I :■ f'' (?^ r- * oca-' Present edhr J Date received : mate. Lihrari/^ passed Skction II. The Librarian shall cause to be kepi a register of all books issued and returned; and all books taken by the members of the Legislature, or its officers, shall be returned at the close of the session. If any person injure or fail to return any book taken from the Librajy, he shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian, for the benefit of the Library, three times the value thereof; and before the Controller shall issue his warrant in favor of any member or ofticer of the Legislature, or of this State, for his per diem, allowance, or salary, he shall be satisfied that such member or officer has returned all books taken out of the Library by him, and has settled all accounts for injuring such books or otherwise. Sec. 15. Books may be taken from the Library by the members of the Legislature and its officers during the session of the same, and at any lime by the Governor and -the officers of the Executive Department of this State who are required to keep their offices at the seat of government, the Justices of the Supreme Court, the Attorney-General and the Trustees of the Library. DOCUMENTS OEPT. ^t^/ CATALOGUE OF THE -^'a. AJM'RENTICES' LIBRARY. KSTAIUJSHKI) ANK SUPrORTKl) BY THK GENERAL SOCIETY uK MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK l.\ TIlltEft^ PART*. Tart 1. Classified Index, Part II. Catalogue of Titles and Siibjects. Part ill. C -atalogtie of A.xitliors. Willi a Siiiiploiiiont of Additions and Omissions, A N 1 1 A Special Catalogue of Prose Fiction and Juvenile Literature, CoMi'ii.KO HY ,1. SCHWARTZ Jr., Librarian. SEPTEMBER, 1874, NEW YORK: CMATTERTON & PARKER, PKINTERS, 116 Maiden Lane. S^JU<^t PREFACE. The last general Catalogue of the Apprentices' Library was published in 1865, wince which time two supplements have been issued, one in January, 1869, and the other in June, 1869, the latter embracing nil the works included in the first supplement. These Catalogues were all constructed on a very imperfect plan, and gave merely a list of au- thors, with brief titles of their works. Imprint and edition were omitted, and in a few cases only tables of contents were given. To assist the reader in his search for books on a given subject, there was, by way of appondi.\-, in the main Catalogue only, an imperfect classification. The rapid increase of the library, both in books and readers, soon made it evident that a new Catalogue was imperatively needed, and as no reliance could be placed on the former catalogues by reason of their manifold errors, it was determined to prepare the new Catalogue from the books themselves. This necessitated the handling of every book, and was thought a favorable oppor- tunity to introduce a better system of arrangement on the shelves — the Numerical system under which the book.-5 were then placed, having caused considerable delay and inconve- nience in the daily routine of the library. The A/phabeiical system was first tried but soon proved unsatisfactory, principally by reason of the confusion introduced among the books thi'ough the want of a number to control their position on the shelves. In this state of afiairs, the compiler of the present volume was requested by the Ivibrary Committee to examine into, and report on, the various systems of library economy in use, or recommended for adoption, with the view of selecting the one that was most adapted to the wants and requirements of the library. A careful study was accordingly made of the various works bearing on the subject, and the result was submitted to the Committee in a report which was accented, and the system therein explained and recom- The system was first applied to the new purcliases in Decen)ber 1871, and a cata- logue of them, essentially based on the same principles as the present one, was printed in January, 1873, under the title of the " Second Supplement to the Catalogue of Books ia the Apprentices' Library "; but was not applied to the whole library until November, 1872. Every volume was then taken down from the shelves, furnished with new paper covers, registered, classified, catalogued, renumbered, relettered, and replaced on the shelves. In this nuuuier some 40,000 volumes were successively handled, and the work waa finally completed in eight months, during which time the ordinary current work of the Library, including an average daily circulation of 500 volumes, was performed as usual. Since then the system has been in operation, and notwithstanding that no printed catalogue has been accessible to the readers, yet in no instance have they failed to get the books desired, if on the shelves at tlie time, and in most cases without the attendants consulting even the card catalogue for the use of the Library employees. 156^035 IV. PREl-ACR. The syetoin alluded to above, although suggested by a study of the different sys- tems in use, differs OKsentially from them all, both in its general principles as well as in ith details, and it may perhaps bo proper to give a synopsis of its leading features. In his investigations into the principles of different methods of arrangement, tho writer discovered at an early stage of his studies, that all the .systems now in use, or re- commended, are but variations from, and are all reducible to, one or more of the following three, namely — the Numerical, the Alphabetical, or the Classified. One of these fundamental systems has been adopted by the fraraers of all the cur- rent systems ; either one or the other of the remaining two being introduced in combina- tion with it, in a subordinate position. The [ji-esent system, however, accepts all three as co-ordinate parts of one whole, and is therefore neither e.'iclusively Numerical, nor Alphabetical, nor Classsified, btit is at the same time, and in an equal degree, all three, and thus preserves all the advantages of each system, and by means of the other two excludes and counteracts such defects as arc inherent in each of the three when used alone. To illustrate and explain : the books arc arranged first in twenty-five general classes, which are again subdivided into nine sub-classes each, thus making altogether 250 classes. tSecondli/, the books in each sub-class are placed according to size, that is to say, according to their actual heighth in inches, and not according to the folding of the leaves. The various .sizes are grouped under four heads, which correspond very nearly to the ordinary 1-2°, 8*, 4°, and folio. Thirdly, the individual works comprised under each size are arranged in Alpha- betical order, under the authors' names when known, or under the first prominent word in the title, in anonymous works. Fourthly, to preserve tlie books in their various relations as to class, sub-class, size, and alphabetical key word, they are numbered as follows : Each general class is de- signated by one of the twenty-five letters of the alphabet, the sub-classes by one of the Arabic numerals, and the alphabetical keywords by a series of 939 numbers, divided into four parts, corresponding to the four sizes on the shelves, each part containing a list of all possible alphabetical combination!;. The system thus briefly described may appear somewhat complex in theory, but in practice has been found simple, and easily understood by the dullest library boy. It space permitted it could be shown that it adapts itself to libraries of any extent, as to volumes; that it is independent of local arrangement as to the size &c. of the alcoves; and that it is susceptible of indefinite subdivision — in a word, that it is comprehensive, elastic, and accurate, These points, liowever, must be deferred until :i more favorable opportunity. The plan on which tho Oataloguo itself is constructed, differs also, in several respects, fi-om the usual methods, and therefore requires some explanation. It will be ob- served that the present work is divided into three parts. Classified, Topical, and Nominal ; to justify this triple partition it may be sufficient to state that as a Catalogue must, neces- sarily, confine itself to the titles only of books, and as every title contains three distinct elements, namely, the Author, the Title proper, and the Contents or Subject, and as a book is as likely to be known, and asked for, under the one as under the other two of these characteristics, the Catalogue should be so arranged, that a book may be readily found under each of these three heads. PRRFACK. V. Part I, accordingly contains a list of the' books as arranged in classes on the shelves, the books in each division being in alphabetical order, on the principles explained above. A copious list of all the classes and sub-classes is prefixed, and this again is pre- ceded by an index to the classificatien, so that the place of any subject can be easily ascer- tained. The titles of books are given as briefly as is consistent with clearness; Parts II. and III., supplying further particulars as to size, imprint, &c., under the corres]x)nding alphabetical headings, books alphabeted under their authors" names .being in Part III and anonymous books in Part II. Part II. conUxms first a complete and lull list of all the Aiiwnjmout books, alpha- beted under theji/st prominent word in the title. Secondly, it contains an arrangement of a// the books in the Library, excepting those in Class L, alphabeted under the »«&s< prmiincnt, or principal word or words in the title, so that this feature may be considered as an Index to the other two parts, and is intended principally to assist those readers who do not remember the authors of the books they want, and are doubtful as to their classi- fication. The following points are to be observed in consulting this part : 1. The Catalogue confines itself in its selection of headings to the words of the title and to the word or words therein which best express the subject of which the book treats. In the absence of a clearly distinctive word in the title, the first prominent word is taken as a heading. 2. Headings are reduced to their most general suhstimtive form, except where they are used as compounds or adjectives only. Thus Mental Philosophy will be found under Mind; Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Science under Chemistry; and Civil Engi- neering under Engineering On the other hand Military Science, and Political Economy, not having simpler equivalents are treated as compounds, and are to be found under the words Military and Political respectively. 3. Where there is a word in the title, of local or Geographical rokrenw, as for in- stance the name of a Country, City, Empire, &c., this word is selected as a heading. Thus works on Architecture in general, will be found under the word Architecture, whereas works on Grecian or English Architecture must be sought for under the headings Greece and Englaml respectively. By this means all that relates to a country, will be found un- der the name of that country. 4. Headings containing a large number of titles are subdivided into sub-headings to facilitate reference See the words America, Bible, England. Europe, B.cme, and United States. 5. Words used in more than one sense are distinguished from each other by a qualifying word. See the words Life, Liberty, Man, and Training. 6. Cross references are copiously introduced, and will assist the reader in tracing a topic, by directing him to other heads where the same subject is treated in a different form or under another name It is to be remembered, however, that the main design of Part II. is not to give specific and definite information as to subjects, and thus supercede the use of Part I, but principally to assist those who remember the titles only of books. A complete list at all the books on any subject can be found only in Part I, under the proper class, which must be looked up in the Indexes prefixed thereto. Where the subject is an important one, the inexperienced reader can, perhaps, get tliis informaton more readily by consulting Part II under its alphabetical heading, the references at the end of which will direct him to the Class in Part I where the subject is arranged. Part III contains an alpliabetical list of all the: Authors of works in the Library whose real names are known, with a subalphahetieal list of their writings, and the difl'er- nt editions of their individual works. Assumed or Pseudonymous names are likewise en- tered in proper alphabetical order, but a cross-reference is given to the real name. The titles of works are given more fully than in Parts I and II, but still only so much of the words of the title are retained as may be necessary to e.xpress clearly the cliaractcr and contents of the work, the rest being considered superfluous. Care is taken lo specify the edition, the number of volumes, the size, place of publicatiivn, ihito, and in the more iuipor tant collected works, the contents. Collections of individual works ii rider a general title are entered under the name of the editor, and are followed by a table of contents in which the names of the authors, and the titlt's, of the individual works are specified. The individual works are again alphabeted under the names of their respective authors, with a reference to the volume or volumes of the collection where they may be found, and the more important of them, arc alphabeted in the same way as books published separately, in Parts I and 11. The Supplement contains a list of the books purchased while this work was going through the press, so that the present Catalogue contains a complete list of all the books that circulate. It has been thought advisable to separate the books embraced in Ola.ss L, compris- ing Tro^e Fiction and Juvenile Literature, from the more solid reading The reader will find a Special Catalogue of them at the end of this work, the preface to which will inform him of the principles on which it is arranged. It is hoped that the foregoing explaiialions ai'e sutliciently clear to enable the reader to use this Catalogue understandingly and with profit. By its triple arrangement of every book it claims to supply accurate and definite information as to the Author, the TiiJe, and the Subject, — one of which points every user of a Catalogue must know, since if he does not, no Catalogue can assist him. A few words are added in explanation of the use and intention of lapital letters, italics, abbreviations, and other typographical helps used in this work. Small Capitals are used throughout for headings, and in Parts I and III, and in the titles oi anonymous books in Part II, indicate the authors' names or other alphabetical key words under which the books are arranged on the shelves. Indiv'uhial Biographies in Class T. 1-5 (and also in Class Lc. 8 in the Special Catalogue) are arranged on the shelves under the Subject or person whose life is narrated; hence in those Classes in Part I, the heading of such works is that of the Subject, the author's name following the title in italics. In Part III, for the sake of uniformity, the author's name is printed in small capitals, and the subject in italics, to show that the shelf arrangement of such works is an exception to the general rule. Works bound with others, or forming part of a collection, arc of course arranged under the key word of the work of which they form a part. The Catalogue alphabets them the same as other works, but in Parts I and III gives a refer- ence to the proper key word, and in Part II, the whole title of the v.ork containing the Key word (which in such cases is always the first word) is enclosed in brackets. Prefixes, adjuncts, titles, &c., in headings, are printed in italics, as are also words to indicate a cro.ss-reference, authors of works bound with others, or in collections. Pseu- donyms (inclosed in brackets after the real name of the author,) and finally the words " preface " and " copyright " prefixed to dates. PRKKACE. VII. A single diisb shows thai the prec^edintr hcaditii; is understood : :i subsequent dash Indicates the omission of a subordinate heading. It will be observed that some of tlie books have this mark * attached to their shelf numbers. This signifies that those books are in the UeMilt LinRARv, and that they do not circulate, but may be consulted in the room It may be proper to state that the present Catalogue contains only such books of the DeMilt Library as have been purchased since the adoption of the New System in 1872. The main portion of this valuable collec- tion, embracing about 4,500 volumes, will be catalogued at the earliest opportunity, and published either in a Special Catalogue or as part of the next Supplement. The abbreviations and remaining signs \ised in this work, that require notice, are the same as those already explained in the preface to the Special Catalogue, to whicli the reader is referred for further particulars. Readers in making lists of books wanted, are requested to give the following par- ticulars, in the order enumerated : Alphahelical key u-ord, (the criteria by which this is to be found have been sufficiently explained on page vi,) the Title, as printed in the Catalogue, and the Shulf -number. Be careful not to omit the Class letter. A few typographical errors have been discovered, and corrected in the " Errata." Mistakes in Classification, Authors' names, and Titles, of which no doubt a few have escaped observation, in the necessarily hurried manner in which the system has been applied, will, if discovered, be corrected in the next edition. In conclusion the compiler desires to acknowledge the great assistance he has de- rived from the printed catalogues of diflferent libraries throughout the country, and par- ticularly from those of the Boston Public Library, the St. I^ouis Public School Library, and the Mercantile liibrary of this City. The rules regulating the selection of headings, and abridgement of titles, laid down by the compiler of the last of these three Catalogues , have been generally followed in the present work. J. SCHWARTZ, Ji!. Lini!.\RI.4N. ApruENTJCEs' LiiiRARY, Scoteniber, 1874. SYSTEM OF CL ASSIF J C ATI ON. A.-GENERAL DIVISIONS. Part I. AlANrsciiii-TS. Part II. I'A.Ml'ili.lcrs Part III. I'KiNTED Books 1. Special Collections 2. GE>JE1{AL and MrsCBLLANEOUS WoitKS C. Rare aii.l Ciiri.ms Book;<. C. 1. XyliigraptiiiHnd Inuuimbula. C. 2 Ericyclop^Jias — English. C. 3. " Foreign, C. 4. Transactions of Learned SocieUes-Englisli 3. Works on the Special Sciences C. I'. 5. Transactions of Learned Societies — Foreign. 0. 6. Periodical Literature— English. 0.7. " " Foreign. ''. 8. Collected Works— Individual Anthor-s. J. 9. " " . Several Autlii)r3,['- Libraries"] Classes D-Z. CosimcilagM, OK, N B.-INDEX TO THE SPECIAL SCIENCES. [Mathematics Cla -! Natur ATURAL SCIENCES. OK, Human Sciences — f Physioal. 1 Philosophy. LNatural History.... fMedical Science. . . . -{ Engineering '(^Technology [Fine Arts Amusements. Athletics . . . POETUY ^ [Poetry Drama Pi ©Iteotogy, or, Divine Sciences. ose Fiction and Ju-) ., venile Literature. J f Language " -J Rhetoric "' I Literature " [Geography " -(History " LBi"g>-.'l'l>y " f Political Economy.... " j Juri-prndcnce " 1 Political and Social [ Science " (Metaphysics and P.sy. J chology " I Moral Philosophy.... " (^Anthropology " Mythology and Pagan- ism " 1 Christiaidty, Judaism, and MoharnmcdHn- Rationalism and Inii- imm m mumu of the mmi mmm. iJlaSS D. — Mathematics and Natui Philosophy. D, General Works. D. 1. Matliemati<-s. D. 2. Physics -General Works. D. 3. Special Works. D. 4. Electricity, Galvanism, Heat, . 6. Astronomy. D. 7. Meteorology and Physical Geograpliy. D. 8. Geology and Paloenlology. D. 9. Mineralogy. Class E.— N.^TURAL History. E. General Works, E. 1. Botany. E. 2. Zoology— General Works, E. 3. . Zoopiiites and Mollusks. E. 4. . ■ Insects. E. 5. Fishes. E. 6. Reptiles. E. 7. Birds. E. 8. . Mammalia. E. 9. Ethnology. Class F.— Medical Science. F. General Works. F. 1. Anatomy and Physiology. F. 2. Hygiene. F. 3. Materia Medica. F. 4. Pathology — General Works. F. 5. Special Diseases. F. G. Surgery. F. 7. Ohstetrics. ■ F. 8. Special Systems. F. 9 Veterinary Science. Class CJ. — Engineering. «. General Works. G. 1. Macliinery and Millwork. G. 2. Steam Engine. G. 3. Mining and Metallurgy. G. 4. Civil Engineering. G. 5. Surveying and Mensuratioi G. 6. Military Science. G. 7. Naval Science. G. 8. Architecture and Building, G. 9. Carpentry and Masonry. Class ■ Agriculture, Manukaci urks iND Commerce. H. General Works. H. 1 Agriculture. H. 2 Uortieuliure. H. 3 Preparation of Food and Donieetic Economy H. 4 Textile Fabrics. H. 5 Dress Making. H. 6. Pottery, Porcelain, Jewelry, 98 DlRCKS. Scientilic Sin. lies D 123 Elements of NmIuiuI I'liiloMiphy 1) 135 EdlER. Natural nHlo-„|,hv D 139 EWBANK. Mati..-ra..a Force I) 14u Faraday. Researches in Chemistry and Physics D 586 Good. Book of Nature D 603 Goodrich. Glance at the Physicil Sciences. D 173 Griffin. ScientiHc Miscellany D 606 Griffiths. Writing Desk and its Contents. D 176 Grove. Correlation and Conservation of Forces D 177 Herschel. Lectures on Scieniific Subjects. D 198 Study of N.ilural Philosophy I) 198 Hickok. R.ationn I Cosmology D 621 Hunt. Poetry of Science D 217 Huxley. Critiques and Addresses D 219 Irving. Catechism of Chemistry, AslroDo- my and Botany D 324 Shelf No. Johnson. One Great Force D 233 Kec>L. Introduction to Natural Philosophy. D 238 LardNER. Hand-Books of Natural Philos- ophy and Astronomy D 261 Lectures on Science and Art D 057 Mackintosh. Electrical Theory of the Uni- verse D 281 Marcet. Conversations on Natural Philoso- phy D 288 MiLNER. Gallery of Nature D 083 Mitchell. First Lines of Science D 310 Mitchell. Dictionary of Chemistry, Miner- alogy and Geology D 310 Mddie. Guide to Observation of Nature. . . D 320 NiCHOL. Cycloptedea of the Physical Sci- ences D 698 Playfair. Works D 713 Proctor. Borderland of Science D 358 Readings in Science D 366 Rdmford. Essays M 4728 Saint-I'ierre. Beauties of the Studies of Nature 1 D383 Harmonies of Nature D 730 Studies of Nature D 729 SCHfEDLER. Book of Nature D 730 Stewart. Conservation of Energy D 421 TiMBS. Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art D 442 Tyndall. Fragments of Science D 770 Webster. Natural Philosophy D 783 Wesley. Natural Philosophy D 785 WnEWELL. History of the Inductive Sci- ences D 787 WiNfcLOW. Force and Nature D 791 YODNG. Natural Philosophy D 7S9 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Q Class D.-NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shelf No. U. I. — nallieniatics. Angel. Plain and Solid Geometry 1> 1010 BEKN.UiD. Aritlimelical Peispeelive D 1523 Bledsoe. Pliilosopliy of Mathematics D 1045 BON.N'YCASTLE. Introduction to Algebra. . . D 1050 Buu:^. Practical Geometry D 10G6 Clark. Algebra D 1093 Davies. Analytical Geoinptry D 15G9 Lngic and" Utility of Mathematics D 11 15 Matliematiciil Science D 1115 De Mohgan. Budget of Parado,\es D 1571 EwiNG. Practical Mathematics D 1140 Goodrich Art of Comput^ition D 1172 Gordon. Arithmetic D 1173 Griffin. Algebra and Trigonometry 1)1176 HackLEY. Course of Geometry D 1181 HaddON. Differential Calculus D 1181 Elements of Algebra D 1181 Rudimentary Anthmetic D 1181 Hann. An.iUtical Gcmetry D 1185 Exnm]iles in the Inteirral Calculus D 1185 S|,herical Trigonometry D 1185 Hassler. Arithmetic D 1189 HiCKiB. Key to Button's Mathematics D 1623 Button. Mathematics D 1631 Law. Logarithms D 1362 Loo.Mis. Elements of Algebra 1)1373 Elements of Geometry D 1273 Potter. Mathematics I) 1356 Robert. Ready Reckoner D 1375 Si.MSON. Conic Sections D 1407 Tate. Modern Cambist D 1760 Ward. Young Mathematician's Guide D 1779 Watson. Plain and Solid Geometry D 1469 WiTTEK's Iniprove.l Litere^t Tables D 1-793 I>. 2. — Pliysiis— Rciicral. ArnOTT. Elements of Physics 1) 2509 Cooley. Easy Experiments in Physical Sci- ence n 3100 Natui-al Philosophy D 2100 DesCHANEI,. Natural Philosophy D 2573 Faraday. Various Forces of Slattcr D 3144 FRtCK. Physical Technics D 3594 Giiillemin. Forces of Nature D 26ii7 IlEt.silAM. Natural Philosophy D 2616 IllGGINS. Natural and Experimental Phil- osophy 3302 Hunt. Elementary Physics D 2217 Muller. Physics and Mcteiirolosy D 3693 Renwick. Illustrations of Natural Philoso- phy D2369 SOMERVU.r.E. Connection of the Physical Sciences D 24l4 Stewart. Physics D 3421 ToMI.INSOtr. Introduction to Natural I'liil- losophy D2444 SholfN«. TyndALL. Fragments of Science D 770 Wells. Natural Philosophy 1) 2-173 Science of Common Things D 2473 II. 3.— Pliysiics— Special. Baicek. Microscope Made Easy 1)3033 Ball. E.xperi mental Mechanics D 3514 Bennett. Mechanics and Experimental Data D 3533 Box. Practical Hydraulics D 3055 Brewster. Kaleidoscope D 3057 Microscope D 3534 Optics D3057 Stereoscope D 3057 BuCKMASTER. Mechanical Physics D 3063 Burn. Mechanics and Mechanism D 3066 Byrne Mechanics D 8070 Cones. Mechanical Philosophy 1)3561 Courtenat. Mechanic.' D 3563 Davis. Preparation and Mounting of Micros- copic Objects D 3115 Glaisher. Travels in the Air D 3602* Goblet. Theory of Sight D 3603 H.\RT. Mechanics I) 3613 Jamibson. Mechanics for Practical Men. .. D 3636 Mechanics of Fluids D 3636 Kyan. Elements of Light D 3653 Lees. Acoustics, Light and Heat D 3264 Marion. Wondersof Optics D 3-.^88 Wonderlul Baloon Ascents D 3388 Mitchell, Y'oung, and Imray. Mechanical Philosophy, &a D .3810 Moselby. Hydrostaticsand Hydrodynamics. D 3690 Illu-tMtions of Mechanics D 3317 Parkinson. Optics D 3343 Pbirce. Sound D 3707 PEREtRA. Polarized Light D 3347 Potter. Pliy!.ical Optics D 3714 Rankine. Applied Mechanics D 3368 Renwick. Apjilication of Mechanics to Practical I'urposes. .' D 3369 Suffolk. Microscopic Manipulation 1) 3437 TOMLINSON. Rudimentary Mechanics D 3444 Pneumatics D 3444 Tyndall. Light ] ) 3451 Sound D 3770 Wise. Aeronautics 1) 3791 Wythes. Microscopist D 349G ». 4.-EIeclricil>, GalvaiiiNtii, Il.at, &c. Adams. Electricity D 4on4 Baile. Wonders of Electricity 1)4023 Bakevveli,. Electric Science 1)4514 Bird. Electricity and Galvanism 1) 4043 Brewster. Mugnciism I) 4i)57 Cazin. Phenomena and Laws of Heat I) 4u79 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSPHV. 10 Ciiiss D— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. SbelfNo. DA^^s. Magiiftisni D4I15 FONVIKI.LK. Thiiuder and Lightning D 4155 FnANcrs. Electiieal Experiments D 4594 Hakkis. Galvanism, Animal anil Voltaic Electricity D 4187 Rudimentary Electricity D 4187 Rudimentary Magnetism D 4187 HiGGlNS. Alphabet of Electricity D 4203 Lyon. Lightning Conductors D 4275 Martine. Construction and Graduation of Thermometers D 4289 Maxwell. Theory of Heat D 4394 NOAD. Indnctorium; or, Induction Coil... D 4333 Lectures on Electricity D 4699 Manual of Electricity D 4699 Phipson. Phosphorescence D 4351 Spencer. Electography. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Sturgeon. Galvanism D 4436 Tyndall. Diaraagnetism and Magne-Chrys- tallic Action D 4770 Heat as a mode of Motion D 4770 Molecular Physics D 4770 D. 5.— Cliemistry. AccUM. Analysis of Minerals D 5003 Treatise on Gaslight D 5502 Beilstein. Qualitative Chemical Analysis. D 5034 Bloxam, Laboratory Teaching D 5046 BoLLEY. Technical Analysis D 5049 Booth and Morfit. Encyclopiedia of Chem- istry D 5531 Brande. Arts connected with Chemistry. . D 5046 Chaptal. Elements of Chemistry D 5550 CoOKE. Chemical Physics D 5560 Cooper. Introductory Lecture [to a Course of Chemistry] D 5560 Cooper. Gas Lights D .5560 DODD. British Manufactures— Chemical. . . H 134 Draper. Text Book of Chemistrv D 5126 Elderhorst. Blow Pipe Analysis D 5135 Eliot and Storer. Inorganic Chemistry... D5135 EwELL. Elements of Chemistry D 5584 Faraday. Chemical History of a Candle. . D 5144 Chemical Manipulation D 5586 Researches in Chemistry and Physics. . D 586 FOWSES. Elementary Chemistry D 5156 Rudimentary Chemistry D 5156 Presbnios. Instructions in Chemical Ana- lysis D5157 Qualitative Chemical Analysis D 5594 Quantitative Chemical Analysis D 5594 Galloway. First Steps in Chemistry D 5161 Gregory. Organic Chemistry D 5175 Griffin. Course of Chemical Experiments. D 5176 Henry. Experimental Chemistry D 5617 Hodges. Lessons in Chemistry D 5308 Shc-lf No. Hoffmann. Chemical Analysis Applied to Medical Chemicals D 5625 Howard. Practical Chemi.stvy D 5214 Hugqins. Spectrum Analysis applied to the Heavenly Bodies D 5215 Instruction in the Use of the Blow Pipe. . D 5223 Johnson. Chemistry of Common Life D 5233 Kemsuead. Inorganic Chemistry D 5240 Kent. Farmers Handbook H 1241 Knapp. Chemical Technology D 5649 Lavoisier. Elements of Chemistry D 5657 LiEBio. Analysis of Organic Bodies. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Animal Chemistry D 5268 • Letters on Chemistry D 5268 LOCKYER. Spectroscope and its Applica- tions D 5272 Macquer. Elements of Chyraistiy D 5666 Marcet. Conversations on Chemistry D 5388 Miller. Inorganic Chemistry D 5305 Morfit and Muckle. Chemical and Phar- maceutic Manipulations D 5316 Murray. System of Chemistry D 5694 Napier. Chemistry Applied to Dyeing H 4696 N0.4.D. Chemical. Manipulation and Analysis. D 5699 Orpila. Practical Chemistry D 5703 Parker. Chymieal Catechism D 5706 Peckston. Gas Lighting D 5707 Penington. Chemical and Economical Es- says D 5346 Renwick. First Principles of Chemistry. . . D 5369 ROSCOE. Chemistry D 5378 Elementary Chemistry D 5378 SCHELLUM. Spectrum Analysis D 5734* SCOFFEKN. ' Elementary Cliemistry of In- ori^'anic Bodies D 5397 Thomson. Cyclop;cJia of Chemistry D 5438 First Principles of Chemistry D 5763 History of Chemistry D 5438 System of Chemistry D 5763 Thorpe, Inorganic Chemistry D 5489 Turner. Elements of Chemistry D 5449 Wagner. Chemical Technology D 5777 Watts. Organic Chemistry D 5469 Wells. Principles and Application of Che- mistry D5473 Wn-LIAMS. Combustion of Coal and Pre- vention of Smoke D 5484 YOUMANS. Cla»s-Book of Chemistry D 5498 D. e,-Astrouonoiny. Carey. Astronomy D 6075 Chambers. Descriptive Astronomy D 6550 Denison. Astronomy without Mathematics. D 6118 Dick. Celestial Scenery D 6121 Drew. Manual of Astronomy D 6126 Ennis, Origin of the Stars D 6137 Class D.— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. H Class D — NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Shelf No. EwiNG, Practical Astronomy D G140 Ferguson. Introduction to Astronomy. . . . D 6147 Fl.\mm.\eion. Marvelsof the Heavens ... D 6153 Stories of Infinity D 6152 Ghant. History of Physical Astronomy. . . D 6G04 GuiLLEMlN. Wonders of the Moon D 6178 Tlie Sun D 6178 Herschel. Outlines of Astronomy D 6618 Shelf No. GUYOT. Earth an.l Man 1) 7180 IIaURIS Nature of Thunderstorms 1)7612 HERScnEL. Meteorology D 7198 Pliysieal Geography D 7198 Hdmboldt. Aspects of Nature 1)7216 Cosmos 1) 7316 Views of Nature D 7216 Hutchinson. Meteorolofjical Plienomena.. D 7631 Treatise on Astronomy D 6198 : Jenyns. Observations in Meteorology D 7230 Hind. Solar System D 6204 Kaemtz. Complete Course of Meteorology. D 7236 KIKK^TOOD. Comets and Meteors D 6245 Macturk. Physical Geography D 7283 Laplace. System of tlie World D 6656 LOOMIS. Pra.-tieal Astronomy D 6664 Main. Eu.llrnent.iry Astronomy D 6285 MiTCiiEi,. Pliiiieljiry and Stellar Worlds. . D 6310 Narrien Origin and Progress of Astronomy D 6696 NiCllOL. Architecture of the Heavens D 6330 Solar System D 6330 Phillips. Letters on Astronomy D 6351 Plummer. Introduction to Astronomy. .. . D 6354 Plurality of Worlds D 63.54 PrOCTOK. Essays on Astronomy D 6715 Familiar Essays, Natural Plienomena, 9337 Jones. Treasures of the Earth D 9234 King. Natural History of Gems D 9244 Kobell. Discrimination of Minerals. See Griffin. Scientific Miscellany D 606 Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. See SCHOUW. The Earth, Ac E 394 Moore. Ancient Minera'ogy D 9315 Overman. Practical Mineralogy D 9340 Phillips. Treatise on Mineralogy D 971 1 RuDiMENTABY Treatise on Mineralogy D 9380 SOWERBY. Popular Mineralogy D 94l6 Varley. Mineralogy D 9458 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. E.— General Works. Adams. Circle of the Year E 4 Evei-yday Objects E 4 AgasSIZ. Methods of Study in Natural His tory E 5 Bengley. Useful Knowledge E 42 BucKL.\ND. Curiosities of Natural History. E 63 BUFFON. Natural History of Man, the Globe, and Quadrupeds E 03 BuRKHARD. Philosophy of Natural History. E 06 Christmas. Echoes of the Universe E 88 Clinton. Discourse before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. . E 556 Cunningham. Natural History of the Strait ofMagellun E 107 Dauwln. Researches into Natural History and Geology during a Voyage Round theVV^orld E 114 DeVere. Leaves from the Book of Nature. E 120 Flaqg. Studies in the Field and Forest E 153 Goldsmith. History of tlie Earth and Ani- mated Nature E 603 GossE. Romance of Natural History E 173 Hardwicke's Science Gossip E 613 Hartwig. Tropical World E 613* HowiTT. Book of the Seasons E 214 Counlry Tear Boob E 214 HUTTON. Book of Nature Laid Open E 319 Huxley. Lay Sermons and Reviews E 219 Jesse. Gleanings in Natural History E 233 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. 13 iUiHS E.— NATURAL Shelf No. L.VNKESTEU. Half-lIour.s with tlie Micro.s- cope E 260 Lemonnieu. Synopsis of Natural History. E 658 ^Xapier. Bo..kof Nature and Book of Man. E 096 "Nichols. Fireside Science E SSO XOYCE. Outlines of Creation E 333 POUCHET. Tlie Universe E 714* Reason Why ; or, Natural History E 366 RuscHENBEUGEU. First Books of Natural History E 381 Scuouw. Earth, Plants and Man E 394 Smith and Dallas. System of Natural His tory E 412 SOMERVILLE. Molecular and Microscopic Science E 414 Taylor. Half Hours in the Green Lanes. . E 434 TiMBS. Curiosities of Animal and Vegetable Life E 442 Wood. Common Objects of the Microscope. E 490 Common Objects of the Sea Sliore E 490 E. 1. -Botany; Archer. Popular Economic Botany E 1014 Balfoor. First Book of Botany E 1024 Beauties and Wonders of Vegetable Life. . E 1033 Cati.OW. Popular Field Botany E 1079 Cooke. Structural Botany E 1100 Coitltas. What may be Learned from a Tree E 1561 Darlington. American Weeds and Useful Plants E 1114 FiGUiER. Vegetable World E 1589* Fl.AGG. Woods and By- Ways of New En- gland E1153 Flint. Grasses and Forage Plauts E 1591 Gray. Botanical Text Book E 1004 Botany of the Northern U. S E 1174 Grindon. Echoes in Plant and Flower Life E 1176 Phenomena of Plant Life E 1176 Hemsley. Handbook of Hardy Trees, Shrubs and HerbaceoUH Plants E 1616 HiBBARD. Seaweed Collector E 1202 LiNDLEY. Introduction to Natural System of Botany E 1661 Vegetable Kingdom E 1661 LiNDLEY and Moore. Treasury of Botany.. E 1260 Macmillan. Holidays on Highlands, in Search of Alpine Plants... E 1282 Marion. Wonders of Vegetation E 1288 Nave. Handy Book to Collection of Algae, &« E 1327 Richard. Botanical Dictionary E 1372 Ruschenberoer. Elements of Botany. See Ruschenbeuger. Natural Lli>tiiry.. E 381 Schleiden. Poetry of the Vegetable World. E 1391 Scoffern. Outlines of Botany E 1738 Sprague. Plants of the U S E 1752 Sumner. Physiological and Systematic Bot- any " E 1428 Trees, Plants and Flowers E 1446 Vegetable Physiology E 1459 Wakefield. Introduction to Botany E 1463 WcoD. Lessons in Botany E 1490 E. 2.— ZooIOKj-^Giiuial. Agassiz and Gould. Principles of Zoology. E 2005 Bastian. Beginidngof Life E 2029 Bkale. Mystery of Life F 1031 Catlow. Popular Scripture Zoology E 2079 Chadbourne. Instinct E 2082 Clark. Mind in Nature E 2555 Dallas. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom E2112 Darwin. Expression of the Emotions in Man, Ac E 2114 Origin of Species E 2114 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication E 2114 Edwards. Life Beneath the Waters E 2134 Fraser. Seaside Naturalist E 2157 GODMAN. American Natural History E 2603 Goldsmith. Natural History, Abridged.. . E 2171 and E 2G03 Qosbe. Evening'! at the Microscope E 2173 Life in its Lower, Intermediate and Higher Forms E 2173 Grant. Comparative Anatomy E 2604 Greenwood. Wild Sports of the World. . E 2175 Hamley'. Our Poor Relations E 2184 Harbison. Elements of Zoology E 3186 Hartwio. Sea and its Living Wonders. . . E 2613 Hinton. Life in Nature E 2204 Huxley. Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals E 2219 On the Origin of Species E 2219 Jones. Animal Creation E 2234 Kirby. History, Habits and Instincts of An- imals E 2647 Lawrence. Lectures on Zoology, Ac E 9657 Lee. Anecdotes of Animals E 2264 Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles and Fi?he.«. E 2264 Lewes. Studies in Animal Life E 2267 Loudon. Entertaining Naturalist E 2373 Maunder. Treasury of Natural History. . . E 2294 Menault. Intelligence of Animals E 2299 Mivakt. Genesis of Species E 2310 Man and Apes E 2310 Naturalist's Library E 2327 Nicholson. Introduction to Biology E 2330 Orr. Principles of Physiology E 2339 OWKN. Structure of the Skeleton and Teeth. SeeOnn. Principles of Physiology. . E 2339 Pettigrew. Animal Locomotion E 2348 Smee. Instinct and Reason E 3747 i-MELi.iE. Philosophy of Natural History. . E 3747 Class E NATURAL HISTORY. 14 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY, SWAINSON. Animals in Menageries E 2430 I Hamilton. British Fishes. See Natuual- Qeoaraphy and Classification of Ani- r's Library, v. 36-37 E 2327 mats E 3430 1 Jardine. Fishes of the Perch Family. See Habits and Instincts of Animals El Natl-ualist's Library. Tenney. Manual of Zoology E 2436 , Roberts. Seaside Companion E 5375 Watson. Reasoning Power in Animals. . . E 2469 Wood. Animal Traits and Characteristics. E 2490 SCHOMBDRGK. Fishes of British Guiana. See Natl-ralist's Library, v. 3940. E 2327 Common Objects of the Country E 2490 Swainson. Natural History of Fishes, Garden B'riends and Foes. . . Illustrated Natural History. Strange Dwellings Wkaxaij.. Life in the Sea 2490 I E 2490 j E 2490 j E 2492 I phibiansand Reptiles E 5430 i:. U.— Rtpliles. Letters on the Serpent of Ihi E. 3.— Xooph} »cs and Molliisks. D.\NA. Corals and Coral Islands E 3508 RUSCHESBEUGER. Elements of Conchology. See RuscHENBERGER. Natural His- tory E 381 Swainson. Malachology E 3430 Woodward. Manual of the MoUusca E 3490 Wyatt. Manual of Conchology E 3797 Facts in the History of HuMrnKEi Ocean E 0216 RuscHENBERGER. Herpetology and Ich- thyology E 0381 Same. See RuscHENBERGER. Natural History E 381 Swainson. Natural History of Fishes, Am- phibians and Reptiles E 5430 . E. 7.— Birds, Ad.