough. I knew now why Jelal-ud-dtn had been so disturbed by the reading of it, and why he no longer dared to meet my gaze. And I recognized with an emotion of thank fulness the sudden death from which my Angel of Light had saved me. CHAPTER XV I MEET ZULEIKA I made my way through Persia into the Hill country of Afghan istan, and in the city of Herat I took up my abode. I had resolved to practice as a professor of the medical art, and with the knowl edge taught me by Jelal-ud-dln I wrought many successful cures. With the darker mysteries I tampered not, for the horror of my Master's death was yet strong upon me; and although I kept his magic wand and the mirror, and certain other things, I did not use them, and such gifts of Divination as I possessed I used at this time only to aid me in my work of healing those who came to me for help. Ere long I made for myself an honorable reputation, and was sent for by even the highest class of citizens, and for a time I re- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 79 mained quietly and contentedly living as one highly respected and esteemed. And now I bethought myself of taking unto me another wife. I had learned from the manuscripts of Jelal-ud-din how to guard my body when my Spirit should be absent from it, and I had taken occasion to go thus unknown to visit the wife whom I had left among the robber tents in the mountains of Persia. I found her, as I expected, already wed unto my rival Hadji. The old Chief was dead, and Hadji ruled in his stead over the tribe, while Dilferib ruled with no gentle hand over Hadji. I therefore felt myself to be at liberty to find another partner, and began to look round at all the fair maidens whose parents I knew. My idea of love had been somewhat sullied in my life with Jelal-ud-din. Women no longer appeared such sacred divinities to me, and I had begun to despair of ever meeting one who could inspire in my heart a romantic attachment. Little did I dream that the crisis of my life, so far as love was concerned, was so near at hand. There was an Arabian merchant in the city with whom I was somewhat intimate, and on my mentioning my desire to find a wife, he invited me to visit his family. He had, he said, three daugh ters, each of whom was esteemed to be beautiful, and I might choose, if I pleased, one of them. Accordingly I was invited to a feast, after which these maidens were each in turn to unveil before me. The merchant had a niece as well as three daughters, and as the youngest daughter had already set her affections upon a youth, it was agreed among the girls themselves that the niece should quietly take her place without telling the merchant, for as the youngest daughter was considered the most beautiful it was feared that I might select her. The niece, whose name was Zuleika, was the orphan daughter of the merchant's brother, who had settled in Turkey and married a Circassian lady of great beauty but faithless disposition, who had escaped with her lover, leaving behind the little daughter who was their only child. At the father's death this girl had been adopted by the good merchant, Abou Hassan, and brought up with his own daughters. I need not dwell upon the entertainment given to me by the merchant, nor describe the charms of the two elder daughters, whose blushing faces were momentarily unveiled to my eyes with- 8o THE STORY OF AHR1NZIMAN out exciting more than a passing sensation of admiration for their comeliness. The third girl, whom the merchant imagined to be his young est daughter, drew her veil very slightly aside, showing to me a face which surpassed the others in beauty of feature and perfec tion of coloring. But it was not her loveliness which caused the sudden throb of my heart, the quick rush of blood through all my veins, but the fact that as this third maiden unveiled before me I recognized the long sought for face of the girl I had seen in the magic mirror, on that eventful night when I had first visited Jelal- ud-din. CHAPTER XVI MY MARRIAGE WITH ZULEIKA The worthy merchant Abou Hassan was somewhat chagrined when he found that his niece and pot his daughter had been selected to become my wife, and he was angry at the trick which had been played upon him. However, being somewhat of a philosopher, he consoled himself with the reflection that in any case it was well that Zuleika should be provided for, and gave his assent to our union not ungraciously. I pressed for an early marriage, for if the mere reflection of this girl's face projected to me in a mirror had so entranced my senses, her bodily presence had doubly enchained my heart, and I was consumed by the most impatient desire to marry her with as little delay as possible. Of the strange warning against her %vhich her appearance in the mirror had conveyed to me, I thought but little, attributing to the influence of Jelal-ud -din's room all that had conveyed a suggestion of evil in Zuleika herself. She was but a young girl brought up in the strict seclusion of her uncle's home, and it was impossible to look at the guileless innocence of her lovely face, with its modestly drooping dark eyes that would scarce raise themselves to look at me, and still associate a thought of evil with her. No! I felt sure she was an Angel of goodness and purity, THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 81 and I longed with all my soul to hasten the day which should make her my own. The jewels which had been given to me by Jelal-ud-din were, as I have said, of considerable value, and I had thought it as well to part with them to a merchant who dealt in precious stones. I had, moreover, made a good deal of money by the practice of the healing art, so that I was in a position to make my presents to the bride and her family both numerous and costly, and I was accord ingly treated with a corresponding amount of favor. Zuleika herself I did not again behold unveiled, but I was permitted several interviews in the presence of her family, and the impression she had made upon me was, if possible, deepened each time. At last all the many customs and ceremonies attending a mar riage in the East had been complied with and I was permitted to take my bride home to my own house at last. The time which followed was one of such intense happiness, of such an intoxica tion of love, that even now, after all this lapse of time, I sigh as I look back upon it, and would fain, were it but possible, recall again, if but for an hour, the illusions and the bliss of that time. That Zuleika should love me as much as I loved her was not to be ex pected. Only in the perfect union between twin souls is found the perfect unity of love, and Zuleika was in many respects the opposite of my true ideal, although she had so completely usurped the place of it that I could no longer dream of any perfections which were not possessed by her. She was clever, witty, and full of resources. She never palled upon nor wearied me, as poor Dilferib had done. Zuleika seemed to divine my thoughts ere I could utter them, and gratify my wishes when they were but half formed in my own mind. Although ignorant of life, her intuitions were so keen she never appeared awkward or at a loss, even under the most trying circumstances. By nature a coquette, she learnt almost at once the arts by which women enslave men, and make the cleverest and most worldly of us mere puppets in their hands. She was an actress by instinct, and it came more easily and naturally to her to feign an emotion than to feel one, for she was herself incapable of real deep feeling of any kind, save in-as-much as she desired always to enjoy the highest measure of comfort possible for herself. She could not understand the absolute devotion with which I worshipped her, the passionate jealousy I suppressed at beholding her bestow her caresses upon even a pet bird, lest I should be thereby robbed of even a little of the 82 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN love I desired to make all my own. She never guessed how I hungered for her kisses, how I trembled and how my heart heat with the wildest emotion at every touch of her soft hand. Through how many long nights have I lain awake, unable to sleep by reason of the fever of thoughts which burnt like fire in my brain, watch ing her as she lay serenely asleep in my arms, noting every feature of her face, even' shadow of expression, and wondering of what she dreamed, longing with passionate vehemence to know her thoughts, and whether her dreams were of me and of my love. I would have given so much to read her thoughts, and to know what share I had in the emotions of her soul. But although she could read my thoughts, hers were a sealed book to me, of which I could never, with all my powers of divination, read one line. I think there were times when my vehemence bewildered and wearied her. I exacted so much that she grew at last to be some what tired of the endless demands I made upon her love. Her little bits of acting were done listlessly, and in my disappointment and suspicious jealousy I would reproach her with coldness and indifference, till her large, beautiful eyes would regard me in languid astonishment. She was quite happy, why could not I be so? she would ask, and then she would rouse herself to bestow upon me the coveted caress, which for a time removed the cloud from my brow, the suspicion that she was indifferent to me from my heart. I do not think it is ever possible for "natures such as mine to be perfectly happy upon earth, where the clouds of uncertainty, the disappointments and disillusionments that are inseparable from all earthly things, perpetually afford food for jealousy and sus picion, and where the hunger of the heart seldom finds full satis faction. But in spite of many drawbacks I think that during the first years of my union with Zuleika I tasted as full a measure of happiness as ever falls to the lot of mankind; and certainly had I known what the years which followed were to bring to me I should have valued the comparative happiness of that time still more highly than I did. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 83 CHAPTER XVII THE SON OF ARTEMISIA I had been married a little over three years, and although no child had been given to crown my hopes I was too deeply in love with Zuleika to feel this as a great disappointment, dearly as I loved children and greatly as I had desired to have a child of my own. My fame as a physician had spread for many a mile around Herat, and I was sent for by the highest officials of the Court of the Afghan Princes. I was not greatly surprised, therefore, to receive a summons to attend at the Palace, as a young kinsman of the Ameer had been seized with violent convulsions which no one was able to relieve. The Grand Vizier, who was one of my patients, having mentioned my name to the Prince, I was sent for in all haste. On being shown into the chamber where the sufferer lay I found that he was a young man of about my own age, handsome but somewhat effeminate looking, and evidently weak of will. A glance at him showed me that this was no common case of epilepsy, but that the unfortunate Prince was the victim of a form of Demoniac possession, which is far more common than is usually supposed. To my clairvoyant sight it appeared as if a black spirit of a low type was making frequent and violent efforts to withdraw the rightful possessor of the young man's body, and enter into that covering himself, much as one man may forcibly wrench another's cloak from off his shoulders in spite of his efforts at resistance. The fearful contortions of the Prince were caused by the resistance of his half conscious spirit against the would be despoiler. Hastily uttering some words which I had learnt from Jelal-ftd- din, and knew to possess a powerful effect upon spirits of this class, I advanced slowly towards the Prince, keeping my eyes steadily fixed upon the dark being struggling with him, and throwing all the powers of my will into my determination to make THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN him release the young man. The dark being cowered down before me, uttering fearful howls of rage, which, owing to the closeness of the rapport between them seemed to come from the unfortunate young man. As I laid my hand upon him, however, he became suddenly silent, his limbs relaxed and he fell in a dead faint upon the floor, while the dark spirit seemed to crawl like a snake along the floor, wriggling its body away like a reptile. As it withdrew it turned its head and looked at me, seeming to spit out its anger like venom upon me, and showing to my aston ished eyes the face of a black slave. The face and the action were so exactly those of the vision shown me in Jelal-ud-din's mirror, that for half a moment I had almost forgotten the poor patient, till the voice of the Ameer himself recalled me to a recol lection of where I was. A few simple remedies soon restored the young man to his senses, and although terribly exhausted he soon began to regain his strength. In reply to my inquiries, I was told that he had been subject to these attacks for some years, and when under their influence exhibited symptoms which had alarmed and distressed his family so much that they feared for his reason if not for his life, since the last few attacks had reduced him to so terrible a condition of exhaustion it had been feared that each convulsion would prove his death struggle. I was highly praised for my successful treatment, dismissed with a very handsome present, and commanded to visit my patient again the next day. My friend the Vizier assured me, as he conducted me from the room, that my fortune was made, since the young Prince whom I had relieved was no less a person than the only legitimate son of the King of Persia. On visiting my illustrious patient next morning I found him quite recovered, and contrary to his experience after former attacks, very little the worse for the present one, and I was again highly complimented upon my skill. For a week I continued my daily visits, and then was sent for once more in a hurry because the Prince of Persia had been again seized with one of these strange and (to those around him) unac countable fits of convulsions, although on this occasion the seizure was much less violent. As before, I found the cause to be the near approach of the black spirit, who although the influence of my strong will inter- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 85 posed a barrier between him and the Prince that prevented him from again touching him, was yet able to draw near enough to exert a considerable influence over him. Since my first encounter with this dark being I had studied one of Jelal-ud -din's valuable manuscripts, and was therefore better able to deal with the obsessing spirit, whom I quickly banished in a very summary fashion, without throwing the patient into a state of unconsciousness. I was now invited by the Prince to enter his service, and attach myself permanently to his suite, either as a physician or in any other capacity I might prefer. "Surely," said the young Prince, "you have not spent all your days as a student of deep mysteries. Methinks thou hast more the bearing and appearance of a soldier than a follower of that art of healing which seemeth most appropriate to gray hair and slow blood. Thine eyes, my friend, did glisten I noticed as thou beheldest the warriors who paraded before us the other day, and I observed that thou didst sit upon thy steed as one who hath learnt to maintain his seat in the saddle under all difficulties." The blood mounted to my cheek, and the recollections of the wild, free life of the mountains awoke in my mind as I listened to this speech, and I bowed low to the Prince, as I answered proudly, " I have been many things in even my short life, Most Gracious Sire, and methinks I could yet handle a sword and spear in a manner which would not disgrace even a soldier of your Highness. "Wouldst thou then care to follow my fortunes, not only as my trusted physician, but as one of my fighting, men? If so thou hast but to express thy desire and I shall grant it to thee, for of a truth do I feel that I owe my life and my reason unto thy skill, and I would fain reward thee as a Prince should." For one moment I was so delighted at the prospect of an active life and the chance of winning distinction on the field of battle, that I was about to accept the Prince's offer. But I thought of my wife, and of how I was to leave her. How I would have to part from her entirely for a time; and my love and my jealous fears proved stronger even than my ambition. With a low bow, expressive at once of my sense of the honor which the Prince wished to bestow upon me, and of my deep obligation to him, I answered, "Sire, it is with the utmost reluctance that I hesitate to avail myself of the honor p oposed to me. There is 86 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN no career I would desire more than that of arms. But I have ties which bind me more strongly than ambition, and, if your most Gracious Highness will pardon the seeming indifference to the favor offered to me, I would choose rather to continue in my present career, since to follow your Highness through the present campaign I must leave this city of Herat." The Prince frowned, and seemed greatly annoyed by my answer. Princes are not wont to find their favors so coolly re ceived, and he answered coldly, "It is enough, Sir Physician thou art dismissed from our presence." "Oh, Ahrinziman," said my friend the Vizier, in a low voice, as we left the presence chamber, "verily thou wert born under an unlucky star, since thou hast not the wit to avail thyself of the favor of Princes when it is showered upon thee. Who, or what, is this wonderful attraction that keeps thee in Herat, when fortune points the way to Persia?" "It is my wife," said I, unguardedly. "I could not take her with me on the long, forced marches of the Persian army, as they go to quell the revolts in this distant province, and I like not to leave her behind me." "Thy wife," said he, laughing, "if that is all it is not impossible that thou mayest follow the Prince of Persia yet. Surely thou could st arrange for her safety and seclusion in some way?" "I know not," replied I stiffly. "But I have already given my answer to the Prince, and been dismissed by him. The matter is therefore at an end." The Vizier laughed again, and his eyes twinkled slily as he said, "Go to, Ahrinziman, tell thy wife of the offer thou hast refused, and see if she will commend thy devotion to her." As we had now reached the outer door I parted from the Vizier without further remarks, and as I hurried home I resolved to tell Zuleika and see if she were truly pleased to think I was not going to leave her. The Vizier's words had awakened an uneasy suspicion which half slumbered in my mind, and I was by no means too certain that Zuleika would give me the thanks for refusing the Prince's offer which I felt I merited. And the Vizier was right. She heard me with a mixture of surprise and pleasure till I told her how I had refused the pro posed favor and elected to remain in Herat, and then she expressed her disappointment in no measured terms, reproaching me with THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 87 having no ambition, no desire to rise in life and take a position which would raise her as well as myself. "A learned man is all very well in his way, no doubt," added she, "but the practice of healing will never raise thee to the posi tion in the state which thou, as a warrior distinguished by the favor of a Prince, might attain. Thou hast told me oft that in thine early days the practice of arms was familiar to thee. Why then dost thou not avail thyself of so good a chance of adopting war as thy profession, especially as by so doing thou couldst still practice thy healing art upon the person of the Prince, and such of thy comrades as had the ill-luck to be wounded." I was so much offended at this address that I scorned to explain to her my real reason, for I thought she showed but little anxiety about my personal safety, and was somewhat too eager to send me away from her. I was leaving the room in hot anger when she called me back, saying, "Return here, Ahrinziman, thou art so impetuous and so quick of temper I see that thou art offended at my frank speech, and dost think I am careless of thy life. But it is not so. For I deem that thou bearest a charmed life, and I do not fear that even in battle harm would come to thee. Moreover," she added, touching my cheeks and beard caressingly with her finger tips, for I had returned to her side, "I am so proud of thee, and so sure thou dost only want opportunity in order to become as great as thou dost deserve to be, I would fain have thee to accept a chance like this, which fortune hath surely sent in thy way in order to help thee to that position in life to which I am most certain thou dost by right of birth belong." She had touched now upon a subject about which I was some what sore, for I felt most keenly the mystery which surrounded my birth and parentage, and I would have given much to know to whom I of right belonged. My pride and my ambition caused me always to cling to the belief that I might be the son of the man who had given me the chain and spoken those strange words of affection to me. I was sure he was a person of distinction, but I knew not where to search for him. Nor was I sure that he would welcome me, for he had never come to see me but that one time. I had told Zuleika a great part of my history, only sup pressing such portions as I thought it safest to abstain from con fiding to anyone. She was very discreet, and capable beyond most of her sex of keeping her own counsel and another's secrets, and she had soon drawn from me all but what concerned my 88 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN flight from the Temple and Jelal-ud-din's death. That I had practiced the arts of magic she knew, though not that my instruc tor in them was dead, and she had heard of my life in the moun tains when a boy, and of my having joined the marauders of the hills for a time. Ambitious herself, she had fed the flame of my ambition, and encouraged me in the belief that some day I should attain a position worthy of what she held to be my distinguished parentage. And in alluding thus to my birth and my ambitions she knew that she was advancing the strongest possible argu ment in favor of accepting the Prince of Persia's offer. "Thou dost not need to urge me to consider again the chance I have missed, Zuleika, for I should have at once accepted it but for the thought of leaving thee. Now it is too late. I have declined it, and I shall not again sue for its renewal. I care not to solicit the favor of any man, be he Prince or King." "Nay, but he may offer it to thee again, and if so thou wilt accept it, and when thou dost return a victorious conqueror I shall reward thee in any way thou dost desire most, and I will show thee how proud Zuleika is of her beloved." She looked up at me with so much witchery in her dark eyes, and touched me so lovingly, that my gloomy suspicions were dispelled, and I embraced her in my joy and kissed her passion ately. Thus was my career changed; for, as Zuleika thought, the Prince was too anxious to have me with him to give up the idea lightly, and overtures were made to me through the Vizier, which I now accepted with a mixed feeling of pleasure and reluct ance, of satisfaction and foreboding of some coming evil. My forebodings were not however fulfilled very quickJy. Zuleika went to reside under her uncle's care during my absence, and when the time of our parting arrived showed the amount of emotion which was becoming on such an occasion. She perhaps a little overacted the part, but she did it very gracefully, by no means disfiguring her charming countenance with an excess of tears, yet making up by appropriate expressions of her feelings in words for any lack there might be of them, and I left reassured as to her fidelity to me. I did not, however, suspect that my wife had already been seen by the Prince of Persia, and that it was only his sense of the gratitude he owed me which prevented him from trying to possess himself of her. The Vizier, having re peated to the Prince my remarks about my attachment to my THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 89 wife, he had conceived a desire to see the lady, and to judge for himself of the power of her charms. By bribing some of my servants the Vizier had contrived that the Prince should conceal himself in my garden, and behold Zuleika when she was walking there alone and unveiled. Zuleika was supposed to be ignorant of this little plan, but in truth she had beeen cautiously informed by one of her women, and it was by her connivance that it was carried out, the idea that the Prince wished to see her secretly having fired her imagination and flattered her vanity. The expedition to which I was attached was one sent to quell a revolt in one of the minor dependent provinces, and the Prince had been given the command by his father as much to remove him from the court as to afford him a chance of distinction. I soon learnt from those about the Prince that he and his father were not always upon the best of terms, since the Prince sided with his mother, between whom and the King there had been a marked coldness, almost amounting at times to open enmity, for many years. The Ameer of Afghanistan, being a kinsman of Queen Artemisia, had allowed the Queen and her son to retire more than once to his court, leaving the King of Persia for con siderable periods, and Queen Artemisia was more than suspected of engaging in constant, though hitherto unsuccessful, plots to dethrone her husband and place her son upon the throne. Prince Selim himself, was, as I had seen at first, somewhat weak of will and easily dominated by those around him, and the strong will of his mother kept him in constant subjection to her wishes; the more so as there was a strong, even passionate, attachment between them, while towards the King the son felt an indifference and almost dislike, born no doubt of the divided feel ing between his parents. To me the young Prince soon showed a strong disposition to attach himself, partly due to the influence I had to gain over him in order to protect him, and partly to a feeling that I was to be thoroughly relied upon as his faithful follower, as in very truth at that time I was. We experienced some sharp fighting and had by no means an easy task in suppressing the revolt, and once engaged in the reali ties of warfare I found little time to think of domestic matters. The stir and bustle of a camp were very congenial to me, and there was pleasure in serving with highly trained regular troops 90 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN far superior to fighting in a promiscuous mle with an insub ordinate mountain tribe where each man thought himself as good as his leader, and where little or no discipline prevailed. All my instincts of a warlike nature revived. I learned the various arts of strategy from the experienced General who served nominally under the Prince, but who was in truth our real leader; and as I was high in favor with Prince Selim I was rapidly advanced from one post of honor to another, those who envied my success deeming it well to feign a friendship for me if they did not always feel it. My knowledge and skill as a physician made me of still more importance, not alone to the Prince, but to my comrades, and for a considerable time I appeared to justify Zuleika's belief that I bore a charmed life, for I escaped any serious wound. At last, however, I had the misfortune to receive a dangerous thrust from a spear, and as I lay on the ground some of my com rades' horses were driven in the tide of battle over me where I lay, and I was still further injured by their hoofs, so that the fight, being at last gained by our side and the enemy beaten back, I was picked up scarcely alive and carried to my tent, where I lay for many weeks in extreme danger. At last I began to rally, and the siege of the city we had attacked being by this time over, I was granted leave to return to my own home in the city of Herat to rest and recover my strength. My reception by Zuleika was all that I could desire, and more than repaid me for the separation and suffering, while I could not but wonder how I had so long been content to lead a quiet studious life in that dull hill city. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 91 CHAPTER XVIII MY PRISONER On my return to the army I found that all was in a state of bustle and confusion in consequence of the news that had just been received of the sudden and unexpected death of the King of Persia, and the consequent necessity for the immediate return of his son. The Prince, or, as I must now call him, the King, was about to set out upon his return to the city and palace where his father had died, and I, as a matter of course, was expected to accompany him. We had reached to within two days' journey of the city, and were resting for the night, when a messenger arrived with a letter from Queen Artemisia to her son, after reading which he sum moned me to his presence, and addressing me said: "Ahrinziman, thou art I believe faithful to me. Among all around me thou art the one I would most readily trust as being truly faithful to my interests, and therefore I desire to send thee to receive the charge of a prisoner who hath been found conspir ing already against me, and whom my mother hath thought fit to arrest and send to the fortress of . But as he is a man who held great power under my father, and was very popular among the soldiers, it were unwise to confide the charge of him to any who have been his friends in the past, and I desire, there fore, to send thee with a troop of horsemen to conduct him to the fortress, where thou shalt hand the charge of him over to the Governor, who hath already received instructions how to deal with his prisoner. Thou wilt start at once, and the messenger who brought this letter will conduct thee to where the prisoner now awaits thy coming. Thou wilt then join me at Parsagherd." I bowed low to the King, and having kissed the hand which he extended to me in token of my fidelity, I went forth to make my preparations. A sharp ride of a few hours brought us to where a company 92 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN of soldiers were encamped with their prisoner awaiting us, and I took over the command, sending the officer and his soldiers back to the city by order of the King. It was already dark when I did so, and as the prisoner was much muffled up by a large cloak I did not take much notice of his appearance at the time. Scarcely had the other soldiers departed when a message was brought to me to ask if I would grant my prisoner the favor of a few minutes interview. Accord ingly I repaired to the tent in which he was confined, and lifting the curtain aside from the doorway entered. As the prisoner, a powerful man who was heavily ironed, stood up and advanced to meet me I saw his face for the first time, and uttered an exclamation of surprise, for I recognized him at once as the man who had taken me to the herdsman's hut when I was an infant the man above all others best able to solve for me the mystery of my birth. "Thou art surprised," said he coolly, "so was I when I saw thee but now. I sent for thee because there is a matter of much moment which I have to confide to thine ears, and also because I think when thou hast heard my narrative thou wilt feel that at least it should not be thy hand which conducts me to a captivity that I know but too well will end only with my death. Queen Artemisia and I are too old and too deadly enemies for her to spare me now, when fate has delivered me into her hands. I saw thee when thou arrived, and though thou art changed somewhat since thou wert a boy, thou bearest too close a resemblance, both in feature and in gesture, to thy father for anyone to doubt thou art in truth his son." "Thou dost speak of my father. I pray thee tell me who he was, for long have I desired to learn from whom I spring?" "Didst thou then never guess whose son thou art?" "No, save that I believe it was the man who came with thee to see me when I was a boy. He who gave me this chain," said I, drawing it forth to show him, "must have been my father. But if so why did he show so little care for me? Why did he come but that one time to see his son?" "Dost thou not even yet guess who that man was, nor why he of all men dared not acknowledge his favorite child? Then must I tell thee, Ahrinziman, that thy father was this King of Persia who hath died so recently, and if thou wilt grant me the time I will tell thee his story and thine own, and thou shall judge if the lot of Princes is ever one to be envied." THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 93 He then told me the history of my parents, and of the murder of my poor mother, much as it is related in the Prologue to this story of my life, and went on to say: "It was impossible to find any proofs of Queen Artemisia's share in thy mother's death, but the King had very little doubt in his own mind as to the hand which had dealt him this terrible blow, and when the Queen met him as he went to his own apart ments from his beloved Cynthia's deathbed, he shrank from the caressing touch with which she sought to welcome his return, and dissemble her own feelings, as though some loathsome thing had touched him, for to his sight her hands seemed dyed red in the blood of his murdered Cynthia. "His expression and his gesture were enough for the Queen. She drew back haughtily and turned away, and from that hour there was naught but a thinly veiled enmity between them. She could no longer hope to regain his love, and the dignity of her position forbade her quarreling openly with her husband, but she could and did embitter his life with the secret intrigues against him which she encouraged , and she was able to estrange the affec tions of his legitimate son, and make her child side with her on all occasions. "As for Cynthia's child, the whole thoughts of the King were directed to finding some safe asylum where Queen Artemisia should never discover him, and it was therefore given out to all that the child was dead, while in truth I myself took him, as thou dost know, to that worthy herdsman whose wife had nursed me a few years before. The King himself could not for a long time bear the thought of seeing thee, it revived so keenly that terrible grief for thy mother's loss, from which he ever strove to win oblivion. Not till I told him of thy visions, and how thou hadst surely seen her spirit, did he desire to behold her child. When he left thee it was with the full intention of arranging some plan whereby he could bring thee to live with him, without exposing thee to such a fate as had befallen thy mother. But he was sud denly called away to Egypt by an insurrection there, and we deemed it best for thee to send thee to the Temple, since that would at least afford thee a safe asylum. "It had been thy father's thought to train thee to the pro fession of arms, and to keep thee near himself, but when diffi culties of all kinds began to gather thickly around him , he took another thought, and decided to let thee follow thy desire of 94 becoming a Prophet of the Temple. He had a hope that thereby he might still be able to see much of thee, while the sacredness of thine office would give thee the strongest possible protection against any plots of the Queen, even should she learn of thine < \i-tence. Moreover thy father thought that the death of his In-loved Cynthia was a judgment upon him for having taken unto himself one who had been dedicated to sacred things, and he thought to appease the offended Deity by giving to the service of the Temple her only son. Thine own desire seemed to point yet more strongly to this being the right course to follow. "We were absent from Persia for some years, and wnen at last we returned the King's first care was to send me to the Temple of Amurath, to which he had caused thee to be sent, that I might inquire as to thy welfare. There I learnt that thou hadst struck down one of the High Priests and fled. Search had been made for thee and thou hadst been traced to a shepherd's tent, where thou hadst given two links of a gold chain (which I well knew to have been given thee by the King) for food and clothes. Thou wert followed in thy flight to a precipice, over which it was be lieved that thou hadst fallen, since those who pursued thee beheld thy white robes, and, as it seemed, thyself, lying upon the rocks. It was impossible to recover thy body, so the attempts to do so had to be abandoned, and the Priests, believing that the vengeance of the Gods had overtaken thee, forbore to make further search. "The King and I mourned thee as one dead, until a few weeks before thy father's death, when a strange rumor reached us con cerning one named Ahrinziman, who was in attendance upon the Prince of Persia, and who had shown great medical skill, bi-ing also thought to execute many of his cures by the aid of certain gifts of divination which he possessed. "We had heard of the wonderful cure wrought upon Prince Selim by thee, but thy name was not mentioned till one came from the camp who knew thee well, and his description of thee, and of the name thou wert known under, caused to thy father the greatest agitation. He decided to recall his son immediately, in order that thou mightest accompany him. Then he hi-anl that thou hadst left the camp and returned to thine home for a season, and it had been arranged that I should seek thee out, when the King was seized by his sudden and fatal illness: an illness of whose cause, methinks, I could find another explana tion than that which the learned men around the patient gave." THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 95 Al Zulid paused, overcome by his emotion, and then continued: "Shortly before his death thy father, who called repeatedly upon the name of his lost son, sent for me and for a scribe, and in my presence and that of the Vizier dictated a decree by which he left the kingdom unto thee, his son Ahrinziman, should it be proved that thou wert still living. For he believed that were it to pass to the Prince of Persia it would be equivalent to leaving it to the Queen, since her son is entirely under her influence and governance, and El Jazid did not consider it would be well for Persia that Queen Artemisia should in effect reign over it through her son. In the event of my finding that thou wert really dead the kingdom was left unto a third son, who like thyself was his illgitimate offspring. To the son of Artemisia thy father left wealth sufficient for all his needs, even on the most Princely scale. He left him one of his principal Palaces and much treasure, but the government of his Kingdom he desired should pass into other hands than those of Artemisia and her son. "For sight of thee, Ahrinziman, he ever mourned, and when he heard of the great military powers thou hadst displayed , and of thy popularity with the army, he felt that wert thou indeed his son thou wert only justifying the opinion he had formed of thy character from that one interview he had with thee, and that thou wouldst make a successor to himself under whom Persia would increase in her greatness. "As for himself, Ahrinziman, he ever labored as one from whose life the zest had fled, and whose heart was ever a prey to an abiding sorrow, which sapt at its roots the seed of ambition, and rendered as dead sea fruit all the triumphs, all the conquests, that he attained. Thus the promise with which his reign began was never fulfilled, and he acquired a character of weakness which was due rather to listless indifference to the struggles for power of those around him." As I looked at Ben Al Zulid I felt that he spoke the truth, and it did not require much knowledge of mankind to convince me that the nature of the man before me was essentially an honest one. Had even gratitude to him for his care of my boyhood not influenced me, I should still have felt a reluctance to sharing in consigning him to captivity, and I was greatly agitated , not alone at what he had told me of my parents, but at the strange chance which had placed him in my power. My duty to the King who had trusted me was clear, but did I not owe some duty to this 96 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN man also? Could I hand him over to the certainty of captivity and death? While I considered, Al Zulid spoke again. "Dost thou desire," said he, "to know where is this decree of which I speak? Behold it is in the hands of the Grand Yi/ier Bubadul. He was more fortunate than I, and had warning in time to flee from danger, taking with him not alone the decree, which had been entrusted to his care, but also the scribe who wrote it. Therefore Queen Artemisia may suspect that it con tains matter adverse to her interests and those of her son, but she can have no certain knowledge of its contents, and in arrest ing me she hath but acted upon a vague suspicion, without proof to support it. Yet do I know well that the man to whose keeping she hath consigned me will not trouble himself to look for proofs of my guilt or innocence when the Queen commands my death. He is but a creature of her own, only too ready to do her bidding. "But as for thee, Ahrinziman, if thou dost desire a kingdom, thou must seek out Babadul quickly, or else he will seek for this third son of thy father, and set him up against Artemisia. There be many who will join his standard, or thine, for there are many who like not the rule of Artemisia and her weak-willed son. The haughty Queen hath made many enemies." "Nay," answered I, "but I dare not be the one to wrest the kingdom from the grasp of Selim and his mother, since honor and friendship alike forbid it. To the Prince I owe many a favor. He hath shown me kindness and distinguished me with marks of honor at a time when I was obscure, and when we knew not there was any blood relationship between us. How, then, can I avail myself of this decree, and turn like a traitor to rend the hand which has showered favors upon me? How can I thrust from his throne him to whom I have sworn fidelity? The prospect tempts me much. There is no height to which I would hesitate to climb, no position too exalted for the ambition of my own de>ires. but I cannot climb onto a throne by trampling down the rights of my patron." Be it so, since thou dost regard it in that way, but at least . thy>elf of the truth of what I have told thee, by seeking out Babadul and beholding this decree which makes of thee a King. And remember, if thou dost not use its powers against Prince Selim, another will; one who hath not thy scruples. re, moreover, of ever trusting Artemisia or her son. They THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 97 may load thee with favors to-day, yet to-morrow, if it served their own interests better, they would consign thee to a dungeon cell. The wolf is not more savage than Artemisia; the hyena not more treacherous, nor the fox more cunning than this Queen, who, did she but once know whose son thou art, would rend thee in pieces in her bitter long-nourished hate, no matter what sacri fice thou hadst made for the sake of her son. Trust her not, and trust not her son; for, verily, as the sun shines in heaven, so doth the hatred of Artemisia towards thy mother and thy father burn like an ever scorching fire, whose flames will consume thee some day." The earnestness with which Al Zulid spoke impressed me in spite of myself, for it seemed as though his words were as the words of one inspired, and I resolved to take heed of this Queen, and to keep from her all knowledge of my parentage. I thought that I could play with a two-edged sword and yet not cut my self, but who can foresee the tricks which fate may play him, or who can guard against the decrees of destiny. When the first selfish thought of myself and my concerns had passed, I remembered Ben Al Zulid and his present position, and I said to him, "But what of thee, my friend, cannot I help thy fortunes in anyway? I owe thee also too much to lead thee to thy death, yet how can I be the one to release thee? What can I do? Wouldst it avail, thinkest thou, for me to intercede with the King for thy release?" Al Zulid laughed a scornful laugh as he replied, "As well might thou ask a cat to spare the bird within its clutches as ask Artemisia to forego her revenge upon me for my share in the past. No, I would not have thee sue for my life to the son of Artemisia. Rather would I die a thousand deaths," said he passionately, "but if thou wouldst befriend me give me a sharp, long knife, that I may conceal it about my person, and mount me to-morrow on the fleetest horse thou hast, and I will do the rest for myself. None will know that thou hast helped me. Thou canst take all ostensible precautions thou dost choose for my safety, for if I have but my long knife and a swift steed, to-morrow's sun shall see me dead or once more free. I am too old a soldier to be caught again easily, and had it not been that Artemisia's soldiers came upon me at a time when grief had well nigh deprived me of my wisdom, I should not so readily have been taken bv them." 98 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN \Vdl, then," said I slowly, "I will see that the horse thou should st ride to-morrow shall fall lame before we start. There is but one led horse with us now, that is mine own favorite steed. I value it as the apple of mine eye. I never ride it in battle lest harm should come to it, yet will I see that thou art mounted upon its back to-morrow. Wert thou my father I could do no more for thee, for this horse is fleet of foot as the fleetest horse of the desert, and if thou dost ride well, and choose the time of thy flight discreetly, he will be a swift horseman who overtakes thee. "We start an hour before dawn. Ere the light becomes bright thou mayest make thy bid for freedom.'' Al Zulid bent his head, and taking my hand in his kissed it, in token of his deep gratitude, and then turned away overcome by his emotion. As I turned to leave Al Zulid he said, "Ahrinziman, son of my beloved master, if we meet not on earth again I would fain repeat to thee 'Beware of Artemisia! Tarry not at the court of her son.' For thee there may be many brilliant prospects elsewhere, even though thou wilt not stretch out thine hand to grasp thy father's kingdom. If thou wilt show this ring unto Babadul and tell him that Al Zulid gave it unto thee as a token, he will, for the love which he as well as I bore to thy father, help thee to prospects as fair as any Prince Sielm can offer to thine ambition. Farewell. Thy horse shall be returned safely to thee if I escape, but no words can ever express my gratitude, no favors I can bestow can return this service that thou hast done me." "Nay, speak not of it. It is I who should speak of thanks to thee. I owe thee too much already, and it is but in a poor fashion I seek to repay thee even a part of my debt," I replied. We then saluted each other with much emotion, and I went forth from the prisoner's tent to seek a few hours' repose. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 99 CHAPTER XIX QUEEN ARTEMISIA Some time before we started I arose, and under pretense of examining the horses took care to lame slightly the one Al Zulid was to ride, in order to have a pretext for mounting him on my own favorite steed, leaving a soldier with the lame horse at a small village near. It was still dark when we started, and as the road lay through a mountain gorge we were obliged to ride in single file. I myself rode on ahead, leaving the prisoner to ride in the middle of the small troop of soldiers. Just as we reached the head of the pass, and the road widened out across the extensive plain, beyond which lay another deep ravine, the first streak of daylight was dawning in the East. As we emerged from the deep shadow of the hills I had an impression that it was here my prisoner intended to make his dash for liberty, and I accordingly spurred on my horse and gave the order to advance rapidly. As we broke into a quick gallop I saw the prisoner and his guards were skirting the edge of a small ravine, whose precipitous sides were covered thickly with brushwood. I did not think it wise to watch him, so began to converse with the soldier who rode nearest to me. All at once there was a loud shout and a sharp scuffle, and I saw two soldiers and their horses rolling down the sides of the ravine, where they were partly caught and their fall broken by the brushwood. The prisoner, who had somehow managed to free his hands, taking advantage of the surprise and confusion, wheeled his horse round and fled across the plain, where in the semi-darkness it was difficult to follow him. Of course we gave chase, but, as I well knew, my fleet horse soon carried him beyond pursuit, and the friendly veil of dark ness prevented us from seeing accurately where he went. He was, moreover, well acquainted with the country, and I was not, and although I feigned the greatest anxiety to pursue him, I con trived to confuse our route still further, and after a time we had to give up the chase. ioo THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN . I debated within myself whether I would return to the King and confess how very inefficiently I had performed the duty entrusted to me, or whether I would also make my escape. I finally decided to face the situation, and trust that the value of my former services would palliate the King's anger at my present failure. Fortune favored me at this juncture, for on reaching the Palace at Parsagherd, and before I could tell of the escape of my prisoner, I was met by an anxious messenger who had just been despatched to hurry my return. The King had been seized with another and far worse attack of convulsions. None of those who were present could do anything, and the Queen and those around feared each moment must prove the young King's last, so fearful were his struggles and convulsions. Had I lost a hundred pris oners the necessity for my skill would have excused me from blame. I at once did as I had done before, and succeeded in freeing Selim from the obsessing spirit, but it was by no means so easy a task, and my conversation with Al Zulid enabled me to guess why. I had little doubt that the dark spirit was that of the un fortunate murdered slave. I did not at this time, however, know precisely where the secret passage was situated, nor that the King was in the very apartment out of which it opened. When at last the patient had recovered, his own anxiety that I should not again leave him was so great that he made me the most flattering offers of every kind, for while he was annoyed at the escape of Al Zulid, he was not disposed to visit his anger upon one whose skill was so necessary to his own safety. I on my side felt almost constrained to accept his favors and remain with him, first because neither he nor I could hold ourselves responsible for that enmity between our parents in which we had no share, and secondly because however much I might and did recoil from any intercourse with the Queen, who I had no doubt was the murderer of my innocent mother, I hardly felt that I had a right in consequence to abandon the King to the terrible fate which I, more than any other, knew to be hanging over him. I could see that it only wanted an opportunity to enable the black spirit to obtain complete possession of him, and I felt a certain pro fessional interest in pitting my skill and knowledge against the powers of darkness arrayed against me. I perceived that it was THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 101 no longer only the one dark obsessing spirit against whose attacks upon my patient I had to guard, but that behind him there gath ered a horde of evil influences, who used the dark spirit as their weapon of active attack; beings whom Artemisia herself, in the hour when she had stooped to revenge and murder, had gathered about her, and whose influence was the heritage she gave her son. To me there was a certain fierce pleasure in combating these dark beings, and beholding them retire baffled and subdued by the force of my own will. It was as though I alone defended a fortress from the assaults of many foes, and as each time I, and not they, conquered, I felt like a commander who has beaten back the enemy. Thus I had a double reason for remaining with the King. Gratitude, and a certain affection for one thus dependent upon me, were added to the desire to free him entirely from his dark and unseen foes. In the first hurry of my arrival I had not noticed the Queen, although she was in her son's room, and on my taking charge of the patient she had retired to her own apartments, and now sent word that she desired an audience with me, a command which I obeyed with a mixture of curiosity and reluctance. The Queen received me in her own private apartments, and as she was closely veiled I had no opportunity of seeing her face. As she signed to me to approach her I recognized the haughty gracefulness of gesture which had been described to me. I felt instinctively the power and determination of the woman's char acter. As a matter of course I bowed low to her, but I did so with a hauteur equal to her own, and the passionate anger which welled up in my heart at the sight of her, and the thought of my poor mother's fate, made it well nigh impossible for me to con trol my emotions sufficiently to answer her with respect. To what she ascribed my manner I know not, but in her anxiety about her son, which was the one soft spot in her hard and proud nature, she did not pay much heed to it, but began to question me closely as to the causes of his illness and the remedies I could prescribe. I answered her cautiously and briefly, and took care to leave the matter in as much mystery as before, while I assured her that in a short time I hoped to cure her son. "If thou canst do that there is nothing thou shalt ask which shall not be granted unto thee. There is no height to which 102 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN thine ambition can aspire which shall he too great for thee to attain. My son is to me the one green spot in the desert of my life, and on him who can preserve that son for me I will bestow the equivalent of a King's ransom," said the Queen in a voice of deep emotion. "Nay, Queen Artemisia, it needs not that anyone should bribe me to give my best services unto the King," answered I haughtily, "I have done, and I will do, all that lies within the skill of mortal man, yet must we ever leave the issue to higher powerit Despair not though again the fit shall seize him, for each time is shall be with less strength I trust, and the interval shall be longer between." "I shall trust my son to thee," said she, "but in order that thou shouldst not leave him even for a day, I would desire that thou take up thine abode within the Palace. Apartments suited to thine office, and to the rank that thou shall hold, will be assigned to thee, and thou shalt bring thy family to dwell here, and to follow with thee when the King shall remove his court elsewhere. I have given orders that all means to transport thy family and thy household treasures shall be at thy immediate disposal, and I bid thee not to delay in sending for them, since I must constrain thee to remain with the King henceforth. All that thou canst desire of wealth and treasure is already bestowed upon thee, and thou shalt find that Artemisia knows how to provide as a Queen should for those she desires to honor." She then drew a costly ring from her finger and placed it upon mine in token of her favor, and though my flesh crept at her touch, as though a reptile had touched me, I could not refuse the gift, and had to conceal my feelings as best I could, since I was resolved to remain with her son and fight out the battle I waged on his behalf. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 103 CHAPTER XX MY VISION IN THE MIRROR In accordance with the Queen's desires, no less than my own, I went to bring Zuleika and all my possessions to the magnificent apartments in the Palace which had been assigned to me. Zuleika and her family were much gratified by the splendid litter and train of servants and soldiers who were sent to conduct her. Had she been a Princess she could not have been treated with greater honor, and while I flattered myself that all this pageant was intended as a mark of honor to myself, it was in a great degree due to the admiration which the King had con ceived for my wife on the one occasion when he had seen her in the garden at Herat. Had I had the slightest suspicion that he had ever seen her, I would have died a thousand deaths rather than have allowed her to come to me, but I was ignorant of his secret passion for her, and imagined that his sole thought in send ing for her was to gratify me. As for Zuleika herself, she was like one intoxicated with the grandeur of her position. She had always been ambitious, but her thoughts had never soared to a height such as this, and towards me, as the fortunate man who had raised her so high, she displayed a warmth of attachment which for the time was in all respects real, and I was raised to the seventh heaven of bliss by her many expressions of devotion. Zuleika was, as I have already said, naturally reticent, and not given to that indulgence in gossip which is the bane of her sex, and I had therefore, in the hours of our love and confidence, con fided to her much of my history. I now took the precaution to warn her against allowing Queen Artemisia to gain any knowledge concerning myself and my antecedents from her, telling her that for many reasons it would affect me, not only injuriously, but even cause me personal danger were the Queen to learn more of my life than I had chosen to tell myself. I felt that Zuleika's own affection for me, and her own self-interest, would keep her from being betrayed into placing any confidence in the Queen, 104 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN after my having thus warned her, and I know that Zuleika was far too clever and too discreet to allow herself to be entrapped into telling what she desired to keep secret. I was anxious to gain more knowledge concerning the best means of keeping the King in the satisfactory state of health which he had enjoyed since my return to him, and therefore bethought me of the parchments which I had buried in the vault in Jelal-ud-dln's garden. The city was but a day's ride from Parsagherd, and I therefore resolved to go and bring some of them away with me. Al Zulid had returned my horse to me secretly by a messen ger who brought word that he was in safety in a Greek city in Asia Minor, where I should find word of him at any time I desired to seek him out. I took with me a small box in which to carry back the parch ments, should I be so fortunate as to find them undisturbed, and mounted on my favorite horse I set out at a rapid pace for the city where Jelal-ud-dSn had dwelt. I reached it at nightfall, and found that the house was much as I had left it, save for the dust and decay which had gathered there in the few years which had passed. The superstitious fears with which the magician's house was regarded, together with the mysterious disappearance of its owner, had served to preserve it from pillage, except as regarded the costly furniture and rich hangings. These had all been carried away, but the chemicals in the jars remained, and also the curiously preserved specimens of dead animals, etc., while the house itslf was intact, and the secret hiding place beneath the fountain had not been discovered. The place was, indeed, avoided by everyone. As time pressed I quickly took out those manuscripts which I saw would be of use, and closing the stone returned to the house. As I crossed the wilderness of a garden I thought I heard stealthy steps following me, and a sound as of some one sighing. I could see nothing, however, and concluded it must have been a fancy. I entered the room where my former master had sat with me so often, and in which he had died, and having selected certain jars of chemicals which I packed up with the manuscripts in the box I had brought. I was about to leave, when I bethought me of the magic mirror which I usually carried about me, and curious to THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 105 know how those I had left at Parsagherd were getting on during my absence, I drew it out to look into its dark surface. "Surely," thought I, " I shall see something in this room, whose whole atmos phere was saturated with our mystic studies. Surely if the dead master can return to his pupil from that dark bourne to which he was so unwillingly hurried, he will return in this room where we worked so long together." Scarcely had these thoughts passed through my mind when I saw the mist gather on the mirror's polished surface, and as it passed I saw two figures, a man in a rich dress whose back was towards me, but whose height and figure somewhat resembled my own, and a woman, whose head, when I first looked, rested upon the man's shoulder, while her arms were twined around his neck, and her whole attitude was one of clinging affection. She raised her head and looked , not at me, but at the man whom she caressed, and I saw her face was the lovely face of my wife, Zuleika. But not as I had seen it last, soft and tender, and with the innocent look of a petted child. She wore the evil smile, she gave the man beside her the alluring tempting glance, which I had seen the first time I had ever beheld her image in the mirror in this room, and I shuddered as I saw it stamped upon her face again. "Who was the man?" I asked myself, as a chill suspicion gathered in my heart. "Who was it? His figure was like my own. Surely the mirror showed me Zuleika as she would receive me a few hours hence. That evil smile was not hers; it was born of the evil atmosphere of this room, which tainted all I beheld in it. Zuleika could never look like that ! It was a false libel on her ! And yet again, who was the man? Was it myself? " As if in answer to me, the man turned his head, and I saw the face was not my face, but the King's. In my furious anger I dashed the mirror upon the ground, and stamped upon it with the iron-shod heels of my sandals, till I had ground it into a thousand pieces, crying out that it was a false and lying mirror, a cheating worthless reflector of the unseen things. And as I stormed and raved in my passion I seemed to see a phan tom form rise up and glide along the wall towards me, and the face as it turned to me was the face of the dead Jelal-ud-din hin> self. Not the face as I had known it in life, but as I had known it in death, distorted and horrible. io6 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN The low, mocking, sneering hugh of the dead man fell upon my ears, and his voice seemed to hi>> out to me in a fierce whisper, ' ' Wait ! Wait and see whether my mirror hath lied to thee ! Wait till all thy warm affections have turned to bitterness and gall! Till all thy bright hopes lie like withered leaves around tlur! Till the most sacred vows to thee have been broken, and thy trust betrayed ! And thy ruined life shall cry aloud for vengeance, and in thine agony thou shall call upon those powers of evil, whose aid thou dost now despise, for help to crush those who have wronged thee and then say whether the visions Jelal-ud-din hath shown thee were true or false!" The phantom faded as the words died away like a faint echo, and I stood alone in the room, with the shattered fragments of the broken mirror scattered around me. CHAPTER XXI THE GATHERING OF THE STORM On the afternoon of the day on which I had gone to visit the house of Jelal-ud-din, Queen Artemisia sat alone in her apart ments, gazing from the windows over the city which lay beyond the Palace walls, and musing anxiously over the news of a for midable insurrection amongst her son's subjects, which had just reached her. The banished third son of El Jazid, accompanied by the former Vizier, Babadul, and the fugitive General, Ben Al Zulid, had entered Persia, and their standard had already been joined by many who disliked or feared Queen Artemisia and her son. Her anger against me was kindled afresh by this news, and had it not been that she believed my presence necessary to the safety of her son she would have ordered my arrest and execution. "Surely," thought she, "we have wise men at the Court of Persia whose knowledge is equal to that of this stranger? The secret power he wields is doubtless due to some magical art. Could I but discover what it is there are plenty of learned men in Parsagherd who could cast this spell as successfully as Ahrin- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 107 ziman. I shall seek out this wife of his, and learn from her what are his secret habits, and from whom he hath gleaned this secret power. It is said that this is the same man who, as an unknown youth, came unto a magician and dwelt with him until both mysteriously disappeared. The clothes of the magician were found lying in a little heap, as though he had cast them off and there lay beside them naught but a little black dust; the man himself had vanished, though whether he had left the earth or but transported himself unto another place, none of his neigh bors could tell. 'Tis a strange story, yet methinks there are wondrous resemblances between the description that was given me of the arts used by the vanished magician and the youth who was his pupil, and those which Ahrinziman doth practice. Could I then find where the master magician dwelt I could afford to dispense with the services of his pupil Ahrinziman. And I would like well to humble this proud man, who treats me, not as a Queen, but with almost the air of an equal. He dislikes me even as I hate him why, then, should I and my son be under obligations to his skill?" She rose and paced to and fro like a caged tigress, as she thought of these things, and of yet another and more deadly reason she had for hating me. It was but a suspicion as yet, but each day it assumed the stronger appearance of a certainty in her own mind. There were times when she was startled by the resemblance I bore in gesture and in looks to the dead El Jazid. Those tricks of manner which are often used uncon sciously, and inherited from our parents, were very marked in me, and others besides the Queen had noticed them. Artemisia had never believed in the story of my death as an infant, and the news of this insurrection was coupled with the statement that Ahmed, the third son of El Jazid, was claiming the throne by virtue of a decree signed by the King before his death, in which there was mention of the child supposed to be dead, but thought by El Jazid to be yet living. Nothing more definite could the Queen learn as yet, but it was enough to turn her suspicions into certainty. "Oh, ye Gods!" cried she, passionately; "Oh, ye Gods! Have I so long waited for my full revenge to find it in my hands at last? Can it be that this is indeed the son of that Greek girl who stole my husband's love, and cast a blight over all my life? He doth bear a most wondrous resemblance unto the king, yet io8 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN there are times when he looks at me with her eyes, and I see again the glance of half wonder with which she regarded me ere fear filled her soul, and she fled in terror from the dagger that killed her. A thousand times have I seen her thus. Shi- haunts me like a dim shadow: dead always, since I killed her; phantom-like, since she hath no more existence but a shadow from which I cannot free myself; a phantom I can never lay to rest. And in this her son, for of a surety he is her son, I see again her face and El Jazid's reflected to me. I might kill him any hour, but what is death? A momentary pang, and all is over; the victims are gone where thou canst reach them no more, while thou art left to eat out thine heart in a slow agony through the long years of thy life. I killed the Greek girl in mine angry haste; rather should I have killed El Jazid and let her live on, that I might make her suffer, and taste, as I have, all the bitter ness of scorn and neglect. Fate would seem to have delivered unto me her son; and Fate shall help me to extract from him and from his ruined and empoisoned life the salve which can alone soothe the bitterness of my heart." She ground her teeth and shook her clenched hands above her head in her savage desire, and struck her breast in passionate anger, as she thought over the fierce agony of her slighted love, and the scornful contemptuous manner of the dead king towards her. Well, indeed, would it have been for me and for mine had I paid more heed to the warning Al Zulid had given me, not to trust myself in Artemisia's power. Zuleika had been in the Palace for a week only, and had not yet seen the Queen, when a gracious message from Artemisia filled her with a conflict of emotions in which gratified vanity held the largest share. She hastily attired herself in the most gorgeous raiment she possessed, and made an attempt to decorate the apartments. She then went forth to receive her Royal visitor at the entrance to them. When the Queen had been conducted to the seat of honor which had hurriedly been arranged for her, Zuleika made a deep obeisance of respect, and prostrated herself at Artemisia's feet with a truly wonderful imitation of the manners of the Queen's attendants that did credit to her powers of mimicry. The Queen, who was all impatience to see my wife, com manded Zuleika to unveil, and as she drew aside the veil, with which in a spirit of coquetry she had concealed her features, THE STORY OF AHRNIZIMAN 109 the Queen uttered an exclamation of surprise and satisfaction, for she saw that Zuleika was indeed very beautiful. Her girlish loveliness had matured into still more perfect charms since her marriage. Artemisia signed to her to seat herself at her feet, and, having dismissed the attendant women, thus addressed her: "I had thought to have visited ere this the wife of one whom my son delighteth to honor, but the cares of state are many, and my time hath been fully occupied. Of a truth I must commend the taste of thine husband, for thou, Zuleika, art lovely enough to have found favor in the eyes of any man, were he even the King himself." She fixed her keen eyes upon Zuleika as she said this, to note whether she would betray any confusion at the mention of the King's name, but Zuleika, ostensibly to ex press how overwhelmed she was by the condescension of the Queen, but in reality to hide a tell-tale blush which mantled her cheeks for a brief moment, bowed almost to the ground, and spread out her hands in the most profound salaam before the O_ueen. "Your Highness does me too much honor," said she, as she rose up. "I am not worthy of these favors which are showered upon me." "Thou art doubtless a stranger to the ways of a Palace, then, yet thou hast the manner of those who are not altogether unacquainted with the presence of the great," said the Queen, in flattering tones. "Whence didst thou come, before thou and thy husband dwelt in Herat?" "Nay but, your Highness, I know no city but Herat, where I lived with my Uncle from a child." "And thy husband, is he from Herat also?" "Ahrinziman hath been a traveller, most gracious Queen; who can say from what place those who travel much come?" "Truly; yet he must have been born somewhere. Where did his parents reside?" "I know not. Ahrinziman is one of those who have known little of a parent's love." "Even as he hath spent his youth somewhere he hath learnt the arts of healing and of war in some school. Dost thou know so little of thy husband as not to know these things concerning him? If so, thou art a model wife to trust, a mirror of wittily discretion," said the Queen, irritably. Again Zuleika prostrated herself before the Queen ere she no THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN replied. "Ahrinziman hath studied in so many schools it were hard to say to which to give the honor of his success, or even to remember where they all were, since I am but an unlearned person, and know not where all the cities and countries are of which men speak." "Thou mayest be unlearned, but thou art no fool, I do well perceive, and thy discretion does thee honor," said Artemisia, with a show of indifference she was far from feeling, "but if thou dost desire to rise in my favor, and that of the king, thou and tby husband would do well to trust us with the history of his past. Methinks I can do Ahrinziman service which will dis charge in part the debt of gratitude I owe him, but to do so it is needful I should learn of what country he is. Can Persia claim him as her son?" "I have always thought he is a Persian, Gracious Queen, but I will surely ask him." "Do so, only do not say the Queen desired to know, for I design an honor for him, and would not have him to know of it till all be complete. Thou art one who would grace well the highest position, Zuleika, and thou must ever count upon the friendship of Artemisia to raise thee to it. I am glad to have seen thee. Thou and I must see much of each other." Artemisia rose, and summoning her maids prepared to return to her own apartments, parting from Zuleika with every mark of favor she could bestow, so that Zuleika was charmed with her Royal visitor and her head was filled with a hundred ambitious dreams. Scarcely had the Queen left when another messenger arrived, this time from the King, bearing a most beautiful basket of roses, amidst whose fragrance there reposed a magnificent necklet of pearls, which the King begged Zuleika to accept as a mark of esteem from himself. The slave who brought it added mys teriously that Zuleika would do well to take a walk at sunset in the garden, and to visit the little summer house at the further end of the enclosure, wearing the King's present to show that she had accepted it. The moon had risen in the evening sky, and its light silvered ith a glittering sheen the leaves and flowers around the King and Zuleika. It flooded with its soft radiance the fair THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN in garden, yet left the summer house in which they stood in deepest shadow. As the moonbeams fell upon the necklet of pearls which lay beside them, the King took it and clasped it round Zuleika's lovely throat, while he bent down again and yet again to press passionate kisses upon her lips. And then it was that she responded to his caresses even as I beheld her in my vision in the mirror. CHAPTER XXII ZULEIKA QUIETS MY FEARS I rode homeward as though a thousand devils pursued me, the vision I had seen haunting me in spite of all my efforts to discredit it, and making me half mad in my apprehension for Zuleika's safety. When I arrived at my own home Zuleika came forth to meet me with so well acted a show of affection and pleasure that I felt ashamed of my fears. To my anxious inquiries as to how she had fared in my absence, and whether she had seen -any thing of the King, for I was so jealously unhappy I forgot to hide my feelings, and wished to see whether she would show any embarrassment at the mention of his name, she raised her fine eyes to my face in languid surprise, and without the slightest trace of embarrassment said somewhat coldly: "The King? What have I to do with the King? Didst thou desire that I shouldst see him?" "I desire?" said I. "No! a thousand times, No! But I half feared his curiosity might prompt him to see thee, and I had, moreover, a strange vision in which thou seemed to speak with him." "A vision," said Zuleika, contemptuously, "and if thou hadst a vision, am I to be suspected? Nay, but thy jealousy carries thee too far, Ahrinziman, thou art beyond all reason." And she turned her back upon me as though to leave the room in her indignation. But I followed her, and with many apologies H2 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN strove to make my peace with her vowing that she was an Angel of truth and goodness, and I was a jealous fool, whose love rendered him, even as she said, unreasonable. And so we made it up, and Zuleika got out her harp and sang to me, and did all that was possible to show how she welcomed my return, till I vowed to myself that of a truth the mirror must have lied and it was well I had destroyed it. Although Zuleika affected to know nothing of the King, she told me of Artemisia's visit, and amused me much by mimicking the whole scene, acting the part of the Queen with a haughty gracefulness that was but half acting. She so assured me of the discretion she had shown in answering the questions of the Queen that I had small apprehension when in a few days she was sent for to visit Artemisia. When Zuleika entered the Queen's apartments she found her surrounded by costly treasures of every kind: rich silken stuffs, interwoven with gold thread, and spangled with glittering jewels; fine veils of snowy gossamer; fabrics elaborately em broidered; priceless ornaments of rare workmanship, scattered on every side, while the Queen herself, as she rose and advanced a few steps to meet Zuleika (a mark of the greatest honor she could give) made a striking contrast to the ambitious girl whose aspiring mind made her already picture herself as occupying the position of the proud Artemisia. The one born to rule, and surrounded from her cradle with all the appanages of royalty, beautiful still with the ripened beauty of the mature summer or early autumn of life, taller than the ordinary height of women, and though far from being stout, yet enough so to give a more majestic appearance to her handsome figure a Queen in every gesture, every thought. The other, smaller, slighter, with the fragile delicate beauty of a blush rose, the graceful caressing manner of a child, yet with an ambition as keen, a heart as proud, a temper as indom itable as that of the haughty Queen, before whom she was con strained to affect a humility she did not feel; with a cunning as deep, an intellect as keen, as Artemisia's own, and a capability of accommodating herself to the circumstances of the moment which the impatient Queen did not possess; and with a calm indifference to all but her own interests, an insensibility to all deep emotions which the passionate elder woman could not have understood. Artemisia could act when it suited her THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 113 purpose, and feign a friendliness she did not feel to hide her real intentions, but with her the graciousness was forced, the deception a matter of study, and an effort to herself; while with Zuleika the acting was instinctive, she was always acting, always posing to herself as well as to others. In the solitude of her own chamber she posed to herself as the possessor of an emotional character as foreign to her real nature as fire is to ice. She depicted passions as she had seen them displayed by others, and mimicked the most intense manifestations of love or hate, joy or despair, without feeling the smallest throb of these emotions herself. It was because she was a mere mimic, and not truly an actress, that she failed to arouse in others the answering svmpathy which can alone be awakened by the perfect actors or actresses, who themselves feel vividly for the time all the intensities of passion which they depict. Zuleika was a mere mimic, and in her mimicry her real inner nature had no share, her soul no part; and this was the reason that her deepest protestations of love left my heart still in doubt; her most carefully acted devotion left me still suspicious and distrustful, for while I argued that she showed me all the affectionate attention a husband could desire, my instinctive sense of the unreality of her loving words and soft caresses kept my heart restless and unsatisfied. In the struggle these two women, who both sought to wield power through their influence over the King, were pretty equally equipped, the qualities possessed by each being balanced very evenly, for while Zuleika's youth and beauty, her art, and her perfect coolness of temper gave her certain advantages over the Queen, the latter had the influence of years, the ties of long affection, the habit of obedience to her in the past, to aid her, and had it not been for the interposition of a power, with whose influence neither had reckoned, it is impossible to say which would have been the victor, or which would have had to yield to the supremacy of the other. As it was, they each affected a friendliness they did not feel, and each believed they had deceived the other. n 4 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER XXIII THE KING'S FAVORS Soon after Zuleika returned from her audience with the Queen I was summoned to attend the King, and sent on a mission which took me away for a few hours of tin- evening. On my return I went as usual to take my parchments from their box, for I was deeply interested in reading those I had at last brought from my dead master's house. They contained a most curious description of the means whereby the spirits of the Astral plane, and the multiform beings of an evil nature who hover around the earth, could be controlled and made to serve man as humble if dangerous servants a knowledge which Jelal-ud-din had withheld from me. I had almost finished the manuscript, and thought I would do so before I slept. When, however, I opened the box I perceived that they had been disarranged. They were not in the order in which I had placed them, and on taking them into my hands I at once be came conscious of a fresh influence pervading them. Some one had been to the box. Some one had discovered my hiding place, and my treasures were no longer safe. Much agitated by this discovery I resolved to lose no time in placing them in a fresh place of concealment, and taking the box with me I went out, and mounting my horse again rode away unattended to a lonely spot a few miles from the city. Here I buried the box under some wild tamarisk bushes, and, having carefully removed all traces of my having done so, re turned unobserved to my apartments in the Palace. Who it was who had found out my manuscripts I could not guess. Zuleika I did not suspect, and the influence of the person who had been handling them was a strange one to me. Doubt less, thought I, some