^:> \^\- PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SERIES No. I CATALOGUE OF THE CHRISTIE COLLECTION Published by the University of Manchester at The University Press (H. M. McKechnie, Secretary) 12 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, Manchester Longmans, Green & Co. London : 39 Paternoster Row New York : 443-449 Fourth Avenue Bombay : 8 Hornby Road Calcutta : 303 Bowbazar Street Madras : 167 Mount Road CATALOGUE OF THE CHRISTIE COLLECTION COMPRISING THE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS BEQUEATHED TO THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER BY THE LATE RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE, LL.D. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CHARLES W. E. LEIGH LIBRARIAN OK THE UNIVERSITY MANCHESTER AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, liOMIiAY, CALCUTTA, AND MADRAS I915 University of Manchester Publications No. XC. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &= Co. at the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh LIBRARY VmrEJlSTTY OF CALIPORNU SANTA n.rrTj5z.r>A PREFACE For many years Mr. R. C. Christie, who had held the Professorships of History, of PoHtical Economy, and of Jurisprudence in the Owens College (incorporated with the University of Manchester in 1904), had cherished the hope of seeing the College provided with a building for its Library, and had determined, in the event of no hbrary being built during his lifetime, to provide by will for the erection of one. In 1892 the Whitworth legatees (of whom Mr. Christie was one) purchased and presented to the Owens College the valuable historical library formed by Professor Freeman, and the acquisition of this Collection, consisting of over 6000 volumes, emphasized the need for increased and more suitable library accommodation. In the following year Mr. Christie, finding that (in his own words) " it seemed not impossible for me to carry out my wishes in my lifetime," addressed a letter to the Council offering to build a library at his own expense, and his generous offer was gratefully accepted. The building, known as the " Christie Library," was commenced in 1895, and was formally opened by the Duke of Devonshire in 1898. Mr. Christie's interest in the University Library was further shown by his decision that his own private library should eventually find a permanent home in the Christie Library, and in 1901, shortly after Mr. Christie's decease, the Collection was received and placed in a room reserved for the purpose. A full description of the character and scope of the Collection will be found in the Introduction to this volume, written by Mr. Christie himself. The Collection numbers about 8000 volumes, many of which possess an added interest by having been previously owned by well-known book-collectors — such as J. A. de Thou, the Marques de Morante, Dr. Kloss, and N. Yemeniz — or by having been bound by English and Continental binders of repute. In the main, the "Cataloguing Rules" compiled by the Rules Committees of the English and American Library Associations have been followed. Writers of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, whose works are wholly or mainly in Latin, are indexed under the Latin form of their name, exceptions being made in the case of those authors whose writings are chiefly in the vernacular, e.g. Bembo, Pietro Aretino, &c. In each case, cross-references are given from the alternative form. Anonymous works are entered under the name of the author, when known. Otherwise, they are indexed under the name of any person or place with which they deal or under the first substantive in the title. Pseudonymous works are entered under the real name of the author, unless the pseudonym was exclusively used or is better known, e.g. Peter Pindar, J. B. Egnatius, Stendhal, &c. Cross-references are given in each case. vi PREFACE Library Catalogues are indexed under the name of the hbrary or the owner, and Peerage Claims under the name of the peerage. In transcribing the titles of Greek books, accents have been omitted and con- tractions have been replaced by the letters they represent. For the sake of brevity, Greek imprints have been translated into Enghsh. Annotations have, for the most part, been limited to records of early printers, binders, and former owners, these notes being also given in collective form in the series of appendices. Where considered useful, references have also been made to bibliographical works. In the case of Incunabula which are either not included, or are imperfectly described, in Hain and Copinger, full bibliographical details have been recorded. In the preparation of this catalogue, invaluable assistance has been rendered by Mr. Cree, formerly secretary to Mr. Christie, who has also furnished much information (which otherwise would have been unrecorded) regarding the provenance of many of the books, and has read through the proof sheets. The excellent services rendered by my colleague. Miss E. M. Jackson, B.A., both in the compilation of this volume and in the correction of proofs, are also deserving of special mention. Thanks are also due to my former colleague, Mr. A. F. C. Davey, now Librarian to the Manchester Medical Society, for his share in the work of compilation, and to Mr. L. Lailavoix, M.A., for assistance in proof-reading. Although every care has been exercised to ensure accuracy, it should be stated that this catalogue has been compiled under the pressure of other duties, and the Librarian would be glad to have his attention drawn to any errors. CHAS. LEIGH. December, 191 4. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE V INTRODUCTION. By Mr. Christie ix LIST OF WORKS CITED xiii ABBREVIATIONS xv CORRIGENDA xvi CATALOGUE :— Section I. : Printed Books i Section II. : Manuscripts 461 APPENDICES :— I. Previous Owners of Christie Books 470 II. List of Incunabula: i. Greek 496 2. Latin 496 3. French 498 4. Italian 498 III. Books Printed by Continental Printers up to 1550 .... 499 IV. Topographical Index of Continental Printers 525 V. Books Printed by or for British Printers, Booksellers and Stationers up to 1640 528 VI. Index of Latin Geographical Names 530 VII. Books Printed on Vellum 532 VIII. List of Binders 332 IX. List of Library Catalogues 536 ILLUSTRATIONS PORTRAIT OF MR. CHRISTIE. (From the original painting by T. B. Kennington in the Christie Library.) Frontispiece REPRODUCTION OF MR. CHRISTIE'S BOOKPLATE facitig p. ix INTRODUCTION By R. C. CHRISTIE The present volume makes no claim to be either a model catalogue or the catalogue of a model collection of books. It is only a descriptive list of that part of the owner's library which he wishes to be kept together after his death by the Institution to which, on the happening of that event, it will be entrusted. While the formation of this library has been one of the greatest pleasures of his life, and while he hopes that it contains many volumes of interest, and at least some rarities not easily met with, yet its owner is, alas ! obliged to confess that the volumes that are of the greatest rarity and that fetch the greatest prices, from £ioo to £5000 according to Mr. Quaritch's valuation, are conspicuous by their absence. Those whose interest extends no further than books such as these in the finest condition in the bindings made for Groher, Maioli and Canevari, are not invited to look into this catalogue. But it is hoped that the Collector as well as the student will find both in the books and in their catalogue something to interest and possibly afford him some information which may be new to him. Although some of the volumes are what are called "Collector's books," yet the Collection as a whole will be found to have a uniform aim and a principle of unity pervading it. It has been formed with a view of illustrating and enabling its owner to study the Renaissance, and especially the classical Renaissance of Italy and France, and it will be found that the greater number of the volumes bear upon this subject, and more particularly upon certain departments, and the hves, labours and works of a certain limited number of scholars upon whose lives and labours I had at one time hoped to write something. £tienne Dolet, Aldus, Pomponatius, Clenardus, Giulio Camillo, Ramus, Sturm, Postel, J. C. Scahger, Paul Scaliger, Giordano Bruno, Vanini, Scioppius, Hortensio Lando are some of those, and of the writings of each of them an unusually large collection — with their biographies, and the writings of their commentators and their opponents — will be found in my library, while of several — Dolet, Camillo, Ramus, Sturm, Postel and Scioppius — I beheve that no other hbrary in England or on the Continent contains a more nearly complete collection, and I indulge the hope that some time, perhaps in the course of the next century, some student may feel interest in these scholars — veritable " oublies et dedaignes " — and may find these collections available for making their dry bones Uve. For, of those I have named, I have only accompUshed a complete monograph of one — Dolet — with essays,! perhaps as full as the world cares for, on Pomponatius and Clenardus and short papers, little more than contributions, to the biographies of Aldus, Bruno and Vanini. ' Reprinted in the volume of "Selected essays," 1902. ix X INTRODUCTION The revival of the study of Greek and the early history of Greek scholarship and Greek topography forms a very leading subject of the books here catalogued. Nearly every Greek edilio frinceps is included, many of them of great rarity and critical value, others of which the preface is an important contribution to the history and progress of Greek scholarship, and, in addition to editiones principes, many volumes of those printers whose Greek types and rare Greek productions are of great interest to both scholars and collectors, such as Calliergi, Thierry Martens, Simon de Colines and Conrad Neobar. Of Latin editiones principes a certain number will be found, and many rare incunabula from the presses of Italian printers, in whom I have always felt a very special interest — Sweynheym and Pannartz, Jenson, and Vindelin de Spire. Of the Aldine Series I believe every book of interest and merit will be found with the exception of the two Greek " Horse" of 1497 and 1521, the first Virgil, and the Nonnus, and these volumes alone constitute a tolerably complete Hbrary of the Greek, Latin and vernacular Hterature of Italy during the i6th century, while several of the volumes are of the greatest rarity, and were introuvable both to Renouard and to A. F. Didot. The books written and printed by fitienne Dolet are forty-five in number ; seven of these are the only copies known, and of ten others a single other copy is recorded. The large collection of books printed by Sebastian Gryphius will probably excite some surprise, a considerable number of them being absolutely worthless editions of Latin Classics and even less interesting translations of Greek authors. But, though of very little interest, Wiey were collected with a special purpose, namely, in part as bearing on the life and surroundings of fitienne Dolet, partly with a view of discovering if possible the books which bore traces of his hand as their editor or corrector. But alas ! of nearly one hundred volumes of Latin Classics in my possession printed by S. Gryphius between 1533 and 1546, I have only found one which has clear marks of Dolet's editorship, the " Orationes Ciceronis " of 1536. In this way, my interest arose in the books of Gryphius, and at one time I hoped to form a tolerably complete collection of these, but though my collection is more extensive than any other except that in the public library at Lyons, it is, I am sorry to say, still wanting in a large number of volumes. But though most of the classics of Gryphius have fallen into the category of " old books " only, yet the prefaces of many of them are of much interest to the student of the history of Learning in France, while the original works printed by him constitute in themselves a remarkable and distinguished history of Learning in the South of France during 40 years ; a few are also of distinguished rarity. In one of them I take special pride. Of the spurious " Cuspidii Testamentum, item. Contractus Venditionis " edited by Rabelais in 1532 one other copy — that in the Bibliotheque Nationale, and a very inferior copy to mine — is known,' while of the (not very interesting) tract of our countryman Volusenus, " Commentatio qusedam theologica," 1539, the copy I possess appears to be unique. Horace was the first Latin classic whom I read with real pleasure, and my affection > A third copy was sold at Sotheby's in February, 1 908. (See The Bibliophile, vol. i. p. 1 1 1 , where it is described as "a Lyonncse volume of 1532, containing the first published work of Rabelais, an Epistle to Almaricus Buchardus.") — C.L. ' The Bibliotheque Nationale also possesses a copy, the date of which has been altered, at a remote period, to 1549, and three other copies are recorded in Tome VIII. of Baudrier's " Bibliographie lyonnaise." — C.L. INTRODUCTION xi for him led me nearly fifty years since to aim at a collection of the different editions of his works. I now possess seven hundred and ninety-eight volumes of editions, translations and commentaries, the earliest being the Milan edition of 1474. But of modern and absolutely uninteresting editions and translations the number is so great, that I long since gave up purchasing more of them, and confined my attention to those of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, only procuring those of the eighteenth and nineteenth that were distinguished by special merit. While some will be surprised to find in this collection so few of those books which "no gentleman's library should be without," others will wonder at the appearance of any of them and still more at the presence of a certain number of volumes which are eminently commonplace, and common editions, and have perhaps neither interest nor value. In fact they are books which — generally from old associations — have to me a special interest, and which, after being for so many years on my shelves, I still like to think will repose with their old associates. It was in the pages of the copy of the " London Magazine " included in this collection, that I first — nearly sixty years since — made acquaintance with Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hood, for the first of whom I have ever since had the warmest affection, and for the second the greatest admiration. The copy of Boswell's "Johnson" I was wont to read fifty years since, while of more recent books there are many old friends of my Oxford hfe of which I like to see the " old familiar faces," and to think that they will at least for some years to come retain their places with their fellows. In Bibliography and Literary History — still bearing, however, specially on the learned literature and the biography of learned men of the sixteenth century — there will be found a considerable number of books which, without being " rarities," are not of common occurrence, and will, I believe, be found of use to those who make use of this " Collection " and this Catalogue. LIST OF WORKS CITED " Allgem. Deut. Biog." AUgemeine deutsche Biographic. 55 Bde. (1875-1910.) Barbier. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. y 6d. 4 torn. (1872-79.) Barbier'. Supplement, par G. Brunet. (1889.) Baudrier. Bibliographie lyonnaise. S6r. I.-X. (1895-1914.) BoNGi. Catalogo delle opere di . . . O.Lando. (In " Novelle di M. O. Lando.") (1851.) Braun. Notitia historico-liitcraria de libris. 2 pts. (1788-89.) Brunet. Manuel du lihraire. 5"^ ed. 6 torn. (1860-65.) Brunet'. Supplement. 2 torn. (1878-80.) Copinger. Supplement to Main's Reperiorimn bibliographicum. 2 pts. [in 3 vols.], (i 895-1902. ) Des Billons. Nouveatix Sclaircissements sur la vie el les ouvrages de G. Pastel. (1773-) " Diet. Nat. Biog." Dictionary of national biography . 63 vols. (1885-1900.) Supplement. 3 vols. (1901.) Second supplement. 3 vols. (1912.) Gay. Bibliographie des principaux ouvrages relatifs A I'amour. y 6d. 6 torn. (1871-73.) Hain. Repertorium hibiiographiciim. 2 vols, [in 4.] (1826-38.) Halkett and Laing. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 4 vols. (1882-88.) Hoffmann. Lexicon bibliographicum. 3 torn. (1832-36.) IsEGHEM. Biographic de Thierry Martens. (1852.) La Caille. Histoire de I'imprimerie. (1689.) Legrand. Bibliographie hellSnique. 2 torn. (1885.) LORENZ. Catalogue gineral de la librairie frangaise. Tome I., efc. (1867, efc.) Maittaire. Annales typographici. 5 torn. (1719-41.) Manzoni. Annali tipografice dei Soncino. Tom. II., fasc. i; Tom. III.; Tom. IV,, fasc. i. (1886, 83, 85.) Melzi. Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani. 3 torn. (1848-59.) Niceron. MSmoires pour servir d I'histoire des homines illustres. 43 torn. (1728-45.) Oettinger. Bibliographie biographique tmiverselle. 2 tom. (1854.) Pagliaini. Catalogo generate delta libreria italiana dall' anno 1847 a tiitto il 1899. 3 vols. (1901-5.) Panzer. Annales typographici. 11 vols. (1793-1803.) Peignox. Repertoire de bibliographies sp6ciales. (1810.) Pellechet. Catalogue ghiirale des incunables des bibliothiques publiques de France. Tome 1., etc. (1897, etc.) Proctor. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum. 2 vols. (1898-99.) Proctor'. The printing of Greek in the fifteenth century. (1900.) QuiiRARD. Les supercherics littiraires ddvoiUcs. 2" ed. 3 tom. (1869-70.) Querard*. Supplement. (1889.) [Published with Barbici'.] Querard'. La France littiraire. 12 tom. (1827-64.) RiucHLlNG. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri repertorium bibliographicum. luisc. l.-VI., Indices, and Supplcmentum. (1905-14.) Renouaru. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide. 3"}yixo>v ra^eon' eXXtj- nxcoy. iEliani de militaribus ordinibus insti- tuendis more grBEconmi liber, a F. Robortello ...nunc primum Gracce, editus, etc. Gr. 4to., Venetiis, 1552. Aihavov :reQt arQaTtjyixwv ra^fojv 'E}.hj- nxiitv ftifiXiov, etc. Gr. &- Lat. Sec i-ELI- ANUS (C.) Pranestinus. Aihavov xa eipia- xofieva a:iavra, etc. fol., (1556.) ^LIANUS, Tacticus.—(contd.) Ta^iq TzaXata, xai 6vo/iaaiat roiv agxovrwv ex Tou Alhavov. See THOMAS, Magister. G(o/ta Tov /taytaxQOv 6vofiax(ov aTTtxiov exXoyat, etc. 8vo., 1532. iELIANUS (Claudius) PrcBnestinus. AlXiavov ra evQiayofteva aTiavra. C j5iliani... opera, quae extant, omnia, Graece Latinfeque e regione... cura & opera C. Gesneri, etc. {AlXiavov [Tacticus] Jtegi argarijyixcov ra^ecov ' EXXt)viy.mv Pi^Xiov, etc.) Gr. &- Lat. fol., Tiguri, {1556.) Spifamo and Guenoys copy. Ex Aeliani historia, per P. Gyllium Latini facti, itemejj ex Porphyrio, Heliodoro, Oppiano, turn eodem Gyllio luculentis acces- sionibus aucti libri XVI. de vi & natura animalium. Ejusdem Gyllii liber unus, de GalHcis & Latinis nominibus piscium. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. [Another copy.] [.Another edition.] 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. Red morocco by Roger Payne. Ai/.iavov TioixiXiji iaxoQiai, fitfiXta. id'. 'Ex ro)v 'HgaxXeiSov negi jioX.tTeiojv vjioftyrjfta. noXe/Jo)vo<; qpvatoyvoj/torixojv iyxeigidiov. '/16a- ftavTiov £o(piEMILIANUS (Palladius Rutilius Taurus). See PALLADIUS RUTILIUS TAURUS ^MILIANUS. .lEMILIUS (Paulus). Historiae jam denuo emendatae P. Aemylii...de rebus gestis Fran- corum, a Pharamundo prime rege usque ad Carolum octavum, libri X. A. Ferroni...de rebus gestis Gallorum libri IX. ad historiam P. Aemylii additi, a. Carolo octavo usq3 ad Henricum II. Ad hujus historiae lucem, in fine adjunctum est : chronicon J. Tilii de regibus Francorum, a Pharamundo usq3 ad Henricum II. a T. Frcigio auctum usque ad Carolum IX., etc. [Edited by J. T. Freigius,] 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Basiled-, 1569. Each part has a separate titlopage, pagination, and register. Ft. III. is unpaged. See FERRONUS (A.). A. Ferroni...de rebus gestis Gallorum hbri IX. Ad historiam P. iEmilii additi, etc. Svo., 1550. fol., 1550. [Another edition.] Tcrtia cditio...aucta, etc. Svo., 1555. iEMILIUS PROBUS. [For the " De vita excellcntlum imperatorum liber," attributed to .^imihus Probus.] See NEPOS (C). LiEBERKUEHNius (G. E. F.). Defensio C. Nepotis contra Aemilium Probum, librarium. See LIEBERKUEHNIUS {G. E. F.). Vin- diciae librorum injuria suspectorum, etc. 8vo., 1844. ^NEAS SYLVIUS [Piccolomini]. See PIUS II., Pope. iESCHINES. Aoyoi rovTcovt xoiv grjTogwv. Ala)^ivov. Avaioi'. AX.xtda/iavTog. 'Avria- devov;. A>j/iaSov. 'AvSoxtdov. 'laatov. Aetvag- xov, 'AvxirpoiVTO^, Avxovgyov. Fegyiov. Aeapiovaxxog. 'HgcoSov. 'Ext aiaytvov ^log. Avaiov fiioQ. Orationes horum rhetorum. Acschinis. Lysiae. Alcidamantis. Antisthe- nis. Demadis. Andocidis. Isasi. Dinarchi. Antiphontis. Lycurgi. Gorgiae. Lesbonactis. Herodis. Item Aeschinis vita. Lysiae vnta. ([Pt. III.] ' laoxgaxovQ X.oyoi. 'AXxiSaftavxog, xaxa aotptaxcov. Fogyiov, 'E?.evrjg iyxa>/iiov. 'Agtaxstdov rfavadrjvatxog. Tov avxov 'Poftiji; [sic] iyxm^iov. Isocratis orationes. Alci- damantis contra dicendi magistros. Gorgiae de laudibus Helenae. Aristidis de laudibus Athenarum. Ejusdem de laudibus urbis Romae.) Gr. 3 vols, [in 2.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1513. This work is known as the "Oratores Grceol." Renouard wrongly states that Alcidaraas does not occur in vol. I., on pp. 177-184 of which appears his " 'OSv)^ng. ".Sschyli septem contra Thebas. Ad fidem manuscriptorum emen- davit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield... Editio tertia. Gr. 8vo., Londini, 1824. [Appendix.] Beatson (B. W.). Index in ^schylum. See INDEX. Index in tragicos Gra;cos. Vol. I. 8vo., 1830. See BRITISH MUSEU.M. Catalogue of printed books. Aeschylus. fol., 1883. See ROBORTELLUS (F.). Scholia in AeschyU tragoedias omnes, etc. 8vo., 1552. .ESCULAPIUS, Hermetis Disciptilus. See ASCLEPIUS. ^SOPUS. [Pt. I.] Begin. [Fol. i, recto :] Bonus Accursius Pisanus doctissimo ac sapiientissi | mo ducali qusstori lohanni Francisco tur- riano | salutem plurimam dicit. | [Fol. 2, recto:] 'MZOnOY BIOS TOY MYGO- nOIOY. MA\SIMD TO HAANOYAH 2YrrPA0Eir. \ [FoI. 33, recto:] 'AISQ- nOY MY0OL I End. [Fol. 70, redo:]... TeXo; Toiv Tov AtaojTtov Mvdojr. | [Pt. II.] Begin. [Fol. i, redo :] Vita Aesopi fabula- toris clarissimi e graeco latina p | Rynuciu facta ad Reueredissimu Patre Dominii | An- tonium tituli Sancti Chrysogoni Presbjfteru | Cardinalem. & primo prohoemium. | [Fol. 33, recto : Latin prose version by Rinucius of 100 fables of Aesop.] Argumentum fabulaE Aesopi e graeco i latinti. | E^id. [Fol. 59, verso :] Vita Aesopi per R^Tiucium thettalum traducta. | ^'erum quoniam ab eo non nulla fuerut praeter- | missa : fortassis qa graecus eius codex esset minus | emendatus : Ego Bonus accursius Pisanus : eadem | in ea omnia correxi : & emendaui. | [Pt. III.] Begin. [Fol. i, verso .] Bonus Accursius Pisanus doctissimo ac sapientissi | mo ducali Quaestori lohanni francisco Turriano sa| lutem plurimam dicit. | [Fol. 2, redo : Select fables of Aesop, with a parallel word- for-word Latin version.] M YOOI 'AWOnO Y Fabulae Aesopi | End. [Fol. 38, recto :] Bonus Accursius pisanus impressit : qui non do Ictorum hominum sed radium ac puerorum gratia | hunc laborem suscepit. | Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [Milan : B. and J. A, de Honate, c. 1480.] Hain, *z65. Proctor, 5963. Proctor', 59-60. This copy is wrongly bound, the first part being placed last. Brown morocco by Bevan. Stuart copy. Begin. [Sig. az, recto :] MYQOI 'AISQ- nO Y Fabulae Aesopi | [61 selected fables, edited by Bonus Accursius, the Latin version being taken from that by Remicius.] Gr. cS- Lat. 4to., [colophon .] Regii : inipresstim per Dionysiiim berlochitm, 1497. 38 ff., witliout pagination ; sigs. a-5*, e*. Im- perfect ; wanting sig oi, containing the Latin preface by Bonus Accursius. Hain, 266. Beichling, I. , 86. Proctor, 7260. Proctor 2, 107. Crawford (Lakelands) and Gennadius copy. Begin. [Sig. ai, recto .] Gabriel Bracius Brasichellensis bonaru | artium cultoribus. S. I [Sig. ai, recto :] 'AHQnOY BIOS TOY MY&OnOIOY. \ MAEIMQ TQ nAANOYJH I n'rrPA0Eiz. \ [Sig. j-e, recto .] 'AISPnOY MYOOI. | Gr. 4to., [colophon :] Bartholomaei pelusii...Ga- brielis bracii...Ioannis Bissoli, et Benedidi Mangii...sumptibiis impressa. [Venice, 1498.] Hain, 267. Proctor, 5640. Proctor', no. Blue morocco by Riviere and Son, MSOPVS.—icontd.) Habentur hoc vohimine lisec, videlicet. Vita (a M. Planude composita), et fabellas Aesopi cum interpretatione latina...Gabria; fabelhe trcs & quadraginta...ciim latina inter- pretatioe...Phurniitus sen, ut alii, Cnrnutus de natura deorum. Pala?phatus dc non cre- dendis historiis. Heraclides...de allegoriis apud Homerum. Ori ApoUinis [s/c]...hiero- glyphica. CoUectio provcrbiorum Tarrhaei, & Did\ir\i...Ex Aphthonii excrcitamentis de fabula. Turn de fonnicis, & cicadis graece, & latine. De fabula ex imaginibus Philostrati graece, & latine, etc. Gr. (S- Lat. fol., [colophon :] V'enetiis : apud Aldum, 1505. Renouard, p. 49. Woiilmll and .Toye copy. Aesopi. ..vita ct fabellae...Gabriae Gra3ci fabella; trcs & quadraginta, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., in inclyta Basilea : (J. Frobenius, 1517) KI083 copy. Aiamnov inOol [sic]. See SCRIPTORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] Aesopi. ..et aliorum fabulac, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugdwii : apud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1548, ^sopi...fabuL'e Graece et Latine, cum aliis quibusdam opusculis, etc. (Gabriae fabulac. Homeri ranarum & murium pugna. Musaeus de Ero & Leandro. Agapetus diaconus de officio regis ad Justinianum Caesarem. Hip- pocratis jusjurandum.) i6mo., Parisiis : impensis viduec A. Birkmannni [sic], 1549. — ^ iEsopi...fabulae elegantissimis eiconibus veras animaliu species ad vi\'ia adumbrantes. Gabriae Graeci fabellae XXXXIIII. Barqa- Xo/ivoftaxia Homeri, hoc est, ranarum & murium pugna. raXeo)/ivoiia-/ta, hoc est, felium & murium pugna, tragcedia Gracca [by Theodorus Prodromus]. Haec omnia cum Latina interjjretatione. Nunc primum ac- cesserunt Avieni [i.e.. Avian!]... tabulae nus- quam antehac edila'. {AiaoiTron fiio;... Maiifim Tf;> nXavovfii) ai'yyoatpen;. -Esopi... \'ita, etc.) Gr. &■ Lat. i6mo., Lugduni, 1570. Planudes, Maximus. Aiaa)7Tov...fiio;. Ma^iftoj TV) nXavov6j] avyyqaipeii;. See SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [15^1-] i^iTHICUS. ^thici cosmographia. (In /Ethici cosmographiam scholia, J. Simlcro auctore.) See DIONYSIUS, Periegctcs. Dionysii Alex, ct Pomp. Melae situs orbis descriptio, etc. 4to., 1377. AETIUS, Amidenus. 'Aexiov 'A/udijvor (iijiXioiv iaXQixow Tonoi a , rovreart fttftXiu oxro Ta TiQwra. Aetii Amideni librorum medicina- lium tomus primus, primi scilicet libri octo nunc primimi in lucem cditi. Gr. Ed. Pk. fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : in adibus hceredum Aldi Mantitii, &■ Andrea: Asulani, 1534. Renouard, p. J12. Sykcs copy. AFF6 (IrIlNEO). Memorie di trc celebri prin- cipesse della famiglia Gonzaga, etc. [Dedi- cation signed I. .\ff6.] 4to., Parma, 1787. Saggio di memorie su la tipografia Par- niense del sccolo XV. 4to., Parma, 1 791. .VERA, Saint and Martyr. Convcrsio et passio SS. MartjTum Afra?, Hilariac, Dignae, Euno- miae, Eutropiae ; quae ante annos paullo minus MCCC Augustae Vindelicorum passoe sunt. Cum commcntario, M. Velseri. 4to., Venetiis: apud Aldum[the Younger], 1591. Reiiousrd, p. 247. Block copy. AFRAXIUS (Lucius). See ESTIENNE (H.). znd of the Name. Fragmenta poetarum vetcrum Latinorum...Ennii...Afranii, etc. 8vo., 1564. AGAPETUS, Diaconus. De officio regis ad Justinianum Caesarem. Gr. &• Lat. See iESOPUS. Aesopi... fabulce, e/c. i6mo., 1549. 'ExOfois y.B(pa?.aioni jtagaivertxwv, a'/cSta- aOeiaa nana 'AyajrijTov, etc. See SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] .VGAR-ELLIS (George James Welbore) ist Baron Dover. See DOVER. .AGATHARCHIDES. 'Ey. ro>v tou 'AyaOag/iSov rregi T)/c fQvOQa; OaX.aaarji; ixXoyat. See CTESIAS. 'Ey ran' Krtiatov, AyaOao/iSov... ioTOQiycov eyXoyai, etc. 8vo., 1557. AGATHIAS. .\gathire...dc impcrio et rebus gestis Justiniani imperatoris libri quinque : GrjEcc nunquam antehac cditi. Ex biblio- thecA [sic] & interpretatione B. Vulcanii, cum notis ejusdem. Accesserunt ejusdem Aga- thiae epigrammata Graeca (Latine rcddita per Josephum Scaligerum...& J. Dousam). Gr. <^v Lat. 1 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Lugduni Balavorum, 1394. The title to tlio second part read^ as follow?? ; " Bon. Vulcanii notfc ; qviilni.'i mulla Agathisa loca doclarantur ; qiiamplurinia otiani veteris codicis Ms. menda eastigantur," etc. The T.atin version of tlio " History of juv Tocc }'pa;rToi'C P.oyovg yQafovToiv, etc. See /ESCHINES. Aoyoi rovrwri t(ov qijxoqiov. Aiaxivov...'AXxt('iaiiavTo;, etc. [Pts. I. and HI.] fol., 1513- 'Alxtda/iavTo: eig roi',- aotfiatui, /.oyo<;. a'. See ISOCRATES. [Opera.] Isocratcs nuper accurate recognitus, etc. fol., 1534. [Anotlier copy.] ALCINOUS. Alcinoi di.sciplinarum Plalonis cpitoma, etc. See APULEIUS (L.) Mad.tu- rensis. Begin. Bcssarion. S. R. E. Epi- scopus Ciirdinalis Sabinensis, etc. End. Lucii Apuleii...mctamorplioscos liber, etc. fol., 1 4 09. ALCmOVS.-iconld.) [Another edition.] Alcinoi... liber, de doctrinaPIatonis. Lat. 5ee lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in Hbro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis iEgyptiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 1516. [Another edition.] 'AXxivoov (pi}.o- aocpov eli ra rov IJkaTojvog doy/jara etaayoiyrj. Alcinoi philosophi ad Platonis dogmata intro- ductio. Gr. See APULEIUS (L.) Madau- rensis. L. Apuleii metamorphoseos, etc. 8vo., 1521. [Another edition.] 9>vo.,Lutetiep : apiid M. Vascosaniim, 1532. Russia by Roger Payne. Wodhull copy. Alcinoi ... de doctrina Platonis liber. Graece et Latine. Speusippi... liber de Pla- tonis definitionibus. Xenocratis... liber de morte. [Translated by M. Ficinus.] 8vo., Parisiis : apud M. Vascosaniim, 1533. Tliis edition is without the Greek text of Alcinous. VVodhuU copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Parisiis : apud VascosanR, 1549. This edition is also without the Greek text of Alcinous. Wodhull copy. ALCIPHRON. 'AkxKpQovo; Qrjxogo; iniOToXai. Alciphronis rhetoris epistolae...Recensuit...ac notis illustravit S. Bergher. Gr. &• Lat. 8vo., Lipsics, 1 715. Citron morocco by Duseuil. Lamoignon, Beck- ford, and Sullivan copy. ALCMAN. 'A^.x/iavog fieh]. Gr. &■ Lat. See PINDARUS. Pindari Olympia, Pythia, etc. [Vol. II.] 24mo., 1560. Editio II. Graecolatina H. Steph., etc. 24mo., 1566. ALCOFRIBAS, pseud, [i.e., FRAN901S Rabe- lais.] See RABELAIS (F.). ALCORAN. [L' Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en latin qu'en frangois, cest-a-dire la mer des blasphemes et mensonges de cest idole sig- matize qu'on appelle saint Francois, recuilli par...E. Alber du liure des conformitez de ce beau saint Fran9ois [by Bartholomaeus Al- bizzi], etc.] 2 torn. See BARTHOLOM^US [Albizzi], Pisantts. 8vo., [1560.] ALCORAN. See KORAN. ALCUINUS. Albini sive Alcuim...in septem psalmos poenitentiales & CXVIII. psalmu, & in Cantica graduum.-.expositio. Drogonis... de Sacramento dominica; passionis...commen- tatiuncula. 8vo., LuteticB Parisioriim : per N. Divite, 1547. See C.W.Ol-,\]S, Magnus. Caroli...Magni, et D. Albini [i.e., Alcuinus] de rhetorica & virtutibus disputatio, etc. 8vo., 1529. ALCYONIUS (Petrus). P. Alcyonii medices legatus de exsiho. i^to., [colophon:'] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi et A ndreae Asiilani soceri, 1522. Renouard, p. 95. P. Alcyonii... medicos legatus, sive de exilio hbri II., etc. See CARDANUS (H.). H. Cardani...de sapientia libri quinque, etc. 8vo., 1624. P. Alcyonii medices legatus, sive de exilio libri duo: accessere J. P. Valerianus, et C. Tollius de infelicitate litteratorum, ut & J. Barberius de miseria poetarum Graecorum, cum prifatione J. B. Menckenii, etc. i2mo., Lipsice, 1707. Witli a half-title reading: "Analecta de calaraitate litteratorum." ALDENHAM (Henry Hucks Gibbs) 1st Baron. A catalogue of some printed books and manuscripts at St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, and Aldenham House, Herts. Col- lected by H. H. Gibbs. 4to., London, 1888. Privately printed. Presentation copy from H. H. Gibbs. ALDRICH (Henry). Artis logics rudimenta, from the text of Aldrich, with notes and marginal references. By...H. L. Mansel. Second edition, etc. ' 8vo., Oxford, 1852. ALDROVANDUS (Ulysses). [i.e., Ulisse Aldrovandi.] U. Aldrovandi cycni enco- mium. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] See FANTUZZI (G.). Memorie della vita di U. Aldrovandi, etc. 8vo., 1774. ALDUS MANUTIUS. See MANUTIUS (A. P). ALEANDER (Hieronymus) the Elder, Car- dinal, [i.e., Girolamo Aleandrc] D. H. Aleandri...tabulse sane quam utiles Graecarum musarum adyta copendio igredi cupietibus. Selecti aliquot Luciani dialogi [ Gr.], cum aliis nonnullis. 4to., Lovanii : apud T. Mariinum, 1525. 16 ff., without pagination, sigs. A-D'. This edition not known to Iseghem, ALECTHROCHORAS (Bartholom^us) pseud., Resp. [For editions of the " Dis- sertatio...de...hanreitatum materia."] See CORNIGERUS (J.) pseud., Pras. ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d'). Melanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophic. [By J. le R. d'Alembert.] Quatri^me edition. 5 tom. i2mo., Amsterdam. 1767. Tome V. is of the first edition. Barbier, III., 113. Mazarin Library copy. See DUMAS (C. L.). filoge de d'Alem- bert, etc, 8vo., 1789. See HUME (D.). A concise... account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau : with the letters... of... Mr. D'Alem- bert, relative to this extraordinary affair, etc. 8vo., 1766. ALEXANDER, Aphrodisaus. 'AXe^avdgov rov aq)QoSiaw(oQ, eli; to, rov AgtaroreXovg, jiQarega dvaXvxtxa, vTioftvrj/ia. Alexandri aphrodisien- sis, in priora analytica Aristotelis, commen- taria. Gr. fol., [colophon : Venice : Aldus Manutius and Andreas Asttlanns, 1520.] Renouard, p. 89. 'AXs^avdQov 'AipQodt(nea)g elg ta romxa ALEXANDER, AphYodiscsns.—(contd.) 'AQiatoreXovi, v:to/jvrjfiaTa. Alexandri Aphro- disiei in topica Aristotelis, commentarii. Gy. fol., [colophon .-] Veneliis : in aedibiisAldi, et Andreae soceri, 1513. The preface is dated 1514. Renouard, p. 6;. Marefoschi and Pattison copy. [Another copy.] Manzoni copy. Alexandri Aphrodisiei problematum liber primus (-secundus). See ARISTOTELES. [Opera. — Latin.'] Habentur hoc volumine haec Theodore Gaza interprete. Arictotelis [sic] de natura animalium lib. IX., etc. [Pt. III.] fol., 1504. [Another edition.] 8vo., s.a. 'AXe^avdQov 'AipQoSiaucoQ larQiy.a &noQi}- liara, xai (pvaina TTQofiXtjfiaTa. (Alexandri Aphrodisiei problemata... J. Davioni studio illustrata.) Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] l2mo., Parisiis : [E. Tousan,] 1540-41. Tiie fir.'^t part is unpaged ; the second part, con- taining tlie Latin version, is foliated. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis, in sophisticos Aristotelis elenchos, commentaria. 'AXe^av- dgov 'A] ?.oyo; TTEQi X.ot/Hxi]i; aTio TijQ avQwv SiaX.exTov iicX- ?.r]viaOEii;. Alexandri Tralliani medici lib. XII. Rliaza; de pestilentia libcUus ex Sj-rorum lingua in Grascam translatus. J. Goupyli in eosdem castigationes. Gr. fol., LxiteticB : ex officina R. Stephani, 1548. The " Castigationes " have a separate pagination and register. Red morocco by Roger Payne, Wodhull and Geunadius copy. [Another copy.] ALEXANDER formeriy HUMPHRYS (Alex- ander). The Stirling peerage. Trial of A. Humphrys or Alexander styling himself Earl of Stirling... for forgery... edited by W. Turn- bull. With an introductory notice of the Earldom of Stirling, etc. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1839. ALEXANDRINUS (Georgius). See MERU- LA (Georgius). AI^EXANDRO (Ale.xander de). Alexandri de Alexandre dies geniales. fol., [colo- phon .•] Roma: : in adibus J. Mazochii, 1522. Blue morocco by Kidge. Syslon Park copy. ALFIERI (Vittorio) Conte. Vita di V. .\lfieri scritta da essc.Edizione stereotipa. 8vo., Milano, 1874. ALIONE (Giovanni Giorgio). See BRUNET (J. C). Notice biographiquc.sur J. G. Alione, d'Asti. 8vo., 1836. ALITOPHILUS, pseud, [i.e., Claude Bar- THELEMV MoRisoT.] See MORISOT (C. B.). ALLATIUS (Leo), [i.e., Leone Allacci.] L. Allatii animadversiones in antiquitatum Etruscarum fragmenta ab Inghiramio edita. 4to., Parisiis, 1640. L. Allatii apes urbana', si\c de viris illustribus qui ab anno 1630 per totnm 1632 Rom:e adfuerunt, ac typis aliquid c\-ulgarunt. Et J. Imperialis... museum hisloricum, vir- orum litteris illustrium elogia, vitas eorun- dem et mores notantia complexum, priemissa procfatione J. A. Fabricii. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Hamburgi, 1711. Licetus L. Allatii, carmine e.xprcssus. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Romcc, 1641. L. Allatii de erroribus magnorum virorum in dicendo, dissertatio rhetorica, etc. 8vo., Romer, 1635. L. Allatii dc scriptis Socratis dialogus, etc. See SOCRATI=;S. [The Supposititious Letters.] Socratis, Antisthenis, ct aliorum Socraticorum cpistolx, etc. 4to., 1637. L. Allatii av/i/iixra, sivc opusculorum, Grx'corum ct Latinonun...libri duo. Edente, nonnullis additis, B. Nihusio, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Colonic: AgrippinOQO>v f.sieojv. See CRASTONUS (J.) Placentinus. Dic- tionarium graecum copiosissimum, etc. fol., I497. [Another edition.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] AMMONIUS, Hertnece. 'Y:Tofiv)iica el; rag ^evre I va; d:ioqja>vtjg [of Porphyrins] 'Afi/Koyton | MixQOv Tov 'Eo/uiov. I Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : ^'enice : Z. Kallierges forN. Blastus, 1500.] Haiu and Copiuger, *92 7. Proctor, 5646. Proc- tor', p. iig. This is oue of tlie few copies with the headpiece and first capital printed in gold. The blank leaves at beginning and end, men- tioned by Copinger, are wanting. Afi/ion-iov rov 'Egftewu eig rag Jievre ipoivag TOV rioQipvQiov v.-iofirrj^a. Ammonii Hermiae in quinque voces Porphyrii commentarius [with the text], correctionibus quamplurimis, & locorum imaginibus illustratus. (Amuo- nov rov 'En/tietov eig rag rov AotaTorE/.ovg xartiyoQtag t^:io/iv}j/ia. Ammonii Hermia; in praedicamcnta Aristotelis commentarius. [With the text.] Aristotelis ^'ita.) {Afi- ficurcov rov 'Egfieiov elg ro rov AgiaTorefj^vg ^egi egfitjvuag inoitvmta. Ammonii Hermiae in Aristotelis de interpretatione librum com- mentarius. [With the text.]) [Edited by P. Rhosithinus.] Gr. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1546. Renouard, p. 135. A/i/Ju/viov rov 'Eg/iewv vjiofivtjfta fig ro negi igfuireiag AoiarornXovg. etc. [With the text.] 4 pts. See ARISTOTELES. [Or- GANON : Categori;e & De Interpre- tatione.] fol., 1503. AMORETTI (Antonio Maria). Lettera suU' anno natahzio d'Aldo Pio Manuzio ed alcune stampe Manuziane, etc. 8vo., Roma, 1804. AMOS (Andrew). The great Oyer of poison- ing : the trial of the Earl of Somerset for the poisoning of Sir T. Overbury, etc. 8vo., London, 1846. AMPELIUS (Lucius). L. Ampelius ex bibUo- theca C. Salmasii. See FLORUS (L. A.). L. A. Flonis, etc. i2mo., 1657. [Another edition.] See FLORUS (L. A.). L. A. Flori epitome rerum Roma- narum, etc. Tom. II. 8vo., 1702. AMPHILOCHIUS, Saint, Bishop of Iconium. Amphilochii...de recta studiorum ac vitae ratione, epistola ad Seleucum, versibus iam- bi cis...scripta : C. Rittershusii...notis illus- trata. Tertium cdita curante & recensente N. Rittershusio. Gr. &• Lot. 8vo., Altdorphii, 1644. Maidment copy. AMSDORFF (Nicolaus von). Epistola>...N. Amsdorfii et D. M. Lutheri, de Erasmo Roterodamo. 8vo., [colophon .] WitehergcB : per Joanneni Lufjt, 1534. Ro3'al Society duplicate. AMUSEMENT. Amusement pliilosophique sur le langage des bestes. [By G. H. Bougeant.] 2 pts. Sff BOUGEANT (G.H.). 8vo., 1739 AMYOT (Jacques). See BLIGNI£;RES (A de). Essai sur Amyot, etc. 8vo., 1851 ANACREON. AvaxQEovrog Ttji'ov i.teh}. Ana creontis Teii odae. Ab H. Stephano luce & Latinitate nunc primum donatae. Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 4to., Lutetia, 1554 Sussex and Paine copy. [Another copy.] Coreer copy, Ayaxgeovrog, xat d/./.ov riiov /.vgixtov 7roitjro>v fte?.r]. Anacreontis et aliorum lyri- corum aliquot poetarum odae. In easdem H. Stephani observationes. Eaedem Latinae (ab H. Andrea... factae). Gr. 6- Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1556. The title to pt. 11. reads: " Anacreontis... odse, ab H. Andrea Latins factte," etc, Avaxgeovrog Tijiov /leh). Gr. &■ Lat. See PINDARUS. Pindari Olympia, P\^hia, etc. [Vol. II.] 24mo., 1560. Editio II. Graecolatina H. Steph., etc. 24mo., 1566. Odes. Fr. Sec HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc. — French.] Les deux lyres, etc. 8vo., 1830. See DILKE (T.). XXV. select allusions to several places of Horace... Anacreon, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1698. [Another copy.] ANALECTABIBLION. Analectabiblion, ou extraits critiques de divers livres rares, oublies ou peu connus, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1836-37. Qu^rard, I., 984. 13 ANALECTES DE BIBLIOPHILE: Recueil trimestrieL..Directeur J. Gay. Livr. II. i2mo., Briixelles, 1876. ANANIAS (Joannes Laurentius). [i.e., Gio- vanni Lorenzo Anania.] De natura daemo- num...Iibri quatuor, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : apttd Aldum [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1589. Renouard, p. 242. Syston Park copy. ANAXIMENES, 0/ Lampsacus. [For editions of the " Rhetorica ad Alexandrum," ascribed to Aristotle.] See ARISTOTELES. [Sup- posititious Works.] ANCARISI (Alberto di; gli). See ACCA- RIGI (A.). .\NCILLON (Charles). Traite des eunuques, dans lequel on explique toutes les diff^rentes sortes d'cunuqiies...Par M*** D***. [Dedi- cation signed C. d'Ollincan, i.e., C. Ancillon.] i2mo., [Berlin ?] 1707. Barbier, IV., 780. ANCILLON (Jean Pierre Frederic). See SAINT-PROSPER (A. J. C. m.). Notice sur F. Ancillon, etc. 8vo., 1835. ANCREN RIWLE. The Ancren Riwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life. Edited and translated... by J. Morton. 4to., London, 1853. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 57.) ANDOCIDES. See -^JSCHINES. Aoyoi xov- xiovi riov QtjTooov. AlrTy_ivov...'Avdo>!tdot', etc. [Pt. II.] " ■ fol., 1513. ANDRit ( ) de Nanteuil. Poesies diverses. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina. etc. — French.] I.c premier livre des odes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1821. ANDREAS, Salcrnitanus. See GUARNA (A.). ANDRELINUS (Publius Faustus). [i.e.. Public Fausto Andrelini.] F. Andrelini de sciolorum arrogantia proverbialis epistola. 4to., [colophon : Paris :] impresxit Baditis, 1510. Itebcr copy. Disticlia P. F. .Andrelini... cum J. Mauri... enarrationibus. Qug ab J. Ra>nerio...rccog- nita sunt omnia. 8vo., Lugduni : T. Paganus c.xcudcbat, 1539. P. F. Andrelini... epistohc provcrbiales et morales, etc. 4I0., [Louvain :] T. Martini, s.a. 13 ff., witliout pagination ; sig.s. a", b*, c'. Not known to I.'icgheni. Lunioignon copy. P. F. Andrehni.. .epistola; provcrbiales &: morales longe lepidissinia', nee minus scnten- tiosa;. 410.. [colophon: Paris:] ex edibits Asccnsianis, 1321. Ilober copy. P. Fausti hecatodistichon. (to., [colophon : Paris :] in erdibiis .4scl!si/jiiis Riirsus, 1515. llobor copy. ANDREWE (Lalkknce). See DUFF (E. G.) 6- others. Hand-lists of ICnglish printers, I50i-i53t'>. Pt. H, R. Pynson...L. An- drewc, etc. S\o., 1896. ANDREWES (Lancelot) Bishop of Win- chester. See BEGAN US (M.). Refutatio Torturae Torti [of L. Andrewes], etc. 8vo., 1610. ANDREWS (Ethan Allen). See FREUND (W.). A... Latin-English lexicon... with ad- ditions and corrections... By E. A. Andrews. New edition. 8vo., 1852. ANEAU (Barthel^mi). Picta poesis. Ut pictura poesis erit. [By B. Aneau.] 8vo., Lugduni, 1552. Barbier, IV., 1344. H. Wliite's copy. ANGELI (Bonaventura). See ANGELUS. ANGELIUS (Petrus) Bargaus. [i.e., Pietro Angelio.] p. Angelii...cynegetica. Item, ramiinum libri II. Eclogae III. 4to., Lugduni : apud hcsredes S. Gryphii, 1561. Morante copy, P. Angelii...quo ordine scriptorum his- toriac Romanae monumenta sint legenda, libellus, etc. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, e/c. i2mo., 1645. ANGELUS (Bonaventura). [i.e., B. Angeli.] De non sepeliendis mortuis penes aram B. Angch...opusculum. 8vo., Ferrariv iniyQamiaTiov, etc. Gr. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in csdihus Aldi, 1503. Benouard, p. 42. Cessole copy. [Another edition.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon .•] Florentics : per h^redes P. Juntcr, 1 5 19. Renouard, p. xliii. WodhuII copy. [Another edition.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in ...nooyv/(i'aa/iarioi: See SCRIPTORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] Aphthonii... praeexercitamenta (J. M. Ca- tanaco tralatore). Lat. See GEORGIUS, Trapeziintius. Conrinentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricoruni libri V., etc. fol.. 1523. Aphthonii... rhetorica progymnasmata. 8vo,, Pansns .• apudS. Colivaeum, 1535. Sunderland copy. Aphthonii. ..prffie.xercitamenta A. Bonfine ...interprete. See HERMOGENES, Tarsen- sis. [Ars Rhetorica.] Hermogenis... de arte rhetorica prascepta, etc. 8vo., 1538. APICIUS (C->elius). Apitii Cehi de re Coqui- naria libri decern. | Suetonius Traquillus De Claris Gramaticis. | Suetonius Traquillus De Claris Rhetoribus. | Coquinariae capita Grteca ab Apitio posita haec sunt : | Epimeles : Artoptus... I etc. 4to., [colophon :] Veneliis : per Bernardinum Venetum, [1500.] Hein, 'laSj. Proctor, 5539. Brunet, I., 343. Panzer, III., 496, 2801. This copy does not contain the works by Suetonius mentioned In the title. Hain and Brunet state that the volume ia complete without them, wliile Panzer describes a copy in wliioh they are included. Sunderland copy. C. Apitii. ..de re culinaria libri X....PraB- terea, P. Platinre...de tuenda valetudine, natura rerum, & popinae scientia libri X....Ad h.-ec Pauli ^^iginetae de facultatibus alimento- rum tractatus, etc. [Edited by A. Torinus.] 4to., Basileer, 1541. Mantel copy. — — — [Another edition.] Svo., Lugduni : a pud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1541. In hoc opera contenta. Apicii Caelii de opsoniis et condimentis, sive arte coquinaria, libri X. Item G. Humelbergii...annotatio- nos. 4to., Tigiiri : in ojjicina Froscho- viana, 1542. Huzard and Morsnto copy. [.\nothcr edition.] Apicii Coelii de opsoniis ct condimentis... libri decern. Cum annotationibus Martini Lister, etc. 8vo . I.onditil, 1703. Only 120 copies printwl. With the iniicriptlon *' Amioo colondirtsimo D" Jacobo Poundooo Dono dcdit J. fllametoed Jnnusrii 14, 1706." Simmons copy. Editio sccunda, etc. [Edited by T. J. Almclovccn.] &\o., Amstclodami, 1709. i6 APICIUS {CjELlvs).—{ccMitd.) [Another edition.] C. Apicii de opsoniis...libri X....edidit J. M. Bernhold. 8vo., [colophon ;] Marcobraitae, 1787. Morante copy, with numerous MS. notes. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Apici CaeU de re coquinaria hbri decern. Novem codicum ope adjutus auxit, restituit...C. T. Schuch. 8vo., Heidelbergae, 1867. APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS (Caius Sollius). See SIDONIUS. APOLLINARIUS, Bishop of Laodicea. 'Ano- hvagiov /tsraipnaai? tov ^aXTt^QOQ, etc. Gr. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Greek.] 8vo., 1552. APOLLO. The great assises holden in Par- nassus by Apollo, etc. [A poem by G. Wither.] 'See WITHER (G.). 4to., 1885. APOLLO (Orus) Niliacm. See HOR- APOLLO. APOLLODORUS, Atheniensis. ApoUodori... bibliotheces, sive de deorum engine, tarn graecd, qiiam latine, luculentis pariter, ac doctis annotationibus illustrati...libri tres. B. ^Egio...interprete...Quibus demum ad- ditus est S. Tetti...de Apollodoris...commen- tarius. Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 8vo., RomcF, 1555. Corser copy. [Another edition.] See GALE (T.). Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui, etc. 8vo., 1675. Aponodori...bibliothecae libri tres et frag- menta. Curis secundis illustravit C. G. Hej-ne. (Ad Apollodori bibliothecam ob- servationes auctore C. G. Heyne.) 2 vols. Svo., Goitingae, 1803. APOLLONIUS, Alexandrinns, Dyscohis. 'Atio?.- f.oiviov A?.eiavdo£iOi tieqi orrvra^eiog jSi^Aiov TiQcoror [-IV.]. " Ed. Pr. See GAZA (T.). In hoc uolumine haec insunt. Theodori IntroductiuK gramatices libri quatuor, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1495. [Another copy.] 'Ev xcoSe xoi liifi?.t(i) rade neQiexerai. 'Ajiok- Xmvtov aleiavSQetoQ :zeQi. avvzaiewg. Meya).ov Baai).ioit neni yQa/ifiaziHijg yv/ipaaia;. In hoc libro haic continentur. Apollonii...de con- structione. Magni Basilii de grammatica exercitatione. [Edited by E. Bononi.] Gr. 8^'0., [colophon .•] Florctia : in aedibus P. Junta. 1515. Kenouard, p. xl. Red morocco by Boz^rian jcune. [Another copy.] APOLLONIUS, Rhodius. Begin. [Sig. ai, recto ;] Fevog 'A:iok^(ovwv rov tiohjtov t(ov aQyovavrtxv>v. \ End. [Sig. X3. ^'^fo •'] TEAOE TQN'AnOAAQNIOY \ 'APFONA Y- TIKiiN. I Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : Florence : Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa, 1496.] Imperfect ; wanting sig. ai (of which a reprint is inserted) and sig X4 (blank). Hain and Copinger, '1292. Proctor, 6407. Proctor', 79. Red morocco by Mackinlay. Joy and Bruce copy. 'AtxoV.oiviov tov Qodiov 'Agyoi'avTiya, nexa rwv TtaXaiviv re, xai navv wipeh^cov axoXiioi'. Apollonii rhodii argonautica, antiquis una, & optimis cum commentariis. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 152 1. Ilonouard, p. 90. Liber nonus (-X.) argonauticon ex Apol- lonio, interprete Pio. See VALERIUS FLACCUS (C). C. Valerii Flacci argo- nautica, etc. 8vo., 1523. ATtoV.coriov rov 'Podiov 'AqyovavTixa, ftera T(ov 7ia}.awyv Tt xai navv wq^eXi/Kov axoXuoy. 2 pts. 8vo., [Paris : E. Tousan,] 1541. The scholia has an independent litlepage, reading : ** SxoXia Tra\aLare...eUTa.Tov' At oWojvtov podiov ^Apyovai'TiKa.*' etc., and is printed on a smaller page than tliat of the test. With MS. notes. [Another copy.] The " Scliolia " is from the Sunderland Library, [Another edition.] 8vo., Franco- forti : ex officina P. Brubachii, 1546. Argonauticon liber nonus (-X.), ex Apol- lonio, interprete Pio. See VALERIUS FLACCUS (C). C. Valerii Flacci argo- nautica, etc. i6mo., 1548. APOLLONIUS, Tyantsus. ' ETncnoXai anoX- Xioviov v 'AnoaroXviv xai rcuv dyuov avvod(or. Apostolorum et sanctorum concilionmi decreta. [Edited by J. Tilius.] Gr. 4to., Parisiis : per C. Xeobariiim. 1540. Kavoveg riov dyion' xai naracTinm' 'Anoa- To).on: Gr. &■ Lat. See CLEMENS I., Pope, Saint. Divi dementis opera, etc. fol., 1544. APOSTOLIUS (Michael). 'ATioaroXiov rov Bil^avriov naoot/itai. Apostolii Bisantii paro- emiai. Gr. Ed. Pr. i6nio., [colophon :] Basileae : apud J. Hervagium, et J . E. Frobeniion. 1538 17 APPIANUS, Alexandrinus. 'Anniavov 'AXe^av- Sqeoji; 'Po/iaixcuv, Ke}aiy.i}, Atfivxi) 7) Kagxr]- dovtxtj, 'iXXvgixt], HvQiaxij, IJaodixi], Midgt- doTew;, i/t(pv?.uov e'. Appiani Alexandrini Romanorum historiarum Celtica, Libj-ca... Cura ac diligentia C. Stephani. Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., LutcticB, 1 55 1. Appiani Alexandrini... de civilibus Ro- manorum bellis historiarum libri quinque. Ejusdem libri sex : Illyricus, Celticus, Liby- cus, Syrius, Parthicus, & Mithridaticus. (P. Candido interprete.) I.at. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. 'Anmavov 'Pio/iaixcov 'Avvifiaixr]- (Anni- avov 'Poj/xaixov 'l^ijQtxt].) See CTESIAS. 'Ex Tuv Krijaiov. . .Mefivovog loTootxcov ixXoyai, etc. 8vo., 1557. Appiani... Hispanica & Annibalica. Latine nunc primum edita, ex F. Beraldi...interpre- tatione, etc. Lat. 8vo., [Paris,] 1560. APPONYI (Louis) Count. Catalogue of the choice portion of the... library of Count L. Apponyi... which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1892. APPULEIUS (Lucius) Madamensis. See APULEIUS. APPUN (Fridericus Georgius) Resp. Dis- sertatio historico-litteraria de transpositione bibliothecarum memorabili, etc. See FA- BRICIUS (R. A.) Prrrs. 4to., 1724. APROSIO (Angelico) formerly (Lodovico). La bibliotheca Aprosiana. Passatempo au- tunnale di C. Aspasio Antivigilmi [i.e., A. Aprosiol, e/c. i2mo., Bologna, 1673. Meizi, I., 69. APSINES. Ayttvov Te^vr] qrizoQrjxtj [sici negi nQooifiiov. — Tov avTov negt rmv iaxijliarianevoiv nQofi}.rjiiaro>v. See APHTHON lUS, Sophista. Rhctores in hoc voluminc habentur hi, etc. [Vol. L] 4to., 1508. APULEIUS (Lucius) Madaurcnsis. Begin. [Fol. I, redo .] Bcssarion. S. R. E. Epis- copus Cardinalis Sabincnsis. ct | Constatino- politanus patriarcha... | End. Lucii Apu- leii platonici madauresis philosophi mcta- morphoseos | liber : ac nonulla alia opuscula eiusdcm [including the Asclcpius of Hermes Trismcgistus translated by Apulcius] : nec- non epitoma Alcinoi | in disciplinaru Platonis dcsinunt... | Ed. Pr. lo\., [colophon :] Rome: [C. Sweynheym and A. Pannartz,'] 1469. Hatn and Copin^er, •1314. Proctor, 3207. Pellechet, 923. Tliis copy contuins 176 ff. It wonts the tlireo lihink leaves mentioned by Copinpor as occurrin;^ nt tlie bepinninfr, after the table of contents, and at the end. Tlio AIcinouH, stated iiy TopinRer and I'dlechet to comprise 17 ff. and by Httin 16 ff., hero com- prises 15 ff. only. Kod morocco by Zaehnpdorf. Comnientani a P. lieroaldo tonditi in asinu aureu lucii apuleii. [With the text.] fol., [colophon .■] Vvnctiis : per S. Papien- sem dictum Bivilaqnam, 1501. 239 fl., widiont pagination ; sigs. a', b-q", r', »-z«, i«, gii. Il«, A-0«, r». Citron morocco spriiililcil witb lldurs-do-Uu, and with the arma of the C'olWgo do3 Urassins on the sidcH. Ilrockett copy. L. Apuleii metamorphoscos, sive lusus asini libri XI. Floridoru IIII. De deo Socratis I. De philosophia I. Asclepius Trismegisti dialogus code Apuleio iterprete. Ejusdem Apuleii liber de dogmatis Platonicis. Ejusde liber de mundo, que magna e.x parte ex lib. Aristotelis ejusde argumenti in latinum traduxit...Apologi£e II. Isagogicus liber Pla- tonicae philosophias per Alcinovj philosophum, grace impressus, etc. [Edited by F. Asu- lanus.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Veneliis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1521. Renouard, p. 91. The works of Apulcius, comprising the metamorphoses, or golden ass, the god of Socrates, the florida, and his defence, or a discourse on magic. A new translation. To which are added, a metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, and Mrs. Tighe's Psyche, a poem in six cantos. 8 vb., Lowion, 1853. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). G. Scioppii sjTn- bolacriticain L. Apuleii... opera. i2mo., 1605. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1664. AQUILA, Romanits. Aquilae Romani de figuris sententiarum, et elocutionis. See GEORGIUS, Trapeziintius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri v., etc. fol., 1523. Romani Aquilae de nominibus figurarum & exemplis liber. E.x Alexandro Numenio. See RUTILIUS LUPUS (P.). De figuris sententiarum, ac verborum, etc. 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another copy.] 8vo., 1536. 8vo., 1542. AQUINAS (Thomas) Saint. See THOMAS, Aquinas, Saint. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The book of the thou- sand nights and one night : now first com- pletely done into English prose and verse... byJ.Pavne. 9 vols. 8vo., /,o»;rfo)!, 1882-84. 500 copies privately printed for tlio Villon Society, this being Xo. 280. ARAGONA (TuLLiA d'). See AXON (\V. E. A.). TuUia d'Aragona, a poetess of the later Renaissance. 8vo., [i8gg.] ARATOR, Siibdiaconus. Aratoris...historia2 Apostolicx- libri duo. See I'RUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A). Prudcntii... opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1501. [Another copy.] AR.\TUS, Solensis. Fragment vni Arati phac- nomcnon per Gcrmanicvm in Latiiivm con- vcrsi cvm commento nvper in Sicilia rcperto. — Fragment vin Arati pliacnonienon .M. Tvlio [sic] Cicerone nterprcte [sic]. — Arati phac- nomena Rvfo Festo Avienio paraphiiiste. — 'Aqutov SoXco; cfnii'o/icva /icTa axohwr. Arati Solensis pacnomena [sir] c\'m commen- tariis. Gr. See FIRMICUS MATKKNUS (J.). lulii Firniici Astronomicorum libri octo, etc. [Ft. II.] fol., 1499. t8 AKATUS, Solensts.—{co?itd.) 'Agaxov. . .(paivoftcra. Gr. &■ Lat. See DIONYSIUS, Periegeles. Aiovvaiov oixov- /lEvrjg jicQiriyr^aiQ, etc. 8vo., I523. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1534. Arati aivo^iEva. Gr. &■ Lai. See HYGINUS (C. J.). C. J. Hygini...fabularum liber, etc. fol., 1535. 'Agarov. . .(patvo/xeva. Ciceronis in Arati phaenomena interpretatio...Accesserunt his VergiHi, Germanici Cssaris, & R. Avieni carmina, iis respondentia Arati, qupe a Cicerone conversa interciderunt. Hasc autem Latina omnia Graecis ex altera parte respon- dent J. Perionii opera, cujus observationes simul eduntur. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1540. 'AQa.Tov...(paivonsva xai Sioaij/iEia. Oeoivog CTjfoAia. AcoiTiov MrjyarLxov iregi dgaTetag aq^atoag. 4to., Parisiis, l^SQ. There are two woodcuts representing the solar system at the end of this work. WodhuU copy. 'Agarov ... (paivo/ieva. {Aioarjfieia.) See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd 0/ the Name. Oi tjj; r'jgwixij^ nouiaecos; ngoyteuovTEq noirjTai, etc. [Pt. II.] foL, 1566. ARBER (Edward). A list, based on the registers of the Stationers' Company, of 837 London publishers... between 1553 and 1640, etc. See STATIONERS. Company of. 4tQ., 1890. A list of 847 London publishers, 1553- 1640. See STATIONERS, Company of. A transcript of the registers of the Company... 1554-1640, etc. Vol. V. 4to., 1894. See STATIONERS, Company of A tran- script of the registers of the Companj-... Edited by E. Arber. 5 vols. 4to., 1875-94. ARBITER (Titus Petronius). See PETRO- NIUS ARBITER. ARBUTHNOTT (John Arbuthnott) 10//1 Viscount. Catalogue of the valuable Scottish MSS. known as the Arbuthnot Missal, Horae and Psalter, the property of the representa- tives of the late \'iscount Arbuthnott, which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1897. ARC (Jeanne d'). See VOLTAIRE (F. M. Arouet de). La P..d'0..[j.e., La PuceUe d'Orleans] podme, etc. i2mo., [1755.] ARCERIUS (Theodorus). Arcerii epistola. See GR^VIUS (J. G.). J. G. Grajvii, Arcerii ...epistolae, etc. 8vo., 1710. ARCH^OLOGIA. An index to the first fifteen volumes of Archaeologia ; or, miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity. 4to., London, i8oq. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. ARCHIMEDES. 'AQxinr]8ov(;...-ia /lexQi vi'v acol^oftEva oTiavra. Archimedis... opera, qua? quidem extant. ..Adjecta quoqj sunt Eutocii Ascalonitas in eosdem Archimedis Ubros commentaria, etc. [Edited by T. Gechauff.] Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 4 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Basilea : J. Hervagius, 1544- Archimedis opera non nulla a F. Com- mandino...nuper in Latinum conversa, etc. (Commentarii in opera non nulla Archimedis [by F. Commandinus and Eutocius Asca- lonita].) 2 pts. [in i vol.] fo)., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 15S8. Ronouard. p. 173. Purple morocco by Simier. Sergeant, Malta Protestant College, and Cra-.?- ford (Lakelands) copy. ARDINGHELLUS (Augustinus) pseud, [i.e., Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). ARENA (Antonius de). A. Arena. ..ad suos compagnones studiantes...bassas dansas in gallanti stilo bisognatas. . .cum guerra Romana ...cum guerra Neapolitana : & cum revolta Genuensi...mandat. See OPSOPOEUS (V.). V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi lib. quatuor, etc. [Pt. III.] i2mo., 1648. A. de Arena... ad suos compagnones studiantes...bassas dansas & branlos practi- cantes, nouvellos quamplurimos mandat, etc. (Nova novorum novissima, sive poemata stylo macaronico conscripta...composita & jam...augmentata per B. Bollam, etc.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., S.I., 1670. The pagination is consecutive. Osuna copy. See FABRE (A.). A. Arena, notice his- torique at litteraire. 8vo., i860. ARENHOLD (Silvester Joannes). Conspec- tus bibliothecae universalis historico-literario- criticas epistolarum, etc. 4to., Hanovera, 1746. ARESTA AMORUM. Aresta Amorum. [By M. d'Auvergne.] See AUVERGNE (M. d'). 4to., 1533. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 4to., 1538. 8vo., 1546. ARETxEUS. 'AQtTaiov KannaSoxov negi ahioDv xai aijfieiojv oieon' xat xQOviojv TtaOcov, fii^X. 8. 'Off (01) xat XQOvioiv vovaoiv OegaTrevTixa, ^i^X. d'. Aretaei...de acutorum, ac diutumoru morborij causis & signis, lib. Ill I., etc. [Edited by J. Goupylus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., Parisiis, 1554. The colophon is dated I55i. ARETINO (Pietro). See PIETRO, Aretivo. ARETINUS (Leonardus). L. Aretinus, de studiis & literis. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. i Oratio Heliogabali Romanorum Impera- I toris, habita in concione ad meretrices, quam ' a L. Aretino compositam plerique credunt. See SCRIPTORES HISTORI.E AUGUSTiE. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii Veneti de Caesaribus Ubri III., etc. 8vo., 1516. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 519. 19 ARETINUS (Leonardus).— {co«, etc. 8vo., 1519. 'AQiaTci6ov Qt]roQoq, UavaOtivatxcQ. — Aqio- reiSov, 'Po)/i)jg eyxio/iiov. See /liSCHlNES. Aoyoi Tovtiori xmv qijxoqcov. Aiaxivov, etc. [Pt. III.] fol., 1513- 'AQiaxeu^v ^rjxoQOQ UavaOrjvaiKO^. — 'Agta- xnfiov 'I'tufttjg iyxvj^uov Aoj'o,-, /3'. See I SOCRATES. [Opera.] Isocratcs nuper accurate recognitus, etc. fol., 1534. [Another copy.] 'AQiaxeifiov TteQi Tiohxtxov ^oyov. — Tot' avxov xex>'ti>v qiixoqixiov rrrQi (\(peXovi koyoi'. See Al'HTHONIUS. Sop>hista. l^hctorcs in hoc volumine habcntur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. 'AQtaxcidov 'y'nii>5iai hdexa. Aristo- phanis comcedise undecim, etc. 8vo., [Venice:] J. Gryphius excudebat, 1548. Brunet, I., 452. Calf by Courteval. Hebercopy. [Another copv.] Stamped pigskin, with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire and the date 158 1 on the front cover, and figures of Music, Geometry, and Astronomy on the back cover. [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis, 1560. Imperfect ; containing only the " Plutus." Inter leaved copy, with MS. notes. [Opera. — Latin.] Aristophanis... comoe- diae undecim, 6 Graeco in Latinum, ad verbum translatae, A. D. J. Politano interprete, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] \'enetiis : apud Comi- mim de Tridino Montisferrati, 154S. [NuBES.] 'AoioTOipavovi; Ne(peXai. The Clouds of Aristophanes. The Greek text v.ith a translation into corresponding metres, and original notes [by B. B. Rogers]. Gr. S- E)ig. ^to., Oxford, 1852. [Pax.] Q. S. F. Christian! in Aristophanis Irenam \'el Pacem commentaria glossemata, etc. [With the text in Greek and Latin.] 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Luteties, 1589. The colophon is dated 1588. Russia by Purgold- Hering. Sullivan and Gennadius copy. 'AQiaro(pavov(; Eioijvij. The Peace of Aristophanes... The Greek text revised ; with a translation into corresponding metres, and original notes. By B. B. Rogers. Gr. &■ Eng. ^to., London, [iSSj.] [Plutus.] 'A.QiaToff:avovi...n).omoq. Aris- tophanis... Plutus, jam nunc per C. Girardum ...& Latinus factus & commentariis...iIlus- tratus. Editio prima. Gr. i~ Lat. 4to., Parisiis : excudebat C. Wechelus, 1549. ( [Another copy.] Grutorus copy. [Ran^e.] 'Aoiatoqiavovq Baxqaxoi. Gr. 4to., s.n. ETtracted from an edition of Aristophanes' works. 26 if., without pagination ; sigs. N-R*, e^. Title taken from the caption. [Vesp.^.] 'AotaTocpavov!; £(pr]xEg. The Wasps of Aristophanes. ..The Greek text revised ; with a translation into correspond- ing metres, and original notes. By B. B. Rogers. Gr. &- Eng. ^to., London, {187^.) ARISTOTELES— [Opera. — Greek.] [Vol. I.] Begin. [Sig. Ai, recto. Epi- gram:]. 'EIS 'OPPANON ■APIZTOTEAOYi: | 'ANDNYMOK \ [Sig. Ai, verso:] ALDVS Manucius Romanus Alberto Pio principi Carpensi. S.P.D. | [Sig. Bs, redo :] 'APIS- TOTE.iOYE KATHPOPIAL \ [Colophon:] Impressum Venetiis dextentate AJdi Manucii 21 ARISTOTELES— [Opera. — Creek.] — (could.) Romani. | Calendis nouembris. M.CCCC. LXXXXV. I [Vol. II.] Begin. [Sig. *i, recto .•] Twv iv rrjde Ttj l}tfiXq> TxeQiexofieviov ovo/xara xoi rafij. | 'AQtarorcXov; f!to; ex Tcuv XaeQXiov. \ etc. \Colophon .•] E.xcriptum Venetiis manu stamnea i domo Aldi manutii Romani, & | gra?corum studiosi. Mensc Februario. M.IIID. | [Vol. III.] Begin. \_Sig. aaaaT, recto ;] Tmv ef rijde rrj fiijiXot TiEQiexofievojv, ovo/iara xai Ta^t:;. \ '.igiaroxe- Xovg TieQt ffticyv laTOQta;. ^t(iha d' | etc. [Colophon .•] Venetiis in domo Aldi Mense lanuario MI I ID. | [Vol. IV.] Begin. [Fol. i, recto :] Tow iv rrjSe rrj jiiftXm Tieois^o/ievoif dvofj-ara xai Toffc. | Geoq^Qaarov neqi tpvrov iaroQiag. ptfiXia dexa. | etc. [Colophon :] Ex- criptum Venetiis in domo Aldi Manutii Caledis lunii. M.IIID . | [Vol. V.] Begin. [Sig. aaaai, recto:] Tade eveartv iv ttj6e t/j /3i/9A(u, I 'AoicnoreXovi rfiixtov vixo/iayEKov fiifiXia Sexa. | elc. [Colophon :] Venetiis. M.IID. Mense iunio. Apud Aldum ...| [Edited by Aldus Manutius.] Ed. Pr. 5 vols. fol., [colophon :] I'enetiis : dextcritale Aldi Manucii Romani, i40';-g8. Renouard, pp. 7, 10, 11, 16. Hain and Copinger, •1657. Proctor, 5547, 5553, 5555, 5556, 5565. [Another copy of Vol. II.] Contemporary stamped leather, with floral and other patterns on the sidea. Pattison copy. [Another copy of Vol. IV.] Soabise and Pattison copy. XifinXixiov vno/ivii/iaza eIq tu y fiifiha Tov 'Agig. Joannes Grammaticus in libros de generatione, ct interitu. Alexander Aph- rodisiensis in metcorologica. Idem de mixtione. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1527. Renouard, p. 104. 'A()iaTuTeXovg Jiuouv Xoytxijv, QtjTonixrjv, y.ai TtotrjTtxrjV TiQay/iaTEiav negif/oiv, xnjiog . A'. Aristotelis omncm logicani, rhetoricam, ct poeticam disciplinam continens, tonius I. (De physica auscultationc, de coclo, de niundo ad Alex., de generatione ct corruptionc, ct meteorologicam disciplinam continens, tomus II.) (Dc historia animalium disciplinam ct reliquos huic discipline agnatos libros con- tinens, tomus III.) (Problemata cum Ale.x. Aphrodis. probl. et mechanica, et meta- physices disciplinam continens, tomus 1 1 II.) (.Moralia magna, et moralia Eudem. et moralia Nicomach. et rei familiaris, civilisque disciplinam continens, tomus V.) (Theo- phrasti historiam de plantis, et de causis plantarum, et quosdam alios ipsius libros continens, tomus VI.) [Edited by J. B. Camotius ] 6 torn. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1551-53. Renouard, p. 150. Red morocco by Boz^riaa jeune. Gennadius copy. 'Ex Tlov 'AqiaTOTEX.ovg xai GeotpQaaxov. Aristotelis et Theophrasti scripta quaedam, etc. ('Ex TOV TiEQi ^laOijfiaxixijg 'AQyyxa xov JJiiOayogeiov. — 'Ex xoiv I^ioxuovog xwv OTiooadi^v TiEoi noxafiwv xai xqtjvojv xai Xipiviov naga- do^oXoyov/ievojv.) 8vo., [Paris,} 1557. [Opera. — Latin.] Habentur hoc volumine haec Theodore Gaza interpretc. Aristotelis de natura ani- malium. lib. IX. Ejusdem de partibus animalium. lib. II 1 1. Ejusdem dc genera- tione animalium. lib. V. Theophrasti de historia plantarum. lib. IX. Et decimi principium duntaxat. Ejusdem de causis plantarum. lib. VI. Aristotelis problemata in duas de quadraginta sectiones...Alexadri Aphrodisiesis problemata duobus libris no unqua ate ipressa eode Theodore iterprete, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in domo Aldi, IS03-4. The pagination and rt»gister of the three parts are consecutive. Tho "problemata" have a separate titlepage with the printer's device. Renouard, p. 43. [Another edition of Vols. II. -III.] 8vo., [T.vons,] s.a. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 308. Vol. HI. Millard copy. Aristotelis et Theophrasti historiae, cum de natura animalium, turn de plantis & earum causis, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Luf^duvi, I 552. Pt. II. ha.? a separate titlepage and pagination. Physicorum Aristotelis libri, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apiid Seh. Gryphium, 1554. The " Parva Naturalia " and other works are included in the volume. The Latin versions are by J. Argyropylus and F. Vatablu.^. Con- temporary pigikin. with arms and " I. G. 1556 " stamped on tlio side. [De Anima.] 'Icoavvov yoajinaxixov ...i:ioiivr}na sig to TiEQt ^(ivxrjg (iifiXia xov 'AniaxoxeXovg. Joannis Grammatici... commentaria in libros de anima Aristotelis. [With the text. Edited by V. Trinravelhis.] En, Pi;. fol., [cotopUon :] I'ciirliis: in (pdibns Biniholomtri Z metli, 1535. Russia by Roger Payne. Gaisford and Gcnnodiua copy. Aristotelis dc anima libri trcs. J. Argyro- pylo... interpretc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Sch. Gryphium, 1545. Wanting tlio lost loaf, bearing tho printer's device. 22 ARISTOTELES— [De Anima.}— (com^.) [Another issue.] 8vo., Lugduni : apttd Seb. Gryphium, 1546. See ODONI (R.). Discorsc.per via peri- patetica, ove si dimostra, se ranima, secondo Aristotele, e mortale, o immortale. 4to., 1557. [De Coelo.] l^iftjiXixiov v:io/n'tj/iaTa elg zeaaaoa pLJiha 'AQi(noxe)^ovi neoi ovquvou, fisra tou vTioxei- fiEvov rov avTov. Simplicii commentarii in quatuor Aristotelis libros de coelo, cum textu ejusdem. [Edited by A. Asulanus.] Gr. fol., [colophon .-] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi Romani, &- Andrea Astilani soceri, 1526. Renouard, p. 102. Hare copy. Aristotelis de coelo libri quatuor. I. Argyropilo...interprete. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gyyphium, 1545. [De Coloribus.] Aristotelis, vel Theophrasti de coloribus libellus, a S. Portio...latinitate donatus, & commentariis illustratus : una cum ejusdem praefatione, qua coloris naturam declarat. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Pari si is : apud Vascosamtm, 1549. [De Generatione et Corruptione.J [Aristotelis de generatione et comiptione libri duo. F. Vatablo interprete.] Lat. 8vo., [Lyons : S. Gryphius, 1546.] Wanting the titlepfipe. [De Mundo.] 'AQicnore).ov(; xai 0t?.covo; ^egi xoafiov. Aristotelis & Philonis de mudo. [Edited bj' J. Thusanus.] Gr. 4to., [Paris : J. Bade, 1510 ?] 26 ff.. without paRination ; gigs. A-E*, F". The titlepage bears the device of J. Bode. De mundo Aristotelis lib. I., Philonis lib. I. G. Budaeo interprete. Cleomedis lib. II. G. Valla interprete. 'AQtcrrore?.ov; Tteoi y.oaiiov...pifi?.. tv. 0iXon'OQ 'lovdawv Tiegi y.o'afwv PipL iv. Ad haec scholion doctiss. in Aristotelis libellu de mundo, S. Grynaeo authore. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] Svo., Basilees : apud J. Valderum, 1533. 'AQWTot£).ovQ xai 0i?.on'o; Tzeoi xoafiov. Gr. Svo., Parisiis : per Conradum Neobar, 1540. The date on the titlepage ie wronglv printed " M.D.L.X." De mundo Aristotelis lib. I., Philonis Ub. I. G. Budaeo interprete. Ocelli Lucani... libellus, de universi natura. Lat. 8vo., Parisiis : [E. Tousan,] 1541. [De Planus.] To -Ttpt rpvrojv Toi' 'Aoiarore/.ov; Pifihov TtQOiTov (-/?'). Gr. See GEOPONICA. y'tto- Tiorixa, etc. 8vo., 1539. [De Republica Atheniensium.] Aristotle's constitution of Athens. Trans- lated. ..by T. J. Dymes. 8vo., London, 1891. [De Virtutibus et Vitus.] AoiaTOXE).ov(; negi dgercov xai xaxuov. — Aristotelis de virtutibus et vitiis liber. S. Grynaeo interprete. Gr. &■ Lat. See below [Ethica.]. Epitome doctrinae moralis, etc. 8vo., 1 62 1. [Ethica.] EvarQaxiov xac aXXuv tivwv tmatj/ia)v ■6no- fiptj/^tara elg ra dexa Tcui' tov '.AgiaTOTeXovg i)dixa>v Nixo/^ia/euov ptfiha /uera rov v:zoxet/tevov. Enstratii et aliorum insignium Peripateti- corum commentaria in libros decem Aristo- telis de moribus ad Nicomachum, una cum textu suis in locis adjecto. Gr. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedibus haeredum Aldi Manutii, ct Andreae Asulani soceri, 1536. Benouard, p. 116. Hastings copy. 'AgiaTOTe/.ovi I'fitxoiv Nixoiiayjicn' fitfi/.ia Sexa. Aristotelis de moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem. Gr. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1540. The colophon is dated 1538. Aristotelis ad Nicomachum filium de moribus, quae Ethica nominatur, libri decem. J. Perionio. .interprete. ..Commentarii ejus- dem in eosdem libros. . . Accessit liber Ciceronis de universitate, etc. 4to., Parisiis: apud S. Colintpum, 1540. Contains only the Latin version of the " Ethica." The colophon reads : " Excudebat J. Lodoi- cas.'* Askew and WodhtUI copy. '/loicrTOT£/ot'c ifitxiuv Nixofiaxeuov fSipXia iSexa. ' Aristotelis de moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem. [Edited by J. Sturraius.] Gr. 8vo., Argentorati : per W. Rihelium, 1545. [Another edition.] Svo., Argentorati : per W. Rihelium, 1549. A. Talai in primum Aristotelis ethicum librum explicatio, etc. [With the text.] Lat. 4to., Parisiis : ex typographia M. Davidis, 1550. Mauzofu copy. '/IgiaroTeXovg rjdixojv Nixo/jaxetojv /Si^Ata dexa. Aristotelis de moribus ad Nico- machum hbri decem. Gr. [Edited by P. Victorius." 4to., Parisiis, 1554. Askew and Wodhnll copy. Aristotelis ethiconim ad Nicomachum hber quinctus...M. A. I.Iureto interprete. Lat. See MURETUS (M. A.). AI. A. Mureti... orationes XXIII., etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1575. Primus Aristotelis Uber ad Nicomachum ...ab A. Talaeo explicatus. Lat. See TAL^US (A.). A. Talaei... opera, etc. 4to.. 1575. Aristotelis ethicorum Nicomachiorum libri decem e.\ D. Lambini interpretatione Gras- colatini. T. Zuingeri argumentis atq3 scholiis . . . illustrati. Theophrasti . . . monim characteres, interprete C. Auberio...Pytha- goreorum veterum fragmenta ethica (a Stobaeo conservata), a G. Cantero...conversa & eraen- data, etc. Gr. &■ Lai. fol., Basilets, 1582. Schurtzfieisch copy. Epitome doctrinae moralis, ex decem libris ethicorum ... collecta ... per T. Golium. Adjectus est ad calcem aureus ejusdem Aris- 23 ARISTOTELES— [Ethica.] — (contd.) totelis libellus .icgt aosTwv y.ai xaxtan>, h. e., de virtutibus & vitiis : intcrprete S. Grj'neo. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Argentorati, 1621. Hoslingg copy. The Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle. Translated, with notes... by R. W. Browne. Eng. 8vo., London, 1850. Aristotelis ethica Nicomachea. Edidit... J. E. T. Rogers. Gr. S\o., Oxonia:, iS^2. See FORESTUS (H.). H. Foresti...in ethica Aristotelis... domesticae prselectiones. 8vo., 1550. [Another copy.] See FORESTUS (H.). H. Foresti...in quintum ethicorum Aristotelis domesticae praelectiones. 8vo., 1550. [Another copy.] [IIlSTORIA AnIMALIUM.] 'AotOTOTeXov!; TteQi (cocov lajooiai; fii^Xia x'. Aristotelis de animalium historia libri X. Addita e Theophrasto collectanea quc-edam de animalibus... Addita item diversa locorum lectio, etc. [Edited by F. Sylburgius.] Gr. 4to., Francofurdi, 1587. [Metaphysica.] Bessarionis Cardinalis...metaphysicorum Aristotelis XIIII. librorum tralatio. Lat. See BESSARION (J.) Cardinal. Quae hoc in volumine tractantur, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1516. Syriani...in II. XII. et XIII. Aris- totelis libros metaphysiccs commcntarius [with the text], a H. Bagolino...Latinitate donatus. Lat. 4to., [Venice :] in Academia Veneta, 1558. Rpnoimrci. p. 272. [Meteorologica.] Meteorologicorum Aristotelis libri quatuor F. Vatablo interprete. 8vo., Liigdnni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1546. See POMPONATIUS (P.). P. Pom- }X3natii...dubitationcs in quartum meteoro- logicorum Aristotelis librum, etc. fol., 1563. [CEconomica] See FORESTUS (H.). H. Foresti...in occonomica Aristotelis... domestica; prailec- tiones. 8vo., 1550. [Organon.] Dialectica Aristotelis, Boethio... intcr- prete, ab J. Rsenerio recognita, ac scholiis lUustrata. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, [154 j ?] The titlepape is mutilated. Dialectica Ari.stotelis, Boethio... inter- prete. Adjectis j;im recens A. Politiani in singulos libros argumcntis. 8vo., Litgditni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugdmii, 1553. StaiDpod vi'lluin Mmlinf.'. [Organon : C.\TEGORi.?i.] SeeVO'RPnYKlVS.Philosophus. 'IItov noQ(pvQiov el; Ta; 'AgiaroTe^ovi xazijyoQia; i^rjyijaig xara nivaiv xai aTioxgiatv, etc. 4to., 1543. See SIMPLICIUS, of Cilicia. EtunXixiov Meyalov Atdaaxa?.ov mofivtj/ta el; Ta; dexa xazijyoQiai rov 'AgiaroreXovg. fol., [1499.] [Organon : Categori.e & De Interpre- tatione.] 'A/n/jwviov rov 'Eg/Aetov v:iofiv>]fia el; to .^fgl iQfnjveia; 'AgiaTOTcXov;. MayevT>]vov MtjXgoTiohrov Mitv?.>]V)j; i^rjyjjai; ei; to aino. Ammonii Hermei commentaria in librum peri hermenias. Margentini,..in eundem enar- ratio. {Mixa-i)Xov 'PeV.ov 7inoa(pgaai; el; xo Tiegi iofitjveta;.) {'An^iutviov 'Eg/j.eiov el; ra; dexa 'xarrjyoQia;.) [With the text.] Gr. 4 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1303. The imprint is at the end of the second part. Renouard, p. 40. Kod morocco by Storr, Syston Park copy. 'Afificoviov rov ' Egnetov el; ra; rov 'Aoia- roreXov; xarrjyoQia; vjio^tvi^fta, etc. {'Aufiw- %'tov Tou ' Eofieiov el; to tou '.(4oi(Ttot£Aoi)J negi ioft)]veta; v7io/iivt]na, etc.) [With the text.] See AMMONIUS, llermecs. 'A/t/ttmnov tod 'Eg/ieiov el; to; nevre (poiva; rov noQ'ijfia. Mayev- rivov ayoXia el; ra aura avvoifi; negi raiv avXXoyia/iwv. Joan. Gram. ... comentaria in priora analytica Aristotelis, etc. [With the text. Edited by V. Trincavcllus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in a-dibiis Bartholomeei Zanctti, 1536. W\\ ;ia l.y Roper Payne. Oalsford and Oennadiua 011;.. See ALEXANDER, Aphrodistsus. 'AXe^- avdgov rov d(pQodiaieo);, el; ra, rov 'Agia- roreXov;, ngorega dvaXvrixa, vno/iv>ifia, etc. fol., 1520. Averroes. Quastio Aucrrois in librum priorum, etc. See MAIOLUS (L.). Epiphyl- lides in dialecticis. [Pt. III.] 4to., 1497. [Organon : Posteriora Analytica.] 'Iioawov rov yga/j/iarixov, el; Ta varega dvaX.vrtxa 'AgiaroreXov;, x^no/ivrj/ia. 'Avan-v- fiov et; rn ai'ra. Evargarinv et; ra nvra. Joannis grammatici in posteriora rcsolutoria 24 ARISTOTELES— [Organon : PosTERioRA Analytica.] — (contd.) Aristotelis, commentarium. Incerti authoris in eadem. Eustratii in eadem. [With the text.] Gr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibus hceredtwi Aldi Mamilii Romani, &- Andrem Astilani soceri, 1534. Renouard, p. 113. See JOANNES, Grammaticus, Philoponus. Joannis grammatici in posteriora resolutoria Aristotelis comentaria, etc. Gr. foL, 1504. See RAMUS (P.). [Animadversiones Aristotelic.s;.] P. Rami...Aristotelicaru animadversionu liber nonus & decimus in posteriora analytica, etc. 8vo., 1553. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1556. [Organon : Topica.] See ALEXANDER, AphrodiscBUs. '/IM- ai'dgov 'AtpQoSiaiecoQ elg ra Toniy.a 'AoiaroTeXovQ vnoftv)]/iaTa, etc. fol., 1513. [Another copy.] - See RAMUS (P.). [Animadversiones ARisTOTELic.Ti;.] P. Rami ... animadver- sionum Aristotelicarum libri octo in totidem Aristotelis topica, e/c. 8vo., 1556. [Organon : Elenchi.] Expositio Egidii Romani supra li | bros elenchorum Aristotelis. | [With the text.] Questio defensiua opinionis de medio | de- monstrationis eiusdem. | [Edited by A. de Meschiatis de Bugella.] Lot. Q. %. fol., [colophon .•] Venetijs : mandnto t~ expensis dni Andree Torresani de Asiila, per Simone de Luere, 1500. Hain and Copinger, 141. Proctor, 5630. Hoff- mann, I., 334. Renouard, p. 291. See ALEXANDER, Aphrodisaus. Alex- andri Aphrodisiensis, in sophisticos Aristotelis elenchos, commentaria, etc. Gr. fol., 1520. [Organon : Appendix.] See CATHENA (P.). Universa loca in logicam Aristotelis in mathematicas disci- plinas hoc novum opus declarat. 4to., 1556. [Parva Naturalia.] [Aristotelis de sensu & sensili, memoria & reminiscentia, somno & vigilia, insomniis, divinatione in somno, logitudine & brevitate vitae, juvetutc & senectute, & vita & morte, & respiratione, libri... F. Vatablo interprete.] Lat. 8vo., [Lyons : S. Gryphius, 1546.] Wanting the titlepage. [Phvsica.] — — 'Icuavvov yQa/t/iarixov vno/ivijfta el^ ra negi (pvaiHTji; rsaaaga nqioTa Pipha tov 'AQicnoTe- kovg. Joannis Grammatici in primes quatuor Aristotelis de naturali auscultatione libros commentaria. [With the text. Edited by V. Trincavellus.] Gr. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in erdibus Bartholomtsi Zanetti, 1535. Large papor copy, uncut. Gaisford and Gen- uuUius copy. Physicorum Aristotelis, seu, de naturali auscultatione, libri octo. J. Argyropylo... interprete. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apitd Seb. Grvphium, 1546. Stamped vellum binding, witii the date *' 1550." See PSELLUS (:Vl. C). [Commentarii IN Aristotelem.] Pselli...in physicen Aris- totelis commentarii, etc. fol., 1554. See RAMUS (P.). [Schol^ Physic.^.] P. Rami...scholarum physicaru libri octo, etc. 8vo., I 565. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1583. [POETICA.] 'AgiaTOTeXovg tieqi TiotrjTixrjg. Gr. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. Aristotelis poetica, per A. Paccium...in Latinum conversa. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedibus haeredwn Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1536. Renouard, p. 115. Randolph and Heber copy. [Another edition.] 8vo. , [colophon :] Basilea : per B. Lasium et T. Platterum, 1537. 'AoiaTOTEXovc; Tioiijxtxi]. Gr. 8vo., [colophon: Paris: E. Tousan, 1541.] Sunderland copy. Aristotelis poetica, per A. Paccium...in Latinum conversa. Lat. 8vo., apiid J. Bogardum, [colophon .■] Parisiis, 1542. Sunderland copy. AQiaToTE^.ovg TiEoi jioujTixijQ. Gr. See below [Rhetorica.]. 'AgtaroTeXovi; rexviQ QijtoQtxijg fiifiha y' , etc. 8vo., 1546. F. RobortelIi...in librum Aristotelis de arte poetica explicationes, etc. [With the text.] (F. Robortelli...paraphrasis in librum Horatii, qui vulgo de arte poetica ad Pisones inscribitur. Ej usdem explicationes de satyra, de epigrammate, de comoedia, de salibus, de elegia, etc.) Gr. (S- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Florentiae : inofficinaL. Torrentini, 1548. Cessole copy. 'AgtaTorc?.ovg negi JzonjtDcrjg. Gr. S- Fr. See BATTEUX (C). Les quatre poetiques, etc. Tome L 8vo., 1771. [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Epistol.c : Ars Poetica. — French.] L'art poetique d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1815. Aristoteles rhetorica et poetica. Ex re- ccnsione L Bekkeri, iterum seorsim editae. Gr. See below [Rhetorica.]. 8vo., 1843. [Poutica.] Aristoteles de conuenietia | politico & eco- nomice. | Aristotehs...dediffe| rentia& coue- nientia politice et economice & ordine earu3 | libri duo cu comento & annotationibus viri subtilssimi [sic] et | modemorum omnium (pace cunctoru dixerim) primarii | Gilberti de crab. Scoti. | Eiusd§ insuper de crab, ques- tiones economice i vico stra | minis vulgo apel- lati palam disputate & decise. | Et aristotelis postremo economicarum pubUcarum liber | 25 ARISTOTELES— [POUTICA.] — (contd. ) vnus, que quatU3 lectori studioso et cuiq5 c5ferant qui le- | gerint atlendent : lectureq3 non penitebit. | 0. X. 4to., [Paris .•] 7. Petit, [c. 1500.] 36 ff., without pagination ; sigs a-d', e^. An abstract of the first two books of Aristotle's Politics, dealing with the relationship between politics and economics. There is a notice of G. Crabbe in Dempster's " Historia eoolesi- astioa," Ed. 2, tom. I., p. 184. 'AoiaioreXovt; Tiohrtxoiv jiifiX. oxro). Aris- totelis dc Optimo statu reipub. libri octo. [Edited by P. Victorius.] Gr. 4to., Parisiis, 1556. 'Aqioxoxe/.ovq Trohrty.ojv ra tvQiaxo/icva. Aristotelis politica, a P. Ramo...Latina facta, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Fravcofurti, 1601. See GOZZI (N. V. di). Dello stato dalle republichc secondo la mente di Aristotele, etc. 4to., 1591. [Rhetoric.\.] Aristotelis Stagirite et philo | sophi 01m pspicatissimi et ora- | tons eloquetissimi tria rhetori | coa volumia incredibili suaui | tate et rhetorice artp vbertate insignia : quib' pluria splen- | didissime facultati rhetorice adiumenta atq3 ornameta sub | ministrasse cognoscitur. | Lat. (3. X. fol., [Leipzig : J . Thanner,] s.a. Hoffmann, I., 335. Hain, 1679. Proctor, 30R6. 'AQtOZ0T£/.0Vg TEyVljg Q)lTOf)lXllQ JV)t' tt^ TQia TO nQonov. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. Aristotelis rhetoricorum ad Thcodecten Georgio Trapezuntio interprete libri III. S^eGEORGIUS, Trapezuntius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetorico- rum libri v., etc. fol., 1523. 'Antarore?iov; rex*''l? QiJtoQix}]^ fiifiha y' . Aristotelis de arte rhetorica libri tres. Gr. 4to., [colophon .] BasiletB : per H. Fro- benium et J. Hervagium, 1529. Snndertand and Gennadina copy, Aristotelis rhetoricorum ad Theodccten libri tres. Georgio Trapczunrio interprete. 8vo., Lugduni : aprid Seb. Gryphium, 1541. D. Barbari in tres libros rhetoricorum Aristotelis commentaria. [With a Latin version of the work.] 8vo., Lugduni : aptid Seb. Gryphium, 1544. Rhetoricorum Aristotelis ad Theodectcn libri tres. Georgio Trapezuntio interprete. Ejusdcm ad Ale.xandrum Rhetoriccs liber I. a F. Philelpho in Latinum versus. 8vo., l-ugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. 'AQKTTOTeXov:; lex"')'^ QtjTOQixiiQ PijiXta y . Tlnni 'A^e^avfiQov TicQi ^rjTOQixtjQ fitfi. a' . IJein Tioiiinxtiz Pif). a'. Aristotelis dc arte rhetorica libri III. Ad Alexandrum de rlictorica lib. I. Dc poetica lib. I. Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud J. Gryphium, 1546. 'AgiaToreXov!; Tcxyrji QTjrogixtji; pifiXia rgta. Aristotelis de arte dicendi libri tres,,. 4 P. Victorio correcti & emendati. Tide Latini- tate donati per H. Barbaru. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Parisiis : apud Vascosani4, 1549. The second part, containing the Latin version, has a separate titlepage in Latin only. Wod- hull copy. Aristotelis de arte dicendi libri III. H. Barbaro interprete, etc. Lat. 4to., Parisiis, 1559. Aristotelis rhetoricorum libri III. in Latinum sermonem conver.si, & scholis brevio- ribus explicati a J. Sturmio, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon :] Argentorati, 1570. A brief of the art of rhetorick, etc. See RAMUS (P.). [DiALECTiCA.] A compen- dium of the art of logick and rhetorik, etc. l6mo., 1651. Aristotelis rhetorica et poetica. Ex re- censionc I. Bekkeri, iterum seorsim editae. Gr. 8vo., Berolini, 1843. Interleaved copy, with MS. notee. Aristotle's treatise on rhetoric, literally translated... with copious notes. New edi- tion, to which is added, an analj'sis of Aris- totle's rhetoric, by T. Hobbes, etc. 8vo., London, 1847. [Rhetorica : Appendix.] £1? xr)v MgioTOTeAou; QtjxoQixip vnoftvti^a avwvv/:tov. fol., Parisiis : per C. Neobarium, 1539. [Supposititious Works.] 'AQiaroxE^.ovQ ^ijxoQijxrjJiQoi; 'A?.e^avSQov. See APHTHONIbs, ^uyuisia. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. Rhctorices ad Alexandrum a F. Philelpho in latinum versae. Lat. See GKORGiCs, Trapezuntius. Conrincntur hoc volumine, Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri V., etc. fol,, 1523, [Another edition.] Lat. See above [Rhetorica.]. Rhetoricorum Aristotelis.,. libri tres, etc. 8vo., 1545. [Another edition.] Gr. See above [Rhetorica.], 'AgiaToxeXov^ xexvijz QijxoQixtji; PijiXiay' ,etc. 8vo., 1546, [Appendix.] Descriptionis univcrsae naturae, ex Arist. pars prior... scholiis illustrata. Per J. Car- pentarium, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1560. Averroes. Quaestio Auerrois in librum priorum [of the Analytica of Aristotle], etc. See MAIOLUS (L.). Epiphyllidcs in dialcc- ticis. [Pt. III.] 4to., 1497. See BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. Aristotle. fol., 1884. See DONATUS (B.). De Platonicrc atquc Aristotelicac philosophia; differentia, etc. 8vo., 1540. See GEMISTUS (G.) called Pletiio, FedtQyiov Fe/itaToi>...7zeQt wv 'AQtaxoxe>.r]<; jtQOi ID.axiova 6iaq>tQSXM. l2mo., [1540,] 26 ARISTOTELES— [Appendix.] — (contd.) See GOVEANUS (A.). A. Goveani pro Aristotele resposio, adversus P. Rami calu- nias, etc. 8vo., 1543. See JUSTINUS, Martyr, Saint. Eversio falsorum Aristotelis dogmatum, etc. l6mo., 1552. [Another copy.] MuRMELLlus (J.). In Aristotelis decern praedicamenta J. Munnellii...isagoge. See C.ESARIUS (J.). J. Caesarii...dialectica, etc. 8vo., 1538. See PERIONIUS (J.). J. Perionii...pro Aristotele in P. Ramum orationes II., etc. 8vo., 1548. See RAMUS (P.). [Animadversiones Aristotelic/e.] p. Rami...Aristotelicae ani- madversiones. 8vo., 1543. See RAMUS (P.). [Animadversiones Aristotelic.*.] p. Rami.-.animadversio- num Aristotelicarum libri XX....Editio secun- da. 8vo., 1550. See SUISETH (R.). Calculator... Questio insuper de reactione juxta Aristotelis senten- tiam & comentatoris. fol., 1,520. ARISTOXENUS. 'AQiaroievov dg/jovixov arot- xeicov fiifiha y' , etc. Gr. 6- Lai. See MEI- BOMIUS (M.). Antiquae musicae auctores septem, etc. Vol. I. 4to., 1652. ARLEQUINIANA. Arliquiniana, ou les bons mots, les histoires plaisantes & agreables, etc. [By C. Cotolendi.] See COTOLENDI (C). i2mo., 1694. ARMAGH, Archbishops of. James. [1625-56.] See USSHER (J.). ARMINIUS (Jacobus). See BERTIUS (P.). P. Bertii in obitum...J. Arminii, etc. 4to., 1609. ARMYTAGE, Family of. Armytage, of Kirk- lees. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.] fol., s.a. ARMYTAGE (George John). See DUG- DALE (SirW.) Garter King of Arms. Index to the Visitation of the County of Yorke... Compiled by G. J. Armytage, etc. 4to., 1872. ARNAI.DUS, de Villa Nova. Collectanea La- cinii ex Amaldo de Villa Nova quae practicae compositionem lapidis philosophorum con- tinent et exquisite decent. See BONUS (P.). Pretiosa margarita novella de thesauro, etc. 8vo., 1546. ARNAUDUS (Andreas). [i.e., Andre Arnaud.] Joci, etc. (Epistolae. — A. Amaudi rara. — P. Guirandi... Margarita, etc. — Ejus- dem Guirandi lusus. — Tumuli. — Apologise.) i2mo., Avenioni, 1600. Joci...Hac iterata editione mendae prioris sublatae ; multa adjecta, plura abjecta. i2mo., Avenioni, 1603. The titlepage is engraved, ARNOBIUS, Afer. Arnobii disputationum ad- versus gentes libri octo [or rather, seven ; the eighth being the Octavius of Minucius Felix] nunc primum in lucem editi [by F. SabaeusJ. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Romae : in eedibus Francisci Priscianensis, 1542. The dedicatory epistle is dated 1543. Borghese copy. Arnobii disputationum adversus gentes libri septem. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Romana editio posterior & emendattor. [Edited by F. Ursinus.] 4to., RomcB, 1583. ARNOLD (JoHANN) Bergellanus. See BER- GELLANUS (J. A.). ARNOLD (Thomas). History of Rome... Fifth edition. 3 vols. 8vo., London, 1848, 45, 46. Vols. Il.-ni. are of the third edition. ARNOULD (Louis Duval-). See DUVAL- ARNOULD. AROUET DE VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie). See VOLTAIRE. ARPE (Peter Friedrich). Apologia pro J. C. Vanino, etc. [By P. F. Arpe.] 8vo., Cosmopoli, 171 2. Barbier, IV., 11 57. Theatrum fati, sive notitia scriptorum de providentia, fortuna et fato. 8vo., Roterodatni, 171 2. ARREST. Arrest memorable de la Cour de Parlement de Dole, contrc G. Garnier, Lvon- nois. etc. See GARNIER (G.). 8vo., 1598. ARRIANUS, Nicomedicnsis. See ARRIANUS (F.). ARRIANUS (Flavius). 'A^Qiarov TieginXovQ Ev^eivov IJoiTov. Tov avTov jieQi7i).ovi rijg 'EQvOqaQ daf.aaarjQ. [This work is not by Arrianus.] 'Avvcovo; jteginf.ovQ ?.ifiv>]g. IlXov- TOQXov neQi Tiora/tcuv >cai oqcov. ' Emtofirj tojv Tot) Zrgafiojvog yecoyQaqjixojv. Arriani & Han- nonis periplus, etc. [Edited by S. Gelenius.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : Basel : H. Froben and N. Episcopitis, 1533.] Bignon copy. A^^iai'ov TTSQi A^.eiavdQOV dra^aaecag. Arria n de ascensu Alexandri. [Edited by V. Trincavellus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in eedibus B. Zanetii, 1535. Didot copy. Arriani. ..de rebus gestis Alexadri Magni... libri octo...B. Facio...interprete. Lat. i6mo., Lugd[tini] : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1552. [Arriani de Epicteti dissertationibus libri III., etc.] See EPICTETUS. 4to., 1554. ARRIGONI (LuiGl). Notice historique et bibliographique sur vingt-cinq manuscrits... ayant fait partie de la bibliotheque de Fran- 9ois Petrarquc.en possession de L. Arrigoni. 4to., Milan, 1883. ARRIVABENE (Lodovico). Dubois botte. [.\ translation by A. Heulhard of the " Syl- vius Ocreatus " of L. Arrivabene.] See HEULHARD (A.). Rabelais, ses voyages en Italie, etc. (Deuxieme edition.) 8vo., s.a. ARSENIUS, Archbishop of Monembasia. 'Anoq)- Oeyfcara v ^ifikia Tierre. Tleoi ivvnvimv Svveaiov (he. ?.Eyovaiv. Artemidori de somnio- nim interpretatione libri quinq;. De in- somniis, quod Synesii cujusdam nomine circiifertur. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 15 18. Renouard, p. 82. Artemidori Daldiani ... de somniorum interpretatione, libri quinq3, k J. Comario... latina lingua conscript!. 8vo., [colophon :] BasilecB : per H. Frobenium &■ N. Episcopiiim , 1544- Jolley copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another copy.] ARTHUR, King of Britain. The anturs of Arther at the Tamewathelan. [A poem.] See ROBSON (J.). Three early English metrical romances, etc. 4to., 1842. The avowyngc of King Arther, Sir Gawan, Sir Kaye, and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretan. [A poem.] See ROBSON (J.). Three early English metrical romances, elc. 4to., 1842. ARUNDEL (Thomas Howard) Earl of. .See WALKER {Sir E.). A .short view of the life of...T. Howard, etc. fol., [1705.] ARUNDELl. (Richard) Chevalier. Will of R. Arundell, Chevalier, son of J. de Arundell, by Eleanor Maltravers. [Copied by Sir C. C. Young.] 4 pp. 8vo., s.l. et a. .\SCENSIUS(JodocusBadius). SVsBADIUS (J.) Ascensius. ASCHAM (Roger). The English works of R. Ascham...With notes and observations, and the author's life. By J. Bennet. 4to., London, 1761. Millesr copy. A new edition. [Edited by J. G. Cochrane.] 8vo., London, 1815. The whole works of R. Ascham... col- lected and revised, with a life of the author ; by... Dr. [J. A.] Giles. 3 vols, [in 4.] 8vo., London, 1865, 64. (Library of Old Authors.) Vol. I. Is in two parts. Apologia... pro caena Dominica, contra Missam et ejus prgstigias...Cui accesserunt themata quKdam theologica...Expositioncs... in epistolas...Pauli ad Titum & Philemonem, etc. 8vo., Londini : (ex typographia H. Middletoni) pro F. Coldocko, i^yj. Disertissimi viri R. Aschami...familiarium epistolarum libri tres...Quibus adjunctus est commendatitiarum, petitoriarum, & aliarum hujus generis similium epistolarum, ad alios principes & magnates conscriptarum, liber unus. Hue accesserunt pauca quaedam ejus- dem R. A. poemata. Item oratio E. G[rant]. de vita et obitu R. A., etc. 8vo., Londini : [in officina H. Middle- toni) pro F. Coldocko, 1578. [Another edition.] 8vo., Londini : [ex officina Henrici Byn- neman) pro F. Coldocko, 1581. [Another edition.] i2mo., Hanovia, 1602. R. Aschami epistolarum, libri quatuor. Accessit J. Sturmii, aliorumque ad Ascha- mum, Anglosque alios cruditos epistolarum liber unus. Editio novissima, etc. (Eduardi Grant oratio de vita & obitu R. Aschami.) [Edited by W. Elstob.] 4to., Oxonii, 1703. [Another copy.] ASCLEPIUS, Hermetis Discipulus. 'Ogoi 'Aaxh^niov Tigog Afjfwva ^aaiXea. Gr. &■ Lat. See HERMES, Trismegistus. 'Egfiov rov 4to., 1554. Greek text Tgia/JieyiaTov noifiavdgrjQ, etc. [Another copy of the only.] [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., 1574. ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Quintus). [Com- mentaries on the orations of M. T. Cicero.] Begin. [Sig. az, recto .•] Q. A. Pedianus. I senatu cotra. L. Pisonem. | |Pt. H. Sig. ai. recto:] GEORCHI TRABEZVNTII [sic] DE ARTIFICIO CI | CERONI- ANAE ORATIONIS PRO QVINTO I LIGARIO...I l^RAEF.VTIO. I [Ft. HL Sig. ai. recto:] Antonii Lusclii...Inquisitio I sup. XL orationes Ciccronis ad fratrcm suum optimum : ntqj | charissimum As- tolfmum de marinonibus. | [Sig. 16, recto :] Xiconis Polentoni argument. 1 super aliquot orationibus & iuo | ctiuis Ciccronis... |... inci- piunt. I [Edited by H. Squarzaficus.] 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : p lohdtie^ de Colonia sociiiqz ems lohdnem Manthen de (lerretzcm, (1477). Hftin and CopiiiRcr, '1886. Proctor, 4317. Asconii I'aeduuii cvptisitio in 1111. ora- tiones M. Tiillii Cic. contra C. Verrem. & in orationem pro Cornclio. In orationcm contra C. Antonium, & L. Catilina. In orationcm pro M. Scauro. In orationcm coulia I.. 28 ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Quintus).— (cow/i.) Pjscncm. In orationem pro Milone. atq; harum renim omnium index. Victorini com- mentarii in libros M. T. C. de inventione & Georgii Trapezuntii in orationem pro Q. Ligario. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Veneiiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, is22. Renouard, p. 96. Blue morocco by Roger Pajne. Syst-on Park copy, [Another copv.] Syaton Park copy. [Another copy.] ' [Another edition]... cu scholiis P. Manutii, et indice nominum, verborum, & rerum memorabilium. 8vo., Veneiiis : apud Aldi filios, 1547. Renouard, p. 140. [Another edition.] 8vo., Veneiiis : apud P. Manutium, 1553. Renouard, p. 157. Drury copy, uncut. ASHBEE (Charles Robert). A few chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship. 8vo., London, 1894. ASHBEE (Henry Spencer). Don Quixote and British art. A paper, etc. 8vo., London, 1900. Printed for private circulation. — ^ An iconography of Don Quixote, 1605- 1895. 4to., London, 1895. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. III.) ASHBURNHAM (Bertram Ashburnham) 4ayoQov...d7io/.oyta TieQi XQiariavuiv. Tov avTov, TiEQi dvaaraaeioi; vexqojv. Athena- gorae... apologia pro Christianis (C. Gcsnero interprete)... Ejusdem, de resurrectione mor- tuorum (P. Nannio interprete), etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [Paris,] 155J. ATHfiNfiE. See ATHEN.EUS, Naucratita. ATHENRY (Edward Bermingham) calhng himself Baron. See BERMINGHAM (E.). ATHERTON (John) Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. See BERNARD (N.). The case of J. Atherton, etc. 4to., 1710. 39 1548. I55I- ATRAMENTUM. Atramentum, sive fabula, de monachis Antonianis...Latinis versibus reddita ab A. Menagio. See GR.EVIUS (J. G.). J. G. Gra;vii, Arcerii...epistolae, etc. 8vo., lyio. ATTENDOLO (Giacomo) afterwards SFOR- ZA (GiACOMUZZO). See SFORZA (G.). ATTHILL (William). Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the Col- legiate Church of Middleham...With an his- torical introduction, and incidental notices of the castle, town and neighbourhood, by W. Atthill. 4to.. Londofi, 1847. (Camden Society Publications, Vol, 38.) ATTICUS (Titus Pomponius). Nepos (C). T. P. Attici vita. See CICERO (M. T.). [EpisTOL.s.] M. T. Ciceronis epistolae, etc. 8vo., 1543. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1545. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1546. [Another edition.] i6mo., [Another edition.] i6nio., [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1551. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1555. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i6mo., 1560. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1563. ATTICUS HERODES (Tiberius Claudius). IleQi noXixEiag, 'Hgwdov. See .lESCHINES. Aoyoc TovTcovi rcov qi]toqu>v. Ataxivov...' Hq(o- 60V, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1513. AUBEPIN ( ) Comte de I'. See L'AUBEPIN. AUBERT DE VERTOT (Ren£) AbbS. See VERTOT. AUBIGNfi (Agrippa d'). See AUBIGNfi (T. A. D'). AUBIGNfi (Jean Henri Merle d"). See MERLE D'AUBIGNfi. AUBIGNIi (Theodore Agrippa d'). Do la douceur des afflictions. Opuscule inconnu de T. A. d'Agrippa...Auqucl on a ajoutc le morceau intitule I'Herculc chresticn, etc. [Edited by C Read.] 8vo., Paris. 1856. 150 copies printed. Hell illuminated. Or, Sancy's Roman Catholic confession, etc. [Translated from the French of T. A. d'Aubignc.] i2mo., London, 1679. See DUFRAISSE (M.). Sur la vie ct Ics Merits d'A. d'Aubigne. 8vo.. [i860.] See FEUGfiRE (L. J.). A. d'Aubignc. 8vo., 1853. See FEUGfiRE (L. J.), ihudc sur "les oeuvrcs d'A. d'Aubignc. 8vo., 1855. See POSTANSQUE (A.). T. A. d'Au- bigne. Sa vie, ses ceuvres et son parti, etc. 8vo., 1854. AUBLET DE MAUBUY (Jean Zorobabel). Histoire des troubles et des demelfes litt6- raires, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours inclusivement. [By J. Z. Aubletde Maubuy.] 2 pts. 8vo., Amsterdam, 1779. Barbier, II., 745. AUCTORES. Historiae Romanae autores varii, etc. See HISTORIA ROMANA. i6mo., 1552. AUDEBERTUS (Germanus). [i.e., Germain AuDEBERT.] Audeberti...Venetiae, etc. [A poem.] 4to., Venetiis : apud Atdum [Aldus Mavtitiw;. the Younger], 1583. Renouard, p. 233. Russia by Tliouvenln. [Another copy.] AUDIFFREDI (Giovanni Battista). Cata- logus historico-criticus Romanarum editio- num saeculi XV. In quo praeter editiones a Maettario, Orlandio, ac P. Laerio relatas et hie plerumque plenius uberiusque descriptas plurimae aliae...recensentur ac describuntur, etc. [By G. B. Audiffredi.] .^to., Romae, 1783. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 433-440. Lettere tipografiche dell' Abate N. Ugolini Folignate [i.e., G. B. Audiffredi] al Padre F. S. Laire, etc. [A criticism of Laire's " Speci- men," etc.] 8vo., Magonza [Rome], 1778. Specimen hi-storico-criticum editionum Italicarum saeculi XV. in quo praeter edi- tiones ab Orlandio, Mettario, Denisio, Laerio, et a nonnuUis bibliographis recentioribus hactenus relatas plurimae aliae recensentur, omnesque plenius uberiusque describuntur. T. •+1.. Romae. 1704. Aesium " to "Genua." Ad Abbatem Ugo- B. Audiffredi] epi- 8vo., (1779.) Tom Tom. I. extends from ' No more published, See LAIRE (F. X.). lini Fulginatem [i.e., G stola, etc. AUDIFFRET (Florimond Louis d') Comte. Distractions d'un financier. Essais de tra- duction des odes d' Horace. [By M. le comte d'Audiffret.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc. — French.] 8vo., 1855. AUDIN (J. M. v.). Histoire de Leon X. et de son siecIc.Troisifimc edition. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1850. Histoire de la vie, des ecrits ct des doc- trines de M. Luther... Cinquiemc 6dition, etc. 3 torn. 8vo.. Paris, 18^5. Wanting pp. 577 to end of Toiiio III., and tho atlas containing 14 plates. Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages ct des doctrines de Calvin... Cinquidnie Edition, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1850. AUDIN DE KIANS (Stefano L. G. E,). Cata- logue des editions Aldines qui sc trouvcnt chez it. Aiulin. ,1*0 , Florcurc. 1827. Hooksoller's catalogue, with prices affixed. AUDLEY (Gi:ouGE John Touchet) igth Baron. See BANKS (T. C). A genealogical ...account of the ancient earldom of Salis- bury, showing... the right of the Baron Audley to. ..the same earldom. 8vo., 1832. 30 AUGSBURG.— MoxASTERiUM ad SS. Udal- RiCUM KT Afram. See BRAUN (P. I.). Notitia de libris...in bibliotheca...Monasterii ...extantibus, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1788-89. AUGURELLUS (Joannes Aurelius). J. Aurelius Augurellus. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, 1505. Benouard, p. 49. Canliain copy. AUGUSTINUS, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. [De Civitate Dei.] Begin. [Fol. 2, recto :] Au- relii Augustini Hipponen Episcopi de ( Ciui- tate dei primi libri incipiunt Rubrice | fol., [colophon :] Rome : Coradus sutteyii- hevtn : Arnoldus panartzq;, 1470. Wanting ff. i and 15 (botli blank). Rubricated. Haic and Copinger, •2049. Proctor, 3310, Begin. [Fol. i, recto:'] Aurelii Augus- tini de ciuitate dei | primi libri incipiut Rubricae | fol., [Venice : Johann and Wendelin, of Speier,] [colophon :] 1470. 271 ff., rubricated. Hain, •2048. Troctor, 4019. Di\'i A. Augustini... liber de sancta vir- ginitate. See AMBROSIUS, Saint, Bishop of Milan. De virginitate opuscula, etc. 4to., 1562. Divi A. Augustini de spiritu & litera, liber unus. (Augustinus... ad versus pclagianorum argumenta. Epi. CV.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud A. Augerellum, 1533. Divi A. Augustini. ..principia rhetorices. 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. ColiniBttm, 1534. Sunderland copy, See CHLADENIUS (J. M.). De fortuna bibliothecae D. Augustini in excidio Hip- ponensi disserit...J. M. Chladenius. 4to., 1742. See CHRISTIAN. Cujusda fidelis Chris- tiani epistola...Subsequitur & divi Augustini de miseria, ac brevitate hujus mortalis vitae, sermo, etc. 4to., 1886. AUGUSTINUS (Antonius) Archbishop of Tarragona. See AGUSTIN. AUGUSTINUS (Leonardus). See AGOS- TINI (L.). AURELIUS ANTONINUS (Marcus) Em{>eror of Rome. Magxov 'Avtojvivov tov .rttjro- xgaTogog tov £(j eatnov pif^ha ij)' . M. An- tonini...de rebus suis.. .libri XII....Versione insuper Latina nova...ac commentario per- petuo, explicati atque illustrati ; studio operaqe T. Gatakeri. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., CantabrisiiT, 1652. The notes have a separate pagination and register. AURELIUS VICTOR (Sextus). See VICTOR (S. A.). AURISPA(P. HiPPOLiTus). (P. H. Aurispae elegiarum lib. I.) 8vo., [colophon :] Roma; : per A . Bladtim de Asula. i^y,^. Wanting the titlepaeo. Title taken from the caption. AUSIMO (NicoLAUs DE). See NICOLAUS, de .4 uximo. AUSONIUS (Decimus Magnus). Ausonius. [Edited bj' H. Avancius.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 15 17. Renouard, p. 80. D. M. Ausonii... opera, tertiae fere partis complemento auctiora, & diligentiore quam hactenus, censura recognita, etc. 8vo., Lttgduni, 1558. D. M. Ausonii... opera in meliorem ordi- nem digesta. Recognita sunt a Josepho Scaligero...& infinitis locis emendata. Ejus- dem Josephi Scaligeri Ausonianarum lectionu libri duo... in quibus castigationum rationes redduntur, & difficiliores loci Ausoniani expli- cantur. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugdnni : apud A. Gryphium, 1575, 74. D. M. Ausonii... opera omnia ex editione Bipontina, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini.. .accurate recensita (curante A. J. Valpy). 3 vols. 8vo., Londini, 1823. The pagination is consecutive throughout. Meri- vale copy. D. Ausonii... opuscula varia. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. Sunderland copy, [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] D. M. Ausonii. ..de XII. Casaribus per Suetonium Tranquillum scriptis. See SUE- TONIUSTRANQUILLUS(C.). [Vit.sXII. C.5SARUM.] C. Suetonii Tranquilli Xll. Casares, etc. 8vo. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 8vo., 1532. 1534- 1537- 8vo., 1539. AUSTIN (John). The province of juris- prudence determined. Second edition, etc. (Lectures on jurisprudence, etc.) [Edited by Mrs. S. Austin.] 3 vols. 8vo., Londan, 1861-63. AUTELS (Guillaume des). See DES AU- TELS. AUTORES. See AUCTORES. AUVERGNE (Emmanuel Theodose de La Tour d') Cardinal, Due de Bouillon. See BOUILLON. AUVERGNE (Martial d'). Aresta amorum. [In French, by M. d'Auvergne.] Cum erudita B. Curtii...explanatione. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. Red morocco by Hardy. [Another copy.] Sharpe copy. [Another edition.] 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiutn, 1538. Klosj and Roberta copy. 31 AUV'l^RGNE (Martial D').~{contd.) [Another edition.] Aresta amorum LI., elc. 8\'o., Lxigdiini : apitd Seb. Grvphiiim, 1546. Contemporary stamped calf binding. AUXIMO (NicoLAUS DE). See NICOLAUS, de Auximo. AVEMAN (Daniel). Hodegeta Horatianus, sive index omnium verborum in Horatii poematibus contentorum... opera & studio Danielis Aveman. 24mo. (i6-8 X 68 cm.), Brunsviges, 1667. The titlepage is engraved. Mitford copy. AVENARIUS (Benedictus Christianus). Aelurias, epos jocosum. In Latinum vertit B. C. Avenarius. [From the German poem by J. F. W. Zachariae, entitled " Murner in der HoUe."] 8vo. , Brunsviges, 1771. AVENEL (Joseph d"). Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de D. Huet, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1853. AVENEZRA (Abraham). See ABRAHAM, ben Meir A ben Ezra. AVERROES. [i.e., Muhammad Ibn Ahmad.] Quaestio Auerrois in librum priorum [of the Analytica of Aristotle] traducta per Heliam hebraum. See MAIOLUS (L.). Epiphyl- lides in dialecticis. [Pt. III.] 4to., 1497. See RENAN (E.). Averroes et I'Aver- roisme...Troisieme edition, e/c. 8vo., 1866. AVIANUS (Flavius). /Esopi fabute XLII. ab Avieno elego carmine conscripta?. See jESOPUS. iEsopi. .. tabulae, e/c. i6mo., 1570. Aviani iEsopicarum fabularum liber. A T. Pulmanno...in lucem editus. i6mo., AntverpicB, 1585. Conyboaro copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Antverpiis, 1607. AVICENNA. [i.e., Abu 'Ali Husain Ibn'Abd Allah, called Ibn Sina.] See FLORENCE. — Nova Academia Florentina. Novae Academiae Florentinae opuscula. Advcrsus Avicennam, etc. 8vo., 1534. AVIENUS (Flavius). See AVIANUS. AXIOM ATA. Axiomata legum. Ex rcccptis juris utriusque libris, & interpretum com- mentariis, ordinc certo, & in literas alpha- beticas distincto, recens coUecta, ac edita. 8vo., Liigduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. AXON (William Edward Armytage). Art in Lancashire. 8i'o.. Manchester, 1884. From the " Manchester Quarterly," No. 10. Bibliographical note on Espinosa's " Florcs." 8vo., {Manchester,) 1892. Not published. Book rarities of the Warrington Museum. 8vo., Warrington, 1878. The cost of theatrical amusements. 8vo.. Manchester, 1882. From the " Tran.9. Manch. Statist. Roc," Pr»s. 1881-82. De Quincey and J. F. Ferrier. 8vo.. Manchester, 1898. From the " Manchester Quarterly," No. 67. Milton's " Comus " and Fletcher's " Faith- ful shepherdess " compared. 8vo., Manchester, 1882. From the " Manchester Quarterly," No. 3. O. Lando, a humorist of the Renaissance. 8vo., Lonilon, [1899.] From the "Trans. Roy. Soo. Lit.," Vol. XX. On a reference to the evil eye in the Anglo-Sa.xon poem of Beowulf. 8vo., \I.ondi'n. 1809.] From the "Trans. Roy. Soc. Lit.," Vol. XXL, pt. 2. On an English translation of Franccsca de Chaves's " Mirror of Man's Life." [With the text.] See CHAVES (F. de). i6mo., 1897. On the stalk as a sign of contract. 8vo.. Manchester, 1883. From the " Manchester Quarterly," No. 6. Report of the presentation of a testimonial to Mr. W. E. A. Axon, in recognition of his .services as honorary secretary to the Man- chester Literary Club and Manchester Statis- tical Society, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1878. Tullia d'Aragona, a poetess of the later Renaissance. 8vo., [London. 1899.] From the " Trans. Roy. Soc. Lit.," Vol. XXL. pt. 2. AYRMANN (Christoph Friedrich). De H. Eobani Hessi ortu et nomine disserit...C. F. Ayrmannus. (Dissertatio altera de H. Eobani Hessi nomine et conjugio, etc.) 2 pts. 4to., Giessae, 1739-40. B B., E. M., M. See BANCEL (E. M.). B., H. See BAUDRIER (H.). B., J. F. See BUDDEUS (J. F.). B., J. H. See BOECLER (J. H.). B., T. See BRAYSHAW (T.). BABINGTON (Churchill). Catalogue of the library of...C. Babington.. .which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1889. BABRIAS. See BABRIUS. BABRIUS. [Also called GABRIAS] Gabriac fabellae tres & quadraginta, elc. Gr. d~ Lat. See i^iSOPCS. Habentur hoc voluminc haec, videlicet. Vita, ct fabella; ALso-pi, etc. fol., 1505. rnPniov fifOoi. Gabriae fabulac. Gr. 6- Lat. SccAlSOVVS. Acsopi...vitact fabcllao, etc. 8vo., (1517.) [Anotlicr edition.] i6mo., 1549. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1570. 32 BABRlVS.—icontd.) ra^Qiov...TeTQa(rrtxa- See SCRIPTORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] BABYLON. The romaunce of the Sowdone of Babyloyne and of Ferumbras his sone who conquerede Rome. 4to.. London, 1854. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 71.) BACCHIUS, Senior. Baxxetou rov regovrog elaayojytj tc/vtjq /wvaixrji;, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antiqua musicae auctores septem, etc. Vol. I. 4to., 1652. BACCHUS (DioNYSius) pseud., Pras. Dis- putatio inauguralis...de jure potandi, etc. See FACETIAE. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. i2mo., 1615. [Another edition.] 4to., 1627. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1647. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1657. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1737. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1754. BACCHYLIDES. Bax/vXidov neXt). Gr. &- Lat. See PINDARUS. Pindari Oljinpia, Pythia, etc. [Vol. II.] 24mo., 1560. Editio II. Graecolatina H. Steph., etc. 24mo., 1566. BACCI (Andrea). Del Tevere...libri tre, ne' quali si tratta della natura, & bontti dell' acque, & specialmente del Tevere, & dell' acque antiche di Roma, del Nilo, del P6, deir Arno, & d'altri fonti, & fiumi del mondo ...Delle inondationi, & de' rimedii, che gli antichi Romani fecero, etc. 4to., Venetia : [Aldus Manutius, the Younger,'] 1576. Renouard, p. 222. Syston Park and Belt copy, BACELLAR PINTO GUEDES (Duarte Huet DE). See HUET DE BACELLAR PINTO GUEDES. BACHAUMONT (Francois Le Coigneux de) & CHAPELLE (Claude Emmanuel Lhuil- lier). Voyage de Messieurs Bachaumont et La Chapelle. Auquel on a joint les poesies du Chevalier de Cailly, la relation des cam- pagnes de Rocroi & de Fribourg [by H. Besse], & les visionnaires, comedie de J. Des-Marets, etc. [Edited by B. de la Monnoye.] 8vo., Amsterdam, 1708. With the inscription " Leigh Hunt from his friend C. B." BACHELIN (Antoine). See BACHELIN- DEFLORENNE. BACHELIN-DEFLORENNE (Antoine). Cata- logue de livres rares et curieu.x anciens et modernes...En vente aux prix marques a la librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne. 8vo., Paris, 1872. This catalogue and the following one include many Morante books. See Mr, R. C. Christie's *' Selected essays," p. 272. Catalogue de livres rares et curieux anciens et modernes. En vente aux prix marques a la librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne. 8vo., Paris, 1873. Catalogue de livres rares... et de manu- scrits du 9= au 18= siecle, r6dige par M. [A.] Bachelin-Deflorenne, etc. fol., Paris, 1878. Sale catalogue, with 6 coloured plates. BACHMANN (Franciscus Mauritius). Uni- versitatis Erfordiensis Rector F. M. Bach- mann... Sacra Christi Natalitia civibus academicis pie celebranda indicit et hac occasione de Magorum adoratione pertractat. 4to., Erfordiae, (1802.) BACKER (AuGUSTiN de). See TRICHT (V. van). La bibliotheque des ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus et le P. Augustin de Backer. 8vo., 1876. BACKER (Augustin de) & RUELENS (Charles). Annales Plantiniennes...i555- 1589. See RUELENS (C.) & BACKER (A. de). 8vo., 1 866. BACON (Francis) Viscount St. Albans. The works of Francis Bacon. Collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis and D. D. Heath. 14 vols. 8vo., London. i8';7-74. Vol. I. includes "The life of ... Bacon,*' by W. Rawley. Vols. I.-V., Philosophical works. Vols. VI.-VII., Literary and professional works. Vols. VIIL-XIV., The letters and the life... collected and set forth... by J. Spedding. The historie of the reigne of Iving Henry the Seventh. ..Whereunto is now added a... table. fol., London : printed by J. H. {? John Haviland] and R. Y. [? Robert Young], sold by P. Stephens and C. Meredith, 1629. Fr. Baconis de Verulamio sylva sylvarum, sive hist, naturalis (Latio transscripta k J. Grutero), et novus atlas. i6mo., Luglduni] Ratavor[um], 1648. The titlepage is engraved. The ' ' Novua atlas " has a separate pagination and register. BADIUS (Jodocus) Ascensius. [i.e., JossE Bade.] Glareani chronologia, per J. Badium ...in seriem literarum redacta, etc. See LORITUS (H.) Glareanus. H. Glareani in T. Livium annotationes, fie. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1555. BADUELLUS (Claudius), {i.e., Claude Baduel.] C. Baduelli annotationes in M. T. Ciceronis pro Milone & pro M. Marcello orationes. Quibus adjunctas sunt ejusdem orationes aliquot, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apiid Seb. Gryphium, 1552. Sundcrlftnii copy. C. Baduelli de morte Christi mcditanda, ac contemplanda oratio. 8vo., Lugduni : apiid Seb. Gryphium, 1543. De officio et munerc eorum, qui juventutem erudiendam suscipiunt, epistola, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. C. Baduellus de ratione vitas studiosoe, ac literatae in matrimonio coUocandas, & de- gendae. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Lipsiee, 1577. Scharfi and Velde copy. 33 BADUELLUS (Claudius).— (cofi^i/.) See GAUFRtS (J.). C. Baduel et la reforme dcs 6tiidcs au 16° sidcle, etc. 8vo., 1880. BAEDA, Venerahilis. See BEDA. B^LIUS (Petrus). See BAYLE (Pierre). B.CRLE (Kasper van). See BARL.EUS (C). BAGLIOXE (Luca). L'arte del predicarc contenuta in trc libri, secondo i precetti rhetorici. 8vo., Vinegia : appresso A. Torresano, et fyalrlli, 1562. With the mark of Aldus. Uenouiird, p. i86. Red morocco by Boz^rian jeune. Uncut copy. BAGSHAW (Christopher) Roman Catholic Priest. A true relation of the faction begun at Wisbich, by Fa. Edmonds... a Jesuite, 1595, and continued since by Fa. Walley... against us the Secular Priests their brethren, etc. (By C. Bagshaw.) 1601. See LAW (T. G.).' A historical sketch of the conflicts between the Jesuits and Seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, etc. Svo., 1889. BAIERUS (Joannes Jacobus), [i.e., Johann Jakob Baier.] J. J. Baieri epistola; ad viros erudites eorundemque responsiones historiam literariam et physicam specialem explanante"!, rurnnte filio F. J. Baiero. 4to., Franco] urti, 1760. Tydoman copy. B.AIF (Jean Antoine de). Carminum J. A. Baifii liber I. i6mo., Lutetice, 1577. BAIF (Lazare de). See BAYFIUS (L.). BAILEY (Alfred). On the English law of attainder and forfeiture for high treason, etc. 4to., Westminster, 1882. B'rora the " Archtcologin," Vol. 47. BAILEY (John Eglington). Bishop L. Bayly and his " Practice of piety." 8vo., Manchester, 1883. From the " Mtiiohoater Quarterly," No. 7. Catalogue of the... library of the late J. E. Bailey... which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1889. The first charter of Salford, etc. Sec SALFORD. 8vo., 1882. The Grammar School of Leigh, Co. Lan- caster, and its library : a lecture, etc. 8vo., Leigh, (1879.) Reprinted from the " I^igh Chronicle." Inventories of goods in the churches and chapels of Lancashire, taken in. ..1552. Edited by J. E. Bailey. 2 pts. (to.. {Manchester,) 1879-88. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. VoIh. CVII. and CXIII.) Tart I. — Salford huiidrt-d. I'urt II. — West Derby, Blackburn, and Leyland huudreda. [Another copy.] Ft. II. is one of three copies printed on largo paper. John Whitakcr, the historian of Man- chester. 8vo., Manchester, 1877. From Iho " Papers of the Manchester Literary Club," Vol. ni. The life of a Lancashire rector during the Civil War... Charles Herle, M.A., of Winwick, etc. 8vo., Leigh, 1877. From the " Leigh Clironicle Scrap-book." The life of T. Fuller... with notices of his books, his kinsmen, and his friends. 8vo., London, 1874. Major-general C. Worsley, M.P. for Man- chester, 1654. 8vo., Manchester, 1886. Reprinted from the " Manchester Guardian," Dec. 28, 1883. A memoir of. ..J. Tilsley, M.A., Vicar of Deane, near Bolton, a.d. 1642-1662. 4to., Leigh, 1884. Reprinted from the " Lancashiro and Cheshire Antiquarian Notes." Not published. Mr. [W.] Beamont's history of Winwick : Charles Herle and the Gee family. 8vo., Manchester, 1878. Reprinted from tlio " Manchester Coimer," Deo. 13, 1878. Old Stietford : a lecture, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1878. Sir Peter Leycester, of Tabley, Cheshire, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1878. The troubles of W. Ryley, Lancaster Herald, and of his son, clerks of the Records in the Tfower. 8vo., Leigh. 1879. Reprinted, with additions, from the " Leigh Chronicle." Not published. BAILEY (Sir William Henry). On the value of public lectures on the books in free libraries. 8vo., Manchester, 1879. From " Papers of the Manchester Literary Club," Vol. v. Outside the classroom : thoughts for young engineers. See MANCHESTER. — Municipal School of Technology. Intro- ductory addresses, etc. 8vo., (1890.) Shakespeare as a patriot. Inaugural address, etc. 8vo., [Manchester,) 1899. B.\ILLET (Adrie.n). Jugcmens dcs savans sur les principaux ouvragcs dcs autcurs... Revus, corrigez, & augmcntez par M. dc la Monnoyc. NouvcUe edition. 8 torn, [in 17 vols.l i2mo. , .'inisterdam, 172=;. Tome VII. is entitled : " .\nti-Bailliit, ou oritii|Uo du livre de Mr. Baillet, intitule Jugemens dos savans. Par Mr. Menage." Duroy do Noin- ville copy. BAILY (Thomas). See BAYLY. BAINBRIDGE (John). Commcntariolus dc vita ct studiis...J. Bainbridgii. Sec SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vito! quorundam...viroruni, etc. 4to., 1707. BAIRD (Henry Martyn). History of the rise of the Huguenots. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1880. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarro. • vols. 8vo., London, 1886. BAISERS. Les baisers dc Zizj, poOm J. H. dcCastera.] [By S«C.\STERA(J. H. de). i2mo., 178O. C 34 BALBI (Adriano). Essai statistique sur les bib- liotheques de Viennc, precede de la statistique de la Bibliothdque Imperiale comparee aux plus grands etablissemens de ce genre anciens et modernes, etc. 8vo., Viejme, 1835. BALBUS (HiERONYMUs) Bishop of Gurck. [i.e., GiROLAMO Balbi.] H. Balbi...de rebus Tur- cicis liber. ^to., [colophon ;] Romae : aptid F. M. Calvum, 1526. Sussex copy. BALDACCHINI (Michele). Vita di F. Cam- panella (con alcune sue lettere). 8vo., Napoli, 1847. Vita e filosofia di T. Campanella... seconda edizione. 8vo., Napoli, 1857. The wrapper reads : " Delia filosofia del Cam- panella libro uno." BALDELLI BONI (Giovanni Battista) Conte. Vita di G. Boccacci. 8vo., Firevze, 1806. Olive morocco by Clarke and Bedford. B. S. Turner's copy. BALDOVINETTI (Ettore). Rinaldo appassio- nato, nel qual si contiene battaglie d'armi, e d'amorc. [A poem, by E. Baldovinetti.] Con diligenza revisto, e nuovamcnte ristampato, etc. 8vo., Venetia, [1660 ?] Imperfect ; wanting all after p. 96. Melzi, II., 451. BALDUINUS (Franciscus). [i.e., FRAN901S Balduin.] F. Balduini. .. breves commentarii in praecipuas Justiniani Imp. novellas, sive authenticas constitutiones. Idem ad Aedili- tium cdictum. 4to., Lugdttni : apud Seb. Gryphiitm, 1548. Sunderland copy. [Another copy.] BALDUNG (HiERONYMUs). [i.e., Hans Bal- DUNG or Gruen.] Aphorismi compunctio |nis theologicales. Hicro |nymi Baldung : artiu ct mediciaE doctoris &c. |, etc. 4to., [colophon : Strassburg .■] per magistrii lohaniietn Griininger ciuis [sic] A rgetiii., 1497- Hain and Copinger, '2270. Proctor, 477. This copy has the date printed in lower case. BALDWIN (William). The funeralles of King Edward the Sixt. (By W. Baldwin.) 4to., London, 1817. (Roxburglio Club Publications, No. 11.) Fac- Bimile reprint. Earl of Marlborough's copy. BALE (John) bishop of Ossory. Kynge Johan. A play, in two parts... Edited by J. P. Collier, etc. 4to., London, 1838. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 2.) Scriptorum illustriii majoris Brytannig, quarn nunc Angliam & Scotiam vocant : catalogus...IX. centurias continens, etc. (Scriptorum illustrium majoris Brytannia; posterior pars, quinque continens centurias ultimas, etc.) 2 torn. fol., [colophon ;] BasilecB, 1557-59. Carteret copy, BALUZIUS (Stephanus). [i.e., £tienne Baluze.] S. Baluzii...epistola...de vita, rebus gestis, moribus, & scriptis... Petri de Marca, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1663. BALZAC (Jean Louis Guez de). Balzacii epistolae selectae. See VAVASSOR (F.). F. Vavassoris...de ludicra dictione liber, etc. Svo., 1722. BANBURY, Earldom of. Banbury. Svo., [London, 181 2.] From T. C. Banks' " Dormant and Extinct Peerage of England," Vol. I. Sir C. J. Young's copj-. Case of the Earldom of Banbury. See NICHOLAS {Sir N. H.). A treatise on the law of adulterine bastardy, etc. 8vo., 1836. Lord Chief Justice Holt's judgment, 4 Will. and Mary, in the Banbury case, on a question of peerage determined by a Committee of Privileges of the Lords. fol., s.n. BANBURY (Charles Knollys) calling him- self £a>-/ 0/. See KNOLLYS (C). BANCEL (E. U.). Catalogue des hvres precieux et des manuscrits avec miniatures composant la bibliotheque de JL E. M. B. [i.e., E. M. Bancel]. (Table alphabetique des noms d'auteurs et des ouvrages anonymes du catalogue de la bibliotheque de ^I. E. M. B. — Liste des prix d'adjudication.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1882. Sale catalogue. BANCROFT (Thomas). The glutton's leaver. 4to., London, 1817. (Roxburghe Club Fublication.9, No. 15.) Dibdtn copy. BANDECO (Daniel) Resp. Pythagoras, utrum fuerit Judaeus, monachusve Carmelita, etc. See MAYER (J. F.) Frees. 4to., 1700. BANDELLO (Matteo) Bishop of Agen. La prima ( — quarta) parte de le novelle del Bandello, 4 pts. [in 3 vols.] 4to,, Londra, 1 740, BANDIERA (Allesandro Maria). Osser- vazioni su le epistole di M. T. Cicerone a' familiari ad usu di buono indirizzo, per ben comprendere I'eleganza del testo latino, e per iscrivcre con proprieta e purita latina. Ed a questo medesimo intendimento si sono messe in fine le latine formole raccolte da Stefano Doleto... Seconda edizione. 8vo., Venezia, 1764. This work forms a supplement to Bandiera's translation of the " Epistolae ad Familiares." [Another edition, without the " Formulae " of Dolet.] See CICERO (M. T.). [Epistol.^ : Ad Familiares.] L'epistole di AI. T. Cicerone a' familiari in volgar toscano recate, etc. [Fourth edition ?] Tom. III. 8vo., 1783. BANDINEL (Bulkeley) & BLISS (Philip). Historical papers, part I. [Edited bv P. Bliss and B. Bandinel.] See BLISS (P.) & BANDINEL (B.). 4to., 1846. BANDINI (Angelo Maria). De Florentina Juntarum typographia ej usque censoribus ex qua Graeci, Latini, Tusci scriptores ope codicum manuscriptorum a viris clarissimis pristinae integritati restituti in lucem pro- dierunt. Accedunt excerpta uberrima prae- fationum libris singulis praemissarum. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Lucac, 1791. I 3S BAXDURIUS (Anseljius). [i.e., A. Banduri.] D. A. Bandurii...bibIiotheca nummaria, sive auctorum qui de re nummaria scripserunt... cum notulis ct indicibus recusa...curante J. A. Fabricio. 4to., Hamburgi, 1719. Kerrich copy. BANGOK, Bishops of. Lewis. [1616-31.] See BAYLY (L.). BANKES (Richard). See DUFF (E. G.) S- others. Hand-lists of English printers, 1501-1556. Pt. IL R. Pj'nson...R. Bankes, etc. 8vo., 1896. BANKS (Thomas Christopher). [Calling him- self SirT. C. Banks, Bart.] Baronia Anglica concentrata ; or, a concentrated account of all the baronies commonly called Baronies in Fee, etc. 2 vols. 4to., Ripov, 1844. The dormant and e.xtinct baronage of England, s/c. 2 vols. 4to., Lo»;(/o>;, 1807-08. A genealogical and historical account of the ancient earldom of Salisbury, showing the right of the Baron Audley to the inheri- tance of the same earldom. 8vo., London, 1832. A genealogical history of divers families of the ancient peerage of England. ..forming a supplement to the fonner volumes of Banks's Dormant and extinct baronage, etc. 4to., London, 1826. A letter. ..in relation to the proceedings at the late election of Scotch Peers. (By T. C. Banks.) Second edition. 8vo., London, 1830. Sir C. G. Young's copy. See LOCKHART (E.). A disquisition on the right of jurisdiction in peerage succes- sions... With an appendix (by T. C. Banks). Second edition, etc. 8vo., 1830. BANNATYNE CLUB. [Publications.] See DEMPSTER (T.). T. Dempsteri historia ecclesiastica gentis Scotorum...Editio altera. 2 torn. 4to., 1829. See INNES (C). Memoir of T. Thomson. 8vo., 1854. BANNUS (Joannes Albertus). J. A. Bannii disscrtatio epistolica de musica: natura, etc. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. [Another edition.] Sec VOSSIUS (G. J.). Gcrardi J. Vossy et aliorum disserta- tiones, ete. i2mo., 1658. BAPTISTA, Mantuanus. [i.e., Baptista Spag- NUOLi.] F. Baptiste Mantuani Bucolica seu adolescctia in dece asglogas divisa. Ab J. Badio Asccnsio famiiiariter cxposita cum indice dictionum. Carme ejusde de .sancto Johanc Baptista. Carme Saphicu H. Buschii dc cotenendo mOdo. Et alia multa no lloccipedOda. 4to., [colophon :] ArgentincD : impensis honesli Johdnis Prusz, i 503. Tanzor, VI., 29, 26. Kloss copy. J. Baptistae Mantuani bucolicon, etc. Sec BESEDlCTUS, Philologus. Eclogac. Vergihi, etc, 8vo., 1504. B.\RANTE (Claude Igxace BrugiLre) Sieitr de. Observations sur le Petrone trouve a Belgrade en 1688, et imprime a Paris en 1693. Avcc unc lettrc sur I'ouvrage & la personnc de Petrone. [By C. I. B. de Barante.] 8vo., Paris. 1694. Barbier, III., 629. At the end of tlio work there is a copy of the privilege granted to the author under his pseudonym, O. PelLssier. BAR.XXTE (Pierre Amable PuosrER Bru- gieke) Baron de. Etudes litteraires et historiqucs...Nouvelle Edition. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1859. BARATIER (Jean PHiLirpi:). See FORMEY (J. H. S.). La vie de Mr. J. P. Baratier. 8vo., 1741. BARBARO (Daniello). See BARBARUS (D.). B.\RB.\ROM.\STIX. Barbaromastix, sive Medicus, dialogus elegantiss. See FLOR- ENCE. — Nova Academia Florentina. Novae Academiae Florentinae opuscula, etc. 8vo., 1534. BARB.\RUS (Daniel) Patriarch of Aquileia. [i.e., Daniello Barbarc] Exquisitre in Porpliirium commentationes. 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apiid Aldi filins [P. Manutius], 1542. Uenouard, p. 124. Aurea in quinquaginta Davidicos Psalmos doctorum Cira-corum catena. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [P.sai.ms. — Latin.'] fol., 1569. D. Barbari in trcs libros rhetoricorum .\ristotelis commentaria. [With a Latin version of tlie work.] See ARISTOTELES. [RiiETORiCA.] 8vo., 1544. B.\RBARUS (Hi.kmolvus) Patriarch of Aqui- leia. [i.e., h'RMOLAo Barbarc] P1uscu1;c...H. Barbari, etc. See BEROALDUS (P.) the Elder. Orationcs, prelectiones, f/c. 4to., (1511.) BARBEAU DE LA BRUY^RE (Jean Louis). Notice historique sur la vie et Ics ouvragcs de M. [J. L.] Barbcau de la Bruy^re, etc. Svo.. [Paris.] 1782. Mercure do France." (Mafeeo). Sec Fattisoa copy. URBANUS From the " BARBERINI VIIL, Pope. B.\RBERIUS (Josephus). J. Barberius dc miseria poetarum Grascorum. Sec .VLCYONIU'S (P.). P. Alcyonii mcdices legatus, f/c. 121110., 1707. B.\RBIER (Andre Thomas). Notice sur les hcures de Charlemagne... Iir6e de la zu' lettrc du Voyage bibliographiquc.do M. I'. I". Dibdin...pr(Jcedee d'un jugement sm- I'ouvrago anglais. ..par M. Barbier. (Notice sur R. I'orson [signed Barbier ncveu].) 8vo., Paris. 182;. Tlio " Notice «ur Ics houros," etc., in taken from the ** Uevuo lCncycIop6diqiio,'* the '* Notioo Hur U. Porwon " from the " Itiographio Uni- vorsollu," tonio XXXV. B.VRBIER (.\ntoine .Vlknandki ). Diction- naire dcs ouvragcs anonynics... Iroisiimc 36 BARBIER (Antoine Alexandre). — {contd.) edition, revue et augmentee par O. Barbier, R. et P. Billard, etc. 4 torn. 8vo.. Paris, 1872-70. Issued as a complement to the second edition of Qu6rard'8 " Les supercheries litt-^raires d6- voilfes," of whicli it forms torn. IV.-VII. Supplement... par G. Brunet, etc. See BRUNET (P. G.). Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, e'/r. 8vo., 1889. Dissertation sur soixante traductions franjaises de 1' Imitation de Jesus-Christ... suiviede considerations sur la question relative a I'auteur de I'lmitation (par J. B. M. Gence). 8vo., Paris, 18 12. Examen critique et complement des dictionnaires historiques les plus repandus, depuis le dictionnaire de Moreri, jusqu'a la Biographie Universelle inclusivement. Par I'auteur du Dictionnaire des ou\Tages anonymes et pseudonymes [i.e., A. A. Barbier]. Tome I. 8vo.. Paris, 1820. Tome I. comprises the letters A-J. No more published. Notice bibliographique sur les diverses editions des ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau, et sur les principaux ecrits relatifs a sa personne et a ses ouvrages... Quatrifime edition. ..par M. L. Barbier et par M. [J. M.] Querard. 8vo., Paris, 1836. From " La France litt^raire," by J. M. Qu6rard, tome VIII. With an autograph letter of O. Barbier inserted at the beginning. Thomas copy. - Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de D. Durand. 8vo., {Paris, 1803.) From the " Magasin Encyclop&Jique." Pattison copy. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. L. T. Herissant. 8vo., Paris, 1812. From the " Magasm Enoyclopidique " for November 1812. Pattison copy. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de T. Guyot, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1813. From the " Magasin EncyclopMique " for August 1813. Pattison copy. See BARBIER (L. N.). Notice biogra- phique et litt^raire sur M. A. A. Barbier. 8vo., 1827. [Another copy.] BARBIER (Louis Nicolas). Notice bio- graphique et litteraire sur M. A. A. Barbier. 8vo., Paris, 1827. From the "Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes," Tome IV. Pattison copy. [Another copy.] BARBIERI (Fran-cisco Asenjo). Notice bio- graphiquc sur D. J. Gomez de la Cortina, marquis de Morante. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Cata- logue de la bibliothdque de feu M. le marquis de Morante, etc. Pt. I. 8vo., 1872. BARBOUILLER (J. de). See DEBAR- BOUILLER. BARCLAIUS (Joannes). See BARCLAY (J.). BARCLAY (Alexander). Certayne egloges... Reprinted from the edition of 1570. fol., (Manchester.) 1S85. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 39. ) The mirrour of good maners... Reprinted from the edition of 1570. fol., [Mavchesfer.) 18S5. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 38.) BARCLAY (John) Poet. J. Barclaii Argenis. Editio novissima. Cum clave, hoc est, nominum propriorum elucidatione hactenus nondum edita. i2mo., Lugd[uni] Batlavonini], 1630. The titlepage is engraved. Euphormionis Lusinini, sive, J. Barclaii partes quinq3. Satyricon bipartitum. L. i & 2. Apologia pro se. L. 3. Icon animorum. L. 4. Veritatis lachrymae. L. 5 [by Ali- tophilus, i.e., C. B. Morisot]. Cum clavi praefixa. Accessit conspiratio Anglicana. i2mo., Oxonice : excudebat J. L[ichfie/d]. impensis Henrici Cripps, 1634. [Another edition.] i2mo., Lugd[uni] Batavorum, 1637. The titlepage is engraved, Chamior copy. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). Is. Casauboni {i.e., G. Scioppius] Corona Regia...ab Euphormione [i.e., J, Barclay]... edita. i2mo., 161 5. BARETTI (Giuseppe). A new dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based upon that of Baretti... Compiled by J. Daven- port and G. Comelati. 2 vols. 8vo., London, (1854.) BARL^US (Caspar). [i.e., Kasper van Baerle.] C. Barlsei dialogi aliquot nuptiales, etc. — C. Barlaei faces sacrae, sive hymnus Salomonis, etc. See CATS (J.). Faces Au- gustaj, etc. 8vo., 1643. C. Barla2i nuptise peripateticse, sive uni- versae philosophise ad statum conjugalem festiva applicatio. See CATS (J.). Faces Augustae, etc. 8vo., 1643. [Another edition.] See SCRIP- TORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum . . .scrip- tores varii. Editio nova, el/io)v Baai?.etov. . .ai'yi'Qa^i/taTa rira, etc. Gr. fol., Uolophon .■] Veuetiis : per Stephanum de Sabio, 1535. 'Anana ra rov Oeiov...BaatXetov...T)\\'\ Basilii Magni opera Graeca, quae ad nos extant omnia. [Edited by J. Cornarius.] Gr. fol.. Basiteae. 1551. De Thou and Syston Park copy. Sancti Basilii de liberalibvs stvdiis ct in- genvis moribvs liber per Leon. Ar[etinum] ex Gre[co] in Latinvm conversus. — Basilii oratio de invidia c Graeco in Latinvm con- \crsa per Xicolavni Perolvm incipit. See CENSORINUS. Index librorum : qui in hoc uolumine continentur. Censorinus de die natali, etc. fol., 1497. BaaiXetov...6fii?.ia xaxa fiedvovrmv. D. Basilii Magni... cotra ebriosos homilia. Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Lovanii : e.t officina R. Rescii, sumptibns ejusdem ac B. Gravii, 1533. Baai}.etov...6/iiha tieqi cpdovov. Basilii Magni... homilia de invidia. Gr. Svo., Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, 1536. Basilius Magn'de studio poetaR&ora | ton quo pacto quaUterue legi debeant. | ©. X. 4to., s.n. [? Magdeburg : M. Brandiss, 1403/5.] Copinger, Pt. II., 919. Kloss Catalogue, 592. Baai}.eiov...6fuha ttoo; tovq veovg, oTimg dv ii e?.?.>]vixojv (ha?.aia Ttanatvexixa S;' ^Qog xov iavxov viov, Aeovxa. xov 0iXoao(pov. Basilii... e.xhorta- tionum capita LXVI. ad Leonem filium, cognomento Philosophum, etc. Gr. cS- Lat. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to.. Luteticp, 1584. The Latin version ha'i a separate titlepago and pagination. BASLE. See BASEL. BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL (Jacques). His- toire de la religion des eglises reformees, depuis Jesus Christ jusqu'a present... Nou- vcllo edition, etc. 2 tom. 4to., Rotterdam. 1725. Tome I. is in 2 parts. Verelst and Swanwick copy. BASSELIN (Olimer). Vaux-de-vire d'O. Basselin, poete normand de la fin du 14" siccle ; suivis d'un choix d'anciens vaux-de- vire, de bacchanales et dc chansons, poesies normandes... publics, avec des dissertations, des notes et des variantes, par L. Du Bois. 8vo., Caen, 1821. 39 BAST (Friedrich Jacob). Lettre critique... sur Antoninus Liberalis, Parthenius, et Aristcnete. 8vo., Paris, 1805. Bed morocco by P. Rosa. BASTARD (Thom.\s). Chrestoleros. Seven bookes ]of epigrames. (Reprinted from the edition "of 1598.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1888. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 47.) BATE (George) M.D. Elenchi motuum nuperorumin Anglia. Pars prima ( — secunda), etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i2mo., Amstelodami , 1663. BATEMAN (John Frederic) & REVY (Julian John). Channel railway. Descrip- tion of a proposed cast-iron tube for carrying a railway across the Channel between the coasts of England and France. 8vo., London, 1869. BATRACHOMYOMACHIA. Homeri BaxQa- xofivo/iaxia, seu bellum ranarum in mures. Per E. Calentium Latino scrmone donata. Lat. 4to.. [Paris :] apud E. Gormontium, [1510 ?] Hcber copy. Homeri Batrachomyomachia, hoc est, ranarum & murium pugna. [Edited by J. Frobenius.] Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon .•] in...Basilea : apud J. Frobeniiim, 151S. Blue morocco by E. Niddrfo, 'OfitjQov BaTQa/fifivo^axia. Homeri rana- rum & murium pugna. Gr. &' Lat. See .^SOPIJS. Aesopi...fabula3, e prico^ and purcliasera' names. [Another copy.] .Smull paper copy. [Another copy of Pt. I.J Partly priced in MS, The Hamilton Palace libraries. Cata- logue of valuable books returned from the sales of the Beckford and Hamilton libraries, having been found to be imperfect. Which will be sold by auction, ffc. 8vo,, London, 1S84. BECKHER (Guilielmus Henricus). M. Gui- liclmi H. Bcckhcr.-.schediasma critico-liltcra- rium dc controvcrsiis pnxcipuis B. Bckkero... quondam motis. ob librum cui titulum fecit : Die bezauberte Welt. Adjccta in lineauctorum farragine, qui vel Bckkcri scriptum refuta- runt, vel asseclarum more illud dcfendcrunt. 4to., Regiomonti, 1721. 42 BEDA, Venerahilis. De schematibus & tropis sacraru literarum, lib. I. See RUTILIUS LUPUS (P.). De figuris sententiarum, ac verborum, etc. 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri de tem- poribus sive de sex aetatibus hujus seculi liber incipit. P. Victoris de regionibus urbis Rome libellus aureus. [Edited by P. M. Alexander.] 4to., [colophon ;] Vene\ins\ : p J. de Tridino alias Tacuino, 1 509. BEECK (Martin van der). See BECANUS (M.). BEEKE (Hermann von der). See TORREN- TINUS(H.). b6hAGUE (Octave de) Comte. Catalogue des li\Tes rares et curieux composant la bibliotheque de M. le comte O. de B6hague. Pt. II. 8vo., Paris. 1880. Sale catalogue. BEKKER (Balthasar). See BECKHER (G. H.). M. Guilielmi H. Beckher...schcdi- asma critico-litterarium de controversiis prsecipuis B. Bekkero... quondam motis, ob librum cui titulum fecit : Die bezauberte Welt, etc. 4to., 1721. BELL (Henry Nugent). The Huntingdon peerage, etc. See HUNTINGDON, Earldom of. 4to., 1820. BELL (William) Pastor oj the Church at Hightown. Lanes. Well-doing, well done to, set forth in a sermon preached... the 14th day of March, 1647. 4to., London, 1650. BELLAIUS (Joannes). See DU BELLAY (J.) Cardinal. BELLANDA (Cornelio). Viaggio spirituale ...Diviso in dieci varii soggetti, & ragiona- menti spirituali. 4to., Venetia : [.4ldiis Manutitts, the Younger,] 1578. Benouard, p. 225, BELL.\RMINUS (Robertus Franciscus RoMOLUs) Cardinal, .Archbishop of Capua, [i.e., Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellar- MiNO.] De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rcrum creatarum...Editio ab ipso auctore recognita. i2mo., Liigduni, 1615. De Thou, Hibbort and Beckford copy. Recognitio librorum omnium R. Bellar- mini...ab ipso ... auctore edita. Accessit corrcctorium errorum, qui. ..in libros ejusdem Cardinalis cditionis Venetae irrepserunt. 8vo., Ingolstadii, 1608. De Thou and Morante copy. Sec SCIOPPIUS (G.). G. Schoppii apolo- gcticus...pro gemino de indulgentiis libro... R. Cardinalis Bellarmini, etc. 4to., 1601. BELLAY ( DU). See DU BELLAY. BELLEVILLE (Adolphe de). Les secrets de Saint-Leu. Notice curieuse sur ce chateau et ses proprietaires...Suivie d'une biograpliie complete sur la baronne de Feucheres, et de details sur la mort du due de Bourbon. 8vo., Paris, 18^1. BELLIUS (Martinus) pseud, [i.e., Sebastien Chateillon.] See CHATEILLON (S.). BELLONIUS (Petrus). See BELON (P.). BELLONUS (Joannes). Communes jurium sententiae. Quibus additas sunt contrariorum oppositiones & solutiones, etc. 8vo., Lugduni, 1553. [Another edition.] 8vo., Cadomi, 1607. Sunderland copy. BELON ( ) Priest. Pan^gj'rique de Sainte Madeleine, etc. 8vo., 5./. et a. BELON (Pierre). P. Bellonii...de aquatili- bus, libri duo. Cum etconibus ad vivam ipsorum effigiem, quoad ejus fieri potuit e.xpressis, etc. obi. 8vo., Parisiis, 1553. L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux, avec leurs descriptions, & naifs portraicts retirez du naturel, etc. fol., Paris. 1555. BELTZ (George Frederick). Memorials of the... Order of the Garter, etc. 8vo., London, 1841. A review of the Chandos peerage case adjudicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir S. E. Brydges, Bart., to designate himself per legem terrse Baron Chandos of Sudeley. 8vo., London, 1834. BEMBO (PlETRO) Cardinal, Bishop oj Ber- gamo. [Opere.] p. Bembi opuscula ali- quot, etc. 8vo., Lugduni: apud [S.] Gryphium, 1532. Blue morocco by Leighton. [.Etna.] Begin. PETRI BEMBI DE AETNA AD I ANGELVM CH.\BRIELEM| LIBER. I 4to., [colophon:] Venetiis : in aedibus .4ldi Romani. 1495. Benouard, p. 7. Halo, '2765. Svajer and Hamilton copy. P. Bembi de /Etna...Uber. See SEVERUS (C). P. C. Seven ^tna, etc. 8vo., 1703. [Gli Asolani.] Gil Asolani di Messer Pietro Bembo. 4to., [colophon :] Venetia : nelle case d'.4ldo Romano, 1505. This copy lias the dedication. Benouard, p. 48. [Another copy.] Without the dedication. [.Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : nelle case d'.Aldo Romano &■ d'.indrea Asolano sua socero, 15 1 5. Benouard, p. 72. Svajer copy. [.\nother copy.] Bathurst copy. (Edition seconda.) 8vo., Vencgia : per Comin de Trino de Monjerrato, 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia: appresso G. Scotto, 1553. Benouard, p. 488. There are only 115 numbered leaves, not 150, as stated by Kenouard. Blue I morocco by C. Lewis. Sussex copy. [HiSTORiA Ve.neta.J p. Bjmbi Car- dinalis historiae Venetae libri XII. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud Aldi ftlios, 1 55 1. Benouard, p. 133. Bigot Library and Bogers copy. BEMBO (PiETRo).— (cojiW.) [Lettere.] p. Bembus de imitatione ad Picum. See PICUS MIRANDULA (J. F.) Conte della Concordia. J. F. Pici Mirandulae ...physici libri duo, etc. 4to., 1518. P. Bembi et J. Sadoleti (ad C. Longolium) epistolarum liber. See LONGOLIUS (C). C. Longolii orationes duas, f/f . 4to., 1524. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] See LONGO- LIUS (C). C. Longolii lucubrationes, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] S«eBUNELLUS (P.). P. Bunelli...& P. iManutii...epistolaj, etc. [Pt. IL] 8vo., 1 581. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] SecBUNELLUS (P.). Epistote P. Bunelli, etc. 8vo., 1837. P. Bembi epistolarum Leonis dccimi Pont. Max. nomine scriptarum libri XVI. Placuit prasterea cjusdem autoris epistolas aliquot... adnectere. Videlicet ad Longolium III., ad Budaeum II. , ad Erasmum I. 8vo., Lug- dtini : apud htpredes S. Vincentii, 1538. The colophon reads : " Dionysius ah Harsio excudebat." Borghese copy. Delle lettere di P. Bembo secondo volume. 8vo., [colophon .•] Vinegia : per gli figlivoli di Aldo, 1550. The titlepsge ia dated 1551. Renouard, p. 149. Vols. I., III., and IV. do not appear to have been issued by the Aldine Press. P. Bembi Card, epistolarum familiarium, libri VI. Ejusdem, Leonis X. Pont. Max. nomine scriptarum, lib. XVI. [Vol. I.] 8vo. , Venetiis, 1552. Wanting Vol. II., containing the Popal letters. Delle lettere di P. Bembo primo (-quarto) volume, etc. (II rcsiduo del libro primo.) 4 vols. 8vo., Vinegia, 1552. Vol. X., which is of tlie second impression, is in two parts separately bound. Vols. III.-IV. are bound together. The second volume of thi.s edition was unknown to Renouard ; it has 8 unnumbered leaves and 333 numbered pages, Renouard, pp. 149 ond 487. [Another copy.] 4 vols, [in 2.] Tlio second volume in this copy is one of those issued by the Aldine Press in 1550-51. Blue morocco Ijy Niodrie. P. Bembi. . .epistolas omncs...quarum libri scxdecim Leonis X. Pont. Max. nomine script! sunt, sex autem reliqui familiares epistolas continent. 8vo., [Basel, i 567. | Morante copy. P. Bembi ct J. Sadoleti alia; ad alios epis- tolK. See BUNELLUS (P.). Epistote P. Bunelli, etc. Svo., 1837. Lettere inedite o rare di P. Bembo. 8vo., Padova, 1852. Lettere inedite del Cardinale P. Bembo e di altri scrittori del sccolo XVI....pubblicate dal Prof. G. Spezi. 8vo., Roma, 1862. See LETTERE. Lettere di XIII. huomini illustri...con moltedcl Bembo, etc. 8vo., 1 560. [Pkose.] Le prose di M. P. Bembo. 8vo., [colophon .•] Vinegia : appresso G. Scotto, 1552. Renouard, p. 4S7. Blue morocco by C. Lewis. Stissex copy. [Another copy.] Burnell copy. — [Rime.] P. Bembi carmina. See CAR- MINA. Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum, etc. 8vo., 1548. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1552. Le rime di M. P. Bembo nuovamentc ricorrette et ristampate. (Stanze di M. P. Bembo, etc.) 8vo., [colophon ;] Vinegia : appresso G. Scotto, 1552. The leaves containing the " Stanze " are not numbered. The register is consecutive. Re- nouard, p. 488. Blue morocco by C. Lewis. Sussex copy. P. Bembi carminum libellus. (In P. Bembi . , . mortem ac laudem eclogae tres incerti authoris. — In P. Bembi mortem diver- sorum epitaphia. — In funere Petri Cardinalis Bembi A. Beatiani lachrymae.) 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis: apud G. Scottum, 1553. The titlepago is dated 1552, Renouard, p. 488. Stanze di Monsignor P. Bembo, etc. See POLITIANUS (A.). Stanze di Messer A. Poliziano, etc. 8vo., 1753. Versi Spagnoli, f^c. 8vo., Livorno, 1882. [Appendi.v:.] See BATT.\GIA (M.). Elogio del Cardinale P. Bembo, etc, 8vo., 1 827. See BEATIANUS (A.). Lachrymae in funere Petri Cardinalis Bembi, etc. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1548. See above [Rime.]. P. Bembi carminum libellus. Svo.. 1553. See GRESWELL (W. P.). Memoirs of A. Politianus ... P. Bembus ... The second edition, etc. 8vo., 1805. BENAHAVIS (Ric.\rdo Heredia) Cotnte de. See HEREDIA. BENALT (Thomas). The visitation of Lan- cashire and a part of Cheshire, made in... l 533, by special commission of T. Benalt... Edited by W. Langton. 2 pts. 4to., (Manchester,) 1876-82. The pagination is consecutive. (Chethara Society. Remains, etc. Vols. XCVIII. and CX.) BENECH (R.wmond Osmi.n). Eludes sur Horace appliquecs au droit civil romain, etc. 8vo.. Toulouse, 1845. BENEDETTI (Alessandro). Sec BENE- DICTUS (A.). BENEDICTUS, Philologus. Eclogae. Vergiiii. Calphurnii. Nemesiani. Francisci Pc (trarchac). Joannis Boc(cacii). Joan bap Mri(tuani). Pomponii Gaurici. [Edited by Benedictus. Philologus.] Svo., [colophon :'\ Florentice : opera t~ impcnsa Philippi dc Giunta. 15111. Renouard, p. xxxlv. Crofts and AVodhuIl copy. 44 BENEDICTUS XI., Pope. [i.e., NiccoLb BoccAsiNO.] 5«fi BONIFACIUS VIII., Po^-e. Acta inter. ..Benedictum XI.. ..et Philippum Pulcr., etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1613. BENEDICTUS (Alexander). [i.e., Aless- ANDRO Benedetti.] Diana (A. Benedicti) de bello Caroline. dto., [Venice : Aldus, 1406.") Sigs. a-h', i*. Bonouerd, p. 260.' Hain, *8o5. Proctor, 5552. BENRATH (Karl). B. Ochino, of Siena: a contribution towards the history of the Reformation. ..Translated. ..by H. Zimmern, etc. 8vo., London, 1876. BENSLY (Robert Lubbock). The missing fragment of the Latin translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra, ek. See BIBLE.— Apocrypha. [Esdras.] 4to., 1875. BENSON (Edward White) Archbishop of Canterbury, Judgment of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in Read v. the Bishop of Lincoln... on the jurisdiction of English metropolitans over their sufiragan bishops, etc. 8vo., London, [1889.] BENSON (George). A brief account of Calvin's burning Servetus for an heretic... The second edition, etc, 8vo., London, 1744. BENSON (William). The plebeians. By a member of the House of Commons [i.e., W. Benson]. The sixth edition. 8vo., London, 1710. Consists of four tracts on the Peerage Bill. Hal- kett and Laing, III., 1940. BENTLEY (John). A genealogical table of the royal families of England, from the Norman Conquest to the year 1790. fol., London, [1791 ?] BENTLEY (Richard). Dr. Bentley's dedica- tion of Horace, translated. To which is added, a poem in Latin and English, in- scribed to. ..Lord Hallifax, etc. 8vo., London, [171 2 ?] •^— In Q. Horatium Flaccum notae & emenda- tiones R. Bentleii, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS(Q.). [Ov-erk.— Latin.] Q. Hora- tius Flaccus, cfc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1711. R. Bentleii notae atque emendationes in Q. Horatium Flaccum integrae...Cum ipsis indicibus Bentleianis. Curante J. F. Sachse. 8vo., Quedlinbttrgi, 1825. See AHN (H.). De Bentleio Miltoni editore, etc. 8vo., 1859. See CLERICUS (J.). Mr. Le Clerc's judgment and censure of Dr. Bentley's Horace, etc. Svo., 171 3. See CUNNINGHAM (A.). A. Cuning- hami animadversiones in R. Bentleii notas... ad O. Horatium Flaccum. Svo., 1721. See JOHNSON (R.). Aristarchus Anti- Bentleianus quadraginta se.x Bentleii errores super Q. Horatii Flacci odarum libro primo... ostendens, efc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1717. [Another copy.] See KER (J.). Quaternae epistolae, etc. [Containing criticisms on Bentley's edition of Horace.] 8vo., 1713. BEOWULF. See AXON (W. E. A.). On a reference to the evil eye in the Anglo-Saxon poem of Beowulf. 8vo., [1899.] BERALDUS (Nicolaus). [i.e., Nicolas B^r- AULD.] N. Beraldi de vetere ac novitia jurisprudentia oratio, recognita ab autore & aucta, etc. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. N. Beraldi ... dialogus. Quo rationes qufdam explicantur, quibus dicendi ex tempore facultas parari potest, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. BERARD (AuGUSTE Simon Louis). Essai bibUographique sur les editions des Elzevirs les plus precieuses et les plus recherchees [by A. S. L. B^rard], precede d'une notice sur ces imprimeurs celcbres [abridged from the " Notice sur les imprimeurs de la famille des Elzevirs," by J. F. Adry]. 8vo., Paris, 1822. Barbier, II., 201. B]6r.\ULD (Nicolas). See BERALDUS (N.). BERENICUS (Theodosius) pseud, [i.e., Matthias Berneggerus.] See BERNEG- GERUS (M.). BERGELLANUS (Joannes Arnoldus). [i.e., Johann Arnold, Dergellanus.] Encomion chalcographias [in verse, by J. A. Bergellanus]. See LA CROIX DU MAINE (F. Crude de). Les bibliotheques franfoises de La Croix du Maine et de Du Verdier...nouvelle Edition, etc. Tome VL 4to., 1773. BERGER (Samuel). La Bible au seizieme siecle. Etude sur les origines de la critique biblique. 8vo., Paris, 1879. La Bible fran^aise au moyen ige. fetude sur les plus anciennes versions de la Bible ecrites en prose de langue d'oil, etc. (Ap- pendice. Description des manuscrits.) 8vo., Paris, 1884. BERGHERSH, Barony of. Pedigree of the Barons of Berghersh. See NICOLAS (Sir N. H.). s.sh., [1827 ?] BERGHMAN (G.). i^tudes sur la bibliogra- phic Elzevirienne, basees sur rou\Tage Les Elzevicr de M. A. Willems. 8vo., Stockholm, 1885. OiJy 100 copies printed, this being No. 94. Nouvelles etudes sur la bibliographie Elzevirienne. Supplement a I'ouvrage sur les Elzevier de M. A. Willems. 8vo., Stockholm, 1897. BERINGTON (Joseph). The hterary history of the Middle Ages, <'jg Oeia; FQaiptj;, naXaia^ dtjXad}j xai rea; Acadijxij?, a:tavra. Divinae Scripturae, veteris ac novi Testamenti, omnia . . . doc- torum virorum opera. ..in lucem edita. (P. Melanchthonis praefatio.) fol., BasUeae : per J. Hen-agium. 1545. The third Greek Bible, a copy of that issued by Aldus in 1518. Sunderland copy. [Latin.] Biblia : cum concordant! j is : et ter- minorii hebraico- 1 rum interpretationibus. | (?. X. fol., [Strassburg : J. Prilss,] [colophon :] 1480. Hain andCopijiger, *3io4. Proctor, 543. Copin- ger, " Incunabula Biblica," p. 144. [Biblia Sacra.] Libri Regum IIII. ...JobL (Psalmorum liber... Ecclesiasticus Jesu filii Sirach.) (Evangelistae quatuor, etc.) (Acta Apostolorum.) (Epistolae B. Pauli...Apoca- lypsis B. Joannis.) 5 pts. [in 3 vols.] i6mo., Ltigduni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1542. The imprint occurs oiJy in the first of these parts. The last three parts are bound together. Two more parts are needed to complete this edition, Biblia, insignium historiarum simu- lachris, cum venustati, tu veritati accomodis illustrata. 8vo., [Paris:] Excudebat F. Gryphitts, 1542. Biblia, etc. [The Vulgate version and that of Leo Juda and others, with notes de- rived from the lectures of F. Vatabius.] (Diffusiores in priores psalmos (I. — LXXIL) annotationes. ) [Edited by R. Estienne.] S pts. [in 2 vols.] ivo..Liitetifi. The title and imprint are contained in the first part only. Vol. 4 is In 2 pts., and Vol. 3 in 3 pts. Cessole copy. Biblia Sacra ad optima quseq; veteris, ut vocant, tralationis exemplaria... castigata, etc. 8vo., Lugdmii, 1567. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis (ad Concilii Tridcntini prsescriptum emendata et a Sixto V. P. M. recognita et approbata) tribus tomis distincta. 3 torn, [in i vol.] fol., Romae : ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana [Aldus Maniitius. the Younger], 1590. Renouard, p. 243. Brunet, L, 877. Wanting the two leaves containing the bull of Sistus V. Sunderland and Makellar copy. With the autograph of "C. Spencer" (3rd Earl of Sunderland) on the titlepage. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis (Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita). (Oratio Manassae, necnon libri duo, qui sub libri tertii & quarti Esdrae nomine circumferuntur. etc.) L. P. fol., Rotnce : ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1 502. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The *' Oratio Manassre, etc..*^ are at the end, and have a distinct pagination. Renouard, p. 248. Imperial!, Marchetti, and Makellar copy. Testamenti Veteris BibUa Sacra... Acces- serunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur .\pocryphi... quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti hbros...Secunda cura F. Junii. 6 pt3. [in I vol.] fol., Londini : excudebant G. B[ishop]. R. N[ewbery'\. 6- R. B[ar/ier], 1593, 92. Pts. IV.-VI. bear the date 1592. — — Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentum Vet9 ab I. TremelUo & F. Junio ex Hebraso Latine redditum, et Testaraentu novii a T. Beza e Greeco in Latinu vers. i2mo., Londini, 1661. The titlepage is engraved. BibUa Sacra vulgatae editionis, Sixti V. et dementis VIIL ... auctoritate recognita. Editio nova, notis... illustrata. fol., Parisiis, 1837. Concordantise majores Sacrae Bibliae, summis vigiliis jam denuo ultra omnes edi- tiones castigatcB, & auctae, per F. Arolam. (Alter concordantiarum Sacrae Biblije tomus, qui est partium, sive, dictionum indeclina- bilium.) 2 torn, [in i vol.] 4to., Lugduni : apudSeb. Gryphium, 1551. See COPINGER (W. A.). Catalogue of the Copinger collection of editions of the Latin Bible, etc. 4to., 1893. See COPINGER (W. A.). Incunabula Bibhca, or the first half century of the Latin Bible... between 1450 and 1500, etc. 4to., 1892. 49 BIBLE— [English.] The Byble | which is all the holy Scripture : in which are contayned the Olde and Newc Testament truly and purely translated into Englysh by Thomas Matthew [i.e., John R)gers]. B. L. 4 pts. [in i vol.] foL, [Antwerp : J. van Meteren jor R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch,] 1537. " Matthew*g Bihlo." Plainly a reprint of tho versions by Titidale and Covcrdale. Tho fly- leaf bears the inscription : " J. S. Duncan, New Coll : From R. Whatflv [Archbishop Whately], Oriel Coll : " At the end of t!\o volume are MS. entries of births and marriages in the Clivo family (of Huxley, Cheshire, an- cestors of Lord Clive and the Earls of Powis) from 1543 to 1584. Russia gilt, in morocco case by Zaehnsdorf. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, etc. (The Psalms of David in metre.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Oxon., {1755.) Version of 161 1. See COTTON (H.). A list of editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from ...1505 to 1820, etc. 8vo., 1821. Second edition, etc. 8vo., 1852. [French.] Le premier | volume de la | bible historiee. | [Fol. 353 (sig. utiin) verso :] Cy finist Ic premier volume de la | bible historiee... | etc. [Sig. XXI, recto :] Cy commence le psaultier | [Sig. 95, verso :] Cy finist le psaultier en francois | Imprime a Paris pour Anthoine Ve- 1 rard. | [A paraphrase by Guyard Des Moulins, interspersed with translations of extracts from the " Historia scholastica " of Petrus Comestor. With woodcuts.] B. L. fol., [colophon .] Paris : pour .4. Verard. [1. 108 ?] Wanting Vol. II. Vol. I. wants fol. 280 ( = sic. 118), Big. 91, ',2, and ^^8. Sen J. Macfarlano 8 *' Antoino Vdrard," p. 54. Buccloueh copy. (La grant bible en francoys hystoriee.) [With woodcuts.] 3 pts. [in 2 torn.] fol., {Lyon,) s.n. R. 256, 134,102. Wanting the titlepoge. Tome L wants fi. 1-27 ; Tome II. pt. i, wants fol. 37 ; pt. 2, fli. 91, 95-102. .Vnothor edition of that of A. Verard. Le premier ( — second) volume de la Bible en franjois. [Translated from the Latin of Petrus Comestor by Guyard Des Moulins.] 2 vols., illust. 8vo., Paris : par M. Boursette veufve de feu F. Regnault, 1543. Tho colophon of vol. I. is dated 15(4. In tho same \-oIumo tho titiepage is in facHimilo, and sip. a8 of the table is wanting, Sussex and Ashbumham copy. La Bible franyaise de Calvin. Livrcs dos Saintes ficritures traduits ou revises par lo Reformatcur tires do scs ocuvres ct accom- pagn6s de variantcs d'autres versions du 1 6" siccle par E. Reuss. 2 tom. 8vo., Brunswick, iXo7. (Corpus Rofonnalorum, Vols. 84 and 85.) See BERGER (S.). La Bible fran9aise 8vo., 1884. au moyen age, etc. See PliTAVEL-OLLIFF formerly PfiXA- VEL (E. ). La Bible en France, ou les traductions des Saintes ificritures, etc. 8vo., 1864. [Old Testament.] [Greek.] 'II na?.ata AtaOtjX}] xara tov; 'E^do/itjxovra. Vetus Testamentum Graecum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum, juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romse editum...re- cusum. (In Sacra Biblia Graeca... scholia ; simul et interpretum cseterorum lectiones variantes.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Londini, 1653. [Latiii.] Pentateuchus Moysi...Josue. Liber Judicum. Ruth. i6mo. , Venetiis : in officina Lnceantonii Junt^, 1533. Part of an edition of the Vulgato. Ronouard, p. xxviii. Contenta. Libri Rcgum IIII. Libri Paralipomenon II. Libri Esdrs IIII. Liber Tobise. Liber Judith. Liber Esther. Liber Job. l6mo., Parisiis : ex officina S. Coliiirei, 1540. A part of a reprint of the eight-part Bible, printed in 1527. The colophon is dated 1541. [Hagiogr.\pha. — Latin.] Libri Salo- monis. Proverbia. Ecclesiastes. Canticum canticorum. i6mo., Parisiis : ex officina S. Coliyimi, 1542. Proverbia Salomonis. Ecclesiastes. Can- tica canticorum. Liber sapientiae. Ecclesias- ticus. i6mo., Lugdttiii : apud Seb. Gryphiwn, 1542. [Job. — Spanish.] E.vemplodelapaciencia de Job. 8vo., En Leon : en casa de Sebastian Grypho, 1550. Mazarin, Gancia, and ITeredia copy. [PsAi.Ms. — Poly^lott.] Begin. [Sig. ai, recto:] AAYIA IIPO'PHrOY K.il | B.AEI. AEQE 1 MEAOZ. \ DAVID PROPHETAE ET I REGIS MELOS. | [Edited by J. Crastonus.] Gr. S- Lat. 4to., [colophon :] Mediolani : [Bonus Accursius,] 1481. Hain and Copinger, •13454. Proctor, 5966. Proctor-, pp. 62. 64. Tliis copy lia-s the single line colophon without the printer's name. Itn- perfect, wanting tho two preliminary loaves. Silva and Herodia copy. Psalterium, llcbreuui, Grpcu, .■\rabicri, & Chaldju, cfi tribus liitinis itcrptatoibus tk. glossis [by A. Justinianus]. 4to., [colophon : Genoa :] P. P. Porrus, 1516. The first polyglot t in which each langunge is printed in its own pr^iper characters. A lite of Christopher Columbus tiy A. .luslininnus in comprised in a nolo to Psalm l<». A(H*ortiing to tho wire-marks, this voUnno is not a folio, as usually stated, but a quarto. Hrunel, IV., 919. Cessolo cojiy. -Vppciidici liuic llK■^t ijuadi uplcv I'.sal- terium, videlicet Ilebr;cum, & Hebraica Veritas, divo Ilieronymo interprete, Grajcurn, & jcditio ultiina Latina aulore inccrto. See HIERONYMUS, Saint. Octavus tomus [operuni Ilieronymi] commentarios in Psal- terium habct, c/f. fol., 1530. so BIBLE— [Old Testament.] — {conid.) [Psalms.— Pofyglolt.] Psalterium sextu- plex. Hebracum cum tribus Latinis, vide- licet, Divi Hieronymi, R. P. Sanctis Pagnini, & Felicis Pratensis. Graecum, Septuaginta intcrpretum, cum Latina vulgata. 8vo., Lnadwii : Seb. Gryphius excndebat. iJiSO. Contemporary brown morocco, blind tooled. Psalterium Grasce et Latine, etc. i6mo., Basilea, 1557. Liber Psalmorum Davidis ... Ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus. A Gabriele Sionita...& Victorio Scialac, etc. Arab. &■ Lat. 4to., Romes, 161 4. Eon de Beaumont copy. [Psalms. — Greek.] 'PaXnjQcov. [Edited, with a preface in Greek, by Justinus De- cadyus.] 4to., [colophon: Venice: Aldus Manutius, 1497 ?] Renounrd, p. 260. Hain, 13452. Reicliling, I., 181. I'roctor, 556^ Proctor^, p. 95. Hildyard copy. 'PaXrijQiov. ('Aqx>] "^o" M'po^oytov.) 2 pts. [in I vol.1 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : per Mel- chiorem Sessa &■ Petrum de Ravanis sociis, 1525. A liturgical psalter, without pagination ; rubri. cated. 'PaXrrjQiov 7iQoq>7jrov xat /SacriAf to? tov /ia^td. Tov TTQOTSQOu afioXvvToxeQOx: i6mo., Avtverpies : apud J. Grapheum, 1533. A liturgical psalter. 'AjioXivagiov fteraqiQaaiQ tov Va^Trjgog, dia azixoiv riQcuixcov. Apolinarii interpretatio Psalmorum, versibus heroicis, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1552. Contemporary stamped piaskin, with the initials " H. M. H." and the dato " 1556 " on the front cover, ' Aafiidov 7TQ0