\ms. Humming-Birds E 7004 Codes. Key to North American Birds E 7821* FlGUlKR. Reptiles and Birds E 7589* Insects E4103 Jardine. Birds of Great Bril Duncan. Beetles. See Naturalist's Lib- Bees. See Naturalist's Library. E 2327 E 3327 land. See Naturalist's Library. Game Birds. See N.^TURALIST'S Lib- British Butterflies. See NATURALIST'S Library, v. 24 E 233' British Moths, Sphinxes, Ac. See Na- turalist's Library. V 30 E233 Exotic Moths. See N.\turalist's Lib- rary. V.32 E232 Foreign Butterflies. &e Naturalists' Library, v. 31 E 2337 ■ Introduction to Entomology. See N.\- turalist's Library, v. 28 E 2327 Episodes of Insect, Life E 4582 Figuibr. Insect World E 4589* FrrcH. Reports on Noxious Insects E 4591 Jaeger. Life of North American Insects. . . E 4226 Natural History of Insects E 4327 Packard. Our Common Insects E 4341 PniPSON. Utilization of Minute Life E 4351 Rennie. Insect Architecture E 4369 RuscHENBERGER. Elements of Entomology. See RUSCHENBERGER. Natural His- tory E 381 Wood, insects at Home E 4794 E, 5.— Fiflics. Busu.MAN. Fishes. See Natur.\list'8 Lib- rary. V. 35 E2337 rar}-. :2337 Gallinaceous Birds. See Naturalist's Library, v. 14 E 3337 Humming-Birds. See Naturalist's Library, v. 6 7 E 3337 Sun-Birds. See Naturalist's Library. V. 5 E2327 Jones. Natural History of Birds E 7234 Maling. Song Birds, and How to Keep them .... , E 7286 MuDiE. Feathered Tril)e» of the British Is- lands E7320 RuscHENBERGER. Elements of Ornithology. See RUSCHENBERGER. Natural His- tory E 381 Selbt. Parrots. See Naturalist's Lib- rary. V. 10 E2337 Pigeons, See N.\tur.\list's Library. V. 9 E2327 Stanley. Familiar History of Birds E 7431 Swainson. Birds of Western Africa. See Naturalist's Library, v. 11-13 E 2327 Flycatchers. See Naturalist's Lib- rary. T. 13 E2337 Natural History of Birds E 7430 Wilson and Bonaparte, American Orni- thology E 7484 Class E— NATURAL HISTORY. 15 Class E.— NATURAL HISTORY. F,. S.-:»Iaiiiiiialla. Elki-hant, Tlie E SI*") FlGHlER. Manimnlia E 8589 Hamilton. Aiiiphibious Caniivora. See Naturalist's Lilu-ary. v. 25 E 3S27 Whales, Ac. .—PatlioIogy.— Special Diseases. Abeucrombie. Diseases of the Bruin and Spinal Cord V 5501 Behind the Bars, [Insanity.] F 5034 Carey. Malignant Fever in Pliiladclphia. . F 5545 CONOLLY. Indications i.r Insanity F 5559 Cooper. Near Sight, Ag-d Sight, .tc F 5100 Davis. Men' al Disorders F5U5 DdftoN. Deafness and Diseases r I'iiIIioIok) . Bell. Treatise on Baths F 8035 Dickson. Chrono-Thermal System of Me.li- cine F8573 DUNI.OP. Philosophy of the Bntli F8129 Gully. Water Cure in Chronic Disease. ... F 8179 Hahnemann. Organon of Honiaeopathic Medicine F 8609 IIOOKEK. Honiujopathy F 8213 Houghton. Bulwer and Forbes oc Water Treatment F 8214 Jennings. Tree of Life F 8230 Meyer. Electricity in its Relation )o Prac- tical Medicine F 8681 Oehme. Homoecipalhic Dome.«tic Physician. F 8336 Ri.vDORE. Remedial Influence of O.'cygen.&c. F 8724 Shew. Handy Book of Hydropathy F 8408 Taylor. Swedish Movement Cure F 8434 Ti!AJ,l. Hydropathic Encyclopiedia ■. . . F 8446 Walton. Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada F 8464 F. 9.— Veterinary Science. Carver. Age of the Horse F 9077 Chauve.^U. Comparative Anatomy of Do- mesticated Animals ; F 9551 Dadd. American Cattle Doctor F 9111 Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse. F 9823 Modern Horse Do.tor F 9111 DOBSON. The 0.1 : his Diseases and their Treatment F 9124 Dog The, its Varieties and Management F 9124 Fleming. Animal Plagues F 9591 Walsh. Dog in Health and Disease F 9778 Wharton. Treatment of tlie Horse F 9478 Wilson. Veterinary Monitor and Stable Guide .^. . F 9484 Youatt. Cattle; Iheir Diseases, &c .\ . H 1779 Structure and Diseases of the Horse. . . . F 9498 Class «.— ENGINEERING. Shelf No. G.— General Works. American Artisan 6707* Appleton's Cyclopa;dia of Drawing G 508 Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics. Ac. G 508 Bakewell. Great Facts G 23 Beaton. Quantities and Measurements. . . . G 33 BiGELOW. Elements of Technology G 40 Useful Arts in Connection with the Ap- plications of Science G 40 Blenkarn. Speciflcation of Works in Ar- chitecture, &a G 537 Box. Treatise on Heat G ,55 Shelf No. Burn. Architectural Ac. Drawing Book.. . G 06 Byrne. Handbook for the Artisan, Mechan- ic and Engineer G 543 Model Calculator G 543 Fairbairn. Useful Information for Engi- neers G 143 Gregory. Mathematics for Practical Men. G 605 Grier. Mechanic's Calculator G 176 Kentish. Box of Instruments and the Slide Rule G 241 Knapen. Mechanic's Assistant G 248 Mechanic's Magazine G 860 and G 860* Class CJ.— ENGINEERING. 19 Class «.— ENGINEERING. Shelf No. MiNIFiE. Gecimetriciil Drawing (! 684 OfkiciaI, Razetle ..f U. S. Patent Office. ... (i 808 Index of the G OvER.MAN. Meelmnic! .. 6 340 S.\N FU.\NCISC0. In.lu-trial Exliibitiou of Me- clianic's Inslilnte G 731* Scientific American 6922* Tempi.eton. Engineer, Millwright and Mechanic's Pocket Companion G 435 TiMUS. Wonderful Inventions G 442 Wakken. Gt-melrioal Drawing G 40(j Weai.R. Dictionary of Terms in Arcliitcc- ture,ic G 471 ii. I. - ITIary and ITIillnoi-k. AUCHINCLOSS. Application of llie Slide Valve to Ma.-hines G l.')12 Bakeu. Elements of Mechani-m G 1023 BUOWN. 507 Mechdnical Movements G lOBI BunoH. Slide Valve G 10C(i Byrne. Practical .Mechanics G 1070 Camus. Teetli of Wheels G 1544 Clark. Exhibited Machinery of 1882 G 1819 Craik. American Millwright G 1563 Ede. Management of Steel G 1134 PaikbaikN. Principles of Mechanism : G 1142 Glynn. Construction of Cranes and Ma- chinery G 1170 Power of Wafer G 1173 GOODEVE. Elnmenta of Mechanism G 1172 Harrison. Mechanic'^ Tool Book G 1187 HOBBS. Construction of Locks G 1208 Dolly. Saw Filing G 1210 Nicholson. Operative Mechanic and Ma- chinist ; G 1098 Pali.KTT- Miller's, Milhvriglit's. and Engi- neer's (fiiidc G 1342 Raniune .M.ichinery and Millwork G 1303 Richards. Conal ruction of Wood Working Machines G 1724* TOMKINS. Machine Conatruciion and Draw- ing G 1444' Watson. Modern Practice of American Machinists and Engineers G 14G9 G. 2.-Stcaiu EiiifiiiR. Armstrong. Steam Boileis .' . . . G 2015 BocrNE. CatccluMii of the Sieam Engine. G 2054 Handh.u.k nf ihcSlc.-im EnuMne G 2054 Burgh. Rules f..r Ihe Proportions of Mod- ern Engines and Boilers G 2060 Colburn. Locon. olive Engine G 2097 Demi'sey. LocoMi.itive Engine G2118 Evans. Yonna Steam Engineer's Guide.. .. G 2584 EvERS. Steam and the Locomotive Engine. G 2140 Sieam and the Steam Engine— Land, Ac. 13° G2140 Shelf No. EvERS. Steam and the Sicam Engine — Lan.l anr Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Plate Workers G 3045 Bloxam, MctnU; their Properties and Treatment G 3040 Budge. Miner's Guide G 3538 Daddow and Batman. Coal, Iron, and Oil. G 3567 DODD. Briti>h Manufactures; Metals H 134 Holland. Fosil Fuel and Coal Trade of Great Brii ain G 3626 Hull. Coal Fields of Great Britain .0 33 15 Johnson. Coal Trade of British America. G 3640 LamborN. Metallurgy of Copper G 3259 Larkin. Brass and Iron Founder's Guide. G 3361 LiEiiER. Assay er's Guide G 3368 Makins. Manual ofMetallurgy G 3285 Ml.NING Magazine .. ." '. G 3684 Mitchell. Practical Assaying G 3310 Morris. Derrick and Drill, (Petroleum).. . G 3317 Napier. ElectroMetalluiiry G 3326 Overman Manufacture of Steel G3340 Practical Mineralogy, Assaying, and Mining D 9340 Treatise on Metallurgy G 3704 PAn-BRSON. Twelve Years in the Mines of California G 3344 Phillips. Manual of Metallurgy G 3351 Phillips and Darlington. Records of Mining and Metallurgy G 3351 RiCKARD. Practical Mining.. G 3373 S. OPPERN. Useful Metals and their Alloys. G 3397 St kivenor. History of the Iron Trade. . . G 3739 Shaw. Mammal of Electro Metallurgy G 3743 Smiles. In.lustrial Biography G 3411 €'lass «.— F.NGINKKRING. 20 <;ia«S « — RNGINKKRING. SUcIf No. SWINDEU,. Well Digging, 15oiing and Pun,p-\V..ik O 3431 Taylor. Stati,i,i>-8 o( Cl .-m ..f \',;ntilation G 8604 HavilanD. BuiMrr's A>sistaiit G 8613 HOBBS. Architecture G 8035 Hood. Warming Buildings by Hot Water, &e..- G8637 Hope. Historical Essay on Architecture.. G 8627 Jones and Newman. American Architect.. G 8847 Knight. Architectural Tour in Normandy. G 8249 Lafevre. Beauties of Modern Architec- ture G 8852 Modern Builder's Guide G 8853* Leeds. Rudimentary Arcliitecture, G 8364 Ventilation G 8658 Lefbbue. Wonders of Architecture G 8204 Malh'IIANT. Designs for Sepulchral Monu- ments; G 8858 Masury. House Painting G 8291 Merchants and Manufacturers of Chicago. G 8901 Parker, Introduction to Gothic Architec- ture G8343 Shelf No. Pekkins. Gas and Veiitilathm G 8347 POCOCK. Modern Finishings for Rooms G 8873 Reid. Theory and Practice of Veulilati.m. G 8730 Richardson. Hou^c Building G 8373 Warming and Ventilation G 8724 Rose. Architecture in England G 8728 Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture G 8381 Shaw. Modem Architect G 8743 Sloan. Homestead Architecture G 8746 Smeaton. Builder's Pocket Companion. . . G 8411 Smith. Construction of CottHges G 8747 TuoMAS. Workingman's Cottage Architec- ture G8438 Todd. Country Homes G 8443 TOMLINSON Warming and Ventilation.... G 8444 Trimen. Church and Chapel Aichitedure. G 8446 Turner. Domestic Architecture in Eng- land G 8769 Tuthill. History of Architecture G 8769 Vaux. Villas and Cottages G 8774 WiGHTWiCK. Hints to Young ArchitHct-i. . G 8483 WiLKlNS. Grecian and Roman Architec- ture G 8898 Wilson. Mechanic's and Builder's Price Book G8484 G. 9.— CarpciKry and Iflasoiir)', Bell. Carpentry made Easy G 9531 Burn. Building Construction. Brick, &c.. G 9006 Same. Timber, Ac G 9066 BURNELL. Limes,' Cements, Mortars. Ac. . . G 9060 Cupper. Urdveis.il stnir Builder G9923 DeGraff. Stair BniM.i-Miui.le G 9570 DoBSON. Manufa.iuiv ,.f Biicks and Tiles. G 9'24 Masonry and Stone Cutting G 9134 EsTERBROOK and Monckton. American StairRuilder G 9828 Hall. Modern Designs for Dwelling Houses. G 9837 Hart. Construction of Oblique Aivhes G 9838 Hatfield. American House Carpenter. . . G 9613 Johnston Carjienter's New Guide G 9847 Marble Worker's Manual G 9288 Nicholson. Carpenter's New Guide. . G!8!7 Mechanic's Companion G 9330 Mechanical Exercises G 9098 Pain. Practical House Carpenter G 97u5 ToTTEN. Hydraulic and Common Mortars, Ac G9767 Tredgold. Carpentry G 9870 Vicat. Calcareous Mortars and Cements. . G 9770 Class H.— TECHNOLOGY. 23 < ln>i|.a'dia of Practical Keeeipts. H 560 Dicic. Cvc-lopreiiu of Practical Rficeipts... H 573 DoDD. British Manufactures H 124 Curiosities of Industry and the applied Sciences H 574 Days at I he Factories H 124 EwBANK. World a Workshop H 140 Fkssenden. Regi>ter of Arts H 588 FOUCADD. Book of Illustrious Mechanics.. H 156 Fype. Triumphsofluvention and Discovery H 100 History of the Process of Manufacture and Uses of Printing. Ac H 206 iNiiULBE Withiu for anything you want to k.iow H 333 Invention jind Discovery H 323 Lankestek. Uses of Animals in Relation to the Industry of Man H 260 M.A.CKENZIE. Five Thousand Receipts H 669 Potter. Principles of Science, applied to Arts H 356 Reports of Artisans selected to visit the Paris Exhil.ition H 722 Results of the [London] Exhibition H 370 SiMMONDS. Waste Products and Undevel- oped Suhstances H 407 Taylor. Scenes of Wealth H 434 Troup. Harmony of Science and Scripture. H 447 Ure. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines H 773 Same. Supplement H 773 Improvements in Art, Manufactures and Mines H 773 H. 1. -Agriculture. Allen. American Farm Book H 1008 Domestic Animals H 1008 American Agricultu' ist 6699* Bement. American PoXilterer'sCompanion. H 1035 BoussiNGAULT. Rural Economy H 1054 Brackett, Farm Talk H l(i56 Browne. American Bird Fancier H lOGl BUEL. Farmer's Companion H 1063 Sholf Ne. BliUN. Modern Farming jj 1060 BURNTIAM. New Poultry Book H 1060 Uaird. English Agriculture in 1850-51... H 1543 CHAPTAL. Chymistry Applied to Agricul- t'"-* ni088 COBBETT. Cottage Economy H 1095 Complete Grazier H jggg Dana. Muck Manual for Farmers 11 1113 Dempsey. Drainage of Districts and Lands. H 1118 Donaldson. Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. H 1124 Eastwood. Cultivation of the Cranberry. . 111131 ENFlisLD. Indian Corn ; its Value, Culture and Uses n 1137 Far.ming by Inches n 1144 Fl.\GG. Three Seasons in European Vine- yards 111152 Fleming. Practical Horseshoeing H 1153 Flint. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming. . . II 1501 Greeley. What I Know of Farming H 1175 Harazthy. Grape Culture, Wines and Wine Making H1612 Hewitt. Coffee; its History, Cultivation, *" H 1631 Huisn. Bees; their Natural History and Management U -{215 Johnson, C. W. Farmer's Encycloptedia. . H 1640 Johnson, S. W. How Crops Grow H 1233 — — Rural Economy jj jogg Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry and Geology H 1333 Application of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture H 1233 Kent. Farmer's Handbook H 1241 Klippart. Wheat Plant H 1246 Langstroth. Hive and Honey Bee H 1260 L1EBI6. Natural Laws of Husbandry H 1268 Livingston. Essay on Sheep H 1271 Mechi. How to Farm Profitably H 1296 Miles. Horse-Shoeing H 1304 Mitchell. My Farm of Edgewood II 1.310 Rural Studies H 1310 Morris. How to get a Farm H 1317 Ten Acres Enough JJ 1317 Olcott. Sorgho and Imphee H 1337 Olmsted. Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England R 1337 Our Farm of Four Acres H 1340 Peard. Practical Water Farming H 1345 Pbttiqrew. Handy Book of Bees H 1348 Porter. Nature and Properties of the Su- garCane H 1714 QuiNBY. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping H 1361 QuiNCT. Soiling of Cattle H 1361 Reed. History of Sugar H 1867 Class H.— TKCHNOLOGY. 24 Class II.— TECHNOLOGY. Roosevelt. Five Acios too Much RUKAI< Euonomy; or, Pia<'tical Iluslmiidrv. Saundeks. UoiiiPslii; Poultry Sugar Cane. Cullivmioii of the ThO.MAS. Farm Ini|>lenieiits Thomson. Rest-ardics on the FooJ of Ai.i TULL. HorsenociiigllustmiKlry. . . Vegetable Sulistances used for l''o< Walden. SoilCulture Warder. Hedges ami Evergreens. Waring. Agriculture Draining for Profit, Ac YOUATT. Cattle: their Manag,tnien II 1^77 H 1380 H 1387 II 17r>7 11 1438 II 1438 II 17CU II um II 1404 H 1405 H 14G5 H 1405 H 1779 H. 2.— HorticuUiirc. B.\RRy. Fruit Garden H 2028 BbeCHBR. Fruits, Flowers and Farming. . H 2034 BniDGEMAN. Florist's Gui.le II 2058 — '— Yontig Gardener's Assistant H 2535 BuiST. American Flower Garden Directory. H 2003 COBBETT. American Gardener H 2095 Downing. Fruits and Fruit Trees of Amer- ica H2125 Landscape Gardening H 2575 Fessenden. New American Gardener .... H 2147 Field. Pear Culture H 2149 Gn.MAN. My Ten-Rod Farm H 3107 HORTICDLTURIST H 2028* Johnson. Cottage Gardener's Dictionary.. H 2233 Kemp. How to Lay out a Garden H 2240 LbuCHARS. Consi ruction, Heating, itc. of Hot Houses H 2200 LiNDLEY. Guide to the Orchard and Fruit Garden H 2209 Theory of Ilorticuture H 2209 LOODON. Gardening for Ladies H 3-i73 Plain Instructions in Gardening H 2273 MaliNG Flowers tor Ornament and Decor- ation H228fi IndoorPlauts H 2286 New York City, Report of the Board of Commissioners of PuWIic Parks H 3097* QutNN. Money in the Garden H 2361 ErvERS. Miniature Fruit Garden H 2374 Robinson. Gleanings fiom French Gardens. H 2375 Parks, Promenades and Gardens of Paris H3735 Roe. Play and Profit in my Garden H 2375 Smith Paiks and Pleasure Grounds H 3413 Todd. Apple Culiurist H 2443 Watson. Flowers and Gardens H 3409 American Home Garden H 2409 Watts. Modern Practical Gardening H 2469 Williams. Window Gardening H 3790 H. 3 -Pr.par Foixl siiid UoiiK'KtIc AriciAN Mor.-els 11 3013 BeeCUEH. Domestic Economy 113034 Domestic Science 11 3034 Housekeeper and Ilealthkeeper II 3034 Beeton. Every-Day Cookery. II 3034 Household Management H 3034 Blot. Practical Cookery H 3046 Beeakfast. Dinner and Tea II 3057 BrillatSavakin. Handhook of Dining. . II 3058 Physiology of Taste II 3058 Btrn. Practical Brewer H 3070 Practical Distiller H 3070 Cassell's Household Guide II 3816 CobbetT. Cottage Economy II 3095 CoPPIKGER. Practical Brewer and Tanner. II 3500 Donovan. Domestic Economy H 3124 Doran. Table Traits with Sonieihing on Them H 3125 Druitt. Cheap Wines H 3127 Dubhunpaut. Alt of Distillation 113128 EASTL.4KE. Hints on Household Taste H 3579 Edwards Exiravagant Use of Fuel in Cooking Operations H 3580 F.\MILY Receipt Book II 3143 KrenCII Dom.-Blic CiM.kcry II 3157 Frost. What 1 Kn..w al',. ut c.oking II 3158 GOUFPB. Royul Cookery Book 11 3004 Haskell. Housekeeper's Encycloi>icdia. . . 11311^9 HOSKINS. What We Eat. . . .'. H 3213 Jeanes. Gniither's Modern Confedioner. . II 3229 .lEWRY. • Warne's M..del C.okery Book. . . . H 3233 Kirwan. Book ahout Dinners." H 3245 Lady's Guide to the Oniering of her House- hold H3256 McMullen. Handbook of Wines H 3283 Murray. Modern Householder H 3323 Uedding. Mo.lern Wines H 3366 Six Ilnndied Dollars a Year H 3408 SOYER. Culinary Campaign H 3416 Stockton, Home, and Where it Should Be, &o, 11 3428 TerHUNE. Common Sense in the House- hold H3436 Times. One TIu,us:,,i.1 li,,tnH,iic Hints H 3443 Useful Arts p;rnpioye.l in the Production of Food H3456 Willich. Domestic Encyclopfp.ilia H 3790 YouMANS. Handbook of Household Science. H 3498 H. 4.-Textrc F.ibrlcw. Bancroft. Philosophy of P-niianenl Co BeRTIIOLLET. Art of I lyiiij; BrONSON. l•^,mily Directory in the Arts . Weaving and Dyeing- n 4515 II 4523 Class -TECHNOLOGY. 25 Class M.— TECHNOLOGV. Shelf No. l'.>\\ U1N-. Koport on Silk iii.cl Sill; Manufac- tures II luO'^* Dou0. Textile Fabrics of Great Britain. SeeV>om). Britisli Manufactures It 124 Dole. Blues and Carmines of Indigo H 4124 Ddss.VUCE. Coloring Matters Derived from CoalTar H 4129 Dyeing and Calico Printing 11 4578 Dyer and Colour-Malver's Companion H 4130 Gii.ROY. Art of Weaving H 4600 H.\IGIJ. Dier's Assistant H 4181 Love. Art of Dyeing, Cleaning, Ac H 4GG4 MoNTGOitEKY. Cotton Manufacture in tlie United States H 4088 Nai'IER. Chemistry Applied to Dyeing H 4096 Scott. Practical Cotton Spinner H 4738 UlriCH, Art 6f Dying Cotton and Wool. . H 4453 Ure. Cotton Manufactures of GreatBritain. H 4456 Philosophy of Manufactures II 4456 WniTE. Treatise on Weaving H 4788 H. .5,— JDress-Makiiis. Gai,!-;. Hints on Dress H 51G1 Pallissek. History of Lace H 5705 Queen and Lapsley. Taylor's Instructor. . H 5717 Thomson. Hat Making and Felting H 5438 I'sEFUL Arts Employed in (lie Production of Clotliing " H5450 JI. «.-I»ottoij?l'<>i]>]-, Sec. Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engrav- ers ." I 4813* Bdkgess. Photograph Manual I 2006 Coai.E. Manual of Photography I 2095 Crouchkr and Le Gray. Directory for ob- taining Pliotngraphie Pictures I 2105 Cypress Hill's Cemetry. Views in 12922* Dupi.Kssis. Wonders of Engraving I 2129 Hamerton, Etcher's Handbook I 2184 Heath. Phntography I 2015 Humphrey. Handbook of the Daguerrotype. 12210 Hunt. Art of Pliotogiaphy. Sec Griffin. Sci.-i.lific Mi-^t-ellany D 006 Light in its Chemical Relations I 2030 Manual of Photography I 2317 Monckhoven. Photograidiic Optics I 2313 Ottley. Dictionary of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers I 4808* Towj.BR. Silver Sunbeam. [Photography]. . 12445 VValpoi.e. Catalogue of Engravers 12464 I. 3.-«ra«ing. Belu Anatomy and Philosophy of Expres- sion I 3531 Bolton. Drawing from Objects I 3049 Cave. Learning to Draw from Memory .1 3079 COULINS. Perspective I 3097 Davies. Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspective I 3569 De Witt. Element of Perspective I 3573 Howard. Imitative Ait 13214 Page. Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, Ac. I 3341 PellegrIN. Linear Perf|iective I S340 PynE. Perspeolive for Beginners 1 3360 RUSKIN. Elements of Drawing I 3381 Elements of Perspective I 3381 Smith. Linear Perspective 13747 Thenot. Practical Perspective I 3762 Williams. Model Drawing I 3790 Cinor S|i<>rtN. American Angler's Guide I 7009 Ascham. Toxophilus 17510* Baker. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon I 7023 Bauciieu. Method of Horsemanship 17030 Browning. Fortj^-four Years of the Life of a Hunter I 7001 Campbell. Old Forest Ranger I 7073 Chapman. Instructions to Young Marks- men I 7083 Collins. Horse Trainer's and Sportsman's Guide 17097 Davy. Salmonia I 7115 Dead Shot; or, Sportsman's Guide I 7116 DWYEU. Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bri- dles I 7130 Elliott, Carolina Sports by Land and Wa- ter 17135 Frost. Art of Swimming I 7595 Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life I 7158 GiLLMORE. Accessible Field Sports 1 7107 Hallock. Fishing Tourist 1 7610 HA5IM0ND. Wild Northern Scenes I 7184 Hans.uid. Book of Archery I 7611 Herbert. American Game and its Seasons. I 7197 Fish and Fishing in the United States. I 7197 and I 7618 Hutchinson. Dog Breaking I 7319 Mayiiew. Dogs ; their Management 17395 Meunier. Adventures on Great Hunting Grounds I 7303 Moffat. Secrets of Angling I 7311 Prime. I go a-Fishing I 7715 Pycroft. History and Science of Cricket. . I 7360 Radcliffe. Noble Science of Pox Hunt- ing 17718 Richardson. Horsemanship 17734 Roosevelt. Game-Birds of the Northern States of America I ^377 Scott. Fishing in American Waters I 7738 Simpson. Horse Portraiture I 7407 Stephens. Adventures in' Search of a Horse 17431 Stuutt. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England I 7755 Walker. Manly Exercises I 7404 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler I 7404 Warken. Shooting, Boating and Fishing. . 17466 Webber. Hunter-Naturalist 17783 Woodruff. Trotting Horse of America. ... I 7490 I. 8.— dyiunastics. Arts of Rowing and Training I 8010 Harrisson. Athletic Training and Health. I 8187 IvLOSs. Dumb Bell Instructor. See Lewis. New Gymnastics I 8367 Lee. Exercise and Training I 8304 €las§ -AMUSEMENTS, &c. Class K— POETRY. Shelf No. Lewis. New Gymnastics I 8367 Maclauen. Training in Theory and Prac- tice I 8669 Mason. Manual of Gymnastic Exercises. . . I 8290 Morgan. University Oars I 8316 RusSELl,. Wonders of Bodily Strength and Skill 18381 Saltzmann. Gymnastics I 8731 ScHKEBEU. Pangymnasticon, See I.EWI.'!. New Gymnastics I 8267 Tyler Brawnville Papers 1845! Watson, Calisthenics and Gymnastics 18781 Watson. Hints for Pedestrians 18469 WnEET.ER. Sportoscrapiana T 8479 I. O.-Aiiiiisciueiits, Agnei,. Book of Chess I 9006 Chess for Winter Evenings I 9006 Baker. Drawing-Room Stage I 9023 SoeialStage 19033 Bellew. Art of Amusing I 9035 Caldor. Social Charades I 9072 Cremer. Hanky Panky 1 9104 Dodge. A Few Friends, and How (li.-y Amused Themselves 1 9124 FiSKE. First American Chess Congress 19151 Gilt-. Parlor Tableaux 1 9167 HOOI'EK. Recreations in Numbers and Nat- ural Philosophy 1 9627 Kenny. Manual of Cliess I 9341 Laws and Practice of Wliist I 9363 Long. Key to tlie Chess Openings 19664 Lowentual. Morphy's Games. [Chess].. 19273 Lowenthal and Medley. Transactions of the British Chess Association for 1866-'67 1 9664 Magician's Own Book 1 9284 Modern Pocket Hoyle T 9315 MoRPHY. Chess Champion. Exploits and Triumphs in Europe I 9316 Sociable, The I 9414 Staunton. Chess-Player's Handbook 19431 Chess Tournament I 9431 Stcrges. Guide to the Game of Draughts.. 19436 Taylor. History of Playing Cards 19434 TOMLINSON. Amusements in Chess I 9444 Valentine. Games for Family Parties I 9457 Class K.— POETRY AND DRAMA. Shelf N K. Critical and Historical AVorlts. AiKiN. Letters on English Poetry K Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry K 804 Austin. Poetry of the Period K Carpenter. Handbook of Poetry K 76 De Quincey. Poets and other English Writ- ers K 118 DiKCKs. Nature-Study K 573 Everett. English Ver.^ification K 140 QascoiGNE. Instruction in English Verse. K 1598* Hazlitt. Lectures on the English Poets K 191 and K 615 Hunt. Imiigination and Fancy K 217 Ludlow. Popular Epics of the Middle Ages K 274 Macdonald. England's Antiphon K 278 MoiR. Poetry, Romance and Rhetoric. . . . K 311 Montgomery. Lectures on Literature, Po- etry, Ac K 314 Puttenham. Arte of English Poetrie K 716* Rules for Making English Verse K 380 Scott. Chivalry, Romance and the Drama. [Miscellaneous Prose Works, v. 6]. . . C 8397 Sidney. Apologie for Poetrie K 744* Taylor. Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry... . K 700 Warton. History of English Poetry K 779 Webbe. Discourse of English Poetrie... K 783* White. National Hymns K 788 K. 1. lilngllsli Poetry. Akenside. Pleasures of the Imagination. . K 1006 Akers, Elizabeth. Poems K 1006 Allingham. Ballad Book K 1008 Allston. Poems. See Alston. Lectures.. I 8 Sylplis of the Seasons K 1008 Alsop. Poem to the Memory of Washing- ton; also other Poems K 1504 American Poetical Miscellany K 1009 Avalanche. Fashion's Analysis K 1030 Aytoun. Bothwell . . .-r K 1020 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers K 1020 Bailey. Festus ; a Poem K 1023 Barbauld. Poems K 1026 Batchelder. Poetry of the Bells K 1030 Beattie. Minstrel, also other Poems K 1032 Bbllew. Poet's Corner K 1035 Bet.sy Lee ; a Fo'c's'le Yarn .K 1038 Blackmore. Creation K 1044 Bloompield. Banks of Wye K 1046 Poems K 1046 Bon.\parte. Charlemagne; or the Church Delivered K 1050 BowDLER. Poems and Essays M 4533 Branagan. Avenia K 1056 Browning, Eliz. B. Poems K 1061 Browning, R. Balaustian's Adventures. . . K 1061 Fifine at the Fair, ( Poetry ami Song K \ry,)'7 Little People of the Snow K ir,:i7 Poems K l(l(;3 Selections from American Peels Iv iWi'i Buchanan. Book of Orm K 1003 BncKnuRST. Lord. Works Jv l(Ki:i BULFINCH Poetry of tlie Age of Fable.. K lOGl Bulwer-LyttON, E. Eva nud otlier Poems. K 1004 Lost Tales of Miletus K 1004 Bulwer-Lytton, R. Poems R 1004 Fables in Song K 10C4 Burns. Poetical Works K 1006 BUTI.ER. Hndibras R 1009 Butler. Nothing to Wear R 1069 Two Millions K 1009 Byron. Poetical Works R 1070 CAI.VEKLEY-. Fly Leaves K 1072 Campbell. Pleasures of Hope K 1073 Carey, Alice and Phcebe. Last Poems of. Edited by Mary C. Ames K 1075 Carey. Ballads, Lyr K 1075 Later Poems. See Ajies, Mrs. C. Carey'. Commonplace Book of Epigrams. . K 1075 Carleton. Farm Ballads K 1545 CliAFA. Napoleon Bonaparte and other Poems K 1083 Chalmers. Poetic ]{emains of the Scottish Rings K 1083 Cuaucer. Canterbury Tales K 1084 Selections from the Poetical Works of. R 1084 Clodgh. Poems K 1094 COGGESHALL. Poets and Poetry of the West K 1557 Coleridge. Poetical Works K 1097 COLESWORTHY. The Year K 1097 Collins. Poetical Works K 1097 COLMAN. Lady of the Wreck, and other Poems K 1097 Columbian Muse K 1097 Cook. Poetical Works R 1100 COOMBE. Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of a Wife KllOO Cooper. Rhyme and Reason of Country Life K 1100 Country Life K 15G3 Dana. Household Book of Poetry K 1568 Darwin. Temple of Nature K 1 114 Davidson, JIargaret M. Poetical Ronmine. K 1115 DiBDiN. Songs K 1121 Drake. Culprit Fay K 1120 Drydkn. Poetical Works K 1127 Duncan. Essay on Happiness R 1129 Elizauetii. Osric. . . K 1135 Emerson. Thanksgiving Story and other Poems R 1136 Erskine. Gospel Sonnets K 1138 Everest. The Memento K 1140 Falconer. Shipwreck R 1 143 Farmer, Imagination, Maniac's Dream and other Poems R 1 144 Fekgusson. Poems K 1 147 Fessenden. Democracy Unveiled K 1147 Ladies' Monitor K 1147 Pleury. Divine Poems and Essays K 1 152 Foster. Poems K 1156 Frbneau. Poems K 1157 Gardner, Broken Dreams K 1162 Gascoigne. Steele Glass, &c K 1598* Glenn. Whispers of Fancy K 1169 Glover. Leonidas K 1170 GoLDSMiTir. Poems R 1171 Poetical Works K 1171 Traveller, Deserted Village, and other Poems K 1171 GooGE. Eglogs, EpytapliesandSonettes. K 1603* Grant. Highlanders R ll74 Orimald. Songes and Sonnettes. See ToT- tel's Miscellany K 1767* Griswold. Poets and Poetry of America. . K 1606 Habington. Castara R 1609* H.\LLECK. Poetical Works K 1610 Selections from British Poets K 1183 Young America K 1183 Hali'INE. Poetical Works K 1610 Harte. Poems R 1188 HawkeswORTH. Poetical Works. Sec Alsop. Poems, &c K 1504 Hemans. Complete Works K 1194 Hervey. Poems K 1198 Hewes. Ballads of the War K 1201 Hitchcock. Social Monitor K 1207 Cowper. Poems K 1103 Hogg. Poetical Works K 1209 The Task K 1103 HoLCOMBE. Southern Voices R 1310 Crabbe. The Borough K 1104 Poetical Works K 1104 Tales K 1104 Crashaw. Complete Works K 1104 Cumberland. Calvary; or, the Death of Christ K 1504 CuNNLNGHAM. Poetical Works K 1107 Cyclopedia of Popular Songs KlllO Holland. Bitter Sweet K 1210 Kathrina K 1210 Illustrated Library of Favorite Song. . K 1626 Marble Prophecy K 1210 Holmes. Poema K 1310 Songs in Many Keys K 1210 Hood. Poems K 1212 Poetical Works K 1212 Class K.— POETRY. 30 Class K. Hopper. Dutdi I'iliriim Fatlipis, and otliei- Poems K 1312 Fire on the Hearth K 1212 HuMPHKEYS. Poeins K 1216 Hunt. Poetical Works K 1217 IngelOW. Poems K 1223 James VI. and I. Essays of a Prentise in Poesie ". K 1G36* John Jevoingham's Journal K 1233 Johnson. Poetio.-il Works K 1233 Keats. Poetical Works Iv 1238 KiNGSLET Poems K 1244 Lamont. Poems K 1259 Larne. The Garland K 1261 Legends and Recollections of Moua K 1264 LmN. Powers of Genius K 1369 LiPPiNCOTT. Poeros by Grace Greenwood. K 1269 LOARING. Epitaphs; Quaint, Curious and Elegant K 1272 Longfellow. Aftermath K 1273 Christus ; a Mystery K 1273 Courtship of- Miles Standish K 1273 Divine Tragedy K 1273 . Golden Legend Iv 12^3 New England Tragedies K 1373 Poems K 1373 Poetical Works K 1373 Songof Hiawatha • K 1273 Tales of a Wayside Inn K 1373 Three Books of Song K 1373 LovEU. Songs of Ireland K 1373 Low. Poems K 1273 Lowe. Olive and the Pine K 1373 Lowell. Bigelow Papers K 1373 MaoDonald. Hidden Life K 1378 MacKellak. Rhymes atween-Times K 1281 MaoNeill. Poetical Works K 1283 Martin and Aytoun. Book of Ballads K 1389 Mason, Milton and Thomson. Dramatic Poems K1390 Mason. Poems K 1390 Mathlvs. Pursuits of Literature K 1675 Mat. American Female Poets K 1G77 Mead. Mississippian Scenery K 1296 Merry. Pains of Memory. See RoGEKS. Pleasures of Memory K 1376 Miller. Songs of the Sun Lands K 1305 Milman. Belshazzar K ]3ii5 Martyr of Antioch K 1305 Poetical Works K 1305 . Samor K 1305 Milton. Paradise Lost K 1306 Paradise Regained K 1306 ■ Poetical Works K 1306 and K 1683 Milton, Thomson and Young. Beauties of. K 1306 Mrs. Jerningham's Journal K 1309 Montgomery, Greenland, and other Poems. K 1314 I Shelf No. Montgomery. Poetical Works K 1314 West Indies, and other Poems K 1314 Moore. Loves of the Augels K 1315 ■ Poems K 1315 Poetical Works K 1689 Moore. Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution K 1815 Moke. Bible Rhymes K 1316 Morris. Love is Enough K 1317 -Poems K 1317 M0TiiBRWEi,L. Poetical Works K 1317 K 1321 K 1329 K 1329 K1333 K 1333 MulOCK. Poems New Ladies' Library Newell. Versatilities Noel. Beatrice Norfolk. Collection of Curious Epitaphs. NoHTHEND. Book 01 Epitaphs NORTHMORE. Washington; or, Libeity Re- stored K 1333 Nothing to Do K 1333 Odiorne. Progress of Refijiement, and other Poems K 1336 Old English Ballads K 1703 OssiAN. Poems K 1339 and K 1708 OSTREA; or, the Loves of the Oysters K 1339 Palliser. Mottoes for Monuments K 1342 Parnell. Poems K 1343 P.\RTON. Humorous Poetry K 1343 Passion Flowers K 1343 Patmoke. Angel in the House K 1344 Peak. Slruirgle for Existence K 1345 Percy. Reliquesof Ancient English Poetry K 1708 Perrin. Hebrew Canticles K 1347 Pettiqrew. Chronicles of the Tombs; a Col- lection of Epitaphs Iv 1348 Philips. Poems.' ' K 1351 Pierce. The Year K 1352 Poems. [By Different Authors] K 1355 By a Citizen of Baltimore K 1355 On Moral and Religious Subjects ,. K 1355 On Religious and Moral Subjects K 1355 Pollock, Course of Time K 1355 Pope. Essay on Man K 1355 Select Collection of Poenjs K 1355 Works K 1355 Prime. O Mother, Dear Jerusalem K 1357 Proctor, A. Poems K 1358 Proctor, B. W. Marcian Colonna K 1358 QUARLES. Emblems, Divine and Moral K 1361 Radcliffe. St. Alban's Abbey. See Rad- CUFFE. Gaston de Blondeville L 1363 Ramsay. Gentle Shepherd K 1363 Rankin. Auld Scotch Mither K 1363 Rked. Poems K 1366 Richards. Minstrelsy of War K 1372 Richardson. Songs from the Old Dramat- ists K 1373 €la!> 31 Class M— POF/l'RV. Shelf No. KUKKS. Lyrics K 1374 RoBi.NSCN. Poems K 1375 EOGKUS. Pleasures of Memory K 1370 Poetical Works Roy and Bnrlowe. Rede me and be nott wrothe K 1 Rustic Rhymes K S elf No. Tennyson. Poetical Works K 1436 Thompson. Nothing to Say ]v 1438 PluRi-Bus-Tah K 1438 K 1376 I Thomson. I TlOHK. V The Seasons vvche, and oilier Poems. Memorial li-rollany S.MNT and Sinner K 1 T;;i) Saugent. Songs of the Sea K 1386 Saxe. Fables and Legends of Many Coun- tries K1387 . Masquerade, and other Poems K 1387 Poems K 1387 Scott, A. Poems K 1 307 Scott, W. Dance of Death, and other Po. ems K 1307 Harold the Dauntless K 1397 Lay of the Last Minstrel K 1397 Lord of the Isles K 1397 Lord of the Isles, Field of Waterloo, and other Poems K 1397 Poetical Works K 13U7 Rokeby, and the Bridal of Triermain . . K 1397 Search after Happiness, and other Poems K 1397 Sorceress K 1307 SllAW. Poems on Religious Subjects K 1403 Shee. Rhymes on Art.- K 1403 Shelley. Poetical Works K 1742 SigOUHNEY. Western Home, and other Po- ems K 1405 Smith. Horace in London K 1413 Smith. H. and J. Poetical Works K 1413 Smith. Rejected Addresses K 1413 SoMEiiviLLE. The Chase K 1740 Sotheby. Saul K 1415 SoDTUEY. .Curse of Kehama K 1416 Poetical Works K 1749 Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo K 1416 Spencer. Faery Queen K 1417 Sperry. Country Lovs vs. City Flirtation.. K 1417 Spiekin. Poems K 1751 Spraghe and others. Rejected Addresses. . K 1419 Stoner. Robert of Woodleigh, &« K 1423 Sorry. Songs and Sonnettes. See Tottle's Miscellany K 1767* Swain. Redemption K 1430 Stmpson. Vision of Alfred K 1431 K 1433 K1433 K 1434 K 1434 K 1436 Tennyson. Enoch Arden K 1436 Gareth and Lynette K 1436 Holy Grail K 1436 Idyls of the King K 1436 Poems K 1436 Trench. Hon etry. . . . ['KUMIUILl ehold Book of Kaglish I'o- M'Fin. . K 1438 . K 1441 . K 14.14 K 1767* . K 1446 K M46 K 1447 Tannahill. Poems and Songs Tappan. New England, and other Poems. Taylor. Lars ; a Pastoral of Norway Masque of the Gods Tennant. Anster Fair, ; id other Poems Poetical Works K 1768 Tupper. Proverbial Philosophy '. K 1448 Universal Songsier K 1773 Wanderer; or, Horatio and Latitia K 1464 W.\TS0N. Poems K 1781* Watts. Lyric Poems K 1469 Wetmore. Lexington, and other Poems.. . K 1786 White Rose and Red K 1481 Whitman. Leaves of Grass K 1481 Whitney. Mother Goose tor Grown Folks. K 1481 Pansies K 1481 Whittier. Pennsylvania Pilgrim K 1481 Snow-Bound K 1481 Poetical Works K 1481 Wilkin's. Political Ballads K 1483 Willmott. Poets of the 10th. Century K 1790 WOLCOTT. Works of Peter Pindar K 1489 and K 1793 WOODWORTH. Melodies, Duets, ,«oiigs and Ballads K 1490 Poetical Works K 1490 Wordsworth. Poetical Works K 1491 Prelude K 1491 Wright. Brook, and other Poems K 1493 Wyatt. Songes and Sonnettes. 6'« Tot- tle's Miscellany K 1767* Young. Night Thoughts K 1498 K. S.^Euglish Drama. Barnes. Plays in Prose and Poetry K 2028 Buckinham. Rehearsal K 2538* Bdlwer. Not so bad as we Seem K 3064 Byron. Sardanapalus K 3070 Clapp. Record of the Boston Stage K 3091 Clarke. Concordance to Shakspere K 3555* Collection of Plays K 3558 DoRAN. Annals of the English Stage K 3575 Douce. Illustrations of Shakspeare K 2575 Edgeworth. Comic Dramas. See Edge- worth. Novels, Ac. V. 16 L 1134 EuBULE-EvANS. Curse of Immortality K 2189 Ford. Dramatic Works K 2156 Giles. Human Life in Shakespeare K 3167 Guizot. Shakespeare and his Times K 2178 Hackett. Notes upon Shakespeare K 2181 Clasfii K. 32 4JI:i!«M K. Shelf No. . Hazlitt. Cbaractors ill Sliakespear's Plays. K 3191 | Criticisms and Dramatic Essays on the English Stage K 2191 Holmes. Authorship of Shakespeare K 2210 Hudson. Shakespeare; his Life, Art and Characters K 2215 Jameson. Characteristics of Women K 2227 Kellogg. Shakespeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, &c K 2239 Knowles. Dramatic Works K 2250 Lamb. Specimens of English Dramatic Po- ets. K2259 Maginn. * Shakespeare Papers K 2284 Paulding. American Comedies K 2344 SnAKESl'EARE. Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. [Reprint of the Edition of 1623] K 3742* Merchant of Venice, .— llRliiiu l>. ii od HELPS. Animals and their Masters M 11J3 Companions of my Solitude M 1149 M 11.53 M 1101 M 1171 M1174 M1174 M 1178 M1179 M1191 HIGOINSON. Oldport Days M UO- HolCOMBE. Literature in Letters M UIO crass :n.— LITERATURE. 34 Class M.— LITERATURE. Shelf Nr riOI.E. Six of Ppiiiles M 1310 lIOi.MES. Antoetnt of tlie Breakfast Table. M 1210 Poet lit the Breakfast Table M 1210 HtjMBOl.DT, Alex. von. Letters to Varnlia- gen TonEnse M 1216 Humboldt, William von. Letters to a Fe- male Friend M 1210 Hunt. Book for a Corner M 1217 Imitations of Celebrated Authors Ml Irving. Book of i he Hudson M 1224 Crayon Miscellany M 1224 Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle M 1224 Salmagundi M 1224 JehrOLD. Fire.^ide Saints ami. other Papers M 1231 Kane, E. K. Love Life of M 1230 Keltt. Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling M1239 Knight. Half-Hours with the Best Letter Writers M 1249 Leland. Meister Karl's Sketch Book M 1264 Lewis XVL Political and Confidential Cor- respendence of M 1267 LiGNE, PrtJicede. Letters and Reflections of. M 1268 Lorgnette, The M 1273 Loved and the Lost M 1273 Lucian's Dialogues and other Greek Ex- tract* M 1274 Ludlow. Hasheesh Eater M 1274 Lyly. Euphues M 1665* Mei.moth. Fitzoborne's Letters M 1297 Mitchell. Dream Life M 1310 Fudge Doings M 1310 Reveries of a Bachelor M 1310 MONT.iGD. Mrs. E. Letters M 1314 Morgan. Macaronic Poetry M 1316 Uetiiercliff. Handbook of Autographs. M 1328* OsBORN, Sarah ; and Anthony, Susannah. Letter." of M 1339 Paulding. B.>ok of St. Nicholas M 1344 Pliny, the Conxul. Leitors of. M 1354 and M 1713 POSTIIU.MOUS Papers; Facetious and Fanci ful M1350 Powers. Muskingum Legends M 1356 Prentiss. Fugitive Es-^ays in Prose and Verse ". M 1357 PnCKLEU-MusKAU, Tntti-Frutti M 1359 Racine. Leti ers to liis Son M 1362 RlCOBONl. I^etters from the Countess de Sanoerrc to C.uintde Nance M 1373 Rogers. Greyson Letters M 1356 Russell. L,tdy. Letters M 1381 Rutherford. 352 Religious Letters M 172S Schiller. Correspondence with KOrner. . M 1390 SetON. Gossip about Letters and Letter- Writers M 1401 Bkvione. Letters to her Daughter and Friends M 1401 Siii-lfNo. SllELTON. Up the River M 14(13 Smith. Book foi' a Rainy Day M 1412 SouTUKY. The Doctor, .fee.. M 1416 and M 174y» Sterry. Effusions. Religious, Moral .ind Pa- triotic M 1431 Taylor. Miscellanies M 1434 Times. Thoughts for Times and Seasons. . . M 1443 Walpole, H. Letters to Sir Horace Mnnn. M 1778 WarburtON. Letters from a late Enjim ut Prelate II 1465 Warren. Lily aud the Bee M 1466 Washington. Epistles M 1780 Letters to Young and Sinclair M 1780 Webbe. Glances at Life M 1471 Webster. Private Correspondence of.. .. . M 1783 Whately. Historical Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, &e M 1478 Willis. Convalescent M 1484 Legendary M 1484 Willmott. 