servant hath done it, and finding the box contained no money left it alone. I wished now I had not so hastily destroyed the magic mirror in my anger, for it might have shown me something. My own powers were not available unaided, because the bustle and confusion of my present life, THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 115 my anxieties and worldly thoughts, had impaired them so much that I could no longer command my visions, or behold things I wished to see save in fitful uncertain glimpses. The mirror had aided my weakened powers, and formed a means of reflect ing in a semi-material manner the multitudinous events that were taking place around me, or had shadowed forth those which were approaching. I had now no means of forewarning myself of the plots and machinations which were gathering around my path, and the dim sense of coming evil which op pressed my soul only served to render my own unaided powers still less fit for use. All my dreams were broken and disturbed, and the pictures in them were like distorted reflections in the broken fragments of the mirror, which in my passion I had destroyed. All the omens around me seemed to point to some great misfortune, or even to death; whose, I could not see, but I felt that my own fate was involved with that of others. Th- atmosphere of the Palace oppressed me. The manner of Zue leika was so artificial in its semblance of affection that I began to suspect her. The King, whose mind I could often read, gave me the feeling that he was meditating some treachery towards me, how or in what way I could not see. The Queen I had always felt to be my enemy, as I was hers, and I had little doubt that she was planning some mischief against me. In this state of affairs I resolved to leave the Palace and the King, and to seek out Al Zulid and learn what he could do for me. Well would it have been had I but done so promptly, and left the very night I found my parchments had been tampered with. But I hesitated. I wished Zuleika, as a matter of course, to be the companion of my meditated secret flight from the Palace, and she refused to go. She was most indignant at what she termed my folly, my insanity, in proposing to throw away the favor of the King, the position of honor which I had enjoyed for such a very few weeks, and all because, forsooth, I had bad dreams, suffered from forebodings, and was suspicious and distrustful! She assured me of the favor the Queen had shown her, but she did not add that the King and she had met daily, and that his favors had considerably outweighed in value those bestowed by the Queen. She coaxed me, she soothed me, she practised all her arts to tranquillise my mind, and so great was her magnetic power she succeeded in lulling me into a species of mental torpor, though she could not beguile away my apprehensions. In truth, she was seeking to gain time. She did not wish to put herself absolutely in the power of the King till she was very sure that the foundations of her influence over Selim were secure, and strong enough to bid defiance to any assaults of the Queen or any other person. She did not want me to come to any harm she was not heartless enough for that but she did want to get me out of the way as quietly as possible, since I had become a barrier between her and her ambition. She had never really loved me, and, strange as it may seem, she had conceived a passion for the King, born principally of her admiration for his power and wealth. She wanted me to go away, but she had no idea of accompanying me. Events had hurried on so fast that it was not yet two months since Selim had ascended the throne; scarcely two weeks since Zuleika had arrived from Herat, and yet the current of our lives was bearing us on in a rapid rush towards a mighty whirlpool of destruction. The impa tience of the King was precipitating the crisis of Zuleika's fate, which she was vainly striving to delay. In less time than a week from the time when I had discovered that my parchment scrolls had been inspected, I was sent for by the King, and informed with many flattering speeches that it was his desire to appoint me Governor of a distant province for a short time, in the absence of the present Governor. " Ahrin- ziman," said he, "if for these few weeks thou dost find that the cares of Government are to thy taste, on thy return we can think of some position about the Court to suit thee, and this experience will give me excuse for appointing thee unto it. For my.-clf, I feel now so well I think I can dispense with thy constant pres ence for a short time, and when thou dost return thou shalt find we have not forgotten thee in thine absence. I have here a letter, written and signed with mine own hand and seal, which thou shalt give unto the Governor whose place thou art to occupy for a brief season. It tells him how highly I esteem thee. As for thy wife, Ahrinziman," he added, coloring confusedly, for my eyes were intent upon his face, and his own fell before my gaze, "As for thy Wife, my mother will charge herself with the care of her till thy return. She hath conceived a great liking for her. Surely thou wilt feel that she is safe in the charge of the Queen?" THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 117 I bowed to him in silence, for my thoughts were in a tumult, and I could not trust myself to speak. He handed to me the letter I was to deliver to the Governor, and as he did so his hand shook as the hand of one with a palsy, while his eyes sought the floor, and he said in uncertain tones: "Ahrinziman, it is because of my friendship for thee that I send thee on this mission. It is that I may have excuse to confer upon thee yet higher honors. Thou art of too great value to myself for me to send thee forth without good reason, and I shall await with impatience the hour of thy return, Oh, my friend." His words were the words of friendship, but I knew that he lied to me, for I could read his thoughts. Though I could read at the time the thoughts of none other around me, I could read his, and I knew that he lied, for in his heart he said that I should never return, since he was only sending me to find, not honor but my grave. In my anger at his ingratitude and treachery I would have drawn my dagger and stabbed him to the heart as he sat there, for he and I were alone; there was none to witness our audience. But I restrained myself, and though my fingers played with the hilt of my dagger, and mine eyes gazed at him with a steady look of scorn, till he quailed beneath their glance and thought to summon his guards, I drew not my weapon. I contented myself with a haughty bow to him as I said: "Oh, Sire! Well do I know how to value the favors of Kings, and greatly do I thank thee for this last, this crowning mark of thy honor and thy regard." Then I went forth, and sought Zuleika, that she and I together might leave this Palace of evil omen. Again and again I sought to take her with me. Nay, in my anger and suspicion I even tried to take her by force, for she refused to go with me. She wept and implored that I should leave her where she was. She vowed she believed in the friend ship of the Queen, and she refused to believe that any harm was meant to me, and at last when I tried to force her away she turned upon me in hot anger, and vowed she would rouse the Palace with her screams if I did not go and leave her. "Wait," said she, "and if thou dost not return I will go to thee, but I shall not be hurried thus away for thy foolish fancies, thy un worthy suspicions of thy best friends." At last I was so angry that I left her, saying in ray wrath n8 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN that if her heart was with her new friends rather than with her husband, they might keep her body with them also; but in mine own mind I vowed to myself that if they sent me away I would return unseen, as I well knew how to do, and would learn the meaning of their strange desire to be thus rid of me. It was early morning when I set forth, and all that day I rode on at the head of my troop of soldiers, and it was as though all the black devils of hell rode with me, so full of bitter anger was my heart, so bent was I upon my scheme of vengeance. "For," said I to myself, "if Zuleika be false to me, if she hath stayed while I am sent away in order that she may become the plaything of the King, verily as there is a sky above our heads, as certainly as there are powers of evil around its, it shall be no common revenge that I shall exact from those who have wrought the ruin of my life. And by the powers of Ahriman, they shall die, each one. The devils of the darkest hell shall drag them down there together. If truly thou hast spoken to me, Oh my dead master, if thy mirror lied not when it showed unto me the vision of Zuleika and the King, then of a truth will I call on thee and thine unseen servants of Darkness to aid me in my revenge." I had scarce quitted the Palace half an hour ere Zuleika, who was all impatience to possess herself of my mysterious parchments, went to look in the former hiding place for them. As I had been led to imagine that I was only to be absent for a short time she did not suppose I would take them with me, and she was still further reassured upon this point by seeing that I departed without any box resembling the one she knew to con tain the coveted scrolls. Her dismay may be imagined when she found the hiding place empty and the papers and box gone! She turned deadly pale, and for the first few moments it seemed to her that all was lost, for I must have grown suspicious and taken them with me. The glance which the court Astrolo ger had obtained of the papers had been too hurried to allow of his mastering their contents in a way to prove of any practical value, and who knew what I might do were my suspicions fully aroused. Zuleika flattered herself that she had sent me away, angry, no doubt, but yet in ignorance of the fact of her infidelity to me, and she hoped that ere I discovered it she would make her position with the King so secure as to enable her to defy THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 119 my anger. She even hoped that she might be able to evade all consequences of her treachery. Now, however, with the scrolls gone as well as myself, how were they to protect the King? At any moment he might be taken ill again, and her fine castle might tumble about her ears. She dared not tell Artemisia of the loss, but she sent for the court Astrologer, and with many wiles beguiled him into prom ising to help her in keeping the disappearance of the papers a secret till it was possible to obtain possession of them again. This he assured her he had a very safe plan for doing, although he declined to tell her what it was, merely assuring her that there were others besides her husband who could cast spells and cause missing property to be found. This man had no particular love for me, as indeed he could hardly have, seeing how I had supplanted him and cast discredit upon his skill, and he was only too ready to assist in hastening my downfall. He sought out the King, and with much caution informed him that from study ing the stars he perceived that it would not be possible that I should be allowed to continue my journey; were I to do so disas ter would overtake his majesty. "Oh, Sire!" said the Astrologer, "while he lives, danger will menace the person of the King, for so did it appear in my vision, and only with his death will the life of your majesty be secure." The Astrologer prostrated himself before the King, but even while his head was bent down his cunning eyes were striving to read the effect his words had produced upon his master. As for Selim, he was visibly disturbed, and after twisting nervously at the fringe of his sash for some moments, he replied : "Thou sayest that were Ahrinziman once dead his power would cease and I should be safe. To secure this it needs not that we should recall him, for, behold, I have myself thought his power boded no good to me, and though he carries with him a letter of friendship to deliver unto the Governor, I have sent a swift messenger before him with another, wherein I have directed that he be imprisoned and slain. It needs not that we recall him. I desire not his return." The Astrologer started with surprise at this speech, and answered: "True, Oh King, yet the Governor of that city hath no knowledge of occult things. He will slay Ahrinziman, with out doubt, but he will not extract from him first the knowledge we desire. Ahrinziman will die without releasing your High- 120 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN ness from his spell, so that the last state of your Majesty will be worse than the first. Had my august Master thought fit to consult me, his humble slave, I would have warned him of this danger. Now I only pray that Ahrinziman may he retailed, in order that ere he die we may force him to withdraw his spells, and disclose the source of his secret power. It needs not that he should approach your majesty, or guess why he hath been recalled." Again the King hesitated, then fear for his own safety, and a feverish desire to put an end to his present state of suspense, prevailed, and summoning his scribe he gave the required order for my return, and a messenger was sent in hot haste to bring me back, on the plea that the King had forgotten something he desired to tell me. The crafty Astrologer returned from his audience well pleased, for he did not doubt that he should now be able to get me into his power, and force me by means of tor ture to disclose where I had put the missing parchments. CHAPTER XXIV THE DARK ANGEL'S HELP At nightfall we pitched our tents on the outskirts of the Great Salt Desert, and so soon as I had seen to the arrangements for the repose of my escort, I retired to my own tent, and gave strict orders that I should on no account be disturbed. As soon as all was quiet around me, save for the measured tramp of the sentry before the door of my tent, I took from my bosom the scroll which I had last brought from the secret reposi tory of my dead master, and trimming the little lamp which burned in my tent, sat down to try to read over again all that it said about the methods of controlling the mysterious forces of the Astral plane. I had a vague confused idea of turning those powers into an instrument to execute my meditated vengeance, but in the agitated state of my mind I felt it impossible to think out any plan clearly, or to still the wild throbbing of my brain. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 121 I would have given anything now to possess again the magic mirror which I had destroyed; I wanted to see Zuleika, to learn what were her real motives in remaining behind. In vain I tried to read the scroll; the characters danced before my eyes, and only a word here and there could I decipher. I thrust it from me at last, and rose to pace backwards and forwards in the little tent, as a relief to my restlessness. I had taken but a few turns when the sound of a deep sigh, uttered as if in mockery of my own, saluted my ears, and in the farther corner of the tent I saw a dim, black, shadowy figure, shrouded in a mantle. It seemed to waver and grow faint, then gather together again, and become more distinct, yet always with the appearance of being a mere reflection, a veritable shadow thrown upon the curtains of the tent. For several minutes I watched it in silence, then I called aloud, though in a low voice, "Who art thou? From whence hast thou come?" The shadow grew darker, stronger, more sharply defined for a moment, and as I gazed I recognised the majestic figure, the regal poise of the shrouded head which I had seen in the veiled Angel of Darkness which I had beheld so long before on this very desert plain. There was no figure visible this time, only this dark shadow of its form, veiled and shrouded as before. A soft mocking laugh came like a distant echo to my ears, and the sound of a far-off voice seemed to speak this answer to my question: "Thou dost ask who I am? Thou, who shouldst know me well, since I have constituted myself the guide of thy life, and have helped on the accomplishment of thine ambition. Thou didst desire to climb, and thou hast climbed high already, al though thou hast not yet reached the pinnacle of thy desire. My hand hath helped thee up step by step, and now in the hour of thine anguish thou dost still hesitate to call upon me for aid. Thy heart is sore. Try, then, the sweet balm of vengeance which I can offer thee to soothe its pangs." "Thou dost speak of vengeance, Oh thou Angel of Accursed- ness. Canst thou show me how to pierce a Palace wall, and drag from its shelter those who I deem have wronged me? Canst thou show me, and show me truly, what my wife doeth now? Of whom she dreams? I" would know the truth as it appears unto the eyes of God. Canst thou, whose powers are evil, show me that which is true?" 122 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN The figure seemed to rise up before me, till it towered above my head, and tasting back the mantle bade me look upon the face of the dark Angel, and gaze into his eyes. And as I strove to do so there came a face, as living and distinct as mine own, into the shadowy form; the eyes looked with steady gaze into mine own, until it seemed as though they would scorch me with the lightning of their glance; the haughty brows frowned at me in mingled rage and scorn, and from the compressed lips these words came hissing in a fierce whisper: "Can I show thee those things which are true, thou dost ask? Dost thou think all that is evil must be false? Is there not the germ of truth in all things? Yea, even in that which would have seemed the grossest falsehood to thee once, hath it not been proved already there was truth? I am an Angel of Darkness, and in mine own dark realm I reign supreme, over beings as vile and evil as any in our dread kingdom of Hell, but in all my court there are no liars; they who lie must even x-ek another King, since I have naught in affinity with them. Search the Spirit World from end to end, if thou canst even in imagina tion do it, and thou wilt ever find that like draws unto like; treachery seeks unto it its fellow traitor; but even in the lowe>t depths, surh as thou and I have no affinity with the mean liar, the snake-like friend, who stabs in the dark, while his face smiles unto thee by day. Behold! I am a Ruler in Hell. I am as evil as is the most evil of the Angels of Ahriman. Murder and War, Bloodshed and Revenge, Destruction and Fear, follow in my train; but Falsehood knows me not; Deceit flies before my approach, and if I show thee aught there will be at least truth in what I show. "Thou wouldst see thy wife? Behold her now." He waved his shadowy arm, and in the corner of the tent there appeared a crimson star, held in a circlet of gold like unto a crown. Around the star a grey mist like a veil appeared to float, and as it grew thinner and thinner the star shone out with brighter rays, and by its light I saw that the circlet of gold en- ( in led a woman's head. More and more transparent grew the misty veil, and I saw Zuleika. She appeared to .-land before a mirror of }>olished steel, and to poise her head gracefully, first on one side and then upon the other, while she watched the jewel >parkle amidst her lonu floating hair; and her I wreathed in smiles as she admired her own beauty reflected in the burnished steel. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 123 She was attired in her richest dress, the dress which Artemisia had given her, and her bare arms and throat sparkled with jewels which I had never seen her wear. "From whence had she obtained them?" I asked in my jealous anger. As though in answer to my thought, she raised one hand to her lips, and kissed with passionate delight a ring she wore a man's ring. Oh, powers of Heaven' I recognised it then. It was the King's Signet Ring. She spread out her hands and looked at it, as a child admires a new toy. She coquetted with her own reflection; she pouted, she frowned, she smiled, yea, she even half blushed, and drooped her eyes in sweet and modest confusion, as though she parried the advances of a too ardent wooer. It was not my wife I looked at then, but some young shy maid, who dreams for the first time of love. Suddenly her manner changed, as a fresh mood seized her. She threw up her head in haughty grace; she walked a few steps forward and then back, as though she were a Queen; she held out her hands, as though to raise some suppliant; she signed imperiously to an imaginary companion to begone, and turned away with a contemptuous frown, and a proud toss of her head, worthy of a Queen. Then she changed again. She became all radiant smiles, all bewitching rapture, and held out her arms as though to embrace some one, while her lips murmured, not my name, but that of Selim. So realistic was the vision that in my rage I rushed forward, dagger in hand, to stab her to the heart, and like a thing of mist she vanished, and I stood alone in my tent. Even the shadow of the Dark Angel had vanished, but his voice was still audible to me, and as I drew back, trembling with anger and disappointment, he said: "Thou dost know now how false is this daughter of the Serpent, and thou would st desire to kill her. If so thou canst only do so in thine own material body. The powers which I wield have no influence over her, or over that false Queen who killed thy Mother, and hath ruined thine own life. They belong not to the sphere wherein I rule, and the stars of those two women dominate thine, so that on the spiritual plane of thine earthly lives they shall prevail against thee. To avenge thy wrongs upon them thou must obtain power of a material kind, and while I can aid thee to obtain this, I cannot affect their welfare, either materially or spiritually. With Selim it is different; he i2 4 THF STORY OF AHRINZIMAN hovers between two spheres. He hath certain affinities with thee, through thy common father, and he is already subject to their influence. If thou dost desire to visit the Palace at I'arsag- lu-rd, do so now. "Draw around this earthly body of thine the signs used by the master Jelal-ud-din, that it may rest safely till thy return. Then go forth in thy spirit form, and judge for thyself if I have shown thee truly the nature of this woman whom thou hast so madly loved. Go, and my servants shall go with thee." The voice ceased, and I took up mechanically the black wand that I carried always with me, and traced out upon the floor the protecting circles. Then wrapping myself in my mantle I laid my body down as though to rest, while in my heart there was the most fierce tumult of emotions, and in my soul the chill despair of my dead hopes, the fearful agony of withered love. CHAPTER XXV MY REVENGE For the first time in my experience I was fully conscious of the process by which a spirit can leave the earthly envelope to roam untrammelled through the earth plane. As I withdrew niy-ilf from my mortal covering I felt like one who throws off a cloak, and after two or three slight tremors of the muscles I stood forth in my spirit form, free from my material body, save for a fine thread of gossamer-like texture, which still attached me to it, and kept it animated by my life fluid. In all my previous experiences I had been unconscious during the change, and had awakened, as one wakes from sleep, to the knowledge of my spiritual surroundings. But on this occasion it was as though I had stepped forth upon a new stapc of life, and a> 1 did so had withdrawn the curtain which veiled its scenes and actors from my mortal sight. Around me I perceived the spiritual counterparts of all ma terial things, but they no longer appeared as they had done to my THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 125 mortal sight. Some were infinitely more beautiful; others had lost all trace of their earthly beauty, by reason of their spiritual defilement. My own body, as it lay before my eyes, looked as I was wont to see myself, but it appeared veiled by clinging cob webs, like garments dipped in some scorching corrosive fluid, and stained with mud; and on looking at my spirit form I per ceived that I was clothed in a like manner, while the haggard wildness of my features had been transferred from the clay-like image of myself upon the ground to the living, suffering spirit. I passed my hand across my brow, to clear my brain and steady my wavering thoughts, then "willing" that I should visit Zuleika, I felt myself rise and rush through the air. As I hurried onward I beheld around me, above and below, myriads of strange beings of every shape and kind. Those phantasmal creatures I had beheld so dimly before were distinct and clear to my vision now: spirits like unto myself, human in their forms and in their natures; some bright as radiant Angels, others dim and dark and full of woe. All around me, on every side, were multitudinous forms of life: man, beast, and bird; fishes and reptiles; plants; flowers; all like and unlike to those of material earth life. Stars glowed above me; lights flashed up and down; all was rush and hurry and turmoil; and there was neither rest nor peace anywhere. Like the waves of a mighty ocean the life of the astral plane surged to and fro. As I rushed onwards I saw that I was accompanied by a great train of spirits; weird creatures of phantom shapes, and the human spirits of dead men and women of evil lives. Onward with me they rushed, howling, shouting, crying, yelling out wild imprecations and fierce cries for vengeance upon all mankind, gesticulating like a set of maniacs, and fighting with each other like a pack of wolves. Laughing and screaming in fiendish joy at the thought of the sport which awaited them; waving their long, skinny arms to cheer me on, and mouthing at me with their hideous faces; shrieking curses upon each other and upon me, even while each one struggled to get the foremost place beside me, that they might the more enjoy the expected scene. Above all this wild throng I saw the floating form of the Dark Angel, poised upon his outspread wings like a majestic bird of prey, who watches the battle from afar that he may swoop down only to carry off the spoil which others have gathered for him. And as the tide floats driftweeds onward upon itj restless bosom, iz6 THE STORY OF AHRINRIMAN so were I and my wild escort floated on upon the current of my fierce and murderous desires. We reached the Palace and city of Parsagherd, and hung like a Mack cloud over it for one brief moment, ere we all sank down through roofs and walls which no longer offered any obstruction to our pus-;i<_v. We entered the outer court which led to my own apartments, and passed along the passage to that inner chamber where Zuleika had slept in my arms so many times. At the door I paused, and like a rushing torrent that meets with an obstruction in its path, the rush and hurry of my feverish thoughts seemed checked. 