]rov ... fteXog ... Psalterium ... Davidis, versibus elegiacis redditum a P. Dolscio, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] BasilecB, 1555. [Psalms. — Latin.] Secunda emissio. Quincuplex psalterium. Gallicum. Rho- manum. Hebraicum. Vetus. Conciliatum, etc. [With a preface and exposition by J. Faber Stapulensis.] fol., [colophon .•] m clarissinio Parisiorum gyinnasio : ex calcotypa H. Stephani officina, 1 5 13. J. Sadoleti... interpretatio in Psalmum Miserere mei Deus, etc. [With the text.] 8vo.. Lugdnni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1528. J. Sadoleti. ..in Psalmum XCIII. inter- pretatio. [With the text.] i\o., Lugd[uni]: S. Gryphius Germ, excud., 1530. Eximii Prophetarum antistitis regia Davidis oracula, per F. Bonadum ... ad Psalmorii seriem centum quinquaginta numeris poeticis exarata. 8vo., Parisiis : C. Wechelus, 1 53 1. Printed on vellum. Wodhnll copy. Psalmorum omnium juxta Hebraica veritate paraphrastica interpretatio, autore Joanne Capensi. (Succinctissima & quatu phrasis Hebraica permittit, ad littera pxime accedes, paraphrasis in cocione Salomonis Ecclesiastse p Joanne Capesem.) 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] 1 6mo. , Parisiis : ex officina C. Chevallonii, 1532, [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] l2mo., Venetiis: ex officina J. B. Peder- zani, 1533. J. Sadoleti ...interpretatio in Psalmum Miserere mei Deus, etc. [With the text. J 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. Enchiridion Psalmorum. Eorundem ex veritate Hebraica versionem, ac Joannis Campensis c regione paraphrasim...complec- tens. Concionem praeterca Salomonis Ecclesi- astae, per eundein Campensem ex Hebraico noQarpQaoTMoi; traductam. i6mo., Lugd[iini]: Seb. Gryphius, 1533. [Another edition.] i6mo., L%igd[uni'\: Seb. Gryphius, 1534. J. Sadoleti. ..in Psalmum XCIII. inter- pretatio. [With the text.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Enchiridion Psalmorum, etc. i6nio., Lugduni : s.t.n., 1536. Apparently a copy of the edition of Seb. Gryphiu? of 1533. [.\nother edition.] l6mo., Lugd[tini] : Seb. Gryphius, 1537. [Another edition.] i6mo.. Lugd[uni]: Seb. Gryphius, 1540. Sclilachter and Buxheim Library copy. Commentarius in Psalterium [with the text]: & Psalmorum usus...D. J. Draconites. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Mar- purgi : in officina C. Egenolphi, 1 540-43. Pt. L contains the text, Pt. II. the commentary. Psalmorum liber. (H^-mni ecclesiastici.) l6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. Enchiridium Psalmorum. Eorundem ex veritate Hebraica versionem, ac Jo. Campensis e regione paraphrasim...complectens, etc. i6mo., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1545. Liber Psalmorum. Cum accentibus. l6mo., Parisiis : ex officina R. Calderii, &■ Claudii ejus filii, 1 546. M. A. Flaminii paraphrasis in triginta psalmos. See FLAMINIUS (M. A.). M. A. Flaminii carminum libri duo. etc. 8vo., 1548. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See CARMINA. Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum, etc, 8vo., 1552. J. Rapicii paraphrasis in Psalmos Davidis, ek. See RAPICIUS (J.). J. Rapicii. ..de numero oratorio libri quinque, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1554. M. A. Flaminii in hbrum Psalmorum brevis explanatio [with the text], atque in eorum aliquot, paraphrases luculentissimae, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1 564. Benouard, pp. igo and 491. Enchiridium Psalmorum. Eorundem ex veritate Hebraica versionem, ac Jo. Campensis e regione paraphrasim...complectens, etc. i6mo., Parisiis, 1565. Another oditiou of that by J. Bogard in 1545. SI BIBLE— [Old Testament.] — {conld.) [Psalms. — Latin.] Aurea in quinquaginta Davidicos Psalnios doctorum Graecorum catena. Interprete D. Barbaro. fol., Venetiis, 1569. Colbert copy. Psalmi Davndis ex Hcbraica vcritatc Latinis versibus exprcssi a J. M. Toscano... Quibus prsefixa sunt argumenta singulis distichis comprehensa, opera J. Aurati. 8vo., Parisus, 1575. Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica. Auctore G. Buchanano...Ejusdem Buchanani tragoedia quae inscribitur Jephthes, etc. l6mo., Lutetia, 1580. [Another edition, entitled :] Para- phrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica . . .Ejusdem Buchanani tragoedise duse, Jephthes, & Baptistes. (A. Prudentii hymnus de miraculis Christi.) i6mo., Liigduni Batavorum, 1621. — — — — [Another edition, entitled :] G. Buchanani... paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica. 8vo., Glasguae. 1750. Contains only the " Paraphrftsia." Crossley copy, — ^— [Psalms. — English.] The Psalms of Da\id translated into lyrick-verse. By G. Wither. (1632.) 2 pts. 4to., (Manchester,) 1881. (Publications of the Spenser Society, Nos. 31-32.) —— [PsALMS. — hrench.] Cinquante - deux Pseaumcs de David, traduictz en rithme fran9oyse...par C. Marot, etc. i6mo. , Parts : chez J. Bogard, 1546. Imperfect ; wanting all after fol. 6. [Psalms : Appendix.] See ALCUINUS. Albini sive Alcuini...in septem psalmos poenitentiales & CXVIII. psalmu...expositio, etc. 8vo., 1547. See ATHANASIUS, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria. Magni Athanasii opusculum in Psalmos, etc. 8vo., 1528. See HIERON\TVIUS, Saint. Octavus tomus [operum Hieronymi] commentarios in Psalterium habet, etc. fol., 1530. See PETRUS, de Herentals. Glosa c5tinua coUectoris super librum psalmoru. fol., 1488. See SAVONAROLA (G.). Fratris H. Savonarolae...expositi6es in Psalmos. Qui regis Israel. Miserere mci Deus. In Te Domine speravi, efc. 8vo., 1517. See SAVONAROLA (G.). H. Savona- rolae...meditationes in Psalmos Miserere, In Te Domine spcravi, et Qui regis Israel. l2mo., 1633. See STEUCHUS (A.) Euguhinus. A. Eugubini in Psalmum XVIII. et CXXXVIII. interpretatio, etc. 8vo., 1533. See TURRECREMATA (J. de) Cardinal. Begin. Ad sanctissimum ... dominum dnm Pium secudum...editio in librum psalmoru ...a lohanne de turre cremata...edita. fol., 1472. See WITHER (G.). Exercises upon the first Psalmc, etc. 4to., 1882. See WITHER (G.). A preparation to the Psalter.. .1619. fol., 1884. [Song of Solomon. — Latin.] _ Begin. [Fol. I, recto:] Incipit comentu bti gre | gorij pape sup Catica ca | ticor\im Prologus. | [With the text.] Ed. Pr. 0. X. fol., \Cologn' : U. Zel, 1470.] Hnin and Copingcr, *7937. Proctor, 894. Bcati Thcodoriti...in Canticum Canti- corum explanatio, interjectis Maximi, Nili, Pselliq. notationibus, F. Zino interprete, etc. [With the text. Edited by P. Galesinius.] fol., Roma : apud P. Manutium, 1563. Renouard, p. 1S8. [Prophets. — Latin.] Prophetae. (Macha- baeorum libri duo.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., s.n. Probably printed at Lyons by S. Oryphius. Libri Prophetarum...Itcm Machabaiorum libri duo. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. See THEODORETUS. Bishop 0} Cyrus. Divi Theodoreti...explanationes in Duodecim Prophetas, etc. Svo., 1533. [EzEKiEL. — Latin.] Beati Theodoreti... in Ezechielem prophetam commentarius, J. B. Gabio... interprete, etc. [With the text.] fol., Roma : apud P. Manutium, 1 563. Renouard, p. 188. [Daniel. — Latin.] Theodoreti... in visioncs Danielis prophetae commentarius, J. B. Gabio ...interprete, etc. [With the text.] fol., Roma : apud P. Manutium, 1562. Renouard, p. 184. [Appendix.] See STEUCHUS (A.) Eugu- hinus. Recognitio Veteris Testamenti ad Hebraicam veritatcm, ffc. 4to., 1529. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1531. See THEODORETUS. Bishop of Cyrus. Tov iiaxaQirov QeodiogtjTov et; to d.^oga tt;? Oeiag Fgaiprji xot' ixXoyrjv, etc. 4to., 1558. [New Testament.] [Polyglott.] Novum Instrumentu omne, diligenter ab Erasmo Roterodamo rccognitum & emendatum...una cu annotationibus. etc. Or. &■ Lat. fol., [colophon :] Basilea : in tvdibus J. Frobenii. 15 16. First published edition of the New Tostamont in Greek. Black morocco by F. Bedford. Makel- lar copy. Novum Testamcntum omne, tcrtio jam ac diligentius ab Erasmo Roterodamo rccog- nitum, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. fol., [Basel : J. Frobeii.] (1522.) Novum Tcstamentum Gra;cc & Latind, juxta veterum ... cmcndatissima cxemplaria ...diligentia D. Erasmi Rotcrod....collatum, etc. Gr. (S- Lat. 8vo., Parisiis : excudebat C. Guillard, 1543. PatUson copy. [Le Nouvcau Testament, c'csl-A-dirc la Nouvclle Alliance dc Nostre .Seigneur Jcsu Christ, tant en latin qu'en fracois... Brieve 52 BIBLE— [New Testament.] — [could.) declaration d'aucuns mots & manieres de parler contenues en iceluy, etc.] Lat. &■ Fr. [Vol. II.] i6mo., [Geneva.] 1552. Wanting vol. I., containing the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Vol. II. is in two parts, each with a separate titlepage. [Greek.] Novum Testamcntum Grsece. 8vo., Argentorati : apud W. Cefhaleenm. 1524. 'H Kairt] AiaBi)xi}. Svo., [Paris ; S. de Colines, 1534.] T)]i Kmriii AiaOijxrji anavxa. Novum Testamcntum, etc. (Ai xov dyiov Tlavlov entcnoXm, etc.) 2 pts. l6mo.. LuteticP, 1569, 68. The colophon is dated " Idib. Janaar, anno M.D.LXIX." Cornwallis copy. '// Kaifii Aia8>]x)j. Novum Testamcntum, ex regiis aliisque optimis editionibus cum cura expressum. i6mo., Amstelodami, 1678. Dolben and Barnwell copy. Novum Testamcntum Griecum, e codice MS. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo G. Woide. fol., Londini, 1786. Printed in facsimile. Apthorp copy. See REUSS (£. G. E.). Bibliotheca Novi Tcstamcnti Graeci cujus editiones...collegit... E. Reuss. 8vo., 1872. [Latin.] Novum testamcntum, illus- tratum insignium rerum simulacris, cum ad veritatem historia?, tum ad venustatem, singulari artificio expressis. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., [Paris :] excudebat F. Gryphius, 1 540. Borluut de Noortdonek copy. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo.. [Paris:] excudebat F. Gryphius. 1541. Hailstone copy. Testamenti Novi editio vulgata. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1543. Illustrated with woodcnts. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1544. Testamcntum Novum, ex D. Erasmi Rot. vcrsione, ac ejusdem recognitione postrema. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Testamenti Novi editio vulgata. 2 pts. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. A re-issue of the edition of 1543. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. [Another edition.] 2 pts, [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1553. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] i6nio., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugduni: apud hatred. Seb.Gryphii,i ^64. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud A. Gryphium, 1569. See VALLA (L.). L. Vallensis...in Lati- nam Novi Testamenti interpretationem... adnotationes, etc. fol., 1505. [French.] Les Epistres, et Evangiles des cinquante, & deux dimenches de I'an. .\vecques briefves & tresutiles expositions d'yceUes. [The translation by J, Le Fevre.] i6mo., Lyon : ch^s E. Dolet, 1542. Red morocco by E. Thomas. Yemeniz «uid Keuftrd copy. [Gospels. — French. \ La \-ie dc nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ par figures scion le texte des quatre Evagelistes, & les Evagiles, Epistres & Propheties de toute I'annee, chantees en la Messe, avec aucunes oraisons. [Compiled, originally in Latin, by G. de Branteghem.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8\-o., Paris : ches C. Neobar, 1540. The colophon in wrongly dated "M.D.LX." BrunPt I., 1 210. Dietrichstein and Baillie copy. [Gospels : Appendix.] See POSTEL (G.). Alcoram...et Evangelistarum cocordiae liber, etc. 8vo., 1543. .See THEOPHYLACTUS, Archbishop of .ichrida. Theophylacti...in quatuor Evan- gelia enarrationes, etc. fol., 1524. See THEOPHYLACTUS, Archbishop of .4chrida. 01-oipvXaxrov ... egftTjveia etg ra Teaaaoa EvayyeXia. fol., 1542. [Matthew. — Latin.] In Evangelium Matthaei D. Erasmi ... paraphrasis. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. [Another edition.] 8vo., Ltigduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1344. [.Mark. — Latin.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi ... in Evangehum Marci. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium, secun- dum Marcum. See below [Apocryphal Gospels.]. ProtevangeUon, etc. 8vo., 1552. [Luke. — Latin.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi ... in Evangelium Lucae. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. []onn. Gospel of. — Greek & Latin.] Novvov ...fiEXcx^oXr} Tov xara 'lioawijv dytov tvayye^tov. (Nonni...in Evangelium sancti Joannis para- phrasis Grasca, a C. Hegendorphino Latina facta, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1541-42. Gennadius copy. [Another copy of Pt. I.] Imperfect ; wanting the last two leaves. Wareupp copy. [John, Gospel of. — Latin.] Nomii...in Evangelium Sancti Joannis paraphrasis Graica, a C. Hegendorphino Latina facta, etc. 4to., Halae Suevorum, [i5]40. Paraphrasis D. Erasmi ... in Evangelium Joannis. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. [Acts. — Latin.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi ... in Acta Apostolorum. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. [Epistles. — Greek &• Latin.] Epistolae divi Pauli apostoli cum triplici editione ad veritatem grscam, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud fo. Antonium &■ Fratres de Sabio, 1533. S3 BIBLE— [New Testament.] —(com W.) [Epistles. — Latin.] Commentariohis Joannis Campensis in duas qiiidem D. Paiili, sed argumenti ejusdem, epistolas, alterant ad Romanes, alteram ad Galatas. Ab ipso authore recognitus, & multis in locis auctus. [With the text.] 8vo., [colophon :] Vetietiis : in tsdibus J. A. de Nicolinis de Sahio, 15.34. D. Erasrr.i ... in epistolas apostolicas paraphrasis. 8vo., Lttgditni : apud Seb. Gryphinni, 1544. In Pauli ad Romanes, et ad Galatas, epistolas commentarii. [By J. Sadoletus, with the text.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Gryphium, 1544. Monopanton, id est, unum ex omnibus D. Pauli epistolis per locos communes, seu ccr- tarum materiarum titulos, summo turn jiidicio turn diligentia digestis. Dionysio Richel...autore. l6mo., Lugduni ; apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. [.\nother edition.] i6mo., Ltigdiiiii : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. [Epistles : Appendix.] See GUIL- LIAUDUS (C). CoUatio in omnes divi Pauli apostoli epistolas, elc. 4to., 1544. See GUILLIAUDUS (C). In canonicas Apostolorum septem epistolas coUatio, elc. 4to., 1544. See PRIMASIUS, Uticensis, Bishop of Adrumetum. Primasii...in omnes D. Pauli epistolas commentarii, etc. 8vo., 1537. [Romans. — Latin.] J. Sadoleti...in Pauli epistolam ad Romanes commentariorum libri tres. [With the text.] fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. [Another edition.] ioL, Lugduni : S. Gryphius Germanus excudebat, 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : per J . A. dr Nicolinis de Sabio, 1336. [Revelation.] Vencrabilis patris ... Ricardi de Sancto Victorc in beati Joannis Apocalypsim libri scptcm : quicquid in ca crat obscurum...clucidantes, etc. [With the text.] Lat. <\t.o., [colophon :] Lovanii : T. Martinus, 1513. Purplo morocco by Scliavve. The Apocalypse of S. John the Divine, represented by figures reproduced in fac- simile from a MS. in the Bodleian Library. [Edited by H. O. Coxc] 4to., Londov, 1876. (Roxhurgho Club Publications, No. 103.) [.\rOCKYPHA.j [English.] Apocrypha. 4to.. [London, 1600 ?] Wanting tlio titlppage. [EsuKAs.J The missing fragment of the Latin translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra, discovered, and edited with an intro- duction and notes, by R. L. Bensly. 4to., Cambridge, 1875. [Wisdom of Solomon.] M. Robert! Holkoth...in librum Sapientia; Regis Salc- monis [with the text] pra?lectiones CCXIII. His... ejusdem autoris, moralizationum his- toriarum, sive moralium explicationum liber est adjectus, elc. [Edited by J. Ryterus.] Gr. &■ Lat. fol., [Basel '?] 1586. [EccLEsiASTicus.] Libro de Jesus Hiio de Syrach, qu'es llamado, el Ecclesiastico, traduzido de Griego en Icngua Castellana. 8vo., en Leon : en casa de S. Grvpho, 1550. Mazariu, Gancia and HereJia copy. [Maccabees.] Machabaorum libri duo. See above. Old Testament. [Prophets. — Latin.] Prophetae. [Pt. II.] i6mo., s.a. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1542. [PSEUDEPIGRAPHA.J Protevangelion, sive de natalibus Jesu Christi, & ipsius matris V'irginis MaricC, sermo historicus divi Jacobi minoris... [Translated from the Greek by G. Postcl.] Evangelica historia, quam scripsit beatus Marcus... Vita Joannis Marci evangelistse, collecta ex pro- batioribus autoribus, per T. Bibliandrum, etc. [Edited by T. Bibliander.] 8vo., [colophon :] Basilea, 1552. Niooron, VIII., 332. Des Billons, p. 133. Protevangelion divi Jacobi minoris. [Translated from the Greek by G. Postel.] Acccssit huic dialogus quiilam Christiani cum Judaeo de ("hristo, e.x Suida: philologia. M. Ncandro...intcrprete. fvo.. .4rgentorali, 1570. Mil fold copy. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. Translated out of Greek into Latine, by R. Grosthead...and now Englished [by A. Gilby], etc. Svo., London, 1674. [.\rri;NDix J Ta leQa TtaQtMtjXa. Parallela sacra, hoc est, locorum Veteris Tcstamenti cum iis. qua; in Novo citantur. conjuncta coinmcmo- ratio, Ebraicfi & Gra;ce. J. Drusius trans- scripsit : convertit in Latinum : ct notas adjpcit, etc. 4to., Franckerrr, 15S8. Do Thou and Ilobor copy. Octo cantica sacra c Sncris Bibliis Latino carmine exprcssa a J. M. Toscano: nriefixis argumcntis J. Aurati ... Ejusilem loscani Iiynmi, & poemata, etc. Lat. 8vo., Parisiis, 1575. Prccationes aliquot cclcbriorcs d sacris Bibliis dcsumptcc. ac in studiosorfi gratiani lingua Hcbraica, Gra-ca iS: I.atina in cncliiridii formulam redacla;. Adjectis bcncdictionibus, canticis, etc. Heb., Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Parisiis, 1554. Prinloil in doulilo columns. 54 BIBLE— [Appendix.] — (cotitd.) Le sommaire de la Sainte ficriture, ou manuel du Chretien, traduit de I'italien, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1879. See BERGER (S.). La Bible au seizieme si^cle, etc. 8vo., 1879. See BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. Bible. 2 pts. fol., 1892-97. See LE LONG (J.). Bibliotheca sacra, seu syllabus omnium ferme Sacrae Scripturae editionum ac versionum, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1709. [Another edition.] 2 torn. fol., 1723. [Another edition.]. ..continuata ab A. G. Masch. 2 pts. 4to., 1778-90. See LE LONG (J.). Discours historique sur les principales editions des Bibles poly- glottes, etc. i2mo., 171 3. Lymburn (J.). Notice of the Euing collection of Bibles. See DICKSON (W. P.). The Glasgow University Library, etc. 8vo., 1888. See ROGERS (H.), The superhuman origin of the Bible, etc. 8vo., 1874. See SIMON (R.) Hebraist. Critical en- quiries into the various editions of the Bible, etc. 4to., 1684. See STEVENS (H.) F.S.A.. 0} Vermont. The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877... Special edition, etc. 4to., 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHER, The. A journal of book- lore. [Edited by H. B. Wheatley.] 6 vols. 4to., London, 1882-84. Afterwards incorporated with " Book-lore." BIBLIOGRAPHIANA. Bibliographiana, by a society of gentlemen ; originally pubhshed in the Manchester Exchange Herald, in... 181 5 and 1 8 16. 8vo., Manchester, (1817.) Only 24 copies printed. F. R. Atkinson's copy. BIBLIOGRAPHICA. (Papers on books, their history and art.) [Edited by A. W. Pollard.] 3 vols. 4to., London, 1895-97. All published. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Constitu- tion, rules, and list of members. 1892-3. 4to. , (Loudon, 1892.) Annual report, rules, and list of members. 1893-4. 4to., {Lotidon, 1894.) Rules and list of members. 1 894/5-1 901. 7 pts. 4to., {London, 1895-1901.) Illustrated Monographs, No. I. See REDGRAVE (G. R.). Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice, etc. (Supplement.) 4to., 1894-95. No. II. See PROCTOR (R. G. C). Jan van Doesborgh, printer at Antwerp, etc. 4to., 1894. No. III. See ASHBEE (H. S.). An iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. 4to., 1895. No. IV. See HAEBLER (K.). The early printers of Spain and Portugal. 4to., 1897. No. V. See LA MARCHE (O. de). Le chevalier delibere, «i3. I'rootor, 55S4- In tliis copy tlio two loovoa of errata aro oi tlio first iniprcsaion. 6o BOLZANIUS (URBANU5) .—[contd.] U. BoUaiiii...gTammaticae institutiones ad gracam linguam, a mendis quamplurimis ...vindicate. 8vo., Venetiis : apud P. Manntium, 1557. Pcnoinrd, p, 171. [Another edition.] 8\'o. . Vevrtiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1560. Kenouard, p. 180. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Mamititis], 1566. Renonard, p. 201. Orange morocco by Boz^rian jeune. Syston V&sk copy. BOLZANUS (Joannes Pierius Valerianus). See VALERIANUS BOLZANUS. BON (John) pseud. See LUKE ( ) Physician. John Bon and Mast person. 4to., [1807.] BONACIOLUS (LuDOVicus), [i.e., Ludovico BoNACioLi.] L. Bonaciolus...de foetus for- matione, etc. See PIN.EUS (S.). I. S. Pinaei...de integritatis...virginum notis... opuscula, etc. i2mo., 1641. BONACURSIUS (Dominicus). Orationes Bonacursi...de vera nobilitate maga virtute q3 diviciis orta. [Edited by P. Niavis.] ito., s.n. i'anzer, IV., 99, 209. J. B. Inglis' copy. BONADUS (Franciscus). [i.e., FRANq:ois BoNADE.] Eximii Prophetarum antistitis regia Davidis oracula, per F. Bonadum... numeris poeticis exarata. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psahns. — Latin.] 8vo., 1531. BONAFOUS (NoRBERT Alexandre). Examen critico de la vida y obras de A. Policiano, traduction del original Latino de Mr. N. A. Bonafous. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de LA Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. V.. pp. 875-1159. 8vo.. 1859. BONAMICIUS (Philippus). [i.e., Filippo Buonamici.] p. Bonamicii de claris Ponti- ficiarum epistolarum scriptoribus . . . Editio altera, etc. 8vo., Roma, 1770. BONARSCIUS (Clarus) pseud, [i.e.. Carolus ScRiBANius.] See SCRIBANIUS (C). BONCOMPAGNI (Baldassarre) Principe. Catalogo della biblioteca Boncompagni, etc. 3 pts. 8vo., Roma, 1898. Sale catalogue. BONETUS (Nicolaus). [i.e., Nicolas Bonet.] Habes N. Bonetti...quattuor volumina : metaphysicam videh. naturale phylosophia. pdicamlta. necnon theologia naturale, etc. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : per B. Loca- telhtm. 1505. Eou de Beaumout and Horwood copy. BONFINIS (Matth.^us). [i.e., Matteo Bon- FiNi.] M. Bonfinis...in Horatianis operibus centum et quindecim annotationes. 4to., [colophon :] R[o}ne :] per Magistrii Stcphanii Gttillereri de Lothoringia, c~ Herculem de Ncni. [^^\2 ?] 70 ff,, without pagination ; sigs. a-q*, r*^. Sunder- land copy. BONGI (Salvatore). Notizie sulla vita di... O. Lando. — Catalogo delle opere di...O. Lando. See LANDO (O.). [Novelle.] No- velle, etc. 8vo., 1851. Vita di Antonfrancesco Doni...Seconda edizione, etc. 8vo., Fireme, 1863. BONI (Giovanni Battista Baldelli) Conte. See BALDELLI BONI. BONI (Pietro Antonio). See BONUS (P.). BONICK (Henricus) Press. Exercitatio his- torica dfiipkovi, seu eruditos sine libris, qua generaliora sistens, quam...placido erudi- torum examini...subjiciunt pr£eses H. Bonick ...et respondens A. Bogoesius. 4to.. Lipsics, 1693. BONIFACIO (Baldassare). See BONI- FACIUS (B.). BONIFACIUS VIII., Pope, [i.e., Benedetto Gaetano.] Acta inter Bonifacium VIII. et Benedictum XI. P. P. et Philippum Pulcr. regem Christianiss....Accedit historia eorun- dem ex variis scriptoribus. 4to., s.l., 161 3. De Thou copy. BONIFACIUS (Balthasar) Bishop of Capo d'Istria. [i.e., Baldassare Bonifacio.] B. Bonifacii...de archivis liber singularis, etc. See MADERUS (J. J.). De bibliothecis... virorum clarissimorum libelli, f<6'. 4to., 1702. B. Bonifacii... historia ludicra... Editio nova...Cui accessit vita authoris, etc. 4to., Bru.xellct. 1656. The titlepage is cngruved. BONINUS (HuPHROSYNUs). [i.e.. El-frgsino BONINI.] ' Eyx^tQidiov ygaftfiaTiy.tjQ elaaywytjg ex dtav fpu)i'i)i; el; rijp i?.hjvi6a diaKexxov //aft/(Os fiovaxog 6 UXavovSio;. 8vo., \colnfihon : Florence: F.Giuvta, 1314.] Kcnounid, p. xxx™i. BONIVARD (Francois de). Advis et devis de la source de lidolatrie et tyrannie papale ...suivis des difformes reformateurz, de laduis et deuis de menconge et des faulx miracles du temps present. [Edited by J. J. Chaponniere and G. Revilliod.] 8vo. , Gentve, 1856. Advis et devis des lengucs suivis de laraartigencc. cest a dire de la source de peche. 8vo., Geneve, 1865. BONNEAU (Alcide). Curiosa. Essais critiques de litterature ancienne ignoree ou mal connue. 8vo., Paris, 1887. 300 copies printed. Des livrcs de civilite depuis le i6« siScle. See ERASMUS (D.). [De Civilitate Morum Puerilium.] La civilite pu6rile, etc. i2mo., 1877. 6i BONNECHOSE (Iimile de). See BONNE- CHOSE (F. P. t. B. DE). BONNECHOSE (Francois Paul £mile BoisNORMAND DE). Refomiateurs avant la Reforme, 15'' siecle. Gerson, Jean Hus, et le Concile de Constance ; avec des considera- tions sur rfiglise gallicane depuis le grand schisme jiisqu' ;\ nos jours. ..Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1853. BONNET (Jules). A. Palcario. £tude sur la Reforme en Italie. i2mo., Paris, 1863. BONO SERRANO (Caspar). Biografia de M. G. Vida. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de L.\ Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VI., pp. 619-686. Svo., 1859. BONUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pietro Antonio BoNi.] Pretiosa niargarita novella de thesauro, ac pretiosissimo philosophoruni lapidc (P. Bono...autore). Artis hujus divinae typus, & methodus : Collectanea ex Amaldo, Rhaymundo [Lullio], Rhasi, Alberto, & M. Scoto ; per J. Lacinium...nunc primum...in lucem edita. Svo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1546. Renouard, p. 135. BONUTIUS (JUD.\s). Historia antiqua, etc. [Edited by J. Bonutius.] See ANTIQUI- TATES. Antiquitatum variarum autores, etc. Pt. I. 8vo., 1599. BOOK. The boke of noblesse : addressed to King Edward the Fourth on his invasion of France in 1475. With an introduction by T- G. Nichols. 4to., London, i860. (Roxburghe Cliih Publications, No. 77.) Gaisford copy. BOOKBINDER, The. An illustrated journal, etc. See BRITISH BOOKMAKER, The. BOOKER (John). A history of the ancient chapel of Birch, in Manchester parish, etc. 4to., [Manchester,) 1859. (CTietham Society. RemalnB, rf^. Vol. XLVII.) — — A history ol liic aiinent chapel of Denton, in Manchester parish, etc. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. IL 4to., 1856. A history of the ancient chapels of Dids- bury and Chorlton, in -Manchester parish, etc. 4to., (Manchester.) 1857. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. Vol. XLII. ) BOOKHUNTEK. "Bookworms of yesterday and to-day. Mr. Chancellor R. C. Christie. [Signed " A Bookhuntcr."] .(to., London, 1889. From " Tlio Bookworm," No. 17. BOOK OF CO.M.MOiN PRAYER. AeirovQyia BQerraviyri ijyox'v pifiXoq (hi/ioaiwi' evytw xai diaxovrjaemq /ivarijQifoy xai Twy a?.X(i)v Oca/ituv xai re?.er(ov iv xfj ' ExxXijaK} tj/kov 'AyyXtxavjj tli Ttiv Tfov 'Cf>v vev>v ;(apiv iXhjvtaTi ixSoOeiaa. Liber prccum publicarum...gra:c6 cditus. Opera & studio E. Petili. {'I'aX- rrjQiov, etc.) Gr. 8vo., Londini : typis T. Cotesii pro R. Whitakero. 1638. Sec TOMLINSON (J. T.). The First I'rayer Book of lidward VI., etc. 8vo., [1894.] See WHE.\TLEY (C). A rational illus- tration of the Book of Common Prayer, etc. Svo., 1849. BOOK OF HOURS. See HOR^. BOOK OF LEINSTER. See LEINSTER, Book of. BOOK-PRICES CURRENT : a record of the prices at which books have been sold at auction, etc. [Edited by J. H. Slater.] Vols. I.-XVIII. 1 886-1 904. Svo., London, 1888-1904. \ 0I3. I., n., XV.-X^^II. purchased. Index to the first ten volumes. ..1887 to 1896. etc. (By W. Jaggard.) 8vo., London, 1901. Index... for the second decade, 1897 to 1906. ..By W. Jaggard. 8vo., London, 1909. Purclmsed. BOOKWORM, The. (A Uterary and bibho- graphical review.) Edited and illustrated by J. P. Berjeau. Vols. I.-V. [in 2.] 8vo., London, 1866-71. All published. BOOTH, Family of. [Pedigiee of the Booth family, of Holland.] 3 pp. 4to., s.l., (165 1.) BOOTH (William) of Dunham Massey. Some instructions given by W. Booth... upon the purchase of VVarrington by Sir G. Booth... and W. Booth... 1 62 8. Communicated by W. Beamont. See CHETHA.M MISCEL- L.^NIES. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. BORBONIUS (Xicolaus). [i.e.. Nicolas Bour- bon, the Elder.] N. Borbonii...nugac. (N. Borbonii ferraria.) 8vo., Parisiis : apud M. Vascosanum, 1533. [Another edition, entitled :] N. Bor- bonii... nugarum libri octo. .\b autore recens aucti et recogniti, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. N. Borbonii. ..opusculum puerile ad pucros de moribus, sive IlaiSaycoyeiov. (N. Borbonii carmina varia.) 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. Sunderland cony. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud P. Rhomanum, 1536. The colophon readi : " Rxcudobnt ,1. Barbous, alirt.s J.O Normand. " [Another edition. j...Addit;e sunt etiam leges scholastica;, ab A. Sibcro con- scriptaj, etc. 8vo., Francforti [sic] ad Viadrum, 1555. Joannis de,s Caurres...cnarrationcs, in N. Borbonii. ..libclluin de moribus, etc. [With the text.] 4to., Parisiis, 1571. Heber copy. Tabella; elementariae, pueris ingenuis pcr- nccessariae. 8vo., Lugduni : apud J. 6- F. Frelltros fralres. 1539. BORDEAUX. — BiBLioTHivQUE Publiqui:. Sec GERGiiRES (J. B.). Hisloirc cl description do la Biblioth^que Publiquc do la ville dc Bordeaux, etc. 8vo., 1804. 62 BORDEL. Le Bordel, ou le Jean-Foutre puni, etc. [By the Comte de Caylus.] See CAYLUS (A. C. P. DE T. de G. de P. DE L.) Comte de. 8vo., 1736. BORDERIE ( ) Seigneur de la. See LA BORDERIE. BORDIER (Henri Leonard). Bolsec rajeuni et de nouveau reprime pour ses vieilles calom- nies centre Calvin, Geneve et la Reformation. [Edited by H. L, Bordier.] 8vo., Libourne, 1880. From " La France protcstante." Printed ou blue paper. Le chansonnier huguenot du 16^ siecle. [Edited by H. L. Bordier.] 2 pts. 8vo., Paris, 1870. The wrappers are dated 1871. The pagination is consecutive. L'6cole historique de J. Bolsec, etc. 8vo., Geneve, 1880. Interleaved copy. BORGHESE (Paolo Maria Agostino Ignazio FiLOMENO GlULIO Melchiorre Cornelio Ghilaino) Principe di Snlmona. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de S. E. D. Paolo Borghese, Prince de Sulmona (et de M. le comte de I'Aubepin). 2 pts. 8vo., Rome, 1892-93. Liste des prix d'adjudication des livres composant la bibliotheque de S. E. Don Paolo Borghese Prince de Sulmona. Pt. L 8vo., Rome, 1892. BORSIUS (Marcus). Ex obscurorum virorum salibus cribratus dialogus, non minus eru- ditionis, q3 macaronices amplectens : in quo introducuntur Colonienses theologi tres, Or- tuinus, Gingolphus, Lupoldus [de Egloff- stein], tres item celebres viri J. Reuchlin, D. Erasmus, J. Faber. De rebus a se re- center factis disceptantes. [By M. Borsius.] 4to., aptid Antipodas, [Mainz : s.i.n., 1519] BOSCHERON DES PORTES (C. B. F.). His- toire du Parlement de Bordeaux... 145 1 -1 790. CEuvre posthume. 2 torn. 8vo., Bordeaux, 1877. BOSIUS (Joannes Andreas). Bibliotheca politica contracta, hoc est, recensus & judicia de scriptoribus politicis et ad poli- ticam pertinentibus inprimis autem his- toricis. [By J. A. Bosius.] See BOECLER (J. H.). Bibliographia historico-politico- philologica curiosa, etc. 8vo., 1677. Epistolae virorum quorundam doctorum ad J. A. Bosium...editae ab J. F. Fischero. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1760. BOSSCHA (Pieter). Vindiciae Horatianae, adversus nuperam censuram [on certain odes, epodes and the carmen saeculare] a...Petro H. Peerlkamp editam. 8vo., Daventriae, 1836. Wolckenaer and Morante copy. [Another copy.] BOSSUET (Jacques B^nigne) Bishop of Meaux. See FLOQUET (P. A.), filoge de Bossuet, etc. 8vo., 1827. See HfiRISSON (C. C. F.). f loge de J. B. Bossuet, etc. 8vo., 1811. BOSWELL (James). The life of Samuel John- son. ..To which are added, anecdotes by Hawkins... Steevens, y Sir J. Thorold. BRANT (Sebastian). Navis sluliifera a do- mino sebastiano Brant primu edificata : & lepidissimis teutonice lingue rithmis decorata : Deinde ab J. Lochero philomuso latinitate donata : & demfi ab J. Badio Ascensio vario carminii genere no sine eorundem familiari explanatione illustrata. [With woodcuts.] (5. X. 4to., [colophon .■] Basilee : p Nicolaii Lamparter, 1507. Swanwick copy. BRANTEGHEM (Gulielmus de). La vie de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ par figures selon le texte des quatre Evagelistes, etc. [Com- piled, originally in Latin, by G. de Brante- ghem.] 2 pts. See BIBLE. — New Testa- ment. [Gospels. — French.'] 8vo., 1540. BRASSICANUS (Joannes Alexander). De bibliothecis, cumprimis Regia Budensi... epistola. S^e MADERUS (J. J.). De biblio- thecis... virorum clarissimorum libelli, etc. 4to., 1702. BRATHWAIT (Richard). See MULTI BIBUS, alias DRINKMUCH (B.) pseud. BRAUN (Placidcs Ignatius). Notitia his- torico-litteraria de libris ab artis tj'po- graphicae inventione usque ad annum 1478 (-1500) impressis : in bibliotheca...Monas- terii ad SS. Udalricum et Afram Augustae extantibus, etc. [By P. I. Braun.] 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Augustae Vindelicorum, 1788-89. Rossi copy. BRAYE, Barony of. Minutes of evidence given before the Committee of Privileges to whom the petition of Sarah Otway Cave... claiming the title and dignity of Baroness Braye, was referred. fol., [London,] 1836. BRAYSHAW (Thomas). Giggleswick worthies. [Signed T. B., i.e., T. Brayshaw.] Nos. 2, 3 & 5. 8vo., [ Giggleswick,] 1885. No. 2. Rev. Josiah Shnte. No. 3. Tliomaa Procter, the sculptor. No. 5. Rev. J. S. Howson. BR^BAN ( Corrard DE). SeeCORRARD DE BR£BAN. BREGHOT DU LUT (Charles). Melanges biographiques et litteraires, pour servir a I'histoire de Lyon, par M*** [i.e., C. Breghot du Lut]. 8vo., Lyon, 1828. Barbier, III., ill. Nouveaux melanges, biographiques et litteraires pour ser\'ir a I'histoire dc.Lyon. 8vo., Lyon, 1829-31. BREGHOT DU LUT (Charles) & PfiRICAUD (Marc .\ntoine). Biographic lyonnaise. Catalogue des Lyonnais dignes de memoire, etc. L. P. 8vo., Paris, 1 830. Published by the SocieLe Litt«rair; de Lyon. 6s BREITINGER (Johann Jacob). See PRU- NELLE (C. F. V. G.). Remarques inedites... de Breitinger et du Perc Oiidin, siir quelques passages d'Horace, elc. 8vo., 1807. [Another copy.] BRENELLERIE (Paul Philippe Gudin de LA). See GUDIN DE LA BRENELLERIE. BRERETON (Sir William) Bart. Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland and Ireland, 1634-1635.. .Edited by E. Hawkins. 4to., [Manchester.] 1844. (CHietham Society. Remains, etc.. Vol. I.) BRETONNE (Nicolas Edme Restif de la). See RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. BRIDGEMAN (George Thomas Orlando). An account of the family of Swynnerton, of Swynnerton and elsewhere, in the county of Stafford. Svo., {London,) 1886. The history of the church and manor of Wigan, in the county of Lancaster. 4 pts. 4to., (Manchester.) 1888-90. (Chethara Society. Remains, etc. New Series, Vols. 15-18.) Tlie pagination is continuoiw throughout. One of three copies printed on largo paper. BRIDGEMAN (John) Bishop 0/ Chester. Loans, contributions, subsidies, and ship money, paid by the clergy of the diocese of Chester, in the years 1620, 1622, 1624, 1634, 1635, 1636 and 1639, as recorded in the private ledger of J. Bridgeman... Edited by... G. T. O. Bridgeman. See LANCASHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. I. 8vo., 1885. BRIDGER (Charles). An inde.K to printed pedigrees, contained in county and local histories, e/c. 4to., London, 1867. BRIGGS (Henry). Commentariolus de vita et studiis...H. Briggii. See SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vitae quorun- dam...viroiiim, e^c. 4to., 1707. BRIGGS (William). Nova visionis theoria... Editio altera. 8vo., Londini, 1685. Kerricli copy. Ophthalmographia, sivc oculi ej usque partium descriptio anatomica... Editio secun- da, etc. 8vo., Londini, 1687. Kerrich copy. BRIGHT (John). Ceremony of unveiling the statue of. ..John Bright, M.P., in Albert Square, Manchester, October 10, 1891. 4to., (Manchester,) 1891. BRIGHTMAN (Thomas). See EUD^MON- JOANNES (A.) Cydonius. R. P. A. Eudaemon-Joannis ... castigatio apocalypsis apocalypseos T. Brightmanni. 8vo., 1611. BRISTOL, Bishops of. Joseph. [1738-50.] See BUTLER (J.) Bishop of Durham. BRITANNIA NATALIS. See OXFORD.— University. Britanniae natalis. 4to., 1630. BRITANNUS (Robertus). R. Britanni... agriculturae encomium. 4to., Parisiis : apud C. Wechelum, 1539. Sundorlani copy. R. Britanni. ..de parsimonia libellus. 8vo., Parisiis: apud S. Colinmum, 1532. R. Britanni epistolarum libri duo. 4to.. Parisiis: apud L. Grandinum, 1542. The coloplion is dated 1543. Sunderland copy. • Formula thematum, sive ratio coscri- bcndaru epistolarum in unoquoque gencre, ad- junctis epistolis & responsionibus, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : e typographia M. Davldis, 1547. R. Britanni... orationes dua;... altera de pace, altera de philosophia. 8vo., Parisiis : in officina C. Wecheli, 1538. Block and Pattison copy, BRITISH BOOKMAKER, The. The Book- binder. An illustrated journal for binders, librarians, and all lovers of books. Vols. I.-III. 8vo., London, 1888-89. [Continued as .] The British Bookmaker : a journal for the book printer, the book illustrator, etc. Vols. IV.-V. 8vo., London, 1891-92. Wanting Vols. VL-VII. BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of books in the library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640. [Edited by G. BuUen.] 3 vols. 8vo., London, 1884. The pagination is continuous throughout. Catalogue of printed books. Aeschylus. fol., London, 1883. Aristotle. fol., London, 1884. Bible. 2 pts. fol., London, 1892-97. Cicero. fol., London, 1886. Homer. fol., London, 1890. Horatius Flaccus. fol., London, 1885. Interleaved copy ; witli catalogue of Mr. Christie's Horace collection. [Another copy.] Jesuits. fol., London, 1889. Virgilius Maro. fol., London, 1882. — List of bibliographical works in the reading room of the British Museum [com- piled by G. W. Porter]. Second edition, revised (by G. K. Fortescue). 8vo,, (London,) 1889. — Three hundred notable books added to the library of the British Museum under the keepership of Richard Garnett, 1 890-1 899. [Edited by A. W. Pollard and R. Proctor.] 8vo.. [London,] 1899. 250 copies printed for subscribers. — See BLADES (W.). A catalogue of books printed by... William Caxton, in wliich is included the press-mark of every copy con- tained in the library of the British Museum. 4to., 18O5. Sec COPINGER (W. A.). Investigation of a portion of the British Museum Catalogue. 8vo., 1893. 66 BRITISH MUSEUM.— (coH/i.) See PROCTOR (R. G. C). An index to the early printed books in the British Museum ; from the invention of printing to the year 1500, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1898-99. BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. British topo- graphy. Or, an historical account of... the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. [By R. Gough.] 2 vols. See GOUGH (R.). 4to., 1780. BRITONIO (GiROLAMO). Gelosia del sole, opera volgare, etc. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetia : per M. Sessa, 1531. FIoridu3 and R. S. Turner's copy. BRIXIUS (Germanus). G. Brixii...gratula- toriae quatuor, ad totidem viros clarissimos. Ejusdem epistote quatuor ad totidem viros doctissimos. Eju.sdem versus aliquot ad Fran- ciscum Galliarum regem. 4to. , Parisiis : excudebat C. Wechelus, 1531. Sunderland copy. BRIZARD (Gabriel). Notice .sur J. C. R. de Saint-Non. 8vo., [Paris,) 1792. Pattison copy. BROCKWELL (T.). Incendium Palatinum. Pridie nonas Januarias...i697. See MUSiE BRITANNICjE. Musas Britannica;, etc. 8vo., 1 71 1. BROEUS (Franciscus). Parallela legis et nummi. Quibus triplex juris species natu- ralis gentium, & civilis philologici exponitur. 8vo., Parisiis, 1633. BROGDEN (J. Ellett). a collection of fac simile autographs, from the originals, in the possession of J. E. Brogden. 8vo., Lincoln, 1861. BROUN [Sir Richard) Bart. The baronetage for 1844, etc. 8vo., London, [1844.] BROWN (Horatio Robert Forbes). The Venetian printing press. An historical study based upon documents for the most part hitherto unpublished, etc. 4to., London, 1891. For a critique on this book, see Mr. R. C. Christie'a *' Selected essaj-s," pp. 343-349. BROWN (James Roberts) & FINCHAM (Henry Walter). A bibliography of book- plates, ex-libris. See FINCHAM (H. W.) & BROWN (J. R.). 8vo., 1892. BROWN (Peter Hume). G. Buchanan, humanist and reformer. A biography. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1890. For a critique on this work, see Mr. R. C. Christie's " Selected essays," pp. 337-342. BROWNE (Sir Thomas). Sir T. Browne's rehgio medici ; or, the Christian religion, as professed by a physician... The tenth edition. 8vo., London, 1736. BRUCE (Thomas) 2nd Earl oj Ailesbury. See AILESBURY. BRUEGGEMANN (Ludwig Wilhelm). A view of the English editions, translations and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latin authors, with remarks. 8vo., Stettin, 1797. A supplement, etc. 8vo., Stettin, 1801. BRUEN (John). See ASSHETON (N.). The journal of N. Asshcton... Interspersed with notes from the life of. ..J. Bruen, etc. 4to., 1848. BRUGlfeRE DE BARANTE. See BARANTE. BRUGUI£RE (Antoine Andre) Baron de Sorstim. See SMITH (J. S.). Notice necro- logiquesurM. A. Bruguifire, e/c. 8vo., [1824.] BRUIJN (Petrus Antonius de). Dissertatio philosopho-historica de vita, doctrina et moribus J. Bruni, etc. 8vo., Groninga, 1837. BRUIN (Claas). Aandachtige Bespiegelingen. [In verse.] 8vo., [Utrecht, 1721.] BRULLIOT (Francois). Dictionnaire de monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiates et marques figurees sous lesquels les plus cele- bres peintres, dessinateurs, et graveurs ont designe leurs noms, etc. 4to., Munich, 1817. BRUNET (Gustave). See BRUNET (P. G.). BRUNET (Jacques Charles). Catalogue des livres rares et precieux composant la bibho- theque de...J. C. Brunet. (Notice sur la vie et les travaux de J. C. Brunet [signed Le Rouxde Lincy].) Pt. I. 8vo., Pans, 1868. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant 1° un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique...2° une table en forme de catalogue raisonne...Cinquieme edition, etc. 6 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1860-65. Supplement... par P. Deschamps et [P.] G. Brunet. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1878-80. Supplement, etc. See DESCHAMPS (P.). Dictionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne, etc. 8vo., 1870. See LE BLANC (C). Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes ... Ouvrage destine a faire suite iau Manuel du libraire... par J. C. Brunet. Tom. I. -I I. 8vo., 1854-56. See QUfiRARD (J. M.). De la bibliographie generale au dix-neuvieme siecle et plus particulidrement du Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur des livres [by J. C. Brunet], etc. 8vo., 1863. — [Another copy.] Notice biographique et bibliographique sur J. G. Alione, d'Asti. 8vo., [Paris,) 1836. From Brunet's edition of Alione's poems, pub- lished in this year. Recherches bibhographiques et critiques sur les editions originales des cinq livres du roman satirique de Rabelais... on y a joint une revue critique des editions collectives du meme roman, et, de plus, le texte original des " Grandes et inestimables croniques de Gar- gantua," etc. 8vo., Paris, 1852. The " Grandes. ..croniques de Gargantua " has a separate pagination. See TARDIEU (J. R.). Bibliographie. [A review of the first part of the catalogue of J. C. Brunet's hbrary, etc.] J. C. Brunet juge par lui-meme. 8vo., 1868. See TARDIEU (J. R.). Necrologie. J. C. Brunet. 8vo., 1867. 67 BRUNET (Pierre Gustave). Curiosites bib- liographiques et artistiques : livres, inanu- scrits et gravures qui, en vente publique, ont depasse le prix de mille francs ; tableaux payes plus de cinquante mille francs. 8vo., Genive, 1867. — ^— Curiosites thtologiques par un bibliophile [i.e., P. G. Brunet]. 8vo., Paris, 1861. — — Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes [of A. A. Barbier] suivie des supercheries litte- raires devoil6es [of J. M. Querard]. Supple- ment... par [P.] G. Brunet, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1889. Contains also "Essai sur les bibliothSques Ima- ginaires," by P. G. Brunet, and " Les devises des vieux pontes," by G. Mouravit. Essai sur les bibhotheques imaginaires. See RABELAIS (P.), Catalogue de la bibliotheque de I'Abbave de Saint-Victor, etc. 8vo., 1862. [Another edition.] See above, Dic- tionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, etc. 8vo., 1889. Etudes sur la reliure des livres et sur les collections de bibliophiles celebres. 8vo., Bordeaux, 1873. 115 copies printeis : B. de Gabiano,] 1512. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 312. Hoc voluniinc conlinentur haec. Com- mentariorum de bello Gallico libri VIII. (A. Hircii derelictorum de bello Gallico liber VIII.) De bello civili Pompeiano. libri nil. [i.e.. III.] (A. Hirtii aut Opii) De bello Alexandrino. liber I. De bello Africano. liber I. De bello Hispaniensi. liber I., etc. [Edited by J. Jucundus. With woodcuts.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi, et .Andreae soceri. 1513. Renouard. p. 60. With the words " TTxello- duauni" and " Massilia " in tlie handwriting of Aldu-s beneath two of the woodcuts. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, el .4ndreae soceri, 15 19. Renouard, p. 8S. C. Julii Caesaris commentarii, etc. 8vo.,Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Contemporary stamped leather binding with " W G " on both covers. Hawtrey copy. [Another edition.] ?.\'o..Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. [Another edition.] 8\'0., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1543' Green morocco by EirJsall & Son. [Another edition, entitled :] C. Julii Caesarisrerum ab se gestarum commentarii, etc. l6mo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. [Another edition.] l6mo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Giyphium, 1546. [Another edition, entitled :] C. Julii Caesaris commentariorum de bello Gallico, libri VIIL, etc. 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 547. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetiis : J. Gryphius excudebat, [1548 ?] [Another edition of that of 1 545.] i6mo., Lugdtmi : apud Seb. Gryphittm, 1549. [Another edition of that of 1547.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 551. [Another edition of that of 1545.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. [Another edition of that of 1547.] Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 556. [Another edition.] ... Cum correc- tionibus P. Manutii. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1 561. Renouard, p. 1S4. [Another edition, entitled :] C. Julii Caesaris commentarii ab Aldo Manutio PaulU F. ...emendati et scholiis illustrati, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : apud Alduni [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1575. Renouard, p. 221. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetiis : apud Aldum [Aldus Mantttius, the Younger], i 576. Renouard, p. 224. [Another edition of that of 1545.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Ant. Gryphium, 1582. [Another edition of that of 1575.] Svo., Venetiis : apud Aldum [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1588. Renouard, p. 240. [Another edition, entitled:] C. Julii Caesaris qua; extant ex cmendatione Jos. Scaligeri. umo. , .4mstelodami, 1661. Bagot copy. [Another copy. ] A. T. Strachan's and Sir J. Strachan's copy. 75 CESAR (Caius Julius).— (cohW.) Sec CLARKE (S.). The dedication of Dr. Clarke's edition of Csesar's commen- taries, etc. 8vo., 171 2. Floridus (F.) Sabinus. F. Floridi...de C. J. Caesaris praestantia libri tres, etc. See FLORIDUS (F.) Sabinus. F. Floridi...in M. A. Plauti...calumniatores apologia, etc. fol., 1540. See LORITUS (H.) Glareanus. In C. Julii Caesaris... commentarios de bello Gal- lico, ac Civili, H. Glareani...annotationes. Svo., 1538. [Another edition.] Svo., 1546. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1548. See RAMSHORN (J. G. L.). Sacra sol- lemnia in memoriam renovati ill. Gymnasii Fridericiani Altenb. . . . Vindicatur locorum quo- rumdam. . .Caesaris. . .integritas, etc. 4to., (1826.) See RAMUS (P.). [De Cesaris Militia.] P. Rami... liber de Cjesaris militia, etc. 8vo., 1559. [Another edition.] 8vo., (1574.) ScHUBART (G.). G. Schubarti C. Julius Caesar... sub e.xemplo mutatae reipublicae descriptus. See STRUVE (B. G.). B. G. Struvii bibliotheca librorum rariorum, etc. Pt. IL 4to., 1719- See SURTEES (S. F.). Julius Caesar: did he cross the Channel ? 8vo., 1866. See SURTEES (S. F.). Julius Ca;sar : showing, beyond reasonable doubt, that he never crossed the Channel, etc. 8vo., 1868. C^SARIUS (Joannes). J. Caesarii...dialec- tica. Cui adjecimus J. Murmcllii isagogen in decern Aristotelis praedicamenta. 8vo., Lugduni : apxid Seb. Gryphium, 1538. Rhetorica J. Caesarii, in septem libros, sive tractatus digesta : universam fere ejus artis vim facili compendio complectens. 8vo.. Lugduni : apudSeb. Gryphium. 1539. [Another edition.] 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. Sunderland copy. CAHIn (Sigismund). Trias quaestionum Hora- tianarum. Dissertatio, etc. 8vo., Boyinac, 1838. Contents : — De ordinis, quo nunc poomntn Ilora- tiana cullocata sunt, origino ot ratioiie ; Do Canidia Uoratiana ; Do amoribua lloratii. CAILHAVA (Leon). Catalogue d'un choix de livres ancicns rarcs et curieux de la biblio- th^quc dc L. Cailhava. 8vo., Paris, 1862. Sale catalogue. CAILLARU (Antoine Bernard). Notice sur M. A. B. Caillard. Svo., s.n. Pattifion copy. CAILLE (JEANDE LA). Scc LA CAILLE . CAILLY (Jacques nv.). See ACEILLY, le Chevalier d' . CALABER (Ouintus). Scc QUINTUS, Swyr- nrrus. CALAIS. Tlie Chronicle of Calais, in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. to the year 1540. Edited. ..by J. G. Nichols. 4to. , London, 1846. (Camden Society Publicationa, Vol. 35.) CALAMINUS (Georgius). [i.e., Georg RoRicH.] G. Calamini... liber, vel epistola Mnemosynes ad Eugeniam, de literarum origine & propagatione. Elegiarum liber I. Lyricorum lib. I. Epithalamiton Ub. I. Epigrammatum.lib. I. i\o.,Argentorati, 1583. Latham copy, Turtur G. Calamini. ..de eligenda uxore elegia, etc. 4to., Argentorati, 1583. Latham copy. CALAS (Jean)." Se« COQUEREL (A. J.). J. Calas et sa famillc ; etude historique, etc. 8vo., 1858. CALCAGNINUS (C^lius). [i.e.. Celio Cal- CAGNiNi.] C. Calcagnini... opera aliquot, etc. fol., [colophon :] Basilea : per H. Fro- beniiim et N. Episcopium, 1544. Burmannu^ the Elder's copy. C. Calcagnini ecomium [sic] pulicis. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1666. [Another copy.] See GRIFOLUS (J.). M. T. Ciceronis defensiones contra C. Calcagnini disquisi- tiones in ejus officia, etc. Svo., 1546. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See FERRA- RIUS (H.). H. Ferrarii ad P. Manutium cmendationes in I'hilippicas Ciceronis, etc. 8vo., 1552. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See MAJORAGIUS (M. A.). M. A. .Majoragii decisioncs XXV., quibus M. T. Ciceronem ab omnibus C. Calcagnini criini- nationibus liberat. 8vo., 1544. CALCEOLARIUS (Franciscus). See CALZO- LARL CALDERWOOD (David). Parasynagma Per- thensc et juramcntum Ecclesias Scoticana; [by D. Caldcrwood] et .\. JM(elvini) Antita- niicamicatcgoria [in vcr,sc]. ^to.. [Edinburgh : A. Hart,] 1620. ,Srr •■Di<-t. Nat. Riop.," .XXXVIL, 236, ».n. Melville (A.). CALENDAR. 1 he new calendar : or, an address to the common j>coplc of England on the alteration of the time, by the new stile, of celebrating o\ir fasls and festivals. By a sincere friend of theirs. Svo. , London, 1753. CALEND.^R ( ) Earl of. Sec DUN- FERMLINE ( ) Earl of. The Earl of D\mfcrmlinc against the Earl of Calendar and Lord Almond, fol., [1851 ?] 76 CALEPINUS (Ambrosius). [i.e., Ambrosio Calepino.] a. Calepini dictionarium. In quo restituendo atque exomando haec prae- stitimus. Primum non solum. ..cura\dmus... ut adderemus quamplurima ; sed etiam... ut multarum dictionum obscuram significa- tionem apcriremus. Deinde, cum exempla quedam Calepinus adduxerit, quae nunc in libfis emendate impressis aliter leguntur, ea sustulimus, & aptiora reposuimus, etc. [Edited by P. Manutius.] fol.. Veiietiis : apud Aldt filios. 1 1;48. Renouard, p. 142. Lalaing and Butler copy. [Another edition.]. ..Additamenta P. JIanutii. tum ad intelligendam, tum ad exornandamlinguamLatinam.quaedam etiam ad Romanarum rerum scientiam utilissima. In hac postrema editione... singulis vocibus Latinis Italicas, Gallicas, Hispanicas inter- pretationes addendas curavimus. 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Vevetiis : ex Bibliotheca Aldina [the Toyresam], 1571. Benouard, p. 212. [Another edition.] fol., Venetiis : Aldus [Aldus Manutius.the Yovv^er^. i t,yfy. Renouard, p. 222. Red morocco by C. Lewis. Syston Park copy. CALLIMACHUS. Ka/.?.tfiaxov KvQt]vaiov vfivoi. See PINDAR. IIcvdaQov. 'Oh'funa. IJx^ia, etc. 8vo., 1513. KuV.ifiaxov KvQtjvatov vfivot, ftera rcov ayohcov. rvco/iai ex diacpoQcov Tioirjrwv cpiXo- aotptov re y.ai QrjTOQcov av?.f.eyeiaai. Callimachi Cyrenaei h\Tnni, cum scholiis nunc primum aeditis. Sententiae ex diversis poetis ora- toribusq^ ac philosophis collectae, non ante excusae. [Edited by S. Gelenius.] Gr. 4to., [colophon : Basel : H. Froben and N. Episcopiits, 1532.] KaD.tfiaxoi' KvQ>jvaiov elg Trjv 'AQXefiiv vnvoQ. Gr.'&'Lat. See FLORIDUS (F.) Sabinus. F. FIoridi...in M. A. Plauti... calumniatores apologia, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1540. KaXh/iaxov...vfivoi. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. 01 rijg 7]ocoixrig noiJjaews TiQcurevovrsg noirjxai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol.. 1566. KaV.t/myov Ki'ovvatov [s/c] vfivoi, /itra axohioi: Callimachi... hymni (interprete N. Gulonio), cum scholiis. Gr. ^).—{coiitd.) See BOKDIEK (H. L.). Bolscc rajeuni et de nouveau reprime pour ses vieilles calom- nies centre Calvin, etc. 8vo., 1880. See CHARPENNE (P.). Histoire de la Refonne et des Reformateurs de Gendve, suivie de la lettre du Cardinal Sadolet aux Genevois pour les ramener a la religion catholique et de la reponse de Calvin. 8vo., 1861. See DOUMERGUE (t.). J. Calvin. Lcs hommes et les choses de son temps. Tome I. 4to., 1899. See DYER (T. H.). The life of J. Calvin, etc. 8vo., 1850. See HENRY (P. E.). The life and times of J. Calvin, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1849. See MARRON (P. H.). J. Calvin, etc. 8vo., s.a. See PUAUX (N. A. P.). Vie de Calvin. (Nouvelle Edition.) 8vo., 1864. See WILLIS (R.) M.D. Servetus and Calvin, etc. 8vo., 1877. CALZOLARI (Francesco). Iter Baldi civi- tatis Veronae montis...in lucem editum ab... F. Calceolario, etc. See OLIVUS (J. B.). De reconditis ct praccipuis coUectaneis ab... F. Calceolario... in musseo adservatis, etc. 4to., 1593. CAMBINI (Andrea). Commentario de A. Cambini Fiorentino. della origine de Turchi, ct imperio dclla casa Ottomana. See JOVIUS (P.) Bishop of Nocera. Commen- tarii delle cose de Turchi, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1541. CAMBRIDGE. Minutes of the Cambridge [Presbyterian] Classis, Jany 20, 1656/7, to July 13, 1658. See BURY. Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Classis, etc. Pt. II., Ap- pendix 3. 4to., 1898. [Another copy.] CAMBRIDGE.— Public Free Library. See PINK (J.). The Cambridge Public Free Library, etc. 8vo., (1882.) CAMBRIDGE. — University. Oliva Pads. Ad illustrissimum cclsissimumq3 Olivcrum, Reipub. Angliw, Scotiae, & Hibernias Domi- num Protectorem ; de pace cum foedcratis Bclgis fehciter sancita, carmen Cantabri- giense. 4to., Cantabrigia, 1654. Wanting fol. E4. Quaestiones, una cum carminibus, in magnis Comitiis Cantabrigia? celebratis 17 14. 8vo., Cantabrigia;, 1714. See BOWES (R.). Biographical notes on the University printers, etc. 8vo., 1886. Sec BOWES (R.). A catalogue of books printed at or relating to the University... of Cambridge. <•/<;. (Index.) 8vo., 1804. See BOWES (R.). Note on the Cambridge University Press, 1 701-1707. 8vo., 1887. See BRADSHAW (H.) Librarian of the University of Cambridge. The University Library, etc. 8vo., 1881. CAMDEN (William). Britannia, sive floren- tissimorum regnorum, Anglice, Scotia?, Hiber- niae, et insularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio. Svo., Londini : per Radulphum Newbery, 1586. Remaines concerning Britain : their lan- guages, names... epitaphs... The sixth impres- sion. ..By the industry. ..of J. PhiIipot...and W. D., Gent. 4to.. London, 1657. Wanting all before the titlopage. CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden mis- cellanv. Vols. I.-IV. 4to.. [/.o»rfoM.] 1847-50. (Camdon Society Publication.'?, Vols. 39, 55, 61, 73.) Contents : Vol. I. — Register and chronicle of the Abbey of Aberconway, — Chronicle of the re- bellion in Lincolnshire, 1470. — Bull of Pope Innocent VIII. on the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of York. — Journal of the Siege of Rouen, 1581. By Sir T. Coningsby. — Letter from George Fleetwood. ..giving an account of the Battle of Lutzen and the death of Gustava J.). Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, etc. 4*0-. 1840- Vol. 9. See NORDEN (J.). Speculi Britanniae pars, e R.). Verney papers, etc. 4to., 1845. Vol. 32. See BRiVMSTON {Sir J.). The autobiography of Sir J. Bramston, etc. 4to., 1845. Vol. 33. See PERTH (J. Drummond) 4th Earl of. Letters, efc. 4to., 1845. Vol. 34. See LONDON. De antiquis legibus liber, etc. 4to., 1846. Vol.35. See CALAIS. The Chronicle of Calais, etc. 4to., 1S46. services. etc. Vol. 41 of Vol. 43- — Vol.37. S«e ENGLAND. A relation... of the island of England, etc. 4to., 1847. — Vol. 38. See ATTHILL(W.). Documents relating to the... Collegiate Church of Middle- ham, etc. 4to., 1847. — Vol. 39. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Caniden Miscellany. Vol.1. 4to., 1847. — Vol. 40. See GREY OF WILTON (A. Grey) 14th Baron. A commentary' of the William Lord Grey of Wilton. 4to., 1847. See YONGE (W.). Diary, etc. 4to., 1848. See CHARLES (N.). The visitation of the county of Huntingdon, etc. 4to., 1849. — Vol. 44. See SMYTH (R.). The obituar>' of R. Smyth, etc. 4to., 1849. — Vol. 45. See TWYSDEN {Sir R.) Bart. Certaine considerations upon the government of England, etc. 4to., 1849. \'ol. 46. See ELIZABETH, Queen of England. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland, etc. 4to., 1849. — Vol. 48. See GREY {Lady J.). The chronicle of Queen Jane, etc. 4to., 1850. — Vol. 49. See BURY SAINT EDMUND'S. Wills and in^■entories from the registers of the commissary of Bury St. Edmund's, etc. 4to., 1850. — Vol. 51. See GUYLFORDE (Sir R.). The pylgrymage of Sir R. Guylforde to the Holy Land, etc. 4to., 1851. Vol. 53. See LONDON. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, etc. 4to., 1852. Vol. 54. See GALFRIDUS, Anglicus. Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, etc. Tom. IL 4to., 1853. Vol. 55. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. II. 4to., 1853. Vol. 56. See VERNEY. Family of. Letters and papers, etc. 4to., 1853. Vol. 57. See ANCREN RIWLE. The Ancren Riwle Vol. 58. etc. See HARLEY Letters, etc. — Vol. 59. See Bishop of Hereford. expenses of R. de Swinfield, etc. Vol. 4to., 1853. {Lady B.). 4to., 1854. SWINFIELD (R. de) A roll of the household Vol. I. 4to., 1854. 60. See EDWARD V., King of England. Grants, etc. from the Crown during the reign of Edward the Fifth, etc. 4to., 1854. — Vol. 61. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. III. 4to., 1855. — Vol. 62. See SWINFIELD (R. de) Bishop of Hereford. A roll of the household expenses of R. de Swinfield, etc. Vol. II. 4to., 1855. — Vol. 63. See CHARLES I., King of England. Charles I. in 1646. Letters, etc. 4to., 1856. 79 CAMDEN SOCIETY. Publications.]— (cow/rf.) Vol. 64. See CHRONICLE. An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., etc. 4to., 1856. Vol. 65. See PHILIPPUS, de Thame. The Knights Hospitallers in England, etc. 4to., 1857. Vol. 06. See ROUS (J.). Diary, etc. 4to., 1856. Vol. 67. See TREVELYAN PAPERS. Trevelyan papers, etc. [Pt. I.] 4to., 1857. Vol. 68. See DAVIES (R.). Journal, etc. 4to., 1857. Vol. 70. See WHITELOCKE {Sir J.). Liber famelicus, etc. 4to., 1858. Vol. 71. See SAVILE (H.). Savile corre- spondence, etc. 4to., 1858, Vol. 72. See BEAUMANOIR (P. de Remi) Sire de. The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin, etc. 4to., 1858. Vol. 73. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1859. Vol. 74. See SYMONDS (R.). Diary of the marches of the Royal army during the great Civil War, etc. 4to., 1859. Vol. 75. See HAMILTON (W. D.). Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton, etc. Vol. 76. See TOTNES (G. Earl of. Letters, etc. Vol. 77. See NICHOLS (J. 4to., 1859. Carew) 1st 4to., i860. G.). Narra- tives of the days of the Reformation, etc. 4to., 1859. Vol. 78. See JAMES I., ftTin^ of England. Correspondence, etc. 4to., 1861. Vol. 79. See CHAMBERLAIN (J.). Letters, etc. 4to., 1861. Vol. 80. See LARKING (L. B.). Pro- ceedings. ..in connection with the parliaments called in 1640, etc. 4to., 1862. Vol. 81. See GREAT BRITAIN.— Parliament. Parliamentary debates in i6io, etc. 4to., 1862. Vol. 82. See COOPER (W. D.). Lists of foreign Protestants and aliens resident in England, 1618-1688, etc. 4to., 1862. CAMERARIUS (Joachimus) the Elder, [i.e., GiovACCHiNO Camerario.] J. Camerarii de vita P. Melanchthonis narratio. Recensuit, notas...aliaque addidit G. T. Strobelius, etc. 8vo., Halo;, 1777. 'ExXoyt} Hat oiov uJiavOia/ia SiatpoQoiv inia- toXiov 'EXhivtxa)v...De\iicta' quaedam Graeca; epistolx', etc. [Edited by J. Camcrarius.] 5«e EPISTOL/E. 8vo., 1540. ('EmyQa/i/iara.) See EPIGRAMMATA. 'EniyQa/i/taxa 'EXXrjvixa tcov jiaXawjv Tioitjxmv, etc. 8vo., 1538. [Another copy.] J. Camerarii... in M. T. Ciccroncm anno- tationcs. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. — [.\nother edition.] , Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1552. [Another copy.] Stamped pigskin binding, with clospa. J. Camerarii narratio de H. Eobano Hcsso. Accesserunt C. T. Kuinoelli oratio de H. Eobani Hessi in bonas literas mentis et H. Eobani Hessi carmina de pugna stu- dentum Erphordiensium cum quibusdam conjuratis nebulonibus et in bonarum artium detractorem iterum cdita. Recog- novit...J. T. Kreyssig. 8vo., Misenes, 1843. Moranto copy. J. Camerarii Norica, See OBSEQUENS (J. digiorum liber, etc. [Another copy.] sivc de ostentis, etc. J. Obsequentis pro- i6mo., 1553. See PHILES (M.). Tov aorpcorarov 0ihj... TieQi i.oHov ?f5(OTj;Toc...Sapicntissimi Phile...de animalium proprietate, cum auctario J. Camerarii, etc. 8vo., 1596. C.\MERARIUS (Joachimus) the Younger. [i.e., Giovacchino Camerario.] 'ExXexra yeoiQyixa, sive opuscula quaedam de re rustica, partim collecta, partim composita k J. Camerario... Editio iterata auctior. 8vo., Noribergcs, 1596. Morante and Syston Park copy. CAMERARIUS (Philippus). [i.e.. Filippo Camerario.] See SCHELHORN (J. G.). J. G. Schelhornii de vita. ..P. Camerarii... commentarius, etc. 4to., 1740. CAMILLA. Camilla, opera molto dilettevole da intendere. Nella quale si contiene sonetti, ottave, & strambotti, per gioveni innamorati. i6mo., Piacenza, 1600. 32 ft., without pagination ; sigs. A-B'". CAMILLO (GiULio). Di G. Camillo. Tutte le opcre. etc. [With a preface by L. Dolce.] i2mo., Vinegia, 1552. [Another edition.] i2mo., Vinegia, 1554. [Another edition.] 1 2 mo. [Another edition.] Camillo, etc. z torn, [in i vol.] i2mo., Vinegia, 1560. [Another copy of torn. II.] [.Another edition.] Tutte I'opere di G. Camillo. ..nuovamcntc ristampatc, & ricor- rcttc da T. Porcacchi, etc. 2 torn, [in i vol.] ijnio. , Vinegia. \^0>('. The coloplion of torn. U. in diilod 1565. [Another eilitiou. J .; loni. [in i vol.] i2mo., Vinesiii, i |;ft7. 65. This copy is made up of two dilToront editions. It bomngml to T. l'on!iicclii, tlio wlilor of thin and other editions of Comillo's works, and has his autograph on tho titlopago. [Another edition.] 2 torn, [in i vol.] i2ino., Vinegia. 1568.65. This copy is mado up of two difToront oditioas. Vinegia, 1555. Opere di G. 8o CAMILLO {GiVLio).—{contd.) [Another edition.] 2 torn, [in i vol.] i2nio., Vinegia. 1568, 74. Thi3 copy is made up of two different editions. [Another edition.] 2 torn, [in l vol.] 1 2 mo., Vinegia, 1579. [Another edition.] 2 torn, [in i vol.] 1 2 mo., Vinegia, 1580. [Another edition.] 2 torn, [in i vol.] i2mo., Vinegia, 1581. Manzoni copy. [Another edition.] L'opere di G. Camillo...di nuovo rivedute & ristampate, elc. 2 torn, [in i vol.] i2mo., Vinegia : appresso A. Griffio, 1584 Annotation!... sopra le rime del Petrarca etc. See PETRARCA (F.). II Petrarca Nuovamente revisto, etc. [Pt. II.] i2nio., 1557 II Davalo di G. Camillo tradutto d latino, etc. See MUZIO (G.) Giustinopolitano Rime diverse, etc. 8vo., 1551 Due orationi...al Re Christianissimo. 8vo., Vinegia. 1545. [Another edition.] 5e«ORATIONI. Orationi diverse, ffc. 8vo., 1546. Due trattati...runo delle materie, che possono venir sotto lo stile dell'eloquente : I'altro della imitatione. 4to., {colophon ;] Venetia : nella stamparia de Farri, 1544. L'idea del theatre. 4to., [colophon ;] Fiorenza : appresso L. Torrentino, 1 5 50. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia: appresso di A. Bindoni, 1550. J. Camilli Delminii pro suo de eloquentia theatro, ad Gallos oratio. 4to., Venetiis, 1587. CAMPANELLA (Tomm.\so). CEuvres choisies de Campanella, precedees d'une notice, par Mme. L. Colet. 8vo., Paris, 1844. Presentation copy from the editor. Opere di T. Campanella scelte, ordinate ed annotate da A. d'Ancona e precedute da un discorso del medesimo sulla vita e le dottrine dell'autore. 2 vols. 8vo. , Torino, 1854. Forms part of the " Nuova Bibliotoca Populare." F. T. Campanellae... apologia pro Galileo... Ubi disquiritur, utrum ratio philosopahndi [sic], quam Galileus celebrat, faveat sacris scripturis, an adversetur. [Edited by T. Adami.] 4to., Francofurii. 1622. Tlie titlepage has an engraved border. Crossley copy. [Another copy.] [Another copy. Without the en- graved border to the titlepage.] T. Campanellae de libris propriis & recta ratione studendi, syntagma, etc. See GRO- TIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum disserta- iionts, etc. . i2mo., 1645. Clarissimi...viri T. Campanellae... de rc- formatione scientiarum index. [Edited by J. Gaffarel.] 4to., Venetiis, i6;?3. Crossley copy. With the inscription '* Pour Messienr Puy. Gaffarel " on the titlepage. F. T. Campanellae de sensu rerum et magia, libri quatuor...T. Adami recensuit, et nunc primum evulgavit. 4to., Francofurii, 1620. Prodromus philosophiae instaurandae, id est, dissertationis de natura rerum com- pendium secundum vera principia, ex scriptis T. Campanellae praemissum. Cum prjefatione ad philosophos Germaniae [by T. Adami]. 4to., Francofurii, 1617. Crossley copy. [Another copy.] See AMABILE (L.). Fra T. Campanella, la sua congiura, etc. 3 vols. 8vo., 1882. See AMABILE (L.). Fra T. Campanella ne' Castelli di Napoli in Roma ed in Parigi, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1887. S««BALDACCHINI(M.). Vita diT. Cam- panella. 8vo., 1847. See BALDACCHINI (M.). Vita e filosofia di T. Campanella. ..Seconda edizione. 8vo., 1857. CAMPANUS (Joannes Antonius) Bishop of Teramo. [i.e., Giov.\nni Antonio Ca.m- PANi.] •:• Plus in aUeno •:• | •:• DE TE •:• MOX •:• DE iSIE ■:• | Ne precor quid prius dato lector uitio q omnia intueare Nam spero fore I ut nisi cuncta abiicias cogaris singula laudare. | •:• CONTINENTVR •:• | Tracta- tus. V. Orationcs. XV. EpistolaE. IX. libri. Vita Pii. Historia Brachii. Epigra- matu. VIII. t. [Edited, with a Ufe of Cam- panus. by M. Fernus.] 6 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon .] Romce : per Eticharitim Silber alias Franck. 1495. 304 ff. Each work has a distinct register and dedicatory epistle. Hain and Copinger, 42S6. Proctor, 3879. Mitford copy. CAMPBELL (Arabella Georgina). The life of Fra P. Sarpi. etc. 8vo., London, 1869. H. W. Walpole's copy. CAMPBELL (George Lamb). Wigan Public Library : a note to introduce Mr. H. T. Folkard's catalogue of its Reference Depart- ment. i2mo., Wigan, 1886. CAMPEGIUS (Joannes Baptista) Bishop of Majorca, [i.e., Giovanni Battista Cam- PEGGl.] J. B. Campegii... oratio de religione tuenda, etc. See SADOLETUS (J.) Cardinal. Orationes duae clariss. et ampliss. virorum, etc. 4to., 1 561. CAMPEGIUS (Symphorianus). See CHAM- PIER. CAMPEGIUS (Thomas) Bishop of Feltre. [i.e., ToMMASo Campeggi.] Opus T. Cam- pegii... de auctoritate, & potestate Roman. Pontificis, et alia opuscula, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1555. Renonard, p. 164. 8i CAMPEN (JoHANN VAN). See JOANNES, Campensis. CAMPENSIS (Joannes). See JOANNES, Campensis. CAMPERIUS (Symphorianus). See CHAM- PIER. CAMPESTER (Lambertus). L. Campestri... apologia in Martinu Lutherum, hsereseos Acephalorum, ac Sacrilegorii antesignanum, etc. 4tQ., Parisiis : in adibtis S. Colincei, 1523. CAMUS (Armand Gaston). Notice d'un livre imprime a Bamberg en 1463 [containing a book of complaints against death, the his- tories of Joseph, Daniel, Judith and Esther, and a Bibha pauperum], etc. 4to., Paris, an VII. [1799.] F. R. Atkinson's copy. See TOULONGEON (F. E.) Vicomte de. £loge historique de A. G. Camus, etc. 8vo., 1806. CAMUS DE LIMARE ( ). Catalogue de livres rares [of M. Camus de Limare]...Par G. de Bure, fils aine. 8vo., Paris, 1786. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. CAMUSAT DE RIANCEY (Henri L^on). Lettre a M. [A. M. J. J.] Dupin sur I'eloge d' £. Pasquier...Deuxi6me edition. 8vo., Paris, [post 1848.] Pattiaon copy. CANADA. An account of the noblesse, or gentry in Canada, in the year 1775. 8vo., s.l. [post 1789.] Sir C. G. Young's copy. CANINIUS (Angelus). [i.e., Angelo Canini.] A. Caximii...' EXXrjviafioi;. In quo quicquid vetustissimi scriptores dc Graecae lingua? ratione praecipiunt, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1555. Wollaston copy. — — [Another edition.] ... copiosissimi Graecarum Latinarfimque vocum indicis ac- cessionc per C. Hauboesium locupletatus, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1578. Parr ond Pattison copy. CANISIUS (Petrus). Authoritatum Sacrae Scripturae, et sanctorum Patrum, quae in summa doctrinae Christianac.P. Canisii... citantur, & nunc primiim ex ipsis fontibus fidelitcr collcctae, ipsis catechismi verbis subscriptac sunt, pars prima (-tertia). 3 tom. 4to., Venetiis : ex Bibliotheca Aldina [the Torresani^ 1571. Renouard, p. zii. CANNING (George). The doctor. A parody, etc. See HONE (W.). The man in the moon, etc. 8vo., 1820. CANONES. Canones, et decreta Sacrosanct! Oicumenici et Generalis Concilii Tridentini, etc. See TRENT, Council of. — — Kuvovti; Tiuv ^AnooToXtov, etc. See APOS- TLES. CANTER (WiLLEM). SefCANTERUS(G.). CANTERBURY, Archbishops of. Archibald Campbell. [18O9-82.J See T A IT (A. C). Edward White. [1883-96.] See BENSON (E. W.). Matthew. [IS59-7S-] 5ee PARKER (M.). Thomas. [1162-70.] See THOMAS [A Becket], Saint. Thomas. [1533-56.] See CRANMER (T.). CANTERUS (GuLiELMUs). [i.e., Willem Can- ter.] G. Canter. [Biographical notice.! See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 24-29. 8vo., i860. CANTtJ (Cesare). Gli eretici d'ltaUa, discorsi storici. 3 vols. 8vo., Torino, 1865-66 (-67). CAP OF DIGNITY. Cap of dignity or estate, called the Cap of Maintenance. [By Sir C. G. Young.] See YOUNG {Sir C. G.) Garter King of Arms. Svo., s.a. CAPELLA (Galeatius Flavius). [i.e., Gale- Azzo Flavio Capella.] L'anthropologia di G. Capclla, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetia : nelle case dclli hercdi d'Aldo Romano, &■ d' Andrea d'.i sola, 1533. Ronounrd, p. no. Commentarii di G. Capella delle cose fatte per la restitutione di Francesco Sforza, secondo Duca di Milano. Tradotte di latino ...per F. Philipopoli, etc. 4to., Venetiis: cpud J. Giolitum, 1539. G. Capella; de rebus nuper in Italia gestis libri octo, etc. 8vo., [colophon .] Antverpio' : apud M. Ccrsarem, 1533. CAPELLA (MartianusMineus Felix). Opus | Martiani Capelle de Nuptijs | Philologie & Mercurij libri duo| dc grammatica. | dc dialec- tica. I de rhctorica. | de gcomctri [siV]. | de arithmetica. | dc astronomia. | de musica libri scptem. I [Edited by F. Vitalis Bodianus.] Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon .] Vicentia : per Henricum de Sancto Vrso [Riga di Ca Zeno, of Saniorso,}^ 1409. Hain, •4370. Proctor, 7174. Moranto copy. — — M. M. F. Capcllae...de musica liber IX. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antiqua; musicae auctores septem, etc. Vol. II. 4to., 1652. M. M. F. Capellae...satyricon, in quo de nuptiis Philologiae & Mcrcurii libri duo, & de septem artibus libcralibus libri singulares. Omncs, & cmendati, & notis, sive februis H. Grotii illustrati. 8vo., [Lcyden.] i "loo. With the scarce oncraved portrait of Groflw*. The notos by Grot in** are unpdgoti and have an independent register. Steevons, Bnnl<9, Person, and H. White's copy. CAPELLONI (LonENzo). Vita del Prencipe A. Doria. etc. 4to., Vinegia. 1565. Chorley copy, CAPICIUS (Scipjo). S. Capicii de principiis rcrum libri duo. Ejusdem dc vatc maximo libri tres. [With a preface by P. Manutius.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios. 1546. Renouard, p. 138. Hebcr copy. F 82 CAPICIUS (SciPio). —{contd.) S. Capicii de principiis rerum. See CON- TARINI (G.) Cardinal, Bishop of Belluno. G. Contareni...de elementis...libri quinque, etc. 8vo., 1548. CAPILUPUS (HirPOLYTUs) Bishop of Fano. {i.e., Ippolito Capilupi.] Ad. ..J. Boncom- pagnum.. .versus, cum epistola P. Manutii. 4to., RomcB : apud fosephum de Angelis, 1 573. Renouard.p. 216. Calf gilt by C. Lewis. Butler, Systou Park, and \"yvyaa copy. CAPITO (Lepidus) pseua., Kesp. [For editions of the " Theses de hasione et hasibili quah- tate."] See STENGLERUS (F.) Leporinus, pseud., Pras. CAPITOLINUS (Julius). See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSTjE. Begin. Bonus Accursius Pisanus Salutem dicit plurima, etc. [Fo/. 4, verso .] In hoc codice continentur Caius Suetonius Tranquillus...Iulius Capito- linus, etc. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] ■^— [Another edition.] fol., 1475. 8vo., 1516. fol., 1518. 8vo., 1519. Tom. I. i6mo., 1551. CAPMARTIN DE CHAUPY (Bertrand). Decouverte de la maison de campagne d'Horace. Ouvrage utile pour I'inteUigence de cet auteur, etc. 3 torn. 8vo., Rome, 1767-69. CAPORALI (Cesare). Rime piacevoli di C. Caporali, del Mauro, et d'altri auttori. Ac- cresciute in questa quinta impressione di molte rime gravi, & burlesche del Signer T. Tasso, del Signor A. Caro, & di diversi nobilissimi ingegni, etc. i2mo., Venetia, 1595. Farmer copy. CAPUGISANO (Jeronimo). See GIOVAN- NINI (G.) da Capugnano. CARACCIOLI (Louis Antoine de) Marquis. Le livre a la mode. [By L. A. de Caraccioli.] i6mo., Verte-Feuille [Paris, 1759]. Printed In green. Barbler, n., 1321. Hastings copy. — — Nouvelle edition, etc. i6mo., en Europe. 1759. Printed in vermilion. Barbier, II., 1321. Hastings copy. CARACCiOLO (Ant&nio) called Epicuro. Comedia nova composta per Nocturno Nea- politano [i.e., A. Caracciolo]. Libro tertio. 8vo., [colophon .] Milano : per Magistro Gotardo da Ponte, 1 5 1 8. Beginning at slg. G. A fragment of the works of Ctu-acciolo printed at Milan in tlie same year. Brunet, IV., 87. CARACTERES. Caracteres des auteurs an- ciens et modernes, etc. [By M. D. de La Bizardiere. Second edition.] See LA BIZARDI£RE (M. D. de). i2mo., 1705. CARBEN (Victor von). De vita et moribus Judeorum...libellus. See MONTECRUCIS (R. de). Contenta. Ricoldi... contra sectam Mahumeticam...libellus, etc. 4to., 1511. CARDANUS (Hieronymus). [i.e., Girolamo Cardanc] H. Cardani... liber de immor- talitate animorum. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. H. Cardani... liber de libris propriis, eorumque ordine, et usu, ac de mirabilibus operibus in arte medica per ipsum factis, etc. 8vo., Lugduni, 1557. Guilford copy. H. Cardani... de methodo medendi, sec- tiones quatuor, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1565. De Thou copy. H. Cardani... de propria vita liber. Ex bibliotheca G. Naudaei. (G. Naudaei de Cardano judicium.) 8vo., Parisiis, 1643. Crossley copy. [AiioLlier copy.] [Another edition.]. ..Adjecto hac secunda editione de praeceptis ad filios libello. i2mo., Amsteladami, 1654. Ferriar and Crossley copy. [AuoUier copy.] Fraaoklin copy. H. Cardani. ..de rerum varietate libri XVII. Post alias omnes editiones, nunc recogniti, castigati, infinitisque mendis re- purgati. Accessit... index amplissimus. 8vo., Lugduni, 1580. H. Cardani. ..de sapientia libri quinque... Ejusdem de consolatione libri tres. (H. Car- dani. ..libellus de libris propriis, etc.) His... adjecti sunt P. Alcyonii...de exilio, libri duo, etc. 3 pts. [in 1 vol.] 8vo., Aureliopoli, 1624. H. Cardani. ..de subtilitate libri XXI. Jam postremo, ab authore plusquam mille locis illustrati, nonnulHs etiam cum additionibus. Addita insuper apologia adversus calumniatorem, qua vis horum librorum aperitur. 8vo., Basilea, (1582.) H. Cardani... de utilitate ex adversis capienda, libri IIII....Defensiones ejusdem pro filio coram praeside provinciae & senatu habitae. J. B. Cardani. ..de abstinentia ab usu ciborum foetidorum libellus exiguus, quem moriens explere non potuit. 8vo., BasilecB, 1561. Werdensteln copy. [.\nother edition.] H. Cardani de utilitate ex adversis capienda hbri IV. 8vo., FranikeriB, 1648. Wrangham copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Amsielodami, 1672. H. Cardani Neronis encomium. i2mo., Amsterdami, 1640. — H. Cardani... podagras encomium. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. 1 2 mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1666. [Another copy.] 83 CARDANUS (HiERONYMUs).— (coM/i.) H. Cardani...proxeneta, seu de prudentia civili liber, etc. i2mo., Lt{gd[uni] Bal[avorum], 1627. The titlepsge is engraved. [Another edition, entitled:] H. Cardani arcana politica, sive de prudentia civili liber singularis. i6mo., Lugduni Batavor[tim'], 1635. The titlepage is engraved. SeeMORLEY(H.). J. Cardan, ffc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1854. See WATERS (W. G.). J. Cardan. A biographical study. 8vo., 1898. CARDANUS (Joannes Baptista). {i.e., Gio- vanni Battista Cardano.] J. B. Cardani... de non edendis cibis faetidis, etc. See CAR- DANUS (H.). H. Cardani. ..de utilitate ex adversis capienda, libri IIII., etc. 8vo., 1 561. CARfiME. Le caresme in-promptu, et le lutrin vivant. Poemes. Par I'auteur de Vert- Vert [i.e., J. B. L. Cresset]. See CRESSET (J. B. L.). i2mo., 1735. CAREW (George) xst Earl of Totnes. See TOTNES. CAREY (Patrick). See CARY. CARITAT (Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas) Marquis de Condorcet. See CONDORCET. CARLISLE, Bishops of. John. [1787-91.] See DOVGLAS(].) Bishop of Salisbury. William. [1702-18.] See NICOLSON (W.) A rchbishop of Cashel and Emly. CARLYLE (Thomas). History of Fricdrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. lo vols. Svo., London, (1888.) CARMICHAEL (Charles Henry Edward). The Vatican library and the letter of Pope Leo XIII. 8vo., [London. 1886.] From the " Trang. Roy. Soe. Lit.," Vol. XHI. CARMINA. Carmina quinque illustrium poet- arum (P. Bembi liber I. A. Naugerii liber I. B. Castilioni liber I. J. Cottae liber I. M. A. Flaminii libri IIII. Ejusdem paraphrasis in triginta psalmos, versibus scripta), etc. 8vo., Veneiiis : ex officina Erasmiana V. Vnlgrisii. i S48. Imperfect, wanting pp. 95 to end, containing the works of Flaminius, whose name has Iiocn obliterated in the list of contents. — — [Another edition. ]...Additis non- nullis M. A. Flaminii libellis nunquam antea impressis. &vo., Florentiir, 1552. Carmina sclecta illustrium poetarum Ita- lorum ex primo tomo. See SANNAZARO (J.). J. Sannazarii opera omnia, etc. i2mo., 1590. — — Sepulcralia carmina ex anthologia M.S. Graecorum epigrammatum dclecta, etc. [Edited by J. H. Leichius.] See LEICHIUS (J. H.). 4to., 1745- CARNIVORA (Cornelia) pseud., Resp. [For editions of the " Theses inaugurates."] See KUCKELBRIO (S.) pseud., Pras. CARO (Annibale). De le lettere familiari del Commendatore Annibal Caro volume primo (-secondo). [Vol. I. edited by G. B. Caro, vol. II. by L. Caro.] 2 vols, [in i.] 4to., Venetia : appresso Aldo Manulio [the Younger], 1574-75- Renouard, pp. zi8, 220. Rime del Commendatore Annibal Caro. [Edited by G. B. Caro.] 4to., Venetia: appresso Aldo Manutio [P. Manutius], 1 572. Renouard, p. 215. Gli straccioni : comedia [in prose]. I2mo., Venetia : presso Aldo [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1589. Renouard, p. 243. 5eeCAPORALI (C). Rime piaceyoli di C. Caporali...Accresciute in questa quinta im- pressione di molte rime... del Signor A. Caro, etc. i2mo., 1595. CAROL. A political Christmas carol, set to mw5\c, etc. See HONE (W.). The man in the moon, etc. 8vo., 1820. CAROLINE AMELIA ELIZABETH, Queen Consort of George IV., King of England. The form of prayer, with thanksgiving to Almighty God, to be used daily. ..for the happy de- liverance of Her Majesty Queen Caroline from the late most traitorous conspiracy. [Drawn up by W. Hone.] Tenth edition. 8vo., London, 1820. Halkett and Laing, II., 943. C.\ROLUS, Magnus. [Charlemagne.] Caroli Magni...capitulare de villis suis. See LEO III., Pope. Leonis III. Papa; epistolae, etc. 4to., 1655. CaroH ... Magni, ct D. Albini [i.e., Al- cuinus] de rhetorica & virtutibus dispulalio, per M. Moltherum restituta. 8vo.. Parisiis : apud S. Colinceii, 1529. Sunderland copy. See TOSI (P. A.). Notizia di una edizione sconosciuta del poema romanzcsco La Spagna [by Carolus, Magnus], etc. 8vo., 1835. CARON DE BEAUMARCHAIS (Pierre Au- GUSTIN). See BEAUMARCHAIS. CARPENTARIUS (J.\cobus). [i.e., Jacques Charpentier.] J. Carpcntarii animadycr- siones in libros trcs dialecticarum institu- tionum P. Rami. 4to., Parisiis, 1554. Descriptionis universe naturae, ex Arist. pars prior, etc. See ARISTOTELES. [Ap- pendix.] 4to-. i5^»- See OSSAT (A. d') Cardinal. Expositio A. Ossati in disputationcm J. Carpentarii de mctliodo. 8vo., 1564. CARR (Roiiicrt) Earl of Somerset. See SOMERSET. CARRIO (Ludovicus). L. Carrionis in Valcrii Flacci...argonauticon libros octo castiga- tiones, etc. See VALERIUS FLACCUS (C). C. Valerii Flacci...argonauticon lib. VIII., etc. [Pt. II.] i2mo., 1566. 84 CARRUCCI DALLA SOMMAIA (Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone Libri) Conte. See LIBRI CARRUCCI DALLA SOMISIAIA. CARTER (Matthew). Honor redivivus, or an analysis of honor and armory. [Second edition.] 8vo., London, 1660. CARTWRIGHT (Thomas) Bishop of Chester. The diarj' of Dr. T. Cartwright... commencing ...August 1686, and terminating... October 1687, etc. [Edited by J. Hunter.] 4to., London, 1843. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 22.) CARUS (Titus Lucretius). See LUCRE- TIUS CARUS. CARVAIALUS (Ludovicus). Dulcoratio ama- rulentiarum Erasmice responsionis ad apo- logia Fratris Lodovici Carvaiali, ab code Lodovico audita. 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. ColincEum, 1530. CARY (Patrick). Trivial poems, and triolets. Written. ..by P. Carey. 20th Aug. 1651. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott.] 4to., London, 1820. CASA (Giovanni della) Archbishop of Bene- vcnto. J. Casa; Latina monimenta, quorum partim versibus, partim soluta oratione scripta sunt. [Edited by P. Vettori, the elder.] 4to., Floreniia, 1564. J. de la Casa. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 55-60. 8vo., i860. CASAUBON (Isaac). I. Casauboni ad epis- tolam...Cardinalis Perronii, responsio. 4to., Londini : excudebat Joannes Norton, 1612. De Thou copy. Casauboniana, sive I. Casauboni varia de scriptoribus hbrisque judicia, observationes sacras in utriusque foederis loca, philologicae item & ecclesiasticae, ut & animadversiones in annales Baronii ecclesiasticos ineditse, ex varii [sic] Casauboni MSS....erutEe i J. C. Wolfio...Accedunt duae Casauboni epistolae ineditse, etc. 8vo., Hamburgi, 1710. I. Casauboni... epistola ; in qua de apo- logia disseritur communi Jesuitarum nomine ante ahquot menses Lutetiaa Parisiorum edita. 4to., Londini : excudebat Joannes Norton,i6ii. I. Casauboni epistolas, insertis ad easdem responsionibus...Accedunt huic tertise editioni ...I. Casauboni vita; ejusdem dedicationes, praefariones...Item M. Casauboni, I. P., epis- tolae... Curante Theodore J. ab Almeloveen. 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Roterodami, 1709. Clavis epistolarum I. Casauboni, etc. See COLOMESIUS (P.). P. Colomesii opus- cula. i2mo., 1669. I. Casauboni in Dionem Chrysostomum diatriba avzoaxEdio^. See DIO, Chrysosto- WM5. Aimvoi; xov XQvaoarofcov Xoyoi n , etc. fol., 1604. I. Hortiboni \_i.e., I. Casaubon] Theocrita- rum lectionum libellus. See CRESPIN (J.). Tu ami^ofiEva riov TiaXaioraraiv noii^rcov yewgyixa, etc. [It. II.] i6mo., 1639. — See EUD.EMON-JOANNES (A.) Cydo- nius. R. P. A. Eudaemon-Joannis, Cydonii ...responsio ad epistolam I. Casauboni. 8vo., 1612. NisARD (M. L. C). Biografia de I. Casau- bon. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VIII., pp. 741-850. 8vo., 1862. See NISARD (M. L. C). Le triumvirate litteraire au 16^ siecle...!. Casaubon. 8vo., See PATTISON (M.). 1614. Second edition. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). responsio, ad epistolam I. (185^.) I. Casaubon, 1559- 8vo., 1875. 8vo., 1892. H. Krigsoederi... Cazoboni, etc. i2mo., 1615. [Review of this work.] See COL- LECTIO. Nova librorum rariorum con- lectio, etc. Fasc. i, p. 126. 8vo., 1709. [Another copy.] CASAUBON (Meric). A letter... concerning natural experimental philosophic, and some books lately set out about it. 8vo., Cambridge, 1669. M. Casauboni... epistote selectae. See CASAUBON (I.). I. Casauboni epistolae, etc. [Pt. III.] fol., 1709. CASAUBONUS (Isaacus) pseud, [i.e., Gas- PARUS Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). CASELIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Chessel.j J. Caselii...de ludo htterario recte aperiendo, liber... iterum editus, etc. 8vo., Helmaestadii, 1O19. J. Casehi... epistola, de studio liberalis doctrinae, decente equestri loco natos : aliqua de peregrinatione nobiU : nonnulla de ora- tione civili perspicua. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et ahorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. Epistolae J. Caselii. See HUTTEN (U. von). Epistolae U. Hutteni, etc. 4to., 1842. Viri incomparabiUs D. J. Caselii pro arte poetarum oratio...per M. H. Rumpium de novo edita. 8vo., Hamiwygi, 1618. CASHEL AND EMLY, Archbishops of. William. [1727.] See NICOLSON (W.). CASSAN.EUS(Bartholomaeus). [i.e.,BARTHE- LEMi Chasseneux.] B. Cassanaeus catalogo gloriae mundi, lib. XII. See MADERUS (J. J.). De bibliothecis...virorum clarissimorum libelli, etc. 4to., 1702. CASSANDER (Georgius). See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii in consultationem G. Cas- sandri annotata, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1642. CASSANO SERRA ( ) Duca di. See SPENCER (G. J. Spencer) 2nd Earl. A descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, etc. 4to., 1823. 8s CASSfi DE SAINT-PROSPER (Antoine Jean). See SAINT-PROSPER. CASSIANUS (Joannes) Eremila. Joannes | Cassianus | de | Institutis ce- | nobiorum. Origie ; causis | et remediis | vitiorum. | Col- latioibus | patrum. | ©. %. 4to., [colophon :] Basilei : per magistru loannem Amerbach, 1497- Hain and Copinger, 4564. Proctor, 761 1. From the Monasterium ad SS. Udalricum et Afram, Augsburg, CASSIUS, latrosophista. 'larqixai dnogtat xai nQopXrj/nara negt fcowv xai Terganoduiv, Kaaaiov latQoaofpiarov. Cassii Medici de animalibus quaestiones medicinales. Gr. 8vo., [colophon: Paris: E. Tousan, 1541.] CASSIUS (AviDius). Gallicanus (V,), Avi- dius V. GalUcani. V.C. See EGNATIUS (J. B.) pseud. In hoc volumine haec con- tinentur. J. B. Egnatii...de Caesaribus libri III., etc. 8vo., 1 5 16. — ^ [Another edition.] See SUETO- NIUS TRANQUILLUS (C). [Vit;e XII. CiESARUM.] Ex recognitione D. Erasmi... C. Suetonius Tranquillus, etc. fol.. 15 18. [Another edition.] See EGNATIUS (J. B.) pseud. In hoc volumine haec con- tinentur. Nerv^ae & Trajani...vitae, etc. 8vo., 1519. CASSIUS (Dio) Cocceianus. See DIO CASSIUS. CASTELLANI (Carlo). La stampa in Venezia dalla sua origine alia morte di Aldo Manuzio Seniore. Ragionamento storico...con appen- dice di documenti in parte inediti. 8vo., Venezia, i88g. For a critique on this book, see Mr. R. C. Clliristif's " Selected esKftys," pp. 343-344. CASTELLAN US (Petrus) Bishop of Orleans. See DUCHATEL (P.). CASTELLANUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Chatelain or Duchatel, Professor of Greek at Louvain.] Vitae illustrium medicorum, qui toto orbe, ad haec usque tempora floruerunt. 8vo., AntverpicB, 1618. CASTELLENSIS (Adrianus) Cardinal. See ADRIANUS [CASTELLENSIS]. CASTELLION (SfiBASTiEN). See CHATEIL- LON. CASTELNAU (Michel de) Seigneur de Mau- vissiire. Les memoires de Messire M. de Castelnau...illustrcz et augmentez de plu- sieurs commentaires & manuscrits...Par J. Le Labourcur,..NouveIle edition, etc. 3 torn. fol., Bruxelles, 1731. Sir C. G. Young's copy, CASTERA (Jean Henri de). Les baisers de Zizi, pofimc. [By J. H. de Castdra.] l2mo., Paphos, 1786. Bnrbicr, T., 37S. Gay, I., 368. CASTIGLIONE (Baldassark) Conte. B. Cas- tilioni carminum liber. See CAR.MI.XA. Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum, etc. Svo., 1548. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1552. II libro del Cortegiano del Conte B, Castiglione. fol., [colophon .■] Venetia : nelle case d'Aldo Romano, &-d' Andrea d' A sola sno suocero, 1 528. Renouard, p. 103. Manzoni copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetia : nelle case delli heredi d'Aldo Romano, et d' Andrea d' A sola suo suocero, 1533. Renouard, p. 107. — — ^— [Another edition. ]...nuovamente ri- stampate. ioh , [colophon :] Vinegia: nelle case de fi^livoli di Aldo, 1 545. Renouard, p. 131. Russia by Riviire. Stanze pastorali, del Conte B. Castiglione, et del Signor C. Gonzaga, con le rime di A. G. Corso [the editor]. 8vo.. Vinegia : Aldi filii [P. Manutius], 1553. Renouard, pp. 157-158. CASTILIONEUS (Matth^us). [i.e.. Matted Castiglione.] De origine, rebus gestis, ac privilegiis gentis Castilioneae...commentaria. 4to., Venetiis, 1596. CASTLEFORD, Family of. [Pedigree of the Castlefords of Snydale.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.] fol., s.a. CASTLEHAVEN (Mervin Touchet) 2nd Earl of. The case of sodomy, in the tryal of Mervin Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven... 1631, etc. 4to., London, 1708. CASTRACANI (Castruccio) Diica di Lucca. See CASTRUCCIO CASTRACANI. CASTRIOT (George) called Scanderbeg, Prince of Epirus. See JOVIUS (P.) Bishop of Nocera. Commentarii delle cose de Turchi ...con gli fatti, et la vita di Scanderbeg. [Pt. III.] 8vo., 1541. CASTRITIUS (Matthias). M. Castritii...de heroicis virtutibus, memorabilibus factis, dictis, & exemplis principum Germanise, libri v., etc. 8vo. , [colophon :] Basilete, 1565. De Thou and Beokford copy. CASTRO (Leon de). Fuente (V. de la). Biograffa de L. de Castro. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 685- 768. 8vo., i860. CASTRO (Petrus a). Bibliothcca medici eruditi...ab A. Pasta... reccnsita, etc. 8vo., Bergomi, 1742. CASTRUCCIO CASTRACANI [degi.i Antel- MiNELLl] Duca di Lucca. See MANUTIUS (A.) the Younger. Le attioni di Castruccio Castracane de gli AntclmincUi, Signore di Lucca, etc. 4to., 1590. CATALOGUE. Catalogue dcs Merits, gravurcs et dcssins condamncs depuis 1814 jusqu'au 1" Janvier 1850, suivi do la listc des indi- vidus condamn6s pour d^lils do presse. I .!mo.. Paris. 1850. ^— - Catalogue dcs livrcs imprimis sur v61in, etc. [By J. B. B. van Praet.] Tom. l.-IIl. See PRAET (J. B. B. van). Svo., 1824. 86 CATALOGUE.— (comW.) Catalogue des livres...qui composaient la bibliotheque de M. ** [i.e., D. M. Meon], etc. See MfiON (D. M.). 8vo., 1803. Catalogue des ouvrages mis a I'lndex... Seconde edition. See INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM. 8vo., 1826. Catalogue d'une jolie collection de livres, etc. See POTIER (L.). i2mo., 1853. Catalogue of an interesting portion of the valuable collection of illuminated and other manuscripts and early printed books with woodcuts, the property of a gentleman in Austro-Hungary. Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1900. With 17 plates. A catalogue of a... library of books.., the property of a gentleman lately deceased [i.e.. J. Douglas], etc. See DOUGLAS (J.) M.D. Svo., 1792. Catalogue [of the library of Mark Patti- son]. Pt. III., etc. See PATTISON (M.). 8vo., [post 1875.] A catalogue of a most elegant collection of books. ..constituting. ..part of the extensive library of a nobleman [the 3rd Duke of Grafton], etc. See GRAFTON (A. H. Fitz- roy) ■^rd Duke of. 4to., 181 5. Catalogue of a portion of the library of a collector. ..comprising books printed in the fifteenth century. ..books printed by Caxton, Machlinia, Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, Ras- tell and other early English printers... speci- mens of historical bindings ... illustrated French works of the last century... and works in general literature... Which will be sold by auction, etc. Svo. , London, 1896. With 4 colotired plates of bindings. Catalogue of a remarkable collection of books in magnificent modern bindings, formed by an amateur... '\\Tiich will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London. 1897. With 8 coloured plates of bindings, and with note of W. Roberts inserted and prices in MS. Catalogue of valuable books and manu- scripts selected from the library of a gentle- man, comprising editiones principes ; rare Enghsh works... a series of original humorous designs by. ..J. Sneyd.. .works illustrated by W. Blake... Also another property, containing county histories and topographical works... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1896. With 3 coloured plates of bindings. Catalogue of valuable books selected from the library of a nobleman, comprising fine books of prints. ..old and rare books. ..Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1900. With 3 coloured plates of bindings. ■ A catalogue of valuable books, the pro- perty of a nobleman... Which will be sold by auction, etc. ,8vo., [London.] 1792. With the autograph of Eon de Beaumont. CATALOGUS. Catalogus historico-criticus Romanarum editionum saeculi XV., etc. [By G. B. Audiffredi.] See AUDIFFREDI (G. B.). 4to.. 1783. CATANEO (PlETRo). I quattro primi libri di architettura, etc. fol., [colophon :] Vinegia : in casa de figlivoli di A Ido, 1 5 54. Kenouard, p. 159. Syston Park copy. CATECHISMUS. Catechismus Calvinisticus fide perquam optima concinnatus. 8vo., s.L, 1609. CATHARINA, Alexandrina, Saint. The life and martjTdom of Saint Katherine of Alex- andria, Virgin and Martyr. Now first printed... with preface, notes, glossary, and appendix. [Edited by H. H. Gibbs.] (Ap- pendix : The life of Saint Katherine... with its Latin original... edited... by E. Einenkel.) 4to. , London, 1884. {Roxburghe Club Publications, No. II2.) C-i^THARINA [Benencasa], Senensis, Saint. Dialogus Seraphice ac Di | ue Catharine de Senis | cum nSnuUus aliis | orationibus. | [Translated from the Italian by Raymundus Capuanus.] (5. %, 8vo., [colophon .-] In alma Ciuiiate Brixie : per Bernardiinim de misintis de Papia, 1496. 192 f?., including the last, which is blank, Hftin and Copinger, *4593. Proctor, 7034. The blank leaf is wanting in this copy. EPISTOLE DEVOTISSIME DE | SANCTA CATHARI- | NA DA SIENA. | [Edited by B. da Alzano.] fol., [colophon .•] Venetia : in casa de A Ido Manutio Romano. 15CXD. Renouard, p. 23. Hain and Copinger, 4688. Crevenna copy. See PINUS (J.) Bishop of Rienx. Divae Catherinae Senensis... vita. 4to., 1505. CATHARINE [of Aragon], Queen Consort of Henry VIII., King of England. Inventories of the wardrobes... of H. Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, and of the wardrobe stuff at Baynard's Castle of Katharine, Princess Dowager, etc. See CAMDEN MISCEL- LANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. III. 8vo., 1855. CATHELAN (Antoine). Passevent Parisien [i.e., A. Cathelan] respondant a Pasquin Romain. De la vie de ceux qui sont allez demourer a Gendve, et se disent vivre selon la reformation de I'fivangile : faict en forme de dialogue, etc. i2mo., Paris. 1875. A reprint of the third edition of Paris, 1556. Qu^rard, III., 36. CATHENA (Petrus). Universa loca in logi- cam Aristotelis in mathematicas disciplinas hoc novum opus declarat. 4to., Venetiis. 1556. CATO (DioNYsius). [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin.} Catho pro pueris. B. L. 8vo., [Paris .] A. Denidel, s.a. 12 pp.. without pnginalion ; sig. a". 30 lines to a full page. Not in Hain or Proctor. Begin. [Fol. i, recto ;] Omnia quecunq3 facitis in verbo aut in ope omnia in | nomine diii nostri hiesu xpi facite... | etc. End 87 CATO (DioNYsius).— (cowW.) [Fol. 484, recto .] Ob prime omnium rerum cause precoma : militantisq3 ecclesic eruditoe3 Cathonis magni autoris moralissimi I ethica pregnantissima torquedo Auguste imposita... \ etc. [With the commentary of Philippus de Bergamo.] B. L. fol., [Augsburg : A. Sore.] 1475- 484 ff. Hain and Copinger, *47II. Braun, I., 178. Proctor, 1643. Original stamped pigskin. Rubricated. Catonis disticha moralia cum scholiis Des. Erasmi Rot., etc. 8vo., Lugduni : afud Seh. Gryphium. 1538. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni: apudSeb. Gryphium, i$^o. Lazzari copy. — [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1550. D. Catonis disticha de moribus, etc. 8vo., Berolini, 171 5. Scott copy. [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin &- French.] Disticha de moribus, nomine Catonis in- scripta... Dicta sapientium, cum...interpre- tatione, per M. Corderium. 8vo.. Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1543. Red morocco by Delanoii pire. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lutetia, 1560. Yemeniz copy. D. Catonis disticha de moribus, etc. 8vo., Berolini, 1715. Scott copy. [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin (S- Greek.] (Libellus elegantissimus, qui inscribitur Cato, de prseceptis vitas communis, Eras. Rotcr. castigatore, & interprete.) 8vo., [colophon :] Lugduni: apud G. Beringum. 1544. Titlepage wanting. Title taken from the caption. [Disticha de Moribus. — Dutch.] Zede- vaarzen van Dionys Cato, aan zyn zoon. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Selections.— Dutch.] Bygedichten uit Horatius, etc. 8vo., [171 1.] [Disticha de Moribus. — Greek.] Karo- voc 'Pwftaiov yvio/xat nagaiverixai dtarixot d? /lETrjveyxev ex ttjc: Aartvojv qjoivijg elg rtjv 'EXXada diaXexTov Ma^i/iux; 6 IlXavovdrji;. See THEOCRITUS. Tade heazi iv TfjSe t// fiifiX(p. QeoxQirov d6v\Xia, etc. [Pt. I.] fol., 1495. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See BONINUS (E.). ' Eyyeigidiov yQaiifiarixr]i; elaaywyt]/;, etc. Svo., [1514.] [Another edition.] See CHRYSO- I.ORAS (E.). ' Eoo)T)]/iara Tov XnvaoXwQa, elc. 8vo., 151 7. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1545. CATO (Marcus Porcius) the Censor. Libri de re rustiia M. Catonis lib. I. M. T. Var- ronis lib. III. L. J. M. Columcllae lib. XI 1. Ejusdcm dc arboribus liber scparatus ab aliis...Palladii lib. XI 1 1 1. Dc duobiis dic- rum generibus : simulq; de umbris, & horis, quas apud Palladium [by A. P. Manutius], etc. [A revision of the edition of G. Merula by J. Jucundus.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1514. An edition of the work known as " Scriptores roi rusticse." Renouard, p. 66. [Another edition.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus haeredum Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1533. Renouard, p. 109. Maturin copy. [Another copy.] De re rustica. M. Catonis lib. I. M. T. Varronis lib. III. Palladii lib. XI I II. Tomus I. 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. Forms Tom. I. of an edition of the " Scriptores rei rustiooe," for Tom. III. of which see Merul.\ (Geobgius). De re rustica. M. Catonis lib. I. M. T. Varronis lib. III. Palladii lib. XI II I. Svo., Lugduni : apitd Seb. Gryphitttn, 1537. M. Catonis, ac M. T. Varronis de re rustica libri, per P. Victorium, ad veterum exem- plarium fidem, suae integritati restituti. 8vo., Lugdutii : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. Imperfect ; wanting all after sheet 0. [Another edition. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549- Contemporary Italian morocco, tooled. [Another copy.] M. P. Catonis ex libris originum frag- menta. See VARRO (M. T.). M. T. Varronis de lingua Latina libri tres, etc. 8vo., 1535- [Another copy.] See VICTORIUS (P.). P. Victorii explica- tiones suarum in Catonem, Varronem, Colu- mellam castigationum. 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] C.VTS (Jacob). Faces Augusta;, sive poematia, quibus illustriores nuptix>, k...]. Catsio... antchac Belgicis versibus conscript.T, jam k C. Barh-co & C. Boyo Latino carmine cele- brantur, etc. (C. Barla'i dialogi aliquot nuptiales, etc. — C. Barhci faces sacra>, sive hymnus Salomonis, etc. — J. Lydii sermonum convivalium libri duo, etc.) 4 pts. [in 2 vols.] illusl. CATULLUS IIenricus (H.). CATULLUS Tibullus. 8vo., Dordraci, 1643. (Caius) Caninius, pseud, [i.e.. Harderus.] See HARDERUS (Caius Valerius). Catullus. Propctius [sic]. [Edited by H. Avancius and A. P. Manutius.] Kvo., [colophu)i :] \'ciuiiis : in aedibus Aldi, 1 50 J. Kononivnl, p. y). [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Lyons,] s.a. A counterfeit of tlio Aldine edition of 15^2. Renouard, p. .I""' 88 CATULLUS (Caius Valerius).— (couW.) [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons.] s.a. Differing from tlie former in several slight details. Blue morocco by Simier. Butler, Bruce and Sulli\'an copy. [Another copy.] Clements copy. [Another edition of that of 1502.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1515. P.enouarcl, p. 70. Svajer and Noel copy. [Another edition.] Catullus. Tibul- lus. Propertius. Cn. Cornelii gaUi...aut ut quidam volut Maximiani...fragmenta. 8vo., [colophon .] Lugdnni : sumptu... Bartholomei Trot, 1518. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 313. Hardy copy. [Another edition.] Catullus. Tibul- lus. Propertius. His accesserunt C. Galli fragmenta. 8vo., Lugd[uni'\ : apud(Seb.) Gryphium, l^^i. Gonzalez copy. [Another copy.] [Another lus. Propertius. 8vo., Parisiis [Another 8vo., Lugditni : [Another 8vo., Lugduni : Sixteenth century with medallion others. edition.] Catullus. Tibul- Multis in locis restituti. .• apud S. Colinaum, 1534. edition of that of 1531.] apvd Seb. Gryphium, 1537. edition of that of 1531.] apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. German stamped calf binding, portraits of Molanchthou and [Another edition.] Catullus. Tibul- lus. Propertius. i6mo., Parisiis : ex offitinaS. Colinesi, 1543. [Another edition of that of 1531.] i6mo., Lugdwii : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition of that of 1531.] i6mo., Lttgdmii : apiidSeb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another edition of that of 1531.] i6mo., Lugduni : apudSeb. Gryphium, 1551. Catullus, et in eum commentarius M. A. Mureti. 8vo., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1554. Benouard, p. 162. [Another edition.] ... Ab eodem correcti, et scholiis illustrati, TibuUus et Propertius. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1562. In this copy, which wants the general titlepage, tlio Tibullus is placed 6rst, Renouard, p. 187. Catullus cum commentario A. Statii. 8vo., Venetiis : in aedibus Manutianis [P. Manutius'], 1566. Renouard, p. zoi. C. V. Catullus, et in eum I. Vossii observationes. 4to., [Leyden .■] apud Isaactim Littlehxnii hibliopolam Londinenscm. 1684. The titlepage, preface and end only printed in London. With MS. notes by Adrian Bever- lund. CatuUi. Tibulli, et Propertii opera. (In- dex in Catullum. — Index in Tibullum. — Index in Propertium.) 8vo., Londini, 1715. Freind copy. C. V. Catullus. Recensuit J. Wilkes. 4to., Londini, 1788. [Carmina.] Lat.&-Fr. 5«eHORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Fr^McA.] CEuvxes completes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1845. C. V. CatuUi casta carmina... selectaab R. EgUno Iconio ... Ejusdem ad versus Josephurn Scaligerum vindicise ciris Catullianae... Acces- serunt G. Schoppii . . . epitheta et synonyma poetica, etc. i2mo., [Frankfort.l 1606. The titlepage is wrongly dated " MDVI." Niceron, XXXV., i86. CatuIIi Epigrammata. See TIBULLUS (A.). TibuUus cum commentariis Cyllaenii Veronensis, etc. fol., 1500. CAULIAC (Guidon de). See GUIDO, de Cauliaco. CAURRES (Jean des). See DES CAURRES. CAUSTON (Henry Kent Staple). The How- ard papers : with a biographical pedigree and criticism [founded on the MSS. of William Howard]. 8vo., London, 1862. CAUSTON (Petrus). Tunbrigiaha. See MUS^ BRITANNICiE. Musas Britannicae, etc. 8vo., 1 711. CAVALCA (Domenico). [Sig. ai, recto:] PVNGI LINGVA. [Sig. az, recto .] IN NOMINE PATRIS ET | filii & spiritus sancti amen Q. In | comincia ilbellissimo & utile tractate | cotra el peccato della lingua Pro- logo I sopra decta opera compilata & facta | per frate Domenico chaualcha da ui | co pisano frate predicatore. | fol., [colophon .] firenze : p ser Lorenzo di Mathio chericho fiorentino, &■ p Gioudni di Piero thedesco da Magdza, 1490. 72 ff., the last of which contains the register. Hain and Copinger, 4774. Reichling, I., 123. Proctor, 6349. fSpecchio di Croce.] Begin. [Sig. ai, recto .-] Come Idio prese carne per Uberare Ihuomo da tre | defecti, neUiquali incorse perlo pec- cato Cap. 1. I End : [Sig. m6. recto :^ Deo gratias. Amen. 4to.. [colophon .■] Firenze : s.t.n.. [1J94?] Without titlepage. 98 S. ; siga. a*, a-l*, m^. Hain, 4784. Reichling 11., 144. Wanting the foiir preliminary leaves (sig. a). CAVALCANTI (Bartolommeo). Delle repub- liche & delle spetie di esse, discorsi XV. See CONTARINI (G.) Cardinal, Bishop of Bel- luno. Delia repubUca et magistrati di Venetia libri V., etc. 8vo., 1 591. CAVALCASELLE (Giovanni Battista) & CROWE (Joseph Archer). The early Flem- ish painters, etc. See CROWE (J. A.) & CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). lamo., 1857. CAVE (Sarah Otway) caUing herself Baroness Braye. See BRAYE, Barony of. Minutes of e\adence given before the Committee of Privileges to whom the petition of Sarah Otway Cave... claiming the title and dignity of Baroness Braye, was referred, fol., 1836. 89 CAVE (William). Guilielmi Cave...scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria...Editio no- vissima, valde accuratior, etc. fol., Colonics Allobrogum, 1720. CAVENDISH (William) ist Duke of Devon- shire. See DEVONSHIRE. CAXTON (William). Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection of antiquities, curiosities, and appliances con- nected with the art of printing, etc. [Edited by G. Bullen.] 8vo., London, [1877.] See BLADES (W.). The biography and typography of William Caxton... Second edi- tion. 8vo., 1882 [1881]. See BLADES (W.). A catalogue of books printed by, or ascribed to the press of, WiUiam Caxton, etc. 4to., 1865. S«e BLADES (W.). How to tell a Caxton, etc. Svo., 1870. See MIDDLETON (C). A dissertation concerning the origin of printing in England. Shewing, that it was first introduced and prac- tised by... William Caxton, eto. 4to., 1735. See STEVENS (H.) F.S.A., of Vermont. The Bibles in the Ca.xton Exhibition, 1877... Special edition, e/c. 4to., 1878. CAYLUS (Anne Claude Philippe de Tubi- fiRES DE GrIMOARD DE PeSTELS DE LeVIS) Comte de. Le Bordel, ou le Jean-Foutre puni. Comedie en trois actes, en prose. [By the Comte de Cavlus.] 8vo., Anconne, 1736. Uarbier, I., .(4S. Jo!!oy copy. CAZOBONUS (Isaacus). See CASAUBON. CEBES. Cebetis Thebani tabvla : e Graeco in Latinvm conversa per Lvdovicvm Odaxivm Patavinvm. Lat. See CENSORINUS. In- dex librorum : qui in hoc uolumine continen- tur. Censorinus de die natali, eic. fol., 1497. — — Ke^rjroi; Otj^aiov niva^. Gr. &■ Lat. See LASCARIS (C). C. Lascaris...de octo parti- bus orationis, liber primus, etc. [Pt. XL] 4to., [1502 ?] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 4to., 1512. [Another edition.] 4to., [^05^512.] Ccbetis tabula & greca & latina, opus morale, & utile oibus & praecipue adoles- cetibus. Carmina aurea Pythagorae. Pho- cylidis poema ad bene, beateq3 vivendum. Gr. v naqa xoQLvOov TzaQexphjOecacov. | Ed. Pr. 3 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., [Milan : Bonus Accursius or Ulrich Scinzemeler ? c. 1493.] Imperfect, wanting sig. 01 (blank) of Chalcondylas. Hain and Copinger, 6093. Proctor, 5968-70. Proctor 2, pp. 70-72. Sussex and Crawford (Lakelands) copy. — — IleQi ax'lf>a.riafiov tcov xQovojv ix rcov Xa?.xovSvXov. See CHRYSOLORAS (E.). 'EgcoTrj^tara rov XgvaoXtoQa, etc. 8vo., 1512. [Another edition.] See BONINUS (E.). ' EyxeiQiSiov yQa/iftanxt]i; eiaaywyr}!;, etc. 8vo., [1514.] [Another edition.] See CHRYSO- LORAS (E.). ' EQcoTtjftaTa rov XgvaoXcoga, etc . Svo., 1517. —— [Another edition.] Svo., 1522. — — — [Another edition.] Svo., 1545. CHALMERS (George). The Ufe of Thomas Pain [i.e., Paine]. ..Ijy F. Oldys [i.e., G. Chalmers]. The third edition. 8vo., London, 1791. Halkett and Lalng, n., 1484. CHALON (Renier Hubert Ghislain). Nugae difficiles. Supplement aux amusements philo- logiques de G. Peignot. [Followed by a letter from A. Dinaux to the author.] 8vo., Bruxelles, 1844. CHAMBERLAIN (John). Letters written... during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited ...by S. Williams. 4to., [London,] 1861. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 79.) 91 CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA. A dic- tionary of universal knowledge... Re vised edition. lo vols., tV/ws^ 4to., Lo«rfon, 1874. CHAMBURE (Charles Hippolyte Maillard DE). See MAILLARD DE CHAMBURE. CHAMPFLEURY, pseud, {i.e.. Jules Fleury.] See FLEURY (J.). CHAMPIER (Symphorien). S. Champerii de tripUci disciplina cujus partes sunt. Philo- sophia naturalis. Medicina. Theologia. Moralis philosophia, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Lugd[iini'\ : arte Clandii davost al's de Troys, 1 508. Hortus Gallicus, pro Gallis in Gallia scriptus, veruntamen non minus Italis, Ger- manis, & Hispanis, qua Gallis necessarius. S. Ca.pegio...authore, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : in cedihus Melchioris et Gasparis Trechsel, 1533. Corbori copy. Domini Simphoriani champerii... liber de quadruplici vita, etc. 4to., [colophon .•] Lugduni : arte...Jannot de Campis, 1507. Panzer, VII., 287, 97. Sussex copy. Periarchon, id est, de principiis utriusque philosophiae...S. Campegio...authore. 8vo., Lugduni : in adibiis Melchioris et Gasparis Trechsel, 1533. Panzer, VIL, 358, 709. Drury copy. Que in hoc opusculo habentur. Duellum epistolare [between S. Champier and Hieronj;- mus, Papiensis], etc. 8vo., [colophon : Venice .■] per J. Phiroben & /. Divineur, 1 5 1 9. Rosa Gallica...omnib9 sanitatem affec- tantibus utilis & necessaria, quae in se cotinet pcepta, auctoritates, atq3 setetias memoratu dignas, ex Hippocratis," GaIeni...multorijq3 alioril clarorum virorum libris in unu col- lectas : quas ad medicam artem rectaq3 Vivendi forma plurimu conducut. Una cum sua pciosa Margarita : de medici atq3 ggri officio. 9,vo.. [colophon : Paris :] ex officina .Ascensiana, 15 14. Panzer, VTII., 13, 706. See ALLUT (P.). l5tude...sur S. Champier, etc. 8vo., 1859. CHAMPOLLION (Jean Francois). See SACY (A. I. S. DE) Baron. Notice sur la vie et Ics ouvrages de M. Champollion Ic jcunc, etc. 8vo., 1833. CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC (Jean Jacques). fitat actuel des catalogues des manuscrits de la Biblioth^que Royale. i" Mars 1847. 8vo., Paris, [1847. 1 CHANCELLOR (Richard). See HAMEL (J. von). England and Russia ; comprising the voyages of...R. Chancellor... and others, to the White Sea, etc. 8vo., 1854. CHANDOS, Barony of. Chandos peerage. fol., s.n. Speech of Lord Chancellor Eldon upon the Chandos claim of peerage [made by E. T. Brydges] in the House of Lords, June 13, ■ 1803. fol., s.n. See BELTZ (G. F.). A review of the Chandos peerage case, etc. 8vo., 1834. See BRYDGES {Sir S. E.) Bart. Miscel- laneous notes regarding Brydges alliances. Chandos claim of peerage. fol., [1826 ?] See CRUISE (W.). Account of the claim to the barony of Chandos, etc. fol., s.a. CHANDOS, Herald. The Black Prince. An historical poem, written in French. ..with a translation and notes by H. O. Coxe. 4to.. London, 1842. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 58.) Bandinel and Gaistord copy, with two letters from Beriah Botfield inserted. CHANDOS, of Sudeley, Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, calling himself, per legem terrae, Baron. See BRYDGES {Sir S. E.) Bart. CHANSONNETTE (Claude). See RIVIER (A.). C. Chansonettc.et ses lettres in6dites, etc. 8vo., [1 880.] CHANSONNIER. Le chansonnier huguenot du le*" sidcle. [Edited by H. L. Bordier.] 2 pts. See BORDIER (H. L.). 8vo., 1870. See RAYNAUD (G.). Le chansonnier Clairambault, etc. 8vo., 1879. CHANSONS. Sensuyuet plusieurs belles chan- sons coposees nouuelleint les qlles ne furent iamais Iprimees & se chantent sur diuers Chans nouueaux pource quelles sont nouuelles & le nombre dicelles se treuue en la table qst a la fin du present. [A reprint.] 4to., Paris, (1838.) (Collection de Poesies, Roman?, Chroniques, etc., Livr. 3.) CHAPELLE (Claude Emmanuel Lhuillier) |& BACHAUMONT (Franc,ois Le Coigneux de). Voyage de Messieurs Bachaumont et La Chapelle, etc. See BACHAUMONT (F. Le C. de) & CHAPELLE (C. E. L.). 8vo., 1708. CHAPPUZEAU (Samuel). Gendve d61ivr6c. Comedie sur I'Escalade composee en 1662... Publiee par J. J. G. Galisse et E. Fick. 8vo., Genive, 1862. CHARDON DE LA ROCHETTE (Simon). Une imposture litt^rairc. [Refening to two supposititious odes of Horace.] Appcndice aux melanges philologiques de Chardon de la Rochettc. D'aprds son manuscrit compl6t6 par P. F. J . Servan de Sugny. i2mo., {Lyon,) [c. 1814.] CHARIST^US (Joannes) pseud, [i.e., Jacob Haktlieb.] See HARTLIEB (J.). CHARLEMAGNE. See CAROLUS, Magnus. CHARLES. Charles ct Vilcourt, idylle nou- vcllc. [By J. Dromgold.] Sec DROM- GOLD (J.). 8vo., 1772. CHARLES I. [de Valois], Due d'OrUatis. Poems, written in English, by Charles, Duke of Orleans, during his cajjlivity in England after the battle of Azincourt. 4to., London, 1827. (Kiixhurnlic ('lull riiMiciilioiia. No. .(4.) Innd ropy. Murk- 92 CHARLES I., Emperor of the West. See CAROLU^ Magnus. CHARLES I., King of England. Charles I. in 1646. Letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria. Edited by J. Bruce. 4to., [London,] 1856. (Camden Society Ihiblications, Vol. 63.) Elxoiv Baaihxr). The pourtracture of his sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings, etc. i2mo. [9.5x5 cm.], [London,] 1649. See ALMACK (E.). A bibliography of the King's Book, or Eikon BasiUke. 4to., 1896. See BIRCH (I.). An inquiry into the share, which King Charles I. had in the trans- actions... for bringing over a body of Irish rebels. ..in. ..1645 ^^id 1646, etc. 8vo., 1747. CHARLES II., King of England. Notes which passed at meetings of the Privy Council be- tween Charles II. and the Earl of Clarendon, 1660 — 1667, together with a few letters, re- produced in fac-simile from the originals... Edited by...W. D. Macray. 4to., London, 1896. (Roxburghe C3ub Publication;!, No. 129.) Mr. U. C. Christie's copy. See OXFORD.— University. Britan- niae natalis. [A collection of academical verses on the birth of Charles II.] 4to., 1630. CHARLES v.. King of France. See MERCIER (L. S.). :£loge de Charles v., e^c. 8vo., 1767. CHARLES (Nicholas). The visitation of the county of Huntingdon ... by ... N. Charles, Lancaster Herald, a.d. 1613. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 4to., [London,] 1849. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 43.) CHARLIER DE GERSON (Jean). See GERSON. CHARLIN (Louise). See PERRIN formerly CHARLIN (L.). CHARLOTTE, Queen Consort of George III. Thoms (W. J.). Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier d'Eon. See THOMS (W. J.). Hannah Lightfoot, etc. 8vo., 18S7. CHARPENNE (Pierre). Histoire de la Re- forme et des Reformateurs de Geneve, suivie de la lettre du Cardinal Sadolet aux Genevois pour les ramener a la religion catholique et de la reponse de Calvin. 8vo., Paris, 1861. CHARPENTIER (Jacques). See CARPEN- TARIUS (J.). CHARPENTIER (Jean Pierre). Histoire de la renaissance des lettres en Europe, au quinzieme sidcle. 2 torn. 8vo., Pam, 1843. Pattison copy. CHARRON (£tienne Leonard). Memoires pour serv'ir k I'eloge historique de Jean de Pins...Avec un recueil de plusicurs de ses lettres, etc. [By fi. L. Charron.] 8vo., Avignon, 1748. Barbier, III., 235. Bnmel, IV., 671. CHARTERHOUSE. Chronicles of Charter- House. By a Carthusian [i.e., W. J. D. Roper]. See ROPER (W. J. D.). 8vo., 1847. CHARTREUSE. La Chartreuse, 6pJtre...par I'auteur de Ver-Vert [».«., J. B. L. Cresset] . . .Deuxieme [sic] edition, etc. See GRESSET (J. B. L.). i2mo., 1736. CHASLES (Victor Euphemion Philarete). fitudes sur le seizidme sidcle en France, precedees d'une histoire de la litterature et de la iangue fran9aises de 1470 4 1610, etc. 8vo., Paris, (1848.) Includes, inter aha, " Essai sur la vie et les oeuvres de J. A. de Thou." — — Etudes sur W. Shakspeare, Marie Stuart et I'Aretin. Le drame, les moeurs et la re- ligion au i6« sidcle. 8vo., Paris, (1851.) CHASSANG (Alexis). Histoire du ronian et de ses rapports avec 1 'histoire dans I'antiquite grecque et latine. Svo., Paris, 1862. CHASSE. La chasse aux bibUographes et antiquaires mal-advises, etc. [By J. J. Rive.] 2 torn. See RIVE (J. J.). 8vo., 1788-89. CHASSENEUX (Barth6lemi). See CASSA- N^US (B.). CHASSEUR BIBLIOGRAPHE, Le. Revue bibliographique, philologique, Utteraire, cri- tique et anecdotique, redigee par une societe de bibUographes et de bibliophiles, etc. Ann6e I. -II. 8vo., Paris, 1862-63. Wanting Annie III., Nos. 1-2. CHASTEL (Jean). .Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, contre J. Chastel escolier estu- diant au college des Jesuites, pour le parricide par luy attente sur la personne du Roy. 8vo., Rouen, 1595. CHASTEL (Pierre du) Bishop of Orleans. See DUCHATEL. CHATEILLON (S^bastien). See BEZA (T.). De haereticis a civili magistratu puniendis Ubellus, adversus M. Belli [i.e., S. Chiteillon] farraginem, f/c. Svo., 1554. See BUISSON (F.). S. CastelUon, sa vie et son ceuvre, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1892. CHATEL (Jean). See CHASTEL. CHATEL (Pierre du) Bishop of Orleans. See DUCHATEL. CHATELAIN (Pierre). See CASTELLANUS (P.). CHATHA.M (William Pitt) ist Earl of. Thoms (W. J.). Lord Chatham and the Princess OUve. See THOMS (W. J.). Han- nah Lightfoot, etc. 8vo., 1867. CHAUFFEPlfi (Jacques Georges de). The life of Ser\-etus... Translated... by J. Yair. 8vo., London, 1771. Nouveau dictionnaire historique et cri- tique, pour ser\ar de supplement ou de con- tinuation au Dictionnaire historique et critique de P. Bayle. 4 torn. fol., .■imsierdam. 1750-56. Including translations from the English edition of Bayle's " Dictionnaire historique," etc. CH.\UFFOUR-KESTNER (Victor). Etudes sur les Reformateurs du 16' siecle. Ulrich de Hutten — Zwingli. 2 torn, [in i vol.] l2mo.. Paris. 18; :;. Tome I. U. de Hutten ; Tome II. Zwin^i. 93 CHAULIEU (GuiLLAUME Amfrye de). See LfiMONTEY (P. t.). Notice sur I'abbe dc Chaulieu. 8vo., 1823. CHAUNCY {Sir Henry). The liistorical an- tiquities of Hertfordshire, etc. (Reprint.) 2 vols., illust. 8vo., Bishops Stortford, 1826. CHAUPY (Bertrand Capmartin de.) See CAPMARTIN DE CHAUPY. CHAUSSE (Michel Ange de la). See LA CHAUSSE. CHAVALCHA (Domenico). See CAVALCA. CHAVES (Francesca de). On an English translation of F. de Chaves's ' Mirror of Man's Life.' [With the text.] By W. E. A. Axon. Tfimo., T.nvdnfi, 1807. One of 25 copies reprinted from ** Notes anil Queries," Ser. 8, Vol. XII. CHAVIGNY (Jean Aime de.) Prognostica- tion de I'advenement a la Couronne de France de... Prince Henry de Bourbon roy de Navarre. Ensemble de la grandeur & pros- perite a venir de sa Majeste. Le tout tire des Centuries & autres conimentaires de M. Nostradame, «fc. 8vo., Pam, i 595. CHEKE (Sir John). J. Cheki...de pronuntia- tione Graecas potissimum linguae disputationes cum Stephano Wintoniensi Episcopo, etc. 8vo., BasilecB, iS55- [Another edition.] See HAVER- KAMP (S.). Sylloge altera scriptorum, etc. 8vo., 1740. CHEMNITIUS (Martinus). Traitte des re- liques, contre le decret du Concile de Trente. See CALVIN (J.). Traitte des reliques, etc. 8vo., 1863. CHENED0LL£ (Charles Julien Lioult de). Notice raisonnee des ouvrages, lettres, dis- sertations, etc., publics. ..par Mercier de Saint-L6ger, depuis I'annee 1760 jusqu'en 1 y go. eti-. 8vo.. Tlruxellcs. 1853. From the " Bulletin du Bibliopliilo Belgo." 225 copies printed. CHENU (Jean). Archiepiscoporum et episco- porum Galliae chronologica historia, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1 62 1. — — Chronologia historica patriarcharum archi- episcoporum Bituricensium & Aquitaniarum primatuni. Anno 1603 primo edita : nunc vero editioni secundae accessit catalogus decanorum Ecclesias Bituricensis, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Parisiis, 162 1. CHERADAMUS (Joannes), [i.e.. JeanCh^ra- dame.] J. Cheradami...introductio sane quam utilis Graecarum musarum, adyta compendio ingredi cupientibus. 4to.. [Paris:] in aedibus M. Gormontii, [l 520 ?] Hcber copy. CHESHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lan- cashire and Cheshire. Vols. I. -III. Sec LANCASHIRE. 8vo., 1885-96. The rights and jurisdiction of the county palatine of Chester, the earls palatine, the chamberlain, and other officers... with in- troductory notice by J. B. Yates. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. II. 4to., 1856. CHESSEL (JOHANN). See CASELIUS (J.). CHESTER. Chester's triumph in honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George's Day 1 610... Reprinted... with an introduction and notes [by T. Corser. A pageant, the verses of which are by R. Davies]. ^,to., (Mniich''<'(fr.^ 1844. (C'hotliam Society. Remains, elc. Vol. III.) CHESTER, Bishops of. Francis. [1714-25.] S^-e GASTRELL (F.). John. [1619-52.] S«eBRIDGEMAN(J.). John. [1673-86.] See PEARSON (J.). Thomas. [1686-89.] See CARTWRIGHT (T.). CHESTER, Diocese of. An index of the wills, inventories, administration bonds, and de- positions in testamentary suits, now pre- served at the Diocesan Registry, Chester, from 1487 to 1620 inclusive. Edited by W. F. Irvine. See LANCASHIRE. Miscel- lanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. A list of the clergy in eleven deaneries of the diocese of Chester, 1541-42. To- gether with a list of the tenths and subsidy payable in ten deaneries, circa 1 5 ^8. Edited by W. F. Irvine. See LANCASIilRE. Mis- cellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. CHESTER. — Abbey OF St. Werburg. Annales Cestrienses ; or, chronicle of the Abbey of S. Werburg, at Chester. Edited, with an introduction, translation, and notes by R. C. Christie. 8vn.. [Manchester.] 1887. (Koeord Society Publications, Vol. XIV.) One of four copies printed on large paper. [Another copy, on small paper.] The monastery of Saint Werburgh : a poem, etc. [By W. P. Grcswell.] See GRESWELL (W. P.). 8vo., 1823. CHESTER.— Consistory Court. See GAMON (J.). The Consistory Court of Chester, etc. 8vo.. 1877. CHESTER. — Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the Court of Probate at Chester, from A.n. 1545 (to 1780). ..Edited by J. P. Earwakcr ([and afterwards] W. F. Irvine). 9 vols. 8vo., {Manchester.) 1S70-OO. (Record Society Publications, Vols. 11., IV., XV., XVIII., XX.. XXII., XXV.. XXXVIL, XXXVIII.) Vols. 1-7 arc lur>;o pupor copies, of which only four were printed. CHETHAM (HiiMi'iiRKv) of Manchester. See FRENCH (G. J.). Bibliographical notices of the church libraries at Turton and Gorton, bequeathed by H. Chetham. 4to., 1855. CHETHAM LIBRARY. Manchester. Biblio- theca Chcthamensis : sive bibliothcca; pub- licae Mancuniensis ab Humfredo Chctliam... 94 CHETHAM LIBRARY, Manchester. — (conld.) fundata^ calalogus, exhibcns libros in vaiias classes pro varietate argument! distributes, etc. 6 torn, [in 4 vols.] 8vo., MancuKti, 1701-1883. Tom. I.-II. edited by J. Radcliffe, torn. Til. by W. P. Greswell, torn. IV.-V. by T. Jones. Tom. V. comprises the index, with two supple- ments which form a separate volume. The titlepage of torn. VI. reads : *' Catalogue of the books and manuscripts... added between... 1863 and 1881, including the collection of John Byrom...and all the MSS." A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against Popery, published in or about the reign of James II., in the Manchester library founded by H. Chetham, in which is incorporated... the whole of Peck's list of the tracts in that controversy... (To which are added a tabular index to the tracts in both editions of Gibson's Preservative, and a re- print of Dodd's [i.e., H. Tootell's] Certamen utriusque Ecclesiae.) Edited by T. Jones. 2 pts. 4to., {Manchester.) 1859-65. (Clietham Society. Remains, etc. Vols. XIATTT. and LXIV. ) The pagination is consecutive. CHETHAM MISCELLAxNTES. 6 vols. 4to., {Manchester.) 1851-78. (Chetham Society. Remains, c«c. Vols. XXIV., XXXVII., lVII., LXXXIII., XCVI., and cm.) Contents : Vol. I. — Papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his family. Edited by J. F. Marsh, etc. — Epistolary relics of Lanca- shire and Cheshire antiquaries. 1653-1673. Communicated by G. Ormerod. — Calendars of the names of families which entered their several pedigrees in the successive heraldic visitations of the county palatine of Lancaster. Communicated by G. Ormerod. — A fragment, illustrative of Sir W. Dugdale's visitation of Lancashire, etc. — Autobiographical tracts of Dr. J. Dee... Edited by J. Crossley. Vol. II. — The rights and jurisdiction of the coimty palatine of Chester, the earls palatine, the chamberlain, and other officers... with introductory notice by J. B. Yates. — The Scottish field. (A poem on the battle of Flodden.) Edited by J. Robson.— Examjma- tyona towcheynge Cokeye More temp. Hen. VIII. in a dispute between the lords of the manors of Middleton and Radclyffe. With introduction and notes. Communicated by... F. R. Raines.- — A history of the ancient chapel of Denton, in Manchester parish... By... J. Booker. — A letter from J. Bradshawc.to Sir P. Legh. [Edited by W. Langton.] Vol. III. — On the South Lancashire dialect. (Part II. of " Tim Bobbin " and its author [J. Collier].) By T. Hey wood.— Rentale de Cokersand : being the bursar's rent roll of the Abbey of Cokersand. ..for.. .1501, ..Edited by... F. R. Raines. — The names of all the gentlemen of the best callinge w'*'in tiie countye of Lan- caster, whereof choyse ys to be made of a c'ten number to lend unto her Ma*)*" moneyc.in ,..1588, etc.- — Some instructions given by \V. Booth... upon the purchase of Warrington by Sir G. Booth.. .and W. Booth. ..1628. Com- municated by W. Beamont. — Letter from Sir J, Seton, Manchester.. .1643. Edited by T. He5rwood. — The names of eight hundred in- habitants of Manchester who took the oath of allegiance to Charles II. in April, 1679. Com- municated by J. Harland. — The pole booke for Manchester. . . 1 690. Vol. IV. — Some account of General R. Veuable8...(by L. P. Towu-ihond) together with i the autobiographical memoranda or diary of his widow, E. Venahles, etc. — A forme of con- fession grotinded upon the ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith. Made and composed by.. .the Lady Bridget Egerton...i636, etc. [Edited by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton.] — A kalender conteyning the names of all such gent.and others as upon her Maty's pryvye seales have paid there money to. ..Sir H. Cholmondley ...coUecf of her Hyghnes loane within the countie of Chester. ..1597, f(c. [Edited by R. H. W^ood.] — History of Warrington F^iarJ^ Edited by W. Beamont. Vol. V. — A description of the state, civil and ecclesiastical, of the county of Lancaster, about ...1590. By some of the clergy of the dioceso of Chester.. .With an introduction and notes by...F. R. Raines. — A visitation of the diocese of Chester, by John, Archbishop of York, held in. ..1590, with the Archbishop's correspondence with the clergy. ..With illustrative notes by... F. R. Raines. — Letters on the claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire, in the time of James the first : by L. Smethley and R. Holme ...Edited, with an introduction and notes, by... F. R. Rames. — The Easter rolls of Whalley in... 1552 and 1553. ..Edited by. ..Canon Raines. Vol. VI.— The rent roll of Sir J. Towneley... for Burnley, Ightenhill, etc. in the county palatine of Lancaster. ..1535-6. With an intro- duction and notes by...F. R. Raines. — -The autobiography of Mr. Langley of Prestwich, seventeenth century. With an introduction and notes by...F. R. Raines. — A close cata- logue of the rectors of Prestwich, from 1316 to 1632. Extracted from the episcopal registers of Lichfield and Chester by F. B. Raines. CHETHAiM SOCIETY. Remains, historical and Uterary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. 1 14 vols. 4to., Manchester, 1844- 88. Vol. I. See BRERETON {Sir W.) Bart. Travels in Holland, etc. 4to., 1844. Vol. II. See ORMEROD (G.). Tracts relating to military proceedings in Lan- cashire during the Great Civil War, etc. 4to., 1844. Vol. IIL See CHESTER. Chester's triumph in honor of her Prince, etc. 4to., 1844. Vol. IV. SeeMARTINDALE(A.). The life of A. Martindale, etc. 4to., 1845. Vol. V. See HIBBERT-WARE formerly HIBBERT (S.). Lancashire memorials of the Rebellion, 171 5, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1845. Vol. VI. See POTTS (T.). Pott's discovery of witches in the county of Lan- caster, etc. 4to., 1845. Vol. VII. See JAMES (R.). Iter Lancastrense ; a. poem, etc. 4to., 1845. Vol. VIII. See GASTRELL (F.) Bishop of Chester. Notitia Cestriensis, etc. Vol. I. 4to., 1845. Vol. IX. See NORRIS PAPERS. The Norris papers, etc. 4to., 1846. Vols. X.-XI. See WHALLEY ABBEY. The coucher book. ..of Whalley Abbey, etc. Vols. I.-II. 4to., 1847. Vol. XIL See MOORE (E). The Moore rental, etc. 4to., 1847. 95 CHETHAM SOCIETY.— (conM.) Vol. Xili. See WORTHINGTON (J.) D.D. The diary and correspondence of Dr. J. Worthington, e^c. Vol.1. 4to., 1847. [Another copy.] L. P. Vol. XIV. See ASSHETON (N.). The journal of N. Assheton of Downham, etc. 4to., 1848. Vol. XV. See BRADSHAW (H.) Bene- dictine. The holy lyfe and history of Saynt Werburge, etc. 4^0., 1848. Vol. XVI. See WHALLEY ABBEY. The coucher book... of Whalley Abbey, etc. Vol. III. 4to., 1848. Vol. XVII. See LEGH, Family of Warrington in 1465, etc. 4to., 1849. Vol. XVIII. See NEWCOME (H.) Independent Minister. The diary of...H. Newcome, «fc. 4to., 1849. Vol. XIX. See GASTRELL (F.) Bishop of Chester. Notitia Cestriensis, etc. Vol. II., pt. I. 4to., 1849. Vol. XX. See WHALLEY ABBEY. The coucher book... of Whalley Abbey, etc. Vol. IV. 4to., 1849. Vols. XXI.-XXII. See GASTRELL (F.) Bishop of Chester. Notitia Cestriensis, etc. Vol. II., pts. 2-3. 4to., 1850. Vol. XXIII. See ROBINSON (R.) of Alton. A golden mirrour, etc. 4to., 1851. Vol. XXIV. See CHETHAM MISCEL- LANIES. Vol. L 4to., 1 85 1 Vol. XXV. See ALLEN (W.) Cardinal Cardinal Allen's defence of Sir W. Stanley's surrender of Deventer, etc. 4to., 1851. Vols. XXVI.-XXVII. See NEWCOME (H.) Independent Minister. The autobio- graphy of H. Newcome, etc. 2 vols. 4to., 1852. Vol. XXVIII. See MANCHESTER. The Jacobite trials at Manchester in 1694, etc. 4to., 1853. Vol. XXIX. See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. Pt. I. 4to., 1853. Vol. XXX. See HULTON (W. A.). Documents relating to the Priory of Pcn- wortham, etc. 4to., 1853. Vol. XXXI. See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. Pt. II. 4to., 1853. Vol. XXXII. See BYROM (J.). The private journal. ..of J. Byrom, etc. Vol. I., pt. I. 4to, 1854. Vol. XXXIII. See PICCOPE (J. G.). Lancashire and Cheshire wills and inven- tories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1857. Vol. XXXIV. See BYROM (J.). The private journal. ..of J. Byrom, etc. Vol. I., pt. 2. 4to., 185s! Vol. XXXV. See SHUTTLEWORTH, Family of. The house and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1856. — Vol. XXXVI. See WORTHINGTON (J.) D.D. The diary and correspondence of Dr. Vol. " ■ ' J. Worthington, etc. [Another copy.] IL pt.L 4to., 1855. L. P. CHETHAM MIS- 4to., 1856. FRENCH (G. J.). Vol. XXXVII. See CELLANIES. Vol. II. Vol. XXXVIII. See Bibliographical notices of the church libraries at Turton and Gorton, etc. 4to., 1855. Vol. XXXIX. See FARINGTON PAPERS. The Farington papers, etc. 4to., 1856. Vol. XL. See BYROM (J.). The private journal. ..of J. Byrom, etc. Vol. II. , pt. i. 4to., 1856. Vol. XLI. See SHUTTLEWORTH, Family of. The house and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, etc. Pt. II. 4to., 1856. VoL XLIL See BOOKER (J.). A history of the ancient chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton, eto. 4to., 1857. Vol. XLIII. See SHUTTLEWORTH, Family of. The house and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, etc. Pt. IIL 4to., 1857. Vol. XLIV. See BYROM (J.). The private journal... of J. Byrom, etc. Vol. II. , pt. 2. 4to., 1857. Vol. XLV. See WILSON (T.) Rector of Claughton. Miscellanies : being a selection from the poems. .. of. ..T. Wilson, etc. 4to., 1857. Vol. XLVI. See SHUTTLEWORTH, Family of. The house and farm accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, etc. Pt. IV. 4to., 1858. Vol. XLVII. See BOOKER (J.). A history of the ancient chapel of Birch, etc. 4to., 1859. Vol.XLVIIL SseCHETHAM LIBRARY, Manchester. A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against Popery, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1859. Vols. XLIX.-L. See HARLAND (J.). The Lancashire lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1859. Vol. LI. See PICCOPE (J. G.). Lanca- shire and Cheshire wills and inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester, etc. Pt. II. 4to., i860. Vol. LII. 5««C0RSER(T.). Collectanea Anglo-poetica, etc. Pt. I. 4*0., i860. Vol. LIII. 5e« HARLAND (J.). Mame- ccstrc, etc. Vol. I. 4*0.. 1861. Vol. LIV. S«e PICCOPE (J. G.). Lanca- shire and Cheshire wills and inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester, etc. Pt. IIL 4to., 1861. Vol. LV. S<'eCORSER(T.). Collectanea Anglo-poetica, etc. Pt. II. 4to., 1861. Vol. LVI. See HARLAND (J.). Mame- cestre, etc. Vol. 11. 4to., 1S61. 96 CHETHAM SOCIETY.— (cowW.) Vol. LVII. See CHETHAM MISCEL- LANIES. Vol. IIL 4to., 1862. Vol. LVIII. See HARLAND (J.). Mamecestre, etc. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. Vols. LIX.-LX. Se« RAINES (F.R.). A history of the chantries within the county palatineof Lancaster, fie. 2 vols. 4to., 1862. Vol. LXI. See ABBOTT (R.) Servant of Caryll, Lord Molyneux. I. Abbott's journal, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1864. Vol. LXII. See LANCASHIRE. A discourse of the vvarr in Lancashire, etc. 4to., 1864. Vol. LXIII. See MANCHESTER. A volume of Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester in the sixteenth century, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1864. Vol. LXIV. See CHETHAM LIBRARY, Manchester. A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against Popery, etc. Pt. II. 4to., 1865. Vol. LXV. See MANCHESTER. Con- tinuation of the Court Leet records of the manor of Manchester, a.d. 1586-1602, etc. 4to., 1865. Vols. LXVI.-LXVIL See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. Pt. III., vols. 1-2. 4to., 1867. Vol. LXVIIL See HARLAND (J.). Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1866. Vol. LXIX. See MANCHESTER.— Grammar School. The admission register of the Manchester School, etc. Vol. I. 4to., 1866. Vol. LXX. See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. Pt. III., vol. 3. 4to., 1867. Vol. LXXI. See CORSER (T.). Collec- tanea Anglo-poetica, «fc. Pt. III. 4to., 1867. Vol. LXXII. See HARLAND (J.). Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood, etc. Vol. II. 4to., 1867. Vol. LXXIII. See MANCHESTER.— Grammar School. The admission register of the Manchester School, etc. Vol. II. 4to., 1868. Vol. LXXIV. See HARLAND (J.). Three Lancashire documents of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, etc. 4to., 1868. Vol. LXX V. S«eKING(T.W.). Lanca- shire funeral certificates, etc. 4to., 1869. Vol. LXXVI. See HEYWOOD (R.). Observations and instructions, etc. 4to., 1869. Vol.LXXVIL S^e CORSER (T.). Collec- tanea Anglo-poetica, sfc. Pt. IV. 4to., 1869. Vols. LXXVIII.-LXXX. See LEY- CESTER {Sir P.) Bart. & MAINWARING (Sir T.) Bart. Tracts written in the con- troversy respecting the legitimacy of Amicia, daughter of H. Cyveliok, etc. 3 pts. 4to., 1869. Vol. LXXXI. SeeVhOWEK(\W.)Norroy King of Arms. The visitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in... 1567, etc. 4to., 1870. Vol. LXXXII. See SAINT GEORGE (Sir R.) Clarenceux King of Arms. The visitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in...i6i3, etc. 4to., 1871. Vol. LXXXIII. See CHETHAM MIS- CELLANIES. Vol. IV. 4to., 1872. Vols. LXXXIV.-LXXXV. See DUG- DALE (Sir W.) Garter King of Arms. The \dsitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in... 1 664-5, £T.). Letters... Edited... by R. C. Christie. 4to., 1897. See MILNER (R.). Chancery of Lanca- shire. Milner v. Reed. Application for an injunction... For the plaintiff: Mr. [R. C.] Christie and Mr. Bryce, etc. 8vo., 1870. See WORTHINGTON (J.) D.D. The diary and correspondence of Dr. J. Worthing- ton, etc. (Vol. II. part 2. Edited by R. C. Christie.) 4to., 1866. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] L. P. CHRISTIE (Robert) of Quebec. The military and naval operations in the Canadas, during lOI CHRISTIE (Robert) oj Quebec— [contL] the late war with the United States. In- cluding also, the political history of Lower- Canada. . .from. . . 1 807 until . . . 1 8 1 5 . 8vo., Quebec, 1S18. CHRISTIE (Thomas) of Montrose. Letters on the Revolution of France, and on the new Constitution. ..To which is added, an appen- dix, containing original papers... relative to the affairs of France, etc. Part I. 8vo., London, 17QI. All published. The appendix has a separate pagination. This copy has the " Chart of tlie new Constitution," sometimes lacking. Miscellanies : philosophical, medical and moral, etc. [By T. Christie.] 8vo., London, 1789. Not published until 1792. Halkett and Laing, n., 1631. CHRISTIE {Wii.i.i\yi.) of Montrose. Discourses on the Divine unity : or, a scriptural proof and demonstration of the one supreme Deity of the God and Father of all, etc. 8vo., Montrose, 1784. The second edition corrected. 1 2 mo., Montrose, 1790. The third edition. 1 2 mo., London, 18 10. The fourth edition. :2mo., London, 1828. CHRISTIE (William Dougal). J. S. Mill and Mr. A. Hayward. A reply about Mill to a letter [from A. Hayward] to the Rev. S. Brooke, privately circulated and actually pubhshed. 8vo., London, 1873. CHRISTIUS (Joannes Fridericus). See CHRIST (J. F.). CHRONICLE. An English chronicle [a version of the Brut] of the reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI., written before ...1 47 1. With an appendix containing the 1 8th. and 19th. years of Richard II. and the Parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th. Henry VI. ; and supplementary additions from the Cotton. MS. chronicle called " Eulogium." Edited by J. S. Davics. 4to., \ London,] 1856. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 6.|.) CHRYSOLORAS (Emanuel). Habes candide lector grammaticcn doctissimi Chrysolorg a J. Chaeradamo, longe q antea emendatiorem. Gr. y\o., [Paris :] G. de Gourmont. s.a. With an autograph and note of C. Du Fresno, Siuur Du Cange, and notes of GillcH M6nagc. Portraits of Du Cange and Menage inserted. [Erotcmata.] Begin. [Sig. ai, recto :i [E]ig Tioaa diaigowrat ra | iixoat [sic] Tiaaaga yQa/i/iaTa | el? Svo... \ etc. End. [Sig. e8, recto : after Greek alphabet.] Chrysolora; Manuelis | Erotimata Fcliciter | Finiunt. | TeIoi;. I Gr. &- Lat. .fto., [Parma : .S. Cnrallus ? c. 1,(81. 1 Hain, '5019. Proctor, 687.). Proclor'', 87 and 175. Plate IX. in Proctor^ was taken from this copy. The "E" in tlie first word " K/s " is inserted in gold leaf. Liliri, C. liahingtonV, and CiionnadiuH copy. Two letters from Itobcrt Proctor regarding this book are in^-orlcd. Krotemata Guarini [abridged from Chryso- loras] cum multis additamentis, et cum com- mentariis Latinis [by L. Ponticus Virunius. Edited by J. M. Tricxlius]. Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Ferrarite : impresswni p me Jodne Masochfi, i S09. The Greek text and the Latin commentary have separate registers. The former is without pagination, and the latter is foliated. Crofts and Wodhull copy. ^— 'EQ0)T7jftaTa rov XQvao?.ojQa. Jlegi dvco- fiaXojv Qi]/itaTOjv. IIeqi axmiaxiafiov rcov /govmv ex Tfyy Xa}.xov8vXov. To rexagrov tov /"cifr;, negt avpra^EOjg. {' HgojStayov) negi iyxXniy.iov. Fvoinai ^lovoarixoi ix 8iatpogo)v noiijrojv. Erotemata Chrysolora?. De anomalis verbis. De formatione temporum ex libro Chalcon- dylae. Quartus Gazae de constructione. De encliticis. Sententiaj monostichi ex variis poetis. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : inadib. Aldi, 1512. Renouard, p. 59. ' Egunrjpiaxa rov XgvaoXmga. See BO- NINUS (E.). ' Eyxcigidiov yga/ifiartxi]; elaa- yoiyr]?, etc. Svo., [1514.] ' Eganriiiara tov Xgvao?.u)ga, etc. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1517. Tliis edition is similar to that of 1512, with tlie addition of the *' Karw*' " and '* 'EpwTi;/xoTo tou Vovaptvov,^ Renouard, p. 80. - ' Egwrrj/tara rov Xgvao).ioga. Llegi axr]- fiariafiov t(ov xQ'^^'"^^ ^^ ^'"'' Xa)jtoi'SvXov. Erotemata Chr^'solorae. De formatione tem- porum ex libro Chalcondylae. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon :] Roma : [Z. Callicrges ?] 1522. Earl of Guilford's copy. 'Egcarti/iara rov XovaoXiuga. Uegi av!.] — (contd.) M. T. Ciceronis epistolae familiares, dili- gentius, qu4m quae hactenus exierunt, cmcn- datae. P. Manutii scholia, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Venetiis : P. Manuthts. 1540. Renouard, p. 1 20. Blue morocco by Roger Payne. Syston Park copy. Epistolae familiares iSl. T. Ciceronis, cum argumcntis, scholiis, & Grscorum intcrpre- tatione. [Edited by C. Hegendorphinus.] 8vo., Parisiis : apiid F. Gryphiuni, 1541. Contemporary Ptanipod leather bintlin?. Sun- derland cop3". M. T. Cic. epistolarum, ut vocant, famili- arium libri XVI. Denuc.castigati. l6mo., Lugdiini : apud Seh. Gryphiuin, 1547. [Another edition.] l6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1 550. M. T. Ciceronis epistola nona ad P. Lentulum, dialecticis rerum summis breviter illustrata. 4to., Lutetics : apud Vascosaniim, 1550. Manzoni copy. i\I. T. Ciceronis epistolae familiares. P. Manutii scholia, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1552. Another edition of that of 1540. Renouard, p. 153. ScharneboiuTie copy. Epistolae familiares M. T. Ciceronis. Jam recfins... emendate, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1553. M. T. Ciceronis epistolae familiares. P. Manutii scholia, etc. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1554. Another edition of that of 1540. Renouard, p. 161. Warenghien copy. [Epistoi.^ : Ad Familiares. — French.] Les epistres familiaircs de M. T. Cicero... NouvcUement traduictes...en francoys par E. Dolet, etc. 8vo., I.yon : ches E. Dolet, i 54J. Blue morocco with scroll tooling by Hardy. Kxliibitod at the BurUngton Fine Arts Club exhibition of bookbinding, 1891. Bninet, II., 58. Villeneuve de Bargemont copy. [Another copy.] Wanting the laat leaf, bearing the colophon and printer's device. La Valli^re and Wodbul! copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .] Paris : J. Real, 1542. Blue morocco by R. de Covorly. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lyon : chez J. et F. Frellon, 1543. Calf by Simier. Costo and Renard copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Paris : J. Ruelle, 1547. The colophon reads : " Impriin6...par G. Tlil- bout." [Another edition.] ifimo., Lyon: J. de Tournes, &-G. Gazeau, 1 540. Brown morocco by Duru. Solar copy. |.\notlior copy.] Sunderland copy. [Anotlier edition.] i6mo., Lyon, 1560. La Bastie and Perrin copy. Les epistres familiaircs... latin et fran- coys...Ie francoys traduit par E. Dolet. l6mo., Lyon, 1561. Les epistres familieres ... latin-frangois. Par E. Dolet & F. de Belle-forest... On a aussi adjouste a ceste edition cinq epistres nouvelle- ment traduites, prises du XII. Uvre. l2mo., \Chanibiry .?] 1569. Presented by Dr. G. Cnrey Foster, F.R.S. [Another edition, bound in 3 vols.] l6mo., Paris : pour V. Norment, &' J. Bruneau, 1572. Morante copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Paris : ches G. Buon, 1572. Sunderland copy, [Another edition.] i6mo., Lyon : de I'imprimerie de L. Cloquemin, 6- E. Michel, 1 573. [Another edition.] i6mo., Paris, 1585. [Another edition.] i6mo., Cologni [Geneva], 1618. licnyon de Beauvoir copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Rouen, 1624, [EPISTOL.E : Ad Familiares. — Italian.] Le epistole famigUari di Cicerone, tradotte secondo i veri scnsi dell' auttore, et con figure proprie della lingua volgare [by G. Log^lio]. 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : nelle case de figlivoli di Aldo, 1 545. Renouard, p. 132. L'epistole di M. T. Cicerone a' familiari in volgar toscano recate a riscontro del tcsto latino, ed illustrate con note per A. i\l. Bandiera ..Si aggiungono Ic formolc piu eleganti della lingua latina di Stcfano Dolcto, coUe osservazioni del sudtletto P. Bandiera, etc. [Fourth edition ?] 3 torn. 8vo., Venezia, 1783. Tliis work does not include tho " Formula) " of Dolet, }>ut only tho " Os.serva7.ioni " of Ban- P. Balduini. 4io., Parisiis : ex vfficina \L Vascosani, 1540. no CICERO (Makcus Tullius)— [LiELius.] — (contd.) M. T. Ciceronis Laelius, etc. See above [Opera. — Latin.]. M. T. Ciceronis de officiis lib. III., etc. [Pt. III.] 4to., 1544. M. T. Ciceronis Laslius, etc. [Edited by P. Victorius.] 4to., Parisiis : ex o/pcina typographica M . Vascosani, 1547. M. T. Ciceronis Laelius, etc. 4to., Ltitetia, 1552. M. T. Ciceronis Laelius, etc. See above [Opera. — Latin.']. M. T. Ciceronis de officiis lib. IIL, ffc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1556. Laelius, seu de amicitia, dialogus...Para- doxa, etc. i2mo., Parisiis, 1796. See BETULEIUS (X.). X. Betuleii an- notationes in Laclium Ciceronis, etc. 4to., 1545. [Orationes. — Latin.] Begin. [Fol. 2, recto :] M. T. C. pro magno Pompeio Luculentissima ad | Quirites Oratio fojliciter incipit. | End. [Fol. 297, verso :] Hoc ingens Ciceronis opus : causasq5 forenses | Quas inter patrcs dixit & in populo I Tu quicunq5 leges. Ambergau natus ahenis | Impressit lormis. Ecce magis- ter Adam. | .M.CCCC.LXXIL | fol., [Venice : Adam, of Ambergau,] 1472. Wanting tl\e first leaf (blank). Hain and Copin- gcr, *5I23. Proctor, 4150. Kloss copy. — — Orationes M. T. Ciceronis. 8vo., [colophon :] lugduni, 1508. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 309. Orationes. M. T. C. Adjecta alia ora- tione ejusdem in Valerium in aliis non im- pressa cum Parenesi, quae an Tullii, an Quinti fratris sit, incertum est. 8vo., [colophon :] Lugduni : sumptu Bar- tholomei trot, 151 5. A copy of the Giunta edition of the same year. Renouard, p. 313. M. T. Ciceronis orationum volumen pri- mum (-tertium). [Edited by A. Naugerius.] 3 vols. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedi- bus A Idi, et A ndreae soceri, 1 5 1 9. Renouard, pp. S5-S6. — — M. T. Ciceronis orationes, ex optimorum quorumqj exemplarium collatione accura- tissime castigatae. Tomus primus. (Ora- tionum. ..secundus tonius.) (Orationum... tertius tomus.) [Edited by £. Dolet] 3 torn. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. Stamped pigskin, with portraits of ctossicaJ writers. .SV^ Mr. R. C. Christie's " Ktienne Dolet," 2nd ed., pp. 235-236 (footnote) and 519. — — — — [Another copy of Tom. II.] M. T. Ciceronis orationes tres, antequam iret in exilium. Post reditum ab exilic in Senatu. Item altera ad Quirites. Cum argu- mentis singulis J. Sturmii. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1538. — — M. T. Ciceronis orationum volumen primum (-tertium), in quo multa...sunt emendata. [Edited by P. Manutius. ) 3 vols. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Atdi filios, 1540-41. Renouard, pp. 121, 486. Blue morocco by Roger Payne. Syston Park copy. M. T. Ciceronis orationum. ..volumen primum. (Orationum... tomus II.) (M. T. Ciceronis orationum tomus tertius.) [Edited by M. Ferretus. | 3 tom. Svo., Lugduni : apudSeb. Gryphium, 1545, 41. JI. T. Ciceronis orationum pars I. (-III.) Corrigente P. Manutio. 3 vols. Svo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud A Idi filios, 1 546. Anotlier edition of tliat of 1540-41. Renouard, p. 136. Contemporary citron morocco, with geometrical and scroll tooling on the sides. Massimo and Ashburnham copy. M. T. Ciceronis orationum tomus primus. (Orationum. ..volumen II.) (-volumen III.) [Edited by JE. Ferretus.] 3 tom. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Another edition of that of 1545, 41. M. T. Ciceronis orationes tres. Antequam iret in exilium, ad populum & equites Ro- manes, Myliandri...annotationibus illustrata. Post reditum, in Senatu, J. Bugelio scholiaste. Item post reditum altera, ad Quirites, cum B. Latomi item scholiis. Additis in easdem sin- gulis X. Polentoni . . . & J. Sturmii argumentis. 4to., Parisiis : apud T. Richardum, 1549. M. T. Ciceronis orationum tomus primus. [Edited by M. Ferretus.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium , 1550. Anotlier issue of the edition of 1547. Wanting tom. II.-III. M. T. Ciceronis orationum. Pars I. (-III.) Corrigente P. Manutio. 3 vols. 8vo., [colophon:] Venetiis: apud Aldi filios, i^^o. Another edition of that of 1540-41. Renouard, p. 148. Scharnebourne copj*. M. T. Ciceronis orationum... volumen primum. (Orationum... volumen II., etc.) (Orationum... volumen III., etc.) [Edited by JE. Ferretus.] 3 tom. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. .Another edition of that of 1545. 41. Contempo- rary calf binding, with " A. B. G. D., 1562," on the front cover. Sunderland copy. M. T. Ciceronis orationum voluminatria... emendata a J. Sturmic.Accessit huiceditioni elenchus variarum lectionum. 3 vols. 8vo., Argentorati, 1558. The place of publication is omitted from the titlepage to vol. I. Stamped pigskin, with tho date " 1563 " on the front cover. Berger and Biber copy. M. T. Ciceronis orationum pars I. (-III.) Cum correctionibus P. Manutii. 3 vols. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1559. Renouard, p. 177. Blue morocco by Bozdrian jeune. [Another edition of vol. III.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1 562. Wanting the titlepage and vols. I.-II. Re- nouard, p. 187. ^ tiM l MtaAi Ill CICERO (Marcus Tullius)— [Orationes. — Latin.] — (conid.) — ^ M. T. Ciceronis orationum volumcn primum. Accesserunt breves animadver- siones ex doctissimorum hominum commen- tariis, etc. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Ant. Gryphium, 1582. Wanting vols. II.-TII. M. T. Ciceronis orationum volumina III.... Cum doctissimorum hominum... notis, etc. [Edited by J. M. Brutus. ] 3 vols. 8vo., Luednni : apud Ant. Gryphium, 1586. I^izzo copy. Orationum M. T. Ciceronis volumen pnmum. Ex emendatione D. Lambini. Additis hac postrema editione sectionibus. l6mo., Liigdiini, 1614. Wanting vols. II.-III. — ^ M. T. Ciceronis orationum selectarum liber... Notas addidit E. a Zurck. 8vo., Roterodami , 1694. Sunderland copy. [Orationes : Appendix.] In omnes M. T. Ciceronis orationes doc- tissimorum virorum lucubrationes, accurate in unum volumen collectae, locis^ue non paucis ad veritatem emendatae, adjectis Q. Asconii Pediani commentariis, cum cor- rectionibus P. Manutiiprope innumerabilibus. etc. fol., [colophon •] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios , 1547. Renouard, p. 140. — — [Another edition.] fol., [colophon :'\ Venetiis: apud Aldi filios, i ^,^2. Renouard, p. 153, Red morocco by R. Storr. Syston Park copy. See ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Q.). [Com- mentaries on the orations of M. T. Cicero.] 3pts. fol., (1477.) 5fi£ ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Q.). Asconii Paediani expositio in IIII. orationes M. Tullii Cic. contra C. Verrem, etc. 8vo., 1522. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1547. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1553. See BADUELLUS (C), C. Baduelli anno- tationes in M. T. Ciceronis pro Milone & jjro M. Marcello orationes, etc. 8vo., 1552. See OPORINUS (J.). In omnes M. T. Ciceronis orationes... doctissimorum virorum enarrationes, «fc. fol., 1554. [Orationes : Contra Sallustium. See below. Supposititious Works.] [Orationes : In Catilinam.] In Catilinarias M. T. Ciceronis invcctivas !•'. Sylvii..,commentarii luculentissimi. [With the text.] 4to., [colophon : Paris :] sub prelo Ascensiano. 1528. Contemporary stamped calf, with tlie figure of Hope, ((uotatioua from P.-joIins LXX. and XC, and tlie initials " I. P." - [For editions issued with the works of Sallustius.] See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (C). [Opera.— Latin.] [Orationes : In Pisonem.] - Oratio M. T. Ciceronis in L. Pisonem. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1537. [Orationes : In Verrem.] JNI. T. Ciceronis actionii in Verrem libri septem, additis argumentis Asconii. & parti- tionibus B. Latomi, in singulas actioncs. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1538. S^eLATOMUS (B.). Oratio... de laudibus eloquentije & Ciceronis, dicta in auditorio cum enarratione Actionum in Verrem auspi- caretur. 4to., 1535. [Orationes : Philippic^.] COmentarii philippicarum (M. T. Cice- ronis) cum annotationibus P. Beroaldi. [With the text.] fol., [colophon :] Bononice : per Benedictum Hectoris, 1501. KIoss copy. M. T. Ciceronis orationes phihppicae cum argumentis singulis (Georgii Trapczuntii, et P. Beroaldi), & multo castigatiorcs quam ante hac editae. 4to., Parisiis : ex officina F. Gryphii, 1534. [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1543. M. T. Ciceronis in M. Antoniun [sic] Philippicas orationes XIIII... .emendatae ac restituta;, & ... H. Ferrarii obscrvationibus illustratae, etc. 4to., Parisiis : M. Vascosanus, 1544. Commentarius M. Toxitae ..in Philip- picam M. T. Ciceronis, primam (alteram, septiinam). [With the text.] Kx scholis J. Sturmii pomeridianis. 3 pts. [in i vol.] &V0., Argentorati, 1552. Cah' by Petit. With an autograph inscription by M. Toiites. Le Filippiche di M. T. Cicerone contra Marco Antonio, fattc volgari per G. Ragrazzoni. 4to., [colophon .•] Vinegia : appresso P. Manutio, 1556. Renouard, p. lOS. See FERRAKIUS(H.). H. Ferrarii... emen- dationes in Philippicas Ciceronis. Bvo., 1542. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1552. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Orationes : Pro Archia.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro .Vulo l.icinio Archia pocta, adnotatiunculis B. Latomi illustrata. Addito artificio & disposilione : item Integra paraphrasi in eandcm orationem, per P. Mclanchthoncm. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1534. Imporfent; wantinn nil (lio toit excopt the fir.'t two ieavoH, containing rliaps. 1-8. Cliaps. ig to tlio end am .'^upi)lio(i from tlio udition of ,1. Hade. Pari.-;. iSi'- i'l'e numeration of tlio chapters is that of the Toubnor edition, i8j6. 112 CICERO (Marcus TvLL\vs}.—{contd.) [Orationes: Pro C^cina.] Prolegomena in ... M. T. Ciceronis pro A. Cecinna orationem de interdicto recupcra- torio, unde vi...J. OmphaIio...aiictore. [With the text.] Svo., Paiisiis : ex officina S. CoHna-i, li^^i. Sunderland copy, [Orationes : Pro Cjei.io.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro M. Cajlio, cum argumento & adnotalionibus...per B. Lato- mum. 4to., ParisilS : apnd F. Gryphium, 1538. [Or.\tiones : Pro Cluextio Habito.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro A. Cluentio Habito, cum F. Sylvii... argumento. 4to, ParisilS : apiid F. Gryphium, 153S. [Orationes : Pro Fonteio.] M. T. Ciceronis pro M. Fonteio oratio XI. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1547. Sunderland copy. [Orationes : Pro Lege Maxilia.] Oratio Ciceronis pro lege Manilia cum argumento & annotationibus B. Latomi. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphimn. 1536. In M. T. Ciceronis orationem pro lege Manilia commentarius F. Ceniti. [With the text.] 8vo., Verona, 15S4. Sunderland copy. [Orationes : Pro Ligario.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio, pro Q. Ligario ad C. Csesarem, cum argumento & annotationibus ...per B. Latomum. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1536. [Orationes : Pro Marcello.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro M. Marcello. cum artificio & paraphrasi P. Melanchthonis & adnotationibus B. Latomi. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1536. [Orationes: Pro Milone.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro T. Annio Milone, illustrata scholiis per B. Latomnm, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1535. [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1537. M. T. Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone oratio XXXVIII. Q. Asconii Pediani & F. Sylvii commentariis, B. Latomi scholiis, & P. Melanchthonis dispositionc illustrata. 4to.. Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, 1545. Longepiorro and Sunderland copy, M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro T. An. Milone. Cum cnarratione J. CruquiL 4to., Antverpiae, 1582. Sunderland copy. 5e<'T0SCANELLA(0.). Oratio Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone, ab H. Tuscanella examinata. 4(0., 1576. [Or.\tiones : Pro Murena.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro I.. Murena, adnotationibus B. Latomi illustrata. 4to., {Paris .] apud F. Gryphium, 1535. [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium. 1538. See PALEARIUS (A.). Plaidoyer pour Servius Sulpicius, contre L. Murena, etc. 8vo., 1826. [Orationes: Pro Plancio.] See TOXITES {^L). Commentarius. . .in orationem... pro Cn. Plancio, etc. 8vo,, 1551. [Orationes : Pro Quintio.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio, pro P. Quintio, [Edited by F. Sylvius.] 4to., {Paris .] apud F. Gryphium, s.a. M. T. Ciceronis pro P. Quintio oratio, F. Sylvii commentario illustrata. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1537. [Orationes : Pro Rege Deiotaro.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro Rege Deiotaro, cum argumento & annotationibus. ..per B. Latomum. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1536. [Orationes : Pro Roscio Amerino.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio. pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. [Edited by F. Sylvius.] 4to., [Paris .] apud F. Gryphium, s.a. M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro Sex. Roscio Amerino, adnotationibus B. Latomi illustrata, etc. 4to., [Paris .] apud F. Gryphium, 1 535. [Another edition.] 4to., [Paris :] apud F. Gryphium, 1537. M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro Sex. Roscio Amerino, Guarini Veronensis, F. Sylvii com- mentariis, P. Melanchthonis & B. Latomi scholiis & artificio rhetorico illustrata. 4to., Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, 1541. Sunderland copy. [Orationes : Pro Sestio.] M. T. Ciceronis oratio pro P. Sestio. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1538. P. Manutii in orationem Ciceronis pro P. Sextio commentarius. [With the text.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1556. Renouard, p. 168. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1559. Renouard, p. 177. Sunderland copy. [Orator.] M. T. Ciceronis ad M. Brutum orator, J. L. Strebiei comment£iriis ab authore ipso recognitis illustratus. 4to., Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, i539- Sunderland copy. "3 CICERO (Marcus Tullius)— {coii/i ). [Paradoxa.] Paradoxa M. T. Ciceronis ... cum F. SylTu...commentariis : additis D. Erasmi, & B. Latomi annotationibus. 4to.. Parisiis : apud M. Vascosajtttm, 1536. With the mark of J. Bade on the titlepage. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. I53i5. See above [Opera. — Latin.}, M. T. Ciceronis de officiis lib. III., etc. [Pt. IV.] 4to., (1 538-)! 540. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. [Edited by F. Sylvius, with his annotations and those of B. Latomus and an anonymous writer.] 2 pts. 4to., Parisiis: ex officina M. Vascosani, i=;43(-45). The annotations have a distinct foliation and register. The colophon is dated 1545. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. See above [Opera. — Latin.'}. M. T. Ciceronis de officiis lib. III., efc. [Pt IV.] 4to., 1544. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa... triplici com- mentario illustrata. [With the annotations of F. Sylvius, B. Latomus and an anonymous writer. Edited by F. Sylvius.] 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1546. — — M. T. Ciceronis parado.xa, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud Vascosanum, 7548. Another edition of that of l543(-45), without tlie annotations. — ^ M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. 2 pts. 4to., Luteticp, 1551, 45. Another edition of that of i543(-45). M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. See above [Opera. — Latin.}. M. T. Ciceronis de officiis lib. III., f to. [Pt. IV.] 4to., 1556. —— M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa... Cum anno- tationibus F. Sylvii, X. Betuleii, incerti cujusdam auctoris, B. Latomi, & A. Talei margini adjunctis, etc. 4to., Parisiis, IS74. Sunderland copy. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. See above [LyELius.], Laelius, eto. i2mo., 1796. M. T. Ciceronis paradoxa, etc. See below [TuscuLANiE Disputationes.]. M. T. Cice- ronis Tusculanarum disputationum libri quin- que, etc. 8vo., 18^4. See MAJORAGIUS (M. A.). M. A. Majo- ragii antiparadoxon libri sex. In quibus M. T. Ciceronis omnia paradoxa rcfclluntur. 8vo., 1546. [Partitiones Oratori.«. See above, De Partitidne Oratoria.] [Rhetorica ad C. Hekennium. See below. Supposititious Works.] [SoMNiUM SciPioNis. See above, De Re- PUBLICA.] [TlM^US.] M. T. Ciceronis ex Timaeo Platonis de univcrsitate liber, etc. See PLATO. [Tim- ^us.] 4to., 1543. M. T. Ciceronis Timacus [translated from the Greek of Plato], etc. See PLATO. [TiM^us.] 4to., 1551. See PLATO. [Tim.eus.] 'Ey. niarcovo: Ti/iatov Tfi>i/ia ro toj Kty.egon'o; .if 01 Ttavxc; (iifiho) av/^Kpojvovv, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., 1540. [Another edition.] Gr. 4to., [1580 ?] [Topic A.] In topica Ciceronis A. M. S. Boetiic om- mcntarius. [With the text.] 4to., Lttgduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. Enarrationes B. Latomi in topica Cice- ronis, etc. [With the text.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1539. Topica M. T. Ciceronis... cum A. M. S. Boetii, & J. Visorii...commentariis, quibus jam recens accesserunt B. Latomi explicationes in eadem. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] ...His jam recens adjecimus B. Latomi e.xplicationcs, ac P. Mclanchthonis & C. Hegendorphini scholiis. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. yi. T. Cic. topica... In eadem B. Latomi enarrationes. P. Melanchthonis & C. Hegen- dorphini schoUa. A. Goveani commentarius. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1546. [TUSCULAN.« DlSPUT.\TIONES.] Commentarii quaestionum tusculanarum ] cditi a Philippo beroaMo. | [With the te.xt.] fol., [colophon :] Veneliis : p Dartholo- mcum de Zannis de Portesio, 1499. Hain, '5324. Proctor, 5343. Klos^ copy. M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum quaes- tionum liber primus (-quintus). [Edited by D. Erasmus.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1543. Sunderland copy, M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanae quaestiones. [Edited by D. Erasmus.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. Tusculanarum quasstionum Ciceronis... libri V. Cum scholiis P. Manutii. Corrigente P. RIanutio Aldi filio. 8vo., [colophon :] Veneliis: apud .-lldi filios, 1552. Forms the second part of tlio first volume of the "Opera pliilosophico." lU'iiouard, p. 154. M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanarunjqua'stionum lib. V. ... emedati : ac conimcntariis ... P. Beroaldi, & J. Camerarii : dcindc lunsmi... P. iManuUi, & P. Viclorii variis Icctionibus & annotationibus illustrati. yuibus nunc pri- nium accessit doctissimi cujustlam viri com- mentarius, cum annotationibus Lcodcgarii A Quercu. Cum indice, etc. 4I0., Parisiis, 1558. - M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanarum dispu- tationum libri quinquc.rccognovit J. C Orellius. Acccdunt paradoxa, V. Fabricii adnotationes, K. Hcnlkii cnu-iulationcs... J. J. Reiske libellus variantiuiu Icctionum, J. J. Hottingcri spicilecinm, F. A. Wolfii scholarum exccrpta Anglice roildita, etc. 8vo., Oxonii, 1834. H 114 CICERO (Marcus Tullius)— [TUSCULAN^ DiSPUTATIONES.] — (COntd.) Les questions tusculanes...Nouve!lenient traduictes...en francoys, par E. Dolet. i6mo., Payis : J. Ruelle, 1544. Calf by Koehler. Cost©, Pericaud, and Renard copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Paris : G. le Bret, 1545. [Another edition.] i6mo., Paris : J. Ruelle, 1548. [Another edition.] i\o.,Lyon: ches S. Sabon, pour A. Coiisiantin, [1549.] See STURMIUS (J.) Sleidaims. Commen- tarii in M. T. Ciceronis Tusculanam primam, etc. 8vo., 1575. [Selections.] Apliorisnii Ciceronis bre\iores, etc. [Edited by M. Mylius.] 8vo., Gorlicii, 1623. Epitheta M. T. Ciceronis collecta a P. J. Nunnesio. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus Manutius, Paulli F., 1570. Renouard, p. 209. [Supposititious Works : Oratio contra Sallustium.] [For editions issued with the works of Sallustius.] See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (C). [Opera.— La/j»i.] [Supposititious Works: Rhetorica ad Herennium.] Begin. [Sig. ai. lerso :] Marii Fabii Victorini Rhetoris in rhetoricis Ciceronis Liber primus incipit. | [Sig. a2, recto .•] M. T. CICERONIS ORATORIS CLA | rissimi Rhetorics ueteris Liber primus incipit. | [Sig. m2, recto .] M. Tuhi Ci. Rhetoricae nouse ad Hereniu hber primus Icipit. | fol., [colophon ;] Venetijs : per T. Z. P. 6- Petrti lo. Q[uarengts]. Perga. 1403. Hain and Copinger, *5o8o. Proctor, 5475. Kloss copy. M. T. Ciceronis rhetoricorum commentarii in Hermagoram et ad Herennium. 8vo., [colophon .■] FlorentieMANUTIUS(P.). Scholia P. Man utii, quibus Ciceronis philosophia partim corrigitur, 8vo., 1552. (J.). etc. partim explanatur, etc. [Another copy.] See PERIONIUS (J.). Ciceronis oratore contra P. J. Perionii...pro Ramum, oratio. 8vo., 1547. SeeRAMSHORN(J. G. L.). Sacra sollem- nia in memoriani renovati ill. Gymnasii Fridericiani Altenb. ... Vindicatur locorum quorumdam Ciceronis... integritas, etc. 4to., (1826.) See RAMUS (P.). [Ciceronianus.] P. Rami... Ciceronianus, eft;. 8vo., 1557. [Another copy.] Editio postrema. 8vo., 1580. [Another copy.] .s,v SALLUSITUS CRISPUS (C). [Opera. — Latin.] C. Crispi Sallustii de con- juratione Catilinac.Ejusdem oratio contra M. T. Ciceronem. M. T. Ciceronis oratio contra C. Crispu Sallustium. Kjusdcm orationes quatuor c5tra Lucium Catilina, etc. 8vo., 1509. dine.] dine. [Another edition ; counterfeit Al- 8vo., s.a. [Another edition.] [Another edition ; 8vo.. i5:!i. counterfeit .M- 8vo., s.a. See SCALIGER (J. C). J. C. Scaligeri oratio pro M. T. Cicerone contra D. Erasmum, etc. 8vo., (1531.) — — [Another copy.] Sussann.«us (H.), Connubium adver- biorum, id est, elegans advcrbiorum appli- catio, & mirificus usus ex omnibus Ciceronis operibus, ordine alphabeti demonstratus, etc. See DOLET (£.), Phrases et formulae lingua; Latinae, eft;. [Pt. IL] 8vo., 1585. See TAL^US (A.). A. Talaei... opera, etc. [Comprising the commentaries of Talasus on various works of Cicero.] 4to., 1575. See VICTORIUS (P.), P. Victorii expU- cationes suarum in Ciceronem castigationum. 8vo., 1540. [Another edition.] 8vo.. 1552. [Another copy.] [Appendix : Lexicons.] See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Ciceronianum lexicon Gra;colatinum, elc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1557. See NIZOLIUS (M.). Nizolius, sive the- saurus Ciceronianus, etc. fol., 1576. See NIZOLIUS (M.). Lexicon Ciceronia- num, etc. fol., 1734. [Another edition.] 3 tom. 8vo., 1820. SeeSCHORUS(A.). Thesaurus verborum Unguse Latinae Ciceronianus, etc. 4to., 1570. CICERO (QuiNTUs Tullius) the Elder. Q. Cicero de jjetitione consulatus ad M. TulUum fratrem. See CICERO (M. T.). [Opera.— Latin.] M. T. Ciceronis de philosophia volumen primum, etc. [Vol. II.] 8vo., 1523. CINTHIO (Giovanni Battista Giraldi). See GIRALDI CINTHIO. CIOFANUS (Hercules). H. Ciofani...in P Ovidii Nasonis metamorphosin ex XVII. antiquis libris observationes, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [Aldus Manuttus, the Younger], 1575. Renouard, p. 219. CIPELLI (Giovanni Battista). See EGNA- TIUS (J. B.) pseud. CIPRIANO. See CYPRIANUS. CIRILLUS, Philosophus. Saint. See CYRIL- LUS. CLAIMS. The claims of labour. .\n essay on the duties of the employers to the employed. [By Sir A. Helps.] See HELPS {Sir A.). 8vo., 1844. CLAPMARIUS (Arnoldus). [i.e., Arnold Clapmar.] a. Clapmarii...nobilis adoksccn- tis tricnnium, f/c. 5<;d; GKOTIUS (H.). H. Grolii ct aliorum disscrtationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. CLARENDON (Edward Hvde) ist F.arl of. The history of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England.. .To which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton. 7 vols. 8vo., Oxford, 1849. ii6 CLARENDON (Edward Kyde) ist Earl of.— (contd.) See CHARLES IL, King of England. Notes which passed between. ..Charles II. and the Earl of Clarendon, 1660- 1667, etc. 4to., 1896. See DOVER (G. J. W. Agar-Ellis) ist Baron. Historical inquiries respecting the character of E. Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, etc. 8vo., 1827. See OLDMIXON (J.). Clarendon and Whitlock compar'd, e^t. 8vo., 1727. CLARIS DE FLORIAN (Jean Pierre). See FLORIAN. CLARK (William) Rotnan Catholic Priest. A replie unto a certaine libell, latelie set foorth by Fa: Parsons... intituled, " A manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit, of certaine in England, calling themselves seculer priestes," etc. [By W. Clarke.] 4to., s.l. et t.n., 1603. "Diet. Nat. Biog.," X., 408. Two Iett«rs of G. W. Napier as to the author of this work are Inserted in the volume. CLARKE (Adam). A bibliographical dictio- nary ; containing a chronological account... of the most curious... and important books... from the infancy of printing... Including the whole of the fourth edition of Dr. [E.] Har- wood's view of the classics... To which are added, an essay on bibliography... And an account of the best English translation of each Greek and Latin classic. [By A. Clarke.] 6 vols. l2mo., Liverpool, etc., 1802-4. Halkett end Laing, I., 229. The bibliographical miscellany ; or, supplement to the bibUographical dictionary. [By A. Clarke.] 2 vols. i2mo., London, 1806. Halkett and Laing, I., 230. CLARKE (Samuel). The dedication of Dr. Clarke's edition of Caesar's commentaries, to... the Duke of Marlborough. In Latin and English. Translated by R. T. 8vo., London, 1712. CLARKE (William) Bookseller. Repertorium bibliographicum ; or, some account of the most celebrated British Ubraries. [Edited by W. Clarke.] 4to., London, 1819. Halkett and Laing, III., 2169. Hailstone copy. CLAUDIANUS (Claudius). C. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata, etc [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1523. Benouard, p. 96. C. Claudiani. ..opera, etc. (C. Claudiani vita ex P. Crinito.) 8vo., Lugdnni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. De Thou copy. — — [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. C. Claudianus, T. Pulmanni...diligentia, & fide summa, h vetustis codicibus restitutus. (Ad C. Claudiani... opera Martini A. Del-rio notae.) 2 pts. i6mo., Antverpitp, 1585. Conybeare copy. C. — [Another edition.] l6mo., AntverpicB, 1607. Claudiani quse extant : e-x emen- datione virorum doctorum. i6mo., Parisiis, 1635. Willi a second, engraved, titlepoge. C. Claudiani in Rufinum libri duo. Editio altera. (La chute de Rutin. ..traduit du latin. ..Par le marquis de Sy.) Lat. &■ Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Epis- tol^ : Ars Poetica. — French.] Q. Horatii Flacci de arte poetica liber, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1816. C. Claudiani... invocatio ad Christum. See BUSCHIUS (H.). De saluberrimo...vir- ginis Marie Psalterio, etc. 4to., s.a. CLAUDIN (Anatole). Antiquites typo- graphiques de la France. 3 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1880-97. Lin ecrivain saintongeais inconnu. M. Alamande, pofite et litterateur de Saint- Jean d'Angely, 1486-1531. Notes sur une im- pression de Toulouse [i.e., Mr. Christie's copy of M. Alamande's " Genethliacon "] et sur un libraire rouennais etabli a Castres en 1519, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1895. Only 100 copies reprinted from the " Kovue do Saintonge et d'Auni?." [Another copy.] The first Paris press. An account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne 1470-72. 4to., London, 1898. (Bibliograplucal Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. VI.) Les origines de I'imprimerie ^ la Reole en Guyenne, 15 17. Recherches sur la vie et les travaux de Jean Le More, dit Maurus, de Coutances, imprimeur et professeur de gram- maire, 1507- 1550. 8vo., Pan's, 1894, Only 100 copies reprinted from the " Revue Catho- lique de Bordeaux." Les origines et les debuts de I'imprimerie cl Bordeaux. 8vo., Pan's, 1897. Only 100 copies reprinted from the "Revue Catho- lique de Bordeaux." Un typographe rouennais oubUe. Maitre J. G. [i.e., Jacques Gentil], imprimeur d'une Edition de Commines en 1525. 8vo., Paris, 1896. Only 100 copies reprinted from the " Bulletin du Bibliophile." CLAUDIUS, Allobrox. See SCHELHORN (J. G.). Dissertatio epistolaris de M. Celso... auctore, Claudio item Allobroge, etc. 4to., 1748. CLAUSERUS (Conradus). [i.e., Konrad Clauser.] De oratione liber, etc. 8vo., Tiguri, 1553. CLAYTON, of Thelwall. Family of. See RY- LANDS (J. P.). Some account of the Clayton family, etc. 8vo., 1880. CLEANTHES. KXeavOovg vfivoQ eli; Ata. See CALLIMACHUS. Kcdhftaxot;. KXeavOri?. ITgoxXog, etc. i6mo., 1824. CLEMENS, Alexandrinus. See CLEMENS (T. F.) Alexandrinus. 117 CLEMENS, Romanus. See CLEMENS L, Pope, Saint. CLEMENS I., Pope. Saint. Divi Clemen tis opera ... Rufino ... interprete. Accesserunt Canones Apostolorum per eundem Clementem in unum cogesti, una cum interpretatione G. Haloandri & veteri editione, etc. fol., Parisiis : ex officina Carolcs Giiillard, 1544. Clementis Romani epistulae (ad Corin- thios)...edidit C. de Tischendorf. [With an introduction.] (Editio secunda.) Gr. 4to., Lipsiae, 1873. CLEMENS v.. Pope. [i.e.. Bertrand de Goth.] Begin. [Fol. i, verso .•] Constitutiones Cle- metis pape qnti | vna cu apparatu diii loanis adree. | [Fol. 71, recto .■] Incipiunt decretales extrauapantes que | emanauerunt post sex- tum. |(5. X. fol., s.n. [Basel : N. Kesler, 1487 ?] 78 fi., of which ff. 8-77 are numbered 7-76. Copinger, II. (2), 305, 1671a. Cj. Hain, •3585 (2). CLEMENS VIII., Pope. Clementis P. P. VIII. Bulla Indictionis S. Jubileii. Cum G. Schoppi annotationibus in eamdem : itemque epistola parasnetica, etc. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). G. Schoppi Erga, anni Jubilaei, etc. 4to., 160 1. CLEMENS (AuRELius Prudentius). See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS. CLEMENS (Claudius). [j.e.,CLAUDECL6MENT.] Musei, sive bibliothecae tam privat«e qucim publicae extructio, instructio, cura, usus. Libri IV. Accessit accurata descriptio regiae bibliothecae S. Laurentii Escurialis, etc. 4to., Lugduni, 1635. The titlepage is engraved. CLEMENS (Titus Flavius) Alexandrinus. KXrj/ievrog 'AXe^avSgeog to evQiaxofieva dnavroL. [Edited by P. Victorius.] fol., [colophon .] Floreniits : L. Torrentinus, 1550. Frasor copy. CLEMENT (Claude). See CLEMENS (C). CLEMENT (David). Biblioth^que curieuse historique et critique, ou catalogue raisonnc de livres difficiles 4 trouver. 9 torn. 4 to., Goltineen, etc., i7«iO-6o. The worli extends only to " Ho-ssua." Tom. I.- III. bear tiic imprint " Gottingen.** torn. IV.- V. "Hannover," and torn. VL-IX. " Leipsic." CLENARDUS (Nicolaus). [i.e.. N. Cley- NAERTs.] N. Clenardi epistolarum libri duo. etc. 8vo., Antverpia. 1566. Institutioncs in linguam Graecam. 4to., [colophon .•] F.ovanii : ex officina li. Rescii, 1531. [Another edition, entitled:] Cle- nardi grammaticac institutioncs Gracae, etc. 8vo. , I.urr/tini : ripud S. Doletum. 1 54 1. Blue morocco Ijy G. \Vin3tanley. [.Another edition, entitled:] Institu- tioncs absolutissiniac in Graecam linguam, etc. (Annotationcs R. Guillonii in gram- maticam Graecam Clenardi.) 8vo., l.ugduni : apud Seh. Gryphium. 1543. [Another edition.) Bvo., Lu'^duni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another cdilion. | .8vo., Lugduni : npiid Seb. Gryphium, 1552. [Another edition, entitled :] N. Clenardi institutioncs linguae Graecae, cura scholiis et praxi P. Antesignani. 8vo., Venetiis : in aedib. Manutianis [P. Manutius]. 1570. Eonouord, p. 2o3. Clenardi meditationes Graecae, in artem grammaticam. 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum. 1541. [Another edition, entitled :] Medita- tiones Graecanicae in artem grammaticam, etc. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1543. - [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another copy.] —— N. Clenardi peregrinationum, ac de rebus Machometicis epistolae elegantissimse. Acces- sere autem supra priorem cditionem aliquot epistolae, etc. 8vo., Lovanii, 1551. See CHRISTIE (R. C). A scholar and traveller of the Renaissance. [A critique on the epistles of Clenardus, 1566.] 8vo., 1893. [Another edition.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. 92-123. 8vo., 1902. See GRAMMATICA GR^CA. Breves totius grammaticae Grascae tabulae. His ad- juncta; sunt quaedam nominum...accessioncs cum verbis anomalis, c.\ N. Clenardo, etc. 4to.. 1559. CLEOMEDES. Cleomedis [de mundo] lib. II. G. Valla interprete. Lai. See ARISTO- TELES. [De Mundc] De mundo Aristo- telis lib. I., etc. 8vo., 1533. — — KXeo/tr/Sov; xvxXixt) Oco)Qia dz (iifiha f^'. Nunc primum typis excusa prodit, etc. Gr. 4to., Parisiis : per C. Neobarium, IS3'). 44 fl., without pagination j sig«. a-\*. Large paper copy, uncut, CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt. See LANDI (G.). La vita di Cleopatra, etc. 8vo., 1551. CLERC (Jean le). See CLERICUS (J.). CLERCQ (Jacques du) Sieur de Beauvoir. See DU CLERCQ. CLERGY DISCIPLINE ACT, 1892. See GREAT BRITAIN.— Parliament : Acts. CLERICUS (Joannes), [i.e., Jean Le Clerc] J. Clericus de ehgenda, inter disscntientes Christianos, sentcntia. Liber unus. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotius de vcritate rc- ligionis Christiana;. Editio adcuratior, etc. 8vo.. 1 71 8. Mr. Le Clerc's judgment and censure of Dr. Bentlcy's Horace ; and of the Amsterdam edition, comi)ar'd with that of Cambridge. Translated from the l'"rencli. 8vo., London, i 71 3. CLERK {Sir John) Bart. Memoirs of the hfc of Sir J. Clerk... extracted by himself from his own journals, 1676-1755. Edited. ..by J. M. CJrav. 4to., London. 1895. (Koxburglie Club Publicntions, No. iifi. ) In- cludwl in the same vohuno nro " Memoirs of Joliii MmUy. K8i|." Mr. H. C. Christie's copy. ii8 CLERKE (Chari.es Carr). The efficacy and power of the Archdeacon's Court in former centuries, and the influence of modem legis- lation on the Church of England, etc. 8vo., Oxford. 1877. CLERKENWELL.— Jesuits' College. The discovery of the Jesuits' College at Clerken- well in March 1627-8 ; and a letter found in their house, (as asserted,) directed to the Father Rector at Bruxelles. Edited by J. G. Nichols. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. IL 4to., 1852. Supplementary note to the discovery of the Jesuits' College... By J. G. Nichols. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden Miscellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1859. CLERM0NT-L0D£VE (Guillaume Em- manuel Joseph Guilhem de) Baron de Sainie-Croix. See SAINTE-CROIX. CLESSIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Cless.] Unius seculi ; ejusque virorum hteratorum monumentis...ab...i500. ad 1602. Nundina- runi autumnalium inclusive, elenchus con- summatissimus librorum ; Hebrai, Greeci, Latini, Germani, aliorumque Europse idioma- tuip. etc. Tom. I. dto.. Fraucrfuiti, 1602. Wanting torn. II., containing tlie German books. Kirchoff copy. CLEVELAND (Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina PowLETT, formerly Vane, formerly Prim- rose) Duchess of. The Battle Abbey Roll ; with some account of the Norman lineages. 3 vols. Svo., London. 1889. CLEYNAERTS (Nicolaus). See CLENAR- DUS. CLICQUOT DE BLERVACHE (Simon). See JACOB (S.). Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de feu M. Cliquot-Blervache, etc. 8vo., 1815. CLINTON (Henry Fynes). An epitome of the civil and literary chronology of Greece, from the earliest accounts to the death of Augustus. 8vo., Oxford. 1851. CLIVE (Robert Clive) Baron. See PAINE (T.). Reflections on the hfe and death of Lord Clive. 8vo., 1820. CLOYNE, Bishops of. George. [1734-53.J See BERKELEY (G.). CLULOW (George). The origin and manu- facture of playing cards... A paper, etc. 8vo., London. 1889. COBDEN (Richard). See SALIS-SCHWABE (J.). R. Cobden ; notes sur ses voyages, correspondances et souvenirs... Deuxidme Edition. 8vo., 1879. COBHAM (Charles George Lyttelton) 8th Viscount. A classic epitaph on a celebrated archdeacon... With a translation by H. H. Smith. 8vo., London, [1900 ?] COBHAM (John Oldcastle) Baron. See OLDCASTLE (Sir J.). COCAIUS (Merlinus) pseud, [i.e.. Teofilo FoLENGO.] OpusM. Cocaii...macaronicorum in his infra notatis titulis divisum. Zani- tonel la . . . Phantasise macaronicon . . . Moschseae facetus liber... Libellus epistolarum, & epi- grammatum, etc. i2mo., [colophon: Tnsculani : A. Pneaninii<:. 1521. Calf by Boz^rian jeune, Crawford (Lakelands copy. [Another edition.] izmo., Venetiis, 1613. Macaronicorum poema. Baldus. Zani- tonella. Moschaea. Epigrammata. [By T. Folengo.] i2mo., Venetiis, 1555. Smyth copy. De casei laudibus. See FACETIAE. Facetiae facetiarum. i2mo., 1647. [Another edition.] 12 mo., 1657. COCCIUS (Marcus Antonius) Sabellictis. Begin. [Sig. a\, verso .