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Universal History to Charle- magne N4053 Butler. Sketches ot Universal History . . N 4069 Chronicles of the Crusades N 4088 Collier. Great Events of History N 4097 Des Miciiels. History of the Middle Ages N4119 FUASER. Epitome of History K 4157 Kkoissart. Chronicles of England, France, Ac N4832* Frost. Wonders of History N 4595 Goodrich. Lights and Shadows of Euro- pean History N4173 GUIZOT. Hi-tory ot Civilizatiim in Europe. N 4178 H allam. Europe During the Middle Ages. N 4183 and N 4610 History of the War in Europe N 4206 IltvING Catechisms of tiassical Bhigraphy, Mythology and Universal History.. . . N 4224 ,IAMES. Dark Scenes of History N 4227 Keightley. Outlines of History N 4238 Kelly. History of the Ye»r 1848 N 4239 Lieber. Great Events N 4268 Lucas. Secularia N4064 Maunder Tieasuiy of History N 4294 Mayor. Uidversal History N 4294 Michaud. History of the Crusades N 4303 MlciiEl.ET. Modern History N 4303 Miller. History Philosophically Illustra- ted N4683 MULLER. Universal Histoiy N 4331 Nares. Elements of History N 4696 Newrery. Hisiory of the World N 4329 KEW.MAN. Hisloiical Sketches N 4329 Parker. Outlines of Hist-ny N 4343 Pkoctor. History of the Crusades N 4715 PUFFENDORF. Introduction to the History of Europe N4716 Maitland Dark Ages N 4071 Ramsay. Universal History Americanized. N 4719 Racmer. History of the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries. N 4364 Class rV.— UNIVERSAL HISTORY. 45 Class I\.— ANCIKNT HISTORY. N 4:i(>7 N 4727 N 4728 N 4;5iJO N 4391 N 4747 N 4747 N 47 (iO N 47G0 RKoiSTERof Politics anil Litontiuf rope ami Ainorii'n for 1827 . . U..TTRCK. lli..l..r.v ,.f 111.- Wmi-I.I . lU-ssici.i.. ll.>|..,v ..r .M..,l,.,u lMr..| Sil[II,i.KU. lli-l..,i.Ml \V,.,ks i^illl.KGEI,. LecliMi>on .M..,lfni Uir i^MITn. History i>f ilie WorLI Smyth. Leciiue* oh Mfleni Ilish.r TaY!,OH. Aru-l.-nl ..ml M.Klel-n Hist. M.i,l..rn in-i..rv i;.v..lull..iis, liisiinei-tions. &l:, of Eu- n.pe N47GO TVTI.EU Eleinenis of History N 4451 Univers..! Ilislory ". .N-4451 «ii.l N 4770 UNciEWlTTEU. Euru[>e, Piist and Prescnl... N 4454 WiiEi,PLEV. ni*toric..l Con,|.e.Mliuin N 4479 WiriTE. Ei^lrtKfii Ciiri.-iti.iii (Viitiiries N 4481 YoJiQE. Three Centinies of Moifni His- tory N4498 ]V. 5.— Ancient History.— General. j\NTnON. Classical Dietioioiry N 5507 Bahker. Aryan fiviliz.ition N 5026 BekE RetinH ' '. i\5063 Davidson, Connexion of Sacied and Tro- fanelli.-tnry N 5115 DuuMMoNH. DiiL'in of Several Empires, 8t..tHi>an.l CilM-s N5576 Eadie. EailN Ori.-Mtal Ilislory N 5131 FaKI!. Aciei-nt IliMory N 5144 FitvSEH. Mo-. poi:uma and Assyria N 5157 GlI.I.ETT. Aiieierit Cities and Empires N 5167 Heeren. Manual of Ancient History N 5615 Polities, Intercourse and Trade of the Principal Ni.lions of Atiliijuity N 5CI5 Hekodotus History of N 5618 Ji:sTlN"s History of the World, &« N 5235 Keary. Nations A pound N 5238 Lempuietie. c:lassical IMctionary N 5658 LenOHMANT and Chevalier. Ancient Histo- rv of the Fast N 5204 MahaFFY. Prolegomena to Ancient His- tory N.5671 Mir.i.OT. Ancient History N 5305 Perry. Carthage and Tu.iis. Past and Pre- sent N57C8 PoLYBins. General History N 5714 PuTZ. Manual of Ancient Geography and History N 5360 Rawlinson. Five Great Monarchies N 5719 Manual of Ancient History N .5365 Sixth Great Oriental Mot.archy. (Par- thia) N5719 ShoirNo. Uicii. Dicti..nary of Hornnn and Greek An-' tiquities N .5373 and N 5724 Roi.l.lN. Ancient History N .5377 and N .5720 1U.SSEI.L. Sacr»d and Profane Hi.-lor y K 5728 Sewell. Arrcient Hi>tory of Egypt, Assy- ria and lial.ylonia. ." ." N 540l SllUCKFORB. Sncreil rrnd Profane History of the W.Tld Connected N 5723 Smith. Dictionary of Creek and Roman Antiipiitles N .5747* Smith. An.i.-.,i Hi^t..iy ,.r the East N ,5413 History of the World N 4747 SwAYNE. Herodotirs N 5430 Taylor. Manual of Ancient History N .5760 Whei-PLEY. Lectures on Ancient Ilistiry. K 5479 Xenopiion. Ex|)edition of Cyrus, etc JC,5496 [ Works] N ,5496 BUNSEN. Egypt's Place in IliMory N 6539» Ci.ARK. Dalcth ; or, Egyjit lllu-trate.l N 0.555 Dai.l. Mr». Egypt's Place in History N 6508 Farr. History of the Egyptians. See Farr.' Ancient History N 5144 Hawks. Monuments of Egypt Z 3614 Jones. Egypt in its Biblical "Relations. . . . N 6234 Kenrick. Ancient Egypt urrder the Pha- raohs N6241 LanOYE. Ramses the Great; or, Egypt 3.S00 Years Ag" .' ■ . N 0260 Lkpsius. Discoveries in Egypt P 2658 OSBURN. Ancient E!r\ pt ; her Tcstinrony to the Truth of the Bil.l- N 6703 MonunientMl IIi,-t„iy of Fgypt N C708* Palmer. Ei;y|.ti,ni Chi..„i,les N 0705* PricharD. Rerirains of Egyptian Cliionol- ogy ' Z8715* SiiARPE. History of Egypt N 6743 Smyth. Oi.r Inheritance in the (ireat Py- ramid N 6713 Wilkinson. Accout:t of the Ancient, Egyp- tians N 6483 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Eg.\ ptians N 6790 ZlNCKE. Egypt of tlie Pharaohs and the Khedive N6800 N. 7.-Jews. Alexander. Annals of the. lewish Nation. N 7007 History of the Israelitish Nation N 7.5ii4 Brown. Airtiquilies of the Jews N 7537 Clark. History of the Ancient I.-raelites. . N 7093 Edersheim. Hiotory of the Jewisli Nation. N 7134 Elizabeth. JudaaCaptn N 7135 Gn,L. Notices of the Jews by the Classic Writers N 7600 Class ]V.— ANCIENT HISTORY. 46 Class X.— ANCIENT HISTORY, Sbcir No. I HlSTOKY of the Jews N 7200 HuiE. History of llie Jews N 7215 1 Irving. Catechism of Jcwisli Antiquities. . N 7234 j Jennings. Jewish Antiquities N 7638 JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Works.... N 7234 and N 7G40 1 JoSErnos Ben Gorion. History of the Jews. N 7234 [ Lewis. Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic. N 7267 Mahgolioutii. Anglo-UebrewB in East An- glia N7673 Mills. Ancient Hebrews N 7305 MiLMAN. History of the Jews N 7305 Newman. History of the Hebrew Monar- chy N7329 Raphall. Post Biblical History of the Jews N 7363 Rothschild. History and Literature of the i Israelites N 7378 i Rule. History of tlie Karaite Jews N 7380 I Strauss. Hehm's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. N 7425 Thuupp. Antient Jerusalem N 7764 TiLLOTSON. Palestine N 7765 Warren. Jerusalem, Ancient and Modern. N 7779 N. 8,— Cireeoe. Anthon. Grecian Antiquities N 8012 Arrian. Kxpedition of Alexander the Great N 8509 Barthelemy. Travels of Anarchasis the ■ Younger in Greece N 8517 Becker. Charicles; or, Private Life of the Ancient Greeks N 8034 I Bulwer-Lttton. Athens; its Rise and Fall. N 8064 Cox. Tale of the Great Persian War N 8103 CuRTius. History of Greece N 8108 Farr. History of the Macedonians. See Farr. Ancient History N 5144 Finlay. Greece under the Romans N 8590 Gillies. History of Ancient Greece N 8601 Goldsmith. History of Grt-tce N 8171 Irving. Catechism of Grecian Antiquities. N 7234 Lloyd. History of Sicily to the Athenian War ' N 8663 MiTFORD. History of Greece N 8686 MiiLLEn. History and Antiquities of the Do- ric Race N 8693 Pauw. Philosophical Dissertations on the Greeks N 8706 St. John. Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece N 8730 Smith. History of Greece N 8412 Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War N8480 N. 9.— Rome. Adam. Roman Antiquities N 9503 Manoers and Customs of the Romans. . N 9503 Anthon. Roman Antiquities N 9012 Arnold. History of Rome N 9509 History of the Later Roman Common wealth N 9.i09 Becker. Gallus; or, Roman Scenes of the Times of Augustus N 9034 C^ESAK. [Works] N 9071 Commentaries on Gallic and Civil Wars. N 9071 Clarke. Pompeii N 9092 De Qcincey. Cffisars N 9118 Dyer. History of the City of Rome N 9578 History of the Kings of Rome N 9578 • Pompeii ; . . . . N 9130 EuTROPius. Abridgement of Roman Histo- ry. See Justin. N 5235 Ferguson. History of the Roman Republic. N 9588 Florus, Epitome of Roman History. See Sallust N 9384 Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire N 9166 Goldsmith. Roman History N 9171 Irving, Catechism of Roman Antiquities. . N 7224 Keightley. History of Rome N 9238 History of the Roman Empire N 9238 Kennett. Antiquities of Rome N 9645 LiDDELL. History of Rome N 9268 Lmus. History of Rome N 9271 Lord. Old Roman World N 9664 Merivale. Fall of the Roman.Republic. . . N 9300 ■ History of the Romans under the Em- pire N9300 Michelet. History of the Roman Republic. N 9303 MOMM.SEN. History of Rome N 9313 MoNNiER. Wonders of Pompeii N 9313 NiEBUHR. History of Rome N 9698 Patbrculus. Compendium of Roman His- tory. See Sallust N 9384 Relics of Antiquity N 93G8 Sallust. Works. Tr. by Rose N 9384 Same. Tr. by Watson N 9384 SiSMONDi. Fall of the Roman Empire N 9408 Sketches of the Domestic Manners of the Romans N 9409 Tacitus. Works N 9759 Trollope, Commentaries of Ciesar N 9447 Class O.— ASIA. 47 Class Class O.— ASIA— TRAXRLS AND HISTORY. Shelf No. O.— Geuoral AVorks. Bei.l. Travels fi-om St. Petersburgli to Asia O 531 BrOKlNGHAM. Travels in Assyria, MeJia, &c •. O M8 III ( , Journey through Tartary, Thibet anil China in 1844-46 O 215 JvEi'i'KL. Journey from India to Englan J. . O 045 MuiiRAT. Discovery and Travels in Asia. . . O 694 T.WLOR. Visit to India, China, and Japan in 1853 434 Thompson. Travels through Turkey in Asia, Holy Land, &e O 438 Wood. Fankwei O 490 O. 1.— Mi.«icellaueous Travels and History. GoODRlcir, Lights and Shadows of Asiatic History O 1173 Grant. Nestorians; or, the Lost Tribes. . 1174 W.\LPOi.E. Ansayrii and the Assassins 1778 O. 2.— China and Japan. Adams. Travels of a Naturalist in Japan, Ac O2503 Al-COCK. Capital of the Tycoon O 3007 Beauvoir. Pekin.Jeddo, and San Francisco. O 2033 Cai.lery and Yvan. History of the Insur- rection in China O 3072 COMPTE, Le and Du Halde. Description of China. See S.yART and others. World Displayed, v. 6 N 3747 Cooke. China O 3100 D.wis. China during the War and Since the Peace O 2115 The Chinese O 2115 Sketches of China O 3115 Dickson. Japan 3573 Du Halde. History of China 3138 Ellis. Embassy to China 2581 FOKBES, Five Years in China O 3594 GOLOWNIN. Captivity in Japan O 2003 GuTSLAPr. Sketch of Chinese History 2180 Hall. Voyage to Corea, Ac O 2610 Hall and Bernard. Nemesis in China 3183 Hawks. Expedition to the China Seas and Japan under Commodore Perry O 2614 Hue. Journey through the Chinese Empire. O 3215 Journey through Tartary, Thibet and China in 184446 ". 2315 KiDD. China O 2646 Lanman. Japanese in America O 2360 Shelf No. Last \,nn in China to the Peace of Nanking. See HowiTT. Rural Life, Ac H 4628 Lay. Chinese as they Are O 2263 LOCKHARDT. Medical Missionary in China. O 2663 Macartney. Embassy to China. SccWiN- terbotiiam O 2485 MacFarlane. Japan 3279 Martin. China O 3673 Meduuhst. China; its State and Prospects. 2296 Foreigner in Far Cathay 2290 Milne. Life in China O 3305 Minturn. From New York to Delhi, by VVay of Australia and China N 3307 MiTFORD. Tales of Old Japan 2310 Nevius. China and the Chinese O 3338 Oliphant. Earl of Elgin's Expedition to China and Japan O 2703 RlPA, Father ; Memoirs of O 3373 SlEBOLD. Manners and Customs of the Ja- panese O 2405 Smith. Ten Weeks in Japan 3747 Steinmetz. Japan and her People O 2431 Taylor. Japan in Our Day O 2434 Tomes. Americans in Japan O 2444 W^ILLIAMS, Mrs. Year in China 2484 Williams. Middle Kingdom 3484 WiNTERBOTHAM. View of the Chinese Em- pire 2791 O. 3.— Tartary, and Central, and iVorlliern Asia. Atkinson. Orientsil and Western Siberia. . () .3511 BuRNES. Travels into Bokhara O 3066 Busn. Reindeer, Dogs, and SnowShoes O 3541 Collins. Voyage Down the Amoor O .3097 COTTRELL. Recollections of Siberia in 1840- 41 03561 Erman. Travels in Siberia 3138 Grieve. History of Kamtschatka 3836* KiiANiKOPP. Bokhara O 3645 Sn.\w. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashghar ; 3742 Vambbry. Travels in Central Asia O 3774 Wette. Land Journey from Asia to Eu- rope 3788 Wolff. Travels and Adventures O 3793 Wood. Journey to the Source of the O.xus. O 8794 O. 4.— Fartlior India. Bacon. Siam as it Was and Is O 4022 Carne. Travels in Indo-China and the Chi- nese Empire O 4545 Class O.— ASIA. 48 Class O.— ASIA. Cox. Rosidence in tlie Hiirmliftn Empire. . . O 4503 Leonowk.ns. EtiglUli Governess nl the Sia- mese Court 4658 Neale. Kesiilenee in Siain O 4328 Palmeu, Golden Dagon ; or. Up and Down ti.e Irawaddi 4342 Bonuitrs. Emlmssy to Coeliin-Uliiiia, Siain and Miisoat 4725 WlNTKl!. SL-c Mohtlis in British Bui-niali. . . 441S5 O. .5.— In«lla. Abbs. Tw^nty-lwo Years in Travancie. . 501)1 Adams. Wandering of a Naturalist in India, &e O50n4 Bakek. Eight Years in Ceylon O 5023 Baur. Marjh from Dellii to Pesliawur, Ac. 5028 BEAUl.lEa. Expedition to the East Indies. See Smart and otliers. World Dis- played. V.3 N3747 Berniek. Travels in llie Mogul Empire... O 5533 But I.EK Land of the Veda 5-541 BuvElls. Recollections of Northern India.. 5541 Cnuo.NOLOGY of the Hi.Klus O 5088* Gumming. Wild Men and Wild Beasts 5107 Davidson. Travels in Upper India 5115 ErsKINE. History of India 5583 FuLLARTON. English Interests in India 5595 GllANDl'R3 Voyage in the Indian Ocean, and to Bengal in 1790 5174 Heber. Joiirtiey through India 183435. . . 5193 Hindoos. The 5204 History of Ea>t-Iiidies. See Smart and others. World Displayed, v.3 3747 Hodson. Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India 5208 HONIGBBROEIl. Thirty-five Y'ears in tlie East 5637 Hugei,. Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab. 5029 HUNTBIl Annalsof Rural Bengal 5G30 Indian Mutiny to the Evacuation of Lnck- now 5323 INDOSTAN Letters l.y a Traveller 5233 MAcFARr.ANE. History of British India. . . 5379 ( )ur Indian Empire O 5379 MacKKNZIK, J/m. Life in the Mission, the Gamp ilc 5381 Martin. Hi'torical Antiquities of Eastern India 5673 Mateer. •' Land iiiai. [MausDHELL. Jour- ney. Ac] 09676 Curtis llowadji in Syria O 9108 De Forest. Oriental Aenuaintance O 9116 DrxoN. Holy Land.... 9128 Fari-EY. Two Y-ars ir, Syria O 9144 Fkesufibi.d Travels in Central Caucasus a. id liaslian O 8594 Harman. Journey to Enypt and the Holy Land 9186 Howis. Notrs ..f Travel in Greece, Turkey and I'Mlestine 9314 JONKS. Ex.-uis.iEi-. to Cairo, Jcrns.ilem, Da- niHs.ns and Baihec O 9234 JOWETT. ^lll•i^tian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land O 9334 Kei.I.Y. Syria and the Hidy Land O 9643 LamaRTINE. Pilgrimasje to the Holy Land. O 9655 Latard. Account of the Discoveries in Nineveh 9263 Di-c.neries ainoiig the Kuins of Nine- v,-l, a.ul Bil.ylon 96.57 ■ Nmevch and Bal.ylon O 9262 Bhalr No. Layari). Nineveh and its Remains O 9262 and O 9657 Loftub. Travels in Clialdea aud Susiann, 184953 09663 Lynch. Kiver Jordan and the Dead Sea.. . O 9275 Mac GrEGOR. Uoh Roy on the Jordan O 9280 Madndrei-l's Travels from Aleppo to Jeru- salem. .hVe Smart aud others. World Displayed, v. 4 N 3747 Same O 9670 Millard Travels in Egypt, Arahia l'etra>a, Ac O9305 MONT.YGnB Expedition to the Dead Sea.. . O 9314 Newman. From Dan to Beersheba O 9329 Olin. Travels in Egypt, Arahia aud the Holy Land P 2387 Our Work in Palestine O 9340 Palmer, Desert of the Exodus O 9705 Porter. Five Years iu Damascus O 9356 ritlMB. Tent Lile ill the Holy Lanil O 9357 Rich. Journey to Babylon and Persepolis.. O 9724 liOBlsos. li.iili-.al llesearches iu Palestine. O 9725 Russell. Palestine; or, the Holy Laud 9381 SaciX'Y. Journey Kound tbe Dead Sea aud in the Bible Lands O 9387 STAI-sr. Sinai and Palestine 9753 SvflKT. Going to Jericho; Travel iu Spain and the East [Holy Land] 9431 Thomas. Travels in Egypt aud Palestine. 9438 Thomson. Biblical llhislraiions of theHoly Land 09438 Tristra.m. Land of Moab O 9446 Urqouart. Lebanon 9773 Wilson and W"arren. Recovery of Jerusa- lem O9790 Wright. Early Travels in Palestine 9493 Clas* P.— AFRICA, OCEANICA AND AMERICA— HISTORY AND TRAVELS. P.-General ^Vorks on Africa. Reke. Soure-s of the Nile P .530 DambergeR. Travels through Africa P 568 KooTB. A I rh-a and the American Flag P 155 GouDKICII. Lights and Shadows of Alrican Ui'tory P 173 Leyde.n. Di.^coveries and Travels in Afri.ia, P 660 Williams. Naralivea and Adventures of Travellers in Africa P 484 P. 1 Northern .Africa. ClIEMIER. Kn.piie of iM.ir.,.eo P 1,551 «, Niil>i" !i"£pedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas P 6732 Rdssell. Polynesia P 6381 Sandwich Island Notes P 6385 South Sea Bubbles P 6416 Steward. Residence in the Sandwich Is- lands P 6421 Stoddard. South-Sea Idyls P 6423 Stxirt. Expedition into Southern Australia. P 0756 Thomson. Story of New Zealand P 6438 TowNSBND. Rambles in New South Wales. P 6445 Wallace. Malay Archipelago P 0778 Williams and Calvert. Fiji and the Fiji ans P6790 Woodward. Captivity among the Malays. P 6490 P. 7.— Aiiiertca-Ooiieral. Baldwin. Ancient America P 7034 Bell. History of Canada P 7521 Bigsby. Shoe and Canoe P 7040 BONNYCASTLE. New Foundland P 7050 Browne. Crusoe's Island, with Sketches of Washoe and California P 7001 Butler. Great Lone Land P 7009 Chester. Transatlantic Sketches P 7085 Christie. Operations in the Canadas during the War [of 1812] P 7088 Columbus' Discovei-y of America. See Smart and others. World Displayed. V. 1 N3747 Cozzens. Acadia ; or, a Month with the Blue Noses P 7103 D.VLL. Alaska and its Resources P 7508 Darby. Discovery of America P 7114 Class P.— AMERICA. 52 Class P.— AMERICA. Shelf No. Disc OVEUIESof the English in America. See Smart and ollicrs. WoiUi Displayed. V. 1 N3747 Duc.'V.N. Travels through the U. S. and Canada in 181819 P 7129 EtTROPEAN Settlements in America 1' 7r)S3 Halibdrton. Account of Nova Scotia P 7G10 Hall. Arctic Researches and Life among the Esqoimanx P 7G10 Hartwig. Polar World P 701 3* Hayes. Land of Desolation P 7191 Hazlitt. British Columbia and Vancouver Islands P7191 Helps. Spanish Conquest of America P 7193 HerOT. Travels through the Canadas P 7197 Holmes. Annals of America P 7626 Jameson. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada P 7227 Long, Porter and Tucker. America and the West Indie., P 7064 Macfie. Vancouver Island and British Col- umbia P7667 Mackenzie. View of the U. S. and Canada. P 7281 Voyages from Montreal through America. P 7281 and P 7C69 MACKINNON. Atlantic and Transatlantic... P 7281 MacMdllen. Hi»toiy of Canada P 7069 Morse. Americn Ouwttecr P 7690 Murray. Account of British America P 7323 Discoveries and Travels in North Amer- ica P7694 Letters from the U. S., Cuba, and Can- ada P7323 Northern Coasts of America, and Hudson's Bay Territories P 7333 Ogden. Tour through Canada P 7336 Parkman. Pioneers of France in the New World P7706 Robertson. Discovery and Settlement of America P 7725 History of Aineiica P 7725 Russell. Canada P 7381 Sansom. Sketches of Lower Canada P 7385 Santarem. Americus Vespucius and his Voyages P 7385 SiLLlMAN. Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec in 1819 P 7406 Simpson. Discoveries on the North Coast of America P 7746 Smith. Discovery of America by the North- men P7413 Stansbury. Pedestrian Tour in North America in 1821 P 7421 Tytler. Progress of Di.ocovcry on the Northern Coasts of America P 7451 Warburton. Conquest of Canada P 7465 and P 7779 siu-ir No. Warburton. Hochelaga; ' England § in the New W..rld P 7465 Whymper. Travel in Alaska P 7788 Wise. Los Gringos P 7480 Wood. Wandering Sketches of South Amer- ica, Polynesia, California, &c P 7490 V. 8.— Mexico, Central Anicri„taL'onia P 9ii70 CODMAN. Ten Months in Brazil P 9095 Depons. Voyaae to Terra Fiima P 9571 EaSTWICK. Venezuela P 9579 Edwards. Voyage up the Amazon P 9134' EWBANK. Life in Brazil P 9584 Grimshaw. History ol South America P 917G Hassahreck. Four Years among Spanish Americans P'9189 Head. Jonrneys aciosx the Painpas and among the Andes P 9193 siu-irNo. IIOLTON. New Crana.la P 9026 Humboldt. Equatorial R.-gions .,f Amer- ica P0757 Juan and Ulloa. Voyage to Sonth America. P 9235 Kidder. Rc4dence and Travels in Brazil.. P 9243 Kidder and Fletcher. Brazil and the Bra- zilians P9G47 Kino. Twenty-four Years in the Argentine Repuhlic P9244 Koster. Travels In Brazil P 9051 Miers. Travels in Chile and La Plata P 9G83 Miranda's Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America P 9308 Miranda's Expedition , including the Trial of his Officers P9308 Molina. History of Chili P 9G87 Myers. Life and Nature under the Tropics. P 9335 Orton. Andes and the Amazon P 9339 Paez. Wild Scenes in South America P 9341 Page. La Plata, Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay P 9705 Payne. Residence in a Brazilian Valley of the Sierra-Paricis P 9344 Pazos. United Provinces of South America. P 970C Pizarro's Conquest of Peru. See Smart and others. World Displayed, v. 1.. N8747 Prescott. Conquest of Peru P 9715 RiverO and Tschudi. Peruvian Anticiui- ties P9734 Saintine. Real Robinson Crusoe P 9388 Sarmiento. Life in the Argentine Repub- lic ■ P9386 Settlement of Brazil by the Portuguese. See Smart and others. World Dis- played, v. 2 N3747 Smith. Araucanians P 9413 Stevenson. Twenty Y^ears in South Amer- ica P9753 Stewart. Brazil and La Plata P 9421 Strain. Journey in Chili and the Argent- ine Provinces P9425 Sutcliffe. Sixteen Years in Chile and Peru P9757 Three Years in Chili P 9440 Tscniiw Travels in Peru P 9447 Warren. Para; or. Scenes on the Amazon. P 94flG Class Q.— UNITED STATES— HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Shelf No. 41. General Travels. Aubrey. Travels Ihrongli the Interior of America Q 512 Bartlett. Explorations in Texas, Califor- ina.Ac Q 517 LkadlE. Unileveloped West Q 519 Shelf No. BiRKBECK. Journey in America from Vir- ginia to Illinois Q 43 Bowi-ES. Across the Continent Q 55 Bremer. Homes of the New World Q 57 BuNN. Old England and New England Q 65 Journal Q 09 Class Q UNITED STATES. 54 Class Q.— UNITED STATES. Shelf No. Chevalier. Society, Maimers and Politics in the U. S Q 551 Combe. Notes on the U. S Q 98 Cooper. Notions of tlie Americans Q 100 Dabby. Emigrant's Guide to the Western and Southwestern States Q 569 Tour from New York to Detroit Q 569 Dickens. American Notes Q 123 | Duncan. America as I found it t^ 129 DwiGHT. Travels in New York and New England ti 578 Emort. Military Keconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, Califor- nia Q 583 FiDLER. Professions, tory of the Late War. [1812] Q5056 Claiborne. Notes on the War in tlie South. Q5091 COGGESHALL. History of American Priva- teers Q5557 GIDDINGS. Exiles of Florida Q 5166 GILLEI.AKD. History of the Late War be- tween the U.S. and Great Britain Q 5167 Gleig. Campaigns of the British Army. Ac. Q 5109 and U 5603 Headlet. Second War with England Q5192 History of the War between the U. S. and Great Britain [18l2 15] Q 5206 Hunt. Historical Reader Q 5217 luVTODR. War in West Florida and Louisi- anain 1814-15 Q 5657 Losstng. Field Book of the War of 1812.. . Q 5664 M'Leod. Character, es and Conse- quences U 144 Harris. Prison Lite »t K.d.mon.l Q 7187 Hill. Our Boys Q 7203 JOINVILI.E. Army of ll.e Por.im.-.c Q 7640 Keim. Sneri.l,.i,'s Tr.io|,> r, .... llie Borders. Q 7338 I.e \V„r. Q ;657 (i 7263 Q 7263 Q 7U(i6 Q72h5 Q 73H8 Q7689 Q7315 Q 7355 y 7330 Q 7333 Laugel. U. S Lawrence. B. rd.r ami Bi.sii.le. Lecomptb. Wiir in il.e U. S. . . McCLELLAN. Arii.y ..f ill.- l\.t..ii MaIIONY. Plisiiher ol Si. lie Marks. PelUosnla Can.pMigli in Moore. Rebellion Kec.rd Kilpairiek and our Cavalry. . My Cave Life in Vieksl.uii; NiciiOLS. Story ol the (irci.t Mai NOYES, Biv.U.ic and B.ilt.e Fiel.l OUH Campaign ar.iu.ul (Jeliy-hmg Q 7340 Pattek.SoN. Ciiiii|iiii:;ii inti.e Viiliey of tl.e Sl.enand..al,...^ Q 7706 Pollard. Vu-a Ye„r ..f ihe War Q 7714 Second Year of the War Q 7714 Third Year of the War (J 7714 I.ED Tape and l-ige..n-H..le Generals Q 7306 Stars and Stripes i„ Rel,cM..m Q 7431 Stearns. Black Man ol the S-.utli and the Rebels Q7421 Stevenson. Tim teen Months in the Rebel Army Q 7431 -5WINTON. Can.p.iigi.s of ihe Army of the P..t.m,ac Q7758 Twelve Decisive Battles of the War. . .Q 7758 Class <|.— UNITED STATKS. 57 Class <|.— UNITF-D STATES. Shelf No. H. 9.— Special States.— History and Travels. Ab 8.\ KAKA, Home of the Cn.ws... Q 9002 Arnold. H i.-toiy of Uhoile Island Q 9509 Arthur ami Carpenier. HMory of Vir giiiia Q9010 History of G^oriiiH QOdlC History of Kci.tiK-ky Q 9011) Barber. Connecticut Historical Collec- tions Q 9.)1G History of New KnjilaiiJ, New York, NVw"jers.-y anil IVnnsylvai.irt Q 9516 Barber «n.i Howe. Ilisl..rical Collections of New Jersey Q 951 Historical Collections of New York... Q 9516 Barry. History of Massacluiseits Q 9517 Barstow. Ilisiory of New Hanip-liire Q9517 Reck. Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri. .. Q 9520 Bei,knap. Hi-tory of New Hamp-liire Q9521 Bei.L. New Tracks ill Nortli America... . Q 9521 Beurian. Historical Sketcli of Trinity Chureh Q952y Btr.i,. Winter iu Florida Q 90-11 BiRKBECK. Letters from Illinois Q 9043 Br.ACKW.\TER Clir.iiiicles Q9044 Bolton. Hi-t.iry of the County of We^t- cliester Q 9530 Bond Minnesota aiid its Resources Q 9050 Booth History of the City of New York. Q 9581 Bowles. Summer Vacation iu Colorado. . . Q 9055 Braie. Calif.H nia in 1867-68 Q 9056 Bracken'RIDGB. Views of Louisiana Q 9056 Bradford N.>tes on the Nonh-West Q 9056 Brick Chnrdi Memorials Q 9535 Brodiiead History of N. V Q 9535 Browxe. Adventures in the Apaclie Coun- trv Q9061 BULFINCII. Oregon and Eldorado Q 9064 BURK History ol Virj.'i„iM Q 9540 BlJRTO.v. Ciiy of the Saints Q 9510 CamI'BKI.L. Hi-lory of Virginia Q 9073 and Q9544 Capro.v. History of California Q 9074 Carpenter. Hisiory of Massachusetts Q 9076 Carpenter and Arthur. History of N. Y. Q 9076 History of Vermont Q 9076 CARROLIi Historical Collections of South Cai.dina Q 9546 CarLD. Lei ters from New York Q 9"86 Collections of the New Jersey Historical So-iety Q9558 Collections of the N. Y. Historical Soci- ety Q9558 Collins. Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Q 9558 COLTON Three Ye.irs in Calilorrda Q 9 97 Cooke. Scenesand Adv.nlures in the Army. Q9100 Cro.nisE. Natural Wealth of California... Q 95(i3 Curtis. Lotus-Eating Q 9108 No. DARBY. Geographical Description of Lou- isiana. ..... . , Q 9.569 Davis, New Mexico and Iter People CJ9115 Dearborn. Boston Notions from 1030 to 1847 Q911C DeCosta. Lake George Q9116 liELANO. Life oil the Pliiins, Ac Q9117 DisosWAY. Earliest Churches of N. Y Q 9574 Dixon. New America Q 9674 DoDOE. West Virginia Q 9124 Drake. Old Landmarks of Biiston Q 9126 Dunb.vr. Discovery of Gold in California. Q9I29 Dunn. Oregon Territory and British Fur Trade Q 9,577 DuNSlIEE. History of the School of the Re- formed Dutch Church in New Yoik.. Q 9129 DWIGIIT. Hi.story of Connecticut Q 9130 Kmory an.! others. Travel in Califoruia Q 9583 ITairB-^NKS. History of Florida liom 1512 to 1843 Q9143 Fairbanks. History of St. Augustine, Fla. Q 9585 Fairfield. Clulis of New York Q 9142 Farnhaji. Adventures and Travels in Cal- iloruia Q 9.-586 ^ Califoruia. in Doors and out Q 9144 Life in Prairie Land Q 9144 Forbes. History of California y 95i)4 >ketche3 of Florida Q 9594 Francis. Old New York Q 9594 Fremont. Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Ac Q 9157 Fi!E.mont and Emory. Travel in California. Q 9594 French. Hi-torical Memoirs ef Louisiana. Q 9594 Gayarre. History of Louisiana, American Domination Q 9593 Same. French Domination Q 9598 Same. Spanish Domination Q9598 Louisiana ; its Colouial History and Romance Q 9598 Gordon. History of New Jersey Q 9004 History of Penn,sylvania Q 9y04 Greenhow. History of Oregon and Call- lo'oia Q9605 Gregg. Commerce of the Prairies Q 9175 HaIjE. Kanz.as and Neliraska Q 9183 Hall. Ilisiory of Eastern Vermont Q 9610 Hawkes. History of North Carolina Q 9614 Hazard. Annals of Penn.sylvania Q 9615 HiLDUETH. Pioneer History of the Ohio Valley, Ac Q 9G33 HOUSTOUN. Texas ami the Gulf of Mexico. Q 9314 Howe. Historical Collections of Virginia... Q 9638 HowisoN. History of Virginia Q 9628 Hunt. Hudson River Q 9317 Irving. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Q 9234 History of New York Q !)224 Jefferson. Notes on Virginia Q 9637 riass Q.— UNITED STATES. 58 Class Q.— UNITED STATES. Shelf No, Jenness. Isles of Shoals Q 9230 Kendvll. T.'xm SuiU Fe E-vpedilion. . . . Q 9241 Ketchcm. History of Buffalo Q 0645 KiLUODR^. Oliio G .z^tteur Q 9243 Kino. Mount..iiieeriii||; in Sierm Nevada... Q 9244 Kip. Olden Time in New York Q 9G46 Knight and Buckiiiglnim. Journals of. Q 9249 Lanman. Summer in the Wilderness Q 920i Letters on the Eastern States Q 92()( LUNT. Old New England Traits Q 9274 McCltjee Three Thousand Miles through theRoeky Mountains Q 9377 McCONNELL. Western Characters ; Types of Border Life Q 9377 MAn.i.ARD. History of Texas Q 9071 MarbOIS. History of Louisiana Q 9673 Marct. Prairie Traveler Q 9288 Marryat. Mountains and Mole-hills Q 9288 Miner. History of Wyoming Q 9084 MiNOT. Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786 Q9684 Miss Columbia's Puhlie Sehool M 2309 Monette. Discovery and Settlement of the Mississippi Valley Q Morris, Governor. Papers from 17381746. See Coi.i.ECTlONS of the New Jersey Historical Society Q 9558 Morse and Parish. History of New England. Q 9317 MOWRT. Arizona and Sonora Q 9319 Mdi.ford. History of New Jersey Q 9693 MUNSELL. Annals of Alhany Q 9333 Murray. Adventures in the Wil.lerness. . . Q 9323 NeiLU History of Minnesota Q 9677 Newark. Handl...ok and Ouide to Q 9329 New England; a Handhook fur Travelers. Q 9329 NoRDHOi'P. Calilornia Q 9700 O'Callagiian. Documentary History of New York Q9703 History of New Netherlands Q 9703 Olmsted. Cotton King.lom U 9337 Journey in theBaek Country Q 9337 Journey in the Sealxiard Slave States. . Q 9337 Journey through Texas Q 9337 O'Reilly. Sketches of lloehester Q 9339 PAI.FREY. Hi-lory of New England Q 9705 Parker. E.\ploring Tour Beyond theRoeky Mountains Q 9343 Peck. Wyotning Q9345 Peterson. History of Rhode Island Q 9709 Pickett. History of Alabama Q 9353 Picture of New York Q 9353 Prime. History of Long Mand Q 9357 Prince. Chronologi. al History of New En- gland Q9715 Proceedings <.f the N.Y. Historical So.iety. Q 9715 PUOUD. lli-iory of Pennsylvania from 1681 1743.." Q9715 ?heir N». QuiNCY. History of Boston Q 97l7 Ramsay. History of South Carolina Q 9719 Raven. Golden Dreams and Leaden Reali- ties Q 9364 Remy and Brenchly. Journey to Great Salt Lake City Q 9731 Richardson. Wonders of the Yellowstone. Q 9373 Ritchie. Wisconsin and its Resources. . . . Q 9374 Robinson. Life in California Q 9375 Saxon. Five Years within the Golden Gate. Q 9387 Scenes in the Rocky Mountains Q 9388 Schoolcraft. Travels in the Mississippi Valley Q 9736 Shaw. Description of Boston Q 9403 SIMMS. History of South Carolina Q 9407 Smith. Sunshine and Shadow of New York. Q 9747 Smith. History of New York Q 9747 Somers. Southern States since the War.. . Q 9749 Spafford. Gazetteer of the State of N. Y. Q 9750 Springer. Forest Life and Forest Trees. .. Q 9419 Stowe. Palmetto Leaves Q 9424 ' Street. Woods and Waters Q 9425 Strother. Virginia Illustrated Q 9755 Stroder. Columbus, Ohio; its History, Ac. Q 9425 Sw.^N. Northwest Coast; or, Three Years in Washington Territory Q 9430 Tasistro. Random Shots and Southern Breezes Q 9433 Ta\xor. Colorado Q 9434 Eldorado Q 9434 Thaxter. Among the Isles of Shoals Q 9437 Thompson. History of Plymouth Church. . Q 9438 Thoreau. Maine Woods Q 9439 Todd. Sunset Land [California] Q 9443 Townsend. Washington, Outside and In- side Q9767 Twiss. Oregon Territory Q 9450 Valentine. History of the City of N. Y.. . Q 9774 Watson. Annals of Philadelphia and Penn- sylvania Q 9781 Wheeler. Historical Sketches of North Carolina Q 9787 White. Historical Collections of Georgia. . Q 9788 Whitehead. Early History of Perth Ani- boy Q 9788 East Jersey under the Proprietary Gov- ernments. See Collections of the N. J. Historical Society Q 9558 Williamson. History of Maine Q 9790 History of North Carolina Q 9790 Wn.LIS. Trenton Falls; Picturesque and Descriptive Q 9484 Wood's Handbook to New York [City]. . . . Q 9490 Woods. Sixteen Months at the Gold Dig- gings Q9490 Yates and Moulton. History of New York. Q 9798 Yoakum. History of Texas Q 9799 Class R.— EUROPE. 59 Class R.— KUROPR, Class R.— EUROPE (TEUTONIC RACES)— HISTORY AND TRAVELS. R. l.-Kn^land and Ureat Britaii Ad.uu. NegotintioMs for the Po.'iee. of tliK Dardnncllcs ArKlN. Annals of George III ■ Court of Queen Elizubetli Court of James I Allen. Battles of tlie Britisli Navy Anglo-Saxon, The AUBIGNE. Protector Az.vmut.Batuk. Little Book about Creat Britain B.\BYLON the Great Battles of the British Army Beames. Rookeries of London BELsnA.M. Memo rs of George 111 BissET, History of George III BoSANQDET. London Brat. Tour into Derbyshire. Sfc Pinker- ton. Voyages, v. 3 Bray. Traditions of Devonshire Brenton. Naval History of Great Britain. Brodie History of the British Empire Brougham. England and France under the House of Lancaster Brown. Gazetteer for Great Britain and Ireland Buckle. Civilization in England Bui-wer. England and the English Carrel. Counter Revolution in England under Charles II. and James II Carus. King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland Gary. Civil War In England CHAMBERiS. Rebellion of 17454G Charles I. Portraiture of. (Eikon Basi- like) R1084 Chasles. Notabilities in France and En- gland R1084 Clarendon. Rebellion and Civil Wars in England R1002 Clarke. History and Antiquitiesof England R ]555 COLTON. Four Years in Great Britain R 1097 Cooper. Gleanings in Europe [England]. . R 1100 Daniel. Merrie England in the Olden Time. R1113 De Foe. History of the Plague of London. R 11 16 Dickinson. My First Visit to Europe R 112 Dixon. Her Majesty's Tower R 1574 Duncan. History of Guernsey R 1577» DURBIN. Observations in Europe S 1129 Eccleston. Introduction to English Anti- quities R 1580 Edmunds. Traces of History in the Names of Places R 11.34 R 1503 R 1503 R 1006 R1503 R 1008 R 1506 R1020 R1020 R1031 R 1030 R 1031 R 1521 R 1506 R1052 N3871 R 1056 R 1534 R 1535 R 1536 R1537 R 1538 R1064 R 1546 R 1546 R1083 Emerson. London R 1 136 Konblanque. England under Seven Ad- ministralions R 1 155 Fox. Early Part of the Heign of James II . R 1504 History of the Reign of Jhuics II, See Caurel. Counter Revolution in En- gland R1077 Eraser. Resilience of the Persian Princes in London, 1835 36 R 1157 FrASER. History of England, Scotland, Ire- land and Holland R1157 Godwin. History of the Commonwe.ilth in England R 1003 GOLDE. Foreigner's Opinion of England . . . R 1628 (iOLDSMiTlI. Ili.-tory of Kn.'land RT171 Gonzales. Voyage to England and Scot- land. See Pir.KERTON. Voyages. V.3 N3871 G0ODM.A.N Court iif King James I R 1603 Social Hist,..ry of Great Britain R 1173 Grant. Great Metropolis. [London] R1I74 Mr. Secretary Pepys R 1 174 GREATASTofall tlie Pbintagenets [Edward GuizOT. History of the English !levolut.i( RI605 R1178 R1607 R 1609 RIOOO R1190 UaiGH. Anglo-Saxon S 'gas Conquest of Britain by the Saxoi Hawthorne. (InrOld M»me Passages from the English Note-Books of R 1190 Head. Home Tour ihroneh the Manuf.ictur- i..g Districts of England in 1835 R 1193 HerveY. Reign of Geprijre II R1198 History if England from the Revolution in R1206 R 1624 R 1C24 R 1210 R1213 R1213 History of England and Scotland History of Englan.l un.ler the Slu:irts. . . HollingsheaD. Ragged I.on.loiiin 1861 Hood. Good i »ld Times of Queen Bess. . . I OPPIN, Old England Howitt. Remarkable Places, Old Halls. Ac. R 1628 Rural Life in England R 1628 Huisn. Memoirs of George IV R 1629 Hume. Historyof Eogla- d. . . . R 12 10 and R 1630 Same. [Abridged] R 1316 James I. Court and Times of R 1636 Jesse. Court of England during the Reign oftheSluarts R 1639 Court of England from 1688 to the Death of George II ..... R 1332 and R 1(!39 Krightley. History of England R 1238 Knight. London R 1649 Class R.— EUROPE. Shrir Nn. Lester. Glory ond Shame of England R 12G5 LiNGARD. Hi.toiy of England H 1209 Lodge. Brllisli Hi>tory, Biogrnpliy and Manners in the Reigns of Henry VIII. and Jnmcsl R 1604 LossiNQ. History of England R 1373 Macaulay. History of En^'land U 1276 and R 1666 Mackenzie. American in England R 1281 Mackintosh and others. History of Eng- land R1281 Martin. British Colonial Library R 1289 Maxwell. Vietories of Wellington and the British Armies R 1294 Miller. First Impressions of England R 1305 Miller. History of the Anglo-i^axons. . . . R 1305 MOGRIDGE. Old Humphrey's Country Strolls R1311 Old Humphrey's Walks in London. ... R 1311 Moran. Footpath and Highway R 1310 MORITZ. Tiavels through England See PiNKERTON. Voyages, Ac. V. 4 N 3871 Murray. Picturesque Tour of the Thames. R 1694 Napier. Montrose and the Covenanters. . . R 1696 NaUNTON. Fragmtnta Regalia R 1696* Nk.\le. Mutiny at the Ncre and Spithead. R 1328 Olmsted. Walks and Talks ofan American Farmer in England R 1337 Paget. New Examen R 1341 Palgrave. History of the Ant;lo-Saxons.. . R 1343 Parsons. Nelsonia'n linnii.is.-rnoes R 1343 Pike. Euglish and tlitlrOrigin R 1713 PloWDEN, British Einpiie from 1792 to 1793 R1354 Raleigh. Last Fight of the Revenge R 1718* Raumer. England in 1835 R 1719 KOBINSON. Hume and Smollett's History of England R 1375 St. John. Four Conquests of Englnnd R 1730 Sanford. Estimatesof the English Kings.. R 1385 Saunders. Memoirs of the Great Metropo- lis R1387 Sears. Pictorial Description of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales R 1739 Shaw. Tour to the West of England. See Pinkerton. Voyages, Notherlaiuis. . . . R8a90 . t:< ■ r A ., __„, Tennknt. BHlnmin . R8480 AUSTKIA anj the Austrian R 5020 ToUKin Hollnri.l . R844.'-, COXK. lli-iory of tlic House o( Austriii. .. R510;j II.MX. Wi,ii.ei- at Sehloss Ilninfel.l .. U518:j K. O.-Switzcrlaiiil. Mahtei.L. LetltTs from tlie Daiuihe .. R528!t .. R5753 Ai.rrNK livwuys IJAIUIKI.I..' P..'l,..tri.i„in Fn,.Kea„.l SwiU. . R90O8 Wabd. House of Austria in the Th >iy . .. R5403 Years' War ClIEBVEK. Pil«rilll ill llie Sll-.dow of 1 R. G Prussia. JunKfr;,u Alp Pilgrim in the Sha.low of Mont Bhin . R9085 . R9085 Antron-. PUsrimaiie to Treves R 0013 MlRABEAU. Seeret Hi^tory of tlie Court of Ber'in 11 GCSr, Ranke. Memoirs of tlie House o( BraiKien- burgh RG719 K. 7.— Smaller Uornian States. Bakrow. T.mr in Auelriau Lombar.ly. Ty- rol an.l Bavaria R 7028 Hb\D. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. R7193 HowiTT. Art Siu.lent in Mui.ieb R 7214 WniTLINO. Pivtiires of Nuremberg R 7481 K. 8.— NetUerlands, Davies. History of HolUn.l and the Dnfch Nation R8.)G9 Gratt.vn. Hist.iry of the Netherlands R 8174 Mebi'ek. H..lland R8296 Motley. History of the Ur.lted Netherlands. R 8(ii: fOOPEK. Sketches of Switzerbiiid R 9100 VOXK Travels in Switzerland. See PlNK- ERTON. Voyag.8 V. 10 N 3871 Du Pan. Uesinietion of the Ilelvelic Union. U 129 History of Switz.