1 uld not enter. The memory of our past love, the thought of all the sweetness of those vanished hours, rose up as a barrier between me and my revenge. The goodness and purity, the faith and trust, of the dead past, were like white Angels with outstretched wings to bar the way against sin and murder. I paused. I wavered for a moment in my wild thirst for vengeance. I half turned back, and dropped the curtain I had begun to draw aside. Another moment and my good Angel would have conquered, and I should have left my meditated deed undone. But at this critical moment, while the scales trembled in the balance, the voice of Zuleika, of my faithless wife, fell upon my ears, speaking in soft dulcet tones fond words of love unto my rival. With a furious cry of wrath I tore aside the curtain from the doorway, and looked in. There she sat, attired as I had seen her in the vision in my tent; the jewelled circlet in her hair, the rich dress, the sparkling gems, the King's ring upon her ringer, all exactly as I had seen it. And now upon her face there was the evil, seducing smile; the shameless glance of the temptress wa> in her eyes, and she looked as I had seen her first in Jelal-ud -din's mirror. \nd Selim sat beside her. His arms encircled her. His lips were pressed to hers, again and yet again, in passionate kisx I could bear no more. With frantic haste I rushed upon them, forgetting that as a spirit I was invisible, and all my angry words iible. Me they saw not, but a violent trembling seized the King; a cold wind as of ice enveloped Zuleika, and she drew back from her lover in a sudden alarm. I tried to grasp the King. I tried to strangle him. But to my astonishment my hands made no impression upon him. It was as though I had become an intangible shadow myself. My hands glided off his body, as THE STORY OF AHRINZIMA 127 though the protecting armour of his material form offered an impervious wall against all my attacks. I drew my dagger, or rather the spiritual counterpart of the dagger, which I usually wore: my dagger was like myself, a shadow, beside the strong covering of the material shell. Furious with helpless rage, I stamped upon the ground, and to their ears, muffled by the flesh, my steps gave out no sound. Fear filled both their hearts, but it was a nameless fear of the unknown. In my hot anger I called aloud for some power to aid my vengeance, and the mocking laughter of the Dark Angel answered me, as he said: "Oh, fool ! Fool ! To think that thou, as a spirit, couldst pene trate the thick armour of mortality. But behold those who can! See whom I have sent unto thine aid." A cloud enveloped us all; a cloud as black as the darkest storm cloud of night, as dense as a stream of filthy black mud. And in the midst of its darkness I beheld strange hideous gigantic forms; frightful creatures like human apes; their hands like giant hands; their arms like flails; their bodies short and misshapen, like some fearful abortions of human birth. These creatures wrestled and fought as they enshrouded us with their foul dark atmosphere, and then the foremost of them grasped the King with a grip of iron, and strangling him in an instant, as a dog would kill a rat, flung his quivering body upon the ground at Zuleika's feet, and like a wave of darkness the foul creatures were gone as suddenly as they had come. Fierce as had been my desire for revenge, I shuddered at the horrible scene, and scarce conscious of anything but the horrible face of the murdered King, I rushed away from the fatal spot. CHAPTER XXVI I AM PROCLAIMED KING It was well that I returned so quickly to my earthly body, for I found that a horrible looking low earth bound spirit was already touching it, and striving to take possession. The protecting ring n8 THE STORY OF AHRJNZIMAN of astral fire had died out in one place, and through this gap the dark spirit had entered. In my wrath I rushed forward, almost annihilating the wretched creature with the withering scorn of my glance, and he cowered down abjectly at my feet and slunk away, while I, re-entering my body with a violent and painful shock, awoke with the feeling of having dreamed some dreadful night mare vision, and it was some moments before I collected my thoughts sufficiently to reali/c that my late experience had been no dream, but a dread reality. While I was thinking over what had passed I heard a hurried whis|>ering outside my tent, then the curtain was raised caution-h and some one looked in. With an exclamation of pleasure I sprang up, for I recognized my father's faithful friend Al Zulid. I had sent a messenger to him when I left Parsagherd, but I had not hoped that he would meet me so soon, and after the terrible adventure of the last hours his presence was doubly welcome, for I had resolved to confide all to him, and to be guided by his counsel. He greeted me with much affection, and heard \\ ith a sympathy very welcome to my sore heart the story of my wrongs, and of the vengeance I had already exacted for them in so strange a manner. "Said I not unto thee to beware of Artemisia? Did I not warn thee, Ahrinx.iman, not to trust them for an hour? Verily do I believe that the Queen hath had a large share in the accomplish ment of thy dishonor, and of a truth thou and I shall pay off to gether the debts we owe her. But it will not be wise to let others know that thou hast in effect slain the King. We must act as though we believed him still to be alive, and it will be time enough to speak of him as dead when others shall tell us of it." "Thou dost not believe that he is dead? That I have seen him die even as I tell thee?" "I think, friend, that thou hast had a troubled dream, mayhap. Perchance it may be even as thou sayest, but till I know from others that Selim hath died, and died even as th< .1 cannot well believe so strange a thing. Think not that I despise thy vision. Frown not so angrily upon me, son of my dead master, for I do not doubt thou hast seen something. The gifts of divina tion are thine by right of birth, even as the throne of Persia shall be thine, but I think that thine agitated frame of mind may have colored thy vision, and given it a more extreme ending than hath belonged to it in truth. But come, thou art awake now. The THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 129 time for dreams is past, and if thou wouldst avenge upon Arte misia thine own wrongs, and those of thy parents, we must lose no time. Prince Ahmed is with me, and so are our followers, for we were on the march to Parsagherd when thy messenger met me, and I turned aside to seek thee. Come and see Ahmed with me, for he hath dreamed of reigning, since thou wouldst not take thy father's place, and he will not much like to resign his dreams in thy favor.. Yet must he even do so, for thou art first. Thy name comes before his, and I swore to El Jazid that should I find Ahrinziman yet in life I would devote all my influence, all my power to place thee, the favored son, upon the throne of Persia." "I thank thee, Al Zulid," said I, grasping his hand with much emotion. "Thou art indeed the truest of true friends, but can not we arrange with Ahmed so that he shall not be wholly dis appointed? Cannot we share the kingdom? Cannot he and I reign each over a part, in unity not in enmity? I confess that I I do now desire to reign. Love is dead for me, but Ambition may yet be my God and Power my Idol. I may still seek in public life the solace of distinction. Persia shall be my mistress, since I have now no wife, and care for the greatness of my country shall fill the void left in my heart. Besides," added I, grinding my teeth with rage, "besides that, have I not my revenge still incomplete? Shall I not grasp at power that I may wrestle upon more equal terms with Artemisia? Her son is dead, whether thou dost believe it or not, for I have seen him die; but he is only one, and they who have wronged me were three. Lead me to thy troops, and to Prince Ahmed, and what seems wise and right I will do, for I must no more delay to take up the heritage which is mine by right of birth and deed of gift." "Good, Ahrinziman, King of Persia. But it must not be thou who dost seek Ahmed; he must come to thee, and I will bring him hither." So saying he went forth, and presently returned accompanied by Ahmed and the principal officers of his army, as well as the Vizier Babadul. My tent was lighted only by a small lamp, but a light watch fire burned outside, and as Al Zulid held back the curtains of my tent, its rays fell full upon my face and figure. As I stepped forth to meet Ahmed, and to assure him that my desire was to divide the Kingdom with him, not to cl.iim the whole for myself, the light from the fire illuminated my features and Babadul and the Generals with him, who had known my father well, uttered 130 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN an exclamation of surprise, for the likeness to my dead father, not alone in feature and figure, but in gesture and speech, was so strong they could almost have believed it was Kl Jazid himself who stood again before them. Only it was like El Jazid as he had been in youth, ere care had furrowed his brow and sorrow dimmed the lustre of his eyes and the pride of his carriage. As for Ahmed, he' regarded me in sullen astonishment and anger. He refused my proffered hand, and bowing haughtily said : "I cannot share the Kingdom with thee. It is mine or it is thine, but I at least will have no divided inheritage. I will owe to the courtesy and policy of no man the power which must be mine by right or not at all. I withdraw myself and my claims since Ben Al Zulid and Babadul have found thee, who are named before me in my father's decree. But I claim for myself perfect freedom of action. I will owe no allegiance unto thee." Then turning upon his heel he strode from the tent, and mounting upon his horse rode away. As soon as he was gone the others crowded around me, each eager to assure me of their fidelity, and then Al Zulid advised that we should go forth, and that I should show myself unto the troops, to whom he had already explained who I was, and why he had turned aside from his march to meet me. Among the soldiers, and with the populace in Persia, Ben Al Zulid was a great power. He was a favorite with everyone. His powerful physique, his splendid military talents, his undaunted courage, his success as a commander, all contributed to make him popular with a warlike people, while his unswerving fidelity and his noble nature won him the trust and confidence of all who knew him. I verily believe that had he chosen to grasp the regal sceptre for himself, instead of for me, he would have been elected to the throne with acclamations of joy. As it was, when he led me forth mounted upon my favorite horse and surrounded by the Generals who had led the army of my late father through so many successful campaigns, and pre- d me to the assembled troops as the true King, appointed '. .1 Jazid himself to succeed him, there went up a great shout of " Ix)ng live the King Ahrinziman ! Long life to the son of El Ja/i< 1 ! Down with Queen Artemisia and her feeble son! Long may a King reign who can restore the fading glory to Persia!" \ The day was breaking and the red rays of the rising sun THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 131 flashed redly upon the waving spears and nodding plumes of the great cavalcade of warriors before me, as the whole army collected by Al Zulid shouted forth my name and greeted me as their new King, and for one brief moment the triumph of my ambitious desires seemed as a solace to my wounded heart, and the first sip from the cup of power, sweet to my lips. And then there rose before my eyes again the vision of Zuleika, as she had hung so fondly on my rival's breast and whispered her words of love to him, till he changed into the horrible, distorted, hideous corpse I had seen lying at her feet. Then did all my thoughts of triumph turn to dust and ashes; all my exultation to bitterness; all the sweetness of the cup of prosperity to gall and wormwood, even as I tasted that first sip. I bowed as one in a dream. I bowed mechanically in answer to the ringing cheers; and as Al Zulid gave the order to resume the march to Parsagherd he put his hand upon the bridle of my horse, and bending down his head, whispered: "Awake! Awake! Ahrinziman. Leave thy dreams of love and disappointment behind thee, for a new life, the life of action and of power, lies before thee, and it shall bring consolation even for a woman's fickle smiles. It is the time to act, not to dream of that dead past of thine affections." CHAPTER XXVII I ENTER MY CAPITAL When Zuleika recovered from the first shock of dismay and horror at seeing the lover she was caressing die in so sudden and so unaccountable a way, in so terrible a manner, her first thought was of the danger to herself at being found with the dead body in her sleeping chamber. She had seen nothing of me, or of those horrible phantoms who had killed Selim. She thought he had died in convulsions. She felt a dim belief that I was in some way responsible for the catastrophe, but she had no idea that I had been actually in the room. What to do she did not know. She could not touch Selim's body now, fond as she fancied she had been of him ten minutes before. Neither dare she leave it i 3 2 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN where it lay, to be found in her room by Artemisia. Trembling and sobbing- she sought out the trusty slave who had tended her from a child, and who had brought to her first the knowledge of the King's admiration when she was at Herat. To this woman she related what had happened, and after a short conference it was agreed that Selim's body should be taken through the secret passage by which he had entered Zuleika's room, and laid upon his own bed, there to be discovered by his own attendants, who would fancy he had died suddenly in the night. Zuleika and the faithful slave dared not summon anyone to aid them in their task, but fortunately the slave was a large, powerful woman, while the King, though tall, was a slender man, and not heavy, so that while the woman carried the poor contorted body in her arms, Zuleika, with much fear and trembling, helped to support it, and between them they carried it through the short passage and laid it upon the bed. They then shut the secret doors, and Zuleika, who was by this time almost in hysterics, was laid upon her own couch and tended by the faithful slave, who kept all others away from the bedside, lest the state of Zuleika's mind, her wild weeping and great terror, should arouse suspicion. Thus did the night pass, and with early morning the King's death was discovered by one of the attendants, who ran in great alarm to call the Queen. Consternation reigned everywhere. As for Artemisia, she was like a tigress that hath been robbed of her young. In her frantic grief she hung over the dead body of her son, and refused to believe that he could be dead. She kissed the poor swollen, livid lips; she caressed the senseless head; she strove to straighten the twisted limbs, to warm the icy body by contact with her own passionately throbbing heart; she held her dead child in her arms, and rocked him on her bosom, as though he were still the infant upon whom she had lav ished all her love, and to whom she had turned in her slighted affection. She turned like a wild beast upon all who tried to touch the dead man, or draw her away from him. For hours she continued her wild, useless efforts to restore him, forgetting, fortunately for Zuleika, all else, in her attempts to revive her son. Then, at last, the full measure of her woe broke upon her mind, and with a mad shriek of grief, a frantic cry of despair, she sank insensible upon THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 133 her son's body, while the wild wail of her attendant maidens rent the air in lamentations over the dead Selim. It was by this time late in the afternoon. I and my troops had reached the Palace of Parsagherd. We had met the messen ger sent by Selim to recall me, and his presence gave me a good pretext for entering the city quietly, without appearing to know aught of what had befallen the King. We met no opposition anywhere, scarcely did our appearance excite surprise. The awful events in the Palace filled the public mind, to the exclusion of all other things. Everywhere were scattered groups talking over the strange death of Selim, the news of which had spread like wild-fire through the city. Even when we reached the Palace gates no one opposed our entrance, when I showed the keepers of the gates the order for my return. Ben Al Zulid had turned very pale when he heard the news of Selim 's death, and had exchanged a hurried glance with me. but he was careful not to betray our previous knowledge, and we rode into the court yard of the Palace unopposed, amidst a throng of bewildered soldiers and courtiers. Not with cries of joy was my coming welcomed, but as I drew near to the Palace door there fell upon our ears the long, wild, lamentation, the mournful cry of the Queen's women, as they raised the death wail over the murdered King. CHAPTER XXVIII MY WIFE A short conference took place between Al Zulid and the leaders of the late government. The decree of El Jazid was ex hibited to them, and it was made plain to the minds of Artemisia's friends that I had behind me a power strong enough to support my claims. The death of Selim left no pretext for opposing my elevation, and whatever might be the secret feelings of those about Selim's court, it was evidently not thought wise to display any animosity towards me. Moreover I was not without friends, even among the late King's courtiers, and these all hoped to share in my prosperity. I 3 4 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN Thus was my elevation to the throne accomplished without any violent opposition, and even Artemisia herself had no excuse for interfering with me. The obsequies of Selim were conducted with much splendour (as is the custom in the East). Artemisia, who -was still half frantic in her grief, remained unmolested in her own apartments, attended by her women, and unaware of my arrival, since I shrank from intruding upon her at such a time, and resolved to defer my revenge against her till a more fitting season, merely ordering that she should not be allowed to leave the Palace. Zuleika I had not seen. She also was in effect a prisoner. She had heard with wonder, not unmixed with alarm, of the strange events which were taking place, and of my sudden eleva tion to power. Her first thought was regret that she had not been faithful to me, her second, relief in remembering that I was in all probability ignorant of her falsehood. And as she recovered a little from the shock of Selim 's death she began to consider how best to turn the unexpected change to her own advantage. She wondered that I had not come at once to see her, as she felt sure my first impulse would have been under ordinary circumstances. She felt somewhat uneasy at my strange absence, but hoped it might be due to other causes than displeasure. She wished she had not been quite so angry with me when we parted, and at last resolved to send word to me, to ask if I had forgotten Zuleika. Meantime she had attired herself in her simplest yet most becoming manner, and removed as far as possible all traces of her late agitation. I had only just awakened from a short sleep of utter exhaus tion when Zuleika's message was brought to me, and it was some minutes ere I realized all the changes which had taken place. When I did so my anger against my faithless wife revived in all its bitterness. As I entered the room Zuleika, who was resting upon her cushions, hurried forward with much show of delight to greet me. It was early morning, and she was but half dressed. Her beauti ful hair hung loose upon her shoulders; her white round arms and neck were bare, and her pretty feet were thrust hastily into her slippers; her dark eyes looked unusually large and wistful by reason of the paleness of her face. Her hands trembled as she strove to gather her veil around her and fasten her robe, but she turned to me with a smile as sweet and innocent as of old, and put out her arms caressingly to embrace me. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 135 But I drew back from her haughtily, and looked at her coldly and sternly, even while my heart gave a wild throb of anguish, and I would have given all the earth to know she was yet true to me, and that all the terrible past was but an awful dream. My voice choked and trembled as I said to her: "You forget. It is not your husband, Ahrinziman, who has returned to you, but the King of Persia. What did you desire of him?" Zuleika's arms dropped to her sides, and her large childlike eyes filled with tears; real tears, no doubt, as she replied : "Oh, Ahrinziman! I thought thou would st ever be the same to me. I thought not that thou wouldst keep thine anger thus. We parted in anger it is true, but I thought thou wert unreason able in thy suspicions; and see, I have wept such bitter tears since thou didst leave me, without one kiss, and now thou art as cold as ice to me. Can it be that thou dost love me no more? That thou no longer carest for my love since thou art become the King?" She looked not like a guilty wife, but like a pleading child, as she spoke thus to me, and I had almost begun to believe in her again, I so longed to take her to my heart, and hear her say she loved me. I took a step toward her, and my face softened, and mine eyes filled with tears. And then, Oh God ! if I have sinned had I not grave provocation, for there upon the carpet between us lay the King's signet ring the ring he had given Zuleika, and which she had worn upon her slender finger at the fatal moment when I had seen her in his arms. In the hurry and agitation the ring had fallen from Zuleika's finger, which was much too small to wear it, and had lain unnoticed upon the floor, to rise up like a silent accusing witness of her falseness and my dishonor. I started as though an adder had stung me, and picked up the ring, and holding it out to her said: "Oh, Woman! Fair and faithless! Oh smooth faced liar that thou art! Thou sayest that thou wept for my departure, when it was the lover who died even at thy feet for whom those tears were shed. If thou knowest nothing of Selim how comes his ring, his Signet ring, within thy sleeping chamber? The chamber that should be sacred to thee and me alone. Perjure thyself no more. Seek no further to deceive me, for behold, I saw thee with him, and I saw him die, even as thou didst see him die, at thy feet. Oh, most false of women, who couldst lie in my 136 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN arms and whisper words of love into mine ears, when thou hadst already deceived and dishonored me. Thou shalt die. Yea, of a truth thou shalt die, and go to Hell to seek for thy paramour." I drew my dagger, and would have stabbed her to the heart, but she uttered a piercing cry and fell at my feet, kissing them like a slave, and grovelling on the ground in abject terror, while she pleaded for life only life. Then was my wrath turned to contempt, and I spurned her from me with my foot, and drew my sash which she had grasped in her agony of fear, away from her hands, as though her touch defiled me. "Thy life, vile harlot! What is the value of a life such as thine? Thy life ! Is it so dear a thing to thee? Then live till thou art old and grey and withered, and all those charms with which thou hast beguiled men's hearts are turned to hideousness, and thou art known for what thou art, a woman without virtue and without shame. Live! Yea, thou shalt live, but thou shalt enjoy the fate thou and thy betrayer planned for me. Thou shalt go to a prison, not to the palace of thy dreams." I turned away. I could not trust myself to look on her again, as she lay sobbing on the ground in all the abandonment of her terror and despair, Ies f mv neart should soften and she should beguile my soul once more. When I returned to my apartments I found Al Zulid await ing me, with the news that Queen Artemisia had fled during the night from the Palace. "It is perhaps as well that she hath done so," said he, "since we could not have retained her as a prisoner without raising around us a hornet's nest of her powerful kindred, who would be only too glad of a pretext to attack us. As it is they have no excuse for doing so, and so soon as thou art securely seated upon the throne of Persia we shall have ample opportunity of avenging upon Artemisia our mutual wrongs, and of humbling even to the dust this proud Queen. First grasp with a firm hand the regal power and all else will follow." "Doubtless it is even as thou dost say, Al Zulid, but, Oh! friend, to one whose wrongs burn the heart as do mine, it is hard to wait, even for an hour, ere I may satiate my thirst for vengeance. l'j>on Artemisia \vc may yet avenge ourselves, but can aught restore to me the happiness whkh I have lost for ever? Can anyone give back to me my wife, in her innocence and purity?" THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 137 "Art thou so sure, Ahrinziman, that she was indeed innocent in thought, as well as in fact, ere Artemisia and her son tempted her to fall? Methinks that virtue must be of a poor quality which yields to the first assault, and that love but a base counterfeit which fades before the glitter of a King's crown. For thee it is a bitter awakening from thine illusion, but if Zuleika had no true love for thee doth it matter so much whose hand hath drawn aside the veil from her real nature? Think not that I fail in sympathy with thee because I speak thus, or that I know not how sore thy heart doth feel, how empty is this hour of thy triumph, since she who should have been the chief sharer of its pride hath proved so faithless. I would but arouse thee from dwelling upon the past, which thou canst not alter, and bid thee turn to that future which is yet thine own, and which thou canst shape to com pensate thee at least in part, for the disappointment of thine affection. Let Persia henceforth be thy mistress, and the pros perity of thy people thy chief thought." CHAPTER XXIX ARTEMISIA AND AHMED In sending Zuleika to the fortress in which I intended she should pass her days, I allowed her, as a special favour, to take with her the faithful negro woman who had nursed her as an infant, and who ever showed a devotion to her mistress which was worthy of a more grateful object. It was this woman who had helped Zuleika to remove the dead body of King Selim from her chamber, and who possessed more of Zuleika's confi dence than any other person. This slave, whose name was Bamba, soon contrived to ingratiate herself into the favor of the humbler guards at the fortress, and was allowed to pass in and out with comparative freedom, a circumstance which inspired Zuleika with a plan for making her escape. To one like my discarded wife the solitary imprisonment to which she was condemned was almost as terrible a thing as death itself. To feel her youth and her beauty withering away between 138 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN four gloomy walls; to have no companion hut a humble slave, no fine dresses, no costly jewels to wear, no ^littering bauM toy with, no pretty things to surround her, no one to pay her homage, none to envy or to flatter; this was indeed a bitter fate, and the feelings of the vain, selfish, frivolous beauty towards me were full of the most intense hate. For was it not I who had sent her to this awful prison? My scorn and contempt when I had spurned her from me with my foot had galled and wounded her vanity as my love had never been able to touch her heart. My bitter words rankled in her mind, though my words of fond endearment had made but little impression. The dim sense she had of the truth in my angry speech stabbed her to the quick, disturbing that good opinion of herself which she had ever cherished, and shaking her perfect faith in her own amiability, her own beauty, her own worth. Anything she had done she had fully justified to herself in her own mind, and my out spoken words she regarded as a deadly insult to her self-respect, and an outrage upon her self-love which was unpardonable. I had despised her. I had rejected her attempts at a reconcilia tion. I had heaped contempt and injury upon her, and for me she felt a vehemence of petty spite which for the first time in her life brought her to the verge of feeling a strong, passionate emotion. At last her tepid, selfish nature was roused into some throb of hot anger, some sense of the strength of the passions which can stir the human heart, and next to her desire for freedom was the desire to revenge upon me what she was pleased to call her wrongs. As day after day passed on, and the weary weeks changed into months as weary, she paced to and fro in her prison like a pantheress in her cage, planning how to get free. At last the ease with which Bamba could enter and leave the fortress sug gested a scheme to her mind. Gold and jewelry she had none. Everything of value which might have served to bribe her guards to help her had been taken away. Friends she had none, save this one poor slave, yet in her devotion Zuleika possessed a treasure more potent than any gold, more valuable than any jewels. If Zuleika sighed for freedom Bamba would hesitate at nothing to procure it, did she but know how to set to work, and when Zuleika called her to her and told her of a plan, Bamba acquiesced at once. "See now, good Bamba," said Zuleika, "it is now four terrible months that we have endured the life of this prison. It might well be four years; to me it seems an eternity. I can support THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 139 this life no longer. For so desperate a case we must try a des perate remedy. "As for thee, thou must find means to reach Queen Artemisia. I have no money to give thee, so thou must even beg thy way. If thou art missed I shall pretend to great concern for thee; I shall show great anger, and say thou, even thou, hast deserted me in my captivity. I shall ask daily for thee, and weary them with my importunities for news, that they may not suspect that I have sent thee from me. If Artemisia will help, let her give thee gold, for a golden key will open even a prison door, be it well applied. And surely the Queen will help to free me when thou dost tell her of all that I will do, all that I can tell." Bamba prostrated herself at Zuleika's feet, and kissing them, vowed that if it was possible for one poor slave to move the heart of Artemisia, Zuleika should have the chance of freedom. Then, after a few more directions from her mistress, set forth upon her long pilgrimage. With infinite labor and difficulty the poor faithful woman found out the Queen, who had taken refuge with some of her kinsfolk, and who had been joined by Prince Ahmed, with whom she made common cause against me. Very eagerly did she listen to the tale told her by poor Bamba, and after a little consideration as to the best means of helping Zuleika, she sent a eunuch of her court with a large amount of money to accompany Bamba, and help her to effect Zuleika's deliverence. Having given orders that they should bribe liberally those who kept the prisoner, she also sent word to Prince Ahmed, who happened to be at the time absent from the Palace, bidding him to go and see what assistance he could render, and how swiftly he could bring Zuleika to the Queen. "Help this woman," said she, "by all means in thy power, for in so doing thou wilt help both thyself and me. Through this woman's aid I trust to be avenged upon the man who hath robbed me of a son, and thee of a Kingdom." 