■] M. Antonius sabelicus Hieronymo Donato uiro omnibus | disciplinis ornatissimo salutem | , etc. End. [Sig. h6, verso :] Hoc in volumine haec continentur. | M. Ant. Sabellici de situ urbis uenetae ad Hieronymum dona- | tum libri tres. | M. Ant. Sabellici de praetoris officio ad antonium comarium | philosophum liber unus. | M. Ant. Sabellici de latine linguae reparatione : seu de uiris illu | stribus. Ad M. Antonium maurocenum equitem liber unus. | 4to.. s.n. [Venice : Dn->^in^ii^. nf Goreoniola.] Haiu and Copinger, *I4056. Proctor, 5319. Begin. [Fol. i, verso :] M. Antonii Sabel- lici in tris & triginta suos reE VenetaE Libros Epitoma | [Sig. 03. recto .] M. ANTONII SABELLICI RERVM VENETARVM AB VRBE I CONDITA AD MARCVM BAR- BADICVM SERENISS. | VENETIARVM PRINCIPEM ET SENATVM I LIBER PRIMVS PRIMAE DECADIS | FOELI- CITER INCIPIT. I (Recognitio ex collatione Archetypi & impressionis.) fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : arte cS- industria ...Andrew de Toresnnis de Asula. 1487. Hain and Copinger, * 1405 3. Proctor, 4713. Kenouard, p. 286. In this copy the two leavea in Gothic type, containing the " P.ecognitio," are placed in the middle of sheet O. Cronstern copy. M. A. Sabellici epistolarum libri duo- decim, etc. 4to., [Paris .] /. Petit, s.a. Laiuoiguou copy. M. A. Sabellici annotationes in T. Livium. See RHENANUS (B.) & GELENIUS (S.). In T. Livium annotationes, etc. 8vo., 1555. Rapsodiae historiarum enneadum ... ab orbe codito pars prima (-posterior) ... prae- missis earundem repertoriis & epitomis. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon .■] Lugduni : excudebant N. Parvus. &- H. Penet cosortes, 1535. M. A. Coccio SabeUco. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) MarquSs de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. V., pp. 4- 11. 8vo., 1859. COCHL^US (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Dob- neck.] Catalogus brevis eorum quae contra novas sectas scripsit J. Cochlsus. 8vo., prope Moguntiam : per Franciscutn Behem, 1548. COCKAINE (Sir Thomas). See COKAYNE. 119 COCKERSAND ABBEY. The chartulary of Cockersand Abbey of the Premonstratensian order. ..Transcribed and edited by W. Farrer. 2 vols. 4to., {Mavchester.) i8Q8-iqoo. (Clietliam Society. Remains, etc. New series. Vols. 38-40, 43.) Each volume was originally issued in two parts. The pagination is con- secutive throuKhout. One of 3 copies printed on large paper. fAnother copy of Vol. II.] A amall paper copy bound in two parts. Rentale de Cokersand : being the bursar's rent roll of the Abbey of Cokersand... for ...1501... Edited by...F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. COCKEY MOOR. Examynatyons towcheynge Cokeye More temp. Hen. VIII. in a dispute between the lords of the manors of Middleton and Radclyffe. \Mth introduction and notes. Communicated by ... F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. II. 4to., 1856. CODEX. Codex nundinarius Germaniae lite- ratae bisecularis. Mcss-Jahrbucher dcs deut- schen Buchhandels von dam Erscheinen des ersten Mess-Kataloges im Jahre 1564 bis zu dcr Grundung des ersten Buchhandlcr- Vereins im Jahre 1765. Mit einer Einleitung von G. Schwetschke. fol., Halle, 1850. CODRUS URCEUS (Antonius). See UR- CEUS (A. C). CGELIUS (Apicius). See APICIUS (C). COGNATUS (GiLBERTUS). [i.e., Gilbert Cousin.] G. Cognati... opera multifarii argu- menti, etc. 3 torn, [in I vol.] fol., BasilecB, 1562. Sunderland copy. G. Cognati. ..qua;dam opuscula...Accessit ...C. Nucillani oratio, adversus rhetoricen atq; eloquentiam, etc. 8vo., [colophon .] Basilea : ex officina J. Oporini, 1547. Consolatoria D. G. Cognati, etc. 8vo., Basilece : per J, Parcum, (1546.) Epistolarum laconicarum, atque selcc- tarum farragines duae...G. Cognati... opera... olim collector, & nunc ... locupletatae, etc. Pts. T.-IT. T6mo., Bnsiteir. 1554. Wanting pt. III. In pt. II., pp. 3-4, 281-2S4, and 327-386 ore wanting. — ^ OixBTiji sive de officio famulorum. 8vo., [colophon :] Basileae : per II. Fro- beniuin ac N. Episcopium, 1535. Sylva narrationum G. Cognati... Adjccta sunt cjusdcm argumcnti & qua^dam alia, etc. i6mo.. I.ugduni. i(tzo. Tlie colophon roods : " Exoudebat J. Frollonius, I548." COHEN (Francis) afterwards Sir Francis Pai.grave. See PALGRAVE (Sir F.). COKAYNE (Sir Thomas). A short treatise of hunting : compylcd for the delight of noble- men and gentlemen by Sir T. Cockaine... 1591. [Edited by G. E. Cokaync.] 4to.. I.nnifnii. 1R07. (KoxburKho Club Publications, No. 134) Mr. K. C. Christie's copy. COKE (Sir Edward). See EUD/EMOX- JOANNES (A.) Cydonius. R. P. A. Euda>- mon-Joannis...ad actionem proditoriam E. Coqui, apologia pro H. Game to, etc. 8vo., 1 6 10. COKERSAND. See COCKERSAND. COKEYE MORE. See COCKEY MOOR. COLBERT (Jean Baptiste) Minister of Louis XIV. See LitMONTEY (P. fi.). Notice sur J. B. Colbert, etc. 8vo., 1 822. COLCHESTER. — Monastkrv cf Saint ] vas THE Baptist. Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colecestria... Edited by S. A. Moore. 2 vols. 4to., London, 1807. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 131.) Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. COLDONESE (Pandolfo) pseud, [i.e., Pan- DULPHUs Collenutius.) See COLLENU- TIUS (P.). COLEMAN (James). Coleman's general index to printed pedigrees... found in... county and local histories, etc. 4to., Londmi, 1866. COLERUS (Christophorus). [i.e., Christoph CoLER.] C. Coleri de ordinando studio politico epistola, etc. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. COLET (John). See ERASMUS (D.). The lives of J. Vitrier...and J. Colet, etc. 8vo., i8S^ See KNIGHT (S.). The life of Dr. j. Colet... A new edition. 8vo., 1823. See SEEBOHM (F.). The Oxford Re- formers. J. Colet, Erasmus, and T. More... The second edition, etc. 8vo., i86q. COLINES (Simon de). See RENOUARD (P.). Bibliographie des Editions de S. de Colines, etc. 8vo., 18Q4. COLLECTIO. Collcctio... omnium librorum... qui in nundinis Francofurtcnsibus...vcnalcs extiterunt, etc. Tom. I. See FRANK- FORT. 4to.. 1502. Nova librorum rariorum conlectio, etc. Fasc. 1-4. [in i vol.] 8vo., Halis Magdeburg., 1709-15. Wanting foso. 5. Contains, inter alia, reviews of the following : — " H. Krigsoederi...respon«io luj epistolam I. Cazoboni ... pro C. Scioppio " ; " Priapoia...commentariis C!. .Schoppii " : and " Forcianao <)uaiwtiones ... auetoro Philalotho Polytopiensi Cive [i.e., O. Lnndo']." The book- plate of F. Roth-Scholtzius is impressed on tho back of the titlcpages of each of tho four pnrts. [Another copy of Fasc. i and 2.] 8vo., llalis Magdeburg., 1700. Wanting the titlepaue to Fasc. 2. COLLECTION. A collection of old ballads, etc. [Collected by A. Phillips.] 3 vols. .See PHILLIPS (A.), ^vo., I72^ [Reprint, 1H7J.I COLLECTION DE DOCUMENTS INFDHS SUR L'HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Siric IL See PEIRESC (N. C. Fadri de). Lcttrcs tie Peiresc aux frdres Dupuy, etc. Tom. I.-III. 4to., 1888-92. COLLECTOR. The cla.ssical collector's vade mecum, etc. [By — Poole.] See POOLE ( ). l2mo., 1823. I20 COLLEGIUM PARISIENSE SOCIETATIS JESU. See PARIS. COLLENUTIUS (Pandulphus). II Filotimo. Dialogo di M. Pandolfo Coldonese [i.e., P. CoUenutius], e/c. ^io., Bergamo, 1594. COLLETET (Guillaume). Notices biogra- phiques sur les trois Marot...publiees...par G. Guiffrey. 8vo., Paris, 1871. Scevole. Chant pastoral sur la mort de Scevole de Saincte-Marthe. [Signed G. CoUe- tet.] See SAINTE-MARTHE (S. de) the Elder. £loges des hommes illustres, etc. 4to, 1644. Vie d'E. de Beaulieu . . . avec notes et appendice par P. Tamizey de Larroque. 8vo.. Pans, 1878. (PIaqueUe9 Gontaudaises. No. i.) Vies des poetes gascons...PubUees avec introduction, notes et appendices par P. Tamizey de Larroque. 4to., Paris, 1866. Reprinted from the ** Revue de Gascogne.'* COLLIER (John) 0/ Urmston, commonly called Tim Bobbin. Heywood (T.) F.S.A. On the South Lancashire dialect. (Part II. Of " Tim Bobbin " and its author [J. Collier].) See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. COLLIER (John Payne). Ancient biographi- cal poems, on the Duke of Norfolk, Viscount Hereford, the Earls of Essex, and Queen Elizabeth... Edited by J. P. ColUer. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. III. 4to., 1855. Five old plays, illustrating the early pro- gress of the English drama. Edited... by J. P. Collier. 4to., London, 1851. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 70.) Sir R. H. Inglis' copy. See HAMILTON (N. E. S. A.). An in- quiry into the genuineness of the manuscript corrections in Mr. J. P. Collier's annotated Shakspere, Folio, 1632, etc. 4to., i860. COLLIGNON (Albert). £tude sur Petrone : la critique litteraire, I'imitation et la parodie dans le satiricon. Svo., Paris, 1892. COLLOQUIA. De cotidianis coUoquiis, etc. Gr. See HOMILIA. 8vo.,[i520?J COLOMBO (Cristoforo). The letter of Colum- bus on the discovery of America. A fac- simile of the pictorial edition, with a new and literal translation, and a complete reprint of the oldest four editions in Latin. [With an introduction by W. Fames.] Svo., New York, 1892. Printed by order of the trustees of the I.enox Library. See CURTIS (W. E.). Souvenir of La Rabida, World's Columbian Exposition. The relics of Columbus, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., (1893.) • JusTiNiANUS (A.) Bishop of Nebbio. [Life of Christopher Columbus.] See BIBLE. — Old Testament : Psalms. [Polyglott.] Psalterium, Hebrgum, Grgcii, etc. [Note to Ps. 19.] 4to., 1516. COLOMBO (Michele). Novella inedita. See ROSASCO (G.). Due novelle, etc. 8vo., 1855. COLOMESIUS (Paulus). [i.e., Paul Colo- Miiis.] P. Colomesii opuscula. i2mo., Ultrajecti, 1669. Includes " Clavis epistolarum Scaligeri, Casauboni, Salmasii, & aliorum.*' GalUa orientaUs, sive Gallonim qui linguam Hebraeam vel alias orientales excoluerunt vitae, etc. 4to., HageB Comitis, 1665. See DES MAIZE AUX (P.). ScaUgerana ...et Colomesiana. Ou remarques...de J. Scaligeri... & P. Colomies, etc. Tome I. i2mo., 1740. [Another copy.] COLONIA (Dominique de). Histoire litte- raire de la ville de Lyon, avec une biblio- theque des auteurs lyonnois, sacres et profanes, distribues par siecles. 2 pts. 4to., Lyon, 1728-30. Aubais copy, COLONIUS (Nicolaus). Q. Horatii Flacci methodus de arte poetica : per N. Colonium exposita, etc. [With the text] (Ejusdem N. Colonii carmina.) See HORATIUSFLACCUS (Q.). [EPISTOL.E : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] 4to., 1587. COLONNA (Egidio) Romano, Archbishop of Bourges. See EGIDIUS, Romanus. COLONNA (Francesco). See POLIPHILUS, pseud. COLOTES. See PLUTARCHUS. [Contra Coloten.] Plutarchi liber contra Coloten, etc. 8vo., 1555. See PLUTARCHUS. [Contra Coloten.] Plutarchi... in Coloten liber posterior, etc. 8vo., 1555. COLUANDER (Leosthenes) pseud. ? Sen- tentiae prophanae ex diversis scriptoribus... coUectas, per L. Coluandrum. See SENTEN- TI^. Sententiae et proverbia ex poetis Latinis, etc. 8vo., 1541. COLUMBUS (Christopher). See COLOMBO (C). COLUMELLA (Lucius Junius Moderatus). Begin. [Fol. i, recto:] LVCII IVNII MODERATI COLVMELLAE | REI RVSTI- CAE CAPITVLA LIBRI PRIMI. | [Fol. 1 54, recto .] PALLADII RVTILII TAVRI AEMILIANI VIRI ILLVSTRIS | DE RE RVSTICA LIBER PRIMVS... | etc. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : opera et im- pensis Nicolai lenson, 1472. A portion of the collection known as ** Scriptores Rei Rustic*." Wanting fol. 214 to end. Hain, *I4564. Proctor, 4or6. L. J. M. Columellae de re rustica liber primus (-duodecimus). (L. J. M. Columellae liber de arboribus, etc.) See CATO (M. P.) the Censor. Libri de re rustica, etc. 4to., 1514. [Another edition.] [Another copy.] 4to., 1533. COLUMELLA (I-. J. M.).—{contd.) L. J. M. Columellae de re rustica libri XIL Ejusdem de arboribus liber, separatus ab aliis. 8vo., Lttgduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1^4,1. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 548. , Smith's copy. [Another copy.] Beroaldus (P.) the Elder. Enarrationes P. Beroaldi in XIII. Columellae libros, etc. See MERULA (Georgius). Priscarum vo- cum, in libris de re rustica, enarrationes, etc. 8vo., 1535. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1549. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See VICTORIUS (P.). P. Victorii ex- plicationes suarum in Catonem, Varronem, Columcllam castigationum. 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] COLUTHUS, Thebanits. KoXovdov (-r^^aiov... 'E?.Evtii aqjiayti See QUINTUS, Smyrnaus Ko'iviov KukaPqov TtaQahino/ievojv '0/ti]QOV, fiifiXia rcaaaocs xai dtxa, etc. 8vo., [1505.] Coluti Thcbani Hclenae raptus. See HOMERUS. [Opera.— I.aQO)V fiifiXlOV h. Natalis Comitum Veneti dc horis liber lemmate, etc. F. Commandini.. maei commentarius. [Planisph.'erium.] rium, etc. [Pt. II.] unus. Ejusdem de anno libri quatuor. Myrmicomyamachia; libri quatuor. Ama- toriarum elegiarum libri duo. Ejusdem elegiae sex. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Venetiis : per Fratres de Nicolinis de Sabio, 1550. The colophon readw: " Iinpressum...iX'r Petnim de Nicolinis de Sabio." Sunderland copy. Natalis Comitum Veneti de venatione, libri IIII. H. Ruscellii scholiis brcvissimis illustrati. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldi filii [P. Manutius], 1551. Renouard, p. 152. Wanting the four unnumbered leaves at the end. COMESTOR (Petrus). See PETRUS, Comes- tor. COMMANDINUS (Federicus). [i.e.. Federigo Commanding.] Commentarii in opera non nulla Archimedis. See ARCHIMEDES. Archimedis opera non nulla, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1558. F. Commandini... liber, de horologiorum descriptione. See PTOLEM^US (C). [De Analemmate.] C. Ptolemaei liber de ana- 4to., 1562. ,in planisphaerium Ptole- SeePTOLEM.^US(C.). Ptolemaei planisphae- 4to., 1558. COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC RE- CORDS. See GREAT BRITAIN.— Record Commission. COMMITTEE FOR THE RELIEF OF PLUNDERED MINISTERS. Minutes of the Committee... and of the trustees for the maintenance of ministers ; relating to Lanca- shire and Cheshire, 1643-1660. Edited by W. A. Shaw. 2 pts. 8vo., [Matichester,] 1893-96. (Record Society rublications, Vols. XXVIII. and XXXIV.) [Another copy of Pt. I.] Ono of four copies printed on large paper. COMPAYRfi (Gabriel). Ramus. 8vo., Paris, 1882. From V. Buisson's " Dictionnoire do pidagogio," Livr. 158. CONCILIUM TRIDENTINUM. See TRENT, Council of. CONCIONES. Concioncs sive orationcs ex Grjecis Latin'squc historicis exccrptK, etc. [Edited by H. Esliennc.] 2 pts. See ESTI- ENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. fol., 1570. [Another copy.] CONCORDIA. Begin. In nomine saiicte & indiuiduc trinitalis Incipit concordia dis- cordantifi canonfi, etc. [By GraUanus.] See GRATIANUS, the Canonist. fol., 1483- COND/; (Henri de BouRnoN) Prince de. See HENRI II. [de BouRUON]. CONDI'. (Louis josKiMi DE BouRnoN) Prince de. See WILLBROD ( ue) Comte. Revela- tions politiqucs. Lcs trois victimcs (P. Didici, Charles Ferdinand due dc Berry, ct [Louis Joseph dc Hourbonj Ic Prince de Con(16). 8vo., 1847. CONDORCET (Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat) Marquis de. See LACROIX (S. F.). Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Condorcet. 8vo., 1813. CONFERENCE OF LIBRARIANS. See INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFER- ENCE. CONFUTAZIONE. Confutatione del libro de paradossi nuovamente composta [by O. Lando], e' Presbyterian Clcissis, etc. Pt. II., Appendix 2. 4to., 1898. [Another copy.] COROCOTTA (M. Grunnius) Porcellus. pseud. M. G. Corocottae PorcelU testamentum. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum . . .scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1666. — — — — [Another copy.] CORRADUS (Quintus MarIus). [i.e., Quinto Mario Corrado.] Q. M. Corradi episto- larum Ubri VIII., etc. 8vo., Venetiis, 1565. CORRARD DE BRfiBAN ( ). Recherches sur I'etablissement et I'exercice de I'imprimerie a Troyes ... TroisiSme Edition ... augmentee ... par O. Thierry-Poux. 8vo., Paris, 1873. CORRARO (Gregorio). Progne, tragoedia [in verse, by G. Corraro], nunc primum edita [by J. Riccius]. 4to., [Venice ;] in Academia Veneta, 1 558. Renouard, p. 273. Meizi, II., 379. Olive morocco by Birdsall & Son. Latham copy. CORROY (Simon A). Pandecta legis evan- gelicae. i6mo., Lugduni . apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 549. CORRUPIE (Pierre) pseud.? Discours...sur le succes Sc cas advenu au Chasteau neuf de Naples cest an 1 546 & le 16 de Mars. 8vo., Lyon : par J. de Tournes, 1546. Crofts copy. CORSER (Thomas). Catalogue ... of the ... library, formed by the Rev. T. Corser...of Stand Rectory, near Manchester... Which \vill be sold by auction, etc. 9 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., London, etc., 1868-76. The prices realised are given in part XI. of Corser's " Collectanea Anglo-paetica." Collectanea Anglo-poetica : or, a biblio- graphical and descriptive catalogue of a portion of a collection of early English poetry, with occasional extracts and remarks, bio- graphical and critical. 1 1 pts. 4to., (Manchester,) 1860-83, (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. Vols. LII., LV., LXXI., LXXVII., XCI., C.-CII., CVI., CVIII. and CXI.) CORSO (Antonio Giacomo). Rime di A. G. Corso. See CASTIGLIONE (B.) Coi:te. Stanze pastoraU, etc. 8vo., 1553. CORTELLIA (Jacobus). In Laurae Nasiae virginis omatiss. tumulum diversorum poeta- rum epigrammata, per J. Cortelliam... edita. His accessit ejusdem de die Natali Christi oratio, additis quibusdam carminibus ad apophthegmata, quae aliquot epistolae sub- sequuntur. 8vo., Aug[ustes] Taurinorum, 1589. Heber copy. CORVINUS (Laurentius). [i.e., Laurent Rab.] Latinum idioma, etc. 4to., [colophon ;] Colonie : s.t.n., 1516. CORVINUS (Marcus Valerius Messala). See MESSALA CORVINUS. COSIN (John) Bishop of Durham. Vita. ..J. Cosini, Episcopi Dunelmensis. See SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vitjc quorundam...viroruni, etc. 4to., 1707. 125 COSMAS, Hierosolymilanus. Cosmae...cantica tredecim. Gr. &- Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii ... opera, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1 501. [Another edition.] Lat. See PRU- DENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentius. Prosper, etc. 8vo., [i 518 ?] COSMO I. [de' Medici], Gran Duca di Toscana. See GIAMBULLARI (P. P.). Apparato et feste nelle noze dello illustrissimo Signer Duca di Firenze [Cosmo I.], etc. 8vo., 1 539. See MANUTIUS (A.) the Younger. Vita di Cosimo de' Medici. fol., [i 586.] COSMOPOLITANUS (Evangelus) fseud. See EVANGELUS, Cosmopolitanus. COSMUS, Hierosolymilanus. See COSMAS. COSTE (Jean Louis Antoine). Catalogue de la bibliothdque lyonnaise de M. Costc.redige et mis en ordre par A. Vingtrinier. 2 pts. 4to., Lyon, 1853. The pagination is continuous throughout. —^ Catalogue des livres rares et precieux de la bibliotheque de...J. L. A. Coste, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1854. Sale catalogue. COSTER (LouRENS). See LINDE (A. van der). The Haarlem legend of the invention of printing by L. J. Coster, etc. 8vo., 1871. See RENOUARD (A. A.). Note sur L. Coster, etc. 8vo., (1818.) COTER^US (Claudius), [i.e.. Claude Coter- EAU.] C. CoteraEi...de jure, et privilegiis miUtum libri tres. Ad haec, d§ officio im- f)eratoris liber, etc. [Edited by E. Dolet.] fol., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1539. COTOLENDI (Charles). Arliquiniana, ou les bon mots, les histoires plaisantes & agreables. Recuellies des conversations d'Arlequin. [By C. Cotolendi.] l2mo., Paris, 1694. Barbier, I., 275. Brunet, L, 480. COTTA (Joannes). J. Cottae carmina. See CARMINA. Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum, etc. 8vo., 1548. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1552. COTTA (Joannes Franciscus) pseud, [i.e., BiLiBALD Pirckheimer.] See PIRCK- HEIMER (B.). COTTON (Henry). A list of editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from... 1505 to 1820. With an appendix containing specimens of translations, and bibliographical descriptions. 8vo., Oxford, 1821. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from... 1505 to 1850... Second edition, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1852. A typographical gazetteer... The second edition, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1831. Second series. 8vo., Oxford, 1866. Presentation copy from the author. COTTON (Pierre). Anti-Coton, or a refuta- tion of Cotton's letter declaratorie...To which is added, a supplication of the Universitie of Paris. ..Both translated out of the French, by G. H,, etc. 4to., London : printed by T. S. for R. Boyle, 161 1. Sussex copy. Anti-Cotton : nouvelle edition, aug- mentee de quelques remarques, et precedee d'une dissertation historique et critique sur ce fameux ouvrage. 8vo., La Haye, 1738. Elixii- Calvinisticum, sen lapis pliilosophiae I reformatae...Cum testamentario Anticotonis I codice nuper invento...Auctore A. Schioppio j [i.e., P. Cotton]. I 8vo., In Ponte Charentonio, 1615. Horoscopus Anticotonis auctior et pene novus. Autore A. Schioppio [i.e., P. Cotton], etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Ingolstadii, 161 6. The pagination is continuous. See EUD^MON- JOANNES (A.) Cydo- nius. Confutatio Anticotoni qua respon- detur calumniis...in P. Cottonem...congestis. 8vo., 161 1. COULTHART, Family of. See KNOWLES (G. P.). A genealogical and heraldic account of the Coultharts, efc. 4to., 1855. COURTHOPE (William John). The paradise of birds ; an old extravaganza in a modem dress. 8vo., Edinburgh, i&jo. COUSIN (Gilbert). See COGNATUS (G.). COUTURIER (Jean). See AMANTON (C. N.). Notices sur M. Coirturier, etc. 8vo., (1825.) COVELLE (Robert). See VOLTAIRE (F. M. Arouet de). La guerre civile de Geneve, ou les amors [sic] de R. Covelle... Nouvelle edition, etc. 8vo., 1769. COWIE (Benjamin Morgan) Dean of Exeter. Liberalism in the priests' craft. A letter to the Bishop of Manchester in reference to the first paper read by Dean Cowie at the Diocesan Conference. 8vo., London, [1876.] COWPER (William Cowper) ist Earl. The private diary of William, first Earl Cowper, Lord Chancellor of England. 4to., Eton, 1833. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 49.) Uttcrson copy. CRABBE (Gilbert). Aristoteles de conucnie- tia politico & economice. Aristotclis...de differentia & cSuenientia politice et econo- mice & ordine earns libri duo cii comcnto... Gilberti de crab. Scoti, etc. See ARISTO- TELES. [PoLiTiCA.] 4to., [f. 1 500.] CRACOVIUS (Georgius). [i.e.. Georg Cra- cow.] Do Bartolo jurisconsultorum claris- simo, oratio, etc. 8vo., Witebergir. 1562. CRAMERUS (Andreas), {i.e., A. Cramer. 1 M. A. Cramcri...dcutlichc...Anle)tung wic die zarte Jugendt von Kindt auff in Gottes Furcht, Kunstcn, und Sprachen...konne crzogcn... werden ; mit...Bedenckcn...P. I^ami. 8vo., Magdeburg, 161 8. M. A. Crameri praxis Horatiana, qua turn verus artium logicaruin usus in nobilissimo poeta lyrico per analysin & genesin clarissime 126 CRAMERUS (Andreas). —{contd.) deinonstratur...Argumenta super singulas Q. Horatii odas...adjecit V. Cremcovius. 8vo., [colophon :] Magdaburgi, 1616. [Another copy.] CRANMER (Thomas) Archbishop of Canterbury. See NICHOLS (J. G.). Narratives of the days of the Reformation... with two contem- porary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer, etc. 4to., 1859. CRAPELET (Georges Adrien). fitudes pra- tiques et litteraires sur la typographic. Tome I. 8vo., Paris, 1837. No more publislied. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Quinault, suivie de pieces relatives a I'eta- bhssement de Topfera. 8vo., Pans, 1824. Pattison copy. — — R. Estienne, imprimeur royal, et le roi Francois I*"'. Nouvelles recherches sur I'etat des lettres et de I'imprimerie au 16'= siecle, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1839. CRASSUS (HiERONVMUs). [i.e., Girolamo Crasso.] De calvariae curaione [sic] trac- tatus duo. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis, 1560. De Thou copy. CRASSUS (NicoLAUs) Junior. [i.e., Nicol?) Crasso.] S«e SCIOPPIUS (G.). N. Macri... cum N. Crasso... disceptatio de par^nesi Car- dinalis Baronii ad...Remp. Venetam. 4to., 1607. CRASTONUS (Joannes) Placentinns. [i.e., Giovanni Crastoni.] Begin. [Sig. ai, recto .-] Bonus. Accursius. Pisanus uiro Lit- teratissimo ac grauissimo louani Fri|cisco turriano ducaU quaestori salutem plurimam dicit. \[Sig. ai, recto:] AEEIKON KATA STOlXEIQN\ Gr. &■ Lat. fol., [colophon .] Vincentia : per D. Bertochum, 1483. Imperfect ; wanting sig. ai (blanlc). Hain and Copinger, 5813. Beiohling, I., 132. Proctor, 7177. Proctor', p. 89. •^■^ Dictionarium graecum copiosissimum secfl- dum or- 1 dinem alphabeti cum interpretatione latina. | [By J. Crastonus.] CyrilU opus- culum de dictionibus, quae uariato accen | tu mutant significatum secundum ordinem alpha- |beti cum interpretatione latina. | Am- monius de differentia dictionum per literarum I ordinem. | [Gr.] Vetus instructio & de- nominatioes praefectoii militu. | Significata rov 7). I Significata rov oig. \ Index oppido- quam copiosus, docens latinas dictiones | fere omneis graece dicere & multas etia multis modis I [by A. P. Manutius, the editor of the whole work]. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in csdibus Aldi Manutii, 1497. 243 ff., witliout pagination ; sigs. a-1', A-K*, U", M8, N'D, OS, p-r8, s", t". Wanting the last leaf (blank). Renouard, p. 13. Hain, '6151. Proctor, S561. Proctor^, p. 109. Blue morocco by Boz^rian jeune. Butler copy. Dictionarium Graecum cum interpre- tatione latina, omniu, quae hactenus impressa sunt, copiosissimum. [By J. Crastonus.] Collectio dictionum, quae differunt significatu, per ordinem literarum. [By Cyrillus.] Dic- tiones latinae graece redditae. Ammomus de simiUbus & differentibus dictionibus. Vetus instructio & denominationes praefectorum militum. Orbicius de nominibus ordinum miUtarium. Significata tou 1) xai cug. Jo. Grammatici quaedam de proprietatibus linguarum. Eustathii quaedam de proprie- tatibus linguarum apud Homerum. Corin- thus de proprietatibus linguarum. Verborum anomalorum declinationes fm ordinem litera- rum. Herodiani quaedam de enchticis. Jo. Grammatici Characis quaedam de encliticis. Choerobosci quaedam de enchticis. Thomae Magistri eclogae atticorum nominum, & ver- borum. Phrynichi ecloge atticorum nomi- num, & verborum. E. Moschopuli eclogae atticarum dictionum, nunc primum impressae. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1 524. Renouard, p. 99. [Another copy of Pt. II.] Wanting ff. 1-65, containing the " Dictionesi latinEe grsece redditae." Sunderland copy. CRAWFORD (Alexander William Crawford Lindsay) z^th Earl of, and Sth Earl of Bal- carres. Report of the speeches... upon the claim of James Earl of Crawford... to the original dukedom of Montrose, etc. See MONTROSE, Dukedom of. fol., 1855. CRAWFORD (James Lindsay) 24^* Earl of, and jth Earl of Balcarres. [For reports on the case of James, Earl of Crawford, claiming the dukedom of Montrose.] See MONTROSE, Dukedom of. CRAWFORD (James Ludovic Lindsay) 26th Earl of. and gth Earl of Balcarres. BibUotheca Lindesiana. Catalogue of the library of... the Earl of Crawford... which will be sold by auction, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., London, 1887-89. See INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE. Second International Li- brary Conference. List of manuscripts, printed books and examples of bookbinding [in the Earl of Crawford's library] exhibited, etc. 8vo., 1897. CRAWFORD (William Horatio). The Lake- lands hbrary. Catalogue of the... books, manuscripts and engravings, of the late W. H. Crawford... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1891. With names of purchasers and prices in MS. CRAWFORD AND LINDSAY, Earldoms of. Minutes of evidence taken before the Com- mittee for Privileges to whom was referred the petition of James, Earl of Balcarras [sic]... claiming the honours and dignities of Earl of Crawfurd [sic] and Lord Lindsay ; and also the petition of R. Lindsay Crawfurd, Esquire... claiming the titles... and dignities of Earl of Crawfurd and Lindsay, etc. fol., [London,] 1845. CR]£bILLON (Claude Prosper Jolyot de). Collection complette des ceuvres de M. de Crebillon le Fils. Nouvelle edition. 7 torn. i2mo., Lcmdres, 1779. Tome I. ia in 2 pts., each with a separate pagina* tiou. Mitiord cop^'. 127 CREDLAND (William Robert). The Man- chester Public Free Libraries. A history and description, and guide to their contents and use. 8vo., Manchester, 1899. CREDONIUS (Claudius). C. Credonii...in Graecas Budffii epistolas annotationes, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1579. Slade and Sunderland copy. CREE (John). Notes on Mr. Christie's collec- tion of books. See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. Ixiii-lxvii. 8vo., 1902. CRELLIUS (Joannes), {i.e., Johann Crell.] J. Crellii...de Uno Deo Patre, libro duo. In quibus niulta etiani dc Filii Dei & Spiritus Sancti natura disseruntur. 8vo., RacoviiT. 1631. CREMCOVIUS (Valentinus). Argunienta super singulas Q. Horatii Flacci odas, etc. See CRAMERUS (A.). M. A. Crameri praxis Horatiana, etc. 8vo., 161 6. — [Another copy.] CRENIUS (Thomas) pseud. [i.e., Thomas Theodorus Crusius.] De eruditione coni- paranda in humanioribus, vita, studio poli- tico, cognitione auctoruni ecclesiasticorum, historicorum, politicorum ac militarium, item peregrinatione tractatus ... quos T. Crcuius conlegit, fi/c. ^to., Lugduni Batavorum, 1699. Petit copy. CREPUNDIA. Crepundia poetica somniata, etc. See NUG^E. Nugae venales, etc. [PI. 2. J 1 2 mo., 1642. [Another edition, enlarged.] l2mo., 1644. i2mo., 1648. i2mo., 1681. — [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1689. 8vo., 1703. i2mo., 1720. — — [Another edition.] i2mo., 1741. CRESPIN (Jean). Actiones et monimenta martyrum, qui k Wicleffo et Husso ad nos- tram hanc aetatS in Germania, Gallia, Anglia, Flandria, Italia, & ipsa demuni Hispania, veritatem Evangehcam sanguine suo con- stanter obsignaverunt. 4to., [Geneva,} 1560. Des cinq escoliers (M. Alba, P. Escrivain, B. Seguin, C. Faure, P. Nauihd-res) sortis de Lausanne, bruslez a Lyon. [By J. Crespin.] fol., Geneve, 1878. .\ reprint of part of Crespin's " Histoire des niartyrH," 1619. Histoire des martyrs, persecutez et mis a mort pour la vcritfe [sic] de I'Evagile, depuis le temps des Apostres jusques i I'an 1 597. [By J. Crespin. ]...Reveu(' & augmentee en ceste edition [by S. Goulart], etc. fol., [Geneva,] 1597. Barbier, II., 757. Ta aotl^o/iEva riov naXutorarov ttoujxcov yewQyiKa, fiovxohxa, xan yvionixa. Vetustis- simorum authorum georgica, bucolica, & gnomica poeniata qua> supersunt, etc. [Edited by J. Crespin.] Gr. <" Lat. 4 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., [Geneva : J. Crespin, 1569-70.] Eacli part has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. Blue morocco by Boz6rian jeune. Yemeniz and Didot copy. Contenta : — [Pt. I.] TayfUfiyLKa. 'Utriodoi'...if>ya Kai ij^epai. Tov avTov. 'A(T7rts 'U/ja*fXfoi'y. OeoyoPta. Hesiodi... opera qure supei-sunt omnia, etc. [Pts. II.-IIl.] Bou/foXiKQ. QeoKptTov ... flSvWta Kai ^TTLypafi/xaTa ffut^oneva. Xifxfitov ... Mcxr^ou ...Biwvoj.-.Theoeriti, Siramias, Moschi, & Bionis eidyllia, etc. [Pt. IV.] Vfu^oypa^oi. Q^oyvtSos ... yvw^L ^XiyctaKai, ^uKv\t5ov iroLT}fj.a vovderiKov, Yluda- yopov XP^'*^^ fT?;, XoXojvos yvfjifxat iXeyeiaKai. Theognidis. Phocylidis, Pythagora?, Solonis, Blior(imc|uo \'eterum pocmata gnomica, etc, • [Another edition.] Accessit huic edition! I. Hortiboni Theocriticarum lectio- num libellus, etc. (Movaaiov ra xad' 'Equ> [sic] xai Aeav6Qov.) Gr. <'^ Lat. 3 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., [Geneva,] 1639. CRETTONE ( Jacomo di). See CRICHTON ( J.). CREVENNA (Pietro Antonio Bolongaro). Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de M. P. A. Bolongaro-Crevenna. (Prix des livres de la bibliotheque [sic] de M. P. A. Bolongaro-Crevenna, etc.) 5 vols, [in 6.] 4to., .4insterdam, 1789-90. Vol. III. is in two parts. Vol. V. is called on the titlepage " Sixidmo volume." One of 50 copies In 4to. Catalogue raisonnfe de la collection de livres de M. P. A. Crevenna. [By himself. | 6 vols, [in 3.] 4to., [Amsterdam,] 1776. Vol. V. includes " Lettrea d'hommes illustros du XVII™" & XVIlIn'« Bi6clo [sic], qui n'ont jamais 6t6 imprim6e9.*' CRICHTON (James) called the Admirable. See MANUTIUS (A.) the Younger. Relatione... sopra le ammirabili qualiti del nobilissimo... Jacomo di Crettone. 8vo., 1 582 [i 830]. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1831. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] — [Another edition.] Svc, 1831. CRINITUS (Petrus) Florentinus. P. Criniti... de honesta disciplina, lib. XXV., pootis Latinis, lib. V., et poematon, lib. II., cum indicibus. 8vo., l.ugduni : apud Seb Gryphium, i 543. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554- Soubiso copy. [Another edition.] }6mo., l.ugduni: apudhcrred. Seb. Gryphii, 1561. Ked morocco by 0. Lowiw. Latham copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud .X. Gryphium, 1585. CRIPPS (Henry William). A practical trea- tise on the law relating to the Church and clergy. ..The fifth edition, etc. 8vo., London, 1869. 128 CRIPPS (Henry William).— (cow^i.) See FISHER (R. A.). The Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act of 1 871 ...Forming a supple- ment to the fifth edition of Cripps' treatise on " The law of the Church and clergy." 8vo., 1872. CRISPINUS (Joannes). See CRESPIN. CRISPUS (Caius Sallustius). See SAL- LUSTIUS CRISPUS. CRISTIANI (Girolamo Francesco). Dell" utOita' e della dilettazione de' modelli dis- sertazionc.Seconda edizione, etc. 4to., Brescia, 1765. CRIT£s, pseud, [i.e., Antoine Joseph Gorsas.1 See GORSAS (A. J.). CROCIUS (Ludovicus). {i.e., Ludwig Cro- cius.] L. Crocii D. instructio, de ratione studii theologici. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. [Another edition.] See VOSSIUS (G. J.). Gerardi J. Vossy et aliorum dis- sertationes, e/c. i2mo., 1658. CROCUS (Cornelius). Farrago sordidorum verborum, sive Augiae stabulum repurgatum. See ERASMUS (D.). [Epitome in Elegan- TiAS L. Vall^.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi... in elegantiarum libros L. Vallae, etc. 8vo., 1530. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1533. CROFT {Sir Herbert) Bart. Horace eclairci par la ponctuation. lamo., Paris, 18 10. CROFTON (Henry Thomas). Early books on gipsies. Svo., [London, 1882.] From the " Antiquary," Vol. III. The former costume of the gypsies. 8vo., Manchester, 187 >. From the " Papers of the Manchester Literary Club," Vol. II. Gipsy folk-tales. Svo., Manchester, 1882. From the "Manchester Quarterly," No. i. Gypsy life in Lancashire and Cheshire. 8vo., Manchester, 1877. From the " Papers of the Manchester Literary Club," Vol. UI. A history of the ancient chapel of Stret- ford, in Msmchester parish. Including sketches of the township of Stretford. To- gether with notices of local famiUes and persons. Vol. I. 4to., (Manchester,) 1899. {Chethani Society. Reniaiiis, eU. New series. Vol. 42.) One of tliree copies piinted on large paper. Wanting Vols. II. -III. [Another copy of Vol. I.] Sriiall paper edition. ReUcs of the common field system in and near Manchester. Zvo., Manchester, 1887. From the " Manchester Quarterly," No. 21. Vestiges of village communities. 8vo., Manchester, 1893. From the " Journal of the Manchester Geo- graphical Society," Vol. IX. CROFTON (Henry Thomas) & SMART (Bath Charles). The dialect of the English Gypsies... Second edition, etc. See SMART (B. C.) & CROFTON (H. T.). 8vo., 1875. CROFTS (Thomas) F.R.S. Bibliotheca Croft- siana. A catalogue of the. ..library of...T. Crofts... which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., [London,'] 1783. With prices added in MS. CROKER (Thomas Crofton). Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690. Edited by T. C. Croker. 4to., London, 1841. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 14.) Con- tents : — The siege of Ballyally Castle. By M. Cuffe. — Macariie Excidium. By C. O'K. [i.e. C. O'Kelly]. CROLLIUS (Oswaldus). [i.e., Oswald Croll.] O. Crollii... basilica cliymica...In fine libri additus est ejusdem autoris tractatus novus de signaturis rerum intemis. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., ColoyiicB Allohrogum, 1610. The tract " De signaturis rerum internis," has a separate titlepage and pagination, but the register is consecutive throughout. The title- page bears the mark of Gryphius. CROMWELL, Family of. See NOBLE (M.). Memoirs of the protectoral-house of Crom- well... The third edition, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1787. CROMWELL (Oliver). OUvario Cromwellio in foedera inter Rempub. Britannicam & ordines foederatos Belgii stabiUta, 1654. See MUS.E BRITANNIC^. Musae Britannicae, etc. 8vo., 171 1. See CAMBRIDGE.— University. Oliva pacis. Ad...01iverum, Reipub. Angliae, Sco- tiae, & Hibemiie Dominum Protectorem... carmen Cantabrigiense. 4to., 1654. CROSBY RECORDS. Crosby records: a chapter of Lancashire recusancy. Containing a relation of troubles and persecutions sus- tained by W. Blundell, of Crosby Hall... 1 560-1638, and an account of an ancient burial ground for recusants, called the Har- kirke, and of coins discovered there. With an introduction by. ..A. Goss. Edited by... T. E. Gibson. 4to., (Manchester,) 1887. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. New Series, Vol. 12.) One of three copies printed on large paper. CROSSLEY (James). Catalogue... of the... hbrary of. ..J. Crossley... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., London, 1884-85. Catalogue of a portion of the... library of the late J. Crossley... To be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1884. [Another copy.] CROSTON (James). The ancient Rectorial and Parish Church of Manchester. With some account of the circumstances which gave rise to its coUegiation. A chapter of local history. $vo., Manchester, 1879. From the " Manchester Diocesan Churchman," Vol. L Anglo-Saxon cross, Prestbury. A chapter of Church history, etc. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1884. Reprinted, for pri\ate circuluiion, from " The Palatine Note-Book," Vol. IV. 139 CROSTON (James.).— (could.) See PRESTBl^RV. Paiish of, in Cheshire. The register book of christenings, weddings, and burials... 1 560-16^6. Edited by J. Cros- ton. " 8vo., 1 88 1. CROTCHET CASTLE. Crotchet Castle. [By T. L. Peacock.] See PEACOCK (T. L.). 8vo., 1 831. CROWE (Joseph Archer) & CAVALCA- SELLE (Giovanni Battista). The early Flemish painters : notices of their lives and works. 1 2mo.. London, 18 c,y. CROZAT (Joseph Antoine) Marquis de Tugny. Catalogue des livrcs dc Monsieur le President Crozat de Tugny. Dent la ventc.sera indiquee par affiches. 8vo., Paris, 1751. With prices added in MS. Dibdin copy. CRUCIUS (Jacobus) Delphensis. J. Crucii mercurius sive opus epistolaru sex libros comprehendens...Editio novissima. i2mo., Amstelodami , 1 681. The titlepage i'l engraved. CRUDELI (TOMMASO). Novella. SeeROSASCO (G.). Due novelle, etc. 8vo., 1855. CRUFENAS (Cariollinus Tevetio) pseud., Resp. [For editions of the " Themata medica de beanorum...affectibus et cura- tione."] See CER.\STUS CORNANUS (C.) pseud., Pras. CRUISE (William). Account of the claim [made by E. 'V. Bryilges] to the barony of Chandos, given by Cruise in his Treatise on dignities, p. 215. io\., s.n. ^— A treatise on the origin and nature of dignities, or titles of honor... Second edition, etc. 8vo., LoM(/oH, 1823. CRUPENAS (Cariollinus Tevetio) pseud. See CRUFENAS. CRUSIUS (Joannes) Jesuit. Resolutiones... de concordatis Germaniae adversus allega- tiones...in F. Romani Haye horto male appellate Crusiano repcrtas. 4to., Colonics Agrippince, 1653. CRUSIUS (Thomas Theodorus). See CRE- NIUS (T.) psexid. CTESIAS. 'Ex T(in< Ktijoiov, 'AyaOao/iSov, Afefivovo; laroQixviv ixXoyai. 'Ajiniavov 'iprjf>ixij xai 'Avvtjiaj'x)!. Ex Ctesia, Agatharchide, Memnone excerptre historic. Appiani Iberica. Item, de gestis Annibalis. Omnia nunc primum edita. Cum H. Stephani castiga- tionibus. Gr. 8vo., [Paris :] Ex ojfficina H. Stephani, 1557. CUEVAS (Aloisia de). See SIGiEA (A.). CUFFE (Maurice). The siege of Ballyally Castle, in the county of Clare. See CRO- KER (T. C). Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690. 4to., 1841. CUMBERLAND (Olive Wilmot) calling her- self Princess of. See WILMOT (O.). CUN.91US (Petrus). [i.e., Pieter van der Kun.] Cunaei epistolae. See GR,4iVIUS (J. G.). J. G. Graevii... Cunaei... epistolae, etc. 8vo., 1710. Sardi venalcs ; satyra Menippea, etc. See ERASMUS (D.). [Mori.t. Enco.mium.] Encomium moriae, etc. [Pt. II.] i2mo., 161 7. P. Cunsei satyra Menippea incastrata. Item D. Juliani Imperatoris satyra. i2mo., Lugd[uni] Bat[avoruni], 1632. The titlepage is engraved. CUNNINGHAM (Alexander). A. Cunin- ganiii animadversiones in R. Bentleii notas... ad Q. Horatium Flaccum. 8vo., Hagae Comitum, 1721. CUNNINGHAM (William) gth Earl of Glen- cairn. See GLENCAIRN. CURIDEMUS (Vesp.\sianus) pseud., Prtps. Disputatio de comelio et ejusdem natura ac proprietate, etc. See FACETI;C Facetiae facetiarum, eif. [Pt. 17.] 4to., (i626-)i627. [.\nother edition.] Nugas venales, etc. [Pt. 4.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] Facetiae facetiarum, etc. [Another edition.] Nugae venales, etc. [.\nother edition.] Facetiae facetiarum, etc. [Another edition.] Nugae venales, etc [Another edition.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] (CcELius Secundus) See NUG.E. i2mo., [i6]32. i2nio., 1642. i2mo., 1644. See FACETI^. i2mo., 1647. See NUG.E. i2mo.. 1648. See FACETLIi. I 2mo., 1657. See NUG/E. l2mo., [1662.] 1 2 mo., 1663. 1 2 mo. 8vo. i2mo. 1 2mo. 1689. 1703- 1720. 1741. Pasquillorum CUKIO tomi duo. Quorum primo versibus ac rhyth- mis, altero soluta oratione conscripta quam- plurinia continentur, etc. [Collected by C. S. Curio.] 2 tom. [in i vol.] 8vo., Eleuthero- poli [Basel : J. Oporinus], i 544. Tlie pagination is consecutivx. Baihier, IV., 1338. Luard copy. C. S. Curionis Pasquillus ecstaticus, uni cum aliis etiam aliquot Sanctis pariter & lepidis dialogis, e0Qai; v rr]Q "EXXaSog i^oxojv Q7]roQ(ov Ataxii'ov xai AijfwaOevovg Xoyoi reaaageg avTidixoi.etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1549. [OLYNTiiiACiE.] Ar}tioa0Evov(;...)M'yoi'OXw- Oiaxoi rgeig. Demosthenis... Olynthiacae ora- tiones tres, analysi dialectica, rhetorica, historica, ethica & poUtica a M. Beuralero... illustratae...Accessit in fine earundem ora- tionum Latina interpretatio. a D. R. CoUino, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Franco fttrdi, 1585. [Philippics. — Greek.] AtjftoaOevovg 6 Tigog Tjjv ^ihnnov iTitaroXrjv Xoyog. Demosthenis ad Philippi epistolam oratio. J. Habighorstii in eandem adnotationes xExvoXoywai. 8vo., Colonics : per J. Soterem, s.a. 18 ff., without pagination ; bigs. a~^, 7-. Arj/waQevovg xara 0thn7iov Xoyog 6'. De- mosthenis oratio quarta contra Philippum. 4to., Parisris : ex officina C. Wecheli, 1539. — — Atj/ioadcvovg xara 0tXi7tnov Xoyot. De- mosthenis orationes contra Philippum. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1541. [Philippics. — Latin.] Demosthenis ora- tiones quatuor contra Philippum, k P. Manutio latinitate donatae. 4to., Venetiis : apud Aldi filios [P. Manutius], 1 549. Renouard, p. 146. • [Appendix.] See ULPIANUS, Rhetor. Ovhiiavov QrjTOQog, TCQoXeyo^eva elg re rovg dXwdiaxovg, xai (piXmmxovg drjfwaOevovg Xoyovg, etc. fol., 1503. [Another edition.] fol., 1527. DEMPSTER (Thomas). T. Dempstcri historia ecclesiastica gentis Scotorum : sive, de scrip- toribus Scotia. Editio altera. [Edited by D. Irving.] 2 torn. 4to., Edinburgi, 1829. (Rannatyne Cluh. ) Tho pagination is con- secutive. DENAISIUS (Petrus). Dissertatio de idolo Hallensi, J. Lipsii, mangonio & phaleris exor- nato atque producto. [By P. Dcnaisius.J 4to., [Heidelberg,] 1605. Borbier, IV., 1338. DENIS (JoHANN Nepomuk Cosmas Michael). Annalium typographicorum v. cl. Michaclis Maittairc supplementum. Adomavit M. Denis. 2 pts. .See MAITTAIRE (M.). 4to., 1789. Sec PANZER (G. W.). Annales typo- graphici...post Maittairii Denisii aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti cmendati et aucti. 1 1 vols. 4to., 1793-1803. DENIUS (Cornelius) pseud, [i.e., Rodolphe Matman.] See MATMAN (R.). DENNISTOUN (James). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the arms, arts and literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. 3 vols., illust. 8vo., London, 1851. DENON (Dominique Vivant) Baron. See AM ANTON (C. N.). Notices sur M. Cou- turier et M. le baron Denon. 8vo., (1825.) D'ifiON DE BEAUMONT (Charles Gene- vieve Louis Auguste Andre TimothSe). See ton DE BEAUMONT. DEPPING (Georg Bernhard). Les Juifs dans le moyen age : essai historique sur leur 6tat civil, commercial et litteraire, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1845. DE QUINCEY (Thomas). See AXON (W. E. A.). De Quincey and J. F. Ferrier. 8vo., 1898. DERBY, Earls of. See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. 3 pts. 4to., 1853-67. DERBY (Edward Stanley) ^rd Earl of. Correspondence of Edward, third Earl of Derby, during the years 24 to 31 Henry VIII. [i 532-1 539.]. ..Edited by T. N. Toller. 4to., {Manchester,) 1890. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. New Series, Vol. 19.) One of three copies printed on large paper. DERBYSHIRE ARCH^OLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Journal. Vols. III.-V. 8vo., London, 1881-83. DE-ROSSI (Johannes Bernardus). See ROSSI (G. B. de). DERRY, Bishops of. George. [1616-34.] See DOWNAME (G.). William. [1691-1703.] See KING (W.) A rchbishop of Cashel and Emly. WilUam. [1718-27.] See NICOLSON (W.) A rchbishop of Dublin. DESAINLIENS (Claude). See SAINT-LIEN (C. de). DES AUTELS (Guillaume). See LIVET (C. L.). La grammaire fran9aise et les gram- mairiens du 16° siMe... Dubois (Sylvius). ..G. des Autels, etc. 8vo., 1859. DES BILLONS (Franjois Joseph Terrasse). Nouveaux eclaircissements sur la vie et les ouvragesde G. Postcl. 8vo., Liege. 1773. Calf l>y 0. Lewis. [Another copy.] I'attison copy, in which uro indicated the books by I'ostel ill tho possession of Mr. R. C. Christie. Imperfect ; wanting tlio hist leaf. DESCARTES (Reni;). Rcnati Descartes epis- tola;, partim ab auctore Latino sernione conscnptae, partim ex Gallico translate, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.], illust. 4to., Lotuiini, 1668. DES CAURRES (Jean). Joannis dcs Caurrcs ...enarrationcs, in N. Borbonii...libelluni dc moribus, etc. [With the text.] See BOR- BONIUS (N.). 4to., 1 571. .36 DESCHAMPS (Pierre). Dictionnaire de geo- graphie ancienne et modeme a I'usage du Ubraire et de I'amateur de livTes...Par un bibliophile. [Dedication signed P. D., i.e., P. Deschamps.] (Supplement au manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres [by J. C. Brunet].) 8vo., Pam, 1870. Essai bibliographique sur M. T. Ciceron... Avec una preface par J. Janin. [With an appendix containing a list of manuscript copies of Cicero, taken from " Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscriptorum nova " by B. de Montfaucon and J. Le Maistre.] Svo., Paris, 1863. Morante copy. DESCHAMPS (Pierre) & BRUNET (Pierre Gust.we). Manuel du libraire... Supplement ...par P. Deschamps et [P.] G. Brunet. 2 tom. See BRUNET (J. C). Manuel du lihrsLhe, etc. 8vo., 1878-80. DESCRIZIONE. Descrizione di due libri stampati da Aldo. [By C. Ramazzotti.] See RAMAZZOTTI (C). 8vo., [1852.] [Another edition.] 8vo., (1853.) DESDOUITS (THitoPHiLE). La legende tra- gique de J. Bruno, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1885. For a critique on this work, ste Mr. R. C. Ciiristie's " Was Giordano Biuno really burned? " (1885). DES FREUX (Andre). See FRUSIUS (A.). DES GUERROIS (Ch.\rles). Patelin, comedie du quinzieme siecle, ramenee a la langue du dix-neuvieme. 8vo., Paris, 1855. 300 copies printed, this being No. 95. DESH0ULI£RES (Antoinette du Ligier de La Garde) Madame. See Lfi.MONTEY (P. £.). Notices sur M"". de La Fayette et sur M™'. Deshouli^res, etc. 8vo., 1822. DESL.\NDES (Andre Francois Boureau-). See B0UREAU-DESLAND£S. DESLAURIERS (N.). See BRUSCAMBILLE, pseud. DES LYONS ( ) Baron. Eloge du roi Louis XII., surnomme le Pdre du Peuple. 8vo.,5./., 1788. Pattison copy. DES MAIZEAUX (Pierre). Scaligerana [prima Scaligerana compiled by F. Vertunia- nus ; secunda Scaligerana compiled by J. and N. Vassan], Thuana, Perroniana, Pithce- ana, et Colomesiana. Ou remarques his- toriques, critiques, morales, & litteraires de J. Scaliger, J. A. de Thou, le Cardinal Du Perron, F. Pithou, & P. Colomies. Avec les notes de plusieurs savans. [Edited by P. Des Maizcaux.] 2 tom. 121110., Amsterdam, 1740. [Another copy.] La vie de Monsieur [P.] Baylc.conside- rablement augmentee, etc. See BAYLE (P.). Dictionaire historique et critique ... Cin- quieme edition, f/c. Tome I. fol., 1740. DESMARETS (Jean) Seigneur de Saint-Sorliri. Les visionnaires, comMie. See BACHAU- MONT (F. Le C. de) & CHAPELLE (C. E. L.). Voyage, c/r, 8vo.,.i7o8. DESMAZE (Charles). Le Parlement de Paris : son organisation, ses premiers presidents et procureurs generaux ; avec une notice sur les autres parlements de France... 2= edition, "ic. 8vo., Paris, i860. i6« sificle. P. Ramus, sa vie, ses ecrits. sa mort, 1515-1572. i2mo., Pam, 1864. Morante copy. L'Universite de Paris, 1 200-1 875. La nation de Picardie. les colleges de Laon et de Presles, la loi sur I'enseignement superieur. i2mo., Paris, 1876. Pattison copy. DES PERIERS (Bonaventure). CEuvres fran9oises... revues... et annotees par L. La- cour. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1856. Cymbalum mundi, ou dialogues satyriques sur differens su jets... Avec une lettre critique ...par P. Marchand. 1 2mo. , A msterdam , 1 7 1 1 . Nouvelle Edition, etc. 1 2 mo., Amsterdam, 1732. Beaufort copy. Nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis... suivis du cymbalum mundi ... Avec une notice, des notes et un glossaire par L. Lacour. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1874. DES PORTES (C. B. F. Boscheron). See BOSCHERON DES PORTES. DESPRfiAUX (Nicolas Boileau). See BOILEAU-DESPRfiAUX. DES RfiAUX (Gedeon Tallemant). See TALLEMANT DES RfiAUX. DEUTSCHE (Jacobus) Resp. Dissertatio pos- terior de Vanini scriptis et opinionibus, etc. See OLEARIUS (J. G.) Pras. 4to., 1708. DEUTSCHLAENDER (Augustus Wolf- G.\NGUs) Resp. De castrationis librorum causis. librisque historicis mutilatis, etc. See ENGELIUS (M. A.) Pras. 4to., 1765. DEVELAY (Victor). Lettres des homnies obscurs. Traduites par V. Develay. 3 vols. See GRATIUS (O.). 24mo., 1870. DE VINNE (Theodore Low). Historic printing types. A lecture, etc. 4to., New York, 1886. (Publications of the Grolier Club.) 202 copies printed. DEVONSHIRE (William Cavendish) 1st Duke of. The charms of liberty : a poem... by the late Duke of D(evonshire). See PETRONIUS ARBITER (T.). The works of T. Pctronius Arbiter, etc. 8vo., 17 10. D'H.\RDIVILLIER (Pierre) Archbishop of Boiirges. Sec HARDIVILLIER. DIADOCHUS (Proclus). See PROCLUS, Diadochtts. DIALOGHI. Due dialoghi, I'uno di Mercurio et Caronte...L'altro di Latantio et I'Archi- diacono, etc. [By J. de Valdes.] See V.\LDES (J. de). 8vo., s.a. DL\LOGO. Dialogo intitulato II grammatico overe delle false essercitationi delle schuole. [By A. Palearius.] See PALEARIUS (A.). 4to., 1557. 137 DIAZ DE LUCO (Juan Bernardo) Bishop of Calahorra. Joannis B. Diaz de Luco... magistrales doctrinae utriusque censurg pro- fessoribus nee minus neeessariae quam utiles. Accessere huic editioni LXXV. doctrinae, re- liquis item quae prius crant impressae locuple- tatis, ut exemplaria conferenti facile patuerit. 8vo., Lugduni : M. et G. Trechsel fratres excudebant, 1535. DIBDIN (Thomas Frognall). Aedes Althor- pianae ; or, an account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp ; the residence of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 2 vols., illust. 8vo., London, 1822. Paine copy. The bibliographical decameron ; or ten days of pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and biblio- graphy. I \o\s., illust. 6vo., London, 181J. Hnrtopp copy. Bibliography : a poem. In six books. [Advertisement signed T. F. D., i.e., T. F. Dibdin.] Book I. 8vo., (Lofi(fo«, 1812.) Only 50 copies privately printed. Halkett and Laing, I., 230. Luarii copy. ' Bibliomania ; or book madness : a biblio- graphical romance, in six parts, etc. [Second edition.] 8vo., London, iSii. New and improved edition, to which are added preliminary observations, and a supplement including a key to the assumed characters in the drama. L. P. 8vo., London, 1876. ■ Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present languid and depressed state of literature and the book trade. ..By Mercurius Rusticus [i.e., T. F. Dibdin], etc. 8vo., London, 1832. Halkett and Laing, I., 230. Luard copy. Bibliotheca Spenceriana, etc. 4 vols. See SPENCER (G. J. Spencer) 2nd Earl. 4to., 1814-15. .\ descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forni- mg part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Scrra, etc. See SPENCER (G. J. Spencer) 2nd Earl. 4to., 1823. An intro'ov...Actvagxov, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1513. DINAUX (Arthur Martin). Les societ^s badines, bachiques, litteraires et chantantes, leur histoire et leurs travaux ; ouvrage post- hume...revu...par G. I^runet, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1867. DIO, Chrysostomus. Dion Chrj'sostomus Pru- sensis philosophus ad Ilienses : I Ilii captiui- tatem non fuisse aperte demonstrat | Fran- ciscus Filelfus e graeco traduxit | Petronius .\rbiter Satyricus. | Lat. 4to., [colophon .] Venetiis : per Bernar- dinum Venetum de Vitalibics, 1499. Hain and Copinger, *6i85. Proctor, 5533. This copy wants the leist leaf (blank). Red morocco by L, Guetant. '39 DIO, Chrysostomus. — [contd.) Aiujvoi Tov Xgvaoarofiov Xoyoi re'. Dionis Chrysostomi orationes LXXX. Apposita est in extreme libra varietas lectionum, cum orationum indice. Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., Venetiis : apud F. Turrisanum, [1551.] Renouard, p. 151. With the mark of Aldus. Aiojvog rov XgvaoaTO/iov Aoyo* n'. Dionis Chrysostomi orationes LXXX....Photii ex- cerptis, Synesiiq. censura illustratae. Ex interpretatione T. Nageorgi, accurate recog- nita...F. Morelli. . .opera. Cum I. Casauboni diatriba, & ejusdem Morelli scholiis, etc. Gr. &' Lat. fol., LuteticB, 1604. The " Diatriba " of Casaubon and the " Scholia " of Morellus are each separately paged. Gen- nadius copy. DIO, Nicisus. See DIO CASSIUS. DIOCASSIUS, Cocceiamts. TcovAioivog'Piofiai- y.div iaTOQiwv dxoaiiQia pifiXia. Dionis Ro- manarum historiarum libri XXIII, k XXXVI ad LVIII usque. [Edited by R. Estienne.] Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., Lutetice : ex officina R. Stephani, 1548. 'Ex Tcuv AtcovoQ...'Po}ftaiHU>v iaxoQicov, dno nofintji'ov Mayvov f^exQig 'A?.eSavdQov rov Maftaiag, iTciroftr] 'loiawov rov Si(pihvov, etc. (Dionis Nicsi, reru Romanarum...epitorie, J. Xiphilino auctore, & G. Blanco... interprete.) Gr. &- Lai. avols. [ini.] ^to., Ltitelio', 1551. Syston Park and Gennadius copy. [Another copy of the Greek text only.] 'Ex Ttuv Atwvo; ExXoyai 'Iwavvov tou Eicpihvov. E Dione excerptae historia: ab J. Xiphilino. Ex interpretatione G. Blanci, a G. Xylandro recognita. H. Stephani in J. Xiphilinum post duos egregios messores spicilegium. Gr. &' Lat. fol., [Paris .] Excudehat H. Stephanus, 1592. Montagu and Hastings copy. Conflagratio Vesaevi montis ex Dione. G. Merula... interprete. See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSTS. Ex recognitione D. Erasmi...C. Suetonius Tranquillus, etc. fol., 1 5 18. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1519. Nerva Cocceius ex Dione Graeco G. Merula... interprete. (M. Ulpius Trajanus eodem G. Merula interprete. — Adrianus ex Dione Graeco G. Merula interprete.) See SCRIPTORES HISTORI/E AUGUST^E. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii...dc Ca;saribus libri III., etc. 8vo., 1516. [Another edition.] fol., 1518. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 5 19. [Another edition.] Tom. I. i6mo., 1 55 1. DIODORUS, Siculns. Aioda>Qov Sixehmrov iaroQWiv fiifiha riva ra evQiaxo/ieva. Diodori Siculi historiarum libri alicjuot, qui extant, opera & studio V. Obsopoei in luccm cditi. Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : Basel : J. Oporimis, 1539.] Comprisea only Books 16-20, Diodori Siculi bibliothecae historicae libri XVII. [Translated by Poggio Bracciolini.] i6mo., Lxigd^uni] : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1552. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lwg- duni : apud haered. Seb. Gryphii, 1559. AioduiQov rov Sixehutrov jit^hodTjxyjQ laroQi- xrjQ ^ip^oi nevrexatSexa ex twv reaaagaxovra. Diodori SicuU bibliothecae historicae libri quindecim de quadraginta. Decern ex his quindecim nunquam prius fuerunt editi. [Edited by H. Estienne.] Gr. fol., [Ge7ieva ;] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1559. DIOGENES, Laertius. [Sig. ai, recto.] La uita de Philosophi | [Sig. az, recto .] IN- COMINCIA ELLIBRO DELLA uita « | Phylosophi & delle loro elegantissime sententie extra |cto da. D. Lahertio & da altri antiquis- simi doctori. | [Colophon : Sig. g5, recto .-] Impressum Florentie per nos magistros magistrorum | lacobum Caroli clericum florentinum & Petrum | Honofrii de bonac- cursis Anno Salutis | M.CCCC. LXXXVIIII 1 Nono Calendas | Nouebris. | [Sig. ^5, verso ;] TABULA I [Sig. g6, recto .■] FINIS. | 4to., [colophon :] Florentie : per ... lacobum Caroli... &' Petrum Honofrii de bonac- cursis, 1489. 52 ff., without pagination ; sigs. a-o^, f-g^. Hain, *6209. Heber and Waterton copy, Begin. [Fol. i , verso :] Benedictus Brog- nolus generosis patriciis Venetis Lauretio georgio : lacobo [que Baduario. Sa. Plurimam D. I [Fol. 3, recto .•] Laertii Diogenis uitae & sententiae eorum qui in philosophia pbati fuerunt. | [Translated from the Greek by A. Traversarius.] Lat. fol., [colophon :] Vene- tiis : per Pelegrinum de Pasqualibus, 1493. Wanting the two preliminary leaves, containing the table of contents. Hain, *6203. Hoff- mann, II., 76. Ivloss copy. AioyevovQ Aaegriov negc fSiwv, doyfiarcov xai djioj? ovgaviag iegag^iag ^i^hov. [Edited by J. Chseradamus.] 4to., [Parisiis ;] apud J . Bogardum, 1542. Tov fianagiov Aiovvaiov. ..ra evgiay.oneva. Ma^ifiov axoXia, etg ra atxa. Fecogyiov tov Tiaxv/iegij 7iaga(pgaaii. Mixai]). tov avyyiXov iyxiofuov. Dionysii Areopagitffi opera qua; extant, etc. Gr. Pts. I. & III. 8vo., Parisiis, 1562, 61. Brunet, II., 723. Imperfect ; wanting pt. II., containing the " Maximi schoHa " and the " Michaehs Syngeli encomium." The title to pt. III. reads : *' rew/ryiou tov JlaxvfXEpTj jrapa- (ppaffts fiS TO Tou d7(OU Atovvffiov...€vpiijKO/xfvay^' etc. See MICHAEL, Syncellus. Mixarjk I^vy- yeXov...iyxa)fiiov ei; tov dyiov Aiovvaiov, etc. 4to., 1547. DIONYSIUS. Carthusiamis. See LEUWIS (D. DE) de Rickel. DIONYSIUS, Halicarnasseus. [Opera.] Aioi'v- aiov TOV 'AhxagvaaaewQ ' Pwfiaixijg dgxaio^oyiag fStfif.ta Sexa. Dionysii Halicamassei antiqui- tatum Romanarum lib. X. (Aiovvaiov tov 'AhxagvaaaecoQ negi awdeaecog ovo^iaTojv, Tigog 'Povcpov. Tov ainov Tr]g Q7]T0Qtx>jg Ttxvrjg xeqxiXaia Tiva, ngog 'Ex^xgo-Ttp. Tov avTov Tiegi Tiov Qovxvbidov Idioj^iaTcov, ngog 'Afi/naiov, etc.) [Edited by R. Estienne.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., LuteticB : ex officina R. Stephani, 1546-47. Each part has an independent titlepage and pagination, but tlie register is continuous. The colophon of Pt. I. is dated 1547. Red morocco by Lortic. Didot and Gemiadius copy. [Another copy.] Russia by Roger Payne. Hildyard copy, Dionysii Halicamassei antiquitatum, sive originum Romanarum, libri X. S. Gelenio interprete. Adjecimus undecimum ex ver- sione Lapi, etc. Lat. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. Incomplete ; having the first six books onlj-. Jersey copy. [Ars Rhetorica.] Aiovvaiov 'Ahxan- vaaewg [sic] xexvrj. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. [De Thucvdide.] Aiowatov 'AXixag- vaaasiug Tiegi tcov &ovxvdidov idiiofiaTcov. See THUCYDIDES. 0ovxv6i6t]g, etc. fol., 1502. Dionysii Halicamassei de Thucydidis his- toria judicium, A. Duditio ... interprete, etc. Lat. 4to., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutitis], 1560. Syston Park copy. Renouard, p. 181. [Another copy.] DIONYSIUS, Periegetes. Dionysii Afri de situ orbis opus...grasce scriptii. Idem in latini- tate a Rhemnio gramatico traslatu...In idem annotamenta graecorii more latine scripta, in quibus aliquot autorum castigationes con- tinentur. C. Calcagnini annotatio super Anchiale, et Rhemniai carminis pesitatio. Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon .] Ferraria : J. Maciochus Bondenus imprimebat, 1512. 52 f?., not 54, as stated by Brunet (II., 729), without pagination ; sigs. .\-E', F-G'. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting sigs. G3 and G4. This copy has a contemporary map of Africa inserted between sigs. C7 and C8. Aiovvaiov olxovftenig Tiegujyrjatg. See PINDAR, nivdagov. 'OXv^ima. nvdia, etc. 8vo., 1513. Dionysii Afri poema de orbis situ Prisciano interprete. S^eNIELA (P.). Pomponius Mela. Julius Solinus, ffc. 8vo., 1518. Aiovvaiov oixovfici'r]g negttjyyjaig. 'AgaTov (faivo^teva. FlgoxXov acpaiga. Dionysii orbis descriptio. Arati astronomicon. Procli sphaera. Cum scholiis Ceporini. Gr. &• Lat. 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] 8vo., [colophon .] Basilea : apud J. Bebelium, 1523. The Latin translation is without pagination. [Another edition.] Gr. &- Lat. 8vo., Basilea : [/. Bebel,] 1534. In this edition the Greek portion is foliated. Calf by Morrell. Morante and Gennadius copy. Aiovvaiov 'Ake^avdgewg Trjg otxovfievijg negiijytjoig, vnofiv^^iariaQeiaa vtio tov EvOTa- 0(ou... Dionysii Alexandrini de situ orbis libellus, Eustathii Thessalonicensis archie- piscopi commentariis illustratus. Gr. 4to., Lutetice : ex officina R. Stephani, 1547. Aiovvaiov oixovfievTjg Tisgirjyrjaig. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Oi Trjg fjgioixrjg Tioujaeoig TtgoTsvovreg noirirai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. Dionysii Alex, et Pomp. Melae situs orbis descriptio. iEthici cosmographia. C. J. Solini polyistor [sic]. In Dionysii poematium commentarii Eustathii : interpretatio ejus- dem poematii ad verbum, ab H. Stephano scripta : necnon annotationes ejus in idem, & quorundam aliorum. In Melam annota- tiones J. Olivarii : in -^ithicum scholia J. Simleri : in Solinum emendationes Martini A. Delrio. Gr. &■ Lat. 3 pts. [in i vol.] i^to.,[Geneva? :] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1577. Robinson and Hastings copy. idBidKAMdldB- 141 DIONYSIUS (^Lius). AlXiov Aiowctov, tsqi [sic] dxhroiv ^ij/tartov. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). &tjaavQog. Kegai afiaWeiag, etc. fol., 1496. DIOSCORIDES (Pedacius). Uedaxiov Aioa- xoQtSov aval^aQ^eux; jibqi vhjQ \ laTQixi]i }.oyoi i^. I 'Eti TTCQi lo^oloyv ev w xai negt Xvaacnnoc, xvvoQ. I arjfjeuoaig re tojv vTc'avTiDV SeSijyuevojv xai 6e\Qaneia. \ NixovSqov tov xoXocpmviov noirirov 6i]giaxa. \ /jsra axohoiv. | Tov avjov aXe^KpaQnaxa. \ [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1499. Wanting the 10 leaves at the end containing tlie scholia on the " 'AX«|i0a/)/xa«a." Renouard, p. 21. Hain and Copinger, *6257. Proctor, 5571. Wellesley and Crawford (Lakelands) copy. AioaxoQuhjg. Dioscorides. (rieSaxiov AtoaxoQiSov TieQi vh]<; iatQixi]!; Xoyoi eS, etc.) [Edited by F. Asulanus, with annotations by H. Roscius.] 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1518. Renouard, p. 62. Dioscoridis libri octo Graece et Latino (J. Ruellio interprete). Castigationes in eosdem libros[by J. Goupil]. 8vo., Parisiis : ini- pensis vidua) A. Birkmanni, 1 540. The colophon reads : " Excudebat B. Prevost." Alphabetum empiricum, sive, Dio.scoridis ct Stephani Atheniensis...de remediis expertis liber, juxta alphabeti ordinem digestus. Nunc primum 4 C. Vuolphic.in Latinam linguam conversus, & in luceni editus. 8vo., [Zurich,] 1581. De Thou and Beckford copy. Simplicium medicamentorum facilitates secundum locos ex Dioscoride. See DU PINET (A.) Sieur de Noroy. Historia plan- tarum.ffc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1561. Secunda editio. See AMATUS, Lusitanus, i6mo., 1567. pseud. [In Dioscoridis de medica materia libros quinque enarrationes, cic] 8vo.,[i558.] DIRECTOR, The ; a weekly literary journal, etc. [Edited by T. F. Dibdin.] 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1807. Luard copy. DISCORSI. Tre discoisi volgari. L'uno di quel ch'6 col mezo d'amorc. L'altro dell' aniore del Petrarca...Il terzo della compas- sionc, etc. 8vo., Ferrara, 1585. DISCORSO. Discorso intorno allc cose della gucrra, etc. [Edited by A. Girardi.] See GIRARDI (A.). 4to., 1558. DISCOURS. Discours contenant le scul, et vray moyen, par lequel ung scrvitcur favo- rise, & constitu6 au service d'ung prince, pcult conserver sa felicitc eternellc, & tem- porelle : et eviter Ics choscs, qui luy pour- royent I'une, ou I'aultre faire perdre. Svo., Lyon : chis E. Dolet, 1542. Barbier, I., 1003. Olive morocco by Deroine. La Valliore, Cost«, and Didot copy. . Discours du trcs-epouventable desbordc- ment du Tibrc a Rome. etc. See TIBER. 8vo., 1599. Discours veritable de ce qui est advenu cu la ville de Bruges I'an 1582 par cc que le roy Philippe d'Espaigne a derechef pratique ...meurtners, pour oster la vie au due de Brabant ... Anjou, Alen^on, &c., etc. See FELIPE II., King of Spain. 8vo., 1 582. Entier discours de la victoire qu'il a pleu a Dieu donncr aux Chrestiens a I'encontre des Turcs, etc. [By J. d'Ongoys.] See ONGOYS (J. D'). 8vo., 1571. Le plaisant et facetieux discours des animaux, etc. [By A. Firenzuola.] See FIRENZUOLA (A.). i6nio., 1556. DISNEY (MoLiNEUx). Claim of M. Disney, Esq. to the barony of Hussey, 1680, etc. See HUSSEY, Barony of. 8vo., 1836. DISPUTATIO. Disputatio inter clericum et militem, etc. [By Gulielmus de Occam.] See GULIELMUS. de Occam. 8vo., s.a. Disputatio perjucunda, qua anonymus [i.e., V. Acidalius] probare nititur mulieres homines non esse, etc. See ACIDALIUS (V.). 8vo., 1638. DISQUISITION. A disquisition upon Etrus- can vases, etc. [By J. Christie.] See CHRISTIE (J.). fol., 1806. DISRAELI (Is.\AC). Amenities of literature... A new edition, edited by. . .B. Disraeli. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1859. The calamities and quarrels of authors... A new edition, edited by...B. Disraeli. 8vo., London, 1859. Curiosities of literature... A new edition, edited, with memoir and notes, by...B. Disraeli. 3 vols. 8vo., London, 1862, 59. The literary character... Literary miscel- lanies ; and an inquiry into the character of James the First,.. A new edition, edited by... B. Disraeli. 8vo., London, 1859. DISSERTATION. Dissertation sur I'auteur du livre intitule : De I'imitation de Jesus-Christ. [By J. Ghesquidre.] See GHESQUlfiRE (J.) Jesuit. i2mo., 1775. Dissertation sur les bibliotlicqucs, etc. [By J. B. Durey de Noinville.] See DUREY DE NOINVILLE (J. B.). i2mo., 1758. DISSERTATIONES. Dissertationum ludi- crarum et amoenitatum, scriptores varii. Editio nova et aucta. See SCRIPTORES. 12 mo., 1644. DISTICH.\. Disticha gnomica : c poclarum illustrium ... monumcntis ... singulari studio selecta. (Disticha sumniam cvangcliorum Dominicalium, ct fcstorum annivcrsarionim continentia.) 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] 8vo., Erf[ordiae]. 1624. DISTINCTIONES. Distinctioncs cxcmplorum | vctcris ct noui testamcnti | rcducte ad diucr- sas ma-|tcrias. I (3. X. 4to.. [colophon :] Mlmingen : p .UbertQ Kune de dudcrstat, 1485. Itttin and Copinger, •6;8i. Proctor, 3777. t42 DIVIZIO (Bernardo) da Bibbiena. Cardinal. Calandra, comedia [in prose]... Di nuovo ricorretta e ristampata. 1 2mo., Venetia, 1 561 . [Another edition.] i2mo., Venetia, 1586. DIXON, Family of. Pedigree of Dixon, of Heaton-Royds, in the. ..parish of Bradford, etc. See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.] fol., s.a. DOBNECK (JoHANN) CochlcPiis. See COCH- L^US (J.). DOBSON (Henry Austin). Illustrated books. See LANG (A.). The library, etc. 8vo., 1 88 1. DOCTRINE. The CathoUc doctrine of eu- charistic sacrifice : what is it ? 8vo., London, [1879.] DODD (Charles) pseud, [i.e., Hugh Too- TELL.] Certamen utriusq; Ecclesiae : or, a list of all the eminent writers of controversy, Catholicks and Protestants, since the Re- formation, etc. [A reprint.] See CHETHAM LIBRARY, Manchester. A catalogue of the collection of tracts for and against Popery, etc. Pt. II. 4to., 1865. Dodd's Church history of England, from the commencement of the sixteenth century to the Revolution in 1688. With notes... and a continuation by...M. A. Tiemey. Vols. I'-V. 8vo., London, 1839-43. No more published. Ends with the reign of Charles I. DODSON [Sir John) Dean of Arches. The judgment of.. .Sir J. Dodson...also the judg- ment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, in the cases of Liddell (Clerk) and Home and others against Westerton, Liddell (Clerk) and Park and Evans against Beal. Edited by A. F. Bayford. 8vo., London, 1857. [Another copy.] DODSWORTH (Roger). See LANCASHIRE. Abstracts of (Lancashire) inquisitions post mortem, made by C. To\\Tieley and R. Dods- worth, etc. 2 vols. 4to., 1875-76. DO£S (Jan van der). DOESBORGH (Jan (R. G. C). Jan van Doesborgh, printer at Antwerp, etc. 4to., 1894. DOLCE (LoDOvico). Didone, tragedia. [In verse.] 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : in casa de' ftglivoli di Aldo, 1547. Renouard, p. 141. Giocasta, tragedia. [In verse. An imita- tion of the Phoenissae of Euripides.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Vinegia : appresso i ftglivoli d'Aldo, 1 549. Renouard, p. 146. Black morocco by Binda. Giomale delle historic del mondo...Rive- duto...daG. Rinaldi. 8vo., Venetia, 1572. Lettere di diversi eccellentiss. huomini, raccolte da diversi libri [by L. Dolce], etc. 8vo., Vinegia, 1554. See DOUSA (J.). van). See PROCTOR DOLCINO, Fra. See KRONE (J.). Era Dol- cino und die Patarener ; historische Episode aus den piemontesischen Rehgionskriegen, etc. 8vo., 1844. DOLE, Parlement de. Arrest memorable de la Cour de Parlement de Dole, contre G. Gamier, Lyonnois, pour avoir en forme de loup-garou devore plusieurs enfans, etc. See GARNIER (G.). 8vo., 1598. DOLET (fixiENNE). Cantique d'Estienne Dolet, prisonnier a la Conciergerie de Paris, sur sa desolation et sur sa consolation : en vers. 8vo., [Pam, 1829.] First printed in 1779. See Mr. Christie's " Etionne Dolet," 2nd ed.. pp. 552-553. [Another edition.] 8vo., Paris, [reprinted 1830.] 120 copies printed. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See below, Le second enter d'fitienne Dolet, etc. 8vo., 1868. S. Doleti...carminum libri quatuor. 4to., Lugduni : [S. Gryphius,] 1538. The titlepage bears the mark of Dolet, but the book was actually , printed by S. Grypliius. See Mr. Christie's '" Etienne Dolet," 2nd ed., pp. 520-521. Citron morocco by Vogel. Brodeau, Nodier, Bruy^res-Chalabre, Taillandier, and Renard copy. [Another copy.] Cato Christianus. 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Doletuyn, 1538. Calf by Bauzonnet-Purgold. Coste and Didot copy! Commentariorum linguae Latinae tomus primus (-secundus). 2 torn. fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536-38. [Another copy.] Commentariorum linguae Latinae S. Doleti, epitome duplex, etc. [By Jonas Philomusus, pseud.] 8vo., Basileae : [Lasius and Platter,] 1537. With the mark of Lasius and Platter on the last leaf. An epitome of the first volume only of the Commentaries. — ^— [Another copy.] Wanting the last leaf. Filleau copy. Tomus secundus commentariorum de Latina lingua D. S. Doleti, a quodam ejus nominis studioso, in epitomen redactus, ubiq3 ordine autoris servato. 8vo., Basilece : ex officina B. Westhemeri, 1539. Tluirston Smith's and Sunderland copy. Tomi primi epitome commentariorum linguae Latinae S. Doleti, brevis, eodem quo ipsi autori visum ordine ubiq3 sancte obser- vato, & jam secundo in lucem edita, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Basileae : apud B. Westhemerum et Rupertum Winter, 1540. Tliurston Smith's and Sunderland copy. S. Doleti dialogus, de imitatione Cicero- niana, adversus D. Erasmum...pro C. Lon- goUo. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. Rosa and Morante copy. — — — — [Another copy.] Crofts and Syston Park copy. U3 DOLET (fixiENNE).— (co«/i.) S. Doleti... liber. De imitatione Cicero- niana adversus Floridum Sabinum. 4to., Liigduni : apud eundetn Doktum, 1540. S. Doleti... liber unus de officio legati, quem vulgo ambassiatorem vocant. Et item alter de immunitate legatorum. Et item alius de legationibus J. Langiachi [in verse]. 4to., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1541. —— S. Doleti de re navali liber ad L. Bayfium. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 537. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] —^ La forme et maniere de la punctuation, & accents de la langue francoise. Livre tres utile... Nouvellement reveu & corrige. [By fi. Dolet.] i6mo., Paris, 1560. Barbler, II., 483. -{Another edition.] See SIBILET (T.). Art poetique franfois, f fc. i6mo., 1576. Formulae Latinarum locutionum illustrio- rum... Prima pars conflatas ex nomine, & vcrbo locutiones habet. Secunda significa- tionem, & constructionem verborum profert. Tertia usum particularum indeclinabilium demonstrat. Pars I. fol., Lugduni : apud eundetn Doletum, 1539. No moro published. [Another edition entitled :] Phrases et formulae linguae Latinae elegantiores...Nunc denuo recognitae. Cum praefatione J. Sturmii. Quibus adjecimus connubium adverbiorum Ciceronianorum, H. Sussannaei. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Argentorati, 1585. Tho " Connubium " has a separate titlepsge and pagination. [Another edition.] Phrases et formulae Latinae, quas S. Doletus ex suis commentariis collegit...castigatae & auctae [by J. Facciolatus]. See NIZOLIUS (M.). Lexicon Ciceronianum, etc. [Pt.IL] fol., 1734. [Another edition.] See BANDIERA (A. M.). Osservazioni su le epistole di M. T. Cicerone a' familiari, etc. 8vo., 1764. [Another edition.] See NIZOLIUS (M.). Lexicon Ciceronianum, etc. Tom. III. 8vo., 1820. Francisci Valesii Gallorum regis fata. Ubi rem omnem celebriorem a Gallis gestam nosces, ab... 1513 usque ad ...1539. [In verse.] 4to., Lugduni : (Doletus,) 1539. Morante copy. [Another copy.] Les gestes de Francoys de Valois roy de France... Prcmierement compose en latin par E. Dolet : et aprcs par luy mcsmes translat6 en langue francoyse. 4to., Lyon : chSs E. Dolet, 1540. Blue morocco by Duru. Didot copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lyon : chis E. Dolet, 1543. Ulack moiocuo by Duseuil. Louis XtV. and Montesson copy. Genethliacum Claudii Doleti, Stephani Doleti iilii. Liber vitae communi in primis utilis, et necessarius. Autore patre. 4to., Lugduni : apud eundetn Doletum, 1539. Didot copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Paris, [repritited 1830.] 120 copies printed. [Another copy.] L'avant naissance de Claude Dolet, filz de Estienne Dolet : prcmierement composde en latin par le pere : & maintenant par ung sien amy traduicte en langue francoyse, etc. 4to., Lyon : chSs E. Dolet, 1539. Didot copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Paris, [reprinted 1830.] 120 copies printed. [Another copy.] S. Doleti in Virgilii opera annotatiunculae succinctae. See VIRGILIUS MARO (P.). [Opera.] P. Virgilii Maronis opera, etc. fol., 1546. La maniere de bien traduire d'une langue en aultre. D'advantage, de la punctuation de la langue francoyse. Plus, des accent [sic] d'ycelle. [Second edition.] 4to., Lyon : chis Dolet mesme, 1 541. Red morocco by Ni6dr6e. Coate, Cailhava, and B6hague copy. [Another edition.] 4to., Lyon : chis Dolet mestne, 1542. Brown morocco by Zaehnsdorf. [Another edition.] See MEIGRET (L.). Traite touchat le commun usage de I'escriture francoise, efc. 8vo., 1545. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lyon : E. Dolet, 1540 ,• Paris, [reprinted 1830.] 130 copies printed. [Another copy.] Observationes in Terentii comoedias. Nempe Andriam : et item Eunuchum. S. Doleto... autore. 8vo., Lugduni : apudeundem Doletum, 1543. — — S. Doleti observationes Latini scrmonis in (Terentii) Andriam & Eunuchum. See TERENTIUS (P.) Ajer. P. Terentii ... comcediae, efc. fol., 1552. [Another edition.] fol., 1553. [Another edition.] fol., 1558. [Another edition.] See TERENTIUS (P.) Afer. Terentius, etc. [Vol. II.] 8vo., 1560. — — [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See TERENTIUS (P.) Afer. P. Terentii... comoediac, etc. fol., 1561. — — S. Doleti orationes duac in Tholo.sam. Ejusdem epistolarum libri II. Ejusdcm car- minum libri II. Ad cundcm epistolarum amicorum liber. [Edited by S. Finetius.] 8vo., [Lyons : S. Gryphius, 1534.] Morante copy. [Another copy.] 144 DOLET (fiTiEXNE).— (coH/i.) Phrases et formulae lingua Latins, etc. See above, Formulas Latinarum locutionum, etc. Proces d'Estienne Dolet, imprimeur et libraire k Lyon, 1 543-1 546. [Preceded by an " avant-propos " on the life and works of Dolet by A. Taillandier.] 8vo., Paris, 1836. Recueil de vers latins, et vulgaires de plusieurs poetes francoys, composes sur ie trespas de feu Monsieur le Daulphin. [Edited by E. Dolet] 8vo., Lyon : cluiz F. Juste, 1536. Contains verses by E. Dolet. Le second enter d'Estierme Dolet, etc. (Deux dialogues de Platon...Scavoir est: I'ung intitule Axiochus...Item : ung aultre intitule Hipparchus...Le tout nouvellement traduict en langue fran9oyse, par E. Dolet.) [Edited by A. Martin.] 8vo., Lyon, 1544 ; Paris, [reprinted 1830.] 120 copies printed. [Another copy.] Le second enfer d'fitienne Dolet, suivi de sa traduction des deux dialogues Platoniciens I'Axiochus et I'Hipparchus. Notice bio- -bibliographique par un bibliophile. (Cantique d'Estienne Dolet, etc.) 8vo., Paris, 1868. 237 copies printed, this being No. 154. E. Dolet. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortin.\) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 322-347. 8vo., i860. See BOULMIER (J.), fitudes sur le seizieme siScle. £. Dolet, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son martjTe. 8vo., 1857. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). Doletienne. Catalogue, des editcs et imprimes par fi. Dolet, [Another copy.] Bibliographic livres ecrits, 8vo., 1886. See CHRISTIE (R. C). A bibliography of the books written, edited, or printed by £. Dolet. 8vo., 1880. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). fitienne Dolet, the martyr of the Renaissance, etc. 8vo., 1880. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] New edition, etc. [Another copy.] - See CHRISTIE (R. C). .sa ^■ie et sa mort, etc. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] 8vo., 1899. Etienne Dolet 8vo., 1886. See CHRISTIE (R. C). t. Dolet, the martyr-printer of Lyons. [An extract from R. C. Christie's " fitienne Dolet."] 8vo., 1892. See CICERO (M. T.). [Epistol;e : Au Familiares. — French.^ Les epistres famili- aires... Nouvellement traduictes...en francoys par E. Dolet, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1542, [Another edition.] i6mo., 1543. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1547. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1549. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i6mo., 1560. See CICERO (M. T.). [Epistol.^ : Ad Familiares. — French.] Les epistres famili- aires... latin et francoys. ..le francoys tra- duit par E. Dolet. 8vo., 1561. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1569. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1572. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1572. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1573. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1585. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1618. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1624. See CICERO (M. T.). [Orationes.— Latin.'] M. T. Ciceronis orationes, etc. [Edited by fi. Dolet.] 3 torn. 8vo., 1536. See CICERO (M. T.). [Tusculan^ Dis- PUT.\TI0NES.] Les questions tusculanes. . . Nouvellement traduictes...en francoys, par E. Dolet. i6mo., 1544. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1545. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1548. [Another edition.] 8vo.,[i549.] See COTERiEUS (C). C. Coteraei...de jure, et privilegiis militum libri tres, etc. [Edited by fi. Dolet] fol., 1539. See DOUEN (E. O.). t.. Dolet : ses opinions reUgieuses. 8vo., 1881. See DUVAL-ARNOULD (L.). fi. Dolet, un pretendu martyr de I'athfeisme au 16" siecle. 8vo., 1898. See FLORIDUS (F.) Sabinus. F. Floridi ...adversus S. Doleti..,calumnias liber, etc. 4to., 1 541. [Another copy.] - See GUIFFREY (G.). fiducateurs fran- 9ais et etrangers. fi. Dolet. [A review of Mr. Christie's " £tienne Dolet."] 8vo., 1887. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] - See N£E de LA ROCHELLE (J. F.). Vie d'i^tienne Dolet, etc. 8vo., 1779. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] 4to., 1779. MS DOLET (fixiENNE).— (con/f^.) See WEISS (N.). La Sorbonne, le Parle- ment de Paris et Ics livres heretiques [in- cluding works by Dolet]. 8vo., 1885. DOLET (Martinus). M. Dolet... de parta ab invictissimo galloru rege Ludovico duo- decimo in Maximilianum ducem victoria cum dialogo pacis. 4to., [Pan's ;] apttd J. Gourmonihtm, [c. 1510.] 28 ff., without pagination ; aigs. a^, b-e*, f^. Bninet, II., 793. D'OLIVET (Pierre Joseph Thoulier) Abbe. See OLIVET. DOLMAN (R.) pseud, [i.e., Robert Parsons.] See PARSONS (R.) Jesuit. DOLSCIUS (Paulus). Aa^iSov ngrxpr^Tov... /is^o?...Psalterium...Davidis, versibus elegia- cis redditum k P. Dolscio, etc. Gr. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Greek.] 8vo., 1555. DOMENICHI (LoDOvico). Facetie e motti arguti di alcuni eccellentissimi ingegni, e nobilissimi signori. [Edited by L. Domeni- chi.] 8vo., Vinegia : s.l.n., 1550. Ortolani copy. Facetie, motti, et burle, di diversi signori et persone private, raccolte per M. L. Domenichi, etc. 8vo., Firenze 1564. Ragionamento di M. L. Domenichi. Nel quale si parla d'imprese d'armi, et d'amore, etc. 8vo., Milano, 1559. DOMINICUS (Marcus Antonius). [/.,•., Marc Antoine Dominicy]. De treuga et pace ej usque origine et usu in bellis privatis... dissertatio. See STRUVE (B. C). B. G. Struvii bibliotheca librorum rariorum, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 17 19. DOMINIS (Marcus Antonius de) Archbishop of Spalatro. Epistola...ad episcopos eccle- siae Christians scripta, in qua causas discessus a suo episcopatu exponit. 4to., Campido7ii, 161 7. [Another copy.] M. A. de Dominis...suae profectionis con- silium exponit. 4to., Londini : apud J. Billum, 1616. [Another edition.] 4to., [colophon .•] HagcB Comitis, 161 6. Marci A. de Dominis... causae profectionis suae ex Italia. See STRUVE (B. G.). B. G. Struvii bibliotheca librorum rariorum, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1 7 19. See NEWLAND (IL). The life and con- temporaneous Church history of A. de Dominis, e\ La zucca del Doni (Cicalamenti, baic, et chiachiere). 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Vinegia, 1551. Eacli part has a sep.i'-ate titlepago, pagination and register. This eopy wants sigs. Yi (the titlepage to pt. III.) and Y4. La zucca del Doni...divisa in cinque libri ...Espurgata, corretta, riformata ... da J. Gioannini da Capugnano. Bvo., Venetia, 1595. See BONGI (S.). Vita di Antonfrancesco Doni... Seconda edizione, e leorio hussner...et lohdne Bekenhuh, 1473. There is a blank leaf between books III. and IV. Hain, '6506. Proctor, 346. DU REFUGE (Eustache). A treatise of the court. Digested into two bookes. Written ...by...D. De Refuges. Done into English by J. Reynolds. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., London : printed by A. Matthewes for W. Lee, 1622. With a second, engraved, titlepage. DU REVEST ( ) Abbe. Histoire de Mr. [P.] Bayle et de ses ouvrages. Par Mr. de La Monnoye [pseud., i.e., the abbe Du Revest]. Nouveile edition augmentee des pieces sui- vantes : I. Exacte revue de I'histoire de Mr. Bayle, etc. [By J. Masson.] ... II. Disserta- tion, oil Ton decouvre le veritable auteur de I'Avis aux refugiez, etc. par Mr. de la Bastide. III. Trois lettres critiques sur les editions, faites a Rotterdam, du Commentaire philoso- phique, et des Lettres de Mr. Bayle. ..IV. Factum des amis de Mr. Bayle, contre la nouveile edition de son Dictionnaire, qui se fait a Rotterdam. i2mo., Amsterdam, 1716. Querard, II., 635. DUREY DE NOINVILLE (Jacques Ber- nard). Dissertation sur les bibliotheques, avec une table alphabetique, tant des ouv- rages publies sous le titre de bibliotheques, que des catalogues imprimes de plusieurs cabinets de France & des pays etrangers. [By J. B. Durey de Noinville.] i2mo., Paris, 1758. Barbier, I., 1081. Cayrol copy. Table alphabetique des dictionnaires en toutes sortes de langues & sur toutes sortes de sciences & d'arts. [By J. B. Durey de Noinville.] i2mo., Paris, 1758. Barbier, IV., 623. Cayrol copy. D'URFfi (H0NOR6). See URF£. DURHAM, Bishops of. John. [1660-72.] See COSIN (J.). Joseph. [1750-52.] See BUTLER (J.). Richard. [1333-45-] S«e BURY (R. de). DU RONDEL (Jacques). De vita et moribus Epicuri. Auctore J. Rondello. i2mo., Amstelodami, 1693. Dissertation sur le Chenix de Pythagore. 12 mo., Amsterdam, 1690. Reflexions sur un chapitre de Theo- phraste. \2ra0., Amsterdam, \6?>6. DU ROZOIR (Charles). Discours prononce... aux funerailles de M. [J. N. M.] de Guerle. 8vo., Paris, 1824. Fattison copy. Notice sur M. P. R. A. G. Gueroult. [Signed Ch. Du Rozoir.] 8vo.,(Pam,)[i826 ?] Pftttison copy. DURY (John). De mediis ad scopum evan- gelicae unionis obtinendum requisitis. 4tO., 5.H. Without titlepage, the title being taken froni the caption. The running heading reads : " De mediis ecclesiaaticaj pacis." With the BUthor*e autograph at the end. De modo procedendi, quo inter Evan- gelicos unio obtineri poterit. 4to., s.n. Without titlepage, the title being taken from the caption. With the author's autograph at the end, Descriptio scopi quern in Irenico studio sectatur, J. Duraeus. 4to., s.L, 1654. Without titlepage, the title being taken from the caption. The running heading reads : " De scopo ecclesiasticae pacis." With the author's autograph at the end of the preface. The effect of Master Dury's negotiation for the uniting of Protestants in a Gospell Interest in brief, etc. 4to., s.n. Without titlepage, the title being taken from the caption. Epistolica dissertatio, quam J. Duraeus, Evangelicae concordije procurandae Ergodioc- tes misit authoribus Calvinismi (ut vocatur) Irreconciliabihs D. D. J. Hulsemanno...nec non D. P. Rhebindero, etc. 4to., [London ?] 1641. See HULDRICUS (J. J.). Begin. Cum vir admodum reverendus & clarissimus D. J. Duraeus, theologus Anglus celeberrimus ad nos venisset, etc. 8vo., 1655. DUTEMPL^US (Stephanus). Tabulae sex in sex Galeni libros de morbis et symptomatis. 6 sh. fol., Lugduni : S. Gryphius Germanus e.xcudebat, 1530. DUTENS (Louis). Bibliotheque complette et choisie, dans toutes les classes, et dans la plupart des langues... Troisieme edition. 8vo., Londres, 1812. DU THEIL (FRAN901S Jean Gabriel de La Porte). See LA PORTE DU THEIL. DU TILLET (Jean) Bishop of Meaux. See TILIUS (J.). DU VACHET (Petrus Josephus). Petri J. Du Vachet...poemata. 8vo., Salmurii, 1664. Hatfield copy. '5' DUVAL-ARNOULD (Louis), t. Dolet, un pretendu martyr de i'atheisme au i6' siecle. 8vo., Paris, 1898. From " La Quinzaine," Ann. 4, No. 91. DU VERDIER (Antoine) Seigneur de Vau- privaz. La bibliotheque d'Antoine Du Ver- dier...Contenant le catalogue de tous ceux qui ont escrit, ou traduict en franfois, & autres dialectes de ce royaume, ensemble leurs oeuvres imprimees & non imprimees... Aussi y sont contenus les livres dont les autheurs sont incertains...Et k la fin un supplement de I'epitome de la bibliotheque de Gesner. fol., Lyon, 1585. The colophon is dated 1584. The supplement has a separate pagination and titlepage, the latter misdated " CiD.IO.IOXXCV." —— Bibliotheque fran9oise de Du Verdier. — Supplementum epitomes bibliotheca? Ges- nerianae, A. Verderio...collectore, etc. See LA CROIX DU MAINE (F. Grude de). Les bibliotheques fran9oises de La Croix du Maine cl do Du \'erdier...nouvclle edition. etc. Tom. III. -VI. 4to., \-y2-y^. La prosopographie, ou description dcs personnes insignes, enrichie de plusieurs efl6gies, & reduite en quatre livres, etc. 4to., Lyon : A. Gryphius, 1573. Brown morocco by Hardy-Mennil. B^hague copy. DYER (Thomas Henry). The life of J. Calvin. Compiled from authentic sources, and par- ticularly from his correspondence. 8vo., London, 1850. DYMES (Thomas Jamieson). The trade of the United Kingdom with the world, etc. 8vo., London, i88q. DYMPHNA, Saint and Martyr. See AFRA, Saint and Martyr. Conversio et passio SS. Martyrum Afrae, Hilariae, Dignje, etc. 4to., 1 591. DYNELEY, Family of. Dyneley, of Bram- hope. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.'\ fol., s.a. EADWIG, King of England. See EDWY. EARWAKER (John Parsons). An account of the charters, deeds, and other documents, now preserved at Agecroft Hall, Co. Lan- caster. 8vo., Manchester, 1887. From the "Trans. Lanes. & Chesh. .'\ntiq. Soc," Vol. IV. The ancient charters and deeds at High Legh, Cheshire, etc. 8vo., (Manchester.) 1888. From the " Journ. Chester Archa.'ol. & HiKt. Soc," New ser.. Vol. I. - The history of the ancient parish of Sandbach, co. Chester, including the two chapelrics of Holmes Chapel and Goostrey. 4to., (London, printed,) 1890. For private circulation. An index to the wills and inventories now preserved... at Chester... Edited by J. P. Ear- waker. [Vols. I.-VIL] See CHESTER.— Court of Probate. 8vo., 1879-92. Lancashire and Cheshire wills and inven- tories 1572 to i6g6, now preserved at Chester. With an appendix of Lancashire and Cheshire wills and mvcntories proved at York or Richmond, 1542 to 1649. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. 4I0., (Manchester,) 1893. (Chetham Society. Homains, etc. Now Series, Vol. 28.) One of three copies printed on large paper. A Lancashire pedigree case : or a history of the various trials for the recovery of the Harrison estates, from 1873 to 1886. ..with a [x-digrcc of the Harrison family. 8vo.. Warrington, 1887. A list of the freeholders in Lancashire in the year i^kx). Edited bv ]. 1'. Earwaker. Sec LANCASMIKI':. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. I. 8vo.. 1881;. Notes on some early deeds, pedigree rolls, etc., relating to Cheshire and Lancashire. 8vo., Manchester, 1883. From the " Mancliester Quarterly," No. 6. Obligatory knighthood temp. Charles I. Lists of the esquires and gentlemen in Cheshire and Lancashire, who refused the order of knighthood at the coronation of Charles I. Drawn up in the years 1631 and 1632. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. See LANCASHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol.1. 8vo., 1885. Three Lancashire subsidy rolls. ..Edited by J. P. Earwaker. See LANCASHIRE. Mis- cellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol.1. 8vo., 1885. The will of Warden Huntingdon, 1458. 8vo., Manchester, 1886. From the " Trans. Lanes, k Chesh. .^ntitj. Soc," Vol. III. EBERMANNUS (Vitus), [i.e., Veit Eber- MANN.] V. Erbermanni [iJc]...interrogationes apologeticae ad H. Conringium : in quibus imaginaria ejus Concussio fundanicntorum fidei Pontificiffi excutitur et rctorquotur, etc. See CONRINGIUS (H.). H. Conringii examen libelli, etc. 4to., 1654. EBERT (Frieurich Adolf). A general biblio- graphical dictionarv, from the German of F. A. Ebert. 4 vols. fi\ci., Oxford, 1S37. The pagination is continuous throughout. ECHART (Henricus). Compendium thco- logia; Patrum, c.k sclectioribus cruditie anti- quitatis testimoniis certft niethodo in duobus libris congestum. etc. 8vo., Jenrr. 160(1. ECHO. Echo sur la venue du Roy [Henri IV.], i la Couronne. (Responses de la nimphc Echo sur la paix et reiinion dcs Francois.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] " - . - 8vo., Paris, [r. 1590.] '52 ECK (JoHANN VON). See JOHANN, vo>i Ech. ECKHARD (JoHANN Friedrich). J. F. Eck- hardi...exercitatio critica de editione librorum apud veteres. 4to., Isenaci, 1777. Pattison copy. EDINBURGH.— University. See DALZEL (A.). History of the University of Edin- turgh, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1862. EDINBURGH REVIEW. See COPINGER ( W. A. ). On the authorship of the first hundred numbers of the " Edinburgh Review." 8vo., (1895.) EDMOND {John Philip) & DICKSON (Robert). Annals of Scottish printing, etc. See DICKSON (R.) & EDMOND (J. P.). 4to., 1890. EDMONDS (Charles). A Lamport garland, etc. [Edited by C. Edmonds.] See LAM- PORT GARLAND. 4to., 1 881. EDWARD IV., King of England. Historic of the arrivall of Edward IV. in England and the finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry VI. a.d. 1471. Edited by J. Bruce. 4to., London, 1838. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. I.) EDWARD v.. King of England. Grants, etc. from the Crown during the reign of Edward the Fifth... and two speeches for opening Parliament, by J. Russell, Bishop of Lincoln ...With an historical introduction by J. G. Nichols. 4to., [London,^ 1854. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 60.) EDWARD VI., King of England. Literary remains of King Edward the Sixth. Edited ...with historical notes, and a biographical memoir, by J. G. Nichols. 2 vols. 4to., London, 1857. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 75.) See BALDWIN (W.). The funeralles of King Edward the Sbct. 4to. , 1 8 1 7 . EDWARDS (Edward). Libraries and founders of libraries. ?,\o., London, 1864. Memoirs of libraries : including a hand- book of library economy. 2 vols., illust. 8vo., London, 1859. EDWARDS (Roger). Castra Regia, a treatise on the succession to the Crown of England... 1568. See BLISS (P.) & 3ANDINEL (B.). Historical papers, part I. 4to., 1846. ] DWARDS (Thomas). Ccphalus and Procris. Narcissus... Edited by...W. E. Buckley... With an appendix, etc. 4to., London, 1882. (Roxbm-ghe Club Publications, No. 105. ) Buckley copy. EDWY, King of England. See ALLEN (J.). Inquiry into... the royal prerogative of Eng- land... To which is added an inquiry into the life and character of King Eadwig. 8vo., [1849.] EGERTON (Bridget) Lady. A forme of con- fession grounded upon the ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith... 1636, etc. [Edited by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton.] See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. IV. 4to., 1872. EGERTON PAPERS. The Egerton papers. A collection of public and private documents chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I. ...Edited by J. P. CoUier. 4to., London, 1840. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 12.) EGGS (Georgius Josephus ab). [i.e., Georg Joseph von Eggs.] Purpura docta, seu vitae...cardinalium...Desumpta ex A. Cia- conio, A. Victorello, A. Oldoino, aliiscjue... historiae scriptoribus...In sex libros, cum uberrimis notis...digesta, et in luceni edita per Georgium J. Eggs. 3 vols. fol., Monachii, 1 714. Supplementum novum Purpurae doc- tse, etc. fol., Augusta Vindelicorum, 1729. Pontificium doctum, seu vitae...Pontificum Romanorum...desumtum ex variis. . .historiae scriptoribus...In unum volumen cum uber- rimis notis...digestum ac in lucem editum per Georgium J. ab Eggs, fol.. Colonics, 1718. Richly tooled calf, with the Albani Arms on the sides. Tills copy may have belonged either to Pope Clement XI. (to whom the book is dedi- cated) or to Cardinal Albani, Librarian of the Vatican, who died in 1779. EGIDIUS, Romanus, Archbishop of Bourges. [Egidio Colonna.] Expositio Egidii Romani supra libros elenchorum Aristotelis [with the text], etc. See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Elenchi.] fol., 1500. EGLAMOURE, Sir. The romance of Sir Eglamour of Artois [in verse]. See THORN- TON (R.). The Thornton romances, etc. 4to., 1844. EGLIN (Raphael). See EGLINUS ICONIUS. EGLINTON (Alexander Montgomerie) 6th Earl of, formerly known as Sir Alexander Seton. Decreet of Parlement. Alexander, Earle of Eglintoun, etc. against William, Earle of Glencame. 9"" March, 1649. fol., London, [1851 ?] Printed for use in the hearing of the Montrose dukedom case. See GLENCAIRN (W. Cunningham) gth Earl of. Decreet of precedency, William Earl of Glencairn, etc., against Alexander, Earl of Eglinton, etc. fol., [185 1 ?] EGLINUS ICONIUS (Raphael). [i.e., Ra- phael Eglin.] R. Eglini Iconii...vindiciae ciris CatuUianae adversus...Josephum Scali- gerum. See CATULLUS (C. V.). C. V. CatuUi casta carmina, etc. l2mo., 1606. EGNATIUS (Joannes Baptista) pseud, [i.e., Giov.\nni Battista Cipelli.] J. B. Egnatii ...de exemplis illustrium virorum Venetg civitatis, atque aliarum gentium, etc. [Edited by M. Molinus.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud B. Turisanum [sic], sub Aldina bibliotheca, 1554. The colophon reads: " Excudebat...M. Menier." Renouard, p. 295. [J. B. Egnatii. ..in A. Spartianum, Lam- pridium, et caeteros, annotationes.] See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSTS. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii ...de Caesaribus libri III., etc. 8vo., 1516. [Another edition.] fol., 1518. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1519. [Another edition.] Tom. I. i6mo., iSSi. 153 EGNATTUS (Joannes Bapti&ta) .— (cantd.) J. B. Egnatii...in C. Suetonium Tran- quillum annotationes. etc. See SUETO- NIUS TRANQUILLUS (C). [Vit^ XII. C^SARUM.] C. Suetonii Tranquilli duodecim caesares, e/c. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1543. J. B. Egnatii...Romanorum principum liber primus (-tertius). See SCRIPTORES HISTORIvE AUGUSTS. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii...de Caesari- bus libri III., elc. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 516. fol., 1 5 18. 8vo., 1 5 19. [Another edition.] See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C). [Vit/e XII. C^sa- RUM.] C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII. Caesares, etc. 8vo., 1532. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1534. [Another edition.] Svc, 1537. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1539. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1541. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1544. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1548. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1551. EHINGER (Elias). Themistoclis epistolae... ebibliotheca Ehingeriana. [By E. Ehinger ?] See THEMISTOCLES. ' 8vo., 1629. EHRENCRON (Fridericus Adolphus Han- sen AB). See HANSEN AB EHREN- CRON. EHRNBERG (Nicolaus). Ad carmina quae- dam Q. Horatii Flacci annotationes criticae, etc. 8vo., LundcB, 1856. EICHSTADIUS (Henricus Carolus Abra- ham). \i.e., Heinrich Carl A. Eichstaedt.] H. C. A. Eichstadii...censura novissimarum observationum in Horatii epistolam ad Pisones. See ERNESTI (J. H. M.). Pa- rerga Horatiana, etc. 8vo., 1818. [Another copy.] See FERRARI US AURELIUS ANTO- Oratio Heliogabali EISERMANN (Johann). (J.) Montanns. ELAGABALUS (Marcus NiNUs) Emperor of Rome. ...habita in concione ad merctrices, quam k L. Aretino compositam plcrique credunt. See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC? AUGUST.E. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii...de Cssaribus libri III., etc. 8vo., 1 5 16. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1519. ELDON (John Scott) ist Earl of. Speech of Lord Chancellor Eldon upon the Chandos claim of pcc-agc...i8o3. See CHANDOS, Barony of. fol.. s.a. ELEANOR [of Castile], Queen Consort of Edward /., King of England. Liberationes facts per executorcs domina; Alianorae con- sortis Edwardi regis Angliae primi. (Ac- counts of the executors of Eleanor, Quacn Consort of Edward I. a.d. 1291.) See ENGLAND. Manners and household ex- penses of England in the thirteenth and fif- teenth centuries, etc. 4to., 1841. ELEANOR [of England], Countess of Leicester, formerly Countess of Pembroke. Rotulus hospitii comitissse Leicestriae. a.d. 1265. (Household roll of Eleanor, Countess of Leicester, etc.) See ENGLAND. Manners and household expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, etc. 4to., 1841. ELEUTHEROSTOMUS (Germanus) pseud. De perfidia Romani Pontificis epistola... authore G. Eleutherostomo. [In verse.] 8vo., s.n. [1528.] 8 ff., without pagination ; sig. A^. ELIA (Bartolommeo). See RUFINUS (J.). J. Rufini carmen de obitu B. Eliae, etc. 4to., 1553. ELIZABETH, Queen of England. Household expenses of the Princess Elizabeth during her residence at Hatfield, Oct. i, 1551, to Sept. 30, 1552. Edited by Viscount Strangford. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. II. 4to., 1853. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland... Edited by J. Bruce. 4to., [London,^ 1849. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 46.) See PARKER (J.). Did Queen Elizabeth take " other order " in the " Advertise- ments " of 1566 ? etc. 8vo., 1878. ELLIES DUPIN (Louis). See DUPIN. ELLINGER (Johann). AUmodischer Kleyder Teuffel, etc. 1629. See FACETI^. Face- tiae facetiarum, etc. 4to., 1627. ELLIS (George James Welbore Agar-) ist Baron Dover. See DOVER. ELLIS (Sir Henry). Original letters of emi- nent literary men of the sixteenth, seven- teenth, and eighteenth centuries. With notes ...by Sir H. Ellis. 4to., London, 1843. (Canideu Society Publications, Vol. 23. ) ELLIS (Robinson). On the elegies of Maxi- mianus. [Signed R. Ellis.] 8vo., [Baltimore, 1884.] From tlie '* American Journal of Pliilology," Vol. V. ELSEVIER, Family of. See ELZEVIR. ELTON (Charles Isaac) & (Mary Augusta). A catalogue of a portion of the library of C. I. Elton and M. A. Elton. Svo., London, 1891. With illustrations of bindingx. ELTON (Oliver). An introduction to Michael Drayton. 4to., (Manchester,) 1895. (SpopHcr Society. ) ELY, Bishops of. Benjamin. [1667-75.] See LANEY (B.). Lancelot. [160Q-19.] See ANDREWES (L.) Bishop of Winchester. '54 ELZEVIR, Family oj. See b£RARD (A. S. L.). Essai bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs les plus precieuses et les plus recherchees, etc. 8vo., 1822. See BERGHMAN (G.). fitudes sur la bibliographic Elzevirienne, e-K, 1840-41. ENGEL (Samuel). Bibliotheca selectissima, sive catalogus librorum... rarissimorum. Quos ...collegit...S. Engel, etc. (Der auserlesenen Bibliothec von seltenen Buchern, zweyter Theil, etc. — Spicilegium librorum rariorum... in catologo [sic] a S. Engel... nuper evulgato, omissorum, etc.) 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., BerneB, i743(-44). ENGELIUS (Mauritius Adolphus) Press. De castrationis librorum causis. librisque his- toricis mutilatis. Commentatio quam...con- sulibus, syndico...et senatoribus civitatis Laubanensis...nec non...M. A. Engelio... patronis...offert...A. W. Deutschlaender. 4to., Lipsiae, 1765. ENGELMANN (Wilhelm). Bibliotheca scrip- torum classicorum et Graecorum et Latino- rum. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Aus- gaben...der griechischen und lateinischen Schriftsteller des Alterthums, welche vom Jahre 1700 bis... 185 8 besonders in Deutsch- land gedruckt worden sind...Siebente... Auflage. 8vo., Leipzig, 1858. Famhara copy. ENGLAND. The annals of England... from cotemporary writers, etc. 3 vols., illust. 8vo., Oxford. 1855-57. A complete histor>' of England : with the lives of all the kings and queens thereof... to the death of.. .William III., etc. [Vols. I.-IL, by various authors, collected and edited by J. Hughes : vol. III., by W. Kennett.] 3 vols., jV/ms*. io\., London, 1706. Manners and household expenses of Eng- land in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, illustrated by original records. 4to., London, 1841. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 57.) Con- tents : — I. Household roll of Eleanor, Countess of Leicester, a.d. 1265. — II. Accounts of the executors of Eleanor, Queen Consort of Ed- ward I. A.D. 1291. — III. Accounts and memo- randa of Sir John Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, A.D. 1462.10 A.D. 1471. Gosford copy. A relation, or rather a true account, of the island of England ; with sundry par- ticulars of the customs of these people, and of the royal revenues under King Henry the Seventh, about the year 1500. Translated from the Italian, with notes, by C. A. Sneyd. 4to., London, 1847. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 37.) ENGLAND, Chtirch of. See CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ENGLISH. Pretensions des Anglois a la couronne de France. See SCOTLAND. La vraie cronicque d'Escoce, etc. 4to., 1847. ENGLISH CHURCH UNION. See CHURCH ASSOCIATION. Canon law. Reply of the Council of the Church Association to the "rejoinder" of the E.C.U. 8vo.,[i892.] ENNIUS (Quintus). Q. Ennii...quae super- sunt fragmenta ab H. Columna conquisita, disposita et explicata, etc. 4to., Neapoli, 1590. Calf by Kalthoeber. Wodhull copy. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Fragmenta poetarum vetenim Latinorum... Ennii, Accii, etc. 8vo., 1564. ENS (Caspar). Apparatus convivialis, jucun- dis narrationibus. salubribus monitis, ad- mirandis historiis...instructus. i2mo.. Colonics A grippincv, 1615. 155 EOBANUS (Helius) Hessus. Epistola Eobani Hessi. See HUTTEN (U. von). Epistoiae U. Hutteni, etc. 4to., 1842. See AYRMANN (C. P.). De H. Eobani Hessi ortu et nomine disserit...C. F. Ayr- mannus. (Dissertatio altera, etc.) 2 pts. 4to., 1739-40. See CAMERARIUS (J.) the Elder. J. Camerarii narratio de H. Eobano Hesso, etc. 8vo., 1843. £ON DE BEAUMONT (Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andr^ Timothee d'). A catalogue of the valuable library of the chevaliSre D'fion, lotted as they are to be sold, etc. 8vo., [London,] 1792. With the inscription " Catalogue pour moi " In Eon de Beaumont's handwriting. [Another copy.] Premier (-troisidme) catalogue. Manu- scrits...a. vendre, en la possession de la chevalidre D'fion, etc. 3 pts. 8vo., [London, 1792.] Considerations historiques & politiques sur les imp6ts des Egyptiens, des Baby- loniens, des Perses, des Grecs, des Romains... ou memoires pour ser\'ir a I'histoire generale des finances... Troisieme edition. 2 torn. 8vo., Londres, 1764. T. Wttlpole's copy. An epistle [in verse] from Mademoiselle D'Eon to...L--d M d [i.e.. Lord Mans- field]... on his determination in regard to her sex. 4to., London, 1778. Les esperances d'un bon patriote [i.e., C. G. L. A. A. T. d'Jion de Beaumont]. 8vo., Amsterdam, 1759. From the " Ann^e litt^raire," toinH VI. — — Lettres, memoires & negociations, par- ticuliSres du chevalier d'fion, etc. 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Londres, 1764. [Another edition.] 8vo., Londres, 1765. An historical account of the facts, motives, and reasons, which lay Mademoiselle la chevali^re D'lion under the necessity of making... a public sale of all she possesses, etc. Eng. &■ Fr. 8vo., s.l. (1791.) Les loisirs du chev. d'lion en Anglcterre, sur divers sujets importans de taclique, poli- tique, critique, etc. Tom. I.-II. [in i vol.] 8vo., Londres, [1770.] Bathurat copy. Pieces autcntiques pour scrvir au procds crimincl intcnte au tribunal du roi d'Angle- 1 tcrre par le chevalier d'fion de Beaumont... contre C. L. F. Regnicr, comtc dc Gucrchy, I etc. 4I0., Berlin. 1765. Pieces relatives [51c] aux demeles entre j Mademoiselle d'lion de Beaumont ... et le ' Sieur Caron dit dc Beaumarchais, etc. 8vo., [Amsterdam ?J 1778. Pieces relatives aux lettres, memoires, et negotiations particuliSrcs du chevalier D'£on, etc. 4 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Londres, 1765. A short sketch of some remarkable occur- I rences during the residence of the late Chevalier D'fion in England... With a like- ness from a cast, etc. Christie (R. C), bibliophile, latiniste CHRISTIE (R. C). pp. 319-329- See GAILLARDET (F.). la chevaliere D'fion, etc. 4to., London, 18 10. Le chevalier d'fion, et theologien. See Selected essays, etc., 8vo., 1902. Memoires sur 8vo., [1866.] See HOMBERG (O.) & JOUSSELIN (F.). D'ifion de Beaumont, his life and times, etc. 8vo., 1911. See LA FORTELLE (— de) Lieutenant du Roi. La vie...de Demoiselle C. G. L. A. A. T. fion ou D'fion de Beaumont. 8vo., 1779. See PAINE (J.). A catalogue of the... library of J. Paine.. .To which is added, the remaining part of the library. ..of. ..la Che- valiere D'fion, etc. 8vo., 1793. See TELFER (J. B.). The strange career of the Chevalier D'^on de Beaumont, etc. 8vo., 1885. Thoms (W. J.). Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier d'fion. See THOMS (W. J.). Hannah Lightfoot, (?/c. 8vo., 1867. EPHRUSSI (Charles), fitude sur le songe de Poliphile, Venise, 1499 et 1545 — Paris, 1546, 1883, eaviov . . .xaxa aigeaemv oydoij- xovra TO EjnxhjOev IJaragiOV, shovv Kipwriov, elg fiiP).ov<; /lev y', TOfiovq de ijira dttjgijftErov. Tov avTov dyiov ' Eniqiaviov loyog dyxvgojTog, naaav rijv negi rrjg Oetag niaTEioc. diSacxa/.iav EV lavT(o diMa/i^avoiv. Tov avTov T(ur tov Ilavagiov djiaitov dvaxe(pa).aio)aiq. Tov avxov negi ^lErgojv xai azadnwv. D. Epiphanii... contra octoginta haereses opus eximium, etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon: Basel : J. Herwagen, 1544.] EPISTOL^. 'Enicno).ai dta(poga>v (piXoao za ovoftaza iv zr] | i^tjg EvnijaEig \ asXidi. | Epistoke diuersorum philosophorum ora- 1 toruni. Rlie- torum sex & uiginti. | Quorum nomina in se | quenti inuenies | Pagina. | [Pt. II.] {'Etti- azoXai I BaaiXeiov zov fteyaXov. | Ai^aviov zov ao Original pigskin, with cle.sps. 157 ERASMUS (Desiderius).— (could.) [Ajjagia.] Erasmi...adagioruin chiliades quatuor, centuriaeque totidem. Quibus etiam quinta additur imperfecta. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1520. Uenouard. p. 8g. Du Ble, Sunderland, and Man- zoni copy. Adagiorum opus D. Erasmi, etc. fol., Liigduni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1529. Printed in double columns. [Another edition.] fol., Lugdtmi : Seb. Gryphius excndebat, 1 541. [Another edition.] fol., Lugdtmi : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1550. Imperfect ; wanting the last leaf. Adagiorum D. Erasmi ... epitome. Ex novissima Chiliadum recognitione excerpta. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1553. Legge copy. Adagiorum opus D. Erasmi, etc. fol., Lugduni : apud S. Gryphium, 1556. Another edition of that of 152^. Brown morocco covered with gilt tooling i\ peilta fers. An illus- tration of the binding is given in " Le Bibliophile Fran9ais,*' Tome V'll., p. 206. Morante copy. Adagia quaecumque ad hanc diem exierunt [i.e., the collection made by Erasmus], P. Manutii studio... ab omnibus mendis vindi- cata, quae pium...lectorem poterant oifendere ...Nunc vero...iterum impressa, incredibiliqj labore emendata a F. Angelo Rocch., etc. 4to., Venetiis, 1578. Renouard, p. 225. Butler and Sussex copy. [Antibarbarorum Liber.] Antibar- barorum... liber unus. 8vo., [colophon .] Basileae : per H. Frobenium ac N. Episcopium, 1535. [Apophthegmata.] Apophthegmatum, sive scite dictorum libri sex, ex optimis quibusqj utriusqs linguae autoribus...excerptorum, cum brevi commodaq'j explicationc.per D. Eras- mum, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud [Seb.] Gryphium, 1531. Apophthegmatum opus cum primis frugi- ferum, vigilanter ab ipso recognitum autore, e Graeco codice correctis aliquot locis, in quibus interpres D. Laertii fefcUcrat : locu- pletatum insuper quum variis per totum accessionibus, turn duobus libris in fine adjectis, per D. Erasmum. «vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. The name of Krasmus has been burnt out of the titlepage, and the " Epistola nuncupatoria *' is wanting. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. [Another edition.] 8vo., Luteti(V : ex ofjicina R. Stephani, 1547. Sunderland copy. Apophthegmatum ex optimis utriusq. linguae scriptoribus per D. Erjismum... collectorum libri octo. 8vo , Lugdunt : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1552. Imperfect ; wanting the last 10 pp. of the index. [Another edition.] Svo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1556. - See BEBELIUS (H.). Facctia;...Acces- ;icrunt ... apophthegmata, ex ... Erasmo col- lecta, etc. 8vo., 1540. [Catalogi Operum Erasmi.] Catalogi duo operum D. Erasmi... ab ipso conscript! & digest! : cum prsefatione D. B. Amerbachii... Accessit in fine epitaphiorum ac tumulorum libellus, etc. 4to., Basilees : per H. Fro- benium et N. Episcopium, 1537. The colophon is dated 1536. [Christiani Matrimonii Institutio.] Christian! matrimonii institutio, etc. fol., BasilecB : apud J. Frobenium 1526. [CicF.RONiANUS.] D. Erasmi. . .dialogus, cui titulus Ciceronianus, sive, de optimo dicendi genere. See below, De recta Latin! Graecique sermonis pronuntiatione, etc. 8vo., 1528. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1531. [Another edition.] See SCALIGER I J. C). J. C. Scaligeri ad versus D. Erasmum orationes duae, efc. Pt. I. 4to., 1621. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [.Vnother edition. ]...Accedunt Eras- mi & aliorum epistolae de eodem argumento. l2mo., Oxoniis, 1693. G. F. Nott's copy. Sec DOLET (fi.). S. Doleti dialogus, de imitatione Ciceroniana, advcrsus D. Eras- mum, etc. 4to., 1535. [Another copy.] [CoLLOQUiA.] Familiarium coUoquiorum opus, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539. CoUoquiorum iamiliarium opus, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. Belmontus copy, [Another edition.] l6mo., Lugduni, 1550. Given by t'crdinand 111. to the Klorontino Library, from which it was sold as a duplicate. D. Erasmi... colloquia nunc cmcndatiora. 1 2 mo., Amstelodami, 1679. Twenty two select colloquies out of Eras- mus... By Sir R. L'Estrange. To which are added, seven more dialogues, with the life of the author, by T. Brown. 8vo., London, 1725. D. Erasmi. ..colloquia, ex doctorum viro- rum emendatione, cum notis selectis. i6mo., Amstelmdami, 1754. 1 he titlepage is engraved. 158 ERASMUS (Desiderius).— (coH^rf.) [CoLLOQUiA.] Pilgrimages to Saint Mary of Walsingham and Saint Thomas of Canter- bury. ..Newly translated, with the colloquy on rash vows... and illustrated with notes, by J. G. Nichols. 8vo., Westminster, 1849. Napier copy. The colloquies... Translated by N. Bailey. Edited. . .by. ..E. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1878. See LANDO (O.). [In Erasmi Funus.] In D. Erasmi... funus, dialogus, etc. 8vo., 1540. [De Civilitate Morum Puerilium.] La civilite puerile... Traduction nouvelle, texte latin en regard. Precedee d'une notice sur les livres de civilite depuis le i6"= siecle, par A. Bonneau. i2mo., Par/s, 1877. [De Conscribendis Epistolis.] Con- scribendarum epistolarum ratio, etc. 8vo., Lugdnni : apud Seb. Gryphinm, 1534. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphhim, 1536. De conscribendis epistolis opus, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphinm, 1556. [De Copia Verborum.] D. Erasmi... de duplici copia verboR ac rerum, commentarii duo... His accesserunt scholia... & epitome, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud [Se6.] Gryphium, 1531. The " Epitome " has a separate titlcpage and register, and is without pagination. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1540. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. Meier (G.). In Erasmi librum de copia tabulae. See MOSELLANUS (P.). Tabulae, de schematibus et tropis P. Mosellani, etc. 8vo., 1530. Secunda editio. 8vo., 1535. [De Laudibus BritannI/E.] Erasmi... de laudibus Britanniae, regis4; Henrici Septimi, etc. See EURIPIDES. [Hecuba.] Hecuba, & Iphigenia in Aulide, etc. 8vo., 1507. [De Libero Arbitric] De libero arbi- trio diaTQi^r], sive coUatio. 8vo., Basilea : apud J. Frobenium, 1524. Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus Servum arbitrium M. Lutheri...ab autore recognitus. 2 pts. [in I vol.] Svo., [colophon .] Basileae : apud J. Frobenium, 1526-27. [De Metris.] D. Erasmus... de metris. See MICYLLUS (J.) pseud. Ratio e.xaminan- dorum versuum, etc. 8vo., (1539.) [Another edition.] See TEREN- TIUS (P.) Afer. P. Terentii...comcediae, etc. fol., 1552. [Another edition.] fol., 1553. [Another edition.] fol., 1558. [Another edition.] See TEREN- TIUS (P.) Afer. Terentius, etc. [Vol. II.] 8vo., 1560. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Sec TEREN- TIUS (P.) Afer. P. Terentii...comcediae, etc. fol., 1 561. [De Morte Declamatic] De morte declamatio D. Erasmi... in genere consola- torio. Ej usdem epistola elegantiss. de eadem. 8vo., Lugd[um] : Seb. Gryphius Germ, excttd., 1529. [De Pr.«paratione ad Mortem.] De praeparatione ad mortem, liber, etc. Se^ above [Opera.]. Enchiridion militis Christiani, etc. 8vo., 1 541. [Another edition.] See below, Enchiridion militis Christiani, etc. i2mo., 1685. [De Ratione Studii.] D. Erasmi... de ratione studii tractatus. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. [De Recta Latiki Gr^cique Sermonis Pronuntiatione.] De recta Latini Graeci- que sermonis pronuntiatione, D. Erasmi... dialogus. Ej usdem dialogus cui titulus, Ciceronianus, sive, de optimo genere dicendi. Cum aliis nonnullis, quorum nihil non est novum. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1528. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni: Seb. Gryphius excud., 1531. D. Erasmi... de recta Latini Graecique sermonis pronunciatione dialogus. See HAVERKAMP (S.). Sylloge altera scrip- torum, etc. 8vo., 1740. [De Senectutis Incommodis.] Erasmi ... de senectutis incommodis, etc. See EURIPIDES. [Hecuba.] Hecuba, & Iphigenia in Aulide, etc. 8vo., 1507. - [Declamatio contra Tyrannicidam.] (Declamatio Erasmi contra tyrannicidam.) See LUCIANUS, Samosatensis. [Opera.] Luciani opuscula, etc. 8vo., 15 16. [Enchiridion Militis Christiani.] En- chiridion militis Christiani, etc. See above [Opera.]. 8vo., 1541. Le Chevalier Chrestien...traduict en iran- coys [by L. de Berquin]. i6mo., Lyon : chSs E. Dolet, 1542. La Vallifire, Coste, and Didot copy. - Enchiridion militis Christiani... autore D. Erasmo...Ejusdem de praeparatione ad mor- tem, liber, etc. i2mo., Cantabrigics, 1685. Wise copy. - [EPIST0L.E.] Erasmi... epistola consola- toria in adversis. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1528. Epistolarum D. Erasmi... libri XXXI., et P. Melanchthonis libri IV. Quibus adjiciun- tur T. Mori & L. Vivis epistolae, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Londini, 1642. [Another copy of Pt. II., containing the letters of Melanchthon, More, and Vives.] - Epistolae Erasmi. See HUTTEN (U. von). Epistolae U. Hutteni, etc. 4to., 1842. 159 ERASMUS (Desiderius). — (contd.) [Epistol.-e.] The lives of J. V'itrier...and J. Colet.. .Translated. ..by J. H. Lupton. 8vo., London, 1883. Napier copy. See MALLARIUS (N. H.). Mallarii epi- stola niusarum Graecarum apologetica ad Erasmum. Erasmi, ad Mallarium epist. 8vo., 1530. [Epitaphium Zasii.] Epitaphium D. U. Zasii. See ZASIUS (U.). Dn. U. Zasii... in tit. institutionum de actionibus enarratio, etc. fol., 1537. [Epitome in Elegantias L. Vall^.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi... in elegantiarum libros L. Valise. Cui ultra priorem editionem plurimarum cum dictionum, tum locutionu expositio gallica accessit...Addita est et Farrago sordidorum verborum, sive Augiae stabulum repurgatum, per C. Crocum. Secunda editio. 8vo., [colophon :] Tipis Antonii Bonnemere [Paris], 1 530. - [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apnd Seb. Gryphiu»i, 1533. [Lingua.] Lingua per D. Erasmum... Opus novum , & hisce temporibus aptissimum. Plutarchi. Utrum graviores sint animi morbi ^ corporis. Eras, interpr. 8vo., Lugd[uni] : Seb. Gryphius Germ, excudebat, [1529 ?] D. Erasmi... lingua, sive de linguae usu, atque abusu, liber unus. l2mo., Lugduni Batavorum. 1624. [Modus Orandi Deum.] Modus orandi Deum, etc. 8vo., Lugd\uni] : Seb. Gryphitis Germ, excud., 1529. [MoRi.5 Encomium.] Erasmi... opuscu- lum, cui titulus est Moria, id est stultitia, quae pro concione loquitur. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et A ndreae soceri, 1 5 1 5 . Renouard, p. 73. Askew, Wodhull and Baring copy. — — Moriae encomium, hoc est, stulticiae laus, etc. 8vo., Lugd[uni] : Seb. Gryphius Germ. excudebat, [1528 ?] - La moria... nuovamente in volgare tra- dotta [by A. Pellegrini]. 8vo., Venetia, 1545. R. S. Turner's copy. — — Encomium moriae, sivc.declamatio, in laudem stulticiae. J. Lipsii satyra Menippea. Somnium...P. Cunjei Sardi venales, satyra Menippaea, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1617. -^— D. Erasmi... moriae encomium, cum G. Listrii commentariis. Epistolae aliquot in fine additx. i2mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1648. Moriae encomium : or, the praise of folly. Made English. ..By W. Kennett...The fourth edition. 8vo., London, 1724. — — [Paraclesis.] Paraclesis, id est, adhor- tatio ad sanctissimum ac salubcrrimum Christianae philosophiae studium, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Basilets : apud J. Fro- benium, 1519. [Another copy.] [Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi. . .in Acta Apostolorum. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [Acts. — Latin.] 8vo., 1544. D. Erasmi... in epistolas apostolicas para- phrasis. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [Epistles. — Latin.] 8vo., 1544. Paraphrasis D. Erasmi... in Evangelium Joannis. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [John, Gospel of . — Latin.] 8vo., 1542. Paraphrasis D. Erasmi... in Evangelium Lucae. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [Luke. — Latin.] 8vo., 1542. Paraphrasis D. Erasmi... in Evangelium Marci. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [Mark. — Latin.] 8vo., 1544. In Evangelium Matthaei D. Erasmi... paraphrasis. See BIBLE. — New Testament. [Matthew. — Latin.] 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1544. [Peregrinatio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli.] Peregrinatio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, cum ratione temporum, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. [Precationes.] Precationcs aliquot Erasmi... Quibus accessit, simplex modus orandi. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [PURGATIO AdVERSUS LutHERUM.] D. Erasmi. ..purgatio adversus epistolam non sobriam M. Luteri [sic]. 8vo., Colonics : ex esdibus E. Cervicorni, 1534. Royal Society duplicate. SeeAMSDORFF(N. VON). Epistote ... N. Amsdorfii et D. Martini Lutheri, de Erasmo Roterodamo. 8vo., 1534. [Ratio \-erje Theologi.^.] Ratio seu compendium verae theologiae. 8vo., [colophon :] Basileee : apud J. Fro- benium, 1519. [Spongia.] Spongia Erasmi adversus aspergines Hutteni. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis: per Gregoriu de Gregoriis, 1525. [Syntaxis.] De octo orationis partium constructione libellus, etc. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). A. P. Manutii institutionum gram- maticarum libri quatuor, f ^e. 410., 1523. De octo partium orationis constructione libellus... Cum J. Rabirii commentariis. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1558. Published by the heirs of S. Uryphius. Libellus de octo orationis patrium [sic] constructione, etc. Sec DONATUS {/£.). Donati de octo partibus orationis libellus, etc. 8vo., 1835. [Supposititious Works.] Epistola D. Erasmi... quid de obscuris scntiat, etc. See GRATIUS (O.). Epistolae obscurorum viro- rum, efc. [Vol. III.] i2mo.. 1680. [Appendix.] See BUTLER (C). The life of Erasmus, etc. 8vo., 1825. i6o ERASMUS (Desiderius). — (co«Crf.) [Appendix.] Sec CURSIUS (P.). P. Cursii ... defensio pro Italia ad Erasmum Roterodamum. 4to., 1535. See DRUMMOND (R. B.). Erasmus, his life and character, elc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1873. See DURAND DE LAUR (H.). &asme, precurseur et initiateur de I'esprit modeme. 2 torn. 8vo., 1872. See FROUDE (J. A.). Life and letters of Erasmus, e/c. 8vo., 1894. See GAYE (J.). Disquisitionis de vita D. Erasmi specimen, etc. 8vo., 1829. See GHENT. — Universite. Bibliotheca Erasmiana, etc. Ser. I.-II. 4to., 1893. See GHENT. — Universite. Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Bibliographic des ceuvres d'firasme. Pts. I.-III. 8vo., 1897-1901. See HOFFMANN (F. L.). Essai d'une liste d'ouvrages et dissertations concemant la vie et les ecrits d'firasme, 1 518-1866. 8vo., 1867. See JORTIN (J.). The works of.. .J. Jortin. Vols. 4-6. The life of Erasmus. 8vo., 1810. See l.fiVESQUE DE BURIGNY (J.). Vie d'Erasme, efc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1757. See NISARD (J. M. N. D.). £tudes sur la Renaissance... lirasme, euch- liche Depositions-Biichlein (von J. Rist) angefiiget. oh\. 4to., Niimberg, ij2i. ERNESTI (JoHANN Heinrich JNIartin). J. H. M. Emesti... elands Horatiana, sive indices rerum et verborum philologico-critici in opera Horatii, praemissis ad lectionem usumque poetae necessariis. 3 vols. 8vo. . Derolini, 1802-3. Printed in double column.^. The pagination is I consecutive throughout. I J. H. M. Ernesti...clavis Horatiana in j usum scholarum. Separatim accessit ono- masticon Horatii illustratum. 2 pts. [in ; I vol.] i\o., Halis Saxonum, i&l?,. ! The " Clavis " has a second titlepage reading ; ! "J. H. M. Emesti... clavis Horatiana minor." I The " Onomasticon " has a separate titlepagr and pagination. I Parerga Horatiana, quibus continentur vita Horatii. ..(H. C. A. Eichstadii) ccnsura i novissimarum observationum in Horatii epis- tolam ad Pisones...prolusiones [by J. G. Purmann] de Lngenio poetarum Romanorum inprimis poetae Venusini. 8vo., Halis Saxonutn. 181 8. [Another copy.] EROTOP^GNION. Erotopaegnion, sive Pria- peia veterum et recentiorum, etc. See PRIAPEIA. 8vo., 1798. 1 ERSKINE (John) of Carnock, Advocate. An ! institute of the law of Scotland, in four i books, in the order of Sir G. Mackenzie's institutions of that law... A new edition, with I additional notes. By J. Ivon,-. 2 vols. 1 fol., Edinburgh, 1824-28. The pagination is consecutive. Presentation j copy from the author to Alexander Christie. ERYTHR^US (Valentinus). ^xrjuaTianoi, [ hoc est, tabulae quaedam partitionum ora- ; toriarum M. T. Ciceronis, et quatuor dialo- ! gorum in easdem J. Sturmii, confectae per ! V. Ery thraeum . . . Item : ejusdem oratio de ratione dicendi, etc. i iol.,Argenlorati: in officina Cratomyltana,! ^^y. I Schmidt, p. 326. Zxi)fiaTia^ioi, diaXexTixoi. Tabulae duorum ; librorum partitionum dialecticarum J. Stur- I mil, etc. iol., Argentinae, 1551. I Schmidt, p. 326. ESCHAVANNES (Jouffroy d'). See JOUF- FROY D'ESCHAVANNES. i ESCRIVAIN (Pierre). See CRESPIN (J.). Des cinq escoliers (M. .\!ba. P. Escrivain, etc.) sortis de Lausanne, bruslez a Lyon. I fol., 1878. i6i ESCURIAI,, Library of. Regi» bibliothecae S. Laurentii Escurialis descriptio. See CLE- MENS (C). Musci...cxtructio, etc. 4to., 1635. ESHTON HALL. See CURRER (F. ^L R.)- Catalogue of the library' at Esh ton-Hall, etc. 4to., 1820. ESPAGNAC (Marc Rene Marie Sahuguet D'). See SAHUGUET D'ESPAGNAC. ESPINASSE (Francis). Life and times of F. M. Arouet, calling himself Voltaire. Vol. I. 8vo., London, 1866. No more published. Life of Voltaire. (Bibliography. By J. P. Anderson.) 8vo., London, 1892. (Great Writers. ) ESPINOSA (Pedro) Poet. See AXON (W. E. A.). Bibliographical note on Espinosa's " Flores." 8vo., 1892. ESSAI. Essai sur I'amour. [By J. F. Dreux du Radier.] See DREUX DU RADIER (J. F.). i2mo., 1783. ESSAY. An essay on the different stiles of poetry. [In verse, by T. Pamell.] See PAR- NELL (T.) Archdeacon of Clogher. 8vo., 1713. ESTIENNE, Family of. See ALMELOVEEN (T. J. AB). T. J. ab Almeloveen de vitis Stephanorum...dissertatio, etc. 8vo., 1683. See BERNARD (A. J.). Les Estienne et les types grecs de Francois I", etc. 8vo., 1856. See DIDOT (A. F.). Les Estienne, etc. 8vo., [1856.] See GRESWELL (W. P.). A view of the early Parisian Greek press ; including the lives of the Stephani, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1833. See MAITTAIRE (M.). Stephanorum historia, eto. 2 torn. 8vo., 1709. See RENOUARD (.\. A.). Annales de I'imprinierie des Estienne... DeuxiSme edition. 8vo., 1843. ESTIENNE (Charles). De re hortesi libellus, vulgaria herbarum, florum, ac fruticum, qui in hortis conseri solcnt nomina Latinis vocibus efferre docens ex probatis authoribus, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : ex ofpcina R. Stephani, 1535. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apiid haredes S. Vincentii, 1536. The colophon reoda : " Excudel>ant...M. et G. Trechsol fratres.'* — — [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugdtini : aptid Seb. Gryphium, 1539. Kerrich copy. La maniere d'exerccr les enfans a decliner les noms, & les verbes, etc. [By C. Estienne ?] SecMANl£RE. 8vo., 1559. Rudim6nta Latinogallica, cum acccntibus. [By C. Estienne ?] See RUDIMENTA. 8vo., 1555. See LANDO (O.). [Paradossi.] Paia- doxes, cc sent propos contrc la commune 8vo., 1553- i6mo., •554- i6mo., ISSS- i6mo., 1573- i6mo.. 1583- Name See opinion : debatus, etc. [Translated by C. Estienne from the Italian of O. I^ando.] 8vo., 1553. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] ESTIENNE (FRAN901S) \st of the Name. BERNARD (A. J.). Les Estienne et les types grecs de Fran9ois I", etc. 8vo., 1856. ESTIENNE (FRAN901S) 2Hd of the Name. Principia, sive prima lingua Latinae elementa, pueris facile instituendis commodissima. [By F. Estienne.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1557- Yemeniz copy. Principes & premiers elemens de la langue latine, par lesquels tous jeunes enfans seront facilement introduicts a la congnoissance d'icelle. [By F. Estienne.] 8vo., Paris, 1559. The first edition was published by Colinaeus in 1543. Yemeniz copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Paris, 1585. Veinant and Renard copy. ESTIENNE (Henri) 2nd of the Name. H. Stephani ad J. Cratonem a Craftheim epi- stolac.edidit F. Passow. 4to., Vratislaviae, 1830. Program dissertation of the University of Breslau, Ad Senccae lectionem proodopooia. In qua & nonnulli ejus loci emendanlur. Autore H. Stephano. Epistola; ejusdem, partim diorthotikae quorudam Seneca? locorum... partim ctiam in quosdam exctastika. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [Pam ?] 1586. Ked morocco by Roger Payne. K. S. Turner's and Buckley copy. Apologie pour H6rodote. See below, L'introduction au traite, etc. Artis typographicae querimonia, de illitera- tis quibusdam typographis, propter quos in contemplum venit. (Henrici Stephani epi- stola...de suae typographiae statu, etc.) See ALMELOVEEN (T. J. An). T. J. ab Almelo- veen de vitis Stephanorum... dissertatio, etc. 8vo., 1683. H. Stephani carmen de senatulo fcemi- narum, magnum senatui virorum levamentuni atquc adjumentum allaturo. Ipso ctiam Justiniano disquisitionis hujus ansam prs- bente. ^io., .4rgentorati, \sc)6. (Carmina.) See MOSCHUS. Moschi, Bionis, Theocriti...idyllia aliquot, etc. 4to., 1555. Ciceronianum lexicon Graecolatinum. Id est, lexicon ex variis Gra;corum scriptorum locis a Cicerone intcrpretatis collectum ab H. Stephano. LQOg, Movaaiog, &£oyviQ, 0(oxv?.i6t]g, Ilvdayogov ;for(7a eTtrj. Poet» Grasci principes heroici carminis, & alii non- nulli. [Edited by H. Estienne.] Gr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [Geneva .] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1566. —^ Fragmenta poetarum veterum Latinorum, quorum opera non extant : Ennii, Accii, Lucilii, Laberii, Pacuvii, Afranii, Naevii, Caecilii, [of M. T. Varro,] aliorumque mul- torum : undique a R. Stephano...congesta : nunc autem ab H. Stephano...digesta, etc. 8vo., [Geneva :] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1564. Francofordiense emporium, sive Franco- fordienses nundinae, etc. 8vo., [Geneva :] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1574. Red morocco by Roger Payne. R. S. Turner's and Buckley copy. La foire de Francfort...Traduit...par I. Liseux, etc. Lat. &■ Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1875. L'introduction au traite de la conformity des merveilles anciennes avec les modemes. Ou, trait6 pr6paratif a I'Apologie pour Herodote, etc. 8vo., [Geneva,] 1566. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lyon, 1592. [Another edition.] Apologie pour Herodote. Ou, traite de la conformite des merveilles anciennes avec les modemes... Nou- velleedition...augmentee...de remarques: par M. Le Duchat, etc. 2 tom. [in 3 vols.] Svo., La Haye, 1735. Tome I. is in two parts, with continuous pagina- tion. Eliock copy. Nouvelle edition... augmentee de re- marques par P. Ristelhuber, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1879. Nizoliodidascalus, sive monitor Ciceroni- atnorum Nizolianorum, dialogus H. Stephani. 8vo., [Geneva :] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1578. Ansse de Villoison copy. Parodiae morales H. Stephani, in poetarum vet. sententias celebriores, totide versibus Gr. ab eo redditas. . .Centonum veterum & parodiarum utriusque linguae exempla. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [Geneva .] Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1575. Pt. 2 is printed on the verso only of each leaf. North, Wodhull, and A. Goatling's copy. La precellence du langage fran9ois... Nouvelle edition, accompagnee d'une etude sur H. Estienne et de notes. ..par L. Feugere. 8vo., Paris, 1850. H. Stephani schediasmatum variorum, id est, observationum, emedationu, exposi- tionum, disquisitionum, libri tres, etc. 3 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [Geneva :} Excudebat H. Stephanus, 1578. Citron morocco by Derome. Renouard and R, S. Turner's copy. Traicte de la conformite du language franfois avec le grec, etc. 8vo., [Geneva, 1565.] First edition. Bnmet, II., 1075. Perrot copy. See DIDOT (F.). Poesies de F. Didot, suivies d 'observations... sur R. et H. Estienne. 8vo., 1834. See FEUGfeRE (L. J.). Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de H. Estienne, etc. 8vo., 1853. See LI VET (C. L.). La grammaire fran- 9aise et les grammairiens du 16= sificle... Dubois (Sylvius)... R. et H. Estienne, etc. 8vo., 1859. Renou.^rd (A. A.). Aide I'ancien. . .et Henri Estienne, etc. See RENOUARD (A. A.). Annales de I'imprimerie des Aides... Troisieme edition. 4to., i834[-38]. [Another edition.] 8vo., (1838.) ESTIENNE (J. A.), fitude morale et litte- raire sur les Ipitres d 'Horace. 8vo., Paris, 1851. 1 63 ESTIENNE (Robert) ist of the Name. Ad censuras theologorum Parisiensium, q\iibus Biblia a R. Stephano...excusa calumniose notarunt, ejusdem R. Stephani responsio. 8vo., [Geneva :] Oliva R. Stephani, 1552. M. Pinelli's and Wodhull copy. — — Dictionarium, seu Latinae linguae thesau- rus, non singulas modo dictiones continens, sed integras quoque Latine & loquendi, & scribendi formulas ex Catone, Varrone, etc. [Second edition.] 2 pts. fol., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1536. The pagination ia consecutive. The first edition appeared in 1531. Dictionarium Latinogallicum, thesauro nostro ita ex adverso respondens, ut extra pauca quaedam aut obsoleta, aut minus in usu necessaria vocabula...in hoc eadem sint omnia, eodem ordine, sermone patrio expli- cata. [Second edition.] fol., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1543. The first edition appeared in 1538. .Tongho copy. Dictionarium proprioru nominum virorum, mulierum, populoru...qua5 passim in libris prophanis legutur, etc. [By R. Estienne.] 4to., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1541. Elucidarius pocticus, sive dictionarium nominum propriorum virorum, etc. 8vo., Antverpice : ex officina J. Loei, 1545. La maniere de tourner en langue fran(;oise les verbes actifs, passifs, gcrondifs, supins, & participes : aussi les verbes impersonels, avec le vcrbe substantif nomme sum, & le verbe liabeo. Reveue & corrigee en grande dili- gence. [By R. Estienne.] 8vo., Pai-Zs, 1587. First published in 1526. Barbier, III., 30. lied morocco by Duru. Veinant and Renard copy. See CRAPELET (G. A.). R. Estienne, imprimeur royal, et le roi Fran9ois I'"', etc. 8vo., 1839. See DIDOT (P.). Po6sies de F. Didot, suivics d'observations...sur R. et H. Estienne. 8vo., 1834. See GESNER (J. M.). Novus linguae et eruditionis Romanac thesaurus post R. Stephani et aliorum ... curas digcstus, etc. 4 tom. fol., 1749. See LI VET (C. L.). La grammaire fran- faise et les grammairiens du 16" sificle... Dubois (Sylvius). ..R. et H. Estienne, etc. 8vo., 1859. ESTOR (JoHANN Georg) PriBS. Juris publici Hassiaci specimen L de statu et origine land- graviatus Hassiae monumentis incditis illus- tratum. Modcratore D. J. Georgio Estor... disceptationi cruditorum publicae submittit J. P. Strccker. 4to., Giessa; in Cattis, 1729. ESTR£ (J. G. P.). Horatiana prosopographeia. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1846. £TAT. fitat de I'homme dans Ic pechc origincl...Septi6me Edition, etc. [Based on Bevcrland's " De peccato original!."] See BEVERLANDUS (A.). i2mo., 1774. ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM. Begin. [Fol. i, redo :] Magxov /lovaovnov rov XQijxog. > [Sig. Ap, recto :] 'ETYMOAOriKON MEPA RATA 'AA0ABHTON. | UANY ' Q0EAI- MON :- 1 fol., [colophon : Venice : Z. Kallierges, 1499.] Hain and Copinger, *669i. Proctor, 5644. Proctor^, p. 119. Legrand, I., 55. Luard copy. Meya irvfioXoyixov. Magnum etymolo- gicum Graecas linguae, nunc recens summa adhibita diligentia excusum, & innumera- bilibus pene dictionibus locupletatum, etc. Gr. fol., Venetiis : apud F. Turrisaniim, 1549. Printed in double columns. Reiiouard. p. 145. L'Oisel copy. EUCLIDES. EvxXeiSov aror/euov §ifiX. le, ix riov &eojvos ai>vovaw>v. Eli; rov aixov to TtQcorov, iirjyijfiarwv IIqoxXov piflX. 8'. Ad- jecta praefatiuncula in qua de disciplinis mathematicis nonnihil. [Edited by S. Gry- nseus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Basilea : apud J. Hervagium, 1533. With autograph and notes of Justus Jonas, the Younger. Evx)xidov (rcoixEidiV fiifiXia te'. Euclidis elementorum libri XV. [Edited by A. Cajani.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Roma : apud A. Bladuni, 1545. J. Lee'a, Sullivan, and Gennadius copy. I quindici libri degli elementi di Euclide... tradotti in lingua thoscana [by A. Cajani]. Ital. 8vo., [colophon:] Roma : per A. Blado, 1545. J. Lee's, Sullivan, and Gennadius copy. Euclides. [Edited by P. Ramus.] Lat. 8vo., Parisiis : apud T. Richardum, 1549. Evx^idov elaaycoyt] aQfiovixi], etc. Gr. &' Lat. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antiquae musicae auctores septem, etc. Vol. L 4to., 1652. See JONES (J.). On the unsuitablcncss of Euclid as a text-book of geometry. 8vo., 1870. ■ See RYFF (P.). Qu;csliones gcometricas, in Euclidis & P. Rami aroixncKytr, etc. 4to., 1600. EUD^MON-JOANNES (Andkr.^s) Cydoniits. R. P. A. Eudoemon-Joannis...ad actionem proditoriam E. Coqui, apologia pro H. Gar- neto, etc. 8vo., Coloniae Agrippinae, 1610. R. P. A. Eudaemon-Joannis...castigatio apocalypsis apocalypseos T. Brightmanni. 8vo., Coloniw .4grippina-, 161 1. Confutatio Anticotoni, qua respondctur calumniis, ex occasionc csdis Christianissimi regis I'ranciae, & sententiae Marianac, ab anonymo quodam in P. Cottonem & socios ejus congest is. Svo., Moguntia-, 161 1. R. P. A. Eudaemon-Joannis... responsio ad cpistolam I. Casauboni. 8vo., Coloniae Agrippinae, 161 2. l*ftttiHon copy. EUDEMUS, Rhetor. See SUID.\S. Begin. Aca?.oyo; aterfavou, etc. [.Sig. aj, redo :] To /iev TiaQov pUihov, I'ovida. Olde avvxaia- //evot TOWTo, dvOgei aoiyeveia iv AvhSt, '/(piyeveta ev Tavgoig, 'Prjaog, Tgo)aSeg, Baxxai, Kvx}.coy>, ' HgaxXetdai, 'EXevt], 'loiv. {' Hgaxhjc; fiaivo/nevo:;.) Euri- pidis tragcedise septendecim, ex quib. quaedam habent commentaria, & sunt hae : Hecuba, Orestes, Phocnissas, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1503- The first collected edition of Euripides. The "Commentaria" mentioned on the titlepage were not published with this edition. Renouard, p. 43. B. Heath's and Drury copy. EvgiTiidov rgaycoSiai 6xro)xaidexa...E,un- pidis tragcediae octodecim, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Basilecs : apud J. Hervagium, 1537. [Evgimdov rgaycodiai dxToxaidexa. . ."Euri- pidis tragcediae octodecim... His accessit ejus- dem Electra...nuper demum in lucem edita.] 8vo., [Frankfort, 1558 ?] Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage and all before p. 607. The " Electra " is without pagination, and has a separate register. —— [Electra.] Evgimdov 'HXexxga. Euripidis Electra. Nunc primum in lucem edita [by P. Victorias]. Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., Ronus : [A. Bladus,] 1545. Brunei, II., 1103. Askew, WodhuU, and Luard copy. [Hecuba.] {Evginidov 'Exapij.) 4to., s.n. 48 pp., sigs. A-F*. Wanting the titlepage. Title taken from the running heading. Sig. Ai con- tains the " OoiMct Tov Ma7tcrTpoi' vTTodiais." Hecuba, & Iphigenia in Aulide Euripidis tragcediae in latinum tralatae [sic] Erasmo... interprete. Ejusdeni ode de laudibus Britan- niae, regisq; Henrici Septimi ac regioruni liberorum ejus. Ejusdem ode de senectutis incommodis. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedihus Aldi, ISO?- Renouard, p. 51. Olive morocco by Roger de Coverly. Eigmidov rgaymStai 6vo 'Exaprj xai 'I(pi- yeveia iv AvXidi. Euripidis tragoediae duae, Hecuba & Iphigenia in Aulide, Latinao factae, D. Erasmo... interprete. Gr. <&• Lat. 8vo., [colophon :] Basilecs : apud J. Frobenium, 1524- Calf by Baumgarten. Askew and Wodhull copy. Euripidis... Hecuba, & Iphigenia in Aulide. Latinae factae, Erasmo... interprete. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. [Appendix.] See ARSENIUS, Arch- bishop of Monembasia. i7;foAia tcov naw doxi/ioiv el; ima rgayaidtas tov Evgmidov, etc. 8vo., 1534. Beck (C. D.). Index... verborum formu- larumque omnium in Euripidis tragcediis... occurrentium. See INDEX. Index in tragi- cos Graecos. Vol.11. 8vo., 1830. EUROP^US (Lucius Cornelius) pseud, [i.e., Julius Clemens Scotus.] See SCOTUS (J. C). EUROPE. Congres politique, ou entretiens libres des Puissances de I'Europe ; sur le bal general prochain. 4to., Londres, 1772. EUSEBIUS, Pamphili, Bishop of Cessarea in Palestine. Evae^tov...di>Ti^grjttxoQ :igog to ' legoxXeovi, 'AnoXXioviov tov Tvavea tw £(j)X)]gi .XgtaTO) naga^akXovToq. See PHILOSTRA- TUS. 0tf.oaTgaTov elg tov 'AtioX^wviov tov TvavewQ fiiov fiifiha oxxm, etc. fol., 1 50 1, 02, 04. Eusebii de acrostichide SibylUna judicium. Atque item aegloga VergiUi quarta, ab eodem Graece reddita. Gr. &■ Lat. See ORACULA SIBYLLINA. XifivXhaxoiv xQV^fov Xoyoi dxTO}, etc. 8vo., 1555. Begin. [Fol. 2, recto, after one blank leaf:] EVSEBIVM Pamphili de euangelica praepatione | latinu ex graeco beatissime pater iussu tuo effeci. | etc. fol., [colophon : Venice :] Leonhardus Aurl, 1473. Hain and Copinger, *67oo. Proctor, 4220. Begin. [Fol. i , verso .-] ILLVSTRISSIMO & Inuictissimo Mantuanorum Principi | Fre- derico Gonzage lohannes Schallus Herosfel- densis physicus | obsequentissimus. | [Fol. 10, recto .] Incipit liber primus hystorie ecclesias- tice.] io\., [colophon : Mantua :] Schallus loannes, 1479. Hain and Copinger, *67ii. Proctor, 6908. ' ExxXtjaiaarix7jQ iarogiaQ Eiae^tov...^i^ha I. Tov avTov elg tov jiiov xov ^laxagiov Kcov- aravTivov BaaiXewg Xoyoi e'. Zwxgarovg axoXaa- Tiy.ov pipha t,' . @eodQ>giTov...pipha e'. i65 EUSEBIUS, PamphiU.—(contd.) 'ExXoyayv ano Tt]g ixx?.riaiaiJTixt]i; iaTOQia(; &eodcoQov dvayvcoarov ^tjiha /3'. 'Egfieiov Xai^ofievov SaXa^iviov fitjiXia 0'. Evaygiov axoXaazixov ixxXrjaiaarixr]g laTogiag ^i§ha s'. Ecclesiasticae historise Eusebii Pamphili lib. X., etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., LuteticB Parisiorum : ex officina R. Stephani, 1544. EUSEBIUS, Romanus, pseud, [i.e., Philippus Priorius.] See PRIORIUS (P.). EUSTATHIUS, Archbishop of Thessalonica. 'Ex Toiv EvaraOiov. . .ixXoyai, etc. See MANU- TIUS (A. P.). 0>]aavQoq. Kega; dftaXdeiag, etc. fol., 1496. elg rrjv 'O^irjQov See HOMERUS. fol., 1542. Ev(naBiov...naoexpo}.aL •Ihada. [With the text.] [Ilias. — Greek.} Evaradiov tieoi rmv naga 'Oftrjgo) SiaXexrcov. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). Grjaavgo?. Kegag dfia^eiag, etc. fol., 1496. [Another edition.] Gf. &■ Lai. See I.ASCARIS (C. ). In hoc hbro haec habentur. C. Lascaris...de octo partibus ofonis lib. I., etc. 4to., 1 5 12. [Another edition.] Gr. See CRAS- TONUS ( J.) Placentinus. Dictionarium Grae- cum, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] E\JST:KTHI\3S, Macrembolites. Gli amorid'Is- menio...tradotti per L. Carani. 8vo., Venetia, 1560. Blue morocco by Padeloup. Beekford copy. •^■^ EvaraOiov xaO' 'Yafunav xai 'Yanivrjv Sga^ia. Eustathii de Ismenias et Ismenes amoribus, libri XI. G. Gaulminus...Graece edidit, & Latine vertit. Gr. cS- Lai. 8vo., LuteticB Parisiorum, 161 7. [Another edition.] 8vo., LuteticB Parisiorum, 161 8. At the end of this edition there are 45 pp. of notes by G. Gauhninus, separately paged. EUSTRATIUS, Archbishop of Nice. Evoxga- riov inoftvTjfia el; to devregov, twv devxegoiv dvaXvTixtov Tov 'AgiaroTekovg. See ARIS- TOTELES. [Organon : Posteriora Ana- LYTICA.3 'Iwavvov rov yqa/t/iaTixov, eli; xa vaxega dvaXvxixa Aotaxoxe/.ovg, v:ioftvrjfia, etc. [Pt. II.] ~ fol., 1534- Eiaxgaxiov. . .inoftvrj^taxa etg ra dexa xmv xov 'Agiaxoxekovi; ffiixwv Ntxo/taxetcuv fii^Xia fiexa xov inoxei/ievov, etc. See ARISTOTE- LES. [Ethica.] fol., 1536. EUTOCIUS, Ascalonita. Evxoxiov...slg xa 'Agxi/fjSovg negi a^aigug xai xvXivdgov...vno- tirnnaxa. Gr. &■ Lat. See ARCHIMEDES. 'Agx'/iiSovg . . .xa /iexgt vvv aojl^ojieva, dnavxa, etc. [Pts. III.-IV.] fol., 1544. Eiitocii...in Archimedis circuli dimcnsio- ncm comraentarius. See ARCHIMEDES. Archimedis opera non nulla, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1558. EUTROPIA, Martyr. See AFRA, Saint and Martyr. Conversio et passio SS. Martyrum Afrae, Hilariae...Eutropiae, «fe. 4to., 1591. EUTROPIUS (Flavius). Eutropii uiri claris- simi romanae historiae liber primus (-'. See EUSEBIUS, Pamphili, Bishop of CcBsarea in Palestine. ' ExxXriaiaartxtjg iarogiag EvoePiov...BipXia i', etc. [Pt II.] fol., 1544. EVANGELUS, Cosniopolitanus. pseud. Evan- geli Cosmopolitani notae ad J. B. Menckenii de charlataneria eruditorum declamationes. See BEYER (A.). M. A. Beyeri memoriae... librorum rariorum, etc. 8vo., 1734. EVANS (Edward) Printseller. Catalogue of a collection of engraved portraits... comprising nearly twenty thousand portraits of persons connected with the history and literature of this country, etc. (Catalogue of engraved British portraits, etc.) 2 vols. 8vo., London, [1836-53.] Sale catalogue. EXETER, Bishops of. Joseph. [1627-41.] See HALL (J.) Bishop of Norwich. EX LIBRIS SOCIETY. Journal... Edited by W. H. K. Wright... Assisted by A. J. Jewers. Vols. I.-X. 4to., London, 1892-1900. Vols. III.-X. are edited by \V. H. K. Wriglit alone. EXPOSITIO. Expositio hymnoijcu notabili | comcnto qd semp implicat historias cum optimis allega- 1 tionibus sacrc scripture illoii sanctov vel sanctara de qui | bus t.ilcs hymni decantant ex quibus possuut facilitcr de | eisdcm s.anctis colligi sermonos poptimi sub- iunctis quo-|rundam vocabulorum exposi- tionibus. | ©. X. 4*0.. [colophon .] Rcuttlingn : per .Michadcm t;reyff, 1496. Unin. •"787. I'roclor, 2745. KYSLlilN (Joannes Gottfkious) Rcsp. Exer- citatio historico-critica dc cruditi.s singularis cujusdam libri amatnribus. etc. See SOM- MERLATTIUS (J. E.) Pra-s. -tto., 1710. 1 66 F., W. D. See FUHRMANN (W. D.). FABER (GuiDO) Pibraccius. See DU FAUR (G.). FABER (Jacobus) Stapidensis. [i.e.. Jacques Le FtvRE.] See MASSEBIEAU (L.). Une acquisition de la bibliothdque du Musee Pedagogique : Dialogus J. Fabri...in phisi- cam introductionem...fitude bibliographique et pedagogique. 8vo., (1885.) FABER (Joannes) Bambergensis. J. Fabri... de nardo et epithymo adversus J. Scaligerum disputatio...Qua plantarum istarum vera descriptio continetur, etc. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). G. Scioppii Scaliger Hyperbolimaeus. etc. 4to., 1607. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] FABER (Johannes Albertus). See FABRI- CIUS (J. A.). FABER (Reginald Stanley). The buried book, or the Bible of Henri de Dibon. [Dedication by R. S. Faber.] 4to., London, 1885. Only 35 copies privately printed. FABER (Tanaquillus). [i.e., Tannegui Le Fevre, the Elder.] T. Fabri epistolse, quarum pleraeque ad emendationem scriptorum vete- rum pertinent. 4to., Salnmrii, 1659. Isham Library copy. FABLES. Nouvelles fables... Par I'auteur d'Abbassai [i.e., M. A. de Fauques], etc. See FAUQUES (M. A. de). 8vo., 1772. FABRE (Augustin). A. Arena, notice his- torique et litteraire. 8vo., Marseille, i860. FABRICIUS (Franciscus) Marcoduranus. [i.e., Franz Fabricius.] M. T. Ciceronis historia, per consules descripta, & in annos LXIV. distincta. 5ee CICERO (M. T.). [Opera.— Latin.] M. T. Cicero Mannucciorum com- mentariis illustratus, e Societati Jesu [by G. Scioppius], nuper...in lucem protrusus est, nunc in ."iuas veras ac nativas partes secatur...a L, Forero. 4to., Oeniponte, 1634. Nicoron, XXXV., 214. GrammaticusProteus.arcanorumSocietatis Jesu Daedalus... Accessit auctarium animad- versionum in G. Scioppii ecclesiasticam astrologiam. (Appendix ad Grammaticum Proteum, etc.) pp. 506. 8vo., Ingolstadii, 1636. Appendix ad Grammaticum Proteum, qua breviter ostenditur, quid de relatione Alphonsi de Vargas [i.e., G. Scioppius] ad reges et principes Christianos sit sentiendura. pp. 84. 8vo., Ingolstadii, 1636. A separate issue, with independent pagination. Niceron, XXXV., 230. FOREST (Ange Augustin Thomas Pihan de LA). See PIHAN DE LA FOREST. FORESTUS (Hector). H. Foresti...in ethica .'Vristotelis...domestica3 pralectiones. 8vo., Ltigduni : apud Seb. Gryphi-um, 1550 [Another copy.] Incomplete ; wanting all after page 288. H. Foresti...in quintum ethicorum Aris- totelis domesticas praslectiones. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. Giphaniuis copy. [Another copy.] H. Foresti...in oeconomica Aristotelis... domesticae prEelectiones. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. FORGES DE PARNY (fiv.\RiSTE Desire de) Vicomte. See PARNY. FORGUES (Paul ^mile Daurand). £loge d'Henrion de Pansey. (Prononc6...par [P.J !fi. D. Forgues.) 8vo., [Pam, 1837.] Pattison copy. FORMA. Forma subventionis pauperum, que apud Hyperas Flandrorum urbem viget, etc. See YPRES. 8vo., 1 531. FORME. La forme et maniere de la punctua- tion, & accents de la langue francoise, etc. [By t. Dolet.] See DOLET (fi.). i6mo., 1560. FORMEY (Jean Henri Samuel). La vie de Mr. J. P. Baratier. 8vo., Utrecht, 1741. FORREST (William). The history of Grisild the Second : a narrative, in verse, of the divorce of Queen Katharine of Arragon... edited... by... W. D. Macray. 4to., London, 1875. (Roxburghe Club Pulilioationx, No. loi.) FORTAIR (Savaljite de). Discours sur la vie et les oeuvres de J. M. Morel, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1813. Pattison copy. FORTELLE ( de la) Lieutenant du Rot. See LA FORTELLE. FORTIUS RINGELBERGIUS (Joachimus). See RINGELBERGIUS. 174 FORTUNATIANUS (Chirius). Consulti C. Fortunatiani artis rhetoricae scholicae liber primus (-tertius). Ed.Pr. SeeGEORGIUS, Trapezuntius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri V., etc. fol., 1523. FORTUNIO (Giovanni Francesco). Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua ... nuova- mente reviste, etc. 8vo., [colophon .] Vinegia : in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1541. Renouard, p. 122. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon :] Vinegia : nelle case de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1545. Renouard, p. 131. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon:] Vinegia : nelle case de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1552. Renouard, p. 153. Sussex copy. FOSCOLO (NiccoLo Ugo). Ultime lettere di J. Ortis [/.e., N. U. Foscolo]. Nuovaedizione. 8vo., Londra, 1818. FOSS (Edward). Biographia juridica. A bio- graphical dictionary of the judges of England from the Conquest to the present time. 1066-1870. 8vo., London, 1870. FOSTER (Joseph). Men-at-the-Bar : a bio- graphical hand-list of the members of the various Inns of Court, including her Maiest\''s judges, etc. 4to., London, 1885. FOUGERET DE MONBRON ( ). La Henriade travestie. [A burlesque of the Henriade of Voltaire by M. Fougeret de Moubron.] See POT-POURRI. Le pot- pourri, etc. i2mo., 1809. FOULON (GuiLLAUME LE). See Fullonius (G.). FOUNDLING HOSPITAL FOR WIT. The new foundling hospital for wit. Being a col- lection of fugitive pieces, in prose and verse... A new edition, etc. 6 vols. 8vo., London, 1786. Chalmers copy. FOUR (Jean du). See DU FOUR. FOURMONT (Claude Louis). Description historique et geographique des plaines d' Heliopolis et de Memphis. [Dedication signed Fourmont.] i2mo., Paris, 1755. FOURMONT (Michel). See CHRISTIE (R.C.). The forgeries of the Abbe Fourmont. 8vo., 1885. [Another edition.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. 58-91. 8vo., 1902. FOURNEL (Francois Victor). La litterature independante et les ecrivains oubhes. Essais de critique et d'erudition sur le 17" siecle. (2« edition.) 8vo., Paris, 1862. FOURNIER (^DOUARD). L'art de la reliure en France aux demiers siecles. Svo., Paris, 1864. 300 copies printed, this being No. 168. FOURNIER (Francois Ignace). Nouveau dictionnaire portatif de bibliographie...suivi du catalogue... des editions imprimces par les Aides... Seconde Mition, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1809. FOVARGUE (Henry West) & OGLE (John Joseph). Liljrary legislation. 5«^ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Public library manual, etc. (Pt. I.) ' 8vo., 1892. FOX (John) Martyrologist. See HADDONUS (G.). Contra H. Osorium, ejusq; odiosas insectationes pro Evangelicse veritatis neces- saria defensione, responsio apologetica. Per ...G. Haddonum inchoata : deinde suscepta & continuata per J. Foxum. 4to., 1577. See NICHOLS (J. G.). Narratives of the days of the Reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of J. Foxe, etc. 4to., 1859. FOXIUS MORZILLUS (Sebastianus). [i.e., Seeastiano Fox morzillo.] S. Foxii Mor- zilli...de historiae institutione, dialogus. 8vo., Antverpiae, 1557. S. Foxii Morsilu de philosophici studii ratione epistola, etc. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. FOY-VAILLANT (Jean). See VAILLANT (J.). FRACASTORIUS (Hieronymus). [i.e.. Giro- lamo Fracastoro.] See CHIOCCUS (A.). A. Chiocchi... apologia pro divina H. Fra- castorii V. C. syphilide, etc. 4to., 1598. See GRESWELL (W. P.). Memoirs of A. Politianus...H. Fracastorius...The second edition, etc. 8vo., 1805. Sfif LETTERE. Lettered! XIIL huomini illustri...con moltc.del Fracastoro, etc. 8vo., 1560. FRACHiEUS (Jacobus). Latina & recens comoedia, nostri temporis imaginem ad vivum exprimens, eleganti carmine descripta. 8vo., Liigduni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1550. FRAGUIER (Claude Francois) Abbe. The gallery of Verres, etc. See TURNBULL (G.). Three dissertations, etc. 4to., 1740. FRANCE, Royal House of. See ASHBURTON (R. B. Dunning) 2nd Baron. Genealogical memoirs of the Royal House of France, etc. fol., 1825. FRANCIS I., King of France. See FRANQOIS 1. FRANCIS [Bernardoni], Assisiatis, Saint. See BARTHOLOM.EUS [Albizzi], Pisanus. [L'Alcoran des Cordeliers. ..recuilh...du liure des conformitez de ce beau saint Francois, etc.] 2 tom. 8vo., [1560.] FRANCISCUS, Valesiiis. See FRANQOIS, Dauphin of France. FRANCISCUS (Joannes) Ripensis. J. Fran- cisci...carminum liber. ..His S. Gryphii tumu- lus, & alia quaedam diversorum authorum accesserunt. i6mo., Lugduni : apud hcared. Seb. Gryphii, 1561. FRANCISQUE-MICHEL (Xavier). See MICHEL. FRANCK (Adolphe). Reformateurs et pub- licistes de I'Europe. Moyen age — Renais- sance. 8vo., Paris, 1864. FRANCK VON FRANCKENAU (Georg). See FRANCUS (G.). 175 FRANCKE (August Hermann). Christus SacrsB Scripturae nucleus : or, Christ the sum and substance of all the Holy Scriptures ... render 'd into English, etc. 8vo., London, 1732. FRANCO (N1CCOL6). Dialogi piacevoli, etc. 8vo., Vcnetiis : apud J. Giolitum, 1539. [Another edition.] 8vo., In Venetia : per Gabriel lolilo de Ferrarii, 1541. Libri copy. — — II Petrarchista, dialogc.nel quale si scuoprono nuovi secreti sopra il Petrarca, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : apud J. Giolitum, 1539. FRANQOIS, Dauphin of France, Son of Fratifois I. Diversa epigrammata in obitum Francisci Valesii Francorum regis designati. 8vo., Parisiis : ex adibus Falcharii, 1537. The titlepage bears the mark of Pierre Roffet. See DOLET (£.). Recueil de vers... composes sur le trespas de feu Monsieur le Daulphin. 8vo., 1536. FRANgOIS, Due d'Anjou. See FELIPE II., King of Spain. Discours veritable de ce qui est advenu en la ville de Bruges I'an i 582 par ce que le roy Philippe d'Espaigne a derechef pratique... meurtriers, pour oster la vie au due de Brabant. ..Anjou, etc. 8vo., 1582. FRANQOIS I., King of France. See DOLET (fi.). Francisci Valesii Gallorum regis fata, etc. 4to., 1539. •^^ [Another copy.] — ^ See DOLET (l£.). Les gestes de Francoys de Valois roy de France, e/c. 4to., 1540. —^ [Another edition.] 8vo., 1543. SeeDUCHATEL (P.) Bishop of Orleans. Le trespas, obseques, et enterrement de... Fracois...roy de Frace.. .premier de ce nam, etc. 8vo., [1547.] [Another edition.] See GALLAN- DIUS (P.). P. Castellani...vita, etc. 8vo., 1674. -See TAEGIUS (F.). F. Tae§ii...de ob- sidione urbis Ticinensis...et captivitate Fran- cisci I. ... liber, etc. 4to., 1736. FRANCOIS DE NEUFCHATEAU (Nicolas Louis) Comte. itloge du due do Nivernois, etc. 8vo., [Paris,] 1807. From " Le Monlteur," Nos. 244 and 265. Patti- eon copy. See LAMOUREUX (J. B. J.). Notice... sur la vie et les ecrits du comte Fran9ois de Neufchateau. 8vo., 1843. See SILVESTRE (A. F.) Baron de. Notice biographique sur M. le comte N. Francois de Neufchateau. efc. 8vo., 1828. FRANCUS (Georgius). [i.e., Georg Franck VON Franckenau.] PrcEs. Disputatio medica qua lupanaria s.v. Huren-Hauser e.x principiis mcdicis qq. improbantur...praesidc G. Franco... respondente vero Georgio VVickcn, etc. 4to., Heidelbergtt, 1674. FRANKFORT. Collectio in unum corpus, omnium librorum Hebrasorum, Graecorum, Latinorum necnon Germanice, Italice, Gallicd, & Hispanic^ scriptorum, qui in nundinis Francoiurtensibus ab anno 1564 usque ad nundinas autumnales anni i592...venales extiterunt, etc. Tom I. 4to., Francofurti, 1592. Wanting torn. II. -III. containing tlie German, Italian, French and Spanish books. FRANKLIN (Alfred). La Bibhoth&jue Im- periale, son organisation, son catalogue, par un bibliophile [i.e., A. Franklin]. l6mo., Paris, 186 1. Barbier, I., 418. Dictionnaire des noms, sumoms et pseudo- nymes latins de Thistoire litteraire du nioyen kge, 1 100 a 1530. 8vo., Paris, 1875. Histoire de la bibliothSque de I'Abbaye de Saint-Victor k Paris, d'apres des documents inedits. 8vo., Paris, 1865. Histoire de la BibliothSque Mazarine depuis sa fondation jusqu' a nos jours. 8vo., Paris, i860. Precis de I'histoire de la Bibliothdque du Roi, aujourd'hui Bibhoth&jue Nationale... Deuxidme edition, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1875. Recherches sur la bibliothSque de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris d'apres des documents entidrement inedits, suivies d'une notice sur les manuscrits qui y sont con- serves. 8vo., Paris, 1864. Recherches sur la bibliothdque publique de rfiglise Notre-Dame de Paris au 13'-' sidcle d'aprds des documents inedits. 8vo., Paris, 1863. —— La Sorbonne, ses origines, sa bibliothdque, les debuts de I'imprimerie k Paris et la suc- cession de Richelieu, d'aprds des documents inedits... Deuxidme edition, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1875. FRANKLIN {Sir John). Sec TENNYSON (A. Tennyson) ist Baron. Versus Tenny- sonianos Franklini cenotaphio inscriptos, Graece, Latine aliter reddendos, redditosque, curavit A. Wright. 8vo., 1882. FRANQUEVILLE ( Latour de) Madame. See LATOUR DE FRANQUE- VILLE. ERASER (James) Bishop of Manchester. Charge dehvered at his primary visitation, at the Cathedral, Manchester, and St. Mary's, Lancaster, Dec. 3rd and 4th, 1872. 8vo., Manchester, [1872.] Charge delivered at his second visitation ...Nov. 9th and loth, 1876. 8vo., Manchester, [1876.] A charge delivered at the fourtli visita- tion. ..on the sth, 6th and 7th Nov., 1884. 8vo., Manchester, 1884. See HUNTINGTON (G.). Two Bishops of Manchester (James Prince Lee and James Eraser). 8vo.. 1888. FREDERICK I., called Barbarossa, Emperor of Germany. St'e FRIEDRICII I. 176 FREE (John). Poems on several occasions... The second edition, elc. 8vo., London, 1757. Containiug, intt'r alia, imitations of Horace, book IV., ode 5. and hook III., ode 6, together with the original t«xt. FREEMAN (Edward Augustus). Disestab- lishment and disendowment, what are they ? 8vo., London, 1874. FREGOSIUS (FoeDERicus) Cardinal, [i.e., Federigo Fregoso.] See SADOLETUS (J.) Cardinal. J. Sadoleti...de obitu...Cardinalis, F. Fregosii, homiha. 4to., 1541. FREHERUS (Paulus). [i.e., Paul Freher.] D. P. Freheri...theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. In quo vitae & scripta theolo- j gorum, jureconsultorum, medicorum & philo- sophorum, tam in Germania...quam in aliis Europas regionibus...a seculis aliquot, ad } haec usque tempora, florentium...repraESen- • tantur, etc. 2 tom. [in i vol.] fol., Noribergcs, 1688. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The pagina- tion i3 continuous tliroughout. FREIGIUS (Joannes Thomas), [i.e., Johann T. Freigius.] J. T. Freigii orationes VIII. See SCALIGER (J. €.). J. C. Scaligeri epi- stolae et orationes, ete. i2mo., 161 2. [Another copy.] P. Rami vita. elc. See MILTON (J.). J. Miltoni...artis logicae plenior institutio, etc. i2mo., 1672. FREITAG (Friedrich Gotthilf) the Younger. See FREYTAG (F. G.). FRENCH. La rotta de Francciosi a Terroana novamente facta. La rotta de Scocesi [at Flodden Field]. 4to., Londo-n, 1825. (Roxbnrghe CUih Piiblicfttions, No. 41.) FRENCH (Gilbert J.). Bibliographical notices of the chmch libraries at Turton and Gorton, bequeathed by H. Chetham. (Edited by G.J.French.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1855. (Chetham Society. Remains, c(c. Vol. XXXVIII.) FRERE (John Hookham). The works of J. H. Frere in verse and prose, now first collected. with a prefatory memoir b5'...\V. E. and Sir B. Frere. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1872. FRESNOY (Nicolas Lenglet du). See LENGLET DU FRESNOY. FRESQUET (Raymond de). Traite elemen- taire de dioit romain, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, [1854.] FREUND (Wilhelm). A... Latin-English lexi- con, founded on the larger Latin-German lexicon of W. Freund ; with additions and corrections from the lexicons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, Georges, etc. By E. A. Andrews. New edition. 8vo., London, 1852. FREUX (Andre des). See FRUSIUS (A.). FRfiVILLE (Ernest de). See FR^VILLE DE LORME. FRfiVILLE DE LORME (Charles Ernest de). De la police des livres au 16'' sidcle. Livres et chansons mis a I'lndex par I'inquisiteur de la pro\'ince ecclesiastiquc de Toulouse, 1 548- 1549. Par E. de Fre\'ille. 8vo., Pni-ji, 1853. From the " Bulletin de la Soci(5t6 de I'Histoire du Protestant isme fran<;ais," Tome I. Only 100 copies printed. Morante copy. FREY (Janus Cscilius). Floia, cortum versi- cale de flois swartibus...Autore G. Knick- knakio [sic'\ ex Floilandia [i.e., J. C. Frey]. See FACETIAE. Facetije facetiarum, etc. i2mo., 161 5. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] NUG^F;. Nugae venales, elc. 1627. See [Pt. 18.] 4 to., 1635- [Pt. 5.] i2mo., [i6]32. i2mo., 1642. i2mo., 1644. See FACETI^. 1 2 mo., 1647. See NUG^. 1 2 mo., 1648. See FACETI.iE. l2mo., 1657. See NUG^. i2mo., [1662.] i2mo., 1663. [Another edition. ] [Another edition. ] [Another edition.] Facetife facetiarum, etc. [Another edition.] Nugae venales, etc. [Another edition.] Facetiae facetiarum, etc. [Another edition.] Nugae venales, etc. [Another edition.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2rao., 1681. [Another edition.] 12 mo., 1689. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1703. [Another edition.] See TRAC- TATUS. Tractatus varii de pulicibus, etc. l2mo., [1710 ?] [Anotlier edition.] See NUG^. i2mo., 1720. See FACETI.E. i2mo., 1737. See NUG^. i2mo., 1741. See FACETI^. i2mo., 1754. Svo., S.I., 1800. Nugae venales, etc. [Another edition.] Facetiae facetiarum, etc. —— [Another edition.] Nug« venales. etc. [Another edition.] Facetiae facetiarum, etc. [Another edition.] With a coloured plate. FREYTAG (Fridericus Gotthilfus). [i.e., Friedrich Gotthilf Freitag, the Younger.] Adparatus Utterarius ubi libri partim antiqui paitim rari recensentur, collectus a F. G. tom. 8vo., LipsicB, 1752-55. have a consecutive pagination. Frevtag. Tom. I. and II. Dibdin copy. Analecta litteraria de libris rarioribus. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1750. Hoffmann copy. FRIEDRICH I., called Barbarossa, Emperor of Germany. See BURCHARDUS, Bibera- censis. Begin. Hysteria Friderici impera- toris magni huis nomis primi, etc. fol., [1474 ?] FRIEDRICH I., King of Bohemia. Altera secretissima instructio Gallo-Britanno- Batava. Friderico V. data. Ex Belgica in Latinam linguam versa, etc. 4to., Hages Comilis, 1626. Charron copy. i 177 FRIEDRICH II., King of Prussia. See CARLyLE(T.). Histor>' of Friedrich II.. etc. lovols. 8vo., (1888.) FRISCHLINUS (Nicodemus). [i.e., ' N. Frischlin.] N. Frischlini cum in Q. Horatii Flacci...epistolaruin libros duos : turn A. Persii Flacci...satyras sex. ..paraphrases, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Episto- tlB. — Latin.'] 8vo., 1596. — — N. Frischlini... facetiae selectiores : quibus ob argumenti similitudinem accesserunt. H. Bebelii P. L. facetiarum libri tres. Sales item, seu facetise ex Poggii...libro selectse. Nee non Alphonsi regis Arragonum, & Adelphi facetia; ut & prognostica J. Henrich- manni. l2mo., Anistalodaiiii, 1651. With a second, engraved, titlepage reading ; " N. FrisclUini et alionim facetiae." — — N. Frischlini in ebrietatem elegia. See FACETIJE. Facetias facetiarum, etc. l2mo., 1615. [Another edition.] See OPSOPCEUS (V.). V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi lib. quatuor.eto. [Pt. i.] i2mo., 1648. [Another edition.] See FACETI^. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. i2mo., 1737. —— [Another edition. j i2mo., 1754. FRITH (I.). Life of G. Bruno... Revised by M. Carriere. 8vo., London, 1887. (English and Foreign Philosophical Librarj', Vol. 31.) For a critique on thir^ work, see Mr. R. C. Christie's "Selected essays,** pp. 330-336. FRITZE (LEoroLDUs Andreas) Resp. De eruditione noxia dissertatio philosophica, etc. 5eeSCHUMANNUS (J. F.) Pras. 4to., 1720. FROEREISEN (Johann Leonhard). J. L. Froerisenii...de charlataneria theologorum, oratio, etc. 4to., Jeiice, 1737. FROMMENT (Antoine). Les actcs ct gestcs merv'eilleux dc la cite de Geneve nouuellcmont conucrtic a I'Euangille faictz du temps de leur Reformation et comment ils I'ont reccue, redigez par escript en fourmc de chroniques annales ou hystoyres commen^ant I'an MDXXXII....Misen lumidre par G. Rcvilliod. 8vo., Genive, 1854. FRONTEAU (Jean). See FRONTO (J.). FRONTINUS (Se.xtus Julius). S. J. Frontini ...de aqueductibus urbis Romae. See VITRUVIUS POLLIO (M.). M. Vitruvii de architectura libri decern, etc. 8vo., 1523. J. Frontini stratagema. See VEGETIUS RENATUS(F.). F. Vegetius...deremilitari, "'c- 8vo., 1523. FRONTO (Joannes), [i.e., Jean Fronteau.] SeeLAUNOY (J. de). Dissertatio continens judicium de auctorc librorum dc imitat. Christi...Editiotertia...quasimul rcspondetur lis, quae J. Fronto...in refutatione adver- sariorum Thoma? Kempensis adduxit. 8vo., 1650. .^wQUATREMAIRES(J.R.). J. Gersen ...librorum de imitatione Christi, contra Thomam a Kcmpis vindicatum J. Frontaei... author assertus. 8vo., 1649. S«(;QUATREMAIRES(J.R.). J. Gersen ...auctor libb. de imit. Christi iterum assertus ...contra refutationem J. Fronteau. 8vo., 1650. FROUDE (James Anthony). Life and letters of Erasmus, Lectures, «ic. ?>\-o., London, iZg^. FRUSIUS (Andre.\s). [i.e.. Andre Des Freux.] a. Frusii...epigrammata in hsere- ticos. i6mo., Rothomagi. 1609. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 7-8. Morante copy. FUCHSIUS (Leonardus). [i.e.. Leonhard FucHS.] De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, etc. 8vo., Lugduni, 1551. Kerrich copy. Tabula prima ( — sexta) lib. Galeni de diSerentiis morborum ( — de symptomatum causis). 6 sh. fol., s.l. et t.n. [Basel? : J. Bebel ?] 1537. [Table of diseases of the eyes.] i sh. fol., S.L et t.n. [Basel ? : J. Bebel ?] 1538. Universae medicinae compendium, primum quidem a...D. L. Fuchsio medico conscriptum, ac nunc demum per qucndam ejusdem artis studiosum in hasce tabulas collectu, & ab ipso deniq3 autore postremo diLigentissime recognitum". 5 sh. fol., Basilece : s.l.n. [J. Bebel?] 1537. Printed on one side only. FUENTE (Vicente de la). Biografia de L. de Castro. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 685-768. 8vo., i860. FUERWITZHAUSEN (Gaudiosus V0N)pseud Antidoti melancholiae secunda pajs, vel : schola curiositatis...aperta a...Dn. Gaudioso von Furwitzhausen. See ANTIDOTUM. Antidotum melancholia; joco serium, etc. Pt, II. 1 2 mo., 1670. [Another edition.] i2mo., s.a. FUHRMANN (Wilhelm David). Leben und Schicksale, Geist, Character und Meynungen des L. Vanini...ncbst ciner Untersuchung iiber die Frage : war derselbe ein Atheist Oder nicht ? Von W. D. F. [i.e.. W. D. Fuhrmann.] 8vo., Leipzig, 1800. " AJlgoin, Deut. Biog.," VIII., 190. FULGENTIUS, Saint, Bishop o/Ruspa. Opera B. FulRenlii...Item opera Maxentii Johannis. etc. [Edited by B. Pirckheymer and J. Cochlaeus.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon .] apud Cotoniam .'tgrip- pinam : in irdibus //. .llopecii, 1526. FULGENTIUS (Fahius Pi.anciades). Ful- gentius I'laciadcs in mythologiis. Hoc in volumine infra scripta conlincntur. Fabii fulgentii placiadis lipiscoiii, mvthologiaruni libri tres... Scholia paraphrastica a Philomuso addita sunt, etc. fol., [colophon :] August; Vindelicoruni : in officina Sigismundi Gryffi atqT, Marci Vuirsung, 1521. Fulgentii. ..mythologiarum... liber primus ( — III.). F. Fulgentii. ..vocum antiquariJ interpretatio, ivov negi EVxv/ntaQ xai xaxoxviiia^. — FaXrivov negi fideXXcov, etc.) Gr. 8vo., [Paris : S. de Coiines, 1530 ?] [Appendi.x.] See GUINTERIUS (J.) Andernacus. Anatomicarum institutionum, ex Galeni scntcntia, libri IIII., etc. 8vo., 1 541. See ORIBASIUS. Ta Ta)!- 'Ogifinaiov laTQixcDV atn'ayo)yo>v ex tmv FuXrjvoo, nvnTo/iixa, etc. 8vo., 1556. GALEOMYOMACHIA. [For editions of this work, by Theodorus Prodromus. ] See TIIEODORIIS, Prodromus. GALEOTTUS (Martius). [i.e.. .Marzio Gat.eotti.] Galeoltus ^iartius...de doctrina promiscua. i6nio., Lugduni, 1552. GALERON (Jean pRfinfiRic). See TRAVERS (J.). Notice biographiquc siir F. Galcron. 8vo., 1840. 1 i8o GALFRIDUS. Anglicus. Promptorium parvu- lorum sive clericorum, lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps...Nunc...commentaxiolis subjectis... recensuit A. Way. Tom. I.-II. 4to., London, 1843-53. (Camden Society Publications, Vols. 25 and 54. ) Wanting torn. III. GALIEN. See GALENUS. GALILEI (Galileo). 5eeCAiMPANELLA(T.). F. T. Campanellae... apologia pro Galileo, etc. 4to , 1622. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See GEBLER (K. von). GaUleo Galilei and the Roman Curia, etc. 8vo., 1879. GALINDUS (FoRTUNius) pseitd. [i.e., Gas- PARUS Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G,). GALLANDIUS (Petrus). \_i.e.. Pierre Gal- land.] P. Castellani...vita...S. Baluzius... edidit...Accedunt P. Castellani orationes duae habitae in funere Francisci Prinii regis Francorum. etc. (Le trespas, obseques, at enterrement de...Fran9ois...roy de France, etc.) 8vo., Parisiis, 1674. P. Gallandii...pro schola Parisiensi contra novam academiam P. Rami oratio, etc. 8vo., LuteticB, 1551. [Another copy.] GALLICANUS (Vulcatius). Avidius (Cassius) V. Gallicani. V.C. See SCRIPTORES HIS- TORIC AUGUSTS. In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatii...de Caesaribus libri III., etc. Svo., 15 16. fol., 1 51 8. 8vo., 1 519. Tom. I. 1551. i6mo., See PERROTUS etc. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] GALLUS (Caius Aquilius). (JE.). M. Perroti ... ad Galli formulam ... glossa. 4to., 1533. GALLUS (Caius Cornelius). [For editions of the elegies upon old age by Maximianus Etruscus, and wTongly attributed to C. C. Callus.] See MAXIMIANUS, Etruscus. — — filegie et fragments. Lai. &• Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Oper.\.— French.] CEuvres completes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1845. GALLUTIUS (Tarquinius). [i.e., Tarquinio Galluzzi.] T. Gallutii...carminum libri tres, altera editione plurimum aucti. i2mo., Romcs, 1616. The titlepage is engraved. Heber copy. GAMBA (Bartolommeo). Biografia dell' il- lustre tipografo G. Bodoni. 