-rlan.l R 9206 iNGLIS. Switzerland, Si utii of France, and the Pyrenees ir> 1880 R 9223 Johnson. Coitages of the Alps R 9233 MaCNEVIN. Rambles ihrotigh Switzerland in 1803 R9383 Mugoe. Switzerland in 1847 R 9320 Si.MoND. Switzerland in 181719 R 9746 S.MITII. Siory of Mont Blanc R 9413 Vieusseux. Hist.iry of Switzerland R 9776 White. On Foot through Tyrol R 9481 WiTYMPER. Scrambles among the AlftS R 9788 WlLi,s. Eagle's Nest; a Summer Home among the Alps R 9484 ZtNCKE. Month in Switerb.nd R 9499 Rise of the Dutcb Republic R 8091 I Zschokke. History of Switzerl.u, J R 9500 Class S.— EUROPE (LATIN AND OTHER RACES.)— HISTORY AND TRAVELS. S.— General "WorUs. «NET. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean Btjn.ER. Year of Consolation S C9 Coi,M\N. European Life and Manners S 97 Halen. Imprisonment in the Dungeons of the Iminisition, etc "^. S 610 Napier. War in Ihe Peninsula' and South of France S 3-26 and S 096 Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Kmpires in the 16th and 17tb Centuries S 719 Ride on Horseback to Florence S 373 Stephens. Travel in Greece, Turkey and Poland S 421 SwiNBDKNE. Courts of Europe at tlie Close of the Last Century S 758 Taylor. Travels in Greece and Russia S 434 Abbott. French Revoluiion of 17S9 S 1501 Arnold. Great Exhibiii,,n S 1015 UaI.NES. Wars of the FriMieli K.volulion . . S1514 Bakhell. Pedestrian in l-'ranee nml Swiiz erland S 1028 BartLETT. Paris with Pen and Pencil. . . . S 1029 Belgian Traveller S 1521 Bell. Wayside Pnturestliniugh Fran.-c, etc. S 1521 Beuhian Travels in France and Italy S 3523 Bkkthand. Memoirs of Lewis XVI S 1523 BlGLAND. Letters on French Hb S 1040 Black I! L 1. Normandy Picluresqu . S 1044 and S 15-27 PlanC. History of Ten Years S 1.527 1 ONNBiUOSB. History of France . S 1530 Bowles. Defense of Pans S 1533 BUIDGKS. France under Richelieu and Col- bert S 1058 Class S.— EUROPK. 63 Class S.— EUROPE. Bulwer-Lytton. France CAKr>YLE. French Revolution CoOPEU. Glenning« in Europw [France]. . CoRlvRAN. History of llie National Con tnent Assenii.ly in 1848 Cousin. Freneli Court under Hiclielieu CowDi.v. France in 1870-71 S 1502* CuoWE. History of France S 1105 Davenport. History of llie Bnstile S 1115 Dl.UiY of tlie Besieged Res-ijint ii: Pnris S 1573 Dickinson. My First Visit to Europe [Eng- land and FrHnce] R 1121 DiDiEU. Letters from Paris S 1573 DiTSON. Piira Papers on France, Egypt and Eihiopia P2574 Ddmas Travel in Die South of France S 1138 DUKBIN. Observations in Europe S 1129 Eli.is. Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees S1135 Fetridge. Rise and Fall of the Paris Com- mune S 1148 Feudal Castles of France S 1589 France and the French S 1157 French Home Life S 1594 Oarat. Conduct, etc., in the French Revo- hition S 1597 Gardner. Old Wine in New Bottles S 1162 GiKFARD. Residence in France, 1792-'95. . 8 KiOO Gi.EiG. Battl'e of Waterloo S 1169 GoDRGADD. Napoleon and tlie Grand Army in Russia S 1604 GuizOT. Memoirs of My Time S 1607 Gurney. Chapters frotn French History... S 1179 Head. Fnggoti of French Sticks S 1192 Headley. Imperial Guard of Napoleon. . . S 1192 History of France S 1206 History of France from 1793 to 1815 S 1624 Jerrold. On the Boulevards S 1231 JOHSON. French Revolution S 1640 JO.MINI. Campaign of Waterloo S 1233 Kl.MBALL. Romance of Siudent Life Abroad S 1243 King MyPaii-DEnSON. In Spain • S 3010 BOI-LAEUT. Whi-5 of Succession of Portugal and Spain BOKROW. Bible in Spain, and Spain The Zincftli BOTOGOANNE. Trav^^ls in Spain ERTON. Voyages, &'\ v C.M.DEROS Gypsies ol S 3051 and S 3531 S 2531 See PiNK- ) NS871 AttachSinMadiid S2073 CUSUING. Rerainiscen<-e3of Spain S 31ii8 DUNHAM. History of Spain and Portugal. . S 2139 Ellis. Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees. S lloo FlORIAN. History of the Moors of Spain. . . S 3153 FORD. Spaniards and their Country S 21ob Hare, Wnndeiings in Spain Hay. Castilian Days.. Hesningsen. Cainp>i regni History of Spnin History of Sp.dn and Portugal.. Irving. Conquest ot Qianada. . . Kingston. Lu.itaman Sketches Mackenzie. Spam Revisited.. . Tear in Spain Madrid in 1835 ■ March. Sketches, &.-., in Madeira. Portugal andthe AndalnsiesofSpau. PorrOU. Spain and her People PREsrOTT. Ferdinand and Isabella History of Philip II Saybr. History of (;il.ralt..r STONE. Tour with Cook through Spain. . . . Swift. Going to Jericho ; Travel in Spain Ac ThORNBURY. Life in Spain , • Traces of the Romnn and'Moor Vane. Peninsul Sh^IfNo. BlesSINGTON. Idler in Italy S 3045 Brydcne. Travels in Sicily and Malta. . . . S 3002 Butler. Inner Koine S 30(>9 Castel.\r. Old Rome and New Italy S 3078 Cooper. Gleanings in Europe and Italy DaNDOLO. H.lian Volnnteeis and Lond RitteBrignde niCEY. Rome, in 18G0 Dickens. Pictures Irom Itrdy. [Bound ■ "Oliver Twist."] S 3100 . S 3113 . S 3131 H..me 19th Century. S 3131 with Zumalacar- S2281 Eaton. FLAGG. Venice S 3102 Forbes. Caimwisin of Ganbaldi in the Two Sicil 2186 S 3191 S 3195 S 3634 S 3624 S 2244 S 2381 S 3666 S 3670 S 3388 S 2355 S 2715 S 2715 S 3733 S 3423 Forester. Ramblfs in C'rsics FOKSYTH. Antiquities, Arts, FURNISS. Land of the Cicsar Gillespie. Rome as seen by ■ in 184344 GiLLY. OOOLD. S 3156 Sardiiria. S 3594 , Italy. S 3156 d the Doge. S 3100 New Yorker S 3167 Excursh.n lo Piemout Y ^600 Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily f^ 3173 GrkgorOVIDS. Hawthorne. Corsic Frcnc 9175 »ud Italian Not( O 9431 S 2439 S 3446 S 2458 VERTOr. Revolutions in Portugal S 2459 Wallis. Glimpsesof Spain in 1847 S 2464 Warren. Attache in Sp Vag^ Watson. ^__^_ S 3190 Hazlitt. History of 1 he Venetian Republic. S 3615 Headi.ey. Letters from It»ly ^ ^'"^ Herbert. Italy and Lallan Literature S 3197 HlLLARD. Six M..nlhs m Italy 8^203 History of Italy ^ 3206 llOBHOUSE Illustrations of Childe H: HONAN. Personal Adveianres of ou Corri-spnndent in Italy ■ llORNER. Walks in Flnreiice HOWEI.LS. ItMlian Ji.urncys Venetian Life . of an En , .,f Genu S 2464 S 2779 S 24b0 Rrign of Philip II S 3781 ud Present ce and th< Watson and Tho Reign of Philip III. S 2781 Abbott. Italy Adams. Queen of tli Addison. Ti 3.-ItaIy. S 3001 ■ Adriatic S 3004 els through Italy and Swit- zerland. See SM.ART and others. World Disp'ayed. v. 7 N 374 AMARL War of the Sicilian Vespers S 300 BaruOW. T<.ur in Austrian Lombardy '-- in 1840 BbRRIAN. Travels in France and Italy. . . . S 3533 Jameson. Di»i J.^NIN. Sketch KavaNAGH. Sun,nicr and V Two Sicilies Kip. Christmas Holidays in 1 Machiavei.ll KlorrntineHi Hi-tory o- Florenc MaRIOTTI. Italy; Pa^ Marsh. Stories of "V tians Morgan. Itniy Neligan. Rome Norton. Travels and Slu ly in It; PONTB. Hi-to.yofthe Florentine Proctor. Hist..ry of Italy Sabs. Journey to Rome and Naph SISMONDI. History f SMEDLEY Spalding. Italy Flor S 3635 S 3311 S 3313 S 3214 S 3214 S 3227 S 3337 S 3237 S 3244 S 3280 . S 3280 S 3288 S 32SS S 3690 S 3328 Uepubli< S 3355 in 1817. S 3386 Italian Republics. S 3408 Sketches Irom Venetian History. S 3411 Italian Islands... S 3417 .. R' Spallanzvni. Travel See Pinkerton. in the Two Sicilies, royages. T.9.... N 3871 Class S.— EUROPK 65 Class S —EUROPE. Stouy. Ro1)m ill lloma SwiNIiURNE. Travi-Ia in the Two Sicilies in 1777-80 Shelf No. S3434 S 3758 Spencer. Fall of the Crimea SWINTON. Tiavels into Norway, Denmark and Russia Shelf N». S4417 S 4758 S 4790 S 479C Taine. Italy, Florence anil Venice Italv, Rome ami Naples S 3759 S 3759 Wilson. Military and Political Power o Russia in 1817 TOUK in Italy m ISIil S 37()7 WlI.SO.V. Travels in Russia S. 5.-PoIand. Allen. Autocracy in Poland and Russia.. Fleti:iier. Histcuy of Poland HnTCHlNSON. Try Cracow and the Car|>a thians TuOLI.OPE. History of the Conini.Miwealll of Florence S 3708 S 3448 S 3JG5 S 4001 S 4507 S 4028 S 4035 R30G1 S 4557 N3871 S 4108 S 4574 S 4138 S 4131 S 4580 S 4137 S 4174 S 4179 S 4231 S 4233 S 4G40 S4344 S 4257 E93G2 S 4Gfi4 S 46G0 S 4377 S 4294 S 4318 S 4337 S 4712 S 4354 S 4374 S 4381 N3311 S 4728 S 4381 S4384 TOCKEUMAN. Italian Sketch Boob Ware. Sketches of European Capitals. . . . S. l.-Rnssla. U 8 S 5153 S 5819 AniiOTT. Empire of Russia Antiiing. Campaigns of Suwoiow Barky. I?u-<>ia in 1870 Bell. History of Russia Saxton. Full of Poland S. «. -Hungary and Bohemia Beck. Adventures during the Late Wai- ii S 5387 Browne. LamlofThor Cochrane. Journey il,i<.ugli Russia and Si berian Tartary S 4095 and S 6034 S G056 Br.ace. Hungary in 1851 Coxe. Travels in Russia. See PiNKERTON Voyages. V. 13 Cdstine. Russia S G317 S G34I S G343 Paget. Hung.iry and Transylvania Pardoe. City of the Magyar... Dl.XON. Free Russia Paton. Transylvania, Del.reczin, -lf No. TiiKVENOT. Travels in the Levant. -Sfs S.MAKT ami others. World Displayed. V. 4 N;i747 S. 9.— Otiier PurtM of ICiirupp. DiTSON. Cireassia S 9574 OuKOOKOVins. Ci>rsica S 9175 IlENRKiUCS. Trip lo the Azores S 9190 Lei.and. En^'hsh Gypsies S 9204 Marigsy. Voyages lo Ciruussia S 9073 NOYES. Konmaniii S 9333 Ranke. History of Servia S 9303 Seddall. Malta. Past and Present S 9739 SiMSON. History of the Gipsyes S 9407 Spencer. Travels in Circassia, Krim Tar- tary, etc S 9750 Class T.— BIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL MISCELLANY. ehf If No. T.— Ceneral Works. Bkllchambers. General Biographical Dic- tionary T 35 BiCKNELL. Mutability of Fortune T 534 Bruce. Classic and Historic Portraits T 02 COOPEK. New Biographical Dictionary T 100 Craik. Pursuit of Knowledge under Diffi- culties T 104 Davenport. Universal Biographical Dic- tionary T 569 DoRAN. Monarchs Retired from Buiinesa. . T 125 Eccentric Biography T 133 Edwards. Biography of Self-Taught Men. T 134 Godwin. GyclopEedia of Universal Biogra- phy T 171 Hakdie. Biographical Dictionary T 612 Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings T 624 Historical and Literary Celel.rities T 200 LaMAKTISE. Cele(>rated Characters T 259 LemprieRRE. Universal Biography T 658 Lives of Distinguished Shoemakers T 3271 Madnder. Biographical Treasury T 294 Men of the Time T 299 Platts. Universal Biography T 713 Public Characters; or, Contemporary Biog- raphy T 359 and T 710 Public Characters of 18nl-'3. T 716 Eicn. Cyclopedia of Biography T 373 St. John. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. . T 383 Seymour. Self-Made Men T 401 Smiles. Brief Biographies T 411 TiMBS. Characteristics of Eminent Men T 443 TUCKKRMAN. Biogriphical and Critical Es- says T 769 Ton Have Heard of Them T 498 Shelf No. X. l.—Anrient and Classical Bloifrapky. Alexander, the Great. Life o£ Williams. T 1007 Aristotle. Memoirs of. (See Naturalist's Library, v. 14 E 3327 Baring-Gould. Lives of the Saints T 1036 CAESAR, Julius. History of. A^'po<«o7i III.. T 1071 Life of. Wi/iiam.'i T 1071 Chrysostom, St. Life of. Meander T 1553 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life of. f ors^( A. T 1090 -Lifeof. AliMttoti T1554 Cornelius Nepos. Lives of Eminent Com- manders. See Justin's History of the World N 5235 Cox. Female Sciipture Biography Y 2103 T 1197 T 1197 T 1628 T 1235 T 1259 T1271 Herbert. Captains of+he Old World Captains of the Roman Republic Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Life of. Atil- man Julian, Ernperor.&ud his Generation. A^e der LamARTINE. Homer and Sokrates Lives of Celebrated Greeks and Romans. Pnrup, King of Mncedon. Life and Reign. Lelarid T 171 1 Pliny. Memoirs of. See Naturalist's Library, v. 9 E 2:337 Plutarch : his Life and Morals. Trench. . . T 1354 Lives T 1354 and T 1713 Smith Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bi- ography T 1747* Socrates. Life, Teachings and Death of. . T 1414 SozOMON, Hermias. Memoirs of. Vallesiut. Y 3416 Spring. Contrast between Good and Bad Men T141» t'la«>* T.— BIOGRAPHY &c. 67 CI.IKM -BIOCRAPHY &c. T. 2.-OrieiH!tl Iii<>;;rai>!iy. Abdel Kadek. Life of. Chun/iill T 2001 Dost Mohammkd Klian. ImI T 2575 Mahomet. Life of Moliammed. Bush T23I1 Life of. GMon T 2285 ■■ Life of. Greni T 3285 Life and Religion of Mohainm.d, Mer- rick T2687 Life of. Priikanx T 2285 Mui.ET Liezit, Empei-or of Morneco. Life of T 2:321 TAI-Pt.NoWAXG, (Jhief of the Clihiese IiiMr- rection. Life of. ilarkie T 2432 T, 3.— European Biography. ABHorr. Kinga hii.I Queens T 3001 Abdul Meftji.l, Sullan of Turkeii. Life of. Se-GiLSOX. Czar and Sultan T 31G7 Abebnkthy, Jolin. Memoirs of. M E.lmnn.l. Life of T 3533 t'OOTH, Junius Brutus. Passages in the Lives of, and some of liia Contemporaries. . . T 3051 Bourne. Englifh Merchants T 3054 Brassey, Thos. Life of. IJcl,,x T 3534 Brewster, David. Home Life of. O'nri/. n, Mrs T305r Brewster. Lives of Galileo, Tyclio Brahe, and Kepler T 3057 British Heroes and Worthies T 3535 Brougham. Henry Lord. Life of T 3060 Brougham. Lives of Men of Letters and Science in the Time of Oeorge 111. . . . T 3060 Bruce, James. Life and Writings. Ste Bruce. Travels, Ac P 2537 Life and Adventures of. Head T 3063 Memoirof. See Naturalist's Library. V.40 E3337 Buchanan, i?e«. Claudius. Life of. Pearson. T 3538 Buck, Rev. Charles. Memoir of. Styles. See Buc-K. Works Y5063 Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of. Life of. Thomson T 3063 Buckle, Henry T. Biographical Sketch of. See Buckle. Essays M 40G3 Budgett, Samuel Life of. ^ r(/mr, W ... T 3063 BUFFON, G. L. L., Com(crfe. Memoirof. Sec Naturalist's Library, v. 37 E 3337 BULWER. Historical Characters T 3064 BuNSEN, Baron C. J. von. Memoirs of. Bun- sen, Baroness T 3065 Bunyan, John. Life of. Harsha T 3065 BuRCKHARDT, J. Memoir of. See Natur- alist's Library, v. 40 E 3337 Burke, Edmund. Life and Character T 3540 Burns, Robert,. Life of. Se* Burns. Works. M 66 Life of. Carlyte T 3068 Life of. LockUart T 3540 Genius and Character of. Wilson T 3068 Buxton, T. F. Memoir of. Buxton, C T 3541 j Byron, Lord, Cimversation with. lilcssivg- ton T 3070 Recollections of. Dallas T 3543 I A Biography. Elze T 3543 Class T.— HIOCiRAl'HV Sec. 68 Class T.— BIOGRAPHY &c siicir N.i. BrnON, Xorrf. Li fe nf. Ox't T JiOTO K.c..llHclions of. Gnknoli T 3543 Coiivei!'Hii.>iis of. Medmin T 3070 — Lettrrn and Journals', wiih Life. Moore. T 3542 Lust Days of. See TuELAWNY. Last Dave, etc T 344f Cabinet Poriniit Gallery of Biilish Woiiliie!>. T 3071 CalDEKO BEl,L. Lives of the Chief Justices of England T 3544 Lives of Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great, Seal of England T 3544 Camper, Peter. Memoir of. See Natitrai,- ist's Library, v. 21 E 2337 Canning, George. Life of. Bell T 3074 Cari.TI.e, Alexander. Antol.iography of. . . T 307G Cartwright, Major. Life of. Cartwright, F. D T3546 CavOUR, Count. Life, Character and Policy of. Boltn T3548 Lile and Character. DeLa Rive T 3548 Cellini. Benvenuto. Memoirs of T 3081 Chalmers, Thomas. Life of. hmna T 8082 Chambers, Ri>liert. Memoir of, with Autn- l)ingra|ihic Reminiscences of William ChamLers T 3082 Characteristics of Men of Geniu'^ T 3084 Charlemagne. His'oiy of. James T 3084 Charles tlie Bold. Dnke of Burgundy. His- tory of. Kirk T 3551 Charles V., Emperor of Ga-tnnuy. lli.^tory of. Bo'iert-son T 3551 Cloist-r Life of. Stirling T 3084 Charles XII. King of Sualen, History of VolLrire T3084 Charles .IoiiN, Ki-g of Sum/en. and Norway. Memorials ..f. Merrdilh '.. T 3551 M-moir and CampHigns ..f. P/nllpp'^rt. T 3551 Ch.atham, Earl of. [Elder Pill]. Life of. Marttulny T 3353 ChatTEHTON, Thomas. Biography. Il'tten. T 3084 Chesterfield, Lord. Life of. See Ches- terfield. Works X 0551 Clarendon, Edward. i.vi E-rl of Life and Admiiiisiration of. Liskr T 35,55 Clarke, Adam. Life of Clarke T 3093 Clarke. E.hvard D. Life and Remains of. Otter T3555 Claxton, Timothy. Life of T 3092 ShHrNo. Cohden, Richard. Mc Gilrhrisl T 3095 COCKBURN, Lord Henry. Memorials of his Time T 3095 CoJCR, Jacques, an.l his Times. ContMo T 3557 COKB, E.lward. Life of. Woolryeh T 3557 Colbert, Jean B. Life of. See James. . .. T 3237 Cole. Voyage of Life T 3"97 COLLIGNY, Onspar de. Memoirs of. T 4097 CoNDfe, Louis, /"WHtc (/f. Lile of. J/u/ton .. T 3099 Cook, explain James. Life of T 3100 CooKE, George F. Life of. Dunlap T 3100 Corneili.e and his Times. Guizot T 3101 Cottle. Reminiscences of Ctderidge and Sonthey T 3103 Court and Camp of Napoleon, I T 3103 Cowi'ER, William. Home and Haunts of. .. T 3103 Early Life of T 3103 • Life of. Haley T 3103 and T 35C2 Life of. Southey T 3103 Crabbe. George. Life of K 1 104 Cranmer, Thomas, Life of. Le Bas T 3104 Life of. Lee T 3104 . Memorials of. Strype T 3104 Crompton, Samuel. Life of. French T 3105 Cromwell, Oliver. Life of. Guizot. ..... T 3105 Life of. Russell T 3105 Life of, SoHthey T 3105 Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs of T 3107 and T 3564 Cunningham. Lives of British Painters and Sculptoi-8 T 3107 Curran, John P. Life of. Curran. W. H T 3108 and T 35G5 Cuvier, Baron, and Zoology T 3109 Memoirs of. Lee. T 31(i9 Mein.dr of See Naturalist's Library, V. 16 E2:i27 Dale. Life's MoI to T3113 Dante as Philosopher, Pall lot, ici-ens. T 3176 Gkinsted. Last Homes of Departed Ge- nius T3176 CuERlN, Maurice de. Journal of T 31T8 GuizOT. Saint Louis and Calvin T 3178 GUNN, liev. Wm. A. Memoirs of, Sanndm. See Gdnn. Sermons, Ac. . , Y 8007 Gustavu.S Adol|>liiis. Kingof Sweden, //arte. T 3008 Lite of. He,idc,,rich. ........ ^ /SVc ai.vo Trench. Gustavus anil I he 3il Years War Haller, B-ron Albert von. Menu Naturalist's Library, v. HALYBtniTON, Tlininas. Memoirs Hamilton, &V Will. Memoir of 3179 Adolphus R4146 irof See 13 E2326 .f T318S Veilch. T3010 Hampden, John. Memorials of. AVjo-i. . T 3184 and T 3010 Hatton. Sir Christopher, Life of. Xicolas. T 3013 Havelock, Sir Henry. Biographical Sketch of. Brock TS189 Haydon, Benjamin R. Lifeof. yVor...T3191 Headi.EY. Napoleon and his Marshals T 3193 -BIOGRAPHY &c. 70 CJass T.— BIOGRAPHY &c. IlEBEU. Ui'ginoM. Life of T 3613 Henuy, III. Kiifff of France. His Court ami limes. Freer T ;il9(! Henuy, IV. Ku.r/ of France. Life of. Jam", T3196 'HKilliY,Y. King of Fng/anU. IJIst.. of. 'J'owle T Heil Henky. VIII.. iin,! Ins Si.'C Wives. JJerh'^-t. T 3196 Henuy. P. Life iin.i Time... T 31% HewISTON, Jicv. W. H. Memoir of. liail- lie T3201 Hill, /e«i;. Rowland Life ot. Si.vey T 3203 Hodgson. Reformers aai{ Miirtyrs liefore, since, aud iudepeudeut of the Refor- iDHtion T 3308 H00.4.RTH, William. SaU T 32<>!) Holland. Foreign Reminiseenees T 3210 Reeolleetions of Past Life T 3310 Home, D. D. Incidents in my Life T 3311 T 3314 T 3214 Hood, T. Memorials of Hoi.DIN, Robert. Memoirs of Houghton. Monographs, Personal and So cial HOWAUD, John. Life of J ikin and the Prison World of Europe. Dix- on T3314 Howe, Riehard, Enrl. Life of Barrow. . . T 3628 Howie. Scot's Worthies T 3038 HowiTT. Homes and Haunts of Biitish Poets T3214 Hdbeu, Francis. Memoir of. See Natdr- ALIST's Librar 1. 34. E2327 Hughes, T. Memoir of a Brother. [George G. Hughes] T 3315 Hugo. Victor. By a Witness of his Life. H^o.Mmf T3629 Humboldt. Ale.v. von. Memoir of. See Naturalist's Librar3'. v. 37 E 2337 Life of Brnhnx T 3630 Alex, and William von. Lives of Kle,,cke and Sc-hlesier T 3216 Hunt, Lei^th. Aniohiography of T 8217 Hunter. John. Memoir of See N.\TURAL- IST'S Library, v. 23 E 23 HutCIILNSON, Colonel. Memoirs of. Huhli- inson. Mrs T 3219 Button, William. Life of T 3219 Irving. Edward. Life of T 3634 James. Lifeof Colbert, Cardinal deRetz.itc. T 3227 Memoirs of Great Comman.lers T 3227 Jeffrey, Lord G. Life of Cockburn T 3095 and T 3229 Life of Woolr,/eh T 3339 and T 3037 Jenner, Edward. Lifeof. Baron T 3038 Jerdan. Men I have Known T 3331 Jerroi.d, Douglas. Life and Remains of JcrrolU, B T 3231 Shcir No. Jesse. George Selwyn and his Conlenipo- varies T 3639 Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherenis T 3233 Johnson. Samuel. Life and Writing'' of. . M 4233 Life of Boxwell T 3233 and T 3640 Life and Genius of.. Murpli;/. See Johnson. Works, v. 1 T 3233 Lite ot. Chandler 8040 Lives of the English Poels T 3233 Jones, iS'-r William. Lifeof. r..T 3250 and T 3050 Knox, Robert, Anatomist. Lifeof Lonxjale. T 3250 Kotzkbue, Augustus von. Most Remarka- ble Year in the Life of T 3353 Lacepede, Comtc de. Memoir of See Naturalist's Library, v. 20 E 2327 Lacordaire. I'ire. Inner Life of Cho- carne T 3256 La Fayette, General Gilbert Motier. Me- moirs of T3257 Sketches Illustrative to the Life of T 3257 Private Life of Gloqnet T 3257 Life of Headley T 3357 Memoirs of HoUlein T 3357 Life of. Mack T 3357 Lamarck. Chevalier de. Memoir of See Naturalist's Library, v. 31 E 3327 Lamartinb. Confidential Disclosure? T 3359 Lamb, Charles. A Memoir. Proctor T 3359 Landor, Walter S. Biography. Fur^^f r. . . T 3360 Las Casas, Count de. Memoirs of T 3657 Latrielle, Pierre A. Memoir of jSee Nat- uralist's Library, v. 33 E 2327 Lavater, John C. Life of Gesmer. See Lavater. Physiognomy X 4657 Same. Holcroft. See Lavater. Phy- siognomy .". X4657 Law, John. Memoir of &e Thiers. Mis- sissippi Bubble U 7437 Lawrence. Lives of British Historians. . . T 3263 LeaCOCK, Hamble J. Memoir of Caswell. T 3363 Lecky. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ire- land T3263 Leibnitz. Godfrey W. von. Life of Ma kie Leighton, Robert. Archbishop of Glasgow Pearson. Sec LEIGHTON. Works.. Lemon, Mark. Reminiscene Lessing, Gottheld E. Life . Lester. Napoleon Dynasty T 3265, t. Hatton Stahr T3264 Y5658 T3264 T3265 Class T.— BIOGRAPHV &c 71 C'lax«< 'l\— hich;r\1'IIY &c. Shi-lf No. I.ETTSO.M. Jolm. Life of. I'Miyrai) T IJGGO Le Vai,LI.\NT, Finnui.'*. MeiiKiii- of. See N.vTDK.\t,iST's Library, v. 13 E 2337 Lewis. M. G. Life of T 8UG0 Linnaeus, Our). Memoir of. See N'.\TUKAI.- isr's Lil)i-nvy. v. G E 2337 ■ und Ju«.<»•hii, 7.'c(i. Memoirs of tlie. Ceci/ T 32iJ9 Nev, Marshal. Memoirs of T 3697 Nicholas, O^ar of Russia. Private Life and and PuMic Actions of. See GlLSON. Czar and Sult.n T 3167 KlEnuHK, 0. 15. Life and Letters. Bwisen and others T 3331 Owen, Roliert. Life of T 3340 Page. Golden Lives. T 3341 Paleario, Acmio. Life of. Yonng T 370.5 Palet, William. Memoirs of. Meadley. . . T 3705 Palissy, Bernai-d. Life of. Morleij T 3343 Pallas. Peter S. Memoir of. See Natdeal isT'.s Library, v. 18 E 2327 Pallliser. .S(> Hugh. Life of. Hunt T 3705 PALMEiiSTON, Henry Temple, Viscount. Life of Bulwer T 3342 Park, Mungo. Life and Travels of T 3343 Life of. See PARK. Mission, Ac P 3706 Parry. Cambrian Plutarch T 3706 Paul (St.,) of the Cross. Life of. Pius, Father T 3344 Paui-DINO, James K. Literary Life of. Paulding, W. 1 T 3344 PearCE, Kev. Samuel. Memoir of. Fuller. T 3345 Peden, Alexander. Life of T 3345 Pellico, S. My Imprisonments T 3346 Pennant, Thomas. Memoir of. See Natlti- alist's Library, v. 7 E 2327 Pfipfi, General Q. Memoirs T 3346 Pbron, Francois. Memoir of. See Natur- alist's Library, v. 35 E 3337 Peter, llie Cruel, h'i'iff of CaUile and J.eon. History of. Merimee T 3348 Peter, the Great. Life of. Barrow T 3348 Notes, . S. T 3348 Petrarch. Life of. Campbell T 3709 PuiLiP 1 1, of Spaiti. Gaiiarre T 37 1 1 • History of. Pre^coU S 2715 Pitt, William. Life of T 3353 Life of. Mucaulay T 3353 Life <.f. Tomline T 3713 PORTEUS. Bielby, Buhop of London. Life of. Hodgs n T 3356 Powell, Walter. Brockctt T 3356 Power. Life of Wm. F..x and Uc.l.crt Raikes T 3356 Pratt. Dawnings of Genius T 3357 QUINTANA. Lives of Celebrated Spaniards. T 3361 Raffaello. Life and Works of. Quinci/. See DuppA. Michael Angelo T 3129 Raffles, Thomas Stamford. Life and Pub- lie Services of T3718 Memoirs of. See Naturalist's Lib- rary. V.8 E2327 Raikes, Robeit Biography of. Pmoer T 3356 Ralf.igh, S.r W„licr. Life of. St. John.. T 3363 Ramsay, Allan. I.ifcof .. K 1363 Ray, .Iiiliii. Mcnidirof. {,VT- dralist's Library, v. 86 E 2337 lioscOE, William. Life of. E'moe T 33;8 KossiNi, a. Life of. EdmarJs T 3737 KousSKAU, J. J. Murleti. J T 3737 Russell. R^preseiitative Adors T 3381 Salviani, Hippolito. Memoir of. See Natdrai.ist's Lilirary. v. 33 E 3337 SCANDERBEG, (George ('a>triol). Moore. . . . T 3388 SCIIAMYI,. Life of. Mackie T 338^ SciioMiJURGK. Koliert IL Memoir of See Naturalist's Lil.rary. v. 39 E 2337 Scott, Sh- Walter. Fnmiliar Anecdotes of. Hojbett, T 3469 Watts. Unnc. Life and Clu.iee Works of. Harxim T 34C9 Watt. Jmnes. Life of. Muirlieail T 3469 Wedgewood. Josiuli. Life of. J/c/^/arJ. . T 3783 Wellingto.n, Sir Aitl.ur Wellesley, Duke of. Despatches and General OidiTs.. T 3784 Menioirof. Mac FarUme T 3473 [Life of] M.r.-mll T 3784 Werner. Ahraham G. Memoir of. See Naturalist's Lil.rary. v. 2!) E 2337 Wesley, diaries. Life of. See White- head. Life of John Wesley T 3785 Wesley, John. Life of. Beeihmn Y 8476 Lifeof. Sfmlhen T 3785 Life and Times ..f. T;,crmfm T 3785 L.f,. of. WaUon T 3476 Life of. Whilchead T 3785 Wharton. Wits and Heanx of SoeieLy. . . . T 3478 WhaTELT, ArMiishnp Richard. Life of Wliatehi,Uu^ T3478 WniSTON, Wil iam. Ijfe of T 3480 White. Henry K. Life of. Southe,, M 481 WlIITIiFllil.D, Rev. George. Memoirs of. (JiUie. ■••• T3481 WiCLlFFand his Liseiple-f. Lives of. See Gilpin. Lives, Ac T 3167 WICLIFF Life of. Le Ba. T 3483 Wight. Ahelard and Heloise T 3483 WlLBERFOliCE, William. Life of \yilbcr- /■«•l.ituavy Xot.ites for 1857. Croswell, Rev. William. Memoir of Curtis, Joseph. Memoir of. Sedgwhk CurWEN, Sjiniuel. Jounial and Letters of. Ward Dale, General Samuel. Life of. Chnrlmriie. Deane, Rev Samuel. Jnurnal of See Wil- lis. Journal, >f. Bipdow T 4 157 Frost. American Naval Biography T 4595 Fuller, Chaplain Arthur B. Life Sketch. Fullrr. R. F T 4159 Fui.TON. Robert. Life of. Coldcu T 4595 Gates. Theophilus R. Life of Y 51G3 Genin, Sylvester. Biographical Sketch of. <9feGENIN. Selections, Ac M 598 Genin, Thomas H. Biographical Sketch of. See Genin. Wriiinsrs. &•• C 8598 Goodrich. Lives of Celebrated Indians... T 4173 Recollections of a Lifetime T 4173 GOUGII, Jidin B. Aniobiotrraphy of T 4604 Gr.\NT, General Ulysses S., and his Cam- paigns. Larice T 4174 Greeley, Horace. Recidlections of u Bu>y Life T4605 Life of. Parton T 4175 Life of. ReavU T 4175 Greene, Nathaniel. Life ..f. C'uWwrW. . . T 4605 Life of. Simvwi T 4175 GreenOUGH, Horatio. Memorial i.f. Tmk- ernian I 175 GriSCOM, John. Memoir of. Gri.-c„m, J. H T4(;03 Halleck, FitzGreene. Life of. IFi/vow. . T 4183 Hamilton, Alexander. Life of Jlami.Ui,n, J.C T4G10 Facts and Documents Relative lo the Death of T4610 Life nf Smu-ker T 4184 Harrison, .l/n; 6'tn. Willinm II. Civdand Militarv Services of Daioxon T 4613 Memoir of Hall T 4187 Headley. Washington and his Generals. . T4193 Henry, Patrick. Life of Wirt T 4617 Hewes. George R. T. Memoir ..f T 4^01 Homes of American Authors T 4627 Hopper, Isaac. A True Life. CldU T 4213 Hughes, John, Anhhixhop Life of. Han- sard T 4029 Hull, Gen. William. Services and Life of. Campbell T 4629 Class T.— BIOGRArHY &c. 76 Class T — BIOGRAPHY &c. Hunt. Livps of Amoiican Merclmnts T 4630 Ino.VM S, lli-nry A. Mnnioir of. Burnap. T 4223 Ihedelj,, Jrtmes. Life of. McCree T 4034 Irving, Wa^llin^ton. Life and Clmnieter of. Bryant T 4324 Life of. Irving. P. M T 4224 Jackson, General An.liew. Monument to Memniy of. Dusenben-y T 422G Life of. Eatm T A>J?M Bioijn.pliy ..f. Goodwin T 4220 Lif^ of. M.kins T 422() Life of. P.,rton T 4G3U MHiii..iis of. W.tUn T 4326 Jackson. Ttionin-s J. [■•Stonewall Jackson '] Life of. Diihiey T 4636 Jay. Jnl,,,. Life of. Jay, W T 4037 jEFFEnsON, Tli"inns. Clinracter of. Dwifjht. T 4329 Lif- of. Lhin T 4229 Pi-ivate Life of. Pierson T 4037 Life of. Randall T 4637 Do.neslic Life of. Randolph T 4037 JeiiOME, Cliannc-ey. Life of T 4231 Johnson ,§/> William. Life of. 5to/« . . . T 464i i Jones, Jnlm Pa.il. Rear Admiral. Life of. T 4234 • I .i f^ of. Mackenzie T 4234 Life of. Sherlmrne T 4040 JtlDSON Aiioiiirain. Character and Laliors of. ConanI T 4235 Memoir of. Wayland T 4235 Kennedy, J. P. Life of. Tadtrmai, T 4241 La.mb. Cr'cnfr.j/ Joliii. Life of. Leake T 4055 LanMAN. Dictionary of tlie United States Congress T 4050 La's Casas, Bartlioloine«r de. Life of. Helpa T4261 LawBENCE, Amos. Diary and Correspond- eiK-e. Lam-e.ce T 4202 Lawrence, Ja'^e.-". Biofjrapliy of T 4202 Lee, Aitlinr. Life of. Lee T 4058 Lee. MajwGm. diaries. Life of. T 4264 Lester. An ists of America T 4059 Ledyaud. Jidin. Life of. Spnrk-t T 4060 LiNCOl-N, Al.raliain. Life and Character of. Baurrn/t T 4601 Six Months in the White H..use witli. Onrpenlir T 4309 Life ot. Lamon T 4601 Life of Raymond T 4001 ; Memorial. S/ii-a T 4601 LlNN, Z)r. Lewis F. LI.e jf ZtnH and Sargent T 4001 Lives of American Merchants T 4271 LrVES of Balboa, Cortes, and Pizarro T 4271 Lives of Eminent Individuals in American Hist. orj. Livingston, Edward. Livingston, William. Life of. Life of. Mant. . . . Sedgwick. T4271 T4603 T 4003 Shelf No. LossiNG. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence T 4273 L'Ouvertdre, ToUMaint. Autobiography of T4273 McClei.lan, George B. Life of. JHllarJ.... T 4377 Madiso.n, James. Life of. Rivex T 4070 Maooon Oratorsof the Revolution T 4285 .Mann. Horace. Life of. J/,mn, Mrs T 4287 Marion, General Francis. Life of. Horry and Weenis T 4288 Life of. S'immii '1' 4288 Mason, Ehenezer P. Life and Writings of. OlmHed T 4290 Mei.bodrne, J. Life and Opinions T 4297 MiLBURN, W. H. Ten Years of Preacher Life T4304 Mills, S. J. Memoirs of. Spring T 4083 Moore Lives of the Qovernors of New Plymouth. iu-.V((. ... T 4330 Oglethorpe, General James. Memoir of. Wright T 433G Paine, Kohert T. Biographical Sketch. Prentiss M 705 Paine, Thomas. Life of. Cheetham T 4341 Life of. Rlchnann T 4705 Parker. Theodore. Life of. Weist T 4706 Parsons. Rini n. Lif,- of T 4401 Bi..!.'rnpliical Mein'oii- of. Sec SF.WAliD. Works U 741 Sheridan, i)/..>r Genend Pl.ilip PL Life of. HemUcii. T 4403 Sherman, W m T. Life of. //««<;%... T 4403 ami Ills Campaigns. Bwnnan ami Ir- win .^ Q7533 Sii.i.iMAN, Be,.janiin. Life of. fiMier T 440G Smitm, C"/)(. Jolin. Life of. Simms T 4412 Smith. Joseph. Life of. ilaclau Z 4381 Smith. Mose.^. Aetli B. M.-moiial of. 7i/- to-i. 5fe ttllowNiNG. Po„- o".y U4.5!)T Jevons. Tlu-ry ol I'oliti.ul Ec.i..o.»y TJ 4ii;i0 Jo\ES. Disiiil.iiii.iii ofWraltli U4-J:J4 Kei.LOOO. Lalioi- nil. 1 oilier Cipitiil U 4(it;! Knight. Knowle.Ure is Powci- t: 424!) LeCTUKES on Kc..„.iini« SeieiiL-e U 42(i:! LesTEII. Coiulilioii nil. I Fate of EriL'laii.l . . U 42U.J Levi. Wagss and Eariiiiigs of ilic Working Classes U 4fiG0 Lieuek. I'ropei-ty ami Labour U 4308 M (.:ULr>.*.GII. Li.lusU'ial History of Free Na- tions U 4600 McCuLLOcn Priiiciplfs of PoliticMl Economy U 4'377 Macdosxei-l. Land Question U 4607 Mai.thds. Political Economy U 4673 I'opu'aiioii U 0673 Oil Population. Reply to U 4673 MarCET. Conversations on Political Econ- omy U 4388 MiCiiEi.ET. The People U 4303 Mir.l,. Political Economy U 4305 and U 4083 Newman. Political Economy U 433!) Pekky. P..lilical Economy U 4347 Pouter. Pi.igress ot tlie Nation U 4356 Pon'ER. Political Economy U 431 Uamsay. Di-trihntion of Wealtli U 4719 KOGEKS Social Economy U 4370 UUSKIN. Crown of Wild Olives U 4381 ForsClavigeia U 4381 I'olitical Economy <.f Ait U 4381 . Ui.to tlii-i Lust U 4381 Sedgwick PnKlic nmi Private Economy. . U 43!)0 Sisvio.NDi. P.I -.i-;!! Economy U 4740 Smith, A. WcmIiIi of Nations.. U 4413 and U 4747 S.MITII, K. P. Manual of Politic.l Econ-miy. U 4413 S.M1T1I, G. II. Outlines of Political E.-on- oniy U4747 Thompson. Disinlmiionof Wcaltli U 4763 Thoknto.n. Labour U 4763 VetiiakE. Poliiical E....nnmy U 4775 Wade. lJ.ist..ry of the Middle an.l Working Classes U 4463 W.M.KEU. Science of Wealth U 4778 Walter What is Kiee Trade? U 4461 Ward. Workmen and Wages U 4405 Wayland. Elementsof Political Economy. U 4470 U. 5.— Statistics. AMEIilCAN Almanac for 1851-3 U 000!) D.E I5ow Indust.ial Resonices of the U S. U 5570 FlSHEIt and Cnll.y American Statistical Annual for 1854 U 5151 Plieir Nn. PlTlUN. C..mmorcc of the United Htates. . . U 5709 Tayi.oI!. Ge.i-r.iphy. Si iilisli.-s, itc. of France U 5760 C <>piilatl<>ii uikI I'ruduiaion. Addresses of l,he Phila.lelphia Socieiy for the Pr.iinolion of National Industry. . U 0004 Alison. Principles of Population U 6,504 BrOMWELL. History of Immigration to the U. S " 6.5;55 Pox. View of the U. S U 6563 IIiTTEL. Resources of Calif.irnia IT 0307 MalTHUS. Principles of Population U 0673 Marshall. Population und Trade in France in 186163 II 6388 Olmsted. Cotton Kingdom U !)337 PetO. Resources of America U 6348 S\NDEUS0N. Views, Ac., of American States- men on Foreign Immigration U 6731 Seaman. Progress of Nations U 6309 SiMMONDS. Science and Commerce ; their Influence on our Manufactures U 0407 TiMMlNS. Resources of Birmingham U 6765 TOCKER. Progress ther Homes U 9183 Hamilton. Progress of Society U 9610 Haynes. Massachusetts Stale Prison U 9191 Henderson. Six Years in the Prisons of England U 9195 Henry. Social Welfare and Human Pro- gress U9196 Hill. Children of the State U 9203 Hood. Age and its Architect U 9213 Hopkins. View of Slavery U 9213 Hundley. Social Relations in Our South- ern States U9317 Class II.— SOCIAL SCIENCE. 85 Class v.— JURISPRUDENCE. Hutchinson. On Mr. Owen's Plim for ameliornting the comlitinn of Mankind. iS'e Hutchinson. Causes, o IsiiAM. Mu.l Caliin U '.i22r, Jameson. Sisters of Cli.irity IT 9227 Jenkins. Cinx's Bal.y U i)230 Utile H..,ke U 9230 LoiJ F^antam U 923n Jewell. Among our Sailors U 9232 Kay. Social Condition of ICngland U 9237 Leonowexs. Romance of tlie Harem U 9364 Life in New Ynrk U 93G8 Linton. Moriern Women and VVIiatisaaid of Tliem U 9269 Ourselves, a series of Essays on Wojiit^n U 9269 I.OOAN. Apropos of Women an() Tiieatros. . U 9372 Get, Thee Heliind Me. Satan! U 9272 Ll'DLOW and Jones. Progress of the Work- ing Class, 1832-67. ^ U 9274 Matrimoniai, Brokerage in tlie Metropolis. . U 9393 JiAXSE. Causes of Social Revolt U 9394 Mathew. London Labor urn) London Poor U 9677 Mayhew and Binny. Criminal Prisons of London U 9677 Mayo. Symbols of tlie Capitol; or, Ciii'ization in New Work U 9295 Mn,l,. Sul.JHction of W..men U 9305 Mll.l.AK. (iimin .f Distinction of Rai.ks.... U 9683 Mii.NK. IiHlii-iii,,l K.n|.l..vniHnt of Women. U 9305 Moore. Hist.irv ,,r Sl.-.v,.r\ in Mas.saelinsetts. U 9689 Mui.OCK. Woman's Tliouglits about Woman. U 9321 New York City. Rep.-rts of the Gen. Soc. of Mechanics and Tradesmen U 9697* and U 9697 Olmsted. Cotton Kingdom U 9337 Journey in the Back Country Q 9337 Journey in the Seaboard Slave States. . Q 9337 Owen. New View of Society U 9340 Payne. Behind the Bars U 9344 Penny. Employments of Women U 9346 Think and Act U 9346 Shelf No. PiiiLANTiiuoPiST, or iDatitulions of Benevo- lence U 9351 Rkade. Mat tyrdom of Man U 936G Uesults of Machinery U 9370 Reynolds. Outcasts of E.igland U 9370 Ui( HTKR. Co-operative Stores U 9373 HOMANCE of the Streets U 9377 RuMFORD. Essays M4728 KusKiN. Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne U 9381 SanfoRD. Woman in her Social and Domes- tic Character. See WiNSLOW. Wo- man, Ac II 9485 Sanger. History of Prostitution U 9731 Saunders. Women, Love and Marriage. . U 93S7 Seabury. American Slavery, etc., justified by the Laws of Nature IT 9399 S.MU.ES. Workman's Earnings, Strikes and I! 9411 SCME Habits and Customs of the Working Classes U9414 SouTHEY. Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society : U 9749 Spear. Punishment of Death U 9417 Spencer. Social Statics U 9417 Study of Soc U 9417 Stallard. London Pauperism U 9753 .^TiLL. Underground Railroad U 9753 Stiles Union of North and South on the Subject of Slavery U 9422 Stringfellow. Slavery, its Origin, etc.. . U 9755 Views in favor of Slavery U 9425 .•^tu.uit. View of Society in Europe U 9756 Sullivan. Ten Chapters on Social Reform. U 9757 Taylor. Social Evils and their Remedy. . . U 9434 Taylor. Natural History of Society U 9434 Ukdehcurrents Overlooked U 9454 Wade. Wo.nan, Past and Present U 9463 Wells. Wedlock, or the Right Relations of the Sexes U9473 Wn.sON. Slave Power in America, U 9790 WiNSLOW. Woman as she should be U 9485 Wood. Woman in American Society U 9490 Wrench. Visits to Female Prisoners U 9492 Wright. Our New Masters U 9493 Class v.— JURISPRUDENCE. Shelf No. v.— General 'Works. Anthon. Law Slud-nt V 507 Bioelow. Bench and Bar V 524 Brown. Forum V 537 Burke. Romance of the Forum V 66 Butler. Lawyer and Client V 69 CrsHlNQ. Rules of Proceeding V 108 Edwards. Courts and Lawyers of the State of New York V 580 Shelf No. Freedley. Legal Adviser V 157 Heard. Curio.iities of Law Reporters V 192 Jay. The Law V 228 Jeapfreson. Book about Lawyers V 239 Jefferson. Manual of Parliamentary Prac- tice V 229 Law and Lawyers V 262 Lea. Superstition and Force V 2G3 Montesquieu. Spirit of Law. . V 314 and V 688 Cla§S v.— JURISPRUDENCR Class v.— JURISPRUDENCE. WAIlDIiN. M.m nn.l Liiw. Weijsth;i!'.s CliHirrn.Mi-s M,i erVCJni.le Wilson's WoiUs V 77'J V 471 V 7'JO V. 1— Natural and International Laiv. AZUNI Mun.li.no L..VV „f Kumpe V 1512 Buitl.AMAQDI. N..liir..l nn.l P..litiui.I Law.. V ir)40 GauDNER. Intcrnutioiiiil Law V 1 1G2 Hoffman. Estalo an.l Uigl.ts »( ilie Cor- poration of llie City of N Y V lG2r) Upton. Law of Nations affecting Commerce during U.eWai- V 1773 Vattel. Law of Nations V 1458 Ward. Law of Nations iu Europe V 177il WoLSEy. luteriiational Law V 1794 V. 2.— Ancient, Feudal and Civil Law. Hadi.ET. Intro.lu.lion to Roman Law V 2181 M.ACKENZIE. SludiHs in KoTiian Law V 2009 Maine. Ancient Law V 2071 Village Coniniuuities in the East anil . West V2G71 V. 3.— Statute and Constitutional Ieneral. Campin. Law of Patents for Inventions V 3073 Cnoss. Military Laws of the U. S V 3503 GOUDON. Treaties, etc., WIGL1T. M.idiTii Pliiloldgy Faruak. Families of SpHedi IIadi.eY. E8saj-a t'ljilological aiij Critical. Khaitsir. Glossology LanguaoE; its Connection with the Present Condition of Man Latham. Coin|iiii;iti\e Philology MaKcet. Sin.ly of Languages MiTFOitD. Prineijiles of Harmony in Lan- guage MOli.EU. S-ience of Language Puendergast. Handbook to the Mastery nguage Mastery of Laiiguag^-s. . . Stoddard. Philosojiliy of L. ToOKB Diversions of I'urley Whitney. Language and the Study of Lan- guage W .-in W 105 W 120 W 578 W 144 W 009 W 353* W 200 W 657 W 288 W 08G W 321 \V 357 W 715 W 423 W 7GG W 481 w. -PliouoKraphy. Orin;in of Langnage Farrar. Origin of Language W 1144 GuAHAU. Hand-Book of Phonography... W 1174 Hai.DEMAN. Aiialytie Orthography W 1837 Kavanaoh Origin of Language and M^ths. W 1237 MUNSON. Complete I'honographer W 1322 Webster. Phonographic Teacher W 1471 'W. 3.-Kn£]lNh Iiangnage. Al.FORD. Plea for the Queen's English W Angus. Handl.ook of the Engli.sh Tongue. W Baciie. Vulgarisms, and oilier Errors of Spnech W Barti.ett. Dictionary of Americanisms. . W B.\TES. Engli.