1 40 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER XXX THE ESCAPE OF ZULEIKA It was a hot, sultry day. The sun poured down its burning rays upon the wide stretch of sandy plain The scorching dust blistered the skin, and the fierce glare from the white sand blinded the eyes of the weary travellers who struggled painfully across the arid wilderness, known as the Great Salt Desert. The wretched camels they bestrode seemed scarce able to drag their limbs another pace, while the terrible thirst which consumed alike the poor animals and their riders, was rendered the more unbearable by the sight on the horizon of a small clump of date trees, which marked the presence of one of the few wells of that almost water less region; a well which neither camels nor travellers seemed destined ever to reach. Two of these unfortunate people were women, the third was a Nubian slave, one of those useful men who are found in attend ance upon the harems of the East. As one of the wretched camels sank in a dying condition upon the hot sand , the woman who had been mounted upon it extricated herself from the poor animal, exclaiming in a fretful tone to the slave who hurried to her assistance: "Trouble not about me, it is vain to hope that we can escape from this horrible desert. And after all what doth it signify to any where the bones of the unfortunate Zuleika rest. I can struggle no more, and like this wretched camel, which might surely have struggled yet a little further, I must even lay me down upon the sand and die." She gave an impatient kick with her foot to the luckless camel, whose failure at such a time inspired her, not with pity for its sufferings, but annoyance and disappointment for herself; and then, with more vigor than is usually shown by one at the point of death, she walked a few paces away and threw herself upon the ground. The other woman, who was no other than Zuleika 's faithful slave Bamba, had by this time also dismounted, and with a solicitude akin to that of some faithful dog, strove to shield THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 141 her mistress from the fierce rays of the sun with her own body, while the man, after a short conference, set forth alone to seek for water at the distant well. Hours passed ere the man returned, and during that weary time Zuleika sank from a state of fretful complaining into a semi- unconsciousness between sleep and utter exhaustion, the poor woman beside her being also overcome. At last the sun sank, and the short twilight gave place to the darkness and coolness of night. Then the stars came forth and the moon rose, and by its light the dark forms of several vultures could be discerned hovering near the dying women, and descend ing upon the carcass of the dead camel, making night more terrible than the day with their hoarse cries, and filling the heart of the half conscious Zuleika with dread and horror. With the horrible instinct of their species the vultures knew that neither of the women was yet dead, and they hovered near, waiting till the final moment of dissolution ere they attacked their Prey- Then, as the night wore slowly on, there came another sound than the vultures' cries to break the stillness. It was the tramp ling of horses' feet, and the sound of men's voices shouting, as they sought for the deserted women. The Nubian slave had been fortunate in his quest, and had found, not alone the water that he sought, but the encampment of Prince Ahmed and his troops. Zuleika heard the voices as one hears in a dream. She heard them approach and then die away, yet she could not rouse her self enough to give one feeble qry in answer. She knew the sounds betokened life and hope, yet could not make a sign to guide them to her. Again and yet again they drew near, then died away again till at last the black cloud of vultures hovering above the dead camel and the dying women caught the eyes of the seekers, and with a loud shout the horsemen galloped forward. Another moment and Zuleika's rigid limbs were being chafed by friendly hands, and water was poured drop bv drop between the swollen lips. Her veil had been drawn aside, and as she revived her eyes met those of a handsome young man, none other than Prince Ahmed himself, who had ridden to her assistance when he heard who it was who lay dying in the desert. With tender care Zuleika was placed upon one of the horses and supported by the Prince, who was much struck by her exceed- i 4 2 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN ing beauty, and as she had now revived sufficiently to sit up when thus supported, Ahmed lost no time in returning with her to his followers, and setting forth with my fugitive wife. As for the poor faithful Bamha, she was past all aid, and expired even while her rescuers stood over her. CHAPTER XXXI MY ENEMIES In one of the upper chambers of her kinsman's house Arte misia awaited the coming of Zuleika. Since she had sent her serv ants forth to help her the Queen had never ceased to watch for her arrival, even long before it was possible that she could even have escaped. A hundred times a day would Artemisia wander to the casement and look forth over the broad stretch of country it commanded, to see if there was any sign of the expected caval cade. Those who had known the beautiful Queen in the days of her glory found it difficult to recognize her now, so greatly was she changed. Twenty years of ordinary life would not so have aged her. The clear pallor of her skin had changed to a dull leaden hue. The handsome aquiline features had become sharp and prominent, and bore the semblance of a bird of prey. The cheeks, once so round, so smooth, were sunken and wrinkled. The white forehead furrowed. The perfect figure wasted and angular, while the eyes wandered restlessly to and fro, and glit tered with a wild fire that was almost that of insanity. The long masses of dark hair, once so admired, so carefully arranged, so becomingly dressed, now hung loose and neglected upon her shoulders, giving an added wildness to her appearance. Ever and anon as she wandered aimlessly back and forward she struck her bosom with her clenched hand, uttering a low, strange moan as of some animal in pain, and calling again and again upon the name of her dead son. "Oh, Selim! Selim!" she wailed, "where art thou now, my son? Hath Paradise opened its gates to thee, and left me behind THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 143 to drag out mine existence alone? Can it be that Ahriman hath taken thee, because thou wert my son, and I have sinned so that the gates of Heaven can never open at my touch? I would even that thou should st go to Hell rather than to Heaven, yea even though it were to the sufferings of Hell, for then thou and I should meet. Can Paradise have a place for thee? Within its gates I can never enter. If thou, Oh my son, mine only son, dost love thy mother even as she loves thee, thou wilt welcome the dark depths of Hell and all its horrors where thou would st dwell with me, rather than the glorious scenes of Paradise where we would be parted. Oh Selim, child of my soul! Beloved of all my loveless years, do thou return to me, or let God have mercy upon me and let my soul go forth to thee." She sank upon the floor with a long wailing cry of anguish, and rocked herself backwards and forwards in her despair, calling now in softest caressing tones and anon with frantic wild- ness upon the lost Selim. Suddenly she was aroused from her solitary grief by the sound of bustle and excitement in the court yard below. There was the loud trampling of horses, and the sound of men's voices, and as she sprang up and hurried to the window she beheld Prince Ahmed assisting a closely veiled woman to alight from her horse, and in the graceful veiled figure she had' no difficulty in recogniz ing Zuleika. With an exclamation of savage joy Artemisia hurried from the room, and meeting the party on their way to her, they all returned together to the room, the once stately Queen laying aside all attempts at Royal state in her eager haste and fierce longing to know what Zuleika could tell her. To Artemisia she therefore said that she felt sure I had caused Selim to be slain, even if I had not, with my own hands, killed him, for I had boasted to her that I had seen him die. " Who," cried Zuleika," knows better than the unhappy Zuleika what fearful spells Ahrinziman can cast over those he would destroy, what dread powers he can call upon to aid him in his wicked designs. Have I not, alas! known for years how terrible were the things he could do, yet was my tongue always tied, and myself constrained by ihe influence he had over me. I thank God that the spell is broken at last, and that I can speak freely to your Highness, and say that the hand which slew thy son was the hand of Ahrinziman," 144 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN Artemisia gave a shrill laugh of derision as she heard the con clusion of Zuleika's speech, and her voice was fierce with anger as she replied: "If thou hast no more than that to tell me thou needst not have come so far, thou mightest have lain and rotted in thy prison ere I would have sent help to thee. For long I have known that Ahrinziman killed my son with his foul spells. In the hour Selim died I knew it, and I live now only that I may bring this murderer to a fate as tragic, and an end more lingering and painful, than was the end of my poor son. If thou canst tell me what were the means whereby this husband who hath cast thee off, thou paltry schemer, used to procure his ends, speak on, but if not, if thou hast no more to tell me than I know already, then, by the Heavens above us, thou shall find thou hast but changed one prison for another, one condition of sorrow for one yet more hopeless. Trifle not with me. Thou didst lead my son unto his death. But for thee and thy hateful charms he had been alive now to bless my life, not dead and cold and gone to leave me in despair." Her voice shook, and she ended her angry speech in a wild burst of sorrow for her son, while Ahmed and Zuleika, scarce knowing how to answer her, stood silently by. The Queen's mood changed, and she turned again to Zuleika with mock courtesy, as she said: "Come now, tell me all thy news, rehearse to me the story of thy life with this most wonderful Ahrinziman. Or stay, I should perhaps rather tell thee the latest news. I forgot that thou in thy captivity canst have heard but little of his fine doings. It must surely give thee pleasure to know that this man, to whom thou wert so true, so exemplary a wife, hath risen to the loftiest height of power and popularity since he cast thee off. All men praise him : all say that since the days of Darius the Great there hath not arisen a King so fit to add to the glories of Persia and restore to her that position among nations which was slipping from her. They praise his military talents, his dauntless courage, his tact and kingly address. They praise his person, and say how hand some is this man, how gracious, how full of resource, how capable of governing how strong of will, yet how generous of purpose. Do I not speak truly, Ahmed? Is it not thus that men speak of the man who hath thrust thee aside, and whom thou in thy turn wouldst pull down from his high estate? Doth it not please thee THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 145 to think he is so popular that thine own chance beside his is but small? Thou art alike the illegitimate offspring of El Jazid, but unlike thee, Ahrinziman was the chosen son, the well beloved of my once husband, while thou wert set aside. Surely it must give thee pleasure to know it was for no unworthy object? And for thee, Zuleika, most beautiful, most graceful of courtesans, thou must feel pleasure to know that Ahrinziman hath taken unto himself six of the most beautiful maidens in all Persia, to fill that place in his heart which thou didst hold alone? When he wearies of the charms of one he can try the fascinations of another, whereas thou hadst charms enough to hold his fancy by thine own beauty alone. Thou mightest have been as great a Queen as the most royally born, had it not been that thou didst bestow thy valuable affections upon my son my murdered son. Oh, thou fool! Thou vain fool ! Thou wretched trifler with men's hearts," said the Queen, lapsing again into her hot anger, "haste thee and tell me all thou hast to tell, for the same air cannot be breathed by thee and me, thy presence stifles me, and thou hadst best be swiftly gone." Trembling with apprehension, yet watching anxiously the face of Ahmed to know what help she might expect from him, Zuleika told of my life with Jelal-ud-din so far as she knew it. What she had to say sounded vague and trifling before such fierce impatient questioning as Artemisia subjected her to, and she felt that her sole hope must now be in the good offices of Prince Ahmed on her behalf, and after a few moments of terrible suspense Zuleika burst into a passion of tears, and was overcome by faintness, half real and half assumed, as an escape from further questioning, while she petitioned to be allowed a few hours in which to recover from her fatigue and collect her thoughts. The angry Queen therefore called one of her women and bade her conduct Zuleika to a chamber where she could rest for a little. As she was about to leave the presence of Artemisia Zuleika contrived to make a sign to the Prince that she desired to speak with him, and as he gave her a gesture of acquiescence in return, Zuleika departed a little reassured. Zuleika had been resting for scarcely half an hour when Prince Ahmed came to visit her, and in her then state of suspense and anxiety it was almost a relief that he came so soon. Yet Zuleika was at heart afraid of Ahmed. She felt instinct- 146 ively that the love she had inspired in the heart of this man wa? ry different feeling from that with which the poor weak minded King Selim had regarded her, or the chivalric devotion which had made her almost a sacred being in my eyes. Ahmed was a man of coarse, determined character, and Zuleika felt only too con scious of her own helpless, forlorn position. She struggled hard however to hide her apprehensions, and to maintain her own dignity as long as possible, that she might make better terms for herself. As Ahmed entered Zuleika rose to receive him, and prostrat ing herself at his feet said: "I sought an interview with thee, Oh Prince, because in thy help and in thy generosity must the sole hope of the unhappy Zuleika be. The Queen, who I thought would befriend, seems like unto one distraught; the death of her son would seem to have affected her brain, since she raves when she speaks upon that subject, and says things which are but the offspring of her own wild suspicion." Zuleika's fine eyes filled with real tears as she thought on her hard fate, and she raised them to Ahmed's face with the timid, suppliant look of a frightened child. But Ahmed was not one to be so easily moved, and he replied coolly: "Distress not thyself to explain these things to me, fair Zuleika. Wert thou doubly guilty thou hast charms enough to cover all thy failings! I do indeed perceive that thou canst ex pect no secure asylum from the Queen, but in my seraglio thou wilt be safe even from her anger, and there thou canst forget the past." "Thou dost do me great honor, Oh Prince! and I am not ungrateful unto thee, but I would fain ask whether it is an honor able asylum that thou dost offer me? Mine honor is all that hath been left to me; wonder not then that I would still guard it even with thee." Ahmed frowned, as he replied hastily: "What would st thou have? Thy position shall be as honorable as any of my other women, thy jewels as fine, thy robes as costly, thy comforts as well studied. But if thou dost ask if I will make thee a Queen, even as report sayeth Selim would have done, thou art somewhat too ambitious! Thou dost forget that I am Prince Ahmed, the King Ahmed it should be by right, and I wed but the daughter of a King. Thou canst find an asylum with me, but it is I, not thou, THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 147 who shall dictate the terms. In thy present position it seems to me, most beautiful Zuleika, thou hast but scant choice." "And thou, Prince Ahmed, hast but scant generosity, or thou wouldst not thus remind me of it," cried the mortified Zuleika, almost weeping. "Nay, then," replied Ahmed, "dry those tears. A man loves not to see a woman's tears, and if thou dost accommodate thyself to circumstances thou mayest have other things wherein thou canst indulge thine ambition. Thou canst tell me of this Ahrin- ziman, and of his life ere he met the magician. It seemed to me that thou didst keep something from the Queen; reveal it now to me, and Ahmed will not forget to reward thee well. Smile upon me once more, Zuleika, for though I will make no promises to thee, I vow thou shalt have no reason to regret trusting thyself into my hands." Then falteringly and with much hesitation Zuleika told him all she knew, all she suspected, and suggested how her informa tion might be used for Prince Ahmed's advantage. The Prince regarded her with much admiration. "Verily," said he, "thou art a clever woman, and a discreet one. It is well thou didst not tell this to Artemisia, for she would have pub lished it to all the world before the right time. She is not to be trusted now, and thou and I must keep our own counsel. I will seek out this robber tribe, and doubtless we shall have the means ere long of showing this Ahrinziman to the world as an impostor. Not that either thou or I believe him to be one, he hath too strong a likeness unto my father for that, and Al Zulid is not one to be deceived; but it will serve our purpose to affect to believe it, and if we kill Ahrinziman men can believe he was El Jazid's son or not, as they choose. Our purpose will have been gained. Of a truth thou art clever to think of this, and to keep it to thyself for so long; thy beauty is not the most dangerous of thy many charms after all." And Ahmed advanced towards Zuleika with a look of admiration so bold, so insolent, that she burst into a passion of angry tears, for she felt that the cup of her degradation was full at last. 148 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER XXXII ABUBATHA'S WARNING It was night, and in my Palace of Parsagherd I rested alone within my private chamber. I hat! come that day from Teheran, expecting to meet Al Zulid, but he was delayed upon his journey, and I was alone in the Palace, save for the presence of my attendant soldiers and my slaves. Six months had I reigned, and in the pursuit of ambition I had found a certain measure of solace for my wounded love. Arte misia had spoken truly when she had described my life and pros pects to Zuleika, but none save myself knew how much my heart still longed to welcome back my faithless wife, nor how little the charms of other women had been able to banish the memory of my hours with her. I had not yet heard of her escape, for the fortress to which I had sent her was in a remote corner of Persia, and those who had guarded her were not too eager to send me word of her flight. The rich bribe given by Artemisia caused her captors to regard with some indifference my wrath, since it would enable the chief offenders to quit Persia ere I could seek vengeance upon them for their lack of trust. As I reposed upon my couch I watched the stars peep out one by one and glitter in the dark canopy of the night sky, and my thoughts wandered back to the days of my boyhood, when the stars had seemed to me almost as companions, and when I had watched for that other star whose coming betokened the presence of my White Angel. Ah ! how far away now it seemed, those days of innocence and trust. How wide the gulf between myself and then. How great had been my fall from the pure aspirations of those days to the sordid ambitions which now filled my thoughts. Power and Pleasure had become my Gods; self-gratification my idol. If I sought to do my best for my country and my people, it was that I might reap the rewards of greatness through the gratitude of my people. The pure unselfish patriotism which animated Ben Al Zulid, and made him indifferent to his personal interests, superior to all temptations to enrich or aggrandise THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 149 himself, was a different feeling to that which inspired me. In all my schemes, in all my efforts, the animating, dominating feel ing was self-interest and personal ambition. My people should be great, my country prosperous, because it was my country, and its glory reflected its lustre upon my own life. What had been done by the greatest Rulers should be done by me, and if possible I would do more, for I would fain have been the greatest of all Rulers myself. Nothing could daunt me, no difficulties deter, because the greater the difficulties the greater the glory of over coming them. To my ambitious thoughts the conquest of other nations was but a matter of time and determination, and if, as I often imagined, the Dark Angel whom I had seen was in truth helping me to the dominion he had promised, it only required that I should follow where events seemed to open the path before my feet, in order that I might avail myself of his help, in a sphere where the Dark Angel of the Blood Red Star reigned as a mighty King. Now and again my dreams of glory would be broken by the vision of Selim, whom I, in intent if not in act, had murdered; and like a dim wraith, no more material than are the clouds that float across the sky, the face and form of my victim would hover near, distorted and disfigured by the agonies of his violent death, even as I had seen the wraith of Jelal-ud-din on the day when I had visited his deserted house, and seen my vision of Zuleika and Selim in the magic mirror. The forms of both these haunting shapes bore the impress of the same violent death, and I had little doubt were due to the same unseen agency. Not often, however, did these ghosts of my past obtrude themselves upon me ; and I was so much absorbed in the active life of material existence that I had but little time to think of my occult studies. To-night, however, the spirit world seemed strangely near to me once more. The gates so long closed were again ajar. My senses were so abnormally acute that the distant sounds in the Palace fell with. startling distinctness upon my ears, and the far off hooting of an owl sounded like the warning note of a feathered sentinel. Very gradually and imperceptibly I sank into a state of slumber, and then the unconsciousness of sleep gave place unto a vision. Methought I walked within a fair garden, wherein bloomed the fairest flowers of earth; and away beyond the garden I could behold the blue misty outlines of a lofty range of hills. A clear ISO THE STORY OF AHR1NZIMAN stream flowed at my feet, and soft trees waved their green branches above my head. Then, even as I gazed upon this fair scene, dark storm clouds rose and swept over the sun-lit garden, enveloping all in their darkness. The clear crystal stream changed into a rushing, roaring muddy river, whose dark waters rose and rose till they had engulfed me, and I was swept from the fair garden and borne downwards on the rushing, roaring stream's thick, muddy water. I was swept on and on. It seemed to me I travelled on that dark flood for an immense time, yet it could only have been a few moments of earthly time. At last I found myself being borne past some mighty rocks which reared their dark heads above the turbulent stream, and in my fear and anguish I grasped hold of one great rock as I was swept past. With the grasp of despair I held on to it, although the dark waters well nigh swept me away, and at last a tiny star appeared from the black ness above me, and as