8vo., Venezia, 1835. From Vol. II. of E. de Tipaldo'a " Biografia degl' Italiani illustri del Becolo XVIII." — Serie dei testi di lingua italiana e di altri escmplari del bene scrivere, opera nuova- mente rifatta, etc. 4to., Venetia, 1828. GAMBARA (Laurentius). L. Gambarae... poematum libri tres. See ZANCHIUS (B.). B. Zanchii... poematum libri VIII., etc. 8vo., 1555. GAMBINI (Andrea). See CAMBINI. GAMON (John). The Consistory Court of Chester, its practice, fees, etc., with some remarks on ecclesiastical courts, etc. 8vo., Chester, 1877. GANAY (Charles Alexandre de) Marquis. Catalogue d'un choix de livres rarcs et pre- cieux, manuscrits et imprimes, composant le cabinet de feu M. le marquis de Ganay. (Table alphabetique des noms d'auteurs et des ouvrages anonymes...suivie de la liste des prix d'adjudication.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1881 . Sale catalogue. GANCIA (G.). Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. G. Gancia. composee en partie de livres de la premiere bibliotheque du cardinal Mazarin et d 'ouvrages precieux provenant des principaux cabinets disperses pendant les vingt demiSres armees. 8vo., Paris. 1868. Sale catalogue, partly priced in MS. GAND. See GHENT. GANIVETL^S (Joannes). Amicus medicorum ...J. Ganiveti, cum opusculo, quod inscribitur, Caeli enarrant : & cum abbreviatione Abrahje Aveneezrje de luminaribus, & diebus criticis. Quibus adjecimus astrologiam Hippocratis, etc. i6mo., Lugduni : apud G. Rovillium, 1550. Windhag copy. GANTHOIS (Arnoldus de). Oratio funebris in laudem R. P. Amoldi de Ganthois. See STAPLETON (T.). 8vo., 15S8. GARASSE (FRAN901S). Memoires de Garasse ...publies pour la premiere fois...avec une notice et des notes par C. Nisard. 8vo., Paris, i860. Le Rabelais reformfe des ministres, et nommement de P. du Moulin... pour response de ses bouffonneries, en son livre de la vocation des pasteurs. [By F. Garasse.] 8vo., S.I., 1620. Barbier, IV., i. GARAT (Dominique Joseph) Comte. filoge historique de C. de Sainte-Maure, due de Montauzier, etc. [By D. J. Garat.] 8vo.. Li^ge, 1 78 1. " Nouv. Biog. G6n.," XIX., 440. Barbier (II., 82) attributes this work to the Baron Des Lyons. Pattison copy. GARDE (Antoinette du Ligier de la) Madame Deshouiieres. See DESHOU- LlfeRES. GARLANDIA (Joannes). Johannis de Gar- landia de triumphis ecclesias libri octo. A Latin poem of the thirteenth century. Edited. ..by T. Wright. 4to., Lotidon, 1856. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 73.) GARMANNUS (Christianus Fridericus). [i.e.. Christian Friedrich Garmann.] L. C. F. Garmanni...de miraculis mortuorum libr i8i GARMANNUS (C. F.).---{contd.) tres, quibus pr^missa dissertatio de cadavere & miraculis in genere. Opus...editum k L. I. H. Garmanno, etc. 4to., Dresdcs, 1709. Ferriar and Crossley copy. GARNERIUS (Joannes), [i.e., JeanGarnier.] Systema bibliothecae Collegii Parisiensis Societatis Jesu. [By J. Gamerius.] 4to., ParisilS, 1678. Barbier, IV., 1388. Sussex copy. GARNET (Henry). See EUD^MON- JOANNES (A.) Cydonius. R. P. A. Eudaemon-Joannis...ad actionem proditoriam E. Coqui, apologia pro H. Garneto, etc. 8vo., 1610. GARNETT (Richard) C.B. Photography in pubHc libraries. A paper, etc. 8vo., London, 1886. Read at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Library Association. Presentation copy from the autlior. See BRITISH MUSEUM. Three hundred notable books added to the library of the British Museum under the keepership of Richard Gamett, 1 890-1 899. 8vo., 1899. GARNIER (GiLLEs). Arrest memorable de la Cour de Parlement de Dole, contre G. Gamier, Lyonnois. pour avoir en forme de loup-garou dcvore plusieurs enfans, & commis autres crimes : cnrichy d'aucuns poincts recueilliz de divers autheurs pour esclaircir la matiere de telles transformations. 8vo. , A ngers, 1 598. GARNIER (Jean) Grammarian. See LIVET (C. L.). La grammaire franfaisc et les grammairiens du i6^' sidcle... Dubois (Sylvius) ...J. Garnier, etc. 8vo., 1859. GARNIER (Jean) Jesuit. See GARNERIUS (J.). GARRAULT (FRAN901S) Sieur des Gorges. Les recherches des monnoyes, poix, et maniere de nombrer, des premieres & plus renomees nations du monde...Reduictes & rapportees aux monnoyes, poix, & maniere de nombrer des Francois, etc. (G. Postel...en faveur des recherches des monnoyes. ..du sieur Garrault. [In verse.]) 8vo., Paris, 1576. Des Billons, p. 156. GARTER, Order oj the. Knights of the Order of the Garter, elected since April 184J. [List drawn up by Sir C. G. Young.] 3 pp. 8vo., s.l. et a. Ends with 1865. Order of the Garter. Foreign Knights between 1764 and 1865. [List drawn up by Sir C. G. Young.] 3 pp. 8vo., s.l. et a. GARZONIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Giovanni Garzoni.] Clarissimi...Doctoris...J. Gar- zonisde laudibus Icgum oratio, etc. 4to., s.n. 3 ff., without pagination ; sig. a^ GASKELL (William). See MANCHESTER. — C;ross Street Chapel. Commemoralion of the fifty years' ministry of the Rev. W. Gaskell, etc. ' 8vo., [1879.] GASSENDCS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Gas- send.] T. Braliei...vita...Accessit N. Coper- nici, G. Peurbachii, & Joannis Regiomontani, astronomorum celebrium, vita. (De vita, et morte Dn. T. Brahei, &c. oratio D. J. Jessenii.) Editio secunda auctior, etc. 4to., Hages-Comitum, 1655. P. Gassendi elegans dc septo cordis pervio observatio. See PIN^US (S.). I S. Pinsi ...de integritatis...virginum notis. ..opuscula, etc. i2mo., 1641. -^^ Viri illustris N. C. Fabricii de Peiresc... vita. 4to., Paris, 1641. Spanheira copy. GASTIUS (Joannes). [j>., JeanGast.] Con- vivalium sermonum liber, meris jocis, ac salibus no impudicis, neq; lascivis, sed utilibus et seriis refertus... omnia ex variis ...monumentis decerpta, per J. Peregrinum [i.e., J. Gastius], etc. (Forcianae quaestioncs, in quibus varia Italorum ingenia explicantur ...Autore Philalethe Polytopiesi Give [i.e., O. Lando].) 8vo., [colophon :] Basilecp : apitd B. Westhemerum, 1541. " Nouv. Biog. G6n.," XIX., 598, Bongl, xxxiii. Calf by Sollot. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :\ BasilecB : aptid B. Westhemerum, 1 542, Bongi, xxxiii. GASTRELL (Francis) Bishop of Chester. Notitia Cestriensis, or historical notices of the diocese of Chester. ..Now first printed... with illustrative and explanatory' notes, by ...F. R. Raines. 3 vols, [in 4.] 4to., {Manchester,) 1845-50. (Chetitam Society. Remains, etc. Vols. VIII., XIX., XXI. and XXII.) Vol. II. is in tliree parts, with consecutive pagination. GAUDENTIUS, Philosophus. PavdEvriov... ciQ/iovixi] Eiaayciyij, etc. Gr. &• Lat. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antique musica; auc- tores septem, etc. Vol. I. 4to., 1652. GAUDIUS(Vincentius). V.Gaudii...dissertatic ad Q. Horatium Flaccum : in qua vexatis-.inii loci ex arte poetica vs. 128-130. nova traditur interpretatio, &. jura illustrantur. 8vo., Lauhaci in Wetteravia, 1760. Parr copy. [Another copy.] Wanting tlio two leaves of index at tlio end. GAUFRfiS (J.). C. Baduel et la reforme des etudes au le"" siScle, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1S80. GAULLIEUR (Ernest). Histoire du College [sic] de Guyenne, d'aprSs un grand nonibre de documents inedits. 8vo., Paris, 1874. GAULTIER-CHABOT (Pierre). See GUAL- TERIUS CHABOTIUS (P.). GAURICUS (PoMPONius). [i.e., Pomponio Gauric] p. Gaurici...ecIogae. Sec BENE- DICTUS, Philologus. Erlogae. Vergilii, etc. 8\o., I 504. 1 '. Gauricus super arte poetica Horatii, etc. [With the text.] Sec HORATIUS FLACCUS (O.). [EPISTOL.E : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] 4to.. 1 54 1. [Another copy.] l82 GAY (Jules). Bibliographie des principaux ouvrages relatifs a I'amour, aux femmes, au manage, indiquantlesauteursdecesouvrages, leurs editions, leur valeur...ParM. leC. d'l*** [i.e., J. Gay]. 8vo., Paris, 1861. Querard, II., 322-323. Seconde edition, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1864. 3""^ edition, entierement refondue et considerablement augmentee, etc, 6 torn. 8vo., Turin, 1871-73. GAYE (Joannes). Disquisitionis de vita D. Erasmi specimen ab ann. nat. usque ad annum 1517, etc. 8vo., Kiliae, 1829. GAYTON (Edmund). Festivous notes on the history and adventures of.. .Don Quixote... Revised, etc. 8vo., London, 1768. Mitford copy. GAZA (Theodorus). In hoc uolumine haec insunt. | Theodori [Gaza] Introductiuae gra- matices hbri quatuor. | Eiusdem de Mensibus opusculum sanequa pulchtu [ii'c]. | Apollonii gramatici de constructione libri quatuor. | Herodianus de numcris. | [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Gr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : in adibus Aldi Romani, 1495. Renouard, p. 4. Hain and Copinger, *7SOO. Proctor, 5548. Proctor^, p. 99. [Another copj'.] In tliis copy the *' De mensibus " has been bound before the " Introductio grammaticie." Butler copy. To reraorov tov PaCi], nsoi avvTa^coj;. See CHRYSOLORAS (E.). 'Eoonijfmra rov XqvaoXoiQa, etc. 8vo., 1512. Qeo&u}QOV ygafjfiaTix)]; elaaycoyrj; t(ov eJ? Teaaaga, ro reragTov [jiegi awra^eaig). See BONINUS (E.). 'Ey/eigt6iov ygafi^iarixtjg eiaayioyrjz, etc. 8vo., [1514.] Theodori grammaticae introductivae liber quartus. Gr. 4to., [colophon : Paris : G. de Gourmonl, 1 516.] Gennadius copy, with MS. notes. To reraoTov tov ra^t), neoi avvra^ecog. See CHRYSOLORAS (E.). ' EgojTrjtiara rov Xgvao?.(oga, etc. 8vo., 1517. Theodori introductivae grammatices libri quatuor. Gr. 4to., [Paris :] apnd E. Gormontiimi, [1520 ?] Imperfect ; containing the first book only. Heber copy. &eo6cogov yga/tfiarixtjg flif}?.ia. d'. Ilegi /iijviov ix ro)v rov avrov. Pemgyiov rov Aexam^vov negi avvra^ewg grjfmrcov. 'E/t/ia- vovrjX MoayoTtovXov ncgi rrjQ rcov ovo/iariov, xai gi]/naTC)V avvraieo);. Tov avrov Jiegi Ttgoaioduov. Theodori [Gazac] grammatices libri. IIII. De mensibus liber ejusdem. Georgii Lecapeni de constructione verborii. Emmanuelis moschopuli do costructione nominum, & verborum. Ejusdem de ac- centibus. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon .-] Venetiis : in aedihus Aldi, et Andreae Astilani soceri, 1525. Renouard, p. 100. Contemporary Venetian morocco. Floridus copy. 0EnSo)Qov ygaftftarixr]!; eiaayioytjg reop et^ reaaaga, ro reragrov (negt airvraiecog). Gr. See CHRYSOLORAS (E.). 'EgMrtj/iara rov Xgvao}.fit(ivoii Tijg /v 'AotcnoTeXtj:; ngog nXaxoiva diatpeQexai. i2mo., [colophon : Paris : E. Tousan, 1540.] GENCE (Jean Baptiste Modeste). Con- siderations sur la question relative k I'auteur de limitation, etc. See B.ARBIER (A. A.). Dissertation sur soixante traductions fran- 9aises de I'lmitation de Jesus-Christ, etc. 8vo., 1 81 2. GENEALOGISTS. Popular genealogists, or the art of pedigree-making. [By G. Burnett.] 5ee BURNETT (G.). 8vo., 1865. GENERIDES. A royal historic of the ex- cellent knight Generides. Edited. ..by F. J. Furnivall. 4to., Hertford, 1865. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 83.) Craw- ford (Lakelands) copy. GENEV.\. — Universite. Le livre du Rec- tcur. Catalogue des etudiants de I'Aca- demic de Gendve de 1559 a 1859. 8vo., Genhe, i860. GENNADIUS, Massiliensis Presbyter. Gen- nadii illustrium virorum catalogus. See EPIPHANIUS, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus. Epiphanii...de Prophetarum vita, etc. 4to., 1529. GENNADIUS (John). Catalogue of the... library of manuscripts and printed books of ...J. Gcnnadius... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1895. With prices in MS. GENTIL (Jacques). Sec CI.AUDIN (A.). Un typographe rouennais oubU6. Maltrc J. G. [i.e., J. Gentil], etc. 8vo., 1896. GENTILIS (Joannes Valentinus). V. Gen- tilis teterrimi hairetici impietalum ac triplicis pcrfidia; it pcrjurii, brcvis cxj)licatio. ex actis publicis Senutus Gencvcnsis optima fide dcscripta. Earundcm rcfutationes ;1 doc- tissimis x'tatis nostra; Ihcologis scriptae... cjusdem Gcntilis c.xtremx pcrlidi;c, & justi sujiplicii de eo sumpti, histona [by B- Arctius] scorsim est cxcusa. 2 ]its. [in i vol.] 4I0., Gcncvic, I 567. •Sunderland copy. See ARKTIUS (R.). A short history of V. Gcntilis, etc. 8vo., 1696. 1 84 GEOPONICA. reunoviy.a. De re rustica selectorum libri XX. Graeci, Constantino quidem Caesari nuncupati...J. A. Brassicani opera in lucem editi...Item, Aristotelis de plantis libri duo, etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., [colophon : Basel : R. Winter, 1539.] Manzoni copy. Constantini Caesaris selectarum praecep- tionum de agricultura libri viginti. J. Cornario...interprete. [Attributed in the preface to Constantinus IV.] Lai. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. GEORGE, of Pisidia. See GEORGIUS, Pisida. GEORGE, 0/ Trebizond. See GEORGIUS, Trapeziintius. GEORGEL (Jean FRAN901S). See PSAUME (&.). Notice sur feu M. I'abbe Georgel, etc. 8vo., 1817. GEORGIUS, Alexandrinus. See MERULA (Georgius). GEORGIUS, Peurbachius. Sec PEUR- BACHIUS (G.). GEORGIUS, Pisida.' EiarjfisQov ?} roi, xoa/iovgyta, reojQyiov Tov IJtaiSov. . . Tov avTov lafifieia elg tov ftuTaiov fitov. Opus sex dierum, seu, mundi opificium : Georgii Pisidae...poema. Ejus- dem senarii de vanitate vitae. Omnia nunc primum Graeci in lucem edita, & Latinis versibus...expressa, per F. Morellum, eic. Cr. &' Lat. 4to., Ltttetia, 1585. The colophon is dated 1584. Baluze copy. - [Another copy.] Borghese copy. GEORGIUS, Trapeziintius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri V. Consulti C. Fortunatiani libri III. Aqiiite Romani de figuris sententiarum, & elocutionis liber. P. Rutilii lupi earundem figurarum e Gorgia liber. Aristotelis rheto- ricorum ad Theodecten Georgio Trapezuntio interprete libri III. Ejusdem rhetorices ad Alexandrum a F. Philelpho in latinum versae liber. Paraphrasis rlietoricse Herniogenis ex Hilarioni...traductione. Priscianus de rheto- ricae prffiexercitamentis ex Hermogene. Aphthonii declamatoris rhetorica progymnas- mata J. M. Catanso tralatore. [Edited by J. Taurellus.] fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asutani soceri, 1523. Renouard, p. 97. Foscarini copy. Georgii Trabezvntii de artificio Cicero- nianae orationis. pro Qvinto Ligario...prae- fatio. See ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Q.). [Commentaries on the orations of M. T. Cicero. Pt. II.] fol., (1477.) Georgii Trapezuntii expositio in orationem M. T. Ciceronis pro Q. Ligario, etc. See ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Q.). Asconii Paediani expositio in IIII. orationes M. TuUii Cic. contra C. Verrem, eic. 8vo., 1522. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri quinque, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. See BESSARION (J.) Cardinal. Quae hoc in volumine tractantur. Bessarionis... de natura & arte adversus...Trapezuntiu tractatus, etc. fol., 1503. GEORGIUS (Bernardus). [i.e., Bernardo GiORGi.] Epitome princip. Venet. [Inverse.] 4to., Venetiis: Aldtts [P. Manuiius], 1547. Renouard, p. 142. Sjston Park copy. GERALDINUS (Antonius). [i.e., Antonio Ger.\ldini.] a. Geraldini...bucolica,antehac paucis visa. See GIR ALDI CINTHIO (G. B. ). Cynthii J. B. Gyraldi...poematia, etc. 8vo., 1544. GERASINUS (NicoMACHUs). See NICO- MACHUS, Gerasinus. GERDES (Daniel). Florilegium historico- -criticum librorum rariorum cui multa simul scitu jucunda adsperguntur historiam omnem litterariam, & cumprimis Reformationis ecclesiasticam illustrantia. Editio III. ... superioribus auctior longe atque emendatior. [Dedication signed D. Gerdes.] 8vo., Groninga, 1763. GERET (Samuel Luther von) Press. See UNGERUS (C. T.). De A. P. Manutii... vita, etc. 4to.. 1753. [Another issue.] 4to., 1753- Histoire et de- GERG£RES (Jean Baptiste) scription de la Bibliothdque Publique de la ville de Bordeaux, et apergu des principaux ouvrages, soit imprimes, soit manuscrits, qu'elle renferme. 8vo., Paris, 1864. From the " Congr^s Scientifique de France," 28* session. Tome V. GERMANUS II., Patriarch of Constantinople. Tov iv dyiotg jiargog fi^uov FeQi^iavov 'Aoxieni- ay.onov KuxnavTivovnoXeioQ laioQia ixxXrjaia- OTix)] y.ai fivaTtxT] OeoQia. See LITURGIES. At detai ^EiTOvgyEiat, etc. 4to., 1526. GERSEN (Joannes) Vercellensis. See QUATREMAIRES (J. R.). J. Gersen... librorum de imitatione Christi.. .author as- sertus. 8vo., 1649. See QUATREMAIRES (J. R.). J. Ger- sen... auctor libb. de imit. Christi iterum assertus, etc. 8vo., 1650. GERSON (Jean Charlier de). See BONNE- CHOSE (F. P. fi. B. DE). Reformateurs avant la Reforme, 15'' siecle. Gerson, Jean Hus...Nouvelle edition. 2 tom. 8vo., 1853. See FAUGfeRE (A. P.). filoge de J. Gerson, etc. 8vo., 1838. GESNER (Conrad). Bibliotheca instituta et collecta primum a C. Gesnero, deinde in epitomen redacta & novorum libroru ac- cessione locupletata, jam vero postrerao recognita, &...aucta, per J. Simlerum, etc. fol., Tiguri, 1574. Kerrich copy. [Another edition.]... Jam verb pos- tremo aliquot mille, cum priorum turn i85 GESNER (Conrad).- [contd.) novorum authorum opusculis...amplificafa, per J. J. Frisium, etc. fol., Tiguri, 1583. Printed in double columns. This volume was given by Sir William Paddy to St. John's College, Oxford, in 1602. It afterwards passed into the possession of Archbishop W. Juxon (President of St. John's, 1621-33), whose auto- graph has been cut out of the titlepage. Bibliotheca universalis, sive catalogus omnium scriptorum locupletissimus, in tribus Unguis, Latina, Grasca, & Hebraica : ex- tantium & non extantiu, veterum & recen- tiorum in hunc usqi diem...publicatorum & in bibliothecis latentiuni, etc. fol., Tiguri : apiid C. Froschoverum, 1545. Contemporarj' vellum with metal corners, and "I. B. 1570" impressed on the binding. Kerrich copy. Pandectarum sive partitionum uni- versalium...libri XXI. [or rather, XX.]... Secundus...bibliothecae...tomus, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Tiguri : excudebat C. Froschoverus , 1 548-49. Lib. XX. has a separate titlepage, pagination and register, and is dated 1549. Appendix bibliothecae C. Gesneri. fol., Tiguri, 1555. Buonau and Mitford oopy. De piscibus et aquatilibus omnibus libelli III. novi...I. Scholia & emendationes in lialicuticon P. Ovidii Nasonis [with the text], II. Aquatilium animantium enumeratio juxta Plinium emendata ... III. Eorundem nomenclator Germanicus, etc. Svc, Tiguri, [1556.] Kerrich copy. C. Gesneri... de raris et admirandis herbis, quas sive quod noctu luceant, sive alias ob causas, Lunaria; nominantur, commentariolus ...Ejusdem descriptio Montis Fracti, sive Montis Pilati, juxta Lucemam in Helvetia, etc. 4to., Tiguri, (1555.) Elenchus scriptorum omnium. ..qui ab cxordio mundi usq, ad nostra tcmpora in diversis linguis ... claruerunt ... ante annos aliquot 4...C. Gesncro...editus [under the title of " Bibliotheca universalis "J, niic ver6 primum...in compendium rcdactus, &... auctus : per C. Lycosthenem. 4to., [colophon .■] Basilece, 1551. Printed in double columns. Huenau copy. Epitome bibliotheca; C. Gesneri, conscripta primum k C. Lycosthcne...nunc dcnuo re- cognita &...locupletnta : per J. Simlerum, etc. fol., Tiguri, 1 555. Korricli copy. Supplementum epitomes bibliotheca; Gcsncriana-. Quo longe plurimi libri con- tincntur ciui C. Gcsncrum, J. Simlerum & J. J. Frisium. ..latuerunt, vol post eoruni cditioncs tvpis mandati sunt A. Verdcrio... collccloro, etc. See DU VEKDIER (A.), la bibliolhcqup d'Antoinc Du Vcrdier, etc. Supplement. fol., 1585. [Another edition.] See LA CROIX DU MAINE (F. Grude de). Les bibliothtques \sic] franyoises do [.a Croix du Maine et de Du \'nce. Fraser copy. GIFANIUS (Obertus). See GIPHANIUS. GIFFEN (HuBRECHT VAN). See GIPHANIUS (O.). GIFFORD (William). The Baviad and Maeviad....\ new edition, revised. 8vo., London, 1797. Swanwick copy. GIGAS (Jo.^NNES). [i.e., Joh.\nnes Heune.] ]. Gigantis...sylvarum libri IIII. 8vo., [colophon ;] Viteberga : per Geor- giiim Rhau, 1 540. GILBERTUS, Bremensis. Emmanuel Thau- maturgus Augustae Vindelicorum, hoc est, relatio de miraculoso corporis Christi Sacra- mento (scripta k Gilberto Bremensi)...Ac- cessit Thaumatologia, id est, nova et accurata de miraculis disputatio G. Scioppii. 4to. , Augusta Vindelicorum, 161 2. Niceron, XXXV., 198. Scioppius, Morante and Crossley copy. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] GILLES (Pierre). See GYLLIUS (P.). GILLRAY (James). [A collection of reproduc- tions of caricatures designed and engraved by J. Gillray.] fol., London. 1770-1805. The genuine works of J. Gillray, engraved by himself. 2 vols. fol., London, 1830. Illustrative description of the genuine works of Mr. J. Gilkay. 4to.. London, 1830. GIL POLO (Caspar). C. Barthii erotodidas- calus, sive nemoralium libri V. ad Hispanicum G. Gilli, Poli. 8vo., Hanoviw, 1625. Latin translation of " La Diana Enamorada." GINGUENE (Pierre Louis). Histoire litte- raire d'Italie...Seconde edition, revue. ..et augmentee d'une notice historiquc par M. Daunou. (Tome X. continuee par F. Salfi.) Tom. I.-VI. & VIII.-X. 8vo., Paris, 1824. 23. Wanting Tom. VII. and XI.-XIV. Tome X. is of the 1st edition. Rogers copy. GINSBURG (Christian David). The Kab- balah ; its doctrines, development, and literature. An essay, etc. 8vo., London, 1865. —— The Massorah...A review, etc. 8vo., London. [1884 ?] Reprinted from " The Times," December 27, 1883. GIORGI (Bernardo). See GEORGIUS (B.). GIOVANNINI (Girolamo) da Capugnano. Discorso sopra tutti li parlari, che si fanno in cielo dal grandissimo Iddio, da gli Spiriti beati, e da' Santi. etc. See FIRENZUOLA (A.). Consigli de gli animali, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1622. GIOVIO (Paolo) Bishop of Nocera. See JOVIUS (P.). GIPHANIUS (Obertus). [i.e., Hubrechtvan Giffen.] O. Gifani observationes singulares in linguam Latinam, etc. See KETELIUS (R.). De elegantiori Latinitate comparanda scriptores selecti, etc. 4to., 1713. GIRALDI CINTHIO (Giovanni Battista). Cynthii J. B. G}'raldi...poematia...Item A. Geraldini...bucolica, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Basileae : per Robertum Winter, 1544. The " Bucolica " of Geraldinus has a separate titlepage and pagination. GIRALDUS (Bernardinus) pseud. [i.e., Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). GIRARD (Charles). See GIRARDUS (C). GIRARDI (Antonio). Discorso intorno alle cose della guerra [translated, from the German, by P. Fiamengo], con una oratione (del Cardinal Polo) della pace. [Both edited by A. Girardi.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [Venice :]neir Academia Venetiana.i^^S. Renouard, p. 273. Melzi, I., 310. GIRARDOT DE PRfiFOND (Paul). Cata- logue des livres du cabinet de Mr G...D...P... [i.e., P. Girardot de Prefond]. Par G. F. de Bure, le jeune. 8vo., Paris, 1757. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. Brunet, VI., 31469. Sobolevtky copy. GIRARDUS (Cardlus). [i.e.. Charles GiRARD.] C. Girardus...de juris voluminibus repurgandis. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Svmderland copy. Grfficarum institutionum libelli undecim. 4to., [Paris /] apud S. Colinaum. 1541. GIRARDUS (N.). Meditationes in librum primum Iliados Homeri. [With the text.] See HOMERUS. [Ilias.— Greek.] 4to., 1566. [Another copy.] GIRAULT DE SAINT-FARGEAU (P. A. Eusebe) & TAILLANDIER (Alphonse Honore). Notices sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. [J. A.] Dulaure. See TAILLANDIER (A. H.) & GIRAULT DE SAINT-FARGEAU (P. A. E.). 8vo., s.a. I i87 GISBICE (Paulus a). Paulli a Gisbice... schediasmatum farrago nova, etc. 8vo., Lugdtini Batavorum, 1602. The date in indicated in a chronogram. GIULIARI (Giovanni Battista Carlo) Conte. Delia tipografia Veronese, saggio storico- -letterario. 4to., Verona, 187 1. GIUNTA, Family of. See BANDINI (A. M.). De Florentina Juntarum typographia ejusque censoribus, etc. 2 pts. Svo., 1791. See BOHN (J.). A list of some of the choicer productions of the Aldine press. ..To which is added a list of Giunta editions, etc. 4to., 1836. Renouard (A. A.). Notice sur les Junte, et liste sommaire de leurs Editions jusqu'en 1550. See RENOUARD (A. A.). Annates de I'imprimerie des Aide ... Seconde edition. Tome III. 8vo., 1825. [Another copy.] Troisidme edition. (Supplement, etc.) 8vo., i834[-38]. [Another copy.] 4to., i834[-38]. See TOOVEY (J.). A catalogue of an extensive... assemblage of the productions of the Aldine press... together with. ..the Giunta ...works, etc. 8vo., 1880. GIUSTINIANO (Agostino) Bishop of Nebbio. See JUSTINIANUS (A.). GLADSTONE (William Ewart) & LYTTEL- TON (George William Lvttelton) 4th Baron. Translations by Lord Lyttelton and ...W. E. Gladstone. Second edition. See LYTTELTON (G. W. Lyttelton) 4th Baron v noii]xmv. See THEO- CRITUS. Tade iveaxi iv T//(fe rj] jiifSXto. Qeoxqvxov el6vM.ia, etc. [Pt. ir.| fol., 1495. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Sc« HESIODUS. 'IlatoSoi 6 'AaxQuioi. 8vo., 1515. [Anotlicr edition.) See SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici. etc. 8vo., [1521.] 1 88 GNOMAI MO^OSriCHOl. —{contd.) ^-^ Pvuifiai ftovooTixoi xaia aroixeiov ex dta(pogojv TioirjTOjv. Sententiffi singulis ver- sibus contentae, juxta ordinem literarum, ex diversis poetis, etc. Gr. &■ Lot. 8vo., Parisiis, 1566. [Another edition.] See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aoj^ofiEva ziov naXaiorarcav noirjTcov ■yewgyixa, etc. [Pt. IV.] i6mo., 1569. [Another edition.] See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aio^o/iieva riov naXaioraTOJV noii]TO)v yetogytxa, etc. [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1639. GNOMOLOGIAI. rvcofioXoyiai naXaiorarmv 7ioii]raiv. QsoynSoQ, 0o}xi'hSov, UvOayoosiov rtvoQ, ZoXiovoQ, TvQTatov. . .2t/ta>viSov. 4to., Parisiis, 1553. In four parts, each with a separate pagination and register. GOCLENIUS (RuDOLPHUs) the Elder. See HOFMANN (D.). D. Hofmanni D. de usu ...notionum logicarum ad res theologicas... adversus R. Goclenium admonitio, etc. 8vo., 1596. GODD^US (CoNRADUS). I.aus ululae ad con- scriptos ululantium patres & patronos. Authore Curtio Jaele [i.e., C. Goddaeus], See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1666. [Another copy.] GODEFROY (Jacques). See GOTHO- FREDUS (J.). GODEFROY (Pierre). See GODOFREDUS (P.). GODFRAY (Thomas). (S- others. Hand-Usts 1 501-15 56. Pt. II. fray, etc. GODOFREDUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Gode- FROY.] P. Godofredi ... de amoribus, libri tres. i2mo., Lndgnni Batavonon, 1648. GOETTLING (Carl Wilhelm). Commentatio de Horatii od. I., 28. 4to., Jenae, 1854. GOETZIUS (Fridericus Leberecht) Resp. Qusestionem magisterialem... quanta Adanii statura fuerit, etc. See GROSS ( J. P. ) Pr(BS. 4to., 1727. GOETZIUS (Georgius Henricus). [i.e., Georg Heinrich Goetze.] G. H. Goetzii... x7i7io(piXog, seu de eruditis hortorum cultori- bus, von Gelehrten Giirtnem. Recusa. 4to., LubeccB, 1726. GOLDASTUS (Melchior). {i.e., JM. Goldast.] Philologicarum epistolarum centuria una diversorum a renatis Uteris doctissimorum virorum...insuper Richardi de Buri...philo- biblion.. .omnia quondam edita ex bibUothcca M. Haiminsfeldii Goldasti, etc. 8vo., Lipsia, 1674. GOLDINGHAM (Henry). The garden plot. an allegorical poem... To which are added, some account of the author ; and a reprint of his masque, etc. 4to., Londoyi, 1825. (Boxburghe Club Publications, No. 40. ) See DUFF (E. G.) of English printers, R. Pynson...T. God- 8vo., 1895. GOLIUS (Theophilus). Epitome doctrinae moralis, ex decern libris ethicorum...collecta ...per T. Golium, etc. See ARISTOTELES. [Ethica.] 8vo., 1621. GOMEZ DE LA CORTINA (Joachim) Marquis de Morante. See MORANTE. GOMEZ DE QUEVEDO VILLEGAS (Fran- cisco). L'esprit de mensonge devenu sincere. Po^me comique, critique et moral. Par Mr. P. Dumenil. [Adapted from " El Alguacil alguacilado " in " Los Suenos " of Gomez de Quevedo Villegas.] 8vo., Paris, 1739. GONZAGA, Family of. See AFFO (I.). Me- morie di tre celebri principesse della famiglia Gonzaga, etc. 4to., 1787. GONZAGA (Cesare). 5eeCASTIGLIONE (B.) Conte. Stanze pastoral! del Conte B. Castig- lione, et del Signer C. Gonzaga, etc. 8vo., 1553. GONZAGA (Lucretia) Marchesana di. Lettere della... S"^ Donna Lucretia Gonzaga, etc. [By O. Lando.] See LANDO (O.). [Lettere.] 8vo.. 1552. Lando (O.). Panegirico in lode della S. D. Lucretia Marchesana di Gonzaga, etc. See LANDO (O.). [Panegirici.] Due pane- girici, etc. 8vo., 1552. GOODALL (Charles). Poems and transla- tions, written upon several occas'ons, and to several persons. By a late scholar of Eaton [i.e., C. Goodall]. 8vo., London, 1689. Halkett and Laing, III., 1946. GOODEVE (Thomas Minchin) & SHELLEY (Charles Percy Bvsshe). The Whitworth measuring machine. Including descriptions of the surface plates, gauges and other measuring instruments made by Sir J. Whit- worth, Bart. 8vo., London, 1S77. With the autograph of Sir Joseph Whitworth. GORADDIVUS (Regius) pseud. [i.e., Georgius Dr.\udiu.s.] 5e«DRAUDIUS(G.). GORDON (James) D.D. See GORDONUS (JO- GORDON DE PERCEL, M. le C. , pseud, [i.e.. Nicolas Lenglet du Fresnoy.] See LENG- LET DU FRESNOY (N). GORDONUS (Jacobus), [i.e., James Gordon, D.D.] De Catholica veritate diatriba. Pro epithalamio, etc. i2mo.. Burdigalce, 1623. GORGES (Francois Garrault) Sieur des. See GARRAULT. GORGIAS, Leontinus. roQyiov...'EXevriQ iyxcD- ^aov. See iESCHINES. Aoyoi rovrwvi tcov Qi/roQcov. Aiaxn'ov...roQytov, etc. [Pt. III.] [Pt. fol., 1513. See ISO- nuper ac- fol., 1534. [Another edition.] CRATES. [Opera.] Isocrates curate recognitus, etc. [Another copy.] Fogyiov, ^tieq Uaka/j^dovg OTioXoyia. See /ESCHINES. Aoyoi tovtcovi tcov qijtoqwi'. Ala-/tyov...roQyiov, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1513. GORRIS (Chapel) pseud. [i.e., Jean Fran- cois Nicolas Loumyer.] See LOUMYER (J. F. N.). iSg GORSAS (Antoine Joseph). L'ane prome- neur, ou Crites promene par son ane ; chef- d'oeuvre pour servir d'apologie au godt, aux mor.urs, a I'esprit, et aux dccouvertes du sificle. Premiere edition, etc. [By A. J. Gorsas.] 8vo., Pampehtne, Paris, 1786. Barbier, I., 178. GOTH (Bertrand de). See CLEMENS V., Po[?e. GOTHOFREDUS (Jacobus), [i.e., Jacques Godefroy.] J. Gothofredi nianuale juris seu par\'a juris niysteria...Octava editio, auctior, etc. i2mo., Geneva, 1672. GOUGH (Richard). British topography. Or, an historical account of what lias been done for illustrating the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. [By R. Gough.] 2 vols., illitst. 4to., London, 1780. Another edition of the author's ** Anecdote*^ of British topograpliy," published in 1768. GOUJET (Claude Pierre). Bibliothdque fran^oise, ou histoire de la litterature fran- ?oise, fte. 18 torn. i2mo., Paris, 1741-56. Wanting tome III. Tom. V. and VI. are of tlie second edition. — ^— M6moires pour servir 4 1 'histoire des homnies illuslres. etc. [By J. P. Niceron, C P. Goujct, e/c] 43 torn. See NICERON (J. P.) &- others. 8vo., 1728-45. GOURDAULT (Jules). Sully et son temps ...Troisidme edition. Svo., Tours, 1876. GOURNAY (Marie de Jars de). See FEU- g£RE (I-. J.). Les femmes poetes au 16" sidcle. fitude suivie de Mademoiselle de Goumay, etc. 8vo., i860. GOUSSE (Jean Theodore Laurent-). See LAURENT-GOUSSE. GOVEANUS (Antonius). [i.e., Antonio de GouvEA.] A. Goveani epigrammata. Ejus- dem epistolae quatuor. 8vo. , Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 540. Coate and Morante copy. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] A. Goveani pro Aristotele respOsio, ad- versus P. Rami calunias, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. Coltnesum, 1543. GOWER (John). Poema quod dicitur Vox clamantis, necnon chronica tripartita. ..edidit H. O. Coxe. 4to., London, 1850. (Koxburghe Club Fublicationn, No. 6g. ) GOWRIE (John Ruthven) ^rd Earl of. Duff (A.). The traditional account in the town of Perth, concerning the death of John, Earl of Gowrie, etc. See PERTH. Memorabilia of the city of Perth, etc. 8vo.. 1806. GOZZI (N1CCOL6 ViTO Di). Dello stato dellc republiche sccondo la mente di Aristotele con essempi modcrni. Giornate otto... Con ccxxii. avcrtimenti civili dell' istesso...Et nel fine una apologia dell' honor civile, etc. 4to., Venetia : presso .'ildo [Aldus Manu- lius, the Younger], 1 591. Renouard, p. 246. GRAESSE ( JOHANN Georg Theodor). Notice sur les ecrivains erotiques du quinzidme siecle et dii commencement du seiziSme. Ex- trait de I'ouvrage... Histoire universelle de la litterature. Traduit et annote par un biblio- phile fran^ais [i.e.. P. G. Brunet]. i2mo., Bnixelles, 1865. GR^VIUS (Joannes Georgius). [i.e., JOHANN Georg Graeve.] J. G. Graevii, Arcerii, Cunaei, aliorumque epistolae, nun- quam antehac editae, quibus accedit Atra- mentum, sive fabula de monachis Antonianis, ex Italico Latinis versibus reddita ab A. Menagio. [Edited by M. Verhoorn.] 8vo., Rotterodami, 17 10. ,Jalin copy. J. G. Graevii scholia ad Horatii odarum libros duo priores. Ex autographo scriptoris primum edidit F. H. Bothe. 8vo., HeidelbergcB, (1819.) Tlio dat« on the titlepage is given as " JIDIIIXX." GRAFTON (Augustus Henrv Fitzroy) yd Duke of. A catalogue of a most elegant col- lection of books. ..constituting. ..part of the extensive library of a nobleman [the 3rd Duke of Grafton], which will be sold by auction, etc. 4to., (London,) 1815. Witli prices in MS. Hardy copy. GRAHAM formerly xMACAULAY (Catherine). See MACAULAY afterwards GRAHAM (C). GRAHAM (James) 4th Duke of Montrose. See MONTROSE. GRAMMAIRE. Gramere. [By P. Ramus.] See RAMUS (P.). [Grammaire Fran^aise.] 8vo., 1562. GRAMMATICA GR^CA. Breves totiusgram- maticae Grascae tabute. His adjunctae sunt quaedam nominum, pronominum, & ver- borum accessiones cum verbis anomalis, e.x N. Clenardo & aliis grammaticis optimis quibusque. 4to., Parisiis, 1559. Cavellat copy. GRAMMATICA LATINA. Latinae gram- matices epitome. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. Nouvellet copy. GRAMMONT (Alexandre de Prepetit de). See PRliPETIT DE GRAMMONT. GRANCHI (Bartholom^us) Pisanus. See BARTHOLOM^US [Granchi]. GRANDMAISON (Aubin Louis Millin de). 5«eMILLIN (A. L.). GRANDVAL ( Racot RACOT DE GRANDVAL, GRAPALDUS (Franciscus Marius). Francisco Mario Gkapaldi.] F. M. paldi...de partibus acdiu...opus...novissime recognitu : cunctisq:; erroribus cxpurgatuni. 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : per Alexan- drum de Bindonis, 1517. Tomitano copy. [Another edition, entitled :] Lexicon de partibus acdium F. iM. Griipaldi, etc. 8vo., Lugduni: apud hcsredes S. Vincentii, 1535. The ooloptton reads ; " Kxcudobant Lugduni M, et O. 'Irochfiol fratros." [Another copy. ] de). See [i.e., Gra- 190 GRAPPA, pseud. \i.e.. Francesco Beccuti.] See BECCUTI (F.) called // Coppetta. GRATIANUS, the Canonist. Begin. [Sig. az, recto ;] In nomine sancte & indiuidue tri | nitatis. Incipit concordia discor- | dantiu canonu... ( etc. [By Gratianus, with the commentary of Bartholomeus Brixiensis surrounding the text. Followed by a sum- mary by Joannes, Diaconus Hispanus.] (5. X. fol., [colophon ;] Nureberge : impensis anihonij koburger, 1483. Wanting the first leaf (blank). 416 ff., without pagination ; siga a-ri», s>2, t-zW, &'», A-D'", E«, F8, Gi», H8, I-M"', N8, 0'», PS, Q-Sio, and 6 ff. Hain and Copinger, '/Sgg. Proctor, 2030. The first incunabulum purchased by Mr. Christie. GRATIUS, Faliscus. Hoc volumine conti- nentur. Poets tres egregii nunc primum in lucem editi. Gratii...de venatione lib. I. P. Ovidii Nasonis halieuticon liber acephalus. M. A. O. Nemesiani cynegeticon lib. I. Ejusdem carmen bucolicuni. T. Calphurnii ...bucolica. Per...G. Logum. 8vo.. Augusta Vindeliconim : in o/jicina Henrici Steyner, 1534. [Another edition, including " Adriani Cardinalis venatio."] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibus hceredum Aldi Manutii, &■ Andrea soceri, 1534. Renouard, p. 113. [Another edition, entitled :] Gratii ...de venatione liber I., etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. A reprint of tlie Aldine edition of 1534. —— Gratii cynegeticon. C. Barthius recen- suit, et animadversionum librum adjecit. See BARTHIUS (C). Venatici et bucolici poetae Latini, etc, 8vo., 161 3. GRATIUS (Ortwinus). Epistole obscurorum virorii ad...Ortuinum Gratiu...variis et locis et temporibus misse ac demum in volumen coacte. Cum multis aliis epistolis in fine annexis q in prima impressura non habentur. 4to., [colophon :] Venetia : in impressoria Aldi Minutii, [Mainz ? 1516 ?] A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 319. Brown morocco by Roger de Coverly. ^^— Ex obscurorum virorum salibus cribratus dialogus...in quo introducuntur Colonienses theologi tres, Ortuinus, Gingolphus, Lupoldus, etc. [By M. Borsius.] See BORSIUS (M.). 4to., [1519-] Epistolae obscurorum virorum, ad O. Gratium, Attico lepore refertae, denuo ex- cusae, & a mendis repurgatas, pristino45 nitore restitutJe. Quibus ob stili et argument! similitudinem adjecimus in calce dialogum mire festivum, eruditis salibus refertum. 8vo., S.I., 1556. — — Duo volumina epistolarum obscurorum virorum, etc. z vols, [in i.] i2mo., [colophon .■] Roma, 1557. Without pagination, but with a consecutive register. Epistolae obscurorum virorum... Nova & accurata editio, etc. l2mo., Francofurti ad Manum [sic], 1643. Epistolae obscurorum virorum tertio volu- mine (Lamentationes obscurorum virorum. Epistola D.Erasmi...quid de obscuris sentiat, etc.) auctae. 3 vols, [in i.] i2mo., Londini, (1689.) The "Lamentationes" has a separate titlepage and pagination. Epistolarum obscurorum virorum... volu- mina II. ...Accesserunt huic edition! epistola ...B. Passavantii [i.e., T. Beza] ad D. P. Lysetum. Et la complainte de Messire P. Liset sur le trepas de son feu nez. i2mo., Londini, 1742. Epistolarum obscurorum virorum ... volumina omnia ... Accesserunt huic editioni tractatus rarissimi. 2 tom., illust. 8vo., Francofurti, 1757. Epistolae obscurorum virorum aliaque aevi decimi sexti monimenta rarissima. Die Briefe der Finsterlinge an ... Ortuinus von Deventer . . . Herausgegeben und erlautert durch E. Miinch. 8vo., Leipzig, 1827. Lettres des hommes obscurs to O. Gratius]. Traduites du latin par V. Develay. Ser. I. -III. 3 vols. 24mo., Paris, 1870. Epistolae obscurorum virorum. [Re- marks on this work.] See OBSERVA- TIONES. Observationum selectarum... tomus IV. Obs. 12. 8vo., 1701. Lamentationes obscurorum virorum, etc. See above, Epistolae obscurorum virorum, etc. [Vol. III.] i2mo., 1689. GRAVES (Ch.'Vrles Larcom). The Hawarden Horace. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc. : Imitations. — Efiglish.] 8vo., 1894. GRAVIUS (Joannes). See GREAVES (J.). GRAY (George John). Bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton : together with a list of books illustrating his life and works. 8vo., Cambridge, 1888. 120 copies printed for subscribers, this being No. 6. GREAT BRITAIN.— Parliament. Literae pseudo-Senatus AngUcani, Cromwellii, reli- quorumque perduellium nomine ac jussu con- scriptae a J. Miltono. [1649-59.] i2mo., [London,] 1676. Parliamentary debates in 161Q. Edited ...by S. R. Gardiner. 4to., [London,] 1862. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 81.) Acts. The Clergy Discipline Act, 1892, and rules, and the Church Discipline Act, 1 840. With notes by F. H. L. Errington. 8vo., London, 1892. The people's edition of the Public Worship Regulation Act, 1874... With a preface and notes. 8vo., London, [1874.] House of Lords. The article on the ad- justment of the House of Peers. From the Westminster Review, No. XXXI. for January 1832. Republished, etc. 8vo., London. 1832. A critique on "A letter to Earl Grey on. ..the adjustment of the House of Peers." I 1 IQI GREAT BRITAIN.— Parliament.— (con/i.) Report from the Lords' Committees ap- pointed to search the Journals of the House, Rolls of Parliament, and other records and documents, for all matters touching the dignity of a Peer of the Realm, &c. &c. (Ordered to be printed May 1820.) [A critique taken from the Edinburgh Review, March, 1821.I 8vo., Edinburgh, 1821. Public Record Office. Calendar of State Papers, domestic series, of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary. Elizabeth, 1547-1580 ...Edited by R. Lemon. 8vo., London, 1856. Record Commission. Comparison be- tween certain statements contained in the evidence given by Messrs. Stevenson, Hardy and Cole, before the Select Committee upon the Record Commission, and various docu- ments illustrative of the matters referred to in such evidence. 8vo., London, 1837. General report to the King in Council from the honourable board of Commissioners on the Public Records. Svo., [London,] 1837. Observations, letters and opinions of the Commissioners on the constitution and duties of the Record Commission. 8vo., [London,) 1836. Observations upon the report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed " To inquire into the management and affairs of the Record Commission, and the present state of the records of the United Kingdom," etc. 8vo., [London.] 1837. GREAVES (John). Claris.simi...viri, J. Gravii ...vita : in qua de illius studiis, itineribus et libris...dipseritur. See SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vita quorundam...virorum, etc. 4to., 1707. GREEN (Henry). Andrea Alciati and his book of emblems : a biographical and biblio- graphical study. 8vo., London, 1872. 250 copies printed. GREEN (Samuel Swett). Library aids... Revised and enlarged edition, etc. i2mo.. New York, 1883. GREENHOUGH (William H.). On the ventilation, heating and lighting of free public libraries. 8vo., Reading, 1890. From "The Library," Vol. II. GREG (Walter Wilson). A list of EnglLsh plays written before 1643 and printed before '70O- 8vo., London, 1900. Printed for tlie Bibliograpliical Society. GRliGOIRE (Henri) Comte, Constitutional Bishop ofBlois. Rapport sur la bibliographie, prcscntc i la Convention Nationale le 22 germinal an II. (1794.) [A reprint.] l2mo., Paris, 1873. GREGORIUS, Nazanzenus. Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Gregorii episcopi Nazanzeni carmina ad bene, beat6 q^ vivendum utilis- sima, eU. Gr. &- Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii... opera, etc. [Vol. III.] 5^to., 1S04. Gregorii Nazanzeni... orationes lectissimae XVI. [Edited by M. Musurus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1516. Renouard, p. 75. Gregorii Nazanzeni... orationes novem ele- gant! ssimae. Gregorii Nysseni liber de homine, quae omnia nunc primum, emenda- tissima, in lucem prodeunt. Gr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus haeredum A Idi, et A ndreae A sulani soceri, 1536. Renouard, p. n6. Due orationi di Gregorio Nazanzcno theo- logo, in una de le quali, si tratta quel che sia Vescovado, et quali debbiano cssere i Vescovi. Ne I'altra, de I'amor verso i poveri. Et il jjrimo sermone di S. Cecilio Cipriano sopra I'elemosina. Fatte in lingua toscana dal Comniendatorc A. Caro. 4to., Venetia : appresso Aldo Manutio [the Younger], 1569. Renouard, p. 206. ' Al naqafioXai xai ra Oavjtaxa dncQ xoyv Evayyekarojv 6 exaaroQ SnjyeiTai, naqa rov rQtjyoQiov To« Na^avirjvov...cn:ixrj8ov re xai awomixmQ Svyygaipofieva [sic]. Gr. &■ Lai See EPIPHANIUS, Saint, Bishop of Con- slantia in Cyprus. Epiphanii...de Propheta- rum vita. etc. 4to., 1529. Ton dyiov PQtjyoQiov NaCavZtjvov. . .XQayqidia, XotaroQ naaxropriis & recta ratione studendi, syntagma, elc. — L. Aretinus de studiis & Uteris. — C. .Scioiii)ii ...consuUationes de schoiarxini & studioruni ratione, deijue prudentia: & eloquontise parandie inodis. — I.,. Crocii D. instructio.iie ratione studii theologici. — J. Loccenii de studio juris disser- tatiuncula epistolica, etc. — J. 11. iirnii de studio modicinie bene instituondo, ilisseiHatio. — M. Hortonsii dissertatio do studio matliomatico recto instituondo, etc. — S. Fo.xii Morsilii do ptiUosophici studii ratione epistola, etc. — P. Angolii...quo ordine scriptoruin historite Ro- mana) monumenta sint legenda, libellus. etc. — J. Casolii... opistola, do studio libcnUis dootrinu), deoente e'phius]. 8vo., VratislavicE, 171 1. Pattison copy. GRYPHIUS (Franciscus). [i.e., Francois Gryphe.] Lexicon Graecolatinumj am recens in lucem editum. [By F. Gryphius, \vith the assistance of C. Oeconomus and others.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1540. GRYPHIUS (Sebastianus). [i.e., S^bastien Gryphe.1 Tumulus D. S. Grj-phii diver- sorum au'torum carminibus conscriptus. See FRANCISCUS (J.) Ripensis. J. Francisci ...carminum liber, efc. i6mo., 1561. GUALDUS (Paulus). Vita J. V. PineUi...In qua studiosis bonarum artium, proponitur typus viri probi & eruditi. 4to., Augusta Vindelicorum, 1607. Biu-mannus the Younger's copy. GUALTERIUS CHABOTIUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Gaultier-Chabot.] P. Gualterii Chabotii...expositio analytica & brevis in universum Q. Horatii Flacci poema, etc. [With the text.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera. — Latin.] 8vo., 1582. Editio secunda, etc. 8vo., 1589. p. Gualterii Chabotii...praelectionum in O Horatii Flacci poemata, tomus primus (— tertius), etc. [With the text.] 3 torn. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera. —Latin.] fol., 1594. 9i- GUARIMBERTUS (MAXTHiEUs). M. Guarim- berti...de radiis & aspectibus planetarum. Lat. See PTOLEM^US (C). [Quadri- PARTiTUM.] Hoc in libro nunqua ante. ..in lucem edita haec insunt, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1535- GUARINUS, Veronensis. Erotemata Guarini [abridged from Chrj'soloras] cum multis additamentis, et cum commentariis Latinis. Gr. SeeCHRYSOLORAS (E.). Erotemata Guarini, etc. 8vo., 1509- ' EgcorrjfiaTa tou FovaQivov. See CHRY- SOLORAS (E.). 'EqajTrjuaxa tou XQvaoXoiQa, etc. 8vo., 1517. See ROSMINI (C. de'). Vita e disciplina di Guarino Veronese, etc. 3 vols. 4to., 1805-6. GUARNA (Andreas). Grammaticale bellum, nominis & verbi regum, de principalitate orationis inter se contendentium, nuper editum k Andrea Salemitano, etc. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 12 mo., 1666. [Another copy.] GUAZZO (Marco). Historic di M. Guazzo di tutti i fatti degni di memoria nel mondo suc- cessi dell' anno 1 524 sino a questo presente... novamente...ristampate. 8vo., Vtnegta : appresso G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1 546. Olive morocco by Derorae. De Thou, Hanrott and Becktord copy. GUDE (Marquard). See GUDIUS (M.). GUDIN DE LA BRENELLERIE (Paul Philippe). See DUPONT DE NEMOURS (P. S.). Notice sur M. Gudin. 8vo., 1812. GUDIUS (Marquardus). [i.e., Marquard GUDE.] M. Gudii et doctorum virorum ad eum epistolae. Quibus accedunt ex biblio- theca Gudiana clarissimorum... virorum, qui superiore & nostro saeculo floruerunt ; et C. Sarravii...epistolse...Curante P. Burmanno. [Pt. I.] 4to., Ultrajecti, 1697. Wanting pt. II. Editio ultima prioribus correctior. 2 pts. 4to., Haga-Comitum, 1714- GUEDES (DuARTE HuET DE Bacellar Pinto). See HUET DE BACELLAR PINTO GUEDES. GUERLE (Jean Nicolas Marie de). See DU ROZOIR (C). Discours prononce...aux funeraillesdeM.deGuerle. 8vo., 1824. GUfiROULT (GuiLLAUME). See BECKER (G.). G. Gueroult et ses chansons spirituelles, g^_ l2mo. , 1880. GUEROULT (Pierre Remi Antoine Guil- laume). See DU ROZOIR (C). Notice sur M. P. R. A. G. Gueroult. Svo., [1826 ?] GUERRIER DE DUMAST (Auguste Prosper Francois). Notice sur S. Pellico, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1838. From the " Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture." Pattison copy. GUERROIS (Charles des). See DES GUERROIS. '95 GUEVARA (Antonio de) Bishop of Mondo- iiedo. De vitae rusticae privata?qi laudibus, & contra de aulicae vitae molestiis, liber ele- gantissimus. See HERDESIANUS (H. P.). Aulica vita, e' of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. 8vo., 1878. HASENMUELLERUS (Sophonia). S. Hasen- mulleri...de faciliore docendi, et vel unius anni spatio perdiscendi linguam Latinam ratione, didactica specialis. 8vo., Noribergcs, s.a. HASTINGS, Family of. Bell (H. N.). Me- moirs... of the house of Hastings, etc. See HUNTINGDON, Earldom of. 4to., 1820. HASTINGS (52V Edward). See GREY OF RUTHYN (R. DE Grey) 3rd Baron. Con- troversy between Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthyn and Sir E. Hastings in 1389. fol., s.a, See GREY OF RUTHYN (R. de Grey) jrd Barmi. (Proceedings... respecting the right to bear the Arms of Hastings.) fol., 1 841. HATTON (Sir Christopher). Phillips (J.). A commemoration on the life and death of ...Sir C. Hatton, etc. See LAMPORT GAR- LAND. A Lamport garland, etc. 4to., 1881. HAUCKIUS (Christianus Gotthelf). Com- mentatio qua integritas textus Salomonei Proverb. XVIII., 22, de uxore proba prae- stantissimo Dei dono defenditur. 4to., S.I., 1779. HAUSSCHEIN (Johann). See (ECOLAM- PADIUS (J.). HAVERKAMP (Sigebertus). Sylloge altera scriptorum, qui de linguae Graecae vera & recta pronunciatione commentarios reliquerunt... Quibus accedit libellus rarissimus G. Postelli, de Phoenicum Uteris, etc. 8vo., Lugdtini Batavoruni, 1740. Contains also :- D. Erasmi...de recta Latini Grte- cique sermonis pronunciatione dialogus. — J. Clieki Angli de pronimtiatione Grfecse potissi- mum lingiice disputationes, etc. — De recta ot cmendata lingufe Graeca; pronuutiatione, T. Smitlii...epistola. — G. Martinu3...pro vet«ri & vera Gr.Tcarum literarum pronuutiatione. — Erasmi Schmidt. ..discursus de pronuntiatione Grseca antiqua, etc. HAWKINS (Rush C). Titles of the first books from the earliest presses established in different cities, towns, and monasteries in Europe, before the end of the fifteenth century, with brief notes upon their printers, etc. 4to., New York, 1884. Presentation copy from the author, with two holograph letters inserted. HAWKSHE AD SCHOOL. Archbishop Sandys' Endowed School. Hawkshead, near Amble- side. Tercentenary commemoration ...1885. 8vo., Kendal, 1885. HAY (Romanus). Astrum inexstinctum, sive jus agendi antiquorum religiosorum ordinum pro recipiendis monasteriis sui ordinis, eera, etc. [Pt. IT.] 8vo., 161 2. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i6mo., 1629. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] Hercules tuam fidem ! Sive Munsterus Hypobolimaeus [/'.«., G. Scioppius], id est, satyra Menippea, de Ndta, origine, moribus G. Schioppii Franci. [By D, Heinsius.] Accessit wia. ejusdem a Germano quodam ejus familiari descripta. 8vo., s.L, i6o8. A satire on G. ScioppiuB, [Another copy.] [For other editions.] See below, Satirae dua;, etc. D. Heinsii in obitum...Josephi Scaligcri ...orationesduae. Acccduntepicedia ejusdem & aliorum, etc. 4to., [Leyden,] 1609. [Another copy.] Wanting pp. 99-100, bcariMg the portrait of J. J. Soaligor. [Another copy.] Also wanting pp. 90-100. D. Heinsii in Q. Horatium Flaccuni animadversiones et notse. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— La/in.] Q. Horatii Flacci opera, e Lat. 4to., BurdigalcB, 1574. Joye and Spencer copy. HERMIT (Ammonius). See AMMONIUS, HennecB. HERMINJARD (A. L.). Correspondance des Reformateurs dans les pays de langue franfaise, recueillie ct publiee, avec d'autres lettres relatives a la Reforme (1512-1544) et des notes historiques et biographiques. par A. L. Herminjard. 9 torn. 8vo., Gentve, 1866-97. HERMOGENES. Tarsensis. [Ars Rheto- RICA.] ' EQ^wyEvovQ Teyrij QiTogrjXT] [sic]. See APHTHONIUS, Sophtsta. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. [Another copy.] —7 [Another edition.] See APHTHO- NIUS, Sophisia. 'Er rcode rco §ijih(p Tade TregiExerai. 'AqiOoi'tov <70(ptaTov 7TQoyv,uvaa/iara, etc. Svo., 1515. [Another copy.] Rhetorices Hermogenis compendium Hila- rionc.interprete. Lat. See GEORGIUS, Trapezuntius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum hbri V., etc. fol., 1523. Hermogenis... de arte rhetorica prscepta. Aphthonii item sophistae praeexercitamenta. A. Bonfine...interprete. Lat. Svo., Lugduni : apiid Seb. Gryphium, 1538. Hermogenis... de ratione inveniendi ora- toria. libri IIH. Latinitate donati, & schohs expHcati atq3 illustrati a J. Sturmio. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon .■] Argentorati, 1570. In this copy pt. II., containing the " scholae," is placed before pt. I. Schmidt, p. 318. Hermogenis... de dicendi generibus sive formis orationum libri II. Latinitate donati, & scholis explicati atque illustrati, a J. Sturmio. Gr. cS- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Strasshurg :] ExcudebatJ. Rihelius, 1571. Schmidt, p. 318. Hermogenis... de ratione tractandae gravi- tatis occultae liber, Latinitate donatus, & scholis explicatus atque illustratus, a J. Sturmio. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Argentorati, 1571. Schmidt, p. 319. [Progymnasmata.] Priscianus...de prae exercitamentis rhetorices ex Hermogene. See GEORGIL^S, Trapezuntius. Continentur hoc volumine. Georgii Trapezuntii rhetori- corum libri v., etc. fol., 1523. [Another edition.] See PRISCIA- NUS, Ctesanensis. Prisciani... libri omnes, etc. 4to., 1527. Hermogemis [sic].,. ad artem oratoriam prasexercitameta, ductu & inversione Pris- ciani, inter literaturae candidates principis. 8vo., Parisiis : in officina S. Colinei, 1535. Sunderland copy. [Another copy.] Sunderland copy. [Appendix.] See STURJVIIUS (J.) Sleidanus. De statibus causarum civilium universa doctrina Hermogenis... explicata, etc. 8vo., 1575. HERODES, Atticiis. See ATTICUS HERO- DES (T. C.). HERODIANUS. ' HQcoStavov ttj? fiera Maqxov fiaaiKeiaq, ^ijihov nocarov ( — dySoov). See XENOPHON. [HisTORiA Gr.?:ca.— Greek.] SevoqtcovTog TiaQoXetno/teva, dnsQ xm iXXr^vixa ixa?.eae, etc. fol., 1503. [Another copy.] See GEMISTUS (G.) called Pletho. Fecogyiov ye^iicnov.,. ex Ttov AiodoiQov, xai UXovTaQxov, tieqi xwv /nera Ti]v iv fiavriveia fiax^v, iv x£(pa?.aioti; diaXrjipig, etc. fol., 1503 [1527]. 'Hgodiavov [sic] larogtuv fiifiha r]'. Hero- diani historiarum lib. VIII., etc. (A. Politiano interprete.) Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1524. Renouard, p. 98. Morlsot, Currer and Hardy copy. [Another copy.] ' Hgoidiavov Icnogicov fii^Xta >/. Herodiani ...historiarum lib. VIII. Gr. i6mo., Basileae : apud J. Valderum, [1530.] Hoffmann, II., 362. ' Hgcodiavov ttj; fieta Magxov PaatXeiag iaroguov fii^Xiov Tigiorov. Herodiani de imperio post Marcum historiarum liber primus. Gr. 4to., Parisiis : apud C. Wechelum, 1541. 'HgcoSiavov xrji; fiera Magxov ^aaiXeiai; iarogicav Pt^P.tov nguiTov ( — oydoov). Herodiani de imperio post Marcum historiarum Uber primus [ — octavus]. Gr. 4to., Parisiis : apud C. Wechelum, 1544. Herodiani historiae de imperio post Marcum : vel, de suis temporibus. A. Poli- tiano interprete. Lat. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. Huldricus copy. 'Hgcodiavov iaroguov ^i^ha r\ . Herodiani histor. lib. VIII. Cum A. Pohtiani inter- pretatione, & hujus partim supplemento, partim examine H. Stephani : utroque margini adscripto. Ejusdem H. Stephani emendationes... Historiarum (Zosimi) Hero- dianicas subsequentium libri duo, nunc primum Graece editi. [With the Latin version of J. Leunclavius.] Gr. &- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [GsKeya,] 1581. Tlie " Historic Zosimi " have a separate pagina- tion and register. HERODIANUS (/Elius). Hagex^oXai rov fieyaXov grj/tarog ex riov rov 'Hgcodiavov. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). etjaavgo?. Kcgaq dfiaXdetag, etc. fol., 1496. 2°S HERODIANUS {JELivs).~{contd.) — — 'HgcoSiavov nsqi iyxkivo/ievcov xai iyxhxixojv, xai am'eyxhrtxuiv ftoQiwv. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). GrjaavQOQ. Kegag AfiaWeta;, etc. fol., 1496. [Another edition.] See CHRYSO- LORAS (E.). ' EQcarrjfiara tov XquaoXoiQa, etc. 8vo., 1512. [Another edition.] See BONINUS (E.). 'Eyx^'Qi^^ov yQaftfiaTix7jg elaaycoyrji;, etc. 8vo., [1514.] [Another edition.] See CHRYSO- LORAS (E.). 'Egwrrj/iaraTOV Xgvao^.cooa, etc. Svo.r 1517. [Another edition.] See CRASTO- NUS (J.) Placentinus. Dictionarium Graecum, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. •^-^ [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See CHRYSO- LORAS (E.). ' EgonrifiaTa xov XQvaokwQa, etc. 8vo., 1545. ' HgoiSiavov jieqi to>v dgiOncov. See GAZA (T.). In hoc uolumine haec insunt. Theo- dori Introductiuae gramatices Ubri quatuor, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1495. [Another copy.] HERODOTUS. 'HqoSotov ?.oyoi tvven, otneQ emxaXovvTai Movaat. Herodoti libri novein, quibus Musarum indita .sunt nomina, etc. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in domo Aldi, 1502. Renouard, p. 35. Hastings copy. Herodoti... libri Villi, musarum nomi- nibus inscripti. Per L. Vallam interpretati : castigati vero ac locupletati a C. Heres- bachio. ..Ejusdem de genere vita4; Homeri libcllus, codem Heresbachio interprete. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphhim, 1542. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. Jersey copy. Herodoti historiarum, ex recensione Baehr, torn. I. (-II.) Gr. 2 torn. i6mo., Oxonii, 1845. Interleaved copy. [For editions of the life of Homer, attri- buted to Herodotus.] See HOMERUS. [Opera.] See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Apologic pour Hcrodote, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1735. Nouvelle edition, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1879. See RAMSHORN (J. G. L.). Sacra sol- lemnia in mcmoriam renovati ill. Gymnasii Fridericiani Altenb. ... Vindicatur locorum quorumdam Ciceronis...integritas, nonnulla ...Herodoti illustrantur. 4to., (1826.) HEROET (Antoine) Bishop of Dignc. La parfaicte amyc.Avcc plusieurs aultrcs com- positions, etc. [In verse.] 8vo., Lyon ; chis E. Dolet. 1542. Tlio litlepage i^ in farsiniile. Groon nioi-ocen by Thompson. Didot copy. La parfaicte amye, etc. [In verse.] See GUEVARA (A. de) Bishop of Mondonedo. Le mespris de la court , etc. 1 6mo. , 1 544. HERVETUS (Gentianus). [i.e., Gentian Hervet.] G. Herveti... aliquot epigrammata. See SOPHOCLES. [Antigone.] Sophoclis Antigone, etc. 8vo., 1541. G. Herveti... quaedam opuscula, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1541. Green morocco by Cap6. Morante copy. [Another copy.] Crofts and WodhuU copy. HESIODUS. 'HmoSov Ocoyovia.—' HaioSov Tiovrjj^ia TiEQt Tj;c dajiiSog tov 'HQax?.eovc. — 'HaioSov ...EQya xai ij/isgai. See THEO- CRITUS. Tade iveari h rnSe zn pt^Xco. Geoxgnov eldvUia, etc. [Pt. III.] fol., 1495. [Another copy.] 'Haiodog 6 'Aaygatog. {Oeoyndog. . .yvtufiat e?.eyiaxat. — rvo}fiai xaza aroixctov ex diafpogojv jioiijTMV. — ExLxoi EifivlXag rrjQ 'Egvdgaia; Tiegt TOV xvQiov tjiiviv, etc. — Xgvaa ETirj tov IJvrayo- gov [sic].) [Edited by E. Bonini.] 8vo., [colophon :] Florenti^ : in (dihus P. Juntae, 1515. Renouard, p. xl. Munster copy. 'IJaiodov ... igya xai 7'i/nEgai.—' IlaioSov deoyovia. — ' HaioSov novima TtEgi Tr]<; da:iidos TOV 'Hgaxkeovg. See SCRIPTORES. Scrip- tores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] 'Haiodov ...igya xai i)fiegai. Qeoyovia. 'Aanig ' HgaxXeovi;. 'AnavTa 8e fiera nof.Xmv xai xaXioTojv iSrjyijaEiov. Hesiodi... opera et dies, etc. [Edited by V. Trincavellus.] Gr. 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibus Bartholomcci Zanelti, 1537. Carteret copy. Hesiodi... opera, qua quidem extant, omnia Graece, cum intcrpretationo latina S regionc.Adjectis ctiam iisdem latino car- mine... versis, & genealogig deorum a Pyladc Brixiano...descripta! libris V. Item Joannis Grammatici cognomento Tzetzis ... scholia Grasca in eadcm omnia Hesiodi opera, etc. Gr. &- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Basilea; : s.t.n., [1542.] Tlio second part contain.-! tlie " Soholia" and has the following title : " 'loavvov ypafifianKov tov T^trfou i^ttyrjais twv fii^Xojv Tov'llffiodoVf" etc. Utilis docti Hesiodi... liber, opera, et dies ...nupcrrime J. Brixio... interprete, in Lati- num convcrsus. Cui operi addita sunt quajdam sapientiae dogmata Zoroastris logia ab codem translata. 4to., Lugduni : apud T. Paganum, 1550, ' HaioAov ...EQya xai I'/fiegai. Xgvaa inr} UvSayogov. Hesiodi... opera et dies. Aurca cannula Pythagorae. Gr. 8vo., Antvcrpiev, 1564. 'IlaioSov ... igya xai t)/ugat. — ' llaioftov... aaniz ' HgaxXeovQ. — ' HaiO''inv...0eoyoria. Sec ESTIENNE (H.) 2»rf of the Name. Oi Trji; ijgo)ixt}Q noiypEioi ngiDxevovXEi .loii/rat, etc. [Pt. I I.J fol., 1566. 2o6 HESIODVS. — {contd.} ' HaioSov ...sQya xai I'j/ieQai. Tov avTov. 'Aanic, 'HgaxXeovi;. Oeoyovia, etc. Gr. &• Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aco^ofieva tov na^atoraroxf noitjxcov yecogyixa, etc. [Pt. I.] i6mo., 1569. ^-^ [Another edition.] i6mo., 1639. HESSELS (Jan Hendrik). Gutenberg : was he the inventor of printing ? An historical investigation embodying a criticism on Dr. Van der Linde's " Gutenberg." 8vo., London, 1882. HESSUS (Helius Eobanus). See EOBANUS. HESYCHIUS, Alexandrinus. 'Havxiov ).Eiixov. Hesychii dictionarium. [Edited by M. Musurus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. foL, [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi cS- Andrecs soceri, 15 14. Renouard, p. 66. HESYCHIUS, Milesins. 'Havxiov Mthjaiov 'I^^ovargiov, tibqi tu>v ev naidcKf diaKafirpavtiov aov. [Edited by J. Sambucus.] (Hesychii M)lesii...de his qui eruditionis fama claruere, Hber : H. Junio...interprete.) Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] Svo., AntverpicB, 1572. In this copy the Latin version precedes the Greek text. WodhuU and Gennadius copy. HEULHARD (Arthur). Rabelais, ses voyages en Italie. son exil a Metz, etc. (Deuxidme edition.) (Dubois botte. [A translation by A. Heulhard of the " Sylvius Ocreatus " of L. Arrivabene.]) 8vo., Paris, s.a. The first edition appeared in 1891. HEUMANNUS (Christophorus Augustus). [i.e., Christoph August Heumann.] C. A. Heumanni de libris anonymis ac pseudonymis schediasma, complectens observationes gene- rales et spicilegium ad V. Placcii theatrum anonymorum et pseudonymorum. 8vo., Jena, 171 1. Morante copy. See MYLIUS (J. C). Bibliotheca anonymorum et pseudonymorum ad sup- plendum et continuandum...C. A. Heumanni schediasma de anonymis et pseudonymis, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1740. S. Stadelii [i.e., C. A. Heumannus]...epi- stola de circumforanea literatorum vanitate. See MENCKENIUS ( J. B.). J. B. Menckenii de charlataneria eruditorum declamationes duaE...Editio sexta. 8vo., 1786. HEUNE (Johannes). See GIGAS (J.). HEURNIUS (Joannes). [i.e., Jan van Heurn.] J. Heurnii de studio medicinae bene instituendo, dissertatio. See GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1645. [Another edition.] Set VOSSIUS (G. J.). Gerardi J. Vossy et aliorum dis- sertationes, etc. i2mo., 1658. HEWLEY, Family of. Pedigree of Hewley and Wolrich. See YORKSHIRE, [a pedi- grees, etc.] fol., s.a. HEYD (LUDWIG Friedrich). Melanchthon und Tubingen. 1 5 1 2-1 8. Ein Beitrag zu der Gelehrten- und Reformations-Geschichte des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo., Tubingen, 1839. HEYLYN (Peter). [MixQoxoaiioi.l A little description of the great world. The eighth edition. 4to., Oxford : William Turner, 1639. The top of the titlepage is mutilated. The date is wrongly printed *' 1939." HEYNE (Christian Gottlob). Ad Apollodori bibliothecam observationes auctore C. G. Heyne. See APOLLODORUS, Atheniensis. Apollodori . . . bibliothecae libri tres, etc, ■ [Vol. II.] Svo., 1803. C. G. Heyne de studii rei numismaticae antiquioris vicissitudinibus commentatiun- cula. See LIPSIUS (J. G.). J. G. Lipsii bibliotheca numaria, etc. Tom. I. 8vo., 1 801. See DACIER (B. J.) Baron. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Heyne. 8vo., 1816. HEYNLIN (JoHANN). See CLAUDIN (A.). The first Paris press. An account of the books printed for. ..J. Heynlin... 1470-72. 4to., 1898. HEYWOOD (John). The proverbs and epi- grams of J. Heywood, a.d. 1562. Reprinted from the original (1562) edition, and collated with the second (1566) edition ; with an ap- pendix of variations. 4to., {Manchester,) 1867. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. i.) The spider and the flie... Reprinted from the edition of 1556. 4to., (Manchester,) 1894. (Publications of tlie Spenser Society. New Series. No. 6.) HEYWOOD (Robert). Observations and in- structions, divine and morall, in verse... Edited by J. Crossley. 4to., {Manchester,) 1869. (Chetham Society. Remains, e(c. Vol. LXXVI.) HEYWOOD (Thomas) F.S.A. The Earls of Derby and the verse writers and poets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. See STANLEY PAPERS. The Stanley papers. Pt. I. 4to., 1853. On the South Lancashire dialect. (Part II. of " Tim Bobbin " and its author [J. Collier].) See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. HIBBERT (George). A catalogue of the library of G. Hibbert... which will be sold by auction, etc. Svo., London, 1829. Witli prices and names of purchasers in MS. HIBBERT (Samuel). See HIBBERT- WARE. HIBBERT-WARE formerly HIBBERT (Samuel). Lancashire memorials of the Rebellion, 171 5, etc. (By S. Hibbert- Ware.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., (Manchester,) 1845. {Chetham Society. Remains, eti:. Vol. V.) Contents : — Pt. I. The state of parties in Lancashire before the Rebellion of 1713, clc. — Pt. II. Lancashire during the Rebellion of I7I0. 207 HIERACOSOPHION. Hieracosophiou[s?cl, sive de re accipitraria libri III. [By J. A. de Thou.] See THOU (J. A. de) the Elder. 8vo., 1 5S7. HIEROCLES, Alexandrinus. 'legox^-eovi (piXo- aofov VTiOftvrjfta elg Ta tojv UvdayoQeuov im] TO XQ'"'^"' ^^''- [With the text.] Gr. &■ Lat. See PYTHAGORAS. lamo., 1583. HIERONYMUS, de Feryara. See SAVONA- ROLA (G.). HIERONYMUS, Papiensis. See CHAMPIER (S.). Que in hoc opusculo habentur. Duel- ium epistolare [between S. Champier and Hieronymus, Papiensis], etc. 8vo., 15 19. HIERONYMUS, Saint. Bioi aiy-yqaqjemv \sic\ ixxhjataar. [By Hieron>Tnus.] Gr. <~ Lat. See EPIPHANIUS, Saint, Bishop of Con- stantia in Cyprus. Epiphanii...de Prophe- tarum vita, etc. 4to., 1529. Octavus tomus [operum Hieronymi] com- mentarios in Psalterium habet. Accessit his Psalterium triphci lingua, Hebraica, Graeca, & Latina. fol., Lugduni : S. Gryphius Germanns excudebat, 1530. The appendix, which contaias the " Psalterium triphci lingua," has a separate titlepage. This is the last volume of an edition of the works of Hieronymus, copied from the edition issued by Erasmus in 1516. [Epistolae. Vol. II.] Begin. [AJNte oiiiia muncru... | etc. End. Eusebii Hiero- nymi doctoris eximii secudum epistolaruni explicit uolunien. | [Edited by J. Andreas.] Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon .•] Rome : in domo ...Petri de Maximo [printed by C. Sweynheym and A. Pannartz], 1468. The first complete edition of the Epistles. Want- ing vol. I. Hain and Copinger, 8551. Reichhng, II., 187. Proctor, 3294. Divi Hieronymi epistola ad Demetriadem, dc virginitate servanda. See AMBROSIUS, Saint, Bishop of Milan. De virginitate opuscula, efc. 4to., 1562. HIGDEN (Henry). A modem essay on [i.e., an English translation of] the tenth satyr of Juvenal. See JUVENALIS (D. J.). [Sa- TIR.S. — English.] 4to., 1687. —^ A modem essay on [i.e., an I'^nglish trans- lation of] the thirteenth satyr of Juvenal. See JUVENALIS (D. J.). [Skt\R!E.— English.} 4to., 1686. HILARIA, Martyr. See AFRA, Saint and Martyr. Conversio et passio SS. Martyrum Afra;, Hilaria;, Dignae, etc. 4to., 1 591. HILARIUS, Saint. Bishop of Poitiers. Opera complura Sancti Hylarii Episcopi hac seric coimpressa. D[c] trinitate contra Arrianos, lib. XII. Contra Constantium hereticum, lib. I. Ad Constantium Impcratorcm, lib. II. Contra Auxentium Arrianum. lib. I. Auxcntii blasphcmif plena epla. I. De synodis contra Arrianos habitis, lib. I. Ad Apram filiam divi Hylarii, epla. I. In Psalmos David, comentarii seu lib. II. In evangelium Matthfi, lib. I. 3 pts. [in 1 vol.] fol., Parrhisiis : in £dib'' ascensianis, (1510.) Printed in double columns. See TERTULLIANUS (Q. S. F. ). Q. S. F. Tertulliani...Hilarii...et Probae Falconiae, opera. 8vo., 1825. HILL (Thomas) Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Nundinffi Sturbrigienses. Anno, i702...Editio secunda. — Non dantur ideae innatae. — Rationes boni & mali sunt etemae & immutabiles. See UVSIE BRITANNIC^. Musae Britannicae, etc. 8vo., 171 1. HIMERIUS, Sophista. 'Ex tcov 'I/tEgtov rov aoqttarov //eAstwv ixkoyat, etc. See POLE- MON (A.). Uo^eficovog, 'I/iegiov, xai dXXwv rivcov fieXerai, etc. 4to., 1567. [Another copy.] HIPPOCRATES. [Opera.] 'AnaiTa to tou ' InnoxQaTovQ. Omnia opera Hippocratis. Gr. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in csdibtts Aldi, (Sr Andrew Asulani soceri, 1526. Renouard, p. 102. Darwin copy. Hippocratis ac Galeni libri aliquot, ex recognitione F. Rabelassi, etc. Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., [colophon :] Lugduni : Seb. Gryphius excud., 1532. The only work of Galen's included is the " Ars medica." Pt. II. comprises the Greek text of tlie " Aphorismi " of Hippocrates. [Another copy of Pt. I., pp. 1-270.] Including only the Latin text of Hippocrates. [Another edition, entitled :] Apho- rismorum Hippocratis sectiones septem, etc. 2 tom. [in I vol.] i6mo., Liigduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1543. [Aphorismi.] Liber aphorismoi; Hypo. cii antiqua traslatioe & nova Theodori gaze elegantissima. — CoUectio aphorismoru3 Hypo, ad unamquaq^ egritudinem pertinentium. See JOANNITlUS. Liber Hysagoge Joannici, etc. 8vo.. 1502. ' InnoxQaxovi; dgjogtaftcov rfirj/iaTa f. See above [Opera.]. Hippocratis ac Galeni libri aliquot, etc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1532. Aphorismi Hippocratis... una cum Galeni commentariis, etc. Gr. cS- Lat. 8vo., Parisiis : ex officina C. Guillardcs, 1542. ' InnoxQarovg dq>ogta/uov rfn^/iaxa C. See above [Opera.]. Aphorismomm ... sectiones septem, etc. [Tom, II.] i6mo., 1543. ' InrcoxQatovQ ... aqiogia/ioi. Hippocratis ... aphorismi, commentariis Foresii ... illustrati, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon .■] Francofurti, 1554. Sf<; BU STAM ANTE PAZ (B.). Methodus in septem aphorismorum libris ab Hippocrate observata, quam & continuum libroruni ordinem argumenta & schemata declarant, et£. 4to., 1550. [De Insomniis.] Hippocratis de in- .somniis liber, J. C. Scaligero interprctc. See FERRERIUS (A.). A. Ferrerii... liber de somniis, etc. i6mo., 1549. [De Victus Ratione in Mordis Acutis.] ' iTinoxgaxovc:. ..to Ttegi dimTtjC S^ecov voaij/mrcm', ?)toi Ttegi 7iTiaaav>ii;. Dc victus raliono in morbis acutis, sive dc pti.sana, Hippocratis... liber, un4 cii Galeni quatuor in eiideni com- mentariis, etc. Gr. & Lat. 8vo., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1543. 208 HIPPOCRATES .— {contd.) [JusjURANDUM.] 'L-r:ioxQaTovi; ogy.o;. Hippocr. jusjurandum. Gr. ]Q0v yeveaiOQ xai fiioxtjg. — HXovxaQxov elg Toi' (itov Tov '0/i>jQov.) 8vo., [colophon : Slrassburg : \V. Kocpfel, 1534.] Forms vol. II. of an edition of the works of Homor. The lives by Herodotus and Plutarch are placed at tlie end of the volume after tlio coloplion, atul are without pagination. 'O/iijoov '/AiOs. Homeri Ilias. ('O/djqov 'OdvaoEiu. BuTQaxo/ivofiaxta. 'Yftvoi Xji' , etc.) 2 vols. 4to., [colophon .] Lovanii : ex ojficina R. Rescii, 1535. HoiijaeK; 'O/iijqov ufi(p)QOV ' Odvaaeia, BarQayofwojiaxin, 'Yv^voi ^ji'. ' H xiov aincov 7to}.vn}.oxoi ctva- yvtoaig. Homeri Odyssea, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : aptid J . Far- reum &-fi'alres, 1542. Forms tJie second volume of an edition of the works of Homer. The lives of Homer by Herodotus and others are wanting in this copy. 'OfOjQov 'D.iag. Homeri Ilias, etc. {'Ofir]Qov 'OSvoaeia. BaTQaxo/nvo/iaxta. 'Y/^tvot X^' . Homeri Odyssea. Batrachomyomachia. Hymni XXX U.,etc.) [Edited by B. Felicianus.] 2 vols. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis, i^^i. Heher copy. Ti)i '0/u]Qov 'Ihadog 1) aX(pa {—r) (o/xeya) QOipatdia. — 'O/itjQOV 'OSvaoEia. — 'O^irjQov Bargaxo/n'Ofiaxia. — 'O^ujQov vfivot. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the ls:ame. Oi t?;? tjQCDixfji; 7ioi7jaeu)g ttqcotsvovts; noirjtai, etc. [Pt. I.] fol., 1566. [Oper.\. — Latin.'] Homeri... Ilias. Per L. Vallam Latio donata. (Odysseae Homeri libri XXIIII. R. Regie... interprete. Ejusdem Batrachomyomachia. Aldo Manutio : & hymni deorum, J. Velarseo interpretib. Item, Herodoti Halicamassei libellus de vita Homeri, per C. Heresbachium latinitate dona- tus.) (Quinti Calabri derelictorum ab Homero libri quatuordecim. J. Valaraeo [sic'] interprete. Coluti Thebani raptus Helenae, interprete eodem.) 3 pts. [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Liigduni : apiid Seb. Gryphium, 1 541. Ungelter von Deissenhausen copy. [Another copy of Pts. II. and III.] [Batrachomyomachia.] [For separate editions of this work, attributed to Homer.] See BATRACHOMYOMACHIA. [Ilias. — Greek.] EvmaQiov...7iaQex^oXai elg Ti]v 'OfirjQov 'IhaSa. [With the text.] fol., Roma: : [A. Bladus,] 1542. Vol. 1. of the edition described by Legrand, Tome I., p. 237. One of the copies with only 2 ff. preceding the text. Chetwynd copy. 'OfirjQov 'D.iaq. Homeri Ilias, id est, de rebus ad Troiam gestis. 8vo., Parisiis, 1554. There are two illustrations, representing Homeric scenes, inserted in this copy. R. S. Turner's copy. — - Meditationes in librum primum Iliados Homeri. [With the text.] Auctore N. Girardo. 4to., Parisiis, 1566. WodhuII copy. — ^— [Another copy.] Cavellat copy. 'O/njQov 'IXiag. The Iliad of Homer, with a carefully corrected text ; with copious English notes ... By ... W. Trollope. Third edition, etc. 8vo., London, 1847. [Ilias. — Latin.] PyndaribellumTroianum ex Homero. [A summary of the Iliad in Latin verse.] M. Veggii Astj-anax. Epigrammata quaedam. [Edited by L. Abstemius.] Svo., s.n. [Fano : G. Soncino, 1505.] Manzoni, III., 85. Pyndarus de bello Troiano. Astyanax maphjei Laudensis. Epigrammata quaedam diversorum autorS. [Edited by F. Polyar- dus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Fani : impressum ab H. Soncino, 151 5. [Ilias : Appendix.] See DIDYMUS./l/e;*-- andrinns, Granimaticus. Z';{oAta...Ei; rrjv tov 'OftrjQov 'D.iada, etc. [Ascribed to Didy- mus.J (IIoQcpvQiov q>i^oao(pov ofii^Qixa l^ijTij^iara, etc.) 2 pts. 8vo., 1 52 1. [Another copy.] Pt. II. See PERSIUS (A.). Indicis in Homeri poemata... specimen ; videlicet in primum Iliados... index, etc. 8vo., 1597. [Odyssea. — Greek.] 'Odvaaeia, Barga- Xo/ivofiaxia, vfivot ).fi'. Ulyssea, Batracho- myomachia, hymni XXXII. [Edited by J. Cheradamus.] 4to., [colophon : Paris : P. Vidoue for G. de Gourmont, 1529.] Containing only bk. I. of the Odyssey. The title- page is dated 1530. Evans, Paine, and Gen- nadius copy. '0/ir]Qov 'OSvaaeia. 8vo., [Pans : E. Tousan], 1541. Jereraie copy. [Odyssea. — Latin.] Homeri Odysseae libri VIII., F. Florido... interprete, etc. 4to., Lutetia : apud 'Vascosanii, 1545. [Odyssea: Appendix.] See DIDY- MUS, Alexandrinus, Granimaticus. Aidvfiov ...sig Ttjv 'Odvaaetav iirjyrjatg, etc. Svo., 1528. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1530. [Selections.] Homerocentra, hoc est centones ex Homero, etc. Gr. S- Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii ...opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1501. [Appendix.] Begin. [Sig. az, recto .•] Zxoha naXata tiov navv Soxi^kov elg ri]v 'OfitjQov 'IXiada. [Preceded by a single leaf, on the recto of which is an address " Lectori Homeri interpres pervetustus," etc., and on the verso are two epigrams by J. Lascaris.] lo\., [colophon : Rome: A. Collotius, 1517. "] Legrand, I., p. 159. With MS. notes of Janus Parrhasius and Antonius Scripandus. Heber and Crawford (Lakelands) copy. 'O/iijQov e^r]yrjrr]g. Homeri interpres, etc. [Edited by J. Bedrotus, with preface by J. Sturmius.] Vol. I. 8vo., Argentorati : per V. Rihelium, 1539. Wanting Vols. 11. and III. Schmidt, p. 324. Calf by Larkins. See BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. Homer. fol., 1890. HOMERUS. —(cotitd.) EusTATHius, Archbishop of Thessalonica. Evaradtov negi rajv naQU 'O/xtjou) diaXexruiv. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). GijaavgoQ. Keoag dfia^eiag, etc. fol., 1496. [Another edition.] Gy. &■ Lat. See LASCARIS (C). In hoc libro haec habcntur. C. Lascaris...de octo partibus ofonis lib. I., etc. 4to., 1 5 12. [Another edition.] Gr. 5ee CRAS- TONUS (J.) Placentinus. Dictionarium Graecum, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] See HARTUNGUS (J.). Chilias Homeri- corum locorum, qui a diversis...interpretibus ...usurpantur, efc. 8vo., 1568. Heraclitus. ' HQaxKEiTov...dXXriyoQiai... elg ra tov 'O^trjQov TitQi Oecov elgtjfteva, etc. See ^lESOPUS. Habentur hoc volumine haec, videlicet. Vita, et fabellae Aesopi, etc. fol., 1505. See POR'PUYIUVS, Philosophus. noQ.kcuvo;...ieQoy?.v(piy.a. etc. See ^ESOPUS. Habentur hoc volu- mine haec, videlicet. Vita, et fabellae Aesopi, etc. fol-. 1505- Ori Apollinis. . .hierogliphica. 'Qqov 'Ano^- Iwroi ...ieQoy).v(ptxa. [The Greek version of the Egyptian, by PhiHppus ; the Latin version by B. Trebatius. Edited by J. A. Argonensis.] Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon : Paris .] Excussit P. Vidovaiis . . Ampensis . . .Conradi Resch, 1521. Orus Apollo. ..de hieroglyphicis notis, a B. Trebatio...Latinitate donatus. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. — — ' DQov'Ano).Xo)voi;...ieQoyXv(pixa. Ori Apol- linis. ..de sacris notis & sculpturis libri duo. Quibus accessit \'ersio, recdns per J. Mercerum ...concinnata.&observationesnoninfrugiferoe. Gr. &' Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Parisiis : excudebat C. Wechelus, 1548. The title to Pt. II. reads a.s follows : — " Orus Apollo, de sacris apud .lEgyptios notis ac csela- turis, Latinitate per J. Mercerutii ... donata's," etc. Cavellat copy. Hieroglyphica HorapoUinis, a D. Hoes- chelio...correcta, suppleta, illustrata. [With a Latin version by J. Mercerus.] Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Augusta Vindelicorum, 1595. HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin.] Begin. [Fol. i , recto .] QuINTI Horatii Flacci Venusini Carmi | unm [sic] Liber Primus Ad Meccenatem. | Vol. II., begin. [Fol. I , recto .] Acronis Commentatoris Egregii In Quinti Horatii | Flacci Venusini Opera Expositio Incipit. | 2 vols. 4to., [colophon to vol. II.:] Mediolani : per A. Zarothum parmensem, 1474. Hain and Copinger. •8876. Proctor, 5779 and 5783. The first dated edition of Horace. In this copy the " Ars poetica " is placed between the " Carmina " and the " Satiraj." Vol. I. wants the two blank leaves which Hain says should follow the " Epistola;," and is without initials. Old English blue morocco, gilt. Sunderland copy. [Carmina, epodi, carmen seculare and ars poetica, with the commentaries of Acron and Porphyrio.] Begin. [Fol. i , verso :] loannes Aloisius tuscanus aduocatus cosis- torialis | Francisco Helio Parthenopeio salu- tem. I [Fol. 7, recto :] QVINTI. HORATII. FLACCI . O- 1 DARVM . AD . MOECENA- TEM . I LIBER . PRIMVS. | fol., s.n. [Rome : B. Guldinbeck, 1475.] Hain, 8899. Proctor, 3559. Imperfect : want- ing fol. 5 (blank). Old English blue morocco, gilt. Simderland copy. Begin. [Fol. i , recto :] QVINTI HORATII FLACCI I VENVSINI CARMINVM LIBER I PRIMVS AD MECOENATEM. | fol,, [colophon : Milan :] opa &■ impensis Philippi de Lauagnia, 1476. Hain and Copinger, 8870. Reichling. V., 149. Proctor, 5847. Begin. [Sig. A 2, recto :] QVINTI HORATII FLACCI | VENVSINI CARMI- NVM LIBER I PRIMVS AD MECOENA- TEM. I fol., [colophon .•] in ueneciis : per Philippu':, conda petri, 1478. Hain and Copinger, 8874. Proctor, 4269. Im- perfect ; wanting sig. A i (blank) and sigs. C3 and C6, sigs. C2 and Cy being duplicated. Begin. [Fol. i, verso .] Raphael Regius Aloisio Mauroceno patricio Veneto salutem plurimam dicit. | [Sig. A 2. recto :] PORPHY- RIONIS IN Qu. HORATII FLACCI OPERIBVS COMENTVM INCIPIT. | [Sig. az, recto .] Acronis Commentatoris Egregii In Quinti Horatii Flacci ^'■enusini Operae [sic] Expositio I Incipit. | [With the text.] fol., s.n. [Venice : M. Mamolo, post Aug., 1481.] Hain and Copinger, 8878. Proctor, 4751. Im- perfect J wanting sigs. qi and q8. The initials have not been inserted. Sunderland copy. Begin. [Fol. i, verso:] AD HORATIVM FLACCVM ODE | DICOLOS TETRASTRO- PHOS I ANGELI POLITIANI. | [Fol. 2. recto :] CHRISTOPHORI LANDINI FLOR- ENTINI IN Q. HORATII | FLACCI LIBROS OMNES... I ... I INTERPRETATIONES INCIPIVNT FELICITER. | [With the text.] fol., [colophon :] florentice : per Antoniur>i miscominum, 1482. Hain and Copinger, 8881. Reichling. V.. 150. Proctor, 6142. Freeling copy. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting the first and last leaves. J. Smith's copy. Begin. [Sig. a2, recto :] VITA POETAE I CHRISTOPHORI LANDINI FLOREN- TINI IN. Q: ORATII [sic] FLACCI CAR | MINA INTERPRETATIONES INCIPIVNT FOELICITER: | [Sig. aj, recto :] MOE- CENBS [sic] AT A VIS AEDITE REGIBVS | io\.. [colophon :] Venetiis : Per Magistrum Reynaldum de Nouimagio almatium, 1483. Hain and Copinger, *8882. Proctor, 4446. Im- perfect ; wanting sig. ai (blank), M. D. Babington'a copy. [Another copy.] Also wanting sig. ai. Begin. [Fol. i , verso :] AD HORATIVM FLACCVM ODE | DICOLOS TETRASTRO- PHOS I ANGELI POLITIANI. | [Fol. 2. recto :] PROEMIVjM. | CHRISTOPHORI LANDINI FLORENTINI IN. Q. HORATII FLACCI LIBROS | OMNES AD ILLVS- TRISSIMVM GVIDONEM FELTRIVM MAGNI FEDERI | CI DVCIS FILIVM INTERPRETATIONES INCIPIVNT FOE- LICITER. I [With the text.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : per loannem de forlinio cS- socios [i.e., Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis], 1483. Hain and Copinger, '8883. Proctor, 4502. [Another copy.] Without the initials. [Opera, with the commentaries of Aero and Porphyrio.] Begin. [Sig. ai, verso :] Alexander Minutianus Appulus Magnifico uiro Bartliolomaeo | Chalco Ducalium secre- !I3 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin.] — (contd.) torum magistro JVIecoenati suo. S. | \_Sig. ^3, recto .] QuINTI HORATII FLACCI ODARVM I AD MECOENATEM. LIBER PRIMVS. I [Colophon : sig. y6. verso .] IN ofiicina egregii librarii Antonii Zarotti Parmensis. impendio Alexandri Minutiani | Appuli De sancto Seuero haec opa Mediolani impressa sunt. Anno a salutifero Virginis par I tu sexto & octogesimo supra millesi- mum & quadringentesimum. Quinto idus Martias. | etc. fol., [colophon ;] Mediolani : in officina...A. Zarotti, i486. l58 ff., unnumbered ; Big3. a-o', p*, q-s', t', u', x-y'. The initials have not been inserted. Hain, 8880. Reichling, V., 150. Proctor, 5820. — — [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting sigs. ai, e.2, and y6. Sig. a3 is damaged. Also without the initials. Begin. [Fol. i , verso : ] AD HORATIVM FLACCVM I ODE DICOLOS TETRASTRO 1 PHOS ANGELI POLITIANI | [Fol. 2, redo .] PROEMIVJI | CHRISTOPHORI LANDINI FLORENTINI IN. Qu. HORATII FLACCI LIBROS | OMNES AD ILLVS- TRISSIMVM GVIDONEM FELTRIVM MAGNI FEDERICI DV | CIS FILIVM INTERPRETATIONES INCIPIVNT FOE- LICITER. I [With the text.] fol., [colophon :] uenetiis : p magistrii Ber- nardinu de tridino ex niOtejerrato, i486. Hain and Copinger, '8884. Proctor, 4827. Begiyi. [Fol. i, recto:] TABVLA POS- TILLARVM I [Fol. 3, recto ;] lo. Franciscus Philomusus Pisaureu. [sic] Inclyto Principi loani Sfortiae .S.D. | [Sig. ai, recto :] LIBER PRIMVS I MECOENAS ATAVIS EDI | TE REGIBVS. 1 etc. [With the commentaries of Aero, Porphyrio and Landinus.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : a Georgia Arriuabene : Mantuano, 1490. Hain and Copinger, '8887. Proctor, 4917. Tliia i copy formerly belonged to the Royal Society, to which it was presented by Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk. It was afterwards sold by the Society as a duplicate, and came into tlie posses-sion of Sir E. Sullivan. Horatius cum comentariis | Ant. Manci- nelli I Acronis | Porphyrionis : | Christophori landini. I fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : a Philippo pincio Mantuano, 1492. [5 + ] 281 [li] ff. The penultimate loaf is wrontjly numbered ccxci. Sigs. A^, a-z**, &P, 9', ll", A-H", I'". Imperfect ; wanting the last leaf, probably blatik. Hain and Copinger, 8888. Proctor, 5291. Crcvenna and Bridges copy. — — Horatius cum quattuor comentarijs | [of A. Mancincllus, H. Acron, P. Porphyrio and C. Landinus]. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : \ [P. Piiiciiis for B. Fonlana,] 1495. 1 Wanting tlio In-st leaf, bearing the printer's mark. Hain antl Copinger, *8893. I'roctor, 5306. Foss and Laing copy. Horatij flacci Vcnusini. | Poete lirici opera cii qui- 1 bu,sdam .\nnotatoib". Imag- inibusq, pulcher [ rimis. aptisq3 ad Odaru concetus & sentetias | [Edited by J. Locher.] fol., [colophon:] in...vrbe Argentina: opera &- ipensis sedulis...Iohdnis Rein- hardi cognometo Giirninger [sic], 1498. Hain and Copinger, '8898. Proctor, 485. Want- ing the blank leaf at the end. Sixteentli century stamped vellum binding, with arms and initials " V. E. P." dated 1562. Horatius cum quattuor commentariis | [of Mancinellus, Acron, Porphyrio and Lan- dinus]. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : per loannem aluysium de uarisio, 1498. [2-1-] 258 {+ 4 (I blankjl ff. = 264 n., sigg. &-z', &», gs, a», A-F», G«. On the titlepage are woodcuts representing the four commentators. Hain and Copinger, 8896. Reichling, I.. 1154. Proctor, 5635. [Another copy.] [Sig. ai, recto:] Sermonu Horatii familiare com I mentum : cum Acronis subtilissima interpretatione. | [Fol. gi, recto :] Epistolarfl Horatij familiare c5 | mentum Cum Acronis subtiUssima explanatione | [With the text.] 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., [colophon: Lyons:] per Nicolait wolf , i4gg. The titlepage bears a woodcut representing Horace between Acron and J. Bade. Hain and Copinger. 8916. Horatius. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apiid Aldum Romanian, I ^oi. Renouard, p. 27. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; with made-up titlepage, and wanting sigs. ai-bi, bS, ki, and the last leaf (blank). Horatius. 8 vo., [Lyons, 1502 ?] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501. Re- nouard, p. 306. [Horatius.] 8vo., [Lyons, 1502 ?] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501, but differing from tlie preceding in numerous small particulars. Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage. Renouard, p. 306. Horatii odg, carmen epodon et sgculare cum exactissima A. Mancinelli : et cum familiari J. Badii... explanatione. (De arte poetica libellus. — Scrmones & epistolg Quinti Flacci Horatii cum familiari & dilucida explanatione J. Badii... ab eodem diligetius rc- cognita et in epistolas pr^sertim & aucta & repo.sita.) 3 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon : Paris :] in nobilissimo parthisiorii [sic] gymnasia, 1 503. Witii tlio mark of D. Roco on the titlepage. Each part has a separate pagination, colophon and register. Pt. II., containing tlie " Ars poetico," has no titlepage. [Another copy.] \Vith tliO murk of J. Petit on the titlepage, the imprint reading: " Venundantur I'arrhisiis... ab J. l*arvo,*' etc. Scrmones et cpistole Q. Flacci Horatii cum familiari {k dilucida explanatione J. Badii... ab codem diligciUius rccognila. I'.t in epi- stolas prescrtim el aucta et reposila. fol., [colophon : Paris :] p Johane philippe, 1506. With the mark of J. tlranion on the titlepjigo, tho imprint reading : " Vommdatitur Parisius [sic] a Johanne granion." ct^. Tho *' Satiru) " and " Epistoliu " ore Heparatcly foliated, tho latter lm\ing an indr^pendcnt titlepage. Klosg copy. 214 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera.— La/JM.] — (contd.) — — Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, in quibus multa correcta sunt...Adnotationes non- nullae in toto opere, in quibus vel aliquid mutandum ostenditur, vel cur mutatum sit, ratio redditur. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : aptid Aldutn Romanum, 1509. Renouard, p. 56. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, etc. 8vo., [Lyons.'] (15 11.) A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1509. Renouard, p. 311. — — Q. Horatii Flacci opera cum commentariis, ode quidem : carme epodon & sseculare : cii docta A. Mancinelli : et cum familiari J. Badii Ascensii explanatione. Opus autem de arte poetica cum ejusdem Ascensii comen- tariis...Sermones vero et epistole cum... ejusde expositione, etc. [Edited by A. Mancinellus.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon ;] in nohilissimo parrhistorii gymnasio : in fdibus Ascensianis, 151 1. With the mark of J. Bade on the titlepage, the imprint reading: " V^enundantur Parriiisiis. . . ab J. Parvo, D, Roce et ipso Ascensio." Kocli copy. — — [Another copy.] With the mark of D. Roce on the titlepage. Cooper copy. ' Horatius cum quattuor commentarius [sic] videlicet Porlirio, Acrono [sic] . . . Landino, Mancinello. fol., [colophon :] Mediolani : per Magistru Ludoviciim de Bebulco, 1512. On tlie titlepage are woodcuts representing Horace and the four commentators. The colophon occurs at the end of the "Tabula," which, in this copy, has been placed at the beginning of thevolume. Panzer, VII., 392, 116. lilosscopy. — ^ Q. Horatii Flacci opera cu cometariis, etc. [Edited by J. Badius.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Parrhisiis : apiid Badium, 1 5 16. Another edition of that of Paris, 1511. Q. Horatii Flacci odarum libri quatuor : epodi, carmen saeculare, Porpyrio [sic] : A. Man[cinello], Ascensio interpretibus. Ejusdem ars poetica, sermonum libri duo, epistolarum totidem Joanne Brita[nico]...iterprete, etc. [Edited by J. Britannicus.] 4 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : per A. Paga- ninR, 15 16. Each part has a separate register. Sigs. AA*, A-P« ; Aa«, Bb'O ; a-g« ; aa-ee», fi». Pts. I. and IV. are foliated, and pt. I. has a separate colophon. Wanting sig. ff4. probably blank. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, nuper q^ ac- curatissime castigata, & in quibus multa sunt addita ad eorum declarationem spectantia... Adnotationes aliquot M. Bonfinis, etc. [Edited by Benedictus, Philologus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Ltigdnni : sumptibus Bartholomei trot., 1518. Renouard, p. 314. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata nuper q dili- gentissime recognita cum institutionibus qbusdam suis locis positis quae comentariorum vice funguntur, etc. [Edited by Benedictus, Philologus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Florentia; : per haredes P. Jiuitcv, 1510. Renouard. p. xliv. Opa Q. Horatii Flacci... cum quatuor commetariis, Acronis, Porphyrionis, A. Man- cinelli, J. Badii Ascensii accurate repositis. Cuq, adnotationibus M. Bonfinis : & A. Manutii...a Philologo recognitis : suisq:; locis insertis & ad finem ex integro restitutis, etc. [Edited by J. Badius.] fol., Parrhisiis : ab ipso Ascensio, [colophon :] 15 19. Another edition of that of Paris, 1511. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting the first leaf, bearing the title, with the editor's preface on the verso. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia. Centi- metrum Marii Servii. Annotationes A. Manutii ... in Horatium. Ratio mensuum, quibus odae ejusdem poetas tenentur eodem Aldo authore. N. Peroti [sic] libellus ejus- dem arguments [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in adibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 15 19. Renouard, p. 88. Latham copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., s.n. [Venice?: Gregorius de Gregoriis?] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 15 19. Renouard, p. 318. Syston Park and Sullivan copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Basileae : in aedibus A. Cartandri [i.e., Cratandri], 1520. Q. Horatii Flacci odarum libri quatuor : epodi, carmen saeculare. . .Ejusdem ars poetica, sermonum libri duo, epistolarum totidem, etc. [Edited by J. Britannicus.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : per Gulielmum de Fontaneto de Monteferrato, 1520. Another edition of that of Venice, 1516. J. A. Brassicanus' copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, in quibus multa correcta sunt, et institutiones suis locis positg, comentariorum quodamodo \'ice funguntur... Adnotationes nonnullf in toto opere, etc. i6mo., [colophon : Toscolano .-] A. Paganinus, 1521. A reprint of the edition issued by Aldus in 1509, Q. Horatii Flacci... opera, cum commen- tariis Acronis... castigati aeditiqj;, ac aniplis- simo indice illustrati [sic]. [Edited by M. Bentinus.] 8vo., Basileae : apiid V. Curionem, 1527. Fdlibien copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, etc. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1527. Another edition of that issued by Aldus in 1519. Renouard, p. 104. Blue morocco, with the title of the book and the inscriptions " M. Laurini et Amicorum " and *' Virtus in arduo '* on the sides. Carteret copy. [Another copy.] Horatius cum quinque commentis. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia : commen- tantibus A. Macinello : Acrone : Porphyrione : J. Britanico : necno & J. Badio...Centi- metrum M. Servii. Annotationes A. i\Ianutii ...Ratio mensuum: quibus odae tenentur: eodem Aldo auctore. N. Peroti [sic] libellus de metris odaru 3. Annotationes M. Bofinis, etc. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : per Guilielmum de Fontaneto Montisferruti, 1527. 2'5 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera.— Latin.]— {contd.) Q. Horatii Flacci odarum sive carminum libri quatuor. Epodon liber unus. Cum annotatiunculis...adjectis..,N. Perotti libellus ...de metris odarum Horatianarum. (Q. Horatii Flacci epistolarum libri duo. Ser- monum sive satyrarum libri duo ad Mecoena- tem. Ars poetica, eic.) 2 pts. 8vo., Parisiis : apuil S. Colinaum, 1528. Opera Q. Horatii Flacci... cum quatuor commentariis, etc. [Edited by J. Badius.] fol., [^colophon .•] Parrhisiis : P. Gromorsus excudebat, 1528. Another edition of that issued by Bade in 1519. With the mark of J. Petit on the title- page, the imprint reading : *' Venundantur Parrisiis apud J. Parvum," etc. Imperfect ; wanting fol. XCVI. Q. Horatii Flacci odarum sive carminum libri quatuor, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Antverpics : apud M. Cessarem, 1529. Another edition of that issued by S. de Colines in 1528. Heber copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... opera, doctissimis illustrata scholiis. 8vo., Lugduni : Seb. Gryphius excud., 1 531. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, studio ac diligentia H. Glareani P. L. recognita, ejusdem4; annotationibus illustrata ... Ad- jecta sunt prffitcrea ubiq; argumenta, & car- minum rationes, etc. (N. Peroti [s/c]... libellus de metris odarum Horatianarum.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Fribitrgi Brtsgoics : excudebat J. P. Enimeus, 1533. Ft. II. compiisesthe notes of Glareanus. Finloy copy. — — Q. Horatii Flacci... posterior aeditio... N. Perotti libellus dc metris Horatianarum odarum. A. Manutii...in eunde adnotatio- nes...Interlineares etiam notulas ex Acrone, Mancinello, & Matthaco Bonfinis plurimas Jamprimum adjecimus, etc. Svo., Lugduni : in adibus M. et G. Trechsel Jratrum, 1533. Q. Horatii Flacci odarum sive carminum libri quatuor, etc. (Q. Horatii Flacci epi- stolarum libri duo, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. Colinerum, 1533. Another edition of tliat is.sued by S. de Colines in 1528. [Another edition of Pt. II.] 8vo., Antverpia; : apud M. CcBsarem, 1534. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, studio ac diligentia H. Glareani recognita, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Priburgi Vrisgoiae : excudebat J. F. Einincus, 1536, 35. Another edition of that issued by Emmous in 1533- [Another copy of Pt. If.) [Another copy of Pt. II.] Horatius cum quinquc commcntis. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, etc. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibus J. Tacuini de Tridino, 1536. Another edition of that i.Hsiied by Fontaneto in 1527- Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, doc- tissimis scholiis illustrata. Svo., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1537. Q. Horatii Flacci odarum sive carminum libri quatuor, etc. (Q. Horatii Flacci episto- larum libri duo, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis: apud S. Colinaum, 1539. Another edition of that issued by S. de Colines in 1528- Horatius. N. Perotti libellus no infrugifer de metris odarum Horatianarum. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud S. Colinteiim, 1540. Another edition of that issued by S. de Colines in 1528. Purple morocco by Hardy. Martin copy. Horatius cum quinque commentis. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, etc. fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : per V Roffinellum, 1 540. Another edition of that issued by Fontaneto in 1527- Opera Q. Horatii Flacci. Metrica car- minum ratione, & argumentis ubiq; tum etiam doctissimorum virorum D. Erasmi... M. A. SabeUici, B. Pii, A. Manutii, A. Poli- ciani, L. Coelii...P. Criniti, M. Bonfinis, &. Jacobi Bononiensis annotationibus in illius poemata adjectis. 8vo., Colonics : apud J. Gymnicum, 1541. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, scholiis doctissimis illustrata. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1542. Another edition of that issued by Grypliius in 1 531. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera cum quatuor commentariis... Adjectae... H. Glareani ... an- notationes, etc. fol., Parisiis : venundantur in cpdibus Mauricii de porta. 1543. With the mark of J. Bade on the titlopago. The notes of Glaroanus have a distinct register and are without foliation. Another oilition of that issued by Bade in 1519. Louis XIV. 's copy. Horatius. N. Perotti libellus non in- frugifer de metris odarum Horatianarum. l6mo., Parisiis : apud S. Colinaum, 1543. Another edition of that issued by S. de Colinas in 1528. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, doc- tissimis scholiis illustrata. (Q. Horatii Flacci epistolarum libri duo. Sermonum... libri duo ...Ars poetica, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., AntverpicB : excudebat J. Crinitus, 1544. Tlio first part also includes " N. Perotti. ..libellus, do metris odarum Horatianarum." Sunder- land copy. Q. Horatii Flacci ... poemata omnia, scholiis doctissimis illustrata. Svo., Lug- duni : apud Guilielmum dc Mittis, 1 544. The colophon rcatls : *' Kxcudf'but .1. I'tiUonii-^, alias fie Tritlino." Sunderlaml copy, inter- leaved. Q. 1 loratii Flacci poemata. Ratio mcn- suun'i quibus otlx- cjusdcm pocUc tonetur [by N. I'crottus). Centimetrum Marii Scrvii. Varia? lectiones ex vctusliss. codicilnis. 8vo., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stcphani, 1544. Deinanvs-te d','\lRO nnfl Snnderlanil rnpw [Another copy.] M()i'roII eopy. 2l6 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin .] — (contd.) -^^ Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, cum ratione carminum, & argumentis ubiq; in- sertis, interpretibus Acrone, Porphirione, Jano Parrhasito, A. Mancinello, necnon J. Badic.His nos prasterea annotationes...A. Thylesii...F. Robortelli...atq; H. Glareani... addidimus. N. Peroti [57c]...libellus demetris odarum, etc. fol., Venetiis : aptid H. Scotum, 1544. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... opera... commentaria ...addidimus, nempe Acronis & Porphyrionis ...Item annotationes...H. Glareani, etc. fol., [colophon ;] Basilecs : per H. Petrum, l.';45- With MS. notes by J. Broukhusius. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Post omnes omnium editiones summa denuo vigilantia recognita. i6mo., Lugduni : .4. Vincentio excudebant G. &- M. Beringi, jratres, 1545. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Ad castigatis- simi cujusq; exemplaris fidem quam accu- ratissime restituta. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, etc. Svo., Liigdtmi : apiid Seb. Gryphium, 1545. Another edition of that issued by Gryphius in 1531- Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia... quani diligentissime restituta. i6mo., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1545. [Another edition.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud A. Parvum, 1545. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. 5 pts. [in 1 vol.] 4to., Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, 1 545. Each part has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. Crofts and Wodliull copy. Q. Horatii Flacci. ..poemata omnia, scholiis doctissimis illustrata. 8vo., Venetiis : ex ofjicina Erasmiana, apud V. Valgrisium, 1545. Q. Horatii Flacci. ..omnia poemata, etc. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud V. Ruf- ftnellum [sic], 1546. Another edition of that of Venice, 1544. Q- Horatii Flacci opera, etc. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Another edition of that issued by S. Gryphius in 1545- Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia. Scholiis doctissimis illustrata. Svo. .Venetiis : ex officina F. Bindoni et M. Pasini, 1548. The colophon is dated 1547. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scoliis [sic] et argumentis ab H. Stephano illustrata, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., LuteticB : ex officina R. Stephani, 1549. Pt. II. wants the titlepage. Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, etc. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud haeredes P. Ravani et socios, 1549. Another edition of that of Venice, 1544. - Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. A re-issue of the edition of 1545. [Another copy.] - Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Pts. I. -II. 4to., LuteticB : ex officina M. Vascosani, 1553. 45- Wanting all but the " Carmina " and " Epodi." Pt. II. is of the original edition. Carteret copy. - Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata. etc. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud Petrum de Nicolinis de Sabio, 1553. Another edition of that of Venice, 1544. [Another edition.] fol., Venetiis : apud H. Scotum, 1553. Imperfect ; wanting fol. 229. Sunderland copy. - Q. Horatii Flacci. ..poemata omnia, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud L. B. [i.e., Seb.] Gryphium, 1554. Another edition of that issued by Gryphius in 1531. This edition, which has 302 pp., difiera from that described in Baudrier, VIII., 272. Wodhull copy. Opera Q. Horatii Flacci... H. Acronis, et Porphirionis commentariis illustrata... edita... per G. Fabricium, etc. (Horatiani hujus voluminis tomus alter, etc.) 2 tom. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon .-] Basilea, 1555. The pagination is consecutive. Horatius. M. A. Mureti in eundem anno- tationes. A. Manutii lie metris Horatianis. Ejusdem annotationes in Horatium. 8vo., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1555. The notes follow the 144 numbered leaves and are not foliated. Renouard, p. 165. - Q. Horatii Flacci... opera, summo studio, cura4; emendata, etc. i6mo., Antverpice, 1556. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, etc. 8vo., Antverpice, 1557. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia... re- cognita : variisq; adnotationibus aucta [by J. Boulierius]. i6mo., Lugduni, 1558. Sunderland copy. O. Horatii Flacci. ..poemata. ..Scholiis... illusUata. 5 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Parisiis, 1558, 53, 59. Each part has a separate titlepage. Pt. II., con* taining the " Epodi," is of an earlier edition. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia... aucta [by J. Boulierius]. i6mo., Lugduni, 1559. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, etc. fol., Venetiis, 1559. Another edition of that of Venice, 1544. with the omission of the scholia of Erasmus. [Another copy.] Horatius. M. A. Mureti in eum scholia. A. Manutii de metris Horatianis. Ejusdem annotationes in Horatium. 8vo., Venetiis, [P. Manutius ?] 1559. Another edition of that issued by P. Manutius in 1555. Renouard, p. 17S. 217 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin.] — (contd.) — — Q. Horatius Flaccus... opera D. Lambini ...emcndatus : ab eodemqj; commentariis copiosissimis illustratus, nunc primiam in lucem editus. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Lugdunt, 1561. Lovedon copy. [Another copy.] Horatius M. A. Mureti in eum scholia, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1561. Another edition of that issued by P. Manutius in 1555. Renouard, p. 183. Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, etc. fol., Venetiis, 1562. Another edition of that of Venice, 1559. —— Q. Horatius Flaccus, T. Pulmanni... sunimo studio, curaque emcndatus. A. Manutii de metris Horatianis. i6mo., Antverpiee, 1564. Horatius. In quo quidem, praeter M. A. Mureti scholia, J. M. Bruti animadversiones liabentur, quibus obscuriores plerique loci illustrantur. A. Manutii de metris Hora- tianis libellus, etc. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1564. Renouard, p. 195. Q. Horatius Flaccus... opera D. Lambini... emcndatus, etc. 2 vols, [in i.] 4to., Venetiis, 1565. Anotlier edition of that of Lyons, 1561. Simder- iand copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus, T. Pulmanni... opera, ad Mureti. ..editionem...collatus, & scholiis... illustratus, etc. i6mo., Antverpia, 1566. Bound in two vols. Incomplete ; wanting the notes (pp. 289-end). Q. Horatius Flaccus... emendatus, ac argu- mcntis variisque lectionibus... illustratus. i6nio., l.ugduni : apud A. Gryp/iium, 1566. [L'opere d'Oratio [in Latin]... comentate da G. Fabrini...in lingua vulgare toscana, etc.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetia, 1566. This copy has a made-up titlepage. Sussex copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus... opera D. Lambini ...emendatus : ab eodemq3 commentariis copiosiss. illustratus. His adjecimus J. M. Bruti in quatuor libros carminum, atque in librum epodon explicationcs, etc. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 4to., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1566. Another edition of tiiatof Lyons, 1561. Renouard, p. 201. C. Lloyd's copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata, quae extant, omnia, a mendis...repurgata, ac doctissimis F. Irenici, in artem poeticam, & libros epistolarum, annotationibus...illustrata, etc. 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] 8vo., Francojurti ad Mwnum, 1567. Pt. IL is incomplete, wanting ff. 8fj-end. Tlio title to pt. IL roads: " F. Irenici. ..in artom poeticam et hbros epistolaru Horalii iinnota- tiones doctissini.-c, per P. Irenicuiii...suinrini diligentia coUectir, ac.nuno primiiin in lueein editae." Q. Horatius Flaccus... emendatus, variis- que lectionibus, scholiisque... illustratus. 8vo.. Lugduni : apud A. Gryphium, 1567. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus, sex abhinc annos [in 1561]... opera D. Lambini... emendatus : ab eodemque commentariis copiosissimis ex- plicatus...nunc ab eodem...purgatus, iisdem- que commentariis plus tertia parte ampli- ficatis illustratus. 2 vols, [in i.] fol., Lutetics, 1567. [Another copy, with a new titlepage to Vol. I., dated 1568.] fol., Lutetice, 1568, 67. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Cum A. Manutii, & M. A. Mureti annotationibus. Ejusdem Manutii de metris Horatianis. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud A. Gryphium, 1574. Pt. II. is incomplete, wanting the notes of Aldus Manutius and his treatise on the metres of Horace. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata . . . Editio haec ...annotationibus ... instructa est : k G. Xylandro. 2 pts. 8vo., Heidelbergee , 1575. Pt. II. has no titlepage. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, novis scholiis et argumentis ab H. Stephano illustrata. Ejusdem H. Stephani diatribse de hac sua editione Horatii, & variis in eum observa- tionibus. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Paris, 1575.] Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia, anno- tationibus. . .illustrata. 8vo., Venetiis : apud J. Gryphium, 1575. O. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia. Quibus respondet index T. Treteri nuper excusus. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Antverpia', 1576, 75. The index has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, etc. fol., Venttiis, 1576. Another edition of that of Venice, 1559. Sunder- land copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus emendatus. Seorsum cxcusa: T. Pulmanni... in cum annotationes. A. Manutii scholia, et de metris Horatianis. M. A. Mureti scholia. J. Hartungi annota- tiones. Index. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., AntverpicB, 1^77. Pt. II. , containing the notes, etc., has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. D. Lambini... in Q. Horatium Flaccum ...commenlarii [with the text]...ab auctore plus tertia parte post primam editioncm amplificati. Editio postrema. 2 pts. [in I vol.) fol., Francojurti ad Moenuin, IS77- Q. Horatius Flaccus ... emendatus ... & edit\is, opera J. Cruquii.. .Ejusdem in eundem enarrationcs, obscrvationes, et varia; Icc- tioncs, etc. 4to., .inlverpiae, 1578. Ca.saubon copy. Q. Horatius h'laccus... opera D. Lambini ...emendatus, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Lutetiai, 1579. .\noilier edition of that of Paris, 1567. 2l8 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera.— Latin.]— (contd.) Q. Horatius Flaccus emendatus. Seorsum excusae T. Pulraanni...in eum annotationes, etc. Pt. I. i6mo., Antverpia, 1580. Another edition of that of Antwerp, 1577. Inter- leaved copy. Wanting pt. II., containing the notes, etc. Q. Horatii Flacci ... opera, grammati- corum XL. . . . partini justis commentariis, partim succinctis annotationibus...iii unum corpus collectis, illustrata, etc, [Edited by N. Hoeniger.] fol., [colophon :] Basilecs, 1580. Printed in double columns. L'opere d'Oratio [in Latin]... CO mentate da G. Fabrini...in lingua vulgare toscana... Di nuovo in questa terza editione...emendato. 8vo., Venetia, 1581. P. Gualterii Chabotii...expositio analytica & brevis in universum Q. Horatii Flacci poema, etc. [With the text.] 8vo., Partsiis, 1582. Q. Horatii Flacci. ..omnia poemata, etc. fol., Venetiis : apud J. Gryphium, 1584. Another edition of that of Venice, 1559. B. Parthenii...in Q. Horatii Flacci car- mina atq. epodos commentarii [with the text], etc. (Q. Horatii Flacci sermonum libri quatuor...cum argumentis [by B. Parthenius], etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Venetiis: apud D. Nicolinum, 1584. The titlepage is engraved. J. Maynard's copy. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Venetiis : Aldus [A. Manutitts, the Younger], 1585, 84. A duplicate of the above, with the first four leaves reprinted, a printed titlepage with the mark of Aldus being substituted for the en- graved one in the first part. Renouard, p. 235. Marsh and Tasker copy. [Another copy.] L'opere d'Oratio [in Latin]... commentate da G. Fabrini...Ln lingua volgare toscana, etc. 8vo., Venetia, 1587. Another edition of that of 1581. —— Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, novis scholiis et argumentis ab H. Stephano illustrata... Editio secunda, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Paris,] 1588. The first edition appeared in 1575. P. Gualterii Chabotii...in Q. Horatii Flacci poema expositio analytica... Editio secunda, etc. [With the text.] 8vo., Basileae, 1589. The first edition wtis published in 1582. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. ..Editio haec ... annotationibus ... instructa est: a G. Xylandro. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Neostadii, 1590. Another edition of that of Heidelberg, 1575. Q. Horatii Flacci... omnia poemata, etc. fol., Venetiis, 1590. Another edition of that of Venice, 1559. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata... paraphrasi a F. Ceruto... illustrata. Cui nunc additus est libellus perelegans de re poetica incer auctoris. 4 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., VeroncE, 1593, 85, 88. The original edition, of 1585, consisted of two parts containing the works and the paraphrase of all but the " Ars poetica." In this edition there has been added Cerutus' paraphrase (with the text) of the "Ars poetica," together with the " De re poetica." P. Gualterii Chabotii . . . praelectionum in Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, tomus primus (— tertius), etc. [With the text.] 3 torn, [in I vol.] fol., Basilecs, 1594, 91. The pagination is consecutive. The colophon of torn. I. is dated 1587. D. Lambini...in Q. Horatium Flaccum... a se emendatum...commentariisque copiosis- simisexplicatum...Quaehuic quarts... editioni sint addita, epistola ad lectorem...docebit. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Francojurti, 1596. Another edition of that of 1577. Q. Horatius Flaccus : cum commentariis ...commentatoris veteris, et J. Cruquii, etc. 4to., Liigdunt Batavorum, 1597. Another edition of that of 1578. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata F. Ceruti... paraphrasi illustrata. Editio postrema, & auctior. 8vo., Verona, 1597. Another edition of that of 1593, 85, 88. La- inoignon copy. Q. Horacio Flacco...Sus obras [in Latin] con la declaracion magistral en lengua Cas- tellana. Por el Doctor Villen de Biedma. fol., Granada, 1599. E. Lubini in Q. Horatii Flacci poemata quae exstant omnia paraphrasis scholiastica nova, etc. 10 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Rostochii, 1599, 98. Each part has a separate titlepage and register. Without pagination. Q. Horatii Flacci ... poemata omnia... Additi sunt indices locuplttissimi duo : unus docti cujusdam viri, per H. Stephanum re- cognitus : alter T. Treteri, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Francojurti. i6cxD. The index by Treterus has a separate titlepage and pagination. [Another copy.] In this copy the index by Treterus precedes the works. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. ..Editio tertia, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Paris.] 1600. The first edition was published in 1575. Q. Horatii Flacci, poemata. quae extant, omnia, argumentis et scholis virorum doctiss. illustrata, cum indicationc diversarum lec- tionum... studio et opera G. Bersmani. 8vo.. [Leipzig,] 1602. Sunderland copy. In Q. Horatium Flaccum, D. Lambini... commentarius locupletissimus. Sexta et postrema editio... Additae sunt H. Stephani diatriba. unde...obscuriorum locorum ex- plicatio peti potest. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Aitrelia Allohrogum, 1605, 04. [Another copy.] In the imprint of this copy " AureliffiAlIobrogum " has been erased and " Genevae " substituted. 119 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera.— La/iw.] — [contd.) Q. Horatius Flaccus... opera D. Lambini ...emendatus ... Accessenint ... A. Turnebi ... in eundem Horatium commentarii, etc. (Q. Horatii Flacci sermon.um...libri duo, etc.) (T. Marcilii...ad Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia, quotidiana & emendate lectiones.) 3 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Parisiis, 1605, 04. Mitford copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis...a Joanne Bond illustrata. 8vo., Londini : excudebat Johannes Norton, 1606. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum erudito L. Torrentii commentario, nunc primiim in lucem edito [by B. Moretus]. Item P. Nannii ...in artem poeticam. 4to., Antuerpies, 1608. Bound in two volumes. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Novis scho- liis & argumentis illustrata. ivo., Venetiis, 1609. Pizzo copy. Horatius. M. A. Mureti in eundem anno- tationes. A. Manutii de metris Horatianis. Ejusdem annotationes in Horatium. 8vo., Liigdugni [stc], 1610. Another edition of that issued by P. Manutius in 1555. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus : cum commentariis ...commentatoris veteris et J. Cruquii, etc. 4to., [Leyden,] 161 1. Another edition of that of 1578. Q. Horatius Flaccus accuratissimfi emen- datus, & explicatus paraphrasi nova scholias- tica E. Lubini, jam de integro edita, &... correcta. 4to., Francofurii, 1612. An earlier edition was published at Rostock in 1599- Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Cum animad- versionibus & notis D. Heinsii longe auctiori- bus. Idem librum de satyra praefixit, etc. (Fragmcnta e Timonis Phliasii sillis ex (liversis autoribus collecta. Gr. — C. Lucilii fragmenta selectiora.) 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Litgduni Batavorum, 161 2. [Another copy.] Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia... re- cognita : variisq. adnotationibus aucta. 8vo., Venetiis, 1612. Q. Horatius Flaccus. (J. Rutgersii notse in Horatium.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Lutetia, 161 3. L'opere d'Oratio [in Latin]... commentate da G. Fabrini...Di nuova in questa ultima editionc.cincndato. 4to., Venetia, 1613. A reprint of the edition of 1587. (,). Horatii Flacci poemata. Scholiis...a Joanne Bond illustrata. Quarta cditio rc- cognita. etc. 8vo., Londini : impensis Jlonhami Norton, 1614. O. Horatii Flacci opera omnia, a P* Gualt. Chabotio ... trijilici artificio cxplicata- Nuncvcrda J. J. (.irasscro...cx ipsiusChabotii lucubrationibus manuscriptis... aucta, etc. 3 tom. [in I vol.] fol., Colon(ia) Munatianae, 1615. The titlepage of Tom. I. has an engraved border. The titlepages of Tom. II. and III. read re- spectively : " Q. Horatii Flacci satyrse oranes " and " Q. Horatii Flacci epistolie onines." Q. Horatius Flaccus, ab omni obscoenitate Romae expurgatus. Additae sunt perbreves difificiliorum locorum explicationes, etc. 8vo., Coloniae, 1 61 6. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia. 8vo., Amstolodartii [sic^ i6i6. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci... poemata omnia... Ac- cessit F. Morelli...GrKca paraphrasis lyrica secularium carm. & od. Novissima...editio. i6mo., Parisiis, 161 7. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus, M. A. Mureti, et T. Pulmanni ... summo studio, curaque emen- datus. i6mo., Duaci, 1620. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis...i Johanne Bond illustrata. Editio tertia re- cognita, etc. 8vo., Hanovia, 162 1. [Another edition.] 8vo., Amstelodami, 1625. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] i2mo., Parisiis, 1625. Q. Horatius Flaccus, accuratissimd emen- datus & explicatus paraphrasi nova scholi- astica E. Lubini, jam de integro edita, &... correcta. 4to., Rostochii, 1626. LempriAre de la Garde and Hoym copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia ; cum novis argumentis. 8vo. [7.8x4.4 cm.], Sedani, 1627. Q. Horatius Flaccus. D. Heinsius ex emendatissimis editionibus expressit, & re- praesentavit. (D. Heinsii de satyra Hora- tiana libri duo, etc. D. Heinsii in Q. Horatii Flacci opera, animadversiones et nota;.) 3 pts. [in 2 vols.] l6mo., Ltigduni Batavorum, 1628-29. Pt. I. Wilkinson copy. [Another copy, in i vol.] The titlepage of Pt. I. is engraved and dated 1629. Farmer copy. [Another copy, in 2 vols.] [Another copy of Pt. III.] Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Scholiis... illustrata, a Joanne Bond. i2mo., Amsterodami, 1630. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci opera ab obscoenitate cxpurgata. iTimo., Antverpim, 1630. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Scholiis... illustrata, i Joanne Bond. 121110., Amsterodami, 1636. The titlepage is engraved. 220 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Ope R A . — Latin .] — icontd . ) — ^ Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis...a Joanne Bond illustrata. Sexta editio re- cognita, etc. 8vo., Londini : apud T. Harperum. impensis Jocos. Norton, &-Richardi Whitakeri, 1637. Imperfect ; wanting all after p. 310. — — Q. Horatii Flacci opera. fol., Partsns, 1642. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatius Flaccus, scholiis...illustratus a Joanne Bond. i2mo. , AmstilcBdami, 1650. The titlepage is engraved. — — Q. Horatii Flacci opera ex emendatissimis editionibus expressa, etc. 8vo., Antverpice, 1656. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Cum commentariis selectissimis variorum : & scholiis integris Johannis Bond. Accedunt indices ... accu- rante C. Schrevelio. 8vo., Lugd[uni] Batavorum, 1658. The titlepage is engraved. L'opere d'Oratio [in Latin]... commentate da G. Fabrini...Di nuovo in questa ultima editione...emendato. 4to., Venetia, 1669. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis... a Joanne Bond illustrata. Octava editio, re- cognita, etc. i2mo., Londini, 1670. O. Horatii Flacci opera... recensuit T. Faber, & notulas ac monita ad odas addidit, etc. i2mo., Salnmrii, 1671. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, denuo emendata. l2mo., Antverpice, 1675. The titlepage is engraved. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum notis margina- libus J. Minelli, et D. F. Rappolti...commen- tario...nec non L. J. FelIeri...supplemento, etc. 8vo., Lipsice, 1675. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis... illustrata, a Joanne Bond. Editio nova. i2mo., Amstelodami, 1676. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatius Flaccus. D. Heinsius ex emendatissimis editionibus expressit, etc. i6mo., Amstelodami, 1676. The titlepage is engraved. Sunderland copy. - Q. Horatii Flacci poemata : cum com- mentariis J. Minellii. Prsemisso A. Manutii de metris Horatianis tractatu, etc. 1 2 mo., Londini, 1676. [Another edition.] l2mo., Roterodami, 1677. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Sunderland copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus, scholiis... illustratus, a Johanne Bond. Editio emaculatior, etc. i2mo., London, 1678. R. Turner's copy. P. Rodellii... Horatius ad serenissimum Galliarum Delphinum. 8vo., Toloscr, 1683. [Another edition.] 2 tom. i2mo., Parisiis. 1686. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], ab omni obsccenitate expurgata, cum annota- tionibus [by M. Brochard]. i2mo., Turonibus, 1688. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 85-86. Q. Horatius Flaccus. D. Heinsius ex emendatissimis editionibus expressit, etc. i6mo., Amstelodami, 1690. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, scholiis... illustrata a Johanne Bond. Accesserunt parodiae, in libros odarum & epodon, rebus sacris...accommodatap, D. Hoppii ; item aliorum cl. virorum. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo. [16.7x6.7 cm.], Brunsvigae, 1690. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The " Pare- dias " have a .separate titlepage and pagination, Q. Horatii Flacci opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit L. Desprez...in usum serenis- simi Delphini, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1691. [Another edition.] Svo., Amstelodami, 1695. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci operum pars prima ( — altera). ..Quibus notas addidit E. a Zurck. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Harlemi, (1696.) Q. Horatii Flacci opera ... Accesserunt varias lectiones, etc. [Edited by J. Talbot.] 4to., Cantabrigics, 1699. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Accedunt J. Rutgersii lectiones Venusinse. [Edited by P. Burmannus.] i2mo., Traject[t] Batav[orum], 1699. The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatius Flaccus a Joanne Bond illus- tratus. i2mo., Patavii, s.a. [c. 1700.] The titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Cum notis selectissimis A. Dacierii e Gallico in Latin um versis. Quibus suas adjecit E. Zurck. Svo., Londini, 1702. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia... denuo edita et notis. ..illustrata. ..studio C. Junckeri. i2mo., Lipsia, 1709. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione & cum notis atque emendationibus R. Beutleii. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Cantabrigics, 171 1. With a second, engraved, titlepage dated 1708, Pt. II. comprises the notes, and has a separate titlepage and pagination. For criticisms on this edition, see J. Ker's " Quaternae epistolae " (1713), and J. Le Clerc's "Judgment and cen- sure of Dr. Bentley's Horace " (171 3). Editio altera. (Index. ..olim quidem coUectus a T. TretTo ... nunc vero ... aucttis & emendatus ab L Verburgio.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Amstelaedami , 1713. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The index is separately paged. Q. Horatius Flaccus ad nuperam R. Bentleiieditionem accurate e.xpressus. Notas addidit T. Bentleius. 8vo., Cantabrigio". 171 3. Q. Horatius Flaccus... emendatus. [Edited by P. Burmannus.] i2mo.. Trajecti Batavorum, 1713. With a second, engraved, titlepage. 221 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin .] — (contd.\ Q. Horatii Flacci opera. (Inde.x in Horatium.) [Edited by M. Maittaire.] i2mo., Loiidint, 1715. Freind copy. [Another copy.] I.. P. Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione Heinsii et Fabri, ac cum variis lectionibus R. Bentleii. i6mo., A»isteladami, 17 19. Tlie titlepage is engraved. Q. Horatii Flacci opera expurgata. Inter- pretatione ad verbum...ac notis illustravit J. du Hamel. 2 torn, [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1720. Imperfect , wanting pp. xi-xiv of " Do metris Horatianis." Tom. II. has no titlepage. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata...emendavit, variasque. . .lectiones adjecit A. Cuningamius. Svo., Hagae Comitiim, 1721. [Another copy.] Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae, una cum scholiis ...Adjecit etiam...& sua; textumquc.re- stituit W. Baxter. 8vo., Londini, 1725. Mitfoicl and Iluipor copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, intcrpretatione ct notis illustravit L. Desprez, etc. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 4to.. Venetiis, 1727. The pagination is consecutive. [Another copy.] L. P. 2 torn. W'itli a second, engraved, titlepage. O. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione... R. Bentleii. Editio tertia. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Amstelaedami, 1728. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Wray copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], ad suum ordinem ac nitorem revocata, studio & opera N. S. Sanadonis. i2mo., Luteties Parisiorum. 17 2S, [Another copy.] Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e.. opera], ab omni obscoenitate expurgata. Textum... recensuit, notas ... adjunxit M. Brochard... Editio novissima. i2mo., Parisiis, 1728. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. 24mo., F.dinburqi, 1731. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, ex castiga- tionibus observationibusque Bentleii, Cunin- gamii & Sanadonis emendata [by M. Guyot de Merville]. i6mo., Hamburgi, i733- Q. Horatii Flacci opera. 1 2 mo., Parisiis, 1733. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. 1,. P. 2 vols., illust. 8vo., Londini, I7:i3-i7. Kngiavod on copper, with vignettes, by J. Pine. Taskor copy. English red morocco, gilt and tooled. Q. Horatius Flaccus. [Edited, with notes, by J. Jones.] 4to., Londini, 1736. The notes are separately paged. llungcrford copy. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata. Diese giebt mit ' Heinsii, Rappolti, Dacieri, Massoni, Tarteroni, P. Coste, auscrlcscnen, wie auch seinen eignen...Anmerckungen...zum andem- mahl, und zwar vermehrtcr, heraus M. C. Gottschling. 8vo., Ntirnberg, 1739. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, ad fidem editionis alterius Cantabrigiensis [of R. Bentley] castigata. i2mo., Londini, 1740. Q. Horatius Flaccus... emendatus, et inter- punctione nova saepius illustratus. 1 2 mo., Clasgitae, 1744. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. [Edited by U. Gahag-an.] i2mo., Londini, 1744. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, cum commen- tariis J. Minellii. Pra?misso A. Manutii de metris Horatianis tractatu... Editio nova... purgata. lamc, Lugduni Batavorum, 1744. Presented by C. W. Sutton, Esq., M.A. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. [Edited by J. Hawkey.] 8vo., Dublin, 1745. Trinity College, Dublin, copy. [Another copy.] L. P. English red morocco, gilt and tooled. C. Lloyd's copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], nitori suo restituta. Accurante S. A. Philippe. l2mo., Luteties Parisiorum, 1746. Citron morocco by Deromo. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. [With engrav- ings from ancient sculptures and gems by J. S. Miiller.] 6 + 353 pp. 2 vo\s.[\ni], illust. 8vo., Londini, 1749. The pagination and register are con.secutivo. The colophon is dated " 25 Julii, 1749." [Another copy of the engravings.] 8vo., Londini, 1749. [Another edition.] 2 vols. 6 + 336 pp. 8vo., London, 1749. The colophon is dated "Aug. 10, 1749." Pp. 321-336 are wrongly numbered 381-396. Comyn copy. [Another copy, without the illustrations.] Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], nitori suo restituta. Accurante S. A. Philippe. i2mo., Luteties Parisiorum, 1754. — — [Another copy.] Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], ex- purgata et accuratis notis illustrata auctore J. Juvencio. i2mo., Venetiis, 1755. Q. Horatius Flaccus... emendatus, et inter- punctione nova saepius illustratus. Editio tertia. 8vo., Gtasguae, 1756. Editio quarta. 4to., Glasguae, 1760. Large paper copy, uncut. Q. Horatius Flaccus. [Edited by J. Livie.] i2nio., Birminghamitv, 1762. Ilawtrey copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], nitori suo restituta. [Edited by S. A. Philippe.] l2mo., Parisiis, 1763. Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex recensione... R. Bentleii. 2 torn. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1764. Q. Horatii Flacci jxiemata, scholiis... illustrata i Joanne Bond. lulitio nova. i2mo., Aurelianis, 1767. Utterson oopy. 222 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera. — Latin.] — [contd.) - Q. Horatius Flaccus. 4to., BirminghamicB, 1770. Poyer copy. [Another copy, interleaved, \vith MS. translation by H. Nettleship.] Bound in 4 vols. Q. Horatii Flacci opera . . . Accedunt I. Synopsis chronologica rerum Romanarum, vivente Horatio. II. Tractatulus de metris Horatianis. III. Variae LXXVI codicum lectiones. IV. Phrasium subdifficilium enu- cleatio. V. Lexicon mythologicum, histo- ricum & geographicum. VI. Dictionarium Latino - Gallicum vocum Horatianarum ... Curante J. Valart. 8vo., Parisiis. 1770. Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit et notis illustravit G. Baxterus. Varias lectiones et observationes addidit J. M. Gesnerus. Editio secunda emendation 8vo., Lipsiae, 1772. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], cum notis Juvencii et appendice de diis & heroibus poeticis, etc. i2mo., Parisiis, 1774. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, etc. i2mo., Bassani, 1775. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e.. opera], detersis recentibus plerorumque maculis. nitori suo restituta. Nova editio. [Edited by S. A. Philippe.] l2mo., Parisiis, 1775. Rhodes copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia, ad exem- plar Bentleii excusa. 2 torn. obi. 8vo., [Prague, 177^ ?-8o.] Only 25 copies privately printed for Fiirst C. E. von Fiirst-enberg. Syston Park copy. Q. Horatius Flaccus. i2mo., BirminghamicB, 1777. Maturin copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], cum annotat. gallicis L. Poinsinet de Sivry. 2 torn. 8vo., Parisiis, 1777. Q. Horatii Flacci opera denuo emendata. i2mo., Neapolis, 1778. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina selecta [i.e., opera], in usum scholarum Belgicae. 8vo., Bruxellis, \77<^. Q. Horatii Flacci opera recensita et emendata [by S. Sciugliaga]. 8vo., Matriti, 1780. Earl of Guilford's copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera] expurgata. Accuratis notis ac appendice de diis & heroibus poeticis illustravit J. Juvencius. Editio prioribus auctior & emen- dation l2mo., Rothomagi, 1782. Q. Oratii Flacci opera recensita & emmen- data [by S. Sciugliaga]. i2mo., Segovia, 1782. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, ad optimas edi- tiones collata. Praemittitur notitia literaria studiis societatis Bipontinse. Editio accu- rata. 8vo., Biponti, 1783. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Cum notis selectis. [Edited by A. Luschius.] 2 tom. [in I vol.] 8vo., Venetiis, 1783. [Another copy.] Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e., opera], curavit J. J. Oberlinus. 4to., Argentorati. 1788. Does not include the " Ars poetica." The im- print reads : " Typis et sumptu Rollandi et Jacobi. Nunc prostant apud Georgium Treuttel." [Another copy.] In this copy the following is added to the im- print : " et Nanceii, penes Dominicum Mat- thieu. Consensu Superiorura." Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia... Editio nova. 1 2 mo., Edinburgi, 1789. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Ad fidem editionum optimarum castigata [by E. Harwood]. i2mo., Etoncs, 1791. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. [Edited by J. N. de Azara y Perera, Marquis de Nibbiano.] fol., Parmae : in aedibus Palatinis, I79n Q. Horatius Flaccus. Med Svenska an- markningar. [Dedication signed A. H. Stamberg.] 8vo., Westerds, 1 791. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia... Editio nova. i2mo., Edinburgi, 1792. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, cum variis lec- tionibus, notis variorum, et indice locu- pletissimo (a T. Tretero). [Edited by C. Combe.] 2 tom. 4to., Londini, 1792-93. The index 13 separately paged. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. 4to., Parmae : in aedibtis Palatinis, 1793. Only 150 copies printed. A reprint of the edition of Parma, 1791. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. 8vo., Parmae : ex Regio Typographeo, I7g2. Another edition of that of Parma, 1791. Q. Horatii Flacci, quae supersunt, recen- suit et notulis instruxit G. Wakefield. 2 vols. , illust. 8vo., Londini, 1794. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Editio nova a J. Livie recognita. i2mo., Londini, 1799. Q. Horatius Flaccus. [With 12 vignettes from designs by C. Percien] L. P. fol., Parisiis : excudebam P. Didot, natu major, 1799. The half-title reads : " Q. Horatii Flacci opera." Presented by Thomas Greenwood, Esq. Q. Horatii Flacci opera illustravit C. G. Mitscherlich. 2 tom. [in 4 vols.] 8vo., Lipsiae, 1800. Of tills edition, which was to have been in five volumes, only tom. I. and II., containing the "Carmina," " Epodi " and "Carmen saecu- lare," were published. Green morocco by C. Smith. Ashby and Paine copy. Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit et notis illustravit G. Baxterus... Editio repetita auctior et emen- dation 8vo., Lipsiae, 1802. Q. Horatius Flaccus. 8vo., Vindobonae, 1802. 223 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Opera . — Latin .] — (contd.) Q. Horatii Flacci opera, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit. et notis illustravit, G. Baxterus...Editio nova, prioribus emendatior. L. P. 4to., Edinburgi, iSo6. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum scholiis per- petuis Johannis Bond. [Edited by N. L. Achaintre.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1806. With an engraved frontispiece. [Another copy.] Wanting the frontispiece. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [i.e.. opera]. Editio stereotypa Herhan. 8vo., Parisiis, 1808. Q. Horatii Flacci opera ad mss. codices... plurimis in locis emendavit notisque illus- travit... C. Fea. Editio Romana, prima post principem. 2tom. i2mo., Romae, 181 1. Imperfect; torn. I. wanting pp. 1-12. Q. Horatii Flacci opera... emendata, et interpunctione nova saepius illustrata ; cura Joannis Hunter. (Altera editio.) 2 torn. 8vo., Cupri Fijanontm. 181 3. Q. Horatii Flacci opera interpretatione et notis illustravit L. Desprez, etc. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 4to., Neapoli, 1815. The pagination is consecutive. Q. Horatius Flaccus, ad fidem textus R. Bentleii plerumque efformatus et brevibu- notis instructus. Edidit T. Kidd. i2mo., Caiitabrigice, 1 817. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Ad exemplar Bentleii recudenda curavit...J. C. F. Wetzel. 2 vols, [in I.] 8vo., Lipsiae, 1817. Q. Horatius Flaccus. 8vo. [8.5 X 5 cm.], Londini : G. Pickering, 1820. Witli a Becond, engraved, titlepage. Q. Horatii Flacci opera ... coUata cum optimis editionibus, praecipue ilia Caroli Fea, aucta...et...edita a Joachimo H. Jaeck, etc. i2mo., Vtnariae, 1821. (Bibliotheca Romana CIa3.sica...edita a Joacliimo H. Jaeck, Tom. I.) Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae, cum selectis... annotationibus. Recognovit F. H. Botha. Editio repetita emendatior. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1822. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Recensuit et emen- davit F. G. Pettier. 8vo., Parisiis, 1823. (Auctorum Latinorum Colloctio. ) Frencli brown morocco, gilt and tooled. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Ad fidcm cditionis J. M. Gesneri. 8vo., Londini, 1824. The litlopago ia engraved. Q. Horatius Flaccus. 8vo. [8.5 x 5 cm.], Londini: G. Pickering, 1824. The colophon reads : " Excudebat C. Corrall, 1826," whilst the frontispiece is dated 1828. Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Expurgata et accuratis notis illustrata... edita a Bernardo Schwindl. 2 torn, [in i vol.] 8vo., Viennac, 1825. y. Horatii Flacci opera ... emendavit, notisque illustravit ... C. Fea. Denuo re- censuit. ..F. H. Bothe... Editio nova. (F. H. Bothii annotationes. — J. G. Grsevii scholia ad Horatii odaruni libros duo priores.) 2 torn. 8vo., Heidelberga, 1827. The annotations of Bothe and the scliolia of Graevius liave distinct paginations. Q. Horatii Flacci opera : with an ordo and verbal translation. By J. Stirling... A new edition... revised... by P. A. Nuttall. etc. 4 vols. i2mo., London, 1827-30. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia, recensuit Filon. 48mo. [7x5 cm.], Londini, 1828. Printed by H, Didot, of Paris, witli types believed to be the smallest ever made. Q. Horatii Flacci, ex ed. Bipontina II. [of 1792]. ..nova editio recensita [by J. B. M. Gence], brevibus notis... subjunctis, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1828. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, ex editione J. C. Zeunii, sedulS, recensione accurata. i2mo., Londini, 1829. Q. Horatius Flaccus, cum variis lectionibus, argumentis, notis ... curante et emendante N. E. Lemaire. 3 torn. 8vo., Parisiis, 1829-31. Forma vols. 29-31 of the editor's " Bibliotheca Classica Latina." Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia. Textum denuo recensuit, varietate lectionis Integra instruxit...G. Braunhardus. Sect. I.-III. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1831-35. Wanting sect. IV., containing indices. There is an additional titlepage reading: " Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia ex recensione G. Braiin. hardi." The pagination of sections I. and II. is consecutive. Horatius resti tutus : or the books of Horace arranged in chronological order ac- cording to the scheme of Dr. Ben tiey... With a preliminary dissertation... on the chrono- logy of the works, on the localities, and on the life and character of that poet. By J. Tate. Second edition. To which is now added, an original treatise on the metres of Horace. 8vo., London, 1837. Red morocco by White. Luard copy. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, recensuit et illu- stravit F. G. Doering... Editio nova, auctior et emendatior. 8vo., Oxonii, 1838. Q. Horatii Flacci opera omnia, recensuit et emendavit J. A. Amar. i6mo., Parisiis, 1838. Q. Horatii Flacci opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit L. Desprez, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., Neapoli, 1840-41. The pagination is consecutive. riie works of Horace [in Latin], from the text of Docring ; with notes. ..By E. R. Humphreys. 8vo., Charlottetown, 1845. Fr. 3 torn., iilusl. 8vo., Paris, 1873-74. Biach copy. [Opera. — German.'\ Die Werke des Horaz [in prose], aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt. 3 Thle. [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Anspach, 1773-7$- Presented by C. W. Sutton, Esq., M.A. [Opera. — Italian.] I dilettevoli sermoni, altrimente satire, e le morali epistole di Horatio... insieme con la poetica. Ridotte da M. L. Dolce... in versi sciolti volgari. Con la vita di Horatio. Origine della satira. Discorso sopra le satire, etc. 8vo., Vinegia, 1559. Le opere di Q. Orazio Flacco, tradotte in rima dal Dottor F. Borgianelli, etc. Lat. &- Ital. 8vo., Venezia, 1792. Opere di Q. Orazio Flacco volgarizzate... con annotazioni (le odi tradotte dall' Ab. F. Venini ; le satire, I'epistole e I'arte poetica tradotte da F. Soave). Lat. S- Ital. 2 torn. i2mo., Venezia, 1802. Delle odi (satire, epistole) di Q. Orazio Flacco recate in versi italiani da T. Gargallo volume primo (-quarto) . Lat. &• Ital. 4 torn, [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Napoli, 1820. Tlie lialf-titles read : " Delle opere di Q. Orazio Flacco. ..tomo I. (-IV.)" Opere di Q. Orazio Flacco poste nell' ordine grammaticale, colle varianti e tradotte in prosa italiana dal Canonico C. Costa della Torre. Lat. &■ Ital. 2 vols, [in i.] i2mo., Vercelli, 1842. Opere di Q. Orazio Flacco recate in versi italiani da T. Gargallo...i8? edizione, etc. Lat. &■ Ital. 2 vols, [in i.] i2mo., Napoli, 1845. [Opera. — Swedish.'] Q. Horatius Flaccus, ofversatt af J. G. Ek. Sednare delen : satirer och epistlar. 8vo., Lund, 1847. Wanting the other volumes. [Ars Poetica. See below, Epistolae : Ars Poetica.] [Carmina, Epodi, and Carmen Seculare. — Latin.] Odarum Horatii concentus. Altus. obi. 8vo., s.n. 24 ff., without pagination ; sigs. Aa-Cc*. Q. Horatii lyricorum versuum, musica modulatio, ad carminis cujusq; rationem numeris prudenter accommodatis. Ac seorsum ad puerorum usum excusa, ut hac canendi exercitatione, paulatim assuescant odis Horatianis. 8vo., Daventriae, 1556. 16 ff., without pagination ; sigs. A-B'. Q. Horatii Flacci carminum liber quartus ...cum commentariis falso adhuc Porphy- rioni & Acroni adscriptis, opera J. Cruquii... editus. Ejusdem in eundem adnotationes. 8vo., Brugis Fland., 1565. Q. Horatii Flacci ... poemata ... Scholiis brevibus, ifsque doctissimis illustrata. [With MS. notes.] L. P. 4to., Parisiis, 1568. Contains bk. I. of the " Carmina " only. Ex Q. Horatii Flacci epodon libro odae quinque selectae. Cum argumentis et brevibus quibusdam annotationibus. 4to., Parisiis, 1570. Interleaved copy, with MS. notes. In odem secundam libri quarti carminum Q. Horatii Flacci commentatio H. Martellii, etc. [With the text.] 4to., Floretitia, 1579. Colbert and Heber copy. De laudibus vitae rusticae : ode Horatii epodon secunda ab A. Manuccio [the Younger] explicata, etc. 4to., Bononiae, 1586. Renouard, p. 238. E. Lubini in Q. Horatii Flacci quinque carminum librorum librum primum ( — ulti- mum) paraphrasis scholiastica nova : qui 227 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Carmina, etc.— Latin.] — {contd.) retentis poete verbis, & pedestri sermoni insertis auctor gravissimus commentarii vice breviter, & dilucide explicatur. 5 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Rostochii, 1598. Without pagination ; each part has a separate titlepage and register. Moranto copy. Horatii puriores odae. Digeste in libros quatuor. Has A. GoIleti...ab impuris nunc primum sejunctas...exhibet, cum observa- tionibus opportunis. i2mo., Lugdum, 1676. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina [bks. 1-4], re- censuit, varietate lectionis et perpetua ad- notatione illustravit M. C. D. Jani...Editio secunda correction (De Horatii codicibus MSS. — De Horatii editionibus, etc.) 2 torn. 8vo., Lipsiae, 180Q. Le odi (gli epodi) di Q. Orazio Flacco [in Latin], a piu' facile intelligenza della gioventu' di spiegazioni e note corredate da J. C. 4to., Co/le, 1829. I'izzo copy. De Horatii carmine HI. 2^. prolusio... scripsit L. P. Hupeden. [With the text.] 4to., Cellis, 1829. Morante copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina (epodon libei", carmen sacculare), recensuit P. H. Peerlkamp. 8vo., Harlemi, 1834. The odes (epodes, carmen saeculare) of Horace, illustrated by parallel passages from the Greek, Roman, and British poets, and notes. ..by. ..A. J. Howell, ivo., Oxford, 1838. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina (carmen seculare, epodon liber). Kritisch berichtigt, erkliirt und mit einer literar-historischen Einleitung versehen von T. Obbarius. 8vo., Jena, 1848. Odes d'Horace [bks. I. and H. and carmen sa;culare, in Latin], commentees et expliquces en vers hexamdtres latins, par J. B. Cayron. 8vo., Lyon, i860. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina (epodon liber, carmen saeculare, carmen gnomicum), re- censuit P. H. Peerlkamp. Editio altera, etc. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1862. [Carmina, etc. — English.] All the odes and epodes of Horace. Trans- lated into English verse : by H. Rider. 1 2mo., London : J. Haviland.for R. Rider, 1638. Mitford and Stanhope copy. Odes (book of cpods) of Horace.. .The fourth edition. Selected, translated, re- viewed, and enlarged with many more. By S^ T. H. [i.e., Sir T. Hawkins.] Lat. &■ Eng. i2mo., London : J. Havilandfor IV. Lee, 1638. With a second, enKravod, title. Calf gilt by Clarke and Bedford. Horace. The best of lyrick poets. [Some of his odes and epodes translated by Sir T. Hawkins]... Together with A. Persius Flaccus his satyres. Translated into English by B. Ilolyday. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., London, 1652, 50. Tlio Persius Flaccus has a separate titlepage and pagination ; it is of tlie 5th edition, 1650. Mitford copy. All Horace his lyrics, or his four books of odes, and his book of epodes Englished [by B. Holyday]. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., London, 1653, 52. The pagination is consecutive. Mitford copy. The odes and epodon of Horace, in five books. Translated into English by J. H. [i.e., J. Howel.] 8vo., London, 1684. The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace. ..with a translation of Dr. Ben[t]ley's notes. To which are added, notes upon notes, etc. Lat. 6- Eng. 26 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo.. London, 1712-25. Kach part has a separate titlepage. This copy is made up of several editions. The odes of Horace. Translated into English verse, by H. Coxwell. 4to., Oxford, 171 8. A translation of the odes and epodes of Horace into English verse. Attempted by T. Hare. 8vo., London, 1737. The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace, translated into English prose... By D. Watson... Revised, etc. Lat. &■ Eng. 8vo., London, 1741. The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace, translated into English prose... With ...notes, in English ; from the best commen- tators... Together with the Latin text put into order of construction. [By D. Watson.] Lat. &■ Eng. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1741, 40. Vol. II. is in 2 pts. Q. Horatii Flacci carmina. The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace : with three English translations [by Bromwich, P. Francis, and T. Creech] and notes critical and explanatory [by various authors]. Lat. & Eng. 4to., Patingham, 1753. A new poetical translation of all the odes of Horace. By W. Green. 8vo., Liverpool, 1777. The lyricks of Horace ; comprising his odes, epodes and secular ode ; in English verse, etc. [By J. Nott.] Lat. &■ Eng. 2 vols, [in I.] 8vo., London, 1803. "Diet. Nat. Biog.," XL!., 233. The lyrics of Horace ; being the first four books of his odes. Translated by...F. Wrangham...The second edition. 4to., Chester, [1824.] Privately printed. The odes [bks. I.-V. and the carmen seculare] of Horace, translated into English verse. 8vo., Oxford, 1824. The epodes and secular ode of Horace. Translated by F. Howes. 8 vo. , Norwich, 1 84 1 . Only 100 copies privately printed. The odes of Horace [bk. I.] literally trans- lated into English verse. By H. G. Robinson. Lat. &■ Eng. 8vo., London, 1844. [Another copy.] HORATIUS FLACCUS (Qointus). [Carmin A, etc . — English .] — (contd.) The Sapphic odes of Horace, translated into...EngHsh verse. ..By. ..J. Peat. 8vo., London, 1845. Horace : odes, epodes, and carmen sseculare. Translated into English verse by G. J. Whyte Melville. 8vo., London. 1850. The odes and epodes of Horace, translated literally and rhythmically. By W. Sewell. Svo., London, 1850. The odes [epodes and carmen saeculare] of Horace, translated into unrhymed metres, with introductions and notes. By F. W. Newman. i2mo., London, 1853. Select odes of Horace, in English lyrics ...By J. T. Black. Edited by G. M. Sproat Lat. &■ Eng. 8vo., London, 1857. Goulbuvn copy. The odes of Horace, in four books, trans- lated into English lyric verse by Lord Ravens- worth, etc. Lat. S' Eng. 4to., London, 185S. • Horace to Lj^dia. Od. HI. 9. (Horace to Pyrrha. Od. I. 5.) [With English trans- lations in verse by W. E. Gladstone.] Lat. &- Eng. See LYTTELTON (G. W. Lvttelton) 4tfi Baron &- GLADSTONE (W. E.). Trans- lations... Second edition. 4to., 1863. The I. and H. books of the odes of Horace, translated into English verse, to which are added the carmen saeculare, and appendix. By H. N. Jones. 8vo., London, 1865. Horace. Odes, epodes, and the secular song, newly translated into verse by C. S. Mathews. Svo., London, 1867. Translations from the lyrics of Horace, in English verse. By E. H. Brodie. 8vo., London, 1868. The four books of Horace's odes, trans- lated into English verse by E. Yardley. Svo., London, 1869. The odes (the secular hymn) and epodes of Horace. A metrical translation into English, with introduction and commentaries, by Lord Lytton, etc. Lat. &■ Eng. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1869. The lyrics [i.e., odes and epodes] of Horace done into English rhyme. By T. C. Baring. 8vo., London, 1870. The odes and carmen saeculare of Horace, translated into English verse by J. Conington ...Fourth edition. Svo., London, 1870. The odes of Horace [bks. I.-IV.] in a metrical paraphrase. By R. I\I. Hovenden. 8vo., London, 1874. The odes (the jubilee hymn) of Horace. Literally translated in metre by A. Way. 8vo., London. 1876. Horace's odes [and epodes], Englished and imitated by various hands. Selected and arranged by C. W. F. Cooper. 8vo., London, 1880. Part I. Translations. Part II. Imitations and parodies. Horace. The odes and saccular hymn, with selections from the epodes... rendered into English \erse by C. W. Duncan. 8vo., Chester, 1886. The odes (carmen saeculare) of Horace, translated into English by...W. E. Gladstone. 8vo., London, 1894. [Carmin A, etc. — French.^^ Libre version des odes et des epodes d' Horace... Par P. de Marcassus. 8vo., Paris, 1664. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Remarques critiques sur les oeuvres [i.e., odes, epodes and carmen seculare] d'Horace, avec une nouvelle traduction [in prose, by A. Dacier]. Lat. &■ Fr. 5 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1681-84. Barbier, IV., 247. Tome III. Poley copy. Odes choisies d'Horace, mises en vers fran9ois...par le Sieur De Brye. Seconde edition, augment^e de dix odes nouvelles. Lat. Gy Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1695. Odes (epodes, poeme seculaire) d'Horace, traduites en vers [by Madame de Montegut]. Lat. &■ Fr. See MONTEGUT (J. S. de). Oiuvres melees, efc. Tome II. 8vo., 1768. Odes d'Horace, traduites en vers fran9ois, avec des notes, par M. Chabanon de Maugris ; li\'re troisieme. Lat. &■ Fr. i2nio., Paris, 1773. Traduction des odes (epodes, poeme secu- laire) d'Horace [two translations, one in literal prose, the other in verse], avec des observations critiques et poesies lyriques, suivies d'un discours sur I'ode, & de quelques autres pieces de prose ; par M. de Reganhac. 2 tom. i2mo., Paris, 1781. Tome II. includes '* Odes faites a la mani^re d' Horace." Traduction libre des odes (livres I.-V., poeme seculaire) d'Horace, en vers fran9ois, suivie de notes, etc. [By C. Deloynes d' Autroche.] Lat. &• Fr. 2 tom. 8vo., Orleans, 1789. Barbier, IV., 734. [Another cop3'.] Traduction du premier livre complet des odes d'Horace, suivie de quelques poesies diverses. Par P. Didot I'aine. Lat. &- Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1796. Odes choisies d'Horace, par Mr. Toulouse, de Clermont. 8vo., Paris, 1803, The titlepage is in MS. Odes choisies d'Horace, traduites en vers fran^ois par Mons. de Montville. Lat. &■ Fr. 2 tom. [in I vol.] 8vo., Dublin, 1808. CEuvres lyriques d'Horace, traduites en vers, par P. F. Lavau...avec cles notes, etc. Lat. &' Fr. i2mo., Versailles, 1810. The half-title reads : " Odes, 6podes et chant seculaire d'Horace." Traduction en vers fran9ais de trente odes d'Horace ; par M. Du Rouve de Savi. 8vo., Parts, 181 1. Pi"esentat:on copy from the author to E. CliaptaJ, 22g HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Carmina, etc. — French.] — (contd.) Q. Horatii Flacci carminum libri V. . . . re- censuit, notis illustravit, et Gallicis versibus reddidit C. Vanderbourg. Lat. &■ Fr. 2 torn, [in 3 vols.] 8vo., Lt'teticB Parisiorum. 1812-13. Torae II. is in two parts, consecutively paged. Each volume has an additional titlepage in French. Traduction en vers des odes d'Horace (livres I.-II.), avec.des notes...par £. A. de Wailly. Lat. (S- Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1817. Presentation copy from the translator. [Another copy.] Odes (epodes, po^me seculaire) d'Horace, traduites en vers fran9ais, par M. Letexier. 8vo., Paris, 181 8. Traduction en vers des odes d'Horace (livres I. -in.), avec.des notes. ..par fi. A. de Wailly. Deuxieme edition. Lat. &- Fr. 2 torn, [in I vol.] i2mo., Paris, 1818. [Another copy.] Le premier livre des odes d'Horace, traduit en vers fran^ais, suivi de poesies diverses, par M. Andre, de Nanteuil. 8vo., Paris, 1821. With illastrations. Traduction en vers des odes d'Horace (livres I.-in.)... par !fi. A. de Wailly... Troisidme edition. Lat. &■ Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1821. Jjycde Inpuriale Napoleon cojjy. Loisirs d'un militaire, ou traduction en vers fran9ais d'une partie des odes d'Horace [odes 8 and 21 of book I., and book II.]... Par M. le vicomte Le Noir. Lat. & Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1822. Odes d'Horace (livres I.-V.). Traduc- tion fran9aise [in prose], avec des notes... par F. d'Ayzac, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1822. Odes d'Horace (livres I.-III.) traduites en vers par B. Granet. Lat. &■ Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1823. Odes, epodes et po6me seculaire, d'Horace. [Translated into French by — Goupy.] 8vo., Paris, 1823. Odes (epodes, podme seculaire) d' Horace, traduites en vers lran9ais par L. Halevy, avec ...des notes. Seconde edition, etc. Lat. &' Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1824. [Another copy.] Les odes (epodes, hymne seculaire) d'Horace, en vers fran9ais. Par J. L. F. do Visme. Seconde edition, etc. i6mo., Paris, 1826. I'odsics lyriques (livres I.-V., chant seculaire) d'Horace. Traduction nouvelle [in prose], accompagnOe d'ctudes analytiques ...par J. F. Sti^venart. Lat. . [Another copy.] - Odes d'Horace, traduites en vers fran9ais ...Premier et second livres. Par A. Ville- neuve. Lat. ., Lallier]. Lat. &■ Fr. Svo., Senonis. i8s6. With a second titlepage in French. A presenta- tion copy from the translator to his nephew J. Lallier. CEuvres l>T^ques (odes, epodes, poeme seculaire) d'Horace, traduites en vers fran- 9ais, avec des notes explicatives, par le comte G. de Nattes. Lat. cS- Fr. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1856. —— Les odes (epodes, poeme seculaire) d'Horace, traduites en vers franfais par E. Picard. 8vo., Paris, 1857. Odes d'Horace (livTcs I.-IV.), traduites en vers fran9ais par F. Saint-Amand. 8vo., Saint-Denis, 1857. Odes (epodes, chant seculaire) d'Horace, traduites, avec notices et notes, par F. Cass- Robine. Lat. &■ Fr. i2vno., Paris, 1859. Horace. Odes, epodes, po^me seculaire, traduits [in prose] par E. Worms de Romilly. Lat. &■ Fr. i2mo., Paris, i860. Quelques odes d'Horace. Trois satires de Juvenal. Traduction nouvelle en vers par St. Manvieu. 8vo., Tours, i860. Horace. Odes gaillardes, traduites en vers par I\L A. Barthet [With a bio- graphical notice by J. Valfrey.] Lat. S- Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1862. Odes (livres I.-V.) d'Horace, traduites en vers par H. Vesseron. 8vo., Paris, 1864. Les chants d'Horace. Odes, epodes, chant seculaire, traduits en vers fran9ais... par... A. Rey. Lat. & Fr. 8vo., Marseille, 1866. Odes completes (livres L-IV.) et frag- ments (epodes 2, 6, 15) d'Horace, treizieme satire de Juvenal, traduits en vers frangais par J. Argiot. 8vo., Paris. 1867. —— Odes (epodes, chant seculaire) d'Horace, traduction variorum en vers... avec... des arguments et des notes, par M. Potier. Lat. &• Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1867. Traduction en vers des odes d'Horace (livres I.-IV.). ..par A. de Wailly. Lat. & Fr. 2 vols, [in I.] 8vo., Paris, 1869. Une anthologie d'Horace, precedee d'ob- servations sur la fa^on dont il convient de traduire aujourd'hui les pontes, par J. Loiseleur. Lat. &■ Fr. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Orlians, 1^7 $-7 7. Containing a selection of the odes. From the " MAmoires de la Soci6t6 des Sciences et Arts d'Orl^ans." [Carmina, etc. — German.] • Des Horatius Flaccus sammtliche lyrische Dichtungen. In den Versmaassen der Origi- nale von neuem verdeutscht von K. Schmidt. Svo., Halberstadt, 1820. [Carmina, etc. — Italian.] Metamorfosi lirica d'Horatio, parafrasato, e moralizato da L. Mattei, etc. Lat. &■ Ital. 8vo., Rieti, 1679. Le ode (gli epodi) d'Horatio, con simil ordine di metro, & egual numero di sillabe, e sovente minore da P. Abriani puramente tradotte, con la ristampa della poetica. Lat. &• Hal- i2mo., Venetia, 1680. II canzoniere (libro primo-quinto)d'Orazio, ridotto in versi toscani [by S. B. Pallavicini], ^fc- 8vo., Venezia, 1743. Melzi, I., 171. [Another copy.] Le ode (libro primo-quinto, inno secolare) di Q. Orazio Flacco, espresse in vari metri di verso italiano [by O. Conte dalla Riva], etc. 8vo., Verona, 1746. Traduzione in verso toscano del libro primo delle odi d'Orazio. 4to., Venesia, 1759. rizzo copy. Alcune ode di Orazio, tradotte in rima dal Dottor G. Zeviani, etc. Lat . cS- Ital. Svo., Verona, 1767. Pizzo copy. Le odi (hbro dell' epodo) di Q. Orazio Flacco, tradotte in verso italiano da O. Agieo ...secondo I'edizione Bentleyana. etc. Lat. &' Ita^- Svo., Siena, 1778. Le odi (epodo, carme secolare) di Orazio, tradotte in versi sciolti da G. de Necchi Aquila, etc. Lat. (S- Ital. 8vo., Milano, 177^. Fizzo copy. Q. Horatii Flacci carminum libri quinque (carmen saeculare), cum apposita Italica interpretatione (dall' Abate F. Venini). Lat. S' Ital. Svo., Mediolani, 1786. Le odi (libro I.-V.) di Q. Orazio Flacco, tradotte. ..da G. Pezzoli. Lat. &■ Ital. Svo., Bergamo. 1789. ■■■In questa seconda edizione rive- dute dal traduttore, etc. Lat. &• Ital. Svo., Bergamo, 1809. [Carmina, etc. — Spanish.] Horacio espanol...Poesias liricas (versos, epodon, cancion secular). Por...U. Campos, etc. Lat. &■ Sp. Svo., Barcelona, 1699. 231 HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Carmina, etc.— Spanish.]— (contd.) Odas (epodas, poema secular) de Q. Horacio Flaco, traducidas y anotadas por J. Escriche...Nueva edicion, etc. Lat. &- Sp. 8vo., Madrid, 1847. [Carmina, eU. — Swedish.] Horatii oder och epoder, ofversatte [in prose] af A. Frigell. 8vo., Upsala, 1870. [Carmina, -. SfeHUTTER (L.). Threnologia pagination is conlinuous throughout. 130 copies printed for Bale. Q 242 HUTTEN (Ulrich von). U. Hutteni... opera poetica, ex diversis illius monumentis in unum collecta, etc. 8vo., s.l.ett.n. [colophon: Frankfort ?'\ 1538. Bigot Library copy. Ulrichi de Hutten...aula. dialogus, etc. 4to., [colophon : A ugsburg .■] In ofjicina...Sigis- tmmdi Grimm. ..&• Marci Vuyrsung, 1518. First edition. Panzer. VI., 150, 130. Dialogi septem . . . Momus. Carolus. Pie- tatis, & superstitionis pugna. Concilia- bulum theologistarum, adversus bonaruin literarum studiosos. Apophthegmata Vadisci. & Pasquilli, de depravato Ecclesiae statu. Huttenus captivus. Huttenus illustris. Authore S. Abydeno, Corallo Germ, [i.e., U. von Hutten.] 8vo., s.n. [Basel, 1538 ?] Epistolae U. Hutteni, Erasmi Roterod., Eobani Hessi, Caselii, H. Grotii, annotatione instructae. 4to., Hamburgi. 1842. Programme publication of the " Joanneum Ham- burgense." Morante copy. Equitis... Ulrichi de Hutten ad B. Pirck- heynier...epistola qua et vitae suae rationem et temporum in quae aetas ipsius incidit conditioneni luculenter descripsit. In luceni denuG protulit et commentarium quo...hujus equitis fata et merita exponuntur, subjecit J. Burckhard. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Wolfenbittteli, 1717-23. Julius. Dialogus viri cujuspiam eruditis- simi, etc. [By U. von Hutten ?] See JULIUS II., Po/)«. 4to., [1612?] Oratio ad Christum Opt. Max. pro Julio Secundo Ligure Pont. Max. a quodam bene docto et Christiano perscripta. [By U. von Hutten.] 8vo., s.n. Panzer, LX., 187, 276. Ulrichi de Hutten... stichologia ut com- pendiosa ita non infrugifera. [Edited by C. Hegendorffinus.] 4to., [colophon :] Lipsice : ex cedibus Valentini Schuman, 1518. Panzer, VII., 204, 664. Kloss copy. See CHAUFFOUR-KESTNER (V.). fitudes sur les Reformateurs du I6* siScle, etc. Tom. I. U. de Hutten. 8vo., 1853. S«e ERASMUS (D.). [Spongia.] Spongia Erasmi adversus aspergines Hutteni. 8vo., 1525. See STRAUSS (D. P.). U. von Hutten ; his life and times, etc. 8vo., 1874. See ZELLER (J.). U. de Hutten. Sa vie, etc. 8vo., 1849. HUTTER (Leonhard). Threnologia de vita, rebus gestis, & tristissimo simul ac beatissimo obitu Dn. /E. Hunnii ... Accessit epistola ... in qua respondetur ad sannas & sarcasmos. quibus A. Tannerus...pios Hunnii manes, ceu rabidus aliquis canis, lacessere & allatrare voluit. 4to., IVitebergis, 1603. HUTTON, Family of. Hutton. of Marske. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE, [a pedi- grees, etc.] fol., s.a. HUXLEY (Thomas Henry). Address de- livered. ..at. ..Manchester. ..1887. See NA- TIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRO- MOTION OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION. 8vo., 1887. HUYGENS (Christi.\n). C. Hugenii ... de circuli magnitudine inventa. Accedunt ejusdem problematum quorundam illustriuni constructiones. 4to., Lugdimi Batavortim, 1654. HUZARD (Je.\n Baptiste). Notes biblio- graphiques sur I'ouvrage d'H. Lando, in- titule : Sermoni funebri de vari author! nella morte de diversi animali. Fragment [signed Huzard]. 8vo., Paris, 1835. HYDE (Edward) ist Earl of Clarendon. See CLARENDON. HYETT(W. H.). Sepulchral memorials. Con- sisting of engravings from the altar tombs, effigies and monuments ancient and modern, contained within the county of Northampton. From the pen dravirings of W. H. Hyett. fol., London, 1817. The plates are proofs. HYGINUS (C.uus Julius). Begin. [Sig. a2. recto .•] Clarissimi Viri Iginij Poeticon A.stro- nomicon | opus vtilissimu foeliciter Incipit. | etc. [With woodcuts.] ©. X. 4to., [colophon:] Venetiis : [E. Ratdolt,] 1482. Hain and Copiuger, *9o62. Proctor, 4387. C. J. Hygini...fabularum liber... an tehac nunquam excusus. Ejusdem poeticon astro- nomicon libri quatuor. Quibus accesserunt similis argumenti. Palaephati de fabulosis narrationibus, liber I. F. Fulgentii Placiadis ...mvthologiarum, libri III. Ejusdem de vociim antiquarum interpretatione, liber I. Arati 72i. Transactions and proceedings of the second International Library Conference held in London... 1897. 4to., London, 1898. INTRIGLIES. Les intrigues du cabinet des rats, etc. See REYNARD THE FOX. 8vo., 1788. IRAILH (AuGUSTiN Simon). Querelles litte- raires, ou memoires pour servir a I'histoire des revolutions de la republiquc des lettres, depuis Homere jusqu'a nos jours. [By A. S. Irailh.] 4 tom. i2mo., Paris, 1761. Bsrbier, III., I149. Rimbourg copy. 245 i IRELAND. The case of the forfeitures in Ireland fairly statetl, with the reasons that induced the Protestants there to purchase them. 4to., London, 1700. IRELAND (Alexander). Address on the moral influence of free libraries, delivered... 1892. 8vo., Manchester, 1892. Cheap literature and the love of reading. Svo., Manchester, 1882. Recollections of George Dawson and his lectures in Manchester in 1846-7. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1882. Reprinted, with additions, from the " Mancliester Quarterly," No. II., April 1882. IRELAND (William Henry). Scribbleo- mania ; or, the printer's devil's polichro- nicon. A sublime poem. Edited by Anser Pen-drag-on [i.e., W. H. Ireland]. 8vo., London, 181 5. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. The en- gineering and other industries of Manchester and district. Descriptions of leading works. Issued in connection with the autumn (1887) meeting of the... Institute. 8vo., London, 1887. Reprinted from "The Ironmonger" for Sept. 3 and 10, 1887. IRVINE (William Fergusson). A collection of Lancashire and Cheshire wills, not now to be found in any probate registry, 1 301-1752. Edited by W. F. Irvine. 8vo., [Manchester,] 1896. (Record Society Publications, Vol. XXX.) An index of the wills... now preserved at the Diocesan Registry, Chester, from 1487 to 1620 inclusive. Edited by W. F. Irvine. See LANCASHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. An index to the wills and inventories now preserved... at Chester. ..Edited by W. F. Irvine. [Vols. VIII.-IX.] See CHESTER.— Court of Probate. 8vo., 1898-99. A list of the clergy in eleven deaneries of the diocese of Chester, 1541-42. ..Edited by W. F. Irvine. See LANCASHIRE. Miscel- lanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. IS/EUS. See .(ESCHINES. Aoyoi rotrrcovi rcov i'tjXOQOv. Alaxivov. . .' laaiov, etc. [Pt. II.] fol„ 1513. ISE(;iIHM (A. F. VAN). Biographic de 1'. Martens d'Alost, premier imprimcur de la Belgique, suivie dc la bibliographic de scs 6ditions. 8vo., Malines, 1852. Willianm copy. ISNARD (Jacobus). Arcis Sam-martinianae obsidio ct fuga Angloruiu a rea insula. 4to., Parisiis, 1629. The tillopiigo is ongravi']c ^oyoi fi' . Joannis Chrysostomi de orando deum libri duo. Gr. 4to., [colophon .•] Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, 1531. Interleaved with this copy is a contemporary MS. copy of the Latin version by Erasmus. [De Sacerdotic] 'Iwawov Xgvaocno/nov neQi TOV, oTi noUov fiev diKO/iaTog, SvaxoXov 8e emaxoTieiv, dtaXoyoi i^. Divi Joannis Chryso- stomi, quod multg quidem dignitatis, sed difficile sit episcopum agere, dialog! sex. [Edited by N. Clenardus.] Gr. 4to., [colophon :] Lovanii : per R. Rescium et J. Sturmium, 1529. [De Virginitate.] Sancti Joannis Chrj-- sostomi de \drginitate liber, a J. Pogiano conversus. 4to., Roma : apud P. Manutium, 1562. Renouard, p. 186. Butler copy. [Another copy.] [HoMiLl.^.] Tou iv dyioiQ nargog i^ftcov, 'hnavvov rov Xgv(jo(rro/tov...6/tihai Sexrt Siacpogoi, etc. [Edited by J. B. Gabius.] .(to., Roma, 1581. [Liturgia.] idiara$iQ rrjz detag legovgytag, rov iv ayioiq nargoq 'Iioawov rov Xgvaoaro/jov. See LITURGIES. Aldeiat Xeirovgyetai, etc. 4to., 1526. JOANNES, Damascenus, Saint. 'Icaavvov rov da/iaaxrji'ov ixfioatc. rriQ ogdodo^ov jriorecog. Tov avrov, negi rcov iv Jitarei xexoi/uj/ievcov. Joannis Damasceni editio orthodoxae fidei. Ejusdcm de lis, qui in fide dormierunt. [Edited by B. Donatus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon :] Veronae : apud Strphanum etfratres Sabios, 1531. Tov (iyiov 'Iwavvou rov Au/iaaxrjvov, Aoyoi rgeiQ dnoKoytjrixoi Jigoi; rovg dtapaX?.ovrai; ra; dyiag elxovai. Tov uatov. . . Oeodiogov ijyov/tevov rov arvSiov fioyfiartxtj negi ri/itjt; xai Ttgoaxv- vijaeoQ riov dyiojv fixovcuv. liiog rov oaiov nargog r'l/twv 'luxirvov rov Aa/taax>]vov, avyyga- rpeig Tinga 'huavvov ^jargiagyov 'hnoaoXvfKov. [Edited by N. Majoranus] 8vo., Romae, 1553. Liber aphorismorum Damasceni. Set- JOANNITIUS. Liber Hysagoge Joannici. etc. 8vo., 1502. 248 JOANNES, Daniasceniis, Saint. — (cmtld.) Cantica Joannis Damasceni, etc. Gr. &• Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii. . .opera, £^fc. [Vol.1.] 4to., 1501. [Another edition.] Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Pruden- tius. Prosper, etc. 8vo., [1518 ?] Sancti Joannis Damasceni adversus sanc- tarum iniaginum oppugnatores orationes tres, P. F. Zino...interprete. 8vo., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1554. Renouartl, p. 158. JOANNES, de Garlandia. See GARLANDIA (J-). JOANNES, de Mediolano. Schola Salemltana, sive de conservandi valetudine praecepta metrica...Cum...A. Villanovani...exegesL Ex recensione Z. Sylvii...Nova editio, etc. (Non- nulla de regimine sanitatis. . .per D. J. Katz- chium, etc. — P. Scriverii saturnalia, conti- nentia usum & abusum tabaci.) l2mo., Roterodami, 1649. With a second, engraved, titlepage. JOANNES, Grammaticus, Charax. See JOANNES, Charax. JOANNES, Grammaticus, Philoponus. IIeqi diaXfXJiDV in Ttov 'Icoawov yQa^tfiarixov TExvinciJV. 5«(;MANUTIUS(A. P.). Otjaavgog. Kegag dfia?Jdeiag, etc. fol., 1496. De Graecarum proprietate linguarum ex scriptis de arte Jo. Grammatici. IleQi diaXexTcov ix Twv 'laiai'vov yQa/i/.iaTixov Tex^ixcov. Gr. &■ Lat. See LASCARIS (C). In hoc libro haec habentur. C. Lascaris...de octo partibus o?onis Ub. I., etc. 4to., 1512. — — riEQi diaXexriov ex tcov 'laiawov ygafi/tarixov TExvixcuv. See CRASTONUS (J.) Placen- tinus. Dictionarium Graecum, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] — — Joannis grammatici in posteriora resolu- toria Aristotelis comentaria. 'Icoawov tov yga/u/iaTixov, elg to vaTsga dva^vrtxa 'Aqioto- re^.ovg, vnofiv7jna. ('Avwvv^iog c^tjyrjotg, elg TO devTCQov TCOV vazegoiv avakvrixwv 'AQurcote- Kovg.) Gr. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1504. The first book from the Aldine press in which the leaves are numbered on both sides, Renouard, p. 45. Syston Park copy. '^'— 'loavnjg 6 yga/i/iaTixog elg to Tregi yeveaewg, y.at (pOogag [of Aristotle, with the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [Opera.— Greek.] fol., 1527. ^— 'hoarvov yga/nftartxav ... elg to TigoTega dvaXvrixa rov 'AgicroTcXovg vnofiv)]fia, etc. [With the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Priora Analytica.] fol., 1536. — ^ 'Icoawov TOV ygafi/^iarixov, elg ra varega avaXi'Tixa 'AgiaroreXoi'g, vnoftvij/iia, etc. [With the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Posteriora Analytica.] fol., 1534. 'Icoan'ov yga/i/iaTixov. . .xara IlgoxXov negi aiStorijrog xooftov. Joannis Grammatici ... contra Proclum de mundi aetemitate. Gr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibiis Bar- thoiomai [Zanetti] Casterzagensis, 1535. Sunderland copy. 'lojawov yga/t/iarixov imo^iV7)i.ia elg ra jtegi cpvaixiig reaaaga jtgcora fSi^Xia rov 'AgiaTOT€^.ovg, etc. [With the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [Physica.] fol., 1535. 'Icoawov yganfiarixov . . . v:io/iv7]/ia elg ra negi yvxig Pi^Xia rov 'AgicnoreXovg, etc. [With the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [De Anima.] fol., 1535. JOANNES, Grammaticus, sumamed Tzetzes. See TZETZES (J.). JOANNES, Lichtenberger. Excerpta progno- stici Liechtenbergeriani, de calamitatibus Germaniae per regem aliquem Gallicum in- fligendis, observationibus historicis illustrata. l2mo.. s.l. et a. [c. 1700.] JOANNES, Peregrinus, Petroselanus, pseud, [i.e., Joannes Gastius.] See GASTIUS (J.). JOANNES, Regiomontamis. See MULLERUS (J.) Regiomontanus. JOANNES, Roffensis. See FISHER (J.) Cardinal. JOANNES, Saresberiensis, Bishop of Chartres. Johanis saresberiesis Policraticus de nugis curialiu et vestigiis ph'oj) ?tines libros octo. 8vo., [colophon : Lyons .■] Constantinus jradin, 15 13. Branet, III., 547. Joannis Saresberiensis Policraticus : sive de nugis curialium, & vestigiis philosophorum, libri octo. 8vo. , Lugduni Batavorum, 1595. JOANNES, Sleidantis. See SLEIDANUS (J.). JOANNES, StobcBus. See STOB^US (JO- JOANNES VI., Hierosolymitanus, Patriarch of ferusalem. Biog rov oaiov nargog rn-icov 'Icoawov rov Aafiaaxrjvov. See JOANNES, Damascemis, Saint. Tov dyiov 'Icoawov rov Aafiaaxrjvov, Xoyoi rgeig dnoXoyjjTixoi, etc. 8vo., 1553. JOANNES FRANCISCUS, Ripensis. See FRANCISCUS (J.). JOANNITIUS [i.e., Hunain Ibn Ishak, Al- 'Ibddi.] Liber Hysagoge Joannici. Liber Philareti de pulsibus. Liber Theophili de urinis. Liber aphorismo^ Hypo[cratis] cu antiqua traslatioe & nova Theodori gaze elegantissima. Liber pronosticorii Hypo- cratis. Liber tegni Gal[ieni]. Liber apho- rismorum Damasceni. Flosculi in medicina ex C. Celso e.xtracti. CoUectio aphorismoru3 Hypo[cratis] ad unamquaqs egritudinem pertinentium. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : per foannem et Gregoriii de Gregoriis, 1502. JOCISCUS (Andreas). Oratio de ortu, vita, et obitu J. Oporini...typographicoru Ger- maniae principis...Adjunximus librorum per J. Oporinum excusorum catalogum. 8vo., Argentorati, 1569. Maidraent copy. 249 JOCOSERIUS (Opizius) pseud, li.e., Otto Philipp Zaunschliffer.] See ZAUN- SCHLIFFER (O. P.). JOCOSUS (Gaudentius) pseud. Docte nugae ...consistentes in diversis narrationibus _ & eventibus hujus temporis ; scitu non tarn jucundis ad fallendum tempus, etc. i2mo., Solisbaci, 1713. [Another edition.] i2mo., Solisbaci, [?] The date has been cut from the titlepage. JOECHER (Christian Gottlieb). AUge- meines Gelehrten-Lexicon, darinne die Ge- lehrten aller Stande. . .welche vom Anfange der Welt bis auf jetzige Zeit gelebt...nach ihrer Geburt, Leben, merckwiirdigen Ge- schichten, Absterben und Schrifften...be- schrieben warden. Heraus gegeben von C. G. Jocher. 