-'h Anily>i3 W Clark. Elementsof the English Language. W Cobbett. Grammar of the Engli^ll Lan- guage W Crabb English Syiinnymes W Cramp Phih.s..pliy of L»nguage W De Vere. Americanisms W Sluliesin Engli^h W DlCTIO.NAKV of the De . of the En Language W 212 .Sl.clf No. Dictionary of Synonyms of the English I'""K»"ge \V3121 EaULE. Pliihdogy of I he English Tongue. W 2131 OoDLD. Good English W 2173 Graham. Book ala.nt Words W 2174 Gree.M,EAK. Analysis of the English Lan- g""g« \V2836 Hall. Kecent Exemplifications of False PI'ilology W 2C10 Johnson. Dictionary of the English Lan gtiage vv 2847 Latham. Handhook of the English Lan- g»age \V 2262 M.\Rsn. Lectures on the English Lan- guage W 2673 Origin and History of the English Lan- g"»ge W2673 Meredith. Every-Day Errors of Speech. W 2300 Pegge. Anecdotes of the English Lan- guage W 2707 Smith. Synonyms Diseriminated W2747* Soni.E. English Synonyms W 2416 SwiNTON. Ramhies among Words W 2431 Taylor. Engli.-li Synonyms W 24,34 Trench. English Languase W 2446 Select Glossary of English Words W 2446 Study of Words W 2446 Walker. Pronouncing Did ionary W 2778 Webster. Dictionary of the English Lan- guage W 3898* Grammar of the English Language. . . W 2471 Wedgewood. Dictionary of English Etj-- nioLiry W 2783* White. Words and their Uses W 2481 Wilson. English Punctuation W 2484 Worcester. Dictionary of the English Language W 2898* \r. 7.-SIa» lie, Russian, d'C. I.ia Robinson. Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations M 9375 W. 9.— Oriental Languages. BeAMES. Indian Philology W 9031 Edkins, China's Place in Philology W 9134 GreppO. nieroglyphie System of M. Cham- r'"llyon...'. W 9175 Whitney, Oriental and Linguistic Studies. W 9481 Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c Class X.— PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION. X.— General Works. Fleming. Vocubulnrv of Plnlosopliy. JOORNAL of Spcculiitive Philosopliy. . ViNKT. Oiillii.es of IMiilojopliy unJ I X. 1. -History of Philosopliy, and Conipeuds. Blakey. History of the Pliilosopliy of the Mind X1527 Butler. History of Ancient Pliilosuphy. . X 1541 CHALYBADS. Speculative Philosophy from Kunt to Hegel X 1082 Cousin. History of Mmlern Philosophy X 1.501 Draper. Inieilectuul Development in Eu- rope. Enfield. Hi-tory of Philosophy X Fenelon. Lives of the Ancient Philoso- phers X Garretson. Thinkers and Thinking X Henry. Epitome of the History of Philos- ophy X Lewes. Biographicnl History of Philoso- phy X Masson. Recent British Philosophy X Maurice. Moral and Metaphysical Philos- ophy X RiBOT. English Psychology X SciiwEGLER Hinliiry of Philosiiphy X Tenne.viann. History of Philosophy X Tyler. Progress of Philosophy in the Past and in the Future X [istory of Philosophy X ACKERMANN. Ohrialia Banvard. Wisdom, 1 ophers Confucius. Life and Epicurus. Life ami Element in Plato. . X 3.503 :., of Ancient I'hilos- X2025 loralsof : . X2559 orals of. See CON- FUCIUS. Life, il"^y, or Seience of the Soul. See LiBUAUY of Mesmerism. . . X 4268 Hammond. Sleep iirxi its DeraiigHments X 4184 Heckeh. SfiPi.tilic Basis of Edui-alion 878* WiHsensi-liiiftlii-he Gruiidlage dei- Rrzie- luiiig 879* HowiTT. History of the Suporniiturnl X 4314 Jones. Man, Monil and I'liysiciil X 4234 LaVater. Essays on Pliysiognoiny X 4657 . Same (ab.idped). . . .' ". X 4263 I-EGER. Animal Magnetism X 4264 Libuauy of Mesmerism and Psychology. ... X 4208 Macnish. Anatonjy of Drunkenness X 4283 Philosophy of Sleep X 4283 PhiloBopliy of Sleep, and Anatomy of Drunkenness. See CoMBE. Constitu- tion. Ac F 15.59 Maudsi.ey. Body and Mind X 4294 MOOUE. Power of the Soul over the Body.. X 4315 MoiiGA.N'. Phrenology and How to Use it. . . X 4316 Newman. Faseinaiion ; or. Philosophy of Charming. See LlBUAKY of Mesmer- ism X4268 Newnham. Human Magnetism X 4329 Superstition X 4697 Owen. Dehatahle Land between this World and the Next X 4340 Footfalls on the Boundary of another World X4340 Rat. Mental Hygene X 4365 Redfiei.D. Comparative Physiognomy. ... X 4720 Scott. Harmony of Phrenology with SeHp- ture ." X4397 Seafiei.d. I.ilerature and Cuiiosiiies of Dreams X 4399 SruIiZIIETM. PhrenoUi!?y X 4752 SUNDEIU.AND. I'ulh.tism X 4439 TAYI.0U. Physical Theory of another Life. . X 4434 Towxshend. Facts in Mesmerism X 4445 Walker. Phy siogn..my X 4464 Welby. Mysteries of Life, Death and Futu- rity X4473 Weli.S. New Physiognomy X 4473 ZkuFFL SpiritUiilism and Animal Magnet- ism X4499 X. 5.— Superstitions and Delusions, Blagic, Ac. Arm.\ta X ,5015 BaiuNQ-Ooui.D. Book of Were Wolves. ... X 5020 B.UINUM. Humhuv'S of the World X 5028 Brewster. * Natural Magic X 5057 BOLWER Lytton. Coming Race, or New Utopia X 5064 Cai.EK. Mi.re Wonders of the Invisible World X 5073 Salem Witchcraft X ,5072 C'Ar.MET. Phantom Worl.l X 5072 Christmas. Cradle of the Twin Giants X .5088 COl.Y.MBI A X 5097 Davenport. Delusions, Impostures and De- ceptions .X 5115 Db Verb. Modern Magic X 5130 El.MOTT. Mysteries X 5135 Ennemosbr. History of Magic X 5137 Erewhon ; or, Over the Range X 5138 GlioST Stories X 5105 Godwin. Lives of the Necroraanecra X 5171 Origgs. Moon Story X 5176 Hitchcock. Alchemy and the Alchemists. . X 5207 Red Book of Appin X .5207 Swedenborg, a Hermetic Philosopher.. . X 5207 Lilly. Introduction to Astrology X 5268 Linton. Witch Stories X 5369 Locke. Moon Hoax X 5663 Mackay. Extraordinary Popular Delusions X .5281 Mayo. Popular Superstitions X 5295 Omens and Superstitions X 5337 Salvertb. Philosophy of Magic X 5384 and X 5731 Sargent. Planchette, or the Despair of Science X 5380 Scott. Demonology and Witchoralt X 5397 Seaborn. Symzonia, a Voyage of Discovery X 5399 Smedley and others. Occult Sciences X 541) Stone. Matthias and his Impostures X 5433 Thompson. Witches ot New York X 5438 Upham. Salem Witchcraft X 5773 Whittibr. Supernatuialism of New Eng- land X.5481 Wli.KlNS, Peter. Life and Adventures of. . . X .5483 X. 6.- Logic. Andrews. Elements of Logick X 0010 Atwater. Elementary Logic X 6019 Bailley. Theory of Reasoning X 6514 Bain. Logic X 6023 Blakey. Essay on Logic X 0044 Historical Sketch of Logic X 0537 BOWEN. Treatise on Logic X 6055 Day. Elemenis of Logic X 6115 Logical Praxis X 6115 De Morgan. Furnml Lc^'ic X 6571 Devey. Logic, or the S.iciicc of Inference.. X 6120 1)UNC.\N. Elemefits of Logic X 6129 R VEKETT. Science of Thought X 6140 f:iLB.A.RT. Logic for the Million X 6167 McGregor. System of Logic X 6280 Mahan. Science of Logic X 6285 Mansel. Prolegomena Logica X 6387 Mill. Sy^em of Logic X C08:i Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c. Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c I'oiiT- Royal Logic X G85U Smiob. Process of TlioiiglilfHliipte.i to Wuj-ds mid LangiiHgt! X 0747 Stehbing. Aimlysis of Mill's Logic X (1421 'I'Ari'AN. Elements of Logic X (i433 Thomson. Laws of Thounlit X GWS Watts. Logic, or the Kigl.t Use of Reuson . X (i4G9 WiiATRLY. Elements of Logic X 6478 X. 7.— l':ii aiKl ItlnciuouiCH. Abisott. 'IV.-u-licr X 7001 Training of the Young X 7001 Akeri.Y. Exercises for the Deaf and Dumb. X 7503 AlcoTT. Record of [his] School X 7007 Ameuican Institnte of Listruction. Papers Read before the X 7009 Arnold. Popular Education of Fr.ince X 7509 Art of Conver.s»t.ion X 7010 Asciiam. Scholemaster X 7510* Augustus; or, the Amliiticuis Mndent X 7020 Babington. Christian Education X 7031 Barnard. National E.iucation in Europe. X 7517 Bourne. Histm-y of the Puhlic School So- ciety of the City of N. Y X 7532 BoutWELL. Thoughts on Educational Top- ics and In-tii.utiona X 70-54 Brackett. Education of American Girls. . X 7056 Bristed. Five Years in an English Univer- sity X7058 Brougham, Sedgwick and Verplanck. Dis- courses on the Ol.ject", Ac, of Science. X 7060 Brown. Nature. End, Ac, of a Course of Philo.«ophical Edu.-ation X 7061 Burgh. Dignity of Human Nature X 7066 Burton. Lectures on Female Education.. . X 7007 Calkins. Primary Object Lessons X 7072 Central Society of E.iucation. [Publications of] X7081 Chatham, Earl of. Letters to his Nephew, Thomas Pitt X 7084 Clarke Sex in Education X 7092 COBH. Evil Tendencies of Corporal Punish- ment X 7557 ComstOCK. Duty of Parents and Children.. X 7098 Confessions of a Schoolmaster X 7099 Davenant. What shall my Son be ? X 71 15 Degerando. Self Education X7110 Dick, Mental Illumination X 7121 Improvement of Society X 7121 Doddridge. Sermons on Religious Educa- tion X7124 Dwight. Higher Christian Education X 7130 Edgeworth. Practical Education X 7134 and X 7580 Education and Training, a Subject for State Legislation X 7580 EnuCATiON in ,Tapan X 7134 Egoleston. How to Educate Yourself X 7134 Klijs. What Slops the Way V X 7135 EtoNIANA, Ancient and Modern X 7139 Everett. Importance of Pr.iciical Edu-ution and Useful Knowledge X 7140 Extracts from Reports of Inspectors id' Schools X7140 Farhau. Lilieral Education X 7580 Pauvel-QoukauI). Art of Memory X 7180 Foster. Improvement of Time X 7156 Evils of Popular Ignoinnee X 7150 Goodrich. Sow Well and R.ap Well X 7172 Grey. M.-moria Tedirdca X 7175 Grey and Shirelf. Self-Culture X 7175 GniMKE. Character and Obj.cts of all S.i- cnceand Literature X 7170 IIamerton. Intellectual Life X 7184 Hamilton. Instituiions of P.pular Ediica- tion X7184 Principles of E.lucat,inn X 7184 Hart. In the School R..om X 7188 llERVEY. Uheloric of Cinversation X 7198 Hill. National Education X 7203 History of P.utia X 7206 Hood. Self Education X7213 Hubbard. American Annals of Educati.m for 1839 X7e29 Importance of Literature to Men of Bu^i- ness X7223 .Ieafpkeson. Ant. als of Oxford X 7037 Juvenile Miir t and Teacher's Manual X 7335 LalOR and others. The Educator X 7358 Lancaster. Iniprovements in Education. . X 7200 Lessing. Education of the Human Rji.-e.. X 7265 Mann. Lectures on Education X 7287 Markby. Essays on Education X 7383 Mathias. Tutor's Counsel to his Pupils. . . X 7393 Mayhew. Popular Education X 7295 Menet. Praclical Hints on Teaching' X 7299 MtLLER. My Schools and Schoolniaters.. .. X 7305 Moon. Light for the Blind X 7089 More. Fcmal- Education X 7316 Murray. Mentoria ; or, Young Ladies' In- structor X 7323 Muzzey. Fireside X 7324 Newman. Idea of a Univer-ity X 7329 NORTIIEND. Teacher and Parent X 7333 Teacher's Assistant X 7333 Page. Theory and Practice of Tea. hiiig. . . X 7341 Parent's Friend X 7706 Pheli-s. Fireside Friend X 7350 Hours with my Pupils X 7350 Pole. History of Adult Schools. X 7355 Priestley. Observations lielating to Edu- cation X 7357 Quain. Some Defects in E.iucation X 7361 Quick. Educational Reformers X 7381 Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c. 92 Class X — PHILOSOPHY &c. Shelf Randai.1,. First Principles of Popular Edu- ciition X7363 Mental .ind Moral Culture X 7303 Reflectioks upon Learning X' RuiiMOND. Domestic Purtrniture X 7373 ElCUTER. Lfvanii ; or, the Doctrine of KJ- ucation X7372 Robinson. Teacher's Manual of Method and Oi piiniziilion X 7375 Root. S>-hnol Amusements X 7377 EosRNKKANZ. Pedagogics as a System X 7727 Sands. Philosophy of Teaching X 7731 Schmidt. Education X7392 ScHOOLMASTEU, The. Essays on Practical Education X 7394 SELF-FonMATION X 7400 Sewell. Principles of Education X 7401 SlZEU. WhMt to Do, and Why X 7408 Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report for 1870 X.7747 Spencer. Education X 7417 SrunzilElM. Elementary Principles of Edu- cation " X7420 Stow. TraiTiing System of Education X 7424 Taylor. Reciprocal Duties of Parents and Chihlren X 7434 Di-trict School X7434 Thompson. Dny Dreams of a Schoolmaster. X 7488 Way.ide Thoughts X 7438 TiMBS. School I >ay« of Eminent Men X 7443 Todd. D.mghter at School X 7443 ToDiiUNTER. Coriflict of Studies. Ac X 7766 United States. Report of the Commis- sioner of Education for 1871 X 7773* Vekplanck. Influence and Use of Liberal S'udiHs X7459 Wainwkight. Sermons upon Religious Ed- ucation X7777 Watts. Improvement of the Mind X 7409 Wayland. Present Collegiate System in the U. S.- X 7470 West. Letters to a Young Son X 7476 Westcoit. Religious Office of the Univer- sities X7476 Todmans. Culture Demanded by Modern Life X7498 X. 8.— Moral Pbilosopliy. AberCROMHIE. Philosophy of Moral Feel- ings X8002 AlCOTT Mdr.Tl Philosophy of Courtship and MnrriMge X 8007 Alexander. Moral Science X 8007 Antonixhs, M AuT-eliu-<. Thoughts of. X 8012 B.UIUATT. Physical Ethics X 8.517 Bates. Rnr al Philosophy .X 8030 Beattie. Elements of Moral Science X 80;53 Sbrlf No. Bem,. a Man X 803.') BiKKS. First Principles of Moral Science. . X 8043 Bi.ackie. Four Phases of Morals X 8044 Bi.akey. History of Moral Science X 8527 Brown, T. Lectures on Ethics X 8061 Brown. W. L. Natural Equality of Man- kind X80C1 BuRDON. Materials for Thinking X 8540 RosiiNELL. Moral Uses of Dark Things... X 8008 Calder. Man of the Future X 8543 CalderwoOD. Handbook of Moral Philos- ophy X 8073 Chandler. Elements of Character X 8082 COGAN. Treatise on the Passions X 8096 Davy. Origin and Progress of the Passions. X 8569 De Wette. Human Life; or. Practical Ethics X 8120 Dymond. Principles of Morality X 8130 and X 8578 Epictetus. Works of X 8137 Fakrar. Seekers after God X 8144 Fashionable World Displayed X 8144 Field. Heroi^.m X 8149 Foster. Decision of Character. S^eCOMBE. Constitution. Ac F 1559 Gros. Moral Philosophy X 8006 OrOTE. Utilitarian Philosophy X 8006 Hargreaves. Blundersof Vice and Folly. X 8186 HiCKOK. System of Moral Science X 8621 HopiciNS. Law of Love X 8213 Hume. Principles of Morals X 8316 HuTCHESON. Introduction to Moral Philos- ophy X8319 Innes. Original of Moral Virtue X 8223 Kant. Metaphysic of Ethics X 8236 Leatherman. Moral Science X 8263 Lecky. History of European Morals X 8658 Legge. Life and Teachings of Confucius. . X 8264 Malcom. Christian Rule of Marriage X 8286 Maurice. Conscience X 8676 Social Morality X 8294 and X 8676 Opie. Illustrations of Lying. . L 1703 and X 8338 Osgood. Hearthstone X 8339 Paley. Moral and Political Phih.sophy... X 8705 Read. Footprints of Satan X 8720 Rights of God X 8373 Rise and the Fall; or, Origin of Evil X 8373 Smiles. Character X 8411 Smith. Moral and Political Philosophy X 8747 Theory of Moral Sentiments X 8747 Thomas. Philosophy of Happiness X 8438 War Inconsistent with Religion X 8465 Washburn. Reason ««. The Sword X 8467 Watts. Doctrine of the Passions X 8469 Wayland. Elements of Moral Science. .. . X 8782 Limitations of Human Responfiliility . . .K 8470 Weaver. Ways of Life X 8471 Class X.— PHILOSOPHY Sec. 93 Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c. Shi-lfNu- Weli.s. Essav on Wnr X 847;! WlIEWELl,. i'leinenls ..f MorMlity X flTO Hi^tol•y of Moral Pliiloso,.l,y X 8479 WlTHERSPOON. Monil Pliiloaupliy and Elo- qiieuie X 848/ WuTTKE. Cliiii=littn Etliic3 X 84114 X. 9 — Practical Etlilcs. Adams. Tlmiiksgiving X 9004 Afternoon of Uninaii iefl Life X 1)005 AlKlN. Lcttera from a F.itlier to his Son. .. X 9006 AI.COTT. Young Hu-ihand X 9007 Yonng Man's Guide X 9007 Alex.\NDEU. American Mechanic and Work- ins Man ^3007 ALEX.A.NDER and others. Man of Business.. X 9007 American Chesterfiehl X 9009 Arnold, Turning Points in Life X 9015 AUTHUR. Advice to Young Men X 9016 AlSTIN. Voice to the Married X 9030 Baz.\r Book of Decorum X 903ii Beeciieu. Leciures to Young Men X 9034 Sermonson Intemperance X 9034 Bits of Talk about Home Matters X 9043 Blair Advice to Youi.h X 9044 BO.A.RDMAN. Bible in the Counting House..' X 9048 Brooks. Apples of- Gold for Young Men and Women X 9000 Brown. Home Life in the Light of its Di- vine Idea X9061 BURDICK. Massachusetts Manual for 1814- '15 X9066 BORKITT. Poor Man's Help and Young Man'sGuide X 9006 Burnap. Lectures to Y(uing Men X 9066 BVFORD. Philosophy of Domestic Life X 9070 Calvert. The Gentleman X 9072 Chapin. Christianity thePerfection of Man- liness X9083 Moral Aspects of City Life X 9083 Chapone. Improvement of the Mind X 9083 Chesterfield. Beauties of X 9085 . Letters to his Son X 9085 Principles of Politeness X 9085 Works X955I Clark. Formation of Chai-acter X 9092 Cobbett. Advice to Young Men X 9"95 COLD-Water Man X 9097 COLTON. Protestant Jesuitism X 9097 Copley. Profit and Honour X 9100 Cox. Frien.lly Counsel for Girls X 9103 Croly. Talks on Women's Topics X 9105 Dewey. Advice of Chief Justice Hale. Ac. X 9120 Dialogues, Religious and Moral X 9121 Dick, sin and Evils of Covetousnese X 9121 Dillwyn. Occiisional Reflections X 9121 DoutNEY. Marrying a Moustache X 9125 Slioir Nu. DVMAS. Man-Woman X 9128 DUPANLOUP. studious W,.mMi X9120 F.ddy. Duties, Dangers, and Secuiitiess of Youth X9m Ki.iot. Lectures to Young Men X 9135 Kli/.aheth. Floral Biography X 9135 Ellis. Daughters of ICngland X9135 Education of the Heart X 9135 Prevention belter than Cure X 9135 Emerson. Conduct of Life X 9136 Family Instructor X 9143 FORDYCE. Addresses to Young Men X 915C Sermons to Young Women X 9156 Fr.\9ER. Hi:-tory of Man X 9157 Friswell. Silent Hour X 9157 Fuller. Good Th..U!!htsin Had Times. ... X 9159 Fuller. Holy and Profane States X 9159 Geikie. Life X9164 Gl.\dden. Art of Living X 9169 GoLDiNG. Book of Good Devices X 9171 GossON. Schoole of Abuse X 9604* Gow. Good Morals and Gentle Manners. . . X 9173 Grant. Popular Models, Ac. for the Sous and Daughters of Industry X.9174 Gregory. Father's Legacy to his Daugh- ters. See Parental Legacies X 9343 Grey-Cap for a Green-Head X9175 GtuNDROD. Bacchus X 9176 Guide ; nr. Counsellor of Human Life X 9178 Guide to Men and Manners X 9178 GURNEY. Habit and Discipline X 9179 Habits of Good Society X 9181 Hale. Manners; or, Happy Home and Good Society X9182 Hart. General Censure X 9188 Helps. Essays [on Moral Subjects] X 9193 IlERVEY. Principles of Courtesy X 9198 Mill. Village Dialogues X 9203 lhvE,The X9207 Holland. Gold Foil X 9210 Letters to the Jone.^es X 9210 Letters to Young People X 9210 Lessons in Life X 9210 Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects x "^'O Hood. Genius and Industry X 9212 How to Behave; a Manual of Republican EtiMUette X9214 Human Prudence ••■ X 9216 Intellectual Flambeau X 9~23 James. Youn^ Woman's Guide X 9237 Kelty, Real and the Beau-Ideal X 9239 Lady's Pocket Library X 925G Landels. True Matd.ood X 9260 Leslie. Behaviour Book [for Ladies] X 9265 Letters to Caleb Strong on Retaliation, Ac X 9660 Lewis. Our Girls X 9207 Management of the Tongue X 9287 Class X.— PHILOSOPHY &c 94 Ciass Y.— THEOLOGY. Manx. A fc^v Tlio.iftlits for a Youne M.m. X ".1287 Manual .if Kiiijn.n.- X i)287 M AKMONTBI,. BelisnlilH X !)288 Maush Eiig'ish II^Bita and Englisli Hands X !)288 M AUTINEAU. How to Ol.servc X 1)289 Mason. Self Knowledge X 9290 Same, fee Co.MBB. Consliiution, Ac. F ISSO M.vniEH. Essays to do Good X 9293 MoGlilDGE. Old Huiiiplirey's Addresses X 9;U1 Old Humphrey's Observations X 9311 Pithy Papers X 9311 Monthly Monitor and I'liilanlhr..pic Mu- seum Xn314 MORAL Miscellany X 9316 MOHB. Hannah. Christian M..n.l3 X '.1316 Prevailing Opinions and Manners X 9316 MOHRIS Courtship and Matrimony X 9317 MuzzEY. Young Mai.len X 9324 Neale Modern Manners X 9328 NOAH. Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. X 9332 NOTT. Addressee to tho ( aiididates lor the Baccalaurmte in Union College X 9333 Counsels to Young Men on ihe Forma- tion of Charr.-ter X 9333 Parental Legacies X 9343 Parental Monitor X 9343 Patton. Y.uing Man X 9344 Penn. Fruits of Solitude in Refl.-.tions ami Maxims X 9346 Perfect Gentleman X 934 Phelps. What to Wear X 9350 Pleasing Instru-tor; or, Efit--rtHi>iing Mor- alist X93ri4 POMEROY. Our Saturday Nights X 93.' Practical Mota'ity X 93; Present for an Apprentice X 93i Quill. American Me.hanic X 93ul Redford. Student's Lil.rary X 9366 Religious Tradesmen X 9368 R.ICHAEDS. Springs of Action X 9372 6hulf No. Kusir. Charges on Moral and Religious Suh- jeets X9381 Sampson. Brief Hemarker on the Ways of Man X9384 SnAiRP. Culture and Religion X 9403 Sickness ; its Ti iais and Blessings X 9405 SiGOURNEY. Letters to Young Ladies X 9405 Past Meridian X 94o5 SIMMS, Egeria X 9407 Smiles. Self-Help X 941 1 Souvestrb. Pleasures of Old Age X 9416 Spider and the Fly X 9418 Spirit of Humanity X 9418 Sprague. Letters to Young Men X 9419 Letters to a Daughter X 9419 SpuRGEON. John Pl.mghman'8 Talk X 9420 Stowe House and Home Papers X 9424 Little F..xes X9424 Talmage. Ahominations of Modern Society X 9432 Taylor. Character essential to Success in Life X9434 Practical Hints to Young Females X 9434 Todd. Young Man X 9443 Moral Influence, Dangers, tory of Josep'i Y 2268 liAWSON. Discourse on the Book of Esther. Y 3203 Liber Librorum Y 2061 Life of Christ Y 2308 McClelland. Canon and Interpretation of the Scriptures Y 2377 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaidia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiasti- cal Literature Y 2066* MacDonald. Miracles of Our Lord Y 2378 M'EwEN. Types, Figures, and Allegories of IP" the Old Testament Y 2278 Class Y.— THEOLOGY. Class Y —THEOLOGY. Macoowan. Life of Josepli, Ihf Son of Y! M'LeOD. Principal Prophecies of tlie Reve- lation Y2li(i9 McWhouter. Handbook to the New Tes lament Y 228:! Massii-I.ON. Spiritual Parnplirase on the Psalms. Sre MassillON and Bourda- lue. Sermons Y 8291 MOZLEY. Lectures on Miracles Y 2319 Murphy. Commentary on Genesis Y 2694 Newton. Dissertations on the Prophecies.. Y 2097 NiCHOLLS. Mine E.xplored Y 2330 Norton. The Pentateu.th Y 2333 Orton. Exposition of the Old Testament.. Y 2703 Pluche. History of the Heavens Z 7354* Prettyman. Introduction to the Bible Y 2357 Prideaux. Old and New Testament Con- nected Y2715 Read. Coming Crisis of the World Y 2306 Reeve. History of the Bilde Y 2307 History of the New Testament Y 2307 Renan. Life of Jefus Y 2369 Robertson. Lectures on Epistles to tlie Corinthians. See Robertson. Life, Ac T3375 ROMAiKB. Comment on the l07th I'salm.. . Y 2706 Roy. Key of David Y 2379 RUNDAIX. Grammar of Sacred History Y 2380 Sampson. Beauties of i he Bible Y 2384 SaUGENT. Biblical Critici>m Y 2732 Sawyer. Biblical Science Improved Y 2387 SCRIPTUliE llialogues Y 2739 SEARS Pi.-t.Mial Sunday. Book Y 2739 Se.i.er. B.Micai ll.Ti,iei„.utics Y 2739 SEI...ON. Hi.-tory ..f ll„- S.-nplures Y 2400 SiMMONDS. Scriptu..- M.inu.il Y 2407 Smith, E. Key lot!., ■ !;,v,lMtion Y 2412 Smith, W. Di.tionary of the Bible Y 2747* N-w Testament Ili.-tory Y 2412 Old Testament Hi-tory V 2412 Smaller Scripture History Y 2412 StOWE. Origin and History of the Books of theBit.le Y2754 TrENCU. Authorized Version of the New Testament Y 2440 Trimmer. Help to the Unlearned Y 2768 Sicred History Y 2446 TURNBL-LL. Christ in Ili-toiy Y 2449 Shelf No. Wii.berkorce. Heroes of Hebrew History Y 2483 Winchester. Lectures on the Prophecies. Y 2485 Three Woe-Trumpets Y 3485 Wiseman. Men of Faith Y 2486 WoDROW. Past History and Future Destiny of Israel ' Y 2488 Y. 3.— Ecclesiastical Hixtury. Airman. Annals of the Persecution in Scot- land Y3006 Alexander. Notes on New Testament Lit- erature, Ac Y 3007 AnjOU. Reformation in Sweden Y 3010 Aubignb. Reformation in the lOlh Century. Y 3020 Baird. Protestantism in Italy Y 3023 Baptist Mission in India Y 3025 Bede. Ecclesiastical Uirtory of England.. Y 3034 Bi.UNT. Reformation in England Y 3047 Bourne. Progress and Perfection of the Church of Christ Y 3532 Brainerd. Work of Grace among the In- dians Y3a56 Bray, llevoll of the Protestants of the Ce- vennes Y SOoS Brown. 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HUtory of the P..pes Y 3501 COTTRBI.L. Kcligioiis Movements in Ger- ,„„„y Y3561 Cranrrook Founders ol Christianity Y 3104 Davis, hay Star of American Freedom... . Y3115 Days of Queen Mary Y3115 DOLI.INOER Fables respecting the Popes.. . Y 3124 and V 3574 DOWI.INO. Introduction to Ecclesiastical History Y 3675 Eliot. P.is.-ages from the History of Lit erty . Y3135 Class Y.— THEOLOGY. 97 Class Y.— THEOLOGY. EuSEBdJS Paiii|iliilins. Eeclcsiastical His- tory ¥3583 Fisher. Refonnutioii Y 3591 Fox. Book of MHrtjra Y 3594 GiLLETT. History of llie Preshyteiimi CIiuitIi ill the U. S Y3167 GiLLT. Researches among the Vuuilois Y 3600 GoDLD. G. DofUiiieiits Keluliiig to the Set- llement of the Chureh of Enghin.i . . . . Y 3603 Gould, J. Ai^count of Reformation from (;hiirc-h of Rome Y 3173 Grinfeld. The Jesuits Y 3176 Hall. History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, ^f. J Y 3183 Hall, rurit.ms and their Prin.-iples Y 3610 IlANNA. Wars of the Huguenots Y 3185 Wyclitfe and the Uugu^nois Y 3185 Hase. History of the Ciiri-tian Church.... Y 3013 Hawks. Ecclesiastical History of the U. S. Y 3614 Hetueuinqton. History ot the Cliunh of Scotland Y3620 HrLL. History of American Preshyterian- i.sn. Y3633 History of the Protestant Church in Hun- gary Y3624 Hodge. History of the Prealiyteriau Church in theU.S Y3625 Humphreys. A-count of the Society for the IVopngation of tlie Gospel, .fee. . . . Y 3630 Hunt. Religious Th.iught in England Y 3630 10SE1,IAN History of llie Georgian Cliuich. Y 3223 Kingsley. The Hermits Y 3244 Kip. Catacombs of Home Y3214 Eiirly CoiiHicta of Cliristianii.y Y 3244 E:.rly Jesuit Mi8.sions in North America. Y 3244 Krasinski. lleformation in P.ilaml Y 3052 Religious History of the Slavonie Na- tions Y3253 Kraotfi. Conservative Reformation and its Theology Y3652 Lea. Sket-h of Sacerdotal Celii>aey Y 3li.")8 Lord. History of Protest,! nt Mis-i.ns Y 3273 LORIMER. Protestant Church of Fran.e... Y 32^3 Ludlow. Woman's Work in the Church. ., Y 3274 Lu.NDlE Missionary Life in Samoa Y 3274 M'Cheyne. Familiar Letters Y 3277 MoCrie Reformation in Italy Y 3277 Reformation in Spain Y 3277 Mahan. Church Hisloiy of the Fiist Three Centuries Y 3285 Marsh. Protestant Rcf..rination in France. Y 3673 Mathkr. Ei-cle.^ia~ti.-al History of New England Y 3675 Memoirs of Four Christian Hindoos Y 3298 Merivale. Conversion of the Northern Nations Y 3680 Messler, Forty Years at Raritau Y 3680 12 Shelf N». Milman- History of ("hristianily Y 3683 Milker. Hi-story of the ("hurdi of Christ. Y 3683 MORISON. Protestant Refornitttioii in all Countries Y 3690 MOSHEI.M. Comineutaries on Christianity, uy «f F.iith Christian Cli. Y 7003 Y 700t Y 7007 Y7008 Adam. Thoughts on Religion Alexander. Consolation ALI,EIN. Alarm to Unconverted Sin American Tract Society. Publications of the Y7009 Balwiiiddkh. Annals of the Parish Y 7034 Baxter. Misccllaneons Wo.ks Y 7030 Saints' Everlasting Rest Y 703(^ BeadMONT. Farmers', Mechanics' and S( r- vanis' Magazine Y 7033 BeeCIIER. Prayers from Plymonlh Pulpit. Y 7034 Uoyal Ti uti.s Y 7034 Views and Experieneesof ReiigiousSub. jects Y703t Belcher. NaiTHtivcs from the Sacred Vol- ume Y 7035 BelkraGE. Sacramental Addresses and Med- itations Y7035 Bellamy. Fandly Preacher Y 7521 Bennett. Letters to a Young Lady Y 7036 Keveriugb Private Thoughts Y 7033 Blunt History of Eli.-ha T 1135 BOARDMAN. Higher Christian Life Y 7048 Booth. Glad Tidings to Perishing Sinners. Y 7051 BosTO.v. Distinguished Characteis ol True Believers Y 7053 Human Nature in its Fourfold Stale. . . Y 7053 BOTSFOKD. Spiritual Voyage in the Sliip Convert Y 7053 Brewster. Mc.Utations of a Recluse Y 7057 BliOWN. Christian J. mrnal V 7061 Buck. Re'igh.usE.xper.ence Y 7063 liD.NYAN. Come and VVelconjc Jc-us Christ. V 7u65 Doctrine of the Law and Crace uu- foldH.i Y7065 Holy War Y 7065 Minor Works Y 7065 Pilgrim's Progress Y 7065 Candlish. Life in a Risen Saviour Y 7074 CIIEEVEK. 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Our Father's Business Revelation to the Monk of Evesham. . . . Y 7743* Hamilton. Happy Home Happy Half-H..urs Y7184 Y7011 Y 7373 KrciIMOND. Annals of ihe Poor Y7372 Y7187 Y 7190 Y7373 Hawes. Religion of the East RODDA. Youih's Manual; or, (iui.le to Hap Hawker. Poor Man's Morrjing Portion. . Y 7190 piness Y 7375 Henry. Method for Prayer Y 7196 ROMAINE. Triumph of Failh Y 7377 Hekvey. Meditations and Contemplations. Y7I98 RoWE. Devout Exercises of the Heai t. . . . Y 7379 am Y 7(il8 Scott. Reliitious Discourses Y 7397 Holme. Lisrhtat Evening Time Y 7626 Scott. Force of Truth Y 7397 Hooker. Phih.sophy of U..helief Y72I3 Scougal. Life of God in the Soul Y 7397 HORNECK. Great Law of Consideration. . Y 7213 SerLE Christian KVmeml.rancer Y 7401 How. Devout Meditations Y 7214 SuKUnsOLE. New Pilgrimage to the Heav Huntington Grace of God in the Justifi enly Jerusalem Y7403 Y72I7 Smith. Boatswain's Mate Smith. Heart Delineated in its Stale by Na JaNEWAY. Heaven upon Enrth Y 7227 Jay. Pravers for the Use of Kar.dlies Y 7228 Y 7413 Jbnks. Prayers and Oflices of Devotion fo SouthgaTE. Gone Before; a Manual of Families Y7230 Consolation for the Bereaved Y7416 Jbnks and oiher.s. Family Prayers Y7230 Spiritual, Combat Y 7418 JerrOLD. Christian Vagabond Y7231 Spring! . First Things Y 7419 KE.'i.CH. Travels of True Godliness Y 7238 Fragments from the Studies of a Pastor Y 7419 KemI'IS. liriitation of Christ Y 7340 Di-stinauished Traits of the Christian King Riches of Grace Y 7244 Y 7262 Character Y 7419 am Y 7752 Latiirop Kvanaelical Faith Obligations of the World In the Bible. Y7753 Law. Spirit of Prayer Y 7363 SpuRGEON. Brilliant Passages from the Dis Law. Call to a Devout and Holy Life Y 7202 courses of Y 7430 Living and the Dead Y7271 Stanford. Domestic Ch»lilain Y 7421 MacDonALD. Unspoken Sermons Y7278 Sturm. Reflections on the Works of (b.d. . Y 7426 MACLEOD. TwelveViewsof Heaven Y 7282 .'Uld Y 770G Maci.EOD and Guthrie. Wind-wafted Seed. Y 72R2 Taylor. Lost Found and the Wandcrci Mason. Believer's Pocket Companion Y 7290 Welcomed Y 7434 i Class Y.— THEOLOGY. 101 Class Y THEOLOGY. ShrlfNo. Taylor. HuI.-s mul Kx^i-ci^^cs of Holy Liv- injr Y7434 Taylor. Itinerary in tlie Wil.lsr.iess Y 7434 ToWNSEND. Swonl ami Oarment Y 7445 Tracts Pul.lislied by the Tract Association of Frien.ls in N. Y Y 7446 Trench. Clirist tl)e Desire of all Nations, Ac Y744G TuRPORD. Gi-oun.lsof a Holy Life Y 7449 Tlknbuli,. Life Pictures Y 7449 Tyng. Christian's Own Book Y 74")1 Vincent. True Chri.stian's Love to Cliri.-t. Y 7461 W.\TSON. Cliristian S.il.iier Y 7469 Watts. Attempt towarJ the Revival ot Re- ligion Y7469 Guide to Prayer Y 7409 Week's Preparation for the Lord's Snpper. Y 7471 Wesley. Appeal to Men of Reason and lie- ligion Y7476 Wesley and otliers. Christian Correspond- ence with Mrs. Eliza Bennis Y 7476 Whately. Use and Abuse of Party Feel- ing in matters of Religion Y 7787 Whitmaissh. Prayers of the Ages Y 7481 WiLBERFORCE. Prevailing Religious Sys- tem contrasted with Real Christianity. Y 7483 and Y 7790 WnxisON. Afflicted Man's Companion Y 7484 Wilson. Daily Commentary Y 7484 Wilson. Polar Star and Centre of Com- fort Y7484 Woodward. Pious Selection Y 7490 ZSCUOKKB. Mnditiilions on Life and its Re- ligious Duties Y 7500 ¥. 8.— Sermons, Honiiletics and Pastoral Tlieology. Abbott. Laicus Y 8001 Ale.\.'.N-DER, A. Practical Sermons V 8.504 Ale.xakder. Jas. W. Discourses Y 8504 Sacramental Discourses Y 8504 Thoughts on Preaching Y 8o07 Alexander, .Ios. A. Sermons Y 8007 Alison. Sermons on Particular Occasions. Y 8007 Beeoheu Lectures on Preaching Y 8034 Beecher and others. Sermons Y 8530 Blair. Sermons Y 8527 Blu.NT. Po.sthurnous Sermons Y 8047 BONAR. Sermons Y 8530 BouRDALUE. Sermons. See MassiLLON and Bourdftlne. Sermons Y 8291 Bdchanan. Sermons on Missionary Subjects Y 8063 Blshnell. Sermons on Living Subjects. .. Y'^ 8068 Botler, a. Sermons Y 8540 Butler. W. Sermons Y 8540 Cannon. Pastoral Theology. AVcGerakd. Y 2599 Chapin. Exteniporaneoua Disc urses Y 8083 Clowes. Sermons on Various Sul.jccts Y 8094 Shcir No. COLLYER. Life that now is Y 8097 Columbian I'rcjicher Y 8558 Crisp. Complete Works Y 8563 Dyer, Christ's Famous Titles Y' 8130 Edwards. Sermons Y 8134 Past Day Sermons Y 8144 F1LI..MOKE. Kci-lesiastical Polity Y' 8149 Fisn. Public Eloquence Y 8591 Five Hundred Sketches and Skeletons of Ser- mons Y 8589 Gee Our Sermons Y 8164 Griffin. Lectures on Sabbath Evening. . . Y 8606 GUNN. Sermons and Letters Y 8607 Hervey. Christian Rhetoric Y' 8618 Holmes. Methodist Preacher Y 8620 Hood. Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets Y 8213 Huntington. Sermons for the People. . . Y 8217 Jay. Christian Contemplated Y 8228 Johnson. Sermons Y 8640 Kennet. Sermons Y 8241 KiNGSLEY. Sermons for the Times Y' 8244 KnOWLTON. Foreign Missionary: his Field and Work Y 8250 Lacordaire. God Y 8256 Jesus Christ Y 8256 Latimer. Sermon on the Plougbers Y 8657* Seven Sermons before Edward VI Y 8657* Law. Address to the Clergy Y 8263 Lay Preacher Y 8263 Levbr. Sermons Y 8660* Linn. Disc.urses on the Signs of the Times. Y 8661 .VI'Leod. True Godliness Y 8669 MacWhorter. Sermons Y 8670 Massillon. Charges to his Clergy Y 8674 MaSSILI.ON and Bourdalue. Sermons Y 82S1 Murray. Leiters and >ketclies of Sermons. Y 8694 Murray. Music Hall Sermons Y 8323 Parker. Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology Y 8343 Priestly. Discourses on Varii>us Subjects. . Y 8715 Proodfit. One thing Needful Y 8358 Pulpit Pungencies Y 8359 PuNSHON. Sermons Y 8359 Pusey. Parochial Sermons .* Y 8539 Reeve. Practical Discourses Y 8720 Robertson. Sermons Y 8375 Romaine. Sermons upon the Law and the Gospel Y8377 Sauuin. Sermons Y 8733 Sermons [by Different Authors] Y 8741 Shadow of Chri.stianity Y 8402 Shedd. Sermons to the Natural Man Y 8743 South. Posthumous Works Y 8416 Spooner. Parson and People Y'' 8418 Tat.mage. Sermons Y 8432 Taylor. School of the Prophets. See Ger- ard, Biblical Criticism Y 2599 Class Y THEOLOGY. 102 Shelf N. Class Z.— THEOLOGY &c TllOitNTON. I'ulpit of llie Aineiicnii Itevo- lulion Y8439 Tkencii. Seniii-iis Y8U(5 Wesley. Seiiu.Mi.'. Y 8470 Wetiierei.l Onuioiis on Vnrioiia SiibjecU Y 8477 WlIEBl.BK. S.'niioiis on the Gospels Y 8787 WlllTEFIEl.D. Fifieeii Seiinoiis Y 8481 Williams. Sci-nmiiR on linpuriaut Snbjeets Y 8484 ZtncKE. Exteii.po.ary Preachmg Y 8490 V. 9.-l,Iturgtes. Andkuson. Dnty of Singing the Book of IWIins Y 9010 Shelf No. ClIUISTOI'IlF.IIS. Hymn Writers .nnd their IIym.,8 " Y 9088 McMaster. Apology for the IJook of Psalms Y 9383 Neale E:*sny8on Litnrgiology Y 9097 Palmer, B..ok of Pr«ise Y 9705 Prime. Fifteen Years of Prayer Y 9357 Smith. Reasonivbleness of setting forth the Praise of Almighty God Y 9413 WiNKWORTH. Christian Singers of Ger- many Y 9485 YOKOK. Musings over the " Christian Year," &c Y9498 Class Z— THEOLOGY.— SECTARLANISM, MYTHOLOGY, &c Shelf No. •£.. Polemical Theology— Protestant Sects, Adams. Bertlia and her Baptism Z 4 Anderson. Precious Truth Z 10 Baldwin. Baptism of Believers only Z 24 Balfodr. Import of the Words Sheol, Hade.«, Ac Z 514 Ballou. Divine ChnrHeter Vindicated... . Z 24 Bakgs. Errors of Hopkinsiauk.m Z 25 rmer Reformed Z McCalla. Christi Mattison and Stor that man has Miller. Constitui Bar Shelf No. ,. Z 066 Pt'-"" -s. Does the Bible teach a Soul? Z 293 ion and Order of the Chris- Bible in the Pubhe S.-ho..|s Z 524 Blaikie. Philosophy of SeetHiiai.isMi Z 44 BroWNLOW. Great Iron Wheel e.-iaiiiiiKMl. . Z 01 BunSEN. Constiiulion of the Church ..f llie Future Z 05 COIT. I'uritaiiism Z 90 Crocker. C«t>isir.iplie t.f the Presbyterian Church in 1837 Z 105 Dewey. Defense of Unitarianism Z 120 Eliot. Divine Revelation the only Test ot Sound Doctrine Z 581 Ely. Contrast between Calvinism and llop- kinsianism Z 581 Ely and Starrs Discussion on Eudlcss Pun- ishment. Z 135 ErsKINE. Faith and Fan.-y. Z 138 Examination ..f Lildon's Divinity of thri.st Z 140 FFIllTIi. Trulh Viu.liealed. [Defense of Methodi'rn] Z 148 Hald.^^NE. Answ.r to Mr. Ewing. Ac Z 010 Ho.NTrNGrON. Calvinism Improved Z 217 Inglesby. Litter to Wni. Parkinson Z 223 Jerram's Letters to an Universalist Z 039 KeaN. R' filiation of Pelton's Charges against Me'hodism Z 238 Le Coorayer. Defense of Engli>U Ordina- tions Z 203 Letter from a Blacksmitii to the Ministers of Scotland Z tian Ministry Z 305 Same (continued) Z 305 Mines. Presbyterian Clergyman looking for the Chunh Z 307 Ogilby. V.ibdiiy ..f b.iv B..|.ti.m Z 336 Parker. Proscripli..., Delineated Z 343 Priest. AniiUniversalist Z 715 Qdaw. Bible Baptism Z 301 S.MITH. Taylor. Taylor. Tefft. Universalii Apostolic Wesley i Methodisiv m hiXpnsed. Baptism... lid Methodi: Z 412 Z 434 Z 434 Z 435 Z 445 Z 454 TOWNSEND. God.man Universalist WESTCOTTand Sawyer. Discussion on Etei- ternul Salvation Z 470 Williamson. E.vposition and Defense of Universalism Z 484 Wilson. Reasons for Our Hope Z 484 r.. -Polemical Tlieology-<'liiiroli of ACCHII.LI. Dealings with the Inquisition. , . /, 1003 Berkeley. Adventures of Mgnor di Lucca before tne Inquisition Z 1037 Brandes. Rome and the Popes Z 1056 BrOWNSON. The Convert Z 1001 BUNGENER. Rome and the Council in the 19lh Century Z 1005 Campbell. Christ the Bread of Life Z 1073 COOSTOS. Mysteries of Pi.pery Unveiled ... Z 1 103 DeLaunE. Plea for the Nonconformists.. Z 1117 De Sanctis. Rome, Christian and Papal.. . Z 1119 DolliNGER. Fables respecting the Popes. . Y 3124 Class X.— THEOLOGY &c. 103 Class Z.— 'I'lll'.OI.OGY &c. ])OI,I,IXGEIt. It.ninioii of tlic CInuvlies '/j \V2i FlkI'CIIEU. Spirit of Keli-ious ControviTsy ^ llOS GAVAZzr. Li-utiiri-s Z 1 103 GoitDON. Spnciisli InquisUioii ZUTU GCBTTBE, Thr P.ipiuy Z 1 1;8 Hoi'ICtNS. History of the Ciifi'SsioiLiI Z 1313 Rtffututioii of Miliic'i'tf " End of Cuiitio- versy." Z 1313 JaCIJUEIJNE P.isual; or, Corivei.t Life iit Port Koyiil Z 123G James. Corruptions of Scripture, Coun.ils and Futliers Z l(i:!G Janus. Piipe and the Connuil Z 1237 LlMUOliCH. History of the Iinpii^ition Z lUGl Lloue.NTE. History of the Inquisition of Spain Z 1663 Mackkxna. Inipiisition in South America.. Z 166!) MiDDLETON. Letter from R'inie, showing an exact conformity between Popery and Paganism , Z 1303 Mir.NEH. End of Religious Controversy Z 1305 Morning of Life Z 1316 New.man. Apologia pro Vita Sua Z 1329 Observations on a Profession of Catholic Faith Z 1703 Pascal. Provincial Leiters Z 1343 and Z 1706 Pethdcelli de la Gattina. Rome and the PHpacy Z 1348 Pope or President ! Z 1355 Priest Miracles of Rome Z 1357 QniNET. Roman Church and Modern Society Z 1361 Records "f the Spanish Inquisition Z 1730 Reed. Six Months in a Convent Z 1367 Keiceiel. See of Rome in the Middle Ages. Z 1720 Religion of Home described by a Roman.. . Z 1368 ROUSSEL. Cathidie and Protestant Nations compared Z 1737 Sampson. Calholie Question in America. . . Z 1731 ScoTT. Catacombs ol Rome Z 1397 Steinmetz. History of the Jesuits Z 1431 and Z 1753 Stone. Invitation Heeded Z 1423 Trial of Antichrist Z 1446 Trivier. How I came out from Rome Z 1446 7.. 2.— Rationalism and Infidelity. Abbey. City of God and the Clnin-h Makers Z 3001 Beeciier. Atheism considered Theologically and Politically Z 2034 Berkley. Alciphron ; or, the Minute Phil- osopher Z 3533 COMTE. Catechism of Positive Religion Z 3098 CUDWORTH. Intellectual System of the Uni- verse Z 3564 CCNNINGHAM World without Souls and the Velvet Cushion Z 3107 Dix. Pantheistic Idea Z 2123 SllolfNo. Kvekett. Defence of Clii i^iiinily ag.iiiist the \V..rksof G. 15. En^^rnh Z 2140 Faber. Dimcniiies of Infidelity Z2143 Karrar. History of HVeeThooglit Z 2144 i Frotiiinoham. Religion of llumaidiy Z 2158 ' GOULBUKN and others. Replies to Kssays and Review.