the star flickered o'er my head, a voice said : "Hold on and raise thyself, for thine own hand must raise thee up, even as thine own hand hath caused thy fall." With frantic haste I struggled to arise and to free myself from the clinging weeds, the long rope-like grass and reeds which grew in that sullen stream and held me like ropes of iron. And at last I seemed to rise and shake myself free, till one limb after another was released, and I stood upon the hard, sharp surface of the rock in safety. Then did I behold a figure beside me wrapped in a mantle of silver grey that sparkled as with many glittering drops of dew, which like tiny stars of light bespangled the spirit's robes. As I looked the veil which had hid the face was drawn aside, and I beheld the features of my long lost friend, the dear companion of my boyhood, Abubatha. His face shone with a radiance like the halo around a saint; his smile was sad and tender, and his voice low and musical as a silver bell, as he spoke these words to me: "Oh, Ahrinziman, my beloved friend! Dear youth whom I loved as a son, I pray thee think of holier things than the vain pleasures of the earth. Turn to nobler thoughts than the thought of selfish ambition. Nourish not this longing for revenge, for thou art more than avenged already, did thou but know it, and the sordid thirst to inflict suffering upon those who wrong thee is as these dark weeds which imprisoned thy limbs; and evil thoughts are like yon rushing stream that bears men to destruc- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 151 tion. None can enslave thee but thyself. None can have domin ion over thy soul unless thou thyself give them the power. Assert that sovereignty over thyself which is the divine prerogative of all mankind, and yield not thyself a subject to any, be it to the dark Angels or to thine own evil passions. Awake my son! Arouse thyself, for enemies draw near thee! Yet is the enemy thou shouldst dread most of all thine own undisciplined passion ate heart." I tried to rush forward and touch the figure as he ceased to speak, but he faded and was gone ere I could move, and I awoke with a shock to find myself standing with outstretched arms in the middle of my room. CHAPTER XXXIII THE SECRET PASSAGE When I succeeded to the throne of Persia I had caused to be closed up the wing of the Palace at Parsagherd in which my mother and Selim had alike met their deaths; and in order that none might use again the 111 omened secret passage I caused the door opening into the late King's rooms to be built up. The other door I left untouched, since no one was likely to use it, as the fatal chamber into which it opened, being thought to be haunted, was avoided by all. On this night, however, this deserted wing of the Palace was no longer in solitary darkness. Access to it from outside had been obtained through a private entrance known only to Arte misia, and now Ahmed, Artemisia, Zuleika and a slave in attend ance upon Ahmed, glided softly and swiftly through the silent and neglected rooms. Ahmed had lost no time in following out the idea suggested by Zuleika. He had hunted up my history with the robber tribe. He had seen Dilferib and the artful Hadji, whom he found ready to assist him in his plans. The same night Ahmed had arranged that emissaries of his own should be scattered through all the principal towns in Persia, i 5 2 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN to circulate simultaneously a garbled and strange account of my history and doings, showing how I was the vilest of men. This, and much more, did Ahmed cause to be circulated con cerning me, but so artful was he that he did not circulate these tales until he had so carefully laid his plans to compass my death that there was little fear that I would ever have the chance of explaining my actions or contradicting these wild stories, so near the truth yet so false in reality. Ahmed was accompanied by a slave, a strange deaf and dumb creature, with whom he could communicate by signs so perfectly that it was seldom the deaf mute failed to carry out all Ahmed's instructions correctly, while his affliction made it impossible for him to betray easily his master's secrets. To-night Ahmed had entered the Palace by this secret way, in order that he and the slave might open from the inside one of the smaller gates to admit a large body of his soldiers, who, fully armed and prepared for a fierce resistance, awaited his summons. In the East treachery of every kind is the great evil Rulers and ruled alike have most to fear, and treachery and bribery had both been at work to render certain soldiers of my own guard ready to make but a mere feint of resistance when this small gate should be attacked. A larger body of Ahmed's troops were to attack the principal entrance the moment that a given signal should announce to them that their comrades had gained an en trance to the Palace, and it was calculated that when thus surprised and assailed from within and without my own guards would have but a poor chance of successful resistance, while I myself woud be assassinated ere I had well realized my danger. As Ahmed and his dumb slave hurried onward, followed by the Queen and Zuleika, this conversation took place in dumb show: Ahmed, who carried a tiny lamp to see the way, making signs to his peculiar confidant which would not be understood by the others: "Dost thou see the Queen, slave? Mark well that to-ni^ht thou shall give her a potion so strong that she shall wake no more from her sleep. To one so crazed as she, methinks it were a kindness to help her to find that death which would seem to have forgotten her." Then to himself Ahmed added, "I would not have a hell-cat like Artemisia about my court for all the wealth and glory of THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 153 Persia. I would never know when she might take a fancy to stick her claws into me." In order to reach the wing of the Palace where I dwelt it was necessary to pass through the rooms which Selim had assigned to me when I was in his service, and as they approached the one in which Zuleika had slept, and Selim died, she drew back and hesitated to enter it. A shudder of fear passed over her, for to her eyes it appeared for a moment as though the contorted body of the murdered man yet lay upon the floor, a dread thing of fear she could not pass. Moreover she had begun to repent of her intention to be present to see me die. She had thought it would be sweet to her to be thus avenged upon me for my scorn of her. But now that the critical moment was so near, she drew back, and felt that she could not go on. She could not look upon death again. The memory of Selim as he lay dead at her feet was too horrible to her. She stopped, as Ahmed and his dumb slave passed out at the upper doorway, leaving her alone with Arte misia in that fatal room. Ahmed was too absorbed in his own purpose, and the Palace was too dark, for him to notice whether the two women were following him closely or not, and he passed on without missing them. Zuleika's impulse was to turn and fly by the way they had entered, but ere she could do so Artemisia laid her hand upon Zuleika's arm, and said in a low tone of great melancholy, yet with more sanity than she had shown of late: " Doth it fill thee with sorrow, even as it does me, to enter this Palace again, to picture to thyself the happy hours as well as those of sadness which we have known -within its walls? I could almost say the ghost of my dead son stood near us now, and that I had but to stretch out my hands to touch him. Doth it seem the same to thee?" Zuleika shuddered and drew back from the Queen, as she glanced around apprehensively. " Oh no ! No ! There is surely no one here but thee and me. It is too horrible to think that the dead might come to us. Let us away from this dreadful room. I cannot go on. I cannot see Ahrinziman die ! I cannot think of death, and a violent death, again." At the mention of my name Artemisia's mood changed to one of passionate frenzy, and in a fierce eager whisper she hissed into Zuleika's ear, while she grasped her arm like a vice: 154 THE STORY OF AHR1NZIMAN "Thou dost fear to see Ahrinziman die, thou paltry, weak minded fool? Thou dost shudder at the thought of death within these walls wherein died my son? I tell thee the whole atmos phere is full of death. It taints the air we breathe, as though this Palace were a charnel house. The ghosts of those who died within this room are with us now, and they mock and point at us with their skeleton fingers, and gibe at us with their dumb lips. Thou art in the presence of death now. Its black mantle falls like a shadow around thee, as though it would enwrap thee in its sable folds, and yet thou sayest thou dost not want to see Ahrin- zimandie? Oh Powers of Hell ! And thou! Thou art afraid!" she cried, her madness growing into a fit of frenzy, then changing to a chuckle of laughter, she suddenly released Zuleika's arm. "Thou art afraid! Afraid! If so, go! Go! See what a fine means of escape there is for thee! Far better than returning alone through yon dark rooms, wherein of a surety thou wilt die of fright ere thou dost reach the gates. See, my sweet Zuleika, my timid, gentle fawn, enter thou at this small door, and it will take thee straight to a room which opens into the great Hall, beside the great doors of the Palace, which are thronged even now by our followers who will soon be pouring into the Hall, for the dumb slave will have opened by now the door and let them in. Come and enter in, that thou mayest be safe, for I must hurry on lest I miss the fine sport for which I have waited now so long." The Queen held open the little door into the secret passage as she spoke, and Zuleika, frightened and anxious to escape from the mad woman beside her, hastily entered the passage, counting that she would be able to get out at the other door, for she did not know I had walled it up. But Artemisia knew it. With a wild shriek of insane laughter which rang through the deserted rooms and reached even to where I sat, Artemisia shut the door upon Zuleika and fastened it upon the outside, dragging some heavy furniture before it to make it the more secure to her frenzied mind. "Oh sweet! Sweet! Sweet is this hour to me," she cried through the closed doorway. "Rich, rich shall be thy reward, fair Zuleika! Long mayest thou enjoy the harvest of all thy wiles and all thy petty scheme^. Thou wilt have ample time to enjoy the memory of the past, for thou shall lie and rot within the-e walls, and all thy fair beauty with \\hich thou didst beguile THE STORY OF AHRNIZIMAN 155 my son unto his death shall turn to loathsome decay ere one shall come to succour thee! Die! Die! like a rat in a trap, a toad in a hole, and in thy death agonies remember that it is thus that Artemisia hath rewarded thee." Then, like a maniac, laughing and muttering to herself, Artemisia rushed after the others, while the unfortunte Zuleika, realizing the horrors of her position, uttered shriek after shriek of alarm and agony, sounds which, alas! brought none to her aid, for did they not come from the haunted part of the palace, and only inspired with superstitious terror those who heard them. None thought they came from a human being in mortal extremity, for none knew that aught in human form would venture into those fatal rooms, and soon the sound of Zuleika 's shrieks were drowned in a yet greater tumult. CHAPTER XXXIV THE CURTAIN OF DEATH I was still musing upon my vision, and wondering to what danger Abubatha's warning pointed, when on the stillness of the night there broke first the muffled sound of Artemisia's wild laugh and then Zuleika's frenzied shriek, and as I grasped my scimitar and hurried to the door to see from whence these sounds came I found myself face to face with the forms of Ahmed and his dumb slave, while the room behind him became quickly filled with the stealthily creeping figures of a number of men. I tried to defend myself, and for a few moments my skill as a swordsman enabled me to keep my assailants at bay, but what can one man do against twenty, and though my shouts brought my guards in a few moments around me, and roused the whole palace, the soldiers of Ahmed had found entrance in a half a dozen places. My guards fought well, but they were confused and without any settled plan of defence, while Ahmed 's men were carrying out a carefully arranged scheme. Desperate was the resistance we made. My soldiers fell beside me fighting to the last, while I myself, though wounded by many a spear thrust, 156 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN contrived to fight my way into the larger room where the battle was thickest, and strove to rally my guards. But there I suc cumbed, overwhelmed by numbers and mortally wounded. For a brief moment I lost consciousness, then I revived to find myself almost alone, while the tide of battle had swept past me towards the great Hall. As I opened my eyes I saw that the grey dawn of day was breaking, and the dim light from the case ment fell across the floor where I lay. I could not raise myself, I could not move. My life blood was flowing from my many wounds and forming a deep red pool upon the floor, and as I raised my fast glazing eyes from it I saw a woman's figure stoop over the crimson pool, and dip her hands in the warm blood as though she were washing them, while to herself she kept muttering and laughing in soft, exultant tones of pleasure. With a start I recog nised Artemisia, and grasping my dagger I made a frantic effort to raise myself and stab her where she knelt. But my feeble hand fell powerless by my side, my dying grasp relaxed, and I sank back upon the ground in the last agony of the great change which men call death. And as my eyes closed I saw Artemisia bend forward over me, with the cruel, vindictive smile of gratified malice, even as I had seen her do in my vision so long ago, and the last thing mine earthly sight beheld was the look of mingled hatred and fiendish triumph in the eyes of Queen Artemisia. The legacy I bore with me to the spirit world was the legacy of our fierce hate. Thus fell the curtain of death upon the first act of that drama which had been begun in our earthly lives, and which was yet to be acted out upon the wider grander stage of the spirit world. For as we had sown the wind, so verily was each one of us to reap the whirlwind. THE STRANGE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN PART II THE REAPING OF THE HARVEST CHAPTER I THE AWAKENING IN THE ABYSS OF INFERNO From a Death-sleep of years my Soul at last awoke to a renewal of its conscious individuality. For as a fruit that is plucked untimely from the tree must be ripened by artificial means ere the living seeds within can attain the degree of development necessary to their germination, so the Soul which is hurried from the earthly stage of life before the Spiritual body is sufficiently developed to serve as the medium for its sustainment must lie like a germinating seed within the green husk of its Astral envelope until the gradual ripening of the truly Spiritual germ, and the consequent decay of the mere Astral husk or shell, shall, in accord ance with a law of all nature, release the Soul-seed which has lain sheltered within the protecting envelope till it was ripe for the life of the Spirit World. The Souls of all who die before they have lived the full span allotted to man are not necessarily cut off from the tree of life in an unripened state. Many who thus seem to die too soon have already reached the measure of the experience Earth was des tined to give them. They have gathered their ripened sheaves, and for them the dagger of the assassin, the sword of the enemy, the chill hand of pestilence, or the seemingly untoward accident, was but the key that unlocked for them the gloomy portals of that gate whose Guardian Angel men call Death. It was but to a dream consciousness in the astral world that my soul at first awoke a nightmare compared to the clear and, 157 158 THE STORY OF AHRINZ1MAN serene consciousness of the spirit that has attaint- 1 to its true life in the spirit spheres, but yet a terrible reality to the self that was emerging from its deep sleep. Have you never, when your soul has been weighed down by some oppression, passed through horrible scenes and agonies of experience that were as realities at the time, yet emerged at last into the serene waking into the fresh dawn li^ht of another day? But what if you could not wake, and your painful oppression continued its sense of reality for years and years! In my case my earthly life was an unfinished story, a half- written page, whose blurred message and half-learned lessons required that my Soul should hover near the Earth to learn completely. In the darkness of the Astral Plane, upon the Earth yet not of the Earth, lay my Soul in its death trance, for several year- absorbing unconsciously the atmosphere of earthly magnetism which was needful to sustain its life, and ripen that Spiritual envelope through which I was again to manifest my individuality. Such was the penalty I paid for the great debasement and passions from which I had not freed my Soul when it was hurried from its earthly tenement the debasement of my licentiousness when living with Jelal-ud-din and the passions of earthly pride and murderous revenge that dominated my Soul through its brief career, and still dominated it against Selim, Zuleika and Arte misia. While my soul still burned with the fire of this wil 1 passion it remained in the domains of my Dark Angel in the regions of Inferno the astral spheres beneath the Earth Plane. But why dwell at length over the horrible episodes that now seemed part of my life. Let it suffice to show that these experi ences are all bound by a definite law of correspondence, and to warn my fellow beings against the consequences of similar acts of Earth life. As thou sowest, so shall tliou reap. In a mighty cavern of the Astral Plane my Soul awoke at la>t. and as one who arouses himself from a troubled sleep I turned and gazed upon my surroundings. I thought at first that I had dreamed a troubled dream in which I had been slain, so real an 1 solid to my sight and touch were the grim walls of rock on either side. Then memory awoke, and I remembered that it was in the Palace of Parsagherd that I had died. I looked around me and saw that vague, shadowy shapes THE STORY OF AHRINZiMAN 159 were flitting about in the semi-darkness, and a chill fear fell upon my Soul, for I felt that I was indeed dead, and this the world of the Dead that I beheld, and of which I had become a part. Clearer and clearer to my sight grew the misty forms; sharper and yet sharper were the sounds which fell upon my ears, at first like faint echoes heard in dreams, then with the fullness of material sound. Veil after veil of gauze-like vapor, which appeared to hang between me and my surroundings, seemed slowly to rise, and reveal to my eyes the wonders of the dread Astral Plane wherein I lay. I was still shuddering at the thoughts sugested to me, still thinking with remorse of the days of my own moral degradation, when I had lived with Jelal-ud-din and indulged in practices that I now knew to have borne such awful fruit, when I was aroused from my thoughts by the sudden inrush of a crowd of Spirits, who came yelling and laughing into the cavern where I lay. These last arrivals were so like mortal men and women that I had no trouble in recognising them as disembodied human beings like myself. In them there was no lack of intelligence, but it was intelligence which had been used for evil and not for good purposes, and the fierce light of passion, the dull glow of hatred, the sullen bitterness of despair, gleamed from their eyes and traced their marks on every feature. These beings gathered around me with angry cries, coarse taunts, and savage shouts of welcome, hailing me as a comrade and reviling me as being to the full as worthy of damnation as themselves. As I shrank back in horror from their clumsy, ferocious embraces they began to assail me with cries of anger and savage blows, shrieking out to me to look at myself and see in what respect I differed from them, by what right I dared to hold aloof from such good company? Rousing myself by a mighty effort of my will from the trance- like spell which bound me, I sprang up from the hard rock whereon I lay, and hurling aside the nearest of my assailants rushed from the dark cave along a narrow passage to a wide plain that lay beyond. As I fled I heard the wild crew whom I had left begin a violent quarrel among themselves, which for the moment caused me to be forgotten. 160 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER II IN THE INFERNO; THE VALLEY OF THE GENII For a short time I felt myself hurried onward, I could neither see nor guess where. I appeared to glide over the ground and float in the air, impelled forward by some unseen force. Then my journey was suddenly arrested, and I found myself standing in a wide misty valley, shut in by dark, lofty hills which rose on every side, while above my head thick clouds of inky vapor hung like a funeral pall. Dark forms of gigantic stature hovered around me with outstretched wings, their dimly outlined forms being those of men, while their wings were shaped like those of mighty birds. Impalpable as smoke wreaths were they, and yet distinct as figures carved from tinted glass, and as transparent. As these phantom forms floated to and fro around me they crossed and recrossed each others' paths, mingling their dark bodies like streams of vapor, yet each emerging from the contact in as perfect a form as though they had been made of iron. Some of these beings were of enormous size, and bore the impress of individual intelligence in their faces, while others were diminutive and atten uated in figure, and almost vacant in expression. At first these figures were seen by me as through a curtain of dark mist, but even while I gazed on them I felt the same curious impression of curtain after curtain of gauzy vapor being raised around me which I had felt on awakening in the cavern, and one by one the features and forms of these hovering shapes became distinct to me. I saw that each figure bore upon its forehead a tiny Star, like a spark of light, each of a different color, and the shadowy robes which enveloped each form seemed to glitter like the many colored scales upon a dragon's body in the dull glow of light from these tiny Stars, while the outstretched wings that were in shape like unto the wings of a bird were as gossamer and transparent as a spider's web. As the mists around me rose and floated like clouds away I noticed that all around me there was a circle of these strange THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 161 beings, not so large as were many of the others, yet huge hovering phantoms compared to my own stature. To my surprise I saw that the features of each bore so close a resemblance to my own that they looked like replicas of myself, only the expression was different in each case, and represented each the influence of a different passion, even as each phantom shape differed in size and in the color emitted from its tiny Star. One which bore a pale white light was small, and seemed at times to melt almost away. Another, whose light was green was also small, and something whispered to me that these represented, the first the quality of unselfishness, and the second the passion of envy. The Star of a third was yellow; a fourth's pale blue; a fifth's lilac; a sixth's purple; while the seventh Star was a deep crimson red. The Genie with the purple Star was large and towered above his fellows, and to my thoughts he sym bolized the boundless ambition that grasps at Royal Power. The Crimson Star upon the brow of the seventh Genie glowed like a living coal, and the fierce murderous gleam in the bloodshot eyes, the tiger-like ferocity of his expression, told me at once that here was the embodiment of the passions of hatred and revenge and murder. Equal in size unto the Genie of Ambition, this being was even more instinct with vitality and power. Near to this seventh Spirit there hovered a grey and almost shapeless form, with shrouded head and veiled face, that like an attendant shadow dogged the footsteps of the Genie of Revenge and followed every movement that it made. This grey shape, vague as yet and featureless, almost formless and half created, I knew to be Re morse, whose shadow ever haunts Revenge, but whose whisperings are ever powerless to stay his hand. And as I gazed upon the wavering, circling figures of these embodiments of man's passions, a voice again breathed to my Soul the interpretation. "Behold now these, the attendant Genii of thy life, who sym bolise each a passion of thy Soul. Born into life when thou wast born; fed and sustained by the life of thy passions; destined to grow or to fade, to endure or to perish, according to the strength of the vitality and power with which thou hast supplied them. Look upon them well, and ask thyself whether they shall be thy servants or whether thou shalt yield thyself unto them as a slave; whether thou shalt rule them or they shall rule thee. Turn thine eyes from the contemplation of thine own passions and see the i6i THE STORY OF AHRINZ1MAN structures which have been reared by the pa>sion> and desires of other men. For, behold! Thou art in the Phantom Valley of the Genii of men's Souls, and around thee are the mighty works which the ambitions, the greed, the jealousy and the anger, the 2nvy and the hatred, the despair and the hope, the selfishness and the unselfishness of myriads of men have created, to endure as monuments of their past lives long after they who created them shall have passed on to other spheres. The true Genii whom men call to their aid are but these embodiments of the passions of man kind; the power they wield is but the resistless force of the great ocean of thought waves which ebb and flow to and from the Earth continually, and bear man to sorrow or to joy, to good or evil deeds according as he chooses to commit himself to one or the other of the mighty currents of passion that sweep around the Soul. These Genii live in these waves of passionate thought as fish swim in the sea. Were they transported to where the fiercer passions no longer sway the Soul they must perish and dissolve like vapor in the sun. Yet here upon the great Earth Plane they have a distinct existence, and they act and re-act upon man, sug gesting thoughts to him, even as a higher intelligence, be it good or evil, shall direct them. Soulless and perishable, no more ma terial than the thoughts men breathe, they yet possess a mighty power over those who yield themselves unto their passions. "Hast thou considered how great, how enduring, is the power of a single thought sent forth to influence the lives of all to whose minds it is repeated? If so, canst thou wonder that the thought-. the passions, the desires of man, should thus become endowed with an almost independent life, and become in this etherealised atmosphere almost material beings? Think on these things, for in the life that lies before thee now thou shalt again be called upon to choose thy path, to be the architect of thine own Destiny, and as thou shalt suffer the one or the other of thy passions to sway thee, so shall thy pathway turn to Darkness or to Light, to Heaven above or to the depths of Hell below." The voice ceased. I gazed around me and perceived that the valley was full