CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY TURKEY MASHES ADJUSTED FOR CHANGING FEEDSTUFF SUPPLIES (Supplement to Extension Circular 110) The following turkey-mash formulas are designed to meet changes in the supply of certain feed- stuffs. They are particularly recommended during shortages of fish meal or when soybean meal is favorably priced as compared with fish meal. Where three formulas are given, the III mash in each case has the minimum amount of animal- protein concentrate that may be expected to give reasonably satisfactory results. TABLE 1 Mashes for Breeder Turkeys (Pounds per ton) Containing 20 per cent protein c II III Containing 30 . per cent protein II Fish meal Meat meal Soybean meal Dried whey or equivalent . . . Alfalfa meal e Bone meal or equivalent .... Ground limestone or equivalent 3 Salt, iodized Vitamin-D carrier, 400-D 11 . . . 'Wheat bran or mill run .... Ground grains Totals 160 300 100 300 50 40 20 10 300 720 100 100 280 100 300 40 40 20 10 300 710 440 100 300 60 40 20 10 300 650 360 720 200 500 60 80 40 20 200 200 680 200 500 80 80 40 20 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 a To be fed with approximately equal quantities of grain. These mashes contain about 20 per cent crude protein, 2.4 per cent calcium, and 1.1 per cent phosphorus. To be fed with approximately three parts of grain. These mashes contain about 30 per cent protein, 4.5 per cent calcium, and 1.5 per cent phosphorus. c Linseed meal may be substituted for soybean meal at levels of 2 per cent in the mashes, and of 4 per cent in the high-protein mashes. Dried whey or other riboflavin carrier (dried skim milk, fermentation by-products, etc.) having 30 micrograms of riboflavin per gram or proportionate amounts of different guaranteed potencies. Fresh greens should be fed whenever available at the rate of 20 to not more than 50 per cent by weight of the mash and grain intake, or about 10 to 30 pounds to each hundred birds daily. If a regular supply of fresh alfalfa or other greens is available, the alfalfa meal in the mashes may be reduced by one third and the ground grains correspondingly increased. Steamed bone meal, sterilized raw bone meal, spent bone black, dicalcium phosphate, or defluorinated rock phosphate. s Ground limestone, oyster shell, clam shell, calcite, or equivalent calcium carbonate carrier of suitable poultry- fee ding grade. It is suggested that a manganese carrier be premixed in the calcium carbonate in an amount equivalent to 4 ounces of manganese sulfate or 3 ounces of pre- cipitated manganese carbonate per 40 pounds of calcium carbonate carrier. Or proportionate amounts of poultry vitamin-D carriers of different guaranteed potencies. The amount recommended does not fully meet the birds' needs, hence, during prolonged periods of wet or foggy weather the vitamin-D carrier should be doubled. CI] UN1VFX.S.TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY COLLEGE CULTURE oavis TABLE 2 Mashes for Starting and Growing Poults (Pounds per ton) (24 Starting mashes a per cent protein) ( (20 Growing ma per cent shes prot b ein) I II ill I II III 240 400 80 200 20 10 20 40 10 300 300 200 180 140 140 300 80 200 20 10 40 10 300 300 200 260 2 80 650 80 200 20 40 40 10 300 280 200 100 160 300 60 200 20 20 40 40 300 200 200 460 100 100 300 60 200 20 20 20 40 300 200 200 440 60 Meat scrap Soybean meal 480 Cane molasses 60 200 20 Steamed bone meal or equivalent 6 . . . . Ground limestone or equivalent f .... Ground wheat 20 50 40 300 200 200 370 Totals 2,000 2,000 ,000 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 No grain is fed with the starting mashes for the first few weeks. These mashes contain about 24 per cent protein, 2 per cent calcium, and 1 per cent phosphorus. May be fed as all-mash rations up to about 10 weeks (see recommended level of protein for poults of different ages, table 4). These mashes contain about 20 per cent protein, 2.1 per cent calcium, and 1 per cent phosphorus. c Cottonseed meal may be substituted for the soybean meal in formulas I and II, and in amounts up to 20 per cent (400 pounds per ton) in formula III; linseed meal may also replace soybean meal in amounts up to 2 per cent (40 pounds per ton) of the mash. Dried whey or any other riboflavin carrier (dried skim milk, fermentation by-products, etc.) having 30 micrograms of riboflavin per gram, or proportionate amounts of different guaranteed potencies. e Steamed bone meal, sterilized raw bone meal, spent bone black, dicalcium phosphate, or defluorinated rock phosphate. Ground limestone, oyster shell, clam shell, calcite, or equivalent calcium carbonate carrier of suitable poultry-feeding grade. It is suggested that a manganese carrier be premixed in the calcium carbonate in an amount equivalent to 4 ounces of manganese sulfate or 3 ounces of pre- cipitated manganese carbonate per 40 pounds of calcium carbonate carrier. e 0r proportionate amounts of poultry vitamin-D carriers of lower guaranteed potencies. [2] TABLE 3 High-Protein Mashes for Growing Turkeys (Pounds per ton) 30 Containing per cent protein Containing 35 per cent protein Containing 40 per cent protein I II III I II I II \Iheat bran or mill run .... Fish meal 520 360 600 300 20 120 40 40 520 200 200 600 300 20 80 40 40 460 200 800 300 20 140 40 40 260 540 600 400 20 100 40 40 240 300 300 600 400 20 60 40 40 760 600 440 20 80 60 40 500 Alfalfa meal 400 500 460 Steamed bone meal or equiva- lent d 20 20 Ground limestone or equiva- lent 6 60 40 Totals 2,000 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Approximate per cent calcium . Approximate per cent phosphorus 4.0 1.9 3.9 1.8 4.0 1.9 4.2 2.0 4.3 1.9 5.1 2.0 5.0 1.9 See table 4 for recommendations regarding the amount of grain to feed with these mashes to poults of different ages. Cottonseed meal may be substituted in amounts up to 20 per cent of the mash (400 pounds per ton) in place of the soybean meal; linseed meal may also replace soybean meal in amounts up to 2 per cent (40 pounds per ton) of the mash. The cane molasses may be increased to 3 per cent if desired. It may also be omitted and an equiva- lent amount of wheat bran or ground grains added. Steamed bone meal, sterilized raw bone meal, spent bone black, dicalcium phosphate, or defluorinated rock phosphate. Ground limestone, oyster shell, clam shell, calcite, or equivalent calcium carbonate carrier of suitable poultry-feeding grade. It is suggested that a manganese carrier be premixed in the calcium carbonate in an amount equivalent to 4 ounces of manganese sulfate or 3 ounces of pre- cipitated manganese carbonate per 40 pounds of calcium carbonate carrier. [3] TABLE 4 Approximate Percentages of Protein Required by Growing Turkeys at Different Ages; and the Proportions of Grains and Mashes Required to Give the Recommended Level of Protein in the Ration Age of poults in weeks Recommended per cent of protein in the complete ration Pounds of grain to be fed in addition to 100 pounds of growing mash a Mash of 20 per cent protein (table 2) Mash of 30 per cent protein (table 3) Mash of 35 per cent protein (table 3) Mash of 40 per cent protein (table 3) 0-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-16 17-20 After 20 24 22 20 18 17 16 15 (Equal parts starting and growing mash) (Growing mash only) 25 50 67 100 67 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 400 150 200 250 300 400 500 For the first 6 weeks the turkeys are fed starting mash (table 2) without added grains. 3m- 5, '43(6239) [4]