^ Z 3173 Greg. Creed of Cri.-tendom Z 2175 Gri.mshaw. Principles of True Christianity Vindicated Z 3170 Hall. Modern Infidelity. See Faber. Difiicultics of Infidelity Z 3143 IlAT.YHLinoN. Principles of Modern Deists Z 3183 and 3610 Hedge. Recent Inquiries in Theology Z 3193 Jacolliot. Bible in India Z 3326 Lecky. History of Rationalism Z 2363 Leland. View of the Deistical Writers Z 2658 Leslie. Deism Z 2365 Short Method with Deist-. See Alex- ander. Evidences. 95 OHOTIUS. Truth of.Christianily Z 3006 GnizoT. Meditations on the Actual State of Chiislianity Z 3l78 Hamilton. Friend of Moses Z 3610 Harris Man I'rimeval Z 3187 Pre-Adamite Earth Z 3187 Shelf No. Hawks. Monuments of Egypt Z 3614 IIervey. Thcron and Aspasio Z 3198 Hill. Geometry and Faith Z 3203 lllTllCOCK. Religion of (ieology Z 3207 Huntington. Human Society ; its Provi- dential Structure, Ac Z 3630 Irons. Doctrine of Final Causes Z 3634 JenYNS. Evidence of the Christian Ueligion.. &c Alexander. Evidences, ffpe. Corn, Cotton, Domealic Eccmumy, Dniiniige, PHrming, Grazier, Hnrso, Horticulture, Husbnndry, Im- phee. Poultry, Rural Ecimoiny, Shcop, Soil, Sorgho, Sugar, Wheat Plant and Class H. 1. .See also : the Names of Various Countries Agrippa, Henry C. Morley, H. Lifenf...T AgRIPPINA, tfif Great Emprexs. I)e Vere, M.S T Aguecheek. Fairbanks, O. 15 Na AniMAN Kezon. Jones, J T AiNSVVORTH. W. H. Blanchar.l. L. Memoir of. [Prefixed to "Rookwood."] L and L Air. Gairdner, W. T. Public Health in re- lation to A. and Water U Glaisher, J. Travels in the D 2 Griscom, J. H. Uses and Abuses of. . . F • Pettenkofer, M. von. Relations of the A. to the Clothes we wear, Ac F See also : Atmosphere. Alabama. Pickett, A. J. History of Q Alarm to Unconverted Sinners. AUein, J.. Y Alaska. Dall, \V. H. A. and its Resources. P Wbjmper, F. Travels and Adventures in P Albany, Munsell, J. Annals of Q Albemarle. Duke of. See Monk, General. Albert, the Prime Covsort. Grey, C. Early Years of the Prince Consort T Hodgins. J. G. Sketches of Albert the Prince Consort Lc Alchemy. Hitchcock, E. A. A. and the Alchemists X Alcibiades. [Sketch of in •' Lives of Cel- ebrated Greeks."] T Alciphron ; or, the Minute Philosopher. Berkley, G Z Alcohol. Fiske, J. Tob.icco and F Youmans, E. L. A. and the Constitution of Man F See otso : Temperance. Alcoran, the. See Koran, the. AldrovanDI, Ulysses. Memoir of. [Natur- alist's Library. V. 17] E Aleppo. Maundrell, H. Travels from A. to Jerusalem O Same. [Smart and others. World Displayed, v. 4.] N Alexander JA« Creot. Abbott, J. History of Lc Shcir N*. Alexander the Great. Arrian. Expedition of A. and Con(iuest of Persia N 8509 Williams, J. Life and Actions of T 1007 Alexander I., Emperor of Russia. Gibbon, E. Life of T3007 Alexander, Archibald. Alexander, J. W. Lifeof T4504 Alex.\NDRA Feodorowna, Empress of Jiussia. Grimm,A. T. von T 5007 Alfieri, Vittorio. Stebbing, H. Life of [in '■ Lives of the Italian Poets."]. . . . T 8421 Alfred, King of England. Abbott, J. His- tory of Lc 8007 Hughes, T. Alfred the Great T 3007 Alg.*:. Nave, J. Handy-Book to the Col- lection of E1337 Algebra. Bonnyeastle, J. Introduction to. D 1050 Clark, D. W. Elements of D 1093 Griffin, W. N. Elements of A. and Trig- onometry D 1176 Haddon, J. Elements ..f D 1181 Hamilton, R. Introduction to H 9610 Loomis, E. Elements of D 1273 Algeria. Bennet, J. H. A. as a Winter Climate S 36 Browne, J. R. Whirl through R 40G1 Ditson, G. L. Travels in P1123 Herbert, Ladii. A in 1871 P 1618 Lamping and de France. French in Al- giers P1359 Mavor, W. History of. [In 'Universal History." v. 14] N 4294 Naphegyi, G. Advenluresin. [-'Among theArabs."] P 1326 Wingfield, L. Under the Palms in A. and Tuni. P 1.485 Algic Researches. Sehoobn.lt, H. R Z 8394 Alhajibra, the. Irvii.g.W L 1324 ALLEINE, Joseph. Baxter, R. and others. Life of. T3008 Allen, Ethan. Lifeof. [In " Lives of Emi- nent Individuals."] T4271 Sparks, J. Life of [■merican Biog- raphy. Series I. v. 1.] T 4417 Alm.wacs British Almanac for 1873 C 6058 Wood's Almanac for 1811 C 6490 Alpine Byways. By a Lady. 12°. Lond. 1861 R9008 Alps. Cheever, G. B. Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp R 9085 Johnson, Miss A. C. Cttages of the. . . R 9333 Macmillan, H. Holidays on Highlands in search of Alpine Plants E 1282 Tyndall,J. Glaciers of i be D 8451 -WhYmper. E. Scrambles .oi.oi.g the A. inl860-(i9 R078S Wills, A. A Sunmer Home among the R 9484 ALPS. 110 Bholf No. Alps. Zschokke, J. H. D. Social hife amid the L1500 Amazon. EdwanJs, W. H. Voyage up the River Am»zon P 9134 Warren, J. E. Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon P 9466 America. Arts, Manufactures, tfcc. Bishop, J. L. History of American Manufactures from 1608-18G0 H 526 Jarves, J. J. Architecture in America. I 228 Painting in America I 228 Lester, C. E. Artists of America T 4659 Peto, S. M. Resources and Prospects of America U 6348 • Tuckerman, H. T. Lives of American Painters I 4448 Brissot and Claviere. Commerce of A. with Europe U 8058 Biography. Abbott, J. S C. American Pioneers and Patriots Allen, W. American Biographical Dic- tionary T4504 American Nepos T 4009 Belknap, J. American Biography T 4035 Clement, J. Koble Needs of American Women T 5093 Cooper, J. F. Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers T 4100 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American Biography T 4570 Frost, J. American Naval Biography. T 4595 Hunt, F. Lives of American Merchants. T 4630 Lives of American Merchants T 4271 - — • Parton, J. Famous Americans of Re- cent Times T 4343 Sabine, L. American Loyalists T 4729 Sparks, J. American Biography T 4417 Waldo, S. P. American Naval Heroes. T 44G4 and T 4778 Wilson, T. Biography of American Military and Naval Heroes T 4484 Wynne, J. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America T 4496 History. American Adventures by Land and Sea Q 1 Antiquities, History, ologleal Treai ises E 9528 • Bray, C. Manual ,.f X 4056 See als« : Death, Drrnuis. Dnink.Mi, »s, Kth- Anticiirist. Trii Antigua and the i 1844 Antiquities. Br Popular A. . Chambers, R A. ill Conne. Sse als:} : Archa;ology Class T. 8. Miscellany ■n with the ANTRIM. 115 ARCHITECTURE. Shelf No. Antrim. Duhoordieu, J. Survey of the Couiityof R2577 Al'ACHES. Br.wne, J. U. Adventuns in tlie Apiiclie Country Q 9061 Cremony, J. C. 1 jf« nm.mg tlie Q 2104 Al'ES, MivHrt, St. G. Miin and Apen E 2310 ArilANAPTERYX. Pike, N. Suli Tro|ii.al K«mble8 in the Land of ti.e P .'iTlS Al-ICIAN Morsels; or, Talcs of llie TaMe, Kitchen and LardtT. 13°. N. Y. 1829 H3013 Apocalypse. Cunninghame, W. Seals and Trumpets of the Y 2564 Swedenborg, E. A. revealed Z 4758 See also: Revelaliims (Bouk of) ApOCATASTAS; or, Progress Backwards. 8°. Burlington. 1854 Z 4508 ApocHRYPHA. Apochryphal New Testament. 8° Lend. 1820 Y 1508 Grey. R Key to the Y 2174 Apologia pro Vita sua. Newman, J. H Z 1329 Apoi.OGIE of the Schoole of Abuse. Goa- son, S X9604* AP0LL08 ; or. the Way of God. Coxe, A. C. Y 6103 Apostasy, the Broad Way to Hell. Mat- lock, J Y7293 Apostles. Cave, W. Lives of the Y 3548 Lives of the A. and Early Martyrs of the Church L 9371 Appeal to impartial Posterity. Roland, Mad- awe T 5726 Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion. Wesley, J Y 7476 Apple Culturist Todd, S. E H 2443 Apples of Gold for Young Men and Women. Brooks, T X 9O60 Apprentice. Present for an X 9357 AiiOARlCM. Edwards, A.M. A, in America. E 2134 Arabia. Burekhardt, J. L. Trave's in O 7540 Conde, J. A. Dominion ot tlic Arabs in Spain O7099 Conder. J. [Modern Traveller, v. 4].. N 3099 Crichton, A. History of A. Ancient and Modern O 7104 Marigny, Abbe D. History of the Ara- bians 7G73 Mavor, W. History of tlie Arabs. [Universal History, v. 8.] N 4294 Naphegyi, 3. Among the Arabs P 1326 Olin, S.' Travels in P 2337 Owen, W. F. W. Voyage to the Shores of N 2340 Taylor, B. Travels in O 7434 Thompson, C. Travels throU:jh O 438 See also: Mohninmed, Muscat, Red Soo, Sara- cons, and Class 7. BholfNo. Arabia Petrsea. Cooley, J. E. American in P2560 Millard, D Journalof Travel in O 9305 Robin.'.on, E. Biblical Kesearches in. . O 9725 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in.. Nb 3431 Same. [' Standard Library."] N 3753 See also : Sinai. Arago, Francis. Sketch of. [-^ketches of Characters of France.] • : . . T 3409 Araccanianb. Smith. E. K P 9413 ARCHES. Hart. J. Construction of Oblique A G9838 Woodbury, D. P. Elements of Stabil- ity ill the well-proporlioned Arch G 4794 ARCH.B0L0GY. Fairholt, F. W. Papers on Art in relation to I 585 Jowitt, L. Grave Moundsand their Con- tents T823a Potter, J. Archmologia Grsca T 8714 Stevens, E T. Gnldeto Pre-Historic A. E 9753 See also : Antiquities. Archaia. Dawson, J. W Y 3115 Archer and Steppe. Graham, F. R S 4174 Archery. Hansard, G. A. Bo.ik ot 176)1 ARCHITECTDRB Ancient Ar.-bit cture, Ru- diments of G 8506 Barnard, H. S.:hool A G 8517 Benjamin, A. The Aichit- t O 8808 Billington, J. Architectural Director. . G 8535 Blenfcarn, J. Specification of Works Executed in G 537 Bbi-vam, M. H Principles of Gotliic EccleKittstical A G 8046 Bullock, J. Rudiments of G 8538 Burn, R. S. Archiiectnral Drawing B..ok G 66 Bury, T. T. Rodin.entary A G 8067 Eltnes J. Lecture'^ on G 8135 Fergusson, J. Handbook of G 8588 Fiel.l, M. City' A G 8589 Freeman, E. A. Histnry ,lebrated Archi- tects T 3683 Parker, J. H. Introdu.ti.m to Gothic A. G 8343 Ru-kin, J. Seven Lamps of G 8381 Shaw, E. Modern Architect G 8743 ARCHITECTURE. 116 Shelf Nn. ARCHITECrnUE. SInan.S. Ilnmeftead A. . G 8746 Trimen, A. C'lnirch and Cl.«pel A. . . . O 8446 Tutl.ill, Mn. L. C. Ilistnry of O 8769 Weiile, J. Diclionai-y ol Terms used in. U 471 WifTlitwick, G. HinU to Young Ard.i- tecU G8482 See also; Arclies, liuiWing, Cottages. Naval Architecture, Villas and Class O. 8, Arctic Regions. Arctic Discovery and Ad- venture. 16°. Lond. n. d N 2014 Back, G. Arctic Land Expedition to the Great Fish River N 3513 Barrow, J. Voyages of Discovery witliin the N 2038 Hall, C. F. Arctic Researches in 1860- 63 P7610 Hayes, I. I. Arctic Boat Journey in 1854 N2191 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations in Search of Sir John Franklin in 1833- 85 N2643 Markham, C. R. Threshold of the Un- known Region N 2673 Richardson, J. Arctic Searching Expe- dition N2372 Sargent, E. Arctic Adventure by Sea and Land N 2386 Scoreshy, W. Account of the N 2738 Simmonds, P. L. Sir John Franklin and the N2407 Smucker, S. M. Arctic Explorations in the 19th Century N 2412 See also: Polar Regions, North Pole, ond Class N. 2. Abeopaoitica. Milton, J U 683* AeeTINO, p. Stebhing, H. Life of. [In " Lives of Italian Poets." v. 2 ] T 3421 Aroentine Repuldic. King, J. A. Twenty- four Years in the 1> i)244 Page, T. J. Argentine Confederation . P 9705 Sarniiento, D. F. Life in the P 9386 Strain. J. G. Journey in the Argentine Provinces in 1849 P 9425 Akghment at Geneva. 8°. N. Y. 1873. . U 509 ABIOSTO, L. llalian Poet. Stebbing, H. Life of. [In " Lives of Italian Poelf." V. 2.] T3421 AkiSTOTLE. Grecian Philosopher. Grote. G X2606* Hampden, R. D. Philosophy of. [In " Fathers of Greek Philosophy."] X 2G10 Memoir of. [In Naturalist's Library." V. 14.] E 3227 Arithmetic. Bryant and Stratton. Busi- nesH A H9537 De Morgan, A. Arithmetical Books.. . M 7571 elf No Akitiimtic. Gordon, W. Arithnntic 1)1173 Haddon, J. Rudimentary A I) 1181 Hastier, F. R. Elements of I) 1189 See also: Calculation, Computation, Interest, and Class D. 1. Arizona. Browne, J. R. Tour through. .. Q 9061 Mowry, S. A. and Som>ra Q 9319 Pumpelly, R. Five Years Residencein. N 3716 Arm Chair in theSmoking Room. 12°. Lond. n. d M 1015 Armageddon. Baldwin. S. D Y 2024 Armata. 12°. N. Y. 1817 X 5015 Armenia. Ainsworlli, W. F. Travels in. O 8006 Ciirzon, R. Armenia O 8108 Grunt, A. Sketches of Travel in O 1174 Southgate. H. Tour through O 8416 Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Mid- dle Ages. Laeombe, P T 8256 Army. Cooke, P. S. Scenes and Adventures in the Q9100 • Ellis, T. T. Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon Q 7135 Kip, L. Army Life in the Pa.ific Q 6244 McClellan, G. B. Armies of Europe. .. G 6606 Army of the Potomac. Blake, H. N. Tlirce Years in the Q 7044 Hill, A. F. Experiences of a Soldier in the Q7103 Juinville, Prince de. Army of the Po- tomac Q 7640 McClellan, G. B. Army of the Potomac. Q 76G6 Swinton, W. Campaigns of ili^ Q 7758 Army of the U. S. Gardner, C K. Ui.tion- ary of the G 6163 Regulations of the G 6367 Arnadi.D, Angeliqiie, .ibbess of /'„rl Jioi/al. Martin, Frances T 5015 Arnim, Bettina von. GunderiHle, Fn'tuHne. Caroline. Correspondence of with. . . M 1179 AUNOLD, Benedict. Sparks, J. Life and Treason of. [in "American Biography." Sei-iesL v. 3] ' T 4417 Arnold, Thomas. Stanley, A. P. Life ..f. . T 3015 Arran. Ramsay. A. C. Geology of the Is- land of. [Griffin. t^cientiHc Miseell.]. D 606 ART-Journul. Kew Series, v. 13. 4°. Lond. 1873 I 804* AuTof Conversation. 12°. N. Y. 1864... X 7016 Same. 12°. N. Y. 1870 X 7016 ART of Iron Moulding. 18°. B .st. 1853.. G 3016 Art of Speaking. 16°. Lond. 1076 M 5016 AltTEMUS Ward, his Book. Browne. C. F. . M 3061 Artemus Ward in London. Browne, C. P. M 2001 AllTKMUS Ward's Panorama. Hrowne.C. F. M 2061 Kivmvv.. liiug of Eiighnvl. Bulfincli. T. Le- gends of King Artliur Z 8064 Legends of Kiiig Arthur Z 8264 Malory, T. History of King Artlinr. .. Z 8286 ARTII.I.RRY. 117 ARYAN. Aktilleuy. Instruction for Field Art.illery. G 6323 ■ Stephens, W. System for tlie Discipline of the A. of the U. S G 6421 Arts (Fine). Allston.W. Lectures on Art. I 8 American Art-Union. Transaetions of the I 505 Art and Artists. 18°. Edinb. n. d...M3'il6 Art Journal 1 804* Art-Siudies from Nature as applied to Design 8°. Lond. 1873 I 509 Burty, P. Chefsd'oeurre of the ludus- drial Arts H 6540* Clements, Clara E. Handbook of Le- gendary and Mythological Art I 93 -Dwight, M. A. Introduction to the Study of Art I 130 Ellet, Mrs. Women Artists in all Ages and Countries T 5135 Fairholt, F. VV. Dictionary of Terms in Art I 143 - — Papers on Art in relation to Arch- aeology, Ac I 585 General View of the Finn Arts I 164 Goethe, J. W. von. EbSayson Art I 171 Harris, G. Theory of the Arts I 612 Hiizlitt, W. Essays on the Fine Arts. . I 191 Howard, F. Imitative Art I 3314 Howiit, Anna. "Art-Student in Munich. R 7214 Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art I 227 Jarves, J. J. Art-Idea I 228 Lester. C. E. Artist, Merchant and Statesmen T 8265 Lossing, B. J. History of the Fine Arts. I 273 Miison.G. C. Application of Art to Man- ufiictures I 290 Palgrave. P. T. Essays on Art I 342 Patterson, R, H. Essays in History and Art M4706 Robert-s, L. A. High Art: Pictures from the Poets M 2725 Ruskin, J. Political Economy of Art. . U 4381 Relation of Natural Science to Art. I 381 Samson, G. W. Elements of Art Criti- cism I 731 Scott, W. B. History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts I 397 Taine, H. Ideal in Art I 432 Philosophy of Art I 432 Tuckerman.H T Artist Life I 4448 Ty lor, E. B. Researches into the Devel- opment of E 9790 Tyrwhitt, J. Christian Art and Symbol- ism I 451 Urbii.o, Madame L. B. and others. Art Recreations I 4456 ! 8fa«1f No. T.s (Fine). V.rplanck, G. C. A.Mresa before the Ameiican Academy of Fine Arts 1 775 - Wallace, H. B. Art and Scenery in Eu- rope M 4464 - Weale, J. Dictionary of Terms used in the Fine Arts G 471 - Wiiickelman, J. History of Ancient Art I 898» - Wyatt, >I. D. Fine Art: its History, Theory, Practice, ic I 797 See also: Amusements, Architecture. Ueauty, Dagiierrotypo, Drawing, Kngravine, Corrtcning, Lancoon, Music, Painting, Phologrnphy, Picture- 0:illerie8, Picturesque, Pottery, Printing, Sculp- ture, Tnsto, Wooil Carving and Class I. .\rts (Useful). Art and Industry at the Crystal Palace, New York. 1853-54. Ed. by H. Greeley. 12°. N.Y. 1853. H 16 Bigelow, J. Useful Arts in connection with the Applications of Science G 40 Burn, R. S. Handbook of the Mechani- cal Arts G 8066 Burty, P. Chefs-d' ceuvre of the Indus- trial Arts H6540* Fessenden, T. G. Register of Arts H 588 Gregory, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences 2836 Handmaid to the Arts I 4185 Hnrdie, J. Dictionary to the Works of Art and Nature C 2186 Lardner, D. Lectures on Pciencc and Art D 657 Potter, A. Principles of Science applied to the Arts... H 336 Ri-ports of Artisans selected to Visit the Paris Exhibition (1867) H 722 Roll in, C. Arts and Sciences of the An- cients T8377 School of Arts, Science and Manufac- tures C 2394 and C 2736 Timbs, J. Year Book of Facts in Art.. D 443 ■ Troup, G. Art and Faith H 447 Ure, A. Dictionary of Arts H 773 Improvements in Arts H 773 iS'/'C afeo .- Aeronautics, Bells, Boots, Cabinet- Making, Calico-printing, Carriages, Clocks, Clothing, Cotton. Cutting, E.ginciring, nuii-ing, Gilding, Glass, Goldsmiths, II .i M.I, m I Edi- tions, Manufactures, MarM" " M I"-, Pilper-Hanger, Silversmilli - i i;, Tcclinnlogy, Telegraph, Tin nr , « 1 1 i>"i Classes G. and H. Arts of Rowing and Training. 16°. Lond. 1806 I 8010 Akvan Nations. Barker, T. C. A. Civiliza- tion N5026 Cox, O. W. Mythology of the Z 7563 AS SHE WOULD HAVE IT. 118 ATHLETICS. Shelf No. As She Would Have It. [ On Woman's Rights]. By "Alex." 16°. Phila. 1873. U 9017 Ascension. Ui^tory of. [Martin. British Col. Lihrary. v. 10] R 1289 ASHANGO Land. Du Chaillu.P. B. Journey to P3577 Asia. Bdl, J. Travels from St. Peters- biirgli to Various Parts of 521 Biiehannn, 0. Christian Researches in. Y 30G3 Chii ke. E. D. Travels in N 3555 Far Off; or, A. and Australia Described. L 8144 Qiio.lrich, S. G. Lights and Shadows of Asiatic History 1172 Irelan.l,.J. B. Five Years in A., Africa nn.l Europe N 3634 Letters from 826G Murray, H. Discoveries and Travels in O 694 RHpelje, G. Travels in N 3719 T«ylor, I. Scenes in.. L 8434 Train, G. F. American Merchant in Europe, A. and Australia N 344G Vamhery, A. Travels in A. in 1863. .. O 3774 Whyte, W. A. Land Journey from A. to Europe O 3788 See afso: Afghanistan, Arabia, Arabia Petriea. Armenia, Asia Mincir. Blacic Sea, Caspian Sea, CancvLSu.s. Cli:,l,l.a, fliina, Circnssia, Crea, Eux- iii.. -■. ,, II.,:i I,:, I ,1, In, 11.,, ,1 ir,;,,i, KiinitschatliO, K'li- , 1' i Mr.iiji. Mcsopota- AsiA MlNOK. Ainsworih, W. F. Travels in. O 8006 I'oi.d^r.J. [Modern Traveller, v. 2]... N 3099 ■ Onrlin.J P. Observations in N 3129 F.unil.y, a. Visit to Nb 3156 T.iy loi-, B Pictures of Nb 3434 Van Lennep, H. J. Travels in 8774 Assassins. Walpole, F. Ansayrii and the. O 1778 Assaying. Li.eber, 0. M. Assayer's Guide. G 3268 Mirchell, J. Manual of G 3310 OverTunn, F. Practical A D 9340 AsSYHIA. Buckingham, J. S. Travels in.. O 538 Ea.lic, J. Eiirly History of N 5131 Frasir. J. B. [History of in "Ancient History"] N5157 Grant, A. Sketches of Travel in O 1174 Mavnr, VV, History of the Assyrian Empire. [Universal History, v. 2].. N 4294 Scwcll, E. M. Ancient History of. N 5401 See also: Babylon, Ninevah. AsTOR. John Jacob. Parton,J. Life of .... T 4017 AsTOiriA lrvi„g,-W Q 634 ASTltoi.OGY Lilly, W. Introduction to. . . X 5208 AsTlio-TllEOLOGT. Derham, W Z 3119 Astronomy. Carey, G. C D 6075 fNo. AsTKONOMY. Chalmers, T. Christian Rev- elation in Connexion with Z 3550 Chambers, G. F. Descriptive A D 6560 Denison, E. B. A. without Mathemat- ics D6118 Drew, J. Manual of D 0126 Evers, H. Nautical A G 7140 Ewing, A. Practical A 1)6140 Ferguson, J. Easy Introduction to. . . . L 0147 and D 6147 Grant, R. History of Physical A D 0604 Gregory, O. Astronomical Lessons. .. . L 6175 Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of D 6618 ■ Treatise on D 6618 Irving, C. Catechism of D 224 Lardner, D. Handbook of D 261 Loomis, E. Practical A D 6604 Mackey, S. A. Mythological A. of the Ancients Z 7281* Main. R. Rudimentary A. 62*5 Mitchel.O. M. A. of the Bible Z 3310 Narrien, J. Origin and Progress of D 6696 Phillips, W. Familiar Letters on D 6351 Plummer, J. I. Introduction to D 6354 Proctor. R. A. Essays on D 6715 Read, N. S. Astronomical Dictionary. D 6366 RoUwyn, J. A. S, A. Simplified D 0726 ■ Tomlinson, L. Recreations in D 6444 Whewell, W. A. with Ileterence to Natural Theology Z 3479 Young, J. New Physical System of. . D 6498 Young, J. R. and others. Practical A., Navigation, &c D 6498 See aho : Ccmct, Constellations, Heavens. Moiin, Navigation, Planets, Solar Sjstem, Stiirs, Sun, Telescope, and Class D. 6. At Home and Abroad. Kennedy. J. P M 4241 At Home and Abroad. Taylor, B N 3434 At Home in the Wilderness. Lord, J. K. .. N 3273 At Last ; a Christmas iu the West Indies. Kingsley, C P 8244 Atheism. Beecher, L. A. Considered The- ologically and Politically Z 2i'34 Parker, T. Sermons on Y 8343 See also : Free-thought, Inliilelity, Panlheisni, and Class Z. 2. Athens. Bulwer-Lytton, E. A. its Rise and Fall N 8064 Colton, W, Views of S 7097 Giffard, E. Ionian Islands, Athens, Ac. S 7106 Wright, F. Few Days in L 1493 Athletics. Harrisson J. Athletic Train- ing and Health I 8187 Wheeler, C. A. Sportascrapiana : Facta in Athletics I 8479 See also : Boating, Cricket, Exercise, Gymnast- ics, Rowing, Swjmmiug, Sports, and Class 1. 8 and 9. ATLANTIC CABLE. 119 Shcir No. Ati,antic Cnblf. Briggs and Maverick. St..ryoftlie I 1058 Atlantic Ensaya. Higginson, T. W M 4202 Atlantic Monthly. v. 8-31. 8°. Bost. 18G173 CG511 Atlantic Ocean. Lester, J. E. The Atlan- tic to the Pucitlt Q 265 Mai'kinnon, L. Atlantic and Transat- laniic P7281 Monell. Ahhy J. Voyage to the South Atlantic Ocean N 2317 Scenes on the Shores of the Atlantic. . R 2388 Atlas. Carey's American Pocket Atlas N 1075 International Atlas. 65 Maps N 1845* Mitchell's New General Atlas N l'J62* Atmosphere. Flammarion, C. The Atmo- sphere D7591 Ileclus, E. Ocean, and Life D 7730 Webster, W. H. B. Monthly Periods of Atmospheric Actions D 7783 SeeaUo ; Air. Atomic Theory. Brown, S. Lectures on the M4061 Atonement. Barrow, A. A. in its Relat- ions to Law and Moral Government.. Y 6038 Malcom, IL Extent and Efficacy of the y 6286 Attic Philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, E. M 4416 Auburn, Mount- its Scenes, Beauties and Lesfions. Flagg, W M 1152 Audubon. John James. Andubon, Mrs. Lucy. Life OS T4030 Bu.hanan, R. Life of T 4512 Augustus; or, the Ambitious Student. 13°. Lond. 1820 X703n AULD Scotch Mither. Rnnkin, J. E K 1363 Austral Asia. Martin, R. M. History of. fin Brit. Colon. Library." v. 2] R 1389 Australia. Angas,G. F. Savage Life and Scenes in P 6010 Fnr-off ; or, Asia and A. Described L 8144 Leichardt, L. Overland Expedition in A. in 1844-45 P 6658 Meredith, Afr.i. C. My Home in Tasma- nia ; or. Nine Yenrs in P 6300 Priddeii, W. A. its History and Pre- sent Condition P 6357 ShcirNo. Australia. Rowcroft, C. Australian Cru- 80C8 L8397 Sturt, C. Expedition into Southern A. in 1838-31 P6756 Train, G. F. American Merchant in. . N 3446 llol- AusTRiA. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of R 5001 Austria and the Anstrians. 2v. 12°. Lond, 1837 R 5n20 Coxe, W. History of the House of. . . R 5103 Pillersdorf, Ilaron P. von. Political Movement in A. in 1848-49 U 853 Spencer, E. A. with Reference to the Late War [in 1866] R 4417 Stiles. W. H. A. in 1848 49 R 5753 Ward, A. W. House of A. in the Thirty Years War R 5465 See also : Haiiifcld, Transylvania, and Class Authors. Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with.. T 3149 D'Israeli, L D. Quarrels of M 9123 Jones, W. A. Essa upon A. and Books M 4234 Russell, W. C. Book of M 9381 Poe, E. A. Autorial Merits and De- merits M 4355 See also : Books and Literature. Autobiographic Sketches. De Quincey, T. T 3118 Autobiography of an English Soldier in the U. S. rmy. [Same as the " Mexi. can War." Q 6302]. 16°. N. Y. 1853 Q6020 Autobiography of a Seaman. Dundonald, T T3129 AirroCRAT at the Breakfast Tabl*. Holmes, O. W M1210 Autographs. Neth.-rcliff, F, G. Hand- book of M1328* AUTOLOQY. Hamilton, D. H X 3610 Autumn Leaves. Gardner, S. J M 4163 Avenger, The. De|Quincey, T M 4118 Avenia ; a Tragic Poem. Branagan, T. .. K 1056 .^ZARA, Don Felix d'. Memoir of. [Natu- ralist's Library, v. 19] E 2327 Azores. Heuriques, M. B. de F. Trip to the S9196 120 Shoir No Bakki,. M'CausIuna, D. Builders of.... E 9377 Babylon. Lftjar.l, A. H. Discoveries among the Ruins of 9G57 Nineveh and 9262 Mavor, W. History of the Babylonian Empire, fin Universal History, v. 3j. N 4294 Rich, C. S. Journey to O 9724 Sewell, E. M. Ancient History of Baby- lonia " Nr,401 Babylon the Great: or, Men and Things in the British Capitol. 2t. 12". Pliila. 1825 R1021 BACcnna Grindrod, R. B X 9170 Bache, Col. Louis. Proceedings of a Gene- ral Court Martial for the Trial of. . . . V 9715 Back Country. Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the. Q93S7 Backlog Studies. Warner, CD M 4405 Bacon, Lord Francis. Dixon, W. U. His- tory of Lord Bacon T 3022 Fisher. K. Fram-is BrtCcn , of Verulam. Realistic Philosophy and ils Age X 3151 Trotter, L. J. Bacon and his New Apol- ogist, [in ••Studies in Biogrophy "]. .. T 3708 - Tyler, S. Baconian Philosophy X 3451 Bacon. Nathaniel. Ware, W. Memoir of. [Sparks. American Biog. Series 2. V.3J T4417 Bacon, /ic'j. Samuel. Ashmun, J. Life of. . T 4513 Bahama Islands. Edwards. B. Description of the P8580 M'Kinnen, D. Description of the, [in Edwards. History, r) 3188 Baltic. Carr,J. Travels around the. ... Na 3540 BaNDITTL Macfarlane, C. Lives of T 8279 Bank of Faith and Works United. Kipley, Dorothy • Y 7373 Banking. Duncombe, C. B. Currency, Fi- nance, . and n.d Y 3025 Baldwin, T. Baptism of Believers only. Z 24 M'Calla, W. L. Christian Baptism.... Z 066 Ogilhy, J. D. Argument against the Validity of Lay Baptism Z 330 Quaw. J. E. Bible Baptism ; or, the Ini- nierser inslrueted Z 361 Stokes, W. History of Baptistsnnd their Principles Y 3423 Taylor, C. Apostolic Baptism Z 434 Bar. Bigelow,L.J. Bench and V 524 Brown, n. P. Forty Years at the Phila- delphia Bar V 537 Bakdary. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Trav- els in Nb 3551 Mavor, W. History of. [In " Univer- sal History." V. 14.] N 4294 Noah, M. M. Travels in N 3699 Paddock, J. Shipwreck of the Ship Os- wego P170.i Russell, M. History of the Barbary States P 1381 Shaw.T. Travels through. [Smartand others. World Displayed, v. 6.] . . . N 3747 Barclay, John. Memoir of. [Naturalist's Library, v. 24.] E 2327 Barker, Vermilya and Davis. Trial of, for Conspiracy. Maxwell and Edwards.. V 9676 Barney, Commodore Joshua. Memoir of. 8°. Phila. 1833 T 4517 Barometer. Timbs, J. [Wonderful Inven- tions.] (i 44'3 Basuan. FreshHeld, D. W. Travels in. .. O 8594 Bastille. Chronicles of the L 1088 Davenport, R. A. History of the S 1115 Baths. Bell, J. Treatise on F 8035 Dunbar, D. Philosophy of the Bath. . . F 8129 Battle of Dorking. [In " Fight in Dame Europa's School."] M 2149 Reply to the. [lu '• Fight in Dame Eu- n.pa's School,"] M 2149 Battle of Fontenoy. [Poetry.] Voltaire, F M. A.de K446I BATTLE FIRLDS. 121 BEST OF ALL GOOD SOCIETY. Sheir No. Battle FielJs of Ireland from 1688 to 1G91 . 13° N. Y. 1867 H2030 Battle Summer. Mitcliell, D. G S 1310 Battles of the Britisli Army. 13". Loiul. 1856 R 1030 Battles. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive B. of the World T 8104 Frothingham, R. B. of Lexington, Con- cord, lie Q 4595 Swinlou, W. Twelve Decisive B. of the War Q7758 of P1.1CC9 15AVARIA. Barrow, J. Tour in K 7028 Baxter, /Jei.. Richard. Life of. 34°. N.Y. n. d T3030 Orme, W. Life of T 3518 TuUoch, J. English Puritanism and its Leaders T 3448 Bayard, Chevalier. Berville and others. Story of the T 3030 Simms, W. G. Life of the T 3030 Bayonet Exercise. McClellan, G. B. Man- ual of G6277 Bazar Book of Decorum. 18°. N. Y. 1870 X 9030 Bazak Book of Health. 18°. N.Y'. 1873. F 2030 Beatrice ; a Poem. Noel, I? K 1332 Beuumarchais and his Times. Lomcnie, L.de T3033 Beauties and Wonders of Vegetable Life, 16°. Lond. n. d E 1033 Beauties of Literature ; or, Select Extracts in Prose. 10°. Lond. n. d M 3033 Beauties of the British Classics. 16°. Bost. Beauties of the Spectator, Tattler, and Guar- dian. 2 V. 16°. Bost. 1801 M3083 Beauty. Beauty is Power. 12°. N. Y. 1871 U9033 Burke, E. Origin of our Ideas of the Beautiful X 3540 Cooley, A. J. Diflferent Theories of.. . . F 2100 Jacques, D. H. Philosophy of Hu- man B F2226 Walker, A. Analysis of B. in Woman. F 14G4 Beaver, Morgan, L. A. American B. and his Works E 8690 Becket, Thomas ii. Trotter, L. J. [Sketch of in " Studies in Biography."] T 3768 Beckwitu, General: his Life and Labors among the Waldcnees of Piedmont. MeiUe, J.P T3034 Bees. Dunbar. [Naturalist's Library, v. 34.] E2327 Huisb, K. Bees: their Natural His- lory, &<■ H 1215 16 Shelf No. BeE8. Langstroth. L. L. Hive and Honey Bee ". ni260 Quinby, M. Mysteries of Bee Keeping H 1361 Pfcttigrew, A. Handy Book of H 1348 Beethoven, Ludwig von. Graeme, E. Bee- thoven : A Memoir T 3034 Beetles. Duncan, J. [Naturalist's Library V.33.] E2337 Begcyniiop : the City of the Single. 12°. Lond. 1809..." Z4034 Beuaviour. How to Behave X 9214 Leslie, Miss E. Behaviour Book X 9265 Behind the Bars. [On Insanity] 16°. Bo.st. and N.Y. 1871 F5034 Behind the Bars. Payne, S.W U 9344 Beiimen, Jacob. Okely, F. Life and Writ- ings of T 3034 Being born again. Wright, S Y 6493 Belgian Traveller. A picture of the Em- pire of Buonaparte. 8°. Middletown.. 1807 S1521 Beloiu.m. Adams, W. T. Young America in. [Y. Amer. Abroad Series. No. 4.] L 7004 Bell, R. Wayside Pictures through. . . S 1531 — Tennect, J. E. Belgium R 8436 Belief. Birks, T. R. Difficulties of Y 6043 Mason, J. Believer's Pocket Compan- ion Y7290 Taylor, J. Restoration of Z 3434 Belisauius; a Historical Romance. Genlis, Madame de L 1 164 Marmontel, J. F. de. Belisarius X 9288 Belle Brittan at Newport. Fuller, H Q 159 Belles Lettres. Blair, H. Lectures on. M 5527 Bells. Denison, E. B. Treatise on H 7118 Belshazzar ; a Poem.' Milman, H. H K 1305 Bembo, Pietro. Stebbing, H. Life of. [In " Lives of Italian Pot-ts." v. 2.] T 3431 Bench and Bar. Bigeluw, L. J V 524 Benevolence. Philanthropist ; or, Insli- ti'tes of tj 9351 Bengal. Grandpre, L de. Voyage to B. in 1790 05174 Hunter, W. W. Annals of Rural B. . . O 5030 Beranger, P. J. de. Sketches of. [In " Sketches of Characters of Fran .."]. T 3409 Berean, the ; A Manual for those who seek the Truth of the Primitive Church. Noyes, J. H y 6699 Berlin. Mirabeau, H. G. P. Secret His- tory of the Court of R 6685 Bermudas. Godet, T. L. Bermuda ; its History, Geology, Ac p 8171 History of the. [Martin, R. M. Brit. Col. Library, v. 6.] R 1298 Best of All Good Society. Jerrold, B M 9839 BEST READING. 122 BIBLE. Shelf No. Best Reading : [oonUining] n Classified Bihliogr;ipliy for Easy Reference. 12°. N. Y. 1872 M7037 Same. [Revised Ed. J 12°. N. Y. 1873 M 7037» Bethlehem. Og len, J. C. E.vcuraion into. Z 4330 Betsy. Miller, H. Cruise of the R 2305 Betsy Lee; A Fo'c's'le Yarn. 16°. N. Y. 1873 K 1038 Better Times to Come. Fngeslre, Visiount U 9233 Bewick, Thomas. Memoir of. [Naturalist's Library, v. lO.J E 2327 BlAUKlTZ as Winter Clim.ite. Bennet, J.H.. S Bible Arnold, M. Literature and Dogma. Z 3015 Bible in the Public Schools. 8°. Cin- cinn. 1870 Z 524 Boardman, H. A. B. in the Counling House X9048 Borrow, G. B. in Spain S 2531 Budinger, M. Abridged B Y 1538 Coleridsre, S. T. B. the best Guide to Political Skill and Foresight Y 7097 Dewey, L. D. Opinions of Disti'guished Americans on the X 9120 Gosse. T. H. Rivers of the Y 2173 Hawks, F. L. Eaypt a Witne.ss to the. Z 3614 Jacolliet, L. B. in India; Hindoo Ori- gin of Revelation Z2226 Lewis, T. B. and Science Z 3267 M.icniillan, H. H. Teachings in Nature. Z 3282 ■ Mitchell. O. M. Astronomy an.l the. . Z 3310 More, Hannah. B. Rhymes K 1316 (>burn, W. Ancient Egypt: her Tes- timony to the Ti-ulh of the N 6703 ■ Pyramid and the Z 3800 Robinson. E. BiMical Researches 9725 Sampson, E. Beauties ..f Ilie Y 2384 SanU.y, F. de. Journey in B. Lan.ls. . . O 9387 . Savile, B. W. Truth nt the Z 3387 Spni.ir, (i. Coi.tr.ist betw,.,-,, r;,„„l anil Bad Men illn-iral.d by the Bio-r.iphy and Truilis „f the T 1410 ObligHtionsortbe Woil.l loihe... Y 7752 Squier, M. P. lieas ,nd tli.' Z :;42(J Tnllidge. H. Triumphs of il,e Z 3448 Watson, R. ApoL.gy for the Z 2409 Weil, G. B., Koran, and Talmud Z 8472 CommeiUar Cri, 1, hopi>fKly. Genesis; Inlroiluclion and ComincntHrv by the Bishop i.f lily. Kxodas; Intrailuction by F. C. Cook ; Conmiontary by Canon Cook anil cf. Clark. Tivr. Essays by Canon Cook. I. On the Binrfng* of Kgyptinn History upon the Pentateuch, ii. On Efytitian Words in the Pentateuch. Part 2. Levitieus-Deuter- ODomy. Leviticus; Intn.dn.-tion and Comment- ary tiy 8. Clark. Nuinliers: Intro.Uinti.in and Commenuiry by T. E. Espin and J. P. Thrupp. Dcutei-oniany; Introdnclion and Commentary byT.E. Espin. v. IL .Toshna-Kinss. Joshua; Rev. T. E. Kspin. Jnilges, Ruth, Samuel; R (Lord) A. Hervey. Kings; O. Rawlinson. BtBLE. B. E.Mplained. 8°. Bnlto. 1808. Y 2524 • Carpenter, W. Biblical Criticism and Interpretation y 2545 Gerard, G. Institutes of Biblical Criti- «'8ra Y2599 Kitto, J. Daily B. Illustrations Y 2245 Sargent, F. Compendium of Biblical Criticism on the Canonical Books Y 2732 Sawyer, L. A. Biblical Science im- proved Y 2387 Seiler, G. F. Biblical Hermeneutics. . . Y 2739 Diclionaiies, Introductions and Biblical Aids. Abbott, E. A. Child's Guide to the L 9001 Ay re. J. Treasury of B. Knowledge. . Y 2020 Bible-Student. 2v. 18°. Lond. 1870- 71 Y 39 Barnum, S. W. Comprehensive Dic- tionary of the Y 2517* Bible. Index to the. 18°. Phila. 1804. Y 2039 Bible Dictionary for the Use of Bible Classes, Schools and Families. 13°. Phila. [cop. 1851J Y2039 Biblical Reason Why ; a Family Guide to Scripture Readings. 13". N. Y. [cop. 1859] Y 2039 Blunt, J. H. Key to the y 2047 Brown, Rev. J. Dictionary of the Y 2537 Gray, J. C. Bible Lore Y 3174 Gurney, W. Handy Dictionary of the. Y 3179 inglis, J. B. Text Cyelopeilia Y 3323* Jones, J. Chronological and Analytical View of the y 2640 Kitto, J. Cyclopsedia of Biblical Liler- at'To Y 2647* Same. (Abridged) Y 2647 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopicdia of Biblical Literature y 2666 Nicholls, B. E. Help to the Reading of '•i^ Y2330 Prettyman, G. Introduction to the.. . . Y 2357 123 BLACKSTONE. Shelf No. BnsLE. Srailli, W. Dictionnry of the. . . . Y 3747* Sunday Evenings; or, Easy Introduc- tion to till! Ue^idiug oftlie L 9430 Hhlory. Bissell, E. E. Historic Origin of tlie. . . Y 3043 Gleig. G. R, History of the Y SlGti Reeve, J. History of the Y 2307 Stoae, (J. E, Origin and History of the books of the Y 2754 Westeott, B, F. B. in the Church Y 24 7() History of the English B Y 24r6 ScenUa: Apochryplia, C.immentavics, Enoch, I.I, I'll Bnu,E Societio. e.Mi^iiiuiion of tlic Ameri- can Bible Society Y 3559 Owen, J. t)rigiii of the British and For- eign Bible Society Y 3704 Strickland, W. P. History of tlie Amer- ican Bible Society Y 3755 Bio Be:ir of Arkansas and other Sketches. P..rter, VV. T M 335U BiGEI.OW Papers. Lowell, J. R K 1373 Blixs of Exchange. - Cunningham, T. Law of V6564 Biography. Bayne, P. Essays in Biogra- phy and Critici.-m M 4030 Biography of Pious Persons Lc §043 Chihl, L. Maria. Biographies of Good Wives T5086 Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria.. M 9558 Dale. T. P. Biographical Examples. . . T 3113 Davenport, R. A. Universal Biograph- ical Diciionary T 569 De Quincey, T. Biographical Essays. . T 3118 E.centric Biography T 133 Edwards, B.B. B. of Self-Taught men. T 134 Foster, J. Essays, Biographical, Liter- ary and Philosophical M 4I5G Fraser, D. Select B. ; or, the Bulwark of Truth T3157 Gleig. G. R. Essays, Biographical, His- tori.-al and Miscellaneous M 4G02 Hardie, J. Biographical Dictionary. .. T 612 Hunter, H. Sacred B Y 2631 Irving, C. Catechism of Classical B. . . N 4234 Macanlay, T. B. Biographical and His- torical Sketches T3376 Marlineau, Harriet. Biographical Sketches T 3289 Maun.ler, S. Biographical Treasury.. . T 294 Middleton and others. Evangelical B. T 3303 Prescott, W. H. Biographi.-al and Crit- ical Miscellanies M 4715 Shelf No. BiooHAlMiY. Sinibs, S. Brief Biogrnphics. T 411 Taylor, W. ('. ItuinanticB. of the Age of Elizabeth T 3760 Troitcr, L. J. Studies in T 3768 Scetilno: America, Knglan't, Frnnco, Geneal- ti^y, Germany. Great lirlluin, Greece, Letters, Kum •, Uniteil States, Woman, and Class T. !-5. Biology. Nicholson, II. A. Introduction to. E 2330 Spencer, H. Principles of X 3417 See atfio: Life, Protoplasm , Biuds. Adams, 11. G. Humming B E 7004 Browne, D.J. American B. Fancier. . 111061 FifiUier, L. Reptiles and Birds E 7589* Jar.line.W. Gallinaceous B. [Natural- ist's Library, v. 14] E 2327 . Game B. [Naturalist's Library. v.8] E2327 Humming B. [Naturalisfs Library. v.6-7] E2327 Sun B. [Naturalist's Library, v. 5] E 2327 J.ines, T. R. Natural History of E 7234 Lee, J/«. R. Anecdotes of the Habits and Iii.stincts of E 2264 Maliiig, E. A. Song B., and How to Keep Them E 7286 Stanley, E Familiar History of E 7421 SwaiMsou, W. Natural Hisiory of E 7430 Flyc Ornitholoiry. Parrots, BlRMAn. See Burmah. Bihminguam. Timmins, S. Rei ducts and Industrial Histo trees, Pro- of. U <5763 BiSMAliCK, Pime Otto vou. Hezekiel, J. G. L. Life of T352e Bits of Bb.rney. Mackenzie, R. S Z 8381 Bits of Talk about H e Matters. By U. H. 24°. Bost. 1873 X9043 Bitteu- Sweet; a Poem. Holland, J. G. . . K 1210 Bivouac and Battle Field. Noyes, G. F. . . . Q 7333 Black Book; an Exposition of Abuses in Church and State. New Ed. 8". Loud. 1833 U527» Black Hawk. Life of. 12°. Cincinn. 1858. T 4044 Black Man of the South and the Rebels, Stearns, Q 7421 Black and White. Latham, H Q 057 Black Sea. Cunyngliame, A. Travels on the,inl871 08564 Dearl)..rn, R. A. S. Commerce and Na- vigation of the U8570 Maiigny, T. de. Voyages in the S 9673 Oliphant, L. Russian Shores of tlie.. . . S 4337 Bl.vckstonb. Aird, D. M. Blackstone Economized V 5005 Beckett, G. A. i. Comic Blackftoue. . M 2034 BLACKWATER CHRONICLE. 124 BOSPHORUS. BLACKWATER CUlOnielft. 12'. N. Y. 1853 TBlair, Hugh, Hill, J. Life ana Writings of Sbeir No. Q 9044 T 3537 G8066 U 739 T 4045 X7689 F1631 D5135 D5333 X818G I 74C0 Y 7413 T 3421 F1264 X 4394 F 1315 18381 O3006 3645 3793 T5530 T3530 Lc 8334 T5135 Q9334 M 1217 M 1413 M3049 T 8531* T 8550* Y 1531 T8498 X9171 M 31.58 Y 1531 K 10G3 Book of Snobs. Thackeray, W. M Book of Table Talk. v. 1. 