of light. The mists were gone, and around me on every side rose Palace after Palace of colossal size, yet aerial and transparent as the fleecy clouds upon a summer sky, rainbow hued, and gli.stcning in the dazzling light that now filled the' valley, till they looked like fairy palaces in a dream. The delicate pillars, the graceful porticoes, the golden gates, the snow white THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 163 roofs, all distinct and clear yet fragile as a gossamer and aerial as rainbow tinted vapor. Vast beyond the power of sight to follow appeared the confines of this valley. Stretching onward and ever onward were these cities of men's thoughts and hopes, their passions and desires, floating like cities built in the clouds: while in and out, backward and forward through these colossal buildings floated the mighty Genii whom I had so dimly seen at first. Here there would be a Palace of blood red marble, its windows glowing like furnaces, its gates like white hot iron; around this there hovered myriads of Genii of the Blood Red Star of Revenge. Beyond that there glittered the purple and golden Palace of Ambition, and next it the green and copper-tinted Palace of Envy and Jealousy. Each Star and each passion had its corresponding Palace, which seemed to afford a dwelling place for the Genii of that Star. The glow of light that filled the valley was like prismatic waves, changing to every hue of the rainbow and suffusing the scene with first one glow of color and then another. I gazed on the strange scene with a mixture of wonder and delight as Palace after Palace was revealed to my sight. And then suddenly, even as I gazed, it all crumbled into dust. The walls of the Palaces were shattered as by an earthquake, and a foul swamp seemed to open and swallow them up. The radiant light gave place to a misty vapor, heavy and foetid as though it blew from an open graveyard, pestilential as from a plague stricken city of the dead. The heavy mist rolled on like a sea till it shut me in on every side, and wrapped me round as with a mantle of darkness. CHAPTER III THE DOWNWARD PATH AND THE DARK ANGEL As the darkness shut me in I heard a voice that I recognized to be the voice of Queen Artemisia, calling aloud and invoking curses upon my name. At the sound of that voice my recollec 164 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN tion of the past and of my death grew suddenly clear. The memory of all my unsatisfied ambitions, all my unfulfilled hopes, all my many wrongs, my ruined life, my dishonored wife, my murdered mother, my own untimely end, surged like a sea of passion across my Soul. Silhouetted like pictures traced in fire and blood I saw the events of my life thrown upon the dark screen of mist around me. The last picture of all was that of Artemisia as she sat beside my dying body and dabbled her hands in my life's blood. The bitter hatred of that moment, the impotent and uncon- quered thirst for the revenge of which I had been so long baulked, awoke with ten fold power within my Soul, and with a great cry of rage I rose to my feet, and stretching forth my hands I called aloud to Heaven and to Hell in the name of Justice to grant me vengeance! Yea, though it should take a thousand years to accomplish, and though the slaking of my thirst should sink my own Soul to the lowest depths of Hell. As I uttered my impious prayer the ground beneath my feet trembled as though a mighty volcanic shock had shaken it. A great chasm opened before my feet, and a great gulf seemed to separate me from the spot whereon I had stood. There was the rushing sound as of a great host, the hurried flight of myriads of winged creatures towards me, and then a great blaze of red light. The sudden glow as of a mighty Star seemed to rend the mantle of darkness around me, and like a figure of flame, clad in robes of crimson and purple, I saw the Dark Angel once more. No longer veiled was that majestic countenance. As clearly as the sun lights up the Earth at noonday did the fiery light which surrounded him illuminate each feature, and show me how the fierce flames of passion had seamed and scarred every feature, marring the beauty of what even yet was a type of the most per fect manly beauty. The eyes almost scorched me with the in tense passion of their gaxe, yet did I not flinch from their regard, but answered him with a look almost as proud and passionate a^ his own. The deep, full tones of his voice seemed to vibrate through my Soul and awaken yet fresh echoes of anger within me, as he said: "Behold, I am come! Say in what manner I can assist thee." And I answered him : "Oh, Angel of Darkness! I seek revenge upon mine enemies. THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 165 I desire to reign here as a King, since I can no longer reign on Earth. I look to thee to aid me, since thou art mighty, and thou hast responded to my call." 'And dost thou not fear," said he slowly, "to call upon the Dark Angels to help thee? Doth not the terror of Death lie even yet upon thy Soul, since thou art in Death's Kingdom? Hast thou no longings left for Heaven, since thou art so ready to plunge thyself into Hell?" "In Heaven Artemisia doth not dwell. She can no more enter there than can I myself. Whether she is yet on Earth I know not, but this I know, that I am surely in Hell and here will I await her till she and I have adjusted the bitter measure of the debt between us. I could not live in Heaven were its doors to open to me now, and know that by entering therein I resigned my chance of meeting her. Paradise could have no joys for me while the fires of Revenge consume my Soul." The Dark Angel laughed a bitter savage laugh of exultant malice, as he replied: "Of a truth thou art worthy to become one of my followers! Even I can feel no deeper hate than thine! But tell me, what wilt thou give me in exchange if I grant thy wish? Wilt thou sell thyself to be my slave?" "Thy slave? No! I have said that I would be a King ! Is any man truly a King who holds himself the slave of one even so powerful as thou? I could not promise to be the slave of any, for I could not keep that promise; and dear as is my vengeance to my Soul I cannot make false promises to attain it. If thou wilt aid me I will give thee the best service that is mine to give. I will serve thee till the debt is paid, with interest a thousand fold. I will sit at thy feet as one who sits at the feet of a great master, and I will serve thee as a soldier serves his general. More I cannot say, for more I would not do. If thou wilt not give me thine aid then must I find other means to gain mine ends, for if I have to live through all the ages of eternity to gain my desires I shall not cease to strive for them." For some moments the Dark Angel answered me not, but fixing his hollow eyes upon my face gazed at me with a look half wondering and half sad. Then with a deep sigh he said : "Eternity! But Oh, man! Fresh from Earth life, can it be that thou dost indeed realize what an Eternity can mean? Ah, no! None can, save those who have watched the slow ages roll 166 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN on unchanging and unchanged. I might refuse thee aid upon the terms which thou dost offer, hut I am attracted by the boldness of thy .^pirit which hath much in affinity with mine own, and as I have aided thee in the past, so will I aid thee again to work out thine own damnation and garner for thyself the bitterest fruits of the tree of knowledge. "Behold the followers whom I will assign to thee, and if thou canst control so wild a crew, and bend their wills to thine, then of a truth shall thou be worthy to reign with me in these dark spheres ! " He waved his hand, and as one sees the tail of a comet stretching far out across a night sky, so did I see a vast train of fiery Spirits sweep downwards to the glowing Star which encircled the Dark Angel. Then did he wave his hand thrice over my head, as though in some awful mockery of a benison, while his voice rang out in strident tones this command unto his followers: "Serve ye this man, this newly arrived son of mortality. Teach him the secrets of the Dark Spheres, and serve him even as ye would serve me. " I'are ye well, or rather fare ye ill, for naught but evil comes to those who seek the gifts and friendship of the Dark Angels." CHAPTER IV I MEET MEGABYZUS As the Dark Angel vanished I turned to look at the motley band of servitors which he had assigned to me, wondering much how I was to learn the qualities and capabilities of each, and how, without such knowledge, I was to control this volcanic mass of sentient beings which gathered around me like a great ring of evil, standing aloof from personal contact in attitudes of respect ful fear. While I contemplated them, as a general surveys the forces at his command, an aged Spirit stepped out from the throng and prostrated himself at my feet in a salutation of the most abject humility. His figure though bent with age was large and power- THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 167 ful, his hair and beard long and flowing and white as snow. His face, yellow and crinkled as old parchment, bore nevertheless the stamp of great intellectual power. The eyes which looked up at me from their hollow sockets were bleared and dull, and watched my face with the furtive cunning of a ferret. A dull ferocity of suppressed passion was expressed in the tightly compressed lips and hard lines about the mouth, while the whole countenance bore the impress of the most degraded sensuality and wickedness, and yet there were traces in his face of a Spirit that had once been noble and that had some kinship to my nature. As I signed to him to rise, and bade him speak, he stood up, but still keeping his head bowed before me, said : "Most Gracious Prince for only to a Prince would our great Master, the Dark Angel, assign so great a train as he hath given thee most Gracious Prince, if it pleases thee to hear me I would fain instruct thee in all things concerning these wondrous Beings of the Astral Plane who are assigned to thee as servants. Behold, on Earth I was a mighty Sorcerer, who once, alas! followed knowl edge for its own sake. Then I was tempted, and I fell, and turned my knowledge to evil purposes alone. Thus have I come here, and therefore must I dwell within these dark regions. Yet even here Knowledge is Power, and by its aid I bend to my will those whom I desire to serve me. I have studied here upon this further shore of the dark River of Death the subjects which engrossed my thoughts on Earth, and in correcting many errors I have gained a degree of power undreamed of in the life of Earth. Much of this knowledge I will impart to thee, since it is the command of the Dark Angel that I should do so. I will be thy guide through these dark regions, and none can guide as well as he who hath himself traversed in Earth life every step of the winding paths of forbidden knowledge." "And, if I may ask the questions, who wert thou in thine Earth life? How long hast thou been a dweller in these spheres?" "Alas! Ages upon ages have I dwelt here. The Earth was but young when I was born into its life, and though I lived for many centuries beyond the allotted span of man's days, yet was my long life but as a mere drop in the great ocean of time through which I have existed. Who was I? Ask not that question. Let my name and memory be buried in oblivion. Let none know what is the fate of one who was esteemed the wisest magician of his age. But if thou wouldst know somewhat of my personality 168 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN I may tell thee that it was I who wrote the parchment scroll that was taken from the grave of Adam and given unto thy Master Jelal-ud-din, and it was I who snatched that scroll from thy hand when thou didst sit beside thy watch-fire on the lonely plain, and sought to read the secrets never meant for thine eyes to see." He paused, and his voice trembled with passion as he spoke, while the dull eyes lighted up for a brief moment with the fire of youth and anger as he thought of the great secret I had so nearly stolen from the keeping of the dead. Then the fire died out of voice and eyes, and the dull impassive expression of calm malig nity came upon his face once more, and he stood silent at my side. "And didst thou then ever influence my Master Jelal-ud-din in his studies, for he admired the teachings of thine Earth life much?" "Jelal-ud-din I have influenced at times," he replied, "but it was difficult to impress him clearly. With a great thirst for occult knowledge, he did not possess the needful powers, and he was so fond of studying the records of those who had explored the path before him, so ready to adopt all their teachings as infallibly correct, that I found it impossible to correct through his agency the errors for which I was responsible, and which arose through the imperfect sight which is the bane of all who would explore the wonders of the unknown world of the Astral Plane from the Earthly side of life. Few, very few, who possess the needful clearness of sight ever learn how to use it successfully. Still fewer have the indomitable will and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge which will carry them through all the dangers and trials and disappointments, and the infinite toil and labor, involved in these studies. "The gifts of etherealised Soul-sight are seldom or never combined with the sterner qualities of the great student; there fore it is that the student has to depend upon the revelations given him by others. His data are all based upon the supposition that those Soul-seers have told him truly and correctly all they saw, and in most cases, even where all possible care has been taken, the clairvoyants will see either a reflection of a mixture of their own thoughts with the visions shown, or the thoughts of those who are their earthly teachers. "Thou hast served in a Temple in thy youth. Thou must know that though I am evil, yea, very evil, as are all those who serve the Dark Angel, yet in my thirst after knowledge I ever THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 169 sought for truth, and only truth, and the love of the true knowledge is yet strong within me, the desire to impart it is as great as ever. "Therefore, when I beheld thee, and read the intense passion of discontent which consumed thy Soul, the wild longings of Ambition, the fierce thirst for Independence and for Power, I was attracted to thee, and I sought by all means to draw nearer and still nearer, that I might draw thee from the shelter of the Temple's walls and turn thy footsteps till they should cross the path of my pupil Jelal-ud-din. I sought to guide thee to him, and though other influences intervened to delay my purpose for a time, I at last succeeded. Hadst not Ambition and thy desire for Earthly grandeur been a stronger influence than thy thirst for knowledge I should have tried through thee to give to the world the teachings I could not give through Jelal-ud-din." Again was his face lighted up by the enthusiasm awakened by this subject, which, even amidst the hopelessness of his awful surroundings, had power to awaken his interest and beguile his thoughts for a time from a sense of his degradation. I could not refrain from contemplating the strange character of this man, who, essentially evil in all other desires, could yet retain so pure a love of truth in the pursuit of knowledge. And I asked myself whether this one ray from the Star of Truth might not some day, perhaps prove a rope of light to raise him even from this dark sphere. CHAPTER V MY OLD MASTER; TEACHINGS ON THE DEMATER- IALIZING OF OBJECTS AND THE PROLONGA TION OF LIFE IN EARTH BODIES "Thou dost speak of Jelal-ud-din," said I, "where is now this man? What hath become of his Spirit? How has he passed the time which hath elapsed since his death? I would fain know of these things, and also by what agency he met his death?" "Come with me and I will show thee Jelal-ud-din," he replied. 170 THE STORY OF AHRINZINAN "But first dismiss thy many followers, for we do not require their presence, and thou canst recall them to thee at will." I bethought me of some of the expressions by which Jelal-ud- dln had been wont to summon or dismiss these low Astral Spirits whom he had learned to control, and making use of one of them I saw all the strange beings who had hung around us while we talked suddenly vanish like a dark cloud. Then taking me by the hand, the Spirit who was guiding me rose in the air, and as I followed with him I saw that we were travelling by a widely ascending spiral path to a large globe that I knew to be the Earth. In a very few moments we alighted upon it, and I found that we were in the deserted garden of the house which had belonged to Jelal-ud-din. But what a different place it seemed when viewed from the Spiritual side of life! No mere decay of years could have so appallingly stamped upon it the evil nature of the deeds of which its walls had been the silent witnesses. The corruption of those who had dwelt there seemed to have infested the house as with the plague of leprosy, and draped the walls in the foul shimmer of a stagnant pool whose waters hid the still more loathsome corruption of the decaying corpses of murdered men. The garden was a vast wilderness of poisonous weeds. Rank, unholy trees, exhaling an odour more deadly than the baneful upas tree, had sprung up around the house. The whole air was tainted with an infection more subtle than that of a plague, more swift in destruction than the most deadly gas. In the great branches of these trees huge birds of prey sat brooding, like vultures enjoy ing the rank odour of the carrion below. Horrible creatures of every conceivable shape and kind crawled or fluttered amongst the poisonous weeds. Awful beings of the Astral Plane sought shelter within the crumbling walls of the accursed house, and wraith-like figures of the many mortals whom Jelal-ud-din had poisoned and killed by divers means haunted the deserted rooms and wandered through the silent passages, attracted by the magnetism of the man whose arts had killed them. Could I have cried aloud unto mankind and proclaimed how terrible a plague spot was this house, and how deadly a miasma breathed from its decaying walls, I would have bade them level it to the ground and consume it and the foul garden in one great funeral pyre, and scatter the ashes to the four winds of Heaven, rather than leave it thus to become a focus of corruption from THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 171 whence exhaled a poison more destructive than any earthly poison could be; a center from which could radiate the influences most fatal to the Spirit. But I was dead. To my voice all mortal ears were deaf for ever more. As I turned from the house something large and dark rose from the ground beside the fountain, and began to drag itself along the ground with slow and painful movements of its body, like those a snake makes as it wriggles along. Something, that as it drew near I saw to be in size and form like unto a man, clothed in dark rags like tattered cobwebs. The face was bent towards the ground, and the hands, like claws, were used to dig into the ground as the figure drew itself slowly towards me. Then the head was raised for a moment to look at us, and as with a savage cry of rage the figure raised itself slightly to look more closely, I recognized the swollen and distorted features of my late Master Jelal-ud-din. Fiercely he struggled to rise up to attack me, but his limbs were powerless to bear his weight, and with a moan of savage anguish he sank on the ground once more, and made frantic efforts to wriggle to my feet to clutch at me. Horrified at the sight of his awful condition, I addressed him, and asked him why he displayed such animosity towards me, since I had come to see him in all friendliness. "Friendliness!" he hissed out savagely in hoarse, broken gasps, "what friend of mine wert thou to leave me at the very instant when success was about to crown the efforts of many years? What friendship hadst thou, who could desert me at that crisis, and consign me to this worse than death? Avaunt! or I will rend thee in a thousand pieces ! Were I but able I would tear thee limb from limb." "Nay, be not so savage with me," said I, "thou dost forget, surely, that to give thee the life thou didst crave meant that I should die instead of thee. I knew not this when I left thee alone, 'tis true. I did but follow the fair vision of my Guardian Angel, who led me from thy room, and that thou wert dead ere I returned filled me with remorse and sorrow, until I read the first part of the mystic scroll. Then did I see the fate thou hadst meant for me, and which engulfed thyself instead. Yet, Oh my once master, 172 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN let us forget the past, and tell me whether there is aught I can do to help thee now?" Jelal-ud -din's answer was a savage snarl like a wild beast's as he turned and wriggled away from us again, and disappeared behind the broken fountain. The Spirit beside me, who was known in the Spirit World by the name of Mansur, touched me on the arm. "Behold!" said he, "Jelal-ud-din hath gone into his treasure house, there to resume his watch over the baubles which he hath collected in his Earthly life, and which he doth not yet know to be valueless to him now. He thinks that thou art yet in the body of the flesh, for his sight, like his other powers, is but imperfect, and he fears that thou art come to steal some of his treasures." Then I remembered how I had already come and taken away certain Parchment Scrolls, dreaming that the dead had no longer property in the goods that once belonged to them, and I resolved to go to where I had hidden them and restore them to Jelal-ud-din since he still valued them so highly. My thought must have been read by Mansur, for he laughed derisively as he said: "Go to, thou too honest thief! Go and look at those hidden scrolls, for it is no longer possible for thee to lift one corner of the very least of them. Thou art in the Spirit body now, and canst not affect aught which is still enclosed in its material shell as in a locker! treasure case." "But to return to Jelal-tid-din. Tell me why it is that he crawls thus upon the Earth? Surely the reason is not alone because his life was evil?" My companion laughed a mirthless laugh, as he replied, "I see that thou dost think that I am myself to the full as evil as he was, yet I grovel not upon the Earth. Even so. But it is not because of his many sins that he crawls thus, or else the Dark Spheres would be peopled by human reptiles. No. But Jelal- tid-din when he sought to prolong his life far beyond the ordinary life of man did not know that thereby he was imprisoning his Spirit in the mortal shell long after it had grown too confined to hold it. If thou dost take a growing child and place it in a 1><>\ that fits tight over all its limbs, so that it can neither develop nor make use of its muscles for its own support, then will the body of that child become deformed; its muscles and its limbs will wither away, and it will either die or become like one stricken with a palsy, whose impotent limbs can in no wise obey the THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN 173 desires of its mind. So hath it been with Jelal-ud-din. So is it with all who seek ignorantly to change nature's laws. By cling ing to the mere Earthly shell, because it seemed to him a means of life, he retarded the development of the Spirit, and so crippled it that many years, yea, many centuries, must elapse ere it regains the full vigor that should belong to a man endowed at first with such strength as was his. Look upon me! Behold my grey hairs, my bent form, and know that I also, when I renewed again and again my Earthly life made the mistake Jelal-ud-din did, and it hath taken me these many centuries of Spirit life to win back even the strength I now possess, which, after all, is but that of an old man, and wonder not that I sought to destroy all traces of that manuscript in which I detailed the means which had led to mine own destruction. Sin hath me in her clutches. The love of evil, the desire to enjoy still the sinful pleasures of mine animal Soul is yet so strong in me that I would not exchange my present lot for all the pure joys of Paradise, were it possible that its gates would open to me now. I have not one desire in affinity with the pure lives of the Saints of Paradise. The gulf between us is impassable. Therefore think not that it was with the thought of doing even one good action that I snatched that scroll from thine hand lest thou should learn the secret it contained. No! It was only that I desired not that the monstrous error of supposing that to renew the poor earthly shell was to endow the immortal Spirit with fresh life should be any longer associated with ME or MY studies. For thee and for Jelal-ud-din I cared not. The Dark Angel, who is my Master here, might have led you both into the bottomless pit of destruction and I should not have raised one finger to prevent him. But when he took that misguiding scroll from the grave where I deemed it hidden for ever, and sent it forth to propagate AN ERROR in MY name, then was my wrath aroused, and I rested not till I had torn it from thy keeping. " Let us go hence," he added after a pause. "Let us go hence, for as yet thou canst do no good to Jelal-ud-din. Only time can help him. If thou hast any other one thou dost desire to see, think of them, and thine own desire will take us there." Then I bethought me of Prince Ahmed, who had slain me, and of the faithful friend Ben Al Zulid, who had come too late to save me. And lastly I thought of Zuleika, and longed to know her fate, and whether she had shed even one tear over mine untimely end. 174 THE STORY OF AHRINZIMAN CHAPTER VI I FIND ZULEIKA As Mansur had said, my thoughts carried us to Agbatana, where I beheld Ahmed in all the glory of his position as King. Towards him my feelings were not particularly bitter. He had ever been an open foe, and in my death did but carry out the policy I had expected of him. We had each played our game to gain a throne. He had won and I had lost that was all. I paused not long with him. An unseen shadow I stood among his throng of courtiers, and but for the recollection of myself which my presence caused to some among the crowd, none felt any con sciousness of my presence. From the Palace my thoughts carried me far away to a small fortress in the mountains. Here I found that Ben Al Zulid had retired, and was spending the evening of his life in the calm studies of a philosopher, and though my presence and touch could not make him conscious that my Spirit stood beside him in very fact, he nevertheless seemed to feel that I was somehow near him, for he got up, and looking half uneasily over his shoulder to where I stood, said in a low tone: "Strange! Strange indeed is this feeling that comes over me! I could almost have vowed that the Soul of my dead Master's much loved son Ahrinziman had returned to Earth again. Me- thought he was here but now. I had almost forgotten he was dead, alas! like all whom I have loved." He sighed deeply and turned again unto his books, while I glided from the room, moved almost to tears by the sound of affection in his voice. The image of Zuleika rose before me now, and I soon found that I was entering the Palace of Parsagherd, and floating toward.- the haunted \vin