4 Tlile. 4to., Leipzig, 17 SO-Si. JOHANN, Lichienberger. See JOANNES. JOHANN, von Eck. See SEIDEMANN (J. K.). Die Leipziger Disputation im Jahre 15 19 [between M. Luther and Johann von Eck], etc. 8vo., 1843. JOHANNEAU (fiLOi). fipigrammes contre Martial... par un ami de Martial [i.e., E. Johanneau]. See MARTI ALIS (M. V.). 8vo., 1834. JOHANNES, de Garlandia. See GARLANDIA (JO- JOHN, Charax. See JOANNES. JOHN, Chrysostom, Saint, Patriarch of Con- stantinople. See JOANNES, Chrysostomus. JOHN, de Garlandia. See GARLANDIA (J.). JOHN, of Alexandria, the Grammarian, called Philoponus. See JOANNES, Grammaticus, Philoponus. JOHN, of Damascus, Saint. See JOANNES, Damascenus. JOHN, of Salisbury. See JOANNES, Sares- beriensis. JOHN, StobcBus. See STOB^US (J.). JOHN II., Duke of Brabant. Account of the expenses of John of Brabant and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster, a.d. 1292-3. Edited by J. Burtt. See CAMDEN MIS- CELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. XL 4to., 1853. JOHN VI., Patriarch of Jerusalem. See JOANNES VI., Ilierosolymitanus. JOHN O' ARNHA'. John o' Arnha'. A tale. [In verse.] The second edition, etc. 8vo., Montrose, 181 8. JOHNSON (John Noble). The Hfe of T. Linacre...with memoirs of his cotemporaries, and of the rise and progress of learning, more particularly of the schools from the ninth to the si.\:tccnth century inclusive. ..Edited by R. Greaves. 8vo., London, 1835. JOHNSON (Richard). Additions and emen- dations to the Graiinuatical commentaries. With a reply to W. Symcs. 8vo., Nottingham, [17 18.] Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus : quadra- ginta sex Bentleii errores super Q. Horatii Flacci odarum libro primo...ostendens, etc. (Aristarchi Anti-Bentleiani pars secunda : nonaginta Bentleii per notas universas in Latinitate lapsus foedissimos ostendens.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo.. Nottinghamits, 1717. The two parts are separately paged, but the register is consecutive throughout. Heber copy. [Another copy.] JOHNSON (Samuel) LL.D. See BOSWELL (J.). The life of Samuel Johnson, etc. 10 vols. 8vo., 1835. JOHNSTON (Alexander Keith) the Elder. The physical atlas of natural phenomena... A new and enlarged edition. fol., Edinburgh, 1856. The royal atlas of modern geography, etc. fol., Edinburgh, 1868. JOHNSTON (Arthur). A. Jonstoni...laus senis. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1666. [Another copy.] JOLLIE, Family of. See JOLLIE (T.). The note book of...T. Jolly. ..And an account of the Jolly family, etc. 4^0., 1894. JOLLIE (Thomas). The note book of...T. Jolly, A.D. 1671-1693. Extracts from the church book of Altham and Wymondhouses, A.D. 1649-1725. And an account of the Jolly family of Standish, Gorton, and Altham. Edited by H. Fishwick. 4to., (Manchester,) 1894. (Chetliam Society. Remains, etc. New series. Vol. 33. ) One of three copies printed on large paper. JOLLY (Jules). Histoire du mouvement in- tellectuel au 16" sidcle et pendant la premiere partiedu 17°, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, i860. JOLLY (Thomas). See JOLLIE. JOLYOT DE CRfiBILLON (Claude Prosper). See CRfiBILLON. JONAS, Philologus. Jons Philologi dialogi aliquot lepidi ac festivi. . .nunc denuo recognili. Quibus accessit adulationis et paupertatis dialogus pulcherrimus, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : adud isic\ S. ColincFum, 1540. Calf liy I'ttdoloup. (Jirardot do Pr6fond ond Morante copy. Regarding Jona.-) Philologus, tee Mr. Cliristio's " fitiomie Dolet," pp. 270-271, and Qu6rard, II.. 417. See QUINTILIANUS (M. F.). Epitome F. Quintiliani ... Authore Jona Philologo. 8vo., 1534. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1536. JONES (Joshua). On the unsuitablcncss of Euclid as a lext-book of geometry. 8vo., London, 1870. From "Trans. Liverpool Lit. & I'hil. Society," Vol. 24. JONSTONUS (Arturus). See JOHNSTON (A.). 25° JORDAN (Charles fixiENNE). C. S. Jordani ...disquisitio historico-literaria, de J. Bruno. 8vo.. Primislavia, [1726.] Hanrott and R. S. Turner's copy. JORDANUS (Carolus Stephanus). See JOR- DAN (C. fi.). JORDANUS NEMORARIUS. See NEMO- RARIUS (J.). JORTIN (John). The works of... J. Jortin. II vols. 8vo., London, 1810. Vols. 4-6 comprise " The life of Erasmus." JOSEPHUS (Flavius). ^f.a^iov 'Iwarjjiov 'lovdaXxijg dgxatofxiytaQ Xoyoi x . 'lov8atxt]g dXcoaecog Xoyoi C ■ Uegi dgxaior)]Tog 'lovSaicov xara 'Anuovog koyoi fi' . Eiq rovQ Maxxa^aioVQ 'koyoc, 1) TiEQi avroxgarogoQ Xoyia^ioi'. Flavii Joseph! opera. [Edited by A. Arlenius.] Gr. fol., [colophon : Basel : H. Froben and N. Episcopius, 1544.] F. Josephi ... opera quaedam, etc. (F. Joseph!... de antiquitatibus Judasorum, hbri decern posteriores. ) (F. Josephi de bello Judaico, libri septem, etc.) 3 torn. 8vo. , Lugduni: Seb. Gryphius Germanus excudebat. 1528. [Another edition, entitled :] F. Josephi omnia, quae extant, opera, etc. 3 torn. 8vo., Lugduni : aptid Seb. Gryphium. 1539. Contemporary tooled morocco. Floridus copy. [Another copy of Tom. I. & II.] [Another edition.] 3 torn. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition, entitled :] F. Josephi operum tomus primus ( — tertius)... S. Gelenio interprete. 3 torn. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. [Another copy of Tom. I. & II.] JOUFFROY D'ESCHAVANNES ( ). Armorial universel, precede d'un traite complet de la science du blason, et suivi d'un supplement. 4to., Paris, 1844. JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, The. Vols. I.-XX. 8vo., London, 1 880-1900. (Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.) JOUSSELIN (Fernand) & HOMBERG (Oc- tave). D'fion de Beaumont, his life and times, etc. See HOMBERG (O.) & JOUSSE- LIN (F.). 8vo., 1911. JOVIUS (Paulus) Bishop oj Nocera. [i.e., Paolo Giovio.] Commentarii delle cose de Turchi, di P. Giovio, et A. Gambini, con gli fatti. et la vita di Scanderbeg. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1541. Benouard, p. 123. P. Jovii descriptio Larii lacus. [Edited by D. Somentius.] 4to., Venetiis, 1559. Rassius, G. F. Nott's and N. Maynard's copy. P. Jovii... elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, septem libris...comprehensa...et ...ad vivum expressis iniaginibus e.xornata. fol., Basil[eae], 1596. Forms part of " P. Jovii... opera," 1577-96. Vita Sfortiae clariss. ducis a P. Jovio con- scripta, etc. 4to., [colophon :] Romis : A. Bladus excudebat, 1539. Kerrich copy. P. Jovii . . . vitae illustrium virorum . . . pro- priis imagLnibus illustrate. 2 torn, [in i vol.] fol., Basil(ecB). 1578, 77. The colophon to torn. I. is dated 1576. Forms part of " P. Jovii. ..opera," 1577-96. P. Giovio. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Mar- ques de. Catalogus librorum. etc. Tom. VIIL, pp. 22-29. 8vo., 1862. JUDICIUM. Judicium, a pageant. Extracted from the Towneley manuscript of ancient mysteries. 4to., London, 1822. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 32.) Wrang- ham and Hailstone copy. JUGLER (Jack). See JACK JUGLER. JULIANUS (Flavius Claudius) Emperor of Rome. 'lovhavov tov avToxgaTogoi ^iiaonioycDV, tcaiiniaroXai. Juhani Imperatoris misopogon et epistolae, grace latineque nunc primiim edita & illustrata k P. Martinio...Addita est praefatio de vita Julian! eodem authore. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Parisiis, 1566. D. Julian! Imperatoris Caesares, sive satyra in Romanos Imperatores interprete P. Cunao. Gr. &■ Lat. See CUN.EUS (P.). P. Cunasi satyra Menippea incastrata, etc. i2mo., 1632. JULIUS II., Pope. [i.e., Giuliano della RovERE.] Julius. Dialogus viri cujuspiam eruditissimi; festivus sane ac elegans, quomodo Julius II. P. M. post mortem coeli fores pul- sando, ab janitore illo D. Petro, intromitt! nequiverit, etc. [By U. von Hutten ?] 4to., [Paris? 1612 .?] The first edition appeared in 1513. De Thou copy. See HUTTEN (U. von). Oratio ad Christum Opt. Max. pro Julio Secundo Ligure, Pont. Max., etc. 8vo., s.a. JULIUS RUFINIANUS. See RUFINIANUS (J-)- JUNGIUS (Johannes Georgius). Vita F. Sylburgii, etc. 8vo., Berleburgi, 1745. JUNIPERUS, de Ancona, pseud, [i.e., Gas- parus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). JUNIUS, pseud.. Author of the "Letters." Junius : including letters by the same writer under other signatures ; to which are added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes and his private letters to H. S. Wood- fall. A new... edition, with new evidence as to the authorship, and an analysis by. ..Sir H. Nicolas, by J. Wade. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1850-60. JUNIUS (Adrianus). H. Junii epistolae, quibus accedit ejusdem vita & oratio de artium liberalium dignitate ; nunquam an tea edita, etc. [Edited by P. Junius.] i2mo.. Dordrechti. 1552 [1602 ?]. The date is wrongly printed "cio 10 LU." [Another copy.] i 25' JUNIUS {\DRlAtiVS).—{cOVtd.) H. Junii epistolae selectae, nunc primum editae. Editionem curavit P. Scheltema. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1839. JUNIUS (Patricius). See YOUNG (Patrick). JUNIUS (Petrus). See YOUNG (Sir Peter). JUNTA, Family of. See GIUNTA. JUSSERAND (Jean Adrien Antoine Jules). Le theatre en Angleterre depuis la Conquete jusqu'aux predecesseurs immediats de Shakespeare... Deu.xieme edition. 8vo.. Paris, 1881. J USTICE OF THE PEACE. The Contentes of this booke. Fyrste the Booke for a Justice of Peace. The boke that teacheth to kepe a courte Baron , or a lete. The boke teachynge to kepe a courte hundred. The boke called returna Breuium. The boke called Carta feodi...And the boke of the ordinaunce to be observed by the officers of the KyTiges Escheker for fees takinge. B. L. i6mo., [colophon :] London : Richard Tottil, 1559. JUSTIN, Martyr, Saint. See JUSTINUS. JUSTINIANUS I.. Emperor of the East. [In- STiTUTiONES.] Institutionu, sive elemetorum D. Justiniani...libri quatuor, a G. Haloandro recens castigati, etc. i6mo., [colophon .■] Lugduni : excudebat B. Arnoullet, una CM hceredibiis Joannis Barbous, 1543. D. Justiniani institutionum libri quatuor. The four books of Justinian's institutions, translated into English, with notes, by G. Harris. The second edition. Lat. &■ Eng. 4 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., London, 1761. Explication historique des instituts de I'cmjDereur Justinien, avec le texte...Precedte (i'une generahsation du droit romain...Par M. [J. L. E.] Ortolan... Cinquieme edition, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1851. [Novell.?; Constitutiones.] NeaQcov 'lovativtavov ^a(T(A£(ug, t(ov iv T(u vw eVQWxo- /icvojv, xaidi; ix'QiaxovTm, pifiXiov. TlQocTeOeivTai be xai, 01 xavovEQ ro)V ayimv 'AnoaxoXcov 6ia KXrjftaTOi; ddQoiaOevreg. Novcllarum con- stitutionum Dn. Justiniani... volumen. Ap- positi sunt item canoncs sanctoru Apostolorii pe" Clcmcntem in unii congest!. G. Halo- andro inlerprcte. Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., NorembergcB : apud J. Petreium, 1531. Calf by F. Bedford. Windhag, J. L. Bra»8icanus* and GennfitiiuM copy. AvToxQaro()(i>v, 'lovariviavov, 'lovarirov, AeovTOQ veuQui dutTn^ttQ. 'lovarivuivov itiixra. Impp. Justiniani, Justini, Lconis novclte constitutiones. justiniani edicta... Justini- ani quidcm opus antea editum, scd nunc primum ex vctustis cxcmplarihus studio & diligentia H. Scrimgeri ... rcstitutum atque emcndatum, & vigintitribus costitutionibus, quae dcsiderabantur auctum, etc. Gr. fol., [Geneva?] 1558. Stouart copy. [Selections.] Tituli in sequenti En- chiridio conteti ii sunt. De verborum & rerum significatione, ex Pandectis. De regulis juris, turn ex Pandectis, tuin ex Decretalibus, & Sexto. De gradibus afiinitatis, ex Pan- dectis. Rubricae omnes Caesarei & ponti- ficu juris. i6mo., [colophon :] Lugduni: excudebat B. Arnoullet una cu haredibus Joannis Barbous, 1543. [Appendix.] SeeAGATHIAS. Agathis ...de imperio et rebus gestis Justiniani... libri quinque, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1594. See BALDUINUS (P.). F. Balduini. breves commentarii in praecipuas Justiniani Imp. novellas, sive authenticas constitu- tiones, etc. 4to., 1548. [Another copy.] See BARO (E.). Pandectaru juris civilis oeconomia, efc. 4to., 1547. See BAYFIUS (L.). L. Bayfii annota- tiones in L. II. de captivis, et postliminio re- versis (Ex...libro XLIX Pandectarum), etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1536. See BUD^US (G.). Annotationes G. Budaei... in... Pandectarum libros, etc. fol., [1508 ?] [Another edition.] 2 pts. fol., 1542. [.\nother edition.] 8vo., 1546. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 551. Ferrarius (J.) Montanus. J. Ferrarii... ad titulum codicis Justinianei, de jure em- phyteutico, succincta enarratio. See FER- RARIUS (J.) Montanus. J. Ferrarii. ..in usus feudorum collectanea quodammodo methodica, etc. 8vo., 1555. See FERRARIUS (J.) Montanus. J. Ferrarii... ad titulum Pandectarum de Reg. Juris commentarius integer. 8vo., 1546. See FERRARIUS (J.) Montanus. J. Ferrarii ... adnotationes in tionum Justiniani libros. [Another edition.] nil. institu- Svo., 1532. 8vo., 1542. F. Hotomani See HOTOMANUS (F.) ...disputatio de aureo Justinianico, etc 8vo., 1584. -See PHREISLEBIUS (C). E Divi Jus- tiniani institutionibus erotemata ... per C. Phreislebiuni...collecta. 8vo., 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1551. See ROBY (H. J.). An introduction to the study of Justinian's Digest, etc. 8vo., 1884. JUSTINIANUS (AuGUSTiNUs) Bishop of Nebbio. [t.c, Agostino Giustinianc] [Life of Christopher Columbus.] See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Polyslott.] Psal- terium, Hebr§um, Gr9cu, etc. [Note to Ps. I9-] 4to.. 1516. JUSTINUS II.. Emperor of the East. Adro- HQaroQog 'lovarivov ... reoQai /iiara^eti;. See JUSTINIANUS I., Emperor of the East. [Novell.^. Constitutiones.] AvroxQarogcov, ' lovaxiviavov, 'lovarivov, Asovro^ veagat 6ta- rafffc, etc. fol., 1558. 252 JUSTINUS, Historicus. [For editions of " Jus- tin! ex Trego Pompeio historia."] See TROGUS POMPEIUS. JUSTINUS, Martyr, Saint. Tov dyiov 'Jova- xivov...Zrjvq. xai 2eQt]vw. Aoyoi; Tiagatverixog ngog' EXhjvag. IIqoq TQvjg dva- araasojg rcov vexgwv, xai ngog rag avrag igunriattg dnoxgiaeig Xgiartavixat. Ed. Pr. fol., Lutetiae, 1551. Green morocco by S. Bidge. Syston Park and Gennadius copy, -^— Eversio falsorum Aristotelis dogmatum... G. Postellc.interprete. i6mo., Parisiis, 1552. Niceron, VIII., 330. Des Billons, p. 128. Rox- burghe and Paine copy. [Another copy.] 'lov(rtivov...Xoyog nagaivexixog ngog 'EXXrj- vag. 4to., Parisiis: in csdibus C. GuillardcB, 1539. The colophon reads : " Excudebat J. Lodoicus." Justini...admonitorius gentium liber, J. F. Pico Mirandulae domino, interprete : nunc denu6...recognitus. Lat. 4to., Parisiis: in csdibus C. Guillardcs, 1538. JUSTINUS (Julius). See VESTINUS (J.). JUVENALIS (Decimus Junius). [Satire. — Latin.] Juvenalis. Persius. 8vo., [colophon:] Venetiis : in adibus Aldi, 1501. First Aldine edition. Without pagination and the printer's device. Renouard, p. 29. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1501. This edition is ante-dated. It contains the printer's device and is foliated. Renouard, p. 29. JuvenaUs. Persius. 8vo., [Lyons, 1503 ?] The second of the Lyons counterfeits of the Aldine edition of 1501. Without pagination: sigs. A-K. Renouard, p. 305. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons, 1503 ?] The third of the Lyons counterfeits of the Aldine edition. Without pagination, sigs. A-H, a-b. Renouard, p. 305. Juvenalis. Persius. 8vo., [colophon : Lyons :] impensis Bartholomei trot, 151 5. A counterfeit of the Aldine edition. Renouard. j P- 313- Juvenalis. Persius. Habes candide lector hasce Juvenalis, & Persii...satT)'ras, hac editione castigatiores redditas : quibus Juve- nalis vita, ac in singulas ejusdem praestan- tissimi vatis satjTas A. Mancinelli argumenta nuper accessere. 8vo., [colophon : Lyons :] impensis Bartholomei Trot, 1525. A counterfeit of the Aldine edition. Renouard, p. 316. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Lttgduni : per Antoniu Bldchard. impensis ... Bartholomei Trot, 1528. Olive morocco by Cuzin. J. Juvenalis... satyrae decern et sex. Cum annotatiunculis [of C. S. Curio] in margine ad- jectis, etc. 8vo., Antverpics : apud G. Dumceitm, 1529. Heber copy. Juvenalis. Persius. 8vo., [colophon :]Venetiis : in aedibus haeredum Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1535. Renouard, p. 113. Butler copy. J. Juvenalis & A. Persii Flacci satyrae. Jam recens recognitae, simul ac adnotatiun- culis...illustrat£e. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. [Another copy.] J. Juvenalis satyrae jam recens cognita atque emendatae. iSmo., Parisiis: ex officina F. Gryphi [sic], 1545. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flaccii [sic] satyrae. Jam recens recognitae, simul ac adnotatiun- culis...illustratae. 8vo., Lutetice : ex officina R. Stephani, 1549. J. Juvenalis, et A. Persii satyrae. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1553. [Another copy.] J. Juvenalis, et A. Persii satyrae. Adnota- tiunculis...illustratae. i6mo., Lugduni, 1556. J. Juvenalis... decem et sex satyrae. Cum annotatiunculis... in marginibus adjectis. 8vo., Antuerpiae, 1557. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satyrae : cum annotationibus ... Secunda editio, etc. [Edited by T. Farnaby.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Londini : excudebat R. Field, impensis Guilielmi Welby, 161 5. Each part has a separate titlepage, but the pagination and register are consecutive. D. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satyrae, ex doct: virorum emendatione. l6mo., Amsterodami, 1651. The titlepage is engraved. Purple morocco by Hering. Bagot copy. D. J. Juvenalis & A. Persii Flacci satyrae, cum veteris scholiastae & variorum commen- tariis. Editio nova, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Anistelrz-dami, 1684. With a .second, engraved, titlepage. Each part has a separate index. D. J. Juvenalis... satirae X\'I....recensitas, varietate lectionum perpetuoque commen- tario iUustratae...a G. A. Ruperti. Quibus adjecta: sunt, A. Persii Flacci satirae ex re- censione et cum notis G. L. Koenig. 2 vols. 8vo., GlasgucE, 1825. With a second, engraved, titlepage, bearing tlie imprint " Londini, 1824." 253 JIIVENALIS (Decimlis Junius). — \contd.) [Satire. — English.'] Juvenal's sixteen satyrs ; or, a sun-ey of the manners and actions of mankind. With arguments... and annotations... By Sir R. Stapylton. Svc, London, 1647. A modern essay on [i.e.. an EngUsh trans- lation of] the thirteenth satyr of Juvenal. By H. Higden. 4to., London, 1686. A modern essay on [i.e., an English trans- lation of] the tenth satyr of Juvenal. By H. Higden. 4to., London, 1687. The tenth satyr of Juvenal. English and f.atin. The English b>- T. Shadwell. With illustrations upon it. 4to., London, 1687. ■ [S.\TiR.?i. — French.} Satires. Lat. &■ Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— French.] fEuvres completes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1845. Juvenal. [Satires VIII., X., and XV.] Fr. See HOKATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Car- MiNA, etc. — French.] Quelques odes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., i860. Treizieme satire. [Translated into French verse by J. Argiot] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc.— French.] Odes completes et fragments d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1867. [Satire. — Italian.] Satira decima di Giovenale. Lat. (S- Ital. 8vo., s.l. et a, JUVENCUS (Caius Vettius Aquilinus). Ju- venci de Evangelica historia libri quatuor. [In verse.] See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii... opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1 501. [Another copy.] See TERTULLIANUS (Q. S. F.). Q. S. F. Tertulliani...Juvenci...et Probas Falconiae, opera. 8vo., 1825. K KABBALAH. See GINSBURG (C. D.). The Kabbalah ; its doctrines, etc. 8vo., 1865. KATHARINE, Princess Dowager. SeeCATHA- RINE [of Aragon], Queen Consort oj Henry VIII., King 0/ England. KATHERINE, 0/ Alexandria. Saint. See CATHARINA, Alexandrina. KATZCHIUS (Joannes). Nonnulla de re- gimine sanitatis, etc. See JOANNES, de Mediolano. Schola Salernitana...Nova editio, etc. 1 2 mo., 1649. KEBLE (John). De poetica; vi medica. Prae- lectiones academicae Oxonii habitae, annis 1832-1841. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 8vo., Oxford, 1844. The pagination ia consecutive. See SHAIRP (J. C). Keble's estimate of Milton. 8vo., [1875.] KECKERMANNUS (Bartholom/EUS). [i.e., B. Keckermann.] Introductio ad lectionem Ciceronis, et aliorum oratorum, etc. 8vo., Uanovies, 1610. KELLER (Christoph). S^eCELLARIUS (C). KEMP (William). Kemps nine daies wonder : performed in a daunce from London to Norwich. With an introduction and notes by. ..A. Dyce. 4to., London, 1840. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 11.) Bell copy. KEMPIS (Thomas a). See THOMAS, a Kempis. KENDALL (Timothy). Flowers of epi- grammes... Reprinted from the original edi- tion of 1577. 4to., (Manchester,) 1874. (Publication.^ of tho SpcnBer Society, No. 15.) KENNETT (White) Bishop of Peterborough. Instructions to church-wardens for the better discharge of their office. [Bv W. Kennctl ?] 5ee INSTRUCTIONS. ' 8vo., 1710. See ENGLAND. A complete history of England, etc. [Vol. III., by W. Kennett.] 4to., 1706. KENT. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, a.d. 1642-A.D. 1646. Edited by R. Almack, etc. See CAMDEN MISCEL- LANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. III. 4to., 1854. KER (John). Quatemae epistolae. Prima & secunda ad R. Bentleium : tertia ad...E. Spanhemium : quarta ad L. F. Bonetum. [Signed J. Ker, and containing criticisms on Bentley's edition of Horace.] 8vo., Londini, 1 71 3. KER (John) ^rd Duke of Roxhurghe. See ROXBURGHE. KERR (Robert). The gentleman's house ; or, how to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace, etc. 8vo., London, 1864. KESTNER (Victor Chauffour-). See CHAUFFOUR-KESTNER. KETELIUS (RicHARDUs). [i.e., Richard Ketel.] De elegantiori Latinitate com- paranda scriptores selecti, etc. 4to., .imstelcsdami, 17 13. Contains tlio following, each hearing a separate pagination : — Plu'ases linguas Latinic .A. Schoro auctore. — Hadriani ... Cardinaiis ... de sernioiie Latino. ..Eju.sdern venatio, etc. — Viri illuHtris, G. Schoppii ..observationeH lingua) Latinu3. — O. Gifanii obaervatione-s eingularea in linguam Latinam, etc. — F. Vaviwaoria ..observation's de vi et uau vorborum quorunidam Liitinorum. — G. Stewecliii.,.de particulia lingua) Latino) liber, tic. — De partioulls Latiniu orationia H. Tur- sellini ..libellua, etc. KIDSON (Joseph Herbert). The patron saint of Prestwich and the old deeds of the Church... Edited by...J. H. Kidson. 8vo., Prestwich, 1885. Koprintod from " S. Mary's, Preatwiob, Parish Magazine," March, 1885. 254 KIEL. — UniversitAt. Index librorum ex bibliotheca Universitatis Kiliensis...publica auctionis lege divendendorum. 8vo., Kiliae, 1828. KIEPERT (Heinrich). Neuer Handatlas uber alle Theile der Erde. fol., Berlin, i860. Topographisch-historischer Atlas von Hellas und den hellenischen Colonien... Zweite...Ausgabe. fol., Berlin, 1851. KING (Thomas William). Lancashire funeral certificates. Edited by T. W. King... With additions by...F. R. Raines. 4to., (Manchester,) 1869. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. Vol. LXXV. ) KING (William) Archbishop oj Dublin. The right method of interpreting Scripture... illustrated in a discourse on predestination. See WHATELY (R.) Archbishop oJ Dublin. The use and abuse of party feeling in matters of religion. ..Third edition. 8vo., 1833. KING (William) LL.D., Student of Christ Church, Oxford. The art of cookery, in imitation of Horace's art of poetrv, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Epistol^ : .\rs Poetica : Imitations.] 8vo., [1709.] KIRCHMEYER (Thomas). T. Naogeorgus [i.e., T. Kirchmeyer] Pammachius. [In verse.] Herausgegeben von J. Bolt und E. Schmidt. 8vo., Berlin, 1891. (Lateinische Denkmaler des XV. und XVI. Jahr- hvmderts, Heft 3.) KIRKWOOD (James). Proposals made by Rev. J. Kirkwood...in 1699, to found public libraries in Scotland. Reprinted... from the rare copy [of an anonymous tract attributed to J. Kirkvvood, entitled " An overture for founding & maintaining of bibliothecks... throughout this kingdom, etc."] in the Free Public Library', Wigan. With introductory remarks by W. Blades. 4to., London, 1889. Only 100 copies privately printed. KITTO (John). Cyclopaedia of Biblical litera- ture... Entirely new edition, edited by W. L. Alexander. 3 vols., illust. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1863-66. Vol. III. 1b of the 3rd edition. KITTON (Frederic G.). Dickens and his illustrators, etc. 4to., London, 1899. KLOSS (Georg Franz Burkh ard ). Catalogue of the library of Dr. Kloss... including many original and unpublished manuscripts .. . Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1835. KLOTZIUS (Christianus Adolphus). [i.e.. Christian Adolf Klotz.] C. A. Klotzti lectiones Venusinae. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1770. C. A. Klotzii opuscula poetica. 8vo., Altenburgi, 1761. C. A. Klotzii vindiciae Q. Horatii Flacci. Accedit commentarius in carmina poetae. 8vo., Bremae, 1764. Morante copy. See MANGELSDORF (C. E.). Vita et memoria...C. A. Klotzii, etc. 8vo., 1772. KLOTZIUS (Jo.\NNEs Christianus). [i.e., Johann Christian Klotz.] M. J. C. Klotzii ...de libris auctoribus suis fatalibus liber singularis. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1761. [Another copy.] KNICKKNACKIUS (Gripholdus) ex Floi- landia, pseud, [i.e., Janus Cecilius Frey.] See FREY (J. C). KNIGHT (Richard Payne), kn analytical es.say on the Greek alphabet. 4to., London, 1791. East India Company copy. KNIGHT (Samuel). The life of Dr. J. Colet... founder of St. Paul's School : with an ap- pendix containing some account of the masters and more eminent scholars of that foundation... .\ new edition. 8vo., Oxford, 1823. Cotton copy. KNOLLYS (Charles) calling himself Earl of Banbury. See BANBURY, Earldom of. Lord Chief Justice Holt's judgment... in the Banbury case, etc. fol., s.a. SeeBRYDG^S [Sir Z.'E.) Bart. The case of the King and the Earl of Banbury, etc. foL, (1825.) KNOWLES (George Parker). A genealogical and heraldic account of the Coultharts of Coulthart andCoUyn, eic. ^to., London, 1855. KOCH (Conrad) called Wimpina. See WIM- PINA (C). KOCH (Vincenz). See OPSOPOEUS (V.). KOCHHAFE (David). See CHYTR.i;US (D.). KOEHLER (Johann D.wid). Sjdloge aliquot scriptorum de bene ordinanda et omanda bibliotheca studio et opera J. D. Koeleri. (Bibliotheca manuscriptorum maxime anec- dotorum eorumque historicorum. Recensuit J. J. Moser.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Francofurti, 1728. The titlepage to the second part has the imprint " Noribergse, 1722." KOMENSKY (Jan Amos). See COMENIUS (J. A.). KONING (Jacobus). Dissertation sur Torigine, I'invention et le perfectionnement de I'im- primerie...Traduite du hoUandois. 8vo., Amsterdam, 1819. KORAN. Mohammedis filii Abdallae pseudo- -prophetae fides Islamitica, i.e. Al-Coranus ex idiomate Arabico...Latine versus per L. Marraccium, etc. 8vo., Lipsia, 1721. Pattison copy. See POSTEL (G.). Alcorani...et Evange- listarum cocordias liber, etc. 8vo., 1543. See ROSSI (G. B. de). De Corano Arabico Venetiis Paganini tj'pis impresso... dissertatio. 4to. , 1805. KORNJIANNUS (Henricus) . [i.e.. Heinrich Kornmann.] H. Kommanni...de virgini- tatis jure tractatus novus et jucundus. Ex jure civili, canonico, Patribus, historicis, 255 KORNMANNUS (Henricus) .—{contd.) poetis &c. confectus. (H. Kommanni ... linea amoris, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2nio., Virginopoli [^Frankfort on the Maine], 163 1. A spurious edition, without preface and omitting several chapters, KORTHOLTUS (Christ: anus) the Elder, [i.e. . Christi.an Kortholt,] De tribii.s impostori- bus magnis (E, Herbert, T. Hobbes, B, Spinoza) liber, etc. 8vo., Kilonii, 1680, f.Xnother edition.] 4to., Hambtirgi, 1700, KRAFFT (Karl Wilhelm). Notice sur A. L. Millin, 8vo,, Paris, 1S18. Pattison copy. KRAUSE (Johann Gottlieb) Prrss. Ap- paratus ad P. Manutii vitam pars prior, quam ..,praeside M. J. G. Krausic.e.xponet D. A. Sinapius. 4to., Lipsiae, 1719. Syston Park copy. KRIGSOEDERUS (Holofernes) pseud, {i.e.. Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G,). KRONE (Julius). Fra Dolcino und die Patarener ; historische Episode aus den piemontesischen Religionskriegen. Mit kirchen-, kultur- und rechtsgeschichtliclien Erlauterungen, etc. 8vo., Leipzig. 1844, KUCKELBRIO (Simon) pseud.. Press. Theses inaugurates, etc. See NUG^. Nugse venales, etc. [Pt. I.] i2mo., 1642. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1644. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1648. [Another edition.] i2mo., [1662.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1663. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1689. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1703. [Another edition.] t2mo., 1720. [Another edition.] i2mo.. 1741. KUFNERUS (Georgius). De morbis puero- rum. See FAVENTINUS DE VICTORIIS (L.). Practica medicinalis, ete. i6mo., 1547. KUN (PiETER van der). See CUN.EUS (P.). KYTELER (Alice). A contemporary narra- tive of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory Edited by T. Wright. Lat. 4to., London, 1843. (Camden Society Pubhcations, Vol. 24, ) L., A. A relation of some abuses which are committed against the common-wealth ; together with a freindlie [sic] reprehension of the same. Composed ...1629, by a poorc f reind [sic] and welwisher to the common-wealth (A. L.). Edited. ..by Sir F. Madden. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. III. 4to., 1854. LABADIE(Jeande). Mauduict(F.). Advis charitable 4 messieurs de Geneve touchant laviede J. Labadie, ?<<;. 5feBOLSEC(J. H.). La vie, mort ct doctrine de J. Calvin, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1664. LA BARRE DE BEAUMARCHAIS (Antoine DE). See BEAUMARCHAIS. LA BAUME LE BLANC (Louis C£sar de) Due de La Valtiire. See LA VALLlfeRE. LABBiEUS (Philippus). [i.e., Philippe Labbe.] p. Labbei...nova bibliotheca MSS. librorum, sive specimen antiquarum lec- tionum Latinarum et Gra:carum...cum coro- nide poetici. Accedunt supplementa decern, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Parisiis. 1653. Each part lias a separate titlepage describing the contents, and bearing the date 1652. Tho pagination and register are consecutive. Philippi Labbc... bibliotheca nummaria... Cum mantissEl antiquariae supellectilis, etc. See TEISSIER (A.). Catalogus auctoruni, etc. 4to., 1686. LABBE (Philippe). See LABB.EUS (P.). I.ABlt (Louise). See PERRIN formerly CHARLIN (L.) called Lab£. LABERIUS (Decimus). See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Fragmenta poetarum veterutn Latinorum...Ennii...Laberii, etc. 8vo., 1564. LA BIZARDIfiRE (Michel David de). Carac- tdres des auteurs anciens et modernes, avec les jugemens de leurs ouvrages. [By M. D. de La Bizardidre. Second edition.] i2mo., Amsterdam, 1705. Barbier, I., 499. Anstruther copy. l..\. BORDERIE ( ) Seigneur de. L'amie de court. [In verse.] 8vo., Lyon : chis E. Dolet. 1542. \Vanting the last leaf. Green morocco by Thompson. Veinant and Didot copy. [Another edition.] See GUEVARA (A. DE) Bishop oj Mondonedo. Le mespris de la court, etc. i6mo., 1544. LABOUlSSE-ROCHEFORT (Jeanne Mich- elle Marie Bonne IiljIonore de) Madame. See NAYRAL (M. J.). Notice biographique et litteraire sur Mmc. fi. de Labouissc-Roche- fort. 8vo., 1834. LA BRETONNE (Nicolas Edme Restif de). See RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. LA BRUY£RE (Jean Louis Barbeau de). See BARBEAU DE LA BRUYfiRE. LABUS (Giovanni). Tipografia del secolo XV., etc. [A critique on Vol. V. of G. Amati's " Ricerche storico-critiche," etc.] 8vo.. Slilauo. 1S34. From tho "Oazzctta Privilogiala ill Milaiio," Feb. 23, 24 and 26, 1834. 256 LA CAILLE (Jean de). Histoire de I'im- primerie et de la libraire, ou Ton voit son origine & son progres [sic], jusqu'en 1689, etc. [By J. de La Caille.] 410., Paris, 1689. Barbier, II., 687. LA CHAPELLE (Claude Emmanuel Lhuil- LiER DE). See CHAPELLE. LA CHAUSSE (Michel Ange de). Le grand cabinet remain, ou recueil d'antiquitez romaines...que Ton trouve a Rome. Avec les explications de M. A. de La Chausse. [Translated, from the Latin, by J. Roche.] fol., Amsterdam, 1706. With a second, engraved, titlepage. LACOSTE (Jean Baptiste). See ROUTHIER (N. N.). liloge funebre prononce sur la tombe de M. Lacoste, etc. 8vo., 1838. LACOSTE (Petrus). Serenissimi principis Emmanuelis Theodosii a Turre Arvemiae ducis Albretensis cardinalis renuntiati iconis- mus. [By P. Lacoste.] 8vo., Leodici Eburonum, (1669.) Heber cop\', LACRETELLE (Jean Charles Dominique DE). filoge de [J. P. C. de] Florian, etc. 8vo., Paris, 181 2. Pattison copy. LACROIX (Paul). Bibliographie et icono- graphie de tons les ouvrages de Restif de La Bretonnc.avec des notes historiques, critiques et litteraires par P. L. Jacob, biblio- phile [i.e., P. Lacroix]. 8vo., Paris, 1875. Curositcs de I'histoire des arts, par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile [i.e.. P. Lacroix], 8vo., Paris, 1858. Dissertations bibliographiques, par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile [i.e., P. Lacroix], i2mo., Paris, 1864. 260 copies printed, this being No. 66. — — finigmes et decouvertes bibliographiques, par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile [i.e.. P. Lacroix]. i2mo., Paris, 1866. 260 copies printed, this being No. 25. Quelques mots sur la bibliothfique du marquis de Morante, etc. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogue de la bibliothdque de feu M. le marquis de Morante, etc. Pt. L 8vo., 1872. — — Recueil de farces, soties et moralites du quinzieme siecle, reunies pour la premiere fois et publiees avec des notices et des notes par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile [i.e., P. Lacroix]. 8vo., Paris, 1859. La verite sur les deux proces criminels du marquis de Sade. See JANIN (J. G.). Le marquis de Sade, etc. 8vo., 1834. LACROIX (Silvestre Francois). Notice his- torique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Con- dorcet. 8vo., Paris, 1813. Pattison copy. LA CROIX DU MAINE (Francois Crude de). Les bibliotheques fran9oises de La Croix du Maine et de Du Verdier...nouvelle edition... revue, corrigee & augmentee d'un discours sur le progres des lettres en France, & des remarques historiques, critiques & litteraires de M. de La Monnoye & de M. le President Bouhier.,.de M. Falconet... Par M. [J. A.] Rigolcy de Juvigny. (Supplementum epi- tomes bibliothecae Gesnerianae, A. Verderio ...collectore ; B. Monetae. ..et variorum notis illustratum. — Bibliotheca, sive antiquitates urbis Constantinopolitanae (Codicum Gras- corum catalogus). [By J. Hartungus.] — Encomion chalcographije [in verse, by J. A. Bergellanus].) 6 tom. 4to., Paris, 1772-73. Currer copy. LACTANTIUS (Lucius Coelius Firmianus). Lactancij firmiani de re | surrectione dni nostri hiesu Christi carmina : vna | cum carminibus Enee Siluij de passione diii. | [Sig. as, recto .] Saphicon Endecasilla | bon Enee Siluij poete laureati (alias py sc(Ti pon | tificis maximi) ad cristi passione contem- planda. | [Sig. a8, verso:] Carmen Enee | Finis, I ©, %. 4to., s.n. Hain, 9821. 8 ft'., without pagination ; sig. a*. 1 8 lines to a full page. ^— Lactantii Firmiani de resurrectione elegia. Ejusdem de passione Domini, etc. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii ...opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1501. [Another copy.] L. C. Lactantii Firmiani divinarum in- stitutionum Ubri septem. De ira Dei, liber I. De opificio Dei, liber I. Epitome in libros suos liber acephalos. Phcenix. Carmen de dominica resurrectione. (Interpretatio dic- tionum Graecarum, quae in Lactantio reperi- untur ... recensente ... M. Musuro.) — (Tertul- lianus.) [Edited by J. B. Egnatius.] 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1515. Renouard, p. 70. —— [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .] Venetiis : in aedibus haeredum Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1535. Renouard, p. 113. L. C. Lactantii Firmiani divinarum in- stitutionum libri septem. Ejusdem de ira Dei liber I. De opificio Dei liber I. Epitome in libros suos, liber acephalos. Phoenix. Carmen de dominica resurrectione. Cum indice rerum locupletissimo. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiutn, 1541. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1543. L. C. Lactantii Firmiani liber de opi- ficio Dei seu formatione hominis : Erasrai ...scholiis novissime illustratus : & accurate per eundem recognitus. 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. Colincstl, 1529. LACY (Henry De) Earl of Lincoln. See LIN- COLN. L^TUS (Julius Pomponius). See POM- PONIUS L^TUS. LA FA YE (Antoine). See FAYUS (A.). LA FAYETTE (Marie Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne) Comtesse de. See L^MONTEY (P. £.). Notices sur M""-. de La Fayette et sur M""'. Deshouhdres, etc. 8vo., 1822. 25? LAFFORE (Pierre Jules de Bourrousse de). See BOURROUSSE DE LAFFORE. LA FONTAINE (Jean de). Fables... Nouvelle edition. 2 torn., illust. 410., Paris, 1838. LA FOREST (Ange Augustin Thomas PiHAN de). See PIHAN DE LA FOREST. LA FORTELLE ( — de) Lieutenant dii Rot. La vie militaire, politique et privee, de De- moiselle C. G. L. A. A. T. fion ou D'fion de Beaumont. 8vo., Paris, 1779. LA GARDE (Antoinette du Ligier de) Madame Deshoulieres. See DESHOU- LIERES. LA HfiRISSAYE (Noel Du Fail) Seigneur de. See DU FAIL. LAING (John) & HALKETT (Samuel). A dictionary' of the anonymous and pseudony- mous literature of Great Britain, etc. 4 vols. See HALKETT (S.) & LAING (J.). 8vo., 1882-88. LAING (Samuel) the Elder. Journal of a re- sidence in Norway, during... 1834, 1835, and 1836, etc. 8vo., London, 1836. LAIR (Pierre Aim^). Notice sur M. [R.] Le Berriays. 8vo., Caen, 1808. Pattison copy. LAIRE (FRAN90IS Xavier). Ad Abbatem Ugolini Fulginatem [i.e., G. B. Audiffredi] epistola autoris libri cui titulus : Specimen typographia? RomanEe [i.e., P. Laire]. 8vo., [colophon :] Argentorati [Paris], (177Q.) Only 18 copies printed. Brunei, III., 775. Dissertation sur I'origine et ies progrfis de I'impriinerie en Franche-Comte, pendant le quinzifime siecle. [Dedication signed " Le P6re Laire."] 8vo., Dole, 1785. Index librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum i jtxj ; chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typographico-litterariam illus- trantibus. 2 pts. 8vo., Senonis, 1791. Specimen historicum typographiae Ro- manae XV. saeculi. 8vo., Romae, 1778. Guilford copy. See AUDIFFREDI (G. B.). Lettere tipografichc.al Padre F. S. Laire, etc. [A criticism of Lairc's " Specimen, etc."] 8vo., 1778. LAKE (Edward) D.D. Diary of Dr. E. Lake ...chaplain and tutor to the Princesses Mar^' and Anne. .1677-1678. Edited by G. P. Elliott. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. I. 4to., 1846. LAKE {Sir ICdward) Bart. Sir E. Lake's ac- count of his interviews with Charles I. on being created a baronet, and receiving an augmentation to his arms. Edited by T. P. Langmead. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1858. LAKELANDS LIBRARY. See CRAWFORD (W. H.). The Lakelands library. Catalogue of the... books... of the late W. H. Crawford, etc. 8vo., 1 89 1. LALANNE (Marie Ludovic Chretien). Curiositc'S bibliographiques. Svo., Paris, 1857. (BibliothSquo de Poche.) Curiositfe biographiques. 8vo., Paris, 1858. ( Bibliot hfique de Poelie. ) Curiosites litteraires. 8vo., Paris, 1857. (Bibliotheque de Poche.) LALLEMANDUS, S. Theologia; Doctor, pseud. [i.e., Josef Marchena.] See MARCHENA (J.). LA MAISON NEUVE ( Baudichon de). See BAUDICHON DE LA MAISO> NEUVE. I LA MARCHE (Olivier de). Le chevaliei \ delibere...The illustrations of the edition of I Schiedam reproduced, with a preface by F. I Lippmann, and a reprint of the text. ! 4to., London, 1898. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. V.) ; LA MARE (Philibertus de). Philiberti de La j Marc.de vita, moribus, et scriptis G. Phil- I andri... epistola. ^to., [Dijon ?] 1667. Sunderland copy. LAMARTINE (Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de). Litterature latine. Horace. [Signed Lamartine.] 8vo., (Paris,) [i860 ?] From Tome VIII. of the author's " Cours lamilier de littirature." LAMBIN (Denis). See LAMBINUS (D.). LAMBINET (Pierre). Origine de I'impri- merie, d'apres Ies titres authentiques, I'opinion de M. Daunou...suivie des etablissemcns de cet art dans la Belgique et de I'histoire de la stereotypic, etc. 2 tom. [in i vol.] 8vo., Paris, 18 10. LAMBINUS (DioNYSius). [i.e., Denis Lam- bin.] D. Lambini...in Q. Horatium Flaccum ...commentarii [with the text]...Editio pos- trema. 2 pts. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera. — Latin.] fol., 1577. [Another edition.] 4to., 1596. Sexta...editio, He. 4to., 1605, 04. [Another copy.] LAMENTATIONES. Lamentationes obscu- rorum virorum, etc. See GRATIUS (O.). Epistolae obscurorum virorum, etc. Vol. III. 1 2 mo., (1689.) LAMI (Giovanni). J. Lami memorabilia Italorum eruditione praestantium quibus vertens saeculum gloriatur. 2 tom. [in 3 vols.] 8vo., Florentitr, 1742-48. Pattison copy. LA MONNOYE (Bernard de) pseud, [i.e., VabU Du Revest] See DU REVEST ( ) AbU. LA MOTHE FfiNELON (Francois de Salignac DE). See FfiNELON. LA MOTHE-LANGON (^tienne LitoN) Baron de, &■ others. Biographic toulousaine, ou dictionnaire historiquc des pcrsonnagcs qui ...se sont rendus c61^bres dans la villc de Toulouse... par unc soci6tc dc gens de Icttrcs R 258 LA MOTHE-LANGON (£. 'L.).—{covtd.) [i.e., Baron E. L. de La Mothe-Langon, J. T. Laurent-Gousse and A. L. C. A. Du Mege], etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1823. Barbier, I., 434. LA MOTHE LE VAYER (Francois de) the Eider. Cincq dialogues faits a 1 'imitation des anciens, par Oratius Tubero [i.e., F. de La Mothe le Vayer], eic. i2mo., Mons, 1671. Qu6rard, III., 861. — — Hexameron rustique, ou les six joumees passees a la campagne entre des personnes studieuscs. lamo., .■imsterdani, 1698. LAMOUREUX (Jean Baptiste Justin). Notice histonque et litteraire sur la vie et les ecrits du comte Francois de Neufchiteau. [By J. B. J. Lamoureux.] 8vo., Paris, 1843. Barbier, III., 444. Pattison copy. LAMPORT GARLAND. A Lamport garland from the library of Sir C. E. Isham, Bart., comprising four unique works hitherto un- known. [Edited by C. Edmonds.] 4to., London, 1881. (Rosburghe Club Publications, No. 109.) Con- tents : Emaricdulfe. By E. C, Esquier. — Celestiall elegies. By T. Rogers. — Vertues due. By T. P., Gentleman T»-e.. Thomas Powell]. — A commemoration on Sir C. Hatton. By J. Phillips. With autograph inscription "To H. R. Luard from Henry Bradshaw *' on the fly-leaf. LAMPRIDIUS (^Lius). See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSTiE. Begin. Bonus Accursius Pisanus Salutem dicit plurima, etc. [Fol. 4, verso .] In hoc codice continentur Caius Suetonius Tranquillus...Aelius Lam- pridius, etc. fol., 1475. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 516. fol., 1 5 18. Svo., 1 5 19. [Another edition.] Tom. I. i6nio., 1 55 1. LANCASHIRE. Abstracts of (Lancashire) in- quisitions post mortem, made by C. Towneley and R. Dodsworth... Edited by W. Langton. 2 vols. 4to., (Manchester,) 1875-76. (Chatham Society. Remains, etc. Vols. XCV. andXCIX.) A description of the state, civil and ecclesi- astical, of the county of Lancaster, about... 1590. By some of the clergy of the diocese of Chester... With an introduction and notes by...F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MIS- CELLANIES. Vol. V. 4to., 1875. A discourse of the warr in Lancashire. [By E. Robinson ?] Edited by W. Beamont. 4to., (Manchester,) 1864. (Chetham Society. Remains, e(c. Vol. LXII. ) — — Final concords of the county of Lancaster ...Transcribed, translated, and annotated by W. Farrer. Part I. 8vo., [Manchester,] 1899. (Record Society Publications, Vol. XXXIX.) Lancashire inquisitions (post mortem) re- turned into the Chancerj' of the Duchy of Lancaster and now existing in the Public Record Office, London. [Translations into English of " abstracts from the original Latin made by J. A. C. Vincent."] Stuart period ...Edited by J. P. Rylands. 3 pts. 8vo., [Manchester.] 1880-88. (Record Society Publications, Vols. III., XVI. and XVII. ) This work covers the reign of James I. only. The pagination of pts. II. and III. is con- secutive. One of four copies printed on large paper. A list of the freeholders in Lancashire in the year 1600. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. See below. Miscellanies, relating to Lanca- shire and Cheshire. Vol. I. 8vo., 1885. A manuscript containing Lancashire church notes, and trickings of arms, made in the years 1 564 to 1 598. Rendered in blazon by J. P. Rylands. 8vo., Liverpool, 1892. Reprinted, for private circulation, from the "Trans. Hist. Soo. Lanes. & Chesh.," Vol. 42. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vols. I.-III. 8vo., [Manchester,] 1885-96. (Record Society Publications, Vols. XII., XXXI. and XXXIII.) Vol. I. is one of four copies printed on large paper. Contents :- Vol. I. Homage roll of the manor of Warrington.. .1491 to 151 7 [compiled by Sir W. Plumtre]... Edited by W. Beamont. — Loans, contributions, sub- sidies and sliip money, paid by the clergy of the diocese of Chester, in the years 1620, 1622, 1624, 1634, 1635, 1636 and 1639, as recorded in the private ledger of J. Bridgeman, D.D., Bishop of Chester... Edited by...G. T. O. Bridgeman. — Three Lancashire subsidy rolls, viz. , for the htin- dred of Salford, 1541, the hundred of Salford, 1622, and the hundred of I.eyland, 1628, together with a recusant roll for the hiuidred of Leyland, in 1628. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. — Obli- gatory knighthood temp. Charles I. Lists of the esquires and gentlemen in Che-shire and Lancashire, who refused the order of knight- hood at the coronation of Charles I. Drawn up in the years 1631 and 1632. Edited by J. P. Earwaker. — A list of the freeholders in Lan- cashire in the year 1600. Edited by J. P, Earwaker. — Vol. II. The book of the Abbot of Combermere, 12S9-1529... Edited by J. Hall. — The Exchequer lay subsidy roll of R. de Shireburn and J. de Radcliffe...i332. Edited by J. P. Rylands. — -Vol. III. A list of the clergy in eleven deaneries of the diocese of Chester, 1541-42. ..Edited by W. F. Irvine. — The Chorley Survey... Edited by R. D. Radcliffe. — An indes of the wills... now preserved at the Diocesan Registry, Chester, from 1487 to 1620. ..Edited by W. F. Ir\'ine. The names of all the gentlemen of the best callinge w*in the countye of Lancaster, whereof choyse ys to be made of a c'ten number to lend unto her Ma'J'^ moneyc.in... I S88, etc. S^e CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. III. 4to., 1862. The Royalist composition papers, being the proceedings of the Committee for Com- pounding, A.D. 1643-1660, so far as they relate to the county of Lancaster... Edited by J. H. Stanning. Vols. I.-IV., A— O. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1891-98. (Record Society Publications, Vols. XXIV., XXVI., XXIX. and XXXVI. ) \'ols. I. and II. are large paper copies, of which only four were printed. 259 LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE ANTIQUA- RIAN SOCIETY. Transactions, etc. Vols. I.-XVI. 1883-98. 8vo., Manchester, 1884-99. LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE HISTORI- CAL AND GENEALOGIC.\L NOTES. [Edited by J. Rose.] Vol. I. 4to., Leigh. 1878-79. Wanting the titlepage, index and concluding pages ; also Vols. II. and III. 150 copies printed. LANCASTER, County of. See LANCASHIRE. LANCASTER, Duchy of. Pleadings and de- positions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, time of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. (Ed- ward VI. and Philip and Mary.) Edited by H. Fish wick. 3 vols. Svo., {Rochdale,) iSg6-gg. (Record Society Publications, Vols. XXXII., XXXV. and XL.) LANCASTER.— St. M.^ry's Church. See ROPER (W. O.). Materials for the history of the Church of Lancaster, etc. 2 vols. 4to., 1892-94. LANCASTER, Thomas, Earl of See THOMAS, Earl of Lancaster. LANCASTER (Olive Wilmot) calling herself Duchess of See WILMOT (O.). LANCELOT (Antoixe). Naudaeana et Pati- niana [compiled by A. Lancelot]... Seconde edition, ete. Se« NAUD£ (G.). i2mo., 1703. LANDI (Anton'io). II commodo, comedia. [In prose.] See GIAMBULLARI (P. F.). Apparato et feste, etc. 8vo., 1539. LANDI (GiULlo) Covte. Formaggiata di Sere Stentato [?>.. G. Landi] al serenissinio re della virtude. 8vo., [colophon .•] Piasenza : per ser Grassino Formaggiaro, 1542. Meizi, III., 99. Manzoni copy. La vita di Cleopatra, reina d'Egitto...con una oratione nel fine, recitata ncU' .\cademia doll' Ignoranti ; in lode dell' ignoranza. [Edited by A. F. Doni.] 8vo., Vinegia : \_P. Manutms,] 1551. Renouard, pp. 153 and 488. LANDI (Ortensio). See LANDO. LANDINUS (Christophorus). [i.e., Cristo- FORO Landino.] [For the various editions of the commentary of Landinus on the works of Horatius Flaccus.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Lato!.] LANDO (Ortensio). [Cataloghi.] Sette libri de cathaloghi i varie cose appartenenti, non solo antiche, ma anche moderne, etc. [By O. Lando.J 8vo., Vinegia, 1552. Bongi, Ixii. Melzi, III., 62. The colophon is dated 1553. Green morocco by Trautz- Bnuzonnet. Yemeniz and R. S. Tumor's copy. [Another copy.] [Cicero Relegatus.] Cicero relegatus, & Cicero revocatus. Dialogi festivissimi. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud S. Gryphium, 1534. Bongi, xxxi. Melzi, I., 206. Blue morocco by 0\iru. Costo and K. S. Turner's copy. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : per M. Sessam, 1534. [Another edition.] See VORSTIUS (J.). J. Vorstii...dc Latinitate selccta... liber, etc. 8vo., 1738. [Consolatorie.] Consolatorie de diversi autori, novamente raccolte, etc. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinegia: al segno del pozzo [P. &■ Z. di Nicolini da Sabbio], 1550. Bongi, xlix. Melzi, I., 248. [Cose d'Italia.] Commenlario delle piu notabili, et mostruose cose d'Italia, & altri luoghi, di lingua aramea in italiana tradotto ...Vi si e poi aggionto un breve catalogo delli inventori delle cose, etc. (Landus, Horten- sius, est autor.) 8vo., [Venice ?] 1548. Bongi, xli. Melzi, I., 62. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinetia : al segno del pozzo [P. &■ Z. di Nicolini da Sabbio], 1550. Bongi, xlii. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinetia, 1553. Bongi, xlii. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Venice,] 1554. Bongi, xlii. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetia, 1569. Bongi, xlii. [DuBBi.] Quatlro libri de dubbi, con le solution! a ciascun dubbio accommodate, etc. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinegia, 1552. Bongi, 1. Melzi, II., 391, [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia, 1556. Bongi, 1. Selva di bellissimi dubbi, con dotte solu- tioni a ciascun dubbio accommodate [by O. Lando]... Di nuovo rivista & d'utili annotationi arricchita da A. Novelli, etc. 8vo., Piacenza, 1597. Bongi. li. See PASCHETTI (B.). Dubbi morali et naturali, etc. [In imitation of O. Lando's " Quattro libri di dubbi."] 8vo., 1581. [Forciane Quesxioni.] Forcianas quaes- tiones, in quibus varia Italorum ingenia e.\- plicantur, multaq5 alia scitu non indigna. .Vutore Philalethe Polytopiensi Give [i.e., O. Lando]. 8vo., Neapoli : excudebat M. de Ragusia, 1535. Bongi, xxxiii. Melzi, IT., 335. [Another edition.] 8vo., Neapoli: excudebat M. de Ragusia, 1536. Bongi, xxxiii. [Review of this edition.] See COLLECTIO. Nova librorum rariorum con- lectio, etc. Fasc. 2, p. 331. 8vo., 1709. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See GASTIUS (J.). Convivalium sermonum liber, etc. 8vo., 1541. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8vo. 1542. liathcnius, 1550. 8\-o. , Lovanii : excudebat J. Vo.ssius and Manzoni copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Francofurti, 1616. Bongi, xxxiv. [Another edition. ] 4to., Luca, 1763. Bongi, xxxiv. 26o LANDO (Ortensio).— (cowW.) ■ Le Forciane questioni, nelle quali i varii costumi degli Italian! e molte cose non in- degne da sapersi si spiegano...Tradotte da G. Paoletti. 8vo., Venezia, 1857. One of 12 copies printed on rose paper, ■■ [In Erasmi Funus.] In D. Erasmi... funus, dialogus lepidissimus. [By O. Lando.] Nunc primum in lucem editus. 8vo., Basilea, 1540. Bongi, XXXV. [Lettere.] Letters della^.S'". Donna Lucretia Gonzaga da Gazuolo con gran dili- gentia raccolte, etc. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinegia, 1553. Bongi, Iv. Qu^rard, II.. 195. Lettere di molte valorose donne, nelle quali chiaramente appare non esser ne di eloquentia ne di dottrina alii huomini in- feriori. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinegia: appresso G. Giolito, 1548. The colophon Ls dated 1549. Bongi, xlii. Melzi, II., 115. Manzoni copy. [Another edition. ]...Di nuovo stam- pate, etc. 8vo., Vinegia : appresso G. Giolito, 1 540. [Another copy.] [Medicina.] Una breve prattica di medi- cLna per sanare le passioni dell' animo. [By O. Lando.] 4 to., [Padua .] Appresso G. Perchacino, [1552.] Bongi, Ixi. Melzi, I., 150. [NovELLE.] Novelle di M. O. Lando. Con diligenza ristampate e corrette, precedute dalla sua vita [by S. Bongi]. (Catalogo delle opera di...O. Lando [by S. Bongi].) 8vo., Lucca, 1851. The bibliogiaphy contains annotations and addi- tions by Mr. Christie. - [Oracoli.] Oracoli de modemi ingegni, si d'huomini come di doime, ne quali. unita si vede tutta la philosophia morale, che fra molti scrittori sparsa si leggeva. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinetia : appresso G. Giolito, 1550. Bongi, xlvii. Melzi, II., 274. Calf by Bedford. Gaisford copy. [Another copy.] — — [Panegirici.] Due panegirici nuova- mente composti, de quali I'uno e in lode della S. Marchesana deUa Padulla, et I'altro in comendatione della S. Donna Lucretia Gon- zaga da Gazuolo. [By O. Lando.] Svo., Vinegia, 1552. Bongi, liL Melzi, I., 338. Manzoni copy, [Paradossi.] Paradossi, cioe, sententie tuori del comun parere novellamente venute in luce, etc. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Lione: per G. Pullon da Trino, 1543. Bongi, xxxvi. Melzi, II., 310. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia, 1544. Bongi, xxxvii. Green morocco by Hardy-Mennil. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia, 1544. Differs sliglitly from tlie other edition of 1544. Blue morocco by E. Niedr6e. Marchetti copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetia, 1545. Bongi, xxxvii. [Another edition.] i2mo., Lione : per Jaccobbo de Millis, 1550. The colophon reads : " Stampato in Lione per G. Pullone di Trino." Yemeniz copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetia, 1563. [Another edition.]. ..Ristaurate, & purgate, etc. 4to., Bergatno, 1594. Comprises oidy 17 selected paradoxes. Bongi, xxx^i. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vicenza, 1602. Paradoxes, ce sont propos contre la com- mune opinion : debatus, en forme de declama- tions foreses : pour exerciter les jeunes ad- vocats, en causes difficiles. [Translated by C. Estienne from the Italian of O. Lando.] 8vo., Paris, 1553. Bongi, xxxviii. [Another edition.]. ..Reveuz & cor- rigez pour la scconde fois. 8vo., Paris, 1553. Baschet copy. — [Another edition.] XXV. para- doxes. ..Plus adjouste de nouveau le paradoxe que le plaider est chose tres utile, & neces- saire a la vie des hommes. i6mo., Paris, 1554. Piat copy. [Another edition.] Parado.xes, etc. i6mo., Lyon, 1555. Red morocco by Chivers. [Another edition.] Les paradoxces [«'c], etc. i6mo., Paris, 1573. [Another edition.] Paradoxes, etc. (Loiiange de la folie. — Que la vraye richesse consiste en vertu & en contentement.) i6mo., Rouen, 1583. Les declamations paradoxes... Traite utile ...Reveu...par Jean du Val [or rather, a free translation by C. Estienne from the Italian of O. Lando.] i2mo., Paris, 1603. Bnmet, IV., 362. Barbier, I., 844. Paradoxes, on les opinions renversees de la pluspart des hommes, etc. [A free trans- lation by C. Estienne from the Italian of O. Lando.] i6mo., Rouen, 1638. The frugal life. A paradox... With intro- duction by W. E. A. Axon. 8vo., Manchester, i8gg. A translation of the twenty-fourth of tlie '* Para- dossi " of Lando. Sec CONFUTAZIONE. Confutatione del libro de paradossi, etc. 8vo., s.a. [Another copy.] - [QuEsiTi Amorosi.] Questions diverses et responses d'icelles. [By O. Lando.] Divisees en trois livres. A Sfavoir : ques- tions d'amour, questions naturelles, questions morales & polytiques. Nouvellemet tra- duites...en franfoys. i6mo., Paris, 1572. Barbier, III., 1155. Green morocco by Bau- zomiet. 26l I.AXDO (Ortensio).— (coH/(i.) [Ragionamenti Familiari.] Ragiona- menti familiari di diversi autori, non meno dotti, che faceti, etc. [Edited by O. Lando.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Vinegia : per Pietro, &■ Zuanmaria fratellt di Nicolini da Sabbio. 1550. Bongi, xlviii. Melzi, II., 404. — — -—^ [Another copy.] In this copy the titlepage reads : *' Ragionamenti familiari do [s?c] diversi autori,*' and the numeral on fol. 2 is inverted. [Sacra Scrittura.] Dialogo...nel quale si ragiona della consolatione, & utilita, che si gusta leggendo la Sacra Scrittura, etc. 8vo., Vinetia, 1552. Bongi, Ix. [Another copy.] [Sermoni Funebri.] Sermoni funebri de vari authori [or rather, by O. Lando] nella inorte de diversi animali. 8vo., Vinegia : appresso G. Giolito, 1548. The colophon is dated 1549. Bongi, xliv. Moizi, III., 5.S. Purple morocco by Koehler. Nodier, Yemeniz, and R. S. Tiu-ner's copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Vinegia : appresso G. Giolito, 1 548. This edition has a different dedication ; otherwise it agrees almost entirely with the former one. [Another edition.] 8vo., Genova, 1559. Borghcse copy. Harangues facetieuses, rempHes de doc- trines et sentences, sur la mort de divers animaux, composees par divers autheurs [or rather, by O. Lando]. Traduit...par P. R. L. i2mo., Lyon, 161 8. Barbier. II., 603. Dilettevoli orationi nella morte di diversi animali, etc. [By O. Lando.] 8vo., Venetia, 171 2. Melzi, III., 58. Not known to Bongi. See HUZARD (J. B.). Notes biblio- graphiques sur I'ouvraged'H. Lando, intitule : Sermoni funebri, itc. 8vo.. 1835. See RAISONNABLE, Monsieur, pseud. Harangues burlesques sur la vie, et sur la mort de divers animaux, etc. [Imitated from the " Sermoni funebri " of O. Lando.] Svo., 1651. [Sfkrza de' ScKiTTORr.J La sferza dc scrittori antichi et modemi di M. Anonimo di Utopia [i.e., O. Lando], alia quale, 6 dal medesimo aggiunta una essortatione alio studio delle lettere. 8vo., Vinegia : [Pietro &■ Zuanmaria Jratelli di Nicolini da Sabbio,] 1550. Bongi, xlvi. Melzi, I., 62. [Varii Componimenti.] Varii componi- nicnti di M. H. Lando. Nuovamcnti vcnuti in luce. Quesiti amorosi, con Ic rispostc. Dialogo intitolato Ulisse. Ragionamcnto oc- corso tra un cavalliere, et un' huomo soletario. Alcune novellc. Alcunc favole. Alcuni scroppoli, «/<;. 8vo., Vinegia, 1552. Hongi, liii. [.Another edition.] 8vo., Venetia. i 554. The colophon is dat«d I SSS- Bongi, liv. Cftlf by C. Smith. See AXON (W. E. A.). O. Lando, a humorist of the Renaissance. 8vo., [1899.] See MORE (5;> T.). La republica nuova- mente ritrovata, del govemo dell' isola Eutopia, etc. [Translated by O. Lando.] 8vo., 1548. Ortensio Landi. See POGGIALI (C). Memorie per la storia letteraria di Piacenza. Vol. I. 4to., 1789. Se«SFORZA (I.). Delia vera tranquillity deir animo, etc. [Edited by " II Tranquillo." i.e., O. Lando.] 4to., 1544. LANDRY (Geoffroy de La Tour). See LA TOUR LANDRY. LANEY (Benjamin) Bishop of Ely. Observa- tions upon a letter of M. Tho. Hobbcs... about liberty and necessity. See HOBBES (T.). A letter about liberty and necessity, etc. i2mo., 1677. LANG (Andrew). Elzevirs. [Signed A. Lang.] 4to., [London, 1884.] From the " Magazine of Art," May, 1884. The library... With a chapter on modem English illustrated books by A. Dobson. 8vo., London, 1881. (Art at Home Series.) LANGIUS (Joannes Petrus). Democritus ridens. Sive campus recreationum hones- tarum. Cum e.xorcismo melancholiae. [By J. P. Langius.] i2mo., Amstelodami, 1655. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Brunei, II., 584- [Another edition.] i2mo., Gedani. 1701. LANGLE Y ( ) of Prestwich. The auto- biography of Mr. Langley of Prestwich, seventeenth century. With an introduction and notes by. . .F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. VI. 4to., 1878. LANGON (IiTiENNE Leon de La Mothe-) Baron. See LA MOTHE-LANGON. LANJUINAIS (Jean Denis) ComU. See BERR (M.). Notice sur le comte Lanjuinais, etc. 8vo., 1827. I,A PEYRfeRE (Isaac de). I. Peyrerii cpi- stola ad Philotimum, qu:i exponit rationes, propter quas ejuraverit sectam Calvini, quam profitebatur : et librum de Prae-Adamitis, quern edidcrat. 4to., Francofurti, 1658. Praeadaniita", sive exercitatio super versi- bus duodecimo, decimotertio & decimo- quarto, capitis quinti cpistol.-p D. Pauli ad Romanes. Quibus inducuntur i^rimi hoiuincs ante Adamumconditi. [By I. de La I'eyrfirc.] l2mo., [.Imsterdiim ?] 1655. Brunei, III., 831. Barbier, IV., 1346. Systcma theologicum, ex PriPadamitarum hypothcsi. Pars prima. [By I. de La Peyrdrc.] i2mo., [Amsterdam f] 1655. Brunot, III.. 832. See MORIN (J. H.). Refutatio...libri dc Pra;-Adamitis, efc. i2mo., 1656. See PRIORIUS (P.). Animadversiones in librum I'r.Tadamitarum.p/c i2mo., 1656. 262 LAPIDANUS (GuiLiELMUs). [i.e., Willem VAN DEN Steene.] De non timenda morte... liber, etc. 8vo. , [colophon:] Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, 1533. Panzer, VII., 270, 116. The imprint on the title- page reads : " Vsenundantur a B. Gravio." LAPIERRE (Charles F.) &■ others. Les hommes illustres de I'Orleanais, etc. 2 torn. See BRAINNE (C.) &■ others. 8vo., 1852. LAPIERRE (Eugene). Le parlement de Tou- louse. 8vo., Paris, 1875. From the " Revue de legislation franfaise et 6trang6re." LA PIMPIE SOLIGNAC (Pierre Joseph de). Les amours d'Horace. [By P. J. de La Pimpie Solignac] i2nio., Cologne, 1728. Barbier, I., 146. LA PORTE (Hippolyte de) Marquis. Notice sur [A.] Rivarol. [Signed H. L., i.e., H. Laporte.] 8vo., Paris, 1829. Pattison copy. LA PORTE DU THEIL (Francois Jean Gabriel de). See DACIER (B. J.) Baron. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Dutheil, etc. 8vo.. 1816. See SACY (A. I. S. de) Baron. Notice abregee sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. de La Porte du Theil, etc. 8vo., s.a. LAPPENBERG (Johann Martin). A history of England under the Anglo-Saxon kings, translated... by B. Thorpe. With additions, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1845. A history of England under the Norman kings. ..To which is prefixed, an epitome of the early history of Normandy. Translated ...by B. Thorpe, with. ..additions, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1857. LA RAM^E (Pierre de). See RAMUS (P.). LARCHER (Pierre Henri). See BOISSO- NADE (J. P.). Notice sur la \ie et les ecrits de feu M. Larcher. 8vo., [18 13.] LARDNER (Dionysius). The cabinet of historj% See THIRLWALL (C.) Bishop oj St. David's. History of Greece. 8 vols. Svo., 1835-44. LARFEUL (F. de). fitudes sur P. Lizet, premier president au parlement de Paris au seizieme siecle. 8vo., Clermont-Ferrand, 1856. LARKING (Lambert Blackwell). Proceed- ings, principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the parliaments called in 1640, and especially with the Committee of Religion appointed in that year. Edited by ...L. B. Larking... With a preface by J. Bruce. 4to., [London,] 1862. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 80. ) LA ROCHELLE (Jean pRANgois Nee de). See NfiE DE LA ROCHELLE. LA ROCHEMAILLET (Rene Michel de). R. M. Rupemallei...poematia. 8vo., Parisiis, 1658. Heber copy. LA ROCHETTE (Simon Chardon de). See CHARDON DE LA ROCHETTE. LARROQUE (Jacques Philippe Tamizey de). See TAMIZEY DE LARROQUE. LA RUE (Gervais de). See VAULTIER (M. C. F.). Notice sur la vie et les travau.x litteraires de feu M. I'abbe de La Rue. 8vo., 1841. LA SCALA (Joseph Juste de). See SCALI- GER (J. J.). LASCARIS (Andreas Joannes). J. Lascaris ...epigrammata. [Edited by J. Tusanus.] Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon : Paris :] in chalcographteo J. Badii Ascesii, 1527. 'lai'ov AaaxaQea)g...i7iiyQaftfiaTa. J. Las- caris . . .epigrammata. [Edited by J . Tusanus. ] Gr. 4to., Parisiis: apud J. Bogardum, 1542. Earl of Guilford*s copy. [Another edition.] Gr. &> Lat. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1544. LASCARIS (Constantine). Begin. [Fol. i, verso .] Bonus Accursius Pisanus Viro Claris- simo lulio pomponio | salutem plurimam dicit. I [Sig. ai, recto:] 'EWTOMH TON 'OKTQ I TOY AOrOY MEPDN \ KAl 'A A AON TINQN | 'ANAFKAIQN ZYNTE- \ eElEA HAP A KQNSTAN | TINOY TOY A ASK APE I QS TOY BYZANTIOY. | COMPENDRTSIOCTO | OR.\TIONIS PAR- TIVTVI I etc. End. [Sig. mg, recto :] Hoc diuinum opus ... | ... | ... intcrpretatum per ... I ... lo- I hannem monachum Placen- tinum. I Gr. S'Lat. 4to., [colophon :] Mediolani : [B. Accursius,] 1480. 97 ft'., witliout pagijiation ; [fol. i,'] sigs. a', b-1*, m'. Haiu aud Copinger, 9921. Proctor, 5964. Proctor^, pp. 62-63. Begin. [Fol. i, verso :] Bonus Accursius Pisanus Viro Clarissimo lulio pom | ponio salutem plurimam dicit. | [Sig. ax, redo :] 'EniTOMH TUN 'OKTQ \ TOY AOFOY MEPiiN I KAl 'AAAQN TINDN \ 'ANAF- KAIQN n'NTE- I OEISA HAP A KQNZTAN I TINOY TOY AAZKAPE \ QS TOY BYZANTIOY. \ COMPENDIVM OCTO | ORATIONIS PARTIVM | etc. End. [Sig. mg, recto :] Hoc diuinum opus... [ ... | ... in | terpretatii per... | ... | ...lohannem mona- chum I Placentinum. | Gr. &• Lat. 4to., {colophon :] Vicentits : per magistru}, Leonardum de basilea [Leonardus Achates], 1489. Hain and Copinger. 9922. Reichling. II., 202. Proctor, 7127. Proctor', pp. 90-91. .kt the end of the volume is the first idyll of Moschus, entitled *' ffTiXt T/etwiKot ets rov iptora." See Mr. R. C. Christie's " Selected essays," pp. 316-318. Begin. [Sig. ai, recto :] KojvaravTivov ?.aaHaQsvg [sic] rov ptl^avriov nQooi/uov tov \ negi ovo/iiaToi; xai otj/taTog tqitov. | pijihov. | E)id. [Sig. C4, verso, after the epilogue :] TeXoq. \ ^io., s.n.[Vicenza : Leonardus Achates oJ Basel, 1489 ?] Hain, 9925. Reichling, IT., 202. Proctor, 7126. Proctor^, pp. 91 and 181. In hoc libro haec Continentur. | Constan- tini Lascaris Erotemata cCi interpretatione latina. | De Ifis gra^cis ac diphthogis et 263 LASCARIS (Constantine).— (coM/rf.) queadmodu ad nos ueniat. | Abbreuiationes quibus frequentissime grjeci utuntur. | Oratio Dominica & duplex salutatio Beatae Virginis. | Symbolum Apostolorum. | Euan- gelium Diui loannis Euangelistas. | Carmina Aurea Pythagorae. | Phocilidis uiri sapientis- simi moralia. Omnia supra scripta | habent e regione interpretatione latina de uerbo ad uerbu. | [The translation and the two treatises on the Greek alphabet are by A. P. Manutius, the editor of the whole work.] Gr. &■ Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : siimo studio : litteris ac inipensis Aldi Manucii Romani, 1494, 14Q5. The first book printed by Aldus Manutius. This edition contains the "first book only of the Grammar of Lascaris. Renouard, p. i. Hain, •9924. Proctor, 5546. Proctor'', p. 79. Sulli- van copy. C. Lascaris... de octo partibus orationis, liber primus. Ejusdem de constructione liber secundus. Ejusdem de nomine & verbo liber tertius. Ejusdem de pronomine secun- dum omnem linguam, & poeticum usum opusculimi. Haec omnia habent e regione latinam interpretationem ad verbum fere propter rudes, ita tamen ut & amoveri, & addi possit pro cujuscunq3 arbitrio. Cebetis tabula & graca & latina... De litetis [sic] graecis ac diphthongis & queadmodu ad nos veniat. Abbreviationes. quibus frequentis- sime graeci utuntur. Oratio Dominica & duplex salutatio ad Beatiss. Virginem. Sym- bolum apostolorum. Evangelium divi Joannis Evangelistae. Carmina aurea Pytha- gorae. Phocylidis poema ad bene, beateq5 vivendum. Omnia haec cum interpretatione latina. Introductio perbrevis ad hebraicam linguam. [The translation and the two treatises on the Greek alphabet are by A. P. Manutius, the editor of the whole work.] Gr. 6- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [colophon .] Venetiis : apiid Aldu no sine privilegio ut &■ in aliis. [1502 ?] The first comploto edition of the Grammar of Lascaris. Renouard, p. 262. Hanrott, Uidot and Gennadius copy. [Another copy.] 2 pts. In hoc libro haec habcntur. C. Lascaris ...de octo partibus ofonis lib. I. Ejusdem de constructione liber secundus. Ejusdem de nomine & verbo liber tertius. Ejusdem do pronomine in omni idiomate loquendi, ac ut poetae utuntur opusculum. Haec omnia habent e regione latinam interpretationem ad verbum fere propter rudiusculos, ita tamen ut & amoveri, & addi possit procujusq'; arbitrio. Cebetis tabula & graeca & latina..". De Uteris graecis ac diphthongis & queadmodfi ad nos veniat. Abbreviationes, quibus fre- quentissime gra?ci utuntur. Oratio Dominica & duplex salutatio ad Beatiss. Virginem. Symbolum Apostolorum. Evangelium divi Joannis Evangelistae. Carmina aurea Pytha- gorae. Phocylidis poema ad bene, bcateq^ vivendum. De idiomatib. linguarum trcs tractatus Joannis grammatici, Eustathii, Corinthi, cum interpretatione latina. Intro- ductio perbrevis ad hebraicam linguam. Gr 6- Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1512. Renouard, p. 58. Wanting the " Introductio perbrevis ad hebraicam linguam." Calf by Boz6rian jeune. — — In hoc libro haec continentur. C. Lascaris... de octo partibus ofonis lib. I. Ejusdem de constructione liber secundus. Ejusdem de nomine & verbo liber tertius. Ejusdem de pronomine in omni idiomate loquendi, ac ut poet^ utuntur opusculum. Cebetis ... tabula. Plutarchi de his quae apud Homerum Unguis. De Uteris graecis ac diphthongis, et quemadmodu ad nos veniat. De potestate litterarum graecarum, & quo modo quis per se discat legere grseca verba. Item quare Christus & Jesus sic scribimus Xps IHS. Cur in alphabeto ypsilon quibusdam fio dicitur. Oratio Domi- nica & duplex salutatio ad Beatiss. Vir- ginem. Symbolum Apostolorum. E\'an- gelium divi Joannis Evangelistae. Carmina aurea Pythagorae. Phocylidis poema ad bene, beateq^ vivendum. Introductio per- brevis ad hebraicam linguam. Omnia haec cum interpretatione latina. [With a pre- fatory epistle by Bemardus Junta.] Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., s.a. [Florence : Bernardo Giunta, post 1 5 12.] Brunei, III., 858. A copy of the /VIdino editions. Gennadius copy. C. Lascaris. ..de octo partibus orationis liber primus. Ejusdem de constructione liber secundus. Ejusdem de nomine, & verbo liber tertius. Ejusdem de pronomine secu- dum omnem lingua, & poeticum usum opus- culum, etc. Gr. & Lat. 4to., [colophon ;] Lovanii : apud T. Martimim, [1516.] Iseghem, p. 266. J. S. Hall's and Paine copy. C. Lascaris... de octo orationis partibus una cum ejusdem authoris et aliorum opus- culis, atq; additionibus tum ad graecam, turn ad hebraicam introductionem...ea quidem omnia cum interpretatione latina, & quam antea unquam prodierint emendatiora. Gr. Qov yQa/tftaTixr]; pi^ha d', etc. 8vo., 1525. LE CERF DE LA VlfiVILLE (Philippe). Bibliotdque [5«e] historique et critique des auteurs de la congregation de St. Maur, etc. i2mo.. La Have, 1726. LECHI (LuiGi). Delia tipografia bresciana nel sccolo dccimoquinto. (Catalogo crono- logico dellc cdizioni bresciane del sccolo XV. ) 4to., Brescia, 1854. LECKY (William Edward Hartpole). His- tory of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne... Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1869. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe... Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1873. LE CLERC (Jean). See CLERICUS (J.). LE COIGNEUX DE BACHAUMONT (Fran- cois). See BACHAUMONT. LEDKEDE (Richard de) Bishop oj Ossory. A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler...in 1324, etc. 5ee KYTELER (A.). 4to., 1843. LE DUCHAT (Jacob). Ducatiana, ou re- marques dc feu M. Le Duchat, sur divers sujets d'histoire et de litterature, recueillies ...& mises en ordre par M. F(ormey). 2 torn, [in I vol.] 8vo., Amsterdam, 1738. Tlie pagination Is consecutive. LEE (James Prince) Bishop oJ Manchester. A catalogue of the MSS. and printed books, bequeathed to Owens College... by... J. P. Lee, etc. See MANCHESTER.— Univer- sity. 8vo., [1870.J See HUNTINGTON (G.). Two Bishops of Manchester (James Prince Lee and James Fraser). 8vo., 1888. LEE (John) LL.D. Catalogue of the library and collection of manuscripts of the late J. Lee, etc. 8vo., s.n. Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage and all before p. I and after p. 124. Title taken from the caption. LEE {Sir Sidney). A life of W. Shakespeare. 8vo., London, 1898. National biography. A lecture, etc. 8vo., (London,) 1896. 25 copies privately printed from the " Cornlull Magazine" for March, 1896, this being No. 6. The study of English literature. An ad- dress, etc. 8vo., (London,) 1893. Printed for private circulation. LEEUWIS (Dionysius de) de Rickel. See LEUWIS. LE FERRON (Arnoul). See FERRONUS (A.). LE FfeVRE (Jacques) d'Etaples. See FABER (J.) Stapulensis. LE FfeVRE (Tannegui) the Elder. See FABER (T.). LEFLERUS (Hasio) Narragonensis, pseud., Press. Theses de cochleatione ej usque vene- nosa contagione, etc. Sec FACETI^. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. 4to., 1627. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1647. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1657. LE FOULON (Guillaume). See FULLO- NIUS (G.). LEFRANC (Abel). Le Platonisme et la litterature en France a I'cpoquc de la Re- naissance, I 500-1550. 8vo., [Pam, 1896.] From the " Revue d'Histoiro litt6rairo de la France," Ann. 3. LE GALLOIS DE GRIMAREST (Jean L^ONOR). See GRIMAREST. LEGATUS. De legato Pontificio. [Edited by Raphael Cyllenius.J (Trivia Scnatoria I,. 15. .Vlbcrti.) 4to., In .-Icademia Veneta, 1558. Konouard, p. 272. liutlrr and Sussex copy. [Another copy.] LEGH, Family of. Warrington in 1465. As described in a conlcm])orary rent roll of the Legh family. ..Edited by W. Hcaniont. 4to., (Manchester,) 1849. (Chetham Society. Uomuiim, etc. Vol. XVII.) LEGH (Gerard). The accedence of armorie. (By G. Leigh.) 4to., Lo«rfon, 159 1. 266 LEGNANO (Joannes de). Incipit tractatus egregius de duello, etc. See PUTEO (P. de). Trac. de re mili. & duel., etc. 8vo., 1543. LEGRAND (£mile). Bibliographie hellenique, ou description raisonnee des ouvrages publics en grec par des Grecs au 15^ et 16= siecles. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1885. 325 copies printed, this being No. 206. LEHMANN (Johann Jacob). J. J. Lehmanni ...commentatio practica de mutatione studio- rum... Editio tertia. Cui...adjecta est dis- sertatio de eo, quod justum est circa novi- tates, vulgo Neuerungen (respondente A. F. Glafeino). 4to., Jena, 1715. LEICESTER, Eleanor, Countess of. See ELEANOR [of England]. LEICESTER (Sir Peter) Bart. See LEY- CESTER. LEICHIUS (Joannes Henricus). [i.e., Johann Heinrich Leich.] Sepulcralia carmina, ex anthologia M.S. Graecorum epigrammatum delecta, cum versione Latina et notis. Ac- cedunt ad Graecas Muratorii inscriptiones, in miscellaneis Lipsiensibus T. I. P. III. cxplicatas. curae secundae et novae emenda- tiones. [Edited by J. H. Leichius.] 4to., Lipsiae, 1745. Hastings copy. With the inscription "Clarissimo viro Ricardo Pocockio honoris & raemoria caussa mittit editor." LEIGH, Barony of. The Leigh peerage : being a... history of the claim of G. Leigh, Esq. to the dormant title of Baron Leigh, of Stoneley ...Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo., London, (1834.) LEIGH (Lanes.). — Grammar School. See BAILEY (J. E.). The Grammar School of Leigh. ..and its library', etc. 8vo., 1879. Parish Church of S. Mary. See WORSLEY (J. E.). The historj- of the parish church of S. Marj', at Leigh. 8vo., 1870 (1878). LEIGH (Gerard). See LEGH. LEINSTER, Book of. The loss of the crown of Loegaire Lure from the Dindsenchas in the Book of Leinster. Edited by N. Moore. 8vo. , [London,'] 1881. LELAND (John). See HUDDESFORD (W.). The lives of... J. Leland, T. Hearne, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1772. LE LONG (Jacques). Bibliotheca sacra, seu syllabus omnium ferme Sacrae Scripturae editionum ac versionum... notis historicis et criticis illustratus...Totum opus...recensuit... C. F. Boernerus. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Antverpia, etc., 1709. Hoffmann copy. [Another edition, entitled :] Biblio- theca sacra in binos syllabos distincta... Huic.subjiciuntur grammaticae et lexica linguarum, praesertim Orientalium, etc. [Edited by P. N. Desmolets, with the preface and additions of C. F. Boemer.] 2 torn, [in I vol.] fol., Parisiis, 1723. The pagination is continuous. [Another edition, entitled :] Biblio- theca sacra post... Jacobi Le Long et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas ordine disposita, emendata, suppleta, continuata ab A. G. Masch. 2 pts. [in 3 vols.] 4to., Halae, 1778-90. Discours historique sur les principales editions des Bibles polyglottes. Par I'auteur de la bibliothdque sacree [i.e., J. Le Long]. i2mo., Paris, 171 3. Barbier, I., 1018. Sussex copy. LE MIRE (AUBERT). See MIR.^US (.A.). LEMONNIER (A. H.). fitudes sur Horace, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Car- mina, etc. — French.] 8vo., 1846. LfiMONTEY (Pierre ^douard). Notice sur I'abbe de Chaulieu. [Signed Lemon tey.] Svo., (Paris,) 1823. From the " Revue EncyoIop6dique " for January, 1823. Pattison copy. Notice sur C. A. Helvetius. [Signed Lemontey.] 8vo., (Paris,) 1823. From the " Revue Encyclopidique " for August, 1823. Pattison copy. Notice sur J. B. Colbert. [Signed Le- montey.] 8vo., (Paris,) 1822. From the " Revue Encyclop^dique " for June, 1822. Pat tison copy. Notices sur M'"" de La Fayette et sur jyXme Deshoulieres, etc. [Signed Lemontey.] 8vo., [Paris,] 1822. From " L'Abeille," Livr. 64. Pattison copy. LE MORE (Jean) de Coutances. See MAURUS (J.) Constantianns. LE NATTIER (Thibaut). Rabelais ressuscite ...(Traduict...par T. Le Nattier [written by N. de Horry].) Nouvelle edition, etc. See HORRY (N. DE). i2mo., 1867. i LE NEVE (John). Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, ! or a calendar of the principal ecclesiastical ' dignitaries in England and Wales, and of the chief officers in the L^niversities of Oxford and Cambridge, from the earliest time to the I year 171 5... Corrected and continued... to the present time by T. D. Hardy. 3 vols. 8vo., Oxford, 1854. Fraser copy. LENFANT (J.a.cques). Poggiana, ou la vie... et les bons mots de Pogge Florentin, etc. 2 torn. See POGGIO BRACCIOLINI (G. F.). 8vo., 1720. LENGLET DU FRESNOY (Nicolas). De I'usage des romans, ou Ton fait voir leur utilite et leurs difierens caracteres...Par M. le C. Gordon de Percel [i.e., N. Lenglet du Fresnoy]. (Pieces curieuses sur le poete Rousseau, suprimees en Hollande.) 2 torn. i2mo., Amsterdam, 1734. The title of Tome II. reads : " Bibliotheque des romans," etc. Querard, II., 196. See MICHAULT (J. B.). Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la vie...de M. I'abbe Lenglet du Fresnoy. 8vo., 1S61. LENIENT (Charles Feli.x). De Ciceroniano bello apud recentiores commentariolum, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1855. Morante copy. La satire en France, ou la litterature militante au 16'' siecle. 8vo., Paris, 1866. 267 LE NOBLE ( nade (poeme de POT-POURRI. ) Abbe. La Roussillon- M. I'abbe Le Noble). See Le pot-pourri, etc. 1 2 mo., 1809. LENOBLE (EusTACHE) Baron de Saint-Georges et de Tenneitire. Le gage louche : histoires galantes et comiques. [By E. Lenoble.] 2 torn, [in I vol.] i2mo., La Haye, 1713. Barbier, II., 513. LE NOIR ( ) Vicomte. Loisirs d'un militaire, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, e/c. — French.] 121110., 1822. LENZ (Christianus Fridericus) Press. Dis- putatio historico-literaria, qua historiam P. Rami...examini...submittit C. F. Lenz... respondente C. G. Roegnero. 4to., Lipsia, 171 5. LEO VL, Emperor oj the East. AvToxgarogoi AeovTog . . .veagai Stara^etg, etc. See JUSTI- NIANUS L, Emperor of the East. [Novell.^ CoNSTiTUTiONES.] AvtoxQaTOQcov, 'lovazivt- avov, 'lovaxivov, Aeovroq veaoai Staraieig, etc. fol., 1558. LEO IIL, Pope. Leonis IIL Papaj epistote ad Carolum Magnum Impcratorem. Capitu- larc Caroli ^L de villissuis. H. Conringius... notis illustravit. Editio altera, etc. 4to., Helmestadii, 1655. Sunderland copy. LEO X., Pope, [i.e., Giovanni de' Medici.] See AUDIN (J. M. V'.). Histoire de Leon X Troisifimc edition, atom. 8vo., 1850. [For the letters written by P. Bembo in the name of Pope Leo X.] See BEMBO (P.) Cardinal, Bishop oj Bergamo. [Lettere.] LEO XIIL, Pope, [i.e., Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci.] See CARMICHAEL (C. H. E.). The Vatican library and the letter of Pope Leo XIIL 8vo., [1886.] LEONE, Medico, pseud, [i.e., Leo.v Abra- VANEL.] See ABUAVANEL (L.). LEONICENUS (Nicoi.aus). [i.e., Niccolo Leonicenc] Libcllus de Epidemia, quam | uulgo morbum Galli | cum uocant. | [By N. I.coniccnus.J 4to., [colophon :] Veneliis : In doino Aldi Manutii, 14Q7. Renouard, p. i.(. llain and Copint;nr, *inoi9. Proctor, 5557. \Vaiitiii« tlin Inst li-af (hlard<). [Another copy.] Also wanting tlie last leaf, and with tlie topjs of tlio leaves cropped. Morante copy. LEONICUS THO.M^US (Nicolaus). [i.e.. NiccoLA Leo.nico. ] N. Leonici Thomaci de varia historia libri trcs, nupcr in lucein cditi, etc. 8vo., Lugdiini : apud[Seh.\Gryphiuin. 1532. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugdiini : apud Sch. Gryphinm, 1555. N. Leonici Thomaci dialogi, etc. 8vo., Lngd[uni] : Seb. Gryphius Germ, excud., 1532. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugdiini : apud Seb. Gryphinm, 1542. Taylor copy. LEONTILTS, Mechanicus. Aeovxiov Mijxavixov, negt xaraaxevi/g dgaxEiag aqiatgag. See ARATUS, Solensis. 'Agarov SoXeojg (paivofieva, etc. 4to., 1559. LEOSTHENES COLUANDER, pseud.? See COLUANDER. LE PETIT (Jules). Bibliographie des prin- cipales editions originales d'ecrivains fran9ais du 15'^ au 18= si^cle...Ouvrage contenant environ 300 fac-similes de titres des livres decrits. 8vo., Paris, 1888. LEPIDA (Volucrinia) Stutzerensis, pseud., Resp. [For editions of the " Theses de cochleatione ej usque venenosa contagione."] See LEFLERUS (H.) Narragonensis, pseud.. Press. LEPIDUS, pseud, [i.e., Leo Baptista Al- bertus.] See ALBERTUS (L. B.). LE PRIEUR (Philippe). See PRIORIUS (P.). LE ROND D'ALEMBERT (Jean). See ALEMBERT. LEROUX (Philibert Joseph). Dictionnaire comique, satyrique, critique, burlesque, libre et proverbial...Nouvelle edition, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., Pampelune [Paris], 1786. Barbier, III., 998-9. G. Nott's and Cliorley copy. LE ROUX DE LINCY (Adrien Jean Victor). Notice sur la vie et les travaux de J. C. Brunet. See BRUNET (J. C). Catalogue des livres, etc. Pt. I. 8vo., i860. LE ROY (Antoine). Panegyrico-satyricus, Juliomagi-Andium, etc. [In verse.] 4to., Andegavi, 161 9. LE ROY (Louis). G. Budasi...\'ita, per L. Regium, etc. (Doctorum hominuin cpi- grammata in laudem Budaei.) 4to., Parisiis : apud Joannem Roigny, 1540. Tliis edition contains several Greek and Latin epistles of Le Roy. Sunderland copy. La vicissitudine o mutabilc variety delle cose, neir universo, di L. Regio...Tradotta dal Sig. Cavalier H. Cato. 4 to., Vinetia : presso Aldo [.ildus Manutius, the Younger], 1585. Tlie titlepage has an engraved border. Renouard, p. 235- LE SAGE (Alain Ren£). Le diable boiteux... Nouvelle edition, etc. 2 tom. i2mo., Paris, 1781. Sir .T. Shaw's copy. Rccueil des pieces [in prose] niises au thdatre frangois. 2 tom. 8v]aiaarixi} xai fivarixt] dewQia. 4to., [colophon : Rome : D. Ducas, 1526.] 72 ff., without pagination ; sigs. A— 2*. Rubri- cated. LIVERPOOL.— Corporation. See PICTON {Sir J. A.). Report on the records and documents... in the possession of the Corpora- tion. 8vo., 1 88 1. LIVERPOOL (Robert B.\nks Jenkinson) 2nd Earl oj. The speech of... the Earl of Liver- pool, in the House of Lords. ..on the second reading of the Bill of Pains and Penalties. 8vo., London, 1820. LIVES OF SAINTS. The lyvys of seyntys ; translatyd into Englys be...O. Bokenam, etc. 4to., London, 1835. (Roxburghc Club Publications, No. 50.) Brown morocco by C. Lewis. Drury and Tennant copy. LIVET (Charles Louis). La grammaire fran- gaise et les grammairiens du i6« siecle... Dubois (Syh^us), L. Meigret, J. Pelletier, G. des Autels, P. Ramus, J. Garnier, J. Pillot, A. Mathieu, R. et H. Estienne, C. de Saint-Lien. Th. de Beze. Lexique compare, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1859. LIVIUS (Titus) Patavinus. [Historia.] [Historiae, decades I., III. and IV.] Begin. [Fol. I , recto :] [F] Austo ac felici solo tuam Vrbem Pater Beatissime Paule. II. Venete | Pont. .Maxle... | etc. [Fol. 24, verso. Decade I.] [I]AM PRI.MVM OMNIVM SATIS... | etc. fol., [Venice: Wendelin. oj S peter,] 1470. Wanting fol. 199. Hain and Copinger, 10130. Proctor, 4023. Sykes copy. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; containing the first decade only. T. Livii decades, noviter impressg. fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : per Joannetn ac Bernarclinum ejus jratrem Vercel- lenses, 1506. With the mark of L. A. Giunta on the titlepage. Ex XIIII. T. Livii decadibus, prima, tertia, quarta, in qua prseter fragmenta III., & X. libri, quae in Germania nuper rcperta, hie ctiam continentur, multa adulterina ex- punximus, multa vera recepimus, quae in aliis non habentur. Epitome singulorum librorum XIIII. decadum. Historia omnium XIIII. decadum in compendium redacta ab L. Floro. Polybii lib. v. de rebus Romanis latinitate donati a N. Perotto. Index copio- sissimus rerum omnium memorabilium. (T. Livii ... decadis quintae libri quinque.) [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 5 vols. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1518-33. Renouard, pp. 83, 86, 89, 90, 108, and 485. The 4th decade occurs twice in this set, the second copy being bound up with decade V. Vols. T.-IV. Sunderland copy. Vol. V. Murray copy. [Another copy of Vol. IV., contain- ing the Polybius only.] Dniry and Swanwick copy. Ex XIIII. T. Livii decadibus prima, tertia, quarta, cujus tertio libro prima pars, quae desyderabat, & decimo quicquid fere in calce non habebamus, additum est, verum praeter haec veluti fragmenta quartas decadi adjuncta ... Duplex epitome, quarum altera per singulos XIIII decadum libros summatim explicantiir quae in illis continebantur, atq; earn ipsam putamus a T. Livio compositam esse, alteram ab L. Floro... Polybii libri V, 2 73 LIVIUS (Titus). [HisTORi\.]—{contd.) de rebus Romanis in latinum traducti a N. Perotto, e(c. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 4 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1521, 20, 21. Each part liEis a distinct titlepage, foliation and colophon. Renouard, p. 8g. T. Livii...Latinae historiae principis de- cadis quintae libri V. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiiim, 1542. T. Livii...Latinae historiae principis decas prima ( — tertia ; quarta ; decadis quintae libri v.). 4 pts. [in 3 vols.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. The 4th decade and the 5 books of the 5th are bound together. [Another copy.] 3 pts. [in 2 vols.] Imperfect ; wanting the 3rd decade. [Another edition.] 3 pts. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. Imperfect ; wanting the 4th decade. Decade I. Meneglielli copy. T. Livii...historiarum ab urbe condita, libri, qui extant, XXXV. Cum universae historiae epitomis, a C. Sigonio emendati, etc. (C. Sigonii scholia, quibus T. Livii.. .historiae, et earum epitomse . . . e.vplanantur, etc. ) 2 vols. fol., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1555. Renouard, p. 166. Fort«scu6 and C. Lloyd's copy. Secunda editio. 2 vols, [in i.J fol., Venetiis : apud P. Manutium, 1566. Renouard, p. 202. Velde copy. [Another edition.] (C. Sigonii Livia- norum scholiorum aliquot defensiones ad- versus Glareanum et Robortellum.) 3 vols. [in I.] fol., Venetiis: in aedibus Manuti- anis [P. Manudus], 1572. Renouard, p. 215. Citron morocco, tlie Hides ornamented witli fleurs-de-lis and the arms of Louis XIIL, King of France. Townshend and VVodhull copy. T. Livii... historiarum libri, qui supersunt omnes ct deperditorum fragmcnta. E.x re- censione A. r)rakcnborchii...reficta a Joanne T. Kreyssig . . . animadversiones Niebuhrii, Wachsmuthii, et suas addidit T. Twiss. 4 torn. 8vo., Oxonii. 1840-41. Liyy. Books I.-X. With introduction, historical examination, and notes by J. R. Seeley. Bk. I. 8\o., Oxford, 1 87 1. See LORITUS (H.) Glareanus. H. Gla- reani in T. Livium annotationes, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1555. See RHENANUS (B.) & GELENIUS (S.). In T. Livium annotationes, e/e. 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1555. [Epitome.] T. Livii... dccadum XIIII. epitome. L. Elorus. 5ee above [Historia.]. Ex XIIII. T. Livii dccadibus prima, tertia, quarta, etc. [PL III.] fol., 1 5J0. [Another edition.] [Vol. IV. ) 8vo., 1 521. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] L. Flori dc- cadum XIIII. T. Livii... epitome. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. [Another edition.] L. Flori epitome decadum XIIII. T. Livii. (De origine urbis Romae, B. >Iarliano...authore. — Messalae Cor- vini...ad Octavianu Augustum de progenie sua libellus, etc. S. Ruffi...de historia Romanorum libellus.) 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] See FLORUS (L. A.). L. A. Florus. C. Salmasius, etc. i2mo., 1657. [Another edition.] Epitome altera historiae Romanae ; sive, argumenta librorum T. Livii, etc. See FLORUS (L. A.). L. A. Flori epitome rerum Romanarum. etc. Tom. II. 8vo., 1702. LIVRE. Le livre a la mode. [Bv L. A. de Caraccioli.] See CARACCIOLI (L. A. de) Marquis. i6mo., [1759 ?] Nouvelle edition, etc. i6mo., 1759. LIVRE MODERNE, Le. Le livre. revue men- suelle (du monde littcraire), bibliographie retrospective. [Edited by O. Uzanne.] Ann. I.-X. 4to., Paris, 1880-89. The titlepage of arm. I. reads: " Le livre, revue mensuelle, bibliographie ancionne." Le livre, revue mensuelle (du monde litte- raire), bibliographie moderne. [Edited by O. Uzanne.] Ann. I.-X. [in 11 vols.] 4to., Paris, 1880-89. .\nn. I. is in 2 vols. {Continued as :] Le livre moderne, revue du monde littcraire et dcs bibliophiles con- temporains, publiee par O. Uzanne. Vols. I. -IV. 4to., Paris, 1890-91. All published. Table generale... 1890-1 89 1 , dressee par M. Mourlevat, etc. 4to., Paris, 1892. LIZELIUS (Georgius). [i.e., Georg Lizel.] M. G. Lizelii historia poetarum Graccorum Ger- maniae a renatis Uteris ad nostra usque tem- pora, etc. 8vo., Francofurti, 1730. LIZET (Pierre). P. Lizetii ... adversum pscudoevagelicam haercsim libri sou commen- tarii novem, duobus excusi voluminibus. Vol. I. 4to., LutetitT, 1552. .\pparontly all published. Complainte dc P. Lizet sur le trespas de son feu ncz [in verse]. See BEZA (T.). Le Passavant de Th. de Bdzc, etc. i2mo., 1875. See BEZ.\ (T.). Epistola Magistri B. Passavantii [i.e.. T. Heza]. Kcsponsiva ad commissioncm sibi datain A.... P. Lyscto, etc. 8vo., [1 554-] 274 LIZET (Pierre).— (cc»/rf.) r^T?ATTT7<^ [Another edition.] See GRATIUb (O ) Epistolarum obscurorum virorum... voiumina II., «ic. 12 mo., 1742. See LARFEUL (F. de). Etudes sur P. Lizet. elc. 8vo.. 1856. LOCAL GLEANINGS. An arcliEeological and historical magazine, chiefly relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Edited by J P. Earwaker. Vol. I. , „ o 4to., Manchester, 1879-80. All published. LOCCENIUS (Joannes). J. Loccenii de studio iuris dissertatiuncula epistohca. etc. ^ee GROTIUS (H.). H. Grotii et ahorum dis- sertationes, efc. 121110., 1645- LOCHER (Jacob) called Phi/omustis See ZAPF (G W.). J. Locher, genannt Philo- musus, in biographisch- und litterarischer Hinsicht. etc. 8^0., 1803. LOCKHART (Ephraim). A disquisition on the right of jurisdiction in peerage successions, particularly the peerage of Scotland ; con- tained in letters (by E. Lockhart) to... Lord j^ With an appendix (and advertise- ment by T. C. Banks). Second edition, etc. Svo., London, 1830. Bound with the work are two critiques from the "Law Magazine" and the • Caledonian Mercury" respectively. Sir C. G. \oung .-i LOCKHART (John Gibson). Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. (By J. (j- Lockliart.) Second edition. 10 vols. 8vo., London, 1839. LODGE (Edmund). Illustrations of British histon'. biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth and James I., exhibited in a series of ongmal papers, etc. 3 vols., illust. ^ 4to., London, 1791. List of the great shield of quarterings of SirE. Brydges, Bart. ..made out by E. Lodge, etc. See BRYDGES (Sir S. E.) Bart. fol., s.a. LOIOLA (Ignatius) Saint. See IGNATIUS. LOISELEUR (Jules). Sur la mani^re dont il convient de traduire aujourd'hui les poetes. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina. etc —French.] Une anthologie d'Horace, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1875-77- LOMBARDI (Antonio Girolamo). Eloge de Tiraboschi...traduit de I'italien, elc. Svo., Paris, 1802. Pattison copy. LOMEIER (Joannes). J. Lomeieri...de biblio- thecis liber singularis. Editio secunda, etc. 8vo., Ultrajecti. 1680. With a second, engraved, titlepage. LONDON. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to., (London,) 1852. (Camden Society Publicationg, Vol. 53.) De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maioruni et vicecoraitum Londoniarum, et que contingebant temponbus illis 1 178 ad annum 1274; cum ap- pendice. Nunc primum typis mandata curante Thoma Stapleton. 4to., Londomts, 1940. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 34-) London chronicle during the reigns of Henry the Seventh and Henry the Eighth^ Edited ...by C. Hopper. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. VoLIV. 4to., 1859. The names of all suche gentlemen of accompte as were residing within ye Citie of London, liberties and suburbes thereof, 28 Novembris 1595. anno 38 Elizabeths Regins, &c. [Copied by Sir C. G. YoungO g p_ 8vo., (London.) s.a. Notes in reference to the place of the Lord Mayor in proceedings through or within the City of London. [By Sir C G. \oung.] See YOUNG (Sir C. G.) Garter King of Arms. 8vo., 1800. LONDON, Bishops of. ^.RdnTJ CF \ Edmund. [1720-48.] Se« GIBSON (E.). LONDON —Hospital for Poor French Pro- testants. Bibliotheque de la Providence. Catalogue of the library of the French Pro- testant Hospital... London. By R. S. Faber With an introduction by A. G. Browning. Y' p 4to., London, 1887. ■ 250 copies privately printed, of which 50 are on LONDoWaGAZINE, The. Vols. I.-X. 8vo., London, 1820-34. Wanting vols. IV. iv fii^Xia Terraga. Longi pas- toralium, dc Daphnide & Chloe libri quatuor, etc. [Edited, with notes, by R. Colombani.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., Florentits, 1598. Willi an autograph inscription by R. Colombani on p. 78. Aoyyov... Tzoi/tcvixcuv, rcov xara Aaviv xai Xkorpi, PifiXia rerrana. Longi pastoralium, de Daphnide et Chloe, libri quatuor. P. Moll ...recensuit, in Latinum strmonem vertit, notis & animadversionibus illustravit. Gr. 6- Lai. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Franekera, 1660. Printed in double columns. The notes have a separate titlepago and pagination. Aoyyov noi/xevixojv twv xara Aacpviv xai XXor)v fiifih)!, rerruQei;. Cum proloquio de hbris eroticis antiquorum [by P. M. Paciaudi]. Gy. 4to., Parmae, 1786. Longi pastoralia. Gracce et Latine. Cum proloquio P. M. Paciaudii dc libris eroticis antiquorum. Graeca recensuit notasquc criticas adjecit G. H Schafer. Gr. &■ Lat. l6mo., Lipsiae, 1803. The loves of Daphnis and Chloe, a pastoral novel. Eng. See HEUODORUS, Uishop 0/ Tricca. Scriptores erotici Graeci, etc. 8vo., 1855. Daphnis and Chloe. The Elizabethan version from Amyot's translation by A. Day. Reprinted... and edited by J. Jacobs. 4to., London, 1890. (The Tudor Library.) Les amours pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe... Double traduction du grec en fran- ^ois, de "^V. Amiot et d'un anonimc, etc. 4to., Paris, 1757 Renouard (A. A.). Notice sur un' nouvelle edition de la traduction fran^oise de Longus, par Amyot, etc. See PEIGNOT (fi. G.). Repertoire de bibliographies spe- ciales, etc. 8vo., 1810. LORD'S PRAYER. Dominicae Precationis pia admodum & erudita explanatio, etc. [By G. Savonarola. With the text.] l6mo., Lugduni: apud (Seb.) Gryphium, 1 538. Includes '* Meditatio in Psalmum Miserere, fratris Hierouymi de Ferraria," "Ejusdem in Psalmum, In Te Domine speravi, meditatio," and "Ex- positio Psalmi, Qui regis Israel, eju^em Hiero- nymi Savanorolie [^tcj." [Another edition.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud Galeotuin a Prato, &' Joannem Roigny, 1 538. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud S. Doletum, 1541. Red morocco by Bird>^.ill & Son. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, [?] The date has been torn from the titlopage of this copy, which does not agree with any of those described in Baudrier. VXII. Ev-/)/ xvQiaxj]. Oratio Dominica. Gr. &- Lat. See ALPHABETUM. Alphabetum Graecum, etc. Svo., 1558. H. Savonarolae...e.xpositio Orationis Domi- nies [with the text], sive in earn lectio, oratio, meditatio, contemplatio. Et ejusdem sermo in Vigiliam Nativitatis Domini. (H. Savona- rolae... Orationis Dominicas...e,\planatio, etc. — H. Savonarola;... meditationes in Psalmos Miserere, In Te Domine speravi, et Qui regis Israel. — H. Savonarola;... dialogus, cui titulus, solatium itineris mei.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1633. Byrom copy. LORICHIUS (Joannes), [i.e.. Johann Lo- RiCH.] Aenigmatum libri III. Recens con- scripti, recogniti, & aiicti. 8vo., [colophon .•] Francoforti : apud C. Egenolphum, 1545. LORIOTUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Loriot.] P. Lorioti...de juris apicibus, tractatus VIII., et de juris arte, tract. XX. ...Ejusdem com- mentarius de regulis juris, etc. fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. Printed in tlouble columns. G. CJoslling's coi)y. P. Lorioti...in titulum ilium, de gradibus aftinitatis, hactcnus incognitum, integer com- mcntarius. fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1542. [.\notl\cr iilition.] fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1554. G. Gostling'H copy. 276 LORITUS (Henricus) Glareanus. [i.e., Heinrich Loriti.] In C. Julii Caesaris... commentarios de bello Gallico, ac Civili, H. Glareani. . .annotationes. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another copy. J Iirperfect ; wanting all after p. 14. - [Another edition.] 8vo., Veneiiis : J. Gryphius excudebat, 1548 In Q. Horatium Flaccum H. Glareani.. annotationes. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q-)- [Opera. — Latin.] Q. Horatii Flacci poemata omnia, e^c. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1533 [Another edition.] 8vo., 1535 [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Friburgi Brisgoiee : apud J. F. Emmeum, 1539. [Another edition.] See HORA- TIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Laifw.] Q. Horatii Flacci opera, etc. fol., 1543. H. Glareani in T. Livium annotationes. Cum chronologia ejusdem : cui Badii accessit elenchus. .'^d haec L. Vallae de quibusdam apud Livium locis judicium. 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. The " Chronologia " has a separate register and is not paged. — — [Another edition.] 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. Imperfect ; wanting the " Chronologia.'* See DONATUS {JE.). JE. Donati metho- dus, primum scholiis...illustrata, opera D. H. Glareani ... deinde octo ejusdem epitomis sive tractatibus aucta, etc. 8vo., 1538. 8vo., 1549. See [Another edition.] LORJME (Charles Ernst Fr^ville de). FRfiVILLE DE LORME. LOSELEY MANUSCRIPTS. The Loseley manuscripts. Manuscripts and other rare documents, illustrative of. ..English history, biography, and manners, from the reign of Henry VIII. to that of James I., preser\-ed . . . at Loseley House. ..edited. ..by A. J. Kempe. 8vo., London, 1836. LOTICHIUS (Petrus) Seciindus. [i.e., Peter LoTiCH.] Epistolae P. Lotichii Secundi Latinae annotatione instructae, et selecta quaedam ejusdem poetae carmina. 4to., Hamburgi, 1847. Programme publication of the " Joanneum Ham- bm'gense." Morante copy. P. Lotich. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VII., pp. 137-152. 8vo., 1862. LOTTIN (Antoine Prosper). See BOULARD (A. ]M. H.). Notice necrologique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. A. P. Lottin. 8vo., [1813.] LOUANGES. Les louages de la folie, traicte fort plaisant en forme de parado.xe [by V. Albergati], etc. See ALBERGATI (V.). 8vo., 1566. LOUIS IX.. King 0/ France, Saint. Le mystere de Saint Louis, roi de France. Publie... par Francisque-Michel. 4to., Westminster, 1871. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 94.) Gower copy. LOUISXIL, King of France. SeeDESLYONS ( ) Baron. £loge du roi Louis XII., etc. 8vo., 1788. LOUIS JOSEPH [de Bourbon], Prince de Condi. See CONDfi. LOUMYER (Jean FRAN901S Nicolas). Vie de B. Arias Montano par C. Gorris [i.e., J. F. N. Loumyer]. 8vo., Bruxelles, 1842. From the " Tr&or National." Qu^rard I., 697. Pattison copy. LOUVAIN.— Universite. See NfeVE (F. J. B. J.). Memoire historique et litteraire sur le College des Trois-Langues a I'Universite de Louvain, etc. 4to., 1856. LOVEDAY (John). Diary of a tour in 1732, through parts of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland... With an introduction, etc. [Edited by J. E. T. Loveday.] 4to., Edinburgh, 1890. ( Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 1 2 1 . ) Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. LOWER (Mark Antony). The curiosities of heraldry. 8vo., London, 1845. English surnames. Essays on family nomenclature... with chapters of rebuses and canting arms, etc. 8vo., London, 1842. LOWNDES (William Thomas). The biblio- grapher's manual of English literature, containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing... New edition... enlarged (by H. G Bohn). 10 pts. 8vo., London, 1857-64. The pagination is consecutive throughout. Appendix . . . containing an account of books issued by literary and scientific societies and printing clubs ; books printed at private presses... Compiled by H. G. Bohn. 8vo., London. 1864. Int«nded to form pt. XI. of the whole work. LOWTHER, Family of. Lowther, Earl of Lonsdale, and Lowther of Swillington. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedi- grees, etc.] fol., s.a. LOYOLA (Ignatius) Saint. See IGNATIUS. LUARD (Henry Richards). Catalogue of the valuable library of the late Rev. H. R. Luard... which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1891. With prices in MS. LUBINUS (Eilhardus). [i.e., Eilert Lueb- BEN.] E. Lubini in Q. Horatii Flacci quinque carminum librorum librum primum ( — ulti- mum) paraphrasis scholiastica nova, etc. 5 pts. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q. ). [Carmina, etc. — Latin.] 4to., 1598. 277 LUBINUS (EiLHA-RDVs). —(conld.) E. Lubini in Q. Horatii Flacci poemata quae exstant omnia paraphrasis scholiastica nova, elc. lo pts. See HORATIUS FLAC- CUS (Q.). [Opera.— Latin.] 4to., 1599, 98. LUCANUS (Marcus ANNffius). Lucanus. (M. A. Lucani civilis belli liber primus — decimus. — M. A. Lucani vita ex clarissimis authoribus.) 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldiim, 1502. Renouard, p. 33. Lucanus. 8vo., [Lyons, s.a.] Counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1 502. With the dedicatory epistle of Aldus on the verso of the titlepage. Renouard, p. 306. H. W. VValpole'8 copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons,]s.a. Counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502. Without the epistle of Aldus. Renouard, p. 306. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons, 15 10 ?] Counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502. With a red fleur-de-lis on the titlepage, and the epistle of Aldus. Renouard, p. 306. Lucanus. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 151 5. A reprint of the edition of 1502. Renouard, p. 72. A. Lucani poema nuperrime impressum atque ad amussim castigatum. 8vo., [colophon ;] Lugdu,i. in officina Guillelmi huyon, 1521. Counterfeit of the Aldine edition. Renouard, p. 315. Sullivan copy. M. A. Lucani do bello civili libri X. Ejus vitam ad calcem operis invenics, etc. 8vo., Lugditni : apud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiuni, 1539. The colophon is dated 1538. [Another edition.] l6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. M. A. Lucanus de bello civili, cum H. Grotii, Famabii notis integris & variorum selectiss. Accurante C. Schrcvelio. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1669. The titlepage is engraved. Lucan's Pharsalia : or the civili warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the Great, and Julius Caesar. ..Englished by T. May. ..The second edition, etc. 8vo., London : Printed by A. Matheiiies, for T. Jones, 1631. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The third edition, etc. 8vo., London : Printed by A. M[athewes], sold by W. Sheares, 1635. With a second, engraved. titlei)age. Lucan's Pharsalia. Translateil into Eng- lish verse by N. Kowc.The third eilition. 2 vols. 8vo., Lowrfow, [1753. 1 The date on the titlepage is wrongly printeii "MCCCLIII." See MAY (T.). A continuation of the subject of Lucan's historicall poem. ..The 2'' edition, elc. (The 5"" edition, etc.) LUCANUS (Ocellus). See Liicanus. 8vo., 1633. 8vo., 1657. OCELLUS, LUCAS ( ) Physician at The Hague. Traite des trois imposteurs. [A reprint of the latter portion of " La vie et 1 'esprit de i\L Benoit Spinoza," attributed to — Lucas.] See IMPOSTORES. 8vo., 1768. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1798. LUCAS (John). See ROPER (W. O.). The missing history of Warton, by J. Lucas. 8vo., 1889. LUCIANUS, Samosatensis. [Opera.] Luciani de ueris narrationibus | Luciani de asino auro [sic] \ Luciani philosophoR uite | Luciani Scipio 1 Luciani tyranus | Luciani schaphi- dium I Luciani palimurus [sic] | Luciani Charon | Luciani Diogenes | Luciani Terp- sion I I^uciani hercules | Luciani nirtus [sic] Dea I Luciani in amorem | Luciani Timon j Lat. 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : per Simone beuilaqud papiese. 1494. Hain and Copinger, *io26i. Proctor, 5387. Kloss copy. Begin. [Sig. Ai, recto .] AOYKIANOY \ EAMOEATEQS \ AIAAOFOL J Ed. Pr. fol., [Florence : Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa, 1496.] Hain and Copinger, '10258. Proctor, 6408. Proctor 2, p. 79. Imperfect ; wanting Bigs. 77 4-6 and KK 1-3. Tads ifeariv ev xmde riXoaTQaTOV dy.oveq. Tov avrov ^qoIho. Tov avTOV fSioi aocpicnuiv. 0t^oaToarov vecoregou ElxoveQ. KiMicTQUTov eTKfijaaei;. Que [sic] hoc volumine continentur. Luciani opera. Icones Philostrati. Ejusdem Heroica. Ejusdem vitas Sophistarum. Icones Junioris Philos- trati. Descriptiones Callistrati. Gr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adib. Aldi, 1503. Renouard, p. 39. Auhertin antl .Sullivan copy. [Another copy.] Imperfect; wanting pp. 1-459, comprising the works of Lucianus. Luciani opuscula Erasmo . . . interprete. Toxaris, sive de amicitia. Alexander, qui & pseudomantis. Gallus, sive somnium. Timon, sou misanthropus. Tyrannicida, seu pro tyrannicida. Declamatio Erasmi contra tyrannicidam. Dc iis, qui merccdc conducti degunt. Etquacdam ejusdem alia. Ejusdem Luciani T. Moro interprete, cynicus. Mcnip- pus, seu nccromantia. Philopseudes, seu incrcdulus. Tyrannicida. Declamatio Mori de eodem. Lat. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri. 1516. Renouard. yi. 76. Cnrrer and Hardy copy. Aovxiiivov ' IxaQ0fi£i'i7in0s, >) ■67ieQVtq>EXoi;. Tov uvrou MEVinnoQ, 1) vexvonavria. Too aixov fiiojv jtQaaiq. Luciani Icaromenippus, etc. Gr. 4to., [colophon : Louvain :] T. .Martin cxcndcbat, [i.'iiQ.] 30 ff.. without pagination ; sign. A*. li-(!*. Iseghem, p. 30.]. Luciani Icaromenippus, sen hypcrncphclus I'.rasMio ... interprete. Ejusdem Mcnippus, seu necromantia, versa a T. Moro. ICjusde vitaru auctio, interprete N. Bcraldo. Lat. 4to., [colophon : Louvain :\ T. .Martin rxciidebat, [1 f;20.] 24 ff., witliout pav'ination ; sig-*. a*, b-U*. e'. Panzer, VII., 264, 55. Iseghom, p. 305. 278 LUCIANUS, Samosatevsis. [Opera.] — (ccmid.) Aovxiavov SiaXoyoi xat dkka noXka avyyQajx- juara.. .Luciani dialogi et alia multa opera, etc. [With a preface by F. Asulanus.] Gr. fol., [colophon ;] Venetiis : hi adihiis Aldi, &■ AndrecB Asulani soceri, 1522. Another edition of that of 1503. Renouard, p. 95. AVakefield copy, Luciani...opuscula quasdam, Erasmo...& T. Moro interpretib., etc. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : Seb. Gryphiits Germ, excud.. 1528. [De Mercede Conductis.] Aovxiavov Tteqi Tg diaXoyoi ovgavioi, haXioi, xai rexgixoi. Luciani . . .dialogi ccelestes, marini, & infemi, poeticarum fabularum sylva...adjectis etiam...ejusdem Menippo & Timone. Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Basilea: : apud J. Oporinum, 1547. Dialogos de Luciano, no menos ingeniosos que provechosos, traduzidos de griego en lengua castellana. Sp. Svo., en Leon : en casa de S. Grypho, 1550. Morante copy. [PiSCATOR.] Aovxiavov aXievg, >} ava- fStovvreg. Luciani piscator, sive revivdscentes. Gr. 4to., [colophon .•] Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, ac J. Sturmii, 1530. 16 fi., without pagination ; sigs. A-D*. [Saturnalia.] Saturnalia, etc. Gr. See EPISTOLiE. Epistolae Grsecas, etc. 4to., 1520. [SoMNlUM.] Aovxiavov oveiQog, j) oAex- TQvcDv. Luciani somnium, sive gallus. Gr. 8vo., Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, 1536. 24 fT., without pagination ; sigs. a-c*. [Supposititious Works.] Lvciani philo- sophi Graeci dialogvs de virtute conquerete cum Mercurio. a Carolo aretino e graeco in latinu traductus. Lat. See CENSORINUS. Index librorum : qui in hoc uolumine conti- nentur. Censorinus de die natali, etc. fol., 1497. LUCILIUS (Caius). C. Lucilii . . . satyrarum quae supersunt reliquise. F. J. F. Dousa collegit, disposuit, & notas addidit. Editio IL Lugduno-Batava auctior, & emendatior. 8vo., Patavii, 1735. C. Lucilii fragmenta selectiora. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Latin.} Q. Horatii Flacci opera, etc. [Pt. IIL] 8vo., 1612. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i6mo., 1629. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Fragmenta poetarum veterum Latinorum... Ennii... Lucilii, etc. 8vo., 1564. LUCILLUS, Tarrhaus. Evvayioyrj tuiv Taggaiov, xai didv/uov...7iaQoi/tia>v, etc. See jESOPUS. Habentur hoc volumine haec, \adelicet. Vita, et fabellas Aesopi, etc. fol., 1505. LUCINGE (Rene de) Seigneur des Alymes et de Montrozat. De incremento, conservatione, et occasu imperiorum, libri tres...A Renato de Lusinga,..nunc vero Latinitate donati a J. Geudero. 8vo., Noribergcs, 1603. LUCO (Juan Bernardo Diaz de) Bishop of Calahorra. See DIAZ DE LUCO. LUCRETIUS CARUS (Titus). Begin. [Fol. i, recto .] T. LVCRETII CARI, LIBRI SEX NV I PER EMENDATI. | [Fol. «5. verso .] Hieronj'mi Auancii Veronensis ingenio et labore. | 4to., [colophon .-] Venetiis : apud AldH, 1500. Hain and Copinger, *I0285. Renouard, p. 23. Olive morocco by R. Storr. Syston Park and Sullivan copy. Lucretius. [Edited by A. Naugerius.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1515. Renouard, p. 74. Red morocco by Roger Payne. Syston Park copy. [Another copy.] T. Cari Lucretu...de rerum natura libri VI. 8vo., [colophon .] Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage and the last leaf, bearing the printer's device. [Another edition.] Svo. , Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] T. Lucretii Cari ...de rerum natura libri sex. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition.] i6mo. , Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud hared. Seb. Gryphii, 1558. Pizzo copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Birminghamiee , 1773. 279 LUCRETIUS CARUS (Titus).— (co««.) [Another edition.] ...ad fidem codicis Canoniciani nunc primum emendati. i6mo., Oxonii, 1846. [Another edition.] ...with notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro. Second edition, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., Cambridge, 1866. Vol. I. Text and notes. Vol. II. Translation. LUDO^'■ICUS, a Sancta Malachia. F. Ludovici a S. Malachia ... piorum carminum libri quinque. Item de poesi ad res honestas & potissimum sacras conferenda lucubratiun- cula. 8vo., Roma, 1599. Deneux copy. LUDOVISIO (ALESS.4NDRO). See GREGO- RIUS XV., Pope. LUEBBEN (ElLERT). See LUBINUS (E.). LUISINUS (Fr.\nciscus). [i.e., Francesco LuisiNi.] F. Luisini...in librum Q. Horatii Flacci de arte poetica commentarius. [With the text.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Epistol.5 : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] 4to., 1554. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] LUKE ( ) Physician. Mast person. [By John Bon and Luke.] 4to., [London, 1807.] A reprint of the original edition of 154 8. Halkett and Laing, II., 1269. LULLIUS (Raymundus). [i.e., Ram^n Lull.] R. Lullii opera ea quae ad adinventam ab ipso artem univcrsalem ... pertinent. Ut et in eandem quorundam interpretuni scripti com- mentarii . . . .\ccessit Valerii de Valeriis . . . aureum in artem Lullii generalem opus... Editio postrema. 8vo., Argentorati, 1651. Contains, inter alia, " J. Brun. Nol. de LuUiano specierum ecrutinio " ; *' J. Brunus...de lainpade comljinatoria Lulliana " ; '* J. Briinus Xol. de progros-sn logicro venatiouia " ; " ,J. Brunus Nol. de lampade venatoria logicorum." Ars brevis...Raymundi Lull, quae est ad omnes scientias pauco & brevi tempore asse- quendas introductorium & brevis via ... In cujus castigatione attendat lector qu4m castigatissimd Magistcr Bcmardus dc lavin- heta...insudarit, e/c. \6n\o., Partsiis, 1578. R. S. Turner's copy. Articuli fidei sacrosancta? ac salutiferae legis Christians cum eorundem perpulchra introductione. Quos...R. Lullius rationibus necessariis demonstrative probat. i6mo., Parisiis, 1578. R. S. Tumor's copy. Catalogus omnium librorum magni operis LuUiani proximo publico comnumicandi Moguntia!...i7i4. 8vo. . [A/ojm?, 1714.] Cyprian copy. Epistola sive epitome R. Lulli. Sec BONL'S (P.). Pretiosa margarita novella de thesauro, c/c. 8vo., 1546. Opusculum Kaymundinum dc audilu Kabbalistico sive ad omnos .scientias intro- ductorium. i6mo., Parisiis, 1578. R. S. Turner's copy. See BRUNO (G.). Philotheus J. Brunus ...de compendiosa architectura, & comple- mento artis Lullii, £/e. i6mo., 1582. See BRUNO (G.). J. Brunus Nolanus. De specierum scrutinio et lampade combina- toria R. Lullii, etc. i2mo., 1588. LUNDBLAD (Johan) Pras. Dissertatio his- torica de Gustavo Erici XIV. filio, quam... praeside J. Lundblad...exhibet M. Jacobson, etc. 4to., Lund(B. 1799. LUNZE (JohannGottlob). Academia Veneta, seu della Fama, in disquisitionem vocata. (Recensus librorum in Academia Veneta ex- cusorum [with the type of P. Manutius].) 8vo., Lipsiae, 1801. Renouard copy. With a MS. dedication by the author to Renouard. LUPERCUS, 0/ &>-y/Ms. See SU IDAS. Begin. AiaXoyog aieqiavov, etc. [Sig. a^, recto .■] To /tev Ttaoov fii^hov, EoviSa. Olde avvra^a- ftevoi Tovxo, uvSqeq ao(poi. Ev6t]HOi...AovneQ- xo?, etc. fol., 1499- [Another edition.] fol., 1514. LUPUS (Publius Rutilius). See RUTILIUS LUPUS. LUSCHUS (Antonius). [i.e., Antonio Lusco.] A. Luschi...Inquisitio sup. xi. ora- tiones Ciceronis ad fratrem suum optimum ; atq; charissimum Astolfinum de marinonibus. See' ASCONIUS PEDIANUS (Q.). [Com- mentaries on the orations of M. T. Cicero. Pt. III.] fol., (I477-) LUSCINIUS (Ottomarus). [i.e., Ottmar Nachtigall.] Grunnius sophista, sive pelagus hunianae miseriae...quo docetur utrius natura ad virtutem et felicitatem propius accedat, hominis. an bruti animantis, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] .4rgentinae : apud J. Knoblo'.ichum. i 522. Joci ac sales mire festivi...partim select! ex bonorum utriusq; linguae authorii mundo, partim longis peregrinatioibus usi & auditi, ac in centurias duas digcsti. 8vo. , [colophon .•] A ugustre Vindelicorii : typis Symperti Riifl, 1524. LUSCO (Antonio). See LUSCHUS (A.). LUSHINGTON (Stephen). The judgment of S. Lushington ... in the cases of Westerton agninsi Liddoll (Clerk) and Home and others, and Beal against LiddcU (Ckrk) and Parke and Evans... Edited by A. F. Bayford. 8vo., London, [1856.] LUSINGA (Ren.-vtus de). See LUCINGE. LUT (Charles Breghot nu). See BREGHOT DU LUT. LUTHER (Martin). Advcrsus papatum Romac a Sathana fundatum. M. Lutherus D. See POLE (R.) Cardinal. R. Poll... pro ccclcsiasticac unitatis defensionc, libri quatuor. etc. fol., IS55- Asscrtionis Lutheranac confutatio juxla vcrum ac originalcm archetyi^um, nunc ad ungucm diligcntissimc recognita. [With the text of the "Assertio."] Pcr...Joanncm [Fisher] RofTcnscm Episcopum, academic Canthabrigicn. Cancellarium. >^ditio ulti- 28o LUTHER piARTiN).— (cowW.) ma, variis annotationibus in margine locuple- tata [by F. Velascus]. fol., [colophon :] Venetns : in aedibus Gregorii de Gregoriis, 1526. Epistolae...N. Amsdorfii et D. M. Lutheri, de Erasmo Roterodamo. See AMSDORFF (N. von). 8vo., 1534- See ERASMUS (D.). [Purgatio Adversus Lutherum.] D. Erasmi ... pur- gatio adversus epistolam non sobriam M. Luteri. 8vo., 1534. See AUDIN (J. M. V.). Histoire de la vie, des ecrits et des doctrines de M. Luther ...Cinquieme edition, e^c. 3 torn. 8vo.,i845. See CAMPESTER (L.). L. Campestri... apologia in Martinu Lutherum, haereseos Acephalorum...antesignanum, etc. 4to., 1523. See ERASMUS (D.). [De Libero Ar- BITRIO.] Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus Ser\^um arbitrium M. Lutheri, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1526-27. See FABRICIUS (J. A.). Centifolium Luthcranum, sive notitia litteraria scriptorum omnis generis de B. D. Luthero, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., 1728-30. See SCHOEPFFER (J.). Luthcrus non combustus, sive historica enarratio de D. M. Luthero, etc. Svo., 171 7. See SEIDEMANN (J. K.). Die Leipziger Disputation im Jahre 1519 [between M. Luther and Johann von Eck], etc. 8vo., 1 843. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Catalogue of a... collection of books, formed by...S. L. Sotheby ...for the publication of his work on the auto- graph annotations by ... Melanchthon and Luther, etc. ' Svo., 1862. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Catalogue of a... collection of early printed books, with auto- graph annotations by... Luther and Melanc- thon, etc. Svo., 1862. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Observations upon the handwriting of P. Melanchthon... Also, a few specimens of the autograph of M. Luther, etc. fol., 1839. LUTTEROTH (Henri). La Reformation en France pendant sa premiere periode, etc. Svo., Paris. 1859. LYCOPHRON. (Av>'.o(pQovo(; aXeiavdQa, to axoreivov notri^ia.) Ed. Pr. See PINDAR. Tlivbaoov. '0?.v/jjiia. IJiSia, etc. Svo., 1513. AvxofQOvoz 'Af^e^avSga, ro axoreivov noitj/ia ...xat 7ro?.ufia6eaTaTov elg avro rovro 'laaxtov TOD TCejiiov i^yjyrjfia. . .Adjectus quoque est J. Tzetzae variarum historiarum liber, versibus politicis ab eodem Graece conscriptus, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon :] Basilets : ex officina J . Oporini, 1546. Avxo(pQOVoi ... 'A).eiavSQa, to axoreivov nouuia. Lycophronis... Alexandra, obscurum poema. Or. 4to., Parisiis : apiid J. Bogardtim, 1547. LYCURGUS, Orator. Avxovgyov, xaza Aeto- xQarovQ. See iESCHINES. Aoyoi rovronn Toil' Qijrooiov, Aiay_ivov ... Avxovqyov, etc. [Ft. IL] " ■ fol., 1513. LYDGATE (John). The Childe of Bristow, a poem... Edited... by C. Hopper. See CAM- DEN MISCELLANY. The Camden mis- cellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1859. LYDIUS (Jacobus). J. Lydii sermonum con- vivalium libri duo, etc. See CATS (J.). Faces Augustae, etc. 8vo., 1643. LYELL (Sir Charles) Bart. Elements of geo- logy... Sixth edition, etc. 8vo., London, 1865. LYMBURN (James). Notice of the Euing collection of Bibles. See DICKSON (W. P.). The Glasgow University library, etc. Svo., 1888. LYONS. Celebrites lyonnaises. i2mo., Lyon, 1873. Documens pour servir a I'histoire de Lyon, tires des archives de la ville. [By M. A. Pericaud ?] 8vo., [Lyons ?] s.a. Without titlepage. Liste generale et trfe-exacte de tons les conspirateurs qui ont ete condamnes a etre guillotines, fusilles, et foudroyes a la bouche du canon, par les commissions mili- taires etablies par decret de la Convention nationale, dans la Ville-Affranchie, ci-devant Lyon, a Ville-sans-Nom, ci-devant Marseille ; Bordeaux, Feurs-aux-Sables, et autres \alles dans la Vendee, etc. Svo., Paris, s.a. Melanges biographiques et litteraires, pour servir a I'histoire de Lyon, par M*** [i.e., C. Breghot du Lut]. See BREGHOT DU LUT (C). Svo., 1828. Prinse de Lyon et de Montbrison par les Protestants en 1562. 8vo., Lyon, 1831. Only 100 copies printed. Barbier, III., 1041. Siege de Lyon. Histoire de Commune- .'Vffranchie, 1789-1796. Svo., (Lyox,) s.a. From the journal " La Province.'* LYONS. — BiBLiOTHEQUE DE LA ViLLE. Manu- scrits de la Biblioth^que de Lyon, ou notices sur leur anciennete, leurs auteurs, les objets qu'on y a traites...Precedees i". d'une his- toire des anciennes bibliotheques de Lyon, et en particulier de celle de la ville ; 2". d'un essai historique sur les manuscrits en general... Par A. F. Delandine. 3 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1S12. LYONS ( des) Baron. See DES LYONS. LYSERUS (PoLVCARPUS). See LEYSERUS. LYSETUS (Petrus). See LIZET (P.). LYSIAS, Orator. See .ESCHINES. Aoyoi rovtcovi rcuv qijtoquiv. Alayivov. Avatov, etc. [Pt. I.] ■ fol., 1513. LYSONS (Daniel) & (Samuel). Topographi- cal and historical account of Derbyshire. 4to., London, [181 7.] Forms Vol. V. of the authors' " Magna Britannia." LYTTELTON (Charles George) 8th Viscount Cobham. See COBHAM. LYTTELTON (George William Lvttelton) 4th Baron & GLADSTONE (William Ewart). Translations by Lord Lyttelton and...W. E. Gladstone. Second edition. 4to.. London, 1863. Containing, inter alia, translations by Gladstone of Horace's Od. III. 9 and Od. I. 5. 28l M M., Ch., le Bibliophile. See MOTTELEY (C). M., G. See MELZI (G.) Conte. M., G. W. See MARSHALL (G. W.). M., P. See MILSAND (P.). MACARIUS, JEgyptius, Saint. Tov oaiov TiaTQog Maxagiov tov aiyvnriov 6/jtXtai v', etc. (S. Patris Macarii ^gyptii homiliae quinqua- ginta : interprete J. Pico.) Gr. 6- Lat. 2 vols. 8vo., Parisiis, 1559. MACAULAY afterwards GRAHAM (Cathe- rine). The history of England from the accession of James L to the elevation of the House of Hanover... Edit. IH. Vols. I.-V. 8vo., London, 1769-72. No more of this edition published. Only vols. I. -IV. are of the 3rd edition. The work ceases with the restoration of Charles II. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington Macaulay) 1st Baron. The history of England from the accession of James the Second. 8 vols. 8vo., London, 1858-62. Vol. VIII. is edited by Lady Trevelyan and in- cludes a memoir of the author by H. H. Milman. Calf gilt by Hayday. MACCARTHY REACH (Justin de) Comte. Catalogue des livres rares et precieu.x de la bibliothdque de feu M. le comte de Mac- Carthy Reagh. (Ordre des vacations de la vente, etc. — Liste des prix des livres, etc. — Catalogue de livres rares et pr6cieux...prove- nant de la vente, etc.) 5 pts. [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Paris, 1815-17. With prices and puri^hancrs' names in MS. One of six copies printed on largo paper. La B6doy6re copy, with autograph letters of comte do MacCarl liy added. MACCHIAVELLI (Niccolo). See MACHIA- VELLL MACER (NicoDEMUs) pseud, [i.e., Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). MACFARLANE (John) 0/ the British Museum. Antoine V6rard. [A biographical and biblio- graphical account.] 4to., London, 1900. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graplw. No. VII.) MACHIAVELLI (Niccol6). Historic de N. Machiavelli...Nuovamcntc...ristainpate. 8vo., {colophon .■] Vinegia : in casa de' figtivoli di .4ldo, 1 540. Renouard, p. iirj. Rod morocco by Thompson. Man;£uni copy. See VILLARI (P.). The life and times of N. Machiavelli....\ new edition, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1892. .MACKENZIE (Sir CJeorge). Observations upon the laws and customs of nations, as to precedency. See GUILLIM (J.). A display of heraldry... The sixth edition, etc. fol., 1724. .MACKINTOSH (Sir James). The history of England from b.c. 55 to a.d. 1572, etc. 3 vols. 8vo., London, [1830- ?| Wanting the 7 vols, forming the continnafion by W. Wallace and U. Bell. MACKY (John). Memoirs of the secret services of J. Macky, Esq. during the reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I.... 1733. [Reprint.] 4to., (London, 1895.) (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 126.) Issued and bound with " Memoirs of the life of Sir J. Clerk." MACMILLAN AND CO. A bibliographical cata- logue of Macmillan and Co.'s publications from 1843 to 1889. 8vo., London, 1891. MACRAY (William Dunn). Annals of the Bodleian Library, 0.xford ; with a notice of the earlier library of the University... Second edition... con tinned... to 1880. 8vo., Oxford, 1890. MACRINUS (Salmonius). See SALMONIUS (J.) called Macrinus. MACROBIUS (Ambrosius Aurelius Theo- Dosius). A. T. Macrobii ... opera. J. I. Pontanus recensuit, etc. 8vo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1597. Macrobii Avrelii Theodosii...in somnivm Scipionis expositionis... liber primvs. (Ma- crobii Avrelii Theodosii...conviviorvm primi diei Satvmaliorvm liber primvs.) See CICERO (M. T.). [De Republica : Somnium Scipionis.] Begin. Somnivm Scipionis ex Ciceronis libro de repvblica excerptvm. fol., 1472. Macrobii de somno Scipionis : necnon de saturnalibus libri : summa diligentia suo nitori restituti sunt, etc. fol., [colophon .] BrixicE : per .4. Britdnicum, 1501. Macrobii in somnium Scipionis ex Ciceronis VI. libro de rep. eruditissima e.xplanatio. [With the text.] Ejusdem saturnaliorum libri VII., etc. See CICERO (M. T.). [De Re- publica : Somnium Scipionis.] 8vo., 1528. Macrobii... in sonmium Scipionis libri II. saturnaliorum libri VII. Nunc denuo re- cogniti, & multis in locis aucti. 8vo., Ltigd[j{ni] : Seb. GryphiusGerm. excud., 1532. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. Stamped pigskin, with clasps, and with the date " I53fj ' occurring several times in the border. The front cover also bears the initials " I. .\. N.** and the date '' 1543." [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. stamped pigskin, with clasi)s. and with medallion portraits in the borders. The front cover iiears the initials " I). F. B." and the date " iSt|." - [Another copy.] - [Another edition.] ."^VD. , Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. - [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. [Another edition.] 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1556. r.\notlier copy.] 282 MACROBIUS (A. A. T.).— (cow/rf.) See BEBELIUS (H.). Facetiae... Acces- serunt...apophthegmata, ex Macrobio...col- lecta, etc. 8vo., 1540. MADAN (Falconer). The early O.xford press. A bibliography of printing and publishing at Oxford ' 1468 '-1640. With notes, ap- pendices, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1895. MADERUS (JoACHiMus Joannes). [i.e., Joachim Johann Mader.] De bibliothecis atque archivis \'irorum clarissimorum libelli et commentationes. Cum praefatione de scriptis et bibliothecis antediluvianis antehac edidit J. J. Maderus. Secundam editionem curavit J. A. S(chmidt). 4to., Helmestadii, 1702. Comprise3 : J. Lipsii de bibliothecis syntagma, eic.— F. Ursini de bibliothecis commentatio. — G. Pancirolliis rerum memorabilium. ..tit. XXIT. De hbrariis sive bibliothecis. — B. Cassanaeus catalogo gloriae mundi. lib. XII. — F. Patricius lib. IIX. de iustitutione reip. tit. XV. — M. Neandri de bibliothecis deperditis ac iioviter instructis. — De bibliothecis manuscriptis J. P. Toraasini. — De servis quorundam rei librariae adhibitis L. Pignorii. — De statuis illustriura... viroriim in veterum bibliothecis, E. Figrelii. — B. Bonifacii...de archivis liber singularis, etc. — De F.ibliotheca Vaticana, F. Schotti. — De Bibliotheca Vaticana, O. Panvinii. — De Biblio- theca Vaticana, A. Ciearellae. — De Bibliotheca Regia S. Laurentii Scorialensi in Hispania epis- tolae duae B. Corderii. — Catalogus praecipuoruiii auctomm ineditorum MSS. qui in Bibliotheca Scorialensi asservantur, opera A. Barvoetii. — De bibliothecis, cumprimis Regia Budensi... J. A. Brassicani...epistola. — H. Conringii de Bibliotheca Augusta qua; est in arce Wolfen- biittelensi...epistola, etc. De bibliothecis nova accessio collectioni Maderianse adjuncta a J. A. S[chmidt]. 4to., Helmstadii, 1703. Comprises: Richardi de Buri...philobiblion, etc. — G. Naudaei...dissertatio de instruenda biblio- theca. etc. — T. Spizelii disscrtatio de illustriiun bibliothecarum nov-antiquarum exstructione, etc. — Oratio de Bibliotheca Julia, c|ua ... Friderico Ulrico Duci Brunsvicensi ... de tarn illustri ornamento academiae sua; concesso, gratias... egit ... C. Hnidmaims, etc. — Memora- bilia Rudolphea> Nov;e Hehnstadiensis Biblio- thecie...designata ab Hermanno von der Hardt. — C. Sagittarii oratio de Bibliotheca Jenensi Academica. — Julii Pflugk ... epistola... prseter fata bibliotheca; Budensis, librorura quoque in ultima expugnatione repertonim catalogtim exhibens. MAFFEJUS (Raphael) Volaterranus. [i.e., Raffaello Maffei.] Comnientariorum ur- banorum Raphaclis Volatcrrani octo et triginta libri ... Item oeconomicus Xeno- phontis, ab codem Latio donatus. iol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphitim, 1552. Printed in double columns. Sunderland copy. MAGDEBURG. Bustum virginis Magdebur- gicae historica & politica luce illustratum. 4to., s./.. 1 63 1. MAGEN (Adolphe). Documents sur J. C. Scaliger et sa famille. 8vo., Agen, 1873. From the " Recueil des Travaux de la Soci^t^ d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Agen," S^r. 2, Tome III. MAGENTENUS (Leo) Archbishop of Mitvlene. MayevTijvov MijZQonoXtTOV Mitv?.ijvi/;, e^iiyrjaig elg TO negi igfirjveiag 'AgiaTOTeXovQ. See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Categoric & De Interpretatione.] 'A/i/jwviov rot' 'EgftEiov vTio/^vijfia e/s to negi igfajvetag 'Agia- rorekovQ, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1503. Maysvrivov...i(i]yrjatg eIq to ngoTEga dva- Xtnixa rov 'AgiaroTeXovg. See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Priora Analytica.] 'Imawov ygan/tarixov...elg ra ngorega avaKvtixa rov 'AgiaroTeXovg, etc. fol., 1536. MAGISTER (Thomas). See THOMAS, Ma- gister. MAGNENUS (Joannes Chrysostomus). [i.e., Jean Chrysostome Magnen.] J. C. Mag- neni...Democritus reviviscens : sive vita et philosophia Democriti. i2mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1648. MAGNUS (NicoLAUs). N. Magni...de medicis pulveribus libellus. 8vo., Parisiis : vcBiiit in (sdibus S. Colinai, 1545. The colophon reads ; " imprimebat M. Vasco- sanus." De Thou copy. MAGNUS (Sir Philip). The responsibilities of town councils with regard to technical education. See MANCHESTER.— Muni- cipal School of Technology. Intro- ductory addresses, etc. 8vo., (1890.) MAGNUS (Valerianus). Apologia V. Magni contra imposturas Jesuitarum, etc. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). Alphonsi de Vargas... relatio ad rcges & principes Christianos, etc. [Another edition, entitled :] Stratagemata, etc. i2mo., 1684. MAHfiRAULT (Jean FRAN901S Ren£). No- tice sur A. Leblanc, etc. 8vo., Paris, an VIII. [1799.] Qu6rard', V., 433. Pattison copy. MAHON (Philip Henry Stanhope) Lord. See STANHOPE (P. H. Stanhope) 5^/1 Earl. MAIANSIUS (Gregorius). See MAYANS Y SISCAR. MAICHELIUS (Daniel). D. Maichelii intro- ductio ad historiam literariam de praecipuis bibliothecis Parisiensibus, locupletata anno- tationibus, etc. 8vo., Cantabrigice, 1721. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Leipzig,] 1721. Allardes copy. D. Maichelii... lucubrationes Lambetanae, quels sistuntur monumenta literaria histo- rico-theologico-dogmatica ex instructissima bibliotheca ... Archi-Episcopi Cantuariensis G. Wakii collecta atque observationibus locupletata. 8vo., Tubingw, 1729. MAID. The new notborune mayd. The boke of niayd Emlyn. 4to., London, 1820. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 29.) Crimson morocco by C. Lewis. Althorp and Benbow copy. MAID MARIAN. Maid Marian. [By T. L. Peacock.] See PEACOCK (T L.). 8vo.. 1822. MAIDSTONE (Ricardus de). See RICAR- DUS, de Maidstone. 283 MAIDWELL (I.Ewrs). Comitia lyrica : sive carmen panegjTicum. In quo, ad exornandas magni Godolphini laudes, omnes omnium odarum modi ab Horatio delegantur. [Signed L. Maid well.] Paraphras'd in Eng- lish, by j\Ir. Tate. (An historical account of Horace's life, drawn from his writings. — An account of feet.) fol., London, 1707. MAILLARD (Firmin) pseud, [i.e., Frederic Prieur.] Les publications de la rue pendant le Siege et la Commune ... Bibliographic pittoresque et anecdotique. 8vo. , Paris, 1 874. MAILLARD DE CHAMBURE (Charles Hip- polyte). Memoire historique et statistique sur les archives generales du departement de la C6te-d'Or, et de I'ancienne province de Bourgogne. Svo., Dijon, 1838. MAINE (Francois Grud£ de La Croix du). See LA CROIX DU MAINE. MAINO (Jason de). See MAYNUS (J.). MAINWARING {Sir Thomas) Bart. & LEY- CESTER {Sir Peter) Bart. Tracts written in the controversy respecting the legitimacy of Amicia, daughter of H. Cyveliok, etc. 3 pts. See LEYCESTER {Sir P.) Bart. & MAINWARING {Sir T.) Bart. 4to., 1869. MAIOLUS (Laurentius). [i.e., Lorenzo maiolc] de GRADIBVS MEDI | CINA- RVM. I [By L. Maiolus.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : [Aldus Manutius,'] 1497. Renouard, p. 14. Hain and Copinger, 10528. Proctor, 5562. Russia by J. Lauffert. Strang- ford and Butler copy. [Another copy.] Epiphyllides in dialecticis. | (De Couer- sione propositionii | cuiusciiq ; generis secij | dum pcripate | ticos. |) (Quaestio Auerrois in librum priorum [of the Analytica of Aristotle] traducta per Heliam | hcbrseum. |) [By L. Maiolus.] 3 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in domo Aldi Romani, 1497. Renouard, p. 14. Hain and Copinger, 2191. Proctor, 5558. [Another copy of Pt. I. only.] Olive morocco by F. and T. Aitkon. Crawford (Lakelands) copy. MAISON NEUVE ( Baudichon de la). See BAUDICHON DE LA MAISON NEUVE. MAITTAIRE (Michael). Annales typo- graphici ab artis inventae origine ad annum 1500 [and continued thence to 1664 J. 5 torn, [in 6 vols.] 4to., Haga-Comitum, etc., 1719-41. Tom. II. -V. are each in 2 pts. Tlin litlopage of torn. IV. reftrfoct ; wauling several ft., the contents of which have been supplied in MS. This copy does not contain (ho Traductions." [Another edition.] i6ino., Paris : par la veufve F. Regnault, i 551. Imperfect ; wanting ft. 121 and 128, wliich have been supplied in MS. Les oeuvres de C. .Marot. (Les traduc- tions de C. Marot.) i6mo., Paris, [1557 ?] The "Traductions" are separately paged, but the register is continuous. G. do Lacroix'fl copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., [F^yons, 1558.] Wanting (he titlepage, a facsimile of that of the Lyons edition of 1545 ha%'ing been substituted. [Another edition.] l6mo., Lyon, 1597. Les oeuvres de C. Marot... Reveues et augmentees de nouveau. 2 tom. i2mo., La Haye, 1700. The pagination and register are consecutive throughout. Red morocco by Daseuil. Qiuvres completes de C. Marot. Revues sur les editions originales, avec preface, notes et glossaire par P. Jannet. 4 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1868. Les oeuvres de C. Marot... Augmentees d'un grand nombre de ses compositions nouvelles par ci-devant non imprimees. Le tout mieux ordonne...et soigneusement reveu par G. Guiffrey. Tom. II. -III., illnst. 8vo., Paris, (1875-81.) All published. Cinquante-deux Pseaumes de David, traduictz en rithme fran9oyse...par C. Marot, etc. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — French.] i6mo., 1546. L'enfer...Item aulcuncs ballades, & ron- deaulx appartenants a largunient. Et en oultrc plusieurs aultrcs compositions. ..par cy devant non imprimees. 8vo., Lyon : chis E. Dolet, 1542. Wanting the last leaf ; titlepage damaged. See DOUEN (E. O.). C. Marot et le Psautier Huguenot, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., 1878-79. See MORLEY (H.). C. Marot and other studies. 2 vols. 8vo., 1871. MARRON (Paul Henri). J. Calvin, ne a Noyon, en Picardie, le 10 juillet 1509, mort a Geneve le 27 mai 1564. [Signed P. H. Marron.] 8vo., {Nismes,) s.a. Fattison copy. MARSCALCUS (Nicolaus) Thurius. [i.e., N. Marschalk.] Orthographia N(icolai) M(ar- scalci) T(hurii). 4to., [colophon .] Erphordie : per wofgangum [sic] Schcnck, 1501. 58 fT., without pagination ; sigs. a-o«, f-h«, {', k", 1*. llebor and Crawford (I>akelandM) copy. MARSDEN (John Howard). Fasciculus. [A collection of translations, in verse, from various sources, made by J. H. Marsden.] 4to., London, 1S69. Privately printed. With a holograph letter from the author. Philomorus. Notes on the Latin poems of Sir T. More. [By J. H. Mar.sdcn.] Second edition. 8vo., London, 187S. Halkott and Liiing, III., 1S99. 292 MARSHALL (George William). A catalogue of pedigrees hitherto unindexed. [Preface signed G. W. M., i.e., G. W. Marshall.] 8vo., London, 1867. Hnlkett and Lfting, I., 329. Collections for a genealogical account of the family of Comberbach. 8vo. , London, 1866. MARTELLI (Ugolino) Bishop of Glandtves. In odem secundam libri quarti carminum Q. Horatii Flacci commentatio, etc. [With the text] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc. — Latin.] 4to., 1579. MARTENS (Thierry). See ISEGHEM (A. F. VAN). Biographic de T. Martens, etc. 8vo., 1852. MARTHE (ScEVOLE de Sainte-). See SAINTE-MARTHE. MARTI (Manuel) Dean de Alicante. See MAYANS Y SISCAR (G.). E. Martini... vita, etc. 8vo., 1735. Mayans y Siscar (G.). Biografia del Dean de Alicante (M. Marti). See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortin.\) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. III., pp. 587-696. 8vo., 1857. MARTIALIS (Marcus Valerius). Martialis. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibiis Aldi, 1501. Renouard, p. 30. ■ ■ [Another copy.] Imperfect; wanting the titlepage. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons. 1502 ?] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501, with spaces left for tlie Greek words. Renouard, p. 306. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Lyons, 1503 ?] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501. With some of the Greek passages printed in Greek characters and others translated into Latin. Renouard, p. 306. Berthelot de Saint-Alban and Morante copj*. — — [Another copy.] The first sheet of this copy is of the genuine edition of Aldus. Oliva de Turco copy. Martialis cum duobus commentis [by D. Calderinus and G. Merula]. fol., [colaphon : Venice .] /. Pentius de Leiico, 1503. Kloss copy. Martialis. 8vo., [colophon : Lyons,] 1512. A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501. With a red fleur-de-lis on the titlepage. Renouard, p. 312. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 15 17. Renouard, p. 81. M. V. Martialis epigram, lib. xiiij. dili- genter emendati. Adnotationes aliquot nu- perrime adjectae, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Liigduni : in (rdibus Jacobi Myt, sumptu... Bartholmnei trot, 1518. X counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501. Renouard, p. 314. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. Ouibus appositus est index jam primum Kditus. 8vo., [colophon :] in inclyta Parisiensi academia : P. Vidovceus, 1526. A copy, with emendations, of the text issued by Aldus. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII., summa diligentia castigati. i6mo., Parisiis : apud S. Colinaum, 1533. Swanwick copy. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. Adjecta Graecarum vocum, quibus autor utitur, interpretatione. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Im|)erfect ; wanting the " Grsecarum vocum interpretatio." [Another edition, complete.] Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539- M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. sunima diligentia castigati. 8vo., Parisiis : apud S. Colintsum, 1539. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. Adjecta Grascarum vocum... interpretatione. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. l6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition.] ... Adjecta Grae- carum vocum . . .interpretatione. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1553. M. V. Martialis epigrammaton libri XIIII. Ex fide vetustissimorum exemplarium...nunc recdns emendati. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. M. V. MartiaUs epigrammata, ab omni rerum obscenitate, verborumq. turpitudine vindicata. Opera & industria E. Augerii, etc. 8vo., Antverpia, 1568. M. V'. Martialis cpigrammatum libri XIV. D. Calderini commentariis perpetuis, & G. Merulas observationibus, illustrati. Ejusdem Mart, epigrammata selecta Graece expressa a F. Morello, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1601. M. V. Martialis epigrammatum libri. Ad optimos codices recensiti & castigati. 2 tom. 8vo., LuteticB Parisiorum, 1754. £pigrammes de Martial. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [OVERA.— French.] CEuvres completes d'Horace, etc. Svo., 1852. fipigrammes contre Martial, ou les mille et une droleries, sottises et platitudes de ses traducteurs, ainsi que les castrations qu'ils lui ont fait subir, mises en parallele entre elles et avec le texte ; par un ami de Martial [i.e., £. Johanneau]. Svo., Paris, 1834. Barbier, II., 141. See DILKE (T.). XXV. select allusions to several places of Horace, Martial, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1698. MARTIN, TINUS. [Another copy.] Saint, Bishop of Tours. See MAR- 2 93 I MARTIN (Gregory). G. lMartinus...pro veteri & vera Graecarum literarum pronuntiationc. See HAVERKAMP (S.). Sylloge altera scriptorum, etc. 8vo., 1740. MARTIN (Sir Theodore). Horace. [An ac- count of his life and works.] 8vo.. Edinburgh, 1870. (Ancient Classics for Genera! Readers.) MARTINDALE (Adam). The life of A. Martindale, written by himself... Edited by... R. Parkinson. 4to., (Manchester,) 1845. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. Vol. IV.) MARTINEAU ( ). Commentaire litteraire sur I'art poetique d 'Horace. [By M. Martineaii ?] 5«eHORATIUSFLACCUS (Q.). [Epistol^e : Ars Poetica : Criti- cism.] 8vo., [181 5 ?] MARTINENGIUS (Titus Prosper), [i.e., Tito Prospero Martinengo.] Tixov rigoanegov Maoriveyyiov...7ioiijiitaTa Siaqtoga 'EXhjvixa xai AaTiviufi, div /Aev ra TiXsiara elai Oeia re xai iega. T. P. Martinengii...poemata diversa cum Graeca tum Latina, etc. 4to., Romae, 1590. MARTIN-LEAKE (Stephen) Garter King of Arms. Remarks on the origin and usage of .\rms, the ensigns armorial of foreign nations, and the antiquity and honour of the royal Arms of England. [Edited by Sir C. G. Young.] 8vo., (London,) s.a. The Sovereign's Arms, upon the union of the Crown of Scotland with that of England, at the accession of King James I.. 1603. With remarks upon the Order of the Thistle. [Extracted from a manuscript of S. Martin- Leake, by Sir C. G. Young.] 8vo., (London, 1855.) The half-title reads : " The national ensigns of Great Britain." MARTINUS, Poloynts. See MARTINUS [Strepus]. MARTINUS, Saint, Bishop of Tours. Seve- RUS (S.). Vita S. Martini, etc. See PRU- DENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii... opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1501. [Another copy.] MARTINUS [Strepus], Archbishop of Gnesen. Begin. [Fol. i , recto :] loannes Philippus de Lignamine | Messaneii. Syxto. IIII. Sunimo | Pontifici etc. | [Fot. 8, recto :] Incipit Crono- nica [sic] summoru | Pontificu Imperatoruq, : .\c I dc scpte fjtatibus mudi e.\. S. | Hycro- nimo : Euscbio aliisq; ui | ris eruditis ex- cerpta... I ete. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon :] Rome : in domo...Iohannis Philippi de Lignamine, 1474. Imperfect; wanting ft. 3, 4, ond 68-86. Hain, •10857, Troctor, 3396. Brunot (».n. Ligna- mine). III., 1075. kloss and Crawford (Lake- landn) copy. MARTINUS (Emmanuel). MARTINUS (Gregorius). MARTIUS (Galeottus). (M.). 5ce MARTI (M.). Sfc MARTIN (G.). See GALEOTTUS MARTONNE (Guillaume Francois de). No- tice biographiquc at litteraire sur J. B. B. de Roquefort. 8vo., Paris, 1844. From the '* M^moires de la Sqgiet6 Royale des Antiquaires de France," Tome 17. Pattison coi)y. MARULLUS (Michael Tarchaniota). See TARCHANIOTA MARULLUS. MARVELL (Andrew). The complete works ...of A. Marvell... Edited, with memorial- -introductions and notes, by... A. B. Grosart. 4 vols. 8vo., (London,) 1872-75. 150 copies printed for private circulation. (Puller Wortliies' Library.) MARVILLE ( DE Vigneul-) pseud, [i.e., NofiL, called Bonaventure d'Argonne.] See ARGONNE (N. d'). MARY I., Queen of England. See GREY (Lady J.). The chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years of Queen Mary, etc. 4to., 1850. MARY, Queen of Scotland. Ceremonial at the mamage of Mary, Queen of Scotts [sic], with the Dauphin of France. Fr. 4to., London, 1818. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 22.) See CHASLES (V. E. P.). Etudes sur W. Shakspeare, Marie Stuart, etc. Svo., (1851.) See LESLIE (J.) Bishop of Ross. Du droict et tiltre de... Marie royne d'Escosse ...a la succession du loyaume d'Angleterre, etc. 8vo., [1587.] MARY [Stuart], Consort of William II., Prince of Orange. See OXFORD. — University. nQore?.eta Anglo-Batava pari plusquSni vir- gineo, Guilielmo Arausii, & Maria; Britan- niarum, Academia Oxoniensi procurante. 4to., 1641. MARY MAGDALEN, Saint. See BELON ( ) Priest. Panegyrique dc Sainte Made- leine, etc. 8vo., s.a. MASCH (Andreas Gottlieb). Bibliotheca sacra, post...Jacobi Le Long et C. F. Boemeri iteratas curas ... emendata, supplcta. con- tinuata ab A. G. Masch. 2 pts. See LE LONG (J.). 4to., 1778-90. MASENIUS (Jacobus), [i.e., Jakob Masen.] Familiarium argutiarum fontes, honesta; & eruditje recreationis gratia excitati...Editio altera locupletior. i2mo., Colonite Agrippince, 1660. With a second, engraved, titlepage. J. Masenii laus & defensio pulicum. See TRACTATUS. Tractatus varii de pulicibus, etc. i2mo., [1710 ?] Rastrum horti Hayani. male cversa re ac titulo, Crusiani appellati. Quo veritas k falsitatc, innocentia a calumnia, squitas ab iniquitale, contra. ..Romanum Hay...purga- tur ac defenditur. 4to., Colonia Agrippints. 1653. J. Masenii vitupcrium & dainnatio puli- cum. Sec TRACTATUS. Tractatus varii de pulicibus, e/c. i2mo., [1710 ?] MASORAH. Sec MASS( )RAI I. 294 MASSEBIEAU (Louis). Une acquisition de la bibliotheque du Musee Pedagogique. Dia- logus J. Fabri Stapulensis in phisicam intro- ductionem...fitude bibliographique et peda- gogique. 8vo., Paris, (1885.) Piom the " Revue Pedagogique." MASSEY (William Nath.\niel). A history of England during the reign of George the Third... Second edition, etc. 4 vols. 8vo., London, 1865. MASSON (Joannes), {i.e., Jean Masson.] C. Plinii Secundi Junioris vita ordine chrono- logico sic digesta, ut varia dilucidentur his- toriae Romanae puncta, quae Flavios impera- tores, uti Nervam Trajanumque spectant. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1709. With a second, engraved, titlepage. De Bure and Morante copy. P. Ovidii Nasonis vita ordine chronologico sic delineata, ut poetae fata & opera veris assignentur annis, notisque philologicis & historicis illustrentur, etc. 8vo., Amstelodami, 1708. De Bure and Morante copy. Q. Horatii Flacci vita ordine chronologico sic delineata, ut vice sit commentarii historico- -critici in plurima & pracipua poet« carmina ; quae veris redduntur annis, nova donantur luce, a prava vindicantur interpretatione celeberrimorum commentatorum, imprimis T. Fabri, A. Dacieri, &c. 8vo. , Lugduni Batavorum, 1 708. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Calf by Boyet. De Bure and Morante copy. [Another copy.] MASSON (Joannes Papirius). [i.e., Jean Papire Masson.] CI. viri J. P. Massonis... elogiorum pars prima. Quae imperatorum, regum, ducum, aliorumque insignium heroum, superioribus & nostro saeculo xdrtute bellica niaxime illustrium, vitam complectitur. ( — pars secunda. Quae vitam eorum complectitur qui amplissimarum dignitatum titulis, vel eruditionis laude & publicatis literarum monumentis claruerunt.) Accessit ipsius P. Massonis vita authore...J. A. Thuano... Omnia haec Vetera & nova e musaeo J. Bales- dens, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., Parisiis, 1638. Each part has an additional, engraved, titlepage. Jahn copy. See HOTOMANUS (F.). Matagonis de Matagonibus...monitoriale adversus Italo- galliam...A. Matharelli [i.e., J. P. Masson]. 8vo., 1578. See HOTOMANUS (F.). Strigilis P. Massoni, etc. 8vo., 1578. MASSORAH. See BULLINGER (E. W.). The Massorah : being an account of the pre- servation and transmission of the manuscript text of the Hebrew Bible. 8vo., 1897. See GINSBURG (C. D.). The Massorah ...A review, etc. 8vo., [1884 ?] MATAGO DE MATAGONIBUS, pseud, [i.e., Franciscus Hotomanus.] See HOTO- MANUS (F.). MATANASIUS, le Docteur, pseud, [i.e., Hva- ciNTHE Cordonnier de S.\int-Hyacinthe.] See SAINT-HYACINTHE (H. C. de). M.ATERNUS (Julius Firmicus). See FIR- MICUS MATERNUS. MATHARELLUS (Antonius) Alvernogenus, pseud, [i.e., Joannes Papirius Masson.] See MASSON (J. P.). MATHER (Sir William). Work and work- men. An address, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1888. MATHIAS (L.). De la necessite de cr6er des bibliothdques scientifiques-industrielles, etc. [By L. Mathias.] 8vo., Paris, 1847. Barbier^, 179-180. MATHIEU (Abel). See LIVET (C. L.). La grammaire franfaise et les grammairiens du 16" siecle... Dubois (Sylvius). ..Ab. Mathieu, etc. 8vo., 1859. MATMAN (Rodolphe). C. Denii [i.e., R. Matman]...tres capelte, sive admonitio ad J. J. Burdonem [i.e., J. J. Scaliger], etc. See SCIOPPIUS (G.). O. Grubinii amphotides Scioppiani, etc. 8vo., 161 1. [Another copy.] Ad tres capellas, caprimulgi G. Scioppii cujusdam [or, rather, of R. Matman], etc. 4to., Bononia, 1609. MAUBUY (Jean Zorobabel Aublet de). See AUBLET DE MAUBUY. MAUDUICT (FRAN901S). Advis charitable a Messieurs de Geneve touchant la vie du sieur J. Labadie, etc. See BOLSEC (J. H.). La vie, mort et doctrine de J. Calvin, etc. [Pt. IL] Svo., 1664. MAUDUIT (A. F.). Description d'un projet de bibliotheque compose a Rome en 1833, pour la ville de Paris, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1839. [Another copy.] MAULIUS (Joannes). See PASCH ALIUS (P.). P. Paschalii adversus J. Maulii par- ricidas actio, etc. 8vo., 1548. MAUPASSANT (Henri Rene Albert Guy de). Contes choisis...Le loup. — Hautot pere et fils. — AUouma. — Mouche. — La Maison Tellier. — Un soir. — Le champ d'oliviers. — Mademoiselle Fifi. — L'epave. — Une partie de campagne. 10 pts. [in i vol.], illtist. 4to., Paris, 1891-92. No. 32 of 188 copies privately printed for the Soci6t6 des Bibliopliiles Cont«niporains. Each part has a separate titlepage and pagination. MAURITIUS (Joannes). Lltilissima simul ac doctissima repetitio legis unicac, C. Quo loco mulier. munera subire soleant, etc. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. Vellum by Magnin. Nouvellet copy. MAURO (Giovanni). Rime del Mauro. Sec CAPORALI (C). Rime piacevoli, etc. i2mo., 1595. MAURUS (Joannes) Coiistanfianus. [i.e., Jean Le More.] See CLAUDIN (A.). Les origines de I'imprimerie a la Reole en Guyennc, 1517. Recherches sur la vie ct les travaux dc Jean Le More, dit Maurus, dc Coutances, etc. 8vo., 1894. 295 MAURUS (Terentianus). See TERENTIA- NUS, Maurus. MAXENTIUS (Joannes). Opuscula Maxentii, etc. See FULGENTIUS, Saint, Bishop of Rnspa. Opera, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1526. MAXIMES. Maximes du droit public frangois. [Edited by C. Mey.] 2 torn. See MEY (C). i2mo., 1772. MAXIMIANUS, Etniscus. C. Galli fragmenta. [Elegies upon old age by Maximianus, Etruscus, and wrongly attributed to C. C. Gallus.] Ed. Pr. ^to., [colophon :] Venetiis : per Bernardinwn . . .de Vitalibus, 1501. 14 ff., without pagination ; sigs. A-B*, 0°. Sunder- land copy. [Another edition.] SeeCATULLUS (C. etc. v.). Catullus. Tibullus. [Another edition.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] Propertius, 8vo., 1518. Svo., 1531. 8vo., 8vo., 1537- 1542- (Le Le livre des elegies de Maximien. poeme du printemps, vulgairement appele la fete de Venus.) Lat. &■ Fr. SeeHORATIUS FLACCUSIQ.). [OvKRX.— French.] (Euvres completes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1845. See ELLIS (R.). On the elegies of Maximianus. 8vo., [1884.] MAXIMILIAN I., Einperoy of Germany. Maxi- milianus Imp. Aug. ad principes populosq. Italiae. [Edited by G. Sauromanus.] 4to., s.l. et t.n. [Bologna ?J (1518.) 6 ft., without pagination ; sig. A. MAXIMUS, Tyrius. Ma^i/xov TvQtov...Xoyoi fta'. Maximi Tyrii...sermones sive disputa- tiones XLI. Graece nunc primum edita; [by H. Estienne, the Younger]. Gr. Ed. Pr. 8vo., [Paris,] 1557. Kvang copy. Mn^i/iov TvQtov Aoyog riai xoiQiaxeov tov xoXiixu TOW rpiXov Graece ct Latine ex rec. J. Davisii...cumcastigationibus,emendationibus et notis...Curavit...J. A. Schier. Gr. & Lai. 8vo., Alhenis ad Elnnim [Leipzig], 1760. iMAXIMUS (Pacikicus). P. Maximi... opera. Lucreti» libri duo. Virginiie libri duo, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Fani : per H. Soncinum. 1 506. Tliis edition comprises only tlio " Lucretia " and the " Virginia," together with an epitaph on the author. Sec Hrunet, III., 1554. Red morocco by Derome. Beckford and .Sullivaii copy. In hoc libello hacc continentur. P. Maximi. ..elegig no nullg jocosg &. festivp. 1-audcs summorum virorum urbium & locoii. Invectivt; in quosdam. Laudes patrig As- culanp cS: alia qufdam jucunda & docta. 4to., [colophon:] Camerini : J. J. de Benedictis excudehat, 1523. Carmina P. Maximi, etc. 4 to., Parma, 1691. Imperiali copy. P. Maximi... elegiac jocosae et festivae. See BECCADELLUS (A.) Panormila. Quinque illustrium poetarum...Lusus in Venerem, etc. 8vo., 1791. MAXIMUS (Valerius). See VALERIUS MAXIMUS. MAY (Thomas). A continuation of the subject of Lucan's historicall poem till the death of Julius Caeser [sic]. The 2'' edition, etc. [The dedication is signed Tho. May.] 8vo., London : for James Baler, 1633. The titlepage is engraved. (The 5"" edition, etc.) 8vo., London, 1657. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The history of the Parliament of England, which began November the third, 1640, etc. [Edited by F. Maseres.] 4to., London, 1812. A reprint of the edition of 1647. MAYANS Y SISCAR (Gregorio). Biografia del Dean de Alicante (M. Marti). See MO- RANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. III., pp. 587-696. 8vo., 1857. E. Martini... vita, scriptore G. Majansio, etc. 8vo., Mantua Carpetanorum, 1735. G. Maiansii...epistolarum libri sex. Ex musaco G. Augusti Jenichen. 4to., Lipsiae, 1737. Specimen bibliothecae Hispano-Majan- sianae, sive idea novi catalogi critici operum scriptorum Hispanorum, quae habet in sua bibliotheca G. Majansius ... Ex museo D. Clementis. 4to., Hannoverae, 1753. Chorloy and R. S. Turner's copy. MAYDISTON (Ricardus). See RICARDUS, de Maidstone. MAYER (Johann Friedrich). J. F. Mayeri... epistolica dissertatio...qua anonymorum & pseudonymorum farrago obiter indicatur, etc. See PLACCIUS (V.). V. Placcii...theatrum anonymorum et pseudonymorum, etc. [Pt. III., Appendix.] fol., 1708. Prms. Pythagoras, utrum fuerit Judaeus, monachusve Carmelita, sub praesidio J. F. Mayeri... in collegio disputatorio inquirct D. Bandeco. 4to., Hamhurgi, 1700. MAYNUS (Jason), [i.e., Jason de Maino.] Oratio J. Mayni ad Romanoru Rege. See BEROALDUS (P.) the Elder. Orationes, prelectioncs, cfc. 4to., (1511.) J. Mayni prima super codice. Jasonis dc Mayno...in primam codicis partem commcn- taria, etc. (J. Mayni secunda super codice, etc.) 2 vols, [in I.] fol., [cci/o/)/io« .•] Lugdtini : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1530. Gantzhorn copy. J. Mayni prima super digcsto novo. Jasonis dc Mayno...in primam digesti novi partem commentaria, etc. (J. Mayni secunda super digesto novo, etc.) 2 vols, [in i.] fol., [colophon .■] Lugduni : Seb. Gryphiiis Germanus excudehat, I S30. Gantzhorn copy. J. Mayni prima super digesto veteri. Jasonis de Mayno...in pnmam digesti veteris 296 MAYNUS (Jason).— (cohW.) partem commentaria, etc. (J. Mayni secunda super digesto veteri, etc.) 2 vols, [in i.] fcl., [colophon .-] Lngdimi : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1530. Gantzlioni copy. J. Mayni prima super infortiato. Jasonis da Maync.in primam infortiati partem com- mentaria, etc. (J. Mayni secunda super in- fortiato, etc.) 2 vols, [in i.] fol., [colophon .•] Liigduni : excudebatur apud Seb. Gryphium, 1530. Gantzhorn copy. Repertorium in lecturas Jasonis. Reper- torium seu index ordine elementario digestus, in commentaria J. Mayni, etc. iol., [colo- phon .] Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 530. Gantzhorn copy. MAYNWARING (Roger) Bishop of St. David's. See MANWARING. MAYRARGUES (Alfred). Rabelais; etude sur le seizieme siecle. 8vo., Paris, 1868. MAZARIN (Jules) Cardinal. See GANCIA (G.). Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. G. Gancia, composee en partie de livres de la premiere bibliotheque du cardinal Mazarin, etc. 8vo., 1868. MAZARINE LIBRARY. See BIBLIO- THEQUE MAZARINE, Paris. MAZARINI (Louis Jules Barbon Mancini-) Due de Nivernois. See NIVERNOIS. MAZZARINI(GlULlo)Car(f!na/. S«eMAZARIN (J-). MAZZUCHELLI (Giov.\nni Maria) Conte. Gli scrittori d 'Italia cioe notizic storiche, c critiche intorno alle vite, e agli scritti dci letterati italiani. 2 vols, [in 6.] fol., Brescia, 1753-63. Tlie work extends only to B, and uo more wa-s published. Vol. 1. is in two parts, and Vol. II. in four. The pagination oi each volume is continuous. La vita di Pietro Aretino ... Edizione seconda, etc. 8vo., Brescia, 1763. MEATH, Bishops of. James. [1621-25. 1 See VSSHER (].). Arch- bishop of A rmagh. MEDAVY ( ) Baron de. Congratulation des bourgeois de Verneuil, a Monsieur le baron de Medavy, leur gouverneur, sur la reduction de son gouvernement a I'obeissancc du Roy. Se« VERNEUIL. 8vo., 1594. MEDICI (Cosmo de') Gran Duca di Toscana. See COSMO I. MEDICI (Giovanni Angelo de'). See PIUS IV., Pope. MEDICI (Giovanni de'). See LEO X.. Pope. MEDICI (Lorenzo de') the Elder, called // Magnifico. Poesie volgai'i, nuovamente stam- pate, di Lorenzo de' Medici... col commento del medesimo sopra alcuni de' suoi sonetti. 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1554. Renouard, p. 162. With the .suppressed leaves. Vellum binding, in morocco case. Crawford (Lakelands) copy, [Another copy.] Without the suppressed leaves. MEELIUS (Janus Guilielmus). [i.e., Jan WiLLEM van JMeel.] Insignium virorum epistolae selectse, quae nunc primuni prodeunt, ex bibliotheca J. G. Meelii. 8vo., Amstelcsdami, 1701. MEERJNIAN (Gerard). De I'invention de I'imprimerie, ou analyse des deux ouvrages publics sur cette matiere, par M. Meerman... Suivi d'une notice chronologique et raisonnee des livres avec et sans date, imprimes avant I'annee 1501, dans les dix-sept provinces des Pays-Has, par J. Visser, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1809. Origines typographicae. 2 torn, [in I vol.] 4to., Hague Comitum. 1765. Swanwick copy. MEGE (Alexandre Louis Charles Andr£ du). See DU m£GE. MEIBOMIUS (Marcus), [i.e., Mark Mei- BOM.] Antiquas musicas auctores septem. Grsece et Latine. M. Meibomius restituit ac notis explicavit. 2 vols, [in i.] 4to., Amstelodami, 1652. Contents : — Vol. I. Aristoxeni harmonioorum elementorura libri III. — Euclidis introductio harmonica. — Nicomachi Geraseni. . .harmoiiiees manuale. — Alj'pii introductio rausica. — Gan dentii ... introductio harmonica. — Baccliii Senioris introductio artis musicaj. — Vol. II. A. QuintUiani de rausica libri III. & M. Capellse de musica liber IX. Each work in Vol. I. is separately paged. MEIER (Georg). In Erasmi librum de copia tabula; [by G. Meier]. See MOSELLANUS (P.). Tabulae, de schematibus et tropis P. Mosellani, efc. 8vo., 1530. Secunda editio. 8vo., 1535. In P. Melanchthonis rhetorica tabulae [by G. Meier]. See MOSELLANUS (P.). Tabulae, de schematibus et tropis P. Mosellani, etc. 8vo., 1530. Secunda editio. 8vo., 1535. MEIERUS (Justus), [i.e., J. Meier.] Juris publici quaestio capitalis, sintne Protestantes jure Caesareo hsretici, et ultimo supplicio officiendi &c: contra sanguinarium G. Schoppii classicum, etc. 4to., Argentorati. 1621. Nicoron, XXXV., 205. .MEIGRET (Louis). Traitc toucliant le com- mun usage de I'escriturc francoisc.au quel est debattu des faultes cS: abus en la vraye & anciennc puissance des letres. 4to., Paris : par D. Janot, 1542. 28 ft., without pagination ; sigs. .4-G*. [Another edition.] (La manicre dc bien traduire d'une languc en aultre. Autheur E. Dolet. — La punctuation dc la langue framjoyse [by E. Dolet]. — Les accents dc la langue frangoyse [by £. Dolet].) 8vo., Paris : J. Longis, &■ V. Sertenas. 1545. Red morocco by Hardy-Mennil. Renard copy. See LIVET (C. L.). La grammaire fran- 9aise et les grammairiens du 16"^ siecle... Dubois (Sylvius), L. Meigret, etc. Svo.. 1 8 50. 297 MELA (PoiMPONius). [Cusiiiographia.] Begin. [Fot. i.recio:] [0]RBIS SITV.M DICERE... | etc. End. [Fol. 59, verso .] POMPONII PHIAE LIBER septinio kalendas quadringentessimo 1 4to., [A. Zarotus,] 1471. MELLAE COSMOGRA EXPLICIT: I Mediolani octobres Mil- | lessimo septuagessimo | PRIMO [colophon :] Mediolani : 60 £f., without pagination, signatures or catch- words. 22 hnes to the full page. Imperfect ; wanting fol. 30 and fol. 60 (blank). Hain and Copiiiger, 11014. Reichling, III.. 105. Proctor, 5768. Ru.ssia by Mackinlay . WodhuU copy. Pomponius Mela. Julius Solinus. Itine- rarium Antonini Aug. Vibius Sequester. P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romae. Dionysius Afer de situ orbis Prisciano interprete. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Veneiiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 15 18. Renouard, p. 83. Hervagius and Meerman copy. P. Melae de situ orbis libri tres. Cum annotationibus P. J. O. Valentini, etc. 8vo. , Lugdtini, 1 5 5 1 . P. Melae de situ orbis libri III.. ..In Melam annotationes J. Olivarii, etc. See DIONY- SIUS. Periegetes. Dionysii Ale.x. et Pomp. Melae situs orbis descriptio, etc. 4to., 1577. MELAMPUS. Me^u/i7zodog...neQt naXfiuiv /lav- Tixi], etc. (Tleoi cXmviv tov aojfjarog [by Melampus].) See ^LIANUS (C.) Pranes- tinus. AlXiarov :ioixiXr)i iaroQiag, [iifiXia, cV, etc. 4to., 1545. MELANCHTHON (Philipp). Ad nobilem et generosum comitem Joanncm a Wcda &c. epistola P. Melanthonis. 8vo., [colophon :] Francoforti : apud C. Egenolphiim, 1539. The titlepago and last leaf are mutilated. Brevis disccnd;c theologice ratio. See REUCHLINUS (J.). De arte concionandi formula, efc. 8vo., 1540. Do aniina coinnicntarius. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiniit. 1540. [Another edition.! 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphimn. 1542. P. Mclachtlionis dc corrigendis studiis scrmo. R. Agricola; de formandis studiis epistola doctiss. Dc miseriis paedagogorum oratio. 8vo., Paiisiis : ex offuina R. Stcphani, 1537. Dc officiis concionatoris...disscrtatio. See REUCHLINUS (J.). Dc arte concionandi formula?, e^c. S\o., 1540. Dcclamationes. Ausgcwahlt mid licraus- gcgeben von K. Hartfcldcr. .Svo., Berlin, 1891. (Lat«inisclie Litt«ratindenkmUlcr des X\'. urid XVI. Jahrhunderts. IIett.<.) Epistolarum P. Mclancthonis, libri IV.. etc. See ERASMUS (D.). [Epistol.t;.] Epistolarum D. Erasmi Rotcrodami libri XXXI., etc. [PI. II. J fol., 1643. [Another copy.] drammaticcs Latinac clcmcnla, per P. Me'anchlhonein. Kjusdcin syntaxis: seu, de constructionc libcllus : dc pcriodis : & prosodia. [F.ditcd by C. Goltstcin. ] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphiuin, 1540. P. Melanthonis, laus formica;. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo., 1666. [Another copy.] Moralis philosophiae epitome Philippi Melancht[honis]. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphimn, 1541. Rhetorices elementa. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1534. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. See CAMERARIUS (J.) the Elder. J. Camerarii de vita P. Melanchtlionis narratio, etc. 8vo., 1777. See HE YD (L. F.). Melanchthon und Tubingen. 1 512-18, etc. 8vo., 1839. Meier (G.). In P. Melanchthonis rheto- rica tabulae. See MOSELLANUS (P.). Tabulae, de schematibus et tropis P. Mosel- lani, etc. 8vo., 1530. Secunda editio. 8vo., 1535. See NISARD (J. M. N. D.). :fitudes sur la Renaissance... Melanchthon. 8vo., 1855. See ORTELIUS (V.) Winshetnius, the Elder. Oratio habita in funere...P. Melan- thonis, etc. 4to., 1560. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Catalogue of a ...collection of books, formed by...S. L. Sotheby...for the publication of his work on the autograph annotations by... Melanchthon and Luther, etc. 8vo., 1862. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Catalogue of a ...collection of early printed books, with auto- graph annotations by... Luther and Me- lancthon, etc. Svo., 1862. See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Observations upon the handwriting of P. .Melanchthon, etc. fol.. 1839. MEL.ANDER (Otto). Jocorum atque serio- rum. turn novorum, tum selcctorum atque mcmorabilium ccnturi.t aliquot. ..rcccnsente O. -Mclandro. Nunc dcnuo auctac, &...ulti- mum cclitic. 3 tom. [in 2 vols.] 1 2 mo., Francofurti, 1626. MELANDER (Philoxenus) pseud, [i.e.. G.\s- p.\Rus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). M^LANtlE. Melange dc pidccs nouvclles ct umusantcs. Par .Mr. de V See W Mr. de. 4to., 1761. MELANGES. Melanges tic litlcraturc. d'his- toirc, ct dc ])hilo.sopliic. [By J. Ic R. d" .Mcmbcrt. ) Oualriiinic edition. 5 tom. Sec ALEMBERT (J. i.i- R. u'). i2mo.. 1767. Melanges de littcrature ct d'histoirc. Rccucillis ct publics par la Socicti dcs Biblio- philes I'l.iiivois. Sec SOClfiTli DES Bim.IOPHILES FliANCOIS. 8vo., 1850. MEL DE SAINT-CfiUAN ( ' ). See SAINl"- c£ran. 298 MELINCOURT. Melincourt. [By T. L. Pea- cock.] 3 vols. See PEACOCK '(T. L.). 8vo., 1817. MELISCH (Stephanus). Visiones noctumae Stephani Melisch ... civis Lesnensis ... quas super earn civitatem, & regnum Poloniae, regemque Sueciae, & Franciae, & aliis (anno 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658) habuit, etc. l2mo., [Prague?] 1659. Crossley copy. MELVILLE (Andrew). A. Melvini [i.e., A. Melville] antitamicamicategoria. See CAL- DERWOOD (D.). Parasynagma Perthense, etc. 4to., 1620. MELZI (Gaetano) Conte. Bibliografia dei romanzi di cavalleria in versi e in prosa italiani...rifatta nella edizione del 1838 da P. A. Tosi...ed ampliata con appendice di varieta' bibliografiche. Svo., Milano, 1865. Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani, o come che sia aventi relazione all' Italia di G. M. [i.e., G. Melzi.] 3 torn, [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Milano, 1848-59. MEMNON. 'Ex xoiv xov Mefivovog. See CTESIAS. 'Ex rcov Krrjaiov... Mefivovog icno- Qtxu)v ex?.oyai, etc. 8vo., 1557. M£M0IRES. Memoires historiques...concer- nant les amours des rois de France, etc. [Edited by the marquis d'Argens.] See ARGENS (J. B. DE Boyer) Marquis d'. i2mo., 1739. Memoires pour servir a I'liistoire des hommes illustres dans la republique des lettres, etc. [By J. P. Niceron, F. Oudin, J. B. Michault and C. P. Goujet.] 43 torn. See NICERON (J. P.) (&■ others. 8vo., 1728-45. MANAGE (GiLLEs). Anti-Baillet, ou critique du livre de Mr. Baillet, intitule " Jugemens des savans." See BAILLET (A.). Juge- mens des savans... Nouvelle edition. Tome VII. i2mo., 1725. A. Menagii epistolae, e;c. 5«eVAVASSOR (F.). F. Vavassoris ... de ludicra dictione liber, etc. 8vo., 1722. Menagiana. ou bons mots, rencontres agreables, pensees judicieuses, et observa- tions curieuses, de M. Menage. Troisieme edition augmentee. (Memoires pour servir a la vie de M. Menage.) [Tom. III. -IV. edited by B. de La Monnoye.] 4 torn. izvciO., Amsterdam, 1713-16. With additional engraved titlepages. Latham copy. MENAGIUS (.^GiDius). See JMfiNAGE (G.). MENANDER, Poet. Ta ex rcov MevavdQov aojl^ofiEva, etc. Gr. &• Lat. Sec MORELIUS (G.). Ex veterum comicorum fabulis...sen- tentiffi, etc. 8vo., 1553. MENANDER, Rhetor. MevavSgov 'Pt]Togog yevedhcov diaigeaig rcuv inibeixzixuiv. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. MENAPIUS (GuLiELMUS). See INSULANUS MENAPIUS (G.). MENCKENIUS (Joannes Burchardus). [i.e.. JoHANN Burkhard Mencke.] Dc charla- taneria eruditorum declamationes duae. 8vo., Lipsiw, 1715. Calf by C. Smith. Cyprian copy. [Another edition.] ... Accessit epi- stola S. Stadelli [i.e., C. A. Heumannus]...de circumforanea literatorum vanitate. Editio sexta. 8vo., Napoli, 1786. De la charlatanerie des savans. ..avec des remarques critiques de differens auteurs. Traduit en fran9ois [by — Durand]. 8vo., La Haye, 1721. Brunet, III., 1620. .4Jlardes copy. Press. Schediasma de commentariis his- toricis, quos Galli memoires vocant, sub praesidio... J. B. Menckenii ... exponet a. et r. H. A. Hanses. Denuo recusa. 4to., S.I., 1711. EvANGELUs, Cosmopolitamts, pseicd. Evangeli Cosmopolitani notae ad J. B. Menckenii de charlataneria eruditorum decla- mationes. See BEYER (A.). M. A. Beyeri memoriae... librorum rariorum, etc. 8vo., 1734. MENNICKEN (Carolus). Epistole karoh | (5. %. 4to., s.l. et t.n. [Strassburg : J. Reinhard,] 1485. Haiu, 10667. Proctor, 444. Ff. 94 and 95 are damaged. MENNIS (Sir John) & SMITH (James) Arch- deacon of Barnstaple. Facetiae. Musarum deliciae : or, the muses recreation, conteining several! pieces of poetique wit. By S''. J. M[ennis] and Ja. S[mith]. 1656. Witrestor'd, in severall select poems, not formerly pub- lish't. [By Sir J. Mennis and J. Smith.] 1658. Wits recreations, selected from the finest fancies of moderne muses. With a thousand out-landish proverbs [selected by G. Herbert]. 1640. ..New edition, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., London, s.a. Halkett and Laing, II., 873 and 1681 ; III., 1836. MENTELIUS (Jacob). See TILEBOMENUS (J. C.) pseud. M^^ON (Dominique Martin). Catalogue des li\Tes...tant imprimcs que manuscrits, qui composaient la bibliothequc de M. ** [i.e., D. M. Meon], etc. 8vo.. Paris, 1803. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. MIiRAY (Antony). La vie au temps des Fibres Precheurs, ou les devanciers de Luther et de Rabelais. Croyances, usages et mceurs intimes des 14'', I5'-', et i6' siecles...Seconde edition, etc. 2 tom. Svo., Paris, 1878. MERCIER (Barthelemi) Abbe de Saint-Leger. Lettres de M. I'abbe de S'.-L*** [i.e., B. Mercier, abbe de Saint-Leger]... sur diffe- rentes editions rares du 15'-' siecle. 8vo., Paris, 1783. Querard, III., 537. See CHENEDOLLfi (C. J. L. de). Notice raisonne des ouvrages.. .publics. ..par Mercier de Saint-Leger, etc. 8vo., 1853. See JACOB (S.). Notice sur...M. Clic- quot-Blervache... additions. ..par M. de S. Lfeger. 8vo., 1815. 299 MERCIER (Louis Sebastien). ifiloge de Charles V., roi de France, surnomme le Sage. [By L. S. Mercier.] 8vo., Amsterdam, 1767. Barbier, II., 67. Pattison copy. MERCURIUS, Rnsticus, pseud, [i.e., Thomas Frognall DiBDiN.] See DIBDIN (T. F.). MERCURIUS, Trismegistus. See HERJNIES, Trismegisius. MERIVALE (Charles). History of the Ro- mans under the Empire. ..New edition. 8 vols. 8vo., London, 1865. MERLE D'AUBIGNfi (Jean Henri). History of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. (Vol. VI.-VHL translated by W. L. R. Cates.) 8 vols. 8vo., London, 1863-78. MERRYWEATHER (F. Somner). Biblio- mania in the Middle Ages, or sketches of bookworms, collectors, Bible students, scribes and illuminators, from the Anglo Saxon and Norman periods, to the introduction of printing into England ; with anecdotes, illustrating the histoty of the monastic libraries of Great Britain, in the olden time. 8vo., London, 1849. MERULA (Gaudentius). {i.e., Gaudenzio Merula.] De Gallorum Cisalpinorum anti- quitate, ac origine, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : aptid Seb. Gryphium, 1538. Bogacrdo copy. MERULA (Georgius). [i.e., Giorgio Merula.] Priscarum vocum, in libris de re rustica, cnarrationes, per Georgium Alexandrinum [i.e., G. Morula]. P. Beroaldi in libr. XHI. Columellas annotationes. Aldus do dierum generibus, simulq; do umbris & horis, quaj apud Palladium. Tomus IH. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. Forms Tom. III. of an edition of the " Scriptores roi ruHticfie," for Tom. I. of whieli aec Cato (M. r.) the Censor. — [Another edition, entitled :] Enarra- tiones vocum priscarum in libris de re rustica. etc. 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. [Another copy. J [Another copy.] MESNILWARIN (Amicia de) formerly CVVE- LIOK (Amicia). See LEYCESTEIi (Sir P.) Hart. & MAINWARING (Sir T.) Dart. Tracts written in the controversy respecting the legitimacy of Amicia, daughter of H. Cyve- liok, etc. 3 pts. 4to., 1869. MESSALLA CORVINUS (.Marcus Valerius). Mcssala; Corvini...ad Octavianum Augustuiii de progenia sua libellus. See FL01{US (L. a.). L. Flori dc gcstis Romanorum libri quatuor, etc. 8vo., 1540. [Another edition.] See LIVIUS (T.) Patavinus. L. Flori epitome dccadum Xnil. T. Livii, etc. 8vo., 1554. MESSENIUS (Arxoldus) & (Johan). Sec CELSIUS (O.) the Younger, Bishop of Lund, Frees. Speciminis literarii, dc mcritis ct fatis J. ct A. Messeniorum, pars prior, etc. 4to., 1741. MESUE (Joannes). [^i.e., Yuhanna Ten Masawaih.] I libri di Gio. Mesne de i semplici purgativi, et delle medicine composte, di molte annotationi ... illustrati ... Nuova- mente per M. G. Rossetto in miglior forma e dispositione ordinati, etc. [Translated from the Latin.] 8vo., Venetiis : ex bibliotheca Aldina, 1589. The colophon reads : " Appresso Gio. di Gara." Renouard, p. 242. Syston Park copy. Giachinus (L.). L. Giachini ... libellus (adversus Mesuem, et vulgares medicos omnes), etc. See FLORENCE.— Nova Academia Florentina. Novae Academiae Florentinae opuscula, efc. 8vo., 1534. ilETCALFE (Frederick). The Englishman and the Scandinavian ; or, a comparison of .\nglo-Saxon and Old Norse literature. 8vo., London, 1880. METZ. Essai philologique sur les commence- mens de la typographie a Metz, etc. [By G. F. Teissier.] See TEISSIER (G. F.). 8vo., 1828. MEURSIUS (Joannes) the Elder, [i.e., Jan VAN i\Ieurs.] J. Meursii poemata, in quibus ianiborum moralium libri III., elegiarum liber I., epistolae heroidum VI., cpigramma- tum liber I., variorum farrago. 8vo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1602. MEUSCHENIUS (Johannes Gerhardus). [i.e., JoHANN Gerhard Meuschen.] Vitae summorum dignitate et eruditione virorum ex rarissimis monumentis literato orbi re- stitutae cura J. G. Meuschenii. 4 tom. [in I vol.] 4to., Coburgi, 1735-41. MEY (Claude). Maxiines du droit public fran9ois. [Edited by C. Mey.] 2 tom. i2mo., en France, 1772. Barbier, III., 92. Castaiiier ti'Auriac copy. MEYER, Verlagshandlung. Meyers kleiner Hand-Atlas. Mit Benutzung des Karten- niaterials aus Meyers Konvcrsations-Lcxikon zusammcngcstcllt in 100 Kartenblattern und 9 Tcxtbeilagen. 4to., Leipzig, 1893. MEYER (Jacobus). Commcntarii sivc an- nalcs rcrum I'landricarum libri septcndccim, etc. [Edited by A. Meycr.J fol., Antverpia, 1561. .Sundorlancl copy, willi Marlhoiough arms on the binding. .MEYER (Wilhelm) of Speycr. Biicheran- zcigen des 15. Jahrhundcrts. 8vo., Leipzig, 1885. From the " Centralblatt fiir BibliothokBwcaon." MI'^YZIEU (Jean Baptiste Paris de). See PARIS DE MEYZIEU. MICHAEL. Synccllus. MiyariX rvyycXov... eyxiofitov eli tov aytov Aioi'vaioi'. .Michaclis Syngcli...de laudibus divi Dionysii liber, etc. [Edited by G. Tilmannus.] Gr. ■iio. , Parisiis : ex ojjjiciiia F. Stephnui, 1547. MICHAEL, Villanovanus. See SERVETUS (M.). MICHAU (Edmi; Hippolvte Jacques) Baron de Montaran. See MONTARAN. 3°° MICHAULT (Jean Bernard). Mcmoircs pour servir a I'histoire de la vie et des ouvrages dc M. I'abbe Lenglet du Fresnoy. [Dedication signed G*** P***, i.e.. J. B. Michault.] 8vo., Londres, 1861. Barbier, III., 240. Memoires pour senir k I'histoire des hommes illustres, etc. [By J. P. Niceron, J. B. Michault, etc.] 43 torn. See NICE- RON (J. P.) S- others. 8vo., 1728-45. MICHEL (Daniel). See LAURENT, Domini- can. The Ayenbite of Inwyt. Written in the dialect of the County of Kent [from the French of Laurent] by Dan. Michel, etc. 4to., 1855. MICHEL (Francisque Xavier). Les £cos- sais en France, les Fran9ais en Iicosse. 2 vols. , ittust. 4to., Londres, 1862. 115 copies printed, this being No. 61. MICHEL DE LA ROCHEMAILLET (Rene). See LA ROCHEMAILLET. MICYLLUS (Jacobus) pseud, [i.e., Jacob Moltzer.] De re metrica libri tres...Cum praefatione Philippi Melan[chthonis]. 8vo., Franc\oforti], 1561. Red morocco by C. Smith. Heber copy. ('EmyQa^tnara.) See EPIGRAMMATA. 'E7iiyQmi.iaTa 'Ekhjvtxa tcdv 7ia).auov Tioujrwv, etc. 8vo., 1538. [Another copy.] Ratio e.xaniinandorum versuum, ad usum et exercitationem puerorum, etc. (D. Eras- mus... de metris.) 8vo., Francoforti : apud C. Egenolphum, (1539.) Red morocco by C. Smith. Heber copy. MIDDLEHAM. — Collegiate Church. See ATTHILL (W.). Documents relating to the foundation... of the... Church, etc. 4to., 1847. MIDDLETON (Conyers). A dissertation con- cerning the origin of printing in England. Shewing, that it was first introduced and practised by ... William Caxton, at West- minster: and not... by a foreign printer at Oxford. 4to., Cambridge, 1735. MIEG (LuDwiG Christian). Monumenta pie- tatis & literaria virorum in re publica & literaria illustrium, selecta, etc. [Edited by L. C. Mieg.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Francofurti ad Mcenmn, 1701. Barbier, IV., 131S. MIGUEL (Raimundo de). Contestacion...a las notas criticas que contra su exposicion de! arte poetica de Horacio acaba de publicar un librero de Burgos. 8vo., Madrid, 1862. Morante copy. MILL (John Stuart). See CHRISTIE (W. D.). J. S. I\Iill and Mr. A. Hayward, etc. 8vo., 1873. MILLER (Edward) Mus.D. The history and antiquities of Doncaster and its \-icinity. 4to., Doncaster, (1804.) MILLER (James). Harlequin-Horace : or, the art of modem poetr>'. [By J. Miller.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Episto- L^ : Ars Poetica : Imit.\tions.] 8vo., 1 73 1. MILLIN formerly MILLIN DE GRAND- MAISON (AuBiN Louis). See KRAFFT (K. W.). Notice sur A. L. Millin. 8vo., 1818. MILNER, Family of. Milner of Nun-Appleton, formerly of Leeds. Blayds, of Leeds and Oulton. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.] fol., s.a. Milner, of Pudsey. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, efc.] fol., s.a. MILNER (Ralph). Chancery of Lancashire. Milner v. Reed. Application for an injunc- tion. ..For the plaintiff: Mr. [R. C] Christie and Mr. Bryce...For the defendant : Mr. Lake and Mr. Birley, etc. 8vo., {Manchester,) 1870. MILNES, Family of. Pedigree of Poole, of Leeds, and the Milnes' of Wakefield and Fry- ston. See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.] fol., s.a. MILSAND (Philibert). Catalogue ... des ouvrages imprimes de [l5.] G. Peignot, com- prenant plusieurs ou\Tages non indiques dans les catalogues publics precedemment. Par P. M. [i.e., P. Milsand.] 8vo.. Parts, 1861. Quirard, III., 192. Cornev copv. MILTON (John). The works of J. Milton, in verse and prose... with a life of the author by... J. Mitford. Vols. I.-II. 8vo., London, 1851. Wanting vols. III.-VIII. Vols. I.-II. contain tho *' Life *' and poetica! works. [Another edition.] 8 vols. 8vo., London, 1863. J. Miltoni...artis logicae plenior institutio, ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Adjecta est praxis annalytica [sic] et P. Rami vita (ex J. T. Freigio...descripta). etc. i2mo., Londini, 1672. Pattison copy. Literae pseiido-Senatus Anglicani...con- scripta; a J. Aliltono. See GREAT BRITAIN. — Parliament. i2mo., 1676. Papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his family. Edited by J. F. Marsh, etc. See CHETHAM MISCEL- LANIES. Vol. I. 4to., 1 85 1. See AHN (H.). De Bentleio Miltoni editore, etc. 8vo., 1859. Se« AXON (W. E. A.). Milton's " Comus " and Fletcher's "Faithful shepherdess" com- pared. Svo., 1882. See DARBY (S.). A letter to...T. Warton on his late edition of Milton's juvenile poems. 8vo., 1785. See DOUGLAS (J.) Bishop of Salisbury. Milton vindicated from the charge of plagiarism, brought against him by Mr. Lander, etc. 8vo., 1751. See HAMILTON (W. D.). Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton, etc. 4to., 1859. See PATTISON (M.). Milton. 8vo., [1875.] See SHAIRP (J. C). Keble's estimate of Milton. 8vo., [1875.] See SOTHEBY (S. L.). Ramblings in the elucidation of the autograph of Milton. fol., 1S61. 301 MINTURNUS (Anton'ius Sebastianus) Bishop ofCrotona. See SEBASTIANI (A.) Min- turno. MINUCIANUS. Mivovxiavov neqi t".Ti;(fig);//a- Ttov. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. R)ie- tores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [\'ol. I.] 4to., 1508. MINUCIUS FELIX (Marcus). [Octavius.] See ARNOBIUS, Afer. Arnobii disputa- tionum adversus gentes hbri octo, etc. Lib. 8. fol., 1542. M. Minucii FeUcis... Octavius, in quo agitur veterum Cliristianorum causa, restitu- tus a Fr. Bald[uino]. 8vo., [Heidelberg,] 1560. JNL Minucii Felicis Octavius. See ARNO- BIUS, Afer. Arnobii disputationum adversus gentes hbri septem, etc. 4to., 1583. MINUTIUS (Jacobus). See VULTEIUS (J.). Oratio funebris...de J. Minutio, etc. 8vo., 1537. MINUTIUS FELIX, pseud, [i.e.. George Hardinge.] See HARDINGE (C). MINUTOLI (Joachim Frideric). Motifs dc la conversion de noble J. F. Minutoli... Proposant de I'Academie dc Geneve... Avec les caractfircs de quarante ministrcs de la m6me Academic, etc. i2mo., Modene, 171 4. Cyprian copy. MIRABEAU (HOiNORE Gabriel Riquetti) Comte de. Contcs et nouvelles. See TIBUL- LUS (A.). Elegies, etc. Tome III. 8vo., 1798. MIR^US (AuBERTUs). [i.e., Aubert Le Mire.] Origines Bonedictinae, sive illus- trium ccenobiorum ord. S. Benedicti, nigrorum monachorum... exordia ac progressus, etc. 8vo., Colonial AgrippiniB, 161 4. Vila J. Lipsi sapientia; et litterarum antistitis. A. Miraeus...ex scriptis illius potis- simum concinnabat. Editio altera, etc. 8vo., AntverpicB, 1609. The titlepage bears tho inscription ; *' CI. V. Erj'cio Put«ano A. M. D." ( = Aubertu8 Mirscus dedit.] MIRANDULA (Joannes Pious) Conte della Concordia. See PICUS MIRANDULA. MIRANDULA (Octavianus). Ilkistrium ])oc- tarum flores, per O. Mirandulam coUecli, & in locos communes digcsti, etc. i6mo., Parisiis, 1561. Sullivan copy. MIRE (Aubert le). See MIR^EUS (A.). .MISCELLANEA GENEALOGICA ET HE- KALDICA. Edited by J. J. Howard. [Original quarterly series.] 2 vols. 4to., London, 1868 (i866)-70. Vol. II. wants tho titlopage and all after p. 260. New [monthly] series. Vols. I. -III. 4to., London, 1874 [i87o]-8o. MISCELLANIES. Miscellanies: philosophical, medical and moral, etc. [By T. Christie.] SeeCHRlSTlE {T.) 0/ Montrose. 8vo., 1789. MISCELLANY. The lany, ctc^ [By A. CLARKE (A.), tionary, etc. MISERRIMUS. edition. [By F. NOLDS (F. M.). MISFORTUNES. bibliographical miscel- Clarkc.] 2 vols. See bibliographical dic- 12 mo., 1806. " MisciTiinus." ... Second M. Reynolds.] See REY- Svo., 1833. The misfortunes of Elphin. [By T. L. Peacock.] See PEACOCK (T. L.). 8vo., 1829. MOCENICUS {Pmi.lPPVs).4rchbishop of Nicosia. [i.e.. FiLiPPO MocENiGC] P. Mocenici... universales institutiones ad hominum per- fectionem ; quatenus industria parari potest. fol., Venetiis : apiid Aldum [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1581. Wanting the leaf containing the errata. Re- noiiard. p. 228. MODERATOR. The Moderator. Numb. I. To be continued occasionally. The argu- ments for and against such a Bill as is talked of for regulating the peerage, fairly stated... The second edition. 4to., London, 17 19. The Moderator's reasons against the Peerage-Bill, examined, and answered. 4to., London, 17 19. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 5-8 and 15-1S. MODESTUS. Begin. [FoL i , recto .] IN HOC VOLVMINE CONTINET | [Modestus] de re militari. [Pomponius Laetus] De Magistrati- bus Vrbis. & | Sacerdotiis. Et de Legibus. ( etc. [Fol. 31, verso :] Suetonius dc Gramma- ticis. I [Fol. 42, recto : Suetonius de Claris rhetoribus.] 4to., [colophon: Venice: Bartolommeo of Cremona with Dart, di Carlo,] 1474. Tfnin and Copinger, *U443. Proctor, .4227. This copy has 46 ff., and has the six Latin verses in place of tho printers' names. Modesti libellus de vocabulis rci militaris, etc. See VEGETIUS RENATUS (F.). F. Vegetius...de re militari, e^c. 8vo., 1523. MOEIJ.ERUS (Jacobus). Discursus duo philologico-juridici. prior de cornutis, pos- terior de hermaphroditis, eorumque jure, uterq;...congestus aM. J. Mollcro. 4to., Francofurti, 1692. [Another copy.] J. Molleri discursus de cornutis et herma- phroditis eorumque jure. Editio tcrtia. 4to., Berolini, 1708. MOINE. Le nioine secularise [attributed to — Dupre] augment6 de nouveau de la vie dcs moines. i2mo., s.l., 1678. Each work lias a separate pagination and register. Barhicr, III., 324. Northwick copy. MOLliiRE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) called MoLiiiuE. See GRIMAREST (J. L. Le G. de). La vie de Mr. dc Molifirc. etc. i2mo., 1877. MOLINEUS (Petrus). See DU MOULIN (P.) the FJder. MOI.INIUS (Antonius). See DU MOULIN (A.). I 1 302 MOLL (Petrus). Petri Moll...notcp & anim- adversiones, in Longi pastoialia. See LONGUS. Aoyyov noificvixcov, etc. [Pt. IL] 4to., 1660. MOLLERUS (Jacobus). See MOELLERUS. MOLTZER (Jacob). See MICYLLUS (J.) pseud. MOLZA (Francesco Maria). Delle poesie volgari e latine di F. I\L Molza. corrette, illustiate, ed accresciute colla vita dell' autore scritta daP. Serassi, volume primo( — secondo). (Opusculi inediti di Tarquinia Molza. ..Si pre- mette la vita di Tarquinia compilata dal Signer D. Vandelli.) Vols. I.-II. Svo., Bergamo, 1747-50. Wanting Vol. III. MOLZA afterwards PORRINA (Tarquinia). Opusculi inediti di T. Molza... Si premette la \dta di Tarquinia compilata dal Signer D. Vandelli. See MOLZA (F. M.). Delle poesie ...di F. i\L Molza... volume, etc. Vol. IL Svo., 1750. MOMMERIUS (vEgidius). [i.e., M. Mommer.] M. Mommerii, de ratione legendi discendique jura.-.epistola. 5ee VOSSIUS (G. J.). Ger- ardi J. Vossy et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 1658. MOMMSEN (Theodor). The historj' of Rome ...Translated... by... W. P. Dickson, etc. 4 vols, [in 5.] Svo., London, 1862-66. Vol. IV. is in two parts, consecutively paged. MONBRON ( Fougeret de). See FOUGERET DE MONBRON. MONFALCON (Jean Baptiste). Manuel du bibliophile et de I'archeologue lyonnais. [By J. B. Monfalcon.] Svo., Paris, 1857. .'\ re-issvie of the author's " Xouveau Spon," pub- lished in the prc\'ious year. Barbier, III.. 46. Notice sur la vie et sur les ouvrages de L. Labe [signed J. B. Monfalcon]. See PERRIN formerly CHARLIN (L.) called Labe. Euvres etc. 8vo.. 1853. MONLUC (Blaise de) Marechal de France. See FEUGERE (L. J.). Les femmes poetcs au i6<^ siecle. £tude suivie de Mademoiselle de Gournay...Le marechal de Monti uc, etc. 8vo., i860. MONMERQUfi (Louis Jean Nicolas). Cata- logue de livres imprimes et manuscrits faisant partie de la bibliotheque de M. de Monmerque, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1851. Sale catalogue. Notice biographique et litteraire sur M. [C. B.] Petitot. [Signed L. J. N. Mon- merque.] 8vo., {,Paris, 1827.) Pattison copy. Observations sur les memoires de La Tre- mouLUe (par J. Bouchet) et sur ceux de J. Du Clercq, inseres aux tomes 14' et li,'^ de la premiere serie des " Memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France." [Signed L. J. N. Monmerque.] 8vo., (Paris, 1827.) Pattison copy. MONNOYE (Bernard de la) pseud, [i.e., I'abH Du Revest.] See DU REVEST ( ) Abbe. MONSELET (Pierre Charles). Les oublies et les dedaignes. Figures de la fin du iS' siecle... Nouvelle edition definitive. 8vo., Paris, 1876. MONTAGU (Henry) is/ Earl of Manchester. See MANCHESTER. MONTAGU (J. A.). A guide to the study of heraldrj'. 4to., London, 1840. MONTAIGNE (Michel de). Essais de M. de Montaigne, precedes d'une lettre...sur I'feloge de Montaigne par P. Christian. 8vo., Paris, i860. The essays of Michael seigneur de Mon- taigne : with notes and quotations, and account of the author's life. Made English by C. Cotton. ..The third edition. London: 1700. 8vo., London, [1877 ?] A re-issue, with some alterations. See BIGORIE DE LASCHAMPS (F. de). M. de Montaigne : sa vie, ses ceuvres... Deuxieme edition, etc. i2mo., i860. See GRUEN (A.). La vie publique de M. Montaigne, etc. 8vo., 1855. See SAINT JOHN (B.). Montaigne the essayist, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., 1858. MONTANUS (Benedictus Arias). See ARIAS MONTANUS. MONTARAN (Edme Hippolvte Jacques MiCHAU) Baron de. Catalogue d'une collec- tion d'Elzevirs, petit format, et d'autres livres rares et curieux, composant le cabinet de feu M. E. H. J. Michau B"" de Montaran. 1 2 mo., Paris, 1849. Sale catalogue. MONTAUSIER (Charles de Sainte-Maure) Due de. See GARAT (D. J.) ComU. £loge historique de C. de Sainte-Maure, due de Montauzier, etc. 8vo., 1781. MONTBEL (Jean Baptiste Dugas-). See DUGAS-MONTBEL. MONTBRUN (E. H. J. du Puv de). Re- cherches bibliographiques sur quelques impressions neerlandaises du quinzieme et du seizieme siecle. Svo., Leide, 1836. MONTE (AUGUSTINUS Maria de). See MONTI (A. M. de'). MONTECRUCIS (Ricoldus de). [i.e., Ri- COLDO DE MoNTECROCE.] Coutcnta. Ricoldi ...contra sectam Mahumeticam non in- dignus scitu libellus. [Translated from the Greek by B. Pincernus.] Cujusdam diu captivi Turcoru provinciae septem castrensis de vita & moribus eorundem... libellus. [Edited by J. Faber.]...Adjuct9 est Isup libell9 de vita & moribs Juda;oru (Victoris de Carben). 4to., [colophon :] Parisiis : ex offi-cina H. Stephani, 151 1. Calf by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Pattison copy. MONTfiGUT (Jeanne Segla de). (Euvres melees de Madame de Montegut...recueiUies par Monsieur [J. F.] de Montegut. Tome II. 8vo., Paris, 1768. Wanting tome I. Tome 11. comprises a transla- tion of the odes, epodes and carmen seculars of Horace, together with the original text. 303 MONTEMAYOR (Jorge de). La Diane de G. de Monteniaior. Divisee en trois parties, & traduites...en fran^ois, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Totirs, 1592. Primera y segunda parte de la Diana de G. de INIontemayor. Aora nuevamente cor- regida y emendada. (Historia de Alcida, y Silvano. — Historia... de Piranio, y Tisbe. — Triunfo de amor [of F. Petrarca], traduzido por A. Gomez de Ciudad Real.) 8vo., Madrid, 1622. MONTENOY (Charles Palissot de). See PALISSOT DE MONTENOY. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Second.\t) Baron de. See RUTLEDGE (J. J.), filoge de Montesquieu. 8vo., 1786. MONTGOMERIE (Ale.xander) 6th Earl of Eglintov. See EGLINTON. MONTI (Agostino Maria de'). G. Scioppii Minerva sanctiana impugnata ac refutata ab Augustine M. de Monte. ..una cum hujus ludimagistro, seu grammaticorum apologia, etc. 8vo., Ltpsiw, 1723. Morante copy. MONTLUC (Blaise de) Marechal de France. See MONLUC. MONTROSE, Dukedom of. Case of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, etc., claiming the title, honour, and dignity of the original dukedom of Montrose, etc. fol., (London, 1850.) Abstract of the case of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, etc., claiming the original dukedom of Montrose... as drawn up by J. Riddell. 8vo., London, 18? Case for James, Duke of Montrose, peti- tioner, upon his right to appear and be heard against the claim of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to be Duke of Montrose. fol., (Edinburgh, 1851.) Case for James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, etc., claiming the honour and dignity of Duke of Montrose... with reference to the petition and alleged right of James, Duke of Montrose, to be admitted as party in opposition to the said claim. fol., ^London,] (1851.) Abstract of the case drawn up by J. Riddell. ..for James, Earl of Crawford... claim- ing the dukedom of Montrose... with reference to the petition. ..of James. Duke of Montrose, to be admitted as a party in opposition to the said claim. 8vo., London, 1851. Case of James, Duke of Montrose, in opposition to the case of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, claiming the title, honour, and dignity of Duke of Montrose. fol., (Edinburgh, 1851.) Supplemental case of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, claiming the dukedom of Montrose... including an analysis or ab- stract of the claimant's original case ; to- gether with the objections started to the claimant's arguments and evidence by James, Duke of Montrose... and the claimant's replies thereto. fol., (London, 1852.) Abstract of the supplemental case of James, Earl of Crawford... claiming the original dukedom of Montrose. ..as drawn up by J. Riddell. 8vo., London, 1852. Supplemental case of James, Duke of Montrose, in answer to the supplemental case of James, Earl of Crawford and Bal- carres, claiming the title, honour, and dignity of Duke of Montrose. fol., (Edinburgh, 1853.) Report of the speeches of counsel and of the Lord Chancellor and Lord St. Leonards... upon the claim of James, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to the original dukedom of Montrose... By Lord Lindsay [afterwards 25th Earl of Crawford]. fol., London, 1855. Montrose peerage. fol., (London,) [1S51 ?] See DUNFERMLINE ( ) Earl of. The Earl of Dunfermline against the Earl of Calendar and Lord Almond. fol., [1851 ?] See EGLINTON (A. Montgomerie) 6th Earl of. Decreet of Parlement. Alexander, Earle of Eglintoun, etc. against William, Earle of Glencarne, etc. fol., [1851 ?] See GLENCAIRN (W. Cunningham) gth Earl of. Decreet of Parliament, annulling patent of the earldom of Glencaim, etc. fol., [1851 ?] See GLENCAIRN (W. Cunningham) gth Earl of. Decreet of precedency, William Earl of Glcncairn, etc., against Alexander, Earl of Eglinton, etc. fol., [1851 ?] MONTROSE (James Graham) ^th Duke of. [For reports on the case of James, Duke of Montrose, against the claim of James, Earl of Crawford, to the dukedom of Montrose.] See MONTROSE, Dukedom of. MONUMENTA. Monumenta pietatis & lite- raria virorum in re publica & literaria illus- trium, sclecta, etc. [Edited by L. C. Micg.] 2 pts. See MIEG (L. C). 4to., 1701. MOORE jEdward). The Moore rental (drawn Edited by T. Heywood. 4to., (Manchester,) 1847. Rotnains, etc. Vol. XII.) A brief relation of the state of... St. Bartholo- 8vo., London, 1895. The President of the Royal College of Physicians. 8vo., [London,} (1899.) MOORE CHARTERS. See PICTON (Sir J. A.). The Moore charters and documents, relating to Liverpool. Report... First part, eto- 8vo., 1 888. MOORHOUSE (James) Bishop of Manchester. Charge delivered to the clergy and church- wardens of the diocese of Manchester at his primary visitation held in July, 1889. 8vo., Manchester, 1889. See MANCHESTER.— C~athedral. En- thronement of the Lord Bishop of Manchester (James Moorhouse) in his Cathedral, etc. 8vo., 1 886. up by E. Moore). (Clietliam Society. MOORE (Norman). past and present mew's Hospital. 304 MOPSUS. Iiiccrti autovis par impar. sive, epithalamiorum in nuptias Mopsi & Candidrp decas. See NliG.'E. Nuga; venales, etc. [Pt. 3.] i2mo., 1642. MORANDO (Bernardo) Conte. La Rosa- linda... Libri diece, etc. i2mo., Venetia, 1672. MORANTE (Joachim Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum Doctoris D. J. Gomez de la Cortina, March, de Morante, qui in aedibus suis exstant. [Tom. I.-VIII. compiled by the Marques de Morante himself, with biographical and bibliographical notes.] 9 tom. Svo., Matriti, 1854-70. Containing, inter alia, biographical notices of the following; — Tom. II. J. Lipsius.- — Tom. III. O. F. Morata. M. A. Muretiis, A. N'augeriits. B. Ochino. M. Marti. — Tom. IV. A. Palearius. G. F. Poggio Bracciolini, .1. .1. Pontanus. J. J. Scaligerus. ,1. Passeratius. — Tom. V. M. A. Goccius, J. Sadoletus. F. Sanctius, .\. Poli- tianus. — Tom. VI. L. Valla. J. P. Valerianus Bolzanus. G. ,J. Vossius, I. Vossius. C Barlaeus, C. Barthius, M. H. Vida.— Tom. VII. G. Canteru.1, G. de Casa. M. Cordier. E. Dolet, C. Dornavius. L. de Ca.stro. — Tom. VIII. P. Jo\-ius. P. Lotichius. J. Soljrarias. I. Casaubon. The title of tom. IX. reads : " .Additio ad cata* logum librorum ... .Toaeliimi Gomez de la Cortina ... sive notitia librorum ab eodem ad- quisitorum postquam anno 1865 tomum octa- \'um pra>dicti catalogi in lucem edidit." — Tom. I.-VIII.. in green basane by Gil of Madrid, are the Morante copy. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de feu M. le marquis de Morante... precede d'une notice biographique par M. F. A. Barbieri...et de quelques mots sur cette bibliotheque par M. P. Lacroix, etc. [Prepared by £. L. Scott de Martinville.] 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Pan's, 1872. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. Catalogue de la bibliotheque de feu M. le marquis de Morante... Nouvelle serie. 4 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1878-79. Sale catalogue. See CHRISTIE (R. C). The Marquis de Morante : his library and its catalogue. 8vo., 1883. [Another edition.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. 257-278. 8vo., 1902 MORATA (Olv-mpia Fulvia). O. F. Morata [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Cata logus librorum, etc. Tom. III., pp. 319-368 8vo., 1857 MORE (Henry). See JAEGER (J. W.) Press. De J. Boehmio judicium H. Mori, etc. 4to., 1708. MORE (Jean le) de Coutances. See MAURUS (J.) Constantianus. MORE {Sir Thomas). Auctarium epistolarum ex T. Moro. See ERASMUS (D.). [Epi- PTOL.E.] Epistolarum D. Erjismi ... libri XXXI.. etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1642. [Another copy.] Epigrammata T. Mori, etc. i6mo., Londini : aptid Humphredum Mosley, 1638. Warenghien copy. Sir T. More ; a selection from his works, as well in prose as in verse. Forming a sequel to " Life and times of Sir T. More." By W. J. Walter. lamo., Baltimore. (1841.) La republica nuovamente ritrovata, del governo dell' isola Eutopia, etc. [Translated by O. Lando.] 8vo., Vinegia : s.t.n., 1548. Bongi. xl. Marchetti copy. Utopia : written in Latin by Sir T. More ...Translated into English. 8vo., London, 1685. The Utopia of Sir T. iMore in Latin from the edition of March 1518, and in English from the first edition of R. Robynson's trans- lation in 1 55 1. With additional translations ...and notes by J. H. Lupton. Svo., Oxford, 1895. See LUCIANUS. Saiiiosatensis. [Opera.] Luciani opuscula...Tyrannicida. Declamatio Mori de eodem. 8vo., 1516. See MARSDEN (J. II.). Philomorus. Notes on the Latin poems of Sir T. More. 8vo.. 1S78. See NISARD (J. M. N. D.). Etudes sur la Renaissance... T. Morus, etc. Svo., 1855. See ROPER (W.). The life of Sir T. More... A new edition, etc. i2mo., 1822. See SEEBOHM (F.). The Oxford Re- formers. J. Colet, Erasmus, and T. More... The second edition, etc. 8vo., 1869. Vita et illustre martvrium T. Mori. etc. See STAPLETON (T.). Tres Thomae, etc. 8vo., 1588. MOREELSE (Henricus). [i.e., Hendrik MoREELSE.] Hcnrici Moreelsc.dissertatio de inanuductione studiosi juris per acade- miam ad rempublicam. See VOSSIUS (G. J.). Gerardi J. Vossy et aliorum dissertationes, etc. i2mo., 165S. MOREL (Federic). See MORELLUS (F.). MOREL (GuiLLAUME). See MORELIUS (G.). MOREL (Jean Marie). SeeFORTAIR(S. de). Discours sur la vie et les ceuvres de J. M. Morel, etc. Svo., 181 3. MORELIUS (Gulielmus). [i.e.. Guill.iume Morel.] Alphabetum Graecum. Literarum Grascarum appellationes & pronunciationes. De earundem divisione, & singularum cocin- nitate ex Dionysio Halicamasseo. Mensium Graecorum descriptio, & coUatio cum Latinis. Omnia nunc primum ex optimis auctoribus descripta, G. Morelio auctore. Gr. &■ Lat. Svo., Parisiis : apud G. Moretium, 1550. Crofts and WodhuU copy. Ex veterum comicorum fabulis, quae integrae non extant, sententiae. Nunc primum in sermonem Latinum conversae. (CoUigebat G. Morelius.) Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Parisiis, 1553. The colophon is dated 1554. The Greek and Latin texts occupy alternate leaves, those of the Latin version alone being paged. The volume includes " Ta fK rtjiv 'Si^va.vbpov trtti^o^eva., etc.,^^ which has an independent titlepage. Red morocco by Roger Payne. VVodhull and Gennadius copy. 305 MORELLI (Jacopo). Operette di J. Morelli, etc. 3 vols. 8vo., Venezia, 1820. MORELLI (Teodorico). See MORELLUS (T.). MORELLUS (Federicus). [i.e., Federic Morel.] F. Morelli... schediasmata, scholia, collectanea et conjectanea in Dionis Chryso- stomi scripta. SeeD\0,Chrysostonius. Aiio- vog rov Xgvaoaro/wv Xoyoi n' , etc. fol., 1604. MORELLUS (Theodoricus). [i.e.. Teodo- rico Morelli.] Enchiridion ad verborum copiam haud infrugiferum, multo quam antea auctius, emaculatiusqs. dc. 8vo., Lugduni : apiid Seb. Cryphium, 1551. MORENI (Domenico). Annali della tipo- gra£a fiorentina di L. Torrentino...Edizione seconda, etc. [Dedicatory epistle signed D. Moreni.] 8vo., Firenze, 1819. MORfiRI (Louis). Le grand dictionnaire his- torique, ou le melange curieux de I'histoire sacree et profane...Nouvelle edition, dans laquelle on a refondu les supplemens de M. r abbe [C. P.] Goujet. Le tout revu, corrige & augmente par M. [£. F.] Drouet. 10 torn. fol., Paris. 1759. Tom. I.-n., V.-VI., and VIII. -X. are each divided into two parts, tome IV. being in three parte. Tome I. has a second, engraved, titlepage. MORES (Edw.^rd Rowe). Bibliotheca More- siana : a catalogue of the... library of printed books... manuscripts... and other curiosities, of...E. R. Mores, etc. 8vo., (London,) 1779. Sale catalogue, interleaved. Heber copy. MORGAN (Augustus de). See DE MORGAN. MORHOFIUS (Daniel Georgius). [i.e., D. Georg Morhof.] D. G. Morhofii disserta- tiones academicae & epistolicae ... Accessit autoris vita...et praefatio J. B. Maji, etc. 4to., Hamburgi, 1699. The " Vita " has a separate pagination. D. G. Morhofii polyhistor, literarius, philosophicus, et practicus, cum accessioiiibus ...J. Frickiiet J. Molleri...Editioquarta. Cui prffifationem, notitiamque diariorum littera- riorum Europae prEemisit J. A. Fabricius... nunc auctam ft [5«c] ad annum 1747 con- tinuatam (a J. J. Schwabio). 3 torn, [in 2 vols.] 4to., LubeccE, 1747. Tom. II. and III. form a single volume. Calf by Gil of Madrid. Morante copy. MORIN (Jean Baptiste). Refutatio com- pendiosa...libri de Prae-Adamitis [by I. de La Pcyrdre]. Authore J. B. Morino, etc. i2nio., Paristis, 1656. Red morocco by Derorao. Bocliford copy. MORISOT (Claude Barth^lemy). Alito- phili [i.e., C. B. Morisot] vcritatis lachryma, etc. See BARCLAY (J.) Poet. Euphor- mionis Lusinini, etc. i2mo., 1634. [Another edition.] i2mo., MORLEY (Henry). C. Marot and studies. 2 vols, [in i.] 8vo., London, Cornelius Agrippa. The life of Agrippa von Nctleshcim, etc. 8vo., T637. other 1 87 1. H. C. 2 vols, [in I.] London, 1856. J. Cardan. The life of G. Cardano, of Milan, physician. 2 vols. 8vo., MORLINUS (Hieronvmus). Morlini.] Opus Morlini, vellas, fabulas et comoediam, London, 1854. [i.e., Girolamo complectens no- integerrime datum. . .maxima cura. . .Petri-Simeonis Caron, etc. [A reprint.] 8vo. , Parisiis, lygg. Only 55 copies printed, including one on vellum. Brunei, III., igio. H. Morlini. ..noveilae, fabulae, comoedia. Editio tertia, emendata et aucta. (Addita- mentum ad Morlini novellas.) 2 pts. 8vo., Liiteiics Parisiormn, 1855. The " Additamentum " has no titlepage, but was probably publijihed ill 1857. MORNAY (Philippe de) Seigneur du Plessis- Marly. Histoire de la vie de...P. de Momay ...con tenant outre la relation de plusieurs evenemens notables en I'Estat, en I'Eglise, es Cours, et es armees, divers advis politiqs, ecclesiastiqs & militaires sur beaucoup de mouvemens importans de I'Europe ; soubs Henry III. Henry IV. & Louys XIII. 4to., Leyde, 1647. MORSILIUS (Sebasti.\nus Foxius). See FOXIUS MORZILLUS. MORTON (W.). a short narrative of the latter period of the life, and death, of...T. Paine, etc. 8vo., Manchester, 1817. MORUS (Thomas). See MORE (Sir T.). MOSCHOPOULOS (Emanuel). Tov aorpujTarov xai XoyioiToiov hvqov /navovrjX rov fioaxoTiovKoii dwQdoidevTwv igwrijfjarojv. IleQi ngoaoidiwv. Sec CHALCONDYLAS (D,). Begin. 'A)]firjTQtov Xa^>cov6v^ov eQunijiiaxa auvomixa tcov oxtco rov Xoyov fiegov, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., c. 1493. To)V dvonarmv 'Arrixmv avUoyr], etc. See CRASTONUS {].)Placeniinus. Dictionarium Graecum, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] MavovrjXog rov MoaxonovXov arrixmv 6vo- ftarojv ixXoyi). See THOMAS, Magister. &oi/ia rov /layiargov ovofiaruyv drrtxojv ixXoyai, etc. 8vo., 1532. Tov ooqxurarov. . . MavovTjlov rov MoaxonovXov negi axedov. M. Moschopuli de ratione examinandie orationis libellus. Gr. 4to., LuteticB : ex officina R. Stephani, 1545. Calf by J. Macltenzio. Paine copy. See GAZA (T.). &fodu>Qov yQa/t/iarixrj:; ptfiha. 6' ...'EfijiavovtjX MoaxoJiovXov :xeQi rtjg ro)v dvofiaTMV, xai grj/iaraiv avvraSEwg. Tov avTov ne.Qi nQoaoiHuov, etc. 8vo., 1525. MOSCHUS. [The first idyll of Moschus, en- titled :] arixt^ r)eicoixot elg rov egioTa. See LASCARIS (C). Begin. Bonus Accursius Pisanus Viro Clarissimo lulio pomponio salutem plurimam dicit. 4to., 1489. Christie (K. C). The earliest appearance in print of the first idyll of Moschus. See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. 3i() 318. 8vo., 1902. u I 3o6 UOSCHVS. —icontd.) Moschi. Bionis, Theocriti...idyllia aliquot, ab H. Stephano Latina facta. Ejusdem carmina non diversi ab illis argumenti. 4to., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Maniitius], 1555. Reuouard, p. 165. Moayw...xai Btcji'o;. . .eldvXha. Moschi... et Bionis ... idyllia quae quidem exstant omnia, hactenus non edita. Accessit Phano- clis elegia, & alia Propertii. Omnia... scholiis illustrata. [Edited by A. Mekerchus.] Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Brugis Flandror., 1565. Sunderland copy. Moayov eidvXha. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Oi tj;s ijQioixrjz noirjaam; 7TgajT£vovTegnoit]rai,etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. EidvXha Moaxov, etc. Gr. &• Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aco!^o/ieva rcov nakaio- raTCjv noLrjTcov yetogyixa, etc. [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1570. [Another edition.] [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1639. MOSELLANUS (Petrus). [i.e., Petrus ScH.\DE.] Tabulae, de schematibus et tropis P. JMosellani. In rhetorica P. Melanchthonis [by G. Meier]. In Erasmi...libellum de duplici copia [by G. Meier]. 8vo., Lipsiae : excudehat N. Faber, 1530. Secunda editio. 8vo., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1535. De schematibus et tropis P. MoseUani tabulje. See RUTILIUS LUPUS (P.). De figuris sententiarum, etc. 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] Svo., 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] P. MoseUani... Ln A. Gellii noctes Atticas, annotationes. Svo., Lugduni : apitd Seb. Gryphium, 1542 P. MoseUani... in M. F. Quintiliani in stitutiones oratorias annotationes. Svo. Lugduni: Seb. Gryphius excudebat, 1541 Paedologia P. MoseUani. . . Dialogi XXXVII Dialogi pueriles C. Hegendorphini, XII. 8vo., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1531 Wodhull copy. [Another edition.] Svo., Parisiis : ex officina R. Stephani, 1533. Morante copy. MOSER (JoHANN Jacob). BibUotheca manu- scriptorum maxime anecdotorum eorumque historicorum. Recensuit J. J. Moser. 1722. See KOEHLER (J. D.). SyUoge aliquot scriptorum de bene ordinanda...bibliotheca, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1728. MOSHEIM (JoHANN LoRENz) Press. Historia M. Serv'eti. Quam praeside J. L. Moshemio ...publice exponit auctor H. ab AUwoerden. 4to., Helmstadii, (1728.) MOSS (Joseph William). A manual of classical bibliography : comprising a copious detail of the various editions of the Greek and Latin classics... Second edition, completed to the end of 1836, etc. 2 vols. Svo., London, 1837. MOTHE LE VAYER (Francois de la). See LA MOTHE LE VAYER. MOTHER. The northren mother's blessing. The way of thrift, etc. 1597. [Reprint.] See PEPy S ( S. ). The hystorie of . . . Plasidas , etc. 4to.. 1873. MOTIER (Marie Madeleine) Comtesse de La Fayette. See LA FAYETTE (M. M. P. de La Vergne) Comtesse de. MOTIN (Pierre). Poesies choisies de Motin, Berthelot, etc. See REGNIER (M.). CEuvres de Regnier. Nouvelle edition, etc. Tome II. i6mo., 1780. MOTTELEY (Charles). Aper9u sur les erreurs de la bibliographic speciale des Elzevirs et de leurs annexes, avec quelques decouvertes curieuses sur la typographic hollandaise et beige du 1 7= siecle ; pjir le bibliophile Ch. M. {i.e.. C. Motteley.] i2mo., Paris, 1847. No. n of 15 copies on *' papier bleu v61in." Qu6rard, I., 719. Gennadius copy. MOTTEUX (Pierre Antoine). Remarques... sur Rabelais, traduites de I'anglois, et accom- pagnees de quelques observations, etc. i2mo., {The Hague,] (1733-34-) The titlepage is in MS. From the " Bibliotheque Britamiique." MOULE (Thomas). Bibliotheca heraldica Magnae Britanniae. An analytical catalogue of books on genealogy, heraldry... and cere- monies : with a list of provincial visitations ...and a supplement, enumerating the princi- pal foreign genealogical works. 4to., London, 1822. Heraldry of fish. Notices of the principal families bearing fish in their Arms. Svo., London. 1842. MOULIN (Antoine du). See DU MOULIN. MOURAVIT (Gustave). Les devises des vieux pontes, fitude litteraire et bibliographique. See BRUNET (P. G.). Dictionnaure des ouvrages anonymes, e]ftartov xa xaO' t'lQO) xai AeavSgov 6 ihj xai eit; \ Ttjv ^]giaxa xm dXeSifag^iaxa. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Oi rijg f)gcHxr)g noirjaewg ngtarevovTeg noirirai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. NICERON (Jean Pierre) &- others. Memoircs pour servir 4 I'histoire des hommes illustres dans la republique des lettres. Avec un catalogue raisonne de leurs ouvrages. [By J. P. Niceron, F. Oudin, J. B. Micha\ilt and C. P. Goujet.] 43 toni. [in 44 vols.] 8vo., Paris, 1728-45. Tonio X. is in two parts. Barbicr, HI., 247. NICETAS [AcoMiNATUS], Choniata. Nicctae Acominati...LXXXVI. annorum historia, videlicet ab anno restitutae Salutis circiter MCXVII. in quo Zonaras defmit, usque ad annum M(XIII. libris XIX. descripta...Gi)us lectu jucundu &. utile. ..H. Wolfio... interprete. Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. (ol., Basitecr. 1357. NICHOLAS, Saint, Archbishop of Myra. See NICOLA US. NICHOLS (John Gough). Narratives of tlic days of the Reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of J. Foxe the marly rologist ; with two contemporary biographies of Arch- bishop Cranmer. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to., [London,'] 1859. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 77.) NICOLAS (Sir Nichol.'vs Harris). The chronology of history, containing tables, calculations and statements, indispensable for ascertaining the dates of historical events ...New edition. 8vo., London. (1838.) A letter to the Duke of Wellington, on the propriety and legality of creating peers for life : with precedents. [By Sir N. H. Nicolas.] 8vo., London, 1830. Printed for private circulation. Second edition. 8vo., London, 1830. Observations on the clauses containing grants of precedency in patents of peerage, etc. 8vo., London, [1832 ?] The titlepage bears the inscriptions. " Francis Townsend Esq. From the Author," and " Not published." Pedigree of the Barons of Berghersh. (Extracted from Gent. Mag. of March, 1827.) [Signed N. H. N. i.e.. Sir N. H. Nicolas.] s.sh., [London, 1827 ?] Report of proceedings on the claim to the barony of L'Isle, etc. See L'ISLE, Barony of. 8vo., 1829. A roll of Arms, of the reign of Edward the Second, edited by N. H. Nicolas. 4to., London, 1829. Lower copy. A treatise on the law of adulterine bas- tardy, with a report of the Banbury case, and of all other cases bearing upon the subject. 8vo., London, 1836. NICOLAUS, de Auximo. Begin. [Sig. az, recto :] In nomine dfii nostri ihu xfji amen. I Incipit liber q dicitur supplementu;. | [to the Summa Magistrutia or Pisanclla of Bartolommeo Pisano da San Concordio. By Nicolaus do Auximo.] [Sig. 334, verso .•] Incipiunt canones penitcntiales ex | tracti de vbo ad vcrbii de suma fratris | Astensis ordinis minoj;. li. 5. ti. 32. | ©. %. 4to., [colophon : Nuretnberg : G. Stuclis,] 1488. Sigs. a-z*. aa-yy', zz'. Wanting sig. ai (blank). Hain and Copinger, *::i68. Proctor, 2260. NICOLAUS, Leonicenus. See LEONICENUS (N.). NICOLAUS, Saint, Archbishop of Myra. Vita S. Nicolai e graeco in latinum a L. Justiniano. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Pru- dcntii... opera, etc. [Vol. II.] 4to., 1501. [Another copy.] NICOLSON (William) Archbishop of Casket and Emly. The English, Scotch and Irish historical libraries. Giving a short view and character of most of our historians. ..To which is added, a letter. ..in defence of the English Historical Library, Ac. .\ new edition, etc. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., London, 1776. 312 NICOMACHUS, Gerasinus. Niyofiaxov Pegaai- j'OD aoiOfirjTtxij; fiipha Si'o. Nicomachi... arithmeticae libri duo, etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., Parisiis : in officina C. Wecheli, 1538. Nixonaxov FeQaarjvov ...ao/^iovMTjQ iyxeiQi- diov, etc. Gr. Lat. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1517. Editio princeps of the " De venatione." Re- nouard, pp. Si and 485. [Another copy.] 'Onniavov 'Ava^^agjiewg e'. Kvvtjyenxwv Pi^ha 6'. ahevTixmv PifiXia Oppiani... de pis- catu libri V. De venatione libri IIII. [Edited by A. Tumebus.] Gr. 4to., Parisiis, 1555. In this copy the " Cynegetica " is wanting. 'O.T.TiavotJ xvvrjysrixcDV ^i^ha reaaaga. Oppiani de venatione libri IIII. [Edited by J. Bodinus.] Gr. 4to., Parisiis : apud Vascosanum, 1549. Mitford and Evans copy. Oppiani de venatione libri IIII. J. Bodino... interprete... His accessit commen- tarius varius, & multiplex, ejusdem inter- pretis. Lai. 4to., Luteticp, 1555. Mitford and Evans copy. OPSIMATHES, pseud. Parado.xe contre les lettres. [By Opsimathes.] 8vo., Lyon : par J. de Tournes, 1545. Crofts copy. OPSOPCEUS (ViNCENTius). [i.e., Vincenz KocH.] De arte bibendi libri tres, autore V. ObsopcEO...Quibus adjunximus de arte jo- candi libros quatuor, M. Delii ...cum luculenta in eosdem praefatione. 8vo., Francoforti ad Moenum, 1578. V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi. See FACETIAE. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. i2mo.. 1615. V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi lib. quatuor, et arte jocandi [of M. Delio] lib. quatuor, (N. Frischlini in ebrietatem, elegia,) accedunt artis amandi (variorum auctorum), dansandi practica [of A. Arena] ; item meretricuni fides [of J. Charistaeus, i.e., J. Hartlieb] : aliaque faceta. 3 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Lugd[uni'\ Batav[orum'\, 1648. The pagination of pts. II. and III. is consecutive. Each part has a separate titlepage ; that of pt. II. reads : " Variorum auctorum practica artis amandi, et declamationes P. Beroaldi," etc. V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi. See FACETI^. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. i2mo., 1737. V. Obsopoeus de arte bibendi. ..Accedunt & alii tractatus ... Editio secunda. See FACETI^. i2mo., 1754. OPUS. .Aureum op9 de veritate contritionis in quo mirifica documenta eteme salutis aperiuntur. ©. %, 8vo., Parrisii [sic] : [E. and J.] de Marnef, (1522.) Contemporary stamped leather binding mth the name (of the binder !) " Jehan Godegar " im- pressed on the side. The colophon is on fol. clii. Richards copy. ORACOLI. Oracoli di modemi ingegni, etc. [ByO. Lando.] S«eLANDO (O.). [Oracoli.] 8vo., 1550. [.Another copy.] ORACULA SIBYLLINA. Zi^vUiaxwv xQno/'cov Xoyoi 6xT(o. Sibyllinorum oraculorum libri VIII. Addita S. Castalionis interpretatione Latina, qug Greco e regione respondeat. Cum annotarionib. X. Betuleii...& S. Castalionis, etc. (Eusebii de acrostichide SibyUina judi- cium. Atque item aegloga Vergihi quarta, ab eodem Graece reddita.) [Edited by S. Castalio.] Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., [colophon .•] BasileeB, 1555. 319 ORATIO. De miseriis paedagogorum oratio. See MELANCHTHON ( P. ). P. Melachthonis de corrigendis studiis sermo, etc. 8vo., 1537. Oratio de studiis liberalium artium... Epigrammata diversorum auctorum quam elegantissima. J. Sadoleti... oratio de pace, etc. 8vo., Luco' : aptid V. Busdragum, 1549. ORATIO DOMINICA. See LORD'S PRAYER. ORATIONES. Orationes clarorum hominum, vel honoris of&ciique causa ad principes, vel in funere de virtutibus eorum habitae. 4to., [Venice :] In Acadeniia Veneta, 1559. Renouard, p. 275. Purple morocco by Wheeler. Butler, Bowmau, and Crawford (Lakelands) copy. ORATIONI. Orationi diverse di diversi rari ingegni. Non mai piu insieme, ne con tanta diligenza date in luce. 8vo. , Vinegia : [J. Gryphius,] 1546. Includes G. Camillo's " Due orationi al Re Chris- tianissimo." Dilettevoli orationi nella morte di diversi animali, etc. [By O. Lando.] See LANDO (O.). [Sermoni Funebri.] 8vo., 1712. ORATORES. Oratores Graeci. See ^SCHI- NES. Aoyoi xovxtovi rcov QrjtoQcov. Alaxivov, etc. 3 vols. fol., 1513. ORBICIUS. Ovgpixiov cntrtjdEv/ia. Urbicii inventum. N. Rigaltius P. nunc primum... in lucem dedit. Gr. &■ Lat. See ONOSAN- DER. 'OvoaavdQov axgaTtjyixog, etc. 2 pts. 4to., 1599. [Another copy.] 'Oq^ixiov tcov neQi to atQarev/ta raSeoiv. See CRASTONUS (J.) Placentinus. Dic- tionarium Graecuni, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] ; — [Another edition.] See THOMAS, Magister. @o)/ia rov /layiaxQov dvofiarcov azTtxujv ixXoyai, etc. 8vo., 1532. ORDERS. Ancient orders of precedency. [Edited by Sir C. G. Young.] See YOUNG (Sir C. G.) Garter King of Arms. 8vo., s.a. ORDO. De ordine, sive de venusta & eleganti turn vocabulorum, turn menibrorum sen- tentise collocatione. His qua;dani adjiciuntur de vitiis ordinis : item de variis modis, quibus, pro vcrborum numero, ordo scnten- tiae transponi potest. 8vo., Londini, 1712. ORELLI (JoHANN Caspar von). I. Analecta Horatiana. II. Analecta epigraphica. 4to., Turici, 1838. (Index lectionum in Aeademia Turicensi... Iiabondanim. ) ORFORD (Horace Walpole) 4th Earl of (of the second creation). See HUME (D.). A con- cise... account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau : with the letters ...of ...Mr. Walpole... relative to this extra- ordinary affair, etc. 8vo., 1766. ORFORD (Horatio William Walpole) 4th Earl of (of the third creation). Catalogue of a selection of valuable books from the library of. ..the Earl of Orford... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., (London.) 1895. ORFORD (Robert Walpole) 1st Earl of (of the second creation). Some reflections upon a pamphlet [by J. Addison], called, "The Old Whig." By the author of " The thoughts of a member of the Lower House " [i.e., the Earl of Orford]. The second edition. 4to., London, 17 19. Halkett and Laing, III., 2437. The thoughts of a member of the Lower House, in relation to a project for restraining and limiting the power of the Crown in the future creation of peers. [By the Earl of Orford.] 8vo., London, 1719. Halkett and Laing, III., 2575. ORIBASIUS. Oribasii . . .collectorum medicina- liumlibri XVII. ...J. B. Rasario...interprete. 8vo., Venetiis : apud P. Manutinm, [1554.] Renouard, p. 265. Ta ru)v 'Ogifiaaiov iargixaiv avvayaiyow ex r xai AeavdQov, etc. 8vo., 1517. 'Oggjemg AgyovavTMa. — 'Ogcpecog ^/tivoi. — 'Og^emg :ieqi }.Sa>v. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Oi rriq fiQwixi}Q noirjaeojg TiQunevovceg noirjzai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. Orphei Argonautica (innominate inter- prete). See VALERIUS FLACCUS (C). C. Valerii Flacci argonautica, etc. 8vo., 1523. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1548. See HERMANNUS (J. G. J.). De argu- mentis pro antiquitate Orphei Argonauti- corum...dissertatio, e/c. 4to., 1811. ORSATO (Sertorio) Conte. Explanatio nota- rum et litterarum, quae frequentius in antiquis lapidibus, marmoribus & auctoribus occur- runt...Auctore S. Ursato. i2mo., Parisiis, 1723. W. Borlase's and T. H. White's copy. [Another copy.] Hastings copy. ORSI (Aurelio)". See URSIUS (A.). ORSINI (FuLVio). See URSINUS (F.). ORTELIUS (Vitus) Winshemius, the Elder. [i.e., Veit Oertel.] Oratio habita in funere ...P. Melanthonis, a Vito Winshemio...die XXI. aprilis [1560]. 4to., [colophon :] Viteberges, 1560. ORTIS (Jacopo) pseud, [i.e., Niccol6 Ugo FoscoLO.] See FOSCOLO (N. U.). ORTIZ DE ZUNIGA (Diego). Discurso genealogico de los Ortizes de Se\illa. etc. 4to., Cadiz, 1670. Posteridad ilustrc.de Juan de Cespedes, etc. 4to., Sevilla, s.a. ORTOLAN (Joseph Louis Elzear). Expli- cation historique des instituts de I'cmpcreur Justinien, avec le textc.Cinquieme edition, etc. 2 tom. See JUSTINIANUS I., Em- peror of the East. [Institutiones.] 8vo., 1851. ORTUINUS, von Deventer. See GRATIUS (O.). ORTWINUS. See GRATIUS (O.). ORUS APOLLO, Niliacus. See HORAPOLLO. OSIANDER (Andreas) the Younger. Papa non Papa, hoc est, Pap^e et Papicolarum de praecipuis Christianae doctiinas partibus, iisque inter Evangelicae religionis, & Romans fidei homines controversis, Lutherana confessio, etc. 8vo. , Francofurti, 1600. OSMONT (Jean Baptiste Louis). Diction- naire t\-pographique, historique et critique des livres rares, singuliers, estimes et recher- ches en tous genres, etc. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris. 1768. Ghorley copy. OSORIUS (Hieronymus). [i.e.. Jeronimo OsoRio DA Fonseca.] J. Sturmli, H. Osorii, aliorumque epistolae, etc. See ASCHAM (R.). R. Aschami epistolarum, libri quatuor... Editio novissima, etc. 4to., 1703. [Another copy.] See HADDONUS (G.). Contra H. Oso- rium ejusq; odiosas insectationes pro Evan- gehcaeveritatisnecessariadefensione,responsio apologetica, etc. 4to., 1577. OSSAT (Arnaud d') Cardinal. Expositio A. Ossati in disputationem J. Carpentarii de methodo. [Erroneously attributed by Car- pentarius to P. Ramus.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1564. Waddington, pp. 158-9, 475. OSSORY, Bishops of. John. [1553-63-] See BALE {].). Richard. [131 8-60.] See LEDREDE (R. de). OTTO (Everardus). [i.e., Everhard Otto.] E. Ottonis...dissertatio phUologico-juridica ad L. si ser\-us XXVII. §. 28. D. ad AquU., etc. 4to., Steinvordics, 1710. OUDIN (FRAN901S). Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des hommes illustres, etc. [By J. P. Niceron, F. Oudin, etc.] 43 tom. See NICERON (J. P.) & others. 8vo., 1728-45. Silva distichorum moralium, pleraque liberalis & Christianas institutionis prascepta continens. J. B. Silvius [i.e., F. Oudin] sibi dictata edidit. 8vo., Divione, 1720. Barbier, IV., 1379. Heber copy. See PRUNELLE (C. F. V. G.). Remar- ques inedites du President Bouhier...et du p6re Oudin, sur quelques passages d'Horace, etc. Svo., 1807. [Another copy.] 32t OUVAROFF (Sergyei Semenovich) Count. See UVAROV. OVIDIUS NASO (PUBLius). [Opera.] Begjn. [Fol. I, verso: Jo. An. Episcopi Alerien... Epistola. FoL 2, verso : P. Ovidii Nasonis Magni opens Metainorphoseos. Liber pri- mus.] fol., [Rome : C. Sweynheym and A. Pannartz, 1471.] Ham, 12137. Proctor, 3319. Very imperfect, made up of two different copies. Including tlie following only : — ff. 179-185, 187, 191-11;.;, 323-330, 389-429, 431-436, 438-483. com- prising porlion.s of the Amores, Fasti, Tristiii, Da ponto and Sapho. Fol. 323 ha.s an illu- minated border. Begin. [FoL i , recto : Bonus Accursius Pisanus salute dicit plurima Mag- | nifico equiti aurato & sapientissimo ac primo ducali I secrctarie Ciccho Simonetse. | Stg. A4, verso : P. OVIDII NASONIS METAMOR- PHOSEOS I LIBER PRIMVS. |] Vol. II. fol., [colophon .•] Vicentire : Hermanus Coloniesis Lichtenstein , 1480. Hain and Copinger, *I2I4I. Proctor, 7157. Im- perfect ; wanting vol. 1. Vol. II. includes sigs. p-z and aa-lili only ; comprising the Fasti, Tristia, Do Ponto, Pulex, De Philomena, Do medicaraine faciei, Nux and Consolatio ad Liviam. Begin. [Sig. A i , verso .•] Bonus Accur- sius Pisanus salute dicit... \ etc. [Sig. Bi, recto .] P. OVIDII NASONIS METAMOR- PHOSEOS I LIBER PRIMVS. | fol., [coiophoii :] uenetiis : per Bernardinum de Nouaria, i486. Hain and Copinger, *i2i43. Proctor. 4943. Wanting the second volume, containing {lie " Epistolae Ileroidum," etc. Quae hoc volumine continentur ...Ortho- graphia dictionum graecarum per ordineui literarum ... Ovidii metamorphosewn libri quindecim. — ([Vol. II.] P. Ovidii Nasonis heroidum epistolae. Auli [or rather, Angeli] Sabini epistolae tres. P. O. N. elegiarum libri tres. De arte amandi libri tres. De remedio amoris libri duo. In Ibin liber unus. Ad Liviam epistola de morle Drusi. Dc nucc. Dc mcdicamine faciei.) — ([Vol. III.] P. Ovidii Nasonis. quae hoc in libcllo con- tinentur. Fastorum libri VI. De tristibus libri V. De ponto libri IIII.) 3 vols. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi Romani, 1 502-3. Renouard, pp. 37-38. [Another edition of Vol. II.] Svo., [Lyons, c. 1503.] Part of the first Lyonnose counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1502-3. Renouard, p. 307. [Another edition.] Ovidii mcta- morphoseon libri XV. — ([Vol. II.] Ovidii Nasonis heroidum epistola, etc.) — ([Vol. III.] P. Ovidii Nasonis, quae hoc in libello con- tinentur. Fastorum libri VI., etc.) 8vo., [Lyons,] s.a. The second of the Lyonncso counterfeits of the Aldine edition of 1502-3. The preliminary pieces to vol. I. are omitted in this edition, with the exception of Aldus' life of Ovid, which is placed at the end of vol. HI. Vol. II. lias four distinct foliations, and vol. III. hatt three. Renouard, p. 307. [Another copy of Vol. II.] Containing the " Epistolfe Heroidum " and the " EpistoliE " of Sabinus only. With a made-up titlepage. Quae hoc volumine continentur. Anno- taliones in omnia Ovidii opera [by A. Nau- gerius]... Ovidii metamorphoseon libri XV. — ([Vol. II.] P. Ovidii Nasonis... Heroidum epistolae. Amorum libri III. De arte amandi libri III. De remedio amoris hbri II. De medicamine faciei. Nux. Somnium. Pulex & Philomela. ..Sabini tres...epistols, etc.) — ([Vol. III.] C. Ptolemaei inerrantium stel- larum signiftcationes per N. Leonicum 6 graeco translatae. XII. Romanorum menses in veteribus monimcntis Romae reperti...P. Ovidii Nasonis fastorum lib. VI. Tristium lib. V. De ponto lib. IIII. In Ibin. Ad Liviam.) 3 vols. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi. et Andreae soceri, 1516, 15, 16. Renouard, pp. 78 and 72. In vol. I. of this copy the titlepage and the 47 unnumbered leaves are preceded by the " Metamorphoses." [Another edition. Edited by H. Fasitelius.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : tn aedibus haeredum Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1533. The titlepage of vol. I. is dated 1534. Renouard, p. 109. Heber copy. P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon... libri XV., «to.— ([Vol. II.] P. Ovidii Nasonis amatoria, e/c.)— ([Vol. III.] P. Ovidii Na- sonis fastorum lib. VI. Tristium lib. V. De ponto lib. IIII.) 3 vols. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536, 34, 36. Vol. II. olive morocco by J. Mackenzie. Vol. III. contemporary morocco, with gold tooling in vertical lines. [Another copy of Vol. II.] [Another edition of Vols. I. cS: II.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539, 40. Vol. I. stamped pigskin, with the date " 1541 " on the front cover. [Another edition.] 3 vols. i()mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. .Sunderland copy. [Another copy of Vol. I.] [Another edition of Vol. II.] i6mo., Parisiis : apud S. Colinaum, 1545. [Another edition of Vols. I. & II.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. [Another edition of Vols. I. & II.] i6ino., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Vol. II. imperfect; wanting all after p. 416. The imprint of Vol. II. reads : " Lugduni, apud A. Vincentium.*' [Another edition of Vol. I.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1553. [Another edition of Vols. I. & II. ] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. [Another edition of Vol. II.] i6mo., Lugduni, 1555. [Another edition of Vol. I.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud .1. Gryphium, 1564. [Anothercditionof Vol. III.) i6mo., Lugduni : apud haercd. Seb. Grvphii, 1564. [Aus Am.\tori.\.] OVIDIVS DF ARTE AMAN- I DI et DE REMEDIO | AMORIS CVM I COMENTO (B. Morulac). | fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : loanes dc Tridino alias Tacuimts, 1494. llaiu and C.ipi'iger. *i222i. ICIoss copy. X 322 OVIDIUS NASO (PuBLius) .—(con^rf.) •^^ Two essays. The former Ovid, de arte amandi, or, the art of love. The first book. The later Hero and Leander of Musseus. From the Greek. [Translated into English verse.] By a well-wisher to the mathe- maticks [i.e., T. Hoy]. 4to., London, 1682. "Diet. Nat. Biog.," XXVIII., 132. [Epistol^ E.x PoNTO.] Begin. [Sig.Ai, recto .•] P. Ouidii Nasonis De Ponto Liber Primus. | End. [Sig. F4, verso .] Publii Ouidii Nasonis De Ponto Libri Quart) | Et Vltimi. | Finis. I 4to., s.n. 36 £f., without titlepage or pagination ; sigs. A', B-E°, F*. 45 or 46 lines to a full page. Syston Park copy. [Epistol^ Heroidum.] Heroidum epi- stolae P. Ovidii Nasonis ; et Auli [or rather, Angeli] Sabini responsiones, cum G. Moril- lonii argumentis, ac scholiis. His accesserunt J. B. Egnatii observationes. (P. Ovidii Nasonis in...Ibin, liber.) 8vo., Venetiis : ex bibliotheca Aldina [the Torresani], 1583. Renouard, p. 233. Les epistres d'Ovide nouveUement mises en vers fran9oys par M. C. Fontaine ...avec les prefaces & annotations : le tout non par-cy devant imprime. Plus y a la response a icelles epistres (par M. d'Amboise). Fr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] i6mo., Lyon, 1552. Containing ten only of Ovid's epistles. [Halieuticon.] p. Ovidii Nasonis halieu- tica. See GRATIUS, Faliscus. Hoc volu- mine continentur. Poetae tres egregii, etc. 8vo., 1534. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1534. [Another edition.] See GRATIUS, Faliscus. Gratii...de venatione liber I., etc. 8vo., 1537. [Another edition.] P. Ovidii Naso- nis halieuticon liber. See GESNER (C). De piscibus et aquatilibus omnibus libelli III. novi, etc. 8vo., [1556.] ■ [Ibis.] P. Ovidii Nasonis in...Ibin, liber. See above [Epistol^ Heroidum.]. Heroi- dum epistolae, etc. 8vo., 1583. See CONSTANTIUS (J.). J. Constantii ...coUectaneorum hecatostys prima. ..In Ibin Ovidii sarritiones annotationum ultra centum, etc. 4to., 1508. [Metamorphoses.] Ovidianae metamor- phoseos epitome per F. Nigrum... collecta. 8vo., Tiguri : exciidebat [C] Froschoverus, [1542.] P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon. Hoc est transformationum, libri XV. cum...L. Placidi argumentis. Omnia... ab J. Rasnerio denuo recognita. i6mo., Lugduni : apud A. Gryphium, 1588. Ovid's metamorphosis. [An English translation in verse.] 8vo., [London, 1638 ?] Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and all before page I. Title taken from the caption. See CIOFANUS (H.). H. Ciofani...in P. Ovidii Nasonis meta.morphosin...obsers'atio- nes, etc. 8vo., 1575. See CONSTANTIUS (J.). J. Constantii ... coUectaneorum hecatostj-s prima ...In ...Ovidii ...metamorphoses assumenta : annotationum supra ter centum. 4to., 1508. [Remedia Amoris.] P. Ovidii Nasonis de remedio amoris liber, etc. See above [Ars Amatoria.]. Ovidivs de arte amandi, etc. fol., 1494. [Tristia.] OVIDIVS DE TRISTI- | BVS CVM COM- I MENTO. | [Sig. ai, verso:] BARTHOLOMAEVS MERVLA GENERO- SO AC DOCTO ADVLESCENTI MAR- | CO CLARISSIMI EQVITIS SENATORIS AMPLISSIMI AC REGINAE CYPRI ] FRATRIS GEORGII CORNELII FILIO. SALVTEM. I fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : Joannes de Cereto de Tridino. alias Tacuinus, 1499. Hain and Copinger, *I2249. Proctor, 5457. Wanting the last leaf (blank). Ivloss copy. [Appendix.] See MASSON (J.). P. Ovi- dii Nasonis \'ita, etc. 8vo., 1708. OWEN (John) Epigrammatist. Epigrammatum ...libri decern. Editio quarta Londinensis. 4 pts. [in I vol.] i2mo., Londini : ex officina Nicolai de Quercubus [i.e., N. Okes], sumdbus S. Waterson, 161 2. Each part has an independent titlepage. Epigrammatum Joannis Owen. ..editio postrema. 24mo., Lugd[uni] Bat[avorum], 1628. The titlepage is engraved. Kiiight copy. OWEN (John) Rector of East Anstey, North Devon. The modification of dogma regarded as a condition of human progress. An ad- dress, etc. 8vo., London, 1891. The skeptics of the French Renaissance. 8vo., London, 1893. The skeptics of the Italian Renaissance. 8vo., London, 1893. For a critique on this work, see Mr. R. C. Cliristie's " A sceptic of the Renaissance " (1893). OWEN'S COLLEGE, Manchester. See MAN- CHESTER.— University. OXFORD. — University. Britanniae natalis. [A collection of academical verses on the birth of Charles II.] 4to., OxonicE : excudebat J. Lichfield, 1630. Heber and Buckley copy. Epithalamia [by members of the Univer- sity']. Sive lusus Palatini in nuptias... Friderici comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, &c. et...Elisabethae Jacobi... Britanniae regis filiae primogenitae. See EPITHALAMIA. 4to., 1613. Judicium L^niversitatis Oxoniensis de i. Solenni liga et fcedere. 2. Juramento nega- tivo. 3. Ordinationibus Parlamenti circa disciplinam et cultum. In plena Convoca- tione I. Juni 1647 ... promulgatum. A R. Sandersono... Editio tertia. 8vo., Londini, 1682. Musarum Oxoniensium iXaioifOQia. Sive, ob faedera, auspiciis...01iveri reipub. Ang. Scot. & Hiber. Domini Protectoris, inter rempub. Britannicam & ordines Faederatos 323 OXFORD.— University.— (co«/rf.) Belgii faeliciter stabilita, gentis togatae ad vada Isidis celeusma metriciim. 4to., Oxom'a. 1654. Bindley and Buckley copy. With MS. index. nQoreXeia Anglo-Batava pari plusquam virgineo, Guilielmo Arausii, & Marias Britan- niarum ; Acadcmia Oxoniensi procurante. 4to., Oxonits, 1641 . Buckley copy. With MS. index. A song of the Encaenia, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1853. Terminalia ; or notes on the subjects of the Litterae Humaniores and Moderation Schools. [Pt. I.] iYO.. Oxford, i?,e,i. Wanting Pt. II. All Souls' College. See BLACKSTONE (Sir W.). Dissertation on tlic accounts of All Souls College, Oxford. 4to., 1898. Bodleian Library. Notitia editionum quoad libros Hebr. Gr. et Lat. quae vel primariae, vel saec. XV. impressae, vel Al- dinae, in Bibliotheca Bodleiana adser\^antur. 8vo., Oxonii, 1795. See MACRAY (W. D.). Annals of the Bodleian Library ...Second edition, etc. 8vo., 1890. See PROCTOR (R. G. C). An index to the early printed books in the British Museum ...With notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 8vo., 1898-99. OXFORD ESSAYS. Oxford essays, contri- buted by members of the University. Vols. I.-IL 8vo., London, 1855-56. Wanting vols. III. and I\'. P***, G***. See MICHAULT (J. B.). P..., Mr. G... D... See GIRARDOT DE PRfiFOND (P.). P..., M. See PSA UME (]£.). P., P. See PIERRUGUES (P.). P., T. See POWELL (T.). P— , W— . See PERCY (W.). P. . d'O. ., La. La P. . d'O. . [i.e.. La Pucelle d 'Orleans] poeme ; divise en quinze livres. [By Voltaire.] See VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. DE). i2mo., [1755.] PACATUS (MiNUTius). See SUIDAS. Begin. AiaXoyoq mecpavov, etc. [Sig. 03, recto .•] To fiev TtoQov ^tfihov, Eovida. OlSe avvra^aftevot rovro, uvSqeq ao, recto, line 20.1 INCIPIT GRATIARV.M ACTIO MAMERTINI | DE CONSVLATV SVO IVLIANO IMl'ERA | TORI. | [Sig. mi. verso, line 12.] INCIPIT PANAEGYRICVS NAZARII DICTVS | CONSTANTINO IM- PERATORI. I [Sig. rG, verso, line 8 .•] EIVSDEM MAMERTINI GENETHLIACVS 326 PANEGYRICI VETERES.— (comW.) MA I XIMIANI AVGVSTI. | [Sig. 54, verso, line 18 .1 IVLII AGRICOLE VITA PER CORNELIVIM TA | CITVM EIVS GENE- RVM CASTISSIME COM | POSITA. | [Sig. U2. recto, tine 27 .] PETRONII ARBITRI SATYRICI FRAGMENTA | QVAE EX- TANT. I Ed. Pr. 4to., s.yi. [Milan : A. Zarotus, 1482.] 169 ff., without pagination ; sigs. a®, b-e®, f^, g-x', y*. Sig. fj is missing, but tliis leaf is blank, the text running on from sig. £4 to f6. Brunei (IV.. 341) is in error in stating that the firstleaf(ai ) is blank. Hain, 13119. Reiehling. I., 179. Proctor. 5837. Red morocco by Bed- ford. Crawford (Lakelands) copy. PANOPOLITANUS (Nonnus). See NONNUS, Panopolitanus. PANORMITA (Antonius). See BECCADEL- LUS (A.) Panorrnita. PANORMITANUS (Nicolaus). See TUDES- CHIS (N. DE). PANSEY (Pierre Paul Nicolas Henrion DE) Baron. See HENRION DE PANSEY. PANVINIUS (Onuphrius). [i.e.. Onufrio Panvinio.] De Bibliotheca Vaticana. See MADERUS (J. J.). De bibliothecis...^^ro- rum clarissimorum libelli, e/c. 4to., 1702. PANZER (Georg Wolfgang). Annales typo- graphici ab artis inventae origine ad annum 1500 (ad annum 1536 continuati) post Mait- tairii Denisii aliorumque doctissimorum viro- rum curas in ordinem redacti, cmendati et aucti. [With appendices and indices.] 1 1 vols. 4to., Norimbergae, 1 793-1 803. Lodge copy. PAOLO, Servita. [i.e., Pietro Sarpi.] See CAMPBELL (A. G.). The life of Era Paolo Sarpi, etc. 8vo., 1869. PAQUOT (Oscar Edmond Ris-). See RIS- -PAQUOT. PARABOSCO (Girolamo). Quattro libri delle lettere amorose di M. G. Parabosco ; di nuovo ordinatamente accommodate. ..per T. Porcacchi. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2nio., Vinegia, 1569. Book IV. has a distinct titlepage, pagination and I'ogister. Sunderland copy. PARADINUS (GuLiELMUs). [i.e., Guillaume Paradin.] De antique statu Burgundiae liber, etc. 4to., Lugduni : apud S. Doletitm. 1542. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., Basilea, [c. 1555.] PARADOSSI. Paradossi, cioe, sententie fuori del comun parere, etc. [By O. Lando.] See LANDO (O.). [Paradossi.] 8vo., 1543 [Another edition.] 8vo., 1544 [Another edition.] 8vo., 1544 [Another edition.] Svo., 1545 [Another edition.] i2mo., 1550. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1563 [Another edition.] 4to., 1594 [Another edition.] 8vo., 1602 PARADOXE. Paradoxe contre les lettres. [By Opsimathes.] See OPSIMATHES, pseud. 8vo., 1545. PARADOXES. Paradoxes, ce sont propos contre la commune opinion : debatus, etc. [Translated from the Italian of O. Lando.] See LANDO (O.). [P.\radossi.] 8vo., 1553. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1553. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1554. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1555. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1573. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1583. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1638. PARAVICINUS (ViNCENTius) the Younger, [i.e., ViNCENZO P.\RAViciNO.] V. Paravicini ...singularia de viris eruditione Claris. Cen- turiae tres. Aliis forte secuturis, speciminis loco, praemissse. 8vo., BasilecB, 17 13. Sunderland copy. PARDOS (Gregorius) Archbishop of Corinth. Tlegi dtaXsxTcov Twv naga KogivOov nagex- ^Xrjdeiaoiv. S^eMANUTIUS (A. P.). Orjaav- goi. Kega; d/iaX8eiag, etc. foL, 1496. [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. See LASCARIS (C). In hoc libro haec habentur. C. Lascaris...de octo partibus ofonis lib. I., etc. 4to., 1512. [Another edition.] Cr. See CRAS- TONUS (J.) Placentinus. Dictionarium Grae- cum, e/c. [Pt. II.] fol., 1524. [Another copy.] PARIS. — Abbave de Saint- Victor. See FRANKLIN (A.). Histoire de la biblio- thSque de I'Abbaye, etc. Svo., 1865. See RABELAIS (F.). Catalogue de la bibliotheque de I'Abbaye, etc. 8vo., 1862. Collegium Parisiense Societatis Jesu. See GARNERIUS (J.). Systema biblio- thecae Collegii, etc. 4to., 1678. fioLisE de Notre-Dame. See FRANK- LIN (A.). Recherches sur la bibliotheque publique de I'figlise Notre-Dame de Paris au 13'= siecle, e/c. 8vo., 1863. Faculte de Medecine. See below, Uni- VERSITE. LouvRE. Inventaire ou catalogue des livres de I'ancienne bibliotheque [sic] du Lou\Te, fait en I'annee 1373, par G. Mallet... precede de la dissertation de Boi\an le jeune sur la meme bibliotheque, sous les rois Charles V., Charles VI. et Charles VII. Avec des notes historiques et critiques [by the editor, J. B. B. van Praet]. 8vo., Paris. 1836. Parlement. Arrest de la Cour de Parle- ment, contre J. Chastel, etc. See CHASTEL (J.). 8vo., 1595. .Arrest de la Cour de Parlement de Paris, du trentiesme jour de Mars, 1 594, sur ce qui s'est passe durant les presens troubles : con- tenant la revocation de ce qui a este faict au prejudice de I'auctorite du roy & des loix du royaume. 8vo., Paris, 1594. 327 PARIS.— (comW.) Universite. See DESMAZE (C). L' Universite de Paris, i2cx>-i875, etc. 8vo., 1876. • See FRANKLIN (A.). La Sorbonne, ses origines, sa bibliotheque...Deuxieme edition, etc. 8vo., 1875. Faculie de Medecine. See FRANK- LIN (A.). Recherches sur la bibliotheque de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris, etc. 8vo., 1864. PARIS DE MEYZIEU (Jean Baptiste). Bibliotheca Parisiana. A catalogue of a collection of books, formed by a gentleman in France {i.e., J. B. Paris de Meyzieu], etc. 8vo., London, 1791. Sale catalogue, with names of purchasers and prices in MS. PARISET (fixiENNE). filoge du baron Cuvier, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1833. From " M^moires de I'Acad^mie Royale de M6de- cine," Tome III. PattLson copy. PARISETUS (LuDovicus). [i.e., Luigi Pari- SETTi.] Junioris L. Pariseti ... theopoeiae libri sex. 8vo., Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1550. Tlie colophon is dated 1551. Renouard, p. 148. Junioris L. Pariseti... de divina in homi- nem benevolentia, atque beneficentia ora- tioncs tres ad viros Regienses habitae. L. P. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios [P. Manutius], 1552. Renouard, p. 154. Syston Park copy. PARISIO (Giovanni Paolo). See PARRHA- SIUS (A. J.). PARKER (James). Did Queen Elizabeth take " other order " in the " Advertisements " of 1566 ? A letter, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1878. Mr. James Parker's attack upon the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 8vo., [s.l. eta., post 1878.] PARKER (Matthew) Archbishop of Canter- bury. Correspondence of M. Parker. ..com- prising letters written by and to him from A.D. 1535 to...A.D. 1575. Edited. ..by J. Bruce and T. T. Perowne. 8vo., Cambridge, 1853. (Parker Society.) PARKER SOCIETY. Publications. See PARKER (M.) Archbishop of Canterbury. Correspondence, elc. 8vo., 1853. See ZURICH. Epistolae Tigurina?. etc. 8vo., 1848. PARKINSON (Richard). The Old-Church clock... Fifth edition. Edited, with a bio- graphical sketch of the author, by J. Evans. 4to., Manchester. 1880. PARLIAMENT. The plyamcnt of dcuyllcs. B. L. 4to., [London :] Wynkyn de Word, 1509. [Reprint. 1820 ?] Uiprmtcd for R. Hoher a^ a i-onlribution to the Roxlnirglio Club, but never circulated iis such. The parlcmcnt of the thrc ages, an alli- terative poem of the 14th century, now first edited ...with introduction, notes, and ap- pendices containing the poem of " Winnere and Wastoure," and illustrative texts, by I. Gollancz. 4to., London, 1897. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 132.) Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. PARNASSUS. The great assises holden in Parnassus by Apollo, etc. [A poem by G. Wither.] See WITHER (G.). 4to., 1885. PARNELL (Thomas) Archdeacon of Clogher. An essay on the different stiles of poetry. [In verse, by T. Parnell.] 8vo., London, 171 3. Halkctt and Laing. I., 804. PARNY (:£vARisTE Desire de Forges de) Viconite. CEuvres d'li. Pamy. 4 torn. i2mo., Paris, 1808. CEuvres de Parny, elegies et poesies di- verses. Nouvelle edition, revue et annotee par A. J. Pons, etc. i2mo., Paris, (1861.) La guerre des dieux, poeme en dix chants. i2mo., Paris. 1808. PARR (Samuel). Bibliotheca Parriana. A catalogue of the library of ...S. Parr. 8vo., London, 1827. PARRHASIUS (AuLUS Janus), [i.e., Giovanni Paolo Parisio.] See JANNELLI (C). De vita et scriptis A. J. Parrhasii...commen- tarius, etc. 8vo., 1844. PARSONS (Robert) Jesuit. See CLARK (W.) Roman Catholic Priest. A replie unto a certaine libell, latelie set foorth by Fa: Parsons... intituled, "A manifestation of the great folly and bad spirit, of certaine in Eng- land, calling themselves seculer priestes," etc. 4to., 1603. See HAYWARD (Sir J.). The right of succession asserted, against the false reason- ings. ..of R. Dolman alias Parsons, elc. 8vo., 1683. PARTENIO (Bernardino). See PARTHE- NIUS (B.). PARTES. Begin. [Sig. a2, recto .•] PArtes orationis quot sunt : Octo que : Nome Pro I nonien Verbum... | etc. Q, %. 8vo., s.n. l6 1^., without pagination ; aigs. a-b®. 31 lines to a full page. Wanting sig. ai. PARTHENIUS, Nicaensis. Parthenii Nicaen- sis, de amatoriis affectionibus liber J. Cor- nario...interprete. Or. 6- Lat. (In perc- grinationis laudem pr9fatio ante D. Hippo- cratis de acre aquis & locis libcUum, per J. Cornariu...habita, etc.) Ed. Pr. 8vo., [colophon :] Basileae : per H. Frobenium, (S' N. Episcopiwn. 1531. The Greek text is without pagination. [Another copy.] IIaQOeviov...n€QiiQo>Tixu)v TiaOrjiiarwv. Par- thenii. ..de amatoriis affectionibus liber. J. Cornario ...intcrpretc. Gr. &' Lat. See GALE (T.). Historic poetica; scriptores antiqui, etc. 8vo., 1675. See BAST (F. J.). Parthenius, etc. Lcttre critique.. .sur... 8vo., 1805. J28 PARTHENIUS (Bernardinus). [i.e., Bernar- dino Partenio.] B. Parthenii...carminum libri III. 4to., Veneltis. 1^79- Sunderland copy. B. Parthenii...in Q. Horatii Flacci car- mina atq. epodos commentarii [with the text], etc. 2 pts. See HORATIUS FLAC- CUS (Q.). [Opera.— LaiiM.] 4to., 1584. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 4to., 1585,84. [Another copy.] B. Parthenii...pro lingua Latina oratio. 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios [P. Manuluts], 1545. Renouard, p. 132. Heber copy. PARTHENOPEUS, de Blots. See PARTONO- PEUS. PARTHENOPHILUS (Junonius) Virginensis, pseud.. Frees. Theses inaugurates de vir- ginibus, etc. See FACETI^. Facetias face- tiATmn, etc. [Pt. 13.] i2mo., 1615. [Another edition.] 4to., (i626-)i627. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1647. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1657. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1737. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1754. PARTICULE. La particule nobiUaire. 8vo., Paris, 1868. PARTINGTON (J. H. E.). Art education. 4to., Stockport, 1889. Reprinted from the " Stockport Advertiser." PARTLICIUS (Simeon), [i.e.. S. Partliz.] Homo redivivus, sive actus juridicialis saty- ricus, quo homo, eo nomine, quod terram genitricem suam multis afficiat injuriis, apud Jovem defertur, etc. 8vo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1626. Farmer and AUardes copy. PARTON (James). Life of Voltaire. 2 vols. 8vo., London, 1881. PARTONOPEUS, de Blots. The Old English version of Partonope of Blois. Edited ...by ... W. E. Buckley. 4to., London, 1862. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 82.) Paul Butler's copy. A fragment of Partonope of Blois. [Edited by R. C. Nichols.] 4to., London, 1873. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. gS.) Clark copy. PARTRIDGE (John). The. ..historic of the worthy lady Pandavola, daughter to the mighty Paynim, f/c. 1566. [Reprint.] See PEPYS (S.). The hystorie of ...Plasidas, etc. 4to., 1873. The worthie hystorie of the ... knight Plasidas, therwise called Eustas, who was martyred for the profession of Jesus Christ, etc. 1566. [Reprint.] See PEPYS (S.). The hystorie of ...Plasidas, etc. 4to., 1873. PASCAL (Blaise). See QUESN£ (J. S.). liloge de B. Pascal. "' 8vo., 1813. PASCHALIUS (Petrus). [i.e.. Pierre Pascal.] P. Paschalii adversus J. Maulii parricidas actio, in Senatu Veneto recitata. Ejusdem Gallia, per prosopopoeiam inducta ad Vene- tam remp. Oratio de legibus, Romae habita ...Epistolae in Italica percgrinatione exaratse. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. Mariotte copy. PASCHETTI (Bartolommeo). Dubbi morali et naturali...con le solutioni a ciascun dubbio accommodate. ..Raccolti da diversi antichi e modemi scrittori. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Genova, 1581. In imitation of O. Lando's " Quattro libri di dubbi." Bongi, lii. PASQUIER (fixiENNE). Les recherches de la France d'fi. Pasquier...Augmentees en cette demi^re edition de trois livres enticrs, etc. foL, Paris, 1643. Christ Church College, Oxford, and T. H. White's copy. See DUPIN (A. M. J. J.), filoge d'fi. Pasquier, etc. 8vo., 1843. See CAMUSAT DE RIANCEY (H. L.). Lettre a M. Dupin sur I'eloge d'li. Pasquier... Deuxieme edition. 8vo., [^05^848.] PASOUILLI. Pasquillorum tomi duo, etc. [Collected by C. S. Curio.] See CURIO (C. S.). 8vo., 1544. PASSANO (Giovanni Battista). I novellieri italiani in prosa indicati e descritti. 8vo., Milano, 1864. PASSAVANTIUS (Benedictus) pseud, [i.e., Theodorus Beza.] See BEZA (T.). PASSELEW, Family of. [Pedigree of the Passelews.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedi- grees, e/c] fol., s.a. PASSERATIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Je.\n Pas- serat.] J. Passeratii encomium asini. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] [Another copy.] i2mo., 1666. J. Passeratii... kalends Januariae. (Varia poematia.) 4to., Lutetiis, 1597. H. White's copy. J. Passeratii... orationes & prjefationes. 8vo., Faristis, 1637. Biografia de J. Passerat, traducida del frances y estractada de sus obras. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. IV., pp. 685-738. 8vo., 1857. PASSE VENT, Farisien, pseud, [i.e., Antoine Cathelan.] See CATHELAN (A.). PATAROL (Laurentius). [i.e., Lorenzo Pata- ROLi.] Series Augustorum, Augustarum, Cae- sarum, et tyrannorum omnium. ..a C. J. Caesare ad Carolum VI. Cum eorundem imaginibus, ex optimorum numismatum fide ...expressis... Editio altera, etc. 8vo., Venetiis. 1722. T. H. White's copy. 329 PATELINUS (Petrus). See PATHELIN (P.). PATERCULUS (Caius Velleius). See VEL- LEIUS PATERCULUS. PATHELIN (Pierre). Patelinus, nova co- moedia, alias Veterator, e vulgari lingua in Latina traducta per A. Conibertum {i.e., J. Reuchlin], etc. 8vo.. Parisiis : imprimebat S. ColincBUs F. Stephana, 1543. Barbier. IV., 1330. Green morocco by Roper de Coverly. PATIN (Charles). Introduction a la connois- sance des medailles...Seconde edition, etc. l2mo., [Amsterdam,'] 1667. PATIN (Gui). Patiniana. Ou les bons mots deMr. Patin. 5ee NAUDfi (G.). Naudaana et Patiniana...Seconde edition, etc. [Pt. II.] l2mo., 1703. PATRIARCHS, the Twelve. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, etc. See BIBLE. — PSEUDEPIGRAPHA. PATRICIUS (Franciscus). See PATRITIUS. PATRIOTS' CLUB, London. The toasts of the Patriots' Club at London. [In verse.] 8vo., London, 1734. PATRITIUS (Franciscus) Bishop of Gaeta. [i.e., Francesco Patrizi.] De discorsi del Reverendo Monsignor F. Patritii...sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una citta libera, c famiglia nobile ; tradotti in lingua toscana da G. Fabrini...hbri nove. 8vo., [colophon :] Vinegia : -in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1545. Reiiouard, p. 131. F. Patricius lib. IIX. de institutione reip. tit. XV. Sec MADERUS (J. J.). De biblio- tliecis...virorum clarissimorum libelli, etc. 4to., 1702. PATTISON (Emilia Francis Strong) Mrs.. afterwards Lady Dilke. See DILKE (E. F. S.) Lady. PATTISON (Mark). Catalogue [of the library of Mark Pattison]. Part III. Philosophy, religious philosophy, etc. ii\o., s.l. [post 1&7S.] ■! .All publish,..!. Catalogue of the valuable library of...M. Pattison... Wliicli will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., (i.ondon,) 18S5. rarlly priced in M8. Essays. ..Collected and arranged by H. Nettlcship. 2 vols. 8vo., O,v/or(/, 1889. I. Casaubon, 1 559-1614. 8vo., London, 1875. Second edition. 8vo., London, 1892. Milton. 8vo., [London, 1875.] ' Mactnillan's Maga- froin An article extracted zine," Vol. 31. — Mark Pattison. "Memoirs."] From " Teinplo Bur," Vol — Recollections of Mark [A Froni " Toinpio Bar," Vol, PAUL, Saint and Apostle. Pauli. See SENECA (L. critique on his 8vo., London, 1885. 7.1. No. 2IJ5. Pattison. 8vo., London. 1885. 73. No. :rjo. Epistola- Senccae & A.). 8vo., (1543.) PAUL III., Pope. See PAULUS. PAULET (Sir Amias). See POULET. PAULINUS, Saint, Bishop of Nola. See TER- TULLIANUS (Q. S. F.). Q. S. F. TertuUiani ...Paulini...et Probae Falconiae, opera. 8vo., 1825. PAULUS, Xgineta. Uavkov Alyivtjrov largov dgiarov, fiifSha iicra. Pauli Aeginetae medici optimi, libri septem, etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibvs Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1528. Renouard, p. 106. Pauli ^ginetae opus de re medica, nunc primum integrum Latinitate donatum, per J. Guinterium, etc. fol., Parisiis : apud S. Colinwum, 1532. Eacli book has a separate pagination. Sunder- land copy. Pauli Aeginetae medici opera, a J. Guin- terio...conversa, & illustrata commentariis. Adjectae sunt annotationes J. Goupyli...in aliquot singulorum librorum capita. J. B. Camotio...corrigente, etc. 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : Aldus, apud F. Turrisaniim, 1553. The titlepage is dated 1554. Renouard, p. 156, La chirurgie de Paulus iEgineta.-.Item, ung opuscule de Galien, des tumeurs contre nature. Plus, ung opuscule dudict Galien, de la maniere de curer par abstraction de sang. Le tout traduict...en francoys par... P. Tolct. 8vo., Lyon : chesE. Dolet, 1540. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 500-501 and 506-7. [Another edition.] 8vo., Paris : .1. &- C. les Angeliers, 1541. La chirurgie de Paulus Aegineta. Nou- vellenient traduictc.en francoys. 8vo., Lyon : chcs E. Dolet, 1542. 208 pp., \s-ith very clcfective numeration ; p. 120 is numbered 103, and p. 121 is numbered 131, the intervening iminbers being omitted. Tlie last pago is munberetl 2ig. Red morocco by J lardy. De facultatibus alimentorum ex Paulo .'Egineta, A. Torino interprete. See API- CIUS (C). C. Apilii...dc re culinaria libri X., etc. 4to., 1 54 1. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1541. PAULUS, de Sancla Maria, Bishop of Burgos. Begin. [Fol. i , rcc/o :] Incipit Dyalogus qui vocatur Scrutiniuni scripturarfi. c6- | positus p ReuercndCi patre dominum Paulu de Sancta ma- | ria... | etc. (i>. %. fol., [colophon .•] in nobili ciuitatc niaguncia : Petrus schoffer de gernszhcym, 1478. 2i6 rf., of which f. yz is blank. JIain and Copinger, 10766. Proctor, 114. PAULUS, Diaconus. [i.e., Paul Warnekrid.] PAVLI DIACONI ROMANAE HISTORIAE LI I HER PRIMVS (-Sextus). | See SCRIl'TORES HISTORI/E AUGUSTS. Begin. Bonus Accinsiiis Pisanus Salutem (licit pliiriina. etc. fol., 1475. [Another edition. | Pauli Diaconi de gestis Koiuanorum liber imdecimus (-'...in the Man- chester library founded by H. Chetham, in which is incorporated... the whole of Peck's list of the tracts in that controversy, etc. 2 pts. 4to-. 1859-65. PECOCK (Reginald) Bishop of Chichester. See LEWIS (J.). The life of...R. Pecock...A new edition. Svo., 1820. PEDIANUS (QuiNTUs Asconius). See ASCO- NIUS PEDIANUS. PEDIMONTIUS (Franciscus Philippus). F. P. Pedimontii ecphrasis in Horatii Flacci artem poeticam. [With the text.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Epistol^ : Ars Poetica. — Latin.'] 4to., 1546. [Another copy.] PEDO ALBINOVANUS (Caius). See ALBI- NOVANUS. PEERAGE. Fourth peerage report. 8vo., [London, 1828.] From the " Retrospective Review," Series 2, voL n. [Another copy.] French and English peerage. [By Sir S. E. Br^•dges.] See BRYDGES (Sir S. E.) Bart. ' Svo., [1830.] [Another copy.] PEERAGE CLAIMS. See ABERGAVENNY, Barony of: BERKELEY, Barony of; BOTETOURT. Baroyiy of ; BRA YE, Barony of ; CHANDOS. Barony of; CRAWFORD AND LINDSAY, Earldoms of ; HUNTING- DON, Earldom of; HUSSEY, Barony of; LEIGH, Barony of; LTSLE, Barony of; MONTROSE. Dukedom of; S.^LISBURY, Earldom of ; SHREWSBURY, Earldom of : STIRLING, Earldom of PEERDEKLONTIUS (Ignotus) pseud, [i.e., Christophorus Stymmelius.] See STYM- MELIUS (C). PEERLKAMP (Petrus Hofmannus). [i.e., P. HOFMAN Peerlkamp.] Expositio quaestionis ...de vita ac doctrina omnium Belgarum qui Latina carmina composuerunt, etc. 4to., Brnxelles, 1822. Morante copy. P. Hofmanni Peerlkamp liber de vita doctrina et facultate Nederlandorum qui carmina Latina composuerunt. Editio al- tera, etc. 8vo., Harlemi, 1838. Morante copy. PEIGNOT (fixiENNE Gabriel). Amusements philologiques, ou varietfes en tous genres troisidme edition. ..par G. ~ A. B. [i.e., t. G. Peignot.] 331 P. Philomneste, 8vo., Dijon, 1842. See Querard, III., in. Supplement. ..par R. Chalon CHALON(R.). Nugae difficUes, e;c. 8vo., 1844. Dictionnaire critique, litteraire et biblio- graphique des principaux livres condamnes au feu, supprimes ou censures, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1806. Holland copy. Dictionnaire raisonnc de bibliologie, etc. ( Supplement.) 3 tom. 8vo., Paris, i8o2[-i8o4]. Le livre des singularites, par G. P. Philo- mneste [i.e., Ii. G. Peignot], 8vo., Dijon, 1841. QuLTard, III.. 112. Prcdicatoriana, ou revelations singuli^res et amusantes sur les predicateurs...suivies de quelques melanges curieux, avec notes et tables ; par G. P. Philomneste [i.e., fi. G. Peignot]. 8vo., Dijon, 1841. Qu6rard, III., 113. Repertoire bibliographique universel, con- tenant la notice raisonn^e des bibliographies speciales publiccs jusqu'a ce jour, etc. 8vo., Paris, 181 2. Repertoire de bibliographies speciales, curieuses et instructivcs, contcnant la notice raisonnee 1° des ouvrages imprimes a petit nombre d'cxcmplaircs ; 2° des livres dont on a tire des exemplaircs sur papier de couleur ; .^' des livres dont le tcxtc est grave ; et 4' des livres qui onl paru sous le nom d'ana, etc. (Notice sur unc nouvcUe edition dc la tra- duction frangoisc dc Lougus, par Amyot, et sur la dccouvertc il'un fragment grec dc cct nuvragc. [Signed A. A. Rcnouard.]) 8vo., Paris, 1810. Watt coj)y. Varietcs, notices et rarctcs bibliogra- phiciue.s ; rccucil faisant suite aux curiositcs bibliographiqucs. 8vo.. Pan's. 1822. Witli MS. notc-H hy T. V. Dil.din ami A. Uo Morgan. See iMILSAND (P.). Catalogue ouvrages imprimts de G. Peignot, etc. 8vo., 1 86 1 . des See SIMONNET (J.). Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de G. Peignot, etc. 8vo., 1863. PEIRESC (Nicolas Claude Fabri de). Cor- respondence inedite de Peiresc avec J. Aleandre, etc., publiee par M. Fauris de St.- Vincens. 8vo., Paris, 1819. Lettres de Peiresc aux freres Dupuy, publiees par P. Tamizey de Larroque. (Ap- pendicc. Lettres des freres Dupuy a Peiresc.) Tom. I.-III. 4to., Paris, 1888-92. AV'anting tome IV. (Collection de Docuraenta In^dits sur I'Histoire de France. 2""' s6rie.) See GASSENDUS (P.). Viri illustris N. C. Fabricii de Peiresc... vita. 4to., 1641. PEITAVI (Philippe Vincent Poitevin-). See POITEVIN-PEITAVI. PELISSIER (George) pseud, [i.e., Claude Ignace Brugi£;re de Barante.] See BARANTE (C. I. B. de). PELLECHET (Marie). Catalogue general des incunables des biblioth^ques publiques de France. [Tome L] Abano-Bibha. 8vo., Paris, 1897. (Publication du Miiiist^re de I'lnstruction Pub- lique et des Beaux -Arts.) Wanting the Jater vols. PELLETIER (Jacques). Sec LIVET (L. C). La grammaire frangaise et les grammairiens du i6'' siecle.-.Dubois (Sylvius) ...J. Pelletier, «'c. 8vo., 1859. PELLICO (Silvio). See GUERRIER DE DUMAST (A. P. F.). Notice sur S. Pellico, etc. 8vo., 1838. PELLISSON (Paul). Histoire de I'Academie Franijoise, avec un abrege des vies du cardinal de Richelieu, Vaugelas, Corneille...et autres illustres academiciens qui la composent. [By P. Pellisson.] Demiere edition corrigee et augmentee de divers ouvrages du meme auteur, etc. i2mo.. La Haye. 1688. PELLISSON (Paul) & OLIVET (Pierre Joseph Thoulier d') Abb^. Histoire de I'Academie Frangaise.-.Avec unc introduction ct... notes par C. L. Li vet. 2 tom. 8vo., Paris, 1858. PEMBROKE, Eleanor, Countess of, after- wards Countess of Leicester. See ELEANOR [OF England]. PEN-DRAG-ON (Anser) pseud, [i.e., William Henry Ireland]. See IRELAND (W. H.). PENN (Granville). Critical observations on the epistle of Horace to Torquatus. Lib. I., ep. 5. 8vo., [London, 1843.] From tlio " Trans. Koy. Soc. Lit.," Scries 2, Vol. I. PENNA (Lucas de) pseud., Rcsp. [For edi- tions of the " Disputatio (physiolcgistica) dc jure et natura pcnnalium."] See PAL.^- OTTUS (O.) pseud., Prccs. PENVVOKTHA.M, Priory of. See HULTON (W. A.). Documents relating to the Priory of Pcnwortham, etc. 4to., 1853. PENZANCE (James Plaisted Wilde) isl Baron. Is Lord Penzance fit to succeed Sir R. Philliniorc as a judge in ecclesiastical causes ? 8vo., London, [1876.] 332 PEPYS (Samuel). The hystorie of the moste noble laiight Plasidas, and other rsire pieces ; collected into one book bv S. Pepys, etc. lEdited by H. H. Gibbs.] 4to., London, 1873. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 96.) Con- tents : — I. The worthie hystorie of Plasidas, by J. Partridge. — II. The history of Lady Pandavola, by J. Partridge. — III. The history of Lady Lucres of Scene, and of her lover Eurialus. [By Pope Piu.s II.] — IV. The nor- thren mother's blessing.. — V. The way to thrift. — VI. Tlie life and death of Sir J. Oldcastle, Knight, by J. Weever. PERCEL (Gordon de) pseud, [i.e., Nicolas Lenglet du Fresno v.] See LENGLET DU FRESNO Y (N.). PERCEVAL, le Gallois, Knight of the Round Table. The romance of Sir Perceval of Galles. [In verse.] See THORNTON (R.). The Thornton romances, etc. 4to., 1844. PERCY (Pierre Francois) Baron. £loge his- torique d'A. Foes, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1812. From the " Magasin EncyclopMique." Pattison copy. PERCY (William). The cuck-queanes and cuckolds errants ; or, the bearing down the inne. A comaedye. The faer>' pastorall ; or, forrest of elves. By W — P — Esq. [i.e., W. Percy.] 4to., London, 1824. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 39.) Mark- land copy. PEREGRINUS (Joannes) Petroselanus, pseud, [i.e., Joannes Gastius.] See GASTIUS(J.). PERETTI (Felice). See SIXTUS V., Pope. P^RICAUD (Marc Antoine). Bibliographic lyonnaise du 15^ siecle...Nouvelle edition. 4 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Lyon, 1851-59. 200 copies printed. Documens pour servir a I'histoire de Lyon, etc. [By U. A. Pericaud ?] See LY'ONS. 8vo., s.a. lirasme dans ses rapports avec Lyon. 8vo., Lyon, 1843. Notes et documents pour servdr a I'his- toire de Lyon. 1483-1546. 8vo., Lyon, 1840. Notes et documents pour servir a I'his- toire de Lyon, sous le regne de Charles IX., 1 560-1 574. 8vo., Lyon, 1842. — ^ Notes et documents pour servir a I'his- toire de Lyon. [By M. A. Pericaud.] Pt. II. (1594-1605.) 8vo., [Lyons, 1845 ?] Wanting Pt. I. PfiRICAUD (Marc Antoine) & BREGHOT DU LUT (Charles). Biographic lyonnaise, etc. See BREGHOT DU LUT (C.) AAAPIA02:'E1II£T0AAI TYPAN- I NOV AKPAFANTlNfiN. \ [Sig. CCi, recto :] 'EmaroXai unoXXioviox' olitanus. Nomocanon Photii...cum commentariis T. Balsamonis ... C. Justellus ... nunc primum Graece edidit. Accessere ejusdem Photii, Nili Metropolitae Rhodi, & anonymi tractatus de synodis oecumenicis . . . ab eodem Justello . . . editi. (Nomocanon Photii ... interprete H. Agylaeo, etc.) Gr. ji'ixoXarivtj. iv ainjj ...avyxofiiadei'Ta iaziv unavza, aneg iv IJivdagoj ■ . .d^io/iviji-iovevra . ■■Tvyxavei. Aristo- logia Pindarica Graecolatina. Hoc est, quic- quid est in Pindaro...memorabile...Ad finem accesserunt sententiae quaedam ...novem I\Ti- corum... opera ac studio iNI. Neandri. Gr. & Lat. 8vo., [colophon .■] BasilecB, 1556. Uivdagov 'Okv/inia, Uvtiia, Ns/isa, 'ladfiia. Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Gr. 4to., Parisui, 1558. For collation, see Brunet, IV., 658. D'Orville and H. R. Lloyd's copy. Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isth- mia. Cseterorum octo lyricorum carmina, Alcaei, Sapphus, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreon- tis, Bacchylidis, Simonidis, Alcmanis, non- nulla etiam aliorum, etc. [Edited by H. Estienne, the Younger.] Gr. &• Lat. 2 vols, [in I.] 24nio., [Paris,'\ 1560. The titlepage of vol. II. reads : " Carminum poetarum noveni, lyrical poesews principQ, fragraenta," etc. Vol. II. is imperfect, want- ing pp. 5-12 and 225-256. containing most of the poems of Bacchylides. Editio II. Graecolatina H. Steph. rccognitione quorundam interpretationis loco- rum, etc. 2 vols, [in i.] 24mo., [Paris,'\ 1566. Ballesdens copy. •—^ 'Ex ro)v Uivdagov ixXoytj. 'OkvfiTiiwv eidog. d. e. nvdwjv eldog. t,. »;. Nefiecov eidog. a. p. 'ladfucov eldoQ. y. e. 4to., Parisiis, 1600. D'Orville and H. R. Lloj'd's copy. See BLONDEL (F.) Marechal de Camp. Comparaison de Pindare et d'Horace, etc. i2mo., 1673. — See HERMANNUS (J. G. J.). De dia- lecto Pindari observationes, etc. 4to., 1809. See SCHOMBERG (R.). A critical dis- sertation on the character and writings of Pindar and Horace, etc. 8vo., 1769. [Another copy.] PINDARUS, Thebanus, pseud. Pyndari bellum Troianum ex Homero, etc. See HOMERUS. [Ili.\s. — Latin.] 8vo.,[i505.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1515. PINEAU (Severin). See PINiEUS (S.). PINELLI (Giovanni Vincenzo). See PINEL- LUS (J. v.). PINELLI (Maffeo) Conie. Bibliotheca Pinel- liana. A catalogue of the... library' of M. Pinelli, etc. [An abridgement of the cata- logue compiled by J. Morelli.] 8vo., [London,] 1789. Sale catalogue, with prices in MS. PINELLUS (Joannes Vincentius). [i.e., Gio- vanni Vincenzo Pinelli.] See GUALDUS (P.). Vita J. V. PineUi, etc. 4to., 1607. PINET (Antoine du) Sieur de Noroy. See DU PINET. PINK (John). The Cambridge Public Free Library. Its rise and progress. 8vo., (Cambridge, 1882.) PINKERTON (John). An essay on medals : or, an introduction to the knowledge of ancient and modern coins and medals ; especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain... A new edition, etc. 2 vols.. Must. 8vo., London, 1789. PINO (Bernardino). Gli affetti, ragiona- menti famigliari...Di nuovo...ristampati. i2mo., Vinegia, 1597. L'evagria, ragionamenti famigliari...nuo- vamente dati in luce, etc. 121110., Vinegia, 1584. PINS (Jean de) Bishop of Rieux. See PINUS (J.)- PINTO GUEDES (Duarte Huet de Bacel- LAR). See HUET DE BACELLAR PINTO GUEDES. PINUS (Joannes) Bw/fo^ 0/ i?««i«. [i.e., Jean Du Pin.] De vita aulica ... libellus nunc primum aeditus. 4to., Tolosae : ex typo- graphia J. Columbei, [1540.] Divae Catherinae Senensis simul et claris- simi viri P. Beroaldi...vita, etc. 4to., Bononig : per Benedictum HectoreU, 1505. 102 if., without pagination ; sigs. A*. B-I^, K*, 1.-N*, O'. Red morocco by Derome. Beckford copy. See CHARRON (t.. L.). Memoires pour servir a I'eloge historique de Jean de Pins, etc. 8vo., 1748. PIOCHE DE LA VERGNE (Marie Made- leine) Comtesse de La Fayette. See LA FAYETTE. 341 PIRCKHEIMER (Bilibaldus). Viri illustris B. Pirckheimeri ...apologia sive laus podagrae, etc. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. i2mo., [Another copy.] [Another edition.] [Another copy.] 1644. i2mo., 1666. Eccius dedolatus authore Joanne F. Cotta [i.e., B. Pirckheimer], etc. ©. %. 4to., [colophon :] in urbe LucernarH : per A. Panoplium, 1520. Panzer, IX., 122, 153. Blue morocco by Faulk- ner. J. B. Inglis' copy. [Another edition.] Eckius dedolatus. Herausgegeben von S. Szamat61ski. 8vo., Berlin, 1891. (Lateinisclie Litteratur-Denkmiiler des XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert.s. Heft 2.) Oratio apologctica, Monalium nomine scripta a B. P^n-ckhcinicro, qua vitae ac fidei ipsaru ratio redditur, etc. See CONSTAN- TIA. Religiosae constantiae et haereticae £raudulentia;...duo...exempla, etc. 4to., 161 5. PIRON (Alexis). Qiuvres choisies de Piron. 2 torn. l2mo., Geneve, 1777. PISA. Council of. Acta primi Concilii Pisani celebrati ad tollcndurri schisma anno d. 1409, et Concilii Sencnsis 1423 ...Item constitutiones factae in divcrsis sessionibus sacri generalis Concilii Pisani II. 151 1, etc. (Apologiae sacri Pisani Concilii moderni. — Consilium cli. P. Decii ...habitum pro Ecclesia? auctoritate, [in I vol.] Liitetia Parisiorum, 161 2. anno 1 5 1 1 . ) 3 pts. 4to. De Thou copy. PISIDA (Georgius). See GEORGIUS, Pisida. PITHOU (Franqois). See DES MAIZEAUX (P.). Scaligerana ... Pithoeana ... Ou remar- ques...de J. Scaligcr...F. Pithou, etc. Tome I. i2mo., 1740. [Another copy.] PITHOU (Pierre) the Younger. Epigrammata et pocmatia vetcra, etc. [Edited by P. Pithou.] See EPIGRAMMATA. 8vo., 1619. See BOIVIN DE VILLENEUVE (J.). P. Pithoci vita, etc. 4to., 171 1. PITT (William) isl Earl of Chatham. See CHATHAM. PIUS II., Pope, [i.e., Enea Silvio Piccolo- mini.] Saphicon F.ndecasillabon Encc Silvij poetc laureati (alias py scdi pontificis maxinii) ad cristi passione contcinplanda. See LAC- TANTIUS (L. C. F.). Lactancij firmiani de resurrcctionc dfii nostri hicsu Christi car- mina, etc. 4to., s.a. Aeneae Siluij Sencnsis | jiracccpta artis rhetoricae | 4to. , [colophon : Basel : J. von Ainerbach, 1490 ?] Iluin and Copingor, •211. I'roctor, 7621. EPistole et varij tractatus Pij sccundi ] Pontificis Maximi : ad diuersos in | quadru- plici vite eius statu transmisse. | [Edited by A. Archintus, and revised by J. Vinzalius.] ©. %. 4to., [colophon :] Lugduni : per lohannem de Vingle, 1497. Hain and Copinger, '158. Proctor, 8646. Pelle- chet, 97. Tliis copy has 205 ff. and appears to be perfect, with the exception of tlie blank leaf at the end. Crevenna copy. The goodli history of the moste noble... Ladye Lucres of Scene. ..and of her lover Eurialus, etc. [A translation of the " Eurialus et Lucrcsia " of Pope Pius II.] 1567. [Reprint.] See PEPYS (S.). The hystorie of ...Plasidas, etc. 4to., 1873. Hystoria Pii Pape de duobus amantibus. Cum multis epistolis amatoriis. 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : per J. Baplistam Sessa, 1 504. 16 ff., without pagination j sigs. A-D*. Imper- fect ; wanting sig. Di. PIUS IV., Pope, [i.e., Giovanni Angelo de' Medici.] Pii IV. et Gregorii XV. bullae de conclavi ej usque ceremoniis. 4to., [Rome, 1621 ?] Sunderland copy. PIX^RfiCOURT (RENfi Charles Guilbert de). Catalogue des livres...composant la bibliotheque de G. de Pixerecourt, etc. [By P. Lacroix, assisted by C. Nodier.] 8vo., Paris. 1838. Sale catalogue. PLACCIUS (ViNCENTius). De scriptis & scrip- toribus anonymis atque pseudonymis syn- tagma, etc. (J. Rhodii...auctorum supposi- titiorum catalogus...opusculum posthumum, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Hamburgi, 1674. V. Placcii ...theatrum anonymorum et pseudonymorum, ex symbolis & collatione virorum per Europam doctissimorum ...be- nignis auspiciis...M. Dreyeri ...luci publicae rcdditum, etc. (B. J. Dcckherri...de scriptis adespotis, pseudepigraphis, et supposititiis conjecturae, cum additionibus variorum, etc. — P. Vindingii ...cpistola de scriptis nonnuUis adespotis. — P. Baelii ... epistola de scriptis adespotis. — Dissertatio...de nominum niuta- tione et anonymis scriptoribus, quam .\.C. i669...defendit, nunc autcm auctiorcm ex- hibuit F. Geisler. — J. F. Mayeri...epistolica (lissertatio...qua anonymorum & pseudony- morum farrago obiter indicatur, etc.) 3 pts. [in 2 vols.] fol., Hamburgi, 1708. An engraved titlopage i.s bound up with Pt. II. See HEUMANNUS (C. A.). C. A. Heu- manni dc libris anonymis ac pseudonymis schcdiasma, complectcns...spicilegiuni ad V. Placcii theatrum anonymorum et pseudony- morum. 8vo., 171 1. See MYLIUS (J. C). Bibliothcca anony- morum et pseudonymorum ad supplcndum ct conlinuandum V. Placcii theatrum, etc. 2 pts. 8vo.. 1740. PLACENTINUS (Joannes Leo). See POR- CIUS (P.) pseud. PLANCHIi (James Robinson). The Pursui- vant of Arms, or heraldry founded upon facts. i\o., London, \ic,2. PreHeiitation copy from the author to W. Court- hope. 342 PLANTIN (Christoffel). See RUELENS (C.) & BACKER (A. de). Annales Plan- tiniennes...! 555-1 589. 8vo., 1866. PLANTIS ( DU). See DU PLANTIS. PLANUDES, Maximns. Aiamnov ... Piog, Maiiftcp Tco nXavovSf) avyyQaq>siQ. See SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, elc. Svo., [1521-] [For other editions, prefixed to the works of jEsopus.] See .^ESOPUS. PLATERVS (Felix) the Elder. [i.e..F. Plater.] F. Platerus de origine partium earumque in utero conformatione. See PIN.EUS (S.). I . S. Pinaei . . .de integritatis . . . virginum notis . . . opuscula, e/c. i2mo., 1641. PLATINA (Bartholom^us) Cremonensis. [i.e., Bartolommeo Sacchi.] P. [sic] Platinae... de tuenda valetudine, natura rerum, & popinae scientia, etc. See APICIUS (C). C. Apitii...de re culinaria libri X., etc. 4to., 1 541. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1541. PLATO. [Opera.] 'Anavxa xa xov UXarcovo?. Omnia Platonis opera. [Edited by A. P. Manutius and M. Musurus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedib. Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1513. Renouard, p. 62. Blue morocco by C. Smith. Munro. Tliompsoii. and Luard copy. [Another copy of Pt. II.] [GoRGlAS.] Platonis Gorgias, item incerti auctoris lo. Recognoverunt J. C. Orellius et J. G. Baiterus. Gr. 8vo., Turici, 1839. Forms vol. VII. of " Platonis opera omnia." ' [Leges.] nXaTwvoq Mivox;, »; 7i£Qi vofiov. Nofiioi', 1) JieQi %'Ofiodeaiai;, Xoyoi dcuSexa. 'Eni- vo/hk;, fj Kixeqio- vog TiEQi navxos pipXio) avftqicovovv. 4to., [Paris, 1580 ?] 20 pp.. without titlepage or colophon, the title being taken from the caption. De Thou, Sunderland and Gennadius copy. [Supposititious Works.] Platonic! dia- log! sex (De justo. — De virtute. — Demodocus. — Sisyphus. — Eryxias. — Definitiones), nunc primum. ..in Latinum conversi, S. Corrado interprete. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1543. De Thou. Sunderland and Gennadius copy. Deux dialogues de Platon... Sea voir est: I'ung intitule Axiochus...Item : ung aultre intitule Hipparchus ...Le tout nouvellement traduict...par E. Dolet. Fr. See DOLET (fi.). Le second enter d'Estienne Dolet, etc. 8vo., 1544. [reprinted 1830.] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Svo., 1868. [Supposititious Works : Alcibiades.] Proclus, Diadochus. Excerpta Marsilii ficini ex grsecis procli comentariis in Alcibiadem Platonis primum. See lAMBLICHUS, Chal- cidensis. Index eorum, qus hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 1516. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1670. [Supposititious Works: Axiochus.] [For editions of this dialogue, attributed to Plato.] See XENOCRATES. [Supposititious Works : Epistol.«. — Greek.'] 'ErtiaxoXai IlXaxwvo;. Epistolae Platonis. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1544. Sunderland copy. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis, 1558. Sunderland copy. 343 PLATO.— (co)(W.) [Supposititious Works : Epistol.^. — Latin.] Platonis cpistolarum duodecim liber M. Ficinc.interprcte. 4to., Parisits : aptid J. Bogardum, ISAA- Sunderland copy, [Another copy.] Platonis epistolae 4 P. Ramo Latinse factae, etc. 4to., Parisiis : ex typographia M. Davidis, l 549. Waddington, p. 447. Manzoni copy. Secunda aeditio. 4to., Parisiis, i$c,2. Waddington, p. 447. Sunderland copy. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See CICERO (M. T.). [Opera. — Latin.] P. Rami praelec- tiones, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1580. [Appendix.] Alcinous. Alcinoi disci- plinarum Platonis epitoma, etc. See APU- LEIUS (L.) Madaurensis. Begin. Bessarion. S. R. E. Episcopus Cardinalis Sabinensis, etc. fol., 1469. [Another edition.] Alcinoi ...liber, de doctrina Platonis. See lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum. etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 15 16. [Another edition.] See ALCINOUS. 'AXxivoov (piXoao(pov elq ra xov /ZAotojvo; doyfiara elaaymyr], etc. 8vo., 1532. [Another edition.] See ALCINOUS. Alcinoi. ..de doctrina Platonis liber, etc. 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] Svo., 1549. See BESSARION (J.) Cardinal. Quae hoc in volumine tractantur. Bessarionis Cardinalis. ..in calumniatore Platonis libri quatuor, e/c. fol., 1503. [Another edition.] fol., 1 5 16. SeeDONATUS(B.). De Platonics atque Aristotelicae philosophise differentia, libellus, etc. 8vo., 1540. See GEMISTUS (G.) called Plf.tho. re(ogyiov FeixiaTov. .Tiegt 6>v 'AgtaroTEhj^ Tiooq TD.ajiova diatpeQETm. i2mo., [1540.] Speusippus. Speusippi... Liber, de Pla- tonis definitionibus. Lat. 5ee lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index corum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus dc mysteriis Acgyp- tiorum, etc. fol., 1497 [Another edition.] fol., 1516 [Another edition.] See ALCINOUS Alcinoi. ..de doctrina Platonis liber, etc. 8vo., 1533 [Anotiur edition.] 8vo., 1549. PLA' (rnoM.\s). La vie dc T. Platter ^ ar lui-mtime. [Translated by £ i 8vo., Genive, 1862 t. US (M.\Rcus Actius). See PLAUTUS (1. ,1.). ] PLAUTUS (Titus Maccius). M. Plauti... comedie XX. Varroniane ex antiquis recen- tioribusq^ exemplaribus invicem coUatis dili- gentissim'e emendate [by S. Charpentarius]. 8vo., [^colophon : Lyons.] 151 3. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 312. - Ex Plauti comoediis XX. quarum carmina magna ex parte in niensum suum restituta sunt JM.D.XXII. Index verborum, quib. paulo abstrusiorib. Plautus utitur. Argu- menta singularum comcediarum. Authoris vita. Tralatio dictionum graecarum. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibits Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1522. Renouard, p. 94. M. A. Plauti comoediae viginti. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1535. Le Moine and Bertrand copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Salazar copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1554. M. \. Plautus... opera D. Lambini...[and of J. Helias] emendatus : ab eodemquc com- mentariis explicatus, & nunc primuni in lucem cditus, etc. io\., Lutetia, 1577. The colophon is dated 1576. Anstruther copy. M. A. Plauti comoediae superstites XX. accuratissimd editje. i6mo., Amstelodami, 1652. The titlepage is engraved. Watt copy. M. A. Plauti amphitryo. I. Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, Siuiderland copy. M. .'V. Plauti asinaria. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoi'cum, Sunderland copy. M. A. Plauti aulularia. III. Parisiis : ex officina M. Vascosani, I to., I54S. 1546. 4to. Sunderland copy. M. A. Plauti curculio. 1545- Sunderland copy. See BOCCHIUS 4to., Parisiis, 1557. (.■\.) called Phileros. .\chillis Uononiensis apologia in Plautum, elc. 4to., 1508. Estienne (H.). De Plauti Latiiiitate disscrtatio, & ad leclionem ejus progymnasma. See ESTllCNNE (11.) znd of the Name. De l.atinitalc falso suspccta, c/c. 8vo., 1576. [Another copy.] Sec ILORIDUS (!•'.) Sabinus. F. Floridi ...iqiologia in .\1. A. Plauti ...calumniatores, etc. 4to., 1537- [Another copy.] [.\nother edition.] fol., 1540. 344 PLAYFAIR (William). Second address to the British nobiUty ; accompcinicd with illus- trations and proofs of the advantage of here- ditary rank and title in a free country. 4to., London, 1810. Sir C. G. Young's copy. PLEBEIANS, The. By a member of the House of Commons [i.e., W. Benson]. The sixth edition. See BENSON (W.). 8vo., 1719. PLESSIS-MARLY (Philippe de Mornay) Seigneur du. See MORNAY. PLETHO. Pletho. See GEMISTUS (G.) called PLINIUS C^CILIUS SECUNDUS (Caius). [Opera.] C. Plinii Secundi...epistolarvi libri decem...Ejusdem panegyricus Trajano Imp. dictus. Ejusdem de viris illustribus in re militari, at in administranda Rep. Suetonii Traquilli de Claris gramaticis et rhetorib. J. Obsequentis prodigiorum liber, elc. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] 8vo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedib. Aldi, et A ndreae A sulani soceri, 1 508. The first book in which the names of Aldus and Andreas Asulanus occur together in the colo- phon. Renouard, p. 53. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon ;] Venetiis : in aedib. Aldi, et A ndreae A sulani soceri, 1 5 1 8. Renouard, p. 82. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon :] Lugduni : in csdibus A. Blanchardi Lemovicensis, sumptu...Vin- ceniii de Portonariis, de Tridino, de Monte- ferrato, 1527. With the mark of Vincentius de Portonariis on the titlepage and on the verso of the last leaf. A counterfeit of the Aldine edition. Renouard. p. 316. Manzoni copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .■] Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 531. The titlepage is dated 1537. Mosconi copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 509-535, containing *' J. Obsequentis. ..prodigiorum liber." Visme copy. [Another edition.] Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. Brown morocco Lyons binding of the i6tli cen- tury, stamped and water gilded. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of Bookbindings, 1891. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Morante copy. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi...epistolarum libri X. Ejusdem panegyricus Trajano dic- tus. Cum commentariis J. M. Catanaei... Adjuncti sunt alii, ad alios Caesares, pane- gyric!, e6ay/jaTa AaxMvixa. Plutarchi. .apoph- thegmata regum & imperatorum. Ejusdem apophthegmata Laconica. Gr. 4to., Lovanii : apud T. Martimtm. 1521. Iseghein, p. 317. [Another copy.] Apophthegmata Grseca regum & ducum, philosophorum item, alioriimque quorun- dam : ex Plutarcho & Diogene Lacrtio. Cum Latina interpr. (R. Regii), etc. [Edited by H. Esticnne, the Younger.] Gr. &■ Lat. i6nio., [Geneva ?] Excudebat H. Stephantis, 1 568. Fiori de gli apoftemmi di Plutarco. Ital. See MANASSI (N.). Oracoli politici, etc. 8vo., 1590. [Contra Coloten.] Plutarchi liber contra Coloten. Quo id suscipitur probandum, ne vivere quidem jucundd quenquaiii posse, qui sectam sequatur Epicuri. A. Ferrono...in- terprcte, etc. Lai. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. Plutarchi. ..in Coloten liber posterior, quo refellitur Colotis liber ad Ptoleinajum regem scriptus (interpreto A. Ferrono). etc. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. [De Educatione Puerorum.] Plutarchi ...de liberis educandis liber, a F. Fabricio... latinus factus & scholiis illustratus. Additus est idem liber Graece, etc. Lat. 8vo., AntverpicB, 1563. Imperfect ; wanting the Greek version. [De Invidia et Odio.] Plvtarchi libellvs de differentia inter odivm et invidiam incipit foeliciter. Lat. S«e CENSORINUS. Index librorum : qui in hoc uolumine continentur. Censorinus de die natali, e/c. fol., 1497. [De Superstitione.] Plutarchi ...de super- stitione libellus. G. Plantio ... interprete. Lat. See below [Septem Sapientum Con- vivium.]. Plutarchi ...septem sapientum con- vivium, e/c. [Pt. III.] 8vo., 1552. [De Virtute Morali.] Quae hie con- tineantur, haec sunt. Plutarchi de virtute morali libellus Graecus. Ej usdem libelli trans- latio per. ..A. M. Aquivivum Hadrianorum ducem. Commentarium ipsius duels in ejusdem libelli translationem, etc. Gr. &- Lat. fol., [colophon .•] Neapoli : ex officina Antonii de Frit lis Corinaldini, 1526. Forcellini copy. [Moralia.] Plutarchi opuscula. LXXXXII. Index moralium omnium, & eorum quae in ipsis tractantur, etc. [Edited by D. Ducas.] Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in adibus Aldi &- AndrecB Asulani soceri, 1 509. Renouard, p. 55. Calf by T. .4itken. Thompson copy. Plutarchi... opuscula moralia, etc. Lat. [Tom. I.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. Imperfect ; wanting torn. IT. [Another edition.] 2 tom. [in i vol.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1549. The philosophic, commonlie called, the morals, written by ...Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated ...into English. ..by P. Holland, etc. fol., London : A. Hatfield, 1603. [Septem Sapientum Convivium.] Plu- tarchi ... septem sapientum convivium, G. Plantio ... interprete : adjecto Graeco, eodem innumcris emendato locis. Item ab de 3 superstitione, libellus, eodcm interprete. pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1552. The Greek version of the " Septem sapientum convivium " and the Latin version of the " De superstitione " liave each a separate titlepago and pagination. Drummond of Hawtliornden copy. [Utrum Graviores Sint Animi Morbi Quam Corporis.] Plutarclii. Utrum gravi- ores sint animi morbi quAm corporis, D. Erasmo... interprete. Lat. See ERASaMUS (D.). [Lingua.] Lingua, <■/<■. 8vo.,[i529?] [ViT.\ Ciceronis. ] M. T. Ciceronis vita- Lat. See BOCCHIUS (A.) called Phileros- Achillis Bononieusis apologia in Plautum. etc. 4to., 1508. [ViT.^ ParalleL;B.| Plutarchi vitae : nupor ^ tliligentissime recognit^e : qbus tres virorum illuslriu vitae adita; fucrunt : & in 346 fol., ^colophon Reiiouard, p. 87. [Another Giynseus.] Gr. PLUTARCHUS. [Vit^ Parallel.*;.]— (comW.) fine voluminis apositae. [Edited bj' H. Squarzaficus.] Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : per D. Pivciii, 1 502. Printed in double columns. Kloss copy. Tov aoqxararov nf.ovTaQxov naqaXXriXov, Pfoi 'Pcofiaimv xai 'EXhjvcov, /<0'. Sapientis- simi Plutarchi paralellum [sic], \dtae Romano- rum & Graecoriim, quadraginta novem. Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Floreniics : in (vdibtis P. Juntce, 1517. Renouard, p. xli. nXovxaQxov TiagakXrjXa iv ^loig 'EXhrjVtov te xm 'Pojfiaiojt'. fid'. Plutarchi quae vocantur parallela. hoc est vitae illustrium virorum Graeci nominis ac Latini, prout quaeque alteri convenire videbatur, digestae. [Edited b)' F. Asulanus.] Gr. ] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1 519. Putland copy. edition, edited by S. fol., [colophon : Basel : A. Cratander and J. Behel, 1533.] Plutarchi ... Graecorum Romanoriimqj illustrium vitae, 6 Graeco in Latinum versje. Lat. 3 torn. i6mo., Lugdtini, I ss~- Boneompagni copy. [Supposititious Works.] TIXovxaQxov clq TOV piov xov 'OfiTjQov. See HOMERUS. [Opera. — Greek.] 'Odvaaeia, etc. 8vo., [1534-] [Another edition.] 8vo., [1542.] nkovragxov negt TioTaftoiv xai ogu/v incavv- fuag, etc. See ARRIANUS (F.). 'A^giavov TieoiTiAovq Ev^eivov IIovxov, etc. 4to., [1533] Plutarchi... pro nobilitate libri fragmen- tum. A. Ferrono...interprete, e/c. Lat. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1556. [Selections.] See ERASMUS (D.). [Opera.] Quae toto volumine continentur. Pacis querela... Item ex Plutarcho. De dis- crimine adulatoris & amici. De utilitate capienda ex inimicis. De doctrina principum. Principi cum philosopho semper esse dis- putandum, etc. 8vo., 15 18. POCCIANTI (MiCHELE). Catalogus scriptorum Florentinorum omnis generis ... Cum addi- tionibus fere 200. scriptorum Fratris L. Ferrinii, etc. 4to., Florentia, 1589. POEMS. Poems and translations... By a late scholar of Eaton [i.e., C. Goodall]. See GOOD ALL (C). 8vo., 1689. Poems on affairs of State : from the time of Oliver Cromwell, to the abdication of James the Second. ..The fifth edition, etc. Vols. I.-III. 8vo., [London,] 1703-4. Vol. I. is in two separately paged parts. \\'Bnting Vol. IV. POESIS. Picta poesis, etc. [By B. Aneau.] 5ee ANEAU (B.). 8vo., 1552. POET^ christian:. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii... opera, etc. 3 vols. 4to., 1501-4. POET^ ECCLESIASTICI. See TERTUL- LIANUS (Q. S. F.). Q. S. F. TertuUiani, Cypriani...et Probae Falconije, opera. 8vo., 1825. POETyE GRiECI. 01 xijg ^Qcm>tT]g noirjaeioQ TiQWTevovTEQ noiTjxai, xai dAAot xiveg, etc. [Edi- ted by H. Estienne.] 2 pts. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. fol., 1566. POGGIALI (Cristoforo). Memorie per la storia letteraria di Piacenza. [Dedication signed C. Poggiali.] 2 vols. 4to., Piacenza, 1789. Vol. I. includes an article on O. Lando. POGGIO BRACCIOLINI (Gian Francesco). Poggii ...opera, collatione emendatorum exem- plarium recognita, etc. fol., [colophon :] Basilea : ex adibusH, Petri, 1538. De Thou and Heber copy. Amcenissima et pudica jocorum facetia- rumcjj sylva, ex Poggii... facetiarum libro, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Argentorari [sic] : excudebat AL J. Catmner Lander, 1 542. Les bains de Bade au 15= si6cle...Scdne de moeurs de I'Age d'Or. Traduit en franfais pour la premiere fois par A. Meray, etc. Lat. &■ Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1876. Les contes de Pogge Florentin [translated from the Latin " Facetiae "], avec des re- flexions. i2rao., Amsterdam, 1712. Poggii Bracciolini.-.dialogus an seni sit uxor ducenda. Primum Liverpooliae editus a Gulielmo Shepherd, nunc adjuvante codice Laurentiano ad meliorem lectionem redactus. 8vo., Florentiae, 1823. Un vieillard doit-il se marier ? Dialogue de Pogge, Florentin, traduit en fran9ais...par .\. Bonneau, etc. Lat. &- Fr. i2mo., Paris, 1877. Poggii epistolae. Editas coUegit ...notis- que illustra\'it Equ. T. de Tonellis. Vol. I. 8vo., Fiorentics, 1832. All published. Crossley copy. Poggii... epistulae duae editae ab Augusto Wilmanns. 4to., Gottingae, 1877. (Index scholanim. ..in Aca^emia Georgia Augusta per semestre aestivum. ..1877 habendarum. ) Poggii... facetiarii aureus libellus. Novis- sime post omnes impressioes : vbiq3 terrarii e.xcussas : collatis multis exemplaribus : affatim recognitus : cunctisq; mendis : & erroribus expurgatus. ©. %, i2mo., [colophon :] Venetiis : per Benedictu^ &- Augustinum de Bindonis, 1 523. Sales seu facetiae multum jucundas, selectae ex libro Poggii, etc. See BEBELIUS (H.). Facetiarum ...libri tres, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] See FRISCHLI- NUS (N.). N. Frischlini ...facetiae selectiores, etc. i2mo., 1 65 1. Poggii... facetiarum libellus unions, notulis imitatorcs indicantibus et nonnullis sive Latinis, sive Gallicis imitationibus illustratus, etc. 2 tom. i6mo.. Londini, 1798. Les faceties de Pogge. traduites en fran- fais... Edition complete. Lat. &■ Fr. 2 tom. i2mo.. Paris, 187S. 347 POGGIO BRACCIOLIXI (G, F.).— (co>itd.) Poggii Bracciolini...historiae de varietate fortunae libri quatuor.-.nunc primum editi, et notis illustrati a D. Georgio. Accedunt ejusd. Poggii epistolae LVII. quae nunquam antca prodierunt. Omnia a J. O. Rhodigino vul- gata. 4to., LuteticE Parisiorum, 1723. Morante copy. Poggiana, ou la vie, le caract^re, les sen- tences, et les bons mots de Pogge Florentin. Avec son histoire de la republique de Flo- rence, et un suplement [st'c] de diverses pieces importantes. [By J. Lenfant.] 2 torn, [in I vol.] 8vo., Amsterdam, 1720. Barbier, III., 935. Poggio, hijo de G. Bracciolini. [Bio- graphical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez DE L.\ Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. IV., pp. 313-336. 8vo., 1857. See ROSS (J. W.). Tacitus and Braccio- lini. The Annals forged in the 15th century. 8vo., 1878. See SHEPHERD (W.). The life of Poggio Bracciolini. (The second edition.) 8vo., 1837. See SHEPHERD (W.). Vita di Poggio Bracciolini, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1825. Valla (L.). Laurentii Vallensis dialogus, sen actus scsenicus in Poggiu, quo ejus irri- dentur errores, etc. See VALLA (L.). L. Vallae elegantiarum libri sex, etc. 8vo., 1522. POGNISI (A.). G. Bruno e I'archivio di San Giovanni Decollato, etc. 8vo., Torino, 1891. POIRET (Pierre). Dc vita & scriptis P. Poireti commentariolum. 4to., Amsteladami, 1721. POIRIER (Germain). See DACIER (B. J.) Baron. Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de G. Poirier, etc. 8vo., 1804. POITEVIN-PEITAVI (Philippe Vincent). Memoire pour scrvir k I'histoire des jeux floraux. 2 tom. [in i vol.] 8vo., Toulouse, 181 5. POLE (Reginald) Cardinal. Dc concilio liber. (R. Poll Card, de baptismo Constantini Magni Imperatoris.) [Witn a preface by P. Manu- tius.] 4to., Roma : apud P. Mamitium, 1562. Renouard, pp. 185 and 490. This copy is one of the later issue williout the 10 pp. of cor- rections. Orationc ... in materia di pace, etc. See GIRARDI (A.). Discorso intorno alle cose della gucrra, etc. [Pt. 11.) 4to., 1558. R. Poli...pro ecclcsiastica; unitatis defen- sione, libri quatuor ...Adjcctum est etiam quorundam aliorum gravissimorum virorum de Pontificis Romani primatu judicium. [Edited by P. P. Vergcrius.] fol.. ^ /. [Strassbiirg], 1555. Containing, inter alia, " .AdversuH papatuni Homao a Sathana fundatuiii. Martimis i^iithoniH D.'* Sunderland copy. \i ith Marlborough anna on tlie binding. Reformatio Angliae ex decretis R. Poll... anno 1556. 4to., Roma : apud P. Manutium, 1562. Renouard, p. 185. See BECCADELLI (L.) Archbishop of Ragusa. Vita R. PoU, e/c. 4to., 1563. See BECCADELLI (L.) Archbishop of Ragusa. The life of Cardinal R. Pole. etc. 8vo., 1766. See NEVE (T.). Animadversions upon Mr. Phillips's History of the life of Cardinal Pole. 8vo., 1766. See STONE (E.). Remarks upon the History of the life of R. Pole [by T. Phillips] ...The second edition, etc. 8vo., 1766. See TOMITANO (B.) Padovano. Tomi- tani clonicus, sive de R. Poli ...laudibus. Svo., 1556. POLEMON. IloXsfiovoi;, (pvaioyvwuovixov. See ^LIANUS (C.) PrcBnestinus. Alhavov 7101x1- A»;g iaroQiuQ, j^ipha, id', etc. 4to., 1545. POLEMON (Antonius). Uoks/JOivoi, 'l/jegiov, xai d?.^(ov Tivwv neXerai. Polemonis, Himerii, & aliorum quorundam declamationes, nunc primum editae [with notes, by H. Estienne, the Younger], etc. Gr. 4to., [Geneva :] Excudebat H. Stephanas, 1567. Hoffmann, III., 432. [Another copy.] POLENTONIUS (Sicco). Xiconis Polentoni argumenta super aliquot orationibus & iuec- tiuis Ciceronis, etc. See ASCONIUS PEDI- ANUS (Q.). [Commentaries on the orations of M. T. Cicero. Pt. III.] fol., (1477.) POLION, of Alexandria. See POLLIO (V.). POLIPHILUS, pseud, [i.e., Francesco Colon- NA.] HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLI- PHILI, VBI HV I MANA OMNIA NON NISI SOMNIVM I ESSE DOCET. ATQUE OBITER I PLVRIMA SCITV SANE | QVAM DIGNA CO.M | MEMORAT | etc. [With woodcuts.] Ital. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] io\., [colophon :] Venetiis : in (tdibus .4ldi Manutii, 1499. Renouard, p. 21. Hain and Copingor, *55oi. Proctor, 5574. Iai Force and Barb&ieux copy. La hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo, cio6 pugna d'amore in sogno ...Ristampato di novo, et ricorretto, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Vinegia : in casa de' figlivoh di Aldo, 1545. Renouard, p. 133. Calf by J. Wright. Hypnerotomachie, ou discours du songe de Poliphile ... Nouvellement traduict ... en frangois. fol., Paris, 1561. Songc dc Poliphile, traduction libre dc I'italicn, par J. G. Lcgrand. 2 tom. [in I vol.] ismo., Paris, 1804. Le .songe dc Poliphile, ou hypntroto- machie dc Frdre F. Colonna. litteralcment traduit ...avec unc introduction et des notes, par C. Popc'lin. j torn., illust. 8vo., Paris, 1883. The ilrcam of Polipliilus. Fac-similcs of one hundred and sixty-eight woodcuts in 348 POLIPHILUS.— (co»;/i.) " Poliphili hypnerotomachia," Venice, 1499. With an introductorj' notice, and descriptions by J. W. Appell. fol., London, 1888. The strife of love in a dream, being the Elizabethan version of the first book of the Hypnerotomachia...A new edition by A. Lang. 4to., London, 1890. (The Tudor Library.) See EPHRUSSI (C). fitude sur le songe de Poliphile, etc. 4to., 1888. POLITI (L.\NCELLOTO) Archbishop of Coma. De advocatis libellus salutaris. [Edited by P. Gromorsus.] 4to., [colophon :] Parrhisiis : per...Petrum Vidoue, 1516. POLITIANUS (Angelus). [i.e., Angelo Am- BROGiNl.] OMNIA OPERA ANGELI Poli- tiani, et alia | quaedam lectu digna, quorum nomina in se- | quenti indice uidere licet. | [Collected by A. Sartius.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in cedibus Aldi Romani, 1498. Wanting sigs. q5 and q6. Renouard, p. 17. Hain and Copinger, *i32l8. Proctor, 5567. Casti-1- lanus copy. OPERA ANGELI Politiani : & alia quae- dam I lectu digna : quorum nomina in se- | quenti indice uidere licet. | fol., [colophon ;] Florentice [or rather, Brescial : opa & impensa Leonardi de Arigis de Gesoriaco, 1499. A counterfeit Aldiue. really printed at Brescia by B. Mibinta. See Mr. R. C. Christie's " Selected essays," pp. 252-256. Hain and Copinger, 13219. Proctor, 6421 and 7046. Proctor', pp. 131-2. A. Politiani operum tomus primus [ — secundus], etc. Svo., Lugduni: Seb.Gryphius...excudebat, 1528. Imperfect ; wanting torn. III. and the titlepage to torn. II. A. Politiani opera. Quorum primus hie tomus complectitur epistolarum libros XII., etc. (Alter tomus operum A. Politiani, etc. — Tertius tomus operum A. Politiani, etc.) 3 torn, [in 1 vol.] Svo., Lugduni : apud Seh Gryphium, 1533- [Another copy of Tom. I.] Stamped pigskin binding. [Another copy of Tom. I.] [Another copy of Tom. I.] [Another edition of Tom. II. -III., in I vol.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. [Another copy of Tom. II.- III., in I vol.] [.\nother edition of Tom. I.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539- [Another copy of Tom. I.] [.Another edition of Tom. II. -III., in I vol.] 8vo., Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545-46. [Another edition.] A. Politiani operum tomus primus, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1550. Wanting torn. Il.-Ill. Panepistemon. 5ee PICUS MIRANDULA (J.) Conte delta Concordia, the Elder. Con- clusiones nongentae, in omni genere scien- tiarum, e/c. 8vo., 1532. Plusculae A. Politiani, etc. See BERO- ALDUS (P.) the Elder. Orationes, prelec- tiones, etc. 4to., (1511.) Stanze di Messer A. Politiano cominciate per la giostra del Magnifico Giuliano di Piero de Medici. 8vo., [colophon :'\ Vinegia : in casa de' figlivoli di Aldo, 1541. Renouard, p. 123. Citron morocco by Holloway. Crawford (Lakelands) copy. Stanze di Messer A. Poliziano, di Messer P. Bembo, e di Messer L. Tansillo. Riviste, e corrette, etc. 8vo., Fiorenza, 1753. A. Politiani sylva cui titulus est rusticus cum...N. Beraldi interpretatione, etc. fol., [Paris .] lenundattir ab .4scensio, s.a. A. Politiani sylva, cui titulus rusticus, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicum, 1543. BONAFOUS (N. A.). Examen critico de la vida y obras de A. Policiano, etc. See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogue librorum, etc. Tom. v., pp. 875-1159. 8vo., 1859. See GRESWELL (W. P.). Memoirs of A. Politianus...The second edition, etc. 8vo., 1805. POLLIO (Marcus Vitruvius). See VITRU- VIUS POLLIO. POLLIO (Trebellius). See TREBELLIUS POLLIO. POLLIO (Valerius). See SUIDAS. Begin. Ataloyog cne(pavov, etc. [Sig. a^, recto :] To fiev :7a(>ov ^i^Xiov, Eovida. Olde avvTaia,uevoi rovTo, avSgeg aoq)oi. Evdr]i^ioQ...nv)hiov, etc. fol., 1499. ;'.\nother edition. 1 fo! , 1514. POLLUX (Julius) of Naucratis. 'lovhov IJoXvSevxovg ovo/jaarixov. J. PoUucis vocabu- larium. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : apua Aldum, 1502. Renouard. p. 32. Fox and Jeremie copy. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] fol., [colophon .•] Florenti^ : apud Bernardum Juntam, 1520. Printed in double columns. Renouard, p. xlv. Siuiderland copy. POLO (Gaspar Gil). See GIL POLO. POLTORATZKY (Sergyei). See QU^RARD (J. M.). Notice sur M. S. Poltoratzky, etc. 8v6., 1854. POLUS (Reginaldus) Cardinal. See POLE. POLYANDER A KERCKHOVEN (Joannes) 6' others. Sjmopsis purioris theologiae, dis- putationibus quinquaginta duabus compre- hensa, ac conscripta per J. Polyandrum, A. Rivetum, A. Walaeum, A. Thysium...Editio secunda, etc. 8vo., Lugduni Batavoriim, 1632. 349 POLYBIUS, Megalopolitanus. Polybii his- toriarum libri quinque in Latiam conversi linguam, N. Perotto interprete. Lat. See LIVIUS (T.) Patavinus. [Historia.] Ex XIIII. T. Livii decadibus prima, tertia, quarta, e/c. [Pt. IV.] fol., 1521. [Another edition. J 8vo., 1521. [Another copy.] noXvpiov...iaTOQiwv ^i^Xia e'. Polybii his- toriarum libri quinq,, opera V. Obsopoei in lucem editi. lidem Latini N. Perotto... interprete. Gy. <&■ Lat. 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., Haganov floXvpiov, tibqc tj;c nohxEiaq. Ex libro VI. historiarum Polybii. De P. R. domestica militariq; disciplina. Gr. 4to., Parisiis : ex officina J. Lodoici, 1539. Sunderland and Gennadius copy. POMPEIUS (Festus). See FESTUS (S. P.). POMPEIUS (Trogus). See TROGUS POM- PEIUS. POMPONATIUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pietro Pom- PONAZZi.] P. Pomponatii ...opera, e/c. [Edited by G. Gratarolus.] 8vo., Basilece. 1567. Red morocco, with interlaced " C " on sides, as used by Catherine de Bourbon, duchosse d'Albret. P. Poniponatii ...do naturalium cffectuum causis, sive de incantationibus, opus... nunc primiim ...in lucem ...editum. Adjectis brevi- bus scholiis A G. Gratarolo. 8vo., BasilecB, [1556.] P. Pomponatii ...dubitationcs in quartum meteorologicorum Aristotclis librum, etc. fol., Venetiis, 1563. Tractatus de immortalitate animae. fol., [colophon :] Bononiw : per ...Jiisiinianum Lconardi Ruberiensem, 1516. 18 ff., uitliovit pagination ; sig.^. A-C*. [.'\nother edition.] P. Pomponatii... tractatus, etc. i2mo., 5./., 1534. A 17th or 1 8th century reprint. See Mr. Christie'H " Selected essays," p. 155. [Another edition.] i2nio., s.l. [Another edition.] Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage. j5oorboM copy. 1534- 8vo., s.n. Catherine de Apologia P. Pomponatii [for his " Tractatus de immortalitate animae "]. etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol.. [colophon :] BononicB : p J ustinianu Leonardi Ruheriensem. 1518. The date occurs at the end of pt. I. Includes the " Contradictoris tractatus doctissimus " by G. Contarenus {see Mr. Christie's " Selected essays," p. 143). Defensorium P. Pomponatii (sive responsiones ad ea quae A. Niphus... ad versus ipsum scripsit : de immortalitate animae), etc. fol., [colophon :] Bononits : per J ustinianum De Ruberia, 1519. 40 ff., without pagination ; sigs. AA-FF', GG*. See NIPHUS (A.) Suessanus. A. Niphi...de immortalitate anime, libellus (ad- versus P. Pomponacium). fol., 15 18. [Another edition.] fol., 1521. P. Pomponatii... tractatus de reactione. fol., [colophon .■] Bononice : in aedibus B. Hectoris, 151 5. 34 R., without pagination ; sigs. A*, B-F'. P. Pomponatii ...tractatus. ..utinimi& mere peripatetici. De intensione & remissione for- marum ac de parvitate & magnitudine. De reactione. De modo agendi primarum quali- tatum. De immortalitate anime. Apologie libri tres. Contradictoris tractatus doctis- simus. Defensorium autoris. Approbationes rationum defensorii per Fratrej Chrysosto- mum [i.e., C. Javellus] ... De hutritione & augmentatione. (3. X. fol., [colophon .•] Venetiis : arte &■ sumptibus heredCi ... O. Scott ... &■ sociorU, 1525. Sunderland copy. P. Pomponatii. ..tractatus utilissimus in quo disputatur penes quid intensio et remissio formaru^ attendatur ; nee minus parvitas et magnituudo [sic]. 4to., [colophon .•] Bononics : per Hyeronimum Platonidem de Benedictis, 15 14. See CHRISTIE (R. C). A sceptic of the Renaissance [i.e., P. Pomponatius]. 8vo., 1893. [Another edition.] See CHRISTIE (R. C). Selected essays, etc., pp. 124-160. 8vo., 1902. See FERRI (L.). La psicologia di P. Pomponazzi, etc. 4to., 1876. See FIORENTINO (F.). P. Pomponazzi ; studi storici, «/c. 8vo., 1868. See OLEARIUS (J. G.) & (J. A.). Dis- sertatio de Pomponatio, etc. 4to., 1709. POMPONIUS L.^iTUS (Julius). Opera Pom- ponii La;ti Romans liistoria; compendium... De Ronianorum magistralibus. Dc saccr- dotiis. Dc jurispcritis. De Icgibus ... De antiquitatibus urbis Roma; libellus ... Epi- stolae aliquot familiarcs. Pomponii vita, per M. A. Sabellicum. 4to., [colophon :] Argentorati : in officina M. Schiirerii, 15 10. De Magistratibus Vrbis. & Sacerdotiia Et de Legibus. See MODE ST US. Begir In hoc voluminc continet, etc. 4to., 14; 35° POMPONIUS L^TUS (Julius).— (cowW.) —— Ex reliquiis vencrandae autiquitatis L. Cuspidii testamentum [a forgery by Pom- ponius Laetus], etc. See CUSPIDIUS (L.). 8vo., 1532. [Another edition.] Lat. &- Fr. 8vo., 1887. Romanae historiae compendium, ab in- teritu Gordiani Junioris usque ad Justinum III. See SCRIPTORES HISTORLE AU- GUST.E. Ex recognitione D. Erasmi...C. Suetonius Tranquillus, e/c. fol., 15 18. [Another edition.] Tom. II. i6mo., 1551. POMPONIUS MELA. See MELA (P.). PONGERVILLE (Jean Baptiste Aime Sanson de). Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. J. F. Thurot. 8vo,, Paris. 1833. From " La France Litt^raire," tome IV., livr. 12. Patti6on copy. PONTANUS (Joannes Jovianus). [i.e.. Gio- vanni Gioviano Pontano.] Pontani opera. [Poems.] Urania, sive de stelhs libri quinq;. Meteororum liber unus. De hortis Hesperi- dum libri duo. Lepidina sive postorales \_sic] pompse septem. Item Meliseus. Maeon. Aeon. Hendecasyllaborum libri duo. Tumu- lorum liber unus. Neniae duodecim. Epi- grammata duodecim, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi Ro., 1505. Renouard, p. 49. [Another copy.] In this copy sheets a-t are of the edition of 1513. Syston Park copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1513. Renouard, p. 63. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in csdibus hare- dum Aldi Manutii, &- Andrecs soceri, 1533. Renouard, p. 108. Opera J. J. Pontani [in prose]. De forti- tudine : libri duo. De principe : liber unus. Dialogus qui Charon inscribitur. Dialogus qui Antonius inscribitur. De liberalitate : liber unus. De beneficentia : liber unus. De magnificentia : liber unus. De splendore : liber unus. De conviventia : liber unus. De obedientia : libri quinq5. De prudentia libri quinq;. " 8vo., [colophon .■] Lugdiini : expensis Bartholomei Troth, 15 14. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 313. J. J. Pontani amorum libri II. De amore conjugali III. Tumulorum II., qui in supe- riore aliorum poematon editione desydera- bantur. Lyrici I. Eridanorum II. Eclogae duas Coryle, & Quinquennius superioribus quatuor additae. Calpurnii... eclogae VII. A. Nemesiani eclogae IIII. Explicatio locorum omnium abstrusorum Pontani authore P. Summontio... Index rerum, quae in his Pon- tani lusibus contineantur. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et A ndreae soceri, 1 5 1 8. Keuouard, pp. 85 and 485. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Venice : Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1520 ?] A co>mterfeit of tlie Aldine edition of 1518. Renouard, p. 318. Brunei, IV., 808. J. J. Pontani opera omnia soluta oratione composita, etc. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 3 tom. 4to., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1518, 19. Tom. II. wants ff. 49-67. Renouard, pp. 82 and 86. Original Venetian brown morocco, tooled on sides. The tliree volumes each contain the inscription " Alex. Gulielmi et amicor." The first and third volumes passed into the possession of Giuseppe del Papa (fi. 1649-1735) and bear his autograph. The second volume was separated from its companions, and eventu- ally came into the hands of Sir Mark Master- man Sykes, whose bookplate it contains. The three volumes were re-united in 1897. See " Literature," Dec. 11. 1897. [Another copy of Tom. II.] Containing ff. 49-67, which are usually wanting. J. J. Pontani amores. See BECCADEL- LUS (A.) Panormita. Quinque illustrium poetarum...Lusus in Venerem, etc. 8vo., 1 791. Dialogus Pontani continens grammati- corum rixam. See BARLANDUS (H.). Jocorum ...duae centuri*. etc. 8vo., 1524. [Another copy.] Ex membranis mirae vetustatis, contractus venditionis, antiquis Romanorum temporibus initus. [A forgery by Pontanus.] See CUS- PIDIUS (L.). Ex reliquiis venerandae anti- quitatis L. Cuspidii testamentum, etc. 8vo., 1532. [Another edition.] Lat. &■ Fr. 8vo., 1887. J. J. Pontano. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. IV., pp. z6t,-z7Z- 8vo., 1857. POOLE, Family of. Pedigree of Poole, of Leeds, and the Milnes' of Wakefield and Fryston. See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.'\ fol., s.a. POOLE ( ). The classical collector's vade mecum : being an introduction to the knowledge of the best editions of the Greek and Roman classics. [By Poole.] i2mo., London, 1822. Halkett and Laing, I., 411. POPE (Alexander). The works of A. Pope. New edition, including. ..unpublished letters ...collected in part by ...J. W. Croker. With introductions and notes by W. Elwin (and W. J. Courthope). 10 vols., ilhist. 8vo., London, 1871-89. Vols. I.-rV. Poetry: Vol. V. Life, by W. J. Courthope, and Index ; Vols. VI. -X. Letters. The essay on man, and other poems. 8vo., Chiswick, 1822. With a second, engraved, titlepage. The first epistle of the first book of Horace [imitated]. See HORATIUS FLAC- CUS(Q.). [Epistol^ : Imitations.] fol., [I737-] 351 POPE (Alexander).— (co»/rf.) ^-^ The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Satir-e : Imitations.] fol., 1733- The letters of Pope to Atterburj' when in the Tower of London. Edited by J. G. Nichols. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1859. See HARTE (W.). An essay on satire, particularly on the Dunciad, etc. 8vo., 1730. POPULAR LECTURER, The ; containing lec- tures delivered in mechanics' institutions, athenaeums, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., London, 1855. Includes " The study o£ history," by R. C. Christie. POQUELIN (Jean Baptiste) called Moliere. See MOLlfeRE. PORCIUS (PuBLius) pseud, [i.e., Joannes Leo Placentius.] Pugna porcorum per P. Por- cium poetam. Manzoni copy. — — [Another Nugae venales, etc. (W.). edition.] [Pt. 3-] [.\nother edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition. ] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] 8vo., S.I., 1557. See NUG-E. i2mo., 1642. 1644. 1648. 1681. 1689. 1703- 1720. 1741. See SANDYS i2mo. i2mo. i2mo. 8vo. i2mo. i2mo. Specimens of macaronic poetry. 8vo., 1 83 1. PORPHYRIO (PoMPONius). [For the various editions of the commentary of Porphyrio on the works of Horatius Flaccus.] See HORA- TIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [OPERA.~Lai!j«.] PORPHYRIUS, Philosophus. Porphyrius de occasionibus, siue causis ad intelligibilia nos ducetibus. Interprete Marsilio ficino. Lat. See lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, qua: hoc in libro habentur. blichus de mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc. fol., [Another edition.] fol., [Another edition.] i6nio.. lam- 1497. 1 5 16. 1570. ' H xov TIoQipvQiov elg Tag 'AgiaJOTeXov? xarrjyoQiag i^tjyr]cn(; xara ntvaiv xui dnoxQtatv. Porphyrii in Aristotclis calegorias cxpositio per interrogationcm & responsioncm. Gr. 4I0., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1543. Sunderland copy. noQq)VQCov...'Ofi)IQixa Ct]zii/iaTa. Tov avr 00 rioQfpvQiov uEQi iv 'Odvoaetrf twv vv/t(pu)v 'IvTQOv. Porphyrii. ..homericaru quaestionu liber. Et de nympharu antro in Odyssea : opusculum, etc. Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., RomcB : in gymnasio Mediceo, 1518. One of the four books printed at tiie press of Pope Leo X. Meonnan, Syston Park, Luard, and Gennadius copy. [Another edition.] See DIDYMUS, Alexandrinus, Grammaticus. 2xoha...elg rrjv TOV 'O/XTjQov 'Ihada, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1 52 1. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See HOMERUS. [Opera. — Greek.'\ Jlocrjaeig 'O/itjgov, etc. fol., 1541. YTZofivrjfta elg 4to., 1500. 'AflfKOVlOV [Pt. II.] See AMMONIUS, HermecB. ' Tag nevxt vr}g, etc. See AMMONIUS, Hermecr. TOV 'Egfteioo elg Tag tievte (poivag zov IIoQ., Simone Porzio.] S. Portii...de humana mente disputatio. 4to., Florentiae, 1551. Colbert copy. PORZIO (Camillo). La congiura de' baroni del regno di Napoli, contra il Re Ferdinando Primo, raccolta dal S. C. Portio. 4to., Roma, 1565. A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of this date. Renouard, p. 199. Syston Park copy. PORZIO (Simone). S«e FORTIUS (S.). POSCANTINO (Benedetto). Dialogo del ragionamentodel Messia del' exccUente Dottor Messer B. Poscantino. Diviso in tre giornate, & novamente da lui dato in luce. 8vo., [colophon :] In Vinegia : per Cotnin da Trino di Monferrato. 1 548. The imprint on tlio titlepaRO reads: "In Vinegia u Han I.uca al so>;no di'lla eognitiono." After tlie dedicatory rpistlo thoro ih a. second title- page, tlio imprint of wliich is the same a.'i the colophon. POSTANSQUE (A.). T. A. d'Aubign6. Sa vie, ses ceuvres et son parti. Thdse, etc. 8vo., Monlpellier, 1854. 352 POSTEL (Guillaume). Absconditorum a con- stitutione mundi clavis. qua mens humana tarn in divinis, quam in humanis pertinget ad interiora velaminis eetemae veritatis, etc. i6mo., Amsterodami, 1646. Niceroii, VIII., 326. Des Billons, p. 119. Alcorani seu legis Mahometi et Evan- gelistarum cocordiae liber... Additus est libel- lus de universalis conversionis, judicii ve tempore, etc. [By G. Postel.] 8vo., Parisiis : excudebat...P. Gromorsus. 1543. Niceron, VIII., 323. Des Billons, p. ii6. Cosmographicae discipline compendium, in suum finem, hoc est ad Divinae Pro\aden- tiae certissimam demonstrationem conductum, etc. 4to., BasilecB, 1561. Niceron, VIII., 350. De.s Billons, p. 151. G. Postelli de cosmographica disciplina et signorum coelestium vera configuratione libri II., etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i6mo., Lugdtmi Batavorum, 1636. Des Billons, p. 140. De Etruriae regionis, quae prima in orbe Europaeo habitata est, originibus, institutis, religione & moribus, etc. 4to., Ftorentiae. 1551. Niceron, VIII., 327. Des Billons, p. 124. De Foenicum Uteris, seu de prisco Lating & Grgce lingue charactere, ejiisq; antiquis- sima origine & usu ...commentatiuncula. 8vo., Parisiis : apud Vivantium Gaultherot, 1552. Des Billons, p. 130. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting the two folding tables. [Another issue.] 8vo.. Parisiis : apud M. Juvenem, 1552. Marsuz! copy. [Another edition.] See HAVER- KAMP (S.). Sylloge altera scriptorum, etc. 8vo., 1740. De la republique des Turcs : & la ou [sic] I'occasion s'offrera, des meurs & loy de tous Muhamedistes. 3 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Poitiers, 1560. The title of pt. II. reads : "Histoire et considera- tion de Torigine, loy, etcoustume desTartares," etc., and that of pt. III. ; " La tierce partie des orientales liistoires," etc. Niceron, VIII., 349. Des Billons, p. 148. Brown morocco by Thompson. [Another edition.] 4to., Poitiers, [1565 ?] [Another edition, entitled:] Des histoires orientales et principalement des Turkes ou Turchikes et Schitiques ou Tarta- resques.-.ocuvre pour la tierce fois augmente, ets. i6mo., Paris, 1575. In this edition pts. I. & II. are styled pts. II. & I. respectively. Niceron, VIII., 350. Des Billons, p. 150. Red morocco by C. Hering. Hibbert and Beckford copy. De magistratibus Atheniensium liber, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud M. Vascosanum, 1541. Des Billons, p. 1 15. Bernard and Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [colophon .•] BasilecB : ex officina J. Oporini, 1543. [Another edition. ]...recognitus, & amplius tertia parte auctus. 8vo., BasilecB, (1551.) Demaresse d'Alge and Wodhull copy. [Another edition, entitled :] G. Pos- telli de republica, seu magistratibus Atheni- ensium liber. Ex musaeo J. Balesdens, etc. i6mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1635. [Another edition, entitled:] G. Postelli de republica, seu magistratibus Atheniensium liber. ..Accessit A. Thysii... discursus politicus de eadem materia, etc. i6mo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1645. [Another edition, entitled :] G. Postelli ...de magistratibus Atheniensium liber ...nunc notulis atque commentariolo illus- tratus a J. F. Hekelio. 8vo., Lipsics, 1691. The " Commentariolus " has a separate pagina- tion. Libro de magistrati degli Atheniesi... Nuovamente dal latino tradotto...da G. Tatti. 8vo., In Venetia : per Baldasar di Costantini, 1 543. The colophon reads : " In Venetia per Comin de Trino." De nativitate Mediatoris ultima, nunc futura, et toti orbi terrarum in singulis rations praeditis manifestanda, opus, etc. 4to., s.n. [Basel : J. Oporinus, 1547.] Imperfect ; wanting the last leaf, bearing the colophon. Niceron, Vlll., 325. Des Billons, p. 122. Sunderland copy. Quatuor librorum de orbis terras Con- cordia primus, etc. 8vo., [Paris :] Excudebat ...P. Gromorsus, [1543.] Niceron, VIII., 323. Des Billons, p. 118. De orbis terrae Concordia libri quatuor... Adjectae sunt quoqs annotationes, etc. fol., s.n. [Basel, 1544.] Niceron, VIII., 324. Des Billons, p. 118. De originibus, seu, de varia et potissimum orbi Latino ad hanc diem incognita, aut incosyderata historia, etc. 8vo., BasilecE, (1553.) Niceron, VIII., 332. Des Billons, p. 135. At the end of this copy is a " Tabula seternaB ordina- tionis. ..authore G. Postello." G. Postelli ...de originibus seu de Hebraicae linguae & gentis antiquitate, deque variarum linguarum aifinitate, liber, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud Dionysium Lescuier, (1538.) The colophon reads : " Excudebat P. Vidovseus." Niceron, VIII., 322. Des Billons, p. iii. De rationibus Spiritussancti lib. 11. 8vo., Parisiis : excudebat ...P. Gromorsus, 1543. Niceron, VIII., 324. Des Billons, p. 117. Mit- ford copy. [Another copy.] Description et charte de la Terre Saincte, qui est la propriete de Jesus Christ, pour y veoir sa peregrination, & pour inciter ses Treschrestiens ministres a la recouvrer pour y replanter son empire, etc. i6mo., [Paris, 1553 ?] Des Billons, p. 143. Blue morocco by Derome. Beckford copy. De universitate liber, in quo astronomiae doctrineve coelestis compendium terrae apta- tum, & secundum coelestis influxus ordinem 353 POSTEL (Guillaume). — (contd.) prsecipuarumque originum rationeni totus orbis terrae quatenus innotuit...exponitur, etc. 4to., [Paris:'\E typographia J. Gueullartii, 1552. This work includes an amplified edition of the "SyriEC descriptio." With an engraved por- trait of Postel Inserted. Des Billons, p. 154. Secunda aeditio. 4to., Partsiis, 1563. Niceron, VIII., 351. [Another edition, entitled :] G. Pos- telli de universitate libri duo...Editio tertia. i6mo., Lugduni Batavonim, 1635. Divinationis sive divinae summsfeque veri- tatis discussio, etc. i6mo., Partsiis, 1571. Niceron, VIII., 352. Des Billons, p. 155. Cross, ley copy. La doctrine du siecle dor6, ou de I'evan- gelike regne de Jesus, roy des roys. [Re- print.] See below, Les tres-merveilleuses victoires des femmes du nouveau monde, etc. 8vo., [1750 ?] [Another edition.] 4to., 1869. — — G. Postel. ..en faveur des recherches des monnoyes...du sieur Garrault. [In verse.] See GARRAULT (F.) Sieur des Gorges. Les recherches des monnoyes, etc. 8vo., 1576. Grammatica Arabica, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud P. Gromorsum, [1538.] The first book printed in Arabic at Paris (see La Caille, pp. 90-91). 22 ff., without pagination ; sigs. D" and E'". Niceron. VIII., p. 322. Des Billons, p. 112. L'histoire memorable des expeditions depuys le deluge faictes par les Gauloys ou Fracoys depuis la Frace jusques en Asie, ou en Thrace, & en I'orietale partie de I'Europe, etc. i6mo., Pam, 1552. Nieeron, VIII., 331. Des Billons, p. 129. Beck- ford copy. Liber de causis seu de principiis & origini- bus naturse utriusque, in quo ita de gtema rerum veritate agitur, etc. i6mo., Parisiis, 1552. Niceron, VIII., 329. Des Billons, p. 127. Wod- huU copy. [Another copy.] Abrahami Patriarchae [i.e., G. Postel] liber Jezirah, sive formationis mundi, Patribus quide Abrahami tepora praecedentibus revc- latus...Vertebat ex Hcbrseis, & commentariis illustrabat...G. Postellus, rcstitutus. (Resti- tutio rcrum omniii conditarum, per manum Eliae...ut fiat in toto mundo conversio per- fecta...Interpretc ex Hcbraeis G. Postello.) i6mo., Parisiis, 1552. Niceron, VIII., 328. Dos Dillons, pp. 126-127. Girardot de PrAfond copy. Linguarum duodccim characteribus dif- ferentium alphabetum, introductio, ac legcndi modus longe facillimus, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud Dionysium I.escuier, (1538.) The colophon reads : "Excudobat P. Vidovmus." Niceron, VIII., 322. Dos Billons, p. iii. La loy salique, livret de la premiere humaine vcrit6, la ou [sjc] sont en brief les origines & auctoritez de la loy gallique nommee comraunement salique, etc. i6mo., Paris, 1552. Niceron, VIII., 331. Des Billons, p. 132. [A reprint.] i6mo., Paris, 1780. IJavBevojaia. Compositio omnium dissidio- rum circa seternam veritatem aut verisimili- tudinem versantium, quae non solum inter eos qui hodie infidelium, Judaeorum, haereti- corum, & catholicorum nomine vocantur, orta sunt & vigent, sed jam...fuere inter ecclesiae peculiaris & communis membra. Scriptore E. Pandocheo [i.e., G. Postel], 8vo., [Basel, 1547.] Qu^rard, III., 24. Niceron, VIII., 325. Des Billons, p. 121. Red morocco by Roger Payne. Wodhull copy. Les raisons de la monarchic, et quelz moyens sont necessaires pour y parvenir, etc. 8vo., [colophon :] Paris, 1551. Niceron, VIII., 327. Des Billons, p. 125. Maroon morocco by Hardy. Noilly copy. Restitutio rerum omniii conditarum, per manum Eliae...ut fiat in toto mundo con- versio perfecta, etc. See above, Abrahami Patriarchae liber Jezirah, etc. i6mo., 1552. Sacrarum apodixeon, seu Euclidis chris- tiani lib. II. [By G. Postel.] 8vo., Parisiis : excudebat...P. Gromorsus, 1543. Barbier, I\'., 1369. Niceron, VIII., 323. Des Billons, p. 117. [Another copy.] Imperfect ; wanting ff. ')-4S, for which the corre- sponding leaves of the " De rationibus Spiri- tussancti " have been substituted. Signorum coelestium vera configuratio, etc. 4to., Parisiis, 1553. Niceron, VIII., 333. Des Billons, p. 139. [Another edition.] See above, G. Postelli de cosmographica disciplina... libri II., etc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1636. Syriae descriptio. 8vo., [Paris .•] Apud H. Gormontium, 1 540. Niceron, VIII., 323. Des Billons, p. 115. Wod- hull copy. [Another edition.] See above, De 4to., 1552. 4to., 1563. i6mo., 1635. quaternario universitate liber, etc. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] Tabula a'ternae orilinationis constituto inter summas expansionis et co- actionis terminos, expositae, etc. s.sh., fol., [Paris. 1553 ?] Bound with the author'.s " De originilniB." elc. Les trcs-merveilleuscs victoires des femmes du nouveau monde... A la fin est adjoustde : la doctrine du siSclc dor6, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [Rouen ? 1750 ?] A reprint of the edition of 1553. Niceron, VIII., 333. Dos Billons, p. 141. Blue morocoo by 11. Duru. [Another edition.]. ...\vcc une notice biographique ct bibliographique par G. Brunet. L. P. 4to., Turin. 1869. Only 100 copies printed, this being No. 37. 354 POSTEL (GUILLAUME).— (co»/(i.) De G. Postello. (Continuatio, etc.) See OBSERVATIONES. Observationum selec- tarum...tomus I. Obs. 21. (Toraus IV., Obs. 12.) 8vo., 1 700-1. Duplex elenchus librorum MStorum G. Postelli etc. See UFFENBACH (Z. C. von). Commercii epistolaris Uffenbachiani selecta, etc. Pars II. 8vo., 1753. See AMBROSIUS (T.). Introductio in Chaldaicam lingua, etc. [Including letters to and from G. Postel.] 4to., 1 539- See BIBLE.— PSEUDEPIGRAPHA. Prote- vangelion, etc. [Translated from the Greek by G. Postel.] 8vo., 1552. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1570. See DES BILLONS (F. J. T.). Nou- veaux eclaircissements sur la v-ie et les ouvrages de G. Postel. 8vo., 1773. [Another copy.] See JUSTINUS, Martyr. Saint. Eversio falsorum Aristotelis dogmatum...G. Postello ...interprete. i6mo., 1552. [Another copy.] See XENOCRATES. Axiochus dialogue de Xenocrates platonique...traduict de grec en francoys [by G. Postel]. 8vo.. s.a. POTHO, Benedictine, of Pruffling. Pothonis... liber de miraculis Sanctae Dei genitncis Marize. See BLANNBEK (A.). Ven. Ag- netis Blannbekin...vita, etc. 8vo., 1731. POTIER (L.) Bookseller. Catalogue des livres tares et precieux, manuscrits et imprimes, faisant partie de la librairie de L. Potier. (Table alphabetique des noms d'auteurs et des ouvrages anonymes.-.Suivie de la liste des prix d'adjudication.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Paris, 1870. Sale catalogue. Catalogue d'une jolie collection de livres composee des plus belles editions des auteurs latins, franfais et italiens, etc. i2mo., Paris, 1853. Nouveau catalogue de livres choisis en divers genres a vendre a la librairie de L. Potier. 8vo., Paris, i860. POT-POURRI. Le pot-pourri, ou preser\;atif de la melancolie, con tenant la Henriade travestie [by M. Fougeret de Monbron], la pipe cassee (par M. Vade), la Roussillonnade (de M. I'abbe Le Noble), et autres poesies diverses, imitees ou traduites des poetes anciens. i2mo., Paris, 1809. Barbier, HI., 962. POTTS (Thomas). Pott's discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster, reprinted... With an introduction and notes, by J. Crossley. 4to., (Manchester,) 1845. (Chetham Society. Remains, c*c. Vol. VI.) POUILLY (Louis Jean L^vesque de). See LfiVESQUE DE POUILLY. POULET (Sir Amias). Copy-book of Sir A. Poulet's letters, written during his embassy to France, a.d. 1577 ...Edited by O. Ogle. 4to., London, 1866. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 86.) POULLAIN DE SAINT-FOIX (Germain FRAN901S DE). See SAINT-FOIX. POWEL (Daniel). The love of Wales to their Soveraigne Prince. A relation of the solem- nity at Ludlow, on the creation of Charles, Prince of Wales, in 1616. 4to., [London,'^ 1837- (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 52.) Copy presented by T. F. Dibdin to J. W. Mackenzie. POWELL (Thomas). Vertues due. By T. P., Gentleman [i.e., T. Powell]. 1603. [Re- print.] See LAMPORT GARLAND. A Lamport garland, eic. 4to., 1881. PRACTICA. Variorum auctorum practica artis amandi, et declamationes P. Beroaldi, etc. See OPSOPOEUS (V.). V. Obsopceus de arte bibendi lib. quatuor, etc. [Pt. II.] i2mo., 1648. PR^EADAMITiE. Praeadamitae, sive exercitatio super versibus... capitis quinti epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanos, etc. [By I. de La Peyrere.] See LA PEYRfiRE (I. de.). i2mo., 1655. PRAET (Joseph Basile Bernard van). Catalogue des livres imprimes sur vehn de la Bibhotheque du Roi. 5 tom. See BIBLIO- TH£QUE NATIONALE, Pans. 8vo., 1822. Catalogue de livres imprimes sur velin, qui se trouvent dans des bibliotheques [sic] tant publiques que particuli6res, pour servir de suite au catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque [sic] du Roi. [By T. B. B. van Praet.] Tom. I.-III. 8vo., Paris. 1824. 200 copies printed. Wanting tome IV. Branet, v., 1079. PRALORAN (Giovanni). Delle origini e del primato della stampa tipografica. 4to., Milano, 1868. Published by the Societa Cooperativa fra Tipo- grafi ed Arti Affini di Milano. PRAT ( DU). See DU PRAT. PRAT (Henri), fitudes historiques. i6» sidcle. i2mo.. Pans, 1855. Etudes litteraires. i6» siecle. i2mo., Paris, 1855. PRAT (Jean Marie). Maldonat et TUniver- site de Paris au i6« sidcle. 8vo., Paris, 1856. Morante copy. PRAT DE LAMARTINE (Alphonse Marie Louis de). See LAMARTINE. PRATEOLUS (Gabriel). See DU PR^AU (G.). PRATTICA. Una breve prattica di medicma per sanare le passioni dell' animo. [By O. Lando.] See LANDO (O.). [Medicina.] 4to..[i5S2.] PRAYER BOOK. See BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 3SS PRfiAU (Gabriel du). See DU PRltAU. PRECATIO DOMINICA. See LORD'S PRAYER. PRECATIONES. Precationcs aliquot cele- briores ^ sacris Bibliis desumptffi, elc. See BIBLE. [Appendix.] 8vo., 1554. PRECEDENCE. Precedence of Great Estates in their owne degres, 1594. [Edited, with notes, by Sir C. G. Young.] 8 pp. 8vo., s.l. et a. PRECEDENCY. Precedency of women. [By Sir C. G. Young.] See YOUNG (Sir C. G.) Garter King of A rms. 8vo. , s.a. PRfiFOND (Paul Girardot de). See GIRAR- DOT DE PRfiFOND. PRfiPETIT DE GRAMMONT (Alexandre de). Dissertation sur les auteurs anciens et modemes. — Traite de la versification fran- 9oise. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Selections. — French.} Traduction ...de I'art poetique d'Horace, e/c. 8vo., 171 1. PRESCOT (Kenrick). Letters concerning Homer, the Sleeper in Horace : with addi- tional classical amusements. 4to., Cambridge, 1773. PRESTBURY, Parish of, in Cheshire. The register book of christenings, weddings, and burials... 1 560-1636. Edited by J. Croston. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1881. (Record Society Publications, Vol. V.) One of four copies printed on large paper. PRESTON. — Guild Merchant. The rolls of burgesses at the Guilds Merchant of the borough of Preston, co. Lancaster. 1397- 1682 ...Edited by W. A. Abram. 8vo., [Manchester,] 1884. (Record Society Publications, Vol. IX.) One of four copies printed on large paper. PRESTWICH. A close catalogue of the rectors of Prestwich, from 1316 to 1632. Extracted from ...registers ...by ... F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. VI. 4to., 1878. PREUSS (Johann). See PREUSSIUS (J.). PREUSSISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSEN- SCHAFTEN. See BARTHOLMfeSS (C. J. G.). Histoirc philosophique de I'Academie de Prusse, eic. 2 torn. 8 vo., 1850-51. PREUSSIUS (Joannes). [i.e., Johann Preuss.] Progressus in studio cognitionis Dei Patris, Filii ac Spiritus S., etc. [By J. Prcussius.] See SZLICHTUNG (J.). Duje considcrationes vocum, «/c. i2mo., 1684. PREVITI (LuiGi). G. Bruno e i suoi tempi. 4to., Prato, 1887. PRIAPEIA. Divcrsorum vcterum poctarum in Priapum lusus. P[ublii] V[irgilii] M(aro- nis) Catalccta, Copa, Rosae, Culex, Dirac, Morctum, Ciris. Aetna, clcgia in Mccocnatis obituiii, et alia nonnuUa, quae falso Virgilii creduntur. Argumenta in Virgilii libros, ct alia diversorum complura. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 15 17. Renouard, pp. 8i and 485. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus haere- dtim Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1534. Renouard, p. no. Erotopaegnion, sive Priapeia veterum et recentiorum. Veneri jocosoe sacrum. 8vo., LuteticB Parisiorum, 1798. Priapeia, sive diversorum poetarum in Priapum lusus, illustrati commentariis G. Schoppii, etc. i2mo., Francoforti, [1606.] The titlepatje and colophon are wrongly dated " MDVI." Seioppius denied having any con- nection witli this book, and attributed the editorship to Goldastus (see " Amphotides Soioppianje," Paris, 1611. pp. 102-I15). Niceron, XXXV., 185. Crossley copy. [Review of this work.] See COLLECTIO. Nova librorum rariorum conlectio, etc. Ease, i, p. 151. 8vo., 1709. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] ... Huic editioni accedunt Josephi Scaligeri in Priapeia com- mentarii, etc. 8vo., Patavii, 1664. Niceron, XXXV., 185, where the place of pub- lication is stated to be Amsterdam. See LESSING (G. E.). Les priapeia : note de Lessing, etc. i2mo., i866. [Another copy.] PRIBEVO (ViNCENZO). Delia origine et suc- cessi de gli Slavi. Oralione...tradotta dalla lingua latina nell' italiana da B. Malaspalli da Spalato. 4to.. Venetia : presso Aldo [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1595. Large paper copy, uncut. The preface is followed by a priced list of "Libri di stampa d'Aldo," issued from 1563 to 1595. Renouard, p. 253. Butler and J. S. Hall's copy. PRIDEAUX (Charles Grevile). A practical guide to the duties of churchwardens in the execution of their of&ce ; with lists of cases, statutes, canons, etc. ...Twelfth edition. 8vo., London, 1S71. PRIDEAUX (Sarah Treverbian). [Historical sketch of gold tooled bindings.] LINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB, of bookbindings. [Another edition.] See BUR- Exliibition 4to., 1891. 4to., 1891. PRIEUR (FRiJofiRic). See MAILLARD (F.) pseud. PRIEUR (Philippe le). See PRIORIUS (P.). PRIMASIUS, Uticensis, Bishop of Adrumetum. Primasii...in omnes D. Pauli cpistolas com- mcntarii...Nunc vcro primum J. Gagneii... opera in lucem cmissi. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. PRIMROSE (Archibald Philip) 5//1 Earl of Rosebery. See ROSEBERY. PRINCIPES. Principcs & premiers clemcns de la langue latino, etc. [By F. Estiennc.] See ESTIENNE (F.) 2nd of the Name. 8vo„ 1559. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1585. 356 PRINCIPIA. Principia, sive prima linguae Latinae elementa, «<<;. [By F. Estienne.] See ESTIENNE (F.) 2nd oj the Name. 8vo., 1557. PRIOR (Matthew). Poems on several occa- sions. 8vo., London, 1766. The fifth edition. To which is perflxed [5/1;] the life of Mr. Prior, by S. Humphreys. Vol. II. 8vo., London, 1767. Published as a supplement to the edition in one volume. PRIORIUS (Philippus). [i.e., Philippe Le Prieur.] Animadversiones in librum Prae- adamitarum...authore Eusebio Romano \_i.e., P. Priorius]. lamo., [Amsterdam ?] 1656. Brunet. III., 832. PRISCIANESE (Francesco). F. Priscianensis argumentorum observationes in omneis Ciceronis epistolas. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apiid Aldi filios, 1549. Renouard, p. 146. L. E. Bigot's, Bigot Library. and Sunderland copy. PRISCIANUS. CcBsariensis. Prisciani...libri omnes...De praeexercitamentis Rhetoricae ex Hermogene.-.Rufini item de metris comicis. & oratoriis numeris, etc. [Edited by B. Donatus.] 4to., [colophon .■] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1527. Renouard, p. 103. Q. R. F. Palaemonis de ponderibus et mensuris liber. [By Priscianus.l See CEL- SUS (A. C). A. C. Celsi de re medica libri octo, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1554. PRISCIANUS, Lydus. Philosophus. Interprae- tatio Prisciani Lydi in Theophrastu de sensu, etc. Lat. See lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quse hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 1516. PROBA FALCONIA. See FALCONIA PROBA (V.). PROBLEMATA. Problemata ludicra & his- teriolee ridiculae, etc. See NUG^. Nugae venales, etc. [Pt. 2.] i2mo., [i6]32. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1642. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1644. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1648. [Another edition.] i2mo., [1662.] [Another edition.] umo., 1663. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] i2mo. [Another edition.] i2mo. [Another edition.] 8vo. [Another edition.] i2mo. [Another edition.] i2mo. 1681. 1689. 1703- 1720. 1741. PROBUS (^MiLius). See .EMILIUS PRO- BUS. PROCLUS, Diadochus. Excerpta JNIarsilii ficini ex graecis procli comentariis in Alcibiadem Platonis primuni (de anima et daemone). — Opus Procli de sacrificio interprete Marsilio Ficino florentino. Lat. See lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] fol., 1516. i6mo., 1570. Procli. ..compendiaria de raotu disputatio, posteriores quinque Aristotelis de auscul- tatione naturali libros. mira brevitate com- plectens. [With a preface by S. Grynaeus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Basilets : per J. Behelium, et M. Ysingrinitim. 1531. riQoxXov Atadoxov eiQ to Ttguirov rmv Evx?.etdovg [sic'] axotxc(0)v Pt^hov tiqcotov ( — reroQTov). See EUCLIDES. EvxT^eiSov ffroixewjv jSt^A. le', etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1533. IIqoxXov Avxtov...v/tvoi. See ORPHEUS. 'OQq)eo>i; 'AQyovavrixa. 4to., 1500. [Another edition.] See MUS^US, Grammaticus. Movaaiov Tzoirjfiariov to xaO' 'Hqcj Kat Aeavdgoi', etc. Svo., 1517. [Another edition.] See CALLIMACHUS. KaXXifiaxoi. KXeavdi]/;. nQoxkoQ, etc. i6mo., 1824. IIqoxXov AiaSoxov vrcorv:twai; tcov dargo- voi^ixoiv vjtcSeaEojv. Procli Diadochi hypo- typosis astronomicarum positionum. [Edited by S. Grynaeus.] Gr. 4to., BasilecB : apud Joannem Vualder, 1540. Chasles copy. Procli Diadochi sphaera, astronomiam discere incipientibvs vtilissima. Thoma Linacro Britanno interprete, etc. See FIRMICUS MATERNUS (J.). lulii Firmici Astronomicorum libri octo, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1499. UqoxXov atpaiQa. (Procli sphaera, T. Linacro ...interprete.) Gr. &- Lat. Se« DIONYSIUS, Periegetes. Aiovvaiov olxovftevrjQ neQit]yt]aig, etc. 8vo., 1523. [Another edition.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [Paris :] Excudebat C. Wechelus, 1531. Each part has an independent titlepage and pagination. -^^ [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See DIONY- SIUS, Periegetes. Aiovvaiov olnov/isvt]; nsQirj- yrjaig, etc. 8vo., 1534. [Another edition.] See HYGINUS (C. J.). C. J. Hvgini...fabularum liber, etc. fol., 1535. [Another edition.] ... cum annota- tiunculis ex publicis praelectionibus J. Tusani ...exceptis. 2 pts. 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Bogardum, 1547. Pt. I. is foliated. Pt. II., containing the Latin version, is without pagination, and is the Sunderland copy. [Another edition of Pt. II.] 4to., Parisiis, 1553. See JOANNES, Grammaticus, Philoponus. 'Iwavvov yQafifiartxov...xara IlgoxXov negi aidioTijTog xooiJOV, etc. fol., 1535. 357 PROCLUS, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Procli...ad venerabiles & sanctos episcopos, presbyteros, archiniandritas per Armeniam, liber Dionysio Exiguo intcrprete. Lat. 4to., Parislis : ex ofjicina C. Gitillardo', 1538. Ugoxkov... jTQog 'AQ/ieviovg Tiegi niareoig iniOToXr]. 4to., Parisiis : in adibiis C. Guillardce, 1539. PROCTER (Thomas) Sculptor. See BRAY- SHAW (T.). Giggleswick worthies. No. 3. Thomas Procter, etc. 8vo., [1885 ?] PROCTOR (Robert George Collier). A classified index to the Serapeuin. By R. Proctor. 5e«SERAPEUM. 8vo., 1897. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum : from the invention of printing to the year 1500. With notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols, [in I.] 8vo., London, 1898-99. Jan van Doesborgh, printer at Antwerp. An essay in bibliography. 4to., London, 1894. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. II.) The printing of Greek in the fifteenth century. 4to., Oxford, 1900. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Mono- graphs. No. VIII.) PROCTOR (Robert George Collier) &- others. See DUFF (E. G.) 6- others. Hand- -lists of English printers, 1501-1556. Pt. II. 8vo., 1896. PRODROMUS (Theodorus). See THEO- DORUS, Prodromns. PROGNE. Progne, tragoedia [in verse, by G. Corraro], nunc primum edita. See COR- RAR0(G.). 4to., 1558. PROGRESS. Progress of misgovernment. [By R. Southey.] See SOUTHEY (R.). 8vo., [1832.] PROPERTIUS (Sextus Aurelius). [For editions of the poems of Propertius published with those of Catullus.] See CATULLUS (C. v.). Propertii poetae... Liber primus (-quartus), etc. See TIBULLUS (A.). TibuUus cum commentariis Cyllaenii Veronensis, etc. fol., 1500. Propertii clegia e.x libro II. Lat. &■ Gr, See MOSCHUS. Moa-/ov...eldvUi(i, etc. 4to., 1565. S. A. Propertii elegiarum libri quatuor. Ex recensionc J. Broukhusii. See TIBUL- LUS (A.). TibuUi et Propertii opera, etc. 8vo.. 1753. S. A. Prop>ertii carmina. The elegies of Propertius, with English notes. By F. A. Paley. 4to. , London, 1853. Erotica. The elegies of Propertius, the satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and the kisses of Johannes Sccundus. Literally translated ...To which arc added the love epistles of Arista;netus. Translated by R. B. Slieridan and Mr. [N. B.] Halhed. Edited by W. K. Kelly. 8vo., London, 1854. filegies. Lat. &■ Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS(Q.). [Opera.— Fy^Kc/i.] CEuvres completes d'Horace, etc. 8vo., 1845. PROPHETIA. Prophetia mirabilis, ad aimum 1634 futurum. See NUG^E. Nugse venales, etc. [Pt. I.] [Another edition.] l2mo., 1642. i2mo., 1644. 1 2 mo., 1648. l2mo., [1662.] i2mo., 1663. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another copy.] [.Another edition.] i2mo., 1689. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1703. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1720. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1741. PROSPER, Aquitanicus, Saint. Divi Prosperi ...opera, accurata vetustoB exemplarium col- latione per viros eruditos recognita. fol., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539- Prosperi... epigrammata super Divi Aur. Augustini sententias quasdam exarata. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii ...opera, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1501. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See PRUDEN- TIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentius. Prosper. etc. 8vo., [15 18 ?| PROTOSPATARIUS (Theophilus). See THEOPHILUS, Protospatarius. PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (Aurelius). Opera aurelii cleme | tis prudStii | Ed. Pr. (5, %. 4to., s.n. [Deventer : R. Pafraet, c. 1490.] Hain and Copinger, 13432. Proctor, 9031. Orange morocco by C. Lewis. Prudentii ...opera ... (Prosperi ...epigram- mata super Divi Aur. Augustini sententias quasdam exarata.) Haec gra;ce. Cantica Joannis Damasceni...Cosmse hierosolymitani, cantica trcdecim. Cantica Marci cpiscopi Idrontis, in Magnum Sabbatum. Canticum Theophanis in AnniJtioneni [5i'c], etc. Gr. &■ Lat. ([Vol. II.] Quae hoc libro contincntur. Sedulii mirabilium divinorC libri quatuor carmine heroico. Ejusdcm clegia... J uvenci de Evangelica historia libri quatuor. Ara- toris Cardinalis historia; Apostolica; libri duo. Probae Falconiae ceto ex Vergilio de novo & vcteri testameto. Honieroccntra...gra;ce cum interpretationc latina...Lactantii Firmiani de Resurrectione elegia. Ejusdcm de passione Domini... Cyprianus de ligno Crucis versu heroico. Tiphcrni deprccatoria ad Virgincm clegia. ..Sancti Damasi de laudibus Pauli Apostoli versus hcxamctri ...Vita S. Martini cpiscopi a Severo Sulpitio prosa oratione. De miraculis S. Martini dialogus, ab eodcm... Vita S. Nicolai e gra?co in latinum a L. Jus- tiniano.) ([Vol. III.] Aldus Romanus omni- bus una cum gra;cis Uteris, sanctos etiain mores discerc cupientibus, S. P. D. Grc- gorii cpiscopi Nazanzcni carmina ad bene 358 PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS {A.).—{contd.) beateqs vivendum utilissima, etc. Gr. &- Lat.) [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] 3 vols. 4to., [colophon .■] Venetiis : apud Aldum, 1 501-4. This collection is known as "Poetse Cliristiani." Renouard, pp. 24-26 and 46. Brown morocco by Roger de Coverly. [Another copy of Vols. I. & II.] Vol. I. wants all after sheet kk. Vol. II. wants all after sheet K. Prudentius. Prosper. Joannes Dama- scenus. Cosmus Hierosolymitanus. Marcus episcopus Talvontis. Theophanes. 8vo., [Lyons, 15 18 ?] A counterfeit of part of the Aldine edition of 1501-4. Renouard, p. 306. A. Prudentii hymnus de miracuUs Christi. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — LatiH.'\ Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica, etc. i6mo., 1621. PRUNELLE (Clement pRANfois Victor Gabriel). Remarques inedites du President [J.] Bouhier, de [J. J.] Breitinger et du p6re [F.] Oudin, sur quelques passages d'Horacc, avec une lettre sur I'art poetique et sur la sat. IV., liv. II. : publiees par G. Prunelle. [With the text of the " Ars poetica," etc.'\ 8vo., Paris, 1807. [Another copy.] PRZYPKOWSKI (Samuel). Vita F. Socini descripta ab Equite Polono [i.e., S. Przyp- kowski]. Cui accedit dissertatio quam F. Socini operibus prasmitti voluit Eques Polo- nus. Cum catalogo operum ejusdem F. Socini. 2 pts. [in i vol.] i2mo., Eleutheropoli [i.e., London], 1651. Barbier, IV., 1407. PS.\UME (£tienne). Notice sur feu M. I'abbe [J. F.] Georgel...Par M. P. ..[i.e., fi. Psaume]. Svo., Paris, 1817. Barbier, III., 459. Pattison copy. PSELLUS (Michael Constantinus). [Opera.] Tov aotpojTaTov ^eXXov eniXvaiq elg tovq e^ rrj^ (piXoaoq>iaQ TQOTiovg. Tov avTov avvoyiig tcov jTEvre tpojv(ov, xai xiov dexa xarijyoQuov xrjQ ipiXoaocpiaQ, etc. Svo., [colophon : Paris : E. Tousan, 1540.] Pselli introductio in philosophise modos (Ejusdem compendium quinque vocum, etc.), a J. Foscareno...in latinum versa. 8vo., Parisiis : [E. Tousan,'] 1541. [Commentarii in Aristotelem.] Mixarj- Aoi> ^e?.Xov nagagygaatg eig to txcqi iQ/L(ij%>£iag. See ARISTOTELES. [Organon : Cate- goric & De Interpretatione.] 'A/ifuovtov TOV 'Eg/ieiov vnoj-n'rifia eig to Jiegt egfiTjveiag 'AQiaTOT£?.ovg, etc. [Pt. III.] fol., 1503. PseU)...in physicen Aristotelis commen- tarii, J. B. Camotio.-.interprete. Lat. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud F. Turri- sanum, 1554. Renouard, p. 159. Sunderland and Germadius copy. [De Oper.\tione D^emonum.] Ex Mi- chaele psello de daemonibus interpres Marsihus ficinus. Lat. See lAMBLICHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 1516. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1570. MixarjXov tov WeXKov tisqi ivegyeiag Sai- fiovcov diaXoyog. M. Pselli de operatione daemonum dialogus. G. Gaulminus... primus Graec^ edidit, & notis illustravit. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., Littelia Parisiorum, 161 5. Bywater copy. [In Mathematicas Disciplinas.] Tov aotpcDTaTov VeXXov avvTayfta...Eig rag TEoaaqag Hadrji^iaxixag £7r((rT);//as . . .Doctissimi Pselli opus dilucidum in quattuor mathematicas disci- plinas, arithmeticam, musicam, geometriam, & astronomiam. Gr. 8vo., Parisiis : excudehat J. Bogardus, 1545. Manzoni copy. [Another copy.] PTOLEMiEUS, Chennus. nxo}.Eiiaiov...neQnr)g Eig TcoXvfiadiav xaivrjg laTOQiag ).oyoi C, etc. Gr. (S- Lat. See GALE (T.). Historiae poeticse scriptores antiqui, etc. 8vo., 1675. PTOLEM.EUS (Claudius). [Almagestum.] KX. nxoXefiaiov fiEyaXrjg axmra^Ewg ^i^X. ly' . QECovog 'AXEiavdoEOjg eig to at5Ta vTtofivrj/xaTOJv jSi;3A. la'. C. Ptolemaei magnse constructionis, id est perfectae coelestium motuum pertrac- tationis, lib. XIII. Theonis Alexandrini in eosdem commentariorum lib. XI. Gr. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Basilece : apud J. Walderum, 1538. The " Magna eonstructio " edited by S. Grynteus, and the " Commentarii " by J. Caraerarius. [De Analemmate.] C. Ptolemaei liber de analemmate, a F. Commandino...instau- ratus, & commentariis illustratus, qui nunc primum ejus opera e tenebris in lucem prodit. Ejusdem F. Commandini liber de horologiorum descriptione. 4to., Romae : apud P. Manutium, 1562. Renouard, p. 187. Green morocco by Storr. Syston Park copy. [De Inerrantibus Stellis.] C. Ptole- maei inerrantium stellarum significationes per N. Leonicum e Graeco translatae. See OVIDIUSNASO (P.). [Opera.] Quae hoc volumine continentur, etc. [Vol. III.] Svo., 1 516. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1533. [Geographia.] KXavSiov TlToXEjiaiov... Tcegi Tijg yeu/ygaipiag flifiha 6xTm. . .C. Ptolemaei ...de geographia libri octo, etc. [Edited by D. Erasmus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : Basel : H. Froben and N. Episcopius, 1533.] [Planisph^rium.] Ptolemaei plani- sphaerium. Jordani [Nemorarii] planisphas- rium. F. Commandini... in Ptolemaei plani- sphaerium commentarius. In quo universa scenographices ratio quambrevissime traditur, ac demonstrationibus coniirmatur. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Venetiis : Aldus [P. Manutius], 1558. Renouard, p. 173. 359 PTOLEM^US (Claudius).— (co;;/rf.) [QuADRlPARTlTUM.] Hoc in libro nuncjua ante... in lucem edita haec insunt. KXav6iov nTo?.ej.iaioii. . .xergajitPkog avvTa$ig...Tov avrov xaQTioQ ... C. Ptolemsei ... libri quatuor ... Ejusdcm fructus librorum suorum, sivc centum dicta. ..Traductio in lingua Latina libroru Ptolemaei duum priorum, & ex aliis prsecipuorum aliquot locorum, Joachimi Camerarii [with an earlier translation of the two latter books]... Conversio centum dic- torum Ptolemaei in Latinum J. Pontani. [Gr. 6- Lat.] Annotatiunculae ejusdem Joa- chimi ad libros priores duos judiciorum Ptol. M. Guarimberti ... opusculum de radiis & aspectibus planetarum. Aphorismi astro- logici Ludovici de Rigiis, etc. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., [colophon :] NorimbergcB : apiid J. Peireium, 1535. Pt. II. has a .separate titlepage and foliation. Contemporary stamped pigskin, with "Georgius OrtegeUus, 1548 *' on tlie front cover. PUAUX (N. A. Franck). Vie de Calvin. (Nouvelle edition. ) 8vo., Paris, 1864. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. See GREAT BRITAIN. PUBLIC WORSHIP REGULATION ACT, 1874. See GREAT BRITAIN.— Parlia- ment .• Acts. PUBLILIUS, Syrus. See SYRUS (P.). PUCELLE D'ORLfiANS, La. See ARC (J. d'). PUCKLE (James). The club ; or, a gray cap for a green head, etc. 8vo., London, 1834. PULMANNUS (Theodorus). T. Pulmanni... annotationes in Q. Horatium Flaccum, etc. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Latin.] Q. Horatius Flaccus emendatus, etc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1577. PUMBSACK (Hans). Hans Pumbsack. Das ist : ein Gesprach zwischen...Philomusum und H. Pumbsack, etc. See FACETI^. Facetiae facetiarum, etc. 4to., 1627. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1647. [Another edition.] i2mo., 1657. PURMANN (JoHANN Georg). Prolusioncs de ingenio poetarum Romanorum inprimi.s poetae Venusini. See ERNESTI (J. H. M.). Parerga Horatiana, etc. 8vo., 181 8. [Another copy.] PUTEANUS (Erycius). [i.e., Erycius van DER PuTTEN or Henri Dupuv.] E. Puteaiii Democritus, sive de risu dissertatio satur- nalis. See SCRIPTORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum ...scriptores varii. Editio nova, etc. E. — [Another copy.] — [Another edition.] [Another copy. | Putcani ovi encomium. i2mo., 1644. I 2mo. , 1666. Sec SCRIP TORES. Dissertationum ludicrarum... scrip- lores varii. Editio nova, e/c. i2mo., 1644. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 12 mo., 1666. [Another copy.] PUTEO (Paris de). Trac. de re mill. & duel. Solennis et utilis tractatus de re militari p... Paridem de puteo compilatus...Addit9 est de eade materia tract. J. de lignano : & dni B. Cepole de impatore militii deligendo, etc, 0. X. 8vo., [colophon :] Lugduni : p Benedictil Bonnyn, 1543. PUTHERBEUS (Gabriel). See DUPUY- HERBAULT. PUTTEN (Erycius van der). See PUTE- ANUS (E.). PYLADES (Buccardus) Brixianus, pseud, [i.e., Giovanni Francesco Boccardo.] Deorum genealogiae a B. Pylade...versibus elegiacis conscripts, liber primus ( — V.). See HESIODUS. Hesiodi. .. opera, f/c. 8vo., [1542.] PYNSON (Richard). See DUFF (E. G.) &■ others. Hand-lists of English printers, 1501- 1556. Pt. 11. R. Pynson, etc. 8vo., 1896. PYRCKHEIMERUS (Bilib.\ldus). See PIRCKHEIMER. PYTHAGORAS. XQvaa ini] xov UvdaYoeov. (Carmina aurea Pythagorae.) Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. See LASCARIS (C). In hoc libro haec Continentur. Constantini Lascaris Ero- temata, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1495. [Another edition.] Gr. See THEO- CRITUS. TaSe iveari ev r/j^e t/; jJi/SAw. GeoHQiTov ddvXha, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1495. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] Pythagora; Philo- sophi Aurea uerba. Lat. See lAMBLI- CHUS, Chalcidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] Aurea carmina Pythagorae, etc. Gr. &- Lat. See MANU- TIUS (A. P.). A. Manutii ...rudimenta gram- matices Latinae linguae, e/c. 4to., 1501. [Another edition.] See LASCARIS (C). C. Lascaris. ..de octo partibus oratio- nis, liber primus, etc. Pt. II. 4to., [1502 ?] [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See MANUTIUS (A. P.). A. Manutii. ..institutionum gram- maticarum libri quatuor, e^c. 4to., 1508. [Another edition.] See LASC.\RIS (C). In hoc libro haec habentur. C. Las- caris. ..de octo partibus oTonis lib. I., etc. 4to., 1 51 2. [Another edition.] 4to., [post 1512.] [Another edition.] Sec MANUTIUS (A. P.). A. P. Manutii institutionum grani- niaticarum libri quatuor, c/c. 4to., 1514. [Another edition.] Gr. See HESIO- DUS. 'HaiodoQ 6 'AaxQaioq. 8vo., 1515. [Another edition.] Pythagorae... aurea verba. Lat. See lAMBLICHUS. Chalcidensis. Index eorum, qu;e hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, etc. fol., I 516. 360 PYTHAGORAS.— (coK^i.) [Another edition.] Xgvaa inij rov Uvdayogov. Gr.&-Lat. See CEB'ES,. Cebetis tabula & greca & latina, etc. 4to., [i 517.] [Another edition.] See MANUTIUS (A. P.). A. P. Manutii institutionum gram- maticarum Hbri quatuor, g/c. 4to., 15 19. [Another edition.] Gr. See SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aUquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. See MANUTIUS (A. P.). A. P. Manutii insti- tutionum grammaticarum libri quatuor, etc. 4to., 152;?. [Another edition.] Gr. S«« GNOMO- LOGIAI. rVco/ioAoytat naKaioxaxwv TroirjTcov, ^^<^- 4to., 1553- See CEBES. 4to., 1557. See CEBES. 4to., 1557. See HESIO- Gr. [Another edition.] K€^r]To;...mva^, etc. [Another edition.] Lat. Cebetis... tabula, etc. [Another edition.] Gr. DUS. 'Haiodov...eoya xai rj^ieQai, etc. 8vo., 1564. [Another edition.] Gr. See ESTI- ENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. 01 rr]g ■^gwinrig Tzoirjaeojg TZQcorevovxeQ jioirjxai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta awl^ofxeva xcov na).aio- xaxmv Tioirjxiov yecogytxa, etc. [Pt. IV.] l6mo., 1569. [Another edition.] [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1639. En lector, librum damns verd aureum... quo continentur hasc : xa ygvaa xaXovutva IIvOayoQov inrj. ^oixvhdov noirjfta vovdsxixoj'. 0eoyviSog...yvMfiat iXsyioxat. KoXovdov... 'EXevTjg agnayr). Tqv(ploSojqov...'IXiov dXcoaig. Id est, Pj-thagorae carmina aurea. Phocy- lidae poema admonitorium. Theognidis... gnomologia. Coluthi...Helense raptus. Try- phiodori...de Troiae excidio. {Nedov...xeipa- kaia, fi nagaiveaeis. Nili. .capita, seu prae- ceptiones de vita pie, Christian^ ac honestd exigenda, etc.) Omnia graecolatina, con versa simul & exposita a M. Neandro. Gr. &■ Lat. $ pts. [in I vol.] 4to., [colophon .•] BasilecE, 1559. Eacli part has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. ' legoxkeov; (piXoao(pov vno^ivrifia stg xa xwv rivdayooeimv inij xa xQvaa. Hieroclis philosophi commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum car- mina [with the text]. J. Curterio inter- prete, etc. Gr. & Lat. i2mo., Parisiis, 1583. Litera Pythagorae Y. Cum divina L. Lactantii ...explanatione. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. Poemata Pythagorje, et Phocylidis : cum duplici interpretatione V. Amerbachii. Gr. &■ Lat. 8vo., .4 rgentorati, 1552. Jahn copy. SjTnbola, etc. See lAMBLICHUS, Chal- cidensis. Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. lamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, etc. fol., 1497. [Another edition.] fol., 1516. See DU RONDEL (J.). Dissertation sur le Chenix de Pythagore. i2mo., 1690. See MAYER (J. F.) Press. Pythagoras, utrum fuerit Judaeus, monachusve Carmelita, etc. 4to., 1700. QUAESTIONES. Quaestiones, una cum car- minibus, in magnis Comitiis Cantabrigiae celebratis 17 14. See CAMBRIDGE. — Uni- versity. 8vo., 1 7 14. QUANTIN (Albert). Aide Manuce et I'Hel- lenisme k Venise, par A. F. Didot... Rapport de M. A. Quantin, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1875. From the " Proems -verbaux de la Soci6t6 Frater- nelle des Protes de Paris." QUARITCH (Bernard) Bookseller. Books originally belonging to royal or distinguished collectors ; examples of curious and artistic bookbinding, etc. [Catalogue.] 8vo., [London,] s.a. Wanting the wrapper. Catalogue (No. 93) of fifteen hundred books remarkable for... their bindings or as bearing indications of former o\vnership by great book-collectors, etc. 8vo., London, 1888. B. Quaritch's catalogue (No. 166): ex- amples of the art of book-binding and volumes bearing marks of distinguished ownership, etc. 8vo., London, 1897. Catalogue of manuscripts, chiefly illu- minated ...and books on palaeography ...offered ...by B. Quaritch. 8vo., London, 1886. Monuments of typography and xylo- graphy, books of the first half century of the art of printing in the possession of B. Quaritch, etc. 8vo., London, 1897. Palaeography. Notes upon the history of \vriting and the medieval art of illumination, etc. 4to., London, 1894. Presentation copy from the author. 199 copies printed, this being No. 184. QUARLES (Francis). Emblems, divine and moral... A new edition. .. by ...R. Wilson. 2 vols., illust. 4to., London, 1824. QUATREMAIRES (Joannes Robertus). [i.e., Jean Robert Quatremaire.] J. Gersen ...librorum de imitatione Christi, contra Thomam a Kempis vindicatum J. Frontai ...author assertus. 8vo., Parisiis, 1649. J. Gersen... au tor libb. de imit. Christi iterum assertus ... contra refutationem J. Fronteau. 8vo., Parisiis, 1650. *' Minimes de Paris " copy. 36i QTTfiRARD (Joseph Marie). CEuvres post- humes do J. M. Querard, publiees par [P.] G. Brunet. Livres a clef. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Bordeaux, 1873. 300 copies printed, this being No. 122. The pagination is consecutive. Les auteurs deguises de la litterature fran9aise au ig' sidcle. Essai bibliogra- phique, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1845. Thomas copy. Bibliographie Voltairienne. [By J. M. Querard ; with an introduction by A. de Vitry.] 8vo., Pam, (1842.) Barbier, I., 408. Fontaine copy. De la bibliographie generale au dix- -neuvadme siecle et plus particulidrement du Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres [by J. C. Brunet]. Lettre, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1863 Thomas copy. [Another copy.] Dictionnaire des ouvrages polyonymes et anonymes de la litterature franjaise, 1700 a 1845. [By J. M. Querard.] 8vo., [Paris, 1846.] Wanting the titlepage. Extending onJy from " A " to " Almanach musical." .ill publislied. P. Lacroix's copy. La France litt6raire, ou dictionnaire bibliographique des savants, historians et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi que des litterateurs etrangers qui ont 6crit en fran- 9ais, plus particulierement pendant les 18'" et 19" siecles, etc. Tom. I.-X. and XII. [in 5 vols.] 8vo., Paris, 1827-64. Wanting tome XI. Tom. I.-X. cover the years 1700-1826. The contents of Tome XII. are described on the titlepage as " Dix-neuvi^me sik^le. Tome II.," and includes " Re-Roguet " only. Notice sur M. S. Poltoratzky, bibliophile et bibliographe russe. 8vo., Paris, 1854. From the author's " La France Iitt6raire," tome XI. Le Qu6rard. Archives d'histoire litte- raire, de biographic et de bibliographie fran- ?aises. Complement p6riodiquc de La France litt6raire, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1855-56. Retouches au Nouveau dictionnaire des ouvTages anonymes et pscudonymes de M. E. de Manne, etc. [By J. M. Querard.] See MANNE (E. D. DE). 8vo., 1862. [Another copy. | Les Robespierre. Monographic biblio- graphique. 8vo., Paris, 1863. From the author's " l..a France Iitt6raire," tome XII. 100 copies printed. Tlionias copy. Les supcrcheries litteraires dcvoil6es. Galerie des ecrivains fran^ais dc toute I'Europc qui .se sont deguises sous des ana- grammes, des astcronymcs, des cryptonymes ...Scconde 6dition ...publiec par [P.] G. Brunet et P. Jannet, etc. 3 torn. 8vo., Paris, 1869-70. Supplement. ..par [P.] G. Brunet, etc. See BRUNET (P. G.). Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, etc. 8vo. 1 889. Sumonis donnes aux personnages his- toriques et aux auteurs. [By J. M. Querard.] 8vo., Francfort sur le Mein, 1855. From the " Bulletin du BibUopliile beige," 2' s6rie, tome II. 200 copies printed. See THOMAS (R.). A martyr to biblio- graphy : a notice of the life and works of J. M. Querard, etc. 8vo., 1867. [Another copy.] QUERCU (Leodegarius a) pseud, [i.e., Adri- ANUS TuRNEBUs.] See TURNEBUS (A.). QUERELLES. Querelles litteraires, etc. [By A. S. Irailh.] 4 tom. See IRAILH (A. S.). i2mo., 1761. QUESNfi (Jacques Salbigoton). filoge de B. Pascal. 8vo., Paris, 181 3. Pattison copy. QUESTIONS. Questions diverses et responses d'icelles, etc. [By O. Lando.] See LANDO (O). [QuEsiTi Amorosi.] i6mo., 1672. QUEVEDO VILLEGAS (Francisco Gomez DE). See GOMEZ DE QUEVEDO VIL- LEGAS. QUINAULT (Philippe). See CRAPELET (G. A.). Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Quinault, etc. 8vo., 1824. QUINCEY (Thomas De). See DE QUINCEY. QUINTILIANUS (Aristides). 'Aawxei&ov Konnikiavov negi fiovatxyjQ ^ipha y' , etc. Gr. &■ Lat. Ed. Pr. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antiquae musica? auctores septem, etc. Vol. II. 4to., 1652. QUINTILIANUS (Marcus Fabius). Begin. [Fol. I , recto .] lACOBVS Grasolarius Christo- foro de priolis amicorii | optimo Salutem Dicit ...\ etc. [Sig. ai, recto:] M. FABII QVINTILIANI ELOQVENTISSIMI | DE- CLAMATIONES INCIPIVNT. | [The text revised by G. Merula.] Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : Lucas Veneius Dominici. F., 148 1. Hain and Copinger, 13657. Rciohling, VI., 135. Proctor, 4491. Butiulin and Morante copy. M. FABII QVINTILIANI DECLAMA- TIONES I C. XXXVI. I [Edited by T. Ugo- letus.] fol., [colophon :] Paring : per Angelum Vgoletuni, 1494. Hain and Copinger, *i363g. Proctor, 6871. Wodhuil, WUson, Hardy, and Curror copy. Quintilianus. (M. F. Quintiliani orato- riae institutionis liber primus- duodecimus.) [Edited by G. Torinus.] 8vo., [colophon : Lyons,'] 1 5 10. A counterfeit Aldine. Ronouani, p. 310. M. F. Quintiliani oratoriarum institu- tionum. Una cu annotationibus R. Regii in depravationes cjusdem. Et tabula per alpha- bctum novitcr addita. fol., [colophon .] Venetiis : o(>c -\tp copy, torn. 11. and 111. being published at Paris and havinp the lillc " L'histoire. ..de i'heresie moderno," etc. 3^4 RAEMOND (Florimond DE).— (co«/, 1572. Waddington, p. 453. P. Rami. ..dialecticae libri duo. Exemplis oiimium artium tS: scicntiarum illustrati. ..per R. Makilmenacnm. 8vo., Francofurti, 1580. Wluldingloii, p. 434. P. Rami ... dialecticae lib. duo ... dcnuo breviter explicati ; a G. Rodingo. Xvii., t'liiiirofurti. 1582. Contemporary stamped leather binding. 366 RAMUS (Petrus). [Dialectica.]— ^cowW.) P. Rami dialectica, A. Talsei praelectioni- bus illustrata. Svo., Basileis. 1585. On the back of the titlepage there is an engraved portrait of Ramus, set. 55. Sehreck copy. P. Rami dialectices libri duo. His ad- juncta est ejusdem epistola...de conformanda logicis legibus astrologia. 8vo., Lugduni Batavorum. 1586. Dialecticae P. Rami. ..libri duo, praelec- tionum & repetitionum quaestionibus illus- trati...Auctore F. Beurhusio.-.Editio tertia. 8vo., Colonics, 1587. P. Rami... dialecticae libri duo, etc. i2rao., Hanovics, 1619. Ballesdena and Chasles copy. P. Rami... dialecticae libri duo. ..cum com- mentariis G. Dounami annexis. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Londini, 1669. The " Commentarii " have a separate titlepage and pagination. P. Rami... dialecticae libri duo: quibus loco commentarii perpetui post certa capita subjicitur, G. Amesii demonstratio logicae verae, etc. i2mo., Cantabrigice, 1672. Waddington, p. 454. Pattison copy. P. Ramus... his dialectica in two bookes... translated into English. ..by R. F. {i.e., R. Fage.] 8vo., London : by W. J., 1632. A compendium of the art of logick and rhetorick in the English tongue. Containing all that Peter Ramus, Aristotle, and others have writ thereon, etc. [Translated by R. Fage.] i6mo., London. 165 1. See BEURHUSIUS (F.). Ad P. Rami dialecticam ...inductio, etc. See BEURHUSIUS (F.). Rami dialectic®, etc. 8vo., 1583. Defensio P. 8vo., 1588. De P. Rami See BEURHUSIUS (F.). dialecticae praecipuis capitibus disputationes scholasticae .etc. 8 vo. , 1 5 8 1 Editio ... emendation See RICHARDSON (A.). 8vo., 1588. ._,^^ ^^^^^^. ,...,. The logicians school-master : or, a comment upon Ramus logicke. 4to-. 1629. [Dialectics Institutiones.] P. Rami... dialecticae institutiones, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : excudehat J. Bogardus, 1543. Niceron, XIII., 290. Waddington, p. 442. Maroon morocco by Veuve Brany. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud T. Paganum, 1547. Waddington, p. 443. P. Rami ... institutionum dialecticarum libri III., etc. 8vo., LtiteticB : ex officina L. Grandini, 1547. Waddington, p. 443. Calf by E. Ni6dr6e. Postrema editio. Svo., Parisiis : apud Joannem Roigny, 15.49; Tlie colophon reads : " excudebat M. David." Waddington. p. 443. See CARPENTARIUS (J.). J. Carpen- tarii animadversiones in libros tres dialec- ticarum institutionum P. Rami. 4to., 1554. [Geometria.] p. Rami geometriae lib. I. (—XXVII.) See above [Arithmetica.]. P. Rami arithmeticae libri duo, etc. 4to., 1569. [Another edition.] 4to., 1580. P. Rami... geometriae libri XXVII., etc. i2mo., HanovicB, 161 2. Waddington, p. 465. Chasles copy. Via regia ad geometriam. The way to geometry . . .translated . . .by . . .W. Bed well. 8vo., London : printed by T. Cotes, sold by M. Sparke, 1636. Hopper copy. [Grammaire Fran^aise.] Gramere. [By P. Ramus.] Ed. Pr. 8vo., Paris, 1562. Few copies of this work are known. Petit de Julleville ("Histoire de la langue et de la litt^rature fran(;aise," III., 741) mentions only three, and one is in the British Museum. Wad- dington, p. 461. Brunet, IV., 1099. Red Chartoner copj'. de La Ramee, etc. 8vo.. Paris. 1572. Waddington, p. 461. Red morocco by Duru. Grammaire de P. Niceron, XIII., 298. morocco by Duru. - [Grammatica GRyECA.] P. Rami gram- matica Graeca, quatenus d Latina difiert. 8vo., Parisiis, 1562. Niceron, XIII., 296. Waddington. p. 460. - P. Rami grammatica Graeca, etc. (P. Rami syntaxis Grsca, etc.) 8vo.. Parisiis, 1567. Waddington, p. 460. [Another copy.] P. Rami... grammatica Graeca... in libros quatuor digesta. etc. 8vo., Francofurdi [sic], 1586. Waddington, p. 461. [Grammatica L.«iNA.] P. Rami...gram- maticae libri quatuor, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1559. Niceron. XIII., 302. Waddington, p. 458. Editio tertia. 8vo., Parisiis, 1560. Waddington. p. 458. P. Rami... grammatica, ab eo demiim re- cognita : et ex variis ipsius scholis ac prae- lectionibus breviter explicata. 8vo.. Parisiis, 1578. Waddington, p. 459. P. Rami... grammatica... aucta & emen- data. 8vo., Lugduni Batavorum, 1584. [Another copy.] See CURSIUS (S.). In P. Rami gram- maticae duos priores libros, singularum... vocum...interpretatio. 8vo., 1585. [Oratio.] p. Rami...oratio, initio suae professionis habita, anno 1551, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1551. Niceron, XIII., 293. Waddington, p. 448. [Another edition.] Svo., Parisiis, 1557. Niceron, XX., 64. Waddington, p. 448. [Prslectiones.] p. Rami in Ciceronis orationes et scripta nonnuUa, omnes...prae- lectiones, e/c. [With the text.] S«e CICERO (M. T.). [Opera.— Lo/jn.] 8vo., 1582. 367 8vo. 1567. fol. 1576. 8vo. 1577- 8vo. 1581. 8vo. 1582. ...praelectionibus exposita, etc. 8vo. 1555 [Another copy.] Editio secunda. 8vo. 1558 Editio tertia. 8vo. 1572 RAMUS (Petrus). [PPiSLECTiONES.] — [conid.) P. Rami praelectiones in Ciceronis ora- tiones octo consulares, etc. [With the text.] See CICERO (M. T.). [Opera.— La/zn.] 4to., 1580. ^-^ P. Rami ... praelectiones in P. Virgilii Maronis georgicorum libros quatuor, etc. [With the text.] See VIRGILIUS MARO (P.). [Georgica.] 8vo., 1578. -^— [Another edition.] 8vo., 1584. See CICERO (.M. T.). [De Fato.] M. T. Ciceronis de fato liber, P. Rami... praelec- tionibus explicatus... Editio secunda. 4to., 1554. See CICERO (M. T.). [De Legibus.] M. T. Ciceronis de legibus liber I. P. Rami ... praelectionibus illustratus, eto. 4to., 1554. See CICERO (M. T.). [De Optimo Genere Oratorum.] M. T. Ciceronis de optimo genere oratorum. Praefatio in cotra- rias jEschinis et Demosthenis orationes, P. Rami...praslectiombus illustrata, etc. 4to., 1557. See CICERO (M. T.). [De Republica : SoMNiuM SciPioNis.] Somnium Scipionis ex sexto libro de republica M. T. Ciceronis, P. Rami ...praelectionibus explicatum, etc. 8vo., 1546. Secunda editio. 4to., 1550. See CICERO (M. T.). [Opera.— LaTison...W. Rastell, etc. 8vo., 1896. RATDOLT (Erhard). See REDGRAVE (G. R.). Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice, etc. (Supplement.) 4to., 1894-95. RATICHIUS (WoLFGANGUS). [i.e.. Wolfgang Ratich.] See STRACHINDIS (M. de). Ratichius non radicans, sen explicatio...quod didactica. seu methodus docendi a W. Ratichio proposita non sufficiens, sed im- perfecta sit. 8vo., 1619. RAU (Georg Friedrich). See RAVIUS (G. F.). RAUDENSIS (Antonius). Valla (L.). Lau- rentii Vallensis in A. Raudensem adnota- tiones, etc. See VALLA (L.). L. Vallae elegantiarum libri sex, e/c. 8vo., 1522. RAVIGLIO ROSSO (Giulio). Historia delle cose occorse nel regno d'lnghilterra, in materia del Duca di Notomberlan dopo la morte di Odoardo VI. [By G. RavigUo Rosso.] 8vo., [Venice .] Nell' Academia Venetiana, 1558. Renouard, p. 271. RAVISIUS (Joannes) Textor. [i.e.. Jean Ravis.] Cornucopiae J. Ra^'isii ... epitome, quae res quibus orbis locis abundd pro- veniant, alphabetico ordine complectens. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1 541. [Another edition.] 8vo., Venetiis : apud J. Gryphium, 1574. De memorabilibus et Claris mulieribus : aliquot diversorum scriptorum opera. [Edited by J. Ravisius.] fol., Parisiis : ex cedibiis S. ColincBi, 1521. Mazzuchelli copy, with the rare two leaves (sigs. yg and yio) between ff. 176 and 177. Dialogi aliquot ... hactenus non editi ... adjecta sunt...epigramata aliquot non inu- tilia. [Edited by L. Faber.] 8vo., [Paris .•] apud Reginaldum Chaudiere, 1534. Heber copy. J. Ravisii... dialogi aliquot festivissimi... Item ejusdem epigrammata...et epistolae... Omnia rccens diligenter recognita & emendata. [Edited by L. Faber.] Pt. 1. i2mo., Roterodami, 1651. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Wanting pt. II., containing the " Epistolie." Citron morocco by Derome. Officinae J. Ravisii... epitome. Tomus I. (Alter tomus epitomes officinae, etc.) 2 torn. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphitwi, 1541. 369 RAVISIUS (Joannes) Textor.—{contd.) —— Officina J. Ravisii, etc. 2 torn, [in i vol.] 8vo., Venetiis : apud J. Gryphiuni, 1574. RAVIUS (Georgius Fridericus) Pras. [i.e., Georg Friedrich Rau.] Exhistorialiteraria de H. C. Agrippae... vita, fatis et scriptis praeside G. F. Ravio ... disputabit publice J. J. Mullerus, etc. 4to., Viiembergae Saxonum, 1726. RAWLEY (William). The life of ...Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, eic. See BACON (F.) Viscount St. Albans. The works of F. Bacon, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1857. RAWSON (Harry). The Library Association. An address delivered at the opening of the nineteenth annual meeting of the Association, etc. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1896. From "The Library," Vol. VIII. RAYANUS (Hermannus). H. Rayani.. .corn- men tarii in panegyricum C. Plinii Secundi, etc. [With the text.] See PLINIUS CM- CILIUS SECUNDUS (C). [Panegyricus.] 8vo.,[i555.] RAYMOND (Florimond de). See RAE- MOND. RAYMUNDUS, Lullius. See LULLIUS (R.). RAYNAL (Guillaume Thomas FRAN901S). See PAINE (T.). A letter addressed to the abbe Raynal on the affairs of North-America, etc. 8vo., 1791. RAYNAUD (Gaston). Le chansonnier Clai- rambault de la Biblioth^que Nationale. 8vo., Paris, 1879. From the " Biblioth^que de I'Ecolo des Chartes," Tome XL. RAYNAUDUS (Theophilus). [i.e.. Theophile Raynaud.] Eunuchi, nati, facti, mystici, ex sacra et humana literatura illustrati. Zacharias Pasqualigus puerorum emasculator ob musicam, quo loco habendus. Responsio ad quaesitum per epistolam J. Heriberti [i.e., T. Raynaudus], etc. 4to., Divione, 1655. RAYNOLDS (John). See REYNOLDS. REAGH (Justin de MacCarthy) Comte. See MACCARTHY REAGH. RfiAUX {GioioN Tallemant des). See TALLEMANT DES R^AUX. REBITTfi (D.). G. Bud6, restaurateur des etudes grecques en France. Essai historique. 8vo., Paris, 1846. [For a critique on this work.] See FEUG£RE (L. J,). Lcs femmes poetes au i6« sidclc, etc. 8vo., i860. REBUFFUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pierre Rebuffi.] De scolasticorQ bibliopolarum, atquc C9tc- roruin univcrsitatum omniii niinistrorum. juratorumqs privilcgiis, liber I. De his quae literarum studiosis neccssaria sunt, liber H. Tertius auten. habita [sic], c. ne filius pro patre, intcrpretationcm tradit. 8vo., Parrisiis [sic] : apud P. Vidovceum, 1 540. — — Privilegia univcrsitatum, collegiorum, bibliopolarum, & omninin denniiii c|ui stu- diosis adjumenlo sunt. Cum clucidationc authen. habita c. ne filius pro patre, etc. 8vo., Francofurti, 1585. KirchofI copy. RECALDE (Inigo Lopez de) de Loyola, Saint. See IGNATIUS. RECORD COMMISSION. See GREAT BRI- TAIN. RECORD SOCIETY for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lanca- shire and Cheshire. [Publications.] Vols. I.-XXVIII. 8vo., (Manchester,) 1879-93 (94)- One of four copies printed on large paper. Vols. XXVIII.-XL. Svo., [Manchester,] 1893-99. Small paper edition. Vol. I. See FISHWICK (H.). Lancashire and Cheshire church surveys. 1649-1655, etc. Svo., 1879. Vol. II. See CHESTER.— Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved... at Chester, etc. [Vol. I.] 8vo., 1879. Vol. III. See LANCASHIRE. Lancashire inquisitions (post mortem)... Stuart period, etc. Pt I. 8vo., i88o. Vol. IV. See CHESTER.— Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved ...at Chester, etc. [Vol. II.] 8vo., 1881. Vol. V. See PRESTBURY, Parish of, in Cheshire. The rc;;ister book of christen- ings, weddings and burials. ..i 560-1636. etc. 8vo., 1 88 1. Vol. VI. See RYLANDS (J. P.). Cheshire and Lancashire funeral certificates ; A.D. 1600 to 1678, etc. Svo., 1882. Vols. VII.-VIII. See SELBY (W. D.). Lancashire and Cheshire records, etc. 2 pts. Svo., 1882-83. Vol. IX. See PRESTON.— Guild Merchant. The rolls of burgesses at the Guilds Merchant.. .1397-1682, etc. 8vo., 1884. Vol. X. See FISHWICK (H.). A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the Archdeaconry of Richmond, etc. [Vol. I.] 8vo.. 1884. Vol. XI. See FISHWICK (C). A calendar of Lancashire and Cheshire ex- chequer depositions by commission, etc. 8vo., 1885. Vol. XII. See LANCASHIRE. Mis- cellanies, relating to Lancashire and Chcslure. Vol. I. Svo., 1885. Vol. XIII. See FISHWICK (H.). A list of the Lancashire wills, proved within tlie Archdeaconry of Richmond, etc. [Vol. II.] 8vo., 1886. Vol. XIV. See CHESTER.— Abbey OF St. Wkrburg. Annalcs Ccstrienses ; or, chronicle of the .Xbbcy of S. Wcrburg, at Chester, etc. ' 8vo., 1887. [AnolluT copy.] 2 a 370 RECORD SOCIETY. [Publications.] — (co)iW.) Vol. XV. See CHESTER.— Court OF Probate. An index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved ...at Chester, etc. [Vol. HI.] 8vo., 1887. Vols. XVI.-XVII. See LANCA- SHIRE. Lancashire inquisitions (post mor- tem)... Stuart period, etc. Pts. II.-III. 8vo., 1887-88. Vol. XVIII. See CHESTER.— Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inventories now preserved... at Chester, etc. [Vol. IV.] 8vo., 1888. Vol. XIX. See MALBON (T.). Memorials of the Civil War in Cheshire, etc. 8vo., 1889. Vol. XX. See CHESTER.— Court OF Probate, .^n index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved. ..at Chester, etc. [Vol. v.] 8vo., 1889. Vol. XXI. See LEYLAND, Parish of. The register book of christenings, wed- dings, and burials. ..1653 to 1710, etc. 8vo., 1890 (1891). Vol. XXII. S«e CHESTER.— Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved ...at Chester, etc. [Vol. VL] 8vo., 1890. Vol. XXIII. See FISHWICK (H.). A list of the Lancashire wills proved within the Archdeaconry of Richmond, etc. [Vol. III.] 8vo., 1 819. Vol. XXIV. See LANCASHIRE. The Royalist composition papers, being the proceedings of the Committee for Compound- ing, A.D. 1643-1660, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1891. Vol. XXV. S«e CHESTER.— Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inven- tories now preserved ...at Chester, etc. [Vol. VIL] 8vo., 1892. Vol. XXVI. See LANCASHIRE. The Royalist composition papers, etc. Vol. II. 8vo., 1892. Vol. XXVII. See VINCENT (J. A. C). Lancashire lay subsidies, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1893 (1894). Vol. XXVIII. See COMMITTEE FOR THE RELIEF OF PLUNDERED MINISTERS. Minutes of the Committee... relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, 1643- 1660, etc. 8vo., 1893. — — [Another copy.] Vol. XXIX. See LANCASHIRE. The Royalist composition papers, etc. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXX. See IRVINE (W. F.). A collection of Lancashire and Cheshire wills, etc. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXXI. See LANCASHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Che- shire. Vol. II. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXXII. See LANCASTER, Duchy of. Pleadings and depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXXIII. See LANCASHIRE. Miscellanies, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. III. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXXIV. See COMMITTEE FOR THE RELIEF OF PLUNDERED MINISTERS. Minutes of the Committee... relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, 1643- 1660, etc. 8vo., 1896. Vol. XXXV. See LANCASTER, Duchy of. Pleadings and depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, etc. Vol. II. 8vo., 1897. Vol. XXXVI. See LANCASHIRE. The Royalist composition papers, etc. Vol. IV. 8vo., 1898. Vols. XXXVII.-XXXVIII. See CHESTER. — Court of Probate. An index to the wills and inventories now preserved... at Chester, etc. [Vols. VIII.-IX.] 8vo., 1898-99. Vol. XXXIX. See LANCASHIRE. Final concords of the county of Lancaster, etc. Parti. 8vo., 1899. Vol. XL. See LANCASTER, Duchy of. Pleadings and depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, etc. Vol. III. 8vo., 1899. R^CZYNSKI (Jerzy). Chronology of dates on the two Amyclean marble slabs, which were dug out from the ruins of the temple of Apollo of Delphi... 1 729 and 1730, etc. obi. 8vo., London, 1884. REDGRAVE (Gilbert Richard). Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice. A paper, etc. (Supplement.) 4to., Z.o«rfo«, 1894-95. (Bibliographical Society. Illustrated Monographs. No. I.) REFLECTIONS. Reflections on the late aug- mentations of the English peerage, etc. [By Sir S. E. Brydges.] See BRYDGES {Sir S. E.) Bart. 8vo., 1798. Some reflections upon a pamphlet, called, " The Old Whig." By the author of " The thoughts of a member of the Lower House " [i.e., the Earl of Orford]. The second edition. See ORFORD (R. Walpole) ist Earl of {of the second creation). 4to., 1719. REFLEXIONS. Reflexions sur les grands hommes qui sont morts en plaisantant. [By A. F. Boureau-Deslandes.] Nouvelle edition, etc. See BOUREAU-DESLANDES (A. F.). i2mo., 1732. REFORM MINISTRY. The reform ministry and parliament. 8vo., [London, 1833.] From the " Quarterly Re\'iew," Vol. L. A critique on a pampUet entitled " The reform ministry and the reformed parliament," 2nd ed., 1833. REFUGES (Denis de). See DU REFUGE (E.). REGANHAC (Geraud Valet de). Odes faites a la maniere d'Horace. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Carmina, etc.— French.] Traduction des odes d'Horace, etc. Tome II. l2mo., 1781. REGIO (Luigi). See LE ROY (L.). REGIO (Rafaello). See REGIUS (R.). 371 REGIOMONTANUS (Joannes). See MUL- LERUS (J.) Regiomontanus. REGIUS (LuDOVicus). See LE ROY (L.). REGIUS (Raphael), [i.e., Rafaello Regio.] Raphaelis Regii epistolae Plynii : qua libri naturalis histo- | riae Tito Vespasiano dedi- cantur : enarrationes. | Eiusdem de qtuor Persii locis : uno Valerii maximi : duo- | bus Tullii de officiis : ac tribus oratoriis qstioibus disputatio. | Eiusdem de quibusdana Quin- tiliani locis cum quodam | Calfurnio dia- logus. I Eiusdem loci cuiusdam Quintiliani ac eius Cicerouis \_sic'] ad | Atticum epistolae : cuius initium est : Epistolam hanc couicio | efflagitarunt codicilli tui : enarratio. | 4to., [colophon .■] Venetiis : Gulielmus Tri- dinensis cognomenio Anima mia. 1490. Hain, '13810. Proctor, 51 11. Sunderland copy. REGNIER (Mathurin). CEuvres de Regnier. Nouvelle edition, considerablement augmen- tee. (Poesies choisies de Motin, Berthelot, et autres poetes celebres [sic] du temps de Regnier.) 2 torn. i6mo., Londres, 1780. CEuvres completes de Regnier. Nouvelle edition, avec le commentaire de Brossette... et une etude biographique et litteraire par P. Poitevin. 8vo., Paris, 1873. REGUL^. Regulae vitae, etc. See VOSSIUS (G. J.). Gerardi J. Vossy et aliorum dis- sertationes, etc. i2mo., 1658. REICHENAIVE (Wilhelmus de). See WIL- HELMUS, de Reichenaive. REICHLING (Dietrich). De J. Murmellii vita et scriptis commentatio literaria. Scripsit Dr.Theodoricus Reichling. 8vo., Monasterii, 1870. Pattison copy. REIFFENBERG (Frederic Auguste Ferdi- nand Thomas de) Baron. De J. Lipsii... vita et scriptis commentarius, etc. 4to., Bruxellis, 1823. REIFFENBERG (Friedrich von). M. Sar- pedonii...[j.e., F. von Reiffenberg] de vera Atticorum pronunciatione...dissertatiQ, etc. 4to., Roma;, 17 so. Qu6rard, III., 605. Drury copy. REIMES (Philippe de). See BEAUMANOIR (P. DE Remi) Sire de. REIMMANN (Jacob Friedrich). J. F. Reim- mann... historia universalis athcismi et athe- orum falso & merito suspectorum apud Judaeos, Ethnicos, Christianos, Muhamedanos ...Accessit in fine idea compendii thcologici, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Hildesia, 1725, 24. The " Idea " has a soparato titlepage and pagina- tion, and is dated 1724. Idea sy.stematis antiquitatis literariae gcncralioris & spccialioris (sive /Egyptiacae)... nunc primum adumbrati. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Hilleshcim, 171 8. REINAUD (Joseph Toussaint). Notice his- toriquc et litt6rairc sur M. Ic baron Silvcstre de Sacy ...Dcuxi^me Mition, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1838. PattiHon copy. REINELIUS (Johann Michael) Resp. Dis- sertatio philosophica de plagio literario, etc. 2 pts. See THOiMASIUS (J.) Pr' of Grisild the Second, etc. 4to., 1875. No. 102. See BARNFIELD (R.). The complete poems of R. Bamfield, etc. 4to., 1876. No. 103. See BIBLE. — New Testa- M8NT. [Revelation.] The Apocalj-pse of S. John the divine, represented by figures reproduced in facsimile from a MS. in the Bodleian Library. 4to., 1876. No. 104. See DIGBY (Sir K.). Poems from Sir K. Digby's papers, etc 4to., 1877. No. 105. See EDWARDS (T.). Cephalus and Procris. Narcissus, etc. 4to., 1882. No. 106. See HARINGTON (Sir J.). A tract on the succession to the Crown, etc. 4to., 1880. No. 107. [Portrait of Sir John Har- ington.] See HARINGTON (Sir ].). A tract on the succession to the Crown, etc. 4to., 1880. No. 109. See LAMPORT GAR- LAND. A Lamport garland, e/c. 4to., 1881. No. no. See HALL (J.) Bishop of Norwich. The king's prophecie : or, weep- ing joy, etc. 4to., 1882. No. III. See SERMONES. Quatuor sermones, etc. 4^0., 1883. No. 112. See CATHARINE, Alex- andrina. Saint. The life and martyTdom of Saint Katherine, etc. 4*0., 1884. No. 113. See BEAUMONT PAPERS. Beaumont papers. Letters relating to the family of Beaumont, of Whitley, Yorkshire, etc. 4to., 1884. No. 1 1 5. See HERBERT (Sir W.). Guilielmi Herberti.-.Croftus, etc. 4to., 1887. No. 116. See JAMES I., Kifig of England. BaaUixov diogov, etc. 4to., 1887. No. 117. See PETRARCA (F.). [Canzoniere : Trionfi.] The Triumphes of Petrarch, etc. 4to., 1887. No. 1 1 8. See SPECULUM HU- MAN.4': SALVATIONIS. The mirourc of mans salvacionne, etc. 4to., 1888. No. 119. See MANDEVILLE (Sir ].). The buke of John Maundeuill, etc. fol.. 1889. No. 1 20. See STUART PAPERS. Stuart papers, relating chiefly to. ..the exiled court of King James II., etc. 2 vols. 4to., 1889. No. 121. See LOVFDAV (J.). Diary of a tour in 1732, etc. 4to., 1890. 38o ROXBURGHE CLVB.—{conid.) No. 122. See AILESBURY (T. Bruce) 2nd Earl of. Memoirs of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, written by himself. 2 vols. 4to., 1890. No. 133. See below, Sodalium qui nunc sunt Ro.xburghensium.-.icones. 4to., 1892. No. 124. See DEGUILEVILLE (G. DE). Le pelerinage de vie humaine, etc. 4to., 1893. No. 125. See ADRIANUS, Saint. Le Uvre et mistere du... Saint Adrien, etc. 4to., 1895. No. 126. See CLERK (Sir J.) Bart. Memoirs of the life of Sir J. Clerk, etc. 4to., 1895. See MACKY (J.). Memoirs of the secret services cf J. Macky, etc. 4to., (1895.) No. 127. See DEGUILEVILLE (G. DE). Le pelerinage de I'^me, etc. 4to., 1895. No. 128. See SPELMAN (W.). A dialoge or confabulation between two travellers, etc. 4to., 1896. No. 129. See CHARLES 11. , King of England. Notes which passed ...between Charles IL and the Earl of Clarendon, etc. 4to., 1896. No. 130. See COPLEY (Sir T.). Letters, «^c. 4to., 1897. No. 131. See COLCHESTER.— Monastery of Saint John the Baptist. Cartularium Monaster! i Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colecestria, etc, 2 vols. 4to., 1897. No. 132. See PARLIAMENT. The parlement of the thre ages, etc. 4to., 1897. No. 133. See DEGUILEVILLE (G. DE). Le pelerinage Jhesucrist, etc. 4to., 1897. No. 134. See COKAYNE (Sir T.). A short treatise of hunting, etc. 4to., 1897. No. 135. See OLIVER, of Castile. The history of Oliver of Castile, etc. 4to., 1898. No. 136. See BLACKSTONE (Sir W.). Dissertation on the accounts of AH Souls College, Oxford. 4to., 1898. No. 137. See HOR^. Thirty-two miniatures from the Book of Hours of Joan II. Queen of Navarre, etc. 2 pts. 4to.,i899. Chronological Ust of members ; catalogue of books ; rules and regulations. 4to., London, 1889. Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. Sodalium qui nunc sunt Roxburghensium, annum ab instituto sodalitio LXXX. feliciter celebrantium, vi\ada vi solis adumbratae icones. 4to., Londini, i8g2. (Roxbvirghe Club Publications, No. 123.) Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. ROY ( LE). See LE ROY. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. See MOORE (N.). The President of the... Col- lege, et^;. 8vo., (1889.) ROZOIR (Charles du). See DU ROZOIR. RUBEUS (Hieronymus). [i.e., Girolamo Rossi.] H. Rubei historiarum Ravennatum libri decern ; hac altera editione libro unde- cimo aucti, & multiplici antiquitatis historia. Gothorum, Longobardorum, & Italicorum... amplissimfi locupletati, etc. fol., Venetiis, 1589. De Thou copy. RUCELLAI (Giovanni). Le api di M. G. Rucellai, etc. [Edited by P. Rucellai.] 8vo., [Florence .■] s.t.n., i 539. RUDIMENT.^. Rudimenta Latinogdllica, cum accentibus. [By C. Estienne ?] 8vo., Parisiis, 1555. Vemeniz copy. RUE (Gervais de la). See L.\ RUE. RUELENS (Charles) & BACKER (Augustin de). Annales Plantiniennes depuis la fon- dation de limprimerie Plantinienne a Anvers jusqu'4 la mort de Chr. Plantin, i 555-1 589. Svo.. Paris, 1866. A reibsue of pt. I. of *' Annales Plantiniennes, par C. Rueleus et A. de Backer," published in the preceding year, 300 copies printed. The work first appeared in the " Bidletin du Bibliopliile Beige." No more was published. RVFFVS, Epiiesius. See RUFUS. RUFINIANUS (Julius). J. Rufiniani de hgu- ris sententiarum & elocutionis liber, etc. See RUTILIUS LUPUS (P.). De figuris senten- tiarum, etc. 8vo., 1533. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1542. [Another copy.] RUFINUS, Grainmaliciis. Antiochensis. Com- mentarium Rufini ... in metra Terentiana. See PRISCIANUS, Ct^sariensis. Prisciani... libri omnes, etc. 4to., 1527. RUFINUS (Jacobus). J. Rufini carmen de obitu B. Eliae...ejusdemq5 uxoris luctu, in funere trium natariim, etc. 4to., Venetiis, 1553. RUFUS, Ephesius. 'Povtpov 'E!ld.) \ consularis Valentiano | Augusto de historia Ro. | Libellus finit. | etc. 4to., [colophon :] Romf : per Eucharium Silber ats Franck, 1 491. Hain and Copinger, 14032. Reichling, III., 168. Proctor, 3848. S. Rufi...de historia Romanorum libellus. See FLORUS (L. A.). L. Flori dc gestis Romanorum libri quatuor, eic. 8vo., 1540. [Another edition.] See LIVIUS (T.) Patavinus. L. Flori epitome decadum XIIII. T. Livii, eic. 8vo., 1554. RUGGLE (George). Ignoramus. Comoedia ...Editio tertia, locis sexcentis emendatior. Cum eorum supplemento quae, causidicorum municipalium reverentia, hactenus desidera- bantur. i2mo., Londini, 1658. Jolinson and A. Goatling's copy. [Another copy.] A. Kenrick's copy. Editio prioribus omnibus emen- datior. 8vo., Westmonasterii, 1737. Ed. White's copy. [Another edition.]. ..cum notis...qui- bus insuper praeponitur vita auctoris...accu- rante Joanne S. Hawkins. 8vo., Londini, 1787. RUMPLER (FRAN901S Louis). Histoire veri- table de la vie errante et de la mort subite d'un chanoine qui vit encore ; ecrite a Paris par le defunt lui-meme [i.e., F. L. Rumpler]... Avec la filiation des pieces que sa fermete a fait naitre [sic] ... Cinqui^me edition, etc. (Dossier des pieces pour un chanoine ressus- cite a demi contre fes auteurs de sa mort et leurs complices, etc. — Question interessante pour tout le clerge consultee [sic] a Paris sur fes droits de jurisdiction de S. A. E. Mgr. I'archeveque de Mayence, etc.) 3 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Mayence. 1785. Barbier, 11., 839. RUNGHIASCHI (LuiGi). Bibliografia storica delle citta, e luoghi dello Stato Pontificio, etc. [By L. Runghiaschi.] 4to., Roma, 1792. Meizi, I., 134. RUPEMALLEUS (Renatus Michael). See LA ROCHEMAILLET (R. M. de). RUPRECHTUS (Joannes Georgius). De Societate Litteraria Rhenana, a Conrado Celte instituta, oratio, etc. 4to., Jenae, 1752. Pattison copy. RUSCELLI (GiROLAMO). I fiori dellc rime de' poeti illustri, nuovamente raccolti et ordinati da G. Ruscelli. Con alcune annota- tioni del medesimo, etc. 8vo., Venetia, 1558. Lettere di XIIL huomini illustri. etc. [Lib. 14 and 15 collected by G. Ruscelli.] See LETTERE. 8vo., 1560. RUSSELL ( John) Bishop of Lincoln. Speeches prepared for the opening of Parliament. See EDWARD v.. King of England. Grants, etc. from the Crown during the reign of Edward the Fifth, etc. 4to., 1854. RUSSELL (John) Usher to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. Tho bokc of nurture by J. Russell. ..The boke of kcrvyngc by Wynkyn de Worde...The boke of nurture by Hugh Rhodes... Edited... by F. J. Fumivall. 4to., Bungay, 1867. (Boxburghe Club Publications, No. 87.) RUSTICUS (Mercurius) pseud, [i.e., Thomas Frognall Dibdin.] See DIBDIN (T. F.). RUTHVEN (Alexander). Duff (A.). The traditional account in the town of Perth, concerning the death of ...A. Ruthven, etc. See PERTH. Memorabilia of the city of Perth, etc. 8vo., 1806. RUTHVEN (John) yd Earl of Cowrie. See GOWRIE. RUTHVEN CORRESPONDENCE. Ruthven correspondence. Letters and papers of P. Ruthven, Earl of Forth and Brentford, and of his family: a.d. 161 5-A.D. 1662. With an appendix of papers relating to Sir J. Urry. Edited... by... W. D. Macray. 4to., London, 1868. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 90.) Gaisford copy. RUTILIUS LUPUS (Publius). P. Rutilii Lupi de figuris sententiarum, et elocutionis liber I. (— IL) See GEORGIUS, Trapezun- tins. Continentur hoc volumine Georgii Trapezuntii rhetoricorum libri V., etc. fol., 1523. De figuris sententiarum, ac verborum, P. Rutilii Lupi ...libri II. Aquilae Romani liber I. J. Rufiniani de iis quae ab Aquila praetermissa erant, libellus : & praeterea ejus- dem libri II. Bedae praesbyteri Anglosaxonis de schematibus & tropis sacraru literanim, lib. I. P. Mosellani tabulae de schematibus & tropis. 8vo., Lugd[tmi] : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugd[uni] : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 154-- The authors' names appear on the verso of th« titlepage. [Another copy.] RUTILIUS TAURUS .^MILIANUS (Palla- Dius). See PALLADIUS RUTILIUS TAU- RUS .EMILIANUS. RUTLAND PAPERS. Rutland papers. Ori- ginal documents illustrative of the courts and times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Selected... by W. Jerdan. 4to., London, 1842. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 21.) RUTLEDGE (Jean Jacques), filogc de Mon- tesquieu. [Bv J. J. Rutledge.] 8vo., Londres, 1786. Barbier, II., 82. Pattison copy. RYFF (Petrus). Quaestiones gcometricae, in Euclidis & P. Rami hantis, J. Lipsii. — Encomium fobris <)uartana3, U. Monapi. — Encomium ctvcitatis, .1. (Intliorii. — Musca) principatus, b\ Scribanii. Dornooritus, seu de risu, E. Puteani.- -Encomium ovi, E. Puteani. — Encomium cycni, W. Altlrovandi. [Another copy. | [Another edition, entitled :] Admi- randa rcrum admirabihura encomia, Sive 400 SCRIPTORES.— (coM/fi.) diserta & amcena Pallas disserens seria sub ludicra specie. Hoc est, dissertationum ludi- crarum, nee non amcenitatum scriptores varii, etc. i2mo. , Noviomagi Batavorum, 1666. With a second, engraved, titlcpage. Tlie contents of this edition are the same as in the former one, with the exception that "De arte natandi," " Laus anserig " and "Encomium cycni " are omitted, and the following are added : — Testa- mentum M. Grunnii Corocottae Porcelli, incerti authoris ; Encomium senis, A. Jonstoni ; En- comium ululje, C. Goddaei ; Encomium surdita- tis, M. Schoockii ; Encomium fumi, ejusdem. Robertson copy. [Another copy.] Scriptores aliquot gnomici, iis, qui Grae- carur.i literarum candidati sunt, utilissimi, etc. (Ex Aphthonii exercitamentis de fabula. Ejus lem de formicis & cicadis. fabula. E.\ Philtstrati imaginibus de fabula. Aesopi vita cum fabulis per Maximu Planude. Gabnae Graeci fabellae tres & quadraginta . . . Agapetus de officio regis... Illustrium \'iroru sentetiae quaeda philosophicae. Hesiodi... opera & dies. Ejusdem Theogonia & Aspis Herculis. Theognidis ... sententiae elegiacae. Pythagorae carmina \-ere aurea. Phocylidis sanctissima praecepta carmine heroico... Poetarum senarii, etc.) Gr. 8vo., {colophon : Basel : J. Froben. 1521.] SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSTiE. Begin. [Fol. i , recto .] BONVS ACCVRSIVS PISANVS Salutem dicit plurima | etc. [Fol. 4, verso .] IN HOC CO | DICE CONTINEN | TVR CAIVS SVETONI 1 VS TRANQVIL- LVS DE. XII. I CAESARIBVS. AELIVS SPARTIA I NVS. IVLIVS CAPITOLINVS. AELIVS LA I MPRIDIVS. TREVELLIVS POLLIO. FLA I VIVS VOPISCVS. EV- TROPIVS. I ET PAVLVS DIACONVS. | DE REGVM AC IMPER | ATORV^I ROMAN | ORVM VITA. I fol , [colophon :] Mediolani : per Maqistrum Philippum de Lauagna, 1475. Imperfect; wanting ff. i-iio, comprising Sue- tonius, and f. 253 (blank). In this copy f. 115 is placed before f. iii. Uain and Copiager, *i4S6i. Proctor, 5845. Crawford (Lakelands) copy. [Another edition.] In hoc volumine haec continentur. J. B. Egnatu...de Caesari- bus libri III. a Dictatore Caesare ad Constan- tinum Palaeologum, hinc a Carolo Magno ad Maximilianum Caesarem. Ejusdem in Spar- tiani, Lampridiiq; vitas, & reliquorum anno- tationes. Nervae & Trajani atq; Adriani principum vitae ex Dione, G. Merula inter- prete. A. Spartianus, J. Capitolinus, Lam- pridius, F. Vopiscus, Trebellius Pollio, V. Gallicanus. Ab eodem Egnatio castigati. Addita in cake Hehogabali principis ad meretrices elegantissima oratio non ante impressa. 8vo., [colophon ;] Veneiiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 15 16. Renouard, p. 76. [Another edition.] Ex recognitione D. Erasmi...C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Dion Cassius...(G. Merula... interprete). A. Spar- tianus. J. Capitolinus. A. Lampridius. V. Gallicanus V.C. Trebellius Pollio. F. Vo- piscus... Quibus adjuncti sunt, S. A. Victor. Eutropius. Paulus Diaconus. Ammianus. Marcellinus. Pomponius Lstus Ro. J. B. Egnatius, etc. fol., [colophon ;] Basileae : apud J. Frobentum, 1 5 1 8. [Another edition.] In hoc volumine haec continentur. Nervae & Trajani, atq; Adriani Caesarum vitas ex Dione, G. Merula interprete. A. Spartianus. J. Capitolinus. Lampridius. F. Vopiscus. Trebellius Pollio. V. Gallicanus. Ab J. B. Egnatio... diligen- tissime castigati. Heliogabali pricipis ad meretrices elegatissima oratio. Ejusdem J. B. Egnatii de Casaribus libri tres. ..Ejusdem in Spartiani, Lampridiiq; vitas, & reliquorum annotationcs. ,A.ristidis Smyrnaei oratio de laudibus urbis Romae a S. Carteromacho in latinum versa. In extrema operis parte addita coflagratio Vesevi montis ex Dione, G. Merula interprete. 8vo., [colophon :] Veneiiis : in aedibus Aldi, et A ndreae soceri, 1 5 1 9. Renouard, p. 87. Blue morocco binding by Roger Payne. Sussex and Latham copy. [Another edition.] Caesarum vitae post Suetonium Tranquillum conscriptae . . . Quarum autores sunt hi, Dion Cassius Nicaeus. A. Spartianus. J. Capitolinus. A. Lampridius. V. Gallicanus. (Tomus II. ...Trebellius Pollio. F. Vopiscus. S. A. Victor. P. Laetus, etc.) J. B. Egnatii. ..in eosdem annotationes. 2 tom. l6mo., Lugd[uni'\ : apud Seb. Gryphium. 1551. SCRIPTORES REI RUSTICAE. Lvcii Ivnii Moderati Colvmellae rei rvsticae capitvla libri primi, etc. See COLUMELLA (L. J. M.). fol., 1472. [Another edition.] Libri de re rus- tica, etc. See CATO (M. P.) the Censor. 4to., 1 5 14. [Another edition.] 4to., 1533. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] De re rustica... Tomus I. See CATO (M. P.) the Censor. 8vo., 1535. Priscarum vocum, in libris de re rustica, enarrationes... Tomus III. See MERULA (Georgius). 8vo., 1535. SCRIVERIUS (Petrus). [i.e., Pieter Schrij- VER.] P. Scriverii saturnalia, continentia usum & abusum tabaci. See JOANNES, de Mediolano. Schola Salemitana...Nova edi- tio, etc. i2mo., 1649. SCULTETUS (Abrah.\m). De curriculo vitae, imprimis vcro de actionibus Pragensibus A. Sculteti . . . narratio apologetica . . . Accesserunt orationes nonnuUae, etc. 4to., Emdce, 1625. SEARS (George Edward). A collection of the emblem books of A. Alciati...In the library of G. E. Sears. 8vo., New York, 1888. 100 copies privately printed, this being No. 70. 40I SEARS (George Edward). — {contd.) —— A collection of works illustrative of the Dance of Death. ..In the library of G. E. Sears, etc. 4to.. New York, 1889. 100 copies privately printed, this being No. z6. SEBASTIANI (Antonio) Minturno. Bishop of Crotona. A. Sebastiani ... epigrammata, et elegiae. 8vo., Venetiis, 1564. A. Sebastiani. ..poemata, ad. ..A. Colum- nam. 8vo., Venetiis, 1564. A. Sebastiani... poemata, ad C. Pyretium, etc. 8vo., Venetiis, 1564. SEBIZIUS (Melchior). [i.e.. M. Sebisch, the Younger.'^ M. Sebizius...de notis virgini- tatis. See PIN^US (S.). I. S. Pinaei...de integritatis...virginum notis... opuscula, etc. i2mo., 1641. SEBON (Ramon). See SABUNDE (R. de). SEBUNDIUS (Raemundus). See SABUNDE (R. DE). SECOND (Jean). See SECUNDUS (J.). SECONDAT (Charles de) Baron de Montes- quieu. See MONTESQUIEU. SECUNDUS (Joannes), [i.e., Jean Second.] J. Secundi... opera, nunc secundum in lucem edita, e/e. \6mo., Parisiis. 1561. Knight copy. J. Second. Traduction libre en vers des odes, des baisers, du I''"' livre des elegies, et des trois elegies solennelles...par M. Loraux. Lat. &■ Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1812. Red morocco by Thouvenin. Regnaud and Beckford copy. J. Secundi... basia, et alia quaedam. Eo. Pr. 4to., Lugduni : aptid Seb. Gryphium, 1539. J. Secundi... basia. See BECCADELLUS (A.) Panormita. Quinque illustrium poeta- rum...Lusus in Venercm, etc. 8vo., 1791. Baisers de J. Second. (Par Mirabeau.) Lat. &- Fr. See TIBULLUS (A.), filegies, etc. Tome II. 8vo., 1798. The kisses of J. Secundus. Eng. See PRO- PERTIUS (S. A.). Erotica. The elegies of Propertius, e/c. 8vo., 1854. SEDDON (Peter). See WALWORTH (N.). The correspondence of N. Walworth and P. Seddon, e/c. 4to., 1880. SEDULIUS (CcELlus). Sedulii mirabilium divi- noru libri quatuor carmine heroico. Ej usdem elegia, etc. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudcntii. .. opera, e)'e(ov, e/c. 8vo., 1555. SIBILET (Thomas). Art poetique fran?ois [by T. Sibilet]...Avec le Quintil Horatian [by C. Fontaine], sur la defense & illustration de la langue fran9oise [by J. Du Bellay]. Reveu & augmente nouvellement. (De la poinctua- tion de la langue fran9oise. — Les accens de la langue fran9oise. [Both by fi. Dolet.]) i6mo., Lyon, 1576. Barbier, I., 301. Red morocco by Duru. SIBYLLA, Erythraa. Zzixot St^vXXag t/;; ' EgvOgaiag tieqi to« xvqiov fnxiov, etc. See HESIODOS. 'HaioSoQ 6 'AaxQaio;. 8vo., 1515. SIBYLLINE ORACLES. See ORACULA SIBYLLINA. SICKLER (Friedrich Karl Ludwig). (30 Bilder zu Horazens Werken. Gestochen unter der Leitung von C. Frommel, nach Zeichnungcn v. Catel, Frommel, e(c.) Er- klarung der dreissig Bilder zu Horazens Wcrkcn. L. P. 4to., Carlsruke, 1829. Trenta incisioni rapprescntanti alcuni luoghi citati da Orazio nelle sue opere, colle illustrazioni del...Dott. Sickler, tradotte per la prima volta in italiano e pubblicatc per cura di T. Fontana. 4to., Venezia, 1838. Pizzo copy. SIDNEY (Sir Philip). Sidneiana ; being a collection of fragments relative to Sir Philip Sidney Knt. and his immediate connections. [Edited by Bishop S. Butler.] 4to., London, 1837. (Roxburglio Club Publications, No. 53.) Bontham and Buckley copy. SIDONIUS(CAIUSSoLLIUSAPOLLINARIS)BisAo^ of Clermont. Sidonii apollina | ris poema An I rcum eius | demq3 | episto | le. | [With the commentary' of J. B. Pius.] fol., [colophon .] Mediolanni [sic] : per Vlde- ricum scizenzeler, 1498. Hain and Copinger, *I287. Proctor. 6038. SIEGENBEEK (Matthijs). Laudatio J. Dousao, cum subjunctis annotationibus. 8vo., Lugduni Balavorum, 1812. SIENNA, Council of. Acta Concilii Scncnsis 1423. See PISA, Council of. .\cta primi Concilii Pisani, etc. [Pt. I.] 4to., 161 2. SIG.^A (Aloisia) afterwards CUEVAS (Aloisia de). Syntra... aliaque... cpigram- mata, etc. See .\I,LUT (P.). .\. Sygea cl N. Chorier. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1862. SIGMOND (George). The unnoticed theories of Servetus. A dissertation, etc. 8vo., London, 1826. SIGONIUS (Carolus). [i.e.. Carlo Sigonio.] C. Sigonii dc Hop. Atlieniensium libri IIIl. Ejusdem de Athenicn. Lacedaemoniorumq. temporibus liber propediem edetur. 2 pts. [in 1 vol.] 4to., Bo»joMj>, 1564. The " Atlienien.siuin tempora " has a separate pagination and titlepage, tlie latter bearing the imprint " Venetiis, ex ofiicina D. Guerrei, & J. Baptifitffi fratruin." Renoiiard, p. 196. C. Sigonii de Rcpublica Hebraorum libri VII., etc. 8vo., Francofurti, 1583. C. Sigonii disputationum Patavinarum adversus F. Robortellum liber primus. ( liber secundus. In quo ephcmeridibus ejus respondetur... Ejusdem ad epistolam G. Faerni responsio, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Palavii, 1562. Mitford copy. [Another copy of Pt. I.] C. Sigonii emendationum libri duo, etc. 4to., Venetiis: Aldus [P. Manutius], 1557. Imperfect ; wanting fol. 31. Renouard, pp. 172 and 489. C. Sigonii pro eloquentia orationes IIII. 4to., Venetiis : .ildus[P. Manutius], 1555. Renouard, p. 165. Regum, consulum, dictatorum, ac cen- sorum Romanorum fasti, una cum triumphis actis, a Romulo Rege usque ad Ti. Caesarem, C. Sigonio auctore. Ejusdem do nominibus Romanorum liber. Kalcndarium vetus Ro- manum...& P. Manutii de veterum dierum ordine opinio, etc. fol., Venetiis : apitd P. Manutium, 1555. Renouard, p. 166. C. Sigonii scholia, quibus T. Li\ni...his- toriae, et earum epitomae...explanantur, etc. See LIVIUS (T.) Patavinus. [Historia.] T. Li\ni ... historiarum ... libri ... XXXV., etc. [Vol. IL] fol., 1555. Secunda editio. fol., 1566. [Another edition.] (C. Sigonii Livia- norum scholiorum aliquot defensiones ad- versus Glarcanum et Robortellum.) fol., 1572. SILIUS ITALICUS (Caius). Silii Italici opus de secundo bello Punico. [Edited by D. Benessa.] 8vo., [Lugduni : expensis Bartholomei Troth, 1514] Wanting the leaf bearing tho colophon. -V counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 313. Silii Italici de bello Punico secundo XVII. libri nupcr diligentissime castigati. Svo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibusAldi, et Andreae Asitlani soceri, 1523. Renouard. p. 98. Anson copy. Silii Italici. ..de bello Punico libri septem- decim. (Vita Silii Italici P. Crinito autore.) i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Odescalchua copy. [Another edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. C. Silii Italici Punica. [Edited by R. Heber.] 2 vols. 8vo., Londini, 1792. SII.VESTRE (Augustin Francois) Baron de. Notice biographiquc sur U. Dupont (P. S.). 8vo., Paris, 1 8 1 8. Pattison copy. Notice biograpliiquc sur M. Ic conite N. I'ranfois dc Ncufchiteau, etc 8vo,, Paris, 1828. Pattison copy. 4o6 SILVESTRE (Louis Catherine). Marques typographiques, ou recueil des monogrammes, chiffres, enseignes, embldmes, de\ases, rebus at fleurons des libraires at imprimeurs qui ont exerce en France... depuis... 1470, jusqu'a la fin du seiziema siecle, etc. [By L. C. Silvestre.] [Pt. I.] 8vo., Paris, 1853. Wanting Pt. II. (1867.) SILVESTRE DE SACY (Antoine Isaac) Baron. See SACY. SILVIUS (^NEAS). See PIUS II., Pope. SILVIUS (Jo.\NNES Baptista) pseud, [i.e., FRAN90IS OUDIN.] See OUDIN (F.). SIMLER (Josias). Narratio da ortu, vita, et obitu...H. Bullingeri...insarta mentione prae- cipuarum rerum quae in ecclesiis Helvetiae contigerunt : & appendice addita, qua pos- trama responsio J. Andreas confutatur. Ac- cessere carmina a viris bonis & doctis in ejusdem obitum scripta. Item oratio funebris, auctore J. G. Stukio. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., Tiguri, 1575. SeeSTUCKIUS(J. G.). Vita...J. Simlari, etc. 4to., 1577. S I MM I AS . £ifi/iiov . . . rreXexv;. — Si/i/tiov . ..d)OV. — 2!iftfiiov ...fiwfio;. — Einftiov ...nrEQvyiov. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Oi ttj; TJQiotxrji; noDjaecoQ ngwrevovre; non)Tai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. Eij^ifuov ...' Qov. IlTEQvyiov. IleXexvi;, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aio^^o- fieva ru>v nakatoraTojv tiohjtow yeojgyixa, etc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1570. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1639. SIMMS (Charles) S- Co. Descriptive catalogue of old and historic manor houses in Lanca- shire and Cheshire. Specially photographed, etc. 8vo., Manchester, s.a. SIMON (Joannes Georgius). [i.e., Johann Georg Simon.] J. G. Simonis...brevis de- lineatio impotentiae conjugalis, diu hactanus desiderata, nunc vero denuo revisa, etc. 4to., Jena, 1682. Ferriar and Cro3sley copy. SIMON (Richard) Hebraist. Critical en- quiries into the various editions of the Bible ...Together with animadversions upon a small treatise of I. Vossius ; concerning the oracles of the Sibylls, etc. 4to., London, 1684. Kenrick copy. See BERNUS (A.). Notice bibliogra- phique sur R. Simon, etc. 8vo., 1882. SIMONDE DE SISMONDI (Jean Charles Leonard). See SISMONDI. SIMON IDES, of Amorgos. Zi/icovid. yvw/iat. See GNOMOLOGIAI. rvoj/uo^oyiat naUato- rarwv Jiotrjrtov, etc. 4to., 1553. SIMONIDES, of Ceos, Poet. EincoviSov ftehj. Gr. &■ Lat. See PINDARUS. Pindari Olympia, Pythia, etc. [Vol. II.] 24mo., 1560. Editio II. Graecolatina H. Steph., etc. 24mo., 1566. SIMONIDES (Constantine). See STEWART (C. ). A biographical memoir of C. Simonides, etc. 8vo., 1859. See URANIUS, Alexandrinus. Uranii Alexandrini de regibus Aegyptiorum, etc. [Aforgery by C. Simonides.] 8vo., 1856. SIMONNET (Jules). Essai sur la via et las ouvrages da [^.] G. Peignot, accompagne de pieces de vers inedites. 8vo., Paris, 1863. SIMPLICIUS, of Cilicia. ZIMnAIKIOY MEPAAOY AIAAXKAAOY \ 'YUOMNHMA 'EIS TA2 AEKA KATH- \ FOPIAS TOY 'APIETOTEAOYE. | Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon : Venice : Z. Kallierges, for N. Blastiis, 1499.] Hain and Copinger, *I4757. Proctor, 5645. Proctor^, p. 119. Angelio and Gaisford copy. EiiiTiXtxiov vno/uvrji^taTa eig zeaaaQa ^i^Xia 'AgtaTOJe/.ovg Tregi ovQavoi', ftera rov vttoxei- fievov rov avxov, etc. See ARISTOTELES. [De Ccelo] fol., 1526. £iftn?.txiov vno^vTjftaxa elg xa y' ^i^Xia rov 'AgwroreXovQ tieqi i^w/tjq, etc. [With the text.] See ARISTOTELES. [Opera.— Greek.] fol., 1527. Zi^nXixiov i^rjyrjaig eig ro rov ' Entxrtjrov eyxctQidwv. See EPICTETUS. 4to., 1528. [Another copy.] SIMS (Rich.^rd). An index to the pedigrees and arms contained in the Heralds' Visita- tions, and other genealogical manuscripts in the British Museum. 4to., London, 1849. SINAPIUS (Daniel Augustus) Resp. Ap- paratus ad P. Manutii Wtnin pars prior, etc. See KRAUSE (J. G.) Pms. 4to., 1719. SINCERUS (Immanuel) Junior, pseud. Me- dulla facetiarum. Complectens apigram- mata jocosa at salsa de qualicunque venere, faminis, et vino. E farragine scriptorum Latinorum...selecta...par I. Sincerum junio- rem. i6mo. , Stutlgartiae, 1S63. SINCERUS (Theophilus) pseud, [i.e., Georg Jacob Schwindel.] See SCHWINDEL (G. J.). SINISTRARI DE AMENO (Ludovicus M.aria). De la demonialite et des animaux incubes et succubes ... Ouvrage inedit publie ...et traduit...par I. Liseux. Lat. S- Fr. 8vo., Paris, 1875. SISCAR (Gregorio Mayans y). See MAY- ANS Y SISCAR. SISMONDI (Jean Charles Leonard Simonde de). Histoire des Fran9ais. Tom. I. -XV. 8vo., Paris, 1821-31. Wanting Tom. XVI.-XXXI. SIXTUS v.. Pope. [i.e., Felice Peretti.] Brutum fulmen Papae Sixti V. adversus Hen- ricum ...regem Navarra?, &...Henricum Bor- bonium, principem Condaeum. Una cum protestatione multiplicis nullitatis [by F. Hotomanus]. Quarta editio, etc. (Sanctiss. D. N. Si.xti Papae V. declaratio contra Hen- ricum Borbonium, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., {Roma, 1585.) The imprint appears only on the titlepage of the " Declaratio. 407 SKEEN (William). Early typography. 8vo., Colombo, 1872. SKELTON (John) Poet Laureate. Magnyfy- cence ; an interlude. 8vo., London, 1821. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 31.) SKOT (John). See DUFF (E. G.) S- others. Hand-lists of English printers, 1 501-1556. Pt. I. WjTikyn de Worde...J. Skot, etc. 8vo., 1895. SKRYVENERS. The skryveners' play, the incredulity of St. Thomas... Edited by J. P. Collier. See CAMDEN MISCELLANY. The Camden miscellany. Vol. IV. 4to., 1859. SLEIDANUS (Joannes), [i.e.. Johann Phi- LippsoN.] J. Sleidani de quatuor summis imperiis libri tres : postrema editione hac accurate recogniti. i6mo., Ltigd[uni] Batavonim, 1631. SLOP, Dr., pseud, [i.e.. Sir John Stoddart.] See STODDART (Sir ].). SMART (B.\th Charles) & CROFTON (Henry Thomas). The dialect of the English Gyp- sies. ..Second edition, etc. 8vo., London, 1875. SMETHLEY (Leonard) & HOLME (Randle). Letters on the claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire in the time of James the First ... Edited, with an introduction and notes, by... F. R. Raines. See CHETHAM MISCEL- LANIES. Vol. V. 4to., 1875. SMITH (James) Archdeacon of Barnstaple, & MENNIS (Sir John). Facetiae. Musarum deliciae...New edition, etc. 2 vols. See MENNIS (Sir J.) & SMITH (J.). 8vo., s.a. SMITH (John) Fellow of Queen's College, Cam- bridge. Select discourses. ..As also a sermon preached by S. Patrick ... at the author's funeral : with a brief account of his life and death. 4to., London, 1660. SMITH (John Spencer). Notice necrologique sur M. A. Bruguidre, baron de Sorsum, etc. 8vo., [Caen, 1824.] Oettinger, I., 208. Pattison copy. SMITH (Joseph) British Consul at Venice. Bibliothcca Smithiana. A catalogue of the ... library of J. Smith ...Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1773. There i.s a Becond titlepage in French. Willi prices in MS. SMITH (Thomas) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vitae quorundam eruditissimorum et illustrium virorum (J. Usserii, J. Cosini, H. Briggii, J. Hainbridgii, J. Gravii, Petri Junii, Patricii Junii, Joannis Dec), etc. 4to., London, 1707. SMITH (Sir Thomas) Secretary of State. The Commonwealth of England. And the manner and governemcnt thereof, etc. i2mo., London: IV. Stansby for J. Smethtvicke, 1633. Dc recta et cmendata lingua; Gra;ca} pro- nuntiationc.cpistola. Sec HAVERKAMP (S.). Syllogc altera scriptonini, etc. 8vo., I74(J. SMITH (Sir William). Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Edited by W. Smith. Second t-ditioii. etc. 8vo. , London, 1848. Dictionary of Greek and Roman bio- graphy and mythology. Edited by W. Smith. 3 vols., illust. 8vo., London, 1844-49. A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest. With sup- plementary chapters on the history of literature and art. ..Sixth thousand. i2mo., London, 1854. SMYTH, Family of. Smyth, of Heath in the parish of Warmfield, and of Holbcck in the parish of Leeds. [Pedigree.] See YORK- SHIRE. [33 pedigrees, etc.'\ fol., s.a. SMYTH (Richard). The obituary of R. Smyth ...being a catalogue of all such persons as he knew in their life, extending from a.d. 1627 to a.d. 1674. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 4to., [London,'] 1849. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 44.) SMYTH (William) Historian. Lectures on modern history, etc. Vol. II. 8vo., London, 1848. Wanting Vol. I. SNELL (Frederick John). Primer of Italian literature. 8vo., Oxford, 1893. SNELLIUS (WiLLEBRODUs). [i.e., Willebrod Snell.] W. Snellii...de re nummaria liber singularis. Svo., [Leyden .] Ex offictna Plantiniana, 161 3. SOAVE (Moisfe). Dei Soncino, celebri tipo- grafi italiani nei secoli XV., XVI., con elenco delle opera da essi date alia luce, etc. 8vo., Venezia, 1878. SOBIUS (Jakob). See PHILALETHES, Civis Utopiensis, pseud. SOBRARIAS (Juan). Biografia de J. Sobra- rias. (J. Sobrarii ...carmen in natali sereniss. Hispaniar. principis Philippi Austriaci, etc. — Sacratissimi ... Divi Caroli hujus nominis quinti ...Ticinensis victoria de Francisco Gal- lorum rege captivato. [In verse.]) See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Vol. VIII., pp. 669-739. Svo., 1862. SOClfiTfi DES BIBLIOPHILES CONTEM- PORAINS. Annalcs administratives, etc. 1889/1890. Svo., Paris, 1891. 250 copies privately printed. 1 890/91 -1 893/94. See below, An- nates litteraircs, s/c. 1891-93. Svo., 1892-94. 1894. 8vo., [Pam,] (1894.) Final issue. Annales littdraires, e/c. 1S90. 8vo., Paris. 1890. 250 copies privately printed, this being No. 12R. Annates litt6raircs...suivics des annalcs administratives. 1891. Svo., Pan's, 1892. 255 copies privately printed, this being No. 32. 1892. 8vo., Paris, 1893. 200 copies privately printotl. this being No. 31. 1893. Svo., Paris, 1894. 210 copioH privately i)rinteil. L'octave de la Socicte, etc. 4to., Athines, (1894.) 160 copies printed, this being No. 35. 4o8 SOCI£t£ DES BIBL. CONT.— (cowW.) [Publications.] 5ee HARAUCOURT(E.). L'efiort, etc. 4to., 1894. See MAUPASSANT (H. R. A. G. de). Contes choisis, etc. 4to., 1891-92. See STENDHAL, M. de, pseud. L'abbesse de Castro, etc. 4to., 1890. See UZANNE (O.). Dictionnaire bibliophilosophique, etc. 4to., 1896. Reglement interieur. Svo., (Paris,) s. a. Statuts. Svo., {Paris,) s. a. Statuts et rdglement, etc. 8vo., Paris, 1889. SOClfiTfi DES BIBLIOPHILES FRANCOIS. Melanges de litt^rature et d'histoire. Re- cueillis et publics par la Societe, etc. [Edited by baron J. Pichon.] 8vo., Paris, 1850. Barbier, III., 114. [Publications.] See PICHON (J.) Baro>t. Vie de C. H., comte de Hoym, etc. 2 torn. 8vo., 1880. SOCIETY FOR THE INCOURAGEMENT OF LEARNING. A memorial of the present state of the affairs of the Society, etc. 4to., S.I., 1746. SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF HELLENIC STUDIES. [Publications.] See JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, The. Vols. I.-XX. 8vo., 1880-1900. SOCINUS (Faustus). [i.e., Fausto Paolo SozziNi.] Assertiones theologicae de Trino et Uno Deo... Una cum animadversionibus F. Socini.-.Editio secunda. See below, Trac- tatus de Deo, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto. 8vo., 161 1. Brevis discursus de causa, ob quam creditur aut non creditur Evangelio Jesu Christi ; & de eo, quod, qui credit, prcemio, qui non credit, pcenS, a Deo afficiatur...Ex Italico in Latinum translatus per V. Smal- cium. 8vo., RacovicB, 1614. De loco Pauli Apostoli in epistola ad Rom. cap. septimo. F. Socini cum nobiliss. quodam viro [i.e., J. Niemojevius] disputatio ...Editio secunda, etc. 8vo., Racovics, 1612. Elenchi sophistici a F. Socino...in gratiam amicorum explicati, & exemplis theologicis illustrati, etc. 8vo., Racovia, 1625. F. Socini miscellanea : hoc est, scripta theologica, sen tractatus breves de diversis materiis, etc. (J. Niemoje\di epistolas duae, de sacrificio & invocatione Christi.) 8vo., RacovicB, 161 1. Tractatus de Deo, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto. (Assertiones theologicae de Trino et Uno Deo, adversus novos Samosatenicos. Ex prselectionibus Collegii Posnaniensis ex- cerptae. Una cum animadversionibus F. Socini... Editio secunda.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Racovia. 161 1. The second part has e separate titlepage, but the pagination and register are consecutive through* out. Tractatus de Ecclesia. 8vo., Racovice, 161 1. Tractatus de justificatione. 8vo., Racovice, 161 1. See PRZYPKOWSKI (S.). Vita F Socini, etc. i2mo., 1651. See TOULMIN (J.). Memoirs of the life ...of F. Socinus. 8vo., 1777. SOCINUS (LiELius). [i.e., Lelio Francesco Maria Sozini.] See ILLGEN (C. F.). Vita L. Socini, etc. 8vo., 1 814. SOCIUS, pseud. Facetiae Cantabrigienses : consisting of anecdotes, smart sayings, satirics, retorts, &c. by, or relating to cele- brated Cantabs. Dedicated to the students of Lincoln's Inn, bj' Socius. Third edition, etc. [Edited by R. Gooch.] Svo., London, 1836. SOCRATES. [The Supposititious Letters.] Socratis, Antisthenis, et aliorum Socrati- corum epistolae. L. Allatius hactenus non editas primus Graece vulgavit ; Latind vertit ; notas adjecit ; dialogum, de scriptis Socratis, praefixit. Gr. &- Lat. 4to., Parisiis, 1637. T)ie text is printed in double columns. Salzedo Coronel copy. SOCRATES, Scholasticus. I!ojxQaTovg...ixxXT]- aiaaxixr}(; iaroQiaQ ^i^Xia ETrra. See EUSE- BIUS, Pamphili, Bishop of Ccesarea in Pales- tine. ' Ey.xXrjaiacnixrii iaroQiag Evae^iov... ^i^Xia i', etc. [Pt. I.] fol., 1544. SOLAR (FfiLix). Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. F. Solar. (Table alphabetique des noms d'auteurs [with the sale prices], etc.) 2 pts. [in I vol.] Svo., Paris, 1S60-61. SOLIGNAC (Pierre Joseph de La Pimpie.) See LA PIMPIE SOLIGNAC. SOLINUS (Caius Julius). Begin. [Fol. 2, recto .] IVLII SOLINI DE SITV ET ME- | MORABILIBVS ORBIS CAPIT\T:,A. | Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : per Nicolavm lenson, 1473. Wanting fol. i (blank). Hain and Copinger, 14877. Proctor, 4089. [SolinusDe Mirabilibus Mundi.] [Sig.ai, recto :] De origine & tpibus urbis Romae & mensibus & diebus intercalaribus. Caput. I. | fol., [colophon .■] Brixi(B : per lacobum Britanicum [sic}, 149S. Imperfect ; wanting the first lo fi. (sigs. A & B). Hain and Copinger, *I4883. Proctor, 7007. Solini polyhistor. See MELA (P.). Pom- ponius Mela. Julius Solinus. e/c. Svo., 1518. C. J. Solini polyhistor. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1537. Netherlands stamped calf binding of the i6th century, bearing the name of the binder, Petrus Cesaris. [Another edition.] 8vo., Litgduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1538. C. J. Solini polvhistor ... a Martino A. Delrio...emendatus." See DIONYSIUS, Perie- getes. Dionysii Alex, et Pomp. Melae situs orbis descriptio, etc. 4to., 1577. SOLON. ZoXcavoi yvco/^ai. See GNOMOLO- GIAI. Pviofiokoytat 7ia?.aioTaT(ov tioiijtcuv, etc. 4^., 1553- 409 SOLON.— (co»W.) 'Ex TCDV EoXoivoz iXeyeuov, yvcj/itxa. Gr. &■ Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). To. ao>l;o/ieva rcDv naXatoTaTojv TioiTjTtuv yecDgyixa, etc. [Pt IV.] i6mo., 1569- [Another edition.] [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1639. SOMERSET (Robert Carr) Earl of. See AMOS (A.). The great Oyer of poisoning : the trial of the Earl of Somerset, etc. 8vo., 1846. SOMMAIA (GuGLiELMO Bruto Icilio Timo- LEONE Libri Carrucci dalla) CoHte. See LIBRI CARRUCCI DALLA SOMMAIA. SOMMAIRE. Le sommaire de la Sainte ficri- ture, etc. See BIBLE. [Appendi.x.] 8vo., 1879. SOMMER (Friedrich Wilhelm). F. W. Som- meri ... Silesia ante Piastum : carmen epicum : elaboratum antea, jam recognitum et auctum. 8vo., VratislavicB, 1720. SOMMERLATTIUS (Joannes Fridericus) PrcBS. Exercitatio historico-critica de eru- ditis singularis cujusdam libri amatoribus, quam...praeside J. F. Sommerlattio...pub!ice proponit J. G. Eyslein. 4to., Lipsia, 1716. Exercitatio historico-litteraria de eruditis singularis cujusdam libri amatoribus, quam ... praeses J. F. Sommcrlattius...pubIicae venti- lation! ... submittit, respondente G. E. Wal- chio. ^io. , Lipsia, lyi^. SONCINO, Family of. See MANZONI (G.) Conte. Annali tipografici dei Soncino...nel secolo XV. ...e nel secolo XVI., etc. Tom. II., fasc. I, tom. III., and torn. IV., fasc. i. 8vo., 1886, 83, 85. See SOAVE (M.). Dei Soncino, celebri tipografi ilaliani nei secoli XV., XVI., etc. 8vo., 1878. SeeZACCARIA ANTONUCCI (G.). Cata- logo di opere...stampate dai celebri tipografi Soncini ne' secolo XV. c XVI., etc. 8vo., 1863 [Another edition.] 8vo., 1868. SOPATER. EamazQov diaioeaiz (rjrt/iarwv [sicl. See APHTHONIUS, Sophista. Rhetores in hoc volumine habentur hi, etc. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1508. SOPHOCLES. [Op-e.k\.— Greek.] HoipoxXeovz XQayoidiai inra /het' iirjyijaeon'. Sophoclis tra- gaediae [sic] septem cum commentariis, etc. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Ed. Pr. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in Aldi Roman i Academia, i 502. The comrnontftrios inontionod in tho title wfru not published until 1518. Renouard, p. 3.). [Another copy.] With a made-up litlepui^e. Maturin copy. I^oipoxXeovi; rgayajdiat inxa /jera ayohmi' 7ia}.aw>v xai nurv 6(feXi/jon' [sic]. Sophoclis tra- goediae septem. Cum interpretationibus, etc. [Edited by A. Francinus.] 4to., [colo- phon :] Florentia : pcrhccredes P. Junta, 1 522. Renouard, p. xlvii. Russia by Mm. Wior. Wod- hull copy. SocpoxXeovi TQaycpSiat Inta. Sophoclis tra- goediae septem. 8vo., [colophon: Paris : S. de Colines, 1528.] This copy contain.s the four leaves at the end (omitted in some copies) which, according to Elmsley, give this edition its chief value. SofpoxXeovQ rgayuiScai inza /jexa axohtov... Sophoclis tragoediae septem, cum interpre- tationibus, etc. 4to., [colophcm :] Franco- furti : ex officina P. Briibachii, 1 544. Another edition of that of 1522. Contemporary stamped pigskin, with the date " 1545 " on the front cover. ZocpoxXeovQ TQaycadiai inra nera axohoxv... Sophoclis tragoediae septem cum interpre- tationibus, etc. [With a preface by B. Giunta.] ^to., [colophon :] Florentiae : apud [Bernardttm] Jttnciam, 1547. Renouard, p. Ivi. blue morocco by Boz^rian jeune. Zoipox?.Eovg TQaycoSiai ...Arj/jrjTQiov rov Tqi- xhviov ncQt liETQOjv oic. ixerjaaro £oqiox/.i]g, negi axrmaTwv, axoXia. [Edited by A. Turne- bus.] 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Parisiis, 1553. Tho colophon to pt. I. is dated 1552. Pt. II., containing the notes, has a separate titlcpage and pagination. Wodhull copy. [Another copy of Pt. II.] Colbert copy. SocpoxXeovg XQaycodiat t,'. Sophoclis tra- goedia VII. ...opera G. Canteri. i2mo., .4jitverpice, 1579. The colophon is dated 1580. Hoym and Lad- vocat copy. Sophoclis tragoediae septem ...recensuit et brevibus notis instru.xit I. [or rather, C] G. A. Erfurdt. Editio nova ; cum annotationibus et indicibus G. Hermanni. Accedunt (T. C. G.) Schneider de dialectis Sophoclis et [E.] Wunderi conspectus metrorum Sophoclis. 2 tom. 8vo., Londini, 1827. Schneider's " De dialecto Sophoclis'* has an independent titlepage, dated 1826. Zo(poxX7jg. Sophoclis tragoedia; superstites et dcpcrditarum fragmenta ex recensione G. Dindorfii. 8vo., Oxonii, 1832. ZocpoxXrjg. Sophoclis tragoedias [following Dindorfs text]. 8vo., Oxonii, 1850. Each play has a separate pagination . SJophocles. The te.xt of the seven plays. Edited, with an introduction, by R. C. Jebb. 8vo., Cambridge, 1897. [Opera. — Latin.] Sophoclis Ajax Flagel- lifor, et Antigone. Ejusdem Electra. G. Rotallero interprete. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. Sophoclis tragoedia' septem, Latino car- mine rcdditae, & annotationibus illustrata;, per T. Naogeorgum... Collect* sunt etiam yviofiui, dictacj; provcrbialia ex hisce tragce- diis. per eundcm, etc. 8vo., Basilecv, (1558.) Red morocco by Deromo. [Opera. — English.] The tragedies of Sophocles : in English prose. The O.xford translation. New edition, revised according to the text of Dindorf (by T. A. Buckley). 8vo., London, 1849. 4IO SOPHOCLES.— (cow W. ) [AjAX.] Sophoclis Ajax Lorarius, stylo tragico a Josepho Scaligero...translatus, etc. See SCALIGER (J. C). J. C. ScaUgeri... poemata, etc. [Pt. III.] 8vo., 1591. [Antigone.] Sophoclis Antigone tragoedia a G. Herveto...traducta...in Latinum. Ejus- dem Herveti epigrammata. 8vo., Lugdimi : apud S. Doletum, 1541. Crofts and Wodhull copy. [Appendix.] Commentarii in septem tra- gedias Sophoclis : quae ex aliis ejus com- pluribus injuria tempoE amissis, solae super- fuerunt : opus exactissimii ... in Gymnasio Mediceo...recognitiJ, «/c. Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon : Rome : Gymnasium Medi- ceum, 1 5 18.] Without pagination. One of the four books printed at the press of Pope Leo X. Be.\tson (B. W.). Index. .. verborum for- mularumque omnium in Sophoclis tragoediis ...occurrentium. See INDEX. Index in tragicos Graecos. Vol.1. 8vo., 1830. SOPHRONIUS, a Contemporary of St. Jerome. Tov Zw(pQoviov ...to ^ifiXiov neQi Tmv xov Evayyeharcov fiiov. (Sophronii...libellus, de Evangelistarum vita, D. Hieronymo inter- prete.) Gr. &■ Lat. See EPIPHANIUS. Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus. Epi- phami...de Prophetarum vita, etc. 4to., 1529. SORANUS II., Ephesius. 'Ex twv £coQavov Tiegt fiTiTgag xai yvvaixeiov aldocov. See RUFUS, Ephesius. 'Povipov 'Eud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. De Thou copy. Recognitio Veteris Testamenti ad Hebrai- cam veritatem, collata etiam editione Septua- ginta interprete cum ipsa veritate Hebraica, nostraq; translatione, cum e.xpositione Hebrae- orum, ac Graecorum, qui passim toto opere citantur, elc. 4to. , [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, &■ AndrecB soceri, 1529. Renouard, p. 106. [Another edition, entitled :] A. Steuchi ...Veteris Testamenti ad veritatem Hebraicam recognitio. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1531. STEVARZIUS (BoMB.\RDUs) Clarefortensis, pseud.. Press. Discursus methodicus de pe- ditu, etc. See FACETI^. Facetiae facetia- rum, elc. i2mo. 1615. [.\nother edition.] 1626. 4to. 1627. [.\nother edition.] 1 2mo. 1647. [Another edition.] 1 2 mo. 1657. [Another edition.] i2mo. 1737- [Another edition.] 1 2 mo. 1754. STEVENS (Henry) F.S.A., of Vermont. The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand representative Bibles in various languages... Special edition, revised and care- fully corrected, with additions, etc. 4to., London, 1878. STEVENSON (John Hall-). See HALL- STEVENSON. STEWART (Charles). A biographical me- moir of C. Simonidcs...with a brief defence of the authenticity of his manuscripts. 8vo., London, 1859. STEWECHIUS (GoDESCALCUs). G. Stewechii ...dc particulis linguae Latinae liber, elc. See KETELIUS (R.). Dc clegantiori Latinitate comparanda scriptores sclecti, etc. 4to., 1713. STIAVELLI (GiACiNTO). Vita di G. Bruno, etc. 8vo., Roma, 1889. STIGELIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Stigel.] J. Stigelii epistola contincns dcscriptionera pompse, ct spectaculoruin, quae cclcbrata sunt in promulgationc privilegiorum Aca- demiae Jencnsis, etc. See STRUVE (B. G.). B. G. Struvii bibhotheca librorum rariorum, etc. Ft. I. 4to., 1 7 19. STILLINGFLEET (Edward) Bishop of Wor- cester. A discourse concerning bonds of resignation of benefices, in point of law and conscience. 8vo., London, 1695. STINTZING (Roderick von). U. Zasius. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Rechtswis- senschaft im Zeitalter der Reformation... Mit urkundlichen Beilagen. 8vo., Basel, 1857. STIRLING, Earldom of. See ALEXANDER formerly HUMPHREYS (A.). The Stirling peerage. Trial of A. Humphreys, etc. 8vo., 1839. STIRLING'S AND GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARY. See GLASGOW. STOBiEUS (Joannes). 'Imavvov xov Srofiaiov ixXoyat dnoq>dey/iariov. J. Stobaei collectiones sententiarum. [Edited by V. Trincavellus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. 4to., [colophon :] Venetiis : in (sdibtis Bartholoma>i Zanelli, 1535. The titlepage is dated 1536. J. Stobaei eclogarum libri duo : quorum prior physicas, posterior ethicas complectitur ; nunc primiim Graece editi ; interprete G. Can- tero. Una & G. Gemisti Plethonis de rebus Peloponnes. orationes duae, eodem G. Cantero interprete. Accessit & alter ejusdem Plethonis libellus Graecus de virtutibus. Gr. &■ Lat. fol., Antverpice, 1575. Pythagoreorum quorundam fragmenta ethica (a Stobaso conservata) a C. Auberio conversa. Gr. &■ Lat. See ARISTOTELES. [Ethica.] Aristotelis ethicorum Nicoma- chiorum libri decem, etc. fol., 1582. J. Stobaei sententiae ; ex thesauris Grgcorum delectae...& in sermones sive locos communes digestae. A C. Gesnerc.in Lati- num sermonem traductae. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1555. STODDART {Sir John). See HONE (W.). Buonapartephobia. The origin of Dr. Slop's na.me, etc. 8vo., 1820. See HONE (W.). A slap at Slop, etc. [A satire on Sir J. Stoddart.] 8vo., 1822. STOEBER (Daniel Ehrenfried). filoge de J. J. Oberlin, etc. 8vo., Strasbourg. 1807. Pattison copy. STONE (Edward). Remarks upon the His- tory of the life of R. Pole [by T. Phillips]... The second edition, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1766. J. I.«o's, Sir G. IjOo's, and Sir W. Lee's copy. STORY (Joseph) .4ssociatc Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. See FO.VRD (J. T.). Life of Mr. Justice Story, etc. 8vo., [1880.] STOSCH (Philipp von) Freiherr. Bibliothcca Stoschiana, sive catalogus selectissimorum librorum quos collcgcrat Philippus Liber Baro dc Stosch. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Florentiae, 1759. Witli the price paid for each I>ook printed in tiie margin. Wisnlowski copy. See WINCKELMANN (J. J.). Descrip- tion dcs picrres gravtes du feu baron de Stosch, etc. 4to., 1760. 4i6 STRABO. I^TQapcov jieQi yeoiygatpiaQ. Strabo de situ orbis. [Edited by B. Tyrrhenus.] Gr. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : in aedibits Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1516. Renouard, p. 77. Meennan, Sussex, Butler, and Earl Crawford's copy. I^rgafiiovoQ yeoiyQatpiicoiv pi^Xoi il,'. Stra- bonis rerum geographicarum libri XV'II. ... Subjiciuntur chrestomathiae Graec. & Lat. [Edited by T. J. ab Almeloveen.] 2 torn. fol., AmsteicBdami, 1707. There is an additional engraved titlepage to the first volume, whilst Tom. II. has only a half- title. The pagination is consecutive through- out. Strabonis rerum geographicarum libri XVII. Grasce et Latine, cum variorum, praecipue Casauboni, animadversionibus... Codicum MSS. coUationem, annotationes, et tabulas geographicas adjecit T. Falconer... Subjiciuntur chrestomathiae, Grasce et Latine. 2 tom. fol., Oxonii, 1807. The pagination is consecutive. £xjv 0ea) xQ'>}<'^onaBuai, ix rcov Exqa^mvoi; yeoiyQacpixoiv ^ip}.iov a (-«;'). See ARRIA- NUS (F.). 'A^Qiavov neQtJiXovg Ev^eivov Uovrov, etc. 4to., [1533.] STRACCHA (Benvenutus). [i.e.. Benvenuto Str.\ccha.] Clarissimi jurisconsulti B. Strac- chae...de mercatura. seu mercatore tractatus. 8vo., Venetiis : [P. Manutius,] 1553. With the device of Aldus on the titlepage. Re- nouard, p. 156. STRACHINDIS (Marius de). Ratichius non radicans, seu explicatio et probatio quod didactica, seu methodus docendi a W. Ratichio proposita non sufficiens, sed im- perfecta sit. 8vo., Francofurii, 1619. STRADA (Jacobus de). [i.e., Jacopo de Strada.] Epitome thesauri antiquitatum, hoc est, Impp. Rom. Orientalium & Occiden- talium iconum, ex antiquis numismatibus... deliniatarum [sic]. Ex musaeo Jacobi de Strada. 4to., /-Mg^^wn!, 1553. Kerrlch copy. STRAFFORD (Thomas Wentworth) ist Earl of. Wright (A.). Novissima Straflordii, some account of the proceedings against... Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, etc. See BLISS (P.) & BANDINEL (B.). His- torical papers, part I. 4to., 1846. STRAUCHIUS (Joannes) of Kolditz, Pras. [i.e., JoHANN Strauch.] J. Strauchii dis- sertatio de hostenditiis, etc. See STRUVE (B. G.). B. G. Struvii bibliotheca librorum rariorum, etc. Pt. I. 4to., 1719. STRAUSS (David Friedrich). U. von Hut- ten : his life and times ...Translated ...by Mrs. G. Sturge. 8vo., London, 1874. STREBiEUS (Jacobus Ludovicus). [i.e., Jacques Louis Strebee.] J. L. Strebaei... de electione, & oratoria collocatione ver- borum, libri duo, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1541. STRECKER (Joannes Philippus) Resp. Juris publici Hassiaci specimen I. de statu et origine landgraviatus Hassiae, etc. See ESTOR (J. G.) Press. 4to., 1729. STREINNIUS (RlcHARDUs) Baron Schwarze- nau. Gentium et familiarium Romanarum stemmata, etc. fol., [Geneva :]ExcudebatH. Stephanus, 1559. L'Oisel copy. [Another edition, entitled:] De gentib. et famiUis Romanorum. 4to., Venetiis: ex aedib. Manutianis [P. Manutius], 157 1. Renouard, p. 214. STREPUS (Martinus). See MARTINUS [Strepus]. STROZIUS (Hercules), [i.e., Ercole Strozzi.] See STROZIUS (T. V.). Strozii poetae pater et filius. [Their poems.] [Pt. I.] 8vo., 1513. [Another edition.] 8vo., [c. 1545.] [.\nother copy.] STROZIUS (Titus Vespasianus). [i.e., Tito Vespasiano Strozzi.] Strozii poetae pater et filius. [Their poems, edited by A. P. Manutius.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Asulani soceri, 1513. Renouard, p. 65. Sussex copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., [Basel : B. Westheim, c. 1545.] A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1513. Renouard. p. 319. Bigot Library copy. [Another copy.] STRUVE (Burcard Gotthelff). Acta lit- teraria ex manuscriptis eruta atque collecta cura B. G. Struvii. 2 tom. 8vo., Jencs. 1706, 1705-20. Tom. I. contains 10 fasciculi, each of which has a separate titlepage. with the exception of fasc. 8-IO, which have only one. Fasc. i is of the second edition. Tom. II. contains 8 fasc, each with a separate titlepage. Contains, inter alia : — C. Soioppii epistola ad C. Ritt«rshu6ium. (Tom. I., fasc. 5.)— -C. Scioppii epistolse X. ad C. Ritt«rshusium, & una ad M. Kochium. (Tom. II., fasc. 5.) — C Scioppii epistolse ad C. Rittershusium & F. R. Imhofium. (Tom. II., fasc. 6.) There is a portrait of Scioppius pre- fixed to tom. II., fasc. 6. Bibliotheca historica selecta in suas classes distributa cujus primas lineas duxit B. G. Struvius, emendavit et copiose locupletavit C. G. Buder. 2 tom. 8vo., J enae, 1740. The pagination is continuous. B. G. Struvii bibliotheca librorum rari- orum, e/c. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to. , Jenae, lyig. The pagination is consecutive. Contents : — Pt. I. J. Stigelii epistola continens descrip- tionem pompae, et spectaculorum, quae cele- brata sunt in promulgatione privilegiorura Academiae Jenensis, etc. — De treuga et pace ejusque origine et usu in bellis privatis Marci A. Dominiey. ..dLssertatio.^-J. Strauchii dLsser- tatio de hostenditiis. etc. — M. P. M. Sagittarii, dissertatio de locis sepulchralibus ser. familiae Witikindeoe ab excessu Ottonis Divitis.— Marci A. de Dominis. ..causae prefect ionis suae ex Italia. — Acta exustionis anti-Christianorum decretalium. — Sepulcliri facies M. T. Ciceronis... in Zacyntho insula reperti et a D. Lignamineo... in lucem editi. Pt. II. G.Schubarti C. Julius Caesar. ..sub exemplo mutatae reipublicse descriptus. — Prjelibatio de terra et lege Salica, ex vindiciis Lotharingicis, J. J. Chifletii, c(c.— C. A. Fabroti J. C. prselectio in titulmn decretalium Greg. IX. de vita et honest«t« clericorum. — P. Molinei tractatus I. De peregrinationibus superstitiosLs. II. De altaribus et sacrificiis Christianorum. 4r7 STRUVE (BuRCARD Gotthelff). — (contd.) B. G. Struvii supplementa ad notitiam rei litterariae et usum bibliothecarum. Accessit oratio de mentis Germanorum in historiam. 8vo., Jenac, 1716. STRYIENSKI (Casimir). "Othon, roy d'Es- paigne " et "Cymbeline." 8vo., Havre, 1890. From the " Kevue de rEnseignomentdes Langues vivantes." Les pontes anglais et la Pologne. [Signed C. Stryienski.] 8vo., (Paris. 18S4.) From tlie "Bulletin Litt6raire et Scientiiique " of the Association des Anciens Eleves de I'Scole Polonaise, No. 23. STUART, House of. See STANHOPE (P. H. Stanhope) ^th Earl. The decline of the last Stuarts, etc. 4to., 1843. STUART (Andrew). Letters to. ..Lord Mans- field [in reference to the decision in the Douglas case]. 4to., London, 1773. Lennox copy. STUART PAPERS. Stuart papers, relating chiefly to Queen Mary of Modena and the exiled court of King James IL Printed... with facsimiles, under the superintendence of F. Madan. 2 vols. 4to.. London, 1889. (Ro.xburghe Club Publications, No. 120.) Tlio volumes are continuously paged. Mr. R. C. Christie's copy. STUBBE ( ) Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fraus honcsta, comoedia, etc. [In prose.] i2mo., Londini : typis August. M ath\_ewes'\, impensis Richardi Thrale, 1632. STUBBE (Henry). Dcliciae poetarum Angli- canorum in Graecum versae. Quibus accedunt elogia Romae et Venetiarum. See BH^. 58 lines to a full page. Imperfect ; wanting all before sig. bi. Title taken from Panzer, III., 185, 637. Not in Hain or I'roctor. Terentius. [With a dedicatory epistle by F. Asulanus.] 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi el A ndrcae soceri. 1 5 17. Renouard, p. 80. Utterson and H. W. \Valpole'.>j copy. [Another edition.] Svo., [colophon .] Venetiis : in aedibus .4ldi, et Andreae .Asulani soceri, 1 521. Renouard. p. 91. Crimson morocco by R. Storr. Syston Park copy. P. Tercntii ...comoediae se.x, etc. Svo. , Lugduni : apud Seb. Cryphium, 1540. Tercntii comoedia;, multo, quim antca, diligiutius cmendata?. 8vo., [colophon .•] Venetiis: apud .'ildi filios. 1541. Renouard, p. 123. P. Tcrentii ... comoediae sex. Ab A. Goveano integritati sua; restitutae. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphitini, 1541. Morante copy. [Another edition.] 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 1542. The colophon reads : " P. Gromorsus excudebat." Stewart copy. P. Tercntii. ..comoediae. Eae quam dili- genter, quamq; multis in locis emendatae sint, lector ex aliarum, quae hactenus exierunt, collatione judicabil. [Edited by G. Lolgius.] Svo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Aldi filios, 1545- Wanting the last leaf, bearing the printer's device. In this copy the 16 unnumbered leaves, con- sisting of prefaces, etc., are placed last. Re- nouard, p. 133. Old brouai morocco, with gold tooling in the Grolier style, by N. Eve. Peck- ford and Baring copy. P. Terentii ... comoediae, multo majore, quam hactenus unquam, vigilantia repurgatae. (P. Terentii vita per A. Donatum.) i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1545. [.\nother edition.] i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, i 546. P. Terentii. ..comoediae sex, etc. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1549. [Another edition.] Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1550. P. Tcrentii... comcediffi sex. (M. A. Mureti in Andriam Tcrentii annotationes. — M. A. Mureti in Eunuchum Terentii annotationes, etc.) 8 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Lutetice : apud Vascosanum, 1551, 54, 56, 53, 50. Each part has a distinct titlepago and pagination. Sunderland copy. P. Terentii. ..comoadicp, etc. fol., Parisiis : apud Joannem de Roigny, 1552. The colophon reads: ** excudebat B. Provotius... 1551." Includes: — -"J. C. Scaligori liber do comicis dimensionibus," " S. Doloti obsorva- tiones Latini sermonis in (Terentii) .Andriiim & Kunuchum," and " D. Erasmus. ..do motris." P. Tcrentii. ..comoediae omnes. Cum ab- solutis commentariis A. Donati, G. Juvenalis ...P. Marsi in omncs fabulas : S. Doleti in Andriam Sc Eunuchum: J. Calphurnii ...in Heautontimorumenon, etc. fol., Venetiis, i 553. Includes " D. Erasmi...de metris." [Another edition.] iol., Venetiis, 1558. Terentius, in qucm triplex cdita est P. .•\ntesignani...commcntatio, etc. 3 vols. 8vo., Lugduni, 1560. Vol. II. includes " D. Erasmus. ..do metris," "J. C. Scaligeri liber de cumicis dimensionibus." and " H. Doleti observationes Latini .sernionis in (Terojxvhdov Ttoitj/ia vovOerixov. \ Stixoi ai^vKXa- T);j iQvOoaiag tieql tov xi'qiov i'i/jo>v \ Aia(poQa tpojvijg. \ 'Hcrtodov OEoyovia. \ Tov av- xov doTiig TJgaxXeov;. | Tov avTov EQya xai ^lieQai. I Hasc insunt in hoc libro. | Theocriti Eclogae triginta. | etc. [Edited by A. P. Manutius.] Gr. 3 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon :] Venetiis : characteribus ac studio Aldi Mamicii Romani, 1495. The first impression of this work. It does not con- tain the two blank leaves mentioned by Copin- ger. Renouard, p. 5. Hain and Copinger, *I5477- Proctor, 5549. Carteret copy. [Another copy.] A re-impression, in wliich 4 ff. of sheet Z.F and tlie whole of slieet 9.G have been reprinted witli corrections and additions. Red morocco by Padeloup. Baring and Syston Park copy. 0Eo>coirou fiovxohxa. [Edited by P. Pan- dulphinus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon :] Florentia : in wdibus P. Junta;, 151 5. 74 ff., without pagination ; sigs. a-i^, k-. Re- nouard, p. xl. Gaisford copy. TadE EVEOTtv, iv t(; naQOvatj pt^hjj. Qeo- XQiTov Eidv?.Xia, iS xai TQiaxoiTa. Tov avTov ETtiyoafi/iaza ivvEa xai dexa. Tov aijrov nEkE- XVQ, xai nrEQvyiov. Sy^^-^'^ '''" ^^^ aura Evgia- xofiEva. EX diaqiOQCjv avxiyQav, Etg h aoXXE-y- %evxa {naqa Zaxagiov KaXXiEgyov). Gr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon: Rome: Z. Kallierges, 1516.] Tiie " Scholia " have a separate register. Qeoxqixov EldvXXia. Theocriti edyllia [ajc]. Gr. 4to., Lovanii : apud T. Martinii, 1528. Iseghem, p. 340. &E0XQIX0V EidvXXia, xovxEaxi ftiXQa Ttoirj/naxa i^ xai XQtaxovxa. Tov avxov E:iiyQa/n/iaxa iwEa xai dExa. Tov auTou tieXexv^ xai tixeqv- yiov. Theocriti idyllia, hoc est parva poemata XXXVI. Ejusdcm epigramniata XIX. Ejusdcin bipennis & ala. Gr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : in adibns Barlholomai de Zanettis, d Castersago, 1539. Pt. I. is foliated ; pt. II. is without pagination. [Another copy.] rt. II. is of a dilTerent edition, tiic colophon read- ing : " Venetiis : apud J. Farreum &. fratres, 1543." Cortis copy. [Another edition,] ivo., [colophon :] BasilccB : per hceredes A. Cralandri, I 54 1. Stamped pigskin, with " H. VV. O. 1545." on the front cover, [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lai. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 8vo,, (l-'rancofurti : ex officina P. Brubacchii [sic],) 1545. Pt. I. is foliated; pt. II., containing Iho ),alin version, is unpaged ; it lias a separate titlepugo reading : "Tlieocriti.eidyllia Irigintusex, Latino carmine reddita, H. Eobano... interpret©. Acces- serunt rccena Theocriti genus, ac vita," etc. (Idyllia.) Lat. See MOSCHUS. Moschi, Bionis, Theocriti. ..idyllia aliquot, etc. 4to., 1555. 0eoxQixov elSvXX.ia i§ xai XQiaxovxa. 'Eni- yga/i/iaxa ivvEaxaidExa. TIeXexv^ xai tixeov- yiov. Theocriti idyllia XXXVI. Epigram- niata XIX. Bipennis & ala. Gr. 4to., Parisiis, 1561. Scholia M. Toxita2...in Theocriti idyllion primum. [With the text.] Ex scholis J. Sturmii. Gr. &- Lat. %xo., Tiguri. (1^,62.) Presentation copy from M. Toxites to " Danielo Reychio." The " epistola nuncupatoria " is dated 1562. 0EOXQITOV ...EidvX.Xia xai iniygaftfiara. See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. 01 xr]q i)Q(.ijixrig 7ioii}aEO)q TiQOjxevovxEg noitjxai, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1566. Qeoxqixov ...EidvXXia xai iniygafi/jaxa aio^o- fiEva, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta aiol^o/iEva xmv icaXaioxaxwv jioujxoiv ysoio- yixa, etc. [Pt. II.] i6mo., 1570. [Another edition.] i6mo., 1639. Theocritus. Rccensuit et brevi anno- tatione instruxit F. A. Paley. Editio altera. Gr. 8vo., Cantabrigiae, 1869. THEODORE. See THEODORUS. THEODORETUS, Bishop of Cyrus. 0Eodoi- Q7JXOV...71EQI TiQovoiag X.oyoi Sexo. Theodoreti ...de providentia sermones X. [Edited by N. Majoranus.] Gr. 8vo., Tiguri : excudebat Froschoverus, 1546. Theodoreti. ..de providentia sermones X. Latinitate donati, R. Gualthero...interprete, etc. Lai. 8vo., Tiguri : [C. Froschover,] 1546. 0EoS(OQixou ...6iaXoyoi xgEig xaxa xivcov aiQEaEOJV : — Kaxa a'lQEXixcov fiijiXiov iv to xag avxmv fXvaQiag, xai /tvOovg SiijyEtxai xai iiE?.EyxEi : — 0EUOV doyjiaxuiv Enixofii] : — Theo- doriti ...dialogi tres contra quasdam ha»rcscs. Contra h;ereticos liber in quo illoruni nugas, et fabulas narrat & redarguit. Divinorum dogmatum epitome. [Edited by C. Perus- cus.] Gr. 4to., Romce : per S. Nicolinum Sabiensem, 1 547. ' ExxXijaiaaxixijg iaxogiag OeoHwqixop ... X.oyoi TtEvxE. See EUSEBIUS, Paviphili, Bishop of Ccssarea in Palestine. ' ExxXijaiuaxixrjg iaxo- Qiag Evae^iov ...fiijiXia i', etc. [Pt. I.] fol., 1544. Divi Theodoreti ...explanationcs in Duo- decim Prophelas, quos minores vocant. juxta intcrpretationem Septuaginta. P. Gillio... interprete. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1533. Tov ftaxaftixov OeodwQijXOu Elg xa UTioQa xijg Oeiag Fgaipiji xax' ixXoyijv. 'EiedoOij irxt/iEXeKf ..." lioavvov I/ixov. 4to., Parisiis, 1558. 0EoSu}Qixov ...Xoyog uyxajg nayxQvaog, negi T»/c dyanrjg. Theodoriti ...oratio verc aurca, de caritate sive dilecliono... Interprete G. Vossio. Acccssere ejusdcm interpretis in candem orationS variae lcctiones...una cum scholiis, etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Romcr, 1580, 428 THEODORETUS, Bishop oj Cyrus.— {cor.ld.) Beati Theodoriti...in Canticum Canti- corum explanatio...F. Zino interprete, etc. [With the text.] See BIBLE.— Old Testa- ment. [Song of Solomon. — Latin.] fol., 1563. Beati Theodoreti...in Ezechielem pro- phetam commentarius, J. B. Gabio... inter- prete, etc. [With the text.] See BIBLE.— Old Testament. [Ezekiel. — Latin.] fol., 1563. Theodoreti...in visiones Daniehs pro- phetae commentarius, J. B. Gabio. ..inter- prete. etc. [With the text.] See BIBLE.— Old Testament. [Daniel. — Latin.] fol., 1562. THEODORUS, Anagnostes. 'Ey.Xoyai dno ttj? Exxh^aiaanxm taroQia; Oeodoigov, etc. See EUSEBILIS, Pamphili, Bishop of CiBsarea in Palestine. ' ExxXr^ataaTiKii^ laroQiaQ Evaefiiov ...pi^hai'.etc. [Pt. I.] fol., 1544. THEODORUS, Gazaus. See GAZA (T.). THEODORUS, Prodromus. Kvgov 0eo6(ogov Tov nQodoojJOV entyga^i/iara ...iv oig Ttavza Ttj; ixarega; dtadrjxij^ y.E(falaia...av).?ianPavovTai, y.ai t' aXXa T()'a...Cyri Theodori Prodromi epigrammata...quibus omnia utriusq; testa- menti capita... comprehenduntur : cum aliis nonnullis, etc. Gr. Svo., Basileae : apud J. Bebelium, 1536. Galeomyomachia, hoc est, felium & murium pugna. Tragojdia Graeca. [Bj' Theodorus, Prodromus.] Gr. 8vo., [colophon : Basel : J. Froben, 15 18.] Pp. 105-128 of " Aesopi...\ita...et fabellae," 1518. Blue morocco by Ni^dree. ra^Eiofwo^iaxia d(5(;Aoti. Felium murium- que pugna, etc. [By Theodorus, Prodromus.] Gr. &■ Lat. See .ffiSOPUS. .3isopi...fabuIae, etc. i6mo., 1570. Begin. [Sig. ai, recto:] 'Agiarojiov^o? fi.TooToAtog iegodiaxoroi; Toig cvTsv^ofievoig xaigsi. [Sig. 02, recto .] T.-roSfcri? TrjQ raXeco/ivonaxiag. [By Theodorus, Prodromus.] 8vo., [Rome, iSgo.] A facsimile reprint of the edition of Aldus, 1494. Only 10 copies printed. 10 ff., without pagina- tion or catchwords ; sig. a. Renouard, p. 258. THEODORUS. Siiidit.i, Saint. Tov oaiov... &Eo8a>Qov ■^yovficvov tov OTi'Stov Soy^iazixi], jtegi TifiTjQ xai ngoaxvvtjaeo)^ tcov ayiojv eixovoiv. See JOANNES, Damascenus, Saint. Tov ayiov 'Icjavvov tov Aa/^iaaxip'ov, ).oyoi Tgeig a7io}.oy)]Tixoi, etc. Svo., 1553. THEODOSIUS, TripolUa. OeoSoaiov Tgtno- AiTow atpuigixiuv flifSha y'. Thcodosii Tripo- litae sphaericorum , libri tres, nunquam ante- hac Graece excusi. lidem latine redditi per J. Penam, etc. Gr. &' Lat. Ed. Pr. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Parisiis. 1558. THEODULUS, Aiheniensis. [Egloga Theodoli.] B.L. 8vo.. s.n. 6 fi., without pagination ; sig. a. 32 lines to a full page. Wanting sig. ai. THEOGNIS. QeoyviSoq Msyageiog Sixe}.icoTov yvoj/nai iktyeiaxai. See THEOCRITL'S, Tade eveoTi iv ttjSb tjj §1^X10. Oeoxonov eidvXXia, etc. [Pt. II.] fol.. 1495. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See HESIODUS. 'HaioSo; 6 'Aaxgaio;. 8vo., 1515. [Another edition.] Sec SCRIP- TORES. Scriptores aliquot gnomici, etc. 8vo., [1521.] Geoyt'idog tov Meyagecug yvtufiai i?.eyEiaxai. Theognidis Megarcnsis sententiae elegiacae, plurimis locis castigatae, ac scholiis illus- tratae per E. Vinetum ...Accessit Latina...ad verbum interprctatio. etc. Gr. &■ Lat. 4to., Parisiis : excudebat J. Lodoicus, 1543. Qeoyvi8og...yvioi.iai (iXeyeiaxm). See GNO- MOLOGIAI. rvco/wf.oyiai TcaXaioTOTWv TTOirj- Tiov, etc. 4to., 1553. [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. See PYTHAGORAS. En lector, librum damns vere aureum, etc. [Pt. II.] 4to., 1559. [Another edition.] Gr. See ESTI- ENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. 01 Tr/g ijgcoixrjg jiotrjaewg ngaiTevovTeg jiottiTM, etc. [Pt. II.] fol.. 1566. [Another edition.] Gr. &■ Lat. See CRESPIN (J.). Ta crcufo//fva rail' 7ra?.aiOTaTU)V 7roi)]T(uv yecogyixa, etc. [Pt. IV.] i6mo., 1569. [Another edition.] [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1639. THEON, Alexandriniis. Qecovog-.-eig tijv tov nToXe/iaiov fteyaXriv avvzaiiv vnoftrijtiaTiov ;Si/SA. la'. See PTOLEM^EUS (C.). [Alma- GESTUM.] KX. IlToXs/iaiov /iEyaX)]g avvTaSECog /S()SA. (/, etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1538. THEON (iELius). &£(ovog aocpiOTov Trgoyvftvaa- fiaTa. Theonis sophistae...exercitationes, in- numeris quibus scatebant antea mendis J. Camerarii... opera purgatae, & in sermonem latinum conversae, etc. (IJagadEiy/iaTa tcov TigoEXTEdEVTiov yvuvaa/.taT(ov. [By Libanius.]) Gr. dy Lat. Svo., [colophon :] Basilece : siimptu et ctira J. Oporini, 1541. THEOPHANES, Saint, called Isaacius. Can- ticum Theophanis in AnnCitioncm. Gr. &■ Lat. See PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentii. .. opera, e/c. [Vol. I.] 4to., 1501. [Another edition.] Lat. See PRU- DENTIUS CLEMENS (A.). Prudentius. Prosper, (;/c. 8vo., [1518 .'] TH£0PHILE [de Viau], Sieur. Lcs ceuvres du Sieur Theophile...Reveijes & corrigees en cette derniere edition. De plus est augmen- tee la lettrc contre Balsac, etc. [Edited by G. de Scudery.] 3 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Rouen, 1643. THEOPHILUS, Protospatharius. Theophih Protospatarii, de corporis humani fabrica... J. P. Crasso ...interprete. See GUINTERIUS (J.) .4ndernacHs. Anatomicarum institu- tionum ...libri nil. , «/e. 8vo., 1541. &EOfi.).ov TiEQi Tijg TOV dj'Sgcu.Tot' xaTaoxEvijg. Theophili de hominis fabrica, lib. V. Gr. 8vo., Parisiis, 1555. Red morocco by C. Lewis. Evans copy. [Another copy.] Sunderland and Geiuiadias copy. 429 THEOPIilLUS, Prolospatharius.— {could.) Theophili Protospatarii de corporis humani fabrica, libri V., J. P. Crasso...interprete. Ex Sorano de vulva et pudendo mulicbri, J. B. Rasario interprete. Lat. 8vo., Parisiis, 1556. Sunderland and Gennadius copy. Liber Theophili de urinis. See JOAN- NITIUS. Liber Hysagoge Joannici, etc. 8vo., 1502. THEOPHRASTUS. ' Ey. rcov 'AQiarore^ov; xai &eo riEQi :ii'Qog. Theophrasti de igne. Gr. 4to., Payjsus, 1552. Theophrasti libellus de odoribus. ab A. Turncbo latinitate donatus, & scholiis atque annotationibus illustratus. Gr. &• Lat. 2 pts. [in I vol.] 4to., Lutetier, 1556. [.Another copy.] Theophrasti Ta)i'//£TaTa7:i'CTf;v noDiTcov ...Ta^ig nakaia xai dvo/iaatai tu>v aQyovzuiv ix tov AiX.iavov. 'Oq^ixiov xiuv negc TO aTQazevfia raffcyi'. Thomse Magistri dic- tionum Atticarum coUectio, etc. Gr. 8vo., Lutetics : apud M. Vascosanum, 1532. Wanting sheet F, for which the corresponding sheet of Alcinous' " Ad Platonis dogmata introductio." published by Vascosanus in the same year, has been substituted. Ballesdens copy. THOMAS, Saint and Apostle. See STAPLE- TON (T.). Tres Thomae, sen de S. Thomas Apostoli rebus gestis, etc. 8vo., 1588. THOMAS [a Becket], Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. See STAPLETON (T.). Tres Thomae, seu ... de S. Thoma Archiepisoopo Cantuariensi & martyre, etc. 8vo., 1588. THOMAS (Antoine Leonard). Lettre de Monsieur [A. L.] Thomas. ..a Monsieur Desen- fans. Pour servir a la defense de Fenelon [sici contre Milord Chesterfield. [Followed by an English translation.] 8vo., Londres, 1777. THOMAS (D.). Jlemoires pour servir a I'his- toire de Lyon pendant la Ligue, contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans le Lyonnais, depuis I'annee 1568 jusqu'a la fin de 1594. 8vo., Lyon, [1844 ?] THOMAS (Ernest Chester). Was Richard de Bury an impostor ? 8vo., London, 1888. See TEDDER (H. R.). In memoriam : E. C. Thomas. 8vo., 1892. THOMAS (Jakob). See THOMASIUS (J.). THOMAS (John) Bishop of Rochester. Valu- able library of books. A catalogue of the valuable library of ...Dr. Thomas... Which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., [London,] 1814. Interleaved, with names of purchasers and prices in MS. THOMAS (Ralph). A martyr to bibliography : a notice of the life and works of J. M. Que- rard, bibliographer... By Olphar Hamst [i.e., Ralph Thomas]. 8vo., London, 1867. Halkett and Laing, II., 1553. [Another copy.] 431 THOMASIUS (Jacobus) Press, [i.e., Jakob Thomas.] Dissertatio philosophica, de plagio literario, quam...sub pra;sidio J. Thomasii... respondendo publice defendit J. M. Rcinclius ...nunc recusa & sex accessionibus locuple- tata. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 4to., Suobaci, 1692. [Another copy.] In this copy tlie frontispiece portrait of Thomasius is wanting, and the titlepage of the " Ac- cessioned '* bears tiie imprint " Jense, 1679." Morante copy. THOMS (William John). Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English his- tory and literature ...Edited by W. J. Thorns. 4to., London, 1839. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 5.) Hannah Lightfoot. — Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier d'lion. — Dr. Wilmot's Polish princess. (Lord Chatham and the Princess Olive.) 8vo., London, 1867. Keprinted, witli additions, from " Notos and Queries." THOMSON (Thomas) Advocate. See INNES (C. ). Memoir of T. Thomson. 8vo., 1854. THOMSON (William) Archbishop of York. The atoning work of Christ, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1853. Bampton Lectures for 1853. Rank and degree in church. Correspon- dence between the Archbishop of York and the churchwardens of St. Mary's, Beverley, etc. Svo., Beverley, 1887. THORESBY (Ralph). Ducatus Leodiensis : or, the topography of the... town and parish of Lecdes, and parts adjacent ...with the pedi- grees of many of the nobility and gentry... By R. Thoresby. To which is added ...a cata- logue of his musaeum ...The second edition, with notes. ..by T. D. Whitaker. 2 pts. [in I vol.] fol., Leeds, 18 16. THORNTON (Robert). The Thornton ro- mances. The early English metrical ro- mances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglaniour, and Degrevant. Selected from manuscripts [of R. Thornton]. ..Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4to., London, 1844. (Camdon Society Publications, Vol. 30.) THOROLD (Sir John Havford) Bart. See SYSTON PARK LIBRARY. The Syston Park library. Catalogue of an important portion of the. ..library of ...Sir J. H. Thorold, etc. 8vo., 1884. THOROTON (Robert). Thoroton's history of Nottinghamshire. Republi.shcd, with large additions, by J. Throsby. [Third edition. | 3 vols., itlust. 4to., London, \7<^7. THOTT (Otto) Graf. Catalogi bibliothcca; Thottianffi tomus quartus, contincns libros philologicos, publica auctione distrahcndos, etc. 8vo., Hannia, 1788. Wantinp torn. I.-III. and V.-XII. With prices in MS. Hoffmann copy. THOU (Jacques Auguste de) the Elder. Cata- logus bibliothcca; Thuana; ... cditus i J. Qucsnel, etc. 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1679. Les 61oges dcs hommcs savans, tircz de I'llistoirc de M. de Thou, avcc dcs additions, contenant...le catalogue de leurs ou\Tages par A. Teissier. Quatrieme edition, etc. 4 tom. 8vo., Leyde, 171 5. Montaran copy. Hieracosophiou \_sic], sive de re accipi- traria libri III. [By J. A. de Thou.] 8vo., Lutetiae, 1587. Barbier, IV., 1270. P. Massonii vita. See MASSON (J. P.). CI. viri J. P. Massonis ... elogiorum pars prima, etc. Pt. I. 8vo., 1638. J. A. Thuani poemata sacra. i2mo., LuteticE, 1599. Chasles (V. E. P.). Essai sur la v\c et les oeuvres de J. A. de Thou. Sec CHASLES (V. E. P.). litudes sur le seizieme siecle en France, etc. 8vo., (1848.) See DES MAIZEAUX (P.). Scaligerana, Thuana...Ou reniarques...de J. Scaliger, J. A. de Thou, etc. Tome L i2mo., 1740. [Another copy.] THOUGHTS. The thoughts of a member of the Lower House, in relation to. ..the future creation of peers. [By the Earl of Orford.j Se«ORFORD (R. Walpole) ist Earl of (of the second creation). Svo., 1719. THOULIER D'OLIVET AbbS. See OLIVET. (Pierre Joseph) THROCKMORTON (Sir Nicholas). The legend of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton. Edited ...by. ..J. G. Nichols. 4to., London, 1874. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. 99.) Hope copy. THUANUS (Jacobus Augustus). See THOU (J. A. de) the Elder. THUCYDIDES. Govuvdidijg. Thucydides. ('AipOoviov aoTiopsis purioris theologiae...Editio secunda, etc. See POLYANDER A KERCKHOVEN (].)&■ others. Svc, 1632. THYSIUS (Antonius) the Younger. A. Thysii ...discursus politicus de rep. Atheniensium. See POSTEL (G.). G. Postelli de...magistra- tibus Atheniensium liber, etc. i6mo., 1645. TIBER. Discours du tres-epouventable des- bordement du Tibre a Rome, & aux lieux circonvoisins, avenu ... I'an 1598. Traduit d'italien en fran9ois [by G. Helie], etc. Itat. &• Fr. Svo., Caen, 1599. TIBULLUS (Albius). Tibullus cum commen- tariis Cyllaenii Veronensis. | Catullus cum commentariis Parthenii Veronensis & Palladii patauini. | Emendationes Catullianae per Hieronymum Auancium Veronensem | & eius- dem in Priapeias castigationes. | Propertius cum commentariis Phylippi Beroaldi. | Anno- tationes in Propcrtium : turn per Domitium Calderinum : tum per | loannem Cottam Veronensem. | Haec omnia sunt ex exeplari- bus emendatis domini Hieronymi Auacii. | fol., [colophon /] Venetiis : per loannem de Tridino de Cereto alias Tacuinum, 1 500. Imperfect ; wanting sig. c8 and the last leaf (blank). Hain and Copinger, * 4766. Proctor, 5461. TibuUi et Propcrtii opera. Ex editione J. Broukhusii fideliter expressa. 8vo., Glasguae, 1753. Brjdges and Paul copy. filegies de TibuUe, par Rlirabeau. (Tome II. filegies de TibuUe, suivies des baisers de Jean Second [in prose]. Par Mirabeau.) (Tome III. TibuUe, suivi de contes et nou- velles. Par Mirabeau. ) t, torn., illust. 8vo., Paris, 179S. The Latin texts of the " Elegies " and " Baisers " are incKided. (filegies.) Lat. &■ Fr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Ovu-RA.— French.] CEuvres completes d'Horace, e/c. Svo., 1845. [For editions of the poems of Tibullus published with those of Catullus.] See CATULLUS (C. v.). TIFERNAS (Gregorius). See GREGORIUS (P.) Tifernas. TIGHE (Mary) Mrs. Psyche, or the legend of love. A poem in six cantos, etc. See APULEIUS (L.) Madaitrensis. The works of Apuleius...A new translation, etc. 8vo., 1853. TIGURUM. See ZURICH. TILEBOiMENUS (Joannes Caius) pseud, [i.e., Jacob Mentelius.] J. C. Tilebomeni, de Traguriensi fragmento Petronii judicium. See PETRONIUS ARBITER (T.). 'Avex- 60TOV ex Petronii Arbitri satirico, fragmentum, etc. 8vo., 1664. TILIUS (Joannes) Bishop of Meaux. [i.e., Jean Du Tillet.] J. Tilii chronicon de regibus Francorum a Faramundo usque ad Franciscum Primum, etc. 8vo., Lvtetice. 1551. [Another edition.] See ^.MILIUS (P.). Historiae jam denuo emendatae P. Acmvlii.de rebus gestis Francorum... libri X.,ek [Pt. III.] foL, 1569. TILLEY (Arthur Augustus). Humanism under Francis I. 8vo., London, 1900. From the " English Historical Review," Vol. XV. The literature of the French Renaissance. An introductory essay. Svo., Cambridge, 1885. TILLIUS (Joannes) Bishop of Meaux. See TILIUS. TILLMAN (Johannes) Resp. Spcciminis literarii, de meritis et fatis J. et A. Mes- seniorum, pars prior, etc. See CELSIUS (O.) the Younger, Bishop of Lund, Press. 4to., 1741. TILSLEY (John). See BAILEY (J. E.). A memoir of ...J. Tilsley, etc. 4to., 1884. TIM.CUS, Locrus. Timee de Locres en grec et en frangois, avec des dissertations sur les principales questions de la metaphisique, de la phisique, & de la morale des anciens...par Mr. le marquis d'Argens. Gr. &- Fr. 8vo., Berlin, 1763. Red morocco by Derome. R. S. Turner's copy. TIMON, Phliasius. Fragmenta e Timonis... sillis ex diversis autoribus coUecta. Gr. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— Latin.] Q. Horatii Flacci opera, etc. [Pt. I.] Svo., 1 61 2. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [Opera.— La/!«.] Q. Hora- tius Flaccus,^/c. [Pt. III.] i6mo., 1629. [Another copy.] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] TIPHERNUS. See GREGORIUS (P.) Tifer- 433 TIRABOSCHI (GiROLAMo). Storia dclla let- teratura itajiana. (Vita del cav. G. Tira- boschi tradotta dal latino di A. Fabroni.) i6 torn. 8vo., Milano. 1822-26. filoge de Tira- 8vo., 1802. See LOMBARDI (A. G.). boschi, etc. TIRANT. lo Blanch. Tirante 11 Bianco valo- rosissimo cavaliere : nel quale contiensi del principio della cavaleria...della significatione deir arme...con la morte di Abrain Re, e Signore della gra Canada ...Di lingua spagnola nello idioma nostro per Messer L. di Manfredi tradotto. Nuovamente posto in luce: e... castigato [by F. Torregiano]. 4to., [colophon :] Vinegia : nelte case di Pietro di Nicolini da Sabbio : alle spese pero del nobile hitomo M. Federico Torresano d' A sola, 1538- Printed in double columns. Renouard, p. 117. Russia by C. Hering. Hawtrey and .'\shburn. ham copy. TITIUS (RoBERTUs). [i.e., Roberto Titi.] R. Titii ...locorum controversorum libri decern. In quibus plurimi veterum scriptorum loci conferuntur, explicantur, & emendantur, etc. 4to., Florentia, 1583. Meerman and Mitford copy. R. Titii... pro suis locis controversis as- sertio adversus Yvonem quemdam Villio- marum [i.e., J. J. ScaligerJ Italic! nominis calumniatorem, etc. 4to., Florentiae, 1589. Sunderland copy. See SCALIGER (J. J.). Y. ViUiomari Aremorici [i.e., J. J. Scaliger] in locos con- troversos R. Titii animadversorum liber, etc. 8vo., 1586. TOLL (Cornelius). See TOLLIUS. TOLLIN (Henri). M. Servet : portrait-carac- tdre ... Traduit ... par M""= Picheral-Dardicr. Avec unc bibliographic des ouvrages de et sur Servet (par C. Dardier). 8vo., Paris, 1879. Toulouser Studentenleben im Anfangc des 16. Jahrhundcrts. Eine Episode aus dcm Leben M. Servefs. See HISTORISCHES TASCHENBUCH, etc. Folge 5, Jahrg. IV. 8vo., 1874. TOLLIUS (Cornelius), [i.e., C. Toll.] C. Tollii ad P. Valeriani do litcratorum infelici- tate librum appendix. See VALERIANUS BOLZANUS (J. P.). J. P. Valeriani... de litcratorum infelicitate libri duo. i2mo., 1647. C. Tollius de infelicitate litteratorum. See ALCYONIUS (P.). P. Alcyonii nicdiccs li-gatus, f/c. i2mo., 1707. TO.MASINUS (J.^coBUS Philippus) Bishop of Cittd Nuova. [i.e., Gi.\como Filippo Tom.\- siNi.] De bibliothccis manuscriptis. See MADERUS (J. J.). Dc bibliothecis...viro- runi clarissinioruni libclli, c\o., Parisiis, 1577. Leodegarii a Quercu [i.e., A. Turnebus] responsio ad A. Talaei [i.e.. P. Ramus] ai, 1550. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. [Another edition.] Svo., Lugduni : apud {Seb.'\ Gryphium, 1554. [Another edition.] '?>\-o.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1556. The last leaf bears the device of J. de Toiu-nes. Sunderland copy. Valerii JIaximi dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri IX....repurgati, atque in meliorcm ordinem restituti per S. Pighium... Accedunt in fine ejusdem annotationes, etc. Svo., Antverpia, 1567. Sunderland copy. VALESIUS (Hadri.\nus). {i.e., Adrien de Valois.] H. Valesii ... et J. C. Wagenseilii de cena Trimalcionis nuper sub Petronii nomine vulgata dissertationes. 8vo., Ltitecia [sic] Parisioriim, 1666. Each dissertation has a separate pagination and register. Baluze, Baron, and Daw«on Turner copy. See STATILEUS (M.) Traguriensis. J. C, pseud. M. Statilei ...responsio ad J. C. Wagenseilii et H. Valesii dissertationes de Traguriensi Petronii fragmento, etc. Svo., 1666. VALET DE REGANHAC (G^raud). See REGANHAC. VALLA (Georgius). {i.e., Giorgio Valla.] G. Vallac.de expetendis, et fugiendis rebus opus, etc. [Edited by J. P. Valla.] 2 torn, fol., [colophon :] Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi Romani, 1501. Renouard, p. 30. Boncompagni copy. [Another cop)' of Tom. II. on thick paper.] In Ciceronis partitiones commentaria G. Vallae. Svo., Parisiis ; ex officina R. Stephani, 1528. Sunderland copy. 44« VALLA (Laurentius). [i.e., Lorenzo Valla.] [L. Vallae calumiiia theologica intentata, quod negasset synibolum membratim articu- latimque per Apostolos esse compositum.] 4to., [colaphon :] Argentorati : apud H. Morhardum, 1522. Wanting the titlepage. Panzer, VI., 100, 635. L. Vallae de quibusdam apud Livium locis judicium. See LORITUS (H.) Glareamis. H. Glareani in T. Livium annotationes, etc. 8vo., 1542. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1555. L. Vallae elegantiarum libri sex, de4; reciprocatione sui & suus, etc. (Laurentii Vallensis in A. Raudensem adnotationes. Ejusdcm in Poggium...dialogus...quo ejus irridentur errores, etc.) 2 pts. [in i vol.] 8vo., [colophon :] Moguntiae : ex aedibus Joannis Schoeffer , 1522. L. Vallae elegantiarum libri sex. Ejus- dem de reciprocatione sui, et suus, libellus plurimum utilis : omnia nuper summa dili- gentia, curaq; emendata, & typis excusa, etc. [Edited by A. Rabirius.] 4to., [colophon .•] Venetiis : in cedibus hesredum Aldi, et Andrew Asulani soceri, 1536. Renouard, p. 115. Massimo and H. W. Walpole*9 copy. Adeps elegantiarum L. \'alla?, ex ejus de lingua Latina libris per B. Accursium ...col- lectus, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1536. L. Vallae de linguae Latinae elegantia libri sex. Ejusdem do reciprocatione sui. & suus. libellus adprime utilis. Dialogos ejus- dem, antidotes, recriminationes, & alia quae- dam ad linguam Latinam spectantia, seorsum excudimus. 8vo., Lugduni : aptid Seb. Gryphium, 1538. L. Vallae de linguae Latinae elegantia libri sex, jam novissime...cmaculati. Ejusdem de reciprocatione sui & suus libellus. ..I'nA cum epitomis J. Badii .\scensii, etc. 4to., Parisiis : apud F. Gryphium, 153Q. Brown morocco with tiie arms of Marie de Medicis, wife of Henri IV., or Mario Tin^rdse of .Austria, wife of Louis XIV., on tho sides and back. Millin de Grnndmai^on and Crawford (Lake- lands) copy. L. Vallae elegantiarum Latinae linguae libri sex. De reciprocatione sui, & suus, libellus ejusdem. ..ab J. Raenerio emendata omnia. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540. Stamped pigskin. [Another edition.] 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1544. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud A. Vincentium, 1545. Tiie coloplion reads: " O. et M. Bcringi, frutros, excudol>ftnl." T, H. W'liitoVs copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni, 1551. L. Vails de lingux" Latinae elegantia libri sex. ..Ejusdem de reciprocatione sui & suus libellus ...Uni cum adnotationibus J. Thco- dorici, etc. 8v()., Colonia .Xgrippinip. 1563. Contains notes by Dolot. taken from his Com- mentaries. Morante copy. See ERASMUS (D.). [Epitome thf Ele- GANTIAS L. y.\-Li./E.] Paraphrasis D. Erasmi ...in elegantiarum libros L. Vallae, etc. 8vo., 1530. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1533. L. Vallensis... in Latinam Novi Testament! intcrpretationem ex collatione Grgcorum exemplarium adnotationes apprime utiles. [Edited by D. Erasmus.] fol., Parrhisiis : [coloplwn .•] in cedibus .Ascensianis, 1505. With the mark of J. Petit on the titlepage. Invcctivae omnes seu antidota, etc. fol., [colophon .-] Venetiis : per B. Venetum de Vitalibus, 1 504. Panzer, VIII., 366, 230. Kloss copy. Lucubrationes aliquot L. Vallae, ad lin- gu«e Latina; restaurationem spectantes, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud [Seb.] Gryphium, 1532. [Another edition.] 8vo., Lugduni : apud [Seb.] Gryphium, i 542. Contemporary calf, with tlie initials "I. B." on the sides. L. Valla. [Biographical notice.] See MORANTE (J. Gomez de la Cortin.\) Marquis de. Catalogus librorum, etc. Tom. VL, pp. 2-32. 8vo., 1859. See STEUCHUS (A.) Eugubinus. A. Steuchi... contra L. Vallam, de falsa dona- tione Constantini, libri duo, etc. 4to., 1547. VALLADERIUS (Andreas). See VALLA- DIER (A.). VALLADIER (Andre). Variorum poematum liber L Lyrica. Auctore A. Valladerio, etc. i2mo.. Parisiis, 1610. VALLAMBERTUS (Simon), [i.e., Simon de Vallambert.] S. Vallamberti ... epigram- maton somnia. Ejusdem quid coveniat, quid item differat inter poetas, historicos & oratores. 8vo., Lugduni : apud T. Paganum, 1 541. Costo and Morante copy. VALLAE (Leon). Bibliographic des biblio- graphies. ..Premiere partic : catalogue des bibliographies generales et parliculidrcs, par ordre alphabetique d 'auteurs . . . Scconde partie: ri'pertoire des memes bibliographies par ordre alphabetique de matiSres. Svo., Paris, 1883. VALL1£rE (Louis C£sar de La Baume Le Blanc) Due de la. See LA VALL1£RE. VALOIS (Adrien de). See VALESIUS (H.). VANBRUGH {Sir John). Sir John Vanbrugh [i.e., works of Vanbrugh]. Edited by \V. C. Ward- 2 vols. Svo., London, iSg^. VANEL ( ). Les galantcrics des rois de France. [By Vancl.] 2 tom. [in i vol.] 8vo., Cologne, 1752. Barbior, II., 515. VANIERIUS (Jacobus), [i.e.. Jacques Va- NiiiRE.] J. Vanierii ... prwdium rusticum. Nova editio, aucta cclogua- [sic] R. P. [L J.] Badon. 8vo. , .'Imslelodami. 1749. With an engraved titlepage and illustration?. .■\. (lostling's copy. Nova editio caeteris emendatior. (ICilited by J. A. Cappcronnier.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1774. 442 VANINUS (Julius C^sar) formerly (Luci- Lius). [j.«., GiuLio Cesare Vanini.] CEuvres philosophiques de Vanini, traduites...par M. X. Rousselot. 8vo., Paris, 1842. Amphitheatrum aeternae providentiae di- vino-magicum. Christiano-physicum, nee non astrologo-catholicum. Adversus veteres philosophos, atheos, Epicureos, Peripateticos, et Stoicos, etc. 8vo., Lugduni, 161 5. Chermside copy. J. C. Vanini... de admirandis naturae reginae deaeque mortalium arcanis, libri quatuor. 8vo., Lutetice, 1616. The life of Lucilio (alias Julius Caesar) Vanini. ..with an abstract of his writings... With a confutation of the same ; and Mr. Bayle's arguments in behalf of Vanini com- pletely answered. Translated from the French into English. 8vo., London, 1730. [Another copy.] See ARPE (P. P.). Apologia pro J. C. Vanino, etc. 8vo., 1712. See CHRISTIE (R. C). Vanini in Eng- land. [Another edition.] (R. C). Selected essays, etc. 8vo., 1893. See CHRISTIE , pp. 172-208. 8vo., 1902. La vie et les senti- 8vo., 1 71 7. Leben und 8vo., 1800. Vanini, sein 8vo., [1828.] De vita et See DURAND (D.). mens de L. Vanini. See FUHRMANN (W. D.). Schicksale...des h. Vanini, etc. See MUENCH (E.). J. C. Leben und sein System, etc. See OLEARIUS ( J. G.) Press. fatis J. C. Vanini dissertatio prior, etc. 4to., 1708. See OLEARIUS (J. G.) Press. Disser- tatio posterior de Vanini scriptis et opinioni- bus, etc. 4to., 1708. See PALUMBO (R.). G. C. Vanini e i suoi tempi, etc. 8vo., 1878. See SCHRAMM (J. M.). De vita et scriptis. ..J. C. Vanini tractatus, etc. 4to., 1709. VAN LAUN (Henri). History of French literature. 3 vols. 8vo., Lowrfow, 1876-77. VANTIUS (Sebastianus). Tractatus de nulli- tatibus processuum ac sententiarum, causa- rum patronis, caeterisque legum studiosis, & in foro prgsertim Romano versantibus non minus utilis q, necessarius, etc. 8vo., [colophon .■] Venetiis : apud Aldiyilios, 1554. Renouard, p. 159. Sussex copy. VAPEREAU (Louis Gustave). Dictionnaire universel des litteratures, etc. 2 pts. 8vo., Paris, i876[-77]. The second part has only a half-title, and the pagination is continuous throughout. VARENNIUS (Jo.\NNES). J. Varennii...TOgt nQoacoSKov libellus plane necessarius. De dia- lectis Graecis coUecta ex Corintho, Joanne Gram., Plutarcho, J. Philopo. atque aliis ejusdem classis, per A. Amerotium, etc. [With a preface by G. Holsterus.] 8vo., Dvaci, 1593. Syntaxis linguae Graecae, ea potissimum complectens quae a latinis dissentiut. 4to., [colophon .■] Lovanii : ex officina R. Rescii, 1532. Syntaxis linguae Graecae. ..una cum anno- tatiimculis paucis ad precepta syntaxis Varcnniang, per J. Camerarium. R. autem Guillonius prascepta syntaxews multis in locis repurgavit ... Acccssit praeterea opusculum perutile de passionibus dictionum ex Try- phone grammatico. Svo., Duaci, 1593. VARGAS (Alphonsus de) pseud, [i.e., Gas- PARUS Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). VARINUS, Phavorinus, Bishop of Nocera Camelana. Meya, xai navv uxpeXiiiov ke^ixov o.TEp ragtro;, 0afi(OQt%'og , Kafirjg; ...ex no).).o)V xai 6ia(pOQ(ov pi^hiov, xara aroix^iov avve}.eSaxo. Magnum et perutile dictionarium, etc. Gr. fol, [colophon: Rome: Z. Kallierges, 1523.] VARRERIUS (Gaspar). [i.e., G. Barreiros.] Censura in quendam auctorem, qui sub falsa inscriptione Berosi Chaldaei circumfertur. See ANTIQUITATES. Historia antiqua, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1598. VARRO (Marcus Terentius). Begin. [Sig.ai, recto .■] Pomponius Plating salutem. | [Sig. ai. recto .] .M. T. VARRONIS DE LINGVA LATIa I [Sig. g\, recto .] .M. T. VARRONIS ANALOGIAE LI | BER PRIMVS. | 4to., s.n. [Rome : G. Latter or B. Guldinbeck, 1474 ?] 86 ff.. without pagination or catch-words, ff. 54 and 86 being blank. Sigs. a'", a-b'". d^", e», f^, g-k®. 29 lines to the full page. Copinger, 5953- Proctor, 5657. Manzoni copy. M. T. Varronis De Lingva Latina. See NONIUS MARCELLUS. [Nonii Marcelli... Compendiosa Doctrina Ad Filium De Pro- prietate Sermonum.] fol., 1480. Liber primus M. Varronis de lingva Latina. (Marci Teretii Varrois Analogiae Liber primus, etc.) See NONIUS MARCELLUS. Nonivs Marcellvs Festvs Pompeivs Varro. fol., 1496. M. T. Varronis de lingua Latina, et de verborum origine ad Ciceronem liber quartus (-VI.)— M. T. Var. analogiae lib. I. (-III.) See PEROTTUS (N.) Archbishop of Siponto. In hoc volumine habentur haec. Cornuco- piae, etc. fol., 15 13. [Another edition.] fol., 1517, 13. M. T. Varronis de lingua Latina libri tres : totidemqs de analogia : cum M. Bentini castigationibus. M. P. Catonis originum liber I., etc. 8vo.. Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphiimi, 1535. Vincent Borghini's copy, with alternative readings in his handwriting. [Another copy.] M. T. Varronis pars librorum quattuor et \iginti de lingua Latina. M. Vertranius Maurus recensuit, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud haredes Seb. Gryphii, 1563. See TURNEBUS (A.). A. Tumebi com- mentarii et emendationes in libros M. Var- ronis de lingua Latina. 8vo., 1 566. 443 VARRO (Marcus Terentius). —(cohW.) M. T. Varronis de re rustica... liber I. (-III.) See CATO (M. P.) the Censor. Libri de re rustica, etc. 4to., 1514. [Another edition.] 4to., 1533. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] 8vo., 1535. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1537. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1 541. [Another edition.] 8vo., 1549. [.\nother copy.] See ESTIENNE (H.) 2nd of the Name. Fragmenta poetarum veteruni Latinorum... CaeciUi, [of M. T. Varro,] etc. 8vo., 1564. See VICTORIUS (P.). P. Victorii expli- cationes suarum in Catonem, Varroneni, Columellam castigationum. 8vo., 1542. [Another copy. ] [Another copy.] [Another copy.] VARRO (PuBLius Terentius) Atacinus. See WUELLNER (R). De P. T. Varronis ...vita et scriptis commentatio. 4to., 1829. VASS.CUS (LoDOVicus). [i.e., Loys Vass^e.] Tables anatomicques du corps humain uni- verse! : soit de I'homme, ou de la femme... traduictes en francoys, par. ..J. Canappe. 8vo., Lyon : chis E. Dolet, 1542. VASSAN (Jean) & (Nicolas). Scaligerana, etc. [Compiled by J. and N. Vassan.] See SCALIGER (J. J.). Prima Scaligerana, etc. [Pt. II.] i2mo., 1669. [Another copy.] [Another edition.] See SCALIGER (J. J.). Scaligeriana, etc. i2mo., 1669. VASSfiE (LoYS). See VASS.EUS (L.). VATICAN. II Vaticano languentc. Dopo la morte di Clement X. con i remedii preparati da Pasquino, Marforio e Gobbo di Rialto per guarirlo, f/c. Pt. II. \2vi\o.,[Rome ?'\i6yy. Wanting pts. I. & III. VATICAN LIBRARY. See CARMICHAEL (C. H. E.). The Vatican librarj' and the letter of Pope Leo XIII. 8vo., [1886. J VAUGHAN (Ernest George Henry Arthur) 6th Earl of Lisburne. See LISBURNE. VAULTIER (Marie Claude FRfiojfeRic). Notice sur la vie et Ics travaux litttraires dc feu M. I'abbe [G.] dc La Rue. 8vo., Caen, 1841. Pattison copy. VAUPRIVAZ (Antoinic du Verdier) Seig>ieur de. See DU VERDIER. VAUX (Laurence). A catcchisme or Chris- tian doctrine... Reprinted from an edition of 1583 ; with an introductory memoir of the author by T. G. Law. 4to., {Manchester,) 1885. (Chetham Society. Rcmnini. tic. New Hfrici, Vol. 4.) One of thrco copii-i printed on Inrao paper. VAUXCELLES (Simon JiSrGme Bourlet de). See BOURLET DE VAUXCELLES. VAUZELLES (Jean de). Assistance donn6e 4 la multitude des pauvres accourus a Lyon en 1531, avec leurs actions de graces. ..Nou- velle edition, avec introduction, notes et glossaire par H. Baudrier. 8vo., Lyon, 1875. 150 copies printed. See VAUZELLES (L. de). Notice sur Jean de Vauzelles, etc. 8vo., 1872. VAUZELLES (Ludovic de). Notice sur Jean de Vauzelles, etc. 8vo., Lyon, 1872. Notice sur Matthieu de Vauzelles, etc. 8vo., Lyon, 1870. Vie de Jacques, comte de Vintimille... litterateur et savant du seizifime sidcle, etc. 8vo., Orleans, 1865. VAUZELLES (Matthieu de). See VAU- ZELLES (L. de). Notice sur Matthieu de Vauzelles, etc. 8vo.. 1870. VAVASOUR, Family of. Vavasour, of Weston. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. \_^}, pedi- grees, etc.'\ fol., s.a. VAVASSEUR (Francois). See VAVASSOR (F.). VAVASSOR (Franciscus). \i.e., FRAN90IS Vavasseur.] F. Vavassoris...de ludicra dic- tione liber, in quo tota jocandi ratio ex veteruni scriptis acstimatur. Ejusdem anti- barbarus, seu de vi & usu quorundam vcr- borum Latinorum observationcs. Accedunt J. L. Balzacii cpistolae selectac, ut et non- nullae Menagii ad Maliabeccam \sic\ Datium ... horumque responsioncs. Recensuit, variis- que notis illustravit J. E. Kappius. etc. 8vo., Lipsiae, 1722. F. Vavassoris... observationcs de vi et usu vcrborum quorumdam Latinonmi. See KETELIUS (R.). De clegantiori Latinitate comparanda scriptorcs selecti, etc. 4to., 1713. VAYER (Francois de La Mothe Le). See LA MOTHE LE VAYER. VEER (Pieter van der). Nedcrduitsche kcurdigtcn, etc. [Edited by P. van der Veer.] 8vo., Rotterdam. 1708. With a second, engraved, titlepnge. VEGETIUS RENATUS (Flavius). F. Vege- tius...dc re militari. S. J. Frontinus...dc re militari. Aclianus de instrucndis acicbus. Modesti libellus de vocabulis rei militaris. [Edited by G. Bresleus.] 8vo., s.l. et t.n. [Lyons,] 1523. A counterfeit Aldino. Ronouard,p.3i6. Robert copy. VEGIUS (MAP11.EUS) Laudensis. [i.e., Maffeo Vegio.J M. Vcggi [5ic]...Astyanax. See HOMFRUS. [ILIAS.— /,n/(«.] Pyndari bcl- lum Troianuin e.\ Homcro, etc. 8vo., [1505 ?] —— [.\nother edition.] 8vo., 1515. [For editions of the poem by M. Vegius called Book XIII. of the Aeneid.] See VIR- GILIUS MARO (P.). [Opera.] 444 VEITH (Franciscus Antonius). [i.e., Franz Anton Veith.] Francisci A. Veith ...diatribe de origine et increnientis artis typographicae in urbe Augusta Vindelica. See ZAPF (G. W.). Annales typographije Augustanae, etc. 4to., 1778. VELCURIO (Joannes), [i.e., Joh.\nn Bern- HARDi, vcni Feldkirch.] J. Velcurionis in T. Livii ab urbe condita librum primum ( — secun- dum) annotationes. See RHENANUS (B.) & GELENIUS (S.). In T. Livium annota- tiones, etc. 8vo., 1555. VELENUS (Ulricus) Minhoniensis, pseud. ? In hoc libelIo...probatur, Apostolii Petrum Romam no venisse neqj illic passum, proinde satis frivole, & temere Romanus Pontifex se Petri successorem jactat, & nomiat, &c. [By U. Velenus.] 4to., s.l. et t.n., i 519. Panzer, IX., 126, 180. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS (Caius). P. Vellei Paterculi historiae Romanae duo volumina... per B. Rhenanum ... ab interitu utcunque vindicata. Ed. Pr. fol., [colophon .] Basilea : in adibiis J. Frobenii, 1520. Imperfect ; wanting the last six leaves, containing the emendations of J. A. Burer. C. Velleii Paterculi historiae Romanae... libri II. ab A. Manutio, PauUi F. AJdi N. emendati, et scholiis illustrati. 8vo., Veneiiis : ex aedibus Manutianis [P. Manutius], 1571. Renouard, p. 213. Sigonias copy. VELSCHIUS (Georgius Hieronymus). [i.e.. Georg H. Welsch.] See ALMELOVEEN (T. J. AB). T. J. ab Almeloveen bibliotheca promissa et latens. Huic subjunguntur G. H. Velschii de scriptis suis ineditis epistolse. 8vo., 1688. Sc« SCHROECKIUS(L.). MemoriaWel- schiana, sive historia vitae...G. H. Welschii, etc. 4to., 1678. VELSERUS (Marcus). [i.e., M. Welser.] Fragmenta tabulae antiquae, in quis aliquot per Rom. provincias itinera. Ex Peutin- gerorum bibliotheca. Edente, & explicante, M. Velsero. 4to., Venetiis : apud Aldum [Aldus Manutius, the Younger], 1591. Renouard, p. 246. Syston Park copy ; uncut. VENABLES (Elizabeth). Townshend (L. P.). Some account of General R. Venables... together with the autobiographical memo- randa. ..of his widow. E. Venables, etc. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. IV. 4to., 1872. VENABLES (Robert). Townshend (L. P.). Some account of General R. Venables, etc. See CHETHAM MISCELLANIES. Vol. IV. 4to., 1872. VENICE, Patriarchate of. Constitutiones et privilegia Patriarchatus et Cleri Venetiarum ...J. Trivisani...jussu edita. 4to., Venetiis : ex bibliotheca Aldina [the Torresani], 1587. Renouard, p. 239. VENTOUILLAC (L. T.). The French librarian or literary guide, pointing out the best works of the principal ^\Titers of France... preceded by a sketch of the progress of French litera- ture. 8vo., London, 1829. \ v£rARD (Antoine). See MACFARLANE (J.) of the British Museum. Antoine Verard. 4to., 1900. VERBEECK (Martin). See BECANUS (M.). VERBURG (Isaac) & HEMSTERHUIS (Tibe- rius). Chrestomathia Petronio-Burmanni- ana, etc. See HEMSTERHUIS (T.) & VER- BURG (I.). Svo., 1734. VERDERIUS (Antonius). See DU VER- DIER (A.). VERDIER (Antoine du). See DU VER- DIER. VERGARA (Franciscus). F. Vergarae de Graecae linguae grammatica, lib. V. Adjecta sunt per auctorem tribus libris mediis scholia non poenitenda. Item admonitio de operis ordine ...& de Graecanici studii ratione. Opus nunc primum ad Complutensem editionem excusum, etc. 8vo., Parisiis : apud G. Morelitim, &-B. Turrisanum, in Aldina bibliotheca, 1557. Renouard, p. 297. VERGIER (J.\CQUES). Contes, nouvelles, et poesies diverses du Sieur Vergier et de quel- ques auteurs anonymes. NouveUe edition, etc. 3 torn, [in 2 vols.] 8vo., Roiian \sic'\, 1743. VERGIL. See VIRGILIUS MARO (P.). VERGILIUS (PoLYDORUS). [i.e., Polidoro ViRGlLlo.] P. Vergilii ... Anglicae historije libri XXVI. fol., Basilece : apud f. Bebelium, 1534. Sherwen copy. P. Vergilii. ..de rerum inventoribus libri octo. Ejusdem in Dominicam precem com- mentariolus. Svo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. Citron morocco, sprinkled with fleurs-de-lis. Deia- size copy. [Another copy.] [Another copy. ] P. Vergilii. ..dialogi de prodigiis liber I. (-III.) See OBSEQUENS (J.). J. Obse- quentis prodigiorum liber, e/f. i6mo., 1553. [Another copy.] VERMIGLIOLI (Giovanni Battista). Me- morie di J. Antiquari e degli studi di aniena letteratura esercitati in Perugia nel secolo decimoquinto. Con uu' appendice di monu- menti raccolte da G. B. Vermiglioli. 8vo., Perugia, 1813. VERNARECCI (Augusto). O. de' Petrucci da Fossombrone, inventore dei tipi mobili metallici della musica nel secolo XV. 8vo., Fossombrone, 188 1. VERNEUIL. Congratulation des bourgeois de Vemcuil, a Monsieur le baron de Medauy, leur gouverneur, sur la reduction de son gouvernement a I'obeissance du Roy. 8vo., Paris, 1594. 445 VERNEY, Family of. Letters and papers of the V^emey family down to the end of the year 1639. ..Edited by J. Bruce. 4to., London, 1853. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 56.) VERNEY (Si> Ralph). Vemey papers. Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Charles L Printed from original pencil memoranda taken in the House by Sir R. Vemey ...Edited by J. Bruce. 4to., London, 1845. (Camden Society Publications, Vol. 31.) VERNON (William). Poems on several occa- sions, etc. [Containing imitations of Horace, book I., ode 22, book U., odes 14 and 16, and book IV., ode 9.] 8vo., London, 1758. VERTOT (Rene Aubert de) Abbe. The cha- racter of Augustus, with a comparison be- tween his two ministers, Agrippa and Maecenas, e/c. 5«eTURNBULL (G.). Three dissertations, etc. 4to., 1740. VERTUNIANUS (Fr.\nciscus). Prima Scali- gerana, etc. [Compiled by F. Vertunianus.] See SCALIGER (J. J.). ismo., 1669. [Another copy.] Editio altera, etc. i2mo., 1671. VERULAM (Francis Bacon) Baron. See BACON (F.) Viscount St. Albans. VERT-VERT. Ver-Vert, ou les voyages du Perroquet de Nevers. Poeme heroique. [By J. B. L. Gresset.] Sixieme edition. See GRESSET (J. B. L.). i2mo., 1736. VERVILLE (Francois Beroalde de). See BfiROALDE DE VERVILLE. VESALIUS (Andreas), [i.e., Andre Vesale.] See BURGGRAEVE (A.), ifitudes sur A. Vesale, etc. 4to., 1841. VESTINUS (Julius). See SUIDAS. Begin. Aiakoyoq axeffavov, etc. {Sig. 03, recto .] To /jev naqov ptfiXiov, 2^ovif)a. Oide am'Ta^a/ievoi rovxo, fivSge; aoifoi. Evdrj/iog...'IovaTivog 'lov- ?.iog [or rather, Julius Vestinu.s], etc. fol., 1499. [Another edition.] fol., 1514. VESTRITIUS SPURINNA. See SPURINNA. VETTORI (PiETRO) the Elder. See VICTO- RIUS(P.). VIAGGI. Viaggi fatti da Vinetia, alia Tana, in Persia, in India, etc. [Edited by Antonius Manutius.l See MANUTIdS (A.). 8vo.. 1543. [.\nother edition.] 8vo., 1545. VIAU (THfioPHiLE DE) Sieiir. See THfiO- PHILE. VIBIUS SEQUESTER. See MELA (P.). Pomponius Mela. Julius Solinus ... Vibius Sequester, er." Virgilius, post onincs omnium cditiones accurate cmendatus. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud .-ildi fitios, 1 545. This copy wants the loaf marked with uu asterisk, wliich should l>o inst»rtotl after fol. 8. Renouard, p. 132. C. Lloyd's copy. P. Virgilii Maronis opera, cum Servii com- mentariis, exaction cura suae intcgritati restitutis. Habcs item J. P. Valcriani casti- gationes, & varietates lectionis in totum 448 VIRGILIUS MARO (P.) [Opera.]— (conW.) Virgilium ...Accedunt praeterea in omnia Vir- giJii opera S. Doleti annotatiunculae...Additis novis quibusdam J. Musonii...lucubrationi- bus, etc. [Followed by the supplement of M. Vegius to the Aeneid, and the minor poems attributed to Virgil.] fol., Brixiae : apud L. Brilannicum, 1546. Imperfect ; wanting pp. 401-404. Sunderland copy. P. Vergilii Maronis opera, una cum opus- culis. quae ejus nomine circunferuntur, omni- bus, etc. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1547. Includes " M. Vegii...ad XII. lib. Aeneidos appendix." P. Vergilii Maronis opera, novis & argu- mentis, & scholiis illustrata, etc. 8vo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. Includes " M. Vegii...XII. lib. Aeneid. supple- mentum." P. Virgilii Maronis opera. (P. Virgilii Maronis vita, per JE. Donatum ...edita.) i6mo., LutetiiB : ex officina R. Stephani, 1549. Buc. Geor. Aeneis P. Virgilii Maronis... Doctiss. virorum notationibus illustrata. Opera et industria J. A. Meyen. 8vo. , Venletiis] : apud Aldum {Aldus Manu- tius, the Younger]. 1580. Renouard, p. 227. P. Virgilii Maronis opera ; nunc emen- datiora. i6mo., Lugd\iini] Batavor{tm-i], 1636. Imperfect ; wanting all before p. 93. and all after p. 404. The titlepage is engraved. Blackbourn copy. P. Virgilii Maronis opera. fol., Parisiis, 1641. The titlepage is engraved. P. Virgilii Maronis bucolica, georgica, ct Aeneis, illustrata, ornata, et accuratissime impressa. 8vo., Londini, 1750. This copy contains the prefatory matter, illus- trations by J. S. Miiller, and variants only. P. Virgilii Maronis bucolica, georgica et iEneis. In usum scholarum. i6mo., Oxonii, 1848. [.^iNEis.] Certain bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis, turned into English meter. By... Henry, Earle of Surrey. 4to., London, 1814. (Roxburghe Club Publications, No. i.) A reprint of the edition printed by R. Tottel in 1557. The first book of Virgil's .lEneis. Made English. 4to., London, 1688. A version of .Eneid IV. See FITZ- GERALD (G. A. R.). A version of ^neid IV. and other translations. Svo., 1894. [Bucolica.] P. V. M. Mantuani buco- licon. See BENEDICTUS, Philologm. Ec- logac Vergilii, etc. 8vo., 1504. P. Virgilii Maronis bucolica, P. Rami... praelcctionibus exposita, etc. 8vo., Parisiis, 1555. Waddington, p. 452. Sunderland copy. [Another copy.] Editio secunda. 8vo., Parisiis, 1558. M''addington, p. 452. Sunderland copy. Editio tertia. 8vo., Luteties, 1572. Waddington, p. 452. Sunderland copy. Waddington. P. Rami. libros quatuor, Bucolica. P. Vergilii Maronis ...bucoli- corum textus, eclogas decem complectens, etc. 8vo., Lugduni, 1556. Sunderland copy. — [Georgica.] P. Virgilii Maronis georgica, P. Rami. ..praelcctionibus illustrata, etc. Svo., Parisiis, 1556. Waddington, p. 452. [Another edition.] 8vo., Parisiis, 1564. p. 452. Sunderland copy, .praelcctiones in...georgicorum etc. [With the text.] 8vo., Francofurti, 1578. Waddington, p. 452. Sunderland copy. [Another edition.] 8vo., Francofurti, 1584. Waddington, p. 453. [Appendix.] See BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. Virgilius Maro. fol., 1882. EusEBius, Paniphili, Bishop of Ccesarea in Palestine. Eusebii de acrosti chide Sibyl- lina judicium. Atque item acgloga Vergilii quarta, ab eodem Graece reddita. Lai. &■ Gr. SeeORACULA SIBYLLINA. ZiPvUiaxmv XgrjOftaiv Xoyot oxtco. etc. Gr. c~ Lai. 8vo., 1555. See PRLVPEIA. Diversorum veterum poetarum in Priapum lusus. P[ublii] V[ir- gilii] M(aronis) Catalecta, Copa. Rosae, Culex ...Argumenta in Virgilii libros, etc. 8vo., J 5 17. [Another edition.] Svo., 1534. See URSINUS (F.). Virgilius collatione scriptorum Grscorum illustratus, etc. Svo., 156S. VISCHER (WiLHELM). Erasmiana. Pro- gramm zur Rectoratsfeier der UniversitTt Basel. 4to., Basel, 1876. VISORIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Jean Voyer]. J. Visorii.-.ingeniosa, nee minus elegans ad dialectices candidatos methodus. Svo., Parisiis : apud S. ColincEum, 1534. Sunderland copy. VISSER (Jakob). Notice des livres avec date (-Notice des livTes...sans date), imprimes dans les dix-sept provinces-unies des Pays- Bas, avant I'annee i^joi (par J. Visser). See MEERMAN (G.). be I'invention de I'im- primerie, «/c. Svo., 1S09. VIT^E. Vitae selects quorundam eruditissi- morum ...virorum ...in unum volumen redactae [by C. Gryphius]. See GRYPHIUS (C). Svo., 171 1. VITRIER (JEH.\N). 5ee ERASMUS (D.). The lives of J. Vitrier...and J. Colet, etc. 8vo., 18S3. VITRUVIUS POLLIO (Marcus). M. Vitru\ni de architectura libri decem, summa diligentia recogniti [by J. Jocundus]...Additis Julii frontini de aqueductibus libris, etc. Svo., [Lyons,] 1523. A reprint of the Giunta edition of 1522. The treatise of Frontinus has a distinct foliation. Renouard, p. 315. i 449 VITTORINO, da Feltrc. See FELTRE (V. da). VITUS, Winshemitts. See ORTELIUS (V.). VIVES (Joannes Ludovicus). [i.e., Juan Luis Vives.] J. L. Vivis...de anima et vita libri tres. Opus insigne, nunc primum in lucem editum, etc. 4to., [colophon ;] Basilecc : in officina Roberti Winter, 1538. •^— J. L. Vivis de communione rerum ad Gcrmanos inferiores. Ejusdem in Psalmum tricesimum septimum meditatio de passione Christi. 8vo., Colonia: : apiid J. Gymnicum, 1535. Bubani copy. Auctarium cpistolaruni ex L. Vive. See ERASMUS (D.). [EpiSTOLffi.] Epistolarum D. Erasmi... libri XXXI., etc. [Pt. II.] fol., 1642. [Another copy.] J. L. Vivis... linguae Latinae exercitatio. etc, Svo., Lugdtmi : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. VOGT (Gabriel Godofredus) Resp. De A. P. Manutii...vita, etc. See UNGERUS (C. T.). 4to., 1753. [Another issue.] 4to., 1753. VOGT (JoHANN). Johannis Vogt catalogus historico-criticus librorum rarioruin, jam curis tertiis recognitus, etc. 8vo., Hamburgi, 1747. VOLATERRANUS (Raphael). See MAF- FEJUS(R.) Volaterranus. VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet de). Adieux de M. de Voltaire aux Muses. 8vo., La Haye, 1739. La guerre civile de Gendve, ou les amors [sic] de R. Covelle. Poeme heroique, avec des notes instructivcs. [By F. ^I. A. dc Voltaire.] Nouvelle edition, etc. 8vo., Dezanfon, 1769. Barbier, II., 579. Lcttrcs a Son Altcssc IMonseigneur Ic Prince de **** [i.e., Brunswick] sur Rabelais ct sur d'autrcs auteurs accuses d 'avoir mal parle de la religion clireticnne [sic\. [By F. M. A. de Voltaire.] 8vo., Londres, 1768. Barbior, II., 1231. La P.. d'O.. [i.e.. La Pucellc d 'Orleans] poeme ; divise en quinze livres. [By F". M. A. d'j Voltaire.] i2m()., [Louvain, 1755.] I''ir.-it oclition. Wanting tlio titli-pngo and pre- face. Qu6rard. HI., 881. Qufrard, "IJiblio- Rruphio \'<)Unirionno,*' p. 29. Romans dc Voltaire, suivis dc ses contcs en vers. Nouvelle edition, etc. 8vo., Paris, s.a. Tho first edition appeared in 1865. See ESPINASSIC (1".). Life and limes of 1'". M. Arouet, calling himself Voltaire. Svo., 1866. Life of Voltaire. 8vo., 1892. Life of Voltaire. 8vo., 1 88 1. Vol. I. See ESPINASSE (F.). PARTON (J.). See QUERARD (J. M.). Voltairienne. Bibliographic 8vo., (1842.) VOLUSENUS (Florentinus). [i.e., Florence Volusene, Wilson, Wolson, or Wolsey.] Commentatio quaedam theologica, qua; eadem precatio est, de industria tanquam in apho- rismos dissecta : lectori, pr»scrtim crudito ct pio, multum sane placitura. 8vo., Lugdtmi : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1539. De animi tranquillitate dialogus, etc. 4to., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1543. Sequart and Calwich Library copy. [Another copy.] Editio altera, etc. 8vo., Lugduni Batavormn, 1637. Do Thou copy. Editio novissima, etc. 8vo., Edinburgi, 1707. [Another edition. With a preface by Dr. John Ward.] 8vo., Edinburgi, 175 1. VOPISCUS (Fl.wius). See SCRIPTORES HISTORIC AUGUSLE. Begin. Bonus Accursius Pisanus Salutem dicit plurima, etc. [Fol. 4, verso .] In hoc codicc continentur Caius Suetonius Tranquillus ... F. Vopiscus, etc. [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] [Another edition.] fol., 1475. 8vo., 1 5 16. fol., 1518. 8vo., 1 519. Tom. II. 1 6ino. , 1551. VORSTIUS (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Vorst.] Do Latinitate falso suspecta, deque Latinae lingu£e cum Germanica convenientia, liber... Editio tertia, etc. 8vo., Berolini, 1690. Bcrnord copy. [Another edition.] See below, De Latinitate mcrito suspecta... liber, etc. [Pt. I.] 8vo., 1703. Dc Latinitate mcrito suspecta, deque vitiis scrmonis Latini. qua; vulgo fcrc non animad- vcrtuntur, liber, qucm alter, de Latinitate falso suspecta, antccessit. 2 pts. [ui i vol.] 8vo., Lipsicr, 1703. J. Vorstii...de Latinitate selccta et vulgo fere ncglecta liber. Accessit A. J. Dorn- meieri diss?rtatio dc vitioso Ciceronis imi- tatorc, cui ... junctus est dialogus festivus de Cicerone relegato et rcvocato [by O. Lando], etc. 8vo., Berolini, 1738. VOSSIUS (Gerardus Joannes), [i.e., Gerhard Johann Voss.] G. J. Vossii dc historicis Graccis libri trcs. Auctiorcs et emendatiorcs edidit A. Westermann. 8vo., Lipsiac, 1838. Ma^on copy. Gerardi J. Vossy [sic] ct aliorum disscr- lationcs dc studiis bene instilucndis. i2mo., Trajccti ad Rhcnum, 1658. Tbo titlopago in on(;rrtvo-'s chronicle of the Kings of England. From the earliest period to the reign of King Stephen. With notes... by J. A. Giles. Svo., London, 1847. WILLIAM, of Wadington. See MANNYNG (R.) of Brunne. Roberd of Brunne's " Hand- lyng Synne " ... with ... " Le manuel des pechiez," by William of Wadington, etc. 4to., 1862. Prince of Orange, etc. See Prince of Orange, etc. See WILLIAM I., WILLEM I. WILLIAM II. WILLEM II, WILLIAMS (John) Archbishop of York. See HACKET (J.) Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Scrinia reserata : a memorial oflfer'd to the great deservings of J. Williams, etc. 2 pts. fol., 1693. WILLICHIUS (JODOcus). [i.e., J. Wilcke.] Commentaria in artem poeticam Horatii. Svo., [colophon :] Argentorati : aptid C. Mylium, 1545. WILLIS and SOTHERAN, Booksellers. A catalogue of ...books, English and foreign... now on sale. ..by Willis and Sotheran. Svo., London, 1859. A catalogue of ... ancient and modern books, English and foreign. ..now on sale... by Willis and Sotheran. (A classified inde.x, etc.) Svo., London, 1862. 455 WILLIS (Robert) M.D. Servetus and Calvin. A study of an important epoch in the early history of the Reformation. 8vo., London, 1877. William Harvey ; a history of the dis- covery of the circulation of the blood. 8vo., London, 1878. WILLMOTT (Robert Eldridge Aris). Plea- sures, objects, and advantages of literature... Fourth edition, revised. 8vo., London, 1855. WILLOBY (Henry). Willoby his Avisa (or the true picture of a modest maid, and of a chast and constant wife). (1635.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1886. (Publicotions of the Spenser Society, No. 42.) WILLOUGHBY (Sir Hugh). See HAMEL (J. VON). England and Russia; comprising the voyages of ... Sir H. Willoughby ... and others, to the White Sea, etc. 8vo., 1854. WILLS (Howell). Catalogue of the. ..library ...formed by H. Wills. ..Which w-ill be sold by auction, etc. 8vo., London, 1894. WILMOT (James). Thoms (W. J.). Dr. W^il- mot's Polish princess. See THOMS (W. J.). Hannah Lightfoot, etc. 8vo., 1867. WILMOT (John) 2nd Earl of Rochester. See ROCHESTER. WILMOT (Olive) calling herself Princess of Cumberland and Duchess of Lancaster. The authenticated proofs of the legitimacy of Olive, the Princess of Cumberland, and Duchess of Lancaster. 8vo., London, 1825. Thoms (W. J.). Lord Chatham and the Princess Olive. See THOMS (W. J.). Han- nah Lightfoot, etc. 8vo., 1867. WILSON, Family of. Wilson, of Leeds. [Pedigree.] See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedi- grees, e/c] fol., s.a. WILSON (Florence). See VOLUSENUS (F.). WILSON (Thomas) Rector of Claughton. Mis- cellanies : being a selection from the poems and correspondence of ... T. Wilson ... With memoirs of his life. By...F. R. Raines. 4to., (Manchester,) 1857. (Chetham Society. Remains, etc. Vol. XLV.) The covering titlepago is dated 1858. WIMPINA (Conradus). [i.e., Conrad Koch.] De Ortu pgressu & fructu sa | cretheologie : cu cosidcracSi | bus, directionibus et cautehs in studio sacre- | theologic obseruandis Opus- culii. I ©. X. 4to. , [colophon .•] Liptzk : p lacobH Thanner impressum , s.a. Hain and Copinger, •16211. ^— Oratio inuocatoria in missa | qfllibeti Lip- s&is Anno xpia | nc salutis. M.CCCC. XCVII. I (5.1. 4to., [Leipzig : M. Landsberg. c. 1497.] Hain, •16197. Proctor, 2950. WINCHESTER, Bishops of Lancelot. [1619-26.] Sre ANDREWES(L.). WINCKELMANN (Johann Joachim). De- scription des pierres grav6cs du feu baron dc Stosch, etc. 4to., Florence, 1760. WINKLEY (William) the Younger. Docu- ments relating to the Winkley family. Col- lected by W. Winkley. 8vo., Harrow, C1863.) Privately printed. Bound in the same volume is an additional table, .shewing the families connected with the Winkley family. WINSHEMIUS (Vitus). See ORTELIUS (V.). WINTER (Johann). See GUINTERIUS (J.). WIREKERUS (NiGELLUs). [i.e., Nigel Wircker.] De asino asininos mores atque ingenium, contra naturam exuere conante, asinina, lepidissima tamen, nee minus pun- gens narratio [otherwise entitled : speculum stultorum, by N. Wirekcrus]. See DRAU- DIUS(G.). Praxis jocandi, e?c. 8vo., 1602. WISE (John Richard de Capel). The New Forest; its history and its scenery ...Artist's [S2C] edition. 4to., London, 1883. Only 50 copies of this edition were printed for sale, this being No. 4. Robin Hood [a play], and other poems. 8vo., London. [1855.] WIT. Wit restor'd, in severall select poems not formerly publish't. 1658. [By Sir J. Mennis and J. Smith.] See MENNIS (Sir J.) & SMITH (J.) Archdeacon of Barnstaple. Facetiae, etc. Vol. I. 8vo., s.a, Witt's recreations, augmented with in- genious conceites for the wittie, etc. See MENNIS (Sir J.) & SMITH (J.) Archdeacon of Barnstaple. Facetiae, etc. Vol. II. 8vo., s.a. WITHER (George). Britain's remembrancer, 1628. 2 pts. 4to., (Manchester,) 18S0. (Publications of the Spenser Society, Nos. 28 and 2Q.) Exercises upon the first Psalme, both in prose and verse. (1620.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1882. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 34.) ^— The great assises holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his assessours. [A poem by G. Wither.] (1645.) 4io., (Manchester,) 1885. (Publications of the Spon.ser Society, No. 40.) Halleluiah ; or, Britans [sic] second re- membrancer, 1641. Pts. 1-3. [in 2 vols.] 4to., (Manchester,) 1879. (Publications li the Spenser Society, Nos. 26 and 27.) The hymnes and songs of the Church. (1623.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1881. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 30.) Juvenilia. Poems. ..contained in the col- lections of his Juvenilia which appeared in 1626 and 1633. 3 pts. 4to., (.Manchester,) 187 1. (Publications of the Spender Society, Nos. 9-11.) Miscellaneous works. ..First ( — sixth) col- lection. 6 vols. 4to., (Manchester,) 1872-78. (Publications of the Sponsor Society, Nos. 12, ij, 16, 18, 22 and 24.) Paralellogrammaton. (1662.) 4to., (Manchester,) 1882. (Publications of tho Sponsor Society, No. 33.) 456 WITHER {George).— {contd.) A preparation to the Psalter... 1 619. fol., {Manchester,) 1884. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 37.) The Psahiis of David translated into lyrick verse. By G. Wither. 2 pts. See BIBLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Eng- lish.] 4to., 1 88 1. Respublica Anglicana, or the historic of the Parliament. (1650.) 4to., (Manchester.) 1883. (Publications of the Speaser Society, No. 36.) WITTE (Henningus). [i.e.. Henning W'itte.] Diarium biographicum, in quo scriptorcs seculi post natum Christum XVII. prxcipui... juxta annum diemque cujusvis emortualem, concisd descripti magno adducuntur numero. Libri itidcm eorum...Latio reccnsentur idio- mate, etc. 4to., Gedani, 1688. With a second, engraved, titlepage. Wanting the second volume, published at Riga in 1691. WITZ (JoHANN). See SAPIDUS (J.). WODHULL (Michael). Catalogue of the... library collected ...by M. Wodhull...the pro- perty of J. E. Severne... Which will be sold by auction, etc. (Another propert}^...A me- mento of Victor Hugo, etc.) 8vo., London, 1886. With prices and purchasers' names in MS. The choicest portion of the Wodlmll librarj', etc. (A rough list of valuable and rare books, including the choicest portion of the W'odhull library ...offered by B. Quaritch, etc.) 8vo., London, 18S6. WOLCOT (John). See PINDAR (P.) pseud. WOLFIUS (Caspar), \_i.e., C. Wolff.] Via- ticum novum. De omnium fere particu- larium morborum curatione, liber... nunc primum in lucem editus per C. Wolphium. 8vo., Tigitri, 1578. De Tliou and Beckford copy. WOLFIUS (Joannes Christianus). [i.e., JOHANN Christian Wolf.] Monumenta typographica, quae artis hujus praestantis- simae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt, instaurata studio et labore J. C. Wolfii. 2 pts. 8vo., Hamburg i, 1740. WOLFIUS (Joannes Christophorus). [i.e., JohannChristoph Wolf.] Pras. Carcerem eruditorum museum. ..praeside J. C. Wolfio... aperuit...C. P. von Schwoll...Editio secunda. 4to., Wittenbergae, 1718. Pattison copy. WOLRICH, Family of. Pedigree of Hewley and Wolrich. See YORKSHIRE. [33 pedi- grees, etc.] fol., s.a. WOLSEY (Florence). See VOLUSENUS (F.). WOLSON (Florence). See VOLUSENUS (F.). WOLTERECK (Christoph). [Electa rei num- mariae, sive selectae dissertationes de rariori- bus nummis antiquis tarn Graecis quam Latinis...Ex Gallico maximam partem Latine translatae, et junctim editae.] 8vo., [Hamburgi, 1709.] Imperfect ; wanting the titlepage. WOOD (Anthony A). The life of A. 4 Wood from the year 1632 to 1672. ..Now continued to the time of his death, etc. See HUDDES- FORD (W.). The lives of ...J. Leland...and A. k Wood, etc. Vol. II. 8vo., 1772. WOODBURN (Henry) Bookseller. A general catalogue of valuable and rare old books... which are now selling. ..with the prices affixed to each, by H. Woodburn. i2mo., [London, 1820.] WORCESTER, Bishops oj. Edward. [1689-99.] See STILLINGFLEET (E.). Richard. [1781-1808.] SeeHURD(R.). WORDE (Wynkyn de). The book of ker- vynge. See RUSSELL (J.) Usher to Hum- phrey, Duke of Gloucester. The boke of nurture, etc. 4to., 1867. See DUFF (E. G.) d)Q. Tov avxov XaxedatfiovKov nohreia. Tov adrov dOip'auov nohxeia. Tov airov olxoro/nxa. Tov aOrov ieQwv. Tov avrou avfijioaiov. Tov aOrou ncQt 458 XENOPHON. [Ott.ra.— Greek.]— {contd.) eXh)vixo)v. ^tpXia tf. Hasc in hoc libro con- tinentur. Xenophontis Cyri pedias. Libri VIII.. etc. Ed. Pr. fol., \colophon .•] Florentice : in aedibus P. Junt(P. 1516. Imperfect ; wanting the last leaf, bearing the printer's device. Renouard. p. xl. Eevo(f>ci)vroi; unavra ra evQiaxofieva. Xeno- phontis omnia, quae extant. [Edited by F. Asulanus.] 2 pts. [in i vol.] fol., [colophon .-] Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asidani soceri, 1525. Renouard, p. 100. Sunderland copy. [Opera. — Latin.] Xenophon. In hoc volumine continentur infra scripta opera Xenophontis. Pa?dia Cyri Persarum regis. De venatione. De re publica & de legibus Lacedaemonioria. De regis Agesilai Lace- daemoniorii laudibus. Apologia pro Socrate. Opusculum de tyrannide. [Edited by P. Beroaldus.] 8vo. , [colophon : Lyons :] expensis . . .Bartholomei trot, 1 51 1. A counterfeit Aldine. Renouard, p. 311. Rossi copy. Xenophontis. ..opera, quae quidem extant omnia, etc. (Xenophontis opcrum tomus secundus, etc.) 2 torn. i6mo., Lugduni : apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. — ^— [Cyrop^dia.] A7]/trjyoQiat, hoc est, con- ciones aliquot e.x libris Xenophontis de p»dia Cyri...vers£e...a J. Sambuco...Additae sunt duae orationes cotrariae, Critiae & Thera- menis, ex libro sccundo de rebus gestis Graecorum. [Gr. &> Lat.] Ad haec, oratio, quod oratores ante poetas a pueris cogno- scendi sint, eodem J.Sambuco autore. Adjec- tis quoq; ejusdem poematiis aliquot, etc. 8vo., [colophon .•] Basileae, 1552. Heber copy. [HiSTORiA Gr^ca. — Greek.'] Sevocpcovro? naQaXciTionera, dneg xai iXhjvixa IxaXeae. Fecogytov ysftiOTOv rov xm nXrjdcnvo;, ex rwv AiodcoQOV, xai UXovraQyov, tisqi tcov /xera xrjv iv /lavTiveiq: fta/ijv, iv xes.) Serjeants at Law. Act I., Edw. VL, c. 7. [Notes on portions of , by Sir C. G. Young.] I p. 8vo., S.L et a. A table of precedency of men. [By Sir C. G. Young.] 2 pp. 8vo., s.L et a. See ARUNDELL (R.) Chevalier. Will of R. Arundell, etc. [Copied by Sir C. G. Young.] 8vo., s.a. See LONDON. The names of all suche gentlemen of accompte as were residing within ye Citie of London ...28 Novembris 1595, etc. [Copied by Sir C. G. Young.] 8vo., s.a. See MARTIN-LEAKE (S.) Carter King oJ Arms. The sovereign's Arms, upon the union of the Crown of Scotland with that of England, etc. (Extracted from a manuscript of S. Martin-Leake.) [By Sir C. G. Young.] 8vo., (1855.) See PRECEDENCE. Precedence of Great Estates in their owne degres, 1 504. [Edited by Sir C. G. Young.] Svo., s.a. See SAINT GEORGE (Sir T.) Carter King of Arms. Barons by tenure. Ex- tracted from a manuscript of Sir T. St. George [by Sir C. G. Young]. 8vo., i860. YOUNG (Ed\v.\rd) PoeL See CHRISTIE (A.) of Montrose. Scripture truths. ..Illustrated with extracts from the Night thoughts [of E. Young]. 8vo., 1790. YOUNG (M.). The life and times of A. Pale- ario, or a history of the Italian reformers in the sixteenth century, etc. 2 vols. 8vo., London, i860. YOUNG (Patrick). Clarissimi viri Patricii Junii...vita. See SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vitae quorundam ...virorum, etc. 4to., 1707. YOUNG (Si> Peter). Vita. .. Petri Junii. See SMITH (T.) Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. VitsE quorundam ...virorum, etc. 4to., 1707. YPRES. Forma subventionis paupcrum, que apud Hyporas Flandrorum urbem viget, univcrsf reipublicg Christiang longc utilis- sima. 8vo., Vaenit apud praeclaras Hyperas: S./.H., 1531. YUHANNA IBN MASAWAIH, called Joannes Mesue. Se^MESUE (J.). ZACCARIA ANTONUCCI (Gaetano). Cata- logo di opere ebraiche, grcche, latino ed italiane stampate dai celebri tipografi Son- cini nc' sccoli XV. c XVI. Compilato da G. Zaccaria...con brcvi notizie storiche dcgli stcssi tipografi raccoltc dal Cav. Zefirino Re Ccsenatc. Svo., Fermo, 1863. 150 copies printed. — ^— [Another edition. ]... Compilato da G. Zaccaria Antonucci...cd accrcsciuto...ora per cura di C. Giannini corretto e inigliorato, etc. Svo., Fermo, 1868. 250 copies printed. ZACHARIAS, Scholasliciis, Bishop of Mitylene. Zachariao Scholaslici dialogus Ammonius, qu6d mundus non sit Deo coa;tcrnus, a G. Hcrveto...latin6 versus. 8vo., [colophon :] Venetiis : apud Nicolaum de Dascarinis, 1 546. ZAESI (Ui-RIch). See ZASIUS (U.). ZANCHIUS (Basilius). [i.e.. Basilic Zanchi.] B. Zanchii...poematuni libri VIII. L. Gam- bars. ..poematum libri HI. 8vo., [colophon :] Basilea, 1555. Bigot Library copy. 460 ZANCHIUS (Basilius).— (cohW.) B. Zanchi [5!f]...vcrborum Latinorum ex variisauthoribus epitome. Ejusdemverborum quae in M. Nizolii observationibus in Cicero- nem desidcrantur appendix. 4to., [colophon :] Roma: in aedib. A. Bladi Asulani, 1541. Printed in double columns. De Thou and Crossley copy. ZAPATA (Giovanni Battista). II maravig- liosi secreti di medicina e chirurgia, di nuovo ritrovati, per guarire ogni sorte d'infermita. Raccolti dalla prattica, dell' eccellente medico G. B. Zapata. Da G. Scientia, etc. 8vo., Venetia, 161 8. ZAPF (Georg Wilhelm). Annales typographias Augustana ab ejus origine 1466 usque ad annum 1530. Accedit Domini F. A. Veith diatribe de origine et incrementis artis typographies in urbe Augusta Vindelica, etc. (Appendix librorum typis...Velserianis...ab anno 1594 usque ad annum 1614 impres- sorum.) 4to., Augusta Vindeticorum, 177S. J. Locher, genannt Philomusus, in bio- graphisch- und litterarischer Hinsicht. Ein Beytrag zur Erlauterung der Gclehrten- geschichte Baiems und Schwabens. 8vo., Niirnberg, 1803. ZASIUS (Ulricus). [i.e.. Ulrich Zaesi.] U. Zasii...epistolae ad viros aetatis suae doc- tissimos. Quas partim ex autographis primum edidit, partim ...dispersas collegit, illustravit, et commentarium de illius vita praemisit J. A. Rieggerus. 8vo., Ulmae, 1774. Bound in two voLg. Dn. U. Zasii ... in tit. institutionum de actionibus enarratio, nimc denu6...aedita. Huic accessit oratio ... Christophori ab Hochemberg in funere Zasii dicta. Epi- taphium Zasii, per Erasmum Rotcrodar.ium. fol., BasilecB : apud J. Behclimn, et M. Isingrinitim, 1537. Le Peltier copv. See STINTZING (R. von). U. Zasius, etc. Svo., 1857. ZAUNSCHLIFFER (Otto Philipp). O. Joco- serii \_i.e., O. P. Zaunschliffer] dissertatio politica de eo, quod justum est circa spiritus familiares fceminarum, hoc est pulices. See TRACTATUS. Tractatus varii de pulicibus, etc. i2mo., [1710 ?] [Another edition.] ... Cui annexa actio injuriarum nasi contra podicem. 4to., Amsterodami, 1743. ZELLER (Jules). U. de Hutten. Sa vie, ses ceuvres, son epoque. Histoire du temps de la Reforme. 8vo., Paris, 1849. ZENO (Apostolo). Dissertazioni Vossiane... cioe giunte e osservazioni intorno agli storici italiani che hanno scritto latinamente, ram- mentati dal Vossio nel III. libro de historicis Latinis. 2 tom. 4to., Venez.ia, 1752-53. Notizie letterarie intorno ai Manuzi stam- patori, e alia loro famiglia. [By A. Zeno.] 8vo., \_Venice, 1736.] A separate issue of the introduction to the Italian translation of Cicero's " Epistolao familiares " published by Piacentini at Venice in 1736. Melzi, II., 244. [Another edition.] See BURGASSE (.A.. C). Serie dell' edizioni Aldine...Terza [or rather, the fourth] edizione, etc. 8vo., 1803. [Another copy.] ZEPHERI.A.. Zepheria. [An amatory poem.] Reprinted from the original edition of 1594. 4to., (Manchester,) 1869. (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 5.) ZINUS (Petrus Franciscus). [i.e., Pietro Francesco Zini.] P. F. Zini...de philoso- phiae laudibus oratio, etc. 4to., Venetiis : apud J. Gryphium, 1547. Sunderland copy. ZIZI. Les baisers de Zizi, poSme. [By J. H. de Castera.] See CASTfiRA (J. H. de). i2mo., 1786. ZOPYRION, the Grammarian. See SUIDAS. Begin. AiaXoyoz areqiavov, etc. [Sig. 03, recto .] To fiev Traqov fiijiXiov, Eovida. OlSe cw'Tafa/iEi'Ot TouTo, dvSgei aoipoi. Evdrj/wg... ZconvQiujv, etc. fol., 1499. [Another edition.] fol., 1514. ZOROASTER, the Magician. Maytxa koyia Tiov ana Tou ZcoQoaaTQov ftaycov. [With the commentaries of G. Gemistus.] 4to., Parisiis : apud J. Lodoicwn, 1538. 8 ff., without pagination ; sigs. a-j3*. Divina judicia ct testimonia Zoroastris primi magorum. See HESIODUS. Utilis docti Hesiodi... liber, e^c. 4to., 1550. ZOSIMUS, GazcBtis. See SUIDAS. Begin. Aia?.oyo; arecpavov, etc. [Sig. 03, recto .•] To ftev Ttagov [ii^hov, EoviSa. OISb awra^a/isvoi Totrro, avSoeg aocpoi. EidTj/^tog ... Zwai/tog, etc. fol., 1499. [Another edition.] fol., 1514. ZOSIMUS, Panopolitanus. Ztoai^iov ...iaxooiag vea; pt(i?.tov tiqwtov ( — demeQOv). Gr. &■ Lat. See HEROD I ANUS. 'Hooidiarov laTOQiwv Pt^harj'.etc. [Pt. II.] "" 4to., 1581. ZOVENZONIUS (Raphael). See TERTUL- LIANUS (Q. S. F.). Q. S. F. Tertulliani... Zovenzonii...ct Probae Falconiae, opera. 8vo., 1825. ZUINGERUS (Theodorus). [i.e., Theodor Zwinger, the Elder.] Icones aliquot claro- rum virorum Germaniae, Angliae, Galliae, Ungariae: cum elogiis...factis T. Zuingero. See REUSNERUS (N.). Icones. ..cl. virorum, etc. [Pt. II.] 8vo., 1589. ZUNIGA (Diego Ortiz de). See ORTIZ DE ZUNIGA. ZURICH. Epistolae Tigurinac de rebus potis- simum ad Ecclesiae Anglicanae reformationem pertinentibus conscriptae, a.d. i 531-1558, etc. 8vo., Cantabrigia, 1848. An extra publication of the Parker Society, being the Latin originals of the Zurich Letters, Ser, 3. ZWINGER (Theodor) the Elder. See ZUIN- GERUS (T.). ZWINGLI (Ulrich). See CHAUFFOUR- KESTNER (V.). fitudes sur les Reforma- teurs du 16' siecle, etc. Tome II. Zwingli, 8vo., 1853. SECTION II: MANUSCRIPTS ABRliGfi. Abrege des principes de la science hermetique, suivi d'un traite-pratique du grand ceuvre. 5(>pp. 8vo., paper, scsc.xvui. ACCIDENTIA. End. Expliciut magna acci- den in volgari posita. Fr. 48 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xv.-xvi. AEGIDIUS, de Colonia, pseud. [? Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). ALEXANDER, Monachus. aXe^avSqav fiovaxov Xoyog eiQ Tt]v evgeatv tov ripuov xat ^wonoiov aravQov, etc. See HERMIAS, Philosophus. 'EQfieiov rov (pikoaofov diaavQuoi xwv i^u) (piXoCOfCOV. fol., SCBC. XV. ALMELOVEEN (Theodorus Janssonius ab). MS. correspondence of [i.e., letters to] Th. J. ab Almeloveen. 8vo., paper, 1681-1719. ANSELMUS, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sequuntur ineditationes beati Anselmi. See BERNARDUS, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. Begin. Incipiut meditatoes t)i bnardi. 8vo., sac. XV. APOSTLES. [Fol. 1, recto :] Deli simboli deli Apostoli. [Fol. 7, verso :] Deli articoli dela Fede, etc. [Followed by an exposition of the different sins.] 172 ff. 8vo., paper, 1487. Said to bo in the handwriting of Savonarola. AQUINAS (Thomas) Sainl. See THOMAS, Aquinas. ARMORIAL BEARINGS. [Descriptions of armorial bearings of certain English families, together with a few genealogies.] 369 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xviii. ■Stibbs and Bailoy copy. ARTEPHIUS. Le livre secret du trcs ancicn pphe Artephius de I'art occultc, et de la pierrc philosophale. See FLAMEL (N.). Arcanum arcanorum dc Domino Dalbaricy, etc. 4to., sac. xvu.-xvm. AUGUSTINUS, Saint. Bishop of Hippo. In- cipit epfa sci Augiistini yponen epi dc mira- culis bti Jcroimj, etc Sec EUSEBIUS, Saint, Cremonensis. Incipit cpta bli cusebij... dc mortc bti Jcronimj, etc. 4to., sac. xv. BABINGTON (M. D.). [Notes on. and variant readings of, the works of Hornce.] 5 vols. 4to., paper, 1808-23. In llio liandwrilinp of (lie author, witli hi.s onto- graph on tlio insido of tlu» front cover. BARLET (Annibal). Explication et denomi- nation des caractt^rcs dc la philosophie her- metique, tiree dc I'art dc dicu ou phisiquc resolutive pour connoitre la th6olcchnie ergocosmique par A. Barlet...i657. (Som- maire philosophique de N. Flamel.) 15 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xviii. BARLOW (Ambrose). [An account of the life of Ambrose Barlow, of the Order of S. Bene- dict, of Morley's Hall, near Leigh, Lancashire, who was executed for his religion in 1628. Written by one of his pupils.] 38 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvii. BASILIUS VALENTINUS. Sec VALEN- TINUS (B.). BATSDORFF (Heinrich von) pseud, [i.e., Christoph Reibehand.] Le filet dArianc. Discours preliminaire sur la pierre des sages. 151 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xviii. Barbier. II., 459, where Reilieliand'a Christian name is wrongly stated to bo " Henri." BEBELIUS (Henricus). [i.e., Heinrich Bebel.] Epithaiim [i.e., Epitaphium] Joannis Brassicani. i fol. 4to., paper, sac. xvi. Inserted at the end of .E. Aiitonjus' " Intro- ductiones in latina grainmaticen." 1510. BELISARIUS. Belisarius [or rather, Pro- copius] de bello Gothorum. See PROCO- PIUS, Casariensis. fol., 1467. BERNARDUS, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux. Begin. [Fol. i, recto ;] Incipiiit meditatoes bi bnardi. [Fol. 34, recto .] Sequuntur medi- tationes beati Anselmi. [Fol. 50, rec0 .•] Incipit tractatus de arte bene moriedi. [Fol. 70, recto .'] lubilus S'^". Bcmardi. lesu dulcis memoria, etc. 72 ff. 8vo., vellum, sac. xv. With ilhiminated initials. Liber bti bcmardi. [Hymn commencing : I'hilomena prcuia tcmporis amcni. Que rc- cessum nuntias umbris atqiic sccni, etc.] 14 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xv.-xvi. BERNARDUS, Trevisanus. [Extracts from the works of Bcrnardus Trevisanus and others, on the elements, matter, metals, etc.l ii9ff- 4'-0- pap<:r, c. 1720. BIANCIil-GlOVINI (AuKKLio). Le bois dc la Saintc Croi.x. (Signc A. Binnchi-Giovini.) [Translated from the Italian and furnished with a preface by F. F. B.] 20 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xix. Tho original first appeared in *' L'UnilA Cat to- lica," Turin, 1856. BIBLE. [A commentary on the Bible, dedi- cated to Erasmus.] Begin. [Fol. 1, recto:] Prolagi [sit] sf biblifi. [Fol. 3, verso :] epyla ad desidiifi opv i )■ ff. 4to., vellum, sac. xv. 462 BIBLE.— {contd.) [A concordance of the Bible, in Latin.] l6y ff. fol., paper, scec. xv. —— Incipiut vocabulorii expositiones Biblie Genesis et cetere. 64 f^. fol., paper, scec. xv. Written in Germany. ■^— Old Testament : Genesis. [A commen- tary on Genesis III., 19.] Begin. In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane tuo, etc. 62 pp. fol., paper, sac. xv. New Testament : Gospels. [Commen- taries on portions of the Gospels.] 227 ff. fol., paper, sac. xv. — — — — [Portions of the Gospels, with a commentary.] '^T ff. io\., paper, scsc. xv. BOCIALIXI ( ). (An account of M. A. de Dominis Archb. of Spalatro's turning from the Catholick to the Calvinist religion & of his return to Rome.) [Contained in a letter to Signor M. Pasti.] iii pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvii. BODINUS (Joannes), {i.e., Jean Bodin.] I. N. I. C. Crucifixi. J. Bodini colloquium heptaplomeres de abditis rerum sublimium arcanis. 484 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xvii. ? BONA VENTURA, Saint, Cardinal, Bishop of Albano. [i.e., Giovanni Fidanza.] Begin. [Fol. I, recto .•] Incipit soliloquiii sancti bona- ueture de quatuor mentahbus exercitiis quod dicitur imago vite et dyalog? sancti bona- uenture. [Fol. 61, recto .■] Dialogus tripartita sc^ boni angeli aie peccatricis, demonis et clementie virginis marie. [Fol. 65, recto .•] Incipit prologus in paruum bonii sancti Bonauenture quod alias incendiij amoris dici- tur vel regimen conscientie, vol fens vite. [Fol. 91, verso:] Incipit opus sancti bona- ueture valde deuotii de septe verbis dpi nostri ihii xpi in cruce. [Fol. 95, recto .•] Opus con- teplationis, etc. [Fol. 102, recto .•] Dulcis- simu meoriale passiois domini. [Fol. in, verso .•] Oro deuotissima et coteplatissima ad puulum ihesum et ad mariam mrem eius. [Fol. 114, recto .•] Carmen Sancti bonaueture. [Fol. 122, recto:] Laudismus de sancta cruce que cecinit Seraphicus doctor sactus Bona- uentura, ffc. 129 j^. 