18°. Lond 1836 Shelf N*. M 2437 M 3051 Blasting and Quarrying of Stone. Burgoyne J Bleknerhassett, H. Safford.W.H. Blen neibasselt Papers Life of Blind. Moon, W. Light for the Blood. Hewson, W. Properties of the. . . Blowpipe. Elderhorst, W. B. Analysis.. Instruction in the Use of the Book of the Boudoir. Morgan, Lady Book of Thought. 16°. Lond. 1842 Book of Travels of a Doctor of Physic. 12"" Phila. 1871 Book of Vagaries. Paulding, J. K Bookbinding. Nichols, J. B. Art of. . . . Walker, E. Art of Bookkeeping. Bennett, J. A. America System of Bryce, J. Bookkeeping Colt, J. C. Double Entry B Hamilton, R. Introduction to Hunter, J. Self-Instruction in M431C M3051 Na 3051 M 2344 H8330 H8464 H9522 Bldndeus of Vice and Folly. Hargreavea J.G Boating. Warren, T.R. Shooting, 15. and Fishing H 9537 H9558 H9G10 H 9217 Bobbin Boy. See Banks, Gen. N. P. Boccaccio. Stebbing, H. Life of. [In "Lives of the Italian Poets." v. 1.]. . Body Le Pileur A Wonders of the Hu Jones, E. T. English Systems of H 9640 Mair,J. B. Modernized H 9671 — Mayhew. I. Key to a Practical System H 9295 Preston, L Treatise on ... . H 9715 man B Maudsley, H. B. and Mind Moore, G. Use of the B. in Relation to the Mind Sheys, B. American Bookkeeper H9742 H 9753 .•?« also: Accounts and Class H. 9. Books. Books and Authors. 18°. Edinh n.d . ... Russell, C. Bodily Strength and Skill M 3051 Bokhara Burnes, A. Travels into Khanikoflf. B. : its Amir and its Peo Pl^ Wolff, J. Travels and Adventures in. . BOLEYN, Anna. Benger, Miss. Memoirs of BOLINGBROKB, Henry St. John, Vis&,v.nt Mackintosh, T Burton, J. H. Book Hunter Carlyle, T. Choice of De Morgan, A. Arithmetical B Jones, W. A. Essays upon Authors and Langford, J. A. Prison B. and their Au thors Maurice, F. D. Friendship of Porter N B and Reading M7067 M1076 M 7571 M 4234 M9260 M4294 Bonaparte, Joseph. King of Naples ana Italy. Abbott, J. S. C BONHEUR, Rosa. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. [Sketch of in " Women Artists, 4c."] Bonner, £»sAoj!) Edmund. Life of. 8°. Lond 1843 Bonneville, Capt. Irving, W. Adven turesof Power, J. Handy Book about M 77l4 Spence, J. Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of M 3417 See also: Authors, Libraries, Raidiog. Boone, Daniel. Abbott, J. S. C. D, B. tlie Pioneer of Kentucky T 4051 Peck, J. M. Life of. [Sparks. Amer Biog. Series 3. v. 13.] Booth, J. B., the Actor. Passages in th Lives of, and some of his Contempora ries. 13°. N.Y. 184G Boots. Hall, J. S. History of B. and Shoe Border and Bastille. Lawrence, J Borgia, Lucrezia. 5eeLuCREZiA Borgia. Boring. Swindell, J. G Borneo. Keppel, H. Expedition to Borough (the) ; A Poem. Crabbe, G BospiiORUS. Colton, W. Land and Lee ii the i 1W1 Book for a Rainy Day. Smith, J. T. Book of Blunders. Bombaugh, C. C Book of Costume; or, Annals of Fa.shion T 4417 Book of Days. Chambers, R Book of Enoch. Tr. by Lawrence. 3d. Ed 8°. Oxford. 1838 Book of Golden Deeds. Yonge, Charlotte M Book of Good Devices. Golding,G Book of Good Examples. Frost, J Book of Jasher. Tr. from tlie Hebrew 8°. N.Y. 1840 Book of Orm. Buchanan, K T 3051 T8183 Q73G3 G3431 PG241 K 1104 S 7097 BOSTON. 125 BRIDGES. Shelf No. BOSTON, rublic Librarn. Aninml Keports. 1854-70 inclusive. [1st, Otli, 7th, 8th. aud llth Annual Reports wanting.] 8°. Bost. 1854-71 M 8531* Bulletin. V. 1. [No*. 1-19.] 8^ Bust. 1867-71. [No title page.]. ... M 8531* Index to Cntalogue of Books in Bates Hall. First Supplement. 8°. Bost. 1866 M8811* Dearborn, N. B. Notions Q 9116 Drake, S. A. Old Landmarks of Q 9126 Frothingham, R. Siege of Q 4595 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for Little Ey^g L8260, Quincy, J. History of the City of . . . . Q 9717 Sliaw, C. Typographical and Historical Description of Q 9402 Botany. Archer T. Popular Economic B. E 1014 Balfour, J. First Book of E 1024 Catlow, Agnes. Popular Field B E 1079 Cooke, M. C. Manual of Structural B.. E 1100 Gray, A. Botanical Text Book E 1604 Irving, C. Catechism of. D 224 Lindley, J. Introduction to the Natural System of Lindley and Moore. Treasury of E 1269 Linnaeus and Jussieu ; or, the Rise of Systematic B T 3269 Richard, L. C Botanical Dictionary. . E 1372 Ruschenberger, W. Elements of E 381 Scoffern, J. Outlines of E 1738 Summer. G. Physiological and Syste- matic B E1428 Wakelield,Pristilla. Introduction to. . E 1463 Wood, A. Leaves and Flowers ; or, Lcs- easi'S of the F 5115 ,>1 X 3262 Physiology F 1332 {., its Structure, lases F5749 Life T 4271 j Sh.IfNo. 1 Brain. Davis, A. J. Di. I Laycock, T. Mind ai i Noble, D. B. aud in Solly, S. Human ] Physiology and Disease Set also : Mind, Phrenology- Brainehd, Rev. David. Edv of ..T4056 Life of, [in "Lives of Eminent Individ als"] Peabody, W. B. O. Life of. [ Sparks, J. Amer. Biog. Series 1. v. 8]. ... T 4417 Brandenburg. Ranke, L. House of B. dur- ing the 17th aud 18th Centuries R 6719 Brant, Joseph. Stone, W. L. Life of . . . . T 4534 Brass and Iron Founder's Guide. Larkin, J G 3261 Brassey, Thomas. Helps, A. Life and La- bours of Brawnville Papers. Tyler, M. C. Brazil. Adalbert, Prince. Agassij, L, E1661 T3524 I 8451 Travels in.... N 2503 Mrs. Journey in P 9503 Burton, R. F. Explorations of the Highlandsof P954e Codman, J. Ten Months in P 9095 Conder, J [Modern Traveller, v. 29-30]. N 3099 Ewbank, T. Life in P 958* Kidder, D. P. Residence and Travels P 9243 9647 1490 .See also : Agriculture,Desmid9, Diatoms, Ever- ] sreens. Flowers, Fungi, Hedges, Horticulture, \ Leaves, Mosses, Plants, Shrubs, Trees, Vegeta- ble Kingdom, Weeds, and Class E. 1. BOTHWELL. Aytoun, W. E K 1020 Bottomry. Anneslcy, A. Law of V 6011 BOUCICAULT, Dion. [Sketch of in "You Have Heard of Them " ] T 498 Boulder. Geikie, A. Story of a D 8164 BOULTON, Matthew. Smiles, W. Life of. . T 3747 Bounty. Belcher, Ladi/. Mutineers of the. P 6035 Bligh, W. Mutiny of the. See St.\ND- ARD Library ^' 3753 Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of the. . .. P 6324 BOUKDALOUE in the Court of Louis XIV. BungeDer,L.F M 5065 Boy's Book of Industrial Information. ■ Noyce, E L 6333 Brachial Telegraph. Jenks, R. W I : Bhahe, Tycho. Brewster, D. Life of T 3057 Brain. Abercrombic J. Diseases of the. . F 5501 Kidder aud Fletcher. B. and the Bra- zilians Koster, H. Travels in B. in 1809-15 . . P 9651 Payne, A. R. M. Residence in the Bra- zilian Valley of the Sierra Paricis. ... V 9344 Smart and others. Settlement of B. by the Portuguese, [in " World Display- ed." v. 2] N3747 Stewart, C. S. Brazil P 9421 Bre.«fast in Bed. Sala, G. A. .......... M 4384 Breakfast, Dinner, and Tea. 13°. N. Y. 1859 H30j7 Brewing. Byrn, M. L. Practical Brewer. H 3070 Coppinger, J. Practical Brewer H 3560 Brewster, David. Gordon, Mrs. Hor-- Lifcof Brewster, William. Steel, A. Life of Brick Church Memorial. 8°. N. Y. 1861. Q 9535 Bricks. Dobson, E. Manufacture of G 9124 Elements of Bricklaying. [Nicholson. Mech. Exercises] Q 9330 and G 9G98 Bridal of Tricrmain. Scott. W K 1397 Bridges. Baker, B. Long Span Railway B. G 4023 Dempsey, G. D. Tubular and Iron Girder B « ^^^ Haupt, H. General Theory of B. Con struction Pope, T. B. Architecture T3057 T4534 G 4613 O -1714 BRIDGEWATER. 126 Shelf N.1. BriDGEWATKK Treatise, the Ninth. Bill- bnge, C Z 35 13 BUIEF Rein»rk.T on the W„y« of Man. S .inpsou, E X 0384 Britain. \ Bkitisii. V See Great Britain. BUITONS. 5 British Almanac fur 1873, [al^n] CnrnpHn- iou to the AInianae lor 1873. 13°. Loiiii. n. d CG058 British Eneychipeilia ; or, DrcliiiiiHry iif Art3 and Seienees. Ed. by Niclmlsdn. 12v. 8°. Phihi. 1818 C 2.535 British Indiii. See India, British Museum. Cowtan, E. Memoirs of the M8oG2 British Quarterly Review, v. 53-56. Jmi. 187l-0.-t. 1873. 4v. 8". in 2. N, Y. 1871-72 CG535* Brittany. Jeirold, W. B. Trips to S 1231 P,.lli-er. Mrs. Bury. B. and iia Byways S 13-1-' Souvestre, E. Popular Lege.ids ol. . . . Z 841U Broad Pennant. Taylor, F. W Q U434 Broad Stone of Honour. Din'-y. K. II T 8131 Broken Dreams. [Poetry.] Ganlner, Celia E K 11G3 Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases. Hall, W. W F5183 Bronte, l";hnrloite. Ga>kell, E C T .5001) Brook. (The): a ud other Poems. VVri{;ht, W. B K 1493 Brooklyn. Caniman and Camp. Charities of U '.).544 Broughton, Thos. Tyernian.L. Menu)ir8 ..f T 3770 Brown. Dr. J. Hedges, I'. Strielures.m the Elementa Medieinie of F 4192 Brown, Chas. Broekd>-n. Dunhip, \V. Me- moirs of T 4.537 Prescott, W. H. Lile of. [park-. Amer. Bing. Series 1. v 1] T 4417 Browne, Charles F. Artemm Wurd. llini;- slon, E. P. Lile of T 4.537 Browning. Elizaheih B. Tilt.Mi, ".'. I.ifeof, [Preli.wd to ■• lir.iwni.i-V P.,..,„s." ; . . K KiGl Browning, Rohert. Smiles, S. [li.i.i Buil'- raphies] T 41 .elu'lf No. B0CKEYE Abroad. Cax, S. S Na 3103 Buckingham, George Villier?, Duke of. Thompson, Mr>. A. T. Life ..f T 3063 Bri)i>iiis.M Alabaster, H. B. lIluRtraled from Siamese Sources Z 8504 Miiller, M. I'aper on Buddhis-t Nihili.-m. [in •■ Seienee of Kelij-ion "J Z !J321 Bodoett, Samuel. Arthur, W. Life ..f . . . T 30G3 BuKKAl.0. Ketchurn, \V. History of (J so.i. E. Rudimentsof. G 8124 Fairbairn. VV. Appliealiou of Ca^t and Wrn.ight Iron lo B. Purposes G 8.585 Ilavilarid, J Builder's Assistant G 8U13 Lafever, M. Modern Builder's As.sist- nnt 8853« Smeaton, A. C. Builder's P.icket Corn- pardon G84n Wilson, J. Builder's Price Book G 8484 Ste also: Arcliitcctare, Carpentry, Cliitr.ne.vs, Contracts. Finisliings, Firf-Places, Houses, Ma- s»:.vy. Ventilation, Warming, and Class G. 8, and 9. Building Associations. Barry, W. W. Law and Practice of Benefit Building Soci- eties 119028 Wrijiley, E. How to Manage U 7493 Prael ical Treatise on U 7493 Bull Run'. Barnard, J. .G. C. S. A and ihe Battle of Q9517 Bulls and the Jonathans. Paul.lii.g J. 11. M 3344 Bunyan, .lohn. Harsha, I), A. Life of. . . . T 30G5 Tulloch, J. Leaders of the English Re- fMrniatn.n T 3448 BuuciiiiAltl)T.,b.|,n Lewis. Memoiri.f. [Nat- urali-i 's Lil.rary. V. 40] E 2327 Buuoovne's Can.p:iign ami ilie Meuionhle Battles of Bemis Heights, 1777. Kcil- G Q4328 Bruce, J a Head, F. B. Life of T 30G3 Buhke. Edmund. Prior, J. Lile of Bost. an. I Buccaneers ESARS, the. De Quincey, T N 9118 Caffraria. Kay, S. Travels and Researches in P5237 Cain's Lamentation over Abel. Cotton, R.. Y 7102 Shelf No. Cairo. Clayton, R. Journal from Grand C. to Mount Sinai. [Mauudrell. Journey, Ac] 09676 Jones, G. E.xcursions to O 9234 Thackeray, W. M. Journey from Corn- hill to Grand C Nh 3437 Calculation. Byrne, 0. Model Calculator. O 543 Scruton, J. C. and Accountantship.. . H 9739 CAI.DBRON de la Barca ; his Life and Genius. Trench, R. C T 3072 Calendar. Chambers, R. Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the T8550* Calendar of Nature laid open. Aikin, J.. L 6006 Calhodn, John C. Jenkins, J. S. Life of.. T 4073 Caliban, the Missing Link. Wilson, D K 2484 Calico- Printing. Dyeing and H 4578 California. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations 'n Q 517 Brace, G. L. C. in 1867-68 Q 9056 Browne, J. R. Sketches of Adventure in P7061 Burton, R. F. Across the Rocky Mouu- taiiis to Q 9,540 Capron, E. S. History of Q 9074 Colton, W. Three Years in Q 9097 Cronise, T. F. Natural Wealth of Q 9503 Dunbar, E. E. Discovery of Gold in. . Q 9129 Emory, W. II., and others. Notes of Travel in Q 9532 Farnham, Eliza W. C. In Doors and ('ut Q9144 Farnham, T J. Adventures and Travels '" Q9586 Forbes, B. History of Upper and L""'r C Q9594 Fremont, J. C. Exploring Expedition to. Q 9157 Fremont and Emory. Notes of Travel in Q9594 CALIFORNIA. 128 Shelf N«, Bhclf No. Camfornia. Qrecnhow, K. History of. . . Q 9005 Canada. Duncan, J. M. Travels through Hitlell, J. S. Resources of U 0207 the U.S. andC. in 1818-19 r T129 Nordhoff, C. C. for Health, Pleasure, Fidler, I. Professions, Literature, Ac, and Residence ... . Q9700 L1342 in Q 149 P4190 Palmer, J. W. C. and India — Hawthorne, N. Sketches of Patterson, L. B. Twelve Years in Mines Henry, A. Travels and Adventures in. Q2196 of G3344 Hcriot, G. Travels through the Can- Raven, R. Golden Dreams and Leaden adas P 7197 Realities Q9364 Jameson, Mrs. A. Winter Studies and Q9375 r7227 Saxon, Isabella. Five Years within the Ogden, J. C. Tour through Upper and Golden Gate Q9387 Lower C P 7336 Q9388 Q9434 Q9443 Q6484 Taylor, B. Adventures io Mic Mullen, J. History of Martin. R. M. History, Statistics, Ac of. [In " British Col. Library." v. 1.] P7C69 Todd, J. Sunset Land Willard, Emma. History of R 1289 Wise, H. A. Inside View of P748G Murray, A. M. Letters from P7323 Wood, W. M. Wandering Sketches of. P 7490 Sansom, J. Sketches of Lower C P7385 Ser. also. -San Fr.incisco. Tluireau, H. D. Yankee in M4439- Walton, G. E. Mineral Springs of . . . . Warburton. Capt. Conquest of F8464 Calisthenics. Watson, J. M. Handbook of I 8781 Y7263 P7779 Call to a Devout and Holy Life. Law, W. Set also: Quebec, and Class P. 7. Calvary; or, the Death of Christ. A Poem. C.4.NDLE8. Faraday, M. Chemical Histor\ K 1564 of a Candle Morfif, C. Chemistry applied to Manu- Calvert, Leonard. Burnap, G. W. Life of. [Sparks. Araer. Biog. Series 2. ufactureof H8690 v,9.] T4417 Canibals All ; or. Slaves without Masters. Calvin, John. Dyer, T. H. Life of. T3073 Fitzhugh, G U9151 Guizot. F. St. Louis and Calvin T3178 Cannino, George. Bell, R. Life of T3074 Henry, P. Life of. T 3543 Bulwer, H. L. Historical Characters.. . T 3064 Tulloch, J. Luther, Calvin, Latimer Kebbel, T. E. Sketch of. [In "Eng and Knox T3448 lish Statesmen."] Canoe and Saddle; Adventures among the T 3238 Calvinism. Ely.E. S. Contrast between C Z 581 Z 217 Northwestern Rivers and Torrents. Winthrop, T Hunlington, J. Calvinism improved. . Q 2485 Cambistry. Tate, W. Modern Cambist. . . D1760 CanOVA. Characteristics of. [In " Character- Cambrian Plutarch. Parry, J. H T3706 istics of Men of Genius."] T3084 Camels. Jardiue, W. [Naturalist's Library Canterbury Tales. Chaucer, () K 1084 V.21.] E2327 Cape Breton. Martin, R. M. History of. Camp, Afajor Henry W. Trumbull, H. C [In ■■ British Col. Library." v. 6.] . . . . R1289 Biographyof. T 4073 Cape Coast Castle. Martin, K. M. History Camp and Barrack Room; or, the BritisI of the. [In "British CI. Library.' Army as it is. 12°. Lond. 1846... G 0073 ^■10.] II 1289 Campbell, Duncan. De Foe, D. Life of Cape ofGood Hope. Boyle, F. To the Cape [Works. V.6.] Campbell. Thomas. Beattie, W. Life am C 8110 for Diamonds P 5055 Cole, A. W. Cape and the Kafirs P .5097 Lett-.s of T3073 Gleanings in Africa; or. Manners and Camper, I'eter. Memoir of. [Naturalist' Customs of the Inhabitants of the P 5169 Library, v. 21.] E2327 Martin, R. M. History of the. [In Canada. Bell, A. History of P7521 " Brit. Col. Library." v. 3.] R1289 Biesby, J J. Pictures of Travel in the Caper Sauce. Chit-Chat about Men, Wo Canadas. [In •' Shoe and Canoe," Ac] P7040 men and Things. Parton, Afrs. 9. Christie, R. Military Operations in the P. W M 4343 Canadas .luring the War [of 1812 Capital. Kellogg, E. Labor and other with theU. S P7088 Capital U4239 Cozzeus, F. S. Acadia ; or, a Monti Opportunities for the Safe Investment with the Blue Noses P 7103 of H 9338 129 CAVOUR. Shelf N». ; Capital Punishment. .SVv Punishment. CAPtTOL of Uie Tycoon, Alcocl;, R O 2007 Captain Canot. Mayer, B N 2395 C.U'TAiNSof the Old World. Herbert, II. W. T 1197 Captains of the Roman Republic. Herbert H. W T1197 Cards. Taylor, E. S. History of I'laying Cards 19434 See also: Whist. Caky, Alice and Phicbe. Ames, Afi\i. Clem- raer. Memoiinl of T 5009 C.iKlCATURE Histoi'y of the Oeorges. Wright, T R1493 Caeleton, C'apt. George. De Foe, D. Life and Adventures of. [In " Works." V. 8.] C8116 C.\m,YLE, Thomas. Smiles, S. [Brief Biog- ™pl'ie3.] T 411 C^noLiNAS. Lee, H. Campaign of 1781 in the Q4e58 Carpathians. Hutchinson, A. H. Try Cra- cow and the S 5319 Carpentry. Bell, W. E. C. Made Easy. . G 9521 Benjamin A. Practical House Carpen- ter G8808 Hatfield, K. G. American House Car- penter G 9613 Johnston, W. Carpenter's New Guide. G 9847 Nicholson.?. Carpenter's New Guide. G 9867 Elements of. [In " Mechanical Ex- ercises."] G 9330 and G 9G98 Pain, W. Practical House Carpenter. . G 9705 Tredgold, T. Elementary Princples of G 9870 See also: Joinery. Stair Building, ant/ Class G. 9. CARRIAGES and Harness. Felton, J. IT U 7140 Carson, Kit [Christopher]. Burdett.,C. Life of T 4077 Peters, D. C. Life of T 4077 Carter, Elizabeth. Pennington. M. LifeofT554G C.\rtii.\ge. Davis, N. C. and her Remains. P 15C9 Perry, A. C. and Tunis, Past and Pres- ent N5708 Cashmere. Adams, A. L. Wanderingsof a Naturalist in 5004 See, Kash. vels Caspian Sea. Cunyngliame, A. on the, in 1871 8564 Casquet of Literary Gems. Ed. by White- law 1st. Series. 4 v. 2d. Series. 3 v. 6v. 13°. Glasgow. 1836-39 C 6078 Cass, 6'«neraM.ouis. Young, W. T. Life and Public Services of T 4547 I'astara. Habington, W K 1609 Castilian Days. Hay, J S 2191 Castiuot, George. Sec Scanderbeg. 17 Sheir No. Casti.ereagh, Lord. Sketch of. [Kelibel. English Statesman] T 3238 Casuistry. Maurice, F. D. Lectures on . . X 81176 Cataco-mbs of Rome. Kip, W. I Y 3244 Scott. B Z 1397 C.VTAl.OGUE [Illustrated] of the Industrial Department of the London Exhibition in 1803. 4°. n. p. andn. d H 816 Catecuis.ms. Confession of Faith; the Larger and Shorter Catechism Y 6099 Trimmer, if rs. Attempt to Familiarize the Church Catechism Y 6446 Vincent, T. Explicatory Catechism.. . . Y 6460 Catharine I., Empress of Russia. Mottley, J. Life and Reign of T 5548 Catharine II., Empress of Russia. Life of. 3d Ed. 3v. 13°. Lond. 1799 T 5079 Cathay. Medhuret, W, H. Foreigner in Far Cathay 2396 Catholic Religion. Observations by a Pro- testant on a Profession of Catholic Faith Z1703 Roussel, N. Catholic and Protestant Na- tions Compared Z 1727 Sampsou, W. Catholic Question in Amer- ica Zl''31 Se: also : Celibacy, Confessional, Convents, Inquisition, Jesuits, Popery, Rome, and Class Z. 1. Ca TO, the Censor. [Sketch of in "Lives of Celebrated Greeks."] T 1371 Cats. Miller, J/rs. H. Cats and Dogs L 6305 Ross, C. H. Book of M 3378 Cattle. Complete Grazier and C. Breeder. H 1559 Dadd, G. H. American C. Doctor F 9111 Quincy, J. On the Soiling of H 1361 Thomson, R. D. Fattening of H 1438 Youatt, W. C, their Breeds, Manage- ment and Diseases H 1799 Caubdl. See Cabul. Caucasus. Cunyngbame, A. T. Travels in the Eastern C 8564 Freshtield, D. W. Travels in the Cen- tral C 08594 Mounsey, A. H. Journey through the. 6691 Cause. Brown, T. Relation of C. and Ef- fect X3537 Cav-VLRY. McClellan, G. B. Regulations forU.S.C 06377 Nolan, L. E. C ; its History and Tac- tics G6333 Cavendish, Thomas, Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. Lives and Voyages of. . . . T 3129 Cavodr. 6'oun<. Botta,V. Life, Character and Policy of T 3548 ; Do La Rive, W. Life and Character of. T 3548 CAXTONIANA. 130 Shflf No. Shelf No. M 4004 (Character. Owen, R. Essays on the For U 9340 M.Mnoir3of T ana ■ Smileo, S. Character X8411 Celestial Olyecls for Common Telesopes Spring. G. Distinguishing Traits o Wehb T W D6471 DC131 Christian C Y 77.53 Celestial Scenery. Dick, T Taylor, I. C. Essential to Success in Celibacy. Lea, H. C. Sacerdotal C. in the Life X 9434 Ci.rislinn Church Y3263 Wliipple, E. P. C. and Characteristic Celts. Mavor, W. History of the. [Uni Men M4480 versal History, v. 8.] N4294 See also: Human Nature. CEMENTS. Burnell, G. R. Limes, C, Mor Character and Objects of all Science and tara, Ac G90GG Literature Grimke, T. S X7170 Vicat, L. J. Calcareous Mortars and. . G9776 Characteristics of Eminent Men. Timbs, J T 443 Cenci, Beatrice. Guerrazzi, F. D L1178 Characteristics of Men of Genius. 2v Central America. See America (Central). 12°. Bost. 1847 T 3084 CentKAL Society of Education. 1st.— 3d. Conlenls.-y. I Missing, v. II. Sir Waltc Publications. 3». 12°. Lond. 1837- Scott. Wordsworth. Poets of Germany. Mi 39 X 7081 chel Angelo. Canova. Maihiavelli. Louis th Cervantes. Life of. [Prefixed to "El Nintli. Peter the Great. Buscapie."] L1081 Characters and Criticisms. Jones, A M4234 Cevennes. Bray, Mrs. Rerolt of the Pro- Charades. Caldor, M. T. Social C. and testants of the Y3056 Parlor Operas I 9073 Cevlon. Baker, W. W. Eight Year's Wan- Charges oq Moral and Religious Subjects derings in O5023 Ru8h,J X9381 Ritle and Hound in I 7023 Charges to his Clergy. Massillon, J. B Charu'LES. Becker, W. A Y8674 Martin, R. M. History of. [in " British N8034 Colonial Library." v. 10] R1289 Charities of New York, Brooklyn and Upham, E. Sacred and Historic Books Staten Island. Cammann and Camp. U 9544 of Z8773 Charlemagne. Bonaparte, L. C. ; or, the Chairman's Manual and Speaker's Guide. Webster's Church delivered A Poem K 10.50 V 471 O8006 — Bulfinch, T. Legends of Z 8004 Chald^a. Ainsworth. W. F. Travels in. James, G. P. R. History of T 3084 Loftus, W. K. Travels in, in 1849-53. . O9603 Charles I., King of Emjland. Abbott, J Chalmers, Thomas. H.nna, W. Life and History of Lc 8084 T3082 Charles II., King of England. Abbott, J. History of . Chambers, Robert Chambers, W. Me Lc 8084 moir of T3082 Sidney, H. Diary of the.Ti.nes of.. . . . R1744 Champagne Country. Tomes, R S 1444 Somerville, T. Political Transactions from the H.'stoi-ation of C. lo the Deatl Character. Bain, A. Study of X 4.514 of King William Charles V., Emi,c,or of Gennaiii/. Ac. Rob- R1749 Boston, T. Distinguishing Characters of True Believers Y 70.52 eitson, VV. History of the Reign of. . T 3.5.51 Bucke, C. Book of Human C M 3063 X8083 Stirling W Cloister Life of T 3084 Chandler, Mary G. Elements of Charles XII., King of Sweden. Voltaire, A de. History of Chaklks John. King of Sicedev. Mercdilh T 3084 Church, R. W. Influences of Christian ity upon National C Y 7089 W.G T 3.551 Phili|.pnrt, J. Memoirs and Campaigns Foster, .J. Decision i.f. [in Comlie. Cnn stitution of Man] F 1,5.59 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgtwd;/. Kirk Fowler, 0. S. Self-Culture and P^rfec- X415G Charlie, Prince, the Young Chevalier. Johnes, M Friswell, J. H. Essays in Aid of the Lc 8084 Formation of M4157 Charming. Newman, J. P. Fascination or. the Philosophy of. See LIBRARY Guthrie, T. Studies of C. from the Old Y2180 of Mesmerism X 4271 Nott, E. Counsels to Young Men on the Charms of Benevolence and Patriotic Men Formation <.f X9333 tor. 24°. Phila. 1814 U 84 131 CHE^. CllAKMS of Literature. [Titlepnge Chace, tlie; 11 Poem. Somcrville, \V K 1749 Cli.\SE. Siimuel. Impeaehment and Trial of. 8°. [Title-pa^e WttiiUiig] V 'J5.J1 Cii.vrE.\UfiKi.\ND, F. A. lie. Sketith of. [in •■ Sketches of Cliaraeters of Franco."]. T 340!) Chatham Earl of. [the Elder Pitt.] Macau- lay, T. B. Life of T 3353 CliATTERTON, Thomas. A Biograpliy. Wil- son, D T3084 CrtEMiSTUY. Booth and Morfit. Eucyclo- paj.lia of 1^ 5531 Chaptal, M. J. A. Elements of D 5550 Cooke, J. P. Religion and Z 3560 Cooper, T. Intr.id. Lectures to a Course of D55C0 Draper. H. Text B..ok of D 512G Eliot and Storer. Manual of Inorganic D5135 ■ Ewell, T. Elements of D 5584 ■ Faraday, M. Chemical History of a Candle D 5144 Researches in C, and Physies. . . . D Fownes, G. Elementary C D 515G Rudimentnry C I> 5156 Galloway, R. First Steps in D 5161 Gregory, W. Hnndbook of Organic C. I) 5175 Henry, W. Experimental C D 5617 ■ Johnston, J. F. C. of Common Life. . . D 5233 Joyce, J. Dialogues on C L 6334 Kemshead, W. B. Inorganic C D 5340 Lavoi>-ier, A. L. Elements of D 5657 Liehig, J. von. Animal C D 5268 Letters on D 5368 Macquer, M. Elements of Chyniistry. D 5666 Mnrcet, Mrx. Jane. Conver.-ations on . . D .5288 Sh«lf No. Chemistky. Watts, WM. Organic C... D 5469 Wells, 1). A. Prinaiples and Applica- tions of 1)5473 Yoiimans, E. L. Cla.s3 Book of 1) 5498 Analysis and Manipulation. Beilstein.F. Qualitative Chemical Ana- lysis n.5034 Faraday, M. Chemical Manipulation.. D 5586 Fresenius, C. R. Chemical Analysis- Qualitative D5594 Chemical Analysis— Quantitative. D ,5594 Instructiona in Chemical Analysis. I) 5157 Grilfin, J. J. First Course of Chemical Experiments ^ 5176 HoHinan, F. Chemical Analysis as ap- plied to the Examination of Medical D5625 Chemical Analysis of . [Griffin. SdentiBc D 606 Mill.' inorgai Chemicals Liebig. J. von. Organic Bodi< Miscellany.].. Morfit and Muckle. Chemical and Phar- maceutic Manipulations D 5316 Noad, H. M. Chemical Manipulation and Analysis D ,5699 Applied Chemistry. Bloxam, C. L. Progressive Exercises in Practical D 6046 Brande, W. J. On some Arts connected ,(v ith D 5056 Howard, J. Practical C D 5314 Irving, C. Catechism of Practical C. I) 224 'PP. F. Chemical Technology D 5649 nicC D5305 Mitchell, J. Dictionary of D 310 Murray, J. System of D 5694 ■ Parkes, S. Chy mical Catechism D 5706 Pennington, J. Chemical and Econom- ical Essays 1) 5346 Piesse, G. W. Laboratory of Chemical Wonders L 6352 - Prout, W. C.witli reference to National Theology. [Chalmers. Adaptation, Ac]. Z 3530 - Renwick, J. First Principles of D 5369 - Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry D 5378 Lessons in Elementary C D 5378 - Scoffern, J. Elementary C. of Inorganic Bodies D 5397 - Thomson, R. D. Cyclopaidiaof D 5428 - Thomson, T. First Principles of D 5763 History of D 5438 System of D 5763 - Thorpe, T. E. Inorganic C D 5439 -Turner, E. Elements of D ,5449 Liebig, J. von. C. in its Applications to Physiology and Pathology D 5268 Morfit, C. C. applied to the Manufac- ture of Soap and Candles H 8690 Napier, J. C. applied to Dyeing H 4696 Orfila, P. M. Practical C D 5703 Parnell, E. A. Applied C. in Arts, Ac. H 8706 Wagner, R. Handbook of Chemical Technology D 5777 Wells, D. A. Principles and Applica- tions of D5473 See also: Blowpipe, Brewing, Candle-, Distil- lation, Dyeing, Gas, Gunpowder, Indigo, Labor- at.iry. Oil, Perfiiinery, Smoke, So.ip, Spectrum Analysis, Tanning, Wines, and Class D. 8. Chess. Agnel, H. R. Book of 19006 (;. for Winter Evenings 1 9006 Fiskc, D. W. Book of the First Ameri- can C. Congress I 9151 Kenny, C. Manual of 19314 Long, T. Key to the C. Openings. ... I 0664 Liiwenthal, J. Morphy's Games 1 9273 L&wenthal and Medley. Transactions of the British C. Association for 1866 67. 1 966-1 CHESS. 132 CHIVALRY. Shflf No Chess. Morpliy, Paul. Chess Champion ; ExploiU and Triumphs in Europe.... I 9310 Staunton, H. C. Playcr'a Handbook.. . I 9421 C. Tournament I 9421 Tomlinson, C. Amusements in I 9444 Chevreuse Afadame de. Cousin, V. Life and Times of S 1103 Chiapas. Stephens, J. L. Travel in P 8753 Chicago. Merchants and Manufacturers of. G 8901* CniAHUAnuA. Bartlett, J. R. Explora- tions in Q 517 Childe Harold. Hobhouse, J. Historicnl Illustrations to the Fourth Canto of. . S ;i(!35 Childeen. Alcott, W. A. Managamt-nt of C. in Regard to Health F 2007 Bcrquin, A. Children's Companion . . . L mZl Children's Friend and Youth'sMon- itor Lyoy7 Comstoek, C. Duty of Parents and. . . X 7098 Fonssagrives, J. B. Mother's Work with F4155 Taylor, Mrs. Reciprocal duty of Parents and X7434 Children of the State, Hill, F U 9203 Children's Crusade. Gray, G. Z T 8174 Chile Conder, J. [Modern Traveller, v. 28]. N 3099 Miers. J. Travels in P 9088 Molina, S. I, Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili P 9687 Strain, J. G. Journey in Chili in 1849. P 9425 Suteliffe, T. Sixteen Years in P 9757 Three Years in Chili P 9440 Chimney Corner. Stowe, H. B - M 4424 Chimneys. Arnott, N. On Smokeless Chimney Valves G 8500 Edwards, F. On Smoky Chimneys. . . G 8580 China. Callery and Yvan. History of the Insurection of O 3072 Carne, L. de. Travels in the Chinese Empire O 4545 China and its People L 8080 Compteand DuHalde. Description of. [ Smart and others. World Displayed. V. 6] N3747 Conder, J. [Modern Traveller. V.1313J N 3099 Cooke. G. W. Time's Special Curies- pondent from C. in 1857-58 O 2100 ■ Culbertson, M. S. Darkness in the Flowery Land Z 8106 Davis, J. F. C. during the War and Since the Peace O 2115 The Chinese O 2115 Sketches of O 2115 Du Halde, P. History of O 2128 Edkins, J. China's Place in Philology. W9134 Ellis, H. Journal of an Embassy to. . . 2581 Forbes, F. E. Five Years in C. 1842-47: 2594 SlK-lf No. China, Gutzhiff, C. Sketch of Chinese History O 2180 Hall and Bernard. Nemesis in O 2183 Hawks, F. L. Expedition of an Amer- ican Squadron to the China Seas, ■ 1 . ' -lining. III. Miss- in IV r 1" 1. . 1 Morris from 173*- Club-Foot. Sayre, L. A. Treatment of.. . F G387 Clubs of London with Anecdotes of their Society. 3 v. 8°. N.Y. 1811-14. Q 9558 ■ Same. 2d. Series, v. 1 and 2. 8°. N Coal. Daddow and Bannan. C. Iron and Oil. 6 3507 Holland, J. C. Trade of Great Britain. G 3G2G Hull, E. C. Fields of Great Britain . . . G 3215 Johnson, W. R. C. Trade of British America G 3640 Colleges. D'Ewes, S. C. Life in the Time of James I T 3120 Dall, Caroline H. College, Market, and Court U9112 Wayland, F. CollegiaSe System of the United States X 7470 COLLIGNT, Gaspar de. Admiral of France. Memoir of. Trar.slated from the French by Scott. 16°. Edinb. 1844.. T 3097 Colonies. Frost, J. Book of the Q 3158 Colorado. Bowles, S. Summer Vacation in the Parks and Mountains of Q 9055 Taylor, C. C, a Su.nmerTrip (J 9434 Colors. Bancroft, E. Philosophy of Per- manent I : " II 4515 Maefarlane, J. C. Regions of America. D 8607 Williams, C. W. Coml.u.tion of C. and Prevention of Smoke D 5484 Coal Tar. Dussance, H. Coloring Matter Coalition and France. 8°. Load. 1817. U .557 Cobbett, William. Bulwer, H. L. Life of T 3064 Watson, J. S. Biography of T 3409 COBDEN, Richard; a Biography. McGil- clirist J T3095 Cave, Madame Marie E. Cave Method of Drawing, 2.1 Part I 4070 Dussanee. 11. Color,, i- Mait.r. de,iv- ed from Coal 'I'ar II 4129 COBDEN Cluh Essays. 2d. Series. 1871-72. 8°. Loud., Phi-is, and N.Y. 1872.. U 4,w7* Cochin China. Roberts, E. Embassy to the Dyer ar„l Colour Maker', Companion. . H 4130 Field, G. Grammar of Culonriug I 4149 Rudiments of C. and C.ilonring. . 1 4149 Columbia. Conder, J. [Modern Traveller. V.27J N3099 Hazlilt \V C Bi-ilish C. and Van- CODE of 1650; a Compilation of the Laws, &c.,of Counectieui: V 4095 CCEUR, Jacques, and his Times Costello, L„,„sa S T 3557 Coffee Hewitt R. C, its History, Culti- vation and Uses . . H 1621 couver Island P7191 Macfie M Vancouver Lland and Coins. Henfrey, H. W. Study and Arrange- ment of English C T8195 Mo.,,1,.1 of R.iiniin C T 8672 British C P7667 Columbia College. Addresses of the New- ly-Appointed Professors. Feb., 1858. M6o58 Columbia River. Cox, R. Adventures on tlie O2103 Prime, W. C. Coins, Medals and Seals. T 8715 See also : Seals. COKE, Edward. Woolrych, H. W. Life of. T 3557 Colbert, Jean Baptiste James, G. P. R. Lives of J. B. Colbert, &c T 3227 See also: Oregon River. Columbian Muse; a Selection of American P.)etiy. 16°. N. Y. 1794 K 1097 COLUMBIAN PREACHER. 137 CONDUCTOR C.RNERALIS. Shelf No. Columbian Preacher ; a Collection of Origi- nal Sermons, v. 1. 8°. Catskill. 1808 Y8558 Columbus, Christoplier. Burry, .I.J. Life of T4558 Helps.H. Lifeof T 4097 Irving, W. Life and Voyages of T 4558 Lamartme, A. de. Life of T 4097 Lifeof Lc8097 Some facts in tlie Life of Lc 8097 Columbus, Ohio. Slruder, J. II, C, its History, &e Q 9425 COLYMBIA. [A Satire on Society] 12°. Lend. 1873 X 5097 Come and Welcome Jesus Christ. Bunyan, J Y 7065 Comedies. Jerrold, D. [Writings, v. 3]. M 281 Paulding, J K. American Comedies. . K 2344 Comet, The; or. the Eirth in her varied Phases. 12°. N. Y, 1869 D 8098 Kirljwood, D. Comets and Meteors. . . D 6345 Comforter, The ; or, Extracts for the Con- solation of Mourners. 13°. N. Y. 1832 Y7098 Comic Miscellanies. Hood, T M 2313 Commanders. James, G. P. R. Memoirs of Great C T 8327 Commentaries. Wilson, J. Daily Com- Sholf No, Common Objects of the Sea Shore. Wood, J. G E 490 Common Objects of the Country. Wood, J, G E2490 Common Places. Buckle, H. T. Common Place Books, f Misc. Works, v. 2-3J M 538* Hunt, L. Common-Places Refreshed. M 4217 Jameson, Mrs. Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, .e H 3n34 Cassel. Complete Kncyclnpic.liaof 11 3816 Donovan, M. Doinest.it; Economy II 3124 — — Family Keieipt Book; Receipts in Va- rious Bmnehes of H 3143 Mnn-ay, Rose. Ma.m.il of H 3323 Ti.nljs, J. One Tliuu^nn 1 Donu-slio Ilint:^ H3443 Willieli, A. p. M. I).,iii..,fn: En.-y>-lo- p.Ti.lia II 3790 Domestic L'fe. Family Instructor: a Man- ual of the Diitits of X 9143 Domestic Porlniiture. Ridim.m.l, L X 7373 Don QdiXOTE. Wit and Wisdom of M 3487 DON'GOLA. English, G. B. Exjjedltion to. . P 2583 Doniphan's Expeliiion. Hugl.es, J. T.. . . . Q 6315 DON'NE, John. Wirlton, J. I.ives of J. D.. He..ry Wotlen, &<-■ T 8404 DOKE. By a Stroller in Europo. 13°. N.Y. 1857 Na3125 Doric Raee. Miill.>r, C. 0. lli-tory ..nd Antiquities of thn N 8693 Dost Mohamm-,1, Khan of lu.bnl. Lnl, IMo- Imn. Lifeof T 2575 DOTTiNGSon the R.iadsi.le in I'aiiama, Nicar- aiiui, Ac. I'imm and S»eniNnn P 8712 DoDCxI.Ass, Stephen A. Warden, R. 1!, l.ifi- of T4125 Downing, J^m.-s (a hlii.d ma.,). Life ..f. 24°. N. Y. 1831 T3125 Dkainagh. D."nips,-y, (;. 1>. D. ofDisi.icts and Lands H1118 . 0. (.f Towns and Building-. G 4118 E issi.^ \V. IIisto,-y, D.-feels an.l Renn- diesof ' G8131 ^Varin!,^ G E. Draining Uv P,,. fit and for IlValth II 1405 1)R.\KR. Cave.idishand Dampier. l.ivrsand Voyages of. 24°. N.Y. 1832 T 3120 DnAMv, Field, J. M. D. in Pokfrville M 2356 Hazlilt, W. Dramatic Utcratu.e of the AgeofEliz^ibeih M 9191 M .so.i, Milton and Thon.s .... Dramatic Po,ms K 1290 M.M.r.H-, U B. Pulilic a..d Pari,..- Read- i..g9, D.alogues and Dramas M 5313 6'ee also: I'lriyf, Sllakcfppuro, Singe, imd Shelf No. Draughts. Slurgcs, J. Guide to theGame of I 9426 Dkawing. Applcton'sCyclopaiditt of G 508 Bolton, II. D. From Ohjects I 3049 Burn, R. S. Arthitectural D. Book. . . G OG Mechanical D. Book G 66 Cave, J/,& Mai-ie E. Cave Method for Le:.rning to Draw from M.-i.,o.;v 1 3079 and I 4079 Clnrl;, J. I), and Painting in Water Colours I 4093 IIaytcr,C. Inlr.'dnciinn to 14015 .Mohan, D. II. Indnsli-ialD G 4671 Minific, W. GeoniWrical 1) G 684 P,.go, I. Gui.'e f..r O. the Acanthusand other Or...... c .tal Foli„ge I 3341 U..sUin, J. Elements of ,. . , . I 3381 T.imkins.E. Machine Constrneti.m M.d ]) G 1444 War.vn.SE. Man.ial orGeomctrical D. G 400 Williams 1!. Maii.i.-il for Teaching Model D I 3790 , Pcrsiioc CUss K. 3. Drawing Room Stage. Baker, O. M I 9023 l.KKAM Life. Mitchell, 1). G M 1310 Dreams. Dcndy, W. C. I'henomeiia of.. . X 4118 [Philo:'ophy of Myste.y] X 4118 Scaticid, F. Liteiature and" Cu.-ioMties of X4399 Dreams .n.d Kev.riesof a Qui t M.-n. F..y, T. s .". M 1144 DrkAM'IiiukI'IO; a Bocdl ol Essays. S.nill.. A M4413 Drkss a.id C«rc of the F.'ef. 13°. X. Y. 1871 F2126 Dress, (iale, Kthd C. LIhi, ,., II 5101 LaoiMix, P. D. durnig f.e Ji;d ilc Ag-s ' anil Renaissaufe Pe.iud T 8G54* Drew. Samuel. Drew, .1. 11. Liic <.f T 3126 Drunkenness. Mac.dsh, K. Anaiomv of. X 4283 . Same. [Comhe. Constitution, &..] F15.59 Drurv Lank, •/'/.<.<-<.« A'o.to". Kell^,M. Re- ...iniscciises of. T 3643 Drury-Dru. Memoirof [Niiturali.^t's Lih- r„ry. v. 15] E 2337 DiEW.rso. Milliiigen, J. G. IIi>t,..ry of. . . T 8083 Sal.inc, L.- Notes on Duds a..d D T 8383 Dumas, Alexand.e. Fitzgerald, P. Life of. T 3577 UumrBei.t. Instructor. KlosB, M. [Leivis. New G^ m nasties] I 8207 Dunn Browne's Experiences in Foreign Parts. Fiske.S Na3151 DiJRER, Alhert. Schefer. L. Life of T 3129 Dust and Foam ; or, Throe OceansandThrec Continent?. Warren, T. R N 3466 DUTCH PILGRIM FATHERS. 143 EASTERN SEAS. Shelf No. DnTCH Pilgrim Fathers. A Poem. Hopper, E K 1313 DcTCll NMtion. DBvies, E. M. History of the R85e9 Dutch Republic. Motley, J. L. Rise of the R8C91 DOTTON, Amy; and Jonesi, Agnes E. Homes and Hospilala; or, two Phases of Wo- miinV Work as exhihited in the Labors of. 13°. N. Y. 1878[73] U 9129 Duty of American Women to their Country 18°. N. Y. 1840 U 9129 DWAUFS. Du Chaillu, P. B. Country of the L8128 DwiaiiT, Timothy. Sprague, W. B. Life of. [Sparks. American Biography. Series 3. v. 4] T 4417 Shelf No. Dyeing. Berihollet, M. Art of H 4533 Bronson. J. and 11. Family Directory in the Arts of. II 40r,9 Dussance, A. Culoring Matters derived from Coal Tar, their application in I). H 4129 Dyer and Colour-Maker's Cumpanion. New Ed. 12°. Phila. 1807 H 4l;!0 Dying and Calico-Piinting. 8°. N.V. 1840 11 4578 Haigh, J. Dier's Assistant H 4181 Love. T. Alt of D., Cleaning, Scouring, and Finishing H 0004 Napier, J. Chemistry applied to H 4095 Ulrich,L. Artof D. Cotton and Wool. H 4453 See also : Wool and Class H. 4. Dying Thoughts. Crawford, W Y 7104 Dyn.\mo>ieter, The. Main and Brown G 3071 Shelf No. Eagle's Nest ; a Summer Home among the Alps. Wills, A K9484 Rab. DuftoQ, W. Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the F 5128 See also : Deafncsg, Uearing. Early and Late Papers. Thackeray, W. M. M 4437 Eakly Years of the Prince Consort. Grey, C T 3007 Earth. Ansted, D. T. Earth's History,.. D 8011 Baker, C. E. Plants and Minerals L 6023 Buff, H. Physics of the D 7003 Comet ; or, the Earth in her Varied Phases D 8098 Cuvier, G. Theory of the D 8505 Dawson, J. W. Story of the E. and Man D8115 Goldsmith, 0. History of the E. and • Animated Nature E 003 Gnyot, A. E. and Man D 7180 Hill, I. Theory of the Formation of the D8208 Jones, W. Treasures of the D 9234 Miehelet, Madame. Poetry of the D 7(i82 Molloy, G. Ancient History of the. . . Z 3312 Poole, R. S. Genesis of the E. and Man E 9355 Reel us, E. Earth, the: Pheuoifiena of the Life of the Globe D 7720 Schouw, J. P. E. Plar.ts and Miner- EarTHQUAkes. Ponton, M. E. and Volca- noes D7355 Earthquakes. Ziircher, and Margolle. Earthquakes D 7500 See alsn; Vesuvius. East, the. Beldam, J. Scenes and Institu- tions in Nb 3035 Bryant, W. C. Letters from Nb 3003 ■ Durbin, J. P. Observations in Nb 3129 • Eames, J. A. Things which I Saw in Nb3131 Eastern Arts and Antiquities. 24°. Hartf. 1846 Y 2131 Formby, H. Visit to Nb 3156 Hawes, J. Religion of the E., with Impressions of Foreign Travel Y 7190 Honigberger, J. M. Thirty-five Years in 05637 Kinglake, A. W. Traces of Travel from Nb3244 Lenonnant and Chevalier. Ancient IlLsloiy of N 5264 Piilgrave, W. G. Essays on Eastern Questions Z 0705 Prime, S. I. Travels in Na 3357 Smith, 1". Ancient History of N 5412 Spencer, J. A. The East Nb 3750 Urquhart, D. Spirit of S 7450 Walpole, F. Travels in the Further E. O 1778 Waiburton, E. Eastern Travel Nb.3405 See aho: Orie lid Class Nb. 3. East Indian Archipelago. Biekmore, A. S. Travels in the P 0524 Eastern Europe and the Emperor Nicholas. 3v. 13°. Lond. 1840 « 4131 Eastern Seas. Earl, O. W P 6131 EASTERN STATES. 147 EDUCATION. Life of. 8°. Brook- T 4579 if. of. [Sp„,ks. .s 1. V. 9J T4417 Shelf N". Eastern Slates. Letters on tlie Q 9200 Eating, lieai-d G. M. E. .....I Diinliing. . F 20;!2 Bellows, A. J. Pliilosojihy of F 2035 .See liips, Pyraniitl, ami Class N. C. Egypt, (Modern). Beaufort, Emily A. Eg\ ptian Se|>u!chres and Syrian Shrines Nb 3033 Browne. Travels in E. and Lybia. [Modern Traveller, v. 3.] N33I1 Ch.aeaul.riand, F. A. de. Travels in. Nb 3551 Conder, J. [Modern Traveller, v. 5 6.] N 3099 Cooley, J. E. American in P 2560 Denon, V. Travelsin Upperand Lower. P 2571 Ditson, O. L. Para Papers in P 2574 Dorr, B. Notes of Travel in Nb 8125 Durbin, J. P. Observations in N 3129 Egypt: A Familiar Description of the Land, People and Produce. 16°. Lond. 1839 P2134 Falkland, Viscountess. Selections from a J.iui'ual kept in N 3586 Fisk, G. Memorial of." Nb 3151 Grey, Mrs. T. Visit to Nb 3175 Harman, H. M. Journey into O 9186 Hofiand, Mrs. B. Alfred Campbell's Travels in ^ L 8209 Lane, E. W. Manners and Cu^timis of the Modern Egyptians P 2656 Legh, T. Journey in P 2658 Leland,C.G. Egyptin. :-k.Mi Dn..!; . . P 22G4 Lepsius, R. Discov.ii- i„ i;. i,, iS-l-,'-45 P 2058 — Letters from E. Ethiopia, Ac P 2264 Mavor.W. Hislory of Modern E. [In •■ Universal History." v. 13.J N 4294 Millard, D. Journal of Travels in O 9305 Olin.S. Travelsin P 2337 Prime, W. C. Boat Life in E. and Kubia. P 2357 PUrkler-Mnskau, Prince. E. under Me- hemet Ali P2359 Russell, M. Ancient, and Modern E.... P 2381 Savary. Travels in. [In " Modern Traveller." v. 3.] N 3311 St. John, J. A. E. and Kubia; their Scenery and People P 2730 Village Life in P 2383 Smith, J. V.C. Pilgrimage to P 2412 Spencer. J. A. Sketehes ,.f Trav.l i„. N'b 37.50 Stephens, J. L. I.lei.le.Hs „lTlavel in. Nb 8421 Same. See Standaud Library... N 3753 Thomas, J. Travels in K. and Pales- tine 09438 149 ENCYCLOP.EDIAS. Egyi-t, (Mo.lern). Vclney, F. Travels tlin.ngli E. an.l Sviia 1' :i-4(!l Ti-avels in. [MoJern Traveller. V. ;1J N3311 Zinrko, R B. K. of the Pliaraolis ami ll.eKlieclive N G800 liro, Nile, I Cb.ss I ElGHTKEN Christian CentuiMcs. White, .J.. N 4481 ElKON Basilike. Charles, I R 1084 ■' EkivOes from Keiitneky." Loeke, D. R. . . M 2273 Eldorado. Taylor, B Q 9434 ELECTurCAL Psychology. DoJs, J. 15. See Library of Me.Mnerism X 4208 Electricity. Adams, G. Essay on D 4004 Baile, J. Wonders of D 4033 Bakewell, F. C. Electric Science D 4514 Bird, G. Lectures on D 4043 — — Francis, G. Electrical Experiments. . . D 4157 Uarris. W. S. Animal and Voltaic E.. . D 4187 Rudimentary E D 4187 n.L'gins, W. M. Alphabet of D 4203 Mackintosh, T. S. Electrical Theory of the Universe D 381 Meyer, M. E. in its Relations to Prac- tical Medicine F 8G81 Noad, H M. Lectures on D 4G'J9 Manual of.., D 4699 Riarlore, J. E. Remedial Influences of. F 8724 ElectrOGRAPiiy. Spencer, T. [Griffin. ScientiHc Miscel.] D GOG Electro-Metalluugy. Napier, J. Elec- tro-Metallurgy G 3320 Shuw, G. Manual of G 3743 Walker, C. W. Electrotype Maiiipula- tio.is G3464 W;iu, A. Eleclro-Metalliirgy G 3469 .•See also : Mt'tiilhli-gy. Elegant Extracts. [Prose and Poetry.] 5v. 18'. N. Y. 1817-18 M 135 Eleg.\nt Extracts. [From Eminent Prose Writers.] 8°. [Title-page wanting.] M 3581 Elements of Natural Philosophy. 18°. N. Y. 1808 D 135 Same. 18°. Phila. 1807 D 135 Elephant, the. 34°. N. Y. 1840 E 8135 Elephant Cluh. Thompson, M. N M 2438 El Gringo. Davies, W. H. H Q 9115 Elijah the Tishbite. Krummaeher, F. W. Y 3254 Eliot, John. Apoxtlf of the Indians. Fran- cis, C. Life of [Sparks. Amer. Biog. Series I. v. 5 ] T 4417 Elisiia. Blunt, H. History of. Y 2047 Kr.isiiA. Kruniinacher, F. W. Last Pays of. Y 2254 l'>MZAlii;Tll, QiircH of KiHjland. Abbolt, J. Hist>.ry of . . . .' Lc8125 Ai kin, Lucy. Court of. R 1006 Hood, E. P. Goo,l Old Times of Queen Bess R1213 • Taylor, W. C. Ron.antic Biography of the Age of T37GO Thornbuiy, G. W. Sketches of our Social History in the Reign of R 1439 Ellery, William. Channing, E T. Life of. [Sparks. Amer. Biog. Series I. v. 6.] T 4417 Elocution. Atwell, B. W. Principles of.. M 5019 Hamdl, S. S. Science of M 5184 Mcllvaine, J. U. Elocution M 5280 Mitchell, M. S. Manual of M 5310 Russell, W. Cultivation of the Voice in M5381 Sheridan, T. Lectures on M 5-103 See also: Debates, Dfeilou-aes. Klociuencc, Or- atory, OrthuphoDy, Sjieaking, Voice, and Class M- 5. Eloquence. Fish, H. History and Reposi- tory of Pulpit E Y 8591 McQueen, U. E. Simplified M 5283 Maury, J. S. Principles of M 5670 Patriotic and Heroic E M 6344 Witherspoon, J. Lectures on X 8487 See also : Elocution, Onitions, Sermons. Speeches, 'j7id CIhss M. 5 and 6. Elwes, John. Topham, E. Life of T 3135 Embanking Lauds Irom River Floods, llew- son,W 4G21 Embers from Poverty's Hearthstone. Du- ganne, A.J. H U 9128 Emblems, Divine and Moral. Quarlcs, F. . K 1361 Emigrant's Guide to the Western and Northwestern States. Darby. W.... Q ,509 Emllia Galotti. Lessing, G. E. See Collec- tion of Plays K 3558 Emotions, Darwin, C Expression of the E. in Man and Animals E 2114 En Avant Messieurs! Mathias, G. H. D. . . . X 7293 ENCyci.OP.EDlAS. Encyclopffidia Americana. Ed. by F. Lieber and others. 14 v. 8°. Phila. 1830-47 C 2583 EncyelopiEdiaBriltannica. 8th Ed. 31v. 4°. and Iv. Index. Bost. 1800.... C 2828* Encyclopaedia ; or, Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, &o. Amer. Ed. 3v. 4°. Phila. 1818 C2828 Encyclopajdia ; or, Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. 18v. 4°. Phila. 1798 C 2828 Nule.—v. 9 and 18 missing. Zell's Popular Encyclopiodia C 2900* See also : Cyclopanlias and Claims C. 2. ENERGY. 150 Shelf No Enekgy. Stpwait, B. Conservation of G 431 Enoinkering. Appleton'sDktionary of... G 008 Blenkani, J. SpecificHlion of Works executed in Civil and Mecbanicul E. . G 527 Bourna C. Principles of E. and other Surveying G 5532 Burgh. N. P. Rnlesforthe Proportions of .Modern Engines and Boilera G 20G0 Burn,R.S. E. Drawing Book G GO Biiinell, G. R. IIjdrauliL- E G 4000 Byrne, O. Handbook fur Railroad En- gineers G 4070 Handhnnk f.M- the Euiiineer Q .543 D.iane, J. C. Manual for Engineer Troops GG128 Fairhairn, W. Useful Informal ion for Engineers G 142 H..sk.ll, W. D. E. Field Work G 5G13 Henck. J. B. Field Book for Railroad Engineers G 4195 Isherwood, B. F. E. Precedents for Steam Machinery G 4640 Long and Buel. Cadet Engineer G 40G4 Murray, R. Marine Engines and Steam Vessels G 2323 Norris, S. Handbook for Locomotive Engineers G 4333 . Stevenson, D. Canal and River E G 4753 ■ Tenipleton, — Engineer, Milwriglit and Mechanic's Companion G 435 Watson, E. P. Modern Pia.tice of American Engineers G 14G9 • Weale, J. Dictionary of Terms used in G 471 Whilden.J. K. Strength of Materials used in G 480 Sep. also : Founilations. Machinery Military Science, Ntivnl Science, Pump Work, Screw Pro- pnl^i -n Steam, Timber. Well-Dig^i g, uitd I lass G. 1-5. Engineering (Civil). Brees, S. C. Civil Engineering G 4534 Byrne, 0. Pockel-Book for Clivil En- gineers G4070 . Law, H. Rudiments of G 4203 Malum, D H. Elementary Course of.. . G 4071 Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of G 43G3 S'H tils'): Briii^es. Locomotives, Railways, Kivers, Roads, Surveyiug, "Waterworks and England. Art, Manufacture, Commerce, dc. Caird, J. Euglisli Agrienllure in 1850- 51 H 1.543 Rose, 11. Architecture in G 8738 Taylor, W. B. S. Origin of the Fine Artsin I 434 Shelf No. LAND. Turner, T II. Domestic Archi- tecture in G 8709 Walp.de. II. Anecdotes of Painting in. I 4778 liinr/rajJii/. Bourne, IL R. F. E..gll>li M-r.hant^ . T 3054 C.iopl.ell. J. Lives of the Chi-r .lus- tices of T 8544 Lives of the L.nl Chancel ..r« and Keepers of the Great Seal of T 3554 Co.^lello. Louisas. Memoirs of Emi- nent Engii.-bworaeii T 5501 Doran, Dr. Lives of the Qu-en- ..f. ... T 5135 Foister, J. Stalesiuen of the Comiu.m- wealth of T3594 Fuller, T. History of the Worthies of. T 3595 Hall, Mr.i. M. Royal Princes.-es of. . . . T 5183 Johnson, S. Lives of English P..eis.. . . l 3233 Kebbel, T. E. Englisli Slalesineii since the Peace of 1815 T 3238 Laiicelott, F. Queens of E. and their Times T5260 Smith, G. Three English St ate^nen.. U 413 Smylli, G. L. Won lues of T 3747 Strickland, Agnes. Livesof the Ba.-he- lor Kings of T 3425 ■ Lives ot the Queens of T 5755 Same. (Abridged) T 5425 - Taylor, C;. B. Memorials of the English Martyrs Y 3434 ■ Tiiiibs, J. English Eccentrics and Ec- cenliiciiies T8442 - Willmott, K. A. Lives of the English Sacred Poets T 3484 Ecclesiaxtical Hist::ri/. - Arnold. M. Puritanism and theChurcb of E. [Intro.hiciion to '• Si. Paul and Prutestantism."] V 2015 - Aubisine. ,1. 11. M. de. Reformation in E in III.. u;.l, ('.■i.iui-y. L"i-I"'T '-"'f th. i;ri..i„iMii,.i.. v.r,| ."... Y3020 - Be.le. i;,r|..,l„-tieal History of. Y 3034 - Blunt, J. J. Sketch of the Reformation in Y3047 - Burnet, G. History ol the Reformation of the Church of Y 3814 - Cliurlon, E. Early English Church. . . Y 8089 - Col.betf, W. History of the Protestant Reformation in Y 3095 - Collette. W. Reply to Cobbett's " His- tory of the Protestant Reformation," Ac Y 3558 -Gould, G. Documents Relating to the Settlement of the Church of E. by the Act of Uniformity of 1062 ". . . . Y 3603 ENGLAND. 151 Enqland. Hanna, W. Rise of the Refor- nmti.,11 in Y 3185 Hii.t, J. Religious Thought ill Y 3G30 Riiliinson, H. Original Letters relative to the English Rel'orumtioii Y 3725 Sliorr, T. V. History of ihe Church of E. to il.e Revolution 1088 Y 3743 • Si.encter. J. A. ,{ the Uefoi Y341 Jlistoty {Civil.) Brougham, Jl.,Lord. E. ami Fratice un- der the House of Lancaster R 1536 Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization in R1538 Carrel, A. Counter Revolution in E. uu.)er Charles II. and James II R 1077 Cary, H. Civil War in E. from 1046 to 1653 R 1546 Chambers, R. Rebellion of 174546. . . R 1083 Clarendon, Earl of. Rebellion and Civil Warsin R 1093 Clarke, S. E. Debatable Points in the History and Antiquities of R 1555 Cobbett, W. On the War between E. and the United States U 95 Daniel G. Merrie E. in the Olden Time R1113 Dickens, C. Child's History of La 8131 liceleston, J. Introduction to English Antii|uities R 1580 Fonblanque, A. E. Uuder Seven Ad- mini.-trations R 1155 Fraser, D. History of 111157 Froissart, J. Chronicles of E. France, Ac N4833« Godwin, W. History of the Common- wealth in R 1603 Goldsmilh. O. History of R 1171 Guizot, F. History of the English Revolution R 1007 Headley, J. T. Second War with Q 5102 History of E. and Scotbind R 1034 History of E. from the Revolution in 1088 R 120G History of E. under the Stuarts R 1024 Hume, D. History of R 1216 Hume and Smollett. History of R 1316 and R 103(1 Jesse. J. H. Court of E. during the Reign of the Stuarts R 1039 Court of E. from 1088 to the Death of George, II R1039 Keightley. T. History of R 1338 Lingard, J. History of E. to 1P88.. . . R 1209 Lossirig, B. J. History of E., I'olitical, Military and Social R 1273 Shelf ] EngL.\ND. Macaulay, T. B. History of E. from the Accession of James, II R 1276 and H 1660 Mackintosh and others. History of. . R 1381 Mavor, W. History of [in ' Universal History." v. 19-2o'] N 4394 Pike, L. O. English, and their Origin. R 1353 St. John, J. M. History of the Four Conquests of R 1730 ■ Sanford, J. L. Estimates of the Eng- lish Kings R1385 Smith, G. Political History of U 412 Si.iollett, T. History of E. from 1688, to the Death of George, II R 1412 Stanhope, Earl. History of E.. com- prising the Reign of Queen Anne. . . . R 1753 Thierry, A. Conquest of E. by the Nor- mans R 1762 Thompson, J. English Municipal His- tory ._ R1438 Thornbury, G. W. Social History in th e Reign of Elizabeth R 1439 • Vaughan, R. History of E. under the Stuarts R I774 -Revolutions in R 1774 Walter, H. History of E. on Christian I'rinciplea R 1464 William of Malmesbury. Chronicles of the Kings of R 1484 Wright, T. E. under the House of Hanover R 1790 Domestic Manners and Sentiments in T8796 .Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English History R 1493 Jurisprudence and Politics. Aird, D. M. Compendium of the Laws of :... . V.5006 Biigehot, W. English Constitution U 32 Bhickstone, W. Commentaries on the Lawsof V5537 Brady, W. English State Church in Ireland U 534 Creasy, E. S. Rise and Progre5ge W 2005 De Vere, M. S. Stn.lies in English. . . W 2l2u Eirl, J. Philology of the English Tongue ^ W2131 Evei'ott, B. Systi-m of Engli>h Versifi- cation K 140 ■ Gaseoigne, G. Instruelion in English Verse K 1598 G. u!.l, E.' S. Good English ; or Popu- lar En-oi-5 in Language W 3173 Greenleaf, J. Ucuhir Analysis of the English Language W 283G Johnson, S, Dietionai-y of the Eng- lish Language W2847 Latliam, P.. G. Haniibook of the Eng- Marsh. G. P. Lectures on the English Language W 2GT3 Parker, R. G. Aids to English Compo- sition M5343 Pegge. S. Anecdotes of the English Language W 3707 . ruttoiiham, G. Art of English Poe- sie K 71G ■ Rip|iinghani, J. Rules for English Composition M5373 Rules lor Maicing English Ver^e K 380 Trench, R. C. English Language W 344G English Words used foimerly in Senses diffei-ent from the Present. . . . W 3446 , Wedgewood, H. Dictionary of Eng- lish" Etymology W 3783* Webster, N. Dietionai-y of the Eng- lish Language. .-. W 3895* Grammar of the English Lan- g""g« Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of English Language W 3471 e W 2898* Literature, d:c. Aikin, J. Letters on Engli.sh Poetry.. K G Basconi, J. Philosophy of English Lit- erature M 9029 Bellew, J. C. M. Manual for Students in English Poetry K 1035 152 ENGLAND. Shelr No. NGLAND. B,'isted, C. A. Five Years in ail Egnlish Univer.'iily X 7058 — Chambers. R. C^eiopiedia of English Literature M 9550 — Chateaubriand, K. A. de. Sketches of English Literatuie M 9551 — Cleveland, 0. 1). Compendium ..f Eng- lish Literature M 9093 — Coppee, H. English Literatnie (■on>i.l- ered as an Interpreter of English His- tory ^ M SHOD — Craik.G L. Manualof English Ltteia- ture M 910i — DeQuineey, T. E'.^^a.Ns o,i ihe P.ets and other English Writers K 118 — Doian, Dr. Annals of the Engli.-h StMge K2575 — Friswell, .1. Essays on the E.iglish Wi-iiers M 9157 Gilnian, A. Fii-sl Steps in Engli.-h Lit- erature M 91(17 — Hazlitl.W. Criticisms and Essays on tlie El glish Siage K 2191 English Comic Writers M9191 English Poets K 191 — Hunt, L. Selections Ironi the English Poets K 317 — Lamb, C. Specimens of Ei.gli>h llra- matic Poets K2259 — Library of English Liler.,(ui-e M 001 — Mac.lonahl, G. England's Antipl. on.. K 278 — Percy, T. Iteliques of Ancient Engli-li I Poetry K 1708 Reed, H. English Literature IVum Chan- cer to Tennyson M 9307 Ribot, T. Englisl, IVyehology X 1373 Shaw, T. B. English Literature M 9403 Spalding \V. llisn.lT of KiiglisI, Lit, eralnre M 9417 Tainr, 11. A, llisioiy of Knylish Liter- ature '. M9759 Thackeray, W. M. English Humorists of the 18th. Century M 9437 Trench, K. C. Household Book of Eng- lish Poetry K 14-lG Warton.T. History of English Poetry. K 779 VVel.be, W. Discourse of English Poetry K 783 Social Condition. Dickinson, A. Sketches of Society in.. R 1121 Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Daughters of X 9135 Women of U 9581 Henderson, F. Six Years in the Prisons of U 9195 Howitt, W. Rural Life of R 1G28 153 Shelf No. England. Kny, J. SoL-i^il Coalition an.l E.liiciiti..ii of U 9237 Lester, C. E. Condition and Fate of. . . U 42Co Uloi-y and Shame of R 1305 Lvly, J. Euphnes and Lis Ecfrland . . M 16G5 Marsh, C. English Hearts and Engli-h Hands X9288 Keynolds, R. V. Outca.'ts of U 9370 Southey, K. E.^|.nflla'!.L..ti. Walks R 1337 R 1719 Shelf Nn. England. Sears. R. Pictorial Descripti.m of R1739 Shaw, S. Tour to the West of. [Pin- kerton. Voyages, v. 3.| N 3871 Sillimann, B. Journal of Travels in E. ill 1805-06 Na 3406 Sinclair, Catharine. Ilonrsin R 1407 Sketch of Ol.i K. I.y a New England Man K 1409 Taine, H. N..tes on K 1433 Tuckerman. H. T. M.inth in R 1448 War.!, M. V. English Items; or, Views of E. and Englishmen R 146.5 White, J. E. Letters on R 1788 ^pc *)fso: Anirlo-Sasons, Derbyshire, Dcvon- Bhire, Gihraltiir. Gneinsoy, Great-lSritain, lluiise of CnniiiHins, Jersey, Lancashire, London, Pari- tunisin. Thames, and Class R. 1. English Pleader. 16°. Diihlin. 1783 V 5137 English Reprints. Arher, E. Englishwoman in Rus-ia Society and Man- ners of the Russians at Home. 12". N. Y. 1856 S4137 Engraving. Bryan, M. Dictionary of En- gravers 14813* Duplessis G. W.mders of I 3129 Ottley. H. Dictionary of Recent Liv- ing Painters and Engravers I 4868* Spooiier, S. Anecdotes of Engravers. . M 3418 Walpole, H. Catalogue of Engravers . I 3404 Htching. '. Class I. 2. Enigmas of Life. Greg, W. R x 3175 Enoch. Book of Y 1531 Enoch Arden. Tennyson. A K 1436 Entomology. Duncan, J. Introduction to [Naturalist's Lihraiy. v. 28.] E 2337 Rnschenheiger, W. Elements of. E 381 EoTHEN. Kinglake, A. W Nh 3244 Ephkaim Holding's Homely Hints. Mog- ridge. G Y 7811 Epics Ludlow, .1. M. Popular E. of the Middle Ages K 274 Epigrams. Carey, C. S. Commonplace Book "f K1075 Episodes of Insect Life. 3 v. 8°. N. Y. 1851 E4583 Epistles of the Apostolic Fathers; and the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp. 8°. N. Y. 1810 Y 45 Epistles. Domestic, Confiilenlial and Offi- cial. Washington, G M 1780 EpiSTOLAliy Guide. Hardic, J L 0186 Epitaphs. Alden, T. Collection of Amcr- iean E M1007 Googe, B. Epytaphes, Eglogs and Son- nettes K 1603 EPITAPHS. 154 EUROPE. Shelf No. Epitaphs. Loariiig, H. .1. E. Quaint, Curious and Elegant K 1372 Norfolk, U. E. Collection of Curious E. K 1332 Northend.C. Book of K 1333 PuUiser, F. and M. A. E. Selected for Study or Application K 1842 . Peltigrew, T. J. Collection of K 1348 Erasmus Jorlin, J. Life of. T 3583 Erewhon ; or. Over the Range. [A Satire on Society in the form of an Imaginary Narrative] X 5138 Erik. Adams, C. F. and H, Chapters on E., and other Essays U 7004 Erudition. Bielfield, Baron. Elements of Universal E C 2524 Eruvin. Maitland, S. R Y 6285 Escapes. Wonderful E. and Daring Adven- tures T 8793 Essay on Man : a Poem. Pope, A K 1355 Essays. Ballanlyne, T. E. in Mosiac M 4024 Blunt, J. J. E. from the Quarterly Re- view M4528 Carlyle, T. Critical and Miscellaneous E M4076 Coleridge, H. E. and Marginalia M 4097 Cracroft, B. E. ; Political and Miscel- laneous M 4104 Edgworth, Mrs. Essays on Irish Bulls [In " Novels," Ac. v. 1.] L 1134 Essays and Sketches of Life and Char- acter. 18°. N. Y. 1820 M 4139 Essays from the London Times. 1st. | and 2d. Series. 2v. 16°. N. Y. 1852. M 4139 j Essays on Social Subjects, from the Sat- i urday Review. 12°. Bost. 1865. . M 4139 Etiquette. How Essays on the Spirit of Legislation as to Agriculture, ifec. Tr. from the French. ! Manual of 8°. Newark. 1800 U 4583 Foster, J. E., Biographical, Literary and Philosophical M 4156 E. in a Series of Letters M 4156 Franklin, B. E. Humorous, Moral and Literary M 4157 Gleig, G. R. E .Biographical, Historical and Miscellaneous M 4602 Helps, A. E. written in the Intervals of Business M 4193 Hadley, J. E. Philological and Criti- Shelf No. M'Ewen, W, Select E. Doctrinal and Practical Y 6278 Mather, C. E. to do Good X 9293 Nicholas, S. S. Conservative E U 098 Proctor, B. W. E. and Tales in Prose. M 358 Woods, G. B. E., Sketches and Stories. M 4490 See also ; Class M. 4. Lawson, O. Discourses on the Book of Y2262 Etching. Hamerton, P. G. Etcher's Hand Book 1 2184 Ethics. Bain, A. Compendium of X 3023 Barratt, A. Physical E X 8517 Brown, T. Lectures on X 8061 Dana, A. H. Ethical and Physiological Inquiries M 4113 De Wette, Practical E X 8120 Kant, I. Metaphysic of X 8236 Wuttke, A. Christian E X 8404 See also : Moral Philosoiihy. Ethiopia. Ditson, G. L. Para Papers in.. P 2574 Harris, Vi . C. Highlands of P 2612 Lepsius, R. Discoveries in Egypt, E., Ac P2658 Letters from Egypt, E., Ac P 2264 See also: Nubia. Ethnology. M'CausIand, D. Harmony of Scripture and E 9277 Nott and Gliddon. Ethnological Re- searches E9700 ave: a Manual of Repul.liean E X 9214 X9287 Politeness, cal. W Hume, D. E. Literary, Moral and Po- litical M 4216 Hunt, L. E. and Miscellanies M 4217 Knox, V. E. Moral aud Literary M 4650 Lamb, C. E. of Ella M 4259 Macaulav, T. B. Critical and Miscella- neous E. and Poems M 4276 E. and Reviews M 3276 Eton. Etoniana, Ancient and Modern. 16°. Lond. 1865 X7139 Recollections of L 1 720 Eucharist. Clarke, A. Nature, Design and Institution of the Holy E Y 6092 Waterland, D. Doctrine of the Y 6468 EUPHUES. Anatomy of Wit. Lyly, J. . . . M 1665* Ephues and his England. Lyly, J M 1665* Europe. History. Allison, A. Historv "f E. from 1789- 1815 ". N4504 History of E. [from 1815-1852J. . N 4504 Coke, T. Recent Occurrences of E. in Relation to Prophecies Y 209G Eastern Europe aud the Emperor Nich- olas «4131 155 EunOPE. Goodrich, S. Q. Lights aud Shadows of European History N 4173 Guizot, F. History of Civilization in.. N 4178 Hallaui, H. State of E. during the Mid- dle Ages , . N 4183 History of the War in E. [1789-97]. . . N 4306 Pradt, D. D. de. E. after the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle U 715 Puffendorf, £aron. Introduction to the History of N 4716 Robinson, J. Proofs of a Conspiracy against the Religions and Governments of T9725 Russell, W. History of Modern E. . . . N 4738 Swinburne, H. Courts of E. at the Close of the Last Century S 758 Taylor, W. C. Revolutions, Insurrec- tions and Conspiracies of N 4760 Ungewitter, F. H. E., Past and Present. N 4454 Liieralure, etc. Barnard, H. National Education in.. . X 7517 Draper. J. W. Intellectual Develop- ment of X1576 Foster, Mrs. Handbook of Modern Eu- ropean Literature M 9156 Hallam, H. Literature of E. in tlie 15th- 17th. Centuries M 9010 Howitt, W. and Mary. Literature and Romance of Northern E M 9214 Present State of Polite Learning in M 9357 Register of Literature in E. for 1837. . . N 4367 Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Literature of the South of M9408 Politics, Social Condition, Commercr, &c. Azuni, D. H. Maratinie Law of V 1533 Colemnn, H. European Life and Man- ners S 97 McClellan, G. B. Armies of G 6666 Oddy, J. J. European Commerce U 8703 Stuart, G. V iew of Society in U 9756 Wallace. H. B. Art and Scenery in ... M 4464 Ward, R. Fouodation and History of the Law of Nations in V 1779 Wraxall, L. Naval and Military Re- sources of the Principal European Na- tions G 0493 Travels. Adalbert, Prince. Travels in South E. N 3503 Benedict, E. C. Run Through Na 3036 Breckinridge, R. J. Pilgrimage through Western E Na 3057 Calvert, G. H. Scenes and Thoughts in Na3072 Shelf No. Eduope. Carter, N. H. Letters from E. in 1835-37 Na3546 Catlin, G. Eight Years Travels and Residence in Na 3.548 Adventures of the Ojibbeway nnd Iowa Indians in ' Na 3548 Clarke, E. D. Travels in N 3092 and N 3555 Cooper, J. F. Gleaning.s in E. [France and Italy] S 1100 and S 3100 Cox, S. S. Wanderings in Na 3103 De Forest, J. W. European Accjuaint- ance Jfa 3116 Dickinson, A. My First Visit to U 1131 Durbin, J. P. Observations in S 1129 Fiske, W. Travels in Na 3591 Forbes, Mrs. E. A. A Woman's First Impression of E, in 1863 Na 3156 Forney, J. W. Letters from Na 3156 • Fraser, W. Tour in the Continent of Na3157 Fuller, H. Life and Liberty in Na 3159 Greeley, H. Glances at Na 3175 Griscom, J. Year in Na 3606 Holthaus, P. D. Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor in Na 3310 Kennedy, J. P. .Journal in E. in 1867- 08 M 4341 Lippincott, Mrs. Haps and Mishapsof a Tour in Na 3369 Mitchell, D. G. New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Na 3310 Mitchell, J. Obsei-vations in E. in 1843-44 Na 3310 Morford, H. Appleton's Short Trip Guide to Na 3316 Murray, N. Men and Tilings in Na 3323 Park, R. Handbook for American Travellers in Na 3.343 Prime, S, L Travels in Na 3357 Rapelje, G. Travels in N 3719 Sears, R. Scenes and Sketches in ... . Na 3739 Taylor, B. Byways of Na 3434 Taylor, L Scenesin ...L 8434 Taylor, J. B. E. seen with Knapsack and Staff Na 3434 Train, G, F. American Merchant in . . N 3446 Urbino, Madame L. B. American Wo- man in Na 34.56 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A Woman's Ex- perience in Na 3464 Wallace, H. B. Art and Scenery in. . M 4464 Ware, W. Sketches of European Cap- itols S 3465 Weed, T. Letters from N 3783 "Whyte, W. A. Land .Journey from Asia to O 3788 156 : S. E. of tlie Clir i.fmn R«li- T v' r. n.iaii. . Observalions n 1 CliHstian 7>";s:! in. If .-.I W Y 73!S •,-i > .-■ i: •■',.! ii.H. N 2s(;4 1- r 111. I, w .... i.'JOW EvENiNGS wiih III. 1 I ,-,.ni,:, I-. Iv, ..i,s, R, M La 8140 EVERGKEENS. U.ii .1. r, .1. A. I l.-,lti.-< and. H 1465 EvEUYD.\YOt.j.-.!s. A.li.iM. \V. ir. D E 4 Every Day PiiiL.s |,l„r. Uuvd, A K. H. . . M 4055 Evidence. Pliillii.^*, S. M, Famous Cases of Oiiiumsraiiliiil E V 9711 Evidences of Christianity. AlexanderaDtl others Z 3007 Barnes, A. E. of C. in the 19th Cen- tury Z3028 Bielby, Bixliop. Principal E. of llie Chrirtiun Religion Z 3n39 Bird, J. E. of C, derived from its Na- ture and Reception Z 3043 Bolton, W. J. E. of C. as exhibited in tlie Writings of the 'Apologists down to Augustine Z 3530 Bowen, F. Application of Metapli3-si- cal and Ethical Science to the E, of Religion Z 3033 Hawks, F. L. Evidences of Christian- ity L9190 Jenyns, S. Evidence of the Christian Religion. [Alexander and others. Evidences, &c] .• Z 3007 Keith, A. Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion Z 3238 Norton, A. Internal Evidence of the (i..niii,iessof the (iospels Z 3700 ()«■. 11 aii.l Caiiii.b.ll, Debute on the. . Z 3340 Pab-y, \V. K. of the E.xistence of the Deity Z 3343 r View of the Z 3705 Same [in Alexander. Evidences, Ac] Z3007 Z3412 Z3760 \\:.L=oii, It. Tiieol'gic.l Iii,titnt.s; or, View ..f the Z3781 So< aim: Dclilgn, Tlic'.il.. y IN'alunil), ami Ch:si Z. 3. KVFL. James. H. Nature cf Y C237 Rise and the Fall ; ..r, th.; (.Jrigin of Moral E X 8373 Examen, the New. Paget, J R 1341 Examination of Canon Liddons' Lectures on the Divinity of Jesus Christ. 13°. Bost. 1873 Z 140 Examiner. Swift, J. [Works] C 8431 ExCH.\NGES. Duncombe, C. Banking, E., and Political Economy U 4129 Tate, W. Manual of Foreign E D 17G0 Excursions. Thoreau, H. D M 4439 KXKRCISE. Lee, R. J. E. and Training ; their Effect on Health 1 8264 Walker, D. Manly Exercises I 7464 ExHIIilTION in Paris. Arnold, H. P. The Great Exliibition 3 1015 EXMOUTH, Admiral Viscount. Oster, E. Life of T 3140 Experiences of Several Methodist Preach- ers; a Series of Letters to John Wes- ley. 16°. Barnart [Vt.] 1813 Y 7140 Expression. Bell, C. Anatomy and Phil- osophy of 1 3531 Extracts from the Reports of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 12°. Loud. 1853 X7140 Extraordinary Black Rook. See Black Book. Eye. Walker, J. Philosophy of the F 1464 Wallace, W. C. Treatise on the F 5464 Williams, H. W. Diseases of the F 5484 See alio : Near Sight, Optics, Sight, Vision. Eyes and Ears. Beecher, H. W M 4034 Ezekiel, t/ie Prophet. Cowles, H. [Com- mentaryon] Y 3103 Shelf No. Fables, ^sop M 3005 Baldwin, E. F., Ancient and Modern. . M 3034 Bnlfinch, T. Age of Fable Z 8064 Poetry of tlie Age of K 1064 Bi.lwei-Lytlon, R. F. in Song K 1004 Shelf No. Fables. Dollinger, J. J. I. von, F. re- specting the Popes Y 3124 and Y 3574 Gay, J. Fables M 3103 Prosser, Mr.i. Original F M 3358 157 FKOERALIST. Fables. Saxe, J. G. F. nnd Legends o nidiiy Countries Sre <,/«: Legends, Purables, Proverbs, mi Class M. 3. Shelf No. K 1387 H 134 L9300 K 1417 Z 3704 Y 7003 Y8504 Y6007 Y G099 Z 3136 Z 138 Z 3143 Y 7263 Y7377 Z 3763 Y6455 Y6787 R1389 U4143 D6358 X9210 Y7143 X9143 H3143 F4399 N3143 X5423 O 490 T3144 T 3586 K1545 Y7033 H1008 H2034 Fakmino. Brackelt, G. K, Farm Talk.. . . Buel, J. Farmer's Companion Burn, R. S. Outlines of Mo.lern F. . . Dana, S. L. Muck Manual for Far Sheir .No. 1! lor, i H 1063 n luiiu Facts and F(iiici»s for Seliool-Day Reading Sedgwick, J/iss Fakry Queen. Spencer, E Fair Haven, the. Owen, J. P Faitu. Ahercroinhie.J. Harmony of Chris tian F. and Character Alex.mder, J. W. Discourse on Com mun Topics of Christian F. and Prac tice . . F. by Inches; or, with Brains, Sir. 13' Bost. [cop. 1869] Flint, C. L. Milch Cows and Dairy V. Greeley, H. What I Know of Johnson, C. W. Farmer's Encydopiedia. Kent, J. E. Farmer's Handbook; ..r Chemistry applied to Agriculture Mechi, J, J. How to Farm Profitably. . Mitchell, D. G. My Farm of Blue wood Morris, E. F. For Boys Peard, W. Practical VVater-F Thomas, J. T. Farm Implements See also: Agriculture and Class H, I. Faroe Islands. Iceland, Greenland, and the. Farragut, Admiral David G. Headley P. C. Life and Naval Career of Montgomery, J. E. Cruise of, in the Flagship Franklin Fascination. Newman, J. B. See Lirrary of Mesmerism Fashion's Analysis. Avalanche, A Fashionable World Displayed. 18°. N.Y 1806 1! 1111 11 I.V.I 1 U 161'J 11 IMl 11 1-J'.l(i 11 l:;i!) Co.ifession of. Drew, G. S. Reasons of Erskine, R. F. no Fancy Faith nnd Free-Thought, 12°. N. Y fpro/. Winchester. Engl. 187a.].. Lathrop, J. E. Nature and Influence o Evangelical F....- Romaine \V Tiiumph of i.ii.,ir 11 l:JI.> 11 ll.,8 R 3331 T4144 Schedel, H. E. Emancipation of Thomson, W. Aids to Uphara, T. 0. Life of Whately, R. Dangers to Chrislian F. . Falkland Islands. Martin, R. M. History of the. [British Colon. Libr. v. 10.]. Fame and Glory of England Vindicated 13°. N.Y. and Lend. 1843 Familiar Essays, Natural Phenomena, Ac Proctor, R. A Familiar Subjects. Holland, J. G. Plain Talk< on N2088 X4368 K 1030 X 8144 Fast Day Sermons; or, the Pulpit on the State of the Country. 13°. N. Y 1861 . Y 8144 Father's Instructions. Percival, I Father's Legacy to his Daughters. Greg- ory, Dr. J. [Chapone. Improvement of the Mind.] Fathers of the Desert. Ruffner, H Fathers of Independency in Scotland. Kin- nibureh R L 9347 Family-Instructor. 3 v. 16°. Hartf 1816. Also, 3 parts in 1 vol. 16° Berwick. 1787. Bridgeport, 1814. FAMll.Y-Instruetor; or, Manual of the Duties of Domestic Life. 18°. N. Y. 1840. Family Receipt Book ; Receipts in Various Branches of Domestic Economy. New X 9083 Z 9380 T3344 Fathebs. Carmichael.W.M. Early Chris- tian F Y4076 Cox, R. Lives of the more Eminent F. Y4563 Famoos Islands and Memorable Voyages. 16\ Bost. and Dover, N. H. n. d . Fanaticism. Stone, W. L. Matthias and his Impostures; or, the Progress of. . . Fankwel Wood.W.M Faraday, Michael. Gladstone, J. H Jones, M. Life and Letters of Farm Ballads. Carleton, W Farmer's, Mechanic's, and Servant's Maga- zine. Beaumont, Mme. de Farming. Allen, R. L. American Farm Book. Beecher, H. W. Plain and Pleasant Talk about Faust. Goethe, J. W. von Goethe, J. W. von. Faust. A Tragedy. K 3171 K 3603 Fecundity, Fertility, and Allied Topics. Duncan, J. M Federalism. Austin, B Federalist. Written in 1788. 3 v. 8°. N Y 1803 F 7577 U 513 U 587 Same 8° Wa'h 1818 IT 587 Same. By A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay. Cth. Ed. 8'. Phila. 1847 Same. 8°, Phila. 18G4 U 587 U .587 FEDERALIST. 158 FIRST PRINCIPLE. Fedeualist. With Introduction and Xotes by Dawson. v. 1. 8". N. Y. Feet. Dress and Care of the F 2126 j Hall, J. S. Book of tlie T i Humphry, O. M. Human Foot and Field and Forest. Flagg, W. Studies in the U 587 j Field Exercises and Evolutions of the [Eng- lish] Army, as Revised in 1833. 12°. Lond. n. d G6149 Field of Waterloo ; a Poem. Scott, W K 1397 Human Hand F 1216 Fielding, Henry. Lawrence, F. Life of. . Femai.es. Cox, F. A. Female Scripture Biography Y 2103 Female Life in Prison. 12'. Lond. 1868 U 9146 FiFlNE at the Fair, and other Poeini'. Browning, R K 1061 Fifty Years iu Both Hemispheres. Nolte, V N 3332 Hays, Mary. Female Biography T 5615 FiGllT at Dame Europa's School; Shi James, J. A. Female Piety; or, the Young Woman's (iuide X 9227 Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Memoirs of Cele- brated Female Sovereigns T 5237 Sketches of the Lives of Distinguished F. T 5409 Taylor, Mrs. Practical Hints to Young F X9434 See also: Girls, Woman. Fenelon. Follen, jl/rs. Life of. [Fenelon. Writings.] Y5146 Lamartine, A. Life of. [Li " Cele- brated Characters."] T 259 Fennell, James. Apology for tlie Life of. 8°. Phila. 1814 T3588 Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Prescott, W. H. History of S 3715 Ferguson, Owen. Mayhew, H. Early Lifeof Le8395 Fern, Fanny. See Pauton, Mrs. Sarah P. W. Feun Leaves From Fanny's Port-Fcilio Parton, Sarah M 4343 Fertility, Sterility and Allied Topics. Dun- ean. J.M F7577 Festivals, Games and Amusements. Smith, H T8413 Festus. Bailey, P.J K 1033 Feudal Castles of France. 8°. Lond. 1869 S 1.589 Feudal System. Exposition of the F. S. in the Middle Ages. See Lord and the Vassal T 8273 Fevers. Carey, M. Malignant Fever in Philadelphia F 5545 Hutchinson, G. Marsh F D 7631 Few Friends and how they Amused them- selves. Dodge, M. E I 9124 Fiction. Dunlop, J. History of L 129 and L 577 Library of Famous F L 1661* Senior, N. W. Essays on L 400 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of Noted Names of L 479 how the German Boy thrashed the French Boy. 12°. N. Y. 1871. [al- so] German Conquest of England in 1875, and Battle of Dorking, [also.] Second Armada ; a Reply to the Battle of Dorking M 2149 Same. 13°, Bost. 1871 M 3149 Fiji and the Fijians. Williams, T., and Cal- vert, J P6790 Fillmore, Millard. Biography of. 12". Buffalo. 1856 T4149 Final Causes. Irons, W. J. Doctrine of. . Z 3634 Finance. Carey, H. C. Financial Crises, their Causes and Effects. ["Harmo- ny of Interests."] U 4545 Duncombe, C. Banking, Currency, F. Exchanges and Political Economy U 4129 Newcomb, S. Our Financial Policy during the Rebellion , . . U 7329 Waterston, W., and Burton, J. H. Cy- cloptedia of H 9781 .See also; Banking, Credit, Currency, Ex- changes, Money, Payment, Taxation, Sinking Fund, and Class U. 1. Finishing. Pocook, W. F. Modern Fin- ishing for Rooms G 8873 Finland. Acerbi. J. Travels through R 3503 ^— Baird, R. Sketch of. [Visit to North- ern Europe] R 3028 Finley, Rev. R. Brown, L V T 4150 FlKE. Bird, J. Protection against U 9043 Fire on the Hearth in Sleepy Hollow. Hopper, E K 1213 Fire-Place. Arnott, N. Smokeless F. . . G 8509 Edwards, F. Our Domestic Fire- places G 8580 FiBESiDE, The, Muzzey, A. B X 7324 Fireside Book. Berquin, A L .5037 Fireside Friend, Phelps, ifrs X 7350 Fireside Saints, and other Papers. Jer- rold, D M1231 First Help in Accidents and Sickness. 16°. Bost. and N. Y. 1871. F 4150 First Principle of the Human Mind; Na- ture of Truth. 8°. Lond. 1851.... X 3.590 FIRST THINGS. 159 Shelf No Shelf No. First Things. Spring, R Y 7419 Florida. Lalour, A. L. War in West F Fishes. Bushman. J. S. [N.iiui-nlist's Li and l^onisianain 1.S14-15 Q 5057 brary. v. 35.1 E2327 Simms, W. G. Huguenots in Y3407 Hei-bert, H. W. Fish anj Fishing o Sprague, J. T Origin, Progress, .kin, J U 4381 Fortification. Lendy, A. F. Elements of GG204 Macanley. J. S. Field F G 0376 Forty FOUR Years of tlie I,ife of a Hunter. B,„w„i„L'. M I 7061 FORTY Y.-,Ma' iMimiliai- Letters. Alexander, J.W T4.504 FORUM. Brown, D. I' V .537 B.irke. P. Romnneeof the V 60 Fossil. Si.irit ; a Boy's Dream of Geology. Mill, J LC.305 FOUNDATIO.NS and Concrete Works. Dobf on, E G4124 Four Ase.. Jacks .n, W M 4230 FODRTH Estate. Hunt, F. K M 9317 Fox, Cliarles J. Life and Services of. 8°- Loi.d. 1783 T3594 Russell, J. Life of T3ir,e Trotter, J. B. Latter Years of T 3594 Fox. George. Janney. S. M. Life of T 4594 Fox, Hon. Gu~tavus V. Loul.at, J. F. Mis- sion to Russia in 1800 S4G64 Fox. William. Power. J. C. Biography of. T 3356 Fox Hunting. Radeliffe. F. P. D. Tile No- t,le Science I 7718 FK.A6MENT.X Regalia. Naunton,&>R.... R 1090* FraGMB.NTS from tlie Study of a Pastor. Ni- chols G. W Y7330 Fragments from the Study of a Pastor. Spring, G Y7419 France. Binip-nji/ii/. Bush, Afr.i. F. Memoirs picnons Living Chi ... T3409 R:cUsi;xticll HUln ry. Hanna. W. E.irly History of Prote.st Marsh. i/r.t. A. Pi ..teotant R.forin«tioii Lorimer, J. G. Protesta Y 3073 h of. . Y 3273 SheirNo. France. PressensS. E. de. The Church and the Frencli Revolution Y 3357 Smedley, E. History of the Reformed Religion in Y 8411 Weiss. C. History of llie French Pro- testant Refugees Y 3473 IJixtori/. Bigland, J. Letters on French History. S 1040 Bonnechose. E. de. History of S 1530 Bridges, J. H. F. under Richelieu and Colheit S1058 Brougham, H. Lord. England and F. under the House of Lancaster R 1.530 Corkran, J. F. History of the National Constituent Assemidy S 1101 Cousin, V. French Coutt under Riche- lieu and Mazarin S1103 Crowe, E. E. History o( S 1105 Feudal Castles of F S 1589 Fioissurt, Sir J.- Chronicles of England, F.. &c N4833" Giirney, J. H Chapters from French History S 1179 History of S 1206 History of, from 1792 1815 S 1624 Landon, M. D. Franco-Prussian War. . S 1260 Martin, H. Decline of the French Mon- archy S1073 Mavnr. W. History of. [Univ. Hist. V. 33] N4394 Mtchelet, M- History of S 1083 Moses, M. Revolution ii, K. in 1S:;0. . . S 1317 Napier, W. F. P Wnr in the Peninsula and in the South of F., IsOT 14 S 320 Normand, H. de. Two Eras of F. ; or. True Stories from History S 1333 Pard-oe MUs. Episodes of French His- tory S1343 Parkman.F. Pioneersof F. in theNew Wcnld P7700 Ranke, L. Civil Wars and M nhy in F. in the 10th. Mid ITih. Centuries. . . S 1363 Rendniscencesofthe French War, 1755. Q 3368 Scott, W. History of. [Tales of a Grandfather] La 8397 Shand, A J. OntheTf.ail of the [Fran- co-Prussian] War S 1743 Stnedley, E. History of F. from 843 to 1.539 S1747 Thiers, A. Consulate and the Empire of F. under Nap.deon S 1763 V«nce, A. Romantic Fpisode< of Cliiv- alrie and Medieval F S 14.58 White, J. History of... S 1788 Win.\»ll, N. W. History of F. from 1574-1610 S1795 FRANCE. 161 FRANCE. Shelf No. France. Wyatt, T. History of the Kings of S 1495 History. — French licvolution. Abb-jtt, J. S. C. 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Letter to the National Con- vention o f F. on the Constitution of 1791... Bulwer-LyttoD, E. L. F., Social, Politi- cal and Literary • Chesney and Reeve. Military Resources of - Coalition and ■ Cowdin, E. C. F. in 1870-71 Dickinson, A. Sketches of Society in. ■ Dumont, E. Recollections of the First Legislative Assemblies in ■ Flower, B. French Constitution France ; her Government, Administra- tive and Social Organization. 8°. Lond. 1844 ■ French Home Life. 8°. Edinb. and Lond. 1873 21 S10G4 G6085 U. 557 S 1563 R1131 T 3685 T' 593 U 594 S 1594 ! Shelf No. NCIC. Half-Hours with (he Best French Authors M 9183 and M 9610* La Hodde, L. de. Secret Societies and the Republican Party of F. from 1830 to 1848 T9654 Marshall, F. Population and Trade in F. in 1861-63 U C288 Michelet, J. F. before Europe S 1308 Nickolls, J. Advantages and Disadvan- tages of Great Britain and P. with Re- spect to Commerce U 8330 Prevost-Paradol, M. France U 715 Vericour, L. R. de. 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