8vo., paper, sac. xiv.? BRASSICANUS_(Jo.\nnes). See BEBELIUS (H.). Epithaum [i.e., Epitaphium] Joannis Brassicani. 4to., sac. xvi. BUCKINGHAM (George Villiers) ist Duke of. A paper sent in a letter bearing date the 2nd of Feb: 1624 from the Duke of Bucking- ham unto the L: of Bristoll conteyning cer- teyne propositions to the w^t" the Duke re- quires that the said Lord would acknowledge. 15 ff. io\., paper, sac. xvn. CACATOXICUS MORACESTA (Vincentius) pseud. [? Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOP- PIUS (G.). CACCIALUPUS (Joannes Baptista). Modus studendj In lure accuratissimo. Tractatus de mo studendi in utroq; lure per decern docu'"'* : cmn noi' prestantiorum scribentiu : tam canonistarfl ^3 legistaru usqj ad hec tpa : editus p...Iohanne Raptistam d. gazalupis de sancto Severino, etc. 69 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xv. iSe« Heun, '4209. CAMILLO (Giulio). Theatro della sapientia di M. Giulio Camillo Del Minio. 290 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvi. CAMPANELLA (Tommaso). Begin. Contro- versia de primatu Petri. End. Subicio cor- rectioni maiorum meorum ego ff Dominicus Campanella Carmelita Qualificator S'. Officij. 238 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvii. ? CASTAIGNE (Gabriel de). Livre de Tor potable de Castaigne. 62 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xviii. CHRYSOLORAS (Emanuel). 'EQwrriftararov /lavovtjX rov xQvaoXwoa. S^ ff- i2mo., vellum, sac. xv. ? CICERO (Marcus Tullius). Begin. [Fol. i, recto .•] i'l. T. Ciceronis de senectute liber in- cipit. [Fol. 35, verso .] M. T. Ciceronis de somnio Scipionis liber incipit. [Fol. 47, rec0 .] Marci TuUii Ciceronis Arpinatis de amicicia libr incipit feliciter. [Fol. 87, recto .•] Marci TuUii Ciceronis Arpinatis de paradoxis liber incipit feliciter. 10^ ff. 8vo., vellum, sac. xiv. [De somnio Scipionis.] 6 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xv. Bound at end of Tom. I. of Cicero's " Opera philosophicft," 1471. Begin. Sup rethorica nova [ad C. Heren- nium] Marcii [sic] tulii Ciceronis. End. Explicit Cometu sup rethorica nova Marci tullii Ciceronis. 56 ff. fol., vellum, sac. xv. CONTES. Contes. [In verse.] 4to., paper, sac. xviii. D*., Monsieur. Qiuvres. Mellee. Sur diffe- rens sujets. De different auteurs. Aug- mentes et corriges par Monsieur D*. 130 pp. 4to., paper, Paris, 1716. D.\NIEL, De Monte Sion, pseud. [? Gasparus Scioppius.] See SCIOPPIUS (G.). DECLARATION. [A briefe declaration for what manner of special nusance concerning private dwelling houses, a man may have his remedy by assise, or other action as the case requires. Unfolded in the arguments, and opinions of foure famous sages of the Common Law [viz., Mr. Mounson, E. Plowden, Mr. Vraj-e and J. Manwood], etc.] 24 j^. fol., paper, sac. xvii. For a printed edition of this %Tork, see Section I. DECOU VERTE. La decouverte du grand secret des philosophes ou les disciples d 'Hermes, oii tous ceux qui cherchent le grand oeuvre trouveront toutes les choscs necessaires et clairement expliquees pour leur travail, a Geneve 1688. 431 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvil. A translation from the Latin edition of 1688, entitled " Magni philosophorum arcani reve- lator." 463 DICTIONARY. [A dictionary of Italian phrases with their Latin equivalents.] 90 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvi. Pope Sixtu.? V.'s copy. DISCOURS. Premier ( — troisifime) discours de la philosophie au philosophc inconnCi qui de- clare la nature de la pierre, ses effets, scs excellences, avec sa possibilite. (Sentiment d'un amateur de la verite.) (L'oeuvre des Sages.) 82 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xviii. DOMINIS (Marcus Antonius de) Archbishop of Spalalro. De pace religionis M. Antonij de Dominis...epistola, ad... J. Hallum Archi- presbyterum Wigomiensem. In qua, suj etiam ex Anglia proximj discessus idem author rationem reddit. Quaesita quoq5 regia sibi discessuro facta, suasq, ad ea responsiones refert. Et ab ipso Hallo increpationes acceptas reijcit. [Followed by a letter (to J. Hall ?) from T. Morton, then Bishop of Coventry, concerning the Archbishop of Spalatro's proposed return to Rome.] 72 pp. 4to., paper, sere. xvii. See BOCIALINI ( ). (An account of M. A. de Dominis ...turning from the Catholick to the Calvinist religion & of his return to Rome.) 4to., sac. xvii. DOUGLAS (James) M.D. Catalogus editio- num Q. Horatii Flacci, ab ann. 1476 ad ann. 1739, qua; in bibliotheca Jacobi Douglas... adservantur. 39 pp. 4to., paper, Londini, 1739. Win. Douglas* copy. fiON DE BEAUMONT (Charles Genevieve Louis Augusts Andre Timothee d'). Dis- tribution du catalogue des livres et effets de M"«. D'fion k Londres. 4to., paper, 1792. Ill the handwriting of Eon de Beaumont. [ittat de la seconde vente des livres de Mile D'lion, etc.'] Svo., [London, 1793.] Tiio title is in tlio handwriting of l5on tlo lieaurnont. — — :fitat des livres & manuscrits de la biblio- thdque de la Citoyennc D'fion a Londres, pontes le 21 Mars 1793, chcz M''. Sotheby & W. Leigh. ..pour y ctrc vcndus. 16 pp. fol., paper, 1793. — — Che. D'fion chistian [sic] journal ; ou, Ic livre le plus nccessairc a riicureuse journee du voyagcur chrcticn sur la tcrre. 35 pp. 4to., paper, scec. xviii. In tho handwriting of fioii do Beaumont. Tlic D'lton Christian journal. (Confes- sion ci Dicu (le ses pechcs.) 21 pp. 8vo., paper, sac. xviii. In tho handwriting of Eon do B&iuniont. Clio. D'lion's journal ou la la [sic] scmaiiio du Chretien sanctifiec par la pritSre et la meditation, iipp. Svo.. paper, sac. xviu. In tho liandwriting of £on do Beaumont. F.xtrait de mes pcnsees .sur la prifirc. Par et pour Charlottc-Gcnevidvc-Louisc- Augustc d'lion de Beaumont. 18 pp. 8vo., paper, strc. xviii. In tlio handwriting of fion du Beaumont. Mon agenda, pour les affaires dc M""". Cole en 1 797-1798. 24 pp. 8vo., paper, 1797-98. In the handwriting of fion de Beaumont. R^tour sur moi-menie, en la retraite du cabinet de ma philosophie chretienne. (Mon retour k Dicu. — Ma prifire particulifire, etc.) 29 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvill. In the handwriting of fion de Beaumont. See HORATIUS FLACCUS (Q.). [A catalogue, written on cards, of the Chevalier D'fion's collection of Horace ; together with notes for a proposed edition of Horace.] See WATTS (I.). Extract [made by ]fion de Beaumont] from the hyms [sic] and spirit- uals [sic] songs. 4to., sac. xviii. fiPIGRAMMES. fipigrammes, fables, et diff6- rentes pieces. 304 pp. 4to., paper, sac. xvni. EPISTOL^. [A collection of Latin letters and speeches by Poggio Bracciolini, Boccaccio, Philelphus, and others.] 4to., paper, sac. xv. [A collection of Latin letters by Saint Jerome, Poggio Bracciolini, Pope Pius II., Phalaris, and others.] 179 ff. 8vo., paper, sac. xv. EUSEBIUS, Saint, Cremonensis. Begin. [Fol. I, recto :] Incipit epla bti eusebij ad btin damasiu3 portuefi & ad theodosu Romanotj senatore3 eius frem de morte bii Jeronimj Confessoris & doctoris eximij. [Fol. 23, verso :] Incipit epta sci Augustini yponen epi de miraculis bti Jeroimj 9fcssoris eximij & doctoris mirifici ad Btin Cyrillii jerosolo- mitanu epm . 157 ff- 4to., vellum tcr illos in Dei gloriam ct utilitatcm publican! inter annos quinquaginta molitus et cmolitus fueiit. 682 pp. fol., paper, c. 1842. Crossloy copy. With an auto^rapli of Scioppius taken from the Allnini Ainiooruin Nicolai Butto Patavionsis. It in dated ISO? and ttigned ■■ Ga.sper Schoppius." There is also inserted in this volume an autourapli letter of ScioppiuR dated if>3S and nipni'il with the later form of his name " Ga.*ipur Sciui">pius." G. Scioppi scnis scptuagenani...profcssio fidci. II pp. fol., paper, sac. xix. Pioplasma consilioruin, actionum et scriptionum (.'•. Scioppii.. .ab anno 1599 usque ad annum 1640, etc. 32 pp. fol., paper, sac. xix. 468 SCIOPPIUS (Gasparus).— (co«Si> Samuel Egerton) Bart. Tibullus. Opera 1753. Bubani (Francesco). VrvES. De coinmunione reruni ... 1535. Buccius (Alexander). Cicero. [Opera.— ia?m.] [Vol. IL] 1559. Buccleuch, Duke of. Bible. [Freneh.] [Vol.1.]... [1498?] Laurent. The Ayenbite of Inwyt 1855. Mannynq. Roberd of Bmnne's '• Handlyng Synne " 1862. Buckley (William Edward) Rev. Albertus (L. B.). Philodoxios ... 1583. Burton. Philosophaster 1862. Drayton. Poems 1856. Edwards (T.). Cephalus and Proo- ris 1882. Estienne (H.). Ad Seneca; lectio- nem 1586. Francofordiense emporium ... 1574. Haddonus. Contra H. Osorium ... 1577. Huet. Commentarius 1718. NizoLius. Thesaurus Ciceronianus 1576. Oxford. — University. Britannia natalis 1630. Musarum Oxon. Aaio^opta 1654. npOTfXeia Anglo-Batava 1641. Sidney. Sidneiana 1837 Tkogus Pompeius. Justinus ... 1581 V'ulteius. Inscriptionura libri duo 1638 Buenau (Heinrich von) Oraf. Gesner (C). Elenchus scriptorum omnium 1551. Appendix bibliothecse 1556. Bnlgarini (Belisario). Sturmitjs. Poeticum 1576, c(c. Bure (Jean Jacques de). Masson (J.). C. Plinii Secuudi vita P. Ovidii Nasonis vita Q. Horalii Flacci vita Burmannus (Petrus) the Elder. Calcagninus. Opera aliquot Scioppius. Astrologia eeclesiastica Burmannus (Petrus) the Younger. Gu.ALDUs. Vita J. V. Pinelli Burnell (Arthur (Joke). Bejido. [Prose.] Barney (Charles) D.D. Aristophanes. [Opera. — Greek.]... 1498. B. B. M. Ar. At. 1709. 1708. 1708. A. 1544. 1634. A. N. A. 1607. A. 1552. B. B. 473 Bnsby (William). HoBBEs. Historia eeclesiastica ... 1088. Butler (Paul). Paktonopeus. The Old English version of Partonopo 1862. Butler (Samuel) Bishop of Lichfield and Covenlry. yEscHiNES. Orationes. [Vol. III.] 1513. BoDiNUS. Demonomania 1587. BuD^us. De asse 1522. C.\LEPINUS. Dictionarium 1548. Capilupus. Ad J. Boncompagnum versus 1573. Catullus. [Carmina.] s.a. CiCEHO. [Opera. — Latin.] 1533. Crastonus. Dictionarium 1497. Erasmus. [Adagia.] 1578. Gaza. Introductiuie gi'aniatices libri quatuor 1495. HuARTE Navarro. Essame do gl'- ingegni de grimomini 1590. Index Librorum Prohibitorum ... 1564. Inquisition. Censura 1562. Joannes, Chrysostomus. [De Vir- ginitate.) 1562. Juvenalis. [Satirtp. — Lalin.] ... 1535. Leo.atus. De legato Pontilieio ... 1558. MAIOLU9. De gradibus medicina- rum 1497. Manutius (A. P.). Inatitutionum gram, libri quatuor 1508. MusiEUS. De Herone & Leandro [1494 V] Orationes. Orationes clarorum hominum 1559. Origenes. Homilia? 1503. Pribevo. Delia origine de gli Slav! 1595. Strabo. De situ orbis 1516. V'icus. In Vetera Imp. Roman. numLsmata 1560. Xenophon. [HLstoria Gra>ca. — Oreek.] 1503. Buturlin (Dmitry Petrovich) Comle. OcniNO. Diaiogi Quintilianus (M. F.). Declama- tiones Speroni deoli Alvarotti. Dia- 'ogh' Buxheim Library. Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] Byrom (John). Lord's Prayer Savonarola. Triumphus Crucia . . . 1640. 1481. 1545. 1540. 1033. 1033. maniere de bicn Cailhava (L^on). Dolet (ft.). La traduire Calvi (Giovanni Battista). Nauoerius. Orationes duae... 1541 1530. Calwich Library. Volusenus. Do animi tranquilli- tftte 1643. Cambridge. — University : Library. BiuoT. Bibliotheca Bigotiano ... 1700. Canham (A. J.). Augurellus. [Poomata.] 1505. Carburi, Comle de. CiiAMPiEit. Hortus Gallicua 1533. Carmichael, lit. }{on. Lord. Falcandus. De rebus gostis in Siciliie regno 1550. Carteret (John) Huron Carlirct of lluwnes. Bale. Smipt. illuat. majoris Bry. tannii^ catulogus 1667-59. {'iCERO. [De Oratore.] 1537. Hesiodus. Opera et dies 1637. N. N. B. B. B. S. A. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. Flaccus. lloR.\TIU3 Latin.] [Another ed.] [EpistoK-e. — Latin.] [Epistola; : Ars Latin.] [Satir.-B. — Latin.] Hamus. [.\nimadversioi telicgc.] Theocritus. Eclogae . Cartwright (Thomas) of Aynho. Ingelo. Bentivolio Casaubon (Isaac). HOR.iTIUS Fl.^ccus, [Opera. — . . Venetiia 1527. B. 1553, 45. B. 1570. Poetica. — 1576. 1576. es Aristo- 1553. B. 1495. B. 1660-64. Latin.] ViRGiLius Maro. [Opera. — ■ Opera ... 1 Cascales (Francisco). Horatius Flacous. [Epistolaj Ars Poetica. — Latin.] Castanier d'Auriac (Guillaume). Mey. Maxiines du droit public .. Castellanus (Petrus). IIeinsius (D.). Satirse duae PoLiTiANUs. Opera Castro (Coiiradus de). AousTiN. Emendationum libri quatuor Catherine, de Bourhon, Duchesse d'Albret. PoiipoNATius. Opera Do immortalitate animo3 Caumont (H. J. N. de) Due de la Force. Cavellat (Guillaume) Cadet. Cali.imachus. Hymni Gramihtica Gr.«ca Homerus. [Ilias. — Oreek.] ... HORAPOLLO. De sacris notis. .. Cayrol (Louis Nicolas Jean Joachim de). DuREY de Noinville. Dissertation 1758. Table 1758. Ceruti (Tomnso). Dreu.x du Radier. Essai sur I'aniour Cessole (Henry de). Anthologia Gr.eca Aristoteles. [Poetica.] F. Robor- telli explicationes Bible. [Latin.] Old Testament. [Psalms. — Polyghtt.] Longolius. Perducllionis rei de- fensiones duae Seneca. Tragoediao Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica Chalmers (George) F.Ji.S.A.S. Foundling Hospital FOR Wit Chamier (Julin). Baui LAV (J.). Euphoririionis Lusi- nitii partes cjuinqz Chaptal(E.). JIoKATius Flaccus. [Curjninu, etc. —Frrnrli.] Chardon de la Rochette (Simon). Srnv.KL. Felix literntus 1670. Charron (.lean Jacques) Marquin de Menar.i. Fkiedrioh I., King of Ilnhemia. Altt»ra socretissima instructio ... 1626. Siioppius. Con.siliuni regium ... 1619. Pn'dia polilices 1623. Spain. Cnbola spagnuola ... [1625!] Cbartener ((<.). Ramus. [Orammairo Fran^aise.] ... 1562. 1578. 532, 29. A. A.N. 1639. A. 1772. Ar. 1609. 1499. A. A. 1544. A. Ibret. 1567. s.a. M. I Farce. See U 1G74. 1559. 1566. 1648. A. 1783. 1503. 1648. 1666. 1616. [1518.] 1517. 1623. 1780. 1637. 1811. A. A. A. A. A. Ar. 474 Chasles (Michel). Proclus, Diadockus. Hypotypsis astron. positionuin 1540. Ramus. [Actionea Mathematics.] 1566. [Arithmetiea.] 1580. [Anothcrcd.] 1611. [Dialectica.] 1619. (Geometria.] 1612. Tal^us. Rhetorica 1622. Chedau ( ). Boccaccio. [Decameron.] 1522. Cheney (Edward). BuTUBLiN. Catalogue de la biblio- th^que 1831. Chermside {Sir Robert Alexander). EpicTETua. [Enchiridion.] Or. ... 1531. Galenus. [De Elementis.] 1530. Gaza. De ratione mensium 1630. Gellius. Noctium Atticarum opua 1539. Leuwis. Scalce religiosorum penta- teuchus 1531. ToRRENTiNUS. Dictionarium poeti- cum 1540. VANINU3. Amphitheatrum 1615. Chetwynd (Walter) 1664. HoMERUS. [Ilias. — Oreek.] 1542. Chichester (John Hopton Ruaaell). Satire. Satj-re iWnippte 1841. Chilton (George). HoRATrns Flaccus. [Opera. — FreiKh.] 1816. Cbotley (William Brownsword). Capelloni. Vita del Prencipe A. Doria 1565. Leroux. Dictionnaire comique ... 1786. Mayans y Siscar. Specimen biblio- thecae 1753. OsMONT. Dictionnaire typogra- phique 1768. Christie (Alexander). EH3KINE. Institute of the law of Scotland. 1824-28. Christopher ( ). OcHiNO. Disputa intomo alia pre- senza del corpo 1561. Clark (William George). Partonopeus. a fragment of Par- tonope of Blois 1873. Clements (Thoophilus). Catollus. [Carmina.] Clive, of Huxley, Family of. Bible. [Eyiglish.] 1537. CoisUn (Pierre Adolphe du Cambout) Marquis de. FiRENznoLA. Le plaisant disooura des animaux 1556. Colbert (Jean Baptiste) Minister of Lotii.s XIV, Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. —Lalin.] 1569. Chytr^us. EpistolsB 1614. CoNRiNoius. Epistote 1666. HoBATius Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. —Latin.] 1579. Fortius. De humana mente ... 1551. Sophocles. [Opera. — Oreek.] [Pt. n.] 1553. ViBGiLius Mabo. [Opera.] 1514. Coleridge (John Duke Coleridge) Baron. BE.4UM0NT Papers 1884. Colombani (RaSaello). LoNous. De Daphnide & ChloS ... 1598. B. B. B. A. B. B. A. B. B. S. s. s. s. B. A. B. Ar. Ar. I. Ar. I. I. I I. Colonna Library. Sadoletus. De libcris recte institu- endis 1533. Combes (W.). Dedekindus. Ludus satyricu.s ... 1642. Comyn {Sir Robert). HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1749. Congreve (William). R., T. Cornelianum dolium Conringins (Hcrmannus) 1632. Plotinus. Operum libri LIV. Conybeare (John) Bishop of Bristol. AviANUs. /Esopicarum fabulanim liber Claudianus. [Opera.] Valerius Flaccus. Argonauticon lib. VIII Cooper (Myles). HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Copinger (Walter Arthur). QuiNTiLiANus (M. F.). Institutio- num oratoriarum libri Corney (Bolton). MiLSAND. Catalogue des ouvrages de G. Peignot Cornwallis (Frederick) Archbishop of Canterbury. Bible. — New Testament. [Greek.] 1569, 68. Corser (Thomas) Rev. Anacbeon. Od!e 1554. Apoli.odorus. De deorum origins 1555. Bruscambille. Oiuvres 1622. Cortes (Fernando). Theocritus. Idvllia 1638. 1680. 1585. 1585. 1666. 1511. 1575. 1861. A. B. 1539-43. Coste (Jean Louis Antoine). Cicero. [Epistolse : Ad Familiares. — French.] 1543. Questions tusculanes 1544. DiscouRS. Discours contenant le seul, et \Tay moyen, e(c 1542. DoLET (fi.). Cato Christianus ... 1538. La maniere de bien traduire 1641. DncHERius. Epigrammaton libri duo 1538. Erasmus. [Enchiridion Militis Christiani.] 1542. Galenus. [De Simplicium Medica- mentorum Facultatibus.] 1542. GovEANUs. Epigraramata 1640. GuiDO. Prologue 1542. Hippocrates. Le livre des pre. saiges 1542. Lando. [Cicero Relegatus.] 1534. Vallambebtus. Epigrammaton somnia 1541. VuLTEius. Epigrammatum libri duo 1536. Cottle (James) Rev. GuiLLiM. A display of heraldry ... 1724. B. Cotton (Henry). Bauer. Bibliotheca librorum rario. rum 1770-74. A. Knight (S.). The life ot Dr. J. Colet 1823. A. Coorthope (WiUiam). Planchb. The Pursuivant of Arms 1852. I. Crawford (Alexander William Crawford Lindsay) 25th Earl of, and 8th Earl of Bakarres. Strabo. De situ orbis 1516. 475 Crawford (William Horatio). (Lakelanda.) iEsoPUS. Fabulo? 14!)". AousTiN. Dialogos de medallas ... 1587. Antholooia GR.ECA 1650. Aphthgnics. Rhetores 1508-9. ABCHIMEDE.S. Opera non nulla ... 1558. Aristjenetcs. [Episto!a>.] Or. ... 1568. Boccaccio. [Decameron.] 1522. CHAXC0MDYLA3. [Erotemata.] ar.[c. 1493.] Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] (1476.) CocAius. Opu.s macaronicoruin ... 1521. Cybillos, Philosophus. Specula Sapientie [c. 1475.) DioscOBiDEfl. [De materia medica.) Or 1499. Epictetus. (Enchiridion.) Qr. ... 1528. EcKipiDEs. [Opera. — Qreek.] [1495 ?) Oenerides. a royal hiatorie of Qeneridea HoMERUs. [Appendix.] Maiolds. Epiphyllides in dialec- ticia. [Pt. I.) Manutius (A. P.). Rudimenta grammatices Marscalcus. Orthograpliia Mabtiku.i [Stbepos). CrononicB... Medici (L. de'). Poesie volgari ... Obationes. Orationes clarorum hominum 1659. Panegybici Veteres [1482.] Pebottus. Cornucopia! 1499. Petros, ComeatoT. [Historia scho- lastica.) [c. PoLiTiANus. Stanze ScRiBANins. Amphitheatrum ScBirroBEs HistorIjE Augu-it,!; ... Valla (L.). De linguae Latinae eloRantia 1865. 1517. 1497. 1601. 1501. 1474. 1554. 1474.] 1641. 1606. 1476. Crevenna (Pictro Antonio Bolongaro). Catharina [Benencasa]. Epistole DEMETBiu.'i, Phalereus. [De elocu- tions. ) P. Victorii comment. ... HoBATius Flaccub. [Opera. — Latin.] Pius II. Epistole SuETONru.s Tranquillds. [Vita) XII. Ua;sarum.) Crolts (Thomas) Hev. Adrianus [Castellensis]. Venatio Alphabetum. Alphabetum Orircum [Another ed.) [Another ed.) Benedictu.'!, Philologun. Kclogae Chbysoloras. Erotemata CoBBuriE. Discoura De imitationc Cicero- DOLET (fi.) niana Hebvetus. horatio.s Latin.] MOBELIUS. Quacdam opuscula ... Flacous. [Opera. — Alphabetum Gra^cum... NiPHU.'i. Dos augure.q OpsiMATIiES. Paradoxe Saint-0elai9. Advertis.'iement ... Sfobza. Do la vraye tranquilitfi do I'esprit Sophocles. [Antigone.] Thucydideh. [Opera.) Or. Cronstern (Carl Kricdrich Schr. von). Coccius. [Kc3 Voneta-.) Crossley (James). ADRIANU.S [Castellensis]. Do per- mone l.,atino BiDLE. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] Campanella. Apologia pro Galileo Do roformationo scientiarum Prodromus philoRophiio Cabdanus. De propria vita [Another od.) 1539. 1500. 1562. 1492. 1497. 1541. 1605. 1664. 1658. 1560. 1604. 1609. 1646. 1636. 1641. 1545. 1550. 1646. 1645. 1546. 1540. 1541. 1626. 1487. 1681. 1750. 1622. 1633. 1617. 1643. 1664. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B- B- B. B. B. B. B. B. A. A. A. A. A. COIIENICS. vi%U3 coneinoius. Cgnstantia. oxempla... Oabmannus. orum GiLBERTtrg. turgiis Gretserus. Diogenes Cynicus redi- Epistote Religiosa? constantiae De miraculis mortu- Emmanuel Thauma- 1658. 1666. 1615. 1709. 1612. 1615. 1659. De benedictionibus ... Melisch. Visiones nocturnse Picns MiBASDULA (J.). Conclu- siones 1632. Poooio Braccioltni. Epistolfo ... 1832. PosTEL. Divinationis dii>cu.';sio ... 1571. Le prime nuove dell' altro mondo. [MS.] Peiapeia [1606.] Rig. Peniculus foriarurn 1609. Rgrarius. Quod aniinalia rationo utantur meliiis homino 1654. ScALioER (J. J.). Epistola do vetustate gentis Scaligera! 1694. [Another copy.) ScALIOER (J. C). Electa Scaligeroa 1634. Oratio pro M. T. Cicerone ... (1531.) ScALioER (P.). Censura brevissima (1568.) Epitoma SciGPPius. Amphotides Intamia Famiani [Another copy.) ... Legatus latro Mercuris bilinguis Paradoxa literaria [Another copy.] Philotheca Scioppiana. [MS.] — — Responsio, ad epistolam I. Caznboni 1615. Rudimenta grammatica) ... 1629. [.\nothercopy. ] Scaliger Hypobolimffius 1607. [.'\notlier copy.] Sermo Dei propheticus. [MS.] Shepherd. Vita di Poggio 1825- SiMON (J. G.). Brevis delineatio impotontise conjugalis 1682. Zanchius. Verborum Latinorum opitonie 1541. Currer (]<>ance3 Mary Richardson). Ifp^RGDiANUs. Ilirttoriarum lib. VIIl 1524. La Crgix du Maine. Les biblio- thiques fran<,oises 1772-73. LuciANUs. [Opera.) 1516. Quintilianus (M. F.). Declama- tiones 1494. Cyprian (Ernest Salomon). Lullius. Catalogus [1714.] Menckenius. De charlataneria oruditoruni 171G. MiNUTOLi. Motifs do la conversion 1714. DanzifC- — liibliothcca Senatua Gcdancnsis. HoTHMALER. Doliciao poeticao ... 1651. Epigrammatum appendix ... 1662. Epigrammatum libellus 1653. Darwin (Krnsmus). IlirrocnATEs. Omnia opera 1526. rLi.Nuis Skcundus. Naturali.s his- toriae liliri 1669, 08. Delasize, M. Vergilius. Do rerum invenloribus 1546. Demaresse d'Alge ( ). lIoRATiiis Flaccub. (Opera. — Latin.] I'ariniiii, 1644. Postel. Do inagistratibuR Athenl- enslum (16SI.) A. A. A. A- A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. B. B. A. N. A. B. I. B. A. A. 476 De Morgan (Augustus). Peionot. Varidt^s bibliographiques 1822. Deneux (Louis Charles). LuDOvicus. Piorum carminum libri quinque 1599, Nanquebitjs. De lubrico temporis curriculo 1560. SuLPiTius. De moribus in niensa servandis 1560. Dent (John). CuTwoDE. Caltha poetarum 1815. Diancourt (V.). HoRRV. Rabelais ressuscit^ 1867. Dibdin (Thomas Frognall) Eev. Bancroft. Tlie glutton's leaver... 1817. Crozat. Catalogue des li\Tes ... 1751. Feeytag. Adparatus litterarius 1752-55. Peiqkot. Vari^t^s bibliographiques 1822. PowEL. The love of Wales 1837. Reynolds (J.). Dolarny's prime- rose 1816. Oidot (Ambroise Firmin). Arrianus. De ascensu Alexandri 1535. Vetust. authorum geor- [1569-70.] Halicarnasseus. 1546-47. le .. 1542. .. 1538. Crespin. gica DioNYsnjs, [Opera.] DiscotJRS. Discours contenant seul, ot vray moyen DOLET (fi.). Cato Christianus — — Les gestes de Francoys de Valois Genetliliacutn C. Doleti L'avant naissance de C. Dolet Erasmus. [Enchiridion Militis Christiani.] Heroet. La parfaicte aniye La Bokderie. L'aniie de court ... Lascaris (C). De octo partibus 1540. 1539. 1539. 1542. 1642. 1542. P.). Rudimenta [1502 ?] 1501. 1642. 1540. orationis. .. M.-VNUTIUS (A. granimatices Rabelais. Pantagruel Dietrichstein (Franz von) Prince, Cardinal Bible. — New Testament. [Gospels. — Frericli.} Dogmers&eld Library. Gellius. Noctium Atticarum libri XX 1512. Dolben (Sir William) Barl. Bible. — New Testament. [Qreeh.'] 1678. Doni (Giovanni Battista). Barthius. Venntici poetre Latin! 1613. D'Orville. PiND.ARUS. ''EKTUfWivbapoviKKoyri. 1600. Donglas (William). Douglas. Catalogus editionuni Q. Horatii Flacci. [MS.] 1739. Drummond (William\ of Hanihmnden. Plutabchus. [Septem Sapientura Convivium.] 1552. Drury (Henry). AscoNius Pedianus. Expositio in nil. orationes M. T. Cic 1553. BABNriELD. Poems 1816. Chajmpier. Periarchon 1533. CuRTius RuFUS. (De rebus Alex- andri.) ... 1520. Deoen. Specimen urbanitatis Horatianae 1774. Euripides. [Opera. — Oreek.] ... 1503. Hermannus. De argumentis pro antiquit. Orphei .\rgonaut. ... 1811. De dialecto Pindnri 1809. A. N. A. A. A. A. B. De metrorum quorumdam mensura 1815. De U.SU antistrophicorum ...(1810.) Lives OF Saints 1835. Lrvrus. [Historia. Vol. IV.] 1521. [1518-33.] Orosius. [Historia-.] [1475.] Reiffenberg (F. VON). De vera Atticorum pronunciatione 1750. Du Ble (Nicolas) Marquis d'Uxelles. Erasmus. [Adagia.] 1520. Du Cange (Charles Du Fresne) Sieur. Chrysolobas. [Erotemata.] s.a. Dundas (James) of Philipsloun, Advocai. NiSBET. An essay on the use of armories 1718. Dnrey de Noinville (Jacques Bernard). B.4ILLET. Jugemens des savans ... 1725. East India Company. Knight (R. P.). An essay on the Greek alphabet Eliock (James Veitch) Lord. Estienne (H.). Apologie pour H^rodote Eon de Beaumont (Charles GenevidTe Andre Timoth6e d"). Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Pohjglotl.] Bonetus. Quattuor volumina fioN DE Beaumont. Catalogue ... Fagius. Sententiae Sciopprus. Mercurius quadrilinguis Evans (Herbert Norman) M.D. HoMERUS. [Odyssea. — Greek.] LoNOiNus. De sublimi genere dicendi Maximus, Tyrius. Sermones Oppianus. De venatione [Another ed.] Oribasius. Collect, artis med. liber Scioppius. Collyrium regium Theophilus. De hominis fabrica U. A.N. 1791. B. 1735. B. Louis Auguste 1614. 1505. 1792. 1541. 1637. 1529. A. A. I. A. A. Ar. M. 1555. A 1557. At. M 1549. A 1555. 1 f;Rft looo. 1611. A 1555. At Eyre (George Briscoe). Wey. Map ot the Holy Land 1867. Farmer (R.). Caporali. Rime 1595. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1629. Partlicius. Homo redivivus ... 1626. Farnham, Lord. Engelmann. Bibliotheca scripto- rum cla.ssicorura 1858. Sussex. Bibliotheca Sussexiana 1827-39. F^libien (Andre). Horatius Flaccus. [Opera.— Latin.] Baaileae, 1627. Ferriar (.John) M.D. Cardanus. De propria vita 1654. GAHaiANNUS. De miraculis mortuo- rum 1709. RoR.utius. Quod animalia ratione utantur meliils honiine 1654. SiMON (J. G.). Brevis delineatio impotentioe conjugalis 1682. Feuerlein (Johann Conrad). Almeloveen. Bibhotheca ... A. A. B. B. Filleau (Jean). Dolet (fi.). Commentariorum lin- guae Latins epitome SADOI.ETUS. Sophia? Finlay (G. L. Horatius Latin.] De laudibus philo- Flaccus. [Opera. — .. Friburgi, 16S8. 1537. 1538. 1533. B. A. A. 477 1705. 1550. 1531. 1525. 1539. 1534. 1537. Flamsteed (John). Apicius. De opsoniis Florence. — Biblioteca. Erasmus. [CoUoquia.] Fioridus (Franciscus) Sahinus. Britonio. Gelosia del sole Gaza. Grammatices libri IIII. JosEPHUS. Omnia opera Tasso (B.). [Libro prime de gl amori.] Libro terzo de gli amori Fontaine (Auguste). QuEKAKD. Bibliog. Voltairieiine ... (1842.) Forcellini (Marco). Plut.hrchus. [De Virtuto Moral!.] 1520. Ford (Charles). Virgilius Mabo. [Opera.] 1514. Ford (William) the Manchester Bookseller. Thiers. Histoire des perruques ... 1690. Fortescue (Sir John). [1531 ?-1607.] Livius. [Historia.] 1555. Foscarini (Marco) Doge, of Venice. Geohgius, Trapczuntius. Rhetorico- rum libri V., etc 1523. Foss (Nicolas) Counsellor of Slate at Copenhagen. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera.— Latin.] Foster (George Carey) F.H.S. Cicero. [Kpistolae : Ad Familiares. — French.] Foucault (Nicolas Joseph). Manutius (A.) tlte Yoiitujcr. Do quaesiti.s per epistolain Fox (Charles James). Pollux. V'ocabularium Francke (Abraham) Fellow of Trinili/ College, bridge. Paoninus. Thesaurus lingua; sanctse Francklin (Edward) of Itainham. C.uiDANUs. Do propria vita Fraser (James) Bishop of Manchester. Clemens (T. F.). [Opera.] Or. ... Gibson. Codex Le Neve. Fasti Ecclesia; Angli- cana; 1495. 1569. 1576. 1502. 1529. 1654. 1550. 1713. A. S. S. S. s. s. A. B. A. A. Ar. Ar. Ar. B. Cam- B. A. B. A. A. FreeUng [Sir Francis). Hokatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Freind (WiUiam). Catullus. Opera HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Friedlaender (Gottlieb). Almeloveen. Bibliotheca Oaffarel (Jacques). Campanella. Do reformatione scientiarunl Gaisford (Thomas). Alberoati. La pazzia Aristophanes. [Opera. — Greek.] Coreris sacra celobrantes ( Aristoteles. [Do Anima.] Joannis Graniniat. coniincnt [Organon : Priora Analytica.] Joan. Gram, conient [Pliysica.] Joannis Gramrant. comment BOIVIN DE VlLLENEUVE. P. Pithcci vita 1854. 1482. 1715. 1715. 1688. 1633. 1543. B 515.) B 1535. B 1536. B 1535. B 1711. D Book. The boke of noblesse 1860. BuRMANNUS, the YounQcr. Biblio- theca Burmaniiiana 1779. Chandos, //eraW. The Black Prince 1842. Ernesti(J. A.). Catalogus 1782. Floriant. Floriant and Florete ... 1873. Gronovius. Pars major bibUo- thecaj Gronovianse 1776-85. Herbert (Sir W.). Croftus 18B7. Herdus. Historia quatuor rcgum AngHiB 1868. Lando. [Oracoli.] 1550. Liber Regalis 1870. Ruthven. Correspondence 1868. Santen. Bibliotheca 1800. SiMPLicius. [In Aristotelis cato- gorias.] Or 1499. Theocritus. [Bucolica.] Or. ... 1515. Songs and ballads ... 1860. BibUotheca Wytten- Wbight (T). Wyttenbach. bachiana Qancia (G.). Bible. — Old Testament. [Job. — Spanish.] Bible. — Apocrypha. [Ecclesiasti- cus.] Ferrettus. In C. Taciti annaliuin libros Rhenanus. In P. C. Tacitum annotationes 1S22. 1550. 1,550. 1541. 1542. Gantzhorn (Johann Christoph Wilhelm). Maynus. Prima super codice ... 1530. Prima Buper digesto novo ... 1530. Prima super digesto veteri ... 1530. Prima super infortiato 1530. Repertorium in lecturas Jasonis 1530. Tudeschis. Consilia, quaestiones et tractatus 1534. Repertorium commentariorum 1534. Oarrick (David). NuG-E. Nug.-c venales 1663. Gastaldy (Joannes Baptista). Salli'stius Cbispus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1521. Gennadius (John). il'Jsopus. Fabula! 1497. Alexander, Apkrodisa^is. \n sophisticos Aristotelis elenchos ... 1520. Alexander, Trallianus. Alexandri lib. XII 1548. ANTHOLOGIA GB.ECA l.'iSl. Aphthonius. Pra^ludia 1515. .Aristophanes. [Pax.] Q. S. F. Christi.ini conimentaria 1589. Aristoteles. [Opera. — Greek.] 1551-63. [De Aninia.] Joannis Gram- mat, conunent 1535. [Organon : Priora Analytica.] Joan. Gram, coment 1536. [Physica.] Joannis Grammat. comment 1535. [Rhetorica.] 1529. Bible. — Now Testament. [John, Oospel of.— Greek Edmund C). DiBDiN. Bibliographical decameron 1817. B. Hartwell Library. See Lee (W.) of Harluell. Hastings Library. jEschines. Orationes. [Vols. I.-II.] 1513. Amatus. fin Dioscoridis de medica materia libros.] [1558.] Aeistoteles. [Ethica.] Eustratii commentaria 153G. Epitome doctrinae niora- lis Cabaccioli. Le livre k la mode Nouv. id Did Cassius. Excerptxp historioD ... DiONYSius, Periegctes. Situs orbi.s deacriptio. EsTiENNE (H.). Conciones HtBODOTUs. [Opera.] Lascabis (C). De octo orationis partibus Leicbius. Sepulcralia carmina ... Obsato. Expianatio notaruni in antiquiy lapidibu-s Thicydides. [Opera.] Or Hatfield (Thomas James). Du Vacbet. Poeniata 1664. B. Batton (4fi. Cheradamus. Introductio ... [1620?] CoRTi-LLiA. InLnuraoNasiaotumu* Iiini epigraininata 1589. Decembiuus. Piilitiic literariao ... 1540. Diogenes. La uita de PhiloKophi 1480. Fabbicius (G.). Do re pottica ... 1580. Fontenayo. Mjignu colloctoriu historicu 1521. Gam.utius. Carminum libri tros 1616. Gaza. Introductivae grammaticp.s libri quatuor [1520?] S. 1551. 1617. 1529. 1579. 1717. 1529. (1669.) 1658. 1501. 1561. HoMEEUs. [Opera. — Qreek.] [Appendix.] Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] [Carmina, etc, — Latin.] Johnson (R.). Aristarclms Anti- Bentleianus JuvENALis. [Satire.. — Latin.] Lacoste (P.). Emmanuelis Theo- dosii a Turre iconismus La Rochemaillet. Pooraatia Mabscalcus. Orthographia MiOYLLUs. De re metrica Ratio examinandorum ver- Buum (1539.) MoBES. Bibliotheca 1779. Nevianus. De plantarum viribu.s 1563. OuDiN. Silva distichorum moraliuni 1720. OviDius Naso. [Opera.] 1533. Oxford. — University. Britamiiac natalis Pabthenius (B.). Pro lingua Latina Pebsius Flaccus. Satyrie Philes. De animalium proprietate PiLIus. Do ambitione Pimenta. Poeraatum tomus I. ... PoGGio Beacciolimi. Opera Ramus. (Animadversiones Aristo- telicie.] Ravisius. Dialogi aliquot Scalioer (J. C. ). Poemata sacra... Scioppius. De Aragoniae reguiii origine Seiz. Annu.s tertius saec. inventse artis typog (1741.) SuLPITius. De moribus in nionsa servandis 1670. Trissino. Cumedia I Simillimi ... 1548. Uesius. Carminum libri VIII. ... 1689. Xenophon. [Cyropsedia.] 1562. Heinsius (Nicolaas) the Elder. AEi6T.a:NETUS. [Epistola:.] Hepburn (John Gotch). Boccaccio. [Decameron.] Heredia (Ricardo) Comte de Bcnahavis. Bible. — Old Testament. [Job. — Spanish.] [Psalms. — Polyglott.] Apocryplia. [Ecclosiasticus.] Renouabd (A. A.). Annales dos Aide. L. P 1834[-38] Hervagius (Joannes). Mela, P. Mela. J. Solinus, etc. 1630. 1545. 1529. 1596. 1641. 1622. 1538. 1.556. 1534. 1600. 1628. Or. 1566. [1729.] 1550. 1481. 1550. 1618. Hibbert (George). Bellarminuh. Do ascensiono mon- ti.s in Doum 1615. PosTEL. Des histoires orientales ... 1575. Hildyard {Sir Robert D'Arcy) Burl. Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Greek.] [1497?] Dionysius, llalicarmtsscus. [Opera.] 1546-47. Hodgetts (Joseph \V.). Pii.KURi's. Fubularum Aesopiarum libri V Hoefel (Johann). Adamus. Vita* Germ, juroconsulto. rum Vita! Germ, medicorum . \'itii' Germ. philo.'lica ... 1548. Plinius Secundus. Historiaonatu- ralis libri 1510. Harefoschi (Mario) Cardinal. AhEXAHDzn, Aphrodieoeua. Intopica Aristotelis 1513. (?) Harie de Medicis, Queen Consort of Ilniri I V of Fninrr. Valla (L. ). Dn linguao Latiuao elogtintiu 153H. (?) Marie Thirftse, Queen Consort of Louis XIV of France. Do linguao Latinao B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. )• Adversus J. Maulii Valla (L.) elt'gaiitia Hariotte ( Paschalius. parricidas actio Harkland (.James Hcywood). (viiARLEs I. [dk Valols.] I'oems Pkrcv (W.). Tlio cuek.riueanps Marlborougb, Dukes of. Meyer (. I.). Commentarii ... 1539. 1548. 1827. 1824. 1661. O. ., King Ar. M. , King Ar. M. Ar. Pole. Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensiono 1555. Ulpianus. Comment, in Demos- thenis orationea 1503. Marlborougb (George Spencer) 4th Duke of. Baldwin. The funerallea of King Edward the Sixt 1817. Marliani (Bernardino). Cicero. [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Herenniura.] 1655. Marnix van Sant Aldegonde (Philip van). Diogenes. De vitis philosophorum 1533. Marsh (H. C). HoRATius Flaccus. [Opcra. — Latin.] 1585, 84. Marshall (F. A.). Pete.vrca. [Canzoniero : Trionfi.] 1887. Marsuzi (Aloisius). PosTEL. Do Foenicum literis ... 1552. Martin (Emmanuel). HoEATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Parisiis, 1540. Mason (Charles Peter). Groddeck (G. E.). Initia historiao Graecorum litterariae 1821-23. Vossius (G. J.). De historicia Graecis 1838. Wagner. Grundriss dor classischen Bibliographie 1840. Massimo, Family of. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 154G. [Epistolie.] 1544. [Orationea. — Latin.] 1546. Valla (L.). Elegantiarmu libri sox 153U. Massimo (Prosper). Valla (L.). Elegantiarura libri sox Matorin (Edmund) Rev. Cato (M. P.). De re rustica CuETIus RuFUS. [Gesta Alexandri.] Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Sophocles. [Opera. — Oreck.] Valerius Maximus. (Foctornin, ac dictorum memorabilium liber.) Maynard (John). lloRATiua Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1630. 1533. 1517. 1777. 15U2. 1514. Maynard (N.) of Whitilesford. Jovius. Descriptio Larii lacua Mayne (Samuel). Navius. Panegyrici diversorum ... Stuemius. Linguae Lutina"! rosul- venda) ratio Waldenses. Momorahilis historia persecutionum Mazarin (Jules) Cardinal. Bible. — Old Testament. |.Iob. — Spanish.] Apocrypho. [Ecclosiostious.] ... Mazarin Library. Alkmbkiit. Melanges de litt^rature 1767. Mnzzuchclli (Giovanni Maria) Conic. llAvisirs. De rneinorabiiihiH niuli- i-riblls I52I. Meerman (Gerard). Adravanel. Dialogi di amuro ... 1511. Mela. P. Mela. J. Solinus, etc.. ... 1618. PoRi'iiYBius. llomuricoru quios- lionw liber 1618. ScALitiEU, Family of. Aiuiales Sealigerorum [1567.] At. A. A. B. B. B. B. B. B. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. B. B. B. B. 1548. B. 1559. A. 1576. A. 1581. A. 1581. A. 1550. 1550. Ar. 484 — (could.) Responsa juris- Ueerman (Gerard). SCALIGER (P.). consultoruni 1567. Sthabo. De situ orbis 1516. TiTius. Locorum controversorum libri decern 1583. Manage (Gilles). Chbysolobas. [Erotemata.] s.a. Meneghelli (Pietro Antonio). Livius. [Historia.] 1564. Mercier (Barth61cmi) Abb( de Saint- L{ger. N£e de La Rochelle. Vie d'fitienne Dol?t 1779. Merivale (Charles). AusoNius. Opero, 1823. Killard (James Ehvin). Aristoteles. [Opera. — Latin.] [Vol. III.] s.a. HoMiLiA. De cotidianis colloquiis [1520 ?] HoMERUs. [Opera. — Oreek.] 1517. Ueanius. De regibus Aegyptiorura 1856. Miller (Philip). LiNN^us. Bibliotheca botanies ... 1736. Uilles (Jeremiah) Dean of Exeter. AscHAM. English works Millin formerly Millin de Grandmaison Valla (L.). De linguae Latinae elegantia Blinimes, OrJre des, Paris. CONSTANTiKus VII. De thematiLus QUATREMAIRES. J. Oersen Ramus. [Dialectiea.] Missy (Cesar de). Haeduinus. Opera selecta Paoninus. Thesaurus linguae sanc- t« Mitford (John) Btv. Allatrjs. Opusculoruni Hbri duo ... AvEMAN. Hodegeta Horatianu.s ... Barthitjs. Cave canem Scioppius excellens — — ~ Venatici poetai Latini Beccadelli. Vita B. Poli Bible. [Pseudepigrapha.] Bruno. De Tinfinito universo Campanus. [Opera.] Cb^billon. Collection complette des ceuvres Estienne (H.). Epistolia Gayton. Festivious notes on Don Quixote Gesneb(C.). Appendix bibIiotheca3 HoBATrus Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1605,04. [Another ed.] 1725. [Opera. — English.] 1666. [Carmina, etc. — English.] ... 1638. [Another ed.] 1652, 50. [Anotlicr ed.] 1653.52. Opfianus. De venatione 1549. [Another ed.] 1555. De rationibus Spiritus- 1709. 1529. 1653. 1667. 1612. 1012. 1613. 1563. 1570. 1584. 1495. 1779. 1577. 1768. 1555. Derelictorum ab Homero POSTEL. sancti QUINTUS. libri... SCALIGER (J. J.). Epistola de VGtustato gentis Scaligera: ScALiGEB (J. C). Electa Scaligerea Epistolie Scioppius. Collyrium regium SiGONius. Di.^putationuni Pata- vinarum liber primus Tixms. Locorum controversorum libri decern 1543. [1505.] 1594. 1634. 1600. 1611. 1562. 1583. B. N. B. B. S. B. Ar. 1761. A ( Louis) 1539. B. S 1609. 1650. 1566. Ar Ar Ar Montagu (John Montagu) 2nd Duke of. Dio Cassius. Excerptas liistoriae... 1592 A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. Ar. Montaian (.Jacques Marie Jerome Michau de). Thou. Les 61oges des hommes savans 1715. Montesson (Charles Raoul de). DoLET ( £. ). Les gestes de Francoys de Valois 1543. Morante (Joachim Gomez de la Cortina) Marq Anoelius. CjTiegetica 1561. Apicius. De opsoniis 1542. [Another ed.] 1787. Bellarminus. Recognitio librorum Bellarraini 1608. Bembo. [Lettere.] Epistola; omnes [1567.] BoECLER. Bibliograpliia 1677. Bosscha. Vindiciae Horatianae ... 1836. BcEsCHiNG. De vestigiis Luthera- nisrai 1755. Camerarius, the Elder. Narratio de H. Eobano Hesso 1843. Cameh^vrius, the Younger. De re rustica 1596. Capella (M. M. F.). [Opera.] ... 1499. Cicero. [Epistola; : Ad Familiares. —French.] 1572. CoNSTANTiA. Religiosa; constantiie exempla 1615. CuRTrus Rurus. [Gesta Alexandri.] [1470 ?] CuRTZE. Commentatio de Horatii carm. I., 12 1840. Deschamps. Essai bibliog. sur M. T. Ciceron 1863. Desm.ize. p. Ramus, sa vie ... 1864. Dionysius, Pericgetes. Orbis de- script io 1534. DoLET (£.). De imitatione Cicero- niana 1535. Francisci Valesii fata 1539. Orationes duae in Tholosam ... [1534.] DucHERius. Epigraramaton libri duo 1538. Du Moulin (A.). De diversa homi- num natura 1549. Du Pbat (A. T.). Essai sur la vie d'A. Du Prat 1854. Erasmus. [Adagia.] 1556. FEiiviLLE DE LoRME. De la police des livres 1853. Fbusius. Epigrammata 1609. GiLBERTUS. Emmanuel Thauma- turgus 1612. GovEANUS. Epigrammata 1540. Gretserus. De benedictionibus ... 1615. Gruterus. Lampas 1602-34. [Anotlier ed.] 1737-51. Hervetus. Quaedam opuscula ... 1541. Heumannus. De libris anonymis 1711. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1856-57. [Carmina, etc. — Latin.] 1598. [Another ed.] Ccllis, 1829. — — [Cannina, etc. : Imitations. — Latin.] 1648. — [Another ed.] 1652. — ^ [Epistola; : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] [Another ed.] HuTTEN. Epistolae JoN.^s. Dialogi aliquot Klotzius. Vindiciae Q. Horatii Flacci Lenient. De Ciceronian© bello ... Leonicenus. De Epidemia LoTicHius. Epistolae LuciANUS. [Dialogi.] Martialis. [Epigrammata.].. Masson (J.). C. Plinii Secmidi vita" P. Ovidii Nasonis vita Q. Horatii Flacci vita Miguel. Contestacion Monti. G. Scioppii Minerva Morante. Catalogus librorum. Tom. I.-VIII 1854-62. B. ues de. At. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. At. B. B. Ar. B. 1639. 1861. 1842. 1540. 1764. 1855. 1497. 1847. 1550. [1503 !] 1709. 1708. 1708. 1862. 1723. Xt. B. B. B. B. B. Ar. B. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. At. B. Ar. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. .\r. B. Ar. B. B. Ar. B. At. B. Ar. B. B. Ar. Ar. B. Ar. B. 485 Morante (Joachim Gomei de la C-ortina). — (contd.) MoRHOFius. Polyliistor 1747. MosELLANXTs. Pacdologia 1533. NiSARD (J. M. N. D.). fitudes d'histoire 1859. £tudes sur la Renaissance ... 1855. NuMAN. Coniniontatio literaria ... [1824.] Omichius. Narratio comica 1C17. Orositjs. [Historia;.] 1471. Peerlkamp. Expositio quiBstioni3 1822. Liber de vita Nederlandorum 1838. PiCTJS MiRANDULA (J.). Epistola- rum liber 1682. Plinius C^cu-rtJa Secundus. [Opera.] 1547. Poooio BK.4CCIOLINI. Histori.Te ... 1723. Pbat (J. M.). Maldonat et I'Uni- versit6 de Paris 1856. Quintilianus (M. F.). Declama- tione.s 1481. Ramshobn. Sacra soUemnia (1826.) Renouakd (A. A.). Annales des Aide. L. P 1834[-38]. RiCHTEBUS (G.). Specimen obser- vationum criticarum 1713. Sadoletus. Trait6 d'education ... 1855. Epistolarum libri sexdecim ... 1554. SCAUGER (J. C). Exotericaruni exercitationum liber 1657. Poemata ... 15i)l. SciOPPius. Elementa philo.sophiaj 1600. Grammatica philo.sopbicft ... 1728. Paradoxa literaria 165'.). Scaliger Hj-pobolimfcus ... 1607. [."Vnother copy.] Sellius. Specimen ob.servationiim miscellanearum 1718. StJETONIUS ThANQUILLUS. [Vitffi XII. Cffi.sarum.] 1551. Terenxids. Comoediae 1541. [Comoedisp.] 1563. Thomasius. Do plagio literario ... 1602. Valla (L. ). De lingua? Latinae ele- gantia 1563. Vallambertus. Epigrammaton somnia 1541. Vxtlteius. Epigrammatum libri duo 1536. WuELLNER. Do P. Terentii Var- roni.svita 1829. MoriBOt ( Hebodianus. VIII. ... )• HLstoriarum lib. 1624. Morrell ( ). HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Parisiis, Pebsius Flaccus. Satyrae Hortlock (Inigo). BrBOM. Mi.'icellaneoas poems Hosconi (Francesco). Plinius Cscilius Secundus. [Opera.] Manro (Hugh Andrew Johnstone). Plato. Opera Munster (Henry). Cicero. [Epifitolie : Ad Familiaros. — Latin.'] Hesiodus. [Opera ot dies.] Qr, ... Sallustius Cnisrus. [Opera.— Latin.] Murray (Alexander). Livius. [Historia. Vol. V.] Nack (Johann Bernard) 0/ Frankfort. Beaumabcbais. Lettres ... 1 Napier (George Webster). Erasmus. [Colloquia.] Pilgrimages [Epistote.] Lives of Vitrier and Colet 1544. 1541. 1773. Ar. B. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. B. Ar. B. B. At. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. At. B. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. B. Ar. Ar. B. A. B. A. B. 1531. B. 1513. A. 1502. 1615. A. B. A. 1 503. A. 1533. A r20-41 B 1840. B 1883. A Naunton (Sir Robert). Annius. Comentaria 1498. Newling (John). So alioer ( J. J. ). Epi.stola de vetus- tate gcntis Scaligera? Niccolini (Giovanni Battista). Homerus. [Opera. — Oreek.] Nodier (Jean Emmanuel Charles). DoLET (fi.). Carminum libri qua- tuor Lando. [Sermoni Funebri.] Noel (Thomas). Catullus. [Carmina.] NoiUy (M. J.). Postel. Les raisons de la monar- chie 1551. Norfolk (Henry Howard) Glh Duke of. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Iamblichus. De mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum North (Roger). Estienne (H. ). Parodiai morales North wick (John Rushout) Baron. MoiNE. Le moine secularist Nott (George). Leboux. Dictionnaire eomiquo ... Manutius (A.) the Younger. Epi- tome orthographiae Nott (George Frederick). Erasmus. [Ciceronianus.] Jovius. Descriptio Larii lacus QuiNTiNUS. Insulae Melitao de- scriptio 1536. Nouvellet (.Joseph). Bucoldianus. De inventiorie ora- toria 1535. Gbammatica Latina 1544. Mauritius. Utilissima repetitio legis 1538. Murmellius. Tabularuin opuscula tria 1542. Ochs ab Ochsenstein (H. W.). Bunellus. EpLstolae 1581. Odescalchus (Marcus Aurelius). SiLius Italicus. De bollo Punico 1 547. Oertel (Georg). Ptolem.«us (C). [Quadriparlitum.] 1535. Oisel (Jacobus). See L'Oiael. Oliva de Turco (Petrns Nicolaus). Mabtialis. [Epipramniata.]... [1503 7] Ortolan] ( ). DoMENicHi. Facetie 1550. Orville (Jacques Philippe d'). Sc alioer ( J. J. ). Epistola do votus- tato gentis Scaligerie Osterley Park. -Sec Jersey (V. A. G. Earl of. Osuna ( ) Due de. Abena. Ad suos compagnonos studiantcs 1070. Oxford. — University : Bodleian Library. Haddokos. Contra H. Osorium ... 1577. Oxford. — University : Christ Church College. Pasquieb. Les rocherches de la France 1043. Oxford. — University : St. John's College. Gesneb (C). Bibliotheca 1683. 1594. B. 1541. A. 1538. 1548. B. 1515. A. M. 1490. 1497. 1575. A 1078. B 1786. A 1575. A 1093. B 1559. A B. B. S. 1594. C. ViUicrs) llh Ar. I}. 486 Paine (Cornelius). ^SCHYLUS. [Opera. — Qreek.] ... 1557. Anacheon. OdiD 1554. Akistophanes. [Opera. — Oreik.]... 1525. DiBDiN. Aedes Althorpianae ... 1822. HoMEKUS. [Odyssea. — Greek:] ... 1529. HoRATrtJs Flaccus. [Opera. — Lalin.] 1800. JusTiNTTS, Martyr. Eversio fal- sorum Aristotelis dogmatum ... 1552. Lascaris (C). De octo partibas orationis [1516.] MoscHorouLOs. De rations exa- miriandiP orationis 1545. Spencer (G. J. C). Bibliotheca Spenceriana 1814-15. Descriptive catalogue of books printed in the 15th century ... 1823. Papa (Giuseppe del). Pontanus. Opera omnia. [Vols. I. & III.] 1518-19. Paris. — Colldge des J&uits. S., I. Statera appensa 1661. White. Apologia pro doctrina sua 1661. Statersp [equilibrium 1661. Parma. — Bibliotheca Regia. ARETlNtrs. Rerum suo tempore in Italia gestarum commentarius ... 1539. Parr (Samuel). Bauer. Bibliotheca librorum rari- orum 1770-74. Caninius. ' EWTjxttr/ios 1578. GAUDnjs. Dissertatio ad Q. Hora- tium Flaccum 1760. Paleabius. Opera 1696. Perottus. Rudimenta grammatices 1488. Euhnkenius. Dictata in P. Teren- tium. [MS.] 1780. ScALiQEB (J. J.). Epistola de vetus- tate gentis Scaligerje 1594. ViCTORius. Explicationes suaruin in Ciceronem castigationum ... 1540. Parrbasius (Aulus Janus). Homerus. [Appendix.] 1517. Patteson (Edward). HoRATius FLACcng. [Epistolae. — Latin.] Vol. 1 1753. Pattison (Mark). .iEscHYLUs. [Opera. — Oreek.] Ahn. De Bentleio Miltoni editore AiKEN. Vie d'Edmond Spenser ... Alexander, ^/>/irorfisoeu*. Intopica Aristotelis Amanton. Notices sur M. Couturier et M. Denon Anquetil. Notice sur M. Anquetil Du Perron [1805.] ANTiQmTATES. Antiquitatum vari* arum autores Aristoteles. [Opera. — Oreek.] [Vols. II. & IV.] 1497. Barbeau de la BruySre. Notice sur M. Barbeau 1782. Barrier (A. A.). Notice sur D. Durand (1803.) Notice sur L. T. H^rissant ... 1812. Notice sur T. Guyot 1813. Barrier (L. N.). Notice sur A. A. Barbier 1827. BABTHOLMfiss. L'Acad^mie de Prusse 1850-51. Bernard (L. B. D. ). Notice sur M. Henrion de Pansey 1829. Berr. Essai sur P. J. Bitaub6 ...[1809.] Notice sur le comte Lanjuinais 1827. Bible New Testament. [Poly- gloU.] 1543. Bleich. Dissertatio historica ... 1704. 1552. 1859. 1818. 1513. (1825.) 1552. B. A. B. B. B. A. B. B. A. B. B. B. B. B. A. B. A. A. B. A. B. B. A. B. A. B. BoissoNADE. Notice sur M. Laroher [1813.] BouFFLERS. filoge de M. I'abbfi Barthaemy 1806. BOULARD. Notice sur A. P. Lottin [1813.] BoDLMiEB. E. Dolet, sa vie, ses oeuvres BouRLET DE Vau.kcelles. flloge de H. F. Daguesseau Britannus. Orationes duae Brizard. Notice sur J. C. R. de Saint-Non Caillard. Notice sur M. A. B. Caillard Camusat de Riancey. Lettre .sur r^oge d'fi. Pasquier [post 1848.] Caninius. 'E\X7(«(rj«of 1578. Charpentier. Histoire de la renais- sance des lettres Crapelet. Notice sur Quinault ... Dacier (B. J.), filoge de M L6vesque de Burigny . Notice sur M. Anquetil Du- perron Notice sur M. Dutlieil Notice sur M. HejTie Notice sur G. Poirier Notice sur M. de Villoison ... Delam.^lle. Eloge de M'. Tronchet Desbillons. Nouvcaux 6ciairciss. sur la vie de Postel Des Lyons, filoge du roi Louis XII Desmaze. L'Universitd de Paris ... Dubois (L. F. ). Notice sur Valaz6 Dumas (C. L.). Eloge de d'Alem- bert Dumas (J. B.). Eloge de J. B. Dugas-Montbel DuriN (A. M. J. J. ). Eloge de M. le due de Nivernois Eloge d'E. Pasquier DtrpoNT DE Nemours. Notice sur M. Gudin Du BozoiB. Discours prononc6 aux fun^railles de M. de Guerle Notice sur M. P. R. A. G. Gueroult [1826 EcKHARD. Exeroitatio de editione librorum EuD.EMON-JoANNES. Responsio ad epistolam Faug^re. Eloge de J. Gerson Floquet. Eloge de Bossuet FoROUEs. Eloge d'Henrion de Pansey [1837.] FoRTAiR. Discours sur J. M. Morel 1813. Francois de Neufchateau. Eloge du due de Nivernois Gaillard. Eloge de p. Corneille. .. Garat. Eloge de C. de Sainte- Maure Gry'pbius (C). Vitse selectse Guerrieb de Dumast. Notice sur S. Pellico H^RissoN. Eloge de J. B. Bossuet Jacob (S.). Notice sur M. Clicquot- Blervache Jenichen & Hahnius. Specimen bibliothecae eruditonim Koran Krafft. Notice stir A. L. Millin... Lacbetelle. Eloge de Florian ... Lacroix (S. F. ). Notice sur Con- dorcet Laib. Notice sur M. Le Berriays... Lami. Memorabilia Italorum 174: Lamoureux. Notice sur Fran9oi8 de Neufchateau 1843. La Porte. Notice sur Rivarol ... 1829. LiiMONTEY'. Notice sur I'abbi de Chaulieu 1823. Notice sur C. A. Helv^tius ... 1823. 1857. 1760. 1538. 1792. 7i.d. 1843. 1824. (1787.) 1808. 1816. 1816. 1804. 1806. 1806. 1773. 1788. 1876. 1802. 1789. 1835. 1840. 1843. 1812. 1824. ] 1777. 1612. 1838. 1827. 1807. 1768. 1781. 1711. 1838. 1811. 1815. 1730. 1721. 1818. 1812. 1813. 1808. -48. 48? , B. Colbert de La 1822. 1844. 1767. 1672. Pattison (Mark). — {conid.) L6MONTEY. Notice fiur J, Notices sur M™*' Fayette, eic 1822. LoMBARDi. Eloge de Tiraboschi . . . 1802. LouMYER. ViedeB. A.Montano ... 1842. MAHi;KAULT. Notice sur A. Leblanc [1799.] MAKQEL.SDORF. Vita C. A. Klotzii 1772. MANtJTrus (P.). Lettcro 1834. Mabbon. J. Calvin s.a. Mabtonn'e. Notice sur J. B. B. de Roquefort Mebcier(L. S.). filoge de Charles V. Milton. Artis logicae institutio ... MONMERQUE. Notico sur M. Petitot (1827.) Observations sur les memoires de La Tr6mouille (1827.) MoNTECBUcis. Contra sectam Ma- humeticam 1511. MuENCii. J. C. Vanini Naybal. Notice sur Mme. fi. de Labouisse-Rochefort Pabiset. Eloge du baron Cuvier... Percy (P. F.). filoge d'A. Fois ... Pihan DE La Foeest. Notice sur M. S. F. Schoell PoNOEBviLLE. Notice sur J. F. Thurot PoBTALis. Eloge d'A. L. Siguier... Notice sur J. fi. M. Portalis... P9.4TJME. Notice sur l'abb6 Georgel QtTESN^. Eloge de B. Pascal Ram. Particularit^s sur le sejour d'Erasme ^ Bale Rambert. a. Vinet RAMtis. [Dialectica.] Reichlino. De J. Murmellii vita Reinaud. Notico sur M. le baron Silvestre de Saoy Renouabd (.4. A.). Note sur L. Coster Routhieb. Eloge fundbre sur Me Lacoate RuPRECHTUS. De Societato Litt. Rhenana RuTLEDQE, filoge de Montesquieu Sacy. Notice sur M. do La Porte duTlieil Notice sur M. Cliampollion ... Notice sur M. G. de Clermont Loddve de Sainte-Croix Sahuouet d'Espaunac. [Reflexions sur I'abbi- Sugor.] [1780.] Saikt-Pbosper. Notice sur F. Ancillon Sblectus. Selectu.s epistolarum Silvestre (A. F. de). Notico sur M. Dupont Notice sur Franjois do Neuf- chateau Smith (J. S.). Notice sur M. A Bruguidre Stoebeh. Eloge do .f. J. Oberlin TaILLANDIER & GiBAULT DE SaINT- Faboeau. Notices sur M. Du- laure TouLONOEON. Eloge de A. G. Camus Tbavebs. Notice sur F. Galoron ... Vaitltieb. Notice sur M. I'alib^ do La Rue Wallaszky. Tontamen historiao littorarum WoLFiiis (J. C). Carcerera erudi- tonim aporuit Paul (Henry). TiDDLLUs. Opera Pearse (Nicholas). VVanley. The wonders of the littlo world 1838. (1818.) 1838. 1752. 1786. s.a. 1833. 1809. 1835. 1740. 1818. . IS28. [1824.] 1807. 1753. 1774. 828.] S 1834. 1833. 1812. S 1833. 1833. 1806. 1807. 1817. 1813. 1842. 1875. 1672. 1870. s s lOUU. 1840. 1841. 1769. S 1718. s B. P^ricaud (Marc Antoine). CiCEBO. Questions tusculnnos ... 1544. Perrin (Louis). CiCEBo. [Epistote : Ad Familiares. —French.] 1560. Perrot (Emile). EsTTENNE (H.). Traict6 do la con- forraitd du langage frnn^ois avec legreo ...[1565.] Petit (John Lewie). Cbenius. De eruditione comparanda 1699. Phipps (Edmund). HoBATFUs Flacous. [EpistolsB : Ars Poetica. — Etiglish.] 1783. Piat (Alfred). Lando. [Paradossi.] XXV. para doxes 1554. Pichon (J6r6me) Baron. Xenoceates. Axiochus Pilkington (Henry). Abistophanes. [Opera. ^ — Oreek.]. CuETins Rurus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Pinelli (Giovanni Battista). Seneca. Tragoodiae Pinelli (Ma£Eeo) Conle. EsTiENNE (R.). Ad censuras theo logorum responsio OcHiNO. Do purgatorio Tbissino. Ciuraodia I Simillimi .. Pirckheimer (Bilibald). Iamblichus. De mysteriis .^egj-p tiorura Pius VI., Pope. Nonius Mabcellus. [Do Pro prietate Sormonvm.] Pizzo (Lodovico). Cicebo. [Orationes. — Latiti.] Diogenes. De vita philosophorum Gellius. Noctes Atticae Hobatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] — — [Carmina, etc. — Latin.] CoUe [Carmina, etc. — Italian.] [Another ed. I [Another cd.j Lipsius. Ad annales C. Taciti Lucretius Cabus. De roruni natura Rhenanus & Gelenius. In T Livium Sickleb. Trenta incisioni Tboous PoMPEiua. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis libri ViDA. Opera Plaickner (.Jacob). Stubmius. Do univorsa ration© elocutionis Pococke (Richard) Bi.thop of Meath. Leicuius. Sepuleralia caritiina ... Poley (Edmund) of liaMcij, Suffolk. HoBATius Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. — French.] Tome HI Polling. — Biljliothcca S. Salvatoris. Oeileb. Navicula Porcacchi (Tommaso). {Jamillo. Tutte I'oporo ... 1 Porson (Richard). ('apella. Satyricon Found (James) F.Ji.S. Apicius. Do opsoniis Poyer (John Poyor). Hobatius Flacocb. [Opera. — Latin.] 1497. 1480. 1690. 1705. 1770. A. B. 1532. B 1678. B 1517. S 1552. [1556.] 1548. Ar. 1586. B 1559. B 1573. S 1609. S 1829. s 1759. s 17B7. s 1779. s 1598. B 1558. B 1542. B 1838. S 1551. B 1581. B S76.) B 1745. I 1683. B 1510. n 57, 65. A 488 Priestley (George). ScALiOER (J. C). Electa Scaligerea 1634. Puteanus (Erycius). MiH^us. Vita J. Lipsi 1609. Putland (John). Plctabchus. [Vita? Parallels.] ... 1519. Ramus (Petrus). Rajitts. [De Moribus Veterum Gal- loruni.] 1559. Randolph (John) Bishop of London. Aristoteles. [Poetiea.] 1536. Rassius ( ) Fra7iciscus. 1559. Jovitra. Descriptio Larii lacus ... 1559. Regnaud, Cotnte de. Secundus. Traduction des odes ... 1812. Renard (Joseph). Bible. — New Testament. [French.] 1542. Cicero. [Epistote : Ad Familiares. — French.] 1643. Quest ion.s tusculanes 1544. DoLET (fi. ). Carminum libri quatuor 1 538. EsTiENNE (F. ). Principes de la langiie latine 1585. EsTiKNNE (R.). La maniere do tourner 1587. Galentts. [Do Simplicium Medica- inentorum Facultatibus.] 1542. [De Tumoribus Prsctcr Na- turam] 1542. GuiDO. Prologue 1542. Hippocrates. Le livre des pre- saiges 1542. Manutius (A. P.). Grammaticae institutiones Graecae 1515. Meighet. Traits 1345. Phreislebius. E Divi Justiniani institutionibus erotemata 1544. Sallustius Crispus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1503. SuLPiTius. Do moribus in monsa .servandis 1574. Renouard (Antoine Auguatin). Aristophanes. [Opera. — Oreek.]... 1498. [Another ed.] 1515. . Cereris sacra celebrantes (1515.) [Another ed.] 1540. Boccaccio. [Amorosa Fiammetta.] 1617. Cedes. Tabula [1517.] Estienne (H.). Schediasmatum variorum libri tres 1578. LuNZE. Academia Veneta 1801. Riccrus. De imitatione 1557. Rhodes (George Ambrose). Horatius FL.\ccns. [Opera. — Latin.] 1775. Riach (Hugh Heugh). Horatius Fl.4ccu3. [Opera. — French.] 1873-74. Ricasolis (Simon de). Vicus. In Vetera imperatorum Roman, numismata 1500. Richard (J.) M.D. Severxis (S.). Sacrae historiae ...(1556.) Richards (John) Junior, F.S.A. Opus. Aureum op9 (1522.) Rimbault (Edward Francis). Bl.ides. How to tell a Caston ... 1870. Typograpliical notes (1870.) Rimbourg (Joppen a). Irailh. Querelles littiraires ... 1761. Robert (Jean). Veoetius Renatus. I. B. Deremilitari 1523. A. Ar. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S. B. A. B. A. S. B. I. B. A. Roberts (Hamilton A.). Auvergne. Aresta amorum 1538. A. B. Valerius M.-vximus. Dictorum fac- torumque memorabilium exempla 1547. B. Robertson (Joseph). ScRiPTORES. Admiranda rerum ad- mirabilium encomia 1666. A- Robinson (Robert) M.D. DiONYsros, Periegetes. Situs orbis descriptio 1577. B. Rogers (Samuel) the Poet. Bembo. [Hi^^toria Veneta.] 1551. CIiNouEN^;. Histoire litt^raire ditalie 1824, 23. RoloS (Fricdrich Jacob). Bigot. Bibliotheca Bigotiana ... 1706. Rosa (Joannes). DoLET (fi. ). De imitatione Ciceroni- ana 1535. Rossi (Giovanni). Bbaun. Notitia hist.-litt. de libris Sanctius. Minerva SciOPPius. Auctarium ad gram- niaticam Consultationes de seholarum ratione 1665- Grammatica philosophica ... 1664. Xenophon. [Opera. — Latin.] ... 1511. Roth-Scholtz (Friedrich). L'ollectio. Nova librorum rariorum 1788-89. . 1664. 1664. conlectio. 1700-15- Roxboighe (John Ker) 3rd Duke of. JusTiNUS, Martyr. Eversio falsorum Aristotelis dogmatum 1552. Royal Society. Amsdobff. Epistola? 1534. Bolton. Tricorones 1607. Cicero. [Supposititious Works : Rhetoriea ad Herennium.] 1515. Er-ismus. [Pm-gatio Adversus Lutherum.] 1534. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1490. Iamblichus. De mysteriis Aegyp- tiomm 1497. Salazar (Laurentius). Plautus. Comoediae 1547. Salzedo Coronel (Garcia dc). Socrates. [The Supposititious Letters.] 1637. Saumaise (B^nigne de). Souterius. Palamedes 1622. Scharfl (Gottfried Balthasar). Baduellus. De ratione vita? studiosie 1577. Beza. Poemata juvenilia [1580.] Werdmueller. De ministro Ec- clesiio 1551. Scharnebourne (Francis). Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] [Another ed.] [EpistolaB.] [Epistolse : Ad Familiares. — Latin.] [Orationes. — Latin.] Schenck ( ) ron Erbach. Boccaccio. [Decameron.] Schlacbter (Adam). Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] Schieck (Joannes). Ramus. [Dialectiea.] 1540. 1548. 1551. 1552. 1550. 1522. 1540. 1585. B. B. A. B. B. B. B. S. A. A. B. B. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. 489 Schartzfleisch (Conrad Samuel). ARISTOTELE3. [Etliica.] Ramus. [Opera.] Professio regia Scioppias (Gaspania). Calvin. In J. Calvini cateche.sin comnientarii GiLBERTUS. Emmanuel Tliaumo- turgufl Scott (William). C.iTO (D.). [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin.] [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin d- French.] Scripandus (Antonius). HoMERUs. [Appendix.] Seilliire (Achille) Baron. Alexander, Aphrodisceus. In sophistico3 AristotelLs elenchos ... Gregorius, Nyssenus, De virgini- tate Sequart (VV.). VoLUSENDs. De animi tranquillitate Sergeant (Frederick). Archimedes. Opera non nulla ... Epictetus. [Encliiridion.] Or. ... Seymour (Maria). Thirlwall. History of Greece 1835-44 Sbarpe (Charles Kirkpatrick). Auverqne. Aresta amorum... 1582. 1576. 1584. 1612. 1715. 1715. 1617. 1620. 1562. 1543. 1558. 1528. 1533. 1781. Shaw (.S'lr John). Le Saoe. Le diable boiteux Sherwen (John) M.D. \'ERciiLnjs. Anglicas historia; libri XXVI 1534. Shrewsbury (Charles Talbot) I5th Earl of. Harrinoton. Personal sketches 1830-32. Sbuter (Leonard). Cicero. [Opera.— £o(in.] ... 1581-83. Sigonius (Carolua). Velleius Patebculus. Historiae Uomanao libri II 1571. Sillery (Brulart de) Marquis de Puisieux. Uu Pin (L. E.). Bibliothd.iue des auteurs s^paroz do rfiglise 1718. Silva (Ercolc de). Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. —Polyghtt.] 1481. Simmons (Richard). Apicins. Do opsoniia 1705. Sixtus v., Popf. [i.e., Felice Peretti.] Dictionary. [.\ dictionary of Italian phrase.s.] [MS.] Theolooia. ThoologitB voces. [M9.] Slade (Matthew). HuD^u.s. Epistolae Grsecte 1574. Credonius. In Grtecas Budmi cpi- stolas 1079. Smith (Joseph) British Consul at Venia. HoRATrns Flaccus. [Opera. — rMtin.] 1482. Smith (Joshua Toulrain). Columella. Do re rustica ... Smith (Thurston). DoLET (fi.). Toraus secundus com- mcntarionim do Lntina lingua ... Tomi primi epitome coinmon- tariorum lingua; LntinsQ ScHOBUs. Thesaurus vorboruin lin- gua: Latinae 1641. 1639. 1640. 1670. A. N. A. A. B. N. Ar. A. B. A. B. B. B. B. A. B. B. A. B. B. B. Ar. A. B. A. B. A. A. A. Smyth (Sir Robert) Bart. CoCAius. Mnearonicorum pooma... Sobolevsky (Scrgy Aleksandrovich). GiRARDOT DE PRfiFOND. Catalogue Solar (F61Ls). Cicero. [Epistolse : Ad Familiares. ■ — French.] Soubise (Charles de Rohan) Prince de. Aristoteles. [Opera. — Oreek.] [Vol. IV.] Crinitus. De honesta disciplina ... Spanheim (Ezechiel) Baron. Gassendus. N. C. Fabricii de Peirese vita 1555. 1757. 1549. 1497. 1654. 1641. [MS.] See Hopper (R. L.). Spencer (John Spencer) l.s< Earl. Hermes. Pimandras 1574. Spifame (figide) Bishop of Nevers. ^LIANUS (C). Opera (1550.) Stanhope (George) Dean of Canterbury. HoRATius Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. —English.] 1038. Steevens (George). Capella (M. M. F.). Satjricon ... Steuart ( ) of the Isle of Man. JusTiNiANUS I. [Novelise Constitu- tiones.] Stewart (Robert Buchanan). HoMEBUS. [Opera. — Oreck.] (Vol. Terentius. Coraoediae Stibbs (Edward). Armorial Bearings. Stone Library. Strachan(A. T.). C'/ESAR. [Commentarii.] Strachan (Sir John) Bart. Cesar. [Opera.] Strangford ( ) Vi.vounl. Faceti^. Facetiie faeetiarum Haddonus. Lucubrationes Maiolus. Do gradibus mcdicinnruni Stuart (W.) of Tcmpsford Hall. yEsopus. [Vita ot fabuKv.] , Sullivan (Sir Edward) Bart. Alciphron. Epistolae 1715. ApiITHONius. Pra'Iudia 1515. Aristophanes. [Pax.] Q. .S. F. Christian! commentaria 1589. Catullus. [Carmina.] «.«. Demetrius, Phalereue. Do elocu- tione 1552. Euclides. Elementoruin libri XV. 1646. I quindici libri dcpli elementi... 1545. Haddonus. Lucubrationes 1667. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — r^tin.] 1490. [Counterfeit of 1510.] ... a.a. Lascabis (C). Erotcmata ... 1494. 95. LucANUS. Pooma 1521. LuciANUs. [Opera.] 1603. Lucretius Caru.s. [De rerum natura.] 1600. Maximus(P.). Opera 1606. Mibandula (().). Illustrium poela- rum flore; 1599. 1568. 1488. 1642. 1661. 1601. 1657. 1667. 1497. B. B. Ar. Ar. B. B. A. B. B. A. B. A. Ar. Ar. [r. 1480.] Ar. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. Nicander. Sallustius Latin.] . Terentius. Thoriaca Crispuh. [Comcedim.] [Oporo.- 1661. 1522-23. e.a, 1S6S. B. B. 49° Sunderland Library. AousTiN. Emendationuin libri quatuor 1344. Alciatus. Ad rescripta principum 1547. Paradoxorum libri sex 1543. AlM-^ndinus. Genethliacon carmen (1519.) Aphthonius. Rhetoricaprogymnas- mata 1535. Apicius. De ro eoquinaria [1500.] ApoLLONrus, Rhodius. [Argo- nautica.] Or. [Pt. II.] 1541. Aristoteles. [Poetica.] [1541.] [Another ed.] 1542. [Rhetorica.] 1529. AuousTiNUs. Principiarlietorices... 1534. AusoNirs. Opuseula varia 1.537. Baduellus. Annotatione.s in M. T. Ciceronis pro Milone 1552. BiLDTjitfUS. In Justiniani novellas 1648. Babo. Pandectarii juris civilis CBConomia 1547. Beccadellds. Epistolarum libri V. 1553. Bellonus. Communes jurium sen* tentiao 1007. Bessaeion. In calumniators Pla- tonis 1516. Bible. [Greek.] 1545. Bible. [Latin.] 1590. Bonfinis. In Horatianis operibus annotBtiones [1512 ?] BoKBONins. Opusculum puerile ... 1536. Bbitanntjs. Agriculturae encomium 1539. Epistolarum libri duo 1542. Brixius. GratulatorisB quatuor ... 1.531. BtJDiEUS. Epistola? Griecse 1574. BuYssONitrs. Partitiones 1607. C^SAR. Commentarii 1536. Cssarids. Rhetorica 1546. Cabolus, AfaynKs. De rhetorica ... 1529. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1544. De philosophia 1522. Opera 1552. [Another ed.] 1574. [Another ed.] 1578. [Another ed.] 1579. [De Partitiono Oratoria.] ... 1530. [Epistolse.] 1555. Epistolarum libri sex- decim 1555. [Another ed.] 1579,75. [EpistoliB : Ad Familiares. — Lalin.] 1541. [Epistolie : Ad FamiUares. — French.] 1549. [Another ed.] 1572. [Oratione.'!.. — Latin.] 1555. [Another ed,] 1694. [Orationes : Pro CiEcina.] ... 1535. [Orationes: Pro Fonteio.] ... 1547. [Orationes: Pro Lege Manilia.] 1584. [Orationes: Pro Milone.] ... 1545. [Another ed.] 1582. [Orationes : Pro Roscio Ame- rino.] 1541. [Orationes: Pro Sestio.] ... 1559. . [Orator.] 1539. [Paradoxa.] 1574. [Topica.] 1541. [TusculanaB Disputationes.] ... 1543. [Supposititious Works : Rhe- torica ad Herennium.] 1537. [Another ed.] 1541. Coonatus. Opera 1562. Comes. De horis 1550. CoNRiNGius. De civili philosophia 1673. De pace civili 1677. Examen libelli 1654. Contarenus. De magistratibus Venetorum 1589. Copcs. De restitutis a Francisco Uteris 1535. Crastoitus. Diotionarium. [Pt. II.] 1524. Ar. B. Credonius. In Grseoaa Budici epistolas 1579. CuRsius (P.). Defen.sio pro Italia 1535. DOLET (fi.). Tomus secundus com- mentariorxim de Latina lingua ... 1539. Tomi primi epitome coramen- tariorum lingua Latins 1540. Erasmus. [Adagia.] 1520. — [Apophthegmata.] 1547. Faustus. Orationes quinque ... 1559. Ferrontjs. De rebus gestis Gal- lorura fol., 1650. In consuetudines Burdigalen- sium 1565. Floridus. Adversus S. Doleti calumnias 1541. Florus. De gestis Romanorum ... 1540. FoRCATULus. Necyomantia 1544. Galenus. [Opera.] 1525. Gentilis. V. Gentilis impietatum explicatio 1567. GiBAHDUS (C). De juris volumini- bus repurgandia 1634. Gribaldus. De methodo ac ratione studendi 1574. Hermooenes. [Progymnasmata.] 1535. [Another copy.] HoBATrns Latin.] Flaccus. [Opera.- AtUverpice, Lugduni, Parisiis, Veneiiis. BasiUce, Lugduni. Parisiis, Lugduni, [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [post Aug ■ [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [.\nother ed.]... [.■Another ed ]... ■ [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... ■ [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.]... [Another ed.] Heidelbergce. [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [Another ed.]... Cohmiae. [AnoiYiGT ed.] Amstolodami. [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [.Another ed.] .Amstelodami, [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [.Another ed.].. [Another ed.] [Another ed.] [Opera. — French.] [Epistols. — Latin.] IsocRATEs. [Orationes.] [Orationes Selectae.] Joannes, Qrammaticus. De mundi aeternitate La Maee. De vita G. Philandri ... Leo III. Epistolae Le Roy (L.). G. Budwi vita Livius. [Historia. Vols. I.-IV.] 151 [Epitome.] Maffejus. Commentariorum urba- nonira libri MAjORAcrcs. Antiparadoxon libri sex MANTJTrns (P.). Antiquitatura Ro- manarum liber de legibus In epistolas Ciceronis ad Atti- cum Maximiantjs. Fragments Melanchthon. Rhetorices ele- menta Anlverpioe, Lipaice, 1474. 1475.] 1481.] 1542. 1544. 1544. 1644. 1644. 1545. 1545. 1646. 1553. 1556. 1558. 1559. 1565. 1567. 1574. 1575. 1576. 1602. 1610. 1616. 1616. 1617. 1620. .1625. 1656. 1675. 1676. 1676. 1677. 1588. 1584. 1493. 1543. 1535. 1667. 1655. 1540. 8-21. B. 1554. 1652. 1546. 1669. 1567. 1501. At. B. 1534. B. B. 491 Sunderland Library. — (contd.) Meyeh(J.). Commentarii 1561. MoscHUs. Idyllia 1565. Nannius. Dialogismi heroinarum 1541. NIPH09. De immortalitate anime 1621. Omphalios. De elocutionis imita- tione 1537. OviDiTJS Naso. [Opera,] 1545. Pakabosoo. Quattro libri delle lettere amorose 1569. Pab.wicinus. Singularia de viris eruditione clari3 1713. Parthenius (B.). Carminum libri III 1579. Pavi-VS, ASginela. De re medica ... 1532. Perrotus. Ad GaUi formulam ... 1533. PEHarus FLAccns. Satyrae 1563. Ph^drus. Fabulie 1657. Philander. Castigationes 1533. [Another copy.] PlU3 IV. Pii rv. et tiregorii XV. bnlloB [1621 ?] Plato. [Timasus.] 1544. [Another ed.] 1551. [Anothered.] [1580?] [Supposititioni? Work.?.] ... 1543. ^■^ [Supposititious Works : Epi- stolse. — Oreek.] 1544. [Another ed.] 1558. [Supposititious Works : Epi- stolse. — Latin.] 1544. [Anothered.] 1552. Plautus. Amphitryo 1545. Asinaria 1546. Aulularia 1545. Cureulio 1557. Pole. Pro ecclesiastico unitatis defensione 1555. Pollux. Vocabularium 1520. PoLYBros. Ex Ubro VI. historia- rum 1539. PoMPONATiUi?. Tractatus utillimi 1525. PoRPHYRiXTg. In Aristotelis cate- 1543. At. nativitate Mediatoris gorias PosTEL. De magistratibus Atheni ensium De ultima PRI9CIANE9E. Argumcntoruin ob- servationes in Ciceronis epistolas Proclus. Diadochus. Sphjnra PsELLUs. [Commentarii in Aris- totelom QciNTILIAKUS (M. F.). Institu- tionum oratoriarum libri Epitome [Another ed.] Reoius. EpistoliE Plynii enarra- tiones Rosselettus. Epigrammata SCALIGER (P.). De origine Scalige- roruni Scioppics. Infamia Famiani Paedia politices Stephanus, Byzantinua. De urbibus Sturmius, MechlinianuH. Ludus fortune Stttrmids (J.). Conaolfttio ad Sena- turn Argentinonsem De ami.ssa dicnndi ratione Partitionuni dialecticarum libri duo Suetonius Tbanquillus. [Vittc XII. Cwsarum.] Tal^eus. Opera Taubellus. Ad Galhim enarro- tiones 1545. Tebentius. Comoediffl 1551, etc. [ComoeditE.] 1660. Theophilus. De hominis fabrioa 1555. De corporis humani fabriea ... 1566. TiTics. Pro suis locis controversis 1589. 1541. 1547. 1549. 1547. 1554. 1539. 1534. 1536. 1490. 1537. 1668. 1663. 1663. 1521. 1633. 1553. 1542. 1539. 1643. 1575. ToscANELLA. Oratio Ciceronis pro T. Annio Milone 1576. Ulpianus. Commentarioli in De- mosthenis orationes 1503. Valerius Ma.ximus. Dictorum fac- torumque mcmorabilium exempla 1556. [Anothered.] 1567. Valla (G.). In Ciceronis partitiones 1528. ViCTOBius. Explicationes suarum in Ciceronem castigationum ... 1552. Viroilius Maro. [Opera.] 1505. Opera 1546. [Bucohca.] 1555. [Anothered.] 1566. [Anothered.] 1558. [.'\notlier ed.] 1572. [Georgica.] 1564. -; [Anothered.] 1578. VisoRius. Ingeniosa ad dialectices candidates methodus 1534. Xenophok. [Opera. — Greek.'] ... 1625. ZiKUS. De philosophise laudibus ... 1547. Sunderland (Charles Spencer) 3rd Earl of. Bible. [Latin.] 1590. Sussex (Augustus Frederick) Duke of. Anacreon. Odae Antholooi.a Gb.«ca Aphthonius. Rhetores 1 Athen.«us. [DeipnosophistiP.] Or. Balbus. De rebus Turcicis Bembo. [Gli Asolani.J [Prose.] [Rime.] Bible. [French.] Ch.ilcondylas. [Erotemata.] Or. [c. Champieb. Liber de quadruplici vita Cotton (P.). Anti-Coton DoBT. Judicium sy nodi Epictetus. [Enchiridion.] Or. ... [Anothered.] Erasmus. [Opera.] [Adagia.] FoBTUNio. Regole grammat ieali . . . Gabnerius. Systoma bibliotlieciD Collegii Paris. Soc. Jesu Haokert. Carte g6n6rale de la Sabine Haedus. hobatius Latin.] [Do amoris generibus.] ... Flaccus. [Opera. — Venetia, [Opera. — English.] [Epistol:e. — J.alin.] [Satira>. — Latin.] Leoatus. De legato Pontificio ... Le Lono. Discours sur les Bibles polyglottes Manutius (P.). P. Mamitius M. CalinoS.P.D [I Mus.-EUs. Do Herono & Leandro [I P.BTU9. Do judiciaria form ScALinEE, Family nf. Annales Scaligeronnn [ SoALioEK(J.,I.). Epistolado vetus. tate gentis Scaligerre Opuscula varia Prima Scaligerana ScALioER (P.). Rosponsa juriscon- Rultorum SCRIPTOBES HiBTOBL'E AUOU8T.E ... Strabo. Do situ orbis Strozius (T. v.). Strozii pootao ... Vantius. Tractatus do nullitatibus procesRuuni Svajer (Amadous). Bembo. [/Etna.] (Gli Asolani.] Catullu.i. [Carmina.] 1554. B 1621. B 508-9. B 1514. B 1526. B 1553. B. 1552. B. 1562. B. 1543. B. 1493.] B. 1.507. B. 1611. B. 1619. B. 1528. 1552. B. 1618. B. M. 1578. B. 1552. B. 1678. B. s.a. B. 1492. B. 1566. B. I7I9. B. 1518. 1518. B. 1558. B. 1713. B. 834?] B. 494 Y] B. 1567. B. 1567.] 1594. B. 1612. B. 1669. B. 1667. B. 1519. B. 1516. B. 1513. B. 1554. 1 405. 1616. 161S. B. B. B. I 494 Swanwick (Thomas) M.D. Basnaok de Beauvai.. iSglises reform6es 1725. Blackstone. Analysis of the laws of England 1821. Bbant. Navis stultifera 1507. BocHANAN. Poemata 1687. GrrffORD. The Baviad 1797. Lrvros. [Historia. Vol. IV.] Epigrammaton 1521. [1518-33.] libri Maktiali XIIII .". 1533. Meerman. Origines typographicae 1765. NuG.«. Nugto venales 1648. Selden. Seldeniana 1821. Statius. [Opera.] 1502. Sykes (Sir Mark Masterman) Bart. Aetius. Librorum medicinalium tomus primus 1534. Lrv'ius. [Hiatoria.] 1470. PoNTANU.s. Opera omnia. [Vol.11.] 1519. Symmons (John). Akiosto. La Scolastica 1587. Manxttius (P.). Commentarius in epistolas M. T. Ciceronis 1557. Syston Park Library. j^JscHiNEs. /Eschinis et Demos- thenis contraria? orationes Alexandro. Dies geniales Alunno. Le ricchezze della lingua volgaro Ananias. De natura daemonum ... Aristoteles. [Organon : Cate- gorife & De Interpretatione.] AscoNius Pedianus. Expositio in nil. orationes M. T. Cic — — - [.\nother copy.] Bacci. Del Tevere Basilius, Magnus. Opera Bevilacqua. Vocabulario volgare BoLZANlus. Gramniaticse institu- tionea Bbandolintjs. Oratio de virtuti- bus D. N. Jesu Christi Brutus (J.). Corona Aurea Calepinus. Dictionarium Camebarius, the Younger. De re nistica Ad J. Boncompagnum CAPrLUPUs versus Cataneo. Cicero. 1554. 1.522. 1543. 1589. 1.503. 1522. 1576. 1551. 1576. 1500. 1596. U96. 1576. 1596. 1573. 1554. De 1541. 1541. 1546. . 1540. 1540-41. . 1552. Arehitnil of hl« Ural wife. Ar. i'i)- Amu of J. A. An Thou nnd nf Ms icrnnil wife. M. (1) = .Monogram of J. .\. ilo 1 hou ami of liii llrit nilc. [Opera. - 1G78. Turner (Richard). HoBATius Flaccus. Latin.] Turner (Robert Samuel). Albeboati. La pazzia Baldelli Boni. Vita di G. cacci BizzAitus. Varia opuscula .. Boccaccio. [Decameron.] .. Beitonio. Gelosia del solo .. Beuno. Ars rerainiscendi — — ■ Artificium perorandi Candelaio De compendiosa arcliitectm'a De imaginiun compositione ... [Another copj'.] De monado numero Explicatio triginta sigillorum [1583 7] Sunama terminorurn meta- physicorum Erasmus. [Moria; Encomium.] ... EsTiENNE (H.). Ad Seneca; lec- tionem Epistolia . — ■ — Francofordicnse emporium ... Schediasmatuni variormn libri tres Faceti^. FacetitE facctiarum FiRENzuoLA. Consigli de gli animaii HoMEEUS. [Ilias. — Qreek.] Jordan. Disquisitio de J. Bruno Lando. [Cataloglii.] [Cicero Relegatus.] [Sermoni Funebri.] LuLLius. Ars brevis Articuli fidei De auditu Kabbali.stico Mayans y Siscar. Specimen biblio- thecae Tasso (B.). [Libro primo de gli amori.] Libro terzo do gli amori TiM.i;us. [Opera.] Gr. d; Fr. Twysden (iS'iV Roger) Burt. Gellius. Noctium .\tticarum libri 19 [c. 1540.] Boc ... 1806. ... 1566. ... 1522. ... 1531. [1583 t] ... 1612. 1582. 1582. 1591. 1591. 1609. 1545. 1586. 1577. 1574. 1578. 1754. 1622. 1551. [1726.] 1552. 1534. 1648. 1578. 1578. 1578. 1753. 1634. 1537. 1763. Tydeman (Jleinardus). Baiebus. Epistol;c BuBMANNUS, (Ac Youngcr. Biblio- thcca Burmanniana OUDENDORFius. Diclativ ill f|uns- dom odasQ. Horalii Flacci. |MS.] Dictafa in P. Tcrentii comoe- dias. [MS.] Dictataino en 15(-25)Horatii libri I. [lUS.l ScAuoEB (J. J.). In locos contro- versos R. Titii 1515. 1760. 1779. 1586. Ungelter von Deissenhausen (Wolf Jacob). HoMEBus. [0|iera. — Latin.] 1541. Utterson (Edward Vernon). CowPEB. Private diary 1833. HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1767. Rabelais. Pantagruel 1542, Tebentiuh. [CornoediiB.] 1517. Vansittart (Nicholas; Baron Uaky. Sanctii's. Minerva Voinant (Alexandre Auguste). KsTiENNE (F.). Principes do la langue latino ICsTiE.NNE (R.). La miuii6re do tournor La BoBDEnu:. L'amiu do court ... SuLPiTius. Do moribus in nions.t sorvandis 1754. 168S. 1587. 1642. 1574. A. A. N. B. B. B. 494 1577. 15G6. 1600. 1515. 1551. 1725. 1560. A. 1542. Ar 1542. B 1539. B 1558. 1550. 1557. A. Velde (Jan Franz van der). Badtjellus. De ratione vitas studi- osie LiviTTS. [Historia.] Soioppius. Epistola de sua ad Orthodoxo3 migratione Trithemius. Liber octo questionu Werdmueller. De ministro Ec- clesisD Verelst (Harry). Basnage de Beauval. lilglises re- f orm6es Vicus (.(Eneas). Vicus. In Vetera imperatorum Roman, numismata Viel ( ). Boccaccio. [Decameron.] 1522. Villeneuve de Bargemont (Henri) Marquis de. CicEBO. [Epistola; : Ad Familiares. — French.'\ Villoutreys, Marquis de. Olivebius. Pandora Visme (G. de). Plinids C^cujus Secundus. [Opera.] Vossius (Gerardus Joannes). Galateus. De situ Japygiie... Lando. [Forciane Question!.] Sardus, De raoribus gentium Vyvyan (Edward R. ). Capilupus. Ad J. Boncompagnum versus 1573. Wakefield (Gilbert). LuciANUs. [Opera.] 1522. A. Walckenaer (Charles Athanase) Baron. Bosscha. Vindioiae Horatianae ... 1836. Walker (John) o/ W'caMe Hall, Lancashire. Watt. Bibliotheca Britannica ... 1824. B. Walpole (Horace) ilh Earl of Orford (of the first creatioti). SCAUGEB (J. C). Oratio pro M. T. Cicerone (1531.) B. Scioppius. Infaniia Faniiani ... 1658. B. Walpole (Horatio WilUam) ith Earl of Orford {of Ike second creation). Bible. [Oreek.] 1518. B. BusTAMANTE Paz. Metliodus ab Hippocrate observata Campeeli,. Life of Sarpi Luc ANUS. [Opera.] Terentius. [ComcedisD.] Valla (L.). Elegantiarum libri sex Walpole (Thomas). £oN DE Beaumont. Considerations sur les impots 1764. B. Warcupp (Ralph). Bible. — New Testament. [John, Gospel of. — Greek Milan : Accuraius. Vicenza : BcTtochus, ... Florence : Libri. Ficema : Achates. Milan : U. Scinzentder or Accursim. .. Milan: H. Scinzenzder aiid Sdtaetiano, di Pontremoli . Venice: Matiutius. Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa. Venice : Manutius. Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa, Venice: Manutius. . . Florence : Erotemata ... [Opera.] ... ... ... Florence : [Opera.— ffreei.] [Vol. L] IntroductiuiE griimatices libri quatuor Ecloga^ ,, [Another copy,] [Argonautica.] ... ... Florence [Opera.] Tliesaurua Cornu copiai ... [P.salnis.— Orcei.] Fabute [Opera.— ffrcfit.] [Vols. II.-IV.] Institutiones Graecae gramraatices Dictiouarium ... ... ... ... „ ,, [Fabulfe.] ... ... .., Venice: Bartholomaeus of Capo d^Istria, Bracius, Bissolus and Matujius. [Opera. — Qreek.'\ ... ... ... ... Venice : Manutius. [Opera.— Orcefc.] [Vol. V.] [Spurious epistles.] ... Venice: Barihalotnacus of Capo d^Istria, Bracius, Bissolus and Mangius. Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa. Venice : Manutius. . . . Reggio d'' Emilia : Bertochus. Venice : Manutius. [De materia medica.] Epistolffi diuersorum pliilosophorum [In Aristotelis categorias.] [Lexicon.] ... [In quinque voces Porphyrii.] ... [Argonautica.] 2, LATIN [Epistote, Vol. II.] Metamorphoseos liber [Noctes Atticse.] ... [Gesta Alexandri.]... Ad Lucilliura epistole [DeCivitate Dei.]... Venice : Manutius. Venice : Kallierges. Venice : Kallierges for Blastus. Milan : Bissolus and Mangius. Venice : Kallierges for Blastus. Florence : Libri for F. Qiunta. Rome : Sweynheym and Pannartz. [Song of Solomon. — Latin.] [Historia.] ... [De Viris Illustribus.] De bello Gallico [Opera. — Latin,} ... [Cosmographia.] ... [Historia?.] ... [Opera.] Spectm vite humane [De Repubhca : Somniura Scipionis.] [Orationes. — Latin.} Rei rusticae hbri ... [Achillcis.] ... In librum psaLmoru 496 Rome : Lauer. Strassburg : the " R " printer, Rome : Su-eynhcym and Pannartz, Venice : Johann and ^'cndclin, of Speier. ... Cologne : ZeU. Venice: Weiuidin, of Speier, Venice : Jenson. Rome : Sweynheym and Pannartz, Milan : Zarotus. Augsburg : Schuessler. Rome : Sweynheym and Pantuirtz, ... Augsburg : Zainer. Venice : Jetison. Venice : Adam, of Ammergau. Venice : Jenson. Fcrrara : Bellfortis. ... .i.ugsburg : Schuessler, 1473. DUUANDUS ,, EOSEBIUS SOLINTJS [1474 ?] BUBCHABDUS [e. 1474.] Petrds, Comestor Suetonius Tbanquillus [1474 ?] Vabeo(M. T.) 1474. CiCEBO „ HOBATTOS FlACCUS ,, Mabtintis [Strepus] ,, MODESTUS [c. 1475.] Cyjiiiz,vs, Philoaophua... ,, NiDEB [1475?] Tacitus 1476. Cato(D.) [1476.] Cicero „ HoEATirg Flaccus „ Obositjs Philelphus 497 Speculum judiciale De evangelicn prajpfttioiio De situ et memorabilibus orbis Hystoria Friderici 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478. 1479. [c. 1480.] [1480 1] 1480. [(.-. 1481.] 1481. [post Aup., 1481.] 1481. 1482. [1482.] 1482. 1483. ScRiPTOBEs Historic August.^; [Historia scholastica.] [De Viris Illustribus.] De Iing\a Latia [Opera. — Latin . ] ... [Opera. — Latin.] ... Crononica ... De re railitari . . Speculu Sapieiitie ... [Formicariiis.] [Germania.] [Disticha de Moribus.— [Opera.— Xa;{/i.] . . . [Opera. — Latin.] . . . [Historiffi.] ... CoasoJatio ... HoRATius Flaccus AscoNixjs Pedianus ... HoRATius Flaccus Pauxus, de Sancta Maria eusebius Troous Pompeius /Ksopus ... sulpitius Lascaris (C.) ... Nonius Marcellus OviDius Naso ... Chrysoloras ... Bible. — Old Testament HoRATius Flaccus QUINTILIANUS {M. F.) ... HoRATius Flaccus HyoiNus... Paneqyrici Veteres ... Tehentius Crastonus Glanvilla (B. de) Gratianus HORATIUS FlACCUB [Opera. — Latiti.] .. [Commentaries on the orations of M. [Opera. — Latin.] ... Scrutinium scripturaru ... [Historia ecclesiastica.] ... Justini in Trogi Pompeii liistorias [Vita et fabuho.] De uersuum scansione Compendium [De Proprietate Sermonvni.] [Opera.] Vol. H [Erotomata.] [ Psalms. — Pchjolod.] [Opera. — Latin.] ... Declamationes [Opera. — Latin.] ... Poeticon Astronouiicon opus [Coniocdiae.] [Lexicon.] ... De proprietatibus reru5 ... [Decretum.] [Opera. — Latin.'] .. Strassburg : Husner atid Beckcnhub, Venice : Aurl. Venice: Jenson. Augsburg : Monastcrium ad SS. Udal- ricum et .if ram. ... Strassburg : s.t.n. Padua : Bartholomwus, de Valdczoccho. Rome: Laucr vr Ouldinbeck, Venice : Johann of Kbln, and Manthcn. Milan : Zarolus. ... Borne: Lignamine. Venice : Bartolommeo of Cremona, with Bart. di Carlo. Stroi^sburg : Ejgestein. Cologne: Quldenschaff, Borne: Qetisbcrg or Schurcncr. -Latin.] ... ... Augsburg: Sorg. Brescia : Eustace. ... Borne: Ouldinbeck. Vicenza : Lichtenatein. ... Borne : a.t.n. Milan: PhilippuSt of Lavagna, . Cicero.] Venice : Johann of K'olii, and Manthen. Venice : FHippo, di Pietro, . Mainz : Schoeffer. Mantua : SchalL Venice : Filippo, di Pietro. Milan : Honate. Borne : Plannck. Milan: Accursius. Parma : Curallua ? Vicenza : Lichtensiein, Parma : CoraUus ? Milan: Accursius. Venice : Manzolo, Venice : Luca, di Domenico, Florence : Miscomini. Venice: Batdolt. Milan: Zarotus. Venice : s.t.n. Vicenza: Bcrtochue. Nuremberg : Koberger. [1484?] 1484. 1485. [148G ?] 1486. [1487 ?] 1487. 1488. 1480. [1400 ?1 [c. 1400. J 1400. 1401. [1402 ?] 1402. [HOS/G.] 1403. Thomas, Aquinas Liturgies Cicero Albertus (L. B.) Distinctiones ... Mennicken Petrus. Comestor Puilelphus Felicianus Hobatius Flaccus OviDius Naso ... CLEftlENS V Coccius NicoLAUs, dc Auximo . Perrotus Petrus, dc Ilcrentals . Bible. [Latin.] Lascaris (C.) ... Pius II Prudentiuh Clemens . Cavalca Datus HoRATius Flaccus Regius ... SEQUENTI-ff! UUFUS (S.) IIoRATius Flaccus Hakuus llORATiifs Flaccus Basilius, Magnus Cicero ... DlOOENES [Sunnna thcolopica.] Fostum presentationis boatae Mariae [Opera. — Latin.] ... Do ro aedificatoria... Dist. exempl. vet. et noui test Epistolo karoli Scolastica historia... Epistolarum liber primus... De diuina predestinationo [Opera. — Latin.] ... [Opera.] Constitutioncs [Res Vcnota?.] Supplemontu,^ Rudimenta grammaticef ... Glcsa super iibrum psalmoru Compendium Praecopta art is rhetoricoe Opora Punpi lingua Do varijs loqufidi figuris ... [Opera. — La'in.] ... EpiHtoIa) Plynii onarrationes Te.xluR 80()nonliarutn [Dn historia Romniia.] [Episfohe.] ... I Do ainoris connribuH.] |Opora. — Latin.] ... Do studio j)ootarviin [SuppoNititiouH WorltB Vitro et sontontiffl Venice : Benaldus, of Nijmegen. Venice : Johannes and Orcgorius de Qrcgoriis, et socii. Venice : Torrcsano, Blavis and Paterbonia. Eichstdtt : Bcgscr. Venice : Bizus and Cclerius. Fhrencc : Luurcntii. Memmingtn : Kunnc. Strassburg : Rcinhard* Strassburg : s.t.n. Brescia : liritannicus. Mcmmitujin : Kunne. Milan: Zarotus. Venice: Stagnino. Venice : Bizu^. Basel : Kcslcr. Venice : Torresano, Nuremberg : Stuchs. Venice: Bubcus. Rcutlitvjen : Otmar. Strassburg : Prucsa. Vicenza : Achates. Basel: Amcrbach. Devcnter : Pafraet, Florence : Morgtani and Petri, Cologne : s.t.n. Venice : (J. Arrival.>enc. Venice : Gnh'chnus, of Piancerreto, Bcutliugcn : Grej/ff. Borne: Silbcr. Leipzig: Landshcrg. Trcvisn : Lisa. Venice: Piurius. Mugdchur\t : iJrandiss. Rhotorica ail Hcronnium-l Venire: T.Z.tOtid Quarcngiia. Vcnicr : Paaqualc. 2 I [1494 ?] Cavalca Mus^us ... Lascahis (C.) ... luciakus Niger (F.) OviDius Naso ... QUINTILIANTJS (M. F.) REnCHLINUS Bembo ... BoETHrcrs Camp ANUS Cicero 1494, 95. 1494. (1494.) 1495. ., HoHATrus Flaccus [1496.] Benedictus (A.) 1496. Brutus (J.) „ Catharlna [Benencasa] ,, Cicero ... „ ExposiTio ,, Nonius Mabcellus „ Suetonius Tkanquillus [C. 1497.] WiMPINA 1497. iEsopus ,, Balduno ,, bolzanius ,, Cassianus „ Censorinus ,, Cicero ... Crastonus ,, Datus ,, Gaquihus ,, Iamblichus „ Leonicenus ,, Maiolus ',', Pius II [c. 1498.] HoRATius Flaccus 1498. Annius ,, Bernardus 1498-99. Cicero 1498. Horatius FL.iccus ,, POLITIANUS ,, SiDONIUS ,, SOLINUS ... Statius ... 1499. C.APELLA(M. M. F.) ... ,, Cicero ... », Dio. Chrysostomus ,, FlRMICL'S MaTERNUS ... ,, Hohatius Flaccus ,, OviDius Naso ... ,, Perottus „ Persius Flaccus ,, poliphiltts Politianus Amstoteles Apicrus ... Aristoteles Catharina [Benencasa] FiCINUS ... HoBATius Flaccus Lucretius Cakus TiBULLUS Aristoteles BnscHius Cato (D.) Coccius ... Lactantius Leuwis Ovid res Naso ... Partes ... ] Philelteus a. PiCUS MlBANDULA (J. F. Sallustius Crispus WiMPINA [c. 1500.] [1500.1 1500. (1500.) 1500. s.a. \post 1476 [1498?] Bible. [Frcnch.'\ 1489. Diogenes 498 [Specchio di Croce.] De Herone et Leandro Erotemata ... [Opera.] Ars epistolandi [Ars Amatoria.] Declamationes De Verbo Mirifico ... [^tna.] De gsolatioe philosophie ... [Opera.] [Opera. — Latin.'\ ... [Epistolse : Ad Fainiliares. — LatinJ] [Opera. — Latin.] ... De bello Carolino ... Corona Aurea Dialogus [Opera. — Latin.l ... Espositio hymnoij... Nonius Marcellus Festus Porapeius Varro [Vitpe XII. Csesarum.] Oratio inuocatoria... Fabulffi Apliorismi compunctionis Institutiones Graecae grammatices De institutis cenobiorum ... De die natali [Opera. — Latin.] ... Diet ionarium Preceptoriu... De origine francoru De mysteriis Aegyptiorum De Epidemia De gradibus medicinarum Epiphy Hides in dialecticis Epistole [Epistol.T : Ars Poetica.]... Comentaria... De conteptu inondi [Opera. — Latin.] ... [Opera. — Latin] Omnia opera Poema aureum [De Mirabilibus Mundi.] ... [Opera.] [Opera.] [Tusculanje Disputationes.] [Oratio ad Ilienses, cfc.] ... Astronomicorum libri oeto [Opera. — Latin.] ... [Tristia.] Coruucopiae, . . [Satirse.] Hypnerotomachia Opera [PoUtica.] De re Coquinaria ... [Organon. — Elcyichi.] Expositio Egidii Epistole De Christiana religione .. [Epistolse.] [De renim natura.] [Opera.] [Rhetorica.] Do diue virginis Marie Psalterio. [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin.] ... De situ urbis uenetse De resurrectione dni nostri hiesu Christi. Speculum aureum [Epistolse ex Ponto.] Partes oratione;? quot sunt [Convivia.] Opusculum [Jugurtha.] De ortu sacretheologie 3. FRENCH [Vol.1.] 4, ITALIAN La uita de philosophi Florence: e.t.n. Venice : Manutius. Venice : Bcvilaqua. Deventer : Jacobus, of Breda, Venice : Tacuinus. Parma : Ugoletua. Basel : Atnerhach. Venice : Manutius. Nuremberg : Koherger. Rome : Silber. 3.1. ett.n. Venice : Bevilaqua. Venice : Pincius for Fontana. Venice : Manutius. Venice : Tacuinus. Brescia : Misinta. Venice : Pinciits. Reutlingen : Oreyff. Venice : Pincius. Vetiice : Bevilaqua. Leipzig : Landsberg. Reggio d^ Emilia : Bertochus. Strassburg : Reinhard. Venice : Manutius. Basel: Amerback. Bologna : Faelli. Nuremberg : Koherger. Venice : Manutius. Leipzig : Stoeckel. Paris : Bocard. Venice : Manutius. Lyons : Vingle. Leipzig : Thanner. Rome : Silber. Paris : Le Noir. Reggio d'Emilia : Bazaleriis Strassburg ; Reinhard. Venice Aluisius. Venice Manutius. Milan : U. Scinzenzeler. Brescia : Britannicus. Venice Quarengiis. Viccnza : Ca Zeno. Venice Zanis. Venice Vitalibtts. Venice Manutius. Lyons : Wolf. i Venice : Tacuinus. Venice : Manutius. Lyons : Wolf. Venice : Manutius. Brescia : Misinta. . Paris : Petit. Venice : Vitalihus. Venice : Torresatio. Venice : Manutius. Venice : Otinus de Luna. Paris : Philippe for Regnault. Venice : Manutius. Venice : Tacuinus. Leipzig : Thanner. Paris : Denidel. Venice : Damianus. s.l. et t.n. Memmingen : Kunne. s.l. et t.n. s.l. et t.n. Casal di San Vaso : Corsiono. 8.1. et t.n. Leipzig : Landsberg. Leipzig : Thanner. Paris : Virard. Florence : Carlo and Buonaccorsi, APPENDIX III BOOKS PRINTED BY CONTINENTAL PRINTERS UP TO 1550 Academia Veneta. See under Manutius. Accnrsius (Bonus). Milan. 1480. Lascabis (C). Compendium. 1481. Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Poly- glott.] [c. 1493.] Chalcondylas. [Eroteniata.] Or. Achates (Leonardus). Vicenza. 1489. Lascaris (C. ). Compendium. [1489 ?] Hept ovofiaTos Kat ^-ij/xaTos. Adam, of Ammergau. Venice. 1472. CiCEKO. [Orationes. — Latin.] Aldus, Romanvs. See Manutius (A. P.). Alopa (Lorenzo di Francesco di). See Lorenzo, di Francesco. Alopecins (Hero). Cologne. 1526. FuLGENTius, Saint. Opera. Aluisius (Joannes). Venice. 1498. HoRATnJS Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Ambergan (Adam do). See Adam, 0/ Ammergau. Amerbach (Johann von). Basel. [1490?] Pius II. Praocepta artis rhetoricae. (1494.) Redchlinus. Do Verbo Mirifico. 1497. Cassianus. De institutis cenobioniin. Andreas, Galium. See Bell/ortis (A.). Angelicas. .See L'Angclier. Anshelm (Thomas), [iai. Thomas AnshelmuaBadensia.] Hagenau. 1519. Reuculinus. Sconica progyrana-smata. Arigis (Leonardus de). Florence. 1499. PoLiTiANirs. Opera. Arnoallet (Balthazard) & Barbou (Jean), Jliritiers de. Lyons. 1543. JnsTiNiANUs I. [Institutiones.] ,, [Selections.] Arrivabene (Cesarc). {Ijil. Cacsarus Arrivabenus.] Venice. 1517. Savonakola. Expositioes in Psalmos. 1518. Hoccacoio. [Amorosa Fiammotta.] Airivabene (Ciiorgio). [Lai. Georgius Arrivabenus.] Venice. 1400. HoHATiua Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Arrivabenus. See Arrivabono. Ascensius (Jodocus Badius). See Bade. Asulanus (Antoniua Bladus). See Bladus. Augereau (Antoine) [L De liberalibus studiis. »» De moribuy. ., De quatuor virtutibus moralibus. .. De remedii.s fortuitorum. [1543.] De tranquillitate \ntse. De vita beata. (1543.) Epistolse Senecae & Pauli. [1649.] CioEEO. Questions tusculanes. Corallus (Stephanus). [i.e., Etienne Coral.] Parma. [De Proprietate Ser- 1480. Nonius M.arcellus. raonvm.] [c. 1481.] Chrysoloras. [Erotemata.] Corsiono (Antonius de). Cas.vl di San Vaso. [post 1476.] Philelphus. [Convivia.] Costantini (Baldassar di). Venice. 1543. PosTEL. Libro de magistrati degli Atheniesi. Cratandei (Andreas), [i.e., Andreas Hartmann.] Basel. 1520. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1523. Alciatus. Paradoxorum lib. VI. 1524. Theophvlactus. In quatuor Evangelia. 1526. PiNDAHUs. Olympia, etc. 1528. [Another ed.] 1529. Epiphanius. De Prophetarum vita. 1531. Epictetus. [Enchiridion.] Or. Theophrastus. [Characteres.] Or. «(. Petrua Groraorsus.] Paris. 1528. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. ^ — Latin.] [1538.] PosTEL. Grammatica Arabica. 1542. Terentius. Comoediae. 1543. PcsTEL. Alcorani et Evangelistarum eo- cordise. [1643.] De orbis lerrao eoncordia. 1543. De rationilnis Spiritussancti. Sacrarum apodixeon. Grueninger (Johann). See Reinliard. Gryphius (Alexander). 1584. Camili.o. Venice. L'opero. Gryphius (Antonius). 1504. OviDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. 1665. Fehronus. In consuetudines sium. 16G6. Horatius Flaccus. 1567. t 1669. Bible. ^Now Testament. DicTYs. De hollo Troiano 1573. Du Vebdier. La prosopographie. 1674. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] ' 1575, 74. AusoNiUB. Opera, LvON.s. L]* Burdigalon - [Opera. — Latin.] t [Latin.] 1575. QuiUTiLiANUs (M. F.). Inslitutionum ora- toriarum libri. 1676. Tacitus. [Opera.] 1581. Seneca. Tragoediae. ViDA. Opera. 1582. Ca:sar. Commentarii. ,, Cicero. [Orationes. — Latin.] Vol. I.f 1585. Crinitus. De honesta disciplina. Lipsins. Ad annates C. Taeiti. 1580. CiCEKO. [Orationes. — Latin.] 1587. Seneca. Tragoediae. 1588. OviDius Naso. [Metamorphoses.] 1598. Lipsrus. Ad annalcs C. Taeiti. Gryphius (Franciscus). Paris. [post 1531.] Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1534. [Orationes : Phihppica;.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Licinio.] ,, Latomus. Oratio de studiis humanitatis. 1535. Cicero. [Orationes : Pro Milone.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Murena.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Roscio Amerino.] ,, Latomus. Oratio de laudibus eloquentias. 1536. CicEBO. [Orationes : Pro Lege Manilla.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Ligario.] ,. [Orationes : Pro Mareello.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Rege Dciotaro.] 1537. [Orationes : In Pisonem.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Milone.] [Orationes : Pro Quintio.] ,. [Orationes : Pro Roscio Amerino.] ,, Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1638. Cicero. [De Partitiono Oratoria.] ,, [Orationes. — Latin.] ,, [Orationes ; In Veirem.] ,. [Orationes : " ,. [Orationes : [Orationes : ,, [Orationes : ,. [Paradoxa.] 1539. Cicero. [Cato Major, [De Republica : Pro Cielio." Pro Cluentio.] Pro Murena.] Pro Sestio.] [Opera. 1538-40.] [Opera, 1538-40.] Soinniurn Scipionis.] [Opera. 1538-40.] ,. [Lwlius.] [Opera. 1538-40.] „ [Topica.] „ Quintilianus (M. F.). Oratoriaruin insti- tutionuni libri. Valla (L. ). De linguae Latinao elegantia, 1540. Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.] Cicero. [De Officiis.] [Opera, 1538-40.] Gryphius (F.). Lexicon Graecolatinum. Latomus. Oratio XXV. die oetobris. 1641. Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.] „ Cicero. [Epistolto : Ad Familiares. — Latin.] 1542. Bible. [Latin.] ,, Cicero. [Do Finibus.] Terentius. Comoediae. 1643. Beroaldus. Elegia do forluna. „ Ciceko. [Orationes : PhilippioiB.] .. [Tusculanic Disputationos.] 1544. [Opera.— Z.a/»i.] ,, [De Oratore.] 1545. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] JuvENALis. [Satiric. — Latin.] n.a. Cicero. [Orationes : Pro Quintio.] ,. [Orationes : Pro Roscio Amerino.] Gryphius (Joannes). Venice. 1546. Aristotbles. [Rhetorica.] ,, Orationi. Orationi diverse. 1547. ZiNUS. De philosophi«' laudibu.**. 1548. Abistophanhs. (Opera. — drerk.] [1548 ?] Cjl-^SAU. Cominentariornni libri \'11I. 1548. LORITUS. In C. J. Caesarts connnentarios, 1549. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1566. Sallustius CniaruH. [Opera. — Italian.] 1559. Ocellus. Do universi natura. 1573. (iKLLit'H. N'ocloH Alticac. 1574. Havisuih. Cornucopiao epitome. ,, Oflicina. 1675. Horatius Flaoous. [Opera. — Latin.] 1676. Navius. Panegyrioi diversonim. 1684. Hobatios Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.} • Not in Baudrler, VIII. t Detcrlptlon not given in Uaudrler, VIII. Lyons. Hebraicarum [1529 ?] 1529. 1530. Oiyphius (Sebastianua). s.a. Lord's Pkayek.* 1528. Athanasius. Opusculum in Psalmos „ Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.— ia(in.l CYPRIAN0S, Saint. [Opera.] „ Ehasmxts. [De Recta Latini Grsecique Ser- monis Pronuntiatione.] [Epistote.] [1528 ?] [Moriae Encomium.] 1528. JosEPHUs. Opera quadam. LuciANUs. [Opera.] Maeletus. Orationes duae Paqninus. Institutionum abbre\iatio. PoLiTiANTJS. Openun tomus primus. 1529. Cicero. [Opera.— La Prima super digesto veteri. >• Prima super infortiato. . r'A , 7; Repertorium in lecturas Jasonis. 1531. BoviLLHs. De laude Hicnisalera. CATtTLLtrs. [Carmina.] Erasmus. [Apophthegmata.] * .. [De Copia Verborum.] • [De Recta Latini Gripcique Sermonis Pronuntiatione.] ,, HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera.— La/in.] » „ Plinrts C^ciLius Secundus. [Opera ] „ QuiNTinANus (H. F.). Institutionum' era- toriarum libri.f Steuchus. Veteris Testamenti reeognitio. 1532-33. Alamanni. Opere toscane. 1632. Alciatus. Ad rescripta principum. '• Paradoxorum libri sex.* Bembo. [Opere.] CnspiDius. Testamentum. „ rERRARrus(J.). Adnotationes in Justiniani libros. „ Geluus. Noctes Atticae. „ Hippocrates. [Opera.] ., Leonicds Thom^ds. De varia historia. .» Dialogi. Macbobius. In somnimn Scipionis. SuETONixTs Tranquillus. [Vita! Cjesarum.] ,. Valla (L.). Lucubrationes aliquot 1533. yELiANUs (C). Ex Aeliani historia. „ AcvERGNE. Aresta amorum. ,, Beraldits. De vetere ao novitia prudentia. „ Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.— La(in.] f " " " Enchiridion Psalmorum. „ Erasmus. [Epitome in Elegantias L. Valise.] Perrotus. Ad Galli formulara. ,. PoLiTiANUS. Opera. „ RuTinus Lupus. De figuris sententiarum. „ Sadoletus. De liberis recte instituendis. „ Steuchus. In Psalmum XVIII. et CXXXVIII. „ Theodorettjs. Explanationes in Duodecim Prophetas. 1634. Bebaldus. Dialogus. So6 XII. juris- 1534. Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.- Lah'n.] J. Sadoleti in Psalmum XCIII. • • Enchiridion Psalmorum. ,, BucOLDiANUS. De inventione oratoria. ,, C.5:sAR. Commentarii. [1534.] DoLET(fi.). Orationes duae in Tholosam. 1534. Ebasmus. [Apophthegmata.] [De Conscribendis Epistolis.] Flobenoe. — Nova Academia Florentina. Opuscula. GELLros. Noctes Atticae. GiRARDus (C.). Do juris voluminibus re- piu-gandis. „ Hegendorphinus. Dialectic* legalia libri quinque. Lando. [Cicero Relegatus.] „ Lucretius Carus. [De rerum natura.] Marlianus. Topographia antiquae Romae. Martialis. Epigraramaton libri XIIII. „ Melanchthon. Rhetorices elementa. ,. OviDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. II.] Riccius. Apparatus Latinae locutionis. Suetonius Tranquillus. [Vitaj XII. Ca;sarum.] ,, Tudeschis. Consilia, quaestiones et trac- tatus.* • • Repertorium commentariorum.* Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque memorabilium exempla. 1535. yEuANUS (C). Ex AeUani historia. ,. Alciatus. Paradoxorum libri sex. Bible. — New Testament. [Romans. — Latin.] BucOLDiANUS. De inventione oratoria ,. Cato(M. P.). Dererustica. [1535 or 1536.] Cicero. [Opera.— Greet.] 1535. Claudianus. Opera. DoLET(fi.). De imitatione Ciceroniana. ,. DoNATUs{^.). De octo partibus orationis * LuciANUs. [Dialogi.] Martialis. Epigrammaton libri XIIII. ,, Merula (Georgius). Priscarum vocum e'nar- rationes. „ Philander. Castigationes. Plautus. Comoediae. ,, Sadoletus. De liberis recte instituendis. Torrentinus. Dictionarium poeticum ., Varro(M. T.). De lingua Latina. 1530. Baytius. De re vestiaria. „ Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.- Laft'n.] New Testament. [Romans. — Latin.] „ Borbonius. Opu-sculum puerile. C-ESAR. Commentarii. Cicero. [Orationes. — Latin.] „ [Topica.] ,, DoLET (E.). Commentariorum linguae Latinae tomus primus. Erasmus. [De Conscribendis Epistolis.] ,. LucANUs. De bello civih. OvLDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. I. & III.] Palearius. De animorum immortalitate. ,. Py'thagoras. Litera Pythagorae Y. „ Quintilianus (M. F.). Institutionum ora- toriarum libri. QuiNTiNus. Insulae Melitae descriptio. „ RuTiLius Lupus. De figuris sententiarum. ,, Sannazaro. Opera omnia. ,, Seneca. Tragoediae. ,, Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque memorabilium exempla. ,, Valla (L.). Adeps elegantiarum. ,, ViDA. Christiados hbri .sex. » De arte poetica lib. III. VuLTEius. Epigrammatum libri duo. 1537. Alciatus. Ad rescripta principum. t> Paradoxorum libri sex. ,, AusoNius. Opuscula varia. „ Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.— Ladn 1 „ Cato(M. P.). Dererustica. ,, Catullus. [Carmina.] DoLET(fi.). De re navali. * Jfot in Baiidrier, VIII. t Description not given in Baudrier, ^^II. 507 Gryphius (Sebastianua). — {contd.) 1537. Flobidus. Apologia in Plauti calumniatores. Gellius, Noctes Atticae. Gbatius, Faliscua. Do venatione. Platjtxjs. Conioodiae. PoLiTiANUs. Opera. Pbimasittb. In omnos D. Pauli epistolas. RossELETTUS. Epigrammata. SOLINTJS. Polyhistor. StJETONITTS Tk.anquillus. [Vitss XII. CsDsarum.] 1638. AuvERGNE. Aresta araoruni. BORBONitrs. Nugarum libri octo. Brcnfels. Do disciplina.* C.s;sAR. Commentarii. C.s;sARiU3. Dialcetica. Cato (D.). [Disticha do Moribu-s. — Latin.] * Cicero. [De Partitione Oraloria.] DoLET(fi.). Carminum libri quatuor. Comraentariorum linguae Latinaetomua secundus. DONATUS {JE.). Methodu.'i.* DtrcHERius. Epigrainmaton libii duo. Erasmus. [Colloquia.] Hermogenes. De arte rliotorica. Lord's Pbaver. LORiTUs. In C. J. Caesaria commentarios, Macrobius. In somnium Scipionis. Mauritius. Utilissima repetitio legis. Merula (Gaudentius). Do Gallorum anti- quitate. Nemesius. De natura hominis. QlTINTiLiANUS (M. F.). Institutionum ora- toriarum libri. Sadoletus. Do laudibus philosophise. SoLiNUs. Polyhistor. TORRENTINUS. Dictionarium poeticum. Trogus Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii historiia libri XLIIII. Valla (L.). De linguae Latinoo elegantia. ViRGiLius Maro. Opera, t 1639. Aretinus. Rerum suo tempore in Italia gestarum comniontarius. Bayfius. De vasculis. C^SARIDS. Rhetorica. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] Erasmus. [Colloquia.] * [De Copia Verborum.] EsTiENNE (C). Do re hortesi. Gellius. Noctea Atticae. JoSEPHUS. Omnia opera. Lccanus. De bello civili. Martialis. Epigrammaton libri XIIII. OviDrtrs Naso. [Opera. Vol. I.] • Pliniub C^cilius Secundus. [Opera.] PoLiTiANus. Opera. Prosper. Opera. ScAHGEH (J. C). De comicis dimon- eionibus. Heroes. Secundus. Basia. Suetonius Tranquillus. [Vitse XII. Cicsarum.] ,, VoLUSENUs. Commentatio quaedam theo- logica. 1640. AnsoNius. Opuscula varia. ,, Bayfius. De re navali. ,, Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] ,. Cssar. Commentarii. Camerabius, the Elder. In M. T. Ciceronem annotationes. ,, Cato(D.). [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin.] ,, CicEBO. [De Oratore.] ,, [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Horenniura.] * ,, Euripides. Hecuba & Iphigcnia in Aulido. ,, GovEANUS. Epigrammata. ,, Lucretius Carus. De rerum natura. ,, Melanchthon. Do anims. ,, Orammatices Latinae elementa. 1640. OviDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. II.] Plautus. Comoediae. Quintilianus (M. F.). Institutionum ora- toriarum libri. Sannazaro. Opera omnia. SuALiGER (J. C. ). Decausis linguae Latinae. Steuchus. De perenni philosophia. Terentius. Comoediae. t ToRRENTiNUS. Diotionarium poeticum. Valla {L. ). Elegantiarurn Latinae linguae libri SOX. Victorius. Explicationessuarum in Cicero- nem castigationum. 1541. Apicius. De re culinaria. Aristoteles. [Rhetorica.] f ,, BoEMUs. Mores omnium gentium. Cato (M. P.). De re rustiea. ,, Cicero. [Orationes. — Laftn.] Tom. II.-III. ,, Cicero. [De Natura Deorum.] ,. [Topica.] ,, Columella. De re nistica. ,, CuRTius RuFUS. De rebus gestis Alexandri. ,, Diogenes. Do vita philosophorum. „ Erasmus. [Opera.] f ,» [Adagia.] „ Ferrettus. In C. Taciti annalium libro.'f. ,, Geoponica. „ GuiNTERius. Anatomicarum institutionum libri IIII. „ HoMERUS. [Opera. — Latin.] „ JuvEN.iLis. [Satirae. — Latin.] ,, Lactantius. Divinarum institutionum libri ,, septem. ,, LiNACRE. De emendata .structura Latini sermonis.* ,, Rudimenta grammatices.* ,, Melakchthon. Moralis philosophiae epi- tome. ,, Rhetorices elementa. ,, MosELLANUS. In Quintiliani institutiones, ,, Palladius. Do re rustiea. ,, Ravisius. Cornucopiae epitome. „ Officinao epitome. ,i Rivius. In Andriam Terentii.* „ Sadoletus. De obitu F. Fregosii. ,, SENTENTi.fi. Sententiic ex poetis Latinis.f ,, Spiegel. Lexicon juris civilis. ,, STREB.EUS. Do olectiono verborum. t „ Terentius. Comoediae. ,, Valerius Maximus. Dictorum faotorumquo memorabilium exompla. ,, ViuA. Opera. 1542. Adbianus [Castellensis]. Do Sermone Latino. ,, Alciatus. De verborum significatione.t „ Bible. [Latin.] Libri Rogura IIII., etc. ,, Old Testament. [Hagiographa. — Latin.] ,, [Psalms. — Latin.] rr [Prophets. — Latin.] ,, New Testament. [Matthew. — Latin.] „ [Luke. — Latin.] ,, [John. — Latin.] ,, BuD.«us. De asse. „ Catullus. [Carmina.] „ Celsus (A. C). Do re modica. „ Cicero. [Epistola; : Ad Familiaroe : Ap- pendix.] ,, Erasmus. [Collo([uia.] ,, [Perogrinatio Apostolorum Petri ot Pauli.] ,, Febbarius (J.). Adnotationesin Justiniani librOH.* ,, Commontariu8...De appollationibus. ,, Geluus. Noctcs Atticae. ,, Herodotus. [Opera.] ,, Horapollo. Do hioroglyphicis notis. ,, HoRATius Flaccus. [O^K'ra. — Latin.] f ,, Leonicus Thomjeus. Dialogi. „ Lrvius. [Historia.] Not In Baudrler, Vlll. t Deiorlptlon Dot givon fn Uaudrler, VIII. So8 Gryphius (Sebastianus). — (contd.) 1542. Livius. [Epitome.] „ LoNGOLius. Lucubrationes. ,, LoRioTUs. De gradibus aESnitatis. ,, LoRiTUs. In T. Livium annotationes. ,, Macrobius. In somnium Scipionis. ,, Maktialis. Epigrammaton libri XIIII. ,, Melanl'Hthon, De anima. „ MosELLANUs. In A. Gellii noctes Atticas. MuKMELLins. Tabiilarum opuscula tria.* Plinitts C^ecilius Secundus. [Opera.] ,, Pldtakchtjs. [Moralia.] ,, PoLYBius. Historiarura libri quinque. ,. Rhenanus. In P. C. Taciturn. „ Rhenanus & Gelentos. In T. Livium. ,, RuTiLius Lupus. De figuris sententiarum. „ Stubmius. De amissa dicendi ratione. ,, Taboetius. Actionum forensium liber secundui?. ,, Tacitus. [Opera.] „ Teoqus Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii historii.? libri XLIIII. ,, Valla (L. ). Lucubrationes aliquot. ,, ViCTORius. Explieationes suarum in Cato- nem castigationum. ViTES. Linguae Latinae exercitatio. 1.543. Alciatus. Paradoxorum libri sox. [I54S ?] Aristoteles. [Organon.] Dialectica. 1543. Baduellus. De morte Christi. ,, Bablandus. Dialogi. „ Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.} „ CicEBO. [Epistote.] ,, Clenardus. lustitutioues in Graeeam lin- guam. f Meditationes Graecanicae. ,, Crinitus. De honesta disciplina. ,. Hippocrates. [Opera.] IsocR.\TE9. [Orationes Seleetfe.] ,, Lactantius. Divinarum institutionum libri septem. ,. Plato. [Supposititious Works.] ,. Sadoletus. De laudibus philosopliiae. Tboous Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii historiis libri XLIIII. ,. VoLUSENus. De animi tranquillitate. 1544. Achilles Tatius. Narrationis amatoria;i f ragmen turn. .(Esopus. Fabulae.f Aoustin. Emendationun^ libri quatuor. Aristoteles. [Rhctorica.] Baduellus. De officio. >> De ratione vita? studiosse. Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.] .. [Matthew. — Latin.] [Mark. — Latin.] .. — [Acts. — Latin.] • [Epistles. — Latin.] D. Erasmi paraphrnsis. „ [Sadoletus.] Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] * „ CypRiANUs, Saint. [Opera.] ,, Erasmus. [Apophthegmata.] „ Forcatulus. Necyomantia. ,, Grammatica Latina.* ,, Guilliaudus. CoUatio in omnes divi Pauli epistolas. >, In canonicas Apostolorum epistolas. M.4JORAOIUS. Decisiones XXV. .; Phbeislebius. E Divi Justiniani institu- tionibus erotemata.t ,, QuiNTiLiANCS (M. F.). Institutionum ora- toriarum libri. ,, Sabunde. De natura hominis. Suetonius Tranquillus. [Vitas XII. C.'Bsarum.] ,, Valla (L. ). Elegantiarum Latinae linguae libri sex. 1545. Aristoteles. [De Anima.] * ,, [DeCoelo.] <• [Rhetorica.] f ,, C.a:sAR. Commentarii. 1545. Cabdanus (H.). Liber de iramortalitate. Cicero. [De Partitione Oratoria.] [Epistolae.] [Orationes. — Latin.] Vol. I. [Topica.] Hobatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Opera. Poemata omnia. Oldendorpius. Loci communes juris civilis. OviDius Naso. [Opera.] PoijTiANUs. Opera. Tom. II. Sallustius Ceispds. [Opera. — Latin.] Taueellus. Ad Galium enarrationes. Terentius. Comoediae.* 1546. Abistoteles. [De Anima.] • [De Generatione et Corruptione.] [Meteorologica.] [Parva Naturalia.] [Physica.] Aktemidorus. Do somniorum interpre- tatione. AuvERaNE. Aresta amorum. BuD.«us. Aimotationes in Pandectarum libros. CssAK. Commentarii.* C^SABTUS. Rhetorica. Catullus. [Carmina.] Cicero. [Opera.— iafin.] [EpLstolas.] [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Herennium.] Diogenes. De vita pliilosophorum. Erasmlts. [Preeationes.]t Eebrarius (J.). Ad titulum Pandectarum de Reg. Juris. Flobebellus. Liber de autoritate ecclesise. Gellius. Noctes Atticac. Imbertus. Institutionum forensium libri quatuor. JosEPHUs. Omnia opera. LoRiTUs. In C. J. Caesaris comraentarios. LucANUs. De bello civili. Lucbetius Cabus. De rerum natura. Majoraoius. Antiparadoxon libri sex. Martialis. Epigrammaton libri XIIII. OviDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. I.-II.] PoLiTiANus. Opera. Tom.- III. Sallustius Cbispus. [Opera. — Latin.'\ Teeentius. Comoediae. Troous Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii hiistoriis libri XXXXIIII. Verqilius. De rerum inventoribus. 1547. Alciatus. Ad reseripta principum. llapep^uiv juris libri VII. posteriores. Aristoteles. [Organon.] Dialectica. AxioMATA. Axiomata legimi. Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.] [Epistles. — Latin.] CssAK. Commentariorum libri VIII. Cicero. [Epistolte : Ad Familiares. — Latin.] [Orationes. — Latin.] CoRDERius. De corrupt! sermonis emen- datione. CuRTius RuFus. De rebus gestis Alesandri. Erasmus. [Apophthegmata.] Georoius. Trapeztmtins. Rhetoricorum libri quinque. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] * OviDius Naso. [Opera.] Vol. I.-II. Plautus. Comoediae. Plinius Cj:cilius Secundus. [Opera.] Sallustius Cbispus. [Opera. — Latin.] Sannazaro. Opera omnia. Seneca. Tragoediae. SiLins iTALicus. De bello Punico. Statius. [Opera.] Steuohus. Contra L. Vallam. De aqua in urbem revocanda. Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumq. raemorabihum exerapla. ViDA. Opera. • Not in Baudrier, VIII. t Description not given in Baudrier, VIII, 509 Gryphins (Sebastianus). — (cotdd.) 1G47. VntoiLius Mako. Opera.' l.')48. Adkianus [Castellensis]. De sermone Latino. „ .^sopus. Fabulae. », AxciATUS. nape^7(j;i' juris libri tres priores. ,, Rcliqua opera. ,, Balduinus. In Justiniani novellas. ,, Catullus. [Carmina.] Cicero. [Opera. — Lat!n.'\ [Epistolte.] ,, [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Herennium.] ,, Claudianus. Opera. ,, CLENAKDU.S. Institutiooes in Graecani lin- guam. ,, Meditationcs Graecanicae. ,, Columella. De re rustica. „ CuKTius RuFus. De rebus gestisAlexandri. Erasmus. [Apophthegmata.] ,, Flaminius. Carminuin libri duo. ,, HoTOMANUS. In tractatum de actionibus. ,, LiNACRB. De emendata structura I.atini sermonis. ., Rudimenta grammatices. „ Lmus. [Historia.] t, [Epitome.] „ Lucretius Carus. De rerum natura. ,, Macrobius. In somnium Scipionis. ,, Paschalius. Adversus J. Maulii parricidos actio. ,, PoLYBius. Historiaruin libri (juinque. Sallustius Cbispus. [Opera. — Laliti.] ,, Seneca. Tragoediao. Suetonius Tbanquillus. [Vitae XII. Cajsarum.] f „ Trocus Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii hi.storiis libri XXXXIIII. ,, Valerius Flacous. Argonautica. „ ViDA. Opera. ,, Vibgilius Maro. Opera.* 1549. AusoNius. Opuscula varia. ., Bible. — New Testament. [Latin.'] ,, [Epistles. — Laliti.] ,, CssAR. Commentarii. ,, Cato (M. P.). De ro i-ustica. ., Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] I6mo. ., (Another ed.] 8vo. ,, [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Herennium.] ,, CoRRoy. Pandecta. Donatus {JE). Methodus. Merula (Georgius). Enarrationes vocuni priscarura. ,, Palladius. De re rustica. ,, Plautus. Comocdiae. Plutarchus. [Moralia.] QuiNTiLiANUs (M. F.). In.stitutionum ora- toriarum libri. „ Sallustius Cbispus. [Opera. — Latin.] ,, Sannazaro. Opera omnia. ,, Spiegel. Lexicon juris civilis. TerentU'h. Comoediac. BiBLf;. [Lah'n.] Old Testament. [Job. — Spanish.] Apocrypha. [Ecclosioiiticus.] BUD./EU8. Do asso. Cato (D.). [Disticha de Moribus. — /.a(m.] Cicero. [Epistola; : Ad Familiaros. — Latin.] [Orationes. — Latin.] Tom. I. CypBiANUs, Saint. [Opera.] Erasmus. [Adagia.] Adagiorum (epitome. [Apophllu'ginata.] [Do ('opia \'i*rbnruin.l Forestus. In elhioa .\ristotolis. In quintvim ethicorum Arislotolin. In occonomica Arislotelis. FbaciijEus. Latina & rccons comocdia. Gellixts. Noctes Atticoe. LuoiANUB, [Dialog!.] • Not In Baudrler, VIII. 1550. 1550. Macrobius. In somnium Scipionis. ,, PoLiTiANUS. Operum tomus primus. ,, Sadoletus. Epistolarum libri sexdccim. ,, Sophocles. [Opera. — Latin.] ,, Tebentius. Comoediae. „ Valerius Maximus. Dictorura factorumque memorablliuin exempla. 1551. Appianus. De civilibus Romanorum bellis. Bible. Concordantice majores. ,, New Testament. [Latin.] ,, BvDJEjja. Annotationes in Pandcctarum libros. ,, De osse. ,, Cesab. Comment ariorum libri VIII. ,, Catullus. [Carmina.] ,, Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] ,, [EpistolEB.] „ [Tusculunae Disputationes.] ,, [Supposititious Works : Rhetorica ad Herennium.] ,, CuRTIUs RuFUs. De rebus gestis Alexandri, ,, Diogenes. De vita philosophorum. ,, Erasmus, [.\pophthegmata.] ,, Herodianus. Historiae. ,, Herodotus. [Opera.] HoRATius Flaccus. [Opcra. — Latin.] LucANUS. Do bollo civili. MoRELLUS (T.). Enchiridion. ,, Phreislebius. E Divi Justiniani iiistitu- tionibus erotemata.* ,, Sallustius Cbispus. [Opcra. — Latin.] ,, SCRIPTORES HlSTORLE AUOUST.E. ,, SiLius Italicus. Do bollo I'miico. Suetonius Tranquillus. [Vitae XII. Ciesarum.] f Tacitus. [Opera.] ,, Troqus Pompeius. Justini ex Trogi Pom- peii historiis libri XXXXIIII. 16mo. ,, [Another ed.) 8vo. ,, Valerius Maximus. Dietoruni factorumque memorabiliuin exempla. ,, Xenophon. [Opera. — Latin.] 1552. Ammianus Map.cellinus. Rerum gostarum libri. ,, Antiquitates. Antiquitatum variarum autorcs. AuniANUS. De rebus gestis AlexiMlri. Baduellus. Annotationes in M. T. Cicero- nis pro Vlilone... orationes. ,, BoviLLUS. Dialogi tros. ,, Camekarius. ). ,, Thomas, Magi^ter. Per alphabotum, etc. 1522. Chrysoloras. Erotcmata. 1523. Vakinus. Dictionarium. KalUerges (Zakhariaa). Venk k. 1-199. SiMrLiciirs. [Tn Aristotelis categorias.] Or. 15(H». Ammonius, IIcrmeinu8. Genotliliocon carmen. Le Freux (Poncct). Paris. 1514. Plinius Secundus. Naturalis Iivstorim lihri XXXVH. Le Riche (Nicolas). [Lat. Nicolaus Dives.] Paris. 1G47. Alcuinus. In soptem psalmos poeniton- tisleg. Perionius. Pro Cicoronis oratore. 1518. Contarenus. D)f eloinentis. Le Riche (Nicolas) & Loys (.lean). See Loys (J.) & Ij- Riche (N.). Lescuyer (Denys). Paris. (1538.) PosTr.L. De origiiiibus. ■ l.inguurum duodocim alplmbotum. Libri (Bartolommco di). Flokbncb. 1488. UoMERUH. (Opera.— Of«t-.l 1500, Oiti'iiEUH. [Argonaulicn.] Or. Lichtenstein (Hermann). Vicbnea. [1476.) Orohius. (Hisloriiv.] 1480. OviDius Naso. [Opera.) Vol. II. S" Lichtenstein (Peter). [Lut. Petrus Lieohtensteyn.] Venice. 1506. Ueceus. Orationes. Liechtensteyn (Petrus). See Lichtenstein. Lignamine (Johannes Philippus dc). Rome. 1474. Maetinus [Stbepus]. Crononica. Lisa (Gerardus) de Flandria. Tkeviso. 1492. Haedus. [De araoris generibus.] Looatellus (Bonetus). Venice. 1605. Bonetus. Quattuor volumina. Lodoicus (Joannes). See Lojs. LoS (Jan). [ia(. Joannes Loeiua.] Antwerp. 1545. EsTiENNE (K.). Elucidarius poeticus. 1548. Suetonius Tkanqdillus. [Vitte XII. CaBsarura.] Loeius (Joannes). .See Loe (J.). Longis (Jean) & Sertenas (Vincent). Paris. 1545. Meigbet. Traite. Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa. Flokencb. 1494. Anthologia Gk^eca. [1495 ?] Euripides. [Opera. — Orcek.] 149G. ApoiiONius, Bhodius. [Argonautica.] Or. ,, LuciANUs. [Opera.] Lotter (Melchior). Leipzig. 1512. Horatius Flaccus. [EpistoUe.] [1614.] [Another ed.] 1521. [Another od.] Leys (Jean). [Lai. Joannes Lodoicus Tiletanus.] Paris. 1538. Zoroaster. JilayiKa Xo7ia. 1539. Cicero. [Do Fate] ,. Justinus. [Admouitorius geutiuni liber.] Or. ,, ToLYBius. Ex Ubro VI. historiaruin. 1540. Abatus. Pliaenomena. ,, Abistoteles. [Ethiea.] Gr. „ [Etliica.] Lot. ,, Plato. [Timieus.] 1541. Demosthenes. [Philippicae. — Greek.] 1542. CiCEBO. [De Fiuibus.] ,, Plato. [Tiniicus.] 1543. Cato (D.). [Disticha de Moribus. — Latin .). Elegantiarum libri sex. 153S. Plinixts Secundus. [Naturalis historia. Pars IV.] Index. Tirant, lo Blayich. Cavaleria. 1539. Ramberti. Delle cose de Turchi. 1540. Cicero. [Epistola? : Ad Familiares. — Latin.] ,. [Orationes. — Latin.] Vol. I. ,. Machiavelli. Historie. 1541. Abravanel. Dialogi di amore. ,, Cicero. [Opera. — Latiti.] De philosophia. ,. Ofiiciorura libri tres, etc. [Orationes. — Latin.] V^ol. II. & III. ,, FoRTUNio. Regolo grammaticali. Jovius. Commentarii dello ooso de Turchi. ,, POLITIANUS. Stanze. Tebentius. Comoediie. 1542. Barbarus. Exquisita? in Porphiriuni com- mentationes. ,. Ferrarius (H.). Eniendationes in Philip- picas Ciceronis. 1543. Alunno. Le ricchezze della lingua volgare. ,, Manutius (Ant.). Viaggi fatti da Vinetia. ,, Sanutus. Recens Lutheranarum asser- tionum oppugnatio. 1544. Cicero. [Epistolae.] ,, Sforza. Della vera tranquillity dell' animo. ,, Tebentius. L'Andria. et I'Eunucho. 1645. Abravanel. Dialogi di amore. ,, Castiulione. II libro del Cortegiano. ,, Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] [Epistolie : Ad Familiares. — Italian.] Fobtunio. Begole grammaticali. Manutius (Ant. ). Viaggi fatti da Vinetia. Manutius (P.). Lettere volgari. ,, Pabthenius (B.). Pro lingua Latina. p, Patritius. De discorsi. ,, PoLiPHiLus. Hypnerotoraachia. 1545. Biccius. De imitatione. „ RpEBONi DEGLi Alvarotti. Dialoghi. ,, Terentius. Comoedia?. ,, ViRGiLius Maro. [Opera.] 1546. Alciatus. Emblematum Ubellus. „ Ammonius, Hermeos. In quinque voces Porphyrii. ,, Bonus. Pretiosa margarita. ,, Capicius. De principiis rerura. „ Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] De philosophia. ,, Rhetoricorum libri IIII. „ [Orationes. — Latin.] „ Grifolus. M. T. Ciceronis defensiones. „ HoRATius Flaccus. [EpistolsB : Ats Pootica. — Latin.] „ Liburnio. Le occorrenze humane. „ Petrarca. [Canzoniere.] ,, Speroni DEGLI Alvabotti. Dialoghi. ,, Tebentius. Le comedie. 1547. Asconius Pedianus. Expositio in IIII. orationes M. T. Cic. ,, Cicero. [Orationes : Appendix.] „ Dolce. Didone. „ Georgius (B.). Epitome princip. Venet. 1548. Calepinus. i)ictionarium. „ Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1549. Abbavanel. Dialogi di amore. ,, .^scHiNES. Aeschinis & Demosthenis ora- tiones. f „ Demosthenes. [Philippica;. — Latin.] ,, Dolce. Giocasta. ,, Etymologicum Magnum. t ,, Pbiscianese. Argumentorum obscrvationes in Ciceronis epistolas. 1550. Anthologia Grjeca. „ Bembo. [Lettere.] Delle lettere 2° volume. ,, Bustamante Paz. Methodus ab Hippoorate observata. ,, Cicero. [Orationes. — Latin.] ,, Parisetus. Theopoeiae libri sex. ,, Speroni degli Alvarotti. Dialoghi. 1551. Aristoteles. [Opera.— (?rec<:.] [Vol I. &II.] ,, Bembo. [Historia Vencta.] „ Cicero. [Epistola?.] ,, Comes. De venatione. [1551.] Dio, Chrysostomus. Orationes LXXX.t 1651. Landi (G.). La vita di Cleopatra. ,, Manutius (P.). Lettere volgari. 1552. Abravanel. Dialogi di amore. ,, Aristoteles. [Opera. — Oreek.] [V'ol. IV.- VI.] ,, Bembo. [Lettere.] Vol. II. ,, [Prose.] ,, [Rime.] ,, Cicero. [Epistote : .-^d Famihares. — Latin.] „ [Orationes : Appendix.] ,, [Tusculanse Disputationes.] FoRTUNio. Regole grammaticali. Parisetus. De divina in hominem bene- volentia. 1553. Aristoteles. [Opera. — Oreek.] [Vol. III.] ,, Asconius Pedi.anus. Expositio in IIII. orationes M. T. Cic. ,, Bembo. [Gli Asolani.] ,, [Rime.] Carminum libellus. ,, Castiqlione. Stanze pastorali. ,, HoRATTDs Flaccus. [Epistolie : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] ,, Paulus, .^jinf(a. Opera. Straccha. De mercatura. Cataneo. Arehit«ttura. Catullus. [Carmina.] Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] ■ [Epistolae : Ad Familiares. — Latin.] Demosthenes. [Opera. — Oreek.] FuMUS. Aurea armilia. Hoeatius Flaccus. [Epistote : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] Joannes, Damaacenua. Adversvis sanctarum iraaginum oppugnatores. t Printed by F. Torresano. 1554 515 1657. Manutius (Paulus). — {contd.) 1664. Mantjtius (P.). Lettere volgare. [Lib. I.] ,, Medici (L. de'). Poesie volgari. [1654.] Oribasitjs. Collectorum medicinalium libri XVII. 1554. Synopseos libri noveni. ,, PsELLUS. [Commentarii In Aristotelem.] t ,, Rapicius. De nuiiiero oratorio. ,, Vantius. Tractatus de nullitatibus pro- cessuum. ,► Vicus. Omnium Caesarum imagines. 1556. Campeoius. De auctoritate Romani Ponti- ficis. „ Cicero. [Epistolae : Ad Atticum.] „ HoBATius FLACC0S. [Opera. — Lalin.] ,, Livius. [Historia.] ,, LONGINUS. De sublimi genera dicendi. „ MoscHOs. Idyllja. ,, SiGONius. Pro eloquentia. ,, Regum Romanorum fasti. 1556. Athenagoras. Delia risurrettione de' morti. ,, Cicero. [Orationes : Philippicae.] ,, [Orationes : Pro Sestio.] ,, Epistol.*. Epistolte clarorum vironim. ,, Manutius (P.). Lettere volgari. [Lib. II.] ,, Tre libri di lettere volgari. ,, ToMiTANO. Clonicus. Coridon. BoLZANius. Grammaticie institutiones. Demosthenes. [Opera. — Italian.] Faletti. De bello Sicambrico. LiNACRE. De emendata structura Latini sermonis. Manutius (P.). Antiquitatum Roraanarum liber de legibus. Commentarius in epistolas M. T. Ciceronis. De gli elementi. In epistolas Ciceronis ad Atticum. Odoni. Discorso. SiGONius. Emendationum libri duo. Archimedes. Opera non nulla. „ Manutius (A. P.). Grammaticanim institu- tionum libri IIII. „ Ptolemjeus (C). [Planisphaerium.] .. Vicus. Augustarum imagines. 1559. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] [Vol. II.] .. [Orationes. — Latin.] t, [Orationes : Pro Sestio.] ,, Faustus. Orationes quinque. ,, HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1569, 58. Plinius Secondus. Naturalis historine libri 37. 1660. BoLZANius. Grammatics institutiones. ,, DJOiiVsivs, Ilalicarnasseus. [De Tbucydido.] ,, Manutius (P.). Lottero volgari. ,, Vicus. In veteraimperatoruin Romanorum numismata. Cjesar. Commentarioriim libri VIII. Gabucinius. De comitiali morbo. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opero. — Latin.] Manutius (A.) Me Younger. Orthographino ratio. Sadoletus. Orationes duap. Ambrosius, Saint. De virginitafe.J ,, Baglione. L'arte del predicare. Bible. — Old Testament. [Daniel. — Latin.]X ,, Catullus. [Carmina.] Cicero. [Oroliones. — Latin.] [Vol. Ill,] ,, Gbegorius, A'y/fscnu^. De \irginitftte.J ,, Joannes, ChrysoHtomui*. [De Virginitate.] % ,» Natta. \'olumina fiufrdani. Pole. De concilio.t ,, Reformatio Angliao.J PT0LEM.t;U8 (C). (Do Analemmate.] J 1563. Beccadelli. Vita R. Poll. Bible. — Old Testament. [Song -f Solomon. — Latin.] % „ [Ezekiel. — Latin.] J 1568. 1661. 1562. 1563. Cicero. [Epistote.] Tekentius. [Comoediie.] 1564. Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] ,, HoR.\TixTS Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] „ Index Librorcm Pbohibitorum.J „ Natta. Opera. ,, Sigonius. De Rep. Athenien.sium libri. ,, Trent, Council of. Canones, et decreta.J [Another edition.] J 1565. BizzARUs. Varia opuscula. ,, Terentius. [Comosdia;.] ,, Trent, Council of. Canones. et decreta. 1566. BOLZANIUS. Grammaticaj institutiones. ,, Catullus. [Carmina.] ,, HORATius Flaccus. [Opera.. — Latin.] „ Livrus. [Historia.] Manutius (A.) the Younger. Orthogra- phiae ratio. ,, Terentius. [Comoediae.] 1567. P.ETus. De judiciaria form. J ,, Trent, Council of. Orationes, responsa, etc. 1569. Gbegorius, Nazanzenus. Due orationi. ,, Manutius (P.). Antiquitatum Romananim liber de legibus. ,, Trent, Council nf. Catechismo. 1570. Cicero. [Selections.] ,, Clenardus. Institutiones linguae Graecae. 1671. Stbeinnius. De gentib. et familiis Romano- rum. ,, Velleius Paterculus. Historiae Romanae libri II. 1572. Cabo. Rime. ,, Livius. [Historia.] ,, Manutius (P.). Commentarius in epistolas Ciceronis ad Atticum. Academia Veneta. Venice. 1658. Aristoteles. [Metaphysica.] Syrian! com- mentarius. ,, CoRRABO. Progne. „ GiRABDi. Discorso intorno alle cose della guerra. ,, Legatus. Do legato Pontificio. ,, Natt.\. De Dei loeutione. Raviglio Rosso. Historia. 1559. Or,\tiones. Orationes clarorum hominum. ,, UoONirs. De maximis Itali.T calainitatibus. Bibliotheca Aldina. [The Torrpsani.] Venick. 160'J. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1670. Sannazaro. Opera. ,, Terentius. Comoediae. 1571. Calepinus. Dictionorium. ,, Canisius. Autboritatum Sacrae Scripturne pars I. 1583. OviDius Naso. [Epistoiro Heroiduin.] 1587. Venice. Patriarchate of. Conslitutiones. 1589. Mesue. I libri do i somplici purgativi. Manutius (Aldus) the Younger. Venice. 1574-75. Cabo. De Io lettere faiiiiliari volume. 1675. C.nsAR. Commentarii. ,, CiOFANUS. In P. Ovidii Na.sonis motamor- pbosin. Ferrarius (O.). De sermonibus exotericis. ,, Manutius (A. ) f/if yotoijpr. Epitomeortho- graphiae. MuRETU."!. Orationes XXIII. 1576. Bacci. Del Tevero. C^sAR. Commentarii. Calepinxis. Diclionarium. ,, HOBATIUS Flaccus. (Epistolir : Ars Pootica. — Latin.] ,, Manutius (A.) the Younger. De quoesitiB per opistolam. NizoLius, Tbcsaurus Cicoronianus. 1578. Bei.landa. Vinggin spirituolo. ., Kkasmus. [Adagia.] 1680. Manutius (P.). Epistolorum libri XIT. \*nujii.irs Mabo. iOpern.] 1581. Cessorinus. Do clio natali. ,, Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] [Tom. X.] t Printed by F. Torreiono. i rrinlod In Rnme. Si6 Manntius (Aldus) Ihe Youn(peTaL. PsELLUS. [Opera.] 1541. Alexander, Aphrodisaeus. Problomata. ,. ApoLLONrus, Bhodius. [Argonautica.] Gr. ,, Aristoteles. [De Mundo.] ,, [Poetica.] Cassius. De animalibus. ,, HosiERUS. [Odyssea. — Oreek.] ,. Psellus. [Opera.] Nicolini da Sabbio. See Sabbio. Novaria (Bernardinus de). See Rizus (B.). Novimagio (Reynaldus de). See Rcnaldus, of Nij- tncgcii. Nudus (Guilielmus). See Le Nu. Ocellus (Erhardus). See Oeglin (E.). Oeglin (Erhard). [in(. Erhardus Ocellus.] Augsburg. 1507. Tritonius. Harmonic super odis Horatii. Officina Erasmiana. See Valgrisi (V.). Olpe (Johann Bergmann von). See Bergmann von Olpe. Oporinus (Joannes), [i.e., Johann Herbster.] Basel. 1539. DiODORUS. Historiarum liljri aliquot. 1541. Theon (JE.). E.xcrcitatione.9. 1543. PosTEL. De magLstratibus Atbeniensium. 1544. Bettjleius. In Ciceronis libros de ofiiciis. ,, Curio. Pasquillorum tomi duo. 1546. Lycophron. [Alexandra.] Gr. 1547. Cognatus. Qujedam opuscula. LuciANTJs. [Dialogi.] Postel. De nativitate Mediatoris. Otinus de Luna, Papiensin. Venice. 1500. FiciNus. De Clui^itiana religione. Otmar (.Johann). Reutlingen. 1488. Petrus. de Herentals. Glosa super librum psalmoru. Otmar (Sylvan). Augsburg. 1533. Ammianus Mabcellinus. [Res gestic.] Pafraet (Albertus). Dbventer. 1518. JloRATius Flaccus. [Epistolic. — Latin.] Pafraet (Richardus). Deventer. [c. 1490.] Phudentids Clemens. Opera. Paganino (.^lessandro). [Lat. Alexander Paganinus.] Venke. 1510. Hobatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Paganino (Alessandro), Toscolano. 1B21. UlcERO. [Supposititious Works : llhetorica ad Herennium.] ,, CocAius. Opus macaronicorutn. Hobatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] [1527 V] Dante Alighiebi. Inferno. Paganus (Thcobaldus). See Payen. Pannartz (Arnold) & Sweynheym (Conrad). See .Sweynlu-yin (C.) & Pannartz (A.). PanopUus (Agrippus) pseud. Urbs Lucebnarum, pseud. 1620. PiBOKHEIMEB. Eccius dedolntUH. Papiensis (Otinus). Sec Otinus do Luna. Papiensis (Simon). >S'« IJevilaqua (S.). Parous (Jacobus), [i.e., Jacob Kueudig.] Basel. (1510.) Cognatus. t'onsolatoria. Parmanterius (Michael). See X'armentior. Parmentier (Michel). [Lat. Michael Parmanterius.] Lyons. 1537. Vulteius. Epigrammntum libri HIT. ,, Oratio fuuebris. 5i8 Parvus. See Petit. Pasini (ilaffeo) & Bindon (Francesco). See Bindoni (F.) & Pasini (M.). Pasguale (Peregrino). Venice. 1493. Diogenes. Vita? et sententia?. Paterbonis (Mapheus de). See under Torresano (A.). Payen (Thibaud). [Lai.TheobaldusPaganus.] Lyons. 1539. Andrelinus. Disticha. 1541. Vallambertus. Epigrammaton soinnia. 1547. Ramus. [Dialecticee Institutiones.] 1550. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] Hesiodus. Opera et dies. Pederzanus (Joannes Baptista). See Pedrezzano. Pedrezzano (Oiambatista). [Lai. Joannes Baptista Pederzanus.] Venice. 1533. Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Latin.] Penet (Hector) & Petit (Nicolas). See Petit (N.) & Penet(H.). Pentius (Jacobus). Venice. 1503. Martialis. [Epigrammata.] Petit (Jean). [Lai. Joannes Parvus.] Paris. [c. 1600.] Aristoteles. [Politica.] 1503. HOR.iTins Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1505. Valla (L.). In Latinara No\n Testauienti interpretationem. 1509. Philelphus. Epistole. [1610 ?] Statius. [Sylvs.] (1511.) Beroaldds. Orationes, prelectiones. 1611. HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1513. Valerius Maximus. [Dicta et facta me- morabilia.] 1528. HOBATics Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] s.a. Cocciua. Epiatolarum libri duodecim. Petit (Nicolas). LYONS. 1639. Hippocrates. Le livre des presaiges. Petit (Nicolas) & Penet (Hector). Lyons. 1535. Coccius. Rapsodiae historiamm enneadum. Petit (Oudin). [Lat. Audoenus Parvus.] Paris. 1545. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Petreius (Joannes). Nubembeko. 1531. JusTiNiANUS I. [Novelise Constitiitiones.] 1535. Ptolem^us (C). [Quadripartitum.] Petri (Hcinrich). [La/. Henricus Petrus.] Basel. 1538. PooGio Bracciouni. Opera. 1545. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Petri (Johann) o/ Mainz & Morgiani (Lorenzo). »S'ee Morgiani (L.) & Petri (J.) o] Hainz. Petri (Philippus). See Filippo, di Pietro. Petrus (Henricus). See Petri. Philippe (Gaspard). Paris. (1500.) HoRATius Flaccus. [Epiatote. — Latin.] Philippe (Jean). Paris. 1606. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Philippus, of Lavagna. Milan. 1475. i^CRIPTORES HIST0RI.S AUGUST.*:. 1476. HoEATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Fhiroben (Johann) & Divinenr (Johann). Venice. 1519. Champier. Duelluin epistolare. Piero (Giovanni di). iS'ee Petri (J.). Pietro (Fihppo di). See FiUppo. Pincius (PhiUppus). Venice. 1492. HoBATius Flaccos. [Opera. — Latin.] 1495. [Another ed.] (1496.) Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1496. Nonius Maroellus. Nonius Marcellua Festus Porapeius Varro. 1502. Plutabchus. [Vitae Parallelse.] Plannck (Stephan). Rome. [1480 ?] SuLPiTHJS. De uersuum soansione. Platonides (Joannes Antonius de). See Benedictis (J. A.de). Platter (Thomas) & Lasius (Balthasar). See Lasius (B.) & Platter (T.). Ponte(Gotardoda). [L«(. GothardusPontious.] Milan. 1518. Caracciolo. Comedia. Ponticus (Gothardua). See Ponte (G. da). Pontremulo (Sebastianus de). See Sebastiano, di FontretnoU. Porro (Pietro Paolo). [Lat. Petrus Paulus Porrus.] Genoa. 1516. Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.— Poiy- glott.] Porta (Mauricius de). See La Porte. Portonariis (Vincent de). Lyons. 1527. Plinius Cjecilius Secundus. [Opera.] Pozzo, Segno del. See Sabbio (P. di Nicolini da) & (Z. di Nicolini da). Pratis (Nicolaus de). See Du Pr6 (N.). Prato (Galiotus a). See Du Pr& (G .) . Provost (Benoist). Paris. 1549. DioscOBIDES. Libri oeto. Priscianesi (Francesco). [Lat. Franciscus Priacianensis.] BOHS. 1542. Arnobius. Disputationum libri octo. Pruess (Johann). Strassbubg. 1489. Bible. [Latin.] 1503. Baptista. Bucolica. FuUon da Trino (Giovanni). [Lai. Joannes PuUonus.] Lyons. 1543. Lando. [Parados.si.] 1544. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1546. Sebvetus. Syruporum universa ratio. 1050. Lando. [Paradossi.] Pnllonus (Joannes). See Pullon da Trino (G.). Puteanus (Mathurinus). See Du Puys. Quarengiis (Petrus Johannis de). Venice. 1498. Statius. [Opera.] Quarengiis (Petrus Johannis de) & Z., T. See Z., T. & t^uarengiis (P. J. de). Qaentell (Heinrich), Sohne von. Coloonk. [1609 ?] HoRATius Flaccus. [Satiric. — Latin.] Quentell (Peter). Cologne. 1525. Fisher (J.). Sacri sacerdotii defensio. 1527. De veritate corporis. The " R " printer. Strassbtteo. [1470 ?] Seneca. Ad Lucillium epistole. Rabanis (Victor de) et Socii. Venice. 1538. Isocrates. [Orationes Selectae.] Rabanus (Petrus) & Sessa (Melchior or Marchio). See Sessa (M.) & Rabanus (P.). Rabanus (Petrus) et Socii, Hceredes. Venice. 1545. Chrysolobas. Erotemata. 1549. HoRATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Ragnsia (Martinus de). Naples. 1535. Lando. [Forciane Qucstioni.] 1536. [Another ed.] Ratdolt (Erhard). Venice. 1482. Hyginus. Poeticon Astronomieon opus, Rauch (Balthasar). See Lasius. Ravanis. See Rabanis. R6al (Jean). Paris. 1542. Cicero. [Epistolas : Ad Familiares. — Frtnch.] 519 Regnault (Fran9ois). (1500.) HoKATiua Flaccus. Paris. [Epiatolse. — Latin.] Regnault (Franjois), Veuve de. See Boursette (M.). Reinhard (Johann) of Grilningen. Strassbuko. 1485. Mennicken. Epistole karoii. 1497. Balduno. Aphorismi compunctionis. 1498. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Renaldus, of Nijmegen. [Lot. Reynaldus de Novi- magio.] Venice. 1483. HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Reach (Conrad). Paris. 1521. HORAPOLLO. Hieroglipliica. Rescius (Rutger). Louyain. 1531. C'LENARDUs. Institutiones in Unguam Grae- cam. ,, JoAHKES, Chrysoatomu.i. [De Orando Deum.] ,, Plato. [Leges.] Varennfus. Syntaxis linguae Graecae. HoMERUS. [Opera. — Greek.] Basilius, Magnus. Homilia de in^dia. Homilia in quadraginta martyres. LuciANUS. [Somnium.] Basilius, Magnus. Homilia ad juvenes. 1532. 1535. 1636. 1638. Rescius (Rutger) & Sturmius (Joannes). Louvain. 1629. Joannes, Chry^ostomus. [Opera.] ,, [De Sacerdotio.] 1630. LuciANXis. [De Mercede Conductin.] ,, — — [Piscator.] Rescius (Rutger) & Gravius (Bartliolomieus). Louvain. 1532. Basilius, Alagnus. Homilia in irascentes. 1533. Cotra ebriosos. ,, Lapidanus. Do non timeada morte. Reynaldus, de Novimagio. See Renaldus. Reyser (Michael). Eichstatt. [1484?] Liturgies. Festum psentatois beate Marie. Rhaw (Georg). [Lat. Georgius Rhau.] VVittenberq. 1540. Gigas. Sylvarum libri IIII. Rhomanus (Philippus). See Remain. Richard (Guillaume). Paris. 1543. Cicero. [De Republica ; Somnium Scipi- onia.] Richard (Thomas). Paris. 1548. Perionius. Pro Aristotele. 1549. Cicero. [Orationes. — Latin.] ,, EncLiDES. [Elementa.] Richel (Theodosius). 1539-43. Cicero. [L(U. Theodosius Rihelius.] Strassburo. Do Partitiono Oratoria.] Richel (Wendelin). [Lat. Wondclinus Rihelius.] Strassburo. 1539. Homerus. [.Appendix.] Vol. I. 1542. Sturmius. Luctu.s ad J. Camcrarium. 1543. De anuH.sa dicendi ratione. ,, De literarum ludi,H. 1546. Ahistoteles. [Ethica.] 1549. [Another od.| ,, Sturmius. NobiUtas litorata. 1550. /EscuiNEs. /Eschinis et Demosthenis ora- tiones. Rihelius. See Richel. Rizus (Bornardinus). Novara.] 1486. OviDius Naso. [i.e., Bernardino Rizzo da Venice. [Opera.] Rizus (Bernardinus) & Celerius (Bornardinus). Venice. 1484. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] Rizzo (Bernardino) da Novara. See Rizus. Roce(DenyB). Paris. 1603. HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1611. [Another ed.] Roffet (Pierre), Veuve de. Paris. 1537. Bigotius. Somnium. Francois, Dauphin of Fra7ice. Diversa epigrammata. RoflBnellus (Venturinus). See Ruffinelli. Roigny (Jean de). Paris. 1533. LoNOOLius. Orationes duse. 1538. Lord's Prayer. 1540. Le Roy (L.). G. Buda?i vita. 1542. BuD^acus. Aunotationes in Pandeotarum libros. HoR-iTius Flaccits. [Satirse. — Latin.] 1549. DUPUY'HERBAULT. Tlieotimus. ,, Ramus. [Dialecticee Institutiones.] Roigny (Jean de) & Du Pr4 (Galiot). See Du Pre (G.) & Roigny (J. de). RoUand (Jacques). See Mareschal. Romain (Pliihppe). [Lat. PhiUppus Rhomanus.] Lyons. 1536. BoRBONIUs. Opuseulura puerile. ,, Horatius Flaccus. [Epistolae : Ars Poetica. — Latin.] Rosso (Giovanni). iSee Rubeus (J.). Rovilius (Gulielmus). See Roville. Roville (Guillaume). [ia(. Gulielmus Roviliua.] Lyons. 1546. Servetus. Syruporum universa ratio. 1547. Galenus. [Dq Aliraentorum Facultatibus,] 1550. Ganivetus. Amicus medicorum. Ruberia (Justiuianus de). See JustinianuB, of Rub- biera. Rubeus (Johannes), [i.e., Giovanni Rosso.] Venice. 1488. Perottus. Rudimenta gramraatices. Rubens (Johannes) & (Bernardinus). 1506. Livius. [Historia.] Ruch (Balthasar). See Lasius. Rueff (Simpert). 1524. Luscinids. Venice. auqsburo. Paris. Joci ao sales. Ruelle (Jean). 1544. Cicero. Questions tusculanes. 1546. Marot. Lea oeuvrea. 1547. Cicero [Epiatolaj : Ad Familiares. — French.] 1648. Questions tusculanes. Riiff (Simpert). See Rue£f. Ruffinelli (Voiiturino). [Lat. Venturinus Rufiinellus or Roffinellus.] VENICE. 1540. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1546. [Another ed.] Rusconibus (Georgius de). Venk e. 1512. QuiNTiLiANUS (M. F. ). Oratoriarum inslitu- tionum. Rusconibus (Joannes Franoisous do) & (Joannes An- tonius de). Venice. 1524. Faustinus Tbadocios. Do honoato appe- titu. Sabbio (Giovanni Antonio di Nicolini da). Venice. 1534. BiuLE. — New Testament. [Epistles. — Latin.] Tasso (U.). [Libro prinio do gli aniori.] 1535. ANOiiRiANUs. 'KpuToiraiyvtov. 1536. BiBU-;. — Now Testament. [Romans. — Latin.] 1539. Lascaris (C). De octo orationis partibua. Sabbio (Giovanni Antonio di Nicolini da) & FratoUi. Venice. 1628. Epictetus. [Enchiridion.] Or, 1633. Bible. — New Testament. [Epiatles. — Ontk d- Latin.] ,, Sauolitub. De liberii reote inatituendii. S20 Sabbio (Giovanni Antonio di Nicolini da) & (Pietro di Nicolini da). Venice. 1541. Epicurus. 'Oti ouof fijv {a-nv -^Sews. 1542. Blondus. De partibus ictu sectis. 1545. De memoria. Sabbio (Pietro di Nicolini da). Venice. 1538. TiEANT, lo Blanch. Cavaleria. 1549. AccARioi. Graramatica volgare. 1550. Comes. De horis. Sabbio (Pietro di Nicolini da) & Fratelli. Venice. 1550. Achilles TATros. Dell' amoro di Leucippe. * Sabbio (Pietro di Nicolini da) & (Zuanraaria di Nicolini da). Venice. 1550. Lando. [Consolatorie.] ,, [Cose d'ltalia.] ,, [Ragionamenti Familiari.] [Sferza de' Sorittori.] Sabbio (Stefano di Nicolini da). Venice. 1535. Basilius, JMagnus. Opera quondam. Sabbio (Stefano di Nicolini da). Rome. 1547. Theodobetus. Dialogi tres. Sabbio (Stefano di Nicolini da) & Fratelli. Verona. 1531. Joannes, Damascenus. Editio orthodoxse fidei. Sabbio (Zuanmaria di Nicolini da) & (Pietro di Nicolini da). See Sabbio (P. di Nicolini da) & (Z. di Nicolini da). Sabio. See Sabbio. Sabon (Sulpice). [Lo/. Sulpitius Sapidus.J Lyons. (1543.) Seneca. De divina providentia. ». De liberalibiLS studiis. ,. De nioribus. • • De quattuor virtutibus moralibus. >. De remediis fortuitorum. [1543.] De tranquillitate \ntre. De vita beata. (1543.) Epistote Seneca! & Pauli. [1549.] Cicero. Questions tusculanes. Sainte-Lncie (Pierre de). Lyons. 1539. HippocR.iTES. Le livre es presaiges. Sapidns (Sulpitius). See Sabon. Schaffner (Valentin). See Curio (V.). Schall (Johann). JLintua. 1479. Eusebius. [Historia ecelesiastica.] Scharffenberger (Mathias). Cracow. 1527. Pebsius Flaccus. Satyrarum liber. Schenck (Wolfgang). Ebfurt. 1501. Maescalcus. Orthographia. SchoeUer (Johann). Mainz. 1522. Valla (L.). Elegantiarura libri sex. Schoeffer (Peter). Mainz. 1478. PATTLXja.deSancIa Maria. Scrutinium scrip- turaru. Schuerer (Matthias). 1510. POMPONIOS LiETUS. compendium. 1511. Picns Mirandula (J. F.) tres. 1518. CuBTius RuFUS. De rebus gestis Alexandri. Schaessler (Johann). Augsbuko. 1471. Obostos. [Historiae.] 1472. Tukrecremata. In librum psalmoru. Schumann (Valentin). Leipzig. 1518. HuTTEN. Stiehologia. Strassbubg. Romans; historise Hymni heroici Schurenei (Johann). [1475 ?] Tacitus. [Germania.] BOME. • Including books bearing only the iniprint "AI segno Uol pozzo." Schussler (Johann). See Schuessler. Schwab (Johann). See Cleyn. Scinzenzeler (Heinrich) & Sebastiano, di Ponlremoli. Milan. 1493. IsocR.ATES. [Orationes.] Scinzenzeler (inrich). Milan. [c. 1493.] Ch.alcondylas. [Erotemata.] Or. 1498. SiDONTUS. Poema aureum. Scotus (Hieronymus). Venice. 1540. DoN.ATUs. De Platonicse atquB Aristotelicse pliilo'iophia; differentia. 1544. HoB.^Tius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.'] Scotus (Octavianus). Ilaredes. Venice. 1518. NiPHus. De immortalitate anime. 1520. SuiSETH. Calculator. 1521. NiPHUS. De immortalitate anime. 1525. PoMPONATius. Tractatus utillimi. Sebastiano, di Ponlremoli & Scinzenzeler (Heinrich). See Scinzenzeler (H.) & Sebastiano, di Ponlremoli. Secer (Johann). [La(. Joannes Secerius.] Haqenau. 1530. PoLYEius. Historianim libri quinq;. Segno del pozzo. See Sabbio (P. di Nicolini da) & (Z. di Nicolini da). Sertenas (Vincent) & Longis (.Jean). See Longis (J.) cfc Sertenas (V.). Sessa (Giambatista). Venice. 1504. Pius II. Hystoria. Sessa (Melchior or Marchio). Venice. 1531. Britonio. Gelosia del sole. 1534. Boccaccio. [Ameto.] Lando. [Cicero Relegatus.] 1539. Lascaris. De octo orationis partibus. Sessa (Melchior or Marchio) & Rabanus (Petrua). Venice. 1525. Bible.— Old Testament. [Psalms.— Orefi.] Signum spei. Venice. 1548. Ficinus. De vita. Silber alias Pranck (Eucharius). Rome. 1491. RuTOS(S.). [De historia Romana.] 1495. Camp anus. [Opera.] 1498. ANNrcs. Comentaria. Silvius (Simon). Paws. 1528. Brutus (M. J.). Epistola. Simone, of Lorere. Venice. 1500. Aristoteles. [Organon : Elenchl.] Ex- positio Egidii. Simoneta (Joannes Maria). Pavia. 1539. Ambrosius (T.). Introductio in Chaldaicam lingua. Soncino (Geronimo). [Lat. Hieronymus Sonoinus.] Pano. 1505. HoMERUs. [Ilias. — Latin.] Pyndari bellum Troiaiium. 1506. Maximus (P.). Opera. 1508. Constantius. CoUectaiieorum liecatostys. 1515. HoMEEUs. [Ilias. — Latin.] Pyndarus de belle Troiano. Soncino (Geronimo). RmiNi. 1524. Faustinus Tradocius. De honestu appe- titu. Sorg (Anton). Attosbtteo. 1475. Cato (D.). [Disticha de Moribus.— La(i».] Soter (Jacob). Cologne. s.a. Demosthenes. [Philippics. — Greek.] Soter (Johann). Coloqnk. 1528. BuDjsus. De asse. 1530. NiCANDER. Theriaca. Spira (Joannes de). See Johann, oj Speier. Spira (Vindelinus de). See Wendehn, of Speier. 521 I Stagnino (Bernardino). [Lat. Bernardinus dc Tridino and Bernardinus Stagninus.] Venice. 148G. HoRATius Flacccs. [Opera. — Latin.] 1536. Savonarola. Sermones. 1537. Tasso (B.). Libro terzo de gli amori. Steiner{Heinrich). [/*f(.HenricuaSteyner.] Augsburg. 1533. HoEATros Flaccus. [Epistola?. — Latin.] 1534. Ar.ciATUS. Emblemafum liber. ,. Gratius, Faliscus. De venationo. 1540. Decembrius. Politife literariae. Stophanns. See Estienne. Steyner (Henricus). See Steiner. Stoeckel (Wolfgang). Leipzig. 1497. Datus. Preceptoriu. 1502. Plinius C^cilius Seccndus. [Epi.T.). La republica. 1550. DoMENicHi. Facetie. Ypres. 1531. Ypbes. Forma subventionis pauperum. WITHOUT PLACE OR PRINTER'S NAME. 1495. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] 1519. Velevxjs. In hoc libello. etc. 1520. NiPHUs. De falsa diluvii prognosticatione. [1520 ?] Philalethes, Civis Utopienaia. De facul- tatibus Rhomanensium. [1528.] Eleutherostomus. De perfidia Romani Pontificis. 1536. HoRATirs Flaccus. [Epistolae : Ars Poetica. — Italiaii.l [c. 1540.] Alberoati. La pazzia. 1641. [Another cd.] 1544. Aristippi. Aristippia. Comedia. s.a. BoNACuBsius. Grationes. ,, BuscHius. De diue virginis Marie Psalterio. ,, Huttee. Gratio ad Christum. ,, LACTANTitrs. Do resurrectione dni nostri hiesu Christi. ,, OviDirs Naso. [Epistolae ex Ponto.] „ PiCUS MiKANDULA (J. F.). Opusculum. ,, Pabtes. Partes orationis quot sunt. APPENDIX IV TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF CONTINENTAL PRINTERS ANTWERP. Crinitus (Joannes). Dumnus (Godefridus). Goinus (Antonius). QraSeus (Jan). Keyser (Martin de). Loe (Jan). Ueteren (Jacob van). AUGSBURG. Grimm (Siegmund). Monasterium ad SS. Udalricnm et Afram. Oeglin (Erhard). Otmar'(Sylvan). RueS (Simpert). Schuessler (Johann). Sorg (Anton). Steiner (Heinrich). Wirsung (Marx). Zainer (Clunther). BASEL. Amerbacb (Johann von). Bebel (Johann). Bergmann von Olpe (.Johann). Brylinger (Nicolas). Cratander (Andreas). Hiptrdes. Curio ( V'alentinus). Episcopius (Nicolaus). Froben (Hicronymus). Froben (Joannes Erasmius). Froben (.Johann). Herwagen (Johann). Isengrin (Michael). Kesler (Nicolaus). Lamparter (Nicolaus). Lasius (Balthasar). Oporinus (Joannes). Parous (.Jacobus). Petri (Heinrich). Platter (Thomas). Walder (Joh.-inn). Westhcim (B.artholomaeus). Winter (Ruprccht). BOLOGNA. Benedictis (llieronynius de). Ilaredes. Benedictis (.Joannes Antonius do). Faelli (Benedictus Hectoris). Justinianua, oj Ruhbicra. BRESCIA. Britannicus (Angelus). Britannicus (.Facobiis). Britannicus (Ludovicus). Eustace ( ). Misinta ( Bernard! nus). CAMERINO Benedictis (Joannes Jacobus de). CASAL DI SAN VASO. Corsiono (Antonius de). CASTRES. Le Nu (Guillaume). COLOGNE. Alopecius (Hero). Cervicornus (Eucharius). Guldenschaff (Johann). Gymnich (.Johann). Quentell (Heinrich), Sohne von. Quentell (Peter). Soter (Jacob). Soter (Johann). Zel (Ulrich). CRACOW. Scharffenberger (Mathias). DEVENTER. Borne (Thcodoricus dc). Jacobus, oj Breda. Pafraet (Albortus). Pafraet (Richardus). eichstAtt. Reyser (Michael). ERFURT. Schencli (Wolfgang). FANO. Soncino ((lernnitno). FERRARA. Bellfortis (Andreas). Mazochus, Maciochus, Macciochus, or Maciochius (Joannes). FLORENCE. Arigis (LeonarduH de). Buonaccorsi (Pietro Onofrio do'). Carlo (.Jacopo di). Giunta ( Benedetto). Giunta (Bernardo). S»5 Giunta (Filippo). Eredi di. Laurentii (Nicolaus). Libri (Bartolommeo di). Lorenzo, di Francesco, di Alopa. Miscomini (Antonio). Morgiani (Lorenzo). Petri (Johann) of Mainz. Torrentino (Lorenzo). FRANKFORT. Brubach (Peter). Egenolf (Christian). FREIBURG IN THE BREISGAU. Emmeus (Joannes Faber). GENOA. Porro (Pietro Paolo). HAGENAU. Ansbelm (Thomas). Brubach (Peter). Secer (.Johann). ISSNY. Fagins (Paulus). LEIPZIG. Faber (Nicolaus). Landsberg (M.artin). Letter (Melehior). Schumann (Valentin). Stoeckel(\Volfg.ing). Thanner (Jacob). LOUVAIN. Bathenius (.l.aeobus). Gravius ( Bartholomoeus). Martens (I'ierre). Martens (Thierry). Rescius (Hutger). Sturmius (Joannes). LUCCA. Busdrago (Vinccntio). LYONS. Arnoullet (Balthazard). Barbou (Jean). Iliriticrs de. Bering (Godefroy). Bering (Marcel). Blanohard (An(oine). LYONS.— (cortW.) Bonnyn (Benoist). Campis (Jannot de). Cleyn (Johann). Constantin (Antoine). Dolet (6tienne). Fradin (Constantin). Frellon (Fran9oi3). Frellon (Jean). Gabiano (Balthazard dc) Is* of the Name. Gazeau (GuiUaume). Giunta (Jacopo). Heritiers de. Gryphius (Antonius). GryphiU3 (Sebastianus). Haredes. Harsy (Denys de). Huyon (GuiUaume). Juste (Fran9ois). Mareschal (Jacques). Millis (GuiUaume de). Minis (Jacques de). Myt (.Jacques). Parmentier (Michel). Payen (Thibaud). Penet (Hector). Petit (Nicolas). Portonariis (Vincent de). Pullon da Trino (Giovanni). Remain (Philippe). Roville (GuiUaume). Sabon (Sulpicc). Sainte-Lucie (Pierre de). Tournes (Jean de). Trechsel (Gaspar). Trechsel (Melchior). Trot (Barthelemy). Troyes (Claude de). Vincent (Antoine). Vincent (Simon). Heritiers de. Vingle (Jean de). Wolf (Nicolas). MAGDEBURG. Brandiss (Moritz). MAINZ. Behem (Franz). Schoefier (Johann). SchoeSer (Peter). MANTUA. Scball (Johanu). MARBURG. Egenolf (Christian). MEMMINGEN. Kunne (Albrccht). MILAN. Accursius (Bonus). Bebulco (Ludovicus de). Bissolus (Joannes). Honate (Benignus). Honate (Joannes Antonius). Mangius (Benedictus). 526 Philippus, 0/ Lavagna. Ponte (Gotardo da). Scinzenzeler (Hcinrich). Scinzenzeler (Ulrich). Sebastiano, di Pontremoti. Zarotus (Antonius). NAPLES. Fritiis (Antonius dc). Mayr (Sigismund). Ragusia (Martinus de). NUREMBERG. Koberger (Anton). Petreius (Joannes). Stuchs (Georg). PADUA. Bartholomseus, de Valdezoccho. PARIS. Augereau (Antoine). Bade (Conrad). Bade (Josse). Barbier (Jean Passet). Birckman (Arnold), Veuve de. Bocard (Andr6). Bogard (.Jacques). Bonnem^re (Antoine). Boursette (Madelaine), Veuve de F. RegtuniU. Calvarin (Prigent). Cbaudi^re (Claude). Chandiire (Regnauld). Chevallon (Claude). Colines (Simon de). David (Mathieu). Denidel (Antoine). Du Pre (OaUot). Du Prfe (Nicolas). Du Pays (Mathurin). Estienne (Francois) \sl of the Name. Estienne (Henri) l.s( 0/ the Name. Estienne (Robert) l.«f of the Name. Foucher (Jean). Gaultier (Jea.n). Gaultier (Pierre). Gourmont (Gilles de). Gourmont (Jean de). Gourmont (Jerosme de). Grandin (Louis). Granion (Jean). Gromors (Pierre). Gryphius (Franciscus). Guillard (Charlotte). Hamel (Richard). Hardouyn (CiiUes). Janot (Denys). L'Angelier (Arnoul). L'Angelier (Charles). La Porte (Maurice de). Le Bret (GuiUaume). Le Noir (Michel). Le Preux (Poncet). Le Riche (Nicolas). Lescuyer (Denis). Longis (.Jean). Loys (Jean). Marnef (Enguilbert de). Marnef (Jean do) 2nd of the Name. Morel (GuiUaume). Uorrhy Des Champs (Gerard). Niobar (Conrad). Edm6e Tousan.Feuve de. Petit (Jean). Petit (Oudin). PhiUppe (Gaspard). Philippe (Jean). Provost (Benoist). Rfeal (Jean). Regnault (Fran9oiB). Resch (Conrad). Richard (Ciuillaume). Richard (Thomas). Roce (Denys). RoSet (Pierre), Veuve de. Roigny (Jean de). Ruelle (Jean). Sertenas (Vincent). Silvius (Simon). Thiboust (GuiUaume). Torresano (Bernardo). Vascosan (Michel de). V^rard (Antoine). Vidoue (Pierre). Wechel (Chrestien). PARMA. Corallas (Stephanus). Ugoleto (Angelo). Ugoleto (Francesco). Viotus (Antonius). PAVIA. Simoneta (Joannes Maria). PIACENZA. Formaggiaro (Grassino) pseud POITIERS. Marnef, Freres. REGGIO D'EMILIA Bazaleriis (Bazalerius de). Bertochus (Dionysius). REUTLINGEN. Greyff (Michael). Otmar (Johann). RIMINI. Soncino (Geronimo). ROME. Bladus (Antonius) Asxilanus, Calvus (Minitius). CoUotius (Angelus). Doricus (Aloysius). Doricus (Valerius). Ducas (Demetrius). Gensberg (Johann). Guilleretus (Stephanus). Guldinbeck (Bartholomseus). Gymnasium Medicenm. KaUierges (Zakharias). Lauer (Georg). Lignamine (Johannes Phihppus de). Mazochius (Jacobus). Nanus (Hercules). ROME.— (conW.) Pannartz (Arnold). Plannck (Stcphan). Friscianesi (Francesco). Sabbio (Stef.ano di Nicolini da). Schurener (Joliann). Silber, aliati Franck (Eucharius). Sweynheym (Conrad). SEVILLE. Kromberger (Jakob). STRASSBURG. Beckenhub (.Johann). Camerlander (Jakob). Eggestein (Hcinrich). Husner (Georg). Knoblouch (Johann). Koepfel (Wolfgang). Morhart (Ulrich). Mylius (CYato). Pruess (Johann). The " R " printer. Reinhard (Johann) of Oriiningen. Richel (Thiodn.sius). Richel (Wcndelin). Schuerer (Matthias). TOSCOLANO. Faganino (Alcssandro). TOULOUSE. Colomiis (Jacques). Fame (Jean). TREVISO. Liaa (Gerardus) de Flundria. T BINGEN. Morhart (Ulrich). VENICE. Academia Veneta. Adam, o/ Ammergau. Aluisius (Joannes). Arrivabene (Cesarc). Arrivabene (Cliorgio). Aurl ([.ronluird). Bartholomffius, "/ Capo d'Istria. Bartolommeo, '/' Carlo. Bartolommeo, of Cremona. Bascarini (Xicolo). Benalius (Bernardinus). Bernardin ( ) Milanese. Bevilaqua (Simon). Bibliotheca Aldina. Bindoni (Agostino). Bindoni (Alessandro). Bindoni (Benedetto). Bindoni (Francesco). Bissolus (Joannes). Blastus (Nicolaus). Blavis (BartholomoDUS de). Bracius (Oabricl). Celerius (Bernardinus). Costantini (Baldassar di). Damianas, 0/ Oorgonzola. Divineur (Johann). Farreus (Joannes). Filippo, di Pictro. Fontana (Bcnedictus). Fontaneto (Guilielmus de). Giolito (Gabriele). Giohto (Giovanni). Giunta (Lucantonio). Gregoriis (Gregorius de). Gregoriis (Joannes de). Gryphins (Alexander). Gryphius (Joannes). Guhelmus, 0/ Piancerrcto, called Ant ma mia. Janiculo (Tolomco). Jenson (Nicolas). Johann, of Koln. Johann, 0/ Spcier. Kalherges (Zakharias). Lichtenstein (Peter). Locatellus (Bonetus). Luca, di Domenico. Mangius (Bencdictus). Manthen (.Johann). Manutius (Aldus) the Younger. Manutius (Aldus Pius). Manutius (Paulus). Manzolo (Michole). Otinus de Luna, Papiensis. Paganino (Alessandro). Pasiui (Maffeo). Pasqnale (Peregrine). Paterbonis (Mapheus de). Pedrezzano (Giambatista). Pentius (.lacobus). Phiroben (Johann). Pincius (Pliilippus). Quarengiis (Petrus Johannis de). Rabanis (Victor de) & Socii. Rabanus (Petrus). & Socii, Hcrredea. Ratdolt (Erhard). Renaldns, 0/ Nijmegen. Rizus (Bernardinus). Rubeus (Bernardinus). Rubeus (Johannes). Ruffinelli (Venturino). Rusconibus ((;eorgiu.s de). Rusconibus (Joannes Antonius do). Rusconibus (Joannes Franciscus de). Sabbio (Giovanni Antonio di Nico- lini da). & Fratelli. Sabbio (Pietro di Nicolini da). & Fratelli. Sabbio (Stefano di NicoUni da). Sabbio (Zuaumaria di Nicolini da). Scotus (Hieronymus). Scotus (Octavianus), Hceredes. Segno del pozzo. Sessa (Giambatista). Sessa (Jlelchior or Marchio). Signum spei. Simone, of Lovere. Stagnino (Bernardino). Tacuinus (Johannes). Torresano (Amlrea). & Figlivoli. Torresano (Federico). Trino di Monferrato (Comin da). Valgrisi (Vineenzo). Valvassore (Fhirio). Valvassore (Giovanni Andrea). Vitalibus (Bernardinus de). Wendelin, of Speier. Z., T. Zanetti (Bartolommeo). Zanis ( Bartholomrous de). Zoppino (Nicolo d'.^ristotile). VERONA. Sabbio (Stefano di Nicolini da) & Fratelli. VICENZA. Achates (Leonardus). Bertochus (Dionysius). Ca Zeno ( Higo de) of Sanlorso Lichtenstein (Hermann). WITTENBERG. Luflt (Johann). Rhaw (Georg). Zt)RICH. Froschsuer (Christoph). APPENDIX V BOOKS PRINTED BY OR FOR BRITISH PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS UP TO 1640 EDINBURGH. Hart (Andrew). 1620. Calderwood. Parasynagina Perthense. LONDON. Aspley (William). 1614. Peesius Flaccus. Satyr;c. Barker (Robert). See under Bishop (G.). Bellamie (John). 1629. RicHAJiDSON. The logicians schoolmaster. Berthelet (Thomas). s.a. GuLrEL.MUS, de Occam. Disputatio Inter clericum et miUtem. Bill (John). 1615. SciOFPru.s. Corona regia. 1616. DOMiNis. Suie profectionis consilimn. Bishop (George), Newbery (Ralph) & Barker (Robert). 1593, 92. Bible. [LaHn.] Boler (James). 1629. Terentius. Terence in English. 1633. May. A continuation of Lucan's historical! poem. Boyle (Richard). 1611. Cotton (P.). Anti-Coton. Butter (Nathaniel). 1612. Sheldon. The motives of R. Sheldon. 1614. Peesius Flaccus. Satyrae. Bynneman (Hcivry). 1581. AscHAM. Familiarium epistolaruju libri tres. Chapman (Lawrence). 1038. R., T. Cornehanum doliuni. Coldock (Francis). 1577. AscHAM. Apologia pro coena Dominica. 1578. Familiarium epistolarum libri trcs. 1581. [Another ed.] Cooke (William). 1636. Declaration. A briefe declaration. Cotes (Thomas). 1634. Daniel. The collection of the )ii5tory of England. 1636. Ramus. [Geoinetria.] 1638. Book of Common Prayer. Qr. D., M. [ ? M. Dawson.] 1636. Trussell. A continuation of the Collection of the history of England. Dawson (Ephraim). 1636. Trussell. A continuation of the Collection of the history of Englan-'. Day (John). 1577. Haddonus. Contra H. Osorium. Field (Richard). 1615. JuvENALis. [Satiric. — Latin.] BraJton (Richard). 1537. Bible. [Engli.sh.] H., J. [t John Haviland.] 1629. Bacon. Historic of King Henry the Seventh. Harper (Thomas). 1637. Hohatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1638. R., T. Cornehanum dolium. Hatfield (Arnold). 1603. Plutarchus. [Moralia.] Haviland (John). 1638. HoRATius Flaccus. [Carmina. etc. — Eng- lish.] Trans. Rider. ., — [Another ed] Trans. Hawkins. J., W. 1632. Ramus; [Dialectica.] Jones, Jhones or Johnes (Richard). 1696. Copley (.\.). .\ fig for fortune. Jones (Thomas). 1631. LucANUS Pharsalia. Eng. Kingston (FeUx). 1614. PERsrus Flaccus. Satyroe. 1625. F.ABNABY. Index rhetoricus. Lee (William). 1622. Du Refuge. A treatise of the court. 1638. HoBATivs Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. — Eng- lish.] Trans. Hawkins. Legate (John) tlie Youtiger. 1629. Terentius. Terence in English. Mathewes (Augustine). 1622. Du Refuue. A treatise of the court. 1631. LucANUS. Pharsalia. Eng. 1632. Stubbe. Fraus honesta. 1635. Luc anus. Pharsalia. Eng. Meredith (Christopher). 1629. Bacon. Historic of King Henry the Seventh. Middleton (Henry). 1577. AscH.AM. Apologia pro caena Dominica. 1578. Familiarium epistolarum Ubri tres. Moore (Richard). 1612. Copley (J.). Doctrinall and morall obser- vations. Moseley (Humphrey). 1638. MoRE(^VrT.). Epigrammata. Newbery (Ralph). 1586. Camden. Britannia. Sec also Bishop (G.). Norton (Bonham). 1614. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Norton (John). 1606. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1611. Casaubon. Epistola, in qua de apologia disseritur. 1612. Ad epistolam Cardinalis Perronii re- sponsio. Norton (Joyce). 1637. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] Okes (Nicolas). [Lfit. Nicolaus de Queicubus.] 1612. 0^vEN (J.) Epigrammatist. Epigrammatuxn libri decern. 528 529 Rider (Robert). 1638. HoRATius Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. — ling- lish.] Trans. Rider. S. T. 1611. Cotton (P.). Anti-Coton. S., W. 1612. Copley (J.). Doctrinall and niorall obser- vations. Seres (WiUiam). 1567. Haddonus. Luoubrationes. Sheares (William). 1635. LucANUS. Pharealia. Eng. Slater (Thomas). 1638. R., T. Comelianum dolium. Smetbwicke (John). 1633. Smith {Sir T.). The CommonweaUh of England. Sparke (Michael). 1636. Ramus. [Georaetria.] Stansby (William). 1633. Smith (.Sir T.). Tlie Comnionwealtli of England. Stephens (Philemon). 1629. Bacon. Historie of King Henry tlie Seventh. Thrale (Richard). 1632. Stubbe. Fraus honesta. Tottel (Richard). 1559. Justice of the Peace. 1574. CiLEBO. [De officiis.] Vautrollier (Thomas). 1585. Bruno. De gl'heroioi furori. Waterson (Simon). 1612. Owen (J.) Epigrammatist. Epigrammatuni libri decern. 1634. Daniel. The collection of tlio history of England. Welby (William). 1615. Juvenalis. [tiatiraj. — Latin.] Whitaker (Richard). 1037. Horatius Flaccus. [Opera. — Lalin.] 1038. Book of Common Pbayeb. Gr. Whitchurch (Edward). 1537. Bible. [Englieh.] Wight (Thomas). 1604. Glanvilla (R. de). Tractatus de Icgibus. ,, Saint German. Dialogus de fmidamenti* legum Angliae. y., R. [? Robert Young.] 1629. Bacon. Historie of King Henry the Seventh. Unknown Printers. [1583 V] Bruno. Ars reminiscendi. [1583 ?] Exphcatio triginta sigilloruin. 1584. De riiifinito universo. [1000?] Bible. [Apocrypha. — English.] [1638?] OviDins Naso. [Metamorphoses.] OXFORD. Barnes (Joseph). 1599. Bury (R. de). Philobiblon. Cripps (Henry). 1634. Barclay (.J.). Euphormionis Lusinini partes quinq3. LichBeld (John). 1630. Oxford. — University. Britannia; natalis. 1634. Barclay (J.). Euphormionis Lusinini paitos f|uinq5. Iiichfleld (Leonard) the Elder. 1635. Wake. Oratio funobris. ,, Rex Platonicus. 1637. Wbioht (Ab.). Delitia; delitiaruni. Turner (WiUiam). 1639. Heylyn. [Mi/ipo/(0(T/ios.] Webb (Wilham). 1037. Wriuht (.\li.). Delitiao delitinrura. Unknown Printer. 1013. Epithalaniia. WITHOUT PLACE OR PRINTER'S NAME 1603. Clark. Koplic unto a cortainc libcll. 2 L APPENDIX VI INDEX OF LATIN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES* AUdorpbinm ; Altorf, near Nuremberg. Amstelaedamum, Amsteldamam, Amsterodamum, Am- stolodamam ; Amaterdam. Andegavam; Angers. Antwerpia ; Antwerp. Aransio ; Orange, France. Argentina, Argentoratnm ; Strassbnrg. Ariminum ; Rimini. Augusta Taurinorum ; Turin. Augusta Trebocornm ; Strassburg. Augusta Trinobantum ; London. Augusta Vindelicorum ; Augsburg. Aurelia Allobrognm, Aoreliana ; Genera. Aureliopolis ; Geneva. Avenionum ; Avignon. Basilea Bautacorum) ; Basel. Bergomum ; Bergamo. Berleburgum ; Berleburg. Bononia ; Bologna. Bosphorus; Ocbsenfurt. Brema; Bremen. Briiua ; Brescia. Brugae (Flandrornm) ; Bruges. Brunsviga ; Brunswick. Bruxella ; Brussels. Butdigala ; Bordeaux. Cadomum ; Caen. Cameracum ; Kemberg. Camerinum ; Camerino. Campidonum ; Kempten. Cantabrigia ; Cambridge. Castra ; Castrea. CeUae; Celle. Chemnicium (Saxonum); Chemnitz. Ciza; Zcitz. Colonia (Agrippina) ; Cologne. Colonia AUobrogum ; Geneva. Conimbrica; Coimbra. Cracovia; Cracow. Cuprum Fifanorum ; Cupar, Scotland. Custrinum ; Custrin. Dantiscum ; Danzig. Daventria; Devcnter. Dessauia; Dessau. Dilinga ; Dillingen, Bavaria. Divio ; Dijon. Dordracum ; Dordrecht. Duacum; Douai. Emda; Emden. Eriordia, Erphotdia ; Erfurt. Eilanga; Erlangen. Fannm Fortnnae ; Fano. Florentia; Florence. Francofurdnm, Francofortam ad Hoenam; Frankfort on the Main. Francofurtum ad Viadram ; Frankfort on the Oder. Franekera, Franikera ; Franecker, Uolland. Friburgum Brisgoiee ; Freiburg in the Breisgau. Gauda ; Gouda, Holland. Qedannm ; Danzig. Genua: Genoa. Giessa (in Cattis); Giessen. Qraecium; Gratz. Groninga; Groningen. Haga Comitatensis, Haga Comitis ; The Hague. Hagenoa; Hagenau. Hala; Halle. Halae Saxonum, Hala Magdeboigica ; Halle on the Saale. Hala Suevorum ; Halle, Wflrttemberg. Hamburgum; Hamburg. Hardervicnm ; Harderwyck. Harlinga Frisiorum ; Harlinger. Hartberga; Harburg. Helmestadiam, Helmitadium ; Helmstedt. Herbipolis; Wflrzburg. Hildesia; Hildesheim. Hispalis ; Seville. Hyperae ; Ypres. Ingolstadium ; Ingolstadt. Isenacnm; Eisenach. Isna ; Issny. Eilia, Kilonium ; Kiel. Laubacum in Wetteravia : Laubaoh. Lavinga ; Lauingen, Bavaria. Leobnrgum ; Lauenburg. Leodicam (Ebnionum), Leodiam; Lidge. Licha ; Lich, Germany. Lignicium ; Ligny, France. Lindaugia; Lindau. Lipsia, Llptzk ; Leipzig. Londinum ; London. Lovania, Lovanium ; Louvain. Lubeca; Liibeck. Lnca ; Lucca. Lugdunum ; Lyons. Lugdunnm Batavorom ; Leydea. Lutetia (Farisiorom) ; Paris. * Containing only the names which occur in this Catalogue. 530 531 HsKdebargnm ; Magdeburg. Maguncia ; Mainz. Mantua Carpetanoram ; MaclriU. Marcobraita ; Markbrcit. Harpurgum (Cattorum) ; Marhiirg. Hatiscone : Macon. Hattitum ; Madrid. Mechlinia ; Mechlin, or Malincs. Mediolanum ; Milan. Hengetingbasa ; Mengcringbauscn. HeteUoburgum Mattiacorum ; Antwerp. Misena ; Meissen, Saxony. Modoetia ; Monza, Italy. Moguntla ; Mainz. Moguntiacam ; Monza, Italy. Honachium ; Munich. Monasterium ; MUnster. Hosgaa ; Moscow. Neapolis (Parthenopa); Naples. Neostadium ; Neustadt. Nitsa Silesioram ; Neisse. Noriberga, Norimbeiga ; Nuremberg. Numbargum; Naumburg. Oenipons; InnsbrUck. Oppenhemiam ; Oppenheim. Ozoninm ; Oxford. Papia; Pa via. Parrhisii, Parisii ; Paris. Patavium ; Padua. Pictavia, Pictaviam ; Poitiers. Placentia; Piaccnza. Primiilavia ; Primkenau, in Silesia. Racovia; Rakow. Regiomontum (Bornssoniin) ; Konigsberg. Regium ; Reggio d'Emilia. Ripa; Reifelbach. Roma ; Rome. Roterodamam ; Rotterdam. Rotbomagas; Rouen. Salmuriam ; Saumur. Senones; Sens. Solisbacum; Sulzbach. Soia ; Soroo, Denmark. Steinvordia; Stcinfurt. Suobacum ; Schwabach. Tarvisium ; Troviso. Tanrinum ; Turin. Tigurum ; /^Qrich. Tolosa (Tectosagam) ; Toulouse. Trajectum Batavorum ; Utrecht. Tremonia; Dortmund. Trevisium ; Troviso. Tobinga; Tfibingcn. Toticum ; Zurich. Taroniam ; Tours. Toicalanam ; Toscotano. TJlni» ; Ulm. in WOrttemborg. Ultrajectum ; Utrecht. Utinum ; Udina. Venetiao ; Venice. Veronae ; Verona. Vicentia ; Vioenza. Vilna; Wilna. Vinaria : Weimar. Vindobona ; Vienna. Viteberga, Vitemberga ; Wittenberg. Vratislavia ; Brcslau. Witeberga ; Wittenberg. FICTITIOUS NAMES. See Szlichting. Du£e considorationes. CVibratus dialogus. 1712. 1759. 1677. 1054. 1736. Alethopolis. 1G84. Antipodae. See Borsius [1519.] Cosmopolis. See Arpe. Apologia. See. Informatio. 1010. See Szlichting. Duso considorationes. 1684. Eleutheropolis. .See Beverlandus. Peccatum. (1678.) See Curio. PasquiUorum tomi duce. 1544. See Przypkowski. Vita F. Soncini. 1051. 'EpuTOTToXif. .S'ee Curtius (C). 'Epar707rai7>'Oi'. [1621.] Europe. See Caraccioli. Lc livre 4 la mode. Germanopolis. See Boeder. Bibliographia. HerbipoUs. See Conringius. Kxamen libelli. La Chartreuse. See CSreastt. La Chartreuse. Lamprcpolis. See Jesuits. Mysteria. 1633. Le Lutrin Vivant. See Cresset. Lecaresraein-promptu. 1735. Le PerroQuet. See Gresset. Ver-vert. 1736. Les Ombres. See Gresset. Les ombres. 1736. Nemo. Sre. Nuga. 1042, 44, 48, 62, 63, 81, 89, 1720. Nugopolis. See Racot de Grandval. Thc&tro do (unipagne. 1767. Palsepolis Advaticorum. See Scribaniua. Amphi- theatrum honoris. 1606. Pampelune. See Leroux. Dictionnaire. 1786. Paphos. See Cast6ra. Les baisers do Zizi. 1780. Pathopolis. See FaectisB. 1047. 1057. Philadelphia. See Nouvelles. 1779. Pons Charentonius. See Cotton (P.). Elixir Calviui- sticum. 1015. Sadopolis. See Brunet (P. G.). I>o marquis de Sado. 1800. Solyma. See Szlichting. Duajconsideratloncs. 1684. Urbs Lucernarum. See Pirokheimer. EcciU't dedolatus. 1520. Verte-Feuille. See Caraccioli. Lc livre & la mode. 1759. Villelranche. See Pallavioino. I>J courrier dosvalio..-. 1044. VirginopoUi. See Kornmannus. Do virginitatis jure. 1031. APPENDIX VII BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM Bible. — Old Testament. [Psalms. — Lalin.] 1531. HoE.s;. Finit officium beate marie Virginia, s.a. Tertuluanus. Q. S. F. Falconiae, opera. 1825. Tertulliani ...et Probae APPENDIX VIII LIST OF BINDERS (1) ENGLISH Aitken (F.) & (T.). Maiolus. Epipliyllidps; in dialeeticis. [Pt. I.] 1497. Aitken (T.). Plutarchus. [Moralia.] 1509. Raisonkable. Harangues. 1651. Baumgacten. Euripides. Hecnba & Iphigenia in Aulide. 1524. Bedford (Francis) : London. Alberoati. La pazzia. [c. 1540.] Bible. — New Testament. [PolyglotI .] 1516. EnRiPiDEs. [Opera. — Oreek.'] "[1495?] Iamblichus. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum. 1497. Index Librobum Prohibitorum. 1564. JusTiNiANUS I. [Novellffi Constitutiones.] 1531. Lando. [Oracoli.] 1550. Manutitjs (A.) the Younger. Le attioni di Cas- trucoio. 1590. NoDiER. Melanges. 1829. Questions de litt^rature ISgale. 1828. Paneqyrici Veteres. [1482.] Bevan ( ). .-Esopus. [Vita et fabuh-p.] [c. 1480.] Birdsall & Son : Northampton. Albeetus (L. B.). Philodoxios. 1588. Cesar. Commentarii. 1543. Cobbaho. Progne. 1568. FuLLONius. Comoedia Acolasti titulo. 1550. Lord's Prayer. 1541. Ramberti. Delle cose de Turchi. 1541. Chivers (Cedric) : Bath. L.\NDO. [Paradossi.] XXV. paradoxes. 1555. Clarke (John) : London. HOMILIA. De cotidianis colloquiis. [1520 ?] Clarke (John) & Bedford (Francis) : London. Baldelli Boni. Vita di G. Boccacei. 1806. Gregory. A comparative view of the state of man. 1765. HoRATius Flaccus. [Carmina, etc. — English.] 1038. Coverly (Roger de) : London. Cicero. [Epistolse : Ad Familiares. — French.] 1542. Euripides. Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide. 1,507. Gbatius (O.). Epistole obscurorum viroru. [1516?] Hippocrates. Le livre des presaiges. 1642. Patheun. Patelijius. 1543. Petrarca. [Canzoniere.] 1501. Pbudentius Clemens. Opera. 1501-4. Dillon ( ) : London. EPISTOL.E. EpistolfB clarorum vironim. 1566. Faulkner (J.) : London. Pieckheimer. Eccius dedolatus. 1520. Hall (Richard) : Oxford. Haddonus. Contra H. Osorium. 1577. Ramus. [Ciceronianus.] 1580. Hayday (James). Macaulay (T. B. M.). The hi.story of England. 1868-62. Hering (Charles) : London. Censorinus. De die natali. 1581. JuvENALis. [Satirffl. — Latin.] 1651. Postel. Des histoires orientales. 1676. TiRANT, lo Blanch. Cavaleria. 1538. Hollo way ( POLITIANUS. Kalthoeber ( ). Ennius. Fragmenta. 1590. Heliodobus. Aetliiopian adventures. Larkins (J.). Aphthonius. Prseludia. HoMERUs. [Appendix.] )• Stanza. 1541. 1763. 1515. Vol. I. 1539. Leigbton (? John) o/ Brewer St. : London. Bembo. [Opere.] 1532. Lewis (Charles) : London. ^Aristophanes. [Opera. — Oreek.] 1525. Bembo. [Gli Asolani.] 1553. , [Prose.] 1552. [Rime.] 1652. Brandolinus. Oratio de virtutibus D. N. Jesu Christi. 1596. Calepinus. Dictionarium. 1576. Capilupus. Ad J. Boncompagnum versus. 1673. Crinitus. De honesta discipUna. 1561. CuTWODE. Caltha poetarum. 1815. Demetrius. Phalereus. De elocutione. 1552. Des Billons. Nouveaux 6ciairciss. sur la vie de Postel. 1773. Jack Juoler. 1820. 532 533 Lewis (Charles) : London. — (contd.) LA3CARI3 (C). Institutioncf) universie. 1510. Lives of Saints. 1835. Maid. Tlio liew notborune nmyd. 1820. Manutius (A. P.). Inatitutioaum grammaticarum libri quatuor. 1514. NizoLTOS. Tliesaurus Ciceronianus. 1676. Prudentics Clemens. Opera. [c.l490.] Theophilus. De hominis fabrica. 1555. Mackenzie (J.). CiCEBO. [Epiatolse : Ad Farailiares. — Latin.] 1502. Cyrillus, Phitnsophus. Speculu Sapieiitie. [c. 1475.] Haddonus. Lucubratione.s. 1567. MoscHOPOULOs. De ratione examinandie orationis. 1545. OviDius Naso. [Opera. Vol. 11.] 1534. Pjetus. De judiciaria form. 1567. Mackinlay (John) : London. APOLLOSrcs, Rhodius. [Argonautica.] Or. 14t»6. Mela. [Cosraographia.] 1471. Morrell (W. T.) : London. DiONYsros, Periegetes. Orbi? descriptio. 1534. Payne (Roger) : London. ^LIANTJS. Ex Aeliani historia. 1535. Alcinous. Ad Platonis dogmata introdiictio. 1532. Alexander, TraUianua. Alexandri lib. XII. 1548. Aristoteles. [De Anima.] Joannig (Irainraatici com- raentaria. 1535. [Organon. — Priora Analytica.] Joan. Gram. comentaria. 1 536. Aesenius. Scholia. 1534. AscONrus Pedianus. Expos*itio in IIII. orationos M. T. Cic. 1522. Cicero. [Opera. — Latin.] De pliilo.'^opliia. 1541. Officioruni libri tres. 1541. [Another ed.] 1546. [Epistolre : Ad Familiare.s. — Latin.] 1540. [Orationes. — Latin.] 1540-41. DIONY9IU9, Halicarnasscus. [Opera.] 1546-47. Epiorammata. Epigrammata et poematia Vetera. 1619. Epigrammata veterimi i>oetarum. 1538. EsTIENNE (H.). Ad Senec.-n loctionem. 1586. EpLstolia. 1577. Francofordien.se emporium. 1574. EuNAPius. /3iot 0iXo(TO0wf. 1568. Lascaris. Do ooto orationis partibus. 1539. Lucretius Carus. [De rorum natura. J 1515. MoBELius. Ex veterum comicorum fabulis. 1553. Nicander. Thcriaca. 1557. Plinius C.i:ciLius Secundum. [Epistohe.] 1790. Po.sTEL. navOfvwna. [1547.] ScRIPTORES lIlSTORIJE AUOUSTJE. 1519. Suetonius Tbanquillus. [Vit.-o XII. Cicsarum.] 1521. Pratt (\V.). TiiiTONros. Harraonio super odis Horatii. 1507. Reynes (John) : London. Hasilius, Maijnua. Homilia in irascontos. 1532. Bidge (S.) : Grantham. Alexandro. Dies geniales. 1622. JOSTINUS, Martyr. [Opera.] Qr. 1551. Biyiire (Robert) : London. Castiolione. 11 libro del Cortogiano. 1545. GELLIU.S. Noctiiim Atticarnm libri 19. 1515. Riviire & Son [P. & A. E. Calkin] : London. -KsOPUB. [Fabulie.] Or. [1498.] Smith (C). FuMUS. Auroa armilia. 1554. HoBATIUS Flaccus. [Opera. — Tjatin.] 1800. [Epistolffi : Ars Pootica. — Latin.] 1646. Lando. [Varii Compoiiinionti.] 1554. Manutius (Ant.). Viaggi fatti da Vinolia. 1543. Menckenius. Do charlatanoriaeruditonim. 1716. MiCYLLUS. Do ro motrica. 1 56 1. Ratio examinandorum verauum. (1639.) Plato. Opera. 1513. Sallustius Crispus. [Opera. — Latin.] a.a. SpERONi DEGLi Ai.vAROTTi. Dialoghi. 1645. TEBENTrua. [Como'di.'e.] 1666. Spering or Spiernicb (Nicholas) : Cambridge. Valerius Maximcs. [Facta ct dicta memorabilia.] 1513. Storr (R.) : Grantham. Aristoteles. [Organon. — Categoriic & De Inter- pret atione.] 1503. Cicero. [Orationes : Appendix.] 1562. Epistol-^. Epistolic claronnn virorum. 1556. Lucretius Carus. [De rerum natura.] 1600. Perottus. Cornueopiac. 1617, 13. Ptolem-cus (C. ). [Do Analemmato.] 1562. Terentius. [Comoedia?.] 1521. Thomas (E.). Bible. — New Testament. [French.] 1542. Sallustius Ceispus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1503. Wbeelei ( ). Orationes. Orationes olarorum virorum. 1559. White ( ) of Pall Mall : London. Aroonne. Melanges. 1740. HoBATius Flaccus. [Opera. — Latin.] 1837. Wier, Mrs. Phalabis. [Spurious epistles.] 1498. Sophocles. [Opera. — Oreek.] 1622. Winstanley (George) : Manchester. Clen^vbdus. Grammatical institutiones Grffica;. 1641. Galenus. [Do Curandi Ratione per Vente Soctionem.] 1542. [Do Ossibus.] 1541. GuiDO. Prologue. 1542. HoB.ATius Flaccus. [Epistles.] [MS.) Wiight (John) : London. Poi.irniLUS. Hypnciotomacliia. 1545. Zaehnsdorf (Joseph) : London. AruLEius. Melamorphoseos liber. 1469. Bible. [Enylinh.] 1537. DoLET (E.). l.a maniero do bicn traduire. 1542. Ta.sso{T.). Hime. 1581. (2) BELGIAN Cesaris (Potrua) [i.e., P. do Kcyser) ; (land. SoLiNUs. Polyhistor. 1637. (3) FRENCH Bauzonnet ( ). Lando. [Que.siti Amorosi.] 1672. OciiiKO. Disputa intorno alia prcsenza del corpo. 1661. Bauzonnet-Purgold, MM. DiiLET. I'alo CbriHtianuH. 1538. Bauzonnet-Trautz, MM. See Trautz-Bauzonnot. Binet(H.). Gbuterus. Lampa.s. 1737-51. Boyet : Paris. Bruno. Explicatio Irigiiita Hlgilloruni. [1683?) CicEBO. [Opira. — /,lh Earl of; Crawford (W. H.); Crevenna (P. A. B.) ; Crofts (T.) ; Crossley (J.) ; Crozat (J. A.) Margui.'< de Tuijny ; Cnrrer (F. M. R.). Didot (A. F.); Didot (F.) ; Double (L.) ; Drury (H. J. T.) ; Du Bois (G.) Cardinal ; Durand (A.)- Elton (C. I.) & (M. A.) ; Engel (S.) ; ton de Beau- mont (C. G. L. A. A. T. d') ; Ernesti (J. A.). FaultrierfJ.); Filheul ( ). Gaignat (L. J.); Qaisford (T.) ; Ganay (C. A. de) Marquis; Gancia (G.) ; Gennadius (J.) ; Girardot de Pr6fond (P.) ; Grafton (A. H. Fitzroy) 2rd Duke of ; Gronovius (A.). Hamilton (\V. A. L. S. D. Hamilton) \2th Duke of ; Hanrott (P. A.); Hansen ab Ehrencron (F. A.); Heber (R.) ; Heinsius (N.) the Elder; Heredia (R.) Comte de Bcnahavis ; Hibbert (G.) ; Hirsch (C. C); Hohendorf (G. W. von) Freiherr ; Hopetoun (J. A. L. Hope) 7(A Earl of ; Hoym (C. H.) Freiherr ; Hugue- tan(J. A.); Hulsius(S.); Huth(H.). Kiel, Universitat ; Kloss (G. F. B.). La ValliJre (L. C. de La Baume Le Blanc) Due de ; Lee (J. P) Bishop of Mnnehctrr ; Lee (J); Libri Carrucci dalla Sommaia (G. B. L T.) Conte ; Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional ; Lisburne (E. G. H. A. Vaughan) dlh Earl of ; London, Hospital for Poor French Pro- testants ; Luard (H. R.) ; Lyons, Bibliothfique de la ViUe. MacCarthy Reagh (J. de) Comte; Makellar (W.); Manchester, Portico Library ; Manchester Public Free Libraries; Manzoni (G.) Conte; Marchetti (G.) ; M^on (D. M.) ; Montaran (E. H. J. Michau) Baron de ; Monmerqne (L. J. N.) ; Moraute (J. Gomez de la Cortina) Marques dc ; Mores (E. R.)- Naigeon (J. A.) ; Nodier (J. Free Public Libraries. Orford (H. W. Walpolc) ith creidion). Paine (C); Paris, Louvre; B.); Parr (S.); Pattison (JI.) ; Perkins (H); Phillipps (Sir T E. C.) ; Nottingham Earl of (of Ike second Paris de Meyzieu (J. Pearson (J.) d- Co. ; ) Bart. ; Pichon (J.) Baron ; Pinelli (M ) Conle ; Pix^r^court (R. C. G, de) ; Potior (L). Quaritch (B). Renard (J); Renouard (A. A); Roscoe (W,); Rosenthal (J); Rosenthal (L); Roxburghe (J. Ker) •^rd Duke of. Saint-Ceran (M. de) ; Santenius (L.) ; Seilliire (A.) Baron; Smith (J.); Solar (F.) ; Sotheby (S. L.); Spencer (G. J. Spencer) 2nd Earl ; Stosch (P. von) Freiherr ; Sullivan (Sir E.) Bart. ; Sunderland Library ; Sussex (Augustus Frederick) Duke of ; Sykes (Sir M. M.) Burt. ; Syston Park Library. Thomas (J.) Bishop of Rochester ; Thott (0.) Graf ; Thou (J. A. de) the Elder ; Turner (R. S.)- Uzanne (0.) ; Villeneuve-Trans ( ) Marquis de. Waterton Library ; Weaver (H. B.) ; Wigan Free Public Library; Willis & Sotheran ; Wodhull (M.); Woodburn (H.) ; Wyttenbach (D. A.). Yemeniz (N.). Printed by Ballanttne, Hanson 6= Co. at Edinburgh and London "i^i^l ^0 SOUTHERN BE?ON V ^,:s' C^ f °2..3S8 !l!i(|l!i(|ill[|l|(,it|iff|lll[ll!)||»!|((|(l([ni(jiii| (y D 000 340 "779 For Reference Not to be taken from this roorr